Xtverpool fIDaiinc Btolooyi (Totntntttec, L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS ON Typical British Marine Plants s- Animals EDITED BY IV. A. HERDMAN. D.Sc, F.R.S. XIV. LIGIA C. GORDON HEWITT, B.Sc, Defnonstrator in Zoology. U)iivcrsitv of jManchestet . (With 4 Plates) Price Two Shillings LONDON Williams & Norgate January, 1907 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I. I B K A R Y OP THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. a\j<.xyv\}^ ^ 5j(1A/vvOW^ ^ \^V0 L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS. XIV. L I G I A . NOTICE. The Committee desire to intimate that no copies of these Memoirs will be presented or exchanged, as the prices have been tixed on such a scale that most of the copies will have to be sold to meet the cost of production. The Memoirs may be obtained at the nett prices stated, from Messrs. Williams and Norgate, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Memoir I. Ascidia— published in October, IS!)!), (JO pp. and hve plates, price 2s. ,, II. Cardium — published in December, 1899, 92 pp., six plates and a map, price 2s. 6d. ,, III. Echinus -published in Febrviary, 1900. 36 pp. and five plates, price 2s. „ IV. Codiuni — j)ublished in April, 1900, 26 pp. and three plates, price Is. 6d. ,, \\ Alcj-onium published in -January, 1901, '!0 pp. antl three plates, price Is. 6d. „ YI. Lepeoj)htheirus and Lermea — published in March, li)Ol, 62 pp. and five plates, price 2s. ,, VII. Linens — published in April, 1901, 40 pp. and four plates, price 2s. ,, VIII. Pleuronectes — published in December, 1901, 260 pp. and eleven plates, price 7s. ,, IX. Chondrus — published in July, 1902, 50 pp. and seven plates, price 2s. 6d. ,, X. Patella — puljlished in May, lOO-'J, 84 pp. and four plates, price 2s. 6d. ,, XI. Arenicola — published in March, 1904, 126 pp. and eight plates, price 4s. 6d. ,, XII. Gammarus — ])ul)lislied in July. 1904. 5") pp. and four plates, price 2s. „ XIII. Anurida- published in October, 1906, 105 pp. and seven plates, price 4s. „ XIV. Ligia — published in January, 1907, 45 ])p. and four phites, price 2s. •livcrpool ni>afiiic BiolOtjy doinmittec. L.M.B.C. MEMOIRS OX Typical British Marine flaxes s^ Aximals EDITED 7!Y W . A. HeRDMAN. D.Sc, F.R.S. XIV. LIGIA BY C. GORDON HEWITT, B.Sc, Dt-iiionstiator in /.oolosw Univrrsitv of Manchester. (With 4 Plates) Price Two Shillings ^ LOXDON Wni.IAMS X XOROATE jANiMn-. 1907 EDITOR'S PREFACE. The Liverpool Marine liiolon each of the lateral margins cd' the anterior end of the stomach a hilobcMl ampulliform tritniating ' tooth ' (Fig. 1-3, Let.) arises, and meets its fellow of the opposite side above the opening of the oesophag-us. These lateral cardiac teeth are the (diief masticatory agents of the gastric mill. Between these, on the anterior wall of the stomach, three teeth till up the space, a small median anterior tooth (m.a.t.) situated between two antero-lateral teeth (a.l.t.). Posteriorly, the closure of the entrance to the stomach is effected by a ventral transverse setiferous ridge, the ventral cardiac tooth (v.c.f.). In the ])receding descri})tion, the word ' tooth ' has been used to designate a chitinous })rotuberance of the wall of the stomach, which is covered with short, closely-set, re-curved setae. (h\ the ventral side (»f the stomach, in the middle region, three tooth- shaped processes arise, their apices directed backwards; they are the median, veutial and ventro-lateral teeth (r.Lt.). On each side of the cardiac region of the stomach, a narrow lamella, the lateral cardiac lamella (l.c.L) runs in an oblique direction from the antero-dorsal region to the ventral side, and terminates near the ventro-lateral tooth. In the pyloric region of the stonmch. a deep invagination of the dorsal surface forms a broad dorsal lamella (d.h), which extends across the dorsal side and half-way down the lateral sides. Between the lateral portions of the dorsal lamella and the wall of the stomach, two large lamellae (rJ.p.f.) have their lateral limits; these 15 are the veiitro-lateial pyloiic lamellae. Tliey arise on the ventral side immediately behind the ventro-lateral teeth. Their ventral edges almost meet along their whole h-ngth ; their lateral edges extend in an oblique direction from behind the dorsal lamella to the ventral side at the anterior end of the mid-gut, where each ventro-lateial lamella terminates in a fine point. The mid-gut (PI. II., tig. 16 iiiid.fj.) extends in a straight line from the posterior end of the stomach to tlie rectum in the posterior region of the abdomen. It is of uniform width throughout, except at the posterior end, where it narrows considerably, and is surrounded by a sphincter muscle. Three regions can be roughly made out, the arrangement of the epithelial cells of the gut being the means of demarcation. The wall is composed of three