LONG WAVE STUDY OF MONTEREY BAY by Thomas John Lynch I United States Naval Postgraduate School THESIS LONG WAVE STUDY OF MONTEREY BAY - by Th( ?mas John Lynch September 1970 TRTs ctocumerrE Kas Been approved "for pubTTc release and sale; its distribution Is unlimited. Tl 35743 IBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOD MONTEREY, CALIF. 93940 . Long Wave Study of Monterey Bay by Thomas John ^Lynch Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy B.S. in Commerce, St. Louis University, 1961 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1970 LIBRARY HAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOO KONTEREY, CALIF. 9394Q y ABSTRACT Monterey Bay, on the west coast of the United States, is unique in that it is a large, symmetric, semi-elliptical bay divided north and south by the deep Monterey Canyon. The effect of the canyon on seiching within the bay and on long wave oscillations within the bay was studied by analyzing synchronized wave records at each end of the bay. Power spectra and cross spectra calculated for five periods selected from six months continuous data indicate the Monterey Canyon has a profound effect on the bay's oscillating characteristics. The canyon appears to act as an impedence barrier dividing the bay into two independent oscillating basins each having recurring long-period waves which persist during significant long-wave activity. TABLE OF CONTENTS I I. INTRODUCTION 11 II. INSTRUMENTATION 18 III. ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 23 A. MONTEREY DATA 23 B. SANTA CRUZ DATA 25 C. CROSS SPECTRA CALCULATIONS 30 IV. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 36 A. IDENTIFICATION OF LONG-WAVES PRESENT 36 B. INTERPRETATION OF INDIVIDUAL SPECTRA 43 C. INTERPRETATION OF CROSS SPECTRA 56 D. COMPARISON WITH WILSON'S MODEL 64 V. ERROR ANALYSIS 75 VI. SUMMARY 77 APPENDIX A - Digitizing Graphical Analog Records Using the Calma Company Model 480 78 APPENDIX B - Computation of the Fast Fourier Transform Using the IBM/360 Subroutine RHARM 84 APPENDIX C - Least Squares Curve Fitting . 86 LITERATURE CITED 88 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST . 89 FORM DD 1473 91 f LIST OF TABLES Table Page I Long-Period Waves in Monterey Harbor 15 II Marine Advisors Data for Monterey Harbor 15 III Marine Advisors Data for Santa Cruz Harbor 15 IV Periods of Oscillation from Residuation 16 Analyses V Periods of Oscillation from Spectral Analysis 17 VI Computed Response Characteristics of Santa Cruz 22 Stilling Well VII Summary of Significant Spectral Peaks in 42 Monterey Bay VIII Summary of Significant Cross Spectral Peaks in 58 Monterey Bay IX Comparison of Results with Wilson's Numerical 72 Model LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Monterey Bay 13 2 The Bubbler Tide Gage 19 3 Least Squares Curve for Santa Cruz and Monterey, 24 6 December 1969 4 Bristol Company Chart 6112 27 5 Geometric Relations for Conversion from 28 Curvilinear Coordinates (R,9) to Rectilinear Coordinates (Y,t) 6 Linear Interpolation 30 7 Fundamental Longitudinal Oscillation of Monterey 36 Bay 8 Fundamental Transverse Oscillation of Monterey Bay 38 9 Two-step Shelf Topography 40 10 Sea-surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey, 44 0730, 6 November 1969 to 0330, 7 November 1969 11 Sepctral Wave Analysis, 6 November 1969 45 12 Sea-surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey, 46 0130-2130, 3 December 1969 13 Spectral Wave Analysis, 3 December 1969 47 14 Sea-surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey, 49 2348-1848, 5-6 December 1969 15 Spectral Wave Analysis, 6 December 1969 50 16 Sea-surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey, 51 0810-0410, 14-15 January 1970 17 Spectral Wave Analysis, 14 January 1970 52 18 Sea-surface Heights, Santa Cruz /Monterey, 54 0215-2215, 20 January 1970 19 Spectral Wave Analysis, 20 January 1970 55 Figure Page 20 Cross Spectra and Phase Relationships, Monterey/ 59 Santa Cruz, 6 November 1969 21 Cross Spectra and Phase Relationships, Monterey/ 60 Santa Cruz, 3 December 1969 22 Cross Spectra and Phase Relationships, Monterey/ 61 Santa Cruz , 6 December 1969 23 Cross Spectra and Phase Relationships, Monterey/ 62 Santa Cruz, 14 January 1970 24 Cross Spectra and Phase Relationships, Monterey/ 63 Santa Cruz, 20 January 1970 25 Numerical Calculations of Modes of Oscillation 65 of Monterey Bay 26 Numerical Calculations of Modes of Oscillation 66 of Monterey Bay 27 Numerical Calculations of Modes of Oscillation 67 of Monterey Bay 28 Numerical Calculations of Modes of Oscillation 68 of Monterey Bay 29 Profiles of Water-surface Elevation Along Axis 70 of Bay for Four Lowest Modes of Transverse Oscillation in Monterey Bay ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ! The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. Edward B. Thornton of the Department of Oceanography, Naval Post- graduate School, under whose direction this paper was written. His suggestions, recommendations, and farsightedness were extremely helpful in the successful completion of this project. In addition the writer is indebted to Mr. Howard Bethel of the City of Santa Cruz, for the care and maintenance of the Santa Cruz tide gage and to Mr. Paul Stevens of Fleet Numerical Weather Central for his assistance in the use of the Calma Company Model 480 digitizer and in programming the CDC 6500 computer. to I. INTRODUCTION Monterey Bay (Figure 1) lies on the west coast of the United States, located about sixty nautical miles south of San Francisco. The Bay is a large semi-elliptical bay which has some topographical features which are unique. A deep trough of the North Pacific basin, bounded on the north by the Mendocino Seascarp and on the south by the Murray Sea- scarp, approaches closer to the coast at Monterey Bay than at any other point along the North American coastline. As a result, long waves propa- gated across the Pacific Ocean in an easterly direction may be somewhat contained. The continental shelf within the bay extends out to approxi- mately the 600 foot depth contour and is cut by the deep Monterey Canyon which has a volume of over 50 cubic miles. Monterey Canyon will be seen to exert significant influences on the oscillating characteristics of the Bay. There have been several studies concerned with the effects of long- period waves in Monterey Bay (a long-period wave for this study is defined as a wave having a period in excess of 1 minute), but these studies have not been able to define the causes of the long wave activity and have left many areas of inquiry. Hudson [1947] proposed a surge model of Monterey Harbor for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. He used six months data (October 1946 - April 1947) from three elec- tronically synchronized sea-surface recorders. These results are tabulated in Table I. The presence of the long-period waves was observed. However, the cause of the surge mechanism was unknown. Wilson [1965] conducted a long -wave study of Monterey Bay for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of 11 construction of an engineering model of the surge phenomenon that occurred at various times within Monterey Bay. Statistical data were collected from sensors located at Monterey Harbor, and Santa Cruz (Figure 1). Three long-period wave recorders were also installed within Monterey Harbor and were in continuous operation from October 1963 to April 1964. Two were arranged so that tides and sea-swell were filtered out, and a third recorded swell approaching the harbor. Wilson concluded that the surge within Monterey Harbor was not a result of incoming swell as no correlation was found to exist between long- period waves within Monterey Harbor and the incoming sea-swell. The Santa Cruz sensor was designed so that it functioned as a long-wave recorder. The recorder operated continuously from October 1963 to February 1964. Wilson's results for Monterey Harbor are summarized in Tables II and III. Wilson performed a residuation analyses of different records from sensors located around the bay in order to determine a local evaluation of the oscillations within the bay. Residuation analyses is accomplished by successively subtracting "apparent" periods from the wave record until a smooth trace remains. The subjectivity of which this method is accomplished can lead to ficticious results. These results are listed in Table IV. Table V is a synopsis of spectrum analyses for three days record of the Monterey sensors. Wilson concluded, based on Tables IV and V along with calculated modes of oscillation, Figures 24-29, that Monterey Canyon functions as an impedence between north and south portions of the bay, and therefore, free oscillations are to a large extent uncoupled. Wilson further states that the effect of any sharp discontinuity in submarine topography, equivalent to the edge of a 12 continental shelf, is to serve as a nodal position for any shelf oscillation to which the shelf is susceptible. iRobinson [1969] analyzed long-wave activity in Monterey Bay on 23 January and 20 April 1969. Tide recorders were located at Monterey Wharf #2 and Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf, however, the records were not synchronized. Thus, cross spectra and phase information was not obtainable. Robinson concluded that Monterey Canyon affected the seiching motions within the bay, however, it did not appear to divide the bay into two independent oscillating basins, as concluded by Wilson [1965]. Similar periods and amplitudes were found at Monterey and Santa Cruz concurrently, but correlation between the two locations could not be computed due to non-synchronization of records. In the present study simultaneous tidal records from tide gages located at Monterey Wharf #2 and Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf were analyzed during periods of significant long-wave activity in Monterey Bay. Continuous analog records were maintained from 3 November 1969 to 30 April 1970 and five days (6 November, 3 December, 6 December, 14 January, 20 January) were selected for analysis and comparison. The objectives were to perform an overall long-wave study of Monterey Bay, and to examine various modes of free oscillation of the bay to determine if in fact seiching does exist in the bay. This was accomplished through examination of the individual power spectra at Monterey and Santa Cruz, computation of the cross spectra and deter- mination of phase differences of long-period waves present. 14 TABLE I Long-Period Waves in Monterey Harbor (after Hudson, 1949) PERIOD AVERAGE HEIGHT PERCENTAGE OF (min) (ft) TIME PRESENT 1-2 0.4 20 2-4 0.5 30 4-15 not given 15 TABLE II Marine Advisor's Data for Monterey Harbor (after Wilson, 1965) SENSOR PERIOD (min) AVERAGE HEIGHT (ft) PERCENT OF TIME PRESENT 1 2 1.7-14 1-14 0.1-2.5 0.1-3.0 0-50 0-55 TABLE III Marine Advisor's Data for Santa Cruz Harbor (after Wilson, 1965) PERIOD AVERAGE HEIGHT PERCENT OF (min) (ft) TIME PRESENT 1-2.3 n 0-18 2.3-4 > 0.2-2.0 20-70 10-14 J 0-25 15 • (0 eo m (7* 00 a ^o r- 01 • o r\ lit — — "" ■ 0) CO * O © 1*1 tp *«■ IM (M IM OB in ■ ■ •* OB ■9 0 , n a m IM *J- IM .0 O iM — t~ ■* V Tj« ro IM •«• M ^ -« •* »4 ^ ^ in n iM r^ IM IM IM Psi IM IM IM O S u CO -• ~0 * IM <7- -i ■D x a rl * T T <■ 1*1 ^» 1* fo H Z u 2 O ■in r» •< in m" in a. < _^ •^ Cm O i""t •j «** rg n « 1*1 £, 1*1 — IM r~ c^ r-° ^ — « -* O vO IM IM o» f»l IM ***- IM n"t r- m m ■O m" iM O 00 "il 1*1 p"» l*V IM __ o o •O ~o •o 00 Z « O ° E _ IM f*> IM iiO «j o £z 4/ i- • Z *J k. i r) O "2 .9-z 10 c 0 ^ 2 nl M «> C <* 14 * N Z < u " w O C V 0 T> C 1/ 12 ° c §2 ° c 12 0 c ill 51 2 n -5 H Sh 2h 2 « 2 S 2 £ 10 J J W 'J in U •♦ T -D ~0 IM — < (M CT^ J U U o IM , , , ""* o o o c* - IM w < Q 52 ° 2 V jg m o o (. 0D O -* IM rf u c > 0 Z o o" o o 2 U, * 2 2 3 — o LU CD C o E O S- C < c o «o to ce: E O s- c o to a V) o ■o o i- ai Q- 16 r~ 00 o o o i—« -* -• ^H *-* rg (M O r-i O o CO ~ rg o rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg m o -tf in -* vO in ^r • • • • • • • • (\1 •— i 73 • • • • • • o •<* in m m in m (4 V <— i oo •— < r~ i—t k . . . . . sO m s£> vD vD VM 0 4) "«* CO CO «tf ■f U . . . . ' . G r- CO 00 r» r- V 3 cr in in m m m m t/> o< c> r> fj^ CO co co CO CO CO • • • • • . CO co 0* CO CO CO . f— « .— 1 —t i-4 —4 •— « r- r- vO vO i— i *-* rg rg rg rg CM rg • • • • • # rg fM rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg rg CO CO CO • • • co CO CO cO co CO >> • M u ° * * 25 •-H rg CO t— 1 rg CO i— i rg CO g ?, 2 o 2 2W ■* «* J> «* nO o vO o> 1-4 (T •— i ^H 0) Q «! pq 00 ^ u 2 V , o O c ■ J3 CO U Sj CO ^ (4 V flj s 5 c o l/> o (/) •r- c uj «=c _1 CO I— eC C3 I— S- +J u 0J Q. CO O «+- o •r— <0 o o in -O o •r— i- O) Q- 17 II. INSTRUMENTATION I A. MONTEREY The data for Monterey was obtained using a standard Coast and Geodetic Survey automatic tide gage. (Manual of Tide Observations, 1965), located on Monterey Municipal Wharf #2, Monterey Harbor. The tide gage is maintained daily by NPS personnel. The Monterey tide gage senses changes in water level by means of a float/pulley arrangement, which is entirely mechanical. The recording drum is advanced by a clock mechanism. The drum speed is designed for 1 in/hr , however, the hourly feed was measured to be 1.03 in/hr . The instrument is time checked daily with time marks being accurate within + 5 seconds. The marigram is recorded in rectilinear coordinates on plain white paper. A stilling well, which is a 12 inch diameter steel pipe with a 1 inch orfice in the bottom, serves as low pass filter for the majority of wind waves (periods of one minute and below). B. SANTA CRUZ The Santa Cruz data were obtained with a Bristol Model 28 gas- purging pressure (bubbler), portable tide gage, (Figure 2), located on Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf. This instrument senses changes in water level by means of a nitrogen-filled tube which is connected to a bellows system (Manual of Tide Observation, 1965). A bubbler orfice chamber was connected to the end of the sensing tube to reduce sensitivity to short period wave action. There is also a bellows inlet needle valve which could be throttled to filter add- itional wave action from the record. 18 (P ®r r $*?&*&&**} © t TO s *® — <§) 1. NITROGEN BOTTLE 2. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 3. PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL REGULATOR 4. ADJUSTABLE NEEDLE VALVE 5. TRANSPARENT BUBBLER CHAMBER 6. PULSATION DAMPER 7 STRIP CHART RECORDER WITH TRANSDUCER 8. TELEMETERING PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 9. TUBING 10. BUBBLER ORIFICE CHAMBER 11. STILLING WELL FIGURE 2 THE BUBBLER TIDE GAGE. 19 The pressure reduction valve is regulated to allow a constant pressure greater than that due to the maximum head anticipated over the orfice. The pressure differential regulator together with the shunt line provide for a constant pressure difference of about 3 pounds per square inch across the flow regulator. Thus, the rate of flow can be adjusted to a desired constant value and is not dependent on the tide stage. Flow is through a silicone oil-filled bowl so that it can be monitored visually. A rate of 30-60 bubbles per minute was used for this study. Advantages of this scheme are that the sensitive elements of the gage need not be designed to withstand the underwater environment; and fluctuations in barometric pressure are not directly reflected on the record. A significant portion of the system capacity is at the submerged orfice, thus providing some high frequency filtering and protecting the small diameter supply line and orfice from marine fouling. A Bristol Company clock recorder provides an analog record. The record is on a 6 inch (15.2 cm) wide strip chart and is recorded in curvilinear coordinates. Paper advance is adjustable and 6 in/hr was utilized. The clock drive has an eight-day spring, and the record is sufficient for about seven days. Manufacturer's claims are that hysteresis and/or non-linearity are limited to 1$ of the full-scale value. For sea water use, the instrument is calibrated to correspond to a specific gravity of 1.025. In addition to the above high-frequency filtering mechanisms, a stilling well was designed and installed to attain the desired filtering of high frequency and waves [Robinson, 1966]. The well was 20 constructed of a 20 foot section of polyvinyl chloride (pvc) 6 inch inside diameter pipe. It was capped on 16, 1/4 inch inside diameter holes drilled in the side. Copper sleeves were inserted to eliminate I fouling. The 16 holes provided the capability of increasing the orfice from a 1/4 inch to a 1 inch diameter opening. The response characteristics of the well were determined theoretic- ally for two orfice sizes and three different wave frequencies using the equation for the rate of water rise in a well [Robinson, 1969] . dhVdt = 0.6 a/A V2g(h - h ) where , a = orfice area A = well area 0.6 = empirical orfice flow coefficient g = acceleration due to gravity h_ = water height outside the well, i.e., the forcing function h. = water height insdie the well. The forcing function, hn, was chosen to be a simple sine function of unit amplitude, and of frequency equal to the wave frequency of interest. The initial conditions were h. = 0 at t = 0. The results i are summarized in Table VI. The response characteristics for the Monterey stilling well were not calculated since the orfice area to well ratio is larger than the Santa Cruz well, providing response characteristics better than those of the Santa Cruz. A 1/4 inch orfice was used in the Santa Cruz well. 21 TABLE VI Computed Response Characteristics of Santa Cruz Stilling Well (from Robinson, 1965) PERIOD ORFICE DIAMETER PHASE IAG AMPLITUDE (in.) (deg) REDUCTION (#) 20 sec 0.25 180 95 20 sec 1.00 72 45 60 sec 0.25 75 91 60 sec 1.00 30 5 25 min 0.25 6 1 25 min 1.00 0 0 22 III. ANALYSIS PROCEDURE A . MONTEREY The Monterey tidal records were digitized at 100 points per inch giving a sampling interval of 34.95 seconds. The discrete Fast Fourier Transform utilized requires 2x2 data points, and for the records analyzed, 2048 data points were used which gave a record length of 71545 seconds, or approximately 20 hours. In order to remove the tidal influence and reduce "leakage", the records were high pass filtered by fitting a least-squares polynomial curve to the raw data and the curve was then subtracted from each ordinate point (Appendix C). An example of the fit to sample data points is shown in Figure 3. It was found that the 6th-degree polynomial provided the best fit for this particular tidal cycle. Once the tidal effects were removed, the data is subjected to the Fast Fourier Transform to obtain the energy density and phase estimates as a function of frequency. The IBM/360 standard subroutines HARM and RHARM were used to calculate the Fourier coefficients, from which the one-dimensional spectra are derived. This method and procedure is explained in Appendix B. Subroutine RHARM gives the raw Fourier's coefficients AQ/2, BQ = 0, A^B^ A2,B2,...A1j/2, BN = 0 which are then combined as A. iB. 21 + "21 J - 1,2, ...N to give the one-sided spectral estimate 23 Santa Cruz 6 Dec 69 ■u 0) 60 1-4 con- fidence limits for 10 degrees of freedom are interpreted as meaning that one can state with 90$ accuracy that the actual spectral estimate is greater than .49E. but less than 1.60E., as the power spectrum is distributed according to a CHI-SQUARE distribution. B. SANTA CRUZ The analysis procedure of the Santa Cruz data was more complex than the Monterey data due to two considerations: (1) The Santa Cruz tidal trace is recorded on curvilinear coordinates, but is accepted as rectilinear coordinates by the CAIMA 480 digitizer. (2) The sampling interval of Santa Cruz is 6 seconds which must be interpolated and matched point for point in time with the Monterey data, in order to compute the cross spectra. 25 The unadjusted amplitudes and time increments were obtained from use of the CALMA 480 digitizer, and computer program CONVERT. The analog recotd was recorded on Bristol Company chart 6112, shown in Figure 4, which has curvilinear coordinates (t,R0). The digitizer then recorded incremental pairs, in the order X and Y (of the cartesian coordinates of the tidal curves), every .01 inch of stylus travel. It was there- fore necessary to form the cartesian coordinates by summation within the computer. These cartesian coordinates were then converted to the approximately correct T, R0 coordinates by employing geometric relationships . The computation of the correct value of t. (time axis) is critical to the conversion. On the time scale, 0.1 inch of record was equivalent to a sample interval of 6-seconds. The summation of X, X., representing the horizontal travel was converted to the t, R9 coordinates by t. = x. + r - vr2 R - Y. i where , t. = time in curvilinear coordinates l R = radius of curvature for arcs of constant t. i Y. = the ordinate on the cartesian scale l X. = time scale in equally spaced increments of t on the cartesian scale. These geometric relations are shown in Figure 5 where -1 r~2 2 0. = TAN Y./VR - Y. l 11 The adjusted heights are then computed as: Y. = R0 l where Y. is now the adjusted sea-surface elevation value. Since the 26 «M vD U (0 X! > M c 0 «0 bO Cu •r-i B fe o u r-l O ■u (0 i-i U « 27 m -l 4J ctj •» CU >H C ^-' •H t— I w •r-l *-> M CO 3 C -0 E J-l o o u o 4-1 CJ c u O CO •r-l -H C 4-J O CJ CJ CU o o M-l 4J CO C o ■U CO ^ CU erf -u i CU o 28 space increment is .01 inch, the adjusted time, t. is t. - 600 X. 1 l The adjusted sea surface elevation (with reference to an arbitrary level) and adjusted times, were not in general equally spaced. There- fore, an interpolation scheme was used to obtain data points at a sampling interval of 34.95 seconds in order to match the Monterey data, point for point (Figure 6) . A linear interpolation was performed between time increments greater than 34.95 seconds. The slope of the line is a gi - Yi-P ^ " (t. - tul) The horizontal spatial scale for the interpolated values is, X. = (i-l)A where A = 34.95 sec. l The resultant interpolated amplitude is, A. - tJ (X. - t. .) + Y. . l At x l-l l-l Effectively, the computer checks each successive time value until the desired interval of 34.95 seconds is exceeded, then interpolates between the value greater than 34.95 seconds and the prior value which has an increment less than 34.95 seconds. Santa Cruz data were then aligned with