ivcrpool flDartuc 36ioloov> Coinintttcc^ LM.B.C. MEMOIRS ON Typical British Marine plants s- Animals EDITED BY W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F R.S. VI. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS AN]) LERN^A. BY ANDREW SCOTT, Resident Fisheries Assistant at the Piel. Hatchery. (With 5 Plates) Price Two Shillings. LONDON WlJ.I.IAM.S & NORGA'IE March, 1901. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I. I B R A R Y MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Si \A\\ ■ L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS VI. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS AND LERNy^A. NOTICE. The Committee desire to intimate that no copies of these Memoirs will be presented or exchanged, as the prices have been fixed so low that most of the copies will have to be sold to meet the cost of production. The Memoirs may be obtained, post free at the nett prices stated, from Messrs. AVilliams and Xorg-ate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Memoir I. Ascidia — -published in October, 1S99, HO pp. and five plates, price 2s. ,, II. Cardinm — published in December, 1899, 92 pp., six plates and a map, price 2s. 6d. ,, III. Echinus — published in Febrimry, 1900, '■)(] pp. and five plates, price 2s. ,, IV. Codium— published in April, 1900, 20 pp. and three plates, price Is. 6d. „ Y. Alcyonium — published in January, 1901, 30 pp. and three plates, price Is. 6d. „ VI. Lepeophtheirus and Lernsea — now ready (March, 1901), 62 pages and five plates, price 2s. ,, VII. Linens — (in April), Avith four plates. Xiverpool fIDartnc Biolo^^ Committee, L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS ON Typical British Marine Plants s^ Animals EDITED BY W. A. HeRDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S. VI. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS AND LERN^A. BY ANDREW SCOTT, Resident Fisheries Assistant at the Piel Hatchery. (With 5 Plates) Price Two Shillings. LONDON W 1 1 . LI A M S ii No RG ATE March, iqoi EDITOR'S PREFACE. The Liverpool Marine Jiiology Coiumittee was constituted in 1886, with the object of investigating the Fauna and Flora of the Irish Sea. The dredging, trawling, and other collecting expeditions organised hv the Committee have been carried on inter- mittently since that time, and a considerable amount of material, both published and unpublished, has been accumulated. Fourteen Annual Reports of the Committee and five volumes dealing with the "Fauna and Flora" have been issued. At an early stage of the investigations it became evident that a Biological Station or Laboratory on the sea-shore nearer the usual collecting grounds than Liverpool would be a material assistance in the work. Consequent!}^ the Committee, in 1887, established the PufKn Island Biological Station on the North Coast of Anglesey, and later on, in 1892, moved to the more commodious and convenient Station at Port Erin in the centre of the rich collecting grounds of the south end of the Isle of Man. In these thirteen years" experience of a Biological Station (five years at Puffin Island and eight at Port Erin), where College students and young amateurs formed a large proportion of the workers, the want has been constantly felt of a series of detailed descriptions of the structure of certain common typical animals and plants, chosen as representatives of their groups, and dealt with by specialists. The same want has probably been felt in other similar institutions and in many College laboratories. The objects of the Committee and of the workers at the Biological Station have hitherto been chiefly faunistic and speciographic. The work must necessarily be so at first when opening- up a new distriet. Some of the workers have published papers on morphological points, or on embryology and observations on life-histories and habits ; but the majority of the papers in the volumes on the " Fauna and Flora of Liverpool Bay " have been, as was intended from the first, occupied with the names and characteristics and distribution of the many different kinds of marine plants and animals in our district. And this faunistic work will still go on. It is far from finished, and the Committee hope in the future to add greatly to the records of the Fauna and Flora. But the papers in the present series are quite distinct from these previous publications in name, in treatment, and in purpose. They will be called the " L.M.B.C. Memoirs,"' each will treat of one type, and they will be issued separately as they are ready, and will be obtainable Memoir by Memoir as they appear, or later bound up in convenient volumes. It is hoped that such a series of special studies, written by those who are thoroughly familiar w^ith the forms of which they treat, will be found of value by students of Biology in laboratories and in Marine Stations, and will be welcomed l)y many others working privately at Marine Natural History. It is proposed that the forms selected should, as far as possible, be common L.M.B.C. (Irish Sea) animals and plants of which no adequate account already- exists in the text-books. Probably most of the specialists who have taken part in the L.M.B.C. work in the past, will prepare accounts of one or more representatives of their groups. The following have already promised their services, and in many cases the Memoir is already far advanced. The first Memoir appeared in October and the second in December, 1899, the third in February, and the fourth in April, 1900, the fifth in Janviary, 1901, and this sixth one V]] ill March, while the seventh will he ready early in April : others will follow, it is hoped, in rapid succession. Memoir I. Ascidia, W. A. Herdinan, GO pp., 5 Pis., 2s. ,, II. Cardium, J. Johnstone, 92 pp., 7 Pis., 2s. 6d ,, III. Echinus, H. C. Chadwick, -Ui pp., 5 Pis., 2s. ,, lY. CoDiUM, R. J. H. Gribson and Helen Auld, 26 pp., ;j Pis., Is. Gd. ,, V. Alcyonium, S. J. Hickson, 80 pp.. 3 Pis., Is. 6d. ,, VI. Lepeophtheirus and Lern.ea, Andrew Scott, 62 pp., 5 Pis., 2s. „ VII. LiNEFs, R. C. Pimnett, 4 Pis. Dendronotus, J. A. Clubb. Peridinians, (j. Murray and V. (j. A\'hitting'. ZosTERA, R. J. Harvey Gibson. Himanthalia, C. E, Jones. Diatoms, E. E. Weiss. Fucrs, J. B. Farmer. (jriGARTiNA, 0. V. Darbishire. Plaice, E. J. Cole and J. Johnstone. BoTRYLLoiDES, W. A. Herdmau. CuTTLE-FisH (Eledone), W. E. HojIb. OsTRACoD (Cytiiere), Andrew Scott. Patella, J. R. A. Davis and H. J. Eleure. Calanus, I. C. Thompson. Actinia, J. A. Clubb. BuGULA, Laura R. Thornely. Hydroid, E. T. Browne. Myxine, (j. B. Howes. BucciNUM, M. F. Woodward. Calcareous Sponge, R. Hanitsch. Arenicola, j. H. Ashworth. Antedon, H. C. Chadwick. Oyster, AV. A. Herdinan and J. T. -lenkins. Porpoise, A. M. Paterson. vni. In addition to these, other Memoirs will be aiiaiig'ed for, on suitable types, such as Sagitta (by Mr. Cole), a Cestode and a Turbellarian (by Mr. Shipley), Careinus. an Amphipod, and a Pycnogonid (probably by Dr. A. H. Jackson). As announced in the preface to Ascidia, a donation from Mr. F. H. Grossage of Woolton met the expense of preparing the plates in illustration of llie first feAv Memoirs, and so enabled the Committee to commence the publication of the series sooner than would otherwise have been possible. A second donation received since from Mr. Gossage, and another recently from Mrs. Holt, are regarded by the Committee as a welcome encourage- ment, and will be a great help in carrying on the work. W. A. Herumax. University College, Liverpool, March, 1901. Note. — The present Jlemoir by Mr. Andrew Scott differs from those published and contemplated inasmuch as it deals with two generic types. At one time I thought of issuing Lepeophtheirus and Leen.e A as separate Memoirs ; but, on consideration, it seemed clear that these two diverse types of Epizoa supplemented one another and illustrated well the range in form of the parasitic Copepoda, and that consequently it would be convenient to the student to have them under one