" ■ ' [ LIST ) >j or THK COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS rHE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM vk, s — ( PART I.— CUCUJIDtE, &c. ) PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1851. ^ [ list) -7 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS I'HE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM rh. s ^ — ( PART T.'— CUCUJIDtE, &c. ) PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1851. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST., BISHOPSGATE. th-CJ^ INTRODUCTION. The object of this List is to present a Catalogue of the weH- estabUshed species of each family, with a reference to where they are described or figured, a few of the more important s^Tionyma, and the description of the species in the Museum collection which appear not to have been before observed. It is intended for the following purposes : — 1. As a List of the Species contained in the Museum col- lection, with an indication of their origin. 2. To point out the desiderata of that collection at the period of publication. 3. To desciibe the new species occuiiing in the collection. 4. As labels for the collection. This part of the List has been prepared bv Mr. Frederick Smith, who has compared the specimens in the British Museum collection with those in M. Chevrolat's Cabmet, containing many type specimens, which he kindly sent from Paris for the puipose of comparison, Mr. Smith has carefully collated the snionyms, and described the species wiiich appeai'ed to be new. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, *" Nov. 30?/,, lf^.51 CATALOGUE C U C U J I D .E, &c Fam. CUCUJID^. Cuciijipes, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. 1802. " Gen. Cr. ^ Ins. iii. 2.'3, 1807. Fam. Nat. R. An. 389, 1825." Cucujides, Leach, Edinh. Encycl. 1815. Westw. Mod. Class. 1, 148, 1839. Blanch. Hist, des Im. 1845. Cucujitlffi, Steph. Cat. Brit. Ins. 1829, and Man. Brit. Col. 141, 1839. Cucujites, Neivm. Ent. Mag. 2, 423, 1835. Cuciijini, £^n>As. Naturg. Ins. Dents. 306, 1845 — 8. Genus 1. CUCUJUS. Cantharis, p., imw. Sijst. Nat. 647, 1767. Cucujus, Fab. Syst. Ent. (nee Geojfr.), 1775. 1. Cucujus sanguinolentus. Cantharis sanguinolentus, Linn. Sgst. Nat. i. 647, 1. Cucujus depiessus. Fab. Sgst. Eleut. ii. 93, 4 (nee Herbst) Olir Ent. iv. 74, bis, 4, 2, I. 1, f. 2. Pai//c. Faun. Suec. ii. 165, I Panz. Faun. Germ. 94, 3. Ggll. int. Sun: 11. Add. 7, 1. Cucujus sani^uinolentus, Erichs. Natnrg. Ins. Deuts. 308, 1, Red- tenb. Faun. Aust. 184, 166. Hab. — N. America. a. United Slates ; Cincinnati. Presented by E. Doublrday, Esq. b. Hungary. From the collection of Dr. Frivaldsky. B CATALOGUE OF CLiCUJIDJE. 2. CUCUJUS H^MATODES. Cucujus depressus, Herhst. Fuessl. Archiv. ii. 4, t. 7, f. 1 — 4 (nee Fabr.) Panz. Faun. Germ. 94, 2. Cucujus puniceus, Germ. Faun. Ins. Eurnp. xxiii. 10. Cucujus liaematodes, Erich. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 308, 2. Hab. — N. America. a, h. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. c. United States ; Cincinnati. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. d. N. America. Presented by the Earl of Derby. ej- ? 3. Cucujus puniceus. Cucujus puniceus, (Eschsch.) Mots. Bull. Mosc. 303, 275, 1843. Hab.— Silkha. 4. Cucujus Sibieicus. Cucujus Sibiricus, Gehl Bull. Mosc. 385,1, 1848. Cucujus depressus, Ledebour, Bull. Mosc. 179 (nee Fabr.) Hab. — Siberia. a. Siberia. From the collection of Count Mniszech. 5. Cucujus Caucasicus. Cucujus Caucasicus, Mots. Bull. Mosc. 18, pt. 1, 91, 262, 1845. Hab. — Siberia. 6. Cucujus clavipes. Cucujus clavipes, Oliv. Ent. iv. 74 bis, iv. 1, t. 1, f. 1, a, 6. Hab. — S. America. 7. Cucujus bicolor. Cucujus sanguinolentus, Hope., Gray, Zool. Misc. 27, 139 (nee L.) Hab. — India. fl, h. Nepal. Presented by Gen. Thomas Hardwicke. c. Nepal. Presented by the Entomological Club. CATALOGUE OF CLCUJID^. Genus 2. PAL.ESTES. Palaestes, Perty, Del. 83, 1830—34. Camptognalhus, Dej. Cat. 340, 1837. 1. PaL^STES BICOLOR. • " PaloBstes bicolor, Perty, Del. 84, t. 16, f. 16. Caraptoj]fnatbus maudibularis, Deg. Cat. 340. Hab. — Brazil. a, h. Brazil. From Mr. Miers' collection. c, d. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's collection. Genus 3. PEDIACUS. Colydium, p., Herhst. K'dfer. vii. 278, 1797. Cucujus, p., Fahr. Si/st.Elevt.n. 92, 114, 1801. Biopiilaeus, p., Dej. Cat. 1837. Pediacus, Shuck. Elem. Brit. Ent. 185, 1839. 1. Pediacus depressus. Colydium depressum, HerUt. K'dfer. vii. 286, 8, t 113, f. 4. Biophlaeus anj^ustalus, Dej. Cat. 340. Pediacus depressus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 311, 1. Had. — Europe. 2. Pediacus deemestoides. Cucujus dermestoides, Fahr. Sgst. Eleut. ii. 94, 12. Panz. Faun. Germ. iii. 13. Steph. Illm. Brit. Ent. Mand. iv. 222, 2. Pediacus dermestoides, Shuck, h'lem. Brit. Ent. 186, t. 34, f. 2. Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 312, 2. Redtenb. Faun. Aust. 185. Hab. — Europe : Brit. Islands. 3. Pediacus fuscus. Cucujus dermestoides, Gi/ll. Ins. Suec. ii. 8,2. Schonh. Vet. Acad. Ilandl. 53. 4 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDiE. Pediacus fuscus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 313, 3. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185. Hab. — N. Europe. a, h. Lapland. Presented by Dr. F. W. Maklin, Helsingfors. Genus 4. PHLCEOSTICHUS. PhlcEOStichus, Redtenh. Gen. et Spec. Coleopt. Aust. 15, 1844. 1. Phlceostichus denticollis. Phloeostiehus denticollis, Germ. Faun. Ins. JEurop. 23, 11 Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 315, 1. Redtenh. Faun. AusL 187, 173. Hab. — Europe. Genus 5. INOPEPLUS. Ino, Lap. Etud. Ent. 135, 1835. 1. Inopeplus pictus. Ino picta. Lap. Etud. Ent. 307. Hab. ? Genus 6. HEMIPEPLUS. Hemipeplus, Latr. Fam. Nat. 398, 1825. 1. Hemipeplus hemipterus. Hemipeplus hemipterus, Dej. Cat. 340. Hab. — N. America. CATALOGUE OF CUCCJIDiE. Genus 7. LiEMOPHLGEUS. Cucujus, p., Fahr. Mant. Ins. i. 165, 1787. Brontes, p., Fahr. Sj/st. EL ii. 98, 1801. Laemophloeiis, Dej. Cat. Col. 2 ed. 31 o, 1834. 1. LiEMOPHLCEUS BIGUTTATUS. Laemopblceus l)i<.':uUaliis, Saj/, Journ. Acad. Phil. v. 267, 1, 183d. Laemophloeiis bisignaliis, Guer. I. R. Ann. ii. 205. LaBinophloeus binotatus, Dej. Cat. 340. a. United States; Trenton Falls. Presented by E. Doubledav, Esq. 2. L^MOl'HLCEUS MONILIS. Cucujus monilis, Fab. Mant. i. \GQ, 9. Panz. Fnnn. Gn-ni. iv. 12. Pai/k. Ins. Suec. ii. 169, 7. Gyll. Ins. Siiec. ii. Add. 12, 4. Dufts. Faun. Aust. ii. 271, 2. Cucujus bimacuhitus, Oliv. Ent. iv. 74 bis, vi. 4, t. 1, f. 4, a tZ (ncc Payk.) Lajmopblceus luoiiilis, Erichs. JSaturg. Ins. Deuts.3\6, 1. Redlenb. Faun. Aust. 184,2. 0,6. Hun<»ary. From Dr. Frivaldsky's collection, c, rf. Austria. Presented by Dr. Hampe, Vienna. 3. L.EMOPHLCEUS MUTICUS. Cucujus mnticus, Fahr. Syst. Eleut. ii. 94, 13. Gyll. Ins. Suec. ii. 94, 3. Panz. Faun. Germ. 94, 3. Latr. Hist. Nat. 256, 5. Cucujus labiate s, Kuf/el, Schneid. May. 572, 6. Laemophloeiis mulicus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Beats. 317,2. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 184, 2. Hab. — Europe. 4. L/EMOPHLOiUS LUCANOIDES, n. S. Head and thorax black and shininp^, the former coarsely punc- tured anteriorly, more (iflicatcly so towards the vertex; mouth fer- ruginous, the mandibles stoul, beut into an obtuse tooth at their apex, and having two obtuse teeih within : the head is wider than B 3 6 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E. ihe thorax, the antennae ferriip:inous. The thorax is very delicately and distantly puncluved, and has two distinct impressions anteriorly and a stria o'n each side parallel with the margins. The elytra pale testaceous, and having a dark angular stain at the base, the suture and margins also dark testaceous, legs rufo testaceous, the tarsi pale. Length 1 line. a. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. Columbia. From M. Goudot's collection. 5. L^M0PHL(EUS BIMACULATUS. Cucnjus bimaculatus, Payk. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1801, 121. (nee Oliv.) Ins. Siiec. ii. 13, 6. Schonh. Syn. iii. 55, 20. Cucujus unifascialus, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xi. 256, 7. Westw. ZooL Journ. v. 228, t. 47, f. 2. Sleph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. iv. 223, 5. a. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. i, c. Britain. Presented by the Rev. G. T. Rudd. 6. L^MOPHL(EUS BIGUTTATUS. Lsemophloeus biguttatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. v. 267, 1826. a. United States; Trenton Falls. Presented by E. Doubleday» Esq. 7. L^MOPHLCEUS CASTANEUS. Laemophloeus ater. Villa., Dej. Cat. 340. Lsemophloeus caslaneus {Rosenh. in litt.) Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 318,2. Hab. — Europe. 8. LiEMOPHLCEUS CONCOLOR. Ferruginous, head and thorax punctured : the antennae the length of the head and thorax, the latter slightly narrowed at its base and having on each side a stria parallel with the margins'- the elytra depressed, striate, the interstices punctured, the whole insect slightly pubescent. Length 1 line. fl, h. India. Presented by G. Turpin, Esq. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID^. 9. Lj;;ivioPHL(EDs paeallelus. The thorax transverse, as wide as the elytra, scarcely narrowed at the hase, very delicately punctured, on each side a stria parallel with the margin : the elytra i)ale testaceous, each elytron having three delicate strisp, and a raised one running parallel with the mar- gin, the whole finely punctured, and slightly puhescent. Length f line. o. Borneo ■? 10. L.EMOPHLCECS OBSOLETUS. Ferruginous: the antennae longer than the head and thorax, which are both delicately punctured ; the usual lateral striae on the thorax obsolete; the thorax in front as wide as the elytra, but considerably narrowed at tlie base : the elytra strongly striate, the interstices punctured: the whole insect has a thin short pubes- cence : legs pale ferruginous. Length 1 line. a. India. Presented by R. Howse. Esq. n. L^M0PHLa::us singulahis. Head and thorax of a light chestnut, regularly, strongly, but not closely punctured ; the thorax having on each side a stria pa- rallel with the margin : the legs testaceous red : the elytra depressed, regularly punctured in striae. Length 1 line. a, b. East Florida. Presented by E. Newman, Esq. 12. L.f:MOPHL(EUS MODESTUS. Laeraophloeiis modestus, Sai/, Journ. Acad. Phil. v. 208,2, 1826. Had. — United Stales. 13. L.EMOPHLOEUS TESTACEUS. Cucujus testaceus, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. i. pt. 2, 90, 11. Brontes testaceus, Fabr. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 98, 6. Dufts. Faun. .iust. ii. 273, 2. CATALOGUE OF CUCDJIDiE. Laemophloeus testaceus, Erichs. Naturg. Lis. Deuts. 320, 5. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 184, I. a — i. From the collection of A. Melly, Esq. 14. L^MOPHLCEUS DUPLICATDS. Cucujus duplicatus, Waltl. Isis, 225, 39. Lcemophloeus duplicatus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 320. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185,3. Hab. — Europe. 15. L^MOPHLffiUS PUSILLUS. Cucujus minutus, OUv. Ent. iv. 74, Ms, 8, 9, t. 1, f. 6. Cucujus pusilhis, Schunh. Syn. iii. 55, 16. Cucujus cvassicornis, Waltl. Isis, 225, 28. Cucujus testaceus, Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. iv. 224,7, t. 21, f. 5. Laemophloeus pusillus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 321, 7. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185, 4. Hab. — Europe. 16. LiEMOPHLCEUS FERRUGINEUS. Cucujus ferrugineus, Crentz, MSS. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. iv. 223, 4. Cucujus testaceus, Payk. Faun. Suec. Ins. ii. 168, 5, (nee. Gyll. Ins. Suec. ii. 12, 5). LcEUiophloeus ferruiiineus, Steph. Man. Brit. Col. 141, 1144. Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 322, 8. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185, 4. Hab. — Europe (British Islands). 17. L^MOPHLGEUS ATER. Cucujus ater, OUv. Ent. iv. 74, bis, 9, 10, t. 1, f. 10, a, h. Cucujus Spartii, Curt. Brit. Ent. xi. t. 510. Laemophloeus ater, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 323, 9. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185, 5. a, h. Britain. Presented bj the Rev. G. T. Rudd. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDiE. 18. L.EMOPHLOEUS CAPENSIS. Laemophlceus capensis, Kunze, Rev. Silb. ii. 257. Waltt. Silb.Rev. Ent. ii. 257. Laeraophla'us ater (vav.), Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 324. Hab. — Europe. 19. LiEMOPHL(EUS ALTERNANS. LaBmoi)liloeus alternans, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Dents. 