LIV 3005 Xtvcrpool fIDartne Bioloo^ (Tonimtttce. LMB£, MEMOIRS ON Typical British Marine plants s- Animals EDITED BY W. A. HERDMAN. D.Sc, F.R.S. XIII. ANURIDA A. D. IMMS, B.Sc. (Lond.), Christ's College, Cambridge. (With 7 Plates) Price Four Shillings LONDON Williams & Norgai k October, 1906 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I^ I B R A R Y MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. \^\y^ - L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS. XIII. ANURIDA. NOTICE. The Committee desire to intimate that uo copies of these Memoirs will be presented or exchanged, as the prices have been fixed on such a scale that most of the copies will have to be sold to meet the cost of production. 'J.'he Memoirs may be obtained at the nett prices stated, from Messrs. Williams and Xorgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Grarden, London. Memoii- 1. Ascidia published in October, 18:)!), (iO pp. and five plates, price 2s. ,, II. Cardium — published m December, 1899, 92 pp., six plates and a map, price 2s. 6d. ,, III. Echinus — published in February, 1900. 36 pp. and five plates, price 2s. „ IV. Codium — published in April, 1900, 26 pp. and three plates, price Is. 6d. „ Y. Alcyouium — published in January, 1901,. 30 pp. and three plates, price Is. 6d. „ VI. Lepeophtheirus and Lernsea — published in March, 1901, 62 pp. and five plates, price 2s. ,, VII. Lineus — published in April, 1901, 40 pp. and four plates, price 2s. ,, VIII. Pleuronectes — published in December, 1901, 260 pp. and eleven plates, jDrice 7s. ,, IX. Chondrus — published in July, 1902, 50 pp. and seven plates, price 2s. 6d. „ X. Patella — published in May, 1903, 84 pp. and four plates, price 2s. 6d. ,, XI. Arenicola — published in March, 1904, 126 pp. and eight plates, price 4s. 6d. ,, XIT. Gammarus — published in July, 1904, 55 pp. and four plates, price 2s. ,, XIII. Anurida — published in October, 1906, 105 pp. and seven plates, price 4s. Xivcrpool nPartnc Biologv Connnittce. L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS OK Typical British Marine Plants &- Animals EDITED BY W . A. HeRDMAN. D.Sc, F.R.S. XIII. ANURIDA BY A. D. IMMS, B.Sc. (Lond.), Chriifs College, Caiiihridoe. (With 7 Plates) Price Four Shillings >^ LOND ox Williams & XorgatI': October, 7906 EDITOR'S PREFAf'E. The Liverpool Marine Biology Committee was constituted in 1885, with the object of investigating the Fauna and Flora of the Irish Sea. The dredging, trawling, and other collecting expeditions organised by the Committee have been carried on inter- mittently since that time, and a considerable amount of material, both published and unpublished, has been accumulated. Nineteen Annual Eeports of the Committee and five volumes dealing with the '' Fauna and Flora " have been issued. At an early stage of the investigations it became evident that a Biological Station or Laboratory on the sea-shore nearer the usual collecting grounds than Liverpool would be a material assistance in the work. Consequently the Committee, in 1887, established the Puffin Island Biological Station on the North Coast of Anglesey, and later on, in 1892, moved to the more commodious and accessible vStation at Port Erin in the centre of the rich collecting grounds of the south end of the Isle of Man. A new and larger Biological Station and Fish Hatchery, on a more convenient site, has now been erected, and was opened for work in July, 1902. In these nineteen years' experience of a Biological Station (five years at Puffin Island and foiirteen at Port Erin), where College students and young amateurs form a large proportion of the workers, the want has been fre- quently felt of a series of detailed descriptions of the structure of certain common typical animals and plants, chosen as representatives of their groups, and dealt with by specialists. The same want has probably been felt in other similar institutions and in many College laboratories. VI. The objects of the Committee and of the workers at the Biological Station were at first chiefly faunistic and speciographic. The work must necessarily be so when opening- up a new district. Some of the workers have published papers on morphological points, or on embry- ology and observations on life-histories and habits ; but the majority of the papers in the volumes on the " Fauna and Flora of Liverpool Bay " have been, as was intended from the first, occupied with the names and characteristics and distribution of the many diiferent kinds of marine plants and animals in our district. And this faunistic work will still go on. It is far from finished, and the Committee hope in the future to add still further to the records of the Fauna and Flora. But the papers in the present series, started in 1899, are quite distinct from these previous publications in name, in treatment, and in pur- pose. They are called " L.M.B.C. Memoirs," each treats of one type, and they are issued separately as they are ready, and will be obtainable Memoir by Memoir as they appear, or later bound up in convenient volumes. It is hoped that such a series of special studies, written by those who are thoroughly familiar Avith the forms of which they treat, will be found of value by students of Biology in laboratories and in Marine Stations, and will be welcomed by many others working privately at Marine Natural History. The forms selected are, as far as possible, common L.M.B.C. (Irish Sea) animals and plants of which no adequate account already exists in the text-books. Probably most of the specialists who have taken part in the L.M.B.C. work in the past will prepare accounts of one or more representatives of their groups. The following list shows those who have either performed or promised. Memoirs from I. to XIII. have now been published. Vll. ^0. XIY., on Ligia, \>j Mr. C. Gr. HeAvitt, will be out in a few weeks. It is hoped that Cycloporns, Cancer, Antedon, and llie Oyster will follow soon. Memoir I. Ascidia, W. A. Herdman, 60 pp., 5 Pis., 2s. ,, II. Cardium, .J. Johnstone, 92 pp., 7 Pis., 2s. 6d. ,, III. EcHixus, H. C. Chadwick, 36 pp., 5 Pis., 2s. ,, lY. CoDiUM, R. J. H. Gibson and Helen Anld, 26 pp., 3 Pis., Is. 6d. „ V. Alcyonium, S. J. Hickson, 30 pp., 3 Pis., ls.6d, ,, VI. Lepeophtheirus and Lern^a, Andrew Scott, 62 pp., 5 Pis., 2s. „ YII. LiAEUs, R. C. Punnett, 40 pp., 4 Pis., 2s. ,, A'lII. Plaice, F. J. Cole and J. Johnstone, 260 pp., 11 Pis., Ts. ,, IX. Chondrus, 0. v. Darbishire, 50 pp., 7 Pis., 2s. 6d. ,, X. Patella, J. E. A. Davis and 11. J. Fleure, 84 pp., 4 Pis., 2s. 6d. „ XL Arenicola, J. H. Ashworth, 126 pp., 8 Pis., 4s. 6d. ,, XII. Gtammarus, M. Cussaus, 55 pp., 4 Pis., 2s. ,, XIII. Anurida, a. D. Ininis, 107 pp., 8 Pis., 4s. ,, XIY. Ligia, C. Gr. Hewitt. Cycloporus, F. F. Laidlaw. Cancer, J. Pearson. Oyster, \V. A. Herdman and J. T. Jenkins. Antedox, H. C. Chadwick. OsTRACOD (Cythere), Andrew Scott. Arciiidoris, Sir Charles Eliot. BucciNUM, W. B. Randies. Bugula, Laura R. Thornely. ZosTERA, R. J. Harvey Gibson. Himanthalia, C. E. Jones. Pectp:n, W. J. Dakin. Diatoms, E. E. Weiss. Eucijs, J. B. Earmer. BoTEYLLOiDEs, W. A. Herdmau. CuTTLE-EisH (Eledone), W. E. Hoyle. Actinia, J. A. Clubb. Hydeoid, E. T. Browne. Calcareous Sponge, E,. Hauitseh. lu addition to these, other Memoirs will be arranged for, on snitable types, such as S td O f B. PTERYGOTA. 3. Dermaptera. Earwigs. 4. Orthoptera. Cockroaches, Locusts, Crickets, etc. 5. Platyptera. Book-lice, Termites, Stone-flies, etc. 6. Thysanoptera. Thrips. 7. Plectoptera. Mayflies. 8. Odonata. Dragonflies. 9. Hemiptera. Bugs, Cicadas, Green-fl}', etc. 10. Neuroptera. Alder-flies, Lacewing-flies, etc. 11. Coleoptera. Beetles. 12. Trichoptera. Caddis-flies. 13. Lepidoptera. Butterflies and Moths. 14. DiPTERA. Flies, Fleas, Sheep-ticks. 15. Hymenoptera. Ants, Bees,Wasps, Saw- flies, &c. HOMOMORPHA. Young animal re- sembling adult in general form but distinguished by the absence of wings and external genital armature. Heteromorpha. Larva? dift'ering very greatly from the adults and al- ways passing into a pupal stage. > ^ p ^ The habits of Aiuwiihi have been observed by the pieseut writer principally on the shores of Port Erin Bay in the Isle of Man.* About the rock-pools in that locality, when the tide is low and the weather calm and bright, numbers of this insect are generally to be seen. It may be found both on the surface of the water and on the surrounding rocks and weed. Anurida, unlike the majority of the Collembola, is unable to perform any leaping movements on account of the atrophy of the springing-orgaii, and it is only capable of a moderately active crawling motion. Those individuals which are to be seen floating on the rock-pools are only able to walk over the surface-film while the water remains motionless. AVhen, however, the slightest ripple arises they become drifted about from one part to another in a helpless con- dition until thev are enabled bv chance to cling" to the sides of the pools and crawl out on to the surrounding rocks and weeds. Frequently numbers get blown together into little groups on the surface of the water, and the individuals composing them maybe seen actively crawling over one another and apparently endeavouring to reach the shore. Sometimes these groups are of a considerable size and may consist of a hundred, or more, individuals. There is every reason to believe that their occurrence on the surface of the water is not due to the insect voluntarily resorting to that medium, but that it is merely the result of accident. Numbers of the insect frequently fall nto the pools in their attempts to climb steep rock surfaces, and also very many get blown thither by gusts of wind. When the weather is cold and stormy, or otherwise unfavourable, very 'few Anurida are to be found, and often they appear to be absent altogether. At these times * On the Continent the habits of the insect have been studied to some extent in France by Laboulbene (2) and Moniez (4). 8 tliey seek skelter under weeds, or eusconce tkemselves in crevices among- tke rocks or in crannies and nickes between tke encrusting barnacles, and specimens are tken to be obtained onh^ after a careful searck. Tke distribution of tkis insect about Port Erin Bay is confined to a tolerably definite zone of tke sea-skore. Tke insect does not wander above tke kigk- water mark of ordinary tides, neitker does it appear to venture furtker seaward tkan about kalf-way between tkat limit and tke Laminarian zone. It is plentiful during spring and summer, but towards autumn it becomes more sluggisk in its kabits and decreases in its numbers. In winter it is not often seen. As tke tide rises Anuiida retreats far into tke nickes in tke rocks, wkere it is able to witkstand submersion for a considerable period twice eack day. Since tke average tide in Port Erin Bay is about fifteen and a kalf feet, it would be immersed to a deptk of about eigkt feet. Tke rocks round tke skorc of tkat locality are very markedly jointed, and it is in tke crevices of tkese joints tkat Anurida seeks refuge from tke incoming tide. An abundant supply of specimens can usually be obtained by following down tke retreating tide and examining tke rocks as tkey become uncovered. Since tke insects work tkeir way into tke crevices often to a deptk of four or five inckes, it is necessary to split open tke rock witk tke aid of a kammer and a stout steel cliisel. In suitable ckinks as many as several kundred Anurida will sometimes be found congregated togetker and, strewii about tke crevices among tkem, tkere are usually to be seen numbers of tkeir exuviae, wkick appear like minute wkite fiakes. Tke relatively large orange-yellow eggs of tke species, arranged in little irregular clusters, are often to be met witk at the same time. 9 If a specimen of the insect be examined with a hand lens, it will be seen to be covered with a coatinf>' of whitish hairs. When the animal is submerg-ed under water, a sufficient supply of air is retained by this hairy coating to enable respiration to go on freely for a considerable period, and at the same time it renders the insect incapable of being wetted. In order to test the truth of this, it is only necessary to take a few specimens and place them in a deep glass vessel together with some sea-water. If the vessel be shaken sufficiently, the animals will become submerged below the surface of the water, and each individual will then be seen to be enveloped in a glistening coat of air. When once they are submerged they are unable to reach the surface again, and they crawl aimlessly about the bottom of the vessel. The animals thus treated remained active for four and a half days whenever the vessel was slightly shaken. On the hfth day they had used up all the air investing them, and on the sixth day scarcely anj^ movement was noticeable among them, and they appeared to be in an asphyxiated condition. On the seventh day they seemed to all purposes to be quite dead. In sandy localities Anurida resorts to burrowing for protection from the incoming tide. In the neighbourhood of Rhyl, jN'orth Wales, it occurs plentifully at low water about the sands and on the surface of the pools left by the retreating tide among the depressions and inequalities in the shore. Since there are no rocks or other means of shelter at hand, the insect has to bury itself in the wet sand as the tide rises and to remain there until the next ebb. It also appears to live under somewhat similar conditions at Treport in Xormandy, for in that locality it is mentioned as frequenting the mud at the mouth of a rivulet. About the sandy beach on the north side of 10 Long- Island, Mass., there are found, according to Davenport, (Ij three species of Collenibola beloug-ing- to as many genera. Anurida, however, is the least common among them in that locality. Among other interesting observations, this author has proved that the Collembola burrow to escape from the flood tide ; he remarks that, with a hand lens, he has observed them as they issue from the sand during the fall of the tide. In regard to the nature of the food of Anuiida. Folsoni (10) states that it feeds on the soft tissues of the Mollusc Littorina littorea. Laboulbene (2j also stated that its food consists of the tissues of Molluscs. He remarked: — " Les Acliondes [/.f., Anurida^ mangent evidemment des petits MoUusques, si abondants sur les roehers submerges a la maree haute, car lorsque j'ecrasais un de ces MoUusques pendant mes recherches, je voyais, au bout de cinq ou six minutes, un bon nombre d'Achorutes qui se reunissaient sur cette proie, et, par ce moyen, je pouvais en prendre jusqu'a une douzaine a la fois." In the experience of the present writer, its food is dependent upon the nature of the locality which it frequents, and, consequently, varies a good deal. In the rocky locality of Port Erin it subsists chiefly upon the dead bodies of various small marine animals, principally Mollusca and Crustacea. At times numbers of Anurida may be seen congregated around, and also inside, the shells of dead barnacles, actively engaged in feeding upon the remains of the latter. Vegetable matter appears also to enter into its food occasionally, for remains of Desmids and other green Xlgse may be found at times among the contents of the mid-gut. In barren, sandy localities the insect has to rely for its food upon whatever dead organic matter that is obtainable. 11 III. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Aniu'ida maiitima has been recorded from a number of localities scattered all aroimd our British coasts. It appears to be abundant in the neighbourhood of Penzance and Land's End (Marquaud, 75), it also occurs at Plymouth (Parfitt, 80), and the present writer has met with it sparingly at Torquay. On the coasts of Wales it is known from Gower, jN'evin and Llandudno,* and it is also common on the broad stretches of sand in the neighbour- hood of Rhyl. On the west coast of Scotland it is described as being common among seaweed-covered rocks at Peaton, Loch Long (Evans, 60) ; it is also found on the shores of Ayrshire and Buteshire (Boyd, 52). On the east coast Lubbock (Lord Avebury) mentions it from St. Andrews, and it is plentiful about the shores of East Lothian at Aberlady and Xorth Berwick (Carpenter and Evans, 57). In the Isle of Man it is abundant among the rocks on the north side of Port Erin Bay, and can also be met with at Poolvaish near Castletown. In Ireland it occurs on the east, south and west coasts (Carpenter and Evans), and Lubbock mentions having received it from Ivinsale. On the continent of Europe Anui-'uJa is plentiful in Erance at Treport, Havre, Boulogne and other places, together with the Channel Isles. It has also been recorded from Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Heligoland and Scandinavia. In Xorth Americat it is reported from the Atlantic coast from Cape Ann, Annisquam, Long Island, iN'ew * For these localities, the writer is indebted to Dr. D. Sharp, P.R.S., for Gower, and to ISIr. F. A. Potts for Nevin and Llandudno. t Packard (79) states that the American examples of Anurida have been examined by Lubbock and found to be identical with the European form. 12 Haven, Xantueket and AVood's Holl, and it extends as far south as the shores of Ehjrida. From the above remarks it will be noted that Anurkhi marithiKi is a form ranging into both the Pakearctic and Xearctic regions. This wide distribution of an animal with practically no means of self-dispersal is remarkable. Folsoni (63) believes that marine currents have been the principal agents for its distribution. They would certainly account for its presence on the barren rocky islands off the Scandinavian coast and at Helio-oland and the Isle of Man. An allied terrestrial S2)eeies, Anurida (Aphoroinina) (/i-anaiid. (Xic), has likewise a very wide geographical distribution. It has a very extensive range in Europe, being known from Grreat Britain, France, Scandinavia, the Tyrol and Bohemia, and it is also recorded in Arctic regions from Spitzbergen, Franz-Tosef Land and North Siberia. ^4. tuUhergi, Schott, w^hich frequents the surface of ponds of fresh water, is found in northern Europe and has also been recorded from the United States. Another species, A. clavata, Scliaif., is found in Tierra-del-Fuego ; A. amorita, Fols , is known from Alaska and Siberia, and A. steineni, Schiitf, is a South Georgian species. IY._MORPHOLOaY. 