* - A tlPi 'Y' ;^'TED = ? f* LONDON NATURALI ST cCke {Journal of THE LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1938. PRICE THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. PUBLISHED BY THE LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE, KEPPEL STREET, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.l. DATE OF PUBLICATION, MAY 1939. London Natural History Society. Founded 1358. Officers for 1938. Offices in the Society and its Sections are Honorary. Honorary President: Prof. Sir F. GOWLAND HOPKINS, O.M., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Honorary Vice-Presidents: Sir LAWRENCE CHUBB. E. A. COCKAYNE, M.A., D.M., F.R.C.P., F.R.E.S. ; Prof. M. GREENWTOOD, D.Sc., F.R.S. , F.R.C.P. ; F. J. HANBURY, F.L.S., F.R.E.S.; A. HOLTE MACPHERSON, B.C.L., M.A., F.Z.S.; L. B. PROUT, F.R.E.S.; J. ROSS. President: C. L. COLLENETTE, F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S. Vice-Presidents: J. E. S. DALLAS; W. E. GLEGG, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. ; Miss C. E. LONGFIELD, F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U.; R, W. ROBBINS; H. SPOONER; L. J. TREMAYNE, F.Z.S. Director of Sectional Organisation: S. AUSTIN, F.Z.S. Treasurer: F. G. DELL, 55 Russell Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Librarian: R. W. PETHEN. Curator: L. G. PAYNE. Secretaries : General — A. B. HORNBLDWER, 91 Queen’s Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Minuting— J. H. G. PETERKEN ; Syllabus — J. B. FOSTER, B.A. ; Publications (and Editor)— G. HOPKINS. Members of Council: Miss J. BURGHAM; H. J. BURKILL, M.A., F.R.G.S. ; D H CLANOHY; W. C. COCKSEDGE; R. S. R, FITTER, F.Z.S.; K M. GUICHARD; R. C. HOMES; L. PARMENTER, F.R.E.S. Lanternists : Miss M. M. HOSE; Miss F. E. JOHNS; G. E. MANSER. The Society is affiliated with the British Association for the Advancement of Science; the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies; the Commons, Open Spaces, and Footpaths Preservation Society ; the British Ecological Society; the British Trust for Ornithology; and the Pedestrians’ Association. LONDON NATURALIST. PLATE I, I93S. Photo, by J. E. S. Dallas . THE CRESTED BUCKLER FERN. ( Last t ea crista ta Presl.) The LONDON NATURALIST TTAe /Journal of THE LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1938. PUBLISHED BY THE LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE, KEPPEL STREET, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.l. T. Buxcle & Co. Ltd., Arbroath. 1939. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ On ZOOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, BOTANY and all SCIENCES can be supplied from stock, or obtained promptly to order. Catalo gue, containing Books of all Publishers, post free on request. LENDING LIBRARY covers a wide range of subjects, including all the Biological Sciences. Invaluable to Students, Research Workers, and Learned Societies. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, Town or Country, from 1 GUINEA. Prospectus post free on application. H. K. LEWIS & Co. Ltd., 136 GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.l. Telephone: EUSton 4282 (5 lines). □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ G □ n □ □ G □ □ □ □ D □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Q □ □ D □ □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □ n □ □ □ n i _ i □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Tubes and Tube Cases of Various Sizes. Pond Sticks, Nets, and Aquaria. Also BUTTERFLY NETS, PINS, SETTING BOARDS, STORE BOXES, POCKET LENSES, Etc. FLATTERS & GARNETT Ltd. 309 OXFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER 13. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□I § COLLECTING APPARATUS □ □ n □ □ □ □ □ n □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ D □ □. □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ CONTENTS. All Ornithological matter , other than the Annual lieport of the Ornitho¬ logical Section and articles forming part of the Survey of Limpsfield Common , will he found in The London Bird JReport. PAGE The London Naturalist, The Distribution of the Grey Squirrel in the London Area — R. S. R. Fitter, Mammal, etc., Recording in 1938 — R. S. R. Fitter, Archaeological Inspections — G. J. B. Fox, The Crested Buckler Fern — L. G. Payne, Botanical Records for 1938 — R. W. Robbins, ... ... ,.. Plant Gall Records in 1938 — H. J. Burkill, ... Neurotcrus schlechtendali Mayr. — J. Ross, Entomological Notes; and Records: — Lepidoptera of a London Garden, fifty years ago — R. W. Robbins, Hymenoptera from S. Cornwall — K. M. Guichard, British Butterflies in 1938 — H. J. Burkill, Coleoptera near London — F. D. Buck, The Invertebrate Fauna of Hyde Park and Kensington Gar¬ dens — C. L. Collenette, ... The House Spider, Tegenaria atrica Koch — C. H. R. Thomas, Parasites of Spiders — G. H. Locket, 5 6 19 20 29 31 32 36 40 41 43 47 43 50 The Survey of Limpsfield Common : — The Preservation of Limpsfield Common — W. G. Sheldon, A Vegetation Map, and some preliminary ecological notes — - C. P. Castell, Mycetozoa — J. Ross, The Flora (vrith tables) — R. W. Robbins, Hymenoptera Aculeata — K. M. Guichard, A Winter Census of the Birds— P. W. E. Currie, Notes on the Breeding Birds — P. W. E. Currie, Council's Report, 1938, Librarian’s Report, 1938, ... Sectional Reports, 1938 : — Archaeology, B o t a n *v ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ecology, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Entomology, Ornithology, 53 55 61 62 rr r* to 79 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 4 CONTENTS. Plant Galls, . 91 Geology, 92 Rambler^, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 92 Chingford Branch, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Referees, . 94 Papers Read to the Society, ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Annual Accounts, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 List of Members, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 101 LONDON UNIVERSITY. CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN NATURAL HISTORY. The University has just instituted a Certificate of Proficiencv in # «/ Natural History, designed for teachers requiring a Certificate testi¬ fying that they have a practical knowledge of the subject such as will be of special value in teaching it to children up to the age of fifteen. Particulars on application to the University Extension Registrar, University of London, The Senate House, W.C.l. THE LONDON NATURALIST. 5 The London Naturalist. The London Naturalist and its supplement The London Bird Beport are published annually, and provide a record of the activities of the Society during the year. Contributions are welcomed from members of the Society on any topic of Natural History, and — space permitting — from non-members on any matter concerning the Society’s Area. The “ London Area,” for the purposes of the Society, is that area which lies within a radius of twenty miles from St Paul’s Cathedral, and includes the whole of the county of Middlesex. Intending contributors are reminded that all matter for publica¬ tion in The London Naturalist and The London Bird Beport must be submitted in the first instance to the Sectional Secretaries, and not directly to the Editor. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ C □ WATKINS & DONCASTER. Everything for BOTANY, ENTOMOLOGY, ORNITHOLOGY. Full Catalogue post free on request. Pond Nets, Tubes, Larva Cages, Butterfly Nets, Collecting Boxes, Store Boxes. CABINETS, Botanical Presses and Collecting Cases, Ornith¬ ological Apparatus, etc. BOOKS on all branches of Natural History, Biology, etc. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ n LONDON, W.C.2. □ Telephone : Temple Bar 9451. □ 36 STRAND, □ P.O.Box 126. □ □ □ □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ 6 THE LONDON NATURALIST. The Distribution of the Grey Squirrel in the London Area. By R. S. R. Fitter, F.Z.S. rjlHE Grey Squirrel ( Scinrus carolinensis Gmelin) is now an outlaw in this country. A native of North America, it has been introduced into the British Isles at some thirty-five different points since 1876, and wherever it has become at all common has proved injurious to plant and bird life. So far as is known, all the Grey Squirrels released in this country have been of the subspecies, Sciurus c. leucotus Gapper. which inhabits the North-Eastern United States and South-Eastern Canada. On July 31, 1937, the Grey Squirrels (Prohibition of Importation and Keeping) Order, 1937, came into force, applying the provisions of the Destructive Imported Animals Act, 1932, to the Grey Squirrel. This signifies that it is the declared policy of the Ministry of Agriculture to exterminate this recent addition to our fauna, though there is at present no intention of waging an official war on it. FOOD. The Grey Squirrel is omnivorous. It has been recorded as having eaten an astounding variety of substances, from growing wheat and unripe walnuts to birds’ eggs and parts of leaden statues. Its staple diet seems to be such vegetable matter as bark (particularly of syca¬ more), shoots, nuts, fruit and bulbs, but there can be no doubt that in the season it is partial to the eggs and young of birds. A. D. Middle- ton (13) lists fifteen different kinds of bird, ranging in size from domes¬ tic fowls to nuthatches, whose eggs the Grey Squirrel has been known to take, and eight birds on whose young it has preyed. One cannot help feeling that it is the fact that the Grey Squirrel occasionally eats the eggs and young of game-birds that makes the outcry against it in cer¬ tain quarters so strong, but it cannot seriously be maintained that an animal is a national menace just because it interferes with the recrea¬ tion of a small class of individuals. Nor is there any real evidence that our song-birds are in danger on account of the Grey Squirrel’s thieving proclivities. As Middleton (13) pertinently observes, “in such an area as Wychwood Forest there is no reason why the Grey Squirrel could not exterminate the entire resident bird population in the course of one breeding season, but the enormous squirrel population of Wychwood does not appear to have reduced the birds to any noticeable extent.” Moreover, in most areas the Grey Squirrel has replaced the Red Squirrel, and the Red Squirrel, as some of its more sentimental champions seem to forget, is just as arrant an egg-thief as the Grey. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. The real gravamen of the charge against the Grey Squirrel, there¬ fore, must rest on the damage it does to agriculture, and especially to forestry. As already mentioned, the Grey Squirrel eats almost any kind of vegetable matter, and anybody who has visited Regent’s Park with a bag of monkev-nuts can vouch for its taste for those. It mav be of interest to quote some actual records, collected by F. V. Theobald (20), of its food in the London area. In the Limpsfield district Grey Squirrels were reported as having destroyed the young shoots of chestnuts, at¬ tacked ail orchard and been “ injurious to game.” At AVoldingham, Surrey, they did a good deal of damage to young trees and ate the eggs of game-birds, at Esher Place they stripped a tree of walnuts, and in Clievening Park, Kent, they entirely barked the butts of some large beeches. At Burnham Beeches they have also done considerable damage by peeling patches of the entire sap-bearing inner bark (13). Moreover, they are not the sort of animals to be encouraged in the neighbourhood of ripe fruit or nuts. In Kew Gardens, according to Sir Arthur Hill (9), many hundreds of lead tree-labels have been torn to shreds by Grey Squirrels. Further records of the food of the Grey Squirrel in the Lon¬ don area include eating haws in Hampton Court Park (3), and small mammals out of traps in the Mill Hill district (4), and attacking a mistle thrush’s nest at the Zoo (3). There is clearly a good case to be made out for exterminating a creature that is such a pest to the gardener and forester, especially as it has been gratuitouslv introduced from abroad. Nevertheless, the letter from the Chairman of the Forestrv Commission in The Times of July 9, 1937, warns us to keep a proper sense of proportion. The Commissioners had found, he said, that the Grey Squirrel was “ of far less importance than at least half-a-dozen other wild animals, including the Red Squir¬ rel, which has done widespread damage, particularly in the pinewoods of the north-east of Scotland. Foresters, who have in anv event to swallow the camel, Oryctolcigus cuniculus , are not likely to strain at the gnat, Sciurus carolinensi-s T ’ Other landowners, however, as later cor¬ respondence showed, were inclined to rank the Grey Squirrel higher as a forestry pest, and it has to be remembered that most of the Forestry Commissioners’ land is purely coniferous, and as yet largely outside the range of the Grey Squirrel. HABITAT. In contrast to the Red Squirrel, which is essentially a denizen of coniferous woods and forests, the Grey Squirrel prefers open woodlands or parklands, with mainly deciduous trees, and is frequently found for¬ aging in hedgerows far from any woods. Around London there are very few coniferous woods, but plenty of the deciduous woodland that is the natural habitat of the Grey Squirrel in America, and this is probably explains how the Grey Squirrel has succeeded in overrunning practically the whole of the Home Counties, while the Red Squirrel has experienced great difficulty in recovering its lost ground after its disastrous decline in numbers early in the century. ° THE LONDON NATURALIST. INTRODUCTION TO THE LONDON AREA. We are fortunate in being able to follow fairly closely and accurately the introduction and spread of the Grey Squirrel in the London area, thanks to the labours of Boyd Watt, Middleton, and Theobald. Boyd Watt’s surveys of 1915 and 1923 (22, 23) throw valuable light on the earl\ period, and Theobald s paper (20) tells us most of what we know about the squirrels of Kent and Surrey up to 1926. Middleton’s four papers (13, 15, 16, 17) are invaluable, and I am much indebted to him and to Mr Charles Elton of the Bureau of Animal Population at Oxford for permission to make use of the records collected in the nation-wide Grey Squirrel surveys of 1934-35 and 1936-37. So far as I have been able to discover, the Grey Squirrel was intro¬ duced at five or six points within the 20-mile radius of St Paul’s Cathe¬ dral, between 1890 and 1916, and at one place outside it sufficientlv near to affect the area. These are listed below in Table I, while in Tables II and III will be found the dates of the first known occurrences of Grev Squirrels at various points within the area. Apart from one or two isolated cases in Cheshire and Nottinghamshire in or before 1880. the veritable mania for setting loose Grey Squirrels that overtook British landowners and American visitors to this country between 1890 and 1920 maA be said to have begun with the release of five specimens in Bushv Park, Middlesex, in 1890, by Mr G. S. Page of New Jersey. These ap¬ parently failed to establish themselves, for when the Office of Works was asked in 1923 when Grey Squirrels were first seen in that park, the date “ about 1903 ” was given (23). At all events there is no direct evidence of their survival. With the main introduction of Grey Squir¬ rels at Woburn, Bedfordshire, also in 1890, we need not concern our¬ selves, as it is almost certain that the northern parts of our area were populated by squirrels spreading up the Colne Valley from Farnham Royal, or out from Central London, and not from Woburn. The continuous history of the Grey Squirrel in the London area, then, begins with the release of 100 animals at Kingston Hill, adjoin- ing Richmond Park, by another American in 1902, or possiblv a little later. It seems probable that the squirrels seen in Bushy Park about 1903 came from Kingston Hill, which is only two or three miles awav. At all events, we can safely assume that all the Grey Squirrels subse¬ quently seen in this part of Surrey and the adjoining parts of South Middlesex came from this important nucleus. In May 1908 two pairs v ere brought from V oburn and released in Kew Gardens, where thev helped to swell the rapidly increasing Grey Squirrel population of the district. Meanwhile, in 1905 and the two succeeding years 91 Grev Squirrels were brought from Woburn to the London Zoo, and released there, soon spreading into the adjoining Regent’s Park. In 1908 and 1909 a num¬ ber of Grey Squirrels from America and one from South Africa were released at Farnham Royal, Bucks, about two miles west of the edge of the area and according to Capt. C. W. R. Knight a number were set free at Sevenoaks, which is just on the boundarv, about 1911. The setting THE DISTRIBUTION OE THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 9 The large ringed figures indicate the year in which Grey Squirrels were intro¬ duced at the places marked and the smaller figures the year in which Grey Squirrels were first seen at places marked. . indicates a county boundary. - indicates the boundary of the area occupied by Grey Squirrels up to 1920. - indicates the boundary of the area occupied by Grey Squirrels up to 1930. - indicates the boundary of the area occupied by Grey Squirrels up to 1938. SPREAD OF THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 10 THE LONDON NATURALIST. loose of a few Grey Squirrels in Kensington Gardens in the autumn of 1914, mentioned by Boyd Watt, was probably not of great importance, as they seem to have appeared there already about six years earlier. Front the presence of Grey Squirrels in the Chislehurst-Bickley area at least as early as 1916, and the absence as late as 1926 of any apparent connection of this area with the lines of advance from Sevenoaks or Richmond, it seems possible that there was an unrecorded introduc¬ tion here about this time. No records were kept of the number of squirrels sent from Woburn to be put down in various parts of the country, and there are probably several other unrecorded introduc¬ tions. On the other hand, cases are known of a pair or a family of squirrels migrating for 10 or 20 miles, then settling down to form a new colony, and this may be an example of such a movement. It will be best to deal with the spread of the Grey Squirrel to its present position of occupying practically the whole London area by taking each point of introduction in turn. Richmond Park — Kew Gardens. — So far as we can tell, all the Sur¬ rey part of our area west of a line drawn from Croydon to Reigate, together with parts of South Middlesex, were colonised from here. Very soon after their release at Kingston Hill in 1902 Grey Squirrels seem to have been noticed in Bushy Park, but it is curious that they do not appear to have been noted at the adjoining Hampton Court until about 1916. In 1909 one was seen at Molesey? and before 1911 they were quite common in the grounds of Manresa House. Roehampton. which adjoins Richmond Park. One was seen at East Twickenham in 1914, and it was suggested that some had been brought there from Regent’s Park. This, though possible, sounds rather like a suggestion by some¬ body who did not know they had been set free as near as Kingston Hill. By 1915 Grey Squirrels were very common in Kew Gardens, and were said to do little harm to the trees, apart from eating nuts and cones, often unripe, removing a little bark from trees such as Sequoia semper- virens for nest-building and gnawing leaden garden-labels (22). In Richmond Park they ate a quantity of St George’s mushrooms in the spring of 1913 (22). By January 1923 there were estimated to be 150 to 200 Grey Squirrels in Richmond Park and about 15 at Hampton Court (23). LTp to the beginning of the War, the squirrels do not seem to have spread beyond a fairly limited area between Roehampton and Molesey, but thereafter they advanced more rapidly, and along three main routes, the valleys of the Mole and Thames and the South London parks and commons. From Wimbledon they were reported in 1915, from Clapham Park and Tooting about five years later, from Putney before 1923 and from Wandsworth and Streatham before 1930. That this line of in¬ vasion did not find the terrain suitable is suggested by the fact that in Middleton's 1934-35 and 1936-37 surveys no Grey Squirrels were re¬ ported in the south-west suburbs further east- than Southfields. though in the Richmond-Kew-Wimbledon-Putney area they were reported by 26 different observers at this period. THE DISTRIBUTION OE THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 11 The first evidence of spread along the Mole Valley was the Molesey record of 1909, which was followed by one from Arbrook, near Claygate, about 1918, and one from Leatherhead about 1920. A Grey Squirrel seen at Tadworth about 1920 probably also came from the Kingston Hill stock. About 1924 a Grey Squirrel was seen at Great Bookham, before 1926 they were in Chessington, Cobliam, Esher, and Surbiton, and be¬ fore 1930 at Epsom. Up the Thames there were records from Walton in 1915, from Weybridge before 1921, and from St Ann’s Hill, C’hertsey, before 1923. One seen at Wisley, just outside the area, in 1925, may either have come up the Wey Valley or across country from the Mole. South Middlesex is largely flat, treeless, and agricultural, and so unsuitable for Grey Squirrels, but it was originally colonised from the Richmond-Kew area, and may be considered here. Boyd Watt saw a squirrel actually swimming the Thames near Eel-Pie Island in 1923. For some years the squirrels did not get any further than the Hampton- Twickenham area, and it was not until some time before 1926 that there was a record from Syon House. By 1934-37, however, they had extended their range to Osterley, ITanworth, Sunbury. Sliepperton, and Laleham. There still seems to be a large area between these places and Tver, Ux¬ bridge, Eastcote, Harrow, and Hanger Hill which is not yet colonised by Grey Squirrels, largely because of the unsuitable nature of the country. Kent. — In Kent the early position is rather obscure. Before 1911 Grey Squirrels were reported from Greenwich and Deptford, and since then there have been very few records from the more built-up parts of suburban Kent. The two 1911 squirrels must have been either wander¬ ers from Richmond or Regent’s Parks, or isolated attempts at introduc¬ tion. About 1911, on the evidence of Capt. C. W. R. Knight, some were set loose near Sevenoaks, and in 1913 they were reported from the dis¬ trict between there and Wresterham. In 1915 there is a doubtful record from Chislehurst, and in the following year two definite ones from Bick- ley, which possibly represent a distinct and hitherto unrecorded centre of introduction. The Sevenoaks squirrels spread along the foot of the Downs and up the chalk valleys, being reported from Chelsham before 1918, from Brasted before 1919, from the Caterham Valley about 1920, from W7arlingham in 1921, from Woldingham and Limpsfield before 1926. and from Nutfield in 1929. The Bickley centre provided definite records from Chislehurst and Keston before 1923 and from Hayes before 1927. In 1926, when Theobald (20) collected records of Grey Squirrel dis¬ tribution in the south-eastern counties, the Sevenoaks squirrels had spread right down the Darent Valley as far as Horton Kirby, and up on the hills on each side to Chevening, Kemsing, Crockenhill. South- fleet, and as far as Northfleet on the Thames estuary. In many of these places they were described as “ abundant and harmful.” By the time Middleton came to collect further records in 1934-35 and 1936-37 the Grey Squirrels from the three centres south of the Thames (Richmond-Kew, Sevenoaks, Chislehurst-Bickley) had spread to such an extent that there were no longer any distinct territories, and prac- 12 THE LONDON NATURALIST tically the whole area south of the river, except for the inner built-up parts, was fairly thickly populated with Grey Squirrels. Only the strip along the Thames estuary in Kent, which has not much suitable country, produced no records, and even that may have been due to a lack of observers. The places nearest London where Grey Squirrels were seen during 1934-37 were Putney, Southfields, Carshalton, Croydon, Dulwich Wood, Beckenham, and Sidcup. llegent's Park. — Three batches of Grey Squirrels were brought from Woburn to the Zoological Gardens in Regent’s Park and released there, 5 in 1905, 36 in 1906, and 50 in 1907. It was not long before they were spreading outwards, for the first record from Hampstead was in 1908, and they appeared in Hyde Park about the same time, and in St. John’s Wood before 1911. By 1913 Grey Squirrels were said to be commoner than their red congeners in Hampstead, and there was a doubtful re¬ cord from Coldfall Wood, a mile and a half further north (7). In or be¬ fore 1915 they were seen at Golders Hill, Ken Wood, Highgate, and Waterlow Park, and seem thoroughly to have colonised the surround¬ ings of Hampstead Heath (22). At the same time they were reported to be disappearing in Regent’s Park, “ possibly from an excessive pro¬ duction of males,” though Boyd Watt saw ten or a dozen along the Broad Walk in five minutes in November 1914 (22). By 1923 there were estimated to be about 250 Grey Squirrels in Regent’s Park and about 20 in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (23). Grey Squirrels soon started appearing in squares and gardens all over Inner London, such as Kensington Square (1917), Earl’s Court (1920), Euston Square (before 1923), Queen Square, Bloomsbury (before 1926), Woburn Square (before 1926), and Russell Square (before 1930). In March 1935 I saw one emerging from a drey in the south-west corner of Russell Square. Eastwards the Regent’s Park squirrels seem to have spread rather sporadically, and not to have secured a firm foothold east of the River Lea until as late as 1936. As early as 1917 one wanderer was seen at Wanstead, and there was a record from Clissold Park before 1923. Three records from the edge of Epping Forest before 1923 suggest an early unsuccessful effort to colonise it, one from Gaynes Park to the east of Epping in 1921, one from Loughton and a doubtful one from Chingford. Northwards the spread of the Grey Squirrel from Central London meets another line of invasion from the Colne Valiev, and it will be useful to consider these two together. Farnham lloyal. — A number of Grey Squirrels were released at Farn- ham Royal, a mile or two outside our area, in 1908 and 1909. They were reported from Stoke Poges, still outside the area, in 1916, but not until 1919, when one was seen in Oxhey Wood, Herts, do we find any record inside the area which can be attributed to this stock. The Grey Squirrels seen at Harefield in 1921 and at Bushey Heath before 1927 had also probably come up the Colne Valley, but one at Hendon before 1923 was almost certainly from Hampstead, as were squirrels at Edg- ware and Enfield in 1928, at Whetstone before 1929, and at Hadley be¬ fore 1930. A record from Little Berkhampstead, between Hatfield and THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 13 Hertford, in 1926 is more difficult to assign, but one at Rickmansworth before 1930 was certainly from the Farnham centre. Thus by 1930 most of the country between the Lea and the Colne as far south as Harefield was already thinly populated with Grey Squir¬ rels. The Middleton surveys of 1934-37 found them established every¬ where between the Lea Valley and the western perimeter of the area, as far south as the line Iver-Uxbridge-Eastcote-Harrow-Hanger-Hill already mentioned. It is no longer possible to separate out the terri¬ tories of the Central London and Farnham Royal stocks, though neither appear yet to have joined up with the stocks originating south of the river. In the suburbs there were more records of squirrels in the Fincli- ley-Barnet-Southgate area than elsewhere, but this may well have been due to a concentration of observers in this area. East of the River Lea the situation was very different. It seems probable that the treeless river valley, with its many reservoirs and glasshouses, itself formed quite a considerable barrier, for otherwise Epping Forest appears to be an eminently suitable Grey Squirrel habi¬ tat. The full story of the invasion of Epping Forest by the Grey Squirrels has already been told in The London Naturalist (12), so that Fere there can be only a summary. The Grey Squirrels previously re¬ corded from Essex appear to have been only wanderers, which did not stav to breed, but the one that crossed the Lea at Rovdon in 1933 was the first of a more successful invading army. During Middleton’s 1934-35 survey the only Essex record was from Snaresbrook, though one from Waltham Cross was only just over the boundary. In December 1935, however, a pair were located in Bury Wood, Epping Forest. By 1936-37 Grey Squirrels were as well established in the Forest as anywhere else in the London area, and had appeared at Nazeing, a mile or two north of the Forest. The sector of Essex between the Forest and the Thames estuary still, however, appears to be free of the pest, and there is no evidence yet that it is spreading anywhere in Essex outside Epp¬ ing Forest, much of the country being unsuitable for it. THE PRESENT POSITION. The present status of the Grey Squirrel round London is thus that of a common resident over the greater part of the area. Only in Essex outside Epping Forest, in a strip of South Middlesex westwards of Hounslow and Feltham, along the Thames estuary in Kent, and in parts of the eastern and southern suburbs, is it still unknown. Even in Central London it seems to appear wherever there are a few trees and plants for it to live on. Some idea of its numbers can be gained from the fact that in Kew Gardens, which are now said to be almost free of them, some 4000 Grey Squirrels have been shot since 1917 (9). In the other Royal Parks the order to shoot Grey Squirrels went out in 1930, and a similar decision was taken by the London County Council respecting Grey Squirrels in the open spaces under their control in 1931. In Richmond Park, where 2100 were shot in 1932-37, 300 of them in 1936 (2), the Grey Squirrel population is still estimated at five to ten pairs, and on the adjoining Wimbledon Common over 200 were shot in 14 THE LONDON NATURALIST. the last few months of 1937. In the Central Parks (Hyde, Green and St James’s Parks, and Kensington Gardens) 170 Grey Squirrels were shot within a few weeks of the issue of the order in 1930, since when only an odd specimen or two has been seen. In 1938 only one Grey Squirrel was seen in Kensington Gardens, and it may be taken that the Grey Squirrel has definitely been exterminated from the Central Parks. In Regent’s Park not more than about six Grey Squirrels a year are now seen and destroyed, and in Greenwich Park only two have been shot since 1932. In the L.C.C. open spaces some 300-400 Grey Squirrels were shot annually between 1932 and 1937, and during the year ended September 30, 1938, they were only found on four of the open spaces under the Council’s control, 293 being shot, as follows : Hampstead open spaces, 132; Marble Hill, Twickenham, 58; Becken¬ ham Place Park, 102; Castlewood, Jackwood, etc., 1. GREY V. RED. The question of the relationship between the Red Squirrel and the Grey Squirrel seems to arouse the strongest passions, and the legend of the “ wicked ” grey exterminating the red is a flagrant piece of post hoc propter hoc reasoning. Middleton, in his very fair discussion of it (14) concludes that the Red Squirrel, by reason of the elimination of nearly all its natural enemies, such as martens and wild cats, had be¬ come extremely common in most parts of the country by 1900, not only m its natural habitat of coniferous woods, but also in mixed and deciduous woodlands. At about the turn of the century, when the Grey Squirrel was only just beginning to find its feet in a few restricted areas, there ensued among the Red Squirrel population one of those catastrophic epidemics to which wild animals are periodically subject, and which seem to be brought on by over-population, and within two decades the Red Squirrel was accounted a rarity over a large part of the country. It became just as scarce in those parts of the country where there were no Grey Squirrels as around London, where the new¬ comers were common. In the New Forest, for example, where only one Grey Squirrel was reported in the 1934-34 survey, the annual bag of Red Squirrels fell from 2281 in 1889 to 35 in 1927. The most violent partisan of the Red Squirrel must acquit the Grey of any blame for that. There remains the charge against the Grey Squirrel of actually at¬ tacking and driving out the Red in some places, of which there are now many well-authenticated records. What seems to have happened is that the Grey Squirrel, whose natural habitat is in deciduous wood¬ lands, has taken possession of the niche in the British fauna left vacant by the decline of the Red, and is resisting the efforts of the remaining Reds to regain their lost ground, which is in any case not their normal habitat. In many places, especially where there are no Grey Squirrels, the Red Squirrel is increasing again, and the next few years may well see the final struggle between the two Squirrels for possession of the- deciduous wood habitat. If the Grey wins, as it very possibly will, it remains to be seen whether it will challenge the Red on the Red’s- THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 15 own ground, the coniferous forests of the north. Thus, though the Grey Squirrel cannot justly be blamed for the great decline in the Red Squirrel population, which was almost entirely due to disease, it is probably responsible for the slowness of the recovery of the Red after the epidemic, and may well prevent it from regaining its former posi¬ tion in the deciduous woodlands. DISTRIBUTION OF THE RED SQUIRREL ROUND LONDON. A few notes on the distribution of the Red Squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris leucourus , Verr.) in the London area may be of interest. In the Victoria County Histories at the beginning of the century it was described as common in the wooded parts of Kent, Surrey, Essex, and Hertfordshire. In February, 1902, one was seen on Clapton Common (28) the date rather suggesting it may have been an escape. In 1903 it was said to* be not common at Harrow, but nests were seen at Oxhey in that year (37). It was said to occur at Kitchener’s Meads, St Albans, in 1904 (30), and was still regarded as “ fairly abundant ” in St Albans district by Oldham in 1911 (36). In Kew Gardens it was common in Queen’s Cottage grounds and the Arboretum in 1906 (33) and was apparently still plentiful in 1917 (40). In Richmond Park Red Squirrels were stated to be not numerous in 1909 (29), and occasionally appeared on Wimbledon Common (32). In 1917, however, they were said to be “abundant ” in Richmond Park (40), and in 1919 were reported as often seen, even in October, November, February, and March, but decreasing (38). In the Wandle Valley they were said to be “ common in woods ” in 1914 (31), and at Hayes and Keston, Kent, “ not uncommon ” in 1909 (41). On Hampstead Heath and in Ken Wood, both Red and Grey Squirrels appear to have been common in 1913 (7). According to Beaded, Red Squirrels were once abundant in the Chelsham-Warlingham district, and were much persecuted, organised weekly Squirrel hunts being held (1). They were, however, already scarce when the Grey Squirrel first appeared in 1918. Since the War Red Squirrels have almost disappeared from the London area, except in Epping Forest and the area for a mile or twe round. The only records I have between 1919 and 1935 are from Abbey Wood in 1925 (35), and from near Leatherhead (34) and on Wimbledon Common (27) in 1927. In the past four years, however, the Red Squirrel seems to have been slowly regaining ground. One or more were seen in Richmond Park in 1935 (2, 34), in Ken Wood in 1936 and 1937 on at least four occasions, on Shirley Hills in 1936 and 1938. on Ranmore Common in 1937, at Cuffley in 1938 (34), and at Kenlev in 1938-39 (39). It has also been recorded as breeding in Barnthorns Wood, Effingham, just outside the area, in 1937 (34). Some of these records no doubt relate to escaped animals, but it seems very unlikelv that thev all do. Why has Epping Forest remained immune from the disease which swept the rest of the area, and most of the country? A possible explanation is to be found in two interesting notes of F. J. Stubbs ■(14, 30). He was of the opinion that the true Red Squirrel was decreasing in Essex after 1909 and was practically extinct in the western 16 THE LONDON NATURALIST. part of the county by 1917. About 1910 Mr C. E. Green, an Epping landowner, purchased a number of Continental Red Squirrels (probably Sciurus vulgaris vulgaris) in Leadenhall Market and released them on bis estate, and Stubbs considered that the Red Squirrels to be seen in Epping Forest in 1917 and 1923 were really of this sub-species. At all events the Red Squirrel has flourished in Epping Forest and languished everywhere else, and if the present Epping Red Squirrels really are from a Continental stock — which it should be fairly easy to prove by shooting one or two— that would explain how they came to escape the scourge that decimated the native Red Squirrels.* SUMMARY. 1. An account is given of the introduction and spread of the Grey Squirrel in the area within 20 miles of St Paul’s Cathedral, with some notes on its feeding habits in the area. 2. There is a brief discussion of the relations between the Grey and Red Squirrel, with some notes on the distribution of the Red Squirrel in the London area. TABLE I. GREY SQUIRREL INTRODUCTIONS IN OR NEAR THE LONDON AREA. No. Source intro- of Year. County. Place. Source. duced. information. 1890 Middx. Bushy Park U.S.A. 5 6 C. 1902 Surrey Kingston Hill (Richmond Park) U.S.A. 100 13 1905 Middx. Regent’s Park Woburn 5 13, 26 1906 Middx. Regent’s Park Woburn 36 13 1907 Middx. Regent’s Park Woburn 50 13 1908 Surrey Kew Gardens Woburn 4 23 1908 Bucks Farnham Royal U.S.A. 9 13 1909 Bucks Farnham Royal U.S.A. 5 13 1909 Bucks Farnham Royal S. Africa 1 13 C. 1911 Kent Sevenoaks 9 9 23 1914 Middx. Kensington Gardens 9 9 22 f ? 1915 Kent Chislehurst-Bickley ? ? -] TABLE II. FIRST OCCURRENCES OF GREY SQUIRRELS IN LONDON AREA, originating from introduction points south of the Thames, up to 1930. Year. County. a. = ante; c. = circa. Place. Source of Information. C. 1902 Surrey Kingston Hill (Richmond Park) 13 C. 1903 Middx. Bushy Park 23 1908 Surrey Kew Gardens 23 1909 Surrey Molesey 22 a. 1911 Surrey Roehampton 8 a. 1911 Kent Deptford 25 a. 1911 Kent Greenwich 25 c. 1911 Kent Sevenoaks 23 ■•Since this was written a Red Squirrel skin picked up in the Forest by Mr F. J. Johnston in January 1936 has been definitely identified by the British Museum authorities as S. v. vulgaris. It is hoped to be able to submit further skins to them to establish the above hypothesis definitely. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREY SQUIRREL IN THE LONDON AREA. 17 Year. County. Place. Source of Information. 1913 Kent Sevenoaks-Westerham 13 1914 Middx. East Twickenham 23 1915 Surrey Walton-on-Thames 13 1915 Surrey Wimbledon 11 ? 1915 Kent Chislehurst 22] 1916 Kent Bickley 13 (two observers) C. 1916 Middx. Hampton Court 23 a. 1918 Surrey Chelsham 1 C. 1918 Surrey Arbrook 20 a. 1919 Kent Brasted 13 (two observers) C. 1920 Surrey Clapham Park li C. 1920 Surrey Tooting 11 C. 1920 Surrey Leatherhead 23 C. 1920 Surrey Caterham Yalley 23 C. 1920 Surrey Tadworth 13 a. 1921 Surrey Walton-Weybridge 13 1921 Surrey Warlingham 13 a. 1923 Surrey St Ann’s Hill 23 a. 1923 Surrey Putney 23 a. 1923 Surrey/ Middx. Eel-Pie Island (swimming river) 23 a. 1923 Kent Chislehurst 23 a. 1923 Kent Keston 23 C. 1924 Surrey Great Bookham 13 1925 Surrey Wisley (outside area) 20] a. 1926 Surrey Surbiton 20 a. 1926 Surrey Chessington 20 a. 1926 Surrey Esher 20 a. 1926 Surrey Cobham 20 a. 1926 Surrey Chertsey 20 a. 1926 Middx. Syon House 20 a. 1926 Surrey Woldingham 20 a. 1926 Surrey Limpsfield 20 a. 1926 Kent Chevening 20 a. 1926 Kent Greatness 20 a. 1926 Kent Shoreham 20 a.'1926 Kent Kemsing 20 a. 1926 Kent Lullingstone 20 a. 1926 Kent Eynsford 20 a. 1926 Kent Crockenhill 20 a. 1926 Kent Horton Kirby 20 a. 1926 Kent Southfleet 20 a. 1926 Kent Northfleet 20 a. 1927 Kent Hayes 13 1929 Surrey Nutfleld 13 a. 1930 Surrey Epsom 13 a. 1930 Surrey Streatham 10 a. 1930 Surrey Clapham Common 10 a. 1930 Surrey Wandsworth 10 TABLE III. FIRST OCCURRENCES OF GREY SQUIRRELS IN LONDON AREA, originating1 from introduction points north, of the Thames, up to 1930. a. = ante : c. = circa. Year. county. 