the Monterey data point for point. The first 2048 points of the Santa Cruz data were handled in the same manner as the Monterey data. The tidal influences were removed by the least-squares scheme, and the adjusted data were analyzed in the same manner as the Monterey data. 29 > t,x Figure 6 Linear Interpolation C. CROSS SPECTRA Given two random, stationary time-series, f (t) and f9(t) the cross-spectra is defined as: *12 (a) = h { *12 (T>e"iaTdT (1) where , T ■ time lag O = angular frequency cp12 = the cross-covariance between f7(t) and f_(t) given by T/2 cp12 (t) = lim f fx(t) f2(t+T) dt (2) T-«» ■T/2 30 where T = time lag T = record length t = t ime If the time lag T is replaced by -T and substitution of the dummy variable 6 = t - t we have, T/2 cp (-t) = lim f f (6 + t) t (6)d6 T-«> * -T/2 then, the cross-covariance is an even function such that cp12 (~t) = cp21 (t) (3) The cross -spectrum (1) can be written (using Euler's formula) e"1QT = COS oT-i SIN or as f on oo $12 ^ = 2n { [ ^12^^ C0S 0TdT"i J ^U^7^ SIN 0Td' [ -OO -00 since cp19(T) is not, in general, an even function, therefore, the cross spectrum is a complex function of a. The cross spectrum combines both the cosine and sine transforms of cp1?(T). From this, if the cross-spectrum can be resolved into odd and even complnents , it can then be written as, Too oo •» $ -(a) = 2~"< [<$ even (t) COS QTdT-i f cp odd (t) SIN oTdr\ (4) t -00 -00 since the cosine (sine) transform of an odd (even) function is zero. For convenience we define two functions A(t) and B(t) where 31 A12(T) B12(T) = cp12CO - cp2i(T) 2 T> ••' 2~' BN = ° were determined for both the Monterey and Santa Cruz data. From the Fourier coefficients we form the modules for each station, VJ)-? + V- |FMlfilei (Monterey) and iB Fs(j) = ^ + -21 ■ |Fs|ele2 (Santa Cruz), or A. iB. ^ = -J. _ Fs(j) = Fg(j)e fc2 = ■£■ ^- (complex conjugate) where j = 0,1,2,. . .N. Then the cross-correlation function, 2N-1 . . _ (p12(T) = S F (j) FM(j)e1J0lT j=l where g. = 2rr/N dt 33 and the cross spectra T/2 •l2(j)- VJ> VJ> " k / cp12(T)e-1JVdT -T/2 form a Fourier integral pair. The cross-spectra $ ( j ) can be expanded as $12(j) = Vj) FS(j) = l*M«• r^» co • Q r^ X X X X X X X X X O CM M 1* w S .—I • X X X X X X vO CO 00 • X X X X X X X X i— 1 m N N N N N N N 3 3 S3 3 3 3 3 3 >> u >> ^ o >, ^ >> ^ >s ^ >. >-l >^ U CU O CU u M 0) CD 0) c_> — 1 O CO O CO O CO O CO O CO ON X co X CO 2 co X co S CO 2 CO S co vO ON .—1 o o o O o\ ON ON r^ r*. c t^ r^ vO vO vO O W c 3 CO 3 U H P> o O CO CO c CO a. 3 o ai CU -> •-5 •r-l -i < 23 Q o, XI > CO PQ >> cu U CU 4-1 c o 2 CO CO CU P-, CO S-l 4-1 o CU ex CO c CO CJ 1-1 H-t •H 3 W) •H CO M-l O >. u 3 CO 42 B. INTERPRETATION OF INDIVIDUAL SPECTRA Figures 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 show the synchronized tidal traces of Santa Cruz and Monterey on dates indicated. The traces are plotted with a sampling interval of one minute which is approximately equal to the Nyquist period of 70 seconds, which is the lowest period which can be analyzed using the 34.495 sampling rate. The tidal traces are repro- duced here for the first 16 hours of each period analyzed. 6 November 1969 The individual spectra for 6 November 1969 are plotted in Figure 11, The record tends to be a "noisy" record with considerable long-wave activity. The weather conditions in Monterey Bay were calm winds and seas in the early morning, increasing to 15 kts of wind from the south- west about 2000. The surface air temperature was 55 F and skies were overcast for most of the day. The 42.5 minute non-recurring long wave appears to be significant (the term significant peak used in this study is a peak that has significant spectral density when compared with other peaks in the same record vice having a specific value) at both Monterey and Santa Cruz only on this date. Most noticable in the records are waves of periods 51.8, 42.5, 16.3 and 10.1 minutes which appear at both stations and have significant energy-density. 3 December 1969 Figure 13 shows the individual power spectra for Monterey and Santa Cruz from 0130-2130 3 December 1969. Examination of Figure 12 shows that significant wave activity in the bay commenced about 0950. Initially the surface winds were from the north at 2 kts, shifting to south at 15 kts by 1200. Skies were clear and surface air temperature increased from 45 F in the early morning to 58 F in the afternoon. The 43 Santa Cruz 6 Nov 69 Time (.5x10" seconds) Figure 10 Sea Surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey 0730 6 November 1969 to 0330 7 November 1969 44 eg U > 00 )-. 0) c w Frequency (millihertz) Santa Cruz, 0130 - 2130, 3 Dec 69 Frequency (millihertz) Monterey, 0130 - 2130, 3 Dec 69 Figure 13 Spectral Wave Analysis, 3 Dec 69 47 spectra shows intense long-wave activity at Santa Cruz and moderate activity at Monterey. The effect of persistant southerly winds may account for this difference, however, no correlation is drawn. The 36.1, 13.6 and 10.1 minute waves have pronounced energy at both locations, while the 51.8, 27.7 and 16.3 minute waves are significant at Santa Cruz alone. Note, that at Santa Cruz the 13.6 minute wave can very well be a harmonic of the 27.7 minute shelf wave while the 16.3 and 10.1 minute waves could be a harmonics of the fundamental transverse mode of 36.2 minutes. 6 December 1969 The tidal traces for 6 December 1969, Figure 14, indicate heavy long-wave activity at Santa Cruz and only light to moderate wave action at Monterey. The winds in Monterey Bay were northwest at 16 kts in the early morning decreasing to 2 kts in the evening. The surface air temperature averaged 55 F and clear skies were observed during the day. Although in contrast to the situation observed on 3 December 1969 no relation of wind to long -wave activity can be drawn during this period. The 27.7 minute she If -wave is readily apparent in both records with the 13.6 minute harmonic present at Santa Cruz alone. The Santa Cruz picture is quite similar to that experienced earlier on 3 December 1969 at Santa Cruz. Monterey is generally weak in energy density and the shelf-wave appears to be the only active wave of any significance. 14 January 1970 The analyses of wave records on 14 January 1970 are the most dis- tinctive of the study. The sea surface traces, Figure 16, show moderate to heavy wave activity at both stations. During the period analyzed, winds were southerly at 35 kts and heavy rain was falling in the bay. 48 4J i » 0) w •u jr too •H CU ac o> o CO m CO CO cu c/> o ! Santa Cruz 6 Dec 69 DJ> Time (.5x10 seconds) Monterey 6 Dec 69 Du! Time (.5x10 seconds) Figure 14 Sea Surface Heights, Santa Cruz/Monterey 2348 - 1848, 5-6 Dec 69 49 Csl o u CO I I CO u (0 » 4-> — i 1-1 o CO C cu O >> GO l-i 0) C w CI 1 ) o Frequency (millihertz) Santa Cruz, 0215 - 2215, 20 Jan 70 tN o CJ > 3 4J a •H CO a a) O 00 h ? CJ Frequency (millihertz) Monterey, 0215 - 2215, 20 Jan 70 Figure 19 Spectral Wave Analysis, 20 Jan 70 55 regularly at Monterey, but only once at Santa Cruz. The fundamental longitudinal period was significant at both locations most of the time. No definite relationship was drawn between atmospheric conditions and long-wave activity, however, a strong southerly wind seemed to lead to heavy wave activity in Santa Cruz. Also it was noted that most of the time, long-wave activity when present in the bay, was much more intense at Santa Cruz than at Monterey. C. INTERPRETATION OF CROSS SPECTRA AND PHASE Table VIII gives a summary of selected recurring long-period waves which have significant cross power when compared with other peaks in the same record. Some high energy-density long-waves which only appear once or twice in the entire study are excluded from the analyses. The cross spectra is a measure of the combined energy-density resulting from contributions of each power spectra but gives no information as to the forcing function of the wave or to whether the waves at the two locations are correlated with each other. Two isolated waves of the same period but operating independently, each having considerable energy, would yield a high cross power. Phase relationships determine whether or not the waves appearing at two locations are coupled. Figures 20 through 24 show the cross spectrum and phase differences of each long-wave between Monterey and Santa Cruz. Both raw spectra were smoothed over five frequency band widths. However, considerable difficulties arose when attempting to smooth the phase relationships. The process of smoothing over band widths assumes that the data is the result of a stationary random process. The long-waves analyzed in this study may be viewed as deterministic functions and therefore what is considered in the record is a number of deterministic functions 56 superimposed on so called "white noise". The ideal way to smooth the phase information would be to smooth over ensembles, however, this could not be done because the long-waves are, in general, a transient phenomenon and usually not a stationary process. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method of calculating the power spectrum is relatively new and, while the raw phase information is considered correct, the correct method to smooth relationships when using the FFT have not been completely worked out [Enochson and Otmes , 1968]. In this study the raw phase information was calculated utilizing the cross spectra as a weight function such that . e. $. e ■ 1 ^ i = 1,2,3,4,5 i where e ■ smooth phase difference £ . = raw phase $. = raw cross power. 1 This method was adopted after investigating several alternatives. The calculation resulted in those raw phase estimates associated with a high cross power to be dominant in the smoothing process. Those relation- ships are shown in Figures 20 through 24 and summarized in Table IX for selected periods. There are reasons to doubt the accuracy of calcu- lating the smoothed phase using FFT in this manner which circumvents computing the correlation function. Hence, the smoothed phase calcu- lation must be viewed with reservations. Table VIII is a summary of significant cross spectral peaks for selected long-waves which recur throughout the five days analyzed. Figures 20 through 24 show the raw and smoothed cross spectra for the 57 PERIOD DATE (minutes) 6 Nov 69 3 Dec 69 6 Dec 69 14 Jan 70 20 Jan 70 51.8 X X X 42.5 X 36.1 X X 27.7 X X X 22.5 18.9 X X 16.3 X 13.6 X 10.1 X X X 9.3 X TABLE VIII Summary of Significant Cross Spectral Peaks in Monterey Bay 58 t>0 C < 0) CO CO o o B t/) 200 COO 200- TDO OCQ T0O- (saaaSap qt) aouaaajjTd aseiy 0 o cn a> i-. 3 00 co h 4-1 ^-\ o N cu 4J a, U en ,H > PS a c 0) 3 a cr h N co 4-1 M M 4J CU O jC o t4 a r-l CO •H CO E CO \S o l-l >> o CJ C .c CU 4-1 3 O cr o cu a H CO b zco TOO jCO T0C OCfi > o S3 N 3 J-i O £ CO CO 1 — cu u cu 4-J c o S CO a •H J3 CO c o fo 4J > O) J-i O) 4J d o £ (ssaagap 2_0T) souaaajjTQ aseqa CD 60 •t-i fa CO CO c o CD a! ,X o Hn c u JS 3 4-1 cr o 0) o ^ E h CO 200 U v» a) t ) x: c8 o i-i u i-l 4-1 •H O i-l CD E a v-' CO >> CO O CO c o -•J o 3 O r > O* » CD V4 > cu u CD ■U G O £ co a •H X! CO c o o c CO N 4-J CO ^ U CD ■u -C O •H CD i-l CU .— 1 co •H s CO v-^ w o ►. u o o c CD -C 3 ■u cr O CD o h E fa CO CD • Pi CD CO CO ■g CO CO Wi 4J O CD (X CO CO CO o u ZCO SCO CCO (oas- saa^aui) aawoj -[Broads ssoj3 0 62 200 GOO 200- 100 000 TCO- (seaaSap __0l) aouaaajgfrQ 3SEq<£ ■U CO ^1 U CD ■u jC o •H . u O C_> d a) J2 3 ■u cr o CD o >-i B fe co CN CD 5-i 3 60 fa O c o CN N 3 CJ c CO CO >* a) s-. a) ■u c o 2 CO a, •H s: CO C o CO t-i iS cu CO CO c c0 CO u 4J O 0) D, CO co CO o (oas- saa^ata) aawoj -[Broads ssojq 63 dates analyzed. As expected the cross spectra is dominated by the 27.7 minute shelf-wave and its associated harmonics. The cross spectral summary is in general agreement with Table VII, the summary of indivi- i dual spectral peaks. The phase differences, between a particular wave at Santa Cruz and Monterey appear to be random, which implies the Monterey Canyon acts as a barrier dividing the bay into separate north- south basins which oscillate independently. This is in general agreement with Wilson [1965] . D. COMPARISON WITH WILSON'S THREE-DIMENSIONAL NUMERICAL MODEL Wilson [1965] assumed a boundary nodal line for his solution of his three-dimensional model of the oscillating characteristics of Monterey Bay. This node is a line drawn from Pt . Santa Cruz to Pt . Pinos on the Monterey Pens inula. This assumption tends to be the greatest objection to Wilson's results, although an enclosed bay will usually have a node across the seaward opening for particular modes of oscillation. The oscillating characteristics are depicted in Figures 25 through 28 where Figure 25(a) gives the general bathemetry of the bay. These depths were used as grid points in order to generate the numerical solution. The other figures show the increasing complex longitudinal modes of oscillation. The contour lines are the amplitudes of the water level normalized to the highest anti-node for the mode. Each complex mode of oscillation is drawn in a simplified version to the left of the figure. The nodal line assumption is particularly constraining to the longitudinal mode of oscillation which can be seen in Figure 25 where mode 1 (i.e., the fundamental) tends to oscillate transversely due to the nodal constraint. The lowest modes would be most affected by the nodal assumption and would have less constraint on higher modes. 64 m CM u 60 fa E o M-l CO « >> d) U CD 4-1 C o c o o w O o CO CD *o o £ o CO c o T-l 4-1 CO l-l o r-H CO u cd u •l-l u CD 65 vO CM -o o S »w o 0) C o 3 o t— i to u 66 CM u 3 00 E o u co PQ u 4-1 c o s •l-l u co O M-l o CO cu o s o CO c o 1-J 4J CO I-l o i-H CO cd CJ h cu 67 V© § CO M >» 0) M o co C CO £ H-l o CO 0) T3 O SB 4J CO % M 3 O ta h o m >> <^ « CM « CD 4-1 u O 3 /•"N bO co m •rH •i-l vO fn X CT> U-l co ^ i—i w t^ fO CD « 0 CO S^ «4-l CU tl M 3 cu CD 4-1 l C J-i O (U S 4J CO C S -H «+-< C O O 1-4 CO 4J CU (0 i-H i-t •H r-l M-4 -H o u M co & O CM * 10 CO o O 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 30nmdWV 3AIJLV13H 70 As stated earlier, Wilson concluded that the deep Monterey Canyon does exert a profound influence on Monterey Bay oscillations as it effeptively sets a barrier to free oscillations, between the north and ! south portions of the bay. The result is that wave activity acting in both locations would remain largely uncoupled and would give rise to a random phase . Table IX summarizes some of the results of this study with that of Wilson's model. It is apparent that the long-wave activity at Santa Cruz is more intense than that at Monterey. This tends to support the conclusion that the two basins act independently. Robinson [1965] found similar magnitudes at both stations and concluded that the oscillations were not uncoupled. The fundamental longitudinal mode of 51.8 minutes was found to be weak at Monterey and stronger at Santa Cruz thus supporting Wilson's findings. The 20.5 minute wave corres- ponding to Wilson's mode 6 is in general weak at both stations. This is in agreement with Wilson's results. The greatest contrast between the results of this study and that of Wilson's is the effect and identi- fication of the 27.3 minute wave, evaluated as a shelf-wave here, but as the third mode of oscillation by Wilson. This wave, according to Wilson, should be strong at Monterey and weak at Santa Cruz. In general, this was not found to be the case. The ratios of energy-density at Santa Cruz to energy-density at Monterey is greater than 1 on 6 November, 3 December and 6 December indicating the opposite of Wilson's findings. The last two periods studied show a ratio of .94 on 14 January 1970 and .49 on 20 January 1970, neither of which support Wilson's calculated results. It is considered that the 27.3 minute wave predicted by Wilson is in fact present during long-wave oscillations, but is evaluated as a 71 CO >-l CO vO ON i— i en vo on r-* en VO C3N i—i en vO C3N o CM *»"h CN -sf vO CM <-s CM tf O CM CM i-l vt O N N H /-n 60 > /-H 60 > '-n 60 > '-v od o C co on c co en C co en cw en O C ^! ^ ^ O C ^5 Js E 4J > E -u > E 4J > E J-> > CO CO 00 CO co CO 60 CO co CO 60 cO co CO 60 CO co }4 ■O C U C •o c u c -o c u a *C3 3 rl C 01 ^J C O A! CO CO ^5 C O ^! co co A! fi O ^<5 CO CO ^ C O ^ CO CO ■U co 3 ri co "T3 U (5 3 h (« -O M CO 3 rl CO -O U CO 3 rl CO T3 rl c CO Cu 4J CO O H CO Pu 4-1 CO OH <0 Cu 4-1 CO OH CO fa 4-J CO O H o £ n-' co ^ E ^ £ n-' co £ E ^ £ n-' co 3 E ^ £ ^ co £ E N-/ X r-l o r^. O r^ 2 CO • vO r» O CM r-l CM r-l N o oo m r-i r>. r^ ON ON rl in vO vO o CO en o vO oo oo r» oo r-*. on o i— i r^. o r«» *tf Is* no — i cm r» <|- cm vO r-i en m rH O r-« r-l O O X ■H Cjl ^ o ovvom ^ m o m o o o on r~^ cjn vo r*~ r-i r-l -h en >J" on i—i i—i m i—i i—i en 4J c i-i i-H r-1 i— 1 !-) r-i w CO (U CO CO g >> 0) o U cm m oo r-. r^ on i— i \D m O en cm vjO r- 1 O vO —i en en O <-l VO O O O 1-1 2 U -rl CO H [NlD fO H oo r-i r^ m en >-i COHMOCOH oo r-i r>» m en r-i i— t vo r^ o vo o t— l vO r~» O vO o i— 1 vO r~> O vO O i— i \& r-- o vO o CJ 0 co CO o CO cu •n Q S3 o Q ON CM ^-\ CNI <* X> . cu • • • •~\ C co CO o c ^! -M ^ S-« co CO CO CO a) •U l-i CD a) 0) T3 co H S 2= s o X r-( CO CD — 4J CO "~ c U 0) 0) CU E ■u > CO 6C CO CO Tl C J-i C ^! C o ^ CD CO CO 3 S-i CO TD U CU fe ■u a; O H S ^ w 3 E s-^ O r^ r^ CO v£> O CO o CO ON CM On -■ CM 1—1 i— 1 i—l O m en on CM i— 1 CNI CM o •J- i—l O vO i-* i-i ON ^ CM vO vO CM o 00 vO 00 vO r^ CM v£> m m co i— 1 m vj- CM rH CM o r-- v© 00 oo -cj- LO m i— i On O CO CO o i—l O CO r-4 r^ LO CO I—l .— 1 vO r- o >X) o m co CM CM 1—1 1—1 c CO ^ o CM CU O CO o •l-l S-i 1) E I 4-1 •H CO CO CU OS c o CO •H J-i CO a E o 73 shelf-wave vice a harmonic of the fundamental frequency of oscillation of the bay. Most of the other periods predicted by Wilson were found to exist. However, it must be remembered that a discrete Fourier analysis was performed and the data smoothed. This has the result of "forcing" some energy into discrete band widths allowing only certain periods to appear in the spectrum. As a result of this comparison the present study tends to verify many of Wilson's conclusions. The observations that wave amplitudes are generally higher at Santa Cruz and that the phase relationships tend to be random lead to the conclusion that oscillations of Monterey Bay at Santa Cruz and Monterey tend to operate independently of each other due to the impedence barrier formed by Monterey Canyon. 74 V. ERROR ANALYSIS Errors encountered during the course of the study were basically of three types : (1) Time errors can be introduced when recording raw data on an analog trace. (2) Errors may be generated in matching the Santa Cruz raw data to Monterey data. (3) The effect of the numerical methods of calculating the power-spectrum and the cross spectrum can lead to mis- interpretation of results. Each of these effects are examined below in order to determine, in a qualitative sense, their effect on the calculated results. Time Induced Errors The tide gages at Santa Cruz and Monterey are both mechanical devices which must be wound at required intervals. Both were maintained within the required periods. The sampling interval of 34.495 seconds for Monterey and 6.00 seconds for Santa Cruz were computed by inches/ time relationships between two successive time checks on each record for each period analyzed. The times at Santa Cruz were recorded from radio station WW (Naval Observatory Time) and are correct to the second. The times at Monterey were obtained from the telephone company and are accurate within + 5 seconds. Time checks were maintained daily for the entire period. The recording speed at Monterey was found to be 1.03 + .01 inches/hour and 6.00 + .02 inches/hour for Santa Cruz. Synchronized records are critical to phase computations. However, the resulting error in obtaining the raw data was considered insignificant. 75 Errors Generated in Aligning Records The Santa Cruz record was aligned with the Monterey record by converting the coordinate system from curvilinear coordinates to rectilinear coordinates. Linear interpolation was then used to match data points. The Santa Cruz data yielded a data point every six seconds giving high resolution in digitizing. The original 12,000 plus data points were reduced to 2048 points. Reduction and conversion of data in this manner resulted in very minor raw data errors. Numerical Calculation Methods The effect of approximating a continuous tidal trace with a step- function and transforming the step-function by numerical methods through use of a digital computer has several effects on the final analyses, two of which could result in misleading results of interpretation. When a continuous curve is approximated by a step function, a secondary wave form of high frequency energy is superimposed on the recorded wave form. To evaluate this possible error the sampling rate was reduced and records were analyzed and checked for aliasing. It was found the aliased power was quite small and in no case greater than 10$. The second source of error is the effect of transforming the record into discrete values of energy-density as a function of discrete periods. Thus, the energy is forced into certain band widths and centered about the middle frequency. As a result of smoothing over five frequencies, the frequency interval was .00007 cps ranging in periods from 397.4 minutes to 1.16 minutes. Comparison of raw and smooth power and cross spectra show that the raw spectra was not smeared due to smoothing the original 1025 spectral estimates as "spikes" in the raw spectra were still present after the smoothing process was completed. 76 VI. SUMMARY Power spectra analyses and cross spectral analyses of wave records in Monterey Bay indicate the presence of persistent unique periods with the phase differences between Monterey and Santa Cruz tending to be random. Coupled with this and the fact that wave energy at Santa Cruz is in general greater than that at Monterey, it is concluded that the Monterey Submarine Canyon has a profound effect on seiching motions within the bay. This effect appears to divide the Monterey Bay into north and south basins where oscillations occur essentially independent of each other. 