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Agassiz occupied too large and important a place in natural history not to have left both a certain num- ber of critics and a larger number of enthusiastic ad- mirers ready to see in him only faults or perfection. Truth lies between the two. As one of the reviewers of Agassiz's life by his wife says : " The true history of Agassiz has not yet been written." To meet this want, I have made during the last twenty years a large collection of material in the form of letters, recollections of friends and contemporaries, and rare pamphlets, with the design of presenting to the public the man himself ; his origin, his character, his public life, his private life, his passions, his weak- nesses, his faults, his errors, his genius ; what he did and what he left undone ; above all, to put him in his vi PREFACE. place, in a true light, in correct perspective, with its lights and shadows, in the field of the history of natural science. I have tried to speak of him uninfluenced by the dis- cordant voices which have celebrated his merits without discretion, or demolished his reputation without meas- ure. His faults were small, while his genius was great. " Son envergure immense allant d'un bout a 1'autre du ciel scientifique," as was said also of Humboldt and Cuvier. I enjoyed his friendship during almost thirty years, being one of the few men to whom Agassiz half unbosomed himself ; and I am the last survivor of the small band of European naturalists who came to Amer- ica with him. My admiration of the man is not con- cealed ; but I have had constantly in view the truth, and have tried to be just, not only towards him, but also towards all those who were more or less connected with him during his scientific life. In the thought of many, a man of genius ought to be perfect ; and consequently when errors, mistakes, and faults appear, it is difficult to accept them and bear them with equanimity and indulgence. But we must be generous, and make a fair allowance for human weakness, even in a man of genius, and especially in a man of genius. Agassiz kept up all his life a very large correspond- ence, either directly, or when too busy or in ill health, by dictation. In Neuchatel he wrote at least five let- ters daily, not only to naturalists, savants in general, and to his relatives, but also to other friends, and PREFACE. vii even statesmen and historians like Thiers and Guizot in France, and later to Dom Pedro II, in Brazil. The num- ber of his letters is enormous, and until 1842 he kept copies of them all. I know of one of his correspond- ents who received more than one hundred letters from him. To choose among them is not an easy task. Mrs. Agassiz, in the life of her husband, has given a certain number (about ninety), selecting more especially those addressed to Agassiz's mother, father, and brother, and to some well-known men of science, philosophers, phil- anthropists, and politicians ; besides giving letters writ- ten to Agassiz by naturalists like Humboldt, Cuvier, Buckland, Sedgwick, Lyell, etc. Unwilling to repeat what has been already so well done by Mrs. Agassiz, my quotations are limited to letters of Agassiz, addressed to practical naturalists, his contemporaries, working on kindred subjects. To see and appreciate the influence exerted by Agassiz on the progress of palaeontology, geology, and the glacial question, it is important to show his impressions at the very moment when he received them in the course of his studies. I have received much information, and copies of let- ters and notes, from persons or families formerly in correspondence with Agassiz. I beg them to receive my thanks ; and I have especially to thank my good friend, M. Auguste Mayor, of Neuchatel, first cousin of Agassiz. Although some years younger than Louis Agassiz, he knew him as a very young man, and fol- lowed closely his eventful and splendid career dur- ing his whole life, both in Europe and in America, viii PREFACE. for M. Mayor lived for more than twenty years in Brooklyn, New York, and received Agassiz at his house when he came to the New World. Each had perfect confidence in the other ; as cousins and friends they loved one another without reserve. For myself, I can- not separate Louis Agassiz from Auguste Mayor. Such friendly and constant relations in both hemispheres between two men are extremely rare. I have carefully read and considered all documents, and have made constant use of my intimate knowledge of Agassiz. Scientifically we did not agree on all points; but both were satisfied to accept our differences of opinions. On the whole, our friendship was never shadowed by a single serious disagreement. The biography of such a man as Agassiz cannot be given by the publication of his letters only ; because in letters the confidences are not so free, precise, or so full as can be desired : besides, many letters, for various reasons, cannot be published in full. Agassiz's genius was so spontaneous, so frankly natural, so absolutely sincere, that his physiognomy was most attractive, show- ing always the great mobility of his sentiments. He was one of those very few men whose works are not sufficient to make him entirely known ; one must meet him face to face. Agassiz was so full of personal in- spiration and original thought, that in order to have a just idea of him, naturalists went to Neuchatel, and afterward to Cambridge, only to see him, and shake his hand. His individuality was a subject of continual observation by all those who surrounded or approached him. He was of an extremely rare and very complex PREFACE. ix type. It is impossible to group round him other natu- ralists, and to form a special class of spirits related to his. He surprised every one by his constant watch- fulness, and his quickness to get at the truth of nature. Agassiz himself was more interesting than his works. His life is a rare study. Until 1838, he wrote with his own hand an enormous amount of manuscript; nothing discouraged him, and he was always ready to use his pen, even to copy papers or books which he was too poor to purchase, or which it was impossible to procure otherwise. He kept a private journal, in which he wrote with great naivete everything which occurred to him, or came under his eyes, when at Bienne, Lausanne, Zurich, Heidelberg, Orbe, Munich, Concise, Paris, and during the first two years of his life at Neuchatel. He showed me this journal, and I had the privilege of reading in it some of his student adventures and escapades. I do not know what has become of the manuscript. Agassiz, from his youth until his last illness, was over- flowing with intellectual spirit and vitality. He is a rare example of manly qualities and activities. His influence on the progress and diffusion of natural his- tory is second to none. I have tried to bring him before the reader as I have known him. If I do not produce an exact portrait of the man and his life, it is due simply to my inability to express my feeling for the man and his works. Born at the foot of the Jura Mountains like Agassiz, and not far from his birthplace, I passed my youth and was educated under much the same circumstances as he, x PREFACE. and ought to be able to deal with the difficult task of writing his biography, for I have had unusual opportu- nities to know him and his surroundings in the Old and New Worlds. I can truly say that the task of writing his life has been a work of friendly love and respect for the man, and of justice to the savant. My aim has been constantly to make a judicious blending of history, correspondence, and extracts from his works, and of the estimation in which these are held by others. Mrs. Agassiz's account of her husband's life gives the character of Agassiz by means of a list of qualities rather than a complete picture. As is very likely to happen, her biography is rather a panegyric than an analysis of character. I have her example con- stantly before my eyes, in my endeavour not to fall into the same error; as Massimo d'Azelio says: "I must be honest, not only with the reader, but with myself ; otherwise I should be treating the life of Agassiz like a half-decayed peach, the spoilt part of which I should cut out, and present only the sound portion." Without passing over in silence the moral failings of the man, and the inequalities of talent of the naturalist, I have expressed all my admiration for this master of natural history. The unity which is not to be found in his acts or in his works will be found in his iron will ; he had a fixed idea - - he wished to be the " first natural- ist of his time," as he said in a letter to his father, when he was still a student at Munich. Although Agassiz was very ready to care for his own interests, he never was a practical man, in the full business sense of the word. Unable to choose suitable PREFACE. xi men as assistants and co-workers, he was very prompt to make use of them, whenever they were competent. I shall finish with a French sentence, very appropri- ate to the Franco-Swiss savant, educated as a naturalist in Germany, a constant admirer and pupil of Cuvier, and finally a naturalized American. Agassiz "restera \ une personnalite populaire et sympathique. A mesure que ses defauts et ses faiblesses diminuent dans 1'eloigne- ment, ses qualites maitresses apparaissent plus eclatantes et font oublier tout le reste : il avait la foi, la vie, la chaleur, 1'enthousiasme, la passion, et surtout ce qui le rendait eminement sympathique, il ne connaissait pas le fiel, 1'envie, la rancune et la haine." CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, March, 1895. INTRODUCTION. FRENCH was the native tongue of Louis Agassiz. His remarkable and admirable mother knew neither English nor German, but wrote French with great purity and choice of expression. As one of the family in Switzerland writes me, " ses lettres sont charmantes, elle ecrivait a merveille." All the great works of Agassiz, on which his reputation as an original natu- ralist is based, are in the French language. The most active part of his life, as regards great discoveries, was spent at Neuchatel, then a small town, where French is the only language spoken. Before he came to America, all his correspondence with English naturalists was in French ; so that it is almost impossible entirely to sup- press this language in writing an accurate and true life of him. Translations, however good, never give an exact idea of what the author means, especially in the case of difficult and delicate observations in natural history. After long consideration, I have, therefore, concluded to give what I quote of his correspondence in the origi- nal. All English-speaking naturalists read French now. As the interest of such a book is limited to naturalists and persons whose education leads them to read and xiii xiv INTRODUCTION. appreciate the life of an extraordinary man, a few let- ters and quotations in French, scattered through the work, will present no difficulties to its readers. On the contrary, they will be a sort of stimulant and a relish, both scientifically and from a literary point of view. For the same reason, an address — the most impor- tant of the many delivered by Agassiz - - has been reproduced in the original. It is his celebrated dis- course of 1837, on a " Great Ice-age." During the period from his twenty-third to his fortieth year, Agassiz wrote many letters in German, mainly of a private nature, addressed to members of his German family or to a few most intimate friends. Almost all his scientific letters were directed to his old professor at Heidelberg, H. G. Bronn, and have been published in the " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Petrefaktenkunde." Although he was a perfect master of German, speaking and writing it like a native of Heidelberg or Munich, he never published important papers in that language, only a few pamphlets, the principal one being his reply to Karl Schimper's claims, 4 pp. 4to. Agassiz's remarkable personality cannot be properly understood without taking into account the strength of his French nature. A Franco-Swiss he was born ; and a Franco-Swiss he remained all his life, notwithstanding his American naturalization and his great admiration of the New World in general, and of the United States in particular. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. 1807-1827. PAGE Ancestry — Origin of the Name Agassiz — Coat-of-Arms — Boy- hood — Motier-en-Vuly — Reputation of Louis's Father as a Teacher — College of Bienne — Vintage-time at Motier — Some Peculiarities in the Character of Louis Agassiz — College Studies at Lausanne — His Resolution to be a Naturalist — University of Ziirich — His First Teacher of Zoology, M. Schinz — " First at Work and first at Play ! " — University of Heidelberg — Alexander Braun, Karl Schimper, and Agassiz — First Visit to the Braun Family at Carlsruhe — Typhoid Fever — His Stay at Orbe i CHAPTER II. 1827-1831. Journey from Carlsruhe to Munich — His Evolution from a French- Swiss to a German Student — His Duel at Heidelberg — Univer- sity of Munich — Doctor of Philosophy — Martius's Proposal to publish Spix's Fishes from Brazil — Publication of his First Great Work on Natural History — Doctor of Medicine and Surgery — Beginning of his Researches on the " Poissons Fossiles " — His Method of publishing his Works — His Desire to be the First Naturalist of his Time — Visit to Vienna — Return Home with Artist Dinkel — Life at Concise — Christinat — Opportune Help for a Trip to Paris - - His Journey " en Zig-zag " by way of Carlsruhe ........... 20 xv xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. 1831-1832. PAGE First Visit to Paris — His Relations with Cuvier — Humboldt charmed with him — His Visit to the Seashore at Dieppe — Death of Cuvier — Sketch of Cuvier's Life — Cuvier and Geoffrey St. Hilaire — Their Discussion before the French Academy of Science — Cuvier's Influence on Agassiz — Difficulty of getting an Official Position in Paris — Appointed Professor at the Lyceum of Neu- chatel ............ 36 CHAPTER IV. 1832-1835. Agassiz's First Establishment at Neuchatel — Foundation of the " Societe des Sciences Naturelles," on the 6th of December, 1832 — An Offer of a Chair at the University of Heidelberg declined — Letter of Humboldt — Engagement of Alexander Braun with Miss Cecile Guyot and that of Karl Schimper with Miss Emmy Braun broken off — Marriage of Agassiz with Miss Cecile Braun — Publi- cation of the First Part of the "Fossil Fishes" — First Visit to England in 1834 — "Monographic des Echinodermes " — Des Moulins's Work on the Same Subject — Criticisms of Humboldt and von Buch — Second Visit to England in 1835 — Birth of a Son — Four Letters to Pictet and Nicolet 50 CHAPTER V. 1836-1837. The Wollaston Medal — First Paper of de Charpentier on the Glacial Theory — Venetz's Observations on Large Boulders perched on the Sides of the Alpine Valleys — Dr. Hermann Lebert, the First Disciple and Pupil of de Charpentier and Venetz -- Extract from de Charpentier's First Paper — Agassiz's Summer Vacation at Bex, near the House of de Charpentier — Conversion of Agassiz to the Glacial Theory; his Creation of the Ice-age — Karl Schimper visits Agassiz at Bex and at Neuchatel — Discours de Neuchatel July 24, 1837, on the Ice-age ....... 72 CONTENTS. xvii CHAPTER VI. 1836-1837 (continued} and 1838. PAGE Discussion raised by Agassiz's Discourse at Neuchatel — Agassiz's Great Reputation at the Early Age of Thirty Years — Death of his Father — Laurillard the Assistant of Cuvier — The Establishment of Hercule Nicolet's Lithography at Neuchatel — Dr. Vogt of Berne sends Agassiz Edward Desor as a Secretary — Offer of a Chair at the Academies of Geneva and Lausanne — First Visit to the Bernese Alps — Two Letters to Jules Thurmann — A Visit to Chamounix — The Meeting of the Geological Society of France at Porrentruy — First Use of Lithochromy for the Plates of Fossil Fishes — The Geologist Armand Gressly — Agassiz created a " Bourgeois " of Neuchatel — Organization of an Academy at Neuchatel 109 CHAPTER VII. 1839-1840. Agassiz's Scientific Activity ; the Help rendered by his Secretary Desor — An Interesting Business Letter to Pictet — Dispute with Edward Charlesworth about the French and German Translation of Sowerby's " Mineral Conchology" — Visit to the Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn — The Geologist Voltz of Strasbourg — Stu- der's Conversion to the Glacial Doctrine — Old Glaciers in the Vosges — Search on the Glacier of the Aar for Hugi's Old Cabin — Karl Vogt's Arrival as Assistant to Agassiz — The Household and Laboratory of Agassiz at Neuchatel — The " Echinodermes fossiles de la Suisse " — " Etudes sur les Glaciers " — The " Essai sur les Glaciers," by de Charpentier — Letter of Agassiz to de Char- pentier — The "Hotel des Neuchatelois " on the Aar Glacier — Visit of Mrs. Agassiz and Alexander to the Glacier — Journey to England — The Glacial Theory in England — Agassiz's Discovery of Ancient Glaciers in Scotland, Ireland, and England — Letter to Humboldt ..... ... . 137 CHAPTER VIII. 1841-1842. Visit during the Winter to the Aar Glacier — Letters to Jules Thur- mann and to Eugenic Sismonda — " Monographic d'Echinodermes xviii CONTENTS. PAGE vivants et fossiles" — Letter to Deshayes — Another Letter to Thurmann — Visit of James D. Forbes at the "Hotel des Neucha*- telois" — Ascent of the Jungfrau — Other Visitors at the " Hotel des Neuchatelois" — Forbes at Neuchatel and La Chaux-de-fonds — Inauguration of the Academy of Neuchatel, i8th of November, 1841 — Agassiz's Letter to the Rector of the Academy — His Ap- pointment as Rector for the Year 1842-1843 — Controversy with James D. Forbes on the Laminated Structure of Glaciers — A New Cabin to replace the " Hotel des Neuchatelois " — Stay at the Aar Glacier from the Beginning of July, 1842, to the Middle of Septem- ber — Discoveries of John Tyndall — Dispute with Karl Schimper — Daniel Dollfus-Ausset . . . . . . . . 175 CHAPTER IX. 1843-1844. " Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles," 1833-1843 — Review of it by Jules Pictet de la Rive — Dr. A. Gunther's Opinion — Agassiz's Errors with the Eocene Fossil Fishes of Claris (Switzerland) — The Part taken by Collaborators in the " Poissons Fossiles " — Another Visit to the Glacier of the Aar — The Meeting of the Helvetic Society at Lausanne, July, 1843 — Agassiz's Hospitality at Neuchatel — False Position of his Secretary, Desor, and his Assistant, Vogt — Scientific Life in Neuchatel — " Monographies des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres Rouge," 1844 — The' Geol- ogist and Stonecutter, Hugh Miller — " Histoire Naturelle des Poissons d'Eau douce" — Karl Vogt leaves Agassiz — Extraordi- nary Session of the Geological Society of France at Chambery (Savoy) — Failure of Nicolet's Lithographic Establishment — Dinkel leaves Neuchatel — Illness of Gressly . . . .211 CHAPTER X. 1845. "Monographic des Myes," 1842-1845 - -The " Nomenclator Zoolo- gicus," 1842-1845 — " Bibliographia Zoologize et Geologise" " Iconographie des Coquilles tertiaires reputees Identiques avec les Especes Vivantes," etc. — The Two Translations of Sowerby's " Mineral Conchology of Great Britain " — Actual Mercantile CONTENTS. xix PAGE Value of Agassiz's Publications — Agassiz's Family come to his Help - - Great Credit due to Neuchatel and its Inhabitants — Agassiz's Last Series of Lectures : " Notice sur la Geographic des Animaux " — Intimate Friendship with Jules Pictet de la Rive — Agassiz's Last Visit to the Aar Glacier — The Meeting of the Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences at Geneva, August, 1845- A Letter to Pictet, with Biographical Remarks — Biography of Agassiz by Pictet — Agassiz returns all the Specimens borrowed for his Great Pakeontological Works ...... 239 CHAPTER XI. 1846. Departure from Neuchatel, March, 1846 — Arrival in Paris and Sojourn at the " Hotel du Jardin du Roi " — " Nouvelles Etudes sur les Glaciers actuels " — The Glacial Theory before the Geo- logical Society of France, at the Meeting of the 6th of April, 1846 — Agassiz's " Catalogue Raisonne des Echinodermes " — His Work in the " Galerie de Zoologie " and among the Private Collec- tions of Brongniart, de France, Deshayes, d'Orbigny, de Verneuil, etc. — Desor's Presumption, in putting his Name on the Title Page, without Agassiz's Knowledge — Attentions paid to Agassiz by Thiers — Indirect Offer of Official Positions at Paris declined — Short Visit to England, to meet Charles Lyell — On a Cunard Steamship from Liverpool to Boston ...... 258 CHAPTER XII. 1846 Arrival in America, and Reception by Mr. John A. Lowell — Condition of Natural History in the United States — His First Visit to New York — His Acquaintance with Dr. Samuel Morton, of Philadelphia — Collections of Captain Wrilkes made during his Expedition round the World, seen at Washington — Science at the Capital of the United States — Agassiz's First Series of Lectures before the Lowell Institute at Boston — His Success — A Course on the Glaciers, in French — Frank de Pourtales joins him — Charles- ton, South Carolina — His Observations on the Negroes — His Dis- xx CONTENTS. PAGE approval of Slavery — Arrival at New York of his Two Assistants, Desor and Girard - - Establishment at East Boston — Sickness of Agassiz — His Hospitality — A Visit to Niagara Falls — On Board the United States Coast Survey Steamer, the Bibb — Arrival of Minister Charles Louis Philippe Christinat — First Difficulties with his Secretary --Two letters to J. Marcou, extending an Invitation to join him ........... 279 ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. I. PORTRAIT OF Louis AGASSIZ, 1872 . . . Frontispiece SKETCH MAP OF PART OF SWITZERLAND . 6 HOTEL DES NEUCHATELOIS, AUGUST, 1842 . . , . 201 XXI CHAPTER I. 1807-1827. ANCESTRY — ORIGIN OF THE NAME AGASSIZ — COAT-OF-ARMS — BOYHOOD — MOTIER-EN-VULY — REPUTATION OF LOUIS'S FATHER AS A TEACHER — COLLEGE OF BlENNE — VlNTAGE-TIME AT MOTIER — SOME PECULI- ARITIES IN THE CHARACTER OF Louis AGASSIZ — COLLEGE STUDIES AT LAUSANNE — His RESOLUTION TO BE A NATURALIST --UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH — His FIRST TEACHER OF ZOOLOGY, M. SCHINZ — "FIRST AT WORK AND FIRST AT PLAY!" — UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG — ALEXANDER BRAUN, KARL SCHIMPER, AND AGASSIZ — FIRST VISIT TO THE BRAUN FAMILY AT CARLSRUHE — TYPHOID FEVER — His STAY AT ORBE. THE Agassiz family came originally from Orbe and the small village of Bavois, in the ''Jura Vaudois." A little west of Orbe there is a small hamlet, called Agiez or Agiz. In old French, and more especially in the patois of the Canton de Vaud, Agiz, Agiez, Agasse, Agassiz, and Aigasse1 mean "magpie," a bird which was and is still very common in the country around Orbe and La Sarraz. In low Latin, magpie is Agasia ; in Provencal, Agazia, or Agassa, and Agasse ; while in Burgundy and Franche-Comte it is Aiguaisse. Obvi- 1 "Agassiz ou Agasses ou Agaisse; dans toute la France ces trois noms signifient Pie. Autrefois Agassiz s'ecrivait un pen differement Agacie. C'etait un surnom donne jadis aux querelleurs, dit-on, et aussi aux grands causeurs. — On salt combien la Pie est jaseuse." (See " Dictionnaire des noms," par Loredan-Larchey, p. 4, Paris, 1880.) B I 2 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. ously the name of the family was derived from the name of the bird ; as evidence of this, the old armoiries or coat-of-arms of the Agassiz family is a black magpie on a silver ground (Pic noire sur fond d ' argejit), a drawing of which may be seen on the title-page. It is still preserved in the family in Switzerland, which also possesses an old seal, engraved on copper, with the same bird in the centre. Formerly, among all French- speaking peoples it was the custom for ennobled burghers to adopt for their coat-of-arms what was called " armes parlantes," and the Agassiz of Orbe chose the magpie. Originally, the name was doubtless given to one inclined to talk a little too much, — as the French proverb has it, "bavard comme une pie." One of the most faithful correspondents and best friends of Agassiz, Sir Philip de Grey Egerton, the great English paleoichthyologist, an excellent French scholar, used often to call him " Mon cher Agass " as a reminder of his knowledge of old French and patois. The name Agassiz is not very rare, and is found among French people not connected in any way with the original family of Louis Agassiz. However, a branch of his family emigrated to London, and some fifty or more years ago a family of bankers of the name of Agassiz was there, who occasionally corre- sponded with their relatives of the Canton de Vaud. One of them published, in 1833, a book of travels under the title, "Journey to Switzerland and Pedestrian Tours in that Country" (London, Svo), a work which is some- times wrongly attributed to Louis Agassiz. 1807-27.] ORIGIN OF THE NAME AGASSIZ. 3 At the beginning of this century there was in Paris a M. Agasse, a publisher and bookseller, who published in 1804 the third edition of "La Flore frangaise," by Lamarck and De Candolle. The celebrated La Fontaine, in his fable " L'Aigle et la Pie," says : - •• L'aigle, reine des airs, avec Margot la pie, Differentes d'humeur, de langage, et d'esprit, Et d'habit, Traversaient un bout de prairie. Le hazard les assemble en un coin detourne. L' Agasse 1 eut peur ; mais PAigle ayant fort bien dine*, La rassure. et lui dit : * Allons de compagnie ; Si le maitre des dieux assez souvent s'ennuie, Lui qui gouverne 1'univers, J'en puis bien faire autant, moi qu'on sait qui le sers. Entretenez-moi done, et sans ceremonie.' Caquet-bon-bec alors de jaser au plus dru, Sur ceci, sur cela, sur tout. L'homme d'Horace, Disant le bien, le mal, a travers champs, iveut su Ce qiren fait de babil y savait notre Agasse." The name is also found in Italy, but omits the 2 at the end. In the Arabic or Mauresque and Saracenic language the expression " Kol-Agassiz ' means wing-leader, a sort of field officer occupying a position between captain and major, called in Turkish " Bin-Bashi." So in Arabic Agassiz means conductor, leader. The origin of the Swiss name evidently differs from that of the Mauresque and Saracenic word. 1 " Agasse, vieux mot qui vient de 1'italien gazza, signiliant Pie." 4 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. That the Agassiz were descendants of French Hu- guenots, and were obliged to leave France at the revocation of the "edit de Nantes," is a tradition with- out any solid basis of fact to rest upon. Indeed, the name Agassiz existed as far back as the thirteenth century in the Canton de Vaud ; but it is impossible to trace the family, because all the papers belonging to the Agassiz were destroyed in a fire at the parsonage of Constantine, in the Canton de Vaud, where the grandfather of Louis was settled as pastor, — a pro- fession followed in the family for five generations. Very likely an Agassiz married a French Huguenot; for at the time of the revocation the French Protestant exiles flocked into Switzerland, and settled in large numbers at Orbe and in the environs ; almost com- pletely filling the villages now known as Ballaigues, Vallorbe, and La Vallee de Joux, and it is possible that an Agassiz married among them ; which may account for the tradition. There is much to favour the belief in a connection of the Agassiz with some French family of the Cevennes, or of Provence ; for the extraordinary imagination of Louis Agassiz points to a close connection with the children of sunny Provence, so well portrayed by Alphonse Daudet in his series of romances on Tartarin of Tarascon. The family features are, however, entirely Swiss, and even Jurassic. In general, they are broad shouldered, thickly built, bony, with fair-coloured faces, and rather slow in their movements, — a type very frequently met all along the foot of the mountains of the Jura, more 1807-27.] BOYHOOD. 5 especially from Bienne down to Orbe and " la perte du Rhone." The father of Louis was called Rodolphe Benjamin Louis; he was born March 3, 1776, and died Sept. 6, 1837. His mother, Rose Mayor, was born July 11, 1783, and died Nov. n, 1867. Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz was born May 28, 1807, at the parsonage of Motier-en-Vuly, on the Lake of Morat, Canton of Fri- bourg. He was the fifth child, but the four others hav- ing died in their infancy, Louis Agassiz was the eldest child. As is the custom among all French-speaking people, he never used his full Christian name, but signed himself simply Louis Agassiz. At the beginning of this century, and before coming to the parish of Motier, his father had been pastor at St. Imier, then a very poor and remote valley, lost among the mountains of the Jura. The loss of his children, one after another, and the great isolation of St. Imier, far away from his kindred and friends, led him to look for a better parish, and, in 1806, he came to Motier,1 first as a " suffragan " (assistant) of the titu- lar minister, J. R. Martin; afterward, on Aug. 31, 1810, he was elected "pasteur" (minister). The parish of Motier consists of four small villages, located at the eastern foot of Mont Vuly, on the Lake of Morat, and containing in all five hundred inhabitants. Singularly enough, Vuly belongs to the Roman Catho- 1 The name is sometimes spelled Metiers, and to distinguish it from another Metiers in the Val Travers, it is called Motier-en-Vully. The spelling varies as well for Vully as for Motier,. Metiers, or Moutiers, and is written sometimes Vuilly, Vuly, or Vully. 6 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. lie Canton of Fribourg ; but in consequence of its situa- tion on the extreme frontier of the Canton of Berne, it was invested with the right of com-burghership, " corn- bourgeoisie," with Berne. When, in 1530, the celebrated reformer, Farel, suc- ceeded in converting the parish of Motier, the council of Fribourg complained to Berne of his preaching in the Vuly ; deputies were sent therefore from Berne to meet at Morat together with four delegates from the four principal villages of the Vuly, who concluded to put the matter to vote under the direction of " Mes- sieurs de Berne."1 The reform movement received the majority of votes in the four villages of the Motier parish, and it has ever since been Protestant, notwith- standing the fact that it belongs to a very strong and uncompromising Catholic canton. The Vuly is situated at the extreme end of a prom- ontory, surrounded by water on three sides ; on the east by the Lake of Morat, on the north by the river La Broye, and on the west by the Lake of Neuchatel. The Seeland of Berne, comprised between Kersers, Treiten, Aarberg, and Bienne, constitutes, with the lakes of Morat, Neuchatel, and Bienne, a very extensive sheet of water. As soon as the young couple had left the trying cli- mate of St. Imier, with its long and very cold winter, and had settled in the fine agricultural district of the Vuly, with its vineyards and orchards, prosperity and happiness greeted them from every direction. Four 1 A name formerly used among the Swiss who speak the French lan- guage to designate all those in authority in the Canton of Berne. c/e Fonds Neuchatel Grandson Montagny® Ste,Qi-oix @ \ ffVallorbe Mot!ef_, --Birthplace of Louis Ayassiz Qrbe & Bavois_Origin of the Agasslz's family Cuuier ,, Cuvier's Pouutnej i Carmichael Sketch Map of Part of Switzerland. 1807-27.] MOTIER-EN--VULY. 7 healthy children — two sons, Louis and Auguste, and two daughters, Olympe and Cecile — were born to them ; and although the parish was small and conse- quently of limited means, it was most gratifying to find themselves among relatives and friends ; for pastor Agassiz had resided for some time at Constantine, a village near Avranches, where his father was minister, and it was during his stay there that he became ac- quainted with Miss Rose Mayor, his future wife, who was a daughter of the country physician at Cudrefin, a village only a few miles distant from Motier. It may be said that the inhabitants of the whole peninsula of Vuly, Cudrefin, and Constantine, greeted pastor Agassiz and his wife, as their own people returned. Born and educated in such a place as Motier, sur- rounded by water and marshes, with the Oberland always in full view in front, and the summit of the Jura in the rear, it is no wonder that Agassiz became an ichthyologist and a glacialist. Everything which met his eye, from infancy until manhood, seems to have awaked in him a curiosity to know his surround- ings. It was as natural for him to take to the study of fishes and of glaciers as it is for sons of seamen to go to sea, or for "vignerons" (vine-dressers) to go to the vineyard, or for the " gauchos " to ride on the prai- ries of South America, or for the Arabs to cross the desert on camels. It might almost be said that Louis Agassiz, as we shall see more fully by and by, was a re- markable instance of atavism of the Swiss lake-dwellers of prehistoric time. Almost as soon as he was able to move alone, he 8 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. took naturally to water, like a young duck. All the fishermen became at once very fond of the little fellow, and there was a friendly rivalry among them to get him into their boats and show him how to catch fish. In a relatively short time he became a great favourite, and every one wanted to show the parson's son those neigh- bourly attentions which are of daily occurrence, and form a part, and an important part, of life, among all the country people residing in such isolated places as the Vuly. A part of the duty of a minister in Switzerland is to look after the schools and even to take a part, and often not a small one, in the teaching. Parson Agassiz was a very successful and excellent teacher ; indeed, in all his parishes, both at St. Imier and at Metier, and after- ward at Orbe and Concise, his reputation as a teacher was far superior to his reputation as a preacher. Louis was by far the best pupil of his father ; for not only did he learn from him the elements, and lay an excellent foundation for his future education, but he caught from him his method of teaching, which was based entirely on the interest he always tried to awaken among his pupils in the subject of study. There is no doubt this was a family inheritance, and that it developed and attained its maximum with Louis. It may be said that Louis Agassiz was born with a true passion for teaching, as truly as that he was born a naturalist. As we shall see, he remained a teacher until the end of his life, changing his subjects of studies quite often, and showing a rather capricious character in many ways, except in his unalterable love of teaching. 1807-27.] COLLEGE OF BIENNE. 9 Next to his passion for teaching, but developed before it, was his passion for collecting all sorts of objects be- longing to natural history. As soon as he was able to catch fish, he brought them alive and placed them in a great stone basin of the fountain of the parsonage.1 It is the custom in the Canton de Vaud and the neighbour- ing Swiss cantons to use boulders for basins, either to receive the water flowing from springs, or to hold the fruit of the vintage when the grapes are brought from the vineyard to be pressed and converted into wine. These boulders are generally of Alpine granite, and are cut into the proper shape, great care being taken not to break them, but to keep the block one great monolith. Such an Alpine boulder was the basin of the Motier parsonage, used as a mvier or aquarium by our young ichthyologist. It is not strange that, later in life, Agassiz became such an expert in boulders transported by gla- ciers ; and it seems specially appropriate that one of them, transported from the Alps, should be his tomb- stone in America. At the age of ten years, he was sent to the College of Bienne, to begin his classical studies ; finishing them at the Academy of Lausanne in 1822-1824. He was a very clever student, but never had much inclination for mathematics and the physical and chemical sciences. He always showed great capacity for languages, be- coming quite proficient in Latin and Greek, and when at Bienne, learning German and Italian, especially the 1 " Le fils d'un pasteur du Canton de Vaud, dont le pere, ne savait que faire de ce gar$on courant toujours les champs et toutes les rives du Lac a chercher des betes" as one of the contemporaries of his youth said. io LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. former, which he spoke like a native. Geography was another favourite study. His brother Auguste, younger by two years, joined him, a year later, at the College of Bienne, and the two brothers kept together during all their classical studies. The distance between Motier and Bienne - about seven leagues — was always made on foot ; and, considering their extreme youth, it was quite a journey for such little fellows. But they were excellent walkers; and though at first the route was difficult, further on they crossed over the " Seeland," or marshy country, and the western shore of the Lake of Bienne, and reached their destination in eight hours, not over-fatigued. I heard both say, many years after, that it was shorter and easier to go home from Bienne than it was to go to the college at Bienne from home. Going home to pass the vacations was, of course, such an attraction that the roads seemed neither so long nor so dirty; besides, these journeys always happened at a fine time of the year; for college vacations then in all the Jura region were during the fall, from the first of September to the first of November. Louis's great strength and already vigorous vitality are finely illustrated by two anec- dotes : Arriving quite unexpected from Bienne with his brother, he learned at Motier that his sisters with their cousins Mayor were at their grandfather's house at Cudrefin. At once he started again ; but on his arrival at Cudrefin, he found all the young ladies enjoying a bath in the lake, at some distance from the shore. In order not to lose a moment, he jumped into the water with his clothes on, that he might the 1807-27.] VINTAGE-TIME AT MOTIER. 11 more promptly greet and kiss sisters and cousins,- -the latter especially, for with one of them he was already in love; and to express his great admiration for this cousin he could find nothing better to do than to have her name tattooed on his left arm with sulphuric acid. The result was a severe attack of fever, and two or three weeks of forced inaction and rest for his arm, which betrayed his act to the whole family. The two brothers divided their vacations between Motier and Cudrefin, where they enjoyed all the free- dom of country life and the comforts of home and fam- ily surroundings. Their time was passed in fishing, rambling about with their grandfather, Dr. Mayor, in his daily excursions as a country doctor, in gathering in the second crop .of hay, called "regain," and in the "vendanges." This last occupation was the most pleas- ing ; for when the vineyards were richly laden with grapes, the labourers of the Canton of Berne — where there are no vineyards on account of the severity of the climate- -gathered by troops from all around the shores of the Lake of Neuchatel, to offer themselves as "vendangeurs," or vintagers, during the time of the gathering of the grapes and the process of crushing the juice under the " pressoir." It was a true festival, when everybody, young and old, was happy, singing throughout the day and calling from vineyard to vine- yard. In the evening at supper, all the " vendangeurs ' sat at the table with the proprietors, and the most pro- ficient singers were called, one after another, to sing popular songs, which were closed in chorus by the whole company. Light wines were used very freely 12 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. and the cups were continually filled and emptied during these very joyous and friendly repasts. For it must be kept in mind that the same labourers used to come every year, and the meetings were more or less reunions of old acquaintances, always full of reminis- cences of preceding years. Mingling so freely with the people round him, it would seem that Louis must have become an expert in horsemanship and the use of firearms, like almost all young men raised in country places in Switzerland. But this was not the case. Trusting to his great powers of swimming, and led on by his love for fish-catching, Louis was always ready to embark on skiff or raft of any sort. But on land it was very different. In Switzerland no one ever saw him on horseback ; and it is doubtful if he ever tried to ride, except once in Brazil. All his life he invariably de- clined to mount horse or mule. As to shooting, he never possessed firearms, and never joined a shooting club, and probably never fired a single shot during his life in Europe. He is a very remarkable exception among the Swiss of the present century, for he never performed any military service. The great "Tirs Federaux" never attracted him, and his passion for natural history never carried him so far as to shoot birds or animals of any sort. Curiously enough, when a student at the universities of Zurich, Heidelberg, and Munich, he became a great fencer ; and one of his contemporaries and friends writes me that Agassiz was an excellent swordsman, using the rapier with great dexterity, and very ready 1807-27.] COLLEGE OF LAUSANNE. 13 to make use of it when discussions degenerated into quarrels and obliged the contestants to be called out. At Munich especially he was well known on account of several duels, which he fought to his credit and always successfully. At the age of fifteen, it was decided that he should enter, as a clerk, the commercial house of his uncle, Francois Mayor, at Neuchatel. But on account of his ability as a scholar, he was allowed to finish his college studies at Lausanne, where he studied " belles lettres ' and the humanities for two years, 1822-1824. It was during his stay at Lausanne that he gave the first indica- tion of the possession of the characteristics which after- ward developed so strongly in him as a savant and as a man. Another of his uncles, Dr. Mathias Mayor, had great reputation as a physician, and a large practice at Lausanne and in all Romande Switzerland ; and from him Louis learned the elements of anatomy. At the same time, he had his first opportunity to see a small museum of natural history, the Cantonal Museum, di- rected by Professor D. A. Chavannes, an entomologist of some note. The Helvetic Society of Natural History, founded at Geneva in 1816, had already collected a small band of Swiss naturalists of great talent, and Agassiz, during his stay at Lausanne, had the good fortune to meet Jean de Charpentier, director of the salt mines of Bex. He was much impressed by the fine face and splendid intellect of de Charpentier ; a rare and perfect type of savant ; and, influenced by the impression he re- ceived from his uncle, Dr. Mayor, Jean de Charpentier, and Professors Lardy and Chavannes, he resolved to be- i4 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. come a naturalist; and, as the only way of accomplishing this, he asked his father to let him study medicine, his ambition at that time being to become a country doctor, with full time and opportunity to study the natural his- tory of the Canton de Vaud. Agassiz was a rather precocious young man ; and coming to the age of manhood, he was at once a great admirer of the fair sex. It had always been a charac- teristic of the Agassiz family, well known among their kin of the Canton de Vaud; and Mrs. Rose Agassiz, who knew the family better than any one, and was always of a practical and far-seeing turn of mind, as far back as January, 1828, in one of her letters to Louis, says : " The sooner you have finished your studies, the sooner you can put up your tent, catch your blue butterfly, and metamorphose her into a lov- ing housewife."1 The unusual case of the old pastor Rudolphe, the grandfather of Louis, who married a second time at the ripe age of sixty-six years, was much commented upon at the time in the commonwealth. In 1824 Louis went to the University of Zurich to pursue the medical course and prepare to become a doctor. Zurich was an old centre of culture, and he found there genial surroundings. The professor of natural history, Schinz, at once saw the rare qualifica- tions of Agassiz to become a naturalist, and gave him every opportunity for the study of ornithology, which was his favourite branch. At Lausanne, although a very brilliant student, he was not so much above his 1 " Louis Agassiz," by Mrs. E. C. Agussiz, Vol. I., p. 62. 1807-27.] UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH. 15 comrades, for the Vaudois youth are almost all very bright and remarkably intelligent ; but at Zurich it was different. The students there were, for the most part, German Swiss, rather slow, quiet, steady in their work, and not apt to awaken interest of any sort. Agassiz at once attracted the attention of all the students by his quick perception, his witty remarks, and more especially by his constant show of varied knowledge. One of them, many years after, said to me, " Agassiz knew everything, and he was always ready to demonstrate and speak on any subject. If it was a subject which he was not famil- iar with, he would study and rapidly master it ; and on the next occasion, he would speak in such brilliant terms and with such profound erudition that he was a source of constant wonder to all of us." At Zurich, Agassiz not only enjoyed the teaching of the zoologist Schinz, but he also often saw the geologist Gesner Escher, the celebrated engineer of the Linth River, and became a great friend of his son, Arnold Escher von der Linth; a friendship which lasted all their lives, notwithstanding great difference of char- acter and even of opinion, Arnold Escher being an observer in the field, while Agassiz was more of a laboratory, museum, and lecture-room man. Not only did Louis Agassiz astonish his fellow-stu- dents at Zurich by the variety of his knowledge, but he was also a wonder to them in his capacity as a pleas- ure-seeker. At " Kommers ' he was always first to come and last to go, his strong constitution requiring an absorption of food and drink which left all the others far behind him, and won for him the reputation 16 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. of being what the French call a "belle fourchette," or one who wields a good knife and fork. From this time he took for his motto, " First at work, and first at play," and carried it through all his life, with rare interruptions. Such an ambition required a Herculean constitution, which he certainly possessed ; but notwith- standing his strength, this burning of the candle at both ends no doubt finally shortened his life. In 1826, after two years at Zurich, Agassiz went to the University of Heidelberg, where he stayed eighteen months. There he made acquaintances which influ- enced him as much as he could be influenced for the rest of his life. His studies took a more decided direction toward natural history, under the leadership of Professors Tiedemann (in comparative anatomy), Leuc- kart (in zoology), Bischoff (in botany), and H. G. Bronn (in geology and palaeontology). While attend- ing the lectures of Tiedemann and Bischoff, Agassiz became acquainted with Alexander Braun and Karl Schimper, two very brilliant botanical students ; and they very soon became congenial and inseparable com- panions, not only during their courses at Heidelberg and afterward at Munich, but even during the first decade after leaving the universities. Alexander Braun was the son of the postmaster- general of the Grand Duchy of Baden, who resided at Carlsruhe. As Heidelberg was very near Carlsruhe, Braun took home with him his three friends, - - Agassiz, Schimper, and Imhoff (afterwards a distinguished entomologist of Bale), --to pass their vacations. It was a great time, not only for the four intimate young 1807-27.] UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG. 17 naturalists, but also for the inmates of the house of Postmaster-general Braun. Besides a family of four children, two sons and two daughters, there was living in the family a young Swiss student, Arnold Guyot of Neuchatel, then learning the German language, and preparing for the ministry. Postmaster-general Braun was very scientific in his tastes, and possessed one of the best collections of minerals then existing in Ger- many. His house, near one of the city gates, was large enough to admit and lodge comfortably all this com- pany of young people, who rambled through the forests and fields, ransacking every corner where plants and animals were to be found. They had special rooms devoted to dissections, true laboratories ; and here they brought their specimens, and for hours together dis- cussed and theorized on all kinds of natural-history subjects. I shall, farther on, speak at length of Alexander Braun and his younger brother Max, and also of Karl Schimper ; but for the present I need only say that the two daughters, Emmy and Cecilia, were both very attractive, and soon received marked attentions, which afterward changed into courtship, from two of the visit- ors, Louis Agassiz and Karl Schimper. The younger, Miss Cecilia, or " Cily," as she was familiarly called, possessed a remarkable talent for drawing, and would have become an artist of repute if she had devoted her life to the fine arts. She was very sensible, affec- tionate, and unaffected, and soon felt the influence of Agassiz's attractive personality. Her talent for drawing was constantly brought into demand by the specimens 1 8 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. i. of natural history which they collected ; and when, in the spring of 1827, Agassiz was brought back to Carls- ruhe a convalescent, after a very severe and dangerous illness of typhoid fever, the care bestowed on him by the whole Braun family, and more especially by Miss Cecilia, resulted in an engagement of marriage. Dur- ing his sickness at Heidelberg, Alexander Braun did not leave him until he took him to his father's house at Carlsruhe, as soon as his convalescence allowed his removal. Later he accompanied him to Orbe, in Switzer- land, where Agassiz's parents were then living, and left him only when he saw him rapidly gaining health in the life-giving air of the " Jura Vaudois," the native country of the Agassiz family. As soon as he had recovered sufficiently to walk about, Agassiz, who always was an excellent pedes- trian, began to explore the environs of Orbe, as a nat- uralist, collecting plants, insects, and his dear fishes ; for he never lost sight of fishes for any length of time. The Jura Vaudois, during the summer months, is one of the most beautiful countries to visit, and, received as he was with great pleasure, as a guest at the houses of the pastors of Ballaigues, Vallorbe, Beaulmes, Ste. Croix, and other places, he was enabled to make a thorough exploration of Mount Suchet, 1591 metres in height, of the Dent de Vaulion, 1486 metres, of the Ai- guilles de Beaulmes, 1563 metres, and of the valley of the Orbe River. At this time he first felt that love for the Jura Mountains which lasted until the end of his life. It was during this stay at Orbe that he wrote his first essay in natural history, a catalogue of all the plants 1807-27.] STAY AT ORBE. 19 growing in the Jura Vaudois. I do not know that it was ever published. I was led to think that it was, when Agassiz, speaking many years after of the Suchet Mountain, which he remembered with the freshness of a young man who has just visited them, said to me, " Do you know, it was the first work I did in natural history — an entirely botanical one." I have been un- able to discover the work, however, and no one of his Swiss family has ever heard of it. It is only just to say that he was much helped in his botanical explorations round Orbe by the " suffragan," or assistant pastor of his father, Marc Louis Fivaz, like Agassiz an enthusiast in natural history. Fivaz soon abandoned all his re- searches in natural history, however, although he held the professorship of botany at the Academy of Lau- sanne, and became a voluntary evangelist in the interior of the west of New York, where he lived, in Tioga County, until his death. This summer of 1827, when he had just attained his twentieth year, gave Agassiz his first real opportunity to work as a naturalist ; and, as was always his custom in later life, he induced those around him to help him in collecting specimens and in making drawings. Besides his friend Marc Fivaz, who accompanied him in all his excursions, he put his younger sister, Cecile, to work drawing fishes and butterflies. His first two artists of natural history specimens, therefore, were two Ceciles, — the first, Miss Cecilia Braun, and the second, Miss Cecile Agassiz, his own sister, and the sister of his friend Braun. CHAPTER II. 1827-1831. JOURNEY FROM CARLSRUHE TO MUNICH — His EVOLUTION FROM A FRENCH-SWISS TO A GERMAN STUDENT — His DUEL AT HEIDELBERG — UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH — DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY — MARTIUS'S PROPOSAL TO PUBLISH SPIX'S FISHES FROM BRAZIL — PUBLICATION OF His FIRST GREAT WORK ON NATURAL HISTORY — DOCTOR OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY — BEGINNING OF His RESEARCHES ON THE " POISSONS FOSSILES" — His METHOD OF PUBLISHING His WORKS — His DESIRE TO BE THE FIRST NATURALIST OF His TIME — VISIT TO VIENNA — RETURN HOME WITH ARTIST DINKEL — LIFE AT CON- CISE— CHRISTINAT — OPPORTUNE HELP FOR A TRIP TO PARIS — His JOURNEY "EN ZIG-ZAG" BY WAY OF CARLSRUHE. IN the autumn, Braun wrote him about changing their place of study from Heidelberg to Munich. The attraction there was, that according to Dollinger, the instruction in the natural sciences left nothing to be desired. Accordingly, Agassiz left Orbe toward the end of October, 1827, and joined Braun at Carlsruhe, where he was welcomed by the whole family of the postmaster-general of Baden, more especially by Miss Cecilia, who had taken such good care of him when convalescent during the previous journey, and who had already made an excellent portrait of him, in coloured pencil or pastel, during the vacation of 1826. 1 1 " Portrait of Louis Agassiz at the Age of Nineteen,'1 as frontispiece of " Louis Agassiz, his Life and Correspondence," by E. C. Agassiz, Vol. I. 20 1827-31-] CARLSRUHE TO MUNICH. 21 On their way on foot to Munich they stopped first at Stuttgart, where the Royal Museum, already quite prominent, attracted much of the attention and even admiration of Agassiz. A splendid North American buffalo, and a piece of the hide of a Siberian mammoth, with hairs still attached, excited his wonder and his imagination ; for he thought that the mammoth's teeth showed that it was a carnivorous animal ; but the question that interested him most was, how this ani- mal could have wandered so far north, and in what manner he died, to be frozen thus, and remain intact, perhaps for countless ages. He little realized that it was reserved for him some day to give the explanation, and that he was to be the god-father of the " Ice-age." At Esslingen, Agassiz and Braun stopped to visit two botanists, and make exchanges of specimens. As Agas- siz had a good collection of dried plants from the Jura Vaudois, and Braun of the Palatinate, they presented themselves, each with a package of dried plants under his arm, and were well received ; more especially by Professor von Hochstetter, the father of the afterward celebrated naturalist, Ferdinand von Hochstetter of the " Novara " expedition round the world, and first director of the great Natural History Museum of Vienna. On the fourth of November, 1827, Agassiz and Braun alighted at Munich ; and a few days afterward they were joined by the other member of the trio of friends, Karl Schimper, Until then Agassiz had remained a true Swiss ; his stay at Heidelberg had not been long enough nor successful enough, on account of his health, to make any change in him. But as soon as he was settled at 22 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. Munich, a change began in his mind, his thought, and even his body ; and when he left Munich, three years later, on the fourth of December, 1830, he was entirely a German ; so much so, that his Swiss friends had some difficulty in getting acquainted with him again. It was his first transformation ; several others succeeded, as we shall see by and by. Munich was then the most celebrated university in Germany, counting among its professors such men as Oken, Martins, and Dollinger. It was at the house of Dollinger that the three friends found lodging ; occupy- ing rooms which soon became laboratories, lecture rooms, and the rendezvous of many of their classmates. Agassiz afterward had occasion to give a vivid descrip- tion of their student life, in his paper, " Erwiederung auf Dr. Karl Schimper's AngrifTe " (Neuchatel, Novem- ber, 1842, 4to). In those days friendship reigned. Almost everything was enjoyed in common; work, pleasure, journeys, pipes, beer, purses, clothes, ideas political and philosophical, or poetical, and even liter- ary. In fact, it was a constant, enthusiastic, intellectual life, lived at high pressure, lacking in nothing ; not even student duels, and escapades of a more riotous nature, after grand " Kommers." Agassiz enjoyed among the students the reputation of being the best fencer in the various students' clubs. The reputation was gained in this way : When at Heidel- berg, an insult to the Swiss clan (Burschenschaft) of which Agassiz was the president was considered so serious among the students, that a challenge was sent by Agassiz to the German club. At a meeting of the 1827-31-] DUEL AT HEIDELBERG. 