1. GrENEKAL FEATURES OF ExTEKNAL AnATOMY. The general appearance of Anuridd when viewed under the lower power of the microscope will be seen on referring to fig. 1. As in all insects, the body consists of three well defined regions, viz., the head, the thorax and the abdomen. Its exo-skeleton is but feeblv chitinised, 13 and consequently the different regions do not exhibit the complex differentiation into the vorions selerites which is seen among- the Pterygota. The head (fig. 4) is relatively large in size and has its long axis disposed in the same plane as the rest of the body. In form it is somewhat triangular, and it is con- siderably flattened, as if it had been compressed in the dorso-ventral direction. In the mid-dorsal region of the head there is situated a verv prominent elevation, shaped rather like an inverted isosceles triangle having each of its angles truncated. From the antero-lateral corners of this protuberance arise the antennre, and on either side of it is a well-marked oval elevation, bearing on its surface a group of glistening black dots. These dots are the eyes of the animal (figs, i and 5) , they are five in number on each side. A curious circular sense organ, known as the post- antennal organ (j>.((.o. in figs 4 and 5) lies on each side just in front of the protuberance just mentioned. The labrum and clypeus (fig. 1')) jut forwards in front of the head som.ewhat in the form of a beak; they form the roof of the pharynx and somewhat overhang the mouth. The antennae are relatively short, being scarcely as long as the head; they each consist of four joints, the second being the largest. The articulation between the third and fourth joints is but imperfectly developed, and is only visible on the ventral aspect (fig. -'5). The extremity of each antenna is abundantly clothed with hairs, aiid situated among the latter is a minute trilobed sense-organ (fig. 7) ; a short distance below this structure are several patches of modihed cuticle (s'.o'.) which may perhaps also be of a sensory nature. The mouth is slightly ventral in position ; it is bounded dorsally by the labrum, ventrally by the labium, and its sides are formed by the oral folds which are prolongations of the sides of the head. The ventral 14 region of the head appears to be formed almost entirely by the second maxillse or labium. The thorax consists of three segments, viz., the prothorax, the mesothorax and the metathorax (figs 1 and 3), the first being the smallest division of the three. The three pairs of legs ditfer in no important features from one another. Each leg is six-jointed and terminates in a single claw, which, in the majority of individuals, is armed with a small tooth on its inner margin (fig. 9). Tarsi are absent in all Collembola, and, consequently, the joint with which the claw articulates corresponds with the tibia of other insects. The abdomen consists of six segments, the third segment being greatly enlarged. On the ventral aspect of the first segment is situated a prominent bilobed papilla known as the ventral tube {v.t. in fig. •'!). This organ is the most characteristic of Collembolan structures, and it varies a great deal in the degree of development to which it attains in various genera. There arises from a point in the mid-ventral line of the head a narrow furrow, which is termed the ventral groove or linea ventralis (fig. ■')) ; this groove is traceable backwards, passing between the bases of the legs to the anterior aspect of the ventral tube, where it terminates (Plate TV., fig 36). As will be explained in a later chapter, the secretion of two pairs of glands situated in the head flows down the ventral groove and discharges over the surface of the ventral tube, which it serves to moisten. The genital aperture is situated on the ventral surface of the fifth abdominal segment near to its posterior margin, and on the sixth and last segment is situated the anus (fig. 3). The latter is surrounded by three papillae, one of which is median and dorsal, and the other two ventro-lateral. There is no sexual dimorphism among the Collembola, 15 and the only difference between the sexes in Anurida is that the females are, as a rule, somewhat larp^er and more bulky than the males and, moreover, the ripe ovaries usually show throuf^h the lesser pigmented cuticle on the ventral side as a pair of yellow patches, liy the latter character the females can generally be recognised with a hand lens. 2. Integument and Colouration. The integument consists of (a) the chitinous cuticle, (b) the hypodermis or chitogenous layer, and (c) a base- ment membrane {^vule Plate II., figs. 16 and 17). The cuticle varies slightly in thickness in various parts of the body, being thinner on the appendages than elsewhere. It is quite colourless, and its surface is thicdvly studded with minute, somewhat conical tubercles, which are very evenly spaced apart (fig. G). Over the apex of the labium these tubercles are replaced by irregular protuberances of the cuticle, but all transitions are observable between the two (fig. 12). On the labrum the tubercles are also modified, and they exhibit a tendency to be arranged in horizontal rows (fig. 1-3). The tubercles are absent from the inner aspect of the basal half of each of the legs, and scattered over the abdomen are numerous small areas from which they are likewise wanting; these latter areas correspond with the positions of insertion of the tergo-sternal and other muscles (Plate YI., fig. 60). The cuticle, when viewed in very thin sections, is seen to consist of two layers, the line of separation between them passing just below the bases of the tubercles. These layers are best differential ed in preparations stained with Mann's methyl-blue-eosin, when the inner stratum of the two stains a brilliant blue, while the outer one has a stronger affinity for the 16 eosin and appears pinkish in colour (figs. 16 and 17). Interspersed among the tubercles are numerous hairs, some of which are small and pilose, while others are larger and stouter and rather of the nature of setse. The latter kind are specially prominent about the sides of the head and on the lateral margins of the abdominal segments (figs. 1 and -j). Both kinds of hairs arise from a circular base (fig. 6), which, when viewed in section, is seen to be in reality a cup-like depression in the cuticle (fig. 17). The hypodermis, or chitogenous layer, is everywhere of the nature of a syncytium, no cell boundaries being distinguishable. Its cellular nature is evident, however, by the presence of numerous large oval nuclei. It contains a great quantity of a very dark indigo-blue pigment [l). in fig. 16), and it is to this material that the colouration of the animal is due. The pigment is deposited in the form of minute granules and, except in very thin sections, it appears black, and frequently greatly obscures the nuclei. On the ventral aspect of the body, which is less exposed to the influence of light, the pigment is not quite so abundant as in other parts. When a number of freshly-caught examples of Anurichi are placed in a small quantity of strong alcohol a little of the pigment becomes soluble in the latter and imparts tf) it a faint bluish-green tinge. The bulk of the pigment, however, appears to be incapable of being extracted by most of the ordinary reagents. It is not dissolved out by water, neither does ether nor strong hydrochloric acid aifect it, and Fernald (8) remarks that when sections of the animal were treated with 45 per cent, nitric acid for ten minutes the latter failed to remove the pigment. Weak solutions of strong alkalies turn it a bright reddish colour. Distributed at intervals in the hypodermis are large, pear-shaped cells (//. cell, in fig. 17), which are situated not far from the bases of the hairs. They ore the trieliogenoiis or liair-formiiifif cells; their positions are easily recognised by their very large nuclei. The basement membrane (J).m. in figs. 10 and IT) is an extremely thin and apparently structureless layer ; it is easily seen in preparations stained with methyl-blue- eosin, and appears bright blue. 3. The Mouth Parts. The structure and development of the mouth-parts of Aniirida have formed the subject of an elaborate paper by Folsom (10), and much of the following account is based on his memoir. They consist of (1) the labrum or upper lip, (2) the mandibles, (•)) the maxillula>, (4) the lingua or tongue, foj the first maxilla^, and ((ij the second maxillw or labium. The principal mouth-parts are remarkable in that they are deeply insunk within the head-capsule and in that they are capable of being partially protruded from it when in use (Plate Y., fig. 52). This deep-seated position of the mouth-parts is a secondary condition, and has been brought about in the following manner. In the embryo the sides of the facial region of the head develop from two lateral evaginations of the germ band. These evaginations eventually fuse with the developing fundaments of both the labrum and labium, and in this way form a kind of enclosing box which, by further growth, comes to surround all the remaining mouth- parts. By this means, the latter appear in the adult insect as if they were deeply pushed back into the cavity of the head. This condition of the mouth-parts is c 18 eminently characteristic of the Collembola and, with the exception of certain Thysannra, it is found nowhere else among insects. The labrum (fig. 13) forms the dorsal or anterior wall of the mouth-cavity. It is seen to be somewhat rhomboidal in form, and on its dorsal surface are distributed some stifiish hairs, whicli are probably of a sensory nature. Situated immediately behind the labrum is the clypeus (clyj).), which is separated from it by means of a flexible suture. This suture functions as a hinge, and admits of a certain amount of movement for the labrum in the vertical plane. Posteriorly, the clypeus is separated from the epicranial region of the head by a shallow groove, while laterally it merges into the sides of the head {j>l.). The posterior or pharyngeal surface of the labrum is lined with a soft membrane; the latter, however, does not exhibit any special chitinizations, either in the form of hairs or gustatory organs, etc., which would constitute an " epipharynx." The mandibles (figs. 11 and 15) are elongate tubular structures, which are flattened and somewhat expanded at their apices and provided with five sharp teeth, of which the last is the largest. At the base of each mandible is situated a large opening (Plate II., fig. 15, cav.) through which muscles pass to be inserted on the walls of the mandibular cavity. With the exception of its basal attachment, each mandible lies free within a pocket-like evagination of the pharynx (Plate IV., fig. 35). The mandibles of Anurida differ from the usual Collembolan type in the absence of a masticatory surface. This feature is correlated with the soft and unresisting nature of the food in this species, which necessitates rather the use of a cutting edge than a crushing surface. 19 The maxillulae* (fi^s. 11 and 14) are intercalated between tlie mandibles and tbe first maxillae. They are situated immediately dorsad of the lingua, to which they are closely applied. In form the maxillulse are broad and plate-like, but are feebly chitinised and relatively delicate structures. Along their anterior borders they are finely serrated, and they each bear a tooth-like projection at their outer angles. Unlike the first maxillge, at no stage in their development do the maxillulee exhibit any indications of a differentiation into a ffalea and lacinia, neither are there anv traces of palpi. The lingua or tongue is a median unpaired structure, and is moderately strongly chitinised (figs. 11 and 14). It has a paired appearance owing to being lobed anteriorly and in being grooved dorsally down the middle line. Posteriorly, the lingua rests on two strong chitinous props, which are termed the lingual stalks (ling. St.). The latter structures are not, sensu stricto, parts of the tongue ; they are developed as longitudinal thicken- * Most writers on the Collembola have referred to these organs as paraglossse. The latter name, however, is undesirable since it renders them liable to confusion with parts bearing the same name in the second maxillae of the Pterygota. Hansen [Zool. Anz., 1893) was the first to recognise that they represented a complete and separ- ate pair of gnathites and he termed them maxillulcv. Seven years later the embryological work of Folsom (10) definitely established the truth of Hansen's conclusions. On account, however, of their intimate relations with the lingua, Folsom named them superlingnce. In the generalized CoUembolan Isotoma palusfris Carpenter has recently shown (Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 1903, vol. xxiv. ser. B. p. 325) that the maxillula; are of a very primitive nature, each being sub- divided into a galea and laciuia which have become lost in Anurida. Among the Thysanura the maxilluke are likewise differentiated into a galea and lacinia, and a palp is present in addition. In the Pterygota these gnathites have, as yet, been very little studied and they appear to be either greatly reduced and very intimately associated with the lingua or tongue (Orthoptera and Plectoptera) or atrophied altogether. In the earwig-like genus Hemhnenis the maxillulse appear to approxi- mate to the apterygote condition very closely (Hansen, Ent. Tidshr., 189J-, p. 65). Folsom (10) regards" the '"• hypopharynx " of the Pterygota as being a composite structure formed by a fusion of the maxillulse with the tongue. 20 ings of the maxillary pockets, wliicli acquire a secondary connection and ultimate fusion witli the lingua. The first maxillse (figs. 11 and 14) each consist of an apical portion or " head," which articulates by means of a hinge joint with a long stalk-like stipes (5/.). Each stipes in its turn articulates with a shorter piece, which is termed the cardo (car.), whose opposite extremity is attached to the proximal end of the lingual stalk of its side. The " head " of the maxilla consists of three parts. The uppermost of them is a thinly chitinised mem- branous lamella, which is finely serrated along its inner margin and appears to correspond to a greatly modified palp (pJj).). Underneath the palp is situated the galea (gal.) ; it is the most massiye piece of the three, and is armed with strong teeth. The third piece is the lacinia (lac.), which very closely resembles the palp in form, but is ratlier more deeply toothed. The existence of a palp in the adult insect seems to have been overlooked by Folsom, notwithstanding the care with which he studied the mouth-parts and the fact that it has been figured by Fernald (8, pi. xlviii., fig. 9). The latter author, however, made no suggestion as to its homologies. Its presence in the embryo Aniirida is described and figured by Folsom, who adds that in the newly-hatched insect no trace of a palp can be made out, and he concludes that it must have been resorbed. The palp is freqiiently difficult to make out as it usually lies closely apposed to the sides of the galea, and in this position it is easily overlooked on account of its extreme transparency. Like the mandibles, each maxilla lies in a separate pharyngeal pocket, which is situated somewhat ventrad of the mandibular pocket of its side fPlate lY., fig. 35). The second maxillae or hibium form practically the whole of tlie ventral region of the head. Although they 21 develop from paired fuudanients in the embryo (Plate VII., tig. To), almost all traces oi' such an origin become obliterated in the completed structure. Its distal extremity, however, is seen to consist of two halves, which are in close contact with one another along the mid- ventral line without being fused together (fig. 12, Ih.). Each half is to be regarded as the equivalent of an undifferentiated galea and lacinia. Labial palpi are present in the embryo, but they subsequently become resorbed. The remaining portion of the labium extends from the suture to the anterior margin of the pro- thorax, and would appear to be the equivalent of an undifferentiated mcntum, sub-mentum, and gula. While feeding is taking place, both the mandibles and first maxillie are protruded from their pockets for the purpose of seizing the food, and they can be seen with the aid of a strong lens to be projecting a short distance through the mouth. By means of the retraction of these parts, aided by the movements of the labrum and labium, the food is taken into the mouth. Mastication is chiefly performed by the combined action of the mandibles and first maxillse. The part played by the maxillulse appears to be a more or less passive and subsidiary one, for, since they are closely applied to the lingua, they possess but little power of movement. When the food is finely comminuted, it is sucked up into the cBsophagus by means of the alternate contraction and expansion of the radial and circular muscles of the pharynx. 