1890 Middx. 1905 Middx, -c. 1908 Middx. 1908 Middx. Place. Source of Information. Bushy Park (died out) 6 Regent’s Park 13, 26 Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens 23 Hampstead 22, 23 18 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Year. County. Place. Source of Information. a. 1911 Middx. St John’s Wood 25 [ ? 1913 Middx. Coldfall Wood 7] 22 a. 1915 Middx. Golder’s Hill [ 1908 Bucks Farnham Royal (outside area) 13] a. 1915 Middx. Ken Wood 22 a. 1915 Middx. Highgate 22 a. 1915 Middx. Waterlow Park 22 [ 1916 1917 Bucks Middx. Stoke Poges (outside area) Kensington Square 13 1917 Essex Wanstead Park 13 1919 Herts Oxhey Wood 23 1920 Middx. Earl's Court IS 1921 Middx. Harefield 13 1921 Essex Gaynes Park 23 a. 1923 Middx. Hendon 23 a. 1923 Middx. Euston Square 23 a. 1923 Middx. Clissold Park 23 a. 1923 Essex Loughton 23 [ ?a. 1923 Essex Chingford 19] a. 1926 Middx. Bloomsbury, Queen Square 24 a. 1926 Middx. Woburn Square 20 1926 Herts Little Berkhampstead 13 a. 1927 Herts Bushey Heath 13 1928 Middx. Edgware 13 1928 Middx. Enfield 13 C. 1929 Middx. Whetstone 13 a. 1930 Herts Rickmansworth 13 a. 1930 Middx. Hadley 13 a. 1930 Middx. Russell Square 10 1933 Essex Roydon 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. BIBLIOGRAPHY. GREY SQUIRREL. BEADELL, A. : Mature Notes of Warlingharn and Chesham, Croydon 1932. COLLENETTE, C. L. : A History of Richmond Park 1937 COMMITTEE ON BIRD SANCTUARIES IN ROYAL PARKS : Report for 1929 DAWSON, F. L. M., and TROUGHTON, p. G. : Unpublished notes on the small mammal population of Mill Hill. DENT, G., in Essex Naturalist, xxv, p. 209, March 1937. Field : Letter on January 16, 1909, p. 117. HAMPSTEAD SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY : Hampstead Heath, 1913. HARDCASTLE, J. H. : Letter in the Field, June 19, 1915. HILL, SIR ARTHLTR : Letter in The Times, July 23, 1937. JOHNSON, w. : The Nature World of London, II 1930. JOHNSON, W. : in litt. JOHNSTON, F. J. : “ The Grey Squirrel in Epping Forest,” London Naturalist, 1937, p. 94. MIDDLETON, A. D. : ‘ The Ecology of the American Grey Squirrel in the British Isles,” Proc. loot. Soc. Lond., 1930, Pt. 3, p. 809. MIDDLETON, A. D. : The Grey Squirrel, 1931. MIDDLETON, A. D. : ‘ The Grey Squirrel in the British Isles, 1930-1932 ” Journ. Anim. Ecol., I, 1932, p. 166. MIDDLETON, A. D. : ” The Distribution of the Grey Squirrel in Great Britain in 1935,” Journ. Anim. Ecol., IV 1935 p 274 MIDDLETON, A. D., and PARSONS, B. T. : ” The Distribution of the Grey Squirrel in Great Britain in 1937,” Journ. Anim. Ecol., VI., 1937 p. 286 Morning Post, September 24, 1920. STUBBS, F. J. : “ Remarks on the Squirrels of Epping- Forest,” Appendix C of No. 23. MAMMAL, ETC., RECORDING IN 1938. 19 20. THEOBALD, F. Y. : “ The American Grey Squirrel in Kent, Sussex and Sur¬ rey.” Bulletin No. 4 of the South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, March 1926. 21. THEOBALD, F. V., in Journ. S.E. Agric. Coll., XXYI, 1929, p. 115. 22. WATT, H. BOYD : ” The American Grey Squirrel in Britain,” The Field, June 12, 1915, p. 1044. 23. WATT, H. BOYT) : “ On the American Grey Squirrel in the British Isles,” Essex Naturalist, XX, 1923, p. 189. 24. WATT, H. BOYD : Paper on Grey Squirrel in School Nature Studg, 1926, p. 13. 25. WEBSTER, A. D. : Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill, 1911, p. 55. 26. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, Official Guide to, 5th ed., 1907, p. 78. RED SQUIRREL. 1, 2, 7 and 19 as for Grey Squirrel. 27. Daily Chronicle, September 16, 1927. 28. DAUBENY, E. T., in Nature Notes, XIII, p. 227. 29. DE YERE, CORYN : Handbook of Richmond Park, 1909. 30. GIBBS, A. E., in Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc., XII, p. 136. 31. HOBSON, J. M. : The Book of the Wandle, 1924. 32. JOHNSON, W. : Wimbledon Common, 1912. 33. KEW, The Wild Flora and Fauna of the Royal Botanic Gardens : Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Additional Series, Yr, 1906. 34. LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY’S RECORDS. 35. MARRIOTT, ST J. : British Woodlands, as illustrated by Lessness Abbey Woods, 1925. 36. OLDHAM, C., in Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc., XI Y, p. 245. 37. PRICE, M. P. : Notes on the Vertebrate Fauna of Harrow, 1899-1903; Harrow School Scientific Society’s Memoirs, 1903. 3S. READ, W. R. : Unpublished MS., quoted in 2. 39. SHEPHEARD-WALWYN, H. W. : Letters to The Times, 27.xii.38, 7.ii.39. 40. STUBBS, F. J. : “ The Mammals of the London District ” in School Nature Study, 1917. 41. Woolwich and West Kent, A Survey and Record of : ed. C. H. GRINLING, et al., 1909. Mammal, etc., Recording in 1 938. By R. S. R. Fitter, F.Z.S. G00D progress lias been made with the recording of mammals, rep¬ tiles. and amphibia in the London area in 1938. Practically all the existing printed records have now been traced, and 24 observers have sent in records or promised help. During 1939 records of all mammals, reptiles, and amphibia will be welcome, but the gaps which most need filling are for the shrews, especi¬ ally the water-shrew, the bats, the dormouse, and the harvest-mouse. There is still no definite record of the harvest-mouse within 20 miles of London since 1920. Attention is also specially drawn to the national survey of reptiles and amphibians in the British Isles, which is being conducted by Mr H. W. Parker under the auspices of the Association for the Study of Systematics in relation to General Biology. All records, however ap¬ parently unimportant, of frogs, toads, newts, snakes and lizards are wanted in order to make this survey as complete as possible. 20 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Archaeological Inspections. By G. J. B. Fox. 1937. ST PETER AND ST PAUL, CHALDON. Visited 5th June. rpHE name was usually spelt up to XVIIIc. as “ Chalvedon ’ ’ ; in XVIc. “ Chaldon ” occurs; in XVIIIc. “ Chaldron.” The meaning usually given is “ chalk-down ” ; really it, i.s “ chalves’- down.” The ^ illage is situated on the chalk-downs, and the church stands 500 ft. above sea level. Land in the parish is said to have been granted to Chertsey Abbej7 in 675, and confirmed in 967 and 1062. Dernic held the manor of Edward the Confessor; Domesday Book states Ralph held Chalvedon” of the Bishop of Bayeux ; in 1585 the manor was said to be attached to the honour of Rochester Castle. Merton Priory possessed land in Chaldon in 1201 ; later the manor was held by the Covert family till 1475 . . . Chaldon is said to have supplied roofing slabs healing ”) for Westminster Abbey. A chuich is merely mentioned in Domesday Book (1086); the original plan of the piesent buildings (XIc.) showed an aisleless nave and chancel, now indicated by the west wall of the nave and the east angles of the nave and chancel. A south aisle was added at end of XIIc. (a lancet remains in its west wall), with an arcade of two arches, and a low tower at the west end ; probably the chapel of St Katharine' was then added to the east end of the aisle; a north aisle followed, c. 1220, also with a chapel at its east end (destroyed) ; a south porch (c. XIITc.) ; a modern vestrv. In 1843 the tower was raised with a shingled spire; in 1870/71 the church was restored. Little remains of the original chancel; the three-light east window is c. 1460 (the date 1827 is cut on the sill) ; the chancel arch, built with large stones, is also XVc., pointed, with semi-octagonal columns. A square piscina, XII/XIIIc., with a circular bowl is at the south end of the east wall, an unusual position; on the north wall are remains of an Easter Sepulchre, possibly the tomb of Baldwin Covert (d. 1350) ; also a firestone tablet showing a sun-face with initials I.R.E., the date 1562, and an inscription beginning with c,/ Good, redar. warne. all. men. and woomen ...” There are indications of a “ blind arcade,” as at Merstham, Merton, etc. The nave has a round-headed window, but no doorway, in its west wall, and a very high-pitched roof ; the south arcade has a circular central column with round base and capital, the abacus having a rectangular upper member ; each east and west respond has an ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSPECTIONS 21 impost; the north arcade also has a circular column with moulded capital and base, and chamfered orders, the imposts of the responds being pierced in an unusual manner; a mutilated XIT/XTIIc. piscina is in the east respond. A consecration cross is painted on the west Avail, and another on the column of the south arcade. The font of local stone, with square boAvl is XIITc., but altered later. A rare example of a Commonwealth pulpit has an inscription - — - “ Patience Lambert. 1657 ” ; she was the widow of William Lambert of TullesAvorth, buried in the naAre, 1656. The south aisle: — a lancet in the south Avail Avas replaced in XVIIc. by a two-light Avindow. St Katharine’s Chapel —the aisle arch and the south windoAv were rebuilt in early XIYc. ; the east window is c. 1330; there are remains of a Xll/XIlIe. piscina; the AvindoAvs haA~e fragments of XIITc. and XIVc. glass. The north aisle: c. 1330 the lancets Avere replaced by tAvo-light windoAA’s ; the noith dooi'AA ay is also of that date. The north chapel : — only part of an arch remains, Avith a moulded corbel, in the chancel Avail. The plate includes a cup with paten-coA^er of 1703; the registers commence in 1564. The Painting. The speciality of the church is the painting in tempera on the west wall, measuring 17 ft. by 11 ft. high; it dates from the end of the XIIc., and is the work of a man Avell read in the subject of the judgment, punishment, and salvation of the human soul; it appears to be based upon the ” Guide to Painting of the Greek Church ” (a “ Byzantine Guide to Painting ” ; see Didron’s “ Christian Iconography, II, 1886 ”). At the restoration of 1870/71, three figures on the west portion of the north Avail were found and destroyed ; for¬ tunately the then Rector, the Rev. H. Shepherd, was alert, and Avhen indications of a larger painting on the west wall Avere evident, measures were taken for its preservation and restoration. The title given to it, “ The Ladder of the Salvation of the Soul and the Road to Heaven ” is taken from the “ Guide to Painting.” It is in four divisions formed by a vertical ladder and a horizontal nebuly band, shoAA'ing four major sub¬ jects and various minor details. The ladder starts from a palmette (the emblem of life), and ends in a circle with Christ giving the benediction, flanked by the sun and moon; little nude figures, typifying souls, at¬ tempt to climb the ladder, some succeed, some fail. The lower right hand section commences with the Tree of KnoAvledge of Good and Evil, AA’ith Satan as the Serpent entwined among its branches ; this portion is probably a continuation of the scene destroyed on the north Avail Avhich doubtless portrayed Adam and EATe with Satan in human form ; the major scene shows tAvo huge hideous demons holding a spiked bridge, which is being crossed by five souls — a man with a boAvl of milk, two females Avith a ball of wool and uncarded flax, a mason with his pick, a smith Avith pincers, horse-shoe and hammer, but no anvil ; these prob¬ ably represent sins of withholding tithes or offerings to the Church ; below this bridge is a usurer crouching amid flames, money bags round neck and AAaist, right hand holding up a coin, left hand catching other coins which he is vomiting, while two demons thrust pitchforks into his head; minor figures are demons tempting man and woman, and man 22 THE LONDON NATURALIST. and youth. The lower left half division has the Hell Cauldron, a three- legged pot heated by flames, in which two demons stir up the souls of parricides and fratricides ; another soul is falling headlong into it : another demon with a soul transfixed by a pitchfork plucks others off the ladder; minor figures include three dancing women whose feet a demon is biting, a pilgrim with staff and flask, who had been drunk, a woman whose hand a dog is biting, and a man and woman to indicate the sin of Ananias and Sapphira. The upper left hand division has St Michael weighing souls ; one soul is trying to depress a pan, while Satan holding a group with a rope behind him, has a claw in the other ; one angel holding a book conducts a soul, probably that of the penitent thief, to heaven, and another directs three more (the three Marys) to¬ ward the ladder. The upper right hand division contains the “ Harrow¬ ing of Hell;” Christ with cross and banner is thrusting a staff into the jaws of Satan who lies bound in the jaws of hell; from flames come many spirits, headed by Adam and Eve ; over them flies an angel with a scroll, while another, also with a scroll, conducts two souls, said to represent Enoch and Elijah, to the ladder. The painting was fully described by J. G. Walker in Volume V of the Surrey Arch. Coll’ ns. The large south porch was added in XVIc. with a west window; the oak roof remains ; the inner doorway has a square head ; the outer door¬ way shows a curious splay on a jamb. Removed from elsewhere are a grave slab with a plain cross (Xllc.), and another of Purbeck marble with a cross-patee (XIIIc.). The bell formerly in the tower is the oldest in Surrey, c. 1190, and is inscribed “ + Capena : Beati : Pauli.” ST DUNSTAN’S, STEPNEY. Visited 13tli November. Stepney appears in Domesday Book (1086) as Stibenheda = hithe of Stybba ; several other forms occur. The parish was originally of great extent, stretching east of the City, south of Hackney, north of the Thames, and west of the Lea ; portions were gradually detached forming the parishes of St Mary, Whitechapel in 1338, Hackney, Stratford, Shad- well, etc. The Manor was possessed by the Bishops of London, probably from Pre-Conquest times; Bishop Ridley granted it in 1550 to Edward VI; other owners were the Wentworths, Brasenose College, Oxford; the patronage was transferred to the Bishop of London from the College in 1864. The “ pleasantness of its situation and the beautv of its scenerv.” as noted by Sir Thomas More, attracted distinguished residents besides the Bishops of London; the Archbishop of York had a residence here in 1391 ; Henry VIII had a house here; Thomas Cromwell had a “ lodging;” a Lord Mayor; City merchants temp. Charles II; Erasmus came here “ to drink of its rural peace and to find bounteous gifts of Nature and saint-like tokens of innocency.” Edward I held a Parliament here in 1292. PLATE 11, IOSS T. o xd o x xa rr ha li st. 2 Mrs Cochseclge. Photos hy ST MARY’S. STONE-BY-DARTFORD AISLE, LOOKING EAST. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSPECTIONS 23 .A. tradition existed that any person born on the high seas could claim Stepney as a birthplace: — Every child that’s horn at sea, Belongs to the parish of Stepney; Law Courts, however, have decided against this plea. The church has a dual dedication; originally it was “ ecclesia omnium sanctorum;” after rebuilding by Dunstan in 952, it was rededicated to him after his Canonization; a later church, mentioned in 1302, was largely rebuilt. The chancel is late XIVc., the nave, etc., is XVc./XVIc. : repairs and alterations in 1632, 1676, etc., etc.; a fire in 1901 caused great damage; the north and south porches are modern, a west porch of 1612 has been removed. The chancel arch has disappeared; traces of it are seen above the second pier of the nave on the north ; the chancel formerly extended one bay west, as shown by the stairs (in an external turret on the south side), leading to the (destroyed) roodloft; the sedilia are XIIIc., much restored; there are no signs of a piscina; in addition to the high altar, others were at the east ends of the aisles; over the y tile i estry is a reset sculptured stone panel of the Annuncia¬ tion, XT\c., probably part of a reredos. The nave now includes seven bays with north and south arcades of two orders (late XYc.), and columns with four attached shafts; the clerestory has five windows of two-1 lghts on each side; a pulpit was put up in 1622, replaced by another in 1848; the present one dates from 1886; in the east wall of the north aisle is a squint to the high altar ; against the east wall is a stone coffin lid (XIIIc.) with a raised cross, discovered at a recent restoration. An inscription reset in the south wall of the south aisle reads : — Of Carthage wall I was a stone, O mortals read with pity ; Time consumes all, it spareth none Thomas Hughes, 1663. Of its history and of the man nothing is known. The oldest work in the church, formerly over the south doorway, and now on the east respond of the north aisle, is a stone slab showing the ci ucifixion with the ^ irgin and St John, with border of acanthus type foliage; XIc. This may be compared with the Rood in the Bell Tower of Barking Church ; also with the Saxon stone slab at Chichester Cathedral. The font is Norman (restored); the circular base has an inscription of 1848. The west tower has three stages with modern battle¬ ments ; an octagonal cupola with ball and vane has disappeared ; in 1539/40 four bells from Holy Trinity Priory, Aldgate, were purchased for this church, as appears from an inscription on the tenor bell ; there are now ten bells. The Royal Arms are at the west end over the arch of the tower. Up to 1666 the sexes were separated; five galleries have been removed. No old glass remains; in 1610 thirteen coats of arms were in the windows. The plate is described by E. Freshfield (“ Communion Plate of Parish Churches in the City of London,” 1895); the oldest piece is a cup of 24 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 1559 ; the Edwardian Inventory has not been found ; that of 1659 in¬ cludes two silver and gilt bowls with covers. The registers commence in 1568; up to 1889 the series included 159 volumes. The parish, till 1710, had two Incumbents, a Rector, appointed by the lord of the manor, and a Vicar appointed by the Rector; a rent of a red rose wras paid by the Vicar to the Rector as rent for the vicarage. Monuments. Many have been destroyed; those remaining include : — Floor slab, now' east of the font, to Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, aged three quarters of a year, 1545; Sir Thomas Spert (1541), on south wall of the chancel, founder of the Trinity House; on north wmll of chancel, William Dawtney (1589) ; on same wall, Sir Henry Colet (1510), he was twice Lord Mayor, and wras father of John Colet (Vicar of Stepney, Dean of St Paul's, founder of St Paul’s School), a combined table-tomb, Easter Sepulchre and recessed monument, kept in repair by the Mercers’ Com¬ pany; Dame Rebecca Berry (1696), now on south wall of south aisle, known as the ‘£ Ring and Fish Monument ” (mullets and a fish appear on the coat of arms); traditionally she is said to be the heroine in “ The cruel knight or fortunate farmer’s daughter;” on west wall of north aisle, tablet to two Abraham Rawdings, father and son, both died 1644. “ In the churchyard there [were] more remarkable inscriptions . . . . than in any other place I have met with,” Spectator, No. 518. One was to a fanatic, the “ English Hermite or Wonder of this Age,” Roger Crab (1680) ; he gave his property to the poor, except a small cottage at Ickenham; “ he can live on three farthings a week; his constant food is roots and hearbs, as cabbage, turneps, carrots, dock-leaves and grasse ; also bread and bran, without butter or cheese.” 1938. ST MARY’S, STONE-BY-DARTFORD. Visited 11th June. A Church is mentioned in Domesdav Book of 1086 at “ Estanes ;” the land was held by the Bishop of Rochester, having been granted to the Bishops by King Ethelred in 955 ; they had a house here as a half¬ way stopping place to London ; the manor house, which was on the west side of the churchyard, was repaired at great expense in 1337. The Church stands on a high bank overlooking the Thames, and per¬ haps w as erected during the episcopate of Bishop Laurence de St Martin (1251-1274); the offerings at the shrine of St William of Perth (murdered near Rochester while on pilgrimage to Canterbury, and canonized in 1266), may have contributed to the cost of its erection. The Church wras restored by G. E. Street in 1860, who stated that, “ perhaps there is no example of any First-Pointed building in England in which the grace and delicacy which characterize the style have been carried to greater perfection;” he considered, “ that in beauty of workmanship, this little village church is undoubtedly superior to Westminster Abbey.” He was further of opinion that the architect of the Abbey and of this Church ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSPECTIONS 2-> was the same man. This opinion, however, has not been accepted by some authorities. The plan shows chancel, north vestry and chantry chapel, nave of three bays, and north and south aisles, and west tower. Chancel _ upper part including the vault is much restored; the west bay has a barrel vault; the windows are modern, except one in the south wall of 1638/40, which has been allowed to remain; the east window has three lights, the original window probably had lour; a blocked doorway to former stairs to the rood-loft is at the west end of the south wall ;' the chancel arch shows dog-tooth and foliage ; above it are quatrefoils with foliage; the screen has disappeared; John Bokeland in his will of 1473 directs his burial to be before the ‘‘ rode,” and the procession way from the chancel door to the west door to be paved with tiles ; a piscina niche remains in the south wall at the east end. The feature of the chancel is the v all arcading, four sections at the east, and six on north and south, showing very fine stiff-leaf foliage in the spandrels. This arcad¬ ing has been compared with that on the north wall of Henry Ill’s v ork at Westminster Abbey, showing foliage, Christ, angels, human figures, dragons, etc., but here are no figures, only a solitary lizard on the north wall. This arcading had been painted and gilt. ^ i estr^ was added on the north side of the east bay of the chancel ^ c-j &s a continuation of the aisle; it became roofless, its walls covered with ivy, and interior filled with bushes; it has been restored. ^ est of the chapel was a chantry chapel, spanned by a flying but¬ tress, built by Sir John Wiltshire (d. 1562), Controller of Calais; a table tomb to him and his wife has been despoiled of a brass showing effigies and inscription, etc. The nave is of three bays; the work increases in detail from west to east; the arcades have clustered and banded columns with foliated capi¬ tals and deeply moulded arches; the east arches on north and south show dog-tooth moulding; the windows of the aisles differ in detail. On the north wall are two paintings of the Virgin and Child, and one of the martyrdom of Thomas Becket (XIII/XIVc.) ; traces of colour on the aisle walls, etc. Brasses — on south side of altar is a fine foliated cross brass (muti¬ lated) to John Lumbard, rector, with chasuble (1408), with Latin in¬ scription; brass to Robert Chapman (1574) with eight English verses, and four shields (Merchant Adventurers, etc.); brass to Sir John Dew, priest, with inscription (c. 1530); brass to Anne Carew (1599). Extei ioi the roof (modern) of the chancel is higher than that of the nave; there was formerly a west porch; the north doorway of the na\ e show s chevron, dog-tooth and roses ; the chevron may be an imi¬ tation of earlier work ; it has been suggested that the carving was not done locally, but brought here from elsewhere. The west tower engages with the aisles; it is open to them and the nave by three lofty arches, and is supported by half arches from the aisle walls; it had a spire destroyed by fire in 1638. 26 THE LONDON NATURALIST. ST MARY THE VIRGIN, ALDERMANBURY. Visited loth October. The Church is situated in the Ward of Cripplegate (from A.S. ” crepel,” a sunken passage to the Barbican outside the gate in the Roman wail, not from “cripple”); Aldermanbury, i.e. Alderman’s house, appears c. 1130 and was near the Church; also close by was the earlier Guildhall, replaced c. 1400 by another slightly to the east, its ruins were in existence in Stow’s time; somewhat to the west was the palace of the Saxon Kings abandoned c. 1060 by Edward the Confessor in favour of Westminster. Near by formerly ran a minor tributary of the Walbrook; Price (“ Safe Deposit,” p. 45) mentions a bridge in Wood Street. By the Church was a conduit built c. 1471 at the cost of Sir William Eastfield, Mercer and Mayor in 1438, fed from the Tyburn. (In 1236 Henry III had granted the privilege of conveying water from that stream in lead pipes to the City.) Some of the neighbouring streets have unexpected origins, viz.: — Gutter Lane, i.e. Godrunlane (c, 1185) from feminine name Godrun, Goderun or Gudrun, and not from Guthrun, King of East Anglia; Monkswell Street, originally Muc-hewella, Mukewellestrate, from family name Muc, Muca, etc. (Nile.); Stow’s derivation, “Monks well ” is wrong ; Gresham Street commemorates Sir Thomas Gresham ; Huggin Lane is Hog’s Lane; Lily Pot Lane, from a sign; Addle Street, not from Athelstane, but from either “ Adel, Adda ” personal name, or noble, or “ adel ” filth; etc., etc. In the immediate neighbourhood w’ere formerly eleven Churches of which five have disappeared (burnt or destroyed). Attempts have been made to destroy this Church, so far unsuccessfully. There may have been a Church here in Saxon times ; later, a tomb inscription to John Constantinus is said to have been dated 1116 (“ Mil i cent, quatuor bis et oeto ”); Robert, is mentioned before 1148 as priest of “ Aldermannesberi ”; the Church c. 1181 was in the possession of the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s, who in 1331 appropriated it to Elsing Spital ; there were bequests to it in 1273, etc.; it is included in the Taxatio of 1291, etc. It was rebuilt by Sir William Eastfield, and was “ beautified ” in 1633; it had a large porch with an upper chamber; it was burnt in the Great Fire of 1666. The present Church was erected by Wren in 1670-1686 at a cost of £5237 3s 6d ; in 1673 to reward the kindness of Wren and Robert Hooke in expediting and perfecting the work the parishioners awarded them twenty guineas and ten guineas respectively and entertained them at a dinner; stone from St Mary Magdalene, Milk Street, was used in the walls; restorations and rearrangements were made in 1864 and 1923, so much so that “ except pillars, ceilings and font, hardly anything Wrennian remains.” During the re-erection Divine worship by the parishioners was performed in the Brewers’ Hall, and also in the Church of St Peter-le-Poer. The plan shows no structural chancel, a nave with aisles lengthened at the west end, and a west tower. On the exterior LONDON NATURALIST. PLATE 111, 1938. ARCADING, SHOWING DRAGON. Photos hy Mrs Cochsedge. CHANCEL. S. SIDE. ST MARY’S, STONE-BY-DARTFORD. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSPECTIONS 27 the east end has three bays, a round-headed central window, and two modern side windows with blocked doorways below; the north side has tire bays, four rounded windows and one circular window, also a semi¬ circular clerestory window; the south side has five round-headed win¬ dows as on the north side, and a circular window with a doorway below it; the west end has two round windows. The tower retains three stages of 1437, with another stage with clock-turret and weather vane ; on the ground floor is a north doorway and a south round window ; the second stage has north and south round-headed windows and an east round- headed opening ; the third stage has a similar east opening and a north round window; the bell chamber has four round-headed windows, a cornice and parapet ; the clock-turret is timber, lead-covered, in two stages, with pyramidal roof, clock dial on south and east,' and four round-headed openings. There are two bells, the earlier is of 1675. Over the south doorway in a niche is a statuette of the Virgin and Child, formerly over the entrance gateway. The interior shows colonnades of five bays, composite columns on bases with octagonal plinths ; the entablature shows an architrave and a modillioned cornice; the west wall has a round-headed doorway to the tower ; the north wall has two doorways at the west end to vestries ; a plaster barrel-vault covers chancel and nave intersected by a similar vault with north and south clerestorv windows ; the bavs show coffered bands with flower enrichment ; each bay has- three panels with enrich¬ ment of leaves, etc., circular and lozenge shaped; the aisles have flat plaster ceilings divided into panels with central round ornaments. Monuments, etc. — Stow and Strype give a list of those in the former Church; the oldest was to John Constantinus (1116); another was to Sir William Eastfield (1438), Knight of the Bath, Alderman and Mayor, “ a great benefactor to the Church.” On east wall — figure seated on a gun, by Cardelli, to Lt. John Smith, •drowned off Staten Island, 1782; on north wall — Mary (Beach), wife of — Hack, 1704; Richard and John Chandler (1691 and 1686) two busts in double recess, with coat-of-arms and crest (a pelican), removed from former west gallery; Richard paid £30 for a vault at the north-west corner of the Church; slab with inscription stating that John Emery, bricklayer, built a vault in the north aisle for his funeral and for use of the parish (1673); brass coffin plate to Mary Dive (1711), daughter of Judge Jeffreys; John Fryer (1796); Robert Aske, haberdasher (1688); on south wall — tablet to George, Baron Jeffrevs of Wem . . . Lord Chan- cellor . . . resident in the parish . . . buried in family vault under the altar (1685); insignia, etc., have disappeared; at south-west corner are three erect slabs removed from vault (1713, 1727, 1728). The reredos and pulpit were in St Alphage, London Wall, demolished in 1923; the font of white marble was presented by Richard Chandler in 1675. In the chancel are two chairs; in nave, a chest, c. 1660; in south chapel, formerly over the altar, is a painting of the Last Supper, by Constantine Francks; Royal Arms on west wall, formerly over the altar. 28 THE LONDON NATURALIST The plate included vessels bought in 1573; it disappeared in 1889; and was replaced in 1890 at a cost of £107 10s. The Churchwardens’ accounts commence in 1569, and include many items relating to sale of glass, etc., two payments for hour-glasses, Easter tokens, etc. ills from 1280 include bequests to the Church for maintenance of Chantries, lights, altars, burials in the Church, etc., completion of the conduit, raising the belfry and providing bells. The Registers commenced in 1538, and were re-copied in 1599. They were reprinted by the Harleian Society in 1931 and 1932 (Vols. 61 and 62). There is an entry of Milton’s marriage on 12th November, 1656, to his second wTife, Catharine IVoodcocke. The agreement and inten¬ tion of marriage was published on three market days in three several weeks . . . they were married according to the Act of Parliament by Sir John Dethick, Alderman, a Justice of the Peace. Numerous foundlings in the parish were christened “ Alderman- bury, or, for short, Berry.” They were more numerous after the Commonwealth. Several payments were made to Wardens to prevent child desertion. The churchyard had a cloister ; other City Churches had a similar adjunct, as may yet be seen at St Michael’s, Cornhill, and St Katharine Cree ; Stow and Strype relate that in this cloister was fastened a large shank bone, said to have belonged to a London giant, larger than one at St Lawrence Jewry. Here are buried Heminge and Condell, fellow actors with Shakespeare, and editors of the first folio of 1623 of the latter- s plays; a monument presented by C. C. Walker, of Lillesliall Old Hall, and unveiled by Irving in 1895, has a bust of Shakespeare and the title page of the first folio, etc. THE CRESTED BUCKLER FERN. 29 The Crested Buckler Fern, LAST HE A CRISTA TA Presl. (DRY OPT EllIS CRI ST AT A Gray - NEPEllODIUM CRIST ATOM Rich.). By L. G. Payne. is with considerable pleasure that I have to report the discovery of the above British Fern in West Surrev on June 12, 1938, and it v 7 7 will be of interest to readers of The London Naturalist to place on record some relevant details. The district in which it occurs may be described as undulating; un- cultivated land, with a dominating vegetation composed of Pinus silves- tris L. and Betula alba L. At the lower levels the soil is sandy and peaty, and a narrow brook of clear water drains the boglands in a wes¬ terly direction. By the brook grows Tjastrea cristata , its immediate environment consisting of Narthecium ossifragum Huds. ; Cnicus praten- sis Willd., Juncus spp., and the rare Myrica Gale L. with a network of Sphagnum. The day was hot, and I had been searching for specimens in another branch of natural history, when my attention was attracted by a con¬ nected clump of ferns which I recognised at once as being of the greatest interest. Here, in a remote part of the county, was an apparently wild and well-established native fern, previously recorded in only 10 of the 112 vice-counties into which Britain is divided for the purpose of com¬ parative botanical distribution. A reference to Floras reveals a limited list of site names, repeated with monotonous regularity, in most of which localities the fern is now extinct. It is probably correct to state that L,astrea cristata now occurs only in two or three stations in East Anglia, and, so far as I am aware, it has never been recorded south of the Thames. It is not my purpose here to usurp the functions of the text books by giving a botanical description of the plant, but it may be helpful to stress two or three points of interest which may assist the amateur botanist who has not made a specialised study of ferns. It should be made clear that the term “ cristata ” in this case is somewhat unhappily chosen, and has little aptitude as a descriptive adjective. In modern fern nomenclature “ cristate ” ferns, of any species, are “ those in which the terminal points of the fronds and sub¬ divisions branch in such a way as to form tassels or crests ” ( British Ferns : C. T. Druery). In this connection, however, F. G. Heath, in Th e Fern World , states: — “ The term ‘cristata’ . . . refers to the fringed or indented margins of the frond.” The fronds are of two kinds, barren and fertile. The barren fronds, which are the first to appear, usually tend to arch in a backward direc- 30 THE LONDON NATURALIST tion, so that the apex of the mature frond may nearly touch the ground ; this characteristic may, however, be partially obscured if the associated vegetation is sufficiently dense to compel a more erect position. In the photograph reproduced (Plate IV), the fronds to the left of the picture are well illustrated in this condition. The barren fronds have short, slender stipes, in contrast to the stiffer upright stipes and con¬ tinued racliis of the fertile fronds. The pinnae of these latter are some¬ what distant towards the base of the frond, but closer toAvards the apex, and it is these upper pinnae which bear the large sori or spore heaps. The fertile fronds are definitely persistent, and, in the West Surrey plants, I found the previous year’s fronds in nearly perfect condition. Maturing fertile fronds of this year, Avith sori, are shown in the photo¬ graph reproduced as frontispiece. It would perhaps be of interest only to the fern enthusiast to dis¬ cuss the affinities of the allied L. spinulosa Presl and L. uligmosa Newm., but I would suggest that once the amateur has mastered the essential characteristics, and formed a definite mind picture, there will be little difficulty in identification. It Avould appear that some confusion in the specific description oc¬ curred quite early in published records, for, by an unfortunate error in English Botany (J. Sowerby, 1810), the name occurs tAvice, Plate 1949 being apparently the present L. Filix-mas Presl, and Plate 2125 show¬ ing a fern more nearly like the subject of this article, but hardly typical. The illustration in Nature Printed British Ferns (T. Moore, 1859) is satisfactory. G. W. Francis in British Ferns, 5th Edn., 1855, stresses the “ yellowish green ” appearance of the “ leaves ” and this is a con¬ spicuous feature of all the plants I have seen. The Surrey plants are quite exposed, and this factor probably ac¬ counts for a shorter maximum growth than the Norfolk plants seen by our member, Mr J. E. Lousley. These latter, growing under fen con¬ ditions, in Phrag mites swamp in one case, and in association Avith Carer, r panic ulata in the other, apparently thrive in an environment Avhere plants in competition induce a frond growth exceeding two feet. The Surrey plants extend over a connected area of a feAV square yards Avith sturdy outliers at some distance. I liaAre no reason to sup¬ pose that this fern has been introduced by either deliberate or acci¬ dental human agency. Its Avhole environment is in favour of a natural status, and one is happy to belieA'e that there is no immediate prospect of danger to the plant. I have had Lastrea crist at a from another source under garden con¬ ditions for more than 10 years, and it has maintained its character¬ istics in a much drier rooting medium than Avould normally be found in the Avild. The photographs reproduced Avere taken by Mr J. E. S. Dallas on the occasion of a second visit to the site in his company in July of this year (1938). LONDON NATURALIST PLATE 1 \ 1938 Photo, by J. E. S. Dallas. LASTREA CRISTATA PRESL BOTANICAL RECORDS FOR 1938. 31 Complete mounted specimens have been sent to, and accepted by, the British Museum (Natural History), Kew Herbarium, and the South London Botanical Institute. Botanical Records in 1 938. By R. W. Robbins. A BOUT 20 lists of plants observed in the Society’s District, contain¬ ing a considerable number of new divisional records, have been sent to the Recorder. The chief contributors were Rev. P. H. Cooke and Mr D. McClintock, whose fine list, chiefly from the neighbourhood of Hayes, contained many species of unusual interest. Mr R. S. R. Fitter sent a welcome list from waste ground at Lambeth, Limps- field Common has been well explored, by the Ecological Section, and several members have given individual records. That a good deal of work on distribution can still be done is well shown by a list of 40 species observed at Bricket Wood (Division 2, Rickmansworth) on July 10th, of which no less than 21 were new to the division. The following records new to the Area (20 miles radius from St Paul's Cathedral) are grouped according to their apparent status. Fol¬ lowing the locality is the number of the division in the Society’s Area. NATIVE. Ranunculus Lenormandi F. Schultz. Hayes 20 (D. McC'.). Euphrasia brevipila Burnat & Gremli. Limpsfield Common 19 (R. W. R.). DENIZENS OR ESTABLISHED ALIENS. Adonis autumnalis L. Great Amwell 7 (D. McC.). Oxalis stricta L. Hayes Old Rectory 20 (D. McC.). Trifolium agrarium L. Green Street Green 22 or 23 (J. E. L.). Falcaria vulgaris Bernli. Hayes Place 20 (D. McC.). A fine long- established patch of this interesting Umbellifer has been destroyed by building. Efforts to transplant it to Hayes Common failed, but a seedling has survived and is to be put on the Common. Lonicera Caprijolium L. Headley Lane 17 (D. McC.). Carex vulpinoides Michx. Farnborough 20 (J. E. L.). Azolla filiculoides Lam. Hertford Heath 7 (D. McC.). SPECIES MORE OR LESS ADVENTIVE. Silene gallica L. Hayes Old Rectory 20 (D. McC'.). Hypericum datum Ait. Limpsfield Common 19 (R, W. R.). Impatiens glandulifera Rovle. West Wickham, Lewisham, Catford, Sydenham 20 (D. McC.). Centaurea solstitialis L. Wickham Farm 20, in quantity 1936 (D. McC.). .32 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Panicum sanguinale L. Bickley, Cliislehurst 20 (D. McC.). Setaria italica L. and Phalaris paradoxa L. Green Street Green 22 (D. Me.). It is satisfactory to learn that Centavurea Cyanus L. — the blue corn¬ flower — was scattered ££ all over a large field ” at Chelsfield (22) this summer, and that Symphytum tuberosum L. is still to be found near Greenhithe (21), although the site of Mr Cooke’s original discovery is •occupied by tennis courts. Plant Gall Records for 1 938. Compiled by H. J. Burkill, M.A., F.R.G.S. /AWING to weather conditions the list of species noted has been much ^ smaller than usual, but nevertheless the work of the Plant Galls Section has resulted in several interesting observations being made, and various species have been reported that appear^ to be new to the British list. The following are possibly the more important items from our records : — HYMENOPTERA. CYNIPIDAE. Some spring species on the Oak were plentiful, more so than in most vears, but the frosts of May seem to have had a verv unfavourable effect on the young leaves and in many instances handicapped the development of the autumn generations. Some species, however, overcame the adverse conditions and were plentiful later on. Mr Niblett reported Andricus quadrilineatus Htg. and Neurotenis aprilinus Gir. as very plentiful, with A. amenti Gir., A. glandulae Schenck, and Diplolepis divisci Htg. as plentiful. Other observers found there was a good deal of local variation in the numbers of specimens seen. Mr Niblett has confirmed the coupling of Andricus amenti Gir. with A. glandulae Schenck. Other controlled experiments produced no results except with Trigonaspis megaptera Panzer which gave T. renum Gir. in the autumn. Some galls were found on Quercus Pobur L. that could not be identified and it i.s hoped that further specimens may be discovered so that the different species may be determined. T. megaptera was very abundant in Shropshire and was also seen in Surrey, where its alternate form T. renum was observed in late autumn. Biorrlnza pallida Oliv. was plentiful aiid as usual gave rise only to winged males and females. Neuroterus lenticularis Oliv. was very abundant, but the other spangle galls were scarce, especially N. fumipennis Htg. N. schlech- tendali Mayr was locally plentiful. PLANT GALL RECORDS IN 1938. 