23 German students, a choice was made of one of their best swordsmen to meet him. Agassiz, however, would not accept such conditions, but said proudly, " It is not with one of you that I want to fight, but with all, one after another." They marched to the chosen ground, and in a few minutes four German students had received sword cuts on their faces ; then the others who were to follow began to think that the affair had gone far enough, and although invited by Agassiz to take position, they offered honourable peace, and made an apology. After that, Agassiz was always chosen as arbitrator and judge at all the fencing clubs of the universities of Heidelberg and Munich. He was so carried away by his pleasure in fencing, that one day, without remem- bering to put on masks, he and his future brother-in-law, Alexander Braun, fell in with rapiers in hand, and after a few exchanges of thrusts, Agassiz made a cut in the face of his dear friend. Years after, when a professor at Neuchatel, he appeared at a public fencing exhibi- tion given by a tall and powerful negro fencing master, with success and credit. Schimper, who was the oldest of the three, and whose imagination was the keenest and most original, exerted a great influence over Agassiz and Braun. His discov- eries in regard to the morphology of plants gave him great advantage over the two others, who had not yet done any original work. But Agassiz was not the man to be long overshadowed by any one. He wanted to occupy the first place everywhere. Happily he escaped the danger to which Schimper succumbed, and, with the help of Braun, whose mind was the best balanced 24 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. of the three friends, Agassiz kept out of temptation, and expended his impetuous nature in solid and difficult work on fishes, living and fossil. Strange to say, with an allowance of only $250 a year, Agassiz managed constantly to keep in his pay an artist, Dinkel, to draw fossil and living fishes ; and, occasionally, a second artist, Mr. J. C. Weber, to draw the Spix fishes and pieces of anatomy. They formed a sort of fraternal association. As Agassiz said, " They were even poorer than I, and so we man- aged to get along together." Their fare was certainly very simple ; bread, cheese, beer, and tobacco being the main articles. Imagine Agassiz, with his scanty allow- ance, providing for two artists, besides Karl Schimper, and his younger brother, William Schimper. To be sure, Alexander Braun helped much also. But if we sup- pose that Braun got $300 a year from his father, six young men between the ages of twenty and twenty-five had to live upon less than $600 a year, out of which also they had to pay for their studies at the univer- sity, and provide themselves with instruments, and books, and clothing. Agassiz got a little money from the " Brazilian Fishes " and some other writing, with which he purchased a microscope - - a rather expensive instru- ment— and several books; and he received, as a gift from Professor Dollinger, a copy of the finely illus- trated work on living fishes, by the great French ich- thyologist, Rondelet, of Montpellier. The editor Cotta sent him also a certain number of expensive natural history books. " I cannot review my Munich life without great grati- 1827-31-] UNIVERSITY O1-" .MUNICH. 25 tude," Agassiz says. He was there a most happy and successful young man, using all the scientific resources existing in that large and progressive city ; drawing round him comrades of the University, and even pro- fessors ; and receiving visits from naturalists of renown, including the great anatomist Meckel. His room in the house of Db'llinger, being the largest, was used as lecture room, assembly room, laboratory, and museum. Some one was always coming or going ; the half-dozen chairs were covered with books, piled one upon another, hardly one being left for use, and visitors were fre- quently obliged to remove books and put them on the floor ; the bed, also, \vas used as a seat, and as a recep- tacle for specimens, drawings, and papers. According to Agassiz, the tobacco smoke was sometimes so thick it might have been cut with a knife. Agassiz was the most prominent among the students. His acquaintance was courted by all. He was specially considered with much pride by all the Swiss students, and was welcome both in the rooms and yards of the University, and at the students' clubs, " Bierbrauerei," and fencing rooms. He was considered a most amiable companion, never losing his temper, always smiling and apparently contented and happy. It is no wonder that he remembered so vividly his student life at Munich, and was always grateful for it. Although at Munich he learned embryology from Dollinger, who gave him per- sonal instructions in the use of the microscope, and followed the lectures of the great philosopher Schelling, as well as the fascinating teaching of Oken, with his a priori conceptions of the relations of the three king- 26 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. doms into which he divided all living beings ; he was not instructed then either in palaeontology or in geology, the two branches of science in which he became after- ward preeminent. The only teacher he ever had in those two sciences was Professor H. G. Bronn at Heidelberg, a rather second-rate palaeontologist, but a very industrious and prolific writer. Although Agassiz came to Munich for the special purpose of taking the degree of doctor of medicine, his studies soon drifted from those of a medical student to those of a true naturalist. This change was not made without warnings from his father, who became alarmed by the rather large expenses incurred by his son,1 and more so by his neglect of his medical studies. But Louis Agassiz was born a naturalist, and a naturalist he must be ; and, notwithstanding all sorts of difficulties, with the help of his mother, who always favoured his desires, he carried through his scheme of seeking a professorship of natural history. His first step, in regard to graduation, was to secure not a title of medical doctor and surgeon, but of doctor of philosophy, which he won, in the spring of 1829, at the University of Erlangen. The excuse for so doing was a 1 Agassiz's good heart had already, when at Heidelberg, led him to help, pecuniarily, Karl Schimper, and as soon as established at Munich, he sent Schimper money to pay the expense of his journey, and invited him to join them in their lodging. Schimper not only came directly, but brought with him his brother William. Agassiz's income was henceforth, on this account, limited in proportion. It must now suffice for the main- tenance of a friend; for as soon as Schimper arrived, Agassiz gave him the key of his chest in which was his money; and, during the three years of his stay at Munich, he, in fact, gave to Schimper the means to satisfy all his needs — a rare example of generosity. 1827-31-] FISHES FROM BRAZIL. 27 clever one. Martius had proposed to him to publish the fishes of Brazil collected by Spix and himself during their explorations on the Amazon, from 1817 to 1821. Spix having died in 1826, before finishing the publication of the zoological part, Martius, who possessed excellent judgment and great insight into character, saw at once the ability of young Agassiz as a describer of species, and proposed to him, during the summer of 1828, to take the fishes. The offer was certainly most flat- tering to Agassiz, then in his twenty-first year, and before he had yet published anything to recommend him. Martius assumed all the expenses and, of course, all the profits ; and Agassiz received as his share only a few copies of the book, with an atlas of beautifully coloured fishes. Before the book was issued, Martius told him that it was important that his name should have the title of doctor of philosophy attached to it, and that at the same time it would help him to get a pro- fessorship of natural history. However, that title would not do as a substitute for his medical degree, and, bracing his courage, he worked hard, and prepared his theses with great success ; for when he received his degree of doctor of medicine and surgery, the 3d of April, 1830, the dean said to him: " The faculty have been very much pleased with your answers ; they congratulate themselves on being able to give the diploma to a young man who has already acquired so honourable a reputation." It was nine months after the publication of his great work on the fishes of Brazil, a folio with ninety plates, which had attracted the attention of all naturalists, more especially 28 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. it. of George Cuvier, the greatest ichthyologist of his time, who was then engaged on his celebrated work " His- toire des Poissons." Agassiz's work, which was dedi- cated to Cuvier, is written in Latin, and possesses the qualities so prominent in all Agassiz's publications ; namely, accurate descriptions of the species, and excel- lent and even beautiful figures. It is most creditable in every way, and it furnished a sound basis for Agassiz's reputation as an ichthyologist of the first rank, although he was only twenty-two years old. This first success was much enjoyed by his family and his friends, and prompted him to undertake a task which was sure to place him in the front rank as a naturalist, " hors ligne." Soon after the vacation of 1829, which was spent at Heidelberg, Carlsruhe, and Orbe, the director of the museum at Munich offered to Agassiz every facility to work at the collection of fossil fishes, allowing him to carry the specimens to his room. As the director of the Strasbourg Museum, the mining engineer Voltz, and Professor Bronn of Heidel- berg had made the same offer, Agassiz, seeing what a splendid work was laid before him, did not hesitate to undertake it, notwithstanding the great difficulties, both material and scientific. A few words should be said in regard to his method of undertaking work without being sure beforehand of the means to carry it on successfully. For example, in the case of his " Poissons fossiles," as we shall see, he first tried a M. Cotta, a publisher of Stutt- gart, and when the latter failed to come to a final agreement for want of knowledge as to his part of the 1827-31-] WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. 29 expense to be incurred (for Agassiz never knew before- hand what his work would be, even approximately, as to quantity of text and plates), he found that he could rely upon no one, but must himself publish his rather expensive work. Martius's work on Brazil was aided by a large subscription from the purse of the king of Bavaria. The only country in which it was possible to find a publisher for a very expensive work on natural history was France; and even there publishers required a certain number of subscriptions from the government before accepting the charge. " The Mineral Conchol- ogy of Great Britain ' had involved great expense, without proper return, and was anything but a success in a pecuniary way. Goldfuss's " Petrefacta Germania," then in course of publication, 1826-44, was supported only by the personal sacrifice of the author himself. Even Cuvier's great work on the ".ossements f ossiles ' was not successful from a bookseller's point of view, and without the help of the French government it would have been impossible to publish it. If Agassiz had been a business man, or a good man- ager, he might have succeeded in having his work on the fossil fishes published in Paris, with a sufficient subscription from the Secretary of Public Instruction to carry on the work, if not at a profit, at least without loss on his part ; for Cuvier was then publishing his " Histoire Naturelle des Poissons " in that way; and if that great work, finished after the death of Cuvier by Valenciennes, was not a pecuniary success, it en- tailed at least no expense upon its two authors. Agassiz always acted as if he were a very rich man ; 30 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. and now, taking an excellent artist, Joseph Dinkel, into his service, he had him draw all the fossil fishes he could find in the different museums ; and, full of hope and never thinking of the morrow, he began his " Pois- sons fossiles," trusting to good luck and his power of persuasion. He was not patient enough to wait for the proper moment. With him time was money, and he pushed forward without regard to consequences. He had such self-confidence that it is almost amusing to see him writing to his father from Munich, Feb. 14, 1829 : " I wish it may be said of Louis Agassiz that he was the first naturalist of his time, a good citizen, and a good son, beloved by those who knew him. I feel within myself the strength of a whole generation to work toward this end, and I will reach it if the means are not wanting." Strange to say, he attained his aim ; if not the first, he was certainly one of the first natu- ralists of the nineteenth century ; he was a good citizen of Switzerland and afterward of the United States, a devoted son to his father and mother, and beloved, if not by all, certainly by a great many of those who knew him in Europe and in America. This intuition of his capacity and strength, this thought that he had concentrated in him the powers of all his ancestors to observe and work on natural history, is something almost wonderful in its naivete. It is not strange that his father was often frightened for the future of such a prodigy, for such certainly Louis Agassiz was. During his stay in Munich, he went home only once, spending there the two months of October and Novem- ber, 1829. His time was passed mainly at the parson- 1 827-3 i -J VISIT TO VIENNA. 31 age of Orbe, and at Cudrefin, near his good grandfather, Dr. Mayor, who died during Louis's visit. As soon as he returned to Munich in December, 1829, he began his great work on the " Poissons fossiles," pursuing at the same time his medical studies, and, as we have seen, successfully passing his examinations, the subjects being anatomical, pathological, surgical, obstetrical, with in- quiries into "materia medica," " medica forensis," and the relation of botany to these topics, as it is printed in his " Einladung." As soon as his examination and the ceremony of re- ceiving the degree from the rector of the University were over, he started for Vienna, where he passed almost two months. It was a great gratification to him to find that his reputation had reached Vienna, for he was received there, by professors and curators of museums, as "an associate already known." He looked specially at fossil fishes, and made memoranda of all the speci- mens, to be used afterward in his great work. His memory was so good, his eye so accurate, that many years afterward, when looking at fossil fishes at Neu- chatel, he one day said : " I have seen before another specimen of this same species in the museum at Vienna" ; even going so far as to indicate the drawer in which it was stored. The director at Vienna, on being written in regard to it, answered that he had found the fossil fish where Agassiz had indicated that it was, and sent it at once. It was, as Agassiz said, of the same species. Agassiz's last letter from Munich to his parents is dated Nov. 26, 1830. He left Munich the 4th of De- 32 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. cember, 1830, after settling all his accounts and expen- ditures, taking with him his draughtsman, Dinkel, to the great amazement of his father, who did not relish the arrival of his son's friend at his new parsonage at Concise, whither he had just removed from Orbe. His protest, that there was no room for another person, was of no avail. Louis wrote him that Dinkel was not in his pay, but was provided for by his publisher, M. Cotta, and that an agreement had been made for him to accompany Agassiz in future wherever he should go. Accordingly, one morning in December, 1830, he arrived with Dinkel, who was lodged in the neighbour- hood, and came every day to Louis's room to draw fishes. The parsonage of the village of Concise is beautifully situated close to the north of the church, with a ter- race and garden overlooking the Lake of Neuchatel, and commanding some of the most beautiful and extensive scenery in Switzerland. The room occupied by Louis Agassiz was on the first story, according to the way of counting stories in Switzerland ; the second story, according to the American way, at the southeast corner of the parsonage, close by the churchyard. There he was seen constantly at the window, with his long mous- taches, smoking, and hard at work with specimens. The arrival of the parson's son, with his draughts- man, both dressed more or less as German students, with small caps on their heads, and long pipes in their mouths, greatly excited the curiosity of the quiet vil- lagers. On Sunday they used to row on the lake, and, with long poles, passed their time in breaking the pot- 1827-31.] LIFE AT CONCISE. 33 tery jars, easily seen at the bottom through the trans- parent blue water, an amusement the young men of Concise were somewhat addicted to. How little Agassiz then thought that he was doing the work of a true bar- barian, destroying pottery utensils which had belonged to his ancestors, the -lake-dwellers of prehistoric time ! After the discoveries of Keller at the Zurich Lake, Agassiz, remembering what he did in 1831 on the Lake of Neuchatel, exclaimed : " How foolish I was ! Dinkel and I have in sport broken dozens of important prehis- toric pieces of pottery." Almost a year of good work was passed at home, with nothing to disturb him, writing his " Poissons fossiles ' and directing Dinkel's drawings. It was a great change after his rather boisterous student life at Munich. His habitual audience of fifteen or twenty persons, meeting daily in his room, and called the " Little Academy " by common consent, by both students and professors, was now reduced to Dinkel and his own family circle, with a few friends, relatives, and old acquaintances, who came in now and then, and were rather surprised, but unable to appreciate the work in which Louis was so deeply engaged. Finally, the attraction of Paris proved too great, and to Paris he resolved to go, — a determination which he found not easy to carry into effect. He had exhausted the paternal purse, and money was difficult to secure. At this critical moment came assistance, which was prompted entirely by friendly admiration and confidence in his future. An old friend of his father, a pastor of the Canton de Vaud, M. D 34 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. n. Christinat, who had always been very fond of Louis since his childhood, came one day and simply put in his hand a sum of money sufficient for a journey to Paris. Helped also by his uncle Mayor of Neuchatel, and his publisher Cotta, he was able to start on his much-desired journey to see Cuvier and enlarge his field of study of " poissons fossiles " in the great collec- tions of Paris. Agassiz never forgot the generosity of Christinat, and after the death of his father he always considered Christinat a second father, feeling for him a true filial love. He took "le chemin des ecoliers " for Paris, passing by Stuttgart, Carlsruhe, Heidelberg, and Strasbourg, " to collect," as he says, " for my fossil fishes all the ma- terial I still desired, and to extend my knowledge of geology sufficiently to join, without embarrassment at least, in conversation upon the more recent researches in that department." To be sure, he took with him his draughtsman Dinkel ; but the " zigzag ' journey was made mainly in order to see the Braun family, and more especially Miss Cecilia and his dear classmate and friend, Alexander Braun, the best companion of his student life. Braun was the most reasonable by far .of the trio, Agassiz, Braun, and Schimper ; he was also the most steady and persevering as a student. His knowledge of geology was far superior to the knowl- edge of Agassiz in that branch of natural history; and Agassiz's avowed desire, as it were, to interview Alex- ander Braun on recent researches shows the method constantly used afterward by him for learning and keep- ing himself informed as to the progress and condition 1827-31-] VISIT TO CARLSRUHE. 35 of geology. During all his stay in America, I was interviewed on my return from trips to Europe, or the interior part of the United States and Canada. Agassiz, with his remarkable memory, his keen per- ceptions of new discoveries, and his easy way of mar- shalling facts and using them afterward in his lectures or papers, would ply me with questions during two or three hours, in regard to all I had learned during my absence from Cambridge. It was a peculiar and rather original way of learning the more recent researches and the history of the progress of geology. But to make use of the facts without too much blundering required the splendid and rare qualities of an Agassiz. In the letter to his mother, dated Carlsruhe, Novem- ber, 1831, in which he speaks of his visit to the Brauns, he says : " I have added to my work on the fossil fishes one hundred and seventy-one pages of manuscript in French, written between my excursions and in the midst of other occupations." It is to be regretted that, with such facility as a scientific writer, he gave up almost all writing after 1837, trusting to secretaries, assistants, and stenographers. CHAPTER III. 1831-1832. FIRST VISIT TO PARIS — His RELATIONS WITH CUVIER — HUMBOLDT CHARMED WITH HlM — HlS VlSIT TO THE SEASHORE AT DIEPPE — DEATH OF CUVIER — SKETCH OF CUVIER'S LIFE — CUVIER AND GEOF- FROY ST. HlLAIRE — THEIR DISCUSSION BEFORE THE FRENCH ACAD- EMY OF SCIENCE — CUVIER'S INFLUENCE ON AGASSIZ — DIFFICULTY OF GETTING AN OFFICIAL POSITION IN PARIS — APPOINTED PROFESSOR AT THE LYCEUM OF NEUCH^TEL. ON the 1 6th of December, 1831, after travelling by diligence for two days and three nights, on the road between Strasbourg and Paris, Agassiz and Dinkel alighted in the great crowded courtyard of the " Messa- geries Royales," rue Montmartre, so tired that they could hardly move hand or foot. The fatigue of these long journeys, in diligences, can hardly be realized now. Packed in the rotunda with six often disagreeable neighbours, all breathing the same foul air, and jostled and even severely shaken from the bad roads, over which the diligence had to run, it was a great relief, first when the paved roads were reached, eighty miles before the arrival in Paris, and later when the great stagecoach finally turned into the courtyard of the " Messageries." It was an interesting sight for Agassiz to watch the diligences, arriving or starting, with promi- 36 1831-32.] ARRIVAL IN PARIS. 37 nent names, such as Forback, Bruxelles, Dunkerque, Calais, le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, Nantes, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Toulouse, Perpignan, Montpellier, Marseilles, Lyon, Besanc^on, etc. Nearly every tongue was heard there, and the weary look of the arriving passengers was something not to be forgotten. He had not seen anything approaching the scene in Southern Germany, or even in Vienna. However, he soon found his way to the rue Copau, on the other side of the Seine, and alighted finally at the "Hotel du Jardin du Roi," No. 4, just opposite the " Hospital de la Pitie," and close by the Jardin des Plantes. This third-rate hotel has always been a place of resort for naturalists, - - French as well as foreign, - - on account of its proximity to the great Museum of Natural History. The prices there were moderate and the fare good ; a part of the old hotel, and the most desirable, was situated between a paved yard and a garden. It was here that Agassiz and Dinkel got a room. Sixteen years later, I saw Agassiz occupying the same room, quite proud to show that nothing had been changed in the arrangement of the furniture. There were the same shelves for books, where he placed, as he told me, the first works offered to him by both Cuvier and Humboldt ; the only altera- tion being the removal of the small bedstead on which Dinkel slept. As soon as Cuvier heard of his arrival, he sent for him ; and Agassiz passed his second evening in Paris at the house of the great French naturalist. His re- ception was cordial and friendly, although with some reserve ; for Cuvier was not a man of many words. His 38 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. in. politeness was dignified, his manner that of a courtier accustomed to move among men in high office or of great social position. But he was kindly disposed and good hearted, his most notable characteristic being a kindliness directed right to the point, in order that no time might be lost. He always acted as if every hour was extremely valuable to him, working methodically ; each day, each hour, having its task appointed in advance, and he was reluctant to be interrupted or interfered with in the course of his researches or thoughts. The first meeting was more than satisfac- tory to Agassiz, who had not expected such a friendly reception, which, in his own words, " more than fulfilled his expectations." He was absolutely astounded by the great erudition, the prodigious memory, and the extreme facility of Cuvier in passing from one ardu- ous subject to another. Agassiz was more than charmed ; he was actually astonished by the immense amount of knowledge accumulated in the brain of a single man. This first impression was never changed ; and the more he knew of Cuvier, the more he admired him. Agassiz had found his master, and his leader for life. After a few days of intercourse, Cuvier was so satis- fied with the author of the Brazilian fishes that he gave him and his artist a corner in one of his laboratories, — the one devoted to fishes ; for Cuvier possessed a lab- oratory for each of his works, where was accumulated everything pertaining to the subject, such as specimens, drawings, and books, in order not to lose time. The arrangement was a matter of wonder to Agassiz, who 1831-32.] RELATIONS WITH CUVIER. 39 tried afterward- -always in vain- -to secure the same orderliness for himself. But later I shall give the rea- son why Cuvier was able to organize his time and labora- tories, and why Agassiz always failed to do so. Agassiz's main object in coming to Paris was to col- lect material for his " Poissons fossiles," and at the same time to become acquainted with Cuvier and some other French naturalists, in the hope that he might find an official position in such a great establishment as the Jardin des Plantes. Cuvier watched him attentively, and was so pleased with what he saw, that he deliber- ately decided to renounce his project of publishing, as he had intended, a work on fossil fishes ; and with great generosity — too rare among savants - - he placed at the disposal of young Agassiz all the materials, drawings, and notes which he had collected at the British Museum, at Avignon, and elsewhere, during more than fifteen years. It was at one of his weekly Saturday evening recep- tions that Cuvier delivered into Agassiz's hands the drawings and notes, filling a large portfolio, brought from the study by his faithful assistant Laurillard. It filled Agassiz with greater joy than he had ever felt before or than he ever felt again, as he said many years after. Certainly such an acknowledgment from the greatest naturalist then living was a most gratifying and unex- pected reward for all Agassiz's studies and efforts. It was most encouraging and auspicious for his future. All that Agassiz had expected, and even this was with grave doubts, was that, perhaps, Cuvier might be in- duced to allow him to assist in finishing the work with 40 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. in. him, just as he had lately allowed Valenciennes to help him to finish his " Histoire naturelle des Poissons vivants." Of course the gift of Cuvier was highly appreciated by his parents on the shore of the Lake of Neuchatel. It was most gratifying for them to see their dear Louis so well treated. But, alas ! just at this time the small sum of money he had brought with him began to run very low ; and there was no immediate prospect of replenishing his purse unless he accepted an offer from J. Daudebard de Ferussac to take the editorship of the zoological part of his " Bulletin des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques," which would yield an additional thousand francs a year, but would require two or three hours' work daily. One of his first acquaintances at Paris was Alexander von Humboldt, then a star of the first magnitude among the numerous great French savants. If Cuvier's wel- come was somewhat reserved and marked by formal politeness, lacking cordiality, Humboldt's reception took a form of indulgence and kindness which warmed Agassiz's heart. From their first meeting at the apart- ments of Humboldt, in his working room in the rue de la Harpe in the Latin Quarter, a mutual attraction was felt ; and the terrible Humboldt, the fear of all savants and of all the great salons of Paris, took a fancy to the young Swiss naturalist. He took him to breakfast at his usual cafe-restaurant, the celebrated Cafe Procop, rue de 1'Ancienne Comedie, near by ; and there, as was his custom, hardly taking time to eat, he talked inces- santly of his experience among the electric fishes in Venezuela. Agassiz, who was all attention, did not 1831-32.] HE CHARMED HUMBOLDT. 41 interrupt him once,- -certainly a great mark of admira- tion on the part of Agassiz, who was himself a great talker,- -and after three hours together, they separated at the door of the Mazarine Library, charmed with each other. To have pleased a man so sarcastic as Humboldt was not a small triumph. He was conquered by the juvenile enthusiasm, the extraordinary optimism, of Agassiz. As one of the friends of Agassiz says, " Lui (de Humboldt) qui etait si mordant de nature n'est qu'affectueux et plein de sollicitude en ecrivant ou en causant avec son jeune ami." In some way Humboldt learned through the pub- lisher, Cotta of Stuttgart, the straitened circumstances under which Agassiz was labouring, and therefore simply enclosed in a letter a " billet de la Banque de France ' for one. thousand francs, begging him to accept it. Agassiz, in his letter of thanks, dated the 27th of March, 1832, calls Humboldt his " benefactor and friend," and confesses that his kind and helpful hand has unexpectedly rescued him from a distressing position, and that now he is again in hope of devoting his whole powers to science. Humboldt was then min- ister plenipotentiary of Prussia to the court of the Tuileries ; and his timely help won for him an admira- tion which ended only with the last day of Agassiz's life. As Agassiz himself says, " I was pleased to re- main a debtor of Humboldt, for I have never returned the sum he bestowed at such an opportune moment." Agassiz-like, as soon as he was recovered from his despondency in regard to money, his buoyant spirit led 42 LOUIS AGASSrZ. [CHAP. in. him at once on a journey to the seashore of Normandy in company with Alexander Braun, who had joined him in Paris six weeks after his arrival, and Dinkel. They walked all the way from Havre to Dieppe, enjoying to the full the spectacle, so new to them, of living sea-animals, bringing back from that too short visit many new ideas, cheered and stimulated by " the great phenomena presented by the ocean in its vast expanse." A few weeks after his return from Normandy, Agassiz sustained a great loss,- -a loss which affected the rest of his life, — in the death of his master, George Cuvier. Since Carnival and during the whole spring cholera had been raging fearfully in Paris, greatly increasing the death rate ; some quarters, however, like the Jardin des Plantes, had been almost free from the terrible scourge, but there it at last made its appearance, and one of its most illustrious victims was Cuvier. Sunday, the 6th of May, 1832, Agassiz, as was his custom, worked all the day until dinner time at five o'clock in Cuvier's study. During a conversation, Cuvier, seeing how intense Agassiz's application to work was, said to him : " Soyez prudent, et rappelez vous que trop de travail tue." On the next day Baron Cuvier, who, in 1831, had been created by King Louis Philippe a peer of France, when about to ascend the tribune in the Cham- ber of Peers, at the Palace of the Luxembourg, to deliver an address, suffered paralysis. He was carried home, and rallied, but died on Sunday, May 13, 1832, the imme- diate cause of his death being an attack of cholera. The unexpected and somewhat premature death of 1831-32-] DEATH OF CUVIER. 43 Cuvier at the age of sixty-three - - for his life might have extended ten and perhaps fifteen years longer - had a very serious effect, which cannot be overesti- mated, on the future of Agassiz. Cuvier was the only man who exerted a scientific and personal influence over Agassiz; from him, and him alone, Agassiz would accept advice, and be guided in his work. He recog- nized in him his master, and the young charmer of Switzerland found in him another more powerful than himself, and especially more practical in his life and work. At first the formal politeness of Cuvier chilled him, and he says, " I would gladly go away were I not held fast by the wealth of material of which I can avail myself for instruction." But this first im- pression soon passed away, and an unbounded admira- tion replaced it. Some details are necessary to understand the course taken by Agassiz, and the singular resolve to leave Paris, at that time the Mecca of all naturalists and savants, to settle as a professor, with a very small salary, in a small town of less than six thousand inhabitants, in a hybrid country, half Swiss, half Prussian, lost in Central Europe. Cuvier, son of an officer of a Swiss regiment, in the French service, and nephew of a Protestant clergyman of talent, was called to Paris, after the revolution of the Qth Thermidor, by young Geoffrey, - - celebrated since as Etienne Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, - - and attached to the Jardin des Plantes, as substitute for the professor of comparative anatomy. The reading of some manu- script papers on natural history, sent by Cuvier, had 44 LOUIS AGASSrZ. [CHAP. in. excited in the enthusiastic mind of Geoff roy such an admiration that he wrote him, then in Normandy, acting as tutor in a nobleman's family, " Come and play among us the part of Linnaeus- -of another •legislator and ruler of natural history." This was at the beginning of 1795. Cuvier soon rose to the front rank, and even to so high a position that, after 1817, the year of the appearance of his " Regne animal," he was recognized by all European naturalists as unquestion- ably the leader. From that moment Cuvier developed a love of power and a tyrannical spirit which surprised and grieved some of his best friends. He became overbearing and impatient of any opposition to such a degree that in 1830, during the celebrated discussion before the French Academy of Science, occasioned by the publication of the " Principes de philosophic zoolo- gique," in May, 1830, a rupture occurred with his life- long friend Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Cuvier and Geoffroy became irreconcilable antagonists, but remained person- ally friendly, though the intimacy which had existed between them during more than thirty years ceased, as much through the fault of Geoffroy as of Cuvier. In the discussion Geoffroy was very overbearing, and assumed a role which extremely irritated Cuvier. It is generally admitted now that Cuvier went too far, although he refuted, with a surprising number of facts, the arguments presented by Geoffroy on the six great problems: (i) The pre-existence in natural history of the genus; (2) the unity of organic composition; (3) the value of classification; (4) the fixity of species; (5) the final cause; and (6) the succession of organic 1831-32.] ETIENNE GEOFFROY SAINT-HILArRE. 45 life on earth. Thanks to his genius and his unrivalled talent of exposition, Cuvier won before the Academy ; but it was plain that the general public was against him and in favour of Geoffrey. During the last two years of Cuvier's life the discussion was continued, not before the Academy, but in public lectures at the Col- lege de France. Cuvier, with renewed vigour, assailed the unity of organic composition and any general con- ception in natural history. As Isidore Geoffroy says : " Disciple, Cuvier ne pouvait 1'etre de personne, et par les tendances propres de son esprit, moins de Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire que de tout autre ; il devint done adver- saire." We may say, to the credit of Geoffroy, that his admiration of Cuvier was not diminished, and at his tomb, with great emotion, and in words of sincerity which had their source in his heart, he proclaimed him "le Maitre a tous ! " Agassiz felt strongly the influence of Cuvier ; he had repeated occasion to see and compare Cuvier and Geoffroy, and the superiority of Cuvier was so unde- niable, that many years afterward, when the question of fixity of species, descent, and succession of forms again arose with Darwin's " Origin of Species," he did not hesitate for one moment to oppose a doctrine so full of hypothesis and so contrary to the teachings of his master : " le Maitre a tous ! ' Agassiz had promptly received the good will and protection of Cuvier, and it is most probable that, if Cuvier's life had been spared, he would have obtained, through his influence, a professor- ship or some place in Paris. For Agassiz was determined not to be a country physician, but to support himself 46 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. in. as a naturalist. It is always very difficult in Paris to get a scientific position, on account of the great number of aspirants always waiting for a favouring opportunity. After a few months, Agassiz soon realized his superi- ority over all the young and even old naturalists, and acknowledged only one master, - - George Cuvier ! For Agassiz was not naturally self-distrustful ; he knew his worth, and it was rather humiliating to him to be placed beneath certain savants whose merits and capaci- ties were far below his. He had to reckon with those who held what is called in Paris " positions acquises," that is to say, with savants who had been gradually promoted from very modest places to higher positions. Cuvier's death left vacant a large number of places, and a regular scramble to occupy all the positions he had held began in earnest as soon as he was buried. Not being a Frenchman by birth, Agassiz was at a disadvantage; although an Englishman, Henri Milne- Edwards had the good fortune to push himself forward, and finally succeeded Cuvier. But Edwards, who was older than Agassiz by several years, had been educated in Paris,' and knew how to make use of influence. He made loud claims to being a Frenchman born, because he was accidentally born in Bruges in Belgium during the occupation of that country by the armies of the French Republic. Another competitor was Valen- ciennes, also older than Agassiz, and an assistant of Cuvier, who had begun with Cuvier the publication of the "Histoire naturelle des Poissons vivants." To be sure, the publisher of the work proposed to Agassiz to join Valenciennes as a collaborator; but Humboldt, 1831-32.] APPOINTED PROFESSOR AT NEUCHATEL. 47 who had always taken a strong interest in Valenciennes' welfare, rather discouraged the association, knowing well that Agassiz would soon extinguish all Valen- ciennes' future prospects. Humboldt exerted a strong influence over Agassiz. As minister of Prussia in France, he cunningly worked to detach Agassiz from Paris, increasing rather than diminishing the obstacles and difficulties Agassiz found there, acting in accord with the Prussian governor at Neuchatel, and M. Louis de Coulon, a rich and most benevolent Neuchatelois, who wished in some way to attach Agassiz to the Lyceum of Neuchatel. After the death of Cuvier, Agassiz, with his independent character, was discouraged and distressed by the constant intrigues going on under his eyes in restless Paris. On the other hand, he was still mindful of his happy days in Germany, and desired to return there as a professor in some German university. Humboldt, little by little, persuaded Agassiz to accept a very modest --altogether too modest — position as pro- fessor at the Lyceum of Neuchatel as a stepping-stone and a preliminary position to a professorship at Berlin or some other German university. Agassiz hesitated, for he knew very well that Neuchatel was too small a place, and devoid of all resources in natural history ; and his thought was at first to settle at Lausanne, or preferably at Geneva, then already a great scientific centre. But Humboldt and Coulon united their efforts, and at last secured the acceptance of Agassiz, who, in September, 1832, left Paris, to the great joy of all the young French naturalists of the capital ; for he was a formidable rival taken out of the way. 48 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. in. Agassiz always disliked intrigue ; he was frank and very earnest, and, although inclined to authority and adverse to divided power, he was too little French, or more correctly too little Parisian, in character, to like living in a society in which intrigue was as necessary as scientific knowledge to success. He had too high an opinion of science to make compromises and con- stantly bargain for position, influence, and honour. With the death of Cuvier vanished all his hopes of a great journey beyond Europe, - - a desire which had pur- sued him ever since he began the study of natural his- tory at Zurich with Schink. What he heard in Paris of the great success of Victor Jacquemont in India, and of Alcide d'Orbigny in South America, had increased tenfold his wish to be a travelling naturalist, and the long account given to him by Humboldt of the equinoc- tial regions of the New World increased, if possible, his cherished determination to make an exploring journey. Cuvier had told him that after the return of Jacquemont and d'Orbigny, then daily expected, the annual appro- priation at the disposal of the Museum would be in part free, and might be bestowed on him. His dreams of seeing the great Amazon River were revived, but were not destined to be realized till more than thirty years afterward, under other auspices, and under much more fortunate conditions. If Agassiz had been able to make a great exploration into the interior of a continent, or around the world, when he was between twenty-five and thirty-five years of age, what a harvest of facts he would have brought • back with him ! It is much to be regretted, both for 1831-32.] NO GREAT EXPLORATION. 49 himself and for the progress of natural history, that he did not enjoy that privilege. It is useless to express regret as we see him burying himself in such a remote place ; for wherever Agas- siz went he carried with him the torch of science, and obliged all the scientific world to look at him and give close attention to what he said and did. E CHAPTER IV. 1832-1835. AGASSIZ'S FIRST ESTABLISHMENT AT NEUCHATEL — FOUNDATION OF THE "SOCIETE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES," ON THE 6ra OF DECEMBER, 1832 — AN OFFER OF A CHAIR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG DECLINED -- LETTER OF HUMBOLDT — ENGAGEMENT OF ALEXANDER BRAUN WITH Miss CECILE GUYOT AND THAT OF KARL SCHIMPER WITH Miss EMMY BRAUN BROKEN OFF - - MARRIAGE OF AGASSIZ WITH Miss CECILE BRAUN -- PUBLICATION OF THE FIRST PART OF THE "FossiL FISHES" — FIRST VISIT TO ENGLAND IN 1834 — " MON- OGRAPHIE DES ECHINODERMES " - - DES MOULINS'S WORK ON THE SAME SUBJECT — CRITICISMS OF HUMBOLDT AND VON BUCK — SECOND VISIT TO ENGLAND IN 1835 — BIRTH OF A SON — FOUR LETTERS TO PlCTET AND NlCOLET. IN November, 1832, Agassiz was established at Neu- chatel as professor of natural history in a small college, at a salary of eighty louis (about $400), and with an appointment of only three years' duration. What tempted him greatly was the opportunity to live in Switzerland, near his family, complete independence in regard to his teaching, and a belief that, notwith- standing the small salary, the expenses of living were so much less than in large cities like Paris or Munich, that $400, or 2000 francs, would " keep him above actual embarrassment." Independence he got ; and indepen- dence was a strong trait in his character, and one which explains several of his otherwise rather peculiar deci- 5° 1832-35-] ESTABLISHMENT AT NEUCHATEL, 51 sions at different periods of his life. But insufficiency of means, resulting from his want of business capacity, assailed him from the first moment of his arrival in Neuchatel. As to its being a stepping-stone to a posi- tion at Berlin, that expectation was never realized ; all prospects in that direction having been entirely barred, as we shall see, by the part he took in the glacial ques- tion five years later. A college in a small town of five or six thousand inhabitants, like Neuchatel in 1832, and after the political and very grave disturbances which occurred there in 1831, as a consequence of the French Revolu- tion of July, 1830, was, of necessity, a very limited institution. The number of pupils, all told, was below one hundred ; and there were absolutely no ma- terials for study, no collections, not even a room to be used for the new class. Agassiz was obliged to deliver his lectures at the City Hall, in the room of the tribunal of the justice of the peace. With his impetuous and optimistic spirit and his impulsive nature, he went to work, and, without losing a minute, he undertook to form a centre of scientific culture with the rather scanty and rough material at his disposal. With the help of the two Louis de Coulons, father and son, - - two of the most devoted, and, at the same time, most modest nat- uralists, - - Agassiz arranged a provisional museum in the Orphans' Home, bringing there the already numer- ous specimens of natural history collected by himself in Germany, Switzerland, and France. Less than a month after his arrival and the deliv- ery of his inaugural lecture, " Upon the Relations 52 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. between the Different Branches of Natural History," which was given on Nov. 12, before all the edu- cated and intelligent men Neuchatel could assemble, his father included, -- on the 6th of December, 1832, he founded the " Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel," in the parlour of M. Louis de Cou- lon, Sr., who was elected president, while Agassiz was made secretary. During the first six years of its existence the society met at M. de Coulon's private house. It was rather more a scientific club than a true society, meeting twice a month from No- vember until May, and monthly only during the rest of the year. The annual subscription was moderately placed at three francs (sixty cents). Only six persons founded the society,- -Agassiz, Auguste de Montmol- lin, the geologist, Louis de Coulon, Jr., and three others. At the end of the first three years of its existence, the number of fellows was only twenty-five, and not more than six or eight members were often present at the meetings. Agassiz was the leading spirit ; and he wrote the proceedings of the sections of natural history and medical science for the years 1833, 1834, 1835, and 1836. His first contribution was a " General Re- port on the Progress of Natural History during the Last Few Years," in which he paid a tribute of admi- ration to George Cuvier, and at the same time lamented the recent death of "Ce heros de la science"; and declared that the only way to success is by " the con- scientious observation of nature." Not satisfied with delivering a course to his class at the college, he gathered round him a select and limited 1832-35-] PROFESSORSHIP AT HEIDELBERG. 53 audience of persons desirous to hear him on zoology, botany, and the philosophy of nature. And when the weather permitted, he used to take all his pupils, young and old, on excursions into the field ; visiting, among other places, the celebrated quarries of the Neocomian at Hauterive, the summit of the Chaumont Mountain, and the shores of the lake. It was a spec- tacle worth seeing. One of those who enjoyed these excursions said to me : " Agassiz was at his best, pass- ing from a plant to a fossil ; from physical geography to a fish, a snail, a bird, an insect, anything that came in his way ; always ready to discourse for hours, and, as usual, full of all sorts of new schemes. Time passed only too quickly in his company." Everything then seemed to smile on him; it was a sort of triumphal entry into life. A few days after his installation at Neuchatel, he received, on the 4th of December, 1832, a proposal to present himself, if he wished, in place of Professor Leuckart, at the Univer- sity of Heidelberg, which he declined to do. He con- sulted Humboldt about the call from Heidelberg, in a letter published by Mrs. Agassiz, Vol. I., pp. 213-217; but as Mrs. Agassiz was unable to give Humboldt's answer, I will give it in full in French, translated from the German by Agassiz himself for his uncle Mayor. BERLIN, 29 decembre, 1832. LETTRE D'ALEXANDRE DE HUMBOLDT A Louis AGASSIZ, — Je n'ai point d'expression, mon cher Agassiz, pour vous temoigner quel grand plaisir me procure chaque ligne que je re9ois de vous, ainsi que les marques cTamitie que vous me donnez. Je ne puis excuser le retard que j'ai mis a repondre a votre derniere lettre que $4 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. par mon bras manchot et la vie penible que je mene entre Berlin et Potsdam, ou je vais retourner dans un instant et passer quelque jours avec le roi. Vous nVaimez assez pour ne pas vous en facher. Ceci n'est pas non plus une lettre, mais seulement une marque de ma gratitude et mon opinion sur la proposition si honorable qui vous est faite d'une chaire de professeur a Heidelberg. Je reconnais, mon cher ami, le grand sacrifice que vous ferez en refusant, mais sans pouvoir de loin apprecier votre position a Neuchatel, et surtout ce qu'elle peut avoir de fixe, je penche cependant pour vous engager a y rester. Ce pays est en quelque sorte votre patrie ; on vous a recu la, a ce qu'il me parait avec beaucoup d'empressement. II est vrai que par ce choix, vous perdez sensiblement en argent, mais a Neuchatel vous avez plus de temps a vous, et vous vivez dans une ville riche, ou certainment, en consideration du sacrifice que vous faites, on aidera peut-etre plus qu'ailleurs, soit par reconnoissance, soit par un sentiment d'honneur ou meme de vanite de vous pos- seder (le patriotisme prend toutes ces tournures) dans la publication de vos deux grands ouvrages qui doivent etre le but essentiel de votre vie. Un homme de votre talent et de votre savoir, lorsqu'il aura public ces deux ouvrages, sera place si haut que de telles offres par des universites allemandes ne sauraient manquer d'etre renou- velees. II est vrai que je prefererais Heidelberg a toute autre, meme a Berlin, ou maintenant Tetude des sciences naturelles est assez ne- gligee. Cependant je desirerais qu'il fut bien connu par les feuilles publiques que vous avez eu cet appel et que (sans menacer indeli- catement) yous missiez a profit votre refus pour fixer votre position a Neuchatel, pour accelerer 1'achat de votre collection et pour obtenir la promesse de quelques souscriptions considerables pour vos ou- vrages. Je ferai tout ce qui dependra de moi aupres de M. Ancillon et suis bien certain de ne rencontrer ici aucun obstacle, mais je crains qu'a Neuchatel meme on ne soit un pen intimide par une depense de 600 louis, au moins a present. En Allemagne, il est maintenant tres difficile d'obtenir quelques cents louis d'un gouverne- ment pour quoique ce soit. On pretexte toujours les probabilites d'une guerre, a laquelle du reste personne ne croit. L'essentiel maintenant me parait (et je vois avec plaisir que vous y visez con- 1832-35-] LETTER OF HUMBOLDT. 55 stamment) que vous fassiez voir au monde, meme avec des figures moins soignees, ce que vous avez si admirablement bien examine, et si vous ne pouvez pas publier en meme temps ces deux ouvrages, donnez la preference aux fossiles. Vous le pouvez d'autant mieux que vous avez si heureusement decouvert les rapports qui existent entre votre classification des poissons et la succession des forma- tions geologiques. Je suis bien impatient de la connaitre dans tous ses details. Ne negligez pas de consulter sur les fossiles en ge- neral la traduction du manuscrit de de la Beche par Dechen ; c'est lui qui, a mon avis, rend le mieux compte de Tetat actuel de la geologic. Cest aussi Topinion de de Buch. Si vous ne pouvez pas commencer promptement la publication de votre ouvrage, il faudrait necessairement pour ne pas etre vole, publier de suite sous vos yeux un memoire en frangais dans lequel vous rendriez compte de vos idees generales sur la classification des poissons, leur distribution geographique et geologique, etc. Afin que votre ouvrage produise tout Teffet qu'il doit faire, restreignez vous aux poissons et ne donnez que quelques indications generales sur les autres organismes. Je vous embrasse tendrement, mon cher Agassiz ; assurez votre bonne mere de toute mon estime. Votre A. HUMBOLDT. This letter is, perhaps, the most important and affec- tionate one from Humboldt to his young friend Agassiz. Thanks to Humboldt's personal application to the Prussian government, and the initiative subscriptions taken by Louis de Coulon at Neuchatel, a sufficient sum of money was obtained to purchase, for the newly created Museum of Neuchatel, the collections of Agassiz. He received the round sum of 600 louis, or almost $3000. With his optimism, always ready to go beyond all reasonable bounds, he thought that in coming to Neu- chatel he had made his fortune ; and his first desire 56 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. was to get married. As is often the case with stu- dents, the trio, Agassiz, Braun, and Schimper, had promptly fallen in love. They were surrounded by too many young sisters and friends' sisters not to succumb. Agassiz's choice was Cecile Braun ; Schimper became engaged to her older sister Emmy, and Braun himself was soon enamoured of a sister of Arnold Guyot, also called Cecile. As shown by the result, it would seem that it would have been well if the three engagements had been broken off. Alexander Braun, the most rea- sonable and practical of the three, had the good sense not to go too far. His regard for Cecile Guyot of Hau- terive, near Neuchatel, soon took the form of friend- ship. No public engagement was announced, prudence on both sides keeping the matter rather quiet, until, by common consent, Mademoiselle Cecile Guyot, instead of a " mariage d'inclination," considered by her very practical family as a great " imprudence," agreed to a "mariage de convenance ' at Neuchatel, - -a " parti fort avantageux," according to Arnold Guyot,- -and, instead of becoming Madame Braun, was contented to call her old sweetheart "son bon frere Alex." : Although Alexander Braun was a great admirer of the botanical genius of Karl Schimper, he soon saw the weak point of his character. After waiting several years from the time of the engagement in 1832, Miss Emmy Braun realized too well the unfitness of Schimper, and, with the help of her brother, broke the engage- 1 See " Alexander Braun's Leben," by Mrs. C. Mettenius, where are many details of the whole affair, even including letters of Braun to Cecile Guyot. 1832-35-] FIRST MARRIAGE. 57 ment in 1840. Miss Emmy Braun was born in January, 1807, and was as gifted as her younger sister Cecile, being an excellent musician. In the spring of 1841 she married Mr. Eichhorn, Hofmuziker at Carlsruhe. All four of the Braun children were talented. As for the engagement of Agassiz and Miss Cecile Braun, although Alexander and his mother were not very enthusiastic in regard to it, - - for both saw how fully Louis was engrossed in his studies and in himself, and realized his tendency to fly from one subject to another, and his want of steadiness and of business capacity, -- nevertheless during the vacation of 1833, it became " un fait accompli " ; and in October Agassiz brought his wife home to Neuchatel, to a small apart- ment " au faubourg du Lac," No. 21. Mrs. Cecile Agassiz, born at Carlsruhe the 2Qth of July, 1809, was a lady with regular and fine features, slender, and of very dark complexion, so much so that she looked more like an Italian or Spaniard than a German. She possessed rare artistic talents, being a pupil of an artist of some repute, Marie Ellenrieder of the Nazarean school, after the style of Fra Angelico. Before her marriage she made many aquarelles of fossil and fresh-water fishes for her " fiance," remarkably exact and well executed, which rivalled those made by the painter Dinkel. She also painted specimens of plants for her brother Alexander. Besides this, she was well acquainted with German literature, and was generally an accomplished young lady. She was a great favourite in her family, and was widely acquainted in Carlsruhe. She was greatly disappointed in Neu- 58 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. chatel ; everything was so different from her delightful home at Carlsruhe. She did not speak French fluently, and possessing to a high degree the German placidity which borders on complete indifference, she was not well impressed by what she saw, and from the first disliked all Agassiz's friends and acquaintances. Ac- customed to the beautiful green fields and forests of the vicinity of Carlsruhe, -she found herself enclosed by dusty or muddy roads, by high vineyard walls, and the rather inhospitable aspect of the houses : all this, with the reserve and rather cold manners of the inhabi- tants, disposed to copy the formality of the Prussian court, displeased her so much that she soon greatly dis- liked the " Neuchatelois," Neuchatel, and even Switzer- land. For her, Carlsruhe was paradise on earth, and her only wish was to return and live there. Agassiz, during the first three years of his married life, showed more than at any other period the brilliancy of his rare intellect, the deepness of his devotion to the progress of natural history, and the greatness of the effort he was able to make to place himself among the foremost naturalists of the time. During the spring of 1834, the first number of the " Poissons fossiles " came out, and made a great sensa- tion among geologists and zoologists. The subject had until then baffled all palaeontologists, no one having ventured to go deeply into it, on account of osteologic difficulties and the material obstacle of drawings. The most difficult to please declared the work remarkably executed, and Agassiz received approbation and con- gratulations from every quarter. Undoubtedly the first 1832-35-] FIRST VISIT TO ENGLAND. 59 " livraison ' fully deserved such a reception. Agassiz never surpassed, perhaps never equalled, that first number of the " Fossil Fishes." It is the work of a great master. A few days after, in May, 1834, another memoir, also very remarkable, was read before the Natural History Society of Neuchatel on " Quelques Especes de Cyprins du lac de Neuchatel " (" Memoires Soc. Sc. nat. de Neuchatel," Vol. I., p. 33). In this Agassiz shows his tendency to create new genera and his admi- rable talent for description of species and for classifica- tion. In August, 1834, Agassiz made a long-desired visit to England. Buckland, Lyell, and others received him with open arms. His visit coincided with Frangois Arago's journey to collect material for his academic eulogy of Watts, and as he had become well acquainted with Arago during his sojourn at Paris in 1832, they were much together, meeting at Oxford at the hos- pitable home of Buckland, and travelling together to Edinburgh, and back to Paris. Agassiz found such a wealth of fossil fishes that he wrote at once to his artist, Dinkel, to come over. One of the rooms of the Geological Society, then at the Somerset House, was generously placed at his disposal by the society, and as soon as he had collected there some two thousand specimens, he began in earnest his studies of comparison, determination, and classification, and directed Dinkel to draw all specimens worthy of being reproduced for his great monograph, or even such as might prove useful afterward for general 60 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. description. Dinkel remained in England for several years, either in London, or at the country seat of Philip Egerton, near Chester, and at Enniskillen in Ire- land, and made one of the best and most valuable collections of drawings of fossil fishes, which was after- ward purchased by the subscriptions of English geolo- gists, and presented to the British Museum. On the 3d of December, 1834, at a meeting of the Neuchatel Society of Natural History, Agassiz deliv- ered a lecture on the present state of natural science in England, on the splendid collections of fossils and living animals there, and more particularly on the great progress and extraordinary enlargement of the Zoologi- cal Garden of London. The echinoderms had already attracted much of his attention. The peculiar beauties of these fossils, their great numbers around Neuchatel and in the Jura. Moun- tains, and the ease of identifying them, even from fragments, led him to undertake a " Monographic des Echinodermes." At the meeting of the Neuchatel Society, Jan. 10, 1834, he made a communication, in abstract, of the main discoveries already arrived at by his researches, and his memoir entitled, " Notice sur les fossiles du terrain cretace du Jura Neuchate- lois" ("Memoire Soc. Sc. nat. de Neuchatel," Vol. I., p. 126, 1835) began his series of publications on " Echi- nides." He describes twelve species found in the cre- taceous rocks of Neuchatel, eight of which were entirely new. The paper is marked by great originality of classification, clearness of description, and exactness of 1832-35-] PRODROME DES ECHINODERMES. 61 drawing. It succeeded better than any other publica- tion in showing that the cretaceous strata of Neuchatel were a special formation, differing from the Green Sand and Gault of England, and, at the same time, younger than the Portland stone of the Jurassic sys- tem. At that time, the name Neocomian, to designate the Neuchatel strata of the Lower Cretaceous had not yet been used by Thurmann, who offered it at a meet- ing of Jurassian geologists at Besangon, in September, 1835. The " Prodrome d'une monographic des Radiaires ou Echinodermes," read also before the Neuchatel Society on the loth of January, 1834, was published in 1835, at page 1 68 of the first volume of the memoirs of that society ; it is the starting-point of all the publications on the echinoderms, according to the principles of classification of Cuvier. Agassiz followed the method of his master ; and in the first twelve pages he gives a most remarkable exposition of their zoological charac- ters, and of his views on the classification and deter- mination of the genera of that class of marine animals. Curiously enough, a year and a half later, in August, 1835, Charles Des Moulins, an able zoologist of Bordeaux, without any knowledge of the works of Agassiz, pub- t lished his "Etudes sur les Echinides," in three papers; Bordeaux, 1835-1837. The first two, published in August and December, 1835, contain no reference to Agassiz's researches; but the third paper, dated September, 1837, contests the priority of some of the genera created by Agassiz. As a whole, the two memoirs by Agassiz and 62 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. Des Moulins contain many similar results, and their coin- cidence of publication and of result, due to a mere accident, is very honourable to both. Des Moulins pre- sented more facts and observations on the living and Tertiary echinoderms, while Agassiz brought forward more new forms and new genera from the secondary (Cretaceous and Jurassic) echinoderms, and also a better bibliographical knowledge of the subject. The "Tableaux synonymiques des Echinides " of Des Moulins, is another " Prodrome," corrected and finished, according to Des Moulins himself, in April, 1837, more than a year after the publication of Agassiz's " Pro- drome." Des Moulins says that when, on the point of finishing the manuscript of his " Tableaux synony- miques," he received from Agassiz a copy of his " Pro- drome," and that he was thus enabled to interpolate all Agassiz's synonymy, including also the names of species described in works by several writers which Des Mou- lins did not possess and had never seen. The question of priority was settled by Des Moulins, in favour of Agassiz ; Des Moulins's claims to priority being lim- ited to two genera : Colly rites instead of Disaster of Agassiz, and EcJiinocidaris instead of Arbacia of Gray ; a detail simply in Agassiz's classification of the great family of Echinoderms. The winter of 1834-1835 and all the spring of 1835 were devoted to his great work on fossil fishes, the echi- noderm studies being considered by Agassiz as a sort of relaxation and recreation. New numbers of the " Pois- sons fossiles ' were issued, the text not corresponding 1 832-35-] SECOND VISIT TO ENGLAND. 63 with the atlas of plates, which at the time rendered rather difficult and confusing the task of those who wanted to follow him. His two friends of Berlin, Leopold von Buch and Alexander von Humboldt, complained of this, and von Buch went so far as to call his method of issu- ing text in fragments from different volumes diabolical. Humboldt, although calling Agassiz, in his letter of the loth of May, 1835, "a great and profound naturalist," and speaking of his "admiration of your eminent works," adds : " I also complain a little, though in all humility ; but I suppose it to be due to the difficulty of concluding any one family of (fossil fishes), when new materials are daily accumulating on your hands. Con- tinue then as before. In my judgment, M. Agassiz never does wrong." To any one who knows how sarcastic and sharp Humboldt was, it is surprising to see him treating Agassiz so tenderly, using circum- locution in admonishing him, and placing the burden of sharpest criticism on his friend von Buch. The isolation of Agassiz in a small town, beyond direct intercourse with other naturalists and savants in general, had already begun to tell. If he had been exposed to daily friction with his fellow-naturalists, he would have avoided many mistakes and false steps. In July, 1835, Agassiz took his young wife on a visit to her parents at Carlsruhe, and left her there while he went a second time to England, where he remained until the end of October, working hard at descriptions of all the fossil fishes he had collected the previous year, and revising and directing the work of his two artists ; for 64 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. besides Dinkel, he now had a second draughtsman, M. Weber, another of his Munich friends. The expenses had grown so large that he began to think that he had " committed an imprudence in throwing myself into an enterprise so vast in proportion to my means as my ' Poissons fossiles.' His publisher, Cotta of Stuttgart, had abandoned the undertaking as being too expensive and attended with too many aieas, and Agassiz bravely resolved to be his own publisher, — a very rash decision on his part, taking into account his complete lack of business capacity ; but as he says : " Having begun it, I have no alternative ; my only safety is in success. I have a firm conviction that I shall bring my work to a happy issue, though often in the evening I hardly know how the mill is to be turned to-morrow." At the meeting of the British Association for the advancement of science in Dublin, which Agassiz at- tended, another appropriation of one hundred guineas, similar to the one voted the preceding year toward the facilitating of researches upon English fossil fishes, was granted him, which allowed him to pay his two artists. His presence in England and Ireland greatly helped the subscriptions to his work. English savants acted generously, and Agassiz's reputation grew rapidly among them. But, nevertheless, English enthusiasm never went so far as to offer him a single official posi- tion during his whole life. In France the number of subscriptions was far below what it was in England, only fifteen copies being dis- posed of. Again, at this time, the loss of Cuvier was I832-35-] BRITISH ASSOCIATION AT DUBLIN. 65 felt ; for he alone would have had the power to get a subscription for fifty or sixty copies from the govern- ment, as he did for his " Poissons vivants," which would have placed Agassiz at ease. Properly engineered, Agassiz might have succeeded in getting the French government interested in his great work, but for some reason he withdrew from the undertaking, and did not even make an attempt in that direction during his stay in Paris. An incident occurred at Dublin, during the meeting of the British Association, which was recorded in a letter from Adam Sedgwick to Lyell, dated Sept. 20, 1835. Sedgwick says: " Agassiz joined us at Dub- lin, and read a long paper to our section (the Geo- logical Section). But what think you ? Instead of teaching us what we wanted to know, and giving us of the overflowing of his abundant ichthyological wealth, he read a long, stupid, hypothetical dissertation on geology, drawn from the depths of his ignorance. And, among other marvels, he told us that each formation (e.g., the lias and the chalk) was formed at one moment by a catastrophe, and that the fossils were by such catastrophes brought from some unknown region, and deposited where we find them. When he sat down, I brought him up again, by some specific questions about his ichthyological system, and then he both instructed and amused us. I hope we shall, before long, be able to get this moonshine out of his he*ad, or at least pre- vent him from publishing it. His great work is going on admirably well. I think it is by far the most impor- 66 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. tant work now on hand in the geological world " (" Life and Letters of Sedgwick," Vol. I., p. 447, Cambridge, 1890). Agassiz wisely withdrew his very objectionable paper. It was one of the weak points of his disposition to indulge in wild suppositions on subjects of which he knew very little, and to plunge into speculation abso- lutely out of his range of research. It was on this occasion, at a festival at Florence Court, the seat of Lord Enniskillen, that Enniskillen, as it was related by his son, Lord Cole, to Lyell, was put "in great good humour," for long time after, by the perfect coolness with which Agassiz made " Murchi- son and some other guest glorious, and Sedgwick com- fortable" * Such a jolly set of hammer-bearers Lord Enniskillen had never seen before, and Murchison acknowledged that he had found in Agassiz his master. At the hospitable table of Lord Enniskillen the old Munich student proved a match for the old trooper of the Peninsula War. Not long after his return to Neuchatel, a son, Alex- ander, so named in honour of Agassiz's best friend, Alex- ander Braun, was born on the ist of December, 1835. For more than one reason it was a great event in the family, for from that moment Mrs. Agassiz, who showed herself at once an excellent and most careful mother, entirely abandoned pencil and books, and devoted all her time and strength to her son, and afterward to her two daughters,- -one Ida, born Aug. 8, 1837; and tne other, Pauline, born Feb. 8, 1841. 1 " Life of Sir Charles Lyell," Vol. I., p. 457, and also " Life and Let- ters of Sedgwick," Vol. I., p. 445. 1832-35.] LETTER TO PICTET. 67 Indeed, with the scanty means at her disposal, Mrs. Agassiz had her hands full, and even more than full, as we shall see by and by ; and it is not surprising that she could no longer manifest active interest in her hus- band's scientific work. It would have been beyond human power to continue her work of drawing fossil fishes and helping at manuscripts. But we must not anticipate: let us return to Agassiz's various and constantly increasing work at Neuchatel. Four letters written at this time to two naturalists, who were counted among his best and most trusted friends, Jules Pictet of Geneva and Celestin Nicolet of La Chaux-de-fonds, will give an intimate view of his scientific activity. NEUCHATEL, 24 novembre, 1833. MONSIEUR JULES PICTET, a Geneve. Monsieur, — Je viens de recevoir votre lettre et je m'empresse d'y repondre, dans Tespoir d'obtenir le plus vite possible les objets que vous voulez bien offrir a notre Musee. J'espere que des a present, nous*pourrons entrer en relations d'echanges suivies. M. Coulon et moi sommes dans ce moment occupes a ranger, et a deter- miner les collections, pour en mettre les doubles k notre disposition, ce qui facilitera beaucoup nos echanges. . . . En echange nous pouvons vous offrir en general surtout des Poissons surtout plu- sieurs especes d'eau douce nouvelles et inedites, des Mollusques en esprit de vin et des coquilles d'especes vivantes, des coquilles fossiles surtout du Lias et des etages jurassiques inferieurs du Wiirtemberg, des Zoophytes en esprit de vin et des fossiles ; des roches, surtout des series completes du Gres Bigare, du Muschelkalk, du Keuper et des terrains jurassiques ; les fossiles et les roches de la Craie des environs de Neuchatel qui sont tres nombreux. Nous avons aussi beaucoup de doubles des plantes d'Allemagne. Voila 68 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. done assez de materiaux pour faire de nombreux echanges ; veuillez seulement, s'il vous plait preciser davantage ce que vous desirez recevoir d'abord, et puisque vous voulez bien nous faire le premier envoi ne pas trop tarder a le faire. Si vous aviez, des Dicer as et en general des fossiles de la Montague des Fis (Savoie), vous nous obligeriez beaucoup de nous en envoyer, nous voudrions pouvoir les comparer avec notre Craie. Si vous avez des especes de poissons du Bresil qui ne soient pas mentionnees dans mon ouvrage, elles seraient aussi bien venues pour notre Musee. Je fais maintenant imprimer la 2eme Hvraison des " Poissons fos- siles," qui contiendra la description des genres Platysomus, Tetra- gonolepis, Dapedium^ Lemionotus, et Lepidot2is, et une partie de FOsteologie generale des poissons. II est facheux que les publica- tions periodiques obligent les auteurs a morceler leurs sujets ; mais enfin avec le temps on finit par les rendre complets. Puisqu'enfm vous voulez bien m'offrir votre appui dans mes recherches sur les objets qui vous entourent de plus pres, oserai-je vous prier de bien vouloir m'adresser par la Messagerie, un jour qull fera froid ; un exemplaire de votre Gravanche, et une ou deux de Fera, de differentes dimensions. Je vous offre en echange les Coregones du lac de Constance, de Baviere et de Neuchatel. Je crois avoir vide la question des Salmones d'Europe, ce n'est plus qu'a la synonymie que je dois donner encore quelques soins ; aussi je cherche a receuillir tous les noms de province. Cuvier dans la 2eme edition du " Regne Animal " a admis beaucoup trop d'especes. Agreez, Monsieur, Tassurance de mon devouement, et de ma con- sideration distinguee. Ls. AGASSIZ. 1832-35-] LETTER TO PICTET. 69 NEUCH^TEL, 22 avril, 1835. MONSIEUR JULES PICTET, a Geneve. Monsieur, — Depuis que j'ai eu le plaisir de correspondre avec vous pour notre premier echange, Tarrangement de nos poissons s'est tres avance et une grande partie de la collection est trie'e, et les doubles sont mis a part. II nous est done maintenant bien plus facile d'ef- fectuer les echanges que precedemment ; cependant nos catalogues ne sont point encore faits. Cest pour cette raison, Monsieur, que tout en acceptant avec reconnaissance Toffre que vous me faites pour notre Musee, je vous prierais si cela pouvait vous convenir, de bien vouloir nous envoyer un exemplaire de toutes les especes de poissons exotiques que vous possedez ; en revanche, je vous adresserai tout ce que vous n'avez pas encore de mes poissons d'eau douce, et si cela ne suffit pas, j'ai encore quelques exemplaires de poissons des grandes rivieres du Bresil. Enfin j'ai rapporte d'Angleterre une telle masse de fossiles, que je ne serais pas embarrasse de vous transmettre Tequi- valent des poissons que vous me feriez parvenir. Si parmi vos especes il s'en trouvait que nous eussions, ce dont je doute, je pourrais vous les renvoyer avec les notres. S'il vous manque beaucoup de poissons de la Mediterranee, je pourrais vous en fournir beaucoup. Je desirerais egalement beau- coup connaitre les poissons du lac de Lugano, du moins les especes des genres critiques. Je pense ne plus renvoyer d'un an, la publication de mes " Pois- sons d'eau douce " ; la 5em Hvraison des (Poissons) fossiles paraitra dans six semaines. Agreez, Monsieur, 1'assurance de ma consideration distinguee, et de mon entier devouement. Ls. AGASSIZ. 70 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. iv. NEUCHATEL, le 4 Mars, 1834. MONSIEUR CELESTIN NICOLET, a La Chaux-de-fonds. Monsieur,-- J'ai re£u il y a 15 jours et lu le meme soir a notre societe la notice detaillee que vous nous avez adressee sur le calcaire lithographique des Montagues (de Neuchatel) . Votre communica- tion a excite Tinteret qu'elle merite et tous les membres de la soci- ete vous feliciteront de votre zele si vous parvenez a decouvrir quelque localite oil Ton puisse lever des plaques assez grandes pour executer les travaux lithographiques. II se rattache une question geologique a vos recherches qui me parait importante sous le point de vue scientifique, c'est Fapprecia- tion rigoureuse des rapports de position qui existe entre votre calcaire lithographique et celui de Sohlenhofen. En Baviere le calcaire est stratifie en couches horizontales et c'est surement de la que vient la beaute des pierres de Sohlenhofen ; tandisque dans la chaine du Jura tous les calcaires ont ete disloques pas des sou- levements posterieurs a leur deposition et sont par consequent tres fendilles. II serait bien interessant d'avoir une collection un peu etendue des fossiles de votre calcaire afm de pouvoir les comparer avec le grand nombre de ceux que Ton trouve a Sohlenhofen ; ce serait un moyen de plus de determiner les relations geologiques de ces depots. Si vous avez occasion d'en receuillir, ne le negligez pas ; ce serait un grand service que vous nous rendriez de nous en adresser le plus dMchantillons possibles. Agreez, Monsieur, Tassurance de ma consideration distinguee. Ls. AGASSIZ. NEUCHATEL, le 19 Mars, 1835. MONSIEUR CELESTIN NICOLET, a La Chaux-de-fonds. Monsieur, — La Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel ayant decide d'imprimer ses memoires a nomme un comite pour en faire un choix et soigner Pimpression. Ce comite desirant voir vos observations geologiques figurer dans son receuil m'a charge de vous demander Tautorisation de faire imprimer votre notice sur 1832-35-] LETTER TO C. NICOLET. 71 la pierre lithographique des montagnes,1 en vous priant d1y ajouter d'abord vos nouvelles observations sur les gisement de ces couches, sur leur age geologique, et sur les fossiles qu'elles contiennent. Vous nous obligerez infiniment en repondant bientot a notre appel. Deja les premieres feuilles de nos Memoires sont imprimees. J'ai beaucoup regrette de ne nVetre pas trouve a Neuchatel lorsque vous vous y etes reunis avec Messieurs Voltz, Thurmann et Thirria ; mais j'espere avoir bientot le plaisir de faire votre con- noissance, M. Ladame m'ayant propose il y a deja quelques temps de faire une course avec lui a la Chaux-de-fonds. Agreez, Monsieur, 1'assurance de ma consideration tres distinguee. Ls. AGASSIZ. 1 " Essai sur le calcaire lithographique des environs de La Chaux-de- fonds " (" Memoires de la Soc. Sc. nat. de Neuchatel," Vol. I., p. 66, 1835). CHAPTER V. 1836-1837. THE WOLLASTON MEDAL — FIRST PAPER OF DE CHARPENTIER ON THE GLACIAL THEORY — VENETZ'S OBSERVATIONS ON LARGE BOULDERS PERCHED ON THE SlDES OF THE ALPINE VALLEYS — DR. HERMANN LEBERT, THE FIRST DISCIPLE AND PUPIL OF DE CHARPENTIER AND VENETZ — EXTRACT FROM DE CHARPENTIER'S FIRST PAPER — AGAS- siz's SUMMER VACATION AT BEX, NEAR THE HOUSE OF DE CHAR- PENTIER— CONVERSION OF AGASSIZ TO THE GLACIAL THEORY; His CREATION OF THE ICE-AGE — KARL SCHIMPER VISITS AGASSIZ AT BEX AND AT NEUCHATEL — DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL JULY 24, 1837, ON THE ICE-AGE. i THE year 1836 was happily inaugurated by the reception of the Wollaston Medal, awarded to Agassiz by the Geological Society of London, at its annual meeting on February 19. The President, Charles Lyell, a life-long friend of Agassiz, in presenting the medal, said : — On a former occasion we presented the proceeds of the Donation Fund l for one year to the same distinguished naturalist, to assist him in the publication of the early part of his great work, the importance of which was then only beginning to be known to the scientific world. It will ever be a subject of gratification to us to have learned that this small pecuniary aid was not without its influence in accelerating the publication of his " Researches on 1 The sum of thirty guineas, or ,£31, ios. sterling. 72 1836-37-] WOLLASTON MEDAL. 73 Fossil Fish,11 arriving as it did opportunely at a moment when the funds which could be appropriated for the undertaking were nearly exhausted. Mr. Agassiz acknowledged at the time his obligation to us for a mark of sympathy and regard which he received so unexpectedly from a foreign country, and which cheered and ani- mated him to fresh exertions. The Council, in now awarding the Medal to him, are desirous that he should possess a lasting testi- mony of their esteem and of the high sense which they entertain of the merit of his scientific labours. It was a well-deserved reward, received when quite a young man, — in his thirtieth year only, - - which did honour to the Geological Society of London as well as to the recipient. Never since has the Wollaston Medal been bestowed on so young a naturalist ; his is a unique case, and as such is recorded on the List of Awards of the Wollaston Medal. In 1834, at the meeting of the Helvetic Society of Naturalists, at Lucerne, Jean de Charpentier, Director of the Salt Works at Bex, Canton de Vaud, had read a short paper entitled, " Notice sur la cause probable du transport des blocs erratiques de la Suisse." Seldom, if ever, has such a small memoir so deeply excited the scientific world. It was received at first with incredulity and even scorn and mockery, Agassiz being among its opponents. Its publication, however, a year later, and again eighteen months later, in the " Annales des Mines" of Paris, Vol. VIII., p. 219, and in the " Biblio- , theque universelle ' of Geneva, Vol. IV., p. I, with a German translation by Julius Froebel and Oswald Heer, in " Mittheil. aus dem gebiete der theoret. erdkunde," p. 482, Zurich, attracted much attention, and the smile of incredulity with which it was received 74 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. when read at Lucerne soon changed into a desire to know more about it. A mountaineer, Perraudin, of the Bagnes valley, at the foot of the St. Bernard, in Valais, told de Charpentier, as far back as 1815, that the large boulders perched on the sides of the Alpine valleys were carried and left there by glaciers. De Charpentier thought the hypoth- esis so extraordinary and extravagant that it was not worth examining or even considering. Fourteen years later, in 1829, at the meeting of the Swiss naturalists at the Grand St. Bernard's Hospital, his good and most esteemed friend, the engineer of the "Fonts et Chaussees " of the Valais Canton, M. Venetz, not only supported the view advanced by Perraudin, but told the Society that his observations led him to believe that the whole Valais has been formerly covered by an immense glacier, and that it even extended outside of the canton, covering all the "Canton de Vaud" as far as the Jura Mountains, carrying all the boulders and erratic materials, which are now scattered all over the large Swiss valley. In 1821 the extremely modest Venetz had read before the Swiss naturalists a paper entitled, " Memoire sur les variations de la temperature des Alpes de la Suisse." In some way the memoir was left entirely unnoticed, and the manuscript put aside. De Charpentier, as soon as he was convinced of the correctness of the Venetz theory, hunted up the man- uscript, which was buried under the dust of the archives of the Helvetic Society of Naturalists, and had it finally printed and published, in 1833,- — twelve years after it was written,- -in " Erstern Bandes zweyte abtheilung," 1836-37-] OLD GLACIERS TN VALAIS. 75 of the " Denkschiften der allgemeine Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenchaften." As this initial memoir on the glacial epoch is extremely rare, I will quote the conclusions and one paragraph : - Monsieur Perraudin, conseiller de la commune de Bagnes, habile chasseur de chamois, et amateur de ces sortes d'observations [on old moraines], nous a assure que les glaciers de Severen, de Loui, et de la Chaux-de-Sarayer, tous dans la vallee de Bagnes, ont des moraines fort reconnaissables, qui sont environ a une lieue de la glace actuelle. . . . Nous sommes done en quelques manieres autorises a croire : - i) Que les moraines qui se trouvent a une distance considerable des glaciers, datent d\me epoque qui se perd dans les units des temps. . . . 6) One les glaciers parviendront difficilement a la hauteur gigan- tesque, dont nous trouvons tant de vestiges. . . . Civil Engineer Venetz was not educated as a scientific man, and he did not understand the scientific method of marshalling and classifying facts and observations. But he found in his friend de Charpentier the best possible man to systematize and construct a new science. If it was Venetz who developed and sustained the hypothesis of the chamois hunter, Perraudin, and awaked de Char- pentier's interest in the question, it was de Charpentier, who by his scientific method of observation, his clear and logical reasoning, accumulated and classified on truly scientific bases all the material proofs, such as the moraines^ the roclies moutonnces polies et strifes, the cailloux strie's, the bone glaciaire, etc., and to de Char- pentier is due the glacial doctrine and the glacial theory. As early as 1833, de Charpentier had gathered round 76 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. him at Bex, pupils and believers in the new science, including among the first ones O. Heer, afterward so celebrated for his researches in fossil botany and fossil entomology, E. Thomas, the botanist, and the learned Dr. H. Lebert. The latter, a brilliant German political refugee from Breslau, an enthusiastic friend and great admirer of de Charpentier, who justly compared the splendid and characteristic profile of de Charpentier to that of Keppler and of Galileo, and pronounced his head as typical of a savant, came to Bex in August, 1833, and was there convinced of the soundness of the views of Venetz and de Charpentier. For him the beau- tiful demonstrations of de Charpentier were conclusive, and left no doubt; so much so that in 1834, on the occasion of his receiving his degree of Doctor of Medi- cine at Zurich, and before de Charpentier had read his paper at Lucerne, he gave a public lecture on the glacial theory. The just and honest Heer, in his " Le Monde primi- tif de la Suisse," has nobly upheld the claims of de Charpentier, saying : " C'est Jean de Charpentier qui le premier donna une base scientifique a cette hypothese par une serie de recherches consciencieuses et par une rigoureuse combinaison des faits connus." And he further says : " Jean de Charpentier est le fondateur de la theorie des glaciers." The short paper of de Charpentier contains some of the fundamental principles on which the glacial theory is based, and is so important that some extracts will be acceptable to all those who like to follow the history of a great discovery from its infancy. 1836-37-] DE CHARPENTIER^S FIRST PAPER. 77 Extracts from NOTICE SUR LA CAUSE PROBABLE DU TRANSPORT DES BLOCS ERRATIQUES DE LA SUISSE; par M. J. de Charpentier, Directeur des mines du canton de Vaitd. (Extrait du Tome VIII des" Annales des Mines" pp. 20. Paris, 1835.) M. Venetz, en etudiant les glaciers, a ete conduit a s'occuper des blocs erratiques transported par la vallee du Rhone, et Texamen qu'il a fait de ces blocs, et des diverses circonstances qui les accom- pagnent, Ta convaincu que leur transport n'a pas pu s'effectuer par le moyen de 1'eau, quelque enormes qu'on suppose son volume et sa vitesse, et quelque puissante que soit son action. . . . Les depots des blocs erratiques presentent constamment un melange informe de fragmens de toutes les dimensions, depuis celle d'un grain de sable jusqu'a celle de plusieurs milliers de pieds cubes. On trouve sur le Jura des blocs aussi volumineux que dans les val- lees des Alpes. II n'existe done point de triage selon les volumes et les poids relatifs des blocs, ce qui necessairement aurait du avoir lieu s'ils avaient ete entraines et amenes par 1'eau ; car, dans ce cas? les plus gros blocs devraient se trouver les plus voisins du lieu d'ou la debacle et le courant les auraient enleves, et ces fragmens devraient diminuer de volume a mesure qu'ils en sont plus eloignes, de maniere que les blocs qu'on trouve sur les pentes du Jura devraient etre en general sensiblement plus petits que ceux qu^n rencontre au pied et dans les vallees des Alpes. Mais, nous le repetons, un pareil arrangement ne s'observe nulle part. . . . Quoique la plupart des blocs erratiques presentent une forme arrondie evidemment par frottement, on en trouve neanmoins qui sont non-seulement aplatis, mais qui sont restes presque intacts, ayant a peine leurs angles et leurs aretes ecornees ou emoussees. Si leur deplacement avait eu lieu par un courant, on ne saurait pas concevoir comment ils auraient pu etre roules jusques au pied du Jura et pousses sur son faite, sans porter des marques violentes de frottement. Les depots de ces roches transporters presentent ordinairement une forme alongee, semblable a celle d'une digue ou d'un rempart, 78 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. ou bien ils forment quelquefois des monticules coniques, isoles ou disposes en file. Ils ne se rencontrent jamais en forme de nappe ou de plateau. Ces digues sont placees horizontalement au pied et sur la pente des montagnes, ordinairement les unes derriere les autres, et espacees a des distances inegales : elles sont paralleles entre elles et a la direction de la vallee. Quelquefois deux ou plu- sieurs de ces digues se trouvent tellement rapprochees les unes des autres, qu'elles se confondent en une seule, terminee par une ou plusieurs aretes. La plus grande elevation a laquelle on les trouve sur la pente des montagnes qui bordent la vallee du Rhone, est d?environ i.ioo a 1.200 pieds au-dessus de ce fleuve, dans les environs de Bex, et de 2.400 pieds dans ceux de Sion. Le sol sur lequel ils reposent n'est jamais forme d'atterrissemens ou d'eboule- mens, mais c'est toujours du roc en place. La disposition et la configuration exterieure de ces depots sont inexplicables par la theorie d\m transport par le moyen d\m courant d^au ; car 1'eau les aurait deposes en forme de nappes, surtout dans les plaines des vallees et dans celles qui se trouvent au pied des Alpes ; cette theorie n'explique pas non plus comment ces blocs auraient pu franchir, sans les combler, les lacs qui se trouvent a Textremite inferieure de la plupart de nos grandes vallees, ni la singuliere position de ces enormes blocs qu'on trouve isoles dans la plaine ou sur la pente des montagnes, plantes verticalement sur le sol, et quelquefois brises ou fendus du bas en haut dans toute leur longueur, ce qui semble indiquer qu'ils sont tombes a peu pres verticalement sur la place meme ou ils se trouvent encore, et qu'ils se sont fendus ou brises par leur chute. On remarque en outre que les blocs sortis d'une vallee laterale ne se melent point ou tres imparfaitement avec ceux de la grande vallee, ou avec ceux qui sont sortis d\me vallee opposee. Ainsi les pierres feldspathiques ou talqueuses de la vallee d'Herens, formant des de- pots considerables pres de Sion, ne se melent point avec les blocs calcaires qui proviennent des vallees de la Sionne et de la Lierne, qui toutes les deux prennent naissance aupres de Rawyl, et se termi- nent a la grande vallee du Rhone, a peu pres vis-a-vis de la vallee d'Herens. Les digues ou remparts qu'imitent les de'pots de blocs de chacune de ces vallees sont parfaitement separes et distincts. 1836-37-] DE CHARPENTIER^S FIRST PAPER. 79 Feu M. Escher de la Linth avait deja remarque ce meme fait par rapport aux grandes vallees de la Suisse, c'est-a-dire que les blocs erratiques de la vallee du Rhone ne se melaient point avec ceux qui etaient sortis de la vallee de PAar ; que ces derniers restaient separes et distincts des depots de blocs venus de la vallee de la Reuss, etc. En adniettant un courant d'eau ou une debacle qui ait en lieu instan- tanement et a la fois dans ces di verses vallees, on ne comprend pas pourquoi et comment les pierres entrainees ne se melaient pas dans les endroits oil ces courans venaient se toucher et se joindre, et surtout la oil ils frappaient centre le Jura, ce qui aurait du produire une sorte de remou ou de refoulement, qui loin d'empecher le melange des materiaux que ces courans amenaient avec eux, 1'aurait au con- traire singulierement favorise. Un autre phenomene qu1on observe dans les vallces de toutes les chaines de montagnes qui ont fourni des blocs erratiques, ce sont les surfaces lisses que presentent les rochers qui n'ont pas ete de- grades par la decomposition ou par des eboulemens. Ces surfaces sont evidemment le resultat d'un frottement, et comme on sait que les eaux courantes qui charrient du sable et des pierres, usent et polissent les rochers avec lesquels elles viennent en contact, on a cm que les surfaces lisses et usees des rochers de nos grandes vallees etaient dues a la debacle on an grand courant qiTon supposait avoir transporte les blocs erratiques, qui, en quelque sorte, auraient fait office de Te'iiieril. Pour donner plus de probabilite a cette explica- tion, on alleguait le fait incontestable que ces surfaces polies ne se rencontrent pas audessus du niveau que les blocs transported ont atteint de chaque cote de la vallee, et qu'au-dessus de ce niveau les rochers iVoffrent que des surfaces raboteuses, de veritables cassures. La supposition (Tune debacle ou d'un courant n'explique pas d\me maniere satisfaisante ce phenomene ; car comment concevoir qu'une si immense quantite de blocs de toutes les dimensions, mise en mouvement par une enorme masse d'eau, ait pu unir et rendre lisses des surfaces verticales et cPune grande etendue? Loin de les polir, elle n'aurait fait que les ecorner et les ebrecher. Comment des blocs entraines par Teau auraient-ils pu frotter et user des sur- faces qui surplombent, qui forment ces sortes de voutes que nos rnontagnards designent par le nom de barmes ou de balines .- Com- 8o LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. ment expliquer, par cette supposition, la formation de surfaces polies, derriere des rochers qui font saillie, et qui, par ce fait meme, auraient du les preserver du courant, et les proteger contre le choc et le frottement des corps solides charries par 1'eau? Mais laissons de cote ces difficultes et admettons pour un moment que ces surfaces lisses avaient ete produites par un courant d'eau ; dans ce cas elles devraient etre plus marquees vers 1'extremite inferieure des vallees que dans leur partie superieure ou vers leur naissance, et elles devraient etre absolument nulles sur les cote* des Alpes. Eh bien, c'est precisement le contraire ; ces surfaces lisses et polies se recontrent depuis le pied jusqu'au faite des Alpes, et plus on s'eleve, mieux on les trouve prononcees ; elles sont ex- tremement distinctes sur le Saint-Bernard, le Simplon, le Saint- Gothard, le Grimsel, la Gemmi, le Sanetsch, le col d'Enzeindaz, etc. . . . Je pourrais citer encore d'autres faits plus ou moins contraires a la theorie d'un courant d'eau, si ceux que je viens d'indiquer ne me paraissaient pas suffire pour faire soupconner que 1'agent qui a tran- sporte les blocs erratiques a ete tout autre qu'une debacle ou une masse d'eau en mouvement. M. Venetz croit que des glaciers ont ete cet agent, et que ces depots de blocs erratiques ne sont autre chose que des moraines. Je sens fort bien tout ce qu'une pareille hypothese offre au pre- mier abord d'invraisemblable, de choquant, d'extravagant meme. En efFet, comment admettre, comment se persuader que jadis toutes nos grandes vallees fussent occupees dans toute leur longueur par de vastes glaciers, qui, a leur debouche dans la plaine au pied des Alpes, se seraient etendus en forme de nappes ou d'enormes even- tails pour couvrir presque toute la contree jusqu'au Jura, et remonter cette chaine en nombre d'endroits jusques a son faite, et le depasser meme ? Comment concilier une semblable hypothese avec la masse de faits cfui prouvent que jadis la temperature de nos climats a ete bien plus elevee qu'elle ne 1'est maintenant? . . . J'avoue que toutes ces objections et beaucoup d'autres se pre- senterent a moi lorsque M. Venetz. il y a environ cinq ans, me fit part de son opinion. Je restai dans le doute, jusqu'a ce que les faits que j'avais mis tant de soin a rechercher et a examiner pour com- 1836-37-] DE CHARPENTIER^S FIRST PAPER. Si battre cette hypothese, m'eussent conduit a un resultat tout oppose a celui auquel je nVetais attendu. . . . Les glaciers et leurs moraines se pla9ant devant 1'entree de quel- que petite vallee laterale, y forment une sorte de barre, qui, empe- chant 1'ecoulement des eaux, change le vallon en lac, dans lequel les torrens amenent des pierres, des sables et des Unions, et les deposent par lits. II n'est done pas surprenant de rencontrer quelquefois aupres des depots des blocs erratiques de petits amas de materiaux evidemment stratifies et deposes par 1'eau. Ouoique la plupart des blocs charries par les glaciers soient arrondis, ou aient au moins leurs angles et leurs aretes emousses ou ecornes par le frottement qu:ils eprouvent les uns contre les autres, neanmoins on trouve quelquefois sur le dos des glaciers de gros blocs isoles qui arrivent sans frottement, et par consequent bien conserves jusqu'au pied du glacier. Ce fait explique la maniere dont quelques-uns des blocs erratiques ont pu etre transported a de fort grandes distances sans avoir eprouve de frottement, et sans que leurs angles et leurs aretes aient ete sensiblement endommages. o o La forme des moraines est celle d'une digue ou d\m rempart, termine par une ou plusieurs aretes. Dans certains cas elle est conique, ou bien elle presente une foule de monticules coniques. Lorsqu\m glacier, comme il arrive le plus souvent, a plusieurs moraines, elles sont toujours paralleles entre elles, et placees a des distances inegales. La configuration interieure et exterieure des moraines, et leur disposition mutuelle sont done exactement les memes que celles des depots des blocs erratiques. Les glaciers ne produisent jamais, comme les torrens et les rivieres, de depots en forme de lits ou de nappes, parce qu'ils creu- sent toujours le terrain jusqu'au roc vif, poussant devant eux toutes les terres, graviers et blocs qu'ils rencontrent sur leur passage, phe- nomene connu de tous ceux qui out observe: des glaciers dans le temps ou ils sont en progression, et qui s'explique tres bien par la maniere dont les glaciers augmentent et avancent. Puisque les glaciers en s'avancant deblaient le terrain jusqirau roc vif, nou; pouvons facilement concevoir pourquoi nos lacs n'ont pas ete com- bles par la quantite immense de blocs, de gravier et de sable qui ont du les traverser, ou plus exactement, qui ont du passer par 82 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. dessus, et qui, S'ils avaient ete amenes par de Teau, rfauraient pas manque de les remplir. . . . Depuis les travaux de M. de Saussure, tout le monde sait que deux glaciers, lorsqirils viennent a s'atteindre et a se joindre sous un angle aigu, ne melent et ne confondent point leurs moraines. Ce fait explique parfaitement pourquoi les blocs erratiques d\me de nos grandes vallees ne sont point meles avec ceux de la vallee voisine, phenomene duquel on ne saurait se rendre compte par la supposition que le transport de ces blocs cut ete opere par le moyen de Teau. . . . On sait que les glaciers frottent, usent et polissent les rochers avec lesquels ils sont en contact. Cherchant a s?etendre, ils suivent toutes les sinuosites, et se pressent et se moulent en quelque sorte dans tous les creux et toutes les excavations qu'ils peuvent atteindre, et en polissent les surfaces, meme celles qui surplombent, ce qu'un courant d'eau charriant des pierres ne pourrait effectuer. Comme les glaciers prennent naissance sur le faite des Alpes, leur action destructive doit avoir dure beaucoup plus long-temps dans les regions superieures que dans les basses vallees et a leur pied. II i^est done pas etonnant de rencontrer dans les hautes vallees et sur les cols des Alpes des marques de frottement beau- coup plus considerables et mieux prononcees que vers leur pied, ce qui devrait etre precisement Pinverse si ce frottement avait ete opere par un courant ou une debacle. Enfin Tobservateur qui part du faite du Jura dans la direction meme ou les blocs erratiques y sont arrives, en suivant constamment leur trace, se trouve conduit jusqu'au fond des hautes vallees des Alpes, et jusqu'aux glaciers qui les dominent, ou il voit enfin ces depots devenir de veritables moraines. . . . Je termine cette notice en exprimant le voeu qu'elle puisse attirer Tattention des naturalistes sur le travail que prepare M. Venetz ; qu'elle puisse les engager a etudier derechef le grand phenomene des blocs erratiques. Agassiz resolved to pass his summer vacation of 1836 in a healthy locality among the Alps. At that 1836-37-] HIS FIRST VISIT AT BEX. 83 time resorts were few, and there were none at all in the centre of the Alps. At about the time of his mar- riage, in 1833, de Charpentier had invited him to visit him at his beautiful home "aux Devens," near Bex. De Charpentier, the classmate, at the Freiberg School of Mines, of Alexander von Humboldt and Leopold von Buch, the author of the best geological description of the Pyrenees then existing, had a European reputation which brought to his house savants from every country ; in addition, he enjoyed the reputation of a charming and most hospitable companion, and was the possessor of rich collections of natural history. De Charpentier had married, in 1828, a young German lady of noble family, Miss von Gablenz of Dresden ; and as Mrs. Agassiz was not particularly fond of Swiss ladies, Agassiz thought that an acquaintance with Mrs. de Charpentier, a German lady of culture and refinement, might be agreeable to his wife. It is a mistake to think that Agassiz was attracted to Bex by a desire to study the glacial question. He was adverse to the hypothesis, and did not believe in the great extension of glaciers and their transportation of boulders, but, on the contrary, was a partisan of Lyell's theory of transport by icebergs and ice-cakes. His main object was to pass an agreeable vacation with his wife and child, at the foot of the Dent du Midi, and near a family of savants as social and friendly as were de Charpentier and wife. In all this he was not disap- pointed ; but from being an adversary of the glacial theory, he returned to Neuchatel an enthusiastic convert to the views and observations of Venetz and de Char- 84 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. pentier. Agassiz found lodgings in the neighbourhood of " des Devens," at " la Sallaz," a suburb of the small town of Bex, and daily visited de Charpentier. The site, just north of Bex, on rising ground, among fine orchards and vineyards, is truly magnificent ; with lux- uriant vegetation, and in full view of the opening of the great valley of the Valais, and at the foot of the Dent du Midi. Mrs. Agassiz, with her little boy Alex- ander, was delighted with the place, and with Mr. and Mrs. de Charpentier, as well as their only child, a charming girl of seven years, time passed quickly, and Agassiz found in more intimate acquaintance with de Charpentier, another charmer of men, not like himself in many points, but very similar in some. For instance, de Charpentier was a delightful talker, very hospitable, and, like Agassiz, enjoyed hearing the " chime at mid- night." The evenings passed like dreams, in endless conversations on scientific subjects. For the greater comfort of the guests collected round his table, - - for besides Agassiz there were Dr. Lebert, Em. Thomas, Venetz, Albert Mousson, Escher von der Linth, and Lardy, - - de Charpentier ordered the best wine of his cellar, and although moderation prevailed, the conver- sation was often enlivened, and' hour after hour passed so quickly that the company frequently did not separate until a late hour ; sometimes not before daybreak. It was a fruitful and genial time for all those who were fortunate enough to be present. Agassiz was soon con- verted into a glacialist by the arguments, and more espe- cially by the evidences shown him by de Charpentier and Venetz, all round Bex, and in several excursions 1836-37-] CONVERSION- TO GLACIAL THEORY. 85 to the Valais. With his power of quiek perception, his unmatched memory, his perspicacity and acuteness, his way of classifying, judging, and marshalling facts, Agassiz promptly learned the whole mass of irresistible arguments collected patiently during seven years by de Charpentier and Venetz, and with his insatiable appetite and that faculty of assimilation which he pos- sessed in such a wonderful degree, he digested the whole doctrine of the glaciers in a few weeks. Agassiz saw also that de Charpentier was a true " scientific epicurean ' in the best and most elevated sense of the word, as he had been characterized by Dr. Lebert, not only without ambition for fame, but even indifferent as to the diffusion of his discoveries among scientific men. Lebert calls de Charpentier " une Belle au bois dormant " ; and it was for Agassiz to play the role of the prince in awaking him, and obliging him to publish his researches ; which he finally did in October, 1840, under the title of " Essai sur les Glaciers." Agassiz, with his extraordinary imagination, saw that the phenomenon of the extension of old glaciers had not been confined to the Rhone valley, but must have been general, and formed a special period in the history of the earth, during which cold prevailed all over the world. In a word, Agassiz's sojourn at Bex, under the teaching of de Charpentier, had taught him, with his far-reaching thoughts, to add an entirely unexpected, and, at that time generally very unacceptable, stage to the various periods which the earth had passed through ; namely, the Ice-age. 86 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. On his return to Neuchatel, Agassiz began to exam- ine attentively, with the new tool he had obtained at Bex, all the vicinity of Neuchatel and Bienne, finding everywhere the most unmistakable proofs of glacial action, and of the extension of the glacier of the Rhone to the Chaumont, with its " Pierre a Bot," and far away north towards Soleure. During his stay at Bex, Agassiz, as a good friend, wished to share the great pleasure afforded to him by his stay near de Charpentier, and he kindly invited Karl Schimper to visit him. As Agassiz said in 1842, in his defence against the attacks of Schimper, " Through the highly interesting works of Venetz and de Charpentier upon glaciers, my attention was called to these phe- nomena. In the autumn of 1836 I went to Bex, where I spent several months, and under the guidance of M. de Charpentier gradually learned to understand these remarkable phenomena." These plain words cannot leave any doubt as to the fact that Agassiz became converted to the glacial theory by the teaching of de Charpentier. Schimper, who did not leave Bex with Agassiz at the beginning of November, but accepted the hospitality tendered to him by de Charpentier, was not with Agassiz when he made his observations on the polished and scratched rocks and boulders round Neuchatel. After lingering several weeks at de Charpen- tier's hospitable and generous house, Schimper rejoined Agassiz at Neuchatel as his guest, as he had been at Bex and formerly at Munich. Of course, being constantly together, Agassiz and Schimper carried on a continual exchange of views on the Ice-age. During the winter 1 836-37-] KARL SCHIMPER. 87 of 1836-37, Agassiz gave a public lecture at Neuchatel on the subject. He was continually haunted by his thoughts on old glaciers ; and when the Helvetic Soci- ety of Natural Sciences, of which he had been elected president, met at Neuchatel on the 24th of July, 1837, ne wrote during the night previous his famous " Discours d'ouverture." In it Agassiz most frankly acknowledges that his explanation of the glacial epoch " est le resul- tat de la combinaison de mes idees et de celles de M. Schimper." All these explanations are necessary, in order to show exactly how Schimper became involved in the question, and how unjust are the accusations of plagiarism launched against Agassiz by Schimper himself and by Dr. Otto Vogel, in the " Allgemeine Zeitung ' of Augsburg. Agassiz's good heart and constant readiness to give impulse to new ideas were interpreted in a manner not exactly creditable. But before we come to the delivery of his " Discours," let us see how friendly he was to Schimper. As soon as Schimper became a guest in Agassiz's apartment at Neuchatel, Agassiz introduced him to everybody and made the most of him. At the meetings of the Neuchatel Society of Natural Sciences, Schimper com- municated in February, March, and April, 1837, his observations on the morphology of plants, showing the laws of development of leaves round the axes ; and also his new ideas on the development of the animal king- dom before the appearance of man. During the five years which had passed since their last meeting at Carlsruhe in 1832, Schimper had undergone changes which were not to his advantage. He had failed to LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. draw a line sharply separating his student life from his life as privatdocent and instructor at the Munich Uni- versity. His appetite, on the contrary, had greatly de- veloped, and was almost beyond his control. However, the society of de Charpentier at Bex and of Agassiz at Bex and Neuchatel was beneficial to him ; and he never was so brilliant and attractive. On the 1 5th of February, 1837, which was the anniver- sary of his birth, Schimper was in particularly excellent spirits. That evening he first made two verbal communi- cations before the Natural History Society on botanic morphology, promising to write them for the "Bulletin," — a promise which, by the way, was never carried into effect, like all Schimper's promises,- -and then he distributed to Agassiz and all the friends there a small piece of poetry, half-scientific, half-humorous, in which, for the first time, the word Eiszeit (glacial epoch), so celebrated since, was printed. Schimper had the honour to be the god-father of a great geologic period, for it was certainly he who first coined and used the word. Agassiz always acknowledged his priority ; and on the 25th of July, before the geological section of the Hel- vetic Society, he read a letter from Schimper, addressed to him under the title of " Ueber die Eiszeit," in which the word Eiszeit is written in italics, and so printed on p. 38 of the " Actes de la Societe Helvetique," Neuchatel, 1837- But poor Schimper soon fell again into bad habits after leaving Agassiz, and the brilliant spirit, the rare genius, - - for a man of genius Schimper certainly was, — became more and more obscured, until he disap- 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 89 peared entirely, without leaving even a good manuscript account of his great discovery on the morphology of plants. The " Discours de Neuchatel ' is the starting-point of all that has been written on the " Ice-age." Quoted often, it is, however, very little known, because it never was printed separately and also because the number of copies of the small volume of the " Actes de la Societe Helvetique reunie a Neuchatel ' was extremely limited. As it occupies such an important place in the history of the progress of geology, and also in the life of Agassiz, I think it is proper to reproduce it in extenso and in French, as it was delivered. Discours prononce a V ouverture des seances de la Societe Helvetique des sciences naturelles, a Ncucliatel, le 24 Juillet, 1837, par L.