cover. — W.A.H. L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS. No. VI. LBPEOPHTHEIEUB AND LKRN^A. BY ANDREW SCOTT. Introduction. There are comparatively few fishes that do not, at some period of their life history, prove on careful examination to be the host of at least one kind of parasite, either crus- tacean or woim. The worm parasites are usually found infesting" the alimentary canal (A'eniatodes and Cestodes), the gills and skin (Trematodes and Bdellodes), while Crustacean (Copepod) parasites are almost entirely con- fined to places in direct communication with the exterior, such as the skin itself, the fins, the mouth, the branchial chamber, attached to the gills and operculum, in the nostrils, and in the mucous canals. They may even be found attached to the eye, as Lernceeninis spratta' in the sprat (Clupea aprattus) ; and Leivueopoda elongata in the (jrreenland Shark* [Acanthorhinus carcharias), causing in the latter at any rate partial blindness ; or burrowing into the abdominal cavity, as Penella exocceti in the flying fisht (E.vucoetus volifun.s), till only the ends of the ovisacs are visible from the exterior. The Copepod fish parasites have attracted much atten- tion from Zoologists for a very long period, since the time when Aristotle, in his " Historia Animalium," tells us that the tunny and the sword fish are tormented by a sort of worm which fastens itself under the fin. Many of * ]\Ir. R. L. Ascroft, of Lythain, who visited Iceland on a " steam liner," tishing for halibut, &c., a year or two ago, says nearly all the sharks caught on the lines had these parasites in their eyes. t One was exhibited at a meeting of the Liverpool Biol. Soc. in 1897, infested by two such parasites, recorded as P. blainvilli, which in turn were covered with a number of small Cirripedes. — Trans. L'pool Biol. Soc. vol. xi., p. xii. the parasites now known to be Copepods Aveie not at tivst recognised as Crustacea, chietiy because of the difh- eultv of makings out the true characters and the absence of knowledge as to the life-histories. There was much difference of opinion even as to which were really the anterior and posterior extremities of these animals, due to the fact that the posteriorly placed ovisacs of the then known forms are cylindrical tubes which were by some supposed to be the antennules, and therefore that end was called the anterior. Hence many of the drawings of the earlier authors represent the animals standing on their heads. Baird's " British Entomostraca," published by the Ray Society in 1850, marks an important epoch in our knowledge. This author gives an interesting historical account of the group, brings together all that was pre- viously known, and gives a very full account, with excellent figures, of all the British species known at that time, and although some of these are inaccurate in detail, or have been added to by more recent investiga- tions, still Baird's monograph is indispensable to any one working at the subject. Since 1850 comparatively little has been done in this country to increase our knowledge regarding the distribution or habits of these crustaceans. Within the past few years, however, the study has revived and some important papers, mainly speciographic, have been published. The latest classification of the Copepod fish parasites arranges them under seven families, as follows : — Ergasi- hlDJE, CALlGIDiB, DiCHKLESTIDyE, PhILICHTHVID^E, LBRN^IDiE, Chondracanthid;e, and LERN^opoDiDiE. With the excep- tion of the PhilichthyidjE, all these families have representatives living on iislies lound in the seas around our coasts. 3 These parasites vary considerably in size, raiig-iug- from one-thirtieth of an inch to nearh' two inches in leng-th. They also differ very much in shape. Some have theii' locomotor organs well developed, and are capable when necessary of leading a pelagic life for a period. Others have lost all swimming power, and become mere inert sacs, securely attached to their host by anchor processes, embedded in the tissues, and when taken offc' their host they soon die from want of food and oxygen. The sexes are separate, the males as a rule being much smaller than the females. In many cases the males are practically parasitic on ihe females, especially those of the C'hondracanthidae and Lernseopodidae. The fact that the males are found upon egg-bearing females of the above families is due to their power of locomotion having been lost when they reached maturity. When once they have settled down and matured they are unable to change their position to any extent. I'ertilisation of the female is effected early in its life history, before the metamorphosis i'^ completed. One copulation, apparentlj', is all that is necessary to fertilise the female for life. The resulting embryos remain attached to the external opening of the oviducts, either in a single or multiserial column, enclosed in a sac, until they hatch. The period of incubation extends over several weeks. The young parasites hatch out as nauplii, with three pairs of appendages. The nauplii undergo metamorphosis, which in some forms after a certain stage is reached is retrogressive, hnally leading to the adult condition. The Copepod fish parasites are generally regarded as being composed of about sixteen somites. Usually, how- ever, some of these somites are suppressed or fused together, forming one compound segment, the true character of which is rendered evident by the appendages attached to it, eaoli ]iair indicating a somite. At one end of the series, these ])arasites approach very nearly in strnctnre and g'eneral appearance to the non -parasitic Copepods. At the other end they are extremely different, exhibiting' most remarkahle examples of retrograde deA-elopment, and withont a complete stndy of their life history it would be (juite impossible to recognise them even as Crustacea. In the following pages an account is given of the an atom \- and metamorphosis of one member from each of the two very different families, the Caligidse and the Lernseidse, the forms chosen being Le-peophtheirus pectoralis and Lcriued hv<(in-]ii(dis. The Caligidae is the most extensive family of the Cope- pod fish parasites, and contains a larger number of genera and species than any of the others. As it stands at present, there are 124 species representing 25 genera. Three-fifths of the known species of CaligidtB belong to two genera, Caligus and Lepeophtheirus. Some earlier authors have not recognised the latter genus, and include the various species belonging to it in Cdligus.. There are, hoAvever, very important differences between the two which make their appearance early in life. These differences are constant, and give good cause for establish- ing a separ?htheirus consists of a cerebral or supra-oesophageal ganglion and a large sub-oesophageal ganglion placed on the ventral surface, in the median line, and extending from slightly in front of the second pair of maxillae to near the articulation of the second pair of maxillipedes with the bodv. The 24 g-anglia aie connected hv hrnad commissures passing- on each side of the (psophagus, leaving only a narrow opening for its passage. The sub-fjesophageal ganglion projects slightly forward under the supra-oesophageal, giving it the appearance of being separated from it, when viewed from the ventral aspect (Plate III., fig. 2). These are the only ganglia, and they supply the various parts of the body with nerves. The supra-oesophageal ganglion is about half the size of the sub-(esopliageal. It is produced on its dorsal surface into an optic lobe (Plate III., fig. 5), from which arises a distinct pair of optic nerves. Horizontal sections of the optic lobe show that the roots of these nerves cross each other (Plate III., fig. 12). Each optic nerve, there- fore, is supplied by fibres from both sides of the brain. The nerves supplying the antennules arise from neai- the anterior angles of the ganglion. They pass obliquely forward to the base of the antennules, and there sub- divide into a number of branches which pass to the sets? clothing the anterior surface of the basal joint and apex oi the second (Plate III., fig. 4). From the manner in vrhich the antennules are supplied by this nerve it is evident that they are important sensoiy organs (Plate III., fig 4). The antennae are supplied by nerves arising from the anterior angles of the ganglion, which pass anteriorly \inder the nerves of the antennules and enter the base of the antennse. These are the only appendages supplied from the supra-(esophageal ganglion. The sub-opsophageal ganglion is heart-shaped, and fully twice the size of the supra-cesophageal. It represents the whole of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the higher Crustacea, and supplies the remainder of the appendages. 