325, 10. Laemophlceus affinis, Dej. Cat. iii. 340. Hab. — Europe. 20. L^MOPHLCEUs Clematidis. Ljemoi)lilceus clematidis, Chev. MSS. Dej. Cat. iii. 340. Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 326, 11. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 185, 5. a. France. From Dr. FrivalJsky's collection. 21. L^.MOPHLCEUS DUFOURII. Laemophlceus Dufourii, Lahoulb. Ann. Sc. Ent. Fr. 22. L/EMOPHLCEUS CORTICINUS. LaBmophlceus coilicinus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 327, 12. Redtenb. Faun. Aust. 167. (nee Chevr.) Hab. — Europe. 23. L.EMOPHL(EUS MINUTUS. Cucujus minutus, Fabr. Syst. Eleut. ii. 95, 15, Hab. — S. America. 24. LAEMOPHLCEUS MINIMUS. Laemophlceus minimus, Sch'dn. Si/n. Ins. 55, 18. Laemophlceus minutus, Kugel, Schied. Mag. 573, 7. Hab. ? 10 CATALOGUE OF COCUJID^. 25. L^MOPHL(EUS INFUSCATUS. Laemophlceus infuscatus, Mots. Mem. Bull. Mosc. xviii. 91, 264. Hab. — Kasan. 26. L^MOPHLCEUS STEPEXSIS. Lasmopbloeus Stepensis, Mots. Mem. Bull. Mosc. xviii. 91, 265. Hab. — Kirguises. 27. L^MOPHLCEUS FRACTIPENNIS. Laemophlceus fractipennis, Mots. Bull. Mosc. xviii. 91, 266. Hab. — Geoi-ofia. 28. L^MOPHLCEus Heldii. LaBmophlcBus Heldii, Gistl. Isis, 1131. Hab. ? 29. L.gEMOPHL(EUS sanguinolentus. Laeraophloeus sanguinolentus, Hope, Gray, Zool. Misc. i. 27. Hab. — Nepal. Genus 8. LATHROPUS. Trogosita, Midi. Germ. Mag. 4, 1821. Latliropus, Erichs. Naturg. 327, 1845 — 8. 1. Lathropus sepicola. Trogosita sepicola, Miill. Germ. Mag. iv. 208, 14. Germ. Faun. Ins. Europ. 6, 2. Lathropus sepicola, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 328, 1. Hab. — Europe. CATAXOGUE OF CUCUJID^. H Fara. IT. BRONTID.^. Brontites, Blanch. Hist, dcs Ins. 134, 1815. Bronlini, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Beuts. ii29, 1846. Genus 1. DENDROPHAGUS, .S-cAonA. Cucujus, p., Fabr. Sijst. Ent. 204, 56, 1775. Dendi'ophagus, Schonh. Vet. Acad. HandL 50. 1809. 1. Dendrophagus crenatus. Cucujus sulcatus, Fahr. Mant. i. 165,2. Cucujus crenatus, Pflj/A. Faun. Suec. ii. 168, 4. Dendrophasrus crenaius, Sch'unli. Vet. Acad. Handl. 51, t. 3, f. 1, Gyll. ins. Suec. ii. 14, 1. Redtenh. Faun. Ausi. 186, 170. a—/. Hungary. From the colUction of Mr. Cliildren. g — A. Finland. Presented by Dr. Nurdenskiold, 2. Dendrophagus Austkalis. Dendrophagus Australis, Erichs. Arch, fur Naturg. 218,158. a. New Holland. Piesenied by Sir John Richardson, M.D. 6, c. New Holland. Presented !'y the Eniomological Club. 3. Dendrophagus brevicornis. Dendrophagus brevicornis, While. Zool^ Ereb. ^ Terror, 18. Hab. — New Zealand, Bay of Islands, Port Nicholson. 4. Dendrophagus sutlralis. Dendrophagus suturalis, White, Zool. Ereb. 4* Terror, 18. Hab. — New Zealand, Port Nicholson. 12 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID^. 5. Dendrophagus umbrinus. Head and thorax of a dark bright brown ; the disk of the tho- rax with large deep punctures; its sides and the head rugose; the thorax oblong, slightly narrowed behind, and having an entire raised margin : the elytra paler thnn the thorax, strongly punctate-striate : the legs testaceous. Length 2 lines. a. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker. 6. Dendrophagus seeratus. Head, thorax, and antennas chestnut ; the elytra of a paler co- lour: head and thorax deeply punctured; the basal joint of the an- tennae slightly bent outwards towards the apex ; the second joint of the funiculus bent, and thicker than the others : the eyes very pro- minent; a shallow depression passing from the base of each an- tenna to the vertex: the thorax with slii^^ht uneven depressions, the lateral margins sharply serrate: the elytra flat, punctate-striate, the interstices punctured : an elongate raised stria close to the lateral margins r the body and legs beneath chestnut. Length 2f lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. Genus 2. BRONTES. Cerambyx, p., Linn. Si/st. Nat. i. 625, 1766. Brontes, Fab. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 97, 1801. Uleiota, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 26, 1807 — 9. 1. Brontes planatus. Cerambyx planatus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 645. Syst. Nat. i. 625, 17. Brontes flavipes. Fab. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 97, 2. Panz. Faun. Germ. 95,4. Gyll. Ins. Suec. iv. 118, 1. Schonh. Syn. iii. 57, 2. Cucujns flavipes. Fab. Ent. Syst. i. pt. 2, 95, 8. Payk. Faun. Suec. ii. 167, 3. Oliv. Ent. iv. 74, bis, 7, 6, t. 1, f. 6'. Sturm, Verz. 43, 13, t. 2, f. 1. Brontes pallens, Fab. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 98, 3. Uleiota flavipes, Lat. Hist. Nat. ii. 257, 1. Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. iv. 225, 1. Shuck. Col. Delin. 64, 537, t.37, f. 10. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.t. 13 Brontes planalus, Redtenh. Faun, Aust. 186, 169. a — d. France. Presented by George Newman, Esq. e. Presented by Dr. Hainpe. /, g. Hungfarv. From Dr. Frivaldsky's collection. h. ? ' 2. Brontes DUBius. Brontes dubius, Fab. Sj/st. Eleut. ii. 97, 1. Hab. — Europe. 3. Bkontes minimus. Brontes minimus, Fah. Syst. Eleut. ii. 98, 5. Hab. — S. America. 4. Brontes spinicollis. Brontes spinicollis, Guer. Icon. R. An. ii. 205, t. 42, f. 3. Brontes orientalis, Dej. Cat. 340. Hab. — Java. 6. Brontes Australis. Brontes Australis, Erichs. Archiv.fdr Naturg. 217, 156. Hab.— Van Diemen's Land. 6. Bbontes militaris. Brontes militaris, -E'ncAi, Archiv.f'ur Naturg. 217, 157. Hab. — Van Diemen's Land. 7. Brontes truncatus. Brontes truncatus, Mots. Mem. Imp. Acad. Mosc. 17, 92. 267. Hab. ? 14 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDiE. 8. Brontes denticulatus. Head and thorax ferruginous, and rugose-punctate, the former having a transverse deep groove on the vertex, from which two pa- rallel grooves emanate, and run down the face to the base of the clypeus : the anterior angles of the thorax produced, the lateral mar- gins sharply denticulated : abdomen ; the scutellum, and the entire margins of the elytra ferruginous: elytra black, deeply crenate-striate, a sharp elevated carina running from the shoulder to the apex of the elytra, slightly inclining inwards : the entire body beneath and the legs ferruginous. Length 2^ lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 3. PLATISUS. Platisus, Erichs. Wiegm. Arch. 216, 1842. 1. Platisus obscurus. Platisus obscurus, Erichs. Wieg. Arch. 216, 155. a. New Holland. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. Genus 4. TELEPHANUS. Telephanus, Erichs. Ins. Deuts. (Note), 329, 1845 — 8. 1. Telephanus atricapillus. Telephanus atricapillus, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. (Note), 330. Hab. — United States (Pennsylvania). Genus 5. PSAMMJECHUS. Latridius, p., Herbst, Kafer. v. 3, 1793. Anthicus, Fab. Syst. Eleut. \. 228, 1801. Notoxus, Panz. Faun. Germ. 26, 9. Crj-pta {Kirby), Steph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. in. 5, 1830. Psammaechus, Boudier, Lucas, Rev. Zool. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E. 15 1. PsAMMiECIIUS BOUDIERI. Psammaechus Boudieri, Lucas, Rev. Zool. 147. Hab. — Algeria. 2. PsAMMiECHUS BIPUNCTATUS. Anthicus bipunctatus, Fah. Syst. Eleut. i. 291, 11. Notoxiis bipunctatus, Panz. Faun. Germ. 26, 9. Latndius bipunctatus, Herbst, Kafer, v. 10, 10, t. 44, f. 10, k. Psammaechus bipunctatus, Boudier, Ann. Soc, Ent. d. Fr. 3, s. 370, t. 7, c. Stcph. Man . Brit. Col. 1 30, 1059. Erichs. Natiir(j. Ins. Deuls. 334, 1. Hab. — England. Genus 6. SILVANUS. Derraestes, p., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 561, 1766. Tenebrio, p., De Geer., Ins. v. 54, 1775. Colyriium, pt., Herbst, K'dfer, vii. 278, 1797. Ips,"p., Otiv. Ent. ii. 18, 1800—2. Silvanus, Latr. Gen. Crnst. Ins. iii. 1809. Leptus, Dujts. Faun. Aust. iii. 156, 1825. 1. Silvanus Surinamensis. Dermestes Surinamensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 565, 29. Tenebrio Surinamensis, De Geer, //w. v. 54, 5, t. 13, f. 12. Colydium frumentarium, Herbst, Kafer, vii. 283, 4, t. 113, f. 1, A. Dermestes sexdentatus. Fab. Syst. Eleut. i. 317, 25. Panz. Faun. Germ. 14, 11. Tps frumentaria, Oliv. Ent. ii. 18, 10, 14, t. 2, f. 13. Silvanus sexdentatus, Gyll. Ins. Suec. iii. 406, 2. Leptus sexdentatus, Dufts. Faun. Aust. iii. 156, 1, Silvanus Surinuminsis, Stcph. III. Brit. Ent. Mand. iii. 104, I. Silvanus fVumentarius, Erichs. Natury. Ins. Dents. 