33 Diplolepis folii L. was fairly plentiful, and D. lon-giventris Htg. perhaps more often seen than in .mo.st years. Quercus pubescens Willd. in a garden at Bookham was attacked by Cynips hollar i Htg., N. lenticularis Oliv., and N. numismatis Oliv. Mr Xiblett reports Aulax hypochaeridis Kieff., Aulaculea liieracii Bouche, and Diastrophus rubi Htg. as fairly plentiful, and Isocolus jaceae Sehenck as found several times. CHALC1MDAE. Agropyron repens Beauv. was found galled by five different species of larvae, apparently Isosoma spp. (see text fig. 1). PLANT GALLS OX AGROPYRON REPENS BEAUV. 1. — No. l in Plant Gall Records, natural size. 2. — No. 2, natural size. 3. — Same cut open, magnified twice natural size. 4. — Same cut open, natural size. 5. — Same cut open, magnified twice natural size. 6. — No. 3 in Plant Gall Records, natural size. 7. — Same cut open, magnified twice natural size. 8.— No. 4 in Plant Gall Records, natural size. 9. — Same cut open, magnified twice natural size. 10. — No. 5 in Plant Gall Records, natural size. (1) A small ovoid gall 3x2x3 mm. in diameter standing out from the stem. Dark brown, hard, shining, thin Availed. Found at Fetcham, Surrey, in March, probably surviving from the previous year. (2) Elongated swelling of the stem, 20-30 mm. long by 2-3 mm. wide, containing several cells, usually 6-10, 3-4 mm. long by 1 mm. wide. Brown, hard Availed, arranged in a loose chain or sometimes tAvo or three abreast. Effingham Common and elsewhere in the autumn. 03) A similarly shaped sAvellmg but much slighter and containing only tAvo cells Avhicli differ in shape from the last, being sharply pointed at the loAver ends. Fetcham. 34 THE LONDON NATURALIST. (4) Another similar swelling, but containing a solid row of five larger cells fused together into a rod, dark brown in colour, and hard walled. The larvae differ .slightly in shape from those of the above-mentioned galls. Headley, Surrey. (5) A gall somewhat like an orange pip in shape, 13 nun. long by 4 mm. in diameter, rather a flattened oval embedded in the grass stem which is split to contain it. Pale straw colour, firm to the touch like the gall of Isosoma graminicola Gir. It fell easily out of the stem while being examined. Headley. Only one specimen of each of Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5 were found, so they are evidently not common, but the galls of I. graminicola have been seen frequently this autumn. Lolium perenne L. carried some galls of No. 2 of the above. Fetcham. TENTHREDINIDAE. In the early summer Sawfly larvae Avere plentiful, but these Avere the non-galling species. The gall-causers Avere not very noticeable though various specie^ Avere recorded. Pontania purpureae Cam. AA'as once more noted in Shropshire. COLEOPTERA. CURCULIONIDAE. Linaria vulgaris Mill. Avas reported by Mr W. 0. Steel as galled by Gymnetron linariae Panzer, G. collinum Gyllh. and G. antirrhini Pavk. Plantago maritima L. Avas noted by Mr Niblett at Benfleet galled by Mecinus collaris Germar. LEPIDOPTERA. HELIOZELIDAE. Ileliozela stanneela Fisch Ar. R. Avas noted on Quercus llobur L. in various places and Mr Niblett found it plentiful at Boxhill. DIPTERA. CECIDOMYIIDAE. Achillea millefolium L. — llhopalomyia millefolii TI. LoeAv. A species of gall midge that forty years ago Avas common but hoav seems to be met Avith only occasionally. Reported by Mr Niblett. Tanacetum vulgare L. — 1th. tanaceticola Karscli. Some very fine clusters of these galls Avere found near Albury, Surrey, and at WistanstoAv, Shropshire. Sambucus nigra L. — Schizomyia nigripes F. LoeAv. Shropshire. Leontodon hispidum L. — Cystiphora leontodontis Kieff. Mr Niblett. Veronica scutellata L. — Perrisia similis F. Locav. Bricket Wood. Tamus communis L. — Schizomyia tami Kieff. Boxhill. Juniperus communis L. (1) Twelve galls of the Oligotrophus sp. (Houard 127) reported a year ago Avere seen in January at the same place, but no traces of any fresh galls liaAm been seen there since, nor have Ave found these galls on any other Juniper bushes in the district or elsewhere. PLANT GALL RECORDS IN 1938. (2) — Small bud galls each containing a midge larva have been found on Hackhurst Downs, West of Shere, and Limpsfield Common in March, November, and December, so the gall is a winter one. Possibly Oligotrophus sp. TRYPETIDAE. Mr Niblett reports the following plants as being plentifully galled by Tiypetidae : — Pulicaria dysenterica Gray. — Myopites blotii Brep. Sene cio vulgaris L. — Sphenella marginata Fall. Cnicus lanceolatus Willd. — Euribia stylata Fab. C. arvensis Hoffm. — E. cardui L. Ilieracium umbellatum L. — Noeeta pupillata Fall. and Achillea millefolium L. — Oxyna flavipennis H. Loew. several dimes. HEMIPTERA. APHIDIDAE. Ulmus campestris L. and U. montana Stokes were again very heavily galled by Eriosoma ulmosedens Marclial and E. ulmi L. in Shropshire. Populus nigra L. in Shropshire was galled by Pemphigus populi Courchet, as ivell as by P bursarius L., P. marsupialis Courchet, and P. affi nis Kalt. The second and third of these were also recorded by Mr R. B. Benson from Berkhampstead. AC ARINA. TROMBIDIIDAE. Phragmites communis Trin. galled by Tarsonemus phragmitidis Schl. was found bv Mr J. E. Louslev near Mucking. ERIOPHYIDAE. Prunus spinosa L. Eriophyes sp. causing a dense crimson “ erineum ” of short, stout, straight or curved, unicellular hairs on the shoots, petioles and leaves in April and May. I failed to find the species persisting in August in the same districts. Found in three localities in Shropshire. Dr W. J. Fordham of Barmby Moor, York, informs me that he has seen the same species in Yorkshire. Pyrus malus L. (1) Eriophyes sp. A somewhat similar “ erineum ” to the last but light pink in colour, never the bright crimson, and the hairs seem to be less vigorous in growth. Found in May in two localities in Shropshire, and similarly not seen in August in the same places. (2) Eriophyes sp. The leaf margins rolled up were abundant in various localities in Shropshire near Church Stretton. The mites also attack the centre of the lamina and cause depressions on the under surface containing hairs, and inducing a corresponding projection on the upper surface. Tilia platyphyllos Scop. Eriophyes sp. Dull dark crimson circular galls covered with short hairs, projecting as rounded domes 2 mm. high from the lamina of the leaf in various places, not restricted to the angles 36 THE LONDON NATURALIST. of the veins as is E. tiliae Pagnst. var. exilis Nal., but occurring all over. Wenlock Edge, Shropshire. Lonicera periclymenum L. Eriophyes xylostei Can. Seen again in Shropshire. The mites can induce gall development in the middle of the leaf similar to that described above for Pyrus malus — a depression, but not enough to cause the pleating of the usual gall formation which occurs near the margin of the leaf. Ulmus minor Mill. Eriophyes brevipunctatus Nal. On Arbrook Common, Surrey, in some abundance. Populus tremula L. E. dispar Nal. The tree near Leatherhead that was noted last year has been broken down and the gallg have disappeared. We found them, however, plentifully in Bricket Wood, Herts, in September. Salix fragilis L. Eriophyes triradiatus Nal. Galls attributed to this species were seen to the S.E. of Shrewsbury and at Allfield, near Condover, Shropshire, but no evidence could be obtained as to how long the trees had been affected. Juniperus communis L. Eriophyes quadrisetus Thomas. North Downs, near Shere. NEMATODA. Agrostis alba L. AnguiUulina graminopliila Goodey. Dark crimson swellings at the base of the grass blades. Headley, Surrey, October. BACTERIA. Salix fragilis L. A tree was found near Shalford, Surrey, bearing a number of irregular swellings on the branches which Mr Swanton of the Haslemere Museum suggested might be due to a Bacterium, Pseudo¬ monas tumaefaciens. Other kinds of nodules on the roots and stems of plants have been noted which, though not identified, are probably due to bacteria. Neuroterus schlechtendali Mayr. (HYMENOPTERA; CYNIPIDAE.) By J. Ross. gOME uncertainty as to the identity of a small gall appearing on the male catkins of Quercus Pobur L. and Q. sessiliflora Salisb. has been dispelled as Mr M. Niblett has been able to get the flies emerging from the galls identified by Dr Hedieke of Berlin. Mayr in 1871 named the fly Neuroterus schlechtendali after the scientist who first recorded it, von Schlechtendal having given it a name that had been previously applied to another species. The fly is agamic and is now regarded by Continental authorities as the alternate generation of Neuroterus aprilinus Giraud, and if this view is accepted the fly should be known NEUROTERUS SCH LECH TEN DALI MATE. 37 as Neuroterus aprilinus Giraud agamic generation or Neuroterus aprilinus Giraud form schlechtendali Mayr. I am not aware that the association of N. aprilinus and 'N. schlech¬ tendali has been positively proved by getting the gall, from which N. schlechtendali emerges, as a result of oviposition by N. aprilinus, or by getting N. aprilinus galis from oviposition by A7. schlechtendali, but Continental literature may have appeared cn the point and not come to my knowledge. One of the difficulties in recognising the gall as that of N. schlech¬ tendali was that Mavr’s illustration of it (<{ Die Mitteleuropaischen Eichengallen,” 1871) was indifferently copied in some Continental works; better representations of the gall were given in The Entomo¬ logist (July 1878, No. 182, vol. 11, p. 145) and in Cameron’s Monograph of the British Phytophagous Hymenoptera (vol. 4, plate 7), the latter showing galls in fresh condition. Other flies of the genus Neuroterus in spring cause the currant or berry gall, the blister gall, Schenck’s gall, and the hairy pea ; all these occur on oak leaves and the first also appears on male catkins. In autumn the flies of this group cause the four spangle galls, i.e., the com¬ mon spangle, silk button, smooth spangle, and cupped spangle. "With these two groups there is an interval of some months between the mature stages of the galfs of the alternate generations. If N. aprilinus and N. schlechtendali are alternate generations of the same fly the life history is very different. The galls of N . aprilinus occur in oak buds and become visible in April and May, the flies emerging quickly after the appearance of the galls. The emergence of the flies may be spread over some weeks. In the case of N. schlechtendali the galls occur on the male catkins in May, and in 1938, which was an abnormal season, galls of N. aprilinus, from which the flies had not emerged, and of A7, schlechtendali were found on the same day, i.e., April 23rd; admittedly, only a very few schlechtendali galls were then found. In 1938 N. aprilinus had begun to emerge on March 31, and continued to appear until April 27 and possibly later. A', schlechtendali emerges in July, August and occasionally September of the same or following year. G. C. Bignell, who first recorded the galls and flies of A', schlechtendali in Britain {Entomologist' s Monthly Magazine. 1892, p. 176) seems to have bred flies in the third year. My experience is that flies which have lain over to the second vear emerge at an earlier date than those coming out in the year of the gall’s appearance. Regarding the suggestion of von Sehlechtendal that A’, schlechten¬ dali was the alternate of A", aprilinus, Abbe J. J. Kieffer (Species des Hymenopteres : vol. 7. Cynipides, pp. 662-3, Note) wrote that if the suggestion was confirmed, we have the case of a resting of the egg during eight or nine months and the curious fact of an insect which has the claws of the tarsi simple in the sexual state and bidentate in the agamic state : I think that to suggest that the egg rests eight or nine months is to exaggerate slightly as it does not allow for the larval and pupal stages, but the point Kieffer raises has interest and import- 38 THE LONDON NATURALIST. ance. Having repeatedly found the two kinds of galls in the same localities and noted in some years that schlechtendali galls occur on the later flowering oaks, my own view at present is that it is not only pos¬ sible but highly probable that the flies are alternate generations. Cameron ( l.c ., vol. 4, p. 140) seems to accept N. schlechtendali as the agamic form of N. aprilinus, but by an unfortunate slip labels his short description “ Sexual form.” On the following page (141) he gives a description of N euroterus politus Hartig. The descriptions have so much resemblance that I suggest that they apply to the same fly. N. politus was described by Hartig in 1840, and was only recorded sub¬ sequently by the Rev. T. A. Marshall (Entomologist s "Monthly Maga¬ zine, 1867, vol. 4, p. 125), who took it several times on oak trees in Leicestershire. There are two flies labelled IV. politus in the Fitch collection and these presumably were obtained from Marshall. Kieffer (l.c., vol. 7, pp. 664, 665) contends that Spathegaster petio- liventris Hartig is the same insect as N. aprilinus. Hartig captured S. petiolivcntris in the neighbourhood of Berlin, and according to Kieffer stated that all the females of the species have the radial cellule open while the males have it closed ; the variation of the radial cellule Kieffer points out is a character by which N. aprilinus is distinguished from all the other species of the same genus. Though Hartig seems to have stated that all aprilinus females had the radial cellule open, he may not have definitely asserted that all the males had the cellule closed. A radial cellule is said to be closed when the outer margin is thickened and darkened like a well-marked vein of the wing. In 1938 I bred over 120 flies of N. aprilinus from Essex, Kent, and Surrey, and though almost all the females had the radial cellule open or had only a short part of the margin thickened, about 14 per cent, of the males had a thickened and darkened margin to the wing over the whole length of this cellule, the amount of thickening and darkening varying in the other males. Professor Kinsey in the “ Gall Wasp Genus Neuroterus ” (Indiana University Studies, June 1923) divides the genus into three American and three Old World sub-genera. The Old World sub-genera are Neuroterus Hartig, Pseudo neuroterus new sub-genus, and Spathegaster Hartig. Types are given for these sub-genera; that for the sub-genus Neuroterus is N. politus (designated by Ashmead, 1903, Psyche 10, p. 151), and that for the sub-genus Spathegaster is N. petioliventris Hartig. In the sub-genus Neuroterus are included I\ . cerrifloralis Miillner, a Lower Austrian species galling Q. Cerris, N. glandiformis Giraud, which is recorded as occurring in Lower Austria, Hungary, Italy and Portugal, and as causing galls on Q. Cerris L., Q. Bobur L., and Q. suber L., and two Japanese species; and four other Continental and one other Japanese species in Kinsey’s opinion may belong to the sub-genus. The four species of Neuroterus with which we are fami¬ liar: quercus-baccarum L., numismalis Fourcroy, albipes Sclienck and tricolor Hartig come into the sub-genus SiKithegaster. Kinsey states that other European species may belong to this sub-genus, but with- NEUROTERUS SCHLECHTENDALI MAYR. 39 out sufficient material he preferred to withhold opinions as to sub¬ generic assignments. Neither N. aprilinus nor N. schlechtendali ap¬ pear in the index to this work, and I have failed to find any mention of them. Ivieffer (l.c., p. 665) records one commensal (on which, according to Cameron, Mavr who made the record threw some doubt) and three parasites for 2V. aprilinus , but neither commensal nor parasite for N. schlechtendali. Because of the time of the gall’s appearance, its rapid development in its later stage and the quick emergence of the insect after the gall is visible, it is probable that N. aprilinus suffers little from parasites, and that iV. schlechtendali may escape because of its small size and the relatively short time it remains on the tree after the male catkins have expanded. Clearly it is most desirable that the alternation of these two flies, if it exists, should be proved beyond possibility of doubt by breeding the insects through the galls. I realise the difficulty of doing this, especi¬ ally as my colleagues of the Society’s Plant Gall Section who undertake such experimental work are handicapped by not possessing oaks that have reached the flowering stage as is required for the production of the galls from which N. schlechtendali would emerge. Also it may be that the long period of quiescence that follows ovi- position by N. schlechtendali in some way limits the reproduction of the species. Both N. aprilinus and N. schlechtendali are abundant locally at times, and if neither suffers from parasites to the extent that some gall-producing Cynipidae do, some other factor or factors, it must be presumed, intervenes to keep the species in check. Finally, if AT. aprilinus and N. schlechtendali are not alternate gene¬ rations of the same fly, what are the life histories of these insects? 40 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Entomological Notes and Records. LEPIDOPTERA OF A LONDON GARDEN FIFTY YEARS AGO. By R. W. Robbins. S a boy, in the eighties, I lived in South Hackney, near Victoria Park. The small three-storied house with its rectangle of garden stood with ten others forming a terrace, with a similar terrace behind and two others at right angles. The whole formed a nearly perfect enclosure of, say, one hundred and fifty by eighty yards. The gardens were separated lnT brick walls four and a half feet high with a higher central wall across the ends. Just on the other side of this end wall stood a row of good sized black poplars, planted twenty years previously when the houses were built. Trained against a wall of our garden, facing south, were gooseberry and currant bushes. The wall at the bottom was topped by a screen covered by wild clematis, and across the top of the garden was a trellis with openings to the side-paths and joined to the house by an open lean-to roof; this was covered by “ tea tree ” (Lycium) and hops. So much for the permanent features. I believe it was the Magpie .moths ( grnssulciriata ) which first attracted my attention. Although we killed scores of larvae, the moths were always abundant in season. I once found a good striated form. With these larvae were a few caterpillars of the V moth ( wauarici ), an insect which I found regularly on the walls, but since those days have only taken once or twice. Another insect frequent on the walls and which has almost completely eluded me since, was the Poplar Grey (megacephala) ; usually the moths had a pinkish tone in the grey colouration. Their caterpillars were plentiful on the trunks of the poplars, resting in the shape of a question mark, and when I stood on the end Avail with my head among the poplar branches I found them on the leaves, and sometimes a larva of the Poplar Haivk — a great thrill. The clematis screen harboured a small group of species of Avhich the Waved Umber ( abrupt aiia ) Avas the most interesting. The moth Avas not uncommon on the Avail below, and I took tAvo of the dark broAvn suffused variety Avhich is, I think, a London speciality. The larvae of the Dot (persicariae) were abundant and in two forms, green and brown, marked Avith short oblique velvety streaks of deeper tone. Other frequenters of the clematis Avere Willow Beauties of the smoky London form (gem maria, var. perfumaria.) and SAvalloAvtails ( sambucarin ). The latter moths I caught on the Aving, but Avhere do these conspicuous insects secrete themseRes by day ? The “ tea tree ” and hops on the trellis AA'ere the favourite food of “woolly hears,” the broAvn hairy larvae of the Buff Ermine (. lubricipeda ), ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 41 and one often came across the moths asleep on the woodwork, sometimes in pairs. The White Ermine ( menihastri ) was much rarer. Another common hairy larva of striking appearance was the Vapourer (cintiqua). Although bred specimens generally produced a grub-like wingless female,- she would attract the little brown males in plenty in the sunshine. The local boys called them cherry-eaters. Brindled Beauties (hirtoria) were common in the garden and doubtless bred on a small lime tree in the front. But hirtaria was then of small Recount to me beside the Gothic ( typico ), which turned up occasionally on the walls. A species frequently taken was the Small Anglesliadies ( lucipara ), the larvae of which devastated our ferns, while the currant bushes were attacked by the Currant Clearwing (tipuliformis), which was to be found sunning itself on the leaves. With my net at dusk I used to take the Rustic Shoulder Knot ( basilinea ), which I have hardly seen since; the Lychnis ( capsincolci ) on the pinks; the Nutmeg ( chenopodii ), Garden Carpet, Brimstone, three or four Pugs ( assimilata , vulgata, centaur eat n ), and other Avell distributed species. One well-known London insect, the Double-lobed ( o phi o gramma ), I never found at Hackney, although we had in the garden the Ribbon Grass ( Phalaris ), in the stems of which the larva feeds. The moth waa common at Clapton and Forest Hill. It appears in retrospect that this little London garden Avas cpiite a good collecting ground, and, in particular, that it maintained a small group of species that are not easily come by in rural districts. Evidently, there is a garden fauna just as there is a fauna of cultivated land, but in this instance there A\-as a town-garden fauna and perhaps eAwn a London fauna. A group of species, sparse in the open country, flourished vigorously in a built-up area not far from the heart of the city. The density of the lepidopterous population, though limited in species, Avas greater in that small garden than in any of the more spacious and a- aided gardens that I ha Am since knoAvn. It is true that Ave had very few insectRorous birds, except house sparrows and a feAv starlings, robins, and blackbirds. I doubt Avhether they took much toll, and at least the omnivorous London sparroAv with plenty of scraps, horse manure (in those days) in the streets, and crocuses and other floAvers in season, Avas Avell supplied aa i th other food. A London garden proAddes a specialised habitat for its insect population. There is shelter from high Avinds and extremes of temperature, because London is neATer so cold as the surrounding country. InsectRorous birds are feAv. The brick Avails gRe the protection and Avarmth of rocks, yet Avithout the he a aw rainfall of our rocky and Avooded districts. No wonder certain species of moth find in our London gardens a congenial habitat. HYMENOPTERA FROM SOUTH CORNWALL. By K. M. Guichard. This year, from July 23rd to August 7th, I spent a holiday at Pol- perro on the South Cornish coast. Despite the phrase, “ Our Cornish 42 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Riviera,” the country appeared devoid of character, and even the cliff scenery seemed inferior to parts of Sussex. After one fruitless excursion inland in search of aculeates, I de¬ cided to confine collecting to the rising ground above the cliffs. This area, about three-quarters of a square mile to the west of Polperro Harbour, on account of its thick vegetation, gravelly paths, and abun¬ dance of flowers, looked promising. Flowers most attractive to Hymenoptera were Wild Carrot, Ragwort, Blackberry, Wood-sage, Dwarf Furze, and Devil’s-bit Scabious, all of which were in full bloom. As there appears to be no complete list of Cornish aculeates, it has not been possible to find out whether any of these records are new to Cornwall. My list includes many common species, so that if a County List is compiled such records may perhaps help to confirm the general distribution of those species. There are only two comments to make. Firstly, the occurrence of two wasps which I had previously found only on sandhills: Ammophila sahulosa and Podalonia viatica. There is no sand within at least five miles of Polperro, and the soil of my area was a light clay mixed with small stones. Secondly, No mad a rufipes was abundant, although I could not find its normal host, Andrena fuscipes (Kirby). This Andrena is associated with heath-lands, so it seems probable that N. rufipes was parasitizing Andrena nigriceps , which, however, was rare. The following records were made during seven mornings’ collecting, and a more intensive search would doubtless turn up other species. I am greatly obliged to Mr G. M. Spooner for his determination of Prioc- nemis vusillus and Pompilus trivialis. HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA. Hedycliridium ardcns (Latr. in Coq.), 9 ; Chrysis ignita (L.), common: C. vindula L. ; Sapyga 5-punrtata (Fab.), 3 95; Myrmosa melanocephala (Fab.), d ; Tetramorium caespitum (L.), nesting in gravelly paths; Formica fusca L., var. rubescens For., under stones; Crypto cheilus affinis (V. d. L.), very common; Priocnemis pusillus Schiod., common; P. exaltatus (Fab.), one very large 9; Pompilus cinctellus Spin., not uncommon along a stone wall but almost impos¬ sible to catch, 3 9?; F. trivialis Dahl, common; P. crassicornis Shuck., 2 9 9; Anoplius nigerrimus (Scop.), very local; Aporus unicolor Spin., d , 9 ; Odynerus spinipes (L.), 9 ; Ancistrocerus parietum, (L.), common; A. pictus (Curt.), 9; A. trifasciatus Oliv., fairly common; Vespula rufa (L.); 1. vulgaris (L.) ; F. germanica (Fab.); Tachysphex pompiliformis (Panz.), local; Trypoxylon attenuatum Sm., common; T. clavicerum Lep.; Ammophilci sahulosa (L.), very common; Podalonia viatica (L.), 9 9, rare on ragwort; Crabro cribrarius (L.); Coelocrabro leucostomoides Richards, 3 9 9; C. cetratus (Shuck.), 9; Crossocerus elongatulus (V. d. L.), common; C. varus Lep. and Brul., 2 9 9; Blepharipus dimidiatus (Fab.), 9 ; Clytochrysus cavifrons (Thom.), 3 9 9; Solenius continuus (Fab.); Meta - ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 43 crdbro quadricinctus (Fab.), 9; LLoplisus bicinctus (Rossi), d, 9 ; Xysson dim idiatus Jur., 4 9 9; LLarpactus tumidus (Panz.), 2 dd; Cerceris cunicularia (Schr.), 2 dd, 2 9$; C. arenaria (L.)} not common; Colletes similis Sch., very common on yellow daisies; Prosopis hyalina-ta (Sm.), common; P. brevicornis (Nyl.), d ; P- communis (Nyl.), common: Halictus villosulus (Kirby), common; PL. leucozonius (Schr.), common; PL. calceatus (Scop.), common; LL. rubicundus (Christ), un¬ common; PL. punctatissimus (Sch.), common; LL. perlcinsi Bluth., 9 ; LL. tumulorum (L.), common; PL. morio (Fab.), common; LL. leucopus (Kirby), 9; LL. smeathmaneUus (Kirby), common; Sphccodes fasciatus (v. Hag.), common; Andreiui llavipes Panz., very common, a huge colony nesting in the face of a cliff; A. bicolor (Fab.); A. thoracica (Fab.), freshly emerged dd only; A. rosae Panz., dd, $9, scarce; A. nigriceps (Kirby), 2 9 9; A. ovatula (Kirby), very common, the males were on the wing some davs before the females were observed : A. fulvago (Christ), 9 9 seen at one locality for only one day, after which they disappeared; A. minutulci (Kirby), common; Panurgus banhsianus (Kirby), common and nesting along a gravelly path; Anthn- phora furcata (Panz.); A. bimaculata (Panz.), common; A. quadrimacu- latci (Panz.), d, 9; Epeolus vaHegatus (L.), common; Xomada marshamella (Kirby), d X. rvfipe.s Fab., common; iV. hillana (Kirby), a very worn 9 ; X. flavoguttata (Kirby), 9 ; LLcgacliile centuncularis (L.), common; M. circumcincta (Kirby), 9; Coelioxys inermis (Kirby), 5 9 9; Anthidium manicatum (L.), common; Stelis phaeoptera (Kirby), d, on blackberry flowers; Osmi-a leaian-a (Kirby), 9 9, common; Psithyrus rupestris (Fab.), 9- BRITISH BUTTERFLIES IX 1938. Bv H. J. Burkill, M.A., F.R.G.S. For information and records I have to thank many correspondents, including Miss E. M. Gibson. Mrs Gunyon, Miss C. E. Longfield, Miss E. M. Miller, Miss E. A. Mattson, and Messrs O. A. Alexander, Dr K. G. Blair, W. Carter. F. Clegg, Dr E. A. Cockayne, W. Craigs, R. Cyriax, J. E. S. Dallas, Dr W. J. Fordham, Dr F. C. Garrett, W. E. Gaze, C. J. Gent, K. M. Guichard, G. H. Heath, G. Jefferson, K. P. Keywood, D. Leatherdale, J. E. Xewens, J. E. Xewton, C. Nicholson, L. Parmenter, R. TV. Robbins, J. P. Robson, Brig. -General B. Tulloch, D. G. Underhill, E. H. Mattson, J. C. Eales Mhite, and Dr P. H. Millcox. These have made the compilation of the following notes possible, for without their aid nothing could have been done. Several of my usual correspondents declare that the season has been so unproductive that they have no records worth submitting. A year ago I commented unfavourably on the weather of 1937 as being inimical to our native species of butterflies, but the conditions then dealt with seem to have been easily surpassed by those of 1938. Me experienced most unseasonable weather with a very dry February, 44 THE LONDON NATURALIST. a warm March, a dry April, a series of frosts in May, followed by a cold June and a wet July, while cold nights continued through August. The result was a considerable diminution in most orders of insects. My experience was that only Aphids and Sawfly larvae were in normal numbers. Parasites were not apparently responsible for the scarcity if my finding in September of a large colony of Aglais urticae larvae in different stages of growth is any evidence. I bred up 160 of them and had only one case of parasitism. Similarly the larvae of Oonepteryx rhamni were less attacked than in recent years. I did see various species of Ichneumon-flies but never in large numbers. With the warm days early in the year several species of butterflies were seen in advance of their customary dates. Some of these were: — oth Feb. Gonepteryx rhamni at Fetcham, Surrey (H.J.B.). 5th Mar. Aglais urticae at Tresillian, Cornwall (C.N.), and at Fetcham (H.J.B.). 6th Mar. Nymphalis io at Limpsfield, Surrey (R.W.R.). 7th Mar. Polygonia c-album at Taplow (P.H.W.). 18th Mar. Argynnis euphrosyne near Bodmin (C.N.). 31st Mar. Euchloe cardamines at Limpsfield (R.W.R.). 3rd Apr. Vanessa cardui at Limpsfield (R.W.R.). Pararge ageria at Limpsfield (R.W.R.). 10th Apr. Vanessa atalanta at Claygate (K.P.K.). 30th Apr. Lycaena phlaeas at Church Stretton (H.J.B.). while the warm days in September October, and November were responsible for late appearances, such as : — 26th Sept. Vanessa cardui at Tresillian (C.N.). 0th Oct. Aglais urticae at Warlingham, Surrey (D.G.U.). 10th Oct. Polygonia c-album at Taplow (P.H.W.). 11th Oct. Pieris rapac at Limpsfield (R.W.R.). loth Oct. Lycaena phlaeas at Fetcham (H.J.B.). Nymphalis io at Tresillian (C.N.). 23rd Oct. Vanessa atalanta at Fetcham (H.J.B.). 5th Nov. Gonepteryx rhamni at Fetcham (H.J.B.). Possibly some of these dates may be of interest to those observers who argue the relative aspects of hibernation or migration of some of the species. I understand that the weather on the Continent was cold when we were having a warm early spell, so that it was hardly likely that these early insects could have come across from France as the temperature there would be too cold for them to wake up. Little direct evidence of migration has come to hand, except for Colias , but while the numbers of some species appear to have suffered severely from the unfavourable conditions it does not seem that the diffusion, so noticeable the last eight or ten years, of species such as Polygonia c-album and Limenitis Camilla, has been checked, since the records show a further spread of these two insects to fresh localities. ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 45 It is to be hoped that their numbers will once more increase in the haunts they colonised so successfully a few years ago. Dr Willcox’s observations at Taplow point to local movements of P . c-album during the year. The order and scientific names below are from the Royal Entomologi¬ cal Society’s list published in 1934, while the English names are taken from Mr Froliawk’s British Butterflies (1934). Danais plexippus L. (Milkweed). Mr Nicholson reported one as recorded from the Scilly Isles. Pararge aegeria L. (Speckled Wood): Fairly plentiful to common in the South but no records received from the Midlands or North this year. P. in eg era L. (Wall). : Generally common, and one was recorded from near Castle Eden, the first seen there for many years (F.C.G.). I noticed a tendency both in Surrey and Shropshire to colouration darker than normal. Erebia cpiphron Knoch. (Small Mountain Ringlet) : A few worn ones near Struan (E.A.C.). E . aethiops Esp. (Scotch Argus) : Not reported (F.C.G.). Satyrus galcithea L. (Marbled White) : Abundant in a few localities, but absent in others where it should have been seen. Eumenis semele L. (Grayling): Much fewer than usual but abundant in restricted areas. Maniola tithonus L. (Hedge Brown): Plentiful in several places. M. jurtina L. (Meadow Brown) : Generally to be seen but not up to the average as a rule, though locally abundant. Coenonympha pamphilus L. (Small Heath): Very erratic, and “ not seen at all ” (B.T., and C.N.). C. tullia Muller (Large Heath) : Much as usual on the mosses, Northumberland (F.C.G.), a few near Witherslack and (var. scotica ) in Skye (E.M.G.), and near Struan (E.A.C.). Aphantopus hyperanthus L. (Ringlet): Not up to average numbers except in a few places. Argynnis selene Schiff. (Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary) : Much as usual in different localities. A. euphrosyne L. (Pearl Bordered F.) : Not .much seen. A. aglais L. (Dark Green F.) : Hardly seen at all. I met with it in Shropshire but only sparingly. .4. cydippe L. (High Brown F.) : Similarly absent. .4. paphia L. (Silver Washed F.) : Fairly plentiful in one locality, Sussex (O.A.A.), and a few in some other localities. Euphydryas aurinea Rott. (Marsh F.) • Not reported. Melitaea cinxia L. (Glanville F.) : Plentiful in one spot in the Isle of Wight (K.G.B.) M. athalia Rott. (Heath F.) : Seemed scarcer than in previous years (O.A.A.). Vanessa atalanta L. (Red Admiral) : Reports show considerable divergence of opinion, but the species was noticeable in the autumn in many places. V. cardui L. (Painted Lady) : Not uncommon, S. Devon (K.G.B.). Rather more plentiful than usual (E.M.M.). Other recorders only met with it sparingly or missed it altogether. Aglais urticae L. (Small Tortoiseshell) : Not generally abundant, but possibly more about than in recent years. Nymphalis polychloros L. (Large Tortoiseshell) : Only one reported (E.M.M.). N. io L. (Peacock) : Occasionally. Possibly better than in 1937. N. antiopa L. (Camberwell Beauty) : One taken near Darlington (F.C.G.). Polygonia e-album L. (Comma) : Fewer than 46 THE LONDON NATURALIST. last year but still seems to be extending its range. Apatura iris L. (Purple Emperor): One larva found and reared. (E.M.G.) Limenitis •Camilla L. (White Admiral): Very few records, but reported as quite abundant in one wood in Herts (K.M.G.). Hamearis lucina L. (Duke of Burgundy): On the North Downs (K.G.B.) Cupido minimus Fuessl. (Small Blue): North Downs, one area. No other records. Plebejus argus L. (Silver-studded Blue): Very abundant in some places, but only a few correspondents mention it. Aricia agestis Schiff. (Brown Argus): Fairly common in one part of Durham (F.C.G.). No reports from near London. Polyommatus icarus Rott. (Common Blue) : Locally very variable, and probably below normal on balance. Lysandra coridon Poda. (Chalk Hill Blue) : Scarcer than usual. L. bellargus Rott. (Adonis Blue) : Similar to the last named. Alaculinea •arion L. (Large Blue): Seen in the Cotswolds (E.M.G.). Lycaenopsis ■argiolus L. (Holly Blue) : Very scarce in the London district. Reported from Cornwall (C.X., and K.M.G.), but not seen in Monmouthshire (B.T.) or Essex (W.E.G. and E.M.M.). In Surrey I only saw it on the North Downs. Lycaena phlaeas L. (Small Copper): Generally much fewer than normal. Fairly plentiful at Danebury (E.M.M.), and many at Church Stretton, 30th April (H.J.B.). One flew into a London bound train at Peckham Rye, 2nd September. It was boxed and in the after¬ noon released in the country (H.J.B.). L. dispar Haw. (Large Copper) : No records. Callophrys rubi L. (Green Hairstreak) : Very few records, but said to be spreading in Weardale (F.C.G.). Theda betulae L. (Brown Hairstreak) : Not seen. T. quercus L. (Purple Hairstreak) : Only reported from Sussex (O.A.A.) and near Peterborough (P.H.W.). Strymon w-album Enoch. (White Letter Hairstreak): Very scarce this year. Miss Miller reports that the dark form is still conspicuous in the colony she is watching. I found one specimen at Church Stretton in which the marking of the white letter was abnormal. S. pruni L. (Black Hairstreak) : Not reported. Leptidea sinapis L. ('Wood White) : Very scarce or absent, except in Sussex where many were seen in good condition (E.A.C.) Aporia crataegi L. (Black-veined White) : No records. Pieris brassicae L. (Large V hite) : Generally much less than usual, but abundant in a few places. P. rapae L. (Small White) : Numerous in places, but not generally a nuisance. On the whole probably well below normal. P. napi L. (Green-veined White): Below average. Eiicldoe cardamines L. (Orange Tip) : Normal to reduced numbers. Colias h.yale L. (Pale Clouded Yellow) : One near Brockenhurst (G.H.H.). C. croceus Fourc. (Clouded \ellow) : Reported as being in fair numbers in Kent, Sussex, and Hants by various observers, with odd specimens in Surrey, Middlesex, and Cornwall. Eleven seen in Essex (E.M.M.). Gonepteryx rhamni L. (Brimstone) : More numerous in the spring than in summer, but odd specimens of the new brood were about until a late date. Papilio machaon L. (Swallow-tail) : A few seen at Wicken Fen (K.G.B.). ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 47 Erynnis tages L. (Dingy Skipper) : Seen in Mid-Durham (F.C.G.). Tn about usual numbers in places in the South. Syrichtus malvae L. (Grizzled Skipper) : About normal. Carterocephalus palaemon Pall. (Chequered Skipper): No record. Adopuea sylvestris Poda. (Small Skipper) : A few in places. Very plentiful in one locality in Surrey (O.A.A.). A. Ymeola Ochs. (Essex Skipper): A few reported (K.G.B.). A. acteoji Pott. (Lulworth Skipper) : No records. Ilcspcria eomrna I,. (Silver-spotted Skipper) : Very plentiful in one locality in Surrey (O.A.A.). Ochlodes venata Bremer and Grey (Large Skipper): As a rule in fair abundance where reported but not always. COLEOPTERA NEAR LONDON. By F. D. Buck. Beetle hunting in grass tufts during the winter months is a cold occupation, but if the right place is discovered it can be most profit¬ able. The majority of beetles taken are Stapliylinidae and Carabidae, and I have found that large isolated tufts in damp situations often give good results. With a large chisel used dagger-fashion the tuft is cut off flush with the ground or a little below ground level, so as to include only the upper part of the root mass. The root end of the tuft is then beaten and shaken over a white sheet of waterproof material, and later pulled to pieces and shaken again. The smaller specimens are best caught with a sucking-tube, but it is necessary to make sure that the two cork ends of the “ sucker ” are smooth, since small beetles are apt to seek shelter in any crevices. I always bring home my captures alive and then kill them with a few drops of acetic ether. A friend and myself worked four localities close to London in the manner just described and some of the results seem worth recording, particularly as so few coleopterists venture forth during the cold months. It may be added that Coreid bugs are sometimes found, also many ichneumons, lepidopterous larvae and pupae, and various other creatures. Not all the specimens taken in these four localities have yet been identified. Box Hill, 11/12/38; the best place proved to be a patch of thick isolated grass high up on the Downs. The species included: — Myceto- porus splendidulus Gr., Astenus angustatus Pk., A. immaculatus Stepli., Philontlius ebininus Gr., Stapkylinus winhleri Bern., Stenu.s brurmipes Steph., Bembidion lampros Hb., Metabletus foveatus Geof., Ilarpahis latus L ., Brady cellus harpalinus Ser., Galathus fuscipes Goez. (about a hundred specimens hibernating), Hermacophaga rnercurialis F., Micco- trogus picirostris F., Sitona tibialis Hbst., Medon melanocephalus F., Liodes badia Stm. (in a dead pine stump), and Zicrona caerulea L. (Hemiptera). Ruislip Reservoir, 1/1/39; tufts close to the water’s edge. This wet place provided many more species than the dry locality at Box Hill. 48 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Ice and snow were still on the ground, but contrary to our expectations beetles were still very numerous close to the ground surface. Species included: — Mycetoporus splendidiilus Gr., Astenus immaculatus Steph., Ocalea picata Steph., Hygronoma dimidiata Gr., Gabrius nigri- tulus Gr., Stenus latifrons Er., S. juno F., S. fulvicornis Steph., S. ossium Steph., Brady cell us sharp) Jy., Agonurn gracilis Gyll., Chvirur fossor L., Bembidion mannerheimi Salilb., B. clarki Daws, (three specimens), Anisodactylus nemorivagus Duft. (one specimen), Psylliodes picina Marsh, Psammoecus bipun ctatus F., Notaris scirpi F., N. acri- dulus L ., Phytonomus nigrirostris F., Sitona cambricus Steph., Bryaxis longicornis Leach. Another record of interest from this locality is the taking of Bagous limosus Gyll. and B. cylind/rus Pk. under cut reeds, 24/4/37 (K.M.G.). Oxshott, 8/1/39; thick grass tufts in wet situations. Species in¬ cluded: — Agonurn, gracilis Gyll., Leistus ferrugineus L., Dyschirius globosus Hbst., Bembidion mannerheimi Sahib., Lathrobium terminatum Gr., L. geminum Kr., Tachyporus macropterus Steph., Gymnusa brevi - collis Pk., Oxypoda lividipennis Man., Bythinus bulbifer Reich., Beicltenbachia impressa Pz., Pselophus heisei Hbst., Cephenium thoracicum Mull., Euconnus hirticollis Ill.; the following four species were taken from a semi-submerged log : Bryocharis cingulata Man., Scaphidium quad ri mar ulatum , 01., Cercyon tristis Ill., and C. inter - mixtus Sharp. Aldenham Reservoir, 15/1/39; dead reeds and debris round base of decayed willow: — Bembidion clarki Daws, (this species of Bembidion was the predominant one ; out of thirty-eight specimens taken, thirty- four proved to be B. clarki ), B. doris Gyll., B. guttuia ■ F., JDemetrias at ri cap Ulus L., Agonurn obscurum Hb., Ba (lister bipustulatus F., Cano¬ bus granulatus L., Stenus bipunctatus Er.. S. incrassatus Er., S. cicindeloides Gr., S. juno F., Hygronoma dimidiata Gr., Dinaraea aequata Er., Corticaria impressa 01., Galerucella fergussoni Fowl., Apion curtirostre Germ., Barypithes ciraneiformis Schr., Bhinoncus per- pend icularis Reich., B. inconspectus Hbst., and Bryaxis longicornis Leach (this species was very common, the colour of the elytra ranging, from bright red to jet black). THE INVERTEBRATE FAUNA OF HYDE PARK AND KENSINGTON GARDENS. INSECTS. By C. L. COLLENETTE. As every visit to the area in suitable weather yields fresh notes and species for the enquiry, some years must elapse before results are- sufficiently advanced for detailed publication. Ten species of butterflies have so far been recorded, nearly all of which are visitors from outside the area. A Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni L. was taken on 15th October, 1936 (E. W. Classev); the Reef ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 49 Admiral, Vanessa atalanta L., and Small Tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae L., were commonly seen in the Flower Walk in the autumn of 1937 and 1938 ; more than one Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui L., appeared on 24th and 25tli August, 1938; a single Peacock, Nymphalis io L., on 25th August, 1938 (D. S. Fletcher); a Comma, Polygonia c-album L., on 23rd September. 1938 (C. L. Collenette) ; and a Clouded Yellow, Colias croceus Fourcroy. on 1st August, 1938 (Russell James, Entom., 1938: 236). Of the moths, 46 species have been listed, the majority of which were probably bred locally. Among the Hawk moths, Mimas tiliae L., Amorpha papuli L., and S. ocellata L. have been found both in the larval and adult stages. The Lymantriid Stilpnotia salicis L. has been recorded so frequently, including examples in the year 1938, that it is probably native to the area. The two Clearwings Sesia vespiformis L. and S. myopaeformis Borkh. were found in the pupal stage by Dr E. A. Cockayne some years ago, and for the former Hyde Park is a well-known locality. Coleoptera are difficult to find in any variety, partly owing to the continued cutting and burning of dead timber and the sweeping up of dead leaves. Coecinella bipunctata L. and its forms were exceedingly numerous in the autumn of 1937, but less common in 1938. Four species of Anas pis are found very frequently in flowers in the spring, and the most prevalent dung beetle is Aphodius contaminatus Hubst. Diptera are the most numerous order, both in numbers and in species. Three species of mosquitoes have been recorded by Dr F. W. Edwards {Entom., 1928 : 213) from rot holes in trees. A <5 Syrplius guttatus Fin., of which the British Museum (Natural History) possesses only one specimen, was taken on 17th August, 1938, and an example of Gnopho- myia lugubris Zett. on 11th June, 1938. Chironomus swpplicans Meig. was common in the summer of that year (C.L.C.). The Hemiptera are very commonly found in the area as individuals, especially as the result of beating from the branches of trees, but only twelve species have so far been collected. Further work will certainly increase this total considerably. Hymenoptera are well represented, but the determination of seme <. f the smaller species is difficult. Larvae of the sawfly Nematus salicis L. were abundant in 1938 (R. B. Benson). No Odonata, and only four species of Neuroptera and five cf Trichoptera have been found, but two or three of the latter are said to be not without interest when the unsuitable nature of the habitat is. considered. The Earwig Forficida auricularia L. is very numerous under loose bark, and probably acts as a check on other species which favour this type of retreat The writer of these notes will be glad to hear from anyone who can assist in the enquiry, and specimens with data, which need not be named, will be welcomed. 50 THE LONDON NATURALIST. THE HOUSE SPIDER. Tegenaria atrica Koch. By C. H. R. Thomas. For nearly a year I have kept a female of the common house spider in captivity. She lives in a wooden, glass-roofed cage, 16 in. x 10 in. x 5 in., with two net-covered holes at each end for ventilation, and another covered hole through which she is fed. Inside this cage is a small box the size of a match-box, pressed tight against the glass, the top of the box being partly cut away and one end open. To make this retreat sufficiently dark and secluded for the spider I have fixed a flap outside the cage and above her den, and when I want to see what she is doing I lift the flap and look through the glass above the cut-away top of the small box. This house spider and most of my other sedentary web-building spiders have taken well to a caged life, but the hunting species never seem quite at home in captiviy. The Tegenaria, with her vigorous movements, is an interesting creature to watch, although she possesses the poor eyesight of her tribe. These web-builders seem to depend for food almost entirely on their very delicate sense of touch and the threads of the web act as an artificial extension of the nervous system. Hunting becomes almost a game of blind-man's-bluff . A slight movement by some fly or other small creature in the web brings the alert spider from her den; she pauses expectantly, and when a second vibration is felt rushes to the spot and buries her jaws in the prey. Sometimes, however, if the prey keeps still the spider is at a loss to find it. I have seen my Tegenaria dash past a stationary fly which a few moments beforei had been buzzing and struggling, but which had remained perfectly still on realising its danger. Often the spider darts out of the den directly I insert the feeding tube into her cage. She grasps the glass and I can feel the grating of her sharp chelicerae upon it. This procedure is not due to her knowledge that food is coming, or to a resentment at the intrusion; her behaviour seems to be governed by instinctive reaction coupled with poor eyesight. Over a long period this spider has built a formidable web, but these sheet webs are never really completed. Unlike the orb webs, they are of no particular design, but form a mass of threads spreading fanwise from the den. They are continually being increased and repaired because of the damage caused by the struggles of their victims. I do not think that the silk used to make sheet webs is nearly so adhesive as that favoured by the orb weavers. Tegenaria does not wrap its prey in silk and leave it on the web, but carries the struggling prisoner straight back to the den. Spinning is done nearly always at night, as the spider does not care to expose herself during the daytime. In her den, at intervals of about a month, my female house spider has produced several egg cocoons, each containing about a hundred pearly-white eggs. The outside of the cocoon is covered with loose fluffy silk, and underneath is a tough envelope enclosing the eggs. If uncon- ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES AND RECORDS. 51 sumed bits of fly and other debris are available she uses this material to decorate her cocoon. The resulting spotty effect is very conspicuous by daylight, but I think that in a dim light such an object would be difficult to distinguish. Spiders are great drinkers, and the quantity of liquid required seems to depend on the amount of food available. If insects are plentiful, organic juices are sufficient to allay thirst, but failing this source of nourishment spiders require water. In the natural state this is provided by rain drops and dew. I give water to my spiders with a fountain-pen filler and they greatly appreciate the attention, applying their mouths to the drops and drinking for considerable periods. Finally, the female spider is by far the most interesting sex to keep alive. To an observer, the skulking and untidy male does not compare favourably with his active and industrious mate. PARASITES OF SPIDERS. By G. H. Locket. The following records of flies of the family Cyrtidae parasitizing spiders have been collected during the last three years. All the spiders except No. 3 (from Blediow Bridge) were captured on Ruislip Common, Middx.; spiders No. 1, 2, 5, and 6 have been examined by Dr A. R. Jackson. The flies have been identified by Dr F. W. Edwards of the British Museum (Natural History). Parasite. 1. Oncodes gibbosus L. 2. Oncodes pallipes Latr. 3. Oncodes pallipes Latr. 4. Acrocera globulus Panz. 5. Acrocera globulus Panz. 6. Acrocera globulus Panz. Host. Fam. Lycosidae, pos¬ sibly a Trochosa. Fam. Lycosidae. Almost certainly Lgcosa pullata Cl. 9- Another spider of the same species was caught at the same time. ? Lgcosa sp. 9, ? Fam. Drassidae. (Immature.) Larva found, having emerged from host 30/6/36. Fly emerged 8/7/36. Pupa found 30/6/36. Fly emerged 2/7/36. Larva pupated 25/6/3S. Fly emerged 3/7/38. Larva emerged 9/6/36. Pupated 15/6/36. Fly emerged 21/6/36. Larva emerged 20/6/36. (Spider has spun silk cocoon as though for eggs.) Pupated 23/6/36. Fly emerged 29/6/36. Spider taken 27/10/36. Larva emerged 6/6/37. Pupated 10/6/37. Emerged 16/6/37. 52 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 7. Acrocera globulus Panz. Lycosa sp. <5, mature, but palpal organ ap¬ peared malformed from parasitization. Tlie larva of the last species listed emerged 10/6/38. It kept moving, continually stretching its head out and around. The move¬ ment seemed to have no object unless for aeration. Fat globules were apparent under the skin of the hinder part. The host was apparently healthy until the appearance of the larva, which emerged through a hole made in the dorsal side of the abdomen. The cephalothorax of the spider appeared to be empty too. 13/6/38: The outlines of the seg¬ ments of the larva had practically disappeared. 15/6/38: Larval skin cast off, then pupated. The fat globules had “ sintered ” together some¬ what. Pupa darkened during the day and fat globules disappeared. Fly emerged 22/6/38. The larva of another species was seen emerging from the dorsal side of the abdomen of a spider, the head coming out last. This larva pupated two days later, but died. XT is with real regret that the resignation has been received of Adam Charles Smith, one of the tiny band of schoolboy promoters of the North London N.H. Society, against whose name the almost pre-historic date of 1892 appears in our membership list. “ Charlie ” Smith was a butterfly-hunter like the rest of them, and even within the last few years has foregathered with three others of the clan to pursue the old sport in Continental by-ways. But his sight is no longer good, and with advancing years he has now laid down his net. May we wish him happy memories! It. W. It. THE SURVEY OE LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 53 The Survey of Limpsfield Common. SECOND YEAR. The investigation of the Flora and Fauna of Limpsfield Common conducted by the Ecological Section has been energetically continued during the past year, and the material in the following articles indicates progress made in the various sections of the work. It is recognised by the authors of these lists that they cannot he considered exhaustive as regards either recorded species or their distribution, nevertheless they do give an excellent picture of the species occurring on the Common, and their publication affords an opportunity for all members to co-operate in adding additional species and filling in the gaps in the distribution of those already recorded. The Secretary will be pleased to hear from any member willing to undertake the study of groups not yet worked out on the Common. The work of listing the species present is regarded only as a preliminary step in the Survey of Limpsfield Common, and it will be seen that investigations of a more definite ecological nature have already been taken up. It is anticipated that during the coming year it will be possible to spend less time on ascertaining the species present, and more time on studying their ecology. It is hoped that as many members as possible will join in this interesting work, which offers such unique advantages to beginners and experts alike. J. E. Lousley. THE PRESERVATION OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. By IV. G. Sheldon, F.Z.S., F.R.E.S. (Formerly Hon. Secretary of the Limpsfield Common Committee of the Local Residents.) Until some forty or fifty years ago, commons generally throughout England were kept pretty much in the state in which they had been for several centimes, through those individuals possessing common rights exercising them, by grazing horses, donkeys, cattle, goats, and other animals, and by using bracken for litter, gorse for fuel, and bush and forest growth for various purposes. These customs having of late largely fallen into disuse, certain growths, such as bracken, bush and forest trees have greatly spread at the expense of those less dominant, including heather and ether low-growing herbaceous plants, gradually strangling and even exterminating them over wide areas. The advent of the motor car has brought a new peril to the amenities of the commons, especially those in the neighbourhood of large towns, in the arrival of hundreds of cars laden with people who picnic on those commons, leaving, unfortunately, large quantities of litter behind, them. Some of the neighbouring residents, too, have found the local common a convenient place on which to deposit any rubbish they may have to 54 THE LONDON NATURALIST. dispose of, such as cans, bedsteads, derelict bicycles, and large quantities of other household rubbish. Limpsfield Common, until recently, was no exception to the general rule in these respects. In 1935, however, the attention of the Lord of the Manor was; called to its condition, and a committee was formed by him to take over the management and to put an end to the abuses to which it had been subjected. To enable this committee to act it was found necessary to raise annually a sum of about £200, which has been subscribed by local residents. Comparatively little could be done during the year 1935, but in the spring of the following year, it being apparent that so far as finance was concerned the necessary support would be forthcoming, a common ranger was engaged, and other steps necessary to preserve the amenities were put in hand. To deal with litter a number of boxes of the pattern used by the National Trust on their properties were purchased and fixed in suitable positions. Probably some fifty per cent of the litter has been deposited in these receptacles, which are cleaned at frequent in¬ tervals and the contents burned, together with the litter that does not find its way into them, which is collected by the ranger. The large items of rubbish have been collected and sent away to the Rural District Coun¬ cil dump ; .several large shoots of objectionable rubbish have been covered over with soil, and the depositing of rubbish has been stopped. Overgrown footpaths have been opened up, and in some cases sur¬ faced with dry material. The large gorse brakes have been divided into small areas by having rides cut through them as a precaution against extensive fires. To keep gorse in a healthy condition it is necessary to cut it down at the end of about seven years, otherwise it grows leggy and unsightly, and becomes very inflammable. The old gorse bushes have been cut down over large areas, part of these have revegetated from the cut stumps, and great quantities of seedlings are springing up to take the place of the old plants. Bracken over an area of about 80 acres has been scythed, or the stems have been broken by a machine (Holt’s Bracken Breaker) in June and again in August each year. This has greatly weakened it, the result being that heather and other plants it is desirable to encourage have greatly increased, especially on that portion of the common known as West Heath, which has undergone treatment for three years. If the treatment producing this result is continued for another year or two there is every reason to believe this area will have returned to its condition when the commoners exercise their rights. Much of the heather existing was very old and it was considered advisable to burn it to encourage young growth, partly from revegetation from the roots, and partly from seed. In some areas, the old plants have revegetated well, and in all great quantities of young seedlings have appeared, partly self sown, and partly from seed collected and sown by the ranger. There were a number of large beds of nettles in different parts of the common, but these have been already almost exterminated by the use of sodium chlorate. THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 55 The extermination of bracken and the encouraging the growth of desirable low growing plants means that large areas, formerly inaccessible to children and the general public, are now available to them for air and exercise. There are still considerable portions of the common which are covered with brambles, worn-out gorse, and forest trees, the undesirable growth strangling the desirable. These should be gradually improved by clearing away the brambles, old gorse. and any trees that interfere with the growth of their neighbours. When this is done a better type of growth will spring up in the place of that cleared away. There is a considerable amount of birch in different parts. Birch is of course a very picturesque tree, and should be encouraged in moderation, but the winged seeds cause seedlings to spring up when they are not wanted. These must be grubbed up as they appear. Care is being taken to study the requirements of the birds and sanctuaries are carefully reserved for them to breed and shelter m. In order to put a stop to the abuses the common has been subject to, it has been necessary to obtain further regulations, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has granted, and which are now in force. A VEGETATION MAP OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON AND SOME PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL NOTES. By C. P. Castell. The accompanying vegetation map of Limpsfield Common has been prepared at the request of members of the Ecological Section. It is based upon a coloured map prepared hurriedly, but in some de¬ tail, for the Society’s Annual Exhibition held in April 1938. This map has been checked in the field and errors rectified, but, in order to render it less confusing to non-botanists, the customary ecological symbols have not been employed and many topographical details are omitted. For the latter, the reader is referred to the description of the Common with the delimitations of the lettered subdivisions, or sec¬ tions. by L. Parmenter and C. H. R. Thomas in The London Naturalist for 1936 (1937), pp. 46-48 and map. A brief account of the vegetation of each section was given by R. W. Robbins in The London Naturalist for 1937 (1938), pp. 50-51. It must be borne in mind that these sections bear little relation to the vegetation and that their function is primarily a convenience to assist workers in stating the position on the Common of any particular habitat. The vegetation has been split up, as far as possible, into units, each with a more or less uniform composition. The complexity, however, of the vegetation, the small scale of the map, and a demand by members for simplicity rendered impracticable the satisfactory use of the usual ecological symbols. Each unit is mapped, therefore, with its dominant species expressed, by symbols, in the order of their relative abundance or dominance. An area .56 THE LONDON NATURALIST. dominated by Bracken ( Pteris ), with abundant Heather ( Calluna ) and much Gorse (III ex europaeus) is, for example, indicated by the symbols Pt.C.U. The composition of the grassland areas has not been investi¬ gated sufficiently to permit of any subdivision and the various types are mapped under the general heading “ Grassland ” (G.). Some parts of the wooded areas comprise such a complex mixture of species that no dominants can be recognised and these areas are mapped as kk Mixed Open Woodland ” (M.O.W.). The map conveys, it is hoped, some idea of the complexity of the vegetation and it will be seen how few of the units are comparatively pure communities. I have adopted the specific nomenclature used in the following cata¬ logues : — Flowering Plants — The London Catalogue of British Plants, 11th Edition, 1925. Mosses and Liverworts — The British Bryological Society's Census Catalogues of British Mosses (2nd Ed., 1926) and British Hepatics (3rd Ed., 1930). I am much indebted to Mr J. E. Lousley for his constant advice and help ; he is jointly responsible for the mapping in the field of about two- thirds of the Common. I must also express my thanks to Dr W. B. Turrill, F.L.S., and Mr R. W. Robbins for their helpful suggestions during the preparation of these notes, and to Messrs J. H. G. Peterken, L. Parmenter, F.R.E.S., G. H. Spinney, B.A., and Miss P. E. F. Hare, B.Sc-., for help in the field. VEGETATION UNITS RECOGNISED IN THE MAP. Heathland. — Heath (Calluna vulgaris) — C. ; Bracken ( Pteris aqui- lina) — Pt. Gr a s s land . — G . Scrur. — Gorse (Ulex europaeus) — U. ; Bramble ( JRubus fruticosas L. agg.) — R. ; Blackthorn ( Prunus spinosa) — P.s. ; Hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna) — Cr. Woodland. — Dry Oakwood ( Quercus Bobur) — Q. ; Oak-Bircliwood — Q.B. or B.Q. ; Birchwood ( Betula spp.) — B. ; Pinewood ( Pinus sylvestris) — P. ; Mixed Open Woodland — M.O.W. Habitats considered briefly below but not mapped: — Ponds, Ditches, Walls, Paths, Disturbed Ground, Rubbish Dumps. The reader is reminded that the whole of the Common lies on various horizons of the Lower Greensand, and the vegetation is therefore that characteristic of acid, sandy soils. HEATHLAND. Heath ( Calluna vulgaris) (C.). — Pure communities of Calluna are scarce, but good examples occur in sections Ka, Kb, where a height of two feet or more may be reached, although even in these, Ulex minor is frequent. Where the Calluna is thick, the community is floristically very poor, other flowering plants being shaded out and their place taken by mosses such as Hypnum schreberi and H. cupressiforme, Dicranum scoparium and Polytrichuin spp., and occasional lichens, e.g., Cladonia sp. Elsewhere, Calluna is usually associated with Ulex minor, THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 57 Descliampsia flexuosa , Potentilla erecta and Erica cinei ea , and the mosses, in addition to those mentioned above, Polytrichum pihfeium, Campnjlopus pyriforme , C eratodon purpureus , 1 unaria hygromet 1 ica and Dicranella heteromalla . Small patches of T accinium Myrtillus occur here and there. Heather seems to have suffered badly from hies and trampling, so that it is often in a weakly condition (C. G.) 01 (G. C.). Poor and degenerate Calluna is a feature of the fairways of the golf course (sections Ra, Rb, S, Ua, Ub). here trampling is ex¬ cessive, Calluna tends to be exterminated and grass heath often takes its place. Bracken ( Pteris aquilina ) (Pt. ).—Pteris is now dominant over a large part of the Common. Although almost certainly once a constituent of oak woods on non calcareous soils, it has, as in many other parts of the country, invaded almost every section of the Common in comparatively recent times, spreading by means of its rhizome. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find an absolutely pure Pteris community, possibly because it has not yet had time to kill off all its competitors and also because most of the bracken is now being cut and rolled in an attempt to eradicate it. Pteris appears to be much more susceptible to treading than is Calluna. It will be noticed how the grassland of the golf courses is usually fringed with degenerate Calluna in which Pteris is absent. Its dislike of deep shade is shown by its absence under the shade of the pines in section X, and sycamores in W, and its poor growth under beeches in T. GRASSLAND. (G.) Several types of grassland can be distinguished. The commonest type is Grass Heath associated with the golf course. This type is no doubt derived from Calluna by trampling and mowing, and is com¬ posed mainly of Agrostis tenuis and Festuca ovina L. agg., with Galium saxatile and occasional patches of very short Calluna. In the areas subject to less extreme treading the following appear to be characteristic: — Agrostis tenuis, Festuca ovina L. agg., Deschampsia flexuosa, Sieglingia decumbens, Luzula campestris, Galium saxatile , Stellaria graminea , Eieracium pilosella and Rumex acetosella, with the mosses JSrachythecium albicans, P>. purum, Eurhynchium praelongum and Ei/locomium squamosum. In places, the following may be observed colonising burnt areas : — Funaria hygrometrica, C eratodon purpureus, Rryum argente'um, Poly¬ trichum piliferum, Rumex acetosella, Ulex europaeus, Eieracium pilosella, Epilobium angustifolium and Carex pilulif era. The following occur in damp hollows: — Ranunculus repens , Tri- folium repens, Lotus uliginosus, Rumex crispus 5 Dactylis glomerata, Juncus effusus and in one spot, Ophioglossum vulgatum. At the bottom of the valley between Ka and Kb a few plants associated normally with the vegetation of chalk downs are present, e.g., Cnicus acaulis and Pimpinella Saxifraga . A grass verge is usually developed along the roadsides, as in Lb and W ; here the heath grasses are replaced by Dactylis glomerata, Eolcus lanatus, Arrhenatherum elatius, Lolium perenne and Poa spp. 58 THE LONDON NATURALIST. SCRUB. Gorse ( TJlex europaeus ) (U.). — This is the commonest scrub element invading the heathland areas and is abundant in many parts of the Common, especially in sections D, W, and Y. Where it grows thickly, little else can withstand its evergreen shade. The wooded areas of the Common are usually" fringed with TJlex , as is well seen at the northern boundary of section C. Bramble (Pubus fruticosus L. agg.) (R.). — The ecology of the species included under this aggregate has yet to be worked out. Some species are common constituents of the woodlands, especially in sections C, T, and X. Elsewhere on the Common other species form small communi¬ ties, usually on disturbed and open ground. An excellent example of the invasion of a disturbed area by Ihibus is to he seen in W, where TJlex has been cut and burned over a large area, and here Pubus dume- torum is spreading rapidly, its long stolons trailing in all directions. Ihibus, by its sprawling growth and habit of rooting at the tips of the stolons, most effectively disposes of its competitors. Blackthorn ( Primus spinosa ) (P.s.). — This forms occasional thickets and good examples may be seen by the pool in X, in G, and by Links Cottage. Hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna) (Cr.). — Thickets occur in Rb and W and open hawthorn scrub occupies the eastern part of section Kb. WOODLAND. Dry Oakwood (Q.I.F.). — Section T affords an example of this com¬ munity, and the following are its more abundant constituents : — Tree layer — Quercus Pobur (d.), Fagus sylvatica (f.), Betula alba (occ.-f.); Shrub layer — Pteris aquilina (a.-d.), Ilex Aquifoliuin (c.-sd.), Pubus fruticosus L. agg. (c.-sd.), Corylus avellana (l.a.), Lonicera Peri- clymenum (a.), Pubus idaeus (c.): Herbaceous layer — Scilla non-scripta (l.a.), Anemone nemorosa (c.-la.), Oxalis acetosella (l.c.), Iledera Helix (c.), Melampyrum pratense (l.c.), Nepeta hederacea (l.c.), Stachys sylvatica (l.c.). Towards the east, Beech becomes dominant (E.I.), and correlated with the increased density of shade, undergrowth is scarce, consisting chiefly of Holly and young Beeches. The ground vegetation becomes very open with Pubus fruticosus L. agg. (c.), Scilla non-scripta (c.), Hedera Helix (c.-d. on ground in shadiest spots), Pteris aquilina (f.)T and Lonicera Periclymenutn (occ.). Beech appears to be spreading, as young trees are plentiful, even in the purer oakwood ; on the other hand, there are many young oaks at the western end of the wood. The abundance, in the oakwood, of Ilex Aquifoliuin, and the presence of Teucrium Scorodonia (occ.). Digitalis purpurea (1.), Solidago T irgaurca (l.c.), Deschampsia fdexuosa (c.) and Holcus mollis (1.) are typical of Dry Oakwoods, although Quercus sessili- flora appears to be absent. Section Uc consists of oakwood with Pteris undergrowth. THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 59 Ill the northern part of W, an interesting example is to be seen of the invasion of an oakwood by sycamore. In some parts, sycamore be¬ comes the dominant tree and the dense shade and thick blanket of dead leaves effectively prevent the development of any but a poor ground flora. Sycamore is abundant near the pool in section X, in Zb, and in the northern part of M. Oak-Birch Wood (Q.B.) and (B.Q.).— This type of woodland is typi¬ cal of the western end of the Common, e.g., A, C, and E to H. Birchwood ( Betula spp.) (B.). — Although birch is abundant and has colonized most parts of the Common, it rarely forms a pure birchwood, the nearest approach being perhaps in sections Q and X. Pinewood (Pinus sylvestris) (P.). — In section C, considerable invasion by Pine has occurred, but it is nowhere in sufficient abundance to form a pine wood, although, under some of the larger trees, the character¬ istic barren needle-covered floor can be seen. Perhaps the nearest approach to a pine wood is the open mixture of Pine and Birch in sec¬ tion X (P.B.), the ground layer being dominated by Bubus fruticosus L. agg. Mixed Open Woodland (M.O.W.). — This is a puzzling type which occupies a large part of section X. The woodland is an open mixture of several species, viz., Quercus Robur , Betula spp., Fagus sylvatica , Acer pseudoplatanus, Sorbus aucuparia, , TJlmus campestris , Sambucus nigra , Ilex Aquifolium, of which no particular species can be recognised as dominant, with a shrub layer beneath of Bubus and Pteris. It may, perhaps, be an early stage in the development of a closed oakwood. The evidence so far available is insufficient to show conclusively whether the woodlands are, in general, degenerating or regenerating. The Common may have been covered by oakwood centuries ago and pos¬ sibly Stachys officinalis, Scilla non-scripta, and Lonicera Periclymenum which are to be found scattered over the open parts of the Common, may be relics of this former woodland flora. The Common appears to have been practically devoid of trees for many years. A six inch map of 1871 shows pines and no other trees in X, W, and M. A few trees are shown in C, and T is an area of scattered trees and heathland. On the other hand, the woods bordering the common are well shown. Local inhabitants, forty to fifty years ago, used to gather whortleberries ( Vaccinium ) in sufficient numbers to make jam. The presence of Calluna near the western edge and of Vaccinium in the middle of section T suggests the former presence of heathland there. These facts, supported by the young character of nearly all the woodland and the mixture of species, e.g. (M.O.W.) and sycamore in section W, all favour the suggestion that the common was open heath¬ land which has been invaded in recent times by woodland. OTHER HABITATS. Ponds. — More or less permanent pool.s occur in sections F, M, P, W, and X, but with the exception of P, all these are shaded by trees and appear to support little vegetation. The pool in P is open and is of much greater interest, and has yielded the following plants: — 60 THE LO.TDON NATURALIST. Aquatic. — Ranunculus peltatus, Apium inundatum, Lemna minor. Hypnum aduncum; Marginal. — Glyceria fluitans (a), Juncus effusus (a), J. bufonius, J. articulatus , Callitriche stagnalis L. agg., Mentha aquatica , Car ex leporina , Alopecurus geniculatus. The presence of Lemna suggests the presence of nitrates and pH readings show that the water is more or less neutral. Ditches. — These occur in sections E, Rb, S, T, U, V, and W, but they are dry for most of the year and have not yet been investigated. Walls. — A few old walls occur at the northern end of the common in sections La, Za, and Zb, and form the principal (and frequently the only) habitat for the following mosses : — Grimmia pulvinata , Tortula muralis, Rryum capillare , Carnptothecium sericeum, and the liverwort Madotheca platyphylla. Sides Oe Paths.- — In addition to the affects of treading, there is often a marked decrease in acidity at the sides of paths which the following species frequently line : — Arrhenatherum elatius, Poa annua, Lolium perenne, Cynosurus cristatus, Ranunculus repens, Trifolium repens, Plantago lanceolata, P. major , Hypochaeris radicata, and Beilis perennis. Disturbed Ground.- — On the heathland this habitat soon supports an open population of such plants as Aira praecox, Spergularia rubra, Sagina procumbens, Alchemilla arvensis, Rubus fruticosus L. agg., Erica cinerea , Calluna vulgaris , Ulex europaeus, Rum ex acctosello. i and the moss Polytrichum piliferurn. Rubbish Dumps. — A characteristic plant is TJrtica dioica , which may form dense communities as in the old pit in A where it supports a numerous population of the snail Helix nemoralis L. Young weeds of cultivation appear, and garden plantg become occasionally well established as in C, where Doronicum Pardalianches now forms a strong colony. Many problems remain to be investigated. It is by no means sufficient to study the vegetation of the Common and to be able to map and describe it in detail, although even this has yet to be achieved. The existing vegetation is far from being in a static condition, but is continually changing, mainly through man’s inter¬ ference, and the present condition is merely a phase in a i succession.’ Cleared and burnt areas are rapidly colonized by plants which prepare the ground for, but, sooner or later, are driven out by the neighbouring native flora. We have still to find out which plants act as colonizers, and in what order and why the}' are unable to compete with the adjacent native plants. It will be useful to investigate the results of the cutting and rolling of the bracken and to see if the heath plants will re-assert themselves. The influence of rabbit grazing, and especially of human trampling, upon the vegetation await inquiry. The seasonal aspects of the vegetation, the status of the woodland trees and, in fact, the ^status of the whole vegetation from a successional point of view are, in themselves, problems sufficient to keep a band of workers busy for several years. Limpsfield Common. VECETATION January 1939 A. Ace.* t Sycamore.. G> 5erui.fl, Sirch . C C/=lLLU/Nfl, Hea.fRer Cr . Hctw/FioTn F Fagus, Be.cc.rx. Cr. Cr rassland. X TL£ x . Holly . l*)OW ' Mixed. Opan. Woodland. R Pt NOS , Pi-nc.. Pa PRUNUh av(om # (scan. Ps PRuNUS SPINOSUS 3/acA/^oTTX. Pt. Precis, Bracken Q QUE.RCUS , Oouk ft. Pu&uS' &ramlslc. S Sam&UCUS , Elc/zr U. ULdX. £u/?oP/tLUS , Cror sc U. ULnUS, Elm. o 100 y Uc. i i i ° i i ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 || | * | 1 1 1 1 1 || | | ~ c £ P > 1 i i-3i i *• i + i * 1 1 1 IHI°| c 1 1 - 1 ** | 2 + 1 - 2 d H 1 ° 1 1 3 1 1 | | 1 | 1 1 1 I + . | -f 0 1 1 1 1 i 1 o 1 l+|i°h in | 1 1 1 - + 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 2 | 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 +«i d 1 - ' - a | = 1 1 1 1 | | 1 1 ' “ | 1 1 i l i i | | c 1 0 p 1 1 III! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; i i ©- i 111-1 + 1111 | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 Me d 1 1 - 1 - 1 " 1 M 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 + | 1 1 1 1 I « 1 1 + 1 + 1 d 2 1 1 1 1 ° 1 1 | 1 ! | + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 “ 1 2 S 1 i i r i i i r i 1 1 1 -2 £ II | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 “ S P 1 i ii d i + i i i i + ~ 1 - I * 1 I2~ 1 I u 1 1 1 I , | a ^ c ' „• 95 | Ph 1 i i i ° i i i i i i 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 c 1 ° « d Ct Sh hH i i + ° + + i i i + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 £ 1 * « g G. 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T— « — cy cy cy cy cy cy cy cy cy cy cy c^ cy 74 THE LONDON NATURALIST N | | !H I I >< I I £ I I g I I D > + + 03 + O ^ I I f* — I I f1- O I 4- I + + + ^ I I I ^ I ! ° I I 83 I Cw ct c u I N I * I * I £ •-H d t— ' I t= I e-5 I o I I £ 1 i ! I + h5 ! £ i c6 I o ct ct I I f- IQ ec •v* c a a Q c e: < --->.>.• C. c/2 • •>.• — — O O C Vi C* < a 03 fc3 I • -C K"S >• >• I 6j a; H o, k a; P c/3 ■os® Z ^5 — 02 tf S *■»> ?*■> *s Ct Q co to h- 1 o <5J Co Co Co TO o << c © fw5 ^ O 4 ^ <0 CO ^ ~ < ? .