1. The Digestive System. The digestive system is divisible into three well- defined regions, viz., the fore-gut, the mid-gut or stomach, and the hind-gut. It passes in a perfectly straight course 22 from the mouth to the anus, and is remarkable on account of its extremely simple structure. AVith the exception of a pair of salivary glauds there are no accessory organs in association with it. The fore-gut consists of the pharynx and the oesophagus. The pharynx is a capacious cavity and occupies about one-sixth of the total length of the fore- gut. Its dorsal or anterior wall is formed by the labrum and its ventral wall or floor by the labium or lower lip (Plate III., fig. 27). The pharynx is evaginated into four backwardly directed pockets, two on either side for the reception of the mandibles and first maxillse (Plate lY., fig. -35). The lingua occupies a median position in the floor of the pharynx, and the maxillulpe are closely applied to the upper surface of the former. The oesophagus is a narrow tube of a very uniform calibre throughout its length (Plate III., fig. 27). At the point where it joins the mid-gut it projects for a short distance into the cavity of the latter in the form of a papilla (Plate III., fig. 28). The lumen of the oesophagus is roughly H-shaped in transverse section, owing to four inwardly directed bulgings of its epithelial walls (fig. 29). The walls of the fore-gut consist of three laN^ers ; the innermost is a chitinous intima, the middle one is an epithelium, and the outer one is muscular. The chitinous lining, which is secreted by the underlying epithelial layer, is continuous with the cuticle of the integument. It is very thin and, with the exception of a few scattered tooth-like projections in the region of the pharnyx and the anterior part of the oesophagus, its surface is perfectly smooth. Whether the epithelial layer is of the nature of a true epithelium or not is uncertain. It has not been possible to detect any cell-boundaries even after a prolonged treatment of sections with suitable staining 23 reagents ; it appears as a syncytium containing' oval nuclei dispersed at frequent intervals, and is similar in its structure to the liypodermis, with which it is directly con- tinuous (figs. 27 and 28). As Fernald remarks, there are slight depressions in the chitinous lining which alternate in position with the nuclei and may perhaps indicate the boundaries between adjacent cells. Externally, the epithelial layer rests on a delicate basement membrane [b. m. in fig. 29), and immediately outside the latter is a strongly developed layer of circular muscle fibres (figs. 27, 28 and 29). The structure of these fibres is remarkable; they are all cross striated, and each fibre is in the form of a ring completely encircling the gut, with its two ends meeting in the mid-dorsal line. The sarcoplasm of each fibre lies wholly external to' the contractile substance, and in it is situated the nucleus of the fibre (fig. 29). The nuclei of the fibres are all situated in the dorsal line, and they form a continuous row, stretching right along the fore-gut. Each muscle fibre is inverted externally by an extremely delicate sarcolemma {sbnma in fig. 29). In relation with the j)harynx and a small tract of the adjacent portion of the oesophagus a remarkable system of radial muscles is developed and, furthermore, the circular fibres are more strongly developed in this region than elsewhere. These muscles fall into two groups, viz., a dorsal or anterior series and a ventral or posterior series (Plate III., fig. 27). The muscles forming these two groups take their origin in the cuticle of the body wall. Those of the dorsal series cross the cavity of the head in an oblique direction and, passing between the circular fibres, attach themselves to the chitinous intima of the gut. In the case of the ventral series, they cross the head cavity in the horizontal plane, and converge to become inserted into the tentorium. A similar system of 24 radial muscles occurs in Tomocenis, Orchesdla and other Collembola ; tliey are termed tlie dihdores liharyiigil, aud act in coiijuuctiou with the circular iibres aud convert the pharynx into a kind of pumping organ. The mid-gut commences in the posterior end of the prothorax, and extends backwards into the fourth abdominal segment, where it is joined by the hind-gut (Plate lY., fig. -35). The lumen of the mid-gut is practically circular in section, but its diameter narrows considerably in the posterior fourth of its course. In regard to its structure, it is very uniform throughout its length, and its Avails consist of a layer of large epithelial cells resting externally on a relatively stout tunica jjropria, and on the outside of the latter is a system of circular and longitudinal muscle fibres, both of which are markedly striated (Plate Y., fig. 49, and Plate YI., fig. 61). The epithelial layer consists of a row of very regular cubical cells, which have a tendency to become somewhat columnar. The boundaries between adjacent cells are best seen towards the posterior region of the gut ; over the rest of the area they vary greatly in their degree of definition, and for the most part are hard to distinguish, but their distinctness depends a good deal upon the particular phase of physiological activity the cells hapjDeu to be in at the time of killing and fixation. Each cell contains a large oval or rounded nucleus situated near to its centre ; the chromatin granules of the nucleus are congregated together into several large masses (figs. 30 and 49). Towards the base of each cell there is, as a rule, a deeply-staining granule of chromatic material (ch. b in fig. -iO) ; the significance of this body is unknown. The free margins of the mid-gut cells have a finely striated appearance, which forms a " striated hem "' or '' Harehensaum " (_hs. in fig. oU). Fernald has described a process of regeneration which takes phice iu the mid-gut cells, but it has not been possible to conhrm his observations with any degree of certainty. He remarks that ''The nuclei of the epithelium divide, and one of the two that are thus formed in each cell passes towards the free face of the cell, while the other passes towards its base. The cells' walls now become indistinct and delaminatiou occurs, the outer half of each cell being thrown off. These moulted cells collect in the lumen of the gut, and remain there until the chitin of the remainder of the body is thrown off, when this is also removed from the body. The outer edges of the cells remaining- form a new * Harchensaum/ and resume their normal condition '' (8. p. 455). A somewhat similar process of moulting or regeneration of the mid-gut cells has been described b}' Sommer in Tomocerus i^M acrutouxa) (23), and by Prowazek in Isotoma (21). The musculature of the mid-gut consists of two layers, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular set (Plate \ ., fig. 49, and Plate YI., hg. (jl). The circular hbres each consist of a single greatly elongated cell, the opposite ends of which meet in the mid-dorsal line. Previous to uniting, the two ends of each fibre break up into their component fibrillse or sarcostjdes, and also receive contributions from adjacent fibres (Plate YL, fig. 61). The longitudinal fibres consist of greatly elongated cells placed end to end. The nuclei of both the circular and longitudinal fibres are hard to detect ; they are very minute, and those of the circular muscles are principally dorsal in position. A fine membrane of connective tissue closely invests the outer surface of the muscle fibres, and also lines the rectangular spaces enclosed between them (fig. 30). Where the mid-gut joins the hind-gut its epithelium becomes greatly thickened, and forms a ring-like bulging 2G AA'Lieli reduces the lumen of the gut at that point to less than one-third of its usual diameter (tig. 49). Surrounding the adjacent portion of the hind-gut is a strongly developed pyloric or intestinal valve, which is formed by the circular muscles at that point becoming enormously thickened {valve c. iti.). The hind-gut extends from the posterior border of the fourth abdominal segment to the anus. It is lined by a perfectly smooth chitinous cuticle, directly continuous with that of the integument (cuf. in fig. 49), and under- lying it is a cellular layer (h. g. cpith.), which rests externally on a basement membrane {t. ij.). In the anterior third of the hind-gut its epithelial layer is greatly thickened, the nuclei are larger and cell- boundaries are discernible ; over the rest of its course this layer is relatively thin and of the nature of a syucj^tium. Circular muscle fibres of the striped variety are well developed in relation with the anterior half of the gut, but they dwindle away as they proceed further backwards. The cuticular and epithelial lining of the gut is thrown into numerous folds and bulgings, but the circular muscles do not follow their course and large spaces are consequently left. (Plate III., fig. o\). These spaces are in free communication with the general body cavity between the muscles, and usually contain blood corpuscles. In addition to circular muscles, there is also a system of radial muscles in relation with the hind-gut ; they fall into two groups, the dilatores recti and the dilatores ani (fig. 49, dil. red. in. and dil. an. m.). The dilatores recti chiefly arise from ■ the middle section of the gut, where it is considerably enlarged and forms a kind of rectal chamber. They cross the cavity of the fifth abdominal segment in dorsal, ventral, and lateral directions, and are inserted into the 27 cuticle of the body-wall. The dilatores ani are a similar series of muscles, situated immediately around the anus. The anus is situated on the last segment of the body, and is surrounded by three papilloe, the largest of which is median and dorsal and the other two ventro-lateral in position (Plate I., fig. 3, an.). 5. The System. In order to explain the muscular system at all adequately a very lengthy description would be necessar}', and such an account is beyond the scope of this Memoir ; only its general features, therefore, will be referred to. The musculature of the abdomen may be broadly divided into three systems. Firstly, a series of longitu- dinal tergal muscles, which are arranged in the form of an outer and an inner set on either side of the dorsal vessel in each segment (/. t. m. in hgs. 50 and 51). Secondly, and corresponding with these on the ventral side, a system of longitudinal sternal muscles (/. 5. ?«.) ; and thirdly, a system of tergo-sternal muscles, some of which pass vertically and others obliquely from the terguni to the sternum in each segment {t. s. viusc). In the thorax this general arrangement is adhered to, but it has undergone modification in conformity with the requirements of the mobility of the legs. In the head the musculature is very complex ; it is principally concerned with the movements of the various mouth-parts. In addition to the usual muscles in connec- tion with those organs, there are special muscles for drawing the mandibles and first maxillae forwards, and partially protruding them through the mouth, and there is also an antagonistic set for retracting these organs back again into the cavity of the head. In Anurida more than 28 twenty pairs of muscles can lie made out in connection with the mandibles and the first and second maxillte ; the jaw muscles have been described in detail by Folsom for the CoUembolan OrcheseUa, and the reader is referred to his paper (9). Excepting the circular muscle bands of the walls of the heart, the fibres of both the somatic and splanchnic muscles of Anurida belong to the striated variety through- out. The principal muscles of the body consist of a large number of very small fibres, and the latter do not exhibit any tendency to be grouj)ed together into bundles. When view-ed in transverse sections (Plate lY., fig. 45) the central portion of each muscle is seen to be composed of a large number of fibres, which appear as deeply staining angular fields separated from one another by interstitial proto- plasm. The periphery of the muscle is formed of a thick layer of protoplasm, in which are situated one or more relatively large, oval nuclei. The whole muscle is invested externally by a limiting membrane or perimysium. In preparations treated with Heidenheim's iron-alum-liaematoxylin the minute structure of the muscles can be made out with great clearness, and in this resjDect the Collembola are very favourite subjects for the study of the histology of this tissue. The typical light and dark transverse stripes are seen w^ith extreme clearness ; the dark bands or " sarcous elements " are sub- divided longitudinally into extremely fine lines, which are the interspaces between the fibrils or sarcostyles of the muscle (Plate YL, fig. 60). Each light stripe is seen to be bisected by an irregular transverse line [h. m.) which indicates the position of the transverse or Krause's membrane ; the segment of a sarcostyle contained between two transverse membranes constitutes a sarcomere or " muscle segment." By careful focussing by means of a 29 high power a transverse line can also be made out bisecting eaeli of the dark bands, and is known as Hensen's line. At the points where the muscles are attached to the cuticle the hypodermis undergoes some modification, and, moreover, the pigment is absent from those positions. In many instances the points of attachment of the muscles to the cuticle is indicated externally, for over such areas the characteristic tubercles are frequently not developed (fig. 60). The muscles of the walls of the alimentary canal consist of single fibres, and their structure is referred to in the account of tlie digestive system. In the head and thorax there are developed endo- skeletal structures for the purpose of giving- a firm attachment to certain of tiie muscles. The endoskeleton of the head is known as the tentorium (Plate III., fig. 27), and consists of a chitinous plate lying parallel with the frontal plane, from which diverge two pairs of chitinous arms extending respectively to the dorsal and ventral integument of the head. Between the dorsal arms lie the oesophagus and supra-oesophageal ganglion above it, and the ventral arms embrace the infra-oesophageal ganglion (Folsom 10). To the tentorium are attached a great number of muscles, including the posterior or ventral group of the dilatores pharyngii, and many of the muscles moving the mouth-parts. In the thorax the endoskeleton consists of three apodemes, one to each segment, and which are termed respectively the antefurca, the medifurca and the postfurca. These give attachment to many of the muscles of the legs, as well as lending support to the nervous system, and take the form of chitinous pillars, which project upwards from the sterna and bifurcate into a pair of forks or arms (Plate IV., fig. o7). The medi- 30 fiirca and pnst-fiirca are better develnped than tlie corresponding- part in the prothorax. 6. The Ye>;tral Tube or Abdominal Vesicle. The ventral tube is a large papilla-like organ situated on the middle of the ventral aspect of the first abdominal segment (fig. 3). It presents a considerable range of variation, both in form and in degree of develop- ment among various Collembola, but in Anurida it is relatively simple in structure and remains in a rudimentary condition. As is demonstrated by its development, the ventral tube is formed by the fiision together of the pair of abdominal ajipendages belonging to its segment [vide text-fig. 1). It consists of a short basal column, which is divided distally by a median longitudinal cleft into two lobes or vesicles, and these latter are the only indication in the adult of the paired origin of this organ (Plate IT., fig. 3G). It is invested by the general cuticle of the body- wall, but where the latter is prolonged over the two terminal vesicles it becomes extremely thin and flexible, its tubercles are wanting and it is quite smooth (Plate II., fig. 21). In the structure of its walls it closely resembles the general integument of the body ; they consist of a well-developed layer of hypodermis, but contain very little pigment and there is no basement membrane. Where the hypodermis lines the lobes or vesicles of the organ, it alters very considerably in character; certain of its cells being very large, elongated in a vertical direction, and tapering into a point {h.e. in fig. 21). Each of these cells contains a large nucleus with abundant chromatin granules. Arising from the terminal lobes of the organ are several muscles; they pass down its central cavity and 31 converge towards one another to be inserted into the body- wall on either side {ret. muse, in figs. 21, 2o and 36). By means of the contraction of these muscles the distal lobes are capable of being withdrawn into the basal column when the organ is not in use. The cavity of the ventral tube is in direct communica- tion with the general body-cavity of the animal, and contains numerous blood corpuscles [b.c. in fig. 21), and it is by means of the pressure exerted by the blood that the protrusion of the vesicles is effected. When the organ is in a retracted state its cavity is shut off from that of the body of the animal by the contraction of the longitudinal sternal muscles, which are disposed in two bundles situated slightly to the outside of the organ on either side (/. s. m. in fig. 38). The effect of the contraction of the muscles is to approximate its anterior and posterior walls. When the full expansion of the organ is desired both its retractor muscles and the longitudinal sternal muscles are relaxed. The slackening of the latter set of muscles results in a sudden flnw of blood into its cavity, and in virtue of the turgidity thus acquired its terminal vesicles are protruded to their fullest extent. With regard to the function of the ventral tube, there has been, and is still, a great diversity of opinion. Almost all investigators who have given any attention to the structure of the Collembola have made suggestions concerning it, and some of the views which have been put forward appear to rest on a very slender basis. By Kolenati (67) and Latreille* the ventral tube was believed to be the external generative organ, and Claypole (31) suggests the possibility of it being the relic of a former outlet of the reproductive organs. Burmeisterf * Now. Aiw. cVHist. Nat., t. 1, 183-2. t HandbucJi der Entomologie, 1838. 32 believed it to be an apj^aratus for affording^ additional support to the body. By Boiirlet+ it was thought to serve to moisteu the springing organ as well as serving as an adhesive organ on which the creature might alight after springing, thus lessening the effect of the shock of that movement. Renter (22) looked upon it as being a kind of hydrostatic organ. He believed that the claws of the feet collected moisture from the hairs of the general surface of the body and conveyed it to the ventral tvibe, which served to absorb it into the system. Sommer (23) believed it to be an adhesive organ, and suggested that it also performed the same service for the integument as does the preen gland for the feathers in Birds. Scliott (93) maintained a somewhat similar opinion. The view which has received the widest support is the one which regards the ventral tube as being an adhesive organ enabling the insects to walk over smooth or steep surfaces. This opinion is upheld by Bourlet (in part), de Olfers (19) and Tullberg (96), who believed that its power of adhesion was brought about by means of suction. De Geer', Nicolett and Lubl)ock, however, thought that the adhesive function was effected by means of a special secretion of the tube itself. Lubbock, who studied the action of the organ in Sminfhurus, where it attains its greatest development, remarks that if one of these animals be laid on its back, and a piece of glass be brought within its reach, it will endeavour to seize it witli the feet, but at the same time it will protrude one or both of the vesicles, emitting as it does so a miniite drop of fluid, which, no doubt, enables it to obtain a better hold. I Mem. Soc. cV Agric. du di^partment du Nord, 1841. * Abhandlungen zur (Jeschichte der hisekten, Bd. vii., 1783. t ixmr Sifroir d I'histoire natiirelle defi Fodurelles, 1841. 