77 APPENDIX A DIGITIZING GRAPHICAL ANALOG RECORDS USING THE CALMA COMPANY MODEL 480 The Calma digitizer reduces analog graphical data to digital magnetic tape for computer processing and analysis. It consists of a freestanding tracing bed and a separate electronics/recorder module. The tracing bed is motor-driven for adjustment to the most comfortable digitizing position. To digitize analog graphical data directly on magnetic tape, the operator traces the analog curve with a moveable stylus/carriage assembly, As the curve is traced, movements of the stylus in either the X or Y direction causes pulsed to be generated by the direct digital pickoff mechanism. Incremental motions are recorded as characters on magnetic tape, leaving the task of summing the increments for whole-value coordi- nates to the final processing computer. This method of digitizing is both faster and more accurate than template methods. The digitizer reads and records data in the X and Y direction, with a sampling interval which can be set to 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, or 0.15 inches. The maximum absolute sampling error for the machine is 0.012 inches. The output is external BCD, stored on 556 bpi, 7 channel, tape. The tape can be made compatible with the IBM/360 system, however, it is easier to use the CDC/6500 computer. A FORTRAN IV program wirtten for the CDC/6500 can be utilized for interpreting the digitized record. The program accomplished the following: (1) Converts the data from external BCD to display code. (2) Arranges the data in column matrices of 80 character length. 78 (3) Interrogated each character in the matrix to determine if the character is a (a) Point flag - a designator to label a specific data point of interest (b) Plus or minus travel in the X-direction. (c) Plus or minus travel in the Y-direction. (4) Sums the Y direction travel. (5) Records incremental travel in X direction (plus or minus). This allows for negative travel while digitizing. Negative travel is common if digitizing a curvilinear trace of if variations in data are closely spaced. (6) Prints the Y value V(N), for each designated increment in the X direction. (7) Prints the X increment value U(N), showing the incremental travel (plus or minus) for which the Y value was obtained. (8) Punch cards for V(N) and U(N) which are used as inputs for other computer programs as desired. Headings may be entered on the tape with keyboard control, but CONVERT is not designed to read tape headings nor does the program have the capability to search for a particular set of data on the tape. Con- sequently, all data on the tape will be analyzed each time CONVERT is used. The following sequence of operations can be used as a guide for the digitizing procedure: (1) Mount chart on tracing bed so that horizontal axis of chart is aligned with X axis of digitizer. (2) Turn system power on. 79 (3) Load tape. (4) Initiate "Load Forward" on tape module. (5) Press RECORD ERROR. (If recorder is properly loaded, RECORD ERROR indicator will go out when push button is pressed,... digitizer will automatically shift to KEYBOARD MODE.) (6) Enter required identifiers from keyboard if necessary. (Not required with CONVERT program.) (7) Position stylus at beginning of curve. Lock Y-axis, and check alignment. (8) Initiate TRACER Mode, de-activate SKIP (SKIP button out, light off), and unlock stylus. (9) FLAG the tape once. (10) Trace the record as desired. The first point which will not be computed, or printed, will be X = 0, Y = 0. The speed at which the stylus can be moved without destroying data accumulated is well in excess of the speed normally used to digitize the record. However, if exceeded, the RECORD ERROR will light and record will be deleted. (11) When tracing is complete, lock the stylus, initiate FLAG PEDAL twice and IRG button once. (12) Press rewind button on tape module and remove tape. The user of the Calma digitizer can reap the benefits of the instru- ment's speed and accuracy only if the digitizing operator understands and applies the system's basic rules of operation. It is strongly suggested that new digitizing operators read, study and understand the textual instructions (CAIMA MODEL 480 DIGITIZER, Instruction and Main- tenance Manual) before attempting to operate the digitizer. 80 (13) The magnetic tape from the digitizing process is used as INPUT to program CONVERT. The approximate number of words on the tape should be estimated so that CONVERT may be dimensioned accordingly. In addition, if the tape contains any parity errors, or was not deguassed properly prior to usage, the program will only interpret a portion of the data or possibly not run at all. These problems have been encountered in the past. (14) The program CONVERT is included and is self-explanatory. Output consists of (a) sampling rate, (b) length of record (sec), (c) amplitude values (inch) V(N), and (d) incremental travel in X-direction U(N). These may be summed in another program to determine proper time or spatial frame. (15) It must be remembered that CONVERT is FORTRAN IV written for the CDC/6500 located at FNWC Monterey, and must be adapted for other computers. 81 PROGRAM CONVERT ( I NPUT, OUTPUT, PUNCH) C THIS PROGRAM CONVERTS THE DIGITIZED RECORD OF THE C MONTEREY TIDE GUAGE FROM EXTERNAL BCD TO AMPLITUDE C VALUES FOR A CONSTANT SAMPLING PATE DELT, AVGX IS THE C AVERAGE DISTANCE THE RECORDING DRUM ADVANCES PER ONE C HOUR PEAL TIME, I* E, THE DATA SAMPLING »ATE. C REFERENCE-CALMA CO, MODEL 3 03 DIGITIZER INSTRUCTION C MANUAL. DIMENSION STATEMENT MAY BE MODIFIED TO C COMPUTE AS MANY DATA PCINTS AS REQUIRED. DIMENSION U( 17000) ,V( 17000) ,N(80) , I BUFF ( 17000 ) ,NK(80J C PROGRAM READS L SETS OF DATA FROM TAPE READ 97, L 97 F0RMATU2) DO 116 JJ=1,L READ 98, AVGX 93 FORMAT(F10.3) C COMPUTE SAMPLING RATE (SECONDS) DELT=36.0/AVGX PRINT 99, DELT 99 FORMAT( 1H0,2X,25H SAMPLING INTERVAL EQUALS , IX , E 15 .7 , IX 1,7H?EC0NDS) PRI.T 700, JJ 700 FORMAT! 1H0,9HJJ EQUALS, 2X,I2) C ZERO FILL AMPLITUDE ARRAYS DO 100 1=1,17000 U( I ) = 0.0 V( I )=C.C 100 CONTINUE C ZEROIZE INPUT/OUTPUT BUFFER 101 DO 202 1=1,17000 IBUFF( I )=0 202 CONTINUE COUNTX=C.O COUNTY=0.0 NUM=17000 C COUNT NUMBER OF DATA POINTS ACCUMULATED M=l K8 = 0 C CALL SUBROUTINE LIOF TO READ INPUT TAPE WHERE NPAR IS C A PARITY CHECK, AND NEOF CHECKS FOR END OF FILE CALL LIOF( 5LRBC01,IBUFF,NUM,NPAR,NE0F) IF(NEOF) 602,200 200 K=-7 KF = 0 201 K=K+8 KA=K+8 KC = 0 00 102 KB=K,KA KC = KC + 1 NK(KC)=IBUFF(KB) IF(NMKC).EO.O) KF = 1 102 CONTINUE C DECODE TAPE 80 WORDS AT A TIME DECODE( 80,103,NK) ( N< I ) , I =1 ,80 ) 103 F0RMAT(80R1) C INTERPRET BCD ON TAPE AND COMPUTE AMPLITUDES DO 104 19=1,80 IF(N( I9).EQ.50B) GO TO 106 IF(N( I9).E0.55BJ GO TO 107 IF(N( I9).EQ.34B) GO TO 103 IF(N( I9).EQ.A7B> GO TO 105 C SYMBOL / (50B) REPRESENTS AN INCREMENT TRAVEL IN THE C MINUS X OR Y DIRECTION BY THE DIGITIZER. C SYMBOL 0#(55B) , REPRESENTS A ZE"0 INCREMENT TRAVEL IN C THE X OP Y DIRECTION BY THE DIGITIZER. C SYMBOL 1,( 3AB) , REPRESENTS AN INCREMENT TRAVEL IN THE C POSITIVE X OR Y DIRECTION BY THE DIGITIZER. C SYMBOL *V(47B), IS A FLAG INSERTED IN THE RECORD BY C THE PERSON DIGITIZING. GO TO 10^ 105 PRINT 205, M, 19 205 F0RMAT(1H0,2I10) 82 c c c c 1106 107 108 109 110 111 112 104 115 215 213 116 600 601 602 THIS S IDENTI IF(M.G GO TO COMPUT RX=-0. K8=K8+ GO TO COMPUT RX=0.0 Kd=K8+ GO TO COMPUT RX=0.0 K8=K8+ K3=K8/ K3=2*K IFCK3. COUNTX IF(CCU GO TO COMPUT U(M)=C GO TO COUNTY IF(CCU GO TO COMPUT V(M)=C COUNTX M=M+1 STOP I IF(M.G CONTIN IF(KF. GO TO TOTAL POINTS TIME=( PRINT FORMAT 17,2X,7 PRINT PRINT PUNCH PRINT PRINT PUNCH FORMAT FORMAT CONTIN STOP PRINT FORMAT STOP END CN ALLOWS FIRST TEN WCRDS OF TAPE TO BE TION DATA IF DESIRED. ) GO TO 113 ECTI FICA T.10 104 E NEGATIVE TRAVEL CI 1 109 a ZERO TRAVEL 1 1C9 E POSITIVE TRAVEL 1 1 2 3 E0.K8) GO TO 111 =CCLNTX+RX NTX.NE.O.O) GO TC 110 104 E X INCREMENT TRAVEL CLNTX 104 =CCUNTY+RX NTX.NE.O.O) GO TC 112 104 E AMPLITUDE VALUE CLNTY = 0.0 F DA T.17 LE EO.l 201 TIME TIM M*DE 115, ( 1H H HO AND 215, 213, AND 215, 215, ( 1H ( 14F UE TA POINTS EXCEED 000) GO TO 600 ) GO TO 113 ARRAY OF ES T LT)/ TIME ,10X URS, PUNC ¥ JK K = 0,1,2,.. .N-l. N N Then for K = l,2,...,-r - 1, j (with the bar denoting conjugation) AK = 2 (AK + \-x) ' AK = 2 (AN-K_AK} and, CK = i * v i o N.N for K = 1,2,... ^ - 1, 2 i _ • r n H\ CN-K = 1 (A-' " A" fil (AK ' AK 6 N"K 2 } for K = 1,2,..., | - 1 84 If we let C_ = 2 (ReA0 " ImA(P CN = 2 (ReA0 + ImA0> We finally have : AQ = 2 Re (C0), BR = -21m (CK) , B0 = 0, ^ = 2 Re (CN), The Fourier coefficients V B0 = °' V Bi""V BN = °are obtained for input X., j = 0,1,2 ,.. .2N-1, where N = 1/2, for the following equation. N-l X. = | AQ + E (^ COS (njK/N) + BR SIN (TTjk/N) + K=l 85 APPENDIX C LEAST SQUARES CURVE FITTING The scheme used to accomplish the least squares fit for a sixth- degree polynomial is described below. Given a set of data pairs (X., Y.) (i = 0,N) which can be interpreted as measured values of the coordinates of the points on the graph of y = f(x), assume that the unknown function f(x) can be approximated by a linear combination of suitably chosen functions, f_(x), f..(x), ... f, (x) of the form F(x) = A-f^fx) + U 1 o U U A1f1(x) + A2f2(x) + A3f3(x) + A4f4(x) + A5f5(x) + A^Cx) where the unknown coefficients A , A., . . . , A, are independent parameters to be determined and the degree of least squares polynomial, M is such that M = 6 < N. The difference between the approximating function value F(xj) and the corresponding data value Y., is called the residual r. and is defined by the relation rj = F(X.) - Y. (i = 0, N). The function F(x) that best approximates the given set of data in a least squares sense is that linear combination A fn(x) + A.f , (x) + ... + A,f,(x) of functions f (x) that produces the minimum value of bo k the sum Q of the squared residuals where Q = S r.2 = S [f(X.) - Y.2]. For the case of curve-smoothing by polynomial least squares, we approximate the function y = f(x) over the range of data points (X. , Y.) ( i = 0, N). The parameters A , A- , ... A, are then deter- mined such that 86 " ■ S ri2 ■ E [P6 " Yi2] is £ minimum. That is, a 6th degree polynomial curve is fitted to the data points in a least squares sense as defined earlier. The normal equations for the least-squares polynomial can be written as N+1ZX. EX. 1 1 2 3 EX. EX. E X. ill E X. i E X.' i EX.6 EX.7 E X.8. ill E X 12 E Y. l E X.Y. i l E X.6Y. i i where : N = number of data pairs X. = time increment (seconds) l ' Y. = amplitude values (inches) The solution of the matrix is the sixth-degree polynomial, P,(x) = A_ + A.X1^ A0X20 + A_X3_ + A.X4, + A_X5_ + A,X6, o 0 1122 33 44 55 66 which is then subtracted from each data point to remove tidal effects, acting as a high-pass filter. Choosing a sample interval of 90 increments, 23 data pairs were utilized for the least squares fit. 87 LITERATURE CITED 1. Cooley, J. W. and J. W. Tukey, 1965. An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series, Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 19, No. 90, April, 297-301. 2. Hudson, R. Y., 1949. Wave and Surge Action, Monterey Harbor, Monterey, California, Technical Memorandum No. 2-301, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. 3. Manual of Tide Observations, 1965. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Publication 30-1, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C 4. Munk, W. H., 1962. Long Ocean Waves, The Sea , Volume One, M. N. Hill, ed., Interscience Publishers, New York. 5. Wilson, B. W. , J. A. Hendrickson, and R. E. Kilmer, 1965. Feasibility Study for a Surge - Action Model of Monterey Harbor, California , Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. 6. Enochson, L. D. and Otmes , R. K. , Programming and Analysis for Digital Time Series, Data 1968. 7. Munk, Snodgrass , and Carrier, 1956. Edgewaves on the Continental Shelf, Science, 27 January 1956, Vol. 123, No. 3187. 88 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Documentation Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library, Code 0212 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Oceanographer of the Navy . 1 The Madison Building 732 N. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 4. Department of Oceanography, Code 58 3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 5. Dr. E. B. Thornton, Code 58Tm 3 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 6. Dr. W. C. Thompson, Code 58Th 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 7. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1 Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180 8. Dr. B. W. Wilson 1 Science Engineering Associates San Marino, California 91108 9. LCDR Thomas J. Lynch 3 USS Vigor (MSO 473) Fleet Post Office New York, New York 09501 10. V. G. Grauzinis 1 Northwest Oceanographers , Inc. 1045 Gay ley Avenue, Suite 205 Los Angeles, California 90024 89 11. Mr. Thorndike Saville, Jr., Director Research Division Coastal Engineering Research Center 520 Little Falls Road, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20016 12. Mr. Orville T. Magoon U. S. Army Engineer District Corps of Engineers 100 McAllister Street San Francisco, California 94102 13. Dr. Taivo Laevastu, Code Ro Fleet Numerical Weather Central Monterey, California 93940 14. Dr. Joseph J. von Schwind, Code 58Vs Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 15. R. H. Bethel Park/Recreation Department Civic Auditorium Santa Cruz, California 95060 90 Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D {Security classi tic ation of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classltied) 1 ORIGINATING AC Tl VI T Y (Corpora te author) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 2«. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 2b. GROUP 3 REPORT TITLE! Long Wave Study of Monterey Bay 4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and, inclusi ve dates) Master's Thesis; Sppt-Pmhpr 1Q7D ? r. 5- Au THORIS) (First name, middle initial, last name) Thomas John Lynch 6 REPORT DATE September 1970 T. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 89 76. NO. OF REFS 7 •a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 6. PROJECT NO 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 9b. OTHER REPORT NOISI (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is unlimited. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILI TAR Y ACTIVITY Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 13. ABSTRAC T Monterey Bay, on the west coast of the United States, is unique in that it is a large, symmetric, semi-elliptical bay divided north and south by the deep Monterey Canyon. The effect of the canyon on seiching within the bay and on long wave oscillations within the bay was studied by analyzing sychronized wave records at each end of the bay. Power spectra and cross spectra calculated for five periods selected from six months continuous data indicate the Monterey Canyon has a profound effect on the bay's oscillating characteristics. The canyon appears to act as an impedence barrier dividing the bay into two independent oscillating basins each having recurring long- period waves which persist during significant long -wave activity. DD ,F°Rv"..1473 (PAGE "