«« ‘“O ^ *^< h "'■ “= i £ t: ^ - © © § <^> c H © c c £ •o» ~i ^ c C: M®!'n«'?0(N-9iD O' — — — ^ CO 'C iO in ip ! — • CO OC CN CO -ro cc [- cc x cr; C. o Cl CN C" CN CN CO C* O CN CN Cy THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. r* — 1 / 5 HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. A PRELIMINARY LIST. By K. M. Guichard. At present, this list of bees and wasps is incomplete and is chiefly the result of spasmodic collecting. The number of species will probably be doubled, but it is thought advisable to publish even a small list, in the hope that* it may draw the attention of ecologists to a group of insects which well repay study and which presents many ecological problems. These few remarks are meant to indicate how the Hvmenoptera Aculeata may be important and what may influence their distribution. Admittedly, from the present records it is not possible to draw any conclusions of great ecological significance. Such conclusions may be leached when time is found to study and compare the first appearance of a species, the number of individuals of a species, the number of parasites from year to year, the effect of weather conditions, spread or decline of vegetation, and the food of insectivorous birds and mammals over a period of many years. At least, before such a task can be undertaken it is necessary to know what species exist in our area. The distribution of bees and wasps is governed by certain factors, some of them very obscure at present. A factor favourable to the many burrowing species is a light dry soil. The sandy footpaths and the bare open patches of ground in the west of the area are ideal nesting sites for the fossorial Hvmenoptera, some of which burrow to the depth of a foot or more. It is difficult to judge the importance of flowers (except that some Hovers must always be present) as factors of distribution. Yellow daisies, hawthorn, blackthorn, and gorse are all favourite.s of wild bees, but if these plants were exterminated in an area it is probable that substitutes would be found. Even such nectar specialists as C'olletes succincta and Andrena fuscipes (at ling), and Macropis labiata (at yellow loosestrife) occasionally visit other flowers, while most of the species of Halictus and Andrena seem to be indiscriminate in their choice. In one locality a species of Andrena will be found visiting a particular flower, while in another locality the same species of bee visits a different flower although the two flowers may grow in both localities. An abundance of suitable flowers in a small area usuallv attracts Hvmenoptera if they are present, but that may not be a disributional factoi , unless one considers the concentration of food to be such a great saving of labour that it increases the survival powers of the individual. But Hovers would have to be very scarce before a bee population was adversely affected ; competition for nectar with other individuals of the same or a different species does not appear to exist. Ar this point, the ecologist may be reminded that without the honey bee and the wild bees as fertilising agents many annuals would decrease in numbers and vigour, as the self-fertilising mechanisms are used only 76 THE LONDON NATURALIST. as a last resort. Apart from reproducing their own kind, the fertilisa¬ tion of flowers is the chief function performed by bees. Both the flowers and insects are dependent on each other for survival, which is shown by the highly specialised mechanisms that have evolved in both. The adaptability of bees in visiting a wide range of flowers is a factor most favourable to the continuation of their species. It may appear at first sight that the number of individuals of predacious wasps ought to be influenced by the abundance of their prey, but observations in the field do not confirm this. The Crabronids, Mellinus arvensis, and Oxybelus uniglumis provision their nests with flies, but many of them are not particular in their choice of prey. Although flies abound everywhere, nearly all these wasps are restricted in their general distribution in a way which seems to indicate that soil conditions and perhaps other factors still unknown are just as important as a plentiful food supply for their larvae. Parasites may influence the number of individuals of a species from year to year, but unless one considers those parasites which have many hosts (and they do not seem to trouble the specialised Hymenoptera), parasitism has not become a factor of distribution, but perhaps freedom from parasites would allow a bee to increase to such an extent as to force it to extend its range. Many species of our aculeates have parasites which are closely related to them as Psithyrus is related structurally to Bombus, and Sphexocle. s to Halictus. On Limpsfield Common there are several examples of host and parasite. Apparently, other creatures do not prey upon aculeates except in a few specialised instances. Sometimes a wasp preys on a bee as does Cerceris rybyensis on Halictus leucozonius , and Philanthus on Apis and Andrena . Shuckard records the annual destruction of fossorial Hymenoptera by wagtails; tits have been observed killing bumble bees for their honey; mice and ants destroy bumble bee colonies, and some Asilid flies take Hymenoptera as prey. The effect of all this is not properly known. Apart from the nature of the soil, what are the deciding distributional factors governing the Hymenoptera Aculeata ? Why are some bees so restricted in distribution (even in a small area) when there appears to be room and facilities for all, and why does the number of individuals vary so much from year to year? Climate and altitude may play their part in distribution, but to what extent and why? Theoretically, finding the answers to these questions may appeal to the ecologist (if there is such a being), but in practice the work would devolve on the specialist, who, in this instance, ivould be the only one familiar with the habits of the insects and their specific distinctions. One imagines that the first stage of an ecological survey should consist of as many specialists as possible providing lists of species with preliminary data, in the hope that another specialist will seize on some recorded fact as being important to the solution of his own particular problem. It would be strange if the direct or indirect answer to an ecological problem did not lie hidden somewhere in a comprehensive list THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 7 < or in an account of the climatic or geological features of the area under survey. While writing these records it has been difficult to know what data could possibly he of ecological importance and what could not. Wrongly perhaps, it has been decided to err on the brief side; the aculeates’ habit of sunning themselves on blackberry leaves is well known to liymenopterists, and, therefore, a certain restraint has been exercised with some very full data. Although a fairly complete list of locality areas has been given, it must be remembered that the same importance cannot be attached to many of these, as to the distributional records of plants. Hymenoptera spend much of their time on the wing, and strong fliers like Bombus are just as likely to be found in one area as in another. There must be some limit to the minuteness of one’s observations and that limit can only be settled by the individual's knowledge and common sense. For .many of these records I am indebted to Messrs Currie, Parmenter. and Burkill, who from time to time have given me specimens with data. I thank Mr G. M. Spooner for kindly identifying Priocnemis schiodtei. LIST OF SPECIES. CHRYSIDIDAE — PARASITIC ON OTHER SOLITARY WASPS. 1. Chrysis ignlta (L.). Ar. X, 11/6/38. FORMIC IDAE — ANTS. 2. Myrmlca laevinodis Nyl. T, nest in oak stump. 3. Leptothorax acevorum (Fab.), w, Nb, amongst heather. 4. Lasius niger (L.). A, D. 5. Lasius flavus (Fab.). Ka, A. 6. Formica rufa L. $ , T, 19/6/38. Evidently a visitor, as the nearest nests appear to be on Limpsfield Chart about a mile away. POMPILIDAE — SPIDER-HUNTING WASPS. 7. Priocnemis schiodtei Haupt. Q, P, 4/9/38. 8. Pompilus spissus Schiod. Q, Kb, 7/6/3S. YESPIDAE. 9. Yespula vulgaris (L.). 10. Yespula germanica (Fab.). 11. Yespula rufa (L.). Several localities. Q hibernating during 1937 winter in D at roots of grass in bank. SPHECIDAE. 12. Ammophila sabulosa (L.). , D , 4/9/38. This species preys upon cater¬ pillars and buries them underground as food for the larva. 13. Pemphredon lugubus (Fab.). Q , A, 13/6/38. This and the next species pro¬ vision their nests with Aphids. 14. Cemonus shuckardi Moraw. Q , Nb, 11/6/38. 15. Oxybelus uniglumis (L.). A, D, 3/7/38. 16. Coelocrabro leucostomoides Richards. $, Kb, 17/6/38. 17. Coelocrabro styrius (Kohl). $, C, 5/9/38, on bramble leaves. Very rare in Britain. 18. Crabro peltarius (Schreber). , B, 17/6/38. 19. Crabro varus (Lep. & Brul.). O, Y, 4/9/38. 78 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 20. Nysson spinosus (Forst.). Q> G, 13/6/38; 3> Ivb, 17/6/38. Parasitic on the next. 21. Gorytes mystaceus (L.). O, A, n/6/38: O, H, 13/6/38. 22. Mellinus arvensis (L.). A, B, C, D, E, Ka, Kb, P, August and September very common. The males liy round gorse, oak, and birch and some were taken on flowers of Dodder. Specimens were captured with prey 3 Cryptolucilia caesarion Mg. and 9 Pollenia rudis F.) in P, 4/9 38. 23. Cerceris rybyensis (L.). 3, A, 3 7/38. Preys on o Halictus. 24. Cerceris arenaria (L.). o, e, 8/8/37. Preys on weevils. APIDAE — BEES. 25. Colletes succincla (L.). 3 3' 9 $> A> E> -4/9/38, at ling. 26. Halictus albipes (Fab.). O, P, 17/4/37, on dandelion. 27. Halictus zonulus Sm. Q, 3, Nb, G, 4/9/38; Kb, 5/9/37, on yarrow. 28. Halictus leucozonius (Schr.). P, 4/9/38; P, 25/7/37, on ragwort. 29. Halictus punctatissimus (Schenck). 9 • 30. Halictus minutissimus (Kirby). 9> 6/6/37. 31. Halictus leucopus (Kirby). 9 • 32. Halictus perkinsi Bluth. 9> G, 13/6/38. 33. Halictus minutus (Schr.). 9, D, 4/9/38. 34. Sphecodes pellucidus (Sm.). 3, D, 4/9/38. 35. Sphecodes crassus Thom. 9, A, 21/5/38; 2 9 9 - E> 6/6/37. 36. Andrena trimmerana (Kirby). U(a), R(b), P, E. H., L(a), 3/4-13/6/38, very common. Visiting blackthorn and hawthorn. 37. Andrena haemorrhoea (Fab.). 3 3’ P, A, 3/4/38; 9, R(b), 17/4/37, on dan¬ delion. 38. Andrena armata (Gnu). 3 3< $ $, N(b), R(b), A> p> in April. 9 taken at blackthorn, 3 at dandelion. 39. Andrena praecox (Scop.). 3, D, 6/3/38, sitting on birch trunk. 40. Andrena apicata Sm. 2 3 3> B> 6/3/3S, sitting on birch trunk. 41. Andrena parvula (Kirby). 9 > p> 17/4/37, on dandelion. 42. Andrena minutula (Kirby). 9, U(b), 11/6/38, on umbellifer. 43. Andrena pubescens Oliv. 3, R(b), 17/4/37, on dandelion. 44. Andrena chrysosceles (Kirby). 9, C, 13/6/38, on pig nut umbel; 9, Kb, 17/6/38, on buttercup. 45. Andrena wilkella (Kirby). 3, M, 13/6/38. 46. Andrena barbilabris (Kirby). 3> B> 21/5/38. 47. Andrena nigroaenea (Kirby). 9> R(b)> 17/4/37, on dandelion. 48. Andrena labiata Fab. 9, T(a), 11/6/38, on buttercup. 49. Andrena fuscipes (Kirby), 3 3> 9 $ > A, B, D. E, 4/9/38, at ling. 50. Anthophora acevorum (L.). 9, D, 6/6/37. 51. Epeolus sp. P, 4/9/38, not taken. .52. Nomada hillana (Kirby). O, E> 11/6/38; 9> N(b), 11/6/38; 9> 7J(a).- 13/6/38, on buttercup. 53. Nomada ruficornis (L.). 9. E(a)= 13/6/38. .54. Nomada rufipes Fab. 33, 9 9, Y, D, P, E, C, L(b), August and September. Parasitic on Andrena fuscipes. .55. Nomada lineola Panz. 3> p> 2/5/37. .56. Chelostoma florisomne (L.). 9, R(b), 17/6/38, on buttercup. 57. Bombus lapidarius (L.). 9, R(b), 3/4/38, on cherry blossom; 33 , D, N(b), 4/9/38, on Centaurea (N(b)). .58. Bombus pratorum. 9, N(b), 3/4/38, on cherry. 59. Bombus humilis Ill. 9, W, 4/9/38, at wood-sage. 60. Bombus terrestris (L.). Common and widely distributed. 61. Bombus lucorum (L.). Common and widely distributed. 62. Bombus agrorum (Fab.). Common and widely distributed. •63. Apis mellifera L. Common and widely distributed. THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 79 A WINTER CENSUS OF THE BIRDS OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. By P. W. E. Currie. On 4th December, 1938, an attempt was made to take a complete census of Limpsfield Common. In the event certain areas, namely Ta, N, Y, Zb, could not be covered at all owing to the onset of darkness, and areas E, F, and T were only incompletely surveyed. The count was made by five persons, between 10.30 a.m, and 4 p.m. approximately. The counters worked in two groups, of two and three, taking one area at a time, and covering it as thoroughly as time allowed. The results obtained have greater validity for some species than for others. The figures given for Robin, Hedge Sparrow, and Wren are probably under¬ estimates, while that for Bullfinch is possibly an overestimate owing to the same bird.s having been counted more than once. The figures for Tits are probably fairly accurate, while Goldcrests are certainly under¬ estimated. However, after making due allowance for the characters of the species concerned and the types of habitat which they frequent, the figures are of some value as indicating the character, size and distribution of the winter population of the common. Comparison may usefully be made with the notes on the breeding birds of the Common published elsewhere in this volume. The most immediately striking fact is the almost complete disappearance of the Song Thrush in winter : this has been noted before, and is curious in view of tlie high winter population of Blackbirds. I should like to thank Miss K. Douglas Smith, and Messrs K. R. Chandler, L. Parmenter, and J. H. G. Peterken for their assistance in taking the census. Rook. Corvus f. frugilegus L. Nb (l), . . l Jay. Garrulus glandarius rufitergum Hart. B (l), T (l), . 2 Starling. Sturnus v. vulgaris L. A (l), Rb (l), . . 2 Greenfinch. Ch. Ch. Chloris (L.). W (1), . . 1 Goldfinch. Carduelis carduelis britannica (Hart.). B (l), W (l), . 2 Lesser Redpoll. Carduelis flammea cabaret (P. L. S. Mull.). C (12). H (l), w (2). 15 Bullfinch. Pyrrhula pyrrhula nesa Math. & Ired. P> (3), Kb (2), Lb (3)’ M (5) Na (5), Ra (4), Rb (3), W (8), . .’ . . ’ 33 Chaffinch. Fringilla coelebs gengleri Kleins. C (3), G (l), H (7), Kb (3), La (2), M (2), Na (1), Nb (2), V (1), W (2), Za (1), . . ’ 25 House Sparrow. Passer d. domesticus (L.). M (3), Nb (3), V (17) . . 23 Yellow Bunting. Emberiza c. citrinella L. Kb (l), . 1 Meadow Pipit. Anthiis pratensis CL.). E (1), Kb (i), Na (l), . 3 Tree Creeper. Certhia familiaris britannica Ridgw. T (1), . 1 Great Tit. Parus major newtoni Prazak. A (2), C (1), H (2), M (1) Nb (1) Rb (1), T (1), Ua (1), Uc (2), W (4), Za (1) . . . 17 Blue Tit. Parus caeruleus obscurus Prazak. A (2), C (4), G (l), H (7). Ka (4), Kb (3), Lb (3), M (1), Nb (4), Rb (1), T (1), Ua (2), Uc (2), W (3), . 38 Cole Tit. Parus ater britannicus Sh. & Dress. Nb (1), . 1 Marsh Tit. Parus palustris dresseri Stejn. C (1), H (1), . 2 Willow Tit. Parus atricapillus kleinschmidti Hellm. A (2), p (l), w (3), . 6 Long-tailed Tit. Aegithalos caudatus rosaceus Math. Ka (9), Lb (8), . . 17 Goldcrest. Regulus regulus anglorum Hart. C (1), H (3), Ka (l), La (2), Lb (2) Na (6), Ra (1), W (3), . ’ Mistle Thrush. Turdus v. viscivorus L. B (1), Ka (1), Kb (1) M (l) Na (1) P (2), Rb (1), S (1), Ua (1), V (1) . ..’ . . 11 80 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Song Thrush. Turdus e. ericetorum Turton. M (1), I’a (5), Ub (1), . 7 Redwing. Turdus m. musicus L. M (2), Za (7), . . 9- Blackbird. Turdus rn. merula L. A (1), B (1), C (4), D (l), H (8), Ka (2), Kb (11), La (2), Lb (2), M (3), Na (2), Nb (1), P (3), Ra (4), Rb (15), S (2), T (1), Ua (2), Uc (2), V (3), W (2), Za (1), . 73 Robin. Erithacus rubecula melophilus Hart. A (3), B (1), C (4), E (2), H (4), Ka (1), Kb (1), Lb (1), M (1), Nb (1), P (2), Rb (1), Ua (1), Uc (1), W (2), ... 26 Hedge Sparrow. Prunella modularis Occident alis (Hart.). A (4), C (3), E (1), G (1), H (1), Ka (1), Kb (1), Na (4), Nb (2), Q (1), Rb (1), . ' . 20 Wren. T. t. troglodytes L. A (1), C (3), Ka (4), Kb (4), Lb (2), Na (3), Nb (2), Q (1), Ra (2), T (1), Ua (1), W (2), . 26 Green Woodpecker. Picas viridis pluvius Hart. Rb (l), . l Wood Pigeon. Columba p. palumbus L. C (1), Ka (l), W (l), . 3 Totals A, 16; B, 8; C, 37; D, 1; E, 4; F, 0; G, 3; H, 34; Ka, 24; Kb, 28; La, 6; Lb, 21; M, 20; Na, 23; Nb, 18; P, 8; Q, 2; Ra, 11; Rb, 25: S, 3; T, 6; Ta, 0: Ua. 13; Ub, 1; Uc, 7; V, 22; W, 34; X, 0: Y, 0; Za, 10; Zb, 0: . = 385 Number of Species = 28. NOTES ON THE BREEDING BIRDS OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. By P. W. E. Currie. Owing to the size of the area, the paucity of observers, and the infrequency of their visits, the following notes are of a somewhat fragmentary nature. In particular, it proved to be impossible to locate every nest even of the summer residents. It has therefore been necessary to proceed on the assumption, probably fallacious in many instances, that each singing male bird represented a breeding pair. Particular mention is made of all nests and young birds found. Incomplete observation probably nlso accounts for the apparently anomalous distribution of some of the commoner species, e.g., Black¬ bird and Song Thrush. This has been noted as a subject for further study during the coming year. All notes given below refer to 1938 unless it is otherwise stated; Jackdaw ( Corvus monedula spermologus Vieill.). Used formerly to breed in the quarry, Y, but has not done so since 1935. Jay (■ Garrulus glandarius rufUergum Hart.). T, two pairs known to have bred, 1937, 1938. X, brood of newly fledged young seen, 12/6/38. This probably represents the total breeding population. Starling ( Sturnus v. vulgaris L.). Several pairs bred on the Common, in holes in trees, and also in holes in the quarry, Y. Hawfinch (C. c. coccothraustes (L.)). 1937, two unsuccessful nests found. 1938, no nests found, but two or more pairs probably bred. Newly fledged young seen in T, 11 / 6/ 38. Goldfinch ( Carduelis carduelis britannica (Hart.)). One pair thought to have bred just off the Common, by the Golf Club House. Linnet ( Carduelis c. cannabina (L.)). Many pairs breed. Nests found in B, D fone found, others also probably bred there), Rb, W (2), all in gorse. Bullfinch ( Pyrrhula pyrrhula nesa Math. & Ired.). Nests found in W, la, both in gorse. Other pairs probably bred in A. Na, P, and elsewhere. Chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs gengleri Kleinschmidt). No nests found. Song posts noted in A, C, M, Na, S, Ua. W (3), Y. Yellow Bunting lEmberiza c. citrinella L.). Fledglings found in Kb, Q, 12 6/38. One or two pairs probably bred on West Heath. Skylark [Alauda a. arvensis L.). Not believed to have bred this year. THE SURVEY OF LIMPSFIELD COMMON. 81 Tree Pipit ( Anthus t. trivialis (L.)). Nest with young found in Kb, 11/6/38. Three other pairs had territory in A, E, Na-b. Ti ee C reepei (Cei thiu f amiliaris britanmica Ridgw.). Seen during the summer and may breed, in T, W, X. Great Tit (Parus major newtoni Prazak). Two nests found. Breeds in all suit¬ able areas. Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus obscurus Prazak). Several nests found. Breeds com¬ monly in all suitable areas. Cole Tit ( Parus ater britannicus Sharpe & Dresser). One pair may have bred in C, where newly fledged young were seen, 29/5/38. Mai sh Tit (Pat us palustris dresseri Stejn.). Not believed to breed on the Common Willow Tit ( Parus atricapillus kleinschmidtt Hellm./. One nest found, 21/5/38. A brood of newly fledged young was seen in A on the same date. Otheb pairs may have bred in Ka-b, and T. Long-tailed Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus rosaceus Mathews). From a nest in Ka, which was being built on 6/3/38, the young did not fly until after 8/5/38.' Others may have bred on West Heath and W. Goldcrest ( Regulus regulus anglorurn Hart.). Several pairs may have bred C T, W, X. ’ ' Red-backed Shrike (Lanius c. collurio L.). Probably seven pairs bred. Two nests seen, both in hawthorn, and with six eggs each, 12/6/38. Spotted Flycatcher ( Muscicapa s. striata (Pall.)). A pair bred a few yards off the Common near A, and were later seen on the Common with young, 13/8/38. Others seen, and may have bred, in C, H, W, X (young seen). Chiffchaff ( Phglloscopus c. collybita (Vieill.)). Nest found, A, 21/5/38. Song posts noted in F. Ka, P, T (2), X, Y. Willow Warbler ( Phglloscopus t. trochilus (L.)). Nests found in A, E, H, Ka. Song posts of other pairs in A, E, Lb (2), Na, P, Ra, Rb, Uc, X. Wood Warbler (Phglloscopus sibilatrix (Bechst.)). Believed to have bred in T (one, possibly two pairs) and in X. Garden \\ arbler (Sylvia borin (Bodd.)). Nest found in X. Song posts of other pairs in A, C, Kb, P, Ta, ITc, W. Also two pairs in the rough fringe out¬ side the North-east boundary of T. Blackcap ( Sylvia a. atricapilla (L.)). No nests found, but fledgling young seen in Ta, 19/6/38. Song posts of other pairs in A, C, P, T, X. (Note The coincidence in the distribution of this species and that of the Garden Warbler indicates not misidentification by song but similarity of habitat requirements.) Whitethroat ( Sylvia c. communis Lath.). Young found. Q, 12/6/38. Song posts in E, P, V. Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia c. curruca (L.)). One pair had territory in W. Mistle Thrush (Tardus v. viscivorus L.). One unsuccessful nest in W. Other territories in Kb, Rb, Fa-c, T (used nest found 8/5/38). Song Thrush (Turdus e. ericetorum Turton). Breeds abundantly, in W seven nests were found in one day, 3/4/38. Other nests were found in Rb S T (4), Ua (2), Ub, Uc. Blackbird (Turdus m. merula L.). Breeds abundantly. Nests found as follows • A. C, H (2), T (6), Ua (2), W (4), X. Nightingale (Luscinia m. megarhyncha Brehm.). One pair had territory in M. two pairs in W, where one pair is known to have bred in 1937. Robin (Erithacus rubecula melophilus Hart.). Breeds abundantly in all suitable areas. Hedge Sparrow (Prunella modularis occidentalis (Hart.)). Not very many. One nest found in Ta, 19/6/38. Song posts recorded in C, Ka, Ra, P, T Uc W (2). Wren (T. t. troglodytes (L.)). Apparently reduced in numbers by the clearance of bracken, but still fairly abundant on West Heath and other suitable areas. Sand Martin (It. r. riparia (L.)). Believed not to have bred in Y this year though a few new holes were apparently excavated in late July or August. Nightjar ( Caprimulgus e. europaeus L.). Probably two pairs bred. 82 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Green Woodpecker (Picas viridis pluvius Hart.). May have bred in T. A pair and three young were seen on West Heath, 13/8/38, but probably bred off the Common. Great Spotted Woodpecker ( Dryobates major anglicus (Hart.)). Probably bred in T. A hole in Q was visited both by this and by the preceding species, but no young of either species were reared in it. Wryneck (Jynx t. torquilla L.). One pair had its territory in Happy Valley, another pair in gardens bordering on the golf course. Cuckoo ( Cuculus c. canorus L.). Seen twice during the summer; one newly fledged young seen in W. Wood Pigeon (Columba p. palumbus L.). Several pairs bred, C, T, W', etc. Three nests found in W. Turtle Dove ( Streptopelia t. turtur (L.)). Nests found in W (3), H (apparently deserted). A pair probably also bred in M, and possibly another in C. council’s report, 1938. 83 Council’s Report, 1938. DURING 1938 the number in the Society has increased by 17 to a total of 584, made up of an accession of 78 comprising 64 new mem¬ bers, 4 branch associates, and 10 Country associates, accompanied by a diminution of 61 comprising 49 members, 4 branch, and 8 Country asso¬ ciates, from which it will be seen that the increase is composed of 15 members, and 2 Country associates, while the branch associates remain exactly level. Attendances at General Meetings through the year have averaged 88, or, omitting the special meetings in the large Theatre, 51. It is v ortln of note that on only three occasions did the number signing the attendance book agree with the number actually present; the signa¬ tures showed an average of only 80 (approximately 90% of what they should be); the Council would urge the defaulting 10% to observe the regulation printed on each member’s ticket to sign the book on enter - ing the building and this whether attending the Lecture or not — and to see that their visitors sign also. The Society had the honour of being represented this year at the Cambridge meeting of the British Association by our Horn President, Sir F. Gowland Hopkins. The Annual Exhibition again beat 'its own previous best record both in attendance and exhibits; the date being altered to Spring proved a great success, the living specimens thus being able to be displayed, form¬ ing a deservedly popular attraction; the botanical table and the Vivaria were worthy of special commendation. The syllabus w as full of good things, a noticeable feature being the increase of cinematograph films shown, many taken by our own mem¬ bers, and some in colour. The field meetings have been well attended, and show a tendency to revert to our old-time fashion of going further afield than our own area limits ; on several occasions motor coaches have been engaged to carry the participants. The Library has shown increased use under the careful supervision of Mr R. W. Pethen, who is retiring from the librarianship after this year; we are sorry to lose him from this work; he has fully earned the well-deserved Testimonial presented to him at the Annual General Meeting in recognition of his fourteen years’ hard-working service. The London Naturalist has maintained its excellent level, and has again been issued with the London Lied Report separate. It is re- gretteci that Mr Graham Hopkins finds himself unable to continue the work of Editor, which he has discharged so ably for three years. Finance remains satisfactory, asi may be seen from Treasurer’s report. The Society has increased, and all its activities have increased. It onR remains to remind the membership that this success can be main¬ tained solely by the individual endeavour of each one, and the Council would urge therefore that each strive to secure at least one new mem- 84 THE LONDON NATURALIST. ber every year, so that we may have the recording more and more com¬ plete in our populous area of London. A. B. Hornblower, Ron. General Secretary. Librarian’s Report, 1938. ^INCE the last Annual Report, 332 books, manuscripts, and other publications have been issued to 76 individual members of the Society, compared with 321 books issued to 70 members in 1937. These figures show that only a small proportion of our members made use of the library, compared with our total membership, but even so, they prove to be the greatest number of members borrowing from the library in one year since 1 made my first Annual Report in 1925, when 14 members borrowed 25 books and manuscripts. For the benefit of new members, I may add that in those days meet¬ ings were held only twice a month. With regard to the subjects dealt with by the borrowed books, I find that Ornithology again heads the list, with 130 books; followed by Gene¬ ral Natural History, 95; Entomology, 34; Transactions of Kindred Societies, 26 ; Botany, 24 ; Ecology, 10 ; Archaeology, 8 ; Biology, 2 ; Geology, 2; and Biography, 1. The total additions to the Library during the year amount to 163 books, magazines, and journals, including many useful books presented by members and friends of the Society, and also 30 Reports and Publica¬ tions of Kindred Societies, many of the latter being received in exchange for The London Naturalist. During the year, the following journals have been bound: — British Birds (1 vol.); Essex Naturalist (1 vol.); Entomologist, (2 vols.); Ento - n^ologist’s Monthly Magazine (5 vols.); and The Scottish Naturalist (1 vol.). 1 would also like to mention that through the kindness of some of our members and friends, the following journals and publications are added to the library at intervals and are then available to members: — Botanical Exchange Club Report ; Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club ; The Geographical Journal; North Western Naturalist; Scottish Geographical Magazine ; and the Journal of the Society for the Preser¬ vation of the Fauna of the Empire. In conclusion, I would like to add that there are several periodicals still waiting to be bound, owing to odd parts being missing. These include: — Antiquity (1 part), and The Entomologist and The Scottish Naturalist , several parts of each. It is a matter of regret to me personally to have to hand over the library to my successor with these parts still missing. Should any member care to have further particulars, I shall be only too pleased to supply them, and I am sure my successor will welcome any help in this direction. Robt. W. Pethen, Hon. Librarian. SECTIONAL REPORTS, 1938. 85 Archaeological Section. REPORT FOR 1938. rpHE present .membership of the Section is 90. The average attendance at excursions was 19 and at the indoor meetings 30. In spite of unsettled weather and public anxieties the attendance at the excursions has been well maintained. In accordance with established policy, the excursions have been of definite archaeological value, the aim being to make them sufficiently popular while bearing in mind their serious object. Two churches were recorded during the year— Stone., Kent, and St Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury. The beautiful E. E. church of Stone had not been visited for some years and the little known church of St Mary the Virgin had probably not claimed attention before. It proved to be of considerable interest and in both cases we are indebted to Mr G. J. B. Fox for compiling the voluminous records. V e also visited Great and Little Bookham churches, under the guidance of Mr Molesworth Roberts, and at each church we were honoured by the presence of the rectors. In February we visited St John’s Gate, Clerkenwell, under the leadership of H. W. Fincham, Esq., Kt.J., F.S.A., and the following month Dulwich was the venue, where we were indebted to the kindness of Miss E. Robinson, who conducted us through the Picture Gallery and the Old College Chapel discoursing on many subjects in a brilliant way. One of the largest excursions was that to Westerham, Kent, where the Section visited the church, V olfe’s House, and Pitt’s Cottage, under the guidance of the chairman, who also on another occasion conducted a party through the State apartments of Hampton Court Palace, where particular attention was paid to the various architectural periods of the buildings. Unfortunately, the visit arranged to Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, in conjunction with the Geological Committee had to be abandoned as the necessary permission was refused by the owners on the grounds that they could not incur any liability for safety. An exceptionally well-attended excursion was that to Old Devonshire House, where Major Benton Fletcher had arranged a harpsichord recital, which was greatly enjoyed by those present. Finally, visits were paid to the Geffrye Museum, where Mrs Quennell, the newly appointed curator, gave an interesting account of the exhibits relating to different periods of social life in this country, and to the Victoria and Albert Museum, where Miss H. Murphy gave a very pleasing address on the subtleties of costume. The lectures held under the auspices of the section were: — “ Misericords,” by Arthur Gardner, M.A., F.S.A. ; “Sculpture of the Middle Ages,” by Major Davidson. 80 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Lectures given at Sectional meetings were : — “Architecture of the Moors in Spain,” by D. Chisholm Simpson; “Our English Heritage,” by W. C. Cocksedge; “Ecclesiastical Ironwork,” by Edward Yates, I.S.A.; “ Fresh Glimpses of Roman London,” hv Quintin Wacldington, F.S.A. Antiquity , a quarterly devoted to archaeology , is circulated amongst those members who pajT a small subscription towards its cost. W. C. Cocksedge, Chairman. Celia D. Cocksedge, Secretary. Botanical Section. REPORT FOR 1938. SPEAKERS were secured by the Section for two general meetings. Mr H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc., F.I.C., gave an illustrated talk entitled, “ Field Botany for Use and Pleasure,” and Mr E. H. Ellis, B.Sc., spoke upon the topic, “ The Botanist and the Species Problem.” Both of these subjects dealt with many controversial points and resulted in lively discussions. In January we again had the pleasure of viewing some excellent lantern slides of Alpine and other rarities prepared by Messrs J. E. S. Dallas and E. M. Payne. Of the remaining two Sectional meetings the first na.s addressed b3r Mr G. H. Spinney, B.A., upon “ Botany in the Ancient World,” and the second by the Rev. P. H. Cooke, M.A., who gave some notes on “ Field Botany and the Herbarium.” The excursion syllabus included 10 outdoor rambles and a visit to the South London Botanical Institute. The average attendance at the excursions has been 10, and at indoor meetings 40. The Section now has a membership of 146, which shows a decrease of 7 below last year’s figure. The Recorder reports that about 20 lists have been received which include a number of new divisional records. Plants of native status which are new to the records of our District are becoming few, and the only addition of this character in the present year appears to be Euphrasia brevipila Burnat & Gremli found on Limpsfield Common, division 19. The intensive study of Limpsfield Common has also added the established alien Hypericum datum Ait., and of a similar statues are Trifolium agrarium Linn., Green Street Green, and Carex vulpirxoides Michx., Farnborough, both reported by Mr Louslev, who has presented specimens to the collection. The Carex is of unusual interest as it reinstates in our flora a denizen belierred to be extinct. A botanical find of quite exceptional interest was made by Mr L. G. Payne, who discovered during the summer a flourishing colony of the Crested Buckler Fern < Lastrea cristata Presl) in a locality in Surrey beyond the 20 mile radius. E. cristata is one of our rare ferns, beino- confined in Britain to a few localities in less than a dozen county SECTIONAL REPORTS, 1938. 87 divisions in England. It i? found in lowland bogs, where drainage and “ improvements ” are always threatening. The nearest stations to the new discovery are in Dorset and Suffolk. A considerable number of sheets have been added to the Herbarium representing the less common specie? found in our District. Several members have contributed to these addtions but the bulk are the result of the personal labours of our devoted curator, the Rev. P. H. Cooke. L. G. Payne, Chairman. G. R. A. Short, Hon . Secretary. Ecological Section. REPORT FOR 1938. ^HL chief interests of the Section during the past year have been to continue the survey of Limpsfield Common and to further the study of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, especially in the Society’s area. In addition, several who are members of both the Ornithological and Ecological Sections have participated in the bird ecology field meet¬ ings and studies planned by the senior Section. The membership has increased to 106. In two years, the monthly visits which have been made to Limpsfield Common have attracted 86 members and friends. During 1938, 60 have visited the Common on the official dates (average 14). Many other visits were made to continue the survey work. A preliminarv report, with lists, was published in The Tondon Naturalist , 1937. Its twenty- one pages are on sale as London Naturalist Tteprint No. 19, price 6d, and if taken with the map (price Id, from the Librarian or Sectional Secretary) should enable any member to assist in the survey work. A particularly interesting visit was made to Peaslake, Surrey, on September 18th by fifteen members and friends. Messrs C. L. Foster and J. Sankey conducted the party over ground where since 1935 a regional survey has been in progress. After tea, kindly provided by our member Mr C. J. Grinling, a specially assembled exhibition was examined with keen appreciation. There was an average attendance of 45 at the three indoor Sectional meetings, at which Messrs J. E. Lousley and L. Parmenter spoke on “ Tlle First Year at Limpsfield,” Mr L. G. Payne on “ English Reptiles and Amphibians,” and Mr Douglas English, F.R.P.S., F.Z.S., on British Mammals.” We are very grateful to Mr Payne for taking so much trouble to illustrate his talk with living exhibits of all the English species with the exception of the Adder and the Smooth Snake. At the general meetings of the Society lectures on “ Natural History Societies and their link with Systematic Biology,” by H. W. Parker, M.A., F.L.S. ; “ The Croydon Regional Survey and Atlas,” by C. C. Fagg, F.G.S.; and “ The Genesis of Soils,” by E. W. Russell, M.A., 88 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Ph.D., were given, the last-named in co-operation with the Geological Committee. The Section owes a debt of thanks to Mr C. H. R. Thomas for his excellent arrangement of the Section’s contribution to the Annual Ex¬ hibition. The Limpsfield Survey was illustrated by a “ Map of the Trees,’’ by R. W. Robbins; “ Vegetation Map,” by C. P. Castell and others; “ Transect of Happy Valley,” by J. E. Lousley and Miss M. M. Hose; twelve photographs by Miss C. E. Longfield; samples of soil from the Common by J. E. Lousley; and typical Diptera from the Common by L. Parmenter. In addition Mr Thomas exhibited diagrams illustrating the progress of an ecological survey and the development of Beechwood showing ecological relationships of certain animals. The Section was officially represented at the summer meeting of the British Ecological Society, held at Aberystwyth from July 16th to 21st, by Mr R. S. R. Fitter, to whom we are indebted for an interesting re¬ port. The Journal of Animal Ecology was circulated to 14 members at a subscription of 2s per annum. R. W. Robbins, Chairman. L. Parmenter, Honorary Secretary . Entomological Section. REPORT FOR 1938. SIY, evening meetings were allotted to the Section during 1938, and were filled as follows: — “Entomology on the Norfolk Broads,” K. M. Guichard, L. Parmenter, and E. B. Pinniger ; “Our British Neuroptera,” E. E. Syms; Cine-Film “A Naturalist in Africa,” Miss C. E. Longfield (Bacot Memorial Evening); “Some Pests of Garden Plants,” G. Fox-Wilson; “Ants and their Ways,” G. E. J. Nixon; “ South American Social Wasps,” Dr O. W. Richards. Eight excursions were arranged, to Limpsfield Common, Byfleet, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, Mill Hill, Brickett Wood, Balcombe Forest, V islev Heath, and Effingham. The average attendance at these excursions was 8. At the Annual Exhibition there were 16 entomological exhibits, fewer than in 1937 but occupying a much larger space. The later date of this event made it possible to show 9 exhibits of living insects, as well as some fine invertebrates. Pond life under the microscope was a new feature. The excursion figures have been low, but fortunately they are misleading. Five excursions were marred by bad weather, but on other occasions profitable days were spent by small parties collecting in areas near London Co-operation with the Ecological Section has continued, resulting in a list of Hymenoptera Aculeata of the Limpsfield Area. 89 SECTIONAL REPORTS, 1938. In June, 10 members attended the Entomological Congress held at Bournemouth. The lectures were greatly enjoyed, while Studland Heath .and the glades of the New Forest yielded many rare insects. One member y a,s able to present Dr Edwards of the British Museum with a specimen ol Anthracophaga strigula F., a Chloropid fly not represented in the National Collection. The Society has been fortunate in acquiring a 40-drawer cabinet ■containing a splendid collection of British Lepidoptera, presented by Mr C. Nicholson. It is proposed to add more material to his collection thereby allowing space in other cabinets for a representative assemblage of Biitish insects. The work of making and completing our collection ol Lepidoptera is still going forward under the care of Mr Pinniger. Two new drawers of Diptera have been added by Mr Parmenter. This season, the increased interest in Diptera, Colcoptera, and Hymenoptera has been proved by the many examples of these orders shown to our specialists, and several rarities have been identified. Some newcomers to Entomology have joined the Section and they have been eneouiaged as much as possible. Next year promises to be a busy one. K. M. Guichard, 1 Ion. Secretary. Ornithological Section. REPORT FOR 1938. MEMBERSHIP OF THE SECTION. T>URING 1938 the membership of the Section has registered another increase, the roll of members on December 31 standing at 404, twenty-four more than on December 31, 1937, and the first time the becticn has ever topped its fourth century. There are 28 country associates and 11 branch associates included in this total. INDOOR MEETINGS. In the two sessions of 1938 the Section has provided lecturers at two general meetings and the Annual Exhibition, and has held six sectional meetings. Attendances at general meetings averaged 58 and at sectional meetings 78. At the general meetings, Mrs IT. M. Rait Kerr spoke on Biids of Gibraltar, ’ and Mr IV. E. Glegg discussed “ Changes of Bird Life in relation to the Increase of London.” At the Annual Exhibition we again had the privilege of hearing Mr Ludwm Koch’s excellent gramophone records of bird song. At the three sectional meetings devoted to lectures, Capt. H. A. Gilbert spoke on - Ducks and Decoys,’ and showed a fine film of the Orielton decoy taken by Mrs C. W. Mackworth-Praed, Dr J. S. Carter discussed “ The Field Identification of Ducks,” and Dr A. Landsborough Thomson described ‘ Some Aspects of Bird Migration.” The three remaining sectional meetings were taken up by discussions and a dialogue. In January Mr R- C. Homes opened a discussion on the scheme for the ecological study 90 THE LONDON NATURALIST of birds in the London area; in May there was a dialogue between Messrs C. S. Bayne and P. AY. E. Currie on the identification of warblers; and in August the annual discussion on the work of the Section took place. ANNUAL EXHIBITION. At the Annual Exhibition the Ornithological Section was again allowed to use Hall 32 (the Society's regular meeting room), and thirteen exhibitors maintained the usual high standards under the able direction of Mr G. E. Manser. Among the principal exhibitors were Yliss P. Barclay-, Smith, with charts and maps illustrating the International AYild Fowl Inquiry; Mr Boland Green, with some of his original paintings; Air Cecil Blackburne of the Haslemere Museum, with maps shoiving the distribution of rookeries and nesting grey wagtails in the Haslemere district, and Air J. AI. AYilson with a varied selection of bird skulls. Alessrs Eric Hosking and G. B. Alountfort provided some excellent photographic exhibits. For the first time living birds ivere shown, an excellent selection of budgerigars of varying types of plumage being kindly exhibited by Air P. L. Dabner of Sanderstead. Other exhibitors included Miss Hearn and Messrs Stuart Boardman, Campbell, Hale, and Shepherd. As in previous years, use was made of the Society’s collection of skins to supplement various exhibits. THE OFFICEBS OF THE SECTION. At the beginning of the year Air L. Parmenter became Chairman of the Section in succsssion to Aliss C. E. Longfield, and Air D. A. T. Alorgan succeeded Aliss P. I. Wall is as Field Aleeting Secretarv. Airs H. AI. Ba it Iverr and Air R. L. Collett were elected to vacancies on the Committee. INTERNATIONAL ORNITHOLOGICAL CONGRESS. The year was noteworthy for the holding at Rouen in May of the VIILth International Ornithological Congress. Alany members of this section were present, headed by the President of the Society, Air C. L. Collenette, as its official representative. THE LONDON BTRD REPORT. The London Bird Iieport has continued to show good progress during 1938. An account of the Section’s bird ringing activities and the establishment of a trap at Beddington for the use of members will be found in the London Bird Beport for 1938. FIELD AIEETINGS. Thirty-one field meetings were held in 1938, at which the average attendance was 15, the highest number being 52, and the total number of different members attending meetings during the vear, 134. This vear for the first time meetings were held specially for beginners and also 91 SECTIONAL REPORTS, 1938. for the study of bird ecology. At both these the attendance was good. Among the species identified were the wood-lark, Hartford warbler, brentgoose, pintail, Slavonian grebe, little ringed plover, spotted red¬ shank, black-tailed godwit, black tern, arctic skua and great skua. The districts visited have included Tring and Walthamstow Reservoirs, Slough Sewage Farm, the Thames Estuary at High Haistow and Grain and the Black water Estuary at Bradwell. Special meetings were held to hear the nightjar and the dawn chorus. READING CIRCLES AND BOOK FUND. The eight reading circles for British Birds are complete, with 64 members, and there are now 17 readers on the Scottish Naturalist circle. The subscription for the former is half-a-crown and for the latter one shilling per annum. Enquiries from other members will enable us to start further circles for British Birds. The Book Fund, to which the profits from the reading circles are turned over, has this year purchased and presented to the Library the first two volumes of the new Handbook of British Birds. L. Paratenter, Chairman. R. S. R. Fitter, Hon. Secretary. Plant Galls Section. REPORT FOR 1938. PJTHE Section had two dates allotted to it for sectional meetings which were utilised for papers as follows: — 29th March on Andricus occultus Tschek. by Mr Ross, and 22nd November on Andricus solitarius Fonsc. and on the genus Isocolus by Mr Niblett. The attendance at these and the annual general meeting averaged 13.3. Eight field meetings were arranged and Avere carried through in spite of unfa\’ourable weather on some of the dates. Under these conditions the attendance naturally suffered, only a few members turning out regularly. The aA'erage attendance Avas 3.12. We Ausited Effingham on 23rd April; Arbrook Common, 14th May: Coulsdon, 28th May; Box Hill, 25th June; Colley Hill, 9th July: Worms Heath, 10th September; Bricket Wood, 25th September; and Coldharbour Common, 8th October. The long spell of dry and cold Aveather in the spring Avas considered to be responsible for the non-appearance of many species of galls, but in spite of this some interesting records Avere made Avhich seem to be of species neAA’ to the British lists. Further details aauII be submitted for publication in The London Naturalist. The collection of specimens has been added to during the year and maintained in good condition. J. Ross, Chairman. H. J. Burkill, Hon. Secretary. 