layers, an outer muscular layer, a median basement membrane, and internally the epithelium, which is covered by a chitiuous intima. This intinia is perforated and is shed Avhen the animal moults. The muscular layer is composed of two sets of muscles, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer, but this only applies strictly to the anterior end of the mid-gut ; further back the mus(de hbres become separated by the bulging out of the epithelial cells. The epithelial cells of the gut are very large and contain correspondingly large nu(dei. They form a syncytium, as they do not possess complete cell walls, but are se})arated by inter-cellular hbres, extending fi-om the basement membrane to the intima, and probably of cytoplasmic origin, 'ilie arrangement of the epithelial cells varies in different regions of the mid-gut. In the anterior region, which is almost half the entire length of the mid-gut, the cells are irregularly arranged. On the lateral sides they extend in longitudinal lows; the two median ventral rows of cells extend from the anterior end IB of the luitl-g-ut to the po.sterioi' ciul. On the dorsal side of the anterioi' region, in the median line, a typhlosole {t.y.) is foi lued hy tlie floor of a groove beiug" re-invagiuated ; posteriorly, the sides of the groove widen out into an elongate spoon-shaped structure. The function of the ty])hlosole is ])rohably not, as is usual, to assist in the absorption of food, but to provide a channel along whi(di the secretion of the hepatopancreas is able to flow to the middle region of the intestine, hi tlie middle region of the mid- gut the epithelial cells exhibit a very regular arrangement. They are arranged in double roAvs, which run out in an oblique direction from the median line. The rows of cells pi-oject into the body cavity, so that grooves are formed between the double rows. In these grooves the muscle fibres are lodged, underneath the blood-vessels from the intestinal arteries. The posterior region is marked by the presence of the sphincter muscle, which separates the mid- gut from the rectum. In the sphinctal region the faeoal pellets are formed. The rectum is a short uniform tube o])ening by the longitudinal slit-like anus. The salivary glands. There are two pairs of salivary glands situated in the cephalon, on each side of, and opening into, the oesophagus. Each is made up of a large number of rosette-like masses of gland cells, Avhich are very similar to the mucous glands described by Allen (1892) in Ft/laemonefes. In section, they have the appearance shown in the figure (PI. II., tig. 17). Each acinus is made u]) of a number of concentric cells, in which two regions can be recognised — a peripheral cytoplasmic region containing the nucleus, and a central glandular region. Each of the cells lias at' its internal apex an intracellular duct (ic.d.), whicli opens into a duct common to the mass of cells [cd.). This duct is probably 17 formed by a single cell, the nucleus of whicli can be seen near the centre of the gland [ii.c.d.). The hepatopancreas. This is also known as the liver and the digestive gland ; the last name describes its true function. In Liqiu it consists of three pairs of tubules, which extend from the pyloric region of the stomach to the posterior end of the abdomen, where they gradually taper oif, and are generally doubled back for a short distance. The three pairs are situated in relation to the intestine, dorso-lateral, ventro-lateral and ventral (PI. II., fig. 16, V. he'p.,vl. hej).). The muscles of the walls of the distal two-thirds of the tubules are so arranged, that a spiral appearance is produced. The spiral arrangement of the muscles no doubt aids their peristaltic con- tractions. The tubules of each side open into the pyloric region of the stomach by a single aperture, behind and below the ventro-lateral teeth. The two ventrally placed tubules of each side fuse and then open into the stomach. Anterior to the opening the dorso-lateral tubules curve ventralwards, and fuse with the anterior end of the ventro-lateral tubules. A small tube is given off from the front of the common hepatopan- creatic duct, which runs forward for a shoii; distance and ends blindly. The epithelial cells of the hepatopancreas are of two kinds — large secreting cells containing large nuclei, and smaller cells which may be either young secreting cells, or cells of an excretory nature. The physiology of the digestive system of terrestrial Isopods has been studied by Murlin (1902). He finds that the secretion of the hepatopancreas, which may be liberated by the dissolution of the cell, fragmentation of the cell, or evacuation from the cell, contains ferments, which are able to act upon proteids, carbohydrates and fats, c IS Vasculae System. Delag'e (1881) has described the vascular system of Ligia oceanica in his Memoir ou the circiilatiou of the Edriophthalmia, and, except in a few details, my results confirm his account. The heart (PL III., tig. 1, ht) is a fairly wide tubuhir structure, extending from the fifth abdominal segment to the anterior end of the fourth thoracic segment. This posterior position of the heart is correlated with a posterior position of the organs of respiration. Its walls are muscular, and are perforated by two ostia (asf.), which are oblique slit-like orifices provided with muscles and two small inwardly projecting flaps. They are situated in the anterior and posterior regions on the right and left sides respectively. The pericardium (PI. II., tig". 