ID A Selected Night Blooming Cereus This very fine specimen is the result of careful selection by Mr. Burbank, from large numbers of seedlings. The flowers of this variety are nearly nine inches in diameter. They open early in the morning and are completely withered by ten or eleven o'clock. It will be noted that two of the blossoms on the right hand stalk have withered and that they are marked with strings to indicate that their seed is to be saved for future experiments. LUTHER BURBANK HIS METHODS AND DISCOVERIES AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION PREPARED FROM fflS ORIGINAL FIELD NOTES COVERING MORE THAN 100,000 EXPERIMENTS MADE DURING FORTY YEARS DEVOTED TO PLANT IMPROVEMENT WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF The Luther Burbank Society AND ITS ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP UNDER THE EDITORIAL DIRECTION OF John Whitson and Robert John AND Henry Smith Williams, M. D.9 LL. D, VOLUME X ILLUSTRATED WITH 105 DIRECT COLOR PHOTOGRAPH PRINTS PRODUCED BY A NEW PROCESS DEVISED AND PERFECTED FOR USE IN THESE VOLUMES NEW YORK AND LONDON LUTHER BURBANK PRESS MCMXV Copyright. 1915, by The Luther Burbank Society Entered at Stationers' Hall, London All right* reserred Volume X— By Chapters Foreword Page 3 Getting the Utmost Variation Out of a Flower —How the Chinese Balloon Flower Was Trebled. 7 II Improvements in the Much Improved Iris —And a Few Other Old os\ Favorite. i>9 TTI The Tigridia and Some Interesting Hybrids —New Charms in Far-away _ _ Flowers. IV Four Common Dooryard Flowers — And Their Improvement — Work on the Verbena, the Pink, the Petunia and the Geranium 107 V The Everlasting Flower, and Some Common Exotics — The Australian Star Flower and Plants IOC From Orient and Tropics lot) VI The Hybrid Larkspur— and Other Transformations — Introducing a Miscellaneous i /TT Company 10 / VII Ornamental Palms and Climbing Vines — Views on Artistic -. xv^ Treatment .................................. ......... 1"" VIH Lawns and Their Beautincation —Some Old and New Shrubs and Grasses IX Field and Flower Garden —Some Practical Hints for Their Betterment List of Direct Color Photograph Prints .......... 305 The Balloon Flower The upper specimen shows the form of the flower just be- fore opening, from which the name is derived. It will be seen that the balloon-shape entirely disappears when the blossom has opened, as in the lower figure. This specimen shows the single row of petals characterizing the variety with which Mr. Burbank's experiments began. GETTING THE UTMOST VARIATION OUT OF A FLOWER How THE CHINESE BALLOON-FLOWER WAS TREBLED IN illustrating the possibilities of flower devel- opment, the case of the Chinese balloon-flower (Platijcodon) will answer as well as another. I had been for some time working with a bed of these flowers, with an eye to the increase of their beauty of form, their size, clearness and intensity of color, and the closer and more grace- ful placing of blossoms on the stalk. As to all of these matters, the existing balloon-flowers left a good deal to be desired. My method of work was that which I have already outlined so fully in connection with other flowers. The essentials of it, as the reader is aware, are first the careful scrutiny of the entire colony to discover the individual that is the very best of all as to the particular character in ques- tion. This individual is selected and its seed carefully preserved. [VOLUME X-— CHAPTER I] LUTHER BURBANK If the three or four different qualities, improve- ment of which is desired, are not combined to best advantage in any single individual, then it is neces- sary to select an individual for each quality, and to carry forward three or four lines of experiment at the same time. It will be recalled that in developing a special variety of small sweet canning pea, with the qual- ities of uniform ripening, of small seed, and of seeds of uniform number and equal size in the pod, I was enabled to find these qualities exhibited in such combination that the experiment went for- ward rapidly, so that in the course of six genera- tions I had developed precisely the variety of pea that was desired. But it will also be recalled that half a dozen other lines of experiment were carried forward at the same time, using the same group of peas, that led finally to the production of as many quite different varieties, characterized by large size of seed, by lentil-shaped seeds, and the like. And these secondary experiments were carried out without in any way interfering with the primary one. It was merely that, in searching among the different vines, I could not fail to notice individ- ual plants that showed interesting characteristics, and nothing more was required than to mark these differently from the others and save their se^ed. [8] I Double Balloon Flower This picture, like the preceding one, shows both the bal- loon-shaped buds and the open flower. But this is a developed variety, in which the petals have been increased in number tnrougn the methods of selective breeding described in the text. LUTHER BURBANK So in such a case as that of the balloon-flower, where it is desired to increase three or four quite different qualities — in this case size, beauty of form, manner of placement of blossoms, and in- tensity and clearness of color — it does not so very greatly matter whether in the early generations one finds the different qualities combined in a single individual, or whether, as is more likely, he finds one individual that is most graceful, another that has blossoms placed on the stalk in the best manner, and a third that shows to best advantage as to intensity and clearness of color. It is much more probable, in practice, that the second alternative will be the one actually pre- sented. Indeed, it is altogether unlikely, when new qualities, such as these, that have not hitherto at- tracted the attention of the cultivator of the plant, are in question, that one will find a single individ- ual that surpasses all its fellows as to each quality. In point of fact, with the balloon-flowers, it was necessary to save seed of three or four indi- viduals and search among their progeny in turn in the following season, and make additional selections that involved a number of individuals. But when selection has been carried to a stage where we have one race of balloon-flowers pre- senting plants that are uniformly of graceful and attractive form, and another race that has the [10] ON EXTREME VARIATION flowers arranged in a satisfactory way on the stalk, and a third race that produces flowers of a brilliant white color, the materials are in hand for an amplification of the experiment along lines with which the reader is already familiar, through which the desired combination of these traits in a single race may be effected with almost absolute certainty. THE COMBINATION OF QUALITIES The method in question consists, of course, in cross-pollenizing the best individuals of the three new races. Of course, one cannot blend three strains in a single cross-pollenizing experiment. But one can cross-pollenize specimens of each one of the three with each of the others, making the cross reciprocal in all cases to make quite sure. Each of the new hybrid races will thus blend, in one way or another, the traits of two of the parent forms. Selection being made to find the best types among these two crossbred races, the ones selected will, of course, be inter-pollenized and their off- spring, representing the second generation from the three parent forms, will combine all the hered- itary factors of their three specialized ancestors. Among these second generation hybrids there will be found, in all probability — if large numbers of specimens are examined — some individuals that ON EXTREME VARIATION will combine in the superlative degree the quali- ties of gracefulness of vine of one grandparent with the satisfactory arrangement of flowers of the second grandparent and the brilliant white- ness of blossoms of the third grandparent. It is then an obvious procedure to save the seed of this individual, and while we must expect wide variation among the plants grown from that seed, there will almost certainly be some among them that will reproduce the combined good qualities of the parent, and further selection along precisely the same line — what I sometimes speak of as "line breeding" — will result in fixing of the type, so that we shall have the variety, hitherto existing only in our imagination, which we have all along been seeking to produce. Moreover, not alone shall we have produced a type which combines all the best qualities of the different members of the original balloon-flowers, but our new race will almost certainly present these characters in markedly accentuated form. The perfected balloon-flower will be more grace- ful in form than the most graceful one of the orig- inal colony. It will have its blossoms much more artistically grouped on the stalk than any balloon- flower that has hitherto been seen, and the color of these blossoms will be cleared and more bril- liant than those of any individual member of the [13] LUTHER BURBANK original colony, whether blue, white, or interme- diate, as may readily be demonstrated by compar- ison if the original colony has been preserved, and is now represented by unselected progeny. Of course, in my own experiments, the unse- lected members would usually have been de- stroyed, but the worker who experiments on a smaller scale may find it desirable to preserve the old colony, or some members of it, if for no other purpose than to find encouragement in making such a comparison as that just suggested. The results, as I have said, are sure to be encouraging if you have carried out the experi- ment in the way just outlined. Nothing more is required than the use of your eyes and reasonable judgment in selecting the best specimens; care in the preservation of the seeds; cultivation of the seedlings in the way we have elsewhere fully de- scribed; and persistency in following up the experiment. I have a good many times pointed out that in such experiments there may not be very much encouragement in the first generation or two. Some forms of plant, and in particular those that have not been very much under cultivation, or that are represented by only one or two species, may hold fixedly to their type and show at first only a slight range of variation. In such cases [14] Double, and Tending Toward Tripleness Here the tendency of the balloon flower to increase its petals has taken on another phase, in that there is a rudi- mentary third row of petals, represented by a transformed stamen. This obviously is promising material for further experiments. LUTHER BURBANK you must be content to go forward by very slow stages, taking but the shortest step ahead with each generation for the first two or three years. But even where progress is as slow as this in the beginning, the time will almost surely come when the effect of what I have several times referred to as the momentum of variation begins to be felt. Some season, to your surprise and delight, you will discover that the plants are vary- ing much more widely than they have done hitherto. Instead of having to scrutinize your seedlings with the utmost care to determine which ones are largest and most vigorous; and then in turn scru- tinize with equal care the blossoms — when they appear — to determine which are largest and most brilliant, you will find that some few seedlings will jump ahead of the others as if they belonged to another race, bringing to your mind the famil- iar tale of Jack's Beanstalk, or the less familiar story of Darwin's Hero morning-glory, which ap- peared suddenly after several generations of selection. When the seedlings which thus practically select themselves have come to blooming time, your delight will be enhanced as you discover that the blossoms they bear are markedly larger and more brilliant than any you have seen before. [16] ON EXTREME VARIATION Now all your disappointment and discourage- ment of the first day is forgotten. Now your en- thusiasm is reanimated and accentuated. From this time forward you carry on the experiment with renewed zeal, and you feel confident at last that the coveted goal is within sight. PLANTS THAT TEND TO VARY Of course there are other plants that give en- couragement from the very outset. Such is the case with almost any of the familiar cultivated plants, of which there are many species and varie- ties that have long been given attention by the horticulturist. Suppose, for example, that you were to plant all the seeds taken from the seed pods of a single dahlia. Perhaps you have done this on occasion, not with any thought of making new experiments or developing a new variety, but merely in the hope of reproducing the characteristics of the best and most beautiful dahlia among the number in your garden. In that case you have doubtless been subjected to bitter disappointment. For when the carefully nurtured seedlings came finally to bloom- ing time, instead of presenting flowers closely sim- ilar to those of the parent form, they have shown, in all probability, the widest range of variation — not one of them perhaps has been closely similar to the parent. Nor, perhaps, were any two pre- [17] Yet Another Step Toward Tripleness With this balloon flower several of the stamens have turned into petals of a rudimentary type. If carefully selected, the progeny of this flower should, within a generation or two, have some representatives with three rows of fully formed petals, in striking contrast with the single-flowered parent- forms a few generations removed. ON EXTREME VARIATION cisely alike. Among them you could discover resemblances to all the other dahlias in your gar- den and, indeed, to a large proportion of those that you had seen pictured in the seed catalogues. In a word, your dahlia seeds show that they contain the racial strains of a great variety of an- cestors, and they present a variation that is truly disconcerting to the gardener whose sole desire was to produce a lot of dahlias of uniform char- acter. In one case, recorded by Darwin, an experi- menter listed no fewer than eighteen different varieties of the dahlia grown in the first genera- tion from the seed of a single plant, and of course there were all manner of intermediate forms. In the listed eighteen only six corresponded pretty closely to certain named or catalogued varieties. It would perhaps more truly present the record if we were to say that there were not eighteen dif- ferent varieties merely, but as many varieties as there were individual plants. But while such an experience as this is utterly disconcerting to any amateur whose only thought is to produce a bed of flowers of uniform color or character, the same experience would offer pre- cisely the opportunity that the would-be developer of new varieties is seeking. Now it is not a case of hunting here and there throughout a company [19] LUTHER BURBANK of seedlings for one that differs by a shade from the others. It is a case of selecting two or three or a dozen individual plants that present features that attract the experimenter; and selecting their seed to be planted the following year in individual plots, that the experiment may be carried forward, generation after generation, just as before so far as principles are concerned — but very differently as regards results, inasmuch as now there is the most striking departure in each successive gen- eration from the characteristics of the parent form. How wide the departure may be within a few generations is well manifested by the dahlias, since these plants, as we have already learned, have all been developed in the space of about a century from wild originals. Moreover, by no means are many generations represented as might be supposed, inasmuch as the dahlia is propagated usually from the bulb, and it is only now and again that an experimenter has taken the plant in hand to raise it from the seed and separate out new varieties. That a plant which in its wild form is an ordi- nary sort of composite — not very different from the Black-Eyed-Susans and allied sunflower-like plants that abound by every roadside — could be developed in a comparatively short series of gen- erations into the extraordianry flower with solid [20] Work with the Calendula Mr. Burbank has a large bed of these flowers in his gar- den now, and in recent seasons he has been testing it with an to the range of its possible variations. It is a flower with which any amateur may work readily and to advantage. LUTHER BURBANK heads, and presenting the gorgeous anH variegated colors of the dahlia of to-day, is in itself an object lesson in the possibilities of plant development that is nothing less than inspiring. UNEXPECTED RESULTS Not only may plants be led along the line of some desired variation, but there is an element of chance in the enterprise that adds very greatly to its interest. There is always a certain allurement about the happening of the unexpected. It is highly gratify- ing to select a plant for some desired quality and to have it respond to selection in such wise that a variety presenting this quality is finally produced. But it is doubly gratifying to see here and there, quite unexpectedly, the putting forth of a flower of an unpredicted color, or the development of a form of which one hitherto had no conception. In a field of cultivated poppies, for example, where there were millions of specimens, all of sub- stantially identical color, so that the field made a blazing sheet of yellow, I have come upon a single blossom of the purest white. To find this white blossom, isolated among the millions, is an experience that repays one for years of earnest effort and makes amends for almost any antecedent disappointment. It was such a chance discovery as we have seen [22] ON EXTREME VARIATION that gave the world the wonderful new race of white Watsonias. Quite possibly the white flower that Mr. Arderne found among the colony of red- dish pink ones may have been the only one of its color among a million, or perhaps ten million, of its fellows for miles around. But this single atyp- ical individual chanced to be discovered, and its progeny to-day are found by thousands, even by hundreds of thousands, in the gardens and green- houses, not alone of its native home in South Africa, but of all parts of Europe and warmer regions of America. I myself, as the reader will recall, have raised these white Watsonias by hundreds of thousands. Their strains were mingled in the germ plasm of the quarter million bulbs of this species that I was obliged to destroy in a single season. Such are the possibilities of multiplication of a plant. Such is the geometrical ratio at which the offspring of a single individual increase if given encouragement. Boundless, then, are the possi- bilities that lie before the plant developer who discovers a single specimen of an aberrant type. One white poppy among the million yellow ones might be the progenitor of a race that would dis- place entirely the whole race of yellow poppies. What I wish to illustrate at the moment, how- ever, is not the possibilities of multiplication of [23] •§ 2* S t^I-45 ii a. >«i 3 SI ON EXTREME VARIATION the plant but the interest that attaches to the devel- opment of unexpected variations. And I repeat that the possibility of finding a new form in your flower garden almost any morning will give per- petual interest to your task, and will come to be a compelling incentive that will take you to the gar- den as steel is drawn to the magnet. To illustrate the possibilities from the case directly in hand, let us recall the new race of bal- loon-flowers, the evolution of which we have just traced. I have said that the experiment began with the ideal of a balloon-flower of better form, more graceful placement of flowers, and individ- ual blossoms larger and of more brilliant color. I have said also that these ends were in due course attained, and have traced briefly the steps through which the new race of perfected balloon-flowers was evolved. Now it remains to add that when the experi- ment was approaching completion, and a new race of balloon-flowers in many ways satisfactory was actually in being, I discovered one day among the blossoms one that had a perfectly regular second row of petals, instead of the usual single row, or the irregular so-called double, which had some- times appeared. Here was an unexpected varia- tion, which was something that I had not counted on or considered. [25] ON EXTREME VARIATION But, needless to say, I hailed the new arrival with delight, and marked it for further education. If we ask why this second row of petals ap- peared, the answer can be only a conjecture. Doubtless some condition of altered nutrition stim- ulated the plant to this abnormal production. It is customary to speak of such an anomaly as a "sport" or mutation. But doubtless these words beg the question. They name a condition, but do riot in any way explain it. It is an observed fact, however, that sudden variations analogous to this may be stimulated by a change of climate or a change of soil, as when a plant is brought from another hemisphere, or by a surplusage or a shortage of food. It is famil- iarly known that in a beehive the larva that would otherwise grow into an ordinary worker may be made to develop into a queen, that is to say, a mature female, by forced feeding. In somewhat the same way a plant that has an excess of nour- ishment may tend to take on exceptional growth, and one manifestation of this might be a disturb- ance of the equilibrium of the floral envelope, with the production of an unusual number of petals. It is known, on the other hand, that a shortage of food supplies or disadvantageous conditions of climate may hasten the maturing of a plant, and [27] LUTHER BURBANK cause it to fruit earlier than it otherwise would do. And any disturbance of equilibrium of this sort may lead to anomalies in the precise character of the flower. Possibly the reason why the petals of the flower are most likely to be altered as to number, and also as to color, is the fact that these are about the newest of all the plant structures. We have seen that the petals are not themselves essential to the fertilization of the plant — they are only advertise- ments to attract insects. They were developed late in the evolutionary history of the plant, and their variability is an additional evidence of their modernity. The fact that so many of our culti- vated plants have become "double" is in itself suf- ficient proof of the tendency of the petals to be modified under conditions of change of climate and nutrition to which the cultivated plant is subjected. But from our present standpoint, what perhaps is of greatest interest is the fact that when petals have once shown a tendency to such modification, this propensity is heritable, and the .progeny of the plant will reveal some members at least that show the same characteristic. Moreover, the "momentum of variation" to which I have so frequently referred will make itself felt in the tendency of these variants to take [28] A Promising Pupil Here is a Calendula flower selected from among those shown in the preceding picture because of its tendency to pro- duce rudimentary rays in the composite center of the flower. There is a love of change inherent in the germ plasm of this indi- vidual, and its progeny will be worth watching. LUTHER BURBANK on still wider variation. In other words, the plant that has developed an extra petal or row of petals has in its germ plasm factors that will tend to urge it to the production of still greater modifications of the floral envelope. In the case of the