25 The nerves passing to the mandibles have their origin on the anterior margin near the middle line. They course along the muscles of the fpsophagus, and reach the mandibles near the base of the mouth. The next pair of nerves arise at the anterior angle of the ganglion, course forward, under the nerves of the antennae and antennules, to the frontal plate which they enter about midway between the lateral margin and middle line. They then turn abruptly and pass out to the lateral margins of the frontal plate, just above the antennules. The margin at this point is destitute of the transparent membrane which surrounds the carapace. The nerves terminate in a shallow cup, evidently a sensory organ. Three other pairs of nerves arise from the anterior angles of this ventral ganglion. The first passes to the rudimentary first pair of maxillae, the second, a short nerve, passes to the second pair of maxillae, and the third to the muscles controlling the lateral margins of the cephalo-thorax. The nerves supplying the first pair of maxillipedes arise from the anterior portion of the lateral margin. They are large nerves at their origin, but immediately divide into four branches, passing to the maxillipedes and muscles. The second pair of maxillipedes are also supplied by nerves arising from the lateral margins. Like those of the first maxillipedes they have strong roots, and at once divide into three branches Avhich pass to the second maxillipedes and their muscles. The remaining nerves have their roots in the posterior end of the ganglion. There are three pairs. These supply the five pairs of feet and the abdomen. The outer pair of nerves supply the first pair of feet. Near the origin a branch is given off which passes to the muscles 26 of the stomach. The next pair .supply the second pair of feet. TheA- course along the median nerves as far as the sternal fork and then diverge. Just under the sternal fork a branch is given off which appears to pass to the muscles of the posterior region of the cephalo-thorax. The median pair course close together, and unless carefully examined are easily mistaken for a single nerve. There is a distinct division, however, which is apparent even in the roots. Between the second and third pairs of feet a strong branch is given off which passes to the third pair of feet. The nerves then diverge, and just before entering the fourth thoracic segment give oft' a branch that passes to the fourth feet. The main trunks course on through the genital segment, still further diverging. Shortly after entering the broad part of this segment a third branch is given off which takes a semi- oval course along the ventral surface of each half of the segment, finally passing to the setse of the fifth feet. On entering the abdomen the main trunks split into two branches, one passing to the anus and the other to the setae on the apex of the caudal stylets (Plate III., fig. 2). Each nerve, after leaving the main trunk, sends out numerous branches Avhich pass to the various muscles controlling the appendages innervated by that nerve. Excepting the nerve passing to the fifth feet, the branches are not shown in the figure (Plate III., fig. 1). There is considerable difficulty in tracing the endings of the branches when they pass amongst the muscles. The chief sense organs connected Avith the nervous system are the conspicuous e^^es which are described above (p. 71). There are also the numerous setse scattered over the surface of the body and appendages, which are possibl}' tactile in function. Probably the setae upon the anten- nules, which are richly supplied with nerves from the 27 supra-cesopliageal ganglion, have a special function, which may be olfactory. The Repkoductive Organs. The reproductive organs are paired, and as already stated, the sexes are separate. In the female (Plate II., fig. 4) the ovaries are large kidney-shaped organs lying on each side of the anterior portion of the stomach and extending from under the first pair of feet to the base of the second maxillse, when fully matured. Each oviduct {od .) arises near the anterior end of the ventral surface of the ovary, and courses . j)osteriorly as a narrow tube till it enters the genital segment. It then expands rapidly, and passes to near the end of the segment. It then reverses its course, passing forward to the central portion of the segment, where it turns again in a ^losterior direction, and passing out to the centre of each half of the segment, it opens to the exterior just under the fifth feet. Each oviduct thus forms two loops in the genital segment. On the ventral aspect of the loops of each oviduct there is a short, semi-transparent cjdindrical tube [sg.) with the anterior end closed and rounded, and the posterior produced into a fine duct, which communicates with the oviduct near its extremity. This organ is evidently a cement gland for secreting the enclosing membrane of the ovisac. Each vulva (fig. 6, vu.) is situated near the middle line behind the junction of the genital segment with the abdomen. It appears to consist of a simple opening leading into the vagina which expands into a " receptaculum seminis." This is an elongated sac passing from the median line to the oviduct, which it enters alongside the duct of the cement gland. In the male the reproductive organs (Plate II., fig. 5) consist of a pyriform testis, on each side, situated in a position corresponding with that of the ovary. It is only 28 oboul one-fourth the size of the ovary. Each vas deferens courses posteriorly into the oral g-enital segment. It coni- niunicates with the sac of the sperniatophore on the external margin near the posterior end. A short cement gland furnishes a duct which passes in at the anterior end of the sac. The sperniatophore, an oval body containing the spermatozoa, is expelled from an opening near the posterior angle of the segment. In Lepeophtheirus the fertilisation of the female is accomplished soon after the " clialimus '' stage is com- pleted. The genital segment is then very small, about one-fifth the length of that of a mature female. It is grasped by the male on the dorsal aspect. The antennae close round the junction of the genital segment with the fourth thoracic, and the second maxillipedes seize tlie segment immediately in front of its junction with the abdomen. The animals remain in this condition for some time, and can only be separated with difficulty. The spermatophores are discharged in pairs. When they are ready for discharging the male folds the whole of the posterior portion of its body along the ventral surface of the female. The openings of the sperniatophore sacs are thus brought in contact with the vulvae. The spermato- phores are then discharged, and being in a viscid condi- tion, at once stick to the female. One end of the cover- ing, probably the last part that leaves the opening, is drawn out into a fine thread, which helps to secure the spermatophore. The spermatophores are not, apparently, always fortunate in reaching the vulvte. It is by no means uncommon to find thein planted amongst the appendages in little clusters like grapes. These have been mistaken by some of the earlier Zoologists for the eggs, when the true egg sacs were considered to be antennules. 