33 Tlie view that the ventral tube is an adhesive organ which prodnces a glandular secretion is also upheld by Haaset, Uzel (38) and Prowazek (21), but these writers regard it as being only a secondary function of the organ, and assert that its principal significance is as an organ of respiration. The thinness of its investing cuticle, and the fact that it always contains a large amount of blood, adapt it for aerating the latter and, therefore, lend support to this contention. The two most recent investigators, viz., Willem (27) and Hoifniann (12) both agree in their opinion that though it may fulfil the secondary function of being an organ of respiration, its main function is to serve as an organ of adhesion to aid the animal in climbing. These writers believe that the secretion which moistens the surface of the ventral tube is supplied by a pair of glands situated in the head. The ducts of these glands were first shown by Fernald to open by means of a small pore into the commeu cement of the ventral groove. Willem and Hoffmann believe that the secretion flows down the ventral groove and reaches the ventral tube and bathes the surface of the latter. The observations of these writers are confirmed in the case of Aniiridn in the succeeding chapter in this Memoir. By keeping various Collembola in a damp chamber, and observing them climb steep and smooth surfaces, it can be made out that the primary function, at any rate, of the ventral tube is that of an organ of adhesion. The present writer believes that it also plays an important part as a respiratory organ. Both Willem and Hoffmann regard the modified hypodermis cells lining the ventral tube {Ji.c. in fig. 21) as being simply ordinary hypodermis cells which have assumed an unusual form ; while on account of their large ; Die Abdoiiiinal-aiihange der In^ekten, Morph. Jahrb., 1889. D 34 size and tlie prnrainence of their nuclei they have been regarded by previous writers as being the glands ^hich provide the secretion which moistens that organ. 7. The Cephalic Glands and Ventral Groove. In Anurida three pairs of cephalic glands are present, two of which discharge their secretion into the ventral groove, and the third pair open into the buccal cavity and are to be regarded as salivary glands. Three pairs of cephalic glands have also been made out by Willem and Sabbe in Sminthttrus (28), by Willem in Orchesella (26), and by Hoffmann in Tomocerus (12). The salivary glands of Anurida are lodged in the hinder region of the head, one on either side (Plate VI., figs. 63 and 65). They are composed of groups of acini, and each acinus consists of a group of eight or nine very large cells, which are disposed in a radial fashion around a central ductule {dtl. in fig. 63). The cells of these glands have very large nuclei, rich in chromatin, and a considerable portion of the inner half of each cell is filled with a dense and compact mass of secretory granules [s. g.). The ductules are of very small calibre and are intra-cellular at their commencement ; a little lower down they converge and unite with those from neighbouring cells to form a fine canal, which becomes inter-cellular in structure. The canals from adjacent acini in their turn unite with one another to form the main duct of the gland. This duct (fig. 67) is composed of flattened cells, con- taining small elongate nuclei ; both it and all other parts of the glands are invested internally and externally by a delicate membrane. The course of the duct is difficult to make out among the numerous other structures of the head, but it appears to converge with its fellow, from the opposite side, towards the median line and to approach 35f the lingua ; it Has not been possible, however, to detect the point where they open into the buccal cavity. AYillem, who has specially studied these glands, states that in SiJiiiithunis their ducts open on to the lingua on either side. He remarks as follows: — " Le conduit en c^uestion se rapproche de la ligne mediane de la tete en passant contre le pivot de la mandibule, puis cotoie obliquement la commissure perioesophagienne ; sa derniere portion, a parol chitineuse plus epaisse, est logee dans une rigole de la base de riiypopharynx ; elle aboutit dans la cavite buccale sur le cote de cet organe, un pen au-dessus de la region occupee par le bord superieur de la plaque molaire de la mandibule "' (26, p. 655). According to him a similar arrangement prevails in Orchesella. The salivary glands are regarded by Willem as being a pair of metameric glands pertaining to the first maxillae, and he bases this conclusion on the embryological researches of Lzel (38). He remarks that *' Morpho- logiquement, on doit les considerer comme des glandes metameriques appartenant an segment de la premiere maxille : la partie de I'hypopharynx ou aboutissent leurs conduits excreteurs se forme, en effet, an se depens d'une protuberance mediane qui apparait chez I'embryon sur le premier segment maxillaire." If this observation of Uzel be confirmed, the important generalization that the salivary glands of the Collembola are homologous with the shell glands of the Crustacea would be evident. The Crustacean shell glands open on the second maxillary segment, and it will be seen on referring to the table given on page 74 that the second maxillge of the Crustacea are homodynamous with the first maxillae of insects. Of the two pairs of glands which open into the ventral groove, the most important pair are known as the 36 tubular glands and the other as the globular or acinose glands. The tubular glands (Plate YI., figs. 63 and 65) are situated very near to the salivary glands in the hinder region of the head. Both the secretory and conducting portions of these glands are tubular in structure, and are inter-cellular throughout their course. The distinction between the two portions is very slight ; in the glandular part the cells and their nuclei are rather larger than those of the duct. The ducts of opposite sides pass downwards and forwards close under the hypodermis of the ventral region of the head and, approximating towards one another, eventually open into a common chamber (fig. 64). From the latter a short duct passes downwards in an oblique direction, and opens on to the exterior on the ventral surface of the head at the commencement of the ventral groove. The walls of the common chamber are invested with a layer of circular muscle fibres, which evidently have the power of controlling the flow of the secretion into the ventral groove. These fibres resemble in their structure those of the fore-gut, and consist (fig. 64) of a layer of sarcoplasm on the outside with the muscle substance lying wholly internal to it. The globular or acinose glands (figs. 65 and 66) are situated in the anterior region of the head, and close to the hypodermis on either side. They each consist of a group of cells, which are similar in structure to those of the salivary glands, and from them a fine duct passes forward and opens into the common canal or chamber in front of the ducts of the tubular glands. The ventral groove (Plate I., fig. 3, v.g.) arises close behind the suture {sut. in fig. 12) of the labium, and passes backwards in the median ventral line until it reaches the anterior aspect of the ventral tube, where it terminates 3T (Plate IV., fig. 36). At its commeucement it is in the form of a closed canal (Plate II., fig. 26), which appears to have been developed by the union with one another of a pair of parallel ridges of the cuticle ; traced further backwards, in the prothorax, the canal is incomplete, the ridges not having fused with one another ; in the metathorax each ridge has been folded on itself, and the two together form a j)air of tubes with a groove or channel between them (figs. 24 and 26t'), and in this condition it continues the remainder of its course on to the ventral tube. The secretions of the tubular and acinose glands fiow down the groove to reach the surface of the ventral tube, which they serve to moisten. The fact that the ventral tube receives the secretion of cephalic glands was first ascertained by Fernald, and, although doubted by other investigators, it has been recently confirmed by both Willem and Hoffmann. Fernald, however, appears to have regarded what are here described as salivary glands as being the glands which furnish the secretion, and what he has regarded as their ducts opening into the ventral groove, appear to be really the ducts of the tubular glands. 8. The jSTervous System. The nervous system consists of a chain of five ganglia united together by means of a double series of nerve cords or connectives (Plate IV., fig. 48). The first of these is the supra-oesophageal ganglion or brain ; it is situated in the head immediately above the oesophagus (fig. 35). The remainder of the system forms the ventral nerve cord and lies beneath the digestive canal. It comprises a large sub- or infra-cjesophageal ganglion, which is t()lh)wed by three ganglia, lodged respectively in the prothorax, the 38 mesotliorax and the metatliorax (%. -JS). The sub- oesophag-eal ganglion is joined to the brain by means of a pair of para-oesophageal connectives, which pass around and encircle the gullet, one on either side [conn.). The brain of Anurida arises in a similar manner to that which has been found to obtain in other insects. It is formed in the embryo by the fusion of the first three pairs of primitive ganglia, which are termed the protocerebrum, the deutocerebrum and the tritocerebrum respectively (Plate VII., fig. 74). The completeil organ of the adult Insect is divisible into three main regions, which correspond with these primitive ganglia. They are as follows : — («) The protocerebrum, which is the largest division of the brain, comprises the optic and proto- cerebral lobes (fig. 48). The optic lobe on either side gives origin to the main optic nerve (oj?. ??.), and the latter sub-divides into five branches, each branch supplying one of the eyes. The protocerebral lobes form the greater part of the brain when viewed from above. (h) The deutocerebrum, which is composed of the two antennary lobes. From each lobe a stout nerve (at. n.) passes to the antenna of its side, and on nearing the apex of that appendage it divides into a number of fine branches, supplying the sense organs (Plate IL, fig. 22). [c] The tritocerebrum, which consists of the two oesophageal lobes {trc. in fig. 48). From the latter arise the para-oeso^jhageal connectives and the nerves which supply the labrum. The sub-cesophageal ganglion or, more properly, the sub-CBSophageal ganglionic mass, is formed by the fusion of four pairs of primitive ganglia. From it arise paired nerves, which supply respectively the mandibles, the 39 maxillulse and the first and second maxillse, together with au unpaired nerve which passes to the lingua. The prothoracic and niesothoracic ganglia each give oii: a pair of principal nerves on either side, which supply the various muscles of their respective segments. The ganglion situated in the metathorax [th. g. 3) is in reality a ganglionic complex formed by the fusion of the pair of primitive metathoracic ganglia with those of the abdomen. Several pairs of nerves arise from this ganglion, and they appear to supply the musculature of the meta- thoracic and first abdominal segments. Directed backwards into the abdomen is a pair of stout parallel nerve cords {nv.). These are, perhaps, to be regarded as the remaining connectives of the abdominal nerve chain, the nerve ganglia of whicli have migrated forwards during embryonic development and become fused with the metathoracic ganglion. Along their course these nerves give off branches (/./'.) which can be traced to the generative organs and to the musculature. Histologically, the nervous system is constructed uj)on an exceedingly simple plan. The brain is composed on the outside of a layer of unipolar and bipolar ganglion cells 23rovided with very small but deeply-staining nuclei. Internally it consists of a mass of extremely fine nerve fibres, which are arranged for the most part in transverse and longitudinal directions. It presents none of the complex arrangement of nerve cells and fibres which is exhibited in the brain of most Pterygote Insects. The succeeding ganglia also each consist of an outer layer of nerve cells enclosing a central core of nerve fibres (figs. 46 and 47). Xerve cells are wanting from the thoracic connectives, but a few are distributed along the course of the abdominal cords. All the ganglia and connectives are invested by a neurilemma [iieiir. in figs. 40 and 47) of 40 dense connective tissue ; it takes a bluish colouration in preparations treated with. Mann's methyl-blue-eosin. Lying immediately dorsad of the ventral nerve chain there exists what ma}' be regarded as a median accessory nerve cord [in.n. in figs. 46 and 48). It is confined to the region of the thorax, and is present between and above each pair of connectives joining the thoracic ganglia. It does not appear as a continuous cord, but is seen to arise from the sub-cesophageal ganglion, and from there to pass backwards to the anterior border of the prothoracic ganglion, where it appears to terminate. It then, however, takes fresh origin from the hinder margin of the latter ganglion, and is continued backwards to the mesothoracic ganglion. After repeating itself again, it finally terminates in the ganglion in the metathorax. This system is very delicate, and is difficult to make out ; it is probable that its fibres pass as a continuous strand through each of the ganglia, and so connect together each section of the cord. Three pairs of transverse nerves belong to this accessory nerve cord [m.n. hr. in fig. 48), and in one or two fortunate preparations they were seen to pass to certain j^arts of the ventral muscvdature. A similar accessory system to the above has been described by Oudemans in the Thysanuran Machilis. It is there found in relation with each pair of ventral ganglia throughout the whole length of the body, and is said to supply the tracheal trunks and the occlusor muscles of the spiracles. There appear to be no grounds for regarding this system, either in Anurida or Machilis as being of a sympathetic nature.' In Anniida its * In the CoUembola a "true sympathetic (stomatogastric) system has been described and figured by Willem in Podura aquatica. It is, however, only very feebly developed. No certain indications of such a system have been met with in Anurida. Claypole states that in the embryo of the latter a cord -like proliferation of ectoderm cells arises from the hinder end of the stoniatodoeum, and regards it as a remnant of a sympathetic system ; it disappears, however, before hatching. 41 fuiiftioii is quite obscure: in Machilis it might possibly be analogous with the vagus system of Yertebrata. A somewhat similar system of nerves occurs among various Pterygota, notably in the caterpillars of Cossus lignijjerda (Lyonnet) and Sn/iiihr liyustri (IS'ewpoa't), and in the larva of Chironoinus (Miall and Hammond). 9. The Sexsory Organs. The sensory organs of Anurida consist of the eyes, the post-antennal oi'gan, the apical sense organ of the antennse and sensory hairs. The eyes form a group of hve glistening black dots on either side of the head. Each group is situated on a very marked oval protuberance a short distance behind the base of the antenna of its side (Plate I., figs. 1 and 4). Each eve, when viewed from above, is seen to be oval in form and somewhat convex, it is invested by the general cuticle of the body-wall, which forms a perfectly smootli and transparent corneal lens. AVhen viewed in vertical section each eye is seen to be shaped very much like an inverted cone (Plate III., tig. 34). Situated immediately beneath the lens are four small cells, which belong to the hypodermis and are directly continuous with it ; they contain no pigment and are full of clear protoplasm. Two of these cells are visible in the figure, and as they secrete the lens they may be termed the lentigen cells. Situated internally to the latter are four very large, deeply pig- mented cells, which together form the retina. The inner ends of these cells pass into and are directly continuous with a branch of the optic nerve. They are invested with a mass of pigmented hypodermis which also fills the interstices between adjacent eyes. It will be noted that the eyes of Anurida are structures formed on an extremely simple plan. The 42 researches of AVilleiii go to prove that in the g-reater numbe]' of Collembola (i.e., in the SminthuricUe, the Eutomobryidse and in some of the Aehorutidsej the eyes are constrncted on the eucone principle, and he regards them as being incipient compound e^'es. In several genera of the Achorutidse (including Anurida) he points out that there is no layer for the secretion of a crystalline cone, and hence he looks upon the eyes of such forms as being ocelli or stemmata. He remarks (27 p. 90): — " La consideration que les ocelles s'observent parmi les Podurides, chez des formes animals oii les orgranes visuels sont manifestement regression, incite a admettre que ces stemmates sont productions derivees de I'ommatidie eucone par la disparition du systeme lentigene, con- clusion qui accords avec des faits observes par Patten dans le developpement des ocelles de Yespa et de larve ^VAcilms, et qui autorisent a admettre que les stemmates a deux couches cellulaires de ces Insectes derivent d'un oeil a trois conches (comme I'ommatidie euconej par I'atrophie on le developpement incomplet de la strate moyeune." If the extreme simplicity of the structure of the eves of Anurida is due to retrogression, and is not a primitive character, it lends support to a belief maintained by certain students of the Collembola, viz., that ATniridd is, in some respects, a degenerate type. The post-antennal organ (Plate I., figs. 4, 5 and 10, Plate III., fig. .j4) is a curious cuticular structure, circular in form and situated one on each side of the head immediately in front of each protuberance which bears the ocelli. It consists of a variable number of somewhat triangular bodies, which are in close contact with one another, with their apices directed towards its centre. The number of these bodies varies in different individuals, 43 but there are most usually uine of them. Out of eight individuals which were specially examined Avith reference to this organ, four of them had nine triangular bodies, two had ten, and the remaining two possessed seven and eight respectively. Both Laboulbene and Feriuild have observed specimens which had seven to the organ on one side of the head, and eight to the organ on the other side. The elements (triangular bodies) of which the organ is composed appear to be nothing more than greatly enlarged tubercles of the cuticle which have become hollowed out and mounted on short pedicles and arranged in a circular manner around a common centre (tig. '34). The cavity of each of the elements is filled with protoplasm containing a small amount of pigment, but it has not been possible to detect any nuclei. Each post-antennal organ is supplied by a small nerve {p.o.n. in fig. 34). It is clear that this structure is a sensory organ from the fact of its having a special nerve supply, and the extreme thinness of its cuticular investment shows that it is adapted to receive impressions of external stimuli. What function it is likely to perform is wholly a matter of conjecture; possibly it is an olfactory organ, as is suggested by Willeni. The apical sense organ is situated somewhat towards the inner side of the apex of each antenna (Plate I., fig. 7). It is a hollow tri-lobed structure (fig. 8), and its lobes are in free communication with one another at their bases. It is innervated by a branch from the antennal nerve (Plate II., fig. 22), which enters the organ through a small oval foramen situated at its base (fig. 8). The function of the organ is uncertain ; Fernald remarks that " the three lobes are so placed relatively to each other that they might easily give the animal some 44 idea of the form of any object, corresponding, as they do, to the three dimensions in space." It seems more likely, hoAvever, that it functions as an olfactory organ, if it be safe to reason from analogy with what is known concerning the antennal sense organs of the Pterygota. The sensory hairs are found principally at the apices of the antennae, and on the upper and lower lips, but possibly some of the hairs scattered over the general surface of the body may be of a sensor}^ nature al^o. 10. The Circulatory System. The circulatory system of Anurida consists of the heart and the general body-cavity. The heart is a narrow tube situated just beneath the integument in the median dorsal line of the body above the digestive canal (Plate lY., fig. 35). It is divided by means of segmeutally arranged constrictions iuto a series of six consecutive chambers, which are in free communi- cation with one another. Anteriorly, the heart extends as far as the anterior border of the mesothoracic segment, and from that point it is prolonged forwards as the aorta [a.). Posteriorly, it increases in calibre, and terminates rather abruptly in an enlarged and somewhat bulb-like chamber in the fourth abdominal segment [a. bib.). Situated on either side of the heart at each of the constrictions is an oval oriface or ostium (ost. in fig. 41), and in association with the heart at these same points is a pair of alary muscles (///. m.). The walls of the heart consist of an external invest- ment of connective tissue {ic. in fig. 40), a middle coat of obliquely disjDOsed muscle fibres {c.m.b. in fig. -59 and ;/(.»'. in fig. 40), and an inner lining or endocardium. The muscle layer consists of bands of non-striped muscle fibres, and is the only part of the body where such are 45 fouud ; they are much more strongly developed in the walls of the last two chambers than elsewhere. The endocardium is an excessively thin membrane ; in certain places it can be made out with the aid of an oil-immersion lens (iVin.^, but only with considerable difficulty. The alary muscles are attached to the dorsal integu- ment between the two groups of longitudinal tergal muscles on either side of the body. Each muscle is composed of a small bundle of striated fibres [al. ??(. in fig. 41), and these latter are prolonged with a tendonous strand of connective tissue [al. t.). As each tendon approaches the heart it broadens out and splits into two fan-shaped sheets or layers, one of which spreads out over the dorsal surface of the heart and the other over its ventral aspect (fig. 43). In the space between these two layers is situated an ostium or lateral perforatioii of the wall of the heart, and altogether there are six pairs of ostia and alary muscles. The aorta («. in fig. 35) may be said to commence immediately in front of the first ostium, and directly above the junction of the oesophagus with the mid-gut. At its commencement it is triangular in transverse section (fig. 42j but, traced further forwards, it becomes more flattened, and is closely applied to the dorsal wall of the oesophagus (fig. 51). By examining a series of consecutive transverse sections, it will be seen that the aorta gradually comes to wrap itself round the fore- gut, and eventually completely surrounds it (fig. 35). Just beneath the supra-oesophageal ganglion the aorta is seen to terminate in a slightly expanded funnel-shaped mouth (fig. 27), which enables the blood to flow directly from the heart into the hsemocoelic cavity of the head. The walls of the aorta are entirely membranous, and contain no muscle fibres. 4G The body-cavity of Anurida, as in all tlie lusecta, is the blood-containing space in which are situated the various organs of the body. It extends throughout the whole length of the animal, and sends prolongations into the antennae, the legs and the ventral tube. It is much intersected by the fat body which occupies a large proportion of its cavity in many parts of the body. The body-cavity is filled with the blood of the animal, and the corpuscles of the latter are noticeable everywhere throughout its extent ; they are specialh' abundant in the head, where the vascular and haemocoelic systems are in open communication with one another. The blood consists of {a) the corpuscles and (h) the plasma. The corpuscles are circular in outline, but at times they become amoeboid and give out pseudopodia (Plate III., fig. '-V^). They are practically colourless, and each contains a sharply defined circular nucleus. Frequently small granules are scattered through the cytoplasm of the corpuscle ; they are probably of an excretory nature. Claypole remarks that in aewly hatched individuals the blood corpuscles contain a large amount of food yolk. 11. Excretory System. Unlike other insects none of the Collembola possess Malpighian tubes.* The excretory function is performed entirely by the fat-body, or " Exkretionsorgane," as it is termed by Sommer. In Anurida the fat-body takes the form of irregular masses of tissue distributed in various parts of the body and occupying a large portion of the cavity. In the region * In the Thysanura IMalpighian tubes are absent in Japyx, and in Campodea they are only represented by papillae (Oudemans). Among the Pterygota they are also wanting in Aphides (Witlaczil). 47 nf tlie abdomen it is largely developed, and in places it closely embraces the gut and also attaches itself at many points to the hypodermis. In the thorax it is much broken up by the various muscles ; two principal masses occur in close contact with the fore-gut, one on either side, and come in contact with each other in the mid- dorsal line just above the heart. Prolongations of the fat-body pass from the thorax into the head and partially surround the cephalic glands (fig. i)'^^) ; they do not extend forwards in front of the brain. The organ is also present in many parts in the form of a thin layer of tissue situated in close apposition witli the hypodermis and separating the latter from the body-cavity. In this form it is principally developed along the ventral side of the body, especially in the thorax. The fat-body is limited exteriorly by a layer of con- nective tissue and, where it is in contact with the hypo- dermis, this inveS'tment is directly continuous with tlie basement membrane of the body-wall (fig. 16). It is wanting, however, from that surface of the fat-body which is in close contact with the hypodermis and other parts of the body. In a newly hatched Anurida, before any active process of excretion has taken place, the fat-body is seen to be composed of masses of large cells with very irregular boundaries (fig. 18). These cells are composed of a some- what granular protoplasm, and each contains a relatively small nucleus. The first indication of excretion taking place is seen in the fact that many of the cells undergo liquefaction at their centres, and eventually become vacuolated (figs. 18 and 19). These vacuoles frequently become confluent with one another, and the remaining protoplasm, together with the nuclei, becomes restricted to the periphery of the cells. At a later stage, tliere appear 48 in the fluid contents of the A^acuoles, numerous fine granules of excreton^ material (fig. 19) ; these granules increase in size, some much more rapidly than others, and they ultimately take the form of rounded or oval concretions. After excretion has been going on for some time, the fat-body takes the form of an irregular protoplasmic meshwork, in which cell boundaries are not discernable, and nuclei are distributed at various intervals, and the spaces enclosed within the meshes are filled with fluid which contains the excretoiy granules held in suspension. The process of excretion is generally most active in the central portions of the larger masses of fat- body, and the cells of the latter ultimately break down and completely liquefy, with the exception of those situated around the periphery (fig. 20). The excretory concretions are unaffected by the action of water, alcohol, ether or toluol, but are readily soluble in acids, and are consequently absent from preparations of animals fixed by acid-containing reagents. They are best seen in animals which have been killed and fixed in strong alcohol. They are of a crystalloidal nature, faintly yellowish in colour and very eosinophilous. Their chemical composition is uncertain, and they do not exhibit any indications of lamination or other structure. Sommer (23) has given some attention to the con- cretions found in the fatty body of Tomocerus phnnheus. In this species they are often of large size and are easier to study than those of Aiinrida. They are dirty white in colour when viewed with reflected light, and pale green and shinins' with transmitted light. In their structure they are laminated like starch-grains, and sometimes exhibit radial lines in addition. They are unaffected by water or alcohol, but dissolve in acetic, hydrochloric or nitric acids, accompanied by an evolution of gas. Each 49 coucretiou is made up of a covering coat investing a central crystalline (?) mass. This is seen wlien nitric acid is made to act very slowly, when the central contents dissolve first and subsequently the coat vanishes also. Sommer believes that they are composed of calcium carbonate, together with an organic basis. Willem has also studied these excretory concretions, and he used for the purpose Sminthurus fuscus. He remarks (27) that they have a concentric structure, and that they are insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, or chloroform, but are dissolved by acids. By means of aj)propriate tests, he came to the conclusion that they are formed of a neutral urate of sodium. It is probable that those of Tomocerus are of a similar composition, rather than of calcium carbonate, and Sommer mentions that he did not apply any uric acid tests. A remarkable feature regarding the excretory function in Collembola is the absence of any ducts by means of which the products can be eliminated. The concretions consequently increase in size according to the age of the animal, and render it impossible for the lives of these insects to be prolonged for any lengthy period. An analogous case is met with in the Ascidians among the Chordata. The " renal vesicles " of these animals similarly have no means of getting rid of the excretory material stored up within them, and which increases greatly in quantity as the individuals progress in age. It cannot be decided, in the light of existing knowledge, whether the fat-body of the Collembola is homologous with that of other insects. In the case of the latter, authorities are far from being in agreement as to its mode of development, and nothing is known of the development of the fat-body in the Collembola. Both Sommer and Willem claim that among the latter E 50 the fat-body, on account of its intimate relations with the hyperdermis, is an ectodermal product. This evidence, however, does not seem sufficient to justify that conclusion. 12. The Reproductive System. The Male Organs. — The testes consist of a pair of organs disposed along- the ventro-lateral region of the body, and lying for a considerable portion of their length in close apposition to the mid-gut. Each testis is an elongated chamber, which tapers anteriorly into a delicate filamentous prolongation (Plate YL, fig. 54), and the extremity of the latter is attached to the excretory tissue lying in the mesothoracic segment. Posteriorly, in the region of the second and third abdominal segments, the calibre of the testis increases very considerably, and the mature organ occupies a large portion of the body-cavity in those segments. The hinder fourth of each testis lies completely ventral to the alimentary canal, but as each gland passes anteriorly it gradually comes to lie ventro- laterally in relation to the latter, and finally in its terminal fourth it is completely lateral. In the fifth abdominal segment each testis gives off a short eiferent duct which, uniting with its fellow to form a common canal, opens to the exterior on a small papilla situated in the median line near to the posterior margin of the segment (fig. 54). Each testis is in the form of a tube, and its walls consist of a cellular layer containing scattered oval nuclei, but without any cell-boundaries. Externally it is invested by a coat of connective tissue (fig. 59). The vasa deferentia are similar in their structure to the testis wall, and appear to be tubular evaginations of the latter. The median canal, or ductus ejaculatorius (Plate III., fig. 32), 51 is formed by the iiuion of the two vasa deferentia ; it is roughly diamond-shaped when viewed in transverse section, and is lined internally by a chitinous futicle which rests on an epithelial layer containing numerous nuclei. The ductus is covered externally by a coat of connective tissue. Dilator muscles arise from its chitinous lining" and, passing in an oblique direction outwards, are inserted into the body wall imusc). The lumen of the testes is filled with a dense mass of nucleated tissue, which consists of different stages in the development of the spermatozoa. At the apex of the gland the testis-wall becomes drawn out into the terminal filament (fig. 58). The filament is tubular in structure, and numerous nuclei can be seen in its walls. Near to its apex the cellular wall dwindles away, and the filament becomes reduced to merely a thread-like prolongation of the connective tissue coat of the testis. It is purely liga- mentous in function, and serves to maintain the testis in position in the body-cavity. If the structure of the testes be examined from the apex of the organ and be followed downwards near to where the efferent duct is given off, the successive stages in the development of the spermatozoa can be readily traced. The germinal tissue is in the form of a mass or ridge, situated at about the middle of the length of the testis. It consists of a mass of cells (fig. 59a), which are seen in places to be roughly polygonal in shape ; each cell contains a large, very deeply staining nucleus. The germinal nuclei divide, and the direct products of the division fill almost the whole of the anterior third of each testis {d. s. in figs. 58 and 59a). The nuclei are seen to principally arrange themselves in groups, which are more or less ovoid or circular in form, and contain an area of clear protoplasm in their centres. Traced further buck- 52 wards [d'^, s^ in fig. 59) these nuclei divide and fragment and form tiny masses of irregularly-shaped chromatic bodies embedded in a dense matrix of protoplasm. In the hinder third of the testis the cellular layer of its wall gives off numerous branched intra-testicular prolongations [i. y. in fig. 59). These prolongations divide up the substance of the testis into a number of separate masses by means of their branches, which freely anastomose with one another. In this way the cavity of the testis becomes sub-divided into a number of irregular chambers, each of which is filled with a mass of developing spermatozoa. The next stage in the development of the sex cells is seen where the chromatin bodies retreat towards the periphery of the masses of protoplasm in which they are distributed {cl?, 5-), and eventually become congregated together over a very limited area of the latter. Traced a little further back, the chromatin bodies gradually elongate to form the heads of the spermatozoa, and from them are seen to extend delicate filaments, and each mass becomes easily recognisable as being a bunch of spermatozoa {s. -p.). During the last stage in development the intra-testicular prolongations, which have served to nourish the developing sperms, are seen to break down and ultimately liquefy, and the posterior end of the testis becomes filled with spermatozoa floating in a thickish fluid. The process of spermatogenesis has also been studied in Anurida by Fernald, but the above account differs very considerably from the description detailed by that author. According to his observations, it would seem that the process is a much more lengthy one than that just described. What are in the present account interpreted as bundles of fully-developed spermatozoa, correspond with his stage where there are a number of elongate granules with fine threads passing from them 53 forming- bundles lying in various directions. According to him, this is not the final condition, but is merely a prelude to a further series of changes. He states that this structure soon changes, and the entire substance begins to undergo degeneration, and an entirely homo- geneous mass results containing many deeply-staining granules. Fat globules appear in small numbers, and a columnar epithelium becomes formed near to the external connective tissue of the testis wall. A similar epithelium becomes develoj)ed in the granular mass nearer to the testis. Traced further back the fat globules increase in number, and among them are multitudes of spermatozoa which have been formed from the epithelial cells. These later changes described by Fernald are very remarkable, and there can be little doubt that they do not represent the normal state of aflairs, and most probably they are of a pathological nature. The observations of the present writer confirm in all essentials the brief account of the spermatogenesis given by Lecaillon (16). In many examples of Anurida the writer has found Xematode worms,'' and their developmental stages in the testes (Plate YIL, figs. 79 and 80). In several instances, these parasites were found to be so numerous as to destroy the whole internal structure of the testes, leaving behind little more than the bare walls. In other cases the worms were less numerous, and the structure of the organs was only partially destroyed, while many oil globules were present. It is the belief of the present writer that the cycle of later changes described by Fernald are not stages in the process of spermatogenesis, but are of a pathological nature, probably due to the presence of Nematode worms in the testes of the animals which he studied. Unless the presence of these worms is * These parasites were also occasionally met with in the ovaries. 