THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY SIR DAVID BREWSTER, K.H. LL.D. F.R.S. L. & E. &c RICHARD TAYLOR, F.L.S.G.S. Astr.S.Nat.H.Mosc.&c AND RICHARD PHILLIPS, F.R.S. L.&E. F.G.S. &c. “ Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec nosier vilior quia ex alienis libamus ut apes.” Just. Lips. Monit. Polit. lib. i. cap. l. VOL. XVI. NEW AND UNITED SERIES OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY, AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. JANUARY— JUNE, 1840. LONDON: RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, Printers and Publishers to the University of London; SOLD BY LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS; CADELL; SIMPKIN AND marshall; S. HIGHLEY ; WHITTAKER AND CO.; AND SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, LONDON : BY ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, AND THOMAS CLARK, EDINBURGH ; SMITH AND SON, GLASGOW ; HODGES AND SMITH, DUBLIN : AND G. W. M. REYNOLDS, PARIS. The Conductors of the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine have to acknowledge the editorial assistance rendered them by their friend Mr. Edward W. Bravley, F.L. S., F.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C. E., Correspond- ing Member of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall and of the Philoso- phical Society of Basle, Hon. Mem. S. Afric. Inst.; Librarian to the Lon- don Institution, and Secretary to the Electrical Society. # CONTENTS OF VOL. XVI. NUMBER C.— JANUARY, 1840. Pagg On the 'rheory of Substitutions in Chemistry, proposed by M. Dumas. In a Letter to M. Pelouze from hi. Berzelius .... 1 Mr. Jelfreys’s Experiments on Mechanical Exosmose with refer- ence to determining the Existence of any difference of Mag- nitude between liquid and gaseous Particles 10 Mr. R. Potter on Photometry in connexion with Physical Optics 16 Mr. Gulliver’s Observations on the Blood Corpuscles or Red Disks of the Mammiferous Animals. No. 1 23 Mr. J. T. Cooper on the Employment of Carbon in Voltaic Combinations 35 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistence : Part I. Being the Theory of simultaneous simple homogeneous Equations 37 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Combinations of Carbon with Silicon and Iron and other Metals, forming the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron 44 Mr. Halliwell’s Observations on the Authenticity of the Pass- age in the Treatise of Boetius de Geometrda on Numerical Contractions 51 Mr. Warington on the coloured Films produced by Electro- chemical Agency and by Heat 52 Rev. D. Williams on the Geology of Devon and Cornwall, with reference to a Paper read before the Geological Society on December 4, 1839 59 New Books : — Miller’s Treatise on Crystallography, — Transac- tions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, — Carpenter’s Principles of General and Comparative Physiology 65 Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society 72 Linnaean Society 76 New System of Postage 78 Letter Barometer 79 New Scientific Books 79 Meteorological Observations for November 1839 79 Meteorological Observations made at the Apartments of the Royal Society by the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Roberton; by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick, near London; by Mr. VeaU at Boston; and by Mr. Dunbar at Applegarth Manse, Dumfries -shire 80 NUMBER CL— FEBRUARY. Dr. Draper’s Account of some Experiments made in the South ofVirginia, on the Light of the Sun 81 a 2 IV CONTENTS. Page Mr. P. J. Martin on a remarkable Fall of Hail ; with Observa- tions on the probable Nature of such Phenomena . . 85 Mr. J. W. Gutch’s Notice of certain Meteorological Phseno- mena observed at Swansea 87 Mr. Ivory (The Bakerian Lecture) on the Theory of the Astro- nomical Refractions {concluded) 89 Prof. Forbes’s Letter to Richard Taylor, Esq., with reference to two Papers in the Philosophical Magazine for January, 1840 102 Mr. Gulliver’s Observations on the Blood Corpuscles, or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals. No. II 105 Mr.T. Hawkins on Galvanic Series formed of Zinc and Inactive Iron 115 Mr. W. S. Harris on Lightning Conductors, and the Effects of Lightning on Her Majesty’s Ship Rodney, and certain other Ships of the British Navy, being a further examination of Mr. Sturgeon’s Memoir on Marine Lightning Conductors. . 116 Dr. Kane on a new Compound of Ferrocyanide of Potassium with Cyanide of Mercury 128 Th. Scheerer on the Decomposition of the Neutral Sulphate of the Peroxide of Iron by boiling its Solution 130 Prof. Sylvester’s Method’ of determining by mere Inspection the derivatives from two Equations of any degree 132 Mr. Halliwell’s New Researches on the true nature of the Boetian Contractions, especially with reference to the Ex- planation given by M. Chasles 136 Mr. R. Hunt on the Permeability of various bodies to the Che- mical Rays 138 Mr. M. Roberts on an anomalous Electric Condition of Iron. . 142 New Books : — Curtis’s British Entomology 144 % Proceedings of the Geological Society 144 Royal Astronomical Society 148 Theory of Substitutions — Acetic and Chloroacetic Acids .... 152 Myronin, Myronic Acid — Essential Oil of Mustard 153 Polychromatic Acid 154 Cyanil 154 Action of Albumen on Metallic Salts 154 Haydenite 155 Beaumontite, a new Mineral. 156 An Account of the Experiment proposed by M. Arago as a Test of the accuracy of the undulatory Hypothesis of Light 157 Meteorological Observations for December 1839 159 Table 160 NUMBER CIL— MARCH. Mr. R. Griffith on the true Order of Succession of the Older Stratified Rocks in the Neighbourhood of Killarney and to tlic Nortli of Dublin 161 CONTENTS. V Page Mr. Brooke on Haydenite and Couzeranite 175 Rev. J. H. Pratt’s Observations on the relative Temperature of the Sea and Air, and on other Phsenomena, made during a Voyage from England to India 176 Mr. J. Tovey’s Researches in the Undulatory Theory of Light, continued : On the Absorption of Light 181 Mr. G. J. Knox on the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the Electric Force traversing Interposed Media 185 Researches on Fluorine 192 On a simple mode of obtaining from a common Argand Oil Lamp a greatly increased quantity of Light ; in a letter from Sir J. Herschel, Bart 194 Mr. Gulliver’s Observations on the Blood Corpuscles, or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals. No. Ill 195 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. No. III. On Electro -dynamic Induction 200 Researches of Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle 210 Mr. R. Potter’s Letter to Richard Taylor, Esq., as Editor of the Pliilosophical Magazine and Journ^il 220 Mr. Halliwell’s Additional Note on the Authenticity of the disputed Passage in the treatise of Boetius de Geometria on Numerical Contractions 221 Dr. R. Kane on a Pseudomorphous variety of Iodide of Potas- sium 222 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 224 Precipitation of Iron by Zinc 235 Action of Chlorine on the Carburetted Hydrogen of Acetates. . 235 Hydrocarburet of Bromine 236 Native Sulphate of Magnesia 236 Manufacture of Chlorate of Potash 237 Diabetic Blood and Urine 238 Sir John F. W. Herschel’s new Researches on the Solar Spec- trum and in Photography 239 Meteorological Observations for January, 1840 239 Table 240 NUMBER CIIL— APRIL. Letter from M. Kreil, Director of the Observatory at Milan, to M. KupfFer, Director General of the Physical Observatories in Russia, containing a succinct Account of the principal Results of M. Kreil’s Magnetic Observations at Milan .... 241 Mr. J. D. Smith’s Observations on the supposed Formation of Inorganic Elements during Fermentation 251 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. No. HI. On Electro -dynamic Induction {continued^ 254 Th. Scheerer on the Natural Products which originate from the action of the Atmosphere on Iron Pyrites 265 VI CONTENTS. Page Mr. R. Hunt’s Experiments and Observations on Light which has permeated coloured Media, and on the Chemical Action of the Solar Spectrum 267 Mr. Weaver on the Mineral Structure of the South of Ireland, with correlative matter on Devon and Cornwall, Belgium, the Eifel, &c 276 Dr. C. Schafhaeutl on the Combinations of Carbon with Silicon and Iron and other Metals, forming the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and malleable Iron {continued) 297 Dr. Roget’s Description of a Method of Moving the Knight over every Square of the Chess-board, without going twice over any one ; commencing at any given square, and end,- ing at any other given square of a different colour 305 Mr. E. Solly’s Observations on the Precipitation of Copper by Voltaic Electricity 309 Mr. A. Smee on the Galvanic Properties of the Metallic Elementary Bodies, with a Description of a new Chemico- Mechanical Battery 315 M. Dumas’s Memoir on the Law of Substitutions, and the Theory of Chemical Types 322 Proceedings of the Royal Society 329 of the Royal Institution 338 Theory of Substitutions. Pond Gas 339 On Arsenic contained naturally in the Human Body 341 Meteorological Observations for February, 1840 343 Table 344 NUMBER CIV.— MAY. Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation, or Drift and associated Freshwater Deposits composing the Mud- Cliffs of Eastern Norfolk 345 Mr. R. Potter on the Method of performing the simple Experi- ment of Interferences with two Mirrors slightly inclined, so as to afford an experimentum crucis as to the nature of Light 380 Mr. Weaver on the Mineral Structure of the South of Ire- land, with correlative matter onDevon and Cornwall, Belgium, the Eifel, &c. {continued) 388 Mr. W.S. Harris on the Course of the Electrical Discharge, and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships of the British Navy {continued) 404 Dr. R. Kane’s Remarks on the Compounds derived from the Stearopten of Oil of Peppermint 418 Mr. A. Smee on the Galvanic Properties of the Elementary Bodies, and on the Amalgamation of Zinc 422 Dr. C. Schafhaeutl on the Combinations of Carbon with Sili- con and Iron, and other Metals, forming the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron {continued) 426 CONTENTS. Vll Page Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours, and on Astronomical Refractions. ^ 434 M. Dumas’s Memoir on the Law of Substitutions, and the Theory of Chemical Types {cojitinued) 442 Proceedings at the Royal Institution 447 Meteorological Observations for March, 1840 447 Table 448 NUMBER CV.— JUNE. Mr. Brooke on crystallized Native Oxalate of Lime 449 Dr. Draper on the Electro-motive Power of Heat 451 Mr. Halli well’s Illustrations of the History of the Inductive Sciences. No. I. The Reception of the Copernican Theory in England 461 Mr. Coathupe on certain Modifications of the Powers of Pleat and Light when transmitted through Glass 467 Mr. V7eaver on the Mineral Structure of the South of Ire- land, with correlative matter on Devon and Cornwall, Bel- gium, the Eifel, &c. {concluded) 471 Prof. Miller on the Form oiEudialyte 477 Mr. Grove on some Phaenomena of the Voltaic disruptive Discharge 478 Th. Scheerer on two Norwegian Cobalt Ores from the Skut- teruder Mine 482 Prof. Poggendorff on Galvanic Circuits composed of two Fluids, and of two Metals not in contact 485 Mr. G. Walker on the moving the Knight over every Square of the Chess-board alternately 498 M. Dumas’s Memoir on the Law of Substitutions, and the Theory of Mechanical Types {continued) . . 501 Prof. J. D. Forbes on an apparent Inversion of Perspective in viewing Objects with a Telescope 506 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours, and on Astronomical Refractions 510 Dr. C. Schafhaeutl on the Combinations of Carbon with Silicon and Iron, and other Metals, forming the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron {continued) 514 New Books : — Davies’s Solutions of the principal Questions of Dr. Hutton’s Course of Mathematics 524 Proceedings of the Royal Society 526 On the Production of Electrotypes, by A. Smee, Esq., Surgeon 530 On the Reduction of Chromate of Lead, by R. F. Marchand. . 532 Portraits in Daguerreotype 535 Meteorological Observations for April, 1840 535 Table 536 Vlil CONTENTS. NUMBER CVL— SUPPLEMENT TO VOL. XVL Page Prof. Poggendorlf on Galvanic Circuits composed of two Fluids, and of two Metals not in contact (^concluded) 537 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. No. III. On Electro-dynamic Induction 551 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours, and on Astronomical Refractions (^continued) 562 Dr. C. Schaf haeutl on the Combinations of Carbon with Sili- con and Iron, and other Metals, forming the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron {concluded) 570 Proceedings of the Royal Society 590 Index 601 PLATES. I. Illustrative of Mr. W. Snow Harris’s Second Paper on Lightning Con- ductors. II. and III. Illustrative of Mr. Griffith’s Paper on the Geology of Kil- larney. IV. Illustrative of Dr. Roget’s Paper on the Problem of the Knight’s Move at Chess. V. Illustrative of Mr. Lubbock’s Memoir on the Heat of Vapours, and on Astronomical Refractions. VI. Illustrative of Dr. Draper’s Paper on the Electro-motive Power of Heat. VII. Illustrative of Mr. Smee’s Paper on the Production of Electrotypes. ERRATA. Vol. xii. p. 608, line 2 from the bottom, /or Manhand, read Marchand. Vol. XV. p. 451, last line but three, /or increasing indefinitely, read in- creasing or diminishing indefinitely. ^ p. 452, line 14, /or cos mi= V — !• sin m i, read cos m i -f- V— 1. sin m i. p. 453, line ^S,for p,a, read p, a,. , line 2\),for a, read a,. ■ p. 454, line 21, /or (23.), read (33.) — . lines 22 and 9^Z,for o read e Vol. xvi., p. 32, line 15 from the bottom, for l-2554th, ro«c? l-3554th. p. 108 line 19 from the bottom, /or Haller, read Harvey. p. 478, line 2, for M.R.S. read M.R.L THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. ♦ [THIRD SERIES.] JANUARY 1840. I. 0)1 the Theory of Substitutions in Chemistry^ proposed by M. Dumas. In a Letter to M. Yq\ouzq from M. Berzelius*. "Y^OU will perhaps permit me to. return once more to M. ^ Dumas’s theory of substitutions, especially after the new development that this skilful chemist has lately given it, a development which, according to him, threatens to over- turn the theory of chemistry in general, and especially electro- chemical notions. You remember that in a preceding letter, I declared my opinion, that the application which has been made of the theory of substitutions, in considering chlo- rine, which takes the place of hydrogen, as acting the same part as this latter, is contrary to the principles of the science, and I quoted some examples on this subject, which I think prove it in an unequivocal manner. In begging you to com- municate the contents of this letter to the Academie des Sci- e?ices, I hoped that M. Dumas would have the goodness to explain under what point of view he regards the theory in question. He has, indeed, complied with this request, and in a manner which, with the exception of some details foreign to the question, has entirely satisfied me. In the Comptes llendus of 18vS8, semestre, p. 699 and the following pages,) M. Dumas has disclaimed this explana- tion of the theory of substitutions : “ If I am made to say that chlorine takes the place of hydrogen in such a way that the former acts the same part as hydrogen, an opinion is im- puted to me,” says M. Dumas, ‘^against which I protest, for it is opposed to all that I have asserted on these matters. The theory of substitutions merely asserts the simple affinity be- tween hydrogen and the chlorine which takes its place in equal volume. It is an. empirical law which deserves our at- tention only as long as it holds good, and if any one has made it of more importance it is not my fault.” ' * From the Ann. de Chim, et de Phys,^ vol. Ixi. p. 137. Phil Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 100. Jan, 1840. B 2 M. Berzelius on the Theory of Substitutions ^M, Dumas. This assertion of M. Dumas is in perfect harmony with my way of thinking; what has led to a misstatement of his opinion is probably the improper denomination of theory of substitutions, for an empirical law is not a theory, and the word ‘ substitution ’ has long since been used in chemistry to signify the replacing femjplacemenff of one body by another which acts the same part as this body, and M. Dumas has lately changed this word for another, which is very well chosen, metalepsie, signifying replacement Sjemplacementf^ , In the Comptes llendus of 1839, (1®^® semestre, p. 909), M. Dumas has more lately given a new explanation of this the- ory, but quite opposed to that just mentioned. He made the beautiful discovery that crystallizable acetic acid H, exposed to the light of the sun in an atmosphere of dry chlorine, is gradually decomposed, and that an equal volume of chlorine completely takes the place of the hydrogen. A new acid composed of FF O^, H, is the result of this ac- tion, some of whose properties he has described. The conclusions which M. Dumas draws from this fact are the following : the chlorine in taking the place of the hydro- gen atom for atom, acts the same part as the hydrogen ; an acetic acid is the result of this, which differs only from the other in containing six atoms of chlorine instead of six atoms of hydrogen, and on this account he gives it the name of chloracetic acid. It possesses the same properties as the ordinary acid, so that if we know the properties of the latter, we equally know those of chloracetic acid. This is caused by the properties of a body depending rather on the type of the composition than on the particular characters of the ele- ment which has been exchanged. In organic chemistry, says he, there exist certain types, which are preserved even when equal volumes of chlorine, bromine, or iodine have taken the place of the hydrogen which they contain. He infers from this that there are two great leading principles in che- mistry, which are isomorphism in mineral chemistry, and sub^ stitution in organic chemistry. He supposes that these prin- ciples originate from the same cause, and that in due time they may be generalised under one common expression. M. Dumas adds that neither isomorphism nor the theory * As precision in the use of terms is very important in this subject, is not metalepsy objectionable as signifying d\t\\cv participation ov succession? With regard to the practice of rendering the French remplacer, renplacc- ment, by the English ‘replace’, ‘ replacement’, which answer to the French replaccr, &c., and have an entirely different meaning, it is a slovenly shift, which ought always to have been resisted, as causing constant ambiguity and confusion. Can chemists find any authority for such a perversion of both languages ? — R, T. to determining the magnitude of material 'particles. 15 I do not think it could be conducted to the requisite point of closeness without an opposite result taking place to the open- ing of the pores of Staffordshire ware by intense heat, namely, a closing up of all pores by a vitrification of the body; the Chinese ware being evidently very siliceous, and corre- sponding in its transitions with mixtures I have already re- ferred to. There is a brown stoneware manufactured in a large pot- tery at Helper in Derbyshire, which, from certain qualities, I should judge to be formed of a body likely to yield, at dif- ferent degrees of heat, the several approximations of parts suited for these experiments, provided it were protected from a glazing of the surface, which would cause an imperfect re- sult, though no glazing is impermeable by fluids under press- ure. And it is proper to remark, that although I have de- scribed only four degrees of density, they were selected out of several yielding intermediate results; which would be re- quisite before the heat for the experiments were obtained. These remarks may not appear irrelevant, since they may serve as some guide to a person desirous of repeating or ex- tending the experiments. The familiar fact that water may be retained in a porous earthen pitcher for a length of time without any escaping ex- cepting by evaporation, although the lower part is under the pressure of a foot or more of the fluid, while such a pressure would suffice to force air quickly through the pores, would commonly be explained by supposing a greater minuteness of parts in tne case of air than of water; but the above experi- ments would prove the contrary. The right explanation is to be found in the case of the li- quid, in the cohesive attraction between the particles which indispose the liquid to that breaking up into minute portions requisite before it can enter the pores, and where it has en- tered the pores in the capillary adhesion to the substance of the ware by which the liquid refuses to leave its outer surface and run down ; while in the case of the gaseous fluid a mutual repulsion favours the separation of its particles, and there is no considerable attraction between them and the earthy surfaces to resist their passage out ; the greater subtilty of the air over the water being due to these causes and not to its being composed of minuter particles. In some measure re- lated to this subject I had to notice some interesting facts connected with the transmission of saline liquids through woody fibre, but the space of this paper does not admit of their being detailed here. Julius Jeffreys. C ] III. On Photometry in connexion mth Physical Optics, By R. Potter, Esq.^ B,A., F.C,P,S., Medical Fellow of QiieeiHs College^ Cambridge‘S, Photometry should have excited some attention amongst scientific men, could scarcely fail of proving a. cause of satisfaction to the writer of the present paper, who had several years ago urged its great importance in laying an experimental foundation in Physical Optics. If the su^ect had been approached in a philosophical spirit, with a real de- sire to find out the truth according to the principles laid down by Lord Bacon, that satisfaction must have been the writer’s privilege. Very different however has been the notice it has called forth. The dazzling fruits of Fresnel’s genius had so blinded the scientific world, that it has been held to be presumption to examine minutely the accuracy of his results, although his constitution of mind must have indicated the need of this, to the most cursory reader of his various papers. We there see the zeal of the advocate to carry his point, overruling his judgement, and leading him to make objections against the theory he opposed, which were frequently either incorrect in their foundation, or were of trivial importance. It matters little to say such and such things are in them- selves improbable or unintelligible; for if the theory give re- sults in accordance with natural phaenomena, we are bound to receive it, although many of its consequences should seem strange and even inadmissible at the first view : thus, I con- ceive, no one would be justified in rejecting the undulatory theory of light, or any other, if its results were in accordance with experiments. The fashion of pinning their faith on Fresnel’s sleeve having become general amongst the influential in learned societies, and amongst the most eminent in mathematical attainments, it was natural that minds of smaller calibre, or reputations of smaller weight, should feel it a readier and surer way to ho- nours and distinction to follow in the tide, without venturing to dispute the judgement of their superiors or to question their infallibility. Under such circumstances the mere analyst must find himself floating in the tide with those who claimed a more })rofound knowledge of experimental philosophy, and who were sure to applaud the aid he rendered to tlie common cause in symbols and formulae, of which they were frequently as little able as willing to investigate the accuracy. * Coimminicatecl by the Author. Mr. Potter on Photometry hi connexion with Physical Optics. 1 7 It is thus that almost any analysis, which professed to sup- port the undulatory theory of light, has been hailed as a mag- nificent achievement without its minute bearings being ever looked into, provided the general case showed eiprimd facie accordance with some known facts. In no place has this been more prominent than in the Cambridge Philosophical Society. He is a young man and inexperienced who has so little knowledge of human nature as to suppose that in this state of matters any scientific truth, of however important a bearing, which did not fall in with the popular and fashionable prepos- sessions, must be decried, and its discoverer would naturally be held out as a factious and refractory pretender in the re- public of science. The scientific public must sooner or later awaken and per- ceive the liberty which has been taken with its confidence, and there must sooner or later arise a time of return to sound philosophizing in physical optics, when the maxims of Lord Bacon will be acknowledged as the only sure guide. My objections to Fresnel’s formulae for the intensity of light reflected and transmitted by transparent bodies, although founded on laborious and careful experimental reseaixhes, have been treated as though other men’s guesses were more worth than my experiments. I shall, however, before I close this paper, bring corroborative evidence of the accuracy of my results which fortunately exists in print amongst the la- bours of Bouguer and of Sir William Herschel. Dr. Faraday also has given some photometric measures in his Bakerian lec- ture on the manufacture of glass for optical purposes. If the refractive indices of the heavy optical glass had been given, we should have had a good test of Fresnel’s formulae from the experiments with those glasses. The angle of incidence which Dr. Faraday employed does not furnish an experimentum crucis for common glass. The subject of photometry has been discussed by Professor Lloyd in his report on Physical Optics, read before the ‘ British Association for the Advancement of Science;’ by Professor Powell, in a paper read before the Newcastle meet- ing of the Association, and lately, by Professor Forbes, in a paper read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, of which an abstract has been printed under the title “ Memorandum on the Intensity of reflected Light and Heat. By Professor Forbes. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, March 18, 1839).”^' As Professors Lloyd and Powell did not think it necessary to make, themselves acquainted v/ith the subject they under- [* Inserted in L. and E. Phil. Mag. for December 1839, vol. xv. p. 479.] Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 100. Jan. 1840. C 18 Mr. Potter on Photometry in took to discuss, their observations do not call for any further notice in this place. With Professor Forbes, however, I have a much graver controversy. In regard to Professor Forbes’s ‘ Memorandum,’ we must strive to find his meaning in some curious passages. In speaking of Fresnel’s formulae for the intensity of reflected light, he says scarcely any attempt has been made towards its verification by direct experiment.” Before we assent or dissent from the Professor’s assertion, we should know what he means by an attempt at verification. Attempts, and suc- cessful ones too, have been made to find the quantity of light reflected at various incidences by transparent bodies, by the celebrated Bouguer^ a century ago, and by myself latterly f, in a series of experiments which occupied me several months. As Fresnel’s formula will not give either Bouguer’s quan- tities or mine, our labours must be very unsatisfactory, having done nothing towards that desirable verification. Professor Forbes’s paper will probably supply this desidera- tum. A little further on he says, “ It occurred to me, about the end of 1837, that the anomalies of photometrical observa- tions being nearly as unsatisfactory as ever, some light might be thrown upon this important subject by ascertaining the law in the case of heat, the intensity of which we have no difficulty in measuring.” With respect to his actual experiments he says, “ I have this winter resumed the subject. I have had an apparatus constructed for securing sufficient accuracy in determining the angle of incidence, and I have used reflecting surfaces, both transparent and metallic ; the former are wedges of plate- glass, by means of which reflection from the first surface only may be observed, and the latter are plane specula of steel and silver. ^ The prosecution, however, of these apparently simple experi- ments, has been attended with unforeseen difficulties; and al- though the relative proportions of heat at different angles of incidence are now pretty well determined for glass in several cases, I am not prepared to say whether the absolute amount is exactly the same as Fresnel’s formula would give, assigning to heat its proper refractive index. It is satisfactory, how- ever, to know, that the approximation to it is much greater than direct photometrical measures have yet given, with the single exception of two experiments of M. Arago already re- ferred to; and that I have reason to believe that the experi- mental law which Mr. Potter has given from direct observa- tion in the case of light, represents my results much less ac- curately than the theory of Fresnel.” This undulatory pas- * See Boiiguer’s Traite d’Optiqne or Priestley’s History of Vision. f See Edinburgh Journal of Science for J830. 19 connexion *ixith Physical Optics, sage, with its ambiguous sign prefixed in the “ unforeseen difficulties,^’ shows that the methods are not likely to furnish results accurate enough for testing important law’s of nature. It is not to be wondered at that the Professor, in much varia- tion of results, should find some which w^ere ^satisfactory ’ As a practical answer I here give some comparisons between my ow’n results and those of others. The most striking and most essential difference between Fresnel’s theoretical formula and my experimental one is, that according to the former the whole incident light should be reflected at 90° incidence, or rather, that this is the limit to which the intensity of reflection tends at very high incidences ; my formula gives only a quan- tity varying from about 72 to 76 rays reflected out of every 100, as this limit for the ordinary kinds of crown plate and flint glass. Hence we have a difference which cannot be hidden in errors of experiment. This w’as one of Bouguer’s particular points. In speaking of the light reflected by water, he says (p. 135), “dans I’incidence pour ainsi dire infiniment petite la lumiere reflechie est les trois quarts de I’incidente ou de la directe.” We must note here that he measured his angle of incidence from the surface and not from the normal, and that a part only, instead of the whole, was reflected at the highest possible incidences. Below' I give Dr. Faraday’s re- sults with crown, plate, and flint glass, at 45° incidence (the only angle he used) with my own at 40° and 50°, from the before-named papers, as well as some calculated results. From Dr, Faradafs results. Crown glass, No. 3, reflected m = 4-13 of every 100 rays. 7, ,j d-3 = ^^29 6, „ dl = *-32 Plate glass, No. 2, „ W = 3-85 » » 6, ,, ^ = 3-88 Flint glass. No. 9, „ 5-13 Trom my own results. Incidence. n Plate, reflects, of every 100. Flint. 40° ... 4-94 . . . 4-78 • 5-29 50° ... 5-68 . . 5-92 . . . 6-73 Calculations by my own formula : Incidence. Crown. Plate. Flint. 40° ... 4-767 . . . 4-778 ... 5-320 45° . . . 5-205 . . . 5-243 ... 5-884 50° ... 5-810 . . . 5-882 . . . 6-656 C2 20 Mr. Potter on ’Photometry in Calculations from Fresnel’s formula from Sir David Brew- ster’s paper, Phil. Trans. 18.30: Incidence. Crown glass, reflects, of every 100 rays. 40« 4-910 45® 5-366 50® 6-136 It appears from the above that Dr. Faraday’s experiments, making every allowance for different kinds of glass being used in the different experiments, do not yield that desirable veri- fication which Professor Forbes found amongst his results. However it will be seen that we are not to seek for expert^ menta crucis at the above angles of incidence, or at any rate, with such low refracting substances. Dr. Faraday’s experi- ments with the heavy optical glasses would have furnished them if we had had the refractive indices of those glasses ; for in high refracting bodies the discordance of Fresnel’s formula with experiments is palpable, for it gives results frequently one-half more, to twice as much as experiment. In the Professor’s next sentence I have to complain of a want of candour. My first introduction to physical optics was the discovery by experiments, of the law of reflection by metals, of a nature quite different from the suppositions of the scientific world, as well as of myself previously. Sir Isaac Newton had stated his opinion, such as had been received ever since ; Bouguer most likely had it'presented to him in his experiments with mercury, but blinded by the commonly received theory, could not see it : for he complains, that after all his precautions the fine dust fell so quickly on his mercury as to hinder the reflection at the higher incidences. Sir William Herschel had examined his splendid specula by photometry without falling upon it. Is it to be wondered at, that I should feel greatly proud of this discovery, my first effort in physical optics ? Professor Forbes says, ‘‘ With respect to reflection at the metals, I believe I may assert that I have verified the remark of Mr. Potter, that metallic reflection is less intense at the higher angles of incidence. I have attempted to ascertain whether it reaches a minimum, and then increases up to 90° of incidence, as Mr, Maccullagh supposes; but I have not obtained decisive results. The quantity of heat reflected by the metals is so much greater than Mr. Potter’s estimate for light, as to lead me to suspect that his photometric ratios are all too small, which would nearly account for their deviation from Fresnel’s law.” Here my discovery comes to be merely a remark.” I connexion *(x>ith Physical Optics, 21 think it should pass for a discovery amongst Professor Forbes's remarks. The comparison of the former and the latter part of this sentence is a curiosity. In the first part he considers that he has experimentally verified my law, that metals reflect less light at higher incidences, and in the second he finds reason to suspect that my ‘ratios’ are all too small, which would nearly account for their deviation from Fresnel’s law. Now, by Fresnel’s formula more light would be reflected at higher incidences. How are we to understand the Professor’s mean- ing of the word verification ? 1 consider Bouguer’s observation that he found the dust fall so fast on his mercury as to hinder the reflexion at higher incidences, to be more proof of the correctness of my law, than Professor Forbes’s experiments with steel and silver mirrors. It is well known that silver will not polish so as to make tele- scopic mirrors, and steel is very difficult to polish for that purpose. If the Professor’s mirrors are the labours of the cutler and silversmith, I would not value the results they give at a straw, however skilfully and carefully made. With opti- cians, the most difficult thing they attempt, is to obtain a per- fectly flat surface, and so essential in my experiments did I esteem it, that I used my mirrors as the oval mirror in a Newtonian telescope, and proved their accuracy by the di- stinctness with which double stars were exhibited in it. I stated with respect to the steel mirror, of the figure of which I was less certain than of the others, as follows : “ As I had only ground and polished it in the common way for flat sur- faces, I was not certain that it might be truly plane, and thought necessary to prove it on some astronomical objects. Accordingly, on the 19th February, with it and a 5^ inch speculum of my own workmanship, of about 50 inches focal length, and with a power of 100, I saw a geminorum beau- tifully and distinctly defined ; and with a power of 150 saw y leonis to be double at the first view, which I think will be allowed to be a sufficient test of its surface being nearly plane.” Professor Forbes will perceive that my conception of the mode to be pursued in order to discover laws of nature was a good deal different from his own. With respect to the quantity of light reflected by metals being greater than I had found it, I have need only to give Bouguer’s results, and that of Sir William Herschel, side by side with my own, and then to leave the scientific world to judge of the weight to be allowed to the Professor’s experi- ments. Bouguer, in a preliminary discussion, says he found 754? rays to be reflected by mercury of every 1000 at llj°in- 32 Mr. Potter on Photometry in connexion \i . — f+i (^y — ^/) is equal to . C2~ ^2 • ^2 [d, — bi) {d, — c,) is equal to a^ — dQ . + . Cq— . cr^. In like manner f PD [d b c) indicating Z>2 . d^ — b^ . q -l-Cg . bj —c^ . «i-4-«2 • ^i~^2 • ^1 * It is scarcely necessary to add that an analogous interpretation may be extended to any zeta-ic function whatever. Thus ^ («1 + = «2 + S + ^2 39 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistence* PD (a b c) indicates bfi I • a* I ““ bf\ « • C| I ~f” 1 . b^ ■ *■“" i 2-{-r 2+r 2-j-r 2+r 2+r 1 + ^ ”1” I * C-t , ““ Ct\y 1 . I . * 2-f-r 1+r 2+r 1+r I shall in general denote PD {a b c ... /) actually ex~ panded as the zeta-ic product of a^b^c^ ... I in its rih. phase. Art. (7.) General Properties of Zeta-ic Products of Differences, If there be made one interchange in the order of the bases to which f is prefixed, the zeta-ic product, in whatever phase it be taken, remains unaltered in magnitude, but changes its sign. Art. (8.) If in ?Luy phase of a zeta-ic product two of the bases be made to coincide, the expansion vanishes. Art. (9.) Let be used, agreeably to the ordinary notation, to denote the sum of the quantities to which it is prefixed, to denote the sum of the binary products, of the ternary ones, and so on. Thus let /j {a, b, c,) or (« b c) indicate a^ + bj + c^ and («/ bi c^) or {a b c) indicate Uf b^ -\-a^c^-\- b^ c^ and («y bf c^) or f^[a b c) indicate b^ Cf we shall be able now to state the following remarkable pro- position connecting the several phases of certain the same zeta-ic products. Art. (8.) Let a, b, ... I, denote any number of inde- pendent bases, say — 1); but let the arguments of each base be periodic, and the number of terms in each period the same for every base, namely (n), so that a = a , —a r r-j-n r — n b = b ^ ^b r r-\-n r—n C = C . = C r r-\-n r — n C n C 0 I — I , z= / I — I =Z I r r-\-n r—n n o — n r being any number whatever. Then PD {pabc,,,l) = {ab c,,,l) . {o a b c,,.l)^ f_2 PD [o ab c,,,l) ^(^J^[ab c,„l) . [o a b c.„tj^ f-r PD {oab c,„l) = f (y^ {a b c,,d) . ? PD (pab c,,,l)) 40 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistence » This proposition admits of a great generalization*, but we have now all that is requisite for enabling us to arrive at a proposi- tion exhibiting under one coup deceit every combination and every effect of every combination that can possibly be made with any number of coexisting equations of the first degree, containing any number of repeated^ or to use the ordinary language of analysts, (variable or) unknown quantities. Art. (9.) For the sake of symmetry I make every equation homogeneous ; so that to eliminate n repeated terms, no more than n equations will be required. In like manner the problem of determining 7i quantities from n equations will be here represented by the case in which we have to determine the ratios of {pi + 1) quantities from n equations. Art. (9.) Statement of the Equations of Coexistence, Let there be any number of bases {ah c ... Z), and as many repeated terms {x y z ... Z), and let the number of equations be any whatever, say (w). The system may be represented by the type equation X ^h^,y ^ c^,z^- , . . + . Z = 0. In which r can take up all integer values from — oo to -f oo . The specific number of equations given will be represented by making the arguments of each base pei'iodic^ so that a -=■ a , h •=■ h , c '=■ c , . . , I I , r fjt.n-\-r r fjt.n-\-r r /an-f-r r fji being any integer whatever. Art. (10.) Combination of the given Equations, — Leading Theorem, Takey; g, ... k as the arbitrary bases of new and absolutely independent but periodic arguments, having the same index of periodicity {ii) as a b c ... Z, and being in number {n — 1), i. e. one fewer than there are units in that index. The number of differing arbitrary constants thus rnanufac- hired is w . (;z — 1). Let A jc + B + C2: + . . . + LZ = 0be the general prime derivative from the given equations, then we may make A = ? PD {p afg ... k) B= lfVD{obfg.„k) . C = rPD {ocfg,„k) L = ^FB(olfg,„k). Art. (11.) Cor. (1.) Inferences from the Leading Theorem, Let the number of equations, or, which is the same thing, ' Sec the Postscript to this paper for one specimen. 41 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistence, the index of periodicity (?z), be the same as the number of re- peated terms {x y z ... /), then one relation exists between the coefficients: this is found by making the (?^ — 1) new bases coincide with [n — \) out of the old bases. We get accord- ingly, as the result of elimination, f PD {o a h c ,,, T) =. 0. Art. (11.) Cor. (2.) Let the number of equations be one more than that of the given bases, there will then be two equa- tions of condition. These are represented by preserving one new arbitrary base, as A. The result of elimination being in this case f PD [o a h c ,,, I K) =0. Ex. The result of eliminating between , X , y = 0 a^, X + b^.y — 0 «3 . jr + Z>3 . y = 0 is ^ PD (o « ^ A) = 0 i, e, A3 . ciy — A3 . + Aj . Z>3 “ Aj . ^2 + ^2 • ^3 — A2 . Z>3 «! = 0, from which we infer, seeing that A3 A2 \ are independent, b^ . fq — . «2 = 0 Z>3 . «2 “ ^2 • ^3 = ^ . ffs - *3 . = 0, any t*wo of which imply the third. In like manner, in general, if the number of equations exceed in any manner the number of bases or repeated terms, the rule is to introduce so many nenx) and arbitrari/ bases as together wiih the old bases shall make up the num- ber of equations, and then equate the zeta-ic product of the differences of zero, the old bases and the new bases, to nothing. Art. (12.) Cor. (3). Let the number of equations be 07ie fewer than the number {n) of bases or repeated terms; the number of introduced bases in the general theorem is here {?i — 2). Make these (?i — 2) bases equal severally to the bases which in the type equation are affixed to z, u,,,t, then C = 0 D = 0 L = 0, and we have left simply f PD {o a c d ,,, k 1) X ^ PD {obc d ... kl) y — 0. In like manner we may make to vanish all but A and C, and thus get ^ PD {0 ab d ,,^kl) X ? PD {pcbd kl) z = 0, 42 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistence, and similarly {o ah X y Hence A) ^ f PD [phc ... Z) ^ =s 0. f PD [oh c ... V) ^VD[aoc ... T) f PD [ah o ... 1) > are severally as L f PD [ah c ... o) This is the symbolical representation as a formula of the remarkable method discovered by Cramer, perfected by Be- zout and demonstrated by Laplace for the solution of simul- taneous simple equations. Art. (13.) Cor. (4.) In like manner if the number of re- peated terms be two greater than the number of equations, we have for the relation between any three of them, taken at pleasure, for instance, y, fPD (o«cZ...Z)jr+f PD [ohd.,,1) y+?PD [o c d...l) z =: 0, And in like manner we may proceed, however much in ex- cess the number of repeated terms (unknown quantities) is over the number of equations. Art. (14.) Suhcorollary to Corollary (3. If there be any number of bases [ah c two fewer in number [fg ... k) f PD [a f g ••*k) X f PD [he ,,, 1) 4- ^ PD [hfg ... k) X f PD (a c ... 1) + ^VD[afg..,k) X ?PD [hc..,l) Z), and any other The cross is used to denote ordinary algebraical multipli- cation. + X ?PD(«Sc...) =0,J a formula that from its very nature suggests and a wide extension of itself. In conclusion I feel myself bound to state that the principal substance of corollaries (1), (2) and (3) maybe found in Gar- nier’s Analyse Algehrique^ in the chapter headed ^‘Deve- loppement cle la Theorie donnee par M. Laplace, &c.” But I am not aware of having been anticipated either in the fertile notation which serves to express them nor in the general the- orems to which it has given birth. End of Part (2). [The subject to be continued.] University College, London, Dec. 9, 1839. P.S. I shall content myself for the present with barely enunciating a theorem, one of a class destined it seems to the 43 Prof. Sylvester on Derivation of Coexistenee. author to play no secondary part in the development of some of the most curious and interesting points of analysis. Let there be (w — 1) bases c ... Z, and let the arguments of each be “recurrents of the 7Uh order that is to say let a I / 2tt l\ ( 2 7t A I cos . 1 3 = ( cos . I V n ) 1 ^ V n ) II 8 / 2 7T L\ { COS . ) i V n J Let denote that any symmetrical function of the rth de- gree is to be taken of the quantities in a parenthesis which come after it, and let ^ indicate any function whatever. Then the zeta-ic product ... Z) X ^ PD {p ah c ... Z)^ is equal to the product of the number T> ^ a/ T • 2 7T\ / 4 7T / r . 4 7t\ R,| ( cos — + ^ — 1 . sin — ) ( cos — -t- ^ , sin — ) ^\\ n n) \ n n) ( 6 9T , / — r . 6 Tt\ I cos — + ^ — I . sin — 1 \ n n ) cos , sin multiplied by the zeta-ic phase PD [o a b c .,,1) \\ * I am indebted for this term to Professor De Morgan, whose pupil I may boast to have been. I have the sanction also of his authority, and that of another profound analyst, my colleague Mr. Graves, for the use of the arbitrary terms zeta-ic, zeta-ically. 1 take this opportunity of retracting the symbol S P D used in my last paper, the letter S having no meaning except for English readers. I substitute for it Q D P, where Q represents the Latin word Quadratus. On some future occasion I shall enlarge upon a new method of notation, whereby the language of analysis may be ren- dered much more expressive, depending essentially upon the use of similar figures inserted within one another, and containing numbers or letters, ac- cording as quantities or operations are to be denoted. This system to be carried out v/ould require special but very simple printing types to be founded for the purpose. In the next part of this paper an easy and symmetrical mode will be given of representing any polynomial either in its developable or expanded form. [ 44 ] VII. On the Combinations of Carbon *with Silicon and Iron and other metals^ fo7ining the different species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, By Dr. C. Schafhaeutl, of Munich , [Continued from vol. xv. p. 428.] The chemical ingredients of the iron are easily to be ascer- tained ; but the information thus obtained is of no value in investigating the real chemical nature of iron, and can only be used as a preliminary method which must guide or verify further proceedings. 1 will only here remark, that by separating silica in the usual way by means of alkalis, there is considerable difficulty in rendering silica insoluble in water when combined with a great quantity of oxide of iron, it requiring a great length of time to drive away the last traces of water and acid from the evaporated solution; and by a quick evaporation, if the residuum is not heated almost to a red heat, the silica either dissolves in a great measure again, or goes through the filter after a most tedious filtering process. It is always a laborious pro- cess, causing much loss to separate it afterwards, when the solution contains manganese. On the contrary, if the heat is increased to so high a degree, the separated silica retains a great quantity of oxide of iron, from which it is the most readily freed by treating it, after ignition, with hot chlorohy- dric acid ; I mention this purposely, as Baron Thenard cau- tions us to use, for evaporating the solution containing the silica, only a moderate heat, in order that the chlorides may not be decomposed. In ascertaining the exact quantity of carbon, of more than half-a-dozen given directions one only is of real value, which was likewise first used by Berzelius, viz. the burning the iron in a current of oxygen gas, or mixing it with chlorate of potash and chromate of lead, and igniting it in a glass tube after the well-known practice used in the analysis of organic bodies. All other methods give, instead of pure carbon, carbon com- bined with silicon, or carbon combined with hydrogen, azote, and silicon. To ascertain the quantity of azote, where the metal is in large quantity, I use Dumas's method, viz. the combustion of iron in a vacuum ; but where the quantities are small, I em- ])loy the following means. I put into a tube of German glass, from four to five lines wide, and about twelve inches long, shut at one end, a few grains of the body from which I intend to separate the azote, and afterwards about six times its weight of a mixture of caustic potash and caustic barytes; the open Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of Iron, 45 end of the tube is then drawn out over the lamp into a short capillary tube, the tube is afterwards bent about five inches from its closed end into a siphon-like figure, the capillary tube is immersed in a test glass until it nearly touches the bottom, holding not more diluted chlorohydric acid than sufficient to fill the drawn-out leg of the syphon to the height of three inches, whilst the other end is gradually heated over a spirit- lamp. The azote forming with hydrogen ammonia is driven out in a very small stream into the acid, and when the de- composition of the iron is completed, the heat is gradually di- minished, and the acid ascends in the same ratio into the end of the siphon. As soon as all the acid of the test tube is ab- sorbed, air is streaming through the capillary tube and the acid into the siphon, thus establishing the equilibrium between the interior and exterior of the tube. The heat is afterwards again raised, till the absorbed acid is driven out again into the test glass, and after this operation all the ammonia will be found to be absorbed by the acid. The larger end of the siphon is then cut off and well washed with distilled water, and the quantity of ammonia ascertained by means of a so- lution of chloride of platinum, added in excess, the liquor of course being evaporated nearly to dryness in the water-bath, and treated and washed with absolute alcohol. The com- pound of muriate of ammonia and chloride of platinum, in- soluble in alcohol, remains, from which the quantity of am- monia is calculated very easily. The action of acids upon iron and the products afterwards are highly curious and interesting. The products formed by the action of acids upon iron depend first, on the chemical constitution of the iron itself; secondly, on the greater or less division of the mass ; thirdly, on the chemical constitution of the acids ; fourthly, on the greater or less concentration of the acids ; fifthly, on the temperature ; and sixthly, on the presence or exclusion of the atmosphere. The acid whose action I have most studied is the hydro- chloric acid, and in some respects nitric acid. I therefore con- fine my observations to those two only. The specific gravity of the hydrochloric acid used by me was 1 * 1 69 to 1 * 1 7. The iron was in fragments from the size of a nut to that of a lentil. For the sake of illustrating the action of hydrochloric acid upon iron, I select first a fragment of a steel bar of the highest con- version of the Dannemora iron. A drop of already melted steel adhered with a very broad base on one side. The frag- ment about the size of a walnut in a temperature of 48 F., was treated in an open wine-glass with chlorohydric acid. The action of the acid was very rapid, but the outside of the bar 46 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of fragment was more rapidly attacked than the bright crystal- line fracture of the steel. That most rapidly attacked was the before-mentioned adhering drop of steel; a light yellow powder was first separated, which partly rose to the surface and partly descended to the bottom ; next a gray precipitate was generated, which increased until the acid ceased to act upon the steel. All parts of the steel fragment which show- ed an incipient melting and silver-white colour, retained this colour during the action of the acid ; the other parts of the outside of the fragments showed a blackened granular forma- tion, traversed by white shining needles. After having taken the fragment from the acid, I filed the surface of the before-mentioned steel drop off, and laid open a grayish surface traversed by a venous network, white and shining, and much more difficult to be attacked by the file than the lower gray and softer parts betwixt the network. On pouring fresh acid again over it, the filed surface was soon covered with a deep black velvety crust, traversed by a silver white elevated network, somewhat similar to the veins in some marbles. The interstices between the network, after removing this black crust, were found to be filled up with small crystal- line needles, and all the white places, showing an incipient fusion, which the day before had remained white, disappeared partially on the second day, leaving only a few spots like the remainder of a skin, which covered a similar composition, formed of an aggregation of needles. The faces of the cubical crystals seemed also to consist only of a silvery skin, which being corroded and eaten through by the acid, showed under- neath a granulated texture. A gray precipitate was found on the bottom of the glass, distinctly intermixed with a little yel- lowish granulated powder. A separated cubical piece of the same bar, treated in the same manner in a wine-glass, was not very rapidly attacked by the acid, but milky streams were observed ascending to the surface. Fresh acid was then substituted. The liquid soon became milky; a copious white precipitate fell, which two hours afterwards assumed a whitish flocky form, and only a few small black flocks seemed to be mixed with copious yellowish flocks. In order to obtain some further information respecting this powder, which I considered as silica, I used fragments of the size of a pea of a highly-cubical crystallized steel bar, made from burnt English iron, prepared after my method ; secondly, a granulated fragment of the exterior of the same bar; thirdly, a small crystallized sponge-like piece from the belbre-mention- ed burnt bar, before its conversion into steel. I put over 47 Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, those specimens, in three different glasses, hydrochloric acid. No. 1. was attacked very violently: the liquid became milky, and a yellow precipitate with a very few traces of black flocks remained. During a space of nine weeks the solution had im- bibed so much water from the surrounding atmosphere, that the glasses were nearly overflowing. The acid was then poured off and distilled water poured over the precipitate ; the precipitate was now white and flocky, and the most copious of the three samples. No. 2. was not so violently attacked, and did not become milky: first, fine black scales became separated, adhering to the sides of the glass very regularly; afterwards, the interstices between these black scales or spots became filled up with the before-mentioned yellow powder. The whitish powder ap- peared very fine, never granulated or flocky, and adhered to the sides of the glass almost entirely. The whitish precipitate of Nos. 1. and 3. fell to the bottom of the glass. No. 3. was the most rapidly attacked by the acid, and became milk}q the same as No. 1. The liquid was, after a lapse of nine weeks, rather turbid and showed the smallest quantity of black scales swimming in the liquid. A few hours after the acid had been poured over it, it became turbid and very yellow, which showed that it had combined the quickest with the oxygen of the atmosphere. The day after the acid had been poured on No. 2. the sur- face only began to acquire a yellow colour. In No. 3. the l)lack flocks seemed entirely to have disappeared, and the yel- lowish powder ascended in part to the surface, and the remain- der fell to the bottom. The difference therefore between the granulated exterior of the same bar, and the interior crystal- lization, seems to consist in this, that the exterior produces less white powder in a very divided state and more carbonaceous scales, or that the granulated parts, be they inside or outside of the bar, contain less of the white powder and more black scales than the crystallized ; I therefore infer, that the carbon is here substituted for silicon ; and as No. 3. contained more silicon than No. 2., it seems either that the silicon of No. 2. was partially driven away during its preparation by the carbon, or rather that the silicon remained in combination with carbon, A fragment of Bombay wootz was also very slowly attack- ed by the acids, and deposited on the sides of the glass the before-mentioned white powder. 21*71 grains of No. 3. left white residuum dried at the heat of boiling water = 0*3437 grains. A part of a coloured blister of Dannemora steel deposited likewise a *ix>hite iwixder, and was like the before-mentioned samples. 48 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of I took afterwards two pieces of iron from the puddling fur- nace, one just before the granulated mass began to become coherent, and the other just before the iron was ready for balling or for being made into balls, in order to bring them under the forge hammer. These two samples were treated with acids as before. The first sample, weighing 29*89 grains, separated a gray powder, and left n black skeleton of the iron, which very easily crumbled into powder. The weight of the gray powder was 0*421, and the black skeleton weighed 0*250. The second sample, which had been forged and consisted of a mixture of grains and fibres, weighing 36*625 grains, left grayish-green powder first, and on the acid being changed for the third time, it deposited white powder and left also a black skeleton, which oxidized very rapidly and was soon converted into a brown powder. Concentrated nitric acid would not act at all on this remainder, but on the addition of hydrochlo- ric acid the powder became of a bright red. The remaining powders together weighed 0*8125, and the black skeleton 0*4531. We learn from this that the black remainder increases with the progressive advancement from cast iron to that of mal- leable, and that the gray powder belongs to the gray granu- lation, and the white remainder to the finished fibrous iron. The relation of the black remainder to the gray appears to be in all cases the same, only that the quantity increases pro- gressively towards the finishing of the puddling. We gather further from these facts, that the yellow powder appears only on using concentrated hydrochloric acid, and with that species of iron which nearly approaches steel and wrought iron. At first I considered the yellow powder to consist of silica with a small portion of iron, and with the view of ascertain- ing with certainty the correctness of my opinion, I collected the yellow residuum of the three before-mentioned specimens on a very small filter, and separated as much powder as I possibly could. The powderretained, afterbeing dried, itslightyellow colour, and was neither attacked by acids, except by very concentrated hydrofluoric acid ; it became white by heating it on a platinum foil, and melted with soda on charcoal before the blowpipe, un- der efiervescence, into a transparent globule of a ruby colour, which retained its transparency after cooling; a circumstance which seems to indicate the presence of silica as well as sul^ phur\ the presence of the latter was also ascertained by the smell. 49 Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron. 0’41 of this yellow powder was melted in a platinum cru- cible with carbonate of soda, and the effervescence was very vivid. I separated silica to the amount of 0*115. The solu- tion, from which the silica was separated, saturated with car- bonate of ammonia, left alumina with a little silica, which amounted to 0*107; no trace of iron could be detected. Fourteen grains of filings of English iron, made after my peculiar method for steel, were then dissolved in a test glass with five drams of hydrochloric acid. The iron dissolved rapidly; a dark gray oily skinny scum collected on the sur- face, and the glass was filled to an inch in height with a whitish gray saline granulated precipitate of protochloride of iron, which, on having removed the acid and substituted distilled water, disappeared completely. The solution, stirred and quickly poured into another vessel, left gray heavy scales of the form of the filings on the bottom. These gray-white scales, well washed, were very slowly at- tacked by diluted hydrochloric acid ; concentrated, it acted rather more powerfull}", and the liquid became yellow and milky fourteen hours after the action of the acid had ceased. A few black spots remained on the bottom ; a grayish viscid mass floated on the surface, like sulphur, separated by aqua- regia from sulphurets ; the sides of the tube were covered by a layer of yellowish-white substance, which I could sublime over a lamp and volatilize. The fumes escaping had, in a degree, the scent of French brandy and fennel oil. The black viscid mass, slowly ignited on a platinum foil, emitted first fumes of volatilized sulphur ; then some sulphur- ous acid appeared ; and lastly, the mass began suddenly to glow like tinder, and burnt without further assistance, leaving a residue of darkish brown powder, which, boiled with muriatic acid, assumed a vivid red colour, was scarcely attacked by aqua-regia, and only dissolved completely after being boiled again in hydrochloric acid. This scaly remainder consisted therefore of Iron and Sulphur/ quantity; Carbon andl Hydrogen | ''^ry little; probably a sulphuret of carbon mixed with iron, or a carburet of iron mixed with sulphur. The water, quickly separated from the heavy scales as before- mentioned, became, after a little time, clear, a white precipitate having fallen to the bottom. This precipitate, heated first on a platinum foil, gave out sulphur, then a small quantity of * sulphurous acid, when the mass began to glow and a light *white yonsoder of silica remained. Phil. Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 100. Jan, 1840. E without iron. 50 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of Cast-Iron^ See, This light precipitate consisted therefore of Silica, Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur, and was, in all probability, a carburet of silicon mixed with a carburet of sulphur. The same quantity of steel filings from a razor made by Rogers of Sheffield, gave nearly the same result, with the ex- ception, that the sediment was darker, and there remained more of the white sulphurous precipitate, covering not only the sides, but, in a thick layer, the bottom also of the test tube. Iron which I made at Axat, in the Oriental Pyrenees, from a mixture of spathose iron and iron glance, differed only from the foregoing specimens in this, that the sediment ap- peared of a lighter colour and the sides of the tube remained uncovered by the ^hite precipitate. The first decanted liquid of this iron treated with sulphu- retted hydrogen let fall a reddish yellow precipitate, soluble in ammonia, leaving white sulphur. Further, I treated powdered cast iron from the Maesteg iron-works, near Neath in South Wales, with caustic potash in a test tube. After the evolution of ammonia had ceased, the mass was dissolved in distilled water, and a part of the iron was found remaining. Half of this powder was dissolved in hydrochloric acid ; hydrogen escaped, and a whitish gray flocky precipitate remained. The other half of the remain- ing iron being again melted with caustic potash, and am- monia was again disengaged, leaving also a black granulated mass of iron, which was rather tough under the hammer, and afterwards being likewise dissolved in hydrochloric acid, a perfectly nxjhite precipitate remained. The acid was re- moved and distilled w^ater substituted, until no trace of hy- drochloric acid was to be found. I considered it to consist of sulphur and silica; but on heating it carefully over a spirit lamp, a very volatile vapour was disengaged, having some distant resemblance to the smell of cyanic acid gas. A little white powder remained on the bottom, and the sides of the test tube were covered by a dew of a perfectly transparent liquid. Having poured a few drops of distilled water i ito the tube, and afterwards a drop of solution of nitrate of silver, a white precipitate fell which retained its co- lour on exposure to the rays of the sun ; a proof that it was not chloride of silver. [To be continued.] [ 51 ] VIII. A fexso Observations on the Authenticity of the Pass- age in the Treatise of Boet ins de Geometria on Numerical Contractions. By J. O. Halliwell, Bsq^.^i F.S.A.^ F.R.A.S. ^'c:^ T VENTURE to add the following remarks to what I have ^ previously written f, in consequence of a postscript by M. Libri, who wishes for more substantial evidence on the point of authenticity than has hitherto been produced. Such crude arguments as I am able to furnish must not by any means be considered as the result of a strict or lengthened inquiry, but are rather intended to show that the question is well worthy of much greater attention than has yet been paid to it. M. Libri was the first who conjectured that this passage might be an interpolation, and with some justice; for it may be reasonably asked, w'hy does not Boetius allude to the new system in his treatise on arithmetic. Again, from the abacal system employed in that treatise, I should be inclined to think that the articulate and composite divisions were certainly not introduced until after that period. In the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, there is a very beautiful quarto MS. ^ the eleventh century on vellum, containing the treatise of Boetius de Geometria plentifully il- lustrated with neat diagrams. This manuscript, one of the most ancient in this country, does not contain the disputed passage. M. Libri has challenged me to produce such an evidence ; accipe si vis — the manuscript may be found under the press mark R. xv. 14, and is briefly mentioned at p. 99 of Bernard’s Catalogue, No. 491. It would, perhaps, be scarcely fair to make its extreme sin- gularity an argument against its authenticity, but we may be permitted to argue on the probability or improbability of such a passage being written at so early a period. Is it likely, that at a time when the arithmetic of the V^est was a mere geometrical adaptation of quantity, when Boetius himself re- cognised the Roman abacal system, and when it required no inconsiderable depth of foresight to appreciate the advantage of an arbitrary system of digital characters, that Boetius would have inserted so extended an innovation in a treatise written expressly on a science that has no immediate relation with that into which the improvement was introduced? At any rate it is a fair subject for discussion, whether we could reasonably suppose any writer fully acquainted with the merits * Communicated by the Author, t See p. 447 of the present volume. E 2 52 Mr, Warlngton on the coloured Mims of both systems and giving superior attention to the worst, if written previously; and if otherwise, why is no reference made to the treatise conducted with the common Roman no- tation? These considerations are almost sufficient of them- selves to throw a doubt on its genuineness, although we must wait for the discovery of more direct evidence before any de- finite conclusion is broached. I know not what the forth- coming work of M. Chasles may contain, but every one in- terested in these matters must be well aware how greatly we are indebted to that able writer, and will readily leave the discussion of this point in his hands. IX. On the coloured Films produced by Electro^chemical Agency and by Heat. By R. Warington, Esq.* following paper is intended as an answer to a memoir of '“-the late Prof. Nobili on this subject, the translation of which appeared in the first volume of the Scientific Memoirs, p. 94<, under the title of a “ Memoir on colours in general, and par- ticularly on a new chromatic scale deduced from metallo- chromy for scientific and practical purposes.” As this paper contains a great detail of matter on the physical characters and properties of colours and coloured films, and as it is only with respect to the chemical part of the subject that I propose treating it, it will be necessary to extract such sentences as refer more immediately to the questions at issue. I should not have ventured to attack a memoir coming from so high an authority as Professor Nobili, but from its having as yet elicited very little notice, and the views taken being so startling to the chemist and so perfectly original, I am in- duced to offer some practical experimental remarks on the subject. The memoir naturally resolves itself into two distinct subjects ; namely, the nature of the coloured films produced through the medium of electro-chemical agency; and secondly, those produced by means of heat ; these it is my intention to treat of separately and distinctly in their order. Professor Nobili dates his discovery of the electro-chemical appearances as far back as the year 1826, and the account of them was laid before the French Institute in November 1828, and by their advice the distinctive appellation of metallo- cliromy was adopted. The method by which these appear- ances are produced is thus described, p. 94< : “ A plate of })latina is laid horizontally at the bottom of a vessel made of glass or cliina. A platina point is vertically suspended over Communicated by the Author. 'produced hy Electro-chemical Agency and hy Heat, 53 this in such a manner that the distance between the point and the plate may be about half a line. A solution of acetate of lead is next poured into the vessel, so as not only to cover the plate, but to rise two or three lines higher than the point. The plate and the point are now brought into communica- tion, the former with the positive and the latter with the ne- gative pole of an electric pile. At the moment when the voltaic circuit is closed, a series of rings similar to those formed at the centre of the Newtonian lenses is to be seen on the surface of the plate precisely under the point.” The same process has been adopted to produce the films, the investiga- tion of which will be detailed in an after part of this paper. The voltaic powers consisted of two small batteries, con- structed on the principles of Professor Daniell’s, and the ef- fects were produced in small platina dishes or capsules for the convenience of investigation. We must now pass on to an- other part of Professor Nobili’s memoir, in order to collect the facts and their explanation. At p. 106, we find, ‘‘ The ap- pearances which constitute the chromatic scale are due to the electro-negative elements of the solution (oxygen and acid), which being transferred by the current to the positive pole, are then spread out into thin transparent films, from which all the colours of the scale arise. The electro-positive ele- ments (such as hydrogen and the metallic bases) are, on the contrary, transferred to the negative pole, and then deposited in layers which never produce the colours of thin plates.” Again, at page 109, Professor Nobili adds, “ I will not under- take to say by what species of affinity or force it is that these elements” (oxygen and acid) ‘‘ are attracted to each other and spread out into thin films on the platina. It is certain however, that they attach themselves to the platina without oxidizing it in the slightest degree. We must not suppose that this happens because platina is a metal difficult to be oxidized. Iron and steel belong to the class of metals most easily oxidized, and yet it is well known that they will bear to be covered with electro-negative layers without becoming rusted. My electro-chemical experiments, multiplied and varied in a thousand ways, leave no room for reasonable doubt on this point; they show that oxygen and certain acids may adhere to the surface of metals without producing the slightest chemical change in them. This is a novel state for oxygen and the acids, and is distinguished from their ordinary combination by the three following peculiarities: 1st, the metal retains, beneath the deposited layer, its natural brilliancy; 2ndly, this layer produces the phaenomenon of the 54? Mr. Warington on the coloured Films coloured rings in all its beauty ; Srdly, instead of oxidizing the metal, these electro-negative elements contribute to se- cure it against oxidation in every part to which they are ap- plied. A fact so unprecedented is interesting to chemistry, and is entitled to particular attention, as tending to enrich the science by the introduction of new ideas.” In a foot-note the following theory is offered, “ that the electro-negative elements disposed in thin layers on the surface of the metals are at too great a distance from the molecules of these substances to enter into combination with them.” These extracts, although of no great length, will yet put the reader in possession clearly of Professor Nobilf s views of the subject, and enable him to appreciate the bearing of the following ex- periments. The “unprecedented fact” then “so interesting to chemistry” is entitled to particular attention, as it tends to enrich the sci- ence, and introduce new ideas. What is this fact? it is the production of coloured films at the positive pole (the poles being of platina) of an electric circuit, the connecting medium being a solution of acetate of lead. These coloured films. Pro- fessor Nobili states, consist of oxygen and acid precipitated, as it were, upon the surface of platina, iron, or steel, without producing any o^ridation of these metals, and the correctness of which statement the multiplicity of the experiments, he states, places beyond a reasonable doubt. Some of these splendidly coloured films, produced as stated before, were well washed with distilled water and acted upon by dilute nitric acid, which did not remove them, but ap- peared to dilute, as it seemed, the intensity and brilliancy of the colours : the solution was decanted and evaporated to dry- ness to remove all excess of acid, and on being tested gave indications of lead. Muriatic acid instantly destroyed all trace of the coloured films with evolution of chlorine gas and the formation of a curdy or crystalline chloride of lead. Another experiment wa^ made by heating the films to red- ness and then acting upon them by dilute nitric or acetic acid, which dissolved them rapidly and yielded the usual in- dications of the presence of that metal. It would appear from these experiments that these electro-chemical appearances are therefore nothing more than extremely thin films of per- oxide of lead or of red lead spread out on the surface of the platina, but from their great tenuity it is likely that they may modify in a degree the action of the acids used. I may be allowed to remark here, that if the voltaic arrangement is too powerful, or the solution of acetate of lead too strong, when produced hi) Electro-chemical Agencx) and by Heat, 55 the poles are brought into too close proximity, brown oxide of lead is thrown down in a powdery form. Now it is a well- known fact, which may be found in almost every work on chemistry, that peroxide of lead is precipitated from solutions of that metal by means of a voltaic current, platina forming the poles It" is much to be regretted that Professor Nobili did not during the long period of his experiments put this matter to the test of chemical investigation. The circumstance of lead in a high stage of oxidation being deposited in aggregated films at the positive pole of a voltaic circuit, will bear out an observation of Prof. Schoen- bein, made at the last meeting of the British Association at Birmingham, that he believed that peroxide of hydrogen was sometimes formed during the decomposition of water, for that the volume of hydrogen gas eliminated was often more than double that of the oxygen. It will also afford a reason why iron should assume the inert or inactive state in voltaic com- binations, particularly in an experiment exhibited by Prof. Schoenbein, of heating one extremity of an iron wire so that it was covered with a coating of oxide, in the form of a co- loured film, and thus becoming inactive, while the end which had not been submitted to a similar operation was attacked with energy. We now pass on to the consideration of the second division of our subject, the nature of the coloured films produced on the surface of metals by means of heat. This is a part of the subject more familiar to all parties, whether scientific or not, for every one must have noticed the beautiful colours produced on the polished steel bars of an ordinary stove, or on the surface of a copper tea-kettle. In the arts its applica- tions are numerous and highly interesting, and the processes of tempering steel, the formation of the beautiful bronzing powders, of rose copper, and a variety of others, are too well known already to need anything more than a slight allusion to them. Before entering on the analysis of the subject I must put you in possession, as briefly as possible, of Professor Nobili’s views of the question. At p. 108, he states, As to these co- lours, the most generally received opinion is, that they de- pend on a principle of oxidation. Berzelius calls the metallic * I was not aware until the morning of the day on which this pajDer was read before the Mathematical Society, that this matter had been investi- gated by Prof. Schoenbein, and published by him in the Bibliotheque Uni- verselle for May, 1837, and that this investigation had succeeded a hint to that effect fi om Professor Faraday, in volume x. of the Lond. and Edin. Philosophical Mag. : for this information I am indebted to Mr. Brayley. 56 Mr. Warington on the coloured Films layer which is thus coloured a suboxideP In a foot-note at p. 110, we read, “Berzelius was more sensible of the diffi- culty,” (of accounting for these coloured films) “ perhaps, than any one else : but would not an open avowal have been better than the attempt to evade it by the adoption of the term suboxide, which is quite as vague and undefined as the 'principle of oxidation^ for which it was offered as a substitute?” This is rather strong language to be used against such an au- thority as Berzelius, every one of whose statements is backed by investigation, and brought by Prof. Nobili, who does not adduce a single experiment in proof of his statements. But to proceed : “ I have always entertained some doubts as to the correctness of this explanation ; because each degree of oxidation has a colour peculiar to itself, and in no way re- lated to that variety of tints of which we speak. I was also struck by the well-known practice of giving steel a violet colour in order to secure it from rust.” “ Were this tint, as it is pre- sumed to be, the effect of oxidation, it would, in my opinion, instead of preventing, serve only to accelerate oxidation.” “ But this is not all ; the superficial colours of which we speak are changeable, and belong evidently to the same class as those produced by thin plates. Now the pure metals are, from their opacity, incapable of this species of coloration. Can they acquire that capacity in their first degree of oxida- tion by becoming suddenly transparent in consequence of their union with a small quantity of oxygen ? The hypothesis far exceeds the bounds of probability, and the phaenomenon re- quires to be otherwise explained.” Again, “ Confining my- self in this place to the colours produced on metals by the action of fire, I do not hesitate to say, that I think their origin now placed beyond the reach of doubt. It may be safely laid down as a general proposition, that the oxygen of the atmosphere produces them, not, as is supposed, by oxi- dizing the surface of the metal, but by becoming fixed in the form of a thin plate or film, similar to those of the electro- chemical appearances.” Professor Nobili then gives a detail of the production of the colours by heat, and observes, that as long as the colours are seen there is no oxidation, but that when the metal loses its brilliancy and lustre it has become oxidized, and that if removed from the heating medium be- fore this effect takes place, the oxygen will cover the metal and adhere as a varnish. In Berzelius’s System of Chemistry, under the heads of the various metals and the action of heat upon them, he states distinctly, that copper, lead, and tin form protoxides, and that palladium forms a suboxide; so that out of four metals which produced by Electro-chemical Agency and by Heat, 57 produce coloured films by heat, only one is stated to form a suboxide. The next point is, that each degree of oxidation produces colours peculiar to itself ; this is offered as a reason for doubting the principle of oxidation. No person will ima- gine that each tint on the surface of the metal is owing to a different oxide, but that it arises, as experiment proves, from the films of the oxide being of various thicknesses, and that the surface of the bright metal below reflects the light through the film, as is the case with the oxide of lead produced by the electro-chemical agency; and that the brighter the metallic surface the more vivid and brilliant are the colours produced. With respect to the preserving power of a film of oxide on the surface of the metal, it is well known ; and the principle on which it acts is the exclusion of moisture and carbonic acid from contact with that surface*. The next point is the capacity of metals to become transparent when united with oxygen, and here I think the evidence is satisfactory indeed. Copper, tin, antimony, titanium, zinc, and iron all occur in the mineral form transparent or translucent on the edges, and this in mass : of course, if reduced to thin films, such as are produced by heat, they would be perfectly so. The same beautiful display of colours on the surface of metals may be produced by iodine : the manner in which I have formed these is simply to place a very small piece of iodine on the centre of a disc of metal, — copper or silver suc- ceeds extremely well, — and cover the surface with a flat dish, so as to prevent the vapour of iodine from being dissipated : the circles of coloured films are very distinct and brilliant. The application of the thinnest or pale yellow of these films on silver by M. Daguerre, to the production of his pictures, is now well known. Sul})hur and the application of heat pro- duce similar effects. The process of oxidation by heat, and the disappearance of the metallic lustre, which Prof. Nobili attempts to use as an argument, are accounted for very simply thus ; that the application of the heat being continued, the film of oxide gradually becomes thicker,until at last it becomes opake ; but in the course of my experiments 1 have had these coloured films peel off from the surface of the metal with all their transparency and all their beautiful tints unimpaired. The same effect has taken place, by long-continued electro- chemical action, with the oxide of lead. * M. Zumstein, in August. 1820, fixed a polished iron cross on the summit of Montedlosa, in the Alps ; and on again visiting it in 1821 , it was found neither rusted nor corroded, but had merely acquired a tarnish of the colour of bronze, owing to the extreme dryness of the air at that ele- vation. 58 Mr, Warington 07i coloured Films^ ^c. While arguing at page 110 against the probability of the principle of oxidation, Prof. Nobili observes that the violet tint on steel, does not, perhaps, consist solely of oxygen, as it does when the metals are pure. Steel is a carburet of iron, and the oxygen of the air on being precipitated on this com- pound, becoming combined with the carbon, in some manner or other might form the layer in question.” Now this is a most extraordinary statement. After arguing so long and so energetically against all thoughts of the oxygen uniting with the metallic surface, it is here hinted that, in some manner or other, the oxygen will take the carbon away from the iron, with which it was in combination, unite with it, and form, not a film of oxygen, but of carbon and that element, I suppose carbonic oxide or carbonic acid ; and yet the theory advanced as an explanation for these pheenomena, supposes that the electro-negative elements disposed in thin layers are at too great a distance from the molecules of the metal to enter into combination with them. These statements surely are contra- dictory. Allusion is made to the iridescent surface of the specular iron ore, and they are successfully imitated by electro- chemical means as given in the first part of this paper, but it must be borne in mind, that by this means lead in a high stage of oxidation is produced, and not a film or films of oxygen alone. To sum up the whole of this subject in a few words, then, it appears: 1st, that the appearances called electro-chemical are not films of oxygen and acid, but lead in a high stage of oxidation thrown down on the surface of the metal by means of a voltaic combination acting through a medium formed by a solution of acetate of lead ; 2ndly, that these colours owe their varied tints to the varying thickness of the precipitated film, and that the light is reflected through them from the polished metallic surface below; 3rdly, that the colours pro- duced on the surface of metals by the application of heat are owing to the formation of thin films of oxide of the metal in consequence of exposure to the air during the process; that this does not involve the necessity of any one oxide being al- ways formed, as this must vary according to the affinity of the metal used for oxygen, under the influence of a raised temperature; 4thly, that the opacity of the metal is notin the slightest degree an argument against the transparency of the oxide, as we have both in nature and art numerous cases which place this question beyond a doubt ; 5thly, that we can produce analogous appearances by substituting other elements for oxygen, such as iodine, chlorine, bromine, sulphur, phos- phorus, carbon, &c. [ 59 ] X. On the Geology of Devon and Cornvoall, mtli reference to a paper read before the Geological Society on December ^th^ 1839. By the Rev. D. Williams, F.G.S. To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal. Gentlemen, A S I do not consider the substance and spirit of my paper on Devon and Cornwall, which was read at the meeting of the Geological Society on the 4th inst. is fairly reported in the Athenaeum of the 7th, I request you will favour me with an opportunity of righting myself with your readers, and of reporting progress since my communication which was published in your last October Journal (vol. xv. p. 293). I feel assured that 1 am not intentionally misrepresented in the Athe- naeum ; the abstract however imputes to me (as I hastily read it before I left London) that I hold mineral characters to be everything and organic evidences nothing, in determining the relative ages of strata. Now it was very distinctly read by the Secretary, Mr. Darwin, that I did not consider the law pro- posed by Dr. Smith to be of any value in classilying the rocks of the earth in remote localities, if it did not suppose a final and universal extinction of genera and species; and in as much as some plants and animals would probably be en- abled by the Creator to survive mutations which would be death to others, I considered that a classification of the older rocks should be regulated by some per-centage test, such as Mr. Lyell had applied to the tertiaries, rather than by a more restricted rule. J quote from memory, not being able to refer to either the Athenaeum or to my paper. I stated that I unequivocally believed in the extinction of genera and species, severally at distant epochs, and therefore did not be- lieve that the Posidonia and Goniatite, which I discovered in some trashy lentiform limestones in Devonshire, were specially created for the mountain limestone alone, when I knew it could be proved to demonstration, that those Posidonia lime- stones of Devon, and all their associated rocks, not only bore no lithological resemblance to any of the mineral types of any portion of the great English coal-field, but that they under- laid the coral limestones of South Devon, and the whole of the slates of Cornwall. I exhibited sections evidencing the ac- tual supraposition of the Cornish killas on the floriferous series. No, 9, and the Coddon grit, No. 8, and I pointed out the localities. In all fairness then it remains for gentlemen to disprove those facts, instead of requiring me to show what I believe to be an impossibility, viz. the identity of the plants I found in the great floriferous outlier on the south and Bristol Channel. Foreland. — No. 2. Comb Martin Limestone. No. 5. No. 6. Carboniferous Plants. -Posidonia Limestones, in No. 8. .Doddiscomb Leigh. No. 10. No. 9. .Coral Limestones, and Nos. 8 and 10. No. 9. No. 10. Killas. No. 9. St. Mellion, &c. See. No. 10. St. German’s Limestone. Plymouth Limestone. No. 10. British Channel. The Rev. D. Williams on tlieGeology of Devon Sf Cor?iwalL 61 south-west of Callington, with those which had been pro- cured from the fine culm shales near Bideford. I believe it to be an impossibility, on account of the same coarseness of the matrix in the great outlier, as exists everywhere, that I have seen, in the rocks of the floriferous series generally, where I have never met with clearly defined specimens, ex- cept in the finer culm-shales just mentioned. All I am pre- pared to prove then is, that about St. Mellion and Pillaton, between Callington and Plymouth, plants in the same imper- fect condition are found in precisely the same slates and shales, vohich are parted by thick beds of the same sandstone, and in intimate association voith that singidarly characterized and unique formation the Coddon Hill grit', there is the same triple association of the same rocks, and in the same order of succession, that we witness in the base line of the floriferous series along the north and south borders of the trough, and where on earth could they come from if not from the same sources which supplied the constituents of the same rocks elsewhere in the same county ? The only deviation on the S. and S.W. of Callington from the normal types of the flo- riferous series elsewhere, is frequent intercalations in it of undoubted killas, and beds of a composite or neutral charac- ter, constituted of moieties of killas and Coddon Hill grit, or of killas and floriferous, round the confines of the outlier seen not only in repeated alternation, but in other instances, their wedge-shaped extremities interlocking into each other like the teeth of a rat-gin. Here, as elsewhere along the con- fines of these two vast formations. Nos. 9 and 10, whether we advance towards the floriferous area on the one hand, or towards the killas on the otlier, we distinctly observe the one becoming thinner and evanescent as the other augments into unity and fulness. Nature has manifestly conducted her operations of deposi- tion and elevation in this region on a vast scale, and if her works be not regarded in their just proportions, we never shall arrive at the truth : thus as we explore the confines of Nos. 9 and 10, we are startled almost at the vastness of the ties and adjustments by which they are indissolubly united, till we reflect that they are only in a ratio to the magnitude and dimensions of their respective masses ; that it is only the same transition and alternation on a larger scale, that we ob- serve throughout Exmoor between the several members from No. 2 to No. 9, on a smaller ; for while I hesitate as to the diameter of No. 9 ; No. 10, I repeat, is upwards of eight miles, measured according to Professor Playfair. Thus again, if we take a coup d'ceil view of this country from one channel 62 The Rev. D. Williams on the Geology of Devon ^ CornvoalL to the other, ^ve have nothing more than one great wave (of probably some far extended undulation) consisting simply of two convex arcs inclosing a central trough, apparently the result of the same system of forces acting on a vast floor of matter, successively and regularly accumulated ; either an overlying mass, or a fractured section of an original continua- tion of the Cambrian and Silurian deposits ; for if we compare the precipitous and vertical cliffs of Nos. 2, 3, 4 and* 5, of Exmoor (in echellon arrangement beetling over the deep tide way of the Bristol Channel) with the carboniferous limestone and secondary rocks of the opposite coast of Wales, we have all the evidences of an enormous fault. But what are the results if we compare the positive testi- mony afforded by gradation, alternation, succession, and con- formable supraposition, with that afforded by organic re- mains? The Petherwin fossils near Launceston, and those of the coral limestones of South Devon, I include without doubt or hesitation in a lower horizon, or subdivision of the floriferous series. No. 9, above the Posidonia limestones ; so that if we suppose the ratio of extinction of vegetable species not to have been governed by the causes which effected that of marine zoophyta and testacea, the exceptions afforded by the Posidonia limestones are but as dust in the balance of or- ganic evidence ; and in this respect alone, geologists will in- volve themselves in inextricable difficulties and contradictions, if they reject the maximum and rely on the minimum amount of organic evidence. I repeat the fact, that the lower flori- ferous, and Coddon Hill grit series are overlaid in the south by the slates of Cornwall, which comprise in their ascending terms, first, the St. Germans, and lastly, the Plymouth lime- stones ; so that it appears to me, that the great consecutive series from No. 2 to 10, evidences a transition of organic type, in progress, as it were, from the grauwacke towar'ds the car- boniferous limestone; that the latter, or its coal-field, is not represented here at all, but that the coarse slaty and red arenaceous beds which overlie the Plymouth limestones, ex- tending thence to Rame Head on the south, probably do ap- pertain to the early period of the Old Red Sandstone pro- per. The relations of the floriferous. No. 9, to the coral lime- stones, and killas. No. 10, are explained with the greatest clearness and simplicity at and around Chudleigh ; to aid my brief description 1 refer your readers to the accurate and faithful sections of Mr. De la Beche. (See Report, Plate IV. fig. 7 and 8). But why that able observer should assign a different position to the many other groups of coral limestone The Rev. D. Williams on the Geology of Devon Cornwall, 63 of South Devon, is to me unaccountable, because they are all manifestly of the same age and order with the Chudleigli limestones, viewed stratigraphically, zoologically, or mine- ralogically, and are seen under precisely the same associations, for I do not remember a single exception to the fact of the floriferous, Coddon grit, and killas, being either interstratified with, or underlying and overlying them : so that nothing can be predicated of the Chudleigh, that may not equally be affirmed of the coral limestones everywhere, if the parallel ridges immediately north and south of Chudleigh be the same floriferous. No. 9, and to doubt it is to doubt the plainest evidence of the senses : the controversy is at an end, for we trace them here continuously, from the culm-field ; and I ask any fair and indifferent geologist merely to com- pare the rocks on the right bank of the Teigii near Chudleigh- bridge, with those on the left, where a cutting for the road to Newton affords a good section of the west extremity of the Ugbrook ridge ; and if he does not pronounce their perfect identity, the same dull olive-coloured sandstones parted by the same black shales, I will no longer advocate what I know to be the truth, and allow error to maintain the ascendant. No one doubts that chalk is chalk, or oolite oolite, or lias lias, elsewhere ! The Chudleigh reef of limestones, which is lost under Haldon to the eastward, and cuts out near the Teigu to the west, is a great alternation between the two floriferous ridges just mentioned, the three sequents dipping together at about the same angle to the south ; while a careful examina- tion of the coral limestones shows them to be based here im- mediately upon thick black culmy beds, and higher up to be parted by Cornish killas, beds of Coddon Hill grit and vol- canic ash, with plants. The Creator has been so explicit here, that his works cannot be misinterpreted, if the laws re- corded on these tables of stone be read without prejudice or control. On discovering in the month of May last, at Doddiscomb Leigh, five miles north of Chudleigh, the Posidonia lime- stones (as everywhere else), included in the Coddon Hill grits, and together constituting the anticlinal axis of the south bor- der of the trough to the east of Dartmoor (thus manifestly underlying the Chudleigh series, a fact confirmed by good cuttings and natural sections along the west bank of the Teign) the scales fell from my eyes — every difficulty and ap- parent anomaly vanished as if by magic, and the structure of the entire region, from one channel to the other, was pre- sented to my mind’s eye in all the grandeur of its simplicity ; from Plymouth to Linton it was a simple series of successive 64 The Rev. D. Williams on the Geology of Devon ^ Cornwall, emergence. A thousand embarrassing facts on the west of Dartmoor, and elsewhere, at once were reconciled, and the rocks appeared before me, like a cloud of witnesses, to testify that the floriferous series was overlaid by the Cornish killas, and requiring me, as it were, to restore each to his rightful throne. My long section exhibited at the Geological Society did not perhaps show the south anticlinal axis sufficiently pro- minent or distinct, for I see by my maps that the Coddon Hill grit, commonly dipping souths occupies nearly two miles of country from north to south ; and that at and about Dod- discomb Leigh, it is in the same parallel with the great line of fracture on the W. of Dartmoor which ranges by Laun- ceston to Bos-Castle ; and that this line continued through Dartmoor will intersect it at Amicomb Hill, between Fur- Tor and Yes-Tor, which Mr. MacLauchlan has determined to be the highest points of elevation in the West of England. Any omission in my section, however^ I request may be im- puted to my deficiency in tact in getting up a section, and not to any imperfection in the evidences afforded by the coun- try ; but in reply to the objection urged by Mr. Murchison, I may state, that the Posidonia limestones being only insulated patches in the Coddon Hill grit, and therefore part and parcel of the mineralogical axis, are quite as likely, in the southern fall, to dip away from the trough, as to dip into it; my sec- tion, however, gives the floriferous rocks as the most promi- nent of the anticlinal, which I still think is very near the truth, and may be explained by supposing them to arch over the subordinate Coddon Hill grits ; or still better by the fact, that in the N. of Devon the Coddon grits are divided into an u}iper and lower, by great wedge-shaped masses of the flori- ferous rising into prominent hills, viz. south of Barnstaple, and north of Bampton, so that the lower range of these grits may not be exposed here at all. All I have to say further is, that since the day I picked up the master-key at Chudleigh and Doddiscomb Leigh, I have not met with the least difficulty or embarrassment; nor do I anticipate anything hereafter but additional confirmation, from the conviction that nature will not be, as she has not been, permitted to deny herself ; and I again earnestly invite Prof. Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison, or Mr. Weaver, to review the county ; for after all, there are no gentlemen to whom 1 would sooner refer this question than to themselves. I have the honour to remain. Gentlemen, &c. nicadon, near Cross, Dec. IGth, 1839. D. WILLIAMS. [ 65 ] XL Notices respecting Next) Books, A Treatise on Crystallography , by W. H, Miller, F.R.S., Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. JT is well knowTi to those who have attended to the subject of cry- stallography, that the classification of crystalline forms introduced by Haiiy, as well as the methods of expressing these forms and of cal- culating their relations, have been in a great measure superseded by other modes of treating the subject. The distinction of sy sterns of crystallization proposed by Weiss and Mohs has been generally ac- cepted among crystallographers ; and the angles made by faces, edges, and the like, instead of being deduced by means of geome- trical reasoning, have been obtained by the more general methods of spherical trigonometry and analytical geometry. Weiss may be looked upon as the person who first introduced this more general mode of calculation ; and he has been followed by G. Rose, Kuplfer, Kohler, Naumann, Neumann, Grassmann, Hessel, and others, in Ger- many, and by Mr. Levy, Mr. Brooke, and Mr.|Whewell in England. Along with these different modes of calculation, different modes of notation for crystalline forms have also been employed. The old unsystematic notation of Haiiy has been modified and retained by Mr. Brooke, Mr. Levy, and Mr. Phillips in England, and by several French wniters ; while Professors Mohs and Weiss have each intro- duced his own method of notation. The notation of Mohs, in itself most superfluously cumbrous and unsymmetrical, has been made the basis of a much improved system of notation by Prof. Naumann; and the symbols of Weiss, which are really the most general, and depend upon a single convention, have been somewhat simplified by Mr. Whewell. In this state of the subject, we turn with great interest to the treatise of Professor Miller, who from his familiarity with analysis is able to give to cry- stallographical methods all the generality and simplicity of the best school of mathematics, and who likewise, from his acquaint- ance with special minerals, is not likely to fail in furnishing abun- dant exemplifications of his general methods. We may state in Pro- fessor Miller’s own words the selection w^hich he has made of a notation and mode of calculation. “ The crystallogi'aphic notation adopted in the following treatise is taken, with a few unimportant alterations, from Professor Whewell’s memoir on a general method of calculating the angles of crystals, printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society for 1825. The method of indicating the posi- tions of the faces of a crystal by the points in which the radii drawn perpendicular to the faces meet the surface of a sphere, was invented by Prof. Neumann of Kdnigsberg {Beitrdge zur Krystallonomie), and afterwards, together with the notation, re-invented independently by Grassmann {Zur Krystallonomie und geometrischen Combinations- lehre). The use of this method led to the substitution of spherical trigonometry for the processes of solid and analytical geometry in deducing expressions for determining the positions of the faces of Phil, Mag, S, 3. Vol. 16. No. 100. Jan, IS'lO. F 66 Notices respecting New Boohs. crystals and the angles they make with each other. The expressions which in this treatise have thus been obtained are remarkable for their symmetry and simplicity, and are all adapted to logarithmic computation. They are, it is believed, for the most part new.” It is not possible for us to give any detailed account of Professor Miller’s methods ; hut we may observe that each face of a crystal is determined by the portions cut off from the three axes of the cry- stal, and is expressed by a symbol (h k V) in which the indices de- pend upon these portions. When several contiguous faces have their intersections parallel, they may be considered as belonging to a zone ; and this zone is indicated by its symbol [u v w] . Some of the simplest methods* of determining the law of derivation of a proposed face consist in referring it to such zones. Thus if we have, given, the symbols of two zones [p q r], [u v w], the symbol of the face common to the two zones (h k 1) is known from the equations 7i = vr — wq, ^ = wp — ur, 7 = uq — vp. The mathematical student of crystallography cannot fail to be delighted with the completeness and symmetry with which, in Pro- fessor Miller’s Treatise, formulae of this kind are obtained for each system of crystallization ; and with the great and instructive variety of examples to which they are applied. It will be found, by atten- tion to these examples, that the methods employed in this work are not only, analytically speaking, the most general and symmetrical, but also practically the most compendious and convenient for the determination of the laws of derivation of any proposed form. We cannot help thinking, however, which we do with regret, that this book, mathematically so admirable, will be a sealed book to a large body of crystallographical students. It is written with a rigorous brevity, w'orthy of the ancient mathematicians ; a quality, in itself, doubtless, a beauty, but one of those stern beauties which repel, rather than attract, common beholders. There is not a single phrase in which the author shows any sympathy for those of his readers who have not been disciplined in mathematics to the extent which his investigations require. And this requisite discipline is, in truth, not slight ; for though the knowledge which he presup- poses in his reader does not go beyond the doctrines of spherical trigonometry, no one can follow Prof. Miller’s reasonings with any facility, except his habits of mathematical generalization and abs- traction have been well matured. And even the method of indi- cating the positions of the faces of crystals by their poles upon a sp)here of projection, although it much simplifies the calculation, ob- scures our conception of the relations of the crystalline form ; at least it does this when we are first called upon to employ the me- thod, and before it is become familiar to us. This, however, is an inconvenience attendant ujion most simplifications of physical pro- blems, and we speak to regret rather than to blame it in the present instance. But jicrhaps we might venture to express a wish that the ])ractical rules for the calculation of crystals had been separated from the mathematical investigations which contain the demonstra- Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 67 tions of the rules. If Prof. Miller would detach from these mathe- matical reasonings a body of Precepts, such as might enable the crystaUographer, from proper measurements, to determine the sym- bols of the faces of any proposed crystal, putting these precepts in such a form that they should be capable of being employed by any person conversant mth the processes and symbols of dgebra, he would render his work useful to a much wider circle of calculators than will, we fear, now venture to apjdy his processes. Nor would this addition to the work at all mar the great mathematical beauty of matter and style which aU competent judges wdll allow it to possess. We cannot conclude this brief notice without expressing our satis- faction, that this subject of crystallography ,’after being put in so many forms for the last half century, has here assumed a shape which, so far as mathematical simplicity and symmetry go, leaves us no- thing to desire, and therefore no reason for further change. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. vii. Part I. These Transactions have a claim upon our notice, not only from their general scientific importance, and especially from their con- taining the labours of several of our best British mathematicians, but also, in the part now before us, from the peculiar and compre- hensive interest of the problems to which most of the memoirs re- fer. There are three great problems which at the present time have a manifest right to the best exertions which mathematicians of the highest class can employ in favour of physical science ; and this claim has recently been allowed and acted upon to a great extent by the most eminent mathematicians of England, France, Germany, and Italy. These three problems are, the motion of waves in water ; the undulations of the fluid or fluids by w'hich light, heat, and si- milar phsenomena are supposed to be produced ; and the molecular forces by which the particles of bodies are held together ; and of these, the two latter ones are closely connected with each other. All the papers in the present Part of the Cambridge Transactions, with one exception (the elegant memoir of Mr. Holditch on Rolling Curves), refer to these three problems ; v/hich have also been the subject of several investigations in previous parts of the Transac- tions. On the subject of the first of these three problems, the motion of waves in water, we have a memoir by Mr. Green, who had in a previous memoir solved the problem of the motion of waves in a canal of small variable depth and width ; a case which we believe had not been before successfully attacked by any mathematician. In the present memoir Mr. Green employs himself upon two or three other cases of the general problem, and in particular on the motion of w'aves in a deep sea. After solving this case, he adds, “We shall be able to deduce a singular consequence which has not before been noticed, that I am aware of.” This consequence is, that any parti- cle of the fluid revolves continually, (he might have added uniformly ^ F 2 f)8 Notices respecting Ne*w Boohs* as his expressions show,) in a vertical circular orbit of which the radius decreases very rapidly as the depth below the surface increases. We may point out to Mr. Green that this conclusion had already been virtually drawn by Laplace in his Memoir on the Tides, pub- lished by the Academy of Sciences in 1775. We may, however, observe that this result has acquired a new interest since the ex- perimental researches of the Webers on this subject, with which it is incomplete accordance. Mr. Green has in another case (that of a canal with a triangular section) compared his theoretical results with the experiments of Mr. Russell, and finds the agreement much more close than that which is given by Mr. Russell’s own empirical formula. The constitution and motions of the supposed fluid of light and heat form a wider subject of investigation. Ever since it appeared by the great discoveries of Young and Fresnel, that the hypothesis of transverse undulations explains with such marvellous exactness the most complex phsenomena of light, mathematicians have been endeavouring to demonstrate the mechanism of such undulations, and to determine their laws under various circumstances. M. Cauchy in France, Sir William Hamilton and Prof. Maccullagh in Ireland, Prof. Airy, Mr. Green, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Tovey in Eng- land, have employed on investigations of this kind all the higher resources of mathematics. In the volume now before us, we have, bearing on this subject, Mr. Green’s memoir “ On the Laws of the Re- flection and Refraction of Light at the common surface of two non- crystallized Media;” and Mr. Earnshaw’s “ On the Nature of the Molecular Forces which regulate the Constitution of the luminife- rous Aether.” Mr. Green explains the peculiar starting-point of his researches in this manner. M. Cauchy had considered the lumini- ferous aether, and the bodies which act upon it, as systems of mole- cules in which every two particles act upon each other in the direc- tion of the straight line which joins them. But this supposition, Mr. Green says, seems to involve too narrow a restriction ; for many phaenomena, those of crystallization for instance, seem to in- dicate certain polarities in the particles, which have never yet been shown to be resolvable into direct attraction and repulsion. Hence he selects for his basis a wider assumption, which may be expressed analytically, and which involves the precarious physical hypothesis of M. Cauchy as a particular case. He obtains from this principle various results, and in the first place this ; that in the luminiferous icther the velocity of transmission of waves propagated by normal vi- brations is very great compared with that of ordinary light. Mr. Green investigates the intensity of the waves reflected at the com- mon surface of two media ; and in the case of light polarized in the plane of incidence, ol)tains i)recisely the values given by Fresnel. In the case of light ])olarized perpendicular to the plane of inci- dence, it appears from the })resent investigations, that the expressions given by Fresnel are not rigorously true, but are only very near ap- prox'mations. It u])pears that the intensity of the reflected wave will never become absolutely null, but only obtain a ininimum value j Tramactiom of the Cambridge Philosophical Society* 69 which value, in the case of reflection from water at the- proper angle, is part of the intensity of the incident wave. This minimum value increases rapidly as the index of refraction increases ; and thus the quantity of light reflected at the polarizing angle becomes considerable for highly refracting substances ; a fact, which has been long known to experimental philosophers. In Mr. Earnshaw’s memoir the Eetherial medium is treated as a system of detached particles ; and he is led by his investigations to various conclusions, of which the most important are, that the molecular forces which regulate the vibrations of the aether do not vary according to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, but that these forces are repulsive, and vary according to an inverse power of the distance greater than two. M. Cauchy, in his Me- moire sur la Dispersion de la Lumiere,” had inferred from his ana- lysis that “ in the neighbourhood of contact, the action of two particles is repulsive, and reciprocally proportional to the fourth power of the distance.” Mr. Kelland, in a memoir contained in the previous volume of these Transactions, (vol. vi. Part I. p. 178) had been led by calcu- lations founded upon the phsenomena of the dispersion of light, to conclude that the particles of the ccther act on each other with forces varying inversely as the square of the distance. We shall not here pretend to discuss the difterence of the results thus obtained by these two mathematicians. But we must notice Professor Kel- land’s memoir “ On Molecular Equilibrium,” contained in the vo- lume now under our notice. In this notice Mr. Kelland pursues a train of speculation somewhat similar to that employed in the last century by Dr. Knight, in his “ Attempt to explain all the phoeno- mena of Nature by two principles, attraction and rejDulsion and by Boscovich, in his “ Theory of Natural Philosophy reduced to a single law of the forces which exist in Nature.” Mr. Kelland states his assumption as follows : “I purpose to commence my investiga- tion by retaining M. Mosotti’s hypothesis of two systems of parti- cles*, repulsive towards atoms of their own kind, but each respect- ively attractive towards the atoms of the other. We will call one system of particles caloric, and the other matter.” He then adds the other suppositions by which these two elements are distinguished from each other ; the atoms of caloric are distributed through space, the atoms of matter occupy only given f)ositions. In both the density will vary from point to point ; but the particles of matter are supposed to be much more widely separated than the particles of caloric ; so that a material particle may be considered as a nu- cleus about which the particles of caloric are collected, forming its atmosphere. But Mr. Kelland afterwards determines the conditions of equilibrium of a system in which the atoms of caloric are re- pulsive of those of matter ; and on the same hypothesis he deter- mines the mutual action of two particles of matter, together with the caloric surrounding them. For the general relations between * Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs, vol. i. p. 448, and L. and E. Phil. Mag. vol. X. p. 320. *70 Notices respecthig New Books, ' density of caloric, temperature, cohesion, and attraction of finite masses, \vhich result from these investigations, we must refer to the memoir itself. We shall notice, in the last place, Mr. Holditch’s memoir “ On Rolling Curves.” The object of this paper is to determine curves of such a form that, revolving about two centres, one of them may communicate motion to the other, as in the case of the teeth of wheels ; with the condition that the curves, in this communication of motion, are to roll upon each other without friction. Euler in the Acta PetropoUtana had deduced the characteristic property of these curves, but he did not follow out the investigation so as to furnish actual forms of curves ; nor has the method of obtaining such curves been pointed out by any previous writer. They are commonly found by a tentative process ; but Mr. Holditch thought it worth while to search for rules and forms for their construction ; and these he has found and given the present memoir. Some of the results are very curious and novel. Pi'inciples of General and Comparative Physiology, intended as an In- troduction to the Study of Human Physiology, and as a Guide to the Philosophical pursuit of Natural History. By William B. Carpenter, M.R.C.S., late President of the Royal Medical and Royal Physical Societies of Edinburgh, ^c. 8^c. With 240 Figures on Copper and Wood. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. 480. The science of physiology has been too generally considered by physical philosophers as beyond their pale. The nature of the phsenomena which it embraces, and the mode in which it is to be pursued, have been regarded as sufficiently distinct to limit the cul- tivation of it, with few exceptions, to those who make it a part of their regular professional studies. We cannot but think that such a state of things may be advantageously modified. Men of general science are constantly invoking the aid of the physiologist, for the determination of most important and intricate questions ; and too often is it found that this aid is unattainable, in consequence of the exclusive notions of the latter, who, from his want of truly philoso- phical principles, cannot meet the difficulties which he is expected to solve ; and, on the other side, physiologists are too often con- tent with a smattering of knowledge on physics and chemistry, which is more likely to lead them wrong than right. We do not mean to assert that there are not many bright exceptions on both sides ; but we maintain that the cause of philosophy would be benefited if the barrier which is supposed to exist between the sci- ence of vitality and that of general physics were broken down, and if the cultivators of each were to make themselves acquainted with the principles of the other, and with the best mode of pursuing and extending both. Sucli appears to have been the object of the author of the volume before us. I"rom the dedication of it to Sir J. Herschel, we infer that lie lias been trained in the school of physical science ; and throughout the work we perceive the influence of those grand prin- Carpenter^ s Principles of Physiology, VI ciples of inductive philosophy which have been and still are too much neglected by physiologists. All classes of living beings are regarded by him as of equal importance in a scientific view, as fur- nishing instancesy by the collection and comparison of which general laws may be established. It is thus perceived that what is obscure in one is frequently evident in another ; that the life of the simple zoophyte may elucidate, if properly observed, the varied phaeno- mena presented by man ; and that the functions of the humblest plant may be traced as fundamentally the same, though gradually becoming more complex, in the ascending scale of the animal as well as of the vegetable creation. Such a work, we cannot but hope, may contribute to excite and facilitate the study of physiology amongst those who make science their pursuit. We need hardly point out, that the connexion between these diflferent branches of knowledge is daily being rendered more intimate, especially by the researches of the geologist and of the organic chemist ; the former of whom requires to know those general laws which govern the conformation and distribution of organized beings, while the latter seeks to elucidate the mysteries of \fital action, by ascertaining the extent to which the physical properties of matter are concerned in it. One of the most interesting examples of the value of such in- quiries which has recently come under our notice, is the discovery of M. Poisseuille, that viscid fluids may be propelled through ca- pillary tubes with much less effort than water or other liquids of aqueous consistence ; and that a solution of gum, gelatin, albumen, &c. will pass readily through tubes so small as to resist the passage of water, whatever may be the degree of force employed. A brief account of the contents of this treatise will serve to dis- play its scope and tendency. The author states himself to have been led to its production by having “ felt the want of a treatise which should give a comprehensive view of the science, embracing whatever general principles may be regarded as firmly established, and ^illustrating them as fully as could be done within moderate limits, yet without distracting the attention by profuseness of de- tail.” It commences with an introduction, which presents a ge- neral account of the peculiarities of organized bodies, the elementary structure of plants and animals, and an outline view of the chief natural groups of these kingdoms, intended to facilitate the com- prehension of the strictly physiological portion of the work. The first book is devoted to general physiology ; and here we are con- ducted through a profound but lucid investigation into the nature and causes of vital actions, which we particularly recommend to the attention of those who have been accustomed to refer to the “ vital principle” as an easy solvent for all difficulties. By com- paring the phsenomena of vital action with those of the inorganic world, the author shows that they are equally reducible to general laws which result from [the properties with which matter has been endowed by the Creator. Of these properties some manifest them- selves under the simple conditions which the ordinary changes in the inorganic world supply, and thus perform the actions termed 72 Astronomical Society: the Astronomer Royal chemical and physical ; whilst others can only he called into play under conditions of a more complex nature, which are only supplied by a living organized system, where many particles being combined by a previously- existing life into one structure, exhibit actions of a peculiar character, dissimilar to any they have heretofore presented, which are denominated vital. The dependence of life upon external stimuli is then pointed out, and a great variety of interesting facfs, many of them novel, are col- lected, relative to the influence of heat, light, and electricity upon living beings. The general laws which have been ascertained to govern the structure and actions of organized beings are then enun- ciated, and their application illustrated by examples. To pursue their application through the whole range of the animal and vege- table kingdoms is the object of the second book, entitled Special Physiology. Here each function is considered in detail, in the va- rious phases under which it appears in the ascending scale both of the vegetable and animal kingdoms; the fundamental unity which prevails throughout is displayed ; and the very extraordinary correspondence which exists between the transitory states of dif- ferent organs in the embryo condition of the higher classes of each kingdom, and the permanent forms of the same in the lower, is de- monstrated in a striking and satisfactory manner. This part of the volume is illustrated by a large number of well-executed figures, which greatly aid the comprehension of the text. The author appears to us to have fulfilled his design in the most satisfactory manner ; and as his work has been received with high approbation by the Medical Press, we can feel no hesitation in re- commending it to our scientific readers as the one best calculated to imjDart to them a sound knowledge of the principles of physio- logy. We may add, that the clearness of its style, and the simple manner in which the highest truths on this deeply- interesting sub- ject are presented to the student, render it not only a useful, but an agreeable book to any reader of ordinary intelligence. XII. Proceedings of Learned Societies. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. N'ov. 8, following communications were read : — 1839. On the Determination of the Orbits of Comets, from Observations. By G. B. Airy, Esq. Astronomer Royal. The author begins by remarking, that the generality given by Laplace to the investigation of the orbits of comets is so complete, and tlie variations on the method introduced by other writers so numerous, that, as regards generality and facility, the subject may probably be considered as exhausted. The method which is de- veloped in the ])resent Memoir professes to be merely a modifica- tion of Laplace’s method, directed by considerations of a purely practical nature, which arc known to the working astronomer ; but Y3 on the determination of the Orbits of Comets, which, probably, have not occurred to the distinguished mathema- ticians, who have laboured on the theoretical difficulties of the problem. “ Every method,” the author remarks, which I have yet seen requires that the observed geocentric places of the comet be reduced to longitude and latitude. The places must, however, in the first instance, be observed in right ascension and declination. Now, the conversion of right ascension and declination into longitude and latitude is one of the most troublesome operations that commonly occurs. It requires the use of 7-figure logarithms, and is liable to errors. An alteration in one original Al, or declination, requires a complete repetition of the calculations ; and when all is done, the elements of the comet’s orbit are obtained as referred to the ecliptic ; and, for convenience of calculating predicted places, it is generally necessary to refer them back to the equator. For these reasons, it has long since appeared to me desirable that the orbits should be deduced at once from the right ascensions and declinations. Since I have become familiar wdth the instruments used for obser- ving comets, an additional reason has suggested itself. It is known that on the assumption of a parabolic orbit, the equation given by three complete observations, or by observations which furnish the JR and declination at a certain time, and their first and second differential coefficients, are one more than are necessary; and, therefore, it rests with the computer to use his discretion in reject- ing one of the observations. Now, it often happens that the instru- mental or observing errors in right ascension are of an order quite different from those in declination ; and, if the method of computa- tion proceeds at once from right ascensions and declinations, the as- tronomer can at once determine which of the observations ouglit to be rejected in the calculation, on the score of possible inaccuracy in the observation.” The principal objection which has been made to Laplace’s method is the trouble of investigating the differential coefficients of the spherical co-ordinates. It must be avowed, that the process pointed out by Laplace is very laborious ; but it may also be as- serted, that the principal part of the labour is introduced without any necessity. Three observations, made at proper intervals, are sufficient to give the motion of the comet in either direction, and its two differential coefficients, with an amount of labour that is quite insignificant ; or a great number may be introduced by a simple process well known to every computer, and involving very little trouble. In the present paper it is shown, that by adopting for epoch the middle time between the first and second observations, the great mass of the calculations of every kind may be made imme- diately after the second observation ; and the operation, therefore, completed in a very short time after the third. The author divides his paper into three sections. In the first he gives the ‘‘theory,” or analytical solution of the problem. On* sub- stituting, in the general equations of motion, the right ascension and declination of the comet at the epoch with their first and second 74 Astronomical Society \ the Astronomer Royal differential coefficients, which are given by the observations, he arrives at t^^o equations in which the unknown quantities are p and ^ (p denoting the comet’s distance from the earth). On elimina- d t ting an equation is found of the following form — C.p D (p°— Ep + F) 1+ G, where C, D, E, F, G, are known numerical quantities. The solu- tion of this equation may be obtained with great facility (in respect of the general difficulties of the problem) by the method of trial and error ; and the author recommends, that in all cases which ad- mit of it, the equation be formed, and the solution found ; not only because the method is comparatively easy, but also because it is perfectly general, no assumption of parabolic, circular, or any other form of orbit, having been made. The author next proceeds to consider the cases in which the equation fails. These are, first, when the comet is in conjunction with, or in opposition to, the sun ; or when the sun, the earth, and the comet, are in the same straight line. Tn this case the first side of the equation becomes 0 divided by 0 ; and, as the two equations which involve the first differential coefficient of the comet’s distance, taken with respect to the time, also vanish in the same circum- stances, the failure is absolutely beyond remedy, and we can only wait until the comet is in a difierent part of its orbit. Secondly, the equation fails when the apparent path of the comet is directed to or from the sun’s place ; but in this case, the two equations in- volving the first differential coefficient of the distance do not neces- sarily fail; and, in fact, they cannot both fail, excepting under the sup- position of the first case ; therefore, by using one of them, or a new combination of them together with some new single assumption (as for instance, that the comet is moving in a parabola of unknown pe- rilielion distance), w^e may still determine the comet’s distance. Thirdly, the application of the equation may fail from causes con- nected with instrumental observations ; for as the second differential coefficients of the right ascension and declination both occur on the first side of the equation, and as these coefficients are affected by the whole of the errors of observations, which, if the interval be- tween the observations is short, receive very small divisors, any failure in the instrumental determination will produce a large error in their proportionate values. As it will sometimes occur that the observations made in declination are far more accurate than those made in right ascension, or vice versd^ in most cases one of the two equations which contain the comet’s distance and its first differential coefficient, will be preferable to the other; and the combination of this with the equation deduced from the assumption of a parabolic orbit, will lead to the elimination of the differential coefficient, and, consequently, give the distance. 15 on the determination of the Orbits of Comets. Among the various changes to which the comet’s apparent path is subject, and of which an arbitrary choice may be made, for the purpose of determining the distance in the cases in which the general equation fails, or becomes unsafe, the author considers the following to be the best : — viz. first, the curvature of the comet’s path, produced by the sun’s action (or the deflection measured only in the direction perpendicular to the apparent path) ; second, the acceleration in its path, produced by the sun’s action (or the deflec- tion measured only in the direction of its path) ; third, the deflection in the direction in which both the sun’s action on the comet and the sun’s action on the earth would cause a change of the comet’s appa- rent place (or the deflection measured along the great circle joining the comet with the sun). These changes are severally considered, and the method of forming the equation proper for each condition explained, and rules deduced for the guidance of the computer in all the particular cases in which the direct method cannot be followed. In these investigations the correction of observed places of the comet for parallax is entirely omitted, as it is most convenient, when p is ap- proximately found, to correct the observations for the corresponding parallax, to make the proper alteration in the second differential co- efficients, and then to repeat the process of approximation to the value of p. Having given the methods for finding the distance and its dif- ferential coefficient, the author concludes his first section with an indication of the process by which the elements of the orbit are computed. In the rules for the selection of the equations on the parabolic assumption, some considerations are introduced which are new and important. The second section contains remarks on the method of obtaining numerical values of the differential coefficients of the right ascen- sion and declination from the observations. In the use of these quantities, what we have to consider is, not the effect of absolute error in their values, but of proportional error. An error of a single second in the value of the second differential coefficient of Al may produce an ultimate error as great as would be produced by twenty seconds in the value of the first differential coefficient ; or as great as would be produced by ten minutes in the Al itself. This con- sideration allows the computer to determine many of the numbers which enter into the equations after the second observation : the method of proceeding is as follows : — “ Adopt for the epoch the middle time between the first and second observations : then the first differential coefficients of a and /3 (a denoting the right ascension, (3 the declination) will be obtained accurately by dividing the changes of a and (3 by the intervening time ; and the values of a and j3 for the epoch will be obtained with sufficient accuracy, by taking the means of a and (3 for the two observations.” The third and last section of the Memoir gives practical rules for the computation of the observations. The successive steps of the process, from the first observations to the determination of the 76 Linncean Society, different elements of the orbit, and the values of the quantities required for predicting geocentric places, are minutely and distinctly stated, so that tlie ordinary computer will find no difficulty in applying the method. Extract of a Letter from Professor Schumacher to the Astronomer Royal, relative to the determination of differences of Longitude, by observations of Shooting Stars. M. Schumacher states that, although observations of shooting stars have long since been proposed by Mr. Benzenberg as a means of determining differences of longitude, no attempt has yet been made to carry the plan into practice. With a view to ascertain the degree of exactness with which such observations can be made, he resolved to make some trials on the night of the 10th of last August. He preferred to observe the extinction of the meteor, because its apparition gives warning, and in some measure prepares the observer for the phaenomenon. Having given no notice of his intention to other astronomers, he had no expectation of obtaining corresponding observations ; but was agreeably surprised when he subsequently obtained them from Bremen, Breslau, and even Kdnigs- berg. They did not give very accurate differences of longitude, because the observers at those places had observed the apparition and not the extinction ; and because, not having the same object in view, they did not ascertain the equation of the clock with jDre- cision. Nevertheless the observations gave approximate differences, and showed that the method is practicable. LINN.EAN SOCIETY. April 16, 1839. — Read, “ On a Gall gathered in Cuba, by W. S. MacLeay, Esq., on the leaf of a j)lant belonging to the order Och- nacece.” By the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.S. The gall is remarkable for its very close resemblance in habit and form to some epiphytous Fungi, for possessing a distinct operculum, and, especially, for bursting through the cuticle, which surrounds it in the form of a few lacinise at the base. Mr. Berkeley pointed out various forms of galls and other productions of insects which have been described as Fungi, but in none is the resemblance so striking as in the present. He regretted that he was not able to throw any light upon the animal by which it is caused, though he was able to state positively that it is an animal production, as in most instances decayed exuviae were found in its cavity, and in one case a little im- perfect grub, which was however unfortunately lost. May 24, 1839. — The Lord Bishop of Norwich, President, in the Chair. — This day, the Anniversary of the birthday of Linnaeus, and that apj)ointed in the charter for the election of Council and Officers, the President opened the business of the Meeting, and in stating the number of Members whom the Society had lost during the past year, gave tlie following notices of some of them : — Samuel Ih'ookes, Esq. — Mr. Brookes was devoted to the science of Conchology, and i)osscsscd a valuable collection of British and Fo- Anniversary Meeting of\SS9. 77 reign Testacea. He was the author of an Introduction to the Study of Conchology which appeared in 1815. The Rev. Martin Davy, D.D., F.R.S., Master of Caius College, Cambridge. The Rev. Richard Dreyer, LL.B. John Lord Farnham. Charles Holford, Esq. Lawrence Brock HolUnshead, Esq. John Hull, M.D. — Dr. Hull was ardently attached to the study of Botany, and in the midst of an extensive medical practice, he found occasional moments of leisure to devote to the cultivation of his favourite pursuit. We are indebted to him for the publication of a British Flora in 1799, of which a second edition appeared in 1808 ; and the Elements of Botany, in '2 volumes, 8vo, in 1800. These works, highly creditable to their author, tended to increase the taste for botanical pursuits. Matthew Martin^ Esq. — Mr, Martin reached the advanced age of 90. He became a Fellow of this Society in 1791. George Milne, Esq. — Mr. Milne pursued with much ardour the study of Entomology for more than half a century, and his name is familiar to the cultivators of that branch of science in this country. He possessed an extensive cabinet of insects, particularly rich in Bri- tish and Exotic Lepidoptera. Fie had retired from London for several years to his native place Johnshaven, Kincardineshire, where he died some months ago at an advanced age. The Rev. Robert Nixon, B.D., F.R.S. William Younge, M.D. — Dr. Younge was the early friend and a fellow student of our late distinguished President and Founder Sir J. E. Smith, and the companion of his tour on the continent in the years 1786 and 1787, of which an account appeared in three volumes 8vo, in 1793, and a second edition in 1807. Dr. Younge was elected a fellow of this Society at its first institution in March 1788. Amongst the Foreign Members occur M. Frederic Cuvier, Mem- ber of the Academy of Sciences of the French Institute, the younger brother of the great Cuvier, and eminently distinguished as a system- atic zoologist. He was the author of a work on the value of the teeth as affording zoological characters in the class mammalia, and of a number of valuable papers on Descriptive Zoology in the An- nales et Memoires du Museum. He likewise v/rote the principal part of the text to the Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes, a work which he had undertaken in conjunction with Geoffroy St. Hilaire. Among his last productions may be noticed his Memoire sur les Ger- boises et les Gerbilles, printed in the second volume of the Transac- tions of the Zoological Society of London. Fie was distinguished, like his brother, for his candour and frankness of character, and a total freedom from those petty jealousies which too often beset men of science. M. Charles de Gimbernat. Gaspard Count Sternberg, Founder and President of the Royal Museum of Natural History at Prague, a distinguished patron of 78 New System of Postage. science, and author of a valuable original 'work on Fossil Plants, which were chiefly obtained from his own coal mines in Bohemia, and of an excellent Monograph of the genus Saxifraga, illustrated by coloured figures. To him we are indebted for the recovery of the vegetable treasures collected by Hsenke in Peru, Cochabamba, and in the Philippines, whither he had accompanied the Spanish voyage of discovery under the celebrated, but unfortunate, Malaspina. These interesting plants have been published by Presl, under the auspices of Count Sternberg, in a work entitled ‘ Reliquise Hsenkeanse.’ Count Sternberg was distinguished for his urbanit)^ hospitality, and an eager desire to promote every useful work. He left his collections and books of Natural History to the Museum already mentioned. Among the Associates are the following : — Mr. John Hunneman. — Mr. Hunneman having been long the me- dium of communication between the botanists of this co untry and those of Germany, Switzerland, and Russia, our collections have been enriched through his means with a vast variety of new and in- teresting plants. A curious Mexican genus, belonging to the natural family Papaveracece, bears his name, and commemorates the services rendered by him to science. Mr. George Penny. — He was well acquainted with the plants which he successfully cultivated, and was the author of the ‘ Hortus Epsomensis’, and of several papers on Garden Botany in Mr. Loudon’s Gardener’s Magazine. Mr. William Weston Young made the drawings for Mr. Dillwyn’s valuable work on British Confervse, and a series of drawings of Bri- tish birds now in the possession of Mr. Yarrell. The President also announced that twenty Fellov/s, five Foreign Members, and two Associates had been elected since the last An- niversary. At the election, which subsequently took place, the Lord Bishop of Norwich was re-elected President ; Edward Forster, Esq., Treasurer ; Francis Boott, M.D., Secretary; and Richard Taylor, Esq., Under- secretary. The following five Fellows were elected into the Council in the room of others going out, viz. W. J. Burchell, Esq., J. W. Lubbock, Esq., Hugh Duke of Northumberland, John Forbes Royle, M.D., and William Yarrell, Esq. NEW SYSTEM OF POSTAGE. Our experience during the past month of the New System of Postage, though as yet in its incipient and impeifect state, has been most satisfactory and gratify- ing, in tlie facility and copiousness of intercourse with our scientific con-espond- ents, however distant. Information, observations, suggestions, coivections, proofs, drawings, inclosures of various kinds, already l)egin to he interchanged with a freedom which is as delightful as it is new and strange, and therefore not yet en- joyed to its full extent. We shall find, we are persuaded, ample cause for grati- tmlc to Mr. Hill, by whom sogi'cat a benefit has been suggested and perseveringly matured ; and not less to Mr. Baring, the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, for having faithfully, diligently, and strenuously surmounted eveiy obstacle to the ac- complishment of au ol)jcct, of which he has duly appreciated the importance, as regards not only the commercial, hut the moral and intellectual interests of the countn-. Meteorological Obsey'vations, 79 LETTER BAROMETER. The equitable system of rating the postage of papers by weight gives rise to the necessity for a ready method of determining what charge any letter or packet may he liable to. If extreme accuracy be desired, nothing will he found equal to good scales and weights ; but as this is seldom essential, and such an apparatus is not very conve- nient on a writing-table, many contrivances of a less cumbrous nature and less subject to derangement have been produced. These are generally variations of the steelyard, and of course require the adjust- ment of a counterpoise for each different case, which is somewhat troublesome and hable to mistakes. We have lately seen a very simple and ingenious instrument, which avoids these inconveniences. It indicates the weight at once, is not subject to get out of order, and while it occupies but little space, is rather of an ornamental form than other- wise. The instrument consists of a small tube containing a portion of quicksilver, in which is immersed a rod, fiu"nished on its top with a tablet, on which a letter or even an unfolded sheet of paper may be placed. The rod sinks into the mercury precisely in proportion to the weight placed upon it, and by a graduation on the stem, it is at once seen what the charge of postage will be. This little contrivance is the invention of John Taylor, Esq., F.R.S., and the in- struments are very neatly made and sold, in a variety of forms, by Mr. Lund, No. 24, Fleet Street. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. Scripture and Geology. — On the Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science. By John Pye Smith, D.D., F.G.S., Divinity Tutor in the Protestant Dissenting College at Homerton. 1 Vol. 8vo. Jackson and Walford. Of this highly interesting and important work we hope shortly to give an account in some degree worthy of its merits. Dr. Meyen’s Report on the Progress of Vegetable Physiology du- ring the year 1837. Translated from the German by William Fran- cis, A.L.S. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR NOV., 1839. Chiswick. — Nov. 1. Hazy; rain. 2. Rain. 3,4. Foggy; rain. 5. Rain; fine. 6. Hazy; rain. 7. Rain. 8. Hazy; rain. 9. Fine: drizzly. 10. Hazy: rain. 11. Clear. 12, 13. Hazy: overcast. 14. Fine: rain. 15. Hazy. 16. Overcast; clear and fine at night. 17. Rain. 18. Heavy rain. 19. Fine: a large halo round the moon at night. 20. Fine; rain. 21. Stormy and wet. 22. Overcast: fine. 23. Clear. 24. Rain. 25. Cloudy: rain: almost a hur- ricane at night. 26. Clear. 27. Dense fog. 28. Hazy. 29. Heavy rain : SO. Overcast : heavy showers. Boston. — Nov. 1. Storniy. 2. Cloudy : rain p.m. 3. Cloudy. 4, 5. Rain : rain early a.m. 6, 7. Cloudy. 8. Cloudy ; rain p.m. 9. Cloudy. 10. Cloudy : rain A. M. and P.M. 11. Cloudy. 12,13. Foggy. 14. Cloudy: rain p.m. 15. Cloudy: rain A.M. 16. Fine. 17. Fine: rain p.m. 18. Cloudy: rain early A.M. 19, 20. Fine. 21. Cloudy : rain early a.m. : rain p.m. 22. Cloudy. 23. Fine. 24. Rain. 25. Cloudy. 26. Cloudy : rain early a.m. 27. Fine : rain and snow p.m. 28. Cloudy. 29. Rain : rain early am. 30. Stormy. Applegarlh Manse, Dumfriesshire. — Nov. 1. Storm of wind with slight showers. 2. Fair : w^eather moderated. 3. Fair : fine. 4. Rather moist. 5. Clear and cold. 6. Quiet day and cloudy. 7. The same ; slight drizzle p.m. 8. Cloudy and moist. 9. The same: rain a.m. 10. Quiet day : moist atmosphere. 11. Calm day : still moist. 12. Showery all day. 13. Mild day throughout: no rain. 14. Drizzly and gloomy : a true Nov. day. 15. Rain all day: heavy p.m. 16. Showery throughout. 17. Fine day and fair. 18, 19. Drizzling day. 20. Very fine day: rain p.m. 21. The same : rain a.m. 22. Fine; one shower p.m. 23. Frosty morning : shower at noon. 24. Rain all day. 25. Showery a.m. ; cleared up P.M. 26. Cold and frosty morning : shower snow. 27. The same ; frost increasing ; more snow. 28. Freezing all day ; snow lying, 29. Storm of wind and rain ; snow gone, 30, Rain nearly all day. ^ . o s 2 ^ 8 -I cJ ^ W s>i § s P> Ci Dew point. Lond.: Roy. Soc. 9 a.m. 'Q^l..^p-(^OvococOOOCOC^lO^OOOOOOa^O O00VOVOI>I>‘