29 One copulation apparent!}' fertilises all the eggs pro- duced by tlie female. It is obvious, Avhen one compares tLe male with a mature female (Plate I., figs. 1 and 2), that fertilisation cannot be accomplished Avhen the female genital segment is fully developed. Hence the need of it being effected at an early stage. The exact period at which the eggs are fertilised by the spermatozoa is unknown. The spermatophores may be found attached to the body for some time after the female has begun to produce eggs (Plate II., fig. 4, sp.), but they are then simply empty sacs. Plate II., fig. 7, shows a pair of spermatophores that have been detached from an egg-bearing female. The little opening at d. was in direct communication with the vulva. These sacs were empty. In an immature female (Plate II., fig. G), the vulva leads into a short vagina, passing directly into the oviduct. The spermatozoa probably remain in the vagina which becomes a " receptaculum seminis." In transverse or longitudinal sections through the region of the vagina of a mature female masses of spermatozoa are frequently found in the swollen part (Plate II., fig. 4, rep.). The oviduct in the immature female has no communication with the exterior except through the vulva. The ovary of a mature female appears as shown in Plate II., fig. 10. It consists of a number of tubules lined with nucleated cells representing a germinal epithe- lium, which will form the eggs. The interior of the tubules is filled with a granular substance, staining faintly blue with hsematoxylin and eosin. When the eggs become mature the walls of the tubule break down and the eggs pass out into the oviduct. They are then very small, about •02 mm. in diameter, and do not fill up the duct. They are simply nucleated cells. As they pass posteriorly they increase in size. In the fourth thoracic segment they BO measure "06 mm., and appear as oval bodies with a tlii;i vitelline membrane. The cell contents are finely granular. The nucleus is a large oval body, with a sharp outline. A single rounded nucleolus is also present. After passing into the genital segment the cell contents increase in amount, causing a great enlargement of the egg, which finally passes out at the opening between the vulva and the lateral margin of the segment, already described. As the eggs pass out they are probably fertilised by the spermatozoa from the " receptaculum seminis." They are then enclosed in a thin chitinous tube, secreted by the cement gland, which gradualh^ extends as more eggs are expelled. The ovisacs are often longer than the animal. The eggs in this tube are biscuit-shaped, measuring "-SG mm. in diameter and "11 mm. in thickness. They are arranged in a single column. When the animal is irritated the tubes are frequently detached. When the embryos hatch, the empty, ruptured tube is left, and remains attached to the animal for a time. After examining many specimens, the conclusion has been come to that additional eggs are not developed in the tubules of the ovary after the first lot have been expelled. Adult females in which the ovary is only an empty sac are not uncommon. Life History. Lepeophtlieirns has no regular breeding season. Mature females Avith ovisacs may be found at all times. The state of development reached by the embryos carried by various females collected at the same time is frequently widely different. In some the germinal disc has just begun to segment, in others the larvae are ready to hatch. The changes that take place in the developing embryo have not been worked out by the author. The period of Bl incubation was found to extend over several weeks at least. In one case the ovisacs were kept for six weeks, and in another eight weeks, before the embryos hatched. The incubation takes long-er than that, however. In both cases the embryos were pigmented when placed under observation. The first appendages that make their appearance are the antennules, antennae and mandibles. They are in a rudimentary state, and the embrj^o is now ready to hatch. During this period the embryo increases in size as it develops. The whole of the embryos contained in the tube hatch practically at once. The enclosing membrane ruptures, then the membrane of the tube splits, and the nauplii after freeing themselves from the fragments swim to the surface. Plate I., fig. 3, represents a newly hatched nauplius, the natural size of which is '46 mm. It leads a pelagic life for a time, and grows by successive moult- ings. It next settles down on some fish, and passes into a cyclopoid state (Plate I., fig. 5). The young parasite immediately develops a thin chitinous filament from the median frontal gland already described, which passes into the tissues of the host, and it becomes fixed. The median sucker (&., Plate I., fig. 5), with the help of the rudi- mentary antennae and second maxillipedes, enables the animal to bring its mouth into contact with the host. If young plaice, flounder, cod, &c., one to three inches in length, be examined very carefully at the end of the summer, it is practically certain that some recently attached Lepeophtheirus or Caligtts will be found either on the fins or some other part of the integument. On examining fins which have parasites attached, the filament is seen passing through the skin, under it, and along one of the fin rays, as shown on Plate I., fig. 5 (natural size •77 mm.). The filament may have the end bluntly 32 pointed or flattened into a disc (Plate I., tig. 4). This is the " chalimns " stage referred to on previous pages, so called hecanse liurmeister, in 18-'-)l,* described it as a new ceniis under the name " C'lialinins.'" This was afterwards shown l)y Hesse and others to be only a young stage of the Caligid?e. The young parasite continues to grow by suc- cessive moultings, and the various appendages make their appearance in regular order. The duration of this attached stage has not been determined. When the appendages are fully developed, as in Plate I., fig. 6, the filament separates at its junction with the frontal margin leaving a notch, the remains of which persist all thi'ongh the adult life. The male, at the conclusion of the attached stage, is practically fully developed. The female remains in an immature condition until fertilisation is effected and the ova begin to pass down the oviducts. The genital seg- ment then increases in size from that shown on Plate II., fig. 6, to the mature condition of Plate I., fig. 1. * Nov. Act. Acad. Natur. Cur. Bonn., vol. xvii., p. 294, 33 II.— LEEN^A. The Lern.eice, although not so extensive a family in numbers of genera and species as the Caligid.e, are more interesting to the specialist. They present some of the most remarkable instances of retrograde development that are to be found in the whole group of parasitic Copepoda. There is great excuse for the difficulty experienced by the earlier Zoologists in giving certain members of this family their true place in the animal kingdom. The fact that these animals were placed first in one grouj) and then in another by successive workers is not surprising, consider- ing- that nothing was then known about their life history. It requires some study even at the present day to show that Lerncea is a Crustacean, still more to demonstrate that it is related to Lepenphtheirus. The genus Lerncea as it now stands contains only five species. Formerly it was ver^^ extensive, and included many forms, such as Lepeophtheirus j^^f^toi'alis, that had not the least apparent resemblance to each other in the adult state. Careful research, along with a better know- ledge of the minute striicture, gradually eliminated the unlike species, which were removed to other genera. An excellent historical account of our knowledge of the group will be found in Baird's " Entomostraca." The species described here is Lernaa branchialis, Linn. Mode of Occurrence. The adult female is found on the gills of the Gadidse, such as cod, haddock and whiting. Immature (cyclops