92 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Geological Committee. REPORT FOR 1938. rpHE Geological Committee has made progress. The meetings at Headquarters have been well attended. Hr A. T. Dollar gave a very interesting talk on 20th September entitled “ Below London,” which was well received and discussed, and on 4th October Dr E. W. Russell of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, near Harpenden, gave a remarkably illuminating talk at Headquarters entitled “ The Genesis of Soils.” His knowledge of this subject made discussion somewhat difficult, especially when applied to Geology; nevertheless there were comments, coupled with the usual vote of thanks, and everybody agreed that they had learnt something. Three field meetings have been held: One on 17th July to Knock Mill, Eynsford, Kent, in conjunction with the Ramblers Section, and another on 25th September to Chart Gravel Pits and Ripps Marsh, in conjunction with the Botany Section, were kindly lead by Miss M. M. Hose. A further field meeting was held in conjunction with the Ecology Section to Limpsfield Common on the 6th November; this was conducted by our chairman, Mr J. F. Hayward, and some fine field work was accomplished. At the Annual Exhibition, held on the 26th April last, the Geological Committee secured a table and our chairman, Mr J. E. Hayward, staged a fine series of specimens, exhibits, etc., and had many enquiries. The number of members interested in Geology is now over 30. and further names would be welcomed. Arthur S. Garrido, Hon. Secretary. Ramblers Section. REPORT FOR 1938. jyjEMBERSHIP of the Section is now 61. Number of indoor meetings during the year, 4; average attendance, 23. Number of outdoor meetings, 12; average attendance, 10. Number of Committee meetings, 4; Average attendance, 6. The Section provided a lecture for one of the Society’s general meetings: “ Our Trip to Shetland,” by the Chairman. At the Sectional Meetings we had interesting lectures on “ Camera Surveys ” by Mr D. Rose, and “ Old Richmond and Petersham ” by Mr F. M. Chapman, and on 13th September Mr C. L. Clarke showed films, many in colour, under the title “ On holiday with a Cine-Kodak.” The monthly excursions have been continued, some in conjunction with other Sections, and there have also been some very successful SECTIONAL REPORTS, 1938. 93 Saturday afternoon rambles. Among the districts visited have been Ightham, Epping Forest, The Chilterns, Tlie North Downs, and Sun- ningdale, and visits have been paid to the Zoo and the Victoria and Albert Museum. An Easter week-end was organised very successfully by Mr F. House, the district visited being the South Downs. The quarterly publication, The Countryman , is circulated among 15 readers at a subscription of Is per annum, and the publications of the Commons and Footpaths Preservation Society and the kindred societies to which the L.N.H.S. is affiliated are circulated among the Section’s Committee. They are, of course, available for the use of all members. 'With Mr F. House as Sectional Curator, a beginning has been made towards a collection of photographs illustrating topographical features, interesting buildings, etc., in the Society’s area and just beyond. An invitation is cordially extended to members of the Section and of the Society generally to support this enterprise by contributing suitable photographs. J. E. Burgham, Secretary. Chingford Branch. REPORT FOR 1938. rpHE Branch maintained its numbers during the past year — the new members added to the list balancing the resignations. Attend¬ ances at Indoor Meetings, however, showed a considerable increase, the average being twenty-seven, as against twenty-one in 1937. The Field Meetings also received larger attendances. Various subjects were included in Lectures given at the eight Indoor Meetings. At the opening meeting of the year, in January, a fine show of coloured cine films, showing the life histories of various birds, was presented by Dr A. H. Murch, and subsequent papers (illustrated with slides, photos, and living specimens) were given as follows: — “ Entomo¬ logy on the Norfolk Broads,” E. B. Pinniger ; “ Westward to the Golden Gate,” Mrs Stuart Boardman ; “ Birding Round Norfolk,” G. E. Man¬ ser; “ Herbs and some Herb Gardens,” J. F. Hayward, B.Sc. ; “ Some Hardy Reptiles and Amphibians,” L. G. Payne; ££ Notes on Birds and other Country Matters,” Miss Douglas-Smith ; ££ A Botanist in Eire,” J. E. Lousley. Our thanks are due to all the above lecturers for their interesting talks, and in particular to those whose attendance at Chingford neces¬ sitated a long and tiring journey. An interesting paper by Mr F. J. Johnston entitled ££ The Grey Squirrel in Epping Forest,” which was read at the September Meeting in 1937, subsequently appeared in that year’s issue of The London Naturalist. THE LONDON NATURALIST. The activities of various members in the Chingford district were shown by the large number of interesting records presented at the meetings, and some details of the abnormal weather conditions were given in Miss Mathieson’s monthly report. Fewer specimens were shown than in other years, however, so an attempt was made to en¬ courage members to retain their “ finds ” by holding an Exhibition at the September meeting. Several members exhibited, and the speci¬ mens were widely studied and discussed. It is hoped that this feature can be repeated in the coming year, when earlier preparation should result in an even more successful meeting. E. T. Nicholson, Branch Secretary. JJpHE following have kindly consented to act as Referees on questions of identification and for advice in various branches of Natural History. It should be clearly understood that Referees cannot undertake work of an onerous nature, such as the determination of collections. Postage for reply should always be enclosed and a request inserted for the return of the specimens if desired. BOTANY. General. — R. W. Robbins, Bullens Lee, Pains Hill, Limpsfield, Surrey. Genus Rosa. E. B. Bishop, Lindfield, Marshall Road, Godaiming, Surrey. Umbelliferae. — L. G. Payne, 22 Marksbury Avenue, Richmond, Surrey. Rushes and Sedges.— E. B. Bishop, Lindfield, Marshall Road, Godaiming, Surrey, Grasses. — R. W. Robbins, Bullens Lee, Pains Hill, Limpsfield, Surrey. Ferns and Horsetails— L. G. Payne, 22 Marksbury Avenue, Richmond, Surrey. Mosses and Liverworts.— J. Ross, 23 College Gardens, Chingford, E.4. Lichens.— I. M. Lamb, B.Sc., F.L.S., British Museum (Natural His¬ tory), S. Kensington, S.W.7. Fungi.— J. Ramsbottom, O.B.E., M.A., British Museum (Natural His¬ tory), S. Kensington, S.W.7. Mycetozoa.— J. Ross, 23 College Gardens, Chingford, E.4. Medicinal Plants. G. R. A. Short, 36 Parkside Drive, Edgeware, Middlesex. Aquatic Plants.— H. J. Jeffery, A.R.C.S., F.L.S., 14 Coppetts Road, Muswell Hill, N.10. Algae (including Seaweeds).— A. D. Cotton, O.B.E., F.L.S., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey. REFEREES. 95 GEOLOGY. John F. Hayward, 13. Sc., 17 Heatlicote Grove, Ghingford, E.4. MINERALOGY. F, A. Bannister, M.A.5 34 Monahan Avenue, Purley, Surrey. PALAEONTOLOGY. E. I. White, Ph.D., F.G.S., British Museum (Natural History), S. Kensington, SAY. 7. 1NVERTEBRATA. Mollusca. J. R, le B. Tomlin, M.A., F.R.E.S., 23 Boscobel Road St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Protozoa, Porifera (Sponges), Coelenterata (Jelly-fish, Sea-anemones and Corals), A ermes, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata — M Burton, M.Sc., F.Z.S., British Museum (Natural Historv) S* Kensington, S.W.7. Crustacea.— Miss Isabella Gordon, D.Sc., Ph.D., British Museum (Natural History), S. Kensington, S.W.7. Myriapoda (Centipedes and Millipedes).— Rev. S. G. Brade-Birks, M.Sc. (Manch.), D.Sc. (Lond.), F.Z.S., S.E. Agricultural Colleo-e Wye Kent. ’ ’ Insecta:— General.— C. L. Collenette, F.R.E.S., 15 Warren Avenue, Richmond, Surrev. Thysanura (Bristle-tails) and Collembola (Spring-tails) — J M Brown. B.Sc., F.R.E.S., 176 Carterknowle Road, Sheffield’ 7. Oithoptera (Earwigs, Cockroaches, Grasshoppers, Crickets etc) _ P. Freeman, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., Royal College of Science’, Exhibi¬ tion Road, S.W.7. Plecoptera (Stone-flies) (Specimens in fluid only). — M. E. Moselv 43 Lansdowne Crescent, W.ll. Psocoptera (Book-lice, etc.).— D. E. Kimmins, 16 Montrave Road Penge, S.E. 20. Ephemeroptera (May-flies).— D. E. Kimmins, 16 Montrave Road Penge, S.E. 20. Odonata (Dragon-flies). — E. B. Pinniger, 19 Endleburv Road Chingford, E.4. Thysanoptera (Thrips). — Edward R. Spever M.A Experimental and Research Station, Cheshunt, Herts. Hemiptera (Bugs, Cicadas, Leaf-hoppers, etc.). — W. E. China MW British Museum (Natural History), S. Kensington' Neuroptera (Lace-wings, Ant-lions, Alder and Scorpion-flies, etc.). D. E. Kimmins. 16 Montrave Road, Penge, S.E. 20. Trichoptera (Caddis-flies) (Specimens expanded only). _ M. E. Moselv, 43 Lansdowne Crescent, W.ll. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths).— R. W. Robbins, Bullens Lee Pains Hill, Limpsfield, Surrey. 96 THE LONDON NATURALIST. Coleoptera (Beetles). — K. G. Blair, D.Sc., F.R.E.S., 11 Durrington Avenue, S.AY.2. Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees, AVasps, etc.). — R. B. Benson, M.A.r F.R.E.S., British Museum (Natural History). S. Kensington. S.W.7. Diptera (Flies, Gnats and Midges). — L. Parmenter, F.R.E.S., 94 Fairlands Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions, Harvesters, Mites, etc.). — E. A, Robins, F.L.S., 19 Cassiobury Park Avenue, AYatford, Herts. VERTEBRATA. Fishes. — J. R. Nonnan, F.Z.S., British Museum (Natural History), S. Kensington, S.AAT.7. Amphibians and Reptiles. — L. G. Payne, 22 Marksbury Avenue, Rich¬ mond, Surrey. Birds: — Distribution and Identification. For the Society’s Area. — The Recorder, R. S. R. Fitter, F.Z.S., 81 Ridgmount Gardens, AY.C.l. Outside Society’s Area. — The Hon. Secretary of Records Commit¬ tee, R. C. Homes, 17 Park Lawn Avenue, Epsom, Surrey. British Trust for Ornithology. — The Society’s Representative, R. S. R. Fitter, address as above. Anatomy. — G. Carmichael Low, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.Z.S.r M.B.O.U., 86 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, AV.l. Nests and Eggs. — J. E. Roberts, B.Sc., 24 AYarren Drive, Surbiton, Surrey. Mammals. — M. A. C. Hinton, F.R.S., British Museum (Natural His¬ tory), S. Kensington, S.AAL7. PLANT GALLS. H. J. Burkill, M.A., F.R.G.S., 3 Newman’s Court, Cornhill, E.C.3. ECOLOGY. L. Parmenter, F.R.E.S., 94 Fairlands Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey. CHEAIISTRY. L. Eynon, B.Sc., F.I.C., Fernleigh. Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex. RIGHTS OF AY AY, FIELD PATHS, Etc. Sir Lawrence Chubb, 71 Eccleston Square, AYestminster, S.AV.l. PAPERS READ TO THE SOCIETY. 97 Papers Read to the Society during 1938. WE wish to offer our grateful thanks to all those visitors who, by coming to lecture to us, have added so much to our enjoyment. Jan. 4 — ££ Natural History Societies and their link with Systematic Biology,” . H. AY. Parker, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S. ,, 18 — “ Misericords,” . A. Gardner, M.A., F.S.A. Feb. 1 — ££ Entomology on the Norfolk Broads,” K. M. Guichard, L. Parmenter, F.R.E.S., E. B. Pinniger. ,, 15 — “ Sawfly Plant Gall Problems,” R. B. Benson, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.E.S. Mar. 1—” Our Trip to Shetland,” . J. E. S. Dallas. ,, 1-5 — ££ Botany for Use and Pleasure,” H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc., F.I.C. April 5 — Bacot Memorial Evening. Film : “A Naturalist in Africa,” Miss C. E. Longfield, F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. May 3 — Annual Exhibition. Lecturettes : “ More Songs of Wild Birds ” (illustrated with gramophone records), . Ludwig Koch. Anti-Scrape,” . C. Maresco Pearce. ,, 17 — “ The Croydon Regional Survey and Atlas,” C. C. Fagg, F.G.S. June 21 — ££ Birds of Gibraltar,” . Mrs H. M. Rait Kerr, M.B.O.U. July 5 — ‘£ Changes in Bird Life in Relation to the Increase of London,” W. E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. Sept. 6 — ££ The Botanist and the Species Problem,” E. H. Ellis, B.Sc. ,, 20 — ££ Below London,” . A. T. Dollar, Ph.D. Oct. 4 — “ The Genesis of Soils,” . E. W. Russell, M.A., Ph.D. Nov. 1 — Film Show. (a) ££ Where the Green Trees Grow,” . (Kodak). (b) ££ The Black-headed Gull,” . (Gaumont-British). (c) ££ Some Water Insects,” . (Kodak). (d) ££ The Ruffed Grouse,” . (Kodak). (e) ££ The Interdependence of Pond Life,” (Gaumont-British). ,, 15 — ££ Fresh Glimpses of Roman London,” Quinton Waddington, F.S.A., Asst. Curator, Guildhall Museum. Dec. 6 — Annual General Meeting. President’s Address: ££ Wild Life in Richmond Park.” ,, 13 — “ South American Social Wasps,” 0. W. Richards, M.A., D.Sc. 98 THE LONDON NATURALIST PAPERS READ AT SECTIONAL MEETINGS. Jan. 11 — Ornithology. “ Discussion of the Scheme for the Ecological Study of Birds in the London Area,” ... R. C. Homes. ,, 25 — Botany. “ Some Less Familiar Plants,” . . J. E. S. Dallas. Feb. 8— Ornithology. “ Ducks and Decoys,” H. A. Gilbert, M.B.O.U. >> 22 — Ecology. First Year at Limpsfield. Plant Ecology, . J. E. Lousley. Animal Ecology, . L. Parmenter, F.R.E.S. Mar. 3— Entomology. “ Our British Neuroptera,” . E. E. Syms. 22 Archaeology. “ The Architecture of the Moors in Spain,” D. Chisholm Simpson. ,, 29 — Plant Galls. “ Andricus occult us ,” . J. Ross. April 12— Botany. “Botany in the Ancient World,” G. H. Spinney, B.A* ,, 26— Entomology. “ Some Pests of Garden Plants,” G. Fox Wilson. May 10 — Ramblers. “ Camera Survey,” . X). Rose. 24 Ornithology. “ Warblers, and How to Identify Them,” C. S. Bayne and C. W\ G. Paulson, M.B.O.U. ,, 31— Archaeology. “ Our British Heritage,” ... W. C. Cocksedge. June 14— Ecology. “ English Reptiles and Batrachians,” L. G. Payne. >> 28 Ramblers. “ Old Richmond and Petersham,” F. M. Chapman. Aug. 9 — Ornithology. Discussion of the Work of the Ornithological Section. Sept. 13— Ramblers. “ On Holiday with a Cine-Kodak,” C. L. Clarke. a 27 Archaeology. “ Ecclesiastical Ironwork,” Edward Yates, F.S.A. Oct. 11— Ornithology. “ Field Identification of Ducks,” J. S. Carter, Pli.D., M.Sc., F.I.C. Nov. 8— Entomology. “ Ants and Their W’ays,” G. E. J. Nixon B.A. ,, 22 — Plant Galls : (a) “ Andricus solitarius . M Niblett (b) “ Sawfly Galls,” . M. Niblett. ,, 29 — Ornithology. “ Some Aspects of Bird Migration,” A. Landsborough Thomson, C.B., D.Sc., M.B.O.U. Dec. 20 Botany. “ I ield Botany and the Herbarium,” Rev. P. H. Cooke, B.A. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. 99 o CD o o rH CD o o O CD CD r o CD CD o CD CD — aC 1> (N o co rH iG O O o CD o i> iO o o CO CO tH rH rH rH rH o H^" CO rH CO rH GC rH ” £ o tH 1C Oi Gt rH X OOOOO OOOOOOOO o o e# o o ic in in rH rH rH rH o o o o o OiGiGOO©©© f-t (NWh-iCOMNO =+i ^ I- z 3 O O o < _l < cc UJ z Hi C5 oo eo 05 (0 I- z D O o o < u. o I- co , O O O « 02 o &, U c/3 Jfe r- tH S o o G 02 •2 o g£ § I 9: o CO .G 0 HH o CO c fa cj n, -Hi o o fa co < o 2 c/: G £ ° S ■ S c y .a -2 a G G M g g K H di I s ~ C/3 O G to O c« 2 r w g a 5 03 s H«Hi G cc n>, 5 « «s £ >> g s5# -• +J r< rn> G G O =§S co «o * w c n *3 G ai L’ 2 .5 CJ r- S 5 o 3 Q in 0 CO CO Tj fa S CO o s c/3 >•, >-. 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O CD 3 2 3 O o to © o 1/2 O o < 3 2 © — © — ro a> a -3 co -!N C CO c iO tj t- CO ^ £ o h- CO o (^ © © © 2 o O q* Hi •• © © © © © © ; © 3 © Vi r~ 22 © © £ .3 © ^e Eo £ c a hh c* © 3 > o £ c o 3 to © © in <3< 4-H e* OO © © I- z 3 O o o < © © a - to © c © r . rz 3 CD V ■+J CD ▼H £ ^ >>2 -4-9 CD rH P- «*— i o3 c CD CJ rH 2 © 3 ^ a © © HI Win in r~ © LU ~i CC © i © © 5 cc © © © in Z c z ^-f H © Vi © 35 w . hP o © ? 2 © <- | 3 3 13 © 3 > © 3 C0LLENETTE, Auditors. F. G. DELL, Treasurer. LIST OF MEMBERS. 101 List of Members. (Corrected up to 9tli May 1939.) It is particularly requested that Members will inform the Secretary as soon as possible of any change of address. Honorary President: Prof. Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, O.M., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. Honorary Vice-Presidents : Sir Lawrence Chubb. E. A. Cockayne, M.A., D.M., F.R.C.P., F.1LE.S. Prof. M. Greenwood, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.C.P. A. Holte Macpherson, B.C.L., M.A., F.Z.S. L. B. Prout, F.R.E.S. J. Ross. Honorary Members: 1933 Bryce, E. J., Nelson Road, Killara, Sydney, N.S.W. (Zoo.) 1927 Le Souef, A. S., C.M.Z.S., R.A.O.U., Taronga Zoological Park Trust, Sydney, Australia. 1899 Massey, Herbert, M.B.O.U., F.R.E.S., Ivy Lea, Burnage, Dids- bury, Manchester. (Lep., Orn., Ool.) Members : 1927 Aldred, Miss K. V., 5 Ladbroke Court, Ladbroke Gardens, AY. 11. (Arch., Orn.) 1922 Aldred, Miss M., Flat 5, 21 Ladbroke Gardens, AY. 11. (Orn.) 1928 Alexander, O. A., 35 Ellington Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. (Ent.) 1937 Alston, A. H. G., B.A., F.L.S., British Museum (Natural His¬ tory), SAY. 7. (Bot.) 1932 Angell, Miss K. AY., at 104 Broxholm Road, S.E.27. (Orn., Ent., R., Ecol., Bot., PI. G.) 1932 Arbon, Mrs J. A., Brookskle, Eversley Park Road, N.21. (Arch.) 1915 Aris, E. A., F.Z.S. , 9 Oak Avenue, Priory Road, N.8. (Lep.) 1932 Arnold, Miss AY., 43 The Quadrant, S.AY.20. (Orn.) 1939 Ashby, C. B., 20 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Austin, H. AA\, 19 Bell Moor, N.AY.3. (Orn.) 1892 Austin, S., F.Z.S., 43 Darenth Road, N.16. (Orn., Arch., R., Ecol., Bot.) 1931 Axford, AY. G., Surgeon Rear Admiral, C.B., F.L.S., 5 King Edward Mansions, 212a Shaftesbury Avenue, AV.C.2. (Bot.) 1931 Back, Dr Marjorie, 16 Daisy Lane, S.AAL6. (Bot., Orn.) 1929 Baggallay, Miss J., 55 Ridgwav Place, S.AAM9. (Orn.) 1929 *Bagnall, R. S., D.Sc., F.R.S. E., 9 York Place, Edinburgh. (PI. G., Ent., Bot.) 102 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 1927 Baily, Miss A. R., F.Z.S., Cressex Lodge, Binfield, Berks. (Arch., Bot., Orn., Ent., PI. G., R.) 1924 *Baker, E. C. Stuart, J.P., O.B.E., F.Z.S., F.L.S., M.B.O.U., H.F.A.O.U., 6 Harold Road, S.E.19. (Orn.) ]934 Banks, H., 172 Cromwell Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. (Bot., Orn.) 1927 Barclay-Smith, Miss P., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., Park Lodge, Hervey Road, S.E.3. (Orn.) 1926 Barnes, Mrs E. C., M.B.O.U., Hungerdown, Seagry, Wilts. (Orn., Bot., Ecol.) 1937 Barnett, R. L., 30 Hans Road, S.W.3. (Bot., Orn.) 1933 Bastian, Miss S., 83 Gower Street, W.C.l. 1903 *Battlev, Mrs, 47 Gordon Road, W.5. 1932 Bayliss, C. V., 34 Golders Gardens, N.W.ll. (Arch.) 1915 Bayne, C. S., Room 303, Salisbury House, E.C.4. (Orn., Ecol.) 1936 Beckwith, Major W. M., D.S.O., 59 Albert Flail Mansions, SAY. 7. (Orn.) 1926 Benn, Miss A., 68 South Esk Road, E.7. (Orn., Ent., PI. G., Ecol.) 1929 *Benson, R. B., M.A., F.L.S., F.R.E.S., British Museum (Natural History), S.W.7. (Bot., Orn., Ent., esp. Sawflies, Ecol., R., PI. G.) 1932 Bentham, C. H., Eothen, Epsom Lane, Tadworth, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Best, Mi.ss M. G., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lend.), 115 Wid- more Road. Bromley, Kent. (Orn.) 1932 Binley, Miss E. M., 197 Camberwell Grove, S.E.5. (Orn., R.) 1935 Birnie, Miss V. M. O., 23 Hillway, N.6. (Orn., R.) 1937 Blackett, Miss F. R. F., Royal Empire Society, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. (Orn.) 1930 Blair, K. G., D.Sc., F.R.E.S., 11 Durrington Park Road, S.W.20. (Exit.) 1939 Blake, E. A., 16 Lindsay Road, Worcester Park, Sur rev. (Orn.) 1937 Blake, F. W., 16 Lindsay Road, Woi’cester Park, Surrey. (Orn.) 1938 Blay, N. A., L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), 27 Shrubbery Gardens, N.21. (Ecol., Orn., R.) 1939 Bolton, J. R., 49 Downs Road, E.5. (Orn.) 1933 Bonus, Miss A., 28a Nevern Place, S.W.5. (Orn.) 1939 Bowman, Miss B. M., 33 Lessar Avenue, S.W.4. (Ent.) 1933 Bowtell, J. J., Tudor House, Lynton Road, Thorpe Bay, Essex. 1939 Boyd, B. C. L., 10 Mayfield Road, Dagenham, Essex. (Orn.) 1904 Bradley, S. W., 4 Lucton’s Avenue, Buckhurst Hill. Essex. (Bot., Ent., Orn.) 1932 Braithwaite, Miss D. M., 18 Warren Road, E.4. (Orn.) 1910 Braithwaite, Miss N. A., 18 Warren Road, E.4. 1933 Brazil, Miss F., Penby, Marshalswick Lane, St Albans, Herts. (Orn.) 1930 Brend, Win. A., M.A., M.D., B.Sc., 14 Bolingbroke Grove, SAY. 11. (Arch., Orn., R.) 1937 Brightwell, L. R., F.Z.S., W7hite Cottage, Chalk Lane, East Horsley, Surrey. (Marine Life.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 103 1933 Bromley, Miss B., 18 John Street, W.C.l. (Orn., R.) 1916 Brown, A., F.Z.S., 44 Ravensdale Road, N.16. (Orn., Arch., Geol., R.) 1937 Brown, Miss B. E., Gresham Cottage, Granville Road, Limps- field, Surrey. 1936 Brown, E. C., M.Sc. (Bond.), 120 Durlston Road, Kingston-on- Thames, Surrey. (Bot., Ecol.) 1926 Browne, Miss C. H., 219 Harlesden Road, N.AV.10. (R., Arch., Orn., Bot.) 1938 Buck, F. D., 49 Elthorne Road, N.19. (Col., Ecol.) 1938 Budden, E. C., 253 Latymer Court, W.6. (Orn.) 1930 Burgham, Miss J. E., 4 Regent Square, W.C.l. (Orn., Geol., R.) 1915 Burkill, H. J., M.A., F.R.G.S., 3 Newman’s Court, Cornhill, E.C.3. (PI. G., Lep., Bot., Geol., Orn., R., Ecol.) 1933 Burton, M., M.Sc., F.Z.S., 55 Pope’s Grove, Twickenham, Middlesex. (Porifera, Orn.) 1937 Butlin, J. H., 90 East Sheen Avenue, S.W.14. (Orn.) 1935 Butterworth, Miss M. H., Dyer’s Lane, S.W.15. (Orn., Bot., Ecol.) 1938 Buxton, Miss L. R., New lands, Stanstead Abbotts, Ware, Herts. (Orn.) 1932 Caiger-Smith, Miss J., 23 Hornton Street, W.8. (Orn.) 1938 Calvert, G. W., c/o Tyresoles Ltd., Palace of Engineering, Wembley, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1928 ^Campbell, J. M. H., M D., 47 Arkwright Road, N.W.3. (Orn., R.) 1912 Capleton, A., 95 Monkham’s Drive, Woodford Green, Essex. (Mam., Orn., R., Bot., Ecol.) 1926 Carr, Miss A. N., 7 Cambridge Road, Watford, Herts. (Orn., R.) 1936 Carrington, L. I., The Grey Cottage, Chipstead, Surrey. (Orn.) 1933 Carter, J. S., Ph.D., M.Sc., F.I.C., 26 St John’s Road, N.W.ll. (Orn.) 1932 Castell, C. P., 52 Graham Road, S.AV.19. (Bot., Geol., Ecol.) 1936 Cawkell, E. M., 10 Algiers Road, S.E.13. (Orn.) 1936 Chandler, K. R., 33 Granville Road, Limpsfield, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol.) 1930 Chandler, S. E., D.Sc., F.L.S., 59 Anerley Park, S.E.20. (Bot., Ecol.) 1938 Chave, Mrs E. L., 15 Glenhurst Rise, S.E.19. (Orn.) 1938 Chave, S. P. AY., 15 Glenhurst Rise, S.E.19. (Orn.) 1931 Chubb, Sir Lawrence, 71 Eccleston Square, S.AV.l. (R.) 1927 Clanchy, Airs B. L., 12 Cranbourne Drive, Pinner, Middlesex. (R., Orn.) 1927 Clanchy, D. H., 12 Cranbourne Drive, Pinner, Aliddlesex. (R., Orn., Ecol.) 1929 Coates, Aliss N. H., AYoodhouse, Beaumont Road, S.AY.19. (Orn., Bot.) 1904 Cockayne, E. A.. ALA., D.AL, F.R.C.P., F.R.E.S., 16 AVest- bourne Street, AAL2. (Lep., Biol.) 104 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 193* Cockb.urn, T. A., M.D., Town Hall, Barking, Essex. (Orn.) 1925 Cocksedge, W. C., 6 Aidersmead Boad, Beckenham, Kent. (Orn.T Arch., Bot., Ecol., Geol.) 1929 Cocksedge, Mrs, 6 Aidersmead Road, Beckenham, Kent. (Arch., Bot., Eool., Geol.) 1907 Collenette, C. L., F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S., 15 Warren Avenue, Rich¬ mond, Surrey. (Ent., Orn., Bot., Ecol.) 1932 Collenette, Mrs C. L., 15 Warren Avenue, Richmond, Surrey. (Orn.) 1933 Collett, G. W., 84 Jermyn Street, S.W.l. (Orn., Ecol., R., Bot.) 1936 Collett, R. L., 165/20 Abbey Road, N.W.8. (Orn.) 1934 Codings, Mrs M., 36 Alfriston Road, S.W.ll. (Ent., R.) 1936 Colyer, A\ . L., 8 The Mount, New Malden, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol.) 1914 Connoll, Miss E., 93 Montague Street, Worthing, Sussex. (Orn.) 1937 Cooke, H. 0. P., Lamorna, Redruth, Cornwall. (Ent., Orn.) 1904 Cooke, Rev. P. H., B.A., 19 Hainthorpe Road S.E.27. (Bot.. Arch.) 1934 Coon, F. A. H., 7 Grenville Mansions, Hunter Street, W.C.l. (Orn.) 1938 Cooper, J. M., Fairview, Higher Drive, Purley, Surrey. (Orn.) 1939 Coote, F. D., F.R.E.S., 32 Wickham Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. (Lep.) 1937 1939 1928 1932 1937 1936 1931 1927 Cornwallis, R. K., 26 Bramham Gardens, S.W.5. (Orn.) Couper, 'Miss L., 6 St John’s Road, N.W.ll. (Arch.) Cox. Miss L. E., 72 Corringham Road, N.W.ll. (Bot.) Creighton, Miss M. B., 78 Highview Avenue, Edgware, Mid¬ dlesex. (Bot., Biol., PI. G.) Crispin, G. H., Meadowcroft, Abbot’s Langley, Herts. Crompton, Miss C. E., Pioneer Club, 12 Cavendish Place, W.l. (Arch., Orn.) Crook, V . M., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., 6 St Andrew’s Place, N.W.l. (Orn.) Cross-Rose, F., 20 Woolstone Road, S.E.23. (Orn.) 1892 Culpin, M., M.D., F.R.C.S., 12 Park Village East, N.W.l. (Biol.) 1930 Cunningham, J., M.B.O.U., Drinagh, Kensington Road, Knocke, Belfast. (Orn.) 1936 Currie, P. W. E., 102 Burdon Lane, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol.) 1939 Cust, Mrs M. V. J., 13 Tedworth Street, S.W.3. (Orn.) 1892 Cyriax, R. C., 23 Aberdare Gardens, N.W.6. (Arch., Aryan question, Indo-European languages.) 1936 Daffarn, J. D., 20 Woodside Avenue, N.6. (Orn.) 1920 Dallas, J. E. S., 83 Belsizc Lane, N.W.3. (Orn., Bot., Arch Ecol., R., PI. G.) 1925 * Dallas, Mrs Rosa F.. 83 Belsize Lane, N.W.3. (Arch., Bot., Geol., Orn., Ecol., R.) 1933 Davies, Miss E. B., Graffham, Petworth, Sussex. (Orn., Ent.) 1938 Davies, T. H., Flat 2a, 91 Cromer Street, W.C.l. (Bot., Ent., Orn., PI. G.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 105 193/ Davis, A., 188 Nether Street, N.3. 1932 Davis, Miss R., 118 College Road, S.E.21. (Orn., R.) 1926 Deane, Miss M. B. H., c/o Westminster Bank Ltd., Tangier, Morocco. (Orn.) 1939 De Bosdar, C. D., 24 Hans Place, S.W.l. 1910 Dell, F. G., 55 Russell Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. (P. L., Micr., Orn., R.) 1932 Denham, R., M.B.O.U., 12 Weymouth Court, 1 Weymouth Street, W.l. (Orn., Ent.) 193/ Donnelly, R. P., B.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.), 7 Rothesay Avenue, Rich¬ mond, Surrey. (Orn.) 1933 Doran, F. H., Toddsbrook, Gt. Parndon, Harlow, Essex. (P. L.) 1936 Douglas, Miss M., 30 The Alders, N.21. (Orn., R., Bot.) 1928 Douglas-Smith, Miss K., 19 Thurlow Road, N.W.3. (Arch., Orn., Bot., Ecol.) 1927 Druee, F., M.A., F.L.S., 60 Burton Court, S.W.3. (Bot.) 1934 Eales-White, Major J. C., T.D., F.R.E.S., F.Z.S., 88 Mount Ararat Road, Richmond, Surrey. (Orn., Ent., Arch.) 1938 Eardley-W il.mot, Mrs M., 24 Thurloe Square, S.W.7. (Bot., Orn.) 1936 Elcome, G. D., 28 The Avenue, S.E.19. (Orn.) 1936 Elcome, J. W., 28 The Avenue, S.E.19. (Orn.) 1939 Elies, J. H. de G., 79 Onslow Square, S.W.7. (Bot.) 1936 Ellington, Miss M. L., 3 The Terrace, Richmond Hill, Surrey. (Orn.) 1936 Ellis, W . G., 49 Lordship Road, N.16. (Orn.) 1928 Emberson, L. M., African and Eastern (Near East) Ld., P.O. Box No. 17, Baghdad, Iraq. (Orn., Ecol.) 1927 English. Miss F., 8 Dorville Crescent, W.6. (Orn., Bot., Arch., R.) 1937 Ennis, L. H., 16 Ernie Road, S.W.20. (Ent.) 1939 Eve, I. S., 49 Downs Road, E.5. (Orn.) 1907 Eynon. L., B.Sc., F.I.C., 8 Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex. (Chem.) 1935 Farquharson, A., 35 Gordon Square, W.C.l. (Ecol.) 1939 Faulkner, Miss A. M. G., 127 Lower Richmond Road, S.W.14. (Arch., Orn., R.) 1937 Fernberg, Mrs B., 29 Steele’s Road, N.W.3. (Orn.) 192/ Fisher, Mrs G. L., 41 Milton Court, Ickenham, Middlesex. (Arch.) 193/ Fisher, J. M. McC., Zoological Society of London, N.W.8. (Ecol., Orn.) 1934 Fitter, R. S. R., F.Z.S., 81 Ridgmount Gardens, W.C.l. (Orn., Ecol., Ent.) 1939 Forty, E., 24 Castleton Mansions, S.W.13. (Orn.) 1937 Fossev, H. B., 13 Abercorn Gardens, Barley Lane, Romford, Essex. (Orn.) 1924 Foster, J. B., B.A., 12 Conway Road, S.W.20. (Orn.) ]935 Foster, Mrs J. B., 12 Conway' Road, S.W.20. 1928 Fox, G. J. B., 45 Stanwiek Mansions, W.14. (Arch.) 1932 Franklin, A. W. L., 47 Bedford Gardens, W.8. (Orn.) THE LONDON NATURALIST. 106 1938 Franks, Miss H., 21 Queen Square House, Guilford Street, W.C.l. (Arch., Bot., Ecol., Orn., R.) 1931 Frederick, Miss L. M., M.Sc., F.Z.S., Whitelands College, West Hill, S.W.15. (Orn., P. L., Ecol., R.) 1937 Freeman, P., B.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.E.S., 8 Sebastion Avenue, Shenfield, Essex. (Ecol., Ent.) 1935 French, W. A., Brook Barns, Chigwell, Essex. (Orn., Bot.) 1936 Gardner, D. H. W., Merchant Taylors’ School, Sandy Lodge, Northwood, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1932 Garrido, A. S., 102 Clonmell Road, X.17. (Bot., Geol., Ecol.) 1933 Gaster, FI., 26a Lunham Road, S.E.19. (Bot., Orn.) 1910 Gaze, W. E., 10 The Avenue, Highams Park, E.4. (Lep., Bot., Chem.) 1939 Gibson, Mrs G. M., 26 Gilston Road, S.W.10. (Bot., Orn.) 1931 Gillett, J. D., F.R.E.S., 1 Beulah Road, E.17. (Ent., Rept.) 1933 Gillham, E. H., 39 Coulsdon Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Gillingham, D. W., 28 Boding Road, Loughton, Essex. (Orn.) 1910 Glegg, W. E., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., 2 Burlington House, King’s Road, Richmond, Surrey. (Orn.) 1934 Godwin, C., 20 Canonbury Park North, N.l. (Orn.) 1934 Godwin, Mrs M. L., 20 Canonbury Park North, N.l. (Orn.) 1929 Goodfellow, Miss L., 11 The Grange, Maitland Park Road, N.W.3. (Orn.) 1930 Goodwin- Vanner, R. E., F.R.S.A., F.R.H.S., Essex Villa, Guild¬ ford, Surrey. (Arch.) 1939 Goom, Miss E., 78 Elmfield Avenue, Teddirugton. Middlesex. (Orn.) 1937 Gosnell, V., Farm Cottage, Boxlane, Boxmoor, Herts. (Orn.) 1934 Gray, Miss J. W., 10 Canford Road, S.W.ll. (R., Bot., Arch.) 1937 Green, D. B., 20 Fitzjolin’s Avenue, N.W.3. (Orn.) 1937 Green, Mrs E. M., Gordon House, Gloucester Road, New Barnet, Herts. (Bot., Ecol.) 1927 Green, R., F.Z.S., Ruskin Studio, 7 New Court, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2. (Orn.) 1936 Greenwell, W. N., 12 Highbury, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. (Orn.) 1899 "Greenwood, Prof. M., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.R.C.P., Hillcrest, Church Hill, Loughton, Essex. (Arch., Biol.) 1928 Griffin, Miss M., 22 Addison Way, N.W.ll. (Orn.) 1920 Grinling, C. H., B.A., 71 Rectory Place, S.E.18. (Bot,, Ecol.) 1937 Guichard, K. M., 10 Lvndhurst Gardens, N.W.3. (Ent., Ecol., Bot., Orn.) 1933 Gunton, L., Lalilglyn, Cross Path, Radlett, Herts. (Orn.) 1938 Gunyon, Mrs D. S., 9 Raydean Road, Barnet, Herts. (Ent., Orn.) 1932 Hadfield, J., Denecroft, Heath Way, Effingham, Surrey. (Orn., R.) 1926 Hadfield, Mrs M. H., Denecroft, Heath Way, Effingham, Surrey. (Orn., Bot., R.) 1927 Hale, R. W., 6 Grendon Gardens, Barn Hill, Wembley Park, Middlesex. (Orn.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 107 1936 Hall, J. B., Nakuru, Bridle Lane, Loudwater, Herts. (Orn.) 1939 Hamblv, E. H. T., M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., R.X. Orthopaedic Hospital, W.l. (Ent., Orn.) 1903 Hanbury, F. Capel, Westfield, Hoddesdon, Herts. (Lep.) 1938 Hansford, Mrs D. L, 10 Russell Grove, N.W.7. (Bot., Ecol.) 1897 *Hanson, P. J., Burcroft, Village Road, Bush Hill Park, Enfield, Middlesex. (Orn., Arch., R., Ecol.) 1927 Hardiman, Miss A., Hyron’s Cottage, Woodside Road, Amers- ham, Bucks. (R.) 1921 Hardiman, J. P., C.B.E., B.A., Hyron’s Cottage, Woodside Road, Amersham, Bucks. (Orn., R.) 1935 Harris, A. H., 47 Lvnette Avenue, South Side, S.W.4. (Orn.) 1933 Harrison, Miss E. E., 44 Alexandra Road, N.W.8. (Orn., R.) 1937 Harrison, H. G., 38 Richmond Road, N.l. (Orn., Arch.) 193/ Harvie, Miss D. E.r 35 Abercorn Place, N.W.8. (Bot., Orn., Freshwater Biol., Ecol.) 1935 Hatch, R. S., 66 Coston’s Avenue, Greenford, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1939 Haviland, Mrs B., 121 Ashley Gardens, S.W.l. (Bot.) 1939 Haviland, Miss D. M., 121 Ashley Gardens, S.W.l. (Orn.) 1938 Haviland. Miss G. M. B., 121 Ashley Gardens, S.W.l. (Orn.) 1938 Haviland, Major L. P., 45a Chester Square, S.W.l. (Orn.) 1930 Haworth, Miss F. M., B.Sc., F.Z.S., 69 Gloucester Court, Kew Road, Kew, Surrey. (Zoo., Bot.) 1937 Hayward, H. H. S., 9a Florence Drive, Enfield, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1927 Hayward, J. F., B.Sc., 29 Mount Echo Drive, E.4. (Geol.. Zoo.) 1935 Hearn. Miss D. B., 56 Meadvale Road, W.5. (Orn., Bot., Arch., R.) 1938 Hearn, Miss M. G., 50 Princes Gate Mews, S.W.7. (Ent.) 1902 Heath, G. H., M.A., 3 Bolney Court, Portsmouth Road, Surbiton, Surrey. (Lep.) 1935 Henderson, Miss F. E., 70 King’s Road, S.W.19. (Orn.) 1937 Hett, G. Seccombe, F.R.C.S., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., 86 Brook Street, W.l. (Orn., Mam., Icht., Ecol.) 1938 Heyworth, Miss G., 54 Boundary Road, N.W.8. (Orn.) 1938 Highway, Mrs H., 1 North Dene, The Park, Beckenham Junction, Kent. (Bot., Orn.) 1936 Hilliard, R., 5 Oakleigh Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex. (Ent., Ecol.) 1938 Hindson, M. T., 11 Holland Park, W.ll. 1938 Hodge, Mrs E. M., 62 Roseneath Road, S.W.ll. (Arch.) 1937 Hodge, G A., 62 Roseneath Road, S.W.ll. (Orn.) 1937 Hohn, E. O., 12 Merrick Square, S.E.l. (Orn., Ecol.) 1932 Homes, R. C., 17 Park Lawn Avenue, Epsom, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol., R.) 1930 Hopkins, G., The Byron Studies, Ltd., 8 Farringdon Avenue, E C. 4. (Orn., Ecol.) Horn, P. W., Stepney Borough Museum, 77 Whitechapel High Street, E.l. (Orn., Aqua.) 1919 THE LONDON NATURALIST 108 1905 Hornblower, A. B., 91 Queen’s Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. (Api., Arch., Orn., R., Ecol.) 1931 *Hose, Miss M. M., 22 The Avenue, Bickley, Kent. (Orn., Bot., Ent., PI. G., Ecol., R.) 1933 House, F. C., 36 Becmead Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. (Orn., R., Ecok, Bot.) 1938 Hudson, Miss B., A.R.C.A., 8 Ferncroft Avenue, Eastc-ote, Rui- slip, Middlesex. (Bot., Ecol., Orn.) 1938 Hurcomb, Sir Cyril, K.B.E., C.B., 12 Campden Hill Court, W.8. (Orn.) 1937 Hussey, S. V., 40 Flanchford Road, W.12. (Bot., Orn., R.) 1930 Hutton, Miss R. E., 34 Thorneyhedge Road, W.4. (Bot., Zoo.) 1927 Jeffery, H. J., A.R.C.S., F.L.S., 14 Coppetts Road, N.10. (Bot.) 1929 Johns, Miss F. E., 30 Mount Stewart Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. (Orn., R., Bot.) 1933 Johns, Miss L. J., 87 Morlev Hill, Enfield, Middlesex. (Arch., Bot., Orn., R., Ecol.) 1931 Johnston, F. J., 19 Connaught Avenue. E.4. (Orn., Ecol.) 1937 Jones, Mrs E. G., Little Collier’s Farm, Whelpley Hill, near Cliesham, Bucks. (Orn.) 1932 Jones, R. R. M., Tros-yr-Afon, Penmon, Anglesey. (Orn.) 1899 *Kaye, W. J., F.R.E.S., Chantrey Lodge, Longdown, Guildford, Surrey. (Lep.) 1937 Keen, Mrs E. M., 15 Doughty Street, W.C.l. (Arch.) 1938 Keith, Miss C., 17 Abercorn Place, NAY. 8. (Arch., Bot., Orn., R.) 1937 Keith- Johnston, C.. Spring Cottage, Sarratt, Herts. (Orn., Ent.) 1934 Kerr, Mrs H. M., Rait-, 22 Elm Tree Road, N.W.8. (Orn., Arch.) 1936 Keywood, K. P., Croft Cottage, Hare Lane, Claygate, Surrey. (Orn., Ent.) 1930 King, Miss C. A., M.D., 8 Lancaster Drive, NAY. 3. (Orn., Arch., R.) 1929 King, E. L., 11 Downs View, Isleworth, Middlesex. (Orn., Bot., R.) 1932 King, Mrs E. L., 11 Downs Yiew, Isleworth, Middlesex. (Orn., Bot., R.) 1928 Lack. H. L., M.D., F.R.C.S., 71 Marlborough Place, NAY. 8. (Orn.) 1936 Lamont, Mrs E. H., 49a Netherhall Gardens, NAY. 3. (Orn.) 1927 Lane, J. H., 571/3 Commercial Road, E.l. (Chem.) 1932 La Touche, J. N. Digues, M.Inst.C.E., Woodcroft, Baldwin’s Hill, Loughton, Essex. 