Q0 |CO'^'^^'^'^'^"^'^'^'=t'=t’^'^'^‘P'^vovO'^'^'^coco-^'^cocococo ii Rain. •3JU[S -saiJjiuiiQ VO CO 0» •UOJSOil . .OO'vtr^ . .CO .t^ . . .CMP .-— . .•«?(' CO . .COVO .OOCNO • .cococo • • "O *CO • • •— lO *CO • .— (O .. .i-id .CN<-ico CO •>l3i.\vsuro ■^000--f--HC-< •OOOCOO ' 1 !>. 05 London: Roy. Soc. 9 a.m. 'ct<'^CNCOOO .VO CO . .CO . . . .VO .OVOCO"^ . . .-^o^ .OCOO '^■^OVOQO «^CO • "VO . • . .CO .VOOVO-^ • • •'cSl CO T’ c w g3 C 0 u pi-s » » i'i'i « i i iii^ ^UH i -ilitUit ^ o '>0 "* c 1-1 5>^ C 1:^ w • S^ Cj OD , 1^* cs; .. ~ 1^ § § fl c c > ' C .i S «-> s c sss .Hssjssssss .^jsssaasa » Wl3 ^ yTs'rt'cS W'rt'rt'rt'cs'^'cs'rt^lS'S ^ w'cS'rt'rtlSIfl'a'rt z 1 0 '^ouo oooouocjoycj ucjucjuoo : nu’d I }{OiAvsiqo 1 „• s4 w (4 ^ w « H H w « w ^ 1 1 g 1 1 S »5 1 London: Roy. Soc. ' 9 a.m. « >5 Z fej H S W f4 V" g S 1 ^ ^ w i 1 1 «; w W w 7.— 1 fries- , re. jMin. 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The result gave a mixture of carbonic acid, oxygen, and ni- 83 of the Sun made in Virginia. trogen : the uniform appearance of this latter body was sub- sequently traced to the leaves employed. Plants, also, become green in light that has been submitted to the action of these yellow salts, and therefore deprived of the rays that blacken chloride of silver. 1 took a number of pea-plants out of the garden, in May 1837, and caused them to vegetate in light modified in this way, and also in light which had passed through sulpho-cyanate of iron, and sul- phate of copper and ammonia, &c., but in every instance the leaves became green. It may also be mentioned, that seeds of common cress were caused to germinate and grow under these circumstances ; the young plants after reaching a certain size were always green, but those which had grown in the dark had yellow leaves and white stalks. Professor Silliman states, in one of the early numbers o* his Journal, that he witnessed an explosion of hydrogen and chlorine, caused by the light of a common fire. 4. Ritter was the first who asserted, that the opposite ex- tremities of the spectrum possess opposite powers of chemi- cal action : he states that phosphorus will emit fumes in the red ray, but if the violet be thrown on it, it ceases to smoke : this experiment I repeated often, and under favourable cir- cumstances, but could not make it succeed. 5. I could succeed, however, in showing very beautifully the interference of that class of chemical rays which blacken chloride and bromide of silver, but failed in trying to pro- duce their polarization, for want of proper apparatus. An electric current circulating in a wire does not seem to have any influence on these chemical rays ; I found that the same neat magnified image of the wire was obtained, on chloride paper, when it was placed in a beam diverging from a lens, whether the current was made to pass or was stopped. So much for chemical actions ; let me now ask your attention to a mechanical result of solar light, which is very curious. {a). Having made a large air-pump jar very clean and dry, place a few pieces of camphor on the plate of the pump, and exhaust. Carry the pump with its receiver into the sun- shine, and very soon you will see all that side which is nearest the sun covered with crystals, but there will be few or none on the side which is furthest from him. With the brilliant sun of Virginia, I have seen this effect take place, and beauti- ful stellated crystals appear in four minutes^ literally covering the whole of the upper parts of the jar nearest the sun. (6). Or, make in a tube of half an inch or more in diame- ter, and upwards of thirty inches long, a torricellian vacuum ; pass up through the mercury a fragment of camphor. The G 2 84? Experiments on the Light of the Sun made in Virginia, tube may now be kept for any length of time in the dark, without anything happening; but bring it into the beams of the sun, and in a few minutes crystallization will happen, on the side next the luminary, (c). Again, paste on the inside of an air-pump jar, a piece of tinfoil an inch in diameter, and having operated as in ex- periment [a) expose this side towards the sun. Crystals will soon form, but the tinfoil will protect the glass in its vicinity, and none will be found within a certain space round the me- tallic circle. {d). Crystallization is not necessarily connected with these results : the vapour of mercury in a torricellian void is con- densed towards the light ; so also the dew which settles on the inside of a jar containing water is always on the side nearest the window. The rays of the sun have also the power of decomposing a solution of chloride of gold : the metalline spangles are deposited on that side of the glass which is nearest the light. Artificial light gives none of these results. [e) . Having removed the piece of tinfoil used in experiment (c), place it on a little stand in front of the receiver; it will hinder the crystallization taking place in the parts on which its shadow is cast, and also for a certain space in the vicinity. [f) . Take ajar that has already been coated with crystals, place the tinfoil before it, and it will remove all those crystals which are within its shadow. {g). Instead of using a piece of tinfoil as in experiment (c), make the receiver hot, and rub upon it a piece of resin, so as to leave a transparent circle of that substance ; expose to the light, and it will be found that the resin cannot protect the glass. {h). If along the inside surface of a vessel, about to be ex- posed to the sun, a glass rod be rubbed, rows of crystals will be deposited on the lines which were described by the end of the rod, but the vessel must be very dry for this experi- ment to succeed.* Now, can we explain these singular results on any other knomi principle than this; that the side of the jar nearest the sun radiates freely the heat that it receives, back again, whilst radiation is interfered with at the other side; that in pviint of fact the anterior side is the colder, and the other the hotter? Yours respectfully, University, New York, Nov. 28, 1839. John W. Draper. • 'Hiis result would appear to point to some change of tlie mechanical condition of the glass, affecting either the radiation from its surface, or that through its substance, or both. — Edit, [ 85 ] XIV. On a remarkable Tall of Hail ; xmth Observations on the ■probable Nature of siich Phcenomena. Bp P. J. Martin, Esq., F.G.S. To Bichard Taylor, Esq. Dear Sir, "^OT having met with any notice of the remarkable fall of hail which took place during the storm of thunder and lightning that passed over the counties of Sussex, Surrey, and Middlesex on the evening of the 7th of last July, I beg leave to offer you the following memorandum respecting it, with some short observations on the probable nature of such phaenomena, which, if not altogether new, may coincide with and serve to strengthen the opinions of more experienced meteorologists. Except in the fall of very large hail, the storm above-men- tioned did not differ materially from the wide-spreading and grander thunder storms which sometimes gather on our coasts, and pass over the metropolis, from the south-west, after a sultry day or two in the middle of summer, but of which we have not had any very remarkable examples for the last five or six years. One of these storms generally rises slowly over the Soutli- Downs towards evening, in the form of a flimsy cirrostratus, gradually deepening as the night advances, and engendering denser cumuli as it draws inland. In general it is met by an under current of air from the north-east; but this is not in- variably the case, for the under current often comes in at an acute angle with the motion of the gathering clouds, from the south or south-east; and sometimes, as in this instance, there is a dead calm below, whilst the clouds are advancing with considerable rapidity in the higher regions. I may ob- serve, in passing, that a long-continued and steady influx of a warm north-easterly current towards the points of precipi- tation generally characterizes the grandest of these exhibi- tions ; so that it is common to hear it said here that ‘‘ a tem- pest,’' for so the Sussex people call such a storm, “ comes up against the wind.” On the evening in question, the storm gathered on the line of coast between Selsea Bill and Beachy Head, was heavy over Brighton, and seemed to have its nucleus or central range from about Shoreham over Henfield, East Grinstead, and Croydon. On its western verge it passed over Arundel, Pul- borough, Horsham, and Dorking, and was noted at Chis- wick to be “ accompanied with unusually little rain.” The hail which I am about to describe was confined to this 86 Mr. P. J. Martin on a remarlcahle Fall of Hail, western extremity, and its ravages did not extend more than about a mile and a quarter wide, whilst in length they reached about twenty miles, viz. from Arundel to the vicinity of Horsham. Hail fell, I believe, further on, quite into Surrey, but the fall of large stones was limited to the space above mentioned. We had been watching the rise, and dissolution into the expanding body of the nimbus of many heavy cumuli from the south and south-west, with some grand explosions of thunder and lightning, when we observed a dense mass approach us in that direction from the Arundel quarter, ac- companied by a rushing or rather roaring sound, clearly to be distinguished from the thunder, and attended with a pretty sharp blast of wind. In a few moments hail of the ordinary hind began to fall copiously, and this in a few moments more was intermixed with stones of an enormous size, the slapping of which could be clearly distinguished from the roaring of the mass of other hail on the slated roof of the summer-house in which I and my family had taken shelter. Very little rain fell, and the duration of the hail-storm was about ten minutes, only five of which was occupied by the fall of the largest hail-stones. On its clearing off, the ground was observed to be whitened by the hail, amongst which the large stones lay like tennis-balls amongst marbles; and on measuring some of them, after they had lain several minutes melting on the ground, we found many five, six, and seven inches in circumference. These large stones were more compact in their structure than the smaller ones, and were all of the flattened spheroidal form, and likened by many of the common people in size and shape to their thick old-fashioned watches. A dead calm succeeded to the passage of the storm, and the atmosphere continued to be encumbered with dark clouds, but without any more rain during the night. The congelation of large drops of rain at the moment of aggregation, and the formation of ordinary hail, and even a considerable accretion of more ice to the original globule in its passage downwards, do not seem to be very difficult of comprehension and explanation. But there is only one way in which I can suppose such masses of ice as these can be sus- pended long enough in the atmosphere to grow to such enormous sizes, and that is by the assistance of a nubilar whirlwind or water-spout [Tromhe aerienne) with sufficient power to keep them in its whorl, and to resist the earth’s at- traction, whilst the concretive action is going on, till their momentum overcomes the suspending power, or till they are thrown beyond the range of its intensity. That such operations Meteorological Phcenomena observed at Svoansea, 87 are amongst the reciprocal electrical phaenomena of the clouds, distinct from, though allied to the water-spout, is, perhaps, well-known ; and I was myself once witness to an appearance of this sort, between a higher and a lower cloud, that had the strongly electric aspect before they had resolved themselves into nimbus. It was a bent narrow column of dark vapour, which I could distinctly observe to be in rapid rotatory mo- tion, passing from one cloud to the other, continuing for some minutes, and then gradually disappearing. During this time it emitted no sound, and had no visible connexion with the earth whatever. The above theory of hail-stones will be further corroborated if we consider the form of the stones in this instance, viz. a sphere flattened at its poles, as the result of a rotatory mo- tion ; especially if it be a law, as perhaps it is, that all solids in rajpid gyration acquire per seipsos a rotation on their ow;^ I am, dear Sir, yours, &c. Pulboroiigh, Dec. ]6, 1839. P. J. MaRTIN. XV. Notice of certain Meteorological Phcenomena observed at Swansea, By J. W. G. Gutcii, Esq, To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, Thinking that the following notice may prove interest- ing to some of your meteorological readers, I forward it for insertion in your valuable publication. On the morning of the 20th of November, an unusual rise in the barometer was observable, as sudden as it was great. At 5 p.m. on the 19th, my barometer stood at 29*75 ; at 9 a.m. on the 20th at 29*99, being a rise of 0*24. At 9 a.m. on the 21st it sunk to 29*99, being a fall of 0*70 ; and so sudden a rise and fall I have not had occasion to record in my registry, now kept for the last four years. The wind during the whole period was a dead calm ; the weather cloudy and hazy, with oc- casional light showers. A similar phenomenon was observed by my friend Mr. Addison of Malvern. The sudden fall of the barometer was noticed by that gentleman on the 20th, and the rise on the 21st, and like mine unaccompanied with wind, and at Malvern no rain fell. The explanation of this sudden rise and fall I am yet to learn, and should be glad if any of your correspondents could elucidate the subject. On Wednesday, Nov. 6, the most brilliant meteor occurred that has been observed here for a great length of time, illu- 88 Meteorological Phcenomena observed at Swansea, minating perfectly the principal street of the town: this oc- curred about 10 p.m. On Monday, Nov. 10, at 1 p.m., the wind, which had been l)c.rfectly calm all the morning, suddenly rose, and with great violence blew for a minute or two at a pressure of four pounds to the square foot, and veered at the same moment direct from E., at which the vane had been standing all the morning, to W. continuing from that quarter for the remain- der of the da}’, and immediately on so doing subsiding again to a complete calm. This morning, Dec. 18, we were visited with a gale of wind surpassed only in violence by that of the 8th of May last. I send you the following table, drawn up from the actual markings of my self-registering anemometer and pluviometer. Date. Hour. Pressure in Pounds on Square Foot. Amount of liain in lOOdth of an Inch Cistern or Receiver 1 foot square. Tuesday, Dec. 17. 10 a.m. i -2 11 1 11 30 min. 3 12 3 1 n 2 4 3 3 4 H 5 5 6 2 7 2 8 6 9 6 From 9 to 10 0-03 10 5 11 5 11 to 12 0-03 11 30 min. 7 12 to 1 0-02 12 9 1 to 2 0-03 1 9 2 to 3 003 2 10 3 to 4 002 3 9 4 to 5 0-01 4 10 5 to 6 0-02 5 13 ! 1 6 to 7 0-01 C 8 7 7 8 8 9 6 9 to 10 0‘01 10 4 10 to 11 0*01 11 3 11 to 12 O'Ol ! 12 4 Being a total of 0*21 of rain fallen from 10 a.m. on Tuesday to 12 }).m. on Wednesday, the wind the whole time blowing from the 8.E., only twice for a minute or two getting to the N. of E. viz. at 3 a.m. and 8 a.m. of December 18. Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, 89 It will be my endeavour to ascertain the other localities visit- ed by this storm, as the former ones registered by my anemo- meter, and also by that used by Mr. Osier of Birmingham, w'ould appear to have occurred at the time that might have been expected for each locality within the circle of the storm, thereby bearing out most fully Col. Reid’s ingenious theory. Thestorm of Tuesday last was at its maximum at about a quar- ter to 5 a.m. of the 18th, being then at the pressure of 13 pounds on the square foot, or according to Dr. Hutton’s table, tra- velling at the rate of about 60 miles per hour. The barome- ter on Tuesday at 9 a.m. stood at 29‘82, it fell at 5 p.m. to 29*58 ; at 9 a.m. on Wednesday (to-day) to 29*27, and at 5 p.m. to 29*19, being a fall of 0*73 in the twenty-four hours. Should the above remarks be worth your acceptance, they are most perfectly at your service. I remain. Gentlemen, yours, See, Swansea, Dec. 18, 1839. J. W. G. GuTCH. XVI. The Baherian Lecture. — On the Theory of the Astro- nomical Refractions. By James Iyouy^K.H.j M.A..iF,R.S. L. 8^ Instit. Reg. Sc. Paris, Corresp. et Reg. Sc. Gotlin. Corresp. [Continued from vcl. xv. p. 507, and concluded.] 12. Y\/^E next proceed to inquire into the influence which the term multiplied by f, before omitted, may have on the refractions. Investigation of the integral Q^. The expression of this integral is, / W p (J np I 'j’3 » ——[Sc-^^-Sc ^-\-7xc-‘^ — 2x'^ c~^ + — 0 ^ ' 6 ' which is a negative quantity, as appears from the valuation of it in § 9 : it will therefore contribute to distinctness if its sign be changed, in which case it will be thus written, p*T)i e d X Qg = / 8c-2«^-1-8c-^ — and the formula for refractions will now be, 88 = sin8x ^^lt^)(Qo+xQ,-/Q,-/'Q3] . V 5 2 / Suppressing the tedious operations of reducing, we may 90 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions. put the integral Qg, taken indefinitely, in the following form, which it is not difficult to verify by diferentiating : \—e‘^ - ~\f ^ e ’ e ,2 d X c~^ ~A ^ 16 / edxc~^ (2^ .2^ 175 ^ m V 16 16 48 185 ,125 . 125 4 )•/ ) e dx c~^ /185 125 — 6 I — A — , . -- Q 125 " V 16 12 ^ 48 ^ c-^ A / 95 /95 5 (24^ 12 0 25 24 X . £' ) This being the indefinite integral, the value of Qg in the formula for the refractions will be obtained by putting x m = 10 ,* which gives . c e e and this value, as well as that of s, being substituted, the quantity sought will be expressed as follows : ^ pe,2dxc~^‘^ 91 pedxc—^ Q3=-V — A — ^tJ + [^1 [ 16-' 1 ^ J ,2\4 + /125 1 125 1 905 1 ■? " 16 r +i8 • 7+ A 125/1 — A® 48 V 905 \dxc~^ 48 c® 16 ^ 125 1 125 1 — ;5' + 48 ^25 " 16 127 48” 305 1 305 125 . 125 . 48 ^ ^ 48 48 ^ 48 48 e^ ' 48 The series equivalent to the integrals must now be substi- tuted, in order to express the quantity sought in terms con- taining the powers ot e. In the first place we have these three terms, each of which is zero when the exact values of Aj, Ag, &c. are substituted, viz. 125 , . , . 1 -g-(A.-l+c-").- r 175 125 -L Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, 91 + |^A,+^(A3-4Ai) + ^(A,-6A3+15Ai) 305 , 905 1 - 48+^" The next three terms are as follows : 4 aj + jg ^i) + (A5— 4 A3 + 6 Aj) + S' + S+ S ^ ^_4ag+ |iAa + ^ (A5-2 Ag + A,) + ^(A,-4Ag+6Ag-4A,) I QK + ^(A9-6A7 + 15A5-20A3+15Ai) 125 125 4.8 IF ^ + 4^5+ — A5+ (A7—2 A5+ Ag) + -^ (A9— "I A7 + 6 A5—4? Ag+ Ai) 125 + 4^(An-6A9 + 15A7-20Ag + 15 Ag-6 AJ 125 125 •+ -4- C ^ 48 ^ 48 ■} On substituting the exact values of Aj , Ag , &c., these three terms will come out as follows : , 158 348 _ c—^ . + 5 8891 75 or + -00239 . e or — *00316 . c~^ . or + *00538 . e^. These three terms are the part of the refraction that depends on the height of the atmosphere : at the horizon, or when e = 1, their amount is greatest and equal to f x-fiomi =/'x726"’7x -00461 =/'x3"-3, ^ o z 92 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical 'Ref r actions » which, on account of the smallness of y*', will be a minute fraction of a second. Rejecting the six foregoing terms, we may assume Qg = Hy e’’ + Hg e" + &c. : and, having computed the differences in the following table. A2 A4 A6 A. A3 -•0595755 + •0278859 -•0175110 A5 + •0873930 -•0177390 -•0199864 A7 + •0748672 + •0065865 -•0079396 Ap + •0446024 + •0109256 — •0002312 An + •0209241 + •0073251 + •0016762 Ai3 + •0081714 + •0034934 + •0012515 An + •0027438 + •0013379 + •0005925 An + •0008096 + •0004339 + •0001891 ^19 + •0002133 + •0001224 A.. + •0000509 we shall have H7 = -4a7-h|^A7+^A2A5+^A4A3-f-^A6A,=-0486l Hy = — 4a9-f^Ay f y^A2A7 A4 A5+-^ A*5 A, =*07()9l Hii=— 4an+^Aii + -j^ A2 A9+ ^ A"* A® A5 =-04469 Hi3= —4 ais+^Ais-f-^ a® Aii+-^ A^ A,-j- A®A7 =-00249 Hi5= “4 aj.s+Yg Ai5 -j j^A^ A ,3-f- ^ A^ Au-j- A® Aq = — -02230 Hi7= -4a,7+^A,7+^A«A,3V^A4Ai3+^^| A® Ah= --02558 Q1 21*^ 175 12'^ H^y= -4a,9+^Ap+^A^- A.7+^A4A,3+ 4^A« Ai3 = -01835 Hai= — 4a2i+^ A21+ A'^ Aj9+-^A‘‘Aiy-j- A® A15 = — -01023 Ho3= — 4ao3-|-^-g A23+-jg A2 A21+ ^ A^ Ai9+-~ A® Ai7 = —-00487. The coefficients of the assumed series being found, and being expressed in seconds of a degree, the part of the refractions depending on Qy will be as follows: Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical IXefr actions, 93 f X sin a X X Qs =/' X sin 9 X -Te’ X 35-324, l'?4807 + X 51-529, 1-71205 32-476, 1-51156 + e^^x 1-809, 0-25755 -^i^x 16-205, 1-20965 — 18-588, 1-26925 X 13-334, 1-12498 -e"^^ X 7-427, 0*87080 -e^x 3-480, 0-54158 The amount of this expression at the horizon, or when ^ = 1," is/'x62''-l, almost the same with y'' x 62"-4, which, as is shown in § 9, is the limit of the integral when it is extended from jr = 0 to ^ = cvD. It is thus proved that the error of the series is of no account. This part of the refraction can- not be computed because f' is unknown. But although the precise value of f' is uncertain, it is probably very consider- 2 ably less than f or — \ so that the effect on the refraction cannot exceed a few seconds even at the horizon. We shall be better able to form a just notion with respect to this point, when the Theoretical Table in this paper is compared with observations. 13. It remains to investigate the corrections that must be made in the practical application for the deviations indicated by the meteorological instruments from the mean constants used in constructing the table. For this purpose we have V 5 i S = Qo + A Qi — y^Q2 5 5 i _ e cos 0 ” 1 — c® ’ X a. l The quantities e and A depend only upon a and i\ a varies both with the barometer and thermometer, and f, with the thermometer only : the quantity f does not seem liable to change in our climate. Admitting that the prefix d refers only to variations of the barometer and thermometer, we shall have 94? Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, ui\+a) ^ \ . da \ di\ ^ S3 + rf.89 = sin9x -g.— J-S + de dS + e d\ de Now wherefore, 8 0 4-6? .xQ,} de ^ 1 e ~~ 2 d K ~ di 1— i • r+7"’ du di ^ a i d — sin di, S (- V 9. £S 1 4- ^ 4- sin g “ +^) /6?« ' V 5i ' ^ ^ i * K Qj . If y denote the observed height of the barometer, reduced to the fixed temperature of 50° Fahr.; and t the temperature of the air on the same scale ; then (3 = 480’ P 6?« _ 1 ^ a “ 1 4-/3 (t— 50)’ 30 d a a d i i d a t~50 = + 480 T— 50 ~^480 30— p 30 ’ — — 2 ^ a T ~ ^ ~480 50 30— 30 These values being found, if we put « (1 4-a) dS a/ 5i " 480 V— 4-2xQ T = sin 0 X X 7^ X , 2(l+e2) . a(l-l-a) 2xQi ^ ^ fw"" the expression of the mean refraction with its correction will be as follows. Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions* 95 «+ J , 1. - _ T . (,_50) - J (SO - The first term of this expression is the mean refraction cor- rected in the. manner usually practised by astronomers. If we assume that the temperature of the mercury in the baro- meter is the same with that of the air, this term will be equal to 1 1 1 P — 50)'. T —50 * ^ 1+c(t-50) ’ 30’ ^ 10000 c = *002183, the new factor being added to compensate the expansion of the mercury. Two subsidiary tables are given for com- puting this part: Table II. contains the logarithms of for 30° on either side of the mean temperature 1+c(t— 50) ^ 50°, negative indices being avoided by substituting the arith- metical complements ; and Table III. contains the logarithms, or the arithmetical complements, for all values of p from 31 to 28. The coefficients, T and b, of the other two terms vary with the distance from the zenith ; and they can be computed in no other way than by reducing them to series of the powers of e. By substituting for X Qj, the equivalent series already known, we immediately obtain b = l.|B3e3+B,.^ + B,c’+ &c.| . Further, by expanding S and its differential, the expression of T will take this form, T = sine. ^ + Gye’’ + Gg^+&c. ; and we shall have G3 = A, -A3 + 2 Bg = 0-24.36 G5 = — Ai + 3 A3-2 A5 + 2 Bj = 0-4523 G; = A,— 3 A3 + SA5— 3A7 + 2B7 =0-4705 Gg = -Ai + 3A3-5A5 + 7A,-4A9 + 2Bg = 0-3502 G,i = Ai -3 Ag + 5 A5-7 A7 + 9 Ag - 5 A„ + 2 B,i = 0-2092 Gj3 = — A, + 3 Ag— SAj + 7 Af — 9Ag+ *' A,i— 6 A,g+2Bi3 = 0-1050. The series for T and b being now known, the coefficients of 96 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, the terms must next be expressed in seconds of a degree, which being done, the following final results will be obtained. r ** log. log. {^3. 0-369, - 1-5668, 5 = sin 1^3- 0-530, —1-7240 +^5 .0-685, 1-8356 .1-113, 0-0465 +e7 .0-712, — 1-8526 +«?? . 1-350, 0-1306 +e^ .0-530, — 1-7263 -\-e^ .1-207, 0-0817 . 0-317, — 1-5006 . 0-873, 1-9412 +^1^0-159, — 1-2013 , 0-539, -1-7313 The values of T and h are added in separate columns of the annexed table for altitudes less than 10°: for greater alti- tudes they are omitted as of no account. The application for finding the corrected refraction from the formula + -T(,-S0)-i(30-rt will best be explained by the examples afterwards given. 14-. The Theoretical Table of refractions which has been computed by the foregoing formulas, and which is deduced solely from the phaenomena of the atmosphere without arbi- trary assumptions, is next to be compared with the tables most esteemed by astronomers. Two tables more eminently deserve this character ; namely, Bessel’s table with its supple- ment in the Tahulce llegiomontancBy which may be considered as the result of observations, and as being nearly exact to 88° or 88 from the zenith ; and the table published annually in the Connaissance des Temps, As all the tables are sup- posed to contain the same series of refractions, the numbers corresponding to the same altitude should have constantly the same proportion : so that taking the number a which answers to the zenith-distance 9 in Bessel’s table, the logarithm of the refraction at the same zenith distance in the new table should be equal to log a + log tan 9 *00507, the number *00507 being the difference of the logarithms of the refractions at the altitude of 45° in the two tables: but, in the supplemental table, which contains the logarithms of the refractions, it is sufficient to add *00507 to obtain the lo- garithms in the new table. With regard to the refractions in the Conn, des Temps^ it is more convenient to use the table in the Tables Astronomiques, published by the French Board of Loiiijitude : for the lof^arithms in this table with the addi- lion of *001 1, should agree respectively with the logarithms of the new table. According to these directions the follow- ing comparative view has been drawn up. Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Asti'onomicalllefr actions, 97 Zenith dist. Reflections. New Table. Tab. Reg. Conn, des Temps. o II II n 10 10-30 10-30 10-30 20 21-26 21-26 21-26 30 33-72 33-72 33-72 40 48-99 48-99 48-99 45 58-36 58-36 58-36 50 69-52 69-52 69-52 55 83-25 83-24 83-25 60 100-85 100-85 100-86 65 124-65 124-62 124-65 70 159-16 159-11 159-22 75 214-70 214-58 214-83 80 320-19 319-88 320-63 81 353-79 353-38 354-33 82 394-68 394-20 395-37 83 445-42 444-86 445-87 84 509-86 509-23 511-22 85 593-96 593-38 595-80 851 646-21 647-10 618-34 86 707-43 707-15 710-07 861 779-92 777-36 783-07 87 866-76 864-59 870-37 87i 971-93 972-21 975-89 88 1101-35 1101-40 1105-1 881 1262-6 1265-5 1265-0 89 1466-8 1481-8 1464-9 891 1729-5 j 1764-9 1716-4 From this view it appears that the three tables agree within less than 1" as far as 80° from the zenith ; the new table is in accordance with Bessel’s, with slight discrepancies, to 88° or 88^° from the zenith ; from 80° to 88° of zenith di^ stance the numbers in the French table exceed those in Bessel’s, the excess being 2" at 84?°, and 4<" at 88°. But when the distance from the zenith is greater than 80°, the accuracy of the French table is questionable, both on account of the hypothetical law of the densities, and because the quan- tity assumed for the horizontal refraction is uncertain. A few examples are subjoined, as well for explaining the use of the new table as for affording some indications of its accuracy at low altitudes. The two first instances are taken from the Tables Astronomiques, and are likewise published yearly in the Conn, des Temps. Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No, 101. Feb, 184?0. H 98 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions^ ' Example L & = S6^ U’ 42” Therm. 8°*75 cent. = 47‘‘*75F. Barom. 0“*741 = 29T7 in. Example 2. d = 86“ 15' 20" Therm. 8|° cent. = 46°*9F. Barom. 0™-766 = 30-16 in. OD © 2-86345 86° 10' 2-86345 4 42” 664 5 20" 753 2-87009 2-87098 Therm •00214 Therm •00276 Barom 9-98781 Barom •00232 Log B d 2-86004 Log § d 2-87606 724-5 Id 751-7 -'25x -2i + -5 - -25 X -3-1 + -8 •4 X -8 - -3 - -4 X - -16 + •6 Corrected refraction 12' 4"-7 Corrected refraction 12' 33"-l Observed refraction 12 4 -2 Observed refraction 12 32 -5 Example 3. Example 4. Mean of 42 sub-polar observations Mean of 10 observations of Ca- of a Lyras by Dr. Brinkley. pella, from a memoir of M. Plana. Irish Transactions, 1815. Acad, de Turin, tom. 32. ^ = 87° 42' 10" d = 88“ 24' 9"-7 Therm. 35“ Therm. 47°*75 Barom. 29’5 Barom. 29*75 87“ 40' 3-00522 88° 20' 3-08087 2 10" 392 4 9^'-4 847 3-00914 3-08934 Therm •01444 Therm •00214 Barom. ...... 9-99270 Barom 9-99607 Log B 3 3-01628 Log B d 308755 Id 1038"-2 Id 1223"-3 - -6 X -15 + 9-0 - -95 X - 24 + 2-1 - M3 X i -0-6 — 1-6 X -27 -0-4 Corrected refraction 17' 26"-6 Corrected refraction 20' 25" Observed refraction 17 26 -5 Observed refraction 20 24 -3 We may now inquire how far the refractions are likely to be affected by the term which it was found necessary to leave out, because the present state of our knowledge of the phse- nomena of the atmosphere made it impossible to determine the coefficient f by which it is multiplied. For this purpose the term alluded to, viz. sin e X /' X X Qa> Zenith dist. Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, 99 which may be shortly denoted hy f' x x been com- puted by means of the equivalent series, for every half de- gree between 85° and 88°, the results being as follows : & /' xxi^) 85° it /' X 1-5 S5i /' X 2-0 86 /' X 3-3 86i /' X 4-9 87 /' X 7-4 87-1- /' X 11-2 88 /' X 17-0 From this view it appears that f',, although considerably less 2 than f or may still have some influence on the refractions at very low altitudes. The mean refraction in Bessel’s table, and in the new table, can hardly be supposed to differ 2^' from the true quantity, which would limit f' to be less than . It is a matter of some importance to obtain a near value of f^ : and it is probable that this can be accomplished in no other way but by searching out such values of f andy’' as will best represent many good observed refractions at alti- tudes less than 5°. If such values were found, our knowledge of the decrease of heat in ascending in the atmosphere would be improved, and the measurement of heights by the baro- meter would be made more perfect. April 25, 1838. Table I. Mean Refractions for the Temperature 50° Fahrenheit, and the barometric Pressure 30 inches. 'IS. // 1-02 2-04 3*06 4-08 5*11 6- 14 7- 17 Log S S. 0-0085 0-3097 0-4860 0-6112 0-7086 0-7882 0-8557 DifF. 3012 1763 1252 974 796 675 -a ^ T. C. '5 '^S. Log 1 6. Diff. T. C, o 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 7*17 8*21 9-25 10- 30 11- 35 12- 42 13- 49 0-8557 0-9144 0- 9663 1- 0129 1-0553 1-0941 1-1300 587 519 466 424 388 359 H2 100 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical 'Refractions, Table I. {continued). Zenith dist. se. Log d 9. DifF. T. C. Zenith dist. d 0. Log d 0. DifF. T. C. O 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 / // 0 13-49 14- 57 15- 65 16- 75 17*86 18-98 20-11 21-26 22- 42 23- 60 24- 80 26-01 27*24 28-49 29*75 31- 05 32- 38 33- 72 35- 09 36- 49 37*93 39*39 40-89 42-42 44- 00 45- 61 47- 27 48- 99 50-75 52-57 54-43 56-35 58-36 1 0-43 2-57 4-80 7*11 9*52 12-02 14-64 17*38 20-24 23-25 26-41 29*73 1-1300 1-1634 1-1947 1-2241 1-2519 1-2784 1-3036 1-3277 1-3507 1-3729 1-3944 1-4151 1-4352 1*4547 1*4736 1*4921 1*5102 1*5279 1*5452 1*5622 1*5790 1*5954 1*6115 1*6276 1*6435 1*6591 1*6746 1*6901 1*7055 1*7207 1*7358 1*7510 1-76611 1-78123 1*79637 1*81155 1*82678 1-84208 1-85747 1-87298 1-88863 1-90440 1-92036 1-93653 1-95291 334 313 294 278 265 252 241 230 222 215 207 201 195 189 185 181 177 173 170 168 164 162 160 159 156 155 155 154 152 151 152 151 1512 1514 1518 1523 1530 1539 1551 1565 1577 1596 1617 1638 0 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 00 10 20 30 40 50 71 00 10 20 30 40 50 72 00 10 20 30 40 50 73 00 10 20 30 40 50 74 00 10 20 30 40 50 75 00 10 1 29*73 33- 23 36-93 40-85 45-01 49*44 54-17 59*23 2 4-65 10-48 16-78 23-61 31- 04 39*16 40-59 42- 04 43- 52 45- 02 46- 53 48-08 49*65 51- 25 52- 87 54-53 56-21 57*92 59*66 3 1-43 3-23 5- 06 6- 93 8-83 10-77 12-74 14-75 16-80 18-88 21-01 23-18 25-39 27*66 29*95 32- 30 34- 70 37*16 1*95291 1-96955 1- 98646 2- 00368 2-02124 2-O39I8 2*05754 2*07635 2*09567 2*11555 2*13603 2*15719 2*17910 2*20186 2*20573 2*20963 2*21356 2*21752 2*22150 2*22552 2*22956 2*23363 2*23773 2*24186 2*24603 2*25022 2*25445 2*25870 2*26299 2*26732 2*27168 2*27608 2*28051 2*28498 2*28948 2*29402 2*29860 2-30322 2-30789 2-31259 2-31734 2-32213 2-32696 2-33184 2-33677 1664 1691 1722 1756 1794 1836 1881 1932 1988 2048 2116 2191 2275 388 390 393 396 398 402 404 407 410 413 417 419 423 425 429 433 436 440 443 447 450 454 458 462 467 470 475 479 483 488 493 1 Mr. Ivory on the Theory of the Astronomical Refractions, 101 Table I. {continued). Zenith dist. Log 1 Q. DifF. T. C. Zenith! dist. 1 d9. Log ^ 0 . DifF, . T. C. 7°5 10 3 37*ie 2-33677 49: 50S 507 512 517 523 528 533 538 545 551 557 563 569 576 583 589 596 603 611 618 626 635 642 650 659 669 677 688 696 707 716 727 738 749 761 772 785 797 811 824 838 851 866 883 82 4C ► 7 7*1S ) 2*63065 f 89! 9K 20 30 39*65 42*21 2-34174 2*34676 J r 5C 83 00 ► 16*13 ( 25*42 i 2*6396] 12-6487: 5 *07 \ ^ *11 40 44-82 2*35183 10 1 35-OS I2-658K V Otit. m 97c 985 1005 1028 1047 1069 1092 1116 1140 1166 1194 1219 1248 1281 1312 1342 1377 1412 1448 1488 1627 1570 1612 1658 1704 1758 1808 1862 19I8 1977 2040 2102 2169 5 50 47*48 2*35695 20 1 45*14 :2*6675^ 76 00 50-21 2*36212 30 ' 55*64 : 2-6772^ f 10 53-00 2-36735 40 8 6*55 .2*68712 > 20 55-85 2*37263 50 17-95 2*6971^ 30 58-76 2*37796 84 00 29-86 2*70746 : *10 •16 40 4 1-74 2*38334 10 42*31 2*71793 j 50 77 00 4-79 7-91 2*38879 2-39430 20 30 40 55*33 1 9 8-96 2*72862 2*73954 10 11-11 2*39987 23*25 2*75070 20 14-39 2-40550 50 38*23 2*76210 30 17-74 2-41119 85 00 53*96 2*77376 -15 *24 40 21*19 2*41695 10 10 10*52 2*78570 50 24-72 2*42278 20 27-90 2*79789 78 00 28-33 2-42867 30 46*21 2*81037 10 32-04 2*43463 40 11 5*55 2*82318 20 35-84 2*44066 50 25*90 2*83626 30 39*75 2*44677 86 00 47-43 2*84968 *24 -39 40 43-76 2*44295 10 12 10*21 2*86345 50 47*88 2*45921 20 34*34 2*87757 79 00 52-12 2*46556 30 59-92 2*89205 *31 *51 10 56-47 2*47198 40 13 27-11 2*90693 20 5 0-94 2*47848 50 55-99 2*92220 i 30 5-54 2*48507 87 00 14 26*76 2*93790 -39 -67 40 10-28 2*49176 10 59-54 2*95402 *43 •75 50 15-16 2*49853 *03 *04 20 15 34-55 2-97060 -47 *83 80 00 20-19 2*50541 30 16 11*93: 2*98764 *52 -91 10 25-36 2*51237 40 52*10. 3-00522 •58 1-01 20 30*70 2*51944 50 17 35*12; 3-02330 *63 1*13 30 36-20 2*52660 88 00 18 21*35; 3*04192 -69 1*24 40 41-88 2*53387 10 19 11-07; 3*06110 -78 1*41 50 47*74 2-54125 *04 *05 20! 20 4*68; 3*08087, *87 1*58 81 00 53*79 2*54874 30! 21 2*60; 3-10127; •96 1*75 10 6 0*04 2*55635 401 22 5*22 ; 3*12229; 1*07 2*00 20 6*50 2*56407 50: 23 13*11; 3*14398; 1-19 2*24 30 13-18 2*57192 89 00: 24 26*8 ; 3*16637; 2316 2388 2461 2529 1*32 2*48 40 20*09: 2*57989 10: 25 46*8 ; 3-18943; 1*52 2*91 50 27*26 ; 2*58800 *05 *08 20: 27 14*2 ; 3-21331 ; 1-72 3*34 '^2 00 34*68: 2*59624 30 : 28 49*5 : 5-23792; 1-92 3*77 i 10 42*37: 2*60462 40 : 30 33*2 J 5*26321 ; 2*20 4-34 1 20 50*33; 2*61313 50 : 32 15*1 c 5-28894 ^ 2573 2*4 8 5*00 1 30 58*59 ; 2*62179 }0 00 ^ 34 32 ! 40 7 7*19! 2*63062 i' 102 Prof. Forbes’s Letter respecting two Papers Table II. Table III. Thermometer. Barometer. Log. Diff. Log. Diff. Log. Diff 0 0 In. 50 0*00000 50 0-00000 31 0-01424 49 0-00094 51 9-99906 30-9 0-01248 48 0-00190 52 9-99811 8 0-01143 47 000285 53 9-99717 7 0-01002 142 46 0-00380 54 9-99623 6 0-00860 45 0-00476 96 55 999529 5 0-00718 44 0-00572 56 9-99434 94 4 0 00575 43 0-00668 57 9-99341 3 0-00432 144 42 0-00764 58 9-99248 2 0-00289 41 0-00861 59 9-99154 1 0-00145 40 0-00957 60 9-99061 30-0 0-00000 39 0-01053 61 9-98969 29-9 9-99855 38 0-01151 98 62 9-98875 8 9-99709 37 0-01248 63 9-98783 92 7 9-99563 36 0-01346 64 9-98690 6 9-99417 146 35 0-01444 65 9-98598 5 9-99270 34 0-01541 66 9-98506 4 9-99123 33 0-01640 67 9-98414 3 9-98075 148 32 0-01738 68 9-98323 2 9-98826 31 0-01837 69 9-98231 1 9-98677 30 0-01935 70 9-98140 29-0 9-98528 150 29 0-02033 71 9-98049 28-9 9-98378 28 0-02133 100 72 9-97958 8 9-98227 27 002232 73 9-97867 7 9-98076 26 0-02331 74 9-97777 90 6 9-97924 25 0-02432 75 9-97686 5 9-97772 152 24 0-02531 76 9-97596 4 9-97620 23 0-02630 77 9-97506 3 9-97466 22 0-02730 102 78 9-.97416 2 9-97313 21 0-02832 79 9-97326 1 9-97158 20 0-02933 80 9-97237 28-0 9-97004 154 XVII. Letter to Richard Taylor, Esq., with reference to two Papers in the Philosophical Magazine for January^ 184;0. By James D. Forbes, Esq.., F.R,S.S., L, -Ed., <^c. My dear Sir, TN order that your readers may be aware why I do not answer Mr. Potter’s animadversions in the January Num- ber of the Philosophical Magazine, I would request you to insert the following letter which I addressed to him after reading his communication. “ My dear Sir, « Edinburgh, Jan. 8th, 1840. “ I have read with some pain, and at least equal surprise, some observations by you on photometry, stated to have been in the Philosophical Magazine for January, 103 occasioned hy reading a brief notice of some experiments of mine, with respect to heat, which I thought might, perhaps, bear some analogy to the case of light. It is evident, how- ever, that as it would be impossible to predicate beforehand that heat and light are reflected according to the same law, any verification of Fresnel’s law for light obtained in this way could only be an analogical one, and therefore acceptable only whilst photometric methods are so very imperfect as I still consider them to be, however dexterously employed. “ Jt was a matter, as I say, of equal surprise and pain to me to find that you should have so gratuitously misinter- preted my sentiments towards you, which I deliberately de- clare to you were solely those of entire friendship and re- spect. The object of this letter is simply to assure you of this, and if I could do it in stronger terms, I would. It seems to be strange and almost incredible that one whose experiments I have so often quoted with respect, whose results I have made known, and whose originality in the mat- ter of metallic reflection I have so often vindicated at home and abroad, in private conversation and in public lectures, should take a pleasure in misinterpreting my expressions. I am persuaded that at some future time you will do me jus- tice, and in the mean time I will rather run the risk of sus- taining any prejudice which your letter may excite against my experiments until they appear to speak for themselves, than enter into a public disputation about statements and expressions, to the certain loss both of time and temper. I mean to write to Mr. Taylor to this effect, and shall per- haps communicate to him the substance of this letter. ‘‘ I am, my dear Sir, yours very truly, “ James D. Forbes.” Now, Sir, after this statement it is not my intention to enter into any defence of the “ memorandum” inserted in your Jour- nal for December (L. & E. Phil. Mag. vol. xv. p. 4*79.). I shall correct neither Mr. Potter’s statements nor his inferences, which so far as they relate to myself are certainly unfounded. Had I been at all aware of the extreme importance which Mr. Pot- ter attributes to the particular experiments on photometry to which I alluded, I should certainly have done so with far greater caution. I imagined that Mr. Potter probably considered (as I think I would have done under the circumstances) his earlier contributions to physical science as subject to the revision of his owm maturer skill and judgement, and, until they had received that revision, as open to some doubt; the subject being one of such difficulty, that if Mr. Potter failed, he failed Prof. Forbes’s Letter, 10^15 only in common with perhaps every other person who had attempted it. In this supposition it appears that I was mis- taken. I have since learned from Mr. Potter himself that he considers the true measure of light as more attainable than that of heat. A proposition so startling, and which is at variance with all that I have ever heard expressed, or should have been disposed to conclude upon the subject, I could not be expected to anticipate, and therefore a collision of opinion, though to be regretted, was unavoidable. Before concluding, I have a single observation to offer upon Mr. Warington’s interesting communication on Nobili’s coloured rings. If Mr. Warington will refer to your Num- ber for July last, page 27, note^ (L. & E. Phil. Mag. vol. xv.) he will find the following remark : “ The explanation of these colours, by supposing with the philosopher of Reggio (if I un- derstand him aright) that they are produced by thin plates of adhering oxygen gas^ is too evidently founded in error to re- quire any notice.” I may now add the consideration which seem- ed to me so conclusive, which is not a chemical but an optical one. The colours of thin plates are on all hands admitted to be produced by the interference of the light reflected at their first and second surfaces. In the present case the first surface would be the common boundary of air and oxygen gas, which can neither be considered as a sharp mathematical surface, nor if it could, would there be any appreciable quantity of light reflected from the boundary of substances having scarcely an appreciable difference of refractive power, much less could such intensely vivid colours be the result. This is but one of many palpable oversights in a paper, which, whatever may be its value to artists, seems unworthy of the scientific reputation usually given to Nobili, and in which notwithstand- ing, he speaks with very little respect of the reasonings of Newton and Berzelius. I am, my dear Sir, yours very truly, Edinburgh, Jan. 21, 1840. JaMES E). ForbES. We regret to find that we have incurred blame on account of some expressions in Mr. Potter’s paper on Photometry in our preceding number, implying a charge of unfairness in the treatment of scientific questions against the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and which are complained of as being, “ under the form of a scientific communication, an irrelevant and most un- just attack upon a public body.” We freely admit the justice of the remark of a correspondent, that the editors of a scientificjournal should avoid giving currency to imputations of this kind; and can only state, that had the na- ture of the charge, and the tone of some other expressions, caught our attention, we should have objected to its admission in the form in which we received it. We can safely appeal to the spirit in which our work has long been conducted in proof of our wish not to occupy its pages with personal imputations, or with the remonstrances to which they necessarily give rise. — Edit, [ 105 ] XVIII. Obsermtions on the Blood Corpuscles^ or Red Particles^ of the Mammiferous Animals, By George Gulliver, F.R,S., Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, No. II.^ IN my former cornmunicationf I omitted to mention that in many of the observations an achromatic object glass was used, of one tenth of an inch focal length, made by Powell, and adapted to the same eye-piece as the excellent object-glass by Ross. They both perform admirably, and the additional power gained by the former one is not only of considerable advantage, but it affords an opportunity of instituting com- parative trials, so as to diminish the chances of error. Both these glasses will therefore be employed in the succeeding observations, and I shall avail myself of opportunities of test- ing the measurements previously given, and of recording the results when they seem to be of any consequence. The mag- nifying power of Powell’s glass with the micrometer eye-piece is as nearly as possible nine hundred and eighty diameters, and the object is very distinctly defined. After repeating very carefully numerous observations on the corpuscles in their own serum, as compared with speci- mens dried in the manner formerly described, it appears that the latter are almost always a little larger and more accurately defined in the outline than the former. This is particularly observable at the margins of the dried preparations, where the corpuscles are very thinly spread, and where desiccation takes place instantaneously when they are applied warm from the wound to the glass. Towards the centre, as the particles are more thickly aggregated, they do not dry so quickly, but have time to contract a little, and accordingly correspond in diameter pretty accurately with those observed in their own serum. I have noted instances in which they manifestly shrunk while under examination in the serum, as if they were acted on b}^ the glasses between which they were placed, the edges of the disks becoming more rounded, occasionally gra- nulated, and not unfrequently puckered or swollen, so that the central concavity in many of them was very remarkable, and often more or less misshapen from the bulging of the edges towards the centre, a triangular depression with con- cavity of the margins being thus occasionally produced on the surface of the corpuscles. Though saline solutions are useful in diluting the blood for comparative observations, measurements from corpuscles so preserved arehiot worthy of much reliance. The shrinking, * Comirmnicated by the Author, f b. & E. Phil, Mag. for January 1840. 106 Mr. Gulliver’s Observations on the Blood Corpuscles or the alteration of form in the disks, may generally be ob- served even in the course of a minute or two after the mix- ture. Nor is the serum of one animal always proper to di- lute the blood of another; for I could seldom get the cor- puscles of the carnivora, or even of some ruminants, to mix well with the serum of the horse. If obtained from the body a day or two after death, the disks are generally so clustered together as to be seen very indefinitely in the wet state, although some of the smallest detached from the masses are often tolerably distinct. The corpuscles are mostly very irregular in size, approaching more to the spherical shape, and even more susceptible of alteration from any of the common methods of dilution, than in blood procured from the living animal. By drying, how- ever, a tolerably clear outline of the disks from the carcass may in most instances be procured, although every method sometimes fails, as I experienced a short time since in some blood from the Sloth Bear and from the Malay Sun Bear. Though the bodies of these animals were perfectly fresh, and the masses of fibrine in the heart and great vessels firmly coagulated, the particles of the blood were so much con- glomerated, and their size so singularly variable, that it was impossible either by drying or any method of dilution to ob- tain even an approximation to their average diameter; and yet some corpuscles procured from the living Sloth Bear did not exhibit such irregularities. Of the accidental circumstances by which the particles are liable to become enlarged, besides incipient putrefaction, the moistureof the atmosphere, of the breath, or of the hand are the most frequent. Dried or drying specimens are thus instantly injured or destroyed, the disks being more or less altered in shape and deprived of their colouring matter. But much de- pends on the degree in which these causes may have acted; for a diminution in the magnitude of the corpuscles may be the consequence. If, for example, some water be mixed with blood, the disks immediately become much enlarged and spherical, quickly losing their colouring matter; and yet if the whole of this be thus removed, after a while the outlines of the disks, very faint indeed, may frequently be recognised, diminished considerably in diameter and apparently quite flat. They may always be clearly seen by treating them with a strong solution of corrosive sublimate. The human blood corpuscles, thus enlarged at first, and then deprived of their colouring matter, and reduced in size, generally present a dia- meter of about 1 -4800th of an inch, whether detected in the pure water or rendered more apparent by the sublimate. or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals* 107 They have a very characteristic appearance, being remarkably flat and pellucid, several generally touching at their edges so as to form groups, scarcely ever turning over or even moving in the fluid. It is obvious from the size, shape, and general appearance of these particles, that they are not identical with those which have been usually described as the nuclei of the blood corpuscles. The average diameter of the disks in the first instance was 1 -3429th of an inch. Besides the precaution concerning the preservation of the blood, it is equally necessary to be careful as to how it is ob- tained. The corpuscles are more or less modified very quickly after extravasation ; and if some delay occur, and the drop of blood, effused into the subcutaneous tissue, require press- ure to determine it to the surface, the corpuscles in that blood may be expected to be irregular in form and mag- nitude, many of them particularly presenting a granulated appearance. Hence the glass should not be pressed upon the wound, but merely lightly touched on a drop of the blood, however small, that has appeared freely immediately after the puncture. A specimen thus procured, and dried as before noticed, will be excellent, although in all cases where it is practicable a small incision directly into a superficial vein will be preferable. The granulated particles are almost uniformly smaller than the common disks, and it is not improbable that some of the former may be produced by the irregular shrinking of the latter. In some instances I could not detect any of the gra- nulated corpuscles in the blood immediately after it was taken from the animal, although they were to be seen abundantly after a few hours’ exposure in the serum to the atmosphere, the temperature ranging between 45° and 50°. In one ob- servation some of the extremely minute spherules, which are not uncommon in the blood, were observed to attach them- selves to a few of the smaller disks, so as to produce the gra- nulated appearance. The blood corpuscles therefore are so singularly suscep- tible of variation in size and form from the operation of very slight agency, that there is probably no other microscopic object ot equal delicacy, or that requires so much experience in its management. Hence it is not surprising that cursory observers should have committed remarkable errors, and that the history of the blood corpuscles, even after the labours of more careful inquirers, should have been so much obscured by discrepancies, particularly when it is considered how the inherent difiiculties of the subject have been increased by the imperfection of instruments. Hewson indeed, whose obser- 108 Mr. Gulliver’s Obsermtmis on ike Blood Corpuscles vations apart from his hypotheses are generally remarkable for their accuracy, laboured under these disadvantages, but there is reason to believe that his results were not obtained without the most devoted and diligent inc^uiry. The discrepancies just alluded to are frequently adduced as instances of how little credit should be attached to micro- scopical anatomy generally. There does not appear to me to be any reason in the objection; first, because it is seldom if ever urged by those who are sufficiently acquainted with the instrument to enable them to judge fairly of its use; and se- condly, the same objection might in like manner be made to the use of the unassisted vision in minute anatomy. Who- ever has attended to the history of the elementary structure of different parts in the animal oeconomy, as given by anatomists who have not employed glasses, must be acquainted with dif- ferences in the observations, just as remarkable as those which have resulted from the use of the microscope. But no one ever yet ventured to suggest that the imperfection of our senses was a reason why they should be dispensed with. The intimate structure of the bones, of the cellular or adipose tissues, are, among others, singularly obscured by false ob- servations, notable for their number as well as for their dis- agreement. Yet the microscope has made these things in- finitely more simple. No anatomist would now require to found the distinctions between the cellular and adipose tissues chiefly on remote physiological phaenomena; no one would doubt the difference who had once seen the vesicles of the latter by the aid of the microscope. Haller could thus have immediately seen and shown to others the proof of that great discovery, which required so much labour to demonstrate. A curious collection might be given of the errors of anatomi- cal observations made by the unaided vision as compared with those which have arisen from the use of the micro- scope*. But this subject is foreign to my purpose, and I have only to repeat the conviction which I have elsewhere expressed tj that the minute anatomy of the fluids, both healthy and diseased, is of the utmost importance, and that the steady and successful pursuit of this object will ulti- mately be the foundation of a new sera both in physiology and pathology. 76. Orang-outang, (Pithecus Satyrus,) a female, about a third grown. All the following sizes very common; l-3552nd, * On the limits of vision with the best instruments there is an ingenious paper by Ehrenberg, of which we are indebted to Mr. Francis for an excel- lent English version. See Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs, Part iv. f On the Softening of Fibrine, Med. Chir. Trans., vol. xxii. or Bed Particles of the Mammiferous Animals, 109 l-34?29th, l-3368th, 1 -3309th, and 1 -3200th. Extreme dia- meters 1 -4000th and l-3000th, though a very few considerably smaller might be seen in the serum. Blood from a vein of the fore arm. 77. Hoolock Gibbon, [Hylohates scyrites,) nearly full-' grown female. Most frequent size of the corpuscles 1- 3200th, but very variable from 1 -4570th to l-2782nd of an inch. Blood from the left ventricle, dried, three days after death. 78. White Whiskered Gibbon, {Hylobates ?) a male, about two-thirds grown. Most frequent diameters of corpuscles l-3428th and l-3200th. Extreme sizes I -4570th and 1 -2900th. In serum 1 -4000th common ; in weak saline solutions still smaller, and many of the edges swelled and punctured, so as to form a very remarkable triangular or qua- drangular depression in the centre of the disks. Blood from the left ventricle of the heart. I am informed by Mr. Ogilby that this is a new species of Hylobates. 79. Magot or Barbary Ape, [Pajno sylvanus\ 1 -3428th and l-3200th most frequently. Extreme sizes l-4570th and l-2900th. Blood from the aorta and vena cava. 80. Rhesus Monkey, {Macaciis rhesus,) a young male. Corpuscles very variable in size, 1 -3200th very common; extreme diameters l-4000th and l-2666th of an inch. Blood from left ventricle of the heart. 81. Toque or Chinese Bonnet Monkey, {Macacus radiatus), a male, about two-thirds grown. l-3600th and l-3200th common size of the corpuscles. Blood from the left ven- tricle. 82. Black Ape, (Macacus niger,) full-grown male. Most common diameter of the disks 1 -3554th of an inch; extreme sizes l-4572nd and 1 -2965th. Blood from right ventricle. 83. Hare-lipped Monkey, [Macacus cynomolgus,) full- grown male. Most common diameter of the disks 1 -3429th of an inch; extreme sizes l-4500th and l-2666th. Blood from the renal vein. 84. Pigtailed Monkey, [Papio nemestrinus,) a female two- thirds grown. Most common diameter of disks 1 -3329th and l-3555th. Extreme sizes l-4570th and l-2900th of an inch. Blood from the portal vein, from the coronary veins, and from the right ventricle. 85. Jacchus Monkey, [Jacchus vulgaris,) adult male. Four measurements of three or four in a row, gave the following diameters of each disk : l-3552nd, l-3554th, l-3693rd, and 1 -3555th. Extreme diameters l-4570th and 1 -3000th. Blood from a prick of the tail. 110 Mr. Gulliver’s Ohsermtiojis on the Blood Corpuscles In the venous blood of the monkey tribe, besides lymph globules of the common size and appearance, there are ge- nerally spherical bodies of a very white colour, and fre- quently of semi-fluid consistence, as may be inferred from their being seen occasionally to alter in shape, like a drop of any viscid matter subjected to currents of particles on its mar- gins. The white round bodies vary in diameter from 1 -4000th to 1-1 777th of an inch. Their number is often very great, and they may be observed very remarkably in blood from the mesenteric veins. In the blood of the right ventricle they are also extremely common, though the semi-fluid appearance is more frequently seen in the former. These observations were made on monkeys, apes, and baboons, dead of various diseases, chiefly tubercular phthisis. Tubercle seems in these animals to be as common in the spleen as in the lungs ; in- deed, this deposit is not unfrequent in the former organ when none can be found in the latter. 86. European Brown Bear, {Ursus ArctoSi) female, hardly a third grown. Most frequent diameters of corpuscles l-3600th, l-3692nd, 1-S750th, l-3790th, and l-4000th. Extreme sizes J -4570th and l-3048th. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 87. Black Bear, {Ursus Americanus^ a male, nearly same, size and apparently of the same age as the European Bear. All the following diameters common : l-3600th, l-3693rd, 1-S790th, 1 -3840th. Extreme sizes l-4570th and l-3000th of an inch. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 88. Cinnamon or Chocolate Bear, ( JJrsus Americanus, var.?) a male, from North America, apparently of the same age as the Black and European Bears. l-3693rd, l-3790th, l-3840th, l-4000th, all common sizes. Extreme diameters l-4800th and l-3000th. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 89. Polar Bear, [Ursus Maritimus,) an old female. The following sizes very common : l-3600th, l-3693rd, l-3764th, and 1- 3840th. Extreme diameters l-4570th and l-3048th. There were seen, though rarely, some as small as I -53 33rd of an inch. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 90. Sloth Bear {Ursus labiaius,) an aged female and a full- grown male. Most common diameter of corpuscles from 1 -4000th to 1 •'3555th. Extreme sizes 1 -4800th and l~3000th of an inch. Blood from the different cavities of the heart of the female ; from a prick of the lip of the male, which was a healthy animal. The unsatisfactory result of the examination of the corpuscles in the female has been already noticed ; the specimen from the male was not a very good one. 91. Raccoon, {Procpon lotor,) nearly full-grown male. In the dried corpuscles, the following sizes all very common ; Ill or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals. 1 -4500th, l-4572nd, and l-4800th. Extreme diameters, l-6000th and l-4000th. In the serum, a great many of the disks l-6000th to l-5333rd of an inch. Blood from a vein of the fore foot. 92. Wolf, {Canis Lupus,) adult male. l~3554th, ] -3635th, 1 -3692nd, all very frequent diameters. Extreme sizes 1 -4570th and 1- 3000th. Blood from a prick of the ear. 93. Jackal, [Canis mesomelas,) adult female. The following diameters very common : l-3552nd, l-3600th, l-3693rd, 1 -3790th. Extreme sizes l-4570th, l-3000th. Blood from a prick of the ear. 94. Two Spotted Paradoxure, {Paradoxurus hinotatus,) a female nearly full-grown, from Western Africa. The follow- ing sizes frequent: l-4572nd, l-4800th, and 1 -5052nd of an inch. Extreme diameters l-6000th and l-3555th. Blood from a prick of the tail. 95. Striped Hyaena, {Hyaena mlgaris,) female not quite full-grown. l-4000th, l-3764th and l-3552nd, common dia- meters. Extreme sizes l-4800th and l-3000th. Blood from a vein of the ear. 96. Lion, [Felis Leo,) from Africa, nearly full-grown. The most common diameters l-4500th and l-4365th of an inch. Extreme sizes l-5800th and l-3554th. Blood from a prick of the ear. a. Lioness, about two-thirds grown. Some corpuscles ob- tained from the cutaneous vessels of the leg gave the same measurements. 97. Puma or Silver Lion, {Felis concolor,) from South Ame- rica, full-grown male, l-4572nd, l-4500th and l-4440th, the most frequent diameters of the disks. Extreme sizes l-5800th and 1-35 5 4th. Blood from a prick of the ear. 98. Tiger, {Felis Tigris,) from India, a female, full-grown. Common sizes l-4440th, l-4210th, and l-4268th. Several also of l-4000th. Extreme diameters 1- 5333rd and l-3428th of an inch. Blood from a vein of the ear. The size therefore of the blood corpuscles of these larger species of the genus Felis is very nearly alike^\ In some of the smaller species, as the Cat (27.), Serval (28.), and Lynx (30.), the disks have much the same diameter, as I infer from frequent examinations. Mr. Siddall too, before he was ac- quainted with the result of my observations, came to the same conclusion, from several trials with the blood of the cat, as compared with one specimen of that of the tiger. In some blood obtained during life from the femoral vein and from the femoral artery of a cat, about a third-grown, the disks most * See Dublin Medical Press, No. 52. 112 Mr. Gulliver’s Obsermtions on the Blood Corpuscles commonly presented the following diameters, l-4?365th and l-4752nd of an inch; and there w^ere several l-4000th, the thickness of the edges of the disks being 1-16, 000th. The blood was examined quickly after it was obtained, and no appreciable difference was seen between the arterial and ve- nous corpuscles. They are certainly but very slightly smaller than in| the tiger. 99. K }L^ugSLXOo, {Macropus Eiige7iiil) a female, 1-3554-th, ]-3432nd,and l-3200th, a common diameter of the disks, and 1 -4000th and l-3000th rather frequent sizes. The edges of the corpuscles generally from 1-1 2,000th to 1-1 0,000th of an inch thick. Blood from a prick of the tail. 100. The Coypu, {Myopotamus Coypus^) an adult. Most common diameters of corpuscles l-3500th and l-3200th of an inch. Small disks, 1 -4000th ; large, l-2666th, in the dry state. Thickness of the edges of the corpuscles 1-1 2000th to l-9600th. In the serum, the corpuscles were more variable in size, 1 -4572nd and l-3000th of an inch being very fre- quent. Blood from a prick near the buttocks. 101. Gray Squirrel, {Sciurus cinereus,) adult male. Com- mon diameters l-4266th, l-4000th, l-3S40th, and l-3600th. Extreme sizes l-6000th and 1 -3000th. Magnitude of cor- puscles very irregular; a few not more than l-6400th. Blood from a prick of the nose for the first examination, and from the ear a few days subsequently for another trial. 102. Capistrated Squirrel, [Sciurus capistratus^) adult male. Common diameters l-4000th, l-3790th, and l-3693rd. Extreme sizes l-5333rd and l-3000th. A few of the very small corpuscles less than l-6400th of an inch in diameter. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 103. Black Squirrel, [Sciurus 7iiger,) an adult. All the following sizes frequent, 1 -3600th, 1 -3692nd, l-3790th, and l-3840th. Extreme diameters l-5333rd and l-3000th. A few of the very small corpuscles were seen. The size of the corpuscles, as far as I have observed, is very irregular in the genus Sciurus. There are circular particles, though not in large numbers, yet very remarkable for their regularity and diminutive size in regard to the com- mon blood disks. For this reason the very small corpuscles should be further examined. I have certainly seldom seen them so remarkably in any other genus, though 1 think they appeared in the blood of the female Sloth Bear. In the Palm Squirrel (72.) there were several about 1 -7000th of an inch. 104. Wild Boar, [Sus Scrofa,) from Asia, male, nearly full-grown. l-4266th, l-4365th, and l-4000th, most frequent or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals, 113 diameters of the disks. Extreme sizes l-1533rd and l-3555th, Blood from a prick of the nose. 105. Collared Peccari, {Dicotyles torquatus^) from Mexico. Full-grown female. l-4173rd, l-4500th, l-4572nd, and 1 -4800th very common diameters of disks. Extreme sizes 1 -6000th and 1 -3555th. Much more irregular in size than in the Wild Boar^ and from two examinations appearing to be smaller. Blood from a prick of the upper lip. 106. Zebra, {Equus Burchellii,) full-grown female. Aver- age-sized disks l-4500th; and l-4800th, 1 -4365th and 1 -4000th, not uncommon. Extreme sizes l-5800th and l-3368th. Blood from a prick of the nose. 107. Dshikketai or Wild Ass, [Equus Hemionus)^ a fe- male, as large as a common Ass. The most frequent sizes of corpuscles l-4572nd and l-4800th. Several as large as 1 -4000th. Extreme diameters 1 -5800th and 1 -3555th of an inch. Blood from a prick of the nose. With reference to the blood of the Horse (see No. 34 in the former paper) Mr. Siddall obtained the following measure- ments of the common-sized corpuscles from a cart stallion, aged 12, suddenly killed : l-4360th, l-4208th, and l-4362nd. The blood, from a vein of the testicle, examined soon after the death of the animal. 108. Axis Deer, [Cervus Axis,) adult male. Most frequent sizes l-4924th and l-5333rd of an inch. Extreme diameters l-6000th and l-4365th. Altogether very irregular in size. Blood from a vein of the ear. 109. A Deer, [Germs macrourus'i). Most frequent diame- ters 1-5 142nd and l-5333rd. Extreme sizes l-6400th and l-4000th. An adult male and female; the blood from the renal vein of the former, and from the ear of the latter. These animals were shipped at Honduras, and brought home with the Mexican Deer. 110. Reeveses Muntjac, [Cervus Reevesii, Ogilby). The corpuscles belonging to the same class as those of the Porcine and Mexican Deer. They will be all fully described together on a future occasion. 111. Sing Sing Antelope, [Antilope Sing Sing,) adult fe- male. Corpuscles very variable from 1- 6000th to 1 -4000th Oi an inch ; l-4800th was very common, and l-5333rd common. Blood from a prick of the nose. 112. Nyl-ghau, [Antilope picta,) a young male, hardly half-grown. l-4924th, l-4800th and l-4572nd, all common diameters. Extreme sizes l-6000th and l-4365th of an inch. Blood from a vein of the ear. 113. Cervine Antelope, [Antilope bubalis,) ?id\x\i moXQ, Cor- Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No, 101. Feb, 1840. I 114> On the Blood Corpuscles of the Mammiferous Animals. puscles remarkably variable in size, and differing much whether examined dry or in their serum. In the former state 1-5 333rd and l-6000th most common diameters, and extreme sizes l-6400th and l-4562nd. In the serum l-6856th the most frequent size. Blood obtained for the first examination from a prick of the nose, and for the second some weeks after- wards from an incision of the ear. The animal was diseased. 114. Buffalo, from Manilla, Buhaliis,) adult female, 1-5 1 42nd, 1 -4800th, and l-4500th common diameters. Ex- treme sizes 1 -5333rd and l-3600th. Average thickness of the edges of the disks 1 -14,000th of an inch. Blood from a vein of the ear. 115. Cape Buffalo, {Bos Caffre^)^u\\- gro^n male. l-5142nd and l-4800th, most frequent sizes in the dried specimens. Ex- treme diameters 1 -6000th and l-3554th. The corpuscles in their serum were commonly l-5333rd, or even as small as 1 -6000th of an inch. Blood from a vein of the ear. From two trials it appeared that disks were slightly smaller than in Bos Buhalus. Napu Musk Deer (49.) An adult female having lately died at the Zoological Gardens, I availed myself of an opportunity of examining some blood from the different cavities of the heart, as well as from the cava, portal, and mesenteric veins. The result fully confirms the accuracy of my former observa- tions*, especially that the blood corpuscles of the Musk Deer are smaller than any previously described in the mammalia. In relation to the parts from which the blood was obtained, there was no appreciable difference in the disks. The average dia- meter of those procured from the dead animal was l-13,4C0th of an inch. In an animal with blood corpuscles so remarkably minute, it was interesting to ascertain the comparative magnitude of the lymph globules. The latter were therefore carefully ex- amined with this view ; and their size, appearance, and che- mical characters found to be identical with the lymph glo- bules of many mammals with large blood particles. The lymph granules in the Napu Musk Deer varied in diameter from 1 -5000th to l-3500th of an inch. Hew^son inferred from his observations that there was a relation between the particles of the lymph and blood in the same animal, and a difference in the size and shape of the former in different animals. I have recently examined the blood of the Vicugna (37. )j and compared it again with that of the Dromedary (36.). In * Dublin Medical Press, Nov. 27, 1839. L. and E. Phil. Mag. Dec. 1839, and Jan. 1810. On Galvanic Series formed of Zinc and inactive Iron. 115 the former the following measurements of the corpuscles were taken. Long diameters, l-4000th very common, many l-3555th, and a few, not commonly seen, 1 -2666th. Several considerably shorter than l-4000th of an inch, for instance, l-5333rd; and even l-6000th very rarely. Short diameters most frequently l-6400th and 1-71 i 0th. The shorter corpuscles are generally broader in proportion than the others, some nearly circular, but in this observation none perfectly so. Mr. SiddalFs measurements agree as nearly as possible with mine, and the corpuscles in the Vicugna appear to be a little smaller than those of the Dromedary. Though taken from a vein of the ear, the blood was of a bright brick-red colour, as it ap- peared from the puncture. It would be singular if the ve- nous blood of any of the mammals with oval particles should not have the usual dark colour. The Rhinoceros (52, p. 32.) 1 -2554th is a misprint for l-3554th. The Red American Fox (24) is the Canis fidvus, not a variety of C. Vulpes. XIX. On Galvanic Series formed of Zinc and Inactive Iron. By Mr. Thomas Hawkins. To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal. Gentlemen, NE of Professor Schoenbein’s experiments described at p. 429 of vol. X. of the L. & E. Phil. Mag., by which he ob- tained an electric current of high intensity with wires ‘Tiaving one of their ends coated with peroxide of lead, and each end put into a separate vessel filled with nitric acid, a hundred times diluted,” interested me so much, that I was led, at the time of its publication, to make some experiments, with the view of esta- blishing the possibility of employing iron in duo. peculiar con-- dition as the negative metal in voltaic batteries. After some failures I succeeded in forming a galvanic circle with a fine iron wire put into nitric acid of sp. gr. 1*5 contained in a tube of plaster of Paris, and associated with amalgamated zinc in diluted sulphuric acid, which electrolyzed water; and two of such circles, in series, liberated the gases rapidly, continuing in action for seven hours, when sudden effervescence of the acid occurred and the wires were dissolved. Efficient circles, but of less permanency, were constructed of iron wires alone, having one of their ends in the porous cells of nitric acid, the other in diluted sulphuric or even very diluted nitric acid. The liability of the iron to be suddenly attacked by the nitric acid was prevented, so far as my experience went, by dis- solving mercury in the acid, in accordance with the Pro- 12 116 Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors fessor’s observation of the effect of nitrate of mercury in preserving the inactive state ; but it was also necessary to protect the wires at and above the surface of the acid from the corroding action of its fumes by a coating of wax or glass. By these means the inactive condition of the iron was main- tained ; but another obstacle then arose in the crystallization of nitrate of mercury, by which the cells after twenty or thirty hours’ use were generally broken ; and this could not be sur- mounted but at the sacrifice of some power, by diluting the acid, which the presence of the nitrate permitted, and the substitution for the cells of pipe-clay of others made of wood. I cannot give comparative results obtained with iron and platina batteries, but I may mention that with an arrange- ment of six cylinders of sheet iron, each containing thirty-six square inches in strong nitric acid, without mercury, and as- sociated with zinc plates of half their size, a current was evolved which for several hours ignited charcoal, or the whole of a strip of platina six inches in length by one-eighth of an inch in width. The construction of this battery was imperfect in se- veral respects, particularly in the porous vessels being much too thick ; there is, therefore, reason to suppose that an equal power might have been obtained from a less number of cells. As some progress in advance of the Professor’s experiment in which the current ceased with the solution of the film of peroxide of lead, this communication may possibly be deemed worthy of being recorded : but the importance of my results in relation to the proposed object of the experiments is, I think, materially affected by the discovery of Mr. Cooper, as given in your last Number, of the application of charcoal and other forms of carbon Jis a substitute for platina in the voltaic arrangement of Mr. Grove. I have the honour to be. Gentlemen, &c. 5^, King’s Road, Brighton, ThoMAS HawKINS. Jan. 10th, 1840. XX. 071 Lightning Conductors^ and the Lffects of Lightning on Her Majestfs Ship Rodney and certain other Ships of the British Navy : being a further examination of Mr. Sturgeon’s Memoir 07i Marine Lightning Conductors, By W. Snow Harris, Esq,^ F.R.S., ^c. [Illustrated by Plate 1,] To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazme and Journal. Gentlemen, 1. TN my former communication (L. and E. Phil. Mag. vol. xiv. p. 461.) I considered the nature of a well-known c/. i,.Er/r/( . Mffy. Yo] . X\'l .PI. I. II i - and, the effects of lightning on H,M,S. Rodney^ ^c. 1 17 phaenomenon in electricity, termed by Cavallo, Priestley, and others the lateral explosion, and showed that it did not apply to the state of a metallic rod in the act of transmitting a va- nishing electrical accumulation between two opposed electri- fied surfaces, as insisted on by Mr. Sturgeon in a recent num- ber of his Annals of Electricity. I will now proceed to ex- amine the general character and effect of ordinary electrical discharges, whether produced on the great scale of nature, or artificially, with a view of further showing, that such lateral explosions do not occur at the instant of the passing of a shock of lightning through a metallic conductor, as alsc^with a view of meeting certain other objections which have been ad- vanced at different times to the use of lightning rods in ships. 2. 1 should not have felt myself called upon to notice fur- ther Mr. Sturgeon’s memoir, did I not consider the state- ments it contains, although superficial and inconclusive, likely to mislead the public upon many important points connected with the effectual protection of shipping against the destructive effects of lightning, and convey false views of the nature of electrical action. Under these impressions I have little hesi- tation in noticing what he has advanced under the following heads : — 1st. Examination of the observed effects produced on shipping by lightning. 2nd. A comparison of the observed effects of lightning and the probable effects which lightning would pro- duce by the application of Mr. Harris’s conductors to shipping. 3. The first contains an excellent, and I have no doubt, an accurate statement, by an intelligent officer of the Rodney, of the destructive effects of lightning lately experienced in that ship, together with notices of two cases in which ships fitted wdth my conductors were struck by lightning without any attendant ill consequence. In the second, it is the author’s object to prove, from the effects of lightning in the Rodney, that my system is inadmissible; since the discharge of light- ning, he observes, which struck the Rodney, would have been powerful enough to have rendered even the thickest part of Mr. Harris’s conductors sufficiently hot to ignite gun- powder.” Considering the boldness of this assertion, and the high pretension of the memoir, w^e should expect, on examining the author’s researches, to find him in possession of a copious induction of facts from well-authenticated cases of damage by lightning on ship-board, illustrating clearly the views he so strenuously insists on, — cases in which continuous or other 118 Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors metallic conductors have been from any cause placed along the masts or rigging, and in which the electric agency found its way through the hull to the sea. We should further ex- pect from him, something like an examination of the general nature and effects of electrical discharges, since it is clear, be- fore any accurate estimate can be arrived at, of the relative quantity of electricity likely to be discharged from a thunder- cloud, and the probable effects on metallic rods, or other conductors set up with a view of directing it in any given course, such information is quite indispensable. 4. Now it is to be particularly observed, that Mr. Sturgeon’s memoir is really deficient in such information ; a few clumsy experiments in illustration of a well-known fact in electricit}^, deceptively associated, by means of a vague hypothesis, with some of the ordinary effects of lightning, on a ship not having any regular conductor, and with some every-day phaenomena of theelectrical kite, is virtually the amount of all that the author has advanced, under the imposing title of “ Theoretical and Experimental Researches.” 5. In illustration of the careless way in which he meets this question, it may not be out of place to notice the following specimen of his inductive philosophy, —being the very outset of the comparison he has proposed, of tbe observed effects of lightning, and the probable effects on my conductors'^'. In the account given of the damage recently sustained by H.M. Ship Rodney, it appears, that the shock of lightning which shivered the top-gallant-mast, damaged the top-mast, 8cc., &c., fell on a small brass sheave in the truck for signal halliards, and slightly fused it. This sheave weighed about 4 ounces ; it was only about an inch and a half diameter, hol- lowed except at the centre and rim, where it was somewhere about half of an inch in thickness. The lightning also fell on the copper funnel for top-gallant rigging, being a hollow cylinder of 16 inches in length, 10 inches in diameter, and not quite a quarter of an inch thick. This funnel was not any- where fused. It fell also on other metallic masses, such as the iron-bound tie-block, on the top-sail-yard, &c., &c., the iron hoops of the mast, &c., on which no calorific effect was ap- parent. 6. Now we have here something like evidence what was really the actual jpovoer of the charge. We see, for example, that it did not fuse a copper funnel, 16 inches long, 10 inches in diameter, and about |-th of an inch thick. In the face of which fact Mr. Sturgeon insists, that had the charge fallen on * Sturgeon’s Memoir, sec. 204. a7id the effects of lightning on H.M,S, Rodney, 119 my conductor, the thickest part of it would have become red- hot. His reasoning, in fact, amounts to this ; an explosion of lightning having slightly fused a small brass sheave, weigh- ing 4 ounces, and having failed to fuse a short copper funnel, therefore had it fallen on a rod of copper of one inch in dia- meter, and 200 feet long% that rod would have been rendered red-hoi. This, it must be allowed, is a somewhat amusing kind of special pleading, quite unprecedented, I believe, in any paper on science. 7. The author wishes to strengthen his deduction, such as it is, by adverting in a foot-note to the case of a small brig struck by lightning, in which some part of a chain conductor is supposed to have been fused ; how much is not known, as the lower part fell overboard.” The statement is given with- out any quoted authority, and is altogether deficient in the very information most required, viz. the size of the chain, and how much of it was fused. Let us, however, take it upon the author’s own ground, and suppose the conductor to have been such as is commonly used in the merchant service, — that is to say, links of iron wire of about one-fourth of an inch in dia- meter, united by rings, a kind of conductor very easily dis- jointed and fused at the points of junction by lightning; — the reasoning then stands thus : because a shock of lightning fused and disjointed some unknown portion of a lightning chain in a merchant brig, therefore the same shock, had it fallen on a solid copper rod of one inch in diameter and 100 feet long, would have rendered that rod red-hot, 7. The fallacy and entire worthlessness of such reasoning, seems not altogether to have escaped Mr. Sturgeon’s notice, as appears by his amplification of the above effects ; thus on entering upon the comparison of the effects of lightning, he re- sorts to a sort of wholesale dealing, and leads the reader to con- clude that the entire sheave in the Rodney and all the brigs’ conductor underwent fusion. But even if it were so, no such conclusion as that above mentioned is admissible fj especially in reference to a continuous and massive conductor termina- * This is the equivalent of my conductor on the main-mast of such a ship as the Rodney, taking it at its least value. t “ Were there no other data than those of the fusion of the metallic sheave in the Rodney and the fusion of the chain-conductor in the brig Jane,” &c. &c. ‘"'The impressions which these facts convey to the mind are too definite to be easily misunderstood ; they clearly imply that either of the discharges which struck the Rodney or Jane would have rendered the thickest part of Mr. Harris’s conductors sufficiently hot to ignite gunpowder,” &c.&c. — Sturgeon s Memoir, sec. 204. 120 Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors ting in a point, and equalizing with inconceivable rapidity the disturbed electrical state of the sea and clouds. 8. The manifest deficiency of sound practical information in Mr. Sturgeon’s memoir, imposes upon me the necessity of ad- verting to the general character and operation of common electrical discharges, whether produced by artificial means or on the great scale of nature. In doing this I have no desire to excuse myself, in case I should not have written clearly and explicitly on the subject, since in no department of physics is the field of observation so fertile, and the path of experiment so sure and easy. We have before us the experience of nearly a century, during which time lightning-rods have been em- ployed ; a great number of instances have occurred of shocks of lightning falling on ships under a variety of different cir- cumstances, in some cases where lightning conductors have been present, in others where absent ; in many instances where ships have been near each other and exposed to the same storm, some having conductors, others not. The general laws of the discharge are traceable in them all, and the effects on metallic bodies distinctly shown. On the other hand, we can on a minor scale, imitate successfully the great operations .of nature, and examine experimentally every possible contin- gency attendant on the operation of a shock of lightning in a ship. It is our own fault, therefore, if we do not treat the subject scientifically, and arrive at complete practical solutions of such questions as these : Is a lightning conductor desirable in a ship ? Will it cause by attraction a shock of lightning to fall on a ship when otherwise such would not take place ? If so, can it cause damage by its inability to get rid of the light- ning which falls on it? What is the best form and dimensions of a lightning conductor for a ship ? What is the greatest probable force of lightning to which it may become exposed ? Is it liable to cause damage by any lateral operation of the charge passing through it ? I say, if such questions as these cannot now be reasonably determined they probably never can ; and, therefore, any one who writes or reasons obscurely about them, and without due regard to a good induction- of facts, can have no claim to be considered as a sound reasoner in experimental science; for, as beautifully observed by Lord Bacon, Man, who is the servant of nature, can act and understand no further than he has, either in operation or in contemplation, observed of the method and order of nature.” Under these impressions I proceed to examine the general character and effects of electrical discharges as exhibited arti- ficially, and on the great scale of nature. 9. Although some theoretical differences may have arisen and the effects of lightning on HM.S. Rodney ^ 121 concerning the precise nature of electricity, yet the following explanation runs sufficiently parallel with facts to entitle it to our confidence, and put us in possession of one of the great advantages of every theory, viz. a classification and connexion of observed effects ; the province of human knowledge, being, as justly observed by a most intellectual and accomplished writer^ ^‘to observe facts, and trace what their relations are*’’ General principles : — 10. There is an invisible agency in the material world inti- mately associated with common matter, termed electricity. 11. Lightning, thunder, and a variety of analogous phaeno- mena of a minor kind, artificially produced, result from dis- charges of this agency between bodies differently affected by it. 12. In every case of electrical discharge there are two surfaces of action ; one existing on some substance eager to throw off’ redundant electricity, being, according to Dr. Frank- lin, overcharged with it ; the other existing in some other sub- stance eager to receive electricity, being, according to the same philosopher, deficient of it, or undercharged. 13. Two opposed bodies, when placed in these opposite electrical states, have, a sort of exclusive action on each other, either directly through any intervening substance, whether a conductor of the electrical principle or not, or otherwise indi- rectly through any lateral circuit. Thus two metallic surfaces A B (fig. 1.) pasted on the op- posite sides of a square of glass c have, when the square is said to be charged, an exclusive action on each other, either through the intervening glass, or otherwise through any con- ductor, A o B, connecting them. Now we have only to suppose these planes placed further apart, as in fig. 2, to have a discharging conductor, m ??, of greater or less extent between them, to be greatly increased in size, to be separated by air instead of glass, and to consist of free vapour or water, and we have a pretty faithful repre- sentation of the conditions, under which a discharge of light- ning takes place, when passing partly through the air, and partly through a discharging conductor, m w, or any other body, c d, placed on the plane Bf. * Abercrombie on the Intellectual Powers. t The thickness of the intervening air, and the amount of free elec- tricity in the clouds, has led Professor Henry to question in some measure, the perfect analogy of a discharge of lightning, with that of a Leyden jar ; but I think upon mature consideration this circumstance will not be found in any way subversive of the general principle. Thus whether electricity l!22 Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors 14. Any continuous metallic rod or other body, m n (fig. 2.), connected with the lower plane, must be considered merely as a passive Vv^ay of access for the charge so far as it goes ; the electrical agency being observed to seize upon substances best adapted and in a position to facilitate its progress, or otherwise to fall with destructive effect upon such as resist it. 15. It is easy to perceive here, that the presence of a con- ducting rod, m n (fig. 2), or other conducting body, has no- thing whatever to do with the great natural action set up be- tween the planes A B. It is in fact to be considered merely as a point in one of them. The original accumulation of elec- tricity and subsequent discharge, would necessarily go on whether such a rod were present or not, as is completely shown by experience. When present, its operation is confined to the transmission, so far as it extends, of that portion of the charge which happens to fall upon it; and since it is quite impossible to avoid the presence of conducting bodies in the construction of ships, it is the more important to understand clearly in what way damage by lightning occurs to the general mass, and how it may be best avoided. 16. When discharges of lightning fall upon a ship in the way above stated, as being a heterogeneous mass fortuitously placed between the charged surfaces A B (fig. 3.), the course of the discharge is always determined through a certain line or lines, which upon the whole least resist its progress. The interposed air between the ship and the clouds first gives way in some particular point, probably the weakest, — suppose at A, fig. 3 ; — the electrical agency then meeting with continued resistance from the non-conducting particles of air, is often turned into a tortuous course. Suppose it arrives in this way at some point, in the vicinity of a ship at the be accumulated on thick glass or on thin, the result is the same ; it is merely the intensity as indicated by the electrometer which changes. Now the term free electricity, applies to the greater or lesser influence of the opposed coating in respect of other bodies. In the case of the op- posed surfaces of the clouds and earth, all the charge is necessarily free electricity, since there exists no other point upon which it can tend to dis- charge. In the same way the electricity of the jar, when the coatings are very near, is nearly all redundant, or free electricity, in respect of the ac- tion between them, although latent in respect of other bodies. Hence with a moderate accumulation, the electrometer exhibits but a small intensity, if any. The only difference at the time of the discharge, is in the position of the discharging circuit, which in the case of the clouds and sea, is directly in the interval of separation; and as we find the principle of induction al- ways active in cases of lightning, the thickness of the stratum has evidently no influence on the conditions of the accumulation, especially when we consider the great extent of the opposed surfaces, which may possibly be 20,000 or more square acres. Dr. Faraday has shown that no distance excludes the inductive action. and the effects of lightning on H,M,S. Rodney, ^c. 123 question whether it would strike upon the mast at y would be determined by the resistance in the direction oi m y as compared with that in any other direction m, B ; whether, in fact, it would be easier to break down the remaining air in the direction M B, or otherwise the air in the direction m y, supposing the ship’s mast to facilitate the progress in that direction. 17. Let the charge however strike in the direction m y, and so fall upon the mast, — then in proceeding to its ultimate desti- nation, viz. the plane of the sea B, its course is still determined by the same general principles ; that is to say, it seizes upon all those bodies which tend to assist its progress, and which at the same time happen to be placed in certain relative posi- tions, and upon no others, falling with destructive effect upon intervening bad conductors, and exhibiting in non-conducting intervals all the effects of a powerful expansive force. If we examine carefully the course of discharges of lightning on ships in some hundred instances in which damage has ensued, we shall find this effect invariable. The damage has always occurred where good conductors cease to be continued, and the destructive consequences most apparent are those usually produced by expansion. The calorific effects, except as de- pending on this cause, are really inconsiderable ; there are comparatively few instances in which metallic bodies have been fused, and no instance in which a bolt or chain of any considerable magnitude has been even much heated. The following experimental and natural illustrations of these facts will be found conclusive and interesting. Exp. 1. Lay some small detached pieces of leaf-gold a, h, c, d, &c. on a piece of paper, as represented in fig. 4 ; pass a dense shock of electricity over these, from the commencement at A to the termination at B, so as to destroy the gold ; the line which the discharge has taken will be thus shown by the blackened parts ; the result will be as in fig. 5, in which we perceive the course of the discharge has been in the dotted line a, h, d, e,f g, h, I, being the least resisting line ; and it is particularly worthy of remark, that not only are the pieces c, k untouched, being from their positions of no use in facilita- ting the progress of the charge, but even portions of other pieces, which have so operated, are left perfect, as in the transverse piece i and portions of a, h, d, e, and so little is there any tendency to a lateral discharge, even up to the point of dispersion of the metallic circuit in which the charge has proceeded ; indeed, so completely is the effect confined to the line of least resistance, that percussion powder may be placed with impunity in the interval between the portions c, d. 124} Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors Kow the separate pieces of leaf-gold thus placed, may be taken to represent detached conducting masses fortuitously placed along the mast and hull of a ship. Exp. 2. Let a thin continuous line, be passed through the separated pieces, and a dense accumulation discharged over the whole, as in the preceding case. The effect will be as represented in fig. 6. : the discharge will be confined to the line of least resistance; and we may perceive in this, as in the former case, that those pieces, or parts of pieces, out of the track of the discharge, are not affected ; thus a part only of the piece g is destroyed, also of the piece /, whilst other pieces, bi Z, which in the former case, where the continuous line, h, was not present, were blackened by the discharge, remain here perfect. Exp. 3. If the continuous line A, B (figs. 7, 8) be assisted by other comparatively short collateral branches, fxs d d c, having one common connexion at B, then a discharge which would destroy the line A, B, will divide upon these auxiliary lines, and the part tZ, B will either escape, or the whole will suffer together. Exp. 4. Pass a discharge over a strip of gold-leaf, as A, fig. 2; every part of it, as indicated by the last experiment, will participate in the shock ; and if it be of uniform density and thickness it will be everywhere equally affected, so that one portion will not be destroyed without the whole. This result will be readily distinguished from that represented at d and i, fig. 5, where the masses lie across the track of the discharge. The diagrams here referred to, are copied from the actual effects of the electrical discharge in the way above mentioned. 18. These experiments are instructive. They evidently prove, that an electrical explosion will not leave a good con- ductor, constituting an efficient line of action, to fall upon bodies out of that line. Mr. Sturgeon’s assertion that a con- ductor on a ship’s mast would operate on the magazine is therefore quite unwarranted. Besides, we have many instances of the masts having been shivered by lightning into the step, whilst acting as partial conductors, without any such conse- quence; as happened in the Mignonne in the West Indies, the Thetis at Rio, the London, Gibraltar, Goliath, and many others. Instead, therefore, of a conductor on the mast being dangerous, it is absolutely requisite as a source of safety to the ship, by confining the discharge to a given line and leading it to the sea. 19. It was from a careful consideration of the common ef- fects of lightning, and from such experimental facts as those above mentioned, that I was led to suggest the propriety of and the effects of lightning on H,M.S. Rodney^ 125 fitting continuous conductors of lightning of great capacity in the masts of ships, linking them by efficient communications, together with the principal detached metallic bodies in the hull, into one general continuous system, and finally connect- ing the whole with the sea. These conductors consist of tw’O lamince of copper-sheet, varying from one inch and a half to five inches wide, and being together nearly one-fourth of an inch thick; they are inlaid so as to be fair with the surface of the mast, and form a series of shut-joints ; they are otherwise so constructed as to present an uninterrupted line of action from the highest point to the sea. The method has been par- tially used in the British navy for several years, and has been proved in every way efficient. In no case has any of the ves- sels fitted with them received the slightest damage, although frequently exposed to severe thunderstorms, and in some in- stances actually struck by heavy discharges similar to that which fell on the Rodney in December, 18S8'^. 20. If we consider attentively the effects of this shock, we shall find them in complete accordance with the principles just stated. The attendant phaenomena were of the simplest kind, and such as have always occurred in cases of ships struck by lightning not having a continuous conductor : e,g. the elec- trical discharge, in forcing its way between the sea and clouds, over resisting intervals, and between discontinuous metallic masses, was productive of a violent expansive effect in these intervals; causing at the same time a considerable evolution of heat. There was really nothing particularly remarkable in this instance ; the course of the discharge was a very simple affair, being, according to the law of electrical action just ex- emplified (Exp. 2), in the line or lines of least resistance from the highest point to the sea : thus the course of the discharge was, as represented in the annexed diagram, along the masts and rigging, upon the general tnass of the hull and sea. The vane-spindle «r, upon which the accumulation was first con- centrated, was of course severely dealt with. From this, being probably assisted by the moisture on the surface of the wood, it glanced over the royal pole to the head of the top-gallant mast at b, where it found intermediate metallic assistance in the copper funnel for the top-gallant rigging: from this, the resistance in the mass of the wood appears to have been less than that on its surface, probably from the long interval of air between the funnel and conducting bodies about the cap be- low, the mast was therefore split open as far as the cap at c. Here again it was enabled to strike over the surface of the * See a letter in the Nautical Magazine for December 1839, by Lieut. Sullivan, R.N., who witnessed these effects. 126 Mr. Snow Harris on Lightning Conductors mast upon the metals about the parrel of the top-sail-yard at d, where the accumulation became again concentrated, pro- ducing a powerful expansion and heating effect so far as the lower cap at e ; and thus it passed along per saltum over the lower mast m, from one me- — tallic mass to another, until within a striking distance 5 of the sea and hull, it di- vided upon the hull and sea in convenient directions s s o, s p>» In this course, as indicated by the wavingblack line ft, 6, ft, d, &c., it evidently sought assistance from all the conducting matter it could seize upon ; such as the wet ropes, the copper funnel for top- gall ant rigging at b, the iron work and other bodies about the topmast cap at c, as also the men in the top- gallant crosstrees at c. The charge evidently divided up- on them in proportion to the assistance each could afford as a small auxiliary circuit. as in Exp. 3; the men near- est the mast would be ne- cessarily in the more direct course of the discharge, the others would be more or less so according to their respect- ive positions ; that these poor fellows who were killed suffered in this way as being — conductors to parts of the ' charge is evident from the appearance of the bodies. Mr. Sturgeon calls especial attention to the circumstance of the , men being thrown in opposite directions, and thinks it remark- ! able: but how could it be otherwise? the intervening air i being caused to expand violently from a central point, would | necessarily operate as a central force ; surely there is nothing ■ very new in this. About the parrel of the topsail-yard at d, \ we should expect again powerful effects ; for here again the * charge became concentrated, and set the sail, &c., on fire. Ihis is quite in accordance with the known laws of electrical ! and the effects of lightning on H.M.S, Rodney^ ^c. 127 action ; thus we find the points of ingress and egress of an artificial charge, when caused to fall on a slip of gold leaf or other matter, are always those in which the most powerful effect arises ; and when we desire to fire inflammable matter by electricity we place it directly between detached metallic points. 21. The circumstance of the lightning striking over portions of the wet mast without damage, is precisely the same effect as observed in certain cases of artificial electrical discharges.Thus a very slight film of moisture will allow a jar intensely charged to discharge a luminous ball over a long strip of glass. Dr, Franklin found he could destroy a dry rat by an electrical shock when he failed to hurt a wet one. If we continue to follow the discharge we find similar expansive and destructive effects; such as the bursting of the hoops on the mast, &c., &c., which will sometimes occur and sometimes not. 22. There is really nothing in all this to call for especial remark, except we may observe, as shown by the experiments already described, that if a good capacious conductor had been incorporated with the mast from the truck to the metallic masses in the hull and to the sea, then these expajisive and destructive effects could not possibly have occurred; since the interrupted circuit would have been avoided, and the intense electrical action have vanished, or nearly so, at the mast-head, for it would have no longer been driven to force its way in a dense explo- sive form to the hull and sea; of this we have the most com- plete evidence from, experience, particularly in the cases of the ships struck by lightning having such conductors as those just alluded to, curiously enough quoted by Mr. Sturgeon as evidence to the contrary. It seems a strange way of disproving a fact to quote those who, having been eye witnesses, insist upon its truth. That the electric matter finally distributed itself upon the hull as ^ell as on the sea, is evident from the circumstance of the casing of Flearle’s pump at t, w’hich led through the side under water being shivered ; from the vivid electrical sparks below, and from the usual smell of sul- phur in the well, and appearance of smoke in the orlop-deck, 23. The interrupted circuit therefore to be traced here, is first from the vase-spindle to the copper funnel of top-gallant rigging ; 2nd, from this to the conducting bodies at the heel of the top-gallant mast; 3rd, thence to the metallic masses about the parrel of topsail-yard; 4th, between this and the metallic bodies about the head of lower mast ; 5th, from this over the detached metallic bodies on lower mast ; finally, from lower mast to the hull and sea. The effect of this shock of light- ning appears to have been somewhat palliated by heavy rain. 128 Dr. Kane on a new Compound of Ferrocyanide Although Mr. Sturgeon has gone far out of his way to twist these phcenomena into an accordance with certain theoretical views, and sets them up as being of an extraordinary kind, they are nevertheless of a very simple character, and are merely illustrative of a few well-known laws of electrical action. [To be continued.] XXL On a new Compound of Ferrocyayiide of Potassium^ with Cyanide of Mercury. By Robert Kane, M.D., TT had frequently occurred to me to notice that, in the pro- ^ cess for obtaining cyanide of mercury by the action of ferrocyanide of potassium on sulphate of mercury, it was necessary to observe accurately the equivalent proportions of these substances, in order to ensure success. If any ferro- cyanide of potassium were present in excess, a corresponding deficiency in the quantity of the cyanide of mercury always occurred. I at last traced this circumstance to the fact, that the ferrocyanide of potassium in excess combines with the cj^anide of mercury, to form a new substance so similar in ap- pearance to the former of the two, as to be very easily con- founded with it and thus rejected in the crystallizations. This new salt is most easily prepared by dissolving together in a moderate quantity of water about one part of ferro- cyanide of potassium in crystals with two of cyanide of mer- cury. On cooling, the new salt separates in the form of rhomboidal plates of a rich yellow colour, almost as deep as that of ferrocyanide of potassium. When heated, these cry- stals lose some water and become whitish and opake, then blacken and yield cyanogen and mercury; the usual products of the decomposition of ferrocyanide of potassium remaining behind. With a protosalt of iron, a solution of this new compound yields Prussian blue, and indeed, every reagent which acts on either constituent gives its characteristic reaction with this new body. For its analysis very simple methods were sufficient. Forty grains dried at 300° Fahr. lost 2‘31 of water or 5*78 per cent. The remaining 37*69 grains were dissolved in water, and then decomposed by a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen. The sulphuret of mercury was collected and dried. It weighed * Communicated by the Author. 129 mth Cyanide of Mercury, 23*5 grains corresponding to 58*75 per cent, containing 50*13 mercury, equivalent to 63*05 of cyanide. The liquor from which the mercury had been thus sepa- rated, was evaporated carefully to dryness, and the salt ob- tained was deprived of all water of crystallization by exposure to a temperature of 300°, until it ceased to lose weight. It then weighed 3T32. It was pure dry ferrocyanide of potas- sium. A quantity of the new salt equal to 50*4? grains was ig- nited and icinerated; the residue then treated by muriatic acid, and the iron thrown down by ammonia added in excess. The oxide of iron weighed contained 2*23 of metallic iron, corresponding to 4?*47 per cent. The liquor after the separation of the iron was evaporated to dryness, and ignited ; there remained chloride of potassium, equal to 12*3, containing 6*51 potassium or 12*91 per cent. This new salt, therefore, contained Mercury 50*13 Iron 4? *4? 7 Potassium 12*91 Water 5*78 Loss and cyanogen 26*71 100*00 The relation is exactly such that the mercury employs half of the cyanogen to form cyanide of mercury, and the re- maining half forms with the potassium and the iron common ferrocyanide of potassium : the result as calculated should be 3 atoms mercury 50*26 2 potassium .... 13*11 1 ■ iron , ,, 28*0 4*62 6 cyanogen....... 26*07 4* • water 5*94 605*4 100*00 1 he existence of this salt is of considerable practical im- portance, as it shows the necessity of avoiding any excess of ferrocyanide of potassium in preparing cyanide of mercury ; an error into which, from motives of oeconomy, the manu- facturing operator would be peculiarly liable to fall. 23, Gloucester Street, Dublin, Dec. 23, 1839. Phil, May, S. 3,, Vol, 16. No. 101. Feb, 184?0. K r 130 ] XXII. On the Decomposition of the Neutral Sulphate of the Peroxide of Iron hy boiling Us Solution, By Th. SCHEERER.* A CONCENTRATED solution of the neutral sulphate of iron may be heated to boiling without becoming opake, but if one part of this salt be dissolved in 40 parts of water, continued boiling precipitates traces of a basic salt, which in- crease so as to form a considerable precipitate the more the solution is diluted with water. This salt is a combination of sulphuric acid, peroxide of iron and water, in the following proportions : 74*70 peroxide of iron. 12*57 sulphuric acid. 12*70 water. 99*97 Thus it consists of 6 atoms of the peroxide of iron, 2 atoms of sulphuric acid, and 9 atoms of water; the theoretical composition, therefore, would be 74*46 12*71 12*83—100*00 and accordingly the formula of Berzelius is 2 hV S + 9 H, or 2 (Fe S -f 8 Fe) + 27 H. According to the nomenclature of Berzelius, this salt may be called the eight-fold basic sulphate of the peroxide of iron. The oxygen of the water amounts to the half of that in the oxide, being quite analogous to the five- fold basic salt which is produced by the oxidation of a solution of sulphate of iron in the open air. Dried at 212° Fahr., this salt forms a dark orange yellow powder, its colour being lighter in proportion as the solution is previously diluted, and the less it is boiled. It is not dissolved by water, but pretty readily by acids. At a tem- perature below a dull red heat, it loses its water and becomes of a dark brown colour. At a red heat the sulphuric acid is expelled and the peroxide of iron is left behind. Experiments were made to discover how much of the sulphate of iron was decomposed by various degrees of dilu- * Communicated by the x'^uthor, to whom we beg to return om* kind tlianks. The present extract forms the substance of two distinct articles, published in PoggendorfF’s Annalen, vol, xlii. p. 104, and vol. xliv. p. 453. — Edit. On the Decomposition of neutral Sulphate of Iron, 131 tion, which may be determined by the quantity of the salt pre- cipitated. The results were as follows : dissolved in 100 parts of water, 0*309 precipitated. Opacity com- menced at 203°F. 200 — — 0-S58 — — — 158 400 — — 0-V49 — — — 137 800 — — 0-806 — — — 122 1000 — — 0-912 — — — 117. If 1 part of the sulphate of iron was dissolved in 10*000 parts of water, the solution became opake even at the temper- ature of about 63° F. which was that of the water employed ; but if it was afterwards heated to boiling, not a trace of iron could be detected in the solution filtered from the precipitate either by ammonia or by tincture of galls. The above quantities are mere approximations to accuracy, as in the first place, during the boiling of the solution, more or less water is eva- porated, by which the degree of dilution is altered ; 2ndly, the water which is condensed in the upper part of the tube again falling down, causes a momentary increased dilution, and consequently an increased quantity of the precipitate; and Srdly, the boiling point is heightened the greater the quantity of salt of iron dissolved in the water. Nevertheless the result of the experiments is sufficiently accurate to al- low of our establishing the following law with respect to the relative quantities of the peroxide of iron remaining in solu- tion after boiling : With a 200 fold and greater dilution^ the quantities of the peroxide of iron remaining in solution are in inverse ratio to the dilution. Indeed if these quantities are calculated acording to the above-mentioned proportions, we find approximatively that. With a 200-fold dilution, \ of the peroxide of iron re- — 400 — i — mains dissolved. •— 800 — I — — 1000 -- _i_ — This progression, however, is not generally exact, for in- stance by a 100-fold dilution |ds of the iron should remain dissolved. The law therefore is approximative only for the central members. If a solution of the neutral sulphate of the peroxide of iron is mixed with a solution of the neutral sulphate of potash, the same basic salt is precipitated without any part of the potash entering into the combination. The properties of the solu- tion of sulphate of iron now described may be employed to separate the peroxide of iron from some salts. The neutral sulphates of manganese, nickel and cobalt have no acid re- action upon litmus paper like the neutral sulphate of the per- K2 132 Prof. Sylvester on Elimination and Derivation oxide of iron. If therefore one of these sulphates is mixed with the latter in solution, by far the greater portion of the iron may be precipitated by saturating, as nearly as possible, the solution with potash, and the remaining portion of iron may be thrown down by dilution and boiling. It remains only to be observed that no other acid than sulphuric acid must be present, and that the solution nearly saturated must be diluted with at least twice or three times its quantity of water. This method may not only be employed with advantage in preparing pure oxide of cobalt, but also in analysis. When no error has occurred, the iron is perfectly free from cobalt, although the cobalt may sometimes contain a slight trace of iron. During the preparation of pure oxide of cobalt from the roasted ores, arsenious or arsenic acid is constantly present. This need not first be separated by sulphuretted hydrogen, for it is precipitated, on treating it in the manner above de- scribed, as arseniate or arsenite of iron. It is, however, better in this case to add to the solution previously to saturation a quantity of the sulphate of the peroxide of iron, as other- wise there might not be a sufficient quantity of iron present to take up the whole of the arsenious acid, and then arseniate or arsenite of cobalt would also be thrown down. XXIII. A Method of determining by mere Inspection the de- rivatives from two Equations of any degree. By J. J. Syl- vester, F.R.S. and R,A.S,, Professor of Natural Philosophy in University College, London,^ Let there be two equations, one of the nth, the other of the mih. degree in x ; let the coefficients of the first equation be an an— I an—^ a^, each power of x having a co- efficient attached to it, belonging to x"^ and a^ to the con- stant term. In like manner let hm bm^\ ^0 the coefficients of the second equation. I begin with A Rule for absolutely eliminating {x). Form out of the {a) progression of coefficients (m) lines, and in like manner out of the (b) progression of coefficients form {n) lines in the following manner : * Communicated by the Author. See the December and January Num- bers of this Magazine. hy a Process of mere Inspection, 133 1. id). Attach {m — l) zeros all to the right of the terms in the {a) progression : next attach {m — 2) zeros to the right and carry over to the left; next attach (m — 3) zeros to the right and carry over 2 to the left. Proceed in like manner until all the {tn—l) zeros are carried over to the left and none re- main on the right. The (m) lines thus formed are to be written under one an- other. 1. (b) Proceed in like manner to form n lines out of the (b) progression by scattering {n—l) zeros between the right and left. 2. If we write these (w) lines under the {?n) lines last ob- tained, we shall have a solid square (m + n) terms deep and {m + 7i) terms broad. 3. Denote the lines of this square by arbitrary characters, which write down in vertical order and permute in every possible way, but separate the permutations that can be de- rived from one another by an even number of interchanges (effected between contiguous terms) from the rest ; there will thus behalf of one kind and half of another. 4. Now arrange the {m-\-7i) lines accordingly, so as to ob- tain ^ , m-\-n~\ 2.1) squares of one kind which shall be called positive squares, and an equal number of the opposite kind which shall be called negative. Draw diagonals in the same direction in all the squares ; multiply the coefficients that stand in any diagonal line together: take the sum of the diagonal products of the positive squares, and the sum of the diagonal products of the negative squares ; the difference between these two sums is the prime deriva- tive of the zero degree, i. e. is the result of elimination be- tween the two given equations reduced to its ultimate state of simplicity, there will be no irrelevant factors to reject, and no terms which mutually destroy. Example. To eliminate between I permute the four characters (1) (2) (3) (4) distinguish- ing them into positive and negative; thus I write together a b X c = 0 I mx 71 — 0 I write down 134 Prof. Sylvester on Elimination and Derivation Positive Permutations, 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 2 3 1 4 4 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 4 4 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 and again Negative Permutations. 1 2 3 4 4 4 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 4 4 4 I reject from the permutations of each species all those where 1 or 3 or both appear in the 4th place, and also those where 2 or 4 or both appear in the 1st place, for these will be presently seen to give rise to diagonal products which are zero. The permutations remaining are Positive effectual permutations. 1 3 3 1 2 1 4 3 3 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 Negative effectual permutations. 3 1 1 8 1 4 3 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 4 4 I now accordingly form four positive squares, which are a h c 0 1 m n 0 1 m 11 0 a h c 0 0 a h c a b c 0 0 1 m n 1 m n 0 1 m n 0 0 a h c a b c a 0 1 m n 0 1 m n 0 1 711 n 0 a b c 0 a h c Drawing diagonal lines from left to right, and taking the sum of the diagonal products. I obtain cr Ib^ n 4- c^ 4- a m^ c. Again, the four negative squares 1 m n o a h c 0 a b c 0 1 m n 0 a b c 0 0 1 m n 1 m n 0 0 a b c 0 1 m n 1 m n 0 0 a b c a b c 0 0 a b c 0 a b c 0 1 m n 0 1 m n 135 hy a Process of mere Inspection. give as the sum of the diagonal products I hmc-{-alnc-\-a mb 71 -\-lacn be i.elhmc-\- a mhn+2acln. Thus the result of eliminating betvveen ax'^+bx-\-c-=0 I -\-m X a •=. 0 ought to, and is n^+ l^c^ — 2 acln-\- Ib^n + am^ c — Ibmc—amb n = 0. Rule for finding the prime derivative of the l5^ degree vohich is of the form A a;— B. 1. Begin as before, only attach one zero less to each pro- gression ; we shall thus obtain 7iot a square, but an oblong broader than it is deep, containing (7n-\- n — 2) rows, and {m-\-7i — \) terms in each row: in a word, (m + w — 2) rows, and {7U -{-71—1) columns. To find (A) reject the column at the extreme right, we thus recover a square arrangement + w — 2) terms, broad and deep. Proceed with this new square as with the former one ; the difference between the sums of the positive and negative diago- nal products will give A. To find B, do just the same thing, with the exception of striking off not the last column, but the last but one. Rule for finding the prime derivative of any degree^ say the rth, viz. Ay. — Ar— i x^—^ + + Aq . Begin with adding zeros as before, but the number to be added to the (a) progression is {m — r') and to the (5) pro- gression {n — r). There will thus be formed an oblong containing (m + w — 2r) rows, and {7n-\-7i—r) terms in each row, and therefore the same number of columns. To find any coefficient as Ag , strike off all the last (r + 1) columns except that which is (5) places distant from the ex- treme right, and proceed with the resulting squares as before. Through the well-known ingenuity and kindly preferred help of a distinguished friend, 1 trust to be able to get a ma- chine made for working Sturm’s theorem, and indeed all pro- blems of derivation, after the method here expounded ; on which subject I have a great deal more yet to say, than can be inferred from this or my preceding papers. University College, London, Jan. 16, 1840. [To be continued.] [ 136 ] XXVI. Ne"(S) ^Researches on the true nature of the Boetian Con-- tractions^ especially ^ith reference to the Ex plantation ginen hy M. Chasles. By J. O. Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.R.A.S., ^c.^ I HAVE the pleasure of placing before the readers of the Philosophical Magazine a complete explanation of the first tract in No. 343 of the Arundel MSS. in the British Museum ; and that I have been able to accomplish this desideratum af- fords me the greater gratification, because in so doing 1 am fulfilling the wish of the patriarch of English Literaturef. The manuscript referred to, sometimes called the Mentz Manuscript, is a small quarto of the twelfth century, on vellum ; and the first tract, entitled de Arte Numerandi, consists of four leaves only, unfortunately being imperfect at the end. A frag- ment from the recto of the first folio is lithographed in the appendix to the Ran^a Mathematica, which serves to show the style of the manuscript and the forms and names of the con- tractions. The treatise itself commences with an explanation of the increasing value of igin, andras, &c., in the different abacal compartments; in point of fact, a definition of abacal nume- ration dependent upon the principle of local decimal value. It is important to notice that, after this explanation, the com- piler gives the usual definitions of digiti and articidi, clearly showing by that his comprehension of their future value. It is remarkable that everything stated is subservient to multi- plication and division, no notice whatever being taken of addi- tion, subtraction, duplation, or mediation ; — a plain proof, if any were needed, that when the boundaries were abolished, and when an attempt at a generalization of the local system was made, artificial methods were adopted to come to the same conclusions. Now I would ask M. Libri, or any one who agrees with him, how he can possibly account for such a clumsy, primitive, yet most ingenious, method of avoiding abacal difficulties, if we suppose that the writers of the thir- teenth and following centuries derived their arithmetical know- ledge direct from the Arabs ? And now for the modus operandi : and in order to render it intelligible to every reader, let us take the first example in multiplication, on account of its great simplicity : — “ Sint ergo iiij. pedes equi, unusquisque habens vj. clavos.’* Arbas is to be placed in the lower part of the singular arc * Communicated by the Author. t Haliam’s Introduction to the Literature of Europe during the Middle Ages, vol. i. p. 151. Mr. Halli well’s ’Ne^BesearcJiesonthe Boetian Contractions, 137 (arcus singularis), and in the upper part of the same arc is placed chalcus quasi fundamentum multiplicationis.” But in the actual multiplication recourse is had to the common Roman notation, and the result of the multiplication of arbas and chalcus in the singular arc is xxiiij. Then the system of articuli comes into operation, and the articuliis of this number (24?) is andras, which, by the principle of local position and of no othcr^ is placed in the decenal arc. Now I would ask M. Libri, in reply to every one of his arguments, how can we possibly suppose a rule of this nature with its full explanation to exist, without allowing its author to have possessed the knowledge of the value of local position ? The decenal arc is made use of in a simple but masterly manner, and the articulate system is invented to avoid the principal difficulty. The digit arbas, it is almost unnecessary to observe, is placed in the singular arc, and thus we have the complete number repre- sented. In higher numbers the centenal, millenal, and other arcs come into use. The following rule is a fair specimen of the methods employed : — Cum autem per decenum multiplicabis singularem, dices hanc regulam deceni ; — Decenus quemcunque arcum multi- plicat, in secundo ab eo pone digitum in ulterior! articulum,” fob 2, the reason of which is obvious. Thus, in the MS., the operation for finding the square of twelve is as follows: — proceeding in a most complicated manner, but merely using the simple formula m , [np) = m np, or, 12 x 12 = 12 X 2 x 6 = 24 x 6. in which latter case the above rule is applicable. This rule is afterwards generalized. ‘‘ His patefactis, oculus mentis aperiatur ad subtilitatem divisionis;” but as the same system is carried out, precisely similar to the methods of Johannes de Sacro-Bosco, I do not consider it at all necessary to repeat them. Gerbert uses the Boetian fractional notation*, and I con- sider this fact a grand argument for his acquaintance with the Boetian contractions, if, indeed, the passage in the geometry * Pezii Thesaurus, tom. i. pars ii. col. 13. “ Quod abacistae facillimum est.” col.30. 6 1 4 4 2 4 138 Mr. Hunt on the Permeahility of of Boetius was not introduced by him. It does not appear to me that much authority ought to be given to the well- known passage of William of Malmsbury,* * * * § as far as it is supposed to prove that Gerbert brought the knowledge of the abacus from Spain : and, as Professor Peacockf so well ob- serves, ‘‘ the passage of this historian contains no certain in- timation of the knowledge of the notation by nine figures and zero, as the rules which would be thence derived, would tend rather to relieve than increase the labours of the sweating calculators,” — qucB a sudantihus abacistis vix intelliguntur. Now had the question of the Boetian contractions been broached when Professor Peacock composed his history of arithmetic, he would immediately have seen how evidently this passage refers to them, and this supposition would have ex- plained his doubts in the remaining part of his argument. In the treatise of Berhelinus in the Bodleian library^, the Boetian contractions occur explained by Greek numerals,— a most singular and important fact, and one which affords a very strong argument for what M. Chasles has stated at p. 474 of his Aperfu Flistoriqiie. En passant^ this is also an argu- ment for the antiquity of this artificial abacal system. Again, what difference is there between the system of the Greeks, the system in the Mentz Manuscript, the system in the passage in Boetius as satisfactorily explained by M. Chasles, and the Arabic method ? I mean with regard to first principles^. All, in fact, are contained in the following formula, which is the general expression for any finite num- ber : — N = -h + ... -f 10 + «o» where ••• digits, or integers less than the radix 10. XXV. On the Permeability of various bodies to the Chemical Rays. By Robert Hunt.H IITAVING many years since repeated, with much interest, the experiments of Wedgwood, Davy, and Wollaston on the chemical influence of light, it was with much pleasure * Wright’s Essay on Anglo-Saxon Literature (p.'66). t History of Arithmetic, p. 415. X I possess a transcript of this manuscript, but, having mislaid it, am compelled to defer any commentary on it till M. Chasles has published his edition. § M. Chasles, Apergu Historiquey p. 474. II Communicated by the Author. 139 various bodies to the Chemical Rays. that I read Mr. Talbot’s paper on photographic drawing, which opened to me new views, and pointed out paths rich in the promise of important results. The vast sum of delight which the pursuit of this subject during the past year has afforded me, makes me a large debtor to that erudite gentleman, which I thus humbly, but sincerely, acknowledge. My first endeavours in the photographic art were directed to restoring the natural order of light and shadow ; and 1 fortunately succeeded in effecting this very early in the sum- mer of 1839. My next were to improve the camera for pho- tographic purposes, in which object I was most materially assisted by Mr. John Towson, of this tov^^n, who, having di- rected much of his attention to optics, furnished me with in- formation and instruments by which my progress was greatly accelerated*. Having, in conjunction with this gentleman, while trying a variety of lenses, been often perplexed by the dissimilar results obtained on the same paper from different kinds of glass, I was induced to commence a series of experiments on the interference of transparent bodies to the permeation of chemical light. The same subject has, I am informed, engaged the atten- tion of two scientific inquirers on the continent ; but beyond a brief notice of M. Edmond BecquerePs experiments in the Athenaeum, No. 621, I am perfectly unacquainted with the methods or results of their observations. Being anxious to obtain a measure of the interference of the various bodies I was about to examine, I constructed a very delicate galvanometer — the coil being of ribbon copper and the needles of French watch-spring. To this instrument I connected, by'platina wires, a U tube, as suggested by M.Bec- querel in hisTraite d! Rlectricite^ which held in one arm a solu- tion of nitrate of silver, and in the other a solution of iodide of potassium. Every part of the tube was screened from light, except the lowest point, at which the fluids met. On this point, by means of a powerful lens, a concentrated pencil of light was thrown, which was made to pass through the bodies to be examined. The force of electro-chemical action being dependent on the quantity of chemical light impinging on the exposed portion of the fluids, led me naturally to con- clude that the deflections of the needle would furnish very accurate comparative results. I have also tried the plan M. E. Becquerel adopts, of floating one photometric fluid upon * See L. and E. Phil. Mag. for November last, vol. xv. p. 381. — Edit. 140 Mr. Hunt on the Permeability of another. Experience has, however, convinced me that the galvanometer, although capable of being made in the hands of a skilful manipulator a very accurate measurer of the diur- nal variations of the quantity of chemical rays in the solar beam*, cannot be depended on where a series of nice com- parisons are required. I have never yet been enabled to ar- rive at precisely the same results by this instrument in any two sets of observations; every thin cloud or the lightest smoke materially altering the deflections. I have, however, found it of use in giving me near approximations to a correct arrangement. I proceed thus : having by the galvanometer tabulated a number of bodies, I select those whose interfe- rence seems to approach near each other, and place them in regular order, under the same circumstances, upon a sheet of highly sensitive photographic paper in a dark room ; then opening the window^-sh utters, expose it for three minutes to the direct influence of the solar rays, or for twice that time to diffused daylight ; again darkening the apartment I ex- amine the tints at which the paper has arrived under each body, and mark their correspondence or otherwise with the observations by the galvanometer. By carefully repeating many times each set of experiments, T am enabled to correct small errors of observation. I use yet another method to test the correctness of the foregoing processes, which consists in filling a camera with the fluid or gas to be examined, or interposing the solid body and receiving the sun’s image on a disc of silvered copper, prepared according to the principles of the Daguerreotype. As many simple contrivances will suggest themselves to those who are desirous of repeating the experiments, it may be sufficient for me to state, that my apparatus is simply one cylinder sliding within another for the purpose of adjusting the focus to the different densities of the bodies, and that the photographic disc is protected from the fluid or gas by a piece of tested plate glass well greased around the edges, as are also the cylinders, throughout their length. This plan may appear open to some of the objections I have urged against the galvanometer ; but, as from the sensitiveness of the preparation an exposure of thirty seconds is sufficient, you are enabled to select your moments of observation, and * Long prior to the publication of the speech of M. Arago on the re- port of the Commission on the Daguerreotype, both Mr. Towson and myself had remarked that the light of morning acted more powerfully on photographic preparations than the evening light. The paper which at nine in the morning became in ten minutes a rich purple bronze, took aim ost twice that time to reach the same hue at three in the afternoon. 141 various bodies lo the Chemical Rays. using the galvanometer at the same time to mark the intensity of light, try every substance under precisely the same circum- stances. Having completed the exposure of a series, I place all the discs in the mercurial vapour-box together, and the instant the impression appears the strongest, remove them and carefully compare effects. The following are the results I have arrived at by these means. At the head of each series I have placed the mean permanent deflection of the galvanometer needle, from ten careful experiments with each of the bodies included within it. By this means a comparative view is given of one series with another. ^ Series 1 . — Defection 22° 30". Nitrogen Atmospheric air Oxygen Hydrogen Carbonic Acid Carbonic Oxide Steam (invisible) Nitrous Oxide Water Alcohol (absolute) >®ther (sulphuric) Series 2. — Defection 20°. British Plate Glass Iceland Spar Carbonate of Soda Nitrate of Potassa fused and opake Camphor Sulphuric Acid Hydrocyanic Acid(Scheele’s) Nitric Acid Series 3. — Defection 18° 80". Crown Glass Flint Glass Mica French Plate Glass Alum Gum Arabic B. Plate and Crown Glass German Plate (with a pink shade) Two pieces of Crown Glass Purple Fluor Spar Nitrous Acid Gas Iodine Vapour Series 4. — Defection 17° 15'^, B. Plate and Flint Glass Flint and Crown Glass Three pieces of Crown Glass Three laminae of Mica Creosote Oil of Aniseed (German) Peppermint (English) Rosemary Savine Four pieces of Crown Glass Amber Green Fluor Spar Oil of Lavender Caraways Cloves Canada Balsam Series 5. — Defect io7i 4° 35". Green Bottle Glass* Chlorine Protoxide of Chlorine Bromine (vapour) ■ (liquid) Lightly-smoked Glass * I have been much surprised at some of the manufacturing chemists in London sending out their hydrocyanic acid and other easily decompo- sable preparations in bottles oi purple glass, which offers no interruption to the chemical rays. Dark green glass should be substituted. 142 Mr, Martyii J. Roberts on an anomalous It is necessary I should state that the results are likely to be differently recorded by different observers, unless the same photographic preparation is used in all cases. I have been in the habit of using a paper washed with a solution of the muriate of baryta and nitrate of silver, while it is yet damp. The sensitiveness of this preparation may be shown by the fact of its being acted on very decidedly in five minutes by a gas flame from a ten-holed Argand burner. On this paper the tints are blue under greenish glasses, while under those inclining to a yellow they are reddish. If a paper prepared with a solution of the chloruret of soda be used, the tints are reddish under the green, and bluish under the pure white or yellowish glasses. The above list does not contain all the bodies I have ex- amined, but they are all I am satisfied to place in a determi- nate position. Not having deduced any fixed principles from my observa- tions, I may appear to act prematurely; but as it is probable the same subject may be engaging those whose minds and means are superior to my own, and as it is possible even my humble experiments may be of service to such persons, I feel myself excused from the charge of obtrusiveness. 12, Cornwall Street, Devonport, January 2, 1840. XXVI. On an anomalous Electric Condition of Iron, By Martyn J. Roberts, Esq, To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, ¥T is now some months since, that while prosecuting a series ^ of novel galvanic experiments, I discovered a singular anomaly in the electric condition of iron, which is, that although iron if associated with copper as a galvanic pair is highly positive to the copper, yet when associated with zinc, it is more highly negative to the zinc than copper would be under similar circumstances ; or in other words, that although copper and iron form a galvanic combination, in which the iron is in the same relation to the copper that a zinc plate would be, yet that iron and zinc form a galvanic pair that has a greater power of generating electric action than a similar sized pair of copper and zinc. This singular phaenomenon will, I believe, lead the way to some important discoveries ; but not to occupy too much space in your valuable Journal, I will without further comment give extracts from my note- book of some experiments made by me on this subject. 143 Electric Condition of Iron, Jail. 1st, 1839. A galvanic combination of iron and zinc was put in communication with two poles of a differential galvanometer ; a like-sized combination (or gal. pair) of copper and zinc was connected with the other two poles of the diff. galvanometer : Deviation of needle in favour of the iron and zinc pair = 25 degrees. Feb. 27j 1839. Experiments made on the comparative power of two galvanic batteries fitted up on Wollaston’s plan {that is with the negative plate opposed to both surfaces of the zinc or positive plate.) The size of the plates was the same in both batteries, viz. zinc plate 2J inch, by 2|^ inch. The number of pairs in each battery was ten. The only difference between the two batteries was, that the negative plates in one were of copper and in the other of iron. The exciting solution was dilute sulphuric acid, which was not renewed during the experiment, but the experiment was continued until the acid was exhausted. The power of each battery was applied to the decomposition of water, and the gas collected was the measure of the power. RESULTS. Battery of Copper and Zinc, The first cubic inch of gas obtained in 33 minutes. Then one half cubic inch ... in 92 minutes. Acid was now exhausted. H cubic inch in 125 minutes. Acid now exhausted. 4 cubic inch, in 104 minutes. Iron battery with a measured quantity of acid gave 4 cubic inches in 104 minutes. Copper battery with a like quantity of acid gave only 1 J cubic inch in 125 minutes. Battery of Iron and Zinc, First cubic inch obtained Second — — Third — — Fourth — — in 7 minutes, in 9 minutes, in 26 minutes, in 62 minutes. I have the honour to remain. Dec. 16, 1839. Gentlemen, yours, &c. Martyn J. Roberts. [ 144 ] XXVII. Notices respecting New Boohs, Curtis's British Entomology. WE are happy to announce the publication of the Preface, General Indexes, &c. to this beautiful work, which is now completed, after sixteen years of almost unremitting application on the part of the author. The sixteen volumes which, if arranged systematically as proposed by Mr. Curtis, will form eight, contain illustrations of all the Genera of Linnseus, Fabricius, and Latreille that are recorded as native groups, as well as most of the interesting discoveries that have been made for many years past, comprising 770 copper-plates, giving faithful figures of our wild flowers, as well as the insects, beautifully coloured and finished with the greatest care. The letter-press, amounting to nearly 1700 pages, although scientific, contains concise accounts of the history and oeconomy of every group that is interest- ing and familiar to us, such as the Hive-Bee, Wasps, Cockroaches, Molecrickets &c. ; and there are two thick volumes of the Butterflies and Moths. XXVIII. Proceedings of Learned Societies. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, [Continued from vol. xv. p. 544.] Nov. 6. A NOTICE of showers of ashes which fell on board the Rox- 1839. burgh, at sea, off the Cape deVerd islands, February, 1839, by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, F.G.S., was first read. The object of this communication is to register an interesting oc- currence, though the author possesses no direct evidence of its pro- bable cause. On February 2, when the Roxburgh was in latitude 21° 14 N., long. 25° & W., the wind, which had blown from the north-east during the passage from Plymouth, changed to the east and south- east, and was accompanied with a thick haze of a peculiar kind. The same description of weather prevailed on the 3rd, when the ship was off St. Anthony, one of the Cape de Verd islands. On Feb. 4, the latitude'at noon was 14° 31' N., long. 25° 16' W. The sky was overcast, and the weather was thicker than before and insulFerably oppressive, though the thermometer was only 72°. At 3 p.M. the wind suddenly lulled into a calm, then rose from the south- west, and was accompanied with rain, and the air appeared to be filled with dust, which affected the eyes of the passengers and crew. At 10^- p.M. the wind returned to the east and blew strongly. During the continuance of the haze, which was as thick as a November fog, and extended all around the horizon, dust was gradually deposited on every part of the ship that offered a lodgement. At noon, on the 5th of February, the Roxburgh was in lat. 12° 36' N., long. 24° 13' W., thermometer 72°, barometer 30°, the height at which it had stood during the voyage from England. The volcanic island Fogo, 145 Geological Society, one of the Cape de Verds, was about 45 miles distant. The wea- ther was clear and fine, but the sails were found to be covered with an impalpable reddish-brown powder, or a kind of triturated pumice, which Mr. Clarke says resembled many of the ashes ejected from Vesuvius, and was evidently not sand blown from the African de- sert. On the 6th the wind returned to the south-east, and the wea- ther afterwards resumed its ordinary characters. The circumstances connected with these atmospherical changes in- duced the author to infer that they were due to an eruption in the Cape de Verd group. In June, 1822, the ship Kingston, of Bristol, bound to Jamaica, while passing near Fogo, had her sails covered with a similar brown- ish triturated pumice, which it is stated smelt strongly of sulphur. Mr. Clarke also mentions the following instances of similar phe- nomena on the authority of the officers of the Roxburgh : — In the lat. of the Canaries, and long. 35° W., showers of ashes have been noticed two or three times. At Bombay the decks of the vessels were on one occasion covered to the depth of an inch with dust, which was supposed to have been blown from Arabia. In January, 1838, dust was noticed by the crew of a vessel navi- gating the China sea, a considerable distance from the Bashee islands, one of which had been previously seen in eruption*. In 1812, ashes fell on the deck of a packet bound to the Brazils, and when 1000 miles from land. Mr. Clarke also mentions the ashes which fell at sea during the eruption of Vesuvius in 1822, and 400 miles from that volcano ; likewise the reddish dust which fell in the south of Italy and in Sicily on the 16th May, 1830, as well as in 1807 and 1813, during eruptions of Etna, and at first attributed to those outbursts, but afterwards found to be sand similar to that of the desert of Africa. During the eruption in May, 1 830, a caravan perished beneath a whirlwind of sand, and similar storms occurred during the eruptions of 1807 and 1813f. A letter was then read from Mr. Caldcleugh, dated St. Jago de Chili, 18th February, 1839, containing the following translation of the declaration of the master and crew of the Chilian schooner Thily. “ I, the undersigned, Joseph Napoleon Escofier, master of the said vessel, and with the corroborating evidence of my crew, declare as follows : — “This, the 12th day of February, 1839, at ten minutes past 9 o’clock in the morning, being in lat. 33° 32' S., and 74° 32' W. long, of the meridian of Cadiz (80° 51' W. of Greenwich), we felt an earth- quake, which lasted more than a minute. The noise which accom- panied it was similar to that caused by the running out of a heavy chain cable. At fifteen minutes past 7 o’clock of the same evening we saw an island rising out of the sea, of the height of Curauma * Mr. Clarke believes that this is the first announcement of a volcano in that group. t Bulletin, Soc. Geol. France. PM. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 101. Feb. 1840. L 146 Geological Society. Point, bearing south 79® W. by compass, distant from six to nine miles. A considerable time afterwards the island divided itself into the form of two pyramids, the most northern one crumbled aw'ay diagonally towards the north, and the southern one disappeared in pieces, the base however always remaining above the surface of the sea. At half-past 7 o’clock the same island appeared again, or its size be- came considerably increased, but shortly afterwards its summit be- came flattened. At thirty-five minutes past 7 o’clock two other islands appeared to the southward of the first. Of these, the most southern bore south 56® west. The three islands appeared to run in the direction of north and south. The sea broke with violence upon their shores and seemed violently agitated. In the distances between these islands nothing was visible but chains of rocks, among which a great explosion was discernible. “ At eight minutes before 8 o’clock, the most northern island w^^as the only one visible : it appeared much higher than before, and of the shape of a sugar loaf. The darkness of the night prevented us seeing the other two islands. “ The following day, the 13th of the month, at a quarter past 1 o’clock in the morning, the larboard watch and myself saw at inter- vals a light in the same direction as the islands, south 72® west, which appeared to be caused by a volcano. Position of the most northern island: Long. W. of meridian of Cadiz, 70° 33' (76° 52' W. of Greenwich.) Lat. S 33 34. Position of the most southern island ; Long. W. of meridian of Cadiz, 70® 34' (76° 53' W. of Greenwich.) Lat 33 40. “ I consider my longitude to be correct from having sighted Juan Fernandez on the 11th, at 8 o’clock in the morning, and compared its bearings with my latitude by observation. “ Signed, &c. &c. &c.” Mr. Caldcleugh adds, the master of another vessel reported that the islands bore 30 leagues due east of Juan Fernandez ; and that a ship had been despatched from Valparaiso to discover whether they remained above water or had crumbled away. The larger Curauma Point, referred to in the declaration, is a bluff point, about 400 feet in height, and situated to the southward of Valparaiso. A letter was next read, addressed to Charles Lyell, Esq., V.P.G.S., by John Buddie, Esq., F.G.S., on depressions produced in the sur- face of the ground by excavating beds of coal. Subsidence of the surface invariably follow'S the working of the subjacent beds of coal where sufficient supports are not left, but the extent of the subsidence is governed by the following circumstances ; 1st. The depth of the seam of coal below the surface. 2nd. The thickness of the seam or seams removed. 3rd. The nature of the strata between the surface and the seams of coal. 4th. Whether the pillars of coal are wholly or partially worked. 147 Geological Society. If the depth from the surface does not exceed 30 fathoms, and sand- stones form the predominant strata, the subsidence is about equal to the thickness of the seam of coal removed ; but if metal- stone con- stitute the greater portion of the intervening mass, the amount of de- pression in the surface is less. This rule is considered to hold good at all depths. The degree of subsidence does not depend so much on the thick- ness of the bed of coal, as on the entire removal of it ; but Mr. Buddie states, that he has had no opportunities of making correct ob- servations on the relative effect produced in the surface. If a con- siderable portion of the coal be left, although quite inadequate to the support of the superincumbent strata, the subsidence is retarded. This is more particularly the case in the Newcastle system of work- ing, where rectangular pillars are left in the first instance and after- wards removed. In working these pillars, stooks or blocks of coal of considerable strength are left as props to protect the colliers from the exfoliation of the roof; and though a subsidence of the super- incumbent strata invariably takes place, yet the extent in the first instance is governed by the degree of resistance of the stooks ; and it frequently happens, that a large tract of a coal mine remains for several years only filled in part, and without any perceptible change occurring. In course of time, however, from the exfoliation of the stooks and the operation of the atmosphere, a further subsidence, called a second creep, takes place, and generally continues until the excavation is completely closed. In the Yorkshire system, by which all the coal is taken out in the first instance, except small pillars, the roof being principally sup- ported by wooden props and stone pillars, the subsidence of the strata takes place immediately after the coal is removed, and there is no second settlement. It is only where water accumulates on the surface or a railway traverses a coal-field, that the amount of subsidence can be accurately ascertained. In one instance, mentioned by Mr. Buddie, the excavation of a bed of coal 6 feet thick, one-fourth having been left in “ stooks,” the depth of the bed from the surface being 100 fathoms, and the overlying strata principally sandstone, the amount of subsidence was shown by the accumulation of a pond of water, to have been rather more than 3 feet deep. In another instance, it was found necessary to restore the level of a railway three times, in consequence of three distinct sinkings of the surface having followed the successive excavating of three seams of coal. The tract in question is of a quadrangular form and about 23 acres in area, and contains the following five seams of coal : Coal. Depth below the surface. Thickness. fath. ft. in. 1. The three-quarter seam 54y .1 8 2. The five-quarter 62 3 6 3. The high main 73 6 3 4. The Maudlin 83|- 5 0 5. The Hutton 107 3 8 14.8 Astronomical Societij* The high-main seam was first worked, then the Maudlin, and af- terwards the Hutton, and the removal of each was attended with a depression in the line of the railway. The extent of each settlement was not measured, but the whole amount was 5 feet 6 inches, the aggregate thickness of the seams being 14 feet 11 inches. This small effect Mr. Buddie explains by showing, that the railway passes near one end of the excavated tract, and that metal- stone predomi- nates over sandstone in the superincumbent strata. The working of the five- quarter seam is now in progress, and the effects occasioned by the removal of the three lower seams are well exposed. Innu- merable vertical cracks pass through the coal, its roof and pavement, but they are perfectly close except around the margin of the settle- ment. Along this line the strata are bent down, the cracks in the pavement are frequently open, forming considerable fissures, the coal is splintered, and the roof-stone is shattered. In the interior of the settlement the pavement is as level and smooth as if it had never been disturbed, and the cracks are quite close, passing through the sfeam without splintering it or producing any effect except that of render- ing it tougher, or, in the language of the colliers, “ woody.’’ This effect, Mr. Buddie conceives, may be attributed to the escape of the gas, and he states that it is sometimes produced by other operations, when the coal is said to be “ winded.” The smoothness of the pave- ment, he is of opinion, is due to the direct downward pressure of the superincumbent mass ; and he states, that he has never noticed any tendency to a sliding or sideway movement in any subsidence of strata occasioned by the working of the coal, except the slight ob- liquity occasioned % the offbreak at the sides of the settlement. [To be continued.] ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. December 14, 1839. The following communications were read ~ On the parallax of Sirius. By Thomas Henderson, Esq. Astro- nomer Royal for Scotland. The parallax of Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, has been several times the subject of investigation among astronomers. From the variations of the zenith distances observed at Paris, the second Otssini inferred a parallax in declination amounting to six seconds of space ; and, from similar variations in the observations of La Caille made at the Cape of Good Hope, some astronomers have deduced a parallax in declination of four seconds. Piazzi has also obtained from his observations a parallax of the same amount. On the other hand, La Caille’s observations of zenith distances made at Paris, more numerous and certain than those made at the Cape, do not exhibit any sensible parallax ; and the observations wLich have since been made in the observatories of Europe, would appear to lead to the same result, as no parallax has ever been deduced from them. In the Fundamenta Astronomice, M. Bessel has in- vestigated, from Bradley’s Observations of Differences of Right Astronomical Society, 149 Ascension of Sirius and a Lyrce, the sura of the parallaxes of the two stars, and has found it to be an insensible quantity. The extensive series of observations of Sirius, made with the mural circle of the Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, is well adapted for the investigation of the parallax, as the observations possess some advantages over those made in Europe. The star is near the zenith of the Cape, and the temperature is nearly the same when it passes the meridian at noon in June, and at midnight in December, the periods of the greatest parallaxes in declination ; so that the irregularities and uncertainties of refraction, which affect observations in Europe, may be supposed to disappear. From May 1832 to May 1833, ninety- seven observations of Sirius were made by Mr. Henderson with the mural circle at the Cape Observatory, of which sixty-three were made by direct vision, and thirty-four by reflection ; and in Mr. Maclear’s printed observations of zenith distances, made with the same instrument, there are sixty- seven observations of the double altitude of the star, made between August 1836 and December 1837. Each of these series of obser- vations was made in one position of the telescope upon the circle, so that in each series the similar observations were referred to the same divisions. The observations made by Mr. Henderson have been reduced in the same manner as were those of a Centauri, given in his memoir on the parallax of the latter star. {Monthly Notice, Vol. IV. No. 19.) The declinations of Sirius have been determined by com- parisons with such of the principal or standard stars as were observed on the same day ; and it is consequently assumed that, in the obser- vations of the stars of comparison, any errors which may arise from supposing their parallaxes to be insensible, and the coefficient of aberration to be correctly assumed, neutralize each other. The mean declinations of the standard stars of comparison have been taken from the catalogue annexed to the author’s Memoir on the Declinations of the Principal Stars the absolute places of the stars are not required, but only their relative positions with regard to each other. Mr. Maclear observed the double altitude of Sirius, or the an- gular distances between the star seen by direct vision and by re- flexion at the same transit over the meridian. These are independent of the observations and assumed positions of other stars, and are affected by twice the amount of the parallax in declination. Ob- servations of this description appear to be the best adapted of any which can be made with the mural circle for the investigation of small variations in the declination of a star. In the reductions of Mr. Henderson’s series the constant of aberration has been assumed = 20"*50; of Mr. Maclear’s, = 20"’36; in the reductions of both the coefficient of lunar nutation has been assumed = 9"* 25, and the annual precession and proper motion have been taken from the Tahulce Regiomontance. Mr. Maclear’s observations are suitable for determining the con- stant of aberration; the correction to be applied to it has been 150 Astronomical Society. therefore introduced as an unknown quantity into the equations of condition ; and, from the value which is obtained, we may judge of the degree of accuracy with which the parallax is determined. On resolving, by the method of minimum squares, the two sets of equations, and combining the results according to their relative weights, the greatest effect of parallax in declination is found, from the whole of the 231 observations, = + 0'''15 ; and the greatest effect of aberration in declination, = 13"’07. These quantities are to the total effect of parallax and aberration in the proportion of 13"T3 to 20"’50, whence the final results are — Parallax of Sirius (or the angle subtended by the radius of the earth’s orbit, at a distance equal to that of the star). = 0''’23 Constant of aberration s= 20*41 The error of this determination of the parallax may be estimated not to exceed a quarter of a second, as it is almost certain that the constant of aberration is not in error to a greater amount. On the whole, it may be concluded that the parallax of Sirius is not greater than half a second of space, and that it is probably much less. A Catalogue of Twenty-seven Stars of the Pleiades. By M. Bes- sel, Director of the Observatory Konigsberg. The catalogue was computed by M. Bessel from meridian obser- vations made by himself and his assistant. Dr. Busche. It contains the positions, annual precession, and its secular variations in JR. and declination, together with the proper motions, and a comparison with Piazzi’s catalogue. In a letter addressed to Mr. Baily, containing the above catalogue, M. Bessel announces, that the observations respecting the parallax of 61 Cygni'^ have been continued through a second year; and that the result of this new series will agree very nearly vdth that of the first. The publication of the observations will be delayed for a few months, in order to obtain a more certain determination of the pro- per motions which the two small stars compared seem to possess ; and he adds, that although the weight of the former result was suffi- ciently great to leave no doubt about the real existence of the par- allax, it is gratifying to see its quantity so very nearly confirmed by a second series of observations. A Letter from M. Valz, Director of the Observatory at Mar- seilles, to the President, Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart., relative to the Variation of the Apparent Diameter of Encke’s Comet. After adverting to some objections suggested by Sir John Her- schel (Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. vi. p. 102f) to the theory by which M. Valz explains the changes observed in the apparent diameters of some comets, when near their perihelia, namely, the condensation of volume produced by the pressure of an ethereal medium growing more dense, in the vicinity of the sun, the * Abstracts of M. Bessel’s observations on the parallax of the star 6l Cygni\y\\\he found in Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag. vol. xiv. p. 68. 