balloon-flower, the plant that had developed a second row of petals, when its progeny were carefully scrutinized, was found to have transmitted the anomaly to a certain num- ber, and among the progeny of these there pres- ently appeared one that had a third row of petals. So in the course of comparatively few generations there had been produced a race of balloon-flowers that had trebled the number of petals that hith- erto had been the recognized complement for flowers of this race. Multiplication of petals may result, as we have already noticed, from the transformation of sta- mens into petals, or it may come about from the springing into being of new petals de novo, rather than as modifications of any pre-existing part of the flower. The latter appears to be the case with the new rows of petals of the balloon-flower. Whether the modification will continue until the balloon flower has a large number of rows of petals, comparable to those of the double roses, for example, remains to be seen. But at the pres- ent stage the flower has a triple corolla, constitut- [30] Another Stage of Progress Here is a calendula flower that has progressed a step far- ther. It is much larger, and its center is more nearly filled with ray flowers. It bears but a remote resemblance to its progenitor of the type shown in the first picture of this series a few pages back. LUTHER BURBANK ing a very striking modification. The ultimate limits of its variation can be determined only by further series of experiments. STIMULATING VARIATION The modification of the balloon-flower has somewhat exceptional interest, because there is only a single species of the genus Platycodon, to which it belongs, anywhere in the world. In other words, this genus is what is called a monotype, and it is a well-recognized fact that flowers belonging to a genus having only a single species, and even to genera having half a dozen species, are relatively little subject to variation. Rightly considered, this is almost axiomatic; be- cause the very fact that there are many species in a genus proves that the representatives of that genus have been variable; else they would not have developed so many different forms, since all members of a genus have sprung from the same ancestry within comparatively recent times. The balloon-flower has seemingly been isolated under climatic conditions that have not greatly changed for a long period and hence it has main- tained its specific identity, and the type has become thoroughly fixed. And this fact, as I said, gives added interest to such an experiment as that just outlined, which shows how marked may be the developments that can be produced by selective [32] Still Another Calendula Variation In this specimen the ray flowers are still more crowded, and the center has been minimized, although still capable of producing a certain number of seeds. If the seeds were entirely eliminated, of course the experiment in selective breeding could go no farther. LUTHER BURBANK breeding, even with a flower that tends very strongly to maintain fixity of type. But, in point of fact, as we have emphasized again and again, no flower is so fixed that it does not vary to some extent; and in the case of the balloon-flower, it appears that there are modifica- tions in the type of the plant as it appears in China and in Japan, that are sufficiently divergent to be recognized by the botanist as established varieties. A form from Manchuria also has been modified, particularly in the matter of the time of blooming, which is much later than that of the type species. Also in the matter of color — that most variable of traits — there is modification, as some varieties are blue, some bluish white, and some variegated, in addition to the pure white form. There was, however, no other color until last season, when a plant bearing large red blossoms appeared among a few thousand seedlings which had been grown from my long-selected varieties. There is material at hand, then, through which cross-fertilization may be practiced, with the pos- sibility of giving the flower still greater impetus to variation. Until such cross-pollenizing has been practiced, using varieties of the plant imported from the most widely spread regions — let us say races grown in China, in Manchuria, in Japan, in Europe, and in California — we shall not have [34] A Calendula of Real Distinction This specimen is approaching the limits of variation in the direction toward which it has been specialized. Note the fringed character of the ray flowers, and their exceedingly symmet- trical distribution, like shingles on a roof. LUTHER BURBANK tested fully the possibilities of variation of the balloon-flower. And indeed, even when these crosses have been made, there will still remain possibilities to invite the plant experimenter. For although the balloon- flower stands in a genus by itself, there are of course other genera that are not very distantly related in the Campanula family, to which the flower belongs. The balloon-flower is often spo- ken of as the Chinese bellflower, and with entire propriety, inasmuch as its nearest relatives are the European and American bellflowers, of which there are several familiar species, the best known, perhaps, being the one called popularly the hare- bell or bluebell, and the Canterbury bell. It is quite supposable that it might be possible to hybridize the Chinese flower with one or an- other of these European or American bellflowers. And in that event it is not to be doubted that the hybrid race would show new possibilities of variation and, by combining ancestral traits that have not been blended since remote geological periods, if at all, we should develop among the progeny of the balloon-flower races that would, in all probability, differ so radically from the parent form as scarcely to be recognizable as having any relationship whatever with the plant with which our experiment began. [36] Extreme Development of Another Type This calendula, like the preceding one, represents some- thing like the limits of variation in a given direction; but in this case the variation is of a different type from the other. Here the rays are long and graceful, and the flower is less compact in form, though not lacking in distinction. The two flowers, like the others shown, have been selected for dif- ferent qualities from among the progeny of the same remote ancestors. LUTHER BURBANK All of this, of course, is taking liberties with the future. In the case of the balloon-flower, such hybridizations have not as yet been successfully carried out. But in suggesting the possible results of such potential hybridization, we are merely drawing analogies from almost numberless experi- ments with other races of flowers, and we have every warrant for drawing such conclusions as those just suggested. Certainly we are justified in the conclusion that we have not tested to the fullest the possibilities of variation — that we are not by any means "getting the utmost variation out of the flower" — until we have supplemented the method of selection with that of hybridization. I may add that there are yet other possibilities of stimulating variation by chemical treatment of the developing ovaries of the flower itself; or by subjecting the plant to unusual conditions of hot- house temperature; but experiments of this type, reference to which has been made in an earlier chapter, have not fallen within the scope of my own work, and as yet have been carried out only tentatively by others. So I mention them here only as suggesting that there are other possibilities so various and so complicated as to give full assur- ance that no single line of investigation will ever reach a stage where it loses interest because it has brought the investigator to the end of the road. [38] IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MUCH IMPROVED IRIS AND A FEW OTHER OLD FAVORITES IF you are disposed to undertake a series of practical experiments along the lines suggested in the preceding chapter, it is by no means nec- essary for you to send to distant countries for the material. Of course, the professional plant developer is always on the lookout for plants from China and New Zealand and such far-away places. But the amateur need not be deterred by the difficulty of securing such materials. It suffices perfectly for him to go into his garden and begin his experi- ments with the first flower he chances to find there. Any old-fashioned flower garden, such as adorns the door-yards of millions of homes in America, will furnish abundant material for all the experiments that any amateur need care to undertake. Let me name almost at random a few of the [VOLUME X — CHAPTER II] LUTHER BURBANK common garden flowers that offer interesting op- portunities for development, and any one of which will serve quite as well as another for the com- mencement of your tests of the possibilities of plant development. Take, for example, the famil- iar iris, known sometimes as the rainbow plant. There are specimens of it, in one variety or an- other, growing in every garden. It makes its way if given the slightest opportunity, and its some- what lily-like flower with the graceful recurved fringed petals has retained its popularity genera- tion after generation, notwithstanding the coming of many new favorites. My own work with the iris has had to do largely with a Japanese species known as Iris laevigata. On an acre of damp ground that I have at Sebas- topol, I raised great quantities of these flowers a few years ago. The combination of colors was beautiful beyond description, varying in all shades of the rainbow. Among the seedlings were num- bers that produced double flowers, and sometimes the double ones took on handsome and unusual shapes, in other cases the anomalies of form were grotesque and even monstrous, rather than beau- tiful. Some of the seedlings produced almost ten times as many flowers as others, the individual blossoms being of equal size. Some were tall and [40] The Iris This common and familiar, but very beautiful, garden flower is one that makes particular appeal to the amateur, and with which experiments in selective breeding, notably with regard to color-variation, may be made. This specimen is from Mr. Burbank's experimental garden in a recent year. LUTHER BURBANK lanky and could hardly support themselves when in bloom. Others were short and compact. The range of variation was from dwarfed forms of eight inches to giants of four feet or more. And that the variation was due to heredity and not to any environmental conditions was shown by the fact that the dwarfs and giants might stand side by side in the same soil and subject to pre- cisely the same conditions of moisture. There was not much demand at that time for new varieties, so I ultimately sold the entire lot of hybrid Japanese iris as a mixture, without names or numbers, not taking the time to sort out and fix different types by selective breeding. In addition to the Japanese form, I have raised a great number of other species, including one in- teresting form in which the seed pods turned out in a curious way and exposed the orange or scar- let seeds. This is a species known as Iris foetssis- sima. I grew this anomalous form extensively to produce a race that would have seed pods and seeds that would have better form and open more fully. It is not necessary to go into details as to the score or more of other species that I have grown, as they all reveal more or less similar tendencies to variation, and suggest over and over the same possibilities of development. [42] Graceful and Attractive Mr. Burbank's experiments with the iris have been made largely with the Japanese variety; but he tells us that there is ample opportunity to do good and interesting work with the varieties that are found in any garden. Contrast this specimen, with its graceful drooping petals, for example, with ones shown in succeeding pictures. Obviously, here is ample material for selective breeding. LUTHER BURBANK It does not matter very much, then, what par- ticular variety of iris is growing in your garden. Probably there are plants that bear purple flower^, others with yellow ones, and yet others that are white. Thi& obviously gives you opportunity for hybridizing, and there will be abundant interest in watching the results of the blending of different colors. If at the same time that you are crossing the iris of different colors you save also seed from other plants, or from different flowers on the same plants, that are not crossed, you will be able to check the results of your experiment, and will find yourself launched at once into an investigation that offers fascinating possibilities. It should be explained, however, that the cross-pollenizing of the iris presents complications which will not be solved unless you make a very careful inspection of the flower. The stigma of the flower has a little lip under the unique petaloid pistils, very different in ap- pearance from the organs of most other flowers. If you examine it closely you willl see that the lit- tle shell-like lip that projects is adjusted in just the right way to scrape pollen off the back of a bee as it enters the flower, or similarly from the head of a humming-bird. The arrangement is such that the bee or humming-bird will come in [44] A Broad-Petalled Iris The form of the iris is characteristic, and there is not as wide variation in this regard among the different varieties of this tribe as among many others. Yet the form of the petals may be very conspicuously modified, as this specimen shows. In- teresting studies in form variation might be made by crossing such a specimen as this with the one shown in the preceding picture. LUTHER BURBANK contact with the pollen of an individual flower only after it has passed the pistil, and the protect- ing sheath prevents the deposit of pollen as the insect or bird leaves the flower. Thus it is insured that self-fertilization will not take place. While the flower is, as I said, complex in this regard, nothing more is necessary than to study its mechanism attentively, pulling to pieces two or three blossoms to see just how the pollen must be deposited. After that you will experience no diffi- culty in cross-fertilizing the iris, and the results of your work are sure to be of interest. FOUR-O'CLOCK AND COLUMBINE The familiar four-o'clocks are all natives of America, but most of them had their original home in the sub-tropical and tropical portions of our continent. There is one, however, that is native to California, and various species made their way to the gardens even far to the north a century or more ago, and are now grown everywhere. The most striking peculiarity of the four- o'clocks is their tendency to combine different colors in the same flower in peculiar patterns. We have seen a great deal of color variation among flowers. We have seen numberless in- stances in which blossoms of the same species may be in one case red, in another pink, in a third yel- low, and in a fourth white. We have seen also [46] ON SOME COMMON FAVORITES some instances of the mingling of different colors in the same flower, notably with some of the dah- lias. But our attention has been called to no flower that mingles the colors in quite so anom- alous a way as is characteristic with the four- o'clocks. For these blossoms, seemingly unable to decide between different colors, have hit upon a compromise of arranging the colors in definite stripes, which give the tubular corollas a very curious and characteristic appearance. In a lot of seedlings, supposedly of the same variety, the stripes may come in various widths of white, crimson, and yellow. Even when the seed is saved from a single plant, there will be great variation among the seedlings, in some the wide white stripes predominating, in others the crim- son, and in yet others the yellow. Again, some of the flowers may come pure white, or yellow, or crimson, or pink, quite without stripes; or perhaps half of the blossoms on a given plant will be one color and half another. It is obvious that a plant showing such wide variation does not call for hybridization to stim- ulate variation. The mingling of hereditary strains is already sufficiently complex, and you will find quite sufficient occupation in attempting to sort out new races of a good color or combina- tion of colors, and in fixing a dozen of them so [47] A Spectacular Iris Color variation is, of course, the most conspicuous char- acteristic that will appeal to the amateur in the case of the iris. There are purple iris and yellow ones and white ones in almost any garden, and these may be combined in endless ways. Here is a specimen that shows an interesting and spectacular color-blending. ON SOME COMMON FAVORITES that they will come reasonably true to type. If you succeed in accomplishing this, in the course of a few seasons, you will have performed an experi- ment that you will find full of interest, and your task will not have been carried out without giving you very suggestive sidelights on the problem of heredity. It is, in any event, a very curious anomaly that a plant should so have assorted its hereditary fac- tors that they adopt this compromise. And your investigation, which endeavors to determine how accurately the tendency to striping is dependent on particular combinations of hereditary factors, will not only prove interesting, but may lead to* valuable revelations. The entire problem of the study of heredity of color, notwithstanding the attention that has been given it, still bristles with unanswered questions. Your experiments with the old-fashioned four-o'clock may serve to give you answers to some of them. A somewhat simpler but perhaps no less inter- esting problem in color heredity may be taken up in connection with the equally familiar columbine. There are thirty or more species of the genus Aquilegia, or tribe of columbine, and examples of one or two of the more common ones are sure to be found in your garden. At least you can get seeds from which to grow them at any florist's. [49] LUTHER BURBANK I have always been fond of the columbines because of their numerous species, and their wide range of color variation; also because of the curi- ous shape of the flower and the tendency of the spurs to vary greatly in length, as well as in their tendency to open out in some cases, and in others to remain partially closed. There is, indeed, one old cultivated variety which has lost the spurs altogether. I made at one time some interesting experi- ments with this spurless kind of columbine, cross- ing it with many others, especially with one known as the coemlea, which has very large flowers of beautiful shades of blue. The hybrids of this spur- less form with the other species produced beau- tiful large climatis-like flowers, some of them three or four inches in diameter. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the experiment was that the hybrids were entirely spurless. This shows that the condition of spur- lessness, which is an anomaly presumably of re- cent origin, inasmuch as the spurs are a character- istic feature of the flowers of the wild columbines, acts as a dominant factor in heredity. This, of course, is what should be expected if it be true that the newly developed characteristics of a plant are dominant over the older ones. But the case of the columbines furnishes another interesting cor- [50] A Round-Petalled Iris Contrast this speciiren, with its almost circular lower petal with the ones shown in succeeding pictures. The char- acteristic iris traits are present throughout; but the modifications in form of petals, ard in the relative sizes of the dif- ferent petals, are very conspicuous. LUTHER BURBANK roboration of this interpretation of Mendelian heredity. In the course of other experiments with the columbines numerous other species were brought into the combination through successive hybrid- izations, until my columbine colony carried the strains of more than a dozen recorded species. A most beautiful lot of hybrids resulted. Their vari- ous members revealed nearly all the colors of the rainbow. I introduced them to the trade as mixed varieties, as it did not seem to be worth while to fix the different types. On the contrary, the vari- ety of blossoms seemed to be considered an advantage. But, in point of fact, even if it had been desired to fix the new types, it would have proved exceed- ingly difficult to do so. When you have two or more species of columbine in combination, the hereditary complications are comparable to those in the gourd family, to which we have had occa- sion to refer. It seems as if every member of a fraternity differs from all other members, and you cannot be at all sure as to what results you may attain by sowing seed from any individual plant. But these complications result in part from the fact that the different columbines are so easily crossed by the bees. This is a case where there is no difficulty in effecting hybridization; the diffi- [52] An Iris with Pointed Petals Here the petals have been modified so that they are pointed instead of round, and their texture is quite different from that of specimens shoivn in the preceding pictures. Such mat- ters as these have great interest for the gardener, but are prob- ably not vital from the standpoint of the economy of the plant itself; hence they are particularly subject to variation, affording the plant breeder pre- cisely the opportunity he is seeking. LUTHER BURBANK culty is to prevent crosses that are not desired. If the plants are shielded from the visits of the bees, and careful hand pollenizing is effected, there is no great difficulty in combining the different forms in such a way as to get definite results, and the hybrid forms may be fixed by careful selective breeding. Of course, when you deal with a spurless form, if the individuals that you use are themselves hybrids of the first generation of a cross between a spurred and a spurless variety, their progeny, when they are crossed with a spurred variety, will be in effect second generation hybrids and only half of them will be spurless. But this, again, merely illustrates the familiar segregation of char- acters and the reappearance of the recessive trait —in this case the spurred condition — in a rather definite proportion of the second generation progeny. Another anomaly among the columbines that offers good opportunity for experimental tests is furnished by the double varieties. I used to notice that if you crossed a double and a single one, you are about as likely to get a double as a single. Here, again, it would appear that the double con- dition of corolla acts as a Mendelian dominant factor, and that the strains with which I worked were themselves mixed. [54] A Difficult Flower to Cross-Pollenize To casual inspection, the iris does not appear to be a perfect flower. That is to say, it seems to lack stamens and pistils of the ordinary type. In point of fact, the iris has organs of fertilization that are quite petal-like in appearance, arranged in such a manner as to provide against self-fertiliza- tion. But intelligent inspection will enable the would-be pollenizer to solve their mysteries without great difficulty. LUTHER BURBANK All in all, then, the columbine offers most in- teresting possibilities for the experimenter who likes to test for himself the principles of heredity. In the matter of color, there is the widest variation, some of the familiar forms being blue, others red and yellow. The curious spurs that characterize the flower, and the fact that some varieties lack them, furnish tangible features that may be tested, and the single versus the double corolla constitutes a third feature that is also susceptible to definite