stage) males, and females with adult males attached, are found on the apex of the gill filaments of the flounder, sometimes in large numbers. Full-grown females are not plentiful on the fishes caught in the vicinity of Piel. 34 Tm'o to four specimens have been found after examining numerous catches of young cod of one dozen each. The ratio thus varies from one in three fish to one in six. In one or two instances two and sometimes three specimens were found on young cod eight inches long. The length of a full grown female Lermea is a little over one inch. The adult female is securely fastened to its host by strong branched horns, three in number, which are buried in the tissues of various parts of the gill arches- In many instances the head was found to have actually penetrated the ventral aorta. To obtain the specimens in an entire condition the tissues of the host have to be carefully dissected. Attempts to remove them by force always result in the head being left in the fish. The parasite, when once fixed, remains in the same position throughout life. When it dies the softer parts decay, but the head continues for a long time embedded in the tissues of the host, and is often met with there when dissecting out living specimens. External Characters. The adult female (Plate lY., fig. 1) is cylindrical. It is unsegmented, but roughly divided into three parts — a globular head with anchor-like processes, connected by a narrow neck to a much swollen posterior part. The globular head corresponds to part of the cephalo- thorax in Lepeophtheirus. It is furnished with three more or less branched horns, two lateral and one median and dorsal. The head is slightly curved downwards, ter- minating in a conical apex. The anterior portion of the neck represents the remainder of the cephalo-thorax and the fourth thoracic segment. The whole of the neck is marked by fine trans- verse lines. 35 The remainder of the neck and the g'reater part of the swollen mass behind corresponds to the genital segment. The abdomen is represented by the terminal portion of the swollen part, and gradually tapers to a blunt end. The swollen region of the genital segment is abruptly bent into the form of the letter S (Plate TV., fig. 1). The appendages are rudimentary, the greater number being entirely absent. Those present are the first pair of maxillipedes placed at the apex of the head, immediately under the mouth, and four pairs of swimming feet at the anterior end of the narrow neck. The swimming feet are exactly as they exist in the cyclops stage both in size and structure. The protopodite is two-jointed, the exopodite of the four pairs is two-jointed. The endopodite of the first two pairs is also two-jointed. The third and fourth pairs of feet have no endopodite. The external openings are, the mouth placed at the apex of the head, the openings of the oviducts situated on the ventral aspect of the S-shaped region, and the anus at the blunt apex of the abdomen (Plate IV., fig. 1, an.). The colour of the living animal is dark red, due to the contained blood. When removed from the fish and placed in sea water the colour changes to white. Lerna'a does not live long after being taken from the fish. The longest period observed was about twelve hours. They are simply inert sacs quite incapable of movement. Occasionally the parasites are covered with colonies of hydroids which sometimes entirely obscure them. The exoskeleton consists of a chitinous cuticle moderately thin and soft in the region of the swollen part, but thick and hard on the neck and head. Immature Lerncea hrcmchialis living on the apex of the gill filaments of the flounder (Plate IV., figs. 3, 4, and 5) are cyclopoid in appearance. The animal is oval in trans- 36 verse section. It is composed of five distinct parts — an oval cephalo-tliorax, three tlioracic, and one terminal segment, representing" the genital segment and abdomen. The anterior portion of the genital segment in the female is indistinctly divided into eleven joints. The cephalo-thorax attains its greatest width just behind the eyes ; beyond that point the sides converge until they reach the first thoracic segment. The cephalo- thorax is produced anteriorly into a broad blunt rostrum. In the very early Cyclops stage (Plate lY., fig. 3), the rostrum is further produced into a short triangular filament which secures the parasite to its host. The eyes (Plate V., fig. '3) are situated on the dorsal surface a short distance behind the rostrum. In the living animal they appear as a dark red spot with a crystalline lens projecting slightly at each side. When examined microscopically the structure is found to be the same as that described in Lepeophtheiriis. A thin cornea encloses a spherical crystalline lens. Behind the lens a row of fairly large retinal cells is lined internally with a tapetum layer. A chitinous septum lined with deep red pigment separates the two eyes. The appendages attached to the cephalo-thorax are as follows : — The antennules are placed at the posterior angles of the lateral margins of the rostrum. They are short, and are composed of four nearly equal joints furnished with fine setse. The antennse are composed of two joints. The apical joint is provided with a strong claw on its external angle. The antennse usually project beyond the rostrum, and it is by means of these that the attachment to the host is maintained when the filament is broken oft. The mandibles are not enclosed in the suctorial mouth. Thev are situated at the base of the lateral surfaces of the 37 conical tiil)e of the iiioutli, and consist of two parts. The basal joint is cylindrical. The second joint is flattened, and terminates in a hroad blade, which is serrated on the inner margin. The single pair of maxillae are placed at the base of the mandibles. They consist of two lobes, cnie of which is very small. The larger lobe has two moderately lons" setse at its apex, the smaller one has one seta. The first pair of maxillipedes are placed immediately behind the month. They consist of four joints, the last joint being furnished with a strong claw. The basal joint has two short hooks near its apex. The second pair of maxillipedes in the female are rudi- mentary, and are represented by a minute knob. In the male they are com])osed of two joints, the apical one being in the form of a powerful claw. It is by the aid of the second niaxillijiedes that the male grasps the female during copulation. The first pair of swimming feet consist of a two-jointed protopodite, an endopodite and an exopodite, both two- jointed. The apical joints of the endopodite and the exopodite are furnished with long plumose sette on their inner margin and apex. This pair of feet is attached to the posterior end of the cephalo-thorax. I'he second ])air of swimming feet is attached to the fir.st free thoracic segment, the third pair to the second free thojacic, and the fourth pair to the third. These fiee segments really represent the second, third and fourth thoracic segments, the first being a part of the cephalo-thorax. The second pair of swimming feet in eyery respect resemble the first pair. The protopodites of the third and fourth pairs are two-jointed ; the endo- podites in both pairs are absent. The exopodites are similar to those of the first and second pairs. The fifth 38 pair of feet is )epre.seiited by minute papillae. The caudal stylets are veiv short, and furnished with three or four short plumose setse at the apex. The external openings are the mouth, the YulviP, the opening's of the vasa deferentia and the anus. The mouth is situated on the ventral surface of the cephalo-thorax, at the apex of a conical tube, composed of the upper and lower lips fused together. In the very early cvclops stage the lips are not fused. The vulvse and openings of the vasa deferentia are placed at the posterior angles of the genital segment. The anus is at the apex of the abdomen, in the middle line. The vulviB open into the receptacula seminis, which are in direct coiumuni- cation with the oviducts. The whole of the genital segment and abdomen in the female is marked by fine transverse lines. The colour, which is arranged in patches, varies from dark violet to light red. Alimextary C.