336, 1. a — h. Arabia (Shores of Red Sea). Presented by Edward Double- dav, Escj. i-p. —? England (probably introduced). c 2 16 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID^E. 2. Silvan US intermedius. Dark fuscous : head and thorax very finely and closely punc- tured ; the face has iwo longitudinal channels or depressions, not reaching- the vertex : the thorax has two depressions towards the base, and on each side has six obtuse teeth, those on the anterior angles directed forwards : abdomen ; the elytra punctured in strias, and having two or three obsoletely elevated carinas most prominent towards the base. Length H line, a, b. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. 3. SiLVANUS DENTATUS. Silvanus dentatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc, 265. Silvanus denticollis, Dej. Cat. 338. Hab. — United States. 4. Silvanus BREvicoRNis. Silvanus brevicornis, Erichs. Arch. fur Naturg. 218, 159. Hab. — Van Diemen's Land. 5. Silvanus bicornis. Silvanus bicornis, {Rosenk. MSS.)^ Erichs. Nalurg. Ins. Deuts. 337, 2. Silvanus subdentatus, Dej. Cat. 338. Hab.— Europe. 6. Silvanus bidentatus. Dermestes bidentatus, Fah. Syst. Eleut. i. 317, 28. Colydiura sulcatum, Syst. Eleut. ii. 555, 1. Leptus bidentatus, Dufts. Faun. Au^t.iW. 157, 2. Silvanus bidentatus, Erichs, Naturg, Ins. Deuts. 338, 3. Redtenh. Faun. Aust. 187, 2. Hab. — Europe. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E, 17 7. Silvan US unidentatus. Dermestes unidentatus, Fah. Si/st. Eleut. i. 317, 27, Ips unidentatus, OUv. Ent. ii. 18, 9, 12, t. l,f. 4. Colydiura planum, Ilerbst, Kafer. vii. 285, 7, t. 113, f. 3. Leptus unidentatus, Dufls. Faun. Aust. iii. 158,3. Silvanus unidentatus, Latr. Geh7Crust.et Ins. iii. 20. 1, t. I, t. 1. Gi/IL Im.Suec. iii. 405, 1. Step/i. III. Brit. Ent. iii. 105, 3. Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Dents. 338, 4. Redtenh. Faun. Anst. 187,2. a, b. Hungary. From the collection of Dr. Frivaldsky. 8. Silvanus suturalis. Dermestes suturalis, Fabr. Si/st. Eleut. i. 317, 25. Hab. — Austria. 9. Silvanus eloxgatus. Cryptophagus elongatus, Gyll. Ins. Suec. iii. 677, 12, 13. Silvanus lapidarius, Dcj. Cat. 338. Silvanus elonjjaius, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 340, 7. Redttnb. Faun. Aust. 187. Hab. — Europe. 10. Silvanus advena. Cryptophagus ferrugineus, Sturm, Cat. 127. Cryptophagus Araericanus, Dej. Cat. 138. Cryptophagus advena, IValtl. Silb. Rev. Ent. ii. 256. Silvanus advena, Erichs. Xaturg. Ins. Deuts. 339, 6. Hab. — Amer. Border. 11. Silvanus similis. Silvanus similis, Wesm. Dej. Cat. 338. Erichs. Xaturg. Iitt Deuts. 339, 5. o. France. Presented by M. Javet. b. Hungary. From Dr. Frivaldsky's collection. c 3 IS CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDA. Family III. TRICTENOTOMID.^. Trictenotomides, Chev. 3fSS. Genus 1. TRICTENOTOMA. Trictenotoraa, Gray, Griff'. An. King. i. 534, 1824. 1. Trictenotoma Childreni. Trictenotoraa Childreni, G. R. Gray, Griff". An. King. Ins. i.- 534, t. 5, 5*. Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. 48, t. 23, f. 1, 2, ? , c? . Trictenotoma Schrildreni, Guerin, Mag. Zool. t. 35. (Childreni). 1832- 3. a. East Indies, Tenasperim Coast. From Mr. Children's collection. (The type specimen described by Mr. Gray). 2. Trictenotoma ^nea. Trictenotoma genea, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. 48, 7, t. 23, f. 3, 9 • Hab. — Himalayas. 3. Trictenotoma Templetonii. Trictenotoma Templetonii, Westw. Cab. Orient. Ent. 48. t. 23, f. 2, $ . Parry, Trans. Ent. Soc. v. 83, 1848. Hab. — Ceylon. 4. Trictenotoma Gratii, n. s. Fem. — Head and thorax black; entirely clothed above with ful- vous pubescence; the mandibles shorter than the head, sublalcate, their apical teeth crossinjr : thorax transverse, the basal angles acute, the sides doubly angulaled, the apex of the first angle being about one-third from the basal angle, the second about the same distance from the apical angle, but less acute ; on the disk of the thorax are two denuded prominences : abdomen ; the elytra of a purple metallic CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E. 19 hue observable through the fulvous pubescent clothing: anteunae and legs shining black ; the entire body beneath, the coxae and femora, clothed with a short ashy pubescence. Length 2 in. 1| line. a. Malabar Coast, (Canara). Presented by S. Ward, Esq. Family IV. PASSANDillD.E. Passandrini, Erichs. Ins. Deuta. 