observation and record. So the experimenter who will work with a small number, differing as to characteristics of color and spur and doubleness, has opportunity for watching the interplay of hereditary forces; observing the dominance of certain hereditary fac- tors, and the recessiveness of their opposing fac- tors; and finally the segregation of the different characters and their reassembling in new com- binations in the second generation, that will test his knowledge of the principles of heredity to the utmost, and at the same time will give him definite ideas about the practicalities of plant develop- ment that will be at once interesting and valuable. Meantime the experimenter may introduce problems of far greater complexity if he so desires by mixing larger numbers of the plants somewhat at random, and allowing them to be cross-fertilized [56] ON SOME COMMON FAVORITES by the bees. In this way he may secure, as I have done in some experiments, columbines of the most wonderful variety. In some of the mixed hybrid colonies, the blending of hereditary factors was so complex that among ten thousand plants there would be perhaps not five hundred that could be classified as approximately identical with one another, or as conforming to a specific type. In other words, there \vould be perhaps nine thousand five hundred individual plants, each of which might be said to constitute a distinct variety. In the course of these experiments I made per- haps ten thousand careful hand pollenations be- tween different specimens of these variant hybrids, and, needless to say, secured plants with excep- tional blossoms of many kinds. A similar line of experiment is open to anyone who has the smallest plot of ground in which he can grow a few scores of columbines. CAMPANULA AND COREOPSIS If you were to seek experiments of a still sim- pler character, you might do well to consider the beautiful campanula, known familiarly as the bluebells of Scotland. These are hardy flowers, growing wild in great profusion, even far to the north. On a trip to Canada a good many years ago I was delighted to [57] An Ingenius Mechanism The stigma of the iris has a little lip under the unique petaloid pistils, adjusted in just the right way to scoop the pollen off the back of a bee as it enters the flower, or from the head of a humming-bird. The bee or humming-bird will come in con- tact with the pollen of this flower only after it has passed the pistil, and the protecting shelf prevents the de- posit of pollen as the insect or bird leaves the flower. It is a most ingenius and interesting arrangement. ON SOME COMMON FAVORITES see great fields of companula as far north as Alberta. They are said to grow even in Siberia. So whatever the location of your garden, you will probably have no difficulty in raising bluebells. The plants, to be sure, are somewhat subject to the attacks of fungus pests and insects, but aside from this difficulty they are easily grown. It goes without saying that a flower that has become famous as the "bluebell" is generally blue in color. Yet it is by no means unusual to see specimens that are pure white. And it is this variation that gives opportunity for some simple experiments in cross- breeding. Nothing more is needed than to secure plants of the ordinary blue variety and others that bear white blossoms. The campanulas are easily crossed, and you will have opportunity to test the color variation in heredity in some of their sim- plest relations. There are, to be sure, many spe- cies of campanulas, and it is true that the garden varieties are likely to have been hybridized. I have, for example, raised seedlings from the white campanula, Rotundiflora, without securing any white ones. It will be necessary, therefore, for you to test your varieties by raising plants of uncrossed seeds at the same time that you are making the cross-pollenations. But this complication will only add interest to the experiment. [59] LUTHER BURBANK The many tribes of coreopsis give opportunity for experiments of equal interest. These plants are composites, and in hybridizing them it will be necessary to use the method detailed in our story of the dahlia, washing away the pollen before applying pollen from the other flower. The different members of the family vary in color from deepest purplish crimson to light yel- low and white. There are numerous species under cultivation, and there are wild ones growing as roadside weeds that are readily accessible. The variability of the different races makes them an interesting race with which to work. My own work with the tribe has included a good many species, the most important of which is the one known as the Coreopsis linceolita. The experiments look to the increase of the number of florets, as well as to the size of the flowers and abundant bearing. I also had in mind improving the form of the plant. There was no great diffi- culty in doubling the size of the flower, and in the course of four years, working with seed purchased in the common market, varieties were produced that were considered worthy of introduction, and that were distributed by several leading florists. The developed varieties had exceptional value because of the large size of the flowers and of the small center; also because of the long stems, mak- [60] A Luxurious Type There is something peculiarly oriental and luxurious about the appearance of this particular variety of Burbank iris; the idea being carried out by the richness of coloration and the softly- flowing contour of the petals. In point of fact, however, the oriental iris is of a somewhat different type, as will be seen in succeeding pictures. LUTHER BURBANK ing it a good flower for cutting. A fault of many of the annual varieties is that they have small, weak stems. As to all of these matters, the amateur can work by selection and by hybridizing. The wide range of color variation affords a ready guide in hybrid- izing experiments, and the ease and certainty with which the plants can be grown from seed adds greatly to their utility from the standpoint of the amateur. SHOOTING STAR AND SALVIA A really fine plant that offers opportunity for improvement, yet which has been little worked with, is the Shooting Star, sometimes called Amer- ican cowslip, a member of the primrose family, classified under the genus Dodecatheon. There are sixteen or eighteen species described in botanical literature, yet so great an authority as Asa Gray thought that all the Dodecatheons in the world should be classified as one species. There are remarkable variations in size and color, however, yet the varieties are sufficiently fixed to offer good opportunity for experiment, and at the same time are closely enough related to that they may readily be crossed. The flowers of the various types show the wid- est variation — dark purple, crimson, rose, white, spotted, cream color, and yellow. There is oppor- [62] A Japanese Iris Mr. Burbank's experiments, as already mentioned, have largely had to do with the Japanese iris. He raised great quan- tities of them at Sebastopol a few years ago. The combinations of colors are beautiful beyond description, and they vary in all shades of the rainbow. Sometimes the double ones take on handsome and unusual shapes. These are typical specimens of a more usual form. LUTHER BURBANK timity for sorting out individual colors and their fixing through selection; and, on the other hand, for the combination of colors to produce new shades. The plants are handsome, and they furnish admirable material with which to work, not merely by way of gaining experience, but also with the possibility of producing worthy new varieties. The Salvia are members of the mint family. There are many species, showing a wide range of variation. The commonest one is known in every garden for its brilliant red flowers borne in such profusion as to make splendid masses to group along walls or as borders. There are other sal- vias, however, that have charming light blue flow- ers. The plant in the ordinary gardens is grown, of course, only for its flowers, yet there is a species, known as Salvia sonomensis, or Salvia ramona, that is abundant on some of the hillsides in Cali- fornia, and that is to all intents and purposes iden- tical with the cultivated sage. Its foliage has the exact flavor of that of the cultivated plant. I have at times thought of growing it to see if there could not be developed from it a sage that would be more valuable for seasoning than the one under cultivation. The common sage runs into numer- ous varieties, some woolly leafed, some golden leafed, and some with tri-colored leaves. [64] Seedling Japanese Iris This is one of a multitude of variants among the seed- lings of the Japanese iris. It is probable that these plants were stimulated to vary by the change of climate and soil. We have seen numerous illustrations of similar effects of a changed environment. LUTHER BURBANK It is possible that by hybridizing this plant with the wild variety improvement would be made in the unique quality for which its leaves are prized. From the present standpoint, of course, our in- terest in the salvias concerns their flowers. I have done a great deal of work with various members of the family, both in the way of selection and of hybridization. The plant is tremendously vari- able, even within the same species, and the various forms run more or less together so that it is diffi- cult differentiating them botanically. But the con- trast between the species bearing blue flowers and the familiar garden plant with its scarlet blossoms is striking enough to challenge the attention even of the least observant. The fact that the various species can readily be hybridized, while at the same time they show such variation as to color of blossom, gives them obvi- ous interest from the standpoint of the amateur plant experimenter. It should be noted, also, that there are some salvias with white leaves, one of these having foliage so thoroughly covered with a white thick wool-like growth that the leaves make excellent pen wipers. The experimenter who works with one of these varieties could doubtless develop interesting modifications of leaf through selection alone, and, of course, hybridizing meth- ods could be utilized to accentuate the variation. [66] More Japanese Visitors These flowers suggest the range of variation in form and contour and color among seedlings of the Japanese iris. Many of the variants are beautiful, and some are grotesque, and all of them are highly interesting from the standpoint of the plant developer. LUTHER BURBANK A plant that is exceptionally interesting because of the work that has been done with it in recent years is the familiar evening primrose (Oeno- thera). Mention has been made in another place of the famous work of Professor DeVries, which fur- nishes the foundation for his celebrated theory of mutation. It will be recalled that Professor De- Vries found specimens of evening primrose that departed so widely from the form of their parent as to seem to constitute new species. The question whether these mutations were of unexplained origin, or whether they were really due to hybrid- ization, is still perhaps an open one. But, in any event, the use made of them by Professor DeVries called particular attention to this plant, and has given it a place quite apart among flowers of field and garden. There are many species of evening primrose, and the tendency to vary among them is marked. Variation, however, does not extend to the flower. There may be all manner of modifications of stem and leaf, but the typical blossoms of the evening primrose are of a pleasing pale lemon yellow. MY PRIMROSE EXPERIMENTS I have experimented with the primroses, cross- ing them quite extensively. One form that was received from the mountains of Chile has given [68] Unnamed Flowers from China Here are blossoms of an unknown species of flower, obviously closely related to the iris, the bulb of which was sent to Mr. Burbank from China. The gardens at Santa Rosa teem with nameless exotics, all of which are sure to be tested as to their propensities and capacities. LUTHER BURBANK some interesting results through selection, in that it now produces blossoms, a single petal of which would cover the entire blossom of any of tne larger primroses under cultivation. The flower itself is sometimes six inches or more in diameter. A bed of these plants reminds one of a lot of handker- chiefs spread out on a lawn, as the blossoms are somewhat square with rounded corners. A new crop is produced each morning throughout the entire summer. The plant itself is somewhat trailing, and about two feet to two and one-half feet in diameter. It is a perennial, though it commences to bloom quite early in the season. This large flowered variety has been produced by most rigid selection for size, form, and white- ness and substance of flower, and it far surpasses all other members of the genus in size and beauty. I have hybridized this Chilean race with the common Oenothera acaulis, or Taraxaci folia, and produced a large number of intermediates, from the best of which I have made selection. These hybrids seem to come absolutely true in the sec- ond generation, so far as foliage is concerned, being in all cases intermediate between the two species. This is perhaps what would have been expected in a member of this race, in view of the observations of Professor DeVries. The plant [70] Selected Chinese Iris Note how widely this flower differs in form and general appearance from the iris shown in earlier pictures. Such variations are always a source of gratification to Mr. Burbank, as they furnish obvious material for crossbreeding experiments. Interesting tests of the present flower have been made in that connection. LUTHER BURBANK seems to have an exceptional propensity to form new types. This, of course, is precisely the characteristic that gives the plant interest from the standpoint of the amateur experimenter. So a plot may very well be set aside in the flower garden for some evening primroses of two or three species. Hy- bridization will readily be effected by the insects, if the experimenter does not care to take the trou- ble to hand-pollenize the plants, and the produc- tion of some interesting new forms may fairly be counted on. I will name only two other common plants from among the almost numberless ones that might be selected, as offering advantageous material for selection by the amateur experimenter. But these are about the commonest of all, and in some re- spects among the most beautiful and interesting— the golden rod, and the aster. These plants are almost universally associated when growing wild in the field, and their blossoms form so beautiful a contrast that the two may very well be trans- planted to the garden together. I have experimented quite extensively with the goldenrods, and at the same time made a collec- tion of the native asters. And while the two plants are so very different, the fact that they blossom together late in the fall and harmonize so beau- [72] An Improved Evening Primrose Mr. Burbank has worked extensively with the evening primrose. This one is a species from South America, which attains altogether unusual dimensions, some specimens suggesting a small handkerchief spread out on the foliage. Mr. Burbank's experiments with the evening primrose have convinced him that Professor DeVries' celebrated mutants of this tribe are in reality hybrid forms. LUTHER BURBANK tifully in the landscape, makes it worth while, as I have just suggested, to work on the two in com- bination. The golden rods are of so many species and so variable that they tax the skill of the botanist. To differentiate between them accurately is a task lying far beyond the skill of most amateurs. But for that matter, it is my observation that the dif- ferent species hybridize so freely when growing wild that the specific lines are thoroughly broken down. Any botanist who pretends to fix hard and fast lines between the different species of golden rods, and does not take account of the hybrids, which are even more numerous in many localities than the parent forms, will not gain a very adequate idea of the golden rods as they actually grow. Any species of golden rod will serve the pur- pose of the experimenter. But, of course, it is desirable to have a number of species, and it is obviously worth while to make careful selection in deciding which ones to transplant to your gar- den. I have spent many days on a few acres of ground, searching among the multitudes of golden rods for the most beautiful individual specimens. From these selected seed was collected, or the roots themselves dug, to furnish the basis for further experiment. [74] A Spray of Goldenrod There are numerous species of goldenrod and these grow in neglected fields almost everywhere. Mr. Surbank found that the different species constantly hybridize in a state of nature. He suggests that the goldenrods are very interesting flowers for ex- periments by the amateur in crossbreeding and selection. LUTHER BURBANK Some of the wild forms seem almost perfect, yet when taken under cultivation and carefully selected they prove susceptible of betterment. The hybrids, in my experience, are not as vari- able as might be expected. But this is no doubt because the plants with which we worked were themselves hybrids. In point of fact, one can sel- dom be sure, in working with the golden rods, that one is working with pure species. But such complications, of course, give added interest to the work of the plant developer after he has the fundamentals of the method fairly in hand. And I can think of few problems that would be more interesting than to attempt to untangle some of the hereditary complications among the golden rods. The fixing of types by selection; the improving of the best existing ones; and the devel- opment of new types by hybridization — these are all methods that offer opportunity for fascinating experiments. Whoever takes the trouble to make friends of the golden rod is not likely to regret his experience. — Any old-fashioned flower garden will furnish abundant material for all the experi- ments that any amateur need care to undertake. THE TIGRIDIA AND SOME INTERESTING HYBRIDS NEW CHARMS IN FAR AWAY FLOWERS ABOUT a quarter of a century ago I com- menced cultivating and crossing all the Tigridias, or Tiger Flowers that were then offered by any seedsman or nurseryman anywhere in the world. I also secured all the species of the allied genus Ferraria that I could obtain and cultivated them for the purpose of hybridizing them with the tiger flowers. The Tigridias are natives of subtropical and tropical America, ranging from Mexico to Peru and Chile. The Ferrarias are from the Cape of Good Hope, and are represented by a number of species. Both tribes belong to the Iris family, and the two forms are so closely related that by some botanists they are regarded as properly falling within the same genus. My own experiments, which show the ready [VOLUME X — CHAPTER III] LUTHER BURBANK hybridization of the various Tigridias and Ferra- rias, suggest that they are closely related. Yet the fact that they are indigenous to different conti- nents shows that they have been separated for a very long period of time, although doubtless of common ancestry. The students of geological botany tell us that there must have been a great mass of land in the southern hemisphere at one time on which races of plants developed that subsequently were iso- lated on the land masses that are now known respectively as South America, Africa, Australasia, and New Zealand. At that remote period the Tigridias and Ferrarias were doubtless of one stock, and the fact that their descendants of to- day retain such elements of affinity as to puzzle the botanists and to serve well the purposes of the hybridizer gives another illustration of the won- derful pertinacity with which the characteristics of a plant are sometimes transmitted through almost numberless generations without radical transformation. It is little wonder that the earlier biologists, before the coming of Darwin, when confronted with such observed cases of affinity between races that must have been separated for countless thou- sands of years, were strong in their faith in the fixity of species. [78] The Interesting Tigridia The tigridias are very interesting lily-like flowers from the tropics. Mr. Burbank has experimented with them very extens- ively, both by way of selection and through crossbreeding. Some of the results of these experiments are shown in succeeding pictures. LUTHER BURBANK Yet the facts of variation, even within a few generations, are too obvious to escape attention. And the compromise has been found, as every- one knows nowadays, in a recognition of the fact that time is long, and the further fact that natural selection may be instrumental in maintaining the fixity of a race, provided the environing conditions are unchanged, just as it may be instrumental in somewhat rapidly changing the form of a race when the environing conditions have altered. HYBRIDIZING THE TIGER FLOWERS From the outset I found that the various tiger flowers throve in my gardens, particularly in the sandy land at Sebastopol and in sandy beds especially prepared for them at Santa Rosa. As I have already said, I began at once crossing and hybridizing the various species and varieties, and of course carried out selection among the seed- lings and made new crossings, according to my usual custom. The type species with which the experiments began was the Tigridia pavonia, of which there are numerous varieties. Another form known, as the Conchiflor or Shell flower was uti- lized, and subsequently the T. buccifera, a form more recently introduced from Mexico. An especial effort was made to introduce also into the combination the strains of a plant of yet another genus, the Herbertia platensis. This is a [80] ON THE TIGRIDIA tall-growing plant bearing close resemblance to the Tigridias, and by some botanists classified with them. It has pale blue flowers marked with yel- low, and the specimens are of a somewhat different structure from those of the Tigridia, though the bulb and general growth of the plant are similar. I particularly desired to introduce strains of the Herbertia platensis, because this is a very strong-growing plant, and its vigor and health would be of great service in giving hardiness which is the one thing that the Tigridias more especially lack. In particular, the bulbs of the tiger plant are difficult to keep over winter, and especially subject to decay from exposure to air and to the attacks of aphids when stored. But much to my disappointment I was never able to effect hybridization between any of the Tigridias, either pure bred or hybrid, and the Her- bertia. The experiment was made over and over, and in every case it was without result. Meantime, however, there was no difficulty whatever in hybridizing the ordinary cultivated strains of Tiger Flowers among themselves and with some of their South African relatives. And the results of such hybridizings were manifest almost from the outset. One of the most striking modifications shown [81] Hybrid Tigridias The word tigridia or tiger flower, would suggest a striped flower, whereas in point of fact this flower is spotted. Mr. Bur- bank suggests that the word "leopard" or "panther" would have been more appropriate; and that the term "jaguar flower" would have been still more significant, inasmuch as the tigridias come from South America, the home of the jaguar. The specimens here shown are hybrids of a very interesting type, ON THE TIGRIDIA by the hybrid Tigridias was the development of varieties having striped flowers. It might very