54 suspected, sections of the testes coiitaiuing them present a deceptive and puzzling appearance. The Female Organs — The female organs (Plate VI., fig. 58) are extremely simple, and in their external form they very closely resemble those of the male. They consist of a pair of ovaries, which have similar relations to the alimentary canal as the testes (Plate IV., fig. 35). Each ovary is in the form of a simple tube, tapering anteriorly into a delicate terminal filament [t. /.). This filament, as in the male, functions as a suspensory ligament which serves to retain the ovary in position, and is attached to the fat-body near to the median dorsal line in the mesothoracic segment. The ovaries increase in calibre as they are followed posteriorly, and in the fourth abdominal segment each gives off a short oviduct (fig. 35). The two oviducts quickly unite with one another and form a median canal, which may be termed the vagina {vag.). The vagina opens to the exterior by a median aperture situated near to the posterior margin of the fifth abdominal segment. From the ventral wall of the vagina there arises a forwardly-directed flattened diverticulum {die). The homology of this structure is very doubtful, and Fernald has suggested that it may be a receptaculum seminis, but in no instance has it been possible to detect any traces of spermatozoa in its cavity. The wall of the ovary consists of a thin cellular layer containing scattered flattened nuclei, but does not show any cell boundaries (fig. 55). On the outside the ovarian wall is limited by a coat of connective tissue {t. j).). At the apex of the gland the wall becomes prolonged forwards as the terminal filament, which becomes reduced near its extremity to only a strand of connective tissue. The oviducts are outward prolongations of the ovarian frails, and have the same essential structure as the latter. 55 The walls of the vagina consist of a layer of columnar ejiithelium, resting externally on a basement membrane and lined internally by a layer of chitin (Plate III., fig. 31). The median diverticulum from the vagina has a closely similar structure, except that its nuclei are larger and no cell boundaries are distinguishable in its epithelial layer. Its lumen, on account of the flattening of the organ, is extremely narrow and is in the form of a transverse slit. A few muscle fibres are attached to the walls of the vagina, and pass outwards in an oblique direction to be inserted into the neighbouring body-wall. They probably aid in the extrusion of the ova by bringing about the alternate expansion and contraction of the cavity of the vagina. The germinal tissue is situated in each ovary as a protruding ridge lying in the region of the third and fourth abdominal segments. The ridge is dorsally placed in each ovary, and is inclined somewhat towards the outside of the body (Plate YL, fig. 57). It consists of a mass of irregularly-arranged cells, each cell with an oval nucleus with the chromosomes regularly disposed around its periphery. By means of rapid mitotic divisions the germinal ridge buds off a mass of cells, which lie free in the ovarian cavity. At an early stage two kinds of cells become distinguishable, viz., vitellogenous or nutritive cells, which have rounded nuclei rich in chromatin material, and the egg cells or ova, which are much less numerous and are scantily supplied with chromatin, which is arranged in eight small granules disposed around the periphery of each nucleus (fig. 55). There is no arrangement of the ova into follicles, but a number of vitellogenous cells become grouped around each ovum. As development goes on the ova accumulate 56 food yolk within them, and increase greatly in size (fig. 56). When the eggs are fully developed the vitellogenovis cells, which have served to nourish them, having nothing further to do, rapidly degenerate and eventually disappear. According to Lecaillon (14), in some Collembola {e.g., Pajnrius) intra ovarian jDi'olongations of the wall of the ovary are developed, and serve to assist the vitello- genous cells in the elaboration of food m.aterial for absorption by the eggs. In Anurida, according to that writer, these prolongations are only very slightly developed. For the details of the process of oogenesis the student is referred to the works of Lecaillon and of Claypole (31). v.— EMBEYOLOGY. The eggs of Anurida when freshly laid are pale yellow in colour, with a smooth, glistening surface. As development proceeds they darken, and eventually become dark orange. They are spherical in form, and each measures on an average about 30 mm. in diameter. They are deposited by the female in little groups, which are usually to be found in plent}^ about the shores of Port Erin Bay. They occur in the furthermost recesses of the fissures in the rocks, and may be obtained by splitting open the latter in the manner already mentioned (p. 8). These groups consist of from seven or eight up to twenty or thirty eggs, which are laid together in an irregular fashion (Plate VIL, fig. 69). The individual females appear to take no pains to keep their own eggs separate and distinct from those of their fellows, and through this cause large confluent masses, often consisting upwards of a hundred eggs, may be met with. The relatively large size of the eggs of Anurida 57 renders them favourable objects for the study of Apterygote embryology. AVhat is kuowu of the develop- meut of this iusect is due to the researches of Eyder (37), Wheeler,* Miss Claypole (31) and Folsom (32). I'he following account is mainly derived from the observations of the two latter writers. The egg is invested by two clearly distinguishable membranes. Firstly, an outer shell-like coat (ch'. in fig. 71), which is very brittle and can be easily dissected off with the aid of a pair of fine needles and, underlying this, is a thin crenated membrane [memh.) These coats may, perhaps, be homologovis with the chorion and vitelline membrane respectively of other Insecta. During the early stages of development, a third and very delicate membrane closely envelopes the embryo, except where it is interrupted by the dorsal or pre-cephalic organ. In addition to these coats, Claypole distinguishes two other Qgg membranes, and the authoress maintains that all five membranes arise from the egg or the blastoderm. The unsegmented ovum (fig. 70) is formed of a large central mass of protoplasm, which gives off outwardly directed strands. These strands ramify as they approach the periphery of the egg, and enclose numerous yolk bodies within their meshes. The germinal vesicle early becomes invisible, and does not again appear until after the extrusion of the polar bodies. The latter do not completely separate from the egg, and are eventually resorbed into it. The segmentation is especially noteworthy, it being holoblastic but slightly unequal, and results in a solid morula. After the morula has been formed, a breaking down of the cell-boundaries takes place, and many of i\\e nuclei begin to migrate to the periphery of the egg, * A contribution to Insect Embryology. Journ. MorpJi., viii, 1893. 58 leaving the yolk bodies in the central protoplasmic mass. The nuclei undergo division as they pass to the exterior, and they eventually arrange themselves to form a two- layered blastoderm — the future ectoderm and mesoderm. Of the cells which are left behind in the yolk, some are scattered singly through its substance, and have large and deeplj^-staining nuclei ; the rest have a tendency to remain congregated together in little clusters. The former are the yolk cells or vitellophags, Avliich serve to transform the yolk for the nutrition of the embryo ; the latter, at a subsequent stage in development, form the rudiments of the future endoderm {i/.c. and e.n. in fig. 76). About the time of the completion of the blastoderm a modification of its cells takes place at the upper pole of the egg, forming the precephalic or dorsal organ. At this point the cells become markedly columnar, and when viewed in section they form a lens-shaped mass of cells (fig. 7G, 2'X-'- 0.). This remarkable structure is apparently a vestigeal organ ; it soon commences to degenerate, and eventually disappears altogether. AVheeler* homologises this organ with the " dorsal organ '' of certain Crustacea with the iudusium of the Orthopteron X/phitliitm. There are no traces at any stage in the development of structures corresponding with the amnion and serosa of other Insecta. The ventral plate or germ band first aj^pears as a narrow area of mesoderm. It is formed by the cells of the latter migrating from their original position and becoming restricted to a band-like zone. This zone, with the exception of where it is interrupted by the dorsal organ, forms a girdle completely encircling the egg. As the result of this migration of the mesoderm, the greater * Loc. cit. p. 55, Vid, furcula or ' spring.' pressed between the relatively large head and abdomen and, furthermore, the metathorax becomes partially fused with the first abdominal segment. Neelus [Megalo- thorax), however, is remarkable on account of the enormous development of the thorax, which greatly exceeds the abdomen in length and bulk. The legs have no true tarsal segments, and they terminate usually in two claws, an upper and a lower, F 66 which are inserted on the end of the tibia (text-figs. 2, 3 and 4). In frequent instances the lower claw is greatly reduced, or it may be wanting altogether, as is the case in Anurida. There are frequently found in relation with the claws several (usually three) stiff hairs or setae, which are swollen at their extremities.* These structures are oo Text-Fig. 2. — I., Isotoma palustris : m, manubrium; d, dens; t, mucro. II., Extremity of fore foot. III., Byes and post-antennal organ (the arrow is directing forwards.) IV., Mucro. v., ' Catch ' : cp, corpus or basal portion ; r, ramus. inserted into the distal end of the tibia, and aie known as tenent hairs (text-fig. 4). They appear to be modified glandular setee, and exude from their extremities a small drop of a sticky semi-gelatinous fluid. These hairs are adhesive in their function, and they aid tlie insect in climbing smooth or steep surfaces. * These hairs are not peculiar to the Collenibola, but are found in many larva? as well as in those aduit insects in which the adhesive pads or pulvilli are wanting. 67 The abdomen uever consists of more than six seg- ments ; the first segment always bears the ventral tube, which represents a pair of fused appendages. Appendages may also be present on the third (the " catch ") and fourth (the springing organ) segments respectively (text-fig. 1). The ventral tube is the most constant of all Collembolan structures. It attains its highest degree of development in the Sminthuridse, where it can emit a pair of long, tubular vesicles (text-fig. 3). These may exceed in length the V.t.--- Test-Fig. 3. — Smi7ithurus viridis. I., Springing organ: m, manu- brium ; d, dens ; t, mucro. II., Extremity of fore foot. III., Animal viewed from the side: vt, ventral tube; k, ' catch ' ; ?», manubrium : d, dens ; t, mucro. whole animal, and they are frequently studded with small papillae. Almost every transition can be found between this greatly developed condition to where the ventral tube exists only in the form of a bilobed tubercle and capable of only a very limited amount of protrusion. By far the majority of CoUembola possess a pair of partially fused appendages in relation with the fourth 68 abdominal segment and which function as a springing organ to enable the Insect to take sudden leaps when alarmed or otherwise disturbed. The force necessaiy io generate the leap is obtained partly by the action of special muscles and partly in virtue of the elasticity of the organ itself. In form the springing organ is fork-like (text-fig. 3), and is composed of an unpaired basal piece Text-Fig. 4. — I., Compound hair of an Entomohnjn. II., Clavate hair of a Tomocerus. III., Scale of Tomocerus vulgaris. TV., Extremity of middle foot of Isotoma sensibilis, showing three tenent hairs. or manubrium (m), carrying at its distal end a pair of arms, which are termed the dentes (d). Each dens terminates in a small claw-like process — the mucro (t.) ; the mucro varies greatly in form among different species, and affords a useful character for the recognition of the latter. In the Achorutidse the springing organ is either greatly reduced in size, as in Poclura, Achorutes, and 69 Neaniira, or is wanting altog-etlier, as in AmiriJn, and Anuiophorus. Many species also retain a pair of appendages on the third segment of the abdomen. These resemble the springing org\m in their general form, but are very much smaller in size. Similar to the spring, they consist of a basal piece, which carries two arms ; the former is termed by Tullberg the corpus [cp. in text-iig. 2), and the two latter the rami (r.). This organ is usually known as the " catch," or hamula, and it is believed to serve to retain the spring in position when the latter is stowed away under the abdomeu while not in use. The manu- brium of the springing organ is retained between the two rami of the " catch." A variable number of eyes are geueraly present on either side of the head behind the antennae ; their number may vary even among different species of the same genus. In Temjjletonia there is but a single eye on each side ; in Anuni muscoruni there are three; in XcnyJla and Anuvida marithna there are five ; in I'omoceiua and OvclieseUa six ; while in Achorutes they reach the maximum number, viz., eight. In some CoUembola they are absent, as in Lipur S3 3 %4 'd ft 3 '3 ft -^ 3 "^ o3 £ 8 1 ffi -- ■3 § Ik' p ■- S'3"^ r- r^ ^ ^ § t4-< e^ u-< ^•-st: < O < 1 X d § o ft O '3 ft c O 'd ft CO d^ S ^ o S. O CB = t1 hH i o H 1 s ft d » \A f< ce* ^ t t' S go l-( CO H =3 ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ .s H O O < o c; H d >1 3 0) 3 t3 O 3 d lU 1 CD .2* d 8 % 5 3 d !- ftS +3 J2 3 <: ■g 3 Si s ■a 433 a g I ■■'■ 1 ^niCi. -<« - IN I "* ira o c- » m o - 75 indications of very considerable specialization are exhibited in the concentration of the nervous system, in the mouth-parts being insunk within the head capsule, in the structure of the springing organ and the ventral tube, and in the reduction of the number of abdominal segments to six. Summing up, it may be said that the Collembola show certain features in which they resemble the Thysanura on the one hand and the lower Arthropoda on the other while, at the same time, they have undergone very considerable specializaition along lines of their own. There do not appear to be any grounds for regarding them as beius' degenerate animals. If the results of future and more extended investigations definitely establish that none of the Collembola have more than six abdominal segments present in the embryo, their relationships with the Thysanura and the rest of the Insecta will probably prove to be much more distant than is implied by the above remarks. It would assuredly be a sufficiently fundamental character to separate them as a group from all other Insects. YIII.— MAEINE INSECTS.* Contrary to what is usually believed among naturalists, a considerable variety of insects are known to inhabit the sea-shore below high-water mark, and to undergo daily submersion during one or more periods in their life-history. Very little attention, however, has been devoted to them at present, and most probably a * The term "marine" is only strictly applicable to insects in a very limited number of instances. Although many of the species included in the above account undergo frequent submersion by the tide during one or more periods in their life-histories, others do not, and are more strictly speaking to be regarded as "littoral" insects. 76 much larger nuniber are awaiting discovery. With very few exceptioiis, marine insects are small in size, seldom exceeding" more than a few millimetres in length, and perhaps the only one which attracts the attention of the casual observer is the fly Coelopa frigichi. This insect at certain seasons of the year may be seen iiying in immense swarms over the surface of decaving- Fuel and other Alsrse cast up on the shore by the tides. Plateau has drawn up a list of 40 genera, and embracing 80 species of Tracheate Arthropods, w-hich are known to inhabit the sea-shore and to be subjected to submersion by the water. In the greater number of these, he remarks, the power of living under such conditions is not due to their possessing anj- special mechanisms to enable them to do so, but to the general property these animals have of being able to resist asphyxiation for prolonged periods. His list includes Insects, Myriapods, Pseudoscorpions, and Acari. Most of what is known concerning marine insects is comprised in the following works : — A. S. Packard. — On Insects inhabiting Salt Water. Am. Journ. Sci., 1871 ; also Froc. Essex Inst., 18G8, and Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. -4, vol. viii. r. Plateau. — Les Myriapodes Marins. Journ. de r Anat. et Phys., xxvi., 1890. L. 0. Miall. — The Natural History of Aquatic Insects. London, 8vo. G. H. Carpenter. — The Insects of the Sea. Knowledge, 1901. The following list includes most of the marine Insects inhabiting the British coasts, and has been principally compiled from the writings of Plateau and Carpenter. 