* Agassiz, President. Messieurs, tres chers amis et confederes : Depuis longtemps les membres de la section neuchateloise de notre societe desiraient avec impatience voir arriver le moment ou ils pourraient inviter leurs confreres de toute la Suisse a se reunir chez eux. Des circonstances independantes de leur volonte, et particulierement la construction du nouvel edifice dans lequel nous sommes reunis et qui devait recevoir tout ce que la ville possede de collections scientifiques, les ont forces a decliner Phonneur d'acceuil- lir a Neuchatel la Societe Helvetique des sciences naturelles, jus- qu'a ce qu'ils pussent le faire convenablement et mettre sous ses yeux au moins une partie des collections. Encore aujourd'hui, malgre toute Tactivite qu'y a mise Tinfatigable Directeur de notre Musee, il n^y a qu'une faible partie des collections qui soient rangees ; c'est meme a la hate qu'elles ont ete deposees dans le local qui doit les recevoir et que les ouvriers n'ont pas encore quitte. Nous reclamons done toute votre indulgence pour ce que vous ver- rez. Mais du moins, comptez sur le plaisir que nous avons a vous 90 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. recevoir ici, et soyez persuades que nous attachons un grand prix a vous voir chez nous. Cest du fond du coeur que je vous dis a tous : Soyez les bien-venus. A pareil jour tout nous invite a rechercher quel est le lien qui unit les sciences dont s'occupe notre Societe. Je ne crois pas me tromper en affirmant qu'une grande pensee domine tous les travaux qui tendent aujourd'hui a en etendre les limites. C'est Tidee d\m developpement progressif dans tout ce qui existe, d'une metamor- phose a travers differens etats dependant les uns des autres, lidee d'une creation intelligible, dont notre tache est de saisir la liaison dans tous ses phenomenes.1 Ainsi voyez I1 Astronomic, qui s'occupe maintenant de la formation des corps celestes ; la Chimie, qui etudie les differens modes d'action des corps les uns sur les autres ; la Physique, qui veut approfondir la nature des forces dont elle connait Faction ; THistoire Naturelle, qui poursuit les phases de la vie de chaque etre ; la Geologic enfin, qui se hasarde a embrasser Thistoire de la terre, a en dechiffrer meme les pages les plus anciennes, et a la representer comme un grand tout, dont les revolutions ont toujours tendu vers le meme but. » De tous ces progres, sans doute, il sortira un jour quelque chose de grand, de vraiment humain, qui fera rentrer Tetude des sciences naturelles bien plus directement dans le domaine de la vie habituelle de Thomme, que les avantages memes fournis a llndustrie et aux arts par les resultats obtenus dans les sciences, quelques im menses qu'aient etc ces derniers. Notre Societe n'est point restee etrangere a ce grand mouve- ment ; les noms de ses membres figurent honorablement a cote des coryphees de la science qui ont daigne s'associer a nos travaux. La reunion d'aujourd'hui, mieux qu'aucune autre peut-etre, prouverait que mon assertion n'est point exageree. Vous le savez, Messieurs, c'est notre petite societe qui a servi de modele a ces vastes associa- tions dont rAllemagne, PAngleterre, et la France se glorifient a 1 If Agassiz had replaced the words "developpement progressif" and "metamorphose " by evolution, what a splendid Darwinian paragraph he would have given there, in 1837, twenty-two years before the publication of the " Origin of Species." — J. M. I836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. gi tant de litres ; et si les travaux qu'elle a enterpris ont paru moins brillans, a cote de ceux de societes plus vastes, elle n'en a pas moins donne Pelan, a plus d\me reprise. Tout recemment encore, deux de nos collegues ont souleve' par leurs recherches des discussions d'une haute portee, et dont les suites auront du retentissement. La nature de la localite ou nous sommes reunis m'engage a vous entretenir de nouveau d'un sujet qui, je crois, trouve sa solution dans Pexamen des pentes de notre Jura. Je veux parler des glaciers, des moraines, et des blocs erratiques. Tout le monde, en Suisse, connait les glaciers et sait que leurs bords sont entoures de digues de blocs arrondis qu'on appelle des moraines, et qui sont continuellement poussees en avant ou abandon- nees par les glaciers a mesure qulls avancent ou qu'ils se retirent. Les habitans du Jura surtout sont familiers avec un autre pheno- mene qui est tres frappant dans nos montagnes, je veux parler des blocs erratiques ou de ces masses de granit et d'autres roches primi- tives qui sont eparses principalement sur les pentes de notre Jura. Ce que tout le monde ne sait cependant pas, c'est qu'il existe encore d'autres moraines que celles qui cernent de nos jours les glaciers. Ce sont MM. Venetz et de Charpentier, qui les ont fait connaitre les premiers. On les observe principalement dans les vallees infe- rieures des Alpes. Mais il est un cote de cette question qui doit etre conteste, c'est la liaison que Ton a cherche a etablir entre les blocs erratiques et les glaciers que cernaient les grandes moraines dont on retrouve encore des traces sur les rives septentrionales du lac de Geneve. C'est de ce dernier point que j'ai Pintention de vous entre- tenir en particulier. Les faits observes par MM. Venetz et de Charpentier sont cepen- dant definitivement acquis a la science ; aussi importe-t-il d'en pro- clamer hautement Pexactitude ; car de la depend naturellement la validite de toutes les consequences que Ton peut en tirer.1 A des distances plus ou moins considerables des glaciers actuels, on remarque en effet a differentes hauteurs des moraines parfaite- ment semblables a celles qui cernent encore les glaciers. Elles sont 1 It is impossible to say more clearly, or with more force, that Messrs. Venetz and de Charpentier founded the glacial doctrine. J. M. 92 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. e'galement concentriques et forment des digues qui suivent les ine- galites des flancs des vallees. On en voit partout plusieurs etages, dont les plus eleves se trouvent a quelques cents pieds au-dessus du fond des vallees superieures des Alpes ou il n'y a plus de glaciers. Mais en descendant dans les vallees infirieures, on en trouve succes- sivement a douze ou quinze cents pieds et meme a plus de dix-huit cents pieds de hauteur ; il y en a encore d'assez distinctes a deux mille pieds au-dessus du lit du Rhone, dans les environs de St. Maurice en Valais. On peut les poursuivre jusque sur les rives du lac de Geneve. II en existe encore de tres-elevees au-dessus de Vevey et dans les environs de Lausanne, qui correspondent a celles de la rive meridionale du lac. Si on ne les a generalement pas remarquees, c'est qu'elles sont beau- coup au-dessus des routes frequentees, et que celles des parties infe- rieures des vallees ont generalement etc disloquees par les torrens. II est toujours facile de distinguer ces anciennes moraines des digues formees par le debordement des eaux et des talus plus ou moins etendus, resultant des avalanches. Les digues sont tres-irre- gulieres et s'etendent a de petites distances, en s'aplanissant ; les talus sont en forme de cones tres-aplatis, debouchant des vallees et se perdant dans la plaine ; tandis que les moraines sont des digues triangulaires continues et parallel es le long des deux flancs des val- lees, formees de blocs arrondis e'videmment tritures, pour ainsi dire en place, les uns centre les autres, comme cela a lieu sur le bord des glaciers actuels, qui s'etendent dans de longues vallees etroites. Les blocs des avalanches, au contraire, sont anguleux ; ceux des digues, charries par les eaux, peuvent etre arrondis, il est vrai, lorsqu'ils pro- viennent de moraines disloquees, mais alors ils s'etendent en nappes irregulieres, et lorsqu'ils proviennent d'avalanches recentes, ils sont egalement anguleux, a moins qu'ils ne rencontrent dans leur trajet d'anciennes moraines quails entrainent et avec lesquelles ils se confondent. Pour se convaincre de Inexactitude de ces faits, il suffit de par- courir la vallee de Chamouni, en suivant les moraines les plus rap- prochees des glaciers, ou de s'elever perpendiculairement sur les flancs de la vallee du Rhone entre St. Maurice et Martigny, sur la rive gauche du Rhone, au-dessus de la Pissevache pres du hameau 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 93 appelce Chaux-Fleurie (Tsau-fria), ou vis-a-vis en montant au village de Morales depuis les bains de Lavey. Les decombres des dernieres debacles de la Dent du Midi, les grandes avalanches dont on voit partout des traces et les nombreuses digues formees par le Rhone, feront d'ailleurs apprecier justement la difference qu'il y a entre ces divers accidens prodtiits par des causes si differentes. Les vallees laterales presentent les memes phenomenes, comme on peut le voir en remontant le cours de FAvencon, jusqu'au glacier de Paneyrossaz. En parcourant ces vallees, je ivai pas etc moins frappe de Tapparence polie que presentent les rochers sur lesquels les glaciers se sont mus ; apparence que Ton remarque egalement dans toutes les vallees dont les flancs sont couronnes d'anciennes moraines, a quelque distance des glaciers actuels qu'elles se trouvent. Cest ainsi que les flancs de la vallee du Rhone sont entierement polis j usque sur les bords du lac de Geneve a plus d'une journee des glaciers, partout ou la roche est assez dure pour avoir resiste aux influences atmospheriques. D explication que M. de Charpentier a donnee de ces faits, evidem- ment produits par de grandes masses de glaces, qui remplissaient jadis le fond de toutes les vallees alpines, ne me semble cependant pas embrasser toute la question, et le Jura presente une serie de phenomenes qui la menent plus loin. v Pour mettre plus de liaison dans ce que j'ai a vous dire la-dessus, je vous entretiendrai d'abord des surfaces polies que Ton remarque sur toute la pente meridionale du Jura et que nos montagnards appellent des laves, comme nous Pa appris M. Leopold de Buch, celui de tous les geologues qui le premier a le mieux etuclie le Jura Neuchatelois et a qui sont dus les plus grands travaux sur le sujet qui nous occupe. La pente meridionale du Jura, qui est en face des Alpes, presente de ces laves jusque sur ses plus hautes sommites, depuis les bords du lac de Bienne jusqu'au dela d'Orbe ; limites dans lesquelles j'ai constate leur existence.1 Ce sont des surfaces polies, completement 1 Elle s'etendent cependant bien au-delil, comme nous 1'apprend une lettre de M. Schimper, recue le 25 Juillet et inseree a la page 38 de ces Actes. 94 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. independantes de la stratification des couches et de la direction de la chaine du Jura ; elles s'e'tendent sur toute la surface du sol, suivant ses ondulations, passant egalement par dessus le terrain neocomien et le terrain jurassique, penetrant dans les depressions qui forment de petites vallees, en s'elevant sur les cretes les plus isolees et presentant un poli aussi uni que la surface d'un miroir, partout ou la roche a etc mise recemment a decouvert, c'est-a-dire, debarrassee de la terre, du gravier et du sable qui la recouvrent generalement. Ces surfaces sont tantot planes, tantot ondulees, souvent meme traversees de sillons plus ou moins profonds et sinueux, ou de bosses longitudinales tres-arrondies, mais qui ne sont jamais diriges dans le sens de la pente de la montagne ; au contraire, comme les gibbosites, ces sillons sont obliques et longi- tudinaux ; direction qui exclut tout idee d?un courant d'eau comme cause de ces erosions. Un fait tres-curieux, que Ton ne saurait non plus concilier avec 1'action de 1'eau, c'est que ces polis sont uniformes, alors meme que la roche se compose de fragmens de differente durete, et les coquilles qu'elle contient sont tranchees comme dans des plaques de marbre polies artificiellement. On remarque, en outre, sur les surfaces tres-bien conservees de fines lignes semblables aux traits que pourrait produire une pointe de dia- mant sur du verre, et qui suivent en general la direction des sillons obliques. Les localites les plus interessantes ou Ton peut les observer dans les environs de Neuchatel, sont le Mail, du cote du lac, a la surface du terrain neocomien, et le Plan, a Pendroit ou 1'ancienne route joint la nouvelle. Les plus remarquables sont cependant a quelque distance de la ville, par example, au-dessus du Landeron, a la surface du portlandien sur la lisiere des vignes et de la foret, dans les environs de St. Aubin et au-dessus de Con- cise. Dans quelques localites on remarque de larges excavations et meme des especes de puits qui ne peuvent avoir ete produits que par des cascades tombant entre les fentes de la glace. Pour quiconque a examine dans les Alpes le fond des anciens glaciers, il est evident que c'est la glace qui a produit ces polis, comme ceux de la vallee du Rhone dont il a deja ete question. II est digne de remarque que ces polis ne se retrouvent nulle part dans le fond des petites vallees longitudinales formees par les abruptes des dif- 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 95 ferentes ceintures des couches dont se composent nos chaines, ni sur Tescarpement meme de ceux de ces abruptes qui sont tournes vers la montagne, tandisque j'en ai remarque sur plusieurs abruptes tournes vers les Alpes, par exemple, le long de la route neuve entre St. Aubin et le chateau de Vauxmarcus. II importe egalement de signaler les differences qui existent entre ces laves et d'autres surfaces polies avec lesquelles on ne saurait cependant les confondre, mais qui peuvent leur ressembler dans quelques circon- stances. Je veux parler des surfaces polies produites par les failles ou par le glissement des couches les unes sur les autres. Les premieres penetrant verticalement ou obliquement a travers plu- sieurs couches, ne sont a decouvert que la ou Tun des cotes de la roche en rupture s'est enfonce ; elles ne sont jamais a decouvert sur de grandes surfaces comme les laves ; les secondes presentent quelquefois des surfaces assez etendues, lorsque les couches supe- rieures au glissement out ete enlevees ; mais alors les rainures ou les sillons produits par le glissement, sont dans le sens de la pente, ce qui ne se voit nulle part a la surface des laves. Les surfaces polies par Faction des eaux out egalement un caractere particulier, soit qu'elles aient ete produites par des eaux courantes ou par des masses d'eau plus considerables contenues dans un bassin. Dans le premier cas, ce sont des sillons sinueux descendant toujours, tan- disque les sillons et les gibbosites des laves montent et descendent suivant les accidens de la roche polie. Dans le second cas, les eaux mues sur les rivages par les vents, et poussees au-dela de leur niveau habituel, rentrant toujours en e'quilibre, ferment des sillons inegaux plus ou moms profonds, qui suivent generalement la ligne de plus grande pente, a moins que des accidens locaux ne leur donnent une direction particuliere. II en est de meme lors de la hausse et de la baisse du lac au printemps et en automne. On peut etudier toutes ces differences dans les environs de la ville, en compa- rant les surfaces polies du Mail avec les erosions produites par le lac dans le prolongement des memes couches, ou avec les sinuosites qui ont ete produites par le Seyon dans ses gorges. D'ailleurs les sur- faces polies par Faction de Teau ne sont jamais aussi lisses que les laves ou que les surfaces polies par les glaciers. Que Teau charrie du sable et du limon ou non, les effets sont les memes, seulement 96 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. ils sont plus lents dans ce dernier cas. Je n'ai pas encore eu occa- sion d'etudier particulierement les effets des grandes masses d'eau charriant des glaces ; je ne pense cependant pas qu^elles produisent des effets differens de ceux de 1'eau liquide. Ce qifil y a de certain, c'est que dans les lits de nos rivieres et sur les bords de nos lacs ces effets se confondent ; et puis il est evident que la glace flottante ne saurait avoir d'action sur le fond de Peau qui la porte. II n'y a done que les grandes masses de glaces se mouvant immediatement sur des masses solides qui puissent produire des effets semblables au poli que Ton remarque sur les bords des glaciers en retraite. Ce dernier phenomena est du reste parfaitement semblable a celui que presentent les laves du Jura. Par cette ressemblance seule on pourrait deja etre porte a penser que des causes semblables ont produit des effets aussi semblables entr'eux. Mais il est d'autres considerations qui nous permettent de Her plus directement ces deux phenomenes, et qui forceront, meme ceux qui voudraient y voir des agens differens, a. les envisager sous un seul et meme point de vue. Nous avons vu des moraines jusques sur les bords du lac de Geneve, sur les deux rives a la meme hauteur ; nous avons par-la la certitude qu'il fut un temps ou le lac de Geneve etait gele jusqu'au fond, et ou cette glace s'elevait a une hauteur tres-considerable au-dessus de son niveau actuel. Mais nous savons egalement que toutes les moraines qui restent en place sont celles que les glaciers laissent sur leurs bords en se retirant. Depuis Tepoque done que je viens de signaler et ou les glaciers debouchaient encore dans les vallees inferieures de la Suisse, ils sont alles en diminuant et en se retirant dans des vallees de plus en plus elevees. Ici une question se presente tout naturellement. Ceux de ces glaci- ers qui ont eu la plus grande extension, sont-ils descendus du sommet des Alpes ? ou bien y aurait-il eu un moment ou les glaces se seraient formees naturellement au-dela des limites que nous venous de leur re- connaitre, s'etendant peut-etre une fois jusqu'au Jura et meme au-dela? Le niveau des moraines des bords du lac Leman, qui sont a 2500 pieds au-dessus de la mer, et la nature des surfaces polies du Jura semblent rindiqtier; il suffit meme de marquer sur une carte de 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 97 nivellement les hauteurs des moraines debouchant dans les differentes parties de la chaine des Alpes, pour se convaincre que les glaces ont une fois recouvert toute la plaine de la Suisse et atteint la pente du Jura.1 En effet, la difference de niveau entre 1'elevation des moraines des bords du lac de Geneve aux environs de Vevey et sur la cote de Savoie, et celle des surfaces polies que Ton observe au-dessus des rivages du lac de Neuchatel jusque sur le sommet de Chaumont, est telle que la nappe de glace qui remplissait Pespace compris dans ces limites, a pu avoir une certaine inclinaison, puisque le niveau du lac de Neuchatel n/est que de 1344 pieds au-dessus de la mer, celui de la zone de Pierre-a-Bot, le long de laquelle on trouve le plus grand nombre de blocs, de 2150 pieds ; le sommet meme de Chaumont n:a que 3619 pieds. Cela etant, nous sommes non-seulement en droit d'attribuer a Faction des glaces toutes ces surfaces polies de la pente du Jura, mais encore de les envisager com me un indice assure de Petendue plus considerable qu'ont eue les glaces a une epoque plus reculee, tant dans le Jura que dans les Alpes. M. de Charpentier pense que ces glaces etaint des glaciers qui se sont formes sur le sommet des Alpes et qui sont descendus dans la plaine pour s'elever jusqu1^ la hauteur ou on en trouve des indices, poussant devant eux les blocs qui sont sur le Jura. Mais un fait bien frappant s'oppose a cette explication •, c'est que les blocs du Jura sont generalement moins arrondis et meme plus grands que ceux 1 M. Rod. Blanchet, qui s'est aussi occupe de cette question, a fait des lors la remarque que le sommet du Pelerin (montagne qui domine Vevey en face de 1'ouverture du Valais, elevee de 3301 pieds de France au-dessus de la mer), compose de poudingue a gros grain, est poli sur sa pente, dans un endroit ou il n'y a pas d'eau capable de former un petit ruisseau, ni de sender, ni aucune des causes polissantes que Ton pourrait mettre en avant. C'est done a 3300 pieds au moins que Ton peut porter le niveau des glaces qui remplissaient le bassin du lac de Geneve, dont la surface n'est maintenant qu'a 1145 pieds. Sur le sommet du Felerin c'est le fond de la grace dont le niveau etait de 3300 pieds au-dessus de la mer ; mais rien ne nous indique quelle etait son epaisseur dans ce point. H 98 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. que Ton trouve dans les moraines du bord des glaciers actuels.1 Si nos blocs avaient etc roules ainsi au bord d'un glacier depuis les Alpes jusqiTau Jura, ils seraient generalement plus ronds, et plus petits, et il y aurait d'immenses moraines adossees au Jura, ce qui n'est pas.2 L'opinion generalement re£ue attribue le transport de ces blocs a d'immenses courans d'eau ou a des glaces flottantes. Les plus grandes difficultes que presente cette manic-re de voir, pour n'en indiquer que quelques-unes, sont d'abord d'expliquer Torigine de ces courans et de la vitesse qu'on doit leur attribuer pour qu'ils aient pu transporter des masses aussi enormes, si toute- fois Ton admet qu'ils ont e'te charries apres le soulevement des Alpes, comme tout semble Tindiquer. Car dans ce cas, ces courans auraient du partir des cretes qui separent les vallees, puisque le phenomene des blocs se presente dans toutes les vallees alpines et sur les deux versans de la chaine, c'est-a-dire que pour sum" re aux exigences des faits, ils auraient du jaillir de toutes ces cretes3 avec assez d'impetuosite pour ne plus laisser tomber les blocs au-dessous du niveau ou ils se trouvent dans le Jura et dans les vallees alpines ou ils n'y a plus de glaciers, puis qu'on nie meme encore Texistence 1 Ces faits ne s'accordent point du tout avec ceux que M. Elie de Beau- mont a decrits pour la vallee de la Durance. 2 Je ne me suis point attache a decrire la distribution des blocs erratiques sur les pentes du Jura, parce qu'elle est assez connue depuis la publication des recherches de MM. Leop. de Buch, Escher de la Linth, de Luc, sur ce sujet. Je ferai seulement remarquer que leur accumulation sur differens points ne s'accorde pas avec les theories que Ton a avancees pour expli- quer leur transport. Ainsi les plus grandes accumulations que j'en con- naisse se trouvent a peu de distance 1'une de 1'autre pres du sommet du mont Auber, et dans le fond de Noiraigue, a des niveaux tres-differens, et qui ne sont point sur une ligne ascendante dont le sommet serait a Chas- seron. Au contraire, c'est en general sur le bord des differens gradins du Jura qu'on en voit le plus, et en particulier sur la lisiere que forme tout le long du Jura Neuchatelois, la depression des couches superieures du port- landien, entre le chateau de la Neuveville, Fontaine-Andre, Pierre-a-Bot, Troirod, Chatillon, Fresens, Mutruz, etc. 3 Les systemes de barrage et de debacles que Ton pourrait imaginer, n'expliqueraient jamais des faits qommuns a tant de vallees a la fois. 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 99 des grandes moraines, pour attribuer aussi la deposition de ces blocs aux memes courans. Mais comment des cours d'eau ayant a peine quelques lieues de long (je parle ici des vallees laterales debouchant dans les vallees principales) auraient-ils maintenu de grands blocs a plus de mille pieds de hauteur? D'ailleurs le fait que les blocs des differentes vallees ne sont pas les memes et qu:ils se repandent en cventail a tine certaine distance des Alpes, exclut cette idee d'une extreme vitesse qu'on a voulu accorder aux courans, uniquement pour expliquer le transport des blocs, sans penser qu'ils auraient du produire en meme temps d'autres eflfets dont on ne retrouve aucune trace. Ce fait exclut a plus forte raison Tidee d'-un grand courant diluvien passant sur toute la Suisse, quelque direc- tion qu'on veuille lui assigner. Si c'est avant le soulevement des Alpes qu^n suppose que le phenomene a eu lieu, je demande com- ment il se fait que les lignes que ces blocs ferment dans les Alpes n'ont pas ete disloquees par le soulevement? car dans ce cas les digues continues et paralleles de blocs que Ton voit sur les deux flancs de toutes les vallees alpines et qui en suivent tons les acci- dens, quelles que soient leur direction et leurs sinuosites, restent inexplicables, Peau suivant un cours rectiligne dans les differentes anfractuosites du lit qu'elle parcourt, tandis que la glace seule agit avec la meme energie sur tons les points des bassins qu'elle remplit. Les objections que Ton pent faire centre la theorie des courans sont toutes applicables jusqu'a un certain point a la theorie de M. Lyell, d'un charriage par des glaces flottantes. On pent bien faire arriver par des radeaux de glaces des blocs anguleux jusque sur le Jura; mais les autres particularites de ce grand phenomene ne s'expliquent pas plus par la, qu?a Taide des courans, dut-on meme admettre avec M. Elie de Beaumont que leur eau provenait de la fonte des glaciers. Une autre objection d'un tres -grand poids faite a cette theorie par AI. Schimper, c'est Tetat actuel des lacs et de la grande valle'e suisses. Si les blocs ont ete charries par des courans depuis les Alpes an Jura, ces courans ont naturellement passe par desstis les lacs et les valle'es longitudinales et transversales qui se trouvent entre deux. Comment se fait-il alors que ces lacs et ces valle'es ioo LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. n'ont point etc combles? et comment expliquer les escarpemens anguleux de leurs bords ? Ouelque violens, quelque rapides, quelque profonds que Ton sup- pose ces courans, eussent-ils meme, contre toutes les lois de la physique, porte des blocs de granit d'environ 50,000 pieds cubes, comme celui de Pierre-a-Bot, ils ont du se ralentir une fois, et alors les dernieres trainees auraient encore du combler quelques-unes de ces inegalites. Cependant on voit peu de blocs entre les Alpes et le Jura. Si dans une autre hypothese on les fait marcher lentement sur des masses de limon et de decombres assez epaisses pour les porter, comment se fait-il que ces masses du moins n'ont pas comble toutes les inegalites de la Suisse? Les blocs seuls se seraient-ils peut-etre deposes apres etre arrives sur le Jura, et les masses qui avaient pu les apporter jusques la se seraient-elles alors ecoulees pour les laisser en place? D'autres considerations s'opposent encore a radmission de tous ces courans. Les blocs erratiques du Jura reposent partout sur des surfaces polies, a moins qu'ils n'aient ete' pousses au-dela des cretes de nos montagnes, et qu'ils ne soient tombes dans le fond des vallees longi- tudinales, comme on le voit dans toute la vallee du Creux-du-Vent. Mais ce n'est pas imni&diatement sur les surfaces polies qu'ils sont gisant. Partout ou les cailloux roules qui accompagnent les grands blocs n'ont pas ete remarries par des influences posterieures, on remarque que les petits blocs, des galets de differente grandeur, forment une couche de quelques pouces et quelquefois meme de plusieurs pieds, sur laquelle les grands blocs anguleux reposent. Ces cailloux sont de plus tres-arrondis, meme polis et entasses de maniere a ce que les plus gros soient dessus les plus petits qui passent souvent a un fin sable au fond, immediatement sur les surfaces polies. Get ordre de superposition, qui est constant, suppose a toute idee d'un charriage par des courans ; car dans ce dernier cas, 1'ordre de superposition des cailloux arrondis serait inverse. La presence dim fin sable a la surface des- roches polies, prouve en outre qu'aucune cause puissante n'a agi, ou qu'aucune catastrophe importante n'a atteint la surface du Jura, depuis 1'epoque du transport de ces roches alpines, ou en d'autres termes, que les 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 101 surfaces polies lors clu transport cles blocs n'ont pas c'te disloquees depuis. Mais comme ces surfaces forment en grande partie la rive septentrionale des lacs de Neuchatel et de Bienne, elles prouvent, pour eux du moins, que les lacs suisses existaient deja ; et la con- tinuite des moraines sur les deux rives du lac de Geneve, prouve que ce bassin aussi est anterieur au transport des blocs, puisqu'il a pre- cede la formation des moraines, comme on le verra bientot. En considerant la liaison intime des differens faits qut viennent d'etre decrits, il est evident que toute explication qui ne rendra pas compte en meme temps du poli de la surface du sol, de la superposi- tion et de la forme arrondie des cailloux et du sable qui reposent immediatement au-dessus des surfaces lisses, et de la forme angu- leuse des grands blocs superficiels, est une explication inadmis- sible pour les blocs erratiques du Jura ; et c'est le cas de toutes les hypotheses sur le transport des blocs que je connais. Voici quelle est Texplication de tons ces phenomenes que je crois maintenant la plus plausible. Elle est le resultat de la combinaison de mes idees et de celles de M. Schimper sur ce sujet. En effleurant plusieurs questions generates qui s'y rattachent, pour chercher a Tetablir, je n'ai point 1'intention de les traiter a fond maintenant. Je veux simplement faire voir par la que le sujet qui nous occupe touche aux plus grandes questions de la geologic. L'etude des fossiles porte depuis quelque temps des fruits bien inattendus, surtout depuis qu'elle a pris un caractere physiologique, c'est-a-dire depuis que Ton a entrevu qu'il existe un developpement progressif dans Pensemble des etres organises qui ont vecu sur la terre, et que Ton a reconnu des epoques de renouvellement dans leur ensemble. Ceux qui ont compris ce progres ne doivent pas craindre maintenant d'en poursuivre les consequences jusques dans leurs dernieres limites. et 1'idee d'une diminution uniforme et constante de la temperature de la terre, telle qu'elle est admise, est tellement contraire a toute notion physiologique, qu'il faut la repousser haute- ment pour faire place a celle d'une diminution de temperature acci- dentee en rapport avec le developpement des etres organises qui ont paru et disparu les uns a. la suite des autres a des epoques determinees, se maintenant a une moyenne particuliere pendant une dpoque donnee, et diminuant a des epoques fixes. 102 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. Comme le developpement de la vie individuelle est toujours accom- pagne de celui de la chaleur, que sa duree etablit un certain equilibre plus ou moins durable, et que sa fin produit un froid glacial, je ne crois done pas sortir des consequences que les fails permettent de deduire, en admettant que sur la terre les choses se sont passees de la meme maniere : que la terre, en se formant, a acquis line certaine temperature tres-elevee, qui est allee en diminuant a travers les differentes formations geologiques ; que pendant la duree de chacune d'elles, la temperature n'a pas ete plus variable que celle de notre globe depuis qu?il est habite par les etres qui s'y trouvent, mais que c'est aux epoques de disparition, de ses habitans qua eu lieu la chute de la temperature, et que cette chute a ete au-dessous de la temperature qui signale Tepoque suivante et qui s'est relevee avec le developpement des etres apparaissant nouvellement. Si cette maniere de voir est vraie, et la facilite avec laquelle elle explique tant de phenomenes inexplicables jusqu'ici me fait penser qu'elle Test ; si cette maniere de voir, dis-je, est vraie, il faut qu'il y ait eu a Tepoque qui a precede le soulevement des Alpes et Tappari- tion des etres vivant maintenant, une chute de la temperature bien au- dessous de ce qu'elle est de nos jours. Et c'est a cette chute de la temperature quil faut attribuer la formation des immenses masses de glace qui out du recouvrir la terre partout ou Ton trouve des blocs erratiques avec des roches polies comme les notres. C'est sans doute aussi ce grand froid qui a enseveli les Mammouths de Siberie dans les glaces, congele tous nos lacs, et entasse de la glace jusqu'au niveau des faites de notre Jura qui existaient avant le soulevement des Alpes. Cette accumulation de glace au-dessus de tous les bassins hydro- graphiques de la Suisse se congoit aisement quand on pense que les lacs une fois geles jusqu'au niveau de leurs debouches, les eaux courantes ne s'ecoulant plus, et celles du ciel accrues par les vapeurs des regions meridionales qui, dans des circonstances pareilles devaient se precipiter abondamment vers le Nord, en out rapide- ment augmente Tetendue et rehausse le niveau jusqu'a la hauteur qui a ete constatee par les faits deja enonces. L'hiver de la Siberie s'etait etabli pour un temps sur une terre jadis couverte d'une riche vegetation et peuplee de grands mammiferes, dont les semblables 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL, 103 habitent de nos jours les chaudes regions de Plnde et de TAfrique. La mort avait enveloppe toute la nature dans un linceul, et le froid arrive a son plus haut degre, donnait a cette masse de glace, au maximum de tension, la plus grande durete qu'elle puisse acquerir. Lorsqu'on a ete frequemment temoin de la congelation d\m lac, on sait combien la glace est resistante dans cet etat, et a quelle immense distance des corps durs jetes a sa surface peuvent y glisser par suite meme d'une faible impulsion. L'apparition des Alpes, resultat du plus grand des cataclysmes qui out modifie le relief de notre terre, a done trouve sa surface couverte de glace, au moins depuis le pole Nord, jusque vers les bords de la Mediterrannee et de la mer Caspienne. Ce soulevement, *n rehaussant, brisant, fendillant de mille manieres les roches dont se compose le massif qui forme maintenant les Alpes, a egalement souleve les glaces qui le recouvraient ; et les debris detaches de tant de fractures et de ruptures profondes se repandant naturelle- ment sur la surface inclinee de la masse de glace appuyee centre elles, ont glisse sur sa pente jusqu'aux points ou ils se sont arretes, sans s'arrondir, puis qu'ils n'eprouvaient aucun frottement les uns contre les autres et qu'en se heurtant ils se repoussaient facilement sur une pente aussi lisse ; ou bien, apres s'etre arretes, ils ont ete portes jusques sur les bords ou dans les fentes de cette grande nappe de glace, par Faction particuliere et les mouvemens propres a Teau congelee, lorsqu'elle subit les efFets des changemens de temperature, de la meme maniere que les blocs de rocher tombes sur des glaciers sont pousses sur leurs bords, par suite des mouvemens continueis qu'eprouve leur glace en se ramollissant et en se congelant alterna- tivement aux differentes heures de la journee et dans les differentes saisons. Ces efFets devraient etre decrits en detail, mais comme ils sont en partie connus, je ne m?y arrete pas.1 Je me borne a dire que la puissance d'action qui en resulte pour la glace est immense ; car ces masses se mouvant continuellement sur elles-memes et sur le sol, broient et arrondissent tout ce qui y est mobile, et poiissent les surfaces solides sur lesquelles elles reposent, en meme temps 1 M. Schimper a fait un beau travail sur les effets de la glace, auquel je renverrais mes lecteurs s'il etait public. 104 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. que leurs bords poussent devant eux tout ce qifils rencontrent. avec une force irresistible. Cest a ces mouvemens qu'il faut attribuer la superposition etrange des cailloux roules et du sable, qui reposent immediatement sur les surfaces polies ; et c'est sans doute a la pres- sion de ce sable sur les surfaces polies que sont dues les fines lignes qui s'y trouvent gravees, et qui n'existeraient pas si le sable avait ete mu par un courant d?eau : car ni nos torrens, ni Teau fortement agitee de nos lacs, ne produisent rien de semblables sur les memes roches. Quant a la direction longitudinale de ces fines lignes et des sillons que Ton remarque sur les surfaces polies, je ferai observer qu'elle a du resulter de la plus grande facilite que devait avoir la glace a se dilater dans le sens de la grande vallee suisse, plutot que transversalement, encaissee comme elle Tetait entre le Jura et les Alpes ; ce phenomene n'ayant du commencer qu'avec le retrait de ia glace, a une epoque ou les Alpes etaient deja debout. Je ne mets pas en doute, que la plupart des phenomenes attribues a de grands courans diluviens, et en particulier ceux que M. Seefstrom a fait connaitre recemment, n?aient ete produits par les glaces. Lors du soulevement des Alpes, la surface de la terre s'est rechauffee de nouveau, et la chaleur degagee de toutes parts a des-lors com- mence a faire fondre ces masses de glaces, qui se sont successivement retirees jusques dans leurs limites actuelles. Des crevasses se sont formees d'abord dans les endroits ou la glace etait le plus mince, c'est- a-dire sur le sommet des montagnes et des collines qui en etaient recouvertes, puis le long des points les plus saillans de la plaine ; des vallees d'erosion ont alors ete creusees au fond de ces crevasses, dans des localites ou aucun courant d'eau ne pourrait couler sans etre encaisse dans des parois congelees ; et quand la glace eut com- pletement disparu, les grands blocs anguleux qui couvraient sa sur- face, ou qui etaient tombes dans ses fentes, se sont trouves sur un lit de petits cailloux arrondis, sous lesquels on trouve encore ordi- nairement un sable plus fin. En baissant de niveau, la glace a necessairement du occuper plus longtemps les depressions du sol, les petites vallees longitudinales formees par les differentes ceintures des couches du Jura et le fond des lacs ; et c'est sans doute a ce fait qu'il faut attribuer la position bizarre de tant de blocs perches a peine en equilibre sur les pointes les plus eminentes des rochers, et 1836-37-] DfSCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 105 leur absence constante dans les enfoncemens, ou on n'en trouve du moins que la oil de nouvelles dilatations momentanees de la glace en retraite a pu les y precipiter. Aussi longtemps que le niveau des glaces dans le Jura ne fut pas tombe au-dessous de la ligne de Pierre-a-Bot, les blocs qui etaient encore repandus sur toute sa surface, purent continuer a etre pousses contre le Jura ; mais bientot apres les glaces devenant fort minces sur toute la plaine suisse, durent en disparaitre promptement et ne plus laisser que des taches dans les vallees profondes et dans les bassins des lacs, cest-a-dire, qirelles se trouverent bientot resserrees dans les vallees inferieures des Alpes. En reflechissant a ce qui a du se passer pendant cette retraite des glaces, on est naturellement porte a penser que le transport des cailloux roules de la vallee du Rhin et la deposition du Loss en out ete un des premiers effets, d'autant plus que ces cailloux sont les memes que ceux qui se trouvent avec nos blocs, et que le Loss est evidemment le resultat du detritus de la molasse. De frequentes debacles out pu alors seulement charrier aussi des blocs sur des radeaux de glaces a de tres-grandes distances, ou meme en entrainer quelques-uns plus loin dans leur courant. La fonte et la maceration des glaces et leur congelation reiteree dans les jours froids, ont produit beaucoup d'autres effets geologiques difficiles a expliquer par d'autres causes. Sans rappeler les vallees d'erosion, je pourrais citer ces sillons profonds qui ne sont pas des fissures et qui sont domines par de grandes etendues de plaines ; ou bien ces petits lacs qui se forment quelquefois sur le bord des glaciers, et qui remanient les roches menues accumulees sur leurs bords, de maniere a leur donner une apparence stratifiee ; ou bien les phe- nomenes analogues que Ton observe sur les limites des differentes stations ou les grandes nappes de glace ont du s'arreter successive- ment dans leurs retraites, ou bien la dispersion des os des mammi- feres de Tepoque diluvienne, sans quils soient ni roules, ni brises, etc., ou encore une foule d'autres particularites qui ne peu- vent avoir d'interet que lorsqu'on a embrasse Tensemble de la question. Des ce moment la surface de la terre a du etre soumise de nouveau aux influences du cours regulier des saisons ; ce fut alors le premier 106 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. printemps des animaux et des plantes qui vivent de nos jours ; les glaces s'etaient retirees jusqifaux pieds des Alpes, du sommet des- quelles il commenyait a leur venir de nouveaux renforts. Mais bientot elles subirent leurs dernieres retraites en oscillant toujours, gagnant tantot en etendue et poussant des blocs devant elles, tantot N se retirant dans des limites de plus en plus etroites. A chaque pied de terrain qu'elles abandonnaient, elles laissaient derriere elles, comme les glaciers actuels en retraite, quelques-imes de ces longues digues de blocs qui dominent encore les vallees alpines. Bientot les lacs se degelerent aussi, les eaux prirent leur cours actuel, les vallees des Alpes furent balayees, et il ne resta plus de glace des frimats passes que sur les sommets de nos blanches montagnes. Ce serait done une grave erreur de confondre les glaciers qui de- scendent du sommet des Alpes, avec les phenomenes de 1'epoque des grandes glaces qui out precede leur existence. Le phenomene de la dispersion des blocs erratiques ne doit done plus etre envisage que comme un des accidens qui ont accompagne les vastes changemens occasionnes par la chute de la temperature de notre globe avant le commencement de notre epoque. Admettre une epoque d\m froid assez intense pour recouvrir toute la terre a de tres-grandes distances des poles d'une masse de glace aussi considerable que celle dont je viens de parler, est une suppo- sition qui parait en contradiction directe avec les faits si connus qui demontrent un refroidissement considerable de la terre depuis les temps les plus recules. Rien cependant ne nous a prouve jus- qu'ici que ce refroidissement ait ete continual, et qu'il se soit opere sans oscillations ; au contraire, quiconque a 1'habitude d'etudier la nature sous un point de vue physiologique, sera bien plus dispose a admettre que la temperature de la terre s'est maintenue sans oscil- lations considerables a un certain degre, pendant toute la duree d'une epoque geologique, comme cela a lieu pendant notre epoque, puis qu:elle a diminuee subitement et considerablement a la fin de chaque epoque, avec la disparition des etres organises qui la carac- terisent, pour se relever avec Papparition d'une nouvelle creation au commencement de Tepoque suivante, bien qu'a un degre inferieur a la temperature moyenne de Tepoque precedente ; en sorte que la 1836-37-] DISCOURS DE NEUCHATEL. 107 diminution de la temperature du globe pourrait etre exprimee par la ligne suivante : lr Ainsi Tepoque de grand froid qui a precede la creation actuelle, n'a etc qu'une oscillation passagere de la temperature du globe, plus considerable que les refroidissemens seculaires auxquels les vallees de nos Alpes sont sujettes. Elle a accompagne la dispari- tion des animaux de Pepoque diluvienne des geologues, comme les Mammouths de Siberie Tattestent encore, et precede le soulevement des Alpes et Tapparition des etres vivans de nos jours, comme le prouvent les moraines et la presence des poissons dans nos lacs. II y a done scission complete entre la creation actuelle et celles qui Pont precedee ; et si les especes vivantes ressemblent quelquefois a s'y meprendre a celles qui sont enfouies dans les entrailles de la terre, on ne saurait cependant affirmer qu'elles en descendent directe- ment par voie de progeniture, ou, ce qui est la meme chose, que ce sont des especes identiques. Partant de ce qui precede, on parviendra aussi un jour a determiner quelle est Pepoque geologique a laquelle le soleil a commence a exercer une influence assez considerable sur la surface de la terre, pour y pro- duire les differences qui existent entre ses zones, sans que ces effets fussent neutralises par Faction de la chaleur interieure, a laquelle la terre a du pour un temps une temperature tres-uniforme sur toute sa surface. Cette maniere de voir, je le crains, ne sera pas partagee par un grande nombre de nos geologues qui ont sur ce sujet des opinions arretees ; mais il en sera de cette question comme de toutes celles qui viennent heurter des idees recues depuis longtemps. Ouelque opposition qu'on puisse lui faire, toujours est-il que les nombreux faits nouveaux relatifs an transport des blocs que je viens de signaler, et que Ton peut etudier si facilement dans la vallee du Rhone et aux environs de Neuchatel, ont amene la question sur un autre terrain que celui sur lequel elle a ete debattue jusqu1^ present. Ouand M. de Buch affirma pour la premiere fois, en face de Tecole formidable de Werner, que le granit est d'origine plutonique, io8 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. v. et que les montagnes se sont elevees, que dirent les Nepttmistes?- II fut d'abord seul a soutenir sa these, et ce n'est qu'en la defendant avec la conviction du genie qu'il Pa fait prevaloir. Heureusement que dans les questions scientiliques, les majorites numeriques n'ont jamais decide de prime abord aucune question. La forme que j'ai donne'e aux observations que je viens de pre- senter, eloignera, je Tespere, d'ici toute discussion sur ce sujet, a moins qu'on ne reclame qu'il en soit autrement. Cependant, comme je ne saurais esperer d'avoir convaincu de la verite de ces vues ceux qui viennent de les entendre pour la premiere fois, je pense que la section de Geologie sera la reunion la plus convenable pour discuter ces questions, s'il y a lieu. La je me ferai un devoir de repondre a toutes les objections que Ton voudra bien me faire, et que je solli- cite meme vivement dans Tinteret de la verite. P.S. Cette exposition a e'te accompagnee de demonstrations graphiques qui ne peuvent etre reproduites ici, mais que je publierai ailleurs. — They are placed at the end of the Atlas accompanying "fetudes sur les glaciers/' published three years later, as plates 15, 16, 17, and 18, Neuchatel, 1840. CHAPTER VI. 1836-1837 (continued} and 1838. DISCUSSION RAISED BY AGASSIZ'S DISCOURSE AT NEUCHATEL — AGAS- siz's GREAT REPUTATION AT THE EARLY AGE OF THIRTY YEARS — DEATH OF HIS FATHER - - LAURILLARD THE ASSISTANT OF CUVIER — THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HERCULE NICOLET'S LITHOGRAPHY AT NEUCHA'TEL — DR. VOGT OF BERNE SENDS AGASSIZ EDWARD DESOR AS A SECRETARY — OFFER OF A CHAIR AT THE ACADEMIES OF GENEVA AND LAUSANNE — FIRST VISIT TO THE BERNESE ALPS — Two LETTERS TO JULES THURMANN — A VISIT TO CHAMOUNIX — THE MEETING OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE AT PORREN- TRUY — FIRST USE OF LITHOCHROMY FOR THE PLATES OF FOSSIL FISHES — THE GEOLOGIST ARMAND GRESSLY — AGASSIZ CREATED A "BOURGEOIS" OF NEUCHATEL — ORGANIZATION OF AN ACADEMY AT NEUCHA'TEL. THE general impression, after the address was deliv- ered, was astonishment mingled with much incredulity. It was like a pistol shot fired into the midst of the assembly. The majority were at first disagreeably impressed by this disturbance of the peace. Von Buch particularly was horrified, and with his hands raised towards the sky, and his head bowed to the distant Bernese Alps, exclaimed : — " O Sancte de Saussure, or a pro nobis ! " In general, almost all the practical stratigraphists present were either opposed to it or indifferent. Even 109 no LOUIS AGASSrZ. [CHAP. vi. de Charpentier was not gratified to see his glacial question mixed up with rather uncalled-for biological problems, the connection of which with the glacial age was more than problematic. The first part of the address presented in a clear way all the facts first observed by Venetz and de Charpen- tier, with additional observations made by Agassiz on the Jura in the vicinity of Orbe, Neuchatel, and Bienne. The only opinion expressed by Agassiz which was opposed to de Charpentier's glacial theory, that the ice covering all the country as far as the Jura did not come from glaciers of the Alps, was an error on his part. The second part presented by Agassiz, a combina- tion of his ideas with those of Schimper, was fully as erroneous as the theory of water and mud currents X defended by de Luc, von Buch, and Elie de Beaumont. It is not surprising that de Charpentier shook his head and was sorry to see his glacial theory used as a vehicle for such biological dreams and fantastic expla- nations of the " role " played by the upheaval of the Alps. The only rational and just conception presented in the second part is, that immense masses of ice covered the earth wherever boulders and polished rocks exist, and that the earth was covered by ice at least from the north pole to the Mediterranean and Caspian seas; in a word, that there was an " Ice-age," or " Eiszeit," accord- ing to the name coined by Schimper. The idea of an Ice-age was a stroke of genius due to Agassiz ; l Schimper tried to explain it by means of 1 Many years after, \\hen the question of an Ice-age had been recog- nized as settled according to the views of Agassiz, I received a letter from 1836-37-] KARL SCHIMPER. in biological phenomena, which according to his views were the causes of the fall of temperature (la chute dc la temperature}. Schimper exhibits a curious combina- tion of a dreaming philosophy and mathematical spirit with a great deal of poetical inspiration, -- a most attractive man. From the first he made use of mathe- matical drawings in his explanations of the morphology and phyllotaxy of plants ; and during his stay at Neu- chatel in 1837, he constructed, with the help of Agassiz, a synoptical table, showing the disposition, the history, and classification of the animal kingdom, which has since been published under the title of " Crust of the Earth as related to Zoology," as a frontispiece to " Principles of Zoology," by Agassiz and Gould, Bos- ton, 1848. Shortly after, during the same year, Schim- per constructed a table showing the different systems of upheaval, as imagined by Elie de Beaumont, by means of concentric circles, with a wheel in the centre showing the directions. Applying his mathematical bent to the fall of the temperature due, according to him, to the complete extinction of life at the end of each geological period, he drew the little figure which was inserted by Agassiz in his address. Two features characteristic of the style of this celebrated discourse must occur with force to any him, dated Cambridge, March 13, 1868, in which he said: " Ce n'etait pas petite chose de se poser en adversaire de Leopold de Buch, en 1837, e^ d'avoir conquis sur ce sujet 1'assentiment de tous les geologues, a 1'excep- tion d'Elie de Beaumont; car Tan dernier Murchison lui-meme m'ecrivait qu'il se rendait entin a 1'evidence. Vous savez que la part de Charpentier se reduit a avoir demontre la grande extension du glacier du Rhone. C'est moi qui ai pose la question d'une epoque glaciaire et qui 1'ai fait prevaloir." ii2 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. reader who is a French scholar. First, it is astonish- ing to see so great a number of words italicized. In no one of his papers, before or since, did Agassiz use this mode of attracting attention to special points. It shows how excited he was, and how desirous to impress on his listeners and readers several points, considered by him of paramount importance in the glacial question. As a rule, Agassiz shunned such a way of securing attention. He was a good writer, and made excellent use of French, which remained his favourite language until the end of his life. However, it is easy to detect in this address of Neuchatel a certain number of Ger- manisms, due to his long residences in southern Germany. Discussions of great earnestness followed, in which all the naturalists present joined; and although Agassiz displayed a rare talent for exposition, he succeeded only in attracting attention to the practical part of his address. With his keen eyes, he immediately perceived the bad impression made by his theoretical views, and if he did not drop them at once, it was only because it was so hard for him to admit a mistake ; having once proclaimed his views and opinions on any subject, he was always most persistent in maintaining them. How- ever, in this case he recalls his theory only once, at the / end of his volume " Etudes sur les glaciers," p. 328, 1840, and never mentions it again in any of his papers or addresses. r Elie de Beaumont, who arrived the day after the meeting was over, joined von Btich in his opposition, and the two, with their Italian friend, de Collegno, were much excited and painfully affected. . Von Buch, who 1836-37-] GREAT REPUTATION'. 113 was before very favourable to Agassiz, became an oppo- nent, and there is no doubt that Agassiz's very fair prospect of an offer of a professorship at the Berlin University was absolutely ruined from that day. The great value of Agassiz's address lies in his more graphic description of the action of glaciers on rocks, than that given before by de Charpentier, in his paper of 1834, and in the idea of the universality of the glacial action over half a hemisphere. Besides, it drew atten- tion more vividly to the question, and in a^way which obliged every one opposed to the view of glacial action to give his reasons. There is no other example of such a rapid rise to great scientific reputation as Agassiz enjoyed in his thirtieth year. At the age of twenty-one, when he was still a student, he laid the foundation by his pub- lication in 1828 of Spix's Brazilian fishes; and the first numbers or " livraisons ' of his " Fossil Fishes ' attracted the attention of naturalists the world over. Everything he published from 1828 to 1837 is remark- able, showing a rare power of description and classifica- tion, and a facility in handling the most difficult problem of natural history. His memoirs are entirely his own work, except the illustrations ; and any one who reads them will see a difference between them and similar work produced after 1837. His power of classifying fossils and his success in reducing to order thousands of specimens of fishes, a great many of which were perfect puzzles to every one, were simply marvellous ; and he worked at his herculean task as no man but a man of genius could have done. ii4 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. Up to that time, he had worked entirely alone. The only collaboration he had ever had was in his Neu- chatel address before the Swiss naturalists, when he combined, as he said, his views with those of Karl Schimper, on the explanation of the great ice cover- ing, which, according to his view, had extended from the north pole as far at least as the Mediterranean Sea. It was not a success, as he had occasion at once to see before the meeting was adjourned ; for " Schimp- erizing ' — - as it was familiarly called among Agassiz's friends --was anything but congenial to his audience. It is true that he abandoned, little by little, all the ideas put forward so boldly and rashly, retaining only the word "Ice-period" (Eisnetz)\ and he returned quietly to the teaching he had received so liberally from de Char- pentier and Venetz. But the difficulties which arose from this collaboration, and which broke out soon after, as we shall see, were a hint that collaboration was not suited to him, and a warning to him to be on his guard in future against scientific help and associates. Instead of heeding the warning, Agassiz, on the contrary, from that time until almost the end of his life, accepted col- laboration of some sort, and entered into a succession of very serious difficulties, from which he was never able entirely to extricate himself, falling from one into another, and suffering greatly through his own fault. It is pleasant to say that until 1837 Agassiz had really committed no fault of any consequence. At the early age of thirty years he had attained the zenith of his reputation, entirely by his own exertion and his un- aided works. The address of 1837, on the glacial ques- 1836-37-] DEATH OF HIS FATHER. 115 tion, may be considered as the climax of his scientific life, as far as originality of research is concerned : it was his apogee. It is not that Agassiz's publications since that time are devoid of originality ; not by any means. But after 1837 he always made too much use of others in the work of writing and too often of observation ; and it is easy to detect the lack of unity, and at the same time the inequality of value in all his publications after 1837. To be .sure, Agassiz published a great deal more after 1837 than he did before, but the quantity did not compensate for the quality. His good father- -a true, practical, and business man - died a few weeks after the meeting of the Swiss nat- uralists at Neuchatel. He much enjoyed seeing his son, still so young, the president of an assembly of savants collected not only from all the cantons of Switzerland, but even from Berlin, Paris, Strasbourg, and Frankfort. Rodolphe Benjamin Louis Agassiz was born the 3d of March, 1776, and died on the 6th of September, 1837, at Concise, in the parsonage of that beautiful village, at the age of sixty-one years. We may say of him, what we said previously of Cuvier : had he lived ten years longer, it would have been to the advantage of Louis, who so much needed good advice and restraint in his already too great expenses. During his stay in Paris, in 1832, Agassiz was the witness of the great help afforded to Cuvier by his principal assistant naturalist, M. Charles L. Laurillard. In the laboratory, in his library, or in his cabinet, Cuvier always found everything in perfect order, and ready for the special work he was engaged in. Lau- ii6 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. rillard, born at Montbeliard, like Cuvier, possessed a great heart, a rare modesty, profound knowledge of many questions of natural history, was devoted body and soul to his great master, and was completely de- void of any ambition, except to receive and always deserve the approbation of Cuvier. Ever since that time, Agassiz's ambition had been to get, as soon as his means would allow it, his own Laurillard. He tried again and again, and always failed. It is true that men like Laurillard are very rare ; but Agassiz never pos- sessed the art of properly managing his assistants ; an art which Cuvier always had. Cuvier treated Lauril- lard with dignity, never with familiarity, much less in a spirit of comradery and companionship. From the first day of the arrival of Laurillard in the laboratory of Cuvier, he received a regular salary. He often accompanied Cuvier in his journeys ; but he had the great tact to remain in his subordinate position of assistant, taking care to keep himself always in the background. With Agassiz it was very different ; he never knew how to keep his assistants at a distance. They very soon became intimate with him, or were allowed privi- leges not proper to their subordinate position. In addition, the question of compensation was a constant difficulty, either through the lack of complete under- standing, or through the small amount of the salaries. In a word, Agassiz was a very bad manager of men, while Cuvier, on the contrary, was a capital and rare director of everything relating to scientific work and scientific assistants. Years after the death of Cuvier, I 1836-37-] HJS LITHOGRAPHY. 117 have heard Laurillard speak of him with the same respect as if Cuvier had been in the room. With Agassiz, all his assistants became so familiar and so much on an equality, as to raise the question who was truly the master and director. Finding constant difficulties in regard to the execution and correction of the plates for his " Poissons fossiles," it was natural that Agassiz should desire to have a good lithography established at Neuchatel. But such an establishment in so small a town as Neuchatel then was, was a very hazardous undertaking ; for it was certain from the beginning that the only customer of any con- sequence for a great lithography would be Agassiz, and, with his small salary, although raised from $400 to $600, it was almost an act of folly to establish a lithography; more especially since he was also obliged to pay fqr all his printing. The man chosen was a Neuchatelois from La-Chaux-de-Fond, named Hercule Nicolet; a good lithographer, or artist rather, but as devoid of business capacities as Agassiz. The lithography was established at the end of 1836, aux Sablons, above the city of Neuchatel, just at the place where the railroad station now stands. The establishment soon increased, about twenty persons being employed there, and turned out perfect work. But, from the beginning, it was evi- dent that other publications with plates, besides the "Poissons fossiles," the " Echinodermes," and the " Poissons d'eau douce," must be undertaken to keep such a large establishment in work. And Agassiz, un- practical as he was, resolved to publish a German and French edition of " Sowerby's Mineral Conchology of ii$ LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. Great Britain," a very expensive work. The first part, or " livraison ' is entitled, " Sowerby-Mineral-Conchol- ogie Grossbritanniens ; deutsche Bearbeitung, heraus- gegebenvon H. Nicolet, durchgesehen von Dr. Agassiz," and was offered by the editor to the library of the Helvetic Society of Naturalists, at the meeting of July, 1837, at Neuchatel. Perceiving that he had too many irons in the fire, Agassiz longed for a secretary; and, in a visit to Berne, during the fall of 1837, he asked Dr. Vogt, the father of Karl Vogt, if he knew any young man able- to write well, with some knowledge of natural history, and acquainted with the French language, because his pub- lications must be in that language. And he added, " If you can find for me somebody of that sort, Papa Vogt, I shall bless the day which has brought me here." Karl Vogt, then a young university student, who was present at the visit of Agassiz, and has recalled the whole conversation in his biography of Edward Desor, says, " Desor had gone to Hofwyl to offer his services at the great educational establishment of von Fellen- berg,1 with the hope of being accepted. But after two days passed there, he returned to Berne absolutely crushed by his failure to obtain a position, having re- ceived the discouraging answer from Herr Fellenberg 1 The Hofwyl College, placed by von Fellenberg in his chateau, was a philanthropic institution created as a normal school of agriculture and a model farm. There was besides a great school for secondary and superior education. It was very expensive to von Fellenberg, who was obliged to appoint too many professors of an inferior quality and who were poorly paid, and who did not stay long. They were recruited mainly in Germany among students who had just left universities. 1836-37-] ARRIVAL OF E. DESOR. 119 that all the places he was able to dispose of had been already filled." The house of Dr. Vogt was a sort of refuge, always open to all German political refugees, as Desor was. At supper Dr. Vogt said, " What do you think, Desor, of going to-morrow to Neuchatel where Agassiz is now ; he wants a secretary. It seems to me that it may be a good thing for you. I will give you a few lines of introduction to him." At those words Desor jumped with joy, and, next morning, started on foot. He arrived a day later at Neuchatel, and with his traveller's stick in his hand, a cap on his head, a gray blouse on his back, and very few pennies in his pocket, called at Agassiz's apartment and delivered the letter of introduction and recommendation of Dr. Vogt. He was accepted by Agassiz, but without any regular pay. Agassiz gave him a room in his own apartment, and paid his board at Professor Ladame's " table de pension," and as to pecuniary remuneration, it was simply understood that when he wanted money, if Agas- siz had any, he would give him some; if Agassiz had none, he would have to wait until Agassiz's purse was replenished in some way. As Karl Vogt says, "When Agassiz had money, he gave what was wanted," a singularly unbusiness-like arrangement. / P. J. Edouard Desor, born February, 1811, near Frankfort, was a law student at the University of Heidelberg, when a revolution took place in southern Germany, about 1832, in which he participated, like many other students ; and he was obliged to fly to France for safety, and went to Paris, where he lived four years in poverty, giving a few lessons as a private 120 LOUIS AGASS/Z. [CHAP. vi. teacher, and helping in the translation into French, and in collaboration with E. Duret, of one volume of Karl Ritter's Geography on Africa, and of a small memoir by A. de Klipstein and J. J. Kaup on the Dinotheritim giganteum. His knowledge of natural history was very limited, and consisted only of what any student who followed lectures at Heidelberg and Paris would pick up. He had studied law, and had received no proper education to become a naturalist. He offered himself at the Hofwyl Institut, near Berthoud, directed by the celebrated Fellenberg, as a teacher of modern languages, more especially of French, for which he had fitted himself during his four years' stay in Paris. Agassiz saw at once that his natural history knowledge was most elementary ; but as he was able to make good translations into French and German, and was intelli- gent and ready to undertake anything to get his living, Agassiz engaged him. It must not be supposed that Desor was taken by Agassiz as collaborator and assistant in natural history. He was taken only as a secretary ; for, as we have said, until then the natural sciences were almost completely unknown to him. His only duties at first were to write letters under Agassiz's dictation, to keep the accounts, to oversee what was going on at the lithography and at the printing-press. During the first two years of his stay at Neuchatel, he took only the scientific title of geographer. But he followed Agassiz's public lectures, and quickly apprehended everything said by Agassiz, learning natural history with great facility. He had a good memory, and was a hard worker,- - "infatigable," 1836-37-] EDOUARD DESOR. 121 as Vogt says. In fact, Desor entered Agassiz's house, with the smallest possible amount of natural history knowledge ; and in two years he became a tolerably good assistant in natural history, being the best pupil Agassiz had during his stay in Europe. It is important to remark that at the time of Desor's arrival at Neuchatel as Agassiz's secretary, nine parts, or "livraisons," of the eighteen composing the whole work of " Les Poissons fossiles," had already been issued ; that is, half of the work had been published. The tenth " livraison ' was on the point of being dis- tributed, and was officially issued at the beginning of 1838. Eight plates of echinoderms, for the " Echino- dermes fossiles de la Suisse," were already printed, as well as a certain number of plates of "Trigonia" and "Mya." As soon as he was established in Agassiz's house, Desor was put at work on the translation into German and into French of Sowerby's great work on the fossils of Great Britain, and afterward at the translation into German of Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise on Geol- ogy, all of which were almost useless, not one ever having paid the expenses of printing and lithography. If Agassiz had had millions at his disposal, it would have been very well ; but even then he might have used the money with more profit to science. For if up to this time Agassiz had experienced great difficulties and stringency in money matters in keeping his two draughtsmen, and publishing his " Poissons fossiles," he had at least succeeded in keeping free of heavy debts. His new undertakings were regarded with 122 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. apprehension by all his family and his best friends. But it was useless to oppose Agassiz ; he would listen to nothing and to no one. Science was paramount with him ; everything else was of little consequence. He was born to give great impetus to natural history ; and all his life he was absolutely devoted to it. Desor saw this very quickly, and took advantage of it. Science and friends working in the same field were everything. " Agassiz et ses amis," or "Agassiz et ses compagnons de voyages," became supreme. It was an unfortunate day for the future of Agassiz when Desor entered his service. From that time until he left Neuchatel, in 1846, during nine years, expenses increased, until a complete collapse came as the inevitable consequence. Instead of being encouraged to expend more and more, Agassiz, on the contrary, ought to have been constantly restrained, on account of his too great propensity to throw money in all directions, even when it was not absolutely necessary. It was difficult to stop him, it is true ; but repeated representations, accompanied by the warnings constantly poured into his ears by all the members of his family, Alexander Braun included, and all his best friends, might have resulted in restriction instead of constant expansion. The Academy of Lausanne, after conferring on Agas- siz the title of honorary professor, offered him, in 1838, a chair of active professor. Pressure was exerted by some of Agassiz's kindred, all Vaudois, - - for the Can- ton de Vaud is the \x\\o. patria (fatherland) of the Agas- siz, — but in vain. He had cast in his lot with Neu- 1836-38.] ACADEMY OF LAUSANNE. 123 chatel, and remained faithful to the place which first gave him an official position. To reward his attach- ment, the citizens of his adopted city wrote him a letter of thanks, announcing at the same time that his salary had been increased by 2000 francs ($400) for three years. A few weeks before the offer of the Lausanne Academy was made, Agassiz was approached by the already celebrated physician, Auguste de la Rive, on the subject of a chair at the Geneva Academy. In a letter dated May, 1838, de la Rive stated frankly how the matter stood ; and that he himself and everybody at Geneva thought that Agassiz was the one indis- pensable man. But Agassiz was already too strongly bound by his lithographic establishment and printing works to break his connection with Neuchatel ; at least, he thought so, and declined the friendly offers of de la Rive. It was doubtless a mistake ; for Geneva would have given him more support and income than he was able to get at Neuchatel. As de la Rive told him, " at Geneva you would be a second de Saussure." After a short journey to Paris, during July, 1838, in connection with his work on the " Poissons fossiles," and to examine more carefully than he had done before the method of the laboratory at the Jardin des Plantes for moulding fossil animals, he started for the Hassli in the Oberland of Berne, studying carefully all glacial marks round the village of ^Guttannen, the Handeck, at the Grimsel, and at the glacier of Rosenlaui. Agassiz took with him five persons, making a party of six, - - his brother-in-law Max Braun, a mining engineer just re- 124 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. turned from Algeria, his draughtsman Dinkel, who had returned from his three years' stay in England, his sec- retary Desor, and two students or amateurs of glaciers and high alpine region. It was Agassiz's first excursion to the Bernese Alps, and everything enchanted him ; from Thun to Inter- laken, Meyringen, and Helleplatte, where the granite is so finely polished and striated by old glaciers that it looks like polished marble. Dinkel made an exact drawing of it, which was published afterward by Agas- / siz in the beautiful atlas accompanying his " Etudes sur les glaciers." Agassiz was particularly impressed by the Grimsel and its environs, and at this time made his first visit to the glacier of the Aar, which afterward became his great station for glacial observations. The excursion lasted only ten days, and they were again at Neuchatel on the 24th of August. The following letter addressed to the great Jurassic geologist, Thurmann, on the occasion of the approach- ing meeting of the Geological Society of France in Switzerland, is interesting ; for it was written on the same day he returned from the Oberland. NEUCHATEL, le 24 aout, 1838. MONSIEUR JULES THURMANN, a Porrentruy. Monsieur, - - J'arrive en ce moment a Neuchatel d'une tournee dans les Alpes bernoises, ou j'etais alle inspecter cette partie de la serie de nos glaciers, desirant remettre sur le tapis la question des roches polies, des moraines, des blocs erratiques, etc., qui est si evidente et sur laquelle la plupart de nos geologues out si peu de 1836-38.] LETTER TO THURMANN. 125 faits a leur connoissance. Tout ce que j'ai enonce precedemment sur cette grave question se trouve confirme sur un nouveau terrain ou j'ai meme rencontre un collaborateur intelligent, avec lequel je n'ai pas eu de peine a m'entendre, car il avait vu (ce collaborateur etait Arnold Guyot). Cest la une condition sine qua non. Je suis bien rejoui que vous avez songe a faire passer la course (de la Societe Geologique) par le Landeron, la, il y a de quoi voir, tout ce qui dans la question concerne le Jura ; mais malheureusement nous n'avons les Alpes qu'a rhorizon et non pas sous nos pieds pour les comparer. Cependant j'apporterai quelques echantillons, qui suppleront du moins, aux yeux de ceux qui n'auront pas pris d'avance le parti de ne pas vouloir voir. Je suis decide a ne parler que de faits, les \ comprendra qui pourra. A moins qu'on ne veuille pas prendre Ten- gagement de ne pas discuter sur des suppositions gratuites et nier pour cela, Texistence des faits que Ton pourrait aller constater dans quelques journees. J'ai trop a me plaindre de la maniere dont on a traite des observations consciencieuses pour vouloir prendre part une seconde Ibis a un pareil scandal (cela se rapporte aux critiques r injustes et assez acerbes de von Buch et Elie de Beaumont a Neu- chatel Pannee precedente). D'ailleurs soyez persuade, Monsieur, que je me fais une fete d'aller a Porrentruy, et que je compte m^y trouver des le 4 (septembre) au soir. Notre ami Gressly est gravement indispose, je crains bien qu'il ne puisse pas etre des notres (Gressly n?a pu se rendre a la reunion). J'espere beaucoup de notre visite au Landeron pour Texamen de la question des anciens glaciers et des grandes nappes de glace ante-alpines. Agreez, Monsieur, Tassurance de ma consideration distinguee. Ls. AGASSIZ. 126 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. A preceding letter to Thurmann, dated Neuchatel, 27 January, 1836, after Agassiz's return from England, contains the following judicious remarks : - C'est peu de jours avant mon depart pour TAngleterre que j'ai recu Tinteressant envoi de fossiles que vous m'avez adresses. Main- tenant je vais irfoccuper de les examiner. Ces objets sont d'autant plus precieux que j'en ai vu de semblables dans les terrains juras- siques d'Angleterre, et que nous avons des termes de comparaison precis pour les gisements. J'ai regrette que mon absence, nVa privee du plaisir d'assister a la reunion de la Societe geologique du Jura, societe qui sera d'une grande utilite pour eclaircir les questions geologiques de notre pays. [The meeting of this society, founded by Thurmann at Neuchatel in 1834, was at Besan9on, in September, 1835, and it was during the session of Besan9on that Thurmann pro- posed to give the name Neoconiian to the lower part of the Creta- ceous rocks.] Les questions de mode de depositions des roches, du role des polypiers, des equivalents geologiques, de la succession des fossiles, de leur apparition et de leur disparition sur la terre, des soulevements, etc., ne se presentent nulle part d\me manic-re aussi engageante que chez nous. Je compte assister a votre prochaine reunion [that society never met again, after the Besancon meeting of 1835], et je me rejouis de penser que vous avez deja donne une face nouvelle a Petude du Jura. Farther on he adds : — La clef des Alpes est dans le Jura me repete M. Voltz, et il ne parait plus douteux a ce dernier que les assises calcaires superieures des Alpes [then called Alpine limestone] sont la continuation imme- diate de notre terrain cretace, et s'il en est ainsi, on pourra paralleliser toutes les couches des Alpes avec les affleurements des diiferens soulevements jurassiques. 1836-38.] VISIT TO CHAMOUNIX. 127 On the day after his return from the Oberland, he again left Neuchatel en route for Chamounix, taking with him, besides his first companions, several artists and a young doctor, making a company of ten persons. Their first halt was at Bex, the Mecca of glacialists, to visit de Charpentier ; who, with his usual generous hos- pitality and good nature, received the whole party and showed all the glacial remains, and even the stratig- raphy of the salt mines, giving most clear and impor- tant explanations. From Bex Agassiz and his party visited, on foot, the valley of the Rhone between Bex and St. Maurice, the traces of the landslide of the Dent- du-Midi, and all the places most remarkable for glacial action shown to Agassiz two years previously by Venetz and de Charpentier. Crossing from the Valais by Valor- sine to the valley of Chamounix, they visited the " Gla- cier des Bois," Montanvert, and "la mer de glace," whence they returned by the Col de Balme to Bex, visiting on the way the "Glacier du Trient." As soon as they had returned to Neuchatel, after a week's absence, they started again, but this time to go to the meeting of the Geological Society of France, at Porrentruy, the 5th of September. The meeting, pre- sided over by Thurmann, was largely attended and most important. The glacial question was debated in the most spirited way ; for de Charpentier was there, and Agassiz, excited by his presence, surpassed himself in trying to convert to the new theory every one pres- ent, and gave a vivid exposition of what he had just seen in the Bernese Oberland and at Chamounix. This 128 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. time he was more successful than at the meeting of Neuchatel, the year preceding. His celebrated address of 1837 had excited the curiosity of many geologists; and some, like Captain Leblanc of Montbeliard, had gone so far as to find undeniable proofs of the existence of ancient glaciers among the Vosges Mountains, proofs which were presented before the society as new facts to be added to those of Venetz, de Charpentier, and Agassiz, observed in the Alps and the Jura. One of the first converts to the glacial theory was the cele- brated d'Omalius d'Halloy, who acted during the meet- ing as vice-president ; and Bernard Studer, already well known as the geologist best informed in regard to the Bernese Alps, as well as the Molasse of Switzerland, and until then a most stout opponent, was compelled by Agassiz's explanations and enthusiasm to moderate gradually his opposition. As he afterwards said to me, Agassiz was almost irresistible in all his explanations, having a ready answer to all objections. Agassiz pre- sented to the society, the 6th of September, his " Obser- vations sur les glaciers," in which, though attacked by Studer, he was sustained by de Charpentier, Hugi, Max Braun, Leblanc, Guyot, and Renoir. The paper is one of Agassiz's best ; it was published first in the " Biblio- theque Universelle de Geneve," Tome XX., p. 382, December, 1839, more than a year after its delivery before the French Geological Society, and again in 1840, in the "Bulletin Soc. Geol. France," Vol. IX., p. 407. In it he quotes the observations of Max Braun and A, Guyot on surfaces polished by ancient glaciers 1836-38.] VISIT TO FREIBURG. 129 near the Lake of Thun and at Oberwald, in the upper part of the Valais. Guyot had added some new facts (considerations) to the observations of Agassiz ; but he did not write a note of what he said after Agassiz had spoken. Agassiz's secretary was at the meeting ; for we find in the list of persons present not belonging to the society " M. Desor, geographe a Neuchatel." In an excursion of the society from Soleure to Bienne, following the foot of the Weissenstein, and at la Neuveville, Agassiz showed numerous boulders and rocks polished by glaciers. De Charpentier agreed entirely with Agassiz, and the majority of the fellows of the Geological Society accepted the new view and the glacial theory as the only possible explanation of the phenomena. Directly after the meeting of the Geological Society of France at Porrentruy, Agassiz left for Germany to attend the meeting of the Association of German Natu- ralists at Freiburg-im-Breisgau in the Grand Duchy of Baden. During the sessions, which lasted from the 1 8th to the 24th of September, 1838, Agassiz had occa- sion to repeat, with great force, all the arguments relat- ing to glaciers, the glacial doctrine, and the existence of old glaciers in the Jura, the Vosges, and the Schwarz- wald. On the 25th, accompanied by Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte, and Professor and Mrs. Buckland, he left Freiburg for Neuchatel. At Neuchatel, Agassiz had his hands more than full. The lithography he had established, under the direction of H. Nicolet, turned out splendid plates of fossil fishes, K 1 30 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. by a new process of printing in various tints on different stones ; what has since been termed chromolithography or lithochromy. Nicolet had engaged at Paris a French artist of great ability, Auguste Sonrel, who managed admirably with large plates, and succeeded in printing folio plates with a remarkable uniformity of colouring, as may be seen in the atlas of the " Poissons fossiles." The studio for moulding, under the direction of Stahl, a most skilful moulder, was actively at work making casts of the inside of shells and of echinoderms, and also of topographical reliefs of the Jura Mountains, by Gressly, to show their geological structure. We must at this time mention an addition to the staff of employes under Agassiz. There was at the meeting of the Swiss naturalists at Neuchatel, in 1837, a verv odd kind of antediluvian or primordial man, so anti- quated that he seemed as if he belonged to the Jurassic period and not to our time ; very awkward, timid, ex- tremely modest, and yet so learned in practical geology that no part of the geology and palaeontology of the Jura had escaped his researches. He knew every topograph- ical feature of the Jura, every group of strata, and almost every kind of fossil remains. With great embarrass- ment he presented to Agassiz a letter of introduction from Jules Thurmann, the great Jurassic geologist of the Bernese Jura, by which Agassiz was informed that the name of the young geologist before him was Armand Gressly. Gressly, in the hurry of the meeting, did not dare to take from one of his large pockets the manu- script of his " Observations geologiques sur le Jura 1836-38.] ARM AND GRESSLY. 131 Soleurois," but waited until after the session was over to call at Agassiz's home and present it for publication in the " Memoires de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles." After reading the first twenty pages, Agas- siz promptly saw that it was a paper of the first order, containing a quantity not only of new materials, but also of new ideas. In it Gressly proposed the theory of fades or " aspect des terrains," as he called it, an expression which has been constantly used the world over to explain the different association of species of fossil form, according to the deposits in which they are buried, or more exactly according to the character of the sea-bottom on which these animals had lived and associated. Not only was the long memoir of Gressly, with a quantity of coloured sections and panoramic geological views, accepted by the committee of publication of the Swiss Society, of which Agassiz was the president, but Gressly was also closely interrogated and, as it were, interviewed by Agassiz. Although Agassiz had already met all the leaders of geology and palaeontology, and a great number of practical collectors of fossils, he had never met such a curiously original observer. Gressly possessed in a rare degree precisely what Agassiz wanted, — the ability to observe the stratig- raphy and to classify the different groups of rocks of a formation. Agassiz saw at once all the service he would get from such a rare practical geologist, and he offered to purchase his collection for the young Neuchatel Museum, just organized, and proposed to 132 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. him to go into the field for fossils and bring back all he could collect, arranging the specimens by strata, clean- ing them, and further to revise the practical geology of all his publications on fossils. No regular pay was to be given, for Agassiz's money was already engaged to defray more than it could reasonably provide for ; but Agassiz promised to provide his lodging and board, to pay his travelling expenses, and to give him money when wanted for his personal needs, if at such times Agassiz had any. In a word, it was the same unbusiness-like arrangement which Agassiz used almost all his life, and which was a constant source of difficulty with all his assistants. With Gressly the arrangement was perfectly satisfactory, and, strange to say, he was the only one who never gave any trouble to Agassiz. But Gressly was so easily contented, so timid, and had so few wants, that he was the cheapest savant imaginable to support. A few details will give an idea of the man and his very limited requirements. Agassiz had to pay for his lodging, which consisted of a small bedroom, poorly furnished, and which soon became a true pandemonium of the most sordid kind. He boarded when in Neu- chatel at a third-rate inn called Le Poisson, kept by the sister of the artist Jacques Burkhardt. When travelling - always on foot - - there was even less expense ; for Gressly entered the first farm on his road, and asked for food and lodging. He had already roamed all over the Swiss Jura Mountains to make the observations which had resulted in his excellent " Observations geologiques sur le Jura Soleurois," and was well known personally or by reputation by almost all the country people, who 1836-38.] ARM AND GRESSLY. 133 always received him kindly, giving him a place at their table and a bed to sleep in- -or more exactly on; for he slept with his clothes on, even with his shoes on. The farmers liked Gressly extremely, because he not only told good stories, but also gave good advice for finding springs, digging wells, and he indicated good places for marls and clays used in agriculture, and for stone quarries. Like a child, as he was all his life, he played with the children, making cocks and boats and dancing frogs out of pieces of old almanacs or newspapers. As an example of his cheap way of travelling, he once started with a small sum of money in his pocket, then he forgot that he had any money, and remained two or even three months without spending a penny, going from farm to farm, and returned loaded with the most splendid and rare fossils. And when asked why he had stayed so long without writing, - "Why!" said he, "you forgot to give me any money, and I was obliged to do as well as I could with my friends the pay sans, who generously gave me board and lodging as I went along; a slow process," he added, "which took much of my time." "But, Gressly, I gave you some money before you started, and I saw you, if I remember rightly, put it in that pocket," indicating the pocket. Gressly put his hand in his pocket, and brought out the gold pieces which had been there, for- gotten, ever since he started two months before. As to clothes and linen, he was even more indiffer- ent ; with the exception of two pairs of strong shoes, a knapsack to put his specimens in, and a medium- sized geological hammer, everything was of the cheapest i34 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. kind. He carried no change of clothing, but added shirt upon shirt, whenever he received a new one ; and instead of appearing the rather slender man that he was, he gradually assumed the appearance of a very large and bulky workman. Indeed, he was constantly taken for a quarryman or a mason. It was Gressly who collected all the materials for Agassiz's Monograph of the Mya and Trigonia, and also the majority of species of fossil echinoderms used by Agassiz in his works on that family of sea-urchins, and he also collected almost all the Jurassic and Neo- comian fossil fishes. Agassiz was not a business man, but he had found in Gressly one even less able to care for money matters, so they lived in perfect harmony. But sickness came to Gressly, who, after rallying, ended his life prema- turely, at the age of fifty-one, in an insane asylum at the Waldau, near Berne. Gressly's admiration and respect for Agassiz lasted as long as his mind was not obscured. It has been said that Desor wrote a large part of the " Observations geologiques sur le Jura Soleurois," and that Gressly was a pupil of Agassiz ; but this is altogether a mistake. The manuscript of Gressly was written during 1836 and 1837, in the library of Thur- mann at Porrentruy. Thurmann was constantly asked for help, which was always readily given, and read over and corrected all the rather numerous Germanisms in the French of Gressly. When Gressly started from Porrentruy to go to Neuchatel, he carried with him his manuscript, which was delivered into the hands of 1836-38.] BOURGEOIS DE NEUCHATEL. 135 Agassiz in July, 1837, three months before Desor came to Neuchatel, and before the name of Desor had been heard "by either Gressly or Agassiz. To be sure, Gressly did learn some palaeontology during his stay with Agas- siz, and felt his influence ; but Gressly above all was a practical geologist and a practical palaeontologist, who learned all he knew of those two sciences, as he him- self told me, from Professor Voltz of Strasbourg, and more especially from Thurmann ; and he always called himself the pupil of Thurmann. In 1838, two events of interest to Agassiz happened in Neuchatel : first, his unanimous election by the coun- sellors of the city as " Bourgeois de Neuchatel," and the second, the foundation of the Academy. We read in the Manuals of the Council of Neuchatel, kept at the City Hall, the following deliberation, April, 1838: "M. le maitre bourgeois en chef rappelle les services consi- derables que M. Jean-Rodolphe-Louis Agassiz, originaire d'Orbe et de Bavois, canton de Vaud, professeur d'his- toire naturelle, rend a la Bourgeoisie et au Pays en general par 1'application qu'il fait de ses vastes connais- sances a I'enseignement public et par le lustre que sa reputation universelle repand sur notre patrie et sur la ville de Neuchatel en particulier, a laquelle il donne des preuves du plus sincere attachement, ayant refuse des offres avantageuses et reiterees de places dans les can- tons voisins et dans les premieres universites de 1'Eu- rope. Des merites aussi distingues ont determine^ MM. les Quatre-Ministraux a proposer au Conseil de faire attribuer a ce savant, que deja le Gouvernement a natu- r ralise sujet de cet Etat, la qualite de Bourgeois de Neu- 136 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vi. chdtel, et cela a titre gratuit. Sur quoi par deliberation consultative, le Conseil a unanimement approuve la pro- position, et a la meme unanimite il a confirme cette de- liberation au scrutin pour etre soumise a la ratification de la communaute." The title of " Bourgeois de Neu- chatel ' was more than merely honorary, for it carried with it pecuniary benefits, and is very seldom conferred gratuitously. The king of Prussia, Frederick William, by an order to his Secretary of State, dated Berlin, March 17, 1838, gave for ten years ten thousand louis to develop public instruction in Neuchatel, and Agassiz was confirmed as professor of natural history; he did not receive his di- ploma, however, until 1840, for two years passed before the Academy was finally organized. Arnold Guyot was invited to deliver a course of lectures on geography, a year later, 1839-1840, and Dubois de Montperreux, the Caucase traveller, also delivered lectures on archaeology. For a small town and small canton, as Neuchatel was then, the creation of an academy was a great occurrence, and did honour both to the prince of Neuchatel, king of Prussia, and to the City Council of Neuchatel. CHAPTER VII. 1839-1840. AGASSIZ'S SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY ; THE HELP RENDERED BY HIS SECRETARY DESOR — AN INTERESTING BUSINESS LETTER TO PICTET — DISPUTE WITH EDWARD CHARLESWORTH ABOUT THE FRENCH AND GERMAN TRANSLA- TION OF SOWERBY'S " MINERAL CONCHOLOGY" — VISIT TO THE MONTE ROSA AND THE MATTERHORN - -THE GEOLOGIST VOLTZ OF STRASBOURG — STUDER'S CONVERSION TO THE GLACIAL DOCTRINE — OLD GLACIERS IN THE VOSGES — SEARCH ON THE GLACIER OF THE AAR FOR HUGl'S OLD CABIN — KARL VOGT'S ARRIVAL AS ASSISTANT TO AGASSIZ — THE HOUSEHOLD AND LABORATORY OF AGASSIZ AT NEUCHATEL — THE " ECHINODERMES FOSSILES DE LA SUISSE " — " ETUDES SUR LES GLA- CIERS " — THE " ESSAI SUR LES GLACIERS," BY DE CHARPENTIER — LETTER OF AGASSIZ TO DE CHARPENTIER — THE "HOTEL DES NEU- CHATELOIS" ON THE AAR GLACIER — VlSIT OF MRS. AGASSIZ AND ALEXANDER TO THE GLACIER — JOURNEY TO ENGLAND — THE GLACIAL THEORY IN ENGLAND — AGASSIZ'S DISCOVERY OF ANCIENT GLACIERS IN SCOTLAND, IRELAND, AND ENGLAND — LETTER TO HUMBOLDT. THE scientific activity of Agassiz during 1839 was something unique in the history of natural history researches. His secretary, Desor, had made such progress under the direction and teaching of Agassiz, that he began to be useful in original scientific observa- tions. With a remarkable capacity and a marvellous elasticity of mind, Desor, in less than two years, had learned enough of all the branches of natural history cultivated by Agassiz to be already helpful, not only 138 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. in writing under the dictation of Agassiz, but also in using his own gifts in description of species and notes on the glacial question. As Vogt says : " Desor jusqu'a son arrivee chez Agassiz, ignorait et etait presque com> pletement etranger a toutes les branches d'histoire naturelle. Infatigable au travail, Desor etait en meme temps un compagnon aimable et devoue, ayant toujours le mot pour rire et maniant avec bonhommie la plai- santerie et meme 1'ironie gracieuse." 1 / The notes to be used in preparing the " Etudes sur les glaciers ' were put in order by Desor ; in addition, he corrected all the proofs of the " Poissons fossiles," the " Echinodermes de la Suisse," the " Memoire sur les Trigonies," and the " Observations geologiques sur le Jura Soleurois," and began work on the " Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology," the " Catalogus systematicus ectyporum Echinodermatum fossilium Musei neocomensis," and finally at the " Nomenclator Zoologicus." Agassiz gave all his assistants so much to do that it was impossible to keep pace with his eager desire and ardour for scientific publication. When we remember that it was in a small town of six thousand inhabitants that such publications were all started simultaneously by the invincible will of one man, and that all these great undertakings required not only steady and hard work but also time and money, — for Agassiz from that day pub- lished everything, with very few exceptions, " aux frais de 1'auteur," -it is almost incredible. We have no exam- 1 " Discours a 1'Institut National Genevois," le 23 Mai, 1882. 1839-40-] LETTER TO PICTET. 139 pie of such impulse given to natural history anywhere, even in such great scientific centres as Paris or London. His generous spirit can be understood by reading the following extract from a letter to his friend, Jules Pictet de la Rive, dated Neuchatel, March 10, 1839:- Je suis egalement bien rcjoui de pouvoir vous montrer que quoiqu'editeur force de mes publications, c'est uniquement le desir d'etre utile qui me guide vis-a-vis de mes collegues qui desirent acquerir mes ouvrages. Pour les Poissons fossiles, je vous les cederai volontiers au tiers au-dessous du prix que les libraires y mettent, c'est-a-dire a 24 francs la livraison, au lieu de 36, ce qui est a pen pres le prix auquel elle me revient. Veuillez des lors me faire savoir si je dois vous en adresser un exemplaire. Des que j'aurai calcule exactement le cout des " Poissons d'eau douce," je vous ferai savoir aussi qufelle remise je pourrai vous faire sur cet ouvrage. II va sans dire que ce n?est qu'aux savants, qui me de- mandent mes livres pour eux-memes que je peux et que je veux faire le sacrifice de toutes les peines que reclament des publications de ce genre. Generosity in this case was certainly not well placed ; for Pictet was a well-to-do man in a pecuniary posi- tion far superior to Agassiz's, and might easily have afforded to subscribe at the full price. But Agassiz did not know how to discriminate between those who deserved to be helped and those whose means were such that a subscription to a costly work was not a " sacrifice," but simply a scientific duty. About this time occurred, for the first time, a dis- agreeable difficulty which confronted Agassiz more than once during his life. Without asking permission, or even making his intention known, he had begun a French and a German translation of the " Mineral Conchology of 140 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. Great Britain." The Sowerby brothers, who were the authors and publishers of this costly work, thought the proceeding a little too high-handed ; and the editor of " The Magazine of Natural History," Edward Charles- worth, published a rather sharp article in the May num- ber (Vol. III., p. 254, London, 1839), 'm which he calls it a " piracy upon the literary production of English natu- ralists," and adds, " Agassiz has met with the most cordial support on all sides, and in various ways, from the culti- vators of science in this country ; and, although it may appear harsh thus to express ourselves, we do not hesi- tate openly to declare our conviction that in editing a transcript in the French language of the * Mineral Con- chology of Great Britain,' its author cannot be said to have really promoted the objects of science, still less to have added to his own reputation." Agassiz promptly answered, in an autograph letter addressed to all his correspondents and subscribers, and reproduced in French and also in English in No. 31 of the " Magazine of Natural History" (Vol. III., p. 356), entitled, " Lettre ecrite par M. Ls. Agassiz a M. Ed. Charlesworth, en reponse a une article insere dans le No. 29 du 'Magazine of Natural History.' In this Agassiz says, " The assertions and insinuations of the article are altogether malicious and without foundation. . . . The knowledge which I possess of the most important European scientific publications has assured me that a French or German edition of the work, published at lower price (one-fourth the cost of the original work), would be rendering a real service to science, without in any way proving injurious to the original edition, for 1839-40-] DISPUTE WITH CHARLESWORTH. 141 which the principal demand is in England. Would it then not be unfair to represent such a publication as a systematic piracy; as though translations of scientific works were not being made every day with the consent of the authors ? ' Yes ; but unfortunately Agassiz had failed to get that consent from Sowerby's sons, the col- laborators and finishers of the " Mineral Conchology." There lay the mistake. Agassiz adds : " I affirm that the insinuation of my having entered upon this under- taking with a view to pecuniary emolument, to be alto- gether unfounded. On the contrary, only three hundred copies have been struck off, and I agreed with the editor, as the price of my participation in it, that the work should not be sold at a sum above that necessary to cover the expense of its publication." In regard to his own " Poissons fossiles," he says, " I shall esteem myself fortunate to see the work translated in whatever shape it may appear." Charlesworth rejoined, reiter- ating all his previous criticisms, and adding others ; and finally, James De Carle Sowerby wrote a letter, the 27th July, 1839, also inserted in the " Magazine of Natural History," Vol. III., p. 418, in which he ap- proved the strictness of Charlesworth, and suggested that some protection be afforded, at least by their brother authors, to those who make original and costly publications. It seems from his letter that the " sale of the 'Mineral Conchology' has only been about four hundred copies, above one-fourth of which number have been sent abroad. The encouragement, there- fore, for carrying on the work has hitherto been not very great." 142 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. Agassiz, from the start of his lithographic establish- ment, under the direction of H. Nicolet, was very anxious to procure works sufficient to keep it running all the time, without too great pecuniary loss. His inten- tion was good, and he began the two translations in French and German with the hope of helping that numerous class of observers of limited means on the continent of Europe, to whom Sowerby's original Eng- lish edition was inaccessible on account of its great cost. I myself saw a few years after, when Agassiz's transla- tions were hardly finished, how useful they were to French and German geologists, and they really helped the progress of science in Central Europe. The only error, and it was inexcusable, was his undertaking the work without having previously obtained permission from the two sons of Sowerby, who wrote the principal part of the text, and finally engraved also the plates, after the death of their father in 1822. Pecuniarily the enterprise was a great loss to Agassiz, for after a few years, Nicolet failed, and Agassiz had to take the whole business into his own hands. Neither of the transla- tions sold well, and other more important works on the palaeontology of France and Germany soon appeared and blocked the way. Among these were the " Paleon- tologie frangaise," by Alcide d'Orbigny, and the " Petre- factenkunde von Deutsland," by Quenstedt, which not only attracted attention, but from the start were pay- ing works, - - a mark of success which was never to be granted to Agassiz during his stay in Europe. After- wards Agassiz very seldom referred to these two trans- lations; it was a painful subject, and he confessed that 1839-40-] EDWARD FORBES. 143 it was an error which cost him time, money, and, what is of more value, reputation among some of the English naturalists. However, he retained the friendship of all the leaders in England, and it is refreshing to read such remarks as the following : " His [Agassiz's] knowledge of natural history surprises me the more I know of him, and he has that love of imparting it, and that power of doing it with clearness, which makes one feel one is getting on, and that one has caught his enthusiasm ' (Life of Charles Lyell, Vol. I., p. 457). "We are great friends," Edward Forbes wrote, after the conclusion of the meeting of the British Association at Glasgow, "and were together all the Association week. I expect him here on the 2ist October; he is to work over my species with me, so as to avoid useless synonyms. . . . We worked over the synonyms, freely telling all he [Agas- siz] knew, and confessing all he did not know. . . . He also gave in to my classification of the Echinodermata, admitting the Ophiuridae as a group equivalent to the starfishes, and granting that the Sipunculidae are Radi- ata " (Memoir of Edward Forbes, pp. 263, 264). At the beginning of August, 1839, Agassiz went to the annual meeting of the Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences at Berne, where discussion on the glacial ques- tion continued to attract attention. Studer, who pre- sided over the society that year, proposed to Agassiz to go with him to see the glaciers of Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn in Valais. The party, composed of seven persons, six naturalists and an artist, Bettannier, started from Berne the 9th of August, 1839, passing by Kander- steg to see its beautiful old moraine, already celebrated, 144 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. through the agency of Professor G. Bischoff of Bonn, who had announced its peculiarity, and by the Gemmi Pass to the bath of Loueche. Here they met the great geologist, Professor Voltz of Strasbourg, and a most delightful evening was passed in his company. With such savants as Agassiz, Studer, Lardy of Lausanne, Nicolet of La Chaux-de-Fonds, and Voltz, it is easy to imagine the interest of the geological subjects which they debated until almost daybreak. Studer and Lardy had been at work for several years on the geology of the Grand St. Bernard, and other Valaisan localities of the vicinity, and Voltz, who was second only to Alex- andre Brongniart, the founder of correlation of strata, by means of the fossils, had worked hard at the age of several groups of rather puzzling Alpine strata, more especially the enigmatic " Poudingue de Valorsine," and his works on the Vosges, the Alsace, and the Jura Mountains laid the basis of all that has been done there since. He was the teacher of such great geologists as Thirria, Thurmann, and Gressly, and the creator of the Palaeontological Museum at Strasbourg- -at that time one of the richest in Central Europe. He was, beside, a most interesting talker, full of all the socialistic theories of the time, Saint Simonian and Phalansterian, as well as an ardent republican and a friend of all political refugees, from whatever nation they came. Alas ! it was for Voltz one of his last opportunities to meet the geological friends who were so congenial to him, for he died a few months after,1 regretted by all who had the 1 Philippe Louis Voltz, born in Strasbourg the I4th August, 1784; died in Paris the I5th January, 1840. 1839-40.] STUDER AT ZERMATT. 145 good fortune to know him, and by none more than by Agassiz. From Loueche to Zermatt, " roches moutonnees ' and polished boulders and moraines were met in abun- dance, more especially near Zermatt. At that time there was no hotel of any kind at Zermatt, and the party found lodging and board at the house of the physician of the St. Nicolas valley. Tourists had not yet discovered Zermatt, and with the exception of a few botanists and zoologists, no one ever came to these remote parts of the Valaisan Alps. When on the Riffel, Studer, who until then had opposed the glacial theory and had explained every erratic phenom- enon by mud currents, was at last convinced ; his only remaining objection, after admitting ancient glac- iers, being that he feared the consequences. See- ing a vertical wall of serpentine finely polished, he asked the guide to what that phenomenon was due. The guide, who had not the smallest interest in the glacial question, answered with great naivete, that in the country (le pays) everybody thought that it was made by the glacier, adding : " It is true that no inhabitant of the village remembers to have seen the glacier in this place, but it was there formerly, for it is always in this way that the glaciers wear away the rocks." With great honesty Bernard Studer, who had been one of the stoutest opponents of the views of Venetz, de Charpentier, and Agassiz, confessed his errors in a " Notice sur quelques phenomenes de 1'epoque diluvienne ' (" Bull. Soc. Geol. France," Vol. XI., p. 49. Meeting of the 2d December, 1839, Paris). 146 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. This conversion of such a prominent alpine geologist induced many other Swiss geologists, who, until then, had hesitated to adopt the glacial theory as proposed by Venetz and de Charpentier, — a theory which was extended by Agassiz to embrace almost the whole of the Northern Hemisphere. It was a great gain, due mainly to Agassiz ; and from that day no more serious objections were made in Switzerland. Curiously enough, directly after the reading of Studer's paper, Renoir of Belfort published a most important paper on the glaciers of the southern part of the Vosges. In it he declared that when Captain Le Blanc of the French Engineer Corps, at the meet- ing of the society at Porrentruy in 1838, announced the existence of old moraines in the Vosges, he dis- believed him ; but started at once for the valley of St. Amarin as soon as the meeting was over, and to his astonishment found there proofs of all the glacial phe- nomena as established by Venetz, de Charpentier, and Agassiz.1 The proofs given by Professor Renoir, as well as the argument advanced by Captain Le Blanc, left no further doubt as to the existence of glaciers during the Quater- nary period in the Vosges, and Professor Fargeaud of Strasbourg had extended his observations on ancient glaciers even to the Black Forest of Baden, and to the Pyrenees. So promptly did Agassiz's prophecy in the address at Neuchatel in 1837 receive confirma- 1 Note sur les glaciers qui ont reconvert anciennement la partie meri- dionale de la chaine des Vosges (" Bull. Soc. Geol. France," Vol. XI., p. 53, Paris). 1839-40.] HUGPS CABIN. 147 tion beyond the Alps. After leaving Zermatt, and on an excursion to Mont Cervin, Agassiz and his party visited the glacier of Aletsch, the greatest of all the Alps, with its Merjelen (Meril) lake, unique in Switzer- land ; then the glacier of the Rhone, and afterward the Grimsel again. Agassiz, desirous to see the place where the monk Hugi of Soleure, some years previ- ously, had established a cabin on the glacier of the Aar, took a guide at the Grimsel and ascended the valley of the Ober-Aar. After a rather exhausting walk over the glacier for three hours, the guide showed a well- preserved cabin on the median moraine close by an enormous granite boulder. In this they found a bottle containing several papers, one of which informed them that, in 1827, Hugi constructed a dry-walled cabin with a floor of hay, and from a second paper, also written by Hugi, they learned that he had visited his cabin again the 22d . of August, 1836, and found that it had descended the glacier 2028 feet since it was built in 1827. Agassiz was much impressed by this discovery of Hugi's cabin and its motion, and he then resolved to return the next year and imitate Hugi in order to continue his researches on glaciers. During the excursion Joseph Bettannier, who was a good landscape artist, made several very exact draw- ings of the glaciers round Zermatt, Monte Rosa, Viesch, Finelen, Aletsch with its lake, St. Theodule, and Aar with Hugi's cabin, to be used for an atlas to accompany the "Etudes sur les glaciers." Agassiz returned to Neuchatel at the end of August. Soon after, an important change was made in the house- 148 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. hold involving an important addition to it. Young Karl Vogt, just graduated doctor from a German university, arrived on the last day of August, as had been agreed two years previously in October, 1837, when Agassiz was visiting his father at Berne. Karl was to help Agas- siz in his publication and researches touching fossil and living fishes, and new arrangements became necessary to meet the increase of expenses. Never practical, and becoming more and more accustomed to gather round him as many assistants and social companions as he could, Agassiz could find no better way to diminish his expenses than to give Desor and Vogt their board at his own table; Desor already had a room in the house, and another near by was taken for Vogt. In this way Vogt and Desor became members of his family, their board and lodging being entirely at Agassiz's expense. As to salary, nothing was stipulated; but when they wanted money they had to ask for it, and if Agassiz had any, which was more and more rare, he gave them some. At first the new arrangement worked very well. Agassiz had company at his meals, which was always a' great pleasure to him, for he was delighted to be surrounded by brilliant and intelligent, especially scientific people. Agassiz's mother, who was visiting him at this time while his wife was in Carlsruhe, was a capital housekeeper, with much dignity of manner, and accustomed to keep every one in his place with- out allowing the slightest encroachment or too much familiarity. Karl Vogt in his twenties was a character seldom 1839-40-] KARL VOGT. 149 met with. Tall and very corpulent for his age, his movements were rather heavy and somewhat awk- ward. He was inclined to see the comical side of everything, and his remarks were all tinged with rid- icule. As soon as he entered Neuchatel, he was saluted by the nickname "Le Moutz': (Mutz in the dialect of Berne), a popular character well known all over Switzerland, and personifying the Bernese bear; and the name clung to him during his five years' stay at Neuchatel. Vogt's "bon mots" soon became proverbial, and his laughter was very infectious; so much so that he would have started a Quaker meeting into uproarious merriment, and obliged a community of Trappists to break their vows of eternal seriousness and self- control. The reverse of the medal will appear by and by. For the present Vogt made himself as amiable and accept- able as possible. Desor, who was always imitating some one or something, adopted the same attitude, and pushed his desire to please so far, that he even accom- panied Agassiz's mother to the place of worship, — quite an event for a proclaimed atheist. The German language was used exclusively at table and in the laboratory ; and to a visitor Agassiz's establishment at this time of his life seemed a German settlement trans- ferred into French Switzerland. Vogt describes his first meeting with Gressly in the following manner: "During the fall (1839) Gressly came. Great was my astonishment when I heard 150 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. Desor apostrophize the little vagabond1 as soon as he entered into the laboratory : ' But, Gressly, go out directly and get washed ; after that I will make you acquainted with Vogt. ' Gressly with his sympathetic nature, his good temper, his many eccentricities, was the constant target and object of fun for both Desor and Vogt. What he suffered, during the six winters he passed with them, is difficult to imagine. He accepted always with a smile the most cruel practical joke, work- ing quietly at his manuscripts, and cleaning his fossils with his tongue. As soon as the spring was begun, Gressly escaped his martyrdom in the laboratory by going into the field for eight or nine months. There the poor tramp was at least free from the sarcasms of his two persecutors. It must in justice be said that years after, when both Desor and Vogt had attained reputation and social position, they were kind to Gressly. Vogt took him as a companion during a journey to Iceland ; and Desor gave him a room in his house at Neuchatel and at his country house at Combe-Varin, until he was too ill to be taken care of outside of an asylum. But Gressly was too much absorbed in geology to be made use of as a clerk. Desor soon found out that if Gressly was ready to be treated as a funny man, he had too much independence and was too learned to be a ' saute-ruisseau," as small clerks in French notary JThe word is most unjust and inexact, showing that Vogt is not and never was a practical geologist. Gressly was a very steady and persistent observer, and all his explorations were always systematically carried on. 1839-40-] CHARLES GIRARD. 151 offices or bureaus are called ; so he hired the young son of a peasant, named Girard, of Concise, the for- mer parish of Agassiz's father, to be his Jack at all trades. Intelligent and desirous to become a naturalist, Charles Girard submitted to the continual and rather severe exactions of Desor ; for he not only had to write under Desor's dictation, but he was constantly running between the laboratory, Agassiz's lodging, the lecture- room, the lithographic establishment, and the printing- press; besides, he was the bootblack for the whole establishment. Desor kept him very close, and pun- ished him remorselessly by sharp reprimands, which were always accepted without a word of retort, for Desor was the head man, and not an easy one to please. As Vogt says, during the last six years of Agassiz's life at Neuchatel, it was a kind of scientific factory, producing more than was wanted, and glutting the market with publications, without profit to anybody. Indeed, several of the works issued might have been dispensed with, both as regards cleverness and timeli- ness, to say nothing of the pecuniary expense, which was always rather great, notwithstanding the cheapness of living in Neuchatel. However open to just criticism several of Agassiz's undertakings may be, they furnished an example of mar- vellous initiative and of extraordinary impulse. Every one under Agassiz's direction worked hard and well ; there was a sort of rivalry as to who would do best and most. The first part of the " Description des Echino- 152 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. dermes fossiles de la Suisse," containing spatangoids and clypeastroids, appeared during the autumn of 1839, in the " Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helvetique." Until then no publication on echinoderms of such impor- tance in regard to classification, correctness of localities, and stratigraphical position, had appeared. Gressly had had a great share in it, having found the majority of the specimens used, and having helped Agassiz in his descrip- tions and other details of each species. A special artist, Dickmann, was trained by Agassiz to draw Echinidae, and the accompanying plates are excellent. The memoir was made use of at once, with great advantage, by all geolo- gists studying the Jurassic and Neocomian series ; and seldom has such an important and timely contribution to palaeontology been made. The second part, " Cida- rides," soon followed, in June, 1840; and the whole work is one of Agassiz's best, being remarkably clear, with excellent classification, good genera and species ; all of which have been accepted and used since, in all the works on fossil echinoderms. At the beginning of the winter Agassiz wrote a very r interesting letter on the glaciers to Elie de Beaumont, asking him to communicate it to the Academy of Science. But de Beaumont was a rather unfair opponent in everything relating to the glacial question, and he did not read the letter to the Academy, as he was requested to do. As it is important, and allows every one to see the opposition at that time constantly made against the doctrine of the action of glaciers in the Alps, I give it almost in full, suppressing only local details relating to 1839-40-] LETTER TO DE BEAUMONT. 153 the glaciers around Zermatt and Mont Cervin. Besides, this letter had the advantage of giving, before the publi- cation of " Etudes sur les glaciers," advertised to appear the following year, explanations of some of the plates prepared for the folio atlas to accompany that work. NEUCHATEL, 16 decembre, 1839. Louis AGASSIZ t a Elie de Beaumont. Je venais cTemballer les premieres epreuves de mes planches de glaciers pour vous les envoyer lorsque je recus votre lettre a laquelle je m'empresse de repondre. J'espere pouvoir vous adresser d'ici au printemps le cahier complet des planches que je fais faire sur les phdnomenes que presentent les glaciers ; celles que je vous adresse aujourd'hui ne sont relatives qu'a la formation et a la marche des moraines et a Faction des glaciers sur le fond sur lequel ils reposent. Tout ce qui concerne la structure, intime des glaciers et la plus grande extension qu'ils avaient autrefois ainsi que les moraines anciennes sera figure plus tard. J'ai voulu rester d'abord dans des limites oil je suis sure de ne rencontrer aucune opposition. Ce sera je Fespere le meilleur moyen de preparer un acceuil favorable aux phenomenes trop contestes dont j'ai deja parle ailleurs. Je crois que je parvien- drai a les faire adopter lorsque je serai parvenu a demontrer avec le meme respect qui vous anime pour les lois generates concernant notre globe, que des oscillations de temperature un peu plus grandes ou un peu plus faibles ne sortent pas plus du cadre des lois invariables de la physique que des phenomenes de soulevement poussant un ilot a fleur d'eau, ou soulevant la chaine des Alpes. D'ailleurs Petude comparative que j'ai faite d'une part de PefFet de Peau cou- rante, ou de grandes masses d'eau mues par les vents, d'autre part des effets produits par le mouvement des glaciers, me permet main- tenant de les distinguer a quelque distance de leur source premiere que je les rencontre. Mais revenons aux glaciers tels qu'ils se presentent dans leur 154 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. limites actuelles. Les Planches i et 2 (de 1' Atlas de 32 planches des Etiides sur les Glaciers, qui a paru en 1840), que Ton peut joindre, offrent un panorama des principales sommites du Mont-Rose vues depuis le Riffelhorn. . . . Je ferai d'abord remarquer que sur la droite de la Planche No. I, on voit distinctement une grande moraine formee autour du rocher saillant qui horde le glacier du Mont-Rose, et qui est refoulee sur le glacier principal par les glaces descendant du Lyskamm, c'est la moraine que j?appelle la grande moraine du Mont-Rose pour la distinguer d'une autre moraine moins consi- derable qui se forme par les eboulements, de quelques aretes nues du Mont-Rose et qui descend a peu pres sur le milieu du grand massif de glace qui separe le Mont-Rose du Gornerhorn et qui apres s'etre repliee sur le milieu du grand glacier marche parallelement avec la premiere. De Tangle inferieure du Gornerhorn, on voit surgir une troisieme moraine separee de la petite moraine du Mont-Rose par une serie d'entonnoirs d'abord peu distincts, mais qui grandissent en face du Lyskamm et du Breithorn, pour disparaitre entierement plus bas. Je lui ai donne le nom de moraine du Gornerhorn. Enfin sur le devant de la planche on remarque une quatrieme moraine qui descend du milieu de la Porte-Blanche et qui tend a se confondre avec la moraine du Gornerhorn (La Porte-Blanche est Parrete qui domine la vallee de Macugnaga au nord du Gorner- horn). Lorsqu'on descend au pied du Riffel on remarque une cinquieme grande moraine au bord du glacier, mais elle reste in- apei'9ue sur cette planche a cause de la saillie que forment les rochers d'ou le panorama est dessine. . . . La planche 3 represente le glacier de Zermatt au point ou apres avoir recu les affluents de tous les pics il commence a descendre dans la vallee en s'engageant entre le Riffelhorn et les rochers ap- pele's Auf-Platten. ... La planche 4 est la continuation de la planche 3 ; le glacier est deja considerablement descendu entre le Riffelhorn et Auf-Platten. Cette vue est prise vis-a-vis du Riffel- horn au bord d'une cascade qui descend du glacier de Furke en montant a Auf-Platten, tandisque les trois autres planches sont dessinees depuis le Riffelhorn. ... En general a 1'extre'mite du 1839-40-] LETTER TO DE BEAUMONT. 155 glacier les moraines se dispersent tellement qu'il est fort difficile de les distinguer les unes des autres. On ne les reconnoit guere qu'a la nature de leurs roches. La marche de toutes ces moraines com- pletement distinctes dans la partie superieure du glacier, plus ou moins confondues clans sa partie inferieure prouve que les affluents de glace qui descendent des pics superieures comme autant de massif distincts se reunissent plus bas en un massif homogene semblable a un grand fleuve qui vers son embouchure roule d\me maniere uni- forme des flots longtemps distincts, mais enfin confondus dans leur marche. . . . Les planches 6 et 7 doivent donner une idee de Taction qu1exer- cent les glaciers sur le fond sur lequel ils se meuvent. . . . En penetrant sous le glacier, entre ses crevasses, a plusieurs metres de profondeur j'ai pu me convaincre que le poll des roches et les stries (burinees clessus les serpentines) existent uniformement sous le glacier comme sur ses flancs, et la direction des stries que j'ai ob- servee le long du glacier depuis le pied de la Porte-Blanche jus- qu'a la source de la Viege qui sort de la voute inferieure du glacier, la direction de ces stries, dis-je, qui suivent toutes les inflections du glacier, qui sont rectilignes partout ou le glacier se meut en droite ligne, qui se courbent et prennent meme une direction ascendantes la ou le glacier passe pardessus des aretes saillantes de rochers ; cette direction ne laisse aucun doute sur la liaison qui existe entre ces stries et le glacier lui-meme. On ne saurait douter non plus quand on a poursuivi ce phenomene sur une aussi grande etendue, que les grains de quartz provenant des granites tritures dans les moraines marginales ne soient Temen au moyen duquel ie glacier en se mouvant polit et raie le fond sur lequel il marche ; il me parait impossible de supposer que ces surfaces polies et ces stries aient existe anterieurement a la formation des glaciers, et que les glaciers aient pu se mouvoir a leur surface sans les efTacer. Ces surfaces polies et ces stries sont si constantes autour des glaciers, si fraiches dessous leurs masses, si bien conservees partout ou les glaciers existent encore que les habitants de la contree les ont remarquees et les attribuent au mouvement des glaces meme la ou le glacier a 156 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. disparu. Leur direction presqu'horizontale tout le long du bassin du glacier de Zermatt, sur les flancs et parois du Riffel et d'Auf- Platten suppose a toute idee d'avalanche, comme cause de ces stries, car a raison de la configuration des lieux, toutes les avalanches qui pourraint se former, couperaient necessairement a angle droit la direction des stries telle qu'on Fobserve ; en un mot les faits sont de telle nature dans toute Fetendue du cours des glaciers que je viens de decrire, qu'il est impossible de ne pas reconnaitre que c'est le glacier qui a poli ses bords au-dessus du niveau qu1]! occupe main- tenant et qu'il continue a polir les rochers sur les quels il repose encore. Les faits sont si parlants que M. Studer qui a fait une fois la course du Riffel avec moi s'est rendu a Fevidence quoiqu'il eut nie jusqu?alors la liaison des surfaces polies et des stries avec les glaciers. Une autre circonstance qui parle hautement en faveur de cette liaison c'est que les surfaces polies et les stries sont d'autant moins distinctes qu1on les observe sur des surfaces abandonnees depuis plus longtemps des glaciers et ou ils ont cependant existe de memoire d'homme, comme c'est par exemple le cas au-dessous de Fextremite actuelle du glacier de Viesch, que les registres de la paroisse d'Aunen constatent s'etre etendu jusque pres du village de Viesch, c'est-a-dire une lieue plus bas que maintenant. La vallee de Viesch est une des plus interessantes que je con- naisse pour Fetude comparative de Faction des eaux et des glaces sur le fond de leur lit ; et quelque soit la cause a laquelle on attribue les surfaces polies et les stries, toujours est-il que dans chaque vallee ou on les observe, elles suivent en somme la direction de la vallee, c'est-a-dire, que pour prendre des exemples precis, les stries de la vallee de Viesch s'inclinent du Nord au Sud vers le Rhone, tandis- que celles qui accompagnent le glacier du Rhone sont dirigees de FEst a FOuest et celles qui accompagnent le glacier de FAar de F'Ouest a FEst jusqu'a Fhospice du Grimsel, puis du Sud au Nord du Grimsel a la Handeck ou il est certain que ces stries existent sur les flancs du glacier de FAar jusqu'au niveau du col qui separe FOber- land bernois du Valais. Pour pouvoir attribuer ces stries a des courants il faudrait done (abstraction faite de tous les faits que j'ai deja cites et qui prouvent une liaison intime entre les stries et les glaciers) imaginer des courants remplissant jusqu'a les combler ces 1839-40-] LETTER TO DE BEAUMONT. 157 hautes vallees et diriges Tun du Finsteraarhorn a PEst jusqu'au Grimsel en sens inverse d^n autre courant parallele dirige des sommites des glaciers du Rhone vers la Mayenwand, c'est-a-dire, de TEst a TOuest et se precipitant dans la vallee du Rhone pour y rencontrer im troisieme courant, tout aussi puissant dirige directement du Nord au Sud de la vallee de Viesch ; et tous ces courants devraient naitre sur la crete si etroite qui separe ces trois vallees ; car comme vous Tavez tres bien observe, les surfaces polies nous prouvent que le relief du centre de 1'Europe iva subi aucun changement notable depuis qu'il est sous Tinfluence des causes actuelles. Or revenons a la vallee de Viesch dont la partie superieure est occupee par un glacier et dans le fond de laquelle coule un torrent rapide dont le cours n'est pas beaucoup plus court que ne serait le grand courant auquel on voudrait attribuer les surfaces polies et les stries de cette vallee, si jamais pareil courant avait pu naitre sur les cretes du Viescherhorn, et voyons bien qu'elle influence le glacier actuel et le torrent actuel exercent sur le fond de leur lit. Les roches au bord du glacier et sous le glacier sont polies et strides dans toute Pe'tendue que recouvre maintenant le glacier. Partout ou Ton pent penetrer sous la glace ou deblayer la grande moraine qui Tentoure, les stries et les surfaces polies sont fraiches et la direction des stries ne laisse aucun doute sur la cause qui les a produites, ici encore elles sont dues aux glaciers II est vrai que le torrent qui corrode le fond de cette vallee y creuse des sillons sinueux et polit les cotes de son lit, mais ces polis effectues par 1'eau ont un aspect tout different, ils sont mats, creux, souvent meme incrustes ; ce sont des coups de gouge plus ou moins allonges, limites par des aretes saillantes ; jamais ils ne sont stries ; jamais ils ne presentent de surfaces un pen etendues, tandisque les surfaces polies par le glacier sont bosselees en relief, les parties saillantes sont surtout strides et les parties dans la roche ne font jamais saillie. Les sur- faces polies qui sont encore maintenant sous le glacier dans cette vallee sont la continuation directe de celles sur lesquelles le glacier ne repose plus, mais sur lesquelles on sait qu'il a repose jadis. Ces surfaces polies denudees que Ton voit sur les cotes du cours du tor- rent sont striees dans le meme sens que celles que Ton voit encore sous le glacier ; elles different completernent des surfaces corrodees 158 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. par Peau du torrent, mais elles sont identiques avec les parois de la vallee qui ont conserve leur poll. Mais com me on ne voit aucune trace analogue a celle du torrent dans la partie superieure de la vallee, tandisque ses parois sont striees et polies a de grandes hauteurs absolument comme sous le glacier, il me parait dime bonne logique de conclure que la cause qui a agi plus puissament autrefois que maintenant, etait un glacier plus etendu et non pas un grand torrent. Je n'entrerai pas ici dans le detail des differences tres notables que presentent les roches de differente nature sous Pinflu- ence des glaciers et sous celle des courants, vous Pavez sans doute deja remarque. Je me bornerai a dire que les serpentines de la vallee de Zermatt et du Riffelhorn presentent le plus beau poli que je connoisse ; que les granites des parois du glacier de PAar ne le cede en rien aux serpentines la oil ils n'ont pas ete encore exposes a Paction de Pair, mais que Patmosphere les rend facilement mdes au toucher ; que les gneiss ne conservent guere de traces de stries et de polis, que lorsque les glaciers ont agi sur les tranches de leurs couches ; que les calcaires, tout en prenant facilement un tres beau poli ne le conservent pas facilement lorsqu'ils ne restent pas re- couverts par le limon des moraines apres avoir ete polis. Cela est si vrai, que dans les Alpes ce n'est guere que sous les glaciers memes que les calcaires alpins conservent les traces de leurs stries ; ces faits sont une nouvelle preuve bien puissante de mon assertion, que les surfaces polies et les stries sont reellement dues aux glaciers et ne peuvent point avoir ete simplement conserves sous les glaciers. Dans Pexpose de ces faits je me suis restreint aux phenomenes tels quails se presentent dans les Alpes, afin de ne point revefller les objections qui n'atteignent que leur extension dans des regions oil les glaciers n'existent plus ; plus tard je reviendrai sur les glaciers du Jura, lorsque Pensemble de mes observations sera aussi concluant pour ces contrees qu'elles le sont pour les Alpes. Je dirai seulement que mes courses de cet automne nvont fourni de nouvelles preuves de la liaison qui existe entre les blocs erratiques du Jura et les glaciers. J'y ai acquis en meme temps la conviction qu'il a existe dans Pinte- rieur du Jura des glaciers inclependants de ceux des Alpes. Les physiciens s?arrangeront de ces faits comme ils le pourront, mais je ne crois pas qu'il y ait quelque chose de plus contraire aux lois de la 1839-40-] LETTER TO DE BEAUMONT. 159 physique dans les phenomenes qui nous demontrent Texistence d'une creation (de faune et de flore) tropicale en Suisse, que dans ceux qui lui assignent a une autre epoque un climat boreal. En vous adressant prochainement les autres planches de mon livre je les accompagnerai de quelques observations sur la marche des glaciers, sur leur formation et sur leur structure intime. Une troisieme notice sera relative aux phenomenes eloignes des Alpes qui je crois se rattachent a ceux dont je viens de vous entretenir. Avant de les publier je desirerais vous les soumettre dans leur ensemble. Vous m'obligeriez infiniment en nVexposant d'une maniere precise les objections que vous avez a faire a ces considerations. Quoique j'aie deja fait de nombreuses observations thermometriques sur les eaux courantes et sur les petits lacs et les mares des glaciers et sur les glaces memes, je fais de nouveaux preparatifs pour aller etudier Pete prochain les profondeurs des glaciers en faisant des sondages pour traverser tout le massif des glaciers et penetrer jusque dans le sol sous-jacent. Si vous aviez quelques observations a me proposer, je les ferais avec le plus grand plaisir , je serais egalement fort redevable a M. Arago sil voulait bien me faire part de ses desiderata relativement aux glaciers. Je compte passer Pete prochain plusieurs semaines dans le cceur des Alpes. J'ai visite cet ete tous les abords de la grande mer de glace qui s'etend entre le Valais et TOberland afin de m'orienter prealablement, et mon intention est de la traverser dans tous les sens si le temps m'est favorable J'ai deja penetre par le glacier de TAar jusqu'au pied du Finsteraarhorn, et par le glacier d'Aletsch jusqu'au pied des Viescherhorner, derriere la Jungfrau, et passe de la au glacier de Viesch. Mon projet serait de traverser de Grindelwald an Grimsel par Farete d'Ashchwung. Si vous pensez que ces observations puissent interesser 1'Academie des sciences (de Plnstitut de France), vous m'obligeriez en lui en com- muniquant succinctement le contenu. Ne jugez pas trop severement mes dessins, mais pensez a la difficulte qu'il y avait a encadrer dans des dimensions donnees, des vues privees de toute vegetation,, ne representant que des rochers nus, des glaces, et des neiges, ou Ton rencontre a peine des etres vivants, par ci par la seulement quelques Pyrrhocorax, quelques Gelinottes, rarement des marmottes, plus 160 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vir. rarement encore des chamois et cTou les habitations des hommes se voient dans le lointain, au fond des vallees, comme dans Tabyme. J-e vais faire copier mes croquis du Jura pour vous les envoyer immediatement. Je ne tarderai pas non plus a vous envoyer ma notice sur vos Echinodermes. The winter of 1839-1840 was employed in writing, be- sides the continuation of the " Fossils Fishes," a volume on the glaciers, and two monographs on the echino- derms, and on the Trigonia ; and Vogt translated the / manuscript of the ' Etudes sur les glaciers ' ' into Ger- man, in order to have the French and German edition issued at the same time. The book appeared in Sep- tember, 1840, with a splendid folio atlas of eighteen beautifully executed plates. In it Agassiz very frankly gives an account of his five months' companionship in 1836 with de Charpentier, who taught him the glacial doctrine, and of his returning with several of his friends : among them, Karl Schimper, Francillon of Lausanne, who became his brother-in-law, Max Braun, Dinkel, and his secretary, to visit again the classical localities first shown to him by de Charpentier. The historical part on the glaciers is very full and just to every observer who had entered the field before him. The work is dedicated to " M. Venetz, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees au Canton de Vaud, et a M. J. de Charpen- tier, Directeur des Mines de Bex." Notwithstanding all these precautions, the work displeased Venetz, de Charpentier, and Hugi, his three predecessors in the study of the alpine glaciers of Switzerland. De Char- pentier was at work on his volume "Essai sur les glaciers," which was then passing, through the press, 1839-40-] "ETUDES SUR LES GLACIERS." 161 and he thought that his pupil Agassiz might have waited until he himself had given to the world his researches, before printing what he had learned from him. It was a question of politeness, which de Char- pentier emphasized perhaps too strongly, for Agassiz did not intend to wound him ; on the contrary, he pro- claimed the priority of Venetz's and de Charpentier's discoveries. But the method used by Agassiz shows a want of courtesy in his eagerness to propagate and make known the new doctrine. A few words are neces- sary to explain the estrangement of friendly relations between Agassiz and de Charpentier. Agassiz, with his insatiable appetite, and his great faculty of assimi- lation, digested the whole doctrine of the glaciers, and made use of it, as it was almost his own. He did not want to wrong de Charpentier in any way, but he was so ardent, so impulsive, that he appeared in the eyes of de Charpentier and his friends to be too eager in taking the wind from the sails of others. De Charpentier's manuscript was finished the 3ist of October, 1840, and / he received Agassiz's ' Etudes sur les glaciers ' only three days before, on the 28th of October, and thus had time only to look it over and notice it in his Introduc- tion, pp. vii and viii. As Agassiz continued in his work to maintain his fanciful theory of transportation of boulders, by sliding over the ice-sheet, de Charpentier's objections, pp. 232-241, were timely and to the point. The " Essai sur les glaciers" appeared a few months later, in February, 1841. Of that work the biographer of de Charpentier says : " The work will remain a classic. Unhappily the modesty of the author induced M 162 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. him to publish it at Lausanne, which explains why it was so little kncwn in France, in Germany, and other countries, when, if it had been published in Paris, with a simultaneous German edition in a great city of Ger- many, it would have been one of the most important and at the same time popular books of the time. I cannot better express my admiration for the work than to say that it is impossible to be truly a geologist without having read and studied it ' (Dr. H. Lebert, "Biography of Jean de Charpentier "). The following letter from Agassiz to de Charpentier explains the impression made on both by the publica- tion of their two works on the glaciers and the trans- portation of boulders : - NEUCHATEL, 28 juin, 1841. a M. J. DE CHARPENTIER, Directeur des Mines, a Bex. Mon Cher Monsieur, — Apres beaucoup de demarches inutiles j'ai enfin pu me procurer votre ouvrage sur les glaciers, etc. Je Pai lu avec avidite et j'y ai trouve beaucoup de faits d'un grand interet. Je me suis convaincu de nouveau que nous avons tous encore beau- coup a apprendre sur ce sujet. Je regrette une seule chose c'est que vous ayez si peu mis a profit mes observations, vous auriez pu par la completer plusieurs points de votre travail et vous donner le merite de fondre tout ce que Ton sait maintenant de positif sur la question des glaciers, d'harmbniser les denominations divergentes que vous avez employees, d'etablir la synonymic des votres avec les miennes, etc. Puisque vous n?y avez pas songe je m'en chargerai et malgre le mauvais vouloir que vous avez mis partout en me citant, vous n'aurez pas trop a vous plaindre de moi, car je tiens avant tout aux progres de la science sans acception de personnes. J'ai d'ailleurs une masse d'observations nouvelles a publier, recueillies dans les montagnes des Isles Britanniques Pautomne dernier et au commence- ment du mois de Mars de cette anne'e sur le glacier inferieur de TAar que j'ai parcouru jusqu'a 1'Abschwung. 1839-40.] LETTER TO DE CHARPENTIER. 163 L'affection que je vous ai toujours conserve me fait regretter pour vous que vous vous soyez clonne le tort de critiquer des bagatelles de mes planches et de mon livre, sans citer aucun fait instructif, excepte la temperature du glacier. Cette reserve est tellement frap- pante que deja deux de mes amis liven ont exprime leur etonnement. Mais cela s'oubliera pespere. Au revoir a Zurich si vous y allez, si non j'espere sur votre terri- toire un pen plus tard. Mes respects a Mademoiselle de Charpen- tier. Agreez Passurance, etc., etc. Louis AGASSIZ. This letter ended the friendly relations between two unusually congenial men of genius, who ought to have remained friends, as workers in the same field and as neighbours. If left to himself, Agassiz would have bridged the chasm ; but he was already too much in- fluenced by his secretary and by some others of his collaborators, more or less interested in keeping matters embroiled. After repeatedly hearing Agassiz, and once hearing de Charpentier, I do not hesitate to say that, but for the objectionable surroundings in which Agassiz lived from 1839 until he left Switzerland, the wound would have been promptly healed and friendship re- newed. On the 5th of August, 1840, Agassiz left Neuchatel for the Grimsel. There he took into his service two of the best Oberland guides, Jacob Leuthold and Jean Wahren, the latter a mason by trade, and started at once for the lower part of the glacier of the Aar. The plan was to establish a station on the glacier itself, and for that purpose to make use of Hugi's cabin, found by Agassiz in the preceding year, in a very good state of preservation, as already reported. But to his 1 64 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. viz. astonishment the cabin had disappeared, and it was with some difficulty that Agassiz at last found some of the debris, two hundred feet below the place occupied by the cabin in 1839. After consultation with the guides, who gave the very practicable advice to build a cabin on the rock bordering the left side of the glacier, Agassiz, who was resolved to imitate Hugi, gave all sorts of reasons for establishing the cabin on the median moraine, and finally an enormous block of micaceous slate was selected. A part of the block pro- jected in a sort of roof, under which a wall was built by the mason. Four porters, lent by the housekeeper of the Grimsel's hospice, to carry provisions and bed- ding, helped in the construction of the cabin, which was inhabited the same evening. The opening of the cabin was toward the south, and a good sketch of it has been published in the " Excursions aux Alpes," by Desor, p. 157. During the night the cabin was chris- tened by the name " Hotel des Neuchatelois," which was engraved by the mason in big letters on the block, and the names of the first six occupants were a few days after added. They were Louis Agassiz, Charles Vogt, Ed. Desor, Celestin Nicolet, Henri Coulon, Frangois de Pourtales, the last two being students at the Neuchatel Academy. Observations were begun at once on every point pertaining to glaciers, including structure, motion, tables, moraines, neves, climate and meteorology, red snow, crevasses, etc. Visitors from the Grimsel came now and then ; and, to the great joy of Agassiz, one day he saw wending their ways with some difficulty 1839-40-] HOTEL DES NEUCHATELOIS. 165 over the glacier to reach his " Hotel des Neuchatelois," his wife, her sister, Fraulein Emmy Braun, and his son Alex., the latter borne on the shoulders of the guide Jacob. That day the dinner on the glacier was par- ticularly luxurious, fresh provisions having come with the visitors, and the pleasure of the unexpected meet- ing enlivened the otherwise rather rough establishment, with its numerous discomforts. Af-ter a visit to the top of the Strahleck, the party left the " Hotel des Neuchatelois," after a stay of only six days, from the loth to the i6th of August, 1840. Before returning to Neuchatel, Agassiz traversed the Scheideck, and made observations on the glaciers of Grindelwald, of Schwartzwald, and of Rosenlaui ; he visited also the upper part of the glacier of the Aar, and passed a night on the Siedelhorn. Directly after returning to Neuchatel, Agassiz left for England. During the meeting of the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, in September, at Glasgow, he had an opportunity to see how little progress the glacial question had made among English naturalists : it was almost unknown. Buckland alone, during a protracted visit to Switzerland in 1838, and after resisting as long as he could all the facts concern- ing glacial action, was at last converted by Agassiz to the new theory. But his conversion had no other effect on English geologists than to bring forward a semi- caricature drawn by Thomas Sopwith, which was largely circulated as a portrait of Buckland dressed in " cos- tume of the glaciers," and which has been reproduced since in " Memoir of Sir Roderick Murchison," by A. 1 66 LOUTS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. Geikie, Vol. I., p. 309. The reproduction by Archibald Geikie is not, however, a complete one ; all the devices and explanations written on the big roller of maps and under the scratched stones have been omitted, and even the title of the semi-caricature has been altered. It is easy to see the reasons for these suppressions and alter- ations. The mining engineer, Thomas Sopwith, has stated the objections made against the glacial theory in such childish and ridiculous words, that to repeat them was considered by Geikie as reflecting little credit on all those who made fun of the glacial epoch, with Murchi- son as their leader.1 1 Here is the exact description of the semi-caricature. Buckland, equipped as a glacialist, stands on a flat bit of rock covered with scratches, with the following explanation : " The rectilinear course of these grooves corresponds with the motions of an immense body, the momentum of which does not allow it to change its course upon slight resistance." On the polished rocks is written : " Prodigious glacial scratches"; and in order to add to the value of the opposition made by anti-glacialists, the author has engraved, just under the last sentence, " Scratched by T. Sopwith." The title of the drawing is : " COSTUME OF THE GLACIERS." Under his right arm Buckland holds a rather large and long roller, with the inscription on it : " Maps of ancient glaciers." At his feet, on his right side, are drawn : " Specimen No. I, scratched by a glacier thirty-three thousand three hun- dred and thirty-three years before the Creation "; and just below, another specimen of a " cailloux strie," marked : " Scratched by a cart-wheel on Waterloo Bridge the day before yesterday." It is now almost incredible that such objections should have been able to elicit anything more than a smile at the ignorance of plain facts. Philip Duncan was better inspired, when he wrote in his poetic " Dia- logue between Dr. Buckland and a Rocky Boulder " : — Boulder, respondit. • •••••••• " And many a rock, indented with sharp force, And still-seen striae, shows my ancient course : And if you doubt it, go with friend Agassiz And view the signs in Scotland and Swiss passes." 1839-40-] MURCHISON OPPOSITION. 167 Murchison, in a letter dated Sept. 26, 1840, in speak- ing of the Glasgow meeting says : " Agassiz gave us a great field-day on Glaciers, and I think we shall end in having a compromise between himself and us of the floating icebergs ! I spoke against the general applica- tion of his theory." This was precisely what was to be expected from the English geologists, who are always strongly disinclined to accept any new truth, if dis- covered by foreigners. Even the Uniformitarians, at that time already very numerous in England, with Charles Lyell as their leader, did not see the splendid opportunity to add a new crown of laurels to Uniformi- tarianism, or the doctrine of existing causes, and they persisted in getting entangled among masses of floating iceberg. In company with Murchison, Agassiz visited the North of Scotland to see the Old Red Sandstone and its fishes. During the journey Agassiz found a great number of traces of ancient glaciers, and in vain showed them to Murchison, who, on the 29th of October, wrote to Sir Philip Egerton : " If you have not been frost-bitten by Buckland, you have, at all events, had plenty of friction, scratching, and polishing, before now, and next year you may give us a paper on the glacier of Wyvis and the ' moraines ' on which you sport ! I intend to make fight." On a question in regard to which he knew next to nothing. However, Murchison's " fight ' amounted to the old rehearsal of the floating iceberg theory and mud cur- rents, two exploded doctrines, rather antiquated even in England after Agassiz's visit of 1840. i68 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vii. On the 4th of November, 1840, Agassiz read before the Geological Society of London his paper " On Glaciers, and the Evidence of their having once existed in Scotland, Ireland, and England " (" Proceed. Geol. Soc. London," Vol. III., pp. 327-332). This memoir - a masterly one- -opened a new chapter in the geology of the British Isles. In the " Life of Murchison," by Archibald Geikie, we find the biographer saying (p. 309, Vol. I.) that " the remarkable series of observations by Agassiz among the glaciers of the Alps, and the exten- sion of them to Scotland by Buckland, Lyell, and Agassiz himself," - a sentence which seems to imply that Agassiz came after Buckland and Lyell. The man who with great difficulty, and after a stout and protracted resistance, during a prolonged visit to Switzerland, in 1838, taught Buckland how to recognize traces of ancient glaciers, is represented as occupying only a third place in the discovery of the evidence of the existence of glaciers in Scotland. The truth is, that Buckland, after being converted to the new doctrine, informed Agassiz that he had noticed similar phenomena in Scotland, but had attributed them to diluvial action. He waited until Agassiz came to Scotland, and it was when in his com- pany that Agassiz said, as they approached the castle of the Duke of Argyll, " Here we shall find our first traces of glaciers"; and surely enough, the carriage as it entered the valley rode over an ancient terminal moraine. Then, and not until then, Buckland was made sure that his indications were well based. It is impor- tant to add that Buckland did not claim any priority. On the contrary, he read his memoir " On the Evidences 1839-40-] LETTER TO HUMBOLDT. 169 of Glaciers in Scotland and the North of England," after Agassiz's paper, and to sustain him by what he had learned in his company during the fall and afterwards. At present, to make amends for their slowness in recognizing old glaciers, the Scotch geologists, with James Geikie at their head, are claiming that they had found evidences of the existence of no less than five glacial periods during the Quaternary epoch. Agassiz's three-months visit in the British Isles dur- ing .the autumn of 1840 may be counted as his most successful period of happy and important discoveries, and he returned with the great satisfaction of having extended the glacial doctrine to Scotland, the North of England, and Ireland, and having first explained the complicated organization of the fossil flying-fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. The following letter to Humboldt gives an excellent resume of his three months' exploration : - NEUCHATEL, 27 dec., 1840. a SON EXCELLENCE M. A. DE HUMBOLDT. Moil Cher et Excellent Ami, - - Je suis de retour a Neuchatel depuis huit jours et deja je me suis remis au travail. J'ai pris la ferme resolution de ne rien faire cet hiver que des " Poissons fos- siles " et ^espere achever mon ouvrage avant 1'ete. Pour y parvenir je ne publierai pour le moment que les mille especes les plus inte- ressantes de maniere a en faire un corps cTouvrage lie et je don- nerai plus tard dans un Supplement 6 a 700 especes que je n'ai pas encore complement etudiees. Mon dernier voyage en Angleterre nVa fait faire des progres reels en Ichthyologie fossile ; j'ai surtout etendu mes observations sur les especes siluriennes, devoniennes et houilleres. Les genres de T •• Old Red11 sont surtout tres remarquables. Le pretendu Coleoptere gigantesque de Fifeshire : 1 " History of the County of Fife," by J. Anderson, 4to, Edinburgh. 170 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. est un poisson Pterichthys 1 J?ai cTautres types tout aussi extraordi- naires Coccosteus. Ce qu1!! y a de tres curieux c'est que tous ces poissons ont des tetes disproportionnees, egalant. depassant meme le tronc en longueur et toujours de beaucoup plus larges, dans le style des Torpiles, mais a charpente osseuse et couverts de larges ecussons emailles On m'a communique en somme environ 250 especes nouvelles. J'ai egalement examine un nombre immense d'Echinodermes. Heureusement que j-1ai obtenu des . exemplaires de la plupart des especes., car mon temps n^urait pas suffi pour les decrire en detail. Cependant je vous avouerai que ce qui m'a fait le plus de plaisir c'est d'avoir decouvert des traces indubitables de glaciers sur une tres grande echelle. Les marques de leur presence sont si frappantes que tous les geoloques qui les ont vues sont restes convaincus du fait. Depuis que j'ai rendu compte de mes observations a la Societe geologique (de Londres), les memoires sur ce sujet se succedent. Buckland a decrit ceux qu'il a observe au centre de PEcosse et au Nord-Ouest de PAngleterre ; Lyell ceux du Forfarshire. Pour moi je nVetais surtout applique a demontrer quails ont reellement existe dans les Isles Britanniques, apres en avoir suivi les traces presque dans toute I'Ecosse, au Nord. a POuest au Centre et au Sud de PIrlande et dans tout le Nord de PAngleterre. J'ai retrouve les memes sur- faces polies qu'en Suisse, les memes moraines laterales et terminates, la meme disposition rayonnante du centre des chaines de montagnes vers la plaine, les lacs partout egalement proteges contre le remplis- sage par les glaciers qui en occupaient le fond. Je me suis assure que toutes les routes paralleles de Glen Roy et de Glen Spear ont etc produits par des lacs flottant des glaces et barres par de grands glaciers dont on voit encore la direction aux traces qu'ils ont laisses au fond des vallees, comme si les glaciers d'Argen- tiere et des Bossons barraient la vallee de Chamounix au-dessus et au-dessous du Prieure de maniere a transformer la vallee en un lac. Le fond de Glen Spear est strie transfer salement. Le fait le plus extraordinaire, Pabsence des deux routes paralleles superi- eures dans la partie orientale de Glen Spear se trouve maintenant expliquee ! J'ai accumule tant de preuves que personne en Angleterre ne 1839-40-] LETTER TO HUMBOLDT. 171 doute maintenant que les glaciers n?y aient existe, et ceux la qui en ont le plus vu ont ete convaincu les premiers : Sabine, Sir George Mackensie. Je n'ai trouve cTopposition que centre Textension que je leur attribue, encore cette opposition ne s'appuie-t-elle deja plus que sur 1'invraisemblance, quelques uns disent Timpossibilite phy- sique d'un refroidissement temporaire assez considerable pour avoir couvert 1'Europe d'une calotte de glace. Cependant j'ai observe mes surfaces polies et stries jnsqifau niveau de la mer sur toute la plaine qui s'abaisse d'Enniskillen vers Dublin ; la les stries sont dirigees du N. O au S. E., puis sur la cote occidentale d'Ecosse ou je les ai meme vu plonger sous la mer, elles vont du N. E. au S. O. dans certaines vallees et du S. E. au N. O. dans d'autres ; sur la cote orientale d'Ecosse elles vont de TOuest a 1'Est le plus souvent. Dans 1'interieur j'en ai vu qui etaient dirigees du Nord au Sud, et ailleurs d'autres marchant du Sud au Nord. Notez bien que par- tout la direction des stries et des moraines indique une marche cen- trifuge, et nulle part un refoulement allant des cotes de la mer a 1'interieur des terres. Impossible des lors de songer a des courants. Si Ton pouvait penser a un rehaussement du sol, les lacs et les routes paralleles s'y opposeraient, et pour cela d'ailleurs il faudrait un sou- levement simultane des montagnes partout ou le phenomene a ete observe, ce que la geologic dement. Les observations paleontologiques de Mr. James Smith de Lar- denhill ne contribueront pas peu a etablir ma theorie. II vient de decouvrir une faune arctigne, sur les bords de la Clyde, dans les limons superposes aux detritus des glaciers, a 40, 50, 80 pieds au- dessus du niveau de la mer. Les especes sont identiques avec celles qui vivent maintenant au detroit de Behring, et different complete- ment de celles qui vivent sur les cotes d'Ecosse. Les observations d^erschel sur les etoiles variables et perio- diques pouront peut-etre rendre un jour compte de ce refroidisse- ment. Je suis desole d'etre oblige de m'occuper maintenant de Poissons fossiles et de devoir laisser vieillir toutes les observations que j'ai faites sur ce sujet, tant pendant ma course dans les Alpes au mois d'Aout que dans mon voyage en Angleterre, mais je ne cederai pas a la tentation et les " Poissons fossiles " s'acheveront avant que je 172 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vn. retourne aux glaciers, sauf une apparition que je compte y faire au plus fort de Thiver pour verifier quelques signaux. Un heureux evenement m'a un pen remonte du decouragement sous Pinfluence duquel je vous ecrivis de Glasgow. J'ai vendu les dessins origi- naux de mes Poissons Fossiles,1 en sorte que j 'aurai quelques mois exempts dlnquietudes. /• J'espere que vous avez regu mes " Etudes sur les Glaciers " ; ne les jugez pas trop severement comme livre ; je suis trop peu au courant de ce qui s'est fait en physique pour avoir pu tenir compte de tout ce que Ton sait et eviter les redites ; mais du moins j *ai observe avec tout le soin dont j'etais capable et j'ai la conscience d'avoir eloignee toute idee systematique dans Texposition des faits pour etre plus libre de me donner carriere dans le dernier chapitre. Vous me rendriez un grand service en m'ecrivant bien franchement ce que vous en pensez quant au fond ; j'ai pris Thabitude de profiter des critiques et quand elles viennent d\m ami comme vous, ce sont de veritables bienfaits. Je vous adresserai par la premiere occasion les Comptes Rendus des seances de la Societe Geologique de Londres, que Buckland m'a remis pour vous et ou vous trouverez quelques autres detailes sur la question des glaciers. / II parait qu'Elie de Beaumont veut s'obstiner a nier meme les faits les plus evidents. Cest ainsi qu'il nvaffirmait Tautre jour a Paris que les roches polies et striees qui se trouvent sons les glaciers memes et dont la direction coincide avec le mouvement actuel des glaciers avaient deja la meme apparence avant la formation des glaciers. Des masses dim pareil poids ont done pu se mouvoir pendant des milliers d'annees sur un calcaire aussi mou que celui de la vallee de Rosenlaui sans deranger un atome de matiere! ! Puis c'est le courant de 1'Ober Hassli qui en bondissant de Meyringen a creuse le lac de Brienz et d'un second coup celui de Thun!! Ou done naissaient tons ces courants alpins pour se verser a la fois au Sud, a TEst et au Nord avec une velocite suffisante pour lancer sur le Jura des blocs de 60,000 pieds cubes! M. de Beaumont pretend 1 Lord Francis Egerton, a relative of Sir Philip Egerton, made the pur- chase and generously presented them to the British Museum. 1839-40.] LETTER TO HUMBOLDT. 173 que ce sont des debacles de glaciers ; mais alors ce devraient etre des glaciers plus considerables que maintenant et il devait y avoir des glaciers partout ou le phenomena des blocs erratiques se pre- sente avec les memes caracteres qu'en Suisse. Au lieu de refuter ma theorie ; celle de M. de Beaumont la suppose comme antece- dent, c'est-a-dire qu'elle n'embrasse qu'une petite partie du phe- nomene, celle du retrait successif des glaciers. Peu s'en est fallu que Murchison ne nVait devance dans la de- couverte des glaciers en Ecosse. Dans son systeme Silurien il suppose qu'il a du exister de grandes etendues de glaces qui auraient charrie les graviers et les blocs soit-disant diluviens, mais il n'a pas songe a en chercher les traces. Et chose curieuse, durant nos dis- cussions personne ne s'est oppose plus obstinement que lui a Texis- tence des glaciers, qu'il a cependant fini par admettre aussi.1 Au moment ou j'ai quitte Londres, Buckland partait pour le pays de Galles ou je n'ai pu aller et ou il trouvera certainement des choses curieuses. Mais j'oublie que 1'hiver approche et que deja vous devez avoir a Berlin plus de glaces que vous n'en voulez sans celles dont je viens de vous charger a profusion. Je n'ose rien vous dire pour M. de Buch quoique je 1'aime toujours de tout mon coeur, on nfa dit qu'a Erlangen (Societe Allemande des naturalistes) il s'etait fache tout rouge centre moi parce que je fais les glaciers assez grands pour fournir de 1'eau necessaire a ses courants. Adieu, mon bien cher ami, ecrivez moi bientot quelques lignes, vos lettres sont toujours pour moi des tresors, car elles me donnent t 1 It seems that Murchison, a short time afterward, again changed his views, and returned to the floating iceberg and mud current theory; for in his " Geology of Russia," 1845, ne rejected "the glacier theory," explain- ing the Scandinavian drift and erratic blocks in Russia by trainees under the sea, made by " moistened masses of drift, under powerful causes of translation " ; and in his address at the anniversary meeting of the Geo- logical Society of London, 1842, he says: "The existence of glaciers in Scotland and England is not, at all events, established to the satisfaction of what I believe to be by far the greater number of British geologists." It was not until more than twenty years after Agassiz's visit of 1840, that at last, in 1862, Murchison wrote him that he was wrong in opposing as he did the glacial period. He took time to consider! 174 LOUIS AGASSIZ, [CHAP. vn. ce courage et ce contentement d'esprit sans lesquels on ne fait rien de bon. Ce qui me fait surtout croire que j'ai bien vu en Ecosse, c'est que c'est a vous que je rendais compte mentalement de mes observations. Votre tout devoue pour la vie, Louis AGASSIZ. CHAPTER VIII. 1841-1842. VISIT DURING THE WINTER TO THE AAR GLACIER — LETTERS to JULES THURMANN AND TO EUGENIO SISMONDA — "MONOGRAPHIE D'ECHINO- DERMES VIVANTS ET FOSSILES " - -LETTER TO DESHAYES — ANOTHER LETTER TO THURMANN — VISIT OF JAMES D. FORBES AT THE "HOTEL DES NEUCH^TELOIS " — ASCENT OF THE JUNGFRAU — OTHER VISITORS AT THE " HOTEL DES NEUCHATELOIS"-- FORBES AT NEUCHATEL AND LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS — INAUGURATION OF THE ACADEMY OF NEU- CHATEL, i8TH OF NOVEMBER, 1841 -- AGASSIZ'S LETTER TO THE REC- TOR OF THE ACADEMY — His APPOINTMENT AS RECTOR FOR THE YEAR 1842-1843 — CONTROVERSY WITH JAMES D. FORBES ON THE LAMINATED STRUCTURE OF GLACIERS — A NEW CABIN TO REPLACE THE " HOTEL DES NEUCH^TELOIS " — STAY AT THE AAR GLACIER FROM THE BEGINNING OF JULY, 1842, TO THE MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER — DISCOVERIES OF JOHN TYNDALL — DISPUTE WITH KARL SCHIMPER — DANIEL DOLLFUS-AUSSET. THE winter of 1841 was so rainy at Neuchatel, and in consequence so much fresh snow fell on the Ober- land Alps, that Agassiz was obliged to postpone his proposed visit to the " Hotel des Neuchatelois ' until the 8th of March. On that day he left Neuchatel with his secretary, reaching the Grimsel three days later, without very great difficulty. An hour before their arrival, the guardian of the hospice was advised by the movements of his dog, a fine and very large Newfound- land, that some one was approaching. As is often the case in the Alps and mountainous country, the temper- '75 176 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. ature was higher at the Grimsel than at Interlaken. The amount of snow was enormous ; the hospice was buried in it; and when the travellers, after a rather exhausting walk, reached the place where the " Hotel des Neuchatelois " should have been, they were greatly surprised to see nothing of it but a sort of hump on the crest of snow which covered the moraine. However, after forcing their way around this hump, they found on one side a few feet of the big boulder. It was impossible to enter it without clearing away an enor- mous mass of snow ; so Agassiz contented himself with lying down on the snow, and enjoying the marvellous spectacle around him. The weather was perfect ; the air so clear that every topographical feature of the Finsteraarhorn and other peaks was seen with a dis- tinctness unknown during the summer season. The travellers went as far as the Abschwung, then returned to the place of the " Hotel des Neuchatelois," where they saw the tops of two very high stakes placed there in the preceding August in holes bored into the ice. Agassiz remained behind with one guide to make sev- eral observations with a thermometrograph, and finally returned to the Grimsel, after a journey of twelve hours, from 4 o'clock A.M. to 4 o'clock P.M., somewhat tired, but very happy in his success ; for he was certainly the first visitor to the Aar Glacier in the winter season. From the Grimsel Agassiz crossed by Meyringen to Rosenlaui, where he visited the glacier to examine the polishing of the rocks in contact with the ice, and also to determine the quantity of water arising from the glacier. And in regard to the latter point, like de Saus- 1841-42-] LETTER TO THURMANN. 177 sure at the glacier des Bois at Chamounix, he concluded that during the winter the glacier yielded only spring water. A week after leaving Neuchatel they returned home rather sunburned by their exposure to the intense sunlight on the snow-field they had travelled over. We have seen in the last letter to Humboldt that Agassiz gathered a large collection of fossil echino- derms during his stay in England in 1840. He had done the same in passing through Paris, and was very diligent in getting specimens from every geologist liv- ing among the Jura Mountains, -- as Thurmann of Porrentruy, d'Udressier and Parandier of Besangon, and Merian of Bale. The following letter to Jules Thurmann gives some rather curious details : - LE 7, 1840 or 1841 ? (date not distinct). Monsieur, — Voici la premiere livraison de mes Echinodermes, / j'y joins la premiere des Etudes critiques sur les Mollusques, quoique le texte ne soit pas encore pret, dans Pespoir que vous aurez peut- etre a me communiquer quelques Trigonies ou Myes que je n'ai pas et que je pourrais encore aj outer a mes planches. Le prix des Echinodermes est de 10 francs, je reclamerai celui des Mollusques en vous envoyant le texte. Je viens de faire demander a M. Nicolet les deux premieres livraisons de Sowerby, la 3ieme est tres avance'e ; le prix de la livraison coioriee est de 10 francs. M. Nicolet vous enverra lui-meme par occasions les livraisons. Je pense que vous apprendrez avec plaisir que Gressly a repris son activite d'autrefois ; j'ai recu depuis pen plusieurs bonnes lettres de lui. Excusez-moi de tant tarder de vous envoyer mes moules ; j'ai encore eu des chagrins de famille cet hiver qui m'ont fait passer plusieurs semaines en Allemagne et singulierement derange mes affaires ; des que je le pourrai je reparerai mes torts. Votre tres devoue serviteur, AGASSIZ. N 1 78 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vin. The following is another letter written about the same time : - MONSIEUR EUGENE SISMONDA, assistant au Musee royal de Mineral ogie, Turin. Monsieur et tres honor e collegue,--'De retour cTAngleterre apres une absence de pres de quatre mois j'ai le plaisir de recevoir votre aimable lettre. Je suis charme d'entrer en relation directe avec vous, qui par vos beaux travaux geologiques avez si puissament contribue a 1'avancement de la science. II y aura tout profit pour moi a sou- tenir une correspondance suivie avec vous. J'accepte avec plaisir votre proposition d^change ; je puis vous remettre au moms 600 moules d'Echinides fossiles accompagnes dim catalogue syste- matique et d\me caracteristique des genres nouveaux que j'ai etablis. Je recevrai volontiers en echange des coquilles, des Zoophites et des Echinides de tous vos terrains d'ltalie, meme les especes les plus communes. Je desire beaucoup obtenir des series d'exemplaires de differents ages. Dans des echanges de ce genre j'ai generalement demande un fossile contre un moule a raison des frais considerables que leur execution m'a occasionne, sans compter jamais rigoureusement, comme cela convient entre gens qui doivent avoir en vue les interets de la science plutot que la depense qui en resulte pour eux. Outre ces moules d'oursins fen possede beaucoup de Mollusques, de Poissons, de Mamiferes et 5 a 600 especes de Mollusques des terrains secondaires en nature, dont je puis disposer pour echanges. Cest assez vous dire que fai d'amples materiaux pour des envois considerables et j'attends seulement pour vous expedier une pre- miere caisse qui pent etre prete dans trois jours, que vous vouliez bien me dire quel nombre d'exemplaires vous avez de disponible, ou plu- tot quelle etendue vous desirez que je donne a mon premier envoi. Je suis tres flatte de la dedicace que vous me faites d'un de vos Echinides et je me rejouis a 1'avance d'apprendre a le connaitre. Agreez, Monsieur, Tassurance de ma consideration, tres dis- tinguee. Ls. AGASSIZ. NEUCH^TEL EN SUISSE, le 24 decembre, 1840. 1841-42.] MONOGRAPHIE DBS ECHINODERMES. 179 We have in these two letters a glimpse of Agassiz's method of collecting specimens, making exchanges, and disposing of his publications. The success of the " Fossiles du terrain cretace du Jura Neuchatelois," of the " Prodrome d'une Mono- graphic des Echinodermes," and of " Echinodermes fos- siles de la Suisse," all published at the expense of the Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel and of the Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles, led Agassiz to undertake, at his own expense, the publica- r tion of " Monographies d' Echinodermes vivants et fos- siles," with many beautifully executed plates. It was an unfortunate undertaking, very expensive on account of the great number of plates, and without proper pat- ronage from naturalists to make it profitable. Only four monographs or " livraisons " were issued between 1838 and 1842. The first, on "Salenies," 1838, shows good work, and is very creditable in all respects, and worthy of the name which signs it ; the second, on " Scutelles ' (July, 1841), although containing many new facts and an interesting history of the progress of the natural history of the echinoderms, besides twenty-seven most exact and beautiful plates, did not attract much at- tention ; while the third " livraison," containing the "Galerites" and " Dysaster " (1842), is by E. Desor. Agassiz helped in the revision of the proof-sheets ; but, on the whole, the work shows a noticeable inferi- ority to all the previous publications on the echino- derms. The fourth "livraison' (1842), the manuscript of which was written in German and translated into i8o LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vin. French, treats the anatomy of the genus Echinus, and is by Professor G. Valentin of Berne ; and its nine plates, several of them double, are remarkably well drawn by Dickmann. After the issue of the fourth "livraison," the publication was stopped and never resumed. This fine work, forming a large 4to volume, is dedicated to " M. Valenciennes, Professeur de Zoologie au Jardin des Plantes et a M. Paul Deshayes, Professeur de Conchyli- ologie a Paris." In this way Agassiz tried to conciliate two naturalists, who had nothing in common except a disagreement in regard to an appointment obtained by pure favour for Valenciennes, against all justice and the right claim of Deshayes. For, through the influence of Humboldt and the help of Agassiz, Valenciennes was elected professor of conchology and zoophytology at the Jardin des Plantes, - - a most unfortunate choice, for he knew next to nothing of these two difficult branches of invertebrate zoology, having only a knowledge of liv- ing fishes, obtained as an assistant of George Cuvier ; while Deshayes, on the other hand, was regarded by every naturalist, not only in France, but also in other countries, as the ablest conchologist of his time.1 Agas- siz, hoping to mend matters and to help in healing the wound inflicted on Deshayes, conceived the strange notion of uniting in a dedication the two names of Valenciennes and Deshayes, placing Valenciennes before Deshayes. He very well knew that he was 1 Thirty years later, in 1869, Deshayes was at last appointed Professor of Conchology at the Jardin des Plantes, at the ripe old age of seventy- two years, an act of justice due to M. V. Duruy, then Secretary of Public Instruction. 1841-42.] LETTER TO DES HAYES. 181 treading on dangerous ground, as the following letter to M. Deshayes shows : - NEUCH&TEL, le 27 fevrier, 1839. Monsieur, — Desirant vous donner un temoignage public de ma reconnaissance pour les communications importantes que vous m'avez faites sur les oursins fossiles, j1ai pris la liberte de vous dedier conjointment a M. Valenciennes a qui je dois egalement des communications dime haute valeur, Touvrage sur cette classe d'animaux, dont je viens de publier la premiere livraison. J'espere, Monsieur, que vous daignerez accepter cette marque de mon estime et de mon amitie. La science vous doit de si importants travaux, trop peu recompenses, dans Tatmosphere ou vous vivez, pour que je ne puisse pas esperer trouver de la sympathie chez un homme qui poursuit ces recherches avec un tel desinteressement. La deuxieme livraison, qui est tres avancee, contiendra les Scutelles. Je profiterai de toutes les occasions que j:aurai pour Paris pour vous retourner vos exemplaires au fur et a mesure qu'ils seront dessines, j'y joindrai les monies des especes que vous n?avez pas et si vous le desirez de celles des votres que j'ai pu faire mouler sans risque de les endommager. Us pourraient vous servir a faire des echanges. Veuillez me dire si vous desirez que je vous en fasse couler des epreuves, Je vous adresse egalement la premiere livraison encore inachevee d\m ouvrage que je prepare depuis longtemps sur les Mollusques fossiles de la Suisse principalement, dans lequel je me propose de traiter aussi differentes questions generales de Conchyliologie et sur- tout celle de la delimitation des genres et de Tanalogie des especes fossiles avec les especes vivants. Quoiqu'envisageant, comme vous le savez ces questions un peu differemment de vous, la base sur laquelle j'ai travaille n'en est pas moins la meme et c'est la un point de ralliement infaillible Tetude consciencieuse et comparative des faits. Qu'apres cela il me paraisse plus utile de grouper les especes d'apres leurs caracteres plus restreints en petites groupes, que de les reunir d'apres des caracteres plus generaux en grands genres, c'est une question a debattre ulterieurement et le resultat auquel on s'arretera ne changera en rien la valeur des observations speciales. 