well be expected that a "tiger flower" would be striped. But in point of fact the native Tigridias are spotted and never striped. They might with much greater propriety have been named after the leopard or panther, or better yet, considering their origin, after the South American jaguar. But the botanist who originally named them seemingly had rather vague notions as to the markings of the coat of the tiger, or else considered it sufficient that the flower itself wears a yellow mantle with dark markings. In any event, there is something about the aspect of the flower that makes the name "tiger flower" seem not inappropriate. And the propriety of the name becomes quite beyond challenge when my new hybrid varieties are under observation. For these are striped in a way that is very striking. Quite aside from its suggestions as to one feline or another, however, the new hybrids are flowers of great beauty and interest and differ conspicuously from any of the parental forms. Not only are the markings thus conspicuously altered, but the flower itself is greatly increased in size. The tendency to freedom of bloom is accentuated. Moreover the hybrid plants have [83] LUTHER BURBANK gained greatly in vigor of growth, in hardiness, and in resistance to disease. The colors of the new flowers are conspicuously brightened. The striping is usually crimson on white, crimson on yellow, or yellow on crimson. In addition to presenting these stripes, which are quite unlike any marking of the native Tigridias, the hybrid flowers generally retain the dotting at the center that characterizes the tribe in its origi- nal form. But these dottings are greatly increased in size. In some instances, on the other hand, the dottings are partially or entirely eliminated. The original types of these very striking new forms of Tiger Flower were readily fixed so that they breed absolutely true from the seed. It was possible, however, to increase the size of the flower by selection, and this increase in size was a permanent acquisition; also to add brilliance with new combinations of colors. And of course the hybrid plants thus perfected exceed greatly the size of any plants that could have been developed by mere selection without crossing. UTILITY AS WELL AS BEAUTY The new tiger plants, although still lacking something of hardiness, were greatly improved in this regard over their ancestors. Most of the old tigridias, as I have said, are [84] Another Hybrid Tigridia None of the tiger flowers are striped, which seems to make their name inappropriate, as already suggested; neverthe- less there does seem to be something tiger-like about this richly ca- parisoned and oriental-seeming flower. It is rather curious to reflect that the spots on the flower are intended to make it conspicuous, whereas the striped coat of its namesake is calculated to make the animal invisible in the jungle. LUTHER BURBANK quite subject to insects and disease. The hybrid forms are much more resistant. There is also a greater power on the part of the new plants to stand sunshine. The old tigridias sometimes with- ered under the influence of the sun. This might not at first thought be expected of a tropical plant, but it should be recalled that the growth of vegeta- tion in tropical regions is so luxuriant that low- growing plants of this order are not usually sub- ject to the direct rays of the sun throughout the day. It goes without saying that the bulbs of the new tiger plants were improved in proportion to the stalks and flowers. The bulbs of the tiger plant are elongated and tunicated, and multiply by division somewhat after the manner of the hyacinths, tulips, and the allied races in general. The bulbs of the new hybrid tigridias were doubled in bulk, and in some cases quadrupled, as contrasted with the parent forms. Like the some- what similar bulbs of the gladiolus, they may best be kept in the ground over winter here in Califor- nia, instead of being taken up and stored as is necessary in colder climates. The development of the bulbs of the tigridias has not been at all a matter of accident. At all stages of the experiment in hybridizing and selec- tion, I have paid the most careful attention to the [86] Variant Hybrids It will be seen that the different tigridias hold rather closely to the same characteristic type of flower. There is, nevertheless, a good range of variation as to size, precise contour of petals, and color. Of course the hybrids show combinations of characters that are not united in any single one of their parents. There is the usual tendency to the segre- gation of these characters into many new groups in the second generation. LUTHER BURBANK condition of the bulbs, selecting always those that were largest, firmest and soundest. And the reason for this was not merely that such bulbs usually produce the best flowers, but also that it is worth while to improve the size and quality of the bulbs quite on their own account. The particular reason for this is that the bulbs of the Tiger Plant are edible. When cooked like potatoes, or made into a stew, they constitute a really delicious vegetable. To my taste the bulb of the tiger plant is at least the equal of any vegetable under cultivation. It is also highly nutritious. I am not sure that it has an equal among the vegetables of our gardens in its combination of nutritiousness and appetizing flavor. These very qualities lead to its destruction by all kinds of animal and insect life, like the Lilium Brownii, which has no bitter principle, containing sweet and nutritious matter, and which also is attacked and appropriated by insects and other creatures. As yet the tigridia is too tender to gain a place in the vegetable garden on a footing with the potato and allied bearers of bulbs and tubers. But when through further breeding experiments, it has been rendered more amenable to general culti- vation, its bulb being at the same time still further [88] Seedling Tigridias The wild species of ttgridias of course breed true from the seed. But, equally of course, the hybrid forms cannot be expected to do so. So there are fascinating possibilities of variation among the progeny of any hybrid. Yet even the most widely varying specimen is at once recognizable as a tigridia. LUTHER BURBANK increased in size, the tiger plant may come to be valued for its edible bulb quite as highly as for its beautiful and spectacular flower. MULTIPLICATION BY BULB DIVISION The habit of storing nutritious matter in its bulb, and the further habit of producing collateral bulbs from which new stalks will grow, so that the plant multiplies indefinitely in this way, is charac- teristic, as everyone knows, of a large number of plant families, many of which have come within the scope of our studies. The phenomenon of bulb division, indeed, is so familiar to everyone who has experimented in the vegetable or flower garden as to take its place among those familiar matters of fact that call for no comment. Yet if we consider the matter thoughtfully it will be clear that this habit of putting forth offsets from a bulb as the basis for the development of new plants is an altogether extraordinary phenom- enon— quite as mysterious, indeed, as the produc- tion of the seeds that bear the complex hereditary factors and transmit the qualities of a race of plants from one generation to another. There is, in point of fact, no fundamental dif- ference between the production of new plants by bulb division and their production by seed, except that in the latter case there is opportunity for the [90] ON THE TIGRIDIA union of two different racial strains, one borne by the pollen and the other by the ovule. This, to be sure, is a difference that has very important prac- tical bearings, inasmuch as the union of two dif- ferent hereditary strains gives opportunity for the blending of hereditary factors and their re-com- bination, thus compelling variations that furnish the basis for natural or artificial selection, through which new races are developed. All this needs no explication here, as our earlier studies have made it perfectly familiar. But what I wish now to emphasize is the fact that the bulb that produces a new plant carries the hereditary factors of the parent plant substantially as they are borne by the ovule or the pollen gram that the same plant puts forth on its aerial stalks, and exactly as the bulb of any plant — in fact, the bulb of any plant is only a fat, immature, under- ground bud. If the ovule could develop without being fertilized, or if the pollen could grow into a plant, the result in either case, we may reasonably assume, would be a reproduction of the plant closely similar to the parent form, just as the aphids and the bees when parthonogenetically produced, and in a few instances of plants, for example, the violet. Yet there are differences between the different pollen grains and between [91] •£§ BS §3 If ^) | ^ ^"S^^ ^^ r LUTHER BURBANK combination of a crimson flower with a white one might produce crimson or white or pink. It would not surprise us to find hybrid plants of the same fraternity some of which bore the crimson flowers of one parent, others the white flowers of the other parent, and yet others pink flowers repre- senting a blending of the two colors. This indeed would be perhaps what we would expect of such hybrids, if not in the first generation then in the succeeding generations. But that the color factors should be so blended that each in turn should be dominant in the same individual flower, the transition from one to the other being marked by the appearance of an intermediate color, is an anomaly for which our studies of color hereditary have supplied no analogy. We have considered it strange enough that different colors should be arranged in stripes on a flower as in the case of the four o'clock or in the new hybrid tiger flowers. But the carnation that is white at first and then pink and then crimson seems to suggest an even more curious compro- mise among conflicting hereditary factors. It evidences anew the curious flexibility of color schemes as applied to the petals of flowers, and presents the evidence from an altogether new angle. It may be of interest to recall, in connection [122] ON FOUR DOORYARD FLOWERS with this curious manifestation of color heredity, that the carnation has been under cultivation from an early historical period. The name Dianthus, signifying divine power, is said to have been given it by Theoprastus three hundred years before Christ. The flesh color of the original carnation was broken up into red and white more than three centuries ago. Since then multitudes of varieties have been developed. Yet there is a strong pro- pensity in this flower to hold to uniformity of color as regards any individual flower. That is to say, carnations in general are likely to be uniformly scarlet or uniformly pink or uniformly white. There are variegated forms, to be sure, but these are exceptional. This tendency of the flower to hold to one color or another may at least be recalled with interest in connection with the curious propensity of the tri- colored hybrid to give recognition to the different colors of its parents in the same flower in successive periods of time. But however the anomaly may be explained, the tri-colored carnation was an interesting flower, whether considered from the standpoint of the horticulturist or from that of a student of hereditary. I have produced no other variant of corre- [123] ^J sS'S's.e*?'^*' j* ft 8 s S £ * o ON FOUR DOORYARD FLOWERS spending interest in this tribe, although I have had twenty-five or thirty species of Dianthus growing for the purpose of crossing, and have produced some other variants of minor importance. In general, it may be said that the carnation, having been worked on by plant experimenters for two thousand years or more, presents a difficult problem for anyone who strives to develop new races of unusual value. It is like working against the traditions of the ages to attempt to modify the characteristics of such a plant in a new direction. THE PETUNIA The experiment in which I hybridized the petunia with the tobacco plant, producing the amonaly that was described facetiously as "the petunia with the tobacco habit," will be recalled as having been described in an earlier chapter. Doubtless this experiment constituted my most interesting work with the petunia, although I have cultivated it largely and have attempted to cross it with other species, notably with the allied plant known as Salpiglosis. This plant is regarded by botanists as very close to the petunia, but I have been unable to effect a cross hybridization. It will be recalled, however, that I hybridized the petunia and the tobacco with difficulty, and it is possible that a more extended series of experi- ments might result in hybridizing more satisfac- [125] LUTHER BURBANK torily with Salpiglosis, for the plants are botani- cally related pretty closely. An illustration of what can be accomplished by an amateur who devotes attention to a single plant is given by the work of Mrs. Sheppard, of Ventura, California, and her neighbor, Mrs. Gould. The former took up the cultivation of flowers for the healthful outdoor life on the recommendation of her physician, and the latter became interested in the work through observation of the results achieved by her neighbor. On the advice of Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. Gould took up the cultivation of the petunia as a spe- cialty. The result has been that some of the finest strains of petunias that are known have been sent out from California. One of the largest and best of these is the form known as the Ruffled Giant. A great amount of time and skill are required in raising the best petunia seed, and there is still opportunity for improvement. It is particularly necessary to use good taste in the selection and combination of the colors. It is found to be, on the whole, easier to produce large flowers than those having a blending of clear, pleasing colors. There are a few common garden plants that give better opportunity for work of the amateur, par- ticularly for one who has gained a certain amount of skill through previous experiment. The inter- [126] LUTHER BURBANK esting character of the petunia tobacco hybrid will be recalled. Doubtless by sufficient persistency other hybrids having equal or even greater interest could be produced. GERANIUM AND PELARGONIUM Several years ago I brought all the geraniums that I could obtain from European and American florists and collected also some fine specimens of a variety from British America. The last named variety is exceedingly hardy, growing as far north as Alberta, where the thermometer sometimes falls 60 degrees below zero in winter. I thought it would be of interest to hybridize such wild species as this with the cultivated varieties. The pressure of other work, however, prevented me from carrying out the experiments on an ex- pansive scale. I feel, however, that the experiment of crossing the wild and cultivated geraniums is well worth undertaking. The wild geranium is a much more promising plant to work upon, in my opinion, than was the original violet from which all our beautiful pansies have been developed. Indeed, there are few other plants among our wild- lings that offer better opportunities for develop- ment My more recent work with the geraniums has had to do more especially with the form known as the Pelargonium, a plant that is horticulturally dis- [128] tm •gXSI 'sif • B « ^ «• § 8" * e •a-sOao-^S3-? 1 2.* 1 8, lss~s" |£*st£iiii BI l^IlESgf-rSs1 2~"" ^* <«o>QOf6 2.Q * .« si hil»m 5eS^5» i ON FOUR DOORYARD FLOWERS leaves. Among these crossbreds it appeared that the green colored foliage was prepotent or dom- inant over the white and yellow variations. The horseshoe variations were more readily transmit- ted, but there was a varying proportion of marked and plain leaves among the hybrids. I also worked at one time in selecting the gera- niums for the production of large flowers of daz- zling brilliant scarlet color, and with a good meas- ure of success. One of the varieties thus produced has been greatly admired by all who have seen it, and will probably be thought worthy of introduc- tion. It will thus appear that there is abundant op- portunity for improving the geraniums even by working with the species ordinarily under culti- vation. I repeat, however, that the best oppor- tunity for work in this line will involve hybridizing experiments in which the exceedingly hardy wild species are utilized. It should be possible thus to produce new races of geraniums that have alto- gether exceptional quality. The wild species include some that are white in color as well as those that are pink or white striped with pink or with reddish veins. So there is opportunity to have a wide choice as to color variation. The cross might likely result also in giving the geraniums enhanced vigor so that new [133] LUTHER BURBANK races of perpetual bloomers comparable to the best of pelargoniums would be produced. Few plants among all the popular favorites have greater merits than the geraniums, and none, perhaps, offer better opportunities for interesting experi- ments that may be made by the amateur. — A plant which has been worked on by experimenters for two thousand years pre- sents a difficult problem for anyone who strives to develop new races of unusual value. It is like working against the traditions of the ages to attempt to modify the characteristics of such a plant in a new direction. THE EVERLASTING FLOWER AND SOME COMMON EXOTICS THE AUSTRALIAN STAR-FLOWER AND PLANTS FROM ORIENT AND TROPICS NOT long ago I received a tentative order for ten million clustered flowers in a single lot. The order came from a French mil- liner, who stated that unless he could get at least ten million blossoms he could not afford to handle them at all. I was too busy with other things to attempt to fill the order, but the fact that it was given is worthy of record as illustrating the more or less unexpected opportunities that open up before the plant experimenter. The flowers that the French milliner wished to use in such quantity are species of Composites known commonly as Everlastings. These flowers have long been popular because they retain their form and color more or less clearly when dried, and thus make permanent bouquets. In recent years, however, the abundance of fresh cut flow- ers has caused the everlastings to be much less popular than they formerly were. [VOLUME X — CHAPTER V] LUTHER BURBANK Now, however, it appears that a process has been perfected through which, by chemical treat- ment, the dried everlasting flowers are given a degree of permanency and toughness of fiber that makes them suitable for use in trimming hats. Moreover, the grace and beauty of the new Austra- lian star-flower are qualities not possessed by any other everlasting. Hence the milliner's desire to secure them in quantity. Although I could not undertake to meet so com- prehensive a request, I have nevertheless been ex- perimenting for a number of years with various tribes of everlastings. These are plants that orig- inally came from the Cape of Good Hope, and are hence known commonly as the Cape everlasting. There is an Australian star-flower that is pretty closely related, which is also an everlasting, and it is with this that my chief work has been done. This was sent me by my collector in West Aus- tralia, who first discovered it. With the more familiar tribes of everlastings I have been well acquainted since boyhood, but it is only in recent years that I have given them serious attention. They are of many colors — red, pink, crimson, yellow, orange, and white. Some of them that are annuals in the eastern states became per- ennials in California, even growing throughout the winter. The everlastings with which I have ex- [136] •ii'ilsslsfsH «=s'Hi!l*ls!H TlPlI!1?1!!: 's^ltl*!^*^' *stWlii;l? 58? S^r- !?.a 3 8,3 » I -3 ^ B B ?i Cg S" LUTHER BURBANK perimented most extensively belong to the genus Helipterum, and are known to the horticulturist as Rodanthes. My work commenced with a so-called double Rodanthes, which varies from white to red in color. The seeds that furnished the original stock were said to represent a double flower, but only a small proportion of the plants that grew from them bore flowers that were really double. That is to say, there was almost invariably a center devoid of petals. My work consisted in selecting to fill up the center, and make a flower that is altogether double. The flowers vary much in size, and the colors are so variant as to supply good material for selec- tion. But a difficulty arises in that the plants pro- duce very little seed. My selective experiments have now extended over a number of years, and I have been able to increase the size of the flower, to improve it considerably hi the matter of double- ness, and to isolate to a certain extent the different colors, although the plant as yet is not fixed in any of these regards sufficiently to justify its introduc- tion. The improvement already shown, however, justifies the expectation that varieties of this ever- lastings could be developed that would show marked improvement over old types. I am experimenting also with everlasting flow- [138] ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS ers of various other genera, including a Gono- hrena, the seed of which was received from South America. This plant has been under cultivation for many years. It is a low growing plant, having globular, crimson flowers. The introduction of new blood from the wild South American repre- sentative may be expected to have the usual stim- ulative effect, increasing the vitality of the plant, and perhaps urging it to greater variation. The Australian star-flower first mentioned in this chapter most resembles Rhodanthea, but is as distinct as a rose is from a carnation. The bot- anists have not been able to decide as to its specific name. With the exception of the Rhodanthea, this is without doubt the most beautiful of all the flow- ers called everlastings so far discovered or pro- duced. The beautiful star-shaped, rosy-crimson and white clusters of flowers, produced in the greatest abundance, are surpassingly beautiful. The plant is an annual, produced only from seed. The reason that this flower has not been more generally grown all over the world is that it is peculiarly subject to the attacks of soil fungi. On virgin soil it always thrives; on cultivated soil, sometimes. There is no doubt that this most beau- tiful of everlastings can finally become immune to fungi in cultivated soil through selection. My work with the Australian star-flower has [139] I 6i CO Q ~ **- 4 £" C — <3 ^.