^^ml? FOR HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS • IN CITIES AND TOWNS Prepared by College ol Agriculture, University of Illinois ISSUED BY ILLINOIS STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE GOV. DWIGHT H. GREEN, Chairman To Illinois Junior Qitizens In Cities and Towns . . . OU have the opportunity to render a patriotic service that has not come to many boys and girls of past generations. American farmers have been asked to grow more food and fiber in 1943 than they have ever before produced even in years of the most bountiful harvests. If we fail to meet the rapidly increasing demands of our armies, our civilian workers, our allies, and the liberated peoples for these essential war mate- rials, the whole war effort will be handicapped and thousands of lives lost that could have been saved. Illinois farmers can do their share in this great effort only if large numbers of able and willing farm workers are found to replace the thousands who have left our farms to enter the armed forces and essential war industries. This is where strong, interested, intelligent city boys and girls can make a truly im- portant contribution to our war effort. To those of you who are willing and able to enter service on our farms, I commend this booklet. It has been written espe- cially for you by members of the staff of the College of Agriculture of your State University — men who have grown up on farms, have studied farm life, and know the problems young people will meet on farms. It has been issued by the Illinois State Council of Defense It will help you to get acquainted with what lies before you and prepare for it. Study it thoroughly and take to heart all the advice you find there. The State of Illinois, your country, and the hungry people of Europe will recognize and be grateful for your help. Springfield, Illinois January, 1943 ^ /i Governor. i^jwy iwim3nYoyiuiii8»- URtAMA Prepared by COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Issued by ILLINOIS STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE Gov. DwiGHT H. Green, Chairman Frank O. Lowden, Honorary Chairman Murray M. Baker, Vice Chairman Lieut. Gov. Hugh W. Cross, Secretary Speaker Elmer J. Schnackenberg, Treasurer Sen. Arnold P. Benson Reuben G. Soderstrom Rep. Reed F. Cutler Barney Thompson Sen. Richard J. Daley Charles M. Thompson Stuart Duncan Mrs. Frederic W. Upham Rev. James L. Horace Rep. Bernice T. Van der Vries Henry P. Rusk Rep. William Vicars Capt. William F. Waugh The farm is a home as well as a place of business. This family enjoys an attrac- tive house and a well-kept lawn. The livestock are housed in the barn in the rear. The farmer is on the way to the field with a rack wagon, while his son gets the mail left by the rural mail carrier. Why City Boys and Girls Are Needed on Farms in 1943 Your Part in the War Effort Right now you and all persons in the United States are being called upon to contribute your utmost to the war effort. Let's stop and take inventory. Just what specific things have you done to help defeat the Axis Powers? If your school has been active in the scrap, rubber, and other salvage drives, you have no doubt contributed some time and effort in helping collect these precious war materials. Many of you are defense bond holders, or save a large share of your allowance or earnings for defense stamps. These and other contributions are important — but, are they enough? If we are to exterminate fascism and its brutal, undemocratic forces from the face of this earth, we have a fight on our hands that requires an all- out effort on the part of every citizen in our country. Each individual must contribute his time and abilities to the fullest extent. Of course, at the present, your proper place is in school — developing skills and gathering essential knowledge in preparing yourself to become an active, intelligent citizen of our democracy. But — what about the vaca- tion period next summer? You will have some three months available then. How can you use that time to make the maximum contribution to the war effort? The serious shortage of workers in our farm areas pro- vides a challenging answer to this question. Agriculture — A National Industry Agriculture is the oldest occupation of civilized man. Tending flocks and producing crops for food and clothing — the necessities of life — were some of his earliest productive activities. When we think and speak of agriculture, it is generally in terms of an individual farm. Consequently, we often think of it as a small industry or business. But in 1940 agriculture in the United States ranked second only to manufacturing in the number of workers employed. Eighteen and five-tenths percent of all employed persons were in agriculture. On the basis of net income, agriculture ranked fourth among the industries, being exceeded only by manufacturing, trade, and finance. It has been estimated that in 1937 each farm person produced enough food for him- self and three and one-half additional persons. A major portion of our population is wholly dependent on commercial agriculture for food and clothing. Agriculture — An Essential War Industry In normal times agriculture is an essential industry of the Nation; in war times it assumes vital significance. Production goals in 1943 in Page 6 the United States call for an increase of 10 percent over the 1941 levels. Secretary Wickard has said that about one-fourth of this production will be needed for the armed forces and for lend-lease shipments. Farmers of Illinois have been asked to increase their 1943 production over that of 1942 by the following percentages: corn, 4 percent; barley, 12 percent; potatoes, 8 percent; cattle, 3 percent; hogs, 15 percent; chickens, 8 per- cent— and these are only part of the items. As a result of the increased efforts of farmers, favorable weather and the influx of older men and women and children to farms making a barely adequate labor supply, agricultural production was at a high level in 1942. Total production is estimated to have been 9 percent above 1941, whereas production goals called for only a 6 percent increase. Corn, soybean, and pork production all set new records. American farmers have successfully met the challenge of the first year of the war. But, with the demand for still further increases, what is the prospect for 1943? The Farm Labor Situation Farmers are being asked for further increases in the production of a number of commodities in 1943. Statistics show that about 1,600,000 farm workers and operators left their farm jobs between September, 1941, and September, 1942, 43 percent to enter the armed forces, and 57 percent to go into the ranks of industry. A great many more have left since September, and the number that will be called to the armed forces in 1943 will continue to deplete the already inadequate supply. In a recent survey, more than one-third of America's farmers said that unless they could obtain help from sources other than those now available, they would have to greatly reduce their output in 1943. The need for additional food production in 1943 is vital. Without it the tremendous task of feeding large numbers of the civilian population in allied and conquered countries, as well as the members of our armed forces and the people of our nation, cannot be done. We cannot, we must not, disappoint these people. They depend on the products of agriculture for the garments that clothe them, and for the food which provides the physical stamina needed to wage a successful fight against the enemy. A Challenge to the City Youth of America This is where you, the city youth of America, fit in. The nation looks to you to help solve this crucial problem. Here is your opportunity to make a really impressive contribution to the war program. If you are physically fit, alert, and willing to learn, this is the chance you have been waiting for to back up the men on Democracy's fighting fronts with actual deeds, while at the same time improving your own physical trim, laying up funds for the future, and gaining skills that will always be valuable. Don't let your country down. Help it solve its farm labor problem ! Page 7 1) Work, Wages, and Living Conditions The Nature of Farm Work Before deciding to work on a farm, you should consider rather care- fully whether you "can take it." Farm work is hard work. Naturally not all the jobs you will be asked to do are difficult, but there are a number of jobs, such as pitching hay, which require a great amount of physical exertion. Farmers cannot use boys who are physically soft or lazy. If you are not willing to do hard work, you had better forget about working on a farm. Farmers generally will recognize your limitations and not expect you to do work which is too strenuous for you, but they will expect you to do your very best on the physically hard work. If you are looking toward next summer on a farm as a time to relax and take life easy, forget about farm work ! The farmers are too busy in this war effort to be bothered by persons who are not willing to work. On the other hand, if you are ready to accept a challenge to your physical vitality and ability, a number of farmers will be glad to have you work for them. The physical exertion re- quired for farm work is not just a matter of being able to lift a bag of feed ; it involves endurance. We hear much talk these days about keeping fit. If you work on a farm this summer, you will be doing a great deal towards maintaining "physical fitness." Fresh air, sun- shine, plenty of food, lots of sleep, and an abundance of exercise will condition you physically. Now, how about your work- ing hours? It is important to re- member that, unlike business men, the farmer doesn't keep "office hours." Much of his work can be done only when weather condi- tions