16, p.c.) extends from the anterior end of the heart to beyond the posterior end. It receives the efferent vessels from the branchiae, and is continuous with the venous lacunae in the anterior regions of the body. It is separated from the body cavity by a horizontal septum upon which the heart rests. The heart is continued anteriorly as the median aorta. On each side four arterial thoracic trunks arise. The first pair may be termed the lateral arteries; the remaining three pairs are the fifth, sixth and seventh thoracic arteries, and they arise in the anterior half of the heart. The median aorta (PI. III., fig. 1, mcd.ao.) runs forward along the dorsal wall of the gut to the cephalic region. In the anterior region of the second thoracic segment two arteries arise from the dorsal side, and run a sinuous course in the hypodermal tissues towards the epimera. In the first thoracic segment a pair of large arteries arise laterally li) and run outwards at right angles. Each gives off a large branch which supplies the walls of the stomach, a branch running to the hepatic tubules, a few small arteries to the soft parts, and, after giving oif another branch which runs into the epimeron {ep. art.), it unites with an artery (i) which is the anterior prolongation of the lateral artery. Immediately on entering the cephalic segment, a small median unpaired artery arises on the dorsal side, and bifurcating, runs in the hypodermis. In front of this the aorta gives off a pair of ophthalmic arteries (op. a.) which run outwards to the eyes, giving off many small branches to the soft parts. The aorta now bends down in front of the stomach, where it dilates somewhat, the dilation lying in a cavity on the anterior face of the stomach. This dilation serves as a kind of cephalic ' heart,' as it has on each side muscles connected with a pair of chitinous rods from the anterior face of the stomach. These muscles will aid in the contraction and dilation of the cephalic ' heart,' and so help to pump the blood into the rest of the vessels of the median dorsal aorta ; the blood, on account of the posterior position of the heart, would not be driven into these vessels so effectively, if it were not assisted by the action of the cephalic heart.* At the point where the aorta bends, it gives oif dorsally a small median artery, and lower down two median unpaired arteries, each of which bifurcates, the superior one supplying the posterior side of the cerebral ganglion {cef. g.), and the inferior artery the anterior side of the ganglion. The aorta then bifurcates. Each branch, besides giving off numerous small arteries, which can be better understood by reference to the figure (PL III., fig. 2), gives oif a large antennary artery {ant. art.), and is then continued as the facial * Contractile vascular saos occur in the heads of certain insects. Pawlowa (1895) has described them in the heads of certain Orthoptera, and, according to Selvatico, they occur in certain Lepidoptera. 20 artery [fac. art.), which supplies the mandibles and the lateral regions of the face. Neither the injections nor the serial sections showed any oesophageal ring of the nature described by Delage. Several small arteries are given off from the posterior border of the antenno-facial arteries which supply the oesophagus {oes. art.) and neighbouring soft parts, as will be seen from the figure. The fact that in many cases these small arteries dilate to an exaggerated extent when injected, may account for the mistake. The lateral arteries (PI. III., fig. 1, lat. art.) run forward and outward from the anterior end of the heart, and in the first thoracic segment each anasto- moses with the transverse artery from the dorsal aorta. On the external side of each lateral artery, four thoracic arteries arise (i., ii., iii., iv.j, supplying the first, second, third and fourth thoracic segments. On the internal side of the thoracic artery a number of branches are given off which ramify on the walls of the gut {^int. art.) and hepatic tubules [hep. art.). Close to the origin of the fourth thoracic artery a large branch {f/en. art.) is given off, which supplies the terminal portion of the vas deferens. A number of arteries arise from the dorsal side of each lateral artery, and ramify in the hypodermal tissues. The thoracic arteries (i., ii., iii., iv., v., vi., vii.). — The course of each of the thoracic arteries, with the exception of the sixth and seventh, is somewhat the same. Each runs directly outwards, and, when dorsal to the hepatic tubules, gives oft' a ventral branch which supplies these. Following the curvature of the dorsal surface the arteiy curves ventralh' ; a small artery arises which runs into the dorsal longitudinal muscles. When it reaches the insertion of the limb it bifurcates, the inner branch runs inwards and supplies the ventral surface, the outer branch 21 soou bifurcates again, the dorsal branch supplying the epimeral (e^^. art.) region, and the ventral branch is the crural artery supplying the leg (cr. art.). The inner branches of the first thoracic artery supplying the ventral surface of the first thoracic segment unite in the mid-ventral line at the base of the maxilli- pedes, forming a median artery (PI. III., fig. 2) which runs forwards and gives o& paired arteries to the maxillipedes {mxi).), second [mx") and first maxillae (rnx'), and terminates in the lingua-like lower lip. The sixth thoracic artery soon after its origin gives off a branch which runs ventrally, and unites with its fellow of the opposite side in the mid-ventral line of the intestine ; from the point of junction a median arteiy runs forwards and backwards, forming a sub-intestinal artery. From the sides of the sub-intestinal artery paired transverse branches arise in a very regular manner, and run on the walls of the intestine in the oblique grooves which have been described above. The seventh thoracic artery, after running obliquely backwards for a short distance, gives ofl: an artery which bifurcates and supplies the lateral regions of the intestine. It soon gives ofi: from its posterior side a large artery, the abdominal artery which runs posteriorly; the rest of its course is similar to that of the other thoracic arteries. The abdominal artery (PI. III., fig. 1, ah. art.) of each side runs in an undulating manner, midway between the lateral margins and the median line ; from it arise small arteries supplying the intestine, muscles and other tissues. In the third abdominal segment it gives off' a ventral branch which supplies the three anterior branchiae and the body-wall. The fourth and fifth pairs of abdominal appendages are supplied by an artery wlich arises from the abdominal •2-2 artery in the fourtli abdominal segment. In the last sesrment an artery is o-iven oit' internally to the intestine, on the ventral side of which it anastomoses Avith its fellow and the sub-intestinal artery. The abdominal artery finally terminates in the uropoda. The venous system is lacunar. A large thoracic sinus runs into the abdominal sternal sinus, from which five afferent branchial vessels arise; each of these bifurcates at the base of the branchial appendages, supplying the superior and inferior lobes of the branchiae. The vascular system of the branchiae. The branchiae are supplied by venous vessels from the abdominal sinus. The efferent branchial vessels open into the pericardium by way of the branchio-pericardial canals (PI. II., fig. 16, hr.p.c). The circulation in the superior and inferior lobes of the abdominal appendages, both of which are respira- tory, is different. The interior of the inferior lobe of the branchiae [inf. lam.) is fenestrated by an irregular system of lacunae, those of the outer side containing venous blood and those of the inner side arterial. On the other hand, the vascular system of the superior lobe [stip. lam.) is very definite and uniform throughout the five pairs. It consists of a venous portion (PL II., fig. 13, a.h.v.), which is ventral (looking at the gill from the anterior face) to the arterial system of vessels (e.h.v.). The individual arteries and veins interdigitate in a very complete manner, and the vascular supply is veiy rich, as will be seen by reference to the figure (PL III., fig. 3). On this account, the superior gills cannot be looked upon as beng merely opercular in function in this animal, but are certainly respiratory appendages of a very perfect nature. The blood is colourless and contains nucleated corpuscles which vary in size. As in most anthropods, it is Yery coagulable. 23 Nervous System. Tlie nervous system (PL III., fig. 4) is composed of a series of paired ganglia, the o-anglia of each pair being closely apposed ; the ganglia are connected by distinct commissures. The supra-oesophageal or cerebral ganglion [cer. g.) extends across the space between the eyes, anterior and dorsal to the gut. The ganglion cells have large deeply- staining nuclei, and the fibres arising from them decussate and connect the ganglia. In the supra-oesophageal ganglia several lobes can be distinguished. On the dorsal side there is a large pair of lobes, from the sides of which the optic stalks arise. Each of these optic stalks consists of a proximal lobe, connected by closely apposed parallel fibres with a distal lobe, from which the optic fibres arise and run direct to the retinulae. On the ventral sides of the superior lobes a small pair of median lobes is situated ; these are anterior to, and connected with, a larger pair of ventral lobes, the olfactory lobes, from which the the large antennal nerves (ant. n.) arise. The supra- oesophageal ganglion is connected with the sub- oesophageal ganglion by a pair of peri-oesophageal com- missures. The sub-oesophageal ganglionic mass is perforated near the anterior end by a vertical muscle band. The mouth-parts are innervated by two pairs of nerves (m.y^.n.), the first of which arises lateral to the perforation, and the second pair posterior to this, and latero-ventral. A pair of nerves {g-n.) arise posterior to thc&e and run ventrally to the stomach. The sub-oesophageal ganglion is connected with the ganglia of the first thoracic segment by a pair of cords, from the middle of each of which a bifurcating nerve arises supplying the muscles of the body. 24 There are seven pairs of thoracic ganglia {th. g.), the ganglia of each pair being closely connected. The pairs of ganglia are connected by commissures, those between the sixth and seventh pairs of ganglia being very short. Each pair of thoracic ganglia gives off a pair of stout nerves, which split into several parts, and supply the appendages. From the middle of the length of the commissures connectinsr the ffanfflia, nerv'^es arise which innervate the muscles of the body. In Ligia the abdominal ganglia are all fused into a single ganglionic mass [(ib. g.) situated in the anterior region of the abdomen. In the Isopoda all stages are found, from the original separate condition of the abdominal ganglia to the fused condition occurring in Ligia. From the abdominal ganglion nerves arise, which supply the appendages and muscles of the abdomen ; a large pair of nerves run from the posterior end of the ganglion to supply the uropoda. A small median nerve runs between the commissures connecting the thoracic ganglia from the sub-oesophageal ganglion to the seventh pair of thoracic ganglia. It has been termed the ' sympathetic ' nei^^^e, but there is no evidence that it is of such a nature. Sensory Organs. The eyes. — As the eyes of the Ligia oceanica are different from the eyes of other Isopods, which have been described by Parker, Beddard and others, their structure will be given in detail. They are compound and sessile, occupying almost the vrhole of the lateral region of the head. In the mature animal each eye consists of upwards of 500 ommatidia. The corneal cuticula is facetted. The corneal facets of the 25 central ommatidia are plano-convex, with the flat side internal ; those in the peripheral regions have the inner side slightly convex also. In a single ommatidium (PI. lY., fig. 1) the following parts can be recognised. The internal face of the corneal cuticular facet {corn, cut.) is covered with two thin cells, the subcoTneal hypodermal cells (.*;.r. hyp.) The nuclei of these cells can be seen in the figure. Internal to these are the nuclei of the two cone cells, [nuc. con.). Each of the cone cells secretes a hemispherical transparent mass (con.), the two segments with tlieir fiat surfaces apposed form the cone. The cone cells surround the cone segments, and on the proximal side form two sub-cylindrical, transparent accessory cones (ace. con.), which is the most interesting and exceptional feature of this eye. The cone cells are surrounded by two pigment cells (jyg. c.) which completely invest the upper half of each ommatidium. The retinula consists of six retinulae cells, and not seven, as stated by Beddard (1888). In this it agrees with Idotea inovata, which also has six retinulae cells (Parker, 1891). The retinulae cells [ret.) have fibrillar axes which are continuous with those of the nerve fibres. The six nuclei of the retinulae cells are situated at their proximal ends (nuc. ret.). The rhabdom consists of six individual rhabdomeres, each rhabdomere (rh.) remaining attached to the retinula cell which forms it, and separate throughout its length from the other rhabdomeres. There is a dense mass of pigment (jjg.) between each of the rhabdomeres and its retinula cell. This may have been formed by the retinula cell, which also contains a large amount of pigment, or it may have resulted from an intrusion of a process from one of the pigment cells. The latter view is probably the correct one. The nerve fibrils of the retinulae pierce the basement membrane (h.m.); those 2(i of a single ommatidiuni fusing on the proximal side to form a single nerve fibre (op.n.f.), which runs direct to the distal portion of the optic lobe. Sensory bristles. — On the flagellae of the large antennae there are a number of sensory bristles on each segment. These have been figured before by Nemec (1895). Each bristle (PI. IV., fig. 3, s.b.) is enclosed by a sheath (sA), which is continuous with the rest of the cuticula (ctla.). The thick inner layer of chitin is pierced by a canal, the lumen of which is continuous with that of the bristle. From the bristle, by way of the canal, a number of delicate fibres {n. f.) run and communicate with a number of nerve fibres lying beneath the hypodermis (hyp.). These sensory bristles are probably the most important organs of sense which the animal possesses, as the antennae are con- tinually in use. Besides their undoubted tactile functio}i, they may take the place of auditory organs. The inner of the two styles of the uropods, as described previously, are probably of a sensory nature. Excretory System. The excretory system may be studied in two waj' s — by feedincr animals on food mixed with ammonium carminate or indigo-carmine, and by injecting aqueous solutions of these substances into the body cavity. The latter method is the most satisfactory, but should be supplemented by the first. The injections are made with a hypodermic syringe (or a pipette drawn out to a fine point). The animal is injected on the ventral side, at the base of one of the ajjpendages, and may be killed from 3 to 48 hours after the injection and fixed in absolute alcohol or Flemming's solution. The excretory organs of Isojxxls have been studied 27 bv Bruiitz (1904), witli whose results my observations on Lii/ui oceanica are in agreement. There are four kinds of excretory organs, two of which are nephrocytes, either grouped or scattered ; the third is a definite nephridium, or ' kidney,' and the fourth, certain cells in the hepatopancreas. The maxillary kidneys, or nephridia, occur in the basal portion of the second pair of maxillae. They consist of two parts — the saccule and labyrinth. The saccule is a slightly convoluted tube, which Vejdowsky considers is a remnant of the obliterated coelom. It is blind at one end, and opens at the other intothe labyrinth. The cells forming the wall of the saccule are large and of excretory nature. The labyrinth communicates with the exterior by an aperture at the base of the second maxilla. The cephalic nephrocytes are situated at the bases of the first antennae. They occur along the ventral and lateral sides of the levator muscles of these appendages. These cells are fairly large ; the protoplasm is homo- geneous and contains a number of granules. The branchial nephrocytes occur in the abdominal region, dorsal to the attachment of the branchiae. There are five pairs of groups of branchial nephrocytes. They are situated in two lateral lines, each line running above the points of attachment of the abdominal appendages, and their outer edges reach tlie bases of the epimeral plates. Each group borders on two segments, the first group bordering on the last thoracic and first abdominal segment. The nephrocytes lie on the sides of the branchio- pericardial canal (PL II., fig. Ki, hr. nepJi.). They are large cells, and the cytoplasm, which is vacuolated, contains many granules. Nemec considers the branchial nephrocytes to be a syncytium, but the cell boundaries are very distinct, as Bruntz also noticed. 28 Briintz found that certain small cells of the epithelium of the hepatopancreas, called ' Fermentzellen ' by Weber, pass coloured solutions such as acid fuchsin from the body cavity into the lumen of the duct and are excretory in nature. Reproductive Organs. The reproductive organs of Ligia oceanica are simple in structure. In the male (PL IV., fig. 4) there are three pairs of elongate fusiform testes (t.), each being prolonged into a fine filament. They are situated dorsal to the intestine in the second and third thoracic segments. The three testes of each siide are placed in series, and open into a vas deferens (v. d.) of uniform width throughout the greater part of its length. The vasa deferentia are usually white and extended. They are situated on the dorso- lateral sides of the intestine, and extend in a horizontal direction to the seventh thoracic segment. In this segment they narrow abruptly to form two narrow ducts, which curve ventrally round the hepatic tubules; each opens at the base of a styliform appendage {st. ap.) situated on the ventral side of the seventh thoracic segment, on one side the median line. The testes are divided by slight constrictions which indicate different regions of spermatogenesis in the interior. In the process of spermatogenesis the spermatids unite in varying numbers to form colonies, their cell walls disappearing. The nuclei elongate considerably, and very fine fibres are formed which may be attached to the nuclei, but on account of their extreme tenuity the writer is unable to be certain on this point. Miss Nichols found the same difficulty in the spermatogenesis of Oniscus asellus. The whole sperm colony, as it may be termed, together with the cytoplasmic fibres, is surrounded by a protoplasmic 29 sheath. The anterior end of this is flageUate, and by contractions of the slightly muscular walls of the testis it is forced into the vas deferens. Here the sperm colonies are found bound together in masses fPl. TV., fig. 5). The substance which causes this cohesion is probably secreted by a number of large cells which are situated in the anterior end of the vas deferens near the openings of the testes. In the female the ovaries are very conspicuous in the breeding season, entirely filling up the dorsal part of the body cavity. They lie at each side of, and beneath, the heart, and extend from the first thoracic segment to about the fourth abdominal segment. They are usually filled with eggs of approximately the same size. A short distance behind the middle of the ovary a thin walled oviduct is given off. This opens to the exterior by a small longitudinal slit at the base of the fifth pair of pereiopods, immediately at the base of the brood pouch lamellae, these being the last pair of brood pouch lamellae. The ova are large, oval in shape, and contain a large amount of yolk. In copulating, the male walks on to the back of the female and grasps the anterior thoracic segments with the first three pairs of pereiopods ; copulation may last one or more days. After the eggs are extruded, they are carried about by the female in the brood pouch, where they develop ; the young remain for a short time in the brood pouch. Development. The development of Ligia oceanica has been studied by Nusbaum. According to Nusbaum, the early cleavage is discoidal, although McMurrich has found superficial or centrolecithal segmentation in the Isopods which he has investigated. The first cleavage cell becomes separated 80 from the rest of the yolk and lies on the periphery, where it continues to divide, and so forms a cap of blastoderm cells, no cleavage cells remaining in the food yolk. The starting point coiTesponds to the point where invagination takes place later, that being at the posterior end of the ventral side of the embryo. After the formation of the blastoderm a thickening is formed, corresponding to the future ventral side. This thickening is the germ disc. Shortly afterwards, three divisit)ns of the germ disc make their appearance. Two anterior paired portions (PI. lY., fig, 6, a.m.) represent the formative region of the mesoderm; a median thickening [end.) situated posterior to, and between these, represents the fundament of the endoderm. The germ band is next formed by a probable forward growth of the mesoblast rudiments below the ectoderm, the ectoderm increasing in thickness. Three pairs of buds arise ; these are the rudiments of the limbs, and this stage (PL lY., fig. 7) corresponds to the Xauplius stage. Behind these rudi- ments, and in front of the anal aperture, is a mesoblastic area, termed the formative area (/.-.), from which the remaining segments of the body will develop. The arrangement of the mesoderm cells in the formative area is extremely regular. At the beginning of the formation of the mid-gut a number of cells (vitellophags) leave the endoderm and wander inwards ; they do not take any part in the forma- tion of the mid-gut, but assist in the disintegration of the yolk. The mid-gut is formed from two layers of cells which arise from the endoderm rudiment ; these lie beloAv the germ band, and gradually grow round the yolk, each being concave on its inner surface. By means of a ventral median piece they unite in the anterior region, and tinally enclose the yolk by growing round to the dorsal side, so ai that the yolk becomes suirouiuled by mid-gut epithelium. Two flask-shaped vesicles are coiLstricted off on each side of the anterior end of the mid-gut. These are the rudiments of the hepatic tubules, which are formed by their backward growth, and a longitudinal constriction and division of each rudiment into three parts. The rudiments of the thoracic limbs are biramous (PI. I v., fig. 8), a fact which is used in support of the theory that the C'rustacea have descended from a schizo- podo'us ancestor. In Liyia the inner limb (endopodite) alone develops, the exopodite being suppressed. The nervous system arises as a continuous whole from the ventral thickening of the ectoderm between the limb rudiments. The thoracic ganglionic rudiments are paired, but those of the abdominal segments are unpaired. Three pairs of ganglia form the supra-oesophageal ganglion, namely the optic, first and second antenna!. The sub- oesophageal ganglion is formed by the fusion of four pairs of ganglia — the mandibular, first and second maxillar and the maxillipedal. There are rudiments of seven ganglia in the abdomen ; rudiments also of seven pairs of abdominal appendages are originall}' formed. The heart is formed by the fusion of two dorso-lateral layers of cells, crescentic in section, and lying dorsal to the gut. The limbs develop successively from before back- wards. In the earlier stages of development the embryo has a dorsal curvature, but later it becomes ventral. On hatching, the young isopod possesses six pairs only of thoracic appendages, which are imperfectlj' segmented, and not setose ; the cephalic region of the young auimal is large in proportion to the rest of the animal. It leaves the brood pouch of the female, and after several moults attains the adult form. 32 Literature. Allen, E. J., 1S92. On the Minute Structure of the Gills of Palaemonetes varians. Quart. Joiirn. Micrs. Sci., Vol. XXXIV, pp. 75-84; 1 pi. Beddard, p. E., 1888. On the Minute Structure of the Eyes in certain Cyniothoidae. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., Vol. XXXIII, pp. 443- 452 ; 1 pi. BmiNTZ, L., 1904. Contribution a I'etude de rExcretion chez les Arthropodes. Arch. Biol., Vol. XX, pp. 217-422 ; 3 pis. Delage, Y., 1881. Contribution a I'etude de I'appareil circula- toire des Crustac^s Edriophthalmes marius, 175 pp. ; 12 pis. Fabricius, J. C, 1798. Entomologia systematica, SuppL, p. 301. LiNNEUS, C, 1767. Systema naturae. 12th ed., ii, p. 1061. McMuREiCH, J. P., 1895. The Development of Isopods. Journ. Morph., Vol. XI, pp. 63-155 ; 5 pis. MuRLiN, J. E., 1902. Absorption and Secretion in the Digestive System of the Laud Isopods. Proc. Acad. Naf. Sci. PJiilad., Vol. LIV, pp. 284-360; 23 figs., 1 pi. Nemec, B., 1895. Studie o Isopodech. Vestnik KrdlovsJce Ceske Spolecnosti Nank. (Prag.), pp. 1-46 ; 4 pis. Nichols, M. L., 1902. The Spermatogenesis of Otiisciis asellns, ■with especial reference to the history of the Chromatin. Proc. Avier. Phil. Soc, Vol. XLI, pp. 77-112 ; 8 pis. NuSBAUM, J., 1891. Beitrjige zur Embvyologie der Isopodeu. Biol. Centrlh., Vol. XI, pp. 42-49 ; 0 figs. 1893. Materyaly do Embryogeuii i Histogenii Rownonogow (Isopoda). Ahh. der Krakauer Akad. der Wissenschaften math, nat.. Vol. XXV, 99 pp.; 6 pis. Abstract in Biol. Ccntrlb., Vol. XIII, pp. 429-485, Parker, G. H., 1891. The Compound Eyes of Crustaceans. Bull. Mils. Comp. Zool. Harvard., Vol. XXI, pp. 45-142 ; 10 pis. Pavvlowa, Mary, 1895. Ueber ampullenartige Blutcirculations- organe im Kopfe verschiedener Orthopteren. Zool. Anzeiger., Vol. XVIII, pp. 7-13; Ifig. Sars, G. 0., 1896. An Account of the Crustacea of Norway. Isopoda. Vol. II, 270 pp. ; 100 pis. 38 Explanation of Plates. Plate I. Tjifiia ocenuica (Linn.), dorsal view, x 4. Plate II. Fip'. 1. First antenna seen from the side: much enl argued. Fig'. 2. Second antenna of left side seen from ahove. Fig. 3. Left mandible seen from below. Fig. 4. Teeth and molar process of mandible from the posterior side. Fiff. 5. First maxilla of left side. Fig. 6. Second maxilla of left side. Fig. 7. Left maxillipede. Fig. 8. First pereiopod of male. Fig. 9. Seventh pereif)pod of male. Fig. 10. Second abdominal appendage (or pleopod) of left side of male, showing copulatory style; anterior view. Fig. 11. Fonrth abdominal appendage (pleopod) of male, ])osterior view, showing the inner lamella. Fig. VI. '^riiird pereiopod of female, attached to the epimeral plate, showing one of the brood ponch lamellae arising from the sternnm internal to the appendage. Fig. 1-"). Fonrth abdominal a])pendage of female, anterior view, 'lire inner lamella can be seen by transparency ; also the afferent (a.h.v.) and efferent (e.h.r.) branchial vessels. Fig. 14. Uropod, showing sensory process at the tip of the inner style. 34 Ficr. 10. Interior of the right side of the stomach. The stomach has been opened by a vertical section, a little to the right (if tlie median line so that the median ventral tooth has been removed. The greater part of the cardiac region of the stomach is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue. (aJ.f.) ant(>ro-laieral tooth; (d.I.) dorsal lamella; (hep.) hepatopancreatic tubule ; (l.cJ.) lateral cardiac lamella; {J.c.i.) lateral cardiac tooth: (m.ti.f.) median anterior tooth; (oes.) oesophagus; (r.i.f.) ventro-lateral tooth; {v-Lj).!.) ventro-lateral ])yloric. lamella ; (v.c.f.) ventral cardiac tooth. Fig. 10. Transverse section through the abdominal region. The abdominal appendage of the left side is omitted, (nd. tiss.) adipose tissue cells; (h.c.) bod}' cavity (haemocoel); {hr.iieph.) branchial nephrocytes; (hr.p.c.) branchio- pericardial canal; [d.l.m.) dorsal longitudinal muscles; (epim.) epimeron ; (hi.) heart; (???/• l/iin.) inferior lamella of gill; (lev. in) levator muscle of appendage ; (m/d. f/.) nud-gxit \ (p.c.) pericardium; (■•<('p.) septum forming floor of pericardium; (.■