226. — Ed. t An abstract of Sir J. Herschel’s paper appeared in Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag. vol. ii. p. 222. — Edit. 151 Astronomical Society, author proceeds to give his own observations on Encke’s comet, at the time of its last perihelion passage in 1838, when it appeared under circumstances favourable for observing the nebulosity. He states that he was able to follow the comet till the evening before the perihelion passage ; that he observed it to diminish rapidly, and, after being prodigiously reduced, to melt away, as it were, under his eyes, disappearing only in consequence of its extreme smallness, in- asmuch as its brilliancy should, from its position, have continued to increase. The observations are as follows : — On the 9th and 10th of October, the nebulosity subtended an an- gle of 20', but it diminished continually after that time. On the 15 th of October, he first remarked it to be elongated in the direction of the sun ; and the elongation continued to increase until the 25th of October, when the greater diameter appeared to be double the smaller, after w^hich it began to diminish. The most luminous part was not at the centre, but at the point opposite the sun. On the 25th of October, the nebulosity was reduced to 15', and the real volume was then eighteen times smaller than on the 10th. On the 6th of November, the nebulosity was 13', and the volume reduced to l-40th. On the 13th of November, the nebulosity was 11' ; on the 16th, between 8' and 9' ; on the 20th between 6' and 7'; on the 23rd, 4' ; on the 24th, 3', and the real volume, 826 times less than on the 10th of October. On the 29th of November, the comet could no longer be seen in the evening twilight, but it reappeared on the morning of the 7th of December On the 12th of December it ap- peared as a star of the fifth magnitude ; and its diameter w'as less than 20", being entirely covered by a wire of that thickness. The volume deduced from this apparent magnitude would be 80,242 times less than on the 10th of October. On the 14th of December it appeared feebler, and equal to a star of the sixth magnitude, with which it was compared; its diameter was then estimated at 15". On the 1 6th the comet appeared as a star of the seventh magnitude, and its apparent diameter was from 10" to 12". On the 17th it was reduced to the eighth magnitude at most, and its apparent diameter was from 7" to 8". On the 18th of December it was entirely invi- sible, although stars of the seventh and eighth magnitudes were seen in its neighbourhood. From these comparisons it appears that the real diameter must have undergone a diminution from the 10th of December*, when it was first observed in the morning, until the 18th, when it finally disappeared. A Letter from Professor Schumacher, to Francis Baily, Esq., an- nouncing the Discovery of a Comet by M. Galle, assistant in the Berlin Observatory. The comet was discovered on the 2nd of the present month, 1 7^ 45*" mean time (Berlin), in the constellation Virgo. Comparing it by the great refractor, with a star of the tenth magnitude (which star was immediately compared with y Virginis), M. Galle obtained the following positions : — * There must be some error here in the dates. — Edit. 152 hitelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. Sidereal Time, Berlin. AR. of Comet. Declination of Comet. h m s h m s 11 1 14 12 38 25-18 o // 11 9 42 12 38 28-26 2 10 22-8 11 21 45 12 38 32-38 —2 10 13-9 11 40 39 12 38 39-63 —2 9 57-3 These observations give its daily motion in JR, + 2° 12', in decl. + 0° 19'. It has a well-defined point, as a nucleus, within the uniform nebula, which, opposite to the sun, expands in the form of a tail. Tables for the Calculation of Precession, for the year 1825, of Stars observed by M. Bessel in the several Zones, from — 15° to -f 15° Declination. By Dr. Max. Weisse, Director of the Observatory at Cracow. Observations of Moon and Moon-culminating Stars, Eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites, and Occultations of Fixed Stars by the Moon, made at the Observatory of Paramatta, in New South Wales, in the year 1838, by Mr. Dunlop. Communicated by Sir Thomas Mac- dougal Brisbane, Bart. XXIX. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. THEORY OF SUBSTITUTIONS. ACETIC AND CHLOROACETIC ACIDS. M DUMAS has lately read the following note on these sub- • jects to the Royal Academy. In a previous memoir I have shown that chlorine decomposes acetic acid under solar influence, and that it gives rise to a new acid, which I call chloroacetic acid. On this occasion I expressed my opinion that acetic acid and chloroacetic acid belong to the same chemical type, one being represented by ; and the other by C® O^ CP. I endeavoured to generalize this view, and to explain how these types might serve to group organic bodies into well-cha- racterized classes. “ M. Berzelius, not admitting the theory of substitutions, has given, as soon as he became acquainted with my memoir, a refutation of the views announced in it. He considers acetic acid and chloro- acetic acid as very different from each other, because they have not the same density,'nor the same boiling point, nor the same odour, &c.* M. Berzelius has certainly not understood what I call the funda- mental properties of a body, for I have long known that by replacing the hydrogen of a compound by chlorine it is rendered more dense and less volatile, and at the same time the density of its vapour is increased. It is therefore perfectly clear to me that the objections made by M. Berzelius are not at all directed to the views which I would really express. In order therefore to avoid any fresh misun- derstanding, I shall endeavour to illustrate my opinion by an ex- ample. In causing chloroacetic acid to act upon an alkali, I ob- served a very remarkable reaction. The acid was converted into two new bodies, namely, carbonic acid, which combined with the alkali, * See our last Number, p. 1. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, 153 and chloroform, which was set free. We have therefore C8 Q4 CP = f> -f C-^ H2 CP. “ I was convinced, and I had to a certain extent announced it in my memoir, that acetic acid would produce an analogous reaction ; that is to say, under the influence of an excess of base it would change into carbonic acid and a carburet of hydrogen, the formula of which would be C^ H®. After some trials I perfectly succeeded in producing this remarkable reaction. It is only necessary to mix 10 grammes of crystallized acetate of soda with 30 or 40 grammes of caustic barytes, and to heat the mixture very slightly in a retort, to effect the conversion of the acetic acid into carbonic acid and a gas, the formula of which is H^. “This decomposition is quite perfect: the residue is perfectly white : not the slightest trace of oil or of pyroacetic spirit is disengaged, nor any vapour, except the water which accompanies the gas. The analysis of this gas by the eudiometer proved that it was formed, as is. commonly stated, of one volume of vapour of carbon and two vo- lumes of hydrogen. This is precisely the composition of a gas which chemists have never been able to produce, I mean light carburetted hydrogen (gaz des marais) . It is impossible not to observe the con- nexion which exists between light carburetted hydrogen, produced by the spontaneous decomposition of vegetable substances, and that resulting from the final decomposition of acetic acid, which has been itself produced by the destructive distillation of wood. “ I intend to perform a complete examination of this gas, and to follow out an examination of reactions analogous to that which caused its discovery. At present I confine myself to announcing in a distinct manner that the gas H^, corresponding to chloroform CP, according to the theory of substitutions, has been pro- duced by chloroacetic acid ; that is to say, that acetic acid and chloro- acetic acid possess the same fundamental properties as I had deter- mined, and belong to the same organic type.” — Ulnstitut, No. 313. MYRONIN, MYRONIC ACID. ESSENTIAL OIL OF MUSTARD. It results from the experiments of M. Bussy that there exist in the farina of mustard seed two principles, the reaction of which, under the influence of water, gives rise to an essential oil. One of these is a peculiar acid, which M. Bussy calls myronic acid {fxvpov essence), and the other is a substance which has great analogy with albumen, and which he calls myronin. The properties of these substances are as follows : Myronic acid is inodorous, it exists in mustard combined with pot- ash. Myronate of potash is a salt which is soluble in water, per- fectly crystallizable, inodorous, colourless, of a bitter taste, and de- composable by heat. The myronic acid, which may be isolated, combines also with soda, barytes, ammonia, and yields salts, which like the myronate of potash develop essential oil under the influ- ence of myronin. Myronin is a substance soluble in water, coagulable like albumen 154 Intellige.nce and Miscellaneous Articles, by heat, alcohol, and acids ; it has great analogy with emulsin, but neither albumen, emulsin, nor the synoptase of M. Robiquet can re- place it for the production of essential oil of mustard. When put into contact with a solution of myronate of potash, it develops the odour of mustard, and the liquor submitted to distillation yields es- sential oil. It exists in black mustard, together with myronate of potash; but yellow mustard on the contrary contains myronin, but no myronate of potash. It appears that M. M. Boutron and Fremy had simultaneously with M. Bussy discovered the above-described facts. — Ulnstitut, No. 313. POLYCHROMATIC ACID. M. Boutin has presented to the French Academy of Sciences a memoir on a new substance resulting from the action of nitric acid upon socotrine aloes. This product, which he calls polychromatic acid, is, in the opinion of the author, of considerable importance in dyeing and calico printing. By varying the mordants, it yields an infinite number of tints, all of them finer and more permanent than can be obtained by the usual processes. It has the appearance of a reddish brown powder, is very slightly soluble in water, but still sufficiently so to colour a large quantity of it at common tempera- tures ; it is more soluble in alcohol, and in dyeing possesses the dou- ble advantage of yielding, in small quantities, much more colour than the substances usually employed. This acid is susceptible of combining with metallic oxides, and of forming salts of different degrees of solubility, and all of different colours. Those which the author presented to the Academy were the salts of potash and silver. — Ulnstitut, No. 313. CYANIL. M. Boutin also gave an account to the Academy of a new sub- stance which is formed by the action of nitric acid upon aloes, or rather upon polychromatic acid. This product is liquid and colour- less when it has been purified by distillation from chloride of calcium, and has so great an analogy, on account of its poisonousproperties,with hydrocyanic acid, that it is natural to conclude that they are isomeric bodies. It is so deleterious, that one or two drops in an eight-ounce bottle, half-filled, are sufficient to impart to the air which occupies the remainder of the bottle the power of immediately killing a bird which is made to breathe it ; a capillary tube, slightly impregnated with this liquid, and put into the eye of a bird, produces also the same sudden effect. — Ulnstitut, No. 313. ACTION OF ALBUMEN ON METALLIC SALTS. M: Lassaigne has presented to the Academy of Sciences researches on the chemical action exerted by metallic salts on albumen and on certain animal tissues. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 155 According to the author the experiments detailed in this memoir prove : 1st. That albumen has the property of combining with a great number of metallic salts without decomposing them, and forming with them compounds, which are insoluble in water, when they are united in certain proportions, but susceptible of dissolving in them se- verally when there is either an excess of albumen or of the metallic solution combined with it. 2nd. That these compounds, which may be designated by the name of albuminates, appear to result from the union of several atoms of albumen with one atom of metallic salt, as shown by the analyses which have been performed. 3rd. That these compounds possess the singular property of dis- solving, without undergoing any immediate alteration, in the solu- tions of alkaline salts, which decompose the metallic salts when taken by themselves, and they remain dissolved for a shorter or longer pe- riod, according to the temperature. 4th. That it is extremely probable that when metallic salts are externally exhibited, there takes place in the oeconomy, effected by absorption, an analogous combination between these salts, the tis- sues and the albumen contained in the various animal fluids, and that it is probable they are conveyed in the humours, and their me- dicinal effect is thus most commonly produced. 5th. That it would be interesting if physicians would ascertain the therapeutic effects of these compounds of albumen and metallic salts. 6th. That in the action of a metallic salt on any tissue, a com- bination is effected between these two bodies, which must modify its vital properties and effect a change in its functions. 7th. That the property of certain metallic salts of combining either with albumen or with the base of various tissues of our organs, ge- neralizes what has been already stated with respect to bichloride of mercury and the same substances. — L’Institut, No. 313. HAYDENITE. M. Levy has read the following notice respecting this mineral to the Academy of Sciences : — “ Cleaveland, in the second edition of his Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, published at Boston [U. S.] in 1822, has given the name of haydenite to a mineral which had then been recently discovered by Dr. Hayden of Baltimore [U. S.] . He gives the following description of this mineral substance. — It is found in small crystals of a reddish colour, the form of which is cubic or slightly rhombic, and the sur- face of the faces vary from |-th to ^th of an inch square. It appears susceptible of ready decomposition, and becomes porous and spongy, but always retains its form. Before the blowpipe, it fuses with some difficulty into a yellow enamel ; it is soluble in hot sulphuric acid, and the solution deposits small white needles. It has also been found accompanied with zeolite and carbonate of iron, in the fissures of gneiss at a mile and a half from Baltimore. 156 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, “ The authors who have since mentioned this substance have merely repeated what has been stated by Cleaveland. Mr. Brooke, in his article on Mineralogy in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, classes, without assigning any reason, haydenite with heulandite. I will add what appears to me singular, which is, that in a work recently published in the United States, entitled a System of Mineralogy, by James Dana, and printed at Newhaven in 1837, no mention is made of this species, though in other respects the work appears to be pretty complete. The cause of our ignorance respecting the nature of haydenite, may be explained by the small number of specimens which have been brought to Europe. M. Levy then goes on to state that he had seen only three specimens of haydenite, and the account which he gives of it is as follows :■ — Haydenite is regularly crystallized ; the crystals have the form of a small oblique prism with rhombic bases, in which the incidence of the lateral faces is 98° 22', and the inci- dence of the base, on each of the lateral faces, is 96° 5'. The cry- stals are frequently macled. The axis of revolution, around which one of the two crystals forming the made is supposed to have turned 1 80°, is perpendicular to the base of the primitive form, and the face by which the two crystals are united is parallel to the same base. The crystals are thickly grouped together, and a small portion only of each is isolated. I have observed no modification either upon the edges or angles, so that the relation between the sides of the base and the lateral edges remains undetermined. The crystals cleave with the same facility on every face of the primary form. The cleavage faces sometimes present an uneven surface on account of small dark spots, as if the substance had suffered incipient decomposition. The crystals are usually covered by a thin layer of hydrate of iron, which is readily detached by the knife, and the faces of the crystals thus exposed are sufficiently brilliant to be measured by the reflective goniometer. The colour of haydenite is brownish yellow or green- ish yellow ; the crystals are translucent and sometimes transparent, they are easily scratched by the knife, readily friable ; the hardness is nearly the same as that of fluor spar. The quantity detached was too small to admit of its specific gravity being taken.*’ — Lilnstitnt, BEAUMONTITE, A NEW MINERAL. This is a new mineral discovered by M. Levy. It accompanies haydenite, and is named in honour of M. Elie de Beaumont. It oc- curs in small brilliant crystals of a pearly lustre. Their form is that of a prism with square bases, terminated by obtuse pyramids. The summits of all the crystals are closely grouped. The incidences of the faces of the terminal pyramids, measured with Wollaston’s goniometer, are 132° 20' of the two faces, the intersection of which is parallel to one of the edges of the base of the primary form, and 147° 18' of the two faces above, whose intersection is inclined to this base. One of these angles is a necessary consequence of the other. By calculating from the first, the second is 147° 28', instead of 147° 18', as determined by experiment. The primary form of the beau- Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 157 montite may therefore be taken as a right prism with square bases, in which the relation between the sides of the base and the height is nearly as the numbers 23 and 10, and then the faces of the pyra- mid have as a crystallographical sign. The crystals cleave readily parallel to the lateral faces of the primary form, but more easily parallel to one of the faces than the other, and this greater facility corresponds with the pearly lustre peculiar to them. There are also some indications of cleavage, parallel to the diagonal planes of the primary form/ the crystallographical sign of which is g^. The colour of the crystals is whitish yellow ; they are translucent ; their hard- ness is greater than that of haydenite, and is almost equal to that of phosphate of lime. The crystals of beaumontite and haydenite form a crystalline layer, the brilliant portions of which belong to the first-mentioned substance, and the parts covered with brownish hydrate of iron to the second. This layer covers a granular rock composed principally of grains of quartz and haydenite. The other face of the specimen is covered with small flat elongated prisms of green amphibole. — Ibid, AN ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERIMENT PROPOSED BY M. ARAGO AS A TEST OF THE ACCURACY OF THE UNDULATORY HYPOTHE- SIS OF LIGHT. * M. Arago proposes to avail himself of Prof. Wheatstone’s revol- ving mirror, used by that gentleman in his researches on the velocity of electricity whilst traversing good conductors, in determining ex- perimentally the accuracy of one or other of the present hypotheses of light. The principle of the proposed experiment is readily un- derstood. A ray of light incident on the surface of a plane mirror is reflected in the ordinary manner, the reflected and incident beams forming equal angles with a line perpendicular to the point of inci- dence of the ray. If the mirror be supposed to revolve around this point to an extent expressed by the quantity a, and to augment by this quantity the original angle of incidence, the former angle of re- flexion will become lessened to an extent corresponding to 2 a, which must be added to this nev/ angle to render it equal to the first. Consequently, if the incident ray remain the same, an angular move- ment of the mirror of a will produce an angular motion of the re- flected ray equal to 2 a. If then two perfectly parallel rays be incident in the same vertical line on a mirror revolving round the point of incidence, their paral- lelism will be preserved after reflexion, providing they both impinge upon the mirror at the same instant of time, and two luminous points situated exactly vertically over each other will be seen ; but if the rays impinge upon the mirror at different instants, so that one will be somewhat later than the other, the reflected images will no longer preserve their original position in the same vertical line — one ap- pearing to the right or left of the other. * The Editors are obliged to Dr, Golding Bird for this account. 158 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, According to the Newtonian hypothesis, or corpuscular theory of light, a ray moves in a fluid of higher refractive power, as water, quicker than in air, in a ratio expressed by the direct relation of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of refraction ; whilst on the undulatory theory, light traverses a liquid much slower than air, and in the inverse ratio of these sines. To test the truth of either of these hypotheses, all that is therefore necessary, is to cause tw^o rays of light to be incident on a rapidly- revolving mirror, in the same vertical line, the lowest beam traversing air only, whilst the upper one passes through a tube filled with water, or other refracting liquid. Under these circumstances, if the corpuscular theory of light be correct, the upper ray will reach the mirror before the lower one, and consequently the reflected images will no longer be in the same vertical line : if the undulatory hypothesis be the true one, then the lower ra}?- will reach the mirror before the upper one, and the verti- cal position of the reflected images will become deranged. Let us suppose that the mirror revolves in a direction from right to left ; then, if the upper reflected image appear to the left of the lower, light consists of moving corpuscules ! but if the upper image appear to the right of the lower — light is produced hy ethereal undulations ! To submit this proposed experiment to the test of experimental investi- gation is obviously a difficult matter, for, as tubes of water of any moderate length can but very slightly affect the velocity of a ray of light, it is obvious that the rotation of the revolving mirror must be excessively rapid to produce a deviation of the reflected images sufficient to admit of accurate observation. — M. Aragois inclined to consider that a deviation of a minute of a degree produced by two positions of the reflecting plane inclined half a minute of a degree upon each other will be sufficient for this purpose. From computations deduced from the known velocity of light, it appears that in ^2,ono.oo ^ second (the time during which a revolving mirror moving by mechanism prepared by M. Gambey moves through half a minute of a degree) a ray of light traverses a portion of space corresponding to 7 '07 metres, or, in round numbers, 23 English feet. Hence if the mirror perform 2000 rotations in a second of time, the tube of water through which one of the rays passes must be 23 feet in length to produce, on the theory of emis- sion, an angular separation of the reflected images corresponding to one minute. As a velocity of the revolving mirror of the enormous quantity of 2000 turns in a second is extremely difficult to obtain, the angular deviation produced by reflection from one revolving mirror performing 1000 rotations in a second, may be increased by viewing the images afterwards in a second revolving mirror. In this manner, by repeated reflexions from several revolving mirrors, the angular deviation of the images v/hich eventually reach the eye of the observer may be increased to a sensible quantity. If, as M. Arago has thought probable, an angular separation of the reflected images equal to half a minute is perceptible to the eye, a tube only 1 1 j feet long, full of water, will be sufficient to produce such an alteration in the velocity of the transmitted ray, as to render the an- gular separation of the images very obvious, after reflection from Meteorological Observations. 159 four revolving mirrors, each performing 1000 rotations in a second. By employing a medium of greater refractive power than water, as the essential oils or sulphuret of carbon, a still greater alteration in the velocity of the transmitted ray will be observed, being accele- rated on the corpuscular, and retarded on the undulatory hypothesis. Another mode of testing the truth of the two theories, pro- posed by M. Arago, is founded upon the different velocities of the coloured rays of the spectrum, whilst traversing refracting media. If, therefore, a beam of white light be made to traverse a long tube filled with a highly dispersive fluid, as sulphuret of carbon, the dif- ferent coloured rays will not reach the revolving mirror simultaneously, and a spectrum will be produced. So far, the same result occurs on both theories ; but on watching the reflected images, a diflferent ar- rangement of the colours will be observed, and the violet or red band will be observed, in the reflected image, to be situated to the right or to the left, according to the direction of the rotation of the mirror. The order in which the colours appear, the direction of the rotation remaining the same, will be precisely the reverse on the undulatory, to that on the corpuscular theory. It is of course obvious that great practical difficulties lie in the way of submitting M. Arago’s ingenious views to the test of experi- ment, and hitherto no attempt appears to have been made to over- come the difficulties connected with the construction of the apparatus required for these interesting experiments. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR DEC., 1839. Chiswick. — Dec. 1 — 3. Dense fog. 4. Frosty : fine. 5. Slight haze ; fine. 6. Foggy. 7. Dense fog: fine; frosty at night. 8 — 10. Hazy. 11. Fine; hazy: rain. 12. Cloudy and windy. 13. Overcast : heavy rain at night. 14. Fine. 15. Frosty: hazy: rain. 16. Hazy : fine. 17. Fine. 18. Hazy. 19. Cloudy, rain. 20. Rain. 21. Cloudy: rain. 22. Rain: fine. 23. Fine: very mild for the period of the season ; rain at night, 24. Boisterous with rain. 25. Very fine. 26. Heavy rain. 27. Rain: hazy. 28. Frosty; fine. 29. Clear and frosty. 30. Frosty and foggy. 31. Overcast: fine. Boston. — Dec. 1. Fine. 2. Foggy: rain p.m. 3. Cloudy: rain a. m. 4. ^oggy. 5. Cloudy: rain p.m. 6, 7. Foggy. 8, 9, 10. Cloudy. 11. Cloudy: rain early A. M.: rain p.m. 12. Fine: rain p.m. 13. Fine. 14. Cloudy. 15. Fine. 16. Foggy. 17. Fine. 18. Stormy: rain p.m. 19,20. Cloudy: rain early A. M. : rain p.m. 21. Fine: rain p.m. 22. Cloudy: rain p.m. 23. Fine: rain p.m. 24. Cloudy. 25. Fine. 26. Fine : rain p.m. 27. Foggy. 28, 29. Fine. SO. Fine : hail and rain p.m. 31. Cloudy. Applegarih Manse, Dumfriesshire. — Dec. 1. Clear and sunny. 2. Calm and clear: hard frost. 3. Dull: raw day. 4. Dull, but dry. 5. Frost a. m.: thaw P.M. 6. Dull moist day : hoar frost early a.m. 7. Dull and cloudy, but dry : hoar frost A. M. 8. Fine day : slight hoarfrost. 9. Quiet and cloudy. 10. Quiet and cloudy : freezing p.m. 11. Fine day : vi'ind rose p.m. 12. Heavy rain in the afternoon. IS. Fine morning : rain afternoon. 14. Moderate day : slight frost preceding night. 15. Foggy : slight frost preceding night. 16. Fine : slight frost early a.m. 17. Raw and cold. 25, Stormy day of wind and rain. 26. Clear day : frosty morning. 27. Snow in the evening, and frost all day. 28. A little more snow : hard frost p.m. 29. Clear and calm and frosty. 30. Looking dull a.m. : sleet and rain p.m. 31. Heavy rain all morning : cleared up P.M. Sun 20 days. Rain 9 days. Snow 3 days. Frost and hoar frost 13 days. Wind easterly 13 days. North-east 4 days. Southerly 4 days. Westerly 2 days. Meteorolort'ical Observations made at the Apartments of the Royal Society by the Assistant Secretary^ Mr. Roberton ; by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick^ near London; by Mr.VEALL at Boston, and by Mr. Dunbar at Applegarth Manse, Dumfriesshire. Dew point. Lond.: Roy, Soc. 9 a.m. ooc^o>oio<^oo«Noo-IUOOO . .1000 . . . ; ; !C0 00 « a s “■ s “ » »• S i » i ^ « i ^ p:' s « London: Roy.Soc. 9 a.m. Thernaometer. S . S gi S S 3 « CJ c 1 § 1 -liC5 H|C5 H|« h|m rt|(N H|C5 H|C5 m|(N H|C5 rt|« TjOOOCM(N< 1 s ! hIn rt|e5 hM rt|iN rt|lS h1c5 rtlN Hl« 0 <0 •*Tl< 0 <0 00 to <0 cb CO •uo^sog tp IP ip *p *'^'I>-avtO-^C.tOOI CO(M 0>-t^CI tOt^CIVOOOOO 0>CO''^'>CJ<;JiocM 0^ 0 0 0 05 05 05 6^ 05 05 65 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 05 0 65 05 CMCMCMCMCOCOCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMCMCMCMCOCMCM to 9 6 CM i c3 05 lf-(00CMG0CMC5OOr-(OtO00OI>-OCOO5 05 COCMO5OCM00'<;f^ |toc^ppPT''7‘9PP'^'7'7'97f9P 1 1 1 |P|P9TfPP97''?' 05<^65I^65 0000505650505<^i05<^65 ! 1 1 1 05 101065(0565650065 CMCMCMCMCMCOCOCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CM CMCMCMCMCMCOCOCM 00 ' 9 6 1 CM , 1 Boston. 84 a.m. O-'ct<--COOOVOVOCM'-(VOCOCMOCMVOC!50COI> CM05VOCOCM(05CO»-(--COOCOCMOOtOCMVOCM i>-oo 05(X) r-* pc« 9 p9 pti 9 9 yfr-^p pp9 ppppppppp*^ p 65(6565 65 6 6 0 0 (05(0505(05050505075(05(05(05(05(05(05(6565(6565(65(656 6 65 CMCMCMCMCOCOCOCCCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCJCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM«‘CCOCM VO to ' (O 0\ : C4 ; i< ct OCMlT)COI>-(»VO--VOVOQOOOIr^CMOVOtO r-(O500VOQ0OVOCMVOtO(05C» — 0(05GO(05 0CMGOVO■*:^'(X»f-|(OCMI>■VO'^CO^>• 00 (o. (05(05*^top7((X)votp(^ P'^P9 9 p7*'7tppp^ppp9 7f7t<05 (6(6(6(656 6 6 6 66666666 6 6(0>(05(05(056666(056 o o 6 CMCMCMCMCOCOCOCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCOCOCI CM CD { 6 1 CM 1 I.ondon : Roy. Soc. 9 a.m. (XiCMOOVO'^CMVOOVO'^OO-'rfCOVO'Jd^VOOOCMCMOVO'TfOOCMCMCMOClO''# 0(»VOCO(05VOCCCr5C^OVO-*!::^05CC(0505l5~--'r-fGOtOtOGOna\ CICMCMCMCCCOCOCOCMCICNCMCMCMCMCMCOCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCOCM (05 CM I> 6. CM j D-ays of Month. 1839. Dec. 1 -H:ttovdt'~oo66— ’ i-i,-(^^r-(p-,o«CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCO 0 o 1 Mean. I THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. ^ [THIRD SERIES.] MARCH 1840. XXX. On the true Order of Succession of the Older Stratified RocJcs in the Neighboiu'hood of Killarneij and. to the North of Dublin. By Richard Griffith, Esq.., F.G.S. L., and President of the Geological Society of Dublin, [See Section Plate II. and Plan PI. III.] To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, 'T^HE Geological map of Ireland, which presents an epi- tome of my geological labours in the field, continued at intervals for upwards of thirty years, is now before the public, and has in fact become their property. Though I do not venture to assert that all the lines representing rock boundaries which it contains are perfectly correct, still I will say that none have been laid down without consideration. Much detail no doubt still requires to be worked out within the great divisions, particularly in the carboniferous lime- stone series, and many of the smaller greenstone protrusions have yet to be pointed out; but I am fully of opinion that the great lines nearly represent the true boundaries of the several rock formations, according to the order of superposi- tion indicated by the table of geological colours. Having this impression on my mind, I confess I was somewhat startled by observing in the Number of the Philosophical Magazine for December last, (vol. xv. p. 442.) a paper communicated by my friend Mr. Charles William Hamilton of Dublin, which con- tains statements, some of which are illustrated by sections, re- lative to the geological positions of the strata of several parts of Ireland, quite at variance with those assigned by me to the same rocks in the geological map. This paper also asserts that I have indicated the occurrence of rocks in certain places in which no such rocks are to be found. These are charges Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 102. March 1340, M 162 Mr, Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older which I think it incumbent on me shortly to reply to ; and I hope to be able to show that my map is correct, and that Mr. Hamilton is incorrect in every case in which he has thrown a doubt on its accuracy. The main points of difference between Mr. Hamilton and myself are; 1st, he is opinion, that in the county of Kerry, south of Castlemaine Bay and the lower Lake of Killarney, the old red sandstone overlies unconformahly those schistose rocks which in my map are comprehended under the general name of transition, and which include the Silurian system and the older or Cambrian slate'*. 2nd, That the old red sandstone strata of the Gap of Dunloe extend uninterruptedly in a southern direction from the gap to the summit of MacGillacuddy’s Reeks, from which point they dip to the south, and are succeeded conformably by a new series of rocks which Mr. Hamilton considers to belong to the Devonian system. 3rd, That the band of yellow sandstone shown on the geological map as underlying the carboniferous limestone in the valley of the River Rough ty at Ken mare, does not exist there. In illustration of these views Mr. Hamilton has given two sections, the first of which extends from the gap of Dunloe in a south-eastern direction across Toomies and Glena Mountain to the middle or Turk Lake of Killarney, and thence over Turk and Mangerton Mountains to the valley of Ken- mare ; the second is a representation of Mr. Hamilton’s view of the strata as they appear on the west side of the gap of Dunloe. In both of these sections Mr. Hamilton has represented the old red sandstone as resting unconformahly on the older schistose rocks, which he calls “ Cambrian but I state with- out fear of contradiction that his section and statements are incorrect in this respect, and that in the locality in ques- tion the old red sandstone has been deposited conformably on the older slate, and in a descending order graduates im- perceptibly into that rock. This is also the opinion of Mr. Weaver, who considers the whole to belong to the transition series; and Capt. Portlock, in his presidential address^ to the Geological Society of Dublin, appears to entertain the same opinion. In the first volume of the Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, page 285, Mr. Hamilton describes the old red sandstone as forming ‘‘ an anticlinal axis on the summit of * See note appended to the large Geological Map of Ireland. zw. KiEdw.. Phil. Mm/. 'VolIVl.PUl. 163 Stratified Rocks near Killarney a7id Dublin, Currawiitoohill mountain*, from whence clipping to the south- ward it is covered by siliceous sandstones of a greenish or brownish colour;” and this view is illustrated by a section given in Plate I. fig. 3, which, together with those contained in your Magazine, exhibit the whole of his views on the sub- ject. For the sake of clearness, I have also prepared two sec- tions passing nearly through the same line of country as those given by Mr. Hamilton, from which it appears that the old red sandstone on the summit of MacGillacuddy’s Reeks, rests conformably on the schistose rocks of the gap of Dunloe, which Mr. Hamilton terms Cambrian ; and that the apparent unconformability which is visible nearly in the centre of the gap between the chloritic quartz rock and the old red sand- stone, has been occasioned by a great north-west and south- east fault, which crosses the gap of Dunloe nearly at right angles, and extends from thence in a south-eastern direction along the northern declivities of the Purple, Toomies, and Glena Mountains, from whence in continuation it reaches the lower Lake of Killarney, near the Glena Cottage Banqueting House, thence it crosses Brickeen Island, and passing through Turk Lake reaches the north base of Turk mountain. This fault may be said to form the key to the geology of the Killarney district, as it explains the apparent anomaly deducible from the persistent dip to the south of the strata on both sides of Glena Cottage and Brickeen Island, which might lead, and has led incautious observers to infer that the strata belonging to the transition slate series which occur to the south of the fault rest conformably on the top of the old red sandstone of Brickeen Bridge, of the northern part of Brickeen Island, and likewise on the carboniferous limestone east of Turk Cottage. In expressing my view of the geology of the district, I shall commence with the west side of the Gap of Dunloe; but here my section, Plate II. fig. 1, is so difierent from Mr. Ha- milton’s, that it is with difficulty we can recognise them as being intended to represent the same locality ; yet such is the case. Of the accuracy of my own section I entertain no doubt, having made it with great care. In taking a sectional view of the strata as exhibited on the west side of the Gap ofDunloejthe first beds visible at the sur- face consist of a reddish gray quartzose rock belonging to the old red sandstone formation. These are succeeded by a series of thick beds, of coarse-grained conglomerate com- posed of rounded pebbles of white quartz, varying in size * The highest of the Reeks. M2 164« Mr. Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older from two inches to a quarter of an inch in diameter, imbedded in a reddish gray arenaceous base. The conglomerate is suc- ceeded by coarse-grained brownish-red slate, which is occa- sionally quarried and used for inferior roofing slate ; these strata are followed by a series of beds, consisting of red quartzose sandstone alternating with coarse slate, the sandstone beds presenting occasionally a conglomeritic character, but the pebbles rarely exceed half an inch in diameter. The strata dip to the west, though irregularly, at an average angle of about 10° from the horizon ; and consequently in ascending the glen in a southern direction, the cliffs present the out- going or strike of the beds, which are not horizontal, but ex- hibit a tortuous arrangement presenting frequent undulations from north to south. At Esknagluggerny, a short distance beyond the southern extremity of Coosane lake, the old red sandstone strata are cut off by the great north-west and south-east fault already mentioned, immediately to the south of which thick beds of green chloritic quartz rock appear at the surface, dipping to the south at an angle of 30° from the horizon. These strata probably form the lowest portion of the transition rocks situated to the south of Castlemaine Bay, as we perceive the whole series to be complete in an ascending order from them to the summit of the Reeks. Commencing then with this chloritic quartz rock base, and proceeding in a southern direction, we find that the same rocks continue to dip to the south, and present an accumu- lation of strata for upwards of 500 feet in thickness, varying little in their composition or character, with the exception of an occasional interstratification of thin beds of green and purplish gray clay slate. These slates are quite distinct in character, as well as in colour and composition, from the coarse red slate of the old red sandstone \ they are in fact identical with the Valentia slates, and bear a strong resem- blance in colour, composition, and lithological character to some of those of North Wales. Still ascending in the series, we find that the colour of the rocks gradually changes from green to gray, and at length the mineral chlorite is altogether - wanting. These gray quartzose beds are not so thick p those which contain chlorite ; they likewise alternate with thin beds of clay slate, which present a purplish gray colour, with- , out any admixture of green. The gray strata may amount altogether to about 800 feet in thickness. Still continuing to ascend, the same character and alternations are preserved as the last described, but on a fresh fracture the quartzose beds present a slight bloom or tint of red, and the disinlegramd 1 surface of the rock exhibits a decidedly reddish hue, which ; lyfyTtd. J^hzZ.Ma^. VoL XVT . R . ill. Stratified Blocks near Killarney and Dublin* 165 is not visible lower down: the reddish gray strata alternate as before with purplish gray slate. As we ascend and ap- proach the summits of the Coumeen Peest, or eastern ridge of the Reeks, the strata assume a more decidedly red charac- ter, till at length they pass into brick or cherry-red quartz rock, and contain some beds of conglomerate, identical in colour, composition, and structure with the old red sand- stone already described, situated to the north of the fault in the Gap ofDunloe, but not quite so coarse-grained These red quartzose or old red sandstone beds differ materially from the schistose beds of the lower part of the series. The" struc- ture of the rock is decidedly granular, the strata are thinner^ and they are divided by joints into rectangular masses, while the schistose beds beneath usually present rhomboidal forms. The conglomerate on the top of the Reeks is perfectly con- formable with the underlying strata, and in fact a regular gradation may be traced from the lower or chloritic portion of the series through the gray and reddish gray into the brick- red quartz rock and conglomerate. ^ From the summit of the Reeks still proceeding in a southern direction towards the valley of Kenmare, we do not find these old red sandstone strata dipping to the southward, as shown on Mr. Hamilton’s section already mentioned, and published in the Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, but on the contrary they crop out to the southward, forming a re- gular cap resting conformably on the inferior strata, whose ends appear in the precipitous escarpment visible on the northern side of the valley of CoomydufF, in the bottom of which the green chloritic beds already described as occur- ring near the fault in the Gap of Dunloe again make their appearance, and the whole succession of the strata and pass-* age from the green chloritic beds to the red conglomerate as already described on the northern acclivity of the Reeks, may likewise be traced on the southern. It is unnecessary to enter into any further particulars re- specting the detail of the succession of the strata between the valley of CoomydufF, and the reappearance of the old red sandstone at Lisinisky, to the north of the valley of Kenmare, as it is clearly shown in the section, and the same gradation of colour and character, from the green to the red rocks, is observable. See Plate II. fig. 1. The old red sandstone of the valley of Kenmare consists of * The conglomerate visible near the summit of Lisbug mountain on the western ranges of the Reeks, is fully as coarse-grained as that of the Gan of Uunloe. * 166 Mr. Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older red quartz rock and red clay slate, the quartz rock predo- minating; but no beds of true conglomerate have been ob- served, though such may be discovered on a more careful ex- amination. Ascending in the series, and approaching the limestone of the valley of Kenmare, the red strata become more schistose and chiefly consist of coarse red clay slate, v^^hich, approach- ing the limestone, is observed to alternate with yellowish green clay slate and red limestone in thin beds. These are suc- ceeded by strata of gray quartzose sandstone containing cala- mites, the characteristic fossil of the yellow sandstone series, the upper beds of which alternate with greenish gray and dark gray clay slate, with occasional beds of gray limestone. Still ascending, the limestone gradually predominates, till at length the slate disappears, and the whole stratification is composed of carboniferous limestone. To the south of the river Roughty, in a descending order, a similar series to that above described appears at the sur- face dipping to the north, so that we have again the dark gray slate and limestone, the yellow sandstone with calamites, the red limestone, the old red sandstone consisting of red slate and red quartz rock, and in continuation the whole suite of the schistose strata of the transition series already de- scribed. Having described this section in detail, I again assert, that the old red sandstone to the south of Castlemaine Bay has been deposited conformably, on the underlying strata, and that the apparent unconformability noticed by Mr. Hamil- ton as occurring in the Gap of Dunloe, arises from a disloca- tion of the strata occasioned by a fault, and not from original deposition. Owing to the want of fossils throughout the entire succes- sion of rocks above described, with the exception of the yel- low sandstone and carboniferous limestone of the valley of Kenmare, it is difficult to determine the position in geological precedence which should be allotted to the green chloritic quartz rock which forms the basis of the district under con- sideration, or to determine at what precise point the old red sandstone should be said to commence. It appears to me that the onl}^ key which is likely to unravel this mystery, will be found in the peninsula of Dingle, to the north of Castle- maine Bay, where fossils have been discovered in the strata, which have been recognised by Mr. James Sowerby as be- longing to the upper Silurian rocks of Murchison. The fossils consist of Stratijied Bocks near Killarney and Dublin, 167 From Ferriter^s Cove, Atrypa tenuistriata,Sil.Syst. pi. 12. f.3. Euomphalus perturbatus, Sil. Syst. Aviciila reticulata, Ib. pi. 6. f.3. pi. 22. f. 15. retroflexa, Ib. pi. 5. f. 9. Leptaena lata, Ib. pi. 5. f. 3. Cornulites serpuIarius,/A pi. 26. f. Terebratula bidentata, Ib. pi, 12. 5-9. f. 13. Euomphalus funatus, Ib. pi. 12. f. Stricklandii, Ib. pi. 20. 13.f.l9. If we make a section across the Dingle peninsula from Feilatiirrive on the south to Brandon Bay on the north, we find that the strata consist of a base of dark blackish gray clay slate, the upper beds of which alternate with reddish purple slate, some of which contain Silurian fossils ; these strata are succeeded by red slaty conglomerates, alternating with red and green slate and brown quartz rock, above which are chloride quartz rocks with alternating purplish and red- dish gray clay slate, similar in composition and character to those of the Gap of Dunloe, and of that district generally. Again, if we make a section along the west coast of the Dingle peninsula from Fawn to Sybil Head, we find numerous fos- siliferous beds, some of which have been noticed by Mr. Ha- milton*, the true position of which has not yet been clearly made out ; but from all the data I possess, I am inclined to place them between the dark gray clay slate and the chloride quartzose rock. Hence I am of opinion that the chloride rocks of the Gap of Dunloe should be classed with the Silurian system. With regard to the dark blackish gray clay slate which forms the lowest member of the series in the Dingle penin- sula, it is identical in lithological character with the dark gray slate of the Gatties mountains, which are situated directly in the line of the strike in an eastern direction, as may be clearly seen by reference to my Geological map ; and follow- ing the same strike similar strata occur in the Shivnamanna mountains of the county of Kilkenny, and also in the slate district to the south of Waterford, where on the sea coast at Knockmahon, and also at Tramore, fossils occur in green, chloride metamorphic slate and quartz rock, belonging to the lower Silurian strata or Caradoc sandstone f. These fossiliferous beds are incumbent on the dark gray slate, in which no fossils have as yet been observed. This dark gray slate bears a striking resemblance in lithological character to the dark gray clay slate of the Festiniog district of Merioneth- * See Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, vol. i. p. 280. I The fossils discovered are Orthis radiatusy and several others of that genus; so Bellerophon bilobatus, Atrypa orbicularis?, &Q. 168 Mr. Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older shire and lam led to conclude, that the whole of the transi- tion slate of the south of Ireland is high in the series generally, and that the principal part belongs to the Silurian system. Our next point for consideration with regard to the di- strict of Kerry, south of Castlemaine Bay, will be to deter- mine where, in the graduating series between the chloritic quartz rocks and the decided red conglomerate, we should draw the line separating the Silurian system from the old red sandstone. If we again refer to Dingle peninsula, we find that the summit of Cahirconree mountain, together with many other mountains of the district, is composed of rocks be- longing to the old red sandstone, which rest uncorf ormably on the dark gray clay slate above-mentioned, and on the other schistose rocks which succeed it. From this unconformability, it would appear that the series of the schistose strata is not complete in the peninsula of Dingle, and that it wants the upper members which do occur to the south of Castlemaine Bay. If we examine the old red sandstone series as exhibited in the Dingle district, we find that the under beds consist of rather fine-grained, red quartzose sandstone, for a thickness varying from 100 to 150 feet in different localities; the sand- stone is succeeded by thick beds of coarse conglomerate al- ternating with coarse red slate, and these in continuation by alternations of red and brown quartzose sandstone and coarse red slate. Now if we compare the red strata which rest conformably on the schistose rocks on the summits of the Reeks, the Purple mountains, &c. we find red granular quartz rock in thin beds underlying the conglomerates ; and considering these beds, as in the Dingle peninsula, to represent the lower portion of the old red series, I have drawn the line where the red quartz rock terminates, and where a change is indicated by an alter- ation in the colour of the rock, which becomes light reddish gray, and the strata present a schistose, instead of a perfectly granular structure. As a further proof of my opinion of the inaccuracy of Mr. Flamilton’s views respecting the order of succession of the strata of the Killarney district, I shall now very shortly describe the succession of rocks visible at the surface on the north and south sides of the great fault where it traverses the strata at Glena and Brickeen Island on the lower lake of Kil- larney, which fault, as already mentioned, extends in a south- eastern direction from the Gap of Dunloe, by the localities in question, to the northern base of Turk mountain, &c. If we trace the line of the fault on the shore of the lake imme- diately to the north of Glena Banqueting House, and also 169 Stratified Rocks near Killarney and Dublin, where it crosses Brickeen Island, it will be seen that the strike of the chloride quartz and slate beds on the south side of the fault is unconformable with the strike of the old red sand- stone and carboniferous limestone on the north of it, and that the ends of the strata of both formations abut obliquely against the opposite sides of the fault. This fact will be at once understood by reference to the plan given in Plate III. The lower portion of the strata on the north side of the fault consists of old red sandstone : commencing near the shore of the lower lake at Cullinagh to the east of O’Sullivan’s Cascade, we have a succession of beds of coarse-grained red conglomerate, similar to those already described as occurring at the northern entrance of the Gap of Dunloe ; these strata, which dip to the east, are succeeded by alternating red and light gray quartzose beds, which in an ascending order con- tinue to Glena Bay, the dip gradually changing from the east towards the south. At Glena Bay we fall into the line of the strike of the strata of the Gun rock, a small island situated immediately to the west of Brickeen Island, near Brickeen Bridge. At the Gun rock the strata consist of light gray quartzose rock alternating with thin beds of reddish gray limestone, which dip to the south at an angle of 40°. On the north point of Brickeen Island, these strata are succeeded by alternations of red and reddish gray quartzose rock, red slate, and red limestone, the general dip being 25 E. of S. at an angle of 35°. These strata abut obliquely against the fault to the north of the Banqueting House of Glena, and also where it crosses the western portion of Brickeen Island. Still ascending in the series, the above-mentioned strata are succeeded by alternations of red clay slate, yellowish green clay slate, and red limestone, which may be considered to form the upper portion of the old red sandstone series : above them we find a succession of beds, consisting of coarse greenish gray slate containing calamites, greenish gray cal- careous slate, and impure gray limestone, succeeded by beds of gray quartzose sandstone with partings of black clay slate, and alternations of gray limestone. These strata form the lowest portion of the carboniferous limestone series, to which I have given the name of the yellow sandstone*. Above the yellow’ sandstone we have the black carboniferous slate, which here alternates with gray limestone, the slate as at Kenmare predominating near the commencement; but as the * In most localities the colour of the sandstone is yellowish gray, and the siliceous rock forms by much the most important feature in the series. 170 Mr. Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older beds accumulate, the calcareous strata increase in thickness, and at length near the old Coppermine of Muckross, the slate beds entirely disappear, and the entire stratification con- sists of limestone, some beds of which are fossiliferous, and contain Producta depressa^ variety of the mountain limestone Spirifera bisulcata^ Spirifera resupinata^ and many of the other fossils which usually occur in the lower limestone. From Muckross mine the calcareous strata continue with- out interruption, dipping to the south at an angle of 40°, to the base of Turk mountain, a quarter of a mile to* the east of Turk cottage, and are still visible at the surface close to the line of the eastern continuation of the fault which is there con- cealed from view by diluvial matter. I have been thus particular in describing the strata visible on the north side of the fault at Brickeen Island and Muck- ross, as they present one of the most perfect sections which Ireland affords of the entire suite of the old red sandstone, the yellow sandstone, the carboniferous slate, and the lower carboniferous limestone, and which by their variety form a strong contrast with the uniform character of the chloritic quartzose strata visible on the south side of the fault, which strata evidently belong to the same series as those which oc- cur in a similar position at the Gap of Dunloe, and are in fact a continuation of the same strike. No doubt can there- fore be entertained that these inferior strata form the lower portion of the schistose series of the district to the south of Castlemaine Bay, that they are identical with the chloritic rocks of the Gap of Dunloe, and do not belong to the De- vonian as supposed by Mr. Hamilton Proceeding to the southward from Turk mountain, the suc- cession of rocks is similar to that already described as occur- ring above the chloritic beds of Dunloe: the strata undulate very much, and present several synclinal and anticlinal axes, so that the upper beds or reddish gray quartzose strata never appear on Turk or Mangerton mountains, and consequently in this line we do not meet wdth the old red sandstone strata till we approach the northern boundary of the valley of Ken- mare, where it occurs in a line parallel to that already noticed in describing the section betw^een the Gap of Dunloe and the valley of Kenrnare. It is true, Mr. Hamilton mentions the occurrence of old red sandstone in the centre of Mangerton mountain, but in that locality he may have mistaken the pur- * A section similar to that from the Gap of Dunloe to the summit of the Reeks may likewise be traced from the chloritic rocks, south of the fault at Brickeen Island, up to the old red sandstone on the summit of Glena mountain, as represented in Plate III. fig. Stratified Rocks near Killarney and Dublin. 171 pie slate which there alternates with the chloride quartz for that rock. It appears to me to be extraordinary, that when arriving at the conclusion that the chloride rocks of Turk and Manger- ton mountains were newer than the old red sandstone, owing to the observed dip to the south both of the old red sand- stone and the chloride rocks, Mr. Hamilton did not (with Mr. Weaver) consider these chloritic rocks to be superior to tlie carboniferous limestone of Muckross and Turk. The limestone beds all dip to the south towards the fault, and ap- parently underlie the chloritic rocks; and as the limestone strata rest upon the yellow and red sandstone, the„ natural conclusion should have been, that the whole of the strata to the south of the lakes of Killarney belonged to the millstone grit^ which we find resting on the same limestone to the north of the lakes. Mr. Weaver carefully observed all these dips ; and not having noticed the fault or unconformity of the strike of the old red and limestone series on its north side with the chloritic rocks on the south, and conceiving that the lime- stone together with the old red sandstone belonged to the transition series, he naturally concluded that the chloritic rock to the south belonged to the same ; but Mr. Hamilton has overlooked the southern dip of the limestone at the north- ern base of Turk mountain east of Turk cottage, and placed the chloritic rocks in a position in which they could not occur according to the dips of the strata, namely, between the old red sandstone and the carboniferous limestone series. I shall not pursue this subject, as I should hope that suffi- cient data have been brought forward to prove that the strata to the south of the Lake of Killarney, which Mr. Hamilton considers to be Devonian, do really belong to the Silurian system. I shall next allude to a paragraph in Mr. Hamilton’s paper, page 445, in which he states, “ that among other localities in which the yellow sandstone is laid down on the Geological map in positions in nxihicli it does not exist, he may mention the boundary of the carboniferous limestone, on the banks of the River Roughty in the Valley of Kenmare.” I wish Mr. Hamilton had mentioned the other instances that came within his knowledge as well as this, as I have no doubt I should have been equally well able to show that the boundaries marked were founded on actual observation. In the present case I shall merely observe, that at Kilgawan, on the north side of the valley of Kenmare, above Roughty Bridge, yellow sandstone occurs in considerable thickness, overlying red quartz rock, green and red clay slate, and red 172 Mr. Griffith, on the Order of Succession of the Older limestone, and underlying black carboniferous slate, inter- stratified with thin beds of limestone, which is ultimately succeeded by limestone without admixture ; the whole of the strata dipping to the south. Again, on the south side of the river Roughty, immediately to the east of Roughty Bridge, a similar succession of strata is observed dipping to the north. In this locality, the yellow sandstone contains that variety of calamite which is characteristic of the rock, and which is also abundant at Brickeen Island, near Killarney, and in the same geological position, underlying the limestone of the several troughs of the counties of Waterford and Cork. In the car- boniferous slate of Roughty Bridge, Retepora membranacea was observed. I shall mention one other locality in which the strata in connexion with the yellow sandstone have been observed in the valley of the river Roughty, namely, at the pier at Kenmare. At low water in this place, gray quartz rock and black carboniferous slate may be observed dipping to the north under the lower beds of the carboniferous limestone, which are exposed to view in an adjoining quarry. Imme- diately to the south of this quartz rock and slate, no rocks are visible, the strata being concealed by sand; but in a very short distance, beds of yellowish green slate, alternating with red slate and red limestone, occur which are identical with the strata visible in the localities already mentioned under- lying the yellow sandstone : no doubt can therefore be enter- tained that this rock is continuous on the south side of the valley from Kenmare pier to Roughty Bridge. It is true, in this locality, as well as in most others, that the yellow sand- stone has not been seen at the surface throughout the entire length of the carboniferous limestone trough, as, owing to a thick covering of diluvial matter, or of bog, the precise boundary between the base of the limestone series and the old red sandstone rocks is rarely visible; but as the yel- low sandstone and dark gray carboniferous slate do occur in every place where the outer boundary of the limestone series is exposed to view, I feel little doubt that these rocks equally occur in those positions where they are concealed from our view. If geologists were only to mark the limits of their rock districts in the precise localities in which the contacts are visible, no geological map could be formed. In maps on a large scale, the observed contacts might be shown by con- tinuous, and the supposed by dotted lines : but on a general map, though desirable, it would be impossible to enter into such detail, or if attempted it would be impracticable, on a map on which the features of the country are shown, to distinguish between the continuous and the dotted lines. Stratified Hocks near Killarney and Dublin, 11 S I shall next very sliortly allude to another point brought forward by Mr. Hamilton in his paper. In speaking of the district coloured old red sandstone on my large geological map which occupies extensive tracts in the counties ofWater- ford and Cork, he observes, “ As to classification, it appears to me that Mr. Griffith has thrown together two rocks which are very distinct, namely, 1st, The old red sandstone and its conglomerates ; 2ndly, Compact arenaceous rocks, agreeing in geological position with the upper part of the Devonian series, as described by Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison.” It appears to me that Mr. Hamilton is mistaken in separa- ting the old red sandstone from the Devonian system, as Pro- fessor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison include the whole series under the general term Devonian : consequently, whether we apply the term Devonian, or old red sandstone, to the system, no advantage could be derived from its arbitrary subdivision. I freely admit that doubts may be entertained as to whether the yellow sandstone and carboniferous slate, considered by me to belong to the lowest portion of the carboniferous sy- stem, should not be placed at the top of the old red sand- stone or Devonian system. This however is not a question of position, but of fossils ; and as far as my present informa- tion extends, I still feel inclined to adhere to my original view, founded on the fact, that in ascending in the old red sand- stone series the first alteration observed is a change from red and yellowish green clay slate, to yellow quartzose sand- stone passing into light gray, which contains in abundance the peculiar variety of calamite already mentioned. Below this sandstone no fossil remains have been discovered ; above it they occur in abundance, and the upper beds which alter- nate with gray clay slate and limestone contain fossils which undoubtedly belong to the carboniferous limestone, though doubts may be entertained respecting a few which occur to- w\ards the bottom of the series. Should it appear on a more careful and extended examina- tion that some of the fossils of these lower beds are similar to those which occur in the upper part of the Devonian system, difficulties will still arise as to where in a graduating series the line should be drawn separating the Devonian from the carboniferous system ; and as far as Ireland is concerned, I think I have adopted that which appears to be least liable to objection ; but even on this point 1 am open to conviction. In the mean time the fact to dwell upon is, that the mineral succession which I have pointed out beneath the carboniferous limestone of Ireland, is similar to that described in North De- von by Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison. In the conclusion of his paper Mr. Hamilton observes. 1 74 Succession of the Older Stratified Rocks in Ireland, “ that all those tracts which occur between Dublin and Dun- dalk, along the course of the Boyne, and in the hills separa- ting the counties of Cavan and Meath, which have been de- scribed as the older graywacke or transition series by Mr. Griffith, Mr. Weaver, and others, are in reality all conform- able, and immediately inferior to the mountain limestone and superior to the old red sandstone, and consequently belong to the Devonian seriesc” I confess I am surprised at the view here taken by Mr. Hamilton, as one of the facts on which his argument is grounded, namely, that the rocks coloured by me as transition are superior to the old red sandstone, have been correctly stated by himself* to be inferior to that rock where it occurs near Balriggan mill, N.W. of Dundalk, in the county of Louth, in which locality the old red sandstone rests uncon- formably on the transition slate. In regard to the second point, namely, that the schistose rocks are succeeded by the limestone in a conformable posi- tion, I have to observe that such is not the fact; for in the only localities in which 1 have been hitherto enabled to ob- serve the contact of the tw^o rocks, the limestone rests uncon- formably on the transition slate. These localities are in the river north-east of the Naul, in the county of Dublin ; at the southern extremity of the village of Duleek, in the county of Meath ; at Old Bridge on the banks of the Boyne, two miles west of Drogheda, in the county of Louth ; and at Headfort near Kello, in the county of Meath. Fortunately, in addition to these facts, we have also another, which is quite conclusive, namely, the discovery of fossils belonging to the lower Silurian rocks or Caradoc sandstone, which occur in considerable abundance at Grangegeeth, four miles north of Slane, in the county of Meath : the fossils have recently been examined by Mr. Murchison and Mr. Lonsdale, of the Geological Society of London, to whom 1 had sent them, and both are of opinion that they belong to the lower Silurian rocks f. Consequently we must come to the conclu- sion that Mr. Hamilton’s opinion is erroneous in respect to the geological position of the slate district, north of Dublin, and of that between Drogheda and Dundalk. I have now replied to all the important observations con- tained in Mr. Hamilton’s paper, which tend to cast a doubt on the accuracy of my Geological map, and I think I have been * See Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, vol. ii. part i. f The fossils found, and which have been compared with the original Silurian forms collected by Mr. Murchison, are Orthis semicircularis and Orthis virgata ; in addition to which there are several other forms of the genus Orthis which have not as yet been clearly identified, Mr, Brooke 07i Haydenite a?id Couzeranite. 175 able to show, in each case, that my original views have been supported by a careful re-examination of the facts. Dublin, January ] 7, 1 840. XXXI. On Haydenite and Couzeranite, By H. J. Brooke, Esq,, F,R,S,^ IN the last Number of the Phil. Mag. p. 156, I observed a notice of a new mineral (Beaumontite) which M. Levy has found accompanying Haydenite, a mineral that is said to occur near Baltimore in the United States ; and M. Levy remarks that I have classed Haydenite with Heulandite without assigning any reason for so doing. I did so from perceiving that the small and brilliant yel- lowish crystals on the specimen I examined resembled Heu- landite, in having a nacreous plane in only one direction, cor- responding with the P of W. Phillips (Mineralogy, p. 39. Ed. 1823); in the form, as far as I could distinguish it in the minute and closely aggregated condition of the crystals ; and in the near agreement, about 112% of the angle between the nacreous plane and a plane appearing to correspond with the a of W. Phillips. M. Levy is doubtless aware of a variety of Heulandite found at Arendal, of a brown or yellowish brown colour, in small bright crystals, and accompanied by stilbile in glo- bularly-radiated concretions of a dull yellowish colour. The specimen sent to me from America as Haydenite has a similar accompaniment of stilbite of the same description, and this circumstance tended to confirm my impression that Hay- denite was Heulandite. It is probable, therefore, that the specimen sent to me from America as Haydenite, is really not that mineral, and I do not find anything like M. Levy’s Beaumontite upon it, except that the crystals are small and brilliant, and of a pearly lustre. ” Mr. L. does not say on what faces this lustre appears in Beaumontite. I find I have been formerly led into an error relative to Cou- zeranite by specimens received from Paris, by Mr. Heuland, from Mr. Pentland. On examining the crystals I found them to be felspar, and I accordingly stated, on the faith of the specimens so transmitted to Mr. Heuland being genuine, that Couzeranite was only felspar. I have since seen other speci- mens named Couzeranite in apparently square prisms, and if these are the true mineral it has no resemblance whatever to felspar. H. J. B. * Communicated by the Author. [ 176 ] XXXII. Ohsermtio7is on the relative Temperature of the Sea and Air, and on other Phcjenomena, made during a Voyage from England to India, By the Rev. J. H. Pratt, M.A., Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, T SEND you the accompanying observations on the relative temperature of the sea and the superincumbent air made at various latitudes and longitudes on a voyage from England to India, in case you should deem them of sufficient import- ance to give them a place in your valuable Magazine. I regret that they do not extend through the whole voyage. It was not till after passing the Cape that I recorded any observations. I was anxious to see what effect the Mozam- bique Channel had upon the currents ; and after that I con- tinued my observations up to the Bay of Bengal. I have also given the result of a few observations on the velocity of the waves of a swell in unfathomable water. Once or twice I attempted to ascertain the temperature of the sea water at a considerable depth, such as 40 and 100 fathoms. The method I adopted was this : I sunk a quart bottle, full of sea-water and well-corked, by means of a line, and allowed it to remain a considerable time (as an hour or more), that the water within the bottle might attain the temperature of the surrounding water by conduction. I then drew it up with great rapidity (perhaps in minute), instantly uncorked the bottle, and tried the temperature. When I poured the water into a glass it would change its temperature very little in 5 or 10 minutes ; so I felt assured that no great change could have taken place in its passage from its lowest depth. I should have made more of these observations, but the utter impracticability of sinking a bottle well, except in a dead calm, prevented this. One day I had a bottle 200 fathoms deep for one or two hours; a gentle breeze sprang up, my bottle towed astern, and in pulling it in the line broke ! A notice of my observations will be seen in the accompany- ing tables of temperature. I am. Gentlemen, yours, &c. nishoi)’s Palace, Calcutta, JoHN HenrY Pratt. March 22, 18.39. 177 Observations made during a Voyage to India, llesidts of a Series of Experiments on the Temperature of the Sea, made by J. H. Pratt, M,A,, on board the ship Duke of Buccleugh, bound for Calcutta, The experiments were begun on the east of the Cape. Day. Lat. at noon. Long, at noon. Hour. Temperature. General Remarks. Sea. Air. 1838. Nov. 17. o / 37 37 S. 20 40'e. 11 p.m. 6§*-25 o 66 18. 37 40 24 14 10| 64-25 64-25 Clear sky. 19. 37 54 28 30 9 a.m. 65 68 Clear. 10| p.m. 69-25 64-50 Cloudy. ■ 20. 37 46 33 42 8 a.m. 63-75 59 Clear. 3 p.m. 64-75 61 11 69-75 62-50 Clear (starlight). 21. 38 11 37 51 7 a.m. 68-25 64 Clear. 9 68-25 64-25 Clear. noon. 66-25 64 2 p.m. 64-50 64 50 Clear. 5 62-50 62-50 Violent squall. 7 62-50 57 Immediately after heavy rain. - 8| 62 58 ]) bet. squalls. 10 62 58 Cloudy. midnight. 62 56 Starlight. 22. 37 55 42 20 5| a.m. 67 58 Cloudy. n 67-25 58 9 67-25 58 m 68 59 noon. 67 59 Clear. 2 p.m. 654 59 5 59-75 61-50 — "I Sea became 7 58 59 — 1 remarkably 9 55-25 55-25 — J green: pass- ing through comp, shal- low water. 11 62 58 Clear. 23. 37 46 47 4 4 a.m. 65-25 59 Clear. 7i 64-50 60 9 63-50 59-25 Cloudy. 11 63 62 Clear. noon. 63-50 61-75 2| p.m. 63-50 64-50 44 63-50 64-50 7 63-50 64 8| 63 63-50 Cloudy. 104: 63 63-50 IH 63 62-50 24. 38 14 51 50 74 a.m. 64-75 64 Cloudy. 9 63-25 64-50 104- 63-25 65 124- p.m. 63 65-50 Clear. Thil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 102. March 1840. N 178 The Rev. J. H. Pratt’s Observatioiis on the Table continued. Lat. Long, at noon. Hour. Temperature. at noon. Sea. Air. xieiuurKS* 1838. 2p.m. 0 66 Nov. 24. 38 14S. 51 50 E. 63-50 Clear. 5 64 67*50 8i. lOi 62 61 64 63 Cloudy. 12 62 64 25. 37 55 57 20 12 p.m. 61-50 63-50 Clear. 26. 38 48 62 2 8 a.m. 60-25 60 Cloudy. 10 60 61 Clear. 2 p.m. 60-75 62-75 5 6050 60-50 Cloudy. 7 60-50 59*50 Clear. 10 60-50 59 Cloudy, 12 60-25 60 27- 38 48 64 0 8 a.m. 60 55-75 Rain. noon. 60 56-50 10 p.m. 60-50 59 Cloudy. 12 p.m. 60 56 28. 38 21 67 50 a.m. 59 55*50 2 p.m. 58*75 56 Clear. 10§ 59 56-50 Cloudy. 29. 37 2 70 35 8 a.m. 59-25 57 lOJ 59-25 57-75 Clear. 1 p.m. 60 57 10 59 57 Cloudy. 30. 37 30 72 5 8 a.m. 58-50 59 2 p.m. 58 61-50 6 57*50 59 Rain. 37 16 104- 57*75 59-25 Cloudy. Dec. 1. 77 1 8 a.m. 57 60-75 2 p.m. 58-50 61 Clear. 8 60 61 Cloudy. 1 04" 59-25 61 2. 36 12 81 8 10 p.m. 59 62-25 3. 34 25 82 50 74- a.m. 60 62 Fog. noon. 62*75 66 Cloudy, 6 p.m. 63 65 10 63-50 64^ 4. 31 27 85 3 7 4 a.m. 66-25 67 9 66 25 67.50 p.m. 69 71.50 Clear. 10 67*50 68 28 25 12 67*25 67*50 5. 86 37 7 a.m. 68-25 68-50 Clear. 9 68*50 69-50 11 69 71*25 1 p.m. 69*25 72 3 70* 73 5 71* 72 7 71*50 71*50 Cloudy, Temperature of the Sea during a Voyage to India, 1 79 ''J’able continued. Lat. Long. Hour. Temperature. at neon. Sea. 1 Air. - xtemarks. 1838. o / O 1 Dec. 5 28 25 S . 86 37E . 9 a.m. 71-75 ' 71-50 Clear. 11 71-50 72 Cloudy. G. 26 8 88 53 7 a.m. 72-25 71-25 9 72 71-50 Clear. 11 73 73-75 Cloudy^ 2 p.m. 73-50 73-50 5 73-50 73-50 7 73-50 72-75 10 73 72 _ 7. 24 24 89 10 9 a.m. 73-75 73-25 1| p.m. . 74 74-50 5 74 75 Clear. 7 73-50 73-50 21 2 89 12 10 74-75 73 8. 7 a.m, 76-75 74 Cloudy. 9 76-50 76 11 77‘25 76 Clear. li_p.m. 78 76-50 5 77-25 76-50 , 76 76-.50 lOi 76 75-50 12 76 75 9. 17 48 88 45 10 p.m. 79 78^ Cloudy. 10. 13 55 89 2 7 a.m. 80 80 9 80-25 79 1 ^ Hi 80-50 80-50 Clear. I ^ § 5 p.m. 80-50 79-50 Cloudy. 10 80 79 J Violent squalls at 11. 10 55 88 30 6 a.m. 79-50 78 Clear.-] fniglit. 8 noon. 80-25 80-25 80 80 [cale. 10 p.m. 80-25 79 12. 11 35 88 4 7 a.m. 80 79 Rain and heavy 10 p.m. 80 80 squalls. 13. 12 0 00 00 10 a.m. 10 p.m. 79-75 79-25 81 78 I Rain, heavy 14. 11 30 86 28 8 a.m. 80 70 I squalls. 2 p.m. 80 82 Clear. 12 79-50 79-50 15. 11 11 86 42 6 a.m. 80 79-50 9 80 79-50 12 p.m. 80 80 IG. 10 52 87 8 10 p.m. 80 80 17. 10 8 85 47 7 a.m. 80-75 81 2i p.m. 81-75 82-50 1 0 81 81 18. 9 43 85 13 a.m. 81 81-50 noon. 81 82 12 p.m. 81 1 80-50 N2 180 Observations made during a Voyage to India. Table continued. Day. Lat. Long. Temperature. Hour. Kemarl:s. at noon. at noon. Sea. Air. 1838. o 1 Dec. 19. 8 21 S, 85 OE. 7 a.m. 81-25 81-25 Clear. noon. 82-50 84 CA bottle was 20. 7 54 85 20 9 a.m. 82-50 82 sunk for an hour 1 or so ; 40 fa- noon. 2 p.m. 84 84 82-50 84 ’ thorns (about 1 noon), when 1 brought up 10| 81-75 84 — i I 8I°*50 temp. 21. 7 29 85 18 9 a.m. 82-50 82 “1 of water. noon. 83 82-50 I 1 Bottle sunk f 100 fathoms. 87 0 2 p.m. 85 83-50 Temp. 78°. 25. 1 56 10 p.m. 83-50 81-25 Clear. 26. 1 6 87 0 7 a.m. 84 81 2 p.m. 85 84 10 84 79 Rain and squalls. 27. 29' S. 87 20 74- a.m. 84-25 82-25 Clear. 24- p.m. 85 85-25 10 84 83 28. 24' N. 88 25 7^ a.m. 84 82i 24- p.m. 84 83 10 83i 82 29. 1 30 89 16 74- a.m. 83-50 82 30. 91 8 104^p.m. 83-25 82 4 14 noon. 83 84-50 12 p.m. 82-50 82 Cloudy ; bottle 1839. sunk 100 f. 70°. Jan. 1. 4 10 91 28 7 a.m. 82-50 82 exp. well made. 88 50 10 83 83 7. 11 50 2 p.m. 80-50 80 Clear. 88 57 10 80 80 8. 13 2 8 a.m. 80 79 1 p.m. 80-50 81 88 9 10 80 79 9. 13 54 8 a.m. 80 79 noon. 80 79 6 p.m. 80-50 78-50 10 80 78 10. 14 22 88 35 8 a.m. 81 78-50 noon. 81-25 80 10 p.m. 80-50 78 11. 14 59 88 23 noon. 80-50 81 10 p.m. 80-50 78 12. 15 57 00 00 8 a.m. 80 79 noon. 80 81 10 p.m. 78' 78 14- 17 20 88 10 9 a.m. 77-75 ■ 77-75 24- p.m. 78-50 81-50 10 77-75 77-75 15. 18 15 88 55 8 a.m. 77-50 78 16. 20 49 88 47 noon. 77-50 76 10 p.m. 76*50 73 17. Mouth of Hoogly. 8 a.m. 75 71-50 'Researches in the Undulatory Theory of Light* 181 I made the following experiment on the velocity of waves out at sea. Lat. 2' S. Long. 27° 25' W. There was a s^ell on the sea moving from fore aft ; wind only sufficient to carry the vessel (all sails set) steadily two or three miles an hour. Two large floats were connected by a line forty fathoms in length, the line itself being supported on the surface of the water by smaller floats. This apparatus was towed astern by a long line connected with one of the large floats by one end, the other end being wound round a reel. The chief officer watched the chronometer ; the second officer held the reel fixed ; and I observed the large floats. A few seconds before the first float was raised to its greatest height b}^ a given wave, I gave a signal to the second officer to let the reel run, and immediately the floats became sta- tionary in the water. At the instant the first float, and also at the instant the se- cond float, was raised to its greatest height by the wave al- ready mentioned, I gave audible signals to the chief officer, who marked the interval of time between the signals. A very good average of many trials gave a trifle less than six seconds of time for the motion of the wave from float to float, i. e. over forty fathoms. This gives nearly 27^ statute miles an hour. The chief officer and I changed places, and came to the same result. Two days afterwards this was confirmed, though in rather a rough manner, by observing the motion of the vessel by a swell moving abaft. Calcutta. J. H. P. XXXIII. Researches in the Undidatory Theory of Light con- tinuedi On the Absorption of Light, By John Tovey, Esq. (Continued from p. 455 of last Volume.) To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal. Gentlemen, Y^GU will have observed that the formulae of my last com- ^ munication are deduced from the fundamental principles of the undidatory theory without the aid of any assumption respecting the arrangement of the molecules, or the nature of the constant quantities, Z", &c., which appear in the integra- tion. Those formulae indicate, as was shown, that the trans- mission of the light may be accompanied by an absorption, or diminution of its intensity, depending on the nature and thickness of the medium through which it is transmitted, 182 Mr. Tovey’s ’Researches in the and on the length of the wave. Thisj then, is a general re- suit from the theory, and it agrees, as we know, with ex- perience. We shall now proceed with the investigation, in order to compare the theory with experiment a little further. By (14.) and (23.) we have /c = s 4- k\/ — 1, (36.) and, by transformation, = cos a/~1. sin^A^; (37.) hence, if we put (>Qg ^ A,r--1 = w, e^^^s\nk^x—u\ (38.) we have, by (8), s — ^pu + V — 'Sipu' , s' = I>p'u+ a/ — 1. I,p' u\ (39.) 5/==2l5'^^ + a/— -1. ^qu. If we compare these equations with (20.) we shall find (7 = H>pUf a' = ^p'u^ (T^ = 2^?/, 0-^ = '2>p'u\ (4-0.) (T<^~ '^qu ^ (T^ qu' . By (13.) and (20.) we find (^2 + 0-+ a/ — 1* <^/) (^^ + 0^' + a/ — 1* O’/) = (o'2+ a/ — B 0-3)% which, since n is real, gives {n^+(T) {n^-\-(r') [n^ 4 0-) a- 1 4 {n^ 4 j = a sin w, ^ = /3 a sin {oo 4- y) =s ^ a (cos y sin w 4- sin y cos ca) ; which last ex- pression for ? gives (? — /3 ot cos y sin co)^ -==^ a sin y cos wf = (/3 a sin yY (1 — sin^ w). But, since a sin w = >j, this equation gives (^—l3 cos y. >)Y = sin yY — (/3 sin y. >j)^; hence we find /3^a‘^sin"y 2 cosy. >3 ? , jSa^sin^y ’ (4?4?.) an equation to an ellipse of which ij and ? are the coordi- nates. Consequently, when the system is in the state of motion expressed by the equations (4*3.) every molecule describes an ellipse round its place of rest ; and the equations (35.) show that the general motion of the system is equivalent to a num- ber of coexisting motions of the same kind. The period of the revolutions of the molecules, in the • 2 TT movement represented by (43.), is equal to — ; where 2 tt is n the circumference of a circle whose radius is unity. And this movement is transmitted through the medium in a series of continuous waves ; the length, or rather thickness, of each wave being — , The direction in which the waves travel depends on the sign of k, supposing that of n to continue the same. But, by the equations (22.), it appears that the sign of n is arbitrary : therefore n as well as the arbitrary quantities a and 5, may be written either positively or nega- tively. Now if we change the signs of n, 5, in (43.), it is virtually the same thing as changing the signs of k and y, while those of n, 5, remain the same. Consequently, when we take for the positive direction of .r, that in which the waves travel, we may write the equations (43.) thus : — kx h)^ ^ ^ a sin {nt — k X + b ^ y) , and suppose n and k to be positive. The intensity of the light is considered to be measured by the vis viva of the molecules, which, when other things are equal, is proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibra- tion. Thus, when the movement is represented by (45.), the 181' Researches in the Vndulatory Theory of Light, intensity is proportional to : hence, if we put c = a^+ a% it will be proportional to Sup- pose the origin of x to be at the surface of any medium on which the light falls ; then c e"^^^ will be the intensity of the light after it has traversed a thickness of the medium equal to X, And if Cy , Cg , Cg , ... Sy , % ^ ^2 > * • • the values of a^) and s respectively in the general expressions (35.), the intensity of the light in the transmitted ray will be -f + &c. (46.) If we were to put y, y,y", . . . for e‘^^' , , e‘^^^ , ... in this formula, it would become the very same as that which was devised by Sir John Herschel to represent the law of absorption as indicated by experiments. The formula (46.) shows clearly enough the manner in which the absorption depends on the thickness of the medium, and it indicates, by the different values of e, which belong respectively to different values of that the absorption is different for waves of different lengths. But the relation of £ to which, as we have seen, is implicitly expressed by the equation (42.), is so extremely complicated that the readiest way of testing our theory with reference to it, seems to be by inquiring whether experiments show that it is of so com- plex a character. Now the nature of this relation, as in- ferred from experiments, is stated by Sir J. Herschel in his excellent paper on the absorption of light, published in vol. iii. of the current series of your Journal, where at page 402, he says : — “ If we represent the total intensity of the light, in any point of a partially absorbed spectrum, by the ordinate of a curve, whose abscissa indicates the place of the ray in the order of refrangibility, it will be evident from the enor- mous number of maxima and minima it admits, and from the sudden starts and frequent annihilations of its value through a considerable amplitude of its abscissa, that its equa- tion, if reducible at all to analytical expression, must be of a singular and complex nature, and must at all events involve a great number of arbitrary constants, dependent on the re- lation of the medium to light, as well as transcendents of a high and intricate order.” This character is very suitable to our equation (42.), and may, therefore, be taken as an evi- dence of its truth. That a spectrum absorbed in the apparently capricious manner described in the above extract, would result from the relation between s and k implied in (42.) may be thus shown. Suppose, in the first place, e to be zero, and k^^k^y k^^ ... On the Electric Force as traversing Interposed Media, 185 to be the roots of the equation in that case : then the waves . 2 7T 2 7T 2 7T of which the lengths arc -j- , y-, will be trans- mitted without absorption, and consequently will form a num- ber of bright lines in the spectrum, yet probably too few to afford, by themselves, any sensible light. Now suppose e to decrease gradually, then all the roots Aq , ^2? •• • will vary, but not with equal rapidity. Some of them may be changed in magnitude considerably by a very small change in e, and, consequently, in the parts of the spectrum to which these roots respectively correspond, there will be bright bands. Other roots may be only slightly affected by a con- siderable change in s ; hence there will be, in the parts of the spectrum which correspond to these roots, rapid variations in the intensity of the light, producing dark bands or dark lines. Perhaps the equation (42.) which we are considering, may, in certain cases, be much simplified; but I cannot proceed with the subject any further in the present paper. I am, Gentlemen, yours, &c., Littlemoor, Clitheroe, Feb. 6, 1840. JoHN Tovey. P.S. In my last paper, vol. xv. p. 451, last line but three, for increasing indefinitely read increasing or diminishing in- definitely, — p. 452, line for cos mi = V — 1 , sin m i read cos m i-\- ~1. sin m i ; — p. 453, line for p, a, read PiOiii and line 2Q,for a, read ap, — p. 454, line 21, Jvr {‘23.) read (33.) ; lines 22 and 23, for e^^ read e^^ XXXIV. — On the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the Electric Force traversing Interposed Media, By George J. Knox, Esq., A.M., M.E.I.J.* V^HATEVER theory be adopted to explain the passage of " ' the electric force traversing an intervening fluid or solid substance not undergoing electrolyzation, — whether we sup- pose it to originate in an inductive influence affecting the cir- cumambient aether of each particle of the substance in the line of direction of the force, in whose alternate states of induction and equilibrium consists the passage of the electric current, (the rapidity of such changes constituting its intensity,) while the vibratory motion produced in the particles of the aether on each successive return to a state of equilibrium causes the * From the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xix. 1 86 Mr. G. J. Knox on the Direction and Propagation phsenomena of the light and heat developed ; or whether we adopt the gross conception of the passage of a fluid ; still it is important to determine if the electric force passes along the surface of the interposed substance, or through the interior of its mass. Dr. Faraday^ has shown that water will convey a feeble current of electricity, without undergoing electrolyzation. To determine whether, under such circumstances, it will convey an electrical current along its surface or through its substance, a glass tube, ten feet long, and half an inch internal diameter, bent in the centre twice at right angles, was filled with distilled water. Two copper wires, tw^enty feet long, having platina wires soldered to their extremities, were inserted in barometer tubes of six feet in length, the platina wires being sealed in the tubes within half an inch of their extremities. The other ends of the copper wires were connected with a delicate gal- vanometer, and a constant battery of successively one, two, four, &c., pair of elements. On immersing the platina wires in the liquid, their relative distances from each other should decrease if the current passes through the water, but should increase if it passes along the surface, the deflexion of the galvanometer indicating the path. With one pair of elements there was no deflexion of the gal- vanometer ; with two pair of elements there was a slight de- flexion visible through a lens, which increased slightly on im- mersing the platina wires in the liquid. With four pair of elements, a deflexion of two degrees took place when the pla- tina wires were on the surface of the water ; a deflexion of four degrees when they were immersed to the bottom of the tubes. As the number of alternations in the battery increased, so did proportionably the comparative deflexions of the gal- vanometer; the experiments proving that water, w'hether un- dergoing electrolization or not, conveys an electric current through its substance^ and not along its surface^ and that the decomposition of the water is an eflect produced by the pas- sage of the electricity when of sufficient intensity, and not the necessary consequence of its passage. A similar experiment having been tried with phosphorus melted under spirits of wine, (being a non-conductor,) it was found to obey the same law with water; that is, to convey the current through its substancef. To determine whether the metals followed the same law, I suspended from the top of the new patent shot tower at Wa- Scries VIII. (970.) f It was unnecessary to try similar experiments with the analogous bodies, sulphur, selenium, and iodine. of the Electric Force traversing Interposed Media. 187 terloo-bridge a leaden pipe, 170 feet long, and three-fourths of an inch internal diameter, through which was drawn an insulated copper wire, 1 80 feet long, one extremity of which being soldered to the inside of the end of the pipe, this end was sealed with fused rnetal, and to its external surface was soldered a copper wire of the same length as the former; round the tube, at its orifice, was twisted a copper wire ten feet long. The insulated wire being connected with a con- stant battery of one pair of elements in contact v/ith one pole of an exceedingly delicate galvanometer, (constructed by Mr. E. M. Clarke of the Lowther Arcade,) the other pole of the galvanometer was brought successively in contact with the ex- tremities of the uninsulated wires. The deflexion was greater when the current passed along the wire connected with the orifice of the tube, (although here the contact was not so good,) than when it passed along that soldered to the sealed extremity. Again, the uninsulated wires being connected with separate galvanometers, so as to allow the current of electricity to pass along either of the uninsulated wires alone, or to be distributed between both, it was found (as well as could be determined by transposing the galvanometers,) to have divided itself into two equal currents flowing along both wires. From the first experiment we may infer that a current of electricity passes with greater facility along the surface of a metal than through the interior of its mass, although we can- not hereby infer that it could not pass through the interior of the metal, when this is the only road open for its transit*. To the experiments with phosphorus it might be objected that its capability for conducting an electric current is due to the presence of water, of which some have supposed that it could not be entirely deprived, although the experiments of Sir H. Davy, wherein he obtained hydrogen and oxygen from sulphur and phosphorus by heating them in contact with po- tassium and sodium, and by submitting them to the electrolytic action of a powerful galvanic battery, did not prove that they were united with the basis of these substances in such propor- tions as to form water, nor indeed does he appear to have entertained such an opinion himself. His opinion of the na- * The high conducting power of mercury for electricity renders it al- most impossible to determine, by this method, whether metals in the Jlidd state obey the same laws of conduction as when in the solid state. If they do not, it is highly probable there is a general law, that all solids conduct along their surface^ and all fluids through their substance. The investigation of such general law I propose to continue in another paper. 188 Mr. G. J. Knox on the Direction and Propagation ture of sulphur was, that it was a compound of small quan- tities of oxygen and hydrogen, with a large quantity of a basis, that produces the acids of sulphur in combustion, and which, on account of its strong attraction for other bodies, will probably be difficult to obtain in its pure form*.” To put the question beyond any further doubt, I will mention some ex- periments which I tried in the laboratory of the Royal Dublin Society in the year 1837, having had, through the kindness of Professor Davy, a galvanic battery of sixty pair of plates, five inches square, put at my disposal. When fused phosphorus, sulphur, selenium and iodine, were submitted separately to the action of this battery charged with a strong acid solution, they conveyed the electrical cur- rent freely during the whole time, giving a spark whenever contact was broken ; yet at the end of two hours they showed not the slightest trace of decomposition, no gas being evolved at either pole, which would have been the case had there been any water present. Having by these experiments shown the direction of pro- pagation of the electric force, I will now consider the source from which it originates in the voltaic pile, the mode of its transfer, and its sustaining principle. Sir H. Davy’sf opinion that the contact of the metals was the primum mobile of voltaic excitement, having been proved by Dr. Faradayf to be erroneous, chemists are now pretty generally agreed that the electrical force developed in the vol- taic pile is due altogether to chemical action, concerning which there are different opinions; of these, I will mention two, which are the most applicable to the present argument — Dr. Fara- day’s§ and Mr. Becquerel’sH. The former supposes that the development of electricity is due to decomposition alone, and in no case to the chemical union of bodies ; while the latter contends that it is due to both, and in proof of his opinion shows that when an alkali unites with an acid, with a neutral salt, and in fact with any solution whose natural state is with regard to it electrically negative, a current of electricity will flow from the alkali to that solution. Sir H. Davyf has taken a different view of these experiments from Mr. Becquerel, supposing that the electric current is produced by the action of the acid or alkali upon the platinum plates ; but the latter has shown that the electrical current is produced equally when ♦ Bakerian Lecture, 1809. f Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1826. I Eighth Series, (880). § Eighth Series, (927) (928). II Tom. ii. from page 77 to 81. % Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1826. of the Electric Force traversing Interposed Media, 189 no such action could take place, the platinum poles being placed in separate cups filled with water*. The accuracy then of Mr. BecquereFs experiments having been fully established, the question arises, how are we to reconcile them wiih other well-known contradictory facts? such as for instance those of Sir H. Davyf, — solid potash and sulphuric acid combining in an isolated platinum cruci- ble, and causing no electrical development. Again, a plate of copper and of sulphur, when heated, have their elec- trical states increased until chemical action begins, when they cease. The simplest and clearest course, and that most reconcile- able with the laws of statical electricity, seems to me to be : — to consider that no electrical development is caused by the union of an alkali with an acid, (the electricity being thereby disguised,) but that, at the instant before the union takes place, the particles of the alkali and of the acid, being in opposite electrical states, affect their surrounding particles by induc- tion, causing thereby a feeble current of electricity to circulate from the acid through the galvanometer to the alkali, which supposition is borne out by the fact, that a dry acid and alkali, when in contact, show opposite electrical states. The same arguments apply equally well with regard to thermo-electricity. The contact of two metals produces in them opposite electrical states. Their chemical union in an isolated vessel gives no electrical development ; thus a ‘‘ solid amalgam of bismuth and lead become liquid when mixed together, without producing any electrical effect J.” Again, “ a thin plate of zinc placed upon a surface of mercury, and separated by an insulating body, is found to be positive, the mercury negative ; but when kept together a sufficiently long time to amalgamate^ the compound gives no signs of elec- tricityj.’* These experiments explain why the contact of the two ex- tremities of metallic wires, constituting a closed circuit, should, as the potash and nitric acid just mentioned, produce an in- duced electric current. That the electric states of different metals in contact, when excited by heat, do not follow the law of their natural electrical states, and change on increase of temperature, is no argument against the explanation I have given, for upon what this change in the electrical excitation * He might have added another experiment, free from all objections — namely, the increased intensity consequent upon an increased number of alternations of acid and alkali. t Phil. Trans., Bakerian Lecture, 1807. X Ibid. 190 Mr. G. J. Knox on the Dh'ection and Propagation produced by heat depends, whether upon a peculiar arrange- ment of the crystalline parts of the metal, or of their compound elementary particles, we are as yet perfectly ignorant. That the same general law of the contact of metals and of fluids applies equally (although in an inferior degree, owing to their want of conducting power) to the contact of the gases, may be shown by the experiment of Dr. Faraday (Sixth Se- ries) of the union of hydrogen and oxygen by a plate of pla- tinum ; the electrical force, which circulates by the interposed platinum plate, facilitating the union of the two gases*. To return to the source of the voltaic force in the battery. Zinc, when placed in contact with a dry acid, has been found to become positively electrified. When the zinc plate has been immersed in the acid solution, being positive, it attracts oxygen, by union with which its electrical state is disguised, while the hydrogen, set free in a highly positive electrical state, reacts upon the oxide of zinc, rendering it negative by induction. The platinum wire connecting the positive solu- tion with the negative zinc plate, reduces all for the moment to a state of equilibrium, so that the electricity becomes dis- guised, not transferred bodily from the platinum to the zinc \ which state of equilibrium is no sooner restored than it is de- stroyed, the zinc regaining its positive state, and the oxide being removed by the acid. If we consider then what takes place, we shall perceive that the zinc plate undergoes alternate states of induction and equi- librium, as do likewise the particles of the solution between the zinc and platinum plates, and, in fine, the platinum plate itself, and that as the number of alternations of zinc and plati- num increases, the electrical energy of the zinc plate increases, as does also the rapidity of its oxidation and, deoxidation^ and as a consequence the rapidity of change of induction and equi- librium upon nxhich the mtensity of the current depends. The decomposition of the electrolyte may be considered to be the effect produced by two forces acting upon its particles ; the attraction of the polesf of the battery (whether they be * Aqueous solutions of different gases, when brought into contact, have been found to produce electrical currents. t In place of poles^ I should more properly have said electrodes, their bounding surfaces. It follows, as a consequence of the theory, that the particles of oxygen in contact with the electrodes should be attracted by, and set free from, those electrodes upon each alternation of the states of induction and equilibrium ; and that, when the induced state has not suf- ficient energy to overcome the affinities already engaged, the current of electricity passes without producing electrolyzation. For a different ex- planation, vid. Dr. Faraday’s Series of Researches, 493, 494, 495,534, 535, 536,537, 807. of the 'Electric Force traversing Interposed Media. 191 metal, water, or air) originating^ while the electrical states induced upon the particles give the direction to the electrolytic action. From what has been said above, we may, I think, presume that an electric current originates in a natural electro-induc- tive power of bodies when brought into contact^ and is con- tinued by alternate states of induction and equilibrium, the rapidity of change of state constituting its intensity. And inasmuch as the accumulation of the electric aether on the sur- face of the particles by the inductive force, and its recession on each return to a state of equilibrium produces what may be called an oscillation in the aether, the theory may be other- wise stated thus : — the mass of oscillating aether which sur- rounds the particles constitutes the quantity, while the rapidity of the oscillations constitutes the intensity of an electric cur- rent. The late experiments of Dr. Faraday upon induction (Eleventh Series) showing that an insulated body (the particles of bodies may be presumed to be such) cannot receive an absolute charge of electricity, but only an inductive charge, afford a strong argument in favour of my views. The theory proposed in this paper, and deduced from the experiments of Sir H. Davy, given in his Bakerian Lectures, is an extension of the views therein developed, reconciles the contact with the chemical theory, and reduces to the laws of statical electricity all the phaenomena of electricity in motion. I will now endeavour to show how the law of the definite nature of electro-chemical decomposition, so beautifully de- veloped by Dr. Faraday, follows as a consequence from this theory. Were the particles of all bodies endued with the same quantity of electricity, and of the same density, it is evident from the laws of statical electricity, that no one body could have an attraction or repulsion for another; conse- quently, it is an evident fact, that the quantity and density of the electric aether varies in different bodies ; and as, from the theory above stated, electricity never leaves the particles, but merely (to use the words of statical electricity) accumu- lates upon the surface, and returns, it follows that the elec- trical states of the particles of bodies are constant and unal- terable, and therefore it is obvious that the law discovered by Dr. Faraday follows as a consequence from this hypothesis, which is at once clear and simple, which includes all the phae- nomena, and is but a reference of the laws of statical electri- city to the particles of bodies in place of their masses. 192 Mr. G. J. Knox’s Researches on Fluorine, Researches on Fluorine, By G. J. Knox, A,M,^ M,R,I,A,^ 1. On the Insulation of Fluorine, In a paper on the Insulation of FInorine which the Rev. Thomas Knox and I had the honour of presenting to the Royal Irish Academy in the year ISSTtj and which was after- wards published in their Transactions, (vol. xviii. p. 127,) we proved that we had obtained fluorine in an insulated state, by showing its action upon bismuth, palladium, and gold; but being unable, from our mode of experimenting, to deter- mine what the nature of fluorine at ordinary temperatures might be, i. e. whether it be a solid, a liquid, or a gas, we suggested that such information might be obtained from the electrolization of a fluoride, using as the positive electrode some substance with which this energetic principle should not enter into chemical combination. Finding that, since the publication of our paper, no per- son had entered upon this field of investigation, I considered that the ultimate solution of this problem devolved as a point of duty upon m^^self ; under which impression I undertook the following experiments. A fluorspar stopper was made to fit the mouth of one of the fluorspar vessels described in our former paper; that part of the stopper within the vessel being made of the form of a semi-cone, the vertex of which reached nearly to the bottom of the vessel. Through the stopper were drilled ver- tically three small holes, one through its entire length, the other two through one-third of its length. In the first was inserted a platinum wire, to be used as the negative electrode; in one of the two small holes was inserted a thin platinum wire, bound round a piece of charcoal, intended to form the positive electrode ; in the other hole I put gold- leaf, litmus, or any other substance upon which I wished to try the action of the gas. Matters being so arranged, the fluorspar vessel was about half filled with anhydrous hydro- fluoric acid, the chemical purity of which had been previously ascertained. The platinum wire forming the negative elec- trode was raised a little above the bottom of the stopper, in order to allow the bubbles of hydrogen to rise through the perforation in the stepper, in place of mixing with the flu- orine in the vessel ; the wires were then placed in contact with the poles of a constant battery of sixty pair of plates, and * From the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. i See bond. & Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. ix, p. 107. 193 Mr. G. J. Knox’s Researches on Fluorine. the action was allowed to continue for the space of two hours ; at the end of which time the litmus was found to be reddened, and the gold not acted upon, but a large quantity of sub- fluoride of iron formed. In the next experiment I made use of a piece of char- coal, from which the iron had been removed by boiling it in nitric acid ; in this experiment there was no subfluoride ot iron formed, but the vessel was found to contain fluosilicic acid gas. In a third experiment a piece of charcoal was employed, which had been previously freed from all metallic impurities and from silica, by being first boiled in pure nitric acid, and afterwards in hydrofluoric acid. Employing this purified charcoal as the positive electrode, I obtained no immediate action upon the litmus paper; but after the action had con- tinued for two hours, it was found to be completely bleached, while the gold had undergone no sensible action. That the bleaching was not due to the action of the vapour of hydro- fluoric acid was ascertained, by leaving litmus paper for se- veral hours in the neck of a platinum retort, from which hy- drofluoric acid was distilling. The battery was now kept in action for fifteen hours, at the end of which time the vessel being examined, the litmus had disappeared, and the gold-leaf showed signs of having been strongly acted upon, having assumed a dark brownish colour, and having gathered itself into little balls, as if it had undergone the action of heat. The platinum wire was acted upon in those parts where it was in contact with the charcoal, but nowhere else. When the platinum wire forming the positive electrode passed through the stopper to the bottom of the vessel, the hydrogen, in place of rising through the perforation in the stopper, as in the former instance, rose now into the receiver, where, upon applying a light, it exploded, showing that it does not enter into combination with fluorine without the aid of heat. The presence of the vapour of hydrofluoric acid in the vessel prevented me from determining by other experi- ments how far fluorine was a supporter of combustion. To determine the colour of the gas, a stopper of fluor- spar similar to the former was made to fit one of the trans- parent fluorspar receivers formerly described. The gas evolved in the receiver appeared colourless. As the action of the gas upon glass could not be deter- mined, owing to the presence of the vapour of hydrofluoric acid, I fused in a bent tube of German glass (such as is used in organic analysis) fluoride of lead. The wire holding the Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 102. March 184<0. O 194? Sir J. Herschel on increasing the light of anArgand Lamp charcoal was made to pass through a cork inserted in one end of the tube, the other platinum wire merely dipped into the fused fluoride. On connecting the wires with the battery, strong electrolytic action commenced, bubbles of gas were evolved rapidly at the surface of the charcoal, which, on ar- riving at the surface of the fused fluoride of lead, acted in- stantly upon the glass. The litmus paper was not bleached, nor the gold-leaf or platinum wire acted upon. Whether fluorine would act upon perfectly dry cold glass remains to be proved. Conclusion, — Fluorine then, when obtained in an insu- lated state, is a colourless gas, possessing properties analogous in all respects to those of chlorine ; having, like it, strong at- trative powers for hydrogen and metals, but inferior to it in negative electrical energy. 2. 'Note on a Compound of Fluorine mth Selenium, When the vapour of selenium is passed over fluoride of lead fused in the platinum apparatus which I employed in obtaining the fluorides of carbon and cyanogen, a seleniuret of lead is formed, and crystals similar in form to those of fluoride of carbon are condensed in the cold receiver. These crystals are soluble in strong hydrofluoric acid. They sublime unaltered at a high temperature. They are instantly decom- posed by water or acids, in which property they resemble the fluorides of sulphur and phosphorus. XXXV. On a simple mode of obtaining from a common Argand Oil Lamp a greatly increased quantity of Light : in a letter from Sir J. Herschel, Bart. To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, ^I^HE following simple, easy, and unexpensive mode of greatly increasing the quantity of light yielded by a com- mon Argand burner, has been used by me for some years, and is adapted to the lamp by which I write, to my greatly increa- sed comfort. It consists in merely elevating the glass chimney so much above the usual level at which it stands in the burn- ers in ordinary use that \is lo*wer edge shall c\eav the upper edge of the circular wick by a space equal to about the fourth part of the exterior diameter of the wick itself. This may be done to any lamp of the kind, at a cost of about sixpence, by merely adapting to the frame which supports the chimney four pretty stiff steel wires, bent in such a manner as to form On the Blood Corpuscles of the Mammiferous Animals, 1 95 four long upright hooks, in which the lower end of the chimney rests ; or still better if the lamp be so originally constructed as to sustain the chimney at the required elevation without such addition, by thin laminae of brass or iron, having their planes directed to the axis of the wick. The proper elevation is best determined by trial ; and as the limits within which it is confined are very narrow, it would be best secured by a screw motion applied to the socket on which the laminae above mentioned are fixed, by which they and the chimney may be elevated or depressed at pleasure, without at the same time raising or lowering the wick. Ap- proximately it may be done in an instant, and the experiment is not a little striking and instructive. Take a common Argand lamp, and alternately raise and depress the chimney vertically from the level where it usually rests, to about as far above the wick, with a moderately quick but steady motion. It will be immediately perceived that a vast difference in the amount of light subsists in the different positions of the chimney, but that a very marked and sudden maximum oc- curs at or near the elevation designated in the commence- ment of this letter : so marked indeed as almost to have the effect of a flash if the motion be quick, or a sudden blaze as if the wick-screw had been raised a turn. The flame con- tracts somewhat in diameter, lengthens, ceases to give off* smoke, and attains a dazzling intensity. With this great increase of light there is certainly not a correspondingly increased consumption of oil. At least the servant who trims my lamp reports that a lamp so fitted con- sumes very little if any more oil than one exactly similar on the common plan. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, Slough, Feb. 15, 1840. J. F. W. Herschel. XXXVI. Observations on the Blood Corpuscles^ or RedPar- ticles, of the Mcmmiferous Animals. By George Gulliver, P.R.S.i F.Z.S., Assistayit Surgeon to the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. No. III.^^ A N account is now to be given of the blood corpuscles of several other mammalia which I have examined since the publication of my last papers ; and similar communica- tions will be continued occasionall}^ until the observations have been made as complete as possible, when, as already in- timated, they will be presented in a systematic form, so as to * Communicated bv the Author. 0'2 196 Mr. Gulliver’s Ohseivations on the Blood Corpu&des exhibit a comprehensive view of the results, particularly as regards the size and figure of the blood particles in the dif- ferent subdivisions of the mammiferous animals. It is very desirable that the blood of the larger species of the cetaceous animals should be examined ; for although the cor- puscles of the Mouse (13.) are bigger than those of the Horse (34?.), and there is generally no relation between the size of the animal and that of its blood particles, yet they are larger in the Elephant (51.), as far as we at present know, than in any other mammal. The corpuscles of the Goat were the smallest known to physiologists before my observation of the singularly minute blood disks of the Napu Musk Deer In some instances the corpuscles are found to be a little larger in the dead than in the living animal, although they may subsequently become smaller, in consequence of the removal of their colouring matter by the serum. It will be perceived that many observations have been made on the blood after death ; these have led me to ascertain that the particles are subject to modifications in size, and in some degree in shape, as compared with those of the living animal ; and similar va- riations are often observable during life in disease. Besides the instances in which these facts are barely indicated in the preceding communications, it may be mentioned that I have seen the changes in the human blood particles. Thus in a man affected with dropsy, in connexion with granular de- generation of the kidney, some blood was drawn from a vein of the arm, and the corpuscles found to differ remarkably from those of the healthy subject. Though examined before the blood was perfectly cold, as well as after the lapse of a day, their size was singularly irregular, generally smaller than na- tural, having an average diameter of only l-4?400th of an inch. But as the morbid conditions of the blood corpuscles are pro- bably more extensive and important than has been hitherto supposed, this is a novel and interesting subject for further and special inquiry ; and it is merely alluded to at present as one of the many circumstances under which the size, form, and general appearance of the disks are liable to variations, which will doubtless attract the attention of pathologists now that the necessity of minute researches concerning the morbid as well as healthy fluids has been so fully recog- nised. With regard to the blood corpuscles of the foetus as com- pared with those of the mother, I apprehend that I have de- See Dublin Med. Press, No. 27, 1839, and Annals of Nat. Hist., dc. Dec. 1839. 197 or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals. tected a source of error in some of the observations. The statement^ therefore, formerly made ( 1 3.) is withdrawn for the present ; and I hope soon to be able to give the result of ano- ther inquiry on the subject. In the mean time I may mention that in the foetal Guinea pig at the full period of utero gestation the corpuscles corresponded in size with those of the mother ; and in a human foetus at the fifth or sixth month they were smaller than in the adult. 116. Mona Monkey, {Cercopithecus Mona,) a male about a third grown. Most frequent sizes of corpuscles l-3554th and l-3428th. Extreme diameters, 1 -5333rd and 1 -2900th. Blood from the left coronary vein as well as from the different cavities of the heart. In the blood of the inferior cava vein the corpuscles were more variable in size, the extremes being l-4800th and l-2400th, with most numerous intermediate gradations. 117. Sooty Monkey, (Cercopithecus fuliginosus), a female about half-grown. All the following diameters very frequent, l-3600th, 1 -3428th, l-3368th, and l-3200th. Extreme sizes l-5333rd and l-3000th. Blood from the left ventricle of the heart. 118. Patas or Red Monkey, {Cercopithecus ruber,') a female, nearly full-grown. The disks most commonly l-3330th of an inch in diameter ; extreme sizes, 1- 4000th and 1 -3000th, Blood from the pulmonary artery and vein, a few hours after death. 119. Crown Monkey, ( Cercopithecus pileatus, ) a male about two-thirds grown. The following the most common sizes ; l-3635th, l-3600th, and 1 -3423rd. Extreme diameters, l-4800th and 1 -2900th. Blood from a prick of the fore- hand. 120. Vervet Monhey, {Cercopithecus pygerythnis,) an adult male, l-3309th, l-3429th, and l-3552nd common sizes ; ex- treme diameters l-4000th and l-2900th of an inch. Blood from a wound at the end of the tail. 121. Dog-faced Baboon, {Cynocephalus anuhisl) a female about half-grown. The dried corpuscles l-3600th, l-3530th and l-3428th generally; extreme diameters l-4000th, and l-3000th. In the serum there were several disks exactly of the same magnitude, besides many of smaller size, viz. about 1 -5333rd of an inch in diameter. The blood was procured from a wound of the tail, and ex- amined in less than two hours afterwards. The shrinking of some of the corpuscles in their own serum is well exemplified. In another dog-faced Baboon (1.) the corpuscles were a little larger ; but as in that instance the blood w^as obtained from 198 Mr. Gulliver’s Obsermtions on the Blood Corpuscles, the animal a day or two after death, the variation is within the limits that may occur in the same species. 122. Black-backed Papio, or Indian Ape, {Papio mela- notus,) a male. Common diameter of corpuscles l-3482nd of an inch; extreme sizes l-4570th and 1 -2666th. Blood from the axillary vein after death. 123. Wanderoo Monkey, [Papio silenus^) a full-grown male. Frequent sizes of corpuscles l-3600th, ] -3552nd, and 1 -3270th of an inch. Extreme diameters l-4570th and l-2666th. Blood from the left ventricle of the heart. 124. Chameck Spider Monkey, (Ateles suhpentadactylus^) a female about two-thirds grown. The following diameters most frequent: l-3790th, l-3600th, and l-3429th of an inch. Extreme sizes 1 -4920th and 1 -2900th. Blood from a prick of the fore hand. 125. Black Spider Monkey, [Ateles ater,) an adult male. All the following sizes very common : l-3429th, l-3528th, l-3555th, l-3600th, l-3693rd and l-3792nd. Extreme dia- meters l-4555th and l-3000th. Blood from a prick of the fore hand. 126. Weeper Monkey, [Cehiis apella,) a female nearly full- grown. l”3600th, l-3554th, l-3429th, and l-3368th ; most common sizes. Extreme diameters 1 -4800th and l-2666th of an inch. Blood from a prick of the fore hand. The measurements slightly smaller than afforded by the cor- puscles of C. capucinus (5.), but as the blood was procured from a dead specimen of the latter, the discrepancy is not greater than may be often observed under similar circum- stances in one species. 127. Squirrel Monkey, [Callithri/v sciureus,) a male about two-thirds grown. The following sizes all very frequent : l-3790th, l-3693rd, l-3600th, and 1 -3552nd. Extreme dia- meters, l-4800th and 1 -3200th. Blood from a prick of the nose. The blood of the Toque Monkey (81.) was obtained from the heart of a dead specimen. The corpuscles, procured from a wound in the tail, of a healthy full-grown male afforded the following measurements, viz. dry, l-3764th, 1 -3600th, and 1 -3552nd. In the serum many disks of the same magnitude were observed, besides a large quantity of smaller size, viz. from l-6000th, to 1 -5333rd of an inch, though the blood was carefully secured in a small glass tube and examined within an hour after it was taken from the animal. 128. The Mole, [Talpa Europcea,) recently killed, smallest disks about l-5000th, the largest about l-4000th of an inch. Blood from the heart. For this observation I am indebted to Dr. Davy. 199 or Red Particles of the Mammiferous Animals, 129. Grisly Bear, {fjrsus ferox^) a female about half- grown. Most common diameters l-3o40th and l-3552nd of an inch. Extreme sizes 1 -4570th and l-3000th. Blood from a prick of the nose. 130. Badger, {Meles mlgaris,) an old male. All the fol- lowing sizes very common: l-4128th, l-4000th, l-3973rd, l-3810th, and l-3693rd. Extreme diameters 1 -5333rd and 1 -3200th of an inch. There were besides some of the very small circular particles as in the genus Sciurus, Blood from the integuments of the thigh. 131. Common Jackal, [Canis aureus^) an old male. The corpuscles, dried quickly, afforded the following measure- ments: l-4000th, l-3764th, and l-3840th most frequently, the extreme sizes being l-4800th and l-3200th of an inch. In the serum, examined within two hours after they were obtained, 1 -4800th was the most common diameter, and the extreme sizes l-6000th and l-3200th. Disks of the last, or largest size, as well as of l-3555th, were not unfrequent, ge- nerally collecting together quickly into rouleaux, from which it was seen that the thickness of the edges of these corpuscles was l-14,000th of an inch. The smaller particles, though much more abundant, did not arrange themselves together by their flat surfaces, and indeed could hardly be seen edge- wise. The blood was obtained freely from a puncture in a vein of the hind leg ; and the above facts are merely mentioned as exemplying the variations which may often be observed in the corpuscles only a short time after the blood has been - removed, with every care, from various mammals. 132. African Civet Cat, (Viverra civetta^) adult male. l-46l5th, l-4360th, l-4000th, and l-3552nd of an inch all frequently observed. Extreme sizes 1 -6000th and 1 -3200th. The corpuscles in this instance, therefore, very variable in magnitude. Blood from a prick of the tail. In another adult male, after death, the corpuscles were also extremely variable in size, as the following were all com- mon, viz. l-5333rd, l-4760th, l-4500th, 1-441 2th, l-4365th and 1 -4000th; the extreme measurements being l-6000th and 1-S200th of an inch. Blood from the different cavities of the heart, from the coronary veins, and from the portal vein. 133. Javanese Ichneumon, [Herpestes Javanicus^) a full- grown male. All the following sizes common: l-4800th, l-4924th, 1-5 142nd, and 1-5 120th. Extreme diameters l-6000th and 1 -4000th. Blood from a wound at the end of the tail. 134. Chetah or Hunting Leopard, {Felisjubata,) an adult 200 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions female. All the following sizes common : l-4-3G5th, J -4268th, 1-41 73rd, and l-4000th. Extreme sizes 1- 5333rd and l-3555th of an inch. Blood from a prick of the nose. 135. Alexandrian Rat, [Mus Atexandrinus, albino, var.,) an adult male. l-4173rd, l-4000th, l-3810th, and l-3764th, very common sizes. Small corpuscles l-4800th; the large l-3200th. Edges of disks 1~ 14,000th of an inch thick. Blood from a vein of the hind leg. 136. Coendu or Ring-tailed Porcupine, (Synetheres pre- hensilis,) a full-grown male. Common diameters 1 -3428th, 1 -3309th, and l-3600th. Extreme sizes l-4570th and 1 -2460th of an inch. Blood from a cut at the end of the tail. Error in the last paper (No. 2.) p. 108, 1. 28, for Haller, read Harvey. XXXVII. Contributions to 'Electricity and Magnetism. No. III. on Electro-magnetic Induction. By Joseph Henry, LL.D.^ Prof, of Natural Philosophy m the College of New Jersey, Princeton^. Introduction. — Section I. Conditions which infuence the induction of a Current on itself. — Section II. Conditions which infuence the pro deletion of Secondary Currents. — Sec- tion III. On the Induction of Secondary Ciirrents at a distance. — Section IV. On the Effects produced by in- terposing different Substances between the Conductors. — Sec- tion V. On the Production and Properties of induced Currents of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Order. — Section VI. The Productio7i of induced Currents of the different Orders from ordmary Electricity. — Note on the investiga- tions ofProfessor Ettingshausen. 1. QINCE my investigations in reference to the influence ^ of a spiral conductor, in increasing the intensity of a galvanic current, were submitted to the Society, the valuable paper of Dr. Faraday, on the same subject, has been published, and also various modifications of the principle have been made by Sturgeon, Masson, Page, and others, to increase the ef- fects. The spiral conductor has likewise been applied by Cav. Antinori to produce a spark by the action of a thermo- electrical pile : and Mr. Watkins has succeeded in exhibiting all the phsenomena of hydro-electricity by the same means. Although the principle has been much extended by the re- * From the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. vi, having been read Nov. 2, 1838. 201 to Electricity and Magnethm^ searches of Dr. Faraday, yet I am happy to state that the results obtained by this distinguished philosopher are not at variance with those given in my paper. 2. I now offer to the Society a new series of investigations in the same line, which I hope may also be considered of sufficient importance to merit a place in the Transactions. 3. The primary object of these investigations was to dis- cover, if possible, inductive actions in common electricity analogous to those found in galvanism. For this purpose a series of experiments was commenced in the spring of 1836, but I was at that time diverted, in part, from the im- mediate object of my research, by a new investigation of the phaenomenon known in common electricity by the name of the lateral discharge. Circumstances prevented my doing anything further, in the way of experiment, until April last, when most of the results which I now offer to the Society were obtained. The investigations are not as complete, in several points, as I could wish, but as my duties will not permit me to resume the subject for some months to come, I therefore present them as they are ; knowing, from the interest excited by this branch of science in every part of the world, that the errors which may exist will soon be detected, and the truths be further developed. 4. The experiments are given nearly in the order in which they were made; and in general they are accompanied by the reflections which led to the several steps of the investigation. The whole series is divided, for convenience of arrangement, into six sections, although the subject may be considered as consisting, principally, of two parts; the first relating to a new examination of the induction of galvanic currents ; and the second to the discovery of analogous results in the dis- charge of ordinary electricity^. 5. The principal articles of apparatus used in the experi- ments, consist of a number of flat coils of copper riband, Vv^hich will be designated by the names of coil No. 1, coil No. 2, See.; also of several coils of long wire; and these, to distin- guish them from the ribands, will be called helix No. 1, he- lix No. 2, &c. 6. Coil No. 1 is formed of thirteen pounds of copper plate, one inch and a half wide and ninety-three feet long. It is well covered with two coatings of silk, and was generally used in the form represented in fig. 1, which is that of a flat spiral sixteen inches in diameter. It was however sometimes formed * The several paragraphs are numbered in siiccessionj from the first to the last, after the mode adopted by Mr. Faraday, for convenience of re- ference. 202 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions into a ring of larger diameter, as is shown in fig. 4, Sec- tion III. Fig. 1. 7. Coil No. 2. is also formed of copper plate, of the same width and thickness as coil No. 1. It is, however, only sixty feet long. Its form is shown at fig. 1 . The opening at the centre is sufficient to admit helix No, 1. Coils Nos, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. are all about sixty feet long, and of copper plate of the same thickness, but of half the width of coil No. 1. 8. Helix No. 1. consists of sixteen hundred and sixty yards of copper wire, ^^gth of an inch in diameter ; No. 2, of nine hundred and ninety yards ; and No. 3, of three hundred and Fig. 2. fifty yards, of the same wire. These helices are shown in fig. 2, and are so adjusted in size as to fit into each other ; thus forming one long helix of three thousand yards: or, by using them separately, and in different combinations, seven helices of different lengths. The wire is covered with cotton thread, saturated with bees-wax, and between each stratum of spires a coating of silk is interposed. 9. Helix No. 4 is shown at a, fig. 4, Section III. ; it is to Electricity and Magnetism, 203 formed of five hundred and forty-six yards of v^^ire, Ath of an inch in diameter, the several spires of which are insulated by a coating of cement. Helix No. 5 consists of fifteen hun- dred yards of silvered copper wire xijth of an inch in dia- meter, covered with cotton, and is of the form of No. 4. 10. Besides these I was favoured with the loan of a large spool of copper wire, covered with cotton, th of an inch in diameter, and five miles long. It is wound on a small axis of iron, and forms a solid cylinder of wire, eighteen inches long, and thirteen in diameter, 11. For determining the direction of induced currents, a magnetizing spiral was generally used, which consists of about thirty spires of copper wire, in the form of a cylinder, and so small as just to admit a sewing needle into the axis. 12. Also a small horseshoe is frequently referred to, which is formed of a piece of soft iron, about three inches long, and |ths of an inch thick ; each leg is surrounded with about five feet of copper bell wire. This length is so small, that only a current of electricity of considerable quantity can develope the magnetism of the iron. The instrument is used for indi- cating the existence of such a current. 13. The battery used in most of the experiments is shown in fig. 1. It is formed of three concentric cylinders of cop- per, and two interposed cylinders of zinc. It is about eight inches high, five inches in diameter, and exposes about one square foot and three quarters of zinc surface, estimating both sides of the metal. In some of the experiments a larger battery was used, weakly charged ; but all the results men- tioned in the paper, except those with a Cruickshanks trough, can be obtained with one or two batteries of the above size, particularly if excited by a strong solution. The manner of interrupting the circuit of the conductor by means of a rasp, by is shown in the same figure. Section I. — Conditions *isohicJi ir^uence the inductio7i of a Cur-- rent 07i itself 14. The phaenomenon of the spiral conductor is at present known by the name of the induction of a current on itself, to distinguish it from the induction of the secondary current, discovered by Dr. Faraday. The two, however, belong to the same class, and experiments render it probable that the spark given by the long conductor is, from the natural elec- tricity of the metal, disturbed for an instant by the induction of the primary current. Before proceeding to the other parts of these investigations, it is important to state the results of a number of preliminary experiments, made to determine 2M Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions more definitely the conditions which influence the action of the spiral conductor. 15. When the electricity is oflow intensity, as in the case of the thermo-electrical pile, or a large single battery weakly excited with dilute acid, the flat riband coil No. 1, ninety- three feet long, is found to give the most brilliant deflagra- tions, and the loudest snaps from a surface of mercury. The shocks, with this arrangement, are, however, very feeble, and can only be felt in the fingers or through the tongue. 16. The induced current in a short coil, which thus pro- duces deflagration, but not shocks, may, for distinction, be called one of quantity. 1 7. When the length of the coil is increased, the battery continuing the same, the deflagrating power decreases, while the intensity of the shock continually increases. With five riband coils, making an aggregate length of three hundred feet, and the small battery, fig. 1, the deflagration is less than with coil No. 1, but the shocks are more intense. 18. There is, however, a limit to this increase of intensity of the shock, and this takes place when the increased resist- ance or diminished conduction of the lengthened} coil begins to counteract the influence of the increasing length of the current. The following experiment illustrates this fact. A coil of copper wire y^th of an inch in diameter, was increased in length by successive additions of about thirty-two feet at a time. After the first two lengths, or sixty-four feet, the brilliancy of the spark began to decline, but the shocks con- stantly increased in intensity, until a length of five hundred and seventy-five feet was obtained, when the shocks also be- gan to decline. This was then the proper length to produce the maximum effect with a single battery, and a wire of the above diameter. 1 9. When the intensity of the electricit}^ of the battery is increased, the action of the short riband coil decreases. With a Cruickshanks trough of sixty plates, four inches square, scarcely any peculiar effect can be observed, when the coil forms a part of the circuit. If however the length of the coil be increased in proportion to the intensity of the current, then the inductive influence becomes apparent. When the current, from ten plates of the above-mentioned trough, was passed through the wire of the large spool (10.), the induced shock was too severe to be taken through the body. Again, when a small trough of twenty-five one-inch plates, which alone would give but a very feeble shock, was used with helix No. 1, an intense shock was received from the induction when the contact was broken. Also a slight shock in this 205 to 'Electricity and Magnetism, arrangement is given when the contact is formed, but it is very feeble in comparison with the other. The spark, how- ever, with the long wire and compound battery is not as bril- liant as with the single battery and the short riband coil. 20. When the shock is produced from a long wire, as in the last experiments, the size of the plates of the battery may be very much reduced, without a corresponding reduction of the intensity of the shock. This is shown in an experi- ment with the large spool of wire (10.). A very small com- pound battery was formed of six pieces of copper bell wire, about one inch and a half long, and an equal number of pieces of zinc of the same size. When the current from this was passed through the five miles of the wire of the spool, the induced shock was given at once to twenty-six persons joining hands. This astonishing effect placed the action of a coil in a striking point of view. 21. With the same spool and the single battery used in the former experiments, no shock, or at most a very feeble one, could be obtained. A current, however, was found to pass through the whole length, by its action on the galvanometer ; but it was not sufficiently powerful to induce a current which could counteract the resistance of so long a wire. 22. The induced current in these experiments may be con- sidered as one of considerahle intensity^ and small quantity, 23. The form of the coil has considerable influence on the intensity of the action. In the experiments of Dr. Faraday, a long cylindrical coil of thick copper wire, inclosing a rod of soft iron, was used. This form produces the greatest effect when magnetic reaction is employed ; but in the case of sim- ple galvanic induction, I have found the form of the coils and helices represented in the figures most effectual. The several spires are more nearly approximated, and therefore they ex- ert a greater mutual influence. In some cases, as will be seen hereafter, the ring form, shown in fig. 4, is most effectual. 24. In all cases the several spires of the coil should be v/ell insulated ; for although in magnetizing soft iron, and in analogous experiments, the touching of two spires is not at- tended with any great reduction of action, yet in the case of the induced current, as will be shown in the progress of these investigations, a single contact of two spires is some- times sufficient to neutralize the whole effect. 25. It must be recollected that all the experiments with these coils and helices, unless otherwise mentioned, are made without the reaction of iron temporarily magnetized ; since the introduction of this would, in some cases, interfere with the action, and render the results more complex. 206 Prof. J. Henry’s Contrihutiom Section \1,— Conditions *wliich injluence the ^production of Secondary Currents, 26. The secondary currents, as it is well known, were dis- covered in the induction of magnetism and electricity, by Dr. Faraday, in 1831. But he was at that time urged to the ex- ploration of new, and apparently richer veins of science, and left this branch to be traced by others. Since then, however, attention has been almost exclusively directed to one part of the subject, namely, the induction from magnetism, and the perfection of the magneto-electrical machine. And I know of no attempts, except my own, to review and extend the purely electrical part of Dr. Faraday’s admirable discovery, 27. The energetic action of the flat coil, in producing the induction of a current on itself, led me to conclude that it would also be the most proper means for the exhibition and study of the phaenornena of the secondary galvanic currents. 28. For this purpose coil No. 1 was arranged to receive the current from the small battery, and coil No. 2 placed on this, with a plate of glass interposed to ensure perfect insula- tion ; as often as the circuit of No. 1 was interrupted, a powerful secondary current was induced in No. 2. The ar- rangement is the same as that exhibited in fig. 3, with the exception that in this the compound helix is represented as receiving the induction. Instead of coil No. 2. 29. When the ends of the second coil were rubbed to- gether, a spark was produced at the opening. When the same ends were joined by the magnetizing spiral (11.), the enclosed needle became strongly magnetic. Also when the secondary current was passed through the wires of the iron horseshoe (12.), magnetism was developed; and when the ends of the second coil were attached to a small decomposing apparatus, of the kind which accompanies the magneto-elec- trical machine, a stream of gas was given off at each pole. The shock, however, from this coil is very feeble, and can scarcely be felt above the fingers. to Electricity and Magnetism, 207 30. This current has therefore the properties of one of mo- derate intensity, but considerable quantity. 31. Coil No. I remaining as before, a longer coil, formed by uniting Nos. 3, 4- and 5, was substituted for No. 2. With this arrangement, the spark produced when the ends were rubbed together, was not as brilliant as before; the mag- netizing power was much less ; decomposition was nearly the same, but the shocks were more powerful, or, in other words, the intensity of the induced current was increased by an in- crease of the length of the coil, while the quantity was ap- parently decreased. 32. A compound helix, formed by uniting Nos. 1 and 2, and therefore containing tw^o thousand six hundred and fifty yards of wire, was next placed on coil No. 1. The weight of this helix happened to be precisely the same as that of coil No. 2. and hence the different effects of the same quantity of metal in the two forms of a long and short conductor, could be compared. With this arrangement the magnetizing effects, with the apparatus before mentioned, disappeared. The sparks were much smaller, and also the decomposition less, than with the short coil; but the shock was almost too in- tense to be received with impunity, except through the fingers of one hand. A circuit of fifty-six of the students of the senior class, received it at once from a single rupture of the battery current, as if from the discharge of a Leyden jar weakly charged. The secondary current in this case was one of small quantity, but of great intensity. 33. The following experiment is important in establishing the fact of a limit to the increase'of the intensity of the shock,“as well as the power of decomposition, with a wire of a given diameter. Helix No. 5, which consists of wire only yl^jth of an inch in diameter, was placed on coil No. 2, and its length increased to about seven hundred yards. With this extent of wire, neither decomposition nor magnetism could be ob- tained, but shocks were given of a peculiarly pungent nature; they did not however produce much muscular action. The wire of the helix was further increased to about fifteen hun- dred yards; the shock was now found to be scarcely percep- tible in the fingers. 34. As a counterpart to the last experiment, coil No. 1 was formed into a ring of sufficient internal diameter to admit the great spool of wire (11.), and with the whole length of this (which, as has before been stated, is five miles) the shock w'as found so intense as to be felt at the shoulder, when passed only through the fore-finger and thumb. Sparks and de- composition were also produced, and needles rendered mag- 208 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions netic. The wire of this spool is J^th of an inch thick, and we therefore see from this experiment, that by increasing the diameter of the wire, its length may also be much increased, with an increased effect. 35. The fact (33.) that the induced current is diminished by a further increase of the wire, after a certain length has been attained, is important in the construction of the mag- neto-electrical machine, since the same effect is produced in the induction of magnetism. Dr. Goddard of Philadelphia, to whom I am indebted for coil No. 5, found that when its whole length was wound on the iron of a temporary magnet, no shocks could be obtained. The wire of the machine may therefore be of such a length, relative to its diameter, as to produce shocks, but no decomposition ; and if the length be still further increased, the power of giving shocks may also become neutralized. 36. The inductive action of coil No. J, in the foregoing ex- periments, is precisely the same as that of a temporary mag- net in the case of the magneto-electrical machine. A short thick wire around the armature gives brilliant deflagrations, but a long one produces shocks. This fact, I believe, was first discovered by my friend Mr, Saxton, and afterwards in- vestigated by Sturgeon and Lenz. 37. We might, at first sight, conclude, from the perfect similarity of these effects, that the currents which, according to the theory of Ampere, exist in the magnet, are, like those in the short coil, of great quantity and feeble intensity ; ,but succeeding experiments will show that this is not necessarily the case. 38. All the experiments given in this section have thus far been made with a battery of a single element. This condi- tion was now changed, and a Cruickshanks trough of sixty pairs substituted. When the current from this was passed through the riband coil No. 1, no indication, or a very feeble one, was given of a secondary current in any of the coils or .helices, arranged as in the preceding experiments. The length of the coil, in this case, was not commensurate with the intensity of the current from the battery. But when the long helix. No. 1, was placed instead of coil No. 1, a power- ful inductive action was produced on each of the articles, as before. 39. First, helices No. 2 and 3 were united into one, and placed within helix No. i, which still conducted the battery current. With this disposition a secondary current was pro- duced, which gave intense shocks but feeble decomposition, and no magnetism in the soft iron horseshoe. It was there- to Electricity and Magnetism. 209 fore one of intensity, and was induced by a battery current also of intensity. 40. Instead of the helix used in the last experiment for receiving the induction, one of the coils (No. 3) was now placed on helix No. 1, the battery remaining as before. With this arrangement the induced current gave no shocks, but it magnetized the small horseshoe ; and when the ends of the coil were rubbed together, produced bright sparks. It had therefore the properties of a current of quantity ; and it was produced by the induction of a current, from the battery, of intensity. 41. This experiment was considered of so much importance, that it was varied and repeated many times, but always with the same result ; it therefore establishes the fact that an in- tensity current can mduce one of quantity^ and by the prece-- ding experiments, the converse has also been shown, that a quantity current can induce one of intensity. 42. This fact appears to have an important bearing on the law of the inductive action, and would seem to favour the supposition that the lower coil, in the two experiments with the long and short secondary conductors, exerted the same amount of inductive force, and that in one case this was ex- pended (to use the language of theory) in giving a great velo- city to a small quantity of the fluid, and in the other in pro- ducing a slower motion in a larger current; but in the two cases, were it not for the increased resistance to conduction in the longer wire, the quantity multiplied by the velocity would be the same. This, however, is as yet a hypothesis, but it en- ables us to conceive how intensity and quantity may both be produced from the same induction. 43. From some of the foregoing experiments we may con- clude, that the quantity of electricity in motion in the helix is really less than in the coil, of the same weight of metal ; but this may possibly be owing simply to the greater resist- ance offered by the longer wire. It would also appear, if the above reasoning be correct, that to produce the most energetic physiological effects, only a small quantity of elec- tricity, moving with great velocity, is necessary. 44. In this and the preceding section, I have attempted to give only the general conditions which influence the galvanic induction. To establish the law would require a great num- ber of more refined experiments, and the consideration of several circumstances which would affect the results, such as the conduction of the wires, the constant state of the battery, the method of breaking the circuit with perfect regularity, Phil. Mag. S. 3. V^ol. 16. No. 102. March 1840. P 210 Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, and also more perfect means than we now possess of mea- suring the amount of the inductive action; all these circum- stances render the problem very complex. [To be continued.] XXXVIII. Researches of Mons. R. Piria on the Combina- tions of Salicyle^, Tf'VERY one who is at all acquainted with the gigantic strides made in organic chemistry since the discovery of the real nature of the oil of bitter almonds, and the develop- ment of the remarkable combinations of benzoyle, must have hailed with peculiar pleasure the discovery of an analogous series of compounds having for their base a compound radical termed spiroil, from its being present in the oil of the Spircea Ulmaria^ or meadow-sweet. This body was discovered by Ld- wig, who ascertained the volatile oil of the Spiraea to be really an hydracid, consisting of a compound radical analogous to ben- zoyl, combined with hydrogen. The researches of Lowig have been already presented to the English reader in the pages of the valuable Scientific Memoirs of Mr. R. Taylor. We have now the pleasure of laying before our scientific readers an account of a valuable series of researches of M. Piria on anew compound organic base, bearing considerable resemblance to benzoyl and spiroil, and promising, from this very resem- blance, to throw much light on the nature of the respective combinations of these curious bases. The active principle of the bark of different species of salix has been long known to chemists, and salicin is now an ordi- nary article of commerce, being employed in medicine -as a substitute for quinine, as a remedy in intermittent fever. Salicine was first obtained in a white crystallizable state, by M. Leroux, and has been submitted to ultimate analysis by MM. Jules Gay-Lussac and Pelouse. Piria has also analysed it, and its per centage composition was in three ex- periments found to be as follows : — Exp. 1. Carbon 55*68 Hydrogen ..... 6*36 Oxygen 37*96 Exp. 2. Exp. 3. 55*0^1? 55*54j 6*39 6*43 38*57 38*03 100 100 100 * For this account of M. Piria’s researches, the Editors arc obliged to Dr. Golding Bird. Mons. R. Piriii on the Combinations of Salicyle, 2] 1 Berzelius suggests the probability of the atom of salicine consisting of (2 C, 2H, O). To ascertain this fact by expe- riment, Piria dissolved salicine in warm water, added a few drops of ammonia, and then dropped in a solution of the tribasic acetate of lead : a white flocculent precipitate was ob- tained. This was collected, dried, and submitted to analysis, the result of which proved the crystallized salicine to con- sist of Per cent. 21 atoms carbon = 126 = 55*76 14 hydrogen.. 14 6*06 II oxygen...... 88 38*18 Weight of atom ... 228 The anhydrous salicine contains two and consists of 21 atoms carbon. = 126 12 hydrogen .. 12 9 — ^ oxygen 72 100 atoms less of water, Per cent. = 60*49 5*63 33*88 Weight of atom 210 100 Dobereiner has long ago shown that salicine, when distilled with oxidating bodies, as a mixture of sulphuric acid and peroxide of manganese, yielded a larger proportion of formic acid than any other known substance. By distilling it, how- ever, with other oxidating agents, taking care to avoid an excess of acid, Piria obtained a distinct product, which con- sisted of an organic base combined with hydrogen, which, in conformity with the adopted nomenclature, he has named hy~ druret of salicyle \ like benzoyl and spiroyl, salicyle has not yet been obtained in a free state. It bears so close an analogy to the former, that they may be considered as having one common radical, as may be seen by comparing their element- ary composition. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Benzoyl = 14 atoms 5 atoms 2 atoms ‘ Salicyle 14 ^5 4 and thus benzoyle and salicyle may be respectively considered as two oxyds of an hydrocarbon, consisting of (14 C 4- 5 H). Dumas has, as is well known, suggested that benzoyle and benzoic acid may be considered as two oxides of this hypothe- tical hydro-carbon or benzogene, in which case salicyle and salicic acid may be considered as two other members of the same group, thus — P 2 2 1 2 Mons, R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, Radical (14 C d" 5 H). Oxygen. 1 2 = benzoyl. 1 3 anhydrous benzoic acid. 1 ^ salicyle. 1 5 anhydrous salicic acid. Hydruret of Salicyle, This substance when pure is colourless, but when impure is deep red, possessing an agreeable and aromatic odour, to a certain extent resembling that of the oil of bitter almonds : by distillation it is rendered completely colourless, by expo- sure to air it again acquires a reddish hue. Digested with water a small quantity is dissolved, sufficient however to cause the latter fluid to acquire its odour ; its taste is very pungent and acrid, like that of most essential oils. It is without action on litmus paper. Placed in contact with the salts of the ses- qui-oxide of iron it assumes a splendid violet colour, which by exposure to air becomes yellow. The salts of the protox- ide of iron do not exert any manifest action upon it. In aether and alcohol it is soluble in all proportions : w^ater pre- cipitates it from its alcoholic solutions. Its specific gra- vity at 56° Fahr. is 1*1731 : it boils at a temperature of about 400°. Mixed with alkaline carbonates it slowly decomposes them, causing the evolution of their acid ; upon the applica- tion of heat this action becomes much more energetic. Cau- stic alkalies combine with it, producing a considerable disen- gagement of heat. Chlorine and bromine combine with the base of the hydruret, producing chloride and bromide of salicyle, disengaging hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids; iodine dissolves in the hydruret without suffering any obvious change. Digested in nitric acid, hydruret of salicyle is converted into a substance termed nitro^salicide, which becomes, by continuing the digestion, changed into carbazatic acid. The hydruret of salicyle may be readily prepared by the following process. Dissolve four parts of bichromate of potass in a sufficient quantity of water, and add three parts of strong sulphuric acid. Then dissolve some salicine in six parts of hot water, place the solution in a retort, and raise it to the boiling temperature. Adapt a carefully cooled re- ceiver, and through the tubulure of the retort add, by small quantities at a time, the acid solution of bichromate ol potass to the hot fluid; violent action ensues; the mixture turns green from the formation of green sulphate of chromium, and a milky fluid distils over. The products of this distillation by repose deposit salicyle in the form of oily drops. These Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, 213 drops should be collected, and purified by being distilled with chloride of calcium. It is important that no more acid be used than is here prescribed, otherwise a quantity of formic acid is produced, and a corresponding diminution in the quantity of hydruret of salicyle ensues. The hydruret consists of Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Salicyle = 14? 5 4 Hydrogen ... 1 Atomic weight , . 14 6 4 Hence it appears that hydruret of salicyle is isomeric with hydrated benzoic acid ; and it is not a little remarkable, that the density of its vapour is identical with that of the latter acid, as determined by Dumas, being 4*276. It therefore consists by volume of 7 volumes vapour of carbon 3 hydrogen 1 oxygen The hydruret of salicyle may be considered as a true hy- dracid, with a compound base like hydrocyanic acid ; like that compound it combines with metallic oxides, its hydrogen forming water wdth the oxygen of the oxyd, and a saticide of the metal results. The metallic salicides are isomeric with the corresponding anhydrous benzoates of the oxides, thus placing M for an atom of a metal, and Mq-O for one of a metallic oxide ; a given benzoate and salicide will consist of Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen Benzoate= (14 + 5 + 3) H- (M + O) Salicide = (14 + 5 + 4)-f- M So that the hydruret of salicyle bears the same relation to hy- drated benzoic acid as oxalic acid, according to the view of Dulong (2 C, 4 0 + H) does to the generally received view of its composition at the present day, or (2 C, 3’0 + H O). Metallic Salicides, The salicide of potassium may be very readily prepared, by mixing the hydruret of salicyle with a strong solution of pure potass. On shaking the mixture, a considerable quantity of salicide of potassium separates in small yellow crystals from the supernatant alkaline fluid. These crystals must be collected, freed from adhering moisture by pressure between folds of bibulous paper, and dissolved in alcohol ; by crystal- lization numerous well-defined square tables of the salicide are obtained. This salt is readily soluble in water and al- 214? Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle* coliol. When quite dry it undergoes no change by exposure to the air, but when wet it absorbs oxygen, becomes covered with numerous green spots, which ultimately turn black ; the whole mass becoming eventually a black sooty powder, which will be alluded to in the course of these remarks on account of a peculiar acid which it contains. A solution of salicide of potassium is precipitated yellow by salts of lead, silver, mercury, manganese, and barium. Salicide of ammonium is procured by mixing liquid ammonia with the hydruret of salicyle, in the same manner as the cor- responding salt of potassium. It crystallizes in yellow needles, and by exposure to the air is soon decomposed into its con- stituents, ammonia being copiously evolved. Salicide of barium is obtained by precipitating a solution of salicide of potassium by chloride of barium. It may be obtained in minute needles, but is very slightly soluble in water. It consists of Carbon .... Atoms. 84 Theory. 40*93 Exp. 41*15 Hydrogen , ... 7 7 3*34 3*41 Oxygen.... ... 6 48 22*96 22*57 Barium .... 68 32*77 32*87 Atomic weight... 207 100 100 it hence contains two atoms of water, and when dried in Lie- big’s desiccating apparatus, it gives up this quantity, 1*237 parts losing 0*110 parts of its weight. Salicide of copper may be prepared by dissolving freshly precipitated oxide of copper in hydruret of salicyle, and eva- porating to dryness over a water bath ; it forms a light yellow powder, which, when heated, partly sublimes in iridescent scales. Submitted to analysis, it was found to consist of Carbon .... Atoms. 84 Theory. 55*50 Exp. 55*75 Hydrogen . .. 5 5 3*24 3*47 Oxygen .... 32' 20*74 20*70 Copper .... 32 20*52 20*08 Atomic weight... 153 100 100 Salicic Acid. This compound may be obtained by heating hydruret of salicyle with an excess of potass. The mixture becomes deep reddish-brown, and hydrogen is evolved. Dissolve the re- sulting mass in water, and add hydrochloric acid in excess ; a copious deposit of salicic acid in fine needles occurs. This Mons. R. Piria 07i the Combmations of Salicyle. "215 acid closely resembles the benzoic ; it is scarcely soluble in cold water, readily soluble in hot water, as well as in alcohol and aether. By heat it sublimes with great facility. Mixed with alkaline c.'irbonates, salicic acid decomposes them, dri- ving off carbonic acid, and forming a series of salts. Digested with sulphuric acid, the new acid undergoes no obvious change until the mixture is heated, and then the whole turns black. Nitric acid does not affect salicic acid in the cold ; on applying heat, however, violent and tumultuous action ensues, dense red fumes are evolved, and a yellow solution is obtained; this, by repose, deposits minute yellow bitter crystals, which appear to be identical with the nitro-salicide obtained by the action of nitric acid on hydruret of salicyle. Salicic acid contains an atom of combined water, which it loses when it combines with bases; hence the crystallized acid is a salicate of water, or (14 C, 5 H, 5 0, + HO). Submitted to ultimate analysis, this consists of Atoms. Theory. Exp. Carbon 14 = 84 61*32 61*10 Hydrogen... 6 6 4*29 4*41 Oxygen 6 48 34*39 34*43 Atomic weight... 138 100 100 Salicate of silver was prepared by precipitating a solution of salicate of ammonia by nitrate of silver ; this salt is a white insoluble powder, and consists of Atoms. Theory. Exp. Carbon 14 = 84 34*70 34*91 Hydrogen ... 5 5 2*02 2*09 Oxygen 5 40 16*22 16*43 Oxyd of silver 1 116 47*06 46*57 Atomic weight... 245 100 100 Chloride of Salicyle, This compound may be obtained by a process precisely similar to that used for the preparation of the chloride of benzoyl, by transmitting a current of dry chlorine gas through pure hydruret of salicyle; much heat is evolved, the chlorine unites with the hydrogen of the hydruret to form hydro- chloric acid, which is copiously given off in a gaseous state, whilst the salicyle itself unites with more chlorine to form the chloride. A nearly solid crystalline mass is obtained, which should be purified by solution in alcohol and subsequent crystallization. The chloride of salicyle thus obtained is in- soluble in water and acids ; but in aether, alcohol, and alkaline 216 Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, fluifls, as well as ammonia, it readily dissolves, in the latter case undergoing some remarkable changes. From its solu- tions in the fixed alkalies, acids throw it down unchanged. Submitted to ultimate analysis, chloride of salicyle is found to consist of Atoms. Carbon ... 14 =r 84 54*18 Hydrogen. 5 5 3*16 Oxygen ... 4 32 20*25 Chlorine... 1 36 22*41 Atomic weight... 157 100 so that the atom of hydrogen in the hydruret of salicyle be- comes replaced by an equivalent of chlorine, as in the analo- gous compounds of benzoyl and spiroil. Bromide of Salicyle, This compound is produced whenever bromine is added to hydruret of salicyle, heat is evolved, and the whole consoli- dates into a crystalline mass, which, like the chloride, may be purified by solution in alcohol and subsequent crystallization. In this substance the hydrogen of the hydruret is replaced by an equivalent of bromine, the whole consisting of Atoms. Carbon... 14 = 84 42*62 Hydrogen . 5 5 2*48 Oxygen ... 4 32 15*94 Bromine . . 1 78 .38*96 Atomic weight. . . 199 100 Combinations of Salicyle nsoith Amidogene. When a current of gaseous ammonia is passed over chloride of benzoyl, it has been shown by Woehler and Liebig to suffer decomposition ; a mixture of chloride of ammonium and ben- zamide being produced, the latter compound being a combi- nation of benzoyl with amidogene (N + 2 H), analogous to oxamide. When a current of dry ammonia is passed over chloride of salicyle it becomes absorbed, and a yellow pasty mass results, which must be frequently broken up and again exposed to the gas to effect its entire decomposition. No hydrochlorate of ammonia is formed, the ammonia removing oxygen from the compound without abstracting any chlorine, and forming water, which condenses in the tube in which the experiment is performed. The resulting compound is Chlorosamide \ it Mons. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, 217 is a yellow crystalline body, soluble in alcohol and jether, nearly insoluble in water; the addition of weak alkalies causes the disengagement of ammonia; by heating it in an acid fluid it is decomposed, a salt of ammonia being formed, and chlo- ride of salicyle being set free. Chlorosamide consists of Atoms. Carbon . . . U = 84? 56*52 Hydrogen . 5 5 3*30 Oxygen . . . 2 16 10*57 Nitrogen . . 4 5 18-4 6*23 Chlorine . . 1 36 23*38 Atomic weight. . . 159-4 100 When gaseous ammonia is made to act on bromide of ben- zoyl, a compound called hromosamide results ; its composition is identical with chlorosamide, with the substitution of the chlorine by its equivalent of bromine. Action of the air on Salicide of Potassium, When salicide of potassium in a perfectly dry state is ex- posed to the air, or to an atmosphere of oxygen gas, it under- goes, as has been already observed, no obvious change; but if this salt be previously moistened, it, by a similar exposure, alters in colour, its surface becomes covered with green specks, and it darkens in hue until the whole mass becomes completely black. If the moist salicide of potassium be placed in a receiver of oxygen gas inverted over mercury, the latter will be observed to rise rapidly in the glass, from the absorp- tion of its gaseous contents. When the black, changed, salt is digested in water, a certain portion dissolves, and a soot- like powder is left ; this should be collected, washed, and dried. This black compound dissolves readily in alcohol and aether, but is insoluble in water; it dissolves in alkaline solu- tions, forming saline compounds, from which the black pow- der is thrown down unchanged by acids. This substance appears to possess properties of a decidedly electro-negative character, and from this circumstance, as well as from its co- lour, it has been termed melanic acid^ a name unhappily chosen, as it has already been applied to an ingredient in certain mor- bid animal secretions. Melanic acid decomposes alkaline carbonates, forming saline combinations, attended with the evolution of carbonic acid gas. When heated this acid burns slowly, but without flame, and leaves no fixed residue. Melanate of silver was prepared by precipitating a solution of melanate of ammonia by nitrate of silver ; the precipitate 218 Moris. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle. was dried and submitted to ultimate analysis, and was found to consist of Atoms. Theory. Exp. Carbon ...... 10 = 60*0 27*63 27-67 Hydrogen .... 4 4*9 1*71 1*95 Oxygen 5 40 18*18 18*82 Oxyd of silver 1 116 32*48 51*56 Atomic weight .. . 220 100 100 hence the acid itself consists of Atoms. Carbon ... 10 = 60 58*16 Hydrogen. 4 4 3*80 Oxygen... 5 40 38*04 Atomic weight.. 104 100 The aqueous solution obtained by washing the decomposed salicide of potassium, during the separation of melanic acid, was submitted to examination, and after evaporating it to a small bulk, mixing it with sulphuric acid, and submitting it to distillation, acetic acid was obtained, whilst sulphate of potass was left in the retort. From these experiments, it appears^ that salicide of potas- sium, when moistened and exposed to the air, or to an atmo- sphere of oxygen gas, is resolved into melanic acid and acetate of potass ; and for every atom of salicide of potassium decom- posed, an equivalent of acetate of potassa is produced. For this decomposition to be understood, we must admit that three atoms of oxygen and the elements of two atoms of water, are appropriated by each equivalent of the salicide of potassium, thus Garb. Hyd. Oxy. Potassium. Melanic acid = 10 + 4 + 5+ 0 Acetic acid = 4 + 3 + 3 + 0 14+7 + 8+0 " 2 atoms water = 2 + 2 + 0 Minus < 3 atoms oxygen 14 + 5+6 + 0 3 + 0 1 atom potassa 14 + 5 + 3 + 0 1 + 1 1 atom of salicide potassium = 14 + 5+ 4 + 1 Moqs. R. Piria on the Combinations of Salicyle, 219 Decomposition of Salicin by Sulphuric Acid. When salicin is immersed in strong sulphuric acid it as- sumes a blood-red tint; but when digested at a boiling tem- perature in the acid previously moderately diluted with water, the salicin dissolves, forming a colourless solution. If a so- lution thus prepared, be poured into cold water, a white pre- cipitate falls down of a resinoid character. This substance is turned red by sulphuric acid ; like the unchanged salicin, it readily dissolves in alkaline fluids. Submitted to ultimate analysis, this new substance, which from its resinoid characters is termed saliretin^ was found to consist of Carbon .... Y2’96 Hydrogen.. .5*83 Oxygen. ... 2T21 100 No gas is disengaged during the formation of saliretin ; in- deed the action of the sulphuric acid appears to be purely catalytic, as in the cases of mtherification, and the formation of starch-sugar. On examining the acid fluid from which saliretin has been precipitated, it w^as found to contain grape- sugar ; so that under the influence of the catalytic action of sulphuric acid, salicin is resolved into saliretin and grape- sugar, from the re-arrangement of its elements; affording another example of the resolution of organic products into new arrangements, under the influence of catalysis^ or action of presence. Action of Chlorine on Salicin. When a current of gaseous chlorine is transmitted through a quantity of salicin diffused in water, solution ensues, and a yellow fluid is formed ; and if a sufficient quantity of salicin be present, a yellow crystalline mass is deposited. These crystals are but slightly soluble in water or alkaline fluids ; they possess a very disagreeable odour and pungent taste ; submitted to analysis, they were found to consist of Atoms. Carbon .... 21 = 126 42*94? Hydrogen.. 12 12 4*00 Chlorine ... 2 72 23*65 Oxygen.... 11 88 29*41 Atomic weight . . . 298 100 so that, by this process, salicin loses two atoms of hydrogen, and gains two atoms of chlorine ; a fact quite conformant with the doctrine of substitution. If the fluid through which the 220 Letter from Mr. Potter to Mr. R. Taylor. chlorine is passed be kept at a boiling heat, no crystals are formed, but a reddish oily fluid is produced; this,^hen ana- lysed, was found to consist of Carbon . . Atoms. ..21 = 126 38-61 Hydrogen •• 8*5 2-55 Chlorine . .. 3i 126 37-22 Oxygen . . . . 9 88 21-62 348-5 100 In this case, the anhydrous, salicine loses 3^ atoms of hydro- gen, and gains an equivalent proportion of chlorine. This new compound is soluble in alcohol and alkaline solutions. G. B. XXXIX. Letter to Hichard Taylor^ Esq.^ as Editor of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, By R. Potter, Esq.^ B.A., F,C,P,S, Dear Sir, ^T^HE part you have taken in the controversy between Pro- fessor Forbes and myself has a good deal surprised me. That you should deprecate ‘‘personal imputations” in con- troversial papers, is what every reader of your periodical must heartily approve. However searching a review of Professor Forbes’s “memorandum” was required for the defence of my own investigations, I congratulate myself on having avoided personalities or any imputation of unworthy motives. It is a philosophical and legitimate line of defence to inquire whether your opponent is a competent judge of the matter in controversy, from the consideration he has given to the subject, and whether he is to be considered in the light of an impartial and unbiassed inquirer, or otherwise whether he has imbibed theoretical views so deeply as to place him only in the situation of a partisan of the particular theory adopted by him. This course I have always endeavoured to pursue, and would cheerfully concede to an opponent. I think, however, that I have just reason to complain of the admission of such terms as “gratuitously misinterpreted,” and “take a pleasure in misinterpreting my expressions,” admitted in the very com- munication to which your note was appended. In respect to the unsupported quotation from your un- named correspondent’s letter, which you have adopted, I have only to express my surprise that you did not suspect more than a filial solicitude for the Society’s honour on his part. My notice of the proceedings of the Society to which I have the honour to belong, and amongst the leading members of Mr. J. O. Halliweirs Note on the Boetian Contractions, 221 which I have the honour to number so many scientific friends, could arise from no other motive than a desire that its author- ity and pre-eminent position in the scientific world might be permanent and undiminished, by allowing no analytical essays relating to physical problems to be ushered forth under its auspices, until, in all practicable cases, their accordance with the involved physical facts was ascertained. The notice of one such essay in my former paper was sufficient to show that such had not always been the case. Your correspondent prudently preferred leaning on his influence with you, to challenging me to the proof of my assertion. 1 have also to ask at your hands an explanation of the editorial censure contained in your note. I fully bow to your claim of right to moderate any expressions in communications which may be sent to you for publication. The advantage of a review by an impartial editor is great to all parties in a con- troversy, who in their excitement and sensibility naturally see a poignancy in the expressions of their opponents which they do not suspect in their own. On the other hand, I maintain that it is an unheard of proceeding in an editor who has pub- lished a paper without remark or private notice to the author, to pronounce a censure such as is contained in your note; and I claim from you this admission, which I think you will allow to be due under the circumstances. I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, Queen’s College, February 4, 1840. Richard Potter. In inserting Mr. P’s letter, we have only to state that the Editor’s note was written in consequence of the remonstrance of the Member of the Cam- bridge Phil. Soc., and before the receipt of Prof. Forbes’s letter, with which it had no connection; and was indeed intended to have occupied a distinct place in the Number. We can assure Mr. Potter that his surmise respecting influence with us is unfounded ; and willingly express our regret, that from having over- looked some portions of his communication, they should have become the subjects of public instead of private discussion. — R. T. XL. Additional Note on the Authenticity of the disputed Passage in the treatise of Boetius de Geometria on Nume- rical Contractions. By J. O. Halliwell, Bsq.., F.R.S., F.S.A., FR.A.S., 4c. 1 TRANSLATE the following extract from a letter which ■*- I have recently received from M. Chasles, because the view which he takes of this question is new, and his support- ing arguments forcible: — ‘‘ In a passage found in some MS8. at the end of the second book of Boetius, the expression mensa geometricalia occurs ; and this calculus is mentioned as ha. 222 Dr. R. Kane on a Pseudomorphous ving been employed chiefly by the geometers. This explains why Boetius introduced that passage into his treatise on geo- metry ; and in his treatise on arithmetic, which treats on the properties of numbers, no mention of it is made. This latter work is indeed only a new version of the treatise by Nicoma- chus on the same subject.’’ This ought to be compared with what has been stated in the number of this Magazine for December, and it will be seen that it is quite destructive of M. Libri’s principal argu- ment. I may add, in corroboration of the opinion of M. Chasles, that Abelard’s tract in the Leyden library is entitled de Doctrina Abaci x>el radii Geometrici ; the manuscript itself is thus described in the printed catalogue: — “Adolardus, qui statim in principio dicitur philosophorum assecla ultimus, de doctrina abaci, vel radii geometrici, ut ipse scribit quoque vocari. In fine legitur, Regularum abaci nobilis arithmetici tractatus explicit feliciterA And now a word with M. Libri. When he says, ‘^Si V opinion deM. Halliwell avait ete aussi explicite que le pense le savant geometre de Chartres, ilsemble qu’on n’aurait pas du employer plusieurs pages pour tocher de le prouver,” he had forgotten that the plusieurs pages were the produce of his own pertinacity. When I had explicitly stated that the Bodleian manuscripts indicated a knowledge of the value of local position, and that one of them actually made use of the sipos^ surely no one could reasonably accuse me of withholding my assent from the explanation given by M. Chasles. Much less, in that case, could there have been a necessity for occu- pying the attention of two meetings of the Institute on a mere question of opinion. XLI. On a Pseudomorphous variety of Iodide of Potassium By Robert Kane, M,D., M.R.LA. During the crystallization of a large quantity of iodide of potassium, in the manufacturing laboratory of Apo- thecaries’ Hall, I observed a large group of long prisms to be formed, of great lustre and regularity. These prisms were in many cases terminated by four-sided pyramids, formed by the joining of four rhomboidal' planes, by which the solid angles of the prism were replaced ; and I succeeded in ob- taining a series of specimens, in some of which the prism w^as simple and terminated by a single plane perpendicular to its axis ; in others the solid angles were replaced by very minute triangular planes, rendering the terminal plane octagonal, and finally, as the triangular planes increased in size, square, the diagonals of the square being parallel to the sides of the 223 mriety of the Iodide of Potassium, original surface, and hence the gradual conversion of the replacing triangles into rhombs, which effacing the terminal plane form^ed & pyramidal summit already noticed. The prisms are straight, with square bases. The replacing triangular or rhomboidal planes form with the lateral edges, to which it is inclined, an angle of 150°, and with the terminal plane an angle of 120° : its angles with the vertical and horizontal axes of the crystal being therefore 60° and 30°, giving the ratio of the axes therefore as 1 : T73. The angle formed by two adjacent rhomboidal planes of the pyramid was found to be 105°, and that of the summit formed by two opposite rhomboidal planes was 60°. The angle across the summit, measured on the edges of the rhomboidal planes, was 80°, and that of a rhomboidal plane, on the adjacent side, was 140°. The angles of the rhomboidal plane were 60° and 120°. In these measurements I could not obtain greater accuracy than within a degree, from the circumstance that the repla- cing surfaces were not, in reality, planes, but portions of sphe- rical or at least curved surfaces of great radius, so that the adjacent edge had different inclinations to different portions of the rhombic surface. In addition to this peculiarity, other marks of a complex or macled structure were very evident. The smaller crystals, although equally well marked as to form and replacements with the larger, differed from them in being wholly clean and transparent. The larger ones, on the contrary, consisted of three distinct portions, the ex- texmal being a hollow shell of perfectly transparent material, the next being a core of opake white substance, apparently porous and granular, as if formed of a congeries of minute crystals independent of the case in which they were con- tained, whilst in the centre there was to be seen a delicate but well-defined transparent rectangular cross, the arms of which generally penetrated quite through the opake sub- stance and united with the external transparent shell. A section of such a crystal had in fact the appearance represented in the little sketch, the white opake portion being shown shaded. These crystals possessed single refraction. They had no action on polarized light transmitted along their axis; and hence, although with a pyramid be- longing to the square prismatic system, they belonged really to the regular system, by a congeries of minute crystals (pro- bably cubes) of which they must be formed. In solubility they were the same as the common iodide of potassium, with which their composition likewise identified them. From their 224< Royal Irish Acadeiny, having formed on the top of a large cross of common crystals, they must have been generated under circumstances either on a lower temperature or a less concentrated solution than that by which the common variety is produced. If the new- formed cr^^stals be dissolved in water, it is under the ordinary form that they recrystallize. When iodide of potassium is crystallized in leaden or tinned iron vessels, Mr. Scanlan has informed me that the crystalline form is altered, from the presence of a minute quantity of iodide of tin or lead ; but what the alteration is exactly, I do not believe has been determined. Having heard the fact, however, from my friend Mr. Scanlan, I sought for metallic impurity in the crystals now described, but in vain. They are chemically pure. XLII. Proceedings of Learned Societies, ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Nov. 11, EV. Dr. Dickinson gave a verbal account of a remark* 1839. able waterspout, which he had observed at Killiney during the last summer. Towards the end of the month of July, about 10 a. m., while standing on the shore of the bay of Killiney, his attention was di- rected by a friend to a waterspout, distant about a quarter of a mile from the land. It was not similar in form to the representations of waterspouts usually given, and may therefore deserve to be noticed. It was shaped like a double siphon, the whole being suspended at a considerable elevation in the air ; the longer end of the siphon reached towards the sea, and appeared to approach it nearer and nearer, till, at length, its waters were distinctly seen rushing into the deep. The loop gradually lowered, as if sinking and lengthen- ing by its own weight, while the upper part of the siphon seemed not to lose in elevation. At length the loop burst, and there were three streams of water pouring into the sea, two of those streams still continuing united by the arch at the top. I'he breadth of these streams gradually diminished till they became invisible, but their length seemed undiminished as long as they were at all seen. The quantity of water poured down must have been very considerable, as the bubbling of the sea beneath could be distinctly observed. Dr. Dickinson was informed that a waterspout fell a few days after inland, towards the Three-Rock mountain. It is said to have done some injury ; but his informant did not see it, and he could not, therefore, ascertain its shape. November 30, 1839. Mr. Clarke read a paper ‘‘ On Atmospheric Electricity.” The author commenced his paper with a description of the appa- ratus which he had employed in the experimental investigation of this subject. He showed the inapplicability of the electrometers 225 Royal Irish Academy, hitherto employed, and exhibited a highly insulated galvanometer, containing about three thousand turns of very fine wire covered with silk, varnished and baked, — which instrument, although ex- quisitely sensitive to the feeblest voltaic electricity, was not at all acted upon by atmospheric electricity of the low tension which ex- ists during serene weather in this country. Mr. Clarke added, that although the application of such an instrument would be a great desideratum in experiments on atmospheric electricity, and in this point of view had been recommended by the highest scientific author- ities in Europe, yet he had reason to think that it had never, in any country, been deflected by atmospheric electricity in serene weather. The author then exhibited the electrometer which he had devised for, and used in his experiments on this subject. It consisted of a bell of glass, seven inches in diameter, through the side of which passed a sliding graduated rod, furnished with a vernier, which indi- cated the distance, in hundredths of an inch, through which a single pendent slip of leaf gold was attracted towards the rod which was in connexion with the earth. The slip of leaf gold was attached to a vertical and well-insulated rod, which passed through a collar of leathers, and could therefore be raised or depressed, as required by the varying intensity, so that the lower end of the leaf should al- ways, when electrified, be a tangent to the ball terminating the graduated rod. The author then alluded to the received opinion, that the Aurora Borealis is an electric discharge of considerable intensity occurring near the polar regions, at great heights in the atmosphere, where the air is necessarily rare, and where, consequently, the electric light (as shown in our artificial imitation of the phsenomenon) must be very much diffused and ramified. Hoping to throw light upon this subject, he had made a series of observations on the electric intensity of the twenty-four hours, commencing at mid-day on the 12th of Nov, 1838, and continued at intervals of fifteen minutes, — except during the appearance of the Aurora, when they were made every five minutes, and even oftener. The results of these observa- tions were laid down in a chart, which exhibited the intensity of the electric fluid during these twenty-four hours, a period including that of the magnificent crimson Aurora, which was observed on the night of the 12th, and morning of the 13th of November, 1838, over every portion of the globe. It appeared, by this chart, that th^ electric intensity during the existence of this magnificent display of Auroral light was but little above the mean electric intensity of that hour during the month ; from which the author inferred that this phse- nomenon, if at all electric, occurred at such a distance as to be un- able to affect the apparatus. The author then proceeded to give an account of the extended series of experiments which he had undertaken at the recommenda- tion of the Academy, and which he had continued during twelve months, at intervals of fifteen minutes, during at least ten days, and Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 102. March 1840. Q 226 'Royal Irish Academy, from three to seven nights in each month. He stated, that when he had undertaken this series of experiments, he had the following objects in view — namely, to determine the mean amount of electric intensity existing in this country, at the different hours of day and night, and the periods of maxima and minima ; and, secondly, to endeavour to trace the cause of this varying intensity to the influ- ence of some of the recognised agents in nature, — such as the varia- tions of atmospheric pressure ; the variations of temperature ; or the varying quantity of vapour in our atmosphere. He was happy to announce, that he had not only determined the mean monthly and annual force of electricity at the several hours of the day and night, but also had succeeded in establishing its de- pendence upon two, out of the three agents, with which he had originally proposed to investigate its connexion. The two with which he has established its connexion and proved its dependence are, temperature, and the total quantity of moisture present in the air, as shown by the dew-point. Indeed these two phaenomena, as the author remarked, are referrible to each other, the temperature producing evaporation, and the force of electricity at any period being shown to be almost exactly proportional to the tension of the vapour so produced. The hour of the first electric minimum was shown to be about 3 A.M., the electricity increasing with the temperature until 10 A.M., when a slight decrease occurred: the electric tension again commences rising at about 11 a.m., and continues to increase until about 2^ 45“, p.m. — all these movements being in exact proportion to the elevation of the dew-point and temperature. At 3 p. m. the dew-point and temperature begin gradually to lower, as does also the electricity (but not so quickly); but from 5 to 7 p. m., the elec- tric intensity rises, being acted upon and increased by the precipi- tation of the evening dew, which has set free the latent electricity of the condensed vapour, in conformity with the experiment of Volta. Again, from 7 p. m., the electric intensity weakens rapidly, and descends in common with the dew-point and temperature, until they all reach their minimum about 3 a. m. Thus the patient investigation of this subject has laid bare the cause of the varying diurnal intensity of the electric fluid, — showing it to be the result of evaporation, which, besides its agency in carry- ing the electric fluid from our earth to the upper regions of the air, daily returns it to us by the conducting power of this vapour, in the direct proportion of its quantity. Dr. Apjohn read a note by George J. Knox, Esq., On the Oxi- dating Power of Glass for Metals, and on the want of Transparency in ancient Glass.” “In a late work, which treats of the manufacture of glass, an experiment of Guyton Morveau is mentioned, in which six per cent, of copper filings having been mixed with pounded glass, and the compound completely melted, it was found to have assumed a red 227 Royal Irish Academy, colour uniformly diffused throughout the mass, so deep as to render the glass nearly opake. The experiment originated from a work- man in the glasshouse having dipped a heated copper ladle into a pot of fused glass. The copper ladle was melted ; the casting and annealing of the plates were proceeded with as usual ; and on their completion the workmen were surprised to find, that not only were grains of metallic copper imbedded in the substance of the glass, but bands uniformly coloured of a fine bright red, were distributed throughout the mass. “ The experiment of Guyton Morveau, being but a repetition of the accidental one made by the workman, seems to have but little engaged his attention, the colour being conceived to be due to an imperfect state of oxidation, as oxide of copper imparts to glass a greenish colour. “ It appeared to me, at first sight, that the red colour was due to the actual solution of the copper in the metallic state, the globules of copper imbedded in the mass having been deposited from a state of solution, upon cooling. To determine this, I mixed in different proportions with powdered glass, iron, lead, copper, silver, bismuth, antimony, tin, gold, platinum, in a minute state of division ; and found that glass, when mixed with iron filings, will oxidate and dis- solve almost as much iron, when mixed with it in the metallic state, as if it were mixed with it in the state of oxide. Of copper, only a small proportion is oxidated and dissolved, imparting a green colour to the glass, while the rest remains disseminated throughout the glass in globules of copper and red streaks, which are probably the protoxide ; whereas lead (for whose oxide glass has such a strong affinity) oxidates but a small portion, when mixed with it in the me- tallic state, the rest being found imbedded in globules throughout its mass. Tin, antimony, and bismuth, are more easily oxidized and dissolved than lead. Gold, when fused with glass, imparts to it a light greenish tinge, increasing in depth with the relative proportion of silica in the glass, — producing a deeper colour with the bisilicate than the silicate of potash, and still deeper when German glass (which contains a large proportion of silica) is employed ; globules of gold are found (as in the analogous cases of lead and copper) disseminated throughout the mass. If the heat be increased, and the crucible containing the gold be left for some hours in the fur- nace, the glass assumes a pinkish hue, which is the colour imparted to it by the protoxide of gold. When platinum sponge is fused with glass, it sinks to the bottom of the crucible unaltered, owing to its infusibility. When charcoal is heated with glass, a large proportion is oxidated, the remainder presenting the appearance of a mechanical mixture. '' From these experiments it appears, that glass, at high tempera- tures, not only has the property of oxidating the metals, and form- ing a chemical compound with the oxide, but moreover, when the chemical affinity is satisfied, of dissolving the oxides, and probably the metals themselves when in a state of fusion ; the latter, on the Q 2 228 Royal Irish Academy, cooling of the glass, being deposited in globules throughout its interstices, (at least the appearance presented by the glass seems to favour such an opinion.) ‘‘The colours produced by the fusion of metals with glass, being different in many cases from those obtained when their oxides were employed, and presenting the dull untransparent appearance which is so remarkable in ancient glass, led me to suppose that the ancients did not employ any colouring matter unknown at the present day, but that, being unacquainted with the mineral acids, they employed the metals either in the metallic state, in filings, or else in an im- perfect state of oxidation. To determine the probability of this conjecture, I selected three specimens of mosaic glass, analysed by Klaproth ; and substituting for the oxides, in the same relative pro- portion, the metals in a minute state of division, I obtained coloured glasses of nearly the same colour as the mosaics, while the colours produced when the oxides were employed were not only perfectly different, but the glasses were clear and transparent. “ One of a lively copper red, opake and very bright, contained, in 200 grains, silica 142, oxide lead 28, copper 15, iron 2, alumina 5, lime 3. “ Another, of a light verdigris green, contained, in 200 grains, silica 130, oxide copper 20, lead 15, iron 7, lime 13, alumina 11. “A specimen of blue glass contained, in 200 grains, silica 163, oxide iron 19, oxide copper 1, alumina 3, lime \ December 9, 1839. — Mr. Clarke read a supplement to his paper “ on Atmospheric Electricity.” The author gave in this supplement a more detailed description than he had before done of the mode of insulating the apparatus for experiments on atmospheric electricity, which he had used in the course of his recent researches. He then described an experiment by which he had shown the absence of decomposing agency in the electricity of serene weather, and stated his opinion of the cause. Mr. Clarke next directed attention to the fact, that the curve representing the diurnal variation of the barometric column was the reverse of the electric, thermometric, and hygrometric curves. He considered that such a result was to be expected ; for the baro- metric column should naturally be lower from midday to 3 p. m. than at midnight, in consequence of the greater quantity of aqueous vapour which exists in the atmosphere at the former than at the latter time, — air charged with aqueous vapour being known to be of less specific gravity than diy air. Thus the barometric and hygrometric curves would be the inverse of each other, the maxima of the one corresponding to the minima of the other ; and as the author had previously shown that the hygrometric, thermometric, and electrometric curves were in accordance, the barometric curve would be the inverse of the thermometric and electrometric curves also. The author remarked, that if this character of the horary 229 Royal Irish Academy, oscillations of the barometer in Ireland be confirmed by the experi- ments of other observers, it will either lead to new views of this phsenomenon generally, or show that the quantity of aqueous va- pour existing in Ireland is so great as to cause the horary barome- tric oscillations to present themselves in a different form from that in which they are recognised in drier climates. The author adverted, in the last place, to the hypothesis of Priestley and Beccaria, — that the upper regions of our atmosphere were the chief depositories of the electric fluid, — an opinion which he conceived must fall, if the origin of atmospheric electricity be due (as his experiments prove) to the existence of vapour ; as these elevated parts of our atmosphere are far above the region of per- manent vapour, or even of vapour at all. Professor MacCullagh read a paper “ on the Dynamical Theory of crystalline Reflexion and Refraction.” In a former paper, presented to the Academy in January, 1837, and printed in volume xviii. of the Transactions, the author had reduced all the complicated phsenomena of reflexion and refrac- tion at the surfaces of crystals to the utmost regularity and order, by means of a simple rule, comprised in his theorem of the polar plane. This rule, which was verified by its agreement with exact experiments, he had deduced from a set of hypotheses relative to the vibrations of light in their passage through a given medium, and out of one medium into another ; but he had not attempted to ac- count for his hypotheses, nor to connect them together by any known principles of mechanics ; and the only evidence in favour of their truth, was the truth of the results to which they led. He had observed, however, that these hypotheses were not independent of each other ; he had ascertained that the laws of reflexion at the surface of a crystal were connected with the laws of propagation in its interior ; and he had thence been led to conclude that all these laws and hypotheses “ had a common source in other and more inti- mate laws not yet discovered.” He became impressed, in short, with the idea, “ that the next step in physical optics would lead to those higher and more elementary principles by which the laws of reflexion and the laws of propagation are linked together as parts of the same system.” This step the author has now made ; and the present paper realizes the anticipations scattered through the former. Setting out with the general dynamical theorem expressed by the equation where rj, are the displacements at the time ^ of a particle whose co-ordinates are x, y, z, and where the density of the aether is sup- posed to be unity, as being constant for all media, the author deter- mines the form of the function v, for the particular case of luminife- rous vibrations, by means of the property which may be regarded as distinguishing them from all others' — namely, that they take place 230 Boyal Irish Academy. entirely in the surface of the wave. From this property he shows, in the first place, that v is a function of the three differences dr) d C d^ d^ d'E, dr) dz dy dx dz dy dx’ and, in the next place, that the only part of it which comes into play is of the second order, containing the squares and products of those quantities, with of course six constant coefficients. Then, supposing the axes of coordinates to be changed, he proves that the usual formulae for the transformation of coordinates apply also to the transformation of those differences ; so that, by assuming the new axes properly, the terms in the function v which depend on the products of the differences may be made to vanish, and v will then contain only the three squares, each multiplied by a constant co- efi&cient. The axes of coordinates in this position are defined to be the principal axes, (commonly called the axes of elasticity) ; and when we put, with reference to these axes. it turns out that a, h, c, are the three principal velocities of propaga- tion within the crystal. To find the laws of propagation in a continuous medium of inde- finite extent, we have only to take the variation of v from the ex- pression (2), and, after substituting it in the right-hand member of equation (1), to integrate by parts, so as to get rid of the differential coefficients of the variations SE, St), Then equating the quan- tities by which these variations are respectively multiplied in the triple integrals on each side of the equation, we obtain the value of the force acting on each particle in directions parallel to the principal axes. The double integrals which remain on the right-hand side of the equation are to be neglected, as they belong to the limits which are infinitely distant. The resolved values of the force thus obtained lead to the precise laws of double refraction which were discovered by Fresnel, with this difference only, that the vibrations come out to be parallel to the plane of polarization, whereas he supposed them to be perpendicular to it. When there are two contiguous media, and the light passes out of one into the other, suppose out of an ordinary into an extraor- dinary one, and we wish to determine the laws of the reflected and refracted vibrations, it is only necessary to attend to the double in- tegrals in the equation of limits ; but the integrations must now be performed with respect to other coordinates. Taking the separa- ting surface of the two media for the new plane of xy, the axis of x being in the plane of incidence, let the principal axis x of the crystal make with these new axes the angles a, /3, y, while the principal axes y and 2;, in like manner, make with them the angles a', /3', y', and a", ft", y", respectively. Then, marking with accents the quan- tities relative to the new coordinates, we have 231 Royal Irish Academy, d tj dz d_K dx dy Now if we take the variations of these expressions, and substitute them in the value of ^v derived from equation (2), then multiply by dx^ dy^ dz\ and integrate between the limits z^ = 0 and z’ = co, neglecting to take account of the latter limit, as well as of the in- tegrations with respect to xf and y', of which both the limits are infinite, we shall get, in the equation which holds at the separating surface, a term of the form ffdxUy^ (qiH' - where (4) ;>(5) This term, along with a similar but simpler one arising from the ordinary medium, must be equal to zero; and as the variations S and ^ jj' are independent, this condition is equivalent to two. More- over, the quantities and tj' are to be put equal to the correspond- ing quantities in the other medium, and thus we have two more conditions, which are all that are necessary for the solution of the problem. The four conditions may be stated by saying, that each of the quantities p, q, tj', retains its value in passing out of one medium into another. Hence it is easy to show that the vis viva is preserved, and that likewise retains its value. These two consequences were used as hypotheses by the author in his former paper, and ac- cordingly all the conclusions which he has drawn in that paper will follow from the present theory also. 232 Royal Irish Academy. It will be perceived that this theory employs the general pro- cesses of analytical mechanics, as delivered by Lagrange. The first attempt to treat the subject of reflection and refraction in this man- ner was made by Mr. Green, in a very remarkable paper, printed in the Cambridge Transactions, vol. vii. part 1. After stating the dynamical principle expressed by equation (1), (though with a dif- ferent hypothesis respecting the density of the eether,) Mr. Green observes, that, supposing the function v to be known, ‘'we can im- mediately apply the general method given in the Mecanique Analy- tique, and which appears to be more especially applicable to problems that relate to the motions of systems composed of an immense num- ber of particles mutually acting upon each other.” Such is cer- tainly the great advantage of starting with that general principle ; but the chief difficulty attending it, namely, the determination of the function v, on which the success of the investigation essentially depends, has not been surmounted by Mr. Green, who has conse- quently been led to very erroneous results, even in the simple case of uncrystallized media, to which his researches are exclusively con- fined. In this case Mr. MacCullagh’s theory confirms the well- known formulae of Fresnel, one of which Mr. Green conceives to be inaccurate, and proposes to replace by a result of his own, which, however, will not bear to be tested numerically. The present theor}^ applies with equal facility to all media, whether crystallized or not, and is distinguished throughout by the singular elegance and sim- plicity of its analytical details ; a circumstance which the author regards as a strong indication of its truth. A paper was read by Mr. J. Huband Smith, descriptive of certain porcelain seals, amounting to upwards of a dozen, found in Ireland within the last six or seven years, and in places very distant from each other. He exhibited to the Academy one of these seals, with impressions of several others in sealing-wax. He stated that they were all uniform, consisting of an exact cube, having hy way of handle, some animal (probably an ape) seated upon it ; and that they were so precisely similar in size and general appearance as to be undistin- guishable, except by the characters on the under surface. Little is known respecting these seals beyond the mere fact of their having being found in this country. An extract from the Chinese grammar of Abel-Remusat showed that the inscriptions on these seals are those of a very ancient class of Chinese characters, “ in use since the time of Confucius,” who is supposed to have flourished “ in the middle of the sixth century, before J. C.” The remote period to which these characters are assigned, leaves open a wide field for conjecture as to the time in which these porcelain seals found their way into this country. The situations in which some of them have been found are re- markable. One was discovered in ploughing a field near Burriso- kane, county of Tipperary, in 1832; another was found last year at Killcad, in the county of Down ; another in the bed of the river 233 Royal Irish Academy. Boyne, near Clonard, in the county of Meath, in raising gravel ; and a fourth was discovered many years ago at a short distance from Dublin. From the extreme degree of heat to which they appear to have been subjected, and the consequent vitrification which has in some measure taken place, they are quite as capable of resisting the attacks of time as the glass and porcelain deities and ornaments found in the mummy cases of Egypt, and may have lain for an in- definite period beneath the surface of the earth. It is therefore, at least, possible that they may have arrived hither from the East, along with the weapons, ornaments, and other articles of commerce, which were brought to these islands by the ships of the great mer- chant-princes of antiquity, the Phoenicians, to whom our ports and harbours were well known. Mr. Smith then called the attention of the Academy to the re- markable discovery, by Rosellini, Lord Prudhoe, and other recent travellers, of unquestionable Chinese vases in the tombs of Egypt. He read a passage from Davis’s China, in which some of them were described ; and also an extract from Wilkinson’s Ancient Egyp- tians, from which it appeared that the number of Chinese vases found at Coptos, Thebes, and elsewhere, amounted to seven or eight, and that the inscriptions on them had been translated by Chinese scholars to mean, “ The flower opens, and, lo ! another year,” being a line from an ancient Chinese poem. From this the trade of China with distant countries, at a period of the remotest antiquity, being clearly proved, Mr. Smith sub- mitted to the Academy that a case of strong probability had been made out, that the porcelain seals found their way into Ireland at some very distant period. In fact, if they be not of modern in- troduction into this country — a supposition which the situations in which several of them have been found seems utterly to preclude — their arrival here must of necessity have been most ancient. January 13, 1840. — Sir Wm. R. Hamilton, LL.D., President, in the chair. Professor Mac Cullagh made a communication respecting the optical Laws of Rock-crystal (Quartz). In a paper read to the Academ,y in February 1836, and published in the Transactions, (vol. xvii. p. 461), he had shown how the peculiar properties of that crystal might be explained, by adding, to the usual equations of vibratory motion, certain terms depending on differential coefficients of the third order, and containing only one new constant c. This hypothesis, which was very simple in itself, not only involved as consequences all the laws that were previously known, but led to the discovery of a new one — the law, namely, by which the ellipticity of the vibrations depends on the direction of the ray within the crystal. He was not able, however, to account for his hypothesis, nor has it since been accounted for by any one. But the theory developed in the paper which he read at the last meeting of the Academy, now enables him to assign, with a high degree of probability, the origin of the additional terms above-men- 234 Hoyal Irish Academy, tioned, and, if not to account for them mechanically, at least to advance a step higher in the inquiry. In that theory it was sup- posed, (and the supposition holds good in all known crystals, ex- cept quartz,) that the moleeules of the aether vibrate in right lines, the displacements remaining always parallel to each other as the wave is propagated; and it was shown, that the function v, by which the motion is determined, then depends only on the relative displacements of the molecules. But when this is not the case, — when, as in quartz, each molecule is supposed to vibrate in a cur^^e — then it is natural to conceive that the function v may depend, not only on the relative displacements, but also on the relative areas which each molecule describes about every other more or less ad- vanced in its vibration. This idea, analytically expressed, intro- duces a new term v into the value of the function 2 v ; and, if the plane of the wave be taken for the plane of xy, it is easy to show that Now if we integrate by parts the expression Iff dx dydzlv, so as to get rid of the variations of differential coefficients, the re - duced form of the triple integral will be are to be added to the usual expressions for the force in the direc- tions of X and y respectively. These are the very terms in the addi- tion of which the hypothesis before alluded to consists. The Secretary read a paper by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S., &c., entitled “ an Inquiry into the Period of the first Use of the Zero by those Writers who adopted the Notation of the Boe- tian numerical Contractions*.” The author referred, at the commencement of this communication, to the opinion which he had formerly expressed on the nature of the change from the use of the abacus, to that of local position, and the cipher. This opinion is contained in the following extract : — “ It would be impossible, with the few materials yet brought to light, to conjecture with any great probability, how far these Boetian contractions may have influenced the introduction, or co- operated with the Arabic system, to the formation of our present numerical notation. It appears to me highly probable that the two systems became united ; because the middle age forms of the figure * Papers by Mr. Halliwell on subjects immediately connected with the above, will be found in the last and present vols, of Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. from which it appears that the quantities ^d^Tf] d^l, dz^ dz* Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, 235 five coincide with the Boetian mark for the same numeral, and those of two others are very similar. The idea of local position, again, may have had an independent European origin ; the inconveniences of the abacus on paper would have suggested it by destroying the distinguishing boundaries, and inventing an arbitrary hieroglyphic for the representation of an empty square.” The author then proceeded to adduce evidence from some docu- ments recently discovered in support of these views. He showed from the Mentz MS. in the Arundel collection, in what manner the mode of operation with the abacus had been improved, so as to lead naturally to the present system. He then brought forward some passages from MSS. illustrative of the first employment of the zero ; and concluded by adducing an instance from a MS. of the translation of Euclid by Athelard, of the fourteenth century, belonging to the Arundel collection, in which the number 15 is written in these con- tractions, and without a division. XLIII. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, PRECIPITATION OF IRON BY ZINC. MCAPITAINE states that when a plate of zinc is immersed in • a neutral solution of protochloride of iron, the zinc in a short time, especially if heated to ebullition, obeys the magnet and becomes brittle, and on continuing the immersion there remains only a friable fragment of pure iron. Nevertheless, as it may be suspected that some zinc may remain unacted upon, he has invented a very simple arrangement to avoid this inconvenience. It consists in immersing into the solution of iron a plate of copper perfectly cleaned and sol- dered at one end to a piece of zinc. It is very nearly the same ap- paratus as employed to obtain the lead tree, and it acts unquestion- ably in the same manner. The iron is deposited on the copper in a thin friable layer, having a metallic splendour, but without any ap- pearance of crystallization : this mode of operating has no other in- convenience than its slowness ; but in whatever manner it is con- ducted, there is always a disengagement of hydrogen, which con- tinues as long as the metallic precipitation. — Journal de CMmie Med. January 1840. ACTION OF CHLORINE ON THE CARBURETTED HYDROGEN OF ACETATES. M. Dumas has read a notice to the Academy, of which the follow- ing is an abstract. Acetic acid treated with chlorine yields chloro- acetic acid, and this under the influence of the alkalies is converted into carbonic acid and chloroforme. If there exist, as I have an- nounced, a similarity of type between acetic and chloroacetic acid, the first ought to give with the alkalies a carburetted hydrogen H^, corresponding to chloroforme H^ Cl®. The production of this carburet under the influence of the alkalies is not known; but of the carburet H® produced by the acetates corresponding to chlo- 236 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles^ reform Cl®, it ought to give rise by means of chlorine to the following series : H® Cl® hydrochlorate of methylen Cl^ chloride of hydrochlorate of methylen C^ H® Cl® chloroform e C^ Cl^ chloride of carbon. “ I have made many attempts,” says M. Dumas, “ to ascertain the production of these various bodies and he adds, “ according to the details of the experiments, the gas of the acetates acts under the in- fluence of chlorine as the law of substitutions and the theory of types had previously indicated, for the body C‘^ H® is converted into C'^ Cl^ ; it being well understood that this conclusion relates only to the gas of the acetates, no experiments having been made with pond gas ; and he has but little experimented with the gas from alcohol, which may be merely a mixture. M. Dumas maintains purely and simply his preceding conclusions : acetic acid and chlo- roacetic acid belong to the same type, and the same exists with re- spect to chloroforme and the carburetted hydrogen of the acetates ; for acetic acid produces the carburetted gas, under the circumstances in which chloroacetic acid yields chloroforme ; and the chloroforme, as well as the carburetted gas of the acetates, is converted by the action of chlorine into a chloride of carbon Cl^, which belongs to the same type as they. — Ulnstitut, No. 318. PlYDROCARBURET OF BROMINE. M. Pelouze and M. Millon by subjecting to the action of bromine the carburetted hydrogen obtained from the decomposition of alco- hol by barytes, hydrocarburet of bromine corresponding to the liquor of the Dutch chemists, M. Pelouze stated it as his opinion that this compound, which is perfectly identical with that obtained from olefi- ant gas, could not be explained by the law of substitutions. He adds, that in his opinion, this law, when it is well known, is only a particular case of the theory of chemical equivalents ; and that he has undertaken with M. Millon, some experiments to support his opinion in this respect. — Ulnstitut, No. 318. NATIVE SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. Indiana, one of the United States, contains a great number of grottos ; one of these, near the Ohio, is celebrated for the masses of Epsom salt which are found in it. The mountain in which it is placed is 400 feet high, and is formed of limestone. The summit is covered with cedars and oaks. The entrance to the grotto is half- way up the mountain ; it is from 12 to 15 feet wide, and 3 to 4 in height. The descent is easily made into a spacious chamber, about a quarter of a mile long; its height varies from 4 to 20 feet, and its width from 10 to 20. The roof is sometimes flat and sometimes arched. At the extremity of the grotto it bifurcates ; the bifurca- tion on the right side is short ; that on the left hand leads by some Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles* 23? steps of stones to a stage of ten feet high, and is in a south-east di- rection. Here the roof begins to form a regular arch, the height of which from the floor varies from five to eight feet, the grotto being from six to twelve feet wide, to the part called the crawling place, a name which is given to it in consequence of travellers being obliged to crawl, in order to reach another large neighbouring chamber ; from this to the spot, in which a pillar is found, for a mile and a quarter, there occurs an alternating succession of large and small chambers. Sometimes the way is flat, at other times enormous blocks of rock must be climbed, which have been detached from the roof, and then the pillar occurs in the form of a magnificent white column, which reflecting the sombre light of the torches, has a majestic and dazzling aspect. Visiters rarely proceed further than from 100 to 150 fathoms. The pillar or column is 15 feet in dia- meter and thirty high ; it is regularly fasciculated from the summit to the base. Not far from it are several other pillars of the same form, but of smaller dimensions : it is composed of carbonate of lime. The date of the discovery of this grotto is not known ; it is known only that it was visited in 1807 by some persons who found in it a bed of salts from 6 to 9 feet thick on the bottom of the grotto, where they observed enormous blocks scattered over it, whilst the walls were covered with saline products. The sulphate of magnesia abounds throughout this grotto in different forms, and sometimes in masses of one pound to ten. The soil has a brilliant appearance on account of the numerous portions of this salt disseminated in it. This sul- phate lines the walls at various distances ; if it be removed it is re- produced in four or five weeks in needle-form crystals. The poorest earth which has been washed gave four pounds per bushel, and the richest from 20 to 25 pounds. The salt which next occurs in the greatest quantity is nitrate of lime, and afterwards nitrate of alumina, which yields as much nitrate of potash as the nitrate of lime. Sul- phate of lime also occurs, with traces of sulphate of iron and of car- bonate and nitrate of magnesia. The sulphate of magnesia is not pure, as will be readily conceived. — Journal de Chimie Medical, January 1840. MANUFACTURE OF CHLORATE OF POTASH. M. Pelouze has communicated a new and advantageous mode of preparing chlorate of potash. Hitherto carbonate of potash has always been decomposed by chlorine : M. Pelouze describes the in- conveniences of this process, which he proposes to remedy by sub- stituting soda for potash ; by this chlorate of soda and common salt are obtained, and the chlorate of soda is converted by double de- composition in chlorate of potash by one of the cheap salts of pot- ash which occur in commerce. M. Pelouze also proposes to pass chlorine into milk of lime, by which chloride of lime is obtained, and this is then decomposed by chloride of potassium. — VInstitut, No. 318. 238 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, DIABETIC BLOOD AND URINE. M. Muller observes that the opinion that diabetic blood contains sugar has been many times contradicted, because it has not always been procurable from it. The following are the results of M. Muller’s experiments on dia- betic blood obtained by vensesection, and also of the urine ; — Twelve ounces of the blood gave : Oz. Dr. Grs. Chloride of sodium 0 0 24-5 ■ ■ < of potassium 0 0 13 Sulphate of potash 0 0 9 Carbonate of potash 0 0 17 of lime 0 0 6-75 of magnesia . . 0 0 9 Phosphate of magnesia . . 0 0 10 Carbonate of soda 0 0 11 Phosphate of soda 0 0 0*5 of iron 0 0 22-25 Sugar 0 1 5 Albumen 1 3 27 Hsematosin 1 5 24 Liquid fat 0 0 19 Crystallizable fat 0 0 33 Fibrin 0 0 26 Extractive matter 0 0 22-5 Carbonate of lime 0 0 7-5 Water 8 1 33 12. Fifty ounces of the urine of the same patient contained : Oz. Dr. Grs. Diabetic sugar 2 3 37 Urea 0 0 H Extract of a very disagreeable odour 0 5 40 Mucous matters 0 0 5 Gum 0 2 26 Albumen 0 0 7 Sulphate of potash 0 0 5 Chloride of sodium 0 0 13 .. nf pntasshim , 0 0 3-5 Phosphate of lime 0 0 6 Hydrochlorate of ammonia 0 0 8 Phosphate of soda 0 0 26-25 — of magnesia 0 0 0-75 Silica . . 0 0 1 Oxide of iron trace. Hippuric acid trace. Water 46 3 0 Ibid Meteorological Observations, 239 SIR JOHN F. W. HERSCHEL’s NEW RESEARCHES ON THE SOLAR Spectrum and in photography. The following are some of the points of novelty which occur in a paper by Sir John Herschel, now in course of reading before the Royal Society : — \ . Detection of luminous rays, and a new prismatic colour beyond the extreme violet. 2. Discovery of a chemical spectrum beyond the extreme red rays. 3. Assumption, according to circumstances, of either an oxidizing or a de- oxidizing action by the chemical rays at either end of the spectrum. 4. Formation of photographic impressions of the spectrum, ex- hibiting the prismatic colours in imitation of the colours of those rays by which they are produced ; and a variety of other tints. 5. Photographic effects produced by the simultaneous action of two rays differing in refrangibility, which neither of them, acting alone, are capable of producing at all. 6. Action of the spectrum on vegetable colours. 7. Discovery of a process of secret photographic painting, in which the image may be preserved ad infinitum in an invisible state, ca- pable of being at any moment rendered visible. 8. Account of a process for fixing photographic pictures on glass plates. 9. Analysis of the absorbent action of various media on the chemical rays. 10. Account of a self-registering photometer for meteorological purposes. meteorological observations for JAN.j 1840. Chiswick. — Jan. 1. Overcast : fine. 2. Very fine. .S. Fine ; slight rain. 4. Rain. 5. Cloudy and fine : frosty at night. 6. Frosty. 7. Clear and frosty : severe frost at night. 8. Severe frost. 9. Overcast: fine. 10. Overcast : frosty at night. 11. Sharp frost. 12. Frosty: fine. 13. Clear. 14. Hazy. 15. Drizzly. 16. Fine. 17. Foggy. 18. Frosty and foggy : rain. 19. Boisterous, with heavy rain. 20. Rain : fine: boisterous at night. 21. Very boisterous with rain. 22. Cloudy : clear at night. 23. Rain : windy at night. 24. Boisterous. 25. Overcast : rain : fine. 26. Stormy and wet. 27. Clear and cold. 28. Rain: boisterous. 29. Very fine. 30. Hazy. 31. Very fine. The frost was, for a short time, very intense between the 7th and 8th, being 20° below freezing. Boston. — Jan. 1. Cloudy, 2. Fine. 3,4. Cloudy. 5. Fine. 6. Fine: little snow p.m. 7. Fine. 8, 9, 10. Cloudy. 11, 12, 13. Fine. 14, 15. Cloudy. 16. Fine. 17. Rain. 18. Cloudy. 19,20. Cloudy: stormy with rain p.m. 21. Stormy : thunder and forked lightning with rain a.m. 22. Cloudy. 23. Rain. 24. Stormy ; rain p.m. 25. Fine : snow a.m. 26. Rain : rain early a.m. 27. Fine. 28, 29. Rain. 30. Fine. 31. Cloudy : rain early a.m. Applegarth Manse, Dumfriesshire. — Jan. 1. Fine morning: rain p.m. 2. Very wet A.M. : showery all day. 3. Quiet day with slight showers. 4. Fine day and fair: aurora borealis. 5. Clear day : hard frost. 6. Fine frosty day. 7. Dull and cloudy. 8. The same ; thaw. 9. Frost again. 10. Still frosty but cloudy. 11. Wet and stormy, 12. The same all day. IS. Fair, but threatening rain. 14, 15, 16. Wet and boisterous, 17. Clear and tending to frost. 18. Rain again and v/ind. 19. Heavy rain a.m. ; showery all day. 20. Frequent show- ers. 21. Wind very high. 22, 23, 24. Boisterous weather. 25. The same : slight showers. 26. Moderate but showery. 27. Succession of snow showers. 28. Frost A.M. : snow : thaw p.m. 29. Frost a.m. : fine winter day, 30, Frost early A, M,; change p,m, 31, Slight showers a, m, ; fine day. Meteorological Observations made at the Apartments of the 'Royal Society by the Assistant Secretary ^ Mr. Roberton ; by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chisiuick, near London; by Mr.VEALL at Boston, and by Mr. Dunbar at Applegarth Manse, Dumfriesshire. Dew point. Lond.: Roy. Soc. 9 a.m. ■«tC'5OOI^'C^G0I^•00VOl:^r^00C0C^C^O^O'^'-^u:)C<5l-^l>.(^^lCG0O>-|^OO Cl Cl d d CCCCCC C O c ‘3 •ajiqs -saujumQ o o o — < (••••'6***’***6 d .!(••• o •uo} so a CO d dvor^ -H^oLOd'^t^oo^'!)' .o^u:)'^dc^ .dvo OOi-i OO— . • *ood 9T'9'r'^‘P7^9 '9 A ^ B ''5 3 9 to d C iDum. fries. shire. to O Pq calm sw: calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm w. w. SK. SE. W. calm calm calm w. w. w. w. s. w. w. w. calm N. calm s. •wd 1 qomsiqo London: Roy.Soc. 9 a.m. i ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ 1 w “ w w M > > M* > ^ ^ ^ 1 W ^ ID M t/5 ^ 1 Thermometer, Dumfries- shire. c Hl« w|c» Wlc^ Him H« h|ci h|HfflHi'^oit^'Oi»CO00 O -H t^.-'F-( t^coo cOiCO^d <-* rO>'^>^ LO'^’^COCOCOd COCCCOd d tOCO'<^'^COCO-^'^cO'':r'?J‘u:iCO'^tOCOCOCO-^ 1 9 00 1 ^ Chiswick. c 1 Si OO\Od''^iO>d^0M0it'^d(Oi.^00^'!i ■^CO-^COd-^— idd-H-^COCOd'^''5l«TfrfCO'^l'COCOCOCO-^dCOd r'st' o d CO |l LOd'O'^ooodd c^.nr^d ocootocoo ■ri<'!td Hfco^fdo -^c^roo iOiO-^'^-^cOCOCOCOCOCO-^'':t'^‘^Hr'';fiOiCrOLCU^‘OtOtotO'^iO'^TtiLC ?' »o London : Roy, Soc. Self-register. c § OO(X)ipt^p>9(p0>OCO'iit'^rOTj< p CO i ^ o> 000 d t^coo 9 qp d d "^ipcMOtd i^ipcp-^<9 cpcor>-9 O pqpi^qp C^f^OOOiOcOO^d (O'^l^.^ -^o coo rliO Chd .^00 f^d CO 6 t^d •^'^'^I'COCOCOd d cocOd COCO'Tt''^'^'5tcOTt-rfLO'^'^LO-^cocO’^'';tCO'^ Barometer. 1 Dumfries-shire. i Ci. CX3 1 CO -1 to (Oi C'OO 00 CO I-I uo ir^ I>-Q0 p•^co 6^^^o^6^6^6 o>6 6 6 6 6^o^c^^6^c^0l0^db a^c^la^^^ooc»oo 6^cb dddddcodcocococoddddddddddciddddddddd ■?" 6^ d g ^ c3 O) OCOCOO'^9 d T^'^p '7' 9 *^9^9 l6^o^^^6^6'C^o 6^o o o 6>6>6^6^<^^<^ 6>oo o^I^'^c^9^ 'Pt' 6^6^c^^6^6^6^<^o^(^o o o^6^<^o^o^o^c^do 6^Q0 o^c^oooooooo o. o^o^c^ dddddddddcocodddddddddddddddcidddd CO CO o> d s c^l>•'c}oo^ O^cOdOOOCOOOO-H.-OOO'Cft^'O^dcOddcpd-H^ ^ lo i>.cvoi(Oio d d o^fd 9 9^3p i^‘P<>*'Pt^‘P'99 9 P’9 P o^c^6^o^a^o o o o o o o o 6^c^6^6^o^6^a^6^a^6^a^6^c» 6^ch6^c^o^ dddddcocococo*'ccococodddddddddddddddddd d CO Oi d i i i 3 X O^COOC COCOOMO.OO t-d doo -I t^OO O t^dOQO co^ i-hoooo cocoo^r^tocr>coiOi0^i— 1 d co'^ooo o d co co oo S^^ovoid COd cocococp.T' 9 -y i>-Qp 9^9 PP 6^a^^^a^a^6 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6^c^c^6^o^c^^cn6^qs0^a^o^CT^a^o^a^ dddddcocococococococococodddddddddddddddd CO o> d London : Roy. Soc. 9a.m. '^00OOOOdO-r}'OOO'0'';d-< COOGO COCOO'T^T^P'p'P CO o 00 d Days of Month. 1840. Jan. - cJ Hoo ao 2 ^ i:22 2§ S cJ • o ^ 3 eS (U — i 1 THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. ^ [THIRD SERIES.] APRIL 1840. XLIV. Letter from M. Kreil, Director of the Observatory at Mila?i, to M. Kupffer, Director General of the Phy- sical Observatories in Russia^ contaming a succmct Accou?it of the principal Results of VI. Kreil’s Magnetic Observa^ lions at MilanJ^ Communicated by Major Sabine, R,A. ''T^HE observations arrange themselves under three heads: i. e. absolute observations, observations of the periodical changes, and of the perturbations of the magnetic forces. The absolute observations have shown that a correction must be applied to the declinations previously published, which had been determined within the confines of the Palace of Brera, where the Astronomical Observatory is placed, and where masses of'iron appear to have exercised a disturbing influence. A series of observations made last spring in an open meadow 640 metres from the observatory, showed that the previous determinations were 23' 16" in excess. A se- cond series made in the botanical garden adjoining the ob- servatory, on a spot which is 47 metres from the palace, but which was not available before, gave an error of 21' 51". I have taken the mean of these determinations, i. e. 22' 33"*5, as the quantity by which all the declinations hitherto published are to be diminished. The apparatus employed in these observations was made in Gottingen by M. Meyerstein, and is furnished with two needles, similar in form and weight, but of unequal magnetism. Under circumstances precisely similar, one of them (No. 4.) makes a vibration in 25"*2; the other (No. XVII.) in 29"*6. * From the Bulletin Scientijlque puhlie par V Acad. Bnp), des Sciences de St, Petersbourg^ vol. v. No. 21. Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 103. April 1840. R 242 M. Kreil’s Magnetic Obsermtions. If these two needles are employed for determining the de- clination precisely in the same manner as described in p. 146 of the 1° Supjplemento alle Ephemeridi di Milano^ a constant difference of nearly 8 minutes is found between their results, the weaker needle (No. XVII.) giving the greatest declina- tion. With needles of still weaker magnetism, some of which have been made here, this difference amounts even to half a degree, not only when the observations are made within the influence of the iron of Brera, but also in the open meadow. All the observations of declination hitherto published have been made with the stronger needle (No. 4.). I have not been able to discover any reason for this phaenomenon, unless it is caused by temporary magnetism. However it showed itself in the first year too plainly to be doubted ; and I should have mentioned it before, if I had not been desirous of obtaining the greatest certainty which repeated observations could give, and of waiting to see whether the same circumstance might not have been remarked by other observers. In respect to the horizontal intensity I have not as yet been able to per- ceive any difference between the determinations made with these two needles. The observations for the periodical changes were made six times a day ; they included in the first year observations of de- clination and of the time of vibration of the horizontal needle ; in the second year the inclination was observed in addition to the above phsenomena ; and in the third year the time of oscillation of the dipping-needle was also included. The result has shown that no clear view of these complicated phae- nomena can be obtained unless they are all observed. The results derived from our observations are the following: 1. In Milan, and at the present epoch, the horizontal por- tion of the magnetic force reaches its least daily intensity between 8 and 10. 30 a.m., it then immediately begins to in- crease rapidly and attains its greatest intensity between 4. 30 and 7. 30 p.m., after which it decreases. An irregularity shows itself in the increase of the force, which is still rapid between 1 and 2 o’clock, becomes almost imperceptible be- tween 2 and 4, is again more rapid between 4 and 6, and is then changed into a decrease; we shall see presently the ex- planation of this. 2. These epochs of the maximum and minimum of the horizontal intensity, which as they are obtained from all the observations may be termed mean epochs, are not constant. In the summer months the minimum is earlier and the maxi- mum is later than in the winter. 3. The difference between the maximum and minimum is M. KreiPs Magnetic Observations. 243 greatest near the time of the summer solstice and least in December. 4. The intensity of the horizontal force increases from Ja- nuary to June, and decreases from July to December. 5. The declination begins to increase at 8 in the morning, and increases rapidly until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, when it attains its highest amount; it then decreases more slowly until it reaches its lowest value : in the winter months the declina- tion is usually less at 11 in the evening than at 8 in the morn- ing, but only occasionally so at other seasons of the year. 6. The mean value of the difference between the greatest and the least declination is 12' 2". The difference is greatest in the month which follows the vernal equinox, and least in December. 7. This diversity is the consequence of the annual change in the declination, which at different hours in the day follows an opposite course ; in the forenoon, it decreases in spring and increases in autumn ; in the afternoon, it increases in spring and decreases in autumn ; hence it follows that there must be some hour in the day which is free from the annual change in the declination and which is therefore most suitable for insulated experiments. At Milan and at the present epoch, this hour is between 10 and 1 1 a.m. 8. The total force attains its least intensity at 8 in the morning or earlier, and its greatest intensity between 1 and 4 p.m. We are still in want of a sufficiently extended series of observations to furnish with equal certainty other facts re- lating to this element. 9. The inclination increases in the morning till towards 10 o’clock, when it decreases, but not uninterruptedly, for it increases again in the afternoon, and at 4 attains a second maximum, after which it decreases without interruption till near midnight This alteration in the inclination retards the time of the maximum and minimum of the horizontal force by two or three hours ; and its second maximum explains the anomaly mentioned in No. 1. 10. The amount of the alteration of the inclination seems to be also dependent on the season of the year. A greater alteration (above a minute) was observed in summer, and a less (about half a minute) in winter. 11. The times of the absolute maximum and minimum are very variable, but even in this variability a law is plainly ma- nifest. In January and February the maximum was observed at 4. 30' p.m., in March and April at 10. 30' a.m., from May to August at 8 a.m., in September and October at 10. 30' a.m., in November at 1 p.m., and in December at 4. 30' p.m. R 2 M. KreiPs Magnetic Observations, The minimum of inclination was at 8 a.m. in the winter months (i.e. November to March) and at 11 p.m. in the re- maining months, with the exception of June and July, when it took place as early as 7. 30' p.m. These results are deduced from the general or monthly means of the different hours of observation. Another com- bination of the observations in daily means, i. e. the averages of all the observations taken on the same day, ought to show those alterations which have a period longer than a day and less than a year: a monthly period is thus shown; but as yet it is only in the horizontal elements that it can be recognised with certainty. The observations with the inclinatorium have not been brought into the calculation, because they were frequently interrupted, and because at first the axis of oscilla- tion of the needle was too far removed from its centre of gravity. 12. If the daily means of the times of vibration of the horizontal needle reduced to the temperature of 0, are com- bined together in such series that the middle of each shall coincide with a phase of the moon, and if the means of these series are freed from the influence of the loss of magnetism of the needle by being reduced to the same epoch, we then see that the total means of all the times of vibration observed near the new moon, and during the first quarter, are less than those near the full moon and in the last quarter. If we compare the different months with each other, we see that the phsenomenon, as it is here enounced, is only found in the eight months from November to June, and that in the four remaining months, i. e. July to October, the contrary takes place ; for in the latter interval the longest times of vibration coincide with the new moon and the first quarter, and the shortest times of vibration with the two other phases. 13. This phenomenon might be thought to be an effect of the rotation of the sun round its own axis, which, supposing the sun to be magnetic, would cause sometimes one and some- times the other of the poles of its magnetic axis to be turned towards the earth ; and this hypothesis would also explain the alternations of the phaenomena according to the different seasons of the year, as the earth is opposite to one or the other of the solar hemispheres according as she is in the summer or in the winter half of her orbit : but this will not hold good. The epoch of the least value of the intensity is open to the objection that the time of rotation of the sun is two days shorter than the time of the synodic moon, and this difference of time combined with the different positions of the earth relatively to the sun, would cause the phaenomenon to 245 M. Kreil’s Magnetic Ohsermtions. be nearly the same in the summer and in the winter months. We must therefore give up the idea of the effect being pro- duced by the sun, and must seek its cause rather in the posi- tion of the moon’s path, by which in winter the moon when new is but little raised above the horizon, whereas in summer when she is in this phase she approaches the zenith. If she has a sensible influence on the horizontal needle, it must be greatest when she is near the horizon, and thus the alterna- tion of the phenomena at different parts of the year would be explained. If this be the true reason, it must show itself also when the observations are combined by another method, that is to say, when they are arranged according to the moon’s declination. The daily means were therefore formed into series, one of which always comprehended all the obser- vations of the same or of two successive months during which the moon’s declination was south, and the other, all those during which the moon w'as north of the equator. These series, when freed from the gradual increase of the time of vibration caused by the diminishing magnetism of the needle, and collected into two general means, showed that the time of vibration (which is nearly 22' 5" mean time) is less by 0"'00168 when the moon has south declination than when she is north of the equator, which confirms the above-men- tioned hypothesis. 14. As the influence of the moon differs so sensibly ac- cording to the difference of her position in the heavens, it seemed worth while to examine whether her greater or less distance from the earth might be indicated by our magnetic needles. The daily means were collected for this purpose into series, in such manner that the middle of one series should coincide with the moon’s apogee, and the middle of the next with her perigee, then proceeding as before. The general means showed that the times of vibration at the time of the perigee were 0"*00198 less than at the time of the apogee, agreeing also with what has been said above. 15. If the intensity of the magnetic force is so sensibly subject to the influence of the moon, it is highly probable that the direction of our needles may also be altered by it, and it must be possible, by a suitable mode of combination of the observations, to recognise such an alteration. It is plain that the daily means are inapplicable for this purpose. The observations of each hour must be considered apart, and di- vided into series according to whether at the time of obser- vation the moon was east or west of the magnetic meridian. It is true that in single months, the effect of this influence is obliterated by the annual alteration in the declination, which 246 M. KreiPs Magnetic Observations, as we have seen in (7.) is different at different hours of the day. But in a longer series of observations, on account of the periodicity of the last named alteration, the effect of a constant though much weaker cause acting according to quite a different law must be traceable, as the result has shown. The following are the differences at the different hours of the day between the declinations found with moon east and moon west. Hours. C East.— a West. 20 0 22 30 1 0 4 30 7 30 11 0 + 10"- 8 + 27 -5 + 9-1 + 25 -9 + 8-3 + 8-0 Mean + 14 -9 It is true that these numbers are not yet corrected for the secular decrease of the declination, but it does not appear to have been great enough to affect the result essentially. In the year 1836 the observations were not made exactly at the same hours, and cannot therefore be employed for determi- ning the secular alteration, but from 1837 to 1838 it was 59"*8, which would give a correction of 2"*5. This if doubled would not alter any of the signs in the above table. We conclude hence, that in this country the declination is always greater when the moon is east of the magnetic meridian, and less when it is west. 16. All the results which we have derived from our obser- vations in reference to the effects produced by the moon agree in presenting her as a body exercising magnetic influence, and in which the prevailing magnetism on the hemisphere turned towards the earth attracts that pole of our needles which is turned towards the south, and increases the magnetic intensity of our hemisphere. The observations of perturbations have manifested the following facts : 17. Great disturbances frequently occur on the same day, or nearly on the same day, in different years. Thus the greatest disturbances which took place in the year 1836 were on the 22nd and 23rd of April, and on the 18th of October, and both these were repeated on the same days in 1837. In 1838 several of the disturbances took place a few days later M. KreiPs Magnetic Observations* 247 than they had done in 1837, as is shown by the following comparison : Jan. Feb. Mar. April. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. 1837. 25 13 18 22 6 22 27 2 2 28 25 14 16 18 14 19 1838. 28 16 21 17 11 29 30 4 12 34 23 14 15 16 17 20 28 These coincidences would show a new fact, namely, the periodical nature of these phaenomena, if equally considerable disturbances had not occurred, (ex. gr. those of the 12th, 14th, and 15th November 1837, and of the 17th January 1838,) without any corresponding disturbances being traceable in other years. The subject requires to be further elucidated by continued observation. Another point to which the attention of the observer should also be directed is, the symmetrical arrangement of these dis- turbances in the same year, many of them being nearly six months apart, for example : In the year 1836 and 1837 the disturbances on the 22nd April and 18th Oct. 1838 -- — 17th Jan. and 12th July, do. — — 21st Feb. and 23rd August, do. — — 29th April and 31st October, do. ~ — 4th June and 5th December. 18. All hours of the day do not appear to be equally fa- vourable to the development of this phaenomenon, at least its first indications occur much more frequently in the evening than in the morning hours. If we take from the 105 dis- turbances marked in our day-book, those which were ob- viously continuations of perturbations which had begun on preceding days, as well as those which were first remarked during the intervals between the regular hours of observa- tion, then the first indications of 19 were at 20^ 0' 1 at 22 30 9 — - at 1 0 21 — at 4 30 16 — at 7 30 11 at 11 0 Here it is to be remarked, that the observation hour, 11, precedes the longest interval namely, the night, and that the greater number of the more considerable disturbances ex* tend over several hours or even days; therefore perturbations which may have begun in the early hours of the night ought 24*8 M. Kreil’s Magnetic Ohsermtions* to be taken from those which are ascribed to the first hour in the morning when the apparatus was observed. It follows that much fewer disturbances begin at that hour than in the evening. It is remarkable that a disturbance hardly ever begins in the latter hours of the forenoon. 19. The perturbations appear to commence for the most part suddenly, as by shocks. At least it was so in those cases in which the phsenomenon began under our eyes, that is to say, at the time of an observation. It was so on the 18th of February 1837j on which day an aurora showed itself with a magnificence unusual in this country. Two series of transits of a division of the scale across the wire had been observed as usual. In the first series at 38"^ these passages agreed to a tenth of a second of time; — a proof that the needle was still performing its minute vibrations with perfect regularity ; nor in the preceding observations of the same day was any trace of disturbance to be discovered. In the second series, which was made 12 minutes later, there w^ere differences of 2 seconds of time, and the needle was visibly drawn back- wards and forwards by the disturbing forces. I may be per- mitted to mention one more among many similar cases. It is that of the very great disturbance of the 14th of November 1837, at which time we were making magnetic observations for three days uninterruptedly from 5 to 5 minutes, and when necessary at still shorter intervals, for the purpose of exami- ning whether the periodical phsenomenon of the falling stars was or was not connected with magnetism. Between 10 and 1 1 in the evening the needle appeared pretty tranquil, al- though earlier in the day it had been much disturbed. The observer, Sig. Della Vedova, was engaged in observing the passage of a division of the scale across the wires, and had chosen for that purpose a division nearly in the middle of the arc of vibration, which was then about 7^ when all at once, at ID 7', he saw that this division did not come to the wire, although it had taken its direction towards it ; but before reaching it, the needle had turned the opposite way, and im- mediately after the scale disappeared from the field of view, which was left quite dark. The observer, thinking that the lamp which illuminates the scale had gone out, was about to rise in order to light it again, when he saw the scale suddenly reappear, move rapidly across the field, and disappear on the opposite side. The rapidity of the movement indicated a much larger arc of vibration. The arc had in fact increased 40 minutes without any apparent cause. As the observations could not be exact whilst the vibrations were so great, Sig. D. Vedova was about to employ a magnetic bar which is always 249 M. Kreil’s Magnetic Observations, at hand to be used in quieting the needle ; but he was antici- pated, for the arc of vibration suddenly diminished to less than a minute, so that the needle appeared quite stationary; at the same time the declination increased so rapidly, that its alteration in the course of a minute of time amounted to 6' of arc, a quantity which at this season of the year is hardly traversed by the needle in the course of an entire day. The influence of the disturbing forces usually affects all the elements at the same time, but it also happens not unfre- quently, particularly in minor disturbances, that their effect only reaches the most sensitive of the three elements, i. e. the declination ; and some cases, though rare ones, have oc- curred in which the time of vibration of the horizontal needle underwent considerable alteration without the declination be- ing affected at the same time; an example of this occurred on the 15th of November 1837 between 6 and 10 a.m. 20. The greatest change of declination during a perturba- tion yet observed in Milan was on the 14th of November 1837. It amounted to 1° 11', which is nearly ten times the mean daily alteration in this month : by reason of its great variability this element returns to its usual value sooner than the other elements. More examination is still required to manifest, whether the general tendency of the perturbations is to increase or diminish the average amount of declination, and whether their occurrence is connected with the hour of the day. 21. The time of vibration of the horizontal needle is always increased by a disturbance, i. e. the force is lessened ; but even in this respect there are such fluctuations, especially soon after the beginning of a disturbance, that sometimes very small times of vibration occur, though this is only of very short continuance. The greatest change of this kind was observed on the 17th of January 1838, when it amounted to nearly 0"*3, the time of one vibration being 22"*3. In the greater disturbances it is sometimes the second or third day before the time of vibration returns to its previous value. 22. During a disturbance the inclination always seems to be greater, but it is subject to as great fluctuations as the other elements. The greatest alteration which we observed was on the 21st of February 1838, when it amounted to 8' 45"; whereas the mean diurnal alteration in this month is only 1' 6"'6. The dipping-needle usually returns to its or- dinary direction on the following day, but sometimes not for a few days. 23. The disturbances likewise increase the times of vibra- tion of the dipping-needle, showing that their influence ex- 250 M. Kreil’s Magnetic Ohsermtions. tends also to the total force. The needle in our inclina- torium completes one vibration in nearly 14? seconds : during the disturbance of the 17th of January 1838, it underwent an alteration of 0^'*074^. In February of the same year the mean of the observed times of vibration for the month was 13"*874, but for the 21st day of the month it was 13*932. I need not remark how important it would be to examine such kindred phaenomena as those of the atmosphere and auroras, with the same exactness which is now applied to magnetic investi- gation. I must mention one other phsenomenon which claimed our attention in a very high degree, and which perhaps may deserve that of other observers. I mean the vertical oscilla- tions which show themselves so often in the dipping-needle, and which also appear to be connected with determinate laws. At least they are much more frequent in November and De- cember than at other seasons, and they occur most commonly in wet weather. For this reason I do not think that they can be ascribed to a tremulous motion of the building, from which the part of it which contains the apparatus is quite free. Neither can they be attributed to the effect of currents of air, because they occur less frequently at the time of the equi- noctial gales and other storms than at the above-named times. Perhaps they arise from very weak shocks of earth- quake, which may be revealed to us by this highly sensitive apparatus, and which probably occur much more frequently than the more considerable shocks which are recognised by our senses, and by other effects. At least the greatest vertical oscillations of the needle have almost always coincided with considerable earthquakes, often having their seat in remote countries. One striking instance of this kind, after we had experienced other similar ones, occurred on the 23rd of Ja- nuary 1838. Between 7^ 33’“ and 7’’ 4?7^“ p.m., Milan mean time, the needle began to oscillate so strongly that its arc of vibration appeared, by the vertical scale attached, to amount to 27 millimeters, or nearly 10 minutes of arc; there were no other indications of an earthquake of any kind. Twenty days afterwards the newspapers contained accounts of considerable damage caused by an earthquake on the same evening at Bucharest, Jassy, Odessa, and other places. According to these accounts the shock was felt at Jassy at 7’^ 4?2% and at Odessa at 7^ Milan mean time, agreeing with the beginning of the phaenomenon observed by us. Milan, Jan. 9, 1839. [ 251 ] XLV. Observations on the supposed 'Formation of inor- ganic Elements during Fermentation. By Mr. J, Denham IN the October Number of last year’s Phil. Mag., [present series, vol. xv. p. 329] there appeared an abstract of va- rious papers read at the meetings of the Royal Society, one of which, entitled Additional Experiments on the Formation of Alkaline and Earthy Bodies by chemical action when car- bonic acid is present, by Robert Rigg, Esq., F.R.S.”, attracted my particular notice, from the novel and most extraordinary nature of the results announced in it. Although the Royal Society has always carefully disclaimed any participation in, or support of, the theories and observa- tions brought before or published by it, yet the circumstance of a paper being read to the first learned society of these kingdoms, and the author of that paper a Fellow of the So- ciety, gives weight and sanction to the observations adduced. This circumstance was one of the chief reasons which led me to make the following experiments on the subject of this novel formation of inorganic elements by catalytic action. I much regret that in the abstract of the paper which ap- peared in this Magazine, no details of any of the experi- ments are given ; the substances used, the apparatus, and the results obtained, only being mentioned. It appears that ‘‘ the author gives a detailed account of several experiments in which sugar, water, and yeast only were employed, and from which he deduces the conclusion that alkaline and earthy matters are formed by chemical action. In one set of experi- ments, some of which were made in silver, others in china, and others in glass apparatus, after the vinous fermentation had gone on during five days, the quantity of ashes obtained was, m the silver apparatus eighteen^ in the china nineteen^ and in the glass fifteen times greater than the previous quantity\. A further examination of these ashes showed that they con- sisted of potash, soda, lime, and a residue not acted upon by muriatic acid.” Thus having no data of the respective quantities of sugar, water, and yeast Mr. Rigg used, I may not have employed these substances in the proportions with which he experi- mented ; if this should be the case, I presume, however, that this circumstance will not in any way tend to vitiate the re- sults I have obtained ; the question being whether inorganic matter is produced during vinous fermentation. * Communicated by the Author. t These sentences are not printed in italics in the original. 252 Mr. J. D. Smith’s Observations on the supposed To satisfy myself respecting the correctness of Mr. Rigg’s statement that the quajitity of inorganic matter in a liquid is hicr eased from ffteen to nineteen times nxshen carbonic acid is present^ I dissolved 1500 grs. of the best refined sugar in pint of distilled water, and added 200 grains of risen beer yeast, then thoroughly mixed them by agitation. This solu- tion was passed through fine cambric to separate any inso- luble impurities which the solution contained, and divided into three exactly equal portions. Of these, two portions were respectively placed in German glass jars, and imme- diately covered with unglazed paper covers ; the paper was of a close texture, and was carefully gummed down round the exterior of the jars, to prevent any inorganic matter, as dust, &c. getting into the solutions. These jars were placed in a warm situation in the laboratory, the temperature varying from 60° to 70° Fahrenheit, and the fermentation allowed to proceed. The third portion was then put into a flask and boil- ed, occasionally adding pure nitric acid ; this acid left no stain when a portion was evaporated to dryness in a porcelain cap- sule ; the flask was kept in an oblique position, to prevent any of the liquid being ejected by the action of the nitric acid. During the ebullition of the liquid, nitrous acid fumes were slowly formed and the solution assumed a primrose yellow colour; numerous spherules of liquid were formed, apparently on the surface of the boiling fluid, and coursed about hither and thither with great velocity, the larger spherules seemingly at- tracting the smaller ; and when by this union the globule had attained about the size of a coriander seed, it disappeared, being again united to the bulk of the boiling solution. I ima- gine that this singular and interesting phaenomenon is owing to small portions of the liquid being ejected from its bulk, b}^ the rapid action of the nitric acid on the organic matter in the liquid ; and that these particles on again approaching the surface of the fluid, there meet with a stratum of nitric oxide gas or a mixture of this gas and steam, which prevents their contact with the subjacent liquid, and upon which stratum of vapour they float, until by the increase of size, and conse- quently of weight, the buoyant power of this stratum of gas or vapour is insufficient to prevent their coming into contact with the mass of the liquid, and that they then reunite with it, disappearing instantaneously. Oxalic acid was formed, and then decomposed by the con- tinued action of the nitric acid ; and the residue of the liquid, after evaporation to dryness in a platinum crucible, weighing 630°4 grains, was ignited to redness in a gas furnace, with the occasional addition of a few drops of nitric acid ; an ash Formation of inorganic Elements during Fermentation, 253 of a light buff colour remained, weighing, with the crucible, 631*97 «TS. — 630*4? = 1*57 gr. of inorganic matter contained in 500 grs. of sugar and 66*6 grs. of yeast before fermenta- tion. On examination, this ash was found to consist of an alkaline carbonate, traces of a chloride and of a sulphate, phos- phates of lime and magnesia in large proportions, and minute traces of silica and oxide of iron. At the expiration of six days, one of the portions which had undergone the vinous fermentation, and which presented the agreeable odour accompanying this stage of fermentation, was evaporated in a mode, and with precautions, exactly similar to the above, and the same phsenoraena were ob- served during the operation. The residual liquid evaporated to dryness in the platinum crucible weighing 630*38 grs,, and ignited over a gas lamp to full redness as in the first experiment, afforded an ash similar in appearance to the former, which with the crucible weighed 631*97 grs. —630*38 = 1*59 grs. of inorganic matter yielded by 500 grs. of sugar and 66*6 grs. of yeast, after undergoing the vinous fermentation. This ash was similarly constituted with that obtained in the first in- stance. From these experiments we find that whilst 500 grs. of sugar and 66*6 grs. of yeast afford previous to fermenta- tion 1*57 grain of inorganic matter ; when fermented they give 1*59 gr., an increase of Jq gr., or of about li per cent.; an increase so trifling that I do not hesitate to refer it to an error of experiment, and not to the formation of inorganic elements during vinous fermentation, which Mr. Rigg asserts is the case. I therefore conclude, contrary to the views enter- tained by Mr. Rigg on this subject, that there is no formation of inorganic matter during the progress of vinous fermenta-' tion. I am at a loss to offer any feasible explanation of the enor- mous increase of inorganic matter observed by Mr. Rigg ; the only mode by which this could have taken place, which at present occurs to me, and that an unlikely one, is that suf- ficient precautions were not taken to prevent the introduction of foreign matters by securely covering the solutions of sugar and yeast whilst fermenting ; and that a quantity of dust, the constant plague of a laboratory, became mixed with his solu- tions, and thus led Mr. Rigg to suppose that the alkalies and earths were absolutely formed during fermentation. I may remark that the paper covers with which my fermenting so- lutions were protected from the dust, were so thickly covered with it, that had the precaution of covering the solutions not been taken, I must have obtained a very considerable increase 254 Prof, J. Henry’s Contributions in the weight of the ash after fermentation, although I do not imagine it would have been to the extent of fifteen to nine- teen times the weight of the ash previous to it. Duke Street, Liverpool, March 1840. XL VI. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism, No. IIL on Electro-magnetic Induction. Joseph Henry, LL.D.^i Prof, of Natural Philosophy in the College of New Jersey^ Princeton. [Continued from p. 210.] Section 0?^ the Induction of Secondary Currents at a distance. 45. TN the experimeirts given in the two preceding sections, the conductor which received the induction, was se- parated from that which transmitted the primary current by the thickness only of a pane of glass ; but the action from this arrangement was so energetic, that I was naturally led to try the effect at a greater distance. 46. For this purpose coil No. 1 was formed into a ring of Fig. 4. a represents helix No. 4, b coil No. 1, in the form of a ring.-, about two feet in diameter, and helix No. 4 placed as is shown in the figure. When the helix was at the distance of about sixteen inches from the middle of the plane of the ring, shocks could be perceived through the tongue, and these rapidly in- creased in intensity as the helix was lowered, and when it reached the plane of the ring they were quite severe. The effect, however, was still greater when the helix was moved from the centre to the inner circumference, as at but when it was placed without the ring, in contact with the outer cir- 255 to Electricity and Magnetism, cumference, at the shocks were very slight; and when placed within, but its axis at right angles to that of the ring, not the least effect could be observed. 47. With a little reflection, it will be evident that this ar- rangement is not the most favourable for exhibiting the in- duction at a distance, since the side of the ring, for example, at c, tends to produce a current revolving in one direction in the near side of the helix, and another in an opposite di- rection in the further side. The resulting effect is therefore only the difference of the two, and in the position as shown in the figure ; this difference must be very small, since the opposite sides of the helix are approximately at the same di- stance from c. But the difference of action on the two sides constantly increases as the helix is brought near the side of the ring, and becomes a maximum when the two are in the position of internal contact. A helix of larger diameter would therefore produce a greater effect. 48. Coil No. 1 remaining as before, helix No. 1, which is nine inches in diameter, was substituted for the small helix of the last experiment, and with this the effect at a distance was much increased. When coil No. 2 was added to coil No. 1, and the currents from two small batteries sent through these, shocks were distinctly perceptible through the tongue, when the distance of the planes of the coils and the three helices, united as one, was increased to thirty-six inches. 49. The action at a distance was still further increased by coiling the long wire of the large spool into the form of a ring of four feet in diameter, and placing parallel to this an- other ring, formed of the four ribands of coils No. 1, 2, 8 and 4. When a current from a single battery of thirty-five feet of zinc surface was passed through the riband conductor, shocks through the tongue were felt when the rings were se- parated to the distance of four feet. As the conductors w'ere approximated, the shocks became more and more severe ; and when at the distance of twelve inches, they could not be taken through the body. 50. It may be stated in this connexion, that the galvanic induction of magnetism in soft iron, in reference to distance, is also surprisingly great. A cylinder of soft iron, two inches in diameter and one foot long, placed in the centre of the ring of copper riband, with the battery above mentioned, be- comes strongly magnetic. 51. I may perhaps be excused for mentioning in this com- munication that the induction at a distance affords the means of exhibiting some of the most astonishing experiments, in the line of j)liysique amusante^ to be found perhaps in the whole 256 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions course of science. I will mention one which is somewhat connected with the experiments to be described in the next section, and which exhibits the action in a striking manner. This consists in causing the induction to take place through the partition wall of two rooms. For this purpose coil No. 1 is suspended against the wall in one room, while a person in the adjoining one receives the shock, by grasping the handles of the helix, and approaching it to the spot opposite to which the coil is suspended. The effect is as if by magic, without a visible cause. It is best produced through a door, or thin wooden partition. 52. The action at a distance affords a simple method of graduating the intensity of the shock in the case of its appli- cation to medical purposes. The helix may be suspended by a string passing over a pulley, and then gradually lowered down towards the plane of the coil, until the shocks are of the required intensity. At the request of a medical friend, I have lately administered the induced current precisely in this way, in a case of paralysis of a part of the nerves of the face. 53. I may also mention that the energetic action of the spiral conductors enables us to imitate, in a very striking manner, the inductive operation of the magneto-electrical machine, by means of an uninterrupted galvanic current. For this purpose it is only necessary to arrange two coils to represent the two poles of a horseshoe magnet, and to cause two helices to revolve past them in a parallel plane. While* a constant current is passing through each coil, in opposite directions, the effect of the rotation of the helices is precisely the same as that of the revolving armature in the machine. 54. - A remarkable fact should here be noted in reference to helix No. 4, which is connected with a subsequent part of the investigation. This helix is formed of copper wire, the spires of which are insulated by a coating of cement instead of thread, as in the case of the others. After being used in the above experiments, a small discharge from a Leyden jar was passed through it, and on applying it again to the coil, I was much surprised to find that scarcely any signs of a secondary current could be obtained. 55. The discharge had destroyed the insulation in some part, but this was not sufficient to prevent the magnetizing of a bar of iron introduced into the opening at the centre. The effect appeared to be confined to the inductive action. The same accident had before happened to another coil of nearly the same kind. It was therrfore noted as one of some im- portance, An explanation was afterwards found in a peculiar action of the secondary current. to 'Electricity and Magnetism, 257 Section IV. — On the Effects produced by interposing different Substance 's between the Conductors, 56. Sir H. Davy found, in magnetizing needles by an elec- trical discharge, that the effect took place through interposed plates of all substances, conductors and nonconductors *. The experiment which I have given in paragraph 5 1 would appear to indicate that the inductive action which produces the secondary current might also follow the same law. 57. To test this the compound helix was placed about five inches above coil No. 1, fig. 5, and a plate of sheet iron, about Fig. 5. y'yth of an inch thick, interposed. With this arrangemeut no shocks could be obtained ; although, when the plate was withdrawn, they were very intense. 58. It was at first thought that this effect might be pe- culiar to the iron, on account of its temporary magnetism; but this idea was shown to be erroneous by substituting a plate of zinc of about the same size and thickness. With this the screening influence was exhibited as before. 59. After this a variety of substances was interposed in succession, namely, copper, lead, mercury, acid, water, wood, glass, &c. : and it was found that all the perfect conductors, such as the metals, produced the screening influence ; but nonconductors, as glass, wood, &c. appeared to have no effect whatever, 60. When the helix was separated from the coil by a di- stance only equal to the thickness of the plate, a slight sen- sation could be perceived even when the zinc of y^^th of an inch in thickness was interposed. This effect was increased by increasing the quantity of the battery current. If the thickness of the plate was diminished, the induction through * Philosophical Transactions, 1821. [or Phil. Mag., First Series, vol. Iviiii.] Fhil, Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 103. April 1840. S 258 Prof. J, Henry’s Contributions it became more intense. Thus a sheet of tinfoil interposed produced no perceptible influence ; also four sheets of the same were attended with the same result. A certain thick- ness of metal is therefore required to produce the screening effect, and this thickness depends on the quantity of the cur- rent from the battery. 61. The idea occurred to me that the screening might, in some way, be connected with an instantaneous current in the plate, similar to that in the induction by magnetic rotation, discovered by M. Arago. The ingenious variation of this principle by Messrs. Babbage and Herschel, furnished me with a simple method of determining this point. 62. A circular plate of lead was interposed, which caused the induction in the helix almost entirely to disappear. A slip of the metal was then cut out in the direction of a radius of the circle, as is shown in fig. 6. With the plate in this condition, no screening was produced ; the shocks were as intense as if the metal were ’ not present. 63. This experiment however is not en- tirely satisfactory, since the action might have ^ taken place through the opening of the ^ ^ ,,,3 lead ; to obviate this oojection, another plate pi^te, of which the was cut in the same manner, and the two in- sector b is cut out. terposed with a glass plate between them, and so arranged that the opening in the one might be covered by the continuous part of the other. Still shocks were ob- tained with undiminished intensity. 64. But the existence of a current in the interposed con- ductor was rendered certain by attaching the magnetizing spiral by means of two wires to the edge of the opening in the circular plate, as is shown in fig. 7. By this arrangement the latent current was drawn out, and its direction obtained Fig. 7. by the polarity of a needle placed in the spiral at 5. 65. This current was a se- condary one, and its direction,- in conformity with the dis- « represents a lead plate, 6 the raag- covery of Dr. Faraday, was netizing spiral, found to be the same as that of the primary current. 66. That the screening influence is in some way produced by the neutralizing action of the current thus obtained, will be clear, from the following experiment. The plate of zinc before mentioned, which is nearly twice the diameter of the helix, instead of being placed between the conductors, was 259 to Electricity and Magnetism, put on the top of the helix, and in this position, although the neutralization was not as perfect as before, yet a great reduc- tion was observed in the intensity of the shock. 67. But here a very interesting and puzzling question oc- curs. How does it happen that two currents, both in the same direction, can neutralize each other? I was at first dis- posed to consider the phaenomenon as a case of real electrical interference, in which the impulses succeed each other by some regular interval. But if this were true the effect should depend on the length and other conditions of the current in the interposed conductor. In order to investigate this, several modifications of the experiments were instituted. 68. First a flat coil (No. 3) was interposed instead of the plates. When the two ends of this were separated, the shocks were received as if the coil were not present; but when the ends were joined, so as to form a perfect metallic circuit, no shocks could be obtained. The neutralization with the coil in this experiment was even more perfect than with the plate. 69. Again, coil No. 2, in the form of a ring, was placed not between the conductors, but around the helix. With this disposition of the apparatus, and the ends of the coil joined, the shocks were scarcely perceptible ; but when the ends were separated, the presence of the coil has no effect. 70. Also when helix No. 1 and 2 were together submitted to the influence of coil No. J, the ends of the one being joined, the other gave no shock. 71. The experiments were further varied by placing helix No. 2 within a hollow cylinder of sheet brass, and this again within coil No. 2 in a manner similar to that shown in fig. 12, which is intended to illustrate another experiment. In this arrangement the neutralizing action was exhibited, as in the case of the plate. 72. A hollow cylinder of iron was next substituted for the one of brass, and with this also no shocks could be obtained. 73. From these experiments it is evident that the neutrali- zation takes place with currents in the interposed or adjoining conductors of all lengths and intensities, and therefore can- not, as it appears to me, be referred to the interference of two systems of vibrations. 74*. This part of the investigation was, for a time, given up almost in despair, and it was not until new light had been obtained from another part of the inquiry, that any further advances could be made towards a solution of the mystery. 75. Before proceeding to the next section, I may here state that the phaenomenon mentioned, paragraph 54*, in re- ference to helix No. 4, is connected with the neutralizing ac« S 2 260 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions tion. The electrical discharge having destroyed the insulation. * at some point, a part of the spires would thus form a shut circuit, and the induction in this would counteract the ac- tion in the other part of the helix ; or, in other words, the helix was in the same condition as the two helices mentioned in paragraph 70, when the ends of the wire of one were joined. 76. Also the same principle appears to have an important bearing on the improvement of the magneto-electrical ma- chine; since the plates of metal which sometimes form the ends of the spool containing the wire, must necessarily di- minish the action, and also from experiment of paragraph 72 the armature itself may circulate a closed current which will interfere with the intensity of the induction in the sur- rounding wire. I am inclined to believe that the increased effect observed by Sturgeon and Calland, when a bundle of wire is substituted for a solid piece of iron, is at least in part due to the interruption of these currents. I hope to resume this part of the subject, in connexion with several other points, in another communication to the Society. 77. The results given in this section may, at first sight, be thought at variance with the statements of Sir H. Davy, that needles could be magnetized by an electrical discharge with conductors interposed. But from his method of per- forming the experiment, it is evident that the plate of metal was placed between a straight conductor and the needle. The arrangement was therefore similar to the interrupted circuit in the experiment with the cut plate (62.), which pro- duces no screening effect. Had the plate been curved into the form of a hollow cylinder, with the two ends in contact, and the needle placed within this, the effect would have been otherwise. Section V. — On the Production and Properties of induced Currents of the Thirds Fourth^ and Fifth Order. 78. The fact of the perfect neutralization of the primary current by a secondary, in the interposed conductor, led me to conclude that if the latter could be drawn out, or separated from the influence of the former, it would itself be capable of producing a new induced current in a third conductor. 79. The arrangement exhibited in fig. 8 furnishes a ready means of testing this. The primary current, as usual, is passed through coil No. 1, while coil No. 2 is placed over this to receive the induction with its ends joined to those of coil No. 3. By this disposition the secondary current passes through No. 3 ; and since this is at a distance, and without io Electricity and Magnetic. 261 Fig. 8. the influence of the primary, its separate induction will be rendered manifest by the effects on helix No. 1. When the handles <2, h are grasped a powerful shock is received, pro- ving the induction of a tertiary current. 80. By a similar but more extended arrangement, as shown in fig. 9, shocks were received from currents of a fourth and fifth order ; and with a more powerful primary current, and additional coils, a still greater number of successive induc- tions might be obtained. 81. The induction of currents of different orders, of suffi- cient intensity to give shocks, could scarcely have been anti- cipated from our previous knowledge of the subject. The se- condary current consists, as it were, of a single wave of the natural electricity of the wire, disturbed but for an instant by the induction of the primary ; yet this has the power of in- ducing another current, but little inferior in energy to itself, and thus produces effects apparently much greater in propor- tion to the quantity of electricity in motion than the primary current. 82. Some difference may be conceived to exist in the ac- tion of the induced currents, and that from the battery, since they are apparently different in nature; the one consisting, as we may suppose, of a single impulse ; and the other of a succession of such impulses, or a continuous action. It was therefore important to investigate the properties of these cur- rents, and to compare the results with those before obtained. 83. First, in reference to the intensity, it was found that with the small battery a shock could be given from the cur- rent of the third order to twenty-five persons joining hands ; also shocks perceptible in the arms were obtained from a cur- rent of the fifth order. 84-. The action at a distance was also much greater than could have been anticipated. In one experiment shocks from the tertiary current were distinctly felt through the tongue, 262 Prof. J. Henry’s Contributions when helix No. I was at the distance of eighteen inches above the coil transmitting the secondary current. 85. The same screening effects were produced by the in- terposition of plates of metal between the conductors of the different orders, as those which have been described in re- ference to the primary and secondary currents. 86. Also when the long helix is placed over a secondary current generated in a short coil, and which is therefore, as we have before shown, one of quantity, a tertiary current of intensity is produced. 87. Again, when the intensity current of the last experi- ment is passed through a second helix, and another coil is placed over this, a quantity current is again produced. There- fore in the case of these currents, as in that of the primary, a quantity current can be induced from one of intensity^ and the converse. By the arrangement of the apparatus as shown in fig. 9, these different results are exhibited at once. The in- duction from coil No. 3 to helix No. 1 produces an intensity current, and from helix No. 2 to coil No. 4 a quantity cur- rent. Fig. 9. a coil No. 1, b coil No. 2, c coil No. 3, d helix No. 1, e helix No. 2 and 3, f coil No. 4, and g magnetizing spiral. 88. If the ends of coil No. 2, as in the arrangement of fig. 8, be united to helix No. 1 instead of coil No. 3, no shocks can be obtained ; the quantity current of coil No. 2 appears not to be of sufficient intensity to pass through the wire of the long helix. 89. Also, no shocks can be obtained from the handles at- tached to helix No. 2, in the arrangement exhibited in fig. 10. In this case the quantity of electricity in the current from the helix appears to be too small to produce any effect, unless its power is multiplied by passing it through a conductor of many spires. 90. The next inquiry was in Reference to the direction of these currents, and this appeared important in connexion with the nature of the action. The experiments of Dr. Fa- raday would render it probable, that at the beginning and to Electricity and Magnetism, 263 a coil No. b helix No. 1, c coil No. 3, and d helix No. 2. ending of the secondary current, its induction on an adjacent wire is in contrary directions, as is shown to be the case in the primary current. But the whole action of a secondary current is so instantaneous that the inductive effects at the beginning and ending cannot be distinguished from each other, and we can only observe a single impulse, which, how- ever, may be considered as the difference of two impulses in opposite directions. 91. The first experiment happened to be made with a cur- rent of the fourth order. The magnetizing spiral (11.) was attached to the ends of coil No. 4, fig. 9, and by the polarity of the needle it was found that this current was in the same direction with the secondary and primary currents^. By a too hasty generalization, I was led to conclude, from this ex- periment, that the currents of all orders are in the same di- rection as that of the battery current, and I was the more confirmed in this from the results of my first experiments on the currents of ordinary electricity. The conclusion, how- ever, caused me much useless labour and perplexity, and was afterwards proved to be erroneous. 92. By a careful repetition of the last experiment, in re- ference to each current, the important fact was discovered, that there exists an alternation in the direction of the currents of the several orders commencing with the secondary. This result was so extraordinary, that it was thought necessary to establish it by a variety of experiments. For this purpose the direction was determined by decomposition, and also by the galvanometer, but the result was still the same ; and at this stage of the inquiry I was compelled to the conclusion that the directions of the several currents were as follows : Primary current 4- Secondary currerit 4- * It should be recollected that all the inductions which have been men- tioned were produced at the moment of breaking the circuit of the battery current. The induction at the formation of the current is too feeble to produce the effects described. 264. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Current of the third order . . . ~ Current of the fourth order . . . + Current of the fifth order .... — 93. In the first glance at the above table, we are struck with the fact that the law of alternation is complete, except be- tween the primary and secondary currents, and it appeared that this exception might possibly be connected with the in- duced current which takes place in the first coil itself, and which gives rise to the phaenomena of the spiral conductor. If this should be found to be minus^ we might consider it as existing between the primary and secondary, and the anomaly would thus disappear. Arrangements were therefore made to fully satisfy myself on this point. For this purpose the decomposition of dilute acid and the use of the galvanometer were resorted to, by placing the apparatus between the ends of a cross wire attached to the extremities of the coil, as in the arrangement described by Dr. Faraday (ninth series) : but all the results persisted in giving a direction to this cur- rent the same as stated by Dr. Faraday, namely, that of the primary current. I was therefore obliged to abandon the supposition that the anomaly in the change of the current is connected with the induction of the battery current on itself. 94.. Whatever may be the nature or causes of these changes in the direction, they offer a ready explanation of the neutral- izing action of the plate interposed between two conductors, since a secondary current is induced in the plate ; and al- though the action of this, as has been shown, is in the same direction as the current from the battery, yet it tends to in- duce a current in the adjacent conducting matter of a con- trary direction. The same explanation is also applicable to all the other cases of neutralization, even to those which take place between the conductors of the several orders of cur- rents. 95. The same principle explains some effects noted in re- ference to the induction of a current on itself. If a fiat coil be connected with the battery, of course sparks will be pro- duced by the induction, at each rupture of the circuit. But if in this condition another flat coil, with its ends joined, be placed on the first coil, the intensity of the shock is much diminished, and when the several spires of the two coils are mutually interposed by winding the two ribands together into one coil, the sparks entirely disappear in the coil transmitting the battery current, when the ends of the other are joined. To understand this, it is only necessary to mention that the induced current in the first coil is a true secondary current, and it is therefore neutralized by the action of the secondary M. Scheerer on the Products of Oxidized Pyrites, 265 in the adjoining conductor; since this tends to produce a current in the opposite direction. 96. It would also appear from the perfect neutralization which ensues in the arrangement of the last paragraph, that the induced current in the adjoining conductor is more power- ful than that of the first conductor; and we can easily see how this may be. The two ends of the second coil are joined, and it thus forms a perfect metallic circuit; while the circuit of the other coil may be considered as partially interrupted, since to render the spark visible the electricity must be pro- jected, as it were, through a small distance of air. 97. We would also infer that two contiguous secondary currents, produced by the same induction, would partially counteract each other. Moving in the same direction, they would each tend to induce a current in the other of an op- posite direction. This is illustrated by the following ex- periment: helix No. 1 and 2 were placed together, but not united, above coil No. ], so that they each might receive the induction ; the larger was then gradually removed to a greater distance from the coil, until the intensity of the shock from each was about the same. When the ends of the two were united, so that the shock would pass through the body from the two together, the effect was apparently less than with one helix alone. The result, however, was not as satisfactory as in the case of the other experiments ; a slight difference in the intensity of two shocks could not be appreciated with perfect certainty. [To be continued.] XLVIL On the Natural Products which originate from the ac-‘ tion of the Atmosphere on Iron Pyrites, Th, Scheerer^. TT is a well-known fact, that iron pyrites, in the finely divided state in which it occurs in alum slates, is easily oxidized by the atmosphere, causing the parts exposed to acquire a reddish brown colour ; nevertheless, the products of this decomposi- tion are seldom to be found, from the rain washing them away. In a spot near Modum in Norway, I met with a cavity in the mountains where they were deposited as incrustations, safe from all destructive influences. Three distinct layers were evident. The first and upper layer is a dark brown massive mineral with which the slate is impregnated : A. An extract obligingly communicated by the author from the original paper published in Poggendorff’s Annalen, vol. xlv. p. 188. 266 M. Scheerer on the Products of Oxidized Pyrites* The second layer forms a light yellow mass distinctly sepa- rated from the first, and forming incrustations similar to those which occur in (dolomitic) limestone caverns : B. The third is clothed with a layer of small white crystals ; C. The analysis of A gave : 80*73 peroxide of iron 6*00 sulphuric acid 13*57 water 100*30 which corresponds to a combination of 1 4 atoms of peroxide of iron, 2 atoms of sulphuric acid, and 21 atoms of water, which is expressed by the formula, or. 2 (1^7 sj 21 H ; 2 S^+ 20 + 63 H, according to the manner in which the formula is written. This iron-salt may be called, after the nomenclature of Berzelius, the twenty-fold basic sulphate of the peroxide of iron ; it is the most basic salt as yet known. The oxygen of the oxide amounts to the double of that in the water. It is perfectly insoluble in water. Two analyses of the substance B gave the following results : 1 2 49*37 49*89 peroxide of iron 32*42 32*47 sulphuric acid 5*03 5*37 soda 13*13 13*09 water 99*95 100*82 The soda w^as found in both analyses to contain a small quan- tity of potash, which, however, is of no importance for the formula, which may be thus expressed, 4 Fe S 4- N *S -f- 9 H ; namely 4 atoms of peroxide of iron, 5 atoms of sulphuric acid, 1 atom of soda, and 9 atoms of water. The substance C was found to be pure gypsum. In explaining the commencement and continuation of this process, it must be supposed that the sulphate of the protox- ide of iron was at first formed by the oxidation of the iron pyrites ; this became gradually oxidized, and was deposited On Light and the chemical action of the Spectrum, 267 as the first brown layer of the salt A described. Yet the de- position of this basic iron-salt must have happened under sin- gular circumstances, for it is a well-known fact that a solution of iron- vitriol, oxidized by the atmosphere, is precipitated as a five-fold basic salt. It is likewise difficult to explain how the yellow layer containing alkali suddenly succeeded the dark- brown ; it may indeed be supposed, that at the commencement of this decomposition of the iron pyrites the alum-slate re- sisted for some time all action, until it was attacked, and its alkali dissolved by the sulphuric acid, which commenced the formation of a new salt. But if this mode of explanation has much appearance of probability, the sudden cessation of the one product of decomposition, and the commencement of the second, is a strange fact. That the gypsum, as the more easily soluble substance, is found on the inferior part of the ceiling of the cavern is, on the other hand, easily conceived. The lime in it undoubtedly acted no unimportant part at the deposition of the iron salts described, aiding in their precipi- tation by saturating the acid. XL VI II. Experiments and Observations on Light which has permeated coloured Media^ and on the Chemical Action of the Solar Spectrum, By Robert Hunt.^ l\/r GAY-LUSSAC, when speaking of the beautiful dis- *^^-*-* covery of M. Daguerre, said, The palette of the painter is not very rich in colour, black and white compose the whole. The image in its natural and varied colours may remain long, perhaps for ever, a thing hidden from human sagacity f However, the production of a coloured picture of the spectrum by Sir John Herschel, and some efects produced by Mr. Talbot, together with some delicate tinting which I observed, when, during the summer of 1839, I was engaged in copying some flowers of Nature’s richest painting, led me to think coloured photographs within the range of probabi- lities, and induced me to pursue a train of experiments from which, although little has resulted to heighten niy first hopes, I have gathered much that is curious and certainly instruct- ive. Photographic Papers, 1. By saturating paper with different chlorides and mu- * Communicated by the Author. t “ The History and Practice of Photogenic Drawing, &c., by L. J. M. Daguerre. Translated by J. S. Memes, LL.D.’* 268 Mr. Hunt on Light ^hich has ^permeated coloured Media, riates, always keeping in view the definite proportion re- quired for the quantity of the nitrate of silver used ; it will be found that almost every variety of shade, from a rich dark purple to a full red, and a few other tints, may be produced at pleasure. 2. The effects of light, passing through coloured glasses on various papers, are singularly diversified. The following are a few of the most striking results. (The glasses are, a deep cobalt blue, a full laurel green, an amber yellow, and a rich orange red. They are so framed that all the papers can be exposed at the same time to the solar influence.) Colour of Glass^ Blue. Green. Yellow. Red. Salt used. a. Chlor. of sodium. b. Chlor. of potassa. c. Muriate of lime. d. Muriate of iron. e. Mur. of peroxide of iron f. Mur. of baryta .. g. Muriate of man ganese h. Mur. of ammonia Effects produced. Purple. Blue. Violet. Chocolate. Light purple. Sky blue. Light violet. Tinted red. Rich violet. Faint blue. Blue. Reddish. Red. Colourless. Faint red. Leaden hue. Blue. Yellowish. Straw color. Yellow brow Purple red. Lilac. Chocolate. Pink. Rich browu. Reddish. Rose hue. Yellow. Olive brown. Palebrown.l Brown. Dull orange. 3. I have found but a modified action from the interference of coloured fluids. In a few instances, under a solution of carmine in ammonia, I have obtained the richest crimson dye ; but I cannot, by any means I have used, succeed in fixing the colour on the paper. 4. A paper prepared, by first washing it with a solution of twelve grains of the iodide of potassium in one ounce of water, and then with a solution of ten grains of the crystallized nitrate of silver in the same quantity of fluid, is very sensitive. When exposed beneath a solution of the ammonia-sulphate of copper to sunshine, it changes to a rich light blue. Acetate of copper produces a hromi. Muriate of the peroxide of iron imparts a green tinge, and solutions of carmine a brown red. 5. The paper f becomes red, when acted on by rays pass- ing through nitrous acid gas, and is tinged yellow, by the light which has been subjected to the interference of chlorine and its protoxide. 6. To have as full a volume as possible of iodine and bro- mine vapour, carefully closed vessels containing a small por- tion of these bodies, were placed upon a plate of copper warmed by water. The paper h was laid beneath them, and exposed to lumi- nous influence. Under the bromine it was unchanged, but and on the chemical action of the Solar Spectnm, 269 beneath the iodine the paper became richly iridescent. The colours changed to a uniform violet tint upon a few minutes’ exposure to direct sunshine. 7. Papers already darkened by sunlight during prolonged exposure to the influence of the dissevered rays of the spec- trum, assume a variety of colours. The same changes may be effected by carefully arranging glasses, and placing the photographic preparations beneath them. I shall copy ex- actly the memoranda of my journal. Dec. 12, 1839. — I placed under blue, green, yellow, and red glass the following papers : A. Muriate of ammonia^ with two washings of solution of the nitrate of silver, darkened by exposure to a rich chocolate. B. Muriate of manganese. Silver, two washings, dark- ened to a full brown. C. Iodide of potassmm. Silver, one washing, darkened to a yellow brown. D. Iodide of potassium and silver, two washings, dark- ened to a red brown. E. Chloriodic acid. Silver two washings, darkened to a rich bronze. F. Chloriodic acid with Liquor potassce. Silver, two wash- ings, darkened to a blue-brown. Dec. 13. — After twelve hours exposure to the dull light of rainy weather, the paper E has become blue under the blue glass. No change is apparent on the others. Dec. 27. Colours of Glass, A. B. C. D. E. F. has become Blue. Olive. Deep brown. Do. Black. Blue black. Black brown. Green. Deep green. Bat colour. Darkened. Light brown. Darkened. Dull plum. Yellow. Dirty yellow. Blue brown. No change. Rich brown. Darkened. Bluish. Red. Red. Red. Red brown. Brick red. Dusky red. Reddened. Jan. 2, 184;0. — All the papers go on increasing the distinct- ness of their colours, except E and F, which have assumed different shades of blackness. (E and F >were removed^ and a paper G, prepared nsoith muriate of baryta and two washings of silver darkened to a chocolate substituted,) Feb. 7. Colours of Glass, Blue. Green. Yellow. A Rich olive. Green. Yellow. B Black, Chocolate. Light brown. C Do. Red brown. Do. D Chocolate. Umber brown. Black. G Bright olive. Yellow-brown. Pale olive. Red. Purple. Red. Brown. Red brown. Reddish. 270 Mr. Hunt on Light *mhich has permeated coloured Media^ The two papers A and G exhibit much more sensitive- ness to luminous influence than any others I have yet tried. 8. The paper A, when w^ashed with a weak solution of the hydriodate of baryta, gives under the pencil of light a beautiful picture, whether used in the camera or for surface drawings. These pictures exhibit the peculiarities mentioned by Mr. Talbot at the British Association*. Sunshine changes ‘‘ the colour of the object delineated from reddish to black with great rapidity.’’ This gentleman adds, “ after which no further change occurs.” I much regret I have not been for- tunate enough to succeed thus far in fixing my drawings. The continued influence of light in a few months obliterates the impression. A singular change follows the exposures of these pictures to coloured light. If placed under vessels containing coloured fluids (4.) and exposed either to sunshine or to diffused light, in a few days the picture becomes a full red under the blue; a rose hue un- der the green ; a light blue under the yellow, and a deep blue under the red. These colours after deepening for some time gradually change to different shades of green under the blue and green fluids, to pink under the yellow, and a red \mdev the red fluid (25.). After this, the colours alter no more, and the picture bears exposure to light much better than at first; but I doubt if it is rendered perfectly permanent, for the dull light of January and February has spread a downiness, like a mist, over those photographs which have been constantly ex- posed. Daguerreotypes. 9. Exposing a plate, over which some lace was carefully placed, under four coloured glasses (2.) for three minutes to diffused light, I obtained, under the blue glass a beautiful copy ; no trace of a drawing beneath the green ; a tolerable impression beneath the yellow; but the mercury w’ould not attack the space beneath the red. 10. A plate similarly arranged beneath four bottles of co- loured fluid (4.) exposed to diffused light for fifteen minutes, was found on being acted upon by the mercurial vapour to present the same appearance as above (9.), excepting that a faint design was evident over the space the carmine fluid had covered. 11. I arranged a dark chamber, to which no other rays could pass but such as had permeated two inches of co- loured fluid. * Athenaeum, No. 618. and on the chemical action of the Solar Spectrum* 271 Having filled my trough with a saturated solution of the bichromate of potassa, I exposed a plate for five minutes to its influence in full sunshine. There nsoas not the slightest ac- tion. 12. In one hour on a similar plate, under the same circum- stances, I obtained a faint, but still defined outline of a dried fern. 13. I exposed a bare iodidated plate for two hours to the same influence. On removing it from the chamber no dif- ference was apparent ; but I found it was no longer sensitive to light, and the iodide adhered more closely to the metal than it did (28.). This is a reverse action, for after the exposure of a pre- pared daguerreotype plate to light, the sensitive film is most easily rubbed ofF^ (28.). 14'. Red solutions impart a very decided rose hue, or more strictly speaking the influence of red light on the iodidated plate occasions that peculiar arrangement of the mercurial particles, which is necessary to the production of red co- lour. 15. Green solutions act with more or less effect in ob- structing the passage of the so-called chemical rays according to their depth of colour. But in no instance have I found them to produce that close combination, which the yellow and sometimes the red fluids do, of the iodide and the un- der surface of unattacked silver (28.). By examining the effects produced by green media (2, 7? 16.) a peculiar order of interference will be remarked (19.). Germination and the growth of Plants. 16. I planted in a box some curled cress seed, and so ar- ranged bottles of carmine fluid, chromate of potassa, acetate of copper, and the ammonia sulphate, that all but a small space of the earth was exposed to light which had permeated three-fourths of an inch of these media. For some days the only apparent difference was that the earth continued damp under the green and blue , fluids, whereas it rapidly dried under the red and yellow. The plumula burst * On this principle I now polish my silvered plates, by which the trou- blesome process with nitric acid and pumice is got rid of. I wash - the sur- face of silver over with a solution of the iodide of potassium holding a little iodine free, and rub it lightly until all the parts are equally attacked, i then expose the plate to light for a few minutes, and polish off with dry cotton. In five minutes by this process the most perfect lustre may be given to the silver, and it has the advantage of rendering the plate more susceptible to the influence of the iodine vapour. 272 Mr. Hunto;i Ltight *which has permeated coloured Media, the cuticle in the blue and green lights, before any change was evident in the other parts. After ten days, under the blue fluid there was a crop of cress, of as bright a green as any which grew in full light, and Jar more abundant. The crop was scanty under the green fluid and of a pale unhealthy colour (15.). Under the yellow solution but two or three plants appeared, yet they were less pale than those which had grown in green light. Beneath the red bottle the number of plants which grew was also small, although rather more than in the spot the yellow covered. They too were of an unhealthy colour. 17. I now reversed the order of the bottles, fixing the red in the place of the blue, and the yellow in that of the green. After a few days’ exposure the healthy cress appeared blighted, while a few more unhealthy plants began to show themselves, from the influence of the blue rays, in the spot originally subjected to the red. It is evident from this that the red and yellow rays not merely retard germination, but positively destroy the vital principle in the seed. Prolonged exposure uncovered, with genial warmth, free air, and indeed all that can induce growth, fails to revive the blighted vegetation. I have repeated the experiment many times, varying the fluids, but the results have been the same. At this time I have the above facts strikingly exemplified where the space co- vered by the bichromate of potassa is without a plant. These results merit the attention of those who are engaged in the study of vegetable oeconomy. Do they not point at a process by which the productions of climes more redolent of light than ours may be brought in this island to their native perfection ? Dr. Draper’s ‘‘ experiments” (Philosophical Magazine, Feb. 1840, pres. vol. p. 81) appear at variance with mine. Under the influence of a nearly tropical sun permeating half an inch of solution of the bichromate of potassa, cress grew of a green colour, whilst it took five days to give a sen- sitive paper a faint yellow green colour. From this Professor Draper argues the existence of two classes of rays, a different class being necessary to produce the green colouring of vege- table foliage from that which darkens chloride of silver. With submission to one whose facilities for such inquiries are so much greater than my own, I would suggest a repe- tition of the experiments with some of the recently discovered photographic preparations. The papers f and h, both under and on the chemical action of the Solar Spectrum, 273 coloured glass and great thicknesses of yellow fluid are deep- ened to a plum-brown in less than an hour Under three inches of the bichromate of potassa the paper, f became in eight hours sunshine of a full blue-brown. 18. The fact of cress and pea plants growing green, under the influence of such powerful light as penetrated Professor Draper’s yellow media, will not appear at all surprising when we examine the rays which pass through such fluids. This I have done by forming a spectrum, interposing the coloured body between the prism and the sun. The follow- ing are the effects of a February sun at Devonport. Through a deep blue solution of the ammonia-sulphate of copper, the violet, indigo, blue, and a portion of the green rays pass. Through solutions of the muriate, acetate and.nitro-muriate of copper with iron, the green ray, and a considerable portion of the yellow; a trace of the blue also is evident. Through solutions of the bichromate and chromate of po- tassa, the chloride of gold and decoction of turmeric, the red, the yellow and the green rays are seen, and by talcing their impression on a daguerreotype plate a line of the blue is dis- tinctly marked. Through nitro-muriate of cobalt in ammonia, carmine in ammonia, and sulphuric acid and decoction of cochineal, the red and yellow rays alone appear to penetrate. THE SPECTRUM. Dispersed light, Rose hue, White with shade \ of green / Black band Dispersed light * The papers which accompany this article were exposed under the glasses and three-fourths of an inch of fluids for forty minutes. The order of interference and consequent colouring is plainly shown. Phil Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 103, April ISW. T 274; Mr. Hunt on Light *mhich has ^permeated coloured Media, 19. It will be observed, that the light which has passed through a green medium (2, 7j 9, 10, 15, 16) acts less powerfully in darkening photographic papers, and occasions vegetable leaves to be even paler than that which has been subjected to the interference of a yellow medium. I am led to suspect that the band of rays formed by the meeting of the yellow and the green has an influence similar to the extreme red, in neutralizing the powers of the other ad- j acent rays, as was first noticed by Sir John Herschel, (22.), (23.), (26.). 20. The figure on the preceding page represents the solar spectrum, as it impresses itself on a daguerreotype plate, not in shadows merely, but in colours, which have the peculiar ap- pearance of the down upon the nectarine. The most refrangible portion of the spectrum is repre- sented in full colours, shading from indigo to a delicate rose, which is lost in a band of pure white. 21. Beyond this a protecting influence is powerfully ex- erted, and notwithstanding the chemical effect produced over the plate, by the dispersed light, a line is formed free of mer- curial vapour, and which consequently appears black. 22. The green portion of the spectrum is represented in its true colour, but it is considerably less in size than the space occupied by these rays. 23. The yellow rays are without action, or rather they do not prepare the silver for the reception of the mercury, and consequently a black belt marks the space on which they fell, and extends a little beyond it into the green (19.). 24. A white line marks the place of the orange light. 25. The red is represented by a well-defined rose colour, bounded, as were the more refrangible rays, by a white line, shaded at the lower extremity with a green. This passing of the red into a green and of the blue into a rose colour (20.) is strikingly similar to the effect produced, by the interference of coloured media, on some photographic drawings (8.). 26. The lowest dark space on the picture is a beautiful il- lustration of the influence of the extreme red rays in protect- ing the silver from luminous action (19.) (21.). 27. What appears more surprising to me than even the de- tection of the negative? rays at each end of the prismatic spectrum, is the continuation of the dark line throughout its whole length, evidently showing the influence of the same cause as is so effective at the least refrangible extremity. This band is not equally defined throughout its entire cir- cumference. It is the most strikingly evident from the ex- and on the chemical action of the Solar Spectrum, 275 Ireme red to the green ; it fades in passing through the blue and increases in intensity as it leaves the indigo, until, be- yond the invisible chemical rays, it is nearly as strong as it is at the calorific end of the spectrum. Does not this protected surrounding band appear to indi- cate the existence of rays of a peculiar and unknown order, proceeding from the extreme edge of the sun ? 28. By lightly rubbing a daguerreotype picture of the prismatic rays, it is obliterated, except over the space of the yellow and red portion. This effect corresponds with my experiments on media of these colours (11. 12. 13}. Until we have more experience than we now have of the effects of the solar rays individually and collectively, we can offer no satisfactory explanation of the process in action, on a daguerreotype plate, by which the subtle painter Light im- presses such delicate designs. The existence of two iodides of silver, is, I think, certain. In my photometric experiments I have always observed the formation of an iodide which speedily darkens, and of another portion which is unalterable by light*. The sensitive film on the silver plate appears to be the former of these iodides. Throughout the range of the che- mical spectrum, particularly so called^ the iodide is I ima- gine converted into an oxide of silver; that a partial oxidation takes place numerous experiments have rendered certain ; whilst the influence of the rays of least refrangibility is to form the unchangeable iodide of silver. Experiments, how- ever, are wanting to prove this satisfactorily. An attentive consideration of the facts I have enumerated, will, I think, satisfy all, that we can no longer with propriety attach the name of chemical to the most refrangible rays only. Every ray has its particular chemical office, either of compo- sition or of decomposition ; and although Seebeck has attri- buted the acquirement of a rose hue by chloride of silver when put into the red ray, to the heating power of that por- tion of the spectrum, it is now proved to be dependent upon some other influence, for where it has been shown the most calorific rays exist this salt undergoes no change. Devonport, February 29, 1840. * [See Mr. Talbot’s account of the p^'ocesses employed in Photogenic Drawing, Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. xiv. p. 210 (2). — Edit.] T2 C 276 ] XLIX. On the Mineral Structure of the South of Ireland^ mth correlative matter on Devon and Cornwall^ Belgium^ the Eifel^ S^c, By Thomas Weaver, Esq, V s e“^ S, 'X-* i r~ hL i he h L- e^ <;.H y \ y A t V k f- f k F y u e-* '1'" V ^Vi'" ~i s, t~ /L K. r a y— 4 a X € a P X e a P A k -A a — / 1 a P X e a P X e A y. V f k / t/ e L P a e X P a A yP k V- k u P a e X P a e X / > / Y F \ y \ X e a P X e a P / < / i F 4 a 4 a P X e a P X e k \ k \ k k -$ 4 e X P a e X P a N A it L P a e X P a e X V- e A p V V n s On '> n Y t- V TIh c^ct Oft the Ijizg/its jnoihes at Chess. 0 Dr. Roget on the Prohlem of the Knighfs Move at Chess. 