304, 1845 — 8. Parandrides, Blanch. Hist. Ins. ii. 134, 1845. Genus 1. PASSANDRA. Passandra, Dahn. Schonh. Si/n. iii. App. 146, 1817, 1. Passandra Columbus. Passandra Columbus, Neivm. Ent. Mag. v. 398. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 390, 2. a, b. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. c. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. 2. Passandka Bhaziliensis. Passandra Braziliensis, Chev. in Guer. Ic. II. An. t. 41, f. 14. Hab. — Brazil. 3. Passandra fasciata. Passandra I'asciata, G. R. Gmi/, Cuv. An. Kiny. [Griffith), ii. 93. Newm. Ann. Nut. Hist. ii. 391, 3. Passandra Schcenheii, Dej. Cat. 340. a, h. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. (The type specimen described by Mr. Gray). 20 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E. 4. Passandra rubrolineata. Passandra rubrolineata, Blanch. Voy. (VOrhig. 205, 673, t. 19, f, 9. Hab.— S. America. 5. Passandra sexstriata. Passandra sexstriata, Dalm. Schbn. App. Syn. 146. Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 389, 1. Hab. — Sierra Leone. Genus 2. HECTARTHRUM. Cucujus, p.. Fab. Syst. Eleut. ii. 92, 1775. Hectarthrum, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 391, 1839. 1. Hectartheum gigas. Cucujus gigas, Fab. Syst. Eleut. ii. 92, 1. Hectarthrum gigas, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 392, 2. Hab.— Guinea. 2. Hectarthrum depeessum. Fern. — Black: the thorax and abdomen more depressed than in H. brevifossum : the head is sculptured as in that species, but the thorax is more quadrate and less narrowed at its base: the striatiou of the elytra agrees with that of H. brevifossum, but the abdomen beneath is proportionably shorter. Length 1 in. 10 lines. Male. — Agreeing with the female in every particular except the form of the antennse, which have the joints much broader, being 'broader than long. Length 1 1 lines. fl, b. India. From Mr. Sowerby's collection, c, d. India. From Mr. Woolley's collection. e. India. From Mr. Children's collection. catalogue of cucujidj:. 21 3. Hectartheum bkevifossum. Hectarthi-um brevifossum, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 392, 3. a. Java. Old collection. b, c. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. d,e,f. Tenasserim. Presented by J. D. C. V. Packman, Esq. g, h, i. ? From Mr. Soweiby's colleetiou. 4. Hectarthrum cylindricum. Black : the head has the usual deep channels which charac- terise this genus ; two deep channels originating at the basal angles of the clypeus, run upwards, meeting a little belbre the vertex, thence passing off at right angles they continue, reaching the inner margins of the eyes, here becoming narrower they traverse the inner margins and curve round, meeting the origin of the deep sulcation ; the clypeus has a deep fossulet in the centre, the lateral margins of which are raised : the joints of the antennae in the female are about one-third longer than broad, slightly narrower towards their base ; in the male they are quadrate, having the angles rounded, as seen from above; the thorax elongate, having a marginal stria crossing at the base, from each angle of which a parallel stria is continued forwards to the anterior raar<,nn, which is continued on each side a short distance towards the centre : the elytra have a deep sutural stria from base to apex, continued along the outer margin up to the shoulder; a central stria runs at about an equal distance from the sutural and marginal striae ; near to this towards the base is an ab- breviated stria. Female. Length 6| lines. a, b. Maclntyre River, Australia. From the collection of Mr. Ker. 5. Hectarthrum curtipes. Hectarthrum curtipes, i\>irm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 3i>2, 1. Hab. — Senegal. 6. Hectarthrum trigeminum. Hectarthrum trigeminum, Neivm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 393, 4. Hab. ? 22 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDJE. 7. Hectarthrum herds. Cucujusheros, Fah. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 92, 2. Hectarthrum heros, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 394, 5. Hab. — Sumatra. 8. Hectarthrum quad ri line atum. Black : the head sculptured as in H. cylindricus, but having a sharp carina down the face, terminating in the deep fossulet on the clypeus, which has also a raised carina on each side : the thorax one- third longer than broad : each elytron has four stria independent of the usual marginal striae, the sutural strias uniting with the margi- nal one ; a second stria runs parallel to the sutural one but becomes obsolete a little before the apex ; a second pair of striae run down the middle of the elytra, the inner one commencing a little below the shoulder, the outer stria commences at the humeral angle, and both become obsolete a little before the apex : the femora red, tibiae and tarsi rufo-piceous. Female. Length 5 lines. a. Port Natal. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 9. Hectajithrum bistriatum. Hectarthrum bistriatum, Lap. Hist. Nat. Lis. ii. 384. Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 394, 6. Hab. — Java. 10. Hectarthrum semifuscum. Hectarthrum semifuscum, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. 396, 8. Hab. ? 11. Hectarthrum gemelliparum. Passandra Senegalensis, Dej. Cat. 340. Hectarthrum gemelliparum, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist, ii, 395, 7. Hab.— W. Africa. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIDiE. 23 12. Hectabthrum rufipenne. Cucujus rufipennis, Fah. St/st. Elmt. ii. 93, 3. Heclarthmm rufipenne, Neicm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 396, 9. Hab. — Sumatra. Genus 3. CATOGENUS. Cucujus, p., Fab. S>pt. El. ii. 93. Isouolus, Pert}/, Del. 1 14. Catogenus, Westiv. Zool. Journ. v. 221. 1. Catogenus carinatus. Catogenus carinatus, Neivm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 397, 1. Hab. — Cape. 2. Catogenus castaneus. Isonotus castaneus, Perti/, Del. 114, t. 22, f. 15 Catoj^enus castaneus, AWm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 397, 2. a. Brazil. Old collection. 6, c. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. (/. Columbia. From M. Buquet's collection. €,f. Venezuela. From Mr. Paniplin's collection. g. ? Presented by the Euloniological Club. 'h. 3. Catogenus rufus. Cucujus rufus. Fab. Si/st. Eleut. ii. 93, 6. Ent. Syst. Supp. 123, 2. Catogenus rufus, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 398, 3. a. North America. Old collection. b, c, d. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 4. Catogenus puncticollis. Catogenus puncticollis, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 399, 4. Hab. — North America. 24 CATALOGUE OF CUCUJID.E. 5. Catogenus Lebasii, Catogeuus Lebasii, Guer. Icon. R. An. ii. 202, Hab. ? a, b. Columbia. From the collection of Mons. Goudot (Type). 6. Catogenus decoratus. " Catogenus decoratus, Newm." Chevr. ii. Hab. ? 7. Catogenus concoloe. Catogenus concolor, Blanch. Voy. (TOrhig. 205, 674, t. 19, f. 20. Hab. — S. America. Genus 4. ERICHSONIA. Erichsonia, Westiv. Trans. Ent. Soc. v. 210, 1849. 1. Erichsonia dentifbons. Erichsonia dentifrons, IVestw. Trans. Ent. Sue. v. 211, t. 22, f. 2. Hab. — Mexico. Genus 5. ANCISTRIA. Colydium, Fab. Ent. Syst. i. 495, 1793. Ancistria, (Hoffmsgg.) Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deutsch. 305, 1845. 1. Ancistria retusa. Colydium retusum, Fab. Syst. Eleut. ii. 555, 2. Hab. — Sumatra. Genus 6. SCALTDIA. Scalidia, Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 305, 1845 — 8. 1. Scalidia, n. s. Scalidia, n. s., Erichs. l. c. (Note), Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 305. Hab. — S. America. CATALOGUE OF CUCUJIl)^. 25 2. SCALIUIA, n. S. Scalidia, n. s., Erichs. I. c. (Note). Naturg. Itis. Deuta. 30;"). Genus 7. PROSTOMIS. Trogosita, pt., Fab. Syst. Eleut.-'r. loO, IHOl. Megagnathvis, Deg. Cat. 339. Prostomis, Lat. Fam. Nat. 397. 1. Prostomis mandibularis. Trogosita mandibularis, Fab. Syst. Eleut. i. 155, 26. Sturm, Deuts. Ijis. ii. 248, 1, t. 49. Panz. Faun. Gerni. 105, 3. Erichs. Naturg. Ins. Deuts. 306, 1. Cucujus maxillosus, Zenk. Mull. Illig. Mag. iv. 205. Hab. ? Edward Newman, Printer, 9, Devonshire Street, Ri.sbopsgati 6