1930 Ledlie, R. C. B., M.B., B.Sc., F.R.C.S., 64 Harley Street, W.l. (Bot., Orn.) 1928 Lee, Miss M., 22 Addison AY ay, NAY. 11. (Orn.) 1928 Leech, T., 52 Park Avenue, Bush Hill Park, Middlesex. (Bot., Orn.) 1922 Lemon, Mrs M. L., M.B.E., J.P., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., Hillcrest, Redhill, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Lewer, F. A., 10 Oakhill Road, SAY. 15. (Orn.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 109 1938 Lewis, Miss L., Flat B, 360 Gray’s Inn Road, W.C.l. (Orn.) 1936 Lewis, Miss M., Oaklea, Whitehall Lane, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. (Orn., Bot., Ent., R., Arch.) 1919 Leyton Public Libraries, per the Librarian (E. Sydney, F.L.A.), Central Library, E.10. 1927 Lister, Miss G., F.L.S., 871 High Road, E.ll. (Orn., Bot.) 1926 ^Littlejohn, H. A., 2 Brooklands Gardens, Roding Lane, Ilford, Essex. (Orn., Bot., R.) 1934 Locket, G. H., M.A., M.Sc., 36 Gayton Road, Harrow, Middle¬ sex. (Ent., Ecol.) 1926 *Longfield, Miss C. E., F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., 20 Pont Street, S.W.l. (Orn., Ent., Bot., Ecol., R.) 1936 Lousley, J. E., 7 Penistone Road, S.W.16. (Bot., Ecol., Orn.) 1930 *Low, G. Carmichael, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., 7 Kent House, W.8. (Orn., Zoo.) 1938 Lowe, Miss C. B. M., 14 Ross Court, S.W.lo. (Arch., Bot Orn R.) 1938 1928 1937 1935 1933 1935 1939 1932 1911 1911 1929 1931 1932 1932 1923 1929 1936 1923 1934 1934 1936 MacAlister, D. A., 10 St Albans Grove, W.8. (Orn.) MacAlister, Mrs E., 10 St Albans Grove, W.8. (Orn., Bot.) McClintock, D., B.A., 20 Roland Way, S.W.7. (Bot., Orn.) McCulloch, G. K., 65 Chester Road, Northwood, Middlesex. (Orn.) MacDonald, Right Honourable Malcolm J., P.C., M.P., Lossie¬ mouth, Morayshire, N.B. (Orn.) McDowell, Miss C. M., 3 Shaldon Mansions, 132 Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. (Bot., Orn.) McEwen, Miss E., 135 Arthur Court, Queensway, W.2. (Orn.) Mclnnes, Miss J., 5 Longton Avenue, S.E.26. (Orn., Bot.. Ecol.) Macintosh, Miss I. S., 3 Mayfield Road, E.4. (Arcli., Bot.) Macintosh, Miss J. D., 3 Mayfield Road, E.4. (Arch.. Bot.) Mackay, Helen M. M., M.D., F.R.C.P., 11 The Grange, Maitland Park Road, N.W.3. (Orn.) McKittrick, T. H., Jim., M.B.O.U., Coombe Place, E. Grinstead, Sussex. (Orn.) McKittrick, Mrs T. H., Jun., Coombe Place, East Grinstead, Sussex. (Orn.) Mackworth-Praed, C. W., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., F.R.E.S., M.B.O.U., 51 Onslow Gardens, S.W.7. (Orn., Ent.) *Macplierson, A. Holte, B.C.L., M.A., F.Z.S., 21 Campden Hill Square, W.8. (Orn.) Maltby, Miss J., 157 Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, Kent (Orn Bot., P. L.) Mann, C. A., 26 Mount Avenue, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. (Ent. Arch.) Mann, E., 10 Frankland Road, E.4. (P. L., Orn., Ecol.) Mann, F. R,«, M.C., Noreena, Ham Common, Surrey. (Orn.) Manser, G. E., 51 Barnmead Road, Beckenham, Kent (Orn Bot., Ecol.) Ma nson-B a hr , P. H., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.A., M.D.. F.R.C.P.. M.B.O.U., F.Z.S., 149 Harley Street, W.l. (Orn.) 110 THE LONDON NATURALIST 1934 * March ant, Miss R., 24 Longmeads, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. (Bot., Arch.) 1932 Mason, C. T., 144 Wembley Hill Road, Wembley, Middlesex. (Ent., Arch.) 1938 Mason, J. H., 67 Thurlow Park Road. S.E.21. (Ent., Orn., R.) 1938 Maund, Miss L., 57 Gordon Court, Du Cane Road, W.12. (Orn.) 1935 Melluish, W. D., 56 Sunnyfield, N.W.7. (Orn.) 1938 Michael, R. P., 4 Rondu Road, N.W.2. (Orn.) 1931 Mijlburn, Miss F. C., Calderfield, St George’s Avenue, Northamp¬ ton. (Orn.) 1939 Milnthorpe, Miss W. M., B.Sc.(LomL), 22 Geneva Road, Thorn¬ ton Heath, Surrey. (Ecol., Zoo.) 1926 Mitchell, Miss E. A., 196a Northolt Road, S. Harrow, Middlesex. (Bot., Orn.) 1932 Mitchell, Miss M. 1., 7 Penwerris Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex. (Bot., Orn.) 1936 Mitford, Capt. Hon. J., Mountain Lake Club. Lake Wales, Cali¬ fornia. U.S.A. 1938 Monk, J. F., 5 Gayton Crescent, N.W.3. (Orn.) 1939 Moore, Miss E., 25 West Cromwell Road, S.W.5. (Arch., R.) 1937 Moreton, Miss M., 7 Abbey View Road, St Albans, Herts. (Orn.) 1934 Morgan, D. A. T., 46 Fordhook Avenue, W.5. (Orn., R., Ecol.) 1939 Morgan, Mrs L., 10 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2. 1937 Morton, Miss G. M., 7 Broomfield Road, Kew, Surrey. (Orn., Arch.) 1938 Moss, Miss I. P., Albert House, Great Wakering, Essex. (Arch.) 1937 Mountfort, G. R., M.B.O.I ., Wildings, Green Lane, Stanmore. Middlesex. (Orn.) 1938 Muirhead, D., 12a Glenloc-h Court, N.W.3. (Ecol., Orn.) 1938 Mulholland, Rt. Hon. H. G. H., M.P., Speaker’s House, Stor¬ mont, Belfast. (Orn.) 1934 Munro, Miss M., Furzedown Training College, Welham Road, S.W.17. (Orn., Ecol.) 1928 Murphy, Miss H.. L.L.A., 43 Stafford Row, E.3. (Bot., Orn., Ent., Arch.) 1939 Muspratt, D. E., 13 Scarborough Road, E.ll. 1937 Musselwhite, I). W., 59 Mayford Road, S'. W.12. (Orn.) 1938 Myers, A. F., 43 Arkwright Road, N.W.3. (Orn.) 1926 Aiblett, M., 10 Greenway, W ellington, Surrey. (Ent., PI. G.) 1893 *Nicholson, Miss B., 49 Danecourt Road, Parkstone, Dorset. (Bot.) 1934 Nicholson, E. M., M.B.O.U., 13 LTpper Cheyne Row, S.WT.3. (Orn., Ecol.) 1934 Nicholson, E. T., 321 Brettenham Road, E.17. (Orn.) 1932 Nicholson, G., Homeland, Basildon Road, Laindon, Essex. (Orn.‘> 1928 Noel. Miss E. F., 37 Burnham Court, WT.2. (Bot., Orn., R Ent PI. G.) 1934 Norris, C. A., M.B.O.U., Grassholme, Stratford-on-Avon, War¬ wickshire. (Orn., Ecol.) LIST OF MEMBERS. Ill 193. O Fan ell, A. F. L., Imperial College of Science, S.W.7. (Ecol. Ent.) 1933 Oke. E. E., Tweenways, The Mount, Leatlierhead, Surrey. (Orn. Ent., R.) 1926 *01dham, C, F.L.S., F.Z.S., M.B.O.I7., Oxfield, Shooterswav, Berkha.nisted, Herts. (Bot., Orn., Conch., Ecol.) 193' Oklroyd, H., M.A., F.B.E.S., British Museum (Natural History). S.W.7. (Ecol., Ent.) 1937 Owen, C. E., 30 Hamilton Road, Harrow, Middlesex. (Orn ) 1938 Paddington Public Libraries (H. J. W. Wilson. A.L.A.. Librarian), Porchestcr Road, W.2. 1929 Page, Miss M. M., 19 Hainthorpe Road, S.E.27. (Orn.) 1938 Park, T\ . 1)., 34 AWiito Horse Drive, Epsom, Surrey (Orn Ecol.) 1938 Parker, Miss J. E., 202 Avery Hill Road, S.E.9. (Bot Ecol Ent., Orn.) 1925 *Parmenter, L„ F.E.E.S.. 94 Fail-lands Avenue, Thornton Heath. Surrey. (Ecol., Bot., Ent. (e,sp. Dipt.). Orn , PI G ) 1938 Parrinder, Mrs E. D., 27 Gwalior House, Chase Road.' X 14 (Orn.) 193b Parrinder, E. R., 27 Gwalior House, Chase Road, N 14 (Orn) 1938 Pariy-Okeden. Miss M. M. C„ The Firs. IVarnham, Horsham Sussex. (Orn.) 1921 Parsons, S. T. T., 89 Holland Park, W.ll. (Orn ) 193' Patterson, H. G., 15 Queen’s Gate Gardens, S.W.7. (Orn ) 1933 Paulson, C. W . G., M.B.O.U., Woodside Cottage, Wheeler’s Lane, Smallfield, Surrey. (Orn.) 1922 Pa^ne, C. H., 13 Kidderpore Gardens, N.W.3. (Orn. Arch) 1930 Payne, E. D. B., 32 Friern Watch Avenue, N 12 (Orn) 1923- Payne, E. M., Tilgate, Long Lane, Hillingdon, Middlesex.' (Bot Orn.) 1923 Payne, L. G.. F.Z.S.. 22 Marksbury Avenue, Richmond Surrev (Bot., Ecol.) 193' Pearce, Miss A. H., B.Sc., White Gables, Clarence Road, St Albans, Herts. (Orn., Freshwater Biol., Ecol.) 1935 Pearce, B. S. K., 74 Ashgrove Road. Goodmaves, Essex (Orn Bot., Ent.) 1937 Pearce, E. W„ 60 Percy Road, Hampton. Middlesex. (Orn ) 1934 Pearson. Miss D. M., St Gabriel’s College. Cormont Road S E 5 (Orn., P. L., Bot., PI. G.) 1932 Pettier. E. &., 78 Richmond Park Road, S.1V.14. (Orn., 11.) 1” Pete men, J. H. G., 73 Forest Drive East, E.ll. (Orn Bot Ecol.) 103? if- L,' 108 XorthwoId Road> E-5- (Orn., Ent., Ecol.) 1931 Pethen. Miss R. W„ 108 Northwold Road, E.o. (Orn Rent 1 T- C E" 5 Ladbr°ke ’ 11. 11. (o™ Bot ) P 193, Philipson IV. R„ Melbrake, Park Avenue, Ruislip, Middlesex. (Orn.) THE LONDON NATURALIST. 112 1932 Phillips, Mrs F. M., 9 Sylvan Hill, S.E.19. (Orn.) 1932 Phillips, H. H., M.P.C.S., L.R.C.P., 9 Sylvan Hill. S.E.19. (Orn.) 1937 Piercy, K., 10b St Edmund’s Terrace, N.W.8. 1931 Pinniger, E. 13., 19 Endlebury Road, E.4. (Ent., Orn.) 1927 Piper, Miss G. E. M., 12 Elms Road, S.W.4. (Orn.) 1935 Pollard, Mrs H. B., “ Greenacre,” Stanhope Road, East Croydon, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol.) 1925 Poock, S. G.r 17 Green Moor Link, N.21. (Orn., Ecol.) 1928 Poole, A. C., 42 The Mall, W.5. (Orn., Bot.) 1933 Popple, Miss W, N., 11 Pemberton Gardens, X.19. (Orn., R., P. L., Ecol.) 1937 Powell, A. M., 35 West End Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1910 Pratt, W. B., 10 Lion Gate Gardens, Richmond, Surrey. (Lep.) 1892 Prout, L. B., F.R.E.S., 168 Middleton Road, E.8. (Lep., Biol.) 1939 Pullinger, F. A., 148 Sussex Gardens, W.2. (Orn.) 1929 Purey-Cust, Miss P., 49 West Hill, N.6. 1938 Raincock, C. W., F.Z.S., 9 Bennett Park, S.E.3. (Mam., Ecol.) 1939 Rammell, Mrs E. M., Waterways, St Albans, Herts. (Orn.) 1926 Rankin, The Hon. Lady, Royal Court Hotel, S.W.l. (Orn.) 1939 Rate li it, A. G., 12 Barnmead Road, Beckenham, Kent. (Orn.) 1934 Ratcliff, P. W., 12 Barnmead Road, Beckenham, Kent. (Orn., Bot., Ecol.) 1938 Rawlence, D. A., Hill Top Cottage, Warboys Road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. (Orn.) 1938 Rawlence, Mrs E. H., Hill Top Cottage, Warboys Road, Kings¬ ton Hill, Surrey. (Orn.) 1934 *Ray, Miss T., 24 Longmeads, Rust Hall, Tunbridge Wells. (Bot., Arch.) 1935 Redpath, K., Glanton, Manor Road, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Bucks. (Orn.) 1929 Reed, Miss J. B., 1 Lymington Court, S.W.19. (Orn.) 1930 Reeve, Miss E. A., The Penn Club, 22 Bedford Place, W.C'.l. (Bot., Orn., Ent., R., Ecol.) 1929 Rew, Miss M., 23 Chester Terrace, N.W.l. (Orn.) 1925 Richardson, A., 4 Manor Road, Lea Valley, Wheathampstead, Herts. (Orn., Ent.) 1928 Richardson, G., 75 Woodbourne Avenue, S.W.16. (Bot.) 1892 Robbins, R. W., Bullens Lee, Pains Hill, Limpsfield, Surrey. (Bot., Lep., Orn., Arch., PI. G., Ecol.) 1934 Roberts, J. E., B.Sc., 24 Warren Drive, Surbiton, Surrey. (Orn., Ecol.) 1933 Robinson, G. F. B., Shenley, Manor Green Road, Epsom, Surrey. (Orn., R.) 1933 Robinson, Mrs M. L., Shenley, Manor Green Road, Epsom, Sur¬ rey. (Bot., R.) 1938 Rommel, Miss D., The Orchard House, Bicldey, Kent. (Arch., Orn.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 113 1937 Rose, C. C., 18 Draycott Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1910 "Ross, J., 23 College Gardens, E.4. (PI. G.) 1935 Rowan, J. D., 65 Haydn Avenue, Purley, Surrey. (Orn.) 1931 Rowberry, E. C., Sabon Gida, Golf Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts. (Orn., Ecol.) 1938 Rowbotliam, S., 71 Wimpole Street, W.l. 1932 Ryan, A. P., 19 Barnsall Street, S.W.3. (Orn.) 1929 Sampson, E. S., 60 Alexandra Road, Epsom, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Scott, Miss E. M. P., 7 Broomfield Road, Kew, Surrey. (Orn., Arch.) 1937 Scott, G. B., 6 Alan Road, SAY. 19. (Geol., Orn.) 1930 Scudamore, Miss M., 23 Marchmont Road, Richmond, Surrey. 1937 Seth-Smith, D., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., Curator’s House, Zoological Gardens, N.W.8. (Orn.) 1932 Seton, Sir Malcolm C. C., K.C.B., M.B.O.U., 26 Upper Park Road, N.W.3. (Orn.) 1937 Sheppard, R., 10 Sylvan Avenue, NAY. 7. (Orn., Zoo.) 1935 Shill, W. A., 41 Douglas Avenue, E.17. (Bot.) 1929 Short, G. R. A., 36 Parkside Drive, Edgware, Middlesex. (Bot., Micr., Pharmacognosy, Ecol.) 1936 Silva, Miss E. T. T., Stone Street Farm, Sevenoaks, Kent. (Orn.) 1938 Sim, A. F. C., Amerden Ponds, Taplow, Bucks. (Orn.) 1892 Simes, J. A., O.B.E., F.R.E.S., 75 Queen’s Road, Loughton. Essex. (Ent.) 1933 Skrimshire, E. H. N., F.R.A.I., F.Z.S., 5 The Old Well House, The Grove, N.6. (Orn., Arch., R.) 1936 Smart, J., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.E.S., British Museum (Natural History), S.W.7. (Ent., Orn.) 1935 Smith, Miss A. J., 26 Newman Street, W.l. (Orn.) 1892 Smith, C. B., 103 Wood Vale, N.10. (Lep.) 1929 Smith, Mrs H. K., 103 Wood Vale, N.10. 1933 Smith, Miss L., 17 Highcliffe Gardens, Ilford, Essex. (Arch.) 1937 Smith, M. A., M.R.C.S., Lane End, Putney Heath Lane, S.W.15. (Rep. and Amph.) 1934 Smith, R. M., 124 King’s Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. (Orn.) 1927 Solly, Miss B. N., 167 Old Brompton Road, SAY. 5. (Orn.) 1927 Southern, H. N., M.A.. F.Z.S., 67 Holden Road, N.12. (Orn., Ecol.) 1936 Spencer, M. D., Long Orchard, Cobham, Surrey. (Orn.) 1937 Spicer, A. H., M.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 29 Campden Grove, W.8. (Orn.) 1935 Spinney, G. H., B.A., 124 Overhill Road, S.E.22. (Bot., Arch., Ecol., R.) 1922 Spooner, H., 21 Musgrave Crescent, SAY. 6. (Bot., Orn., Arch., R., Ecol.) 1936 Springall, R. S., 30 Connaught Avenue, E.4. (Orn.) 1934 Steel, W. O., 16 Upsdell Avenue, N.13. (Ent., PI. G., Ecol.) 1937 Stirling, Lt.-Col. J. A., The Wick, Richmond Hill, Surrey. (Orn.) THE LONDON NATURALIST. 114 1920 1937 1933 1927 1930 1935 1930 1938 1938 1936 1920 1939 1939 1927 1932 1934 1892 1908 1931 1937 1935 1927 1929 1938 1933 1938 1927 1938 1925 1933 1933 *Stowell, H. S., L.R.I.B.A., Pirbright, Torland Road, Hartley Plymouth. (Arch.) Stales, C., B.Sc., 21 Links Road, Ashtead, Surrey. Sulman, J. E., Crofters, Pine Grove, Totteridge, Herts. (Orn.) Swam, A. M., 253 Crescent Drive, Petts Wood, Kent. (Orn.) Swayne, F. G., M.A. (Cantab.), M.B., M.B.O.U., Hoskin’s Arms Hotel, Oxted, Surrey. (Orn.) Tams, W. H. T., F.R.E.S., British Museum (Natural History) S.W.7. (Ent.) Tassart, Miss O. F., 36 Alfriston Road, S.W.ll. (Arch Orn PI. G.) Taylor, Miss M. L., 6 Kent Gardens, W.13. (Bot.) Taylor, Miss M. S., Flat 52 King’s Court, Hamlet Gardens W.6. (Orn.) Thomas, C. H. R., 4 The Crest, Ellington Road N.10 (Ent.. Ecol.) Thomas, Mrs G. E., 9 Talbot Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. (Orn R.) Thompson, P., 7 Paynesfield Avenue, S.W.14. (Bot., Orn.) Thornton, J. O., 6 Arterberry Road, S.W.20. (Orn.) Thresher, Miss G. A., 81 Stanthorpe Road, S.W.16 (Arch Bot Ent., PI. G., R.) Todd, Miss G. E., 17 Queensborough Terrace, W.2. (Bot., Orn.) Tours, H., 7 Briar Road, Kenton, Middlesex. Iremayne, L. J., F.Z.S., Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square W.C.2. (Bot., Lep., Arch., PI. G., Orn., R.) Tremayne, Mrs, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2. (Orn., Arch., Bot., R.) Underwood, R. A., Greemvavs, Shoreham Road, Otford, Kent (Orn.) Upton, Mrs P. V., Eweland Hall, Margaretting, Essex. (Orn.) van Oostveen, Miss M., 11 Gloucester Walk, W.8 (Orn Ent Ecol.) A eitch, Miss A. I., 44 Budoeh Drive, Goodmayes, Essex. (Arch.) Venour, Miss D., 20 Burdenshott Avenue, Richmond, Surrev. (Orn., Ecol.) Vesey-F it zGer aid , B. S., F.L.S., F.G.S., Editor, “ The Field,” Bream’s Buildings, E.C.4. (Zoo., Ecol., Orn.) Vincent, W. G., 154 Winchester Road, Hale End, E.4. (Orn.) Wadley, N. J. P., 132 Rivermead Court, S.W.6. (Orn.) Waller, G., 158 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent (Orn Ent Ecol.) ' Warburg, G. O., 1 Woodside, Erskine Hill, N.W.ll. (Orn.) Ward, B. T., 24 Long Deacon Road, E.4. (Arch., Bot. Ent., Orn., PI. G., R., Ecol.) Ward, Miss T. W., 11 The Close, N.14. (Orn., Icht.) Ward, Miss M., M.B., Ch.B., Threeways, Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks, (Arch., Orn.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 115 1920 'Watkins, Miss H., 12 Connaught Avenue S.W.14. (Orn. R Bot.) 1936 Watt, E. C., 13 Park Road, N.W.l. (Orn.) 1926 Watt, H. Boyd, F.Z.S., 90 Parliament Hill Mansions, N.W.5. (Orn., Ecol., Zoo.) 1925 *W att, Mrs W . Boyd, M.B.O.L ., 90 Parliament Hill Mansions, N.W.5. (Orn., Arch., Ecol.) 1938 Matts, G., The Shanty, AVest Farm Avenue, Aslitead, Surrey (Orn.) 1938 *Wattson, Miss A. E., 2 Beverley Court, Kenton Lane, Harrow, Middlesex. (Ent., Orn.) 1893 Wattson, R. Marshman, 51 Thorndene Avenue, N.ll. (Arch. Ent.) 1928 Weeks, C., 7 Ashmount Road, N.19. (Orn., Ecol., R.) 1939 Wei ford, Miss A. M., 13 Clifton Avenue, N.3. (Orn.) 1931 Wheeler, Miss E. M., 28 Hardy Road, S.E.3. (Orn., Bot,. Ecol R.) 1929 Wheeler, E. P., F.R.I.B.A., Park Lodge, Sutton Park Road, Sutton, Surrey. (Orn., Arch.) 1935 Whitaker, F. 0., 51 Grosvenor Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey (Bot., PI. G., R., Ecol.) 1930 Whitbread, R., 6 Meadow Way, Weald Village, Harrow, Middle¬ sex. (Arch.) 1932 Whitbread, Miss V7. H. E., 6 Meadow V7ay, W7eald Village, Har¬ row, Middlesex. 1937 IVhite, C. A., 18 Townsend Road, Southall, Middlesex. (Orn.) 1933 White, E. I., Ph.T)., F .G.S., Dept, of Geology, British Museum (Natural History), S.W.7. (Palaeontology, Orn.) 1938 Vliitehead, Miss D., 173 Sunny Gardens Road, N.W.4. (Bot. Orn., R.) 1935 Whitnhouse, F. W., WTayside East, Oak Road Harold Wood Essex. (Bot.) 1936 VTiitgift, M., M.I.E.E., 7 Coulter Road, V7.6. (Arch.) 1937 Wiggins-Davies, WT. W., St Thomas’s House, Lambeth Palace Road, S.E.l. (Orn.) 1934 Wightman, J. S., Wood View, Park Road, Ashtead, Surrey. (Orn.) 1938 Wigram, A. F., 166 Rivermead Court, S.W.6. (Orn.) 1938 Wigzell, J. A., 17 WMol Road, SMV.20. (Orn.) 1936 Willcox, J. M., Middlesex Hospital Medical School, W.l. (Orn.) 1937 Williams, O. C. B., 103 Brondesbury Road, N.W.6. (Orn., Ecol.) 1931 Wills, Miss A. M., 294 Footscray Road, S.E.9. (R., Arch.) 1938 W ilson, Miss B. L., 16 Glazbury Road, WT.14. (Orn., Bot.) 1936 Wulson, J. M., Redwing, Townsend Drive, St Albans, Herts. (Orn.) 1938 Wilton, A. R., 262 Kingston Road, S.W.20. (Orn., R.) 1937 WTmberley, R. J. G., Ingleneuk, Churchdown, Glos. (Orn., Ecol R.) 1938 Winsloe, Mrs C. M., 63 North Gate, N.W.8. (Orn.) iio THE LONDON NATURALIST. 193' Winters, Miss E. E>. M., 7 Broomfield Road, Kew, Surrey (Orn Arch.) V 193' Wise, Miss U. V., 48 Warrington Road, Harrow, Middlesex (Orn.) 1929 TVitherby, H. F., M.B.E., H.F.A.O.U., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., Giacious Pond Farm, Chobham, Nr. TV oking, Surrey. (Orn.) 193/ Witney, Miss M., Tarbert, Stratford Road, Watford, Herts. (Orn., Bot.) 1935 T\ oods, Miss C. E. L., Little Ballards, Farley Road, South Croy¬ don, Surrey. (Orn., Ent., Zoo.) 1937 Worthington, Miss L. F., 104 Goldhurst Terrace, N.W.6. (Arch.) 1922 TT right, W. A., 31 Beresford Road, E.4. (Orn.) 1938 TVylie-Moore, N., 3 Helena Court, Eaton Rise, W.5. (Orn.) 1937 Yarrow, I. H. H., M.A., Ph.D., D.I.C., F.R.E.S., 14 Netherhall Gardens, N.W.3. (Ecol., Ent.) Affiliated Societies. 1938 Bishop’s Stortford College Natl. Histy. Society (A. L. Creed), Robert Pearce House, The College, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts! 1936 Tiffin Boys School Scientific Society (Natural Science Section). (D. T. Humphris), Tiffin Boys' School, Kingston-on-Thames. Surrey. (Ecol.) 1936 Westminster School N.H. Society (L. H. Burd), Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, S.W.l. (Orn., Ent., Ecol.) Branch Associates: 1937 Bayes, C. S., 12 Merton Road, E.17. (Orn.) 1925 Boardman, S., 109 Monkham's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. (Orn., Ent.) 1937 Boss, Miss E. F. M., 15 Orford Road, E.17. (Bot,, Orn.) 1930 Brightman, Miss A., St Osyth, Hempstead Road, E.17. 1937 Broome, Miss E. B., 15 Orford Road. E.17. (Bot., Orn.) 1938 Chingford Branch County Library (per the Librarian. E. Ley- land), Hall Lane, E.4. 1939 Churchill, Miss E. M., N.F.U., Bays, The Uplands, Loughton, Essex. 1937 Earl, W. J. H., Bancroft’s School, Woodford Green, Essex. (Orn ) 1920 Hart, Miss H., 7 Park Hill Road, E.4. 1933 Hayward, P. D., 2 King’s Green, Loughton, Essex. (Orn.) 1937 Hiles, Miss I., 50 Drysdale Avenue, E.4. 1938 Horder, Miss J., 14 Douglas Road, E.4. 1933 Jeffery, Miss P., 64 Larkswood Road, E.4. 1939 Lewty, Miss J. P., Oaklea School, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. 1911 Mathieson, Miss M. L., 7 Crescent Road, E.4. (Meteorology.) 1930 Penwarden, Miss C., 39 The Avenue, E.4. 1935 Pettit, H. A., 197 Billet Road, E.17. (Orn.) 1927 Pettit, Mrs S., 2 Victoria Road. E.4. 1927 Pettit, S., 2 Victoria Road, E.4. LIST OF MEMBERS. 117 1932 1925 1937 1903 1935 1927 1937 1937 1 935 1937 1937 1939 1929 1929 1933 1935 1931 1920 1934 1896 1908 1937 1937 1935 1924 1938 1928 1937 1933 Pinniger, Mrs, 19 Endleburv Road, E.4. Saul, H. J. B., 4 Buxton Road, E.4. Smith, R. P., 22 Pelton Avenue, Belmont, Surrey. (Conch.) Stevenson, H. E., F.C.S., 24 Wilton Grove, S.W.19. (Chem.) Stiff, D. F. H., 214 West Barnes Lane, Motspur Park, Surrev. (Geol.) Stopps, W. E., 50 Gordon Road, E.4. Sumerfield, A. R., 82 Churchgate, Cheshunt, Herts. (Orn.) Tucker, Mrs F., 31 Frederica Road, E.4. Tucker, D. G., 31 Frederica Road, E.4. (Orn.) Uden, W., 48-50 Acre Lane, S.W.2. (Geol.) Uden, Mrs W., 48 Acre Lane, S.W.2. (Biol.) Yerini, Miss E. M., M.A.(Oxon.), 55a Palmerston Road, Buck- hurst Hill, Essex. loue, Miss E., 46 Station Road, E.4. (Bot.) Country and School Associates: Acland, Miss C. M., M.B.O.TJ., Walwood, Banstead, Surrey. (Orn.) Ashdown, F. S., M.I.H., The Senior School, De La Warr Road. East Grinstead, Sussex. (PI. G.) Bell, Fairfax, M.A., B.M.B.Ch., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., c/o The Director -of Medical and Sanitary Services, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika, Central Africa. (Ent., Orn.) Benson, Mrs R. B., Dellfield, Featherbed Lane, Felden, Boxmoor, Herts. (Orn., Bot., R.) Biddiscombe, W., Ward B, Warren Road Hospital, Guildford, Surrey. (Bot.) Biddleeombe, P. E., 30 Hill View Road, Orpington, Kent. (Arch.) Bishop, E. B., Lindfield, Marshall Road, Godaiming, Surrey. (Bot., Arch., PI. G., Orn.) Bostock, E. D., Alicoombe, Pelham Gardens, Folkestone, Kent. (Lep.) Bunker, H. E., 27 Broad Oak Lane, Penwortham, Lancs. Clark. A., 9 Northridge Road, Gravesend, Kent. (Orn.) Clerk-Rattray, Miss C. E., Easter Drimmie, Blairgowrie, Perth¬ shire. (Bot., Orn.) Collins, Miss F., School of Gardening, Clapham, near Worthing. Sussex. (Orn.) Cowper, S. G., B.Sc., Ph.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.Z.S., Liver¬ pool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place. Liver¬ pool, 3. (Ecol., Ent., Orn.) C'uningham, Miss D. W. M., Lissara, Barrs Avenue, New Milton, Hants. (Bot., Ent., Orn., PI. G., Ecol.) Darashah, Mrs E. G., 108 Stephen’s Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. (Arch., Bot., R.) Evans, H. J., Jesemin, Amersham Road, Little Chalfont, Bucks. (Orn.) Ferrier, Miss J. M., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., A.A.O.U., Blakeney Downs, Blakeney, Norfolk. (Orn., Ecol.) 118 THE LONDON NATURALIST. 1930 1932 1938 1933 1929 1938 1927 1927 1926 1915 1935 1933 1931 1931 1902 1905 1930 1932 1897 1927 1933 1936 1928 1914 1928 Foster, Mrs S., 12 Victoria Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. (Orn.' Frazer, A. D., M.B., Ch.B., 74 St James Street, Nottingham (PI. G.) Garnett, T. R., Charterhouse, Godaiming, Surrey. (Orn.) Garrett, F. C., D.Sc., South View House, Alnmouth. Northum¬ berland. (Ent.) Gibson, Miss E. M., Ashcroft, Station Road, Petersfield, Hants. (Lep., Orn.) Gulliver, Miss M. L>. (in Australia), c/o Mrs E. Horrex, 130 Cran- brook Road, Ilford, Essex. (Orn., R.) Hackett, C. A., M.A., I).PU., Paris, 42 Weoley Park Road. Selly Oak, Birmingham, 29. (Orn.) Harvey, F. B., The Nook, Rhodes Minnis, Elham, nr. Canter¬ bury, Kent. Harvey, J. H., Half Moon Cottage, Preston Cross, Little Book- ham, Surrey. (Bot.) Hibbert-Ware, Miss A., F.L.S., M.B.O.U., Hilary, Girton, Cam¬ bridge. (Orn.) Hopkins, Prof. Sir F. Gowland, O.M., M.A., M.D.. F.R.S., F.R.C.P., /I Grange Road, Cambridge. (Biochemistry.) Leatheidale, D., Tasli, Hawks Hill, Leatherhead, Surrev (Geol Bot., Ent., PI. G., R.) Leith, R. F., Albion Chambers, Gloucester. (Orn., Arch.) Lockvei , 1. N., LL.BjLond.), 14 Parkway, Rickmansworth, Herts. (Arch., Orn., R.) Lockyer, Mrs T. N., 14 Parkway, Rickmansworth, Herts. (Arch. Orn., R.) Maud, F. H., St Catherine’s, Wind Hill, Bishop’s Stortford Herts. (Arch.) Maud, Mrs F. H., St Catherine’s, Wind Hill, Bishop’s Stortford Herts. (Arch.) Millei , Miss M. E., The ( roft, Rainsford Lane, Chelmsford. (Lep.) Moore, J. W., F.R.E.S., 151 Middleton Hall Road. King’s Nor¬ ton, Birmingham. (Exotic Lep.) Nicholson, C., Nansgwithiek, Tresillian, Truro, Cornwall (Ent Bot., Orn., Ast., PI. G.) Oldfield, Miss A. R., c/o 259 Lea Bridge Road, E.10. (Arch. Bot.) Pike, Oliver G., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., F.R.P.S., The Bungalow, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. (Orn.) Raikes, Miss D. T., Hen Ysgol, Bwlch, Breconshire. ( Ki ch Bot Orn.) Saunders, Miss A. M., St Ann’s, Wray Park Road, Reigate, Surrey. (Bot., PI. G.) Shaw, G. A., 18 Leyburn Grove, Shipley, Yorks. (Bot.) Sparkes, Mrs F. M., 4 Loop Road, Kingfield, Woking, Surrev. (Arch., Bot., R.) Studd, E. F., M.A., B.C.L., F.R.E.S., Exeleigh, Starcross, Devon. (Lep.) Talbot, G., F.R.E.S., Mon Plaisir, Wormley, Surrey. (Lep.) LIST OF MEMBERS. 119 1937 Thomas. L. C., Woodlands, Cobham Road, East Horsley, Surrey. (Bot., Orn.) 1931 Thomas, Mrs P. I., Woodlands, Cobham Road, East Horsley, Sur¬ rey. (Ecol., Orn., R.) 1935 Tracy, N., M.B.O.U., The Black Cabin, South Wootton, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. (Orn.) 1927 Unwin, Mrs J. M., Fairway, Town Road, Rotherfield, Sussex. 1913 Wilde, Mrs C. L., Lindfield, Marshall Road, Godaiming, Surrey. (Arch., Bot., Pi. G.) 1929 Willcox, P. H., Emmanuel College, Cambridge. (Ent., Bot.) 1932 Williams, A. R., Barclay’s Bank, Haifa, Palestine. (Orn.) Note. — The following abbreviations are used in the above lists: — Api., Apiculture ; Aqua., Aquaria ; Arch., Archaeology ; Ast., Astronomy ; Biol., Biology; Bot., Botany; Chem., Chemistry; Col., Coleoptera ; Conch., Conchology ; Dipt., Diptera ; Ecol., Ecology; Ent., Entomology; Ethn., Ethnology; Geol., Geology; Hem., Hemiptera; Hym., Hymenop- tera; Icht., Ichthyology; Lep., Lepidoptera ; Mam., Mammalogy; Micr., Microscopy; Neur., Neuroptera; Orn., Ornithology; Orth., Orthop- tera; Ool., Oology; PI. G., Plant Galls; P. L., Pond Life; R., Ramblers’ Section; Rep., Reptilia; Zoo., Zoology. •Signifies a Life Member. PRESENTED 5 JUN 1939 Publications of the Society. London Naturalist, 1921-25, 1928-31 ----- each 3s 1932-37 ------- 5s London Bird Report, 1936-37 - . each Is 6d Transactions of the London Natural History Society, 1914-20 each 3s Transactions of the City of London Entomological and Natural History Society, 1912-13 (1 vol.) ------ 3s 1891-1911 ------ each 2s N.B. Members may obtain any of the above at two-thirds of the published price. “ LONDON NATURALIST ” REPRINTS. 1. Birds of Eppjng Forest (out of print). 2. Botanical Records of the London Area, Being a List of the Plants Observed within 20 Miles of St Paul’s Cathedral, 6. 8. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 each 6d 3. London Reservoirs and their Influence on Bird Life. By A. Holte Macpherson (1927) ------ 6d 4. The Thames as a Bird Migration Route. President’s Address, 1928. By William E. Glegg. F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. 6d 5. Ornithological Records of the London Area, Being a Pre¬ liminary List of Birds Observed within 20 Miles of St Paul’s Cathedral (1928) - -- -- -- 6d 7. The Birds of Middlesex since 1866. President’s Address, 1929. By William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. Is 9. British Gall Mites. By Harold J. Burkill, M.A., F.R.G.S. (1929) ---------- 6d 10. Some Diurnal Observations on the Nightjar. Bv David Lack (1929) ---------- 6d 11. Birds of the Harrow District (North-west Middlesex), 1925-30 By T. H. Harrisson, M.B.O.U. (1933) - - - - Is 13. Ornithological Records of the London Area (1935) - - 6d 18. An Identification Key to British Grey Geese. By John Berry (1935) ---------- 6d 19. The Survey of Limpsfield Common (1937) 6d Map of the Society’s Area: Showing the 24 sections into which it is divided to facilitate botanical recording - - - - 2d London Natural History Society. PJVHE Society is an amalgamation of the City of London Entomo¬ logical and Natural History Society, founded in 1858, and the North London Natural History Society, founded in 1892. A meeting is held each Tuesday (except July and August) in the London School of Hvgiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street. Gower Street, W.C.l. The room is open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and meetings begin at 6.30 p.m. punctually and terminate about 8.30 p.m., unless other arrangements are announced. The C'HINGFORD LOCAL BRANCH meets at The Clifton Restaurant, opposite Chiiigford Station, at 8 p.m., on the Second Monday m each month during the winter months. At these meetings specimens of Natural History interest are exhibited, and papers on various subjects are read and discussed. Visi¬ tors may be introduced by members of the Society, and are cordially welcome. The minimum Annual Subscription for members is 12s 6d, and for associates os, but for members under 25 yeai-s of age the minimum is 7s 6d. New members and associates pay an entrance fee of 2s 6d. Subscriptions, which should be sent to the Treasurer, become due on January 1st. Members elected after October 1st pay no subscriptions for the current calendar year. Each member and associate is entitled to one copy of “ The London Naturalist ” free; extra copies can be purchased by members, if sup¬ plies are available, at two-thirds of the published price. The Society looks with confidence for the support of all who are interested in the study of Natural History. Further information may be obtained from the Secretary: — A. B. HORNBLOWER, 91 Queen’s Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. PRINTED BY T. BUNGLE AND CO. LTD.. ARBP.OATH . Supplement to The London Naturalist . •> Wt0mi i PRESENTED 15 JUN 1939 LON DOM BIRD REPORT FOR 1938 Being an Annual Report on Bird-Life within Twenty miles of St Paul's Cathedral. COMPILED BY R. C. HOMES, Assisted by the Recording Committee of the Ornithological Section, L. PARMENTER (Chairman). P. W. £. CURRIE. R. S. R. FITTER. D. A. T. MORGAN. C. W. G. PAULSON, M.B.O.U. Price, 1 s 6d. PUBLISHED BY THE LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, THE LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE & TROPICAL MEDICINE, KEPPEL STREET, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.l. DATE OF PUBLICATION, MAY 1939. ♦4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444« 44444444444444444444 444444444« *♦<*44* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦.III;; *444444444444444444*444444444444444444444*444444444444444444444444444444444444»4444444444* 44 44 44 44 44 ♦♦ 44 44 44 44 ♦^^^♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦4444 4*^*4^4<*444 4 44 4 44444#-4 4 4444444444 4444 444444 4444 4 4 ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦444444444444444444~ . . . . . . 44 44 ♦ ♦ 44 44 ♦ ♦ 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 JOHN HARKNESS & CO. LIMITED. 44 44 44 44 44 ♦ ♦ 44 ♦ 4 ♦♦ 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ♦t ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 44 44 ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 44 44 «« :: ♦« ♦♦ 44 44 ♦♦ 44 44 44 ♦« 44 44 44 44 44 :: 4# ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 ♦♦ 44 » 44 ♦♦ 44 ♦« 44 :: 44 ♦♦ #♦ ♦♦ 44 ♦♦ 44 ♦♦ 44 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦4 ♦♦ <>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-4 44 4# ♦ 4 44 44 44 44 ♦♦ 44 44 44 44 44 44 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ 44 44 ♦♦ 44 BOOKS ON BIRDS. Members of the London Natural History Society are invited to our Showroom to inspect the varied stock of Books on Ornithology. Catalogues and Lists are published at intervals during the year, and are sent free upon request. Good Prices Paid for Books on Ornithology. We are always willing to buy INDIVIDUAL BOOKS or LIBRARIES FOR CASH in Town or Country. SPECIALISTS in ORNITHOLOGY. MODERN FIRST EDITIONS. PRIVATE PRESS. PUBLICATIONS. ETC. 44 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ 44 44 44 ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ♦ 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 (Ai,_ . . 4 444444444*4^444^0#4*444‘ ♦•♦♦4444444444444 144 444444 *4 ♦444# 4 4 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 444 •♦♦ 44 ♦44444444444 4 44 4 44 4 4 4444 44 4444444444 4444444444 44 44 ♦♦ 44 I! 69 GREAT QUEEN ST., KINGSWAY, W.C.2. I 44 w w «4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 ^44- 4444 Phone: HOLBORN 7341. 44 44 ♦ 4 44 44 44 44 ♦ 4 44 SOUTH-EASTERN BIRD REPORT. [Published Under the Auspices of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies.] MM _ d! G m •-1 d G > ® O § .y ^ Oi 0> G g g CO o CD O y -h ^ S a •aw > IH y CO d O > o tH ' o d 2 £ “H HH o o Pi ^ -r-i CO oj 03 O P 03 O 6 o Ih w o CO y rG H ' y bo .52 d c TJ +-> O CO d y o3 C/3 y o d jh L_l • ^ G^ O co G . > G G *-> d . in jj o 0T)^ i/i 5 ^ y G _ t? d O r U G d G o - O CO CO d G G CO G O G CO • T— « _ _ .2^ g TO Tj ‘Pi ^ 2 a) H py . tUD P •+-* d 03 rj d ‘pH d £ Tl ° o ° ^ C/3 •pH d rQ aJ o d o § 8-J: 1-c nJ Js-I G O G Jo C/3 d os y c -12 8 G* o d • »— 1 J-H o c ^•a ^ d hh § ° y +j C/3 J-l 03 > O < — i i d 1 »H ■ ^ d d ^ y a aj .y C/3 aj a. >, y aj C/3 03 • Jh CO 03 d d u •P pP co rj £ § So & rrH pP y -M d aj aj 03 . £ C/3 03 <-m •d ° 03 .+_> Ph o CO 03 y y G cl) 2 d gd o G o G ■_ W5 G G in nG 3 £ S «5 ^ G .2 CD G O G d _ o +-> d 03 rt g » o 5 y -t-i y S3 gG G G CD ,rH G Gl O > _ G G G G •S co 5 o .2 cd y vjj drG G CO -i-> C CD G G co c co T3 --4 ■c-l J-H 4-> id 'c3 C-c 1-c ° d y do G . y 4—* G bjQ y 1-1 ^ "co E y d H -,'d.S rM (U -H co d d co d Vh CO C/3 03 o o y CO 03 (H y O • ^ co d 03 -2 CO CO Vh 03 • 03 d 2 d d o) ^ 0,0 rj O ^ .y o CO d TG y -M CO y i-c o , „ £ y d co y d G G y y to , ' 2 G ■5 £ y rG ^ T) ^ G G G G O aj d 03 Ph o -M •_, i—1 a» iS-a 44 <2 in d O G d y d d< G A !o d & Vh o HH d 03 .y a aj b£) y d y 03 CO d 03 03 d rH o 03 rP 5h O On 03 00 CO o> 03 rj O o co .d T3 PhW o u G Ph o _£ s I £>-> }H y p CO • p— I CO g" o Pi o -d CP ■ ^ oq to « Cq s o tn CO d' ^ ■d-d R P "ss CO Q PC3 Oi O o o co O 1 — < Co O CM co c\3 * «Si O CJ *+Gl CO O pC> 1^ CO o O) co O To R. Whitlock, White Hill Farm, Pitton, Salisbury. LONDON BIRD REPORT. PLATE /, 1038. Pliolo by j F ji0\)eris _ Birds m the London Area, 1 938. REP OllT OX BIRD-LIFE WITHIN TWENTY MILES OF ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL. INTRODUCTION. TX this third number of The London Bird Report we include all ornithological matter published by the Society with the exception of the Section’s official report and articles forming part of the Survey of Limpsfield Common, which appear in The London Naturalist. As we feel that there must still be many potential new readers in our area, we hope that members will assist the Society by giving copies to their friends or bringing the report to their notice. Extra copies can lie obtained from the Recorder. We are glad to be able to include this year a valuable paper by Mr W. E. Glegg on the effect of London on bird-life. Other features, besides the usual report, include a summary of the ornithological effects in the area of the severe weather in December. An account of the status of the Reed Warbler, Tufted Duck, and Turtle Dove ig given in a separate article, and we shall be grateful if members will make full observations in 1939 on Goldfinch , Stock Dove, and Common Sandpiper, the species selected for special study by the British Trust for Ornithology. A questionnaire was included in the circular sent out in January, and members who require copies should apply to the Recorder, Mr R. S. R. Fitter, 81 Ridgmount Gardens, W.C.l. An inquiry is also being made this year into the status of the Redshank in the British Isles, and it will be appreciated if members who can supply information for the area will obtain a questionnaire from Mr R. C. Homes, 17 Park Lawn Avenue, Epsom. The Recorder will be glad to supply any other information regarding the Trust on request, and we hope that as many members as possible will join the Trust to give it the widespread support which it needs to continue the valuable work already so successfully begun. In 1938 the Ornitholgical section commenced a study of the bird-life of built-up areas and agricultural land in the area. These terms were defined in a circular sent to recorders in January of that year; unfortunately space does not permit its reproduction here, but copies can be supplied by Mr R. S. R. Fitter on application. It would be of considerable value to put on record a survey of the avifauna of these types of ground, especially ag the agricultural ground of to-day around London may well be the building land of to-morrow. It would be of particular interest to discover how near London certain species breed and how near they attain normal distribution. For these purposes we need notes on all species, however common, in built-up areas, gardens, and agricultural land, and we shall be glad if memberg will refer again to the 1938 circular announcing the scheme, and send us their notes on the lines suggested. Some very interesting reports on agricultural land 9 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. have been received, and are being held until .sufficient material has accumulated to justify a preliminary survey. One of the most notable features of the year wag the exceptionally severe weather in the second half of December, when many species, especially skylarks, were seen in unusual numbers. So many notes have been received for this period that we have summarised them in a special article, which includes some notes on the weather. The chief features were the appearance of Brent and Pink-footed Geese, Little Gull,, exceptional numbers of Smew and Goosander, and the extraordinary abundance of Skylarks and passerine birds generally in inner London and other built-up areas. Dunlin were reported from several localities, and Knots were seen at Barn Elms. Although a few grebes and divers were seen, they were not a prominent feature of the influx as in the winter of 1936-7. Records of unusual interest include a Firecrest and a Bittern, both at Ruislip on the 31st December following the severe weather of Christmas, a pair of Crossbills in Richmond Park in June, a Snow Bunting at Wanstead Flats and a Black Tern at Molesey seen during the reservoir census on 17th November, an Arctic Skua in the Lea Valley, and a Quail heard at Belmont. On 17th November a large raptorial bird, possibly a Harrier, was seen over Hampstead Heath but unfortunately was not fully identified. Another bird, believed to be a Montagu’s Harrier, was seen at Eynsford being mobbed by Crows on 22nd October. Odd records of several interesting birds of prey have- been received, and a Short-eared Owl has been seen in Richmond Park and on Rainham marshes. It seems probable that this species would be more frequently reported if the Thames marshes received more attention. Waders were more numerous than usual at Staines during the autumn, Grey Plover, Sanderling, Knot, and Little Stint being especially noteworthy. Spotted Redshanks were reported from two localities, while a Wood Sandpiper in June is of particular interest. Brooklands sewage-farm was not very productive as the tanks were more flooded than usual. Records of Common Sandpiper wintering in two localities are noteworthy. Strong gales in the first few days of October were followed by a large migration of Swallows, Martins, and Sand Martins, the numbers being unusually large for October migration. Other late dates include the Black Tern already mentioned and a Sedge Warbler in Richmond Park on 23rd October. In the spring Chiffchaffs were plentiful by the week-end of March 18th-19th, but in April migrants were inclined to be late. A monthly census of water-fowl on all the principal waters in the area was begun on 22nd October, and has been continued up to March, 1939. The scheme was well supported, special attention being given to the sex-ratios among ducks, and it is hoped that the results will be published during the summer. All records in the specific notes are for 1938 except where it is otherwise stated. Observers responsible for the published notes are indicated by initials, and counties are given by their first letters : — B. = Buckinghamshire, E. = Essex, H. = Hertfordshire, K. = Kent, M.= BIRDS IN THE LONDON AREA, 1938. 3 Middlesex, S. = Surrey. Other abbreviations are as follows: A.M.= adult male, B.B.=British Birds Magazine, L.B.R.