1 82 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. La definition et la circonscription des especes touche deja de plus pres a Timportance actuelle que Ton attache a ce genre de travail. II me parait a cet egard que la facilite de distinguer telle ou telle serie de formes diverses ne peut pas etre un motif absolu pour les reunir ou les separer et qu'il importe de rassembler les materiaux les plus com- plets sur la genealogie de chaque type avant de pouvoir se prononcer d'une maniere invariable. C'est ainsi que la possibilite de ratta- cher a une souche primitive les generations actuelles souvent diverses de telle ou telle espece fait que nous ne les separons pas comme autant d'especes distinctes, bien que souvent les individus que nous reunis- sons ainsi different d'avantage entre eux que ceux d'autres types que nous separons a cause de la fixite de leurs caracteres. Ces principes de la zoologie actuelle me paraissent devoir influer ulterieurement sur notre maniere d'envisager Tanalogie des especes fossiles avec les vivantes. Je crois par exemple que s'il pouvait etre demontre geologiquement que certaines especes fossiles que nous envisageons comme identiques avec les vivantes, out cesse d'exister dans des circonstances telles qu'il serait impossible, qu'elles aient pu se repro- duire par voie de generation dans Tepoque suivante, il faudrait alors envisager ces analogues d'une autre epoque comme des especes par- ticulieres procreez dans d1autres temps alors meme que leur ressem- blance exterieure rendrait leur distinction tres difficile. II me semble qu1en pareil cas le fait que les extremes des varietes d'un type fossile se lient aussi etroitement aux extremes dim type vivant que leurs varietes entr'elles n'emporte pas la necessite de la reunion des deux types en une seule espece. Quoique cette maniere de voir ne s'accorde pas en tous points avec certains prin- cipes que vous avez etablis sur la determination des especes, ils ne me paraissent infirmer en aucune fa9on Pimportance des faits innom- brables que vous avez receuillis sur Tanalogie des especes fossiles avec les vivantes, puisque vous avez toujours signale les particu- larites qui distinguent toutes les varietes que vous avez reunies dans le meme type specifique. Je pense des lors que vous ne re- pugnerez pas a faire part vous meme occasion ellement de ces obser- vations a la Societe Geologique (de France). f La premiere livraison de mes " Etudes critiques " paraitra dans le courant de 1'et^. En parcourant ce que j'ai pu vous en envoyer 1841-42.] LETTER TO DESHAYES. 183 des aujourd'hui, vous remarquerez sans doute que j'ai pris toutes les precautions possibles pour eviter de multiplier les especes sans rai- son ; ainsi pour les Trigonies j ai represente une serie de tous les ages de la Trigonia navis (du Lias Superieur de Gundershofen, Haut Rhin, recueillis par Gressly) pour prouver que quelques especes nouvelles que j'ai etablies n'en sont pas les jeunes. Quant a la famille des Myes elle a eu des representants bien plus nom- breux et plus varies dans les terrains jurassiques, qu'a des epoques plus recentes, et la diversite des types que j'ai etudies m'a engage a grouper des especes (qui cadraient fort mal dans les genres admis maintenant) dans plusieurs genres nouveaux dont je donnerai tres en detail les caracteres distinctifs en les comparant soit entr'eux, soit avec des genres qui ont des representants maintenant. Si votre Conchyliologie continue a paraitre regulierement j'at- tendrai que vous ayez public les Myes pour emettre ma Monographie. Je suis enchante des deux livraisons qui ont deja paru. Je vous adresse enfin les premieres planches d\m Memoire * que je vais inserer pour paraitre incessamment dans le second volume des Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchatel. Je pense que cette publication sera utile pour la determination des moules fossiles. Si vous desirez les avoir en platre, je vous les enverrai, mais comme ils appartiennent a notre Musee, vous nVobli- gerez de m^nvoyer en echange des fossiles ou des coquilles vivantes. Dans ce cas je vous indiquerai ce qui nous manque surtout. Agreez, Monsieur, Tassurance de mon parfait devouement, Ls. AGASSIZ. This is 'one of the most important scientific letters written by Agassiz, showing the direction of his mind and his preconceived ideas on a subject which he advo- cated, more or less, during his whole life, in regard to species and genera, and also the erroneous notion of the confinement of species to each group of formations, 1 " Memoire sur les Moules de Mollusques vivans et fossiles, premiere partie; Moule d'Acephales vivants." 4to, 1839. 1 84 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. against the plain facts brought forward by Deshayes, demonstrating the passage of species from one group to another, illustrated so vividly in the great Tertiary epoch of the Paris basin. In palaeontology Agassiz was an absolutist until the last two years of his life, when he abandoned the rigidity of his principles in his cele- brated prophetic letter to Benjamin Pierce on the sup- posed existence of Ammonites, Trilobites, and other lost forms of marine animals at great depths. These two errors are the most remarkable examples of the excess of his imagination. Another scientific letter, written at the same time to Jules Thurmann, is too good not to be given in full. NEUCHATEL, 12 fevrier, 1842. MONSIEUR JULES THURMANN a Porrentmy. Monsieur, — Gressly m'a fait le plaisir de me communiquer la lettre que vous lui avez adressee tout recemment. Je me rejouis infiniment d'apprendre que vous vous etes remis avec ardeur a la Geologic, et que vous etudiez maintenant serieusement les fossiles. Je vous remercie infiniment pour ma part des detaiies circonstancies dans lesquels vous etes entre sur les oursins, et rien ne me serait plus utile et agreable que de recevoir vos observations sur les autres parties de mon travail. Soyez persuade, Monsieur, que ^apprends bien davantage des remarques de ce genre, que les compliments d"une banalite affligeante, que les auteurs s'adressent si souvent. Je ne puis meme vous prouver Pimportance que j'y attache, qu:en re- pondant a vos remarques. Une chose m'a frappe, c'est que mes coupes generiques vous aient satisfaits. A ce sujet, je suis de la part des Zoologistes en bute a des reproches continuels ; on me repete sans cesse que je les multiplie a plaisir. Quant a moi j'ai la conviction que Ton ne par- vient bien a etudier les especes, qu'en les groupant dans des genres 1841-42-] LETTER TO THURMANN. 185 aussi restraint que possible ; sauf, peut-etre a en reunir plus tard plusieurs sous un meme chef, si Ton decouvre des types interme- diaires. Quant aux especes je partage pleinement les principes que vous enoncez, je les professe hautement ; je dirai meme que ce sont ces principes qui me dirigent dans mes etudes ; mais je differe surtout de vous dans leur application. Ay ant egard a ce qui a eu lieu dans les autres branches de la science, lorsqirelles etaient dans leur en- fance, je cherche a reunir le plus de materiaux possible, et apres avoir compare exactement, je distingue et distingue, faisant valoir les moindre differences que j'apercois, etablissant des especes souvent d'apres un seul exemplaire imparfait, sauf a reunir, quand on a rassemble des materiaux suffisants pour le faire a bon escient ; c'est la marche que la science a suivie dans toute son histoire. Ce travail de critique a ses inconvenients, je le sais ; il oblige de revenir sur les memes materiaux a plusieurs reprises ; mais il a ses grands avantages, c'est de forcer a un examen scrupuleux, tous ceux qui reunissent des materiaux nombreux sur une seule espece. II forcera les collecteurs a ne pas disseminer a 1'infini leurs exemplaires et a collecter des series et non pas des echant^llons. Vous verrez que toutes les fois qu'il m1a ete possible d'etudier des series d'exem- plaires, j'en ai analyse toutes les formes, distingue des varietes d'ages, de station, etc. Vous reconnoissez vous-meme, que nos collections sont trop pauvres pour nous permettre de faire cela, pour un grand nombre d'especes des a present. Le terme desirable n'est done pas encore a notre portee, et voila pourquoi je precede si dirferemment de la plupart de mes collegues dans 1'application des principes incontestables. Pour les memes' raisons j'ai frequemment etabli des genres dont je n'ai longtemps connu qu'une seule espece. Maintenant vous possedez des series d'especes dont je n'ai vu jusqu'ici que des exemplaires isoles ; c'est une bonne trouvaille et si vous voulez bien me les communiquer au complet, c'est-a-dire la masse des bons exemplaires je serai le premier a supprimer celles de mes especes qui forment double emploi. Mais avouez, qu'il etait plus profitable a la science, que c'etait du moins fixer les yeux ou Tattention d'une maniere bien plus pressante sur ces oursins, en etablissant le genre Pedina et en y distinguant plusieurs espaces 1 86 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. qu'en les reunissant sous un seul nom dans le genre Echinus. Sup- posons un instant, qu'au lieu de devoir les reunir, en partie du moins, comme cela me parait probable, d'apres ce que vous ecrivez a Gressly, les ayant d'abord reunis, quelqu'un cut trouve que Ton confondait plusieurs especes sous le meme nom. La vraie difficulte qui se serait alors presentee cut ete de savoir a laquelle, il faut con- server le nom primitif ; puis si cette espece est etablie depuis long- temps, s 'assurer laquelle des deux est mentionnee dans les differents auteurs ; puis effacer toutes les citations de localites deja mention- nees, parce qu'on ne sait plus, quelle est celle qui provient de 1'endroit A. ou de 1'endroit B., etc. C'est-a-dire que c'est a la crainte d^etablir trop (fespdces, sur des materiaux incomplets, qu'il faut attribuer tout cet effroyable dedale de la synonymie, et des fausses citations de gisements, qu'on ne peut eviter qu'en s'abstenant completement, ce qui ne fait faire aucun progres, ou en distinguant et distinguant toujours jusqu'a ce qu'on puisse reunir a coup sur. N'en n'a t'il pas ete ainsi de tons nos oiseaux aquatiques, dont les jeunes et les vieux ont passes pour des especes distinctes, meme aux yeux de Linnee? C'est cette maniere d'agir qui m'a conduit a etablir bien des especes, qu'il faudra peut-etre supprimer un jour. J'ajouterai encore que c'est faute de posseder moi-meme une grande partie des objets que je decris, que je suis force de faire faire les planches, pendant que ces objets sont a ma disposition et souvent de les numeroter d'A. B. C. et de faire pire encore. Aussi si nous nous voyons plus souvent, m'entendriez vous souvent repeter qu'il ne faudrait jamais publier que la seconde edition de ses oeuvres et toujours canceller la premiere apres en avoir fait part a ses amis seulement. Nous ne marcherons avec une entiere assurance en paleontologie, que quand on possedera autant d'editions d'un genre complet du Regne Animal, qu'il y a d'editions de " Cornelius Nepos" ou de la grammaire latine de Broder, ou de tel dictionnaire de poche. Gressly, Desor et moi nous travaillons aussi assiduement que possible a la paleontologie ; ces Messieurs vous ecrivent chacun de leur cote ; j'ai voulu aussi vous donner un signe de vie, et j'espere que nous n'en resterons pas la. Jent [1'e'diteur d'Agassiz a Soleure] ne*peut pas vous avoir adresse les planches de Myes, puisqu'il ne 1841-42.] JAMES D. FORBES. 187 les a pas encore. Ce sera Gressly on moi qui vous les auront fait parvenir, afin cTapprendre de vous, si vous aviez quelque chose de neuf dans ces genres. Vous irfobligerez infiniment en en faisant une petite caisse et en me Tadressant avec vos oursins. Nous determinerons cela en commim, et Gressly ou Desor vous renverra prochainement le tout. Agreez, Monsieur, mes salutations tres empressees. Ls. AGASSIZ. Seldom has Agassiz written such an important scien- tific letter, showing as it does his method of determining species and establishing new genera. In it he anticipates the criticism which has been made since, that he created too many species ; for instance, of fossil fishes from the flysck1 of Claris, some of which were distorted by strong lateral pressure. A larger number of specimens than were then at his disposal have since proved his mistake. At the meeting of the British Association at Glasgow during September, 1840, James D. Forbes, professor of natural philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, took such an interest in all the communications made by Agassiz on the glacial question and the glaciers, that Agassiz very politely tendered him an invitation to visit him the next summer at his " Hotel des Neuchatelois." On the 8th of August, 1841, Agassiz, with his assist- ants, again occupied their old and rather rough quarters on the Aar glacier ; and there Forbes, accompanied by a Scotch friend, Mr. Heath, was received as a 'welcome guest. Agassiz was delighted to have a physician so celebrated as Forbes to examine his observations. He showed him everything - - all the experiments they were 1 A lithologic term used in German Switzerland to designate a series of strata belonging to the Tertiary Eocene. 1 88 LOUTS AGASSfZ. [CHAP. vm. making in regard to temperature, progress of the mo- raine, etc., often asking his opinion and advice. But Forbes was as silent as a sphinx ; it was impossible to draw from him a single remark or hint. This impenetrability in a savant was new to Agassiz, who, until then, had more or less easily charmed every scien- tific man with whom he had come in contact. But this time he had found one who would not yield to his ingenuousness. During the three weeks spent by Forbes at the " Hotel des Neuchatelois," he observed everything around him, but said absolutely nothing, even as regards his impressions. Agassiz's desire to study the structure of glaciers led him to bore in the glacier a hole 140 feet deep ; and he was also lowered, supported simply by a rope, to a depth of 120 feet, into an old "moulin' or well, to see how far through the glaciers the laminated structure extended. This veined structure was the only point referred to by Forbes during his stay at the " Hotel des Neuchate- lois." It had been observed previously by David Brewster, Hugi, Bishop Rendu, Guyot, and Agassiz ; but Forbes afterward claimed that it was he who first called Agassiz's " attention to the fact that the ice of glaciers is composed of vertical laminae, constituting a true ribboned structure,"1 and raised a controversy, of which we shall speak farther on. Several peaks were ascended by Agassiz during Forbes's stay, among them the summit of the Ewig- schneehorn ; with a visit to the Gauli glacier, a walk over the " mer de glace de Viesch," and, finally, an 1 "Edinburgh Philosophical Journal," January, 1842. 1841-42-] ASCENT OF THE JUNGFRAU. 189 ascent of the Jungfrau. Until then no tourist had suc- ceeded in reaching the top of the Jungfrau. During the last two years Agassiz had often discussed with his favourite guide, Jacob Leuthold, the means of reaching that virgin peak, the great landmark of the Bernese Oberland.1 On the 2/th of August, Agassiz with Forbes, Heath, Desor, and two others, and six guides, left the Grimsel at four o'clock in the morning, arriving at six o'clock P.M. at the Meril Chalets, near the lake, where they were well received by the herders, who were rather astonished at the arrival of such a large party. Next morning, at five o'clock, they left Meril, aiming for the Aletsch glacier ; after a fatiguing walk on rather slippery ground, among " crevasses ' and over snow fields, the party reached the base of the last slope at three o'clock P.M. Four of the party had been forced by fatigue or giddiness to remain behind ; but the other eight- -one after another in turn- -gained the summit, which is only two feet long by a foot and a half broad. Agassiz was the first, then Desor, Forbes behind, and a French tourist, M. Duchatelier of Nantes, fourth. At four o'clock the descent began ; and they arrived all safe at half-past eleven P.M. at the Meril Chalets. Three days later Agassiz was again at the " Hotel des Neucha- telois," where he found his artist-friend, Burkhardt, and his assistant, Charles Girard, anxiously awaiting his return. 1 The two brothers, Rudolph and Jerome Meyer of Aarau, in 1811 and 1812, made two ascents of the Jungfrau with success, although the fact is contested by the mountaineers of the country. At all events, a party of guides, with J. Baumann as chief, succeeded in reaching the summit on the 8th of September, 1828. LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. During the five weeks' sojourn of Agassiz and his friends on the glacier of the Aar, from the 8th of August to the loth of September, 1841, many visitors were received besides Forbes. The title of " Hotel des Neuchatelois ' deceived several tourists, who, hearing of it at the Grimsel Hospice, came up expecting to find some establishment like the " Culm Hotel ' on the Rigi. Even a Scotch lady, Mrs. Covan of Edinburgh, in returning from an ascent of the Finsteraarhorn, stopped and was entertained as well as it was possible by Agassiz. Most of these visitors were obliged to return to the Grimsel to find lodging, or to be contented with a corner in the guide's cabin. The hospitality of the " Hotel des Neuchatelois" was reserved for savants or personal friends, such as General de Pfuel, the Prus- sian governor of Neuchatel, Lord Enniskillen of Ireland, the two de Rougemont of Neuchatel, the geologists, Studer and Escher von der Linth, the meteorologist and botanist, Charles Martins, Bravais, Guyot, etc. However, the solidity of the block forming the roof was begin- ning to awaken suspicion ; cracks had become alarm- ingly numerous, and when it rained, the interior of the hotel was almost a pond, with water running in every direction. It was only a question of time when the enormous block would break in pieces, and it was also feared that a sudden move of the glaciers might hasten the catastrophe. So every evening before retiring one of the party used to make the round of the cabin to see that all was right. Although not in immediate danger, it was resolved to abandon the " Hotel des Neuchatelois " and to erect next year a new cabin ; not, 1841-42-] NEUCHATEL ACADEMY. 191 as formerly, on the ' glacier, but on firm ground, and hence less exposed to dangerous accidents. Forbes, after his return from the ascent of the Jung- frau, visited parts of the Valais and Chamounix, and by the middle of September arrived at Neuchatel. His reception by Agassiz was most cordial ; and Agassiz's letter introducing Forbes to his good friend, Celestin Nicolet, may be quoted as an evidence of his solicitude to help him in every way. NEUCH&TEL, le 20 septembre, 1841. Mon cher ami Nicolet. — Cest M. le Professeur Forbes qui vous remettra ces lignes et que je vous recommande tout particulierement en vous priant de lui faire voir ce que vous avez d'interessant a la Chaux-de-Fonds, en fait de Sciences et dlndustrie. Je suis sure que vous aurez beaucoup de plaisir a faire la connoissance d'un homme aussi haut place dans le monde savant que M. Forbes. Venez bientot causer un pen plus intimement avec nous de tout ce que nous avons vu dans les Aipes ; plus vite et mieux. Tout a vous Ls. AGASSIZ. Although the Neuchatel Academy was founded in 1838, the public inauguration of the new institution was delayed until the i8th of November, 1841. Agassiz on that occasion, wearing the cross of the Red Eagle of Prussia, delivered an address, " De la Succession et du developpement des etres organises a la surface du globe terrestre dans les differents ages de la nature," in which he says, " Si le cours des astres ne nous presente aucune variation, si 1'ordre des saisons est immuable, si la reproduction des especes s'opere toujours de la meme maniere, il est evident que le cours de ces phenomenes 192 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. est invariablement regie et suit des lois naturelles, inde- pendantes de 1'influence creatrice qui les a etablies." Objections were raised by the rector of the academy and some of the professors ; and after discussion, it was resolved that two hundred separate copies of Agassiz's address should be printed for his own use, and four hundred copies of the three speeches delivered at the inauguration, as part of the programme and annual report of the academy. The pietist party was very strong then in Neuchatel, and several sentences in Agassiz's address were considered as anti-orthodox and antagonistic to the prevailing creed of the Neuchatel ministers. The following letter from Agassiz to the rec- tor shows the intensity of the commotion produced : — NEUCHATEL, 14 decembre, 1841. Mon cher collegue [le recteur Petavel]. --Considerez, je vous prie, que mon discours s'adresse au public de 1 'Academic et que peu m'importe le jugement de ceux qui sont incompetents ou incapables. Que serait notre Academic si elle devait se mettre a la hauteur de tous ceux qui en veulent ? Vous auriez pu voir vendredi que je fais de vos reclamations une affaire de principes et que je suis parfaite- ment decide a ne pas faire la moindre concession, parce que j'y verrais une atteinte fatale a la liberte d'enseignement et parce que je tiens a ce que notre Academic aie de la tenue et qu'un de ses membres ne dise pas blanc aujourd'hui et noir demain. Ne con- fondez pas votre position avec la mienne ; vous deviez parler au nom du corps academique et c'est ce qui nous donnait a tous le droit d'exiger que vous parleriez dans tel ou tel sens, dans celui de la majority, sauf a vous de donner votre demission comme Recteur, s'il ne vous convenait pas d'etre 1'organe de notre pensee : Vous ne faites pas assez cette distinction. J'ai parle pour moi et dans rinteret de notre Academic ; je ne souflfrirais pas la moindre critique de ce que j'ai fait et dit ; je vous le repete sans la moindre ani- 1841-42.] LETTER TO THE RECTOR. 193 mosite ; je dirai meme que je le fais comme si j'etais tout a fait etranger a la discussion et uniquement parce que vous me demandez comme Recteur : quel bien je pense que cela fera a PAcademie, et parce que me faisant le defenseur de cette independance de Pesprit, sans laquelle rien ne grand ne peut prosperer, je dois vous rappeler que le Recteur est tenu de rester etranger a tout cela. S'il en etait autrement, ce seraient des antecedents qui donneraient acces au cceur meme de PAcademie a des influences etrangeres, que je ferai toujours tons mes efforts d'en bannir et auxquelles il faut fermer la bouche des le commencement pour qifelles ne reiterent pas leurs tentatives. Je vous Pai dit dans mon discours et je vous le repete ici : il est peu de grandes verites qui n:aient ete traitees de chimeres et de blasphemes, avant qu'elles fussent demontrees. Heureuse- ment que les temps de Galilee n?existent plus ; mais aussi y a-t-il bien moins de merite qu'alors a ne pas composer avec les preten- r tions des Ministres de VEglise, et ce n'est certes pas une couronne / de martyr que j'espere conquerir. Je dis "de PEglise," et par la j'entends les ministres de tons les cultes, qu'ils soient protestants, catholiques, juifs ou mahometans, qui ne veulent faire de progres en rien, Notez bien que je ne vous dis pas " de la Religion." N'oubliez pas que mes doctrines ne peuvent porter d'atteinte qu'a Penseigne- f ment des docteurs de 1'Eglise et nullement aux verites de la Religion. J'en reviens a mon discours. Ennuye de toutes ces discussions, je le livrerai aujourd'hui a Wolfrath (Pimprimeur) sans notes, tel que je Pai lu, sans y changer quoique ce soit. Si on ne me laisse pas tranquille a ce sujet, ce sera ma meilleur defense. Agreez, mon cher collegue, mes salutations bien empressees ; croyez que j'estime votre zele pour les convictions que vous pro- fessez maintenant. Soyez persuade que jamais je ne chercherai cle discuter sur ces matieres, que je desire avant tout vivre en paix avec mes convictions et pouvoir poursuivre sans relache mes recherches, ne reclamant en leur faveur que la meme tolerance que je concede a tout le monde. Ls. AGASSIZ. This is the most decisive letter ever written by Agassiz. At that time Neuchatel was entirely in the o 1 94 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. r hands of the " Ministres de 1'Eglise"; and the Pietists and even the " Momiers " largely controlled Neuchatel society. Some of Agassiz's most intimate friends, like Arnold Guyot, were among the leaders of the Pietists, and it required considerable moral courage to resist the anti-liberal pressure exerted by the sect against all lib- eral, even scientific ideas. This controversy is the best answer to the attacks of those who have pretended that Agassiz came under the influence of the Methodists in America. Agassiz, on the contrary, was most liberal in religion, and always took care never to confuse science with religion. All his life he kept free of the " Ministres de 1'Eglise," both in Europe and in Amer- ica. To tell the truth, he never liked " ministers," to whatever sect they might belong. To finish this inci- dent, Agassiz was appointed rector of the Neuchatel Academy for the year 1842-1843 ; and in his " Discours du Nouvel-An," the ist of January, 1843, he said: - Une institution aussi jeune que notre Academie a surtout besoin de Tappui (Tun monarque qui veille avec une si constante sollicitude aux interets de la science. Deja avant son avenement an trone Frederic-Guillaume IV etait le protecteur le plus zele des sciences en Prusse, et sous son regne les institutions scientifiques du royaume brillent d'un nouvel eclat, du surtout a Pempressement avec lequel le roi a appele dans ses Etats les hommes les plus eminents de 1'Alle- magne dans le domaine de la philosophic, des sciences, du droit et des lettres. Tout recemment encore, il a inaugure 1'oeuvre d'une grande reconciliation religieuse. C'est lui qui a brise de vielles entraves qui pourraient gener un nouvel elan de Intelligence pour agrandir les limites d'une libre expression de la pensee, tout en la contenant dans de sages bornes.1 1 " La premiere Academie de Neuchatel," par Alphonse Petitpierre, pp. 128-129, Neuchatel, 1889. 1841-42.] CONTROVERSY WITH J. D. FORBES. 195 In his agenda, Agassiz wrote the same day : " Pre- sente comme Recteur les hommages du corps acade- mique au Roi. La reponse du President du Conseil d'Etat me fait supposer que les paroles moderees que j'ai prononcees ont deplu." After a second thought, and on the advice of the governor, General de Pfuel, repre- senting the king of Prussia, the matter was dropped. The year 1842 began with a difficulty with James Forbes, ended with one with Karl Schimper, with the erection of a new and rather too costly establishment at the glacier of the Aar as an interlude, - -three things which might have been avoided to the advantage of Agassiz. On the 26th of February his secretary, who by this time had become hardly inferior to Agassiz, wrote a rather sharp and irritating letter to Forbes, relating to the question of priority in the discovery of the laminated structure of the glacier. Desor, by incli- nation and education, was always ready for a controversy or a discussion on any point scientific, political, or relig- ious. He had learned enough of law, when a student, to assimilate the spirit of the advocate. He became a naturalist by accident, and as a means of supporting himself. But his proper sphere was politics; and as soon as he became unexpectedly rich, he devoted almost all his time to politics; as his biographer says: "He was persuaded, at the end of his life, that on his shoulders rested the welfare of the Swiss Confederacy, of the Neuchatel Canton, and of -the federal Polytechnicum. He passed all his time in writing polemic articles in newspapers, compromised himself in petty personal dis- cussions, and founded a newspaper to advocate and 196 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. maintain his ideas and regain his political position, promptly lost by his own fault. In the end, his news- paper was reduced to only one hundred subscribers ; and the fatigues he incurred to maintain his political views in a great measure brought on the fatal illness which carried him off at Nice, the 23d of February, 1882." The beginning of the controversy with Forbes is recorded in the following letter from Agassiz, addressed to Mr. Murray's son in London, who was the editor of the "Annals and Magazine of Natural History." NEUCHA.TEL, 13 fevrier, 1842. D'apres votre lettre je presume que c'est Forbes qui vous a offert un article sur les glaciers ; si c'est lui ce serait une raison de plus pour moi de vous prier cTattendre mes notes, car je viens de recevoir une notice de lui inseree dans le Journal de Jameson (£#/«£ w^/j New Philosophical Journal} qui me parait la plus complete indiscretion dont on puisse se rendre coupable envers un ami. Mr. Forbes a mon invitation est venu passer trois semaines dans la cabane que j'avais fait etablir sur le glacier de TAar, je lui ai fait voir tout ce que la glacier offre d'interessant, toutes les recherches ont etc sui- vies sous ses yeux. Des le premier jour je lui ai meme annonce que Pun des points que je me proposals specialement d'etudier etait la structure intime du glacier et particulierement les apparences rubannees du glacier que j'avais a peine mentionnees dans mon / ouvrage ("Etudes sur les Glaciers1'), p. 121, en en decrivant Taspect exterieur, parce que depuis 1838 ou je les avais pour la premiere fois remarquees sur la mer de glace de Chamounix je n'etais point encore parvenu a en suivre tons les details, ce phe- nomene n'etant pas toujours egalement distinct. Comme cette annee il a ete facile de Pobserver, nous en avons fait une etude detaillee et des les 3 octobre, 1841, j'en donnai la description a M. de Humboldt, alors a Paris, qui en fit part a 1'Academie (des Sciences de Tlnstitut de France), et voila qu'en decembre {Edin- burgh New Philosophical Journal, January, 1842), Mr. Forbes en 1841-42.] LETTP:R TO MR. MURRAINS SON. 197 fait part a P Academic crEdinburgh en s'en appropriant la clecou- verte et en poussant 1'impudence jusqu'a dire qu'il fut surpris en visitant le glacier de TAar cle voir en me parlant cle ce phenomene que je ne le connaissais pas. Veuillez a ce sujet comparer la page 121 de mon livre. II faut absolument que je fasse connaitre ces faits pour ne pas paraitre plus tard plagiaire dans mes propres observations, et je vous prie de communiquer le contenu de cette lettre a tous ceux de mes amis que vous connoissez et que cela pent interesser. Ceci est une raison de plus pour activer la redaction de mes observations sur les glaciers, et je compte que votre sentiment de justice vous engagera a les attendre plutot que d'accepter quelque fausse monnaie. Je vous prie cependant de ne pas faire imprimer ceci parce que je compte faire moi-meme la Ie9on a Mr. Forbes. Je serais moins surpris de ce que vient de faire Forbes, si lorsque nous etions ensemble et que je le priais de contribuer a faire con- naitre avec moi les glaciers en pretant a cette question Tappui du nom d'un physicien justement estime dans le monde savant, il s'y etait continuellement refuse, en repetant qu'il n'avait aucune opinion sur ce sujet, qu'il avait voulu seulement apprendre a les connaitre en venant les etudier avec moi et qu'il se garderait bien de rien publier sur une matiere dans laquelle il lui restait plus que des doutes J'etais bien loin de presumer que sous cette reserve se cachait Tmtention de s'approprier les observations les plus pre- cieuses de cette campagne. Mr. Forbes a soin de dire que c'est dans ma societe et celle de Mr. Heath de Cambridge qu'il a sejourne trois semaines sur le glacier. Pour etre vrai il aurait du dire que j'avais fait etablir la haut un appareil de forage desservi par cinq ou six hommes y com- pris un maltre foreur, que je m'etais fait accompagner dim peintre qui a dessine pour moi tous les accidents du glacier dont quelques uns out ete copies par Mr. Forbes ; que deux de mes amis, M. le Docteur Vogt nVaidait dans les recherches microscopiques et M. Desor dans celles concernant la geologic ; c'etait tout un etablisse- ment que Mr. Forbes s'appropie gratuitement par un pretentieux our. Qu'en serait-il si de leur cote les autres savants MM. Studer, Escher, Martins, etc., qui sont venus nous visiter et passer quelques jours avec nous, en faisaient autant? 198 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. Agassiz took the side of his secretary, and published, on the 2ist of April, 1842, a pamphlet of ten octavo pages, without title, but which may be called, " A reply to Mr. James D. Forbes on the laminated structure of glaciers." The paper, although " privately distrib- uted," was circulated largely among Agassiz's friends to the number of five hundred copies. It began with a reprint of a letter to M. Desor, under the date of nth March, 1842, published by Forbes, with the remark : " The following letter from Professor Forbes to M. Desor of Neuchatel was written in answer to one from the latter to the former, in which Professor Forbes is charged with having, in a paper on the structure of the ice of glaciers . . . assumed as his own a discovery previously well known to M. Agassiz and his friends. It appears that this injurious assertion has been pretty extensively circulated through private channels, and, in consequence, Professor Forbes has been advised by his friends to make his denial equally known." The asser- tion that Desor's written letter " has been pretty exten- sively circulated through private channels ' involved a gratuitous supposition without foundation; the letter was not printed, and neither Agassiz nor Desor had even kept a copy of it. Forbes's printed letter, on the contrary, was largely circulated, although no copy was addressed to Agassiz ; and Agassiz was obliged to make use of the " Private copy for Mr. Guyot ' in order to have it reprinted in his pamphlet. If the "confidential adviser" of Agassiz, as Forbes calls Desor, erred in writing to Forbes in a rather surly tone, Forbes's letter is much more objectionable. In it 1841-42-] CONTROVERSY WITH 7 D. FORBES. 199 he calls to his help Studer, who was always only too ready to join in a crusade against intruders on his geological preserve of the Bernese Oberland. Forbes seems rather anxious not to appear to have studied " in the school of Agassiz " ; but to show that the fact of the structure of the ice described in his notice was unknown to Agassiz, de Charpentier, and other writers. His remarks about " studying in a school ' are childish in the extreme, and his knowledge of other works on the structure of the ice was certainly limited ; for Hugi, Rendu, and before them David Brewster of Edinburgh, had observed the veined structure. Agassiz's answer, dated the 2Qth of March, 1842, gives the whole story of the relations between him and Forbes. There is no doubt that Agassiz and every one who met Forbes under the auspices of Agassiz, both at the "Hotel des Neuchatelois " and at Neuchatel, did everything possible to help Forbes, and were ex- tremely kind and courteous to him ; while, on his part, Forbes was austere to an extent seldom seen, even among Englishmen. The impression he made when in Switzerland was decidedly unfavourable, except in the case of a single person, Professor Bernard Studer, to whom he afterward dedicated his book, " Travels through the Alps of Savoy," etc., 1843. It was wrong on his part to accept the hospitality of Agassiz, and then to act as if he had met him in a hotel. He was con- stantly on his guard not to show any mark of assent, or to say anything which might be useful for future observa- tions. His great reserve puzzled everybody ; and when he left, there was a general feeling of relief. Through- 200 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vin. out his stay the relations were never cordial. He personified the celebrated type of Englishmen so well described and caricatured by Topffer, in his " Nouvelles Genevoises," " Les deux-Scheidegg " : "Je defende vos de paaler a moa, quand je dise rien a vos." A true no ! no ! 1 tall, thin, dry, haughty, and extremely egotistical. Agassiz put forward the doubtful claim of Arnold Guyot to priority in the discovery of ribboned structure, noted by Hugi as far back as 1830. It would have been better had no attention been paid to Forbes's paper, which was written in bad taste and against all the rules of courtesy between savants. The only person who obtained any benefit from this uncalled-for dispute was Desor, whose name, until then entirely unknown in England and on the continent, except in Switzerland, became conspicuous as the " con- fidential adviser" of Agassiz. All friendly relations between Agassiz and Forbes ended with the following letter addressed by Agassiz to Forbes, then in a hotel at Neuchatel : — LE 12 JUIN, 1842. Monsieur, — Je viens de recevoir la brochure que vous rrfavez fait I'honneur de m'adresser et pour laquelle je vous prie cTagreer mes remerciements. Je regrette que vous n'ayez pas encore re£u le rccit de notre course a la Jungfrau que M. Desor vous a adresse il y a plusieurs mois, si j'en avals encore un exemplaire a ma dis- position je vous Tadresserais, afm que vous puissiez en prendre connoissance. 1 Rudolph Topffer in his novel " Le Col d'Anterne " gives, as a type of a well-bred Englishman, a tourist set in front of the Mont-Blanc, who disclaimed to answer any of the numerous and polite questions asked by Topffer, except by the two words, No ! no ! and Ui ! ui ! 201 1841-42.] rORHES. 201 N'ayant re9u aucune reponse aux deux dernicres lettres que j"ai eu rhonneur de vous adresser et apres la reponse que vous avez faite a ma precedente, en livrant au public des remarques qui n'allaient qu'a votre adresse, je ne coii9ois pas quelle espece de relations per- sonnelles vous pouvez rechercher avec moi. Celles que j'aurais pu desirer, vous les avez rendues impossibles ; et je ne saurais accepter les froides civilite's d'une personne en qui j 'avals vu un ami. Cela ne m'empechera pas de rendre pleine et entiere justice a celles de vos publications qui tiennent de loin ou de pres aux recherches scientifiques que je poursuis. Agre'ez, Monsieur, etc., Louis AGASSIZ. It would have been wiser on the part of Agassiz and more profitable if, after his ascent of the Jungfrau and his two "sejours" at the "Hotel des Neuchatelois " in 1840 and 1841, he had let the glacial question take care of itself. The impulse he had given was quite sufficient to assure his reputation as one of the first and most successful workers ; and his place, after Venetz and de Charpentier, was recognized as undisputed by all those who had studied glaciers and the glacial age. Frightened at the constant increase of expenses, his Swiss and German families made remonstrances, and were absolutely opposed to a new establishment at the glacier of the Aar, to replace the " Hotel des Neucha- telois," which had gone to pieces during the winter, according to a report just received from the Grimsel. Agassiz's best scientific friends, with Humboldt at their head, hinted that, after all, his works on fishes furnished his best claim to reputation and celebrity. In a previ- ous letter, dated Berlin, i/th of June, 1838, Humboldt, in a friendly way, had told him that he had never had 202 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. a secretary, or even a copyist, preferring to do all his writing, and expressing his fear when he learned that he had nine assistants in his employ, adding humor- ously, " I am sure that there must be some gold some- where in your polished rocks. I should like to know your secret how to work so profitably and so quickly all these mines." Humboldt repeated his friendly advice during the summer of 1842, saying plainly that he, the man of the equinoctial region, was frightened by the Eiszeit and the terrible ice cap. But all this was in vain. Agassiz had an answer for every objection; and all that even his alarmed mother could obtain was a promise that he would not make any more ascents of inaccessible peaks, and be lowered again into hell, — "descente aux enfers," as his descent into the glacier well was familiarly called. Arrived at the Grimsel, the /th of July, 1842, Agassiz, with his numerous assistants, at once began observations and excursions, first to the Siedelhorn, and after that to the glacier of the Rhone. The troglodytic habitation under the immense block, having become unsafe, it was replaced by a long tent, divided into three compart- ments, used as laboratory and dining-room, sleeping- room, and dormitory for the workmen. The form of the tent - - twenty metres long, four metres broad, and five metres high - - recalled a Noah's ark, and was therefore christened "the Ark,"1 to distinguish it from the " Hotel des Neuchatelois," which was now used as a kitchen. The old cabin of the guides served as a stable 1 The old name of "Hotel des Neuchatelois," however, continued in use ; and the archaic word " Ark " was dropped before the summer was over. 1841-42-] STAY AT THE GLACIER OF THE AAR. 203 for ten goats ; and the establishment, as a whole, was a great improvement on the old one. Besides being built on the solid ground and not on the moving median moraine, it afforded a shelter, beneath which they could work whenever the rain obliged them to keep in doors. On the loth of July it was ready for occupancy; and the same night Agassiz, Wild, Vogt, Nicolet, Desor, Burkhardt, and Girard slept under the canvas-covered cabin. A new member was added to the usual staff of Agassiz, - - M. Wild of Zurich, who had been engaged by Agassiz as a topographical engineer, to survey and make a trigonometric plan of the Aar glacier. To be sure, the king of Prussia, on the recommendation of Humboldt, had granted nearly a thousand dollars for the continuance of Agassiz's glacial work; but this royal gift was soon expended, and before the campaign of 1842 was over, Agassiz was more deeply in debt than ever; for with him a gift, however large and important, was only an occasion to expend twice and three times more than he had received. The stay at the glacier extended from the beginning of July until the middle of September, with numerous excursions, one as far as Altorf to attend the meeting of the Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences. Escher de la Linth and Ferdinand Keller (the same who twelve years after made the first discovery of the lacustrine habitation of prehistoric man) were among the guests who helped to make observations and experi- ments on the glacier. Numerous other guests came, but only as visitors and spectators. Investigations were made in regard to infiltration, lamellar structure, strati- 204 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. fication of the glacier, the purity and composition of the ice, the " crevasses," the temperature, the motion of the glacier, the ablation, and the neve. Agassiz had resolved to embody in a large publication, in three parts, everything relating to the glacial system. The first part, the only one ever published, was entitled " Nouvelles etudes et experiences sur les glaciers actuels, leur structure, leur progression, et leur action physique sur le sol," and was accompanied by a beau- tiful folio atlas, containing three maps and nine plates (Paris, 1847). The second part was to be on the " Alpine erratics," by Guyot. It was never written, only a few general conclusions being published, without maps of any sort. It is to be regretted, for Guyot had prepared a map showing the distribution of the Alpine boulders, which had not been published. However, a great part of it — more than two-thirds at least- -was anticipated by the issue, in 1845, at Winterthur, of an anonymous map of the old glaciers of the Swiss Alps, showing the extent of the ancient glaciers of the Arve, Rhone, Aar, Reuss, Linth, and Rhine, with their lateral and frontal moraines. This map is entitled " Verbrei- tungsweise der Alpen-fiindlinge," and its author is the modest and very able geologist, Arnold Escher von der Linth. Very likely the publication of this map dis- couraged Guyot, who was always extremely slow and timid ; and he resolved to publish neither the volume advertised nor his map. As to the third and final part, by Desor, treating of erratic phenomena outside of Switzerland, it remained in the stage of contemplation, and was never begun. 1841-42-] JOHN TYNDALL. 205 Agassiz and all his collaborators and friends certainly worked hard and with a determination to penetrate all the secrets of the glaciers, and some of their observa- tions and experiments are excellent and valuable ; but it is no injustice to any of them to say that they were not sufficiently equipped and prepared for the work they had rather rashly undertaken. Devotion to progress of science was not sufficient ; something more was required. De Charpentier and Bishop Rendu had already said all that could be expected from men not trained as physi- cists. Agassiz added very little, if any, to their work. What was wanted was a great physicist, to solve the problem of glaciers. James D. Forbes proved unequal to the task ; and it was reserved for John Tyndall, the great pupil and successor of Faraday, as the discoverer of " radiant heat," to explain fully the origin of glaciers, the pressure theory, regelation, crystallization and inter- nal liquefaction, the veined structure ; in fact, all the mechanism of glaciers. The principles set forth in Tyndall's "The Glaciers of the Alps" (London, 1860), come next to the great discoveries of Venetz and de Charpentier, and to Agassiz's Ice-age. The four com- plete the survey of the subject. In November, 1842, Agassiz, losing patience with the constant attacks in German newspapers directed against him by his formerly intimate friend, Dr. Karl Schimper, published a pamphlet entitled " Erwiederung auf Dr. Karl Schimper's Angriffe," four-page quarto, for pri- vate circulation, though it was freely distributed, more especially in Germany and Switzerland. It would have been better Agassiz had ignored these attacks ; but 206 LOUIS AGASSTZ. [CHAP. vm. urged on, he says, by many friends, and I may add by the one called by Forbes " his confidential adviser," he wrote his " Reply to Dr. Karl Schimper's Attacks." In it, interesting details of their life as students, and of the sort of community existing at that time between Alexan- der Braun, the two Schimper brothers, and Agassiz are given, and the kindness and generosity of Agassiz to the two Schimpers are revealed; full justice is done to the brilliant intellect of Karl Schimper, and his share in the diagram entitled " Crust of the Earth as related to Zoology," constructed by him with the help of notes furnished by Agassiz, and afterward published (1848), is fully acknowledged. As to Agassiz's delay in return- ing specimens of fishes lent to him for his great work on fossil fishes, it was unavoidable, on account of the many specimens to be taken care of, and the delay in the publication. As soon as the work was finished, every specimen was carefully packed and returned in good condition. Schimper's claim to a small collection of minerals offered to Agassiz at Carlsruhe, when Agassiz was on the point of beginning his lectures as professor at Neu- chatel, shows only too plainly how depressed and de- moralized Schimper had become after the break in his relations with Agassiz in 1838. The only fault, and it is a very trivial one, to be found with Agassiz, is that he did not refer to Schimper again in his volume " Etudes sur les Glaciers," in regard to the otherwise erroneous explanation of the diminution of the temperature of the globe with the disappearance of the animals, analogous to the phenomena accompany- 1841-42-] KARL SCHIMPER. 207 ing the death of individuals, and then of its rising again, due to the arrival of a new creation of animals, develop- ing heat as a consequence. In his volume Agassiz reproduced Schimper's small mathematical figure, and it would have been well to quote Schimper as his authority. Alexander Braun, when consulted, threw the blame on Agassiz, but refused to take part in the dis- pute. In a letter from Agassiz to Braun, published in Braun's Life, by his daughter, he says that if he did not / quote and speak of Schimper in his ' Etudes sur les Glaciers," it was in order to punish Schimper for his unjustifiable conduct towards him; a very lame excuse, for scientific ideas and discoveries are sacred property, which cannot be cancelled under any circumstances. If Agassiz had repeated the sentence in his Neuchatel Address of 1837, "1'explication de tous ces phenomenes (glaciaires) est le resultat de la combinaison de mes idees et de celles de M. Schimper," everything would have been satisfactory. It is strange that Agassiz did not abandon the theo- ries advanced in his " Discours de Neuchatel," after its delivery; for they met with not the smallest acquiescence or encouragement, either from those who heard the address or from those who read it afterward. De Char- pentier was against it, and Sedgwick, the celebrated geologist of Cambridge (England), expressed in happy terms the impression made on him by the reading of the * " Etudes sur les Glaciers," when he said : ' I have read his Ice-book. It is excellent, but in the last chapter he loses his balance, and runs away with the bit in his mouth."1 1 "Life and Letters of Sedgwick," Vol. II., p. 18, Cambridge, 1890. 208 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vin. The immense " nappe" of ice covering the earth, its breaking by the upheaval of the Alps, etc., seem the theoretical views of a dreamer, and are entirely at vari- ance with the excellent and remarkable observations on the power of glaciers to carry boulders, and their great extension during the Quaternary epoch. But it was a special characteristic of Agassiz's mind, which was intensified by the teaching of his great master Cuvier, seldom to acknowledge an error, but on the contrary to try by all means to maintain his position. He re- peatedly made mistakes in dealing with other savants, and also in the too hasty generalizations which he sometimes put forward in natural history. I do not hesitate to attribute these weak points in Agassiz's character to the influence of the author of the " Ana- tomie Comparee," an influence which, if profitable on many accounts, was sometimes much to be regretted. At all events, Cuvier's influence was profound, and among many things that Agassiz learned in his labora- tory, was one of his most pronounced faults, the author- itative and tyrannical attitude of the master, unable to accept a contradiction, or to abandon an idea, when once promulgated and in print. The polemic with Karl Schimper was unfortunate, because Schimper was no longer responsible. Like all persons suffering from mental disorder, he thought he had discovered all that he had heard in regard to the glaciers and the glacial question during his long visits at Bex and at Neuchatel, and he treated very slightingly Venetz, Charpentier, and Agassiz ; he attributed to him- self the lion's share, when he was only a poetical echo, 1841-42.] DANIEL DOLLFUS-AUSSET. 209 and a rather fantastic one at that, of what he had heard during his stay in Switzerland. His half-scientific, half- humorous poem " Die Eiszeit," printed at Neuchatel, for friends, the I5th of February, 1837, the birthday of Galileo Galilei, whose name Schimper had assumed when a student, shows the state of mind into which he had al- ready sunk; that of an obscured spirit. Schimper, after brilliant " debuts " in science, produced nothing but two small volumes of indifferent poetry, entitled " Gedichte ' (Erlangen, 1840, and Mannheim, 1847); he published nothing on the morphology of plants, although he is justly regarded as one of its discoverers. Charged by Prince Maximilian of Bavaria, in 1842, to make a sur- vey of the Bavarian Alps and the Palatinate, he made no report, and finally was confined in an asylum, at Schwetzingen, where he died the 2ist of December, 1867. There is no doubt that Schimper was a well gifted man. Without publishing a word, he left, as a botan- ist, a reputation of a high order, and he influenced both Alexander Braun and Agassiz to a great extent, possessing more imagination and original ideas than either of them. " II n'a manque a Schimper que d'etre sobre," one of those who knew him best once said to me. Among the visitors attracted by curiosity to the "Hotel des Neuchatelois," during the summer of 1842, was a great manufacturer of Mulhausen, M. Daniel Dollfus-Ausset. Such an enthusiast of high regions, of glaciers, and of the glacial question, has rarely existed. He was so fascinated by all that he saw on the glacier p 210 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. vm. of the Aar, that from that day he became not only an adept, but one of the most generous patrons of the work in progress on the Oberland glaciers. As a first step, he begged Agassiz to accept for him, and as many of his assistants as he wished, an invitation to pass the week between Christmas and New Year with him at the Hotel des Trois-Rois at Bale, as a relaxation from their hard work, and to celebrate his enrolment among the glacialists, and the inhabitants of the " Hotel des Neu- chatelois." Agassiz, in company with Desor and Vogt, left Neuchatel the 24th of December, 1842, and arrived at Bale in time to celebrate " Le reveillon," or Christmas Eve. " Papa Dollfus," as he was always called after- ward, received them most cordially, and for a whole week, with the exception of daily morning work at the Museum of Natural History, under the direction of the learned and very sociable Peter Merian, they were treated as princes of the sciences. And thus Agassiz and his assistants ended the year 1842 at Bale, in the enjoyment of a 'royal hospitality. CHAPTER IX. 1843-1844. " RECHERCHES SUR LES POISSONS FOSSILES," 1833-1843 — REVIEW OF IT BY JULES PlCTET DE LA RlVE — DR. A. GiJNTHER's OPINION — AGAS- siz's ERRORS WITH THE EOCENE FOSSIL FISHES OF CLARIS (SWITZER- LAND)— THE PART TAKEN BY COLLABORATORS IN THE " POISSONS FOSSILES" — ANOTHER VISIT TO THE GLACIER OF THE AAR--THE MEETING OF THE HELVETIC SOCIETY AT LAUSANNE, JULY, 1843- AGASSIZ'S HOSPITALITY AT NEUCHATEL — FALSE POSITION OF HIS SECRETARY, DESOR, AND HIS ASSISTANT, VOGT — SCIENTIFIC LIFE IN NEUCHATEL — " MONOGRAPHIES DES POISSONS FOSSILES DU VIEUX GRES ROUGE," 1844 - - THE GEOLOGIST AND STONECUTTER, HUGH MILLER — " HISTOIRENATURELLE DES POISSONS D'EAU DOUCE " — KARL VOGT LEAVES AGASSIZ — EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE AT CHAMBERY (SAVOY) — FAILURE OF NICOLET'S LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT — DINKEL LEAVES NEUCHATEL — ILL- NESS OF GRESSLY. THE publication of the " Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles ' continued through the ten years from 1833 to 1843, when the eighteenth and last part or " livrai- son ' was issued, with " Additions a la preface," dated I Neuchatel, May, 1843, which may be considered as the last pages of that great work. It is a true monument to the science of palaeontology, and to speak of it with authority requires such special study of ichthyology, that the only way to give an idea of its value is to quote one of the very few men able to speak of it with " con- 211 212 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. noissance de cause." For this reason, I have chosen to quote what Jules Pictet de la Rive says of it in his arti- cle, "Agassiz" ("Album de la Suisse Romane," 5^me vol., Geneva, 1847), Pictet had made a special study of fossil and living fishes, and his intimacy with and admiration for Agassiz never relaxed during his whole life. Independent by character and possessing a large fortune, Pictet's opinions are properly considered just and unbiassed. " The ' Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles,' says Pictet, " was one of the first conceptions of Agassiz, and form to-day his most substantial title to renown. It is in this beautiful work that the immanent qualities of our learned palaeontologist shine more specially and that his rich imagination has full play, although always guided by a sagacious and well-balanced judgment based on conscientious researches and on a minute analysis of even the smallest parts of the organism. " The limits of this article do not allow us to give a complete idea of the work, which is composed of five quarto volumes and a folio atlas of almost four hundred plates. We shall only try to set forth the aim, the plan, and the most important results. " We know that when Cuvier published his first works on the fossils his principal aim was to demonstrate that the species destroyed by the revolutions of the globe and preserved as fossils are different from those living now on our continents and in our seas. That truth has to-day become unquestionable, and new discoveries have shown by the most undeniable evidence, that there have been in the history of the earth a series of epochs 1 843-44.] POISSONS FOSS/LES. 213 during which the forms of the oceans and the conti- nents have been successively modified, and each one of them has been characterized by a special flora and fauna ; that is to say, by an ensemble of vegetables and animals specifically different from those coming before or after. The fishes have existed since the oldest ages of the globe, and their remains are found in all the successive periods. Their palaeontological history, con- sequently, is most important, and furnishes precious data concerning this succession of faunas. " When Agassiz began his researches and foresaw the importance of the result that he might draw from them, the classification of fishes was not advanced enough to allow sufficient comparisons. Some dissimi- lar forms were associated together, while other very similar ones were separated by large intervals. Before everything else, it was necessary to establish an exact classification. Agassiz found in the scales the neces- sary elements to solve the problem, and he recognized that these teguments of the body correspond well with the interior characters, and that their variations are, in general, associated with and due to, organic differ- ences. He accordingly divided fishes into the follow- ing four orders : (i) The Cycloids, with scales, rounded, smooth, and simple at the margin, composed of laminae of horn or bone, but without enamel, - - endo-skeleton ossified ; (2) the Ctenoids, with scales jagged or pecti- nated (like the teeth of a comb) on the posterior margin, formed by laminae of horn, but without enamel,- -endo- skeleton ossified; (3) the Ganoids, with angular scales regularly arranged like paving-stones, and composed of 214 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. horny plates covered with a strong, shining enamel, — endo-skeleton cartilaginous, in some partly osseous and partly cartilaginous ; (4) the Placoids, with cartilaginous skeleton and skin covered irregularly with enamel plates, sometimes of considerable dimensions, at other times reduced to small points like the prickly, tooth- like tubercles on the skin of rays. " This classification allowed easy comparisons and generalizations, and the palseontologic history of the fishes offered results not at all expected and most im- portant. These animals have been completely renewed by successive creations, and whole populations of them have been destroyed to make room for others which were very different Of the four orders indicated above, the Placoids, or cartilaginous fishes, have existed during all the geologic periods, though they have undergone various modifications, most remarkable especially in the teeth. But the other three orders — that is, the osseous fishes — have somehow replaced one another. Our present seas contain almost altogether Ctenoids and Cycloids, and, except two genera of Ganoids living in rivers of warm countries, these two orders compose all the present fauna of osseous fishes, while, on the con- trary, none existed before the deposit of the chalk, and it would be vain to look in all the preceding epochs for one Ctenoid or one Cycloid ; that is to say, the old seas did not contain a single fish with thin horny scales like our perches or our trout, while in the present fresh waters and seas we find such fishes almost altogether. ' On the other hand, the Ganoids were most common previous to the Cretaceous epoch, and that order, now 1 843-44.] POISSONS FOSSfLES. 