77 COLLEMBOLA. Amouff the Collenibola a marine habitat has been independently acquired by species belonging to both the Entomobryidfe and Achorutidse but, up to the present, none of the Sminthuridpe are known to frequent the confines of the sea-shore. In addition to Auuiida maritima, the following species of marine Collenibola occur in the British Isles. Those species indicated with an asterisk are not exclusively marine, but are also found far inland. Isotoma UttomliH, Men. *Xi'nyUa hnmicola, Tullb. *I. paliistris (Miill.) *X. maritima, Tullb. /. Schofti, Dalla Torre. Actalcte-s it<-j)tt()ii, Giard. /. Beselsii, Pack. { = Isotoma rras.sicaiida, *I. maritima, Tullb. Tulllj.) */. sexocnlata, Tullb. *Achon(tes viaticKS, Tullb. Thysanura. Machilis maritima (Leach). COLEOPTERA. The greater number of marine representatives of this order consist of wingless forms, and many of them have their bodies very much flattened, which enables them to ensconce themselves in small crannies and fissures among the rocks during the time they are submerged by the sea. Their bodies are frequently covered with a coating of hairs, which prevents them from being wetted, and also encloses a certain amount of air, which is utilised during respiration under water. Marine beetles hide themselves by burrowing in the sand, or lurking under stones or decaying seaweed ; at low tide they may be often seen running over the rocks or sands. 78 Cercyon Uttoralis, Gyll. C. depressiis, Steph. Heteroceriis inarginatus. Bose. Li/nuiaeiiiii n'Kjropiceuni, Marsh. Cillemis lateralis Sam. Treehina lapidosus, Daws. Bemhidinm convinnum, Putz. B. ephippiinn, Marsh. Aepus marinns, Stroem. A. Bohi)i}i, Lab. Micralymma bn'ripeunf, Gyll. TrogopJilof'Ks anglicanus, Sharp. Mynnffopova (Xen Jisa) urida, Er. M. sulcata, Kies. Cafms cicatricosus, Er. C. xanthnloma, Grav. C. sericcus, Holme. C.fitcicola, Curtis. A ctocharis Beadingil. Sharp. Phytosus spiuiffr Curtis. P. halticKs, Kraatz, P. nigrirentiis, Chev. Diglossa mcrsa, Hal. D. silmaticolUs, Rey DiPTERA. A marked feature among marine flies is tlie reduction or total atrophy of the wings. The first stage in the reduction is seen in Chersodromia arenaria, where the wings are much shortened so as to be of very little service in flight. This is carried a step further in a Southern France species, P samathiomya pedinata, Derby, in which the wings have become greatly narrowed and strap-like, and the nervures atrophied ; a similar condition is seen in a Californian marine fly, Eretmoptera Browni, Kellogg. An extreme case occurs in the females of the genus CJitnio, Avhere the wings have disappeared completely, although in the males they are tolerably well developed. This reduction of the wings has been explained as being an advantageous condition, since it prevents the insects from being blown out to sea. A similar explana- 79 tion lias been made to account for the frequent occurrence of wingless insects on oceanic islands. Among the few insects, for instance, known from Kerguelen Land there are three species of flies whose wings are atrophied, in one instance they have gone altogther, and in the other two cases they are reduced to mere scale-like appendages. Marine Diptera are principally met with flying over the masses of Ftici cast up by the tide on the shore : some few, however, may be seen skimming lightly over the surface of the water in the tide-pools. Most of the larvse of these flies feed on thrown-up Fucus and are covered at each tide, but those of the Chironomidse are submerged during the whole course of their life, and subsist on CladopJiora and other green Algse growing in the pools left among the rocks by the receding tide and, further- more, they have also been dredged up from a depth of over ten fathoms. The following British Diptera are all marine : — Fucellia fucorum (Fall). Aphrosyliis raptor, Halid. Coelopa frigida, 'Meig. A.ferox, Halid. Orgijma luctosa, Meig. Thalassomi/ia Fraiuni- Actora aestuum, Meig. fcldii, Schiner. Glenanthe ripicola, Halid. Chironomns sp. ? Chersodromia arcnaria, Clunio mariuus, Halid. Halid. Clvmo hieolor, Kieff'. Hemiptera. AepojyhUxis Bonnairei, Sign. The species of HaJohates and Halohatoides are exclusively marine and inhabit the tropical waters of the oceans. They have not been found further northward than Spain. 80 IX.— LITERATURE. In the following catalogue the more important papers relating to the Collembola are enumerated, but it is not intended as a complete bibliography of the order. The earlier literature of the subject has been purposely omitted as references to practically all papers prior to 1870 will be found in Lubbock's " Monograph " and Tullberg's " Sveriges Podurider." The only general treatise is Lubbock's " Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura." published by the Ray Society in 1873. A. — Bionomics. L Davenport. C. B. The Collembola of Cold Spring Beach, with special reference to the movements of the Poduridae ; Cold Spring Harbor Moiiographs, No. II., Brooklyn, 1903. 2. Laboulbene, a. Recherches sur VAnurida maritima, insecte Thysanoure de la famille des Podurides ; Ann. Soc. Eniom. Fr., Ser. 4, T. IV., 1864, p. 705. 3. Lecaillon, a. Notes sin- I'habitat et les moeurs de quelques Collemboles ; Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 9e Ser., T. III., 1900-01, p. 67. 4. MoNiEZ, R. Acai'iens et Insectes marins du Cotes du Boulonnais ; Rev. Biol. Nord. Fr.. T. II.. 1889-90, p. 347. 5. WlLLEM, V. L'influence de la Lumiere sur la Pigmentation de Isotoma tenebricola ; Ann. Soc. Entom. Belg., T. XLV., 1901, p. 193. B. — Morphology and Physiology. 6. Absolon, C. Uber Neanura tenebrarum nov. spec, aus den Hohlen der mahrischen Karstes ; iiber die Gattung Tetrodontophora Renter und einige Sinnesorgane der CoUembolen ; Zool. Anz., Bd. XXIV., 1901, p. 575. 7. BoENER, C. iiber das Antennalorgan III. der CoUembolen und die systematische Stellung der Gattungen Tetracanthella Schott und Actaletes Giard ; Zool. Anz. Bd. XXV., 1902, p. 92. 8. Fernald, H. T. The Relationships of Arthropods ; Studies Biol. Lab. John's Hopkins Univ., Vol. IV., No. 7, 1890, p. 431. 9. FoLSOM, J. W. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Jlouth- parts of the CoUembolan Orchesella cincin, L ; B^dl. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. XXX\\, No. 2, 1899, p. 7. ftl 10. FoLSOM, J. W. The Development of the ]\Iouth-parts of Anurida maritima Guer. ; Bidl. Miis. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. XXXVL, No. 5, 1900, p. 87. 11. Heymons, R. Uber die Bildung and den Bandes Darm- canals bei niederen Insekten ; SB. Ges. Naturf. Berlin, 1897, p. HI. 12. Hoffmann, R. W. Uber den Ventraltubiis von Tomocerus plumbeus L. vind seine Beziehungen zu den gropen iinteren Kopfdriisen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Collembolen : Zool. An-^. XXVIII.. Bd. Nr. 3, 1904, p. 87. 13. Hoffmann, R. W. Uber die IMorphologie und die funktion der kanwerkzeuge von Tomocerus plumbeus L. II., Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Collembolen ; Zeits. f. iciss. Zool., Bd. LXXXII.. 1905, p. 638. 14. Lecaillon, a. Recherches snr I'ovaire des Collemboles ; Arch. d'Anat. micros., T. IV., 1901, p. 471. 15. LficAJXLON, A. Sur le testicule cVAnuroplwrus laricis ; Bidl. Soc. Philom. Paris, 9e Ser. T. IV., 1902, p. 46. 16. Lecaillon, A. Sur le testicule d\-inurida maritima ; Bull. Soc. Entom. Fr., 1902, p. 64. 17. Lecaillon, A. Sur la disposition, la structure, et le fonctionnement de I'appareil reproducteur male des Collemboles ; Bidl. Soc. Philom. Paris, 9e Ser., T. IV., 1902, p. 99. 18. Nassonow, N. The INIorphology of Insects of Primitive Organization : Lepisma, Campodea and Pod^ira ; Stud. Lab. Zool. Mus. Moskair, III., 1887, p. 15. (In Russian, but useful for figures). 19. Olfers, E. de. Annotationes ad Anatomiam Podurarum, Diss, inaug. Berolini. 1862. 20. OuDEMANS, J. T. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Thysanura und CoUembola, Bijdr. tot Dierh, Afiev. 16, 1888, p. 147. (Is a translation of " Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Thysaniu-a und CoUembola," Amsterdam, 1887, with a few brief additions). 21. Prowazek, S. Bau und Entwickelung der Collembolen ; Arbeit. Zool. hist. Wien, Bd. XII., 1899-00, p. 335. 22. Reuter, 0. M. Sur la fonction du tube ventral des Collemboles ; Entom. Tidslcr., 1 Jahrg, 1880, p. 162. 23. Sommer, A. Uber Macrotoma plumbea. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Poduriden ; Zeits. /. tviss. Zool., Bd. 41, 1884-85, p. 683. 24. Stummer-Traunfels, R. R. von. Vergleichende Unter- suchungen iiber die Mundwerkzeuge der Thysanuren und Collembolen ; SB. Alcad. Berlin. Bd. 100, Abth. 1, Heft. 4, 1891, p. 216. 25. Willem, V. Les yeux et les organes postantennaires des Collemboles ; Ann. Soc. Ent. Bdg., T. XLL, 1897, p. 225. G 82 26. WiiXF.M, Y. Les glandes oephaUques des? Orcheselles ; Arch, de Biol.. T. XVII.. 1900. p. 6.53. 27. Wii.le:m. V. Eecberches sur les Collemboles ct les TbysanoTires ; 2Wm. conr. VAcad. Sci. Belg., T. LVIII., 1900. 28. WiLLEM, V. ET Sabbe, H. Lc tiibe ventral et les glandes cephaliques des Sminthurus ; Ann. Soc. Entom. Belg., T. XLI., 1897, p. 130. C. — Development. 29. Gael, J. Snr un organe einbroj'onnaire ehez un C'ollembole; Arch. Set. Phys. Nat. Geneve. Ser. 4. T. 15. 1903, Compte-rendu p. 601. 30. Claypole, a. I\I. The Embryology of the Apterygota ; Zool. Bull.. Vol. II., No. 2, 1892, p. 69. 31. Claypole, a. 'M. Tlie Embryology and Oogenesis of Anurida maritima (Gner.) ; Jovrn. Morph., Vol. 14, 1898, p. 219. 32. FoLSOM, J. W. Loc. cit. No. 10. 33. Lemoine, V. Eeeherches sur le developpement des Podu- relles; A.ssoc. Fr. p. VAvanc. ScL, 1882, p. 483. 34. OuLGANiNE, W. N. (or Uljanin). Sur le developpement des Podurelles ; Arch. Zool. Gen. et Exp.. T. IV., 1875, p. xxix., and T. v., 1876, p. xvii. 35. Packard, A. S. Embryological Studies on Diplax, Perithemis, and the Thysanurous Genus Isotoma ; Mem. Peabody Acad. Sci., Vol. I., 1871. 36. Prowazek, S. Loc. cit. No. 21. 37. Ryder, J. A. The Development of Aniiridn maritimn Gucrin ; Amer. Nat., Vol. 20, 1886. p. 299. 38. UzEL, H. " Studien iiber die Entwickelung dcr Apferygoten Insecten." BerUn, 1895. D. — Systematic and Faunistic. 39. Absolon, K. Vorlaufigo Mittheilung uber die Aphoruriden aus den Hohlen des mahrischen Karstes ; Zool. Anz., Bd. XXIII., 1900, p. 406. 40. Absolon, K. Uber einige theils neue CoUembolen aus den Hohlen Frankreichs und des siidlichen Karstes ; Zool. A')iz., Bd. XXIV., 1901, p. 82. 41. Absolon, K. Weitere Naluicht iiber europaische Hohlen CoUembolen und iiber die Gattung Aphoriira, A. D. MacG. ; Zool. Anz., Bd. XXIV., 1901, pp. 375, 385. 83 42. Absolon, K. Loc. elf. No. 6 (and otlier papers by the autlior in tlie same journal). o 43. Agren, H. Lapplandische Collenibola ; Arkiv. ZooL. 1904. II., No. 1. 44. BoRNEB, C. Vorlaufige Mittheilung ziir Systeinatik der Sminthuridse Tullb., insbesondere des genus Sminthurus Latr. ; Zool. Anz., Bd. XXIII., 1900, p. 609. 45. BoBNEB, C. Vorlaufige Mittheilung (iber einige neue Aphorurinen und zur Systematik der C'oUembola ; Zool Ariz., Bd. XXIV., 1901, p. 1. 46. BoRNER, C. Uber ein neues Achorutidengenus Willemia, sowie 4 weitere neue Collembolenformen derselben Familie ; Zool. Anz., XXIV., 1901, p. 422. 47. BoRNER, C. Neue Collembolen formen und zur Nomenclatur der Collenibola Lubb. ; Zool. Anz., XXIV., 1901, p. 696 (and other papers by the author in the same journal). 48. BoRNER, C. Zur Kenntnis der Apterygoten-Fauna von Bremen und der Nachbai'distrikte. Beitrag zu einer Apterygoten- Faima Mitteleuropas ; Abh. Ver. Bremen, XVII., Heft 1. 1901, p. 1. 49. BoRNER, C. Loc. cit. No. 7. 50. Brook, G. Notes on some little known Collenibola, and on the British species of the genus Tomocerus ; Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 19. 51. Brook, G. A Revision of the genus Entonidbrya, Rond. {Degecria, Nic.) ; Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 270. 52. Boyd, D. A. Collembola and Thysanura in the Nat. Hist, of Glasgow and West of Scotland, published by the Local Committee for the meeting of the Brit. Assoc, for the Advanc. Sei., Glasgow, 1901, p. 317. 53. Carpenter, G. H. Tiie Collembola of Mitchelstown Cave ; Irish. Nat., Vol. VI., 1897, pp. 225, 257. 54. Carpenter, G. H., and Evans W. The Collembola and Thysanura of the Edinburgh District ; Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., Vol. 14, 1899, p. 259. 55. Carpenter, G. H. Collembola from Franz-Josef Land ; Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc, vol. 9 (n.s.), 1900, p. 271. 56. Carpenter, G. H. Collembola ; in Fauna Hawaiiensis, Vol. III., 1904, p. 299. 57. Carpenter, G. H., and Evans, W. Some Spring-Tails new to the British Fauna, with description of a new species ; Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin.. Vol. XV., 1904, p. 215. 84 58. Carl, J. Ueber Scliweizerisclie Collembola ; Bei\ Suisse Zool, VI., 1899, p. 273. Do. IX., 1901, p. 243. 59. Dalla Torre, K. W. v. Die Gattnngen iind Arten der Apterygogenea (Braner), Sep. 40; Prog. K.K. St. Gym.. Innsbruck, 1895. f>0. Evans, W. 8ome Recordsof Collembola and Thysanura from the "Clyde" area; Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., No. 39, 1901, p. 154. 61. Evans, W. A Preliminary List of Collembola and Thysanura; Trans. Perth Soc. Nat. Sci., III.. 1901, p. 150. 02. FoLSOM, J. W. Japanese Collembola. pt. I. ; Bull. Esse.v Inst., XXIX., 1897, p. 51 ; pt. II.. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., XXXIV., 1899, p. 261. 03. FoLSOM, J. W. The Distribution of the Holarctic Collem- bola ; Psyche, vol. 8, 1901, p. 159 ; (and other papers by the author in the same journal.) 64. FoLSOM, J. W. Apterygota, Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition, XXVII. ; Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., Vol. IV., 1902, p. 87. 65. Giard, a. Sur un nouveau genre de CoUembole marin et sur I'espece type de ce genre : Actaletes Neptuni ; Le Naturaliste, II., Ser. II., No. 53. 66. Guthrie, J. E. " The Collembola of Minnesota " ; Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey. Minn., Zool. Series, No. 4, 1903. 67. KoLENATi, F. A. Zwei neue osterreichische Poduriden ; SB. Alcnd. Wien, Bd. 29, 1858. 08. Lie-Pettersen, 0. J. Norges Collembola ; Bergens 7nus. aarh., 1890, No. 8. 09. Lubbock, Sir J. On some Spitzbergen Collembola ; Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. XXVI., 1898, p. 610. 70. Lubbock, Sir J. On some Australasian Collembola ; Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool), Vol. XXVII.. 1899, p. 334. 71. MacGillivray, A. D. A Catalogue of the Thysanoura of North America; Canadian Entom., Vol. XXIII., 1891, p. 207. 72. MacGillivray, A. D. North American Thysanoura ; Canadian Entom., Vol. XXV., 1893, pp. 127. 173. 218, 313 ; Vol. XXVI., 1894, p. 105. 73. MacGillivray, A. D. The North American species of Isotoma ; Canadian Entom., Vol. XXVIII., 1896, p. 47. 74. Moniez, R. Notes sur les Thysanoures ; Rev. Biol. Nord. Fr. IT., 1889-90, pp. 24, 365, 429; III., 1890-91. pp. 64. 68 (and other papers by the author in the same journal). 85 75. ^Iarquand. E. D. The Thysanura and Coleoptera of the Land's End District ; Rep. and Trans. Penzance Naf. Hist, and Antiq. Soc, 1880-81, p. 52. 76. OuDEMANS, J. T. iSystcmatische Beschrijvino- der in Nederland voor Komende Thysanura ; Tidschr. v. Entom.. Nederl. Entom. Vereen, 38 D., 4 Afl., 1891, p. 104. 77. OuDEMANS, J. T. Apterygota des Indischen Archipels ; Weber's Ergebn. Reise Nederl. Ostindicn, 1890, Bd. 1, p. 73. 78. Parona, C. Collembola. Saggio di \n\ C'atalogo delle Poduridi italiane : Atti. soc. ital. sc. naf., 21, p. 559. (For references to other papers by this author inde Schott, No. 93.) 79. Pack.\rd, a. S. Synopsis of the Thysanura of Essex Count}', Mass., with Descriptions of a few extra limital forms ; Fiffh rep. Peabody Acad. ScL. 1873. p. 23. 80. Parfitt, E. Devon Collembola and Thysamu-a ; Trans. Devon. A.ssoc. Advnnc. Sci.. Vol. 23, 1891, p. 322. 81. Reuter, 0. jM. Catalogus prsecursorius Poduridarum Fennise; Mcdd. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., Vol. I.. 1876, p. 78. 82. Reuter. 0. M. For Finland nya Collembola ; Medd. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., VI., 1878, p. 203. 83. Reuter, 0. M. Podurider fran nordvestra Sibirien, samlade af J. R. Sahlberg ; Ofv. finsk. vet. soc. fork., Bd. 33, 1891, p. 226. 84. Reuter, 0. M. Collembola in caldariis viventia ; Medd. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., XVII., 1890. 85. Reuter, 0. M. Apterygogenea Fennica ; Acta. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., Bd. XL. 1895. p. 1. 86. Reuter, L. and 0. M. Collembola and Thysanura found in Scotland in the summer of 1876 ; Scot. Nat., Vol. V., 1879-80, p. 204. 87. Schaffeb, C. Die Collembola der Umgebung von Hamburg und benachbarter Gebiete ; Mitt. Naturh. Mus. Hamburg, Jhg. 13, 1896, p. 147. 88. Schaffer, C. Hanil)urglier Jlagalhaensische Sammeheise — Apterygoten, 1897. 89. Schaffer, C. Die Collembola des Bismarck-Archipel nach der Ausbeute von Prof. F. Dahl ; Arch. Naturg., Jhg. 64, Bd. 1, Hft. 3, 1898, p. 393. 90. Schaffer, C. Die Arktischen und Subarktischcn Collem- bola; Faima Arctica, Bd. 1, 1900, p. 257. 91. Schaffer, C. Ueber Wiirttembergische Collembola ; Jahresh. Ver. WiirHemb., Bd. 56, 1900, p. 245. 86 92. ScHERBAKOF, A. M. Einige Beinerkimgen iiber Aptery- gogenea, die bei Kiew, 1896-7, gefiinden wurden ; Zool. Anz., Bd. 21, 1898, p. 57. 93. ScHOTT, H. Znr Systematik und Verbreitung palaearctischer Collembola ; Kongl. Svenska Vetens.-Akad. Handl., XXV.. 1893, No. 11. 94. ScHOTT, H. Etudes snr les CoUemboles du Nord : Bih. Svenska Vetens.-Akad. HnndL, Bd. 28, Afd. 4. 1902. No. 2. 95. ScHOTT, H. North American Apterygogena ; Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc, Ser. 2, Vol. 6. 1896, p. 169. 96. TuLLBERG, T. Sveriges Podurider ; Kongl. Svenska Vete7is.- Akad. Handl, X., No. 10. 1872. 97. TxjLLBERG, T. Collembola Borealia; Ofr. Kongl. Svenska Vetens.-Akad. ForJi., XXXIII., 1876, p. 23. 98. UzEL, J. Thysamira Bohemia ; Sitzher. K. bohm. Gesell. Wiss., 1890, p. 3. 99. Wahlgreen, E. Collembola wahrend der Schwedischen Gronlands-expedition, 1899, aiif Jan Mayen iind Ost-Gronland ein geesam melt ; Of v. Ak. Forh., LVII., 1900, p. 353. 100. WiLLEM, V. Description de Actaletes neptuni Giard ; Bull. Sci. Fr. ct Belg., XXXIV., 1901, p. 474. 101. WiLLEM, V. CoUemboles; Bcsult. Voyage Belgica, Zool., 1902. 102. WiLLEM, V. Les rapports cV Actaletes avec 1©3 autres Col- lemboles; Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., T. XLVI.. 1902, p. 11. 87 X.