\xal. In the adult the mouth opens into the intestine, which probably acts as the stomach, the CESophagus and true stomach having disappeared in the metamorphosis of the cephalo-thorax. The intestine is at first narrow Avhere it passes through the neck, then it widens considerably in the swollen part of the genital segment, contracting slightly in the abdomen, and finally terminates in a short, narrow rectum leading to the anus (Plate Y., fig. 4). The intestine is lined with a single layer of nucleated cells. Attached to this layer, and in some cases embedded ill it at irregular intervals, are large cells filled with fine granular material. In some parts these large cells are grouped together two and three rows high. In other l)arts they are quite free (Plate Y., figs. 5 and G). The layer supporting the nucleated cells appears to be com- 39 posed of fine muscle fibres. There is no cliitiuous inner lining as in Le peoi)htheirus . Between the basement layer of the intestinal wall and the integnment there is a net- work of muscles passing- in various directions. This tissue represents the body-cavity and body-wall. The spaces between the muscles are filled with the red blood. The peristaltic movement of the intestine is similar to that observed in Lejoeophtheims. In the Cyclops stage the mouth leads into a short, narrow oesophagus {ce, Plate V., fig. 2), which 2)asses into the comparatively Avide stomach on its ventral aspect. The stomach is lageniform, with the narrow end pointing posteriorly. On the dorsal aspect, at the anterior end, it is produced into a short, blunt csecum. The narrow end of the stomach connects with the intestine, a long straight narrow tube, greatly compressed over the region of the receptaculum seminis. The intestine terminates ill a very short rectum leading to the anus. The cells both free and attached along the wall of the stomach and intestine are similar to those in the adult. Sometimes the stomach is filled with free cells, which are kept con- stantly travelling backward and forward by the move- ment of the intestine. At other times few free cells can be seen. JS^o trace of blood between the alimentary canal and the integument, as found in the adult, has been observed in the young. No trace of a digestive gland could be found in the adult. In the young it is probably represented by a series of groups of cells running along the lateral margins of the cephalo-thorax (Plate V., tigs. 1 and 3, I .v.). A short duct could be traced leading from these groups into the stomach, just posterior to its junction with the oesophag-us. When the alimentary canal of a living parasite is opened, and the free cells are isolated and examined with 40 a liigli power, they are found to be subspherical, gramilar, and of various shades of greenish yellow colour. Some of the cells exhibit faint amoeboid movement. It is pro- bable, therefore, that the digestion is intracellular. The food of these parasites is undoubtedly blood which we find in the alimentary canal, but whether the absence of digestive glands in the adult accounts for its unchanged appearance has not been ascertained. In the young, where there is an apparent digestive gland, the contents of the alimentary canal are not red. Circulation and Kespiratioiv. There is no heart or vascular system, and in the adult no movement of fluids could be observed which would indicate a blood circulation. The animal is probably dependent upon the blood sucked from its host for the supply of oxygen necessary to maintain life. It is there- fore possible that the early death after removal from the fish is due largely to the inability to take up oxygen from the water. The blood ciiculation could not be satisfac- torily traced in the cyclops stage. The Muscular System. The muscular system in the cyclops stage, although not so highly developed, is practically similar to that of Lepeo'phtheirus. In the adult female it is simply a net- work between the integument and the alimentary canal forming a supporting medium for the latter. The Nervous System. In the cyclops stage the central nervous system is the same as in the adult Leijeophtlieirus. The nerves supply- ing the various appendages have also the same origin and direction as described in that type. The nerves marked 4a, 4b, and 5a in Plate III., fig. 2, could not be traced. 41 The nerve supplying the antennules has a similar branch- ing at its termination to that of Lepeophtheirus. In the adult Lerniea no trace of a nervous system could be made out, and certainly if present at all it is very much reduced. The Reproductive Organs. The reproductive organs of Lemma, like those of Lepeophtheirus, are bilaterally symmetrical. In the Cyclops stage of the female (Plate V., fig. 1) the ovaries (o.) are pjaiform organs lying on each side of the stomach. They are situated on the ventral surface near the posterior end of the cephalo-thorax. Each oviduct [od.) arises near the posterior end, and courses posteriorly as a narrow tube. When it enters the genital segment it expands rapidly, ending in a large sac, the receptaculum seminis (s), communicating with the vulva {vu.). The oviduct has no distinct loops, and no cement gland is found. In the adult male (Plate IV., fig. 5) the testes {t.) occupy the same positions as the ovaries in the female. The vasa deferentia are straight, narrow tubes coursing posteriorly and terminating in the sacs of the spermatophores. A cement gland is present, as in Lej^eophtheirus. The ovary in the course of the metamorphosis under- goes great change of position. It is removed from the cephalo-thorax into the genital segment. It occupies a narrow region at the apex of the deep indentation (Plate v., figs. 4 and 5, o.). The two ovaries have also practically fused together, no separation is visible in transverse sec- tion. The united ovaries are produced into horn-like pro- jections anteriorly and posteriorly (Plate Y., fig. 5). The oviducts (od.) arise near the apex of the anterior horns, pass across the segment to its ventral surface, and then 42 course alono- each side of the median line to the external openings. Each cement gland (Plate V., figs. 4, 5 and 7, sg.) is a long crystalline organ of nearh' the same length and breadth as the oviduct, lying ventrally to it. The anterior part terminates at the base of the neck, in a blunt end. The posterior end communicates with the oviduct just inside the opening to the exterior. The structure of the ovary of Lerncea differs con- siderably from that of Lepeo'phtheiriis. In the cyclops stage it consists of a mass of minute nucleated cells. In the adult condition there are no tubules, and all the eggs are in close contact. The size of the eggs in the ovary of the adult varies from '04 to "08 mm. They are of the same structure and undergo the same changes in their passage along the oviduct as the egg^ of LepeophtheiruH when they enter the thoracic ends of the oviducts. The ovisacs consist of long slender tubes very much twisted. (Plate IV., fig. 1, OS.). When straightened out each tube is often found to attain the length of seven or eight inches. The eggs are arraneed in a single column, and tlie period of incubation is of the same duration as in Lepeophtheirus. The death of the parent or detachment of the ovisacs has no effect on the vitality of the embryos. Fertilisation of the female is effected during the fixed period of the cyclops stage. The spermatophores are attached to the female in a similar manner to that described foi' Lepeophtheirus. The contents pass into the receptacula seminis, and the empty sacs fall away. They are then replaced by others in succession, until the recep- tacula are filled. Each fully charged receptacuhira repre- sents the contents of four spermatophores {rep., Plate IV., fig. 4). At first