215 reduced, as I have said above, to only two genera, then formed the majority of the population of the seas. These same fishes present in their history a very re- markable fact. Until the Lias epoch, all the Ganoids possessed on the superior part of the tail a lobe formed by a prolongation of the vertebrate column. But from the Lias, on the contrary, all had a tail formed as that of the osseous fishes of the present time ; that is to say, the vertebrate column stops at the base of the tail. "It is, therefore, possible to divide the palaeonto- logical history of the fishes into three periods or epochs. During the first, extending from the Silurian to the Trias, the faunas are composed of Placoids and Ganoids with the vertebrate column prolonged to the upper lobe of the tail. In the second, which corresponds to the Jurassic epoch, we find the Placoids and Ganoids, with the ordinary tail. In the third, which began during the Cretaceous epoch and continued in our modern period, the Placoids, the Ctenoids, and the Cycloids form almost entirely the ichthyological population of the world. Hence, if a geologist found a Ganoid with a prolonged tail, he could conclude that the strata in which he found it belonged to the first period ; a Ganoid with an ordi- nary tail would indicate, with sufficient certainty, that the group of strata belonged to the second epoch ; and so on. • " It is easy to understand the interest created by a work, the aim and result of which are to demonstrate such remarkable laws, more especially when the proofs are based on an incredible number of facts and observa- 216 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. tions. The work of Agassiz mentions more than one thousand fossil fishes, with descriptions and beautiful plates, which make them known almost as well as if we were able to observe them alive. " This work brought its author complimentary dis- tinctions from several academies and learned societies. Particularly during a journey in England and Scotland all the collections were open to him, assistance in vari- ous ways was offered, and he had the great satisfaction of seeing with what astonishing precision the numerous new facts which he daily observed confirmed all his previous conclusions. The English and Scotch geolo- gists for many years kept the remembrance of some keen anecdotes on the subject. " Agassiz's researches opened a new path, through which he continued to advance, publishing in the mean- time supplements to his main work ; among them, a ' Monographic des Poissons du vieux gres rouge,' which was soon followed by one on the ' Poissons de 1'Argile de Londres.' The first of these monographs furnished some interesting results, both geological and zoological ; in particular, it demonstrated two most important laws : ist, the analogy existing between the first condition of the embryos of fishes and the organization of fossil fishes of the oldest epochs ; 2d, the parallelism exist- ing between the embryologic development of the fishes and the succession of the different types of these ani- mals in the series of formations." There is nothing to add regarding the great value of this "vaste publication," as it is called by Pictet ; but a few words are necessary to indicate some of the criti- 1 843-44.] POISSONS FOSSILES. 217 cism which it called forth, and to meet claims which have now and then been put forward. Agassiz knew perfectly well that his classification was artificial, and not based on all the natural principles, as it should have been, and as Cuvier's was before him ; but he wanted to make use of a great quantity of fragmen- tary specimens, and even mere scales of fishes, which were found in abundance, and which otherwise would have been useless, and would have left a great gap in his series of forms. He worked as much to prove the succession of fishes in the different systems of strata, as to obtain a knowledge of them zoologically, trying to find laws which might be used in palaeontology to clas- sify groups of strata by their fossil fishes. And he succeeded admirably? notwithstanding the defect of his empiric classification. As Dr. A. Giinther says : " We have no hesitation in affirming that if Agassiz had had an opportunity of acquiring a more extensive and intimate knowledge of existing fishes before his energies were absorbed in the study of fossil remains, he would himself have recog- nized the artificial character of his classification. The distinctions between Cycloid and Ctenoid scales, between Placoid and Ganoid fishes, are vague, and can hardly be maintained. So far as the living and post-Cretacean forms are concerned, he abandoned the vantage-ground gained by Cuvier ; and therefore his system could never supersede that of his predecessor, and finally shared the fate of every classification based on the modifications of one organ only. But Agassiz has the merit of having opened an immense new field of researches by his study 218 LOUIS AGASSI Z. [CHAP. ix. of the infinite variety of fossil forms. In his principal work, ' Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles,' 1833- 1843 (4to, atlas folio), he placed them before the world, arranged in a methodical manner, with excellent descrip- tions and illustrations. His power of discernment and penetration in determining even the most fragmentary remains is truly astonishing ; and if his order of Ganoids is an assemblage of forms very different from what is now understood by that term, he was, at any rate, the first who recognized that such an order of fishes existed." * Agassiz was one of those naturalists who find it easier to discover differences than to bring together specimens of fossils. He possessed a rare power of discerning the smallest differences between allied forms of ani- mals ; but sometimes he went too 'far, as in the case of the Eocene fossil fishes in the flysch of Claris (Switz- erland), where the cleavage resulting from the breaking and compressing of the strata, during the dislocation of the Alps, deformed some specimens to such an extent that Agassiz was led to establish six species of Anen- ckelum, all of which really belong to a single species, Lepidopus glaronensis. The same mistake has been noted by Dr. A. Wettstein and A. Heim for species of the genus Palceorhynchum, Acanus, etc. (" Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences naturelles," Geneva, August, 1886, pp. 46, 47). India-rubber models of some of these fossil fishes, when pulled in certain directions, give as many species as Agassiz founded ; and it is evi- dent that Agassiz, in some cases, too easily multiplied 1 " Ichthyology," by A. Giinther, in " Encyclopedia Britannica," ninth edition, Vol. XII., p. 634, London, 1881. 1843-44-] COLLABORATORS. 219 the number of species without proper restriction. But this is only a detail, which does not affect the final result and conclusions, nor the prodigious capacity of his memory, in which lay the true secret of his classifica- tion of fossil fishes. In regard to the help that Agassiz received in his " Poissons fossiles " : in the first place, the excellent drawings were made by Dinkel and Mrs. Agassiz, those of the latter being fully as good as and rivaling in execution the best of the artist Dinkel. Secondly, after the issue of the first twelve parts or " livraisons," Agas- siz made a great deal of use of his assistant Karl Vogt and his secretary Desor, in preparing the bones and the scales, and in writing the descriptions of species and even of genera. But as Vogt wrote me : " Agassiz avait parfaitement le droit de s'attribuer ces travaux, car il me payait pour cela, j'etais son preparateur a gages sous ce rapport." Only one-third of the work was thus prepared with his two collaborators, under Agassiz's direction ; but this may be said, that it would have been much better if he himself had finished what he had so well begun and continued until 1838. At the end of July, 1843, Agassiz returned to his work on the glacier of the Aar. A new cabin had been erected, which was called the " Pavilion " ; and Daniel Dollfus-Ausset, with his son, established himself close by, in another cabin. The time was passed in measuring the motion of the glacier, its temperature, etc., and in Alpine climbing. On the whole, it was a rather ex- pensive campaign, and the results were inadequate compared with the money expended. 220 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. During the meeting of the Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences at Lausanne, the 25th and 26th of July, Agassiz made a verbal communication in regard to his researches on the glaciers, speaking of the new and more practical direction given to his studies, and insist- ing on the stratification of the glaciers and the blue bands of ice, and on the formation of crevasses. At the same meeting, he spoke of the great value of fossil fishes in determining the ages of the " terrains," and more particularly of the squaloid teeth, like those of the true sharks, or squalodonts, the Ptycholepis of the Chalk, the Strophodus of the Jura, the Acrodus of the Lias, and the Psamnodus of the Coal measures. His great sociability, which attracted so many people to the " Hotel des Neuchatelois," was exercised on rather a large scale in Neuchatel, if we may judge by the following letter : — NEUCHATEL, 23 decembre, 1843. PROFESSEUR JULES PICTET DE LA RIVE, Geneve. Mon cher ami, — Favre vous aura fait part du desir que j'ai de reunir ici quelques amis Jeudi prochain. Je viens insister aupres de vous pour que vous soyez de la partie. En arrivant Mercredi soir et en descendant " Aux Alpes," vous trouverez Merian, Escher, Studer et Valentin. IAm de mes guides irTa procure tin jeune chamois dont nous depecerons les os Jeudi chez moi. Faites-moi le plaisir devenir; si vous pouvez, amenez les Plantamour. Votre tout devoue, Ls. AGASSIZ. His prodigious power of attraction is shown in his ability to bring together, for a single dinner party, at 1 843-44-] HOSPITALITY AT NEUCHATEL. 221 Christmas time, during the snowy season, savants from every part of Switzerland, from Bale, Zurich, Berne, Geneva, etc., and at a time when travelling was not easy, as it is now, with railroads in every direction. Nothing shows better that Agassiz was an accepted leader among the scientific men of Switzerland. The year 1844 was a sad year with Agassiz. We must turn back a few years in order to understand the state of affairs, and how, little by little, he jeoparded his position by a complete incapacity to manage his assistants, his many employees, and his too numerous undertakings. Too great familiarity with his assistants, and inability to keep them at respectful distance, re- sulted in his having no authority over them. If Agassiz was a genius in natural history, in private life he was entirely unable to manage his immediate surroundings. Speaking of Agassiz's establishment at Neuchatel, Karl Vogt says : " It was a scientific factory with a com- munity of property ; only, unhappily, neither the num- ber of workmen nor the capital engaged was sufficient and in proportion to the production." It was also an overworked establishment. Agassiz, as its director, had to provide everything ; first the money, for all were penniless ; and the life they led, though without luxury, was, after all, rather expensive ; for to travel all over Switzerland, to stay at the "Hotel des Neuchatelois," to keep open house at Neuchatel not only for his assist- ants, but also for all the naturalists who were continually coming from every part of Europe, required a constant expenditure of no small amount of money. Besides the work of providing the money, Agassiz had an oversight 222 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. of every work going on ; he had to dictate letters, to insert sentences in the descriptions of his assistants in order to connect them and give them unity, to read and correct at least one of the proofs; even to direct the draughtsmen, and to select the drawings to be used, in regard to the artistic merits of which he was very critical and a capital judge, seeing faults where others were glad to admire the fine execution. Agassiz was well seconded by the artists in his service ; but scien- tifically the assistance he received was rather deficient. Karl Vogt had been educated as a naturalist, and soon became most efficient in regard to the anatomy and the embryology of fishes ; he also worked out the osteology and neurology, prepared the specimens, made the draw- ings, and wrote the descriptions. He was a first-rate assistant, knowing well his duties ; and during the five years of his connection with Agassiz he did a great amount of good work. Although he always insisted that he was not a pupil of Agassiz, having learned zoology in Germany, there is no doubt of the great influ- ence exerted by Agassiz on his work during the first ten years of his life as a naturalist. In October, 1837, as we have seen, Agassiz engaged Desor as his private secretary, who, until then had done nothing in natural history, with which he was not even acquainted, beyond the general knowledge possessed by any student of a university. Employed first as a translator and a writer of dictated letters, he soon acquired sufficient knowledge of fossil fishes and fossil echinoderms, to help in describing species. Under Agassiz's teaching he made such rapid progress that, 1 843-44.] SCIENTIFIC LIFE. 223 in three years, he became a useful assistant, not only in palneontological works, but also in the work on the glaciers and the glacial question. Vogt says of him, that in 1840 Desor was the " cheville ouvriere ' (key- stone) of the whole Agassiz establishment; and Agassiz, on the nth of June, 1840, writes: — Dans la redaction de cette seconde partie (Cidarides) de mon memoire (" Description des Echinodermes fossiles de la Suisse ") j'ai ete continuellement assiste par M. Desor, qui a continue a me preter 1'appui de sa plume facile, comme il Tavait deja fait pour la premiere partie. Mais cette fois son travail ne s'est pas borne a une simple redaction ; Pexamen comparatif des nombreuses especes des genres Diademe et Cidaris, dont les caracteres sont si difficiles a apprecier, est meme entierement de son fait. Cependant j'en ai revu la description, afin d'en partager avec lui la responsabilite scien- tifique. II m'est precieux d'avoir trouve dans un ami un collaborates aussi distingue. Desor had no initiative faculty, and was totally devoid of original ideas. He never rose above a third-rate naturalist, retaining all his life the spirit of a lawyer, with a special tendency to politics and a politician's methods. Charles Girard was in too modest a position to be helpful scientifically, except in the work of compila- tion, which he always performed very industriously. As regards Gressly, the help he gave Agassiz was invalu- able; the exact geological position of two-thirds of the fossils described in the different palaeontological works of Agassiz was learned from him ; and he furnished more than half of the best specimens of the echinoderms, the Myas and the Trigonias. In the scientific associa- tion directed by Agassiz, Gressly acted as the St. Bernard dog, faithful, true, living, no one knew exactly how, on 224 LOUIS AGASSIZ, [CHAP. ix. the crumbs from the table always spread in Agassiz's home ; always satisfied, always respectful, and never so happy as when Agassiz expressed his admiration of the beautiful and rare fossils he drew from his numerous and large pockets on his return from his never-ending explorations in the Jura. However, an assistant as modest and inexpensive as Gressly is a rare exception, and Agassiz never again found one like him. It was evident that something was wrong in the whole establishment, and that running on such a basis it would not last long. In fact, 1844 was its last year, as we shall see further on. But before relating the numerous incidents which one by one occurred and fin- ally destroyed, at least partially, that extraordinary and brilliant scientific centre, due entirely to the genius of Agassiz, it is pleasing to call attention to two of the best works done at Neuchatel under the impulse of this remarkable man. One of his most important works, and certainly his most original, is the " Monographic des Poissons fos- siles du Vieux Gres rouge ou Systeme Devonien [Old Red Sandstone] des iles Britanniques et de Russie ' (4to, with a folio atlas of forty-one plates), which was issued by " livraisons," or parts, the last three being distributed in August, 1844. The material used was mainly the specimens collected at Cromarty, in the North of Scotland, by the celebrated geologist and stonecutter Hugh Miller. During the ten years previous to Agassiz's visit at Cromarty, in September, 1840, Miller, with great patience and skill, had unearthed from the old red 1 843-44.] HUGH MILLER. 225 sandstone the most wonderful forms of animals yet found. Agassiz says of some of them : " It is im- possible to see aught more bizarre in all creation than the Pterichthyan genus : the same astonishment that Cuvier felt in examining the Plesiosaunis, I myself ex- perienced, when Mr. H. Miller, the first discoverer of these fossils, showed me the specimens which he had detected in the Old Red Sandstone of Cromarty." As early as 1831, Miller found the Pterichthys, or winged fish; but Agassiz did not hear of it until 1838, when a description and drawing was shown him in Paris by an English naturalist : he was greatly interested in this new form of life, and very anxious to see more of it. The following* extract from Hugh Miller's principal and most popular work, "The Old Red Sandstone," explains how Agassiz was first made acquainted with Miller's wonderful discoveries : — A letter which I wrote early in 1838 to Dr. Malcolmson, then at Paris, and which contained a rude drawing of the Pterichthys, was submitted to Agassiz, and the curiosity of the naturalist was excited. He examined the figure, rather, however, with interest than sur- prise, and read the accompanying description, not in the least inclined to scepticism by the singularity of its details. He had looked on too many wonders of a similar cast to believe that he had exhausted them, or to evince any astonishment that geology should be found to contain one wonder more ("The Old Red Sandstone11 by Hugh Miller, p. 119, Boston, 1854). Although Agassiz had great sympathy and very cor- dial relations with Hugh Miller, their correspondence was extremely limited. Mrs. Agassiz says that with a single exception no letters have been found from him among Agassiz's papers ; and she gives that unique Q 226 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. letter in Vol. II., pp. 470-477 of her work (" Louis Agassiz, His Life and Correspondence "). Lately another letter has been found in Switzerland by M. Auguste Mayor, and I here give an extract from it. The principal part is descriptive of specimens of fossil fishes sent to Agassiz, which would be unintelligible without good figures, and is consequently omitted ; but the parts given are interesting on account of the great originality and keenness of the writer. CROMARTY, 3oth May, 1838. PROFESSOR AGASSIZ, Neuchatel. Honored sir, - - 1 have just learned from my friend Dr. Mal- colmson that you have expressed a wish to see one of the fossils of my little collection. I herewith send it you and a few others which you may perhaps take some interest in examining. I fain wish I could describe well enough to give you correct ideas of the locality in which they occur. Imagine a lofty promontory somewhat resembling a huge spear thrust horizontally into the sea,- an immense mass of granitic gneiss, forming the head and a long rectilinear line of Old Red Sandstone the shaft. On the south side are the waters of the Moray Firth, on the north those of the Firth of Cromarty. The claystone beds which contain the fossils occupy an upper place on the sandstone shaft, covering it saddlewise from firth to firth. A bed of yellowish stone about sixty feet in thick- ness lies over them, except where they are laid bare by the sea, or cut into by two deep ravines — a bed of redder stone of unascer- tainable depth (though it may be measured downwards for consid- erably more than one hundred yards) lies beneath. The beds themselves average from ten to thirty feet in thickness. They abound everywhere in obscure vegetable impressions and fossil fishes, but in some little spots these last are much better preserved than in the general mass. All my more delicately marked fossils have been furnished by one little piece of beach hardly more than forty square yards in extent. 1 843-44-] LETTER OF HUGH MILLER. 227 Of all the fossils of these beds, the one with the tuberculated covering seems least akin to anything that exists at present. I have split up many hundred nodules containing remains of this animal, for in the time of the Old Red Sandstone it must have existed by myriads in this part of Scotland. The larger ones I have invariably found broken and imperfect. The nodules in which they occur are in general too small to contain more than detached parts of them when large ; and besides, the coat of the creature, consisting of hard plates separated apparently by sutures, must have offered a very unequal degree of resistance to the super- incumbent weight. And, however, though the plates themselves are often as well defined and entire as the bits of a dissected map, they are almost always found displaced and lying apart. It is only the smaller fossils that I find perfect enough to furnish me with anything like adequate ideas of the original shape of the animal ; but in these, though the general outline be better preserved, the plates are comparatively obscure. Thus the bits of the dissected map still want a key, and I have not yet become skilful enough to place them together without one. The form of the body of the creature seems to have somewhat resembled that of a tortoise. . . . Pardon me, honored Sir, that I use this minute in describing these differences to you who observe better than any one else and can make a better use of what you observe. I have not succeeded in convincing some of our northern geologists that we have two varieties of small scaled fish in our beds, and I am now appealing to you as our common judge, and thus showing the ground of my appeal. Besides, as I cannot send you my specimens by hundreds, I deem it best (though it may seem presumptuous in one so unskilled) to communicate in this way the result of my examinations of the whole. One single specimen sometimes furnishes a characteristic tract regarding which perhaps fifty illustrations of the same fossil may be silent. Among all my specimens of the fish with the spines, only one shows me that the animal was marked by a lateral line. ... I am afraid, however, that when thus communicating the results of some of my petty observations. I am but gaining for myself the reputation of being a tedious fellow. 228 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. I need not say how heartily welcome you are to the specimens I send you, should you have any wish to retain them. . . . Do I ask too much, honored Sir, when I request a very few lines from you to say whether the formation in which these fossils occur be a freshwater one, or otherwise, and whether the small scaled fish with the teeth be of a kind already known to geologists or a new one? I am much alone in this remote corner — a kind of Robinson Crusoe in geology --and somewhat in danger of the savages who cannot be made to understand why, according to Job, a man should be "making leagues with the stones of the field." But I am san- guine enough to hope that the good nature, of which my friend Dr. Malcolmson speaks so warmly, may lead its owner to devote a few spare minutes to render these leagues useful to me. I am, I trust, sufficiently acquainted with geology, rightly to value the decisions of its highest authority. I am, honored Sir, with sincere respect, Your most obedient Servant, HUGH MILLER. P. S.-- Since writing the above, I have picked up a specimen which, I am pretty sure, you would deem interesting, but for which I have unluckily no room in the box. It contains parts of the tuberculated fossil, and among the rest the teeth of the creature. These last somewhat resemble the teeth of a lobster, being appar- ently cut out of the solid part of the jaw rather than fixed in it. H. M. Miller found more specimens, and more perfect ones, in newly discovered beds of Old Red of Nairnshire, and when Agassiz visited him in 1840, he showed him three well-preserved species of the Ptcrichthys, and the wings of a fourth. To one of these remarkable animals, look- ing like the letter T, Agassiz has given the appropriate name of Pterichthys Milleri. Complete and good speci- mens were exhibited at the Glasgow Meeting of 1840, and some restorations of the animals were made by 1 843-44.] OLD RED SANDSTONE. 229 Dinkel, in 1844, for the " Medals of Creation" by Dr. G. Mantell, and were reproduced in the " Vestiges of Creation." But Dinkel, so well trained, and so long Agassiz's artist of fossil fishes, was not successful ; and he failed also in trying the restoration of another rather curious form of Old Red fish, the Coccostens or bcrry-on- bonc. These two examples show what strange creatures existed during the Devonian period, and the credit of determining their place is due to Agassiz's keen eyes and great knowledge of comparative anatomy ; for he did not hesitate, on receiving the first broken and very imperfect specimens, to say that the creatures must have been fishes. As Miller says : " I received new light from the researches of Agassiz which, while it did not show my way more clearly, rendered it at least more interesting by associating with it one of those wonderful truths, stranger than fiction, which rise ever and anon from the profounder depths of science, and whose use, in their connection with the human intellect, seems to be to stimulate the faculties. I have often had occasion to re- fer to the one-sided condition of tail characteristic of the ichthyolites of the Old Red Sandstone." "It character- izes," says Agassiz, "the fish of all the most ancient for- mations. At one certain point in the descending scale, Nature entirely alters her plan in the formation of the tail. All the ichthyolites above are fashioned after one particular type — all below after another and different type."1 In his preface to " The Old Red Sandstone," Agas- siz says : " So true is it that observation alone is a 1 "The Old Red Sandstone," pp. 115-116, Boston, 1854. 230 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. safe guide to the laws of development of organized beings, and that we must be on our guard against all those systems of transformation of species so lightly invented by the imagination." What a prophetic and true sentence against Darwin's " Origin of Species," published fifteen years after. Observations and facts only are given in his " Old Red Fishes," which he has well summarized in the following words : " What I wish to prove here, by a careful discussion of the facts reported in the following pages, is the truth of the law now so clearly demonstrated in the series of verte- brates, that the successive creations have undergone phases of development analogous to those of the embryo in its growth, and similar to the gradations shown by the present creation in the ascending series, which it presents as a whole. One may consider it as hence- forth proved that the embryo of the fish during its development, the class of fishes as it at present exists in its numerous families, and the type of fishes in its planetary history, exhibit analogous phases through which one may follow the same creative thought like a guiding thread in the study of the connection between organized being. . . . The facts, taken as a whole, seem to me to show, not only that the fishes of the Old Red constitute an independent fauna, distinct from those of other deposits, but that they also present in their organization the most remarkable analogy with the first phases of embryologic development in the bony fishes of our epoch, and a no less marked parallelism with the lower degrees of certain types of the class as it now exists on the surface of the earth." 1 843-44.] FOSSIL FISHES OF THE OLD RED. 231 The " Monograph of the Fossil Fishes of the Old Red ' is more important for the embryologic development, the zoological gradation, the geological succession, and the geographical distribution in the past and the present, than the " Origin of Species," by Darwin. It has remained, and will continue to remain, a landmark in zoological researches, because nothing in it is left to supposition. Instead of being a work of the imagination, a philosophical dissertation, like the " Origin of Species," it is simply a record of facts and very keen observations ; and in science, and more especially in natural history, nothing is of value except exact observations. Agassiz was not an op- ponent of development ; on the contrary, he gave facts in its favour, many years before Darwin did ; but he was averse to drawing too hasty conclusions ; and he leaned all the time " upon an intellectual coherence, and not upon a material connection " ; and he thought that variability seemed controlled by something more than the mechanism of self-adjusting forces. In a word, Agassiz, after his student life, was not a materialist, but a spiritualist, in natural history, an adversary, both of agnosticism and of pietism ; for he says : " I dread quite as much the exaggeration of religious fanaticism, borrowing fragments from science, imperfectly, or not at all, understood, and then making use of them to prescribe to scientific men what they are allowed to see or to find in nature" (Louis Agassiz, in a letter to Professor Adam Sedgwick, dated June, I8451)- 1 " Louis Agassiz," by Mrs. E. C. Agassiz, Vol. I., p. 388. 232 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. The " Histoire naturelle des Poissons d'Eau douce de 1' Europe Centrale " remained unfinished, and has a rather curious history. Agassiz began it as far back as 1828, when he was a student at Munich, and when his artist friend, Joseph Dinkel, was already making drawings of freshwater fishes for him. In 1839 appeared the first " livraison ' of a folio atlas, published " aux frais de 1'auteur," and dedicated to the British Association for the Advancement of Science. This first monograph treated of the salmon family, and was divided into two parts : the first, con- taining the twenty-seven well-executed and luxuriously printed plates by Dinkel, Sonrel, and Nicolet, illus- trating the genera Salmo and Thymalus, with explana- tions in French, German, and English, and with a cover designed by Dinkel, representing fishes in all sorts of attitudes and groups, with a boy four years old - - the portrait of Alexander Agassiz - - fishing on the shore of the Lake of Neuchatel. The second part of the plates was announced to be issued with the first vol- ume of text ; but changes were made, and the text of Vol. I., containing the "Embryologie des Salmones," by C. Vogt, was published in 1842, without plates, the latter being issued in 1848, in Vol. III. of the " Memoires des Sciences naturelles de Neuchatel." Agassiz, under the date of 1845, in the introduction of the "Anatomic des Salmones," by L. Agassiz and C. Vogt, gives the following explanation : " The ana- tomical studies contained in this memoir were under- taken for the * Histoire naturelle des Poissons d'Eau douce de 1' Europe Centrale, de M. Agassiz,' and were 1 843-44.] K. VOGT LEAVES AGASSIZ. 233 at first destined to form the second volume. Some special circumstances have led the editor to adopt another mode of publication. " In order to render justice to every one, it is desir- able to remark here that the Osteology and the Neurol- ogy are due to the researches of M. Agassiz, while the Myology, the Splanctionology, the description of the ' sensitive organs ' and the Angiology have been worked out by M. Vogt. All the plates were drawn by M. Vogt. This work dates as far back as 1843 and 1844, a few observations being added in 1845. "L. A." That Agassiz directed the work and freely gave his advice to Vogt, there is no doubt ; but in some way Vogt became dissatisfied. He disapproved of the organization and methods of Agassiz's establishment, and was more or less disappointed in his expectations ; and, in consequence, in the autumn of 1844, after act- ing as Agassiz's assistant for five years- -during which time he certainly worked most efficiently and very hard — he left him to try his fortune in Paris. Strange to say, the break between Agassiz and Vogt, instead of healing as the years went by, increased to such an extent, that they wrere very unjust and bitter towards one another. It must be regretted, for nothing really important and seriously affecting either had occurred between them. Agassiz never published anything against Vogt, though Vogt might have shown more discretion in his printed criticism ; and I do not hesitate to say that he was unjust and guilty of exaggeration 234 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. « touching some points, and that all that he says about Agassiz's life in America is absolutely erroneous. He disliked Neuchatel and the Neuchatelois, and most of his indignation was hurled against them through and to the detriment of Agassiz. Although Agassiz spent a few days in 1843 on the Aar glacier, his interest in the work going on there was manifestly lessening, and in 1844 he failed to make his usual summer visit. In July, 1844, Desor, with the permission of Agassiz, published a very interesting and well written volume, entitled, " Excursions et Sejours dans les Glaciers et les hautes Regions des Alpes, de M. Agassiz et de ses Compagnons de Voyage " (Neuchatel, I2mo). The vol- ume begins with an excellent " Notice sur les Glaciers," by Agassiz, a masterly paper, which gives a scientific turn to the whole work ; the rest is written in a pictur- esque style, and in imitation of the celebrated and popu- lar works of Rudolph Topffer, the artistic and "spiritual* author of the " Nouvelles Genevoises " and the " Voy- ages en zig-zag." It was certainly very generous in Agassiz to allow his secretary to publish at this time all his researches on the glaciers and among the Alps ; for it affected the / sale of his own " Etudes sur les Glaciers ' (1840) and r Nouvelles Etudes sur les glaciers actuels ' (1847). The last one, more especially, found no sale at all, everything in it having been anticipated by Desor's publication, which, though not so fully developed, ren- dered Agassiz's work almost superfluous. Desor had taken the lead in the glacial question, and was strug- 1 843-44.] MEETING AT CHAMBERY. 235 gling with its physical problems, for which he was quite as little prepared as Agassiz. Every impartial observer saw this plainly; and it was melancholy to see Agassiz's already straitened resources expended upon almost use- less works. Although the extraordinary meeting of the Geological Society of France, in the Swiss Jura, at Porrentruy, Soleure, and Bienne, in 1838, had much advanced the recognition of the glacial question, it was important that another meeting should be held, this time in the very centre of the phenomena, among the Alps. The city of Chambery, then belonging to the kingdom of Pied- mont and Sardinia, was chosen, and the society held its extraordinary session there, during the month of August, 1844. Agassiz presided over several of the meetings ; as did also Bishop Rendu. Here these two great mas- ters of the glacial theory met and entirely agreed. After a full and very clear exposition by Bishop Rendu of his " Theorie sur les Glaciers en General,"1 the I5th of August, Agassiz says that he agreed ''entirely with the theory as it was explained by Bishop Rendu." Numerous adversaries, representing the theories of mud currents, or also of icebergs, tried hard to oppose them ; but one after another was silenced by the numerous facts brought forward by Agassiz, Rendu, and others. It was the last strong attempt to resist the glacial the- r ory. Afterward, Elie de Beaumont and his numerous adherents in France and Italy, as well as Leopold von Buch, continued their opposition, in a sort of Platonic 1 " Bulletin Societe geologique de France," 2ieme serie, Vol. I., pp. 631-636, Paris, 1844. 236 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. way, to cover their retreat. But we may truly say that the Chambery session of the Geological Society of France was the Waterloo of the mud theory for trans- portation of boulders. Agassiz, as usual with him, was very brilliant in his exposition of all the observations he had made on the glacier of the Aar ; and Bishop Rendu admirably de- scribed the phenomena in Savoy. Agassiz, more espe- cially, insisted that proofs accumulated every year to show that the " Ice-age ' extended all over Europe, and that the Alps were formerly a great central mass of ice, extending forty leagues all around, as far as Lyons. Professor Angelo Sismonda, of Turin, continued to maintain that the phenomena did not extend to the southern part of the Alps of Piedmont, until Professor Bartholomeo Gastaldi finally proved beyond question, in 1850, that ancient glaciers occupied the whole valley of the P6 and other valleys in Piedmont, just as they did the valleys of the Rhone, the Arve and the Isere rivers. I well remember those discussions, for I was a hearer of several of them, and can vouch for the splendid part taken by Agassiz in hastening the acceptance of the glacial doctrine. We may say, without any exaggeration, that the interference of Agassiz advanced fully thirty years the recognition of the glacial theory, and that he, and he alone, established the great " Ice-age." Signs of bad management were visible in more than one direction. The great lithographic institution of Hercule Nicolet was kept running with the greatest difficulty. After bringing about an association of Nico- let with a capitalist, M. Jeanjaquet, Agassiz was con- 1 843-44.] DINKEL LEAVES NEUCHATEL. 237 stantly obliged to furnish work absolutely unnecessary and very expensive. In a letter to the firm Nicolet and Jeanjaquet, dated 2d July, 1842, Agassiz says: " Vous etes parfaitement libres de faire ce qu'il vous plaira a 1'egard de vos employes; deja trop souvent j'ai fait faire des travaux considerables nniqnement pour occuper vos employes, travaux qui me sont restes des mois et des mois inutilement sur les bras. J'ai fait tirer de fortes editions d'ouvrages divers, dont je n'ai que peu d'exemplaires places, pour vous accommoder. ... J'ai Fhonneur de vous prevenir que je desire savoir si je puis compter sur les travaux dont je vous ai parle lors de ma derniere visite aux Sablons, parce que sans cela j'ai reellement 1'intention de les faire faire ailleurs, car je suis sur d'avance qu'ils me couteront beaucoup moins." We have here Agassiz's own confession that he undertook some works, solely to give occupation to the too expensive lithographic establishments of the Sablons, — an unbusiness-like proceeding, which was certain to hasten the catastrophe which occurred, in February, 1845, after a struggle of more than a year and a half, when the whole establishment was broken up and disposed of by auction. Joseph Dinkel, the trusted and true friend of Agassiz, his constant companion since they were students together at Munich, left him to go to England to find work and make a home for himself. He disapproved the leader- ship of Desor, and foresaw very stormy times for his good friend Agassiz ; and he prophesied to an artist friend, who repeated it to me a few years after, that Agassiz would not always submit to such a dictatorship 238 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. ix. as Desor had assumed, and that it would end in terrible strife. Dinkel clearly saw the game Desor was playing. From the first he did not like him, and it was very pain- ful to him to see Agassiz fall into such hands. He left Neuchatel, with regret, in the spring of 1844, and many years after acknowledged "that for a long time he felt unhappy at the separation." In most graphic terms he described Agassiz, who, he says, " was a kind, noble- hearted friend ; he was very benevolent, and if he had possessed millions of money, he would have spent them upon his researches in science, and have done good to his fellow-creatures as much as possible."1 Every word is true, and is a noble tribute from one who knew Agassiz most intimately during the time of life when faults of character are most conspicuous, and are easily discov- ered in the intimacy of friendship. Still another misfortune befell Agassiz at the close of the year 1844. Gressly, who usually returned to the laboratory in Neuchatel at the beginning of the winter, did not come back ; and it was only after weeks had passed without any tidings of him, that it was learned that the poor fellow was suffering under an attack of religious insanity, and had been placed in an asylum. 1 " Louis Agassiz," by Mrs. E. C. Agassiz. Vol. I., p. 142. CHAPTER X. 1845- " MONOGRAPHIE DES MYES," 1842-1845 — THE " NOMENCLATOR ZOOLO- GICUS," 1842-1845 — " BlBLIOGRAPHIA ZOOLOGL^E ET GEOLOGI.E " — " ICONOGRAPHIE DES COQUILLES TERTIAIRES RliPUTEES IDENTIQUES AVEC LES ESPECES VlVANTES," ETC. - - THE TWO TRANSLATIONS OF SOWERBY'S " MINERAL CONCHOLOGY OF GREAT BRITAIN " — ACTUAL MERCANTILE VALUE OF AGASSIZ'S PUBLICATIONS — AGASSIZ'S FAMILY COME TO HIS HELP — GREAT CREDIT DUE TO NEUCHATEL AND ITS INHABITANTS — AGASSIZ'S LAST SERIES OF LECTURES: "NOTICE SUR LA GEOGRAPHIE DES ANIMAUX "-- INTIMATE FRIENDSHIP WITH JULES PlCTET DE LA RlVE — AGASSIZ'S LAST VlSIT TO THE AAR GLACIER - THE MEETING OF THE HELVETIC SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AT GENEVA, AUGUST, 1845 — A LETTER TO PICTET, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL REMARKS — BIOGRAPHY OF AGASSIZ BY PICTET — AGASSIZ RETURNS ALL THE SPECIMENS BORROWED FOR HIS GREAT PAL^ONTOLOGICAL WORKS. THE year 1845 was spent mainly in finishing the publication of works more or less advanced, and in making a sort of scientific "liquidation," or clearing up. The " Monographic des Myes," a quarto volume, with an atlas of ninety-four well-executed plates, begun in 1842, an excellent and very useful work, containing a number of new, well-defined genera, and which has since been used constantly in conchology, was com- pleted. Alcide d'Orbigny criticised several of the new 239 240 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. x. genera, but Agassiz answered him successfully in his " Introduction," maintaining the value of such genera as Goniomya, Ceromya, Arcomya, Mactromya, Pleuromya, Gresslya, Cardinia, etc., and in a letter to Pictet, dated Aug. 15, 1845, he says: " Je crois que vous avez accorde un peu trop d'importance aux critiques que d'Orbigny a faites de quelques uns de mes genres des Myacees. Dans ma 4^me livraison j'ai refute ce qui me paraissait exagere ; il y a des remarques justes, mais il y en a quelques unes qui sont completement erronees." The manuscript of another work of great impor- tance, of "which the first part was issued in 1842, the " Nomenclator Zoologicus," was pushed forward with that strong will which was now and then characteristic of Agassiz. As he says, the work embraces the sources of critical zoology: " C'est un travail de patience qui a exige des recherches bien longues et bien penibles. J'en avais conc^u le plan des les premieres annees de mes etudes et des lors je n'ai jamais perdu de vue ce projet. J'ose croire que ce sera une digue contre la con- fusion babylonique qui tend a envahir le domaine de la synonymie en Zoologie " (Letter to M. de Chambrier, President of the State Council of Neuchatel, April, 1842). The publication, which is in Latin, is a large quarto, issued in eleven fasciculi ; the last one, which treats of the Colcoptcra, having been published at Soloduri, in 1846; while the " Pref atio indicis universalis " is dated Neocomi, Mense, Decembri, 1845. The " Index" alone comprises 393 quarto pages; a duodecimo edition was 1 845.] NOMENCLATOR ZOOLOGICUS. 241 also issued at the same time. The general " Prefatio ' at the beginning of the work was written entirely by Agassiz. It occupies forty-two pages, rendering justice to all his collaborators, who included Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte, H. Burmeister, Dumeril, G. R. Gray, Herman von Meyer, Milne-Edwards, Strickland, Charles Des Moulins, etc. This " Prefatio ' is dated Neocomi Helvetorum, Febr., 1846, only a few days before Agassiz left Neuchatel for his journey to America. To give an idea of the great labour expended in carry- ing the work to completion, it will suffice to say that it contains thirty-one thousand names of genera and families alone, with bibliographical quotations number- ing thirty-four thousand titles of works or papers on natural history. In all, the number of quotations is more than one hundred and fifty thousand. Agassiz had collected for his own private use a catalogue of all known works and detailed memoirs on zoology and geology ; and, before leaving Europe, he made an arrangement with the " Ray Society," of London, to publish it. Professor H. E. Strickland, the successor of Buckland at the Oxford University, was requested to act as editor ; but, unhappily, Strickland was accidentally killed, in September, 1853, while geol- ogizing on the track of the Great Northern Railway, at the mouth of the Clanborough Tunnel, near East Retford, before he had finished the publication of the " Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologise," based on Agas- siz's manuscripts ; and Sir William Jardine, the eminent naturalist, and father-in-law of the lamented Strickland, completed the editing of the remaining volumes of the R 242 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. x. work, which is composed of four octavo volumes, con- taining the literature of zoology and geology until 1846; a most useful publication, dated London, 1848-1854. In 1845 another memoir on fossil conchology was published by Agassiz, under the title : " Iconographie des coquilles tertiaires reputees identiques avec les especes vivantes ou dans differents terrains de 1'epoque tertiaires, accompagnee de la description des especes nouvelles," in " Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Helve- tique des Sciences Naturelles," Vol. VII. It is, perhaps, the most objectionable paper he ever produced. Start- ing from a preconceived idea that not a single animal survived a geological epoch, and that no species passed from one formation to another, with his great faculty for differentiating specimens, he easily pointed out a certain number of cases of Lncina, Venus, Cytherca, Cyprina, and other acephales, which showed variations, and which, according to his views, demonstrated that the species, instead of being identical, were only analo- gous. Deshayes and other conchologists did not accept Agassiz's view, and, in fact, later knowledge has greatly added to the number of species which pass from one formation to another, not only for the tertiary epochs, but also for the Mesozoic and the Paleozoic forma- tions. The complete destruction of faunas and creation of new and entirely different ones, without the survival of a single species, can no longer be defended ; more especially in its application to marine animals. As usual, the memoir of Agassiz is beautifully illustrated with fourteen plates, representing with great care all the details of the shells. I845-] TWO TRANSLATIONS OF SOWERBY. 243 During 1845 the last parts of the two translations in French and in German of Sowerby's " Mineral Conchol- ogy of Great Britain ' ' were distributed to the few sub- scribers. The French edition, a large volume with an atlas of 395 coloured plates, is entitled, " Conchologie (sic) Mineralogique de la Grande Bretagne," par James Sowerby, " traduction frangaise revue, corrigee et aug- mentee par L. Agassiz." The German edition entitled, " James Sowerby's Mineral-Conchologie Grossbritan- niens, etc., Deutsch bearbeitet von Ed. Desor. Durch- gesehen und mit Anmerkungen und Berichtigungen versehen von Dr. L. Agassiz," is also composed of a large volume, with the same atlas of 395 coloured plates. Although the price was considerably lower than that of the original English edition, the two trans- lations did not sell well ; especially the French edi- tion, which was and has remained almost absolutely unknown. The undertaking was a great mistake in every way, and both works have remained a drug in the market. Generally, as years pass, or after the death of an author, some of his publications become rare and valuable, and command a higher price than was asked at the time of their issue. With Agassiz's publications, however, this is not the case ; not a single one of his European works is now quoted above, or even at, its price of publication. All are discounted with a fair reduction from the original price, and can be obtained easily of any bookseller in Europe. The same thing has happened also in the case of all his publications in America, with the single exception of his volume on 244 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. x. " Lake Superior," the value of which has risen to two and even three times the price asked by the publisher, when it came out in 1850, and it is now difficult to pro- cure a copy. The explanation of this in the case of some of Agassiz's works, which are really of great scientific value, is, that in their desire to help him, many persons were ready to pay any price asked, and conse- quently almost all his publications were issued at rather high prices ; while others of his publications, although they were expensive, were either not really needed, like the translations of Buckland's and Sowerby's works, or were limited to a too small circle of naturalists to secure a large sale. Better management would have prevented Agassiz from running into debt on account of his numerous publications. At the same time that he was issuing his works with such losses, works of the same sort were published in France, not only without loss, but even with profit from the very beginning of the undertaking. I refer to the great work of Deshayes, " Description des Coquilles fossiles des Environs de Paris," and more especially the " Paleontologie frangaise," by Alcide d'Orbigny. Agassiz differed from them, also, in his method of working, and in his domestic arrangements, for both Deshayes and d'Orbigny worked alone, without assistants of any sort, except their artists ; and their establishments at Paris were extremely modest, and limited to what was strictly necessary. In 1845 the pecuniary position of Agassiz became very serious, and his family were obliged to come to his assistance, which they did with great generosity. All 1 845.] CREDIT DUE TO NEUCHATEL. 245 his numerous and bulky publications were put into the hands of the rich firm of Jent and Gassmann, booksellers and publishers at Solothurn; securities were given to his creditors, and everything was most honourably arranged to relieve him from his immediate distressing position. If, however, his Neuchatel establishment was a fail- ure pecuniarily, scientifically it was a success unique in natural history. The result of his fourteen years' residence at Neuchatel was the publication of more than twenty volumes, with two thousand folio or oc- tavo plates, and many separate papers ; all were well written, beautifully printed, and profusely illustrated with most exact drawings - - a record so creditable that it gave a just celebrity, not only to Agassiz, but also to Neuchatel, at that time a small town of less than six thousand inhabitants. The " Neuchatelois ' may well be proud of such a performance ; their great liberality toward science, and their appreciation of the rare value of Agassiz, made it possible for him to prosecute with unimpaired vigour his remarkable scientific researches famed the world over. That Agassiz thought that he was acting wisely in receiving Vogt and Desor at his table as regular board- ers, and giving a room in his apartment to Desor, there is no doubt. But, in the long run, the scheme proved expensive, and most harassing to his wife. Little by little, the characters of both Vogt and Desor came out; jokes of doubtful politeness were indulged in; remarks rather satirical, cynical, and anti-religious were not rare. Vogt, more especially, never missed an oppor- tunity to make a "bon mot' at the expense of the 246 LOUIS AGASSIZ. [CHAP. x. Bible, turning into ridicule all religious beliefs and practices. Mrs. Agassiz, being a religious woman and bred in a totally different atmosphere in her own home at Carlsruhe, was very sensitive to these sarcasms. Finally expenses and difficulties reached such a climax that a crisis became inevitable. Mrs. Agassiz' s health was poor; and the announcement, by newspaper, all over Germany, of a royal gift by the king of Prussia to allow Agassiz to make a journey \o Arherica, was hailed as a proper moment to join her own family at Carlsruhe. In a letter, dated Carlsruhe, i6th of March, 1845, her devoted brother, Alexander Braun, wrote that all was ready at his home to receive her. (Alexander Braun's " Leben," pp. 378, 379.) Taking her children with her, first on a visit to the excellent mother of Agassiz at Cudrefin, at the old Dr. Mayor's house, Mrs. Agassiz then left Neuchatel early in May. It is the most pain- ful incident in the life of the great naturalist That misunderstandings and difficulties developed mainly by extravagance in the interest of natural history should have had such a final result, is most pitiable and to be regretted. These explanations are not meant to excuse the faults committed by Agassiz at this time of his life ; they show, however, how he fell into errors, and how he might easily have avoided them. They have been rendered necessary by what has been said, rather bitterly, by the biographer of Desor (" Edward Desor : Lebensbild eines Naturforschers," von Karl Vogt, Breslau, 1882). I845-] HIS LAST LECTURE AT NEUCHATEL. 247 In the spring of 1845, Agassiz delivered his last pub- lic course of twelve lectures on the " Plan de la Creation," showing the successive development of organized beings. It was followed with more attention and by a more numer- ous audience than any of his previous annual series of lectures. The news that he was to undertake a journey to the New World under the auspices, and with the h