§^ ^s- £3* •2 s ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS consisted of increasing the size of the blossom, making it semi-double, giving it added brilliancy of color, and to some extent rendering it resistant to disease. This has been accomplished by the usual method of selection, strings being tied about the better specimens, and finally the one best being saved for seed. Very great improvement was made, considering that this was a wild plant never before under cultivation. The selected varieties do not as yet breed true from the seed. THE TRIBE OF CRINUMS In an earlier chapter mention was made of hybridizing experiments in which certain mem- bers of the amaryllis tribe were crossed with cer- tain of the Crinums. It is desirable to make addi- tional reference to some experiments in which the crinums themselves were variously developed and hybridized with rather striking results. The hy- brid Crinums are a really splended group of bulbous flowering plants in which the bulbs are in many cases of enormous size, and the leaves are broad and long, making the plants very con- spicuous. Some of the leaves, indeed, are of gigantic size, and the stalk that bears the flowers may grow to a height of from four to six feet. The flowers themselves are of variant color, from white to rosy pink, and sometimes almost purple. They are [141] LUTHER BURBANK borne in profusion, and their attractiveness is often enhanced by their fragrance. The crinums were originally residents of the tropics, being indigenous to various parts of South America, the southern United States. There are several species that are hardy in California. In some cases they will withstand freezing, so that even if the leaves are destroyed by the frost the new growth will put forth in the spring, and they will bloom as abundantly as if they had been care- fully housed over winter. Like most other bulbous plants they thrive best in sandy soil. Some of the crinums are evergreen under ordi- nary temperature, others are deciduous like most of their relatives of the amaryllis tribe. The chief objection to the crinums for house culture is the enormous size of the bulb, and the tendency to produce a superabundance of foliage out of proportion to the number of flowers; al- though this criticism does not apply to all of them. Ten or twelve years ago I had probably twenty species of crinums, some of them having been brought from the tropics. My object was to com- bine the good qualities of the tropical and sub- tropical species with those of the hardy ones that had become acclimated in California. No diffi- culty was experienced in crossing the various spc- [142] A Burbank Crinum The crinnm is an interesting member of the amaryllis family, with which Mr. Burbank has performed a very large number of interesting experiments. Unfortunately the crinumg are not very hardy, else they would be much more popular in our gardens than they are at present. LUTHER BURBANK cies, and hybridization was carried out in the usual way, different pairs of species being mated and then the hybrid forms in subsequent seasons re- mated, noting of course at all stages which com- binations seemed to produce the best results. Mixed hybrids were finally produced that com- bined the strains of many species. The results were highly interesting. In the course of a few years I had a strain of crossbred crinums presenting most of the desir- able qualities of the different species in combina- tion. The new plants, in spite of the strains of tropical species in their germ plasm, are very hardy, withstanding the coldest weather of this region without injury. They have very large flow- ers, varying in color from white, pink, and rosy crimson to purple. The petals are broad, and the flowers in a large number of cases are fragrant. The bulbs of some of these hybrids have taken on extraordinary growth. At four years of age some of them are from six to eight inches in diam- eter, and twelve to eighteen inches in length, weighing probably from ten to fifteen pounds, or even more. More recently specimens have ap- peared of even larger dimensions. Some of these enormous bulbs seldom make offsets, others pro- duce from one to twelve or more offsets in a sea- son, so that they can be multiplied quite rapidly. [144] ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS The seedlings from these hybrids produce plants that as a rule show a combination of two or more of the species fairly well balanced. The seed parent of the larger number of my hybrids is the Crinum Americanum, but in some cases the Crinum amabale, or the Crinum Asiaticum was the seed parent. It is observed that a certain small percentage of the hybrids show a strong propensity to run toward the seed parent of whatever species. This can generally be detected by the foliage when the plants are quite small. I have not observed that any of the hybrids depart so strongly the other way toward the tropical species (the pollen parent). In the second and third generations the varia- tions are better balanced through selection, and become more fixed in desired qualities than at first, when grown from seed. On the whole, it is perhaps a little easier to get new species of crinums by crossing and selection than with most other bulbous plants, especially the lilies — although there are notable exceptions among the California lilies, some of which cross very readily. I have sold a number of the hybrid varieties of crinum, but they have been introduced unnamed, or at least were not named by me. The crinum seeds are very curious, in that they [145] An Improved Burbank Crinum This sturdy plant, with its beautiful lily-like flowers, is an improved variety of crinum, developed by selective breeding. It is a flower meriting a place in any garden. ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS vary enormously in size, almost always in the same capsule. The pale-greenish bulblike seeds with irregular corrugations may vary from the size of a pea to that of an English walnut. When placed in a graded sequence they present a curi- ous contrast. Yet the plants grown from the small- est seeds are likely to be quite as large and of the same appearance and quality as those grown from the mammoth ones. The seeds of the crinum thus furnish a unique link between seeds, buds, and bulbs, suggesting the properties of all these combined. Another peculiarity of the seeds is that they contain so much nutriment and moisture that they may sprout and grow, making plants of consider- able size, without access to any moisture except that contained within the seed itself. I have known them to sprout when laid on a shelf, or in envelopes, away from the light and entirely dry; also when sent to me by mail from Australia they sometimes started as seeds and arrived here in envelopes as small growing plants. The crinums have been under cultivation for a long time, and interesting hybridizing experiments were made with them a century ago by the Rev. W. Herbert, Dean of Manchester, whose experi- ments with the gladiolus and other flowers have been elsewhere referred to. But there are many [147] LUTHER BURBANK species that have not been so largely experimented with, and the opportunity to introduce new forms from the tropics, together with the striking char- acter of the plants themselves, gives them peculiar attractiveness for the experimenter. The possibil- ity of making still wider hybridizations, as in the case of the cross with the amaryllis, and further selections, should of course not be lost sight of. THE SPECTACULAR IXIA Another tribe of bulbous plants that have great interest is that represented by the genus ixia. These, like so many other of the interesting bul- bous plants, are natives of the Gape of Good Hope, and they are closely related to the gladiolus, and resemble many other Cape bulbs, including the Watsonias. There are various species, but they have been so intercrossed and mixed that the ex- perimenter need pay very little attention to specific names and distinctions. The bulbs are inexpen- sive, and are commonly grown several in a pot in the house in winter in the eastern states, but in California they grow outdoors, and there is no oc- casion to transplant them, except for propagation. A single bulb will spread by putting out new bulbs, which in turn make offshoots in the same way, until a large and beautiful clump of plants is often developed. The ixia, indeed, can never be seen at its best except when grown in this way. [1481 Hybrid Crinum Mr. Burbank has hybridized the crinum with the true amaryllis, producing a plant with enormous bulbs and with pleasing, if not particularly spectacular, flowers. Unfortunately the hybrids do not bear seeds, although they blossom freely. So the experiment has not been carried beyond the first generation. LUTHER BURBANK The flower stems are thrown up in great abun- dance on long, stiff, wiry stalks, and the graceful upright or drooping flowers are of every color except blue — crimson, yellow, and white being the characteristic colors. The variety of ixia known as the Wonder has double flowers that are exceptionally handsome. The group of ixias make so striking an appearance that they compete with the giant amaryllis in my gardens in May for first place in their appeal to the average visitor. The two plants are utterly different, but each in its way is most individual and striking; the ixia being characterized by gracefulness and fragile beauty, the other by its massiveness. The flowers of the ixia are only about two inches in diameter; those of the others eight to ten inches, yet the massed effect of the ixia is so striking that it com- petes in interest with the larger flower. I have worked in a more or less desultory way on the ixia for the past dozen or fifteen years. The varieties under cultivation are so mixed as to their ancestry, and hence have so strong an inherent tendency to variation that it is not necessary to cross them. Even the double variety is probably at least half a century old. My work of improve- ment looks to the increase in size and brilliancy of color of the flower; and, of course, here as [150] ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS always, attention is paid to gracefulness and abun- dance of blooming, and vigor and general health of the plant. The improvements in all these regards have been quite striking, although I have not considered any individual variety worthy of introduction under a new name. Notwithstanding the amount of work that has been done with them, the ixias will well repay the attention of the amateur who cares to work with them. ORIENTAL POPPIES In an earlier chapter an account was given of my blue poppy. An account has also been given of the development of new colors in the flower usually called the California poppy, but more properly known by the somewhat forbidding name of Eschscholzia. Very little has been said, how- ever, about the experiments with the well known annual and perennial poppies, which have pro- duced some results of considerable interest. The poppies in question are the opium poppy (Papaver somnifera), and one previously called the Oriental (Papaver orientalis) . The opium poppy is, as everyone knows, a commercial product of vast commercial impor- tance in the Far East. It has been under cultivation in Europe to a greater or less extent for several [151] Seed Pods of the Crinum The seeds of the crinum show an extraordinary range of variation, some of them being small, whereas others are so large as to suggest miniature bulbs. The latter are so succulent that sometimes they sprout when lying on the shelf. On one or two occasions Mr. Burbank has had crinum seeds sent from a distance by mail, which sprouted en route. This is an interesting and very unusual peculiarity. ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS centuries, and has been greatly improved by the European growers, the varieties developed being of almost every shade of color, some flowers being single and others double. From time to time charming varieties have been sent out in recent years, including an interesting single one known as the Miss Sherwood, a variety having blossoms with a white center and crim- son edge, the petals being beautifully fringed. There are other varieties known as Paeonia and Carnation Flower poppies that are double and are exceedingly handsome in color. The Oriental poppy has very large flowers, always crimson with shadings of scarlet in color in a state of nature, and in almost all cultivated varieties — the color being unusually well fixed. The plant is a perennial with rough, hairy leaves. The flowers are borne on single stems, instead of branching from a main stalk as in the opium and most other poppies. The Oriental species has probably not been under cultivation as long as the other, but many varieties have been developed, some of them semi-double, and the colors have been modified so that there are dull white, scar- let, and yellowish varieties, as well as the more usual crimson. These varieties, however, seem not to be well fixed — they do not come true from the seed — and [153] LUTHER BURBANK the best varieties so far produced quite generally appear to be lacking in vitality — possibly from overzealousness in selection by division, the only way of maintaining and multiplying any special variety. My own experiments have largely had to do with hybridizing the Oriental and the opium poppies. Rather curiously I found that the pollen of the opium poppy was ineffective when used on the Oriental, yet when a reciprocal cross was effected, the pollen of the Oriental being used on the opium poppy, seed was produced, and a great number of hybrids were soon under observation. In the hybrid colony, comprising more than thirty thousand of these plants, there was as little variation in color as is usual with the Oriental poppy. None of the hybrids were double, but they had several interesting qualities. One striking peculiarity was that the hybrid poppies produced in some cases enormous seed capsules, five or six times as large as the ordinary seed capsule of either parent species. Yet in other plants the seed capsule would be smaller than that of either parent. In still other cases twin capsules are produced uniformly, and with a certain num- ber there was produced a mere rudiment of a capsule. But the most striking of all were the [154] Chinese Opium Poppies This is a variety of the flower, from the seed heads of which the familiar commercial drug, opium, is extracted. Mr. Burbank has experimented extensively with this as with many other species of poppies, though not, of course, with refer- ence to its opium-producing qualities. LUTHER BURBANK numerous plants that produced not even an inti- mation of a capsule, the flowering stem ending abruptly like the end of a lead pencil. All in all the hybrids showing this extraordi- nary variation in the seed bearing capsule — rang- ing from enormous enlargement of the capsule to its entire obliteration — make a very wonderful and interesting study in heredity. It is of further interest to note that, although these hybrids were raised from seed of an annual poppy (hybridized, however, by a perennial), yet without exception every member of the entire company of thirty thousand is a perennial. The flowers, themselves, vary greatly in size, some of them being seven or even eight inches in diameter, while the smallest are perhaps only four or five inches. Some are beautifully crimped, others have flat petals, there being the most strik- ing variations in form. Even the specimens that have unusually large, plump seed capsules may produce no thoroughly well developed seeds. In a gallon of the seed- pods, from which one might expect perhaps two quarts of plump seed, I usually obtain perhaps from one hundred to three hundred or four hun- dred grains, mostly of shrunken ill-shaped seeds. Yet these shriveled seeds when sown produce good plants. Even seeds that seem so abortive that it is [156] Another Specimen of the Chinese Opium Poppy It is probable that the Chinese opium poppy represents the result of careful selective breeding on the part of unknown plant developers. But the development of its drug-bearing qualities has not interfered with the beauty of the flower, as is evident from a glance at the specimen here shown. LUTHER BURBANK incredible they should germinate, may produce perfectly healthy seedlings. STRIKING VARIATIONS IN THE SECOND GENERATION The second generation poppies produced from these seeds were among the most remarkable com- panies of plants that I have ever seen. All who saw them agreed that they were the most variable lot of plants of a single fraternity that they had ever observed. The diversity was so great that it might be said that there were no two plants among the thousands that were even approximately identical. No two could be found in which differences could not readily be observed in the foliage. Some of the peculiar forms of leaf were these : (1) Long, smooth strap-shaped leaves sometimes not more than half an inch wide and a foot or more in length; sometimes smooth and sometimes villous; dark green or light green. (2) Short and stubby leaves, trifoliate, either villous or glaucous. (3) Leaves resembling those of the Oriental poppy. (4) Leaves like those of the opium poppy. (5) Nondescript leaves, variously suggestive of the leaves of primrose, cherry, dock, wormwood, dan- delion, and scores of others. It is interesting to note that the blossoms of the second generation varied somewhat less than the leaves, although much more diversified than [158] A Hybrid Poppy Mr. Burbank's experiments in hybridizing the poppies are of exceeding interest. Here is a specimen of a cross be- tween the opium poppy and the oriental poppy. The anomalous re- sults of this combination, of great interest to students of heredity, are related in the text. LUTHER BURBANK the blossoms of the first generation. Some were double and of various shades of the opium poppy. The range of color included almost black, deep crimson, purple, light crimson, salmon shades, pink, white, and various combinations of these col- ors. Yet on the whole the color variation was not greater than that ordinarily found in the opium poppy. The second-generation plants seemed not to have the vitality shown by those of the first gen- eration. There were exceptions to this, however, individual plants manifesting a vitality in excess of the average of the first-generation plants. Most of the second-generation hybrids that pro- duced double blossoms proved to be annuals or biennials, partaking thus of the characteristic of the parent from which they derived their double- ness of blossom. This is perhaps what might have been expected. It is notable, however, that the quality of annual or biennial growth should have reappeared in these hybrids of the second genera- tion, the first generation hybrids having been, as already noted, all perennials. But, on the other hand, some of the second generation hybrids were perennials, and have con- tinued to live and thrive, bearing large quantities of blossoms each season. Thus the perennial and annual habit appeared, [160] Giant Oriental Poppy The selected poppies sometimes attain very extraordinary size. This blossom measured almost a foot across. Few flowers afford greater interest for the amateur gardener than this spectacular visitor from the orient. § I ntjiiyib fc 5 2 §• £ o" - S ** to §• *"* •>;s ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS in the case of these two poppies, to be a pair of unit characters of which the perennial habit was dominant and the annual habit recessive; there being a characteristic segregation in the second generation. As to habit of blooming, there was another in- teresting anomaly. The opium poppy, a strict annual, blossoms only for a short period — for a few weeks at most. The Oriental poppy, although a perennial, also blooms but a short time. The first generation hybrid poppies bloom persistently. There is not a day in the year when some of these hybrids are not in bloom, spring, summer, autumn, or winter — blossoms can always be gathered in quantity from them. The hardiness of the hybrids has not been fully tested. I should not be surprised to find that they are largely as hardy as the Oriental poppy, but the California climate does not subject them to a severe test. THE THIRD GENERATION HYBRIDS In the third generation, a large number of the hybrids reverted toward one or the other of the original parents. But even those that resembled one of the parents or the other strikingly, retained also traits of the other parent. In this generation the plants mostly produced no seed, and the tribe partially ran out. [163] i sla-5.^i?^E ON SOME INTERESTING ALIENS All these unique hybrids present such interest- ing characteristics that it will be worth while to record that the opium poppy that was used as the original parent was of the Miss Sherwood variety, but that later other opium poppies of every shade and color that could be obtained were also used. Perhaps in all twenty-five or thirty selected varie- ties of opium poppies of various colors and differ- ent forms were used as seed parents. The progeny, however, as far as I could observe, varied little and was not greatly influenced by the different type of opium poppy used. However, the varia- tion was so great in any event that it would be difficult to judge as to this. In general, the minor colorings and doublings of color seemed to have less effect in the heredity than the more fixed original foliage and flowers of the wild plants. The hybrids show doubleness and selected colors very slightly, except in a few cases in the second generation, when there was a tendency to return toward the original forms. It should be noted also that the Oriental poppy, al- though failing of fertilization when treated with pollen of the opium poppy, produced seeds abun- dantly when fertilized with its own pollen. The size of the pollen and length of the pollen tubes may conceivably have something to do with the failure to effect hybridization when the Ori- [165] LUTHER BURBANK ental poppy was used as the pistillate parent; but this is only conjectural. Also, the opium poppy has been so long under cultivation, and has become so adaptable, that it perhaps is more pliable and more ready to receive strange pollen. The relative sterility of the first-generation hybrids may be judged from the fact that almost five thousand seedlings produced ten or twelve gal- lons of capsules, but that there was only about a quarter of a teaspoonful of seed to each gallon of capsules. As these seeds were shrunken and much smaller than ordinary poppy seeds, however, the actual number of seeds was proportionately large. Still the total number was only a fraction of what would have been the output of poppy plants of normal fertility. All in all, this experiment of hybridizing the Oriental and the opium poppies, with the produc- tion of relatively infertile hybrids showing Mende- lian heredity as to some traits and a blending of characters as to others, and a further segregation and recombination of characters in the second generation, constitutes an unusually interesting experiment in heredity. I have made many other experiments in breeding the various poppies, but none perhaps that excelled this one in interest and importance. [166] THE HYBRID LARKSPUR— AND OTHER TRANSFORMATIONS INTRODUCING A MISCELLANEOUS COMPANY THE members of my larkspur colony are all descended from a single individual. That individual, in turn, was the select and peerless member of a company of five thou- sand, all of them of equally aristocratic lineage, and each one of them worthy to show itself in any larkspur company. But the usual rigorous method of selection was applied to them. The one individual that came nearest meeting all expectations was preserved. The rest were sent, with sundry thousands other plants of divers species, to the bonfire. The selected individual, of course, became the progenitor of a new colony of larkspurs. Some of these improved upon their ancestor, and among them several interesting varieties were isolated through selection. The original parent form from which the one [VOLUME X— CHAPTER VI] LUTHER BURBANK best larkspur was selected as the progenitor of new races was of the species known as Delphinium hybridum, or hybrid larkspur. As the name im- plies, this plant is itself of hybrid origin, but it has been cultivated a long time in Europe, being unus- ually popular in England, and ranks as a true species, or at least as a good horticultural variety. There are numerous other species of larkspur, sixty or more altogether. Some are annuals and some perennials. Our native California species are among the most beautiful. One of these, named nudicaule, is a perennial growing along the sides of streams and in shady canons, although on occasion even mounting to the tops of high rocks. It bears flowers of a bright orange red, sometimes varying to yellowish, that are very showy. The plant is easily cultivated either from seed or by division, as indeed are all perennial larkspurs. Another species is D. cardinale, a large, strong plant, growing in the southern part of California, the flowers of which are also bright red and yellow though quite different in general appearance from those of the one just named. Yet another larkspur that is of interest is the D. decorum, an extremely variable form growing usually on overflowed land. The flowers of this wild species vary almost as much as do our hybridized and cultivated ones. [168] Improved Hybrid Larkspur Few of Mr. Burbank's flower productions are more pop- ular than his improved hybrid larkspur. This picture suggests that the flowers amply justify their popularity. They are the product of hybridization, as their name suggests, combined with careful selective breeding. LUTHER BURBANK Growing side by side in a bed of wild larkspurs of this species may be found plants bearing flowers varying from deep blue, pale blue, dark rosy pink, pale pink, and yellow, to almost pure white. The flowers of these are quite large and showy, but the colors, although so variant, are seldom brilliant The larkspur known as D. Calif ornica is a giant species, often found in canons toward the coast. For a larkspur it towers to a great height, some- times reaching seven or eight feet, but the flower is insignificant when compared with most other varieties both in size and color. They are purplish blue or dingy white in color. My attempts to cross this species with some of our cultivated ones have not resulted in producing anything of value. Still another species is known as D. hespirium. It grows in sandy or heavy black soil as the case may be; is about two feet in height, and bears flow- ers that are almost invariably of deepest blue, although sometimes pink, pale blue, and white ones are found. These wild species are mentioned somewhat in detail, chiefly to show the variation among them, suggesting the possibility of interesting develop- ments when the various forms are combined. I have utilized them all more or less in experiments, and in addition have grown nearly all the lark- [170] ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES spurs that are ever offered by seedsmen or florists. As already stated, my chief experiments began with the use of the hybrid larkspur as a seed par- ent, but of course the hybridizing experiments soon blended the strains of many of the other spe- cies, until the larkspur colony, like so many others of flower groups, is of such conglomerate ancestry that the precise proportions of the different strains in any given race are not traceable. Needless to say, selection has been carried for- ward along with the hybridizing experiments, these two methods always being complementary. Particular attention has been given to size of flower, vigor of plants, and resistance to insects and disease, as well as that of multiplication by division, at the same time that compactness of growth and brilliancy of color of flower have been carefully regarded. One of the worst faults of the larkspur is that it tends to grow too tall, with a stalk that does not support it, so that it requires to be staked. But my hybrid larkspurs have been so selected that they are compact in growth, and able to support themselves even in a moderate gale. All the characteristic larkspur colors are rep- resented among the new varieties, and in addition there are combinations of color that have never before been seen, I think, in the larkspur. Some [171] Color Variations in Hybrid Larkspurs The hybrid larkspurs are very pleasing in form, and the compact clusters in which they grow are peculiarly attractive. But their other good qualities are enhanced by the wide range of color variation, of which a suggestion is given in this picture. The range of colors is striking, and all of the colors are pleasing. ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES of the individual flowers are considerably over two inches in diameter, and some of the largest are very double. The color yellow is not usual with the larkspur, its characteristic colors being red, blue, and white. There is one yellow species, a native of southern Asia. I have, however, developed varieties with pale yellow flowers. The best of the selected varie- ties, as descended from the original one chosen among the first five thousand, is known as Bur- bank's hybrid, and has been given full recognition by seedsmen, florists, and gardeners. There is still opportunity for further development among the larkspurs, however, and improvements may be expected which, if not spectacular, have at least a fair measure of interest. No plant is ever so fully developed that it does not hold possibilities of improvement. AN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY The great family of composites presents an almost endless variety of flowers, of which we have seen some striking examples, most notable among these being perhaps the daisies and the dahlias. But now and again a new form makes bid for pop- ularity, and there is still an indefinite amount of material among our wild plants from which gar- den plants might be developed. Yet the old favorites are not necessarily sup- [173] LUTHER BURBANK planted. Indeed there are some of them that have perennial interest, holding their charm despite all competition. One of these is the marigold, of which there are various species that find favor not only because of the ease with which they may be cultivated, but also because of the length of time during which they bloom, the abundance of blossoms, and their good keeping qualities after being picked. The marigolds most commonly cultivated fall into two distinct groups, one spoken of as the Afri- can marigold and the other as the French mari- gold. In addition to these there are native species, among others a very interesting one that I have received from Arizona, sent me by Professor Lemon, whose name it bears. This native form is a shrub about four feet in height, and in the fall it bears a mass of beautiful single golden flowers about the size of the French marigold. This is one of the handsomest shrubs of this sort, and although I think it has not yet been intro- duced, it deserves a place in every garden, if — as has not yet been proved — it will stand the colder climate. My experiments with the marigold were con- ducted a good many years ago, chiefly along the line of crossing the French and African races and this new Arizona perennial species. In addition [174] A Brilliant Specimen This is one of the most brilliant of the hybrid larkspurs. It is a variety distinguished also by the large size of its flowers and the wonderfully compact and symmetrical clusters. A flower like this is a treasure in any garden. LUTHER BURBANK to their practical horticultural results, the experi- ments gave some interesting illustrations of heredi- tary influence, In particular I observed that when the double marigolds were crossed with the perennial single species above mentioned all the hybrids were single. Moreover, if I am not mistaken, they were all annuals, though the perennial marigold was the mother plant in every case. It is interesting to recall that precisely the op- posite result was produced in hybridizing the pop- pies. In that case the union of an annual and a perennial poppy produced hybrids all of which were perennials. One of the best marigolds with which I have worked is called the lemonball. It is of the African type, and it produces great lemon-yellow blossoms in abundance, blooming throughout the entire sea- son. The best specimens are thoroughly double, but if the seed is saved from the most double blos- soms, almost half of the seedling will bear single flowers or those not perfectly double. It is obvious that the factors for singleness and doubleness tend to be segregated, and that the strains of the double marigold have not all been isolated in such a way as to produce germ plasm that is unmixed as regards the factors for number of petals. [176] A Distinctive Cluster It is difficult to see how this hybrid larkspur could be improved upon as to the symmetrical development of its flower cluster, and the uniformity and excellence of its individual blossomst nearly all of which, it will be seen, are in full bloom at the same time. But in point of fact there are almost numberless varieties of equal merit among Mr. Burbank's hybrid larkspurs. LUTHER BURBANK Presumably this could be done by careful selec- tion. My more recent experiments have to do with the general improvement of the marigolds, ana I am also experimenting with a new species from Chile with reference to its possible value as a pot- herb for its fragrance and flavor. It is a tall, slen- der shrub with innumerable pale, straw-yellow flowers — almost white. Like one or two other spe- cies of the genus it has a most delightful fragrance and flavor. As regards quality and intensity of flavor, it surpasses all others, but it apparently has no other merit. Whether it will prove of sufficient value for introduction in the vegetable garden is still problematical. A much less familiar member of the composite family which, however, has gained rapidly in pop- ularity in recent years is the plant known as cos- mos. This is a Mexican species that is now making its way into the flower gardens everywhere. It is related to the plant known as the black dahlia (Bidens astrosangiiinea) botanically, yet the rela- tionship is not so close that the two can be com- bined, at least I have not been able to effect crossing between them. A peculiarity of the cosmos, due doubtless to its recent importation from a sub-tropical region, is its habit of blooming very late in the autumn. [178] A Flower Cluster of Many Colors Here is a bunch of hybrid larkspurs combining delicate yellows, pinks, and blues. It would be an interesting experi- ment to take the seeds of this single flower head, and endeavor to produce, by selective breeding, varieties of larkspur having flowers of uniform yellow and pink and blue re- spectfully. Such possibilities as this are open to any one who wishes to experiment with this inter- esting flower. LUTHER BURBANK This is sometimes regarded as a merit, but as the plant is very tender, there is danger that its blos- soms will be blighted by the early frosts. So the most important work that has been done with the plant in recent years is the production of early blooming varieties. The effort has been so far suc- cessful that there are now varieties that bloom in midsummer. The fact that this modification has been brought about within a comparatively few plant generations illustrates the pliability of the cosmos. It is, in point of fact, one of the most variable and pliable of plants — comparable in this regard to the dahlia. Such being the case, it is not surprising that it has been found possible to develop new shades of color, as well as much larger and finer flowers than those of the original species. Forms with wider petals, and others with twisted petals and other variations of the corolla, have also been developed. Even a double cosmos has been mentioned as forthcoming. But the plant is comparatively new in the flower garden, and it offers therefore rather exceptional opportunities for the experimenter. The amateur who is looking for a plant that has not been carried to anything like its limits of variation may advantageously pay attention to this graceful, attractive, and rapid-growing composite. [180] ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES The extreme heat and long days of the summer even in high altitudes in the United States makes possible the cultivation of a large number of flow- ers that were originally of tropical habitat. Among these no others are more familiar or have retained their popularity more steadily than the tribe of plants of the genus Iponoea, which numbers among its representatives plants of such diversity as the morning-glory, the moon-flower, the cypress vine, the yam, and the sweet potato. THE BRILLIANT MORNING GLORY It is not difficult to account for the popularity of the morning-glory. A vine that grows with the greatest rapidity and that bears flowers of striking and brilliant color in the greatest profusion, day after day, for weeks together, covering our arbors or pergolas in a few weeks' time, has merits that are not duplicated exactly by those of any other flower under cultivation. The morning-glory has not been very exten- sively worked with, but it has shown a marked tendency to variation, and, as usual with plants under cultivation, has broken up into numerous varieties, showing in particular a wide range of color variation. One of the most remarkable of the varieties is the Japanese morning-glory, some forms of which have double flowers of very curi- ous structure. The single varieties of the Japanese [181] More Hybrid Larkspur Variations Compare this cluster of hybrid larkspurs with those shown in earlier pictures and in the succeeding one. After making such a comparison, no one will need to be told why the hybrid larkspur is an exceedingly popular flower, — particularly when it is recalled that, in addition to its other merits, this is a peculiarly hardy, thrifty, and prolific bearer. ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES type are of relatively immense size and of the most wonderful color. But they do not produce so abun- dantly as the common morning-glory, they do not climb as well, and they seem to lack the vigor of the ordinary form. My experiments with the tribe have had to do with the crossing of several related forms. The plants can generally quite readily be crossed, and the seed germinates readily. These experiments have not been carried far enough to produce any very striking results. It is obvious, however, that the morning-glory offers good op- portunities for improvement, and the ease with which it can be cultivated makes it a plant that should appeal particularly to the amateur. The wide range of color variation, together with the fact that the colors are fairly fixed in certain varie- ties, make possible crossbreeding experiments that can readily be checked. Possibly also it may be feasible to cross the morning-glory with the moon-flower or with vari- ous other members of the genus. The moon-flower itself, which produces large white flowers in great abundance, has been greatly improved by selec- tion. There is also an interesting Brazilian morning- glory (Ipnoea setosa) with a vine that grows with great rapidity and bears a rosy purplish flower, [183] Variable Clusters These specimens of hybrid larkspur are selected as sug- gesting the considerable range of variation in the make-up of the clusters of blossoms. Note the very striking contrast between the cluster at the left and that at the right, the latter being the re- sult of a long series of experiments in careful selective breeding. Compare this picture with earlier ones of this series, to suggest the full range of variation in form and color among the selected hybrid larkspur. ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES and a perennial tree morning-glory, a native of Texas, which bears very large light pink flowers in abundance. Indeed the number of species from which selection can be made is rather large, and variation among them sufficient to give the experi- ment in hybridizing exceptional interest. Another vine-like plant from South America that has made its way into every garden is the Tropaeolum, commonly known as the nasturtium. There are at least forty species of this tribe, mostly climbing natives of Peru and Chile. One of these, T. puberosum, produces spicy roots that are highly prized as foods, and its seeds are some- times used in salads under the name of Indian cress. The seeds of the form familiar in our gar- dens are sometimes pickled, and it is probable that table products of greater value could be developed from these plants if attention were paid to breed- ing them with that idea in mind. Some of the nasturtiums are exceedingly tender to the slightest chill, but they may grow in the hottest and driest soil. My work with the nasturtiums has been done with specimens sent from South America by my collectors, representing eight or nine species. Some of these have bulbs that remain dormant in the ground for two or three years, and then sprout and grow very fine vines that climb over the bushes. [185] LUTHER BURBANK The common nasturtium of our gardens, T. ma jus, is one of the most readily grown of our annuals and has been so long cultivated and so thoroughly crossed that the colors of the flowers are exceedingly variable. In recent years very good work has been done, particularly by Cali- fornia cultivators, in the improvement of the climbing nasturtiums, and in particular by cross- ing the ordinary form with the one known as T. minus. Both the parent forms and the hybrids have run into numberless colors, clear lemon yellow, flesh color, deep crimson, purple, scarlet, deep yellow and white, the colors being variously blended, and the foliage of the plant being sometimes most beautifully variegated. Even the form of the leaf has been changed, so that there now are ivy-leaved strains of nasturtiums. The nasturtiums offer great interest for the amateur experimenter, as they are very readily hybridized, and as their range of variation, even without crossing, is so great as to afford the widest opportunity for selection. Indeed, crossing has been so fully carried out that for ordinary purposes selection will answer far better than further cross- ing. Indeed it is exceedingly difficult to keep the colors of the various nasturtiums separate. The seed of a pure white variety quite commonly may [186] California Morning Glory This is one of numerous species and varieties of morning glory utilized by Mr. Burbank in his experiments with this flower. As some of the species come from the tropics, there is oppor- tunity for the blending of widely different heredities. LUTHER BURBANK produce various colors. And it is more difficult to fix these colors than is the case with most other flowers. But of course such difficulties only en- hance the interest of a really earnest experimenter, and develop his enthusiasm. STAMPING PERSONALITY ON A FLOWER An illustration of the way in which the person- ality of the experimenter finds expression in the plants that he cultivates was furnished me a num- ber of years ago by Mr. Peter Barr, a well-known horticulturist who specialized with the narcissus and daffodils. On visiting my place a number of years ago, he related an experience that may be taken as typical, yet which the amateur who has not experimented extensively might regard as rather extraordinary. The story has been told in an earlier volume, but it may be briefly repeated here. Mr. Barr stated that among the thousands of seedlings the whole stock of which he purchased of two specialists in England, he could always tell at once, on seeing the blooms, which of the two specialists had developed any individual plant, even though the varieties had been mixed. One of the breeders produced very large, coarse flowers, gigantic and broad, and lacking in delicacy of contour. The other produced seedlings of graceful and exquisite form. [188] A Bed of Hybrid Morning Glories Here are some of Mr. Burbank's hybrid morning glories, showing the not unusual propensity of hybrids to grow luxur- iantly and bear flowers in profusion. This vine represents a stage of progress, rather than the completed product. LUTHER BURBANK And these contrasting characteristics of the different daffodils, Mr. Barr assured me, typified the personalities of the two breeders by whom they were developed. One of these was a person of little refinement, notwithstanding his love of flowers; the other was a cultivated banker of artistic temperament. The tastes and propensities of the two men made themselves felt in all the flowers they produced; which of course was inev- itable, when we reflect that the plants were pro- duced by selection, and that each man naturally selected the type that appealed to him. I cite the incident not as something exceptional, but as typical. Almost as a matter of course, one could draw correct inferences as to the personality of a plant developer from observation of the varie- ties that he has developed — provided always, of course, that his selections have been made along the line of his own tastes, and not to meet some specific commercial demand. There should be for the amateur an added stimulus in the reflection that he is thus putting the stamp of his own personality upon the plants with which he experiments. The flowers of your own garden may thus come to have an individu- ality that represents you as fully as you are repre- sented by your costume or by the books you gather on your shelves. And surely the possibility of [190] ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES developing a flower garden that has such individ- uality, differing from any and every other flower garden in the world, should give the pursuit of the amateur florist unique interest. SOME INTERESTING NATIVES I have more than once suggested the possibility of introducing to the garden species of plants that grow in the wilds and that offer interesting possi- bilities of development. Two or three other tribes of these interesting wildlings may be here referred to. To name all that are worthy of consideration would take many volumes for there are more than ten thousand species of flowers indigenous to the United States, and of these only something like fifteen hundred have at one time or another been placed under cultivation. I may name two or three familiar ones, in addi- tion to those that have already been referred to, as offering exceptional attractions. There are, for example, the Gilias, represented by many species. I have cultivated twenty or more wild ones at one time, selecting for brilliancy of color, for size of flower, for compactness of growth, or for some other desired quality. On occasion I have carefully scrutinized at least ten thousand different plants in order to select the individual with which to begin improvements. The gilias vary greatly in color, so that they are [191] A Wen; Burbank Morning Glory Quantity production again, with ample opportunity for selection, that the very best hereditary possibilities of the hybrid may be revealed. The variety here shown is one of the newest developments at Santa Rosa, as the morning glory experiments are still in progress. ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES very interesting flowers with which to work, and the colors may very readily be fixed in the course of four or five generations. So also may the quali- ties of compact growing, size of flower, and the like. The plants, therefore, are encouraging ones for the amateur who is anxious to get results. The familiar milkweeds have been referred to in another connection with reference to the pecu- liar arrangement of their pollen masses, which are so adjusted as to entangle the feet of bees. The amateur will find it peculiarly interesting to cross-pollenize these flowers. It will be ad- vantageous to work with a magnifying lens of con- siderable power. The curious form of the flower and the unique arrangement of the pollen masses give the work of cross-fertilizing these plants a unique character, and these flowers are in general among the most puzzling of all flowers for the amateur. There is possibility of developing, among the milkweeds, plants of commercial value. I have worked somewhat extensively with a number of unclassified South American species. For two or three years I carried on the work of selecting the best seedlings among a large number, until several races were pretty sharply defined. Now I am crossing the best of these, the object being to get varieties of more beautiful blossoms for garden [193] LUTHER BURBANK culture, and also to secure varieties that will be of value in producing a fiber that has something of the quality of silk. Even now tons of milkweed seed pods just before they are ready to open are dried in the Mis- sissippi Valley and shipped to Japan, where they are used to make a kind of felt. In the Philippines there is an allied plant, the Kapok, which supplies a fiber much used for filling pillo\vs and the like. It is considered within the possibilities that a variety may be produced that will be of value for the production of rubber, as the juice of some species has excellent rubber qualities. The native varieties of milkweed are exceed- ingly hardy and as they are perennials they may be worked on season after season. There is great variation as to vigor of growth, size of leaves, com- pactness of plants, and color and form of leaves, as well as regarding the size, color, and abundance of blossoms. The seed pods, with their white, silk- like fiber also vary greatly. And there is corre- sponding variation as to the amount of latex or milk produced by the stalks. All in all, then, there is scarcely another tribe of plants that shows a wider range of interesting qualities for observation of the experimenter. Another wildling offering attractions of a dif- ferent character is the so-called painted cup, or [194] 03 r.HH'Iv'r § «• sg^S-SI* 8§8 a -q S." a-oSSSSw S" o l~ S. « S2 2§ 5 il«-|lwlloll ^"^ 'la ws-iplp^si0' ^ LUTHER BURBANK Indian's paint-brush, classified by the botanist as Castilleia. The most familiar form of this plant is the one known for its brilliant scarlet color. But the tribe is exceedingly variable, and the different members present flowers that range from scarlet, crimson, orange, yellow, and purple to pure white. Some are variegated. Individual plants of the first named species growing on the same cliff along the shore may show the widest range of variation in the color of their blossoms. Indeed, all colors are sometimes combined in the flowers of a single plant. In other cases one will find a small patch of yellow flowers in one place, and in the neighbor- hood another patch of orange colored or of white ones. The only color that is missing is blue. It would thus be an interesting quest for some plant devel- oper to see whether he could develop a blue painted cup, somewhat as I was able to develop a blue poppy. Even failing in this, the opportunity to study heredity of color, and to isolate races of painted cup of one color or another, attempting to fix them so that they would come true from seed, would give recreation for a number of seasons. The fact that the painted cup does not always prove easy of cultivation suggests that it is a plant [196] ON SOME FAMILIAR COMPOSITES worthy the attention not merely of the beginner but also of the amateur who has gained a measure of experience, and who is willing to try his hand at problems of plant development that are not free from difficulties. As I said before, it would be possible to extend almost indefinitely this list of interesting flowers that invite development. But the ones named may serve by way of introduction, and the amateur may readily extend the list by looking about in almost any garden or by rambling almost anywhere along country roads or in neighboring fields. — The material lies everywhere about us, and despite the activi- ties of large numbers of flower lovers, there are hundreds of species readily accessible that have never come under the hand of the cultivator, and which therefore have the attraction of entire novelty. fi *> 5« « ^ o, a,-* **"J *" a Q «c 5 i? o o ORNAMENTAL PALMS AND CLIMBING VINES VIEWS ON ARTISTIC TREATMENT VISITORS from the East are often surprised to find palms growing thriftily at Santa Rosa. The average resident of northern latitudes appears to associate the palm with trop- ical conditions. And while it is known to everyone that these trees grow in Southern California, it seems a matter for wonderment that they should be found so far to the north as the region in which my experiment gardens are located. In point of fact, isothermal lines make no dif- ference in California, as the winds from the Pacific, deflected by the mountains, determine the climatic conditions, and produce quite unpredictable re- sults. Thus it is that oranges are sold from north- ern California before they are ready to pick in the southern part of the state. And again, the palm is a relatively hardy tree— I mean, of course, in comparison with tropical [VOLUME X — CHAPTER VII] LUTHER BURBANK plants in general. And whereas the date palm does not thoroughly perfect its fruit, for the most part, except in regions where the summer is very long, this tree may withstand extremes of tempera- ture that are widely removed from anything expe- rienced in the tropics, and other palms generally perfect their fruit wherever they can be grown. Indeed, so hardy are some of the palms that the question arises whether it may not be possible by selective breeding and adaptation to develop races of palms that will thrive even in the middle lati- tudes of the eastern United States, and far to the north of their present limits on the Pacific Coast. The fact that most of the palms now growing in California have been introduced within compara- tively recent times, and that they have gradually made their way northward, is suggestive of the possibility of much wider extension of their habitat A difficulty in the attempt to carry out any project in selective breeding calculated to give the palm additional hardiness or any other quality is found primarily in the fact that this tree does not mature its fruit until from ten to twenty-five years of age. But in recent years an effort is being made by the Department of Agriculture and by several private individuals, to introduce races of date palms that will bear marketable fruit, and the [200] A Burbank Protege This palm, now 44 year* old, was set out by Mr. Burbank when he first came to Santa Rosa. It is a thrifty specimen, and may be expected to outlive many human generations. LUTHER BURBANK study of the palm that has been undertaken in this connection will doubtless lead to important results* Even now it has been demonstrated that just as good dates can be grown here as in the Sahara. It appears that the palm, notwithstanding its relative fixity, is subject to considerable variation, and that this is particularly true of the date palm fruit, as might be expected considering that this tree has been under cultivation from pre-historic periods, and because it has been selected for the fruit alone. The most delicate and delicious date fruits are not the ones that can be secured for export, so that these varieties can never be seen on the American market until they are grown here. All the best date palms, unlike most other palms, are grown from suckers which come up from about the roots of the tree. To be sure, the Oriental peoples, for whom the date has supplied a most important food product from the earliest periods, have probably paid very little attention to selective breeding. Still the broad general fact that "like produces like" has been matter of common knowledge from remotest antiquity, and it can hardly be doubted that a cer- tain amount of more or less intelligent selection of the trees that bear the best fruit, with attempts to raise seedlings from these trees and thus secure [202] ON SOME ORNAMENTALS races of good fruit-bearers, has been practiced, generation after generation. Moreover a certain amount of cross-pollenizing between allied races of palms has doubtless taken place without the agency of man, and so it is all but certain that the different palms under cultiva- tion bear mixed racial strains, somewhat as do the different races of orchard fruits and cultivated plants of temperate climates. It is quite to be expected, then, that the palms grown from the seed should show a good deal of variation. That such is really the case is made obvious to anyone who attempts to raise them. The date palm, for example, may readily enough be grown from the seed, for the seeds germinate readily, though slowly. But the tests have shown that the progeny of a date palm bearing fruit of the best quality cannot be depended upon to transmit the characteristics of the parent with a high degree of certainty. So it is necessary to grow the young trees from suckers if the strain of the parent is to be perpetu- ated accurately. The experts of the Department of Pomology at Washington and several private individuals, have imported rooted suckers, obtained from female trees known to produce fruit of excellent quality, [203] A Familiar Ampelopsis There are several species of ampelopsis with which Mr. Burbank has worked extensively. The spray here shown is the familiar Ampelopsis quinquefolia, commonly known as the Vir- ginia Creeper, and sometimes spoken of as the "five-leaved ivy." Mr. Burbank has performed interesting hybridizing ex- periments with members of the family and has produced some rather important new varie- ties of crossbred ampelopsis. ON SOME ORNAMENTALS distributing them and planting them in various regions of the southwestern United States. The trees that grew from these suckers have proved to be pistillate, as expected, and produced fruit equal to that of northern Africa. Consider- able difficulty was experienced in securing suckers from the best trees, even private individuals not being allowed to own them in the original country. As to the date palm, the progress already made in the improvement of the fruit indicates beyond the shadow of a doubt that still further improvement will be made in many directions. It is probable that the colony of fruit-bearers thus introduced will spread indefinitely, until the date palm be- comes an important economic tree in warmer portions of America. It is even more important with the palm than with other fruit-bearing trees that propagation should be carried out in this way, because when the plants are grown from the seed only half of them will be bearers of pistillate flowers. The pollen-bearing trees will of course bear no fruit, and while there must be here and there one of these in the palm grove — one pollenate to about twenty-five pistillate trees — it would be an obvious waste of space to give over half the ground to sterile trees. Yet there is no way of determining whether an individual tree is a male or a female [205] LUTHER BURBANK until it comes to the age of blossoming; and the palm is a tree of slow growth that matures only after a good many years. But trees grown from suckers will be of the same sex as the parent trees; hence the double utility of propagating by this method. PALMS FOR ORNAMENT From the standpoint of the present chapter, however, the fruit-bearing qualities of the palm are not so much in question as its ornamental character. Considered merely as ornamental trees, there are members of the genus Phoenix, to which the date palm belongs, that are more attract- ive than this famous fruit bearer. And in general the character of the form and foliage of a date palm is carried with sufficient certainty from parent to offspring by the seed to make it perfectly permissible to raise palms from the seed for orna- mental purposes. Even where the seeds are planted in rows, with the expectation of producing colonnades of palms, along road sides or for borders, the palms may be grown from the seed without danger that they will vary sufficiently to interfere with the symmetry of the row, provided the seed are gathered from the same tree, or at any rate have come from the same region. If, however, the seed be imported from different [206] The Bottle-Brush Bush This is a shrub from New South Wales; a rather tender plant, but thriving out doors at Santa Rosa. It belongs to the myrtle family. See the following picture in explanation of the pop- ular name of this shrub. LUTHER BURBANK regions, there is probability of a good deal of variation even among trees of the same species. The more usual method, however, in California, is to germinate the seed in a hothouse, growing the young plants in pots at first, and then removing them to boxes that they may be more readily transplanted, as they make slender, wiry roots. They are as easily grown as kernels of corn, though requiring much longer periods of time. Occasion- ally, however, they are planted in nursery rows, and it is sometimes desirable to transplant them after they have obtained a growth of twenty or thirty feet in height, and a diameter of trunk of one or two feet. In such a case, it is necessary to cut around the roots of the tree some time before removal, making a ball of earth that is to be removed with the tree. This treatment induces the palm to throw out new roots, giving added firmness, and making provision for the rapid absorption of moisture and nourish- ment after transplantation. A box being constructed around the soil, the palm may be removed to any distance. Sometimes a single palm thus transported is of such size as to require an entire flat car. But unless the precaution is taken to cut back the roots and allow them to stand for some time before removal, as just suggested, there is danger that the [208] ON SOME ORNAMENTALS palm will die after transplantation, because the loss of its long roots makes quick adaptation to the new conditions impossible. The Phoenix canariensis is a thoroughly hardy palm in this climate, and the handsomest of the hardy members of the tribe. It is therefore the one most used for planting for ornament in California, though the Chamae- rops excelsior from Japan is as hardy and next most common. The Canary palm grows with great rapidity after the plant has the first five or six leaves, although like all other palms its early growth is slow. An ordinary specimen of this species, transplanted into good soil in this region when it has four or five leaves, will grow to a height of fifteen feet, with a corresponding spread of branches, and develop a trunk eighteen inches in diameter in six to ten years. No other palm with which I am acquainted will make more than about one-fourth this growth in the same time and under the same circumstances. There is considerable difference in appearance, however, and in rapidity of growth of different strains of palms of this species. Yet the seedlings are unusually true to type, so that long rows of the Canary palms may be grown from the seed with full assurance that they will not vary sufficiently to break up the general uniformity of the row. [209] Blossom of the Bottle-Brush A glance shows why this plant has received its popular name. The technical name of the shrub is Callistemon, from a Greek derivative, implying "the flower with beautiful stamens,' There are several species of the genous, most of them hav-* ing flowers with stamens of a beautiful scarlet color. The one here shown is a selected variety of Callistemon lanceolatus. ON SOME ORNAMENTALS Palms of the genus Chamaerops are also very hardy, perhaps even hardier than the Phoenix palms. I have never known one of them to be injured by frost anywhere in California, even when quite young. There are several species of this genus. I have grown them from the seed somewhat extensively, and have noted a wide variation among different species, some making large trees, while others are dwarfs, some of which, in this region, never attain a height of more than three or four feet. One exceedingly thorny species may be multiplied by division readily, as it throws up suckers abund- antly around the old plant, unlike most other palms. Some accidental hybrids have appeared among the species of Chamaerops. VARIATION AND DEVELOPMENT Notwithstanding the considerable variation among the different strains, there is almost no dis- coverable variation in seedlings of a species of this genus of palm when grown from seed of the same tree. The species most commonly grown in Cali- fornia is C. Excelsa. This is a species that in China and Japan is one of the most useful of trees, its foliage being used for thatch, the rigid leaf stalk for braces, and the woolly substance about its trunks for cordage and other purposes. Moreover this is the palm from which fans are [211] LUTHER BURBANK usually made, the undeveloped, immature leaves being used for this purpose. The palms of this genus usually bear the stamenate and pistillate flowers on different trees, but it is not unusual to find a few stamenate blos- soms on pistillate trees, or, contrariwise, a few pistillate blossoms on stamenate trees. This, however, is a matter of no great practical import- ance, since the trees are grown in this region only for ornament, and it is not necessary to raise them from the seed, as they put out suckers abundantly. On the other hand, if the attempt is to be made to hybridize the different species with the hope of developing hardier races, the matter of fertiliza- tion of the flowers becomes obviously important. It will be worth while, then, to select the trees with reference to those that tend to mature their fruit early. But the work of developing a race of hardy palms will necessarily be a slow one, requiring the co-operative labors of successive generations of plant experimenters. And whereas it is probable that in the course of a century or two hardy palms will be developed, so that the question of selection of ornamental palms will be of interest even to residents of the middle and perhaps even of the northern regions of the United States, at the mo- ment the matter can have practical interest only [212] ,3*31 iMf*? IfilfM^fg tiKita'P1 - a, ? to "3 I § c* I s- LUTHER BURBANK for a limited number of people, and we need not consider it more at length here. It suffices to say that the methods of hybridizing and selection that have proved successful with other plants will doubtless be found to have full application to the palm; and to add that the actual work in this field has been begun only in a tenta- tive way. The method of hybridizing is simplicity itself— as simple as crossing two varieties of corn. Meantime, however, the palm exists as an orna- mental tree of the very greatest value in California, and the interest shown in it by tourists justifies the expectation that in the near future, efforts of a comprehensive character may be made, probably under government supervision, to develop races of palms that can be grown far to the north of the present limits of this tree in the Eastern United States. A drive along Grange boulevard in Los Angeles, for example, and inspection of its rows of palms, alternating with pepper trees, gives the visitor from the East a mental picture of the possibilities of this race of trees for ornamental purposes that should certainly stimulate a spirit of emulation. Interspersed among pines — their brothers of pre- historic times — they will be particularly appropri- ate and look especially well. [214] ON SOME ORNAMENTALS The ornamental value of palms for roadsides and borders, and artistically placed here and there on the lawn, is admirably supplemented by a back- ground of vines growing on walls or over rustic arbors or pergolas. And of course there are numerous vines, as everyone is aware, that flourish abundantly in regions where the palm cannot be grown. So the picturesqueness of effect that can be gained by the use of vines sometimes better than in any other way is available for the residents of northern cli- mates, even far toward the arctic circle, almost as fully as in the sub-tropical regions. Among the vines that are so thrifty that they will grow in almost any soil, and so hardy as to resist the coldest winters, the so-called ivies of the genus Ampelopsis take foremost rank. Of these the Japanese Ivy, sometimes known as Boston Ivy (A. vitchi) and its varieties, is probably the best known and the most extensively grown. For the purpose of covering brick and stone walls it is perhaps the most beautiful of all vines. This vine has a close rival, however, and in the opinion of some even a superior, in the native species familiar everywhere in the middle and eastern states as the Five-Leafed Ivy or Virginia Creeper. This vine, however, does not cling to flat, smooth surfaces as does the Asiatic species. [215] LUTHER BURBANK The strains of this vine differ materially in different localities, there being one in particular, named the Engdmanni, which clings to walls and trees better than the ordinary varieties. Vines of this variety are also far ahead of others in their rapidity of growth and in the beauty of their foli- age, and especially in their autumn coloring. Some varieties hold their foliage nearly a month longer than others. These variations should be borne in mind in selecting plants for the covering of walls or making of arbors. The vines growing wild in Colorado are, in my opinion, much superior to those of the eastern states. I have raised thousands of seedlings of both species of Ampelopsis just named, and many speci- mens of other species known respectively as A. heterophyla and A. arborea, and have attempted to hybridize them, but only recently succeeded. The Japanese Ivy and the Virginia Creeper have now been crossed by me, and it is expected that the combination will produce varieties of priceless value, giving opportunity for the develop- ment of new races or ornamental vines to add to the comparatively limited number now available. The work is being carried forward on a large scale. It is probable that the Ampelopsis and the grape may be brought into combination. [216] Leaves of a Japanese Maple This variety of Japanese maple is prized for the color of the leaves, — and very justly so. There are other varieties, how- ever, in which the leaves are curiously reticulate, some of them giving the appearance of leaves that have been dissected so that only the ribs remain. It would be of great interest to cross maples of these two types, noting the results in the first and second generations. LUTHER BURBANK Meantime, I have developed a new variety of Virginia Creeper through selection that has much larger foliage than the ordinary varieties, and that is also a much more rapid grower, with the habit of holding the foliage to a late period in the autumn. As the plant is readily propagated by cuttings, such a new race as this may be distributed indefi- nitely. THE BEAUTIFUL CLEMATIS These vines are grown chiefly for their beauty of foliage alone, although the grape-like berries of the Virginia Creeper are not without some deco- rative value. There are other vines that in some respects rival the Ampelopsis as climbers for the covering of walls and arbors, and that have the added merit of producing beautiful flowers. Notable among the vines that have this double attractiveness are the various species of Clematis. There are several native species of the Clema- tis, and the plant has been brought sufficiently under cultivation to develop a propensity to vary. Nearly all the species are rapid climbers, and pro- duce beautiful flowers in astonishing abundance. In addition some have feathery seed-pods that are scarcely less attractive and interesting than the blossoms that precede them, making an artistic contrast with the foliage for a considerable period. [218] ON SOME ORNAMENTALS So all in all the clematis must be ranked among the most beautiful of vines. My work with the members of this tribe has been largely with the types that are known horti- culturally as Jackmanm lanuginosa. These have large blue and white flowers, sometimes inclined to red and pink. I have raised these plants very extensively from the seed for many years. By selection, several varieties were produced that bore very handsome double flowers of peculiar form, varying in color from blue, pink, and ashy gray to pure white. Some of the new varieties also have exceedingly large broad petals with the flowers of unusually rounded outline, not unlike the form of a dahlia. Several of the best varieties of these improved Clematis vines were introduced through a dealer. But it was subsequently related that the clematis disease had destroyed most of these. This disease is a kind of rot, usually ascribed to the same cause that destroys lilies and many other plants in culti- vated soil. It is probably bacterial, and is always associated with thrips, millipeds, and eel-worms, which probably serve to disseminate the germs. Subsequently I began a series of hybridizing experiments, using the Clematis coccinea as the original seed parent. This species is herbaceous and has scarlet, [219] b S E *« ^•S ** 1S 3 C^ Co § a.. «• LUTHER BURBANK The value of soil depends upon its texture, the elements it contains, the exposure, location, nat- ural drainage, the availability of the elements required, etc. A well-drained alluvial soil of fine texture is the most productive with the average crop. Furthermore, it is usually most durable in its pro- ductiveness. That is, its valuable qualities con- tinue to manifest themselves year after year. Other things being equal, a field located in a comparatively level valley or plain is more val- uable than one on the side of a hill. Often the soil on the side of the hill is rather thin and there is always the danger of washing. Rains come and carry the most valuable part of the field into the valley below. Of course, hillside fields are valuable for some crops. In fact, in some cases, where the soil is rich, even better results are obtained on the hills than in the valleys. This is especially true in California and semi-arid sections. North and east slopes are usually best for late crops, but the south and west slopes are always better for early crops. A slope toward the sun even of only one or two inches to the rod makes a difference in earliness of a week or more. This has been proven by many experiments. The northern and eastern slopes hold the [282] ON FIELD AND FLOWER GARDEN moisture longer but do not warm up so quickly. For this reason they are able to withstand drouth better, but never yield as early crops as the southern or western slopes. A clay sub-soil a foot or more below the surface with a sandy surface layer is the ideal soil for fruit trees. In fact, such a soil is good for most any crop. If the sub-soil slopes sufficiently to drain off surplus water, such a soil will always produce good crops. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF THE SOIL Plants secure their food from the soil through minute hair-like appendages on the roots, known as root hairs. The roots thus serve only as canals. The root hairs collect the food. Because of the extremely small size of these root hairs it is plainly seen that any food used by the plant must be thoroughly dissolved before being taken up. These root hairs are deciduous like the leaves, and only active to any extent where the leaves are in existence and active. All food taken up by the roots is secured in solution and this makes it necessary to keep the soil properly supplied with moisture. The presence of the proper chemical elements and moisture, however, is not the only thing that is needed for the root hairs to do their work well. Air must be present in the soil or it will be impos- [283] fiiiuiin 1 1 ar §•* I3J&I1 ON FIELD AND FLOWER GARDEN sible for the root hairs to secure the necessary food for the plant. The air in the soil must come from the surface so it is obvious that it is always necessary to keep the surface of the ground in such a condition that it will admit air. Thorough cultivation and deep plowing keep the soil in a loose condition. In this connection an old English adage copied from The English Ploughman fits in well. "It is not so tiresome to plow well, sir; your mind is interested." Knowing that the plant's roots must have plenty of air, one enjoys stirring the soil deeply for he knows that by this method the crop will be increased. Cultivation must be frequent because the surface of many soils has a tendency to become rather hard and compact. We may consider that there are minute tubes leading from the surface down into the soil. When the tops of these tubes are closed by having the soil bake it is easy to see that the supply of air is cut off. Stirring the surface, then, makes a connection with the outside air. Cultivation also goes far in keeping insects and diseases under control. Many insects' eggs and larvae and many disease germs are found in the soil. When the field is stirred frequently, these [285] LUTHER BURBANK are brought to the surface and exposed to the hot sun and thousands of them are thus destroyed. Soil is of a very complex composition, and furthermore it is continually changing. A worm burrows into the soil and in his way replaces and rearranges thousands of soil particles. As the root hair penetrates among the particles of soil it affects a change. The passing of moisture from one particle to another makes changes which are of extreme im- portance from the standpoint of fertility. Because of this everchanging condition, it is necessary to pay close attention to the cultivation in order to keep the conditions as near uniform as is possible. A soil that is not given the proper care as to cultivation often holds its valuable food elements like a deposit in a bank that bears no interest. Every business man knows that it is an extremely bad policy to allow resources to lie idle, but farmers too often do not consider the elements in the soil as resources. There are three important ways to make available the supply of plant food in the soil : One is by stirring the soil so that the air makes it pos- sible for the root hairs to secure the elements. Another is by supplying sufficient air and moisture so that the elements in the soil will be dissolved. [286] **- *** t? ^ » 2 fs 2 s ^ y^ • *«h ^^^iisjf*"^»** * ^"Ss^i.?.3*!^^ * S. B S. ** *• i-^ 31 ft 5' ° ^"" LUTHER BURBANK And the third is by applying fertilizers which supply the plant foods needed, in an available form. It does not always follow that when the yield of a certain piece of land is small, that land needs fertilizers. It is very often the case that the poor yield is due to poor seed or shallow culture, or other cause. If great care is taken in selecting seed from the highest yielding fields year after year, one will then know that when the small yield comes it is due to something else. I do not mean to say that it is not necessary to fertilize, but I do mean to say that very often expensive fertilizers are added when a thorough stirring of the soil, drainage, or irrigation would accomplish the same result. Soil that is producing fruit crops needs less fertilizing than that producing grain crops. The fruits contain such a large percentage of water that the essential elements of fertility are exhausted from the soil very slowly. On the other hand, the grain contains a large percentage of the essential elements of soil fer- tility and it is necessary to add fertilizers to grain fields much more often than to orchards. Now that the fertilizer manufacturers are under government supervision it is safe to use any good standard fertilizer on the market. Many ex- [288] ON FIELD AND FLOWER GARDEN periments have been conducted to determine the right element in which the soil is lacking and supply that alone. The analysis of soils has often proven of value, especially in scientific researches, but it is not practical for the average farmer to have a chem- ical analysis made of his soil to determine what kind of fertilizer should be used. In practically every case good barnyard manure gives excellent results. In the same way, a fertilizer purchased on the market usually gives the results desired. Because of the complexity of the soil and the complexity of the requirements of the plants so far as different elements are con- cerned, it is plain to see that it seldom or never happens that any one element is wholly elimi- nated from the soil at a time. Sometimes an element which appears to be exhausted from the soil is merely in an unavail- able form. The addition of other elements in such a case, although they do not seem to be needed, may produce the required results because they assist the unavailable elements in changing to an available form. Nitrogen usually has the most immediate and pronounced effect upon crops when it is applied in fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers always pro- duce quicker results, and when it is desired to get [289] .g 4«5Sa ii?;?r l§iil ^ -cl ^ !! ON FIELD AND FLOWER GARDEN early crops, these are the ones to use, especially in the early part of the season. Nitrogen is quite often in the form of ammonia in the fertilizer. Ammonia is very volatile and escapes into the air rapidly if not properly in- corporated. A commercial product that has a strong odor indicates that the ammonia is escap- ing into the air. Use a fertilizer when it is absolutely necessary, but make sure first that some cheaper process, such as cultivation, irrigation, drainage, or rota- tion of crops, will not accomplish the same result. The physical condition of the soil in practically every case is more important than the chemical condition, that is, it has a more direct effect upon the crops. INCREASING CROPS BY ROTATION Many flower lovers have been dismayed at having a favorite collection of lilies almost entirely destroyed by insects. Such a disappointment can be generally prevented by moving the lily bulbs. Great fields of grain, and large orchards of valuable fruit trees have produced smaller yields year after year 'until it was finally impossible to grow a profitable crop at all. The remedy is rotation. Each grower must be his own doctor, however. There is no short cut to profitable crop yields. [291] LUTHER BURBANK They are obtained by the man who understands the bad effects of growing the same crop on one field year after year, and who knows that these effects can be avoided by making a change in crops. Every horticulturist and every agriculturist should study what follows carefully. It tells why failures come, and why rotation forestalls such failures. There are at least four important reasons why rotation of crops is necessary. In the first place, insects which often gather in great numbers about certain plants are destroyed, or at least their number is reduced when other crops are grown on the land. This is because certain insects are adapted to depend upon certain plants for their nourishment. Lilies and amaryllis are often almost completely destroyed by such insects as mites, small centipedes, wire worms, eel- worms, etc. Absolutely new, uncultivated soils seldom are troubled. It is mostly in gardens where plants from various quarters are grown that difficulty occurs. These pests gather around the lower part of the bulb and if the bulbs are left in the same place several years the insects often destroy them com- pletely. [292] Blossom of Night Blooming Cereus The improved plant on which this beautiful flower grew is shown in the frontispiece of the present volume. Unfortun- ately the night blooming cereus is too tender to be grown except as a hot house plant in the colder climates of the eastern states; but it thrives in California, and deserves greater popularity than it has attained. LUTHER BURBANK Although this is not generally known it is the common cause for the destruction of lilies. Many have had beautiful lily beds exterminated and have been unable to determine the reason. Some- times by transferring the bulbs to another location, if thoroughly disinfected before replanting, they can be saved. If ^gladiolus bulbs, for instance, are planted in the same place year after year, they do not thrive. Usually there are fewer and fewer bulbs as the seasons progress, rather than more, and those that are produced are much smaller than the bulbs originally planted. The plants are also less vigorous. The third year the crop is almost a complete failure. It is necessary to practice rotation of crops with gladiolus. The same thing is more or less true with most other bulbs, as most of them have a bitter poison or protective principle that repels these insects. Some of them, of course, are not quite so suscep- tible to the ill effects as others. Various bacterial and fungous diseases also attack plants that are grown in one place year after year. These organisms, although they may not be entirely destructive the first year or two, grad- ually multiply and become a greater pest from year to year. [294] f ' - vv , A A Beautiful Flowering Cactus This is the cactus known as Opuntia basilaris, a low spreading form that makes a very striking contrast with the giant spineless opuntias in 3/r. Burbank's garden. The present spe- cies is too small to be of any value as a forage plant, but its flowers give it high rank as a border plant for the garden. LUTHER BURBANK When trouble arises from this source remedy is to rotate the crops or, in other words, move the crop infested to another location. Fungous diseases are especially destructive in potato fields. The potato scale, blight, and wart are well-known diseases which can often be wholly or partially controlled by the proper rotation and the planting of uninfected seed. The third cause for failures is the unfavorable condition of the soil produced by the toxic sub- stances thrown off from the growing plants. Plants, like animals, give off waste matter which is not only useless but poisonous to the plant itself, and often to other plants of similar nature. These toxic substances are often less poisonous, and in some cases are beneficial, to other crops. It is obvious that when waste products from a certain crop have accumulated in the soil for a number of years, that soil is not as well suited to the crop as formerly. A change of crops prac- tically always results in a more profitable yield because the waste products of the first crop are often not injurious to the second one. The fourth cause, which is far less common than the others, is exhaustion from the soil of certain elements necessary to plant growth. It is very seldom indeed that any one of the elements necessary to plant growth is wholly [296] ?§ --.-I&&8 O H 5|||||?E|g § 3 •ft*;:!*1*1! s- j r ?si3lisi^ ^ s' S. i re O *- re I LUTHER BURBANK absent from any kind of soil. It does happen sometimes, however, that an element is not present in available form. The plant's roots, of course, cannot take up certain elements that are in such a form that they cannot be absorbed. When the supply of material in the form that can be used is exhausted, the plant does not thrive. Quite often the failure of crops when it can be definitely attributed to the condition of the soil is due to an unfavorable physical condition rather than an unfavorable chemical condition. Rotation of crops always has an important and essential effect upon the physical condition. When alfalfa, cow peas, clover, or some other legume is grown, the roots grow deeply into the soil and when another crop follows, the fissures or canals opened up by these deep growing roots are used by the roots of the new crop, besides storing con- siderable nitrogen. In this way it is much easier for the following crop to permeate the soil where there is plenty of moisture. The roots can develop much more quickly and with less effort than if the deep rooting crop had not been grown on the soil before it. It is quite evident that the addition of barnyard manure has almost as much beneficial effect upon the physical and bacterial condition of the soil as upon its chemical condition. [298] The Camellia This shrub was introduced many years ago from Japan, and has attained great popularity. It has double interest in that it is closely related to the shrub the leaves of which furnish the tea of commerce. LUTHER BURBANK The effects of rotation are most astonishing as shown by the results attained especially in Cali- fornia when grain follows a corn crop. There is usually fully twice the yield secured from the small grain crop following a crop of corn than when small grain follows a crop of small grain. No doubt, the cultivation given the corn during the summer has much to do with putting the soil in the proper physical condition for plant growth. This cultivation destroys more of the microscopic organisms which are injurious to plant life, and releases elements which otherwise would be unavailable. With the present varieties of plants, it will probably always be necessary to practice rotation of crops. But when plants are developed which are resistant to the various conditions which have been mentioned, rotation will perhaps not be so necessary. Already certain plants have been developed which are resistant to numerous diseases and insects. Varieties of grapes are grown which re- sist the attacks of phyloera, and apples which are resistant to the attacks of aphis are well known. Peaches and almonds which are not subject to curl leaf have been developed. Plums which are not affected by the brownrot and plum pocket are now on the market, also [300] Cactus Blossom Although 3/r. Burbank's spineless cacti have been de- veloped as forage plants and for their fruit, they deserve a place in any garden for their flowers alone. Not only is the massed effect of these flowers superb, but the individual blossoms are beautiful to the last degree, as this picture testifies. LUTHER BURBANK cherries, pears, walnuts, and perhaps chestnuts, which are resistant to blight. Because of the value to be secured from crops which need not be rotated, too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the importance of develop- ing new plants for this purpose which are resistant to the various pests. It will almost always be found that in fields badly affected with some disease or insect there are one or more plants which are not affected as seriously as the rest of the crop. By selecting such plants and perpetuating them by seeds or division, a new variety may eventually be produced that is resistant to the particular disease or insect which caused the damage. If resistant plants were developed many old field and garden soils which have become worth- less for certain plants could be made to produce profitable crops. Such soils are quite often thor- oughly infested with numerous insects and diseases and the failure of crops is due more to this than to the lack of proper chemical elements. It is possible to get resistant varieties of vege- tables, grains, flowers, and trees and the process is the same in all cases. Nature practices rotation of crops in the forest. A forest of hardwood trees is almost always re- placed by soft wood trees. After these have grown [302] LUTHER BURBANK on the land for some years, they are replaced by hardwood trees. And so the rotation continues. This is not intended to be a complete discussion on the rotation of crops. It is the principles which underlie the practice that are of the most funda- mental importance. It is impossible to suggest any definite kinds of rotations which will be applicable under all con- ditions. Each person must familiarize himself as much as possible with the underlying principles and determine the rotation that is needed under his own special conditions. [END OF VOLUME X] — The physical condition of the soil in practically every case, is more important than the chemical condition; that is, it has a more direct effect upon the crops. LIST OF DIRECT COLOR PHOTOGRAPH PRINTS IN VOLUME X Acanthus p The Acanthus 287 Alfalfa Alfalfa Seed 243 Ampelopsis A Familiar Ampelopsis 204 Balloon Flower A Balloon Flower 6 Double Balloon Flower 9 Single and Double Balloon Flower 12 Double and Tending Toward Tripleness 15 Yet Another Step Toward Tripleuess 18 Cactus A Beautiful Flowering Cactus 295 The Sea-Urchin Cactus in Bloom 297 Cactus Blossom 301 Calendula Work with the Calendula 21 Educating the Calendula 24 A Bed of Burbank Calendulas 26 A Promising Pupil 29 Another Stage of Progress 31 Still Another Calendula Variation 33 Calendula of Real Distinction 35 Extreme Development of Another Type 37 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Callistemon Pagc The Bottle-Brush Bush 207 Blossom of the Bottle-Brush 210 Camellia The Camellia 299 Campion Flower Bouquet of Campion Flowers 247 Cereus A Selected Night Blooming Cereus Frontispiece Blossom of Night Blooming Cereus 293 Clematis The Clematis 231 Crinum A Burbank Crinum 143 An Improved Burbank Crinum 146 Hybrid Crinum 149 Seed Pods of the Crinum 152 Everlasting Flower Australian Star Flower 137 A Single Australian Star Flower Plant 140 Fuchsia California Wild Fuchsia 290 Goldenrod A Spray of Goldenrod 75 Grass South American Grass 260 Hydrangia The Hydrangia 250 Iris The Iris 41 Graceful and Attractive 43 A Broad Petalled Iris 45 A Spectacular Iris 48 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Page A Round Petalled Iris 51 An Iris with Pointed Petals 53 A Difficult Flower to Cross-pollenize 55 An Ingenius Mechanism 58 A Luxurious Type 61 A Japanese Iris 63 Seedling Japanese Iris 65 More Japanese Visitors 67 Unnamed Flowers from China 69 Selected Chinese Iris 71 Larkspur Improved Hybrid Larkspur 169 Color Variations in Hybrid Larkspurs 172 A Brilliant Specimen 175 A Distinctive Cluster 177 A Flower Cluster of Many Colors 179 More Hybrid Larkspur Variations 182 Variable Clusters 184 Lilac The Summer Lilac 220 Lily The Siberian Lily 270 Lippia The Lippia 234 Magnolia Japanese Magnolia 273 Maple Japanese Maple in Mr. Burbank's Yard 213 Leaves of a Japanese Maple 217 Milkweed Seed Pod of the Milkweed 195 Morning Glory California Morning Glory 187 A Bed of Hybrid Morning Glories 189 A New Burbank Morning Glory 192 Ophiopogon Japanese Ophiopogon 164 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) PalmS Page Decorative Palms 198 A Burbank Protege 201 Petunias Some Burbank Petunias 118 More Burbank Petunias 121 Large, Graceful and Artistic 124 Pinks Chinese Pinks 127 A Bed of Chinese Pinks at Santa Rosa 129 Selected Chinese Pinks 132 Pink Borders 383 Poppies Chinese Opium Poppies t 155 Another Specimen of the Chinese Opium Poppy 157 A Hybrid Poppy 159 Giant Oriental Poppy 161 A Bed of Oriental Poppies 162 Primrose An Improved Evening Primrose 73 Scotch Broom The Scotch Broom 281 Spanish Broom The Spanish Broom Bush 239 Sisyrinchium The Golden Chile Sisyrinchium 228 South American Flower A South American Flower 254 Star Flower Australian Star Flower 137 A Single Australian Star Flower Plant 140 Tecoma Flowers of the Tecoma.. 225 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) South American Thistle.., .. 265 Tigridia The Interesting Tigridia 79 Hybrid Tigridia 82 Another Hyb-id Tigridia 85 Variant Hybrids 87 Seedling Tigridias 89 Another Bunch of Seedlings 92 Bulbs of the Tigridia 94 A Blue Tigridia 97 Tigridia Seeds at Wholesale 100 A Nameless Missionary Flower 103 Verbenas Burbank Hybrid Verbenas 106 More Burbank Hybrid Verbenas 109 Burbank Fragrant Verbenas 112 A Bed of Burbank Verbenas 115 Vetch An Improved Crown Vetch 284 Virginia Creeper A Familiar Ampelopsis 204 Wild Flower Chilean Wild Flower.. . 276 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c t>er volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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