307 as shown in the central diagram in the group marked LEAP, Plate I. and let the squares in each quarter be considered as grouped together into four sets, designated severally by the letters L, E, A, P ; thus, L E A P A P L E E L P A A E L It is here to be observed, that each of these sets of squares, marked with the same letter, constitutes a recurrent circuit of four moves of the knight. The squares in the other three quarters being similarly designated, as shown in the central diagram already referred to, it will be found that the several sets in each admit of be- ing connected by knight’s moves with the corresponding sets, similarly designated in the adjacent quarters. This is shown in the corner diagrams, L, E, A and P, where the con- nexions among the squares of each set are marked by oblique lines joining their centres^. The sets, thus connected, con- stitute four separate systems, of 16 squares each; and it will also be found that these 16 squares are so disposed that the knight may, in each system, perform the circuit of all its squares, beginning from any one given square, and ending at any other of a different colour. A few trials will soon sa- tisfy the learner that, in every case, this may very easily be accomplished, and generally in a great variety of ways. It will next be perceived that the knight can always pass from any of the squares, (excepting those situated at the corners of the board) of one system denoted by a consonant, to those of a system denoted by a vowel, and contrariwise ; (as is shown by the diagonal lines in the four diagrams in- termediate to the former); but not from vowel to vowel, or from consonant to consonant. From the corner squares, the move can only be made to squares belonging to the same system. The solution of the proposed problem includes three cases : 1. If the given initial and terminal squares belong, the one to a system denoted by a consonant, and the other to a sy- stem denoted by a vowel, then, following the order of the letters when arranged in a circle, thus : * The white squares have a circle, and the black a dot in their centres, X 2 308 Dr. Roget on the Problem of the Knight's Move at Chess* L^e av^_^p and proceeding either to the right or left, as the case may be, the circuit of each system must be gone over in succession, according to that order: beginning with that system to which the initial square be- longs, and ending with that of the terminal square ; taking care, however, for the reason above given, to avoid ending the intermediate circuits at a corner square. It will be ad- visable also to avoid ending these circuits at a square situated on the borders of the board, for they will not always admit of a transition being made from them to the next system into which we have to enter. 2. If both the given initial and terminal squares belong to the same system, omit, while going over that system, the ter- minal square, and also one in immediate connexion with it *; and fixing on some square in another system, which may be connected with it, proceed as before, taking care to end at this last-mentioned square ; whence, when the rest of the en- tire circuits are completed, the two omitted squares may be attained, and the conditions of the problem satisfied. 3. If the initial and terminal squares belong, both of them, either to systems denoted by consonants, or to systems de- noted by vowels, the same course with that just described must be pursued when the system to which the terminal square belongs is gone over, and with the same ultimate re- sult. Examples of each of these cases are given in the three lower diagrams, the path of the knight in his course over the board being traced by oblique lines joining the centres of the squares he traverses; the commencement and end of each course, which are supposed to be previously given, being marked by a small circle. I have made the second an example of a recurrent circuit, in order to show that this condition adds no new difficulty, and makes no difference in the mode of proceeding. In these examples, the given initial square is the same in all of them, and belongs to the system L. In No. 1, the terminal square belongs to the system A. Here, we first go over the whole sixteen squares of system L ; thence, passing over to system E, we traverse all the squares of that system. We next enter system P, covering in succession all the * The omission of this second square is not absolutely necessary, but will generally be found to facilitate the subsequent operations. 309 Mr. E. Solly, Jun., on Voltaic Precipitation. squares belonging to it ; and we, lastly, come to system A, where we find no difficulty in ending the course at the given terminal square. In No. 2, where the terminal square belongs to system L, as well as the initial, we must, in going over that system, omit that square, and also one connected with it. With this exception, we are to proceed as before, traversing in suc- cession the systems L, E, P and A ; and taking care to end at a square of the latter, connected by a knight’s move with the other omitted square of system L. In No. 3, where the terminal square belongs to system P, the same series of courses is to be pursued, excepting that the squares to be omitted will belong to that system. Your obedient servant, 39, Bernard Street, Russell Square, P» M. RoGET. March 20th, 1840. LII. Observations on the Precipitation of Copper by Voltaic Electricity. By Edward Solly, Jun. In a Letter to Richard Taylor^ Esq. ^c. '^HE beautiful discoveries of Professor Jacobi and Mr. T. Spencer have, as it were, laid the foundation of an en- tirely new art, namely, that of copying works in metal, with- out heat, without pressure, and at a very small expense. As many of your readers may not have seen either Mr. Spencer’s very interesting and ingenious pamphlet, or any detailed ac- count of the process which he has so successfully employed in copying medals, copper-plates, &c., I will briefly sketch the principles of the process of voltaic precipitation, and de- scribe the apparatus required for the purpose, introductory to a short account of some experiments on the subject which I have made. When a piece of tin or other similar metal is immersed in a strong solution of sulphate of copper or blue vitriol, it soon be- comes coated with metallic copper, which is said to be precipi- tated or reduced ; the oxide of copper being decomposed by the more oxidizable metal having a stronger affinity for oxygen than the copper itself has. In this way the tin becomes ox- idized and dissolved, and the copper is reduced and precipi- tated in the form of a thin film. If the whole surface of the tin were to become coated with copper, of course this action would cease, because the former being entirely cased in cop- per, would remain inert, and in fact represent a plate of that metal. From the mode in which this precipitation is caused, it follows that the metal precipitated must be everywhere in 310 Mr. E. Solly, Jun., on the Precipitation of perfect contact with the surface on which it is thrown down; and thus we here have the first element of the process of copying, or obtaining a cast by precipitation, but extremely crude and imperfect. The film of copper so thrown down would be so thin and fragile that it would be impossible to remove it from the surface of the tin; or if it should acquire any thickness it would of course do so at the expense of a considerable quan- tity of tin, because for every portion of copper precipitated a corresponding quantity of tin must have been dissolved ; the smoothness of the surface would become destroyed ; and as this corrosion does not act equally all over the surface, if any design had been traced upon it, it would be much weakened, and in some parts wholly obliterated. Both these difficulties are easily overcome in consequence of the facilities which electricity gives us, of, as it were, making chemical action portable ; of generating it in one place, convey- ing it along metallic conductors, and making use of its power in another. Hence we are enabled to employ at pleasure one of the most powerful known deoxidizing agents, hydrogen. By means of electricity, we are able to give to any piece of metal, the power of evolving hydrogen, under the most favourable circumstances, from its surface, whilst immersed in a cupreous solution ; and to continue that action, until the coat of deposited copper, precipitated by the action of the nascent hydrogen, has acquired any degree of thickness. In order to effect this, a piece of some highly oxidizable metal, such as zinc, is connected by a wire soldered to its one end with the plate of lead, tin, or other metal, on the surface of which is engraved the design proposed to be copied. A vessel of any shape and material is divided into two portions by a partition or diaphragm of membrane, unglazed earthen- ware, or any other porous substance; the one division being filled with a strong solution of sulphate of copper, and the other with dilute sulphuric acid. The zinc is then placed in the dilute acid,and the mould or form to be copied, in the solution of copper. The zinc continues to dissolve in the acid, and generate the power, which being conveyed through the solutions to the surface of the mould, there causes the precipitation of copper, whilst the wire joining the zinc with the metallic mould, forms the connexion necessary to com- plete the galvanic circle. The apparatus for this purpose is exceedingly simple, cheap, and easy of management ; and when once arranged, and set in action, requires no further attendance until the ope- ration is complete, when the mould is to be removed and the copy separated from it. 311 Copper by Voltaic Electricity. A very convenient form and arrangement is the following : A is a glass or earthen vessel containing a quantity of a sa- turated solution of sulphate of cop- per; E a piece of gut or tubular membrane formed into a bag by be- ing tightly tied at the lower end and secured in a vertical position in the middle of the jar A, by means of a stick, which passing through two holes in it, rests upon the top of the jar. This bag is filled with dilute sulphuric acid, and contains the zinc rod C, which is likewise supported by the stick. D is the mould to be copied, and E the me- tallic wire connecting it with the zinc. Matters being thus arranged the precipitation goes on rapidly, and all that is requisite is to take care that the solution of sulphate of copper does not become too weak; when this happens, the cop- per comes down in a pulverulent and finely divided state, without any cohesion ; falling off from the surface of the mould in the form of a bulky powder, and rapidly reoxidizing. This effect also happens when the surface on which copper is to be precipitated is very small, compared with the size of the zinc and the strength of the acid. In the first case it is easily prevented by always keeping excess of undissolved sulphate of copper in the solution to supply that which is decomposed. When the deposited metal has acquired sufficient thickness, it is easily removed from the surface of the mould, by gently loosening its edge all round with any sharp instrument, after which it may be readily separated. Mr. Spencer has ingeni- ously availed himself of the different expansibility by heat of different metals, in removing the deposited metal from the mould. When copper is to be precipitated in a copper mould, he recommends rubbing into the surface of the mould a very small quantity of beeswax, the copper being previously warmed. In similar cases I have found that a small quantity of plumbago well rubbed over the surface completely pre- vented adhesion. The form of apparatus above described, has I believe an advantage over that first proposed by Mr. Spencer, in the vertical position of the mould. When the mould is placed horizontally beneath the zinc rod, it is more liable to become 312 Mr. E. Solly, Jun., on the Precipitation of fouled with dust and impurities of various kinds which can hardl}^ be kept out of the sulphate of copper, and which be- coming gradually covered over by reduced copper, cause in the face of the metal when finished, the appearance of black specks ; this is avoided in the form described. Another convenience is that two, three, or even four moulds may be operated upon at once, and any one may be removed at pleasure without disturbing the others. I have been thus minute in describing the apparatus requisite for the process, because it is very commonly supposed, that as the process is called “ Voltaic precipitation,” a powerful voltaic battery, complicated and expensive apparatus, and a complete know- ledge of electricity is requisite for its performance; whilst in fact the great beauty of the process consists in its extreme simplicity, requiring only a slight acquaintance with the most elementary laws of that science. When the mould employed is perfectly clean and sharp, and the process has been properly conducted, the copy ob- tained is ofpure and brightly metallic copper, usually of a pink colour. If a copy of a medal thus taken, and after having been removed from the mould have a small quantity of cop- per precipitated upon its face, it assumes a most beautiful dead silky lustre, which with very little if any injury to the sharpness of the work gives it a very beautiful play of light and shade. The colour of the precipitated copper appears to be very much influenced by the nature and condition of the mould ; and by paying attention to this circumstance, it may be ob- tained of a great variety of shades of colour. I have sometimes thought, that the colour of a voltaic cast of a medal is de- pendent on the nature of the metal, of which the original medal is composed; because I frequently observed that cop- per precipitated in a fusible metal mould made from a silver medal, had a remarkable whiteness, whilst those similarly made from copper medals were red, and from gold had a yellow colour. On endeavouring to ascertain whether these effects were really dependent on the nature of the original medal, 1 found that so many little causes seemed to influence the results, that it was almost impossible to draw any certain conclusions with regard to these curious peculiarities of colour. The surface of the deposited copper is exceedingly apt to tarnish from exposure to air, frequently becoming partially bright orange, and sometimes even of a brilliant red colour. When heated up to nearly a red heat it acquires a uniform iron grey colour which is perfectly permanent. The preci- pitated metal is rather brittle, though very elastic ; but by Copper hy Voltaic Electricity. 313 heating it and allowing it to cool slowly it becomes tough and flexible. In this process it is evident that a metallic surface is re- quisite for the commencement of any precipitation of copper ; ‘the arrangement in fact forms a single cell of a Daniell’s bat- tery, and is incomplete with the presence of the surface of the second metal in the sulphate of copper. Mr. Spencer has shown, however, that moulds for the pre- cipitation of copper may be made of any substance by gild- ing them or otherwise covering their surface with a thin film of metal which affords a conducting surface for the first por- tions of copper to be precipitated upon. My attention w^as early directed to this part of the process, because it seemed to open a wide field for new and beautiful applications. I was induced to pay particular attention to the deposition of copper upon non-metallic surfaces, and in consequence made nu- merous experiments to ascertain the circumstances most fa- vourable to its precipitation under these conditions. My first experiments were made on surfaces of plaster of Paris, which I endeavoured to coat with copper, so as in fact to con- vert plaster casts into bronzes. 1 commenced by gilding the surface with different metals in the manner proposed by Mr. Spencer, but I found it exceedingly difficult to get a perfectly smooth and uniform surface ; the process succeeded best with gold-leafi but even that had its objections, and was besides very expensive. Subsequently I tried metals, such as bismuth and antimony in a state of very fine division, ground up with water and glutinous matters ; these attempts were however not much better than the first trials. In the course of these experiments I observed a curious fact, which I had not at all anticipated, and which very ma- terially assisted me in attaining the objects which I had in view. When I had endeavoured to precipitate lead from a solution of one of its salts, in the same way that I had been doing with copper, I found that small grey crystals of lead soon formed upon the most prominent parts of the metallic mould I was employing, and which happened to be a leaden cast of a medal : these crystals rapidly increased in size, extend- ing towards the membrane bag containing the zinc, which w^as about 3 inches distant from the mould. As soon as the cry- stals reached the surface of the membrane they bent about in various directions, crossing and recrossing each other until they had completely enveloped the membrane in a net-work of reduced lead. Again, when silver is precipitated from the fused nitrate, by electricity, the crystals formed at the one electrode extend across the fused electrolyte, until having 314< Mr. E. Solly, Jun., on Voltaic Frecipitation, reached the opposite electrode they complete the metallic circuit and prevent further decomposition. In the same way I expected that when copper was deposited against a badly- conducting surface, it would increase much more rapidly in the direction towards the zinc rod, and that it would have but very little tendency to increase sideways ; but I found, on the contrary, that the deposited copper had a remarkable pro- perty of extending by its edges far more rapidly than it in- creased in thickness ; seeming to creep along or cling to the surface of the plaster or other non-conducting substance, against which it was being precipitated : and even when the plaster surface was placed at an angle of 45° to the zinc rod, and the deposition commenced in the centre, where a piece of gold-leaf had been applied, the copper extended equally all round and quite as fast on the side, where it receded from the zinc as on that part where by increasing it approached it. Following out this circumstance, I soon found that by very slightly improving the conducting power of the surface of the plaster or other non-conducting substance, I was enabled to precipitate copper without any gold-leaf or other metallic surface for commencement. The degree of conduct- ing power requisite for this purpose was very slight, all that was necessary being to wash the surface over once or twice with a solution of nitrate of silver or muriate of gold, drying and well blacking each successive coat by exposure to light, the surface having previously been well rubbed over with a small quantity of plumbago. When thus prepared and placed in the solution of sulphate of copper, it was sufficient to touch any part of it with the wire attached to the zinc to cause the precipitation; a small ring of copper soon formed on the blackened surface round the wire, which increasing in size, in time covered the whole surface which had been prepared. When the deposit of copper had reached the edge of the pre- pared surface it still continued to increase, but more slowly, extending around the edges, even on to the back of the plaster, and accommodating itself to all the inequalities of its surface almost as perfectly as if it were metallic. In this manner I have caused it to be precipitated along the surface of card, paper, and on a variety of the most delicate and easily de- structible organic substances. Indeed I have frequently seen it, when arrested by an air-bubble, gradually surround and envelope it, and thus form a perfect cast; the process going on with sufficient rapidity, and yet without disturbing so frail a form. Some of these experiments are interesting when viewed in relation to certain phaenomena of fossilization, not merely in Mr. Smee on the Galvanic Properties of Metals. 315 cases where organic matters are replaced by pyrites, but also in those where silica and other earthy substances are con- cerned. By this process I was easily enabled to cover the surface of any article moulded in plaster, sulphur, wax, or any other substance; but it usually happened that by the time that the whole surface was covered some parts had begun to throw up little mammillated excrescences of copper which destroyed the smoothness and regular appearance of the surface. Al- though I thus failed in my original purpose, yet I saw sufficient reason to feel no doubt that plaster may be covered with a uniform coating of copper. The surface of the copper preci- pitated against the plaster is of course smooth, and there- fore the process might be conveniently employed in any case where one or only a few copies are required of any metallic surface. Thus finger plates for doors, and all kinds of thin ornamental metal work, may be copied with great perfection. A very beautiful effect is produced by coating the sur- face of facsimiles of medals or casts, made of lead or fusible metal, with a thin film of reduced copper ; they then exhibit the beautiful silky dull appearance which I have before al- luded to as being possessed by the precipitated metal. If these could be preserved from tarnishing by the application of any varnish or lacquer, exceedingly beautiful and cheap ornaments might be made in this manner, such as clock cases, &c. I have likewise been engaged in a series of experiments on the precipitation of other metals by similar means, and shall probably, when sufficiently at leisure, prepare a short account of them. .38, Bedford Row, March 2, 1840. LI II. On the Galvanic Properties of the Metallic Elementary Bodies, with a description of a new Chemico-Mechanical Battery, By Alfred Smee, Esq.* * T AST May a number of experiments were performed upon the galvanic properties of the non-metallic elementary bodies, and these were attended with the acquisition of some curious information f? but till lately no opportunity has pre- sented itself of extending the series of investigations then con- ducted: now, however, that I believe that I can lay before * Communicated by the Author. t The results connected with this part of the subject will be given in a future number. 316 Mr. Smee on the Galvanic Properties of Metals. the public a valuable battery, no time is lost, that others may extend and improve the new principle about to be detailed. With regard to the metallic elementary bodies, their pro- perties have been investigated so frequently, and to such an extent, that it may seem unnecessary to draw attention again to them ; but two circumstances influencing their action have never been noticed. It is well known that the positive metal should be the most readily acted upon by the solution, and the negative the least, and the further these are apart, the more forcible will be the battery ; thus, creteris paribus.^ plati- num and zinc are more powerful than iron and zinc ; but if a circuit be made of a piece of smooth platinum and zinc it will sometimes happen that the effect is less than when a circuit is formed by a similar piece of iron. Now this appears at first sight paradoxical, though it can in many instances be easily explained ; for if the platinum be carefully examined, it will be seen that the acid solution does not really wet the platinum, but runs off from the greater part of the surface, as metallic mercury does from glass. In this state, a piece of platinum having a surface of thirty-two square inches, formed into a battery with amalgamated zinc and connected with a magnet, supported three-quarters of a pound through five thicknesses of paper ; when the same piece of platinum was heated or dipped in nitric acid and afterwards well washed, it supported a similar weight through twelve thicknesses of paper, thus being less powerful than iron in the first instance, and more so in the second. In the same way, silver supported under the like circumstances, the keeper of a magnet through three layers of paper : on being heated and again wetted, the attractive force was exerted through nine thicknesses of paper, but no additional power was gained by removing the surface of the silver by nitric acid. The metals in these cases appear to become coated with a film of air, which effectually prevents the contact of the fluid. This is also seen in the various forms of charcoal, which after ignition are very powerful, but lose much of their force if long exposed to the air; their energy however is restored upon their being again heated. As in the experiments just detailed, and in those which I am about immediately to describe, the relative powers of the arrangements have to be considered, it will be proper to men- tion in what way the results were obtained. A soft iron horse- shoe magnet was suspended, round which covered wire in communication with the poles of the battery was wound : the keeper, which weighed three quarters of a pound, was sepa- rated from the poles of the magnet by as many layers of thin blotting paper as could be used without its falling ; thus with 317 and on a new Chemico- Mechanical Battery. a battery of feeble force few layers of paper could be inter- posed ; but with one of greater strength, forty or sixty thick- nesses might be used. A similar form of apparatus might easily be devised, which would show by means of a delicate screw the exact distance at which a given weight would be supported by the attractive force of the induced magnet. The influence of different conditions of surfaces is a subject which has escaped all experimenters. Now this is singular, for many must have noticed, that in a circuit, the greatest quantity of gas is given off* at the corners, edges, and points. Following this hint, a piece of spongy platinum, consisting as it does of an infinity of points, was placed in contact with amalgamated zinc, when a most violent action ensued, so that but little doubt could be entertained of its forming a very powerful battery. The fragile nature of this material pre- cludes it from being thus used, and therefore it was deter- mined that another piece of platinum should be coated with the finely-divided metal. This experiment was attended with a similar good result, and the energy of the metal thus coated was found to be surprising. To test the value of this process, a piece of platinum, thus platinized, was placed in dilute acid in contact with amalgamated zinc, and the quantity of gas evolved in a given time was noticed. c.i. Platinized platinum 7 sq. inches gave off 5 per 1 minute Platinum heated ditto I per 1 minute Platinum covered by air ditto 1 per 6 minutes Platinized coke small piece 3 per 5 minutes Plain coke ditto 1 per 25 minutes. In these experiments the contact was made in each cell alike; the same zinc being used, and the distance being the same between the metals. The energy of the metal thus prepared upon the soft iron magnet is very great. A piece of platinum exposing thirty-two square inches of surface, supports three- quarters of a pound through seventeen thicknesses of paper, whilst when smooth and wetted it supported it through eleven layers ; and when no care was taken about its being wet, but when simply plunged into the liquid, only through five layers of the same paper. The cause of this increase of power appears to be the faci- lity given to the evolution of the gas from the number of points, and not from an increase of surface, as but little benefit attends its application in the nitric acid batteries, in which the hydrogen is not evolved, but absorbed by the fluid. The next point which we have to consider, is whether other finely-divided metals have the same good effect ; but no other 318 Mr. Smee on the Galvanic Properties of Metals, of the many metals that I have tried can be used with similar good results, except palladium, which though it has not much effect in the sponge, is found when precipitated on platinum or silver to possess powers, about equal to the finely-divided platinum. Precipitated silver increases the power of the me- tals, but not nearly to the extent of platinum. Having ascertained that a solution of platinum must be used for increasing the power of metals in their ordinary state, it becomes a matter of great importance to ascertain whether the platinum may be precipitated upon other metals with advantage ; and for this purpose it was deposited upon earthenware, palladium, pure silver, copper plated with silver, nickel, German silver, tin, lead, brass, cast iron, sheet iron, steel, zinc, and charcoal. The platinized earthen- ware was not found to answer, apparently from the quantity of the metal not being sufficient to carry the electricity. Pal- ladium, silver, and plated silver answered equally well with platinum to receive the precipitated metal, and if there was any difference, I think the silver was rather the best. Plated copper answers very well, but care should be taken to var- nish every copper edge, or else that metal is apt to be slightly dissolved, and deposited again upon the platinized silver, which is injurious. Should copper, from any cause, get upon the silver, it may be dissolved by a little muriatic acid, and afterwards by a little strong ammonia. No other metal or alloy besides this answered for the reception of the platinum, except iron, and this was as active as silver for a time, but then a local battery was formed between the platinum and iron — the iron was dissolved and the battery destroyed. In some cases this does not take place so rapidly as in others. Carbon answers admirably for the reception of the platinum, and is improved in like manner. We have now the elements for the manufacture of a power- ful battery ; for we have seen that increase of power is ob- tained by taking care that the negative metal is thoroughly wetted by the fluid, and that this is not only accomplished, but its power materially increased by the numerous points formed by the precipitation oF finely-divided platinum. What- ever metal, alloy, or compound may be found hereafter to succeed for the reception of the platinum, or whatever metal may be found to answer instead ol the finely-divided platinum, still the principle by which the advantage is gained will be the same. However, the battery which I now propose is to be made of either copper plated with silver, silver, palladium, or platinum. The silver can be rolled to any thinness, and therefore is not expensive. Each piece of metal is to be 319 and on a neix> Cliemico-MecJianical Battery, placed in water, to which a little dilute sulphuric acid and ni- tro-muriate of platinum is to be added. A simple current is then to be formed by zinc placed in a porous tube with dilute acid ; when, after the lapse of a short time, the metal will be coated with a fine black powder of metallic platinum. The trouble of this operation is most trifling ; only requiring a lit- tle time after the arrangement of the apparatus, which takes even less than the description. The cost I find to be about 6d. a plate of 4 inches each way, or 32 square inches of sur- face. This finely-divided platinum does not adhere firmly to very smooth metals, but when they are rough is very lasting, and sticks so closely that it cannot be rubbed off. On this ac- count, when either silver is employed, or copper coated with silver, the surface is to be made rough by brushing it over with a little strong nitric acid, which gives it instantly a frosted ap- pearance, and this, after being washed, is ready for the pla- tinizing process. With regard to the arrangement of the metal thus pre- pared great diversity exists ; it may be arranged in the same way as an ordinary Wollaston’s battery with advantage ; a battery thus constructed possessing greater power than Pro- fessor Daniell’s battery : four cells, containing 48 square inches in each cell, decomposed 7 cubic inches of mixed gas per five minutes, whilst four cells of Professor Daniell’s, in w'hich 65 square inches of copper were exposed in each cell, gave off only five cubic inches in the same time. However, in my battery thus arranged, the action dropped to 5 cubic inches in five minutes, but it resumed its power after the contact had been broken for a few seconds. This battery also possesses great heating powers, raising the temperature of a platinum or steel wire, 1 foot long and of a thickness similar to that used for ordinary birdcages, to a heat that could not be borne by the finger*. Its magnetic power is not less astonishing, three cells supporting the keeper of a magnet through forty-five, two cells through thirty-two, and one cell through twenty thicknesses of paper. An electro-magnetic engine was made to rotate with great velocity, the combustion of the mercury at the breaking of contact being exceedingly brilliant. A battery of this construction should be in every laboratory, to be used in most cases where a battery is wanted, and the slight labour attending its operation is scarcely worth men- tioning. I have used one for 48 hours consecutively without the slightest alteration either of the fluid, or in the arrange- * A small pot battery of six cells fairly fused into globules 2 inches of iron wire, and the combustion of different metals was extremely brilliant, when the battery was in combination with a BachofFner’s apparatus, 320 Mr. Srnee on the Galvanic Properties of Metals, ment of the metals, and the diminution attending its opera- tion appeared to arise from deficiency of acid, for it was in- stantly restored by a little strong sulphuric acid in each cell. Where the battery is required to possess the same power for a long period, it might be advisable to separate the metals by a porous earthenw'are vessel, or what answers the purpose equally well, b}^ a thick paper bag, the joinings of which must be effected by shell-lac dissolved in alcohol. By these means, the sulphate of zinc is retained on the zinc side of the battery. The use of porous tubes, however, appears from observation, as far as my battery is concerned, to be nearly superfluous, at any rate in most cases ; for I find, that after a battery arranged as Wollaston’s had been at work in the same fluid for forty- eight hours, it had no zinc deposited on the silver. It is worth remarking, that during the last 24 hours contact had not been broken for a single instant. Notwithstanding these experi- ments, how’ever, it may be as well in an extensive battery to use porous plates. The battery may be arranged like the pot batteries, but I should greatly prefer the troughs, such as used for Wollas- ton’s batteries, from the convenience of packing, and from a battery of the same surface requiring so small a space. A battery may be constructed to form a most powerful calori- motor. It may also be arranged as a circular disc battery. Or it may be made as a Cruickshanks, each cell being di- vided or not by a flat porous diaphragm. Whatever ar- rangement is adopted, the closer the zinc is brought to the platinized metal, the greater w ill be the power. The generating fluid which is to be employed is water, with one-eighth of sulphuric acid by measure ; and the zinc ought always to be amalgamated in the first instance, as that pro- cess will be found very oeconomical from its stopping all local action, and the amalgamation will be found not to require repeating, because there is no fear of copper being throwm down on the zinc, which occasionally happens in the sulphate of copper batteries. The battery thus constructed is the cheapest and least troublesome in action that has ever been proposed, and from the^mallness of its bulk will be found very valuable to electro- magneticians. It is second in power only to the nitric acid batteries, the objections to which have been already noticed. For medical purposes, with a Bachoffher’s apparatus, a bat- tery composed of platinized silver tw'o inches each way will be found sufficient. To recapitulate the processes of the formation of a battery: first the plabina, silver, or plated copper must be roughened, the two latter with nitric acid, and afterwards washed. The and on a new Chemico-Mechanical Battery, 321 metal is next to be placed in an acid solution with a little nitro-muriate of platinum, which metal is to be thrown down by the formation of a simple galvanic circuit; and lastly, the platinized metal is to be formed with amalgamated zinc into a battery, either with a porous tube or paper bag, or without them, according to the fancy of the operator, or the purpose for which it is wanted. The advantage from this form of battery arises, as I believe, from a mechanical help to the evolution of the hydrogen ; and therefore it is proposed to call it the Chemico-mechanical battery. This battery may remain in the acid for a length of time, and neither the amalgamated zinc nor platinized silver will undergo the slightest change, and the whole will be as silent as death. Let only communication be made, the liquid in each cell becomes troubled ; — it boils — it bubbles, and produces the effects which have been detailed. The quan- tity of electricity passing through either wires or liquids may be pretty accurately judged from the action taking place in the battery, for if the communication be made through a liquid of difficult decomposition, or through long small wires (70 or 80 feet), but little gas will be given off from the pla- tinized metal, but when short thick wires are used the action is violent. A galvanometer might be constructed of one cell, similar to the oxygen cell of Professor Daniell, as this would show the exact amount of electricity passing. The importance of constructing a battery that shall be small in compass, efficient in action, cheap in its operation, and devoid of troublesome manipulation, is important in the highest degree; and I consider that my chemico-mechanical battery will be found frequently a useful means of obtaining gases for the oxy-hydrogen light. Its value for blowing up vessels under water, and exploding powder in mines, is sufficiently obvious. In conducting the extensive series of experiments, of which this is a summary, the grand features have been rather at- tended to than very minute results; and in conclusion, it would ill befit me if I did not here mention the valuable as- sistance I have received by the loan of apparatus, &c. from many individuals, but most especially from Professor Daniell, William Terry, Esq., and Mr. E. Palmer. Bank of England, Feb. 29, 1840. Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 103. April 1840. Y [ 322 ] LI V. Memoir on the Lww of Substitutions^ and the Theory of Chemical Types, By M. Dumas.* TN this memoir, I propose explaining and discussing dif- ^ ferent rules and their consequences which have so often been the subject of important communications to the Academy, for I should think it useless to call upon its kind attention, if the developments, into which I have been obliged to enter, had not given it an unusual length. But the Academy will pardon me, when it knows the importance and the variety of the questions which I have been forced to unite in it, and which are the following : “1. In every combination, can the elements have their place supplied, equivalent for equivalent, by simple bodies or by compound bodies, which act their part ? “ 2. Are not these substitutions often effected, without the general nature of the compound being altered by it; the bodies thus produced belonging to the same chemical type as those from which they are derived ? 3. In other cases, can these substitutions furnish products entirely distinct in their actions {reactions) from those which gave them birth, and is it then right to consider them not- withstanding as belonging to the same molecular type ? 4. Can the nomenclature of organic substances be re- modeled, from the present time, in such a manner that the name of each body shall express the chemical type, or even the molecular type to which it belongs ? ‘‘ 5. Do the phenomena of substitution oblige us to modify profoundly the value affixed until lately to the organic ra- dicals ? « 6. Is not the electric function {role) attributed to the ele- ments of compounds by the electro-chemical theory, in com- plete contradiction to the phaenomena of substitutions ? ” I shall subject each of these questions in succession to an attentive examination, applying myself to what is general and elevated, without entering into technical details, which will take their place in special memoirs. Law of Substitutions, Some years ago, M. Gay-Lussac mentioned a very simple experiment in his lectures, which has become a point of de- parture for an immense succession of inquiries and disco- veries. In treating wax by chlorine, said the illustrious professor, I saw this substance lose some of its hydrogen, * From the Comptcs Rendus de V Academic des Sciences, 1840, prem. semest. No. 5, Feb. 3. 323 M. Dumas on the Law of Substitutions^ 8^c. and take exactly an equivalent volume of chlorine to that of the hydrogen set free, I had myself subjected oil of turpen- tine to similar trials, and was convinced, agreeably to M. De- vielle’s late re-examination of the subject, that it easily loses eight volumes of hydrogen and takes in their place eight volumes of chlorine, thus constituting the compound Ch^, derived from the original oil of turpentine At the same time, I studied the composition of some ex- traordinary products obtained from alcohol, viz. chloral, chloroform, bromoform, iodoform, of which I gave an ex- act analysis, and endeavoured to explain their formation.. This work was the occasion of the law of substitutions being developed for the first time. But as it was then be- lieved that certain organic matters, and alcohol in particular, contained water ready formed, the law of substitutions, in the form in which I first presented it, attributed a function to this water, which gave rise to many objections. To re- turn to the details of this point, would be without interest at the present time, for those chemists who admit the reality of substitutions, have in general given up the supposition of the existence of ready-formed water in the compounds in which these substitutions are observed.^ Although the function which I had attributed to the water may be reconciled to the general phaenomena of chemistry, as it is now become useless, we must limit the law of substi- tutions to the following expression: — “When a hydro- genated organic substance is treated with chlorine, bromine, iodine, or oxygen, &c., these bodies generally remove hydro- gen from it, and for an equivalent of hydrogen so removed, an equivalent of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or oxygen is sub- stituted in the compound. Is this phaenomenon general ? has it a peculiar character ? This is what we are about to examine. At the present time every one knows that in the reciprocal action of bodies certain relations of weight are observed, and that it is not enough to say that sulphur or oxygen combine with or act upon zinc or lead, but that a quantity of sulphur weighing 201, and of oxygen weighing 100, act upon or combine with a quantity of zinc weighing 403, and of lead * It may however be observed, that when I admitted that chlorine de- composed this water, seized the hydrogen, and left the oxygen in the com- pound, I made a very logical supposition. An analogous case presents itself when the benzoate of silver is decomposed by bromine, giving bromide of silver, the oxygen of the oxide uniting with the benzoic acid. When I added that oxygen itself could decompose the water fixed in the compounds, I was guided by the theory of cementation, in which we admit that iron decomposes carburet of iron, Y2 324? M. Dumas on the La'm of Substitutions, weighing 1294-. These quantities are the chemical equiva* lents of those bodies ; all chemical action takes place between them and their multiples. Now, to say that from an organic compound, an equivalent of hydrogen may be subtracted, and that its place may be taken by an equivalent of chlorine, is manifestly announcing a law in perfect harmony with the general law of the recipro- cal action of bodies by equivalents. Every one comprehends, that if a crystallized body could produce another, likewise crystallized, by losing hydrogen and gaining chlorine, which could not be represented by equivalents, we must conclude from this that the theory of equivalents is false. The law of substitutions ought to be in accordance with the theory of equivalents, as moreover the general expression which has been given to it suggests. But from thence to assert that the law of substitutions has no peculiar character, that it is only a particular case of the theory of equivalents, there is either an equivocation or an immense leap. That this leap was made when the law of substitutions was at first put forth, that nothing allowed the cause of it to be foreseen, in order to connect it with a theo- retical principle, 1 concede without difficulty. This also did not fail to be the case, and amongst the objections of the German chemists to the law of substitutions, it always figures first. The philosophers who some years ago viewed it in this manner, were right without doubt, but they must have been very much surprised to see so many skilful men persist in finding in it a special character. With regard to myself, if I believed in the future prevalence of the law of substitutions, in its importance, five years ago, when I was the only one who defended it, it is not to be sup- posed that I can change my opinion, when the most eminent English chemist, Mr. Graham, adopts it without reserve; when M. Liebig, after sharply criticising it, now receives it as admitted in science ; when so many labours, undertaken often to combat it, have come within this very circle, to give it a complete consecration ; when, lastly, far from seeing in the law of substitutions a simple experimental fact, we are now able to ascend to its cause. Thus, to assert, as M. Pelouze has done, that the phas- nomenon of substitution, when it is observed, is only a par- ticular case of the theory of equivalents, is to announce as a novelty two things perfectly known, viz. : first, that in the action of two bodies, substitution does not always take place; secondly, that when it is effected, it takes place by equiva- lents. This does not hinder the phaLmomenon of substitution 325 and the Theory of Chemical Types, from possessing a special character, from constituting a case of chemical action so particular, that it was absolutely neces- sary to distinguish it from every other, as I have done. To be convinced that the theory of substitutions is not ge- neral, there is no need of new facts; it will suffice to read my memoir on chloracetic acid, which has been so often quoted for some time. We there see that besides the chloracetic acid produced by substitution by means of the action of chlorine on acetic acid, oxalic acid and carbonic acid are de- veloped, the production of which by substitution we may be at a loss how to explain, at least for the present. And better still, it suffices to glance at my memoir relative to indigo : we there see that the white indigo, under the 'in- fluence of oxygen, loses an equivalent of hydrogen without gaining anything. In this case then there is no substitution ; I convinced myself of it. At a later period MM. Liebig and Woehler observed facts of the same nature in their admi- rable researches upon uric acid. Quite recently, Mr. Kane observed similar facts in the colouring matter of Heliotrope. Thus, the phsenomenon of substitutions is not general ; still more, this is one of its most essential characters, as we shall presently see. Not only it is not general, because a body may, under the influence of oxygen, lose hydrogen without gaining anything, but it is not general also for the contrary reason. Olefiant gas, for example, may lose 4? equivalents of hydrogen and take 6 of chlorine; every one knows this. Any one who had not analysed all the intermediate degrees of this action, as M. Regnault has done, would, in comparing the first and last term, have found the law of substitutions defective. At present it may be explained and understood without difficulty, when we say that if white indigo loses hydrogen without gaining anything, it passes into a new molecular type ; when we know that olefiant gas may produce a chlo- ride of carbon of the same type as itself, and, by a fresh addition of chlorine, a new chloride of a different type. Thus, the law of substitutions prevails when the bodies pre- serve their initial type; it is no longer applicable in the con- trary case; and, by this very means, it serves to distinguish the bodies which have preserved their molecular type from those which have lost it. But there is no occasion to return to this explanation, which my wish to express myself clearly has induced me to give en passant, to justify the necessity of distinguishing the law of substitutions from other chemical actions {reactions,). The law of substitutions expresses, that in an organic body, S26 M. Dumas on the La'w of Substitutions^ we may take away 1, 2, 3 equivalents of hydrogen, and sup- ply their places by 1, 2, 3 equivalents of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or oxygen. It indicates that these substitutions will give birth to new bodies, the properties of which it is often possible to foresee. It makes known that these actions [re- actions) are the easiest, the most frequent, the least changing {alterantes) that a body can undergo* Before the law of substitutions was published, no one could have foreseen how a hydrogenated body would have acted under the influence of chlorine or oxygen. Now every one knows it, and a chemist performs in a few days, by means of this guide, operations which would have required years of labour before he had learned its use. Ask the theory of equivalents what ought to take place when ether is subjected to the action of chlorine, and it will certainly reply that it knows nothing of the matter; or indeed, what comes to the same thing, it will show you a hundred possible cases between which you will have to choose. For ether may lose in succession the five equivalents of hydrogen which it contains without gaining anything, which gives five new bodies ; for it may, without losing anything, absorb 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and many more equivalents of chlorine besides ; which makes ten, twenty, thirty new bodies, if we desire it ; for it may, in losing a single, or even two, or three equivalents of hydrogen, absorb equivalents of chlorine more or less in number; and in this third hypothesis, the number of compounds will become almost innumerable. In fine, we should fall upon almost infinite varieties of combinations, if we add that the oxygen of ether may be eliminated, either free, in the form of water, or in the form of carbonic acid. Thus the theory of equivalents announces the production of a prodigious quantity of compounds : provided the ele- ments which the ether loses and those which it gains are represented by equivalents, it is sufficient. It is otherwise wdth the law of substitutions. With regard to that, when ether loses hydrogen, it must receive chlorine. There are then only five compounds which are possible, of which the composition is perfectly foreseen. C4 QA QA QA QA QA H^Ch FPCh^ H^Chs HCh^ Ch^ O O O O O O Amongst them, three are already known, and there is not the smallest risk to run when we predict the probable dis- covery of the two others. 327 and the Theory of Chemical Types. The law of substitutions sees then in these five compounds some of the nearest^ the most necessary modifications of ether. The theory of equivalents sees there any modifications what- ever more or less possible. The one says, these five bodies must be formed first very easily and very abundantly ; the other says, they may be formed, and many others with them. If the acetic acid is in question, the theory of equivalents would besides announce the possible formation of compounds so numerous, that nothing could guide the observer. The law of substitutions, more precise, foresees and predicts that in losing 1, 2, 3 equivalents of hydrogen, the acetic acid will take 1, 2, 3 equivalents of chlorine, and will thus produce three new compounds. One of them constitutes the so-called chloracetic acid. In a multitude of possible actions which are nearly equally foreseen by the theory of equivalents, the lawr of substitutions discovers with certainty those which are about to be produced ; it foresees them, predicts them, and up to tlie present time its help has truly been of invaluable efficacy. How, without it, should we have been led to discover, one after the other, four or five mixed products, hardly differing from each other, in some actions recently studied ? Other- wise, how would it have been possible to perceive, that the action which was to be produced had not been exhausted, if the formulae, through the impossibility of making them agree with the law of substitutions, had not warned the observer ? Let me make a comparison drawn from a familiar order of ideas. Let us put ourselves in the place of a man overlooking a game at chess, without having the slightest knowledge of the game. He would soon remark, that the pieces must be used according to positive rules. In chemistry, the equiva- lents are our pieces, and the law of substitutions one of the rules which presides over their moves. And as in the oblique move of the pawns, one pawn must be substituted for another, so, in the phenomena of substitution one element must take the place of another. But this does not hinder the pawn from advancing without taking anything, as the law of substi- tutions does not hinder an element from acting on a body without displacing or taking the place of any other element which it may contain. How can we believe that a knowledge of the rules which govern the game of our chess-board, is useless for the ex- planation of the moves which offer themselves, for the purpose of foreseeing those which are about to arise from the rela- tions of the different pieces, of the various agents placed in contact ? 328 M. Dumas on the Law of Suhstitutio7is^ ^c. These are the foresights, always justified by experience, which characterize the law of substitutions. If it be connected with the theory of equivalents, it then results that every chemical phaenomenon is represented by equivalents, and that the facts of substitution are chemical phsenomena ; that every possible event in chemistry is translated into the language of equivalents, and that after all a true fact must be a possible fact. In the same manner that the possible comprehends the true, in like manner, and not otherwise, the theory of equiva- lents comprehends the law of substitutions. So far, I have reasoned as if the law of substitutions only applied in reality to the substitution of hydrogen, which has furnished the first examples of it. But chemists know that in an organic substance not only can hydrogen undergo sub- stitution, but also oxygen and azote, of which it would be easy to cite numerous examples. Still more, we can cause carbon to undergo real substi- tutions, which sufficiently shows how artificial that classifi- cation of organic substances would be, which would rest solely on the permanency of the number of the equivalents of carbon in all the compounds of the same family. In an organic compound, all the elements may then be displaced, and others substituted for them in succession. Those which disappear most easily, abstraction being caused by certain conditions of stability which we cannot yet foresee, are those of which the affinities are the most energetic. This is why hydrogen is one of the easiest to subtract and have an- other element substituted for it ; this is why carbon is one of the most rebellious, for we know few bodies which can act upon carbon and not upon hydrogen. In fine, I add that the law of substitutions allows us not only to foresee the disappearance of a certain number, or of all the elements of the organic compound, and new elements being substituted for them, but also the intervention, playing the part of the same elements, of certain compound bodies. Thus, cyanogen, carbonic oxide, sulphuric acid, the binoxide of azote, nitrous gas, amidogen, and many other compound groups may intervene as the elements would do, take the place of hydrogen, and give rise to new bodies. The law of substitutions is then an almost inexhaustible source of discoveries. It guides the hand of the chemist who trusts to it, it rectifies his errors by showing him the cause of them ; and in a number of possible but uncertain actions, it points out some which are proximate, easy to pro- duce, and of the highest interest. This future, so rich in facts which may be realised, so full 329 Royal Society, of accessible discoveries, which the law of substitutions re- veals to the eyes of the chemist, justifies a remark of my dear friend M. Ampere, having so warm a heart and a mind so rich in delicate perceptions. When I was speaking to him of the law of substitutions, he also, at first, confounded it with the ordinary equivalent actions ; but when I had de- veloped the views, still very incomplete, which I was already endeavouring to attach to them, “ Ah ! my friend,” said he, “ how I pity you ! you have found work for your whole life.” A prediction which would have been realised, if so many minds of a higher order, taking up the law of substitutions, had not given it a flight which makes my part of the work much less necessary. [To be continued.] LV. Proceedings of Learned Societies, ROYAL SOCIETY. Feb. 13, ^ I ^HE reading of a paper, entitled ‘‘ Experimental Re- 1840. searches in Electricity, Sixteenth Series.” On the source of power in the Voltaic pile. By Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., was resumed and concluded. The determination of the real source of electrical power in gal- vanic combinations has become, in the present state of our know- ledge of electricity, a question of considerable importance, and one which must have great influence on the future progress of that science. The various opinions which have been entertained by phi- losophers on this subject may be classed generally under two heads ; namely, those which assign as the origin of voltaic power the simple contact of dissimilar substances, and more especially of different metals ; and secondly, those which ascribe this force to the exertion of chemical affinities. The first, or the theory of contact, was devised by Volta, the great discoverer of the Voltaic pile ; and adopted, since it was promulgated by him, by a host of subsequent philoso- phers, among the most celebrated of whom may be ranked Pfaff, Marianini, Fechner, Zamboni, Matteucci, Karsten, Bruchardat, and also Davy ; all of them bright stars in the exalted galaxy of science. The theory of chemical action was first advanced by Fabroni, Wol- laston, and Parret ; and has been since further developed by Oersted, Becquerel, De la Rive, Ritchie, Pouillet, Schoenbein, and others. The author of the present paper, having examined this question by the evidence afforded by the results of definite electro-chemical action, soon acquired the conviction of the truth of the latter of these theories, and has expressed this opinion in his paper, pub- lished in the Philosophical Transactions for 1834. The author, after stating the fundamental doctrine laid down by 330 Royal Society -Dr. Faraday’s Researches in Electricity, Volta, proceeds to give an account of various modifications in the theory introduced by subsequent philosophers ; and also of difierent variations in the views of those who, in the main, have adopted the chemical theory. Being desirous of collecting further and more decisive evidences on this important subject, he engaged in the series of experimental researches which are detailed in the present memoir. It is assumed, he observes, by the advocates of the contact theory, that although the metals exert powerful electromotive forces at their points of mutual contact, yet in every complete metallic circuit, whatever be the order or arrangement of the metals which compose it, these forces are so exactly balanced as to prevent the existence of any current ; but that, on the other hand, fluid conductors, or electrolytes, either exert no electromotive force at their place of contact with the metals, or, if they do exert such a power, the forces called into play in the complete circuit are not subject to the same law of compensation as obtains with circuits wholly composed of metallic bodies. The author successfullj^ combats this doctrine, by bringing forward a great number of instances, where certain fluids, which have no chemical action on the metals with which they were associated in the circuit, are in themselves such good conductors of electricity, as to render evident any current which could have arisen from the contact of the metals, either with each other or with the fluid ; the evidence of their possessing this conducting power being their capability of transmitting a feeble thermo-electric cur- rent from a pair of plates of antimony and bismuth. The following he found to be fluids possessing this property in a high degree ; namely, a solution of sulphuret of potassium, yellow anhydrous ni- trous acid mixed with nearly an equal volume of water, very strong red nitric acid, and a mixture of one volume of strong acid with two volumes of water. By employing the solution of sulphuret of po- tassium as an electrolyte of good conducting power, but chemically inactive with reference to either iron or potassium ; and associating it with these metals in a circuit, formed by two test-glasses con- taining the solution, into one of which was immersed a plate of pla- tina and a plate of iron, and in the other two plates of platina ; and the circuit being completed by wires of the same metals respectively, joining the iron-plate in the first glass with one of the platina-plates in the second, while the other two platina-plates were united by platina wires, interrupted at one part by a short iron wire which joined their ends ; — it was found by the test of an interposed galva- nometer, that, as no chemical action took place, so no electric cur- rent was produced ; yet the apparatus thus arranged could transmit a very feeble thermo-electric current, excited by slightly raising the temperature of the wires at either of their points of contact. Hence, the inference may be drawn, that the contact of iron and platinum is of itself productive of no electromotive force. On the other hand, the autlior shows, that the interposition in the circuit of the smallest f j uantity of an electrolyte, which acts chemically on either of the metals, the arrangement remaining in all other respects the same, is imme- 331 On the Source of Po*uoer in the Voltaic Pile, diately attended with the circulation of an electrical current far more powerful than the thermo-electric current above-mentioned. A great number of combinations of other metals were successively tried in various ways, and they uniformly gave the same results as that of iron and platina. Similar experiments were then made with various metallic compounds, and also with other chemical agents ; and in all cases the same general fact was observed ; namely, that when no chemical action took place, no electrical current was excited ; thus furnishing, in the opinion of the author, unanswerable arguments against the truth of the theory of contact. The only way in which it is possible to explain these phenomena on that theory, would be by assuming, that the same law of compensation as to electro-motive power is observed by the sulphuret of potassium, and the other fluids of corresponding properties, as obtains in the Case of the metals, al- though that law does not apply to the generality of chemical agents ; and in like manner, different assumptions must be made in order to suit the result in each particular combination, and this without any definite relation to the chemical character of the substances them- selves ; assumptions, which no ingenuity could ever render consistent with one another. At the conclusion of the paper, the author de- scribes some remarkable alternations in the phenomena which occur, w'hen pieces of copper and silver, or two pieces of copper, or two of silver, form a circle with the yellow sulphuretted solution ; and which lead to the same conclusion as the former experiments. If the metals be copper and silver, the copper is at first positive, and the silver remains untarnished ; in a short time the action ceases, and the silver becomes positive, at the same time combining with sulphur, and becoming coated with sulphuret of silver ; in the course of a few minutes, the copper again becomes positive ; and thus the action changes from one side to the other in succession, and is ac- companied by a corresponding alternation of the electric current. March 5. — The reading of a paper entitled, “On the Chemi- cal Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on Preparations of Silver and other Substances, both metallic and non-metallic ; and on some Photographic Processes ; ” by Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart., V.P.R.S., &c., was resumed and concluded. The object which the author has in view in this memoir is to place on record a number of insulated facts and observations respecting the relations both of white light, and of the differently refrangible rays, to various chemical agents which have offered themselves to his notice in the course of his photographic experiments, suggested by the announcement of M. Daguerre’s discovery. After recapitulating the heads of his paper on this subject, which was read to the Society on the 14th of March, 1839, he remarks, that one of the most im- portant branches of the inquiry, in point of practical utility, is into the best means of obtaining the exact reproduction of indefinitely multiplied facsimiles of an original photograph, by which alone the publication of originals may be accomplished ; and for which purpose the use of paper, or other similar materials, appears to be essentially requisite. In order to avoid circumlocution, the author employs the 332 Royal Society : — Sir John Herschel on the Chemical terms positive and negative to express, respectively, pictures in which the lights and shades are the same as in nature, or as in the original model, and in which they are the opposite ; that is, light represent- ing shade ; and shade, light. The terms direct and reverse are also used to express pictures in which objects appear, as regards right and left, the same as in the original, and the contrary. In respect to photographic publication, the employment of a camera picture avoids the difficulty of a double transfer, which has been found to be a great obstacle to success in the photographic copying of en- gravings or drawings. The principal objects of inquiry to which the author has directed his attention in the present paper, are the following. First, the means of fixing photographs ; the comparative merits of different chemical agents for effecting which, such as hyposulphite of soda, hydriodite of potash, ferrocyanate of potash, &c., he discusses at some length ; and he notices some remarkable properties, in this respect, of a pe- culiar agent which he has discovered. 2. The means of taking photographic copies and transfers. The author lays great stress on the necessity, for this purpose, of pre- serving, during the operation, the closest contact of the photogra- phic paper used with the original to be copied. 3. The preparation of photographic paper. Various experiments are detailed, made with the view of discovering modes of increasing the sensitiveness of the paper to the action of light ; and particularly of those combinations of chemical substances which, applied either in succession or in combination, prepare it for that action. The ope- ration of the oxide of lead in its saline combinations as a mordent is studied ; and the influence which the particular kind of paper used has on the result, is also examined, and various practical rules are deduced from these, experiments. The author describes a method of precipitating on glass a coating possessing photographic proper- ties, and thereby of accomplishing a new and curious extension of the art of photography. He observes, that this method of coating glass with films of precipitated argentine, or other compounds, alfords the only effectual means of studying their habitudes on exposure to light, and of estimating their degree of sensibility, and other parti- culars of their deportment under the influence of reagents. After stating the result of his trials with the iodide, chloride, and bromide of silver, he suggests that trials should be made with the fluoride, from which, if it be found to be decomposed by light, the corrosion of the glass, and consequently an etching, might possibly be ob- tained, by the liberation of fluorine. As it is known that light reduces the salts of gold and of platinum, as well as those of silver, the author was induced to make many ex- periments on the chlorides of these metals, in reference to the ob- jects of photography ; the details of which experiments are given. A remarkable property of hydriodic salts, applied, under certain cir- cumstances, to exalt the deoxidating action of light, and even to call into evidence that action, when it did not before exist, or else was masked, is then described. 333 Action of the Hays of the Solar Spectrum, 4. The chemical analysis of the solar spectrum forms the subject of the next section of his paper. It has long been known that rays of different colours and refrangibilities exert very different degrees of energy in effecting chemical changes; and that those occupying the violet end of the spectrum possess the greatest deoxidating powers. But the author finds that these chemical energies are distributed throughout the whole of the spectrum ; that they are not a mere function of the refrangibility, but stand in relation to physical quali- ties of another kind, both of the ray and of the analysing medium ; and that this relation is by no means the same as the one which de- termines the absorptive action of the medium on the colorific rays. His experiments also show that there is a third set of relations con- cerned in this action, and most materially influencing both the amount and the character of the chemical action on each point of the spec- trum ; namely, those depending on the physical qualities of the sub- stance on which the rays are received, and whose changes indicate and measure their action. The author endeavoured to detect the existence of inactive spaces in the chemical spectrum, analogous to the dark lines in the lumi- nous one ; but without any marked success. The attempt, however, revealed several curious facts. The maximum of action on the most ordinary description of photographic paper, namely, that prepared with common salt, was found to be, not beyond the violet, but about the confines of the blue and green, near the situation of the ray F in Fraunhofer’s scale ; and the visible termination of the violet rays nearly bisected the photographic image impressed on the paper : in the visible violet rays there occurred a sort of minimum of action, about one-third of the distance from Fraunhofer’s ray H, towards G : the whole of the red, up to about Fraunhofer’s line C appears to be inactive ; and lastly, the orange-red rays communicate to the paper a brick-red tint passing into green and dark blue. Hence are de- duced, first, the absolute necessity of perfect achromaticity in the object-glass of a photographic camera ; and secondly, the possibility of the future production of naturally coloured photographs. 5. The extension of the visible prismatic spectrum beyond the space ordinarily assigned to it, is stated as one of the results of these researches ; the author having discovered that beyond the extreme violet rays there exist luminous rays affecting the eyes with a sen- sation, not of violet, or of any other of the recognised prismatic hues, hut of a colour which may be called lavender -grey, and exerting a powerful deoxidating action. 6. Ghemical properties of the red end of the spectrum. The rays occupying this part of the spectrum were found to exert an action of an opposite nature to that of the blue, violet, and lavender rays. When the red rays act on prepared paper in conjunction with the diffused light of the sky, the discolorating influence of the latter is suspended, and the paper remains white; but if the paper has been already discoloured by ordinary light, the red rays change its actual colour to a bright red. 7. The combined action of rays of different degrees of refrangibi- 334? 'Royal Society : — Sir John Herschel on the Chemical lity is next investigated ; and the author inquires more particularly into the elfects of the combined action of a red ray ’with any other single ray in the spectrum ; whether any, and w'hat differences exist between the joint, and the successive action of rays of any two dif- ferent and definite refrangibilities ; and whether this action be ca- pable, or not, of producing effects, which neither of them, acting alone, would be competent to produce. The result was that, although the previous action of the less refrangible rays does not appear to mo- dify the subsequent effects produced by the more refrangible ; yet the converse of this proposition does not obtain, and the simultaneous action of both produces photographic effects very different from those which either of them, acting separately, are capable of producing, 8. In the next section, the chemical action of the solar spectrum is traced much beyond the extreme red rays, and the red rays them- selves are shown to exercise, under certain circumstances, a black- ening or deoxidating power. 9 . The author then enters into a speculation suggested by some in- dications which seem to have been afforded of an absorptive action in the sun’s atmosphere ; of a difference in the chemical agencies of those rays which issue from the central parts of his disc, and those which, emanating from its borders, have undergone the absorptive action of a much greater depth of his atmosphere ; and consequently of the existence of an absorptive solar atmosphere extending beyond the luminous one. 10. An account is next given of the effect of the spectrum uncer- tain vegetable colours, as determined by a series of experiments, which the author has commenced, but in which the unfavourable state of the weather has, as yet, prevented him from making much progress. 1 1 . The w^hitening power of the several rays of the spectrum under the influence of hydriodic salts, on paper variously prepared and previously darkened by the action of solar light. The singular pro- perty belonging to the hydriodate of potash of rendering darkened photographic paper susceptible of being whitened by further expo- sure to light is here analysed, and shown to afford a series of new relations among the different parts of the spectrum, with respect to their chemical actions. 12. The Analysis of the Chemical Rays of the Spectrum by ab- sorbent media, which forms the subject of the next section, opens a singularly wide field of inquiry ; and the author describes a variety of remarkable phenomena which have presented themselves in the course of his experiments on this subject. They prove that the pho- tographic properties of coloured media do not conform to their colo- rific character ; the laws of their absorptive action as exerted on the chemical, being different and independent of those on the luminous rays : instances are given of the absence of any darkening effect in green and other rays of the more refrangible kind, which yet produce considerable illumination on the paper that receives them. 13. The exalting and depressing power exercised by certain media, under peculiar circumstances of solar light, on the intensity of its che- Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum. 335 mical action. This branch of the inquiry was suggested by the fact, noticed by the author in his former communication, that the dark- ening power of the solar rays was considerably increased by the in- terposition of a plate of glass in close contact with the photographic paper. The influence of various other media, superposed on pre- pared paper, was ascertained by experiment, and the results are re- corded in a tabular form. 14. The paper concludes with the description of an Actinograph, or self-registering Photometer for meteorological purposes : its ob- jects being to obtain a permanent and self-comparable register and measure, first, of the momentary amount of general illumination in the visible hemisphere, which constitutes day-light ; and secondly, of the intensity, duration, and interruption of actual sunshine, or, when the sun is not visible, of that point in the clouded sky behind which the sun is situated. In a postscript, dated March 3rd, 1 840, the author states that he has discovered a process by which the calorific rays in the solar spec- trum are made to affect a surface properly prepared for that pur- pose, so as to form what may be called a thermograph of the spec- trum ; in which the intensity of the thermic ray of any given refran- gibility is indicated by the degree of whiteness produced on a black ground, by the action of the ray at the points where it is received at that surface, the most remarkable result of which is the insula- tion of heat-spots or thermic images of the sun quite apart from the great body of the thermic spectrum. Thus the whole extent over which prismatic dispersion scatters the sun’s rays, including the calorific effect of the least, and the chemical agency of the most re- frangible, is considerably more than twice as great as the Newtonian coloured spectrum. In a second note, communicated March 12*, 1840, the author de- scribes his process for rendering visible the thermic spectrum, which consists in smoking one side of very thin white paper till it is com- pletely blackened, exposing the white surface to the spectrum and washing it over with alcohol. The thermic rays, by drying the points on which they impinge more rapidly than the rest of the sur- face, trace out their extent and the law of their distribution by a whiteness so induced on the general blackness which the whole sur- face acquires by the absorption of the liquid into the pores of the paper. He also explains a method by which the impression thus made, and which is only transient, can be rendered permanent. This method of observation is then applied to the further exa- mination of various points connected with the distribution of the thermic rays, the transcalescence of particular media, the polari- zation of radiant heat (which is easily rendered sensible by this me- thod), &c. The reality of more or less insulated spots of heat dis- tributed at very nearly equal intervals along the axis of the spec- trum (and of which the origin is probably to be sought in the flint glass prism used — but possibly in atmospheric absorption) is esta- blished. Of these spots, two of an oval form, are situated, the one nearly at, and the other some distance beyond the extreme red end 336 Royal Society ; — Dr. Faraday’s Researches in Electricity. of the spectrum, and are less distinctly insulated ; two, perfectly round and well-insulated, at greater distances in the same direction; and one, very feeble and less satisfactorily made out, at no less a distance beyond the extreme red than 42*2 parts of a scale in which the whole extent of the Newtonian coloured spectrum occupies 539. March 19. — “ Researches in Electricity , Seventeenth Series ; on the source of power in the Voltaic Pile.” By Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. In this series, the author continues his experimental investigation of the origin of electric force in the voltaic pile. Having found abundant reason, in the experiments already described, to believe that the electricity of the pile has its origin in the chemical force of the acting bodies, he proceeds to examine how the circumstances which can affect the affinity of substances for each other, influence their power of producing electric currents. First, with relation to heat : — circuits were made of a single metal and a single fluid, and these were examined with a view to ascertain whether, by applying heat at one of the junctions, only thermo-currents can be produced. Some peculiar effects of heat are noticed and explained ; and several very necessary precautions in conducting these experiments are pointed out ; and it is found, when these are guarded against, that heat has a decided and distinct effect over the chemical affinities of the parts of a circuit subjected to its power, and a corresponding- influence on the electric current produced. This proceeds to such an extent, that, in some cases, either of two metals can be made po- sitive or negative with respect to the other in the same fluid, solely by virtue of this power of heat. The effect of dilution is then examined. For this purpose, only one metal and one fluid are used in a circuit ; but the fluid is rendered more dilute at one point of contact than at the other. First, it was ascertained that such dilution produces little or no ef- fect with metals which are not acted on by the electrolyte employed ; and the precautions requisite as to other points are then stated. But when these are observed, still dilution is found to have a most powerful influence on the results ; and, as the author believes, solely on account of its influence on the active chemical affinity. Thus copper in dilute nitric acid is positive with respect to copper in strong nitric acid ; and the same is the case with lead, silver, and other metals. It is not that the piece in the weakest acid is always positive with respect to that in the stronger acid ; for, in the first place, some very curious cases are given, in which a piece of metal ill acid of a certain strength is positive with respect to a piece of the same metal in acid, either stronger or weaker; and, in the next place, other cases are stated in which the piece in the medium acid is Jiegative with respect to the other piece in either stronger or weaker acid. The efect of dilution in nitric acid is such, that when certain different metals are compared together, one can, at pleasure l)e made positive or negative with respect to the other ; thus, of the five metals, silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin, any one of them can lie made either positive or negative with respect to any other ; with 337 On the Source of Ponaer in the Voltaic Pile, the sole exception of silver positive with respect to copper. The inconsistency of these results with any theory of contact electromo- tive force is then strongly insisted on by the author. The next division of the paper treats of the order of the metallic elements of voltaic circuits when different electrolytes are used. It is usual to say, that metals are positive or negative with respect to each other in a certain order ; but Davy, and afterwards De la Rive, showed that, in certain cases, this order must be inverted. The author, by using ten metals and seven different exciting electrolytic solutions, shows that in no two solutions is the order the same ; but that changes of the most extreme kind occur in exact conformity with the changes in chemical action, which the use of the different solutions occasions. The next division of the paper considers the very numerous cases in which voltaic circuits, often such as are able to effect decompo- sition, are produced without any metallic contact, and by virtue of chemical action alone ; contrasting them with the numerous cases given in the previous series, where contact without chemical action, whether it be the contact of metal with metal, or with chemically inactive electrolytes, can produce no voltaic current. There then follows a consideration of the sufficiency of chemical action to account for ail the phenomena of the pile. It is shown that chemical action does actually evolve electricity ; that according as chemical action diminishes or ceases, so the electrical current di- minishes or ceases also ; that where the chemical action changes from side to side, the direction of the current likewise changes with it ; that where no chemical action occurs, no current is produced, but that a current will occur the moment chemical action com- mences ; and that when the chemical action which has, or could have produced a current is, as it were, reversed or undone, the cur- rent is reversed or undone likewise ; that is, it occurs in the oppo- site direction, in exact correspondence with the direction taken by the transferred anions and cathions. The accordance of the chemi- cal theory of excitation with these phenomena, is considered by the author as of the strictest kind. The phenomena of thermo-electricity are considered by some philosophers as affording proofs of the efficacy of mere metallic contact in exciting an electric current. The author proceeds, there- fore, to examine these phenomena in relation to such an action, and arrives at the conclusion, that they in fact disprove the existence of such a power. In thermo-electricity the metals have an order which is so different from that belonging to them in any electrolyte, that it appears impossible to consider their succession, in any case, as due to any mutual effect of the metals on each other common to both modes of excitation. Thus, in the thermo-circuit, the electric cur- rent is, at the hot place, from silver to antimony, and from bismuth to silver ; but in a voltaic series, including dilute sulphuric or nitric acids, or strong nitric acid, or solution of potash, the electric current is from silver to both antimony and bismuth ; whilst if the yellow sulphuret of potash be used, it is from both antimony and Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 103. April 184<0. Z $SS Royal Institution :—Mv , Grove on Voltaic Reaction, bismuth to silver ; or if the hydro-sulphuret of potash be used, it is from bisinuth to silver, and from silver to antimony ; and, finally, if strong muriatic acid be used, it is precisely the reverse, or from antimony to silver, and from silver to bismuth. The inconsistency of these results with the contact theory is then insisted on and further developed. The last section of this series is on the improbability of there ex- isting any such force as the assumed contact force. The author contends that it is against all natural analogy and probability that two particles which, being placed in contact, have by their mutual action acquired opposite electrical states, should be able to discharge these states one to the other, and yet remain in the state they were in at the first, i. e., entirely unchanged in every point by what has previously taken place ; or, that the force w'hrch has enabled two particles by their mutual action to attain a certain state, should not be suflftcient to make them keep that state. To admit such ef- fects would be, he thinks, to deny that action and reaction are equal. The contact theory, according to him, assumes that a force which is able to overcome powerful resistance, both chemical and mechanical, can arise out of nothing. That without any change in the acting matter, or the consumption of any other force, an electric current can be produced which shall go on for ever against a con- stant resistance, or only be stopped, as in the voltaic trough, by the ruins which its exertion has heaped in its own course ; — this, the author thinks, would be a creation of power, such as there is no example of in nature ; and, as there is no difficulty in converting electrical into mechanical force through the agency of magnetism, would, if true, supply us at once with a perpetual motion. Such a conclusion he considers as a strong and sufficient proof that the theory of contact is founded in error. FRIDAY-EVENING MEETINGS AT THE ROYAL INSTITUTION^ January 24, 1840. — Mr. Faraday on voltaic precipitations. January 31. — Dr. Grant on the structure and growth of corals. February 7. — Mr. Faraday on a particular relation (Dove’s) of condensable gases and steam. February 14. — Mr. Gatlin’s account of his residence and adven- tures among the native tribes of North America, with notices of their social condition, customs, mysteries, mode of warfare, tortures, &c. February 21. — Mr. Nasmyth on the origin of alphabetic charac- ters, and on the pneumatic mirror. February 28. — Mr. Brayley on the application of science to the choice of building stones, with reference to the selection of stone for the New Houses of Parliament. March 6. — The Rev. Mr. Hincks on the monstrosities of plants. March 13. — Mr. Grove on voltaic reaction, or the phenomena usually called polarization. Mr. Grove detailed the first experiments of Volta, Erman, Ritter, and Davy, the more recent ones of De la Rive, the explanation of these by Becquerel, and the confirmation of this latter philosopher’s Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. 339 opinion by the experiments of Dr. Schoenbein, Mr. Matteucci, and Mr. Grove himself; all which, as well as the experiments of Mr. Grove on the inactivity of amalgamated zinc, which he proved to be due to the same order of causes, have been already given in full in various numbers of the Philosophical Magazine. All the effects which have generally been included under the term polarization were proved by Mr. Grove to be traceable to one principle, viz. the electrolytic transfer of elements having for each other a chemical affinity, and the reaction caused by this affinity when the decomposing and trans- ferring power, i. e. the initial voltaic current, is arrested. What we are most anxious to call the attention of our readers to, are the asto- nishing effects exhibited by Mr. Grove at the conclusion of his lec- ture. Two batteries, little differing in construction from that de- scribed by him in the Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., were charged some time previously to the lecture, and up to the period of its conclusion remained in perfect inactivity until the circuit was com- pleted. One of these was arranged as a series of five plates, and contained altogether about four square feet of platina foil ; with this the mixed gases were liberated from water at the surprising rate of one hundred and ten cubic inches per minute. A sheet of platinum, one inch wide by tw^elve long, was heated in the open air through its whole extent, and the usual class of effects pro- duced in corresponding proportion. With the other arrangement, consisting of fifty plates of two inches by four, arranged in single series, a voluminous flame of one inch and a quarter long was ex- hibited by charcoal points, which showed beautifully the magnetic properties of the voltaic arc, as Dr. Faraday held a piece of iron near it, being attracted and repelled by different portions of the iron : bars of different metals were instantly run into globules and dissipated in oxide. It should be borne in mind that all these effects were produced by a battery which did not cover a space of sixteen inches square, and was only four inches high, and which had been charged for some hours. Mr. Grove adverted to the letter of Prof. Jacobi to Dr. Faraday published in Lond. and Edinb, Phil. Mag., vol. xv. p. 161 , and stated that Mr. Pattison, who navigated the Neva with Prof. Jacobi in Octo- ber last, had observed that the batteries employed were on Mr. Grove s construction, which the Professor without hesitation admitted. March 20. — Mr. Schomburgk on the aborigines of Guiana. March 27. — Dr. Gregory on the statistics of disease and mortality in London. LVI, Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. THEORY OF SUBSTITUTIONS. POND GAS. MPERSOZ sent a letter to the Academy of Sciences, relating to • the conversion of acetic acid into pond gas and to the theory of substitutions. The author appears to have written, lest some ex- pressions made use of by M. Dumas, in the sitting of the 13th of Ja- nuary, should create a belief that he had entertained the same views as M. Dumas in arriving at the discovery of the production of pond 340 hitelligemce and Miscellaneom Articles, gas from the acetates. He endeavours to show that if they have both arrived at the same conclusion, the means by which they have done so are peculiar to each and have nothing in common. On this subject M. Persoz recites several passages from a memoir which he sent in January 1838, under the title of On the necessity of distin- guishing in chemical actions the phtsnomenon of displacement from those of alteration ; this memoir is still unpublished, and M. Dumas has declared that he was unacquainted with it ; it contains the details of experiments, from which M. Persoz states it clearly results — 1st. That acetone contains two volumes of oxide of carbon. 2nd. That protocarburetted hydrogen gas is derived from acetone, and not from acetic acid, and consequently that the protocarburetted hydrogen which arises from the decomposition of the acetates, can- not be as M. Dumas supposes the immediate product of the decom- position of acetic acid by hydrate of potash ; but, on the contrary, a consecutive secondary product resulting — a. From the action which heat exerts on acetic acid, whether in a free state or combined with bases. b. From the action which water exerts on acetone, one of the immediate products of the action of heat on acetic acid (MM. Liebig and Pelouze). 3rd. That this pond gas is formed by the disappearance of two volumes of oxide of carbon, and the assimilation of two volumes of hydrogen, derived from 1 eq. decomposed water. From the preceding statements, M. Persoz adds, it is evident that he has not adopted the views of M. Dumas in explaining the forma- tion of pond gas ; and that the fact of its formation, so far from offer- ing proof in favour of the theory of substitutions, justifies the statement which he has made respecting it, in the following pas- sage of his "‘Introduction to the Study of Molecular Chemistry,” p. 853. “ When M, Dumas maintains that chlorine is isomorphous with hydrogen, he lays it down as a principle, that bodies may be totally changed in their elementary condition, without varying in their mo- lecular composition ; we think this theory ought to be rejected as being contrary to experience : it is dangerous in its application, for to a certain extent it dispenses with the consideration, of the action which the first products, formed during a reaction, exert upon those which have not yet been altered.” In applying then the theory of substitutions to the formation of pond gas, obtained by the decomposition of acetic acid by means of an alkali, M. Dumas has not excluded the action which heat exerts upon acetic acid, and has thus neglected the compounds which re- sult from it. He has, moreover, considered the formation of pond gas as the product of a simple action, whereas it is really the result of a complex one. Lastly, M. Dumas has completely neglected the action which water may exert, which in the formation of pond gas, acts according to M. Persoz a most important part. M. Dumas has lately advanced, as a new argument in favour of the theory of substitutions, the fact of the identity which he has Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, 34*1 stated to exist between the final product of the action of chlorine on protocarburetted hydrogen, and the final product of the action of chlorine on chloroform : a final product which is represented by Cl^, and obtained in the first case by the loss of eight volumes of hydrogen, replaced by eight volumes of chlorine, and in the second case by the loss of two volumes of hydrogen, replaced by CP. It appears to M. Persoz that in this case M. Dumas has con- founded a phsenomenon of alteration with a pheenomenon of dis- placement. Will it be said, that because on burning four volumes of protocarburetted hydrogen with an excess of oxygen, there are obtained four volumes of carbonic acid containing four volumes of oxygen equivalent to eight volumes of hydrogen, there occurs in this fact an additional proof in favour of the theory of substitutions, and that eight volumes of hydrogen being taken from C® they ought to be replaced by four volumes of oxygen ? Will carbonic acid be ever confounded with protocarburetted hydrogen in the same chemical type ? certainly not ; for all chemists agree, and M. Dumas especially, in admitting that in such a combustion the quantity of oxygen fixed with the carbon depends on the number of the atoms of the latter body ; so that, in an organic compound, two atoms of carbon being combined with eight to twenty or any number of atoms of hydrogen, this compound being decomposed by excess of oxygen, there will be only four volumes of oxygen combined with the carbon. Will not M. Dumas admit, that in destroying, as he has done, with excess of chlorine, chloroform protocarburetted hydrogen, compounds which both contain two atoms of carbon, he could in fact obtain only chloride of carbon, corresponding to car- bonic acid, that is to say 2 C CP = CP, in the same way as by de- stroying protocarburetted hydrogen by excess of oxygen, there are ob- tained 2C 0^= C® O'*, without resorting to his theory of substitutions ? M. Persoz adds, that it appears to him important to refer to the fact that the formation of pond gas served him as a means of disco- vering the mysterious agency of water in the reactions of organic bodies. By this decomposition of water, he explains the conversion of starch into sugar, that of sugar into alcohol, and that of certain immediate principles into essential oils ; and he also conceives that he can reduce to the same order of phsenomena (that of oxidize- ment) the action of nitric acid and hydrate of potash on sugar, which, as it is well known, is converted by both of these agents into oxalic acid. — Ulnstitut, No. 323. ON ARSENIC CONTAINED NATURALLY IN THE HUMAN BODY. M. Orfila has read a memoir on the above subject before the Royal Academy of Medicine ; the experiments detailed were made with M. Couerbe, and their object was to solve the following questions : 1st, Does arsenic exist originally in the human body? 2ndly, Do the viscera contain any ? 3rdly, Can its existence in the muscles be proved ? 4thly, Is it possible to determine that the arsenic obtained from a corpse is not that which originally existed among the ele- ments composing the tissues, but was introduced into the digestive organs, applied to the exterior, &c. ? 34f2 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, I. Arsenic exists in human bones; if the bones of an adult be calcined, taking care not to raise the temperature too high, and to avoid contact with the fuel, these bones, when reduced to powder and treated with purified sulphuric acid, and then tried in Marsh’s apparatus, will yield brown, brilliant and thick arsenical spots. This result was obtained both from the bones of corpses of adults who had been dead some days, or buried for some months. When the calcination is effected at a white heat, no arsenic is ob- tained, nor is any procured^ from the bones of commerce reduced to a soft paste ; but if they be subjected to heat and the processes indicated (nitric acid, potash and sulphuric acid), a certain quantity of arsenic is obtained. From this first series of experiments, which amount to fourteen, I conclude, says M. Orfila, 1st, That the bones of the human adult, of the horse, ox, and sheep contain minute portions of arsenic, which it is possible to discover by treating the bones with potash purified by alcohol and pure sulphuric acid. 2ndly, This quantity of arsenic is not increased by long burial. 3rdly, Vitrification removes a portion of it, which is undoubtedly occasioned by the volatilization which it occasions. 4thly, Among the conditions favourable to the discovery of ar- senic, must be especially reckoned that of not calcining the bones too strongly, and secondly to avoid carefully the contact of fuel. 5thly, When bones are treated with pure water and ebullition, no arsenic is discoverable. 6thly, If in operating in this mode, any arsenic be detected, it has certainly been in some mode introduced into the (economy. II. No arsenic is found in the viscera unless it has been absorbed. The organs of a dog which was hung, treated by the usual pro- cesses, did not yield any. The blood, brain, the liver, spleen, kid- neys, intestines, stomach, &c. gave no traces of it. Carbonized with nitric acid, and afterwards tried in Marsh’s apparatus, white opake spots only were obtained, and these were also produced with- out the presence of these organic matters. The liver of an adult gave none ; nor did the decoctions made with various organs yield any. From these facts we may conclude, observes M. Orfila, but not positively, that the viscera do not originally contain arsenic ; or to state the fact more accurately and not to prejudge the case, it may be asserted, that they do not yield any when treated with boiling water, sulphuretted hydrogen, or when carbonized by concentrated nitric acid, &c. It may so happen that the quantity is too small to be detected by sulphuretted hydrogen, or that it is lost by carbonization ; but by acting on a large quantity of brain or other organs, it may be detected. At any rate, it is sufficient at present to have ascertained, that the viscera yield no arsenic by the reactions described, unless it has been introduced by poisoning. III. It is not proved that muscular flesh contains arsenic : twelve pounds of it taken from the corpse of an adult, carbonized by nitric acid and tested by Marsh’s apparatus, gave white opake spots ; some were brilliant, with a blucish tint ; others were yellow, and had an 343 Meteorological Observations, arsenical appearance ; dissolved in boiling nitric acid, they gave no al- liaceous smell when put on red-hot charcoal ; in fact, they possessed none of the characteristics of arsenic. These spots were, how'ever, very numerous ; submitted for nearly twenty days to a current of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas, they gave no indication of arsenic. It is pos- sible that they were a mixture of arsenic and animal matter, and that the muscular flesh of two or three bodies might yield some by ana- lysis ; lastly, other processes may discover it in the same quantities as those employed, by occasioning less loss ; therefore, addsM. Orfila, I will not conclude, positively, that arsenic does not exist in muscu- lar flesh. IV. It is possible to ascertain that the arsenic which may be dis- covered does not come from the organic substance itself, but that it has been confbined with it by absorption. For if it be found in the bones, it will not be removed by long boiling in water, unless it had been introduced ; and the same holds good with respect to the blood and the organs which have been examined. Lastly, if the muscles yield spots, some of which resemble arsenic at first sight, the distinctive characters which have been stated must be remembered ; and if the subject had taken arsenical re- medies, this circumstance ought to be particularly attended to. — Journal de Chim. Med., Dec. 1839. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR FEB.j 1840. Chiswick. — Feb. 1. Cloudy ; rain. 2. Very fine. S. Rain. 4. Boisterous with rain. 5. Rain : clear. 6. Rain ; cloudy. 7. Rain, 8. Heavy showers. 9. Fine. 10. Heavy showers ; clear and very fine at night. 11. Fine. 12. Rain. 13. Very fine. 14. Foggy. 15. Frosty: rain. 16. Hazy and mild. 17. Dense fog. 18. Dry cold haze. 19. Clear and cold. 20. Cloudy, with some snow-flakes falling. 21. Bleak and cold. 22. Overcast. 23. Cold and dry. 24. Fine but cold. 25. Frosty haze. 26. Cold haze. 27. Cloudy, cold and dry. 28, 29. Fine but cold. Boston. — Feb. 1. Cloudy: rain p.m. 2. Fine; rain early a. m. 3. Stormy: rain early A. M. 4. Stormy: rain early a.m. : rain p.m. 5. Cloudy: rain p.m. 6. Cloudy. 7. Cloudy : rain early A.M. : rain p.m. 8. Fine: rain and snow p.m. 9. Fine. 10. Rain. 11. Fine. 12 — 15. Fine ; rain p.m. 16, 17. Cloudy. 18. Fine. 19. Cloudy: snow a.m. and p.m. 20. Cloudy : snow a.m. 21. Cloudy: ^now melted. 22. Cloudy. 23 — 27. Fine. 28. Cloudy. 29. Fine. Applegarth Manse, Dunjries-shire. — Feb. 1. Frequent showers. 2. Frequent showers : snow gone. 3. Frequent showers. 4, 5. Shower a.m. : fair rest of the day. 6. Rain very early : fine day. 7. Heavy rain a.m. : stormy p.m. 8. Occasional showers of rain and hail. 9, 10. Occasional showers of rain and hail with high wind p.m. 11. Fine day : a few drops of rain. 12. Storm of wind and rain P.M. 13. Fine day : no rain. 14. Fine day, but cloudy. 15. Wet morning: cleared up p.m. 16. Calm, cloudy, and mild. 17, 18. Fine a.m.: grew cloudy and sharp. 19. Cold easterly wind, but fair. 20. Cold easterly wind with slight frost and snow showers. 21. Cold easterly wind; frost: threatening snow. 22 — 24. Cold easterly wind: still frosty : sprinkling snow. 25. Cold easterly wind. 26. Beautiful sunny day, but still frosty. 27. Beau- tiful sunny day : frost very keen. 28. Cloudy all day : but still freezing. 29. Fine frosty day. Sun shone out 25 days. Rain fell 13 days. Snow 2 days. Frost 10 days. Wind north-easterly 6 days. Easterly 3| days. South-easterly 7 days. Southerly 3§ days. South-westerly 8| days. West 1 day. Calm 14f days. Moderate 8 days. Brisk If day. Strong breeze 2 days. Boisterous 3 days. § §■ s ^ <3 1=5 ^"3 as iJ *0 h-J < w "S .• cog ft; ^ s V ® Si, ?s '' 5 '§ ^ .2 c «■§ s g .« >>3 O <3 o O.^ -1^ & c «rt r«^'^^'<3''TrcO'^'^CO'^'Tr'<^'^corO-^'stCOOIC»5 w W !/3 tfl 'J-I ‘ m . . . J2 J3 JS Z Z « W « s ^ ^ ^ ^’'l’l■l «ll'l « c/3 (/3CSCZ(/j>^C^(/^^ (^^C^CSCCS C3C^C^ •wd I qoiAisiqQ C >-.«! 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C C0<0— -lOd'^ co — OiOtOLO — cocoaMr^oodcoooco'OOco — oocooO'^'oco'^cO'— cp7f-'C»coQOOCoi^i^a>r'Ocpicopi — co-^ip'^cpdip'f!^00VO00d^^;^pd;^;^^o^Q0'O^ cocot^0<0 looccodco *Od coco-^lr^O 0*dip^dd^CT. — 'O co

Ol<^6^<^6^6^6^6^6^a^c^ooo66cooooooo ddc'jdddddddddddddcococococococococococococ-o I I T, ^ ^ s t; o .0 TT y X ti, -■ d co4c/^cd 1-06 o^d -' cf S ^^Td d* d d* ^ o THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. [THIRD SERIES.] MAY 1840. LVII. On the Boulder formation, or drift and associated Freshwater Deposits composing the Mud-cliffs of Eastern Norfolk. By Charles Lyell, V.P.G.S , F.R.S., ^c.^" ^I^HE cliffs extending from Happisburgh or Hasborongh light-house to near Weybourne, north-west of Cromer, in Norfolk, comprising a distance of about 20 miles, are desig- nated in some maps as the mud-cliffs.” They are for the most part composed of deposits of two kinds, first, stratified and unstratified drift, called by some “ diluvium secondly, freshwater strata. Both of these rest on chalk, which is usually concealed below the level of the sea. Occasionally between the chalk and drift or the chalk and freshwater beds, a thin layer is found of marine crag, agreeing in its fossils with that of Norwich, but occurring only in patches of small extent, ex- cept near Weybourne, where it is more continuous. The drift, which sometimes attains a thickness of more than 300 feet, consists principally of clay, loam, and sand, in some places stratified, in others wholly devoid of stratification. Pebbles, and in some places large boulders of granite, por- phyry, greenstone, lias, chalk, and other transported rocks are interspersed, especially in the unstratified portion. Pure and unmixed white chalk rubble, and even huge fragments of so- lid chalk, are also associated in some localities. No fossils have been detected in this drift which can positively be referred to the aera of its accumulation ; but besides the organic remains derived from secondary strata, it contains almost everywhere broken fragments of shells which agree in species with those of the Norwich crag, from which there is good reason to be- lieve them to have been washed out. * Communicated by the Author. Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 104. May 1840. 2 A 346 Mr. Lyeli on the Boulder Formation^ The freshwater strata associated with the boulder forma- tion above mentioned occur for the most part in patches at the bottom of the drift, and immediately above the subjacent chalk and crag, where the latter is present, as may be seen at a va- riety of places between Happisburgh and Runton near Cro- mer. The two spots where it is most largely developed are at Mundesley and Runton. At the latter place it underlies the drift and rests immediately on chalk, with the occasional intervention of marine crag ; while at Mundesley it occupies for a certain space the whole cliff, taking the place as it were of the drift, and appearing in part to be of contemporaneous origin, and in part of subsequent date and superimposed. Everywhere it contains the same species of shells, and as these are almost without exception identical with well-known Bri- tish species, it is evident that the entire formation of the mud- cliffs, whether freshwater or drift, belongs to the latest part of the tertiary period, the only doubt being whether it should not rather be considered as post-tertiary or referable to a class of deposits which contain exclusively shells of recent species. I mention at once this conclusion, because the recent origin of the drift adds a peculiar interest to the great derangement and change of position which it has undergone since its deposition. In no other parts of our island, or perhaps of Europe, are there evidences of local disturbance on so great a scale and of an equally modern date, for there are proofs of the movement both downward and upward of strata several hundred feet thick for an extent of many miles ; together with most complicated bendings and foldings of the beds and the intercalation of huge masses of chalk, and what is no less per- plexing and difficult of explanation, the superposition of con- torted upon horizontal and undisturbed strata. The line of coast in which the formations above alluded to are displayed was well described in Mr. R. C. Taylor’s Geo- logy of East Norfolk, published in 1827, and afterwards in Mr. Woodward’s Outline of the Geology of Norfolk, 1833. Both these papers are the result of a careful survey of the coast, and contain original observations of great merit. In both are given coloured sections of the clifls, from which a good general idea of their structure and composition may be derived. A memoir was also read to the Geological Society in January 1837, by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, in which among other remarks he insists on the necessity of separating the diluvium of Norfolk from the crag*. My own observations on the coast of East Norfolk were made first in the year 1829, and afterwards in 1839; and as • Geological Transactions, 2nd series, vol. v. part ii. p. 3G3. 347 and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. the sea has been continually encroaching on the cliffs, I found after an interval of ten years that a different section of the same beds was exhibited, and some difficulties cleared up which I had been unable to explain on my first visit. Never- theless a high beach precluded me at both periods from ob- taining a view of the lowest beds, which are sometimes ex- posed in winter at low water, and after storms. During my last visit in particular (1839) the prevalence of easterly gales prevented my seeing in some places no less than 12 feet in vertical height of the section which was visible in the summer of 1829. The principal deposit which constitutes the mud cliffs of Eastern Norfolk is strictly analogous in character to that which has been called the “ boulder formation ” in Denmark and Sweden, and which, from the numerous erratics included in it, forms so remarkable a feature in the superficial geology of Scandinavia, and all the countries surrounding the Baltic, as well as northern Russia. It may be said to extend uninter- ruptedly from Sweden through the Danish islands, Holstein, and the countries of Hamburgh, Bremen, and Osnabruck, to the borders of Holland, and then to appear again with the same characters in Norfolk and Suffolk. Tiuoughout this tract, however, the average number and dimensions of the in- cluded erratic blocks, especially those of granite, porphyry, gneiss, and other crystalline rocks, diminishes sensibly on proceeding from north to south. As I am of opinion that the boulder formation in all these countries has been accumulated almost exclusively on ground permanently submerged beneath the waters, and that it does not consist of materials transported either by one or many transient rushes of water over land which had previously emerged, I shall dispense as far as possible with the term “ diluvium,” substituting that of “ drift ” for such portions of the deposit which cannot be proved to be fresh-water. Part of this drift consists of clay and loam wholly devoid of stratification, to which the name of“ till” may be applied, a provincial term widely used in Scotland for similar masses of unstratified matter, which there also contain most commonly included boulders. The entire want of a stratified arrange- ment in the till, whether in Scandinavia, Scotland, or Norfolk, implies some peculiarity in its mode of origin ; yet in all these countries some of the till has accumulated contemporaneously, and apparently in the same body of water, as much of the accompanying stratified gravel, sand, and clay. Moreover the stratified drifts are often identical in composition with the till, the distinction consisting merely in the mode of arrangement. 34-8 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ I have seen no kind of deposit now in progress precisely sh milar in character to the till, except one, namely, the terminal moraines of glaciers. These, as Charpentier has justly re- marked, are entirely devoid of stratification, because the ac- cumulation has taken place without the influence of any cur- rents of water by which the materials would be sorted and arranged according to their relative weight and size. Year after year the ice, as it melts at the extremity of a glacier, adds fresh mud, together with fine and coarse sand, gravel, and huge blocks, to the moraine, all being carried to the same distance^, without the least reference to the volume or specific gravity of the component particles or masses. There can be no doubt that similar accumulations must take place in those parts of every sea, where drift ice, into which mud, sand, and blocks have been frozen, melts in still w'ater, and allows the denser matter to fall tranquilly to the bottom. The occasional intercalation of a layer of stratified matter in the till, or the superposition or juxtaposition of the same, may be explained by the existence or non-existence of currents, during the melting of the ice, w’hether successively in the same place or simultaneously in different places. It is, I believe, a common error of those who are not un- willing to admit the agency of ice in reference to the larger fragments of transported rock, to forget that what carries heavier masses from place to place must unavoidably convey a much larger volume of lighter and finer materials. Having offered these preliminary remarks, I shall proceed to describe in detail some of the appearances which present themselves to one who travels along the coast from Has- borough to Weybourne. The section of the mud cliffs begins at the more southern of the two lighthouses about a mile and a half south of Hasborough. The cliffs here, w’^hich are be- tween sixteen and tw’enty feet in height, are composed generally of a mass of blue clay covered with yellow sand, the clay and sand being both stratified in some places wnth great regularity, but in others the clay or mud is quite unstratified. Included in this till I found pieces of unrounded white chalk, angular chalk flints, fragments of argillaceous limestone (lias ?), blocks of dark greenstone, and other rocks. There are also inter- spersed pieces of shells, apparently belonging to Cyprina, Car- dium^ Mactra, and Tellina, such as might have been derived from the denudation of the Norwich ‘crag. At some points where stratified clay reposes on the till, the surface of the latter is very uneven, and was evidently so when the superior de- posit was thrown down upon it. Examples of intercalation ol * Ann. dcs Mines, tom. viii. a7i(l Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk, 349 till between laminated beds of clay and loam are not unfrequent. In 1839, 1 saw at a spot between the two lighthouses, till rest- ing on stratified clay and covered by stratified gravel and white chalk rubble, which latter formed the top of the cliff. Owing to the continual dilapidation of the cliffs the details of the sections seen by me in 1829 and 1839 were very dif- ferent. During my last visit the beach at Hasborough was too high to allow me to see the fundamental bed of lignite which exists there, which in June 1829 was exposed at low water, the descending section being then as follows: 1st, sand and loam, 13 feet; 2ndly, unstratified mud or till varying from 8 to 16 feet; 3rdly, laminated sand and clay, one foot and a half, part of the clay being bituminous and inclosing compressed branches and leaves of trees. The clays, which were blackish, greenish or brown, contained occasional layers of small pebbles, rounded and angular, mostly of chalk flint. The entire height of the cliff was about 35 feet. This locality has been mentioned by various authors as the principal site of the submarine forest of East Norfolk, which has been described as occurring about the level of low water ; and Mr. R. C. Taylor observes of this deposit generally, — “ That it consists of forest peat, containing fir cones and fragments of hones; in others of woody clay; and elsewhere of large stools of trees standing thickly together, the stems appearing to have been broken off about 18 inches from their base. They are evidently rooted in the clay or sandy bed in which they originally grew, and their stems, branches, and leaves lie around them, flattened by the pressure of from 30 to 300 feet of diluvial deposits. It is not possible to say how far inland this subterranean forest extends ; but that it is not a mere external belt is obvious from the constant exposure and removal of new portions, at the base of the cliffs A letter of the Rev. James Layton is thus cited by Mr. Fairholme : — ■ “ One remarkable feature in this compact blue clay is a stratum of wood, exhibiting the appearance of a wood overthrown or crushed in situ. At Paling the stumps of trees seem now to be really standing, the roots are strong, spread abroad, and intermingling with each other; were a torrent to sweep away the mould from the surface of a thick wood, leaving the roots bare in the ground, the appearances would be exactly the same. This phsenomenon occurs again at Hasborough ; the line of crushed wood, leaves, grass, &c., frequently forming a bed of peat, extends just above low-water mark. About this stratum are found numerous remains of mammalia, the horns and bones of at least four kinds of deer, the ox, the horse, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and elephant. These fossil remains are found at Hasborough and its neighbourhood on the denuded clay shore : at Mundesley they are found in the cliff. The great mine, however, is in the sea, some miles from land, where there is an oyster bed on a stratum of gravel about six fathoms deep. How' far this bed of fossils extends, I can- not pretend to say, but in 1826 some fishermen while dredging for soles Geology of E. Norfolk, p. 21. S50 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ on ‘ the knowl,’ a bank 20 miles off shore, brought up an entire tusk of an elephant nine feet six inches long. The elephants must have been abundant ; I have at least 70 grinders, and the oyster dredgers reported that they had fished up immense quantities and thrown them into deep water, as they greatly obstructed their nets Mr. Woodward had previously spoken of the same oyster bed, which was discovered off Hasborough in the year 1820, and says that during the first twelve months, many hundred specimens of the molar teeth of the elephant were dredged up by the fishermen, and that the remains of upwards of 500 animals must have been found there f. I was not so fortunate either here or elsewhere on this coast as to see the stools of trees erect in this stratum, but so many independent eye-witnesses have lately described them to me wdth such minuteness as to leave in my mind no doubt of the fact. Besides the accounts of several fishermen, Mr. Simeon Simons of Cromer states, that at Cromer he saw ten or more trees in the space of half an acre exposed below the cliffs eastward of that town, the stumps being a few inches, or all less than a foot in vertical height, some of them no less than 9 or 10 feet in girth, the roots spreading from them on alt sides throughout a space twenty feet in diameter. Many others were seen by him laid open on the beach opposite Sidestrand, about three miles further to the eastward, evidently belonging also to a submerged forest. All these roots were in a lami- nated blue clay, with associated blue sand, the whole, six or seven feet thick, resting on chalk. In one place a thin layer of Norwich crag intervenes between the chalk and the bed of blue clay with lignite. Shells had been found immediately below the roots, but I have been unable to obtain them. I ascertained that at Woolcot Gap, between Hasborough and Bacton, the bed of lignite, containing the bones of ele- phants, pieces of wood, and the roots of trees in situ^ had been exposed at the base of the cliff in the preceding winter of 1838-39. A mass of incumbent drift about 30 feet thick must have been removed by the waves and currents, in order to lay open this lignite on the spot alluded to, and the great extent of the submerged forest is proved not only by the nu- merous points between Paling and Runton, which are about 18 miles apart, reckoning by the sea-coast, and nearly as far in a direct line, but also by the proofs afforded of its extension inland in proportion as the overlying beds are swept away by denudation. It follows then from the facts above stated that the chalk in this region had been overspread with layers of sand and • Rev. James Layton, cited in Fairholme’s Geology, p. 281. t Geol. of Norfolk, pp, 7 and 2.3. and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. 351 clay, and converted into dry land, on which forest trees lived; these were afterwards submerged, broken off short near their roots, and buried with their branches and leaves. The sub- sidence implied by the submergence of the forest continued afterwards, so as to allow of the superposition of a consider- able thickness of stratified and unstratified drift. The general character of the cliffs between Hasborough and Bacton Gap, a distance of about three miles, may be thus described : first, at the bottom, the lignite or forest bed, a few feet thick; secondly, above this, blue argillaceous till, con- taining boulders of granite and quartz and small pieces of shells from the Norwich crag; thirdly, laminated blue'clay resting on the till ; fourthly, stratified yellow sand, the entire height of the cliffs being between 30 and 40 feet. The cliffs between Bacton Gap and Mundesley, a distance of about three miles, are higher, but consist in like manner of drift containing a great variety of boulders, this being usually the lowest bed which is visible. Here we first meet with fine exemplifications of strata which have undergone great derangement since their original deposition, and which present that most perplexing phaenomenon the superposition of bent and folded beds upon others which appear to have under- gone no dislocation. Thus for instance the annexed section (fig. 1.) represents a cliff about 50 feet high, at the bottom of gravel. sand, &c. in curved beds. loam horizontal, till or unstratified. which is till containing boulders, having an even horizontal surface on which repose beds of laminated clay and sand about 5 feet thick, which in their turn are succeeded by ver- tical, bent, and contorted beds of sand and loam 20 feet thick, the whole being covered by flint gravel. Now the curves of the various coloured beds of loose sand, loam, and gravel are so complicated, that not only may we sometimes find portions of them which maintain their verticality to a height of 10 or 15 feet, but the replication is often such that a con- tinuous seam of fine loose sand between two layers of gravel or loam might be pierced three times in one perpendi- cular boring. As it is clear that some of the underlying Fig. 1. Cliff feet high between Bacton Gap and Mundesley. Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ iiorizontal beds, and apparently the till also, of which the sur- face is so even, have not participated in these movements even in the smallest degree, we are compelled to suppose that some lateral force has been exerted against the upper masses of drift which has not been applied to the lower ones. Yielding beds having a thickness of at least 15 or 20 feet must in some cases have been subjected to this sideway pressure and moved bodily ; and it is impossible to conceive that any original irre- gularity in the mode of deposition, nor any shrinking or set- tling of the materials, nor anything in short but mechanical violence, could have produced such complicated folds. Com- monly we are in the habit of attributing such movements to a subterranean force acting from below, but it is difficult to imagine how such agency could have disturbed the overlying beds without affecting the subjacent. I shall defer to the se- quel the consideration of the various hypotheses which may be suggested to account for such appearances, first describing other irregularities and apparent anomalies which present themselves in this same line of cliffs. At one spot between Bacton and Mundesley, where the cliff is 50 feet high, I observed at a depth of 30 feet from the top, a small pit or furrow as it were cut into strata of blue clay, and filled with fragmentary white chalk and chalk flint, regular strata of sand and loam being superimposed. This indentation was four feet deep and six wide, and precisely resembles those irregularities which we see in superficial gravel ; and they may all be explained if we suppose, that during the subsidence which is indicated by the buried forest, the drift of the mud cliffs was formed in very shallow water, so as to be exposed to the denudation of small streams or currents, by which narrow grooves and hollows were exca- vated, then filled with drift, and then, after the sinking of the whole, overspread with regular strata. Freshwater Strata at Mundesley . — Both to the north and south of Mundesley, the cliffs, varying in general from 40 to 70 feet in height, consist in their lower part of blue clay or till, covered with stratified yellow sand and loam ; but at the town of Mundesley itself the cliff’ lowers to a height of be- tween 20 and 30 feet, and for several hundred yards is occu- pied by a freshwater deposit, covered with about 10 feet of flint gravel. 'Fhe freshwater beds consist of brown, black, and grey sand and loam, mixed with vegetable matter, some- times almost passing into a kind of peaty earth containing much pyrites. A few layers also of gravel occur composed of rounded flint pebbles. These beds are often irregular arui rarely continuous for great distances. The bottom of the de- 353 and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk, posit is unseen, but is probably not much below the level of the sea, as Mr. Simons of Cromer tells me that he has seen chalk in situ at Mundesley at low water. In 1829 I ob- served a mass of the till prolonged in such a way into the freshwater formation at the southern junction of the latter with the drift as to imply the contemporaneous origin of the lower part at least of both formations. (See diagram, fig. 2.) Fig. 2. gravel, freshwater. till. freshwater. Interstratification of drift and freshwater at Mundesley. Yet 1 inclined then to the conclusion that the Mundesley formation, which I traced for nearly 300 yards along the coast, might, as a whole, be considered as the deposit of a lake or hollow excavated in the drift. In 1839, when a new section had been laid open by the sea, it appeared to me rather that these strata of Mundesley were simply a large development of those observable at the base of the cliff at Hasborough and other places, and that their position rela- tively to the drift might be represented by the diagram, fig. 3. Fig. 3. Mundesley. freshwater. Position of the freshwater beds at Mundesley. We may imagine that while the coast was sinking gradually, a small river may have entered here bringing down drift wood, freshwater shells, mud, and sand, and the flow of the stream may have partially counteracted those causes by the influence of which the boulder formation was accumulating in the spaces immediately contiguous. The following is a list of the shells which I obtained from the Mundesley beds, in- cluding some which Mr. Fitch of Norwich, and others which Mr. J. B. Wigham have kindly communicated to me : 1. Pa- ludina impura\ 2. P. minuta, Strickland, (see fig. 4) ; 3. Val~ vata cristata \ 4. V . piscinalis \ 5. Limnca glutinosa\ 6. L. peregra; 7. Planorbis albus, var. (less flat, and aperture less 354 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ oblique than the common form); 8. P. vortex \ 9. P. Icevis, Aider, Newcastle Trans. ; 1 0. Cyclas pusilla ; 1 1. C. cornea. Specimens of Unio or Anodon occur, but too imperfect to be determined ; one however resembles A. cygneus. Of the eleven shells above enumerated, the only one which is unknowm as a living species is the Paludina minuta, found by Mr. Strickland in a freshwater deposit at Crophorn, in Worcestershire, and also by Mr. Wood at Stutton on the Stour in Suffolk. Mr. George Sowerby, who has examined this species for me, finds that among recent species it agrees most nearly with the Turbo thermalis, Lin., as its volutions are exactly four : its apex is more obtuse and its volutions are more ventricose than in other recent species, and it is con- stantly smaller. (See fig. 4.) Fig. 4. 4 Paludina minuta, from the freshwater beds at Mundesley ; the middle figure is of the natural size. Insects. — The elytra of beetles are not uncommon in the clay of Mundesley, especially those of the genus Donacia, a tribe which frequents marshy grounds. The beautiful green and gold colours of these wing cases are almost as bright when first the clay is removed as in the living insect, but they soon lose a great part of their lustre on exposure to the light. Mr. Curtis, to whom I am indebted for an examination of these fossils, says that there appear to be two species of Donacia, (one of them D. linearisl) both probably identical with recent British insects; and among the other remains he found the thorax of an Elater, and the elytron of one of the Harpalidae (H.ophonus or H. argutor). He also refers with confidence another elytron to Copris lunaris^ a British beetle. Fisk. — l found many scales offish, together with one large tooth, at Mundesley, and Mr. J. B. Wigham sent me similar remains, together with a smaller tooth, and some vertebr/e and ribs offish. These I submitted to the Rev. Leonard Jenyns and Mr. Yarrell, who referred them to the genera Perch, Carp, Pike, and Trout. The pike appears both by the teeth and scales to be the common Esox lucius. Of the sal mo there were several small and one large scale, in which the concentric and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. 355 striae of orowth were extremely minute; the species was not determined. The scales of the perch were very numerous, but they did not agree in a satisfactory manner with those of the common British Perea fuviatilis which we were able to pro- cure. The cilia of the free edges were proportionally smaller and blunter in the fossil, and the divisions in the fan at the basal extremity were longer and more numerous. But a more extensive comparison might perhaps have enabled us to identify these fossil scales with those of the living European perch. Most of the vertebrae and ribs may probably belong to this same fish. — Mammalia. — I was informed at Mundesley, that many years ago, when a zigzag road was cut down to the beach, the horns of the Irish elk were found in the cliffs, but I know not where they are preserved and by what naturalist they were seen, nor whether they were found in the freshwater deposit, as is most probable, or the overlying gravel. Plants. — Among the vegetable fossils the most common and best preserved are the seed-vessels of an aquatic plant which Mr, R. Brown refers to Ceratophyllum demersum^ English Botany, 947; (see fig. 5.) and I learn from Mr. J. B. Wig- ham, that his father considers the remains of the accompanying trees and shrubs to be those of the oak, alder, fir, and bramble ; but more specimens will be required before a perfect reliance can be placed on these last determinations. Between Mundesley and Trimmingham the cliffs are com- posed as usual of drift, the upper part being stratified and more sandy, the lower part consisting of till or blue clay with pieces of white chalk. Whether there intervenes everywhere between this drift and the fundamental chalk a bed of lignite like that of Hasborough or Mundesley, 1 was prevented from ascertaining by the height of the beach, but 1 found a sub- stratum of this kind with numerous flattened leaves and branches at the base of a cliff 70 feet high about a mile north- west of Mundesley. Prohd)erances of chalk near Trimmingham. — We have now followed the mud cliffs for a distance of about eight miles without finding any chalk in situ above the mean level of the sea, but near Trimmingham are three remarkable protube- rances of chalk which rise up and form a part of lofty cliffs, the remainder of which consists entirely of drift. These detached masses or outliers of chalk were noticed in Mr. Greenough’s map of England, and are described by Mr. Fig. 5. Seed vessel of Ceratophyllum demersum ; Mundesley. 356 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ R. C. Taylor, who had opportunities of observing them at low tide as being continuous with the solid bed of chalk ex- tending under the sea for nearly a mile from Trimmingham to Sidestrand, constituting everywhere under water a level platform. He also says that the chalk of this platform con- tains throughout parallel strata of flint, is harder than that of Cromer or Norwich, is characterized by several peculiar fossils, and occupies, he thinks, a higher place in the series than the chalk at Norwich*. Now the platform here alluded to is evidently what the sea has left after sweeping away by gradual denudation all that once rose above low water, and it is therefore impossible for us now to conjecture to what height the chalk thus removed may once have risen. The most southern of the three protu- berances before mentioned occurs near the Beacon hill, about half way between Mundesley and Trimmingham, and it is in contact with stratified drift the beds of which are highly in- clined. The mass of chalk is about 20 feet in height, its ex- tent along the beach about 100 feet, and its thickness from the beach inland a few yards only. It stands up like a nar- row wall, which will ultimately be destroyed, and then the whole face of the cliff will consist of clay sand and gravel. The surface of this wall of chalk, where in contact with the drift, dips inland at an angle of about 45°, and the beds of the newer deposit conform to this slope. As the chalk offers more resistance to the waves than the drift, a small promon- tory is produced at this point, which projects about 40 feet beyond the general coast line, and by aid of this promon- tory we are able to see the junction of the chalk and newer beds, both on the north and south side, so that the relative position of the two formations is very clearly ascertained (see fig. 6.) When 1 visited this spot in 1829, I found the cliff nearly in the same state as it remained in 1839, and the description which I gave of it in the Principles of Geology would still be appropriate t- But when last there I was able to examine the entire struc- ture of this cliff more thoroughly, and I was more fully con- firmed in my opinion that both the chalk and incumbent for- mation, for the thickness of several hundred feet, must have been subject to some common movement, whether sudden or gradual, by which the strata of both have been tilted. The annexed view of the promontory (fig. 6.) was taken from a point on the sloping cliff a few hundred yards to the south, where the beds have already recovered their hori- * Gcol. 'rraiis., vol. i. 2iul series, [>. 37()- t Vol. iii. Ibt edit. p. ]7J)j or .51 li edit. vol. iv.p. 85. and Freshwater Deposits of Faster n Norfolk. 357 zontality, although they seem to correspond to the beds of Fig. 6. V, sand and clay which are so highly inclined near their point of contact with the chalk. In the diagram it will be seen that from the projecting point of chalk the cliff retires in a series of ledges and small precipices in which inclined beds of drift, 2, d, are exposed for an aggregate thickness of several hun- dred feet. At the top of the cliff which I conjecture to be about 400 feet above the sea, the beds of sand seemed to be horizontal, but these it should be observed are not imme- diately over the inclined beds. Respecting the tilted beds which are in contact with the chalk, it will be sufficient to say that they consist of gravel, sand, clay and loam like the stra- tified drift before described, that the clays are occasionally finely laminated, and that broken fragments of Norwich crag shells are dispersed through some of the strata; but there are no signs here of the freshwater or lignite beds. The second or middle protuberance of chalk is near that last described: its front along the shore measured in 1839, 65 yards. Its height w^as between 15 and 20 feet. The third and most considerable mass extends along the beach for a distance of 106 yards, (see fig. 7.) and its position deserves particular notice, for it forms like the southernmost mass a projecting promontory about thirty yards beyond the general line of cliff. On both sides of this promontory it is seen that the beds of gravel, clay and sand which abut against S58 Mr. Lyell o?i the Boulder Formation^ the wall of chalk are vertical, (see diagram, fig. 8.) yet the beds of the same formation have but a moderate inclination Fig. 7. Northern protuberance of chalk, Trimmingham. a. Chalk with flints. h. Gravel of broken and half-rounded flints. c. Laminated blue clay. in the lofty cliff behind. A layer of chalk flints in situ shows that the stratification of the chalk itself is nearly vertical at least in one place, although the beds seen in a large cave facing the sea show a slight curvature only. Where the chalk joins the drift on the southern or Mundesley side of the promontory, I observed in 1839, at the junction, 1st, a portion of the chalk itself decomposed, then a vertical bed of gravel, (g, fig. 8) 30 feet high and several feet thick, then dark blue clay with white chalk pebbles, then sandy, and then other beds of or- dinary drift. Some of these disturbed beds contain fragments Fig. 8. drift. g. gravel. chalk. sea. of marine crag shells, as C/jprina^ Cardium^ Tellina^ &c. I have stated in the Principles* that this mass of chalk at its northern edge, or towards Trimmingham, actually overlies some beds of blue clay or drift as at the right hand extremity of fig. 7. Now this remarkable superposition was still evident in June 1839, notwithstanding the unusual height of the sea * Vol. iii. p. 180, 1st edit., and vol. iv. p. 8C, flth edit. and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk, 359 beach, the clay, containing broken chalk flints, being traceable for seven feet under the chalk. It is kno\vn to have extended formerly much further in a seaward direction. It appeared to me impossible that any landslips or movements of the pre- sent cliffs could have given rise to this inverted position of the chalk and newer formation. Some persons employed in the Preventive Service assured me that the cliffs immediately above and behind this chalk are upwards of 400 feet high, but they appeared to me less elevated. They also said that in digging a well at Trimmingham at the top of the cliff* they reached chalk at a depth of 120 feet from the surface. With- out insisting on the precise accuracy of their measurements, I think it by no means improbable that the three protuberances of chalk may belong to a much larger mass, which still forms the nucleus of, the hill called Trimmingham Beacon, and I have no doubt, that as the sea encroaches, the chalk will event- ually occupy more of the cliff’s between Trimmingham and Cromer. In like manner it may be observed that in other localities further to the north these masses of chalk are included in drift, or where strata of white chalk rubble enter largely into the composition of the cliff’s we always find the chalk cropping out in the interior at a short distance from the shore. In speculating on the time when, and the manner in which, the protuberances of chalk near Trimmingham have been brought into their present position, we may safely assume that the event happened after the deposition of the greater part of the drift, which has been subjected to precisely the same movements, and abuts in some places in vertical beds against the wall of displaced chalk. As the submerged forest before mentioned occurs both to the north and south of Trimming- ham at about the level of low water, we must suppose that the Trimmingham cliff’s have participated in the subsidence of 300 or 400 feet, and in the subsequent upheaval to an equal amount which the buried forest has undergone. If we ima- gine the drift to have accumulated gradually while the first or downward movement was going on, we must conclude that the disturbance of the beds did not take place till nearly the whole of this movement was completed ; for had it occurred sooner, the upper beds in the Trimmingham cliffs would have been unconformable to the lower ones, whereas they are seen to be conformable throughout a thickness of at least two or three hundred feet of the beds above the chalk. I conceive there- fore that the deranged position of the chalk and newer forma- tion was more probably eff’ected during or after the upheaval of the mass, and must in that case have been a very modern 360 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ event. Although there is an obvious connexion between the amount of derangement of the newer strata and their proximity to the outliers of chalk, I saw nevertheless no signs of the masses of solid chalk having pierced the newer beds, as if forced through them ; on the contrary, it appeared to me in every case, that the lowest bed of the drift, whether inclined at a high angle or vertical, conformed everywhere to the surface of the chalk, as if the same bed might have been originally in contact with it when horizontal. The chalk itself appears to have been in a flexible state, and therefore its beds of flint are variously bent. Proceeding northwards from Trimmingham, we find the cliffs near Overstrand, about a mile 8.E. of Cromer, entirely composed of clay and sand ; but this drift does not continue far inland, and if the sea should advance for a few hundred yards, we might expect to see the whole cliff composed of chalk ; for at the surface at Overstrand, a chalk pit is worked in which the very disturbed and shattered state of the chalk deserves notice. Fig. 9. stratified rubble. A gravel. chalk. stratified rubble. chalk. Disturbed chalk in a pit at Overstrand, near Cromer, In one part of the quarry we find what appears to be a fault, the line A B (fig. 9.) representing 18 feet in vertical height, where the solid chalk with flints, inclined at about an angle of 40°, comes abruptly in contact with alternating beds of white chalk rubble and gravel having an opposite dip, also at an angle of about 40°. After removing part of the chalk rubble I ascertained that the plane of the fault was continuous inwards at right angles to the line of section represented in the annexed diagram. The inclined chalk is covered by beds of stratified rubble resembling those before mentioned. I stated that there were no signs of the submerged forest or freshwater deposit at the junction of the drift and chalk at Trimmingham, but this forest has been seen by Mr. Simons, about a mile and a half north-west of Trimmingham, at a and Treslmater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. S6 1 place called Sidestrand, where the cliff, composed of drift, is 120 feet high. When I was there the base of the cliff was concealed by a high beach ; but when this is removed, beds of laminated blue clay and sand, 6 or 7 feet thick, make their appearance, in which are some trunks of trees 3 feet in diame- ter, broken off to within a few inches of the roots, which spread for a distance of several teet on all sides. At one point near the bottom of this cliff a stratum of clay has been seen, in which freshwater shells of the genus Unio, apparently U.ovalis, abound. At the town of Cromer itself, Mr. Simons has observed be- neath the drift, several feet below low-water mark, a bed of lignite, in which were found the seeds of plants, and the wing- case of a beetle. Norwich crag at Cromer. — At a still lower level than the freshwater beds last mentioned, and only exposed at very low water, is a thin bed of Norwich crag in situ, about one foot thick, resting immediately on the chalk. It was barely visible at low tide on the west side of the jetty when I visited Cromer, but with the assistance of Mr. Simons, I obtained many frag- ments in which pebbles, sand, and shells were aggregated to- gether by a ferruginous cement. The most abundant shells were the Purpura crispata, Min. Con., Tellina solidula, and Littorina littorea, both the common form and the variety called L. squalida ; I found also a Fusus contrarius and E'. striatus, and Cyprina islandica, but I could detect no small or delicate shells, and the deposit had the appearance of having been formed in a shallow sea, and not in still water. Although the deposit at Cromer varies slightly at each new spot where we examine it, it appears from repeated observa- tions of Mr. Simons that the following section would give a fair representation of the whole : first, chalk, with horizontal surface ; 2ndly, Norwich crag, with marine shells, from 1 to 2 feet thick ; 3rdly, laminated blue clay, with pyrites, and the bones of mammalia, 8 feet. The upper part of this clay is at about high-water mark, and it forms the beach ; 4thly, above high-water mark, layers of pure sand alternating with blue clay, with occasionally patches of gravel. In these beds the bones of mammalia occur and lignite abounds, thickness 10 feet. To these horizontal strata succeed the curved beds of drift, partly argillaceous and partly white and yellow sand, with imbedded masses of chalk and chalk rubble, the whole 60 feet thick. Among the mammalian remains found on the beach and chiefly in situ in the blue clay. No. 3, Mr. Owen has re- cognized the following: 1. Teeth of Elephas primigenius\ 2. Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 104. May 1840. 2 B 362 Mr. I^yell on the Boulder Formatioyi, tooth of rhinoceros ; 3. teeth of horse, the largest which Mr. Owen has ever seen fossil ; its longest transverse diameter is 1 inch 4-1 Oths, which, however, does not exceed thatoflarge living individuals; 4. bones of the ox ; 5. horns and bones of a deer of the size of the red deer, and the base of a shed horn of the same; 6. a smaller species of deer; 7. lower jaw left ramus of the beaver, a species larger than the living one and apparently distinct. Among other characters the anterior molar of the lower jaw has a much greater propor- tional breadth. The wood collected from the lignite bed. No. 4, is coni- ferous, and a cone which Mr. Simons procured from the same bed is certainly not the Scotch fir. Mr. R. Brown, who has examined it, has little doubt that it belongs to Firms abies^ or the spruce fir, a northern species not indigenous to Britain. Cromer is the most south-eastern point on this coast at which I observed yellow ferruginous crag; but a blue sand containing the same marine shells has been traced for more than a mile further in that direction by Mr. Simons ; and I have lately learnt from Mr. J. B. Wigham, that at Bacton Gap before mentioned, about miles distant in a straight line from Cromer, the hard ferruginous crag has been found immediately on the chalk. At that place, besides some of the usual shells, teeth of a small rodent [arvicola ?) have been found, as at Norwich. About a mile westward of Cromer the crag re-appears, and again at Runton, as will be presently mentioned. Freshwater strata of llunton between Cromer and Weybourne. — I shall mention here the only locality in which the fresh- water deposit has been seen beyond Cromer, namely, at about 2^ miles N.E. of that town, on both sides of West Runton gap. Here it contains many shells as at Mundesley, and its position is unequivocally at the bottom of the drift, and immediately over the fundamental chalk, which is covered with patches of crag as at Cromer. The section seen here on both sides of the gap consists, first, of drift, having its usual characters and irregularly curved stratification, and including small dispersed fragments of crag shells, its thickness being 60 feet and upwards. At the bot- tom of this the freshwater deposit occurs in patches of black earth from 3 to 5 feet thick, under which is a bed of reddish sand about 3 feet thick with freshwater shells in its upper part, and below this the crag in a discontinuous stratum less than a foot in thickness. The fundamental chalk contains large flints or paramoudrie. The lower part of the section 363 and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. beneath the black earth was covered up in June last, but ex- posed to view in March, and examined by Mr. Simons. Fig. 10. Runton Gap. a. Black earth with shells 1 i. Reddish sand J c. Norwich crag in patches. freshwater. I shall now describe, first the freshwater beds and their fossils, and then the fossils of the subjacent layer of crag. The black earth is heavy and turns greenish when dried. It is sometimes divisible into layers, on the surface of which shells are seen in a compressed state ; but this is not always the case, the shells being often uninjured and irregularly di- spersed. Although the colour of this earth is doubtless due to vegetable matter, I have not found seeds in it, but occasionally small pieces of wood. The most shelly portions which I have seen were sent to me before my last visit to Norfolk, through the kindness of Robert Fitch, Esq., of Norwich. The red sand below resembles the crag in colour and contains the same shells, of which the following is a list, all of which have been examined by Mr. G. Sowerby: 1. Paludina vivi~ para. 2. P.impura. 3. Valvata piscinalis. 4. Limnca pa- lustris. 5. L. stagnalis, 6. Planorbis imbricatus. 7. P. albus. 8. P. marginatus. 9. Ancylus lacustris. 10. Cyclas cornea. \\. C. appendicidata. C. amnica^veac.'^ Besides these is a small shell allied to Turbo ulvcc, but apparently different, of which I only procured one individual; also frag- ments of Anodon. Among these twelve species the only one which could not be identified with w^ell-known British living species is the Cyclas^ resembling C. amnica. It belongs to the sub-genus Pisidiurn^ and is remarkable, says Mr. G. Sowerby, “ for its great proportional altitude, in which respect it differs not only from the recent P. amnicum.^ but also from the fossil variety of P. amnicum, found at Grays in Essex. The concen- tric ridges on the outside of each valve are much more pro- minent than in the recent P. amnicum, particularly near the beaks, and in this circumstance they resemble the Grays fossil 2 B 2 364. Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ var. of amnicum. The shell appears to be rather thicker than the recent P, amnicum^ and the teeth stronger : see fig. 1 1 . Fig. 11. Cyclas {Pisidium) amnica, var. ? From the freshwater beds at Runton. The two middle figures are of the natural size. Neither here nor at Miindesley was I able to find Cyrena trigonula^ which however we might have expected to discover in these beds, as it accompanies a similar assemblage of shells from various localities in Suffolk and Essex. I found no remains of insects in the black earth, but the Hon. and Rev. R. Wilson, of Ashwell Thorpe, showed me in his collection, in 1838, the elytra of beetles of the genus Do- nacia^ preserving their colours, which he had found several years before at Runton. I observed the scales of perch and of other fish resembling those of Mundesley in the black earth. Mr. Simons has also found fragments of the scapula and horns of a deer in the black earth. In general it is most difficult to speak with certainty re- specting the position of fossil bones of quadrupeds derived from the mud cliffs, because they have been picked up at the base of the cliff after portions of it had been washed away by the sea. It is the opinion, however, of collectors that they are chiefly derived from strata, in which the lignite and sub- merged trees occur. The remains are those of the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, horse, ox, pig, beaver, deer, &c. At Cromer and Weybourne some mammalian bones occur in the crag, but they are commonly more rolled and worn than those derived from the lignite deposits. Unfortunately no freshwater shells have yet been obtained from precisely the same bed as that in which the bones of the elephant and other extinct quadrupeds are met with, nor from the stratum in which the stools of buried trees are enveloped. The fresh- water shells of Mundesley and Runton, although they may probably belong to the same formation, are not yet proved to be strictly coeval with the extinct quadrupeds. The present state, therefore, of our knowledge would not enable us to enter into minute details in regard to the order of superposition of the beds between the chalk and drift in tlie mud cliffs, but it would appear that the principal site of the bones of extinct mammalia as well as of the buried forest and lignite is be- and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk, 365 Natica helicoides, Johnston ; from the crag at Runton, near Cromer. tween the marine crag and those beds from which freshwater shells have been procured. Crag at Runton, — In the patches of marine crag below the freshwater at Runton, the following shells have been found and presented to me by Mr. Simons: 1.* Fusus striatus. 2. Scalaria grcenlandica. 3. Littorina littorea. 4. Natica helicoides,, Johnston, (see fig. 12.). 