— APPENDIX. The Parasites of Collembola. Mincliiu (Lankester's Treatise on Zoology, Part I., 2nd Fascicule) enumerates two species of Sporozoa as being parasitic in Collembola, viz.: — Gregarina pcdurte (Leger) from the gut of Orcliesella villosa and Glugea thysaimra' (L. Pfr.) from the gonads of Poduni (iquatica. The occurrence of Sporozoa in Collembola has also been referred to by Lubbock and Sommer. The presence of Nematodes in the gonads of Anurida is recorded in this Memoir, and Sommer states that he has met with them in Tomocerus {]\Iacrotoma). The present writer has recorded {Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 7, Vol. XV., 1905) the habits of a marine Pseudoscorpion, Ohisium mai-ithnum. Leach, which probably preys upon Anurida. Note on Anurida crassicornis, Peut. L. and 0. M. Peuter (86) describe this species from the river Tay, near Perth, and state that it is very like and allied to A. maritima, but differs in its much shorter and thicker antennae, in the structure of the head (the inter-antennal lobe being pentagonal, with almost straight sides and well separated from the rest of the head) and in the more robust body. The description is unaccompanied by any figures, and, according to Carpenter and Evans (54), the types are unfortunately lost. The Economic Aspect of Collembola. Springtails have not up to the present attracted much attention from economic biologists, though occasionally instances are known where they have done injury to 88 cultivated plants [vide Carpenter, Prac. Ass. Econ. Biol., Vol. I., Pt. I., July, 1905). Dr. Traquair (Beport to the Plans and Worlcs ('oinin/ft/e of the Edinburgh T'own Council, March, 100(i ; and The Scotsman, March 2ud, 190G) has recently dealt with the occurrence of Collembola in hydrant boxes and water cisterns in Edinburgh. Although the presence of these insects in such situations is in itself harmless, the abundance in which they were found is evidence that they find an ample food supph' there, and herein lies the danger, for it points to the water being contaminated. Note on Histological Techmque, &c. Specimens of Anurida are best collected from off the rocks and weed by means of a camel-hair brush, and transferred into a phial containing TO per cent, spirit ; if it be desired to obtain them in large numbers, they can frequently be scooped up in quantities from off the surface of the tide-pools, using for the purpose a metal spoon or some similar instrument. The mouth-parts and sense organs can be easily studied by treating the head with a weak solution of potassic hydrate, which, by dissolving the soft parts, renders it gradually transparent. This should be performed on a slide, under the lower power of the microscope, and the action of the alkali checked, as soon as the mouth-parts assume a pinkish-violet, by running in alcohol under the cover-glass. If it be necessary to preserve the animals for histo- logical purposes, they are best brought away alive in a vessel containing sea water, and then transferred with a camel-hair brush into hot TO per cent, alcohol, and after- wards passed into that of 90 per cent, strength. Hot corrosive sublimate or picro-sulphuric acid can also be 89 used with advantao'e for killing aud fixation. Whichever reagents are used, the specimens shouhd be afterwards placed in 90 per cent, alcohol, to which have been added about five drops of potassium livpochlorite (concentrated solution j to each fiuid ounce of the alcohol. After remaining in this for about half an hour, they sliould be washed in fresh alcohol of similar strength and then passed into absolute alcohol. The potassium hypochlorite serves to remove the pigment, and also softens the chitinous parts and aids in section cutting. The process of embedding is best performed in watch- glasses, using paraffin of a low-melting point, which is afterwards replaced by hard paraffin for cutting. For staining, the best results were obtained by using Manns methyl-blue-eosin and Heidenhains iron-alum hsematoxylin. All staining was done on the slide by prolonged treatment, and afterwards washed out to the required degree of colouration. The eggs were killed and fixed in both hot water and hot TO per cent, alcohol, and afterwards kept in 90 per cent, alcohol for five weeks for hardening purposes. After this treatment, the egg membranes can be dissected away from the embryos with the aid of a pair of fine needles under a low-power microscope. The embryos can then be stained with borax carmine, and mounted whole in glycerine for examination. For instructions as to sectioning the eggs, vide Folsom (10). 90 XI.— EXPLANATION" OF PLATES. liEFEiiEACE Lettering. a, b = Direction of the section in fig. 52. ab. app. 1-^ = Abdominal api)en- abd., !• ^■'' =^'"1 '' = Abdominal seg- ments. a. bib. = Last chamber of heart. a. gl. = Acinose gland of ventral tube. al. m. — Alary muscle. al. t. = Tendon of alary muscle. an. = Antenna. an' = Anus. at. n. = Antennal nerve. b.c. = Blood corpuscles. b. cav. = Body cavity. b.m. = Basement membrane. c. = Inner layer of cuticle, c' = Outer layer of cuticle. car. = Car do. cav. — Foramen leading into cavity of mandible. ch. = Cliromatin. ch.' = Outer membrane of egg. chb. = Common Chamber. ch. h. = Chromatin body. ch. e. = Torn edge of outer egg membrane. circ. m. = Circular muscle fibres of oesophagus. chii. = Clypeo-labral rudiment. ch/p. — Ch'peus. c. tn. — Circular muscle fibres of mid gut. c. m. b. = Circular muscle l)and.s. c. m. j. = Union of circular muscle fibres. conn. = Para-oesophagea con- nective. conn. '■ ''■ '■' — Connectives of ven- tral nerve cord. c.p. — Central mass of protoplasm. c. t. j = Connective tissue c'. t'. ?«'. i membrane. c. t. ?«. = Connective tissue coat of mid gut. cut. = Cuticle. d. b. — Dark transverse band. d.ep. — Cup-like depression. den' cell. = Deutocerebron. dil. an. ni. — Dilator muscles of anus. dd. reel. in. = Dilator muscles of rectum. div. = Median diverticulum of vagina. drc. = Deutocerebrum. d. s. j = Successive stages in d.' s.' development of d.^ s.'^ ] spermatozoa. d. t. — Duct of the acinose gland. dil. = Ductule of salivary gland, ec. = Ectoderm. em. nem. = Nematode embryo. en. = Future endoderm cells. ep. = Epithelium. epcr. = Epicranium. epith. = Fore-gut epitheUum. epith. th. = Epithehal thickening. ex. g. = Excretory granules. exc. or. = Fatty body. gal. = Cialea. g.c. = Ganglion cells, g ' c' = Germ cells. 91 rjl. = Tubular gland. gl. ap. = Aperture of tubular glands. gl. dt. I = Ducts of tubular gl. ' dt. ' ' glands. gon. = Gonad. g. p. = Lateral pouch of mid-gut. g. t. = Germinal tissue. /;. = Hair. h. c. = Modified hypodermis cell. h. cell. = Trichogenous cell. M. = Hypodermis. A.' d.' = Ventral surface of head (2nd maxillae). h. g. = Hind "gut. /(. g. cpiV/i.=Hind gut epithehum. li. g. m. = Circular muscles of hind gut. hs. = Striated hem or " hiirchcn- saum." M. = Heart. inf. oes. g. = Infra -oesophageal ganglion. inf. oes. m. = Posterior series of dilatores pharyngii miiscles. i. p. = Intra -testicular prolon- gations. /,■. //(. = Krause's membrane. I. = Lumen. lac. = Lacinia. lb. = Labium (2nd maxillse). I. c. = Lentigen cell. ling. = Lingua, or tongue. ling. St. = Lingual stalk. I. m. = Longitudinal muscle fibres. In. — Lens. I. 11. = Lateral nerve. Ir. — Labrum. I. s. in. = Longitudinal sternal muscles. /. t. m. — Longitudinal tergal muscles. m. = Muscles. md. = Mandible. nvi. g. = Mandibular ganglion. md. p. = Pharyngeal pocket of left mandible. med. f. = Medifurca. memb. = Inner egg membrane. mes. = ilesoderm. ?«. /. = Muscle fibres. m. g. = Mid-gut. m. g. epith. = Mid-gut epithelium. m. n. = Median nerve. m.' n.' = Mandibular nerve. )n. n. br. = Lateral branch of median nerve. m. 71UC. — Nucleus of muscle fibre, ino. = Mouth. ;«. pr. = Male pro-nucleus. m. s. = Line of apposition of dis- tal portions of 2nd maxilLe. muse. = Dilator muscles. m. IV. = Muscular wall of heart. »n.r. Jid. = Head of 1st maxiUa m.i-.' g. = Ganglion of 1st maxilla. >n.r.- g. = GangUon of 2nd maxiUa. )n.v.' n. = Nerve to 1st maxilla. »«.r.- n. = Nerve to 2nd maxilla. mx. p. = PharjTigeal pocket of left maxilla. mxid. = Maxillula. III. V id. g. = Ganglion of maxillula. inxul. n. = Nerve to maxillula. n. : Nucleus. nuc. ' nem. = Nematode worm. nem.' = Transverse section of Nematode worm. nenr. = Neurilemma. n. /. = Nerve fibres. n. V. \ = Abdominal nerve «.' V.' I (or nerves). 92 o. — Ovum. o.' = Ovules. oc. — Eyes. od. = Oviduct. oes. = Oesophagus. o.n. = Bi'anches of optic nerve. op. n. = Optic nerve. ost. = Ostium. Of. = Ovary. o. IV. = Ovarian wall. J). = Pigment. f. a. 0. = Post-antennal organ. -pc. o. = Precephalic organ. per. oes. a. = Peri -oesophageal aorta. ph. = Pharynx. 2J.i. = Protoplasmic island in which female pro-nucleus is present. pi. = Side fold of head. p. I. = Periplieral layer of proto- plasm. plm. = Coagulated blood plasma. pip. = Maxillary palp. p. o. n. — Nerve to post-antennal organ. pre. — Protocerebrum. pr' ceb. = Protocerebron. ps. = Pseudopodium. r. = Protoplasmic strands. r. nuc. = Nucleus of fat body. rep. ap. = Reproductive aper- ture. ret. = Retinal cell. ret. I. = Layer of fat body border- ing on hypodermis. ret. miisc. — Retractor muscles of ventral tube. s — Blood containing space. scrp. = Sarcoplasm. sec. = Secretion of gland. s.g. = Secretory granules s. gl. = Salivary gland. slmma. = Sarcolemma. s. o. = Sense organ. s.' o.' = Possible rudimentary sense ory-ans. sp. = Cavity formed by breaking down of central cells of fat body. spr. = Bunches of spermatozoa. St. = Stipes. str. p. = Striated portion of muscle fibre. sup. oes. g. = Brain. sup. oes. m. = Anterior series of dilatores pharvncrii muscles. snt. = Suture. ^1 :;. (. _ Abdominal sterna. tent. = Tentorium. /. /. = Terminal filament. th. = Thorax. //t.i--' = Pro- meso- and mcta- thorax. Ih. app.^^-'' = Thoracic appen- dages. th. gr.i~-^= Pro- meso- and meta- thoracic ganglia. t. p. — Tunica ]oropria. tr. CI pp. = Tritocerebral ?,ppen- dage. trc. = Tritocerebrum. tr' ccb. = Tritocerebron. t. s. = Substance of testis. t. s. muse. = Tergo-stornal muscles. t. 10. = Wall of testis. vars. = Vacuoles. vaj. = Vagina. valve c. m. = Pyloric valve. V. c. — Nutritive cells. V. e. — Epithelial layer of vagina. V. g. = Ventral groove. V. m. = Traasverse raiTScle. vs. = Terminal vesicles of ventral tube. V. t. = Ventral tube. iv. — Connective tissue coat of heart. x = Organ of unknown function. y. = Yolk. y. c. = Yolk cells. 93 Pl.\te I. Fig. 1. Anurida maritima, adult male viewed dorsally. X 35. Fig. 2. A group of Anuvida showing their general appearance when alive. Nat. size. Fig. -3. Ventral aspect of adult female (sluidiiig omitted). The ventral groove is seen as a slightly sinuous line arising from a point in the middle line of the head and passing mid- way between the bases of the legs to terminate on the anterior border of the ventral tube. X 35. Fig. 4. Outline figure of the dorsal side of the head showing the position of the sense organs. X circa 50. Fig. 5. llight lateral oval protuberance of the head, together with the five eves of its side. The post-antennal organ is seen immediately in front. X 230. Fig. 6. A piece of the chitinous cuticle from the abdomen showing the tubercles and some of the large seta-like hairs. x 200. Fig. 7. Terminal joint of left antenna viewed from its inner aspect. It shows the trilobed apical sense organ together with patches of modified cuticle, which are probably of a sensory nature. x 180. Fig. 8. The apical sense-organ of the left antenna, x 600. Fig. 9. Claw of left fore foot, x 420. Fig. 10. Eight post-antennal organ. x 1,200. 94 Fig. 11. Diagram for the purpose of showing the relative positions of the mouth-parts to one another when viewed from the ventral surface. X circa 100. Fig. 12. Ventral aspect of the apex of the 2nd maxillae (labium). This figure and the succeeding one are from preparations which have been depig- mented to show the sculpturings of the cuticle. X 160. Fig. 1-3. Dorsal aspect of labrum and clypeus. x 160. Plate II. Fig. 14. Dorsal aspect of the maxillulee, the lingua and the left hrst maxilla — soft parts removed. X 360. Fig. 15. Dorsal aspect of right mandible. x 360. Fig. 16. A^ertical section of the integument, together with a parietal extension of the fat-body. From the ventral region of the meso'-thorax. x 800. Fig. IT. Vertical section of the integument passing through the base of a hair and a trichogenous cell. X 800. Fig. 18. Mass of fat-body from the thorax : excretion scarcely yet commenced. x 400. Fig. 19. Mass of fat-body from the abdomen : excretion actively taking place. x 400. Mass of fat-body from the abdomen : excretion far advanced. x 320. Longitudinal and vertical section of the ventral tube. X 200. Apex of antenna showing fine branches of antennal nerve passing to sensory organ and hairs. x 180. Fig. 20, Fig. 21 Fiff. 95 Fisr. 2'3. Horizontal section taken across the vesicles of the ventral tube. x 200. Fig. 24. Portion of the ventral groove : region of the meta-thorax. x 200. Fig. 25. Organ of unknown function situated on the floor of the fourth abdominal segment, x 820. Fig. 26. Three successive transverse sections through the ventral groove ; (a) in the head region ; (h) in the prothorax ; (c) in the meta-thorax. X 800. Plate III. Fig. 27. Eeconstruction of sections taken through the head close to the middle plane. x ;360. Fig. 28. Section passing through the junction of the fore-gut with the mid-gut. x 360. Fig. 29. Transverse section across the oesophagus. x 600. Fig. 30. Section of wall of mid-gut. x 1,200. Fig. 31. Transverse section taken across the rectum together with the vagina and its niediau diverticulum. x 550. Fig. 32. Transverse section of the ductus ejaculatorius. x 550. Fig. 33. Blood corpuscles from a living animal, x 1,200. Fig. 34. Tertical section through the post-antennal organ and two of the eyes (partly after Willem). X 1,000. Plate IV. Fig. 35. Diagrammatic figure of AnuviJa showing the relations of the principal internal organs to O'ue another. x circa 40. Fig. 36. Figure showing the termination of the ventral 96 groove on the anterior aspect of the ventral tube. X 45. Fig. 37. Section of the mid-ventral region of the meso- thorax showing the relations of the nervous system, medifurca and the ventral groove. X 200. Fig. 'IS. Vertical and transverse section of tlie ventral tube. X 180. Fig. 39. Portion of the heart showing the non-striated circular muscle bands. x 550. Fig. 40. Vertical and longitudinal section of a chamber of the heart. x 550. Fig. 41. Portion of the heart showing alary muscles. X 550. Fig. 42. Transverse section of the heart in the posterior region of the oesophagus, x 420. Fig. 43. Transverse section of the heart, together with the alary muscles ; third abdominal segment. X 420. Fig. 44. Transverse section of the heart ; fifth abdominal segment. x 420. Fig. 45. Transverse section across three of the longi- tudinal tergal muscles. x 400. Fig. 40. Longitudinal section through the first and second thoracic ganglia, taken slightly to the left side to show the median accessory nerve. X 150. Fig. 47. Longitudinal section through the meta- thoracico — abdominal ganglion. x 320. Fig. 48. Semi-diagrammatic reconstruction of the nervous system of Anurida. x circa 100. 97 Plate Y. Fig. 49. Longitudinal section through the posterior half of the alimentary canal. x 550. Fig. 50. Transverse section across the fourtli alidoniiiial segment. x 200. Fig. 51. Transverse section across the posterior region of the prothorax. x 200. Fig. 52. Transverse section across the head. x 200. The section is taken along the line a, h in fig. 27. Plate YI. Fig. 53. Diagrammatic figure showing the position of the ovaries (mature). x circa 10. Fig. 54. Diagrammatic figure showing the position of the testes. x circa 15. Fig. 55. Apex of ovary and base of terminal filament. X 400. Fig. 56. Longitudinal section through the ovary showing developing eggs. x 180. Fig. 57. Transverse section across the ovary through the germinal tissue. x 050. Fig. 58. Apex of testis and base of terminal filament. x 400. Fig. 59. Longitudinal section through the hinder third of the testis. x 400. Fig. 59(7. Transverse section across the testis, passing through the germinal tissue. x 400. Fiff. GO. Longitudinal section of a tergo-sternal muscle at its point of insertion. x 400. Fig. Gl. Portion of musculature of mid-gut, showing junction of the circular fibres in the median dorsal line. x 400. Fig. G2. Ditto of hind-gut. x 550. 98 Fig. 63. Saliyary and tubular glands of AnurlJa. X 450. Fig. 64. f'ommon chamber receiving the ducts of the tubular glands (partly diagrammatic), x 400. Fig-. 65. Diagram of head showing- relations of the cephalic glands. x circa 65. Fig. 66. Acinose gland of ventral tube in longitudinal section. x 450. Fig. 67. Aperture of the glands of the ventral tube; section taken parallel with the long axis of the body, x 400. Fig. 68. Portion of duct of salivary gland. x 500. Plate TIL Fig. 69. Group of eggs of Anuridn. x 10. Fig. TO. Section through nnsegmented egg (after Claypole, reduced). Fig. 71. Egg of Anurida, showing precephalic organ and developing appendages. The outer egg- membrane {ch.^) has been dissected away from the lower half of the egg. x ^i^). Fig. 72. Embryo ^4/i«m/« ; flexure almost complete. The precephalic organ is seen to be degenerating (after Claypole, reduced). Fig. 78. Embryo Anurida at the time of development of the tritocerebral appendages (after Wheeler). Fig. 74. Paramedian section to show primitive cephalic ganglia about the stage in fig. 72 (after Folsom, reduced.) Fig. 75. ^'entral aspect of cephalic region, about the stage in fig. 72 (after Folsom, reduced). Fig. 76. Blastoderm with precephalic organ (after Claypole, reduced). 99 Fig. 77. Transverse section through, second abdominal segment on one side of the body of the male, at the stage prior to that seen in fig. 72 fafter Claypole, reduced). Fig. 78. Transverse section showing early mesoderm formation (after Claypole, reduced). Fig. 79. Diagrammatic figure showing Nematodes in the testis. x circa 100. Fig. 80. a, Embryo of Nematode; h, the same in transverse section. x 200. C. Tinlins & Co., Ltd., Printers, 53, Victoria Street, Liverpool. L.M. B. C. Memoir XIII Plate I. Imq.jl. 6 A.D. Imms. del ANURIDA, Fig. 11. : 5.f:rslfine,Ljth CdmV L.M. B. C. Memoir XIII. Plate 11. ^■^V^y^;•Mv,V;;'•V/^;-^^;iUy A- D. Imms. del . ANURIDA. it Erakmf. Lttb-Edin L.M. B. C. Memoir XIII. Plate III. ■.i>.oes.a. ri^.34. M'Farlajie S: Ersl ■-- th.a. mnbr. Fig. 40. fi^"^- ll Fig. 43 Fi^. 41. 3# Fig. 46. ■*,*«?:_ aZ.i. at. **#*"-' AD Ini m s . del . ,'"'^.^-««='=' "'t^ ANURIDA L.M. B. C. Memoir Xm. Plate V. A.D Imms, del. M,%^\f^ M.;.*/ ■ _^- -^^ £^^ x/.;. Pig. 70. 1 .l^t'^fy Fi^.72:^^ ,■■.:;- t Fig. 77. pc.o. ^^^i^!^ /.- ' Fi^.73. ■A.j^ , ( ^'■y- '.bSKH^x';^is:,-:o^ tr 'ceb frr'ceh Fig 75 , ' , Una. th . a.pp. •-' AD-Imms id.. Figs. 69. 71, 79, 60 , lewi . t. Fig. 80. M'fivUnoiiErsliuic Litli Y.i\S ANURIDA. 3 2044 093 366 474