are favorable, even though there are some farm jobs that must be carried on rain or shine. Since the weather period favor- Page8 Pitching hay is typical of work done in the fields during the summer months. It is hard work, and skill is required if a satisfactory amount of hay is to be put in the barn each day. Hay can be put up only when dry, and since it is of inferior quality if rained on, farmers are in a hurry during the haying season. On livestock farms much time is devoted to "chores." Sows with Httle pigs will be fed and watered twice each day and the bedding changed when it gets damp. Later these pigs may be put on a self-feeder. able for certain operations is often short, the farmer literally must "make hay while the sun shines." There is no "eig-ht-hour day" on a farm, either. There will be times on any farm when you may be expected to work ten or twelve hours a day, and on some farms such hours may be the rule rather than the exception. It is interesting to note, however, that despite longer hours, statistics show that rural people are generally as healthy as city dwellers. Finally, you must keep in mind that the farmer does not have a "white collar" job. Just as he does not keep office hours, neither does he wear office clothes. You will be asked to perform jobs at which you cannot keep clean, some of which you may even consider unpleasant. If you are on a livestock farm, it is likely that you may be asked to help clean out the barn or feedlot; this means shoveling or pitching manure. During harvesting, if you work around a combine, baler, or threshing machine, you may find the job a dusty one. If you operate a tractor cultivator on a windy day, you may find that when you stop work the only visible white spots on you are the whites of your eyes. Naturally only a relatively small percent of the farm jobs are extremely dirty, but if you cannot stand dirt, don't accept farm work. The type of jobs you will be asked to do on the farm depends on the type of farm on which you work. You may be expected to do a wide variety of jobs, or the farmer may want someone who will do the same work all the time he is on the farm. Information contained in this booklet will help you visualize the jobs to be done on different kinds of farms. They will range all the way from various tasks in the care of the dairy herd, horses, pigs, sheep, beef cattle, or poultry to operating farm equipment such as tractors, plows, binders, and threshing machines, or planting, cultivating and hai'\'esting the crops. Page 9 It takes more than just muscle to do the job. Farm work calls for stamina and physical endurance. Remember, too, that in the farmer's eyes you will be a comparatively "green" worker. It takes years to develop a truly skilled farm worker, and in the beginning you may be more of a liability than an asset to him. To be successful, you will have to follow his instructions carefully and accurately, and work hard at the tasks assigned you. Wages and Living Conditions One of the first questions in the mind of anyone considering a job is that of wages. It is rather difficult to say exactly what wages you can expect. In the summer of 1942 inexperienced city boys who accepted farm work for the entire summer received about a dollar a day plus room, board, and laundry. With the increased demand for workers in 1943 and rising farm prices, it may be that some farmers will be willing to pay more than this for boys who demonstrate their ability and willingness to do farm work. In arriving at a total wage, you will have to add to your cash wage the value of food, room, laundry, and whatever else may be furnished. The value of these additional items may be more of a real advantage to your parents than to you because most of you still live at home where your room and board is furnished. Though wages may appear small, you will undoubtedly be able to save some money since your major needs will be supplied, and there will be many enjoyable ways to use your spare time that do not require spending any money. Living conditions vary from farm to farm. Many farmers have com- pletely modern homes; others have none of the modern conveniences. When you go to work on a farm, you may expect to be considered pretty much as "one of the family"; in fact, if the farmer has a son of about your age you may be asked to share his room. Generally speaking, most farm homes are clean and have comfortable sleeping rooms. You will receive plenty of substantial food, even though it may not be in the form of some of the fancy dishes and style you have been accustomed to in the city. Over one-fifth of the total number of people in our country are farm workers or farm dwellers. Here is an opportunity for you to develop an understanding of these people, their life, and problems, and make many friendships which you will appreciate in years to come. There^s a Place for the Girls, Too High school girls who are interested in helping out the farm situation will not be excluded from jobs this summer! The greatest demand for workers will no doubt be for boys since many of the jobs require hard physical labor. Although the heavier field work and machine operations will be performed by the men, you high school girls can help with a great many of the tasks discussed in the following pages. Page 10 Your greatest value will probably lie in the work that you do around the farm home — helping with the general housework, cooking, and work- ing in the garden. If a large share of the household responsibilities can be delegated to you, the more experienced farm women will be able to pitch in and help with some of the skilled operations around the farm, such as driving the tractor, etc. A Contribution to War Effort and Personal Development The preceding information has given you a general picture of what you may expect if you decide to accept farm work. In arriving at a decision, take into consideration what jobs are available in the city and the wages they pay. Get different opinions by talking to several of the boys in your school who worked on farms last summer. Some of them will be enthusiastic about it; others may report unfavorably. Try to get enough reactions and comments to enable you to make an intelligent decision. Keep in mind that working on a farm is a direct contribution to the war effort in two ways : First, it means helping to relieve the labor short- age that threatens to cut down our supply of essential food and clothing. Second, it develops a quality in you that is needed in our fighting men — physical fitness. You may be in the armed forces before this war is over. Remember, too, that education through experience, the most effective of all teachers, is at your service. A relatively large share of this education is general enough to have value to you in everyday life. There is an opportunity to use many of the small tools and equipment on a farm in other lines of work, and to develop a variety of manual skills. There is much for you to gain personally at the same time that you contribute to the war effort. For those of you who have a lively interest in plant or animal life, and have enjoyed your botany or biology classes, farm life offers unexcelled opportunity. Your experience in tending living, growing plants and ani- mals will be invaluable in helping you to observe, note, and understand the principles you have studied. Think over all these things. Then, having received your parents' consent, the final decision lies with you. On many farms the poultry will be fed and watered by girls, so that the men will have more time for field work. Page 11 univr^nYOFiujMOfs Press Assn. Inc. Photo 2) Preparing and Planning for Farm Work Start Making Plans Now This program can't be expected to be one-hundred-percent perfect. It would be surprising if every boy who attends these meetings were to be placed on a farm next summer. It would be equally surprising if every one of you "stuck it out" after being placed on a farm ! However, prepa- ration and planning will help to work out a program that will be as nearly perfect as can be expected. The main purpose of those who are responsible for the program is to see that you will be happy in your work, and that the farmers, in turn, are satisfied with your help. What preparation and plans should you be making now? It has been pointed out that farm work is hard work physically. It will also require you to do a lot of thinking and to make a number of decisions. One of your first tasks is to prove to those who are offering this training that, physically and mentally, you deserve to be chosen for a farm job. To be a real aid to some farmer next summer, it will be neces- sary for you to start right now to prepare, both physically and mentally, for your job. Well-made plans are important in any enterprise. Start making yours for this undertaking now; then put them into effect at the first opportunity. Of course, we all realize that under present emergency condi- tions, even the best laid plans may go awry, but that pos- sibility should not deter us from mak- ing plans and then rearranging them if it becomes neces- sary. Page 12 A flock of sheep requires a lot of attention at lambing time in late winter or early spring. These farm girls are feeding hay to their father's Hereford cows (beef cows) in an out- side rack. Most farmers will be unwilling to use city girls for caring for livestock, but city boys can be a lot of help at this 'job. Personal Preparation — Physical and Mental Take advantage of every op- portunity to increase your knowl- edge and experience in regard to agriculture. Meetings will be held at vari- ous centers in your city. These will be designed especially for city youth who are planning to work on farms this summer. Qualified men, experienced in various phases of agriculture, will talk to you and lead discussions at these assemblies. Preceding each meeting, you will be given printed material to read. Study it carefully. Come prepared to ask questions and enter into the discussion. One or two ideas which you pick up, or questions you raise, may prove of inestimable value to you and the rest of the group. Do not stop at this point. There are many good books on farming, farm life, and agriculture. Get acquainted with them for you can't learn too much. Although this so-called ''book learning" will not be one hundred percent effective in preparing you for farm work, you will find many of the books extremely interesting as well as highly instructive. Read the farm section of your newspapers and magazines. Farm magazines invariably contain instructive and interesting material. Take advantage of the mass of available publications on farming. In personal preparation, a program for physical fitness must not be overlooked. Condition yourself physically by entering wholeheartedly into your school sports, for farm work requires toughened and hardened muscles. Get accustomed to being out in the open air and doing physical exercise for an entire day. Learn by Visiting Finally, remember that the shortest road to the most learning is right on the farm itself. // you can possibly arrange to do so, go out on a farm over week-ends or during any vacation you may have between noiv and next summer. That is also the best way to find out whether you really want to do farm work and are suited for it. Contact the personnel officer of your school and he will attempt to place you on a nearby farm for a week-end or so, by getting in touch with the United States Employment Service or the Farm Labor Committee in a nearby county. Another w^ay to learn to identify livestock, machinery, and crops is to make visits to places in cities where you will be able to see actual is put in "windrows'" with a side-delivery rake. You will like this job. Hay. All classes of livestock, except poultry and hogs, consume con- siderable amounts of roughages. Hay is a roughage. It is the entire plant, cut before ripe, and dried or cured to be used as feed. Alfalfa, red clover, and timothy are a few of the numerous crops used for hay. Straw. People inexperienced in farming often fail to differentiate between hay and straw. Straw is a by-product of grain production. It consists of the leaves and stems of the ripe or mature plant after the removal of the grain by threshing. Straw is sometimes fed ; its chief use, however, is as litter, or bedding, for livestock. Pasture. Pasture crops are green, growing plants which the live- stock eat in the field. A wide variety of crops is used for pasture purposes. The word pasture refers to the area grazed by livestock. Vegetable and Fruit Crops. Most farmers raise some fruits and a garden for home use. In certain areas such crops are the only or the major source of income. A wide variety of crops is included in this group, and all of them are used as human food. Your Jobs in Crop Production Crop production operations may be divided into four general classes: (1) seedbed preparation, (2) plant- ing or seeding, (3) cultivating, and (4) harvesting. Each of these operations will be discussed briefly. Seedbed Preparation. The soil is the home of the plant. Together with air and water it provides the complete food supply used by the plant in manufacturing and pro- ducing its seeds. Seed production is simply nature's way of produc- ing plants. The farmer's task. Page 31 Some farmers have a hay loader, which re- duces the work of putting up hay. You can learn to drive the tractor or place the hay on the wagon. A modern plow of this type will turn ten to fifteen acres a day. then, is to aid nature in providing the most favorable conditions for the growth of the plant. The first step in this process is to provide the infant plant with a good bed in which to grow. There are generally three steps in preparing the seedbed, namely, plowing, disking, and harrowing. Plowing, which involves a turning over of the soil, is one of the first steps in seedbed preparation and is the opera- tion requiring the most time and power. Disking digs up the soil. The land may be disked both before and after plowing. Harrowing pulverizes and smooths the soil. Disking and harrowing are both used as finishing processes in seedbed preparation. They help to kill weeds, one of the farmer's greatest enemies, and pulverize and level the land prior to planting. Each of these operations may be done either with horses or with a tractor, and you may be asked to do some of this work. Planting. In planting farm crops, the seed may be broadcast, it may be drilled, or it may be checked. Seed which is broadcast is distributed rather evenly over the ground but is not in rows. The seed is then cov- ered by harrowing or disking, which might be considered as putting the finishing touches on the seeding job. Grain that is drilled is planted in rows. The rows may be anywhere from a few inches to over three feet apart. The drill drops and covers the seed in the same operation. Page 32 A track-type tractor pulling a disc harrow and a spike- tooth harrow to firm and smooth the seedbed for crops. This farmer is using a two-row horse-drawn machine for planting corn. Fifteen to 20 acres a day can be planted in this way. Corn is the only major crop in Illinois which is checked. Check- rowing means planting the crop so that it is in rows in both directions and can be cultivated both length- wise and crosswise. Cultivation. After the crop has been planted and starts to grow, it must be protected from some of its enemies. Weeds are the greatest enemies to farm crops, and cultivation is one means used to fight them. Any process which destroys weeds by disturbing their root systems as a result of turning over the soil is known as cultivation. Although the major objective of cultivation is weed control, it also pulverizes and loosens the soil. Cultivation therefore takes forms varying from hand hoeing to cul- tivating com with a four-row tractor cultivator. The following horse- or tractor-drawn implements are commonly used for the cultivation of farm crops: harrows, rotary hoes, and various types of cultivators. The small-grain crops are normally not cultivated. They are broad- cast or drilled in early spring and are harvested before weeds become a serious problem. The major cultivated crops in Illinods are corn and soybeans. Before the complete mechanization of agriculture, cultivating corn with a two-horse cultivator was one of the first field jobs farm boys learned to do. You may be expected to cultivate corn with either tractor- or horse-drawn equipment and you should be careful to get the weeds but not to plow out or cover up any of the com plants. Harvesting. Here is a true test of your physical stamina and ability to "take it." Harvesting operations on the farm involve some of the heaviest physical labor you will encounter. Much corn is now cultivated with motor cultivators. If you should operate such a machine, the farmer will expect you to be careful not to plow out or cover up the small corn plants. Page 33 Small grains and soybeans are harvested in one of two ways. Either the crop is combined (pronounced kom' bifid), which includes cutting and threshing in one operation, or it is cut with a binder, put in shocks to dry, and finally hauled to a threshing machine to be threshed. Shocks are the piles of upright sheaves of grain you perhaps have seen on farm land dur- ing a drive through the country. Most of the wheat and soybeans grown are combined. However, in livestock areas, more of the small grain is threshed because the farmers need the straw. You will probably be on the farm during small-grain harvest. In that case you may be asked to This farmer is cutting his wheat with a tractor binder. The bundles are dropped in piles from the car- rier for the convenience of the "shockers." Shocking wheat is hard work and the weather is likely to be hot. Try to set the bundles up so that the shocks will stand. Wheat bundles are pitched on basket racks by hand. On some farms one person pitches the bundles while the other "loads" them on the rack. Rack wagons are being used to haul wheat from the shocks to the threshing machine. The grain is delivered into a box wagon, and the straw is blown through the long tube onto the straw stack. If a combine is used (see page 42) it replaces both the binder and the threshing machine. , .- f^n > 'Iji IME^H J" Mi^i.^f6*< -% ,«« 1 '^ i fTiypaa'jjhJBM ^pp Page 34 shock grain, to pitch bundles, or to haul threshed grain away from the machine. Corn may be harvested in one of several ways, including cutting it with a corn binder and shocking it for shredding later, or picking it by hand or machine from the standing stalk. Hay harvest requires a great amount of physical exertion. The hay may be cut, cured, and put in the barn loose, or it may be baled out of the field. In either instance, a considerable amount of hand labor in hot weather is necessary. Harvest Dangers. There are a number of precautions which you should observe when helping to harvest crops. First of all, do not overwork yourself. Hay and small-grain harvest occurs during the hottest part of the summer. Take your time. Watch the experienced hands so you may develop methods of work that re- quire the least exertion. Do not get too hot. Heat prostration may keep you from working during the rest of the summer and may even cause permanent injury. By developing skill at the job, you can gradually in- crease the amount of work you can do in hot weather. You may be asked to care for and operate various machines. While machine operation may require less physical labor than other harvest jobs, it carries with it greater responsibility. A combine, a tractor, or a binder is a complicated machine and represents a large investment on the part of the farmer. If you are given the responsibility of operating machines, be sure to follow instructions carefully. If instructions are not complete, or you do not understand them, do not hesitate to ask questions. Finally, you must always keep in mind the dangers in connection with the operation of machinery, particularly power-driven machines. Every year thousands of farmers and farm workers are injured or killed when working around such machines. It is not that the machines are dangerous, hut that the workers endanger themselves as a result of carelessness, fatigue, or neglect. More will be said about some of the dangers in con- nection with farm work in Part 9. Page 35 6) Farm Equipment and Buildings Learn to Identify During the past two decades Illinois agriculture has become highly mechanized. To be successful, a farmer must know how to use a wide variety of equipment and machinery, as well as to perform many diverse jobs. The use of much of this equipment is so commonplace to the farmer that he may take it for granted that everyone is as familiar with its ap- pearance and use as he is. Although you may already know a rather large number of pieces of equipment there are some you may be asked to op- erate that will be entirely new to you. It would be well for you to learn now to identify the various buildings and items of equipment on a farm and to know for what purposes they are used. That knowledge, together You can increase your usefulness by learning the names of these tools and their purposes. They are identified as follows: 1, barn broom; 2, long handle shovel; 3, hoe; 4, garden rake; 5, pitch fork; 6, scythe; 7, shovel; 8, spade; 9, saw; 10, ax; 11, hatchet; and 12, hammer. Page 36- The most successful hog producers use movable hog houses so that the pigs may be kept on clean pastures. with supervision from the farmer, will help you to master their use much more readily. For convenience in presenting the material, the items have been divided into three general groups : small tools, buildings and their equip- ment, and miscellaneous equipment. The items described here fall far short of making up a complete list, but they are the most common ones found on the majority of farms. The amount of equipment on individual farms varies immensely, depending upon the type of farming done and the interest of the farmer. Some farmers have a completely equipped farm shop in which they are able to do practically all of their own mechanical work ; others have nothing more than a few small tools. Small Tools You have no doubt used a number of the tools shown on page 36. Make it a special point to learn to identifj^ those which are new to you and to learn their use. If some of the tools are available to you at home, you may want to practice using them. You can help save time — the factor that is so vital in this war emer- gency— by keeping things in their proper places and seeing that they are always in good condition. Then no time will be lost looking for misplaced items, or in using tools hiade ineffective by careless handling. Learn where every small tool The interior of a barn showing stanchions for dairy cows. The cows must be fastened in the stanchions before each milking and released again afterwards. is expected to be kept. When not in use, see that it is in that place. Similarly, when you finish using a piece of equipment, put it where it belongs so that you and everyone else on the farm will know where to find it when it is next wanted. Do not use tools for purposes other than the ones they are in- tended to serve. The hatchet and Page 37 The milk is poured through the strainer into the cream separator, which sends the cream into the crock and the skimmed milk into the can. All milk equipment must be kept very clean by thor- ough washing and sterilizing. ax should not be used to cut nails or wire, and handles of the various tools should not be used as prying rods. Tools are usually broken or ruined by being incorrectly used, or by being used for something for which they were not intended. When you are through using a tool, be sure that it is in good condition before putting it away. Make sure the spade is properly cleaned, dried, and oiled. Each tool should be in ideal condition for the next time it is needed. Finally, before using any equipment which is new to you, ask the farmer for instructions in regard to using and caring for it. Buildings and Equipment The farmer refers to his buildings and parts of them in his everyday language, and may very likely take for granted that you know to what he is referring. You should therefore be familiar with the more common farm buildings and the equipment which is ordinarily a part of them. You will im- mediately see that the names of most farm buildings de- note their use. How- ever, don't be fooled by the name "milk house." It is not the building where the cows are milked but rather the build- ing in which the milk is cooled and kept. P.\GE 38 The farm machinery will be housed in a machine shed when not in use, unless the farmer is careless. A well-organized farmstead — house, garage, windmill, machine shed, corn crib, and barn. You cannot always identify a farm building by any one character- istic. The buildings vary tremendously in size, shape, color, and the ma- terials of which they are constructed. The above illustration will give you a general idea of the common farm buildings, but you will of course have to become personally acquainted with the buildings on the farm where you work. Miscellaneous Equipment In addition to the small tools and the buildings pictured, there are numerous other items of equipment on many farms. Some of the more common of them, such as stanchions, cream separator, milking machine, self-feeder, and individual hog houses, are shown in earlier pictures. During your stay on the farm you will be expected to use or operate a number of these pieces of equipment. Some of them are extremely simple ; others are somewhat complicated. The general suggestions given for the use of small tools apply here — make it a rule to follow instructions or to ask for information when in doubt. Your Opportunities and Responsibilities While recognizing the opportunities that use of the tools, equipment, and buildings of a farm offer you for developing a variety of manipulative skills and practical, specialized knowledge, do not overlook the responsi- bilities that you must accept with them. Take care of the tools and equipment you use; they are especially precious items now, when many of them would be very difficult to replace. Breakage may cause serious delays, loss of time, and reduced production. When you use a new tool or piece of equipment try to find our for what it is used, hoiv it is used, and ivhy it is used in that manner. It is essen- tial that you learn the what and hoiv. Learning ivhij clarifies the ivhat and hoiv so much that you, as a conscientious worker, should never pass up the opportunity to add this to your knowledge. Of course you can find out a great deal for yourself through experience but experience is often a slow teacher. Supplement and add to your experience by looking to your employer or fellow workmen for advice and supervision, and don't be afraid to ask for that assistance. You should not be ashamed because you do not know certain things; you should be ashamed only if you do not learn them when you have the opportunity. Page 39 U*-' 7) The final step in seed bed preparation. This five-section harrow is leaving the land in good condition for planting. Operating Farm Machinery- Your Responsibilities Kinds of Farm Machinery In the previous unit, farm buildings, small tools, and equipment were discussed. In defining farm machinery and farm equipment, it is difficult to draw a distinct dividing line between the two. However, for the most part, the large items of machinery which are used in field operations are included under farm machinery. Since World War I agriculture has become highly mechanized ; in fact so much so that many farmers keep no horses but rely solely on mechanical power. If you perform any of the field operations, you will probably be handling some of the farm machinery. Wheat is being drilled here with a tractor drill. Note the straight marker track by which the farmer is steering the tractor. Page 40 «u .«aMM>jqe&AJK»agl£<><»s4«e£rfgHi^^: 511^.-^^ A large area of soybeans (drilled solid) can be cultivated in one day with three rotary hoes and a tractor. Farm machines vary from the most elementary types to some that are extremely complicated, such as combines and com pickers. Many of these machines represent large investments. Many of them can be seri- ously damaged by improper care and handling. Many require skilled and experienced operators. The operation of others is relatively simple and can be mastered in a short time. Most farm machines must be properly adjusted if they are to operate effectively. You can learn to care for and operate these machines only by ex- perience. If you have some mechanical ability and experience, it will prove valuable. Reading about machines will not qualify you to operate them, but it will enable you to identify them and to know the purposes for which they are used. You will recall that in the unit on crop production, crop operations were grouped into four categories : seedbed preparation, plant- ing, cultivating, and harvesting. While farm machinery is not classified Page 41 A horse-drawn cultivator is used on some farms for cultivating corn. This is a two-row machine, but you may get your start on a one-row outfit. r ■■ I Cutting wheat with a combine saves a lot of labor. The combine replaces both the binder and the threshing machine. The grain is collected in the tank, to be dumped into a wagon or a truck, and the straw falls on the ground. on just that same basis, it is well to keep this use classification in mind when studying the machinery pictures. Farm Machinery and Wartime Production Mechanization of Illinois farms has greatly reduced their need for man labor. Since manpower may eventually determine the outcome of the war, you can readily appreciate the importance of mechanical equip- ment in maintaining agricultural production. Nevertheless, farm machines are being rationed. Only 20 percent as much new machinery as farmers purchased in 1941 will be available to them in 1943. A farmer must obtain a permit from his rationing board before he can buy certain new machines. It may be somewhat difficult to obtain repair parts. This makes it extremely important for every farmer to take the very best possible care of all his machinery. The field silage-cutter, shown below, delivers the chopped corn into the wagon. This is much easier than loading bundles onto wagons and hauling them to a stationary cutter. Page 42 Scooping oats on the sunny side of the barn will warm you up. You may also get a blistered back if you leave your shirt off too long at one time before you get a good tan. Now just what are your responsibilities if you are asked to operate the machines? 1. Be sure the machine is properly adjusted; get the farmer to help you in adjusting it. 2. Do not attempt to learn by experimenting with the machine. You risk serious injury to yourself and damage to the machine if you make a mistake. 3. Obtain complete instructions concerning the operation of the machine. If you want to learn, ask questions, and do not hesi- tate to request that someone supervise your work until you are confident you can perform it yourself. It is much safer to expose your lack of knowledge than to hide it and make a costly error. 4. Always observe all precautions and safety rules in operating farm machinery. Here is a chance for you to get some valuable mechanical experience. Make the most of this opportunity, but keep in mind that first and fore- most your job is to help the farmer produce food and feed. Everything you do must help him in that effort. A grain elevator will put the oats in the granary as fast as two men can scoop. This farmer won't be too tired to enjoy his dinner. Page 43 «; Special Types of Work and Odd Jobs on the Farm Fruit, Vegetables, and Canning Crops The discussion thus far has assumed that you will live and work on either grain or livestock farms since farms of this type make up a large part of the agricultural industry in the Middle West. There are, how- ever, in Illinois and in adjacent states, a considerable number of special- ized fruit and vegetable farms and there are other types of farm work at which you may find employment during the summer months. Commercial Vegetable Farms Commercial vegetable production is an important industry near most large cities, and there will be an opportunity for many boys to find summer work on "truck farms" near Chicago, Peoria, Quincy, Rockford, East St. Louis, and other cities. In comparison with grain and livestock farms, vegetable farms are relatively small. Since much of the weeding, harvest- ing, and preparation of crops for market is hand work, a tract as small as 30 acres may furnish enough work for several persons during the summer months. Many farmers who live near cities transport workers to their farms by truck each morning. They pick them up at a point that can be con- veniently reached by streetcar or bus from the city, and return them to this place when the day's work is finished. This enables the workers to live at home. Other vegetable farmers furnish room and board to their summer help. If there are a great many workers, the sleeping quarters may be bunk houses of various kinds or even temporary facilities in store houses or barn lofts. This crew is pulling tomato plants which will be reset for commercial production. This is a good job for city boys. Page 44 These boys and girls are being trained to pick toma- toes. They will learn how to tell when the fruit is ripe, and will be shown how to pick without injuring either the fruit or the vines. In some respects it will be easier to learn to work on a vegetable farm than on a general farm since there will be fewer operations to master and several persons may work in one crew under the supervision of the farmer or an experienced hand. Know Your Vegetables About fifty different kinds of vegetables are grown in Illinois — some- times as many as twenty varieties on one farm. Learn to recognize all the more important vegetables before going to work on a vegetable farm. Pictures in seed catalogs will be helpful. If you visit a large market where vegetables are received from southern localities early in the season, you will be able to see the different vegetables themselves. Not only should you be able to recognize the mature vegetables — those that are ready for market — but you should also learn what the plants look like when they are just young seedlings. This should help you avoid pulling up vegetable plants along with the weeds when you are detailed to do hand weeding. You may refer to botany text books for pictures of many vege- table seedlings, or you may plant varieties of vegetable seeds in a shallow box of soil at the school house, and study the resulting seedlings. Nature of the Work On vegetable farms where many kinds of vegetable crops are grown, the summer work includes: (1) preparation of the seedbed, (2) planting. Hand-hoeing is one of the odd jobs you will probably do in connection with garden work. Page 45 Tall ladders are needed to pick apples from trees of this type, and only strong boys can move them about for efficient picking. (3) cultivation and other care of crops, such as weeding, and spraying for control of insects and plant diseases, (4) harvesting, and (5) prepara- tion of vegetables for market, which includes grading, bunching, wash- ing, and packing. The soil is prepared with the same kinds of tools used for grain crops, with the addition of a meeker harrow, or a "float," which puts the finish- ing touches to the seedbed. Planting is done principally with single-row garden seed-drills pushed by hand, or with multiple drills drawn by garden tractors. You may be asked to operate either type of machine. Cultivat- ing, too, is done by hand-pushed or tractor garden cultivators. Hand weeding of such crops as onions, beets, carrots, and parsnips is a job you are likely to encounter on any vegetable farm. Spraying of potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, etc., for the control of insect and disease enemies is usually accomplished with power sprayers drawn by horses or tractors. Preparation of the spray materials is a very responsible job. Vegetable crops must be harvested at just the right stage of maturity in order to meet the market requirements. They must be graded, bunched, and packed for market with great care. To do a good job, you will have to follow your employer's instructions very carefully. Commercial Fruit Farms On fruit farms, a large amount of extra help is needed for harvest- ing the crop. The harvest season on a fruit farm producing only one or two kinds of fruit may be of short duration (two or three weeks) whereas on farms producing a wide variety of fruit it may last all summer. Facil- ities for camping in cabins or tents are provided on some farms where large numbers of fruit pickers are needed for a short time. Berry-picking does not require much muscle, but is a tedious job and requires care and perseverance. Since it is usually paid for as piece work, an industrious and experienced worker can make very good wages at it. Apple picking, on the other hand, runs into real work before the day is over. It requires the handling of long ladders if the trees are large, and the sacks filled with fruit get heavy to hold. Picking cherries Page 46 has its advantages over the other fruit jobs. The trees are smaller than apple trees, step ladders are used, and the picking receptacles are not heavy to handle. Cannery Crops There are many farms on which a large acreage of one kind of vege- table may be grown for commercial canning. The harvesting of some of these cannery crops requires a great amount of labor. Asparagus farms need many extra hands to help cut the plants. If the weather is warm, an entire field must be gone over daily for cutting as asparagus shoots grow very fast, and a shoot that is "just right" today may be worthless tomorrow. The asparagus harvest lasts about two months, but begins before school is out. Cutting begins early in the morning and ought to be com- pleted before noon each day. In some localities your school schedule may be arranged so that some of you can be released for this morning work, Peas, sweet corn, and tomatoes are other cannery crops of impor- tance in Illinois. The early peas are harvested just about the time that school is out, and are followed by the harvesting of the later varieties, and then by corn. The harvesting of corn from various plantings of different varieties con- tinues for about six weeks. The peas are cut, vines and all, by the same mowing machine used in harvesting hay. On some farms, special loading machines are used for getting the pea vines onto the wagon racks. These racks haul them to the "viner," which hulls out the peas and screens them into different sizes ready for canning. On other farms, the heavy, green pea vines have to be pitched onto the wagon-racks with pitch forks. This, as well as pitching vines from the rack to feed the "viner," is heavy work. The sweet corn is "snapped" from the stalks and thrown into a wagon with the husks left on. Tomato picking for the canning factory comes for the most part after the corn-canning season is about over. Special care must be taken to pick the tomatoes at the right stage of maturity in order to make a high-grade canned product. Repeated pickings are required; the field must be gone over and over as long as the canning season lasts, or until the vines are killed by frost. Lugging picking baskets of tomatoes across the field in gathering the crop is a real man-sized job. Living Conditions on Specialized Farms Living conditions for workers on fruit and vegetable farms differ from those on general farms where the worker lives with the farm family. On the specialized farms, several workers will probably be employed for the rush period and they will work in crews, sleep in bunk houses, and eat in a mess hall. Boys who choose this type of work must expect to do without many conveniences of the home and to come in contact with all sorts of persons since these crews are recruited from far and wide. You will be working with some who make a regular business of helping Page 47 in fruit and vegetable harvesting — they start in the south in the spring and work up north as the season progresses. You should keep these facts in mind when deciding whether to work on a specialized farm or on a general farm. Odd Jobs You May Be Asked to Do Many Kinds of Odd Jobs on General Farms It was called to your attention earlier that all farmers have a wide variety of jobs to do. The dairy farmer is more than just a producer of milk — he grows large quantities of feeds for his herd ; in this connection, he operates machinery that requires him to be a mechanic of some ability ; in maintaining the farmstead, including the house, he must be a care- taker, a gardener, and a carpenter. This wide variety of functions creates for a farmer a multitude of miscellaneous or odd jobs. Farmers refer to many of these tasks as "rainy-day" jobs, because they can be put off until weather conditions prevent field work. During the war, while farmers are short of labor and are trying to increase production, some of these tasks will be delayed or dispensed with in favor of more important operations. There are many other odd jobs, however, that must be done regularly. Odd Jobs About the Farmstead Garden work. Most farmers grow some of the vegetables which they consume. Gas rationing and food shortages may emphasize the impor- tance of the farm garden in 1943. Garden work often involves a large amount of hand labor, and on many farms, planting, hoeing, and harvest- ing are all done by hand. Some farms have the gardens or truck patches so arranged that some of the work can be performed with mechanical equipment. Regardless of the farm you are on, don't be surprised if you are asked to work in the garden. Care of the lawn. The farm is a home as well as place of business. If the farmer and his family are to enjoy life, they should have an attrac- tive and comfortable dwelling place. The grass must be mowed, weeds must be kept down, and flowers and shrubs must be cared for. Most of the work in the garden and about the house will not require severe phys- ical exertion. It will, however, require persistence and endurance, and is often tiring since you must work in a stooped or kneeling position. These jobs will add variety to the work on the farm, and most of them can be mastered in a short period of time. Miscellaneous jobs. It would be impossible to name all the odd jobs which you may be asked to do. They vary widely from farm to farm. Dairy farmers may give the barns a thorough cleaning and whitewashing once or twice a year; other farm buildings may be cleaned at regular or irregular intervals. Livestock feeders haul all manure out of the feed- lot at various periods. Numerous odd jobs of carpenter work and machin- ery repair will have to be performed from time to time, and emergency situations may call for you to perform a variety of other tasks. Page 48 Odd Jobs About the Farm Cutting weeds. Farmers perennially wage a struggle against weeds. Weeds compete with farm crops for the plant food and moisture in the soil, and if the weeds are not destroyed, crop yields are reduced. Some weeds account for much human discomfort and suffering as their pollen causes hay fever. It is highly important for the farmer to keep these wild plants in check. Numerous methods are used for controlling weeds. The importance of cultivation for that purpose was discussed earlier. Cultivation, how- ever, is not a complete control measure, so the farmer must often resort to pulling or cutting the weeds. This job must be done in the hottest summer weather, and it is hard work requiring a large amount of hand labor. ^Veeds growing along the road or in fence rows may need to be cut by hand with a scythe. Frequently it is necessary to go through small-grain or soybean fields and pull out weeds. Small-grain crops are not cultivated, and if weeds infest the fields, cutting or pulling by hand may be the only alternative methods of control. Even in the case of corn, cultivation is not one hundred percent effec- tive. Very often certain noxious weeds must be cut or pulled out of the corn after the last cultivation. This job is usually performed in August, and at that time the sun is hot and the corn is tall. There is very little breeze ih a cornfield. The corn leaves are sharp and may irritate the skin. The work is not severe physically, but it may be uncomfortable for the worker. Building and repairing fence. On any farm where livestock is kept, it is highly important to have good, strong fences. Many farmers use temporary fences which must be moved each year or so. Some of the fences are permanent and must be repaired regularly. You may be asked to help dig post holes, set posts, stretch wire, fasten wire to posts, and do general fence repair work. Some of these jobs require hard physical exertion while others are relatively simple. You will undoubtedly need some supervision when you first start out on these jobs. There is danger of injury in working with fencing tools and equipment, especially in connection with barbed wire. Odd Jobs Essential to Farm Success It is very likely that a farmer may call on you to help with a number of the jobs we have mentioned. While some of these may become monoto- nous and try your patience, remember that many of them are just as essen- tial to the farmer's success as are the major assignments in caring for livestock and producing crops. Some farmers may feel that you can do these jobs with little supervision and thus relieve the experienced workers for the more skilled jobs. Be prepared to help out with a number of these so-called "odd jobs." Do them with the same efficiency and willingness that you carry to the other tasks. Page 49 9) Safety Measures We Can't Afford Accidents In any type of work there are certain dangers. In this emergency our country cannot afford to lose the services of large numbers of people by death or injury from accidents — the contribution of each and every individual to our total manpower resources is too important. Because of scarcity of materials for replacement and the impossibility of buying new machines and equipment, special care must also be taken to protect every essential article against damage. Everyone should feel a personal obligation to take extra good care of all machinery and equip- ment, both when it is in actual use and when it is idle. Also keep in mind that any loss of livestock due to accident, injuries, or sickness will cut down production. Many casualties on the farm wou-ld not occur if various protective measures and services were as available to farmers as they are to city people. There Are Many Farm Hazards The great need for precautions on the farm can be illustrated by the following observations." "Farmers use a surprisingly large number of tools having cutting edges and high-speed shafting and belting, and many of these are poorly protected or guarded against contact with one's person. Complete pro- tection is virtually impossible. "Farmers are often far removed from any source of medical assistance, and considerable time is required to reach a hospital when necessary. Doctors are becoming less common in small rural communities, for they are establishing themselves in the larger centers where they can serve 1 Quotations and all data presented in this section are from "The Prevention of Accidents on Farms and in Homes," Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This man stands a good chance of being jerked into the pulley and killed. Don't climb through or over running belts. Page 50 If this man should sUp, that running belt might jerk his arm into the pulley and injure him. Never reach through or take hold of running belts. a greater number of people. Less than a third of the injured farm people included in a study made in central New York State received help during the first hour following their accidents, and hardly two-thirds were cared for within six hours. "Half of the accidents to farmers occurred in the barn and barnyard — real danger spots. "Farmers sustain accidents most often to the upper part of the body. "Farmers suffer from infection of wounds and need a standard anti- septic on hand at all times." There are dangers and hazards associated with all types of work, and farming is, of course, no exception. Thousands of people are killed every year in traffic accidents, but this does not deter us from traveling — it should merely make us more careful. So with farming, we need not fear accidents — we simply should be very careful to prevent them. Types of Farm Accidents By becoming familiar with most common types of farm accidents, it is possible for us to get a somewhat clearer picture of the precautions which need to be followed. You will recall that throughout the material presented to you and in the discussions of individual topics, the impor- tance of carefulness and safety precautions have been emphasized. This has been done intentionally. Farmers will not tolerate workers who are deliberately neglectful and careless in regard to protecting life and property. Always speak to a horse or mule to let him know that you are there before walking into his stall. Otherwise, his natural reaction may be to kick in surprise when you touch him. Page 51 Many accidents occur when people carelessly reach over fly wheels to oil or adjust running machines. Don't take chances like the man in this picture! The causes of 627 farm-labor claims under workmen's compensation during the years 1935 and 1936 were distributed as follows: Cause of injury Percent of injuries Falls (all kinds) 26.5 Animals 15.0 Farm machinery 11.8 Automobile 9.6 Struck by objects 12.4 Strains 5.7 Cuts and bruises 5.6 Diseases and infection 2.7 Others 10.7 Injuries caused by falls, animals, machinery, and being struck by objects are evidently the most common. To insure safety, do your work as the farmer instructs and use a reasonable amount of care. This fellow is in a dangerous spot. Lone trees seem to attract lightning more than do trees in a forest. He would be much safer out in the middle of the field, and it is much better to be wet than dead. Page 52 Here's a man who uses good sense. He doesn't let this bull's gentle appearance de- ceive him, but leads it with a strong staff. Accidents in the Home The home is the place of a great many injuries and accidents. In 1940 the death rate per 100,000 holders of insurance poHcies was for motor vehicle accidents, 18.1; for home accidents, 11.7; and for occupational acci- dents, 6.2. Thus fatal accidents in the home ran a close second to fatal motor vehicle accidents. In Minnesota during the first six months of 1940 accidents were respon- sible for 849 deaths, 40 percent of which were caused by home accidents. Since the home is the scene of so many accidents, it behooves us to be careful at all times, whether working about the farm or in the farm home. Play safe ! Do not suffer injury because of a lack of knowledge or through carelessness. Learn good safety precautions and practice them daily. Danger of Fires Fire is a great danger on any farm. Many farms have no fire-fighting equipment or facilities available. Others, which are in an organized fire district, are so far from town that a fire may gain great headway before the fire truck arrives. Furthermore, most farms do not have a big enough This farmer may start a costly fire and be severely burned himself. A lantern should be hung away from hay or straw, and in a place where cows or horses can't turn it over. Page 53 Always stay on the tractor while it is moving Climbing back from a moving tractor to adjust something is flirting with death. water supply to fight or control a large fire. Once the blaze gains a good start, the most that can usually be hoped for is that it can be kept from spreading to other buildings. Many of the articles stored in farm buildings, and often the buildings themselves, are constructed of very inflammable materials. Hay and straw stored in the barn burn rapidly and fiercely once they are ignited. Most of the buildings are constructed of wood which is the most combustible of all building materials. Safety Precautions Now that some of the dangers, losses, and hazards that exist or occur on farms have been pointed out, let us summarize some of the pre- cautions which we as individuals can and should observe: 1. Falls are one of the most common causes of injuries. When work- ing where there is possibility of a fall, work and act slowly, care- fully, and cautiously. If you are trusting some structure to hold you, Tnake sure it is strong enough to support your weight and be sure of your footing. 2. In using tools, beware of sharp edges, make sure the tool is in good operating condition, and use the tool only for what it is intended. 3. In operating machinery be sure each machine is properly adjusted and in good operating condition. Never attempt to adjust or repair a machine that is in operation. Keep your hands and your clothing away from moving parts. Follow instructions. Never take unnecessary chances. When unhitching a team be sure both horses are unhitched before leading them away. Leaving one tug hitched to the wagon can start a wreck. Have a regular system for unhitching the team. Page 54 There's trouble ahead for this man. The mower is in gear with horses hitched to it, and he is down in front of the mowing machine knives. 4. When working around farm animals of any kind, be extremely cautious until they become accustomed to you. Almost any of them may be dangerous to strangers. Leave the care of all male animals to the farmer, for the male of any species is likely to be dangerous. Livestock, particularly bulls, are the cause of many injuries and deaths. 5. Fire is a great hazard on all farms. NEVER SMOKE IN OR AROUND ANY FARM BUILDING. Be careful with lamps and lanterns. And don't carry loose matches or strike them to see your way around in the dark. Most of these and other safety precautions you already know. So have other people known them who have caused thousands of fatal acci- dents— they thought the accident wouldn't happen to theyn, but it did. So GOOD JUDGMENT and the good sense NOT TO TAKE CHANCES are absolutely necessary in the prevention of accidents. The principal difference between farm dangers and hazards and those of industry is that there are not so many remedial and corrective measures available to farmers. PREVENTION is therefore more than ever important for them. Know what you should do and how to do it before vou start. Page 55 10) A Day on a Farm Farm Life Is More Than Just Work Getting used to the change from city life, living with the farm family, and taking part in rural community affairs are all as much a part of farm life as the work to be done. Let us look in on what might have been a typical day for a city high school boy who spent last summer helping out on a farm. The sun isn't up yet, but Paul and the other men are up and are doing the morning chores — milking, feeding the livestock, and getting the horses and tractor ready. Paul wanted to make sure that he was dressed on time and ready to leave with the other men, so after the first day he sent back home for his alarm clock. The old roosters on the farm still hadn't learned that this was a war-time emergency and farm people were getting up before daybreak! Right after chores, and just about the time the lazy old roosters are beginning to crow lustily and announce the dawn, Paul and the other men are already on their way back to the house to wash up for breakfast. The big stacks of flapjacks and the steaming plates of bacon and eggs find Paul with a bigger appetite for breakfast than he had ever had in Page 56 Boys and girls who work on general farms will share the living room with the farm family. A shady lawn is a swell place to rest during the noon hour on a summer day. the city. Eight hours of sleep and a half hour or more of work in the morning air has certainly done something. Before leaving for work in the field, Paul makes his bed and puts his room in order. He wasn't used to doing this at home but it didn't take him long to see that farm women have many more tasks to worry about than his mother had in the city. Realizing this, he makes it a point to wipe his shoes before coming into the house, so as not to track up the floors. He feels fine on the way to the field, for this is one of the nicest parts of the day. The sun has begun to rise and is spreading its colors across the sky, and he has a good breakfast under his belt. Out in the field Paul gets further instructions about what he is to do. He listens carefully before carrying them out. He doesn't hesitate to ask questions, so he can be absolutely sure that he will do what is expected of him. He has learned, too, that he can get the hang of a lot of things by watching others and then doing them in the same way. The second day he was on the farm, Paul had a good lesson about farm animals. He tried to milk one of the cows from the left side. The cow, however, had other ideas — she put her foot in the bucket and kicked Paul into the gutter. Mr. Brown, the farmer, explained that all cows are trained to be milked from the right side and that most of them resent any departure from this custom. It was clear to Paul after this that he wouldn't stay on a farm long if he kept trying what he thought were "better ways." Those sore spots reminded him that he had better ask before trying out any new ideas. There usually were good reasons why Mr. Brown was using the methods he was. From after sunup 'til close to noon, there is work to do with the men in the field. The sun is hot, and the work is heavy. Boy, does he sweat! This is real work! To avoid blisters, he has provided himself with work gloves to wear when pitching hay, scooping corn, or doing similar jobs. Page 57 He also wears a wide-brimmed straw hat to protect his face and eyes from the blistering sun. By dinner time the work in the field has left him dirty so he washes his face and hands in the basin outside the kitchen door and combs his hair. Since the other men will use the same basin, he uses plenty of soap and water to leave it clean for the next fellow. Most farm families put all the food in large dishes on the table and then everybody "helps himself". So Paul takes normal portions of every- thing passed to him. There are corn bread muffins for dinner this noon. These happen to be something new to him. His mother didn't make them and he isn't quite sure whether he will like them. However, he knows it is courteous to eat whatever is put before him, so he tries one of them. Yum, are they good ! ! He asks for more and decides he will try every- thing once. His appreciation certainly pleases Mrs. Brown who prides herself on her good cooking. Before he came to the country Paul was told not to leave any food on his plate when he finished eating, as farm folks consider this wasteful. He smiles as he thinks of this now. It doesn't look as though he would have any trouble on that score — plenty of exercise, fresh air, and sun- shine can make a fellow feel like a hungry bear. Paul and the farmer's son Ed, a boy a few years younger than Paul and whose room Paul shares, have a lot to talk about at lunch. They listen to the older men, too. Paul enters into the conversation occasionally but is careful not to make a nuisance of himself by talking too much or by asking questions about things which are none of his concern. After dinner the men rest for a short while before going out to their afternoon work. Paul's work is different this afternoon. Mrs. Brown asks him to help her cultivate the garden. She leads the horse while Paul guides the cultivator, and later both use hoes to cut the weeds that grow in the rows Most farm families find some time for play, and they usually have facil- ities available in their own yard. Page 58 and were missed by the cultivator. Later in the afternoon he cleans out the poultry house, and fills the self-feeder and waterer for the hens. When the other men come in from the field he helps with the milking. By 7 o'clock he has finished his work and he and Ed wash up and go into the house to read the paper before supper. Paul is really doing a good job as a farm helper. Much of his success is due to his ability to fit into the life here as he finds it. He has been courteous and good natured. He has accepted country customs without criticism and has joined in the family life and games wholeheartedly. He has been considerate enough not to take privileges away from others, such as sitting in the only easy chair or monopolizing the evening paper or radio programs. He finds that he not only likes the men he works with but that he enjoys living with these people. Since it happens to be Friday evening, the family decide to go to a movie and ask Paul if he wouldn't like to go too. He thanks them and says he would like to ride in with them, but since he has already made plans to go to a monthly meeting of a rural youth group with a high- school friend of his who works at a nearby farm, he makes an appoint- ment to meet them when they are ready to start home. The boys have an unexpectedly good time at the meeting and Paul has much to talk about with the Browns on the way home. They are all back at the farmhouse close to 10 o'clock, and by this time good and ready for bed. This is an hour later than usual for Paul, for he has usually been glad to "call it a day" at 9 o'clock. Eight good full hours of sleep are not too much if a fellow is to stand up to his next day's work. It hasn't been hard, since the first day or two, to leave those late city hours behind. "Shucks," he mutters as he goes off to sleep, "it sure will take that old alarm clock to get me out of here in the morning." Your Summer on the Farm Living and working with farmers next summer will be an experience for you and will lead to a broader understanding and appreciation of the farmer and his family, their life and problems. Since about 26 million people in our country live on farms, it is decidedly worth while to know them in this way. Join in the family social life when you are invited, and also take part in the community activities. You will probably have an opportunity to attend the church of your choice if there is one in the community or you may wish to go to the one attended by the farmer and his family. There will likely be a 4-H club or a chapter of Future Farmers of America in the neighborhood and when you are invited to attend their meetings do so as you will find them both interesting and instructive. The 4-H clubs have a project known as the "Victory Service Project" which is especially designed for boys from the city who are working on farms during the summer months. You can therefore become a regularly Page 59 enrolled 4H member if you desire. You will discover that farm boys and girls take some time from work for baseball, swimming, or other outdoor sports, and you will be expected to join in these activities. Before taking a job on a farm, have a thorough physical examina- tion ; be sure that you are fit and have no contagious disease. Break into the work gradually, and do not overwork the first day. It will probably take you all of two weeks to get used to farm work. Your muscles will be stiff at first, especially during the first three days. If you have lived in the city most of your life, you may find that a summer spent on a farm is a welcome change from city life. There may be times when your patience will be tried and your pride may be hurt, but you should be able to master your feelings. You will enjoy the large expanse of countryside, the fresh air, a new experience, and will have the satisfaction that comes with having done a real day's work, day in and day out. Farm work will develop your muscles, prepare you for athletic activ- ities, and thus help build the kind of a body you will need for the rest of your life. Finally, your contribution to our war effort will be truly significant. The farm family starts out for church on Sunday morning. If you work on a farm during the vacation period you will probably have a chance to attend church if you wish. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The publishers wish to express their appreciation to the following for use of the pictures in this publication: University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Urbana, Illinois J. C. Allen and Son, West LaFayette, Indiana International Harvester Company, Chicago, Illinois John Deere Implement Company, Moline, Illinois J. I. Case Company, Racine, Wisconsin Caterpillar Tractor Company, Peoria, Illinois This material was prepared in the College of Agriculture. University of Illinois, at the request of the State Farm Labor Subcommittee, by a committee appointed by the Director of the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics of the University of Illinois and designated to study farm labor problems for the Illinois State Council of Defense. Contents Page Why City Boys and Girls Are Needed on Farms in 1943 6 Your Part in the War Effort 6 Agriculture — A National Industry 6 Agriculture — An Essential War Industry 6 The Farm Labor Situation 7 A Challenge to the City Youth of America 7 1. Work, Wages, and Living Conditions 8 The Nature of Farm Work 8 Wages and Living Conditions 10 There's a Place for the Girls, Too 10 A Contribution to War Effort and Personal Development 11 2. Preparing and Planning for Farm Work 12 Start Making Plans Now 12 Personal Preparation — Physical and Mental 13 Learn by Visiting 13 Placement Plans 14 References 14 3. Dairy Cattle — Responsibilities for Feeding and Milking Them .... 15 Cows Are Sensitive Animals 15 Terms You Need to Know 16 Care of a Dairy Herd 17 High Production Is Your Challenge 20 4. Livestock — Care and Handling of Horses, Swine, Sheep, Poultry, and Beef Cattle 21 Think of Animals as Friends 21 Caring for and Handling Horses 21 Feeding and Care of Swine 22 Feeding and Caring for Sheep 25 Caring for the Poultry 26 Caring for Beef Cattle 28 Summary 28 5. Crop Production — Your Responsibilities 29 Crop Production Is Basic to All Agriculture 29 Crops Raised on the Farm 29 Your Jobs in Crop Production 31 SPP2«! 1943 Hmmmmmm Contents Page 6. Farm Equipment and Buildings 36 Learn to Identify 36 Small Tools 37 Buildings and Equipment 38 Miscellaneous Equipment 39 Your Opportunities and Responsibilities 39 7. Operating Farm Machinery — Your Responsibilities 40 Kinds of Farm Machinery 40 Farm Machinery and Wartime Production 42 8. Special Types of Work and Odd Jobs on the Farm 44 Fruit, Vegetables and Canning Crops 44 Commercial Vegetable Farms 44 Know Your Vegetables 45 Nature of the Work 45 Commercial Fruit Farms 46 Cannery Crops 47 Living Conditions on Specialized Farms 47 Odd Jobs You May Be Asked to do 48 Many Kinds of Odd Jobs on. General Farms 48 Odd Jobs About the Farmstead 48 Odd Jobs About the Farm 49 Odd Jobs Essential to Farm Success 49 9. Safety Measures 50 We Can't Afford Accidents 50 There Are Many Farm Hazards 50 Types of Farm Accidents 51 Accidents in the Home 53 Danger of Fires 53 Safety Precautions 54 10. A Day on a Farm 56 Farm Life Is More Than Just Work 56 Your Summer on the Farm 59 Z;;;::^^ns of 'LL'»'°f .-V,?!nurii 3 0112 083837754 To the High School "T^oys and (jirls of Illinois (f^j%:l APOLEON is credited with the statement ^y ^L/ that "An army marches on its stomach." All fighting men recognize the truth of this statement. It is not hard to understand, either, why a nation that has food to offer the hungry people of the world will be able to influence the direction which peace will take. Secretary Wickard has marshalled these thoughts into one sentence: FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR AND WRITE THE PEACE. If it is true that food may be the most critical factor in winning the war and in establishing a just and last- ing peace when it is over, it is just as true that lack of it can help to lose the war and postpone indefi- nitely our obtaining the kind of peace we, as free Americans, can tolerate. That is why farm service in 1943 by those below military age will mean real service to our country and the cause we fight for. Dean, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois ; Chairman Committee on Agricultural Resources and Production, Illinois State Council of Defense Major General; Executive Director, Illinois State Council of Defense