5. F'ellina obliqtia, 6, T, solidula, 7. Cardium edule, and a fragment of a Helix, The shell which I have called N, helicoides is identical with No. 58. in my list of Norwich crag shells published in the Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. iii. new series, 1839, p. 313. I have given it there as a new and extinct species, stating, that it resembled in shapeP«Mz><7 solida,, Say. I afterwards learnt from Mr. Edward Forbes that it had been found recent on our east coast in Berwick Bay, and published by Dr. Johnston in the Berwick Transactions, 1835, under the name of N. helicoides. That gentleman has since sent me the recent shell, which is quite identical with the fossil figured above. The species is remark- able lor departing from the normal form of the genus Natica, It seems to have been much more abundant in the sea of the Norwich crag than in our owm sea at present. Clijfs between Cromer and Sherringham. — The drift near Cromer and to the north of it includes a much larger quan- tity of chalk rubble than to the southward, and huge frag- ments of chalk itself are sometimes intercalated in a manner which is very difficult of explanation. It is often no easy mat- ter to decide whether the largest of the chalky masses associ- ated with drift have been regenerated or not, in other words whether they have been brought piecemeal or in mass into their present position ; but there are some clear and unequi- vocal exemplifications of both of these modes of transport. Some of the enormous fragments of chalk which are inter- stratified with drift have not only layers of undisturbed flints, but also sandpipes in the middle of them, or cylindrical ca- vities filled with sand and gravel, such as are found pene^ trating the chalk at various depths from the surface in the in- terior of Norfolk. These pipes seem to me to imply that such masses of chalk were once at or near the surface of emerged land, but a hasty observer seeing such patches of sand or pebbles in the middle of the chalk might suppose the whole mass to have been broken up and then redeposited, whereas 366 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ in fact it has been brought bodily into its present position. The intercalated masses of unregenerated chalk are some- times horizontal, sometimes vertical. Of the former I ob- served an example near West or Upper Runton, where a mass of chalk marl 15 feet thick, which I could not distinguish from undisturbed chalk, reposed on stratified blue clay 20 feet thick, and was again covered by stratified loam 30 feet thick. The most remarkable example which I saw of a mass of chalk protruding in the midst of the drift adjoins to Old Hythe Gap about three quarters of a mile west of Sherringham : it is represented on a small scale by Mr. R. C. Taylor in his coast section, though nowhere described as far as 1 am aware. I found the shape of this mass considerably altered between the years 1829 and 1839, and by a comparison of its appearance at these two periods, I was able to form a more correct idea of its relative position to the chalk and drift than I could pos- sibly have done during a single visit. In order to understand the peculiar position of this great outlier, the reader must be informed, that the fundamental chalk, which at Cromer does not rise above low water, begins, immediately west of Sherring- ham, to rise and form a ledge a few feet above high-water mark, being usually covered by a hard breccia of crag, com- monly called the pan, nearly 1 foot thick. The waves at high tides and during storms wash over this ledge, and sweep away the more destructible clay, sand, and gravel of the over- lying drift, which is thus made to recede four or five feet in- ward from the beach or seaward termination of the ledge ol chalk. The chalk thus clearly exposed is seen by its hori- zontal layers of flint to be undisturbed. The drift sometimes reposes in horizontal and sometimes in curved beds on the pan or ferruginous breccia of crag. x\t Old Hythe point above mentioned, the beds of drift suddenly become vertical for a height of nearly 70 feet, and flank an enormous pinnacle of chalk between 70 and 80 feet in height, (see fig. 13), which is enveloped in drift. In tliis figure the fundamental chalk is seen at the bottom with its horizontal flints, and immediately upon the chalk the pan or layer of consolidated crag, continuous in this spot and varying in thickness from 6 to 12 inches. It contains large chalk flints and fragments of shells cemented by oxide of iron. The broken shells are abundant at some spots. Among them were observed Cyprina islandica, Tellina solidula, Mya are-- naria ? Cardium , Littorina littorea, Fusus striatus, Ba- lanus . Next above the crag is the huge pinnacle or needle of chalk, distinctly separated from the fundamental chalk by “ the pan.’’ Chalk flints are scattered somewhat 367 and Freshwater Deposits ofFasteim Norfolk, irregularly through the outlier of chalk, which is distinctly forked in its upper extremity. It will be seen that the pinna- Fig. 13. Included pinnacle of chalk at Old Hythe point, west of Sherringham^. cle is flanked on both sides by drift : that on the east, or Sherringham side (left of the diagram), consists of alternate layers of loam, clay, and white chalk rubble several feet thick, which must have been deposited horizontally although now vertical. These are traceable from within a few yards of the pan to near the summit of the chalk, for a height of 60 feet or more. Between the two prongs of the fork, near the top of the cliff, are curved beds of drift. On the western or right side of the pinnacle the beds of drift are not the same as those on the left. They consist first, and nearest to the chalk, of strata of flinty gravel ; secondly, layers of sand with round flint pebbles; thirdly, loose yellow sand, alternating with loam. These join on to curved beds of drift, which are re- presented near the top of the cliff on the right of the diagram — innumerable layers of sand and shingle, some of them bent round upon themselves and containing seams of carbonaceous matter, or in other places small white pieces of broken shells. Near the bottom of the section argillaceous till rests im- mediately on the crag, and on one side comes in contact with the chalk pinnacle near its base. Through this till small pieces of chalk and flint are interspersed. Another included fragment of chalk (c) occurs nearly half-way up the cliffy en- veloped in drift to the westward of the pinnacle. * This sketch is taken principally from my own drawing, but corrected from a view by Mr. Simons taken in March 1840, when the waves during a storm had reached about 8 feet above the level of the pan or crag, re- moving the talus which previously masked the junction. S68 Mr. Lyell on Jhe Boulder Formation^ The most singular and important circumstance connected with the great outlier of chalk at Old Hythe is the fact of its being perfectly disunited from the subjacent horizontal chalk. I could not myself positively determine this point either in 1829 or 1839, because there was a talus at the base of the vertical cliff resting on the projecting ledge of chalk and con- cealing the junction; but when the whole was cleared away by the waves in March 1840, after a storm, Mr. Simons vi- sited the spot, and ascertained the continuity and infra- posi- tion of the crag which I had before inferred. My inference, previously announced to the Geological Society, was drawn from a comparison of the state of the cliff in 1839, with my sketches and memoranda made ten years before. At both periods I was able to trace the horizontal crag to within 5 feet of the base of the precipice, composed of vertical beds of drift enveloping the chalk ; and as the sea had advanced greatly in the interval of ten years, the pan, had it not been continuous, must have been entirely removed before my last visit, in which case nothing could have been visible but chalk on the ledge immediately opposite the pinnacle. From the summit of Old Hythe point the land slopes down to Old Hythe gap with a rapid descent. It also slopes, though at a less angle, directly inland, so that as the sea advances the cliff at this point will become less elevated. In 1829 the two masses of chalk appeared much more equal in size, and wrap- ped round as it were both on their sides and at the top with strata of shingle and drift. Another included mass of pure chalk was also observable in 1839 between Cromer and Lower Runton near the bottom of the cliff. It was traversed by several rents, and alternating beds of laminated clay and sand were bent round it, as in the annexed diagram (fig. 14), which represents a perpendicular section 25 feet in height. Fig. 1 4. Section 25 feet high, west of Cromer. This mass, although on a smaller scale, may be compared to 369 and Freshwate7' Deposits of Eastern Nojfolk, that of Old Hythe point (fig. 13.). It will sometimes happen, however, that the enveloping beds of drift appear to be folded completely round a nucleus of chalk or sand, or any other ma- terial found in the mud cliffs as in the annexed cut (fig. 15.) or in fig. 1 6, which represents a perpendicular cliff 20 feet high, in which the beds are: 1. blue clay; 2. white sand in thin layers ; 3. yellow sand ; 4-. striped loam and clay ; 5. laminated blue clay; and I saw curves not far from this place which ex- tended fora vertical height of 50 feet, in which SOdistinct strata, without counting the subordinate laminae, in all 24- feet thick, presented the same concentric arrangement. The beds con- sisted alternately of blue clay and white sand, the bed of sand exposed in the centre being blackened by bituminous matter. I have mentioned some of these cases of the apparent fold- ing of the beds round a central nucleus in the Principles of Geology, especially one which occurs in the cliffs east of Sherringham, where a heap of partially rounded flints about five feet in diameter appears nearly enveloped by finely la- minated strata of sand and loam, in the midst of which again is a nucleus of loam. After a more scrupulous examination of many of these cases, I have now ascertained that they are all, without exception, examples of the intersection of a series of strata which have been bent into a convex form, the appa- rent nucleus being in fact the innermost bed of the series, which has become partially visible by the entire removal of the protuberant part of the outer layers. I observed a portion of a cliff 8 feet in vertical height be- tween Beaston Hill and East Runton, in which a nucleus of very loose sand 18 inches in diameter [a) was surrounded by layers of clay and loam as represented in fig. 17. The vertical beds on the left side of the cut consisted of similar incoherent materials, some of the seams of sand being charac- Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Section of concentric beds west of Cromer. 370 Mr. Lyell 07i the Boulder Formation^ terized by broken crag shells, and in one place some flint pebbles, occupying the space of several layers of loam. Fig. 17. clay and loam, loose sand. Section 8 feet high of vertical and curved drift in the cliff near Runton. Between the Runtons and Sherringham, and at a short distance from the latter place, are seen strata of vertical drift, on the one side of which are horizontal, and on the other curved and folded beds. The change in these cases from the horizontal set to the vertical is very abrupt. Crag near Weyhourne. — It is not until we arrive within less than two miles of Weybourne, that the Norwich crag appears in considerable force in situ above the level of the sea, in a cliff about 30 feet high, between Old Hythe Gap and Wey- bourne. At two different points I observed the chalk in con- tact with several feet of shelly sand and clay containing peb- bles and the fossils of the Norwich crag without any inter- vening breccia or ‘‘pan.” This crag was covered with clay and loam without shells. About half a mile from Cliffend, Weybourne, the following section appeared, in a vertical cliff about 40 feet high, where I saw the greatest thickness of crag abounding in shells : 1st, horizontal chalk with flints, 8 feet; 2ndly, sand and flint pebbles with crag shells, 1 foot ; Srdly, fine sand with perfect crag shells, 10 feet; 4thly, sand and pebbles without shells, 3 feet; 5thly, unstratified clay or till with flints, 10 feet. The following is a list of the shells obtained from this crag: Fusus striatus^ Littorina littorea, L, squalida (var. of prece- ding?), Purpura crispata^ perhaps var. of P. lapillus^ Cyprina islandica^ Cardium edule^ Cardium echinatum ? Tellina ohliqua, T. solidida, Nucula Cobholdicc, My a arenaria P Mactra, Astarte, and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolk. 37 1 Amonof the above, the Fusus striatus and Nucula Cohholdice were very rare. I have remarked, that westward of Sherringham, where the fundamental chalk rises a few feet above high-water mark, its surface, whether covered by the ferruginous breccia or not, is for the most part very level, a singular fact when the contor- tions of the overlying strata are considered. A slight excep- tion occurs at one place near Cliffend, Wey bourne, where the surface of the chalk undulates ; so that in the distance of a few paces the chalk sometimes rises 12 feet above the level of the sea, then sinks to 1 foot, and then rises again to 8 feet above that level, being covered everywhere with a similarly undulating breccia made up of slightly rolled chalk flints and crag shells more or less broken. Finally, near Wey bourne, at the extreme end of the clilF, where it is 10 feet in height, the section given in the annexed diagram (fig. 18.) is seen. We here see the shelly crag sub- jected to the same violent movement so common elsewhere in the drift. The vertical gravel beds a c are separated by loose sand. Other loose sand occurs in the arch at c c. The crag shells in the gravel, consisting chiefly of Cardium and Cyprina^ are in fragments, and the denudation of such beds may well have supplied those smaller and worn pieces of these shells which are so widely dispersed through the mud cliffs of Eastern Norfolk. Fig. 18. Arched beds of shelly crag at Cliffend, Weybourne ; height of section feet. a, c. flint' gravel with crag shells. h. loose sand. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Age of the deposits composing the mud cliffs. — It has been shown in the above account of the cliffs between Hasborough and Weybourne, that the chalk is everywhere the funda- mental rock, lying southward of Cromer at about the level of low water, and rising on the north of that town to the height of a few yards above that level. Its surface between Cromer and Weybourne is covered with occasional patches of 372 Mr. Lyell on the 'Boulder Pormation^ Norwich crag, which is rarely more than one or two feet thick, except near Weybourne. Upon the crag, and where this is wanting immediately upon the chalk, rests here and there a lignite and freshwater formation, which varies in thickness from five to ten feet and upwards. It is seen at intervals throughout the whole line of cliff from Hasborough to Run- ton. In some places it resembles a bed of lignite, in others a black earth like that found in connexion with peat, while occasionally it consists of gravel, sand, clay, and marl, such as may be met with in any lacustrine deposit. In certain localities it contains the stools of trees, which remain in the position in which they originally grew, and which could only have been buried under the strata now incumbent on them by the submergence of what was once dry land. At Mun- desley the freshwater formation is about 40 feet thick and occupies the whole cliff. As both the crag and freshwater formations are extremely discontinuous in the mud cliffs, we sometimes find the one and sometimes the other in immediate contact with the chalk, while in many places both are wanting, and then the chalk is covered exclusively by drift, of which the great mass of the mud cliffs is composed. A cursory observer, indeed, might see nothing but drift from Hasborough to Cromer, except at Trimmingham, where the protuberances of chalk occur ; and the section north of Cromer would seem to pre- sent little more than the same drift, with a slight exposure of chalk on the sea beach. The thin stratum of freshwater origin and the subjacent marine crag are most commonly hidden by the beach, or by the sea, except at low water. Age of the crag. — As to the age of the crag, it agrees with that of Norwich in the species of marine shells which it con- tains, and the occasional presence of land shells and the rolled bones of mammalia. From the various localities above enumerated, I obtained the following eleven species of shells : Purpura crispata^ Fusus striatus and contrarms, Littorma littorea and squalida, Scalaria groenlandica, Natica helicoideSy Nucida Cobholdice, Cardium edule^ Cyprina isla7idica^ Tellina obliqua, T. solidula^ and Mya arenaria ? All of these are known as recent except three, Fusus striatus^ Tellina obliqtia, and Nucula Cobboldice. It would be rash however to pre- tend to determine the per centage of recent species from so small a number, and the late discovery of Natica helicoides.^ one of the eleven, in a living state, should make us careful not to assume, when reasoning on these more modern de- posits, that we have acquired a perfect acquaintance with the present Fauna of our seas. and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Norfolh 373 Age of the freshwater deposit. — Next, as to the age of the freshwater beds, we know as yet too little of the species of mammalia, fish, insects, and plants, which are imbedded in them in considerable abundance, to entitle us to lay much stress on their evidence alone. But we have from Mundesley and Runton, at least nineteen species of shells in an excellent state of preservation, namely, Faliidina vivipara^ P. impura, P. minuta^ Valvata piscinalis^ V. cristata, Limnea patustris, L. stagnalis, L. glutinosa, E, peregra^ Planorbis vortex^ P. imbricatus, P. albus^ P. marginatus, P. Icevis^ Alder, Ancylus lacustrisy Cyclas cornea^ C. appendiculata^ C. amnica, var.? and C. pusilla. Of these all but two are certainly identical with species now living in Great Britain. One of these two, Cyclas^ fig. 1 1, p. 364, may possibly be a variety of our living C. amnica.^ while the other, Paludina minuta^ fig. 4, p. 354, is unknown. I have not included in the list the shell allied to Turbo ulvre, because it would be unsafe to decide on a species from a single individual ; nor have I enumerated among the recent species Anodon cygneus and U7iio ovalis^ although there is little doubt that the freshwater mussels of Mundesley and Sidestrand belong to these species. Upon the whole we may conclude that this freshwater de- posit must agree very nearly in age with those of Stutton in Suffolk, Grays in Essex, Cropthorn in Worcestershire, and others, which contain nearly the same species, with fossil bones of extinct quadrupeds. It is still a question in all these cases, whether all the species are not living, although some few may not be British shells, or whether there is really a very slight per centage of lost species, to which opinion I incline. It will be seen that the freshwater stratum in the mud cliff's everywhere overlies the crag when in contact. Many, however, of the same species of fluviatile or lacustrine shells are found intermixed with the marine crag itself near Norwich, in which latter the same Cyclas figured above (p. 364) is met with. Age and origin of the drift, — As to the age of the drift, it is proved by direct superposition to be newernot only than the Norwich crag, but also than the freshwater beds at Run- ton and Sidestrand. At the same time the section at Mun- desley (fig. 2, p. 353) seems to prove, that in some places the deposition of the drift was going on contemporaneously with the accumulation of freshwater beds. To frame a satisfactory theory respecting the origin of the drift is difficult. The fluvio-marine contents of the Norwich crag imply the former existence of an estuary on the present 374 Mr. Lyell on the Boulder Formation^ site of parts of Norfolk and Suffolk, including the eastern coast of Norfolk. Into this estuary or bay one or many rivers entered, and in the strata then formed were imbed- ded the remains of animals and shells of the land, river, and sea. Certain parts of this area seem at length to have been changed from sea into low marshy land, either be- cause the sea was filled up with sediment, or because its bottom was upheaved, or by the influence of both these causes. Two consequences followed: first, trees grew on some spaces gained from the sea; secondl}", in other spots freshwater deposits were formed in ponds or lakes, and in the channels of sluggish rivers, or grounds occasionally overflowed by streams. Next succeeded a period of gra- dual subsidence, by which some of the lands supporting the forests were submerged, the trees broken down, and their roots and stumps buried under new strata. At the same time, the freshwater beds, whether resting on crag or immediately on chalk, became covered wuth drift, except in certain places, such as Mundesley, where for a small space the accumulation of drift seems to have been entirely pre- vented, perhaps by the continued flow of a small body of freshwater. 1 have met with no fossils so imbedded in the drift as to entitle me to form any positive opinion whether it be of fresh- water or marine origin. The regularly stratified arrangement of a large part of it, and the different materials of the alter- nating strata, clearly demonstrate that it was formed gradually, and not by any single or sudden flood. The boulders which it contains, some of large size, seem to imply, that while a great proportion of the mass may have been derived from neighbouring regions, part at least has come from a great distance. Mr. R. C. Taylor observes, that the shore to the west of Cromer exhibits a singular accumulation of travelled fi'agments of rocks, whence it would not be difficult to collect a tolerably illustrative series. They consist chiefly of rounded blocks of granite, basalt, porphyry, trap, micaceous schist, sandstones of various kinds, chert, breccia, besides limestone and claystone ; also fragments derived from the chalk, plastic clay, London clay, green sand, Kelloway’s rock, the oolites, lias, and marlstone; in fact almost every formation above the coal-measures. These, he says, are of all intermediate mag- nitudes up to four tons weight, large bouldered masses ap- pearing in the sea at low water, lying mixed with flints upon the chalk. One block of granite is stated to be near six feet in diameter, and another mass, standing six or eight feet high, has for some years been known to the fishermen under the and FresMmter Deposits of Eastcv7i No? folk. S75 name of Black Meg. This collection extends about two miles, chiefly opposite to Beeston Hill*. The author just cited truly remarks, that this singular as- semblage of boulders must have been dislodged from the wasting cliffs, of which the softer and finer materials have been removed by currents, for similar boulders are occasion- ally observed in the midst of the clay or till of the cliffs. In different parts of the interior of Norfolk, boulders weigh- ing several tons have been found in blue clay or tillf. I stated in the first edition of my Principles of Geology that 1 was unable in 1829 to draw a line of demarcation be- tween the crag and the drift or diluvium. The Rev. W. B. Clarke afterwards insisted on the distinctness of the two for- mations+, in which opinion I now concur, although I am still unable, in many spots, as, for example, near Weybourne, and between Southwold and Yarmouth, to say where the crag ends and the stratified drift begins. But this difficulty arises from the absence of fossils in the crag as well as the drift, and from the fact that the strata in the latter are often as regular and continuous for considerable distances as those of the crag. Professor Sedgwick informs me, that in the unstratified brown clay or till of certain parts of Cambridgeshire, large angular blocks of lower green sand and chalk, with fossils of the Oxford clay and lias, occur. The till alluded to attains at some points a thickness of 300 feet: it resembles that in the Norfolk mud cliffs, and has been traced over many of the ad- joining counties. Its extent therefore in area and depth ren- der its history of high importance in the geology of the east of England. I mentioned in the beginning of this paper, that I recog- nized the strongest resemblance between the boulder forma- tion which I have seen in Sweden, Denmark, Holstein, and other countries, and the drift of Norfolk ; and as I believe coast-ice and icebergs to have been instrumental in trans- porting much of the large and small detritus in Scandinavia, so I presume that at the same period the effects of the same agency was extended to the British seas, although on a smaller scale. But while some of the Norfolk erratics may be of northern origin, other portions of the associated drift may have been brought from neighbouring regions, and per- haps in an opposite direction, just as we now observe that * Geology of East Norfolk, p. 24, 1827- t C. B. Rose, Geology of West Norfolk, bond, and Edin. Phil. Mag , January 1836, p. 195. % Geol. Trans., 2nd Series, vol. v., part 2, p. 363. 376 Mr. Lyeli on the Boulder Formation^ some granitic boulders are floated in ice from the distant shores of Labrador into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, while other large fragments of rock, together with much gravel and sand, are firmly frozen into ice and carried down every winter by various rivers into the same gulf. As the part of Canada where this drift is now forming corresponds in latitude to that of Norfolk, the adoption of this theory of ice-drift does not of necessity require us to assume the former existence of a colder climate than that now prevailing in North America. Dr. Mitchell, in a paper on the Drift of Norfolk, Suffolk, &c., (Geol. Proc., vol. hi., p. 5) has suggested that the ma- terials have been in great part derived from the destruction of strata which once occupied the site of the German Ocean. This conjecture is, I think, by no means improbable, and we are often too prone, when speculating on the original site of travelled boulders, to refer them exclusively to the places where similar substances happen now to be exposed above water, whereas they may often have come from a neighbouring region now submerged. The island of Heligoland for ex- ample, about forty miles off the mouth of the Elbe, has been wasting away for centuries, and in time will probably disap- pear. Its cliffs, from 100 to near 200 feet high, composed of marl and marlstone of the new red sandstone formation, might supply stony fragments and red mud, which if stranded by ice or other agency on the adjacent coasts of Holstein, Bremen, or Friesland, would differ entirely from the rocks occurring there in situ, or from any rocks met with nearer than parts of Hanover, situated 100 or 150 miles in an op- posite or eastern direction. We ought always, therefore, to bear in mind, that fragments of chalk, green sand, oolite, and lias, imbedded in the drift of Norfolk and other counties, may not have come from the westward where those forma- tions now crop out, but possibly from the N.N.E., like the erratic blocks, if some of these be really of Scandinavian origin. The association of stratified drift with unstratified materials or till, a general character of this formation in Sweden and Scotland, as in Norfolk, has been already attributed to the possible cooperation of ice and currents of water (see p. 348). DISTURBED POSITION OF THE STRATA. The chalk and overlying formations seen in the cliffs be- tween Hasborough and Weybourne may have been brought into their present contorted and dislocated position by three distinct kinds of mechanical movement; first, by ordinary upheaval and subsidence, to which geologists are accustomed and Freshwater Deposits of Eastern Not folk. STl to attribute the bendings, inclination, and dislocation of strata ; secondly, by landslips or the sliding down of sea-cliffs, or the falling in of undermined banks of rivers or of submarine sand banks; thirdly, by the stranding of islands and bergs of ice. It is possible that all these three causes of disturbance may have co-operated to produce the complicated movements which we now behold in the cliffs under consideration. By ordinary subterranean movement. — First, in regard to ordinary subterranean movements, a general subsidence must, I conceive, have taken place over a considerable area, in order to explain the submergence and burial of the trees of which the stools are found in situ ; and this forest bed could not have been brought up again, together with the incumbent drift, to the level of low water, without a subsequent upheaval nearly equal in amount to the previous subsidence. But such a depression and re-elevation of a large tract may have taken place slowly and insensibly, and without any derange- ment of the stratification. A question would still remain, whether such protuberances of chalk as those at Trimming- ham (p. 357), and the inclination or verticality of the asso- ciated drift, should be attributed to a local and violent move- ment from below, fracturing the chalk and thrusting up portions of it above the ordinary level of that formation. It is scarcely profitable to speculate on a subject which could only be set at rest if the section were prolonged downwards into the subjacent chalk. I have described in the Geol. Trans., vol. v., part 1, p. 213, masses of drift entangled in chalk at the top of the cliffs of Moen in Denmark; but in those lofty cliffs the section extends downwards for a depth of more than 400 feet into the underlying chalk with flints. The verticality of some of the layers of flint, the curvature of others, and numerous faults, bear testimony to such repeated convulsions, that I did not hesitate to refer the entanglement of the upper chalk and incumbent drift of Moen to subterranean movements. During those convulsions, fissures and chasms may have opened in the chalk, and masses of the superimposed boulder formation may have been engulfed. There are many sections, such as that represented in fig. 14, p. 368, where the first hypothesis which suggests itself is the protrusion upwards of a boss of chalk, which has forced the yielding and incumbent beds to fold round it, so that the beds become perfectly vertical on the flanks of the protuberant chalk. But it frequently happens that these masses repose on chalk and crag so horizontal and undisturbed, that we are entirely precluded from the supposition of a movement from below upwards. Fhil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 104. May 1840. 2 C 378 Mr. Lyell 07i the Boulder Formation, By landslips and slides, — The last remark leads naturally to the consideration of every combination of causes which can give rise to great disturbance in the overlying beds, while the stratification of those below remains even and unchanged. For striking examples of this phaenomenon the reader is referred to figures 1 and 13, in which the superposition of vertical to horizontal drift, and of huge fragments and needles of chalk to horizontal chalk and crag, are clearly exhibited. In order to explain these sections, we may imagine that banks of mud and sand existed beneath the sea in which channels were occasionally excavated by currents. In banks of this kind off Great Yarmouth, a broad channel sixty-five feet deep was found in 1836, w^here there had been only a depth of four feet in 1822*. If the cliffs of loam or sand bounding this new channel give way, large masses may descend bodily and as- sume a vertical or curved position. They may easily escape subsequent denudation, because the direction of the currents are constantly shifting. Thus strata which have assumed a vertical position may be forced laterally against the opposite sides of the channels, where the beds have remained horizontal. Both the juxtaposition of vertical and horizontal beds, and the superposition of disturbed to undisturbed strata, may be caused in this manner. The constant descent of strips of land into river beds in the deltas of the Indus, Ganges, and Mis- sissippi, on the subsiding of the annual inundations, are well known, and may give rise to analogous effects. During the late landslip near Axmouth on the 24?th of December 1839, a lateral movement took place, by which masses of chalk and green sand, which had been undermined, were forced more than forty feet in a seaward direction, and thrown into great confusion, while the subjacent lias was not disturbed f. The pressure moreover of the descending rocks urged the neighbouring strata extending beneath the shingle of the shore, by their state of unnatural condensation, to burst upwards in a line parallel to the coast, by which means an ele- vated ridge more than a mile in length, and rising more than forty feet, has been made to form an extended reef in front of the present range of cliffs. This ridge when it first rose was covered by a confused assemblage of broken strata and im- mense blocks of rock, invested with sea- weed and corallines, and scattered over with shells, star-fish, and other productions of the deep. * See Elements of Geol. p. 307- t 1 have been indebted to the kindness of the Rev. W.D. Conybeare for a description and section of this landslip, which I have published in the 6th edition of the Princ. of Geol. vol. ii. p. 78. a7id FresTmaier Deposits of Eastern NorfolJc, 379 We may imagine in like manner masses of chalk and over- lying drift to have fallen from cliffs, and to have been forced sideways over a floor of horizontal chalk ; but it appears to me impossible, even if we adopt this hypothesis, to explain how the Old Hythe pinnacle of chalk (see p. 367) became en- veloped by drift, and this drift in great part vertical and rest- ing on horizontal crag and chalk. It seems necessary first to suppose that a needle of chalk was thrown down on horizon- tal drift, and then that the whole was forced by lateral pressure into a vertical position, the fundamental rocks remaining un- moved. It cannot be objected to explanations of this kind that an- cient cliffs and adjoining needles of chalk are no longer visible, because they may have existed when the country was sub- siding, and they may have been removed by denudation, when brought down within the action of the waves. By pressure of drift ice. — There is still another cause, hitherto, I believe, overlooked, by which great foldings and contortions may be produced in the upper portions of banks of sand and gravel, while the lower remain undisturbed; I mean the stranding of icebergs and large masses of packed ice. In different parts of Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and probably everywhere in Europe where drift is found contain- ing erratic blocks, between the latitudes 50° and 70° north, coiled and folded beds of loam, gravel, and sand are fre- quent, and I have often seen them in Scotland resting on and covered by strata which remain horizontal. In the account given by Messrs. Dease and Simpson of their recent arctic discoveries, we learn that in lat. about 71° N. long. 156° W. they found ‘‘a long low spit named Point Barrow, composed of gravel and coarse sand, in some parts more than a quarter of a mile broad, which the pressure of the ice had forced up into numerous mounds, that viewed from a distance assumed the appearance of huge boulder rocks*.” So many facts indeed have come to my knowledge of the manner in which masses of ice, even of moderate size, in the Baltic, and still more in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, push before them large heaps of boulders, that I can scarcely doubt that lateral pressure, exerted under favourable circum- stances by drift ice on banks of stratified and incoherent sand, gravel, and mud, is an adequate cause for producing consider- able flexure and dislocation. The banks on which icebergs run aground occasionally between Baffin’s Bay and New- foundland are many hundred feet under water, and the force * Journ. of Roy. Geograph. Soc., vol. viii. p. 221. 2 C 2 380 Mr. Potter on FresneVs Experiment of Interferences with which they are struck will depend not so much on the velocity as the momentum of the large floating islands. The same berg is often carried away by a change of the wind and then driven back again upon the same bank, or in other cases it is made to rise and fall by the waves of the ocean, and may thus alternately strike the bottom with its whole weight, and then be lifted up again until it has deranged the superficial beds over a wide area. On these beds new and undisturbed strata may be afterwards thrown down. In other cases, when banks of mud and sand forming the top of a shoal have been made to assume various shapes by the lateral pressure of ice- bergs, the bed of the sea may subside, and then the disturbed beds may be overspread by horizontal strata, which may never afterwards be deranged by similar mechanical violence. LVIII. the Method of performing the simple Experiment of Interferences nxith two Mh'rors slightly inclined, so as to afford an experimentum crucis as to the nature of Eight, By R. Potter, Esq,^ Tj^RESNEUS genius devised the experiment which is the most direct test of the reality of the interference of light, and which proves that property in the most unequivocal man- ner. This experiment is performed by causing the light di- verging from a luminous point to be reflected by two plane mirrors, placed side by side, whose surfaces are 7iea7'ly in the same plane, but which contain an angle a little less than 180°, and then examining the light by means of an eye-lens. Each mirror gives an image of the luminous point, and we have the reflected light proceeding as if it diverged from these two images and also from its having originally constituted only one pencil, the two reflected pencils are in the same state, so that they interfere where they cross each other’s direction, producing in ordinary light coloured bands parallel to the line of inter- section of the planes of the two mirrors, with dark intervals between them. These bands are seen in the air in the focus of the eye-lens when looking towards the images of the lu- minous point. Without examining the experiment more minutely than just to ascertain that both the pencils are necessar^^ to the production of the bands, it must be admitted that it is con- clusive in establishing the theory of interferences. The theory of interferences was brought forward by Dr. Young as a consequence of the undulatory or wave theory of * Communicated by the Author. as an expevimentum crucis as to the nature of Light. 381 light; and it must be confessed that the latter theory was greatly advanced in probability by the demonstration of the former. Certain circumstances, however, such as the colour and arrangement of the bands, are required to be examined before we can consider the primary theory to be confirmed in the same extent as its subordinate theory. For instance, ac- cording to the fundamental property of wave interferences the central band must be white ; but if it should be found in the experiment that the central band is black, this discre- pancy, whilst it would not weaken the demonstration of the theory of interference, would yet be a fatal objection to the theory of undulations. Now if two equal series of circular or spherical waves which have the same direction, or nearly so, arrive at any points in the transmitting fluid, in such a manner that the like parts of the waves arrive at the same instant, then their conjoint effect will be to produce a resultant wave stronger than either of the component waves. If, however, the two series are in a state of complete discordance, so that one series would produce an effect equal and opposite to that which would be produced by the other series, they would counteract each other, that is, no resultant wave would be produced. Two series of waves, which are respectively of equal diameters, and similar, at every instant may be denominated simultaneous; and if we draw a line bisecting perpendicularly that joining their origins, the waves of each series will meet in the same state everywhere along this line, since every point in it is equally distant from the two origins. When these waves are very distant from the origins compared with the distance of the origins from each other, they will have very nearly the same directions, and we shall have resultant waves of greater strength than the component waves. This is a conclusion de- pending only on the fundamental properties of waves, and does not involve any review^ of the various hypotheses which are held, as to the nature of the vibrations of the particles of the fluid through which the waves are propagated. 7fhe experiment with the two mirrors, before mentioned, produces the case we have just discussed ; for the single pencil diverging from the original luminous point, is made into two pencils after reflection by the mirrors; and these two, if light consist of waves, are composed of waves both equal and si- multaneous. We have here then an experiment on which to test the wave theory of light, and the experiment itself show^s us which is the band corresponding to the line bisecting per- pendicularly that which joins the luminous images of the point. For if the luminous point be formed of white light, 382 Mr. Potter on FresneVs Experiment of Interferences the various colours having different intervals for their lumini- ferous surfaces or different lengths of waves in the undulatory theory of light, the bands will be of different breadths for dif- ferent colours, but will have the one on the bisecting line above named bright for every colour, and which will be con- sequently white, when the luminous point is formed with white light ; but on each side of it, the superposition of bands of different breadths corresponding to different colours, will cause the compound bands to be coloured, at first on their edges only; afterwards the colours will become more and more spread, and the bands at the same time more confused, as the distance from the central band becomes greater, until they are at length gradually lost in a light uniform to the eye. The bands on each side and near to the central one will have their inner edges violet and their outer edges red, so that the arrangement of colours will be symmetrical on each side of the central white band. The central band is thus pointed out in the experiment by the arrangement of the colours. In my early trial of this experiment, I happened to have a clear sky and unclouded sun, which afforded a result causing me to hesitate before I accepted the undulatory theory as true. I have seen the experiment on days in which there were thin clouds in the atmosphere, and once when the sun was near the horizon, such that it would have led me to a different conclusion. In my first experiments I was surprised to find the colours symmetrical on each side of a dark band, and not a bright one. Every precaution was used, such as keeping the bands clear of the diffracted fringes formed by the edges of the mir- rors, making the distance between the luminous images so small that the bands were very large, and therefore that any prismatic effect produced by slight error of looking centrically through the eye-lens did not produce a sensible effect in the arrangement of the colours; also care was taken that the di- rect rays (as the term direct is used in optics in contradistinc- tion to oblique) passing through the lens forming the lumi- nous point were those which fell on the two mirrors. Still the central band was a dark one and not a bright one. I ob- tained the assistance of friends accustomed to accurate obser- vation, to examine the appearances, and they came to the same conclusion. I was thus at a loss to conceive how the advocates of the undulatory theory could state that the cen- tral hand mis always a white one. Some time afterwards, however, I obtained a different result; for experimenting one fine evening when the sun was near the horizon, I saw the middle band clearly white, and the colours accurately symme- as an experimentum crucis as to the nature of Light. 383 trical on each side of it, although the whole appeared misty and without that darkness in the intervals which I had found in the previous experiments. This continued whatever pains I took to keep every part of the apparatus in adjustment. The dullness and mistiness of the latter phsenomenon led me to conclude that there could be no doubt but the former was the normal result. I however tried the experiment again with every care in the former circumstances, and found the same result as formerly. In the Number of Phil. Mag. for April, 1833, p. 279, I stated, ‘‘ The result of considerable experience with me is, that it may be seen both black and white, though with me it has much oftener been the former, especially when the bands have been well defined,” &c. &c. In the November Number for 1833, p. 342, I said, “ I shall consider it extremely important to determine whether, when an achromatic lens of short focus is used to form the luminous point, the central band of direct interference given by two mirrors is black, as it has appeared to me, and to several friends to whom I have shown it, when adequately tried with a common lens,” &c., &c. I have in the papers from which the above extracts are taken, publicly stated my difficulties without reserve, and my ideas of the requirements for a decisive mode of expe- rimenting. A mode of experimenting has been adopted, (where or with whom the discovery originated I do not know,) which is stated to give the central band white. It is this: the image of the sun formed in the focus of a lens is made to fall on a small aperture in a thin plate of metal ; the light passing through the aperture falls on the two mirrors, and the aperture thus illuminated is called the luminous origin. I am informed, that when the rays falling on the two mirrors are those which pass obliquely through the aperture, then the central band is most distinctly a white one; and it has been argued that this must be the normal way of trying the experiment, inasmuch as the rays of all colours will have accurately a common origin on the edge of the aperture. It has been with me a subject of frequent study to find out a method of trying the experiment which must give a result not to be disputed; and I feel confident the appa- ratus described in this paper fulfils every desideratum. The points kept in view have been to employ only such parts as are essential in the simplest form of the experi- ment; and thus in dispensing with the mirror which is 384? Mr. Potter on FresneVs Exjperiment of Interferences usually employed to throw the sun’s light through the win- dow-shutter into the darkened room, I have employed an equatorial method of mounting, which keeps all the appa- ratus in the adjustment it is first placed in, and at the same time enables us to follow readily the sun’s daily mo- tion, keeping at the same time the room quite dark. To obviate all objections which attach to the luminous point being formed by a common lens, which has different foci for differently coloured rays, 1 have employed a spheri- cal mirror, as better even than any achromatic lens; and again, as it was suggested to me that an objection might be raised if the rays crossed in a real focus, I have used a convex mirror, so that they diverge from a virtual focus without having crossed : also to enable me to use the lumi- nous point the smaller, I have generally used the two mirrors slightly inclined, of polished speculum metal, which reflects many times the quantity of light which glass reflectors do in the position which my apparatus requires. With these pre- cautions, I find, when the sun is perfectly unclouded, and near the meridian, high above the horizon^ that the central band is black. When there are clouds before the sun’s disc, however slight, the central band is more difficult to fix upon, and generally either white or doubtful. The discrepancies which have been to me a puzzle for so many years, I am now able to solve, and I announce the following new principle of interferences : — When light in a state of interference is made to interfere again, the residt is of an opposite character to vohat it would have been if the light had been in the first instance in the ordinary state. This proposition, which is in itself reasonable, might have been anticipated, and solves all the anomalies. The light falling on the small hole in the thin plate of metal, formerly mentioned, as used to form the luminous point, is thrown into a state of interference by diffraction at the edge of the hole, and hence the central band is seen white. Again, the sun’s light passing through thin clouds, or through the va- pours of the atmosphere when near the horizon, is thrown more or less into a state of interference by diffraction at the edges of the particles of the vapours, and gives results which are either doubtful or with a white centre : for where part of the light is in its original state and part in a state of inter- ference, the bright and dark centred bands will be super- posed, the central band of the one set over the central band of the other, and thus produce indistinct phasnomena in which the intensity of the one or the other species may prevail. as an experimentum crucis as to the nature of Light, 385 From the full investigation, I thus maintain that the normal result of this fundamental experiment in interferences, is, that the central band is black, and at variance with the conse- quences of all wave theories of light, and therefore the undu- latory theory of light is not the physical theory. Th is conclusion is also borne out by the phaenoinena of the rainbow, (see Lon. and Edin. Phil. Mag. for July 1838, vol. xiii. p. 9.) the actual primary and secondary bows being much more distant than they should be from all calculations accord- ing to the undulatory theory of light, the position calculated by that theory to be bright being actually found to be dark. In the artificial methods of producing the analogous effect with a minute stream of water, there is no doubt but that the effect calculated from the undulatory theory might be ob- tained, by using a line of light in a previous state of inter- ference. The apparatus is represented in figs. 1 and 2, in which the Fig. 1. Fig. 2. same letters refer to the same parts : c, is a cylinder of wood about three inches in diameter, and seven inches in length from a to with pivots as in the figures. In fio-. 2 this cylinder is seen placed in a rectangular aperture cutm a thick piece of board in which it exactly fits, and is retained in 386 Mr. Potter on FrcsneVs Experiment of Interferences its place by steps screwed over the pivots. An aperture is cut straight through the centre of the cylinder, which in the axis at efh circular, of a little more than half-inch diameter, but to- wards the surface it is extended longitudinally : through it the sun’s light falls on the small convex mirror k. This mirror is attached, as in the figure, to the armg made of light wood, about four feet long, which fits tightly in a lateral direction in a groove g, fig. 2, but can be moved in a plane passing through it and the axis of the cylinder, so as to place the mirror in the sun’s light shining through the hole. The axis of the cylinder is fixed parallel to the earth’s axis, when the appa- ratus is finally secured in the window-shutter of a room with a south aspect. The form of the aperture allows for the sun’s declination at different times of the year, by which means, and the motion of the arm, the sun’s light can be made to fall on the mirror k at all seasons ; and to follow the sun’s daily motion we have only to push the arm so as to turn the cylinder about its pivots. Every part is made to fit just so tight that the apparatus remains in any position in which it is placed. The two mirrors are placed as at I so that the sun’s light just passes their edges when it falls on the mirror k; by this arrangement we make it certain that the light received by the two mirrors is that which is reflected nearly directly by the mirror and therefore with very little aber- ration. The two mirrors are attached to a piece of wood, which, having a hole in the line of contact of the mirrors, is moveable about a thick wire which fits tightly into this hole. This piece of thick wire is bent at right angles in three places, as seen in fig. 1, and forms a very convenient universal joint, which allows the mirrors to be turned about in any direction required : at its lower part it is pushed through a hole in a piece of wood fixed to the side of the arm g h. The dotted lines 71 I m k, are intended to show the course of two rays from the mirror to their interference at n in the focus of the eye-lens. All the parts of the apparatus should be well blackened, and a piece of black velvet (as the most perfect black) placed behind and about the mirror. It is also desirable to have a tube of blackened paper placed on the arm near k, through which the sun’s light may shine, but which will prevent the stray light from the mirror k injuring the darkness of the room. Those who understand analytical geometry will find the readiest way of fixing the cylinder parallel to the earth’s axis, to be that of calculating the lines of intersection of the board in fig. 2 with the plane of their window-shutter : great accu- as an experimentum crucis as to the nature of Light, 387 racy is not needed in lixing the cylinder, as its use is merely to afford the means of following the sun’s daily motion and still to leave the room dark. As the apparatus is here drawn, it will be advisable to have the mirrors ml oi speculum metal, for the angle of incidence of the light is too small for glass mirrors to give very bright phaenomena; although I have seen them of the same charac- ter as with the mirrors of speculum metal. The mirror k I have used of one-fourth of an inch focus. All the mirrors should be of metal which is not porous, and of the highest polish, so that their surface is not visible when they are placed a short distance from the flame of a candle ; for it is probable that numerous small pores in the metal, or the fine lines which constitute a second-rate polish, would produce diffraction sufficient to invalidate the experi- ment. As such mirrors are not everywhere to be had, I should, in such cases, recommend, as a substitute, that a good lens, of short focus, well centred, be placed in the aperture e f and that a pair of glass mirrors blackened at their second surface, be placed on the arm at the other end h ; the incidence would then be sufficiently oblique to afford an intense reflexion. Ordinary plate glass, or good pieces of window-glass, will show the bands very well; but those who wish to test the colour of the central band, should have their mirrors, as well as their lens, of good workmanship. The obtuse-angled prisms which m.ay be obtained in the shops, are very conve- nient for observing the bands popularly, but are not to be depended upon as test apparatus. Those who use the two mirrors for the first time will find some care necessary in fixing them with their contiguous edges in contact, for if the edge of one be raised any appre- ciable distance above that of the other, the bands are not produced. With glass mirrors, blackened at their second surface by sealing-wax melted over them, it is convenient to cement them together with the same material along their line of contact. If they are placed in position whilst the sealing- wax is soft, and then retained in their position until cool, they will remain ready adjusted to be used at any time. I have been the more minute and popular in explaining the theoretical bearings, as well as the experimental details, from the consideration that this interesting and important experi- ment has very singularly been but little noticed in our more descriptive optical treatises ; and also from the hope that I may by this essay induce others to try it, who have a sincere wish to form a correct opinion on the nature of light. [ 388 ] LIX. On the Mineral Structure of the South of Ireland^ *with correlative matter on Devon and Cornwall^ Belgium^ the Bifek By Thomas Weaver, Esq,, F.R.S., RG,S., M,R.I,A,^ 8^c, ^c, [Continued from page 297.] A S a conclusion to this paper, and as connected with my subject, I am tempted to advert to the disposition so pre- valent among geologists of placing in parallel IBritish with fo- reign formations, without always maturely considering all their respective peculiar relations. As a case in point, none comes more readily to my hand than the late attempt of M. Dumont to assimilate the transition tracts adjacent to the Rhine, ex- tending from the north of France through Belgium into Ger- many*, to the Cambrian and Silurian systems of Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison f. From this author we had previously derived much valuable information concerning that region J ; but the parallel since drawn by him between the Belgian and British formations is the more remarkable, as it is confessed that the two countries do not correspond in the development of the mineral masses, nor yet in the distribution of organic remains. Nay, so far as the latter have hitherto been ascertained, there appears to be but a slight analogy between them, and which I now propose briefly to show, first introducing M. Dumont’s table of equivalents, for the sake of reference. Belgium, Terrain Houiller ‘ Coal Tract ’ , f Limestone. Upper calcareous J dolomite, system. [ Limestone. Upper quartzo- schistous system. Lower calcareous system. Lower quartzo- schistous system. Terrain Ardoisier. ‘Slate Tract.’ r Sandstone. j Limestone subordinate, 1 Schist. [ Limestone subordinate, p Limestone. J Dolomite. [ Limestone. C Grey fossiliferous schist, Schist and red sand. J stone. Conglomerate. Sandstone, quartz-rock, L schist, r Upper. J Medial. L Lower. England, {Coal measures. Millstone grit. Carboniferous limestone. Old red sandstone. J Upper Ludlow rock. •) ' I Aymestry limestone. \ forma J Lower Ludlow rock. S 1. Wenlock limestone, . Wenlock shale. 1 Caradoc and Llandeilo formation. 1 Wenlock J formation. ] Cambrian system. * For a connected view of these tracts, it will be useful to refer to the ‘‘Geognostic Map of Germany and the adjoining States,” published by Schropp and Co., Berlin, 1826. f Bulletin de V Academic Boyale des Sciences d Bruxelles, Novembre 1838; see also a translation of this Memoir in the bond, and Edinb. Philosophical Magazine for August 1839. X A. H. Dumont, Sur la Constitution Geologique de la Province de Liege, Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland, 389 In the Ardennes, the clay slate tract {terrain ardoisier), re- ferred to the Cambrian system, is divided into three stages: the lower destitute of fossils; the medial, in which roofing- slate abounds, but in which few fossils have hitherto been found ; and the upper, more quartzose than slaty, in which the vestiges of life begin to acquire greater extension, and in which the first indications of limestone appear, the latter being generally slaty, containing numerous crinoidal remains, and forming beds about a yard in thickness, but never occur- ring in mass like the limestone of the anthraciferous tract. In this upper stage M. Dumont notices Orthoceratites, Cri- 7ioidea,, Pohjparia^ Trilobites,, Strophomena^ &c.; but accord- ing to M. d’ Omalius d’ Halloy, the most common fossils which it displays are SpirifercE greatly expanded in the direction of their breadth, besides species referable to the genera Caly- mene, Asaphus, Orthoceras, Hamites^ Leptcena, Strophomena, and remains of Crinoidea and Polyparia^, M. d’ Halloy admits that the fossils of this clayslate tract have not been determined with sufficient exactness. Yet as far as developed by himself and M. Dumont, can it be safely maintained that a precise analogy has been established between them and those found in the Cambrian system ? The clayslate tract, thus referred to the Cambrian system, passes in its upper stage by insensible gradations into the anthraciferous tract t? both on the north-western and south- eastern sides of the Ardennes; in the former direction in Bel- gium, and in the latter in the Eifel. In the anthraciferous tract, the lower quartzo-schistoiis system, referred partly to the Llandeilo and Caradoc forma- tion and partly to the Wenlock shale, is divided by M. Du- mont into three stages : the lower, which contains no lime- stone nor fossils, or at least the latter, are extremely rare ; the medial, in which the remains of organized bodies are also very seldom exhibited ; and the upper, distinguished by the abundance and variety of its Shells and Polyparia from all other portions of the anthraciferous tract. In the upper stage, nodules or beds of fossiliferous limestone are often con- Bruxelles, 1832, a work respecting which I agree with M. Beyrich, that it does not appear to have drawn as much attention as it deserves. See the same author also on the Ardennes, Belgium, &c,, in the Bulletin de V Acade- mie Royale dcs Sciences d B^nuellcs, Novembev 1836 and November 1837. * JElemens de Geologie, troisieme edition, 1839, pp. 476, 477. t Terrain unthraxifere — this term, introduced in 1808, by M. d’Halloy, is admitted by the author not to be good, since anthracite is found in other groups, and it does not occur in all the systems which compose the tract designated as anthraciferous by himself and M. Dumont. — Elemens de Geo- looie^ third edition, p. 438. 390 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland, tained in the schistose rocks. But the only fossils enumerated hitherto are referred to the genera Producta, Spirifera, Stro- phomena, and the remains of Crinoidea and Polyparia, Where, then, it may be asked, are the peculiar organic re- mains of the Llandeilo and Caradoc formations and of the Wenlock shale, to which this system is referred ? In the lower calcareous system, referred to the Wenlock limestone, ten species of coral are enumerated, six of which occur in the Wenlock limestone, and eight in the Eifel lime- stone*. Two of them are also met with in the carboniferous limestone of Liege and Namur, namely, Cyathophyllum ccEspi- tosum, Cyathophyllum pentagonum ; and one in the lower part of the coal formation of Liege, namely, Cyathophyllum quadrd- geminum. Of Terebratula we have two species common to the Wenlock limestone, namely T. prisca and T. aspera, besides two or three other species not found in the latter. If to these we add Strophomena, Solarium, Nerita, and Crinoidea, we have the whole of the organic remains enumerated as be- longing to this calcareous system in his work on the province of Liege : but at a later period the author remarksf? that in this lower calcareous system are found also Terebratula con- Centrica, some Spiriferce and Euomphali, besides Productce and other shells which are commonly met with in the upper calcareous system (namely, the carboniferous limestone). Such being the case, it may be asked, wherein does the ana- logy consist between this lower calcareous system and the Wenlock lim.estone ? Where are the numerous characteristic fossils of the latter ? On the other hand, the occurrence in this transition limestone of fossils which are common also in the carboniferous limestone, deserves the attention of geolo- gists, since it forms a parallel to similar phasnomena in Devon and Cornwall, and the south of Ireland. The upper quartzo-schistous system is referred by M. Du- mont to the Ludlow formation > But where do we find the various fossils of that formation as enumerated by Mr. Mur- chison? The only corresponding species noticed are Spiri- fera radiata, Terebratula aspera, and T. Wilsonii, The rest of the fossils given appear more nearly allied to the upper calcareous system (the carboniferous) than to the lower cal- careous (the transition). As bearing on this question, it may also be noticed that in the upper part of this system a bed of coal has been found. Of the upper calcareous system there is no question among * These will appear in the tables given further on. t See bond, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. for August 1839. Devon and Cornvoall, Belgium^ the Eifel, S^c, 391 geologists as it being referable to the carboniferous lime- stone. I may here remark also, that it contains among its upper beds one or two seams of coal. It exhibits many fossils that are common to the carboniferous limestone of the British isles; but in it are found also some species which occur in the Silurian system and other transition regions, namely, Calymene macroplithalma^ Orthoceras striatum^ Tere^ bratula lacimosa, Cyathophyllum turhinatum^ Cyathophyllum caspitosum ; besides one fossil, which is a native of the trans- ition districts of Normandy, Brittany, and Anjou, namely, the Calymene Tristani, The only Goniatite noticed in this carboniferous limestone is Gon. sphcericm ; but in the lower part of the succeeding coal formation there occur also Gon, Listeria Gon, Diadema^ and Gon. atratus^'. Even this brief review may be sufficient to show that there is but little analogy between the three lower systems of the an- thraciferous tract in Belgium and the formations of the Silurian system, to which they have been assimilated ; that is judging by the organic remains hitherto elicited from the former as com- pared with the latter. What other fossils may be discovered by the extended researches of M. Dumont and others remains to be seen. At present the author appears to be fully justi- fied in his remark, that ‘‘though the English divisions esta- blished by Mr. Murchison are very good for England, as being founded on the existence of fossils which appear to be different in each of them; yet these divisions must present palaeontological differences more or less remarkable in other countries, and that this is in fact what takes place in Belgium : and he therefore proposes to draw the attention of the Royal Academy of Brussels to this subject at a future period f.” With such an admission, would not the ievm Belgia?i have been more appropriate than that of Silurian^ as applied to these formations? Premature approximations tend rather to re- tard than promote the advance of science. It has been well observed by a profound judge, that, “as we must be careful not to apply our domestic types without modification to other regions, so we must take care not to despair of modifying our scheme, so that it shall be more extensively applicable than it at first appeared to be ±.” It will be well for geologists to bear this reflection in mind. Much, I apprehend, remains yet to be accomplished, before anything like a definite order * See the works of MM. Dumont and Beyrich already quoted. t Bulletin de V A cademie Roy ale des Sciences d Bruxelles, November 1838, and bond, and Edinb. Phil. Mag., August 1839. X Proceedings of Geol. Soc., Address of the Rev. W. Whewell, as Presi- dent, February 1839. [bond, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. vol. xiv., p. 450.] 392 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ can be established in the sequence of the transition forma- tions. M. Beyrich considers the lower calcareous system of M. Dumont as identical with the Eifel limestone. And M. Du- mont also places the Eifel limestone in parallel with the lower limestone of Belgium, finding below them both the same lower quartzo-schistous system reposing on the clayslate tract of the Ardennes, and tracing all these formations to the banks of the Rhine. In this view, I believe, he is correct. The evidence as far as produced leads to the conclu- sion, that the north-western and south-eastern flanks of the clayslate tract of the Ardennes, together with the succeeding lower quartzo-schistous and lower calcareous systems on each side, in Belgium and the Eifel, are justly referred to the transition epoch. From the same evidence it would also ap- pear that the upper quartzo-schistous system is more nearly allied to the carboniferous than to the transition series ; and I conceive it may be composed in part of alternations of old red sandstone with beds of carboniferous limestone *, while the succeeding mass of the carboniferous limestone and the coal measures follow in their regular order. That the whole of these series, extending from the north- western flank of the Ardennes to the Belgian coal forma- tion inclusive, should have been formerly referred by Conti- nental geologists to the transition aera in general is not very surprising, since they are commonly represented as forming an uninterrupted succession (yet with some exceptions), pass- ing one into the other, and as having been subjected to the same disturbing forces; while they exhibit also some fossils that are common both to the lower and higher members of the series. But the old red sandstone of British geologists has been usually thought to be wanting in the succession, both here and in the corresponding tracts extending hence beyond the Rhine into Germany. M. Dumont originally conceived the lower quartzo-schistous system to represent the old red sandstonef, an idea afterwards abandoned; and which has been since also repudiated by M. Beyrich, who justly observes, that were we to adopt such a view, we should have scarcely anything in the whole Rhenish slate mountains but old red sandstone and carboniferous limestone, the latter of * This view appears supported by the pertinent observations of M. Von Dechen, at p. 484 of his modified translation of M. de la Beche’s Manual, in which he refers to the beds of red conglomerate which occur on the Meuse near Lustin and Profondeville, at Hayoux, south of Huy ; on the Vesdre near Pepinster, and on the Vichtbach at Binsfelser Hammer, t In his Memoir on the province of Liege, p. 67- 393 Devon and Cornwall, Belgium, the Eifel, S^’c. which would fall into two great divisions, of which the lower would be the Eifel limestone : but such an arrangement, he observes, would be quite inconsistent with nature, as proved by the evidence of organic remains*. That the old red sand- stone, however, occurs in considerable force in various parts of Germany, I showed in the year 1821, when giving abs- tracts of the observations of M. Freiesleben on the Forest of Thuringia, on Mansfeld, Thuringia, and the Circle of the Saale, and of those of MM. Von Buch iind Von Raumer on Lower Si- lesia, the county of Glatz, and part of Bohemia and Upper Lu- satia. And at that time, this formation was also conceived to exist in partial distribution in the Netherlands, then forming the immediate support of the carboniferous limestonef. This view has been more recently revived by MM. Rozet and Con- stant Prevost, who contend that the old red sandstone of Bri- tain is not wanting in Belgium, stating as an example, that it is well developed between Dinant and Namur; that is, between the lower Belgian limestone which is in force at Givet, and the carboniferous limestone which prevails at Namur; and hence that M. Dumont was in error when he excluded that formation altogether from the series f. This appears to ac- cord with the prior observations of M. Von Dechen, to which I have referred above. But perhaps no evidence is more conclusive of the want of similarity between the Belgian and the Silurian formations than that which is to be derived from a consideration of the fossils of the Eifel limestone (which, as already shown, is considered as identical with the lower limestone of Belgium), placed in parallel with those of the Wenlock limestone; the fossils of the Eifel having been determined to a much greater extent than those of the other formations, by the labours of Professors Goldfuss and Bronn, and MM. Von Dechen, Steininger, Dumont, and Beyrich ; while the fossils of the Wenlock limestone have been well developed in Mr. Mur- chison’s highly valuable work. To institute this comparison, I have drawn up the following tables, founded upon a com- parison of the works of those authors, which may serve to place the subject in a clear light: — * Beitrlige, p. 4, General observations on the fossiliferous strata of the Rhenish transition slate mountains. t Annals of Philosophy, October 1821 ; IMd., the same subject continued in August 1822, May 1823, and July 1824. I Bulletin de la Societe Gculogique de France^ tome ix., Seance de 18 Decembre, 1837. PhiL Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16, No. 104. May 1840. 2 D 394? Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland, I. General Table of classes and orders in both the Wenlock and Eifel limestones, with the number of species distinct and common in each. Wenlock limestone. Total Species. Distinct Species. Species com- mon to both limestones. Distinct Species. Total Species. Eifel limestone. Crustacea 15 14 1 9 10 Annelida Mollusca. 1 1 — 3 3 Heteropoda... 2 2 — 3 3 Cephalopoda.. 10 9 1 16 17 Gasteropoda.. 8 7 1 22 23 Conchifera 27 18 9 69 78 Crinoidea 14 12 2 19 21 Polvparia 58 30 28 24 52 Sedis incertse.... 2 2 — 2 2 137 95 42 167 209 II. Table of genera and species common to the Wenlock and Eifel limestones. Crustacea, Trilobite 1 Calymene raacrophthalma. Mollusca. Cephalopoda 1 Orthoceras annulatum. Gasteropoda 1 Euomphalus carinatus. CoNCHiFERA 9 Terebratula Wilsonii (Terebratula lacunosa, Dalm.) Spirifera trapezoidalis ; S. crispa, Dalm., (S. octoplicata, Sow.) j S. radiata. Atrypa reticularis (Terebratula prrsca, Schlot.), A. aspera(T erebratul a aspera, Sehlot, including T. explanata, Schlot.). A. galeata. Leptaena euglypha, Leptsena de- pressa. Crinoidea 2 Cyathocrinites rugosus. Actinocrinites moniliformis. PoLYPARiA 28 Aulopora serpens, A. tubaeformis. Glauconome disticha. Fenestella antiqua, Lons, (Gorgonia antiqua. Gold/.). Fenestella prisca, Lons. (Retepora prisca. Gold/.). Discopora? favosa, Lons, (Cellepo- ra favosa. Gold/.) . Discopora antiqua, Lons. (Cellepora antiqua. Gold/.). Ceriopora granulosa. affinis. De*oon and Cornuoall^ Belgium^ the Eifel, ^c, S95 PoLYPAiUA {continued), Ceriopora punctata. — oculata. The three last species are given on the authority of Goldfuss, as oc- curring in theDudley limestone. Stromatopora concentrica. Favosites alveolaris, F. gothlandica, F. polymorpha, F. spongites, F. fibrosa. Catenipora escharoides. Porites pyriformis, Lons. (Astreapo- rosa, Gold/.). Astrea ananas Blainville (Cyatho- phyllum ananas, Gold/.). Caryophyllia flexuosa. Cyathophylliim dianthus, C. turbi- natum, C. caespitosum. Cystiphyllum Siluriense, Lons. (Cy- athophyllum vesiculosum, Gold/.). Strombodes plicatum, Ehr. (Cya- thophyllum plicatum, Gold/.). Limaria clathrata, L. fruticosa. 42 Species. III. Table of genera common to both limestones, but with distinct species in each. In Wenloch limestone. Crustacea — 11. Calymene Blumenbachii, C. ? Downingiae, C. tuberculata, C. variolaris, C. ? punctata. Asaphus caudatus, A. tubercula- to-caudatus, A. flabellifer, A. Stokesii. Pai'adoxides 2-mucronatus. 4-mucronatus. Mollusca. Heteropoda 2. Bellerophon dila- tatus, B. Wenlockiensis. Cephalopoda 6. Orthoceras Brigh- tii, O. eccentricum, O. fimbria- tum, O. canaliculatum, O. tro- chlearis. Conularia quadrisulcata. Gasteropoda 5. Euomphalus%cw\\)- tus, E. discors, E. rugosus, E. funatus. Patella? implicata. CoNCHIFERA 18. Pentamerus Knightii. Terehratida borealis, T. nucula, T. crispata, T. imbricata, T. cuneata, T. bidentata, T. de- flexa, T, Stricklandii. In Eifel limestone. Crustacea'-9. Calymene laevigata, C. arachnoi- des, C, Schlotheimii, C. lati- frons. Asaphus Hausmanni, A. Bucepha- lus, h.. armatus. Paradoxides macrocephalus. — flabellifer. Mollusca. Heteropoda 3. Bellerophon undu- latus, B. apertus, B. striatus. Cephalopoda 4, Orthoceras gigan- teum, O. nodulosum, O. infla- tum. Conularia teres. Gasteropoda 8. Euomphalus no- dosus, E. radiatus, E. striatus, E. ariiculatus, E. depressus, E. delphinuloides, E. trigonalis. Patella Neptuni. CoNCHiFERA 46. Pentamcrus Ayles- fordii. Terehratida concentrica, T. hete- rotypa,T. triloba, T. lateralis, T. crumena, T. canaliculata, T. quinquelatera, T. dichotoma, 2 D 2 396 Mr. Weaver on the Structuv£ of the South of Ireland^ In WenlocJc limestone. CoNCHiFERA {continued). Orthis rustica, O. hybrida, O. filosa, O. canalis. Spirifera? sinuata. Atrypa didyma, A. obovata, A. te- nuistriata, A. compressa. Leptcena 0. Crinoidea 8. Cyathocrinites tuberculatus, C. goniodactylus, C. capillaris, C. pyriformis. Actinocrinites simplex, A.? ar- thriticus, A.? expansus. A.? re- tiarius. PoLYPARIA 13. Aulopora conglomerata, A. con- similis. Fenestella Milleri, F. reticulata. JDiscopora squamata. Retepora infundibulum. Gorgonia assimilis. Stromatopora nummulitisiniilis. Favosites multipora. Forites tubulata, P. expatista, P. discoidea. Cyathophyllum 0. Cvstiphyllum cylindricum. SeDIS INCERT^ 1. Tentaculites ornatus. 64 Species. In Eifel limestone. CoNCHiFERA {continued). T. pentagona, T.Wahlenbergii, T. acuminata, T. diodonta, T. subglobosa, T. bifida, T. cla- vata, T. amygdala. Or this Fecten^ O. testudinaria, O. radiata, O. fasciculata, O. no- dosa. Spirifera cuspidata, S. cyrtaena, S. pinguis, S. microptera, S. hete- roclyta, S. macroptera, S. cep - toptera,S.minima,S.attenuata, S. curvata, S. striatula, S. glabra et obtusa, S. oblata, S. cana- lifera (Terebratula aperturata, Schlot.). Atrypa cassidea. Leptcena convoluta, L. furcata, L. capillata, L. pectinata, L. minuta, L. scabricula, L. ru- gosa, L. Scotica, L. lepis. Crinoidea 6. Cyathocrinites geometricus. Actinocrinites triacontadactylus, A. cingulatus, A. rauricatus, A. nodulosus, A. laevis. Polyparia ] 8. Aulopora spicata, A.sarmentacea. Fenestella 0. JDiscopora 0. Retepora antiqua. Gorgonia infundibuliformis. Stromatopora polymorpha. Favosites infundibuliformis. Forites 0. Cyathophyllum radicans, Sc/2/o^.),S.striatus. Calceola sandalina. Aptychus laevigatus. Pecten Neptuni. Pterinea radiata, P. elegans*. Modiola Goldfussii. Cardium alaeforme, C. elongatum. Lucina Proavia, L. lineata, L. rugosa. Cyprina minuta. Sanguinolaria concentrica, S. la- mellosa, S. dorsata, S. truncata, S. phaseolina. * M. Beyrich remarks that Pterineee are numerous, and in a manner • characteristic of the greywacke and slate rocks which support the Eifel limestone. Besides the two species noticed above, Professor Goldfuss enumerates the following as occurring in the greywacke and slate coun- tries adjacent to’the Rhine, namely near Ems, Pterinea ventricosa, P. costata^ P. lineata, P. plana, P. trigona, P. Icevis, P. elongata ; in Siegen (and the Harz) P. lamellom', near Iserlohn, P. reticulata-, and at Paffendorf (Coblenz) P. carinata. This last species occurs also, with P. bicarinata, at Lindlar, in the Berg territory. Of these fourteen species thus found in transition tracts, two only have been observed in the carboniferous limestone, viz., Pterinea elegans in theRatingen limestone, and P. carinata near Lewistown adjoining Niagara in North America. 398 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ In Wentock limestone. CoNCHiFERA {continued). Crinoidea 4. Marsupiocrinites ctelatus. Hypanthocrinites decorus. Dimerocrinites decadactylus, D. icosidactylus. PoLYPARIA 17. Escharina ? angularis. PMlodictya lanceolata. Horner a crassa. Berenicea irregularis. Eschar a? scalpellum. Blumenbachium globosum. Millepora repens. Syringopora reticulata, S. bifur- cata, S. filiformis? S. caespi- tosa ? Monticularia conferta. Acervularia Baltica. Cladocora sulcata. Turbinolopsis bin a. Verticillopora ? abnormis. Cnemidium tenue. Sedis Incert^ 1. Cornulites serpularius. 31 Species. In Eifel limestone. CoNCHiFEEA {eontiiiued). Pholadomya radiata. Isocardia Huniboldtii, I. antiqua. Crinoidea 13. Eugeniocrinites mespiliformis. Pentacrinites priscus. Platycrinites ventricosus. JVIelocrinites gibbosus. Rhodocrinites verus, R. giratus, R. quinquepartitus, R. canalicu- latus, R. crenatus. Cupressoerinites crassus, C. graci- lis, C. tesseratus. Eucalyptocrinites rosaceus. PoLYPARIA 6. Anthophyllum bicostatum. Achilleum cariosum. Manon cribrosum. Scyphia cornu-copiee. Coscinopora placenta. Lithodendron bicostatum. Sedis Incert.® 0. 71 Species. From the preceding tables it results that we have In the Wenlock limestone. Common species 42 Common genera but di- stinct species 64 Distinct genera with di- stinct species 31 Distinct species — 95 Wenlock — total species. . 137 In the Eifel limestone. Common species 42 Common genera but di- stinct species 96 Distinct genera with di- stinct specif 71 Distinct species — 167 Eifel — total species 209 From the foregoing review, and the resulting numbers, it becomes clearly apparent, that M. Dumont was not justified in pronouncing the Wenlock and Eifel limestones as of the same formation. It is, however, also evident that they are akin in a certain degree, the species which are common to both limestones being to the total number in each, in the Wenlock limestone as 4 to 13 nearly, that is, forming about 399 Devon and Cornwall, Belgium, the Eifel, one third part; and in the Eifel limestone as 4 to 20, or one fifth part. Again, in the Wenlock limestone, the distinct species are to the common species as 9 to 4, or 2^ to 1 ; and in the Eifel limestone as 16 to 4, or 4 to 1. M, Bejrich has made the remark, that the greywacke and slate country which supports the Eifel and Belgian lower limestone, contains for the greater part the same fossils as are found in this limestone; and he adds, that among them occur a considerable number of species which are common to the carboniferous limestone, and in this remark he is joined by M. Dumont, as already observed : that this view is cor- rect, the following table which I have drawn up will suffi- ciently prove. V. Table of fossils common to the Eifel limestone and the carboniferous limestone — 47 species. Localities in carboniferous limestone. Crustacea. Calyraene macrophthalma, Al. Brong. Richelle, Liege. Mollusca. Heteropoda — ■ Bellerophon unclulatus, Goldf. Chimay, Schwelm. B. apertus, Sow Richelle, Bristol, Fermanagh. B. striatus, Goldf. Chimay, Ratingen. Cephalopoda — Orthoceras armulatum, Sow King’s County. O. giganteum, Sow Closeburn. CoNCHIFERA. Terebratula pugnus and lateralis, Sow. Ratingen, Derbyshire, Dublin. T. crumena. Sow Derbyshire. T. lacLinosa (T. Wilsonii, Sow.') Dalm Liege. T. Mantiae, Sow Ireland. T. acuminata, Sow Ratingen, Yorkshire, Derbysh. T. diodonta, Dalm Ratingen. T. amygdala, Goldf Vise. T. saccLilus, Sow ^ Derbyshire, Rutherglen. Orthis testudinaria% Dalm Croraford in Westphalia. Spirifera cuspidata (S. elevata, Dalm.) Sow Ratingen, Bristol, Derbyshire. S. octoplicata (S. crispa, Dalm.), Derbyshire, Castleinaine in Sow Kerry. S. oblata. Sow. Richelle, Vis^ Dublin. S. glabra et obtusa (Terebratula laevigata, SchloL), Sow Richelle, Ratingen, Derbyshire. S. pinguis (S. laevicosta, Goldf), Soiu Liege, Dublin. S. attenuata. Sow Liege, Dublin, Clonmell. S. striatLila, Goldf. Ratingen. S. canalifera, Goldf. Ratingen, Vise, Dublin. * See Professor Bronn in Lethcea Geognostica, p. 82. This is, I believe, the only instance on record of an Orthis having been found in the carbon- iferous limestone. 400 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ CoNCHiFERA {continued). Localities in carboniferous Ibneslone. Leptaena (Producta) depressa (Stropho- mena marsupita, Defr.), Sow Richelle, Fermanagh. L. Scotica, 6’oz/; Richelle, Chokier, Castlemaine. L. hemisphaerica. Sow Richelle, Chokier, Ratingen, Buttevant. L. longispina. Sow Richelle, Linlithgow. L. sarcinulata, Soiu Richelle, Vise. L. scabricula. Sow. Vise, Liege, Dublin. L. rugosa (Strophomena, Rajin.), Dalm Chokier. Pterinea elegans, Goldf. Ratingen. Cardium elongatum. Sow Ratingen, Derbyshire. C. alaeforme. Sow Ratingen, Queen’s County. Sanguinolaria concentrica, Phillips, . . . Tour Mountain, County Cork. Ckinoidea. Actinocrinites 30-dactylus, Mill Mendip, Yorkshire. A. l^vis, Mill Ratingen. Rhodocrinites verus. Mill Mendip, Bristol. POLYPARIA. Gorgonia infundibuliformis, Goldf. . . . Arnsberg. G. antiqua (Fenestella antiqua, Lons.), Goldf. Arnsberg. Cyathophyllum flexuosum, Goldf Limerick. C. pentagoniim, Goldf. Namur. C. csespitosurn, Goldf. Chokier, Seilles. C. turbinatum, Goldf. Richelle. C. quadrigeminum, Goldf. Berneau. Astrea ananas, de Blainville (Cyatho- phyllum ananas, Goldf.) Namur. Favosites polymorpha, Goldf. Namur, Elberfeld. F. fibrosa, Goldf. Buffalo on Niagara River. It thus appearing that there are 47 species in the Eifel limestone which are common to the carboniferous limestone, it follows that they constitute about two ninths of the whole number found in the Eifel, the ratio being as 47 to 209. On the other hand, w^e have seen that the Eifel limestone contains 42 species which are common to the Wenlock lime- stone, or one fifth of its whole number, the ratio being as 42 to 209. Hence, if we take these numbers as a guide, it may be said that the Eifel limestone is in a slight degree more nearly allied to the carboniferous limestone than it is to the Wenlock, the difference lying between the ratios of 2 to 9, and 2 to 10. From the numbers which have been given it also results, that the Wenlock limestone contains 95 species which are distinct from those of the Eifel; and the Eifel limestone 167 species distinct from those of the Wenlock limestone; of w-hich 47 species being also common to the carboniferous limestone, it follows that 120 species may be said to be distinctive of the Eifel, in contradistinction to the Wenlock and carboniferous limestones. 401 Devon and Corivwall^ Belgium^ the Eifel^ %c. This view leads naturally to the inference, that in the order of superposition the Eifel limestone occupies a middle rank, namely, one higher in the series than the Wenlock, but lower than the carboniferous limestone. This result would appear to correspond with the notions of M. Beyrich, who, in spe- culating on the relative age which should be assigned to the Rhenish slate mountains among the transition formations, is disposed to consider them as of a later origin than those strata in the north of Europe, namely in Scandinavia and Russia, in which the Orthis tribe are so abundant. These latter may doubtless be placed, to a certain extent, in parallel with the Silurian. If the views which I have taken be correct, in which the formations of the Eifel, and the lower formations in Belgium are, in the order of succession, considered as antecedentfto the old red sandstone of Belgium (meaning such as in Britain has been usually designated by that name), it becomes doubly desirable that the distinguished geologists who have taken Devon and Cornwall in hand should complete their investi- gations. I have been led to anticipate that a considerable degree of analogy subsists between the two regions, and, if it be true, it may yet be proved that the older stratified rocks of those counties are not only of later origin than the Silu- rian formations (which would so far correspond with the views of Mr. Lonsdale, Professor Sedgwick, and Mr. Murchison), but of a date also anterior to that of the old red sandstone formation, taken in the common acceptation of that term. Whether the latter may yet be detected in the southern parts of Devon in unconformed position, may still be a fit subject for inquiry. It is remarkable that among the fossils by which the Devon- shire and Cornish formations are distinguished, Mr. Austen should state a number to exist as common to the carbonife- rous limestone, so nearly agreeing with the number of a cor- responding character in the Eifel, namely, as 40 and 47. An account of the 40 species indicated by Mr. Austen, it is to be hoped, may be published, and it will be interesting to com- pare them with the list that I have given from the Eifel. What ratio that number may bear to the total number of species in the older stratified rocks of Devon and Cornwall remains yet to be seen, as well as what number of species may be common to the Silurian, what number may be similar to the Eifel fossils, or to those of the older stratified rocks and their included limestone bands in the south of Ireland, and what number may be more peculiarly distinctive of Devon and Cornwall. These are questions which can only be an- 402 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ swered by extended researches; and until these be completed, it may be prudent to defer the assignment of the older strati- fied formations of Devon and Cornwall to a precise period in respect of relative age. In the limestone bands of the south of Ireland I have shown that 50 species of fossils have been determined with precision, that is, including Leptcena depressa and Leptcena lata ; but others also occur which have not been determined, e. g., Avi^ cula and Goniatites, Of the fifty species^ six are peculiar ; twenty-six common to other transition tracts at home and abroad (of which twelve occur in the Eifel); v^hWe forty -three of the species are common to the carboniferous limestone also*; thus nearly agreeing with the numbers of a correspond- ing character found in Devon and Cornwall, and in the Eifel. But as in the south of Ireland, neither the bands of limestone, nor the strata with which they are directly associated, nor yet those situated more north which lie deeper in the series, have hitherto undergone that rigid examination which is re- quisite with respect to the organic remains which they may contain, we are not authorized as yet to pronounce upon the precise proportions in which those fossils may exist relatively to each other in the general series. Yet enough has already been elicited to prove that those limestone bands stand in un- interrupted connexion with strata in which fossils of a more decided transition character are by no means wanting ; and no sufficient evidence has yet been produced to invalidate the conclusion that the whole constitute together one consecutive series, notwithstanding we may perceive some distinctions between the fossils of the schistose and greywacke strata and those of the included bands of limestone. Continued re- searches will doubtless throw further light on this subject. A pertinent observation of Professor Sedgwick may here be aptly introduced : ‘‘ There are two elements of classifica- tion applicable to stratified rocks of all ages, namely, phy- sical structure and order of superposition ; one giving the mineralogical unity of a group of rocks, the other their relative age. In addition to the two former, are classifications founded on the organic remains in the several groups As, however, the (so-called) laws respecting the distribution of organic * See Memoir on the South of Ireland in Geological Transactions, vol. v., second series, and Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag. for August 1839. When the former work was finished in 1835, I considered the Isocardui oblonga as peculiar to the Cork hand of limestone; but Professor Phillips’s Illustra- tions of Yorkshire, part ii., published in 1836, have shown that the Iso- cardia oblonga occurs also in carboniferous limestone in Yorkshire, and in the counties of Kildare and Dublin. 403 Devon and Cornwall, Belgium, the Eifel, ^c. types are mere general results founded on actual observation, it is obvious that they can never upset conclusions drawn from the clear and unambiguous evidence of sections. The two methods may be used independently, and conspire to the same end, but in their nature connot come into permanent collision'^.” In the present case it should be borne in mind that the consecutive series of the older stratified rocks of the south of Ireland is unconformably overlaid in the northern parts of Kerry, Cork, and Waterford, directly either by the t7'ue old red sandstone formation of British geologists, or by the carboniferous limestone, or the coal for- mation f. I might now extend the comparison by entering into the countries adjacent to the right bank of the Rhine, or into the Fichtelgebirge ; but in neither of them is the informa- tion hitherto obtained of so extensive and detailed a character as to admit of precise conclusions. To what was previously known respecting the former tracts, M. Beyrich has made considerable additions in his Beitrdge\ and from these con- tributions it may be collected, that the greater part of the Nassau limestones near Dillenburg, &c., as well as those of Bensberg, Refrath, Palfrath, &c., adjoining the Rhine, to- gether with the greywacke and slaty rocks in which they are intercalated, or on which they simply rest, exhibit in general the same organic remains as the Eifel, although they possess also species and even genera not hitherto found in the latter; e. g., at Palfrath the genera Nerita, Megalodon, Cardita, Monodonta, Buccinum\ and in Nassau in the Wissenbach clayslate Parmophorus \ and in the limestone on the Lahn near Villemar an Ostrea, a genus not previously noticed in any transition country. Of the Nassau limestones it is remarked that they differ chiefly from the Eifel limestone by being for the greater part interstratified with the greywacke and slate rocks, while the limestones of the Eifel are merely superim- posed upon the latter in troughs. In Belgium, however, the same, namely, the lower limestone of that country, forms an interstratified portion of the general series. Considering then the fossils which have been noticed in these districts, we have here again an exemplification of affinities and differences in the organic types of their respective strata. Should M. Beyrich complete the work which he proposed to himself in the year 1837, of drawing up an exact critical catalogue of * Proc. of Geol, Soc., vol. ii., p. 675, May 1838, [or bond, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. vol. xiii., p. 299. t See niy Geological Map of the South of Ireland, in Geol. Trans, vol. V., second series. 404? Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge all the fossils which occur in the Rhenish slate mountains, such a vrork could not fail to prove of high interest to every geologist, and its appearance is much to be desired. From what is already known of the transition tracts of the Fitchtelgebirge and of Bohemia in the environs of Prague, it may be inferred that the same doctrine of affinities and differences applies there also. It is understood that the late Count Munster was engaged in a work from which great light might be expected to be thrown on the more ancient formations. As his valuable collections have passed into the possession of the University of Cambridge, we may well an- ticipate that his extensive labours will not be lost to science. If the genus Orthis be considered, as it appears generally to be, indicative of the older transition formations, it must also be admitted that the genera Terehratula^ Spirifera^ and Leptcena are of equal antiquity. In fine, even this brief exposition may serve to confirm the opinion which I have formerly expressed, namely, that in widely extended, or distantly separated, lands of transition or protozoic origin, the relations though akin may not be exactly alike ; in other words, that resemblances may exist, but diversities prevail in the details of different tracts, both with respect to the composition and disposition of the mineral masses and the distribution of the remains of organized bodies. Whether the transition formations may ultimately be sepa- rated into definite consecutive groups, is a question which can only be satisfactorily determined by the results of extended comparative inquiries. [To be continued.] LX. On the Course of the Electrical Discharge^ and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships of the British Navp^ 4’c. ^c. By Mr. Snow Harris, Esq,^ F.R.S, [Continued from p. 128.] To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, 24. T N the instance I last quoted of damage to H.M.S. Rod- ney by lightning, it will be remembered that there was no regular metallic line through which the forces in ac- tion could become neutralized. The electrical agency had therefore to find for itself such a general course, as upon the whole opposed the least resistance to its progress ; and it is and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships, 405 evident that in this case its path was determined on the ge- neral principles before laid down in sec. 17, p. 123. 25. I shall now proceed to state a few cases of damage to certain other ships of the navy, where metallic bodies happened to be so disposed about the rigging and hull, as to approximate in some measure to the conditions of ex- periment 2, sec. J 7, and consequently to that perfect state of defence against the expansive force of the electrical dis- charge in which a ship would become placed, by perfecting the conducting power of the masts, and uniting them into one general continuous system with the metallic masses in the hull, and with the sea. These cases are particularly interesting, and conclusive of the general question of the protection to be afforded by such a system. No. 1. — In September 1833, H.M. ship Flyacinth had both the fore and main-top masts and top-gallant masts de- stroyed by lightning in the Indian Ocean. The electric fluid shivered these masts from the truck to the heel of the top- mast, as indicated by the waving black line a b \n the an- nexed diagram, fig. 1, which represents the effects on the main mast ; at the point b, it became assisted by the chain topsail sheet leading to the deck at c, and so did no further damage to the mast ; at it received further assistance from the copper pipe of Hearle’s patent pump, leading to a small well at e, and thence by a second pipe through the ship's side under water, and by this passed safely into the sea'^. 26. Now it is evident here that a heavy discharge of light- ning which shivered completely a sloop of war’s main-top mast and top-gallant mast varying from 1 1 inches to a foot in dia- meter through a length of at least 80 feet, was conducted with- out damage or fusion by an iron chain and a short copper pipe. It is therefore important to state the dimensions of these me- tallic bodies. Now the iron chain consisted of links 2J inches long, made of iron rod ^ inch in diameter. It reached from the lower yard to the deck, a distance of about 50 feet. The pump consisted of copper pipe 4 pounds to the square foot ; it was 3 inches in diameter, and about the yyth of an inch thick, extending through a distance of about 10 feet. The effects on the foremast were very similar, they are omitted therefore for the sake of brevity. 27. It is not a little remarkable, that five years after this, in 1838, this same ship was again struck by lightning, whilst at * These circumstances are minutely detailed by Capt. Blackwood, who commanded the ship at the time, and may be seen in his interesting letter on the subject, in the Nautical Magazine, vol. viii.,p. 116. 406 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge Fig.l. Fig. 2. anchor in Penang Bay, and again lost her main-top mast and top-gallant mast in a similar way, the lower mast being pre- served by her chain topsail sheets. 28. No. 2. In 1830, the Athol, of 28 guns, was struck by lightning on her foremast, in the Bight of Bialfra : at this time the topsails were lowered on the caps and the other sails furled, as showed in the annexed diagram, fig. 2. This ship had chains for hoisting the topsails which lay in the direction of the topmast as indicated by the dotted line be. She had also a chain for topsail sheets, which led along the lower masts as indicated by the line d e. When the electrical explosion and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Shijps, 407 fell on the truck it shivered the top-gallant mast in pieces so far as the commencement of the chain at h ; here being as- sisted by the chain, it passed on without any damage to the topmast, which is extremely worthy of remark, because in the former case, where there was no chain, the top-mast was de- stroyed. Having reached the point c, where the chain terminated, it passed with damage over the head of the mast, until again being assisted by the lower chain d e^ it passed without da- mage to the deck ; on reaching the deck at it passed by means of a bolt through a beam in the forecastle upon the chain cable, and thence into the sea 29, These effects are similar to the former, and show the protection afforded by the chains, and their power of con- ducting heavy discharges of lightning without any of the ill consequences insisted on by Mr. Sturgeon ; since in both cases the chains were in the vicinity of large metallic masses, viz. the iron hoops, iron-bound blocks, &c. about the masts, and in both cases the lightning passed through the hull. Now as all the laws of nature are general, not partial, it is reasonable to infer, that if Mr. Sturgeons view of a lateral explosion were true, it ought to apply in such palpable cases as these, more especially when he says he can produce a la- teral explosion at 50 feet distance with a jar of only ‘‘ a quart capacity.” 30. No. 3. The effects of lightning on H.M.S. Snake, is another striking instance of the general laws we have been contending for. The phsenomena are detailed with peculiar clearness by Capt. Milne in the March number of the Nautical Magazine. The electric fluid entered main truck, shivered royal mast, splintered top-gallant mast; then over chain main topsail tye without damage to within 8 feet of the deck so far as the topsail halliards. Finding, as observed by Captain Milne, an obstruction here in the ropes, it again seized on the mast, and be- came divided at the saddle of main boom ; one portion passed out of quarter-deck port to the sea, the other to lower deck and down the mast, and distributed itself over the hull, affecting persons below. The mast, on being examined at Halifax, was sprung about the partners two inches deep and 15 inches round, and 'perfectly hurst asunder at the step'. hence the shock had extended to the heel, the electric matter, consequently, must have passed by the metallic bolts in the keelson to the sea. * An interesting and authentic account of this circumstance will be found in the Nautical Magazine, vol. viii., p. 114. 408 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge It is further stated, and it is a most important fact, that a seaman aloft on the cross trees, at the time, did not experience any sensation whatever. 31. No. 4. The Buzzard brigantine was struck by lightning on the Coast of Africa in February 1838, and lost her top^gal- lant and topmast, under precisely the same circumstances as those of the Hyacinth, the lower mast being preserved by the chain topsail sheet 32. No. 5. The Fox revenue cutter was struck by lightning in March 1818. The mast was furrowed and otherwise da- maged in every part except where it was coppered ; as appears by a minute made at the time by the master mast-maker at the Plymouth dock-yard. Now the copper usually placed about a cutter’s mast is not the thickness. In this case it re- mained perfect. 33. No. 6. The spire of a church at Kingsbridge in Devon- shire was struck by lightning in June 1828, and fearfully damaged. This case is particularly worthy of notice. The lightning fell on an iron spill, a, h, supporting the weather-cock, about 7 feet in length and 1 inch in diameter. On this it produced no visible effect, nor did any damage arise to the stone-work about the rod. It was not until the rod ceased at the point b that the masonry was rentf. 34. No. 7. Extract from a letter from Lieut. Sullivan, of H.M.S. “ Beagle,” addressed to the Editor of the Annals of Electricity, &c., &c., relative to the protection afforded by a continuous conductor attached to the mast of H.M.S. Beagle. ‘‘ Having considered your communica- tion in the Annals of Electricity on marine lightning conductors, containing observations on the stroke of lightning which fell on the masts of H.M.S. Beagle, I think it fair, both to Mr. Harris and the naval service, to describe the phaenornena I witnessed on that occasion; first stating, that at the time of my joining the Beagle in 1831, pre- viously to her leaving England, I had no acquaintance with Mr, Harris, and certainly no bias in favour of the conductors with which the ship was fitted. I may therefore claim to be considered an impartial observer. * Tliis case was given me by the commander Lieut. Fox. I was myself on board the vessel on her arrival. The particulars are noted in her log. f MS. letter with a drawing, dated July 11, 1828, from the Rev. G. F. Wise, late Vicar of Kingsbridge. Fig. 3. and on the 'Effects of Lightning on certain Ships. 409 At the time alluded to, I was first Lieutenant of the Beagle, and was attending to the duty on deck. She was at anchor off Monte Video, in the Rio de la Plata, a part of the world very often visited by severe lightning storms. Having been on board H.M. ship Thetis at Rio Janeiro a few years before, when her foremast ws entirely destroyed by lightnings my attention was always particularly directed to approaching electric storms, and especially on the occasion alluded to, as the storm was unusually severe. The flashes succeeded each other in rapid succession, and were gradually approaching; and I was watching aloft for them when the ship was appa- rently wrapt in a blaze of fire, accompanied by a simultaneous crash, which was equal if not superior to the shock I felt in the Thetis ; one of the clouds by which we were enveloped had evidently burst upon the vessel, and as the mainmast appeared for the instant to be in a mass of fire, I felt certain that the lightning had passed down the conductor on that mast ; the vessel was shaken by the shock, and an unusual tremulous motion could be distinctly felt. As soon as I had recovered from the surprise of the moment, I ran down below to state what I saw, and to see if the conductors be- low had been affected ; and just as I entered the gun-room, the purser, Mr. Rowlett, ran out of his cabin, (along the beam of which a main branch of the conductor passed) and said that he was sure the lightning had passed down the conductor, for at the moment of the shock he heard a sound like rushing w'ater passing along the beam. Not the slightest ill consequence was experienced ; and I cannot re- frain from expressing my conviction, that had it not been for the conductor the results would have been of very serious moment. ‘‘ This was not the only instance where w^e consider that the vessel had been saved from being damaged by lightning by Mr. Harris’s conductors ; and I believe that in saying 1 had the most perfect confidence in the protection which those conductors afforded us, I express the opinion of every officer and man in the ship. Not being sufficiently acquainted with electrical experi- ments, I cannot remark upon those you have adduced in sup- port of your opinions detrimental to Mr. Harris’s conductors. “ I can, therefore, only repeat my conviction that the Beagle was struck by lightning in the usual way, and certainly with- out any lateral explosion or other ill effects similar to those you insist on in your Annals of Electricity.” 3.5. Now these facts are totally subversive of all Mr. Stur- geon has advanced concerning his destructive lateral explosion Phil Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 104. May 1840. 2 E 410 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge in the way of objection to the fixing conductors in ships’ masts, and prove in the most conclusive manner the protecting power of such conductors : his statement, therefore, that de- structive lateral discharges will always take place when the vicinal bodies are capacious and near the primitive conductor or to any of its metallic appendages,” is clearly fallacious. S6. It is allowed by writers on inductive science, that we wander from the true path of philosophical inquiry, and take up that of assumption and conjecture,directly we cease to verify our principles by an appeal to facts. In order to arrive at a general law of nature, it is requisite to examine carefully a great number of facts bearing directly on the question at issue, and show, that the principle we assume is common to them all ; for if in any case the assumed principle is decidedly ne- gatived, it is at least a powerful exception ; and it may be suf- ficient to overturn our whole theory. If such exceptions are numerous, any theory which cannot include them is decidedly untenable. It has been well observed by Abercrombie * that in deducing a general principle, ‘‘ when the deduction is made from a full examination of alt the individual cases, and the general fact shown to apply to them all, this is truth ; when it is deduced from a small number of observations and extended to others to which it does not apyly^ this is false- hood.” 37. In applying these principles, we find Mr. Sturgeon’s assumed lateral explosion decidedly negatived in all the cases just cited, since we do not find any such occur in the passage of heavy discharges of lightning along the masts, &c. ; we do not find, as asserted by him, anything like elec- trical waves produced by the discharge through a conductor situated close to the magazine. Thus in the case of the Hy- acinth, No. 1. the copper pump, d e, fig. 1, was a conductor near the after magazine. Yet the electric shock, in passing down this and through the ship’s side, did not cause “ intense sparks among the powder barrels, whose metallic linings and hoops reciprocally interchange them f*” 38. Again, we do not find in the passage of a dense explosion of lightning that the sailors are necessarily subjected to la- teral discharge, since in the case of the Snake, it may be ob- served that a seaman aloft on the cross-trees did not experi- ence any sensation whatever, although the top-gallant mast was shivered, and a terrific shock darted from the heel of it to the chain topsail tye. Now if Mr. Sturgeon’s views were * On the Intellectual Powers, t Sturgeon’s Memoir. and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships, 411 practically sound, this man ought to have been killed on the spot by a “ lateral discharge,'^ as he says happened to a seaman called Wilson in the case of the Rodney. 39. Mr. Sturgeon, therefore, if he still adheres to his theory, is at last reduced to the necessity of supposing, that his lateral discharge may sometimes occur, and sometimes not, which is manifestly in the teeth of his own hypothesis. This instance just quoted of the little effect experienced by persons in the vicinity of heavy electrical discharges is by no means a solitary one, as the following extract from a letter from Admiral Hawker, with which he favoured me relative to the damage done to the Mignomne, very fully shows : — The circumstances of the Mignomne being struck by lightning were these : she had been on shore, and was going to Port Royal, Jamaica, attended by the Desiree ; we had a day I think the hottest I ever experienced in the W. Indies, without a cloud. After sunset we observed clouds rising up from every part of the horizon with thunder and lightning. I ordered the topsails to be lowered in case of squalls, and we ran down towards Port Royal : about midnight the heavens seemed to be one continued flame, and soon after the main top-mast was shattered into probably fifty pieces, scattering the splinters in all directions ; the mainmast was split down to the keelson, and a sulphurous smell came up from the hold, which occasioned some to cry out that the ship was on fire. Two men were killed in the main-top, being burnt black, and having some splinters sticking in them, and a man who was sleeping on the lower deck with his head on a bag (for the ship having been on the rocks for three days there were no hammocks) near the armourer’s bench was found dead, with one black speck in his side ; another man sleeping hy him was not hurtJ^ 40. The number of instances in which dense explosions of lightning have passed very near to persons without causing any serious injury to them is remarkable. Thus in the case of the Buzzard, No. 4, before mentioned ; the explosion at the time of shivering the top-mast passed so near to a seaman called Robert Purk, that it actually tore the shirt from his arm : he very kindly showed me the shirt, and pointed out the place where he was standing. Lieut. Pox, who commanded this vessel, and who was good enough to send me an account of the damage, &c. sustained, says, in allusion to this circumstance, “ The lightning took a strip out of the shirt about two inches wide from the shoulder to the wrist without hurting him.” No. 9. — In the instance of the Hawk cutter, lately struck 2E2 412 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge by lightning on the west coast of Erris, and seriously damaged, it appears that the electric matter in passing down the main hatchway passed between a man and a boy. Neither were hurt ; the latter experienced a shock only. It also passed close to another man lying across a hammock about the same spot, who jumped up and thought his neck handkerchief was on fire; the latter experienced a temporary effect only in his right arm. 41. All these cases evidently show, that no damage occurs from a shock of lightning out of its direct path. It may, how- ever, divide in the absence of any good conducting course, and branch out into a variety of other courses (as already ob- served) and seize either wholly or partially upon bodies which happen to lie in certain points, as clearly shown in all these cases, and in the partial fusion of the leaf-gold given in ex- periment 2, p. 124, of my last communication. We may also expect to find an expansive effect of greater or less force in the vicinity of a discharge o^free electricity under the form of a dense spark, in a had conducting interval ; as observed by Dr. Priestley, “ the air being suddenly dis- placed gives a concussion to all the bodies which happen to be near it.’’ 42. It is clear therefore that in all cases where injury or death has occurred, as in those before given in the Mignomne, Rod- ney, &c., it has been the result of the passage of the electric agency, either wholly or partially, through the animal body, and not from the result of any lateral explosion of electricity, such as described by Mr. Sturgeon. If, as he says, such ex- plosions in all cases of proximity to the primitive charge ne- cessarily arise, such proximity to the passage of a dense shock of lightning would be in all cases fatal, which is evi- dently not the case. 43. I have now to consider briefly a few instances of the power of metallic bodies to transmit heavy discharges of lightning. In the case above quoted of the Hyacinth, we observe, as already remarked, that a flash of lightning which shivered the top-mast and top-gallant mast passed over a small iron chain and copper tube without fusing either. A similar result ensued in the second instance of the Hyacinth being struck by lightning; also in the case of the Athol and Buz- zard, and Snake, and in a great variety of others too nu- merous to detail here. In the case of the Fox, No. 5, it is seen that the shock of lightning which damaged the mast, was conducted without fusion or damage by sheet copper of of an in ch in 413 and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships. thickness placed in the wake of the gaff. This is conclu- sive of the fallacy of Mr. Sturgeon’s assertion, that any con- ductor applied to the mast, would, under the operation of lightning, be “ probably peeled from the wood.” In the case of the Kingsbridge spire. No. 6. The lightning which shivered the tower, fell on a cylindrical iron rod of an inch diameter without producing any effect on it. In the case of the Rodney, the flash which set the top on fire and splintered the masts, was conducted by a short cop- per funnel for top-gallant rigging without fusion. In the case of the Beagle, No. 7, a shock of lightning passed down the conductors without producing any effect on them. No. 10. A house was struck at Tenterden ; the lightning fell on an iron bar three-quarters of an inch square, but pro- duced no effect on it.* No. 11. A stroke of lightning fell on Mr. West’s house at Philadelphia, having a conductor terminating in a brass rod ten inches long and a quarter of an inch in diameter ; only a few inches of the point were melted, but no damage occurred to the buildingf. No. 12. On the 19th of April 1827, one of the large New York packets, whilst in the Gulph Stream, was assailed by two most awful strokes of lightning twice in the same day. The first shock was productive of serious and destructive ef- fects. The second shock fell on a pointed conductor subse- quently hoisted to the main-mast head. This conductor con- sisted of an iron chain having links of a quarter of an inch thick and two feet in length and turned into hooks at each end, con- nected by rings of the same thickness, and one inch annular diameter. This conductor was attached to an iron rod placed at the mast head, half an inch thick and four feet long. The explosion fell in a concentrated form, and with an awful crash upon this rod. Although the small chain below was dis- jointed and some of the links fused, yet this pointed iron rod was only fused for a few inches. The ship in the second case escaped da^iger. Now these are authenticated cases, and there are numerous others which I might adduce, to show how perfectly capacious and continuous conductors transmit shocks of lightning. 44. No good instance can be adduced in which conductors of great capacity have been even moderately heated by lightning, I do not admit Mr. Sturgeon’s “ on dit ” respecting the con- ductor passing through the Nelson Monument in Edin- burgh. It is really no evidence whatever on a scientific ques- * Philosophical Transactions. f Ibid. 414 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge tion. “ It is said (observes Mr. Sturgeon) that the lightning rod passing through the Nelson Monument became so hot by lightning that it could not be touched by the hand by the Jirst iperson who visited it afterwards. Allowing a few minutes to have elapsed between the flash and the person entering the monument, the probability would be that the conductor had been made red-hot.” This is of the same character with all Mr. Sturgeon's data; it is generally surmise, the sho’is:) without the reality; it just amounts to nothing. 45. I am aware that it has been also supposed that the great conductors of St. Paul's church were heated by lightning, but it is only a supposition. The conductors were not ex- amined before the lightning, which was said to have fallen on them, occurred, so that we cannot be certain that the observed appearances were not originally present after the forging of them ; it is besides very unlikely, that a stroke of lightning should have fallen on this building, capable of rendering bars of iron, six inches wide and one inch and a half thick, red- hot, without destroying the thin copper covering the ball and cross on the dome of the building, and without the crash of the thunder having been heard over the whole city, no men- tion of which is made ; when St. Bride's steeple was struck, the latter was peculiarly remarkable. 46. There is another instance on record, of the effects of lightning on an iron rod, in Port Royal, Jamaica, mentioned in the Transactions of the Royal Society, the evidence of which seems very incomplete. Two men are said to have perished by lightning near a church wall : that is not improbable : but, on subsequently looking inside the wall, a bar of iron an inch thick, and a foot in length, was found in raan}^ places wasted away to the size of a fine wire. Now it does not appear that this bar was examined previously to the occurrence of the lightning ; hence we cannot infer that the wasting was pro- duced by the electric fluid; more especially as similar ap- pearances are not uncommon in bars of iron erected in church- yards in this country, and which have evidently resulted from oxidation and time. 47. Seeing then how much evidence we have from actual experience of the protective effect of regular conductors of the Voorst kind, and their power of transmitting dense explosions of lightning, we may reasonably infer that a conductor of copper equal to a rod of an inch diameter, and extending the Voliole length of the mast^ would be proof against any discharge of lightning ever experienced, as, I think, is shown by the cases in which ships fitted with my conductors have been struck by shocks of lightning without damage. and on the Effects of Lightning on certain Ships, 415 48. Exceptions, however, have been taken by Mr. Sturgeon to the phaenomena described by the officers who either com- manded or were in the ships. Thus Captain Turner, in de- scribing the shock of lightning which fell on the Dryad fri- gate on the coast of Africa, says, that he saw the lightning on the conductor on the fore-mast, and saw it during another flash run down the mizen-mast ; that all the men there heard a loud whizzing noise.’^ Captain Fitzroy and Lieut. Sullivan also mention similar phaenomena. Now the exceptions taken are these, viz. that no noise is ever produced by electricity entering a conductor, and that we cannot produce a “ run- ning light” upon a conductor carrying an electrical charge. These exceptions, however, are rather captious objections to forms of expression, than -to the facts themselves ; it is easy to show from experience that luminous appearances are often attendant on discharges of both natural and artificial electri- city. Thus in the case of the Hawk (No. 9.) the account states that “ the vessel was apparently enveloped in a flame of light- ning ; ” whilst in the case of the Beagle, Lieut. Sullivan says, “ on looking aloft the ship was apparently in a blaze of fire.” In the case of the Snake (No. 3.) the electric fluid is said to have descended v/ith an instantaneous explosion of a vivid purple colour. When H.M. ship Norge was struck by lightning in Port Royal harbour, the electric fluid was observed (to use Admiral Rodd’s expression) to ‘‘ absolutely stream down a conductor attached to the mast of H.M. ship Warrior,” close by. Such phaenomena are besides remarkably close to the re- sults of experiments : thus a heavy shock of electricity, passed over a metallic wire in a partially exhausted receiver, will ex- hibit a transiently passing light on its surface. 49. The whizzing noise is quite in accordance with common electrical effects. It invariably occurs when a good conductor receives and disarms an explosion by a pointed extremity. Mr. Sturgeon, however, asserts that “ no such noise is ever produced by the fluid entering a metallic conductor.” This is mere sophistry ; let any one attempt to discharge a highly charged battery by an acutely pointed conductor. A great part of the charge will immediately rush through or tow^ards the point with a whizzing noise. Now the stratum of cloud may be either positively or negatively electrified, and whether the one or the other, it is clear that the rush of electricity from a charged surface toward a point, or from a point towards an 4 16 Mr. Snow Harris on the Electrical Discharge undercharged surface (according to Franklin’s hypothesis) will be always attended by a whizzing noise. 50. The protection which continuous conductors would af- ford if well and efficiently applied to ships is, I think, apparent in all the preceding cases, and when we consider that the masts are themselves conductors of electricity, and that by their position alone they determine the course of the discharge into the body of the hull, it becomes the more requisite to affix to them good conductors, which quickly disperse and reduce the electrical action to a state of quiescence. We have I think fair evidence of this in the trials hitherto made with the continuous fixed conductors applied to certain ships of the British navy. 51. These ships have been exposed more or less in all points of the world. Lightning has not fallen upon them qftener than other vessels not so fitted ; and when it has done so no damage has arisen in any way, or has any destructive lateral effect, such as that contended for by Mr. Sturgeon, taken place. His comparison, therefore, of the effects of lightning on the Rodney with the “ probable effects ” (as he terms it) on my conductors, although he can find no instance of such probable effects^ is therefore purely hypothetical. If Mr. Sturgeon has no good authenticated fact to oppose to the mass of evidence I have adduced, of what avail is any hypothetical or loose opinion he may find it convenient to advance ? 52. Before concluding this communication, I cannot re- frain from pointing out the apparent inconsistencies of his views on this point. Having described my conductors as dangerous and objectionable in every possible way, as cal- culated to induce oblique flashes of lightning to strike the ship to the destruction of the sailors’ lives, the sails, rigging, &c. &c., he says, sect. 221, on discovering that he could not conveniently apply his own rods above the top-mast head, as however every chance of danger to the me?i and. every species of damage to the vessel ought strictly to be avoided^ it still appears desirable to furnish the top-gallant rigging with conductors ; and perhaps those which would give the least trouble to the men, would be strips of copper let into grooves in the masts according to the plan proposed by Mr. Harrisi’^ Now, I think, it must be clear to any one, that if my system be so objectionable as he would have it believed, on the grounds above stated, it must be equally objectionable on the top-gallant masts; the lives of the sailors are just as much exposed there as at any other point, perhaps more so. Mr. Sturgeon himself admits that two men were killed there in and on the Effects of Lightning on certam Ships, 417 the case of the Rodney. But by his admission above-quoted, my method is not objectionable in the top~o;allant mast, but is on the contrary calculated to avoid “ every s})ecies of dan- ger to the vessel and every chance of danger to the men if so, it must be equally efficient on the top-mast, lower mast, &c. This sort of traverse sailing, to use a nautical phrase, is not a little amusing, and is, I believe, quite unprecedented in any paper on science. 53. In order that no mistake may arise in respect of wffiat I have advanced relating to lateral explosions, I may in con- clusion simply state, that I do not deny the expansive force of a dense electrical explosion, and its destructive effect on im~ perfect and non-conductors, 1 do not deny its effect in cau- sing expansion in the surrounding air, which I rather choose to call with Priestley, “ the lateral force of electrical ex- plosions,” than a lateral explosion of electricity, I do not deny this in the absence of any regular system of conductors, or that the discharge may divide in several directions, and in distri- buting itself over the hull, may cause dense sparks and other electrical appearances in various parts of the vessel, but which would not appear, if a perfect system of conduction, such as I have proposed, were resorted to. I do however deny the probability of any lateral discharge of electric matter from conducting bodies transmitting an accumulation between oppositely charged surfaces, as as- sumed by several persons imperfectly acquainted with ordi- nary electrical action, and lately by Mr. Sturgeon; and, I maintain, that neither artificially, nor in the course of nature, can any instance of such lateral explosion be authenticated. I am. Gentlemen, yours, &c. Plymouth, March 14, 1840. W. Snow Harris. P.S. It has been insisted on by Mr. Sturgeon, that a shock of lightning, descending a continuous conductor on the mast, would magnetize every chronometer in the cabin, &c. — (Me- moir, Sect. 207.) This assumption is completely negatived by the cases above quoted. In fig. 1, an awful discharge descended an iron chain, and yet no magnetic effect was observable on the neighbouring compasses, or on the chronometer in the cabin. It is only in the absence of continuous conductors we find such magnetic effects, and even then their occurrence is comparatively rare. Really, Mr. Sturgeon makes so many random assertions, it is almost impossible to attend to them all. [ 418 ] LX I. Remarks on the Compounds derived from the Htearopten of Oil of Peppermint. By Robert Kane, M.D., T N my paper on the constitution of the essential oils, 1 no- ticed that the composition of the oil of peppermint as determined by my analyses approximated to that announced by Blanchet and Sell as belonging to the solid crystalline substance which often forms in it ; but at the same time I stated, that from the utter discordance of Blanchet’s results among themselves, no confidence could be placed in them. The formula I adopted for oil of peppermint is Cgj Og j and in order to establish a more direct comparison I will subjoin two of the analyses by which that formula was esta- blished. Experiment. Theory. Carbon I. 78-06 11. 77*81 Cai 128-9 78*14 Hydrogen . . 12*32 12*11 Hjo 20-0 12*12 Oxygen ... 9*62 10*08 Oa 16-0 9*74 100*00 100-00 164*9 100*00 The two analyses of the stearopten made by Sell and Blanchet, gave results which I will also subjoin. Experiment. Theory. Carbon I. 79*63 II. 77*27 Cio 61*40 77*28 Hydrogen .. 11*25 12*96 Hio 10*00 12*59 Oxygen ... 9*12 9*77 O 8*00 10*12 79*40 100*00 The total discordance of these results, coupled with the fact, that on analysing the liquid oil of peppermint Blanchet and Sell had obtained numbers quite different from each other, and from the truth, shows that for purposes of further re- search the investigations of Blanchet and Sell cannot be taken as a standard. Mr. Walter has recently published a memoir on the cry- stallized essence (stearopten) of peppermint, in which he lays down as the basis of his very interesting researches Blanchet’s formula, and supposes that its truth is confirmed by his own analyses. With this I should not, however, have anything to do, had not Mr. Walter made the same obser- vation with me, of how close my formula for the liquid oil approached to Blanchet’s for the stearopten, and insinuated * Communicated by the Author. Dr. Kane on the Compounds of the Oil of Peppermint, 419 indeed pretty broadly, although without having analysed the liquid oil, which he might so readily have done, that the for- mula of Blanche! is the true one, and that mine, in as far as it differs from it, is likely to be incorrect. His words are : “ Si I’essence de menthe poivree liquide presente la meme composition que I’essence de menthe concrete, ce qui est tres probable d’apres les observations de M. Robert Kane, qui est conduit cependant, quoique le rapport numerique qu’il a trouve, soit le meme, a adopter une formule different de celle que je viens de presenter, formule du reste qui n’est deduite ni de la densite de la vapeur, ni d’aucune combinaison dans lequelle Fessence de menthe rentrerait,” &c. Now I purpose to show in this notice that Mr. Walter has not done justice to his own analyses; for that by giving them their just inter- pretation, he would have found BlancheFs formula to be in- exact, and that the stearopten possesses the precise constitu- tion which I have assigned for the oil. In an organic analysis the sources of error act in opposite directions on the carbon and on the hydrogen ; there cannot be more carbon obtained than was present in the substance ; and from the facility with which the hydrogen is burned, there is never less water obtained. In practice, a chemist very seldom succeeds in a complete combustion of the carbon ; and almost in all cases, from the hygrometric nature of his materials, he gets more water than he ought. Hence in de- ducing a formula from a set of analyses, the highest number obtained for the carbon, and the lowest number obtained for the hydrogen, are those most likely to be true, and are those on which the formula should be constructed. There may be cases in which water may be lost, but it must arise either from an error in weighing or from bad management in the analysis. Setting out from these principles I will proceed to discuss Mr. Walter’s numerical results. In six analyses of the solid oil, the highest value he ob- tained for the carbon was 77*6S, and the mean of five results was 77*36. The lowest result for hydrogen was 12*52 and the mean of four was 12*66. Mr. Walter’s analyses and theory are therefore, — Carbon Analysis. 77*68 Analysis. 77*36 C.0 Theory. 77*27 Hydrogen . . 12*52 12*66 H.0 12*62 Oxygen . ... 9*80 9*98 O 10*11 100*00 100*00 100*00 It is also quite evident that the results of Mr. Walter’s analyses cannot be considered as exceedingly correct, when 420 Dr. Kane’s Remarks on the Compounds derived we find that out of his six analyses, the carbonic acid was lost in one, and the water in two instances ; probably from a too rapid and imperfect process of combustion. Mr. Wal- ter’s formula is therefore disproved by his own analyses, w^hich give too much carbon and too little hydrogen ; but they agree very well with the formula I proposed, if we allow his analyses to have been of the average degree of excellence. The specific gravity of the vapour of the stearopten fur- nishes no test w'hereby to distinguish between the formulae; gives 5*455, and ^21 H20 O2 gives 5*666. He ob- tained 5*62. It is true, the experimental density generally comes out a little higher than the calculated density ; but on the other hand, with these oils there is almost universally a trace of decomposition by which the experimental density is thrown too low. Hence the density found agrees with one formula as well as the other. Mr. Walter has given the name of menthene to a hy- drocarbon, produced by the action of dry phosphoric acid on the stearopten. To this body he assigns the formula Cc2o ^18 • results are, I. II. III. Theory. Carbon 87*74 87*53 87*59 87*18 Hydrogen... 12*99 12*85 12*71 12*82 100-73 100*38 100*30 100*00 In every case Mr. Walter obtained an excess of weight which must be an error in the hydrogen, and in every case the hydrogen increased by this error comes only to about equal the hydrogen required by his formula. In every case al'so he obtained too much carbon, and this with a substance whose perfect combustion must evidently to every organic chemist be most difficult. His formula cannot be true : but the formula gives the following numbers : — C21 = 128*9 87*76 Hj8 = 180 12*24 146*9 100*00 coinciding perfectly with the analyses. The density of the vapour of menthene Mr. Weaker found to be 4*95. The formula C^o H^g gives 4*835. The formula C21 Hjg gives 5*046. The difference here also is so very trifling that no stress can be laid upon it one way or the other. The results obtained by the action of sulphuric acid, not being definite, do not require notice, further than to mention 421 from the Stearopten of Oil of Peppermint. that the formula I announced for the sulphodadylate of lime, was SO3 . Ca O + Hig, and not the formula which Mr. Walter attributes to me. The substance obtained by Mr. Walter in acting on the stearopten with perchloride of phosphorus is of great import- ance, as giving some evidence of how far this essential oil acts as an alcohol. The action appears to be very complicated, and hence it is to the analysis alone that we can look for explanation. Taking for the best analysis the highest car- bon and the lowest hydrogen, the results of Mr. Walter Best analysis. Mean of six. Carbon 70*55 70*01 Hydrogen... 9*89 10*31 The chlorine, determined once, gave 20*87. The most natural formula is to suppose that, as with alcohol or acetone, water is eliminated and decomposed, a sort of mu- riatic aether being produced. Hence the formula should be ' C20 Hjg Cl or C21 Hjg Cl. The numbers are, C-20 69*26 C21 70*32 Hi9 10*72 H^g 10*36 Cl 20*02 Cl 19*31 100*00 100*00 Here with the C^q of Blanchet, there is again too much carbon and too little hydrogen, but with the Cgi as on my view, the numbers are more nearly true. But Mr. Walter suggests that the hydrogen may be 18 atoms in place of 19, and then the formulae give C.0 Cl 69*6 c^, 70*71 10*3 H,s 9*87 20*1 Cl 19*42 100*0 100*00 Thus we have still on Blanchefs basis too little carbon and too much hydrogen in the formula. On the basis of Cg^ the formula becomes much more likely to be true; at all events the third formula suggested by Mr. Walter C^q Hjy Cl is quite unnecessary. I consider this body to be chloride of menthene. Although we should find similar examples in the products formed by the action of chlorine on the stearopten, yet 1 will not enter into any discussion relating to them, as from the analytical results, and other circumstances, it is evident that the final and definite products of that action have not yet been obtained. In Mr. Walter’s formulae there come into 422 Mr. Srnee 07i the Galvanic Properties of the play half equivalents of chlorine and hydrogen, indicating that the substances analysed were not yet definitely charac- terized. The peculiar acid body formed by treating the essence with nitric acid has its origin in decompositions so complex, that, until its atomic weight and composition shall have been ac- curately determined by the analysis of its salts, it is totally useless to discuss it in relation to the present question. But here as in the other instances Mr. Walter has got too much carbon, although not too little hydrogen, and the additional quantity of carbon given by my number makes his analytical results more consonant to the theory. I do not wish, how- ever, to be considered as applying the formula Og to explain the origin of this body, wTich indeed I consider to belong to a totally different series. In concluding, I must observe that I admire very much the general exactness of Mr. Walter’s results, and the skill which he has displayed in this and other difficult investigations, by which he has been so highly distinguished. In fact, it is greatly to his credit that his analyses were so good, although he had been beguiled by the authority of Blanchet to adopt an insecure basis at his outset ; and I have written these re- marks not to diminish Mr. Walter’s merit, wffiich none can be more ready to express the highest sense of, but to show that all Mr. Walter’s investigations have but confirmed my former results, and that they have fully proved, that the li- quid and the solid oil of peppermint have the same constitu- tion, and that although I had not confirmed my formula by the accessory methods generally employed, the confirma- tions have come unconsciously from Mr.Walter’s hands, and that the formula Cgj Hgo Og is that which alone accounts for his interesting results. LX II. On the Galvanic Properties of the Plemeyitary Bo-- dies^ and on the Amalgamation of Zinc, By Alfred Smee, Esq. [In continuation of a former paper, p. 315.] I '’HE first non-metallic element we have to examine is car- bon. When a diamond is placed in contact with amalgamated zinc in dilute sulphuric acid, no gas is given ofi^ nor copper precipitated on it from a solution of that metal when touched by zinc. Gas coke, however, recently ignited, or plumbago, placed under similar circumstances, copiously evolves hydro- gen from its surface. The same circumstance is noticed with the various forms of porous coke and boxwood charcoal, but NoU’-Tnetallic Elementary Bodies. 423 in these cases no gas is given off for some little time. Ob- serving this, it was a matter of great interest to know what became of the gas for the first few seconds, and it directly occurred that the first portions of gas were bound down in a nascent state with the charcoal : this was proved by placing it in a solution of sulphate of copper, when the charcoal and the coke became coated with a thin film of the metal. In the same way gold, silver, mercury, and lead were precipitated from their solutions, and iodine set free from iodic acid. Pro- bably the other metals were also precipitated, but their co- lours render a thin film difficult to be distinguished. _When charcoal or the porous coke is made to form the electrodes of a battery, the piece forming the kathode or platinode is found to have similar properties; but the anode or zincode, how- ever, is found to possess nascent oxygen from its liberating chlorine from muriatic acid, though this is not quite so satis- factory as the experiment with the hydrogen. The gas coke and plumbago are found not to possess the property of re- taining the gases. Occasionally charcoal will be found to precipitate gold and silver from their solutions, but in these cases copper, and those metals which have a greater affinity for oxygen, are not reduced. View the importance of these experiments, as they demon- stratively prove that which has hitherto been the prevailing theory, namely, that nascent hydrogen precipitates the metals, and that the precipitation may take place when the galvanic current is broken ; for the coke will retain its hydrogen in some cases for forty-eight or more hours. Now in what state is the hydrogen when it has these properties ? Is it in the form of minute bubbles adhering to the surface? This would appear to be a mystery. It is probably in a state analogous to solution ; for if a piece of smooth platinum be placed in contact with zinc till minute bubbles are covering its whole surface, and then the zinc be removed and a solution of a metal be poured upon the platinum in such a way that the bubbles are not disturbed, no precipitation takes place; and even spongy platinum or spongy palladium fails under the same circumstances to precipitate the metal. Much difficulty arises in naming the two poles of a battery; they are called the positive end and the negative end, the anode and the kathode, the platinode and zincode ; now as each pole of a simple battery becomes reversed if the battery is doubled, it is better to name the two ends from the oxygen and hydrogen ; since we have shown that the galvanic cur- rent owes its power of decomposing many substances entirely to these gases. The names which are proposed are the ox- 42^]^ Mr. Smee on the Amalgamation of Zinc, ode, at which oxygen is evolved, and the hydrogode, where the hydrogen is given off. The soft and spongy charcoals, as those of deal, possess the property of evolving gas very imperfectly. Various kinds of coal, such as anthracite and cannel, were tried, but none were found to evolve hydrogen, nor to have copper precipitated when the circuit was made in a solution of that metal. From the above experiments we see that batteries may be constructed of carbon in the place of a negative metal ; the hard coke or plumbago answering best, and the porous coke and box-wood charcoal next*. These may be used as an ordinary battery with sulphuric acid, but of course a battery thus constructed possesses but little power. If, however, the hydrogen is removed upon Professor Daniell’s principle, then will the power be increased, and a charcoal battery may be made of surprising energy. The hydrogen may be removed by metallic solutions which have a feeble affinity for oxygen, and therefore those of gold, silver, platinum, or copper would answer best; the latter being the only one in use from its cheapness. The highly oxygenated acids, such as nitric, &c., are more powerful than these, and are now considerably em- ployed, but disadvantages attend their action ; for if the cur- rent is required to be continued for a long time, a large quan- tity of acid must be used, and the fumes arising from the battery are injurious to the animal oeconomy: in addition, the strong acid is liable to be spilt over the fingers or clothes ; and lastly, it always transudes through the porous tubes and acts upon the zinc, even when amalgamated, to a considerable extent. It is perhaps worthy of notice, that the powers of the nitric acid battery are not to be attributed to the fluids alone, for no current is formed when platinum is used in both cells. Strong sulphuric acid produced scarcely any action, but the addition of nitric acid rendered it powerful, for a time proportionate to the quantity of the latter acid used. I have tried other substances which have an affinity for hydrogen, such as chlo- rine, iodine, chloride of lime, peroxide of iron (or a mixture of muriatic acid and peroxide of manganese), so that nascent chlorine may be evolved during the action of the battery; but I find that even with the latter, the action, though powerful, is one quarter less than with strong nitric acid. A coke battery of two cells, with eight ounces of nitric * The coke may be cut with a saw into any convenient shape, whilst plumbago, though softer, has the singular property of wearing down every tooth from the instrument in a very short time. 425 Mr. Smee on the Amalgamation of Zinc. acid and dilute sulphuric acid, yields ten cubic inches of gas in five minutes. In this case about eight square inches and a half of carbon were exposed, and the communication was ef- fected by means of thick platinum wires. The same quantity of gas was driven olF from seven square inches of platinum. One piece of charcoal in a single cell gave one fifth of a cubic inch in twenty minutes. Experiments were performed on the properties of selenium, sulphur, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, and chlorine: but as nothing very worthy of notice was discovered, it will be un- necessary to dwell upon these substances. The rationale of amalgamating zinc would appear to be ex- actly the converse of platinizing platinum or the other metals, for the one favours the adhesion of the hydrogen and prevents thereby local action, the other favours the escape of the hy- drogen by its non-adhesion, and in that way increases the power. The reasons which I have to offer in support of these opinions are the following : — When zinc dissolved in mercury is placed in dilute sul- phuric acid no action takes place, because the gas cannot be readily evolved, but coats the whole surface ; but that there is action really produced, is shown by adding nitrate of silver or sulphate of copper, when the nascent hydrogen is evidenced by the reduction of these metals ; as soon as the whole of the metal is reduced it is again inactive, although the elements of a powerful current are there, namely, zinc, silver, acid ; now touch the mercury by a piece of silver or the negative me- tal, the gas will be immediately evolved from it. This expla- nation appears to me to account for every phsenomenon con- nected with the remarkable properties of amalgamated zinc, which is further confirmed by the attempt to make a galvanic battery with zinc and mercury, the junction being effected exterior to the acid solution, as here great adhesion will be seen to exist between the hydrogen and the mercury. In conclusion, I have to regret that the continuity of the paper has been necessarily interrupted, but it is a matter of no great consequence, as it treats of many rather dissimilar properties. Bank of England, April 10, 1840. Phil Mag, S, 3. Vol. 16. No. 104. Mai/ 1840, 2 F [ 426 3 LXIII. On the Combinations of Carbon mtJi Silicon and Iron^ and other Metals^ forming the different Species of Cast Iron^ Steel, and Malleable Iron, By Dr. C. Schafhaeutl, of Munich . [Continued from p. 304,] illustrate this and to arrive at a nearer insight into the -*■ chemical composition of iron, I shall select three speci- mens of cast iron, the one of English, the other two of French production. (A) Iron from the Maesteg iron-works near Neath in South W ales. Colour white, brilliant and granulated ; on the lowest part of the pig appearances of contraction ; yielding in some degree to the stroke of the hammer and being very difficult to break into fragments. I am given to understand it is pro- duced from clay iron-stone mixed with some Cornish ore, probably red oxide of iron, and by means of a hot blast. Spe- cific gravity 7*407. (B) Iron from Vienne in France, departement de I’Isere; pro- duced from the ore of La Voulte, (that is red oxide of iron,) mixed with about one-third part of pea-iron-ore. The coke is from Rive de Gier*. The hot blast was also used here. Colour gray, of great dark graphite-like brilliancy ; the scaly appearance very much developed; easy to be broken into small fragments, with a spe- cies of tough resistance, making a similar sound as pure tin when beaten, but still difficult to reduce to very fine powder; specific gravity 6*898. (C) Iron of Creuzot, departement de Saone et Loire; pro- duced from bog iron ore, with a mixture of brown iron ore of varying qualities and some puddling slag. The cold blast was applied. The fracture dead grayish ; earthy ; hardness con- siderable ; brittle, not yielding to the hammer ; specific gra- vity 7*378. Thirty-five grains of iron, (A) and (B), in small fragments were put into two retorts, and four ounces of hydrochloric acid of 1*16 specific gravity poured over them ; the beak of the re- tort was connected with two Woulfe’s bottles, filled with a neutral solution of acetate of lead, temperature 62° Fahr. * The coke from Rive de Gier contains, according to Berthier, 75.00 Carbon. 03*50 Volatile matter. 21*50 Ashes (alumina). 100*000 containing likewise 0*300 pyrites. As soon as this fuel is changed for furer coke, gray iron cannot be produced there. Dr. Schafhaeult on Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron. 427 The acid had scarcely been poured over the iron (B), when the whole powdered iron rose, under a rather violent evolution of gas, to the top of the acid. A short time after the acid be- came of a yellow colour, and the caseoid or cheese-like whitish foam increased each moment on the top of the acid during the evolution of hydrogen, and filling almost the whole of the upper part of the retort. In Woulfe’s bottles distinct glittering scales of sulphuret of lead were rapidly deposited ; the gas escaping out of the last bottle had, in an extremely slight degree, in smell the character of hydrogen developed by means of acids from iron, but no longer affected a solution of nitrate or acetate of lead. The liquid was found next day opake, of a light gray colour, still developing gas. The evolution from iron (A) had ceased long before. The iron (A) or white Welsh iron formed likewise a caseoid or cheese-like substance on the top of the acid, but its colour was dark gray approaching to black, and the liquid below was also of an opake dark gray. The sulphuret of lead formed in the Woulfe’s bottle was not scaly, like that from the gray iron, but resembling a dark- brown greasy viscid mass, making the whole liquid turbid, and only settling two days afterwards. The mass in the retort was then dark gray, with a somewhat lighter sediment. The residuum in the retort of the gray French iron (B) cast upon a filter, washed without interruption with boiling hot distilled water, was of a soap-like greasy form, and had after being dried a grayish-white flowery appearance. As often as I poured fresh water on the filter, the already col- lapsed mass began to swell like a sponge, and almost filled the whole filter. This residuum, dried at a temperature of 212° Fahr., weighed 5*53 grains, and had an extremely light ap- pearance resembling silica, chemically separated from mi- nerals. On 2*1 grains of powder were poured in a test-tube 5 drachms of concentrated caustic ammonia, the test-tube shut with a perforated cork, which contained as usual an S-like bent glass tube; a violent evolution of gas in extremely minute bubbles took place, which ceased only twenty-four hours afterwards. The powder lay on the bottom of the test tube in lenticular aggregates of a gray colour; the evolved gas collected over water measured at 65^ Fahr. and 29’35 height of barometer, 0*605 cubic inches, corrected for water 0*586 cubic inches. It was, except small traces of oxygen and azote from the remaining air in the test tube, pure hydros gen. 2 F 2 4?28 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of The contents of the test glass poured on a filter were care- fully washed with ammonia, and the liquid afterwards evaporated to dryness in a platinum crucible. This dry remainder was perfectly white ; only in the corner of the crucible some brown matter was collected, in all probability a species of humine. This dry residuum weighed 0*3 grains, was after ignition perfectly white, and had lost 0*08 grains. It dissolved in hydrochloric acid, left silica behind, which I was unable to weigh, and carbonate of ammonia threw down alumina mixed with some silica. In consequence of this, 5*53 grains would have contained aluminum equal to 0*298793 grains. To account for 0*0188 hydrogen we ought to have 0*440893 aluminum. By actual analysis I found 0*352583 ; but it might very well have hap- pened that, in separating alumina from phosphoric acid, a part remained combined with the acid. The gray residuum which had been treated with ammonia, dried and weighed, was 1*82, and had therefore lost 0*28 grains, that is to say 0*02 grains less than the weight of alumina ob- tained. This extraordinary evolution of hydrogen takes place with all residuums of hot-and cold-blast gray iron, but with the former more than the latter; and perfectly white iron never evolves any gas whatever ; yet white iron which is nearly approaching to gray iron gives always traces of hy- drogen. What causes this extraordinary decomposition of water ? We know no other chemical body which, left as a residuum after being treated with acids, possesses the power of decom- posing water by the presence of ammonia, except aluminum ; and as the ammonia had really dissolved alumina, which only occurs when it comes in contact with the metallic base of alu- mina, we may safely conclude, that the extraordinary evolu- tion of hydrogen was here produced by the presence of me- tallic aluminum. Solution of caustic potash ley likewise decomposes the gray residuums, but only at a higher degree of temperature, and then a species of slight explosion takes place and the fluid is thrown with some violence out of the crucible. Viewed through a microscope, the residuum of this gray cast iron appears to be composed of white gelatinous transparent nodules, which generally surround a centre, consisting of some dull black spots and of a scale, sometimes shining like graphite, but of a more silvery whiteness. The mixture of these scales with the white nodules gives the powder, to the naked eye, the appearance of having a grayish colour ; these scales remain after being treated with ammonia, though not at all apparently 429 Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, diminished, having only lost somewhat of their brightness ; the black spots sometimes disappear entirely. 