= London Bird Report , Res. = Reservoir, and S.F. = Sewage-farm. A map of the area was published in the Report for 1936, a few copies of which are still available. We regret the omission of the names of Messrs G. E. Manser and E. G. Pedler from the list of observers of 1937. The following is a list of the 107 observers from whose notes the present report is compiled : — Ashby, C. B. Austin, S. Baggallay, Miss J. Beckett, L., per R.C.H. Bentham, C. H. Be ven, G. Bishop, A. H., per C.L.C. Blake, F. W. Burkill, H. J. Butlin, Mrs J. H., per C.L.C. Butterworth, MissM. H. Carrington, L. I. Cawkell, E. M. Cliave, S. P. W. Collenette, C. L. Collett, G. W. Colyer, W. L. Currie, P. W. E. Daffarn, J. D. Davis, Miss R. Dickey, D. O’R., per C.L.C. Dolley, C., per C.L.C. Eleome. G. D. Ellis, W. G. Fisher, J. M. M. Fitter, R. S. R. Fossey, H. B. Gaster, H. Gillham, E. H. Gillingham, D. W. Glegg, W. E. Greenaway, H. Griggs, H. R., per R.C.H. Hale, R. W. Hanson, P. J. Haviland, Miss G. M. B. Hayman, R. W., per C.L.C. Highway, Mrs H. Hohn, 0. Hollom, P. A. D. Homes, R. C. Hopkins, G. Hornblower, A. B. Jeffery, Miss P. H. Johnston, F. J. Justice, Mrs E., per R.C.H. Kerr, Mrs H. M. Raft. Key wood, K. P. Low, G. Carmichael. MacAlister, Mrs E. McCulloch, G. Iv. MacCunn, F., per R.S.R.F. Macpherson, A. Holte. Mann, E. Mann, F. R. Mann, P., per C.L.C. Manser, G. E. Marriott, W. H., per R.C.H. Melluish, W. D. Milnthorpe, Miss W. M. Mitchell, A. F., per C.L.C. Morgan, D. A. T. Muir head, D. Myers, A. F. Nicholson, E. INI. Nicholson, E. T. Norris, C. A. Park, W. 1). Parmenter, L. Parrinder, E. R. Paulson, C. W. G. Pearce, E. W. Pedler, E. G. Peterken, J. H. G. Pethen, R. W. Pettit, H. A. Philipson, W. R. Piercy, G. Wand, per R.C.H. Piercy, W. E. K. Price, M. Philips, per R.S.R.F. Poock, S. G. Popple, Miss W. N. Rabbets, A. J., per G.E.M. Ratcliff, P. W. Rawlence, D. A., per C.L.C. Roberts, J. E. Rose, C. C. Simms, A., per C.L.C. Sladen, W. J. L., per C.L.C. Smith, Miss K. Douglas. Smith, R. McKenzie. Sumerfield, A. R. Thompson, P. Thomson, Dr W. W., per R.C.H. Van Oostveen, Miss M. S. Warburg, G. Watt, Mrs W. Boyd. Watts, G. Weeks, C. White, C. A. Whitehead, Miss D. Wightman, J. S. W igram, A. F. Wigzell, J. A. Wilton, A. R. Windsor, R. E. Wright, W. A. 4 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. Hooded Crow. Corvus c. cornix L. E. King George Res., one on 29th October and 17th December (W.A.W.). Navestock Lake, one on 4th and 11th December (R.McK.S.). Rainham marshes, one on 11th December (W.G.E.). Walthamstow Res., one on 28th December (W.A.W .). S. Cuddington, one flying strongly south on 26th February (P.W.E.C.). Rook. Corvus /. frugilegus L. K. Lee Green, a small rookery, five nests in 1937, was located within 5£ miles of Charing Cross (E.M.C.). Magpie. Pica p. pica (L.). S. Headley Common, a flock of 27 on 27th March; apart from a few desultory chases there was no evidence that the gathering was sexual in purpose (P.W.E.C.). Hawfinch. Coccothraustes c. coccothraustes (L.). E. Epping Forest and district, reported by several observers in first half of year. K. Farnborough, nested; frequently seen in Farnborough-Chevening- Biggin Hill district (H.R.G.). M. Hampstead Heath, seen several times in March (K.D.S.), and two on 24th April (A.F.M.). Ruislip Common, one on 6th February (E.G.P.) and on several dates from 16th March to 7tli April (W.R.P.). Whitewebbs Park, one to four pairs from 4th April to 5th July (A.R.S.). S. Ashtead, well distributed in the district in winter in woods, gar¬ dens and heaths ; one pair nested in a fruit-tree in a garden and three other pairs seen in breeding-season (J.S.W.). Bookham Com¬ mon, one on 1st May (E.M.N.). Epsom Common, a pair on 22nd May (R.S.R.F.). Kew Gardens, two on 24th Feb¬ ruary (W.R.P.). Mickleham Downs, a flock of 40-50 on 2nd and 15th April (P.W.E.C.). Headley, Walton, Tadworth and Kings- wood, one to four on various occasions throughout year (H.B.). Reigate, one singing in castle gardens on 28th January (H.B.). Richmond Park, male feeding fully-grown young on 26th May (J.A.W.). Warlingham, a pair on 2nd July (C.W.G.P.). Wimble¬ don Common, present in breeding-season (E.M.N., R.E.W.). British Goldfinch. Carduelis c. britannica (Hart.). Breeding reported from Epsom, Mitcham, Godstone and Farn¬ borough. As this species is scheduled for special study in 1939 records of breeding distribution will be welcome. S. Epsom Common, a flock of about 150 on 18th September was seen for some time, gradually decreasing later in the autumn (W.D.P.). Siskin. Carduelis spinus (L.). E. Lord’s Bushes, Woodford, six on 6th March (W.A.W. ). K. Beckenham, 25 in alders in Kelsey Park on 23rd January, and five or six on 13th February (A.J.R.). BIRDS IX THE LONDON AREA, 1938. O M. Bushy Park, parties of 50 or 60 seen regularly up to end of Feb¬ ruary (J.E.R.), about 90 on 23rd January (E.W.P.), and appeared in autumn on loth November when there were 20 or more (J.E.R.). Harefield, two on 13th February (W.R.P.). S. Arbrook Common, about sis males on 13th (R.C.H.) and two on 25th February (K.P.K.). Leatherhead, one on 22nd January (H.B.). Limpsfield Chart, about 60 in small flocks were engaged in a sub¬ dued “ community singing ” (P.W.E.C.). Ossliott Common, about ten on 13th February (J.S.W.). Richmond Park, a small flock up to 5th February, maximum 10 on 4th February; one stayed till 2nd March (C.L.C., W.L.C., J.A.W.). Wimbledon Common, several from 17th to 21st April (R.E.W.). Lesser Redpoll. Carduelis flammea cabaret (P. L. S. Miill.). E. Chigwell, Knighton Wood and Epping Forest, noted as winter visitor, 30-40 on 15th April (W.A.W.). North Weald, again seen feeding on Epilobium hirsutum, on 27th November. K. Beckenham, two in Kelsev Park on 9th and about six from 23rd «> to 30th January (A.J.R.). Elmers End S.F., one feeding on thistle on 26th February (A.J.R.). Farnborough, small parties noted from time to time; one pair nested ten feet up in an apple-tree, and six visited garden on 22nd October (H.R.G.). Hayes Common, a male on 15th May (R.S.R.F.). M. Brent Park, Bushy Park, Hampstead Heath and Ruislip, noted in winter. It is believed to be resident on Hampstead Heath but there is no proof of breeding in recent years. S. Ashtead, seen occasionally throughout winter of 1937-8 ; several pairs in spring but breeding not proved (J.S.W.). Beddington Lane, noted feeding on Epilobium hirsutum on 4th December (G.B.) and on Artemisia vulgaris (L.P.). Box Hill, about ten near here on 4th December (R.C.H. , D.A.T.M.). Epsom Common, two on 1st December (F.W.B.). Molesey, a pair feeding on seeds of Epilo¬ bium longifolium on 22nd January (P.W.E.C.). Richmond Park, small numbers early and late in year (C.L.C.). Tadworth district, a few pairs bred (H.B.). Wimbledon Common, noted between 19th March and 7th May (E.M.N., R.E.W.). Crossbill. Loxiu c. curvirostra L. S. Richmond Park, a pair on 26th June (C.A.N.). Braaiblixg. Fringilla montif ring ilia L. E. Epping Forest, 12 or more at High Beech on 20th November (F.J.J.) and four on 3rd April (W.G.E.). Romford S.F., two to six from 26th March to 9th April (H.B.F.). Sewardstone gravel-pit, two on 6th November (W.A.W.). Waltham Abbey, present on 7th Feb¬ ruary (A.R.S.). K. Elmers End S.F., three to four on 8th January, two on 26th Feb¬ ruary and 30-40 on 27th March (G.E.M.). Hayes, 20 on 23rd January (G.E.M.). Keston, one at Holwood on 18tli December 6 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. (H.R.G.). Knockholt Pound, a small flock on 20th November (R.S.R.F.). M. Brent Res., six on 12th March (W.D.M.) and two on 25th December (G.W.). Bushy Park, one on 26th March (J.E.R.). Primrose Hill, present from 5th to 19th March, maximum 16 on 5th (W.E.K.P.). During hard weather at Christmas one visited a garden in St John’s Wood on 26th December (H.M.R.K.), up to three were seen in Ladbroke Square, W.ll, from 22nd to 24th December (A.S.), and a keeper reported about 20 in Ken Wood on 25th December. S. Beddington S.F., the usual large numbers not seen in spring, maximum 12-15 on 20th March (G.E.M., P.W.R.). Mitcham, two to three at Watermeads on 13th March. Morden, one on 24th December (G.B.). Reigate, one on 29th October (H.B.). Richmond Park and Wimbledon Common, reported on numerous occasions ; at Wimbledon several stayed till 6th May, and a single bird was seen as late as 12tli June (R.E.W.). North Downs : for the area bounded by Cuddington, Epsom Downs, Mickleliam, Headley, Tadworth and Kingswood there are records for February, March, October, Novem¬ ber and December, mostly single birds or small parties, maximum about 30 near Headley on 30th March (J.S.W.). Tree- Sparrow. Passer m. montanus .) and at Upper Norwood on 26th November (G.D.E.), and single birds at Putney on 10th November (M.H.B.) and at Barn Elms on 14th November (W.R.P.) ; reported to be unusually plentiful at this time in Richmond Park (C.L.C.), at Claygate, and on Arbrook and Esher Commons (K.P.K.). Fire-crested Wren. Beg ulus i. ignicapillus (Temm.). M. Ruislip Common, a pair Avere seen by R.W.H. and C.C.R. on 31st December. As this is the first record for Middlesex, we quote R.W.H. aaOio notes the folloAving features: — BIRDS IN THE LONDON AREA, 1938. 9 White stripe over the eye, hlaek line through the eye and pale streak below it; in the male, a reddish-orange crest — there was a little lemon yellow along the side of the crest, but not nearly so much of this colour as in the Goldcrest; in a front, view the crest looked broader than a Gold- crest’s is in repose, and almost uniformly bright reddish-orange; a black line on each side of the crown above the superciliary stripe; the paleness of the underparts when seen from below; the upper parts seemed to be of a brighter green than the Goldcrest’s. Great Grey Shrike. Lanius e. excub it or L. S. Richmond Park, one first reported on 1st December 1937 (. L.B.L. , 1937. p. 8) remained in the neighbourhood throughout the winter and was last seen on 13th March by M.S.O. One was seen on Ham Common on 5th (P.M.) and 6th "November (F.R.M.). Red-backed Shrike. Lanhis c. collurio L. E.M. Breeding reported from Epping Forest, Ruislip (3 pairs) and Staines, hut a 1937 territory near Mill Hdl was not occupied. K. Farnborough, a few pairs (H.R.G.). S. Ashtead, 2-3 pairs (J.S.AV.). Ham Common, one pair nested (F.R.M.). Royal Wimbledon golf course, one pair nested (J.A.W.). Walton Heath, several pairs (J.S.W.). Mitcham Common, four pairs nested, only one bringing off its first clutch successfully : a second pair left the district after the destruction of its nest before eggs had been laid : two other pairs successfully reared broods at second attempts, the young leaving one nest as late as 13th September (W.W.T.). Pied Flycatcher. Muscicapa h. hypoleuca (Pail.). S. Wimbledon Common, an adult female on 7th September (R.E.AA .). Wood- Warbler. Phylloscopus s. sibilairix (Bechst.). B.E.M. Heard in breeding-season at Black Park, Langley Park. Hampstead Heath, Ruislip, Stanmore, Epping Forest, White- webbs Park. K. Reported in May from Farnborough and near Sevenoaks (H.R.G.'h Hayes Common and Holwood (R.S.R.F.). S. Dulwich Woods, three pairs throughout summer, at least one pair nesting successfully (R.D.). Richmond Park, did not nest this year (C.L.C.). Shirley Hills, three heard, almost certainly nested (G.E.M.). Wimbledon Common, unusually scarce, one pair nested (R.E.W.). Also reported from Ashtead, Box Hill, Epsom Common, Headley and Old Malden. Grasshopper-Warbler. Locust ella n. noevia (Bodd.). B. Denham, heard on 24th July (W.R.P.). H. Cuffley, heard on 28th April (A.R.S.). M. Ruislip, fledglings seen on 18th August (W.R.P.). S. Reported as usual from Ashtead, Bookham and Epsom Commons, and Walton Heath. 10 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. Dartford Warbler. Sylvia undata dartfordiensis Lath. S. Nested again in locality A (c.f. previous reports) where eight pairs were definitely located in the breeding-season. At locality B no birds were seen after 25tli February. At the third locality men¬ tioned in the 1937 Report one bird was seen on 1st December. The bird which appeared in Richmond Park on 19th December 1937 was last seen on 4th February by W.L.C. British Song-Thrush. Turdus e. ericetorum Turton. S. Ewell, two nests, with young and eggs, on 30th April had no mud lining, probably owing to drought (R.S.R.F.). Fetcham, a young bird, just able to fly, on 19th October (H.J.B.). Walton Heath, a nest with two eggs on ground in dead bracken on 18th April (P.W.E.C.). Greenland Wheatear. Oenanthe oe. leucorrhoa (Gm.). S. Beddington S.F., one on 8th May (G.E.M.) was watched together with Common Wheatears. Whinchat. Saxicola r. rubetra (L.). E. Bred at Chigwell S.F., King George Res., and Sewardstone (W.A.W.). Romford S.F., about three pairs resident (H.B.F.). Rye House, a pair on 26th June (E.R.P.). H. Sandy Lodge, bred (G.H.). K. Leaves Green, a male ginging on 15th May (R.S.R.F.). Elmers End S.F., noted on autumn passage (G.E.M.). M. Eastcote, two pairs bred (W.R.P.). Scratch Wood, male singing on 29th May, but nesting not proved (W.D.M.). Wravsbury, a family party on 25th June (D.A.T.M.). S. Bookham Common, one pair in breeding-season (J.S.W.). Epsom Common, a pair on 22nd May (R.S.R.F.). Molesey, two pairs with fledgling young at Island Barn Res., on 2nd July, and a nest with four young at West Molesey Res. on 9th July (P.W.E.C.). Richmond Park, two pairs believed to have nested (C.L.C.). Reported on spring passage at Barn Elms and Mitcham Common, and on autumn passage at Mitcham, Beddington, and Wimbledon. Redstart. Phoenicurus p. phoenicurus (L.). B. Black Park, a pair on 18th June (D.A.T.M.). E. Epping Forest, W.G.E. saw a pair feeding young on 3rd July, and W.A.W. recorded a family party on 2nd August, but A.R.S. considers that the species was scarce. King George Res., a female or immature bird seen in a garden from 28th October to 1st November (A.R.S.). M. Bushy Park, bred as usual. Ruislip, a female on 12th May (W.R.P.). S. A decrease in nesting pairs in Richmond Park (C.L.C.) Also reported from Ham Common on 14th April (F.R.M.), Headley Heath on 30th April (J.S.W.), Burwood Park on 30th April (P.A.D.H.), Wimbledon Common on 4th August (J.B.), and Walton Heath on 9th October (H.B.). BIRDS IN THE LONDON AREA, 1938. 11 Black Redstart. Phoenicurus ochrurus gibraltariensis (Gm.). M. Edmonton S.F., a .male on 8th May (E.M., R.W.P., see also B.B., xxxii. p. 19). St John’s Wood, a male stayed for 21 hours on 22nd June (H.M.R.K.). S. Barn Elms Res., a male on 23rd March (E.G.P.). Beddington S.F., three, apparently an adult male, an immature male and a female, from 10th December (C.B.A.) to the end of the year (many observers). Molesey, a female at Island Barn Res. on 26th March (P.W.E.C.). Nightingale. Luscinia m. megarhyncha Brehm. The following notes are included on account of the paucity of notes received for this species from Kent : — K. Blacklieath, one singing in a garden in Shooters Hill Road on 22nd April ( Country Life , 18.6.38). Farnborough district, fairly well distributed (H.R.G.). Hayes, probably bred (G.E.M.). Martin. Delichon u. urbica (L.). 31. Highgate, bred in Chester Road in 1937 (W.N.P.). Wembley Park, two nests in 1938 (R.W.H.). Hendon, breeds in Sunny Gardens Road (D.W.). Hayes, one pair bred over a shop (D.A.T.M.). It would be interesting to know in what numbers this species nests in built-up areas. After strong winds in the first few days of October large numbers of Swallows, Martins, and Sand-3Iartins were seen. At Beddington S.F., about 100 Sand-31artins were present on 9th October, and about this date several were found drowned in the settling-tanks, while on the 27th a House-3Iartin was rescued from them alive. On the 16th G.B. estimated that there were several thousand House-3Iartins, but by this date there were only three Swallows and about 10 Sand-31artins left. Swift. Apus a. apus (L.). E. Chingford, four pairs bred in derelict houses (E.31.). 31. Bush Hill Park, two pairs at nesting-site on 5th May (P.J.H.). Islington, two pairs nested (W.N.P.). 3Iill Hill, breeds in old farm buildings at Copt Hall (D.W.). St John’s Wood, seen regularly from 14th May up to August (H.M.R.K.). S. Breeding reported from Norwood (40-50 pairs), Putney (1 pair), and Richmond (3 pairs +). Further breeding notes from built-up areas would be welcome. Fetcham, large migration, 800-1000. on 28th 3 lay (H.J.B.). N ightjar,. Caprimulgus e. europoeus L. Present in breeding season in Epping Forest, and at Cuffley and Ruislip. K. Hayes, one pair probably bred (G.E.3L). 31. Hampstead Heath, one seen and heard on 5th June (D.M.). S. Burwood Park, a pair on 23rd June (P.A.D.H.). Epsom Common, at least three, and possibly four, pairs (R.C.H., W.D.P.). 12 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. Wryneck. Jynx t. torquilla L. M. Northwood, one on 1st May (G.H.). S. Reported fr-om Ashtead (two pairs, J.S.W.), Tadwortli (H.B.), Ewell and Limpsfield (R.S.R.F.). Short-eared Owl. Asia /. flammeus (Pontopp.). E. Rainham marshes, one on 11th December (W.G.E.). S. Richmond Park, one on 29th (D.A.R.) and 30th October (F.R.M.). White-breasted Barn Owl. Tyto a. alba (Scop.). E. Romford S.F., seen several times (H.B.F.). Sewardstonebury, one on 1st May (F.J.J.). H. Colney Heath, one on 10th April (A.R.S.). S. Arbrook Common, one seen on 18th September (K.P.K.). Epsom, two on 13th July (W.D.P.). Ham Common, a frequent visitor to garden and common (F.R.M.). Wimbledon, one flying along Bushey Road on 4th October (R. W. Hayman, Journal Wimbledon N.U.S. , January 1939, p. 12). Peregrine Falcon. Falco p. peregrinus Tunst. M. Staines Res., one on 2nd (G.C.L., A.H.M., D.A.T.M., C.A.W.) and 30th January (G.C.L., A.H.M.) and one flew over northwards on 10th September (D.A.T.M.). S. Mickleham, one on 30th January. Limpsfield, one on 6th March (P.W.E.C.). Hobby. Falco s . subbuteo L. S. One was seen in the Surrey section of the area on 12th June. Merlin. Falco columbarius oesalon Tunst. M. Staines Res., one on 15th April (D.A.T.M.). Common Buzzard. Buteo b. buteo (L.). M. Kew Bridge, of two birds seen over north end of bridge on 20tli March one was definitely identified as this species (R. Preston Donaldson, Times, 23.3.38). Common Heron. Ardea c. cinerea L. E. There were 56 occupied nests at Walthamstow Res. (R.W.P.) and 14 at Wan stead Park (per W. B. Alexander) as compared with 51 and 17 respectively in 1937. M. Although groups of this species are common at the reservoirs a party of 53 at Littleton on 15th August (A.H.M.) seems worthy of record. S. Battersea Park, three on 19th November, apparently a regular morning visitor (E.M.N.). Galton Park, 15 birds on 20th March, two pairs nested (G. Wand Piercy). Hersham, seven occupied nests (P.A.D.H.). Richmond Park, 52 or 53 occupied nests, all in Spanish chestnuts (C.L.C., A.H.M.). BIRDS IX THE LONDON AREA, 1938. 13 Bittern. Botaurus s. stellaris (L.). M. Ruislip Res., one flushed at close quarters on 31st December (R.W.H., C.C.R.). Pink-footed Goose, .ln.se?' brachyrhynclius Baillon. S. Barn Elms Res., three on 27th and 30th December (A.F.W.). Bed- dington S.F., a party of 10 was seen by P.W.E.C. on 23rd Decem¬ ber and probably left on the morning of the 24th. One which had been shot on the 22nd was seen in the flesh by P.W.E.C., who was told that there had been a party of 7, probably different birds. (See also B.B.. xxxii, p. 307.) The birds at Barn Elms were very tame and may have been escapes, but the weather was very severe at the time and there is no reason to suppose that the birds at Bed- dington were not wild ones. Grey Geese. Iv. Beckenham, a party of five flew S.W. over Barnmead Road at 9 a.m. on 25th December (G.E.M.). Canada Goose. Branta canadensis (L.). S. Barn Elms, two on loth April (D.A.T.M.), also present on 26th April (W.R.P.). Gatton Park, exists in feral state, having first appeared in 1929 or 1930. Numbers have reached about 200 in winter, but for the past three years eggs have been destroyed to keep down the number, and about March 1938 nearly all left. In May only 12 remained (G. Wand Piercy). Brent Goose. Branta bernicla. (P subspecies). S. Molesey, a party of 8 stayed, preening and washing, for about 50 minutes at Island Barn Res. at mid-day on 17th December. The weather was very cold at the time, and snow was widespread fur¬ ther north (P.W.E.C., see also B.B., xxxii, p. 307). Sheld-Duck. Tadorna tadorna (L.). E. Walthamstow Res., one on Banbury on 3rd September (E.T.X.). M. Brent Res., one on 4th November (W.D.M.). Staines Res., three on 6th and 13th February (C.A.W.), up to five from 10th April to 1st May (G.C.L., and others), four on 14th August and seven on 10th and 11th September (G.C.L., A.H.M., C.A.W.). These figures include the bird which was first seen in October 1932 and has since been seen regularly up to 19th November 1938 (A.H.M.). Gadwall. Anas strepera L. K. Beckenham, a female in Kelsey Park on 4th September (A.J.R.). M. R. Thames, a pair near Westminster Bridge on 9th June, and five in King’s Reach on 17th August (R.S.R.F.); at Isleworth, a pair in January and a male on 24th December (W. H. Marriott). Hampstead and Highgate ponds, a male on 22nd October (W.B.W.). 14 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. S. Battersea Park, a full-winged male in April (E.M.N.). Barn Elms Res., up to eight seen throughout the year by many observers; one pair bred and reared six young (G.C.L., C.A.W.). Beddington farm pond, a pair bred and reared four young (C.B.A., G.B.). Lonsdale Road Res., a male and three females on 14th November (A.F.W.). West Molesey Res., four on 12tli March (H.M.R.K.). Records of this species have been included in full, but we must emphasise that full-winged birds are reared in St James’s Park, and that some, if not all, the records, are probably due to this fact. Teal. Alias c. crecca L. E. King George Res., 122 on 17th December (W.A.W.). M. Ruisiip Res., a brood of six young on 24th July (W.R.P., C.A.W.). S. Maxima recorded : Barn Elms, six on 20th and 23rd December (W.R.P.). Beddington, 35 on 26th November (G.E.M.). Island Barn Res., Molesey, about 240 on 8th January, 412 (247 m., 165 f.) on 5th February, about 250 on 9th March, falling to 67 on 19th April, 62 on 15th October, rising wTith fluctuations to 206 on 17th December (P.W.E.C.). Richmond Park, ten on lltli November (M.H.B., W.L.C.). West Molesey Res., 28 on 8th January (P.W.E.C.). Garganey. Anas querquedula L. M. Ruisiip Res., a male from 7th (W.R.P.) to 13th March (R.W.H.), See also B.B., xxxi, p. 357. S. Island Barn Res., Molesey, two males and a female on 9th April. (P.W.E.C.). Wigeon. Arias penelope L. H. Colney Street, about six on R. Colne on 6th February (E.R.P.). M./S. R. Thames, a male at Chiswick on 26th December (E.M.N.)r and about 12 near Lonsdale Road on 28th and 29tli December (G.D.E.). M. Ruisiip Res., a pair on 12th and 13th March (R.W.H., W.R.P. ). S. Barn Elms Res., a male on 21st April (G.C.L.) and from 22nd November to 31st December. Beddington Lane ponds, three on 19th February (G.E.M.). Maximum at Island Barn Res., Molesey,. 17 on 17th December, and at West Molesey Res., 20 on 5th March (P.W.E.C.). E.H. Also reported from King George and Walthamstow Res. (4 on 28th December), Leytonstone and Hamper Mill. Pintail. Anas a. acuta L. M. Chiswick, a male on R. Thames on 26th December (E.M.N.). Ruisiip Res., a female on 13th January (W.R.P.). Staines Res., a pair on 22nd (A.H.M., C.A.W.) and 29th May (G.C.L. , A.H.M.). Southgate, a male reported by S.G.P. on 20th February is said to have been there some time and is believed to be an “ escape.”" 15 BIRDS IN THE LONDON AREA, 1938. S. Brooklands S.F., a pair on loth April (R.C.H.). Island Barn Res.,. Molesev, a female on 17th December (P.W.E.C1.). Richmond Park, a male on 19th November (C.L.C.). Shoveler. Spatula clypeata (L.). B. Langley S.F., a female on 23rd April (D.A.T.M.). E. King George Res., a male on 27th December (F.J.J., W.A.W.). M. Littleton Res., about 50 on 26th August (S.A.), 49 on 22nd October, 18 on 19th November and 16 on 17th December (W.E.G.). Staines Res., numbers in first quarter varied up to 35+ on 4th March, then fell to 15 on 10th April (C.A.W.), one on 1st and 29th May (G.C.L.), 57 on 24th September (C.B.A.), 20 on 22nd October (A.H.M.), then a maximum of 8 for the rest of the year. S. Barn Elms Res., a male on 26th March (D.A.T.M., E.G.P.), a female on 16tli August (G.C.L.) and two on 12th October (E.G.P.). Mit¬ cham junction gravel-pits, six on 22nd October (C.B.A.). Richmond Park, a male on 27th March (C.L.C.). On spring passage numbers reached 7 at West Molesev on 26th March, while there were 17 on this date at Island Barn Res., where there was a maximum of 23 on 19th April. A few stayed into May at both localities (P.W.E.C.). Common Pochard. Nyroca /. ferina (L.). M. Staines Res., from ten on 26th June there was the usual increase to 173 on 16th July (A.PI.M.) and a maximum of 407 on 28tli August (G.C.L.). The species also appeared at Walthamstow Res. on 13th June when there were 14 males. Other localities as usual. Osterley Park, one pair bred (C.A.W.). S. Returned to several localities in June, but no large flocks reported before the severe weather in December, when there were 111 at Barn Elms on the 17th. On the 29th A.H.M. counted 461, and G.D.E., estimated that there were over 600. [ Fer.ru ginous Duck. Nyroca n. nyroca (Gtild). S. Barn Elms Res., a pair seen by G.C.L. on 17th July had probably come from St James’s Park, where the same observer saw a brood of seven young on 28th June.] Scaup. Nyroca m. mania (L.). E. Walthamstow Res., three males and a female on 28th and 31st December (W.A.W.). M. Ruislip Res., a female on 8th January (W.R.P.). Staines Res., a o ^ 1 1 1 I c h Udi ^ , 1 3tli March, and three on 3rd (G.C.L.), one on 10th and three on 28th April (G.C.L., A.H.M .) and one on 1st May (G.C.L.). S. Island Barn Res., Molesev, a drake on 19th April (P.W.E.C.). Goldeneye. Bucephala c. clangula (L.). E. King George Res., a male on 29th January (J.H.G.P.) and two on 5th March (J.H.G.P., W.A.W.), one to three from 24th November to the end of year (A.R.S.). Walthamstow Res., two on 28th and 31st December (W.A.W.). 16 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. H. Chesliunt, a male on Boyer’s Lake on 19th November (A:R.S.). K. Stone, an adult male on 27tli December (E.H.G.). M./S. R. Thames, three males and a female opposite Chiswick Eyot from 25th to 29th December (G.D.E., E.M.N., 51 .R.P.). M. Hampton Res., one on 19th November (R.S.R.F.). Littleton Res., two on 17th December (W.E.G.). Ruislip Res., two brown-headed birds on 26th February (R.W.H.). Staines Res., maxima winter 1937-8 were seven in January, 20 in February (G.C.L., A.H.M.), 33 in March on 13th, then after falling to 12 on 3rd numbers rose to 35 on 10 tb April, 18 staying until 1st May (C.A.W.), one on 3rd July (A.H.M.); from 1st October not more than 12 until 17th Decem¬ ber when there were 21 (A.H.M. and others). S. Barn Elms Res., one on 10th November (W.R.P.), two on 17th (D.A.T.M.) and one from 20th to 29th December (W.R.P., A. FAY.). Lonsdale Rd. Res., one to four, including three males, from 24th to 31st December (several observers). Richmond Park, one on 17th December (C.L.C., D.A.R., J.A.W.). Island Barn Res., Molesey, four drakes on 8th January, two on 5th February, and two to three from 3rd December to the end of the year (P.5Y.E.C.). 55 est Molesey Res., seen up to 19tli April, maximum 15 on two occasions; three drakes appeared on 18th June and were going into eclipse by 7th July; six were seen on 19th November, maximum 11 on 28th December (P.5V.E.C., and others). Long-tailed Duck. Clang via hyemaHs (L.). M. Staines Res., the birds first seen in September 1937 ( L.B.B. , 1937, p. 13) stayed throughout the winter, three being seen on 10th (C.A.5V.) and one on 24th April (G.C.L., A.R.S., C.A.5V.); one from 1st October to the end of the year (A.H.M. , and others). S. 5Vest Molesey Res., a female or immature male from 27th January (J.B.) to 2nd April (P.5V.E.C., R.C.H., D.A.T.M.). On 19th April at Island Barn Res., P.5V.E.C. saw one which was probably the same bird, being in similar plumage. It was not one of the three birds from Staines as all four were seen on 30th January by R.C.H. and H. H. Davis (see also B.B., xxxi, p. 335). On 5th February P.5V.E.C. timed five dives in 25 feet of water, obtaining an average of 54.7 seconds (maximum 62; minimum 49). Common Scoter. Oidemia n. nigra (L.). M. Ruislip Res., a pair on 14th July (5V.R.P.). Staines Res., four on 31st July (G.C.L., C.A.5V.) and two on 2nd and 5th August (A.H.M.). S. Barn Elms Res., two on 21st April (G.C.L.) and an adult drake on 27th and 28th September (E.G.P.). Goosander. Mergus m. merganser L. E. Connaught Water, 12 on 23rd and 5 on 28th February (F.J.J.). King George Res., seen up to 4th April, maximum 14 (A.R.S., and others), a male on 10th and nine on 17th December (W.A.5Y.). 55Tal- BIRDS IN THE LONDON AREA, 1938. 17 thamstow Res., maximum in early part of year nine on 23rd January (E.T.X.); 41 on 28th (W.A.W.) and 18 on 31st December (H.A.P.). H. Elstree Res., one on 22nd January (J.D.D.). K. Dartford, two red-headed birds from 24th to 27th December (E.H.G.). M. Bushy Park, up to 12 in early mornings in January (E.W.P., J.E.R.). Kempton Res., six on 17th December (P.A.D.H.). Little¬ ton Res., one on 22nd October and two on 17th December (W.E.G.). Ruislip Res., two on 20th December (W.R.P.). Staines Res., from 45 on 2nd January (A.H.A1.) numbers rose to 110 on 26th February (H.M.R.K.) ; 15 still present on 10th (C.A.W.), two staying until 18th April (A.H.M.); one on 22nd October (A. ELM.) gradually ris¬ ing to 26 on 11th, then sharp increase to 87 on 17th and about 100 on 28th December (several observers). S. Barn Elms Res., one to two in December increasing to ten on 30th and 24 on 31st (many observers). Lonsdale Rd. Res., one on 31st December (C.B.A., C.A.W.). Richmond Park, maximum 44 on 4th January (W.E.G.). Island Barn Res.. Alolesey, seen up to 19th April, maximum 38 on 26th March then only a few; up to six from 3rd December to end of year (P.W.E.C.). West Molesey Res., 128 (15 adult males) on 8th January falling to 46 on 12th March, then a few till 2nd April ; one on 22nd October, but few until 17th Decem¬ ber when there were 20. On the 28th there were 184 (44 adult males) and 121 (30 adult males) on the 31st (P.W.E.C.). Red -breasted Merganser. 'Mery us s err at or L. S. W est Molesey Res., four red-headed birds on 28th and one on 31st December (P.W.E.C., see also B.B., xxxii, p. 307). Smew. Mery us albellus L. E. King George Res., two on 27th December (F.J.J., W.A.W. ). Wal¬ thamstow Res., one on 15th January (E.T.X.) and four on 4th (J.H.G.P.) and 5th February (W.A.W.), ten on 28th (F.J.J., W.A.W.) and twenty in flight on 31st December (E.T.X.). H. Elstree Res., one on 9th January (J.D.D.). Iv. Dartford, 12 red-headed birds on 24th and 20, including three adult males, on 27th December (E.H.G.). M. Chiswick, one on R. Thames on 26th December (E.M.X.). Hampton Res., one on 17tli December (P.A.D.H.). Kensington Gardens, one on 20th December (G.C.L.) and three on the Serpentine on 24th and two on 25th December (A.H.M.). Staines Res., one to three on various dates up to 13th February (several observers), two on 8th December (J.A.W.), one on 17th (A.H.M.), five on 25th, two on 27th (C.A.W.) and on 28th (J.A.W.). S. Barn Elms Res., two on 3rd and six on 4th and oth February; seen from 17th to 31st December, maximum nine on 31st- (many observers). Beddington Farm pond, two from 25th to 31st December (many ob¬ servers). Lonsdale Rd. Res., seen up to 8th March (A.H.M.), maxi¬ mum 20 (6 a.m.) on 28th February (E.G.P.); from 17th to 31st 18 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. December, maximum 14 (5 a.m.) on 31st (many observers). West Molesey Res., 43 on 5tli (J.B.) rising to 60 (22 a.m.) on 22nd January, then 38 (9 a.m.) on 5th February, a few remaining till 12th March; two on 3rd December rising to 13 on 17th and to 117 (32 a.m.) on the 28th. On the 31st there were 54, including 14 a.m. (P.W.E.C., and others). The flock of 117 is the largest that has been seen in the area. Cormorant. Phalacro corax c. carbo > 19— H. Theobalds Park A.R.S. ,, 21— M. Hampstead Heath A.F.M. ,, 21— M. Bushy Park ... E.W.P. Sept. 10 — M. Southgate . E.R.P. ,, 17— E. Epping Forest W.D.P., W.A.W. ,, 17— H. Cheshunt . A.R.S. ,, 25 — S. Tadworth . H.B. 25 — K. Downe . R.S.R.F. CHIFFCHAFF. Mar. 8— S. Richmond Park W.L.C. , R.E.W. ,, 18 — M. Whitewebbs Park A.R.S. ,, 20— K. Elmers End S.F. G.E.M. ,, 20— E. Knighton . W.A.W. Sept. 22 — K. Elmers End S.F. P.W.R. ,, 25 — E. Knighton . W.A.W. Oct. 8 — S. Wimbledon . R.E.W. ,, 10 — H. Cheshunt . A.R.S. ,, 11— M. Kensington Gardens E.G.P. WILLOW WARBLER. Mar. 23— S. Wimbledon . R.E.W. ,, 26— M. Ruislip . C.A.W. April 9— E. Chingford . F.J..J. Sept. 15— K. Elmers End ... P.W.R. ,, 17— E. Epping Forest, W.A.W. ,, 23— S. Richmond Park, W.L.C. ,, 25 — H. Cheshunt . A.R.S. 48 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. WOOD-WARBLER. May 8 — B. Denham, . R.S.R.F. April 27— M. Hampstead Heath 3 5 8— M. Mill Hill, . . W.D.M. K.D.S. 3 9 9— H. Theobalds Park, A.R.S. ,, 28— S. Richmond Park . ,. C.L.C. Sept. 29— E. Epping Forest, A.R.S. May 8 — B. Black Park ... : R.S.R.F. ,, 8 — E. Epping Forest .. . A.R.S. FIELDFARE. 11— K. Farnborough ... H.R.G. April 22 — E. Waltham Marsh, A.R.S. 9 9 30 — M. Edmonton . . E.M. GRASSHOPPER-WARBLER. 9 9 30 — M. Ken Wood, . ... A.F.M. .April 28— H. Cuffley . . A.R.S. 9 9 30 — S. Beddington, May 3— S. Ashtead . . J.E.R. C.B.A., G.B. ,, 7 — M. Ruislip . W.R.P. Oct. 18 — M. Bushy Park, .. ... J.E.R. Aug. 18— M. Ruislip . W.R.P. 9 3 21 — S. Epsom, . .. R.C.H. Nov. 6 — K. Lullingstone Park, REED-WARBLER. R.S.R.F. May 5— M. Edmonton S.F. ... E.M. 11— S. Wimbledon . R.E.W. REDWING. 22 — E. Chigwell . W.A.W. Mar. 27— M. Hampstead Heath, Aug. 23— S. Barn Elms Res. G.C.L. A.F.M. Sept. 16— H. Cheshunt . A.R.S. April 21— S. Wimbledon. ... .. R.E.W. Oct. 18 — M. Hampstead Heath, SEDGE-WARBLER. A.F.M. April 9— M. Edmonton S.F. ... E.M. 3 9 22 — S. Beddington, ... . L.P. ,, 23 — S. Mitcham . .... G.B. 9 9 22 — S. Molesev . P.W.E.C. Sept. 9 — H. Cheshunt . , A.R.S. 9 9 22 — S. Wimbledon, ... .. R.E.W. ,, 17 — E. Sewardstone Nov. 6— K. Lullingstone Park, S.A., W.D.P., W.A.W. R.S.R.F. Oct. 23— S. Richmond Park M.H.B. 9 9 13 — H. Whippendell Wood. R.S.R.F. GARDEN-WARBLER. 9 9 22 — E. Sewardstone, . ... A.R.S. April 14 E. Epping Forest .. .... E.M. 15 — H. Totteridge . . J.D.D. WHEAT EAR. ,, 30 — S. Wimbledon . R.E.W. Mar. 8 — M. St James’s Park. May 1— M. Mill Hill . W.D.M. Field (19/3/38). Aug. 23— M. Ruislip . W.R.P. > 9 16 — S. Richmond Park, ... J.B. ,, 24 — E. Epping Forest .. . A.R.S. 9 9 16 — S. Wimbledon, ... .. R.E.W. Sept. 18— S'. Tadworth . .... H.B. 9 9 18 — E. Sewardstoneburv, F.J.J. Oct. 3 — K. Elmers End, .. .. P.W.R. BLACKCAP. 9 9 21 — S. Barn Elms Res., E.G.P. Mar. 22— S. Walton on Thames, 9 9 21 — S. Wimbledon. ... .. R.E.W. Field (2/4/38). 9 9 22 — E. King George Res., April 2— K. Orpington, ....... H.R.G. W.A.W. ,, 2— M. Bushy Park. ... E.W.P. ,, 7— E. Buckhurst Hill, F.J.J. WHINCHAT. Sept. 4— S. Tadworth, . .... H.B. April 30 — E. Walthamstow Res., ,, 4— S. Mitcham, . . G.B. E.M ., W.A.W. ,, 12— E. Epping Forest, A.R.S. Sept. 4 — M. Staines . .. C.A.W. 9 9 18— E. Romford . ... H.B.F. WHITETHROAT. , , 24 — H. Cheshunt . .... A.R.S. April 20— S. Selhurst, Field (30/4/38). 9 9 24 — K. Elmers End, . .. P.W.R. ,, 24— M. Mill Hill, . W.D.M. Oct. 1 — S'. Beddington, ... .... C.B.A. ,. 24— M. Ruislip, . W.R.P. ,, 29— E. Chingford . .. F.J.J. REDSTART. Sept. 15 — K. Elmers End, .... P.W.R. April 10 — S. Richmond Park, D.A.R. 27 — S'. Richmond Park, W.L.C. 3 9 13 — M. Bushy Park, . ... E.W.P. ,, 29 — E. Epping Forest, A.R.S. 9 9 15 — E. Epping Forest. E.M ., W.A.W. LESSER WHITETHROAT. Sept, 24 — E. Epping Forest. ... A.R.S. May 4 — S. Bookham . . J.E.R. Oct, 9— S. Walton Heath. .... H.B. ,, 5 — E. Knighton . W.A.W. Nov. 1 — E. King George Res., ,, 5 — E. Epping Forest, .... E.M. A.R.S. AltltlVAL AND DEPARTURE OE MIGRANTS. 4(J NIGHTINGALE. April lG— S. Bookham, . H.J.B. 22 — K. Blacklieath, Country Life (18/6/38). .. 25— E. Cliingford, ......... F.J.J. ,, 28— M. Stanwell, G.C.L., A.H.M. Sept. 22— E. Epping Forest, A.R.S. SWALLOW. April 8— S. Beddington . C.B.A. ,, 8 — H. Clieshunt, . A.R.S. ,, 9— E. Cliingford Mount, E.M. 9 — M. Staines Res., .... G.D.E. Oct. 3— K. Elmers End, ... P.W.R. >, 9— H. Clieshunt, . R.S.R.F. ,, 16 — M. Staines Res., ... C.A.W. ,, 16— S. Beddington, C.B.A. , etc. ,, 16 — S. Fetcham, . H.J.B. ,, 16— S. Norwood, . s.P.W.C. ,, 24— E. King George Res., A.R.S. HOUSE-MARTIN. Mar. 19— S. Sutton, Field (26/3/38). April 22— E. King George Res., A.R.S. ,, 29— M. Bushy Park, ... EAV.P. Oct. 14— K. Kelsey Park, ... A.J.R. ,, 16 — E. Romford . . PI.B.F. » 16— M. Northwood, ... R.S.R.F. Nov. 6— H. St Albans . D.A.T.M. ,, 12— S. Barn Elms Res., ... P.T. SAND-MARTIN. April 4— E. Chingford, . A.R.S. >> 9— M. Staines Res., .... G.D.E. 9— S. Beddington . h.B. OQt. 3 — K. Elmers End, ... P.W.R. „ 13— E. King George Res., A.R.S. 16— M. Staines Res . C.A.W. ,, 21— S. Barn Elms Res., E.G.P. SWIFT. April 27— S. Selhurst, Field (7 5/38). ,, 28 — M. Staines Res., G.C.L.. A.H.M. ,, 3G — E. Walthamstow Res.. J.H.G.P. May 5 — h. Clieshunt . A.R.S. Aug. 21 — K. Elmers End, ... P.W.R. ,, 21— E. King George Res.. W.A.W. Sept. 4 — H. St Albans . A.R.S. ” ^ — M. Staines Res., .... J.A.W. ,, 28 — S. Belmont, . P.W.E.C. NIGHTJAR. May 8 — S. Leatherliead, Field (21/5/38). ,, 20 — H. Cuffley . ARS Aug. 15— H. Cuffley. .. \ R S WRYNECK. Mar. 31 — S. Warlingham, Field (9/4/38). CUCKOO. April 15— M. Staines, . A.H.M. ,, 16— E. Navestock, . W.A.W. ,, 18— S. Wimbledon, . R.E.W. Sept. 9 — K. Elmers End, ... P.W.R. ,, 11— M. Brent Res., . W.D.M. ,, 18— E. Romford, . H.B.F. ,, 24— S. Beddington, . l.P. GOLDENEYE. April 19— S. Molesey Res., P.W.E.C. May l— M. Staines Res., .... A.H.M. Oct. l— M. Staines Res., D.A.T.M. Nov. 10— S. Barn Elms Res., W.R.P. ,, 19— H. Clieshunt, . A.R.S. ,, 24— E. King George Res., A.R.S. GOOSANDER. April 4— E. King George Res., A.R.S. ,, 18— M. Staines Res., .... A.H.M. ,, 19— S. Island Barn Res., P.W.E.C. Oct. 22— M. Littleton Res., ... W.E.G. ,, 22— M. Staines Res . A.H.M. 22— S'. Molesey Res., P.W.E.C. SMEW. Mar. 12 — S. Molesey Res., H.M.R.-K. Nov. 19 — m. Stoke Newington Res., C.W. Dec. 3— S'. Molesey Res., P.W.E.C. TURTLEDOVE. April 28 — S. Wimbledon . R.E.W. May 5 — M. Brent Res., .... R.W.H. ,, 8— B. Denham, . R.S.R.F. ,, 8— E. Epping Forest, . S.A. Aug. 21 — S. Arbrook Common, K.P.K. ,, 25 — E. Romford . H.B F Sept. 3— H. Clieshunt, . . a.r’.s! COMMON SANDPIPER. April 23 — S. Barn Elms Res., E.G.P. 24 — M. Staines Res. . G.C.L. Sept. 25 — S. Beddington . l.P. Oct. 8 — E. Romford S.F . H.B.F. 9 — M. Brent Res., . W.D.M. 15— H. Clieshunt, . A.R.S. JACK SNIPE. Mar. 12 — M. Ruislip Res., ... C.A.W. ,, 24— E. Chigwell . W.A.W. April 2 — S'. Beddington, ...,. P.W.R. Oct. 9 — M. Brent Res . W.D.M. 50 THE LONDON BIRD REPORT. Books Received. At the Turn of the Tide, by Richard Perry. Pp- xv, 206. (London : Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1938; 12s 6d.) The author has attempted, and succeeded in, the difficult task of writing a book that is a contribution both to literature and to ornitho¬ logy. At the Turn of the Tide is the fruit of several years’ full-time bird-watcliing in Norfolk, at Holy Island, and on the Solwaj. The field observations it contains, notably on the Geese and "W aders, should be read by every bird-watcher. There are also many passages in which Mr Perry has given his descriptive pen full rein, and these, while add¬ ing considerably to the value of the book for the lay reader, do not in the least detract from its value as a contribution to serious ornithology. R. S. R, F. Report of the Committee on Bird Sanctuaries in Royal Parks ( England ) for 1937. Pp. 32. (H.M. Stationery Office; 6d.) The Royal Parks Bird Report for 1937 maintains the high standard its predecessors have taught us to expect of it. It is a mattei oi great satisfaction to members of the London Natural History Society that all but one of the official observers for the Royal Parks round Lon¬ don, who are responsible for the body of this Report, are members of the Society. For 1937 the Report contains the usual valuable records of London bird life, not only of such rarities as a Great Grey Shrike in Richmond Park and a Slavonian Grebe on the Serpentine, but also of the humbler residents of the parks, some of which, such as the Jackdavs of Kensington Gardens, are in none too flourishing a state. It is to be hoped that one day the L.C.C1. can be persuaded to sponsor a similar report for the open spaces under its control, such as Hampstead Heath and the South London commons. R. S. R. F. PRESENTED m5 JUN 1939 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 « 44444444444444444444444444444444444f . . 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