jijnjiji_njTJTTiTTjrLriJTJ-LrLrLriTL LIFE Its Nature and Origin by JEROME ALEXANDER REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION 330 West Forty-Second St., New York 18, U. S. A. 1948 Ti_rijn_njrLrLrLrijr^^ Copyright 1948 by REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. by The Haddon Craftsmen, Inc. Preface The mystery of life, so long unsolved, and by many regarded as beyond human understanding, has been slowly revealing itself in the light of scientific investigation. The purpose of this book is to present in coherent order sufficient facts regarding material biological phenomena to show that life is dominated by catalysis — the direction of chemical change by surface areas of specific struc- ture and efficiency. Catalysts not only direct the chemical changes essential to life, but some of these catalysts actually are the ulti- mate living units. Since matter is the physical basis of life, its successive structural levels are first considered, and then the ways in which atoms and molecules aggregate into masses, and the consequences of the intermixture of substances, even though some are present in mere traces. The nature of living units is next discussed, together with the catalytic mechanism whereby life exists, persists, and proceeds. Immunology, genetics, embryology, diseases and drugs and evolu- tion are then reviewed, and some speculations as to the origin of life are outlined. Since the mental and spiritual aspects of life are quite as real as the material, the last chapter deals with the equally real interrelation between them, even though its basis is unknown. Each chapter should be considered as part of the whole general picture of life presented, rather than as a separate, isolated entity. Each topic is treated in as simple and elementary a manner as justice to the facts of nature will permit. However, experts in the various fields are aware that no chapter in a book like this can adequately cover their several specialities. It is felt that this out- line approach will help the general reader, who is suddenly confronted with so many diverse and puzzling biological problems. A word about my personal interest in these problems will be found on page 277. This book represents my reactions to enormous advances in all branches of science for more than half a century. In the attempt to sketch a coherent picture of life processes, I have freely drawn upon the recorded mass of scientific data, with references to origi- iii iv PREFACE nal publications where feasible. My thanks are due to many pub- lishers, institutions, and individuals for information supplied; acknowledgments for quotations and illustrations are given in appropriate places. Jerome Alexander New York, N. Y. June 16, 1947 Introduction The transformation of non-living matter into the multitudinous forms of living plants and animals, from the visible to the ultra- microscopic, is one of the least comprehensible of all natural phenomena. In this book an attempt is made to explain the basic mechanism of life and its processes in terms of better known and more readily grasped concepts. Life is so usual, so widespread, so persistent, that it peculiarly justifies the motto which hangs on the wall of a large research laboratory: THIS PROBLEM, WHEN SOLVED, WILL BE SIMPLE For nature, not limited by our experimental or mental capabili- ties, solves directly and with ease the most complicated problems submitted to her. Man spends years in endeavoring to discover and comprehend her operative mechanisms, in the hope that he may mold them nearer to the heart's desire. Though science properly demands that we should accept only what we can unequivocally demonstrate, it is unscientific to con- demn a view simply because we cannot check it experimentally with methods at present known. The future has always brought new methods, new light, new insight. Napoleon's clever but sometimes untrue statement — history is a lie, agreed upon — points up the fact that science has sometimes accepted, taught and dignified notions later proven to be erroneous — for example, the indivisibility of the atom, and the belief that all atoms of every element are precisely alike. The chemist and the physicist, starting with the many kinds of atoms and more recently with the fewer kinds of sub-atomic par- ticles, have been working their way upward into larger aggrega- tion units, the molecules, and into the still larger macro-molecules, chain-molecules, molecular groups, and colloidal particles. On the other hand, biologists in their various fields have been steadily working downward to smaller and still smaller units in the cell and "protoplasm," once naively spoken of as "the living jelly." These two groups of investigators have been drilling a tunnel through the mountain of ignorance from opposite directions, and vi INTRODUCTION though the composite terms "biochemistry" and "biophysics" indi- cate that they have "holed through," it is no simple task to make a perfect joining of the two shafts. Our endeavor will force us to consider facts in many scientific fields which, for pedagogical convenience, are usually separated into different areas or disciplines, whose frontiers are often jeal- ously guarded or at least respected by teachers. Naturally no attempt is made to give a complete picture of any field or to include every aspect or detail having a bearing on the problem. Since What is right? is a more important question than Who was first? no attempt will be made to settle questions of priority. Nor is it possible to refer to all pertinent publications; it frequently happens that the same ideas are independently reached by several investigators, and the literature is so vast that reference can be made to only a few publications in the many fields considered. The last half century has seen such fundamental advances in science that text-books in actual use are often far behind. This institutional time lag requires alertness on the part of teachers if their students are to be kept properly informed. And graduates must remember that no college or university degree stops the progress of science. It is hoped that some of the details included here will prove interesting and helpful to those who, for any reason, have failed to become acquainted with them, or with their interrelations. This interest may stimulate readers to seek out more detailed reviews in the various fields, and thus be led to the multitude of researches reported in scientific journals throughout the world. Newton, with true humility, said that he was able to see so far because he stood on the shoulders of giants. The real scientific spirit is not exemplified by the few more selfish but less worthy scientists who, basking in the spotlight of ephemeral publicity, forget or ignore what they owe to dead or even to contemporary colleagues. As the great Lord Rutherford so well said in his last address: "... it is not in the nature of things for any one man to make a sudden violent discovery; science goes step by step, and every man depends on the work of his predecessors. When you hear of a sudden unexpected discovery — a bolt from the blue, as it were — you can always be sure that it has grown up by the influence of one man on another, and it is this influence which makes the enormous possibility of scientific advance. Scientists are not dependent upon the ideas of a single man, but on the combined INTRODUCTION Vll wisdom of thousands of men, all thinking of the same problem, and each doing his little bit to add to the great structure of knowl- edge which is gradually being erected."1 1 "Background to Modern Science," The Macmillan Co. (N.Y.) and the Uni- versity Press (Cambridge, Eng.) 1936. "Books must follow sciences, and not sciences books." — Sir Francis Bacon, "Of Studies". Contents PAGE Preface iii Introduction ... v CHAPTER 1. How Did Life Originate? 1 2. The Smallest Particles of Matter 9 3. How Molecules Make Masses 41 4. The Importance of "Impurities" and Trace Sub- stances 64 5. What Are Living Units? 79 6. Catalysis, The Guide of Life 90 7. Immunology and Self-Saving Catalysts 140 8. Genetics: The Heritable Transmission of Catalysts 154 9. The Catalyst Entelechy in Differentiation and Morphogenesis 179 10. Some Catalytic Aspects of Disease and Drugs 215 1 1 . Catalysis As the Efficient Cause of Evolution .... 246 12. Philosophy, the Guide of Mental Life 259 Author's Note 277 Author Index 279 Subject Index 286 62151 Chapter 1 How Did Life Originate? Regardless of how greatly we may differ as to explanations of its origin, life is an accomplished fact. H. E. Richter1 and Svante Arrhenius,2 dodged the whole question of the origin of life by suggesting that living spores — "seeds of being," Arrhenius called them — reached the earth from outer space, impelled by "light- pressure" which James Clerk Maxwell had shown to be an impor- tant factor affecting the tails of comets. E. Pfiuger3 pointed out the analogies between proteins and cyanogen compounds, and suggested that living matter (protoplasm) arose from cyanogen and other carbon compounds, which formed as the earth cooled. The view is even now commonly expressed that "protoplasm" arose in the "primordial oceanic ooze," when the warm oceans were blan- keted by heavy mists and an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide. The following definition of protoplasm appeared in "Encyclo- pedia Britannica:"4 "A substance, composing wholly or in part all living cells, tissues or organisms of any kind, and hence re- garded as the primary living substance, the physical and material basis of life. ... A living organism of any kind whatsoever may be regarded as composed of (1) protoplasm, (2) substances or struc- tures produced by this protoplasm, either by differentiation of the protoplasm itself, or by the excretory or secretory activity of living substance." The total inadequacy of this definition led me to remark:5 "Although isolated protoplasm may maintain activity for a short time under suitable conditions, it is incapable of self- reproduction, and should be regarded rather as a highly specific milieu in which the real, living self-reproductive units of cells exist and function. The concept of protoplasm as the ultimate 'living jelly' is a relic of antiquated text-books and should be definitely abandoned. The modern concept of protoplasm em- braces the cytoplasm with its included nuclear and other par- ticulate units." 2 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN "Although the gene is the simplest vital unit definitely known,* it is possible that in some cases the gene itself is an aggregate of simpler units which have been called 'gene elements,' or 'genels.' The hypothetical lower limit of vital units is in the molecular order, for nothing simpler than a molecule, for example an atom, depends for its increase in numbers upon forces contained only within the unit itself. "The question arises: is there in nature any free-living unit of the grade of organization and properties of the gene? It has been suggested that in the bacteriophage and similar ultrafiltrable particles we are dealing with living units (bionts) which either are actually of this degree of simplicity or approach it closely. "Considering briefly the bearing of these ideas on the origin of life — a very speculative endeavor — it would seem that no biont as complex in its order of aggregation as a cell, or even a bac- terium, could have been an initial form of life. The structure of a cell is a box-within-box series of units, of successively simpler orders of aggregation, and it seems reasonable to suppose that the simplest of these units was the first to appear in evolution."6 To the primal living unit, the cooling earth was in effect a vast sterile, culture medium, and there existed none of the in- numerable and omnipresent mold spores, bacteria, and other contaminants that are now the bane of bacteriologists. On the other hand, while free from competitors and predators, the origi- nal biont had at its disposal only such molecules as chance for- mation gave it. But matter itself is pregnant with the possibility of life. Once a self-producing unit was formed, its speedy spread was limited only by the then-existing chemical and physical conditions. From such a unit, its later analogs, and their modified forms and ever- varying progeny, there emerged the enormous numbers and varie- ties of organic molecules now widely available for, and in many cases essential to the life of present-day organisms. Plants and animals surviving under present conditions are adapted to world- wide chemical and physical life with each other, and are in most cases so interdependent that they no longer possess the ability to synthesize all the molecules which they need to live and to propa- * According to the criteria of "living" given later in this volume, ultrafiltrable viruses and bacteriophages are vital units, and many of them are resolvable in the electron microscope. HOW DID LIFE ORIGINATE? 3 gate. In view of changed conditions, if a primal biont were now re-formed, we could hardly expect it to survive. Considering the origin of life on the basis of mathematical probability alone, the chances that atoms and molecules, in suffi- cient numbers and variety, would gather together to form the relatively enormous mass and exceedingly complicated structure of an elephant, a man, a flea, or even an ameba, are so remote as to be practically nil. But the smaller and simpler the living unit considered, the greater the probability that the atomic and molecular units comprising it might have come together by mere chance. The simplest conceivable living unit, or biont, should therefore be considered as the type most likely to have begun the wonderful development of plants and animals which teem in sea, air, and earth.5 But unrestricted probability calculations cannot be applied to a case like this. We have ample evidence from chemistry and physics that only some of the calculable combinations of atoms yield molecules that are both possible and persistent. The work of Svedberg indicates that with larger molecular aggregates, only a few of the many possibilities exist in organisms, the others apparently being impossible or unstable. The physical structure of matter thus weights or "loads" the atomic and molecular "dice" so that only certain combinations actually come into existence. "Out of the inconceivably great number of possibilities in life processes, only relatively few regularly develop, because the results forthcoming are made vastly more probable by factors often going down to the very electronic configurations of atoms themselves.'"7 Such considerations call for a modification of the conclusions which Dr. P. Lecomte du Noiiy8 draws from the probability cal- culations of Professor Charles-Eugene Guye. Since the original living catalyst was able to initiate its own duplication, there is no need to assume the "compound probability" which plagues du Noiiy when he considers the necessity of hundreds of millions of identical molecules. What is the probability that a well-shuffled deck of cards will be found to have all the hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs in perfect sequence, and in the suit order named? Vanishingly small, according to mathematical probability calculations. But a like factor of improbability will also apply to any particular sequence that actually does appear. In the case of our hypothetical primary 4 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN living unit, the probability of its appearance is vastly increased by three factors: (1) the enormous numbers of "card packs" (i.e., mixtures of atoms and molecules) experimented with over the whole earth; (2) the equally large numbers of "shufflings" of these molecular mixtures over geological epochs, and at high rates of speed; (3) the inherent structure of material units, which rules out many, if not most, of the theoretically calculable possibilities. But the fact remains that living units did arise and undergo evolution in a most marvelous manner, even though scientists, gradually emerging from ignorance, are unable in their few human generations to understand all the biological details of the past, much less to duplicate them experimentally. We have not yet discovered a synthetic medium in which to grow viruses or even the leprosy bacillus, although the latter is closely related to the tubercle bacillus which grows well in Long's synthetic medium. The probability that any living unit will originate spontane- ously increases enormously with its simplicity. Since we know neither the nature of the hypothetical first living unit, the nature of the then-existing milieu, nor the value of the three factors mentioned above, we have slight basis for calculating the proba- bility for the chance formation of such a unit. We cannot, even in imagination, construct a complete picture of terrestrial con- ditions when life first appeared, say a billion or more years ago. The composition of the earth's atmosphere; solar radiation and its ability to reach the earth's surface; the alpha, beta, and gamma radiations from radioactive atoms — all must have been quite dif- ferent from what they are at present. Other factors may be unknown or unweighted; for instance, fourteen hundred million years ago the amount of uranium isotope 235 was about four times what it is now. When once formed, a "living molecule" could serve as a mold or template for the production, not only of incalculable numbers of like molecules but also of new types arising from modifications of the older ones. The initial absence of predators must have been a most favorable factor; for though the spontaneous gener- ation of living units may even now be continually occurring at the ultramicroscopic level, existing and well-established forms of life make their chance of persistence very slight, either by devour- HOW DID LIFE ORIGINATE? 5 ing them or by depriving them of nourishment. Furthermore, the chance of locating such a new living unit in this low size bracket, of perhaps transient existence, and at unknown place of origin^ would be very slight. If a new or a modified self-duplicating agency arises in a cell, it may persist there, and its presence may lead to chemical conse- quences which are beneficial to the cell or to the organism of which the cell is part. If it is carried on to succeeding genera- tions, it may result in evolutionary advance or retrogression (see Chapter 11). Where the chemical consequences of the new agency are harmful to the cell or its organism, they may cause disease or death (see Chapter 10). The cell or its organism may respond by forming a specific antibody which will destroy or inhibit the new agent or its harmful products, just as may happen to any antigen (see Chapters 7 and 8). The formation and establishment of a new or a modified self- duplicating mechanism in any cell or organism is, in effect, the creation of a new living unit at or near the molecular level. Such a process may well be of common occurrence, even though the new units thus formed may not be able to survive if removed from the special milieu in which they appear. Units like mitochondria and viruses may thus be formed de novo, even though they may also be formed by the degeneration of parasitic or symbionic invaders, along the lines suggested by Prof. Robert H. Green. But whatever was the structure of the original living unit which initiated life on this earth, it must have been able to start life and to persist on the basis of what inanimate nature could then supply. The origin of new units, or the modification of some of the existing units, would greatly add to the evolutionary possi- bilities. Professor Michael I. Pupin of Columbia University thus con- cluded an address at a dinner in honor of Sir James Hopwood Jeans, Professor of Astronomy at The Royal Institution:9 "Science cannot penetrate the mysterious veil which covers the face of the space-time entity, separating the world of ultimate reality from the world presented to our senses and interpreted by mere pictures of mathematical symbols. Faith alone pene- trates it and finds behind it the throne of the divinity which cre- ated that space-time entity and filled it with electrons and protons, and with their offspring, the omnipresent photons, the tiniest and liveliest energy granules in the ever-expanding interstellar space. 6 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN One cannot resist the hope that some day, perhaps, we may dis- cover that these ultra-refined energy granules are responsible for the first beginning of life and for its never-ending evolution." But Professor Pupin offered no suggestion as to the kind of mechanism whereby photons could initiate life. The most reason- able view, in the light of present knowledge, is that life began with the chance formation of a self-reproducing unit of molecular or near-molecular complexity. Faith What most persons consider the greatest of all human problems, survival after death, is one to which we have no direct experi- mental approach. We treasure memories, mementoes and pic- tures of those we have loved and lost; we dream of them and yearn for them, recalling the poignant line of Virgil: Tendebant manus, ripae ulterioris amore.* But we face the tragic and inexorable fact so concisely stated by Omar: Strange, is it not, that of the myriads who Before us pass'd the door of Darkness through, Not one returns to tell us of the Road, Which to discover xce must travel too? It is interesting to note that Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," which depicts the torturing doubts of a bereaved husband, stimu- lated Dante Gabriel Rossetti to write "The Blessed Damozel," which stresses faith in reunion. Faith involves no compelling necessity for believing that divine interposition guides every detail of mental and material activity. Whatever occurs in nature was already inherently possible when matter came into being. Tyndall said: "I see in matter the poten- tiality and possibility of all life." This view simply pushes back the mysteries of life to the creation of matter, a still more remote mystery not open to experimental attack. But no one doubts the existence of matter, the forces affecting it, and the fact that living, thinking beings are continually emerging from it. Yet it requires even more faith to believe in the reality of matter, which we know of only indirectly through our senses, than it does to believe in * "They stretched their hands, yearning for the farther shore." (Aeneid, Book VI). HOW DID LIFE ORIGINATE? 7 the reality of our mind, with which we are in much more direct contact. Just as physicists have been forced to have faith in the existence of unobservables, as being in the nature of things, so we are forced to have faith in the reality of "unobservable"* mental and spiritual phenomena. This philosophical point of view has, of course, nothing in common with numerous mercenary frauds, or with delusions based on wishful thinking, or with "mediums," "psy- chics," "spiritualists," and even some "religions." Applying Herbert Spencer's criterion of truth — the inconceiva- bility of the opposite — we are led by faith to believe that life has some future significance and meaning, even though we are and must be ignorant of just what it is. Nothing is more real to us than our own personality, even though we cannot understand its basis. Most religions and creeds have been formed about this basic kernel of faith, which, despite uncertainties and fears, re- mains mankind's greatest comfort; for it involves the hope and expectation that we shall, in some way, admittedly unknown, be reunited with those we love. Some accept faith in the persistence of mind or soul from formal creeds; others are led to this view by philosophical consideration of the material and spiritual facts of life. Nevertheless, despite differences of opinion as to matters within our control, and as to those at present beyond it, we carry on to serve our living fellows. The following lines expressing this view have been called "A Scientist's Psalm": Almighty Power! Too vast to be Compassed by human mind or hand, With loving awe we reverence Thee, Striving to see and understand. Within the atom's ordered maze, Earth's lumined book, writ to be read, Beyond the star-dust's far flung haze, We seek Thy works with joy, not dread. Our souls, which by Thy richest grace, Have waked to justice, mercy, love, Find in humanity Thy face, And serving men, serve Thee above. * Perhaps they should be termed "directly observable." LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN REFERENCES *"Zur Darwin'schen Lehre," in Schmidt's Jahrb. d. ges. Med. (1865) 126, 243; "Bericht iiber medicinische Meteorologie und Klimatologie," ibid. (1870) 147, 57; "Die neueren Kenntnisse von den krankmachenden Schmarotzerpilzen," ibid (1871) 151, 313. 2 "Worlds in the Making," 1908, pp. 212-231. 3"Ueber die physiologische Verbrennung in den lebendigen Organismen," Arch, ges. Physiol. (1875) 10, 251. Mlth ed. (1916) 21,477. 5 Scientia, Oct., 1933, p. 253. 6 Paper presented before the American Association for the Advancement of Science Dec. 28, 1928 [Science (1929) 70, 508-10] by J. Alexander and C. B. Bridges. 7 "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. II, p. 1, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1928. 8 "Human Destiny," p. 34, Longmans, Green & Co., 1947. 9 Scientific Monthly, July, 1931, p. 11. "A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion." — Sir Francis Bacon, "Of Atheism". Chapter 2 The Smallest Particles of Matter Until comparatively recently, atoms were thought to be the smallest units of matter. In fact, the word atom, derived from the Greek, literally means "that which cannot be cut." About 380 B.C. Greek philosopher Democritus, allowing his imagination to outrun his senses and all means of observation then known, main- tained that infinite space is populated by an infinite number of atoms which he conceived to be eternal, homogeneous, invisible, and indivisible. The smooth, round atoms of water were supposed to roll readily past each other, whereas the jagged atoms of iron hooked tightly together. Democritus regarded the soul as consist- ing of round, smooth and exceptionally mobile atoms which in the head, control reason; in the heart, anger; in the liver, desire. Life, he thought, requires the inhalation of fresh atoms to replace those lost by exhalation; so that when respiration ceases, death results, and the soul perishes with the body. To explain nature, Plato and Aristotle invoked human reason and reactions, rather than matter and experiment. Aristotle con- sidered that four primary qualities — hotness and coldness, wetness and dryness — combined in pairs to form the four "elements," earth, air, fire and water. These "elements," described essentially by human reactions, united in various proportions to make up various kinds of matter. The atomic views of Democritus were temporarily revived by Epicurus (341-270 B.C.) and Lucretius (95-51 ? B.C.); but during the Middle Ages the ideas of Aristotle prevailed, even though his four elements competed with a subsequent alchemistic notion that salt, sulfur and mercury are the basic "principles" or "essences." Thus Chaucer (1340-1400) wrote of the Clerk of Oxenford: For hym was levere have at his beddes heed Twenty bookes clad in blak or reed Of Aristotle and his philosophy, Than robes riche or fithele or gay sautrie. 9 10 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Faith in experiment developed, however, and Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus and Galileo are among the predecessors of Rob- ert Boyle (1627-1691) who, in his book "The Sceptical Chymist" (1661), espoused the view that unalterable atoms exist, which sur- vive in various chemical combinations.1 The Electron Sir William Crookes' electric experiments with vacuum tubes, together with the work of Hittorf, Goldstein, Varley, and others, helped develop the concept of radiant energy as a "fourth state of matter." This resulted in the modern concept of the electron, a term suggested in 1891 by Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney for the natural unit of electricity to which he had called attention in 1874.2 The name electron was later applied to subatomic particles having negative electric charges. Sir J. J. Thomson (Nobel prize, 1891) first called them "corpuscles," when in 1897 he proved them to be constituents of cathode rays, so named by Goldstein in 1876. This led to the conception of an electric current as a stream of electrons. Professor Robert A. Millikan (Nobel prize, 1917) actually weighed single electrons and showed that they are all of identical mass — that is that they all contain the same quantity of matter. In principle, his method is quite simple. He caught electrons on tiny ultramicroscopic oil droplets, and observed how much faster a droplet would fall in still air when one or more electrons were added to the drop. On some droplets he had as many as 150 electrons, stuck like currents on a bun, and each of them added the same increment of fall. Millikan's "elec- trical balance" could weigh accurately and easily to one ten-billionth of a milligram, whereas the quartz-fiber balance of Ramsay and Spencer, in a vacuum, was 10,000 times less sensitive. The most deli- cate chemical balance of fifty years ago could weigh only about 1/100 milligram — for example, your pencilled signature on a card. Accord- ing to Millikan's estimate, the number of electrons contained in the 1/100,000 of a cent's worth of electricity passing in one second through a 16-candlepower carbon-filament incandescent lamp is so enormous that if the (then) 2^ million inhabitants of Chicago were to count them at the rate of two per second, and were to keep counting steadily day and night, they would take 20,000 years to finish the count. Roentgen and X-rays In 1895 Professor Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen (Nobel prize, 1901) of Wurtzberg found that when the cathode rays in a Crookes THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 11 tube strike a metal target within the tube, an intensely pene- trating form of radiant energy emerges. This is known as x-rays or Roentgen rays; they cause fluorescence in many substances, and affect photographic plates. I well remember the thrill we students got when, soon after Roentgen's discovery, Dr. L. H. Friedburg showed us a photograph of the bones of his hand which he had taken by means of x-rays emitted by one of the Crookes tubes in the laboratory of Professor R. Ogden Doremus at the College of the City of New York. Becquerel and Radioactivity Important consequences followed quickly upon Roentgen's dis- covery. Professor Henri Antoine Becquerel of Paris (Nobel prize, 1903) had developed an interest in fluorescence and phosphores- cence from his father, also a professor at Paris. In 1880, he had prepared crystals of the double sulfate of potassium and uranium, which glow beautfully when exposed to light. To see what con- nection there might be between phosphorescence and x-rays, Bec- querel wrapped a number of phosphorescent substances in ample folds of black paper and placed them on photographic plate holders. No effect was registered. Recalling his uranium salt, he tried some that had been illuminated, and obtained a noticeable photographic effect, which also appeared when he interposed a thin glass plate to stop possible vapors. At first Becquerel thought that this was due to phosphorescence; but later he found that the photographic image was just as marked when the uranium salt had been kept for weeks in a dark drawer. He also noted that, if uranium salts are placed near a charged gold-leaf electroscope, the uranium rays ionize the air and increase its electrical conduc- tivity. As a result, the charge leaks away more rapidly and the strips of gold leaf quickly fall together. Becquerel thus discov- ered the phenomenon of radioactivity, and this had prompt and extremely important repercussions in many fields of science. The Curies and Radium Marie Skladovska Curie (Nobel prize, 1903 and 1911), while working for her Doctor's degree in Paris, began measuring with a gold-leaf electroscope the relative radioactivity of various uranium salts. She quickly found that the radioactivity is proportional to the amount of uranium present, irrespective of its mode of chem- ical combination. This indicated that radioactivity is property of atoms. Thorium, too, was later found to be radioactive. For- 12 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN tunately, Mme. Curie also tested the original ores (pitchblende and carnotite) from which uranium is extracted. To her astonish- ment, they showed much greater radioactivity than pure uranium. The conclusion was obvious: the ores must contain some substance or substances more strongly radioactive than uranium. With her husband, Professor Pierre Curie (Nobel prize, 1903) she began the exhausting task of trying to isolate this important "impurity." Their first paper (1898)3 stated: "We believe the substance we have extracted from pitchblende contains a metal not yet observed related to bismuth in its analytical properties. If the existence of this new metal is confirmed we propose to call it polonium from the name of the original country of one of us." A few months later came the announcement of radium, the radioactivity of which is actually about 2,000,000 times that of uranium. The Curies wrote: "The new radioactive substance contains a very strong proportion of barium; in spite of this its radioactivity is considerable. The radioactivity of radium there- fore must be enormous." To show the difficulties overcome by these great French scien- tists in making their epoch-making discoveries, the following is quoted from "Madame Curie — A Biography," by Eve Curie, her daughter:4 "It was necessary, of course, to buy this crude material and to pay for its transportation to Paris. Pierre and Marie appropriated the required sum from their very slight savings. They were not foolish enough to ask for official credits. ... If two physicists on the scent of an immense discovery had asked the University of Paris or the French Government for a grant to buy pitchblende residues they would have been laughed at. In any case their letter would have been lost in the files of some office, and they would have had to wait for months for a reply, probably unfavorable in the end. Out of the traditions and principles of the French Revolution, which created the metric system, founded the Normal School, and encouraged science in many circum- stances, the State seemed to have retained, after more than a century, only the deplorable words pronounced by Fouquier-Tinville at the trial in which Lavoisier was condemned to the guillotine: 'The Repub- lic has no need for scientists.' " Rutherford and Radiations In 1895 Ernest Rutherford began work in the Cavendish Lab- oratory at Cambridge (England) on the ionization of gases by x-rays. Reading of Becquerel's work, he made a systematic exami- THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 13 nation of uranium radiations, and found that there are two types: (1) alpha rays, now known to be helium nuclei, which produce intense ionization but are absorbed in a few centimeters of air; (2) beta rays, now known to be high-speed electrons, which pro- duce less ionization, but are more penetrating. The still more penetrating gamma rays, now known to be "hard" or short-wave length x-rays, were discovered by Villard in 1898. Rutherford, then at McGill University in Montreal, found that thorium gives off a material "emanation," which passes through paper but is held back by a thin sheet of mica. When in contact with substances, this "emanation" made them radioactive. Radon, the gaseous emanation from radium, is nowadays collected in tiny tubes which may be inserted into cancerous growths; it loses half of its radio- activity in 3.823 days and emits alpha particles at about b\ million electron-volts. Ramsay and Helium A few years later (1903) Sir William Ramsay (Nobel prize, 1904), who had discovered the inert rare gases of the atmosphere (argon, krypton, xenon, neon, now used in red electric lamps, and helium, identified in the sun by Sir Joseph N. Lockyer in 1868), showed that helium is being continuously formed in radioactive minerals in amounts that can be recognized in a spectrograph, and that it is another product of radioactive transformations. Alpha particles are helium nuclei carrying two positive charges. The rare gases of the atmosphere had actually been isolated by the distinguished chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish (1731-1810), who demonstrated the composition of air in 1793 and of water a year later. But he failed to discover why a tiny residue of "nitrogen" could not be oxidized: it consisted of the rare atmospheric gases. Much later the distinguished American chemist, W. F. Hillebrand,5 in the course of his analysis of the mineral Cleveite, a variety of uraninite rich in uranium oxide, isolated a small quantity of a gas which, from its inert- ness, he assumed to be nitrogen. Spectrographic examination would have proved it to be helium, as Ramsay later found. Actually, Dr. A. P. Hallock, later Professor of Physics at Columbia University, did make a spectrographic examination of Hillebrand's "nitrogen" and observed in it the bright yellow spectral lines of helium. But he, too, was outfaced from his prize by the skepticism then prevailing against "new elements." Dean George B. Pegram, Professor of Physics at Columbia University, informs me that Professor Hallock often spoke 14 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN with philosophic chagrin of his failure to insist on the significance of his finding. All the evidence indicated that radioactive atoms are continu- ously and spontaneously decomposing — giving off material par- ticles and powerful radiations; but the precise origin of the matter and the energy was still unknown. Soddy and the Periodic Table of the Elements Frederick Soddy (Nobel prize, 1921) investigated the chemical properties of the substances released by successive radioactive transformations, and observed a simple relation, in the Periodic Table of the elements constructed by Mendeleef and Newlands, between the position of the original and the final elements in- volved in a radioactive disintegration series. Almost simultane- ously Dr. A. S. Russell, Professor K. Fajans, and Dr. Soddy announced the "displacement law": when a substance emits an alpha particle (helium nucleus) it moves two places down in the atomic table; but it moves one place up when it emits a beta particle (electron). Later on, we shall see the importance of this in the transformation of uranium 238 into neptunium and plu- tonium. In 1906 Boltwood observed that his newly discovered radioactive element ionium (atomic weight 230) was chemically so similar to radium (atomic weight 226), that he was unable to separate their salts, once they were mixed. On the basis of this and similar facts, Soddy stated (1910): "These regularities may prove to be the beginning of some embracing generalization, which will throw light not only on radioactive processes, but on elements in general and the Periodic Law . . . Chemical homogeneity is no longer a guarantee that any sup- posed element is not a mixture of several different atomic weights, or that any atomic weight is not merely a mean number." Professor Theodore W. Richards of Harvard University (Nobel prize, 1914), in making extremely accurate determinations of atomic weights, had found marked differences in the atomic weights of lead from different sources. Soddy further wrote: "The same algebraic sum of the posi- tive and negative charges in the nucleus when the arithmetical sum is different, gives what I call 'isotopes' or 'isotopic elements,' because they occupy the same place in the Periodic Table. They are chemi- cally identical, and save only as regards the relatively few physical properties which depend upon atomic mass directly, physically iden- tical also."5a THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 15 Emptiness in the Atom In connection with cathode-ray experiments conducted with Heinrich Hertz of radio-wave fame, Phillip Lenard (Nobel prize, 1905) observed that cathode rays could pass through a "window" of thin aluminum foil and still retain sufficient energy to cause fluorescence and phosphorescence. Lenard concluded that the atoms in the foil must have a very open structure, and also that they might have localized positive and negative electric charges. Sir J. J. Thomson, in developing this idea, calculated how nega- tive electrons would be distributed in a sphere of positive charge, a matter of importance in understanding the Periodic Table. Professors William Draper Harkins (Chicago), Gilbert N. Lewis (California), and Dr. Irving Langmuir (Nobel prize, 1928), also contributed much to establishing how electrons are distributed in atoms. Meanwhile, Rutherford had been investigating scattering of alpha particles by atoms; but his assistant, Dr. E. Geiger, had observed only small scattering (about one degree) in thin pieces of heavy metal. However, Rutherford set Geiger and a young stu- dent, E. Marston, the task of finding out whether any alpha particles could be scattered through a large angle by impact upon an atom. Within a few days, to their great astonishment, they observed some alpha particles coming backward. In a lecture given shortly before his death, Lord Rutherford said: "It was quite the most incredible event that has ever happened to me in my life. It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you. On consideration I realized that this scattering backwards must be the result of a single collision; and when I made calculations I saw that it was impossible to get anything of that order of magnitude unless you took a system in which the greater part of the mass of the atom was concentrated in a minute nucleus. It was then that I had the idea of an atom with a minute massive centre carrying a charge. I worked out mathematically what laws the scattering should obey, and I found that the number of particles scattered through a given angle should be proportional to the thickness of the scattering foil, the square of the nuclear charge, and inversely proportional to the fourth power of the velocity. These deductions were later verified by Geiger and Marsden in a series of beautiful experiments." The extent of the "wide open spaces" in atoms is shown in the following comparison: If the tiny proton nucleus of a hydrogen 16 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN atom be represented by a period on this printed page, its satellite electron would be represented by a small pea about 50 miles away. Some notion as to the immensity of the numbers of atoms and molecules is given by this estimate of Professor Herbert Freundlich: Imagine each water molecule in a liter of water marked for identification, and the whole lot uniformly mixed throughout all the waters of all the seas and oceans, down to the lowest depths. Suppose, thereafter, that a liter of water is taken at random, anywhere in the oceans of the world; it would contain approximately 25,000 of the original marked molecules. Isotopes — a New Concept of the Elements Shortly before World War I, Sir J. J. Thomson developed the mass spectrograph, an instrument in which positively charged ions of elements (or of compounds) in motion are subjected to the pull of magnetic or electric fields and are diverted from their course in proportion to their mass. On examining (1912) the rare gas neon, he found that it gave two parabolas, one corresponding to particles with a mass of 20, the other to particles with a mass of 22; that is, neon has two kinds of atoms. In 1919 Francis William Aston of Cambridge University (Nobel prize, 1922) using im- proved apparatus, confirmed Thomson's work and found that most elements have atoms of different atomic weights, though all atoms of the same element have the same chemical properties. Thus fell another dogma of chemistry — the notion that all atoms of each element are precisely alike. Even in the cases of the relatively few natural elements where this is so (e.g., beryllium, fluorine, sodium, argon, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt, arsenic, iodine, molybdenum, and gold), new man-made radioactive iso- topes, usually of transient life, have been created. Some of our natural elements have quite a number of isotopes, all chemically the same because they have the same net positive nuclear charge and therefore the same number of planetary electrons; but the masses of the isotopes may differ considerably. It is the exterior electron rings which determine the chemical properties of an atom, recalling the saying that beauty is only skin deep. In the case of the metal tin, nine radioactive isotopes have been made synthetically, with half-lives running from 9 minutes to 400 days; but the natural metal consists of ten isotopes whose atomic weights range from 112 to 124.6 Chemists use the average, 118.70 as the atomic weight of tin; for though the mass of the individual atoms varies, the natural average is practically constant, and all the atoms act chemically like tin. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 17 The question of isotopes is no longer academic. In order to make the first of the "atomic bombs" tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico, and later used at Hiroshima, the fissionable uranium isotope 235 had to be separated from the non-fissionable isotope 238 by an ingenious application of the process of differential dif- fusion of uranium hexafluoride. This work was based on the pioneer diffusion experiments of Thomas Graham, in the course of which he coined the word "colloid" and established much of the nomenclature of colloid chemistry. The bomb dropped on Nagasaki was of the new fissionable material plutonium, synthe- sized (indirectly) by bombarding the isotope U238 with neutrons. Another outstanding case of the importance of isotopes is found in our lightest element, hydrogen. The discovery by Professor Harold C. Urey (Nobel prize, 1934) that common water contains a "heavy" fraction, was quickly followed by the isolation of deu- terium, whose atomic weight is double that of hydrogen. Natural hydrogen contains 0.02 per cent of deuterium, whose nuclei con- tain one proton and one neutron, and have a net nuclear charge of one. Triple hydrogen, called tritium, with a radioactive half- life of about 30 years, has been artificially produced; it may be readily stored by combining it with lithium as lithium tritide. Moseley and X-ray Spectra Henry G. Moseley was killed at Gallipoli in 1915 at the age of 28 as a result of the unwise drafting of highly trained scientists; his death was both a calamity and a disgrace. He had already brilliantly begun investigating the relation between nuclear charge and atomic number — the property which fixes the position of an element in the Periodic Table. Moseley used the crystal spec- trometer developed by Sir William H. Bragg and his son, Sir Lawrence Bragg, who jointly received the Nobel prize in 1915. A direct correlation was discovered between the wave lengths of x-rays emitted where different metals were used as targets in the x-ray tubes, and the atomic number of the metal. The x-ray spectra varied uniformly and regularly, all the lines being similar; but they shifted in frequency in passing from one element to the next, because they all depend upon the number and arrangement of the planetary electrons circulating about the nucleus, whose net positive charge Moseley supposed to be identical with the atomic number. This was later proved by Sir James Chadwick (Nobel prize, 1935). 18 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Then Dr. Niels Bohr (Nobel prize, 1922) developed his quan- tum theory of spectra, referred to by Rutherford as one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind. Within ten years all the main features of optical spectra were understood, largely helped by the application of wave mechanics by Werner Heisenberg (Nobel prize, 1932), Erwin Schrodinger (Nobel prize, 1933), and P. A. M. Dirac (Nobel prize, 1933). Rutherford and Atomic Transmutation In 1919 Rutherford made the astounding discovery that when light atoms are bombarded by alpha particles shot out at very high speeds from radioactive substances, scintillations could be detected in a device called a "cloud chamber." When nitrogen was the gas bombarded, these scintillations struck out 40 centimeters or more. By subjecting these new "rays" to the action of a magnetic field and observing their deflection, Rutherford found that they had the mass and charge of protons — that is, they were hydrogen nuclei. His explanation was that when the helium nucleus (alpha particle) enters the nucleus of a nitrogen atom, the nitrogen nucleus is forced to eject a proton. The final result is a nucleus with a positive charge of 8 and a mass of 17 — one of the isotopes of oxygen. Professor Harvey E. White writes:7 "The discovery of the dis- integration and transmutation of stable elements by controlled experiments is attributed to the great experimental genius, Sir Ernest Rutherford. Outsiders might say the discovery was an accident, but to those who knew him well it was the result of a long series of well-planned experiments. True, he did not pre- dict the phenomenon and then discover it, but his long experi- ence with radioactivity and his keen insight enabled him to recognize the meaning and importance of the phenomenon when it was first observed. Due credit must also be given to the admir- able work of his collaborators and to experimenters in other laboratories who have since carried the work much further." And I cannot refrain from repeating here what some scientific wag wrote of Rutherford: He made plain the invisible; He broke up the indivisible; He changed the immutable; And he unscrewed the inscrutable. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 19 Professor William D. Harkins and his collaborators, who were for fifteen years (1913-1928) the only scientists in America en- gaged in work on the structure of the atomic nucleus, advanced the idea that an intermediate compound nucleus of short life was formed by the impact of the alpha particle.8 He came to this conclusion soon after Rutherford's 1919 experiment, and repre- sents the transmutation of N14 into O17 by the following diagram: The almost incredible density of atomic nuclei appears from the following quotation from Harkins' paper: "The electron, or elec- projectile; PRODUCTS Figure 1. Formation of oxygen 17 and hydrogen 1 by the disintegration of fluorine 18, the intermediate nucleus formed by the impact of helium 4 with nitro- gen 14. Open circles = neutrons. Circles with plus signs=protons. At higher energies the excited fluorine nucleus disintegrates in two ways: (1) that given in the diagram, and (2) to give a neutron and positive electron in place of a proton (=hydrogen 1). [Courtesy Science, Vol. 103, No. 2671 (1946)] trons, may be considered to move around the nucleus, where they form a cloud which is exceedingly tenuous, when considered in comparison with the high density of the nucleus. The mass of the proton is 1.672 x 10"24 gram. If this is contained in the 1.4 x 10~38 cc. consid- ered as its volume, the density is 1.2 X 1014 grams, or 130 million tons per cc. Thus, the whole earth would have a diameter of only 460 meters, or less than a third of a mile (0.286 mile) if its whole mass were present as protons and neutrons packed as they are in the nucleus of an atom. The presence of electrons, however, reduces the density from 1.2 x 1014 g. per cc. to that of the earth (5.522 g. per cc.) which is 20 million million times smaller." Neutrons and Positrons Though both Rutherford and Harkins independently assumed as early as 1920 that the neutron exists, it was not discovered until 20 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN 1932 by Sir James Chadwick (Nobel prize, 1935). This opened the way for understanding how the heavy proton and the agile electron can be associated with still other particles in atomic nuclei. In 1932 Carl David Anderson (Nobel prize, 1936) dis- covered the positron, or "positive electron." We have as yet no complete explanation of how, under sufficient impact or excita- tion, electrons (beta rays) and positrons may emerge from atomic nuclei. Rutherford suggested that within the confines of the nucleus where particles are at close grips and subject to enormous forces, protons may change to neutrons, and vice versa. P. A. M. Dirac (Nobel prize, 1933), predicted that if a high frequency gamma ray (a high-energy photon) were to pass near enough to an atomic nucleus, the powerful nuclear field would "annihilate" the gamma ray, and "create" a pair of particles, an electron and a positron. This phenomenon, known to physicists as pair produc- tion, was soon observed by P. M. S. Blackett and others.9 Joliot and Induced Radioactivity In 1934, Jean Frederick Joliot and his wife Irene Curie-Joliot (Nobel prize, 1945) while bombarding aluminum with alpha par- ticles from polonium, found that even after the polonium emitter had been removed, the aluminum still continued to emit radia- tion— that is, it had become radioactive. What happened may be understood from the following: jHe<+uAl" ,16p30+onl \ MSi3°+_ie0 The entering alpha particle had changed the aluminum into an unstable isotope of phosphorus with the ejection of a high-speed neutron; and the phosphorus nucleus (half-life 2.55 min.) gradu- ally changed into a stable isotope of silicon. On dissolving the radiated aluminum in HC1, adding some ordinary inactive phos- phorus-containing salt, and then carrying out an ordinary analyt- ical group separation, the radioactivity followed the phosphorus. Ernest O. Lawrence and the Cyclotron In 1932, Professor Ernest O. Lawrence of Univ. of California (Nobel prize, 1940) announced the cyclotron. Hundreds of syn- thetic isotopes have been recognized, and these have been mainly produced by use of the cyclotron. Following the announcement THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 21 of the Curie-Joliot discovery, Lawrence bombarded sodium with 2 mev (million electron-volt) deuterons, from his cyclotron, and found that it became radioactive. The radio-sodium formed has a half-life of only 15 hours; it changes into a stable isotope of magnesium, giving off an electron and a gamma ray. When a high-speed deuteron from the cyclotron crashes into a beryl- lium nucleus, an unstable, radioactive isotope of boron is formed, which becomes a stable isotope of boron by ejecting a neutron of 21 mev energy. Unstable nuclei are also capable of undergoing multiple and branch disintegrations. For example, when boron is bombarded by protons it forms an unstable carbon nucleus, 6C12, which breaks down in steps into three helium nuclei; and on bombarding lithium with deuterons, the unstable 3Li6 formed may break down either into 3Lit + 1Hx, or into 2He4 + 2He4. Professor Glenn T. Seaborg (California) has described10 the trans- uranium elements thus far produced, as well as the astonishing ultra- microchemical methods used in following the work, including the use of quartz fiber microbalances with a sensitivity of 0.02 ^g. The new elements are neptunium (Np239, half-life 2.3 days), plutonium (Pu239, half-life 24,000 years), americum (Am95, half-life 500 years) and curium Cm96, half-life of isotope 240, one month; of isotope 242, five months). Both neptunium and plutonium have other isotopes than the main ones above indicated. On Aug. 18, 1942 the first pure chemical com- pound of plutonium was produced, and Seaborg states: "This memor- able day will go down in scientific history to mark the first sight of a synthetic element and the first isolation of a weighable amount of an artificially produced isotope of any element." Enrico Fermi and Nuclear Fission Shortly after Chadwick had discovered the neutron, Professor Enrico Fermi (Nobel prize, 1938) made a number of new radio- active isotopes by exposing various elements to this uncharged missile. Usually the nucleus would capture the neutron, and often the atom would return to a stable state by emitting a beta ray, thereby yielding an element having an atomic number one unit higher in the Periodic Table than the parent atom. Fermi wanted to see what would happen in the case of uranium, the last element in the atomic table with an atomic number of 92. After prolonged exposure to neutron bombardment, the activity showed the existence of particles with jour half-lives, and indications of others; but natural uranium has only three isotopes. This led to the notion that one of the supernumerary activities might be due 22 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN to a newly formed transuranic element 93, which ought to appear in the Periodic Table in the same column with manganese. So the irradiated uranium was dissolved with a manganese salt, and the manganese was precipitated as Mn02. This precipitate carried with it part of the 13-minute and 90-minute activity, and many scientists took up the quest for transuranic elements. In Germany, Otto Hahn (Nobel prize, 1946) and F. Strassman made careful chemical separations of the dissolved uranium, and were astonished to find radioactive atoms belonging to a number of different elements, mostly those about the center of the Periodic Table. These results were passed to Professor Niels Bohr, then at Princeton University, reaching him at a meeting of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society; and many nuclear physicists who attended the meeting confirmed the results.11 Professor Henry D. Smyth states:12 "Just before Bohr left Denmark, two of his col- leagues, O. R. Frisch and Liese Meitner (both refugees from Germany) had told him of their guess that the absorption of a neutron by a uranium nucleus sometimes caused that nucleus to split with the release of enormous quantities of energy, a process that soon became known as 'nuclear fission.' Before considering further details about the "atomic bomb," let us see whence comes the huge amounts of energy released by nuclear fission. Albert Einstein and the Relation Between Mass and Energy About the end of the last century, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (Nobel prize, 1902) in developing an electron theory of matter, assumed that the mass of an electron increases with increase in its velocity;123 but if the velocity could be equal to the speed of light (186,000 miles a second) the mass would be infinite. Therefore, no material body, as we know matter, can travel with the speed of light.13 Measurements on electrons emitted at high speeds from radioactive elements indicate that those with velocities of 1 per cent of the velocity of light (i.e., 1,860 miles per second) show no appreciable increase in mass; at 50 per cent of the velocity of light the mass increases 15 per cent, while at 99 per cent of the velocity of light the electron showed more than seven times its mass when at rest. Albert Einstein (Nobel prize, 1921) derived from his restricted theory of relativity an equation similar to that of Lorentz. Ein- stein also derived what is known as the mass-energy equation, E = mc2, where E is the energy equivalent of mass, c the velocity THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 23 of light, and m the mass. This means that if one pound of matter could be entirely converted into energy, it would yield 1 X (186,000 x5,280)2 foot-pounds of energy, or nearly 11£ billion kilowatt hours of energy, an amount nearly equal to the total monthly output of the electric power industry in the United States as of 1939. In the fission of the U235 nucleus it is estimated that only one-tenth of one per cent of the total mass-energy is released, i.e., 11-J million kilowatt hours per pound. Experimental Proof of the Equivalence of Mass and Energy Proof that Einstein's equation satisfactorily expresses the relation between mass and energy is concisely stated by Professor H. D. Smyth12 about as follows: Gradual improvement in high-voltage technique made it possible to substitute artificially produced high-speed ions of hydrogen or helium for natural alpha particles. J. D. Cockcroft and E. T. S. Walton in Rutherford's laboratory were the first to succeed in producing nuclear changes by such methods. In 1932 they bom- barded a target of lithium with protons of 700 kilovolts energy and found that alpha particles were ejected from the target as a result of the bombardment. The nuclear reaction which occurred can be written symbolically as 3Li7+1H1-^2He<+2He* where the subscript represents the positive charge on the nucleus (atomic number, generally represented by Z, the number of nuclear protons), and the superscript is the number of massive particles in the nucleus (??iass number, which is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons, but which omits the tiny masses of any electrons, positrons, or other particles which may be present). The above equation, like most chemical equations, does not include anything relative to mass or energy, but merely indicates a redistribu- tion, in nuclei, of protons and neutrons. Since both mass and energy are indestructible, their sums should be the same before and after the reaction. The masses of Li7 and H1, as determined from mass spectra, total 8.0241, while the mass of 2He4 is 8.0056. Therefore 0.0185 unit of mass "disappeared" in the reaction. The experimentally determined energies of the alpha particles (2He) was approximately 8.5 million electron-volts each — a figure so great that the kinetic energy of the incident proton which caused the change may be neglected. That is, 0.0185 unit of mass had disappeared and 17 mev of energy had appeared. To convert these figures into quanti- ties we can use in the Einstein equation, we must remember that in atomic and nuclear physics the unit of mass is one-sixteenth of the mass of the predominant oxygen isotope, O16, which is equal to 24 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN 1.6603 x 10"24 gram. The unit of electric charge used is the positive charge of the proton, which is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the charge on the electron, and is often called the electronic charge; its value is 1.60xl0-19 coulomb. The energy unit used in nuclear physics is the electron-volt, denned as equal to the kinetic energy which a particle carrying one electronic charge will acquire in falling freely through a potential drop of one volt. Since this is so tiny, the million electron volt unit (mev) is commonly used. Returning now to the experimental results, 0.0185 mass unit is 3.07 x 10-26 gram, 17 mev is 27.2 x 10-6 erg, and c (the velocity of light) is 3xl010 cm per second. On substituting these values in Einstein's equation, E = mc2, we have 27.2xl0-c erg = 27.6xl0-6 erg which is quite a good approximation to the equality of both sides. Source of the Sun's Radiant Energy According to C. G. Abbott, the energy received by the earth from the sun is about 1.7 horsepower per square yard (1.47 kw per square mile). This indicates an emission by the sun's surface of 7.88 X 104 horsepower per square yard (6.79 X 104 kw per square meter), which is heat enough to melt 39.6 feet of ice or to vaporize 5.92 feet of water per minute. Together, all the planets receive less than 1/1 20th of one-millionth part of this tremendous energy, which the sun has been pouring out for at least several billion years. Apart from the fact that solar temperatures enormously exceed those of any known chemical reaction, a sphere of coal the size of the sun, burning in pure oxygen, would be entirely com- sumed in about 6,000 years. The notion that meteoric matter, falling into the sun, is a material factor in maintaining its heat has long ago been dismissed, as has also the notion of Helmholtz that solar contraction can account for the maintenance of solar heat. The discovery of radioactivity, however, opened the door to new vistas. Thus R. A. Sampson14 stated: ". . . if the sources of energy within the atom can be drawn upon, there is here an incalculable source of heat which takes the cogency out of any calculation respecting the sources of maintaining the sun's radiation. An equivalent statement of the same conclusion may be put thus. Supposing a gaseous nebula is destined to condense into a sun: the elementary matter of which it is composed will develop in the process into our known terrestrial and solar elements, parting with energy as it does so." THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 25 In 1897 Lord Kelvin advanced views as to the age of the earth, based on Helmholtz' contraction theory.15 Professor T. C. Cham- berlin (Chicago) replied thus to Kelvin's statements:10 "What the internal constitution of the atoms may be is still an open question. It is not improbable that they are complex organizations and seats of enormous energies. Certainly, no careful chemist would affirm either that atoms are really elementary or that there may not be locked up in them energies of the first order of magnitude. No cautious chemist would probably venture to assert that the component atomolecules, to use a convenient phrase, may not have energies of rotation, revolution, position and be otherwise comparable in kind and proportion to those of a planetary system. Nor would he prob- ably be prepared to affirm or deny that the extraordinary conditions which reside in the center of the sun may not set free a portion of this energy. The Helmholtzian theory takes no cognizance of latent and occluded enemies of an atomic or ultra-atomic nature." Professor H. A. Bethe of Cornell has advanced17 a theory, now generally regarded as reasonable, that the heat radiated by the sun is mainly due to a series of nuclear transformations which may be indicated thus: 13 (1) 6V* + JV >7N (2) 7N" >6C13+1e° (3) .C^H1 >7N" (4) 7N"+1H1- 8v-' ,0 (5) 8015 >7N13+ie° (6) 7N,5+1H1 ^C^+oHe4 The final result of these changes is the transformation of hydro- gen into helium and positrons (ie°), with the release of about thirty million electron volts. We know nothing of what is hap- pening within the body of the sun, but to maintain its high rate of radiation, it must be losing mass at the rate of about 4,000,000 tons per second. It is consoling to remember that since the total mass of the sun is estimated to be 2.2 X 1027 tons, it would require about a million years for the sun to lose one ten-millionth of its mass, provided that nothing fell into it. So terrific is the development of solar energy, that apart from the gigantic craters which we call "sun-spots," huge bursts of incan- descent matter are being continually ejected from the sun's sur- face at the rate of thousands of miles per hour, and some of these "prominences" jump half a million or more miles outward. During the total eclipse of 1919 (see Figure 2) there was seen a 26 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN gigantic prominence resembling an ant-eater, 350,000 miles from snout to tail. Before setting of the sun removed it from visibility, it rose about 475,000 miles above the sun's surface.18 Figure 2. The Ant-eater prominence (May 29, 1919). The whole length of this prominence was ahout 350,000 miles. (Courtesy A. C. Crommelin, Greenwich Ob- servatory; from "The Stars in Their Courses" by J. Jeans, The Macmillan Co., N. Y.) The following comparison between chemical and nuclear heat is of interest, the chemical example representing an oxy-hydrogen flame: 4 grams H + 32 grams 0 = 36 grams FLO+ 136,000 calories 1 gram H + 7 grams sLi7^8 grams 2He4 + 5 billion calories. The "annihilation energy" of one electron is 0.5 mev, while that of one mass unit is 931 mev. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 27 Origin of the Solar System and the Age of the Earth The Planetesimal Hypothesis of Professors T. C. Chamberlin and F. R. Moulton early in this century advanced the view that some ten or twenty billion years ago the sun passed sufficiently close to another star to raise vast tides and to stimulate greatly the sun's internal activities, so that vast streams of matter were ejected, both toward and away from the visiting star. While most of this matter fell back into the sun, about one-seventh of one per cent of the sun's mass remained swirling about the sun, all in one direc- tion. The larger masses served as nuclei upon which the smaller ones collected into planets and their satellites. (Despite its nine moons, Saturn still has two rings, apparently consisting of unaggre- gated particles.) This hypothesis accounts well for the fact that all the planets and most of their satellites move in the same direc- tion and approximately in the plane of the ecliptic. The few retrograde bodies may represent "captures," e.g., of some cometary body. Professor Lyman Spitzer, Jr.,19 has attacked this hypothesis, and holds that material ejected by the sun or by a star would be too hot to condense to form separate bodies, but would dissipate into space.20 Astrophysicists face conditions not found on our earth. Thus in some stars, for example, the "dark" companion of Sirius, atomic fragments are so closely packed that a single quart has an estimated mass of about 40 tons. On the other hand, atomic nuclei are much denser, as appears from the statement of Professor W. D. Harkins, quoted above. As to the probable age of the earth, there is more agreement. According to Professor Louis B. Slichter,21 geophysicists recognize three major divisions of the earth: (1) a heavy core with a mean density of 10.7, apparently fluid and possibly consisting of a mix- ture of nickel and iron; (2) a thick but much lighter mantle (density, 3.4 to 5.7) overlying the core and composed of ultrabasic rocks, the iron content increasing with depth; (3) the thin crust above the mantle (total thickness about 20 to 60 kilometers), con- sisting of several layers of lighter rocks. "It has long been recog- nized that the radioactive heat being generated in rocks is large enough to be a major influence in the earth's thermal history . . . Radioactive determinations of old crustal rocks indicate that the time which has elapsed since the solidification of the oldest rocks is about H to 2 billion years."22 28 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN While some helium is probably lost, determinations on rocks preceding the Cambrian indicate an age for the solid earth of about 1,830 million years, and this checks fairly well with a "lead" age calculation as determined on uraninite found in Russia.23 Volcanism and Nuclear Energy At Paricutin (Mexico) we have been witnessing the birth and formation of a volcano in what had been flat farming country. After three years the cone has reached a height of over three thou- sand feet, and in the fall of 1946 two new craters were reported emitting floods of lava. Professor Wilbur A. Nelson (Virginia) estimated that during the Cretaceous period a Tennessee volcano spat up over fifty cubic miles of material, part of which settled down to form beds of bentonite clay extending nearly 500 miles north and south, and nearly 400 miles east and west. But the Paricutin manifestations are trivial compared with what happened at Krakatoa within the memory of many now living. Krakatoa is a small volcanic island in Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. A prehistoric explosion had blown away some old volcano, leaving an outer ring of islands outlining its huge crater. Later, the main cone, built up by subsequent eruptions, rose over 2,600 feet above sea level. About 1877 earthquakes began, and on Aug. 26th, 1883, came a series of gigantic explosions lasting three days, which blew away the entire north and lower portion of the island, leaving a bare vertical cliff which revealed the interior of the volcanic cone Rakata. It replaced heights of from 300 to 1,400 feet with submarine cavities 1,000 feet deep in some places. The huge amount of matter cast out to an estimated height of 17 miles gave off a colloidally dispersed dust cloud, or aerosol, which travelled to Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, and throughout Australasia. This cloud reached north- ern Scandanavia and the Cape of Good Hope, and caused brilliant sunsets for several years. Pumice floated for hundreds of miles, and ocean waves, some 50 feet high, reached Cape Horn (nearly 8,000 miles) and perhaps the English Channel (11,000 miles). More than 36,000 people were killed. The sound of the explo- sions carried nearly 3,000 miles, being heard in the Philippines, Ceylon, and in South and West Australia — by far the greatest dis- tance sound has been known to travel. On the morning of Aug. 27th, a most powerful explosion originated an atmospheric wave which, being reflected or reproduced at the antipodes to THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 29 Krakatoa, "was observed not fewer than seven times at many of the stations, four passages having been those on the wave travelling from Krakatoa and three those of the wave travelling from its antipodes, after which its traces were lost" (Sir R. Strachy). The comparatively recent eruption of Mont Pele, Martinique, was much milder and more akin to the "atomic bomb." On April 25th, 1902, there was a discharge of ashes, and a heavy flow of lava occurred on May 2nd and 3rd. On May 8th a sudden explosion tore away the whole side of the mountain — the gash was clearly visible in 1939 — and released what Zsigmondy called a nuee ardente — a cloud of superheated steam, gases, and col- loidally dispersed particles of rock. About 40,000 persons perished, and all ships in the harbor, except the Roddam, were destroyed. Metal work on the Rodda?n was melted by the blast; but a pris- oner in a dungeon cell in the town was later found alive, though spoons and glass goblets in the room above his cell had been melted. This bespeaks the intense but short-lived heat. It is known that under heat and pressure water "dissolves" in silicates, and the effects may have been due to the sudden explosive release of such a superheated mass, with atomization of the hot rock. Dr. Leason H. Adams24 has advanced the view that volcanism is based on radioactivity, and I give below a note of his theory which he kindly prepared at my request: "The central problem of volcanism is to devise a mechanism which will explain the existence of local hot spots in the Earth's crust,25 whereby at present, as during past geological epochs, eruptions of molten lava and hot gases may take place in localized areas. Volcanism is still a highly controversial subject among geologists and geophysi- cists, though many attempts have been made to explain it. A theory which has appealed to some of those who have given much attention to the subject attributes the local heating to slight variations in the average radioactive content of the rocks forming the crust in the active area. The theory is based on the following considerations: "(1) The rocks of the Earth's crust contain a minute but very important amount of uranium and its disintegration products, includ- ing radium. In terms of radium, the amount of radioactive material in the usual igneous rocks is of the order of magnitude of one part in a million million; but the heat generated by even this minute amount of radium in a volume of rock measured in cubic miles, is very con- siderable. "(2) The temperature gradient in the crust of the Earth (now judged to be more than 2,000,000,000 years old) is profoundly affected by 30 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN radioactive heat generated in the crust. Something like three-fourths of the present thermal gradient may be attributed to radioactive heat, and the balance to the residual heat of the originally molten globe. "(3) Any reasonable interpretation of the laws of heat conduction leads to the conclusion that at moderate depths within the Earth's crust, say a few tens of miles, the temperatures are still very close to the melting points of the rocks at the particular depths. "(4) From the foregoing it may be concluded that a relatively small increase in the radioactive content of the Earth's crust at a particular locality will raise significantly the temperatures of the rocks at depths miles below the surface, and may easily bring the temperatures above the melting point, thus maintaining a lava reservoir in that region. In other words, a somewhat greater amount of radium averaged through the vertical extent of the crust (but still very small in absolute magnitude), could account for the existence of a volcanic region. "Against this theory, it has been urged that examinations of volcanic lavas and emanations have failed to reveal any striking increase in radioactive elements. It must be noted, however, that since the excess of radium required to produce a volcanic region is proportionally so small in amount, it would be difficult to establish experimentally, without careful sampling; and particularly that the examination of a few samples of rocks would not be conclusive as to the local average radioactive content in a particular region. "It must be admitted that the explanation of volcanism on radio- active grounds has not been generally accepted, though some thought- ful geologists and geophysicists have been impressed with the idea. An alternative theory explains volcanism, in part at least, by chemical reactions taking place in the rising lava column. Perhaps the radio- active theory should best be regarded as a subject for further observa- tion and analysis."26 The "Atomic Bomb" The term "atomic bomb" is a mumpsimus — a Latin word intro- duced into the English language to indicate persistence in obvious error;* it originated in the fact that an old priest who had for forty or more years used this word, refused to change to sump- simus, even when shown the correct word in the prayer book. The correct term is "nuclear fission" bomb. It is fortunate for the world and for civilization that we were able to win the feverish race to produce the "atomic bomb"; for our enemies had been making desperate efforts to accomplish this difficult task and to use against us and our allies this most potent * Abandonment of such an error is now termed a sumpsimus. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 31 of all explosive weapons. We read the Smyth Report with mingled feelings — pride in the splendid scientific achievements revealed; joy for the speedy and enforced surrender of those who had set out to enslave the world, and for the saving of millions of lives on both sides — both soldiers and civilians — who would otherwise have perished had the war been continued; sorrow for the much lesser number who died in the nuclear explosions, and for the fact that these epoch-making scientific discoveries were prostituted to military uses, instead of being devoted to the benefit of humantiy. It was already known that the isotope U235 would undergo nuclear fission by slow or thermal neutrons; but natural uranium contains only about 0.71 per cent of this isotope (AcU235), 0.006 per cent of isotope 92UII234, but 99.28 per cent of isotope 92UI238. So besides rinding out how to separate the isotope 235 for immediate use, a major problem was to find a way to utilize the major portion of the natural metal, bv converting: the U238 into something: fissionable. Thomas Graham had developed the mathematical expression or "law" regarding gaseous diffusion, and though many other methods were investigated, the separation was successfully made by differential dif- fusion of uranium hexafluoride, UF6. Since the rate of diffusion of gases through chemically indifferent septa is inversely proportional to the square roots of their molecular weights, the difference in the rate of diffusion between U235F6 and U238F6, whose molecular weights are 349 and 352 respectively, is very slight indeed. Immense technical difficulties had to be overcome in handling so corrosive and dangerous a substance during the 4000 diffusion cycles necessary.27 Meanwhile, it had been found that by radiating 92U238 with neu- trons, it could be transformed into 92U239, by taking the neutron into its nucleus and emitting /3-radiation. This new 239 isotope of ura- nium has a half-life of only 23 minutes; it emits an electron and becomes an entirely new element, neptunium, 93Np239, which has a half-life of 2.3 days. Neptunium, in turn emits an electron and becomes another new element, plutonium 94Pu239, which is relatively stable, having a half-life of 24,000 years, and emits alpha rays (helium nuclei). Plutonium was "manufactured" in a "pile," consisting of a matrix of highly purified graphite with tubular passages into which were inserted aluminum "cans" containing uranium rods, protected from the cooling water needed to carry off the intense heat generated; for the production of 1 gram of plutonium per day involves liberation of energy at the rate of 500 to 1,500 kilo- 32 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN watts. The graphite matrix is needed to slow down high-speed neutrons sufficiently to obtain the desired fission effect. The intense radiation fields of the pile changed the electric resistance, the heat conductivity, and the elasticity of the graphite. To maintain the pile in operation, conditions had to be chosen so as to maintain a "chain reaction" by continuous formation of sufficient neutrons, allowing always for the waste due to non-effective neutron collisions, absorption of neutrons by impurities, and escape of neutrons from the pile. Since the object of the pile is to produce plutonium by chain reaction, it is desirable to absorb all excess neutrons in U238, leaving just enough neutrons available to maintain the chain by their action on U235, aided by high-energy fission of U238 and thermal fission of Pu239. While collisions between neutrons and U238 occur with neutrons of all energies, they are most probable with those whose energies lie in the "resonance" region, located somewhat above ther- mal energies. So great is the tendency of the dominant isotope U238 to absorb neutrons compared to their tendency to cause fission of the 140 times less numerous U235 atoms, that this fission had to be favored by use of materials of high purity, by a suitable lattice, use of a moderator, etc. After sufficient plutonium had been produced in the pile, the slugs of uranium were withdrawn and dissolved, and the plu- tonium was separated by co-precipitation with some other ele- ment, an expedient common in radioactive chemistry. The chem- istry of plutonium had been worked out previously, on an ultra- microchemical scale. Because of the extremely dangerous radiations emitted through- out the several processes, they must all be operated by remote control, the personnel being shielded by heavy concrete and metal walls. Smyth states that plutonium is one of the most dangerous substances known if it gets into the body; and the fission products, which include some thirty elements, are also very active and troublesome. These major fragments of the fission of uranium are released in considerable quantity when the slugs of uranium are dissolved, and high stacks had to be built to carry off the deadly gases without endangering the surrounding countryside. Most of the technical difficulties involved in assembling the "atomic bomb" arose from the fact that the time interval between the beginning and the end of a chain reaction is extremely short. The efficiency of the bomb depends on the ratio of (a) the speed with which neutrons emitted by the first fissions can get to other THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 33 nuclei and produce further fission, and (b) the speed with which the material of the bomb flies apart. Since a mass of plutonium or of U235 above a critical size would spontaneously undergo explosive fission, to produce satisfactory detonation the bomb must consist of separate pieces so small that they are incapable of doing this. These are shot together to create the explosion. This "critical size factor" is one of the most amazing properties of fissionable materials. The "critical mass" necessary for explo- sion is guessed to be from five to fifteen pounds. The Successive Levels of Material Structure The accompanying table shows the various material units at present recognized, and their position in order of size and mass relative to units which are generally known. It must not be assumed, however, that our present inability to break up the "ultimate" units, e.g., protons, electrons, etc. represented on the diagram as of zero order of complexity, is to be considered as final evidence of their actual simplicity. In fact, the "spin" of an elec- tron is a factor well recognized in atomic and nuclear physics, and this may be due to some kind of complexity. Besides, we cannot, even in imagination, go down to the ultimate particle or particles of matter, even though we recognize the realities which emerge from them. In order to locate man and biological happenings in their rela- tive position in universe, especially introducing the essential time factor so often omitted from consideration, there is also given a table showing measurements in space, mass, and time, reaching in each case from the greatest to the smallest known or readily calculable "unit." Dr. Edwin Hubble (Mt. Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Institu- tion) compares our stellar system to a drifting swarm of bees, the sun, with its relatively insignificant family of planets, being a fairly small star in the swarm. Astronomers, peering out into the vast emptiness of space, see other stellar systems so distant that they appear merely as unresolvable patches of light, and are therefore called nebulas. The "observable region" is a sphere, roughly 600 million light-years in diameter, within which are scattered about 100 million nebulas, averaging 1| million light-years apart, 80 million times brighter than the sun, and 800 million times greater in mass. The faintest nebulas that our present telescopes can detect lie at the peripheral surface of this sphere. Whatever 34 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN S ft, O co ft) fa} 8 KJ CO s co Q U .5 bD co *- .2 •3 jj <** y o y "u 6 T3 a 3 O ■w 3 B O U u U rent sctros ellites 1 o 03 3 «** +-» O Si Cu • -4 y p- 1 c o 2 3 5 J3 — - u 3 y 03 " u °> jO <*- o CJ 3 C t5 03 '■5 03 Si o > fa • ^ .k 03 T3 eu CO 3 o O 0 4-> i— « 'i 'i 'a u too JJ u 3 1 3 o CO 0 CO 0 rt££ w Z < u 0 Si Si CJ CJ >> >. CJ CJ a a Si Si CJ CJ -0 13 -0 -a CJ CJ £ £ S-c y Si U > c° CO CO o b^ 2 3 u CO mson e Sto ookes 3 CJ X! CJ 03 C 03 3 Q O CO 4-» 3 O CO O CO J.J.Tho . Johnston r Wm. Cr u V P* Si CJ Si CJ s CO 03 j3 -a c -0 3 < y 3 o en < < Q w V a 03 Q p £&s d s-> lo , O d co c 2 « CO CI 00 | 1 o 8 j U9 | i*5 bD o o X O O th y-i vO ■*- ' ,— ' X X \0 X X O CN r-i CM (N IS | •0 1 j | lO 1 CJ /— > o o O O O 0 .£°< r— < T— * TH T— < '^-, CO—' X X X X X X CO rO CM CN CN CN V bD u 4J tu y o CJ CU j3 1 + -f + U >. +-> CO '3 y o cu Si 3 cfl c O Pl, c CO >* ^ i** o c rt o i5 CJ -t-J S y u a c c fl > T3 o u c c c ! p. E > .p. '■3 y 3 0 4- c c. 4- "c7 C 0- +. 1 1 p. 0 > ^5 o 03 3 CJ a CJ V V a o 3 CJ CJ £ +-> CJ >- bi) Si CJ 3 CJ H .4J c CJ j3 .0 3 CJ Si CJ j3 Si 0 bo 3 -a 03 Si CJ «3 CJ 3 be 03 a o Si cj CJ a m .a xu bfi 3 > O Si CU T3 CJ N 'S bD o CJ CJ o 3 Z o H O < Pi J CJ >> H-S 03 JO 03 03 CJ • 1 Si Si 03 CJ >s bo Si CJ 3 CJ 3 O 03 3 3 Si O S 0 03 CJ CU 3 a^- co O >-* CJ M 3 be 03 '^ 2 js a ■5 M g-3 O (j 3 O ■ co CJ CJ CJ o Si CU 3 y o y > y 03 > Si y bo . B W CO >.3 03 y It cc > 0-C! "8 I 03 03 CJ Si >, 03 £?>- V J2 F.cc 03 3 s y o .> '& 'bD ■u >^ •e bo ^ u 03 CJ &g .-- .^ 03 B B y 3 3- Si Si 03 03 ' +-» +-> a b y y 03 tU H a -3 a e.s - y y ^ 03 — < --j O aula cu 0 « 2 S Ci^ THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 35 CJ> o I V a ^ R fe ■»-» •>^ c Q -, K( Q V hj u S u Q b fe s: ^ "3 V, u CI U o R) xj A o >-. 0 cq *•• "5 3-J* 1 o m c o XI M 03 O (0.1-1.0%) Si, Mn, etc. C = ca7.5% O to (Ferrite) itite a o Q 4-» 'a insite (7-iron tite e te pring, Saw, e. Bridge, Sk r Fe, C (S, P, 0.5% d to a-iron 7-iron Cemei o *> B 3 Marte Troos Sorbit Pearli Hair-E Engin scrape T3 B a jd >- a '3 a u a 4B O oj 00 O cula tis a PS CO d o a Mole Chai: Grou o 3 0Q cj ■a tn c o 43 43 o O o w d 43 iT 09 0 O 3 3 Molecular Chains an Groups Aggregate with impurities Fibrils Fibers, Yarns Fabrics, Clothing cT B -T B "oS 2 b M.t- O C 3 » 03 jj — w „•> & - C C C O co es, phyll, rome, ophage Viruses *smic res ssomes, Cells, a , Organ hila, Whale OS ;ami rmo iami roph rrier & S g S S ft^> 6'c3 >es cj: >> c3 o v >> l- J3 3 oj >SHPhO WOOKOe o-s o^;n HQ§ *JF6 "3 t B ■ ■4 43 55 -K . acidf tides e, etc B§8 o ft si w o 43 03 ■s c 3 0 5" clotron Ray emical rared and man Specti Ray, Cheni w o C.2 »3 Si * ctron Micr ramicrosco emical croscope O u >> HO tf -»^ p4ap4 I-. 1 ^ Orde of Com plexit _ CN CO ■* to to t>. CO . B . 41 . 43 V : o3 02 — o 2 v- 'E 3 03 S S-B ^0Q * a c c I- «, c < s "c & ; * i c 1 1 > 4. . ■< 1 1 a E -3 1 1 1 a e 5 < 1 > i > 3 M o (- o o co s ° 3 03 "o B 8 *3 0 .2 c • i ) 03 0, ft o tx a 1 •a »oo a -*^ *0; 3 f'6? ox «ei a 03 "-1 P a . ^^ — 00 -*J GO B^. O to a 9 Cv OS 03 ^-t 9 03 o S-8 — CO ^3 ^T! 43 ft fl^ >. *> . 33 "3 to — a 03 ^J 3< 43 J2 3 e O 3 . "5 ^ >>2 *+ -^f5 ^^ 43 < m a si j=30 41 41 b fe a.* So. S S 2 « OO-ffi0" §§§g ^ ftco :tj a of 03g £2 O c8 ►^ ^^ •S3 ;.2 a; 4> B o n-C 2 ^ B |_ t*? o3 =3 u'3 ^3 oJ .5 ^^T3 * B 03— 2 . ■;S a b S o o g . 1^ «— » rt >i 83 1) w ._ 8 ao •» 0> . 4) totnh o o o cm r~- I- £3 o eg oP ID O £ O O C 3 W o N _ o u rt H o - rt b) t) y 'o'o N N O O o o '5 N o c u bo 2 < o «= x2 irjX r-c VO H >-. w « u X cm r- oo U CM 8 I ■c a I PhE£ £ o a m o o 2xx vO CM CM a H u •3 « £ «~ 3 cu u c3t) ini — ^ j-i cu O UlTT 5 2 o'o S2 SS O ^ I 2xo- Xes*-. - 06 3-^ c o !X b a. o oo C o ■*-» CO en feo J2 O Hill «D OO I I OO 1— I *—» XX i-i 00 c o 00 U T o X in a o u en o u o o U M «« I o X b s O o o b O O O b ii a~ O II t> b W g 3 O •-a OO XX oo en cu o a o u u O J* 3 T ^7 3 o X 8.-0 oix K-0 CM "«n ci X^X u flHO\ 00 o ^ o ho « 3.2 o2 o«= °«o i-2 60° B a o ■M T-> ?* o 1^ u oo >. So 1 OO O oo X rr II II b0 oo a. o o u"0 *j O C/2 O u rtc/D <« 1-H ° II §s B) >H •- rt Qa< ^— v— ' o X CM 3 a .2 iii o o c tH\ ON O jig ^^^ * O eo o o xSxx in X"! Oj C7\ i— i 1-" \o a. CM O a. m o w ^l m Q c o bo O o in u rn hri ■O i-H I « i, 00 St CO ^ o o XX NO 1-«' ■sr «i ,** ^3 y J3 o 3 * O-CM I— • o o u u I o 1— » x in u T3 ° I a 9 «3 CD O I I o o T-< 1— < XX 00 CM tf v ■a u O'S u u O « u Oh Ii o o a.rt en V a. a. m in 3 o g CU o ° S > CO M O w O o So .3 bo^ « M cdOO 3 >j- i-l «> C/3 Si" 2* x2x2 ^x^x cm i-i t- in a. S 4< in j i CM offi o§ I I o-pa 3T0 u I _ cu 2 fl "3 3 £ , <£ I o H 21 a O T x2^ ^x- I voX cm I en O i-1 i-1 a. +3 x I • 1 Q C S c4 & • i c 0 -a u n X 1 itJ T3 1 is u CJ cu (U J* a o M 0 a 3 0 U m P^Ph i •* 1 Ml 00 o | o | 1 ^H O 7-1 o o X i— i A T-H T— < ON X 00 XX T— < men 1-H CM a. o o o So a. 3 e h §1 i- o ° 8 3 I' -M a. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 37 matter may be scattered in space between the nebulas does not dim appreciably the most distant ones now visible. Dropping this from consideration, the concentration of matter in the visible region figures out to about one gram per 1030 cubic centimeters, which is equivalent to one grain of sand in each volume of space equal to that of the earth.28 Plummeting down to our own tiny but (to us) important levels, we find that life depends upon a great variety of ordered chemical reactions which are rather limited in space, mass, and time. Living units have masses ranging from the molecular or near-molecular up to the immense bulk of the whale or elephant. The chief chemical elements involved are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- gen, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, mag- nesium, and manganese; but quite a number of other elements are also essential or incidental, in amounts small in percentage but large in numbers of atoms, e.g., copper, zinc, fluorine, vanadium and molybdenum. From this quintessence of dust, living units have emerged on our tiny planet which in the slow course of time developed brains and bodies with which they can receive and order sense impressions, remember, think, and reason. How all this happens, no one knows; but the result is undoubted, irrespec- tive of what words are used to describe it — mind, psyche, soul, etc. It is recognized in our laws, is studied by psychologists, psychia- trists, sociologists, and teachers, and dominates the daily life of every one of us. In a biographical sketch of Emil Dubois-Reymond, apparently written by Sir Michael Foster,29 the following is quoted as the dominant note of "Elements of Physiology" by Johannes Miiller, central figure of modern physiology: "Though there appears to be something in the phenomena of living beings which cannot be explained by ordinary mechanical, physical or chemical laws, much may be so explained, and we may without fear push these explanations as far as we can, so long as we keep to the solid ground of observation and experiment." Since we now have a continuity of successive levels of material structure down to the nuclear level, there is no longer any "no- man's land" where material mysteries of life can escape scientific investigation. Our present knowledge, based on observation and experiment, indicates that the simplest living units are in the molecular or near-molecular range. The information assembled in this book indicates that many, if not all the basic material facts 38 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN of life are understandable on catalytic principles, including selec- tive adsorption and differential diffusion. But the mental and spiritual phenomena which emerge, and which are just as real as the material ones, are as inscrutable as ever. REFERENCES 1 For further historical aspects, reference must be made to books on the history of science, e.g., that of Sir William C. Dampier (3rd ed., Macmillan Co., New York, 1944). -'Stoney's original papers are in Proc. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Science, Belfast meeting, 1874, and in Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc, (1891), 4, 583. See also "The Electron Theory" by Fournier d'Albe, London, 1907. 3 Comptes rendus, July, 1898, "On a New Radioactive Substance Contained in Pitchblende." 4 English translation by Victor Sheean, Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1937. 5 "On the Occurrence of Nitrogen in Uraninite and on the Composition of Uraninite in General," U. S. Geol. Bull., 78, 43-79 (1889-90). 5a About 1865 the great Belgian chemist Jean Servais Stas wrote: "I have arrived at the absolute conviction, the complete certainty, so far as is possible for a human being to attain to certainty in such matters, that the law of Prout is nothing but an illusion, a mere speculation definitely contradicted by experience." (It should be stated, however, that shortly before his death in 1891, on noting the close approximation to integers shown by a number of atomic weights when hydrogen is taken as unity, Stas remarked: "II faut croire qu'il y a quelque chose la-dessous.") But in 1932 Soddy wrote: "After many vicissitudes and the most convincing apparent disproofs, the hypothesis thrown out so lightly in 1815 by Prout, an Edinburgh physician, has a century later become the corner-stone of modern theories of the structure of atoms. There is something surely akin to, if not transcending tragedy in the fate that has overtaken the life work of that distinguished galaxy of nineteenth century chemists, rightly revered by their contemporaries as representing the crown and perfection of accurate scientific measurement. Their hard-won results, for the moment at least, appear as of little interest and significance as the determination of the average weight of a collection of bottles, some of them full and some of them more or less empty." 6 Isotopes of tin: tomic Wt. Percentage 112 — 1.1 114 — 0.8 115 — 0.4 116 — 15.5 117 — 9.1 118 — 22.5 119 — 9.8 120 — 28.5 122 — 5.5 124 — 6.8 7 In his book "Classical and Modern Physics" p. 564, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1940. 8 See his extensive historical review in Science, 1946, 103, 289-302. 9 The reader must consult special books and journal articles regarding these matters, and also about mesons, cosmic rays, and other developments. THE SMALLEST PARTICLES OF MATTER 39 10 Science, Oct. 25th, 1946. "See Physical Review, Jan. 15th and Feb. 15th, 1939. 12 "A General Account of the Development of Methods of Using Atomic Energy for Military Purposes," (Princeton Univ. Press, 1945). 12a Lorentz, equation is mo m =- 1- a where m is the mass of the moving electron, mQ its mass when at rest, v its velocity, and c the velocity of light in a vacuum. 13 In Nature, Nov. 1913, F. Soddy suggested that while the principle of relativity indicates that relative velocities greater than that of light are physically impossible, yet there is an actual possibility of observing in nature a relative velocity con- siderably greater. Thus if two /3-particles are shot out by a radioactive body in opposite directions, each with a velocity nine-tenths that of light, their actual relative velocities would be 1.8c. Regarding this E. Cunningham ("Relativity and the Electron Theory," Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1915) states (p. 40): "This is quite true, and the principle of relativity has nothing to say against it. The principle maintains that a velocity greater than c relative to the observer cannot be observed. . . . The position is not that velocities greater than c are not conceivable, but that real bodies become illusory in observation if they are conceived to be moving faster than light. We shall also see later that the electrical constitution of matter seems to indicate that a body would suffer dissolution if it were accelerated so that its velocity were made greater than c." 14Enc. Brit., 11th ed., 1910. 15 One of his addresses on this topic appeared in Science, 1899, 9, 666-74, 704-11. 16 Science, 1899, 9, 889-901, and 10, 11-18. 17 Astrophysical Jour., 1940, 92, 118. 18 The late Dr. W. S. Andrews (General Electric Co.) published in Scientific Monthly, Dec, 1928, 27, pp. 535-8, a paper entitled: "Hypon — A Hypothetical Element and a Possible Source of Stellar Energy," in which he suggested the possibility that what astronomers call novae are due to the sudden and terrific explosion of "hypon," mass 118. He gave the following table, showing the position of this hypothetical "element," which we would now speak of as "transuranic": Helium 2(F) 2 Neon 2(l2+22) 10 Argon 2(l2+22+22) 18 Krypton 2(12+ 22+22+32) 36 Xenon 2(l2+22+22+32+32) 54 Radon 2(l2+22+22+ 32+32+42) 86 "Hypon" 2(l2+22+22+32+32+42+42) 118 19 Astrophysical Jour., 1939, 90, 675-88. 20 C. S. von Weizsaker (Astrophysical Journal, March, 1945) proposed a different hypothesis, and still others are discussed in "The Observatory" for August, 1945. Evidently there is no agreement as to the mode of origin of the solar system. 21 Bull. Geological Soc. of America, April 1, 1941, pp. 562-99. 22 Since ^UI238, ^AcV^33, and ^Th232 are continuously degenerating at constant speed into ^Pb206, gaPb207, and ^Pb208, with the respective liberation of 8, 7, and 6 helium nuclei, geophysicists use an "age equation" of the following form: Amount of disintegration product Affe — — — — Rate of production of disintegration product 40 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN "Age" means the time elapsed since the final solidification of the rock or mineral containing the radioactive element. 23 For further details, see a paper by Professors Clark Goodman and Robley D. Evans (M.I.T.), Bull. Geol. Soc. of America, April 1st, 1941, pp. 492-541. 24 /. Wash. Acad. Sci., 1924, 14, 459-472; Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 1930, pp. 309-41. 25 The Byrd expedition reported (1947) the presence of two "oases" in Antarctica. Coal is mined in Spitsbergen, only ten degrees from the North Pole. About li/2 billion years ago radioactivity from TJ235 alone was four times what it is at present. J. A. 26 See also A. Knopf, in "A Textbook of Geology," by Longwell, Knopf and Flint, Part I, 2nd ed., J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1939. 27 For further details, see W. D. Harkins, Science, March 8th, 1946, p. 293, and Smyth Report, 9.14. 28 Scientific Monthly, Sept., 1934. ^Encylo. Brit., 11th ed., 1910, 8, 626. Chapter 3 How Molecules Make Masses Atoms and molecules are so tiny that they seem quite remote. Only under unusual experimental conditions do we deal with the effects which they produce as individual bodies of matter. In the practical affairs of life and in most scientific investigations as well we are concerned with large numbers of atoms or molecules which, when gathered together, form masses large enough to be experimented upon, or even to become microscopically visible. The smallest particle we can distinguish or "resolve" in micro- scopes may contain many millions of the smaller molecules, or a great number of macromolecules. The convenient shorthand used by chemists to describe a com- pound, generally called its formula (little or concise form) is far removed from what that molecule may actually be like under natural conditions. When Ira Remsen of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity presented his students with the customary formula for a double salt, e.g., PtCl4 . 2KC1, he would point to the period in the formula and remark with a twinkle in his eye, "That period has for many years been a full stop to thought. Don't let such devices keep you from trying to find out what lies behind them." Even the more informative "structural formulas" are only static dia- grams, which give no indication of the dynamics of atomic and molecular structure, though in some cases straight or curved arrows are added to indicate oscillatory or resonance changes.1 Though three-dimensional isomers (stereoisomers) have been known since the discovery by Pasteur of right- and left-handed tartaric acids, the extent of this phenomenon and its biological importance are only now being increasingly recognized. For example, Professor L. Zech- meister of the California Institute of Technology1 gives skeleton models of the twenty stereoisomers of beta carotene. (See Figure 3). Many of the naturally occurring carotenoids have a much larger number of calculable stereoisomers, two having as many as 128. 41 42 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN n ID !? I? >r\ ffi xx Figure 3. Skeleton models of the twenty possible stereoisomers of /3-carotene: all -^ram-/3-carotene, three mono-c/s-/3-carotenes, six di-ciV/3-carotenes, six tri-cis-/3- carotenes, three tetra-ci's-/3-carotenes, and all-cfs-/3-carotene. (Courtesy Chemical Re- views) HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 43 Crystals and Colloids Water is commonly referred to as H20, and many know that there are also present a small number of molecules of "heavy water" (deuterium oxide, D20), the average ratio being one mole- cule of deuterium to 6,500 of hydrogen. The physical chemist, however, is aware that under ordinary conditions water molecules undergo dissociation into H+ and OH", with recombination at such a rate that with very pure water at 22° C we have at any instant a concentration of these oppositely charged ions of 1/10,000,000 mole per liter, which equals — - or 10 7 mole per liter. This is commonly expressed by saying that pure water has a pH of 7, which means that its concentration of hydrogen ions is expressed by the mathematical exponent 7, deprived of its minus sign. The French expression first used by S0rensen was "pouvior hydro- gene," or hydrogen power (in the mathematical sense of the word "power"). As a consequence, the intervals on the pH scale, being exponential, are vastly wider than the figures themselves might indicate. This may be seen from the following table: pH Number of times H+ or OH- concentration exceeds that of pure water at 22° C 1 1,000,000 2 100,000 Acid side 3 10,000 (excess of H + ions) 4 1 ,000 5 100 6 10 Neutrality > 7 0 8 10 9 100 Alkaline side 10 1,000 (excess of OH- ions) 11 10,000 12 100,000 13 1,000,000 In most living units the pH hovers near neutrality, the pH of the blood in man ranging from 7.30 to 7.45, the former approaching "acidosis" which is really a dimished alkalinity. The cytoplasm of immature starfish eggs shows a pH of about 6.6 to 6.8, while that of the nucleus is 7.6 to 7.8. However, the skin is usually quite acid (about pH 4.2 to 5.6) and Professor Frank C. Combes states2 that this acid mantle is an important factor in the protection of the organism against invasion by bacteria and fungi. In certain protected spots, (e.g., the axilla and between the smaller 44 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN toes), the pH may be closer to alkalinity and become favorable to the growth of some micro-organisms. Thus, the fungus Tinea, which causes "athlete's foot" commonly grows between the toes, and may be combatted by acid germicidal ointments containing, e.g., salicylic acid and sulfur; and the highly acid sulfate of alumina is the basis of most cosmetics used to combat under-arm odor. So old is this custom that the elder Pliny (Gaius Plinius Secundus), the Roman encyclopedist who perished while investigating the great eruption of Vesuvius which buried Pompeii and Herculanium in 79 A.D., mentions in his "Natural History"3 that "alum is used for offensive odors in the axilla." In the stomach the gastric juice has an acidity of between pH2 and 3, corre- sponding to about 0.1 to 0.2 per cent hydrochloric acid. In some snails and ascidians (e.g., Phallusia), the blood may be quite acid. Water has one other peculiarity which is generally overlooked, namely, the tendency of its molecules to form groups, probably in part through hydrogen bonds. This phenomenon, common to many other substances4 is known as molecular association; and water contains double and triple molecules (dihydrol and tri- hydrol) whose percentages vary with conditions. According to N.E. Dorsey,5 many accept the quasi-crystalline theory of water structure sponsored by J. D. Bernal and R. H. Fowler6 and M. L. Huggins,7 which demands a fairly rigid structure for water. But it must be remembered that, apart from whatever structure water may assume as the result of a kinetic equilibrium of its ions and molecules, a supermolecular structure may at times appear at levels higher than those before mentioned. Thus Professor H. T. Barnes of McGill University, in speaking of frazil — a type of ice occasionally giving much trouble to users of hydraulic power by obstructing the flow of water like the slimy precipitates met with in chemical analysis — says that when first formed it is too fine to be seen by the eye, apart from its action on the color of the water. But it soon agglomerates into spongy masses of loose tex- ture, which readily catch onto subjects in the water, and quickly build large masses. The slightest drop in temperature below 0° C may cause frazil to appear. "The balance is so delicate that it will escape detection by the most sensitive thermometer and the first indication that a drop has occurred will be the appearance of ice." The action of frazil on the appearance of the water brings to mind the familiar glooming or darkening of clouds when rain impends. It is pertinent here to quote the remarks of Thomas Graham (1861): "Ice itself presents colloidal characters at or near its melting point, HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 45 paradoxical though the statement may appear. When ice is formed at temperatures a few degrees under 0° C, it has a well-marked crystalline structure, as is seen in water frozen from a state of vapor in the form of flakes of snow and hoar-frost, or in water frozen from dilute sul- furic acid, as observed by Mr. Faraday. But ice formed on contact with water at 0° C is a plain, homogeneous mass with a vitreous frac- ture, exhibiting no facets or angles. This must appear singular when it is considered how favorable to crystallation are the circumstances in which a sheet of ice is slowly produced in the freezing of a lake or river. The continued extraction of latent heat by ice as it is cooled a few degrees below 0° C, observed by Mr. Persons, appears also to indicate a molecular change subsequent to the first freezing. "Further, ice, although exhibiting none of the viscous softness of pitch, has the elasticity and tendency to rend seen in colloids. In the properties last mentioned it suggests a distant analogy to gum incom- pletely dried, to glue or any other firm jelly. "Ice further appears to be of the class of adhesive colloids. The reintegration (regelation of Faraday) of masses of melting ice when placed in contact has much of a colloidal character. The colloidal view of the plasticity of ice demonstrated in glacial movement will readily develop itself. "A similar extreme departure from the normal appears to be pre- sented by a colloid holding so high a place in its class as albumen. In the so-called blood-crystals of Funke, a soft gelatinous, albumenoid body is seen to assume a crystalline contour. "Can any facts more strikingly illustrate the maxim that in nature there are no abrupt transitions, and that distinctions of class are never absolute?" It is of interest to note that the word "crystal" arose from the notion that rock crystal (clear, transparent quartz obtained from the Alps in ancient times), had been formed from water by intense cold. The word is derived from the Latin crystallum (clear ice) or the Greek krystallos, (from kryos, frost). Not until the 17th century was the word extended to the crystals familiar to all of us. In fact, the Romans called many crystals glasses (vitrum), and this survives in such expres- sions as blue vitriol (copper sulfate crystals), white vitriol (zinc sulfate), and green vitriol (ferrous sulfate). The corrosive, oily liquid obtained by distilling "green vitriol" was called "oil of vitriol." While there is no space here to consider the experimental and theoretical aspects of crystals and crystallization, a few popular misconceptions should be set straight. First, Thomas Graham, the father of colloid chemistry, was well aware of the fact that the same substance may exist either in the colloidal or the crystalloidal 46 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN state. He wrote:8 "For the mineral forms of silicic acid, deposited from water, such as flint, are often found to have passed, during the geological ages of their existence, from the vitreous or colloidal into the crystalline condition (H. Rose). The colloidal is, in fact, a dynamical state, the crystalloidal being the statical condition." We now know that the basis of colloidality is degree of dispersion (size or dimension of particulate units), and that many colloidal or "amorphous" substances contain crystals or colloidal dimensions, though non-crystalline aggregates may also be present. In the early part of this century, P. P. von Weimarn showed that any substance may be obtained either in the colloidal or the crystalline state, depending on conditions of its formation.9 Recently, rubber hydrocarbons and viruses have been crystallized. The devitrification of glass by slow crystallization may make it turbid and brittle, a condition sometimes noticed in old chemical glassware and tubing. Professor Alexander Silverman of the University of Pittsburgh kindly gave me a well- developed crystalline globulite obtained from a tank of glass that had cooled slowly when a factory suddenly shut down and was later aban- doned. I have seen a similar globulite said to have been found in an ancient Mesopotamian glass furnace. What may happen, if we wait long enough for results, is also shown by the huge deposit of travertine (a calcareous rock), at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Owing to the sudden release from solution and loss of carbon dioxide, and assisted by the crystal-inhibiting action of the colloidal algae which grow on the overflow surfaces, the freshly deposited travertine has a filamentous or or cryptocrystalline structure. The older deposits show increasing evidence of crystallinity, and in the oldest deposits at the top of the terrace-hill, estimated by geologists to have been laid down twenty to thirty thousand years ago, good- sized, sparkling crystals are found, which still maintain the rhyth- mic rings of the original deposit. Graham had remarked: "The formation of quartz crystals at low temperature, of so frequent occurrence in nature, remains still a mystery. I can only imagine that such crystals are formed at an inconceivably slow rate, and from solutions of silicic acid which are extremely dilute. Dilution no doubt weakens the colloidal char- acter of substances, and may therefore allow their crystallizing tendency to gain ground and develop itself, particularly where the crystal, once formed, is completely insoluble, as with quartz." We must consider, however, another mode of crystal formation, which, HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 47 though it may not be true of quartz, should clarify the mystery Graham refers to. Petrographers have long noticed the incipient crystal forms (crystallites) which appear in media where high viscosity and quick cooling oppose crystallization, as in obsidian, pitchstone, etc. Such forms can be obtained artificially from a solution of sulfur in carbon disulfide, made viscous by the addition of some Canada balsam. If a drop of this solution is rubbed out on a microscope slide and blown upon to speed the evaporation of the solvent, any or all of the following stages may be seen on microscopic examina- tion: (1) tiny globules (possibly containing ultramicroscopic crys- tals); (2) aggregations of these globules into bead-like strings or margarites (Greek, margaritis, a pearl), or into geometrical groups; and (3) tiny crystals surrounded by empty spaces or lacunae, indi- cating that the surrounding material had gone to make up the crystal.10 The various intermediate steps in the formation of visible crystals are very often observable in window-pane ice, when con- ditions are right. In fact, during a half-hour ride in a Fifth Avenue bus in New York City on a very cold day, the transition from the "ground-glass" effect of globules, to dendrites (tree or fern-like formations), and ice-crystals with lacunae, took place be- fore my eyes. Mr. Wilson A. Bentley of Jericho, Vermont, had for years made photographs of a great many varieties of the frozen forms of water, including snow, hoar-frost, hail, and window-pane ice. On seeing some of these printed in the National Geographic Magazine of 1923, and later in a copy of the Monthly Weather Review for Nov. 1907, which Mr. Bentley kindly sent me, I recog- nized each of the phenomena above mentioned. Besides, there were a number of cases where specific dendritic forms indicated the presence on the glass of sodium chloride and some protective colloid, both perhaps coming from the soap used to clean the window-pane. The usual course of crystallization seems to proceed in the fol- lowing steps: (1) as drop in temperature or loss of solvent lessens the capacity of the magma or solvent mass to hold the atoms, ions, or molecules of the dispersed substance in true solution, they form groups which clump together into tiny crystals or amorphous heaps (crystallogens); (2) when these clumps become large enough, their kinetic activity drops, and they are aggregated by surface forces into spherulites; (3) the spherulites then unite to form 48 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN dendritic or larger groups; (4) the tiny units now slip, snap, or re- orient to form large crystals, which are usually full of tiny im- perfections, as many, including Sir William H. Bragg, Smekal, and Zwicky have noted. According to Professor G. W. Stewart11 x-ray and other evidence indicate that the molecules within a liquid fall roughly into two classes: (1) those comparatively free; (2) those in semi-orderly array. He terms these fluctuating molecular "mobs" cybotactic groups, which in the case of liquid para-azoxyanisol, may consist of perhaps 100 to 1,000 molecules. In a liquid crystal of this substance these companies are ordered into regiments composed of perhaps millions of mole- cules. In the case of numerous kinds of liquid crystals (O. Lehmann, 1889), these "regiments" form still larger groups of various kinds, some smectic (soap-like), others nematic (worm-like).12 In 1907, I independently observed the effects of colloids on crystallization. But the phenomenon has been repeatedly noted by others.13 Many artifacts, bearing remarkable resemblances to structures developed by living units, have been produced by forma- tion in the presence of colloids.14 In 1925 I drew special atten- tion15 to a most remarkable but unappreciated book by Dr. Wil- liam M. Ord.16 This book, which I first chanced to see adver- tised in a second-hand dealer's catalog, sums up the work done by Ord, George Rainey of St. Thomas' Hospital, Professor Hartung of Utrecht, and others, much of which is buried in oubliette journals. Of the many interesting observations (e.g., the use of double colloidal protection) I here give the following excerpt 17 "It will be useful first to review the more important of the processes by which the modification of the crystalloid to the spheroidal form is effected. "(1) A new salt is formed by decomposition, and caused to combine in its nascent state with the colloid . . . The colloid may be of the proteid or the gelatinous kind, or amyloid, or pectous, or an isomeric modification of an organic crystalloid, as uric acid, or of an inorganic crystalloid, as silicic acid, peroxide of iron, etc. Thus Mr. Rainey mixes two gummy solutions of the reacting salts;* Professor Hartung places solid salts at different points of an albuminous solution; in my own plugged tubes the reacting solutions are placed on opposite sides of a thick colloid dialyzer, within which they meet and undergo mutual decomposition. A modification of this condition is employed when urate of soda is formed by boiling uric acid with strong solutions * This is actually double colloidal protection. J. A. HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 49 of chloride of sodium or phosphate of sodium. The urate comes down in a colloidal state, and affects included crystals as any other colloid would. "(2) A crystalloid is deposited from solution in the presence of a colloid. This occurs in Dr. Guthrie's experiment with sulfate of copper and gelatin, in uric acid and urates mixed with albuminous urine. "(3) Crystals are broken down and turned into spheres or spheroids or molecules, by the action of colloids into which they are introduced — a condition constantly seen in microscopical preparations. Crystals of uric acid, carbonate or oxalate of lime, etc., when preserved in gelatin or glycerine or glycerine-jelly, speedily lose their transparency, lose their sharp outlines, and progress in various degrees towards sphericity. I have drawn attention to this in respect of glycerine in particular, in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopic Science for 1873. The transformation of crystals of murexide put up in glycerine is a particularly beautiful phenomenon, exquisite tufts of black-looking needles growing at the expense of the brilliant purple prisms. "When we seek the causes of the spheroidal modification, several possible influences present themselves for consideration. "(1) The 'Nascent' State ... a review of the behavior of the various salts and matrices favors the idea that the nascent modification of sub- stances is an important element in the production of changes of form. This I have pointed out in earlier papers in relation to uric acid, which is certainly precipitated in colloid form when freshly dis- possessed of its combinations by other acids. The colloid state has been called its hydrate by Prout; and, while in aqueous solutions it is short-lived, in colloidal solutions or mixtures it endures for a long time. An analysis of the phenomena in a great number of experi- ments made with various media makes me inclined to believe that hydrated colloids and very strong solutions of very soluble salts have the power of prolonging the colloid state of certain crystals. In respect of the present inquiry, any prolongation of the colloidal state in sub- stances precipitated must favor the production of spheroidal forms. Our knowledge, indeed, of the ways of higher colloids must be admitted to be elementary. Of the albumens, for instance, we know really little more than their rough chemical reactions; and though the reports of various societies embalm fragments of what may be more properly called their natural history, most of these fragments remain unnoticed or useless. Whenever these fragments shall be put together and supplemented by further investigation, the connection between colloidality and hydration will be required to be carefully worked out. With this the meaning of the 'nascent' state of substances will form a congenial subject of inquiry; and at present the probability suggests 50 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN itself to me that the nascent state is allied to or even identical with the colloid state of matters. Just as chemical substances may be either gaseous, fluid, or solid, as some are commonly seen in all states, some only in one, while many which we are accustomed to see in only one may by special experiments be brought into the other forms, so it seems to me probable that all matters, when deposited from solution, or otherwise assuming a solid form, a liquid or gaseous form, have, or tend to have, a colloid and a crystalloid stage, both of which may be well marked, as in silica, or one of which may be more marked than the other, as in uric acid or only one of which may at present be recognized, as in chloride or zinc on one side, in albumen on the other. . . . "(2) Hydration. Professor Guthrie . . . throws out a suggestion that the partial dehydration of sulfate of copper has to do with the forms found in the evaporated gelatine solution . . . But . . . sulfate of barium contains no water, yet undergoes the spheroidal change in the most complete way. The same may be said of carbonate of barium, of carbonate and sulfate of strontium, and of cholesterin, all of which readily form spheres. . . . Dehydration, partial or complete, can cover, therefore, only part of the facts. "(3) Crystalline Form. I have sought in vain for any indications of any difference in the tendency to sphericity, or in the modifications of spheroidal form assumed by different substances, which might be attributed to their belonging to one or other group of crystalline forms. "(4) Relative Solubility. The best spheres are certainly obtained when substances of little or no solubility are deposited by double decomposition; and when a very moderate degree of insolubility is reached, as in triple phosphate, spheroidal forms are only with great difficulty obtained by that process. But by evaporation (Guthrie), and by deposition from hot, concentrated solutions (nitrate of urea, ferro- cyanide of potassium) very soluble matters may be made spheroidal. . . . "(5) Influence of the Colloid. . . . The assumption of the spheroidal state, and the throwing off of the crystalline state, are both consistent with the idea of a state of movement possessing the molecules, engross- ing them so fully as to render them insusceptible to attractions by which, being at rest, they would be held and controlled. . . . "Graham has spoken of colloid as the dynamic form of matter. The constituents of their large molecules are in a perpetual movement or strain tending to ultimate rest in crystallinity, either by isomeric change or by decomposition. The viscosity characteristic of them in their most perfect state, instead of appearing to me as a peculiarity related to their animal and vegetable origin, is partly due to the size and immobility of their chemical molecule, partly also to their intes- HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 51 tinal* movements, belonging so far to the same class of conditions as the spheroidal state of water. . . . "The idea of a 'combination' between the colloid and the crystalloid as constituting an essential part of the whole phenomenon is insisted upon by both Mr. Rainey and Professor Hartung. If by this is meant chemical combination, the idea does not seem to be to be well founded. The observation of Professor Hartung that albumen undergoes a chem- ical change where the spheres are formed — an observation which agrees with what occurs in urinary calculi — does indeed go to show that a chemical interaction goes on between the two substances. This might be expected to occur when they have been so intimately commingled. But the fact that variations in the density of the colloid solutions produce the phenomena of molecular disintegration alone shows the union to be of physical and not of chemical nature; the history of long-formed spheres, of urinary and of cholesterin calculi in particular, shows that in process of time there is an actual mechanical separation of the colloid from the crystalloid within the substance of the spheres, without loss of the spherical form, so far as it is possessed by the whole mass. . . .f The quantity also of colloid present in a sphere is extremely small in proportion to the crystalloid . . . Such a fact, it is true, is not decisive, but it is at least opposed to the ordinary laws of combination between colloids and crystalloids, a small pro- portion of the latter usually combining with a large proportion of the former. And, if a combination takes place, why is it limited only to an area of the colloid collimitary with the area of the densely-packed saline matter?" Dr. Ord then suggests that the relative compactness of bone in dif- ferent classes of vertebrates depends upon three factors: (a) the nature of the colloid matrix; (b) the nature of the earthy salts; (c) the tem- perature of the body. Greatest compaction is obtained with albu- minous matrix, with a mixture of calcium carbonate and phosphate, and with the highest temperature, as in birds. He adds that bone "may be excavated by a process of molecular disintegration set going by a variation in the constitution of the colloid matrix." (This sug- gests that enzymic attack on bone collagen might be involved in osteomalacia and pregnancy.) My own early experiments (1907) speedily showed that the na- ture of the form developed by any salt depends greatly upon the kind of colloid admixed with its solution, and that with the same colloid different salts give different forms. Thus a solution of one part of sodium chloride, one part of sodium carbonate, and * This word means "of or belonging to the inner parts." J. A. f See paper on concretions by Dr. L. Lichtwitz, in Alexander's "Colloid Chem- istry," Vol. V, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1944. 52 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN one-tenth part of gum arabic in ten parts of water, when spread on a microscope slide and allowed to dry, showed in some places a "flowering plant," with graceful stems (carbonate) and character- istic four-petalled flowers (chloride). These colloid-crystal effects have been suggested as aids in diagnosis, because subtle changes in body fluids often affect protective action. This principle is the basis of the Lange colloidal gold test for syphilis, which registers differences in the protective action of spinal fluid on highly sensi- tive gold hydrosols.18 Dr. Karl Landsteiner (Nobel prize, 1930) begins his book "The Specificity of Serological Reactions" (1936) as follows: "The morphological aspects of plant and animal species form the chief subject of the natural sciences and are the criteria for their classification. But not until recently has it been recog- nized that in living organisms, as in the realm of crystals, chemical differences parallel the variations in structure." Colloidal Protection This important principle has been utilized from remote anti- quity by practical people who, unhandicapped by teachings of what is orthodox to do or to observe, frequently make discoveries that surprise scientists and theorists. The late Dr. Edward G. Acheson put it about like this: "It is often the man that does not know any better who does the thing that can't be done. The poor fool does not know that it can't be done — so he goes ahead and does it." The percentage of success of the practical man is com- monly below that of the trained scientist; but because of close daily contact with practical problems of life, and also their tre- mendous numerical superiority, practical men, in the aggregate, have in many cases made important advances, which later became of theoretical value. When Lord Kelvin's son drove a golf ball farther than theoretical calculations would allow, his father was led to consider the overlooked factor of the spin of the ball. From time immemorial the highly effective protective colloid gelatin (or glue) has been used to deflocculate the carbon in Indian or Chinese ink — because it worked. We have recently synthesized ephedrine, which we used to secure from Ma-Huang, a plant illus- trated in the ancient Chinese pharmacopeia.19 The ancient Egyp- tians, whose extensive technological knowledge was outlined, e.g., by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson nearly a century ago,20 used gum (probably acacia) for making their water inks; they also made their clay workable, like that of Babylonia, by infusions of straw, as HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 53 indicated in Exodus V. Philippine natives, when panning for gold, often squirt the juice of "gogo bark," which they chew, into the pan to deflocculate and wash away the accompanying clay. About forty years ago, E. G. Acheson obtained patents for "Egyp- tianizing" clay by using alkaline tannin solutions, etc. The aurum potabile of the alchemists was made by reducing solutions of gold (chloride) in the presence of stabilizing ethereal oils, and as early as 1794 silk was dyed with colloidal gold. In his "Lehrbuch" (1844) Berzelius gives recipes for making several shades of col- loidal gold; and as early as 1821 isinglass, egg albumen, and starch were used for this purpose. What Professor Richard Zsigmondy (Nobel prize, 1927) considered to be the first example of protective action, recognized as such,21 was referred to by Thomas Graham.22 He stated that crude caramel, por- duced by heating raw sugar to 210-220° C, when dialyzed, allows a colored substance to pass through, while the material richest in carbon remains behind in the dialyzer. A 10 per cent solution of this residue is gum-like and forms a weak jelly, which is completely soluble in water. Evaporated in a vacuum, it yields a tough, black, elastic, shining mass, which, when thoroughly dry, can be heated to 120° C and still remain completely soluble. If, however, the first solution is evaporated to dryness on a water bath, it becomes insoluble. Both the soluble and the insoluble caramel have the same empirical for- mula. Liquid caramel is tasteless, neutral in reaction, and extremely sensitive to crystalloid reagents. Traces of mineral acids, alkali salts, and alcohol make it pectous, and the brownish-black, powdery sub- stance yielded by the precipitated caramel is insoluble in both hot and cold water, though it may be rendered soluble again by dilute potash. Graham then states: "The presence of sugar and of the intermediate brown substances protects the liquid caramel in a remarkable degree from the action of crystalloids and accounts for the preceding prop- erties not being observed in crude caramel." Incidentally, Graham refers to the analogy between caramel and anthracite: "Caramelization appears to be the first step in that direction — the beginning of a col- loidal transformation to be consummated in the slow lapse of geo- logical ages." This recalls Dopplerite, a brown, amorphous, elastic or jelly-like substance found in peat-beds, and also the so-called "mother-of-coal" sometimes found in mines. In 1856 Michael Faraday23 reported the discovery of "jelly" (evidently gelatin or isinglass) as a protective colloid for colloidal gold; and in 1898, Zsigmondy,21 then unaware of the preceding 54 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN work, rediscovered gold sols and used them to measure the relative protective power of various colloids. The "gold number" repre- sents the number of milligrams of protector which just fails to pre- vent the coagulative color change, from red to violet, of 10 cc of an extremely pure and highly sensitive colloidal gold solution, upon the addition of 1 cc of a 10 per cent solution of sodium chloride. The use of these sols in the Lange test has been men- tioned above. The gold numbers of a few protectors is given herewith: Substance Gold Nu mber Gelatin 0.005 to 0.01 Amorphous egg albumen 0.03 to 0.06 Crystallized egg albumen 2.0 to 8.0 Fresh egg — white 0.08 to 0.15 Gum arabic 0.5 to 4.0 Dextrin 6.0 to 20.0 Sodium oleate 0.4 to 1.0 Sodium stearate at 100°C 0.01 Sodium stearate at 60° 10.0 Cane sugar oo The generally accepted explanation of the mechanism of prot- tection is that advanced by H. Bechhold,24 i.e. that the protector is adsorbed at the surface of the protected particle. The nature of the outwardly directed electronic fields is evidently an important factor also, for Bechhold later found that certain minimal quanti- ties of protectors sensitize rather than protect. Thus 0.0003 to 0.0001 part of gelatin per million will flocculate gold sols and oil emulsions. This principle is used in the mining industry (flota- tion processes), and also to flocculate coal slurries.25 The work of J. Billiter26 indicates that these traces of protector may bring the colloid particles to the isoelectric point, where, as Sir William B. Hardy has shown they are especially susceptible to flocculation. Another curious quirk in the effects of adsorbed surface layers becomes evident in other cases where the newly formed surfaces attract each other strongly and stick together. Alexander27 considered starches as a mixture of substances: (1) amylopectin, the more coherent, less dispersible gel-like portion (now known to contain branched mole- cules), and (2) amylose, the more soluble or dispersible portion, now known to contain unbranched molecules.28 In discussing colloidal protection as a factor in the behavior of starches, it was pointed out that the behavior of a substance or a mixture of substances depends largely on the nature and relative proportions of its aggregating and its protective fractions. The term cohesive colloid was suggested for HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 55 substances where adsorbed layers cause particles to cohere. In starch grains, the less soluble amylopectin seems to coat over the more soluble amylose; but the resolubility of dried boiled starch paste indicates that there conditions are reversed. Calcium seems to play an important role in establishing the co- herence of particles in aqueous media. Thus lime in soils aids in bringing them into a condition of good tilth, described by Sir. E. J. Russell as that "nice crumbly condition suitable for a seed bed." On the other hand, alkaline soils dcflocculate and puddle badly. Calcium humate appears to act as a cohesive colloid, especially when the soil dries out, and thus incidentally prevents the winds from blowing away the valuable top soil. The economy of China is affected by such losses, and "Peiping throat" is caused by breath- ing the begrimed air. A great dust storm swept over New York on May 12th, 1934; and it is estimated that 300,000,000 tons of soil were lifted from drought-parched Western States by a strong northwest wind, and scattered over half of the United States. It must also be recalled that Professor C. Herbst (Heidelberg), who died in 1946 at the age of 80, had found many years ago that, in the absence of calcium, the cells developing from fertilized sea-urchin eggs fail to cohere, and normal development is frus- trated. The work of Wanda K. Farr and collaborators29 indicates that cellulose contains ellipsoidal crystallites about 1.5 microns long and 1.1 microns wide, cemented together by a pectinous material. The passage of the much-needed and beneficial Pure Food and Drugs Act in 1906 was largely due to the efforts of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, Chief Chemist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Flushed with deserved victory, he began soon thereafter to issue what he considered to be "standards" for many foods. He ex- tended these rulings to such confections as ice cream, which he declared should contain nothing but cream, sugar and flavor, the latter including fruits and nuts. Faced with the fact that pro- tective colloids (eggs, gelatin, gum, etc.) had commonly been used in making satisfactory ice cream, and also in candies like gum- drops, Wiley held that French ice-cream, always made with eggs, should be sold under the name "frozen custard." He then insti- gated a test case against a small ice-cream maker in Washington, which was defended by the National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers. After hearing the evidence on both sides, the Court directed a verdict of "not guilty" in what I am told was the 56 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN first defeat for the Government under this Act. In this case I had volunteered my services as expert because I was then inter- ested in gelatin and its uses, and furthermore because my investiga- tions had shown me not only the justice of the manufacturers' position, but also certain scientific data which had an important bearing on the matter.30 At that time I had begun to make experiments with protective colloids, and soon noticed the powerful effect of gelatin on crystal- lization, e.g., on plaster of Paris.31 Experiments with cow's milk showed that gelatin and gum arabic stabilize it against coagulation by acid and rennin, and ultramicroscopic examination checked the results. On comparing the composition of cow's milk with that of human milk, and separating the "total protein" figure, commonly used, into casein and lactalbumin, the superiority of human milk in the protective colloid lactalbumin became mani- fest. The fact that cow's milk can be stabilized by protectors is of importance, because large curds, though suitable for a calf, are not readily handled by an infant; and furthermore, casein entraps the fat globules when coagulating, giving greasy curds which are very hard for an infant to digest.32 The literature showed that many types of protective colloids have been used for years in many countries in adapting cow's milk to infant feeding. Professor Abraham Jacobi, later President of the American Medical Association, had long advocated33 the use of gelatin and gum arabic, and stated that asses' milk is "a refuge to which mothers fly when other milk or mixtures are not toler- ated." Cereal gruels, dextrinized starch, seaweed (Irish moss), lichens (Iceland moss), and beer (the dark dextrinous beer of Bavaria) are among the many protectors used, and at present, com- mercial dextrose, and maltose quite high in dextrin content are popular. With milk mixtures high in fat, like ice cream, colloidal protectors are desirable from the digestive standpoint; and many can tolerate an eggnog better than raw milk, with or without the alcoholic noggin. In the course of these experiments, an attempt was made to simulate milk by forming a precipitate of calcium phosphate in the presence of colloidal protectors. Protected sodium phosphate was mixed with calcium chloride, and vice versa, but a stable sol did not result. In following mentally what must take place in the mammary gland, it was realized that as all body fluids contain protectors, both of the reacting solutions should contain protectors. Thus was born the concept of HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 57 double and plural colloidal protection. The doubly protected solu- tions gave a stable calcium phosphate sol, precipitable with acid and with rennin (1908).34 Although U. S. Patent No. 1,259,708 was obtained to cover multiple colloidal protection, it was later found that double protection had been used empirically — in fact, it is referred to in the foregoing quo- tation from Ord's book. The so-called "grainless" photographic emul- sion of G. Lippmann (Nobel prize, 1908) is made by dividing the protective gelatin equally between the silver nitrate and the halide solutions. M. Carey Lea produced some of his silver "photohaloids" in a similar manner, and Lobry de Bruyn35 also used gelatin in both reacting solutions. Plural protection is illustrated in the gluten of wheat flour, which contains a protective colloidal system consisting mainly of the fol- lowing: Gliadin, which forms an opalescent colloidal solution in water, precipitated by sodium chloride; Glutenin, which is insoluble in water or saline solutions, but dis- solves in weak acid or alkali, and reprecipitates on neutral- ization; Globulin and albumin, which are soluble in sodium chloride solutions. Salt, used from time immemorial in making bread, and the feeble acidity developed by the yeast help to produce desirable bread-making properties in the protective colloids present by means of what may be called a cumulative protective system or mixture. Hard water (sul- fates) hardens the gluten, while alkaline water disintegrates it and destroys its elasticity. Even distilled water yields a sticky dough. The multiform effects arising from the interplay of crystalliza- tion forces and specific colloids lead one to suspect that the size, shape, and nature of many biological structures are thus domi- nated.36 Plant and animal cells and circulating fluids abound in substances which are capable of acting as protectors. As a result, any precipitate forming by reactions between fluids, or even by catalysis at specific surfaces, would tend to be highly colloidal be- cause of double or multiple colloidal protection, and to remain so unless the adsorbed layers function as cohesive colloids, in which case particulate units (e.g., starch grains, cellulose units and fibers) or tissue structures (e.g., wood, fibrous tissue) may emerge. Naturally, the formation of such structures may also involve other factors — enzymes, for example. J. Wolf and A. Fernbach37 ex- tracted from green cereals an enzyme, coagulase, capable of pre- cipitating starch from its solutions. 58 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Mixtures vs. Pure Substances Apart from the effects of colloidal protection, mixtures of sub- stances often show surprising properties. A small percentage of carbon (probably forming iron carbide) converts iron into steel. Though pure tin melts at 232° C and pure lead at 327° C "half- and-half" solder melts at 220° C. Very pure iron and vanadium have properties quite different from those tabulated for the ordinary "chemically pure" elements. H. G. Bungenburg de Jong and H. R. Kruyt38 found that when certain hydrophilic sols are precipitated by a variety of methods, e.g., by salts, by removal of solubilizing salts, by temperature change, and especially by addition of oppositely charged sols, the "precipitate" often forms viscous droplets which aggregate into a fluid mass called a coacervate, instead of forming a solid phase. The phenomenon, termed coacervation, had been observed by F. W. Tiebackx,39 who remarked that the gelatin/gum arabic coagula resembled casein. Strongly adsorbed shells of water are supposed to surround the droplets and to prevent their aggregation. In the water-dispersible emulsions of asphalt now much used in road and airfield construction, the protective aqueous films commonly consist of dispersions of soaps or of colloidal clays.40 Practical cooks know that by working butter, lard, or hydro- genated oil into baked goods (pie crusts, cookies, etc.) they are made "short" or tender; and the fats are known as "shortening." The fat gets in between the layers of flour dough and so weakens the final product that it breaks off "short," or is flaky, the latter being especially desirable in pie crust. On the other hand, tech- nologists often use a colloidal substance to make a mixture stronger or more cohesive, e.g., starch, glue, or rosin size in paper. B. W. Zweifach reported41 that cells in the walls of capillaries are bound together by a calcium protein compound, and that diffu- sion takes place through this intercellular cement rather than through the cells themselves. Development of Structures in Living Units (Bionts) Even in a single cell numerous chemical substances are being produced catalytically, and as these are liberated in the nascent state they are likely to be affected by other newly formed neigh- bor substances, or by other molecules or particulate units afloat in the cytoplasm of the cell. The chemical or physical combina- HOW MOLECCEES MAKE MASSES 59 . -•■ ^r % Figure 4a. Collagen fibril from human skin corium shadowed with chromium, (x 111,000) [Courtesy Prof. Francis O. Schmitt, M.I.T.] Figure 4b. Collagen fibril from rat tail tendon, stretched by peeling back of collodion supporting film. (X 21,000) [Ref: Schmitt, Hall and fakus, /. Cell, and Comp. Physiol., 20, 11 (1942)] 60 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN tions that result go to make up the various characteristic struc- tures we recognize at higher structural levels, many of which have long been the wonder of microscopists because of the meticulous accuracy of their formation. The electron microscope reveals some of these "vestiges of molecular creation" at submicroscopic levels, as may be seen in Fig. 4, micrographs of collagen. It reveals that this supposedly "homogeneous" substance, in the specimens examined, consists of two substances in regular forma- tion, one of which is more readily stretched than the other. This causes the striations so apparent in the picture. The biocatalysts determine where and what substances shall be formed, and the formation rates; and the subsequent mutual reactions of the sub- stances largely determine what superior structures will emerge. Some insight as to the further complications that arise at a still higher structural level when numerous cells get together is given by the slime molds. When plenty of food is available, they live singly and divide by fission. After this vegetative stage, the cells gather together in masses, which may number as high as 150,000 cells, and form what is termed a pseudoplasmodium, which moves about as though it were an individual unit. In the case of Dictyostelium discoideum42 the migrating unit stops just before the formation of a spore-bearing stalk (sorocarp). After aggrega- tion of the individual cells (myxameboe) there is no further increase in their number or size; but all further development consists entirely in the integration and subsequent differentiation of the myxameboe already present, which may be of wholly differ- ent spore origin and of initially equal potentialities. If the cell masses are broken up in the presence of food (bacteria), they re- turn to the vegetative self-reproducing stage; but if no bacterial food is present, they re-aggregate and develop fruiting structures whose pattern is constant, though the size is in proportion to the cell mass. Different species, thoroughly intermixed in the vegeta- tive stage, aggregate to separate and distinct centers. Though two species of Dictyostelium may initially enter the same fruiting organization, they later draw apart and form separate sorocarps, which have a distinctive form for each species. "What is inherited is not a specific type of structure, but the ability of like but discrete and independent units to cooperate in the formation of such a structure." Just as slowly grown crystals tend to "purify" themselves by elimination of stranger ions or molecules from their space lattices, HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 61 so cells of like species tend to segregate, as has so ably been dem- onstrated by Professor Herbert S. Jennings.43 When a hetero- geneous mixture of bacteria is agglutinated by a heterogeneous mixture of specific antisera, each cluster of bacteria is homo- geneous. Apparently each bacterium selectively adsorbs a layer of its own specific antibody, and the bacteria so conditioned cohere or "crystallize" into lattices or clumps because of the specific unions of their new surfaces. The adsorbed antibody appears to act like a cohesive colloid.44, 45 REFERENCES 1 Zechmeister's paper entitled Cis-Trans Isomerization and Stereochemistry of Carotenoids and Diphenylpolyenes, Chemical Reviews (1944), 34, 267-334. 2 "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. VI, p. 748, New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1946. 3 Liher XXXV, Par. 185: Virus alarum sudoresque sedat. 4 See, e.g., "Molecular Association," by W. E. S. Turner, in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I, pp. 278-287, New York, Reinhold, 1926. 5 "Properties of Ordinary Water-substance in All Its Phases," A. C. S. Monograph, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1940. 6 /. Chem. Physics, 1933. 7 /. Phys. Chem., 1936. &Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 1861, 151, 184. 9 His original papers were printed in the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, 1906-1908, and a comprehensive paper by him appeared in "Colloid Chemistry, Theoretical and Applied," Vol. I, pp. 27-101, New York, Reinhold, 1926. 10 See J. Alexander, First Colloid Symposium Monograph, 1923, p. 297, and also paper of H. A. Endres, "The Crystallization of Sulfur in Rubber," in Colloid Chem- istry, Vol. I, pp. 808-13, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1926. Both papers have several illustrations of these phenomena. By ultramicroscopic examination, J. Alexander found that the sulfur-Canada balsam crystals showed ultramicrons at their surface, apparently representing pai tides unable to find placement in the crystal lattice. Vogelsang expressed the view, also shared by G. Quincke, that globulites are preliminary stages in the formation of crystals. Sir J. S. Flett more recently drew attention to these forms. 11 Trans. Faraday Soc, 1933, 29, 990. 12 For further information in this interesting field, see a paper by G. Friedel on "The Mesomorphic States of Matter," in "Colloid Chemistry," J. Alexander, Vol. I, pp. 102-125 (Reinhold Publishing Corp.), which gives references to other work. 13 Robert Boyle, "Origin of Forms and Qualities," Oxford, 1666, and Rome de l'lsle, "Crystallographie," I, p. 379, Paris, 1783. 14 See the papers of Stephane Leduc (Nantes) and of A. L. Herrera (Mexico) in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. II, pp. 59-79, and pp. 81-91, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1928. 15 Science, 1925,61, 184. 16 "On the Influence of Colloids upon Crystalline Form and Cohesion, with Ob- servations on the Structure and Mode of Formation of Urinary and other Calculi," London, 1879. 17 Ord, Chapter II, "Containing a Discussion of the Causes of Molecular Coales- 62 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN cence, and an Application of the Principles Established to Some Structural Phe- nomena of Living Bodies" (p. 15 et seq). 18 D. L. and C. T. Morris [/. Phys. Chem. (1939), 43, 623] observed that many biological substances show characteristic crystallization forms with cupric chloride. 19 A revised edition (the Pen T'sao Kang Mu) was published by Li Shih-chen, 1552-1578. 20 "Customs and Manners of the Ancient Egyptians," many editions. 21 See "Colloids and the Ultramicroscope," Eng. trans, by J. Alexander, p. 43, J. Wiley & Son, New York, 1909. 22 Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 1861. ™phil. Trans. (1857), p. 145. 2*Zeit. phys. Chem. (1904), 48, 385. 25 See "Colloid Chemistry," by J. Alexander, 4th ed., p. 203, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1937. ™Zeit. phys. Chem. (1905), 51, 142. 27 Paper read before a Joint Symposium of the American Chemical Society, New York, April 25th, 1935 (finally published in Journal of the Society of Chemical In- dustry, London, March 13th, 1936.) 28 See paper on "Recent Advances in Starch Chemistry," by R. M. Hixon and R. E. Rundle, in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V., pp. 667-683. Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1944. 29 See her paper on "Plant Cell Membranes" in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 610-667, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1944. 30 The research director of a large food producer, speaking of the use of the elec- tron microscope in improving the taste, texture and appearance of familiar food products, stated: "Food research scientists have known that the 'feel' of a candy bar as it melts in the mouth has a lot to do with the flavor. A rough grainy texture will suggest a poor flavor. All this is related to the size and shape of the tiny particles which are visible for the first time through the electron microscope." (N. Y. Times, Dec. 23rd, 1946.) For time out of mind practical cooks, as well as ice-cream makers, had been familiar with the use of such colloids as gelatin, gums, eggs, starch, etc., in keeping their products smooth and pleasant-tasting on the tongue, even though they may have been unaware of the scientific principles underlying what their experience had taught them. 31 See my papers in Jour. Am. Med. Assn. (1910), Journal of the Society of Chem- ical Industry (1909), and in Kolloid Zeitschrift (1909, 1910). 32 The subjoined table gives the data for the two kinds of milk, and also for asses' milk. Kind of Casein Lactalbumin Protective Behavior with acid Milk % % Ratio Fat and rennin Cow 3.02 0.53 0.14 3.64 Readily forms large curds Woman 1.03 1.26 1.13 3.78 Not readily curded; curds small Ass 0.67 1.55 2.31 1.64 33 "The Intestinal Diseases of Infancy and Early Childhood," New York, 1889. 3* See "Some Novel Aspects of Colloidal Protection," by J. Alexander, "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I, pp. 619-627, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1926. 85 Rec. trav. chim. Pays-Bas, 1900. «6J. Alexander, Science, (1922), 56, 323-6. 37 Compt. rend. (1903) 137, 129. HOW MOLECULES MAKE MASSES 63 «8 Koll. Zeit. (1929), 50, 39. **Koll. Zeit. (1911), 8, 198, 238. 40 See "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. Ill, pp. 542-6, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1931. 41 "Cold Spring Harbor Symposium" (1940), 8, 216. 42 Kenneth B. Raper, Third Growth Symposium, 1941, pp. 41-76. « "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 1162-73, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1944. 44 The phenomenon of specific clumping has been described by W. W. C. Topley, J. Wilson and J. T. Duncan, Brit. J. Exptl. Path. (1935), 16, 116. 45 Reference should be made to an extensive paper by Professor Leo Loeb (Wash- ington Univ.) in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. II (1928), pp. 487-514, in which tissue formation is discussed. He concludes that the basic factors leading to the formation of the most primitive tissues and of agglutination thrombi are the same. Both processes find their prototype in the amoebocyte tissue, and gradually undergo various developments and complications in the more complex classes of organisms. "The primary changes underlying these conditions are localized alterations in the colloidal state of certain constituents of the cells, which are probably protein in nature." The differences in colony form shown by the "rough" and the "smooth" dissociants of pneumonococci appear to be consequent upon the nature of their polysaccharide coats or capsules, as shown by Professor Michael Heidelberger (Columbia University), Dr. O. T. Avery (Rockefeller Inst.) and others. Chapter 4 The Importance of "Impurities" and Trace Substances The first question generally asked of a practicing professional chemist is "What will it cost to analyze this sample?" The sample may be anything from a patent medicine to a bit of composition or plastic. The first question the chemist should ask is, "To what use do you expect to put this analysis?" As a rule, the answer will be, "I want to make the same thing." The chemist must then explain that while a routine analysis may be one step toward this objective, it seldom gives the answer; for a final product rarely reveals directly the original raw materials which were used to make it, or the details of the process. Thus, an analysis of a loaf of bread, showing fat, carbohydrate, protein and salt, would hardly tell anyone how to produce a loaf just like it. Part of the original carbohydrate has been fermented away by the yeast, which, in turn, has added somewhat to the protein; and in baking, much of the water used to make the dough and practically all the alcohol formed by the yeast have been driven off. A large Swedish bakery runs most of its delivery automobiles with alcohol condensed from its ovens; and I have heard of a small baker who used to go on an occasional spree with the alcoholic liquid he condensed from oven vapors, on the underside of a large metal sheet cooled by spring water. Consider an actual case. A client, with an air of great mystery, presented a chemist with a sample of a red paste and asked the cost of an analysis — "that's all." The client admitted that he expected the analysis would show him how to make the product, and on being told that this was most improbable, expressed sur- prise. At first he refused to say what the material was, where it came from, or for what purpose it was intended; and he was told to find a chemist he could trust. Thereupon, he decided to take the chemist into his confidence, and revealed that he was using the red paste in a special cosmetic, and that it cost him five dollars a pound. This high price made it impossible for him to operate 64 THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 65 at a profit, and he hoped to reduce his cost by duplicating the red paste himself. Asked whether it was ideal for the purpose, he admitted it had many deficiencies, but it was the best thing he had found. He was then asked to write out the properties which an ideal color paste should have for his purposes, and was told that instead of trying to duplicate an inferior product, it would be wiser to try to evolve a product as near the ideal as possible. Actually, a superior color material was produced at a raw material cost of nine cents a pound, and this was adapted for use on auto- matic machinery which could be hired to turn out a completed cosmetic. The cost of the final product, with very small invest- ment, was less than 10 per cent of the original cost. The actual analytical work in this case contributed but little to its successful conclusion. But in many, if not most cases involving biological questions, very delicate and ingenious analysis lies at the very foundation of the solution of a problem. The presence of small traces of substances may make or mar a product, process, or organism, and exact means must be found for determining them. When students are criticized for not finding, say, one half of one per cent of some element present in an "unknown," they are prone to consider their instructors very exacting and "mean." Even students with a 90 per cent average must be brought to realize that in business or professional life they are expected to be 100 per cent right, every day. Severe penalties await the food manufacturer whose product contains more than the permissible few parts per million of lead, arsenic, copper, etc.; and the lives of patients often depend on proper and correct reports from the laboratory. The necessity of determining minute percentages has led to ever-increasing refinements in analysis, and physical means are being increasingly called upon to reinforce or to replace gravi- metric and volumetric analytical methods. Nephthelometry, which depends on measuring, often with the "electric eye" or photoelectric cell, the amount of cloudiness produced in a solution by appropriate reagents, can determine, e.g., one part of phosphorus in 333 million parts of water.1 The quartz spectrograph is used to determine trace impurities which may ruin a metal for cer- tain purposes. Thus Colin J. Smithells states:2 "The solubility of bismuth in copper is less than 0.002 per cent, and any excess forms brittle films between the copper grains. For most purposes 0.005 per cent of bismuth is the maximum permissible, and where the metal is 66 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN to undergo severe cold work this element should be excluded. Anti- mony exerts a similar influence in copper and its alloys, and brass is practically unworkable if it contains 0.005 per cent of this element." As little as 0.001 per cent of boron in steel necessitates a change in its heat treatment. The crystallization of primary silicon in alumi- num/silicon alloys (12 per cent Si) is inhibited by 0.002 to 0.01 per cent of metallic sodium. Such facts indicate the great importance of segregating the different kinds of metal scrap. The polarograph, electron diffraction, infrared spectrography, the mass spectrometer, and chromatography are all useful in analysis. The last depends upon the differential diffusion of substances down a column of a selected adsorbent, under the influence of a stream of a selected "solvent." With many biological substances, micro-analysis is resorted to, the total amount of a sample often being less than a milligram, and the substance sought being present only in gammas (1 gamma is 1/1,000,000 milligram). But still more minute traces can be determined by tests with living organisms, e.g., by immunological reactions, or by the effects shown on the growth of yeasts or plant seedlings. Yeast tests show that biotin has a detectable effect in a dilution of one part in 400 billion. Dr. Joseph Needham of Cambridge describes3 an ingeni- ous application of the Cartesian diver4 ultramicromanometer (origi- nally designed by K. Linderstr0m-Lang) to measure the minute range of gas exchange in the developing gastrula. Needham estimates the approximate sensitivity of the unit as 0.00015 to 0.001 microliter of gas. The chemical properties of the recently synthesized element pluto- nium were determined at first on an ultramicrochemical scale. Pro- fessor Henry D. Smyth states5 that "one microgram (1/1,000 mg) is considered sufficient to carry out weighing experiments, titrations, solubility studies, etc. . . . Successful microchemical preparation of some plutonium salts and a study of their properties led to the general conclusion that it was possible to separate plutonium from the other materials in the pile." The Effects of Trace Substances In some cases, small amounts of certain substances exert a bene- ficial effect; the following will serve by way of illustration: Helpful Traces Gasoline: 0.06 per cent of tetraethyl lead inhibits "knock." Rubber: Nitrogenous substances in crude Para facilitate the "cure." Purer plantation rubber demands accelerators. THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES G7 Condenser Tubes: Traces of arsenic in copper facilitate rolling and greatly reduce corrosion. Electro-plating: Tiny amounts of "addition agents" in the bath may greatly improve the nature of the deposited metal. Baking: "Arkady" flour (named after Professor Robert Kennedy Duncan) was mainly calcium sulfate, to aid yeast growth. Sodium bromate, a "yeast food", enables bakers to start with much less yeast, the total savings running into millions of dollars annually. Lead: Tellurium (about 0.05 per cent) increases corrosion resist- ance and establishes "work-hardening." Barium (0.08 per cent) makes lead ring like a bell. Calcium (0.03 per cent) increases tensile strength, valuable in sheathing cables. Brewing: Traces of proteolytic enzymes prevent "cold-cloud" in beer. Water may be "Burtonized" (like that of the River Trent") by traces of lime salts. Copper: Traces of copper (e.g., from preserving kettles) inhibit the growth of molds in preserves; also the undesirable growth of algae, etc., in reservoirs. Cast Iron: Tellurium is a powerful carbide stabilizer; 0.0005 per cent is added in making chilled car-wheels. Technical DDT, the insecticide, contains some substance or substances effective in inhibiting the catalytic release of hydro- chloric acid by some insoluble impurity, possibly iron oxide.6 On the other hand, here are some cases where traces are harmful: Troublesome Traces Foods: Less than one part of copper per million in coffee can be tasted. Breiuing: Minute traces of iron make "ink" with the tannin of the hops, and in high dilution this gives some beers a sickly greenish hue. Soap: Coconut oil containing one part per million of sulfur gives a soap prone to rancidity. Lead-burning: Traces of arsenic in an oxy-hydrogen flame prevent good welds. Traces of platinum in lead storage batteries cause self-discharge. White lead: Traces of silver produce a pinkish discoloration; traces of copper, a greenish tone. Over 0.0015 per cent is objectionable. 68 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Hydro genation: According to Sabatier, traces of bromine adsorbed from the air of the laboratory, prevent the hydrogenation of phenol; and thiophene in benzene prevents its hydrogenation to cyclohexane. Dry Batteries: Iron in the pyrolusite ((Mn02) and copper in the sal ammoniac, both hurt "battery life." Since we are here most interested in the biological effects of "trace" substances, a few instances of the importance of mineral elements must be mentioned. Iodine is an essential constituent of thyroxine (4 atoms per molecule), an oxidation-accelerating hormone of the thyroid gland. Copper facilitates the formation of hemoglobin, and is a constituent of many oxidase enzymes (e.g., ascorbic acid oxidase, polyphenol oxidase, tyrosinase, laccase). Zinc is essential in carbonic anhydrase, which influences the equilibrium between the H3CO3 and C02 being carried by the blood. Cobalt is a vital element for sheep and cattle (seemingly not for rats). When some New Zealand sheep suffering from "bush sickness" were cured by administration of iron, it was at first thought that the illness was due to iron deficiency; but later investigation proved that a tiny amount of cobalt present in the iron as an impurity was responsible for the cure. Fluorine in minute amounts seems essential for proper tooth structure, though in humans a slight excess causes trouble, such as black and misshapen teeth. Vanadium is an important con- stituent of the blood pigment of the ascidian Phallusia mammilata, and F. Bernheim7 found that vanadium stimulates oxidation of phospholipids in the liver. Molybdenum is being recognized as of biological significance; and some molds will not grow in the absence of traces of gallium. Female rats fed on a manganese- deficient diet gave birth to young but lacked maternal instinct; and 97 per cent were unable to suckle their young, which were also neglected by foster mothers, indicating that the latter detected some deficiency. In fowls, manganese is essential to normal devel- opment and is the inorganic factor preventing perosis ("slipped tendon"). Professor E. V. McCollum of Johns Hopkins Univer- sity and his collaborators have done noteworthy work on trace elements in nutrition.8 Vitamins and Hormones These are considered together because they both represent sub- stances essential in minute amounts for the normal development THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 69 and functioning of plants and animals, including most micro- organisms. Vitamins are as a rule found in foods, while hormones — often called "endocrines" — are produced by the organism, com- monly by "glands of internal secretion" whose potent products enter the blood. For many years the criteria of food value were fat, carbohydrate, and protein. Calcium and iron, and later iodine, were regarded as essential minerals. Then it was found that protein foods must contain a certain number of essential amino acids. Since most proteins are deficient in some of these, a variety of proteins in the diet is necessary. Though gelatin is a valuable and readily assimilated protein food, it lacks trypto- phane.9 In Java, C. Eijkman (Nobel prize, 1929) carried out the pioneer work (1890-97) on polished rice as the cause of beriberi. Professors E. H. Starling and William M. Bayliss of the University of London coined the word "hormone" in 1902; but not until 1911 did Dr. Casimir Funk suggest the word "vitamine" for the vital amine found in unpolished rice. The term vitamin quickly came to stand for unknown essential trace substances in foods. The isola- tion, identification, synthesis and biological understanding of vitamins and hormones are brilliant examples of scientific prog- ress, and have led to great advances in nutrition and medicine.10 Dr. Wm. J. Robbins, Director, New York Botanical Garden, has kindly prepared the following resume of some of his work. It is now generally recognized that plants require vitamins and similar growth substances. Most plants synthesize the vitamins they need from simpler and more elementary substances. Only the minority — and these chiefly the lower plants — suffer from vitamin deficiencies; that is, they cannot develop unless the material upon which or in which they grow contains some of the vitamins they require, but are unable to make. Some bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi must be supplied with vitamins; others are autotrophic for these substances. All the higher plants, with the possible exception of the saprophytic or parasitic forms, are autotrophic for vitamins, though the isolated roots of some of them have been found to require an extra cellular supply of thiamine, nicotinic acid or pyridoxine for growth. Schopfer demonstrated in 1934 that Phycomyces blakesleeanus did not grow without the presence of thiamine in the culture medium. Robbins and others found that many fungi have one or more vitamin deficiencies. The deficiency may be complete (the fungus does not grow in the absence of the vitamin from the medium) or partial (the fungus grows slowly in the absence of the vitamin, but more rapidly 70 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN if some is present). Both complete and partial deficiencies may be single (for one vitamin) or multiple (for more than one vitamin). The deficiency may be either absolute or conditioned. An absolute deficiency is one in which no known environmental conditions enable the organism to synthesize the vitamin from simple foods and nutri- ents; a conditioned deficiency means that under some conditions the organism can synthesize the vitamin and under others it cannot. The synthetic ability of a fungus for a particular vitamin may be complete, incomplete or zero. For example, Aspergillus niger has complete synthetic power for thiamine; it can make this substance if supplied with sugar and mineral salts. On the other hand, Phytoph- thora cinnamomi or Ceratostomella from the London plane tree must be supplied with thiamine as such. Between these two extremes of no synthetic power and complete synthetic ability there exist many types of incomplete synthetic power. For example, Mucor Ramannianus can make the pyrimidine half of the thiamine molecule but not the thiazole portion; Ceratostomella pini can make the thiazole but not the pyramidine part, and Ceratostomella montium can combine the two intermediates into thiamine but is incapable of making either. Among the filamentous fungi deficiencies for thiamine are common, biotin deficiencies are numerous, pyridoxine deficiencies are infre- quent, inositol is a growth substance for some and oleic acid for one. Beadle and his associates have developed numerous mutants of Neurospora deficient for a variety of vitamins and for specific amino acids. The potency of many biological trace substances appears from the following: One part of adrenaline in a thousand million can produce a visible effect on the isolated gut of the rabbit. Pro- fessor Reid Hunt11 expressed the results of his experiments with acetylcholine thus: one grain (originally the weight of a single grain of wheat) is capable of lowering the blood pressure of a thousand million cats, but this dosage might not kill a single cat. Professor A. J. Clark12 observes that the spindle-shaped heart cell of the frog measures about 130 by 10 microns (volume about 3400 cubic microns), and the acetylcholine molecule measures about 1.5 millimicrons. Professor Otto Loewi (Nobel prize 1936) showed that the nerves of the vagus (pneumogastric) reduce heart action by liberating acetylcholine around the heart cells, and Clark esti- mates that a few thousand of these molecules are sufficient to depress a single cell. "The relation in size is similar to that between a large whale (100 tons) and a midge ($ mg)." The tables of vitamins and hormones presented at the end of f THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 71 this chapter give the various vitamins and hormones at present known, with some information as to their nature and action, but with no suggestion of finality in this continually advancing field. Professor David E. Green of Columbia University, in a recent ad- dress13 on physiological function from the standpoint of enzyme chemistry, stated: "Vitamins B^ B2, B0, and the P-P [pellagra-preventive] factor, have all been shown to be the prosthetic groups of certain enzyme systems. When these vitamins are not available in the diet, the active enzymes cannot be formed in the cell. In consequence of the failure of these enzyme systems to function properly, an abnormal physiological situ- ation develops, which, if uncorrected, will lead to death. Which organ first registers the effect of a particular deficiency is determined by the amount of the reserves of enzymes containing the vitamin and by the relative importance of this set of enzymes in the economy of the organ. Thus, in Bx deficiency in the pigeon, the brain is the first organ to register disturbed function, presumably because there are no reserves of this vitamin in the brain and because the enzyme formed by the vitamin plays a key role in the metabolism of the brain. One may well raise the point that if, as in avitaminosis, the causal link between the physiological disturbance and the effect on enzyme sys- tems is unquestioned, then surely there is a good case for assuming the same link between normal physiology and enzyme systems." "The study of endocrines has always been one of the most active fields of physiological investigation, and it is of interest to inquire to what extent hormones can be related to enzyme phenomena. Until quite recently, hormones were held up as notable excep- tions to the rule that substances which act at high dilutions must be enzymes or parts of enzymes, or must specifically affect some enzyme system. Recent research, however, fails to confirm the hormones as exceptions to the enzyme-trace substance thesis — the epoch-making discovery of Cori and his group14 that one of the hormones of the anterior pitituary inhibits the action of hexo- kinase, and that this inhibition, in turn, is released by insulin. We have here a clear blueprint for the way in which hormone antagonism can be effected. A key enzyme system which controls some metabolic process can be regulated by a set of hormones, one of which inhibits, while the other releases the inhibition. All students of endocrinology have long been aware that hor- mones regulate metabolic processes, and it is not surprising to find in one instance, at any rate, that the regulation operates at the 72 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN level of enzyme systems. Houssay and his colleagues in the Argen- tine have presented cogent evidence that renin, a kidney hormone, is a type of proteolytic enzyme which hydrolyzes one of the plasma proteins to form a pressor substance. In this substance, the hor- mone regulates metabolic processes by actually assuming an enzymatic role." INTERRELATIONS OF THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS AND SECRETIONS (GENERAL METABOLISM AND REPRODUCTION) ACTIVE NATURALLY OCCURRING HORMONES EXCRETION PRODUCTS I INACTIVATED HORMONES! PROTEIN FAT CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM METABOLISM METABOLISM (GROWTH) thyroxin (general metabol [PARATHYROK i PARATHORMONE (CA, METABOLISM) POTASSIUM ESTRONE SULPHATE SODIUM ESTRIOl GLUCURONIDE (ESTRONE ESTRADIOL. SSTRiOl) PANCREATIC ISLETS ESTRADIOL ESTRONE (UTERUS ' VAGINA ETC) LIVER KIDNEYS SODIUM PRIGNaNIDIOL GIUCURONiOI INSULIN IIEDUCES BLOOD SUGAR LtVEl P»(GNAN[CtX LIVER KIDNEYS CORTin (membrane pliwc a3iiitt. sugar. salt. water and protein metabolism, mOSPHOSTLATION^ ADRENALIN (GIYCCHHNOLYSIS) ANDROSTERONE (DEMTDIOANDROSTIRONE I 1 iKIDNEYSl Figure 5. The position of the pituitary in relation to the hormonal configura- tion. (Courtesy Dennis T. Mayer, Missouri Agr. Exp. Sta. From "Bioenergetics and Growth" by Brody, Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y.) The profound and diverse influences of the pituitary hormones indicated in Figure 5 led Sir Walter Langdon-Brown15 to call this gland "the leader of the endocrine orchestra." But in a recent address,16 he is reported as saying that it later transpired that the hypothalamus holds the still more important rank of "conductor of the endocrine orchestra." The mechanism of hormone action is discussed at length by Oliver Kamm and D. K. Kitchen.17 Vitamin research continues to reveal new trace substances important to the welfare of living things, and it may be that some of these are a bit more complicated than at first thought. C. D. Robeson and J. G. Baxter18 report a naturally occurring isomer of vitamin A (termed by them Neovitamin A) isolated from fish- liver oil where it constitutes about one-third of the total "vita- min A." In rats both isomers have the same biological potency, for rats can transform Neovitamin A into vitamin A. Catalytic interconversion of the anthraquinone carboxylate esters of the two vitamins was accomplished in vitro by a trace of iodine in benzene solution. Since iodine catalysts (among many others) are THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 73 active in many living things, we must envisage the possibility that vitamins and hormones may, directly or indirectly, affect one another. An interesting example of hormonal interrelationships appears from recent research on the thyroid gland and the iodine catalysts of the body, which are continually being assembled and released, and when broken down are salvaged and reconstituted for re-use, as follows: (1) Within the gland a catalyst mechanism sets free or secretes a mass of large, non-diffusible particles of thyroglobulin, forming visible masses known as "colloid." (2) The colloid specifically adsorbs and stores iodine in the form of iodide, diiodotyrosine, and thyroxine, and gradually releases these catalysts into the circulation for service in such cells as may take them up. (3) The thyroid-stimulating hormone of the anterior pituitary (TSP) stimulates colloid formation, conversion of diiodotyrosine into thyroxin, and release of the latter into the circulation. TSP is of protein nature. (4) Iodine-containing material restored to the circulation from the cells is recaptured by the colloid and returned to the iodine cycle, apart from small amounts excreted in bile, urine, etc. The actual amount of iodine in circulation at any time is normally very small. (5) Thiouracil and similar goiter-forming substances inhibit absorp- tion of iodine and its conversion into diiodotyrosine and thyroxin. The latter process appears to occur in two steps: (a) oxidative libera- tion of iodine to combine with tyrosyl radicles; (b) coupling of two diiodotyrosyl groups to form thyroxin residues. In addition to serving either directly as catalysts, or as carriers or prosthetic groups in enzymes, trace substances may affect the permeability of membranes (septa), through which the raw mate- rials and reaction products of the catalysts must diffuse, and thus influence reaction velocities. Working through the endocrine, nervous, or circulatory systems, such stimuli, though physically small, may trigger off vitally important reactions. 74 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN % 8 1 o o O a: Common Consequences of Excess (+) or Lack (— ) + Exophthalmic goiter (Graves' disease) — Myxodema — infantile cretinism +Hypercalcemia — Tetany +High blood pressure, excitement — Low blood pressure, weakness — Addison's disease; progressive anemia, brown skin + Hypoglycemia — Diabetes mellitis Bile makes gut more permeable to chyle u O s V u H 1 Chief Physiological Action Speeds metabolism, especially oxida- tion Governs Ca metabolism Vasoconstrictor; raises blood pres- sure Electrolyte regulation Stimulates resistance to bacterial infection (C. H. N. Long) Controls oxidation and storage of glucose Stimulates gastric and pancreatic secretion Stimulates flow of bile Estrus Prepares uterus Gestation hormone Develop secondary male character- istics Quiets smooth muscle Excites smooth muscle U 3 V 6 Thyroxine Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Cortisterone (Cortin) Insulin Gastrin Secretin Choleocystokinin Estrone (theelin, folliculin) Estradiol, theelol (in tissue) Progesterone, Luteosterone Testosterone Androsterone Acetylcholine Sympathin V U u 3 o CO J! T3 C a o X 'c u > f Parathyroids Adrenals Medulla Cortex z K «. t C re P- 4-» o u Hx ~-> t- «! re •S £ « £ c I— i E 3 C £ P > t3 re ei > §c 0 1 Corpus luteum Testes Nerves Parasympathetic .... SvmDathetic i THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 75 "8 a 3 I I o o &3 O V o ^ on Sh C O 0 _ u c o 6 S + CO U u a x U s _o *■*-» u < u •a o — S3 u w 3 O C/3 3 c « o U on on c 3 Is on O «1X! u V on I- •3TJ r >^ Hx3 3 -0 a 1/1 U *-* 4J X> ■ — Q I 3 o c > Xi.S * ts o c H "3 So 2 b 6 =3 C u rt o tn on V o 4-* ■*-* J2 _2 3*3 S S ■♦-• +-» mm U on £ -5b -.a « u Ol « +-» on -*-» t- 3 ct3 U rt 3 " 2 C 3T3 jg S J2 E ~ '43 n! '+3 3 g 'C o Ih a « S on on U N _>- "o -a o o c s a I a, p 'q. o a. o< o 2 * 8 2 b p •« .S o xs nW " rt Gd 0 S o y X! O o o 3 a X mO HUJPhO- m->3 3 S^ bo 3 O ja 3 in 'xl - 1-, — . cs 3 « _ « ■ 26 M chxi 3 u - 3 O U >-aj U5 4-t u, D on 13 3 8*1 3 bo Q._ci 3 3 » o k .m U (Tj u ' 3^: w >, C on ?5 j3 .3 & y « s 4) 3< £ on ^ n y s u ■B 3 22q j rf bo 33 O 3 -- s ° 3 on ISiS?. -3 -M > ^ (J U3Cs ^3 . ° • rv u "-3 -3 v. U 3 o^=<^ u, 3 " V — o w ^ DON S3 u u 3 on i SI 3 CO 5 *a S ■* r" 9 u d 18 W n - ^S ^ „(cH o *> T3 ^ K U 4J „ § >> «"» S 5 " -a C g OT t> o w -3 -_3 15 >.'w a, u n a 76 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN V o u 3 o ^ Bo r-S i cu bo i CU I > O R) CO U §a flj CO S bo CU bo S cu Y\ tk CU V 6 S RJ O u Ph .a 3> Phc/j > 1) cu o O u rj c cu a a o cu s- U B $ u 3 v bcii kp-s V Rl +j ■*-» cu Dj bn l) CJ X > 1 I— I o ■ be bo W s a 3 RJ o Rj o s cu u u Q CU flj CU 3 X) 3 .3' 3 ■ O CU 3 13 "a 3 fi RJ "-'13 2 S cu o rid V n a w ;« (. Rj «J<3 U C _, 3 cu cd .3 ^e 3 Rj CU S^ 2 3 «jw hn +■> U CJ - ™ CO +■> 0 *£& 2^ 3 3 bo <£ o 3 bo Si ,RJ -a "3 £ S 3 a£ B 23 e O X! > 3 cj w H 3 ,-, CU OT b a _>- ;=; o v U cu CU-S X rt § • •-" t*H "3 i- O 'cu J2 -3 pq g 3 *i2 CO -3 bo 3 O RJ u bo «S 1! Ph X! 3 03 o u 3 ca Kj-g -3 U s- •" 3 v O -o + (h .3 co .. cj > cu + O.K) 9 J cu Q 3 3 CU t-l 3 13 u 1 CJ .3 u OJ 3 CU rt u «J £> ■— i O u cu o ,3 CJ c 0 •-. 3 O ' CU J3 O u O U CU > cu CU 3 o 3 . «— . 3 cr o — > a, U U3 s iiiil3-S o o y o Cfiju cu J 'n cd X o cu rt ^ "O 'i- c\ I ^-( cu s - —I "9 X o JO Rj U ■M CU e >^ X o u -u >4 CO s u a V 3 o +-» o R3 O CU U.S O ? ,Uj3 x o -b u U "33 i 3<^^S g CO H U CU 3 X CU XI JD lj CJ X o H -a RJ X CU T3 3 u I 13 c3 o -o 3 XI CJ 3 R] CU 3 < I CJ bo d -3 o cu -3 u Rj ^ Ph 3 o CJ 3 Rj o a 5 C^J w ^osg I s Qj cd c *j3" bj CJ c bo i-c Si Ph cd c/5 3 • « . "3 Ph O CM < O O- cj S cu CU CO tq cu . 3 Ph •"2 a 3 bo cu ^^B^.bo *"" (H • !> « pi -43 X 'I ca .p* 3 Ph P3 hh THE IMPORTANCE OF "IMPURITIES" AND TRACE SUBSTANCES 77 3 l CJ cj 1-1 3 o -a o o -a o o O 3 o ca u s u cj c3 U Q ca "(3 u cj 2 O .3 ca 2 v ° « u ca — ' 3 *« en L-i 2 2 c >^-G CJ a 2 -3 cEw o < U ca cj > 3 O u CJ o St $ o u ca pq S 3 '8 O B Si ■*-* U o S-c Si I ll 2 ^ CJ .3 O ca +-; CJ £ O a < ir ca (4 c CJ -3 j" 2 13 u a -a 3 b * o.bc +n .3 •-* 3 •-•. . _3 o ca u s Si U PL, s-s^ a a &£n O Ph cj cd u CO o o *h .y « 3.3 n y 3 g u St -9 S ° 5 M O s U • 5 o o (3 "- CJ bo u O ■o . 3.S> cj 3 .• .in tc> 3 • O - Ph c/3 3 V cj it 3 ca O O y u « flj on ii M O •A ^ c ^r < (S _1 u en u en Ih ■ aj3 Oh Ed 3 2 -3 ^ u " > ■ 3 S3 a 3 XJ O bc2^ .- c O ^ V .2 j ^ u fc S2 '3 3-C ■*•-> CJ P5 vO r! 3 (J ■<*■ 3^ fl 2 o-c^ I3>^ a." . cj cx^; ta^ 3' u t) ,- ■ — g b 03 R3 qj y— > nj 2 u u en U o m u « ■ R3 «3 _ s cj cS ea cj "In J- >- O aH a >■ u ^ ^ O CJ A3 .3 '^ CJ w c2 - jiL3 ca o i- St a « tfl O » -3 ca en cj »*. cj T3 >- 3 3 ca ca CJ i< S ai en D. C)C en ca Dh ll 3 ca i3.2 78 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN REFERENCES 1 Kober and Eggerer, /. Am. Chem. Soc. (1915), 37, 2375. 2 "Impurities in Metals," J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1928, p. 94. 3 "Biochemistry and Morphogenesis," pp. 194-6. 4 Needham points out in a footnote that the Cartesian diver, often sold as a toy under the name of "Cartesian devil," was first described in 1648 in a booklet on the compressibility of water by Raffaele Magiotti, a pupil of Galileo; the book has a diagram of the "diver," which, until this application, had remained a philosophical toy. Descartes did not invent it, but the term "Cartesian" was some- times applied to ingenious scientific or mechanical apparatus. 5 Atomic Energy for Military Purposes, 1945, p. 101-2. 6 Fleck and Haller, /. Am. Chem. Soc. (1946), 68, 142; A. L. Flenner, ibid., 68, 2399. 7 J. Biol. Chem. (1939), 127, 353. 8 See A. T. Shohl, "Mineral Metabolism," Chapter 11, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1939. 9 Professor William C. Rose (Univ. of Illinois) and collaborators [Science (1937), 86, 298, and "Nutrition Foundation Symposium," Nov. 13th, 1946] give the fol- lowing data: Final Classification of the Amino Acids with Respect to their Growth Effects in the Rat Essential Non-Essential Lysine Glycine Tryptophane Alanine Histidine Serine Phenylalanine Aspartic acid Leucine Glutamic acid Isoleucine Proline Threonine Hydroxyproline Methionine Tyrosine Valine Cystine Arginine* Citrulline * Arginine can be synthesized by the organism of the rat, but not at a sufficiently rapid rate to meet the demands of maximum growth. 10 The following Nobel prizes were awarded for work in these fields: A. Windaus (1928), A. Harden (1929), O. Warburg (1931), Paul Karrer (1937), Albert von Szent- Gyorgyi (1937), Richard Kuhn (1938), A. Butenandt (1939), L. Ruzicka (1939), Edward A. Doisy (1943), Hendrik Dam (1943), Arturi Wirtanen (1945). 11 Science (1930), 72, 528. 12 Chemistry and Industry (1930), 49, 533. is Ann. N. Y. Acad, of Sci., Dec. 15th (1946) 47, 515-9. 14 W. H. Price, Carl F. Cori and Sidney P. Colowick, /. Biol. Chem., (1945), 160, 633. 15 Practitioner (1931), 127, 614. "Abstract in /. Am. Med. Assn. (1946), 131, 1238. 17 Reference given in accompanying tables. 18 J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1947), 69, 136-141. Chapter 5 What Are Living Units? Many authorities maintain that it is not possible to draw a line of cleavage between living and non-living entities. The task is complicated by the fact that nature is so rich in examples and so gradual in most changes, that it is hard to fit all the data into the rigid frame of any definition. Nevertheless, we must first try to define what Ave mean by "living" units or entities. In its broadest sense a living unit or entity is one that can direct chemical changes by catalysis,* and at the same time reproduce itself by autocatalysis, that is, by directing the formation of units like itself from other, and usually simpler chemical substances. Among the simplest known living units are genes, and some of the bacteriophages and ultrafiltrable viruses, which in size approxi- mate molecular dimensions. The electron microscope indicates that some bacteriophages ("the bacteria of bacteria") and some viruses {e.g., that of psittacosis, or "parrot fever") are tiny organ- isms. Figure 7, prepared by Dr. W. M. Stanley (Nobel Prize, 1946) shows that some viruses and bacteriophages approach molecular dimensions. See also Figure 8, an electron micrograph of tobacco mosaic virus. Organisms are known which can synthesize their own organic com- pounds from inorganic substances. These are called autotrophs. The best known of this group are chlorophyll-containing plants, including algae, which by photosynthesis form organic compounds from carbon dioxide. The autotrophic bacteria may live in the absence of light, are generally microscopic, and are not distinguishable morphologically from other bacteria; but they derive their energy from the oxidation of inorganic substances and utilize it to reduce carbon dioxide to organic compounds. Intermediate between the autotrophic bacteria * Catalysis is discussed in the next chapter. In brief, it is the process whereby a specific particulate unit or surface (the catalyst) continuously brings about chemical union, breakdown, or structural change in other units as a result of very close contact or approach, under suitable conditions. 79 80 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN a ^ik ^p^ v y / Figure 6. Election micrograph of E. coli in the presence of bacteriophage parti- cles. (Courtesy RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N. J.) and chlorophyll-containing plants are the purple bacteria, which re- quire both hydrogen sulfide and light for their development.1 Robert L. Starkey classes known autotrophic bacteria as follows: A. Bacteria which oxidize compounds of nitrogen (a) ammonia to nitrate (Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus) (b) nitrite to nitrate (Nitrobacter) B. Bacteria which oxidize sulfur and compounds of sulfur (a) Simple bacteria (genus Thiobacillus) (1) Strictly autotrophic a) Aerobic WHAT ARE LIVING UNITS? 81 Diameter or width X length in mju Red blood cells 750O B. prodigiosus (Serratia marcescens) 750 Rickettsia 475--" Psittacosis 450 Canary pox 260 x 310 Myxoma 230 x 290 Vaccinia 210 x 260 Pleuropneumonia organism 150 Pseudo rabies 150 Herpes simplex 150 Rabies fixe 125 Influenza 115 Newcastle disease 115 Vesicular stomatitis 100 Staphylococcus bacteriophage 100 Fowl Plague 90 T2 coli bacteriophage 60x80 Chicken tumor 1 70 Equine encephalomyelitis 50 T3 coli bacteriophage 45 Rabbit papilloma (Shope) 44 Pneumonia virus of mice 40 Tobacco mosaic and strains 15x280 Latent mosaic of potato 10 x 525 Qene (Midler's est. of max. size) 20 x 125 Southern bean mosaic 31 Rift valley fever 30 Tomato bushy stunt 26 Poliomyelitis (Lansing) 25 Hemocyanin molecule (Busycon) 22 Yellow fever 22 Hemocyanin molecule (Octopus) 20 Louping ill 19 Tobacco ring spot 19 Japanese B encephalitis 18 Alfalfa mosaic 17 Tobacco necrosis 16 Foot-and-mouth disease 10 Silkworm jaundice 10 Hemoglobin molecule (Horse) 3 * 15 Egg albumin molecule 2.5 x 10 Figure 7. Approximate sizes of viruses and reference materials. (Courtesy W. M. Stanley, Chemical and Engineering News, 1947) 82 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN 1) Develop at reactions close to neutrality (species Th. thioparus, Beijerinck) 2) Develop under very acid conditions (species Th. thio- oxidans, Waksman and Joffe) b) Anaerobic (species Th. denitrificans, Beijerinck) (2) Facultative autotrophic a) Facultative anaerobic (species of Trautwein) (b) Higher bacteria (complex in morphology) (1) Colorless (includes genera Beggiatoa, Thiothrix, Thioploca, Achromatium, Thiophysa, Thiovulum, and Thio- spira) (2) Pigmented red or purple bacteria (over 16 genera) C. Bacteria which oxidize ferrous or manganeous compounds (a) Simple bacteria (1) Long excretion filaments (genus Gallionella) (2) Coccoid or oval shapes in masses (Siderocapsa, Sideromonas) (b) Filamentous bacteria (genera Leptothrix, Crenothrix) D. Bacteria which oxidize hydrogen. S. Winogradsky2 pioneered in this field; first studying certain higher sulfur bacteria, later iron bacteria and nitrifying organisms. The latter convert urine, etc. into nitrates from which was made saltpeter, a vital ingredient of gunpowder. All known living units appear to have the further power of un- dergoing generally infrequent but marked deviations from their usual composition, structure and function; and in some cases these changes alter or modify their ability to direct catalytically the formation and decomposition of various chemical substances, and are, furthermore, passed on hereditarily when the living unit reproduces itself by autocatalysis. Many geneticists have held, and a few may still believe, that all heritable changes are due to abrupt changes in genes ("muta- tions"). This notion was apparently supported by the pioneer work of Professor Herman J. Muller (Nobel prize, 1946) and his followers on the effects produced by subjecting to controlled x-ray treatment eggs, sperms, and seeds. Later it appeared that they might be caused by chromosomal rearrangements rather than changes in gene structure. These matters are considered further in Chapter 8. Increasing experimental evidence is being found for the view that — apart from heritable changes in the genes and chromosomes, admittedly the main carriers of heredity — the cytoplasm, that pool of "protoplasm" with its numerous enzymic catalysts, mito- WHAT ARE LIVING UNITS? 83 chondria, chloroplasts, and other particulate inclusions, may also undergo changes which are sometimes heritably transmitted. In nature, mutations generally appear in a random, haphazard man- ner, giving what nurserymen term "sports." The orderly and regular development of individual organisms from seeds or fertil- ized eggs indicates a more positive and dependable mechanism for the differentiation of the original germ cell (zygote) into var- ious types of cells, tissues and organs. In fact, differentiated cells (heart, leucocytes, or cancer) in tissue culture may continue to reproduce themselves true to their differentiated type, though de- differentiation or reversion to some other type (e.g., "embryonic" type) may occur. The essential characteristic of true life units is their ability to increase the number of their kind by direction of chemical changes, whereby non-living and generally simpler atoms, mole- cules and masses are transformed into the catalytic and reproduc- tive structure of the living entities. Incidentally, besides the catalyzed molecules incorporated into the living unit or into its autocatalyzed "descendants," many other molecules may be dis- charged into the surrounding medium or milieu,* and this mole- cular waste is useful and often essential to other living things. Thus many thousands of tons of urea are being excreted daily into the world's chemical economy, besides large amounts of many other substances. Non-living entities, such as molecules of ben- zene or sulfuric acid, do not increase in number through the direct catalytic action of pre-existing or "parent" molecules of benzene or sulfuric acid, which are typical non-living entities. Functional Life: Living vs. Dead In a more restricted sense of the term, we may designate as "living" any cell, tissue, or organ from a living unit while it is carrying on the processes it ordinarily did during the functional life of that unit. Thus a frog's heart may be kept "alive" and beating after removal, though the frog is functionally dead. The death of the organism as a whole (somatic death) is more slowly followed by cellular death, as the blood ceases to circulate and the cells perish in the products of their own metabolism. By quick and careful work, living tissues from dead persons have been successfully transplanted onto the living. Utilizing and improv- * We have no English equivalent for this French term, and it has been adopted into English by scientists. 84 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN ing upon tissue culture methods originated in the laboratory of Professor Ross G. Harrison of Yale University. Dr. Alexis Carrel (Nobel prize, 1912) and his collaborators at the Rockefeller Insti- tute for Medical Research were able to keep alive a culture of chicken heart cells in an embryonic juice medium for over a third of a century. Professor Robert Chambers of New York University made moving-picture films of a group of heart-muscle cells beating rhythmically in tissue culture, while from the other side of the culture chamber rapidly growing cancer cells invaded Figure 8. Electron micrograph of tobacco mosaic virus (x 18,000). (Courtesy University of Toronto) the "heart" and interfered with its contraction as a unit (fibrilla- tion). Where large numbers of cells are associated in community life, as in multicellular plants and animals, most of the cells become so highly specialized or differentiated (as in tissues, organs, or blood), that they are quite incapable of carrying on an inde- pendent existence. Therefore, if one organ or even a small group of cells fails, the whole organism may perish. The deadly prus- sic or hydrocyanic acid produces speedy death by inactivating certain cells in the medulla which control respiration and heart- beat. It is not generally recognized that sulfuretted hydrogen has an action similar to that of prussic acid; but in some respects it is even more dangerous because its fixation is irreversible. The WHAT ARE LIVING UNITS? 85 use of cylinders of pure sulfuretted hydrogen to reinforce the feeble content of some "sulfur springs" may, in careless hands, cause deaths involving serious legal responsibility. Some important bodily failures or injuries may not be fatal, providing the deficiencies are made good artificially. Thus diabetics who would otherwise die may be kept alive by regular injections of insulin. In a case recently reported, a pregnant woman, who had for six months remained unconscious and prac- tically helpless following a head injury, gave birth to a normal healthy child. In the more restricted sense of "living" mentioned above, sterile, castrated or isolated males or females are said to be alive, though incapable of reproduction. About ten years ago the heath-hen vanished, like the dodo and the great auk, with the death of the sole surviving specimen at Martha's Vineyard. The passenger pigeon is also extinct, though early Americans saw flocks con- taining enormous numbers. On the other hand, given the proper chemical and physical environment, i.e., proper food, milieu, and where necessary, proper mates, some living units may produce with great rapidity. It has been estimated that the ocean would soon be a solid mass of herring, if all the eggs produced developed into mature fish. It is only disease and the constant competition of various forms of life with one another, whereby unrestrained reproduction is counterbalanced, that permit the great diversity and evolutionary development of elementary living units. These aspects of the interrelations of living things are con- sidered by the comparatively recently science of ecology, which originated in the study of plants, but has been extended to include animals. The devious nature of these interrelations has been illustrated by the correlation mentioned by Darwin between old maids and red clover. Because of the nature of its flower, red clover is pollinated mainly by bumble bees, which build their nests in the ground. Marauding mice prey upon the nests; but cats, which prey upon the mice, are commonly kept by old maids, who thus unwittingly help the red clover. The curiously shaped flower of the "Dutchman's pipe" (Aristolochia macrophylla) has its pistil well above the stamens in a long corolla, whose narrow mouth contains many stiff hairs pointing inward. A tiny insect can enter, but is held prisoner until it has effected fertilization of the flower; whereupon the hairs droop and the imprisoned insect 86 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN can escape. I have often cut open these flowers and found a tiny fly entrapped within them. When fig trees were planted in California, they grew splendidly; but the fruit did not mature until a small wasp, Plastophaga psenes (Linn.), which fertilizes the flowers, was imported (1890) from Smyrna, cultivated, and released to do this necessary work. Functional Life: Active vs. Latent In still another sense we may say that a unit is "alive" if, having ceased to carry on active life processes (catalysis and autocatalysis), it is able to resume them on the reestablishment of suitable con- ditions. Many plants and animals, e.g., many bacterial spores and protozoa, revive after prolonged desiccation leading to a more or less complete stoppage of active life. The African lung fish has been known to survive as long as four years in a cake of dried mud. Admiral Byrd found in the Antarctic regions primitive plants whose activities began again as the long winter began to yield to the equally long summer; for though high temperatures are fatal to all living things, many organisms revive even after long im- mersion in liquid air. R. B. Harvey3 reported finding an alga (Phormidium) growing in Beryl Spring (Yellowstone Park) at a temperature of 89° C. The common notion that all functionally living things must show visible signs of life, such as breathing or motion, is based on experience with humans and many animals. In the case of hiber- nating animals like bears, hedgehogs, and woodchucks, visible breathing ceases for long periods. Although the irritability of the heart is increased, it beats only enough to maintain a sluggish circulation, and the body temperature approaches that of the surroundings. The animal lives at a much reduced rate on its accumulated reserves of fat and protein, and its slight demand for oxygen seems to be met in part by diffusion. Fakirs and magicians endure temporary burial by a rigid suppression of many bodily processes. Sudden panic, leading to violent muscular activity to escape, would no doubt be quickly fatal. The condition assumed by successful practitioners of this feat seems in some respects to resemble an artificial hiberation. The vitality of "germs" (microorganisms, spores, etc.) and even of seeds is astonishing. Using rigorous precautions against con- tamination, Professor Charles B. Lipman, Dean of Graduate Studies, University of California, reported the presence of viable WHAT ARE LIVING UNITS? 87 bacteria in the interior of adobe bricks from old Spanish Missions and from Aztec and Inca ruins, as well as in coal samples taken 1,800 feet below the surface of the earth. He believed that the peat-like coal-forming material of past geologic ages was extremely rich in bacteria, and that some of their spores still survive. He also isolated an autotrophic bacterium from petroleum coming from a well 8,700 feet deep.4 Confirmation of this work will be welcomed. To test the viability of seeds, Dr. W. J. Beale of Michigan Agri- cultural College in 1879 buried 20 different kinds of plant seeds, and had samples taken every five years for test. After forty years' burial, half of the species produced sprouts.5 In 1902 Dr. J. W. T. Duvel of the U. S. Department of Agriculture buried seeds of 107 species, and found that 69 species grew after 10 years' burial, and 20 species after 20 years' burial. Most hardy were the seeds of wild plants and weeds. Cereal, legume, and cultivated plants generally failed to grow; apparently they depend upon human help to perpetuate themselves.6 Becquerel7 tested 550 species of seeds which had been stored at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris for from 25 to 135 years. Nothing older than 80 years germinated. I have been assured by the late Dr. A. Lucas, chemist of the Cairo Museum, that the so- called viable "mummy wheat," sometimes "found" by native guides in Egyptian tombs, represents recent crop material placed there presumably by the finders. The fraud has been often ex- posed. R. Whymper and A. Bradley report8 that a sample of English wheat stored under conditions of desiccation favorable to longevity, showed 69 per cent germination after 32 years' storage. Though exhaustion of the sample (1945) ended this series of tests, the yearly record indicates that an estimated extreme limit of life of 50 years is rather an understatement. On visiting Palestine a few weeks after unusually heavy rains, I saw a gorgeous, multicolored floral display on the normally bare hills. And in 1930, after one of the rare rainfalls in the desert of Death Valley, California, there was a luxuriant growth of plants, arising from long-dormant seeds, many probably carried there by the winds. In 1943 a slightly spotted greenish cast was noticed on the gray- ish limestone wall of the corridor opposite the elevator shaft in the Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, about 750 feet below the surface; it gradually spread and became grass-green. In 1941 there 88 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN had been an unprecedented rainfall in May; and in September 21.25 inches of rain fell in nearby Dark Canyon, the local Ranger Station reporting 17 inches as falling within a few hours. Appar- ently enough water seeped through imperfections in some 500 to 800 feet of rock to moisten the exposed rock wall and perhaps carry some spores of algae; or the spores may have been carried in by visitors or by down-draft air currents. An electric lamp, burning seven hours daily, supplied the needed light. Several other growths of algae were also found.9 Particular mention must be made of the extremely resistant spores of the anthrax bacillus, which produces a highly contagious and usually fatal disease in men and animals. Whole fields have become a source of infection because of the burial there of sheep that died of this disease, which is supposed to be the "very grievous murrain" referred to in Exodus — a view supported by the further statement that when Moses sprinkled toward heaven in the sight of Pharaoh handfuls of "ashes of the furnace," it became "small dust over all the land of Egypt, and "it became a boil breaking forth with blains (blisters) upon man and upon beast." This description would fit dried infectious material, which in the hot climate of Egypt could be readily cultured and dried. The bio- logical warfare now being spoken of may have thus had a very early prototype. Anthrax (the word also means carbuncle) is known as splenic fever; in French it is charbon, a burning coal. It was also known as "wool-sorter's disease" because it was often carried to human beings by unsterilized wool and by animal hairs used for shaving brushes, etc. In conclusion, it seems evident that the essential criteria of life are twofold: (1) the ability to direct chemical change by catalysis; (2) the ability to reproduce by autocatalysis. The ability to undergo heritable catalyst change is general, and is essential where there is competition between different types of living things, as has been the case in the evolution of plants and animals. Even with a single living unit, heritable catalyst change would be es- sential to permit survival in ever-changing vicissitudes of the milieu, including climate, irradiation, and chemical substances presented as foods or as poisons. While we are most familiar with relatively complicated living units — from mites to elephants, from molds to oaks — we are con- fronted in genes, bacteriophages, mitochondria and viruses with units approaching the dimensions of large molecules or small mole- WHAT ARE LIVING UNITS? 89 Duplicate of "template surface ~~ {illustrating autocatalysis) Reverse of template -1-1 surface (Illustrating antibody formation) Template surface (Illustrating gene or an- tibody area) Figure 8a. Diagrammatic section of a specific surface, showing the complementary relation between reproductive catalysis (autocatalysis) and antibody formation. If conditions permit the formation and elution of a mono- or polymolecular layer or plaque of this nature, its subsequent activities depend upon maintenance of the integrity of its surface specificities. It could serve as the carrier or the prosthetic group for a biocatalyst (enzyme), or as a gene or antibody surface. In an editorial aroused by the paper of Alexander in Protoplasma (1931), Dr. Stephen Miall (Chemistry and Industry, London, Sept. 30th, 1932) first used the term template (also spelled templet) in this connection; but many others have since adopted this apt expression. (See page 4.) cular groups. In some cases these might even be considered as molecules, or to use a term suggested by J. Alexander and C. B. Bridges10 for the simplest conceivable unit, as moleculobionts. There is no evidence that anything below the level of the molecular has ever catalytically directed the formation of its like. The resting or latent forms of life seem to persist as long as the basic biocatalysts are not changed to so great a degree that resumption of active life has become impossible; and active life involves the direction of chemical change by the basic catalytic units, together with self-duplication (autocatalysis). REFERENCES 1 Chapter XXIV in Jordan and Falk, "The Newer Knowledge of Bacteriology and Immunology," Univ. of Chicago Press, 1928. 2Botan. Zeit. (1887), 45, 489-610. 3 Science (1924), 60, 481. */. Bact. (1931), 322, 183-198; Science (1932), 75, 79, 230. 'Am. J. Bot. (1922), 9, 266-9. 6 /. Agr. Sci. (1924), 29, 349. 7 Compt. rend. (1906), 26, 1549. 8 Cereal Chemistry (1947). 9W. B. Lang, Science (1946), 103, 175. 10 Colloid Chemistry, Vol. II, p. 10, 53, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1928. Chapter 6 Catalysis: The Guide of Life Two outstanding and superficially irreconcilable facts con- front us when we consider the extremely complex and varied phenomena of life and of living units, or bionts. Most striking is the tendency of bionts to breed true. Despite wide differences in food and living conditions, the fundamental processes of life, growth, development and reproduction appear, as a rule, to be unerringly shepherded along definite paths in orderly sequences: overriding the vagaries of wind, wave and current, the ship of life tends to maintain a fixed course. On the other hand, closer examination of the facts reveals that the course of life, like that of true love, never does run smooth. We have ample evidence of abnormalities in structure and func- tion, some of which may be inherited. Sometimes these are help- ful, but often they are harmful and lead to disease and death. No matter how we may differ in our attempts to explain these devi- ations from ideal normality, it is a fact that evolutionary changes occurred over pre-human geological epochs, that from the earliest times men have selected desirable spontaneous varieties of plants and animals for propagation. In passing, it may be mentioned that present scientific views as to the order of the appearance of living things are substantially the same as that given in Genesis: following the emergence of dry land came grass, herbs and trees; then living creatures of the seas, and birds; then living creatures of the earth, cattle and beasts; and finally, man. In our attempt to explain the basic mechanism whereby life exists, persists and proceeds, we have invoked the old but now well known and extensively utilized principle of catalysis, which in- volves the direction of definite chemical changes by surfaces of definite structure under definite conditions. Naturally, many other mechanisms, such as differential diffusion, selective adsorp- tion, and fluid movement are also operative, especially in relatively large and complex organisms, and at various structural levels. But 90 CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 91 it is the highly specific surfaces found in such biocatalysts as genes, enzymes and similar areas, which direct the formation of the specific chemical molecules that underlie all larger structures and functions. Changes in biocatalysts or additions to their number, where they are persistent or heritable, result in changes in the biochemical output even under the same conditions; but the demonstrable consequences of these changes in what I may call the chemism or chemical output, may be so obscure and various that we are deceived as to their common basic origin. It is believed that a wide range of biochemical and biological phenomena are readily understandable on the basis of specific catalysts, their formation and the changes which they undergo. No other simple, basic and ubiquitous mechanism is equally con- sonant with the extremely diverse experimental evidence over such a far-flung range, which includes immunology, genetics, embryology, medicine, evolution and paleontology. What Is Catalysis? A little over a century ago Jons Jakob Berzelius, the great Swed- ish chemist and physician, coined the word "catalysis," and ac- curately anticipated modern views of its nature. Since then, it has been often erroneously taught that catalysts merely speed up reactions that would naturally occur of themselves in the course of "infinite time." Since time is of the essence of all biological processes, such a view, even if true, would be purely academic. Consider, therefore, the original statement of Berzelius.1 "It is then proved that several simple and compound bodies, soluble and insoluble, have the property of exercising on other bodies an action very different from chemical affinity. By means of this action they produce in these bodies decomposition of these elements and different recombinations of these same elements, to which they themselves remain indifferent. "This new force, which was hitherto unknown, is common to organic and inorganic nature. I do not believe that it is a force quite independent of the electrochemical affinities of matter; I be- lieve, on the contrary, that it is only a new manifestation of them, but since we cannot see their connection and mutual dependence, it will be more convenient to designate the force by a separate name. I will therefore call this force the catalytic force, and will call catalysis the decomposition of bodies by this force, in the same 92 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN way that one calls by the name analysis the decomposition of bodies by chemical affinity." It is interesting to read the reaction of contemporaries of Berzelius to his views:2 "On Catalysis and Catalytic Force, by Berzelius. As is well known, in the action of gold, etc., on hydrogen peroxide, of acids on sugar, of sulfuric acid on alcohol, (according to Mitscherlich), of spongy plati- num on hydrogen, etc., we have recently had examples, even though they are not all of like cogency, of the existence of various influences that substances exert on each other, which differ from heretofore known types of chemical activity. That is, there evidently are sub- stances which possess the power to decompose into their constituents other materials with which they come into contact, without entering into combination to any appreciable extent with the new compounds formed. This type of chemical activity has been known as decompo- sition by mere contact. Berzelius proposes to call this power of sub- stances catalytic power, and the process due to it catalysis. He does not mean to say that the force is a new one, but is convinced that we are here dealing with a special form of expression of known forces. Catalytic force seems to reside in the power of the substances in ques- tion to arouse in other substances, by their mere presence, affinities according to which the elements of the compound substance rearrange themselves, so as to attain complete electrochemical neutralization. This is analogous to the action of heat, and the question arises whether, as in the case of heat, a different degree of catalytic force will produce different catalyzed products from various substances, and whether different catalyzers will not produce different catalytic results with a given material. This cannot now be answered, for according to present experience, every substance having catalytic power appears to have it only as against certain other substances.3 Since many biological catalytic changes occur in the colloidal zone, the following excerpts from earlier publications are given, before considering some more recent aspects of catalysis. We begin with a fundamental paper of Thomas Graham:4 "The property of volatility, possessed in various degrees by so many substances, affords invaluable means of separation, as is seen in the ever-recurring processes of evaporation and distillation. So similar in character to volatility is the diffusive power possessed by all liquid substances that we may fairly reckon upon a class of analogous analytical resources to arise from it. The range also in diffusive mobility exhibited by different substances appears to be as wide as the scale of vapor tensions. Thus the hydrate of potash may be said to CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 93 possess double the velocity of diffusion of sulfate of potash, and sul- fate of potash again double the velocity of sugar, alcohol, and sulfate of magnesia. But the substances named, belong all, as regards dif- fusion, to the more 'volatile' class. The comparatively 'fixed' class, as regards diffusion, is represented by a different order of chemical sub- stances, marked out by the absence of the power to crystallize, which are slow in the extreme. Among the latter are hydrated silicic acid, hydrated alumina, and other metallic peroxides of the aluminous class, when they exist in the soluble form; with starch, dextrin, and the gums, caramel, tannin, albumen, gelatin, vegetable, and animal extractive matters. "Low diffusibility is not the only property which the bodies last enumerated possess in common. They are distinguished by the gelatinous character of their hydrates. Although often largely soluble in water, they are held in solution by a most feeble force. They appear singularly inert in the capacity of acids and bases, and in all the ordinary chemical reactions. But, on the other hand, their peculiar physical aggregation with the chemical indifference referred to, appears to be required in substances that can intervene in the organic processes of life. The plastic elements of the animal body are found in this class. As gelatin appears to be its type, it is pro- posed to designate substances of the class as colloids, and to speak of their peculiar form of aggregation as the colloidal condition of matter. Opposed to the colloidal is the crystalline condition. Sub- stances affecting the latter form will be classed as crystalloids. The distinction is no doubt one of intimate molecular constitution." While it is impossible here to attempt to follow historically the development of colloid chemistry and of catalysis, the following brief quotation from a paper by Professor Leonard Thompson Troland of Harvard5 clearly shows his appreciation of the problem: "As a matter of fact, in the school of the physical chemists there has been in preparation, since the days of Thomas Graham, a sys- tem of knowledge which, even in its present unfinished form, has a most important and distinct bearing upon mooted biological problems. This is the science of the colloidal state. The difficult abstractions and elaborate classificatory scheme, in terms of which the theory is now stated, will tend to be cleared up as our study of colloids comes definitely under the dominion of the general electro-molecular theory of matter. Intimate contact with the latter has already been established, indeed, through recent remark- able contributions by Langmuir, dealing with the atomic consti- 94 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN tutions of solids and liquids. It is to colloidal chemistry that we must look for answers to the large majority of the fundamental problems of vital activity. These answers will be slow in appear- ing, however, if we refuse to look. "In fairness, it must of course be admitted that may biologists are keenly alive to the importance of the theory of matter, and especially of the theory of colloids, for the advancement of their science. However, because the majority of these men are special- ists in biochemistry, there seems to be a lack of coherent applica- tions of modern physico-chemical ideas to the problems of evolu- tion and heredity, which make up the heart of the biological mystery. "It has for some years been my conviction that the conception of enzyme action, or specific catalysis, provides a definite, general solution for all of the fundamental biological enigmas: the mys- teries of the origin of living matter, of the source of variations, of the mechanism of heredity and ontogeny, and of general organic regulation. In this conception I believe we can find a single, synthetic answer to many, if not all, of the broad outstanding problems of theoretical biology ... It is an answer, moreover, which links these great biological phenomena directly with molec- ular physics, and perfects the unity not alone of biology, but of the whole system of physical science, by suggesting that what we call life is fundamentally a product of catalytic laws acting in colloidal systems of matter throughout long periods of geologic time. This view implies no absurd attempt to reduce every element of vital activity to enzyme action, but it does involve a reference of all such activity to some enzyme action, however distantly removed from present activity in time, or space, as a necessary first cause. Catalysis is essentially a determinative relationship, and the enzyme theory of life, as a general biological hypothesis, would claim that all intra-vital or 'hereditary' determination is, in last analysis, catalytic."6 In a paper by J. Alexander and C. B. Bridges7 the following was stated: "Before considering the modern view of catalysis, let us first review some consequences of the structure of matter which make catalysis possible and specific. When electrons and protons combine to form atoms, when atoms combine to form molecules and when molecules combine to form larger groups, there are always left over some outwardly directed, unsatisfied fields of force. The residual CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 95 forces of molecules exert powerful attractions or repulsions on particles which come within the range of attraction. "If we consider a single molecule, or a very small molecular group, A, it is obvious that the residual electrostatic or electromagnetic sur- face forces present to the milieu a mosaic which is highly specific in various directions. In Fig. 9 the specific nature of the surface of A is shown diagrammatically by the convention of specific jaggedness in the outline. In consequence of its mosaic pattern, a particle may exhibit several different kinds of specific actions separately or simul- taneously, on different portions of its periphery. "Let us now imagine a simple molecule, B, approaching A, and the process of fixing itself at the surface. This will occur only if the surface charges presented by the approaching molecule bear a lock- A h At& AS G. Ctjj 0 © Figure 9 and-key relation to those of the particle, and if the velocity of approach lies within critical limits. "As soon as the oppositely charged areas come within their critical distance, fixation occurs, as is diagramed A+B. Instantaneously thereafter occurs a mutual neutralization of forces and a complete reshuffling of all the internal and surface fields. The compound molecule, after the fixation, will present to the milieu a different configuration from what it presented before fixation. This is dia- gramed as AB. The former B portion might now be able to make other attachments previously not possible to it. The attachment of a second molecule, C, would once more cause a reshuffling of all the fields involved, as is diagramed ABC. Now, if the resulting bond between the two added molecules were stronger than the bond be- tween the former A and B portions, then there might be released to the milieu a new type of duplex molecule, BC, while the fixation surface of A would be freed for renewed action. "Suppose now that we have a catalyst particle composed of several simple molecular subunits which we can diagram roughly as A in Fig. 10. Suppose that at some one of its faces the catalyst fixes or absorbs 96 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN the several subunits of which it is composed; that, because of the order of their fixation or because of the reshuffling of electronic fields which follows each addition, these component subunits form a new group identical with the fixation or catalyst group, and suppose, lastly, that the duplicate particles now separate or are separated. Each would be an exact duplicate of the other in catalytic and in self- duplicating behavior. Our original particle could properly be called an autocatalytic catalyst. "As an example of a simple and well-known chemical process, analogous in a rudimentary way to the autocatalytic synthesis postu- lated above, one may mention the formation of crystals of the alums. If to pure cold water is added the salt potassium sulfate and the salt aluminium sulfate, a solution strongly supersaturated for the potential double salt, alum, may be obtained. But, in the absence of a frag- ment of a previously formed crystal of alum the supersaturated ©P <5P0 ®o <&9> ,. ©j Figure 10 solution remains practically indefinitely without giving rise to alum crystals. However, if a tiny fragment of alum crystal is dropped in, or was present in the materials used, at its surface occurs an adsorp- tion of the two separate salts together with a definite number of water units, the whole addition condensing into a very specific space lattice with repetitions of the unitary alum complex. Mechanical, or even thermal, agitation may break the bonds between the newly formed alum complexes and the parental crytsal, so that a host of descendants may grow and reproduce in the nutrient solution. "We do not contend that an alum crystal constitutes simple life, although there may be some who would do so. In vital units the building stones of the finer structure are not potassium, aluminum and sulfanion, but are carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., which are united in a unit complex which is far more voluminous and involved than alum is. Besides this difference in constituents, or more prob- ably because of it, the units properly called vital are more flexible in their bonding and more diversified in the activities carried on at the catalytic surfaces. "The simplest living units of which we have indisputable evidence are the genes. The forces governing the reproduction of each gene are known to be within the individual gene. In evidence of this we need cite here only the well-known fact that in a heterozygote, each CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 97 gene of the allelomorphic pair picks out of the common milieu exactly those constituents which lead to its own particular formation. Fur- thermore, this specific formation occurs nowhere else in the cell except precisely at the locus occupied by each particular allelomorph. All these properties conform to our postulated autocatalytic repro- duction. "We would like to point out one more property of genes which has its analogue in a rudimentary way in the alum crystal. The growth rates of the genes of a given cell are remarkable in their uniformity. This holds true not only for a given temperature but throughout the great range of temperatures to which some organisms are adapted. If a particular gene did not keep step with the others it would either overreproduce or else fail to reproduce in time to be included in the daughter cells with the other genes. "Not simply this uniformity in temperature characteristics, but a considerable number of other properties, for example, the universal synthesis of the substance called chromatin, which envelops the genes or the string of genes, and the remarkable similarity in chemical con- stitution of nuclear materials as revealed by the exceedingly crude methods of chemical analysis now available, all point to one striking conclusion. This conclusion is that the genes may all be viewed as simple variants of one fundamental structure. We may suppose that their power of autocatalytic synthesis is the outcome of the possession of a common pattern of structure, and that the different allelomorphs, or indeed the different genes in a given cell or even the different genes in apparently very widely separated forms, are the same except for differences in the fringe of the gene, in its side chains and in localized additions or substitutions. "To return to our oversimplified analogy in the alum crystal: it is remarkable that alum crystals retain their specific structure through a host of substitutions of materials, or "mutations." Thus, rubidium, cesium and even ammonium can be substituted for the potassium; iron, manganese, etc., can be utilized instead of the aluminum; selanion (Se04), etc., instead of the sulfanion. The most essential characteristic of an alum crystal seems to be the particular strain set up in the local ether when alum crystals originated. It is the structure, the particular space-lattice present, that matters, and the points in that lattice can be taken by any materials whose outwardly directed fields of force are flexible enough to adapt themselves to the particular 'set' that is in the local ether." The Industrial Importance of Catalysts In past years, sulfuric acid, a basic material to chemical indus- try, was made in dilute state in large lead-lined "chambers" and 98 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN then concentrated, the oxidizing nitrous gases being recovered by "scrubbing" in Gay-Lussac and Glover towers. The sulfur dioxide was made largely from iron pyrites. This often contained arsenic which, unless removed at considerable cost, contaminated the acid and "poisoned" platinum catalysts, when these were used to oxi- dize the S02 into S03 in the presence of air. Due in part to the availability of cheap and pure sulfur brought up from our western "salt domes" by the Frasch process, most sulfuric acid is now made by passing a mixture of air and S02 over catalysts, and getting concentrated acid directly. Vanadium pentoxide is largely used as catalyst, since it is much cheaper than platinum to install, and is not so readily "poisoned." *-*<* # /Mt ^ ox % Figure 11. CATalysis. Design of a wooden medal for Kettering. Suggested to Baekeland, who did not believe cyclohexane could be manufactured. During World War I, C. F. Kettering and Thomas Midgley, Jr., of the Research Department of General Motors, in the course of their collaboration with the U. S. Bureau of Mines to produce an aviation gasoline as free from "knock" as possible, made exten- sive engine tests with a variety of volatile organic liquids. The comparatively rare hydrocarbon cyclohexane was found to be a superior airplane engine fuel, and the suggestion was made that its manufacture be attempted. Dr. Leo H. Baekeland, then a member of the Naval Consulting Board, regarded the project as impractical and advised against it. He even promised a wooden medal to Kettering and his collaborators if they could make a single pint of cyclohexane. CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 99 Nothing daunted, the investigators applied to this problem their knowledge and skill in the preparation and use of catalysts for the hydrogenation of benzene and in a comparatively short time sent Dr. Baekeland a liter bottle of cyclohexane ensconsed in a plush-lined mahogany casket. Baekeland kept this on his desk for many years as a prized possession. And since the product had been made by CATalysis, Dr. Baekeland was furnished with a design for the wooden medal he had promised (Figure 11). Today, catalysts and catalysis have achieved extensive publicity. The average newspaper reader, even if he does not know what a REGENERATOR GAS TO RECOVER* UNIT UNSTABILlZEO GASOLINE © £T =^21 Figure 12. Flow sheet of a "cat-cracker" using the fluid catalyst process. (Courtesy M. W. Kellogg Co.) catalyst is, does know that 100-octane gasoline, which gives our aviators speed and ceiling, is produced with the aid of catalysts. The more technically informed reader knows that the catalytic production of sulfuric acid, ammonia, nitric acid, and wood alcohol is an old story. In fact, Germany was able to start World War I in 1914 only because she had just then become independent of Chile as a source of nitrates, owing to German perfection of the Haber process, whereby nitrogen and hydrogen can be catalyti- cally combined to produce ammonia. This, in turn, can be cata- lytically oxidized to nitric acid, the basis of most explosives as well as a vital ingredient in fertilizers. Those connected with the chemical industry or profession know that an ever-increasing num- 100 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN ber of useful and valuable organic compounds are now being catalytically produced, some in immense quantities. For example, the 1944 catalytic output of phthalic anhydride, used in making plastics, was over 62,000 tons. In 1936 about 250 tons of nickel were sold in the United States for catalytic use, about two-thirds Figure 13. Projection of Phthalocyanine along the b axis, which makes an angle of 44.2 degrees with the molecular plane (/. M. Robertson). From paper in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. 5, by J. Alexander, Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y.) having been used for hardening vegetable oils by catalytic hydro- genation to produce a huge tonnage of the well-known edible fats, which, like lard, are nonfluid at room temperature. To illustrate the magnitude and importance of catalytic processes in the petroleum industry, consider in outline the recently perfected "fluid-catalyst" cracking process, devised by long and expensive co- operative research undertaken by large petroleum refiners, and now operating in about 30 plants (Fig. 12). CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 101 Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 IhiiImiiIiiiiIiiiiIiiiiIii I il mil lllll II lillllllA, Figure 14. Projection of nickel phthalocyanine along the b axis, which makes an angle of 44.2° with the molecular plane (/. M. Robertson). Each contour line repre- sents a density increment of one electron per A.2, except the nickel atom where the increment is five electrons per A.2 for each line. The one-electron line is dotted. (From paper in "Colloid Chemistry." Vol. 5, by J. Alexander, Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y.) From a standpipe about 200 feet high, a claylike powdered catalyst cascades into a stream of vaporized oil at the rate of about 2 carloads a minute, and the torrid, oily duststorm swirls like a gas into a reactor vessel where, at the huge catalyst surface, there take place the complex chemical transformations termed "cracking." The cracked reaction products are separated from the now blackened, carbon-coated catalyst, which then falls into a stream of incoming air and is carried to a 102 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN regenerator where the carbon is burned off. The revivified catalyst is returned to the standpipe for reuse at the rate of about 40 tons a minute. About 73,000 tons of catalyst are consumed annually in this process, which has been yielding daily (after certain additions) over 400,000 barrels of 100-octane gasoline. Incidentally, there are also produced certain raw materials for synthetic rubber. Germany developed the chemistry of coal and coal tar — because she had coal. American chemists realize that besides coal we have in our enormous supplies of natural gas and petroleum important raw materials for a great and novel organic chemical industry, in which catalysts are finding ever-increasing use. Although our knowledge of specific catalysts and catalytic proc- esses has been greatly extended by actual experiment, Professor P. H. Emmett states8 that the selection of catalysts is still an art; the time has not yet come when it is possible to predict in advance with any degree of certainty the exact type of catalyst that will be most effective for a hitherto untried reaction.9 To illustrate the view of Berzelius that catalysis is "a new mani- festation of the electrochemical affinities of matter," consider the electronic contour maps of phthalocyanine and of nickel phthalocya- nine (Figures 13 and 14), as developed by Professor J. Monteath Robertson from x-ray spectrographic studies at the Royal Institution of London. Note how the introduction of a single nickel atom at the center changes the electronic contour or "physiognomy" at that point. The four benzene rings in the corners, as shown by the hexa- gons in Figure 15, are too far from the center to be greatly affected. The central core of phthalocyanine, represented by four pentagons in Figure 15, consists of four pyrrol groups, arranged similarly to those in porphyrin, a constituent of chlorophyll, cytochrome and other biocatalysts or enzymes. While the specific activity of chloro- phyll depends upon its central atom of magnesium, hemoglobin and cytochrome have each an essential iron atom. A. H. Cook10 found that of all the metallic derivatives of phthalocyanine tried, only the iron compound showed marked catalase activity; that is, it can catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. How Catalysts Function Catalysts function by virtue of their outwardly directed specific fields of force, which produce characteristic distortions or warp- ings in the fields of susceptible particles (atoms, molecules, ions or larger particles) with which they come into contact for a suffi- ciently long time to permit a synthesis or a breakdown. The dis- CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 103 torted or "activated" particle may combine with other particles, or it may be split into smaller fragments. Catalysts thus function like a duly qualified judge, who may wed or divorce couples who come within his jurisdiction and remain there long enough for the operation of due process of law. Another analogy is that the catalyst functions like a "key" of a zipper closure. Drawn in one Figure 15. Dimensions of the nickel phthalocyanine molecule (/. M. Robertson). (From paper in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. 5, by J. Alexander, Reinhold Publishing Corp., N. Y.) direction, the "key" massages the opposing "hooks" so that they link together; if drawn in the opposite direction, the "key" releases the bonded hooks from each other, and the closure opens. The key and the hooks must be adjusted to each other within rather close limits of size and shape. An adhering bit of solder or paint, or a mechanical deformation of key or hooks may prevent normal functioning, but a single key may open or close an enor- mous number of bonds. 104 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Similarly, a tiny quantity of a catalyst may determine the building up or the breaking down of an enormous number of molecules; but catalysts may be "poisoned" and rendered inoperative for certain reactions by physical or chemical change, or by adsorbed impurities. In developing what is known as the theory of active centers on catalytic surfaces, Professor Hugh S. Taylor of Princeton, in a paper sent to the Royal Society of London in 1925, discussed the phenomenon of progressive poisoning. Thus the surface of a nickel catalyst can be "progressively and successively poisoned for the hydrogenation of benzene with thiophene as a poison, then for the hydrogenation of ethylene which occurs on a surface whose activity for benzene hydro- genation has been destroyed by the poison used. A surface poisoned for both reactions could still serve for the reduction of nitrobenzene."11 It must be remembered that though the active catalyst areas may be but a small fraction of the total area of any particle or surface, what happens at this active area may have great and far- reaching consequences, e.g., the production of a hormone, a vita- min, or the carrier or the prosthetic group of other catalysts. A tiny zipper key can open a very large bag. The importance of local happenings is also illustrated when a grindstone is used to sharpen steel tools. Without the use of water, oil or some similar lubricant, the local temperature at the metallic edge being ground may rise high enough to draw the temper of the steel. A dry grindstone immediately throws off a shower of sparks from steel. The frictional heat developed by a shoe brush melts the wax in the shoe polish, locally and momentarily. Sir George Beilby12 showed that when metals are burnished or polished, molecular or atomic flow occurs; crystalline surface structure is practically fluidified and converted into an "amorphous" layer resembling a highly viscous liquid. Conduction dissipates the local heat developed. It is common industrial practice to provide means for absorbing and removing the large amounts of heat locally developed by catalysts. For example, the vanadium pentoxide catalyst used to oxidize naphtha- lene vapor to phthalic anhydride in the presence of a limited supply of air, is kept at a safe operating temperature by insertion of iron tubes containing mercury, which boils at 357° C and thus prevents fusion of the catalyst or charring of the organic substances in process.13 The various impurities in the naphthalene also suffer chemical or physical changes, but no investigation has been made to see if these are due to local heat, to specific action of the catalyst, or to both. In industry, the "waste heat" from the main reactor (where the main CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 105 reaction may be either endothermic or exothermic), is generally used to preheat reactants, to help initiate other processes, or to raise steam for general uses. Temperature Control in Biocatalysis Most living things die on exposure for varying times to the temperature of boiling water, especially in the presence of mois- ture. Some dry spores are more resistant. E. Zettnow reported14 that some organisms in lime paste from a sugar factory survived heating for 30 minutes at 310-320° C. Subsequent tests reduced the killing temperature to 199° C and 220° C. In nature only those biological systems and structures survive which keep temper- atures down to non-lethal levels, by protecting the delicate, heat- susceptible catalysts upon which life depends, against too high and too localized a liberation of heat. How is this accomplished in the cell? Three main factors seem to be at work. (1) The over-all reac- tion is broken down into a series of successive chemical steps, mediated by different catalysts or catalyst areas, so that the whole reaction proceeds in what may be called a step-wise manner. (2) The intermediate products must move from one catalyst area to another (which takes time), and the total heat of the reaction is gradually set free at distributed areas in what may be called a spot-wise manner. (3) The biocatalysts are surrounded by aque- ous cytoplasm; and water, with its high specific heat, helps to absorb and distribute the heat energy liberated. The net result is that biological reactions usually proceed at a very gradual rate, without sudden and violent local temperature increase; this would be fatal, although the normal body temper- ature is maintained by the regulated liberation of heat. Many other factors are operative in control of body temperature, apart from orderly liberation of heat by the biocatalysts specific to the particular kind of animal. In cold-blooded animals (poikilo- therms), the body temperature is much influenced by that of the surroundings. Migration or descent underground protects some against freezing to death, while others seek shade to prevent death from too long an exposure to the sun (e.g., rattlesnakes). The temperature of warm-blooded animals (home other ms) tends to re- main constant, despite variations in the temperature of their surroundings; but it varies greatly with the position of the animal in the taxonomic scale.15 106 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN For protection against cold, warm-blooded animals have hair, fur, feathers, or layers of fat (whale). When we get "blue with the cold," our blood has stagnated to reduce heat loss; and shivering, probably initiated by the hypothalamus, represents involuntary "exercise." As protection against heat, animals seek shade, but rely mainly upon radiation of heat to the air, which may be aided by perspiration, since water has a high latent heat of vaporization. Dogs, which have no sweat glands, loll out their tongues, and I have seen sparrows near Merced, Cal., in the meager shade of fence posts, "panting" to endure a temperature which registered over 110° F in the shade above ground level. Efficiency in Biocatalysis The ideal heat-engine of Carnot (1824) has a theoretical effi- ciency of about 50 per cent. For steam engines, it is about 20 per cent, for gas engines about 25 per cent, for diesel engines about 40 per cent; but actual results may go considerably below these figures. A standard cadmium storage "battery" or cell, slowly charged and discharged, may approach 100 per cent efficiency; and it is to be expected that animals, operating likewise by chemical energy rather than by differences of temperature, will show high efficiency — and they do. But the situation is greatly complicated by the fact that animals utilize much of the energy of their food in mere maintenance and in growth and reproduction, which involve synthetic processes which require heat. The efficiency of some of these synthetic processes may be low, but the "waste" heat may be utilized in speeding up or initiating other chemical changes, as well as in keeping up the body temperature when dis- tributed by the blood. The efficiency of autotrophic bacteria in producing ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen approximates 3 per cent,16 while that Nitro- bacter, using the energy derived from oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, to assimilate carbon from carbon dioxide, is reported as about 6 per cent.17 O. Rahn18 estimates that one Calorie value in food produces the following heat liberation (in Calories) in various animals: pig, 0.2-0.4; trout, 0.18-0.31; cockroach, 0.34-0.35; mold, 0.58-0.70; colon bacillus, 0.13-0.24; pseudomonades, 0.21-0.22. Agriculturists estimate efficiency in terms of useful or marketable products produced — wool, meat, hide or skin, fat, eggs, milk, manure, etc. By directing the course of chemical reactions with restricted heat emission, at localized areas and at regulated velocities, cata- CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 107 lysts may become sources of "quanta" of kinetic energy. Despite the influence of surrounding aqueous material, they may thus increase the intraparticulate activity or resonance of some mole- cules, or give them momentarily an increase in kinetic motion, corresponding in effect to what a relatively high temperature might do. A molecule so activated and accelerated could become highly reactive. In some cases, activation might be imparted to a specific portion of a large molecule or complex. These physico- chemical aspects of the chemical changes which take place enable us to form some reasonable picture as to how the "driving" energy is distributed and utilized in what biological chemists term "coupled reactions." In considering the significance of coupled reactions for the enzymic hydrolysis and synthesis of proteins, Drs. Max Bergmann and Joseph S. Fruton19 point out that thermodynamic data alone tell us only the approximate amount of energy needed to make the system operative. "We must therefore look for the specific physical or chemical mech- anisms which make possible the synthesis of peptide bonds." In certain reactions they discuss, sparingly soluble compounds formed crystallize out, and equilibrium conditions lead to further synthesis. "In these peptide syntheses, therefore, the energy required for peptide synthesis comes from the process of crystallization whereby the syn- thetic product is removed from the equilibrium." In these cases Bergmann and Fruton intimate that the kinetic energy (heat) set free by the aggregation (crystallization) of the synthesized product, is the mechanism whereby the energy is bandied about. The work of Prof. Rudolf Schoenheimer20 "led him to the view that in the dynamic equilibrium between proteins and amino acids in the tis- sues, peptide bonds are constantly being broken and reformed under the catalytic influence of the tissue enzymes." In the ordinary microscope, fat globules in highly diluted milk show an uneasy oscillation about a mean position. The ultra- microscope reveals the violent Brownian motion of the colloidal casein particles, whose swarming crowd can be seen jostling the fat globules this way and that. But the more rapid kinetic motion of the still smaller molecules of water and solutes is invisible, though it underlies what we see and is also responsible for bring- ing some molecules to a reactive state. Similarly, in the cell, the unseen molecular activity greatly exceeds the intense activity of particles made visible in the ultramicroscope. Professor F. G. Donnan of the University of London concisely 108 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN summarized the work of A. V. Hill, W. Hartree, O. Meyerhof and others as follows:21 "When the muscle tissue contracts and does work it derives the necessary free energy, not from oxidation, which is not quick enough, but from the rapid exothermic con- version of the carbohydrate glycogen into lactic acid. When the fatigued muscle recovers, it recharges its store of free energy; that is to say, by oxidizing or burning some of the carbohydrate, it reconverts the lactic acid into glycogen. Thus in the recovery stage we have the coupled reactions of exothermic oxidation and the endothermic conversion of lactic acid into glycogen." In a fuller discussion, including more recent work, Professor Otto Meyerhof22 observes: "Three different anaerobic reactions were found to be related to activity and also to be linked to one another: (1) splitting of carbohydrate, preformed in the muscle as glycogen and hexose-6-monophosphate, into lactic acid via phosphorylated inter- mediaries and pyruvic acid; (2) splitting of phosphocreatine into creatine and phosphate; (3) splitting of adenosine triphosphate to adenylic acid plus 2-phosphate via adenosine-diphosphate plus 1- phosphate." The lactic acid formation restores the phosphocreatine, broken down in the earlier stages of activity, while the breakdown of phosphocreatine is able to restore the adenosine triphosphate, and the oxidation of carbohydrate can reverse every cleavage reaction of (1), (2), and (3), whose respective energy stores are given as 1.2 Cals, 0.23 Cal, and 0.09 Cal respectively, whereas carbohydrate oxidation into COo + H20 is listed as 30 — 60 Cals, and is, therefore, the main energy source. For many other important details and references, Meyerhof's paper must be consulted. Summing up current views, Brody23 points out that phosphate occupies a key position in biological oxidation. Pasteur observed its importance in 1860, Young and Harden confirmed it in 1905, and it is at present being extensively investigated by the Cori, Lipmann, and Meyerhof schools, among others.24 Brody states: "... some phosphate esters serve as temporary biologic energy reservoirs, analogous to charged batteries. Thus, according to Cori, the synthesis of 6 molecules of glucose phosphate is coupled, or associated, with the oxidation of one molecule of glucose. A mol of glucose phosphate, therefore, has a labile energy increment which, depending on the energetic efficiency of the process, may be as high as 115 Cal ($ of about 700 Cal, the free energy of glu- cose). This is, presumably, what Lipmann refers to as phosphate- CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 109 ester bond energy, the main form or source of anaerobic energy as illustrated by the reaction: Glycerophosphate + H20±^Glycerol + phosphate -f energy . . . The phosphate group also catalyzes the oxidation and trans- port of fats. Other inorganic elements may participate in the oxidation of fat and perhaps its transformation into carbohydrate. Most electron donors (metabolites) must be phosphorylated as the preliminary step; for phosphorylation and oxidation are indeed coupled reactions." Broadly, then, a "coupled" reaction is one so closely associated with another reaction as to determine the latter by providing the necessary energy. While it is conceivable that in some cases the total energy may be transferred without loss from one molecular grouping to another, it seems reasonable to believe that the kinetic aspects above outlined must generally be taken into account. Furthermore, living things do not depend upon any one type of chemical change, the oxidation of glucose, though this is most im- portant in so many plants and animals, including humans. The autotrophic bacteria utilize the energy available in some common exothermic reactions.25 The "steaming" of manure piles and com- post heaps is well known, and farmers sometimes use fresh manure as an "anti-freeze," as well as in hotbeds. Prof. J. M. Nelson of Columbia University informs me that in the early days in the Middle West, farmers often kept their sod-houses warm by a thick layer of fresh manure at the ground level. Quite a number of biological reactions can take place in the dark; but in the synthesis of glucose by plants, solar energy is absorbed, with a local decrease in entropy. Animals are directly or indirectly dependent upon the glucose and other products synthesized by plants; in fact, most living things depend upon the catalyzed chemical output of others, and we are only beginning to understand these often curious and multiple relationships. The Time Factor in Catalysis The catalysts used in industry are sometimes aggregated col- loids (e.g., platinum sponge, nickel used in hydrogenation); but generally they are extended on carriers. This not only exposes a large active surface, but it also permits the finely divided catalyst to remain in place when gases or liquids are passed over it, and to be filtered off if it has been mixed into a batch. Some biocatalysts are fixed, like genes in the chromosomes; but 110 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN most of the enzymes, which, with the genes, mainly direct the course of chemical change in bionts, are free particulate units of colloidal dimensions. The establishment of colloidal dimensions may come about in several ways. Some molecules are born col- loids; some achieve colloidality by molecular growth or aggrega- tion; and some have colloidality thrust upon them by adsorption or chemical fixation on a colloidal carrier or an extended surface. Whatever the underlying cause, increase in particle size causes SPECIFIC SURFACE .KINETIC MOTION SOLIDS SUSPENSIONS CURVE SHOWING RISE AND FALL OF COLLOIDAL CHARACTERISTICS INCREASING PARTICLE SIZE Figure 16. Degree of colloidality related to particle size, specific surface and kinetic activity. (From paper in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. 5, by J. Alexander, Rein- hold Publishing Corp., N. Y.) a reduction in kinetic motion, as may be readily seen in an ultra- microscope. Particles at the lower ranges of microscopic resolu- tion (about 0.25 micron) show only the feeble Brownian move- ment. On the other hand the kinetic motion of small molecules is so rapid that if a hydrogen molecule were large enough for the eye to resolve, it would still be invisible, just as in the case of a rifle bullet in flight. Between these two extremes lie all degrees of the kinetic motion of particles, which increases at an accelerated rate as molecular dimensions are approached. CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 111 But decrease in particle size is also accompanied by great in- crease in the area of surface exposed per unit weight. The degree of dispersion where this surface area exerts its most effective influence before rapidly increasing kinetic activity dominates has been termed the zone of maximum or optimum colloidality.26 Figure 16 is a diagrammatic sketch of these relationships, based on the assumption that the particles are spheres, which, of course, is seldom the case. Particles have various, and even varying con- tours (threads, rods, plates, aggregates); the diagram simply illus- trates the principle. When a particle approaches an active catalyst area, two factors are of outstanding importance: (1) the momentary electronic contours of the surfaces in apposi- tion, for this determines the possibility of particulate union or influence; (2) the kinetic velocities of translation and rotation of moveable areas, which determine whether the possibility may become a reality. The importance of this kinetic factor came to the fore in the course of a lecture experiment made by Sir Ernest Rutherford at the Toronto meeting of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science (1924). It was designed to illustrate how a posi- tively charged atomic nucleus will repel an alpha particle emitted by radium. An electromagnet, with its positive pole up, was fastened to a table so that another electromagnet, swinging from the ceiling with its positive pole down, could just pass over it. The mutual repulsion of like magnetic poles caused the swinging magnet to take a parabolic path in any off-center approach. To illustrate the relatively rare recoil which occurs when an alpha particle makes a direct approach to an atomic nucleus, Sir Ernest took careful aim — but the swinging magnet passed completely over and beyond the fixed one, probably giving a slight unseen "jump" as it did so. Quickly retrieving the swinging magnet, he swung it again from a lesser distance and got the expected recoil. From this it is evident that if a certain relative critical velocity is exceeded, particles or surfaces having the power to cohere, will not do so. In catalysis, a certain period of time is necessary for the electronic fields of the reactants to become fitted to each other, so that apart from the effects of rotation of the particles, internal kinetics, and mode of presentation, the kinetic velocity of trans- lation is an important factor. 112 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Increase in thermal agitation increases the total number of en- counters per unit of time between reactant catalyst and substrate areas, and this works in favor of increasing the number of fruitful encounters. As the temperature increases, however, a point is reached where so many particles have so high a relative velocity that the number of unfruitful encounters increases to such an extent that the catalyst efficiency per unit of time tends to fall off. Many other intercurrent factors may influence the thermal optimum in catalysis besides the kinetic factors; e.g., the catalyst, reactants, or end products may undergo decomposition; adsorbed substances may "lame" the catalyst; specific substances or ions may affect the degree of dispersion or electronic integrity of catalyst or reactants. Thus Svedberg found that many proteins are dispersed into smaller sub- units by change in pH, some of them being reconstituted from the fragments when the pH is shifted to the stability zone; and many sub- stances will "dissolve" or disperse glue at room temperature, e.g., calcium chloride, sodium nitrate, sodium naphthalene sulfonate. Pepsin is "activated" by hydrochloric acid. What this means ki- netically may in part be followed ultramicroscopically. A dilute solu- tion of egg white heated nearly to boiling gave an opalescent dis- persion full of bright, rapidly moving ultra-microns. On allowing a droplet of pepsin solution (Fairchild's containing 15 per cent alcohol) to diffuse under the cover glass of the slide, the albumin ultramicrons immediately coagulated into large, motionless masses. When a drop- let of O.IN hydrochloric acid was introduced under the cover glass the coagulated masses burst into small groups and isolated ultra- microns, which resumed their active kinetic dance. But almost im- mediately the albumin particles began to grow fainter and to dis- appear, the field meanwhile becoming brighter as smaller ultramicrons or amicrons were formed. The addition of pepsin to the opalescent albumin solution caused it to clear gradually at room temperature. The kinetic motion of diastase particles may likewise be followed ultramicroscopically, as they gather about and actively rub or "gnaw" holes or cavities in starch granules. The chemical changes occurring are, of course, far below the level of visibility. Haurowitz and Schwerin27 found that the catalytic auto-oxidation of linoleic acid by hemin in heterogeneous emulsions ceases when the system is made homogeneous by addition of acetic acid, dioxane, pyridine, alkali or bile, but recommences when homogeneity is abolished by addition of water or stronger acid. These authors believe that this reversal demonstrates that the catalysis takes place only in the interfacial film between the water and oil phases, and attribute the observed diminution of the velocity of oxidation by CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 113 excess of hemin to displacement of linoleic acid molecules from the interfacial film. They conclude that orientation of substrate and hemin molecules in the interfacial film is of decisive importance for the establishment of the catalysis. This is, of course, true, and it involves the electronic contour factor (1) mentioned above; but the kinetic factor (2) is also to be reckoned with. How Catalysts are Modified The technological and patent literature has long reflected the fact that the introduction of new atoms or molecules into the active surface of a catalyst may stimulate, inhibit, or alter the nature and/or rate of the catalyzed reaction.28 If a desired result is accelerated, the added substance is termed a promotor; if it is inhibited, the added substance is called an inhibitor or poison. In cases where a catalyst can direct the formation of several sub- stances and an inhibitor is found which depresses undesired reac- tions, we speak of "beneficial poisoning." In a general sense any substance which changes the behavior of a catalyst may be called a modifier, a term free from implication as to the result of the change. The importance of catalyst modification in biology will be referred to later on. One factor in the efficiency of a catalyst is the amount of free active surface it exposes to the reactants. It is common commer- cial practice to distribute the catalyst substance on carriers, or supports, such as asbestos, charcoal, alumina, diatomaceous earth (kieselguhr), etc., which are supposed to act merely mechanically. It has been found, however, that the carrier often exercises a marked effect, either by contributing small amounts of impurities to the catalyst surface (which may thus be either promoted or poisoned), or else by forming with the catalyst molecules some new composite surface of different activity.29 According to recently released information30 a substantial amount of the synthetic rubber produced during the recent war was made from ethyl alcohol by the Lebedev process. An effi- ciency of about 65 per cent in butadiene synthesis was obtained with a silica gel catalyst promoted by tantalum oxide, and nearly as good results were had with the more plentiful zirconium oxide as promotor. The potent effect of catalyst poisons is brought out by the remarks of H. Bernthsen at the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chem- 114 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN istry (1912) relative to the iron catalyst used in the first step of the Haber process: "Extremely minute quantities of these bodies (impurities), which are almost always present even in the purest commercial products or in so-called pure gases, suffice to render the catalysts absolutely inactive or at least to diminish their activity very seriously. Thus iron, for example, prepared from ordinary iron oxide with a content of one per thousand of sodium sulphate is, as a rule, inactive. Iron containing 0.1 per cent sulphur is generally quite useless, and even with 0.01 per cent is of very little use, although in appearance and when examined with the ordinary physical and chemical methods no difference at all can be detected as compared with pure iron. "The recognition of these facts gave rise to two problems: (A) The preparation of contact masses free from poisons or the removal of poisons from them; and (B) freeing the gases to be acted upon catalytically from all contact poisons. A trace of sulphur, one part per million, in the gas mixture, can under certain conditions be injurious, so that electrolytically prepared hydrogen must generally be further specially purified." Since a small amount of a catalyst may, if given sufficient time, direct an enormous amount of chemical change, we can understand how minute may be the quantity of promotor or modifier needed to pro- duce a great change in the final output. Experimenting with the catalytic production of methanol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, Sir G. T. Morgan31 observed that while catalysts made by calcining equimolecular mixtures of manganese and chromium nitrates gave methanol containing only traces of higher alcohols, catalysts prepared by precipitating a mixed solution of oxides of manganese and chromium in caustic potash gave a product con- taining appreciable percentages of higher alcohols. This led him to try the effect of regulated additions of alkali metals to the catalyst. To quote one outstanding case, when the catalyst contained 15 per cent of rubidium hydroxide, the carbon in the gases passing over the catalyst was distributed as follows: (with equimolecular proportions of the pure Mn and Cr oxides the yield of methanol was 80.5 per cent). Methanol 41.5% Ethanol 1.6 Higher alcohols 36.7 Aldehydes, acetals, ketones 15.5 Methane 2.0 Carbon dioxide 2.0 The higher alcohols in this case consisted chiefly of isobutanol, but contained besides normal propanol, 2-methylbutanol, 2-methyl- pentanol, and 2, 4-dimethylpentanol. CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 115 Morgan found that the addition of cobalt to the catalyst gave mainly straight-chain alcohols, rather than the branching-chain alcohols formed by alkalized catalysts. This is shown by the following table which gives in parts per thousand, the alcoholic content of the liquid formed by passing the same mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen over different catalysts, under like conditions of temperature and pressure. Catalyst Used Alcohols Formed Rb-Cr-Mn Co-Mn-Zn-K Co-Cu-Mn Methyl 420 — 12 — 43 — 69 — 8 — 6.5 89 198 86 17 — 11 4 — — 1.5 1 1.5 220 Ethyl 200 n-Propyl 50 uo-Butyl — 3 n-Butyl 16 /3-Methylbutyl — 2 n-Amyl 6 /3-Methylamyl n-Hexyl 2 — w-Heptyl Unidentified 1 — In concluding his address before the Societe Chimique de Belgique32 Morgan said: "All these experiments are of special significance, for they permit us to see the enormous variety of organic compounds which can be synthesized by secondary reactions following primary condensation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, a gaseous mixture well known under the name of 'water gas,' made on a large scale from coal and steam. "Up to the present time these condensations have been studied at temperatures higher than the decomposition of many organic com- pounds. With higher pressures and more efficient catalysts, we may some day expect to lower the reaction temperature very materially. When we shall have reached this point, the synthesis of organic com- pounds of great complexity should be possible and among these products we will find organic substances which up to now can be formed only by the chemical activity of living beings." Biocatalysts; Prosthetic Groups; Symplexes The course of chemical change in organisms is directed by catalyst units of colloidal dimensions — enzymes and genes, and perhaps also by units in some symbionts, and units fixed at or on various surfaces. Whereas with primal bionts gene-like units were probably the sole directors of life chemistry, in higher forms we find thread-like aggregations of genes (chromosomes) and a great 116 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN variety of secondary but highly specific catalysts (enzymes), whose production is in some way interwoven with the activities of the truly living, self-reproducing catalysts. The experimental evidence indicates that large numbers of biocatalyst units are destroyed or inactivated in the course of their functioning, so that there must be a continual replenishment of the supply. How do biocatalysts arise? The broadest, and therefore the most indefinite answer to this question would be: by the assem- blage of smaller units (atoms, molecules, colloidal particles) so as to constitute an exposed surface which has a suitable electronic structure and contour. Genes in the chromosome string thus form duplicates of themselves (autocatalysis), and must therefore be considered as living. On the other hand, an active catalyst area may be formed by being built into or upon a larger fixed surface, e.g., a cell wall; or else there may be formed by adsorption and/or chemical combination, colloidally dispersed units — the multitu- dinous enzymes — which can flow and kinetically "swim" about in cytoplasm, sap, or body fluids, and may even diffuse slowly. Texts often give the erroneous impression that colloids will not diffuse; but Thomas Graham33 clearly pointed out that they may diffuse, though they "are slow in the extreme." The catalytic effect of the walls of the containers in which chem- ical reactions are carried out is not, as a rule, sufficiently appreci- ated, and traces of substances existing in, forming on, or intro- duced into these surfaces may powerfully influence results. Thus a food product processed in aluminum vessels was deleteriously affected by tiny fragments of iron left in the aluminum surfaces when these were scoured with steel wool. G. Bredig34 found that by fixing amino groups to cellulose, wool, or silk fibers, organic catalysts were produced which split off carbon dioxide from brom- camphocarbonic acid. Although inorganic catalysts may appear to be simple, e.g., platinum black, those having first-hand experi- ence with commercial catalysis know how potent is the influence of structure, carriers, and impurities on their functioning. Biocatalysts are composed mainly of complex organic molecules, assembled into a delicate but specific structure. When a certain molecular group enters a biocatalyst to form and characterize the active catalyst area, it is termed a prosthetic group. The word "prosthetic" is derived from a Greek root meaning to add to, or to insert. Thus prosthetic dentistry deals with the insertion of missing teeth. The prosthetic group, so to say, puts "teeth" into CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 117 the biocatalyst. Often the prosthetic group demands for its func- tioning the presence of a single atom, e.g., magnesium with chlorophyll, copper in the polyphenol oxidase of mushrooms and in tyrosinase, iron in catalase, cytochrome, etc. Where "homeo- pathic" doses are effective, their action may often be understood along these lines. Richard Willstatter35 proposed the term symplex for compounds where high-molecular substances are bound by residual valencies, e.g., a prosthetic group and a colloidal carrier. Symplexes are distinguished from mere mechanical mixtures by one or more of the following characteristics: (1) alteration or enhancement of specific reactivity of one component; (2) change in solubility or dispersion of one component; (3) change in optical properties; (4) change in stability; (5) change in toxicity; (6) change in reac- tions, e.g., color reactions. True chemical combination is not necessary to make separate units acquire new properties when combined. Neither an arrow- head, an arrow shaft, nor a goose feather is an arrow; but the three, when properly fitted together, will make an arrow and will function as one.36 Structures of the "symplex" type are very loosely bound together. E. L. Smith37 found that solutions of phyllochlorins (chlorophyll- protein compounds extracted from spinach leaves) may be split into free chlorophyll and protein by the detergents sodium desoxycholate, bile salts (mainly sodium glycocholate) and digitonin. In the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), the prosthetic group remains at- tached to the protein, but the compound is split into smaller units, the protein properties and absorption spectrum being modified. Tobacco mosaic virus is also split by SDS into smaller fragments, nucleic acid being simultaneously separated from the protein.38 In the presence of SDS chlorophyll loses magnesium and becomes phaephytin; and this substance, or the chlorophyll (depending on pH), remains attached to the protein, since the prosthetic group is not separated by ultra-filtra- tion, dialysis, or fractional precipitation. Smith believes that much previous work on chlorophyll dealt only with the prosthetic groups of extremely complex specific catalysts. Emerson and Arnold39 con- cluded from photochemical studies that 2,500 chlorophyll molecules form one functional unit in photosynthesis. The importance of the carrier in the biological field is indicated by the following two examples. Keilin and Mann40 report that per- oxidase, which shows great resemblance to methemoglobin, can be considered as a compound of protohematin with a native protein. 118 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Peroxidase forms two highly unstable compounds with H202, whose decomposition is much accelerated by the acceptor present in plant extract or by the addition of other acceptors, e.g., ascorbic acid, hydroquinone, or pyrogallol. "The same hematin nucleus combined with three different native proteins forms three distinct compounds: methemoglobin, catalase, and peroxidase, which have many properties in common but show, however, striking differences in the nature and magnitude of their catalytic activities." Warburg and Christian41 report that the old "yellow enzyme" may really be an artifact resulting from the loss of adenylic acid during its preparation. They describe five different yellow enzymes, some with similar proteins but different prosthetic groups, others with the same prosthetic group but different proteins. The protein/prosthetic group combination is reversible, and it is estimated that one molecule of alloxine dinucleotide can transfer 1440 molecules of oxygen per minute. Vegetables and fruits are "blanched" by steam before being dehydrated, to inactivate enzymes which cause undesirable changes. This gives us some insight as to the potency and flexibility of the enzymic catalyst systems of living cells, and effectively answers the antiquated gibe of orthodox organic chemists that whenever a biolog- ical reaction is to be explained, a new enzyme is invented. The formation of chlorophyll seems to demand the presence of iron, just as the formation of erythrocytes in man demands the presence of copper. The mode of formation of prosthetic groups is generally obscure,42 but it has recently been shown that thiamin (vitamin Bx) is combined with pyrophosphoric acid,43 and D. E. Green states:42 "There is ample evidence of the existence in animal tissues and micro- organisms of enzymes which catalyze the phosphorylation of thiamin as well as the dephosphorylation of diphosphothiamin." Some ani- mals (man) must eat vitamin C; others (rats) can synthesize it, or in any event do without it in their food. Nature, with infinite time and opportunity for experiment, accom- plishes results in manifold and devious ways. Thus the ascidian Phallusia mamillata has an acid blood (3 per cent H2S04) which con- tains as chromogen a non-dialysable organo-vanadium compound. On plasmolysis this gives a brown solution, which yields, on drying, a dark-blue powder showing over 10 per cent vanadium (two analyses gave 10.36 and 15.4 per cent, but the latter figure is doubtful). Mus- sels have a manganese-containing catalyst, pinnaglobin. Most crus- taceans, including Limulus (the horse-shoe or king crab, of antediluvian ancestry) are literally blue-blooded because of copper-containing hemocyanin. A group of African birds known as the Touracous or Plantain-eaters have in their pinion feathers red or crimson patches or portions from which weak alkali or soap solutions will extract a pigment, which, after precipitation by acid, dries to a rich crimson CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 119 solid44 called turacin. This has been recently proven to be a copper porphyrin compound.45 Over sixty years ago Professor James F. W. Johnston (University of Durham, England) made the following com- ment:46 "The existence of an animal pigment so rich in copper as turacin (about 8 per cent), offers many interesting problems for study. Traces of this metal seem generally diffused in most vegetables and many animals; but here are more than traces — weighable and visible quanti- ties. It is true that these plantain-eaters have been seen to pick up in their native countries grains of malachite, the green mineral carbonate of copper; but we must rather look to the vegetable food they con- sume as the true source of this metal. And when the copper is ingested, how does it find its way, in the complex pigment of which it is an essential part, precisely to those feathers, and to those barbs of feathers, and to those parts of such barbs, which are red, and not to the black portions? For if one of these feathers is burnt in a Bunsen gas-burner, not till the red part of the feather is reached will the green flash of the copper tinge the flame. However, in the crest of the violet plantain-eater (Musaphaga violacea) and perhaps traces in blood of all these birds, turacin, and therefore copper, does occur. Still the whole mystery of this strange pigment is far from being understood." It has recently been reported that certain molds will not grow in the absence of traces of gallium; and Aguilhon and Sazerac47 found that the addition of 0.0001 per cent of uranium acetate to a fermentation mixture of Acetobacter suboxidans and sorbitol increased the yield of sorbose by 76 per cent. In an article on the biochemistry of microorganisms C. B. Van Niel48 refers to many other cases where trace substances are vital: e.g., molybdenum for the nitrogen-fixing organism Azobacter; copper for common molds as well as for higher plants; boron, apparently needed to form borocitrin, related to the flavin pigments and found in micro- organisms by Kuhn. Van Niel also tabulates the recent work of vari- ous investigators showing the diverse ways in which different organ- isms split acetate and normal butyrate. E. C. Auchter,49 Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, in discussing the interrelation of soils and plant, ani- mal and human nutrition, lists some of the "physiological troubles" of plants which can be cured by supplying the necessary small amounts of certain missing but essential elements. It must, of course, be re- membered that larger amounts than the tiny optima may be very harmful, as is the case, e.g., with boron. Magnesium cures sand drown of tobacco in the soils of the coastal plain; manganese cures chlorosis of tomatoes on some calcareous Florida soils, and permits such soils to give improved yields of potatoes, snapbeans, cabbage, lettuce, peppers, carrots, beets, citrus and corn; zinc cures pecan rosette in the South, 120 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN citrus leaf mottle in California, South Africa, and Florida, little leaf of apples and other deciduous fruits in the West and Northwest, and white bud of corn on the Norfolk and Hernando fine sands of Florida; boron cures internal browning of cauliflower and dry rot of sugar beets in Michigan, crown rot of sugar beets in Ireland, die-back of citrus in Africa, internal cork and drought spot of apples in British Columbia, West Virginia and elsewhere, and cracked stem of celery in Florida; copper, added to muck soils in Holland and parts of western New York and to organic soils of Florida, improves the growth of several crops; sulfur corrects yellows of tea in Nyasaland (Africa), and im- proves the growth of field crops in Oregon and other areas. Since animals depend upon plants, "the soil is the mother of all living things." Deficiency of cobalt50 in certain New Zealand soils causes "bush sickness" in sheep, which seems identical with the "pine" of sheep in Scotland. Iodine deficiency leads to goiter in man and beast and caused an annual loss of thousands of pigs in Montana until iodine feeding was practiced. Selenium, taken from the soil by plants, causes disease and malformations in animals eating the plants.51 Marco Polo, on his journey to Tartary, observed hoof deformations of this type, which may have had the same kind of origin. According to A. L. Moxon traces of arsenic compounds, fed in water or in salt, tend to protect animals against the toxic action of selenium, while bromo- benzene aids in its excretion. The eighth scientific meeting of the Nutrition Society held in Lon- don, England, Oct. 17th, 1942, was devoted to "Trace Elements in Relation to Health." Among the rarer deficiency diseases mentioned were: enzootic ataxia (swayback of lambs), which may be prevented by feeding traces of copper during pregnancy; molybdenosis (called teart of Somerset), which affects ruminants, due to molybdenum taken up by plants where the soil content of molybdenum was about 100 ppm, and helped by traces of copper sulfate; fluorosis, which may cause osteosclerosis, though teeth with mottled enamel due to fluorine are relatively immune to decay. It must not be supposed that trace substances always operate in one way, for the complications in any case may be great. Thus sulphur may be oxidized by soil bacteria and affect the local pH — from which a chain of other consequences may follow. However, much of the evidence points to the conclusion that the inclusion of trace substances in catalyst surfaces is a frequent factor that must always be considered; for visible results develop from the products of catalysis. Chemical Activators A great mass of evidence has accumulated to indicate that many important biological changes are directed, or powerfully influ- CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 121 enced, by exceedingly minute proportions of highly specific sub- stances, even though the actual number of molecules (or other particulate units) involved may be enormous. Some activators come from outside the organism, e.g., vitamins from food, trace substances from the soil; others are formed within the organism, e.g., auxins in plants, hormones and neurohumors in animals. Electric phenomena are associated with the functioning of ner- vous and muscular tissue. Electrocardiograms from the heart muscle and electroencephalograms from the brain are routine pre- cedures in many hospitals. Sir Edgar A. Adrian (Nobel prize, 1932) and his collaborators measured the tiny electric impulses passing along nerves.52 Herbert S. Gasser and Joseph Erlanger (Nobel prize jointly, 1944) applied the oscillograph to demonstrate the details of these impulses. Based on interpretations of experi- mental work of Elliot, Howells, Dixon, Otto Loewi (Nobel prize, 1936), W. A. Cannon and Sir H. H. Dale (Nobel prize, 1936), it has for many years been thought that nerves act upon effector organs (e.g., muscles and other nerve cells) by releasing at the nerve endings chemical substances (e.g., acetylcholine, sympathin, adrenaline) which exert a stimulating or an inhibiting effect at their place of liberation. These views were based on experiments showing the pharmacological effects of acetylcholine, and a demon- stration of its presence, under certain conditions, in the perfusion fluid after stimulation. The new concept is based on studies of the enzymic catalysts which form and break down acetylcholine, and on the correlation of these reactions with the physical happenings in the living cell. Quite a variety of recent experimental data indicate that the propagating agent along nerves and muscle fibers, as well as across nerve synapses and neuromuscular junctions, is a flow of current — the action potential. However, acetylcholine plays an essential role in the alteration of the surface membrane (the "progressive disturbance" of Keith Lucas), permitting the flow of current. The following abstract was kindly prepared for me by Professor David Nachmansohn of Columbia University, who has done so much to establish the new view. "The enzyme which inactivates acetylcholine by splitting the active ester into its inactive compounds, choline and acetate, is cho- linesterase. One of the most essential features resulting from studies of this enzyme is the high speed with which acetylcholine may be in- activated. This speed parallels that of the electrical manifestations, 122 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN a prerequisite for any theory correlating chemical reactions with con- duction. Significant amounts of the ester can be metabolized in a millisecond or a fraction thereof. One square millimeter of neuronal surface of the giant axon of Squid, e.g., can split one billion molecules of acetylcholine in one millisecond. The turnover number of the purified enzyme seems to be close to 20 million per minute, which means that one molecule of enzyme can split one molecule of substrate in a few millionths of a second. The enzyme is localized exclusively in the suface where the bioelectrical phenomena occur. It is present in all conducting mechanisms throughout the whole animal kingdom, being found in the lowest animal form possessing neuromuscular tissue (Tubularia, a hydrozoan coelenterate). The enzyme is distinctly different from all esterases present in non-conductive tissues like liver, kidney, pancreas, etc.53 "The activity of this enzyme can be correlated in different ways with the electrical manifestations of nerve activity. A close parallelism between voltage and cholinesterase activity has been established in studies on electric tissue. The powerful discharge in these organs is basically identical with the electric potentials produced in nerve and muscle, the only distinction being the arrangement of the units in series. Great variations of the voltage per centimeter are found in the electric organ of Electro phorus electricus, the South American electric eel, whether the organ of a single specimen or that of specimens of different sizes are used. In experiments in which the voltage ranging from 0.5 to 22 per centimeter was plotted against cholinesterase activity, a direct proportionality was found between the physical and the chemical event, the line correlating the two processes passing through zero. These findings indicate the interdependence of the two events. No other chemical reaction offers a comparable behavior.54 "Another line of observation was based on thermodynamic con- siderations. If the primary alterations of the surface membrane are connected with the release and removal of acetylcholine, then the primary source of energy during recovery should be used for the resyn- thesis of the ester. In experiments on the electric fish, it can be demonstrated that energy-rich phosphate bonds are adequate to account for the electric energy released during the discharge. If the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate, as suggested in these experi- ments, is the primary energy source in recovery, adenosine triphosphate should yield the energy for acetylation of choline. In agreement with this assumption, a new enzyme, choline acetylase, can be extracted from brain, which in cell-free solution under strictly anaerobic con- ditions, forms acetylcholine in the presence of adenosine triphos- phate.55"58 "A third line of investigation in which the interdependence of CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 123 cholinesterase activity and conduction can be demonstrated is based on the effect of cholinesterase inhibitors. If the breakdown of the membrane during the passage of the impulse is connected with the release of acetylcholine and the restoration of the resting condition requires the immediate removal of the active ester, then inhibition of cholinesterase should abolish conduction. It can be shown on a great variety of nerves, that eserine, a strong inhibitor of cholinesterase, abolishes the action potential. The enzyme-inhibitor complex in this case is easily reversible. In agreement with the reversibility of the chemical process, the nerve and muscle action potentials reappear when the eserine is washed out. "Recently a new potent inhibitor of cholinesterase became known, namely, di-isopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP). This compound, in con- trast to eserine, destroys cholinesterase irreversibly. The rate of irreversible destruction depends, however, on several factors like tem- perature, concentration, etc. A most striking parallelism can be demonstrated between the rate of destruction of cholinesterase and the rate of abolition of the action potential. The close correlation between the two events can be established as a function of time as well as of temperature. The rate of irreversible inactivation of the enzyme in vitro at a given temperature coincides with the rate of irreversible inactivation of the enzyme and the irreversible abolition of the action potential in nerves. The experiments have established conclusively that the activity of the enzyme is inseparably associated with the con- duction in nerve and muscle. 59> 60- 61 "Prostigmine, another cholinesterase inhibitor, which is in vitro as strong as eserine, has no effect on nerve and muscle conduction. It can be shown on the giant axon of Squid that prostigmine, in con- trast to eserine and DFP, does not penetrate the lipoid membrane sur- rounding all nerves (whether myelinated or unmyelinated).62 Prostig- mine is, like acetylcholine and curare, a methylated quaternary am- monium salt. Such compounds are not soluble in lipoids. This may explain why these compounds act only on the nerve endings where no lipoid membrane is found, but do not affect muscle or nerve fiber. The peculiar ability of the synapse to react to certain compounds, as first demonstrated for curare by Claude Bernard, was the basis for the assumption of a special mechanism for the propagation of the impulse across the synapse. In the light of recent biochemical and biophys- ical findings, this peculiar ability may be attributed to a difference in the anatomical structure rather than the underlying basic mechanism. Recent observations of Arvanitaki, Bullock, Eccles and others, support the assumption that the flow of current is the propagating agent across synapses, as it is along the fibers. In the pre- and post-synaptic 124 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN membrane, however, acetylcholine will most likely have the same role as in the active surface membrane of the fibers." The precise mechanism whereby the flow of current acts in the effector organs is still uncertain. It might produce chemical change locally, or transient differences in the charge or the orien- tation of colloidal particles or macromolecules. As Volta long ago showed, the contraction of a muscle follows its electrical stimula- tion; but muscular relaxation follows cessation of the nerve impulses: merely to stand upright requires the subconscious innervation of many muscles. When unconsciousness supervenes (as in narcosis or fainting), the nerve impulses cease, the muscles relax, and the person falls limp. In the "rest cure" for tubercu- losis, where it is desirable to keep exercise at the lowest possible level, the patient reclines in a nearly prone condition. Actually, the nerve impulses reach muscles at the rate of about 100 per second, so that the contraction of the muscles involves great num- bers of "twitches." When age or disease alters the tempo of the twitches, tremor may become evident. Temporary nervous shock often causes trembling. Professor George H. Parker of Harvard University has investi- gated the activity of various chemical activators, originally termed neurohumors by Henri Fredericq, which "really act as hormones over shorter or longer ranges." In discussing the nervous control of color in fishes, Parker goes back to Pouchet (1876), who showed that if the integumentary nerves of a turbot are cut, the melanin granules in its melanophores undergo a dispersion, spreading out the color and darkening the skin. Parker further observes that there are two classes of neurohumors: hydrohumors, soluble in water and therefore found in blood, lymph, etc., and lipohumors, soluble in lipoids, fats, oils, fat solvents, etc. He finds63 that the color changes of catfishes are controlled by three chief neuro- humors: intermedin from the pituitary gland; acetylcholine; and a concentrating neurohumor (probably adrenaline) from nerve fibers controlling, respectively, concentration and dispersion. Acetylcholine induces dispersion of melanophore pigment; adrena- line causes the reverse. Both are lipoid-soluble, and acetylcholine, in its fatty retreat, may thereby be protected from destruction by cholinesterase; in fact, it accumulates to such an extent that its effects may persist after nerve action has ceased, and it may be extracted in measurable amounts from dark fish skins. "Thus the fatty or lipoid substances in the animal body may serve as storage CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 125 reservoirs for agents that may be of first consequence in the animal economy." Francis B. Sumner64 has discussed the quantitative changes in pigmentation resulting from visual stimuli in fishes and amphibia. We thus get an idea of how and why flat-fishes, chameleons, etc., change color in response to their surroundings. This is related to the seasonal color changes in the hair of some animals (e.g., ermines, hares, rabbits), brought about as Bisonette and others have shown, by seasonal variations in the amount of sunlight, acting through variations in the amounts of pituitary hormones secreted. If the animals are kept in illuminated cages, they develop summer coats even in winter. Since the chemical units represent mainly consequences of catalytic activity, it would appear that the differences described probably stem back to the original cellular biocatalysts. In quite another field, we find remarkable evidence of chemical control in bees. In full season a queen bee may lay in excess of 2,000 eggs daily, more than her own weight. Unfertilized eggs give rise only to drones (males), but the fertilized eggs may give rise to workers (sex- ually immature females) or to queens: nutritional difference decides the outcome. Townsend and Lucas state:65 "All female larvae are fed on royal jelly for the first 2-3 days after hatching and during this period their anatomical development is similar. Only the queen continues to receive this special diet. Any larva from a fertile egg, if given royal jelly throughout its larval period, develops sexually so that it becomes a perfect or true female bee, or what is called a queen; otherwise, the larva develops into a sexually immature worker. The queen is structurally much the same as the workers but with these important differences: the pollen-gather- ing apparatus remains undeveloped, the mouth parts and sting are modified, while the spermotheca and ovaries are highly developed." These authors separated royal jelly into four fractions and found some evidence that the physiologically active material responsible for the sexual development of the queen bee is in the ether-soluble frac- tion. More recently Pearson and Burgin66 report that bee royal jelly is the richest known source of pantothenic acid, its 35.8 per cent dry substance containing from 378 to 618 (average, 511) mg of pantothenic acid per gram. In discussing ants, G. H. Carpenter stated:67 "One of the most interesting features of ant-societies is the dimorphism or polymorphism that may often be seen among the workers, the same species being represented by two or more forms. 126 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Thus the British 'wood-ant' (Formica rufa) has a smaller and a larger race of workers ('minor' and 'major' forms), while in Ponera we find a blind race of workers and another race provided with eyes, and in Atta, Ecitron and other genera, four or five forms of workers are produced, the largest of which, with huge heads and elongate trench- ant mandibles, are known as the 'soldier' caste. The development of such diversely formed insects as the offspring of the unmodified females which show none of their peculiarities, raises many points of difficulty for students of heredity. It is thought that the differences are, in part at least, due to differences in the nature of the food supplied to larvae, which are apparently all alike. But the ovaries of worker ants are in some cases sufficiently developed for the production of eggs, which may give rise parthenogenetically to male, queen or worker offspring." Discussing the role of chemoreception in the ability of rattle- snakes to recognize ophidian enemies, C. M. Bogert68 states that although rattlesnakes when confronted by man or by domesticated animals, normally assume a coiled defense attitude, with head raised ready to strike, immediately after exposure to ophiphagous king-snakes they react to contact and to visual stimuli only by assuming a characteristic "king-snake defense posture": head and tail flat on the ground, with the body arched to a high loop with which to strike a defensive blow. Rattlesnakes assumed this char- acteristic posture when placed in a receptable that had previously held king-snakes, and also when a clean stick that had been rubbed on the back of a king-snake was held near. The activating sub- stance is apparently taken up by the tongue and conveyed to Jacobson's organ, which contains olfactory cells; and the response was evoked by visual or by contact stimuli as long as three hours after receipt of the original olfactory stimulus. Apparently some trace of a volatile substance powerfully conditions the behavior of the rattlesnake. H. S. Raper and collaborators have shown69 that the enzyme tyrosinase catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine (an amino acid con- stituent of some proteins) into 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, called dopa for short. Dopa is then oxidized by the same enzyme to a red indole derivative which spontaneously changes to melanin, a pigment which gives hair and skin a dark brown or black color. Factors affecting the activation of the precursor of tyrosinase have been studied by J. H. Bodine and collaborators.70 The pro- enzyme separates in the aqueous layer obtained by ultracentri- fuging mashed grasshopper eggs, and is activated when added to CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 127 the oily or lipid layer. Since chloroform, urethane, urea, heat and detergents (Duponol, Areosol) all produce the same final effect (active tyrosinase), Bodine states: "The enzyme, tyrosinase, is protein in nature and as such shows all the characteristic properties of this chemical group of com- pounds. It, therefore, would seem logical to expect that activation may possibly be related to or dependent upon some physio- chemical properties of this protein molecule and that the various activators employed bring about just such changes. Without add- ing unnecessary details in the way of experimental data, it may be stated that the activation of the melanin-producing enzyme in the present studies is thought to be brought about by the selective adsorption and orientation of the pro-enzyme molecules by the activating agents." Activation ceases to increase when the acti- vator surface is occupied, either by pro-enzyme, or by another adsorbed protein. The black spots on a Dalmatian dog appear where the local cells enable the melanin-producing process to occur, the remaining hairs being white. L. Earle Arnow71 found that in the presence of oxygen, tyrosine may be converted by ultraviolet light into dopa, which is then changed into melanin by an oxidase. Sun-tan appears to be so caused in some persons. A curious case of inhibition of skin pigment formation appeared in a large tannery, where a considerable number of workers (about 50 per cent, many of them Negroes) developed white patches on their skins. Investigation showed that the rubber in some new gloves used to protect the workers' hands from an acid solution, had contained the monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone as an antioxi- dant, and that this substance also inhibits melanin formation; so that when the melanin originally present in the skin is absorbed or other- wised removed, the skin turns white (leukoderma). When the cause was removed the skin slowly returned to its normal shade, indicating that the pigment-forming mechanism was merely inhibited by the anti- oxidant, not destroyed. Normal skin color thus seems to represent a balance between pigment formation and removal. E. L. Tatum and G. W. Beadle state:72 "The development of eye color in Drosophila is known to be controlled by specific diffusible substances designated as v+ and cn+ hormones." By growing certain bacteria on an agar medium containing dead yeast, sugar, and /-trypto- phane, "this bacterially produced v+ hormone has now been obtained in a pure crystalline state," with "an activity of approximately 20,000,- 000 v units per gram when a solution is injected into vermilion brown test larvae." 128 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN An indication of how chemical control by trace substances may domi- nate fertility and thereby contribute an important factor to the course of evolution, is found in the Golden Rose strain of Petunia, which is completely self-sterile under natural conditions. Microscopic examina- tion shows that its pollen tubes grow slowly, and that even before the most rapidly growing tubes reach half way down to the ovary, an abscission layer forms and blocks the way. Yasuda found that the placenta in the ovary of Petunia violacea secrets a "special substance" which diffuses into the style and completely inhibits pollen germination and tube formation. W. H. Eyster73 found evidence that the ovarian secretion of the Golden Rose Petunia "which renders the plant self- sterile, can be transferred to other plants and renders them cross- sterile with pollen from self-sterile plants." Golden Rose Petunia can be self-fertilized by two methods: (1) "If flower buds which are beginning to develop anthocyanin in the petals are opened and pollenated with pollen from fully opened flowers from the same plant, seed capsules containing viable seeds are produced"; similar results were found by Yasuda74 who calls this homo-pollination; (2) by spray- ing the flowering plants with a solution of ten parts of a-naphthalene acetamide in one million parts of water. "Flowers which are sprayed with this solution immediately before or shortly after they have been self-pollinated produce seed capsules filled with viable seeds in exactly the same way that normal self-fertile plants of other strains produce seeds. Obviously a-naphthalene aceta- mide neutralizes the effect of the ovarian secretion which diffuses into the style and inhibits or greatly retards the growth of the pollen tubes." Dwarfism in certain plants (e.g., maize, pea) has been shown to be due either to deficiency of auxin (growth hormone) or to its destruction by oxidative enzymes. J. van Overbeek75 further found that "laziness" in maize (a prostrate habit of growth) is consequent upon higher con- centration of auxin in the upper part of the plant, whereas normally the reverse is true. He concludes: "It is thus evident that the lazy gene interferes with the auxin distribution in the stems which normally takes place under the influence of gravity." While it has for some time been known that over about 1.5 parts per million of fluorine in drinking water generally produces a dis- coloration of the teeth known as "mottled enamel" (endemic dental fluorosis), Dr. H. Trendley Dean and collaborators76 have found that fluoride levels of less than 1.0 ppm were accompanied by a correspond- ing increase in dental caries. While the function of fluorine has not yet been established, it seems possible that the liberation of fluorine ions locally, by acid-producing bacteria would result in the inhibition or death of the bacteria if the fluorine concentration became sufficient CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 129 before material attacks on the tooth had resulted. The fluorine proba- bly also gives the tooth a denser and less readily attacked structure. "Bone gives an x-ray diffraction pattern similar to that of the mineral apatite, the unit structure of which contains Ca10(PO4)cF2. Various substitutions, such as (OH)- for F- and Mg+2 for Ca+2, are known to occur in the apatite lattice without producing significant changes in the diffraction pattern."77 Wide use is made of ethylene gas (about 1 part per 1000 of air) to "color up" fruits and vegetables which must be shipped more or less "green" in order to stand handling and avoid spoilage. Bananas, melons, pineapples, persimmons, tomatoes, oranges, apples, pears, etc., are so treated, the natural coloring processes being greatly accelerated. Celery may be thus blanched, and the hulls loosened from "stick-tight" walnuts. The diverse changes seem to be dependent upon initiating or facilitating specific enzymic changes. Spraying apple trees with soluble thiocyanates, though it causes "spray burn" and a chlorotic condition of the leaves, tends to increase the red color of the fruit (blush) and to turn the green ground color toward yellow, both features desirable to consumers.78 The red color is due to idaein, a glucoside which, on hydrolysis, yields cyanidin and galactose. There is some evidence that spraying apples with naph- thaleneacetic acid and related compounds tends, with some varieties, to reduce the percentage of windfalls, apparently by firming the stems.79 D. W. Wooley has shown80 that the mouse requires a new "vitamin" for normal growth and maintenance of hair. The facts indicate "that the mouse anti-alopecia factor is inositol or its derivatives. They sug- gest that inositol exists in liver in alkali-labile combination with a large molecule which renders the former non-dialyzable." These scattering instances, which might be multiplied many times, illustrate how devious, various, and potent may be the effects of small amounts of substances, which, until comparatively recent times, were generally considered "negligible" in reports of chemical analyses. Their effects are often expressed through catalysts. Biocatalyst Systems or Chains It is we who are simple, not nature. The physico-chemical happenings at various structural levels, which underlie the phe- nomena we observe, are numerous, intricate, often obscure, some- times unsuspected. The complications involved in the structure, lability, and functioning of individual enzymes are magnified in cells, tissues, and organisms, where groups of catalysts and cooper- ative chemicals form chains or systems which have not yet been 130 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN constructed for experiments in vitro. Isolated enzymes, supposed to be pure, have sometimes proved to be mixtures, and it is always a question as to how far experiments with pure enzymes may be applied to an intact biological unit. Liver slices energetically oxidize certain of the lower fatty acids, but when the liver is minced this power immediately disappears. As an illustrative instance, we may take the fermentation of glu- cose by yeast,81 widely practiced and long studied. Present experi- mental data justify the belief that underlying the extremely naive equation C6H12O6=2C02+2C2H5OH the following catalyzed system is operative (end products shown in rectangles): Glycogen (within the yeast cell) Glucose Glucopyranose 1 -phosphate (Cori ester) i Glucopyranose 6-phosphate (Robinson ester) < — 1 Fructofuranose 6-phosphate (Neuberg ester) Fructofuranose 1 , 6-diphosphate (Young-Harden ester) | Glyceraldehyde phosphate < 1 2 "Triose phosphate" Dihydroxyacetone phosphate — ' I (Oxidation) 2 Glyceric acid 3-phosphate \ * \ 2 Glyceric acid 2-phosphate \ 1 H20 2 enol- Pyruvic acid phosphate \ 1 . .\ (Phosphate removal by adenylic acid) \ 2 Pyruvic acid / I / 2 Acetaldehyde / (Reduction) y 1 2COo 2 Ethyl alcohol The successive steps tabulated are catalyzed by specific enzymes, and many of the changes have been shown to be reversible. Besides the final products (ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide), a small amount of glycerin is also formed. Since the formation of Cori ester from glycogen is inhibited by glucose, enzymic formation of glycogen within the yeast cell may serve to restrict glucose concen- tration as glucose diffuses into the yeast cell. If sodium sulfite is added to a yeast fermentation, the formation of alcohol practically ceases and the small percentage of glycerin which occurs in normal fermentation increases so that it becomes a main product, with acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide. The CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 131 acetaldehyde is fixed by the sulfite, the C02 is liberated, and the glycerin remains; during World War I Germany produced glycerin by fermentation processes. Bell82 states that the traces of glycerin in normal fermentation are due to the "mutase" system in the yeast cells. It seems that, normally, acetaldehyde acts as a hydro- gen acceptor in the anaerobic oxidation of triose phosphate; but when the acetaldehyde is removed by the sulfite present, another molecule of triose phosphate can act instead. Since the former reaction is the more rapid, little glycerin is formed when acetalde- hyde is present. By carrying out the fermentation at an alkaline pH, Neuberg found that the breakdown of the glucose yielded glycerin, alcohol, and acetic acid, according to the following scheme, which is not yet understood in detail: Glucose 1 Triose Phosphate / \ CO 2 + acetaldehyde 1/2 Alcohol l/2 Acetic acid Glycerin Not only does the apparently simple yeast cell contain a con- siderable number of specific enzymic catalysts and collaborating molecules, but it can be "trained" to ferment galactose,83 by add- ing small and continually increasing percentages of this sugar to the fermentation mixture. Evidently yeast can "manufacture" new enzymes to meet new situations; probably the new substances add their own specificity to a system of molecules to make a new prosthetic group. Modification of Biocatalysts The writer has taken the view that biocatalysts are subject to modification, which involves the fixation, at an active catalyst area of a gene or other catalyst unit, of some particle (electron, ion, atom, molecule, or colloidal particle) which changes the nature and/or the rate of the catalytic change occurring there. A limiting case under this general principle would be the formation of a new catalyst area by the fixation, e.g., at a protein surface, of a pros- thetic group. In the case of genes a change in catalytic output may arise from an intra particulate change in the gene itself (known as a point mutation), or because of some chromosomal 132 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN upset (e.g., inversion, translocation, crossing over) which places the gene in different surroundings (position effect). If heritable and non-lethal, both these types of change generally lead to new mutant forms of plants or animals. The modification of enzymes within a cell, or the formation or introduction of new enzymes there, could lead to catalytic variations of chemical output which might simulate the effects producible by a point or a chromosomal mutation; but the result would be transient unless sufficient of the modifiers and prosthetic groups to maintain it were supplied or produced. Another possibility is that a specific area may serve as a template or mold against which may be formed specific cata- lytic molecular structures or plaques. Still another possibility is the local establishment of ionic or trace-substance conditions favorable to the formation of new enzymes, e.g., by adsorptive fixation of a prosthetic group by a carrier. Viruses and bacteri- ophages reproduce themselves in cells, thus (where they exert catalytic action) behaving as if they were free-living genes. What is said of genes may be applied with equal force to mitochondria; for whether these are symbionts or cytoplasmic inclusions, they apparently reproduce and are efficient in directing chemical changes within the cell (either directly or through enzyme forma- tion), and behave somewhat as if they are free-living genes or gene groups. The stability of genes and the efficiency of the protections sur- rounding them are evidenced by the regular and orderly sequences normal to life, which shows that gene mutations are relatively quite rare, and abnormal gene or catalyst modifications unusual. Since non-lethal gene mutations may be transmitted by heredity, they are basic factors in evolution; for beneficial mutations tend to survive and dominate, whereas harmful ones tend to die out. If mutation makes a gene (or other catalyst) more susceptible to an abnormal modification, that is one way in which the effect of a mutation may become evident. Bacterial Dissociation and Transformation84 The colonies of most bacteria that have been studied may appear in a rough, corrugated form (R), or in a smooth, glistening, drop-like form (S). The change of a culture from R to S, or vice versa, is known as dissociation. The methods used to produce dissociation involve, mainly, change in the usual growth medium: (1) by the addition of sera, normal or immune; (2) by addition of CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 133 definite chemical agents (e.g., LiCl2, FeCh, sodium taurocholate); (3) by change in pH; (4) by animal passage, a method much used, involving considerable, though unknown, changes in the culture medium. For example, Alexander-Jackson85 was able to change two strains of human tubercle bacilli of R form over into S by the addition of 0.0004 per cent of ferric chloride to Bordet-Gengou medium. As a rule, the S form is relatively more virulent than the R form of the same strain. At the laboratory of the New York City Board of Health the virulence of test strains of pneumo- cocci is maintained by daily passage through mice, to give an example of the well-known effect of animal passage, which also exerts changes in the virulence of viruses; e.g., the virulence of smallpox to man is reduced by passage through cattle. On the other hand Herald R. Cox86 found that the virulence of a Dermacentor variabilis strain of Rocky Mountain spotted fever was enhanced, as against guinea pigs, upon growth in the yolk sacs of developing chick embryos. The virulence decreased after about 50 passages, and after about 100 passages the strain, while causing slight or no reaction in the guinea pigs, made them "solidly immune to massive doses of highly virulent strains." See, also, R. E. Green77 on the nature of virus adaptations. Griffith,87 working with white mice, discovered the interesting fact that S forms of pneumococci can be transformed from one specific type into other specific types through the intermediate stage of the R form. Since the specificity of the types involves the formation of specific sub- stances, (especially, as Heidelberger88 has shown specific carbohy- drates), it seems obvious that the catalysts of the pneumococci in Griffith's experiments must have undergone a change; either old catalysts were transformed, or new ones were formed. Dawson and Sia,89 working in vitro, found that R forms of pneu- mococci derived from S forms of one specific type (Type II), can be transformed into the S forms of other specific types (Types I or III), by growth of small inocula of the R form of Type II in media con- taining vaccines prepared from heterologous S cultures. It seems possible that in this case the R form contains an enzymic carrier which has been deprived of its prosthetic group, but which takes up a dif- ferent prosthetic group from the new vaccine-containing medium. That these R forms are more labile is brought out by Sia and Daw- son,90 who state: "R cultures possessing only slight degree of R stability are most suitable for transformation purposes by in vitro procedures." Drs. Oswald T. Avery, Maclyn McCarty and Colin MacLeod, of the Rockefeller Inst, for Medical Research, found that the substance indue- 134 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN ing the transformation of pneumococcal types isolated from Pneu- mococcus Type III, is "in the form of a desoxyribonucleic acid frac- tion. The data obtained by chemical, enzymatic, and serological analysis, as well as by electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation of the purified material, strongly suggest that the nucleic acid is itself respon- sible for the biological activity." Minute amounts of this substance can cause uncapsulated "rough" variants of Pneumococcus Type II to acquire the capsular structure and type specificity of Pneumococcus Type III. Ascorbic acid (and other autoxidable compounds, e.g., catechol, hydroquinone, p-phenylenediamine) inactivate the trans- forming substance. With ascorbic acid inactivation is catalyzed by traces of cupric ion; this is prevented by the presence of sulfhydryl compounds, which can restore activity under certain conditions. Activity is irreversibly destroyed by highly purified preparations of the specific enzyme desoxyribonuclease, capable of depolymerizing authentic samples of desoxyribosenucleic acid of animal origin. The enzyme requires the presence of a metallic activator (in nature magnesium, though man- ganese in like molar concentration is equally effective). The specific transforming substance isolated from pneumococci of types II and VI, in addition to type III, consists of desoxyribonucleic acid as the bio- logically active substance. "Although the individual desoxyribo- nucleates of different types cannot yet be distinguished from one an- other on chemical grounds, the selective specificity they exhibit in inducing transformation is difficult to interpret save in terms of indi- vidual differences in chemical structure and molecular configuration."91 As pointed out in Chapter 3, note 1, naturally occurring carote- noids having seven double bonds may have 128 possible stereo- isomers. With 12 stereochemically effective double bonds the number of possible isomers rises to 2800 for symmetrical chains, and 4096 for unsymmetrical chains. How stereoisomerism can affect the properties of substances having the same ultimate chemical analysis may be seen from the following excerpts from the review of L. Zechmeister of the California Institute of Tech- nology.92 "A long conjugated double-bond system offers many spatial possibilities, but the synthetic as well as the natural polyenes are usually a\\-trans compounds. . . . This configuration can be easily altered by various thermal, photochemical, or catalytic treatments. Upon such treatment the stereochemical uniformity of the mole- cules disappears and a complicated mixture of cis-trans isomers is formed, in which ordinarily the unchanged portion of the initial CATALYSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 135 all-trans pigment still predominates. Theoretically, each possible stereoisomer must be present in such an equilibrium mixture if only in minute quantity. "The chemical characteristics of the stereoisomers of a given carotenoid are very similar, but fortunately the adsorption affini- ties are highly dependent on configuration, perhaps more so than any other known physical property. Therefore, the Tswett method of chromatographic adsorption is the only effective technique for the separation and study of the stereoisomers.93" It appears that many biologically important compounds may have superimposed upon their basic chemical structure physical or physicochemical impressions or distortions which can affect their specificities in the catalytic field of activity. While every substance has a chemical structure, this does not preclude the simultaneous formation of a superstructure in the case of compli- cated molecules or molecular groups. In cultures of Hemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, and Strep- tobacillus moniliformis, the germination of "large bodies" has been observed, and the descendants of these "L type" colonies, instead of resembling the parent organism, are similar in both morphology and development to the pleuropneumonia group of organisms. Such "L type" colonies come from strains which are rare in most species, but they were also observed in cultures of a Flavobacterium, of Bacteroides funduliformis, and of the gonococcus, and have been isolated in pure cultures from the two former. L. Dienes94 believes that they represent a variant type, in which case the variability of bacteria extends much further than is commonly supposed. E. Kleinberger (references in Dienes' paper) thought that they represented symbionts, a view that Dienes opposes. The question is not finally decided. Speaking of the enzymatic synthesis of polysaccharides, M. Stacey95 states: "There is good evidence for the theory, here advanced for the first time, that the synthesizing enzyme remains in combination with the polysaccharide it has synthesized, and there is progressively built up a complex macromolecule in which comparatively short polyglucose chains are 'cemented' together by a nucleoprotein. In the case of one dextran from Betabacterium vermijorme (Ward-Meyer), the aggre- gating process can go on until the macromolecule is so large that it settles out of the solution in the form of granules. The separation of granular synthetic starch takes place in precisely the same manner and the product contains significant amounts of a nitrogenous constituent which could only come from the phosphorylase preparation." Evidence that bacterial catalysts direct the formation of specific 136 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN polysaccharides appears in the statement of E. J. Hehre96 and J. Y. Sugg that a serologically reactive polysaccharide of dextran nature was produced from sucrose by sterile filtered extracts derived from sucrose broth cultures of Leuconostoc rnesenteroides, a Gram-positive coccus widely distributed on plants. "Rigorous controls were included to prove that this reaction occurred in the absence of microorganisms." The polysaccharide was recognized chemically and also by its ability to react with the anti-serums of types 2 and 20 pneumococci, as well as with the anti-serum of the homologous bacteria. These and many other facts support the view that the specificity of all species, both plant and animal, stem from, or least involve, differences in the basic biocatalysts. The visible forms with which taxonomy deals, and even the specific substances which biochem- ists isolate and identify, are mainly an aftermath. The basis of species specificity and even of evolution rests largely on bio- catalysts and their changes. REFERENCES i Jahesberichte (1836), 15, 237. 2 Pharmaceutisches Centralblatt (later Chemisches Centralblatt), Feb. 6th, 1836, p. 82. 3 "Further information on this subject may be had in the article by Berzelius in Schumacher's Jahrbuch for 1836, pp. 88-97." 4 "Liquid Diffusion Applied to Analysis," read before the Royal Society (London) June 13th, 1861 (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (1861) 151, 183-224). 5 "Biological Enigmas and the Theory of Enzyme Action," The Am. Naturalist (1917), 41, 326. 6 Further extracts from Troland's various papers are given by Alexander and Bridges, in Vol. II of "Colloid Chemistry," pp. 19-21 (Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1928), in a paper entitled "Some Physicochemical Aspects of Life, Mutation and Evolu- tion." 7 Presented before the Genetics Section of the American Society of Zoologists and the Botanical Society of America on Dec. 28th, 1928 (Science (1929) , 70, 508-510) . 8 "Catalysis and Its Industrial Applications," in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. VI, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1946. 9 Berkman, Morrell and Egloff ("Catalysis — Inorganic and Organic," Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1940) give an extensive list of catalysts for many different types of chemical reactions, including hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, oxidation, hydra- tion and dehydration, cyclization, halogenation and dehalogenation, hydrocarbon cracking, polymerization, alkylation, and isomerization. 10 /. Chem. Soc. (1938, 1761-80, 1845-7). 11 H. S. Taylor, American Scientist (1946) 34, 59. 12 /. Soc. Chem. hid. (1903), 22, 1166-1177. 13 U. S. P. No. 1,604,739, Oct. 26th, 1926, to Charles R. Downs. "Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. (1912), 66, 131, Abt. I. 15 Roughly, the following represent normal rectal temperatures: 36-38° C ( 96-101° F.)— man, monkey, mule, horse, elephant, rat, mouse. CATAYLSIS: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 137 38-40° C (100-103° F.) — cattle, sheep, goat, dog, cat, rabbit, pig. 40-41° C (104-106° F.) — cluck, goose, turkey, owl, pelican, vulture. 42-43° C (107-109° F.) — fowl, pigeon, quail, sparrow, starling, bluejay. The duckbill (Omithorhynchus paradoxus, a monotreme), and the Australian anteater (Myrmecobius faciatus, a marsupial) represent forms intermediate between the cold- and the warm-blooded animals, their body temperatures averaging only 25° C (77° F.), and changing by about 10° C with an environmental change of 30° C. While the terrible consequences to the closely packed prisoners in the Black Hole in Calcutta were originally ascribed to lack of oxygen, it seems likely that lack of cooling in that stagnant atmosphere was a big factor. In hot weather we seek breeze or electric fans to help us cool off by transpiration. On the other hand, sheep and bees huddle together to keep warm, and I have seen "ladybugs" (actually, beetles) gathered together in masses for hibernation. For details and references, see Brody, "Bioenergetics and Growth," Chapter 11. 16 D. Burk, Internal. Cong. Soil Sci., 1930, 3, 67. 17 O. Meyerhof, Pfliiger's Archiv. (1916) 164, 353. is Growth (1940) 4, 77. ™Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1944) 45, 409-423. 20 "Dynamic State of Body Constituents," 1942. 21 In an address before the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Glasgow, 1928 (Smithsonian Report, 1929, pp. 309-321) . 22 "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 883-900, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1945. 23 "Bioenergetics and Growth," p. 111. 24 F. Lipmann, Advances in Enzymology (1941) 1, 99; C. F. and G. T. Cori, Ann. Rev. Biochem. (1941), 10, 151; J. C. Sowden and H. O. L. Fischer, ibid. (1942), 11, 203; O. Meyerhof, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. (1941), 3, 239; H. M. Kalkar, Biol. Rev. (1942), 17, 28. 25C + 02=C02+94 Cal* H2-£02=H20+68Cal S+ lJ02+H20=:H2S04+142Cal NH3+1^02r=HN02+H20 + 79 Cal (Nitromosas, nitrite producer) HN02+i02=HN03+21 Cal (Nitrobacter, nitrate producer) * The large Calorie (Cal or Real) is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water 1° C. The small calorie (cal) is one thousandth of a Cal. 26 Alexander, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 43, 434 (1920). 27 Enzymologica, 9, 193 (1941). 28Ipatieff, V. N., Science, 91, 605 (1940). 29 To illustrate the importance of the carrier, it may be mentioned that Adkins, Richards and Davis found marked carrier effects in the catalytic dehydrogenation of hydromatic compounds containing a completely or partially saturated benzene, naphthalene or phenanthracene nucleus. In the case of decahydronaphthalene, the yields of naphthalene varied not only with the catalyst but also with the carrier. % yield of naphthalene Catalyst from decahydronaphthalene Pt. on charcoal 87 Ni on charcoal 34 Ni on chromium oxide 78 Ni on kieselguhr 62 Ni on Alumina I 0 Ni on Alumina II 11 Ni on Alumina III 0 Ni on Alumina IV 36 138 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Note: The charcoal was purified Norit. Alumina I was prepared through sodium aluminate; alumina II, III, and IV, by hydrolyzing alumina isopropoxide by three different procedures. The authors remark that nickel on alumina and on kieselguhr are better catalysts for the dehydrogenation of substituted cyclohexanols than is platinum, because they show less tendency to induce condensations. Nickel on chromium was the most active catalyst in the case of resistant saturated hydrocarbons. In all, 28 representa- tive compounds, including hydrocarbon alcohols, ketones, and ethers, were heated at 300° to 350° in the liquid phase under nitrogen, in the presence of the catalyst and also of benzene, which serves as a hydrogen acceptor or oxidizing agent. (J.A.C.S., 1941). ™Ind.Eng. Chern., (1947) 39, 121-125. 