1*72 grains of the remaining gray powder, separated from the filter and ignited, lost 0*203, and seemed in appearance to have undergone no alteration except having become a little more bulky and flocky. Hydrochloric acid extracted oxide of iron, 0*036. 1*32 grains of this residuum deprived of oxide of iron was mixed with five times its weight of carbonate of soda and ig- nited : after cooling, the lid of the crucible was found covered with green drops of manganate of soda, and on the bottom was the fluxed mass crystallized, perfectly white on the bor- ders, but having in the middle a dirty yellowish spot. I separated in the common way Silica 0*963 Iron and Manganese 0*076 Loss (of Carbon) 0*281 1*320 The same result was obtained, when, instead of melting the remaining gray powder with alkali, it was boiled in solution of caustic potash and strongly concentrated ley ; the silicon is taken up by the potash and iron, and manganese, mixed with some carbonaceous matter, is left in blackish-green bulky flocks on the filter, oxidizing very rapidly. 35 grains of the same metal analysed in the common way gave Silicon 1*702530 = 4*86430 Aluminum 0*352583 = 1’00738 Manganese 0*262960 = 0*75130 Phosphorus .... 0*189000 = 0*54000 Sulphur 0*062110 = 0*17740 Carbon 1*183000 = 3*38000 Iron 31*152607 = 89*00740 Loss 00*095210 = 0*27222 35*000000 100*00000" The white transparent nodules are undoubtedly silica; before the blow-pipe they melt with soda into a transparent globule, separating at the same time black scales of graphite; melted with microcosmic salt, a skeleton of silica is separated as usual. After subtracting silica, nothing remains but a small quantity of iron and manganese, and the loss as already shown is = 0*281, which amounts for 35 grains of iron to 1*17 ; the actual quantity of carbon was, as we see, 1*183, and therefore we may safely assume the loss to be carbon. The gra- phite scales, freed by means of solution of caustic soda from 430 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the JDiffereyit Species of the gelatinous silica, and analysed like graphite, as stated in the beginning of this treatise, proved to be of the same com- position as the graphite B. I must here observe, that in fragments broken from the outside of the same pig-metal traces only of sulphur could be discovered ; that the malleable iron produced from this ac- cording to my puddling process was extremely soft, and had the peculiar property of welding so easily, that tin-plates rolled from it adhered so firmly together by heating them a little too much, that it became impossible to separate them ; but the great quantity of silicon contained in this iron was ex- tremely destructive to the bottom and sides of the puddling furnace. Let us now return to the residuum of iron (B.); white Welsh iron. This residuum was found to weigh 6*77 grains, and had a dark brown colour and a very strong unpleasant smell, peculiar to hydrogen obtained in this manner from cast iron. It was powerfully attracted by the magnet, and traces only of aluminum could be found. 3*13 grains of the dried residuum, heated cautiously in a weighed platinum crucible, began to glow around the periphery before the crucible became red-hot, and the ignition spread from thence very slowly towards the centre. The platinum crucible was now removed from the fire, covered with its lid and cooled near concentrated sulphuric acid under a bell glass. Its weight had increased 0 08 grains, and its colour changed from brown to black. On the crucible being again placed over the lamp and kept in a red heat for ten minutes, its black colour changed into a dirty light red, and its weight increased equal to 0*27 On a third repetition of this ignition .... 0*02 On a fourth 0*05 On a fifth 0*00 0*42 The whole increase of 6*77 grains would therefore be 0*9084. It was still as powerfully affected by the magnet as pre- viously to ignition. A part of this powder, 3*55 grains, heated with hydrochloric acid of 1*16 sp. gr., in the same crucible, a grayish powder remained, which presented a distinct in- terspersion of dull black with white spots, and weighed 0*290; after ignition it had gained 0*028 and became perfectly white. It consisted entirely of silica, for which we reckon 0*1528 silicon. As the black spots disappeared and it gained 0*028 431 Cast Iron^ Steel, and Malleable Iron. grains in weight during ignition, we may conclude, that the black spots consisted of metallic silicon, which had become oxidized into silica during the process. The solution had a greenish-yellow appearance, and after being concentrated by evaporation and diluted with distilled water was mixed with carbonate of magnesia. The precipi- tate dissolved in hydrochloric acid and again precipitated with succinate of ammonia, yielded 2*50 oxide of iron = 1*7335 metallic iron ; no manganese could be discovered. The filtered liquid now held in solution the protoxide of iron. Digested with nitric acid, precipitated with ammonia, ignited, dissolved again and freed from magnesia, it yielded oxide of iron = 1*100 = 0*8901 metallic iron. This method of separating the protoxide of iron from the peroxide is not sufficiently accurate, and I mention this part of the process only to show that the iron, even after ignition, remained in the state of protoxide mixed with peroxide. Having tried to ascertain the amount of protoxide and peroxide of iron in these solutions as accurately as possible, by converting the peroxide of iron by means of solution of sulphuretted hydro- gen into protoxide, and ascertaining the quantity of separated sulphur &c. in one part of the solution, and mixing another part with liquid chloride of gold and sodium, — from the quan- tity of the reduced gold the quantity of protoxide of iron was very easily calculated, and I obtained for the greatest part proportions which approached to a rather strange formula, 3F + 2F. The carbon taken away by the escaping hydrogen is of far less amount than is generally asserted ; and each atom of carbon volatilized in this way is at the same time replaced by oxygen or sometimes hydrogen. The remaining part of the brown powder, = 3*39, was like- wise put into a platinum crucible, heated like the first over a spirit lamp, till it began to glow on the periphery, and then quickly removed from the fire. The first smooth surface of the powder on the bottom of the crucible was now found to be intersected by small cracks, through which might be seen the interior of the powder in ignition for some time ; its colour after cooling became darker, but it had neither gained nor lost in weight. Hydrochloric acid of 1*16 sp. gr. did not visibly attack this powder; but heated in a sand b^ath, the action of the acid became at once very lively; a great quantity of hydrogen smelling slightly in the well-known way was disengaged, and a velvety black residuum of a rather oily appearance was left. 4S2 Dr. Schafhaeutl- on the Different Species of Its weight was found to be 0*75 grains, and it had therefore lost in the acid 2-64 grains. During ignition it emitted very dense fumes — had changed its dark black colour into a dirty reddish-white ; it had lost only 0*051 grains, notwithstanding the great apparent evo- lution of gases, and we must therefore conclude, that the black residuum contained silicon, taking in exchange for carbonaceous matter oxygen from the atmosphere. By means of hydrochloric acid and succinate of ammonia iron was separated with a trace of manganese = 0*32 grains = 0*2219 grains of metallic iron, and silica = 0*332 grains = 0*1595 grains of silicon. The oily residuum contained therefore, in 0*6989 grains, Iron .... 0*2219 or peroxide of iron .... 0*3200 Silicon. . . 0*1595 or silica 0*3320 0*3814 0*6520 The hydrochloric solution, from which the white powder just mentioned remained, w^as colourless as water ; after oxidation with nitric acid, oxide of iron was separated equal to 3*12, viz.: iron 2*163408, and oxygen 0*956592; oxide of iron se- parated from the silica = 0*32 grains. The oxide of iron con- tained in the liquid amounted therefore, as we see, to 3*12 gr.; on the contrary, what the iron lost by this treatment with acids amounted only to 2*64; the iron therefore could be neither in the state of protoxide nor peroxide in the remain- der. Now the first residuum before ignition weighed 3*13, after ignition 3*55 ; and contained therefore Silica 0*265 Silicon 0*025 0*290 Loss of protoxide of iron . 3*260 3*550 grains, which is the weight of the residuum as before mentioned. If we now consider the amount of iron and oxygen in the first separation of protoxide and peroxide of iron, we find Peroxide : Iron .... 1*7335 Oxygen .... 0*766500 Protoxide : Iron .... 0*5869 Oxygen .... 0*173050 Total amount 2*3204 lotal amount 0*939550 Silicon 0*127306 Do. mixed with the residuum 0*025000 0*152306 433 Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, Oxygen 0*137694 Total amountof oxygen before the 2nd ignition. 1*077244 Oxygen after 2nd ignition 0*028000 Therefore we have Metallic iron .... * 2*320400 Silicon 0*152306 2*472706 Oxygen . 1*077244 Increase during ignition . 0*420000 I)ifFerence . 0*657244 Powder before ignition weighed already stated . Amount of bases 3*130000 2*472706 0*657294 The difference is to be ascribed to the volatilized carbon, hydrogen and azole. If we compare this difference with the difference between the real increase of the powder during ignition, and the cal- culated oxygen, we find the Former difference . . 0*657294 Last difference . . . 0 657244 0*000050 grains. This difference is so extremely small that we may con- sider the oxygen only calculated as the real quantity taken up, instead of 0- 65729 carbon, hydrogen and azote. The increase could therefore only be 0*420000, as the remaining quantity of the absorbed oxygen =0*657244, was counterbalanced by the 0*657294 burnt carbon, hydrogen and azote. The black residuum of the second part of the powder, which as already stated weighed 3*39 grains, was equal to 0*75; the loss therefore in 3*39 grains was = 2*64, consisting of iron and oxide of iron. If we calculate from the hypothetically-assumed quantity of carbon, hydrogen and azote in the first part of the powder, the same relative quantity for the second part of the powder, we ought then to have for 3*39 grains of residuum 0*71188 grains of carbon, hydrogen and azote. If we therefore assume the black residuum to contain only silicon, and iron in its oxidized state, we obtain as already mentioned, Silicon .... 0*1595 Oxide of iron . . 0*3200 0*4795 4*34^ Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours This difference between the original weight of the remainder = 0*7500, which amounts to 0*2705, we may consider as carbon. Now we calculated the amount of carbon to be 0*71188, but as we find only 0*2705 grains of carbon, the difference = 0*7118 — 0*2705 = 0*4?4?138 carbon, must have been coun- terbalanced by an equal quantity of oxygen to produce oxidum ferrosoferricum in the following way ; — Oxygen 0*44138 Iron 1*12268 Oxidum ferrosoferricum . . 1*26406 Remaining iron , .... 1*040728. The 2*604788 will be therefore the calculated loss ; the actual loss on the contrary was found as before mentioned = 2*64; the difference between experiment and calculation amounts only to 0*035212. [To be continued.] LXIV. — On the Heat of Vapours and on Astronomical Re- fractions. By John William Lubbock, Esq.^ Treas. R.S. F.R.A.S. a?id F.L.S., Vice-Chancellor of the University of London^ 4*^.* PREFACE. ^1 ''HE connexion between the temperature and the pressure (or elasticity) of elastic vapours is a desideratum in Phy- sics. A knowledge of it is indispensable to an exact theory of the Steam Engine, to an exact theory of Astronomical Refrac- tions, and to an accurate solution of other important pro- blems. The want of it has hitherto been supplied by un- satisfactory approximations; but these questions cannot be completely investigated without a more careful attention to the premises than has hitherto been possible, owing to a want of the proper key to these researches, which consists in a know- ledge of the mathematical law which connects the tempera- ture and the pressure in elastic fluids, and which is required in addition to the law of Mariotte and Gay Lussac to com- plete their theory. If V represent the absolute heat or caloric^ i the latent heat, c the sensible heat or that which affects the thermometer.^ V= i + 6^. * Reprinted, by the obliging permission of the author, from the original me- moir lately published, London, 1840. 8vo. T emperature ■ The Abscissa represents the Fressiire VI inches of Mercury , aiid the Ordinate the Tcrnperature in Fakrenheiis Scale Caladated Observed . . . , The ObstTiu^His markrti nith an Asterisk arr tiiost' nmr4^»/ 435 and on Astronomical Refractions. If 5 be the temperature as indicated by a thermometer, there can be little doubt that V is capable of being expressed in a series proceeding according to positive powers of so that + + &c. a^ b, c, &c., have a certain signification in Taylor’s theorem, but without being able to determine their values, d priori, or to obtain any relations between them, they may be treated as constants. If the latent heat be constant, which is probable, and if the effect indicated by the thermometer is proportional to the sensible heat, c — h S, V = a b L It must, however, be left to experiment to decide how many terms are to be taken into account for any given substance, within any given range of the thermometric scale, and in order to satisfy the results of observation within any given quantity. The other suppositions upon which my theory is founded are those of Laplace, viz. that the quantity called y by M. Poisson is constant for the same substance at different temperatures, and that the equation V=: A + B rp y is the solution of a certain differential equation. See Mec. Cel., vol. V. p. 108. Poisson, Mec., vol. ii. p. 640. The theorems which are given by M. Poisson in the second vo- lume of the Mecanique, and which are also to be found in the works of Pouillet and Navier, rest upon the condition that the ab- solute heat is constant, v/hile the sensible heat varies. This is the most restricted hypothesis which can be made upon the nature of heat, and it does not satisfy the observations. In this Treatise I have gone a step further, by supposing the absolute heat to vary with the sensible heat, or to be represented by an expression of the form « + 5 0, (or what is the same, F=C+Z)(l+a0). See p. 2.) 0 being the temperature reckoned from some fixed point, a and b constants. This includes implicitly the other hypothesis, which if true, in determining a and b by means of observations, the constant b should come out zero. This in the case of steam is certainly not the case, nor is it so in any case which I have examined. The experiments of Dulong and Arago upon steam at high temperatures, those of Southern and Dalton, and those of Dr. Ure, furnish data by which the supposition I have adopted and the for- mulae which flow from it can be scrutinized ; and if the expres- sions which result from it fail to represent those observations, we have at least arrived at this conclusion, that the condition of the invariability of the quantity called y by M. Poisson does not ob- 436 Mr. Lubbock on the Meat of Vapours tain in nature, or that the absolute heat cannot be represented by so simple a function of the temperature or sensible heat. Recourse must then be had to more complicated expressions. If, on the contrary, my formula represents the observations of the temper- ature of vapours with accuracy, its origin in a simple theoretical notion of the quantity of absolute heat, and its simplicity, are great additional recommendations in its favour. The formula which I have obtained does, I believe, represent the observations better than any hitherto devised ; at low temperatures and pressures it deviates a little, but a very slight error in the observed pressures may account for this discrepancy. Dalton says that it is next to impossible to free any liquid entirely from air ; of course if any air enter, it unites its force to that of the vapour. Moreover, when the pressures are small, the variation of temperature becomes great for a small variation of pressure ; so that the agreement of theory with observation may be considered as complete, even if the absolute amount of the error of the calculated temperature is then more considerable. My formula has also been compared with the observations of Dr. Ure, on the vapour of alcohol, aether, petroleum, and oil of tur- pentine, recorded in the Philosophical Transactions for 1818*. I think that the comparisons contained in this treatise afford suf- ficient evidence that my formula is established, and that the devia- tions of the calculated results from those of observation are within the limits of the errors of the latter ; but this point I leave to be decided by those more conversant with the nature of the experi- ments. It would not militate against my views if it were found ne- cessary to take in an additional term and to make r=c+z)(i + «0)+^(i-f ci^f + &c. but the expressions for the temperature and density in terms of the pressure would not be quite so simple, although more pliable. As the same principles must be applicable to the constitution of the atmosphere, I have examined the observations made by M. Gay Lussac in his aeronautic ascent from Paris, and which are published by M. Biot in the Conn, cles Temps. My calculated temperatures may be considered as identical with the temperatures regularisees of M. Biot, which are given by that distinguished philosopher as representing the condition of the atmosphere di- vested of the irregularities and errors incidental to observations made under circumstances so difficult and so disadvantageous. But the altitude to which man can ascend is so limited, that observa- tions of the temperature made in aeronautic ascents will never fur- [* Dr. Ure’s paper containing these observations was reprinted in Phil. Mag., First, Series, vol. liii. p, 38, et sej'.— Edit.] 437 and on Astronomical Refractions. nish so complete a test of the accuracy of any formula professing to give the relation between the pressure and the temperature in ela- stic fluids, as observations of the temperature of the vapour of water and other substances, which can be carried through a greater range of the thermometric scale, and above all through the low pressures where the character of the curve is more decided. M. Biot has dwelt with reason upon the importance of intro- ducing into the theory of Astronomical Refractions a greater con- formity with the conditions of the problem than has hitherto been attempted : and he has also noticed the imperfection in principle of the present mode of calculating heights by observations of the barometer, a method which must of course be abandoned (at least in any accurate exposition of this theory) whenever the discovery of the true connexion between the temperature and the pressure of the higher regions of the atmosphere renders it possible to adopt a more rigorous mode of eliminating the density from the dilfer- ential equation which connects d p and d The correct expres- sion which connects the difference of altitude with the pressures at the upper and lower stations ought to be the foundation of the theory of Refractions. Considering on the one hand the notions upon which my formula is ultimately founded, its identity with the results offered by the observations of steam and other vapours, and moreover the agreement afforded by the direct comparison with the observations of M. Gay Lussac, there can be no doubt that it represents the density of the atmosphere at different altitudes with greater fidelity than any hypothesis which has up to the present time been made the basis of the theory of Astronomical Refractions. I think that my table of mean refractions represents the observed quantities within the limits of their probable errors, and I have obtained this result without any arbitrary alterations of the con- stants. In the higher regions of the atmosphere the cold is intense*, depriving the air of its elasticity and converting it into a liquid or solid substance. My formula of course is only applicable as long as the air continues in the state of an elastic vapour ; and if at any altitude it ceases to maintain that condition, the density must be represented by a discontinuous function. But the density of this frozen air must be extremely small, and it probably has little effect upon the amount of Refraction. I am indebted to Mr. Russell for his kind assistance in the nu- merical calculations which accompany this treatise. 29, Eaton Place, March 2, 1840. * See Poisson, Theorie de la Chaleur, p, 460. 438 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours CONTENTS. General Expressions. — On the Pressure of Steam. — On the Steam Engine. — On the Vapours of .<®ther. Alcohol, Petroleum, and Oil of Turpentine. — On the Conditions of the Atmosphere and on the Calcula- tion of Heights by the Barometer. — On Astronomical Refractions. GENERAL EXPRESSIONS. Let V be the quantity of absolute heat, considered as a function of the sensible heat or temperature 0, dV d Fd g ^ ^ d0 dgd0~^d^ d0 p z=. k q (1 -f a 0). q being the density, p the pressure, k and « constants, d ^ CC q d 0 1 + a 0 dp ctp d 0 1 -p a 0 if dV a q dV a p d q [I + OL^) dp (1 + a 0) dV dF ^ If y be considered as a constant quantity the integral of this partial differential equation is = funcP^. F*. The simplest form which can be assigned to this function of V\ such that 1 F= ^ 4 -B — ? A and B being constants. IS * So far the reasoning is identical with that contained in the Mecanique of M. Poisson; but M. Poisson proceeds further upon the limited supposition of V being constant. and on Astronomical Refractions, 439 Laplace arrived at this equation [flee. Cel. vol. v. p. 128.). See Poisson, Annales deChimie et dePhysique, tom. xxiii. p. 342*; Mecanique, vol. ii. p. 648 ; Navier, Leqons donnks d UEcole desPonts et Chaussees^ tom. ii. ^ ^ + V' = A + B^^ S S y — /c g (1 + a d) (1 + a 0') ^ and a being constants. I will now introduce the additional condition that the heat is^ro- portional to the temperature, in which case F = C + Z)(1 -4- a 8) F' = C + Z)(l +«80 C and D being constants. These equations include implicitly the hypothesis attributed to Watt and also that of Southern, respect- ing the vapour of water : on the former Z) = 0. Hence V=C + D(\ 4- ^ e J_ V’ = C D [\ + a^') = A + If 1 P D y-i r (1 +«9) -^ monochloridated hydrochlorate. Ch^ chloroform. Ch® chloride of carbon. We know, by the experiments which I recently made known to the Academy, that marsh gas obtained from the acetates changes under the influence of chlorine into this chloride of carbon Ch®, which the theory of types had predicted as the necessary product of the action. Let me add too, that before giving this chloride of carbon, it also produces some chloroform. But if marsh gas [gas des inarais) corresponds to the chloroform as the acetic acid does to chloracetic acid, the conversion of marsh gas into chloro- form is as necessary a fact as the conversion of the acetic acid into marsh gas. If when these necessary facts have been recognized as true be experience, it be then proved that they were possible, that they did not disagree with the general laws of chemistry, I contend that the difficulty has not been met. What ought to be done in such a case, is to show how the general theory allows us to foresee that acetic acid should give marsh gas, and that marsh gas should give chloroform. Far from thinking that I have gone too far in establishing, as I have done, genera for uniting acetic acid and chloracetic acid, marsh gas, and chloroform, I have on the contrary been too cautious. I therefore persist in my opinion as to the propriety of uniting into one genus those bodies which contain the same number of equivalents united in the same manner.^ and which are endowed with the same fundame^ital che^nical properties. In this discussion of the characters of chemical types and of the true accej)tation of the fundamental properties of bodies, I have said nothing of the identical function attributed 446 M. Dumas on the Lax^ of Substitutions, to the chlorine and to the hydrogen in acetic acid and in chloracetic acid, in the chloroform and in marsh gas. Here, however, as it was easy to foresee, is the point which particularly arrested the attention of M. Berzelius, and which he combated by changing all my formulae and substituting new ones for them. Down to the present time I have made no reply. Indeed, what could 1 have added to the following note that M. Liebig authorized me to publish in his name ? “ In my interest for the science,” says M. Liebig, “ I must declare that I do not share the opinions of M. Berzelius, be- cause they rest upon a mass of suppositions which cannot be proved. “ In mineral chemistry the singular observation has been made that chlorine may be substituted for manganese in per- manganic acid, without the form of the salts produced by this acid being changed. Nevertheless it is hardly possible to find two bodies between which there exists a greater dif- ference in chemical properties than there is between chlorine and manganese. “ An experiment of this kind is not to be discussed; we must leave to the fact all its value, and say, chlorine and manganese may take each other’s place without the nature of the combination being changed by it. From that time I do not see why this manner of acting should be considered as impossible for other bodies, such for example as chlorine and hydrogen. The interpretation of these phaenomena, such as it has been laid down by M. Dumas, appears to me to give the key to most of the phaenomena of organic chemistry. ‘‘ Without denying that bodies take each other’s places in a great number of combinations, according to their place in the electric order, I think, from the manner of acting of or- ganic combinations, we should draw this conclusion ; — that a reciprocal substitution of simple or compound bodies, acting in the manner of uomorphous bodies, should be considered as a true law of nature. This substitution may take place between bodies which neither have the same form nor are analogous in composition. It depends exclusively on the chemical force which we call affinity.” These opinions are, in fact, quite conformable to those which I myself published, when I compared the principle of substitutions to the principle of isomorphism, and the bodies of the same chemical type to the isomorphous bodies them- selves. I do not pretend to say, that bodies of the same chemical Meteorological Ohserx>ations. 447 type should offer the same form ; everything leads us to be- lieve that this condition does not always exist, but up to the present time researches are wanting upon this subject. PROCEEDINGS AT THE FRIDAY-EVENING MEETINGS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION. March 20. — Mr. Scliomburgk on the aboriginal inhabitants of Guiana ; their manners, customs, and present condition. March 27.— Dr. George Gregory. Statistics of disease and mor- tality in the metropolis. April 3. — Mr. Cowper on the manufacture of cotton. April 10. — Mr. Nasmyth on the functions of the mouth and the structure of recent and fossil teeth. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR MARCH, 1840. Chiswick, — March 1, 2. Cold and dry. 3. Cloudy. 4. Bleak and cold. 5. Frosty ; cold and dry : sharp frost at night. 6, 7. Frosty haze : fine. 8, 9. Clear and frosty : fine. 10. Very fine. 11. Drizzly. 12. Cloudy. 13. Hazy: fine. 14. Overcast; very fine. 15. Slight rain. 16. Fine but cold, 17. Clear. 18. Overcast. 19,20. Cloudy and cold ; clear. 21. Very clear. 22. Overcast. 23. Fine but cold. 24, 25. Clear and cold. 26 — 28. Cloudy and cold. 29, .30. Cloudy and fine. 31. Drizzly. It may be observed that the quantity of rain in this month was less than 3-lOths of an inch. The barometer stood remarkably high and in general very steady. Boston. — March 1 — 3. Fine. 4. Stormy. 5 — 8. Fine. 9. Cloudy. 10. Fine. 11, 12. Cloudy. 13. Fine. 14. Rain. 15. Cloudy : rain p.m. 16,17. Cloudy. 18. Rain: rain P.M. 19, 20. Cloudy. 21. Fine : snow early a.m. 22. Cloudy : rain p.m. 23. Cloudy: snow early a.m. 24. Hail: snow early a.m. 25. Fine: snow early a.m. 26. Fine : snow p.m. 27, 28. Cloudy. 29. Cloudy : rain p.m. 30, 31. Cloudy. Applegartk Manse, Dumfriesshire. — March 1, 2. Fine clear day: frosty. 3. The same: getting cloudy p.m. 4,5. The same: still freezing. 6. Remarkably fine day : gentle frost. 7 — 9. The same; hoar frost a.m. 10. The same, but threatening change. 11. The same, but cloudy: no frost. 12. The same: con- tinuing cloudy: no frost. 13. Dry and boisterous: cloudy. 14. Dry but cloudy. 15. Fine day : rain a.m. 16. Slight rain morning : cleared up. 17. Fine: frosty early a.m. 18. Fine: the same. 19. Fine: without frost. 20. Fine: hoarfrost. 21. Fine: strong frost. 22. Fine: getting cloudy. 23. Passing showers of snow and hail ; frosty. 24, 25. The same : very cold : frosty. 26. Fair but cloudy. 27. Fine but dull. 28. Remarkably fine day. 29. The same after a shower a.m. 30. Wet morning: drizzly all day. 31. Occasional showers. Sun shone out 29 days. Rain fell 5 days. Snow and hail 1 day. Frost and hoar frost 17 days. Wind north 1^ day. North-east 8^ days. East 2 days. South 4 days. South- west 3 days. W'^est 2 days. North-west 6 days. North-north-w'est 1 day. North- north-east 1 day. Variable 2 days. Calm 15 days. Moderate 9 days. Brisk 5 days. Strong breeze 2 days. [To be continued.] ai 53 . ^5 O ^ WJ ^ & R o S H i u ^ g-i §1 Pi ^ w s<. § 2 1^ <3 S C 53 ^ . S O '• Sq 5b ^ ^ ?S ^ 1-5 «=>' Hi •§> 2S 5 5> •S i^.i 'o I §i>::,‘^ 5SI5^S.S'2,SlS.::i'^S.'*‘^^°0'^®3act^r^— 'f~3r^c^030'M3 2 <^OCN COCOCOCOCO'^COCO'=3".COCOC^ conconcocc C^(M c^o B ^ 7< 'A ^ A -z. 7^ ^ . & a B ^ 55 Z ^ ^ 7. « . H & 5C W C/5 W iz; w ^ ^ ,. S . .• . J p4 S j a s o o o yo_o_ • •BBB •./ • A'C -A A A 7- ^ ^ A ^ ^ ^ . ,• . ^-1 A ^ A § i wiei HUM WM wlc) .<|M ,^'rs .^Icq h!N hIo) Hl-l Sr^S2.'^®^'''55^‘^®^'^'-‘^'^’’'^‘50Q0OC300C00>OOO>OOL000OOC^“*‘ ---- -- |coeocO'^'^toiO';ftOtO o *p ip 1-0 1^ — t^r^l^tororoc^cooj cocorO<^oo tOOl OI t^'^j'otodboo cocO’^cOtOcocOCOt'OCO'^-^-^'^f'^-^cO'^'^'^co^cococoo^cotO •p ip ot^'^j'OtoQbooo'-'^t:^ ^ ^ [ 0301 O •^030 — ' O tO'-< ■^O>O3iOC0 t003 03 0303t0'^0 oo — -^o -^cooi gj0icoc0i0«--i0l0l0i0i^c'0 0icocorocococo030i0ic0)f0co0lcocococ0';ti'ri< A 03t000Q0OC00!^OOO-^r0O3G00lt^O030!OOOC0^O — 010-^10- ^ rO'=3"^'^tOlO)tOtOuOtO-^tOtO-^'^rt«^'^'^tO'>:ttOtO-^'^'^'^rttOtO'^ a |ipoo6ioc^r^<^oooioir^<^6«o^>joccdbio to & 'rotO>COCOCOCOCOCOroroco-53<'^-Tti-^^COro-^r«-iror<3r^o^rnfv>r~ir^r^r^-it+i 1 r^ o6jc^o3c^c^'^tock>oo6ioc^r^<^oooioir^<^6«o^>joccdbio to -^..rofOcocoo3cororocO'=t'^'=f'^^coro-^cococococococororoco5'Oi'rf ] co rN'^502^?9^^?‘?T^^*iPP'^9®?'^f^?’2P‘^^'?'^®5p(Nt00OO icoi^o^otb ^i^C3c» O'cooo'o co(^o toc^ 030000 1^ ocb C30idb |cocococorococotr>cO'^tO'^'^'^'^'>^TfTti'>::f<-<^fCOT:(<'=tcO'^-^roro'r}''^'rf ,55! nj o> o-QoaoGO tpol ocpcp o

-hio0 * i 'Tt'ip>p*p-Oror^ 3000 CO'^GOO'OCOliS I— C^-^^>-O^0ipiO3QpCO9ippt‘pcp^00Q0 _ cppcp _ C300rp'^tp'p'19P O' 6 o 6 c> 6 6 6 6 6363636363636363 63 63630 6.6366 6666 6 6 | 9.'' cocOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOIOICIOIOI- — COlOtOOIC3CM (p^prcO'^p!'t093p30CO<^pOcpOC^.pOICO'p'7-Ofp-0C0Or0C0C0C0CM Cl OI OI OICOr-"tOCX)0'^'030003LOr003'=:fCOOQOC'3 03C0300!tn'^OItOt000030 01 OQO 01 C0C^3OO> r^CO<003xJM003QO O ^ 0003^-^0 ro003030tOtOC030 -^tO'^-^tOLO'O t^30 "^COOI —< O 0301 tool COrO'^fOOl CN ^P^Ot* "T^P 6666666666666666666666666666666 cococococot'ococococococococooi cococococococorococotococooi 01 OI '^OOO'OGC'^'^tOOOI'rt'^'OO -^(MOI-n^OOOOOIOOOOIOO->;15-^3CQO^O i-^toroGO o 0 30 10^0300 r^o toc^'^00 r^03— ■ — < —1 03100301 01 — 00 03 cp-p'pcp'p e o 2-15 1111 33-5 THE LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. [THIRD SERIES.] JUNE 1840. LX VI. On crystallized Native Oxalate of Lime. By H. J. Brooke, Esq.^ I HAVE had in my possession for some months a specimen of calcitef in compound crystals of the metastatic form of Haliy, from i to | of an inch long, with irregular and curved surfaces occasioned by the intersections of the numerous indivi- duals of which the crystals are severally composed, and which stand on a rather soft light gray matrix. It is uncertain from whence the specimen was brought, but Mr. Heuland sup- poses it to have come from Hungary. On the crystals of calcite are deposited a few small crystals, from loiig? of oxalate of lime, which had from their high lustre been supposed to be some ore of lead. It was, however, apparent that they differed in form from all the known lead ores, and on examination by Mr. Sandall at Mr. R. Phillips’s laboratory, they were found to be oxalate of lime with one proportional of water. The crystals appear to have been formed contemporaneously wHth those of the calcite, in which some of them are partly imbedded, a circumstance which excludes the supposition of their being of vegetable origin ; and as only one other oxalate, that of iron, is known to exist in the mineral state, and as it occurs in a bed of wood coal, and the oxalic acid contained in it may be presumed to have been derived from vegetable matter, this oxalate of lime will afford the first instance of the occurrence of oxalic acid as a distinct mineral product. The primary form of the crystals is an oblique rhombic prism, fig. 1. P on M measuring 103° 14' and M on M/ 100° 36' : a cleavage parallel to P has induced me to adopt * Communicated by the Author. t In a list of minerals published a few years since, I proposed this name for the common rhombohedral carbonate of lime ; calcite and aragonite thus denoting the two varieties of this substance. Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16, No. 105. Jane 1840. 2 H 450 Mr. Brooke on crystallized native Oxalate of Lime. that as one of the primary planes, and there are other clea- vages parallel to M, and to c of fig. 2. Most of the crystals are twins, and remarkably symmetrical in their form. Fig. 3 is a projection of the terminal planes ; and fig. 4, a projection of the twin crystal in profile, the relation of which to fig. 2, and the other figures, is rendered sufficiently obvious by the corre- sponding letters. All the planes are bright and perfect except M, which is striated by its alternations with u ; and f which is also striated parallel to the edge between yand f. Fig. 3. The following are the laws and measurements of the planes, for taking the trouble of calculating which I am indebted to the kindness of my friend Professor Miller of Cambridge. Fig. 2. Fig. 4. a = 127 25 c = 90 h = 109 28 5 = 136 48 / = 143 4 a on s = 154 19 / = 1"^'3 c = u c a V ./ 18 142 36 160 45 129 42 111 37 128 4 136 48 142 15 Fracture S' f = Very brittle. J^racture con- choidal. Hardness rather less b 101 41 than calcite. Spec. grav. 1*833. Colourless. Transparent to opake. Lustre similar to that of sulphate of lead. H. J. B. '• I Lend k Mm. Thl. Maq. Vol m.PLVJ. [ 451 ] LXVII. On the Electro-motive Former of Heat. By John W. Draper, M.D.^ Prof essor of Chemistry in the University of New York.* [Illustrated by Plate VL] Tf'ROM the memoir of M. Melloni, on the Polarization of Heat, inserted in the second part of the first volume of the Scientific Memoirs, we learn, that M. Becquerel, as well as himself, has made experiments to determine the quantities of electricity set in motion by known increments of heat. From these experiments they conclude, that through the whole range of the thermometric scale, those quantities are directly proportional to each other. But as thermo-electric currents are now employed in a variety of delicate physical investigations, and as there appears to be much misconception as to their character, I propose in this memoir to show, 1st. That equal increments of heat do not set in motion equal quantities of electricity. 2ndly. That the tension undergoes a slight increase with in- crease of temperature, a phsenomenon due to the increased resistance to conduction of metals, when their temperature rises. Srdly. That the quantity of electricity evolved at any given temperature, is independent of the amount of heated surface; a mere point being just as efficacious as an indefinitely ex- tended surface. 4thly. That the quantities of electricity evolved in a pile of pairs, are directly proportional to the number of the elements. First, then, as to the comparative march of electric deve- lopment, with the rise of temperature, in the case of pairs of different metals. The experimental arrangement w'hich I have employed, is represented in fig. 1. (Plate VI.) A A is a glass vessel, about three inches in diameter, wdth a wide neck, through which can be inserted a mercurial thermometer 5, and one extre- mity of a pair of electro-motoric wires. The wires I have employed have generally been a foot long, and y^^th of an inch in diameter. The extremity s of the wires thus intro- duced into the vessel, ought to be soldered with hard solder : their free extremities dip into the glass cups d filled with mercury, and immersed in a trough e containing water and pounded ice. By means of the copper wires^’^ ^th of an inch thick, communication is established with the mercury • Communicated by the Author. 2 H 2 4? 5 2 Dr. Draper on the Electro-motive Former of Heat, cups of the galvanometer. The coil of this galvanometer is of copper wire Jth of an inch thick^ and making twelve turns only, round the needles, which are astatic. The deviations were determined by the torsion of a glass thread, in the way described in the number of this Journal for October 1839. It is surprising to those who have never before seen the experiment, with what promptitude and accuracy a copper and iron wire, soldered thus together, will indicate tempera- tures. In the arrangement now described, when an experiment has to be made, the vessel A A is to be filled two-thirds full of water, the bulb of the thermometer being so adjusted as to be in the middle of the vessel, and the soldered extremity s of the two wires, being placed in contact^ with it, and a small cover with suitable apertures adjusted on the top of the vessel, so that the steam as it is generated may rush up along- side of the tube of the thermometer, and bring the mercurial column in it to an uniform temperature. The communicating wires/ f are then placed in the cups, and the trough e filled with water and pounded ice, and carefully surrounded with a flannel cloth. The water in the vessel A A, is then gradually raised to the boiling point by means of a spirit-lamp, and kept at that temperature until the galvanometer needles and the thermometer are quite steady. The same plan must be followed, when any other temperature than 212 is under trial, for the thermo-electric wires changing their temperature more rapidly than the mercury in the thermometer, it is absolutely necessary to continue the experiment for some minutes, to bring both to the same state of equilibrium. When a temperature higher than 212° Fahr., but under a red heat, is required, I substitute in place of the vessel A A, a tubulated retort, the tubulure of which is large enough to allow the passage of the bulb of the thermometer and the wires. A quantity of mercury, sufficient to fill the retort half full, is then introduced, and the tubulure, being closed by ap- propriate pieces of soapstone, the neck of the retort is in- clined upwards, so that the vapour as it rises may condense and drop back again, without incommoding the operator. As in the former case, it is here also necessary to continue each experiment for a few minutes, to bring the thermometer and thermal pair to the same condition. There is not much difficulty in obtaining any required temperature, by raising or lowering the wick of the lamp. * If the extremity of the thermo-electric pair be allowed to rest on the bottom of the glass vessel, no accurate results can be obtained; the |:air does not then indicate the temperature of the water. Dr. Draper on the Electro-motive PoVoer of Heat, 453 The metals I have tried were in the form of wires. They w^ere in the state found in commerce, and therefore not pure; they were obtained in the shops of Philadelphia. Table I. Names of the pairs of Metals. Temperatures (Fahr.) 32 F. 122 F. 212 F. 662 F. X Copper and iron 0 93 176 2331 1 Silver and palladium... 0 65 147 613 II Iron and palladium .... 0 112 223 631 1 '3 122 f s Platina and copper 0 11 26 Iron and silver 0 89 137 244 1 -t Iron and platina 0 28 56 248J 1 a In this table I have estimated the temperature of boiling mercury at 662° Fahr. The quantities of electricity evolved, as estimated by the torsion of a glass thread, are ranged in columns under their corresponding temperatures. Each series of numbers is the mean of four trials, the differences of which were often imperceptible, and hardly ever amounted to more than one degree. Now if this table be constructed, the temperatures being ran- ged along the axis of abscissas, and the quantities of electricity being represented by corresponding ordinates, we shall have results similar to those given in fig. 2, in which it is to be ob- served, that the curves given by the systems of silver and iron, copper and iron, and palladium and iron, are concave to the axis of abscissas ; but those given by platina and copper, silver and palladium, and platina and iron, are convex. Let us now apply the numbers obtained by these several pairs, for the calculation of temperatures, which will set their action in a more striking point of view. The following table contains such a calculation, on the supposition that for the 90 degrees from 32° Fahr. to 122° Fahr., the increments of elec- tricity are proportional to the temperatures. Table II. Temperatures by the Mercurial Thermometer. 32 F. 1 122 F. Water boils. Mercury boils. !>, ^Copper and iron 32 122 202 257 ■S^ards the east and west, towards the coolest places. There was certainly rather more crystallization towards the east than towards the opposite side. A little also was appa- rent towards the north wall, opposite to the stove. {d,) A clean bottle containing a fragment of camphor was now placed near the window, which was covered by two glass receivers, leaving air spaces between the bottle and the first and second receiver of about f ths of an inch. The camphor showed no such particular tendency to cry- stallize towards the east as it had in experiment («.), but it crystallized nearly uniformly all over the upper concavity of the bottle. (e.) Decanters containing water were next substituted for the camphor bottles, and in each position the dew was in- variably deposited upon the same relative side of the decan- ter, as the camphor had crystallized when exposed in the stoppered bottles. In one of our glass houses (for I am unfortunately con- nected with the manufacture of glass) there is a small apart- ment about 9 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 7^ feet high, sepa- rated from the interior of the glass-house by a lath and plaster partition, which is hollow within, and comprehends a total thickness of 4j inches. This little apartment is oc- cupied by a superintendent of the founders crew. Opposite to a wide bench upon which this person reclines, there is a window through which he watches the progress of the fur- nace. This window is so constructed that one half of it can be slid behind the other half, to enable the ‘‘ surveillant’’ to protrude his head at a moment’s notice, to issue his orders. The window is glazed with glass of y\-th of an inch in thick- ness. It is 24 feet from the nearest point of the furnaee wbieh of Heat and Light *when transmitted through Glass. 469 emits flame, and 38 feet from the most distant flame that can emanate fl’om the same side of the furnace. (/■) A thermometer suspended from a pin flxed into one of the window bars during the process of founding, and hanging at a distance of one inch from the glass, exterior to the apartment, usually indicates a temperature of from 1 80^ to 190° Fahrenheit, when a thermometer suspended at pre- cisely the same distance from the same pane of glass in the interior of the apartment indicates only a temperature of from 120° to 130° of Fahrenheit. A difference of distance of only two inches, when influenced by the interposition of a plate of glass only ^^th of an inch thick, effects a difference of 60 degrees of temperature under the circumstances stated above. (g.) Having suspended a thermometer in a flint glass bottle of 5 inches in diameter, and placed the stopper loosely in situ, I placed the bottle upon a non-conductor of heat (several layers of felt) just exterior to this window. The thermome- ter gradually rose, as might be expected, to 178 degrees of Fahrenheit. It was then placed upon the window frame, by sliding to one side the moveable part of the window until there was just sufficient space to admit the diameter of the bottle ; another thermometer was suspended round the neck of the bottle, and adjusted so as to hang close to that surface of the bottle which presented to the interior of the apartment. The internal thermometer remained constant at 178 degrees, and the external thermometer, which faced the interior of the apartment, never indicated a higher temperature than 110 de- grees of Fahrenheit. (h.) A little moisture adhered to the interior of the bottle when thus introduced, and the dew became deposited upon that side which was most remote from the fire. (z.) A bottle containing a piece of camphor was now sub- stituted for that which contained the thermometer. In four minutes the side of the bottle which was most distant from the fire became beautifully spangled with crystals of camphor. (k.) Cress seed which had been sown in a wooden trough supported beneath this window in the interior of the apart- ment, vegetated rapidly ; but although it remained constantly exposed to a very brilliant fire light, its appearance was pre- cisely similar to that which vegetated in the dark (viz. exhi- biting white and attenuated stems, with pale yellow leaves). There was no tendency in the plants to grow towards the fire light. I believe that whensoever dew is perceived upon one side only of a vessel containing water, the sid^ upon which 470 On Heat and Light as transmitted through Glass, the dew is deposited is the coldest side^ and that light has no influence whatsoever upon such a deposition. My experi- ments with camphor tend to a similar inference with respect to the deposition of crystals upon the sides of vessels contain- ing this substance. How that surface which is presented to- wards the sun (as in Professor Draper’s experiments) becomes the coldest, is a paradoxical problem yet to elucidate. {1) If paper which has been prepared for heliographic purposes by a solution of nitrate of silver be partially covered by a piece of crown window glass, and then exposed to the direct rays of the sun, that part of the paper which has been thus covered will be rendered darker after a few minutes’ ex- posure, than that which has been equally exposed, but un- covered. The experiments which I made during the last summer upon the effects of solar light upon paper prepared with ni- trate of silver, indicated that the maximum depth of tint en- sued from its transmission through ordinary unstained crown window glass; that the next tint in intensity was produced by the direct solar rays upon the uncovered, and perfectly exposed surface of the paper. The third in intensity, and almost equal to the second, was produced by the transmission of the sun’s rays through glass of a Waterloo blue” colour. The fourth, through dark violet coloured glass. The fifth, through purple do. The sixth, through amber do. The seventh, through brown yellow do. The eighth, through dark green do. The ninth, through light olive green do. The tenth, through blood red do. The eleventh, through crimson do. The twelfth, through bright red do. From the ninth to the twelfth there was no very remark- able effect produced by the solar rays after an hour and a half’s exposure. The crown glass, the blue, the violet, and the purple glasses produced deep tints, with which none produced from the other coloured glasses could be compared but as contrasts. The colours here mentioned were the only colours tried. There are one or two other peculiarities about crown glass which deserve notice. 1st. Why shpuld the colour of unannealed window glass be much lighter and brighter than that of similar glass when annealed ? 2ndly. The specific gravity of a specimen of very pure doubly-terminated quartz at 64° Fahrenheit was 2*6577. Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ ^c, 471 The spec. grav. of Isle of Wight sand at 64° Fahrenheit was 2*64<4. The spec. grav. of crown window glass (as made at Nailsea,) is 2*532. Its ingredients are sand, soda, and lime. Now, if we leave the silex a constant quantity, how is it that any increase of lime, or of soda, increases the specific gravity of the resulting glass ? Any addition of alumina will produce the same effect. In mentioning an increase of lime, or of soda, or of alu- mina, I mean of course, an increase beyond the usual pro- portions of each ingredient commonly employed. I have the honour to remain. Gentlemen, yours, &c. Wraxall, near Bristol, CHARLES ThorntoN CoATHUPE. March 4, 1840. LXX. On the Mineral Structure of the South of Ireland^ *with correlative matter on Devon and Cornvoall^ Belgium^ the Eifel^ ^c. By Thomas Weaver, Esq.^ F,B,S,^ F,G.S,, M,R.LA,, ^c, 8^c, [Continued from p. 404, and concluded.] POSTSCRIPT, QINCE the preceding pages were committed to the press, a ^ paper by Mr. Griffith, entitled On the True Order and Succession of the Older Stratified Rocks in the neighbour- hood of Killarney and to the north of Dublin^,” has reached my hands. In reference to the vicinage of Killarney, I feel it incumbent on me to offer a few remarks. I think it unfortunate that Mr. Griffith should persevere in placing in the same parallel, and designating by the same name, two series of strata which by his own showing are clearly in a different order and in a different position ; thus pursuing the same course in Kerry as in Waterford, alike productive of obscurity and confusion, by a misapplication of the term old red sandstone.’’ Thus this formation, which is so well characterized in the Slieve Meesh range (Cahir- conree of Mr. Griffith), by its peculiar beds, horizontal dis- position, and in overlying unconformably the older stratified rocks situated on the west (which latter generally approach the vertical position), is placed in parallel with those beds of conglomerate, sandstone, quartz-rock (greywacke), and clay- slate, occasionally coloured of a reddish hue, which form incidentally intercalated conformable portions of the consecu- * Loud. andEdinb. Phil. Mag. for March 1840, with a plan and two sections. 472 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ tive transition series, and to all, or some, of such beds as the case may be, when thus coloured, affixing also the term “ old red sandstone e. g., in Macgillicuddy’s Reeks, in Dunloe Gap, in Purple, Tomies, and Glenaa mountains, in Brickeen island and Muckruss peninsula, and in the valley of Ken- mare. Yet Mr. Griffith himself, in combating the positions of Mr. Charles W. Hamilton, insists that the red sandstone, where occurring in these localities, has been deposited con- formahly on the older slate (which latter he seems disposed to refer to the Cambrian or Silurian aeras), and in a descending order graduates imperceptibly into that rock*. This being admitted, v/hy not designate this a transition red sandstone (as I have always done) in contradistinction to the old red sandstone of the carboniferous epoch, found in unconformable position, and commonly distinguished, in some parts of its extent at least, by beds of red clay, red marly clay, and red slaty clay ; e. g., in the Slieve Meesh range and in Kerry Head? Much ambiguity would be avoided by observing this difference in language. Again, after such an admission, it may be asked, why are these rocks, together with the lime- stone of Muckruss, of the islands of the Lower Lake of Kil- larney, and extending toward that town, blended by Mr. Griffith with the carboniferous series? This limestone within its own area not only alternates with certain beds of the older stratified rocks, the prevailing dip being to the south, but in their lateral extension it is enveloped by and interlocked with them, which latter relation is clearly proved by the posi- tion cf the greywacke, sandstone, and slaty-rocks in the north- western portion of Muckruss peninsula, intervening between the limestone of the islands on the north and that of the south-eastern portion of the peninsula. Mr. Griffith con- ceives he has solved the question by the introduction of a faidt ranging from Dunloe Gap through Purple, Tomies, Glenaa, and the southern part of Brickeen Island, and under Turk Lake to the main land east, where it is confessedly not visible, diluvial matter occupying the surface. This supposed fault does not appear to rest on any proof of actual disrup- tion by an up or down thrown or by a lateral movement^ but to be merely an inference drawn from the difference of strike observable between the strata that have been interrupted in their eastern and western continuation by the excavation of Dunloe Gap or by the formation of Turk Lake or the Lower Lake. I have seen no such dislocation in the masses extend- ing from Dunloe Gap through Purple, Tomies and Glenaa * L. & E. Phil. Mag. March, p. 162, 166. Dewn and Cornwll^ Belgium^ the Eifel^ ^'c. 473 mountains, to Brickeen island (beyond which to the east everything must be imaginary), as is indicated in Mr. Grif- fith’s plan and sections ; nor does he clearly aver that he has seen such himself, his idea of dislocation appearing mainly to rest on a seeming unconformity arising from some dif- ferences of strike*. The whole question, I think, is simply solved by two considerations : 1st, by the inosculation of the several strata, whether schistose, conglomerated, or calcare- ous, in the line of their strike, while all dip conformably south ; 2nd, that where the line of strike has been irregu- larly broken through by superficial excavations on the exist- ing dry land, as in Dunloe Gap, or by the intervention of spaces occupied by water, as in the Lower Lake of Killarney, and in Turk Lake, thus separating and removing from obser- vation the direct continuity of strata, if we find some difference of strike in the opposite dismembered masses, it is not ne- cessary to imagine a fault in the case, and to represent the distant strata as forming, wLen protracted, abutting angles upon such a line of fault, since a simple flexure of the strata upon the line of strike explains the whole matter at once. And this is quite in accordance with the general observation I have made on the older stratified rocks of the south of Ireland, as possessing, when viewed on the large scale, an east and west strike, yet subject to inflections from that line, which are locally of greater or less extentf. The opposite shores of Turk Lake, and those of the Lower Lake of Kil- larney also, being thus brought into connexion by a simple curvature of the strata, remove all difficulty, bearing in mind that the constituent strata are not persistently continuous, but interlock with each other; and the same may be affirmed with respect to the relations in Dunloe Gap. But if the supposed fault were even real and not imaginary, how would it prove that all the strata north of it belong to one aera, and those to the south of it to another, while ana- logous strata in the valley of Kenmare are in uninterrupted connexion with each other, being there also included in and interlocked one with the other, and not persistently continuous *■ Lend, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. for March 1840, pp. 163, 166, 171. f Geol. Trans., vol. v., second series. Memoir on the South of Ireland, § 7. — It is as if we w^ere to draw a straight line to denote the general east and west strike, and then upon this straight line to trace an undulated one, the successive curvatures of which rising above and falling below the straioht line, would express the local strikes. In such a view it is obvious, that if the inflected line be divided into parts, and certain intervening portions be removed, that the remaining separate parts may appear to have a different strike relatively to each other, although in fact constituting portions of the same series, as, for example, in the opposite shores of Turk Lake. 474 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland, beyond a certain extent ? The key presented by Mr. Griffith does not appear to me to answer the purpose, nor can I perceive the anomaly which he conceives to arise from the southerly dip being persistent*; since among transition strata some are presented to us merely as intercalated bands with a corresponding dip, while others of a similar character are deposited in troughs^ e. g., in Nassau and Belgium con- trasted with the Eifel, as noticed in a preceding part of this paper. The whole subject, so far from being of a mysterious cha- racter f? strikes me as sufficiently clear, and which I think may be made to appear by merely taking Mr. Griffith’s own statements for our guide. Let us, in the first instance, follow him from the entrance of Dunloe Gap on the north and as- cend to the summit of the Reeks on the south ; and in the second, consider the view taken by him of a proposed section drawn across Dingle peninsula from Brandon bay on the north, to Feilaturrive on the south ; in both cases employing his own language, more or less condensed, yet placing the series under numbers for the sake of greater distinctness. From Dunloe Gap upward, the succession is thus given f: 1. Reddish-grey quartzose rock; coarse-grained reddish- grey conglomerate ; coarse-grained brownish-red slate (quar- ried for roofing slate); red quartzose sandstone alternating with coarse slate, the sandstone presenting occasionally a con- glomeritic character §. 2. Chloride quartz-rock, alternating occasionally with thin beds of green and purple clayslate ; grey quartzose beds, alter- nating with thin beds of purplish clayslate. 3. Reddish-grey quartzose beds, alternating with thin beds of purplish clayslate. 4. Higher up, in ascending to the summits of the Coumeen Peest or eastern ridge of the Reeks, the strata become more red, and pass into a brick or cherry-red quartz-rock with some beds of conglomerate, identical in colour, composition, and structure with the red sandstone situated to the north of * bond, and Edinb. Phil. Mag. for March 1840, p. 163. t Ibid.y p. 166. t Ibid. pp. 163 to 165. ^ Compare this with the description which I have given of the entrance to Dunloe Gap, in my Memoir on the South of Ireland, in ^ 10, in which I have shown that these strata vary in their dip between the vertical and the horizontal, subject to undulations from north to south, yet with a general dip to the south. It is here Mr. Griffith introduces his supposed fault, but which, as before stated, I conceive to be merely an apparent de- viation in the line of strike proceeding from an interrupted curvature of the strata. Devon and Cornvoall^ Belgium^ the Eifel^ 47 5 the (supposed) fault in the Gap of Dunloe, but not so coarse-grained*. The conglomerate on the top of the Reeks is perfectly conformable with the underlying strata, and, in fact, a regular gradation may be traced from the lower or chloride portion of the series through the reddish-grey into the brick-red quartz-rock and conglomerate. Proceeding now to the Dingle peninsula, the succession given also from north to south, namely, from Brandon bay to Feilaturrive, is as follows 1. Dark blackish-gray clayslate, the upper beds of which alternate with reddish-purple slate, some of which contain Silurian fossils. 2. Red slaty conglomerates, alternating with red and green slate and brown quartz-rock. 3. Chloritic quartz-rocks, with alternating purplish and reddish-grey clayslate, similar in composition and character to those of the Gap of Dunloe, and of that district generally. Now, on the preceding I have to observe, that, as the pre- vailing dip of the strata is to the south, these rocks of the Dingle peninsula may be considered as lying deeper in the series than those which range in a more southerly parallel, namely, as extending from Dingle bay to the lakes of Killar- ney ; yet the whole, on both sides of the bay, may assuredly be considered, in reference to their general composition, struc- ture, and characters, as closely related to each other, and as forming one sequence ; and taken in this point of view, there appears no difficulty in assigning the red conglomerate, red sandstone, and red slate at the entrance to and in Dunloe Gap to their proper position in the series. Mr. Griffith admits that in the higher parts of the Reeks (No. 4, as given above) the same red conglomerate is found as occurs below in the Gap of Dunloe (No. 1), the latter being succeeded by the chloritic quartz-rock (No. 2), which alternates with thin beds of green and purple clayslate. Again in the Dingle peninsula we find also red slaty conglomerates (No. 2 of that series), succeeded by chloritic quartz-rocks (No. 3), which alternate with purplish and reddish clayslate. Surely the analogy here is very close, bespeaking alternations of similar rocks HI a line from north to south. In the Dingle peninsula the red conglomerates (No. 2) repose upon the blackish-grey clayslate (No. 1 ), with beds of reddish-purple slate, and some * Lond. andEdinb. Phil. Mag. for March 1840, p. 165. But the con- glomerate visible in the western ranges of the Reeks, in Lisbug mountain, is fully as coarse-grained as that of the Gap of Dunloe. t /6id,p. 167. 476 Mr. Weaver on the Structure of the South of Ireland^ Silurian fossils. The immediate substrata of the Dunloe red conglomerate, sandstone, and red slate are not visible, being unconformahly overlaid on the north by the carboniferous limestone in the western quarter, and by the coal formation in the eastern ; while, on the other hand, the transition series of the Dingle peninsula, just described, are unconformahly overlaid on the east by the old red sandstone of the Slieve Meesh range (Cahirconree of Mr. Griffith); the difference in the seras of production between the transition series and the carboniferous series being thus in both cases clearly marked^'. To the south of the strata of which we have been speaking, there is a band of blackish-grey clayslate, which may deserve Mr. Griffith’s attention. It is traversed by the new line of road from Killarney to Kenmare, as it passes up by the line of the Upper Lake, and if duly examined might perhaps be found productive of fossils. This instance may suffice to show that there is no want of repetition of similar beds in a line traversing the series from north to south. In the general succession occur also well-defined greywacke and greywacke slate, terms which being out of favour with some geologists, Mr. Griffith appears to avoid using, although highly distinctive and useful when employed in a legitimate sense. Upon the whole, I see no reason to depart from the opinion which I have formerly given, namely, that the limestone of the region of Muckruss extending to Killarney, is a local deposit enveloped and intercalated in the general transition series. And the same view, as to their forming portions of the consecutive series, applies to the other limestone bands in the south of Ireland, whether inclosed in and interstrati- fied with the adjacent rocks, or merely superimposed and interstratified in the form of a trough with the subjacent series. In the valley of Kenmare this latter position appears to be established by the detailed researches of Mr. Griffith, which, I confess, escaped my observation. That among the strata in immediate association with the bands of limestone in the south of Ireland, some should be found, whether bearing the character of sandstone or clay- slate, containing certain vegetable remains, cannot be held sufficient to invalidate the general view which I have taken ; 1st, because such remains are not wholly foreign to a transi- tion country ; and 2nd, because it has been shown that the older stratified rocks of the south of Ireland form one con- secutive series. * See my Geological Map of the South of Ireland in Geol. Trans., vol. v., second series. [ 477 ] LXXI. On the Form o/Eudialyte. Bj/ Professor Miller^. The angle between normals to two adjacent faces p, of one of the rhombohedrons of eudialyte, is stated to be 106° 20' in some mineralogical treatises, and 106° 36' in others. A very accurate determination of its form is difficult on account of the unevenness and dullness of its faces. In order if pos- sible to render it a little less uncertain, I measured some very perfect crystals, for which I am indebted to Dr. A. Smith of Dublin, and also some of the best crystals in Mr. Brockets collection. The resulting values of the angle between nor- mals to the faces o and jo, either given immediately by ob- servation or computed from the angles between other pairs of faces, after excluding all the observations that were unsatis-. factory on account of the largeness of their difference from the mean, or the indistinctness of the reflected images, are 67° 42'-- -40'— 44'— 48'— 41'— 39'— 45'-~4l'- 35'—43'~4l' -—47' — 41' — 36' — 40'— 47' — 42' — 47'. The angles betvreen normals to the faces calculated from the mean of the pre- ceding values of o p, are 0 u 90' ' 0' c u 30' ° 0' 0 c 90 0 zz^ 53 35 0 z 31 22 X 84 4 0 X 50 38 pp' 106 30 op 67 42 5 s' 116 4 0 s 78 25 U t 13 59 ot 81 11 p t 22 46 The symbols of the forms to which the different faces be- long are, in the notation which I have adopted in my treatise on crystallography. o {ill}, c {211}, u {101}, p (lOOjj ^{110}, ^ {211}, 5 {111}, t {201}. St. John’s College, Cambridge, May 6, 1840. * Communicated by the Author. [ 478 ] LXXII. On some Phcenomena of the Voltaic disruptive Dis- charge. By W. R. Grove, Esq.-w saw Is aw s = w 3 Hydrochloric acid (s) Water (w) saw saw saw saw 4 Solution of chlorine (c) Water {w) o w caw caw C=W 5 Solution of chlorine (c) Hydrochloric acid (w) c~a s c>- s os c as c :> s 6 Caustic potash (a) Water (w) a>^w a w a:a w a aw 7 Ammonia (a) Water (w) a~aw a w a aw a>w 8 Carbonate of soda (n) Water (w) naw naw naw naw 9 Sulphuric acid (s) Borax (b) s :> 6 s~ah s 'ab s>-b 10 Sulphuric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (i) s ai s>~ i s>- i sai 11 Hydrochloric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (i) s ai i s>-i s ai 12 Sulphuric acid (s) Sal-ammoniac (1) sal sal s-al sal 1. With platina s'::^ w merely weak^ already diminishing on the second im- mersion, and then saw stronger than with silver, copper, tin ; with tin saw increasing. 2. Results differing w^ith silver, sometimes s =zw, sometimes s w, in most cases however decidedly saw. 3. All action feeble ; with copper however pretty strong. 4. With platina and copper very strong, somewhat weaker with silver. With tin an inclination to caw. 5. With platina and copper very strong, with silver weaker, with tin only the first (strong) deflection c as, immediately succeeded by strong os. 6. With silver a~aw strong, after which, though to a slighter extent, with tin the a aw. *J. Strongest effects with silver and copper. 8. Action feeble, strongest with platina and copper. 9. Action pretty strong, weakest with silver. 10. With platina in two experiments, first s~ai very strong, which however rapidly decreased and changed into s ai quite as powerful. In all the fol- lowing experiments, although the platina was always previously heated, the first effect was s ai and generally very strong, sometimes moderate at the commencement, and on repeated immersion increasing. — With silver and cop- per action very strong, with tin likewise but opposite. 11. With non-heated platina, sometimes, but very feeble, s > i, passing into s < i. But with heated platina immediately and very strong s a i. With sil- ver and copper s> i very strong, with tin s ai moderate. 12. With copper the s 1 strong, still stronger sal with tin. With a cir- cuit of tin and copper likewise s >7# 496 M. PoggendorfF on Galvanic Circuits composed of No. Fluids of the degrees of concen- tration mentioned. Zinc. Platina. Zinc. Silver. Zinc. Copper. Zinc. Tin. 13 Hydrochloric acid is) Sal-ammoniac (Z) 5>Z s ^l s^l s --h z>-b Z :::^h z:z^b 18 Sulphate of magnesia (m) Borax (h) m>- h m m m:>~ b No. Fluids of the degrees of concen- tration mentioned. Iron. Platina. Iron. Silver. Iron. Copper. Iron. Tin. 19 Sulphuric acid (s) Water (vf) 5 > w s s=. w sew; sew 20 Hydrochloric acid (s) Water (w) s^w s sew sew 21 Caustic potash (a) Water (iv) a cw a^w a-i s:z^ i s > Z s^i 24 Hydrochloric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (Z) s> i s^i Z s::^ i s ^i 25 Sulphuric acid (s) Borax (&) s::^b s^b s >- Z> s> 6 26 Sulphuric acid (s) Sulphate of zinc (z) s^z s- * at first and slowly passing into s c i only once ob- served ; subsequently always immediately s < i. With silver and copper i very strong. 25. With copper and tin strong. 20. With platina strong, after which tin. Two Fluids, and of Two Metals not in Contact. 497 No. Fluids of the degrees of concen- tration mentioned. Tin. Platina. Tin. Silver. Tin. Copper. 27 Sulphuric acid (s) Water (w) sew s >► w s:e w 28 Nitric acid (s) Water (w) sew sew sew 29 Hydrochloric acid (s) Water (w) sew sew sew 30 Caustic potash (a) Water (w) a = w a~>-w a>w a>w 31 Ammonia (a) Water (w) a ew aew aew 32 Sulphuric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (i) s>-i s>i s>^i 33 Hydrochloric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (i) s~z^i s ei s>i s~z^i No. Fluids of the degrees of con- centration mentioned. Amalg. of Zinc. Platina. Amalg. of Zinc. Silver. Amalg. of Zinc. Copper. Amalg. of Zinc. Tin. Amalg. of Zinc. Iron. Amalg. of Zinc, distilled Zinc. 34 Sulphuric acid {s) s>^w sew sew s e IV s>- w sew Water (w) sew S>- 2V S>W 35 Hydrochloric acid (6f) s > w sew sew S>^ IV s >- w sew Water iw) sew s~z^w S>W 36 Caustic potash (a) a':z^w a > w a>-w aew a>w aew Water (w) a~z^w 27. With silver and copper the s'>- w weak, often s — w, 28. All weak, yet yji^plaiina the first deflection = 20°. 29. Actions weak, the least so with copper. 30. With silver and copper stronger than With, platina. 31. With silver and platina weak, with copper pretty strong. 32. Silver and copper strong, platina very feeble. 33. With platina both the s i sls also the subsequent s < 2 weak. With silver and copper the s > i very strong. 34. In all the experiments with amalgamated zinc plates these were con- stantly kept in the fluids, and the negative plates only were taken out and immersed both at the same time. — MSf'Mi platina only the first deflection of 10° to 20° in the direction s>- w, succeeded by one of 90° in the direction of s ^w. The effect far more energetic than with silver, copper, tin, and than with distilled, not amalgamated, zinc in similar experiments (although here as well as in No. 1 platina had been heated to redness). — With iron im- mediately a very slow deflection of 20° to 30°, then a tranquil increase of the deflection to a permanent value of 40° and above. — With zinc immediately 70° in the direction s ^w, rapidly decreasing and passing into s > to 20°, 35. In this case with platina the reversion evident, but making its appear- ance slowly ; after repeated immersions only s < iv. — Tin forming an excep- tion from No. 3, 20, 29. — With iron no increasing effect as in No. 34, but giving a stronger one than there. — Zinc as in No. 34. 36. With platina weak, with copper somewhat stronger, but very strong with silver and iron. The a c:w with tin pretty powerful ; both effects weak with zinc. Fliih Mag, S. 3, VoL 16, No. 105, June 1840, 2 L 498 Mr. G. Walker on the moving the Knight over No. Fluids of the degrees of con- centration mentioned. Amalg. of Zinc. Platina. Amalg. of Zinc. Silver. Amalg. of Zinc. Copper. Amalg. of Zinc. Tin. Amalg. of Zinc. Iron. Amalg. of Zinc, distilled Zinc. 37 Ammonia (a) Water (w) a>^w a w a:z> w a>-w 38 Sulphuric acid (5f) Iodide of potassium (i) s < z s>- i sci sci s>-i s < 4’ s:z^i 39 Hydrochloric acid (s) Iodide of potassium (i) si s ci sc:i 5 > 4 s i 37. With 'platina, copper, and zinc feeble, stronger with silver, still stronger with tin, and exceedingly strong with iron. 38. Even with non^ieated platina the s -< i powerful. The i also strong with silver and copper, less so the s c i with tin. With iron the action ex- ceedingly energetic, first a deflection of 40° in the direction s c i, immediately succeeded by one of 90° and oscillations between 90° and 80° in the direction s > i. — With just the same, the first deflection in the direction = 90°, the second in the direction s > i = 90° followed by oscillations between + 90 and -h 75°. 39. Even with non-heated platina s < * powerful, with it at least no rever- sion. With silver and copper action very strong. — With tin the s> i weak, slowly, and especially after repeated immersion passing into s -c. i. — With iron only the first deflection of 60° to 70° in the direction s < «, the second immediately in the direction s > i = 90°, then- oscillations from + 90° to + 80°. — With zinc precisely the same. A careful glance at the facts contained in these Tables will justify the correctness of the positions above advanced. I will here draw attention to some distinct cases which will establish them more perfectly. [To be continued.] LXXV. On the moving the Knight over every Square of the Chess-board alternately. By George Walker, Author of various Works on Chess ; and Honorary Secretary of the St, George’s Chess Club, To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal, Gentlemen, VT OUR Number for the present month has just come into my hands, and I find it contains an interesting paper upon the knight’s move, by Dr. Roget, to which my attention is particu- larly drawn, from the circumstance of that essay having, it ap- pears, been suggested by one of my chess articles in Fraser’s Ma- gazine (see Fraser of March 1840.). In that memoir, the sub- ject of the knight’s circuitous leap was merely touched upon en every Square of the Chess-board alternately, 499 passant ; ray object being only to give a method by which the cavalier could be guided mechanically through the la- byrinth of the sixty-four squares, without the director’s seeing the board, but ordering the move from memory alone ; and the means furnished by me seem fully to meet the end in view. Dr. Roget’s solution of the problem is highly inge- nious, and it has given me much pleasure to follow his knight over the field. The subject having been once broached in your scientific Journal, it is my present aim to add in some degree to the materials already contributed by the learned se- cretary of the Royal Society. Those who have not gone deeply into chess are hardly aware that a whole library has been written upon the knight’s move, and ten thousand modes are printed in which the feat may be performed. Many of these methods are coupled with the most curious conditions, and must have taken long years to perfect. In addition to the authorities quoted by Dr. Roget, I append a list of works and writers, exclusively devoted to the problem in question. That so much time has been well spent, I am not prepared to admit; although the matter is as fair a hobby to ride as any other species of solitary calculation : but attached enthusiastically as I am to the prac- tice of chess as a game, I cannot but regret the same energies have not been applied to illustrate points more immediately connected with the conduct of our scientific sport. Many parts of chess, particularly the openings and endings of the game, are capable of mathematical demonstration; and to name one, the celebrated study of what should be the legiti- mate termination of the strife by King, Rook, and Bishop, against King and Rook only, has been an open question from earliest time. Philidor, at the head of a strong body of chess scribes, considers the Rook and Bishop ought to win by force ; while an equal number of writers entitled to authority dis- miss this quantum of conflicting strength as a drawn game. To him who shall first give a printed solution of this highly difficult problem, the thanks of the European chess circle would be eagerly and gratefully tendered ; and we should be proud to enrol him in the St George’s Chess Club, as the man who had achieved a task, compared with which the la- bours of Hercules were but as typical. To lay down a general principle by which the march of the knight may be unhesitatingly guided over the 64 squares alternately is, however difficult, possible to be done ; and this without burdening the memory with letters, words, figures, or other cumbersome elements of similar machinery. The following is the best, because the most simple, of the nume-^ 2 L2 500 Mr. G. Walker 07i the K7iighfs Move at Chess, rolls different plans of action which have come under my ob- servation relatively to the subject. I take it from the most voluminous work extant upon the subject, being the Ger- man treatise of Warnsdorf. Place the knight to commence on any square of the board you please, marking such square with a wafer or counter to show it has been used, and marking in a similar manner each square on to which the knight leaps in succession. The knight being at his post as agreed on, let his first move be to that square from which, in play, he would command the fewest points, observing that if on two or more squares his power would be equal, he may go indifferently to either of those squares ; and that, as matter of course, a square once covered is not to be reckoned amongst those he commands, but must be dismissed altogether as done with. Continue moving him on this principle, and he will traverse the sixty- four squares in as many moves ; reckoning the setting him down originally on the square chosen for the starting-point as the first move. To exemplify this, suppose the knight to start upon the king’s bishop’s second square. In this case his first move must be of necessity to the corner ; since upon the rook’s square he would then command but one point, viz. the knight’s third ; the king’s bishop’s second, on which he start- ed, not to be again counted, but as a cajpiitmoi'tuum. Further explanation of matter so simple cannot be necessary. Permit me. Gentlemen, to express my gratification at seeing chess at length take its legitimate place among the higher branches of science, and its mysteries allowed to de- velop themselves upon your pages. The king of games is, indeed, now fully appreciated as the only rational mental re- creation,— the strongest auxiliary in the way of sedentary sport towards weaning the young from frivolous and exceptionable amusements, and furnishing their minds with healthy exercise. It has been recently enacted that chess may be played in the Royal Institution (Albemarle-street); and I cannot but hope the example will be followed, until chess-boards and chess-men will be found placed in the halls of meeting of every learned and scientific association throughout the kingdom. I have the honour to be. Gentlemen, your obedient servant, 1, Devonshire Place, Haverstock Hill, George Walker. April 1840. List of Wo7'ks aTid Writers above referred to, R. Willis. Attempt to analyse the Automaton Chess-player. Lond. 1821. 8 VO, pp. 40. ,501 M. Dumas on the La^ of Substitutions, Pratt’s Philidor. Lond. 1825, 8vo. (I pass over many Ma- gazine articles, and brief notices of the knight-problem, in numerous works on chess ; as well in various collections of a general character, as Guyot’s Recreations, &c.). Ciccolini. Del Cavallo degli Scacchi. Paris, 1836, 4to, pp. 70, and 20 large plates. (This volume treats not only on the problem of the knight’s move over the common chess-board of 64? squares ; but also on the larger field of 100 squares; as well as the circular board of 64?.). La Corso del Cavallo per tutti gli Scacchi della Scacchiere. Bologna, 1766, 4to. Collini. Solution du probleme du Cavalier, &c. Manheim, 1773, 8vo. pp. 62. Essai sur les problemes de situation. Rouen, 1783, 8vo. pp. 74?. Der Roesselsprung, &c. bei Eduard Billig. 1831, 24mo. pp. 64-. Warnsdorf, H. C. von. Des Roesselsprunges, &c. Schmal- kalden, 1823. 4to, pp. 68. Lettre adressee aux auteurs du Journal Encyclopedique sur un Probleme de I’Echiquier. Prague, 1773. Dollinger, 24? verschiedene Arten den Springer, 8cc, Wien, 1806, 8vo. Netto das Schachspiel : — And numerous other German writers. LXXVI. Memoir on the Law of Substitutions^ and the Theory of Mechanical Types, By M. Dumas. [Continued from p. 447.] Mechanical Types, A FTER having verified in a manner which satisfied my own conviction, the existence of certain chemical types, I tried the general application of this theory of types to all the known series produced by substitution, and last year at the School of Medicine I made this system of ideas the basis of iny lectures. But always constant to the experimental progress of the science, and wishing never to swerve from it, I asked myself whether it was necessary to class together bodies having the same formula, produced by substitution, but essentially dif- ferent in their most prominent chemical properties ? I said, the bodies produced by substitution are divided into two different classes: some evidently belong to the same 502 M. Dumas on the Law of Substitutions^ genus, to the same chemical type : the others could not take their place there. What place can be properly assigned to these kinds of bodies ? We have not to wait long for a reply, and it carries the law of substitutions to a degree of generality and importance which it does not belong to me to develop here, but which the order of ideas obliges me to indicate. The admirable work of M. Regnault on the aethers has indeed given an unexpected development to the theory of types. There is nothing more natural than to class in one genus bodies which approach so near as acetic acid and chlor- acetic acid : but there must be good reasons for admitting that there is a true analogy between Marsh gas Methylic aether C* O H® Formic acid C'^ Chloroform Ch" Bromoform 0“^ Br® Iodoform F {Q4 0 JJ4 Ch2 r c** o Bichloridated methylic aether < Perchloridated methylic aether O Ch^ Hydro-chlorate of methylene Ch^ Chloridated hydrochlorate of methylene {C-C f Ch^ H^ Bichloridated hydrochlorate of methylene Chloride of carbon C^ Ch^ Ch® Amongst these bodies, to which, without forcing anything, we might add prussic acid and ammonia, we meet with acids, bases, neutral bodies, and consequently substances the most unlike in an ordinary chemical view. M. Regnault admits, and, he purposes to prove, that all the bodies so unlike, chemically speaking, which this series con- tains, that all those which can be united in analogous series, have this in common, that they belong to the same mechanical system. I repeat that it is not for me to explain views which will be explained hereafter by their inventor, but I have to show in what these views differ from those which preceded them, to cause it to be felt how they complete what may now be called the general theory of substitutions. Moreover, it is 503 and the Theory of Mechanical Types, easy to class these ideas in the clearest manner, by the three following propositions : — 1. Experience proves that a body may lose one of its ele- ments and take another in its place, equivalent for equivalent ; this is the general fact of substitutions. 2. When a body is modified in this way, we may admit that its molecule has always remained intact, forming a group, a system in which one element has taken the place of another purely and simply. In this point of view, which is altogether mechanical, and which is that of which M. Regnault pursues the study, all the bodies produced by substitution present the same grouping and may be referred to the same molecular type. I look upon them as constituting a natural family. 3. Amongst the bodies produced by substitution, there are a great number which evidently keep the same chemical cha- racter, acting the part of acid or of base in the same manner and in the same degree as they did before the modification they have undergone. These are the bodies which I have considered as belonging to one chemical type, as making a part of the same genus, to speak the language of naturalists. Thus is explained the law of substitutions, thus do we give an account of the circumstances in which it is not observed. Every time that a body is modified without departing from its molecular type, it is modified according to the law of sub- stitutions. Every time that a body in becoming modified passes into another molecular type, the law of substitutions ceases to be observed in the action which ensues. Blue indigo is not a body of the same type as white indigo ; the perchloride of carbon does not belong to the type of olefiant gas ; aldehyd has departed from the type of alcohol ; hydrated acetic acid does not belong to the type of aldehyd, &c. The Academy will observe how, in this long series of re- searches, which has required six years of labour and the con- currence of the most skilful French chemists, we have risen from an obscure corner of the science, gradually and by the force of experience only, to the most general ideas of natural philosophy. I admit then that through all the substitutions that a com- pound molecule can have undergone, when for all its elements others have been substituted successively, so long as the mole- cule remains intact the bodies obtained always belong to the same natural family. When through the effect of a substitution, a body is trans- 504? M. Dumas on the Law of Substitutions^ formed into another which presents the same chemical ac- tions, these two products belong to the same genus. Alcohol, hydrated acetic acid, chloracetic acid, belong to the same natural family. Acetic acid and chloracetic acid belong to the same genus. Such are the bases of the natural classification of organic substances, which I shall have soon an opportunity of deve- loping before the Academy. Before going further, it is just to notice here the labours of the chemists who have directed the science towards the point of view which now occupies us. M. Regnault not only takes the first place in this respect, by the date of his observations, but by the importance of his researches and with respect to the ideas he has deduced from them, we must consider this young chemist as having ad- vanced more than any one the state of the science on this point. In my own name I can speak more freely than when I was commissioned to express the opinion of the Academy, and I think it my duty to declare here that the views of M. Reg- nault are connected with physical studies of the highest or- der, and that they give to the theory of substitutions a de- velopment as fortunate as it was unlooked for, in its applica- tion to the study of the most intimate physical properties of bodies. At the same time with M. Regnault, two other chemists well known to the Academy, MM. Persoz and Laurent, were also occupied in researches concerning the theory of substitu- tions. One of them indeed, M. Persoz, did not appear to occupy himself with the application of this theory ; but the formula by the help of which he endeavoured to express the composi- tion of a great number of mineral bodies, agreed perfectly with the developments which the theory of substitutions re- ceived by degrees from experience. The system of formulae adopted by M. Persoz, and the views which they express in mineral chemistry, have then found a fortunate application in a great number of facts which the theory of substitutions has led to the discovery of in organic chemistry. M. Laurent on his side has made a multitude of researches, and has published a great number of memoirs in support of the laws by which he sought to foresee and to explain all the phenomena of substitutions. As we saw above that the prin- cipal difficulty which is opposed to the approximation of acetic acid and of chloracetic acid consists in the similar func- tion which we are compelled to attribute to chlorine and to 505 and the Theory of Mechanical Types, hydrogen, it is of importance to remark here, that M. Laurent insisted on the identity of the function of the chlorine with that of the hydrogen in bodies formed by substitution long before it had been positively established by experience. It will not be my object now to write the history of the theory which occupies us ; when experience shall have sounded all the parts in succession, it will be useful to go into the dis- cussion of the d priori ideas which may have often predicted the results. Thus putting aside every historical question, and stopping only at facts, at the experiments which have served as a basis to my own convictions, in a word, consulting only my per- sonal impressions, I must say, that the first results in which I believed I could recognise in a decisive manner the ele- ments of a view arrested by this subject, are those which or- ganic chemistry owes to M. Malaguti. In fact, we know that this skilful observer has recognised, that aether, whether free or combined, may always lose two equivalents of hydrogen and gain two equivalents of chlorine, without any of its es- sential chemical characters undergoing alteration; for its power of combination remains exactly the same ; chloridated aether then is still aether. My conviction became complete, when I was able to re- cognise the precise nature of chloracetic acid, and when I saw chlorine take the place of all the hydrogen of the acetic acid, without modifying its capacity of saturation, without in any way altering what I term its fu7idamental properties ; chlo- ridated acetic acid then is still acetic acid. It is by setting out from these two facts, it is by adding those which M. Regnault had himself observed in the action of chlorine on the liqueur des Hollandais^ that I have tried to show that there exist, in organic chemistry, types capable of undergoing, without being destroyed, the most singular trans- formations as to the nature of their elements. More recently M. Regnault, in the memoir on the aethers which I have already quoted, giving a still greater extension to those views, considered the bodies formed by substitution as belonging to one mechanical system. We may wait with confidence for the developments which he promises to give to these first views. [To be continued.] [ 506 ] LXXVII. On an apparent Inversion of Perspective in viewing Objects with a Telescope, By James D. Forbes, Bsq., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh,^ IN October last, Sir John Robison directed my attention to a curious anomaly in the apparent perspective of ob- jects seen through a telescope which had been first mentioned to him by Mr. Whitwell. It consists in a complete seeming inversion of the true in- clination of two horizontal lines towards a vanishing point when seen through an ordinary telescope. The top and bot- tom lines of a row of windows, for instance, viewed obliquely, seem, within the limit of the field of view of the telescope to converge to a point on the opposite hand of the spectator from that indicated by the common rules of perspective, and by the experience of the naked eye. There is no better ex- emplification of the fact than by viewing the figure of a com- mon sign-board, not far from the eye and considerably fore- shortened, with a common pocket telescope. The letters appear gradually to increase from the nearer towards the more remote part of the inscription. That the appearance is such as we describe no one will readily admit who does not make the experiment for himself ; but once made, the fact appears so certain as to create sur- prise, that it does not always strike us, and that it has not (so far as I am aware) been mentioned in books on such sub- jects. The first time I saw the anomalous appearance in com- pany with Sir John Robison and Mr. W. A. Cadell, the explanation which I am about to state occurred to me as the true one. Not being particularly conversant with the subject of perspective, I contented myself with stating my opinion in writing at the time, and should probably have never recurred to the subject, had I not been lately requested to examine an ingenious paper, in which the reality of this distortion was admitted, and an attempt made to account for it by tracing the path of the rays through the telescopic lenses. Conceiving these investigations to be unsatisfactory, I made one or two simple experiments, which satisfied me completely of the accuracy of the view which I had previously taken of the matter, and which I now proceed to state. The fact to be accounted for is, that a parallelogram, A B C D, or a v»^ord composed of letters of equal height, which by common perspective assumes to the naked eye the Communicated by the Author. Prof. Forbes on an apparent Inversion of Perspective. 507 figure M B' C' D', when viewed through an erecting tele- scope has the inclination of the lines thrown the other way, or the surface then resembles the figures A" B" C" D"; at all events no one will hesitate to affirm that the letters really the most distant seem to be larger than the nearer ones That this singular effect is a mere optical illusion I never doubted : and I recently ascertained the fact by measuring roughly with a micrometer the apparent angles under which A" D" and B'' C' are respectively seen ; the former was al- ways found to exceed the latter, in other words the telescopic image is really convergent in the same direction with the un- magnified one, though the imagination in this case gives so completely the lie to the senses, that even when persuaded of the deception, and with the invariable standard of the micro- meter divisions before our eyes, it is impossible to relinquish the preconceived idea. The cause to which I assign this effect will appear a natural one to persons who are aware of the unperceived and mo- mentary train of reasoning by which we arrive at conclusions apparently almost intuitive. In every case in which the illusion now described is ob- * It is scarcely necessary to observe that this anomalous appearance is wholly independent of the position of the image in the field of view, and is therefore independent of the common errors of aberration. 508 Prof. Forbes on an apparent Inversion of Perspective^ served, the spectator has previously determined by his eye the real position of the plane of the object towards which he di- rects his telecope: and when he views that object with a mag- nifying power of two, he believes himself to be looking at an object twice as large in the same plane as before; or else (what comes to the same thing) the same object as before brought twice as near to him, but moved parallel to itself. In either of these cases, the vanishing point ought to remain exactly the same for the enlarged as for the original object. ah c dhQ?L board 4? feet long and 1 foot high,* the eye expects to see through the telescope magnifying twice, a figure similar to that which a board 8 feet long and 2 high would present in the same situation, that is, a figure a' 5' d d of which the upper and lower lines converge to the same point V as before; ut the eye really sees through the instrument a merely mag- nified image of ah c d^ namely d (5 c d, in which a! (3 is t V parallel to a 5, and consequently the vanishing point V is thrown twice as far off. What must the mind, reasoning through the information lent by the eye, infer respecting this enlarged object? One of two things. Either that the sign- board so seen is really not a parallelogram, but has its further extremity h- d higher than the nearer one ; or else^ that the board is a true parallelogram, but that the plane in which it lies is more nearly perpendicular to the line joining the eye and the object, a plane in short which will give to horizontal lines a vanishing point as far beyond V as that is from d. The former is the case when we look at an object to which we direct a telescope after having mentally formed an estimate of its position ; the latter, or an erroneous estimate of a plane of the object, occurs when a person looks suddenly through a telescope previously pointed in an unknown direction. I am not sufficiently conversant with works on perspective to be aware whether such a circumstance has before been no- ticed, but it was new to those whom I have had occasion to consult. At all events it is very singular that it should have remained so long generally unknown that all objects (generally speak- ing) are seen through a telescope in false perspective, Iffie general principle may be thus stated in a single sen- tence. By common perspective, all parallel lines in a single in vie^ming Objects mth a Telescope, 509 plane, or in any plane parallel to that, have a single vanishing point ; but the act of magnifying increases the distance of the vanishing point in the same proportion as it does the ap- parent dimensions of the object; consequently the magnified object is not seen in true perspective for its own plane. Edinburgh, March 13, 1840. JaMES D. Forbes. Postscript. — A casual circumstance brought to my recol- lection a few days ago an optical illusion mentioned (if indeed it was not shown) to me some years since by Sir David Brew- ster, the nature of which I could not perfectly recollect. Having applied to Sir David Brewster, he obligingly referred me to the Edinburgh Journal of Science for a notice of it, when it proved, as I expected, to be referable to the principle I have just been applying. A field,” says Sir David, may be so situated, that ” (from the perspective of the furrows or drills upon its sur- face) “ when seen through the telescope it appears like a per- pendicular or vertical voall of earth. This phaenomenon we have often seen in directing a telescope to a field above Mel- rose Abbey on the northern acclivity of the north-west Eildon Hill. This field is capable of being ploughed in the direction of its greatest declivity ; but when it is viewed through a telescope, the slope is such that the furrows do not appear to converge^ and the eye cannot readily perceive any difference between the breadth of the furrows at the remote end of the field and their breadth at the near end. The ob- server therefore immediately concludes that the field must be nearly in a vertical plane rising in front of him. This de- ception is a very remarkable one, and produces a singular effect on the mind when the field is covered with a crop, and when crows, &c. light upon it.” A more perfect illustration of the second form of the optical illusion which I have described could not be desired. Every one knows how imperfectly the eye estimates the acclivity of a plane in full view. The parallelism of the ridges is tacitly assumed, and as their apparent convergence diminishes ex- actly in proportion as the magnifying power of the telescope increases, the mind is forced to the conclusion that the plane is more nearly perpendicular to the line joining the eye and any point of it, than it really is. Flence it appears that Sir David Brewster noticed and published fourteen years ago one case of the curious obser- vation of Mr. Whitwell. March 17, 1840. * First; Series, iii, p, 88. [ 510 ] LXXVIIL — On the Heat of Vapours and on Astronomical Refrac- tions. By John William Lubbock, Esq.^ Treas. R,S. F.R.A,S. and F,L,S.) Vice-Chancellor of the University of London^ ^c, [Continued from p. 441.] ON THE PRESSURE OF STEAM. ^1 most accurate and extensive experiments by which the ac- curacy of these relations can be tested are those which have been made upon the conditions of steam. The following are the experi- ments of Arago and Dulong, as recorded in tom. x. of the Memoir es de V Institute p. 231 ; together with the temperatures calculated by the best empirical formulae*. Nos. des ob- servations. Elasticite en mdtres de mer- cure k 0°. Elasticite en at- mosph. de Om-76. Tempe- rature observee. Temperature calculee par la formule de Tredgold. Temperature calculee par la formule de Roche cdeff. moyen. Temperature calculee par la formule de Coriolis. Temperature calculee par la formule adoptee. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. 1 1-62916 2-14 123°-7 123°-54 123-58 123°45 122°97 3 2-1816 2-8705 133-3 133-54 133-43 133-34 132-9 5 3-4759 4-5735 149-7 150-39 150-23 150-3 149-77 8 4-9383 6-4977 163-4 164-06 163-9 164-1 163-47 9 5-6054 7-3755 168-5 169-07 169-09 169-3 168-7 15 8-840 11-632 188-5 188-44 188-63 189-02 188-6 21 13-061 17-185 206-8 206-15 207-04 207-43 207-2 22 13-137 17-285 207-4 206-3 206-94 207-68 207-5 25 14-0634 18-504 210-5 209-55 210-3 211-06 210-8 28 16-3816 21-555 218-4 216-29 218-01 218-66 218-5 30 18-1894 23-934 224-15 222-09 233-4 224-0 224-02 There are reasons which make it probable that in inquiries of this nature the scale of temperature as indicated by the expansion of air is to be preferred, although the difference between the indications of a mercury thermometer with that of air is not considerable. The following table is given by M. Pouillet (FMmens de Phy- sique^ vol. i. p. 259) for the centigrade scale : Temperatures indiquees par le therm, k mercure, a en- veloppe de verre. Temperatures indiquees par un therm, k air, et corrigees de la dilatation du verre. Volumes correspondans d’une meme masse d’air. - 36 - 36° 0-8650 0 0 1-0000 100 100 1-3750 150 148-70 1-5576 200 197-05 1-7389 250 245-05 1-9189 300 292-70 2-0976 Ebull. du mere. 360 350-00 2-3125 [* Many of the results stated in the table of the French chemists are absolutely iden- tical with those which had been published by Mr. Philip Taylor in 1822. See his Paper in the Philosophical Magazine, First Series, vol. lx. p. 452., and the accompanying en- graved Table of his experimental results, — Edit.] 511 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours^ %c. From the above I have deduced the following Table for Fahrenheit’s scale : Merc, therm. Air therm. Merc, therm. Air therm. 212 212 482 478-1 302 2997 572 558-9 392 3867 680 662-0 I now proceed to determine for steam the constants y and E by means of the observations of Dulong and Arago which I have quoted in the preceding page. For the air thermometer on Fahrenheit’s scale the experiments of Dulong and Arago [Mem. de V Institute vol. x.) give, 0 being reckoned in Fahrenheit’s scale and from the freezing point of water, 0=1 0 = 180 ” =480° ^ u p = 11-632 Sf = 334-7 p" = 23-934 0" = 396-4 I find from these observations ^ =[0-1140623], P' — 1 i- + 6' = 814-7 cc i- + r = 876-4. a the quantity within brackets being the logarithm of the corre- sponding number ; and hence I find j3 = -0134* -98677 —= 1-0134 ' r 1-17602 log jS = -0704184 JI= 6-6809. The pressure at the boiling point of water (212°) being unity, Jl [2-0651059] ^ + p *0134 _ 1.1^002’ so that if T is the number of degrees on Fahrenheit’s scale of the air thermometer, and the pressure p be reckoned in atmospheres. * This value of /3 appears to iue to be the only one which w ill satisfy the equation. 512 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours = _ J2'0651059] ^ 1-17602 ’ and if ^ be the density of steam, the relative volume q p — 1-17602} f {^'*013^ — 1-17602}' In order to ascertain how far the new expression here given for T represents the totality of the observations, 1 have calculated the temperatures corresponding to all the observed pressures in the ob- servations of Arago and Dulong, and the results are exhibited in the following table. Pressure in atmospheres. Temperature. Error of tem- perature cal- culated by Lubbock. Fahr. Observed. Calculated. Merc, therm. Cent. Merc, therm. Fahr. Air therm. Fahr. Air therm. Fahr. 2-1400 123-7 251-66 25°3-6 25°2-8 ~°8 2-8705 133-3 271-94 270-4 270-1 - -3 4-5735 149-7 301-46 299-2 299-4 + •2 6-4977 163-4 326-12 323-0 323-2 + •2 7-3755 168-5 335-30 331-9 332-3 + •4 11-6320 188-5 371-30 366-7* 366-7 0 17-1850 206-8 404-24 398-6 398-9 4- -3 17-2850 207-4 405-32 399-5 399-4 -•1 18-5040 210-5 410-90 404-9 405-3 + -4 21-5550 218-4 425-12 418-5 418-8 + •3 23-9340 224-15 435-47 428-4* 428-5 + •1 The observations marked with an asterisk were employed in de- termining the constants. The error of the temperature calculated by the formula adopted by Arago and Dulong corresponding to the first observation is — *73 cent, or — 1°*3 of Fahr. I have no doubt that the observed temperature is in excess, and the agreement with the rest of the observations is so complete, that within this range of temperature the formula may, I think, be considered as exactly representing the phenomena. The errors of the temperatures, calculated by the various empirical expressions which have been hitherto proposed, are much greater, as may be seen in the table of Dulong and Arago. The following observations are those of Southern, given in p. 172, vol. ii., of Dr. Robison’s Mechanical Philosophy. and on Agronomical Refractions, 513 Pressure. Temperature. Error of calculated temp. Pressure. Temperature. Error of calculated temp. Observed. Calculated. Observed. Calculated. Inch. 0 O Inch. •52 62 59-5 -2*5 4-68 132 131-4 --6 •73 72 69-3 -2-7 6-06 142 141-3 --7 102 82 79-3 -2-7 7-85 152 151-6 --4 1-42 92 89-9 -2-1 9-99 162 161-7 --3 1-95 102 1002 -1-8 12-64 172 171-8 -•2 2-65 112 110-7 -1-3 15-91 182 1820 0 3-57 122 121-3 - *7 29-80 212 212- The formula deviates slightly from the observations at very low pressures, Dalton says that it is next to impossible to free any li- quid entirely from air; of course if any air enter, it unites its force to that of the vapour. — Manchester Memoirs^ vol. v. p. 570. It must be recollected that according to theory the constants y and E are the same only as long as the chemical constitution of the vapour remains the same, and they vary for different substances. With regard to the nature of the accurate expression which con- nects the pressure with the temperature, opinions have hitherto been various. According to Dr. Robison, Mr. Watt found that w^ater would distil in vacuo when of the temperature of 70°, and that in this case the latent heat of the steam appeared to be aljout 100°; and some other experiments made him suppose that jthe sum of the sensible and latent heats is a constant quantity. This, Dr. Robi~ son says, is a curious and not improbable circumstance. Southern, on the contrary, concluded from experiments on the latent heat of steam at high temperatures that the latent heat is a constant quantity, instead of the latent heat + sensible heat being so. M. de Pambour, in speaking of Southern’s view, says, “ Cette opinion a paru plus rationelle a quelques auteurs, mais le premiere nous semble mise hors de doute par les observations que nous aliens rapporter.” It appears to me by no means clear that Watt entertained the opinion here attributed to him, for in a note in the Appendix to Sir David Brewster’s edition of Robison’s Mechanical Philosophy, vol. ii. p. 167, he professes to agree in the opinion there delivered by Southern. In p. 166 Southern records three experiments, from which he ob- tained 1171°, 1212°, and 124<5°, for the sums of the latent + sensible heat corresponding to the temperatures or sensible heat 229°, 270°, 295°. If we take the two extreme observations, we find a difference in the sum of the latent + sensible heat of 74 degrees, corresponding to a difference in the sensible heat of 66 degrees. If the conditions under which Laplace obtained the equation r = ^ e Phil. Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 105. June 1840. 2 M 514? Dr. Schafhaeuti on the Different Species of are admitted, the value of E different from zero shows that the absolute heat is not constant ; but the preceding theory does not appear to me to furnish the means of determining the value of Z), and hence of deciding with certainty whether the latent heat is constant, and whether in augmentations of heat the sensible heat only varies. I think there can be little doubt that the conditions assumed by Laplace actually ob- tain, and that the hypothesis attributed to Watt* must be aban- doned. The experiments recorded by Mr. Parkes in the 3rd volume of the Transactions of the Society of Civil Engi- neers, p. 71, which show that the quantity of fuel required to evaporate a given weight of water is nearly the same what- ever be the pressure of the steam, do not seem to me to au- thorize a different conclusion. For this is precisely what would take place if the latent heat be constant, and if the quantity of fuel required to generate the latent greatly exceed that required to generate the concomitant sensible heat. The quantity y has never before been determined for steamf or for the vapour of any liquid, properly so called, as far as I am aware. It may excite surprise that the value of y should come out less than unity. Both Poisson and Dulong assert that it is evident that y must surpass unity, but the reason which they assign appears to me inconclusive. [To be continued.] LXXIX. On the Combinations of Carbon mth Silicon and Iron, and other Metals, forming the different Species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, By Dr. C. Schafhaeutl, of Munich, [Continued from p. 434.] ^I^HE brown residuums of all white irons, when boiled with hydrochloric acid before ignition, parted with their iron with extreme difficulty. In one trial after boiling the mixture in a bottle whose neck vvas shut up with a capillary tube ; first no apparent change took place, and only hydrochloric acid escaped; after boiling an hour the contents of the bottle began to become thickish, a disagreeably smelling gas escaped, which when ignited burned with a small but intensely blue-coloured flame. * Mr. Sharpe has maintained the same opinion in the 2nd vol.|of the Man- chester Memoirs. See Dr. Thomson’s Outline of Heat and Elasticity, p. 198. t “ Quant a la valeur de elle nous est jusqu’a present tout-a-fait incon- nue.” — Poisson, Mec.y tom. ii. p. 652. 515 Cast Iro7iy Steel, a?id Malleable hon. After boiling for more than twenty-four hours, 20*4 grains left a dark-green residuum, weighing only 2*64 grains, and this residuum burnt in a dried stream of air in a horizontal glass tube, blackened with the first action of heat, and drops of water collected on the upper part of the tube. After the water was driven into its receiver, brown spots remained on the glass ; the drops of water collected smelt as if impregnated with tobacco-smoke, and the gas which escaped from the ap- paratus for collecting carbonic acid had the same smell, I collected carbonic acid 0*954 : water 0*238 : and there remained white silicon = 2*35. For 0*954 carbonic acid is = 0*2637810 carbon; and 0*238 water is = 0*0263942 hydrogen. Sum of carbon and hydrogen 0*2901752, This last amount is only less 0*1998848 grain and to account for the loss of carbon, hydrogen and azote which passed through the bulb glass containing the caustic ley in the form of the before-mentioned nicotianic gas. By boiling the residuum of white iron for a short time only in hydrochloric acid, very little iron is dissolved, and the remainder assumes a greyish colour, and becomes white or grey after the first ignition without first glowing like tinder. By boiling it with caustic alkalis only traces of silica are extracted, whilst a species of brownish humus was dissolved, which I found never to exceed in amount 2 per cent. ; the silica therefore must be contained in a chemical combination with carbon, azote and iron. A short ignition of the residuum on the contrary is suffi- cient to make the greatest part of the iron soluble in acids. If it is only heated, till it begins of itself to glow, the iron is dissolved by acids, and the evolution of hydrogen shews that the iron must be contained in a metallic state in the residuum. When, on the contrary, this remainder is heated as long as it absorbs oxygen, and then treated with acids, no evolution of gas takes place, and a mixture of protoxide and peroxide of iron is dissolved. As soon as this residuum begins to glow, carbonic acid, azote and a little hydrogen are invariably evolved, which shows the intimate connexion between the solubility of the iron and the carbon, azote and hydrogen in the residuums. Not only the evolution of hydrogen gas, but the powerful action on the magnet, proves, that the iron in these residuums must be contained in the metallic state. Even were we to con- sider it as protoxide, the great increase of weight, that is, the absorption of oxygen, which takes place during ignition, could not be accounted for. But as the iron, notwithstanding its metallic state, is not soluble in acids before ignition, we must 2 M 2 516 Dr, Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of assume that the metallic iron is in combination with carbon, azote and hydrogen, or perhaps in a state forming a sort of cyanet of iron. The relation of the quantity of constituents of the brown residuum of the iron is so stable and so accurately in atomic proportions, that we may safely conclude the quantity of carbon from the amount of oxygen absorbed. If we denote the increase of weight by letter (a), the oxygen of silicon as (5), the oxygen of iron by (/*), and the carbon by (a**), we obtain always the following simple formula, par- ticularly when we consider that the iron is oxidized according . 3 ... to the above-mentioned formula F F : = 5 -f f —a. In some French irons I found the relations of carburets of iron to the siliciuret approach S C^. F4 QA If we further consider, that the white silica only remains when the iron residuum has been exposed to a number of ig- nitions, and that after only a few ignitions it remains always dark black, soluble neither in alkalis nor acids ; we may find therein likewise a proof, that silicon is combined chemically with carbon. Further, the remainder of the residuum five times ignited had gained 0*028 grains, after the black-coloured scales had disappeared ; this increase in weight can only be ascribed to the oxidation of those black scales, which must have been a metal whose oxide was white. Further, if we consider that the remainder of the residuum only once ignited, after having changed its deep-black colour to white, and after emit- ting a great quantity of smoke, had only lost 0*05 11 grains; v/e may take all these circumstances as a certain proof that the silica obtained from these residuums must have been con- tained in the metallic state, and in combination with carbon, which is likewise to be suspected from its emitting bright red sparks when thrown into the flame of a candle. Having now considered partially by induction the relative combination of the ingredients of the residuums of white irons, we proceed to ascertain by experiment the quantity of the volatile bodies in the residuums. 60 grains of the same Maesteg white iron, freed from all fine powder, and treated in a retort with 4 oz. of hydrochloric acid of sp. gr. 1*108, generated no spongy foam whatever; the li- quid in the retort always remained transparent, and the action of the acid had ceased the next day. 13*711 grains of this residuum, corresponding with 35 grains Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, 517 of iron, gave by combustion in Liebig’s and Dumas’s appa- T’ClfllC Carbon .... 1*22^00 Hydrogen . . . 0*03684 Azote 0*264 The residuum of the same iron, treated with hydochloric acid, sp. gr. 1*14, left Carbon . , . 0*3862 Hydrogen . . 00297 Azote .... 0*2833 The actual quantity of azote and the other contituent cal- culated by direct chemical analysis, is shown in the follow- ing table : — For 35 grains in per cent. Silicon Aluminum Antimony Phosphorus Sulphur Azote . Carbon Iron . Loss . 0*353 0*030 0*559 0*030 0*112 0*268 1*505 32*033 00*110 1*00867 0*08571 1*59710 0*08553 0*32018 0*76371 4*30000 91*52282 00*31428 35*000 = 100*00000 Iron of the works of Creuzot, departement de Saone et de Loire. Specific gravity = 7*536 ; the colour of the fracture dead grey. Treated as usual with hydrochloric acid of spe- cific gravity 1*103. The evolution of hydrogen gas con- tinued for fourteen days. The escaping hydrogen had an in- tolerable smell, somewhat resembling the smell of §elenium. The remainder in the retort had retained the shape of the fragments of the iron previous to solution. When washed upon a filter, as soon as boiling water was poured upon the partially dry fragments, the air contained between the pores of the fragments escaped with the same hissing noise for a considerable time, as hydrogen escapes when hydrochloric acid is poured upon iron. In 35 grains of this iron 0*3213 grains of sulphur were contained, and the remainder was = 14*880 of a yellowish-brown colour. Concentrated hy- drochloric acid when cold had no further action upon it; when boiled with the same acid for ten minutes it had lost 4*586 grains of iron. The remainder = 10*294, heated in a platinum crucible, did not glow or take fire spontaneously ; but brought to a red heat, it at once attained a lively white appearance of ignition, which immediately subsided into its 5l8 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of original state, viz. a dull red heat. After cooling it had as- sumed a light-gray colour, arising from the intermixture of black with white spots, some of the white spots had aggregated into rather large reddish-white lumps. It gained in weight = O’ 795 and was very powerfully attracted by the magnet. I boiled it again with concentrated hydrochloric acid and ob- tained a residuum = 4*217 grains. Heated on the lid of a platinum crucible it began to ignite spontaneously, and had afterwards lost 0* 1 24 grains. Its colour now assumed a lighter gray appearance, and it looked more woolly and voluminous. It was still attracted by the magnet. The black spots must therefore be a compound of carbon, iron and silicon, which could be destroyed neither by fire nor by acids. I weighed again 14*880 grains of the above-mentioned re- siduum, and boiled it with hydrochloric acid for nearly thirty minutes. The remainder of the powder weighed now only 1'68 grains, was of a dirty yellowish-brown colour, and still re- tained the well-known smell of hydrogen gas. When heated it did not ignite spontaneously. It was apparently increasing in bulk, and began to assume a black colour, throwing up some dust on the sides of the crucible. After the crucible had acquired a white heat, the black colour rapidly disappeared, and a beautiful lemon-coloured powder remained, which after cooling, changed to a greenish yellow, and weighed T 12 grains. It consisted of 0*687 silica, and oxide of chromium and iron = 0*526. I mention these two experiments, to show the great difference betwixt the residuums of the two remainders, boiled for a shorter or longer time. The remainder loses its spon- taneous power of ignition the longer it is boiled in hydrochlo- ric acid, and the more iron that is extracted from it, not- withstanding the powder to a certain degree always retains the property of spontaneously igniting on the application of a certain heat, but the degree of temperature sufficient to cause this ignition rises higher the longer it is boiled. On being boiled for a short time only, and afterwards slowly ignited, the iron and perhaps silicon remain in a state of car- buret, which is unalterable either by heat or acids, and is powerfully attracted by the magnet. I mention here the curious circumstance, that when, in the above-mentioned remainder, which we found =• 1*68, we assume, instead of me- tallic iron, peroxide of iron, the loss is just equal to the quan- tity of carbon contained in 35 grains of iron. Oxide of iron . . 0*533 Silicon .... 0*281 Loss 0*866 1*680 519 Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron. I now proceed to show the results obtained when the above- mentioned residuum is treated, instead of acids, with caustic leys. 14*88 grains of this residuum, powdered and boiled with strong caustic potash ley for ten minutes, lost 0*261 grains. When the ley was poured over the powder it foamed like soap suds. A little hydrogen was disengaged, emitting (during the whole boiling,) an odour partly resembling that of heated asphaltuni and partly that of fresh peat. Shortly after the boiling commenced, the powder appeared to be swimming in the clear liquid like distinct black scales, closely resembling so-called graphite scales, separated from gray cast iron ; but when dried on the filter, those scales resumed their former yellowish-brown colour, and looked again like powder, with- out any trace of scales remaining ; which again confirms my former assertion, that all residuums of iron dissolved in hydro- chloric acid, are separated in scales. 14*619 grains of this boiled residuum, after being carefully heated, became dark-red brown, and had increased in weight 0*000 After the second ignition it became light red, and had increased in weight . . 1*269 After the third ignition it had increased in weight 0*608 After the fourth ignition it had increased in weight 0*296 After the fifth ignition it had increased in weight 0*222 2*395” After being boiled in hydrochloric acid, only 0*6901 grains of a light gray colour remained. After a lively ignition it weighed only 0*4006 grains, which consisted of a distinct mixture of white and black grains. Another residuum of 14*88 grains, boiled with caustic pot- ash ley for more than thirty minutes, lost 0*325 grains. The remaining 14*555 grains, after being ignited had assumed a light red colour, and had increased . . 1*871 Second time 0*486 Third time 0*249 Fourth time 0*000 0*606 During the process of boiling, the leys had extracted a mix- ture consisting of carbon, hydrogen, azote, and oxygen, with a very minute portion of silica. 35 grains of another specimen of Creuzot iron, whose specific gravity was = 7*305, treated 520 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of in the usual way with hydrochloric acid, left a residuum = 12*005. When heated carefully in a platinum crucible, it began to glow, and being quickly removed from the fire, after cooling it became black, and had gained , . , = O’OOOO After the second ignition it was observed to glow from within, and after cooling was found to be red within, covered with a black crust. It had gained 0*4500 After the third heating, a speck like a pin’s head only began to glow, and the whole mass only be- came ignited after the sides of the crucible were red hot, and had gained 0*8460 After the fourth ignition, (and it had now become light red) 0*8108 After the fifth ignition 0*2100 ,5 sixth 0*1624 „ seventh 0*1440 5, eighth 0*0180 „ ninth 00540 „ tenth „ 0*0000 2*6949 After being boiled with hydrochloric acid, the usual light gray powder remained = 1 *603. When ignited, it lost 0*3500, and a reddish-white powder was left amounting to 1*253 grains. The hydrochloric acid extracted from it peroxide of iron, contaminated with a little chromium = 0*5176, and left silica = 0*7353. The hydrochloric acid held in solution oxide of iron and chromium, and the whole remainder con- sisted therefore of Iron combined with silica . 0*3589 Iron and manganese . . . 9 3703 Phosphorus 0*9450 Silicon 0*3532 Aluminum ...... 0*0212 Azote 0*2521 Carbon 0*6685 Loss 0*0358 12*0050 The hydrochloric acid in the retort had dissolved Iron ....... Chromium Phosphorus . . . . The SLilphuret of lead yielded Sulphur . 0*3867 35*0000 521 Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, Or to calculate it centesimallv, 1-0090 0*0606 0*2412 0*0000 0*0000 0*0000 1*3820 3*1848 1*1050 0-7202 1*9100 r 62-7282 \ 27*5566 00*1023 100*0000 I only state here briefly, that in order to separate chromium, iron, phosphorus and alumina, I proceeded in the usual way, — by melting the first-dissolved and evaporated quantity of iron to be analysed with carbonate of soda in a platinum cru- cible, and dissolving the fused mass in distilled water. The solution contained the phosphoric acid, the chromium, and a little alumina and silica ; the remainder was oxide of iron, silica and alumina, and a little alkali. The solution kept quiet for some time in a dish covered with paper, in order to allow the manganese to separate, was neutralized with nitric acid and evaporated to dryness. After having been moistened by nitric acid and dissolved again, the silica was left behind. The filtered liquor, neutralized with ammonia, let fall a basic phosphate of alumina. From the again filtered liquor, acidulated with acetic acid, acetate of lead precipitated phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and chro - mium in combination with oxide of lead. Hydrochloric acid and alcohol separated the chromium from the precipitate, which consisted now only of phosphate of lead, sulphate of lead, and chloride of lead. From the solution, freed by means of sulphuretted hydrogen from all traces of lead, ammonia threw down the chromium in the state of oxide. We here see a new feature in white iron; the carbon of white coke-iron is always combined with a constituent hitherto to- tally overlooked, that is, azote. No white coke-iron which I analysed was free from it, nor any gray iron free from alumi- num. Tne best English cast steel as well as ^iSoootz and malleable iron, possesses the same property of being combined with azote. Now as malleable iron produced from gray pig iron contains Aluminum. Manganese Arsenic Antimony . Tin . . . Chromium Phosphorus Sulphur . Azote . . Carbon . . Iron . . . Loss . . 52 2 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of nevertheless a quantity of azote^ it must have been taken up during the process of puddling. Silicon is also a necessary ingredient in all sorts of cast iron ; no carhuration of iron would take place without its presence, and the iron appears only to have dissolved the carburet of silicon. Silicon shares this property of carbon- izing iron with manganese, and both are in some degree equivalent to each other, so that in certain cases the action of manganese is substituted for that of silicon. Such iron, in which manganese is substituted partially for silica, has that peculiar property of producing, in a certain species of refining fire, steel instead of malleable iron ; it is al- ways obtained from decomposed spathic iron ores; its fracture is silver white, and possessing a highly large laminous cry- stalline structure, and is the well-known spiegeleisen of the Germans. To give the reader an idea of the above-mentioned curious fact, I refer to the analysis of four sorts of white cast iron, made by the celebrated chemist Gay Lussac. The first speci- men is white, very similar to the other three. It produces ex- cellent malleable iron, but very inferior steel in the direct way. Iron from Champagne. De L’Iser. Siegen Coblentz in Germany. Carbon . 2-324 2-636 2690 2-441 Silicon . 0-840 0-260 0-230 0-230 Phosphorus .. . 0-703 0-820 0-162 0-185 Manganese , traces 2-137 2-390 2-490 Iron . 96-133 94-687 94-328 94-654 We see in the first specimen of the cast iron of Champagne, which produces excellent malleable iron, 0*840 of silicon with only a trace of manganese. In the second specimen, on the contrary, only 0*260 per cent, silicon are to be found, but, instead, manganese amounting to 2*137 per cent. If we consider the quantity of silicon in the first example as a standard, the three other specimens contain only 0*26, and therefore 0*58 silicon less ; now, 0*58 silicon wants 0*627 parts of oxygen to become oxidized to silica, but the quantity of oxygen which is necessary to convert the 2*137 of manga- nese into protoxide is 0*615 ; in fact, almost the same as for the silicon of the weight 0*58 before-mentioned. This quantity of manganese gives to such iron the property of producing steel immediately in the refining fire, instead of malleable iron ; and the explanation of this enigmatical pro- perty is given by the following facts, of which I shall treat more largely in another place. 523 Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron. The quantities of manganese and silicon are as 2*54 to 1 ; now, if we follow the process during the transition of this cast iron into steel, both those bodies have to burn away with the same quantity of carbon. By chemical analysis we find in the first two-thirds of the process, the quantity of man- ganese very rapidly diminishing in comparison with the car- bon, leaving the silicon quite untouched. On the contra- ry, when manganese is replaced by silicon, this last is oxi- dized so very rapidly, as it is in relation to manganese only like 1 : 2*54, so that the greatest part of the silicon is oxi- dized when more carbon is present than is necessary to pre- vent the iron from fusion at a white heat. When the carbon is so far diminished, that the iron begins to become suffici- ently solid for the hammer— all the silicon is oxidized, which gives, as we shall soon perceive, a hardness and tenacity to the steel. Before we take leave of these three specimens of cast iron, I must return to the solution of acetate of lead of specimen A, in which the sulphuretted hydrogen had been collected. The precipitated sulphuret of lead, as before mentioned, was not crystallized in scales; on the contrary, it had a viscous dark brown appearance; and after some days standing, I found it to contain rhomboidal columns of white crystals deposited on the bottom of the bottles in needle-like aggregations, and in a vertical position on the sides. On first inspection I considered them as crystallized acetate of lead, but their dif- ficult solubility, however, in distilled water, induced me to ex- amine them more closely ; and by trying them with the blow- pipe, the rising copious white fumes covering the charcoal immediately showed the presence of antimony, and the well- known yellow ring around the crystals on the charcoal plainly signified the presence of lead. The crystals them- selves, treated with concentrated sulphuric acid, disengaged acetic acid, and the crystals therefore consisted of antimony, lead, and acetic acid. The above-mentioned treatment of 60 grains of white iron with hydrochloric acid of the specific gravity IT 03, left 2 ’92 grains of sulphuret of lead mixed with antimony and acetate of lead, and the precipitate contained 0*833 antimony. It is remarkable, that not only almost all the antimony escaped with the hydrogen, but that the antimony was likewise deposited in the acetate of lead, being also oxidized and con- verted into an acetate, and that no trace of antimony followed the hydrogen after it had passed the second bottle. [To be continued.] 524f Mr. Davies’s Solutions of the Questions of LXXX. — Notices respecting Nem Books, Solutions of the principal Questions of Dr. Hutton s Course of Ma- thematics ; forming a general Key to that work, designed for the use of Tutors and private Students. By Thomas Stephens Davies, F.R.S., Lond. and Edinb. Royal Military Acddemy, Woolwich. The work of Dr. Hutton is too well known to require any de- tailed description in our pages. Drawn up half a century ago for the use of the gentlemen cadets of the Royal Military Academy, its object was to remove the inconvenience which had been felt to arise from the use of detached parts of a multitude of works on dif- ferent branches of mathematical science. Compiled, too, for the use of boys who entered the institution at the age of fourteen, and whose periods of study varied from two to four years, — for boys who beside mathematics were instructed in their applications to mechanical and physical science, — the course was necessarily rendered a brief one. Those of our readers who have paid attention to the history of ma- thematical science in this country, do not need to be told that, at the time of its first publication, it was by far the best treatise on the subject existing in our language. During the time which has elapsed, many improvements have been introduced into it by Dr. Gregory, to keep pace with the progress of science ; but in the last edition the alterations were much more extensive and important than any which had preceded them. The number of new questions which were introduced into that edition have rendered it one of the most valuable books of examples in any language ; and many subjects were treated there which for the first time found their way into an elementary book, — amongst which may be particularly specified Horner’s general method of solving algebraical equations with nu- merical coefficients. The work before us contains either the entire or indicated methods of solution of all the questions in this edition where it appeared likely that there could arise the least difficulty. We have always thought that such works were useful to teachers, and to private students of honest purpose ; but we saw a drawback to this utility in the probability of their falling into the hands of pupils themselves. In the present case, however, we do not anticipate this evil ; for the work cannot be used for the purpose of deception when any master exercises common vigilance, inasmuch as no student can proceed through the writing and especially filling the occasional blank steps without at least understanding the solution, and seeing its application to collateral problems. To a mere boy of ordinary capacity this is the utmost that can be accomplished even by the most diligent teacher : and hence, in this case, the labour of the master will be diminished and the acquirements of the pupil still secured. To both we consider this work invaluable. We were much struck with the general elegance of the solutions, and much pleased with the systematic working formulae adapted to numerical application. Such examples are calculated to improve the mathematical taste of 525 Dr. Hutton’s Course of Mathematics. teachers themselves, whilst they will form in the honA fide student a regard for good order, a judicious discrimination between different methods of operation, that cannot fail to be of the utmost future use to him. The almost universal use of Hutton’s Course both in pri- vate schools and by private students, therefore, will be rendered still more conducive to the general diffusion of good mathematical taste, by the publication of the present appendage to it. We have not space to enter into an analysis of the contents of the 551 pages contained in Mr. Davies’s work — filled, as it is, with ori- ginal views on every branch of elementary mathematics. The author has even touched in various places on the matter of scientific history, and we value this innovation as much as any. How preposterous is it to despise the labours of our predecessors in whatever field of li- terature or science we are labouring ! As this portion of Mr. Davies’s work is more immediately open to criticism than any other, perhaps it will not be considered irrelevant if we devote a few lines to its consideration. The author’s observations on the middle-age abacus are sensible and valuable. The change between the manual abacus and the membranaceal tablets is, indeed, easily conceived ; and in all proba- bility was transferred in that manner to the Arabian system of com- putation. “ Though this mode of notation,” as Mr. Davies observes, may never have been necessary, and very rarely employed by chro- niclers and other persons merely literary, it would be of extreme value in the •performance of computations. Amongst these expedi- tion would be of great consequence, and this would often be facili- tated by writing the symbols in ruled columns, instead of placing the dice upon the abacus. This, again, would lead to running the several component letters of any one number into a single and con- tinuous figure, which would represent the number.” We must, however, observe, in all this, that we prefer facts to wholesale con- jecture, however pretty and ingenious this last may be. The derivations of the signs + and — as given at pp. 11, 13, are, we think, very improbable, and show that the late Professor Rigaud and Mr. Davies, who have worked together on this subject, are not well versed in ancient handwriting. On a point of this na- ture, where the subjects in dispute were introduced five centuries ago, it is necessary, we humbly submit, to take into consideration the mode of writing at the period, — ^if, indeed, the symbols are not altogether arbitrary, — -and not reason on the et and the P of the present day, as if our rough-Avriting were the same with that of the Italians in the fifteenth century. We are sorry to speak dispara- gingly of what we infer to be a favourite theory with our author, but its very improbability is quite sufficient to bring with it a condem- nation, and perhaps might eventually have done so from less mer- ciful critics. We beg our readers to study attentively the various remarks tending to the completion of the new method of solving numerical equations. The method of synthetic division, which forms the basis of that process, is here developed at length, and traced to the com- 526 Royal Society — Dr. Martin Barry’s mon method as its source (pp. 93-96) ; whereas Mr. Horner’s in- vestigation, though perfectly valid, rested on considerations too ele- vated for the supposed progress of the student. We were also much struck with the very simple and perfectly general method of inves- tigating the criteria of DeGua and Budon for the reality of the roots in any given interval. The new and extremely elegant solution of the singular problem, known as Colonel Titus’s problem, given by Mr. Davies, well de- serves attention. A singular fact with respect to the history of this problem was discovered by Mr. Halliwell in a MS. in the British Museum*. It appears that Harriot was the originator of it, and that it was proposed as early as the year 1 649 by William Brereton, who was one of Harriot’s pupils. Here we close our brief memoranda on a work which is certainly one of the most valuable in its kind that has ever appeared. The style in which it is written, and its entire conception, bespeaks no ordinary mind ; and though, from the author’s reputation, we should have expected a work superior to those generally published with the same professed objects, yet our expectations did not reach to the possibility of so varied a mass of information being couched under such a form as that to which the author was tied down by the na- ture of his undertaking. We only regret that his limits prevented him from continuing his original plan of giving varied solutions and entering into the history of the different branches of elementary ma- thematics. We venture to hope that at some future period this latter part of the plan may be accomplished in another form. LX XXL Proceedings of Learned Societies, ROYAL SOCIETY. May 7, A PAPER was read, entitled “ Researches in Embryology, 1840. Third Series : a Contribution to the Physiology of Cells.” By Martin Barry, M.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. In the second series of these researches, the author had traced certain changes in the mammiferous ovum consequent on fecunda- tion. The object of his present communication is to describe their further appearances obtained by the application of higher magnify- ing powers ; and to make known a remarkable process of develop- ment thus discovered. In order to obtain more exact results, his observations were still made on the same animal as before, namely, the rabbit, in the expectation that, if his labours were success- ful, it would be comparatively easy to trace the changes in other mammals. By pursuing the method of obtaining and pre- serving ova from the Fallopian tube which he recommended in his last paper, he has been enabled to find and examine 137 more of Life of Sir Samuel Morland, p. 28. Researches in Embryology : Third Series. 527 these delicate objects ; and has thus had ample opportunity of con- firming the principal facts therein stated. He has now procured in all 230 ova from the Fallopian tube. But being aware that repeated observations alone do not suffice in researches of this nature, unless extended to the very earliest stages, he again specially directed his attention to the ovum while it is still within the ovary, with a view to discover its state at the moment of fecundation, as well as imme- diately before and after that event. The almost universal supposition, that the Purkinjian or germinal vesicle is the essential portion of the ovum, has been realized in these investigations ; but in a manner not anticipated by any of the numerous conjectures which have been published. The germinal vesicle becomes filled with cells, and these again become filled with the foundations of other cells ; so that the vesicle is thus rendered almost opake. The mode in which this change takes place is the following, and it is one which, if confirmed by future observation, must modify the views recently advanced on the mode of origin, the nature, the properties, and the destination of the nucleus in the physi- ology of cells. It is known that the germinal spot presents, in some instances, a dark point in its centre. The author finds that such a point is invariably present at a certain period ; that it enlarges, and is then found to contain a cavity filled with fluid, which is exceed- ingly pellucid. The outer portion of the spot resolves itself into cells ; and the foundations of other cells come into view in its in- terior, arranged in layers around the central cavity ; the outer layers being pushed forth by the continual origin of new cells in the in- terior. The latter commence as dark globules in the pellucid fluid of the central cavity. Every other nucleus met with in these researches has seemed to be the seat of changes essentially the same. The appearance of the central portion of the nucleus is, from the above process, continually varying ; and the author believes that the nature of the nucleolus of Schleiden is to be thus explained. The germinal vesicle, enlarged and flattened, becomes filled with the objects arising from the changes in its spot ; and the interior of each of the objects filling it, into which the eye can penetrate, pre- sents a repetition of the process above described. The central portion of the altered spot, with its pellucid cavity, remains at that part of the germinal vesicle which is directed towards the surface of the ovum, and towards the surface of the ovary. At the cor- responding part, the thick transparent mem.brane of the ovum in some instances appears to have become attenuated, in others also cleft. Subsequently, the central portion of the altered spot passes to the centre of the germinal vesicle ; the germinal vesicle, regain- ing its spherical form, returns to the centre of the ovum, and a fissure in the thick transparent membrane is no longer seen. From these successive changes it may be inferred that fecundation has taken place ; and this by the introduction of some substance into the germinal vesicle from the exterior of the ovary. It may also be inferred, .that the central portion of the altered germinal spot is the point of fecundation. In further proof that such really is the case. 528 Royal Society Martin Barry’s there arise at this part two cells, which constitute the foundation of the new being. These two cells ’enlarge, and imbibe the fluid of those around them, which are at first pushed further out by the two central cells, and subsequently disappear by liquefaction. The contents of the germinal vesicle thus enter into the formation of two cells. The membrane of the germinal vesicle then disappears by li(]:uefaction. Each of the succeeding twin cells presents a nucleus, which, having first passed to the centre of its cell, resolves itself into cells in the manner above described. By this means the twin cells, in their turn, become filled with other cells. Only two of these in each twin cell being destined to continue, the others, as well as the membrane of each parent-cell, disappear by liquefaction, when four cells remain. These four produce eight, and so on, until the germ consists of a mulberry-like object, the cells of which do not admit of being counted. Nor does the mode of propagation continue the same with reference to number only. The process inherited from the germinal vesicle by its twin oflfspring, reappears in the progeny of these. Every cell, whatever its minuteness, if its interior can be discerned, is found filled with the foundations of new cells, into which its nucleus has been resolved. Together with a doubling of the number of the cells, there occurs also a diminution of their size. The cells are at first elliptical, and become globular. The above mode of augmentation, namely the origin of cells in cells, appears by no means to be limited to the period in question. Thus it is very common to meet with several varieties of epithelium- cells in the oviduct, including those which carry cilia, filled with cells ; but the whole embryo at a subsequent period is composed of cells filled with the foundations of other cells. In the second series of these researches, it was shown that the mulberry-like object above mentioned, is found to contain a cell larger than the rest, elliptical in form, and having in its centre a thick- walled hollow sphere, which is the nucleus of this cell. It was further shown that this nucleus is the rudimental embryo. From what has been just stated, it appears, that the same process, by which a nucleus in one instance transforms itself into the embryo, is in operation in another instance, where the product does not ex- tend beyond the interior of a minute and transitory cell. Making allowance, indeed, for a difference in form and size, the description given of the one might be applied to the other. It was shown in the second series, that in the production of the embryo out of a nucleus, layer after layer of cells come into view in the interior, while layers previously formed are pushed further out ; each of the layers being so distinctly circumscribed as to appear almost mem- branous at its surface. The same membranous appearance presents itself at the surface of the several layers of a nucleus in many situa- tions. Further, in the formation of the embryo, a pellucid centre is the point around which new layers of cells continually come into view ; a centre corresponding to that giving origin to similar ap- pearances in every nucleus described in the present memoir. It was 'Researches in Embryology: Third Series, 529 shown that in the embryo this mysterious centre is present until it has assumed the form of the cavity, including the sinus rhomboidalis, in the central portion of the nervous system. The process above described as giving origin to the new being in the mammiferous ovum, is no doubt universal. The author thinks that there is evidence of its occurrence in the ova of batrachian Reptiles, some osseous Fishes, and certain of the Mollusca ; though the explanation given of these has been of a very different character. It has hitherto been usual to regard the round white spot, or cica- tricula, on the yelk of the bird’s laid egg, as an altered state of the discus vitellinus in the unfecundated ovarian ovum. So far from thinking that such is the case, the author believes the whole sub- stance of the cicatricula in the laid egg to have its origin within the germinal vesicle, in the same manner as in the ovum of Mammalia. There is no fixed relation between the degree of developement of ova, and their size, locality, or age. The variation with regard to size is referable chiefly to a difference in the quantity of fluid im- bibed in different instances by the incipient chorion. Vesicles filled with transparent fluid are frequently met with in the Fallopian tube, very much resembling the thick transparent membrane of the ovarian ovum. These vesicles are probably unimpregnated ova, in the course of being absorbed. The so-called “ yelk” in the more or less mature ovarian ovum, consists of nuclei in the transition state and exhibiting the compound structure above described. The mass of these becomes circumscribed by a proper membrane. They and their membrane subsequently disappear by liquefaction, and are succeeded by a new set, arising in the interior, and likewise be- coming circumscribed by a proper membrane, and so on. This ex- plains why some observers have never seen a membrane in this situation. After the fecundation of the ovum, the cells of the tunica granulosa, that is, part of the so-called “ disc,” are found to have become club-shaped, greatly elongated, filled in some instances with cells, and connected with the thick transparent membrane by their pointed extremities alone. That the thin membrane described by the author in his second series as rising from the thick transparent membrane in the Fallo- pian tube, and imbibing fluid, is really the incipient chorion, was then shown by tracing it from stage to stage, up to the period when villi form upon it. There remained, however, two questions unde- cided ; viz., whether the chorion is formed of cells, and if so, whether the cells are those of the so-called “ disc,” brought by the ovum from the ovary. The author now states that the chorion is formed of cells, w'hich gradually collect around the thick transparent membrane, and coalesce ; and that the cells in question are not those of the “disc” brought with the ovum from the ovary. The cells which give origin to the chorion are intended to be more particularly described in a future paper. I’he existing view, namely, that a nucleus, when it leaves the membrane of its cell, simply disappears by liquefaction, is inappli- cable to any nucleus observed in the course of these investigations. Phil Mag. S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 105. June 1840. 2N 530 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. The nucleus resolves itself into incipient cells in the manner above described. In tracing this process, it appears that the nucleus, and especially its central pellucid cavity, is the seat of changes which were not to have been expected from the recently advanced doctrine, that the disappearing nucleus has performed its entire office by giving origin at its surface to the membrane of a single cell. It is the mysterious centre of a nucleus which is the point of fecundation ; and the place of origin of two cells constituting the foundation of the new being. The germinal vesicle, as already stated, is the parent cell, which, having given origin to two cells, disappears, each of its successors giving origin to other two, and so on. Per- petuation, however, at this period, consists, not merely in the origin of cells in cells, but in the origin of cells in the pellucid central part of what had been the nucleus of cells. The author shows that neither the germinal vesicle, nor the pel- lucid object in the epithelium- cell, is a cytoblast. He suggests, that the cells into which, according to his observations, the nucleus be- comes resolved, may enter into the formation of secondary deposits — for instance, spiral fibres; and that they may contribute to the thick- ening which takes place, in some instances, in the cell- membrane. The germ of certain plants passes through states so much resem- bling those occurring in the germ of mammiferous animals, that it is not easy to consider them as resulting either from a different fundamental form, or from a process of developement which even in its details is not the same as what has been above described ; the fundamental form in question in Mammalia — and therefore it may be presumed of Man himself — being that which is permanent in the simplest plants, — the single isolated cell. LXXXII. Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles. ON THE PRODUCTION OF ELECTROTYPES. BY ALFRED SMEE, ESQ.