there is a distinct division between each lot, but this soon disappears, and the whole becomes one mass of spermatozoa. From a large number of 48 females sectioned in various directions, the conchision has been arrived at that the spermatozoa at once pass up the rudimentaiy oviduct to the ovary and fertilise the eg^gs. This probably accounts for the difference between the ovary of an adult Lernwa and Lepeophtheiriis. No trace of a receptaculum seminis could be made out in the adult. Life History. The development of the embryo has not been worked out by the present author. An excellent Avork by D. Pedaschenko* contains a full description and figures of the developing embryo. The young Lerna'a hatches out as a nauplius, with three pairs of appendages, representing the rudimentary antennules, antennae, and mandibles (Plate lY., fig. 2, nat. size, •45 mm.). It then after a short pelagic life, settles on the apex of the gill filaments of the flounder, to which it adheres by a broad chitinous filament, and passes into a cyclopoid form (Plate lY., fig. 4). The young Lernaia are occasionally found on the gills of the plaice and lumpsucker. The parasite, by its attachment to the gill filament, j^yroduces a marked change in that organ. The whole of the apex assumes a tumid character, and the filamentous plates on both sides for some little distance disappear (Plate lY., figs. 8 and 9). While attached to the gills the various appendages develop. The male here reaches maturity (Plate lY., fig. 5), and under- goes no further change. In the female a considerable lengthening of the genital segment accompanies the appearance of the various appendages. Fertilisation next takes place ; then the young female severs its connection * Development of the embryo and metamorphoses of Lerncea branchia- lis. Trav. Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de St. Petersbourg, vol. xxvi., livr. 4, No. 7, Sect, de Zool. et de Physiologie, 1898. (In Russian, with German resume). 44 with the chitinous filament, and leads a pelagic life (Plate IV., fig. 4. Nat. size 2*-') mm.). This condition is fre- quently found in collections of plankton, and unless care be taken ma}^ readily be confused with immature stages of allied forms. I. C. Thompson, r.L.8.,t was the first to recognise certain copepods taken in collections of plank- ton from Liverpool Bay, &.C., as the young of Lerncea, from Claus' figures. The presence of the males of Lerncea in plankton is to some extent accidental, as only the females lead a pelagic life. The males remain on the gills after the females have gone. The result of the examination of the contents of a fine filter, through which the waste water was passed from the tanks containing flounders in the Piel Hatchery, showed that females were always more numerous than males. The ratio, after a number of trials, was found to be one male to twenty-five females. At the conclusion of the pelagic life the young Lerncea again fixes itself to the gills of a fish, and the retrogres- sive metamorphosis commences. The parasite buries its cephalo-thorax into the tissues. This region then develops into horns, which are situated one at each side and one dorsal. These pass out at right angles to the body into the tissues of the host. At first they are simple, but by gradual division in each horn they acquire the characters found in the adult (Plate Y., fig. 8). The anterior part of the segment curves over, taking up the position shown on Plate Y., fig. 4. The eyes, antennules, antenna?, mandibles and maxillfe disappear, leaving only the first maxillipedes, which are represented by small hooks in the adult. The free thoracic segments fuse, but the feet remain as in the cyclops stage. The genital segment elongates until fully fifteen times the original t Eevised Eeport on L.M.B.C. Copepoda. Trans. L'pool Biol. Soc, vol. vii., p. 212. 45 length. The abdomen only lengthens a very little. The elongation takes place during the development of the horns and before the eyes and the other organs disappear. This condition is shown on Plate lY., fig. U ; the nat. size is 11'4 mm. The next phase, represented on Plate IV., fig. 7. shows that the development of the horns, the disappearance of various appendages, and the great lengthening of the genital segment is followed by a loop- ing of the posterior region of the latter. This loop gradually expands, and finally takes on the adult condition. In the metamorphosis of the cephalo-thorax the ovaries are thrust into the genital segment, and take up a position on the dorsal aspect of the posterior region of that seg- ment, in such a manner that the more anteriorly placed portion of the ovary in the adult is what was the posterior part in the cyclops stage (see Plate V., figs. 1 and 4). The cyclops stage of Lernu^a was first found in situ by Metzger,* who published a short note on the observations made and the conclusions arrived at early in 1868. Clausf later on in the same year, from specimens supplied by Metzger and fresh material, confirmed the observations of that Zoologist. Concluding Remark.s. In the account set forth on the above pages, it will be seen that there are remarkable differences between the changes that take place in the life history of the two cope- pods before they reach maturity. In the one case {Leijeojyhtheirus) the life history exhibits a series of pro- gressive developments. In the other [Lermea), although * Ueber das Mannchen ii. Wcibc-hen der Gattvmg Leincea, vor dum Eintritt der sog. ruckscln'citenden ^Metamorphose. Jany., 1868. t Beobachtuiigen ueber Lenueoccru, Peniculus, und Lertioea. 180b. 46 for a time it advances, yet after a particular period has arrived the remainder of its development is retrogressive. The various appendag-es in each parasite are developed in the same order. In the one they become perfected when the creature is fully developed. In the other, long before the animal has reached maturity some have disappeared, the remainder continue in a rudimentary condition, and it is incapable of further movement. The internal organs of both copepods are developed in the same way. In one they continue advancing until perfected, and the animal is thus capable of living for considerable periods apart from its host. In the other, such organs as the digestive gland, the brain and nerves, and the blood system become rudimentary, if they do not altogether disappear. The ovary loses its original position and passes into the genital segment. The animal dies when removed from its host. If only the adults were known, it would practically be impossible to recognise that siich a form as Lerncea was in any way related to such a typical free-swimming Copepod as Calanus, and it would therefore still occupy an uncertain position. l^ut when the whole life history of both copepods is known, tracing the connection becomes comparatively easy- Both originate from a free larval stage known as the nauplius, which has been regarded as the representative of a far back common ancestor. Both pass through a cyclops stage. The one ancestral cyclops form, we may supjjose, by maintain- ing a free swimming life, gradually acquired more perfect appendages, and became at last the form now known as Cdlanus. The other cyclops form by adopting a sedentary life, and depending on other animals for its food, became semi-parasitic like many of the ascidian- and sponge-fre- quenting forms of copepoda. The transition from Lichomolgus-likG copepods to such forms as Bomolochus 47 and Krgdsilua became simple. Further chaiig'e in form and habit continiied as the various appendages, through constant rest, degenerated. The animal became in con- sequence more and more dependent on its host for food. Such changes extending over a long period of time, have apparently resulted in such a form as Lerncca. Some Zoologists divide the fish parasites into blood- suckers and mucus-eaters, on account of the apparent presence or absence of blood in the alimentary canal. It is doubtful if such a division is really satisfactory. The probability is that they are all blood-suckers in different degree, and that the presence of blood is only obvious because certain organs are absent. Lcemargus muricatus, one of the CaJigidce, appears to make excavations into the skin of its host, Orfhagoriscus mola (the short sun-fish). Several individuals are usually found in each excavation.* No obvious appearance of blood can be observed even in these parasites. One or two parasites on a fish may not be hurtful, but when the numbers increase they probably have an irri- tating effect, and finally, when they remain in one position fo] some time, the skin and tissues become lacerated. Consequently even such external parasites as have been regarded as harmless mucus-eaters may really have an injurious effect upon the fish. There is much opportunity for investigating the internal structures of the various families of fish parasites. The most of the literature hitherto published deals with the external characters only. The specimens necessary for the work connected with this memoir have been almost entirely collected from fish caught in the vicinity of Piel. The author is indebted to Mr. R. Xewsham, Jun., the Laboratory Assistant at Piel, * A. Scott. Tian.'j. Kat. Hist. Soc, Glasgow, vol. iii., part '6, p. 2GG. 16'J'2. 48 for help m collecting. The important stage of Lerncea, shown on Plate lY., tig. 6, is drawn from a specimen sent by Mr. T. Scott, F.L.S., the author's father. It was fcnnd on the gills of a whiting caught in the Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen, in 1900, and was the only one met with in the course of these investigations. 49 Explanation of PiiAXEs. Eeference Letters. a. antennule. a*- antenna. «"■ lateral frontal sucker. ail. anus. b. median frontal sucker. bis. blood space. c. filament duct. eg. filament gland. en. chitin. D. dorsal. d. opening of spermatophore. e. eyes. f. filament. g. ganglia. gl. gland i. intestine. K^ left anchor process. if 2 median ,, K^ right ,, L. left. Id. duct of digestive gland. Ins. lens. Iv. digestive gland. 31. mouth. m. mandible. ml. muscle. ml.a. antennule muscles. ml.an. anal muscles. ml./, frontal muscles. Dili, intestine muscles. nil.l. lateral muscles. 7nl.m. mandible muscles. ml.mxp. first maxillipede muscles. inl.pt. posterior cephalic muscles. ml.rt. rectum muscles. ml.st. stomach muscles. mx. first maxilla. mx^- second ,, vixp. first maxillipede. mxp^- second ,, n. nerves. nc. nucleus. 0. ovary. od. oviduct. ce. oesophagus. og. optic lobe. 50 oni. muscles of the oviduct. on. ovisacs. ov. ova. p'- first pail' of feet. j)'^- second , , p"»- third j)''"'- fourth , , /;'■• fifth p(j. pigment. R. right. i\ rostrum. rej). receptaculum seminis. /■/. rectum. yt)t. retina. ;■//. fin ray. S. spermatozoa. .s6;/. suhoesophageal ganghon. sf. sternal fork. sg. cement gland. sp. spermatophore. spg. supra-oesophageal ganghon. at. stomach. t. testis. V. ventral. va. vagina. erf. vas deferens. vu. vulva. y. opening of digestive duct into the stomach. z. pore canals. Nos. 1 to 13 nerves, as follows : — 1. optic. 2. antennules. 3. antennae, -i. mandibles. 4a. lateral frontal margins. 4b. first maxilUe. J. second maxillte. oa. lateral cephalic muscles. 0. first maxillipedes. 7. second maxillipedes. 6'. first feet. 8a. stomach muscles. .V. second feet. 'Ja. posterior cephalic muscles. 10. third feet. 11. fourth feet. 12. abdomen. 13. fifth feet. Plate I. Fig. 1. Lcpeoplitheiruii pectoralis, mature female, dorsal view. X 17. Fi<^ 2. LcpeoplUheirKs pectoralis, mature male, dorsal view. X 17. Fig. 'd. LepeoplitJu'iru.i pectoralis, nauplius stage, newly hatched, x 52. 51 Fio-. 4. rjepcoplitlicirK.s perfm-alis, " chalimus " stage. X 26. Fig. 5. Caligus rapax. early "chaliinuK" stage attached to tin ray of young cod, the Hue d' c' represents the surface of the skin, x 54"4. Fig. 6. CaUijus rapax, "chaHmus" stage, previous to throwing off the tilament attachment. On tail of young lunipsucker. X 15*24. Fig. 7. Caligus rapax, mature, part of the frontal plate showing a lateral sucker, x 2-2. Plate II. Lt'jit'ojjJitlwirHs pectoral is. Fig. 1. Female, ventral view, showing tlie various appendages and their muscles. x IT. Fig. 2. Female, dorsal view, showing the chief muscles and hlood currents. The arrows indicate the course of the blood. x 17. Fig. -i. Female, ventral view, showing the digestive gland, its duct and alimentary canal. x 17. Fig. 4. Female, ventral view, showing the reproduc- tive organs. x 17. Fig. 5. Male, ventral view, showing the reproductive organs. x 26. Fig. G. Grenital segment and abdomen of an immature female, ventral view, showing vulva (vu.). x 40. Fig. 7. Spermatophores detached from genital openings of a female. x 25. Fig. 8. Mouth from the anterior base, with the mandibles inside, showing the muscles and ducts of digestive gland. x 25. Fig. 9. Digestive gland. x 77. Fig. 10. Longitudinal section of the ovary. x 50. Fig. 11. Transverse section of pore-canal at the base of the mouth. x ."350. Plate III. Le jieophtheiriis pectoral is. Fig. 1. Female, ventral view, showing the nervous system ifi situ. x 17. Fig. 2. The nervous system from the ventral aspect. X ;j8. Fig. •'{. Female, nearly median longitiidinal section. X IT. Fig. 4. One of the antennules, showing the nerve endings. x 76. Fig. 5. Median longitudinal section of the ganglia, showing the " pinhole "" (jesophagus passing- through between the supra and sub-cesophageal parts. X 77. Fig. (i. Transverse section in the region of the eyes. X 38. Fig. 7. Transverse section in the region of the supra- and sub-(esophageal ganglia. x 35. Fig. 8. Transverse section in the region of the second maxillipedes. x 30. Fig. 9. Transverse section through the genital segment, female, x 30. Fig. 10. Transverse section through the genital segment, male. x 38. Fig. 11. Part of a transverse section of the intestine, x 76. Fig. 12. Horizontal section of the dorsal aspect of the supra-cesophageal ganglion, showing the cross- ing of the fibres of the optic nerves. x 152. Fig. 13. Transverse section of the eyes. x 152. Fig. 2. Fig. :; Fig. 4. Fi-. 5 58 Plate IV. Lerruea hranchialis. Fig. 1. Mature female, from the right side. The line /' g' shows how much of the anterior portion is buried in the branchial arch. x 4'''1 Nauplius stage, newly hatched. x 50'8. Very young female, unfertilised, dorsal view. From gills of flounder. x 51'5. Fertilised female, dorsal view. Just after leaving the gills of flounder. x 27'6. Mature male, dorsal view. From gills of floiinder. x 28"5. Fig. 0. Fertilised female, " Penella" stage, dorsal view. Just after settling on gills of Gadns (whiting). X 16-5. Fig. 7. Later stage than Fig. 6, from the left side. The folding has just finished. Nat. size. Fig. 8. Apex of gill filament of flounder, showing mal- formation caused by the young Lermeo. x 18'6. Fig. 9. Apex of gill filament of flounder, normal, x 18' 6. Plate V. Lerncea hranchialis. Fig. 1. Fertilised female, ventral view, showing the appendages, the reproductive organs, and nervous system. x 47"6. Fig. 2. Nearly median longitudinal section of the same, x 47-6. Fig. '). Transverse section in the region of the eyes, x 80. Fig. 4. Mature female, from the right side, showing the first maxillipede and the four pairs of feet, the alimentary canal and the reproductive 54 organs. The specimen was cleared in xylol, and the right anchor process removed. x 4. Fief. 5. Transverse section through oc j3, (Fig. 4.) shoAving the muscular wall, the ovary, oviduct, cement gland, and intestine. x 9. Fig. (i. Transverse section through x Q, (Fig. 4,) just anterior to the rectum. X 20. Fig. T. Portion of the cement gland. x 20. Fig. S. Front view of the anchor processes of an adult female. x 4. C. Tiuling & Co., Printers, 58, Victoria Street, Liverpool. L.M.B.C. Memoir VI. Plate I. ^-Sc<}ft, c/e/ SB. /it/? LEPEOPHTHEIEUS & LERN^A. L.M.B.C. Memoir VI. Plate II. A Sco/t de/ S B /ir/l LEPEOPHTHEIEUS & LEEN^A. L.M.B.C. Memoib VI. Plate III, n /I A Sc-o/^