31 /. Soc. Chem. Ind., 52, I T. (1932). 32 Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 45, Apr. 19 (1936). 33 Proc. Roy. Soc. London, June 16, 1864. Zi Biochem. Z., 250, 414 (1932). 35 Z. Physiol. Chem., 225, 103 (1934). 36 J. Alexander, Science, 80, 79 (1934); 81, 44 (1935); also H. Theorell, "Structure and Function of Some Vitamins," A. A. A. S. Pub. No. 14, p. 136. 37 Science, 88, 170 (1938); 91, 199 (1940); Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, 129, 466 (1940). 38 Screenivasaya and Pirie, Biochem. ]., 32, 1707 (1938). 39 /. Gen. Physiol, 16, 191 (1930). 40 Proc. Roy. Soc. London B, 122, 119 (1937). 41 Biochem. Z., 298, 150, 368; 301, 139, 221 (1938). 42 Green, D. H., "Mechanism of Biological Oxidations," 1940. ^Tauber, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 60, 2263 (1938). 44 Church, Trans. Roy. Soc, 627-636 (1869). 45 D. J. Bell, "Introduction to Carbohydrate Chemistry," London. 1940. 46 "The Chemistry of Common Life," p. 489, London, 1879. 47 Compt. rend., 155, 1187 (1912). 48 "Biochemistry of Microorganisms," A. A. A. S. Pub. No. 14, p. 106 (1940). 49 Science, 89, 421 (1938). 50Filmer, J. F., and Underwood, E. J., Australian Fit. J., 10, 83 (1934); 11, 89 (1935). 81 Moxon, A. L., So. Dakota Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 311, p. 1-91 (1937); S. F. Trelease, Scientific Monthly, 54, 12 (1942). 82 "Electricity in Our Bodies," by Bryan H. C. Matthews, 1931. 53 Nachmansohn, D., and Rothenberg, B. A., /. Biol. Chem., 158, 653, 1945. 54 Bullock, T. H., Grundfest, H., Nachmansohn D., and Rothenberg, M. A., /. Neurophysiol., 10, 11, 1947. 55 Nachmansohn, D., and Machado, A. L., /. Neurophysiol., 6, 397, 1943. 56 Nachmansohn, D., and John, H. M., /. Biol. Chem., 158, 157, 1945. 57 Nachmansohn, D., John, H. M., and Berman, M., /. Biol. Chem., 163, 475, 1946. 58 Nachmansohn, D., and Berman, M., /. Biol. Chem., 165, 551, 1946. 69 Bullock, T. H., Grundfest, H., Nachmansohn, D., Rothenberg, M. A., and Ster- ling, K., /. Neurophysiol., 9, 253, 1946. 60 Bullock, T. H., Grundfest, H. Nachmansohn D. and Rothenberg M. A., /. Neurophysiol., 10, 63, 1947. 61 Grundfest, H., Nachmansohn, D., and Rothenberg, M. A., /. Neurophysiol., in press. 62 Bullock, T. H., Nachmansohn, D., and Rothenberg, M. A. /. Neurophysiol, 9, 9, 1946. 63 Science, 81, 279 (1935). ^Biol. Rev. 51, 351 (1940). C AT AY LSI S: THE GUIDE OF LIFE 139 ^Biochem. /., 34, 155 (1940). ™Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 48, 415 (1941). 67Encyclo. Britannica, Vol. 2, p. 86 (1916). 68 Am. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 41, 331 (1941). 69 Physiol. Rev., 8, 253 (1928). ™ /. Gen. Physiol., 24, 99, 423 (1941) ; Am Naturalist, 75, 97 (1941) . ™ Science, 86, 76 (1937). "J. Gen. Physiol., 22, 239 (1938). 73 Science, 94, 144 (1941). ™Bot. Mag. (Tokyo), 46, (548) 510 (1932). 75 /. Heredity, 29, 339 (1938). ™ Public Health Reports, 57, 1155 (1942). " Green, R. G., Science, 95, 602 (1942). 78 Dustman, R. B., and Duncan, I. J., Plant Physiol., 15, 343 (1940); Science, 90, 233 (1939). 79 Hitchcock, A. E., and Zimmerman, P. W., Proc. Am. Hort. Soc, 38, 104 (1940). so/. Biol. Chem., 136, 113 (1940); Science, 92, 384 (1940). 81 Newberg, C, "Handbuch der Biochemie" and supplements, 1925-1933; Am. Brewer, 75, 22 (1924). W. W. Umbreit ("Problems of Autotrophy," Bad. Rev., 11, 156-166, Sept. 1947) discusses energy-rich phosphate bonds. 82 "Introduction to Carbohydrate Chemistry," London, 1940. 83Deinert, F., Am. Inst. Pasteur, 14, 139 (1900). 84 Manwaring, W. H., Science, 79, 466 (1934) . 85 Rev. Tuberculosis, 33, 767 (1936) . 86 Science, 94, 399 (1941). 87 /. Hygiene, 27, 113 (1928). 88 /. Expt. Med., 38, 81 (1923) . 89 /. Expt. Med., 54, 681 (1931) . so/. Expt. Med., 54, 101 (1931) . 91 /. Expt. Med. (1944), 79, 137; (1945), 81, 501; (1946), 83, 89, /. Gen. Physiol. (1946) , 29, 123. 92 Chemical Review's (1943), 34, 267-344. 93 Chromatographic analysis is treated in a paper by Beverly L. Clarke, dealing with selective adsorption and differential diffusion, in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 457-471, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1944. 94 /. Bacter., 44, 37-72 (1942). See also Dienes' paper, published June, 1947, in Cold Spring Harbor Symposia, 11, 51-59. 95 "Mucopolysaccharides and Related Substances," Chemistry and Industry, 62, 110-112 (1943). 96 Science, 93, 237 (1941); /. Expt. Med., 75, 339 (1942). Chapter 7 Immunology and Self-Saving Catalysts Immunity itself must have begun with the development of the mechanism whereby organisms respond to the presence of infec- tious organisms by forming antibodies. But the science of im- munology, which studies the extent, nature and mechanism of immunity, is of relatively recent development, and has been given extensive study by specialized groups of physicians, bacteriologists and chemists. As early as the 7th century A.D. person-to-person inoculation was used in China to protect against smallpox — a practice also known in Arabia. A full century before Jenner introduced vaccination in England, the Chinese were using cow- fleas, an insect carrier, to give a protective attack of cowpox.1 As a practical method, immunology dates from Louis Pasteur, who developed methods of protection against the dreaded anthrax and rabies by the use of weakened or attenuated infective agents. I reproduce here the signature of ^z-^ As a small boy, he was the first person saved by Pasteur from rabies. This signature was obtained in 1926 at Institut Pasteur in Paris, where Meister was concierge, a living monument to the great chemist-bacteriologist-immunologist. Since the precise chemical nature of the colloidal substances involved in immunological reactions was unknown, they were given names corresponding to their observable effects. The spe- cial nomenclature which developed is here outlined. Substances are termed antigens if they can stimulate or cause a plant or animal to produce other substances, termed antibodies, which are able to react specifically with the inciting antigen. Time is required for the formation of the antibody, or immuniza- tion, as it is called; and an organism may inherit immunity to many antigens or may develop immunity to them, e.g., either by 140 IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 141 their proper injection or by their introduction through invading organisms or viruses in an attack of a disease. The U. S. Army uses immunization to protect against cholera, smallpox, tetanus, typhoid fever, typhus, and yellow fever, and sometimes against diphtheria, influenza and some forms of pneumonia. Chemically, antibodies are proteins present in blood serum, whose physical properties class them primarily with the globulin fraction of the serum; they are globulins according to electro- phoretic studies by Arne Tiselius and E. A. Kabat;2 but their peculiar specificities are not necessarily and exclusively due to chemical differences, as so many assumed. The paper and metal industries show how many lasting contours may be impressed on sheets without involving chemical change. The ultracentrifugal work of The Svedberg3 (Nobel prize, 1927) indicates the molecular weights of some antibodies and other large molecules: Serum globulin (horse) 68,000— 167,000 Serum albumin (horse) 70,000 Antipneumonococous globulin (horse) 910,000 Serum globulin (man) 176,000 Antipneumococcus (man) 195,000 Lactoglobulin 41,000 Pepsin 35,500 Insulin 46,000 Catalase 250,000 Urease 480,000 Hemocyanins (various sources) 400,000 — 8,700,000 But these "molecules" are not spheres. A. Neurath4 makes the following estimates: Rabbit pneumococcus antibody, 37A x 338A; horse pneumococcus antibody, 20-47A x 950A. J. R. Marrack reports5 that on immunization there may be an increase in serum protein, mainly in the globulin fraction. Apart from these immune bodies developed from the introduc- tion of the specific antigen, the blood serum may carry, as the result of genie or humoral inheritance, a number of natural anti- bodies to some antigens; and such inherited immunities may in some cases be important factors in survival. Huge numbers of various American, Mexican, and South American tribes suc- cumbed to smallpox, and measles decimated the natives of Pacific islands among whom natural immunity to this disease was rare if not non-existent. 142 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN The envelopes of erythrocytes have areas of what appear to be specific polysaccharide substances which act as agglutinogens and can react with corresponding agglutinins. K. Landsteiner's pioneer work (1900-1) has been extended, and there are now recognized, in humans, the following types: A, B, AB, O; subgroups of A and AB; the M. N, and P agglutinogens of K. Landsteiner and P. Levine0; and the Rh factor of K. Landsteiner and A. S. Wiener.7 These agglutinogens can be distinguished by tests with suitable antisera prepared by immunizing human beings or animals. Agglutination generally occurs, but in some cases hemolysis of the red blood cells takes place. A. S. Wiener states: "In place of the original, single Rh factor, transmitted by a pair of allelic genes, Rh and rh, three Rh factors are known at the present time, together with a so-called Hr factor, and these, in com- bination, give rise to a large series of different varieties of Rh agglu- tinogens, determined by a corresponding set of at least ten or more allelic genes."8 In fact, all the different "blood groups" seem to be distributed genetically, and the bloods of animals close together on the phylogenetic scale, (for example, man and chimpanzee, rat and mouse) are immunologically related. If a goat is immunized by injections of red blood cells of man, rabbit, and pigeon, the blood cells of each of these three animals will absorb from the goat's serum only its own specific agglutinin. The immunological consequences arising from differences in blood groups have much to do with incompatibility of blood used in making transfusions, so that a suitable blood donor must be selected. In plasma transfusions, blood group differences can usually be disregarded. Transplantations of tissues may also fail because of such or similar incompatabilities. In some cases this may cause the death of a child in utero, or shortly after birth (Erythryblastosis fetalis), unless the blood of the infant which has been damaged by the maternal antibodies, can be replaced soon enough by compatible blood. Embryonic and new-born animals usually have passive immu- nity to certain antigens, acquired by diffusion of parental anti- bodies through the placenta, or else by their deposition in the egg. Embryos and young are able to form antibodies very slightly, if at all; and before the new-born animal develops this power and thus establishes its own active immunity, its passive immunity begins to drop off. Hence the very young are generally susceptible to many antigens, especially to the viruses and bacteria of "children's diseases."9 Passive immunity is now commonly given children by injections of antibodies, of antigen-antibodies, IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 143 or of modified antigens (e.g., diphtheria toxoid). Vaccination (from vacca, a cow) infects one with the usually very mild cowpox, and thereby establishes an active immunity against smallpox. While most antigens are proteins with large colloidal molecules, certain carbohydrate and lipo-carbohydrate substances have been recently shown to act as antigens. Simpler proteins do not serve as antigens, for example, protamines consisting mainly of com- plexes of diamino acids, and gelatin lacking tryptophane which contains a benzene ring. Toxins are poisonous antigens. Many antigens, such as egg albumin, casein, and animal sera, are not toxic in the small quanti- ties needed for immunization. As Prof. J. J. Abel pointed out, the Greek word toxikon originally meant "of or belonging to the bow," a meaning that still survives in the word toxophilite, a lover of the bow or archery. The word was carried over to the arrows shot from the bow, and then to the poison into which the arrow heads were usually dipped. Many substances like phenol, arsenic, prussic acid and morphine which do not elicit the formation of antibodies, should be called poisons, not toxins. Many toxins are formed by pathogenic microorganisms. Endo- toxins come from the bacterial body itself on breakdown (typhoid bacillus), while exotoxins are substances formed by and excreted by the bacteria (e.g., diphtheria). Snake venoms and the highly poisonous toxalbumins, such as abrin (from the jequirity bean) and ricin (from the castor bean) induce the forma- tion of specific antibodies. Some toxins, when altered chemically or physically, become non-toxic but still preserve the power to form antibodies to the original toxin, for example, diphtheria toxin treated with formaldehyde and alum. A modified toxin of this sort is known as a toxoid, and its immunizing power may well be due to the slow liberation of the toxin or a closely similar sub- stance. Synthetic Antigens This interesting field was developed by Dr. Karl Landsteiner (Nobel prize, 1930), who coupled organic substances of known chemical constitution to proteins by a process known as diazotiza- tion. For example, when metanilic acid (/?t-aminobenzene sulfonic acid) is treated with nitrous acid, the amino group yields a highly reactive diazo group, which chemically fastens the metanilic acid molecule residue to the protein. This is a counterpart of the 144 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN process long in commercial use for making certain dyes or colors; thus para red is made by diazotizing p-nitraniline and adding beta-naphthol.10 Landsteiner found that his newly synthesized protein addition compounds could evoke the formation of specific antibodies, but that the specificity depended largely upon the nature of the mole- cule attached, which he termed the hapten. While haptens, of themselves, are unable to cause antibody formation, when they are attached to the protein they determine to a large extent the specificity of the antibody formed.* The fact that haptens which are very similar chemically, interact serologically ("cross-reac- tions"), supports the view that the specificity of antibodies and of antigens is determined by their outwardly directed electronic fields, which naturally vary with change in chemical and physical structure. Reactions Between Antigens and Antibodies Most immunological reactions fall into one of the following groups: (1) Toxin-antitoxin neutralization: If properly made, a mix- ture of toxin and its specific antitoxin is innocuous. A toxin formed in or introduced into an animal can be neutralized by its specific antibody, if administered in time. Thus diphtheria anti- toxin must be given before the diphtheria toxin, produced by the invading bacteria, has been irreversibly fixed by certain nerve cells in the medulla. Death from paralysis of the heart and the respiratory system may follow injury to these cells, and even in cases that recover, temporary paralysis of the limbs may occur. Injections of toxoid or of toxin-antitoxin mixtures are now gen- erally used to establish immunity to diphtheria. As far back as 1909, Dr. J. G. M. Bullowa and the writer followed in the ultra- microscope the mutual coagulation of diphtheria toxin by diph- theria antitoxin and of tetanus toxin by tetanus antitoxin. But neither toxin formed a coagulum with the antitoxin specific to the other one.11 (2) Precipitin reactions: When a suitable amount of a soluble antisren is mixed with the blood serum of an animal immunized by injections of this particular antigen, a precipitate appears, and generally is visible. This is known as the Ramon test.12 (3) Agglutination reactions: When an antigen having visible * This recalls the action of prosthetic groups in enzymic catalysts. IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 145 particles {e.g., bacteria, red blood cells) is mixed with a serum con- taining the specific antibody elicited by injections, the particulate antigen agglutinates, or forms floes which usually settle out. Motile antigen cells, such as typhoid bacteria or sperms, lose their inde- pendent motility on coherence, though some cells in a floe may show some motion for a while. This is seen in the Widal test for typhoid fever, for in the serum of a person who has, or has recently recovered from the disease, live, motile typhoid bacilli agglutinate and soon dissolve — the phenomenon termed lysis (solution). (4) Lysis: Antibodies that can dissolve or disintegrate a par- ticulate antigen are termed lysins. Special names indicate the kind of antigen dissolved: bacteriolysis, for bacteria; cytolysis, for cells; hemolysis, for blood corpuscles. Complement or Alexin After 15 minutes' heating at 55° C an immune serum capable of causing lysis of cholera vibrios loses this power, but regains it on the addition of some unheated non-immune serum. Obviously, both immune and non-immune sera contain a factor essential to the action of the lysin. Prof. Jules Bordet of the University of Brussels (Nobel prize 1922) termed this factor alexin (from the Greek meaning helper), while Prof. Paul Ehrlich of the University of Berlin (Nobel prize 1908) called it complement. In the Wasser- mann test a normal serum furnishes the proper amount of com- plement, so that complete lysis occurs. With the serum of a person having syphilis, the complement is altered, bound, or "deviated" to a greater or less extent, so that lysis takes place only partially or not at all. Absence of lysis is recorded on an arbitrary scale as 4 + . Antibody Formation Though antibodies are usually tested for in body fluids such as blood serum and spinal fluid, it is believed that they are formed within the cells. On bleeding an immunized animal, for example a horse, to extract diphtheria antitoxin, a new supply is con- tinuously forthcoming. Since a small amount of antigen can pro- duce an indefinitely large amount of specific antibody, it is obvious that the original antigen molecules cannot constitute the antibody, even in part. This led me to the view that the antigen formed a specific catalyst surface or template, against which a specific anti- body of opposite contour could be molded. I have illustrated this notion in frequent private discussions and public lectures, by 146 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN pressing a sheet of tin foil against a coin and showing that the coin produces a reverse impression on the foil on the near surface. A duplicate of the coin contour is produced on the off surface, and the significance of this will be referred to presently. Free dis- cussion for several years having disclosed no opposing evidence or reasonable alternative, a brief paper was offered for publication to several American scientific journals; but publication was refused on the advice of "referees." Realizing that the paper could not be published here because of this opposition, it was sent to Proto- plasma and was published by this journal in October, 1931, under the title "Some Intracellular Aspects of Life and Disease." The following quotations are from this paper. "Immunological specificity, like all other kinds of chemical speci- ficity, is consequent on the outwardly directed electronic fields of the units involved in precipitation, agglutination, lysis, etc. The minimum sensitizing dose of egg albumin approximates 0.000,05 milligram; and in general the minute quantities of antigen demon- strable by immunological methods cannot be detected by any other known method. How shall we account for the potent effects of such incredibly minute quantities, and also for the fact that if an animal be bled, the temporary drop in the titer of antibodies in the remaining blood is retrieved or even surpassed? Furthermore, the blood of a non-sensitized animal may be used to replace the blood of a sensitized animal, without impairing the sensitivity of the animal or of its isolated tissues. "These facts point to the formation, within the cells themselves, of neiv specific catalysts which are able to direct the formation of antibodies. Three possibilities present themselves as the method whereby specific antigens produce specific catalysts which in turn determine specific antibody formation: (1) modification of a gene; (2) modification of a non-genic catalyst; (3) fixation of the antigen particle by a non-catalyst cytoplasmic particle in such a manner that the combination functions as a specific catalyst. Nature may utilize any or all of these methods, and perhaps others unthought of at present. "All three of these possibilities involve the idea that the antigen becomes an essential part of the directive surface of a catalyst particle, which would tend to determine the formation of particle groups having essentially a reverse of the electrostatic charge pat- tern of the active catalyst surface and therefore of the antigen, or else of particle groups which can acquire essentially such a reverse IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 147 pattern when they are detached and removed to some other part of the organism. Changes in hydrogen ion or other ion concentration might readily account for such detachment and changes, which would be in the nature of an electroversion. In its simplest form this concept may be illustrated by the following diagrams,* wherein positively charged areas are represented as depressions below, and negatively charged areas as elevations above, the dotted line representing neutrality. (See Figure 17). "The applicability of Emil Fischer's well-known analogy of lock and key, which he applied to the fitting of enzyme to substrate, is at once manifest. That such an antibody particle would tend to unite with particles of its specific antigen seems obvious; and the neutral units would tend to flocculate if conditions would permit — presence of precipitating ions and absence of colloidal pro- tectors. . . . Figure 17. (Left) Active "antigen area" in modified catalyst. (Right) Oppositely changed area in antibody formed by modified catalyst. [Courtesy Protoplasma, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1931).] "The effectiveness and lasting effect of minute quantities of antigens becomes comprehensible on the basis of this view, for in theory at least, one single molecule or colloidal particle would be sufficient to convert a cell or an extracellular catalyst into a potential producer of a specific antibody. Furthermore, there is no reason why large numbers of different antigens may not simul- taneously or successively affect the same cell with its many thou- sands of genes and other catalyst particles — which corresponds with the experimental facts. As long as the catalyst-antigen complex continues to function to produce the specific antibody, so long will the production of immune bodies continue, despite bleeding. Variations in the duration of immunity would correspond to variations in the persistence of the antigen-catalyst complex while inability to establish immunity would indicate the non-formation of such a complex (or destruction of the antibody). All these phenomena appear in 'vaccinations,' a general term indicating in- troduction of antigens with the hope that immunity will result." * The actual fields of force extend in three dimensions. 148 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN And in a more recent publication1211 I wrote: "The functioning of the antigen 'mold' or 'template' may be crudely illustrated, at a much higher structural level, by pressing a piece of tinfoil against the sur- face of a coin.13 The surface of the foil next to the coin acquires an impression which is the specific opposite or reverse intaglio of the coin pattern, while the upper surface of the foil acquires a surface pattern which duplicates the coin pattern. If something analogous occurs when a molecular plaque is formed against an antigen mold, the subsequent influence of the detached plaque would depend upon which of the plaque surfaces remains exposed to the milieu, if the plaque serves as adsorbent or is itself adsorbed. There could thus be formed a new surface like the mold, or a surface with a reverse contour, or modifications of either of these surfaces if the plaque is distorted on adsorption or is subject to enzymic or other biochemical attack. "The separation of duplicated chromosomes during mitosis shows that forces exist which separate the duplicated gene-strings from each other. As N. K. Koltzoff14 and C. B. Bridges15 independently showed, the huge salivary gland chromosomes in the small grub that develops into Drosophila, which are enlarged or swollen to about 200 times normal size, appear to consist of a number, possibly 16 or more, of gene strings which, instead of separating, remain coherent and, when stained, show specific bands and structures at the loci of specific genes. On comparing the location of these bands with the gene maps developed from the data of geneticists, their matching indicates that we have before us what has been termed a 'genetic spectrum.' "What forces normally separate each template gene from the new gene formed against it, so that the new chromosome may separate lengthwise from its originator? And what forces would determine the separation of our hypothetical plaque from the surface against which it was formed? While no simple or positive answer can be given, it must be recalled that small changes in ionic concentration (pH with protein units, CCa in the developing zygote) could be effec- tive, as may also be the presence of small amounts of specific sub- stances which act as "detergents," as Svedberg found with proteins and as Smith found with natural chlorophyll. Another possibility is suggested by the experiments of Goranson and Zisman16 who found that when about 500 successive X-multilayers of calcium (or barium) stearate were deposited upon an ebonite 'probe,' the polymolecular layer spontaneously detaches itself.17 Possibly the cohesive surface forces diminish as the layer becomes thicker, and are no longer effec- tive when the deposit reaches a critical thickness. It is not unreason- able to envisage the possibility that specific natural proteins, car- bohydrates, etc., may be thus formed at the surface of specific catalysts as templates, and float away to become effective units elsewhere. A IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 149 contrary effect seems to be produced by colchicine, which causes chromosome doubling or polyploidy, apparently by interfering with spindle formation during mitosis. On the other hand C. C. Lindegren and C. B. Bridges18 advanced the hypothesis that the surface of each chromosome (not necessarily the gene surface), may stimulate the protoplasm to form specific anti- bodies, which on being specifically adsorbed at the chromomere inter- face, renders it capable of adhering specifically to its partner chromo- mere in synapsis. Any two allelic chromomeres happening to touch "would be cemented together by the antibody junctions specific to themselves. The chromomeres which are on each side of the already agglutinated ones would then be more likely to touch and fuse, so that synapsis would proceed, zipper-like, from the first points of the homologous contact throughout the entire length of the chromo- somes. In this connection, it is interesting to consider the concept of "cohesive colloids." W. W. C. Topley, J. Wilson, and J. T. Duncan19 found that when a heterogeneous mixture of bacteria is agglutinated by a heterogeneous mixture of specific antisera, each cluster of bacteria is homogeneous. Apparently each kind of bacterium becomes coated by a layer of its own specific antibody, and the bacteria are so specifically conditioned that each kind forms a lattice or clump of identical unions through the adsorbed antibodies. The submicro- scopic particles containing glycogen isolated by fractional ultra- centrifugation by A. Lazarow20 from finely dispersed liver, appear to be aggregates of smaller glycogen particles held together by about 1 per cent of protein, a coacervating agent which "seems to parallel the action of insulin, because insulin is known to lower blood sugar and facilitate glycogen storage in the liver." The Nature of Antigen-Antibody Reactions "Out of the efforts to explain the diverse and often confusing phenomena appearing in immunological reactions, there arose an unfounded and totally unnecessary antagonism between those who attempted to explain all of them on the basis of simplified con- cepts of colloid chemistry and those who could see nothing in them but applications of the stoichiometric laws of classical chem- istry, which had been developed from observations on the be- havior and reactions of relatively simple substances. Nature does not order the interrelations of particulate units to meet the peda- gogical necessities of propagandists of this or that school. The simple phenomena have both chemical and physical aspects, and part of the whole truth lies in each aspect."21 150 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN J. R. Marrack22 gave an excellent review of both the chemical and the physical aspects of immune reactions and pointed out the fact that it is possible to distinguish two stages in immunity reactions: (1) specific combination of "determinant" groups with antibody, and (2) secondary reactions — precipitation, agglutina- tion, etc. Many "determinative" groups lack chemically reactive areas, and immunological equivalence may be shown by groups chemically different, e.g., CH3 and NH2 NH2 Marrack states: "Such a result can only be due to intermolecular forces and the specific character must be ascribed to (1) an appropriate distribution of polar fields on the determinant group and on the antibody; and (2) to purely spatial considerations, since the approach of a determinative group to a receptive site on the antibody may be prevented by an inert substituent which gets in the way (steric hindrance). These are the same factors as deter- mine the specific selection of the molecules which are built into a crystal." It may here be noted that if adsorbed molecules are polar, which is commonly the case, the pattern of the molecular "ends" ad- sorbed on the oppositely charged areas of a complex surface would tend to form a monolayer or plaque having the reverse pattern of the surface on the near side and a duplicate pattern of the surface on the off side.23 Over 20 years ago Nellensteyn found that diamond will adsorb methylene blue but not succinic acid; but the reverse is the case with graphite, which differs from diamond only in the spacing of the carbon atoms. While the formation of pure crystals of simple compounds with exclusion of "foreign" molecules may take place by the selective and oriented specific "adsorption" of new particles at the various growing crystal surfaces, in the case of very large molecules or molecular groups, like antigens and antibodies, a "spot welding" of molecules at limited reactive areas may suffice to form aggregates strong enough and large enough to settle out. Since time is a factor here, the drop in kinetic activity which accompanies particle growth will, up to the zone of optimum colloidality, favor the proper adjustment of attractive areas to each other. Moderate agitation IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 151 may also be a help, as is the case in the Kahn test for syphilis.24 The simple physico-chemical principles involved in immunology extend to many other fields, as might be expected. F. R. Lillie2"' found that seawater in which sea-urchin eggs had stood for a while ("egg-water"), will agglutinate the spermatoza of the same species, though the agglutinization is spontaneously reversible, seldom last- ing over an hour. The phenomenon is observed in all echinoids, in many molluscs, and in some annelids. The substance respon- sible is called fertilizin, and A. Tyler found20 that it comprises part or more probably the whole of the gelatinous superficial coat of the egg, which swells and slowly disperses, but which can be quickly dissolved in acidified seawater of pH 3.5 to 4.5. "Egg- water" also activates sperms. As evidence of this fact Dr. E. E. Just demonstrated to me at Wood's Hole (1925) that if a small dish in which a female Nereis has been floating were rinsed out several times with fresh seawater and then filled, a male Nereis dropped in will immediately shed its sperm. Fertilizin reacts with a substance termed anti-fertilizin which can be extracted from the sperm surface by acidified seawater, which is of interest in connection with the mode of development of the sex glands. Curiously enough, the surface of the egg from which the fertilizin has been removed also furnishes a substance showing the same behavior and immunological specificity as anti- fertilizin. Commenting on the fact that these substances react with one another in the specific and complementary manner of antigens and antibodies, Tyler suggests application of this notion to explain the auto-agglutination of bacteria and the production of bacterial antibodies. "The finding of two mutually complementary substances leads to the expectation that more may be found deeper within the cell. This view may then be expanded into a general theory of cell structure; namely, that a cell is a mosaic of substances that are mutually com- plementary (i.e., capable of combining with one another in the manner of antigen and antibody) substances which are actually in combination with one another in regions where they adjoin. The compounds would be represented by the various membranes, such as the cell membrane, nuclear membrane, nucleolar membrane, vacuolar mem- brane, etc., which in turn keep the complementary substances apart." This view is consonant with the establishment of interfacial films, which, as the work of Harkins, Langmuir, Adam, Freundlich and others has shown, may be polymolecular and more complicated than 152 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN is indicated by the simple union of two oppositely charged ends of polar molecules. It also accords with the view of Alexander and Bridges that the cell is a "box-within-box" structure. It must be remembered that every free unit or surface having unsatisfied residual electronic fields tends to draw to itself units of opposite charge pattern or areas of opposite electronic contour, even if several molecules are needed to complete the opposite mosaic. Crystallization proceeds this way with the elimination of stranger molecules; but it can also happen that there are "lacunae" or adsorbed "impurities," so that the film or layer, especially if a thick one, may not ideally perfect. To go to one extreme, when atomic nuclei are deprived of one or more electrons, they strive to replace them or at least to share electrons with other nuclei, as in covalent compounds. At higher structural levels the residual forces become more feeble and in- definite, but nevertheless effective. Sir W. B. Hardy27 showed how exceedingly difficult it is to secure a really clean surface, and we can understand how nascent atoms, molecules, and areas may be highly and specifically active, especially in the loci where they are liberated or formed. Lord Rayleigh pointed out that a film of "grease" adsorbed from the atmosphere exists on most exposed surfaces, and to this film all kinds of small particles of "dirt" may adhere. In South Africa when a slurry of diamond-bearing clay flows down a trough lined with tallow, the grease selectively fastens most of the diamonds. Microscopic examination of "house- moss" (or 'cobwebs") — that fluffy horror of meticulous house- keepers— shows it to consist mainly of tiny textile fibers (cotton, wool, etc.) with adsorbed "grease" and mineral particles. By twisting "house-moss" between the fingers, it can be "spun" into a weak but coherent "thread." And millions of letters daily travel in the mails with their postage stamps securely attached, though not even a strict stoichiometrist among chemists would suggest that the "compound" should be called stampate of envelope, or en- velopate of stamp. REFERENCES 1 Alexander, Science (1936), 83, 230. 2/. Exp. Med., 69, 119 (1939). 3 "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 564-6. 4/. Am. Chem. Soc, (1939). 5 "The Chemistry of Antigens and Antibodies," 2nd ed., Brit. Med. Res. Council, London, 1939. 6 /. Exptl. Med (1928) 47, 757. IMMUNOLOGY AND SELF-SAVING CATALYSTS 153 7 Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. (1940), 43, 223. *Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1946), 46, 969. 9 Review by E. Grasset, South African Inst. Med. Publ. (1929), 4, 171; also J. Needham, "Chemical Embryology," pp. 1 444 ff. 10 For further details, see Landsteiner's book, "The Specificity of Immunological Reactions," C. C. Thomas, 1936. 11 J. Alexander, "Selective Adsorption and Differential Diffusion," /. Am Cliem. Soc. (1917), 39, p. 87. 12 Compt. rend. soc. biol. (1922), 86, 661, 711, 813; details may be found in standard texts. 12a"Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, p. 571, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1944. 13 See J. Alexander, "Colloid Chemistry," 4th ed., p. 385, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1937. " Science, 80, Oct. 5 (1934). 15 /. Heredity, Feb., 1935. i«/. Chem. Phys. (1939), 7, 492-505. 17 The authors say: "In plating X-multilayers it has been observed that after about 500 layers have been deposited, and the electrostatic repulsive field of the multilayer has thus reached a certain value, the upper portion of the submerged probe has a silvery appearance which gradually moves down the probe with increas- ing number of dips, and film does not adhere to the multilayer over this portion. The electrostatic repulsive field thus sets a limit to the thickness of X-multilayers on insulators." Dr. Goranson informs me (private communication) that "if plating is made on a metal, more layers can be put on because of the oppositely induced charge of the metal." ™ Science (1938), 87, 510. ™Brit. J. Exptl. Path. (1935), 16, 116. 20 Science (1942), 95, 49. 21 "Colloid Chemistry," 4th ed., p. 418, by J. Alexander, D. Van Nostrand Co., N. Y., 1937. Those interested in a historical account of the long conflict between proponents of the various views and theories will find much summarized in "The Chemical Aspects of Immunity" 2nd ed., 1929, by H. Gideon Wells, and in earlier publications. More recent views are given by Wm. C. Boyd in "Fundamentals of Immunology" (Interscience Pub., 1943) and in his paper on Immunology in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 957-979, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1944. M. G. Sevag in "Immuno-catalysis" (C. C. Thomas, 1945) has also adopted the catalytic view. 22 lib. cit., reference 5. 23 A review of the question of adsorption and crystal modification by Wesley G. France is given in "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. V, pp. 443-457, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1944. 24 R. H. Kahn, in Alexander, "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. II, 1928. 25 7. Exptl. Zool. (1913) 14, 515. 26 Albert Tyler, "Specific interacting substances of eggs and sperm," Western J. Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology (1942) 50, 126-138. 27 "Colloid Chemistry," Vol. I, 1926. Chapter 8 Genetics: The Heritable Transmission of Catalysts The Nobel prize in medicine for 1935 was awarded to Thomas Hunt Morgan, the outstanding geneticist, who with his able collaborators, Calvin B. Bridges, A. H. Sturtevant and others, did so much to establish experimentally the view that hereditary characters are carried by particulate units called genes (or gens),* arranged linearly in the chromosomes of the germ cells. This award to Morgan called attention to the great importance of developments in the science of genetics, a branch of biology deal- ing with heredity and its mechanisms. While breeders of cattle, horses, dogs, pigs, fowl and other do- mestic animals, as well as farmers and seedsmen dealing with vege- tables, wheat and other grains, had from time out of mind been making selections of favored forms, it was Gregor Mendel, Abbot of Briinn (Bohemia) who introduced atomism into genetics, as J. B. S. Haldane puts it. In his cloister garden, Mendel assembled the results of breeding experiments with the common garden pea (Pisum sativum), which were published in 1865, only six years after the appearance of Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species." Mendel attributed the differences, which he found were distrib- uted by heredity, to discrete representative factors or producers, which in general pass unaltered through successive generations, though their distribution may vary. It was not until 1900, eight- een years after Mendel's death, that the importance of his work was independently recognized by three distinguished botanists, Hugo de Vries (Holland), C. Correns (Germany) and G. Tscher- mak (Austria). Mendel crossed a tall with a dwarf pea, and observed how these characters were inherited. All members of the first family (Fx) were tall; but this was not the case with the second family (F2) developing from the seeds of the Fx hybrids. * The Standard Dictionary of 1913 gives timidly the following definition of "gen": "A minute hypothetical particle supposed to be the bearer of hereditary qualities." 154 GENETICS: THE HERITABLE TRANSMISSION OF CATALYSTS 155 Mendel's First Law: Segregation The F2 families always gave an average ratio of three tails to one dwarf. The F2 dwarfs always bred true to type, and so did one-third of the tails. The other two-thirds of the tails behaved just like the original Fx hybrids; that is, they gave, in F3, three tails to one dwarf. Mendel termed tallness a dominant charac- ter, and dwarfness a recessive character, since it reappeared in sub- sequent generations raised from the hybrid seed. Several other pairs of contrasting characters gave similar results, which are shown in the following diagram, where R indicates plants with a recessive character, D dominants which breed true, and D dom- inants which carry the recessive particular producer or gene, as it is now called: Parents DXR i Family Fi D 1 Family F2 D D D R 1 1 D D 1 i , .A Family F3 D DDDK DDDR R Although each cell of the hybrid Fi evidently developed under the joint influence of a dominant and a recessive gene, in both the ova and the pollen grains these factors separate cleanly from each other, or segregate, so that, according to the laws of chance, each ovum or pollen grain would get a pure dominant gene, D, or equally often a pure recessive gene, R. Thus with random or hap- hazard fertilizations, we would get Pollen D R JVM Ova D R leading to an F2 family averaging D/D; 2DR; R — that is, three dominants to one recessive. Mendel tested this hypothesis by what is known as a backcross: he fertilized dwarf flowers with pollen from Fx hybrids, and ob- tained, as he expected, equal numbers of tall- and dwarf- producing seeds. The following diagram indicates what happened: Pollen of Fx hybrid (tall) D R Ova of recessive dwarf R R Progeny of backcross D/R, D/R ; R/R, R/R 2 tall 2 dwarf 156 LIFE: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN Mendel's Second Law: Independent Assortment When peas having yellow and round seeds were crossed with peas having green and wrinkled seeds, Mendel found that all the Fi seeds were yellow and round, these characters being dominant over the recessive alternates, green and wrinkled. But the plants from these Fi seeds, when self-fertilized, gave seeds, and therefore progeny, of jour types: yellow/round; green/wrinkled; green/ round; green/wrinkled, in the ratios 9:3:3:1. To explain these results Mendel assumed that the segregation of the genes of the yellow/green pair takes places independently of the segregation of the round/wrinkled pair; so that there would be four equally numerous kinds of ova and four equally numerous kinds of pollen grains, which, uniting at random during fertilization, would give sixteen different combinations that yielded (bearing in mind the factor of dominance) visible types in the 9:3:3:1 ratio actually found. Linkage Soon after the resurrection of Mendel's work, Sir William Bateson and R. C. Punnett of Cambridge (England), in making experiments with sweet peas, found that the factor pairs (red vs purple flower) and (long vs round pollen grain) did not assort at random. When (red) and (long) entered a cross together, they tended to remain together in subsequent generations to a greater extent than warranted by random assortment. This failure of random assortment is understandable on the assumption that the genes of the two pairs involved act as discrete units or gene blocks in the chromosomes. Chromosomes are microscopically resolvable bodies in the cell; they contain invisible genes arranged in linear order. Chromosomes were well known to cytologists, but their importance in genetics became evident in 1907 when Frances E. Lutz, working with the evening primrose, Oenothera (the experi- mental plant used by H. de Vries), found a great variation in the the number of chromosomes in the various varieties, as follows: O. lamarckiana, 14 (its variety gigas has 28); O. lata and O. albida have each 15 chromosomes. Gates independently published some of these results a few months later. In 1901 Charles E. McClung of Princeton discovered unequal chromosomes in the two sexes, a fact brought out in Figure 18, indicating how the chromosomes behave in the formation of sperm GENETICS: THE HERITABLE TRANSMISSION OF CATALYSTS 157 and ovum, and the union of these units as the initial step (concep- tion) in the formation of an individual. Besides the single pair of sex-chromosomes which determine the sex of the individual, there are a number of autosomes ("ordinary chromosomes"), which in man number 46 (23 pairs). In mammals, including man, female cells have additionally two x-chromosomes (female determiners), while male cells have additionally one x- and one y-chromosome. In ordinary cell duplication, termed mitosis, the chromosomes MALE FEMALE Primary Spermatocyte X- Chromosome (Tem»\e* . ^ ft Sex- determiner; [£ Y- Chromosome / yMMe" . \ ^sex-deterrtunev Worn ajermina\ epithelium- Double set ot chromosomes Primary Oocytg .TV»re