^ SURGEON. [Illustratod by Plate VII.] The mode of taking copies of medals by the galvanic current^ is deservedly occupying much of the public attention, and each is striving to add his mite to the perfection of this elegant and useful process. There are two or three points to which I am desirous of drawing the attention of your readers, as they appear to open a new and important field for investigation for which I have not the time at present. With regard to the precipitation of the copper, I beg leave to submit a modification of a plan first proposed by Mr. Mason, in a paper read before the Electrical Society, but I believe also contem- poraneously used by other persons, that of making copper form the oxygen side of the battery, which being dissolved is again thrown * We learn from the foreign journals, that Prof. Steinheil, of Munich, is ap- plying this process for making a cast in copper, from a composition by the cele- brated sculptor Schwanthauler, representing the labours of Hercules, and con- taining 140 figures. — Edit. Mr. Smee on the 'production of Electrotypes, 531 down at the platina or hydrogen end upon the medal or mould placed for its reception. The mode which I adopt is, first to obtain a long dish or trough, and then to place a wire in the inside along its bottom, which is connected to the zinc of one of the cells of my battery along the opposite side of the vessel; a large piece of copper is placed in con- nexion with the silver of the battery, and a solution of sulphate of copper is then added. By this arrangement the current is generated at the zinc, passes to the medal, reduces the copper whilst the oxy- gen and acid are transferred to the refuse copper, and dissolves a corresponding quantity of copper, and by this means the solution is always kept saturated with the metal. When medals are to be copied, they are singly placed in contact with the wire in connexion with the zinc of the battery, and in this way many may be done in the same vessel, and any may be taken out and examined without the slightest interruption to the others. The rapidity of the process may be increased without detriment by the use of two to six or even more cells of the battery, as the copper will still be extremely tough. It will be found that my battery wull require not the slightest alteration, except once a day, when the liquid should be changed. I have tried other solutions of copper, such as the nitrate ; but although the process is hastened, the metal is apt to be brittle, or to have other imperfections. When engraved plates are to be copied, the first copy is in basso re- lievo, and therefore a second is required to be made which is in “ inta- glio,’’ and then ready for printing. Copies may even be taken of non- conducting substances, as wood-cuts, &c., by brushing them over with black-lead, taking care that the copper wire is in good contact with the plumbago. The great advantages of this mode of proceeding above all others are, first, the quality of the copper is far better than when reduced in the usual way as described by Messrs. Spencer and Solly ; this advantage is owing to the use of the copper at the oxygen end as suggested by Mr. Mason ; secondly, all the plates or medals, for there is no limit to the number, are in the same vessel ; thirdly, the pro- cess may be hurried or retarded, accordingly as the number of plates of the battery are increased or diminished ; fourthly, the plates will not require to be interfered with till the precipitation is com- pletely finished ; and there are many other more trifling advantages which it would be tedious to enumerate. The mode of proceeding here detailed differs but little from others which have been described ; but these trifling differences are so important in practice, that this mode will probably supersede every other. In fact, I have had the pleasure of seeing many most valuable copper-plates subjected to this process, and the specimen which accompanies this paper is I believe the first which has ever undergone the ordeal of having the large number of impressions, require d for any publication, printed from it. Of course it is a perfect facsimile, and therefore this method would be of the greatest im- portance to bankers for their notes, and is far superior to Mr. Perkins’s process for the multiplication of plates, because in that case they 2 N 2 532 Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, almost invariably require to be touched up afterwards, and therefore absolute identity is destroyed. The cost of their manufacture would be trifling, being merely the value of the zinc*^ dissolved in the bat- tery, and a pound of zinc of the value of sixpence would produce a copper-plate weighing about two pounds ; and I trust that copper will again, from its beauty, take the place of steel engravings. So much for the precipitation of the copper ; and the next thing to which I have to direct your attention, is a mode of making a copper- plate engraving without an engraving in the first instance. This is done by drawing upon a smooth piece of copper (such as a plate used for engraving) with any thick varnish or pigment insoluble in water, and then exposing the plate in the usual way to the in- fluence of the current, when first copper will be thrown down upon the uncovered parts and will gradually grow over the drawing, and the electrotype when removed will be ready for printing. A practical difficulty, however, arises in the application of this in the arts, for un- less very thick oil paint is used, sufficient depth is not obtained to hold the ink. However, judging from the sharpness of the edges of the lines, I have but little doubt that this difficulty may be overcome by those who are accustomed to drawing ; and it possesses, as an additional advantage to its cheapness, the valuable property of not requiring the artist to reverse the design. An opposite effect to this may be produced by placing a piece of copper similarly drawn upon at the oxygen end of the battery, when the metal will be acted upon, lea- ving a drawing in basso relievo. Bank of England, April 21, 1840. ON THE REDUCTION OF CHROMATE OF LEAD. BY R. F. MAR- CHAND. The employment of chromate of lead, instead of oxide of copper, in organic analysis, is in many cases recommended by Richardson. It is preferable in the examination of substances containing chlorine, iodine, bromine, and sulphur, but particularly in the examination of the two latter. Erdman and I have frequently employed it with Hess’s apparatus, and observed that the reduced chromate of lead will again absorb oxygen and might be then again employed. This circumstance induced me to make various experiments upon the reduction of this salt. The chromate of lead used in these experiments was prepared by the precipitation of a solution of nitrate of lead with an excess of bichromate of potash, and afterwards carefully washing it : the salt was heated to dryness ; it became of a dark red colour approaching cinnabar red ; on cooling it returned to its former yellow colour provided it was not fused. If fused it turned to a dark brown co- lour, which on reducing to powder was of a brownish yellow colour. When the fused salt is quickly cooled by throwing it into cold water it becomes of a permanent red colour, giving also a red powder. * The zinc in the fluid might be precipitated as a carbonate, for which there is great demand in the arts, and thereby the expense of the electro- type would be furtlier diminished. M. Marchand on the Reduction of Chromate of Lead. 533 Many persons imagine that in organic analysis with chromate of lead it is necessary to use a very strong heat in order to perfect the operation. This is a mistake, for carbon as well as hydrogen very easily reduces the chromate. If however it is required to libe- rate oxygen, then the temperature must be very great, and the salt must be fused. This circumstance, as may be easily conceived, is inconvenient and liable to introduce error. When chromate of lead is heated in a current of hydrogen gas, it commences to glow at a heat far below redness, and a quantity of water is formed. The yellow colour of the salt disappears ; it be- comes black, and very small metallic globules are disseminated through the mass. 3-049 grammes lost 0*307 gram, or 10'07 per cent, of oxygen ; this loss may be increased by a continued and strong heat. 1*91 grammes lost in another experiment 0*224 gram., or ITS per cent, oxygen. At the commencement of the reduction of this portion the temperature was kept moderate, by which it lost 0-2045 grm., or 10*7 per cent. Oxygen gas was then passed over it while in a heated state. At a low degree of heat, the mass burnt with great brilliancy, turned brown, at least partly so, which was very evident on cooling. It absorbed 0*133 grm. oxygen, which calculated for the original quantity (1‘91) amounted to 7 per cent.; a small quantity of water was formed during the operation, amount- ing, however, to but a few milligrammes. It would therefore appear that hydrogen was condensed in the pores of the reduced mass, but in a small quantity ; heating in a stream of carbonic acid gas would have entirely driven it out. The oxidated quantity 1*839 grm. which had lost from the first 3*7 per cent, of oxygen, was again reduced in hydrogen gas, by which it lost 0*152 grm., this upon the whole quantity is equal to 8 per cent. Upon heating in oxygen gas the same appearances again took place, and the mass absorbed 0*128 grm., therefore, a similar quantity as before. A subsequent reduction at a very high temperature occasioned a loss of 0*128 grm. while a repeated oxidation only gave an increase of 0*119. This was again driven out by hydrogen, but without any further decrease of oxygen. If we examine these experiments, keeping in view the results, we shall find that 1*91 grm. lost 0*224 grm. equal to 11*8 per cent, while the last oxidation was only 1*19 grm. or 6*2 per cent. Chromate of lead contains 19*54 per cent, of oxygen, equal to four atoms, Cr Pb. 11*8 j5er cent, is equal to 2*4 atoms or nearly ^ths of the whole amount of oxygen. This would be 12*2 percent. The reduction, if complete, would convert all the oxide of lead into the metallic state and the chromic acid into the state of oxide of chrome. 2 Cr + 6 O 2Pb -f 2 O 3 0 2 0 2 Cr + 3 O 2 Pb. By oxidation about half of the oxygen is recombined ; this takes place the more readily when the metallic lead is in a finely divided 534? Intelligence and Miscellaneous Articles, state and not melted by too strong a heat. It is not the lead alone, but also the oxide of chrome, which absorbs oxygen. If oxide of chrome alone be heated in oxygen gas, it is not converted into chromic acid; but this takes place, as is well known, if an alkali be present. I therefore consider that oxide of lead has the same elFect in this respect as an alkali. In order to obtain an intimate mix- ture of oxide of chrome and oxide of lead, I endeavoured by means of heat so to decompose the chromate of lead, that all the chromic acid should be converted into oxide of chrome. The temperature must be very high for this purpose, and it requires a long time be- fore any considerable quantity of oxygen can be driven out of this salt. 1'409 gramme was fused in a very thin platina crucible b}/- the strongest heat of a spirit-lamp before any appreciable loss took place. 0*057 grm. were then given off equal to 4 per cent, which is nearly j^gths of the whole quantity contained in it ; this would be 3*9 per cent. It is therefore very probable that at first the chro- mate of lead is so decomposed that basic chromate of lead and oxide of chrome are formed. 2 (Cr O3 Pb O) = Cr O3 Pb^ -h Cr O 1^ + O 1^. The compound obtained in this manner I considered very favour- able for the conversion of chromic oxide into chromic acid. I heated it, and passed a stream of oxygen through it. However, to my great surprise, not the least alteration took place, and I found no increase in weight. In the oxidation of the reduced salt, oxygen must have combined with the oxide of chrome, as 6*2 per cent, was in all absorbed, while the whole of the oxygen of the oxide of lead in the salt amounts only to 4*89 per cent.; and it is not at all likely that even the whole of this 4*89 per cent, was absorbed by the reduced lead, as it was for the most part fused into small globules, which must have very much prevented the action of the oxygen upon it. I again fused 2*057 grammes of chromate of lead in an aether lamp supplied with oxygen: after a long- continued heat it lost 0*091 grm. or 4*4 per cent. The reduction was in this case carried on rather further than the conversion into basic chromate of lead and oxide of chrome. When, however, oxygen gas was passed over this compound very little of it was absorbed. I at last prepared an intimate mixture of oxide of chrome and superoxide of lead ; this was heated to redness and oxygen gas passed through it. This compound contained 0*445 grm. oxide of chrome. When the absorption had terminated, the increase of weight was found to be 0*066 grms. The colour was changed from green to brown. 0*455 grm. oxide of chrome contain 0*132 oxygen, therefore just double the quantity it had taken up. Therefore one atom of oxide of chrome upon heating with oxide of lead had com- bined with 1^ atom of oxygen. This gives 2 Cr 3 O -j- 2 Pb O -h 1^0, or, Cr O3 Pb, O, -b CrOli It is therefore the same compound which is formed when chromate of lead is fused by itself. It follows from the foregoing ex])eriments : Portraits in Daguerreotype : — Meteorological Observations. 535 That chromate of lead is very easily converted by means of carbon and hydrogen into a mixture of oxide of chrome and metallic lead. This mixture by heating is in a state to combine with oxygen ; and this combination takes place not only with the metallic lead, but also with the oxide of chrome. By heat alone it is very difficult to deprive chromate of lead of oxygen. It is at first converted into a mixture of basic chromate of lead and oxide of chrome : in order to reduce all the chromic acid into oxide of chrome, an uncommonly highly temperature is re- quired. When a mixture of oxide of chrome and oxide of lead is heated, it is also converted into basic chromate of lead and oxide of lead. It is therefore chromate of lead, which is often employed in or- ganic analysis, from which this latter mixture is derived. — Journal fiir PraktiscTie Chemie, No. 2. 1840. PORTRAITS IN DAGOERREOTYPE. Professor Draper, of the University of New York, informs us in a note dated March 31st, that he has succeeded during the winter in procuring portraits by the Daguerreotype, and that they have all the beauty and softness of the most finished mezzotint engraving, and only require from 20 to 45 seconds for execution. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR APRILj 1840. Chiswick. — April 1. Slight rain ; cloudy. 2. Hazy : very fine. 3. Cold dry haze : frosty at night. 4 — 6. Very fine. 7. Fine : stormy showers at night. 8. Slight showers. 9. Cloudy and cold. 10 — 12. Very fine. 13 — 17. Fine but very dry. 18. Clear, hot and dry. 19. Hazy : very fine. 20. Very fine. 21 — 23. Cloudy and fine. 24. Very fine. 25. Very hot, nearly cloudless, and ex- cessively dry. 26, 27. Hot and dry. 28. Excessively hot for the period of the season, thermometer 81° in the shade. 29,30. Very fine: hot and dry. This month is remarkable for the limited quantity of rain and for a high temperature ; the latter being the consequence chiefly of a powerful direct solar heat, which overcame likewise the counteracting effects of north and north-east winds, for they were in fact more prevalent than those from the opposite direction. Boston. — April 1. Cloudy; rain p.m. 2. Rain. 3 — 5. Fine. 6. Cloudy. 7. Cloudy : stormy with rain p.m. 8. Cloudy: hail and rain p.m. 9 — 11. Fine. 12. Rain: rain early a.m. 13 — 19. Fine. 20 — 24. Cloudy- 25 — 29. Fine. 30. Cloudy. Applegarth Manse^ Durrjries-shire. — April 1. Mild day with a shower. 2. Keen and cold but dry. 3, 4. Dry and more temperate. 5. Fine day after a very slight shower. 6. Stormy day with showers, though slight. 7. Keen cold day. 8. More moderate. 9. Fine mild day. 10. The same: slightly moist and cloudy. 1 1. Drizzling all day, but very lightly. 12. Fine though cold : slight rain P.M. 13. Fine soft slight rain. 14. Charming spring day. 15. The same: with frost rime A.M. 16,17. Fine but coldish : frost rime again. 18. Very fine warm day. 19. The same : white rime a.m. 20. The same : slight showers P.M. 21. The same: gentle shower. 22. The same : moisture. 23. Dry but threatening. 24. The same : cleared up. 25 — 28. Beautiful day. 29. The same, but cloudy. SO. The same : very warm. Sun shone out 29 days. Rain, very slight, fell 6 days. Frost, rime 4 days. Wind north 1 day. North-east ^ day. East-north-east 2 days. East 3 days. East-south-east 1 day. South-east ^ day. South-south- east 2 days. South 7 days. South-south-west 1 day. South-west 7§ days. West-south- west 1 day. West 2§ days. North-west 1 day. Calm 15 days. Moderate 8 days. Brisk 3 days. Strong breeze .3 days. Boisterous I day. Meteorological Observations made at the Apartments of the Royal Society by the Assistant Secretary^ Mr. Roberton ; by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society at Chiswick^ near London; by Mi'.Veall at Boston, and by Mr. Dunbar at Applegartli Manse, Dumfriesshire, Dew ] [ point. 1 Lond. ; Roy. Soc. 9 a.m. C (O S 6. Rain. •ajiqs -saujiunQ . . . ^ O o 6‘**- 6 6’’****6*’* GO Cl 6 •uoisog *P •jloiMSiqo o 9 London Roy.Soc 9 a.m. r^ CO--' :::co :::: S 3 tO CO 9 Wind. Dum- fries. shire. w 1 & i 1 J ^ M 1 g 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 ^ i CO CO & 1 O w calm E. E. N. N. W. NW. N. N. E. W. calm calm calm calm calm K. calm calm calm calm calm calm E. calm E. calm NW. calm •ra’d X omsiqo ^ i ^ i ^ ^ z ^ i % i » i » 55* « w w ^ ^ 1 ^ i ^ i ^ a London: Roy.Soc. 9 a.m. jr ^ 55 ^ ^ ^ ^ Thermometer. Dumfries- shire. e S3 H|c« Mh-5 rnlN Hisl -ilN hM ui|r5 wjcq M|i-q rM 050 o '^roc^'^oo o^f-(C^-^-'^r^OC* toioio^o tniou-jio mvo'o'o r^ioOOfN'^-^C?i(N^OaMCOt^.c^^o^o'o'o^o*o'o i>.qo t^r^cjo i'- 0 00 VO London : Roy. Soc. .(i^, ooodiLcb'^oi '^co'rfcocococococococo'^co'^'^'^'^coco'^'^}''!t‘ou:)tou:>ro'^>o»o cp 0 Max. 9j^vbthlo6t^c^d^foobobGbd >0 Barometer. Dumfries-shire. a d CO LOO'^O'OO^'^— OOOGOOO '^cO'OCOCN >0 00 00 CTitOOtOC '^OOCN >oa^c^c^t^■^o^c^•7'0^c9^^l^c^^^'7^o^Go^^l^9999c^c^97^(N o^6^c^3^<^o^o 0 0 0 c^!^6^o^o^o 0 6><^6>o>o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C»OI(Mooo>oco(Oi:^Loa5Cooooooooco'^QO.-<-^o uoc^oooc3^•^'Or-lC^o^o^o^cxt^^Gp9(N 9Qot;^s^9 — 9 0 :n 6^(^o6^c^^6^6^66oc^6^6^6^c^66c>c^a^•5^6o66oo6oo S^OC^C40»OICOCOCOCN«MO>(MCNCOCOCOOlOt'NCOOCOCOCOCOrOCOCO -rf 0 0 6^ 0•^rOO^O^>-OO^COCQOlOtOlO'0'^^OC^OO.— '^Oi-OOVO -^>0 0000 t^>p'^0'yf7f'9'9 'yro-^ip9>p>p9co ^§^^^SciCIC4OlCSI0ICO^C<10t^t>COQO ?S,^„„2xoco>oooo 0 '0'^,-^r^;;^cit>^r^ro(^o — ^r^-'Ooot^io'Oioooococj^^co^^^'o^o^^^ Sa^ooooooor-'^'^ci99,Qp9 — <^'7<99>-7’95 z. * It is not very intelligible how this notion can have gained ground, since well-proved facts have long ago shown quite the contrary. If the negative metal in the circuit had merely to act as it were a passive part, to perform merely the function of conducting, then evidently the best conductor must pro- duce the strongest current, or, rather, the greatest electromotive force. Cop- per conducts decidedly better than platina ; but yet the latter, in combination with a positiv^e metal, gives rise to a far greater electromotive force than the former. How essential the negative metal of the circuit is in generating the current, is most decidedly evident from the position first established by Fech- ner (Schweigger’s Journ. vol. lx, 1830, p. 17, and Poggendorff”s Annalen, vol. xliii. p. 433), that, as soon as the fluids do not act very alteringly on the metals, the voltaic law of the tensions is also valid for the electromotive forces of the circuit, that therefore, for instance, the electromotive force of a %inc-platina circuit is equal to the sum of the electromotive forces of a zinc-copper and of a copper-plutina circuit. The law naturally cannot be applied to the intensity of the currents. The current from copper-platina is, as I have convinced my- self, by far weaker than the difference of the currents from zinc-platina and zinc-copper, — easily imaginable from the inequality of the resistance of transi- tion. 543 Two Fluids, and of Two Metals not in Contact, The first oscillation of the needle had the amplitude 80° — 45° {i. e, went from 80° on the one side of the meridian to 45° on the other). The deflexions^ however^ decreased rapidly, and when they had sunk to 12°— 0° the platina was removed. This washed, dried, and again inserted, produced a current in the direction s^L The first deflexions were 90° — 85 ; the fol- lowing, 85° — 80°; 80° — 75°, &c., till at last 6° — 3°, when they were again taken out. The third, fourth, fifth, &c., im- mersion gave all of them currents in the direction s ^i, only commencing with slighter deflexions. At the same time two remarkable circumstances occurred here. At the commencement, namely, the (distilled) zinc, as is always the case when its surfaces are very bright, was but very slightly attacked by the dilute sulphuric acid, which also in this case consisted of 1 vol. concentrated acid, and 9 vol. water ; but the longer it remained in it the stronger the action became, so that at last the disengagement of gas was very lively. At the commencement, the vibrations of the needle, although great, were nevertheless quite regular ; but in propor- tion as the evolution of gas increased, sudden convulsions were evident in the vibrations, which became greater and greater, and at last passed into actual starts of 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, &c. de- grees, and thus far exceeded the commencing deflexions which even on the fourth immersion did not amount to more than 10°. All these starts took place’ in the direction 5 < Their progressive increase evidently pointed to an increasing ascend- ency of the iodide of potassium over the acid. — The second notable circumstance was, that with each taking out of the platina, although both plates were removed at the same time, a strong deflexion (of 90°) likewise in the direction s re- sulted. This phaenomenon was especially surprising at the close of the first immersions, as the needle then made but very small and quite regular vibrations*. I now repeated the same experiment (zinc filed bright, pla- tina not heated) with a stronger sulphuric acid (1 vol, concen- * I frequently observed similar starts, and especially when, on employing ordinary zinc, I endeavoured to find out whether sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid (both of the degrees of dilution mentioned at p. 489.) would develope the greater electromotive force. With silver, as negative metal, the convulsions and starts of the needle were so powerful that I could not decide as to the di- rection of the current. With platina these disturbances did not occur, because it was first examined, and the acids did not then act so violently on the zinc. With copper and tin they vanished in comparison to the force of the main effect; for with copper, the sulphuric acid, and with tin, the hydrochloric acid, had in the highest degree the superiority. Subsequent experiments, partly with bright filed distilled zinc, partly with ordinary, but amalgamated, showed me that also with platina and silver the sulphuric acid has the ascendency, although in a far less degree. 544 M. PoggendorfF on Galvanic Circuits composed of trated acid with 4 vol. water^ or in weight 1 and 2 parts). In this case there was no indication of 5 > i ; the first deflexion occurred even with the first immersion of the platina in favour of s i amounted only to 5°, and the one immediately succeeding, in the direction s to 22° only, upon which the needle then soon came to rest. A second heating of the plate to be placed in the acid, produced again the same result in its whole force. The first deflexion, in the direction s i, was 90°; the second, in the direction 5 < i, likewise 90°, and the current now^ retained this direction wdth great energy, which diminished but very slowly*. * This phsenomenon also appeared when dilute hydrochloric acid was em- ployed, and to a far greater extent. If, after the effect has decreased to zero, the plate standing in the acid be taken out, washed, heated, and, after cooling, re-immersed, a movement of 90°, in the direction s c i, is immediately ob- tained, succeeded by a highly permanent deflexion in the same direction. If after the deflexion has again descended to nearly zero, we perform the same operation with the plate inserted in the iodide of potassium, this has but a very weak, in most cases, no result. Heating of both plates acted as when this was performed solely with the first. I likewise observed on this occasion that heated plates of platina almost wholly lose their remarkable effect by being suspended for some hours in the atmosphere. 545 Two Fluids, and of Two Metals not in Contact, I have communicated these details in order to show that the phaenomena in circuits of the kind described are by no means always so simple as it seems they should be according to the affinity-theory. That, moreover, they do not speak for it is undoubtedly "evident enough. Only at first and transitorily has the sulphuric acid the ascendency over the iodide of potassium ; subsequently this acid, although it incontrovertibly attacks the zinc more violently than the iodide of potassium (even with energy increasing during the course of the action), is always overpowered by it \ nay, what is remarkable, the less dilute acid (with 4 times its vol. of water) succumbs to the iodide of potas- sium to a greater extent than the acid diluted with 9 times its vol. of 'water. How is all this to be explained from the relative affinity of the oxygen and iodine to the zinc ? The above facts appear to stand in contradiction to the ex- periment of Faraday, mentioned at p. 48 7, in which a current was obtained with sulphuric acid, strongly overpowering the iodide of potassium. However, this contradiction is merely ap- parent ; for, what was not there observed, the sulphuric acid was not pure, but purposely mixed with some nitric acid. A sulphuric acid, containing nitric acid, has in fact, (of which I have con- vinced myself,) in a high degree the superiority over the iodide of potassium ; a powerful and permanent deflexion in favour of s^ i is immediately obtained, and at the same time there may be distinctly observed, from the yellow coloration of the solution of the iodide of potassium around the platina plate, the separa- tion of the iodine*. If, nevertheless, this fact is still employed, after so many proofs against the affinity-theory, as an argument in favour of it, it may then with justice be asked. Why then does the sul- * A dilute sulpliuric acid, consisting of 1 vol. acid of 1*827 spec, gr., and 4 vol. water, to which was added an eighth of its volume of nitric acid of 1*321 spec, gr., was used for this experiment. A more dilute mixture, con- sisting of 12 parts in w'eight of dilute sulphuric acid (1 vol. concent, acid, and 9 vol. water), and one part in weight of the above nitric acid, gave by far weaker results. Platina, combined with zinc, produced, it is true, a current in the direction s~:;^ i\ but even after it had been heated, it did not equal the current from silver-zinc or copper-zinc. With the combination tin-zinc the current had the direction s < i, as with pure sulphuric acid. Dilute nitric acid alone (p. 489) likewise gives rise to similar effects. Copper, silver, heated platina, combined with zinc, immediately produced a powerful current in the direction s>~ i. With non-heated platina the direction of the deflexion was the same, but the intensity only slight, merely 5° ; it increased, however, perceptibly, and without any oscillation the needle slowly rose to 45°, where it remained. With tin the direction of the current was the reverse, i. e. the iodide of potassium had the superiority, and indeed strongly. This is the more remarkable, as I convinced myself that the tin in the same acid is highly negative to the zinc. 546 M. Poggendorff on Galvanic Circuits composed of phuric acid^ without this addition of nitric acid^ afford in most cases the opposite result? Want of chemical action on the zinc it certainly is not ! And then, how, even according to the affinity-theory, is the action of the nitric acid to be explained ? A long discussion might here be opened; I will, however, merely touch upon one point. Faraday states that the addition of nitric acid to the sulphuric acid increases the intensity of the chemical action ; and, after communicating some facts from which he draws the conclusion that this acid does not increase the quantity of the electricity, he adds : This mode of increa- sing the intensity of the electric current, as it excludes the effect dependent upon many pairs of plates, or even the effect of making any one acid stronger or weaker, is at once referable to the conditions and force of the chemical affinities which are brought into action, and may, both in principle and practice, be considered as perfectly distinct from any other mode*.” Here we may with justice put the question. What measure then do we possess for the intensity of a chemical action? When the question is, as to the attack of an acid on a metal, we have, I believe, no other measure than the quantity of the metal which is dissolved from the unity of surface in the unity of time. But with this, certainly the most natural, view, there exists no reason why the nitric acid should enjoy any single advantage over the sulphuric acid, when these acids are taken of such a degree of concentration that they both dissolve just the same quantity of a like zinc surface in the same time. An ad- vantage, according to Faraday^s theory, is the less to be expected, as both acids are non-electrolytes, and their effect therefore could only be of like nature, and merely consist in increasing the affinity of the oxygen of the water for the zincf. But * Faraday’sExperimentalResearches, § 908. It maybe observed that what the P'aradayan theory terms the increase of the quantity of the electricity is the same as heightening the force of the current by diminishing the resist- ance ; for instance, enlarging the surfaces, increasing the concentration of the fluids, therefore precisely the same as diminishing the denominator of Ohm’s formula. By electrolytic intensity, or intensity of the electricity, this theory on the other hand understands, at least with the simple circuit, the electromo- tive force, or the numerator of this formula. But both expressions are some- times used in a different sense, of which I have already given an example in the Annalen, vol. xlvii. p. 128 and of which the explanation of the differ- ence between the current of the pile, and that of the simple circuit (Exp. Res. § 994), — an explanation so perfectly simple, according to Ohm’s theory, — gives a further proof. f However, with the nitric acid, whether employed alone, or mixed with sulphuric acid, the process is not so simple, even with the above-mentioned A Translation of the Memoir of Ohm has just appeared in Part VII. of the Scientific Memoirs. — Edit.] Two Fluids, and of Two Metals not in Contact, 547 since, nevertheless, a specific distinction remains between the effects of the two acids, the one, added to the water, developing a slighter, and the other a greater electromotive force than the iodide of potassium, we should be forced to admit that the qua- lity of the chemical action produces a specific difference in the excited electricity, and should thus again be brought back to the position maintained by De la Rive, but hitherto not proved, of the variety of electricities. I know not whether this is the opinion of the English philosopher ; but the above-mentioned position, and another in which he expresses as a conjecture, ^^The same quantity of electricity may pass in the same time, in at the same surface, into the same decomposing body in the same state, and yet, differing in intensity, will decompose in one case, and in the other noV^* — would admit of such a construction. But be this as it may, so much is certain, that there is no need of the hypothesis of an increase of the intensity of the chemical action, in order to explain the experiment in question. I have in fact convinced myself in the most positive manner that the result of the addition of the nitric acid does decidedly not arise from the chemical attack of this acid on the zinc, but solely from an action of it on the platina. Instead of placing the zinc and platina in common in the stronger mixture of acids mentioned at p. 545, I separated the two acids by membrane (bladder), inserted the zinc (amalgamated) in the sulphuric acid (1 vol. concentrated acid, and 4 vol. water), and the platina in the nitric acid (1 vol. con- cent. acid, and 6 vol. water), while the two other plates, zinc and platina, stood in the solution of iodide of potassium. Now although in this case the zinc underwent no other attack in quantity and quality than in the experiment mentioned at p. 543, in which the iodide of potassium had the ascendency over the sulphuric acid, yet the direction of the current was the reverse ; the iodide of potassium succumbed to the acid. The current also possessed a very considerable intensity, and, if not quite so powerful as in the case in which the zinc stood in the acid mixture, this, evidently, merely arose from collateral cir- cumstances, partly from the separated acids having perhaps a weaker power of conduction than the mixed, partly, and with- out doubt chiefly, from the metals in the present arrangement being in a somewhat disadvantageous position, the communica- tion between the two being made only by the membranous moderate degrees of concentration ; for it is at least in part decomposed, which is indicated by the altered development of gas at the zinc, and more decidedly evident from the ammonia, the existence of which in the solution of zinc may be distinctly demonstrated by the addition of an excess of caustic potassa. * Faraday, Experim. Res. § 988. 548 M. PoggendorfF on Galvanic Circuits composed of bottom of a cylinder which contained the platina and nitric acid^ and was surrounded by a wider one which received the zinc and sulphuric acid. To be perfectly certain that the mixed acids did not develope greater electromotive force than the separated, I caused them to oppose one another by substituting in the apparatus just described an acid mixture for the iodide of potassium. The experiment was in other respects similar to the previous one, only that the acids had a somewhat different degree of concen- tration. Both diluted acids consisted of 1 part by weight of concentrated acid, and 3 parts by weight of water, and equal parts by weight of them were mixed on the one side of the circuit with each other, and separated on the other side by bladder. The experiment was made both with amalgamated and non-amalgamated zinc, and previously heated platina. In both cases the result was, that the separated acids not only excite an etectromotive force quite as great as- the mixed, but have indeed a slight superiority over these ! The latter fact is the more remarkable, as the zinc plate (even amalgamated), im- mersed in the sulphuric acid containing nitric acid, is evidently more strongly attacked than that in the pure acid, and yet, after washing both in water, is in this fluid negative towards the latter plate. I consider these facts, indeed, as more demonstrative than those already mentioned at p. 541, with the hydrochloric acid ; nay, as so decisive, that I regard the proofs against the tenabi- lity of the argument, derived from Faraday^s experiment, in fa- vour of the chemical theory of galvanism, as perfectly destroyed by them*. However I cannot refrain from drawing attention to the cir- I * The above fact is certainly decisive against the Faradayan theory, which merely admits the chemical attack on metals as the cause of the voltaic electricity. On the other hand, according to the theory of Becquerel or De la Rive, one might deduce this near equality in the action of the separated and mixed acid from an accidental compensation with the current originating from the contact of both acids. Now fluids excite, it is true, an electric current by their reci- procal contact, as was first actually proved by Fechner (Poggendortf’s Annalen, xlviii. pp. 1, and 225.). A portion of the action may therefore in effect have originated from this cause ; but since the currents, which truly originate from the reciprocal contact of the fluids, are always weak only, it is not probable that this portion was considerable, and exercised any great influence on the main result. As already mentioned, the separated acids have the superiority over the mixed when the platina is inserted in the nitric acid ; the reverse happens when the %inc is immersed in the nitric acid. But in both cases the superiority is only slight. This appears to me to prove, that the current from the fluids which in both cases must possess opposite direction, has no consider- able part in the main action. Two Fluids, and of Two Metals not in Contact, 549 cuits composed of acid, iodide of potassium, amalgamated and non-amalgamated zinc. As evident from the Table, the current has in these circuits, on employing pure sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid in the diluted state, after a first deflexion in the direction s ^i, the direction s^ i with great energy, or the acid the ascendency over the iodide of potassium. The same is the case, and indeed without the first deflexion s ***»-i* pa{l-^c) - p'ac -}- Nap. log = a ni. or pa (I-}- c) - - p'ac + [6*9505960] ^ log | the pressure being reckoned in lbs. per square inch. 566 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours, ^c. p'y ^ Ep' = ISK K a V {V + c) J 9 Similarly, p y — Ep = — 1 ^ IS ft a V (I + c) p a {I c) — p' a c ISKy ISK a V {I + c) (Jt> 1 IS fjJ av (/' + c) liSK y XT 1 1 -vE(l-y) Nap.log^- Ep^ / y y— ^ ll -Ep p a (I c) — p' a c — {p" -\-f) at yzl'] = a Rl - [4.-64ll966]^log* log<; 2^1 J 1 - jsy ! ) y-J - Ep al(l -\-d) r \-Ep »■ If the machine work without expansion, y-i 1 - £ y p=y, log V - (p" -I-./) 1 + 8 2^1 1 J' J = 0, The data upon questions relating to the steam-engine are the quantities a, I, V, S, and v, and it is evident that from these quan- tities the quantities ft and ft' may at once be found by an easy arith- metical operation; from these the following table will give the corresponding pressures p and p', and these pressures being in- troduced into equation A, the value of « r may be easily found. * Log. of Briggs, the pressure being reckoned in atmospheres, the log. of the con- stant is [7*9670537], the pressure being reckoned in lbs. per square foot. Table showing the volume (compared with that of water at 212°), and the temperature of steam. Pressure in lbs. per square inch. 14706 Xp. Temperature. Fahrenheit. r Volume. Pressure in lbs. per square inch. 14*706 XP. Temperature. Fahrenheit. r Volume. fi Air*. Therm. Merc. Therm. Air. Therm. Merc. Therm. 1 101% 101% 20816 56 287*6 289% 498 2 1260 126*0 10871 57 288*7 290*7 490 3 141*4 141*4 7442 58 289*8 291*8 482 4 153*0 153*0 5691 59 290*9 293*0 474 5 162*2 162*2 4622 60 292*0 294*1 467 6 170*1 170*1 3902 61 293*0 295*1 460 7 176*8 176*8 3381 62 294*0 296*2 453 8 182*8 182*8 2986 63 295*0 297*2 447 9 188*3 188*3 2678 64 296*0 298*2 440 10 193*2 193*2 2429 65 297-0 299*2 434 11 197*8 197*8 2223 66 298*0 300*3 428 12 202*0 202*0 2051 67 299*0 301*3 422 13 205*9 205*9 1905 68 300*0 302*3 417 14 209*5 209*5 1778 69 301*0 303*3 411 14*706 212*0 212*0 1700 70 301*9 304*2 406 15 212*9 212*9 1669 71 302*8 305*2 401 16 216*3 216*4 1572 72 303*7 306*1 396 17 219*3 219*5 1487 73 304*6 307*0 391 18 222*3 222*6 1410 74 305*5 308*0 386 19 225*1 225*5 1342 75 306*4 308*9 381 20 227*9 228*3 1280 76 307*3 309*8 377 21 230*4 230*9 1224 77 308*2 310*7 372 22 232*9 233*5 1172 78 309*1 311*6 368 23 235*2 235*8 1125 79 310*0 312*6 364 24 237*6 238*3 1082 80 310*9 313*5 359 25 239*8 240*6 1042 81 311*8 314*5 355 26 242*0 242*8 1005 82 312*7 315*4 351 27 244*0 244*9 971 83 313*5 316*3 348 28 246*1 247*0 939 84 314*3 317*1 344 29 248*0 249*0 909 85 315*1 317*9 340 30 250*0 251*0 881 86 315*9 318*7 337 31 251*8 252*8 855 87 316*7 319*6 333 32 253*7 254*8 831 88 317*5 320*4 330 33 255*4 256*5 808 89 318*3 321*2 326 34 257*2 258*3 786 90 319*1 322*0 323 35 258*9 260*1 765 91 319*9 322*9 320 36 260*6 261*8 746 92 320*7 323*7 317 37 262*2 263*5 727 93 321*5 324*5 313 38 263*8 265*1 709 94 322*3 325*3 310 39 265*3 266*6 693 95 323*0 326*0 307 40 266*8 268*2 677 96 323*7 326*8 305 41 268*2 269*6 662 97 324*4 327*5 302 42 269*7 271*2 647 98 325*1 328*3 299 43 271*1 272*6 633 99 325*8 329*0 296 44 272*5 274*1 620 100 326*5 329*7 293 45 273*8 275*4 608 105 330*0 333*3 281 46 275*2 276*8 596 120 339*7 343*4 249 47 276*5 278*2 584 135 348*4 352*4 223 48 277*8 279*5 573 150 356*5 360*8 203 49 279*1 280*8 562 165 363*9 368*4 186 50 280*4 282*1 552 180 370*7 375*5 172 51 281*7 283*5 542 195 377*0 382*0 160 52 282*9 284*7 532 210 383*3 388*4 150 53 284*1 286*0 523 225 389*0 394*4 141 54 285*2 287*1 514 240 394*5 400*1 133 55 286*4 288*3 506 _ [2-06510591_ p.oi34_i.i7602 ^ [0*4109002] A t = ' — — 568 Mr. Lubbock on the Heat of Vapours The following example will serve to show in what manner the table was calculated. Ex. — Calculation of the temperature and volume of steam for the pressure of 180 lbs. per square inch. log 180 = 2*2552725 log 14*706 = 1*1674946 logp = 1*0877779 x *0134 = *01457622386 = log 1*03413 1*17602 1*03413 2*0651059 log *14189 = 9*1519518 2*9131541 = log 818*7 448*0 Temp. Fahr. Air Therm. = 370*7 4*8 Temp. Fahr. Merc. Therm. = 375*5 0*4109002 log™ = 8*9122221 2*9131541 2*2362764 = log 172 (a. * 172 The following data are taken from M. de Pambour’s work on the Steam Engine, p, 238. y _ -25 I V = 250 f = *5 (lb. per square inch) S = *14 Z = 10 ft. a = 12*566 sq. ft. S = *927 cub. ft. p" = 4 lbs. per square inch. c = *05 I log V = 2*3979400 log a = 1*0991971 log *30 = 9*4771213 log V = 2*397 9400 log a = 1*0991971 log 1*05 = 0*0211893 2*9742584 log S = 9*9670797 3*5183264 log S = 9*9670797 3*5512467 = log 3558*3 y = 3558*3 30071787 = log 1016*6 p' = 1016*6 and on Astronomical Refractions, 569 Hence by the table y = 25*686, p = 6*627 reckoned in lbs. per square inch. p' = 1*7466, p = *4506, = *3060 in atmospheres, log 1*7466 = *2422019, log *4506 = 9*6538224 •2422019 X *0134 = *00324550546 9*9967545 log = 0*0704184 0*0671729 = log 1*16727 0*3461776 X *0134 = *00463877984 •0704184 *0750571 = log 1*18865 log *18865 = 9*2756568 log *16727 = 9*2234181 0*0522387 logp = 9*6538224 log// log a = 1*0991971 log a log(/ + c; = 1*0211893 logo 1*7742088 59*457 = 0*2422019 log(//^+/) = 9*4857179 = 1*0991971 log a = 1*0991971 = 9*6989700 log 1 = 1*0000000 1*0403690 1*5849150 10*974 38*451 38*451 49*425 4*6411966 log I = 1*0000000 log^= 9*9671554 8*7179923 log 94*834 = 1*9769641 log 14*706 = 1*1674946 log 144 = 2*1583625 4*3263443 log « = 2*3979400 5*3028212 log^(l+S) = 1*0569049 1*9284043 4*2459163 ar «= 17616 84*802 59*457 144*259 49*425 94*834 ar = 17616 expressed in lbs., M. de Pambour finds ar~ 173S7. [To be continued.] Phil, Mag, S. 3. Vol. 16. No. 106. Suppl, July 1840. 2 Q C 570 3 LXXXVL On the Combinations of Carbon n^ith Silicon and Iron^ and other Metals^ forming the different Species of Cast Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron, By Dr. C. Schafhaeutl, of Munich, [Continued from p. 523, and concluded.] TN scarcely any analytical proceedings has the presence of ^ electro-negative metals been more overlooked, than in the analyses of cast iron, steel, and wrought iron : the best irons of Sweden contain, as we shall soon show, a considerable quan- tity of arsenic, and the celebrated English Low-Moor iron contains still more. By forging the best English cast steel, arsenic is volatilized and may be very easily detected by the smell; and the blacksmiths who forge Low-Moor iron, fre- quently complain of the unpleasant smell which escapes (by them termed a sulphureous smell), causing them often swelled lips. It is for this reason that the Low-Moor iron surpasses in hardness and tenacity all other English iron. The same iron is known for its capability of being converted into bar- steel for coach-springs, although not bearing a higher degree of conversion. It is known that Wootz, or Indian steel, as well as cast steel made from Dannemora iron, is particularly adapted for cutting instruments which require an extremely sharp fine edge ; but for purposes in which great tenacity is required, without a particularly fine grain, where the steel is required to be welded at an elevated degree of heat and in large masses, the celebrated Russian CCND iron is far preferable, containing besides a large quantity of silicon and manganese, also a large quantity of phosphorus. To the presence of sulphur as well as arsenic is generally ascribed the property of the iron being red-short, and the sulphur particularly has in this respect a bad reputation. Karsten declares that even the presence of 0*03375 part of sulphur is capable of making the iron totally unfit for use in a red heat, because he caused sulphate of lime or gypsum to be melted down with iron ore in a blast furnace, and found the iron prepared from it perfectly red-short, containing only the small quantity of sulphur just mentioned. But he did not in- vestigate the other contents of the red-short cast iron, which in such case contains always calcium or sulphuret of calcium in its composition as well as sulphuret of silicon. If such a small quantity of sulphur as Karsten mentions, would make iron red-short, no malleable iron at all could be produced by means of pit-coal, as even the softest and best English iron invariably Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of Cast Iron^ ^c. 571 contains more sulphur than the quantity mentioned by him. Charcoal itself imparts a portion of sulphur to the iron. As a further proof of what has just been asserted, we now refer to some specimens of French cast iron, the produce of the furnaces near Alais, departement du Gard, at the foot of the Cevennes. These specimens were produced from hydrated oxides of iron, which cover the summits of several hills of limestone and carboniferous sandstone extending over a long district, and have undoubtedly been deposited in this state by water. The greatest part of this ore has a perfectly ochry appearance, in- termixed with masses of red oxide of iron, which is so similar to oxide of iron, precipitated from its solution in acids by caustic ammonia, and dried on a filter, that it is impossible to distin- guish between the two specimens when placed together, which is the artificial and which the natural. As it is the mode in France to assay the iron ores only in the dry way in a small crucible, lined with charcoal, nothing more is obtained than the quantity of metallic iron which is contained in the ore ; and as those ores were found to be very rich and in great abundance, a large iron-work has in consequence been erected; but actual trial of the ore in the blast furnaces very soon convinced the proprietors, that in the selection of ore for practical purposes more research is I’equired than the mere melting down of three grammes of iron ore in the crucible in the laboratory. The iron obtained from this ore had invariably the bad quality of emitting a great quantity of fumes during heating, and not welding except in a state of half-fusion. But when this welding was accomplished, the iron naturally had lost its quality, and was found to be burnt. This ore is invariably mixed with a subarseniate of iron, which contains in 100 parts 7 of arsenic acid and 13’68 of water, and is mechanically mixed with galena, bournonite, and similar minerals. The small quantity of arsenic in this case is easily overlooked even with the blow-pipe, and generally no other means will detect the presence of arsenic except a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. The manner of conducting the blast furnaces with pit coal in France is, notwithstanding the great difference in the ores, exactly the same as in England ; and English workmen are down to the present time generally employed, not only in work- ing at the puddling furnaces, but also at the blast furnaces. It will be apparent, that the above-mentioned ore is ex- tremely fusible, and requires therefore a very careful arrange- ment of the fluxes, in order to obtain a tolerably good quality of cast iron, particularly as in this hot southern climate the rarefied and dry air has a peculiar influence on the produc- 2 Q 2 572 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of tion of the blast furnaces under some circumstances, which I shall further explain; so that I witnessed for months a dif- ferent working of the blast furnaces, even at different periods of the day. Notwithstanding the profusion of rich ores throughout France, it is infinitely more difficult to produce iron of good quality from them, than from the clay ironstone in England ; and excepting where iron is melted down with charcoal, the iron produced is of very inferior quality compared with that of England. As I think it will be very instructive to examine the chemi- cal properties of several specimens of such cast iron, obtained from the same ore and in the same furnace, I shall briefly describe five specimens of iron from the furnace of Alais. I call the first {a) ; it has a dead gray appearance, but is in- tersected by somewhat whitish shining rays having a distant re- semblance to the lamellar crystallization of white crystallized charcoal iron. It was rather hard and brittle, and its specific gravity was 7*442. The second specimen (5) was obtained under peculiar circumstances. During one cast, in particular, the iron ran from the hearth into the moulds in the sand, and the rapid contraction of the exterior of those pigs forced out the still liquid interior through the face of the pigs like a fountain. The iron thus forced out is the specimen (5) ; it had a silvery white appearance, broke with large crystalline planes, approaching somewhat to a cubical fracture, and had a specific gravity of 7*33. The specimen (c) was also perfectly silver-white, consisting of an extremely large pearl-like granulation, easily to be broken, and its specific gravity was 7*582. Specimen {d) was extremely difficult of fusion, scarcely to be melted down in the fineries, and not at all available in the puddling furnaces ; its specific gravity was 7*61. Specimen (e) is a malleable iron produced from gray cast iron, obtained only from a few casts during the beginning of the working of the blast furnace. Its qualities we shall afterwards describe. On treating the specimen {a) with hydrochloric acid in the way before described, I observed, that during the last wash- ing of the sulphuret of lead v/ith boiling-hot distilled w'a- ter, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, as soon as this water dropt beneath into the solution of nitrate of lead, the surface of the liquid assumed a beautiful bright verrnilion-red colour during the formation of chloride of lead. As soon as a consi- derable quantity of the coloured fluid was collected, I decanted it into another glass and found next day that the colouring 573 Ca^t Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, matter was deposited, traversed by beautiful red needle-like crystals ; these crystals washed with water during solution lost their colour, were not soluble in alcohol, and heated in a glass tube emitted a very pungent smell somewhat resembling cya- nogen. The liquid solution of nitrate of lead smelt very strongly of hydrogen developed from cast iron, and I am convinced, that this compound of hydrogen, carbon, azote, and sulphur forms a salt with the oxide of lead, which is more distinct, when the acid, in which the cast iron is dissolved, is so weak, that little or no sulphuretted hydrogen is disengaged. When acetate of lead is used, and the lead carefully precipitated by sul- phuric acid, this compound is separated from the lead and will be found to swim on the surface of the liquid. It is unfortu- nately too little to be collected, and the only way to glean some idea as to its composition is, to detonate the hydrogen with oxygen *. Another remarkable circumstance is, that in determining the quantity of arsenic contained in the iron by boiling it in aqua-regia, dropping the neutralized filtered liquid into hydro- sulphuret of ammonia, and decomposing it carefully with acid, the precipitated sulphur, during its solution in aqua-regia, de- posited invariably a black scaly heavy substance, darker than graphite. From 12*89 grains of this sulphur, I separated 0*36 grains of these black scales. By heating them in a glass tube, sulphur was disengaged, and black dull scales re- mained equal to 0*1438 grains. These black scales were not soluble in any acid, and appeared through the microscope mixed with white transparent grains. A part of these scales heated on a platinum foil began to sparkle, glowed in a very lively manner, which after some time ceased, and a white powder remained, mixed with those transparent grains. The powder before the blowpipe appeared like silica, and the scales consisted therefore probably of sulphuret of silicon, or a mix- ture of sulphuret of silicon with metallic silicon ; or it might perhaps be considered as a compound of sulphur, carbon, and silicon. If we consider it as a simple sulphuret of silicon, we 6 might obtain the not very probable formula Si S. * A series of experiments, which I have made recently, and since the writing of the above paper (which only contains the experiments made while travelling through England and France), confirm entirely this opi- nion. I shall elucidate this subject further in a paper on the gases deve- loped by treating iron with acids, and describe at the same time a new portable apparatus for analysing the compound radicals (of organic che- mistry), by means of which the oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and azote of the compound are easily determined in one operation only. 574? Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of The remainder of the solution of this iron in hydrochloric acid, heated in the crucible, showed no disposition to glow like the specimens before-mentioned; it lay still dark on the bot- tom, after the crucible had become for a considerable time red- hot, and after four ignitions its appearance was but very slightly altered. It increased after the first ignition = 0*064? „ second „ = 0*209 „ third „ = 0*096 „ fourth „ = 0*016 0*385 35 grains of the specimen {a) boiled in aqua-regia for five minutes, left a residuum only = 3*7625. It was this solution in which the before-mentioned black scales were generated. The same quantity of iron treated in a retort with diluted nitric acid, left only 2*30 grains of residuum, without the de- velopment of any carbonic acid, which shows that during the solution a new compound is formed, of which azote and hydrogen form a prominent part. By treating the same quantity of iron with still more di- lute nitric acid, carbonic acid gas was evolved, and the re- siduum was found to be 3*144 grains. From this residuum, boiled in a platinum dish wdth nitric acid, sulphur was very soon separated, which was removed after renewing the acid ; and boiling it again till decomposition was entirely completed, perfectly white silica was separated, which in the course of drying on the filter, became inter- spersed with beautiful blue spots, having a resemblance to phosphate of iron. The 2*3 grains residuum of the iron, treated in the second experiment in the retort, was, after the action of the acid had ceased, poured out with the acid into a china dish, and re- mained untouched for six weeks. After the lapse of this time, a brown sediment was as usual found on the bottom, and in the middle of it a white mass, composed of gelatinous granulations, interspersed with brick- red or vermilion points, like vanadic acid. A great part of this gelatinous residuum retained the perfect form of the fragments of cast iron, the skeleton of which they formed. These gelatinous fragments, when divided, showed the in- terior to consist of gelatinous layers, which from the second layer down to the centre were of a beautiful blue colour. They imparted to diluted hydrochloric acid when poured over them a green colour, which was destroyed by ammonia, and again revived by acids. Reagents as well as the blowpipe discovered nothing in the solution except protoxide of iron, carbon and Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, 575 azote, and the blue tints appeared to me therefore to form a cyanuret of iron (?). The gelatinous mass, viewed through the microscope, con- sisted of an aggregation of gelatinous grains of silica, inter- spersed with grains at least ten times smaller of a vermilion colour. The blue layers had the same composition, with the exception, that the silica was penetrated by the before-men- tioned blue colour. From these experiments we can perceive very plainly the mechanical structure of the white cast iron, in which the close connexion of the silicon with carbon and azote is beau- tifully developed. The disappearance of the blue colour from the layers on the outside during the contact of the acid and the air, shows the progressive formation and decomposition — as well as the interspersed brick-red grains resembling vanadic acid, and explains the mechanical arrangement of the different consti- tuents of cast iron. The specimen (6) shows other remarkable qualities. Treated with concentrated hydrochloric or nitric acid, the yellow pow- der, consisting of sulphur and silicon, as already mentioned in a foregoing part of this treatise, was invariably separated : 1*80 grains of this yellowish-gray powder, which swam as a viscid mass on the surface of the liquid, heated on platinum foil, lost 0*80 grains of sulphur. The remaining TOG of this yellowish-gray powder, ignited with carbonate of soda, was found to be contracted into a yellowish-brown cake, adhering very strongly to the crucible. Two grass-green drops of man- ganate of soda adhered to the lid ; silica was separated amount- ing to 0*1611 ; oxide of iron = 0*855 ; alumina =0*028. If we consider the sulphur united with the iron, the formula resembles a bisulphuret of iron, and we have Silicon 0*077 Sulphuret of iron . . . 0*945 Sulphur 0*800 1*822 or, if we take the ingredients as they appear, Silicon 0*07739 Aluminum .... 0*01342 Iron and manganese . 0*85500 Sulphur 0*80000 1*75081 This yellow powder separated was soluble in aqua-regia, as well as in caustic ammonia. 576 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of Further, I dissolved 20 grains of the present specimen of cast iron in aqua-regia; it was quickly and violently attacked, leaving a black coaly residuum. Nevertheless 1*11 grains of the iron remained undissolved, which I carefully washed and separated. The solution was then evaporated to dryness, mixed with live times its weight of soda, and exposed to a white heat in a charcoal fire. The mass was found afterwards to be of a yellowish-brown colour, intermixed with black lumps, and several white drops adhered to the lid. Acidulated water was poured over it, and the whole digested for some time. A light gray muddy liquid was the result ; but the mass on the bottom was not much attacked. After changing the acid, its action was very soon stopped again. By adding more acid the action began again very violently ; the whole mass in the crucible was converted into a black viscid mass, filling up the whole crucible, while disengaging carbonic acid with a particularly sharp hissing noise. I poured the whole into a china dish. In the green liquid I found swimming a black flocculent mass in considerable quantity. After some time hy- drogen gas was developed, and the black mass began to di- minish gradually in bulk till all traces of it were lost, and the colour of the liquid, green before, became changed into yel- low. The evolution of hydrogen proved that the black mass must have been a reduced metallic body, either silicon or iron. It is very curious that the alkali shewed such a reducing power, which seems to be derived from the carbonaceous matter combined with the oxide of iron ; a case which never occur- red to me at any other time. The silica separated weighed = 0*5148 The oxide of iron „ 8*9041 9*4189 The chemical constituents of these examples, determined in the usual manner, are shown in the following table, to which I have added the preceding analysis for comparison : Ingredients. Gray French Iron. White Welsh Iron. Creuzot Iron. Iron {a). Iron (J). Iron (c). Speci- men (d). Steel. Silicon ... 4-86430 1-00867 1-0090 1-860 2-006 0-4828 2-9784 0-5204 Aluminum 1-00738 0-08571 0-0606 0-108 0-098 0-0134 0-0876 0-000 Carbon ... 3-38000 4-30000 1-9100 5-800 4-750 2-7500 4-269 1-42800 Azote 0-00000 0-76371 0-7205 0-874 0-565 1-0360 0-6386 0-18310 Sulphur... 0-17740 0-32018 1-1050 0-645 0-800 0-3800 0-433 1-00200 Arsenic ... 0-00000 0-00000 0-0000 4-050 2-560 4-0800 3-840 0-93400 Antimony . 0-00000 1-59710 0-0000 0 000 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-12100 Chrome ... 0-00000 0-00000 1-38200 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-00000 Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, For 35 grains of those irons. 577 Ingredients. Gray French Iron. White Welsh Iron. Creuzot Iron. Iron (a). Iron (&). Iron (c). Speci- men (d). steel. Residuum in acids. . |5-53 6-7700 12-005 10-890 16-625 9-45 10045 1-995 Increase of weight after ig- nition .... 0-000 0-9084 2-697 0-385 1-880 1-82 0-880 0-059 Flocculent powder after boil- ing with hydro- chloric acid (lost.) 4-762 0-6270 1-603 2-316 2-036 0-485 2-044 0-381 gray. gray. gray. gray. black. black. black. gray. Table inclusive of the increase of 'weight in the different states of ignition. Gray French Iron. White Welsh Iron. Creuzot Iron. («). (6). (C). Loss. Steel. 1st 0-000 0-173 0-000 0 064 0-1454 1-14 0-059 2nd 0-000 0-584 0-450 0-209 0-8000 1-16 0-000 3rd 0-000 0-043 0-846 0-096 0-560 0-80 0-000 4th 0-000 0-000 0-810 0016 0-218 0-00 0-000 5th 0-000 0-000 0-210 0000 0000 0-00 0-000 6th 0-000 0-000 0-162 0-000 0-000 0-00 0-000 7th 0-000 0-000 0-144 0000 0 000 0-00 0-000 8th 0-000 0*000 0-018 0-000 0-000 0-00 0-000 9th 0-000 0-000 0-054 0-000 0000 0-00 0-000 10th 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-000 0-00 0-000 If we treat powdered iron with a current of dry chlorine, a quantity of silicon is always retained by the remaining car- bon and azote ; and this is likewise a proof that a certain quantity of silicon is chemically combined with the carbon, as no alkali has the power to extract it^. * In specimens in which the silicon is combined with the iron, the silicon is left after the solution of the iron in acids, in the form of a white and somewhat gelatinous granulation, as we saw in the gray iron from Vienne. On the contrary, where the carbon is combined with the silicon in not too large proportions, even a white heat is insufficient to burn this carbon, as we had examples in the black second remainders of the iron, (6), (e), and 578 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of Ingredients. Gray French Iron. White Welsh Iron. Iron from Creuzot. Iron (a). h. c. d. Steel. Carbon and Azote 3-412 5-3920 2-086 6-5000 5-2696 4-02 3-5190 1-7265 Silicon 0-138 *1-008 0-702 0-4804 0-4804 0-23 0-4804 0-2740 Last residuums after ignition and extraction by acids. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen 3-700 3-276 (3-580) 4-7600 3-811 0-912 2-9754 0-3230 Silicon 4-812 gray. 1-009 gray. i-ooo' gray. 1-8500 2-006 0-473 2-8671 0-5191 We here see the combination of carbon with silicon, the quantity of which is almost always constant. If we further consider the different relations of the numbers in the above tables, we find that the white irons [a) (b) {c) [d) are charac- terized very distinctly by the different proportions of carbon and silicon. Specimen (c) was very difficult to treat in the refining furnace, as well as in the puddling oven, and was of a large roundish grain, silver white, and contracting very much during the process of cooling. Specimen [d) was almost in- fusible in the refining as well as the puddling fires, and pro- ducing an iron red-short as well as cold-short, which would not weld under any circumstances. The quantities of sul- phur and arsenic cannot be the cause of these singularities, as both ingredients are found in a less proportion in [c) and {d) than in the specimens [a) and (5). The silicon alone is predominant in the last specimen ; but if we com- pare its quantity of silicon with that contained in the first analysed gray iron from Vienne, we find it there in twice as great a proportion. Nevertheless the iron ran as liquid as water. The real cause of the difference in quality of those two last specimens must therefore be sought for in the differ- ent proportions of carbon and silicon combined, and, in reality, the tables show us, that the quantities of silicon in relation to the carbon increase in proportion as the different specimens become less and less fusible. It therefore naturally follows, that the more carbon becomes combined with silicon, the less carbon will be combined with the iron, and consequently our residuums will show the property of becoming ignited by a low degree of heat, and, in fact, the residuum of the last * If we compare the silicon left by chlorine in the white Welsh iron, we find it equal to the actual determined quantity of silicon. In all other specimens the chlorine had carried away all or a great part of the silicon, viz. where it was combined with the iron, as in the cast iron from Vienne. But in this specimen only almost the whole of the silicon seemed to be combined with carbon^ on which combination chlorine never acts. Ca^t Iron, Steel, and Malleable Iron. 579 specimen lost after the first ignition instead of gaining as all the other specimens did, and the gain after the first ignition was extremely small in comparison with that of all the other specimens mentioned in the beginning. If we look back to the specimen of iron first analysed at the Maesteg iron-works, we shall find, that we came to the conclusion, that the second part of this residuum, which during the first ignition neither gained nor lost weight, was combined as follows, in three grains : Metallic carburet of iron . . 1*040728 Metallic iron 1 *122681 Carbon 0*441 38 J Silicon 0*159500 Carbon 0*270500 In fact, this property of thus becoming ignited depends entirely on the carburet of iron. The residuum from acids loses this facility of being burnt or oxidised, as well as the corresponding iron in the puddling and boiling furnace, and the difficulty of converting cast iron into malleable iron increases in the ratio of the diminution of the carburet of iron in the cast irons. The specimen [e) was made from gray cast iron, produced in the same furnace from the same ore. It melted in the puddling furnace into a very liquid state, and filled the oven during its ebullition with innumerable brilliant sparks, emit- ting a hissing sound as if a great mass of white hot iron was burning and oxidizing. I ma1de excellent soft malleable iron of it, but the bars had the peculiarity of not welding under any circumstances whatever, notwithstanding the iron was not in the slightest degree red-short. I kept a pile of this iron, consisting of six single broad puddled bars in a balling or reheating furnace for six hours, during which time the furnace had been several times re- charged with similar piles of other iron ; yet this pile showed not the slightest inclination to weld: the pile looked as dry as possible in the flames, and seemed to become harder and drier every moment at a white heat, when all the other irons welded easily ; and after being taken out of the furnace it was found to be covered with large blisters, exactly like those of blistered steel from the converting furnace. Its outside was silver-white, showing very little traces of oxidation. The in- side of the broken bar was very similar in appearance to blistered steel, showing the cubical crystalline form and the large blisters in the inside, covered with the usual colours of blue and yellow. It forged very well, yet hardened but very 580 Dr. Schaf haeuti on the Different Species of little. By actual analysis, a considerable quantity of carbon was found in it, as well as arsenic, but no trace of silicon. In the retort, treated with hydrochloric acid as usual, the evolu- tion of gas lasted upwards of three weeks : the evolved gas had no smelly which proves that carbon, at least alone^ cannot be the cause of the bad smell of this description of hydrogen. The residuum of the solution was black, smoking very much during ignition, and leaving a small quantity of dirty red re- siduum, which was entirely soluble in hydrochloric acid, leaving only a few small black scales behind. The solution contained iron, but no traces of silica. I must here mention a fact but little known, that all piles of iron which are to be welded in a reverberating-furnace, must rest on a bottom which contains a large quantity of free silica. When the pile of iron is heated in such a reverberating-furnace, the silicon and the iron on the surface of the pile become oxidized, forming a very tough half-melted slag, which does not at all prevent the access of air, and the iron would burn into cinders did not the silica of the bottom combine with the slag next to it, forming a liquid silicate and giving an equal quantity of silica to the uppermost bar of iron in the pile, un- til this liquid slag is spread over the whole pile and its inter- stices. Iron piles heated upon a slag bottom will not weld but burn, a circumstance which I found always overlooked. When iron is heated on a bottom composed of siliceous matter, for a long time and at the highest degree of heat, the silicon of the bottom is reduced by the carbon of the iron as well as of that of the flames, and combining with the iron ren- ders its texture loose, makes it finally melt, and produces that which is usually termed burnt iron. The silicon is, in fact, the cause of the welding property of the iron. Thus silica is sometimes the cause of malleable iron melting in our common fires. The general idea, that malleable iron can be melted even in Sefstroem’s or Knight’s blast-furnace, is quite erroneous. An accurate analysis of the iron before and after fusion will soon convince us of the truth of this assertion, and we find invariably that the iron during fusion had combined either with carbon, or with silicon, or with both. We have seen above, that iron, even though it contains a large quantity of carbon, sometimes developes a perfectly inodorous hydrogen, and an inodorous hydrogen is therefore no proof of chemically pure iron. The process of welding iron consists in heating the skeleton grains of iron, contained in the mass, in order to excite all their attractive forces, but at the same time to prevent their combining with any other body, especially carbon, in which case only the 581 Cast IroUy Steel, and Malleable Iron, skeleton grains will attract each other and become united. The attractive forces of these grains for carbon are developed only when they are at a white heat, and it is an error, which has remained even in the last edition of Turner’s Chemistry, that iron will weld at a red heat. When the grains of iron at a white heat really come into contact with carbon, or when a sufficient quantity of carbon has not been burnt away during the process of puddling, the skeleton grains, instead of adhering to each other, come into a state of fusion during the compressing force of the strokes of the hammer, assume a crystallized form, and produce a sort of cold-short iron. Chemically-pure iron I could never make to weld. I pro- cured chemically- pure iron by reducing oxide of iron (from which all traces of silica were carefully separated by means of repeated solutions and evaporations) in a current of hydro- gen, and inclosed it hermetically in a platinum tube pre- viously filled with dried hydrogen. Several of these tubes were exposed to different degrees of heat, from the dark red- heat to the white-heat, and hammered, in order to give con- sistency to the inclosed powder of iron ; but it never showed any signs of continuity or vvelding afterwards, and under the microscope itself appeared unaltered. We have just shown, that silicon principally imparts to the iron the property of welding ; but we see likewise in the last specimen of iron examined, that even a considerable quantity of carbon contained in the iron does not impart to it the pro- perty of hardening after being heated and cooled in water. Besides this last specimen of iron, I melted pure iron with 3 per cent, of charcoal prepared from sugar, in a clay crucible, and, watching the heat very carefully until it had become quite liquid, I poured it into a common ingot mould for cast steel. This iron when broken presented a large round granulation of a bluish-white colour, resembling the specimen c before mentioned; under the hammer it forged extremely soft and tough, like Taberg iron, but would not harden at all when dipped red-hot into water, notwithstanding it contained 2*5 per cent, of carbon. But it contained scarcely any traces of silicon ; and I found by keeping the liquid mixture for a longer time at a higher degree of heat, the silicon increased, and with it the proj)erty of hardening. We have mentioned in a former paragraph, that iron when heated in a reverberating-furnace in contact with siliceous matter, imbibes a portion of silicon ; but the question now is, why the specimen e, before-mentioned, did not imbibe silicon from the bottom of the furnace, but combined instead with the carbon of the [decomposed flame? The answer is ob- vious. In the cast iron from which the specimen e was pre- 582 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of pared, silicon, iron, and arsenic were combined. Arsenic in combination with silicon has the property of rendering the lat- ter more easily oxidized, so that the greater part of the silicon is consumed before the arsenic, which occasioned the extraor- dinary hissing noise, already mentioned, during the process of ebullition of the specimen e in the puddling furnace. The malleable iron thus prepared had entirely lost its sili- con, without which no peroxide of iron could be formed suf- ficiently liquid to resist the reducing power of the flames. The protoxide, wherever it was formed, consisted of a dry powder, which was speedily reduced by the action of the flame into its former metallic state, combining at the same time with carbon, and gradually changing the whole mass into a carburet. When, on the contrary, the protoxide con- tains sufficient silica, a very liquid silicate of iron is gene- rated, which, not capable of being reduced by the flames, spreads itself over the entire surface, and likewise prevents the action of the flame upon the iron. The state in which the molecules of malleable iron as well as cast steel exist, seems never to have been taken into consideration, and both malleable iron as well as malleable steel were considered to differ from cast iron and cast steel only so far as regarded their chemical properties. But this is altogether an error. Malleable iron and malleable steel owe their properties to the mechanical force of the hammer; and as soon as they lose the peculiar arrangement of their molecules, produced by the hammer, these properties are entirely changed*. The pre- paration of malleable iron from cast iron shows this very di- stinctly. The iron is brought into a half-melted state, in which state the larger crystals of the iron, called grains, lose their attractive power in respect to position ; but the smaller crystalline compounds of the molecules of iron never lose their form or structure, but retain them during the whole process of puddling, and the slag rising only keeps the small crystals of the iron separate, and by enveloping them prevents their acting directly one upon the other. The softened, but not liquid, grains of the iron begin now to abs- tract oxygen from the surrounding slag, which is immedi- ately replaced by the oxygen of the air\\ and thus gene- * That peculiar sort of steel from which in steel pen manufactories the extremely fine chisels are made to cut the slit into the pen, is entirely pro- duced by long-continued and judiciously-applied hammering. t By putting a cap of sheet iron, resembling the head of a still, into the boiling iron, the tube of which extending through the door of the fur- nace dips into water or quicksilver — we soon perceive that air is ab- sorbed, and the water begins to rise in the tube. By blowing an uninter- rupted current of air into this apparatus, the boiling is soon re-established ; 583 Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, rating with the carbon of the iron, carbonic oxide gas, as well as carbonic acid ; and the evolution of these gases causes the well-known ebullition of the whole mass. In this separated state of the molecules, it is very difficult for heat to be brought to act on them ; and it is, in fact, well known to all workmen, that several metals are the more difficult to re-melt the more minute their state of division. Each grain of the iron, not being in a fluid state, by losing the carbon, silicon, &c., is converted into the base of malle- able iron, leaving behind only a skeleton of the grains of cast iron. All the crystalline planes are destroyed ; and therefore, instead of the crystals adhering to each other with their planes of crystallization by a force easily to be over- come, an innumerable quantity of points of the skeleton of the crystals adhere together in all directions of the adhesive force ; and as we have before observed, that the skeleton grains are naturally not in a liquid state, the spaces formerly occupied by the carbon, silicon, and portions of iron, which have been consumed, are still vacant, consequently the iron in this state exerts a very great decomposing power upon all chemical bodies, as is the case with oxide of iron reduced at a low degree of heat by hydrogen. This fact likewise ex- plains the circumstance, which I have often observed, that by using bad coals, or when the draught of the furnace is not well regulated, the iron which during the first half of the process of puddling had lost all its sulphur by chemical means, exhibited at the end of the process more sulphur than the cast iron actually contained before the puddling com- menced. The vacant spaces in the skeleton grains which constitute the lumps of iron made in the puddling furnaces, are imme- diately closed when brought under the forge hammer, and consequently the decomposing power ceases ; but where the malleable iron thus obtained is again kept at a white heat for a considerable space of time, the closed pores in some mea- sure re-open, and their attractive force towards chemical agents begins to re-appear, and thus, to mention one in- stance, the iron combines in the cementing furnace wdth car- bon,forming cemented steely without altering the juxta-position of the silicon and iron molecules in the cemented bar. Such a cemented bar, when exposed to a proper degree of heat, will weld to another similar bar, as the mechanical texture of the iron had not been altered. But it is different when the cemented steel, instead of being softened only, is reduced to a perfect liquid state by melting. In this case the iron and si- and I used a similar apparatus, for ascertaining the nature of the escaping gases, after the boiling mass had been mixed with different chemical agents, £84? Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of licon combine more closely with the carbon which they im- bibe during cementation. The carburet of silicon partially separates from the carburet of iron, and crystallizes during a slow process of evolving carbonic oxide gas, particularly when no more than one definite carburet of iron is contained in the bar of steel. By these means the peculiar appearance by which the Damascus steel is distinguished is produced^. As Wootz, or Indian steel, is only a cast iron, and has therefore not lost any portion of its silicon or aluminum, which a malleable iron bar always has to a greater or less extent lost, and which it never recovers during cementation, those cry- stals of silicon or aluminum are more developed in Indian steel, than in that made in the common way from malleable iron. As, therefore, iron during cementation is only capable of imbibing carbon, it is evident that the silicon and other electro-negative metals must be already contained in the iron in order to produce good steel, and for this reason certain descriptions of iron only are capable of producing good steel. All iron, and particularly English iron, has during the pro- cess of puddling lost a much greater part of its silicon than of its carbon, and its grains are intermixed with an extremely thin layer of a supersilicate of iron, which during cementa- tion is only partially reduced, and leaves a different silicate between the grains of the bar, which makes the steel thus produced invariably red-short. Iron prepared from pure ox- ide of iron in so-called German fires, or even by a different process in a puddling furnace, is at large intervals only inter- woven with almost pure protoxide and peroxide of iron, which during cementation is entirely reduced. The carbonic oxide produced occasions those large blisters from which * As a proof that a real separation takes place in melted steel between the carburets of silicon and iron, I refer to an experiment made in Mr. Wilson’s steel manufactory at Sheffield, when I melted English iron with lamp black and charcoal from sugar. The molten mixture was poured into an ingot mould used for common cast steel, one side of which was hotter than the other. After cooling the metallic parallelepipedon, one half of its cross-fracture was observed to be crystallized, and the other granu- lated. When drawn out under the tilting hammer, a bar was obtained ; one half of its short axis, corresponding to the crystallized side of the in- got, was perfect steel, and the other half the softest iron, just as if a steel bar had been welded to a soft iron bar. The soft part of the bar contained a great quantity of carbon, but merely traces of silicon, too small to be weighed. In another similar experiment, after the liquid steel had been poured into the ingot mould, a lump of metal the size of a hen’s egg remained at the bottom of the crucible. On perceiving this, I put the steel back into the crucible, and re-melted it at the strongest heat I could obtain ; and on again pouring it out, I found the lump, still remaining at the bottom of the crucible quite unaltered ; 35 grains of this lump, dissolved in hydro- chloric acid, left only 0-198 grains of a grayish residuum. 585 Cast Iron^ Steel, and Malleahle Iron, cemented steel has obtained the name of blistered steel, and the oxygen of the part of this gas which is in contact with the sides of the blister occasions those fine tints of yellow and blue with which the inside of the blisters is generally covered. It is generally asserted that the outside of the cemented bar of steel contains more carbon than the inside, and that therefore the fusion of the cemented bar served to spread the carbon more equally throughout the mass. This is contrary to fact. When the iron bar which is to be cemented is of a suitable thickness, the process of carbonization commences, like the process of the reduction of iron ores, almosrsimul- taneously at the centre and at the outside of the bar ; and I have often found that the inside of the cemented bar contained a greater quantity of carbon than the outside. The quantity of carbon imbibed by each portion of the bar depends en- tirely on the quantity of carbon first contained in the differ- ent parts of the iron bar, as well as on the carburet of silicon contained in it ; and this different degree of carbonization may even be detected by the eye, from the various forms of cry- stallization contained in the bar. This, as well as other chemical phaenomena which have not received sufficient attention, may be explained by the law which causes one atom of water in the voltaic circuit to evolve hydrogen and oxygen at the same moment at two di- stant points. In conclusion, I annex an analysis of the best English cast steel, to controvert the modern assertion that the best cast- steel bars consist only of a pure compound of carbon and iron. The analysed specimen was a fragment of an excellent razor, forged in my presence, in the workshop of Mr. Rodgers, of Sheffield, of the specific gravity of 7*92. Silicon . . . 0*52043 Aluminum . 0-00000 Manganese . 1*92000 Arsenic . 0*93400 Antimony . . 0-12100 Tin . . . . Traces. Phosphorus . 0-00000 Sulphur . . P00200 Azote . , . 0-18310 Carbon . 1-42800 Iron . . . 93-79765 Loss . . . 0-09382 100-00000 Fliil, Mag, S, 3. Vol. 16. No. 106. SiippLJuly 1840, 2 11 586 Dr, Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of 35 grains of this steel dissolved in hydro-chloric acid of sp. gr. = 1*104, deposited on the vault of the retort, soon after the acid began to act upon the iron, a dark ring of car- bonaceous matter twice the diameter of the space occupied by the steel filings at the bottom of the retort. The inside of this ring was gradually filled up by the black residuum, whilst at the same time it collected in rays around the filings at the bottom of the retort, which filings in the same ratio disappeared, till the space formerly occupied by them was filled up entirely by the black powder, gradually increasing towards the centre, each grain of this black powder retaining the form of the particle of steel filing from which it had its origin. The action of the acid and the evolution of gas had not ceased in three weeks. The residuum, of a dark brown greenish colour, was equal to T995 grains. Heated in a pla- tinum crucible, a single bright spark appeared towards the centre, which immediately disappeared. Long after this the mass ignited within the crucible, and had increased in weight = 0*959. After being treated by hydrochloric acid, 0*381 of silica remained, contaminated with a little iron. The greatest quantity of arsenic was found to be contained in the acid from the retort. Arsenic, sulphur, silicon, and azote are constituent parts of all the best English steel which I have analysed, made from the Dannemora iron, called Hoop L. and double Bullet. Their relative proportions in all specimens are nearly the same. In some specimens of very hard steel I found the carbon increased to 1*69 per cent. It is scarcely necessary to add, that the arsenic, antimony, and tin were precipitated together by a current of sulphuretted hy- drogen, and sometimes by means of hydro-sulphuret of am- monia. The precipitate was divided into two equal parts ; one part dissolved in aqua regia, the diluted solution mixed with tartaric acid and the quantity of sulphuric acid ascer- tained in the usual way. The other portion of the precipi- tate obtained by sulphuretted hydrogen was heated carefully in a glass capsule in a current of dry hydrogen, till the arse- nic was driven off. The antimony and tin were of course left behind. I endeavoured to separate both these, as pro- posed by Gay Lussac, by dissolving the residuum in aqua re- gia, and precipitating one half of the solution by means of metallic zinc ; the other by metallic tin, which only separates the antimony. But to gain an exact result, a larger quantity of the material for analysis is necessary than can be conve- niently obtained by analysing iron. If a current of sulphuretted hydrogen is driven through an 587 Cast Iron^ Steel, and Malleable Iron. acid solution of peroxide of iron, with other metals and silica, the silica invariably falls down with the sulphurets, perhaps in the state of a sulphuret, and remaining, after the treatment of the sulphurets with aqua regia, in such a state as to be in- soluble in all acids except hydrofluoric acid. We cannot enough recommend the utmost care in exami- ning the precipitate obtained by sulphuretted hydrogen from solutions of iron, and all the contents of this precipitate ought to be always separated and tried to be procured in their iso- lated state. By trying to separate phosphoric acid from iron, by means of alkalies, the phosphoric acid can only be separated entirely from the iron when the mixture shall be kept in a perfect white heat for some time. Since writing this article several months ago, some remarks have occurred to me, which may serve to elucidate it. According to the experiments in the previous paper, we consider, that the toughness of the black and gray sorts of cast iron is owing to the siliciuret of iron, while their qualities of strength and fusibility are attributable to the carburet of aluminum, silicon and iron. I must here observe, that really gray cast iron, used for foundry purposes, never changes its appearance from gray into white without changing its chemi- cal composition ; while the white crystallized cast iron, pro- duced on the continent from spathose iron ores, at a compara- tively low degree of heat, changes its appearance from white into apparently gray cast iron, according to the degree of slow- ness with which it is cooled. But this ready conversion of white iron into gray iron is only apparent, and the above- mentioned crystallized iron bears, in either of its states, the chemical character of white iron, in which a part of the silicon is replaced by manganese. When apparently converted into gray iron by slow cooling, it has only changed the state of aggregation of its component molecules, and consequently its density ; or, in other words, the molecules of this sort of iron have had time to arrange themselves during its cooling into a more developed crystalline form. This crystalline form may be easily distinguished from the regular foliated form of crystal- lization of real gray cast iron, when viewed under the micro- scope, by the irregularity, smallness, and thickness of its com- ponent leaves or scales, and a stroke of the hammer will invariably restore to the part struck the original white silvery colour peculiar to it. The residuum of both varieties of this iron, after its treatment with hydrochloric acid, have ail the characters of the residuum of white iron ; they are brown, in- stead of white or gray, become ignited at a very low degree of heat, and never effervesce with caustic ammonia. 588 Dr. Schafhaeutl on the Different Species of The crystalline form of cast iron generally depends on the relative atomic combination of carbon with silicon. The hardness and whiteness of the compound decreases with the increase of carbon, and has reached its utmost degree of friability in that sort of supercarburet of silicon, which is called graphite^ or by the iron-smelters, Msh, I procured a beautiful specimen of this sort of graphite or hish a few weeks ago from one of the blast-furnaces at Mer- thyr-Tydvil. A rather porous piece of slag, of a yellowish green colour, like impure sulphur, was found to be interwoven with a graphitic formation, consisting of large irregular layers of different sizes, and of a dusty grayish graphitic hue. These large layers or laminae were found to be composed of smaller rhombic scales, lying one over another, similar to the tiles of a roof, and giving to the surface the appearance of a regu- lar rhombic network The composition of the large laminae was found to be different in different parts of their thickness. The scales of graphite on the outside were soft, light, and so easily divisible as to soil the fingers. They increase in thickness and become more dark-coloured towards the middle, and the central layer had the appearance and hardness of black cast iron, and its somewhat conchoidal fracture had a lustre be- twixt those of glass and pitch. The exterior and thinnest scales were not attracted by the magnet at all; but the interior ones were affected by the magnet almost in the ratio of their increasing thickness. In hydrochloric acid, the central layer evolved hydrogen rapidly, first a white, and afterwards a yellowish scum of si- lica were separated, and it showed in fact all the properties of the blackest cast iron. The scales adjoining were strongly attracted by the magnet, and appeared under the microscope to be covered with small flattened crystals, forming an irregular six-sided prism, of which only four sides were developed; in a similar manner only two opposite sides of the rhombic faces of each end of the crystal were left, corresponding to the smaller sides of the prism. Those small crystals seemed to constitute a central point, from the sides of which the small leaves of graphite forming the surface of the laminae appeared to radiate. I succeeded in separating one of those largest crystals, and in covering it under the microscope with a drop of concentrated ♦ [In Pliil. Mag. First Series, vol. xl. p. 41, will be found an examina- tion, by Mr. (now Prof.) E. Davy, of a native graphite considered by him strongly to resemble AM, — Edit.] Cast Iron^ Steely and Malleable Iron, 589 hydrochloric acid. The acid did not attack the crystal until heat was applied, and then quickly formed around the crystal a framework of white tough silica, apparently consisting of leaves or parallel threads, corresponding to the sides of the nucleus, which after having been separated from the silica with a fine needle, was finally converted entirely into a spot of silica. By repeatedly treating one of the large graphite layers or laminae with boiling hot hydrochloric acid and alkalies, it in- creased in blackness and brilliancy ; the single leaves ap- peared thinner, their mutual connection was loosened, and the magnet had no further action on them. With the exception of hydrofluoric acid no single chemical liquid seemed to have any action on those scales, and only the most concentrated hydrofluoric acid slowly attacked them, when in a state of most minute division. After several fruitless efforts, I finally discovered a new method of decomposing them by means of acids, which gave rise to new and interesting phsenomena. I poured about three fluid-drachms of concentrated sul- phuric acid over two grains of these purified graphite scales in a deep platinum crucible, and made the acid boil briskly over a spirit lamp. After this, I removed the crucible from the fire, till the dense fumes which arose began somewhat to cease. I then drew up about one fluid-drachm of strong fuming nitric acid into a long small glass tube, and dropped one half of the acid rather slowly, the other half quickly, into the hot sulphuric acid, which caused the latter to boil again, during a rapid evolution of binoxide of nitrogen. As soon as the boiling began to cease, I placed the crucible again over the lamp, and boiled the liquid till all the nitric acid was decomposed. I found the scales of graphite so much swollen as to fill up the whole lower part of the crucible, so that the liquid was no longer visible. On nearer inspection, I per- ceived that every single leaf of those scales was converted into a spongy body, of the lustre of coke, and of the same breadth and thickness, about the size of a pea. Washed with distilled water, and dried at 212° Fahr., those spongy masses weighed 2*18 grains, and lost after ignition 0*39 grains. No degree of heat to be obtained by a large spirit lamp caused any further alteration. Their appearance in this state nearly resembled in lustre and texture pieces of hard coke and foliated charcoal ; they were composed of four to five easily separable layers, which were again intersected by several cracks or fissures vertical to them, similar some- what to the structure of charred wood, and their edges only 590 Hoyal Society : — Dr. Robert Lee on the appeared of the peculiar metallic lustre of coke. Even the smallest pieces being placed on a platinum foil resisted for a long time all the effects of the flame, but at length began to ignite and to be consumed quickly, always leaving a grayish or brownish residuum, which consisted of silica with a little iron. As I treated those spongy ignited masses again with sul- phuric and nitric acid, in the manner above mentioned, I found their bulk considerably diminished ; and after a repe- tition of the same operation for the fourth time, the last trace of graphite had disappeared, and the acid remained perfectly clear. Diluted and saturated with caustic ammonia, a white, light flocculent precipitate fell, and the whole liquid, evaporated to dryness, and ignited, left a brownish residuum consisting of silica with a little alumina and iron. The graphite obviously had here been converted into car- bonic acid by means of nitric acid ; but it is a very curious fact, that this conversion takes place only under the above- mentioned circumstances. Concentrated nitric acid, dropped on the red-hot graphite, has not the slightest action on it ; neither has sulphuric acid dropped into boiling nitric acid. To obtain the expected results, the above precept must be followed strictly, and the crucible must be spacious, as with every drop of nitric acid falling into the sulphuric acid a slight explosion takes place, which might occasion the loss of some of the liquid. A somewhat probable explanation of the singular action of both acids combined in this manner, seems to be, that the boiling sulphuric acid absorbs the water from the nitric acid, the oxygen of which is only able to combine with the carbon of the supercarburet of silicon at the moment when the sul- phuric acid combines with the water of the nitric acid. If the residuum of gray cast iron dissolved in hydrochloric acid be treated in the same way, all graphite scales disappear, and only white silica remains. LXXXVIL Proceedings of Learned Societies. ROYAL SOCIETY. Dec. 5, O paper read. 1839. Dec. 12. — “ On the Nerves of the Gravid Uterus.” By Robert Lee, M.D., F.R.S. The author, while dissecting a gravid uterus of seven months, on the 8th of April, 1838, observed the trunk of a large nerve proceed- ing upwards from the cervix to the body of that organ along with 591 Nerves of the Gravid Uterus, the right uterine vein, and sending off branches to the posterior sur- face of the uterus ; some of which accompanied the vein, and others appeared to be inserted into the peritoneum. A broad band, re- sembling a plexus of nerves, was seen extending across the posterior surface of the uterus, and covering the nerve about midway from the fundus to the cervix. On the left side, a large plexus of nerves was seen, surrounding the uterine veins at the place where they were about to enter the hypogastric vein. From this plexus three large trunks of nerves were seen accompanying the uterine vein, which increased in size as they ascended to the fundus uteri. From the nerve situated on the posterior surface of the vein, numerous fila- ments passed off towards the mesial line, as on the right side ; some following the smaller veins on the posterior surface of the uterus, and others becoming intimately adherent to the peritoneum. The largest of the nerves which accompanied the uterine vein was traced as high as the part where the Fallopian tube enters the uterus ; and there it divided into numerous filaments, which plunged deep into the muscular coat of the uterus along with the vein. A large fasci- culated band, like a plexus of nerves, was also seen on the left side under the peritoneum, crossing the body of the uterus ; and several branches, apparently nervous, proceeding from this band, were distinctly continuous with some of the smaller branches of nerves accompanying the uterine veins. The preparation of the parts was placed in the Museum of St. George’s Hospital, on the 1st of Octo- ber, 1838 ; and several anatomists who examined it were of opinion that they were absorbents accompanying the uterine veins, and ten- dinous fibres spread across the posterior surface. Dr. Lee availed himself of another opportunity which presented itself, on the 18th of December of the same year, of examining a gravid uterus in the sixth month of pregnancy, which had the spermatic, hypogastric and sacral nerves remaining connected with it ; and during the last ten months, he has been diligently occupied in tracing the nerves of this uterus. He believes that he has ascer- tained that the principal trunks of the hypogastric nerves accompany, not the arteries of the uterus, as all anatomists have represented, but the veins ; that these nerves become greatly enlarged during pregnancy ; and that their branches are actually incorporated, or coalesce with the branches of the four great fasciculated bands on the anterior and posterior surface of the uterus, bearing a striking resemblance to ganglionic plexuses of nerves, and sending nume- rous branches to the muscular coat of the uterus. The author gives the following description of the nerves of the gravid uterus in the sixth month, and of these fasciculated bands as displayed in the dissection. Behind the uterus, the aortic plexus divides into two portions, to form the right and left hypogastric plexuses. These plexuses, after an intimate union with the nerves accompanying the ureters, descend to the neck of the uterus, upper part of the vagina, and contiguous parts of the bladder and rectum, where they are joined by branches from the third and fourth sacral nerves. The left hypogastric plex- 592 Tloyal Society : — Dr. Robert Lee on the us, about two inches below the aortic plexus, sends off a large branch, which passes on the inside of the ureter to the superior titerine vein, where it is about to terminate in the hypogastric vein. Here the nerve suddenly expands, becomes broad and thin, and passes into a great plexus of nerves, which completely encircles the vein. This plexus, surrounding the uterine vein, is joined below by two large branches, which proceed from the hypogastric plexus nearer the vagina, and lower down, and from which branches pass on the outside of the ureter. From the upper part of this plexus, surrounding the uterine vein near its termination, three large trunks of nerves proceed upwards with the vein to the superior part of the uterus, and enlarge as they ascend. The posterior branch of these hypogastric nerves sends off in its course smaller branches, which accompany the ramifications of the uterine vein on the posterior surface of the uterus. Passing upwards beyond the junction of the spermatic with the uterine vein, and running between the peritoneum and the left posterior fasciculated band, it spreads out into a web of thin broad branches and slender nervous filaments, some of which are inserted into the peritoneum, and others follow the vein to the fundus uteri, which they completely surround as the vein passes down into the muscular coat of the uterus. Some of the branches of this nerve, near the fundus uteri, are distributed to the muscular coat, but these are small and few in number. The middle and anterior branches of the hypogastric nerves ad- here closely to the uterine vein as they ascend, and form around it several plexuses, which completely invest the vessel. From these plexuses branches are sent off to the anterior surface of the uterus, some of which, in an arborescent form, follow the trunk and branches of the uterine artery. These two hypogastric nerves ascend, and closely unite with the left posterior fasciculated band. On the left side of the uterus this band arises near the mesial line, on the back of the uterus, midway between the fundus and cervix, from a mass of fibres, which adhere so firmly both to the peritoneum and muscular coat that it is difficult precisely to determine their ar- rangement. From these fibres the band proceeds across the uterus, in the form of a thin web, to the point where the spermatic vein is leaving the uterus. After closely uniting with the hypogastric nerves, this band proceeds outwards to the round ligament, becoming less firmly adherent to the peritoneum, where it unites with the left anterior band, and spreads out into a great web, under the perito- neum, The left posterior band is loosely attached, through its whole course, to the subjacent muscular coat by soft cellular membrane. The spermatic nerves on the left side pass down to the ovarium with the spermatic artery, and first give ofi* several branches to the corpus fimbriatum. A few small branches are then sent into the outer end of the ovary. The spermatic nerves afterwards leave the artery, and proceed with the veins to the uterus, where they firmly unite to tlie outer extremity of the left posterior band ; and after the junction of this band with the prolongations of the anterior Nerves of the Gravid Uterus. 593 band under the round ligament, numerous small, delicate filaments, apparently nervous, are sent to the base of the ovarium. On the right side of the uterus, the author finds that the distribu- tion of the hypogastric and spermatic nerves does not essentially differ from that now described as seen on the left side. The form and situation of the right posterior band is, he states, much more clearly seen than on the left side, and presents the appearance of a white pearly fasciculated membrane about a quarter of an inch in breadth, proceeding from the mesial line at right angles to the hypogastric nerves, across the body of the uterus, to the round ligament, where it unites with the anterior band. Numerous branches, strikingly resembling the branches of nerves, are sent off from the upper and lower edges of this band, and from its posterior surface to the mus- cular coat of the uterus. An extensive and intimate union at various points is distinctly perceptible between these branches sent off from the band and the branches of the hypogastric nerves. On the an- terior and upper part of the neck of the uterus, there is a great mass of reddish-coloured fibres, firmly interlaced together, resembling a ganglion of nerves, into which numerous large branches of the hy- pogastric nerves on both sides enter, and to which they firmly ad- here. From the upper part of this fibrous substance there passes up, over the whole anterior surface of the uterus, a thin band of firm white fasciculated fibres, prolongations of which extend to the round ligaments, — into which, and into the posterior band, they are continued by numerous filaments, like those of nerves. From the posterior surface of this great band, numerous branches, also appa- rently nervous, can be traced to a considerable depth through the muscular coat of the uterus. The author concludes his paper with the following remark, and a short historical account of the progress of discovery on the subject of the nerves of the uterus : — ‘‘From the form, colour and general appearance of these fasciculated bands, and the resemblance they bear to ganglionic plexuses of nerves, and from their branches actually coalescing with the hypogastric and spermatic nerves, I was induced to conclude, on first discovering them, that they were nervous plexuses, and constituted the special nervous system of the uterus. The recent examination, however, of the gravid uterus of some of the lower animals, in which I have found a structure similar to those bands in large quantity under the peri- toneum, has left me in considerable doubt as to the nature of these bands, and until further investigations have been made, I shall not venture to pronounce a positive opinion respecting them.” The description of the nerves of the uterus contained in Professor Tiedemann’s splendid work, the author adds, is usually referred to by anatomical writers as the most accurate and complete which has ever been given. Professor Tiedemann has represented the sperma- tic nerves as being distributed chiefly to the ovarium ; and the hypo- gastric as invariably accompanying the trunk and branches of the uterine arteries, along the sides of the uterus, — dividing into smaller branches, and quickly disappearing in the muscular coat of the ute- 594 Royal Society : — Mr. Gassiot on obtaining rus. He has made no mention of the large nervous trunks on both sides of the uterus, which accompany the uterine veins ; nor has he noticed fasciculated transverse bands on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the uterus, connected with the hypogastric and spermatic nerves. “ Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1838, with Bradley’s Zenith Sector, for the verification of the amplitude of the Abbe de la Caille’s Arc of the Meridian ; by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.” By Thomas Maclear, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., &c. Communicated by Sir John Barrow, Bart., V.P.R.S., &c. The author gives an account of the precautions taken in putting together the different parts of the zenith sector, which he received on the 9th of December, 1837? in erecting it in the central room of the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, and in afterwards transferring it to the southern station of La Caille, in Cape Town. He then proceeds to describe La Caille’s observatory, and the par- ticular circumstances of its locality, with relation to the object in view, namely to determine the influence of Table Mountain on the direction of the plumb-line*. Lie next relates his progress to Klyp Fonteyn, where he arrived on the 24th of March, 1838, and describes the operations resorted to for erecting the sector at that place. He then enters into the details of observations made at different sta- tions, and especially with comparative observations at the summit and foot of the mountain of Pequet Berg. The instrument was lastly conveyed back to Cape Town, and again examined, and the ob- servations made with it repeated. The reduction of the observations occupies the remainder of the paper ; and in conclusion, the author remarks, that although these labours have not altogether cleared up the anomaly of La Caille’s arc, yet they show that great credit is due to that distinguished astronomer, who with imperfect means, and at the period in which he lived, arrived at a result, derived from sixteen stars, almost identical with that from 1139 observations on forty stars, made with a celebrated and powerful instrument. Dec. 19, 1839. — A paper was read, entitled, “An account of expe- riments made with the view of ascertaining the possibility of obtain- ing a spark before the circuit of the Voltaic Battery is completed.” By J. P. Gassiot, Esq. The author of this paper adverts to the fact, of a spark invariably appearing when the circuit of the Voltaic Battery is completed; an effect which Dr. Faraday has shown can be easily produced, even with a single series. He then refers to the experiments of Mr. Children, Sir Humphry Davy, and Professor Daniell, recorded in the Philosophical Transactions ; in which experiments, when more powerful and extended series were used, the spark was obtained be- fore contact took place. In order to ascertain, not only the fact of a spark being obtained, but also the distance through which it may be passed, the author liad an instrument prepared, which he denominates a Micrometer [* See L. and E. Phil. Mag., vol. xiv,, p. 522. — Edit.] the Voltaic Spark before the circuit is completed. 595 Electrometer, and by which an appreciable space of one five-thou- sandth of an inch could be measured with great accuracy. He de- scribes this instrument ; and relates several experiments which he made with a view to test the correctness of its action. He first prepared 160, and then 320 series of the constant battery, in half- pint porcelain cells, excited with solutions of sulphate of copper and muriate of soda; but although the effects, after the contact had been completed, were exceedingly brilliant, not the slightest spark could be obtained. He was equally unsuccessful with a water bat- tery of 150 series, each series being placed in a quart glass vessel ; and also with a water battery belonging to Professor Daniell, con- sisting of 1020 series ; but when a Leyden battery of nine jars was introduced into the circuit of the latter, sparks passed to the extent, in one instance, of six five-thousandths of an inch. The author mentions his having been present at the experiment of Professor Daniell, on the 16th of February, 1839, when that gen- tleman had 70 series of his large constant battery in action ; and having been witness of the powerful effects obtained by this appa- ratus, he was induced to prepare 100 series of precisely the same dimensions, and similarly excited : but although this powerful appa- ratus was used under every advantage, and the other effects pro- duced were in every respect in accordance with the extent of the elements employed, still no spark could be obtained until the circuit was completed ; even a single fold of a silk handkerchief, or a piece of dry tissue paper, was sufficient to insulate the power of a battery, which, after the circuit had been once completed, fused titanium, and heated 16 feet 4 inches of No. 20 platinum wire. The author then describes a series of experiments made with in- duced currents. Twelve hundred and twenty iron wires, each insu- lated by resin, were bent into the form of a horse-shoe. A primary wire of 115 feet and a secondary of 2268 feet, were wound round the iron wires. With this arrangement he obtained a direct spark (through the secondary current), sufficient to pierce paper, to charge a Leyden jar, &c. Several forms of apparatus employed by the author are next described, and also a series of 10,000 of Zamboni’s piles. With this arrangement he charged a Leyden battery to a considerable degree of intensity, and obtained direct sparks of three- fiftieths of an inch in length. He ultimately succeeded in obtaining chemical decompositions of a solution of iodide of potassium, the iodine appearing at the end composed of the black oxide of manganese. The Society then adjourned over the Christmas Vacation, to meet again on the 9th of January, 1840. Jan. 9, 1840. — A paper was read, entitled, “ On the construction and use of Single Achromatic Eye-Pieces, and their superiority to the double eye-piece of Huyghens.” By the Rev. J. B. Reade, M.A., F.R.S. The author observes, that experience has shown it to be impracti- cable to make a telescope even approach to achromatism, by employ- ing the same object-glass with an astronomical, as with a terrestrial eye-piece ; for if the focus of the blue rays from the object-glass be 596 Royal Society. thrown forwards, as it must be in order to make it impinge upon the focus of the blue rays of the terrestrial eye-glass, then there will be produced a great over-correction for the astronomical eye-glass ; and vice versa. Hence it appears that the application of Huyghen- ian eye-pieces to refracting telescopes, is incompatible with the conditions of achromatism, throughout the entire range of magni- fying power ; and that in reflecting telescopes they unavoidably in- troduce dispersion, because they are not in themselves achromatic. These defects the author proposes wholly to obviate, by substituting for the Huyghenian eye-pieces, single achromatic lenses of corre- sponding magnifying power; consisting of the well-known combina- tion of the crown-lens, and its correcting flint-lens, having their ad- jacent surfaces cemented together ; thus avoiding internal reflections, and enabling them to act as a single lens. The achromatic eye-pieces which he uses were made by Messrs. Tulley and Ross, and are of the description usually termed single cemented triples. A paper was also read, entitled, “ Meteorological Observations made between October, 1837, and April, 1839, at Alten in Fin- marken.” By Mr. S. H. Thomas, chief mining agent at the Alten Copper Works. Presented to the Royal Society by John R. Crowe, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Finmarken. Communicated by Major Edward Sabine, R.A., V.P.R.S. This memoir consists of tables of daily observations of the baro- meter and thermometer, taken at 9 a.m., 2 p.m., and 9 p.m., with re- marks on the state of the weather, at Kaafjord, in latitude 69° 58^ 2>" north, and longitude 23° 4<3' 10" east of Paris. Jan. 16. — A paper was read, entitled, “ On Nobili’s Plate of Co- lours ; in a Letter from J. P. Gassiot, Esq., addressed to J. W. Lubbock, Esq., V.P. and Treasurer R.S.” Communicated by J. W. Lubbock, Esq. The effect produced by the late Signor Nobili, of inducing colours on a steel plate, excited the curiosity of the author, and led him to the invention of the following method of producing similar effects. Two of Professor Daniell’s large constant cells were exci- ted with the usual solutions of sulphate of copper and sulphuric acid. A highly-polished steel plate was placed in a porcelain soup-plate, and a Altered solution of acetate of lead poured upon it. A piece of card-board, out of which the required figures had been previously cut with a sharp knife, was then placed upon the steel-plate. Over the card, and resting on it, there was fixed a ring of wood, a quarter of an inch thick, and the inner circumference of which was of the same size as the figure. A convex copper-plate was made so that its outer edge might rest on the inner part of the wooden ring ; and its centre placed near, but not in actual contact with the card-board. Connexion was then made by the positive electrode of the battery with the steel-plate ; the negative being placed in the centre of the copper convex plate. The figure was generally obtained in from 15 to 35 seconds. If a concave, instead of a convex plate be used, tlie same colours are obtained as in the former experiment, but in an inverse order. “ Geographical position of the principal points of the Triangula- 597 Royal Society. tions of the Californias and of the Mexican coasts of the Pacific, with the heights of the principal points of that part of the Cordille- ras.” By the Comte Vincent Piccolomini ; in a letter addressed to Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart., V.P.R.S. Communicated by Sir John Herschel. Hauteurs des principaux points des CordillereSy des cotes de V Ocean Pacifique du Mexique, et de la haute et hasse Californie. Elevation en pieds fran^ais sur le ni- veau de la mer pacifique. Volcano di Orizaba 18728 Volcano di Popocatepetl.. 17812 Volcano di Tztlacihuatl... 15698 Kio frio 10948 Real del Monte 10570 Eloro 8995 Tlalpuhabua 8435 Ameia 8247 Naupalucan 8194 Las Vigas 7918 Perote 7911 Ozumba (Etat de Puebla) 7874 Tepeyabualco 7702 Ozumba (Etat de Mexico) 7620 S. Rosa 7565 Lagunas de Chaleo 7510 Mexico 7450 Tepeaca 7444 Huebuetaca 7121 Puebla 7078 Tula 6613 Tlacotepec 6479 Zacualpan 6181 Elevation en pieds frangais sur le ni- veau de la mer pacifique. Tasco 5971 Temascaltepec 5760 Guernavaia 5447 Tchuacan 5398 Xantetelco 5030 Cuicatlan '..... 5028 Oajaca 5024 Cuautla 4587 Talapa 4542 Acayucan 4485 Coscomatepec 4451 Huatusco 4424 Talostoc 4421 Lautepec 4019 Orizaba (ville) 3998 Real de Christo 3851 Huaitla 3336 Cordova 2769 Dominguillo 2274 Villale 1578 Petapa 617 Tehuantepec (Ocean Paci- fique.) 132 Position geographique des principaux points de la Triangulation des Calif ornies et des cotes de V Ocean Pacifique du Mexique par le Comte Vincent Piccolomini. Latitude. Longitude cal- culee de Green- wich. 0 / // 0 / // Volcanos de las Virgenes 29 91 14*35 121 46 30*82 Cap S. Lucas (Basse Californie) 23 08 35*27 109 82 15*04 Monterrey (Haute Californie) 36 58 17*85 121 46 53*09 Guaymas (Departement de Sonora) 27 55 00*48 111 45 37*42 Matamoros (Texas) 25 59 22*07 97 54 18*76 Id. Id. Barra grande de S. Yayo 26 30 27*15 ... ... Id. Id. Barra del Rio 25 53 03*11 ... Bejar (Texas) 29 74 88*93 98 85 17*74 Mine d’or de S. Yago de los Caballeros 25 13 77*04 106 67 15*87 Vulcans de Tuxtla 18 47 25*91 94 07 43*11 Namampateptl (Province de Vera Cruz) 19 21 48*71 Bahia de San Francesco (au cap los Reyex dans la Haute Californie) 37 59 17*29 122 37 13*04 Port de San Bias, tour de Peglise (Guadalajara) . 21 67 05*54 105 43 17*28 Volcanos de Colima 19 03 45*17 103 21 47*04 N.B. L’instrument employe pour determiner les Longitudes etait 598 Boyal Society : —Mr. Smee on the Structure of Bone, un Chronometre de O. H. Bestor ; pour la mesure des triangles de premier ordre je me servis d’un theodolite de dix pouces de diametre sortant des ateliers de Munich, pourvu de quatre verniers et don- nant 10". Les elevations du sol furent determinees par des obser- vations barometriques faites avec soin, souvent r^petees et deduites par le moyen d’observations correspondants ; elles furent calculees d’apres la methode d’Oltmanns et verifiees par cedes du Baron Zach. — V.P. ‘‘ Report on the co-operation of the Russian and German ob- servers, in a system of simultaneous Magnetical Observations.” By the Rev. H. Lloyd, F.R.S., in a letter addressed to Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart., V.P.R.S. Communicated by Sir John Her- schel. “ On Magnetical Observations in Germany, Norway, and Russia.” By Major Sabine, R.A., V.P.R.S., in a letter to Baron von Hum- boldt, For. Mem. R.S., dated Oct. 24th, 1839. These letters relate to communications which Professor Lloyd and Major Sabine have had, conformably to a resolution of the Council of the Royal Society, with the scientific authorities at Got- tingen, Berlin, and St. Petersburg, respecting the organization of a simultaneous system of magnetical observations. It appears, from these letters, that the system proposed by the Royal Society is viewed with general interest and approbation ; and nineteen stations are enumerated at which there is reason to expect that magnetical observatories, acting in concert, on that system, wilt be established. Jan. 23. — A paper was read, entitled “ On the structure of Nor- mal and Adventitious Bone.” By Alfred Smee, Esq., communi- cated by P. M. Roget, M.D. Sec. R.S. On examining, by means of a microscope, very thin sections of bone, prepared in a peculiar manner, the author observed a number of small, irregularly-shaped, oblong corpuscles, arranged in circular layers round the canals of Havers, and also rows of similar bodies distributed around both the external and the internal margins of the bone. Each corpuscle is connected by numerous filaments, passing in all directions, with the Haversian canals and the margins of the bone, and also with the adjacent corpuscles. He finds that the ca- nals of Havers are vascular tubes containing blood. The corpuscles themselves are hollow, and their cavities occasionally communicate with those of the canals ; their length is equal to about two or three diameters of the globules of the blood. They exist in cartilaginous as well as osseous structures, and are found in every instance of ad- ventitious bone, such as callus after fracture, morbid ossific growths either from bone or from other tissues ; and the author has also as- certained their presence in the bony and cartilaginous structures of inferior animals, such as birds and fishes. Measurements relating to these corpuscles, by Mr. Bowerbank, are subjoined, from which it appears that their diameters vary from about the 10,000th to the 4000th, and their lengths from the 2300th to the 1400th part of an inch. “ An attempt to establish a new and general Notation, applicable to the doctrine of Life Contingencies.” By Peter Hardy, Esq., F.R.S, Mr. T. W. Jones on Single Vision mth two Eyes, 599 After premising a short account of the labours of preceding wri- ters, with reference to a system of notation in the mathematical consideration of life contingencies, the author enters at length into an exposition of the system of symbols which he has himself de- vised, together with the applications which they admit of in a variety of cases. Jan. 30. — A paper was read, entitled “ Observations on Single Vision with two Eyes.” By T. Wharton Jones, Esq. Communi- cated by Richard Owen, Esq., F.R.S. The author animadverts on the doctrine which Mr. Wheatstone, in his paper on the Physiology of Binocular vision, published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, p. 371*, has advanced, in oppo- sition to the received theory of single vision being dependent on the images of objects falling on corresponding points of the two retinae. He maintains that, under these circumstances, the two impressions are not perceived by the mind at the same instant of time, but some- times the one and sometimes the other. If one impression be much stronger than the other, the former predominates over, or even ex- cludes the other ; but still the appearance resulting from' the predo- minating image is nevertheless in some manner influenced by that which is not perceived. He supposes that there are compartments of the two retinae, having certain limits, of which any one point or papilla of the one corresponds with any one point of the other, so that impressions on them are not perceived separately ; and consi- ders that this hypothesis, combined with the principle above stated, is required, in order to explain the phenomena in question. Feb. 6. — A paper was read, entitled ‘‘ Observations on the Blood- corpuscles of certain species of the Genus Cervus.” By George Gulliver, Esq., F.R.S., Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Regiment of Horse Guardsf. The author has found that the blood of the Muntjac J, the Por- cine§, and the Mexican Deerj], contains, together with corpuscles of the ordinary circular form, a still larger number of particles of less regular shape ; some curved and gibbous in the middle, and acutely pointed at the ends, with a concave and convex margin, like a crescent ; others approaching more nearly to segments of a circle ; some shaped like a comma, being obtuse at one end and terminated by a pointed curve at the other ; others having an acute projection of the convex part, so as to constitute a triangular, or even quadrangular outline ; some having the figure of the head of a lance ; while a few % presented a double or sigmoid flexure, as if they had been twisted half round at the middle. Like the ordinary blood-discs, these pe- culiar corpuscles are deprived of their colouring matter by water ; but with only a small quantity of water they quickly swell out, and assume an oval or circular figure, forming long bead-like strings by * [Noticed in L. and E. Phil. Mag., vol. xiii., p. 46 1.] t [Papers by Mr. Gulliver, on the blood-corpuscles of various animals, will be found in the present volume, p. 23, 105, and 195. — Edit.] I Cervus Reevesii, § C. Porcinus^ || C. Mexicanus, 600 Royal Society, the approximation of their edges. In saline solutions they become rather smaller, but preserve their figure tolerably well. In an appendix, the author gives an account of his observations of the blood-corpuscles of a new species of Deer inhabiting the mount- ains of Persia, of which a specimen has been lately received by the Zoological Society. Many of these corpuscles presented the singular forms above described. A paper was also read, entitled “ Meteorological Register kept at Port Arthur, Van Diemen’s Land, during the year 1838.” By De- puty-Assistant Commissary-General Lempriere, in south latitude 43° 9' 6", and east longitude 147° 51' 33". Communicated by Captain Beaufort, R.N., F.R.S. The height of the instrument above the level of the sea till the 21st of August was 57 feet, 7 inches ; and during the remainder of the year 3 feet. A paper was also in part read, entitled “ Experimental Researches in Electricity, 16th Series.” By Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. Feb. 13. — The reading of a paper, entitled “ Experimental Re- searches in Electricity, 16th Series.” By Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., was resumed and concluded. On the source of power in the Voltaic pile. An abstract of this paper has already appeared in our Number for April, p. 329 of the present volume. Feb. 20. — A paper was read, entitled “ On the Wet Summer of 1839.” By Luke Howard, Esq. F.R.S. &c. The observations of the author were made at Ackworth, in York- shire ; and the following are his results with regard to the mean temperature and the depth of rain, in each month, during 1839. Mean Temp. Rain. Mean Temp. Rain. o in inches. o in inches. Jan. 37*04 1-13 July 59-30 5-13 Feb. 39-64 2-14 Aug. 58-09 2-94 March 39-08 3-21 Sept. 54*49 3-43 April 44-09 0-58 Oct. 48-39 3-40 May 49-94 0-38 Nov. 43*14 4-54 June 56-35 4-89 Dec. 37-29 1-85 Mean temperature of the year 47*24°. Total depth of rain in 1839, 33*62 inches. He states that the climatic mean temperature of the place is about 47°, and the mean annual depth of rain about 26 inches. The excess of rain during the year 1839 was therefore very great. The author describes the effect of the hurricane of the 7th of January, and follows the changes of the weather during the re- mainder of the year. A paper was also in part read, entitled “ On the chemical Action of the Rays of the Solar Spectrum on preparations of Silver and other substances, both metallic and non-metallic, and on some photo- graphic processes.” By Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. V.P.R.S. &c. INDEX, (jOl INDEX TO VOL. XVI. Acetic and chloroacetic acids, on, 152. Achromatic eye-pieces, single, their su- periority to the double eye-pieces of Huyghens, 595. Acids: — acetic, 3,152; chloroacetic, my- ronic, 152; polychromatic, 154; sa- licic, 214; .sulphuric, 219. iEther ; — chloric, 6 ; sulphuretted, 8 ; chlo- rosulphuretted, 8 ; chlorinated acetic, 8 ; chlorinated formic, 8 ; chlorinated cam- phoric, 9; xrhlorinated benzoic, 9; chlori- nated cenanthic, 9 ; chloropyromucic,10. Airy (G. B.) on the determination of the orbits of comets, 72. Alais, description of some French cast irons prepared near, 571 ; analysis of irons from, 576 ; chemical constituents of, 576. Albumen, action of, on metallic salts, 154. Alten, in Finmarken, meteorological ob- servations made at, 596. Amidogene, combinations of salicyle with, 216. Amplitude of De la Caille’s arc of the meridian, verification of the, 594. Analyses; — of salicine, 210; of oil of pep- permint, 419; of minerals from the Skutteruder mine, 483 ; of iron from Champagne, 522; of iron from del’Isere, 522; of iron from Siegen, 522; of irons from Alais, 576 ; of English cast steel, 585. Arago (M.), experiment proposed by, as a test of the accuracy of the undulatory hypothesis of light, 157. Arc of the meridian, Abbe de la Caille’s, on the, 594. Ardennes, fossils discovered in the clay slate tract of the, 389. Argand oil lamp, on obtaining an increas- ed quantity of light from a common, 194. Arsenic, contained in the human body, on, 341. Astronomical refractions, on, 89, 434. Astronomical Society, Royal, 72, 144. Baily (Francis), letter to, from Professor Schumacher, on the discovery of a comet by M. Galle, 151. Bakerian Lecture : Mr. Ivory on the the- ory of the Astronomical Refractions, 89. Barry (Dr. Martin), researches in em- bryology ; 3rd series : a contribution to the physiology of cells, 526. Beaumontite, a new mineral, 156. Berkeley (Rev. M. J. ) on a gall gathered in Cuba, by W. S. Macleay, Esq., on the leaf of a plant belonging to the order Ochnaceee, 76. Berzelius (M.) on the theory of substitu- tions of M. Dumas, 1 ; on oxichlorides with compound radicals, 7. Bessel (M.), catalogue of twenty-seven stars of the Pleiades, 150. Blood corpuscles of mammiferous ani- mals, on the, 23, 105, 195; sizes of the, 26, 108, 197 ; of certain species of the genus Cervus, 599. Blood, diabetic, and urine, 238. Boetian contractions, new researches on the, 136; note on the, 221. Boetius de Geometria on numerical con- tractions, 51. Bone, normal and adventitious, on the structure of, 598. Books : — Miller’s Treatise on Crystal- lography, 65 ; Transactions of the Cam- bridge Philosophical Society, 67 ; Car- penter’s Principles of General and Com- parative Physiology, 70; Curtis’s Bri- tish Entomology, 144; Davies’s Solu- tions of the Principal Questions of Dr. Hutton’s Course of Mathematics, 524. Boulder formation of Norfolk, on the, 345. Bromide of Salicyle, 216, Bromine, hydrocarburet of, 236. Brooke (H. J.) on Haydenite and Cou- zeranite, 175; on crystallized native oxalate of lime, 449. Buddie (John) on depressions produced in the surface of the ground by exca- vating beds of coal, 146. Caldcleugh (Mr.) on earthquakes being felt at sea, 145. ' Californias, geographical position of th principal points of the triangulation o the, and of the Mexican coasts of the Pa 2 S Phil. Mag. S. S. Vol. 16. Supplement^ No. 106. 1840. 602 INDEX. cific,597 ; heights of the principal points of that part of the Cordilleras, 597. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 16, 67, 220. Carbon, employment of, in voltaic com- binations, 35 ; on the combinations of with silicon and iron, 44, 297, 426. Carburetted hydrogen of acetates, action of chlorine on the, 235. Cells, physiology of, a contribution to the, 526. Cervus, on the blood corpuscles of certain species of the genus, 599. Champagne, analyses of iron from, 522. Chemical rays, on the permeability of various bodies to the, 138. Chemical theory of galvanism, 485. Chemical types, on the law_ of substitu- tions and the theory of, 322, 442. Chemico-mechanical battery, on a new, 315. Chemistry, on the theory of substitutions in, 1. Chess board, on the moving the knight over every square of, alternately, 498. Chlorate of potash, manufacture of, 237. Chloric Eether of M. Malaguti, 6. Chlorinated sulphuric aether of M. Mala- guti, composition of, 7- Chloride of salicyle, 215. Chlorine, action of, on salicin, 21 9 ; ac- tion of, on the carburetted hydrogen of acetates, 235. Chloroacetic acid, composition of, 4. Chromate of lead, on the reduction of, 532. Circuits, galvanic, 485, 594. Clarke (Rev. W. B.) on ashes which fell on board the Roxburgh, off the Cape de Verd Islands, Feb. 1839, 144. Coal, beds of, on depressions produced in the surface of the ground by excavating, 146. Coathupe (C. T.) on certain modifications of the powers of heat and light when transmitted through glass, 467. Cobalt ores, Norwegian, on two, from the Skutteruder mine, 482. Coblentz, analysis of iron from, 522. Coexistence, on derivation of, 37. Comets, the orbits of, on the determina- tion of, 72 ; on the discovery of a, 151. Conductors, lightning, on the effects pro- duced by interposing different substances between the, 257 ; on the protection afforded by continuous, 408. Contact theory of galvanism, 485. Cooper (J. T.) on the employment of car- bon in voltaic combinations, 35. Copernican theory in England, on the reception of the, 461. Copper, on the precipitation of, by voltaic electricity, 309. Cordilleras, heights of the principal points of the, 597. Cornwall and Devon, geology of, 59. Conzeranite and Haydenite, on, 175. Crag, Norwich, age of the, 372 ; shells found in the, 372 ; age of the freshwater deposit, 373; age and origin of the drift, 373. Cromer and Sherringham, cliffs between, 365. Cuba, gall gathered in, by W. S. Mac- leay, Esq. on the leaf of a plant belong- ing to the order Ochnace^, 16. Currents, induced, of the 3rd, 4 th, and 5th orders, on the production and properties of, 260. Cyanide of mercury, on a new compound of ferrocyanide of potassium with, 128. Cyanil, 154. Daguerreotype, on portraits in, 535. De la Caille's arc of the meridian, 594. Devon and Cornwall, geology of, 59. Derivative of the 1st degree, rule for find- ing the prime, 135; for finding the prime derivative of any degree, 135. Diabetic blood and urine, 238. Discharge, voltaic disruptive, on some phaenomena of the, 478. Draper (Prof.), experiments made in the south of Virginia, on the light of the sun, 81 ; on the electromotive power of heat, 451 ; on portraits in Daguerreotype, 535. Dumas (M.), M. Berzelius on the theory of substitutions of, 1 ; examination of the properties of chloroacetic acid, 3 ; on the theory of substitutions, 152; on ace- tic and chloroacetic acids, 152 ; on the law of substitutions, and the theory of chemical types, 322, 442 ; on mecha- nical types, 501. Eastern Norfolk, disturbed position of the strata of, 376 ; by ordinary subterranean movement, 377; by landslips and slides, 378 ; by pressure of drift ice, 379. Eifel limestone, fossils common to the, and the carboniferous limestone, 399. Electrical discharge, on the, 404. Electricity : — on the direction and mode of propagation of the electric force tra- versing interposed media, 185 ; on elec- tricity and magnetism, 200, 254, 551 ; on the precipitation of copper by vol- taic electricity, 309 ; Prof. Faraday’s researchesin, 329, 336 ; Mr. W. S. Flarris, on the electrical discharge, 404. Electricity and magnetism, contributions to, 200, 254, 551. Electric condition of iron, on an anoma- lous, 142, INDEX. 603 Electric force traversing interposed media, on the direction and propagation of the, 185. Electrodynamic induction, 200, 551. Electromotive forces, differences of the on the contact of two metals with two fluids, 495. Electromotive power of heat, on the, 451. Electrotypes, on the production of, 530. Elementary bodies, on the galvanic pro- perties of the, 422. Eliminating (x), a rule for absolutely, 132. Elimination and derivation by a process of mere inspection, 132. Embryology, Dr. Barry’s researches in, 526. Encke’s Comet, on the variation of the apparent diameter of, 150. England, Copernican theory in, on the re- ception of the, 461. Equations, combination of the given, 40; leading theorem, 40 ; inferences from the, 40 ; of co-existence, statement of the, 40, Eudialyte, on the form of, 477. Exosraose, mechanical, with reference to determining the magnitude of material particles, 10. Eyes, on single vision with two, 599. Faraday’s (Prof.) experimental researches in electricity, 16th series, 329; 17th series, 336. Fermentation, on the supposed formation of inorganic elements during, 251. Ferriter’s Cove, fossils discovered at, 167. Ferrocyanide of potassium, on a new com- pound of, with cyanide of mercury, 128. Films, coloured, produced by electro-che- mical agency and by heat, 52. Fluids, on galvanic circuits composed of two, 485. Fluorine, Mr. Knox’s researches on, 192; on a compound of, with selenium 194. Forbes (J. D.), letter to Richard Taylor, Esq. on two papers in the L. & E. Phil. Mag. for Jan. 1840, 102; on an appa- rent inversion of perspective in viewing objects with a telescope, 506. French cast irons, description of, prepared near Alais, 571. Freshwater deposits, on the, composing the mudcliffs of E. Norfolk, 345. Galle(M.) on the discovery of a comet by, 151. Galvanic circuits composed of two fluids, and of two metals, not in contact, 485. Galvanic series formed of zinc and inac- tive iron, 1 15. Galvanism, chemical and contact theories of, 485. Gas, pond, M. Persoz on, 339. Gassiot (J. P.) on obtaining the voltaic spark before the circuit is completed, 594; letter to Mr. Lubbock on Nobili’s plate of colours, 596. Gay Lussac (M.), analyses of four sorts of iron by, 522. Geology : — on the geology of Devon and Cornwall, 59 ; on the older stratified rocks near Killarney and Dublin, 1 63 ; fossils discovered at Ferriter’s Cove, 167 ; on the boulder formation and freshwater deposits of E. Norfolk, 345.; Paludina minuta, 354 ; fish, 3.54 ; in- sects, 354; mammalia, 355; plants, 355 ; protuberances of chalk near Trimming- ham, 355 ; freshwater strata of Runton, 362 ; shells at 363 ; crag at, 363 ; cliff's between Cromer and Sherri ngham, 365; crag near Weybourne, 370; shells obtained from the, 370; mud cliffs of E. Norfolk, 371 ; Norwich crag, 372; shells found in, 372 ; fossils in the clay state tract of the Ardennes, 389 ; fossils common to the Eifel limestone, 399 ; on two ores from the Skut- teruder mine, 482. Geological Society, proceedings of the, 148. Germany, Norway and Russia, on mag- netic observations in, 598. Glass, on modifications of the powers of heat and light, when transmitted through, 467. Gravid uterus, on the nerves of the, 590. Griffith (R.) on the order of succession of the older stratified rocks near Killarney and Dublin, 163. Grove, (W. R. ) on voltaic reaction, 338 ; on some pheenomena of the voltaic dis- ruptive discharge, 478. Gulliver (G.) on the blood corpuscles or red disks of the mammiferous animals, 23, 105, 195 ; on the blood corpuscles of certain species of the genus Cervus, 599. Gutch (J. W. G.) on meteorological phae- nomena observed at Swansea, 87. Hail, on a remarkable fall of, 85. Halliwell (J. O.) on the treatise of BoC- tius de Geometria on numerical contrac- tions, 51 ; on the Boetian contractions, with reference to the explanation given by M. Chasles, 136 ; note on the Boe- tian contractions, 221 ; on the histoiy of the inductive sciences, 461. Hardy (Peter) on a new and general no- tation, applicable to the doctrine of life contingencies, 598. Harris (W. S.) on lightning conductors, and effects of, lightning on certain ships of the British Navy ; being a further ex- amination of Mr. Sturgeon’s memoir on marine lightning conductors, 116, 404; on the electrical discharge, 404. 604 INDEX, Hawkins (Th.) on galvanic series formed of zinc and inactive iron, 115. Haydenite, 155; and Couzeranite, on, 175. Heat and light, on modifications of the powers of, when transmitted through glass, 467. Heat of vapours, and on astronomical re- fractions, 434 ; general expressions, 438. Heat, on the electromotive power of, 451. Henderson (T.) on the parallax of Sirius, 148. Henry (Prof.), contributions to electricity and magnetism: No. III. on electro- dynamic induction, 200, 254, 551 ; production of induced currents of the different orders from ordinary electri- city, 551. Herschel (Sir J. W. F.), letter to, from M. Valz, on the variation of the apparent diameter of Encke’s comet, 150 ; on ob- taining an increased quantity of light from a common Argand oil lamp, 194 ; on the solar spectrum and photometry, 239 ; on the chemical action of the rays of the solar spectrum, 331. Howard (Luke) on the wet summer of 1839, 600. Human body, on arsenic contained natu- rally in the, 341. Hunt ( R.) on the permeability of various bodies to the chemical rays, 138 ; results arrived at, 141 ; on light which has permeated coloured media, and on the chemical action of the solar spectrum, 267. Hyacinth, H.M. Ship, effect of lightning on, 405. Hydrocarburet of bromine, 236. Hydrochloric acid, ascendency of water over, 537. Hydrogen of acetates, carburetted, action of chlorine on the, 235. India, on the temperature of the sea and air, during a voyage to, 176. Induction, on electro-dynamic, 200 ; of a current on itself, conditions which influence the, 203 ; of secondary cur- rents at a distance, on the, 254. Inductive sciences, on the history of the, 461. Inorganic elements during fermentation, on the supposed formation of, 251. Iodide of potassium, on a pseudomor- phous variety of, 221. Ireland, on the mineral structure of the south of, 276, 388. lion, cast, steel, and malleable iron, on the different species of, 44, 297 ; zinc and inactive, on galvanic series formed of, 115; decomposition of the neutral sul- phate of the peroxide of, by boiling its solution, 130; anomalous electric con- dition of, 142; precipitation of, by zinc, 235; natural products which originate from the action of the atmosphere on iron pyrites, 265 ; analysis of four sorts of, 522. Isere, de 1’, analysis of iron from, 522. Ivory (J.) on the theory of the astronomi- cal refractions, 89. Jeffreys (Julius) on mechanical exosraose with reference to determining the mag- nitude of material particles, 10. Jones (T. Wharton) on single vision with two eyes, 599. Kane (Dr. R.) on a new compound of ferrocyanide of potassium, with cyanide of mercury, 128 ; on a pseudomorphous variety of the iodide of potassium, 223 ; on the compounds derived from the stearopten of oil of peppermint, 418. Killarney and Dublin, on the order of succession of the older stratified rocks near, 163. Knight’s move at chess, on the problem of the, 306, 498. Knox (G. J.) on the direction and mode of propagation of the electric force tra- versing interposed media, 185; re- searches on fluorine, 192. Kreil (M.), letter from, to M. Kupffer, on magnetic observations at Milan, 241, Kupffer (M.), letter to, from M. Kreil, on magnetic observations at Milan, 241. La Caille’s arc of the meridian, 394. Lead, chromate of, on the reduction of, 532. Lee (Dr.) on the nerves of the gravid uterus, 590. Lempriere (M.), meteorological register kept at Port Arthur, 600. Letter barometer, 79. Liege and Namur, species of coral found in the carboniferous limestone of, 390. Life contingencies, on a new and general notation, applicable to the doctrine of, 398. Light of the sun, experiments made in the south of Virginia on the, 81. Light : — undulatory hypothesis of, experi' ment proposed by M. Arago, as a test of the accuracy of the, 157, 181; ab- sorption of, 181 ; on obtaining an in- creased quantity of, from a common Argand oil lamp, 194 ; on interferences as an experlmentum crucis as to the na- ture of, 380. Lightning conductors, 116; effects of lightning on certain ships in H. M. Navy, 117, 404; on the Athol, 406; on (he Snake, 407 ; on the spire of a church at Kingsbridge, 408 ; on the Buzzard brigantine, 408; on the Fox rc- INDEX. 605 venue cutter, 40S ; on the Mignomne, 411; on H. M. S. Beagle, 408 ; on the Hawk cutter, 411. Lime, native oxalate of, on crystallized, 449. Linnasan Society, proceedings of the, 76 ; Anniversary meeting of the, 76. Lubbock (J. W.) on the heat of vapours and on astronomical refractions, 434, 510, 562; on the pressure of steam, 510 ; Mr. Gassiot to, on Nobili’s plate of colours, 596. Lyell (C.) on the boulder formation, and freshwater deposits of Eastern Norfolk, 345. Maclear (T.), observations made for the verification of the amplitude of the Abbe de la Caille’s Arc of the meridian, 594. Magnesia, native sulphate of, 236. Magnetic observations at Milan, on, 241 ; in Germany, Norway, and Russia, on, 598. Magnetism and electricity, contributions to, 200, 254, 551. Malaguti (M.) chlorinated sulphuric aether of, 7 ; sulphuretted aether of, 8 ; chloro- sulphuretted aether of, 8 ; chlorinated acetic aether of, 8 ; chlorinated formic aether of, 8 ; chlorinated camphoric aether of, 9 ; chlorinated Benzoic aether of, 9 ; chlorinated cenanthic aether, 9. Mammiferous animals, on the blood cor- puscles or red disks of the, 23, 105, 195. Marchand (R. F.) on the reduction of chromate of lead, 532. Marine lightning conductors, examination of Mr. Sturgeon’s memoirs on, 116. Martin (P. J.) on a remarkable fall of hail, and on the probable nature of such phaenomena, 85. Media, on light which has permeated co- loured, 267. Mercury, cyanide of, on a new compound of ferrocyanide of potassium with, 1 28. Metallic salicides, 213. Metallic salts, action of albumen on, 154. Metals, on the galvanic properties of, 315 ; on circuits of two, not in contact, 485. Meteorological observations, for Novem- ber 1839, 79 ; for December, 1839, 159 ; for Jan. 1840, 239; for Feb. 343; for March, 447; for April, 535. Meteorological observations made at Al- ton, in Finmarken, 596. Meteorological phaenomena observed at Swansea, on certain, 87. Meteorological Register kept at Port Ar- thur, 600. Meteorological Table, for November, 1839,80; for December, 160 ; for Jan, 1840, 240; for Feb. 344; for March, 448 ; for April, 536. Miller (Prof.) on the form of Eudialyte, 477. Mineralogy: — haydenite, 155, 175; beau- montite, 156; couzeranite, 175; two minerals from the Skutteruder mine, 483. Mineral structure of the south of Ireland, on the, 276, 388. Mud cliffs of E. Norfolk, on the drift and associated freshwater deposits compo- sing the, 345 ; age of the deposits com- posing the, 371. Mundesley, Paludina minuta from the freshwater beds at, 354; insects found at, 354 ; fish, 354 ; mammalia, 355 ; plants, 355. Mustard, oil of, essential, 153. Myronic acid, 153. Myronin, 153. Nerves of the gravid uterus, on the, 590. Nobili’s plate of colours, on, 596. Norfolk, eastern, on the freshwater depo- sits of, 345. Norway, Russia and Germany, on magne- tic observations in, 598. Norwegian cobalt ores, on two, from the Skutteruder mine, 482. Ochnacece, on a gall gathered in Cuba, on the leaf of a plant belonging to the or- der, 76. Oil of mustard, 153; of peppermint, 418. Optics, physical, on photometry in con • nexion with, 16. Orfila (M.) on arsenic contained naturally in the human body, 341. Oxalate of lime, native, on crystallized, 449. Oxichlorides, combinations of, with other bodies, 6 ; with compound radicals, 7. Oxidized pyrites, on the products of, 265. Parallax of Sirius, on the, 148. Pelouze (M.), letter to, from M. Berzelius, on the theory of substitutions in che- mistry of M. Dumas, 1. Peppermint, oil of, compounds derived IVom the stearopten of, 418 ; analysis of, by Mr. Walter, 419. Permutations, positive, 134; negative, 134; positive effectual, 134; negative effectual, 134. Peroxide of iron, decomposition of the neutral sulphate of the, by boiling its solution, 130. Persoz (M.) on pond gas, 339. Perspective, on an apparent inversion of, in viewing objects with a telescope, 506. Phaenomena, meteorological, observed at Swansea, 87 ; on some, of the voltaic disruptive discharge, 478. Photographic papers, on, 267. 606 INDEX. Photography, on the solar spectrum and, 239. Photometry in connexion with physical optics, 16. Physiology of cells, a contribution to the, 526. Piccolomini (Comte Vincent) letter to Sir J. W. Herschel, Bt., on the geogra- phical position of the Californias and of the Mexican coasts of the Pacific, 596. Piria (R,) on the combinations of sali- cyle, 210. Plants, germination and the growth of, 271. Pleiades, a catalogue of twenty-seven stars of the, 150. Poggendorff (Prof.) on galvanic circuits composed of two fluids, and of two me- tals not in contact, 485. Polychromatic acid, 154. Port Arthur, meteorological register kept at, 600. Postage, new system of, 78. Potash, chlorate of, manufacture of, 237. Potassium, ferrocyanide of, on a new compound of, with cyanide of mercury, 128; action of the air on salicide of, 217; iodide of, on a pseudomorphous variety of, 222. Potter (R.) on Photometry in connexion with physical optics, 16 ; letter from, to Mr. R. Taylor, 220 ; on interferences, as an experimentum crucis as to the na- ture of light, 380. Pratt (J. H.) on the temperature of the sea and air, and other phaenomena, du- ring a voyage to India, 176 ; table of results on the temperature of the sea, 177. Problem of the knight’s move at chess, on the, 306, 498. Pseudomorphous variety of iodide of po- tassium, 222. Pyrites, on the products of oxidized, 265 ; natural products which originate from the action of the atmophere on iron, 265. Radicals, simple electro-positive, 4 ; sim- ple electro-negative, 4; compound, 5; ori oxichlorides with compound, 7. Rays, chemical, on the permeability of va- rious bodies to the, 138. Reade (Rev. J. B.) on single achromatic eye pieces, and their superiority to the double eye piece of Huyghens, 595. Refractions, astronomical, theory of 89, 434. Roberts (Martyn J.) on an anomalous electric condition of iron, 142; results arrived at, by battery of copper and zinc, 143. Rocks near Killarney and Dublin, on the order of succession of the older strati- fied, 163. Roget (Dr.) on the problem of the knight’s move at chess, 306, 498. Roxburgh, on ashes which fell on board the, 144. Royal Astronomical Society, proceedings of the, 72, 144. Royal Institution, meetings at the, 338, 447. Royal Irish Academy, proceedings of the, 224. Royal Society, proceedings of the, 329, 526, 590. Runton, freshwater strata of, 362 ; shells discovered at, 363 ; crag at, 365. Russia, Norway and Germany, on magne- tic observations in, 598. Sabine (Major) on magnetic observations in Germany, Norway, and Russia, 598. Salicic acid, 214. Salicide of potassium, action of the air on, 217. Salicides, metallic, 213. Salicin, decomposition of, by sulphuric acid, 219; action of chlorine on, 219. Salicine, analysis of, 210; crystallized, 21 1 ; anhydrous, 211. Salicyle, on the combinations of, 210; hy- druret of, 212; chloride of, 216; bro- mide of, 216 ; combinations of, with amidogene, 216. Schafhaeutl (Dr. C.) on the combinations of carbon with silicon and iron and other metals, forming the different spe- cies of cast iron, steel, and malleable iron, 44, 297, 426, 514, 570. Scheerer (Th.) on the decomposition of the neutral sulphate of the peroxide of iron by boiling its solution, 130; on the natural products which originate from the action of the atmosphere on iron pyrites, 265 ; on two Norwegian cobalt ores from the Skutteruder mine, 482. Schumacher (Prof.), letter from, to Fran- cis Baily, Esq., on the discovery of a comet by M. Galle, 151. Scientific books, new, 79. Scientific Memoirs, answer to a memoir of the late Prof. Nobili in the, 52. Sea and air, on the temperature of the, during a voyage to India, 176. Secondary currents, conditions which in- fluence the production of, 206. Ships of the British navy, effects of light- ning on certain, 404. Siegen, analysis of iron from, 522. Selenium, on a compound of fluorine with, 194. Silicon and iron, on the combinations of carbon with, 44, 297, 426. INDEX. 607 Sirius, on the parallax of, 148. Skutteruder mine, on two Norwegian cobalt ores from the, 482. Sraee (A.) on the galvanic properties of metals, and on a new chemico-mecha- nical battery 315; on the galvanic pro- perties of the elementary bodies, and on the amalgamation of zinc, 422; on the production of electrotypes, 530 ; on the structure of normal and adventitious bone, 598. Smith (J. D.) on the supposed formation of inorganic elements during fermenta- tion, 251. Societies, Learned : — Royal Astronomical, 72, 148; Linnean, 76; Geological, 144; Royal Irish Academy, 224 ; Royal, 329, 526, 590; Royal Institution, 338, 447. Solar spectrum and photography, 239. Solar spectrum, on the chemical action of the, 267. Solly (Ed., Jun.) on the precipitation of copper by voltaic electricity, 309. Spectrum, solar, on the chemical action of the rays of the, 331. Steam engine, on the, 562 ; extracts from M. Pambour’s work, 563. Steam, on the pressure of, 510; experi- ments of M. Arago and Dulong, 510; of Mr. Philip Taylor, 510. Stearopten of oil of pepperment, on the compounds derived from the, 418. Strata of Runton, freshwater, 363. Substitutions, on the theory of, 152; on the law of, and the theory of chemical types, 322, 442 ; theory of, pond gas, 339. Sullivan (Lieut.) of H. M. S. “ Beagle” to the Editor of “ Ann. of Electricity,” on the protection afforded by a con- tinuous conductor, 408. Sulphate of the peroxide of iron, decomposi- tion of the neutral, by boiling its solu- tion, 130; of m.agnesia, 236. Sulphuric acid, decomposition of salicin by, 219. Summer of 1839, on the wet, 600. Sun, light of the, experiments made in the south of Virginia on the, 81. Swansea, on meteorological phasnomena observed at, 87. Sylvester (Prof.) on derivation of co-exis- tence ; being the theory of simultaneous simple homogeneous equations, 37 ; on determining by mere inspection the de- rivatives from two equations of any de- gree, 132. Taylor (Philip) on the pressure of steam, 510. Telescope, on an apparent inversion of perspective in viewing objects with a, 506. Temperature of the sea, table of results on the, 177. Thomas (S. H.), meteorological observa- tions made at Alten in Finmarken, 596. Tovey (J.) on the undulatory theory of light, absorption of light, 181. Trimmingham, protuberances of chalk near, 355. Undulatory theory of light, on the. Urine, diabetic blood and, 238. Uterus, gravid, on the nerves of the, 590. Valz (M.), letter from, to Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart., on the variation of the apparent diameter of Encke’s comet, 150. Vapours, on the heat of, 434. Virginia, south of, on some experiments made in the, on the light of the sun, 81. Vision, single, with two eyes, 599. Voltaic combinations, on the employment of carbon in, 35 ; electricity, on the pre- cipitation of copper by, 309 ; pile, on the source of power in the, 329, 336 ; on voltaic reaction, 338 ; disruptive dis- charge, on some phsenomena of the, 478 ; on obtaining the voltaic spark be- fore the circuit is complel(;ed, 594. Voltameter, gas obtained bjr the, 36. Walker (G.) on the moving the knight over every square of the chess board al- ternately, 498 ; list of works and writers referred to, 500. Warington (R.) on the coloured films pro- duced by electro- chemical agency and by heat, 52. Weaver (Th.) on the mineral structure of the south of Ireland, Devon, and Corn- wall, Belgium, the Eifel, &c., 276, 388, 471. Wenlock and Eifel limestones, table of classes and orders of fossils in the, with the number of species distinct and com- mon in each, 394 ; genera and species common to the, 394 ; genera common to both limestones, 395; genera and species distinct in both limestones, 397. Weybourne, crag near, 370 ; shells obtain- ed from the, 307. Williams (Rev. D.) on the geology of Devon and Cornwall, 59. Zeta-ic products of differences, general properties of, 39. Zinc and inactive iron, galvanic series formed of, 1 15. Zinc, precipitation of iron by, 235. END OF THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME.