urd tee Bs Tange : > SAS sel Rese GR Saas wee tat Sos aS EEE OL NARS TS et Rt re aie Sa ee aca 5 3 PELL MAA ERIE Te eR EEE RARER ERED ne ee et ate ene et oe eae? We: See er, ata : a i ifs fan Spe Se be ; : THE MADRAS JOURNAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE, _ PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES | OF THE MADRAS LITERARY SOCIETY AND AUXILIARY OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. =e VOL. III. aU ie i SE eT ENG, THE ‘MADRAS JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE, PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE MADRAS LITERARY SOCIETY AND AUXILIARY OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. a - EDITED BY J. C. MORRIS, F. R. S. SECRETARY OF THE MADRAS LITERARY SOCIETY, &c. VOL. IIT. January—April 1836. MADRAS: PRINTED AT THE ATHENEUM PRESS, BY J. B. PHAROAH, AND PUBLISHED BY J. P, BANTLEMAN, AT THE COLLEGE, MDCCCKXXVI. HME. Fess H ‘ wpet Nok ieee: . “ at Peg X eB Le? ia c 7 Mh s / ferhes re oy s Se Aiuy ya N ITA (AV i eel MADRAS JOURNAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. tH No, 10.—January, 1836. 1.—Analysis of the residuum of fired Gunpowder. breast The nature and quantity of the solid products of Gunpow- der after explosion, as given in some scientific works, appear- ing to me to be unsatisfactory, I had occasion lately to iitempe the determination of the point by analysis. 2.—The residuum analysed was obtained from the Madras Powder Mills; and was collected from an 8-inch iron mortar, after firings of two ounce charges, the composition of the powder being— ParepPi@G...5.i0.00 | paris Charcoals..: ins oss 13S SH iphurs a Ose sis ble 100 3.—Several ounces having been procured, two or three preparatory trials were made, which came out very discord. ant; it occurred from some parts of the substance being alkaline, and some appearing to consist chiefly of charcoal, incombustible, and other matter. The remainder was after- wards pounded and mixed together, and the subsequent trials resulted more uniform: but in order to ensure success, the in- termixture cf the whole quantity ought in the first peice to be made very intimate and complete, otherwise a ith dis- erepancy occurs by operating on separate parcels though they may be taken out of one common stock. 2 Analysis of the residuum ne jired gunpowder. [Jan. EXAMINATION AS TO QUALITY. 4.—Submitted to the spirit-blow-pipe some portions of oa residuum, before mixing, burnt quietly on red hot charcoal and fused without the smell of sulphur; and some portions appeared to deflagrate slightly. After being well mixed, crepitation occurred on red hot charcoal before the common blow-pipe, but no appearance of deflagration. 5.—A sample was dissolved in cold distilled water, filtered, and a clear solution obtained. Sundry tests were applied; and gave indications, as follows, viz: 6.—Reddened litmus paper was immediately turned blue, indicating the presence of alkali. 7.—The three mineral acids occasioned effervescence, and a precipitate: and a smell in one case like burning sulphur in another like bilge water. ‘T'artaric acid gave a precipitate of supertartrate of potass or cream of tartar,— whence may be inferred the presence of carbonic acid, of hydrogen, or sul- phuretted hydrogen, and potassa. 8.—Nitrate of baryta occasioned a dense white precipitate of which a part was soluble and a part not soluble in dilute acid. This test indicates the presence of sulphuric acid, and the partial solubility of the precipitate, points out the presence of carbonic acid. From the last applied tests and the pre- sent test we may conclude that the solution contained sul- phate of potassa and carbonate of potassa. 9.—The sulphuric acid being removed by the baryta, the clear solution afterwards obtained, was tested with nitrate of silver, which gave a dense precipitate, changing quickly from yellow through various shades to black. This indicates the presence of sulphur, or of sulphuretted hydrogen. 10.—A certain quantity of the residuum was dissolved in distilled water filtered and then boiled; it gave off copious fumes which smelt like bilge-water and which blackened sil- ver. ‘These fumes were sulphuretted hydrogen. ‘The sul- phuric and carbonic acids of this solution were then removed by nitrate of baryta; and nitrate of silver was afterwards ad- ded and gave a dense precipitate, indicating that the solution contained not only sulphuretted hy drogen, but also a an hydro- sulphuret, 1836.] Analysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. $3 11.—The precipitate last mentioned was collected, washed, and dried ; and was compared with the weight of the preci- pitate obtained from an experiment made witha similar quan- tity of the residuum, only treated with cold water, and not boiled. The quantity of sulphuret of silver (7. e. the preci- pitate) obtained in the experiment by boiling was grains 12 ; the quantity in the other case was grains 27. 12.—These last two steps in the examination point out the presence of sulphur in combination with hydrogen, and with potassa; or sulphuretted hydrogen, and hydro-sulphuret of potassa. 13 —Solution of soap in alcohol gave no discoloration. 14,—After removing the sulphuric and carbonic acids, and the sulphur from a portion of the solution, it was evaporated to dryness. From the course pursued there should result saltpetre, being potassa, the base shown by the tartaric acid (7) in combination with the nitric acid of the tests. The sait collected resulted accordingly ; it was nitre, and defla- grated as nitre does when thrown on red hot charcoal. 15.—There appeared to be a small quantity of uncombined _ alkali; for after precipitating the sulphuric and carbonic acids by nitrate of baryta, the clear solution changed red- dened litmus paper blue; merely a drop or two of nitric acid, however neutralized as much alkali as resulted from 100 grains of the original substance. After this neutralization, and after precipitating the sulphur by the nitrate of silver, the solution contained free acid which was indicated by turning blue litmus paper red: this proceeded from the nitrate of silver, for the silver combining with the sulphur, set the nitric acid free, the alkali of the solution being previously neutra- lized. This acid manifested itself and was driven off in yel- low fumes in melting the saltpetre. 16.—The insoluble residue retained by the filter (5) was small; it was black, but viewed by the microscope, it con- tained numerous white specks which appeared to be earthy matter. It burned quietly on red hot charcoal before the blow-pipe, without the smell of sulphur, and changed its co- lour from black to brown. ‘The earthy matter partially dis- solved with effervescence in nitric acid. I consider this resi- 4 Analysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. [JAns due to consist of a small quantity of charcoal, and carbonate of lime and other earths, being small impurities from the salt- petre and sulphur. 17.—Having thus ascertained the general nature of the substance experimented on, we may proceed to the uf EXAMINATION OF QUANTITY. 18.—Fifty grains of the alkaline matter were heated over a spirit lamp till they no longer lost weight, and were weighed in a porcelain capsule while hot. 2 19.—Note.—All the weighings hereafter mentioned were weighed hot in the same manner. A small porcelain capsule will weigh 5, or 6 tenths of a grain heavier when cold, than it does when hot. 20.—The 50 grains of residuum were dissolved in cold distilled water; filtered, and washed, till reddened litmus ceased to be affected. 21.—The residue retained by the filter (16) weighed 0.90 of a grain, it was submitted to a red heat ; and consisted of Charcoal ve, oi) as 2 grains 0.25 Karthy matter.) ..2:6,co0 se. 56.. «(Osa 22.— The solution was & «precipitated with nitrate of ba- ryta, (8) the precipitate weighed grains 43.60. 23. This precipitate was treated with nitric acid (8); it effervesced, and when again collected and dried at a heat near redness weighed gr. 23.10. 24.—There resulted therefore— Sulphate of baryta......grains 23.10 Carbonate of do ....4.) |, 220)50 Grains 43.60 25.— The solution remaining after this step of the experi- ment, exhibited traces of free alkali (15) it was neutralized by a drop of nitric acid. 26.—Nitrate of silver was then added until we ceas- ed to be a precipitation. The result was sulphuret of sily- er grains 15.40. sin ite 27.—The solution now contained nothing but the base, potash, in combination with nitric acid. The same indica- - 1836.] dnalysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. § tions occurred as before mentioned (15). The saltpetre was fused and weighed 59 grains. 28.—The result of the analysis by biniary combination, is therefore. as follows :-— : Sulphate of baryta......gr. 23.10 Carbonate of de........ nop te. Sulphuret of silver...... 4, 15.40 Natrate of potassa...... 5, 59.00 24,.—And the several substances indicated by the vari- ous tests are the following :— Sulphate of potassa............+(8) Conbanate, Of, dos... 0. md oes june n( 8) Sulphuretted hydrogen...........(10) Sulphuret of potassa..............(10) Uncombined alkali (a trace)......(15) . Charcoal and earthy matter. ..... (16). : 30.—We ought now from the foregoing biniary compounds to make up the 50 grains of original matter experimented on; but before doing so it appears necessary to make a few observations. 31.—On the explosion of gunpowder one of the products formed is sulphuret of potassium; but itis difficult to as- certain the real quantity, because the moment it dissolves in water itis decomposed and forms new compounds, so that the analysis has rather to do with these new compounds than with the original ingredient. The following extract from Henry’s Chemistry, Vol. I. Ed. 1826, page 447, will explain the matter more fully. 32,—< The pure sulphurets can exist, as such, only in the * dry state; for the moment they begin to dissolve in water, “a decomposition of that fluid commences; sulphuretted «hydrogen is formed; and of this a part is disengaged, <¢ while cas part, uniting with an additional proportion * of sulphur, composes bi-sulphuretted hydrogen. This last, uniting with the base, forms an hydroguretted sul- «‘ phuret. At the same time, it has been stated by Beyr- «‘ thollet, sulphuric acid is composed, by the action of the “sulphur on the oxygen of the water. This however, Gay ** Lussac has shown, takes place only when the sulphuret 7 6 Analysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. [Jan, “has been formed at an unnecessary heat’”—but notata “ heat below redness.” 33.—On this view of the case it is very plain how some of the substances before enumerated may be accounted for, such as the sulphuretted hydrogen, &c. and it is equally plain that from the complex action of the sulphuret, the analysis must be in some measure governed by it. 34.—I shall therefore in tracing out the ultimate results of the experiment consider the sulphur to be in combination with hydrogen, and with potassa (12) and account for it ac- cordingly. Ishall also consider the sulphuric, and carbonic acids to be in combination with potassa (8). 35.—The following course must therefore be pursued :— 23.10 grs. of sulphate baryta contain 7.83 grs. of Sulphuric acid. 20.50 ,, Carbonate do. dost. 4.0074, Carbonic acid. 15.40 ,, Sulphuret of silver do. 1.95 ,, Sulphur. 59.00 ,, Nitrate potassa do.’ 27.70) .,, ) | Potassa: 1.95 ,, Sulphuriscombinedthus 1.08withpotassa (potassium) aud 0.87 with Hydrogen. . 36.—Again— i 4.83 sulphuric acid make when? ,-. i ee a Sith paeeea. 17:22 Sulphate of Potassa. 431 Carbonic acid do. do. 14:35 Carbonate of potassa. A108 Sulphur do. do. 3°78 Sulphuret of potassium. * 0°87 do. combined with hydrogen 0:87 Sulphuretted hydrogen. 37.—We have now to ascertain from the foregoing, how they affect the results indicated by the saltpetre, and what quantity of the base, potassa, they consume,or are combined with ; and whether the saltpetre affords just a sufficient quan- tity of the base, or whether it is deficient, or in excess. 38.— The quantity of potassain 59grains of nitreis 27-76 of which 7°83 of sulphuric acid combine with 9-39 4°51 of carbonic acid take up 9°84 1:08 ofsulphur may be combined with 2:70 Surplus potassa 5°83 21°76 39.—That there was some uncombined alkali contained in the substance under examination has been before shown (15) but the quantity was very small, and could not possibly amount to the above surplus of grains 5°83. The question therefore 1836.] Analysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. is, with what was this potassa combined? It is very clear that it was not, and from the course followed, could not be introduced during the analysis, because no potassa was used under any of its combinations. And as it is evidently a surplus beyond the quantity in combination with the sulphur, and. the sulphuric and carbonic acids, the most reasonable supposition seems to be that it existed in combination with nitric acid, and was simply saltpetre that had escaped de- composition. I shall therefore so account for it, and the quantity of saltpetre which it is equivalent to is grains 12-39. 40.—The ultimate analysis of the 50 grains of matter ex- perimented on will then stand thus :— Puipnabewr potassa.....:.:.....17-22.......(36) Oinmmidie 1 7d0...,...........-.14,30. 2... (36) Nitrate GOs fs LOO. a (Oo) Swlpiirer Ob povassium .......... 3.78. .....(36) Sulpauvetted, Inydroven...s... 50. 0.87. i040. (36) Unconsumed charcoal.......... Or255 4), C2) Hetihy matter........ Stes wis ies (O00 ii 2d ) Uxperimeental error,............ 0.49 Total grains. .50.00 41.—It is not to be inferred from the foregoing quantity of saltpetre that nearly 25 per cent. of what is originally in the gunpowder is undecomposed, or unnecessary—for this quan- tity has reference only to the solid matter remaining after gunpowder has been fired. And J am inclined to think that this quantity is accidental, and is to be attributed to the im- perfect mixture of the substance (3) before the experiment was commenced. I have made two other analyses of 100 grains each, after the original matter was beiter mixed, and | the quantity of saltpetre in those experiments is exhibited at. | only 14 or 15 per cent. As these experiments were conduct- ed precisely in the same manner as the 50 grain experiment, which has been fully explained, I shall here insert them as a part of the criginal investigation. S Analysis of the residuum of fired gunpowder. [JAn. | 2d Expt. od Expt. Sulphate of : potassa....0.. ss... ceknn ODO Mi ee ORS ~ Carbonate, of .. potassais)sies: 6. vigghaeee ODO GMaily ye. ce Nitrate of, spotagsass oh je). » «consi sisretofer 4. Cuumieaegn, apatite a Sulphuretiof potassiumuseges ss faite. 0-40: Seen aye 08 Sulphuretted,. hydgogen, ius sidiq ties yet a opts em eo Uniconsumed #eharcoalypecuun sfc tn,t)aeh: Qui eat eet el ae Earthy matters. .... sk Sie eee Lis aig voice Kieter aval Hoepenmn emt ab vervorics, agitic sic: Rael 6 a OvOBigy 4 a teeth es 100.00 - 100.09 42.—Doubting however whether the result of saltpetre was not too large, I tested a portion that had been collected, and found that it contained sulphuric acid in considerable quantity. After the precipitation by nitrate of silver and while evaporating the solution of nitre, I fancied in every experiment that there was a smell of sulphur, but I could not detect it, for the precipitations by silver had been carefully performed, so that the solutions afterwards exhibited no traces of sulphur. Notwithstanding, I suspect that the solu- tion of nitre did contain a minute portion of sulphur, and as if. also contained free nitric acid (15) the presence of these two substances when the last portions of the saltpetre were eva- porating, and when it was afterwards in fusion, will aeeount for the formation of the sulphuric acid, which would I appre- hend combine with the potash. And as 15 grains of the saltpetre g gave sulphate of baryta equivalent to 1.71 of sulphate of potassa, the quantity of sallpetre in the two foregoing ana- lyses might be reduced in that proportion. But as this ulte- rior result does not appear to legitimately affect them, I shall not make the alteration. | 43.—I"inally, to confirm or to remove the doubt just ex- pressed, IT made a synthetical mixture according to the analy- sis, employing 15 per cent. of nitre as a mean between the two experiments, and on submitting it to the action of the blow-pipe on red hot charcoal, its action was as similar to the action of the original substance as it could be. ‘This verifi- cation 1s satisfactory, and seems to point out that the analy- sis has been correctly performed. 10th November, 1835. J. BRADDOCK, 1836. ] An account of the Maun Bhows. gD Al.—An account of the Maun Bhows; or, the biack clothed Mendicant Devotees— By Captain A. Macxin‘tosn, 27th Madras Native Infantry, Commanding aia cloagd Police Corps. I$ is well known to every person who has either read the History of Hindoostan, or sojourned in India, that meets of beggars and devotees @pkeasas-theyseresfreqe a in@iseritaizatelysternretig.. are to be seen in every town fa village in this country : indeed, it has been estimated, that an eighth of the Hindoo population subsist by mendicity ; for not only the lame, the blind, and the sickly go about beg- ging; but various sects have at different periods, formed. themselves into associations or societies, passing their lives in Mhutts or monasteries worshipping particular deities, and visiting sanctified places of pilgrimage, being entirely supported by the eleemosynary donations of the rest of the inhabitants. In the following pages a short account is given of the sect of Maun Bhows, or the black clothed mendicant devotees : who are dispersed over the country lying between the Syad- ray chain of hills (the elevated range which separates the Konkan from the Dekhan) and the eastern limits of the Be- rar country: and the Kistna river and the northern boun- dary of Malwa: a few of the sect are also to be found in the | Punjab. ~ « x It may be observed here, that this sect of religious men- dicants, appear to partake much of the character of the Franciscans, and the Benedictines, &c. particularly of the Canobite monks who lived in community under superiors in the same dwelling ; and of the Sarabaites who wandered from place to place. The history of the origin of the fraternity of Maun Bhows, is like that of almost all other sects in India, involved in ob- security and fable. By the Brahmins they are considered an heretical and most degraded caste: the Brahmins wish it to be believed that they not only are of modern origin, but also are the offspring of a female of the Maug tribe (one of the vilest of the degraded classes) who resided ina Brahmin’s house; and on which account the Brahmin (Kishen Bhutt) a a 10(. An account of the Maun Bhovws. [Jan, was excommunicated from his order. As these mendicants show little or no respect to the Brahmins, they seem to think this is the reason of their imputing such’an impure origin to them. The Maun Bhows themselves assert, that their fra- ternity has existed from time immemorial; that during.the Krittah Yeoguh (or the first age of the world according to the Hindoos) the four sons of Brahma. named Sunuk, Sunuk Adik, Sunuk Nundun, and Sunnuk Koomar, were the spiri- tual guides of the | Maun Bhows: ‘and during the Tyetah Yeoguh, Duttat(ry. Swamy was their spiritual guide; and in the Dwarpah Yeoguh when the deity appeared on earth in the person of their beloved Krishen, and declared himself the friend and instructor of Arjoon and Oodhow, that both of the latter were elected the spiritual guides of the Maun Bhows ; at the above period the Maun Bhows worshipped Krishen as their true and only god to the exclusion of all others. They state, that in the present age or Kaly Yeoguh the two spiritual brothers Kuveesswurbas and Oopaadbas were the chief Mhunths or the superiors of their order ; and as the country at the thme was ina very unsettled state, so much so, that poor and pious pigrims encountered the great- est imaginable difficulties when strolling from one Mhutt to another, owing to the roads being mfested with robbers: that the members of the fraternity came to the resolution of adopting black clothes.as their dress; the colour being sacred to Krishen, and appearing in such a humble and unassuming habit, would ensure impunity from robbers, and prevent | other persons being uncivil to them. Notwithstanding the plausibility of this attempt, to esta- | blish the antiquity of the institution of their order, Iam dis- | posed to think that it merits little credence; for by all ac- | counts there is no allusion made to this sect in any of the | | Hindoe works treating of the pure and mixed castes accord- ing to the Unoolome and Pruteelome order, that were known | to have existed about twelve or fifteen hundred years ago. | Under these circumstances it is natural to conjecture, that | | about a thousand years may have elapsed since they originat- | ed ; for there is a tradition of the famed Heemar Punt, who Pe itis said was some eight hundred years since, prime mi- places inviting the Maun Bhows to Rood’hpoor, on Chytre Poornimah 1831, as he meant to entertain all that would attend; about fourteen or fifteen thousand pil- grims visited the place and he provided provisions for all for nearly one month, till the Cholera made its appearance and forced them to look for safety in flights Nothing is more common than to hear ofthe Cholera making its appearance among the crowds of pilgrims that assemble on such occasions. 6. An account of the Maun Bhows. {Jan. The Maun Bhows reckon it a meritorious act to persuade persons to become converts to their faith ; they however ex- ercise a very considerable degree of caution in guarding against persons of improper character being admitted into their society, unless the candidate or person desiring to be- come a Neerwan (a sanctified character) is known to some of them : they interrogate him very particularly for the pur- pose of ascertaining what his real motives are in wishing to renounce the world and to join their fraternity : and if the candidate is‘an inhabitant of the place at which they are residing at the time, they will make enquiries to the same effect in the village. The Maun Bhows are always extremely anxious to avoid giving the least umbrage to the relatives and friends of a candidate. They warn him publicly to consider well the nature of the step he is desirous of taking, and that they cannot comply with his wish, until they are well inform- ed respecting him. Itis probably after asserting he would apply to some other Maun Bhows to be instructed by them, that they are induced to listen to his arguments : however they deem it necessary to watch ‘closely the conduct of ‘the novice for some time. They point out to him the propriety of reconsidering the step he is about taking, before he de- cides finally on becoming one of ‘their brethren; for that in his new life (they look upon it as a state of regeneration) he will have to encounter many difficulties and privations, and that unless he is satisfied in his own mind that he possesses suf- cient resolution, patience, temperance and virtue, it will not be in his power to conform with the obligations he ‘places himself under, after he has forsaken temporal things and put himself under the guidance of-one of their Gooroos (spiritual instructors). The novice is now exhorted to be steady in his conduct and to venerate and adore their god Krishen, and to reject the worship of all other gods. That the name of Krishen is never tobe forgotten but always to be uppermost in his thoughts. That in all his dealings he is invariably to evince the greatest meekness, resignation and contentedness. Al- ways to be most particular in telling the truth, and to speak evil of no one, and he is recommended to confess readily any 1836. ] in account of the Maun Bhows. a sin he may be guilty of andask for pardon: to subdue ail carnal desires and content himself with the simple and scan- ty fare he can procure by begging, and by sucha course prove himself a sober, obedient and pious Maun Bhow. In the event of the novice being convinced in his own mind that he can abide by the obligations of the vow heis ebout taking name- ly, that of chastity, poverty and obedience, he is required to confirm his intentions by taking an cath on the Geeta to that%ffect. This will be in a few weeks, or months from the time he expressed a wish to become a convert ; all depending on the manner in which he has conducted himself: while he remained with them. ‘The ceremony of his initiation then takes place, the village barber’s services are put in requisition on the occasion, he shaves off the candidates hair, but it is the invariable duty of the Gooroo to cut off the Sendhy* or tuft of hair on the crown of the head, and his mustaches or hair on his upper lip, (which all natives preserve) after this he bathes and dresses in black clothes, the costume of the order ; the munter or incantation of the fraternity in the Prakrit language, is then whispered in his ear by his Gooroo, who gives the novice at the same time,a new name indicatory of the circumstance of his new birth. The ceremony of initiating females, is performed in the Same manner as the above, only that in general an old | female of the society acts the part the Gooroo performs in cutting off the tuft of hair on the crown of the head. The cloth worn round the waist and down to the ankles by the females is quite black and ought to be twelve cubits in length and two and a half in breadth. The length of that worn over the shoulders is according to circumstances,—this cloth is divided into three divisions, the centre one is part of a woman’s common sary and the twoend pieces are dark, but not of such a dark hue as the other garments. ‘The dhoitur used by the men is worn double ; the oorny or cloth they wear over their shoulders and their turbands are not of so black a colour as their dhottur. The few Maun Bhows who TTT oe Se Se ne meee ERE NEED CRN, CE SERRE RRS a RT * The Sendhy of the various candidates is preserved till a considerable quan- tity of hair has been collected when ropes are made of it which they fasten round their loins, 99 An account of the Maun Bhows. [Jan. reside in the Punjab wear clothes of the hoormoojee, or red ochre colour. When aman has left his family and becomes a Maun Bhow he either gives away what property he may have possessed to his family or relatives, otherwise he presents it to his Gyo- roo or Munth, who soon expends it in entertaining his disci- ples. It is very seldom the novice retains for his own use any money he had in his possession previous to his conver- sion. o Boys and girls that have been consecrated to the Maun Bhows, are dressed in black clothes after they have been de- livered over to the Gooroos, but the munter of initiation is not communicated to them until they have attained the age of fifteen or sixteen years ; and seem worthy of having the secret confided to them. ‘The male and female members of the society reside in the same Mhutts, but sleep in separate apartments, as they are taught from the day of their initia- tion to regard each other strictly and sacredly as members of the same family ; they consequently look upon each other in the light of father or mother, brother or sister. The circum- stances however, of their residing under the same roof, and the habits and frailties of the Hindoo people being well known to each other, gives room to the idle and malicious to talk rather calumniously of the general chastity of the females of this community, however when any one of them does sin, and she exhibits symptoms of becoming a mother, she and her paramour are admonished and required to ask pardon and do penance for the act they have been guilty of, and in bringing disgrace on the society by their shameful and disereditable conduct: having thus transgressed against the rules and customs of the order, it becomes necessary for the sinners to retire from the Mhutt and to discontinue moving about the country in company of the Neerwans (rigidly austere) and they therefore take shelter in some retired village, and take up their permanent abode in the place, if they find it possible to subsist by begging and following some other pur- sults. They are then termed Ghurbars, Grushts, or lay bro- thers. There are several of these to be found in the villages in different parts of the country, who are allowed to possess 1836. ] Jin account of the Maun Bhows. 23 houses, lands, and riches, and to follow other pursuits. some years ago [ had one of them employed in the Police ; they are also permitted to enter into the bonds of conjugal tenderness, but who in other respects with the exception of wearing black clothes, adhere strictly to custom and habits of the order. It is not unusual to hear of the Maun Bhows having fol- lowers among the Koonbies and other classes who are term- ed Bhoalls (persons who abstain from partaking of flesh, fish, and spirituous liquors). ‘The Bhoalls do not cut off the Sendhy or wear black clothes, but they receive the munter of initiation after having solemnly vowed on the Geeta that they will acknowledge Krishen as their only god, and that they will abandon the worship of all others. It is absolutely necessary for the man who becomes a Bhoall to have his wife also initiated, but then it must not be by the same Gooroo ora member of the same villy or Mhutt that instructed her hus- band : were they both to be initiated by the same Gooroo, the distinction of husband and wife would no longer exist ; they would become members of the same family and be con- sidered as brother and sister ; and with the Bhoalls such a consummation is not desired. These Bhoalls* frequently attend the shrines in Mhutts when the Maun Bhows are absent and receive any offerings presented in the name of Krishen, these consist of every de- scription of fruit, sugar, rice, bread, &c. and all sorts of flowers except the Kunner or Oleandur. * About three miles from Rakissbhaun there is a small village named Sagur on the banks of the Godavery, where about a hundred years ago there resided a female of the Maun Bhow sect, in charge of the Mhutt. It appears that the wife ofa poor Mussulman an inhabitant of the place despaired of having any children and after the manner of the Hindoos she presented herself before the Devyotce and asked her for her blessing, and she vowed that if she should have a child it should be consecrated to Krishen. It so happened that her hopes were realized and in fulfilment of her vow she presented the child to the old Maun Bhow Devotee; who entreated of the mother to keep the infant, as she could neither receive nor adopt it as it was not of the Hindoo faith; after much persuasion on the part of the mother, the old woman allowed her to leave the boy in the Mhutt with her. Inthe course of afew years the old Maun Bhow woman died, and the proselyte remained in charge of the shrines, he afterwards married and his descen- dants continue in charge of the place. They wear black clothes, abstain from fiesh and spirits and subsist by begging and on the offerings presented at the shrines, 24 An account of the Maun Bhows. [ Jan. About sixty years ago, a Brahmin named Annund Rooshy an inhabitant of Pytun on the Godavery, maltreated a Maun Bhow who came to ask for alms at his door. The Maun Bhow after being beaten proceeded to his friends in the vici+ nity, they collected a large number of the brethren and went to the Brahmin to demand satisfaction, Annund Rooshy as- sembled a number of Goossynes and his friends and. pursued and attacked the Maun Bhows who fled and asked Aylla Baie to protect them; she endeavoured to pacify Anrund Rooshy, by telling him that the Maun Bhows were her Goo- roos, he said they were Mangs* however he then declared that if they agreed to his proposals that he would forgive them,—one of them was that they were not to go to a Brah- min’s house to ask alms, and another was, that if any Brah- min repeated Annund Rooshy’s name and drew a line across the road when a Maun Bhow was advancing, that the Maun Bhow without saying a word must return the road. he came, notwithstanding this attempt to prevent their approaching a Brahmin’s house, they continue to ask alms of the Brahmins and some Brahmins make a point of supplying them with provisions. , The sect of Maun Bhows have hitherto in general been much noticed by the Holkur family. The famous Aylla Baie was always very kind to them, and bestowed several villages in jageer on members of their community. The village of Oosswar now Chandore, continues to be held in jageer} by a Fe ee ee —- ce * Every Maun Bhow male and female is furnished with a rosary. The beads about the size of a cherry stone, are made of the toolsy (ocimum sanctum) sacred to Vishnoo. The chundun or sandalwood (satalum album) the looraty (the cytisus cajan) and chappa (the michelia champacca) sacred to Krishen. + About 122 years ago a Maun Bhow Mhunth named Krishen Bowa, had at: tained great celebrity on account of his knowledge of medicine; and, being con- sidered deserving of some reward, the Neeballkur chieftain of Kurmulla who held the town of Jowur, in jageer, presented him with sixteen Begahs of ground, in enam (freehold gift). The farmer who held the ground on the meerassy (hereditary) tenure, continued to cultivate it, (which the descendants do to this day) presenting the Maun Bhow with half the annual produce of the field. Krishen Bowa’s successors for a length of time were his own disciples, however one of these eventually became a Ghurbar (lay brother) so that the present pos- sessor has gota family. Before the ground was granted in enam, the rent paid to Government, was twenty Rupees yearly, but one of the Maun Bhows improved his little property by digging a well, which enabled them to convert about twelve Regahs of it into garden ground, which has so greatly increased its value that the. Maun Bhow receives now fifty rupees income yearly. 1836. ] An account of the Maun Biows. 25: female Maun Bhow, and it may. be stated that Toolsy Baie, the favorite of the late notorious Jesswunt Row Holkur who. was beheaded by the chief of Holkur’s army on the evening preceding the battle of Mahidpoor, was of the Maun. Bhow tribe. It is said that Jesswunt Row, was smitten by her beauty and. took her forcibly away from her friends; she was a woman of dissolute habits, and led a most abandoned life. after the death of Jesswunt Row Holkur : but as a full ac- count of this very extraordinary female has been given by the late Sir John Malcolm, in. the seventh chapter, of the lst volume of his very interesting History of Central India, there. is no occasion for saying more about her in this paper. The Maun Bhows bury their dead but at some distance beyond the limits of the village cemetry. The body is put imto the grave with the head to the north, and the feet to. the south, and reclining on the left side with the face to the east. A quantity of salt is put into the grave, and heaped round the body, it is said, to prevent it becoming too offen- sive during thestate of decomposition, by which means the wild beasts might discover the grave and be induced to. scratch it open. The Maun Bhows have divested themselves of several of the Hindoo-. prejudices ; they do not consider that any defilement (sootuk) arises from the death of one of their community: nor do they attend to the ceremonies of the Shraadh (offerings to the manes), like the other Hindoos. In the event of one of the fraternity dying and he leaves. any money, it is invariably expended in, entertaining a cer- tain number for a period of ten days: should the deceased have died in astate of poverty, the Mhunth or superior ex- pends a few rupees to admit of a certain number of the brethren being entertained forthe usual number of days: and should a Maun Bhow expire where none of his tribe are residing, the Bhoalls or Koonbies. of the village will bury him, aad any money he may have left is carried to the near- est Mhutt; it is all disbursed in entertaining afew Alteeths during the number of the days that may happen to remain of the first ten days that they celebrate in remembrance of the. — deceased. 26 New upplication of grafting. [Jan. If we only compare the character of the Maun Bhow de- votees with that of other religious sects to whom in some respects they bear a resemblance, such as the Goossynes, the Byraggies, Wagheas, &c. we shall discover some very mark- ed distinctions between them. The humility, the patrence and inoffensive demeanour of the Maun Bhow, is very re- markable, and his veracity and steadiness of purpose are so established, that it has become to some extent proverbial among the Koonbies and others to remark of a person re- formed in his habits, “ why he has acquired the forbearance and humility of a Maun Bhow’”’—or “ he seems to possess the integrity of a Maun Bhow.” ‘The Goossynes, &c. are m general notorious for their licentious habits, bold and enter- prising conduct, and obtrusive and overbearing manners. These men often grossly abuse the freedom their sanctity of character confers on them, and which otherwise ought to ensure a most welcome reception to them from the inhabi- ‘tants of the country, when they are wandering from place to place. The consequence therefore is that we find all des- criptions of vagabonds attired after the peculiar manner of these devotees. It is a very common practice for swindlers, robbers, and murderers, when they are going to commit some malicious or wicked act to adopt the dress of a Goossyne, and affect to follow his habits to prevent being either known or suspected: and persons that have been guilty of perpe- trating crimes and apprehensive of being seized, assume the dress of a Goossyne ta enable them to elude detection and to effect their escape. Se ee ree {il.— Suggestions for a new application of grafting —By — Rosert Wiaeut, Esq. m. v. Surgeon. | To the Editor of the Madras Journal 3 of Literature and Science. Srr,—To those who observe the signs of the times, it must be evident that reform is the order of the day, otherwise we could scarcely have expected, in Madras, the proverbially benighted presidency, in the short space of two years, two such vast improvements, as the successful establishment ofa -1836.] New application of grafting. 27 scientific journal, and the formation of a Horticultural Society; the one fitted, znéer alca, to diffuse a knowledge of the useful discoveries made by the other, as well as of useful suggestions to be acted upon, either by the society as a body in its experimental garden, or by individuals favourably situated for conducting such inquiries. It would appear from their selecting horticulture, a science both useful and ornamental, as the starting post of their re- fornas, that the society of this presidency have wisely deter- mined, to commence with objects of a practically useful kind, in which all take an interest, and can with a clear conscience unite in forwarding, whatever his political opinions may be, objects in short about which “ Whig and Tory all agree.” This is wise, as all may now with one accord, unite in an effort to shake off that lethargic indifference to local improve- ment,which has so long clung to us, and procured for us, among our, sot-disant, enlightened neighbours, the not very flatter- ing cognomen of benighted, ‘The time has now arrived for making such an effort, and ] trust the presidency mem- bers will be ably seconded by their brethren in the provinces, who surely cannot remain indifferent spectators of attempts made to augment their individual comforts, by extending the commercial resources of the country, and thereby advancing national prosperity. In the belief that many of your readers are Horticulturists, and desirous of actively co-operating with. the society in the good cause, I send you the following sug- gestions, in the hope of seeing them speedily and successfully acted upon. I expect they will have another good effect, that of pointing out the Madras Journal as an excellent chan- nel, through which to make known the result of experiments undertaken for the advancement of the science, whether suc- cessful or otherwise. If this course was generally adopted it would in the course of a few years become as it were a store- house, in which might be found recorded, every important fact, tending to the improvement of horticulture on this side of India, te which compilers might always have recourse, with the certainty of being able to cull from its pages many a choice flower not to be found elsewhere. But it is time to proceed with the immediate object of this communication, 28 New application of grafting. [Tan which is, to suggest a new application of grafting or in- arching, the process usually adopted in India. Grafting, it is well known, is avery ancient art. Formerly it was more practised to astonish the ignorant than for any really useful purpose, but in modern times, it 1s rarely employed except to gain some desirable object, such as rendering trees fruitful, improving the qualities of the fruit, preserving or rapidly multiplying the finer varieties of fruit-trees, or ornamental trees and shrubs, changing the sorts of fruit on any treé; and many others. The new application to which I wish to call attention, is that of rendering it a means of naturalizing new fruits among us. It is well known, that many trees brought from coun- tries not very distant, will not grow, say for example, in gardens at Madras, or if they do grow, will not perfect or even bear fruit. The failure is usually attributed to the uncongenial climate and considered ‘irremediable. Of course no steps are taken to remove an obstacle believed imsur- mountable, to change the climate of a country, being indeed far beyond the reach of human ingenuity. So long as such an opinion prevails every new attempt will only tend to con- firm it, by an additional failure. Before however adopting such a discouraging opinion, we ought to satisfy ourselves, that we have carefully guarded against every source of fallacy that might tend to mar the success of our experiment. Subject as we all are, in this country, to frequent change of place, it has fallen to the lot of few, to enjoy opportunities of conducting such a course of experiments to a successful con- clusion, and to fewer still the requisite degree of skill and knowledge of vegetable physiology. Now however, times are changed. The formation of a society in some measure pledged to the undertaking, having an experimental garden under its control and among its members talented men, fitted by tastes and previous pursuits, for conducting such an expe- rimental inquiry, to a successful termination, if success be at- tainable, or if not, of setting such questions at rest for ever, we have no longer any excuse for leaving them in doubt. It appears to me that there is room to doubt the correct- ness of the opinion which attributes failure to change of 1836. New application of grafting. 2g climate alone, as it is well known, that fruit trees, which have been barren for years, have at once become fruitful on the soil being changed. ‘The records of horticulture present num- berless cases of this kind. That change of climate or expo- suré had no influence on the result is proved by the trees not being removed from the spot on which they originally grew. It is equally on record, in the annals of horticulture, that whole borders have been nearly unproductive until by artifi- cial Ynaeans the trees were prevented sending their roots into an uncongenial subsoil, when an immediate change took place, both in the quantity and quality of the fruit produced. Such cases, and they are neither few nor far between, affording un- deniable proof of the great influence exerted by soil, on both the health and productiveness of fruit trees in their native country, there can be no difficulty in allowing it in the case of exotics, an equal if not a greater power. We may even goa step farther I think, and broadly assert that if the tree at- tempted to be introduced is a tropical plant, that the chances against success, depend more on the soil than on local differ- ences of climate. On these grounds, I would urge on the attention of the society, the propriety of, as early as possible, commencing a course of experiments illustrative of the respective influence of soil and climate in counteracting the successful introduction of useful plants, as well as, on their influence in increasing or diminishing their produce. To gain this information, I would suggest as one of the means to be tried, that of grafting, the trees under experi- ment, on hardy country stocks, that are known to thrive in nearly all kinds of soil, and observe, whether such scions are more healthy and productive than the parent trees. My at- tention was first called to the subject, by observing the num- ber of thriving and fruitful trees, introduced at Courtallum, though of species usually most difficult to manage, a result, which I am inclined to attribute mainly to the peculiar ferti- lity of the scil, without however, wishing to detract in the slightest degree from the excellence of the climate. The only precaution to be observed, as indispensably necessary to success in grafting, is that of always using stocks, of the same genus or natural order with the scion to be grafted. The 30 New application of grafting. [Jan cocoa for example one of those introduced at Courtallum may be transferred to a stock of bastard cedar (guazuma tomentasa) one of the most common Indian trees, found in every kind of soil and situation. The mangosteen (garcinia man gostana) which also grows well, and bears fruit at Cour- tallum, may be grafted on the common Pinny marum, (calo- phylium Inaphyllum) but still better on some of our country species ef Garcinia, which though not so common and hardy plants as the Pinny, yet grow and bear fruit in our garéens, indicating suitableness of the soil. The Pimente or all-spice also growing at Courtallum mightbe readily transferred to any of our numerous myrtaceous plants, with every chance of success, and possesses the additional re- commendation of forming ahandsome tree, and so very fragrant that it scents the air to somedistance around. The orange which, rarely produces good fruit except in alpine or subalpine situa- tions might be grafted on lime or pumplemose stocks, both of which are known to bring their fruit to perfection, and parti- cularly the last, even on the sea coast, with I think every chance of success, as I cannot help thinking, from having met with exceptions to the general rule, that the deteriora- tion of the fruit on the plain is principally owing to the un- favourable kind of soil. Of the olive tribe, which I am sur-. prised has not yet been introduced or even so far as I know. attempted, we have several indigenous species, on which the true olive might be grafted, if found necessary,which I doubt, as it is known to bring its fruit to the greatest perfection in the driest and hottest parts of the south of Europe, and thrives well in Egypt and Syria, and is besides of Asiatic origin, though now best known as a European plant. Our figs which are always greatly inferior both in size and flavour to those produced in the south of Europe, the Levant and Tripoli, might perhaps be greatly improved by grafting on some of the numerous indigenous species of that genus. I have now I trust said enough in illustration of my recom- mendation to induce the Horticultural Society to institute a series of experiments on the subject. Should they succeed, and I can see no reason to anticipate failure we may all in the course of a few years enjoy the luxury of drinking cocoa 1836. New application of grafting. gl for breakfast, the produce of our own gardens, of having our deserts enriched with mangosteens, fine oranges, and figs, and perhaps olives equally the produce of our gardens; be- sides many other good things which will be successively tritd as the principle which I advocate becomes better known, and the practice founded on it generally adopted. Coffee ‘might equally form an article of domestic supply, as it can with a little care, be cultivated and of very fine quality, on the “plains of the Carnatic. The care required is not very great amounting only to sowing the seeds ina cool shady place, and afterwards transplanting the young plants mto a good soil, sheltered from the direct influence of the land wind. So situated they thrive well, and form a truly ornamental as well as useful addition to the garden, and in their turn afford ‘shelter to other things requiring such protection. With these suggestions for the practical application of botanical science to our daily wants, I conclude this communication, and hope it may be the means of eliciting others of greater vaiue from men gifted with more practical knowledge than falls to the lot of your obedient servant. etait ROBERT WIGHT. PatamcoTran, 30th October, 1835. 2 P. 8.—As a cordial friend, and a sincere well-wisher for the prosperity of the Horticultural Society, I shall with your ‘permission avail myself of the present opportunity, to recom- mend for the consideration of the society, the propriety of publishing quarterly, reports of its proceedings in the jour- nal, as well as in the less stable columns of a newspaper. A regular series of such reports might in a few years be ren- dered a valuable record both of useful facts established on the soundest basis, successfully conducted experiment and ob- — servation, and of fruitless attempts at improvement, often not less useful, in saving expense and labour, by preventing others going over the same ground, on the supposition that it remained untrodden. Such reports might besides serve as so many guides for other societies in different parts of the coun- try, having similar objects in view, and lastly they would enable its friends far and near to watch over its progress, study both the good and bad points of the system pursued, 32 On the land winds of Coromundel. "[ Fan. point out its defects, and suggest remedies for their correc- tion, in that way exerting a wholesome control over the pro- ceedings of the managing committee alike beneficial to all parties, by the confidence which publicity establishes between the representative and represented bodies. These areall objects of the first importance to the well-being of the insti- tution, but searcely attainable from the ephemeral existence of newspaper reports which are usually barely read, perhaps scarcely glanced over and thrown aside to be no more theught ‘of as if they had only been published to fill a corner of the paper, or intended to kill the passing hour. But were it otherwise, it rarely happens that newspapers can find room for reports so full and comprehensive as to stamp them witha permanent value in a scientific point of view, both of which objects might be attained through the medium of the jour- nal. 3 IV.—On the cause of the Land Winds of Coromandel.— By Rosert Wieurt, Esq. m. pv. Surgeon. «This peculiar dryness which has been long remarked, but never so far as I can learn, have accounted for, is I think satisfactorily explained on the principle already mentioned, the change of capacity for moisture which the air undergoes, in passing from acolder and more condensed state, toa warmer and more rarified condition: a principle, which pro- bably increases the intense dryness of our hot land winds | and perhaps assists in some clegree in explaining their eae 4) Observations &c. Mad. Jour. vol. 2d, p. 381— Of the correctness of the Theory proposed in the ae extract, my valued and talented friend Mr. Malcolmson has, in a letter, expressed some doubts. ‘These have induced me to reconsider the subject, and as the result tends strongly to confirm my views, I propose offering some further remarks in explanation of them. Mr. M. observes *« according to your theory the great dryness and heat of the country, would be — left out. The winds are really dry, and not only apparently | so, for although they produce great cold, they will cause no dew on Daniel’s H ygrometer, when they blow at Hyslerabad, as I tried it for several days.” oS essay 1836. On the land winds of Coromandel, 33 This experiment though correct-so far as it goes, is I con- ceive, one of those most apt to mislead, and thereby impede > the attainment of just views in science, by not guarding against the sources of fallacy to which it is exposed. Ac-— cording to the theory I ventured to propose, the heat and dryness of the country necessarily form one of its elements, « by rarifyi ing the super-incumbent stratum of air, and causing - as it were, a partial vacuum giving rise toa rush ne cold moist _and dense air from the mountains, to equalize the pressure. The cold air of the mountains mixing with the heated air of the plains, becomes in its turn rarified, and in the same pro-' portion has its capacity to absorb and retain moisture in- creased. ‘This or something approaching to it, if I mistake © not, is the commonly received opinion, but has hitherto been considered unsatisfactory on account of occasional anomalies which it either does or seems to present. I stated that. the remarkable dryness of the aiz at Courtallum had been long observed but never satisfactorily explained. The explanation _ I gave, I still consider correct, because the same wind whick _ is cool and even loaded with moisture there, has acquired the heat and dryness, peculiar to the land winds, by the time it | reaches Palamcottzh, only 30 miles distant, thus proving the | truth of the theory by demonstrating what has hitherto been matter of conjecture only. I certainly have not put it to the - test of experiment, because I had it not in my power, but I _ have no hesitation in stating as my conviction, that if tried | inthe usual way at Courtallum, there would be a copious | deposition of dew proving the supposed dryness only appa- /rent; while at Palamcottah the instrument would indicate _ nearly absolute dryness, the same as at Hyderabad. I say, if: | tried in the usual way, for in using the instrument both balls are equally exposed to the current of air. If the air is only moderately rarified as at Courtallum from its proximity to 'the cocl and moist atmosphere of the Malabar monsoon, : its capacity for moisture is but little increased, and the re- | duction of a few degrees of heat would produce a more rapid |_ deposition, than the simultaneous evaporation would remove, but st Palamcottah in similar circumstances, owing to the “more highly rexified state of the air, and its greater capacity 34 On the land winds of Coromandel. [ [Jan. for moisture, the deposition would be slower, and the eva- poration so much quicker, that the one would counter- balance the other and indicate a state of perfect dryness. Our reason informs us this 1 is impossible, and consequently, that there must be some source of fallacy, either in the in- strument or in the mode of conducting the experiment,which has not been guarded against. Such I conceive to have been the case in Mr. Malcolmson’s experiments, and believe that we must before we can arrive at accurate results isolate the dry or naked ball of the instrument, so as to prevent, rapid evaporation from its surface, since the same cause acting at the same time, on both balls of the instrument, must neces- sarily produce the same effect on both, namely, evaporation, and if the evaporation equals or exceeds the rapidity of depo- sition, absolute dryness will be indicated though the case may be far otherwise. The correctness of the theory there- fore remains unaffected by these experiments, while to my mind the facts adduced in support of it leave no doubt of its affording the true explanation of the cause of g's hot land winds. Between the meridians of Courtallum and maitecbneett we can actually trace them from their origin to their termina- tion. The same causes are in operation from Cape Comorin tothe head of the gulf of Cambay. So long as the south- west monsoon prevails, the temperature on the west coast is considerably lower than on the east, and the air loaded with vapour, and so long is the whole country to the eastward of the Malabar mountains subject to visitations of the land winds: more or less modified by local causes; but the prin- ‘ciple is the same throughout, and similar in kind to that which produces the changes of the monsoons themselves ; ‘namely, the action of solar heat, on extensive tracts of ‘country, producing local atmospherical rarification, and its consequences a rush of denser air to restore the equilibrium from pants not subjected to the same influence. _ Patamcorran, 31st October, 1835. Notr.—Since writing the above I find in Myers’ Systerh ‘of Geography .a reference to “ Roxburgh’s Essay on the “Land Winds of Coromandel.” This essay I haye not seen, 1836.] A brief notice of the Persian poets, “Bo nor do.I know where it is printed, so that I am unable to refer to the opinions of that illustrious author beyond the short extract in Myers’ work, which only treats of their heat. He (Roxburgh) mentions 115° as the highest he had ever seen the thermometer, but adds “ that some say they have ob- served it at 130 degrees” during their prevalence. _ — - 2d Nov. 1835. .. Wi—A brief notice of some of the Persian Bb Sug e Lieutenant Newsoin, 23d Regiment M,N. L. (Continued from Vol. ii. page 254.) Abii! Olai Ganjawi. . oft US. s Addlay! OT bin, so was the weeks of Khakani and F; bleki against ihe former of whom he wrote some satirical verses which are adduced by Hamdallah in his chapter on poets in the Tarikh-— 2-Guzidah. They form one among the many specimens of the impure.style of Persian writers.—Khakéni, stung to the quick, vowed vengeance on the author, who however, averted from himself the probable consequences of his own imprudence by the timely production of some conciliatory stanzas, and bestowing the hand of his daughter in marriage, on his irri- tated pupil. Mahomed Bakht&wer Khan, in his 7azkirat-us- Shora, mentions. that Faleki, jealous of Khakani’s good for- tune, retired in.disgust from the world. Abdl Oli, when he heard of this, sent. Faleki. a thousand direms, telling him that ‘such a sum would be sufficient to purchase forty beau- tiful damsels, each far preferable. to the daughter of Abul eS |, — Abi Oli flourished i in the sixth century of the Hejira : among his ‘compositions is a Diwan which is highly spoken of by Persian writers. His Pand-i-Arjaji. contains | some elegant and fanciful poetry. Abu Bekr Cini (of Cazoin in Jebal ). ( vy « yl Cazoini was the auehoe eh a- Lapa -nameh, He. died A? iH, 738. ; + We Rae 86 “A brief notice of the Persian-poets. [Tan. Abul Feraz Sanjari. | Sybil sl Vaal ; A poet of repute who flourished in the sixth century of the Hejira, during the reign of Sultan Sanjaz, sixth monarch of the Sa ei Ahmek or Abii Najib al Bokhtare. seal , ) Ahmek was surnamed Ustad-us-Shora, preceptor. of the poets; he nearly attamed the age of 100 years and flourished during the reign of Khizr Khan Seljaki in the fifth century of the Hejira. Ahmek was the chief of the hundred poets whom Khizr Khan entertained at his court. He excelled in the composition of odes. ot Aenea Razi. us) us pal Flourished in the reign ‘and resided at the Court of Mah- ) mid Sabactagi. Abal Nazam Mahommed. AAS \8 - Vo \ By) _ Surnamed Féleki, and styled Shems-us-Shora, the sun of the poets, also Malek-al-fazala, prince of the learned. The compositions of this poet are preferred by Oriental writers to those of his contemporaries, Khakani and Zahivr. He was a pupil of Abal Olai Ganjawi, and native of Sha- makhi in Shirwan, where he died A. H. 577—* having ren- dered himself the wonder of the age by upwards of forty thousand excellent verses.” It is said that he owes the ap- pellation Fdlehi, celestial, to his profound knowledge of As- tronomy. Herbelot thus remarks— <‘L” on donne le surnom de Feleki 4 nétre poete, a cause, dit on, du commerce qu’il eut au sujet de ses amours, dans la maison d’un Astrologue, qui lui fit naitre le desir d’appren- dre lastrologie que les Arabes appellent Elm al Felek, la sci- _ . ence du ciel. I] fit de si grands progrez dans cette science, qwil composa méme un. traité intilulé Abcam Nogiaum, des 1836.) -A-brief notice of the Persian poets. 287 jugemens astrologiques, ouvrage fort estimé par les gens de cette profession. L’ on dit que ses amours le porterent 4 un si grand excez de melancholie, qu’il resolut de rompre tout commerce avec les hommes, et de se retirer dans le coin d’une maison ecar- tée, qui étoit a Vextremité de la rue ot logeoit sa miaitresse. I] y composa d’abord ce quatrain qu'il lui envoya, ou il s’addresse au vent qui passoit devant sa porte, avant que d’ arriver au logis de sa dame, et il lui dit: ‘< La rancon et le prix de ma vie sera ta recompense, si dans le moment que tu passeras devant le logis de ma mai- tresse, tu lue dis ces paroles. J’ay vu en passant, au coin de cette rue un amant éperdu; qui pressé de Boman desir de vous voir est sur le point de rendre l’ame.’ | Un jour ayant appris que la personne qu'il aimoit, etoit dans son voisinage et qu’elle lui donnoit part de son arrivée, il essuya ses larmes; et passant tout d’un coup dune extréme joye, 11 chanta ces vers : - “Le plaisir que j’al senti entendant seulement le bruit de VOS pas: O vous qui assassinez sur les grands chemins le bon sens de tous vos amants, _ Passionné que je suis de voir unique objet de tous mes ‘souhaits ; apres mil momens languissanis d’une foible espe- -yance, ; Ce plaisir, dis-je, a laissé enfin échapper mon ceeur sur les prunelles de mes Teak et a fait courir toute mon ame 4 la porte de mon oreille.”’ . It is strongly suspected that Faleki did not long cantitgs faithful to his Astrological studies after discovering the stars of his destiny in the light- shedding eyes of his mistress ; at all events authors are agreed on this, that he entirely forsook the dry and tangled paths of mathematical lore for the flow- ery meads and verdant regions of poesy. : Abil Fereh. Fey cyt » An excellent poet, native of wi antic hs oie secretly ‘termed Sejestani, pi | ia bi 38 A brief notice of the Persian poets. [Jany Abu Ishak Atimah Hallaj Shirdzi, (of Shiraz). SNS & Va dank! p lsilogl Shirazi was one or the courtiers of “Suttith Secunder, Bin Sultan Amir Shaikh, Bin Amir Timur. He died A. H, 827. It is said that he had a very long beard and on one occasion when he appeared at the Sultan’s table, after an absence of some days, he answered, in reply to a question of the prince as to the cause of his absence, “ Oh sire, your slave has been employ red one day in dressing cotton, and three days in plucke ing the shreds from his beard.” The word Hallaj, mee in Arabic signifies a dresser of cotton, to which Peak our poet owes his surname and to which he alludes in his answer; as a hint, no doubt, for the prince to make him de ae of so low a vocation for his support. Ozuri. | 6) This poet was an inhabitant of Asgharain. He wrote an ode in praise of Shah-rukh-Mirza, and subsequently entered into the service of Shah Niamet Allah Wali, by whom he was esteemed and treated with great regard. He performed the pilgrimage to the holy city on foot three times; and there compiled the work, Sdi-us-Sefa. \g.2) | ut He also travelled into Hindustan whence he returned to Khorassan. He died A. H. 966 and was interred at Asgharain. Asef. iste! Asefi was the son of Diwan Khajeh Naim eta Vizir of Sultan Abu Said: he retired in disgust from the court of this monarch and spent his days in peaceful tranquillity and con- tent, at Herat where he died A. H. 920. dyeans Khorasséni (of Khorassan ). ler |e ors 1 ‘ Khorassani was a poet of some note, partly from his com- positions and partly from the circumstance of being deprived of his right hand and tongue, by order of Amir Khan Turko- 1836 ] A brief notice of the Persian poets. 89 man, Hakim of Herat. It is said that he afterwards reco- vered the faculty of speech, and was able to write better with his left, than he had done previously with his right hand. He died A. H. 832. _ Akadsi Mushahedi. pa od gts O¢ cas RY) _-This poet was one of the courtiers of Shah Abbas and of a good family. He died at the early age of 36 and was buried at Cazvin. He composed a Saki Namen. ferom Abu Terab Beg Ferkati. sy 5 KN ti i) ~ Ferkati flourished in the reign of Shah Abbas ; and, accord- ing to native authority, was the first poet of his time: prefer- ring retirement he quitted the Court, ‘‘ The lamp He life of this enlightener of the banquet of literature became extinct at Ispahan A. H. 1007. pare ‘s oy \c we \y 3, Ve Avif, commonly styled Mila Arifi, flourished in the reign of Shah-Jehan. He composed a Diwan, and» a Miccrsins called Mihr-wa-Mah, the Sun and Moon. Mahomed Afzel, in his Tazhkiret-i-Sirkhish gives a brief account of this poet. Abid. dle : asia also Re in Shah Jehan’s reign: his real name was Khajeh Abdurrahim. He is author of a Diwan. Mahomed Afzel relates an answer, which he made in verse, to an attack of Abid on the manners and morals of the Dervises, of which body Afzel professes himself to have been a member. Ashrof Khan Mushahedi. | cient a nati a0 A brief notice of the Persian poets, ‘(Sane peror Akber and to have possessed a masterly talent for com- position, | | | He was a prot Scient in the seven styles of penmanship ; but, eventually, his biographer observes, ‘the penman of fate and seribe of predestination drew the pen of mortality over che page of his existence in the ]1009th year of the Hejira.” AG oe us Ls Ss 4 Kumi flourished in the 11th century of the Hejira and died at Agra. He was celebrated for the imagination evinced in his poetry. : | : " ‘ ) Asirat. Mall r Neo la Sli pre by g ee i Ashrak, or Mir Bakir Damad, was iegislinded by his zeal in instructing his disciples in poetical composition, and was universally esteemed for the numerous excellencies with which he was endowed. «The bird of his life having escaped from its cage, the body, flew away to the branch of eternity.” This event took place at the city of Ispahan A. H. 1040. | Abdurrvussti Cashmirt (of Cashmir ). 3 ANastelly os 5rd J guplose This poet was surnamed Istighna. He lived in the service of Shah Sheja as Darogheh of the Noubet Khaneh, and dis- tinguished himself by considerable apuey and talent. Subsequenily he entered the service of Sultan Akber Shah ag superintendent of his household. a? Assir Lakéri, (of Lahore ). ES p22 Iphosl Lahori flourished in the 11th century of the Hejira. The following aneccote is relsted of this poet: .‘ it chanced one day that his mistress fell asleep with her hand cast care- lessly under her cheek, Wh xen she awoke the mark-of her A brief notice of the Persian poets. Bt taper fingers remained distinctly imprinted on the delicate rose leaf of her skin. Wy _ Assir on seeing it produced the following impromptu :— i 4) “ & ce Gat | 91) wt BM be Oye o%9 oat Ape 2 One night through fetigue she fell asleep, her face resting 3 on her hand: Her cheek from the on of those fingers resembled the sun amidst its rays.” Asaf Kumi. uns wit This poet flourished in the 11th century of the Hejira. He left his own country for Hindustan where he adopted the habit of a Calendar. He composed a Diwan, said. to contain three ee couplets. The following 1 is a couplet describing the state of a lover, who pines in silent despair :— eit) w Ne. phomnab 9) dhs jo og azlsl es! en) Hs ie. Le ph ge \S sets tg al y € | wy 9 We are a flame; but, from the oak that arises from our hearts, are clad in black : And like the lamp of the tulip consume in silence. By Persian poets the tulip is frequently alluded to as the | ** Lamp of the rose oe seme Heese of tl.e sie oda Afseri. =| aes ote \, syn This poet flourished ake the reign of Shah Jehan and, was accounted one of the most original writers of his time. He celebrated the victories and exploits of the Emperor in ten thousand couplets. His true name is Shaikh Kemal. Aijaz Akber Abadi. | ; us Lis Sh \ let | _ This poet flourished in nts ifth century ios the Hejira and 42 A brief notice of the Persian poets. fJaw. was noted for the elegance of his language and beauty of his poetry. He is also known under the appellation of Mahomed Said. Adhum Mirza Lorahim. “ ane Val joel: 9 ol A short Diwan and Saki Nameh are from the pen of this poet; the style of the latter is much admired by Oriental lite- vati for its elegance and spirit. He originally came from Hamadan in the reign of Shah Jehan. Amaidi Tehrani, (of Tehran ). cit bus deal Tehrani was accounted as the first poet of Iran in the time of Shah Ismail, who flourished in the 10th century of the Hejira. In early life he repaired to Shiraz and was taken into the service of Moulana Jelal, where he made rapid pro- gress in the sciences. The surname .dmaidi (hopeful) was given him by his master. He finally settled at Tehran where he made a garden and called it the Bagh-i-Amaid, the garden ‘of ‘hope, in allusion to his surname: but alas! (to use his biographer’s words) ‘the young plant of expectation had not yet produced the fruit of his wishes, when the rose-garden of life became wi- thered and blighted by the chilly blast of death.” The following verses of Akhsangi, (mentioned in. our-last) have been preserved as a specimen of the style of that poet by the author of the Tazkirat-us-Shora :— FINS eekly sta sy Oyjgeta og! Pd dary Erecthaadc QyMAts le LAS. pus DS sige COW Clas S5Q) en phd Gem esheo jy uel we gel 43) sects oli cyl 1836.] A brief notice of the Persian poets: 43 “Oh Taper, yellow-faced, with tearful eye, chick of _ Inisfortune-overtaken lovers, Farhad of thy time, burn on and melt. Why hast thou separated thyself thus long fr om sweet society (or the society of Shirin) ? Friendship thou hast thrown to the winds : if not, why like wretched me, art thou pallid, shedding _ tears, emaciated and bent down ? The following translation of a similar effusion, from the Arabic, is from the pen of the ingenious Carlyle :— * The wasting taper when I see; I cry poor fool our lot’s the same I bear a raging fire like thee, Yet dread whate’er would quench the flame : Like thine with tears this face o’erflows, And bleached and wan these. cheeks appear ; Like thine these eyes no slumbers close, Like thine a melting heart is here.” Bhai uddin Zanjani Khan, wh us ss ene Maly _ This poet was the panegyrist.of Shems uddin Khajeh, and pie for the habit of introducing Turkish phrases into his compositions. . Badakshi. si ay) _A native of Badakshan contemporary with Caliph Makh- taf. He is the author of a Diwan. Bushkir, A Persian poet. of whom no mention is made by Dowlet Shah. Herbelot cites the following verses of his composi- tion: - « Ne vous faites j jamais un ennemi sous couleur que vous avez beaucoup d’amis: car entre mille que vous conterez de ceux: ci, 4 peine s’en trouvera ’t il un seul veritable.” Bhai Jami. Not the celebrated Jami, was the panegyrist of Khajeh 44 A brief notice of the Persian poets. {Jan, Shems-uddin Diwan and other nobles. His poeiry was in ~ esteem and abounds in finely drawn and delicate allusions. He died in the reign of Aboka Khan eighth Emperor of the Moguls in the seventh century of the Hejira, having ee arrived at the age of ninety. Bisati Samarcandi, (of Samarcand ). SOAS yous a? Vad This poet was first called Hasiri, but one day Moulana Usmat Bokhari said to him, “ Hasir ( jaa 2 mat) is not fit for great men, ’twere better we call you Bisdt?,’ (or him of the carpet) the word Bisat signifying a carpet. Bisati lived during the reign of Sultan Khalil, Ibn Sultan Miran Shah and died A. H. 815. | Bekast Ghaznavt (of Ghazneh, a city in Zabulistan ). cf 9 JF anh Ghaznavi was a courtier of Humaiun Padshah. On the decease of this monarch the nobles and officers of state thought it advisable to conceal the circumstance of his death. Some days after, the news got wind ; and the populace having assembled much disturbance and tumult took place. The nobles, to appease these clamours, determined to imvest our poet, who bore some personal resemblance to the deceased monarch, with the royal robes and present him to the people. Ghaznavi, gorgeously dressed was shortly conducted to a lofty part of the palace, where the king “who had obtained mercy,” (lit. died) was accustomed to sit. Having turned his face towards the populace he sat perfectly composed until their suspicions were allayed. Ghaznavi after this performed a voyage to Mecca and to Hindustan. He lived to return, to his native land. : Bekhud Jami. ust > Sy This poet is known as being the author of a Diwan con-- taining nearly fifteen thousand couplets, comprising various 1836. ] J brief notice of the Persian poeis. 45 detached pieces of poetry,such as Kassidehs, Ghazis and Kitas. He wrote the story of Husn wa Dil by desire of Namdar Khan. Jami was celebrated for his skill in versify- ing dates computed agreeably to the /bjad system of nota- tion. Baka. 8 (dy Noss. \y \as Mahomed Baka was a man of considerable genius, and - ‘well versed in the circle of sciences. He assisted Mahomed Bukhtawer Khan materially in the compilation of his S$ 4i- | gurf-Nameh, We died in the office of Bakshi at the city of Sharpentr A. H. 1094. Cazi Nizam uddin Isfahéni (of Ispahan ). as lgaaal creel alla us ‘3 | This poet flourished in the 7th century of the Hejira dur- ing the reign of Abaka Khan. He composed well both in Persian and Arabic. A poem in praise of Khajeh Shems nddin, Sahib-i-Diwan, is from his pen. wae Cazt Osman Maki Cazvini (of Cazoin.). The poems of Cazvini are said to be copious and written in ‘a flowing style: on account of the ill treatment he experienc- ed from his cousin, Moulana Syed Cazi Razi uddin, he wrote @ satire against him and named it “ Raz7.” He was of a ge- nerous and liberal disposition, bestowing freely whatever he acquired by his profession. eo, ca Vy WS ASS ety jh aS ce dete ‘ Lon ° CG ° ° 4 ") ca « ums: dA? Salou a y a 46 A brief notice of the Persian poets, (Fan, eek kN RR At is alesis INKS canks costs Si Sue if \, alla MS mavog’ iteedth-© pita chur @ BAT 2 Dy Cy ge Cole Wd Si yd a} US Lassl cd) hie i o BSG le, nt SO OT 5 5 es { ry) ‘ \ Seat ty ‘ \ a die Ac cane rd eal a% en in the morn when thou puttest aside the tresses that conceal thy face, Thine eye would shame the sleepy Narcissus and thy cheek the tulip. ° Should the reflection of the shadow even of thy countenance chance to fall on the wine cup, the intoxication of that languishing eye would inebriate the goblet. | Were the sun to gaze in a mirror the image that piedensell itsell would not be so dazzling as thine. Dakili. Ushi J bhi flourished in the reign of Noah or Nuh Sonteis fourth king of the Sorteuiited dynasty, who commenced to. reign A. H. 332. He was commissioned by this monarch, to form the ancient historical records of the Persians into a national poem, and had completed a thousand couplets when he was assassinated by one of his own servants. It was part~ ly from these materials that the immortal Firdousi arranged, the first part of his celebrated epic the Shah-Nameh. Dai Shirisai (of! Shiraz jo: 6 Sorte 4 Sj pt Joy sels Shirazi was cotemporary with Shah Niamet Allah : bial Kulliat comprehends nearly forty thousand couplets. Dancehi. ie Ee Daneh is a village tributary to Nishapore; where ‘this poet’ 1836.] A brief notice of the Persian poets. 47 dwelt, engaged chiefly in rural occupations. We find no mention of his compositions. He lived during the reign of Akber and travelled into Hindustan. Dawa. Shas! on wakes Mae re) The proper name of this poet is Hukim Ain-al-Mulk. He came into Hindustan after performing a pilgrimage to Mecca with Khan Azem. He remained a considerable time in the service of the Emperor Akber and was distinguished by many noble and virtuous qualities. The specimens of poetry that appear in this notice are chiefly those adduced by the Oriental biographers from whose works the materials of it have for the most part been derived : they will therefore perhaps be little consonant to Turopean ‘taste, out'may serve to point ‘out the dissimilarity existing between the beau idéal of Kuropean, and ‘that of Asiatic poetry. ‘The poetical compositions of the Persians have been cried up too much on the one hand and depreciated corres- pondingly on the other ; their style, generally speaking, is too tabla i abel eae too full of eg Ape set sage sao hacks sioede out ina ehanili of fone ae eSses 5 Sad ite Persian student, after an attentive perusal of the Vusu/f-wa- Fuleikha, the Leila-wa-Majnin or any other Persian love tale, may perchance discover that the ear can tire of the Wishtingale’s notes and the senses be nauseated even with the perfume and bloom of the rose. Every allowance how- ever,should be made for national dissimilarity, both in educa- tion artificially and in disposition naturally: this done we shall not too hastily condemn what our:relative position pre- eludes us from fully appreciating ; as itis certain we cannot view Asiatic composition through the eyes of an Asiatic. wel 1a) ec jaeesu (yyhaste ph dase 3; (Sadi). « To comprehénd the beauty of Leila, we a gaze through the window of the eyes of M cjnun Cher lover).’” VI.—Method of putting music on organ barrels.—~By | Lieutenant J. Brappocx. ( Continued from page 354 of the 2d vol. ) ¢ 1.—I shall now explain the manner in which the music was put on the organ barrels. 2.—In the first place, the principle on which the proceed+ ing is founded, is this.—Suppose a common tune is to bo set: the number of bars it may contain may be 18. 20. 24. or some other number if in common time; or double the number if it be in 3, ¢ or triple, or waltzing time.. Whatever be the num- ber of bars which the tune may contain, that number is the number of divisions which the circumference of the organ barrel must be divided into, so that when the barrel has com- pleted one revolution on its axis, the tune will be finished, and ready to commence playing again. These divisions must be sub-divided, and as each whole division represents one bar of the tune, the sub-divisions represent crotchets, oe and the several notes of which the tune consists. 3.—This is the principle; the method in which it was re- duced to practice was to procure a plate of copper of about a foot in diameter, on one side of which I drew eight separate pairs of circles, one pair of which only is shown in fig. 1; I divided each pair of circles into 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 18. 20 and 22 parts, and each of these parts was sub-divided into four parts in one of the circles, and into three parts in the other circle. These two divisions gave the several descriptions of time as C, 3, &c 3,2, %, &c. for tunes consisting of the fore- going numbers of bars; and the sub-division of four parts represented the four crotchets in the bar of common time, and the sub-division of three parts the three notes making a bar of 2 or $ time. These sub-divisions were again divided to provide for quavers, semiquavers, &c. so that from these divisions on the plate when attached to the organ barrel, it is plain that the length or value of each note could be duly pro- portioned, and that the accuracy with which a tune was set off on the organ barrel would be equal to the aegarecy with which the plate had been divided. | ) Ayala 1836.] Method of putting music on organ barrels. 49 - 4.—It is also plain that from the divisions on the plate the length of any note may be readily ascertained ; thus two crotchets may be taken for one minim; three quavers for a dotted crotchet ; three semiquavers for a dotted quaver ; three -erotchets for a dotted minim, and so on for notes of every | description. Fe oes fig. 1 it will be seen that a small portion of the circumference of the circles is intended to be left free, which portion is indicated by the lines a, 6: this space is intended for the purpose of making a momentary pause between the end of a tune and its recommencement. _ 6.—What has been stated refers only to common tunes which an organ barrel continues to repeat until it is shifted or adjusted to play another tune; but as it has been shown that the organ described, provides for playing the barrel con- tinuously throughout its whole length, shifting it horizon- tally as it revolves on its own axis, it is evident that the fore- going divisions on the copper plate will not answer in this case, because a small portion of the circumference (a, b) is “deft undivided. I therefore made another series of circles on _ the opposite side of the copper-plate, and the divisions on them occupied the full circumference of each circle, but in _ ether respects the divisions were the same as the foregoing. _7.—This plate is mounted on a brass axis, as shown in fig. | 2, where c represents the axis, perforated at one end to re- ceive the axis of the barrel, and d the flaunch of the axis to _which the plate x is screwed. The pieces e, g, fig. 1, are both attached to the axis, and are moveable around it. The | piece e, has a grove in it with a shifting point, f, which may | be fixed so as to be applied to any circle of divisions on the | plate ; and the piece g, is simply a stop to the shifting point. _—A, h, fig. 2, are screws to keep steady and attach the barrel to the division plate. 8.—The axis c, c, fig. 2, carries two series of groves k, m, on it: the one, & consisting of 10 circular separate groves to serve as a guide to the barrel in setting single tunes, the other, m, being a spiral grove or screw of 10 revolutions in- ‘tended as a guide to the barrel when putting on it music to play continuously till the barrel shifts. ‘The distance of these | 56 Method of putting music on organ barrels, [Jan. spiral groves from one another is sufficient to enable the bar- rel during one revolution, to shift horizontally as much as is necessary to present a fresh surface for another spiral row of pins, which are to act on the keys of the organ during the succeeding revolution ;—of course these groves in both cases produce an action on the barrel when fixed to the plate, exactly equal to and corresponding with the action produced by the mechanism and snail wheel (7) page 346 last volume. 9.—In fig. 3, is shown the dividing plate with the barrel affixed to it; the plate is represented at the left hand of the figure, and the axis of the barrel enters the perforated end of the dividing plate) axis, and is held fast by the screws, which are represented more distinctly by h, h, in fig. 2. This figure 3, speaks. for itself, it shows the barrel, the key frame above it, the dividing plate, and the piece of music which is to be transferred to the barre!; and the method of transferring it is as follows. 10.—The barrel, made perfectly true and prepared to re. ceive the music, is first put into the organ, and when placed. correctly and the snail wheel is properly adjusted, the keys of the key-frame, N, fig. 1, of the plate in the last volume, are pressed down upon the barrel, and a line of marks from the points of the keys is made alcng its whole length; so that, each mark represents the proper position of its own respec- tive key. The barrel is then taken from the organ, and so is: the key-frame,; and both are placed in a suitable stand with four legs, of which an imperfect section cnly, is shown in fig. 3. 7 11.—The point, f, fig. 1, 1s now fixed so as to paige with the circle of divisions required by the music; and the - piece, e, carrying the point, and the stop, g, are brought-into: a proper position, which is shown in the perspective sketch- fig. 4, where g, represents the stop resting on the edge of the’ front rail of the stand, to which the barrel and key-frame are now supposed to be attached, and e, f, the point and the car-. rying piece, which together with the stop g, are exhibited in: their proper respective places. The point is supposed to be?) placed at. b, fig. 1, that is at the commencement of the line of ' divisions required; and the plate is supposed to’be turned. 1836:] Method of putting music on organ barrels. 51. _ round so as for the point f, and the stop g, to be in the posi- tion represented in the perspective sketch fig. 4. The barrel _ is now placed so as for the line of marks made on it by the keys, and the line formed by the points of the keys in the key- frame to coincide, as also for the points of the keys and their respective marks on the barrel, to nearly correspond. The axis of the barrel is then by the screws /, A, fig. 2, securely and firmly fixed to the dividing plate, so that whatever motien the plate may have, the barrel will have the same motion also. The only further adjustment required is, that the keys of the key-frame, and their corresponding marks on the barrels be now made to perfectly coincide by means of the two screws, a, 6, fig. 3, at each end of the key frame. 12.—In this position all is ready for transferring the music to the barrel. Suppose the four divisions, to which the pointer f, fig. 4, stands in the sketch, to represent four crotchets, and it be required to set off on the barrel two crotchets: the notes, or chords are of course to be taken from the music book, and the proper keys pressed down on the barrel so as to mark it; but at starting, marks being already made, we will suppose the second crotchet to be laid off. The pointer must then be removed to the next division on the plate leaving the stop g, where it is, and the plate musf be moved downwards till the point strikes against the stop: the barrel also having moved a proportional distance, the keys of the notes to be transferred to the barrel are again to be pressed down on the barrel, and marks again made on it, and the distance of these second marks from the first, will be the _ relative distance of the crotchet. The same process is to be repeated till the whole tune is transferred. ‘The keys on the key-frame representing notes just as the keys ona piano ferte, or finger organ, but little difficulty is experienced in laying down the music ¢prrectly, and no difficulty at all after a little practice has rendered the operation familiar. A fixed guide is attached to the frame, and works into the groves 4, m, fig. 2, on the axis of the dividing plate, of course there- fore at the commencement, that series of groves is used which the music requires, that is, if it consist of single tunes one of the ten separate groves is employed, but if it be conti- nuous music the spiral grove is used. 52 Method of putting music on organ barrels. [JAN 13.—The foregoing process is strictly correct for laying off music on a barrel for a piano forte, but there is a peculiarity in the organ that requires further explanation. The piano strikes a single blow, and a single pin on the barrel effects it, and whether the note be along one ora short one, a pin, simply, is all that is required; but with the organ it is not so. Ifa note is a long one it must be kept sounding as long as the proper time of the note lasts: for instance, if 3 long and 3 shorter notes were to be struck by a self performing piano, the pins might be arranged as shown in fig. 5; but if they were to be sounded on the organ, they would be shaped as shown in fig. 6, where they are not simply pins, but staples which keep the key a, sustained, and the note sounding as long as its proper time continues. Now from examining the spaces between the pins in fig. 5, 1t will be seen that there is ample room for the point of the key, a, fig. 6, to descend between them, and no provision to this end is necessary to be made; but as the true distance between note and note is the same on the organ as on the piano, and as the organ notes are con- tinued sounds and not sudden blows struck by a hammer, as in the other instrument, it follows that if the process before described was not to be modified, were a note to be sounded two or more times in succession, there would be only one continued sound (from the preceding staple ending just where the succeeding one commenced) instead of two or more suc- cessive sounds. The key in fact would have no space to fall into, to cut off the sound, and to commence again to produce distinct notes. To hit on some easy practical method to diminish every note* a given space gave me some trouble, but I effected it by means of a parallel rule, the use of which is as follows. 14.—In fig. 4, let a, represent a part of the front rail of the stand wx fig. 3: and let 6, represent the parallel rule at- tached to it. Suppose that two notes from ec, to d, and from d, to 2, had to be set off on the barrel, the apparatus in its SS ee ee Se re es ey Se * The longer oy staple notes are here alluded to, not notes consisting of a single pin, of which of course there are numbers on organ barrels as well as on barrels for piano fortes. 1836.] Method of putting music on organ barrels. 53 present position would be correct to begin with for marking the barrel with the proper chords according to the music ; then the point, f, being shifted from c, to d, the parallel rule must be raised till it stops against the pin, k, which would “ald raise the stop, g, a short distance, and prevent it resting as it now does on the rail,a. The point, f,is then to be brought down till it touches the edge of the stop, g, and the note or notes are to be marked on the barrel. The parallel motion after this, must be depressed and brought to the posi- tion it now is in, and the stop, g, being also depressed till i# touches the rail, @, the apparatus would be in the same posi- tion as represented in the sketch, which is the right position for commencing the note, d,7; to mark which upon the barrel would be a repetition of the process just described. On con- sideration, it will be plain that the effect of the parallel action is to cut off a portion of each note in order to produce space for the point of the key, a, in fig. 6, to fall into, so that distinct sounds may be produced when similar notes follow in succession. This quantity, so cut off, does not diminish the proper value of the notes, although it does the length of the staples ; for the angular figure of the point of the key com- _ pensates for the diminution of length. The space between | the notes being only sufficient to allow the key to fall freely, | the succeeding note sounds immediately after the one pre- | eeding, the breadth of the key being equivalent or nearly equivalent to the intermediate space between note and note, as seen in fig. 6. 5th December, 1835. eB: P. $8.—From an error in the former manuscript a sentence commencing at the 10th line in page 351, last vol. ought to stand as follows. Now, one piece of mechanism with only one first moving power cannot effect two opposite motions at the same time, namely, a slow movement for the music, and a rapid or slow movement for the bellows, according as the music may require. Slow music generally requires more air, and quick music less air: it would be difficult to provide for these two opposite cases by one piece of mechanism working both the barrel and the bellows, and for the instrument to keep good time. 5 : Po [Jan. VII.— Genealogy of the Kings of ihe Mahomedan dynasty in Achin, from the 60st year of the Hejira to the present time. Lztracted froma Malayan MIS. entitled “ Anat Acut,” Osages of the Kingdom of Achin; together with a short notice of the MS. itself.—By Lieutenant TJ. Newso.p, 23d M,N. I. | The work appears to be divided into four parts. The first, entitled Parintah segéla Raja Raja, Rules of government for kings—the 2d, Stlstlah Raja Raja di Bander Achi, Ge- nealogy of the kings of Achin—and the 3d, 4dat Mejlis Raja Raja, Wtiquette to be observed at Court. The 4th and last comprises a variety of regulations for Port duties and customs, also rules for the minor officers of government. Part the Ist, is subdivided into 31 mejlises or chapters, only eleven of which are to be found in the copy in my pos- session. After the customary Bismillah and a short exordinm con- sisting of praises to the Almighty, the Prophet Mahomed, his progeny, &c. the author commences his Ist Mejlis by at- tempting to explain the signification of the letters composing the Sanscrit word Ada agreeable to Mussulman interpreta- tion. The letter R, he says, has reference to the word Rah-. met, Mercy—the letter A or Alif |, from its upright form, to the erecting of the Caliphat on earth by Allah, and the establishment of the Amr A//lah, commands of Allah, through the agency of kings; and the letter J to the word Jemal, beauty. The 2d mejlis is on qualities requisite for princes, which are classed under ten heads. The 3d mejlis relates to the duties and inclinations of princes, classed under eight heads. The 4th mejlis contains rules for the observance of kings on state occasions, when the Pundits, princes, minis- ters, war chiefs, heralds and guards of the kingdom are as- sembled before the royal throne. ‘These are classed under seven heads. Mejlis the 5th contains rules to be observed on the break- _ ing up of the Court ; it is divided into seven parts. Mejlis 6, to 24 are deficient. Mejlis 25 contains directions for the war chiefs. Mejlis 26, qualifications necessary for the Bodo- anda, king’s guards, under four heads. Mejlis 27, duties of 1836. ] Mahomedan Kings of Achin. 55 the Bodoanda, under five heads. Mejlis 28, etiquette to be observed by the Bodoanda at Court. Mejlis 29, on things prohibited to subjects of the king ; both these chapters are divided into five parts. Mejiis 30, on honorary titles, of Wich five are enumerated, viz. Padika, Maha, Srt, Raja, Tuan. Mejlis 31, on Ambassadors and their qualifications. Part 2. Stlsilah Raja Raja di Bander Achi—Genealogy of the kings of Achin, comprising a historical abstract of the reigns of the (a) Mahomedan kings of Achin from the 601st year of the Hejira down to the present time. Sultan Johan Shah. A: H.601. This monarch came from the west, “deri atas angin,” and converted the Achin- ese to Islam. ; He married the daughter of Belodari and settled at Kan- dang Achin. He died A. H. 631, in the month Rejab. 2. Sultan Ahmed. A. H. 631. Son of the preceding ; succeeded his father under the title Sri Sultan Riayet Shah. He died A. H. 665. 3. Sultan Mahmid Shah. A. H.665. Son of the pre-. ceding—removed in the 43d year of his reign from Kandang Achin to the present site of the city, where he erected the fort, Dar al dunya. His death took place A. H. 708. SOS (A ARSE SEES SS SERS SS ASN SERIES ENE SS (REESE SR SS (a) Sir Stamford Raffles observes (Memoirs, p. 384) that from this period 601 A H “ until the reign of Secunder,or Macota Alem as he is more generaily called, Acheen is said to have been tributary to Rum; it then obtained Maat, or exemp- tion from tribute. The crown and regalia appear to have been brought from Rum shortly after the establishment of Islamism, and I think it probable that Acheen was the first and most important footing obtained by the Mahomedans to the East- ward, and whence their religion was subsequently disseminated among the islands,”’ , The geographical situation of Achin and its early maritime connexion with Wes- tern Asia seem favourable to this opinion,although the Malays are fond of attribut- ing the diffusion of Islam as emanating from the ancient empire of Menangeabowe inthe interior of Sumatra. The introduction of Mahomedanism may be traced as before observed, in Achin, so far back as 601 A. H.—in Malacca, 675 A. H.—in Java, 883 A. H.—among the Sunda islanders, 885 A. H.—in the Moluccas, 901 A. Hi In the Celebes, acecrding to the records, of Macassar, the Mahometan religion: was introduced, about !012 A. H. by Khatib Tungal Dattu Bandang, a native of Menangeébowe. It was shortly afterwards adopted by the Macassar States. Pre- vious to Mahometanism a species of Buddhism and that rude kind of natural reli- gion common to savage tribes is supposed to have prevailed, 56 Mahomedan Kings of Achin. (Jan. 4, Sultan Firman Shah. A.H. 708. Son of the preced- ing—reigned 47 years, 8 months, and 13 days—died A. Al. 755. : : 5. Sultan Mansur Shah I. A. H. 755. Died, after a reign of upwards of 56 years, A. H. 811, on the 10th of the = Shaban. 6. Sultan Ala uddin Johan Shah. A.H.811. Succeed- ed his father Mansur Shah—died A. H. 870. 7. Sultan Hussain Shah. I. A.H. 870. After a reign of 31 years, 4 months and 2 days, this monarch died A. H. S01. 8. Sultan Ali Riayef Shah. A. H. 901.—died after a ee of upwards of 15 years.—A. H. 917. . (a) Sultan Selah-uddin. A. H. 917. Reigned 28 years, 3 a and 28 days—died A. H. 946. 10. Sultan Ala-uddin. A. H. 946. Brother of the pre- ceding—died A. H. 975, on the 15th of the month Safr. 11. Sultan Hussain Shah II. A. H. 975. Reigned 8 years, 4 months and 12 days—died A. H. 983. ! 12. Sultan Maida. A. H.983. This prince was extremely young at the death of his father Hussain Shah, and died after a short minority A. H. 984. 13. Sultan Pridman. A. H. 984. Died after a short reign of 1 month and 22 days A. H. 984. ) 14. Sultan Raja Jeinal. A.H.984. Reigned 10 months and 10 days. He was assassinated A, H. 985 on the 10th of the month Mohurram. | 15. (6) Sultan Mansur Shah IT. A. H. 985. This prince as (a) Selah-uddin (by some called Ibrahim) was the prince, who,when Mahomed, ex-king of Malacca was blockading the Portuguese in his own city which they had taken possession of, fell upon and massacred all the Europeans in the kingdom of Achin. He proved a most formidable opponent to the early Portuguese adven- turers. (b) Mansur Shah, is said by some native authors to have been originally from Perak, a state situate on the western coast of the Malayan Peninsula, and ap- pears to have been confounded by Portuguese authors with Sri Sultan Ala-uddin, or, as they termed him, Sri Sultan Alradin. This prince was foremost in the confederacy made by the eastern powers of India to extirpate the Portuguese who had at this time established themselves at Malacca, and gained a firm footing in the Straits. Mr. Marsden quoting Diego do Couto and Faria-y-Sousa, states that the Kine of Achin in conformity with the engagements by which the confederates were 1836.] Distance of objects at sea. 57 was murdered A. H. 993, after a reign of a little more than: 8 years. 16. (a) Sultan Buyong. A. H. 993. After a reign of “pearly 3 years, this prince was murdered A. Hl. 996, on the 17th of the month Zualkaideh on Tuesday. 17. (6) Sultan Ala-uddin Riayet Shah. A. H. 996. Reigned 15 years, 10 months and 28 days—was deposed by his own son, Sultan Muda, who succeeded him A. H. 1011, by the title of Sultan Ali Moghayet Shah. (To be continued.) VIII.—Remarks on the method of estimating the distance at. Sea, Ae objects Z known height.—By ©. To the Editor of the Madr as oe wt of Literature and Science. | rae forwarding to you the paper upon the estimation of distance at Sea, published in the 9th No. of your Journal, I did not think it necessary to give such a modification of Lieutenant Raper’s formula, that the computation might be - effected without using logarithm to seven places, but as it may be of some use, I subjoin the investigation. bound, prepared to attack the Portuguese in Malacca, and sailed there with a nu- merous fleet, in which were 15 ,000 of his own subjects, 400 Turks, with 200 pieces of artillery of various sizes. After several furious attacks on the place the Achinese were compelled to raise the siege, leaving 3000 slain before the walls. - Mansur Shah besieged Malacca during his active reign no less than five times, with the same results; being always foiled by the desperate valour of the Portu- guese. Mr. Marsden. justly observes, “ It is. difficult todetermine which of the | two is more astonishing, the vigorous stand made by such a handful of men as the whole strength of Malacca consisted of, or the prodigious resources and persever- | ance.of the Achinese monarch.’’ Mansur, Shah was murdered by his general Moratiza, together with his queen and many of the principal nobility on the 17th day of the month Mohurrum. — - (a) Buyong, or the boy, was the son of the only daughter of Mansur Shah, by | the king of Johor whom she had married. i. Moratiza, afterwards Sultan Ala-uddin Riayet Shah, after murdering Buyong’s | father Mansur Shah, took charge of the boy during his minority; but, ambition prevailing, he despatched him also and assumed possession of the throne. (6) During the reign of this monarch Sir James Lancaster arrived at Achin, as ambassador from Elizabeth of England, with the first English fleet that had appeared in these seas, and concluded a commercial treaty with the Sultan, 58 Disiance of objects at sea. [ Jan. Let A B represent the surface of the earth, and C the angle at its centre, or tical miles at its surface. Then the angle ¢ = 180°—C—90° + a = 90°—C—a and .-. sin @= cos (C + a) again by the values as given in the last paper, where we may call the true dip for the height H = D. | Then sin $= cos D. cos a = cos (C + a) and substituting the values of the sines. eee . —2 —2 ! A eee i—2.smi(a+C)= 1—2.smiD. 1—2.sinia. Remy eect aE Cras = 1—2. sm;D—2. sinta +4. sin £D. singa. and pase hind Ling ed cou sn3(a+C)= sing} D+ sinda—2.sin3D. sin$a. as the arcs are small they may be taken for their sines, and therefore sa 7 2 2 2 2 2 : (a+C)= D+a— 2.D.a but the last terms must always be very small quantities, and may therefore be omit- ted. | | 4 2 Phen (a + C) = Dy a and expanding. 2 2 C +2.a.C = D which ts of the same form as the trigonometrical formula, for the solution of a quadratic equation, viz. # et p «x = q therefore substituting the qua- dritics,we have Tang A = = and Root = C = Tang} Ax D. Q. E. I. ~ The same result may be obtained thus, taking the formula cos (a + C) = cos D. cos a. it is apparent that it is of the same form as the formula for the hypotheneuse of a right angled spherical triangle, and supposing a + c to represent the hypotheneuse and D and a the other two sides, then C will be equal to the difference between the hypotheneuse and the angular distance in nau- | Ng 4 ‘ae, 1836.] Observations respecting Halley’s Comet. 59 the side a. But as the arcs must be very small never ex- ceeding two or three degrees they may be représented by straight lines, therefore in the right angled plain triangle i Tang A = a a MN : _ ts ? " a in 2 alee as ~Fangh Ae. a. : GE and to apply the values of the quantities before given. D = 58’ 16’ = 3496" = log. = 3.54357 a= 1° 58’ 39"= 7119” colog. = 6.14758 9.69115 Tang A—26°9'17" Tang 4 A = 13° 4! 38” = 9.36602 D = 3.54357 2.90959 = 8127’ —13' 32". the same.as before, while by this formula, logarithms to five places are sufficient. 20th October 1835. C. Hee ES (Re meee tea IX.— Observations respecting Hatiey’s Comet. My Dear Sir,—lIt will be interesting to your readers to learn that Halley’s Comet is still visible through a telescope, and it will probably so remain for twenty or thirty days to come ; comparing the quantity of light which it at present exhibits with that exhibited before the Peribelion passage it would appear that it has lost no part of its brilliancy what- ever by its approach to the Sun (a fact by the way which is at variance with the generally received opinion of astrono- mers. We will now fora moment take a look at the past—the ‘Astronomer Hautey, 150 years ago could have predicted the present return of the Comet which so justly bears his name toa couple of months; but it is to the refined astro- nomy of the present century to which so much honour and 69 Observations respecting Halley's Comet. [Sans credit is due, that we are enabled to predict its place as has been done inthe present instance to a few (six or seven) days. Should there be an individual now in existence who can doubt for a moment the truth of universal gravitation, (on which theory, this as well as every other astronomidal prediction is built) it will be as well to shut the book for ever, for nothing further or more conclusive in the way of argument can be urged. Not however to exhibit an impa- tience which would ill become the defenders of truth of the sublimest nature, it may not be amiss here to explain why the astronomer Halley when calculating upon the same grounds as the astronomer of modern days, could not have predicted to an equal degree of accuracy ; and to notice the causes which have given rise to an error of eight or nine days in the present return—to pursue such a question through all its minutize would be at once to set down and write a volume; it will therefore be necessary to handle the enquiry rudely, and state off hand, that in the days of Halley the existence of five of the Planets composing the solar system (Georgian, Juno, Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas were unknown.. Since this time likewise, the Comets of Biela and Encke have been recognized as forming a part of our system and several others which are conjectured likewise to belong to it have been observed. Now the effect of every one of these is; conti- nually to draw the Comet from its path and to disturb one another; the amount of the perturbation varying with the time, inversely as the square of the distance, and directly as- the weight of the disturbing body; had Haxttny predicted. the present return of the Comet, and should. it have turned out that he was two or three months in error, so far from throwing any discredit upon his theory (ignorant as he was of the causes now enumerated) it would on the contrary tend. much to confirm it; moreover in the days of Haury astro- nomical instruments were rare, and their construction of the rudest possible kind when compared with those of the present day, insomuch so that comparatively little or nothing could be known with regard to the relative weight of the Planets; now in the prediction of Hau.ey of the return of this Comet in 1682, he took account only of the action of the planet Se a re oe eee ee ery a EP et A 1886.] Observations respeciing Halley’s Comet. 61 Jupiter, which he computed would delay the return by about a twelve-month; had he taken account of the action of the planet Saturn the prediction would have been 100 days later, “and would have agreed to within a few days of the observed return to the Perigee: at its last appearance in 1759, CLraiRavT computed that the planet Satwrn2 would retard it by 100 days, and Jupiter by 511 days, aresult agreeing within about amonth of the truth. But to return to our own time in which we have the benefit of very superior | imstraments, together with numerous and well appointed _ observatories ; “ what are now the fruits?’ In the year 1822, it was found that the map of planet Venus had been assumed too small by about 5 and that an equation going. through its period in 250 years had been omitted; as late as 1833 the mass of the planet Jupiter was corrected from 72:7 to recs of the mass of the Sun, &c. &c. &c. In 1824 and from that time up to the present, strong suspicions were and are entertained of the existence of an wether instead of a vacuum,which, extending throughout the solar system, there- by retards the planets in their orbit, (but consider gentle. reader, that 7f this ether does exist its density is eight hun- _ dred times less than that of atmospheric air!) requiring how- _ ever many more observations than we at present possess to decide the point. Now in the prediction of the return of the Comet which is just departing (to the most part of us _ for ever!) the effect of the ether was computed to accelerate the return by 13 days, is it then to be wondered at, that a: discrepancy of half this amount should occur in a computa- | tion clogged with difficulty on every hand, and tedious to the | last degree—one which requiring the utmost mathematical knowledge and skill has found a dozen individuals only com- _ petent to undertake it? It will be as well now to conclude this subject by exhibiting the elements of the orbit of this Comet as predicted by Ponrecovtant, and the same com- _ puted by myself* from observations made at this Observa- _ tory, thus: Or ee ec) ERY CR * I take this opportunity of acknowledging my obligations to Goday Vencata Juggarow, who rendered me very great assistance in the com- putation. | 62 Tuble for computing the position of Halley’s Comet. [Jan. From the Madras PONTECOULANT. Observations. ‘Dz. , D. hi Perihelion Passage. November 7,42 | November 16)19,-" ra) | desi ithe 0 / 1h ANE Place of Perihelion. 304°31°43 804:12:10 Long. of the ascend. node. 55°30°0 55°9'°16 Inclination of the orbit. 17-44:24 17°49°1 Ratio of the eccentricity. 0:987521 967632 Semi axis major. 17-98705 17-98705 Motion. Retrograde. Retrograde. With my apology for troubling you with these hasty re- marks, I beg to remain, Very sincerely yours. _ T. G. TAYLOR. fi. C. Astronomer. ee SF ee SE X.—Table for computing the position of Hauiay’s Comet. Sir,— Having been favoured with the elements of the orbit of Hailey’s Comet, which have resulted from the cbserva- tions made at the Madras Observatory during the last three months, I have set to work to compute an Wphemeris of its place for the month of January next year, (when it will be visible toa good Telescope if not to the naked eye) which I beg to forward for insertion in the Madras Journal of Lite- rature and Science. In computations of this nature where the ellipse is very eccentric, the labour of computing the eccentric anomaly from the mean, is by far the most tedious part of the work, to facilitate which, I have herewith for- warded a Table by which it may be taken out at sight, by this means any of your readers may compute the place for any day in half an hour. T beg to remain, sir, Your most obedient servant, Gopay Vencat JuGcarow. (1836. } . 63 A Table shewing the Mean Anomaly of Hauizy’s Comet, corresponding to every 10 minutes of the eccentric anomaly. 4 Ke. Ayn.{|Mean Anomaly.| Diff. {{Ee. Any.;|Mean Anomaly.| Diff. . 0 q ra) / “ (0) / | (a) / 7] Bi 0 10 0 O 19-4 19°5 5O Ml. Ou 1642877 w5°0 20 0329 19.4 |!8 0 17> 27 vee 30, 0 533 | 19.4 10 17 27-9 25-4 40 1 17-7 195 20 17 533 va7 50 i 37-2 195 | 30 17 19-0 259 lL 0 er le 56:7 19.5 40 18 449 62 10 2 162 19-6 | 50 19 10-1 26-4 20 2 35-8 196 ||9 0 19 37°53 26:7 30 2 55-4 196 | 10 20 42 | 47-0 40 |.- 8 150 19-7 20 20 312 “7-2 50 3. 34-7 19:3 30 90 58-4 | 27:5 9: eh 3 545 19°38 40 81 25-9 27°3 10 4 143 19-9 50 2153-7 | 28) > OO Wh rs ce 451342 19-9 |110 0 92 21-3 08-4 30 — 4 54] 20:0. 10 92 0-2 28:7 40 | 5 14] 20°1 20 23 12:9 29-0 50 5 34-2 20-2 30 23 47-9 29-3 AID) Sa ry ne Kaa 91 20-2 40 24 17-2 29-6 10 6 146 | 204 50 24 468 29-9 920 6 350 | 205 Il oO 25 16-7 30-3 30 6 555 20-5 Ok .2. 470 30-6 40 7 16-0 20°6 20 26" 17-6 30-9 - 50. < 366 20°38 30 26 48-5 31-2 4 0 7 57-4 | 20:9 40 p27 19:7 31-6 i 10 PES a TSS) 21:0 | 50 2751-3 ') 31-9 D0) IQ 8 393 ! 21-1 112 Oo 28 23:2 | 32-3 Tr) wo. O40 2T3 10 28 55:5 32-7 40 eo a 214 20 9928-2 | 33-0 50 °9 43-1 21:6 30 30 1:2 33-3 at 47 \ 62170 ||. 40 30 B45, bo 33-7 Sto 10 26-4 7 21-9 50 81 82 | 341 20 10 48-3 22:0 3 0 31. 42:3.— "34-5 30 11 103 | Qe1 10 32 168 | 349 40 11 32:4 | 22:3 20 32 51-7 | 353 50 ll 54-7 | 225 30 3527-0 || 5-7 6 0 1 17-2 2:7, 40 | 34 2:7 36°] 10 12 39:9 22:9 50 34 38:3 | 26-4 - 20 13 28 | 231 i114 0 35 152 | 36-8 30 13 25:9 | 233 10 35) 62:0° 4237-3 40 13 49-2 | 235 20 36 29-3 | 37-7 no Lt. 14 12-7 13-6 30 a7” 70 |. aaa a | 14 363 | 238 40 37 45:2 38:6 10 Id Ol 24-1 50 38 23:3 | 38-9 20 15 24-2 243 |15 O 39 27 | 39-4 2 | Ie 46-5. || 2455 10 39 42:1 | 39-9 40 16 130 | 247 20 40 220 | 403 64 Anomaly of Hally’s Comet. [Jan. eee earnionel Ec. Any. Mean Anomaly. Diff. || Ke. Any.|/Mean Anamaly.| Diff. ore 4 s ‘ g a ome. oO Po ge “ 20 Oar 2.3 40°6 50 56°. O64 SOS 40 41 45°5 4i-2 119 0 57 O04 | StS 50 42 245 417 10 Of StF ae 16° -:0 4% ~~ §:0- | 42] 2 53 43:6 | 52°4 10 43 43:1 42-6 30 59 360 |! 53-0 D) | A4 O77 | 4b] 40 1 0 29:0 | 53:6 20°11 45 1353 | 436 50 1 22.6 | 54] 40 45 57-4 \ 440 |120 0 2 16-7 | 09547 50 43 41-5 44°5 10 3. 114 | 663 170 20 47 «60 | 45:0 20 4 67 | 559 10 43 11-0 45°5 30 5 26 | 565 20 483 565 46-0 40 5 591 571 30 AQ 42°59 46°6 50 6 56:2 ai 40 50. 29:1 47-1 J2l oO 7539. | Sus 50 51 162 | 47-6 10 8 522 | 58-9 18 0 52 3:8 | 431 20 9 5h1 |. 595 10 3 52 51:9 1 43-6 30 10 506 | 60°71 20 53 405 | 49-2 40 11 50:7 | 60-3 30 54 29-7 | 49-7 50 | [ae515 | 614 40 55.194 } 60-2 22°07 fag ae 59-9 7 Ephemeris of Hattzy’s Comet for January 1836, computed for Madras at 4h. a. M. Da Right Ascen- Declination Time of ay: sion in Time. South. Rising. hom 8. oO. Mm Ss. he om | Jan. Ist 16 18 55 24 45 30 ; 4 2a,.M. Iith 16 6 50 24 27 58 314 ,, Qi st 15 50 10 30 9 49 é 2: 2h, | 31st 15 26 56 32 40 25 L 2 ie 4 F : ES ST ED MAREN AN eayotquelorn: ok Were PAW am te TS nent | GN rata ae sil ten Neen Smee ne SUN VM ERPS DLE eat an es oe ce eS Yon a Te ea Se Leos cE een Lee gE or cL es Se 2 ae A er Sern rs cera ve Ce ees hn tener Spec aN Fa ae igs aa ae uh Seka ay Ado dhe 65 XI.—METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER xepr ar rae MADRAM\\)/ Cal en tte ORR a fem | Standard Barometer No. 3, by Gilbert. Standard Therm. by Troughton® S| “igure 7) 8 bos |S Slalgls|z! 3 Days. = < S x : a a = Gea ea nis ! aS = a x] S co bs; a | © ‘i a |a lo Mi Sept. |Inches | 0 Bee a" 1{29,9! 8 |29, 970 |29, 944 |29,894|29, 890 |29,9'6| —— |e 84,9186,8|-9,6 ,88,4 |86,5 7 2} 958 {30,006} 956] , 7688| ,952 86, |88,6190,0 | 5,3 '84.2/—4 | 3! (924/29,9:8! 928! ,870] 878] ,9°8}| —- 2.0 186,3 8,4 190,0 poe | 4 5904 ‘930 ;9U8 072 £30 "856 ee &°8 83.0 66, 4|89, 49, &5,0 |S, | 51 ase} 2901| .866| 381s] “eu0] j8zi 81,8 Pe 81.0)0., 3b Go ‘Go| al e| ,854! ,900} .866) ,e44! .@ 0! ,8°4]/29,924)1+2,8'85,8 |F¢,§ 80,8 '88,8 /85,3 183M) \)) | “ol4| .976| ,927] 5870) 390] 3894) —— |8 ,1\86,8|*7,5|>7,0 (83,3 | 44 Hs, | s| 29'6| .954| ,928] 890] [999] [+97| —— |>2,0|87,1 '91,0}'9,3 |+5.8]°5,2 hl 9| 2942] 974) ,957| ,902| js86| 5934 3,3187,2 |91,0/¢9,4 [87,3 | 6,0 Hil 10} 4924! 960] ,956| 916; [868! [8-0 29,900. /8U,8'82,6 [83,4 |+3, es 2,9 /S2Mmh 3 1 eel 4988! ,914! ,82] ,87°| ,8F8 20l9h “8,0 185,3 |§3,8 mall aCe 12} 2914} ,972| .940| (sou! ‘a¢2] j904 902] 180-4 182-2 183,3 184.7 [2:6 [E20 ma 13{ ,9'0/ ,954| ,930 888} jt62) ,£7U 912N81,0'82,0(83.6] 5,5/'2,8/5 .7|elie 14) 28g] 2912} 5888] :848] °s 36| 5874] ——|/8U,8 [83,0 [86,< [> 7,8 '86,0 13,7 |i |) 15! 856] .938/ 914] 5870 | 5$66| ,904}179,2 3,9/*5,8 23,7 (82, ‘181m Jo} ,900 {30 oo 5990] ,950) 930! ,98u !30,002)!80,3 |83,0 185, |-4,5 163,282, 181) q " 17/29,970| 062 30,024! 397-| 79 2130,016| ,050|180,* 182,6 84.7 1r4.8|S2 2 ls2\a}eQie 18|20,0 0} 076} ,020| ,964] 7946 |19,982| ,024|178,2 1836 |+4,3185,0 |82,9|¢z,8|92In 19 30.000 050 29, 994, ,952 040) 970 O16 [0,2 84,4 184.7 165,413, 0 |82,7 [oz ' ee 20129,¢82 | —— [30 ,020| 958] ,944, 997; 036 he £4,9185,4 [6,3 183, 82M 21] ,992! ,064 ,030| ,962} ,962| ,972] 018 9,6 83,2 |84,0 [84.0 82,6 )°2.5 | | ne 99! .962 129,997 j29, 968' 9081 [972] 3924129,972||79,0 £2,9|25,6) 7,7 | Gc |£2,5/9RIN a 531 7950/30,016; .970 916] 7902) 3944! 96211819 [84.0 15,0 }85,8 £5,” [59.5 880) || a} 5950} ; 5970 ,936 904 5946] ,980]|18.5 187,0]*7,7 [80,7 |» 4,0 84,. ls 25 5008] 5996 944] 7956] 5990130,0'zl|51,0 [22,5 le. 80,0 [83,8 |73,0 Wie 96 30,016} ,050}30,004) ,960] ,972}30,006) ,032 ,78,0 [>4,5 86,5 [86,6 [4,3 | bl 27|29,978 |_ —— 29,968] ,938| 2912|29,940 |29. 970/|77,( |— |85,5 | 6,6|$4,4 630 ae 28] 944 |29,976; .950} 3902] [900] ,950] ,966,|77,8 |~4,6|c7,6 [86,0 Se: ie 29| 7950! .988| .966] [940! Soi6] 3963] .994/|80,0 8,0 187,3 6,0 )8%,9 82,2162 | | 30! .960|30,040| 924] 5950] (940) {982 |30,006]177,3 \84,7 |85,* one £2,919) ! | se | | Mean. |29,935 29,985 29, '29,956 |29,910 |29,S99 129,93" |29, 29,975 \|#0,4.184,3 1c 6,2 +6,8 £4,6 £3,6 |82 is G6 er ne EY | PERVATORY; ror rox MONTH or SEPTEMBER, 1835. Weather. Wind. Direction of “uoryerodea y Hs ies | ‘asia. UNG Depth of Rain. Dep. of wet bulb Therm. s pare ‘a A 59 ate ery Oe 2) SS = ao A ta oS : SUG! ete ae aS) fea © Pas £3 Ge oe Se a8 Go" Ve Set Se. ee | = # 3 28 ssa. =) 80 SO) ear Se ee abe See ; 3 Sed ee oe ees sls getter cli) .co= fol f= eee tapes 4 I tei =| rat Hee bes ius oe an og. er Se eT a0 SS 150 tee a Ga geo = sees CG 3 OD 4 ~~ = - Bo Oras aa.6:2 oe pea oe ss eee eee os ro 3 3 = eer Saree! ee NS ec 5 O B Ss Sirois Cares] io} aro 3 7S 8 a BTS fo ub os OOO! a eo oud SESrO. eres Se OSm Sot wore on ea a 38 sy 8 Ae =i ao San ta Sieg oO Oe Beg ° 2S os oO ee Boao estes s oo . . i. ° - Des gc Ser ace ' Chile eee (Ge .5 ° ~ Sh aoO9 Cece. eocieg aaved mace? See a Je | eee per =e | | | uw eto j | AS \ nN ee alia koe ead whale | He He cfs Is aed fast | { | H ee age blue tat bb | - a | . ; | 5 | a ! 4 | hE Be val lectins eal | el 1 3 | ao bo na | rs | [ nN Wo rn aA | io | rae |= ja |N = 4 a) | | | Fe: a i A MS | = ( ; 1°? | Sap cue © FS 3 | = { | ea lee | | | Hest (ek See Spi ie Loew tao, OO Se COO Maton Bina 0 aa) > | ie | an} | | te | ae Tess es ~~ — Sane SAAN lo aN = a 2.00 3 Sours Roo SaaS Oy OO SH SO SR ie) on) ce) SS Ne) N aa uD “ 1 OB. SO SEL OL. Oa SSN > OS Ae ASA Pap ane ate anes Lav! Loe ee Se Aa Veen memo Nitto Swiioed watdo— atat~ [Nv Maa wxfioredes 5S OQLWTS C9 ta OA90D NOMS mea OD COONS 10 4 r] i) e Te) “Ost uns METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER xepr ay ree MADRAS Standard Baromter No, 3, by Gilbert. 1/0 a. mM. 1}30,032 }30, 054 30,005 |29,950 as 936 = 990} - Vw we we - 7 2 Ke SS eee —~ @ o> < NW VYVYYHD WAH@ ,0lg} ,034 ee cece | ees | ee 29, 941 29, 960 29,980 | van, | 29,974] 30,022] 29,978 Standard Therm. by Troughton, | Sun rise. Noon. ~) COCO v . wv v PON SO SOncoe oO =) 2.) ~ Cm . se VN ENOS Cm OT Ww ba fa | 0 - om CNwWOMRm Ww — ws ROSN ~) v . ~) td OOoOUCe BYOwoo ———— J 2. x w ar ron mona NON CO GP GO GO we Oh . BOSON v ) . » i) CIO We oO COa@ i> i ee ) . . v WN i 0 GO 96 GO onus SSO O60 cows GO mM aD00 moO t DHT ONE odie a = = wow Pooc tm wwonpo ve oo NX bh @ Ci OONEE HO sx NSN is 9) v s Ooms . - . —NN 7 CO ES GAM OO f£.0 ¥ = Ne oon : SPO .) v v GO G0 & GO » ~} .) DnDmD OO 20 SY O8S? 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Sols ola | =) SSS S @O S3 —<——— e Stile | oF > es | fal . : i= FS SST: See (Ss) a = Sia Si iG GNSS ISN | ais & mm on Soe es RO tH cab} w= S200 ~ gh Oe a~ NS By Selig eagles foal oS ee Nile ae ae | é 5 2 Sia hh a Se Sean = NI Ni, ee. Se a |S = 00 6 Sh Se aes Qa DNS wot N See aia a fe 2 ee ee nn 08 INO PD OM OS st it tle = SMa Sabah os a eatetet sl ve SOO 1 a a Ss Pe OG os Class C0 ae 2 SP aw PO SL UES IG: Cats ) ON Ot al = 10 4 Va Re Se hee: gee eee 2 wo oe oO0ONS : DOO 2 OS Ot oe. os ct) om 2 ODND OS Reeve nie alae) CO 1010 S 5 ee ANN AS SoS ee es oo mien ow liad : = ae Ee cas |< cay poe ay - ey ~ eS ale, ts ie) Oe epee elian) (se) > a Fotos SAS Se oaee Se ek fete a wa | | tee 9, aS a. t oy = + box N19 Nei an idol n 1) GOO GO 1 S Osher! | | | = iwc al © > fo) == ae) —rolas 2 tt x GO. G0 oy | “has Q as rmco OC : oS iy a 2 We ceo corm s ce | & (eacag BEats Slee ee) ot SOs aod | | are 4 — wanad | 1 =i CO o> qq = Ree =! OD | 1] = ts; _ ee ae Lisette Lens NCe ~mOw: tee | © i? Sa TSR = 9 Sa BOOS = ¢ rRR-- & ——— iene & Netieo} ic 1G r= OD ~ ONO SN Oo OA Soiood yt “AHS ae ae oO ON Oma ae si Ren \% = Ne Se ket One Ow BO - DADS Se Bo! 69 | Standard Barometer No.3, by Gilbert. standard Barometer by Troughtén,} : | a 3 i . ( 3 b s i & : poe ae eee i fe! a1) eu tee oda aa a 2 a < as ia a tad _ re oH @_| 2. | aja |o 1s ta )s |i belay | ae Noyv.- [Inches | am { 1} 30,0°u} 30,050] 30,0 °8] 29,982} 29,996} 30,034/-—_|]74,9|79.¢] 0.2 179.2 179.6 177.0 | —}) 21 Ovu} 056] ,0°8] ,950] , 96! 20,0 e| ——_|]75-4| 0,581.0 [82-0] 0.1 178.2 | 3129 990] 5020; 29,994] 7940 "036 ' 29,956] ——— 75,8177. {79.4 {79.9 }78.0|77,8|——]) 4| {9 -129:935} ,920| ‘sdu] 840} ,916/——— Le 75,0176.5 177.0 176.7 |76,2 |—_— 5] $953] 30 04 ,95~| 5902} 7908} ,950| 29,972/175,9 '78.4150.3 [62.0 [805 178.3} 77.3 6} 96s! ooo! .958! .9'2] ,9241. ,9701 ,982/174,5 |78.9/82.0183.0|80.4177.9 |77.9 7, 7978, 5026}. 994] 952] {9x9 30,022/30/036 {175.9 }-0.2|8'.4 [83 418).9 179.0 | 78.0 £} 30,040] ———| 30.070, 30, 052 30,070| 400] ,100 |17¢;5 | _|84,0 83.7 18 081-41 78.3) 9} ‘oge} 140! 106} 060] ozs! 20a! | 06 76,0 !80.7 |82.8}83.2 180.7 179.01 77.5), YO} ,06=| ,144) 208 058 ,070| 108/176, 0 [87.6 |82.2' 4,4 180.9 }0.7 |—_t 11} roo! ,154) ,704) ,090f roa! ,1641____1 179. 2 131 9780.5 181.3178 4177.9 |__ 12) [150] j219] 5182] j'us| 2re7] 4179! | teotl78.7 Bi3 (81% 81.0179.0 177.9 | 79, 2}) Tap 9 lable 200) St70lt, Sah eae ot Lgl oe a 60,4 ;£0.4 {79.4 |77.5'|77.6 | 14} 4145] , 76) ,!46! 5106] ,124) .170'____||75.0178°9 79's Oli 76.9|—_a 15), asi 1% a! 7096] 122 wie 164 1175.9 179.4 (79.5 180.8 175.8 178.21 78.5 16 wl yoa} ,18ul j128] 123} 160 afr 78.8 179.9180.6 17.8 178.2 17| jt70| ,2To] ,l64 152| ,1#2] (1901 76.2)79.4|78.8|——|78.7 |78.0 Ig} 182) 2021 ,'70} 422] 146] 1701 172 )|74.0}78.5 [80.0 |>0.6 177.9 [77.7 19] ,154] S182} 4170; . 114i. 3110], 461 _1173.4179.1 179.0 [2010 ' 20! ,156| 5 19U 169] ie ,132] 160! 156 1175.8179.6 |79.7 fall 772 21} ,152| 192) ,'70] ,1261 146] ,178 ———1176.2|76.8|79.2 [79.9 \77.2176.3 99} (164 5200} 4164] 417+ 5190) ,205 !173.8 | ——]80.0 [0.4 178.8 !77.2 93; 17S] 222] 187) $50} 162! 182) 1821173,0.179.01 80191804 24 KBATy [224]. 5204 ny (62). 195), 196 io 79.6 85,4 |°9.3 177.9 |77.1 25 ie "202} 2192) 7150) 7168] 5 961—-—I 1720 |78.9 179.4 |-0.4 |78.7 176.3 26; ,174' ,204| ,178]- ,150| _,160| - ,180 pie by 77.9 |81.0 |0.7|78.9 \78.0 27| 176) ,2)4| 1921 ,158) 5146] 881 (180 /76.5 10.0 180.4 180.1 178.4 177.4 28| j16o, j20sl J1so] J1zs! 7126] {260 7146 1175.4 17*.0 79.0179.1175 9 (74.1 29) Vie} = ,190} 138] oes! 078) = 11 8!———)_71.0177.2 477.3 \77.9|76.0175.3 "| jlid} 4154] 4136! ,090/ j0E6 | 74.0 '72.£|72.5 \74 yew ie a” Pe Mean | 30,05! 30,146! 30,118!30, 071] 30, Or2! 30, '20130,134 |175.3 178.9 £0.0!80. 30.4|78.5 1775 77.5} METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER kerr at ous MADR AU a Sp ee = ————— = = VG E SESéd Ss io 6g 24 ce 3 RS | = 08 50 PO SB Hee P <=) [2] oe Ee Tees Se ge EO as wi Sete. 2S a = oO OlGro O ro Te ae SH ahs os a = oes el sa Ee eee gee ge gee ope cx ¢ 1 & oa Sk 3 iS) 1g ra = < 8 S sscosey ge 3 AGS ee das = 2 8 vous RE od > Sie os g ae > aa Ro adm ¢ 8 8 S Dry 2 6 os) Gs a. Gest 2 3 2 ao oS ro See Sos. CU a Sanco cota x : Be SO Mobs Sceee ccch cg asc os Soe be es ick ee SGSSgl sous vouss Segoe cliels sees is |) BRea P Fe Vie a. pent a eS Spo 4 mr 39 | CAOOS = a se aa oe ees ee my : a RS = :E em) fa Z za Z ES = pf z fa i a ~ Rae Gea fe ees ae ee az ie = > SRESE Ze7ES Sadee 298%, saan waste, = -285, S06b4e Sete B22G5 Seeded aGeeE SS 22420 BEZAZA ZAZZZ ZA2Z2Zn ZAAZAZZ Zeeze SS a Sc —=— > aT op) [ner rm? Ca oy 1 » ' | Hi Nepal Sesser a hi ise) { ' t toes | oc : Tessthest: = Teach a S mopmeciay: Placed | | | | a 8 | ete | E| A, [ahs } J 42 oa i | eee Rea ame Seba | Ot 2 poe He H Df te PP. = tole! MGs Ga ee Ee Is ee = fe =) | ba On a o | 1 { g | t SL ) oo yas UNG a > ra te Se ro} = = 2 | —) So. S SS) S ‘Ss Pes —————_——____ ee ee = seems | RAS | Sli |/8 S(fla (2) /s S aoe S oS = Ss 1S os) Ss ma WIM = me feces LE A ea em ee ee Aa a Ne ee im F WS OL tesla fee See pS gS Ee | So ON rs EC? anes (acs B rie’ | cates ee ee lost ls svat let loots | lanl | in & 3 | ow SA ree Qn SERS ENO. 0, Sea ° A NPQ] SSOUNS Nada eso KHAN Ost H we | N fy ! - | gS | sung | QISRS NGQIe Senta MAUR NO won SHaANy S mH = See BN NI SSS SN a ; & 2 AE d= Gab) en Re nce ee ORO Nee Oe Pe Nae: ta) os pe AS SE Bt hl ee Be os iry MON Bw een & & moot | ASM BTL SN Wate AnnNS Nano < 6 ji) Set es | et one ; = jw y eS ee ee ve re 9) Sworos as |x Bh |.5: \ieot ang lise oe The instruments with which the foregoing observations have been made, are placed upon a table about 4 feet above © | the ground in the western verandah of the Honorable Com- | pany’s Observatory; which is situated in the longitude 54. 21m. 9s. E. latitude 13h. 4m. 9s. N, at about two miles from the sea and about 27 feet above the low water mark. = T, G. TAYLOR, @ H. C. Astronomer. — 17th September, 1835. ERRATA, By an error of the press, the calculation in the article on estimating distances at Sea, at pages 340 and 341, volume 2d, ~ has been rendered confused and unintelligible. —lt should have been as follows :— : 6: = 2, 4? 25r 4’ 25”= apparent dip. cotang 2° 0’ 0” = 11,45792 4 3000 eer 3000 = 3.47712 9859 = 3. 45621 | : 11.45692. “TL. 55692. a 4.93404 “4.91313 &e. &e. &e. &e. MADRAS JOURNAL OF Witerature and Setenee. No. 11.—-April, 1836. ps Eas 1.—On Assaying Silver.—By Lieutenant Brappocr. 1. Until within these few years the art of assaying silver remained almost stationary in Europe, for more than a cen- tury and a half. I find by a work translated from the Ger- man in 1683, that the furnaces, cupels, muffles, method of preparing the assays, &c. were, at that time, nearly identical with the methods practised at the present day. But, as Sterne says “ they manage these things better in France,’ go we are indebted ta the French for a recent improvement in the assay of silver that places it on a footing, as it respects ' precision of result, more in unison with the present improved state of analytic science. 2. ‘To assay silver, that is, to ascertain the quantity oi pure silver contained in a given weight of bullion, there are two ways; by fire, and by acid. The method usually follow- ed by English assayers is by fire, which is the old process ; the new French method is by dissolving the silver in nitric acid and precipitating it with a prepared standard solution of common salt. I propose first to consider the old, and then to proceed to detail the new process. 3. The principle on which the assay by fire is founded is this : a given weight, say 15 or 20 grains of silver, is mixed with a certain quantity of lead, placed in a small crucible made of the ashes of burned bones, and submitted for a cer- tain time to a red heat in a small oven which is fixed ina ee a een ae 78 On Assaying Silver. {APRIL furnace, and through which there flows a current of air; the lead, and the alloy in the silver become oxidized, and are ab- sorbed by the crucible, leaving, when the operationis com- plete, a button of pure silver,and the difference between the ~ weight of this pure silver, and the original weight of 15 or 20 grains, points out the quantity of alloy with which the silver was contaminated, 4. This method of assay isdefective. In the first place, if any gold be contained in the silver, its quantity remains unknown, and it continues to be alloyed with the silver: I once obtained from a rupee as much gold as was equal to zizth its value. In the next place, the crucible absorbs a por- tion of the silver, and an allowance is accordingly made for it; but in nice experiments some assayers choose to report the actual weight of the button of pure silver, noticing only that no absorption allowance has been made, which seems to im- ply, that the exact quantum of allowance cannot be precisely fixed: and in the third place, the heat of the fire materially affects results ; so that although specimens of silver bullion of the same known quality may be assayed together, the whole of them do not result, as they should do, of equal and uniform fineness. | 5. I stated that if gold be contained in silver, the assay by fire does not detect it; the seller of bullion thereby suffers a loss in proportion to the quantity of gold that his silver contains. Silver from the eastward is sometimes rich in gold, and indeed almost all silver contams gold in greater or less quantity. Thisis a fact well known and acted onin Eu- rope. Silver is not there, now, refined by fire as it used to be formerly, but is dissolved in sulphuric acid, which acts upon the silver, and its base alloy, but leaves the gold untouched in a metallic state, resembling a brown residue, which, when washed and submitted to a red heat, regains the yellow colour of pure gold. The silver which is held in solution by the sul- phuric acid is precipitated by iron or by zinc, and when col- lected, washed, and melted, is found to be silver of fine qua- lity. ‘The gold by this process is therefore saved, and I un- derstand it to be the practice in England for the refiner, if silver is richin gold, to retainas his fee 8 grains of gold for 1836.] On Assaying Silver. 74 each pound troy of silver refined by him, and if there be a surplus of gold, he returns it to the proprietor of the bullion. It is said that the value of 5or6 grains of gold covers the expenses of refining a pound of silver. Refining by sulphuric acid is termed the humid process in contradistinction to the method by fire, which is denominated the dry process. 6. The defective nature of the assay by fire, besides its inadequacy to denote the quantity of gold, arises from the diffi- eulty in practice of imparting a perfectly uniform heat to the muffle, or small oven, in which the assay samples are pla- ced. I know cases in which regularly educated assayers have deviated from their own reports as much as one dwt. on silver of the same standard fineness ; that is, to the extent of near- ly a half per cent. And although this deviation may be greater than may usually occur, it is a simple fact that it has occurred, and proves the defectiveness of the process ; assay- ers do indeed say that not more than one fourth of that, or a 1 of a dwt. is the common deviation, but their practice is, not to report nigher than } a dwt. or about + per cent., which of itself implies that a nearer approximation to truth is not to be expected. In fact were their reports to distinguish 1 dwts. they could not be depended on, as I shall presently shew; but this seems to be far less accurate than the present state of chemical analysis would seem to indicate as attainable. 7. The following diagram of experiments obligingly made at my request at the Madras Assay Office, will further explain the defective nature of the process by fire. The general figure of the diagram is supposed to represent the assay muffle, and the squares the positions which the assay musters occupied in the muffle. It is only necessary to notice that the silver assayed was of the same known standard fineness, and that where S occurs it denotes that the assay came out standard or correct; that where the sign of negation — is put, or the sign ++ plus, the assay varied from the true fineness of the silver and came out minus, or plus, under or above its true quality as the sign denotes. The notation of the dif- ferences is in 10ths of a penny weight; the whole muffle | was not filled with musters, which accounts for the blank |. Squares. oe ~—— ee ee On Assaying Silver. [ Aprit, oH Or: SE | a Ce Be weet ae pees | meee | eee | eee | weet | ee Front. 8. By this it is seen that although each specimen of the silyer experimented on, was of the same fineness, yet the assay did not uniformly give that indication, but exhibited one of the musters to be finer than its true quality by four tenths of a penny-weight, and others to vary from one to seven-tenths of a penny- weight in coarseness, making there- by the silver to be worse than it really was. This is attri- butable, as I before observed, to the difficulty of causing the fire to act precisely at the same temperature on each individual muster: if the temperature was perfectly equal throughout the muffle, there is reason to believe that the variations in the out-turn would be very small, but as perfect equality of temperature is not attainable in practice, perfect results are not to be expected. The absorption allowance is equal to 4. part of the original quantity or assay pound. And as this pound is an arbitrary small weight of not more than from 15 to 20 troy ¢raitis, it is clear that a very small practical error will materially affect uniformity of result. 9. To the foregomg diagram I shall add two others, exhibiting the results of experiments made by a regularly educated assayer, for the purpose of determining the allow- ance that ought to be fixed for the absorption of the cupels © they were made therefore with such care and precaution as 1836.] On Assaying Silver. 76 were thought necessary to produce accuracy of result. The notation, &c. is the same as before. tg ok alas oh. eel obiels) - shel aka aig a iy ag lg ale) gets ie OE eagles 5 rhe RES i aml a eae i ce =i (as By Pe, Se Byes iy i e[sts| ste Saedvis sss Dasa ests | Fas lets ira Front. : Front. 10. The examination of these experiments will shew considerable discordancies: and as discordancies occur with silver of known fineness, they will of course occur equally with silver of unknown fineness. In these particular ex- periments the discrepancies can be traced, because the silver was all of the same known quality; but it is evident they cannot be so traced when bullion of unknown standard is to be experimented on, and its true value to be ascertain- ed. It may therefore be asked how is the true quality of the silver to be known, seeing the capricious results produced by this mode of assay? From the variable out-turn of the fur- nace, its irregularities would indeed be fatal to all practical precision were they not brought under some controul by a practical expedient, which is, that every time an assay, or set of assays, is made, one or two musters of standard silver are placed in the muffle with the silver under examination, and according as the standard or guide musters come out above or below their true fineness, which is known, an allow- ance is made for the other musters,; considering them to be finer or coarser according to the mdications of the standard musters. And by this ingenious method of check the re- eo a en ee v7 On Assaying Silver. [Aprit ported value of silver, as ascertained by this method of assay; _ approaches sufficiently near its true value for the purposes of coinage and commerce. ‘The practical assayer, however, does not depend entirely upon this check; -he attends. particularly to the fire; regulates the temperature of the furnace ; observes the appearances of the assays as they are work- ing off; allows no minutie to escape notice during the influential part of the process, which may be about 20 or 30 minutes, and what he thus observes, enables him to report more correctly than he otherwise would be able to do from the simple weight of the assay button. 1]. Itisclear from these observations that the assay by fire cannot be depended on as giving great precision of re- sult ; its general accuracy may be stated relatively as one to 400 :—or about 1 per cent. The following table will shew, however, that his limit is exceeded even by the first assay- ers of Europe. I omit the names of the assayers as they are not essential, remarking only that the samples of bullion sent to them to be assayed, were sent by the French Commission appointed to report on the new process of assay by nitric acid. Titres trouvés aux alliage mathématics de - | | VILLES OBSERVATIONS. 950 Mill.|900 Mill. 800 of Vienne 946.20 | 898.40 1795.10 Madrid .| 944.40 | 893.70 | 789.20 | Idems2s: : 944.40 | 893.70 | 788.60 Londres... .| 946.25 | 896.25 | 794.25 Wem. <2. 933.33 | 883.50 | 783.33 |Sans compensation. Amsterdam.| 947.00 | 895.00 | 795.00 Utrecht... .!| 945.00 | 896.50 | 799.00 Naples 945.00 | 891.00 | 787.00 | Idem ivssing 941.00 | 891. pp 791.00 Hambourg. .| 946 13 | 89 (elev eS Altona.....| 942 2 | 394. 66 | 790.60 | 12. This table exhibits full proof of the defect I have been speaking of. The specimens of silver sent for assay, contained respectively 950.,—900, and 800 parts of pure silver in 1,000 parts, yet none of the assayers report them so fine, 1836. ] On Assaying Silver. 78 and some deviate from the true value as far as 9,10, and 13 | per mille. This discrepancy is large ; it may be loosely stat- ed at one per cent. but the general average is lower, being about or somewhat under a half per cent. ; technically about one penny-weight. I have said however enough to esta- blish what I asserted, viz. that the method of assay by fire is defective ; I now proceed to the new and improved process of assay by nitric acid. _* 13. I will first give the process as it has been published in ‘French, and then adapt it to English weights. The title of the quarto pamphlet in which the process is described, is intituled, “ Commission des monnaies.”—* Documens of- < ficiels relatifs a la rectification en France du mode d’essai “des maticres dor et d’argent généralement suivi en Eu- “foyope.” Description du procédé. - Onadit que, dans le procédé de l’essai d’argent par la voie humide, le titre de l’argent se determinait au moyen d’une dissolution de sel marin : l’on va indiquer les moyens de composer cette dissolution. On prendra du sel marin pur et parfaitement sec, ou a défaut, du sel marin blanc du commerce (1) et on en fera une disso- Jution dans le rapport de 100 grammes du sel a 9143.85 grammes d’eau distillée ; la dissolution étant complete, on la vérifiera, et on en reglera le titre comme il suit. - On fera dissoudre 2 grammes d’argent pur, dans 10 gram- mes d’acide nitrique 4 22’ degrés, en se servant du flacon A. dont on yoitle dessin ala figure 1°° dela planche jointe a cette instruction ; on y versera peu a peu, et en agitant bien, 100 grammes de la dissolution de sel marin (2) ; on bouche- ra le flacon, on Vagitera pendant quelque minutes, on laissera eclaircir la liqueur, ou bien on en filtrera un peu sur un pétit w, i. Silon etait obligé @employer le sel blanc du commerce il serait avantageux de réduire ce sel en poudre fine et de le laver dans le moins d’eau possible; il faudrait ensuite le presser entre des linges ou entre des papiers non collés, et le faire bien secher avant de l’employer. 2. On pourra se servir, pour verser exactement 100 grammes de la dissolution de sel dans be flacon A de la burette D fig. 4 comme on le dira plus bas, 79 On Assaying Silver. (Aprit filtré favé & Peau distillée; on en versera dans deux verres propres ; on ajoutera dans l’un quelques gouttes de nitrate d’argent et dans l’autre un peu de dissolution de sel. S’il se forme un precipité dans le premier verre, on saura que la dis- solution de sel titrée est trop forte ; elle sera trop faible s'il se forme un precipité dans le second verre, et elle sera au contraire bien constituée, si elle n’est louchie ni par le nitrate d’argent, ni par la dissolution de sel marin. Dans les deux cas, oti la dissolution de sel marin ne serait pas composée exactement comme on le desire, il faudrait y ajouter peu @ peu, soit du sel marin pur, soit de l’eau distillée, jusqu’-d-ce qu’on l’ait amenée, par tétonnement, au point de precipiter juste 2 grammes d’argent, en employant 100 grammes de cette dissolution; elle sera alors convenable pour faire les es- sais d’argent par la voie humide.* On n’aura plus qu’a la RS RO SESS CD CEE) EERE OE * Sil’on voulait s’eviter les titonnemens dont il est ici question, il faudrait determiner bien exactement qu’elle est la quantité de dissolu- tion de sel necessaire pour precipiter 2 grammes d’argent pur dissous dans 10 grammes d’acide nitrique. Des calculs fort aisés a faire indi- queraient ensuite facilement ce qu'il faudrait ajouter d’eau ou de sel marin @ la liqueur, s’il y manquait quelque chose. Voici quelques exe emples qui aplaniront sans doute toute difficulté. En supposant qu’il ait fallu 104 grammes de Ia dissolution de sel pour précipiter exactement les 2 grammes d’argent pur, il est évident qu il y a4 grammes d’eau de trop par 104 grammes de cette dissolution; il faut donc en enlever ces 4 grammes d’eau par le moyen de l’evapora- tion, ou, ce qui sera plus facile, ajouter dans la dissolution la quantité de sel marin pur necessaire pour convertir ces 4 grammes d’eau en dis~ solution titrée. Or, d’aprés les bases qui ont éte etablies plus haut, ce serait 0.043 gramme de sel qu’il fandrait pour arriver 4 ce but; il ne resterait donc qu’a peser la dissolution de sel marin que l’on aurait 4 fortifier, et 2 y ajouter autant de fois 0.043 gramme de sel marin ais, qu’elle péserait de fois 104 grammes. Si la dissolution de sel marin etait trop concentrée et qu il n’en fallat, par exemple que 95 grammes pour precipiter exactement les 2 gram- mes d’argent pur, il suffirait, dans ce cas, de peser la dissolution dont il s’agit, et d’y ajouter autant de fois 5 grammes d’eau distillée, qu’elle péserait de fois 95 grammes. On. peut, en opérant ainsi, s’eviter bien des tatonnemens. On conseil- le cependant de ne regarder la dissolution saline comme étant bien con- stituée, qu’apres avoir plusieurs fois constaté qu’il en faut exactement 100 grammes pour précipiter 2 grammes d’argent fin, dissous dans 10 grammes d’acide nitrique. 1836. ] On Assaying Silver. SO renfermer dans une bouteille fermée avec un bouchon de verre a l’emeri, graissé avec du suif et qu’d la garder sous clé quand on ne s’en servira pas. Voici.maintenant la série des manipulations pour assayer un alliage d’argent par la voie humide. _ On pése 2 grammes de cet alliage, on les introduit dans ' le flagon A. fig. 1° de la planche, on jauge 10 grammes _ @acide nitrique a 22 dégres dans le tube en verre B fig. 2% ou: au moyen de la pipette C fig. 3” on verse cet acide, dans le flacon A, et on favorise la dissolution de l’argent en _ plagant le flagon sur des cendres chaudes, sur un bain de sable, ou au bain marie. la dissolution de Vargent étant compléte on y ajoute 50 grammes, ou un demi-décilitre d’eau distillée; on prend la burette D qui est représentée ala fi- gure 4°, et qui est graduée en 100 parties contenant chaque 1 gramme de dissolution de sel titrée ; on remplit la burette _ jusqu’ au zerode sa division, et on en prend le poids bien ex- actement avec de poids décimaux et en la suspendant a lun des plateaux d’une balance trés-sensible; on note le poids trouvé et on verse peu a peu, en opérant a l’ombre et en agi- tant bien chaque fois, de la dissolution de sel titrée dans le _flacon. Il faut opérer lentement, et goutte 4 goutte vers la - fin de operation. On agite alors le flacon plus fortement et | pendant une minute ; on essaie la liqueur, et on continue | Popération en tatonnant ainsi. Pour que l’essai soit bien fait, il faut que la dissolution de sel me trouble plus sensiblement la liqueur, et que cette liqueur me se trouble cependant pas lorsqu’on y ajouter une goutte | de dissolution de nitrate d’argent. Lorsqu’on est arrivé a ce | point et qu’on l’a bien établi, ilne reste plus qu’ a peser de _ nouveau la burette, qu’ 4 déduire le poids trouvé du poids pri- | mitif, et qu’ a ajouter un zero ala difference, si le nombre est | entier, on 4 reculer la virgule d’une place vers la droit, s’il est | fractionnaire. On obtient ainsi, en millismes et fractions decimales de milliéme le titre de argent soumis a l’essai. Un seul exemple du calcul a faire dans ces deux cas éclairci- ra sufiisamment ce qui vient d’étre dit a ce sujet. ! 4 he + 81 On Assaying Silver. [Arai Supposons que le poids de la burette pleine de ~ dissolution de sel titrée de ......... grammes 307 Et que son poids aprés l’essai, soit de.......... 217 tre ae On aurait employé en dissolution de sel........ 90 eee Ce qui representerait exactement le titre de 900 milliémes. En supposant que la burette pleine de dissolution saline titrée, pesat, avant l’essai 307.56 Et aprés Pessal....... 0 YP) fais ewan 217.00 La dissolution employée péserait........ 90.56 Ce qui donnerait le titre de 905 milliémes 6. 14. The method of assay thus developed is founded on Strict chemical principles, and depends on the play of chemi- cal affinities. The solution of silver in nitric acid is a test for muriatic acid ; and common salt, which contains muriatic acid is a test for nitrate of silver. The two mutually de- Compose each other. The silver combines with the muriatic acid, and forms an insoluble muriate of silver,and thesoda of the common salt combines with the nitric acid and forms a solu- ble nitrate of soda; and when the relative quantities of each, required to produce complete mutual decomposition are aia the principle of the process is obtained. 15. These relative quantities are found by means of a ta- ble of chemical equivalents, thus; the equivalent number of silver is 108°0 and of common salt (muriate of soda, or chlo- ride of sodium) is 58°75 :* which means that a solution of — 58°75 grains of pure dry common salt, will decompose exact- _ ly 108 grains of silver dissolved in acid. IT'rom these num- bers therefore may be calculated the proportion of salt and of silver required for an assay of any given quantity. | 16. Suppose the assay pound should be equal to 10 troy a grains ; then 5:44 grains of pure dry common salt would be required to precipitate ten grains of pure silver: for as 108 : 58°75 2: 10 = 5-44, and if distilled water were added (See Ser oe = PN, * Table by Dr. Turner, 1833, oo fees ee oe 1836. | On Assaying Silver. 82 to this quantity of salt to make up the weight of 1,000 grains, it would become a properly prepared solution for the purpose required. This is the theory, but practical difficulties occur which require the solution thus formed to be verified. 17. These difficulties are, first ; that as these two sub- stances are most delicate mutual tests, the salt, which imbibes moisture, must be weighed warm, and cannot be weighed with sufficient precision so as to completely decompose the silver and neither exceed nor fall short of it. And secondly, _ that if it could be weighed with the required accuracy, the foregoing equivalent numbers may not be perfectly correct ; some former tables give them at 110 and 60 instead of 108 and 58.75, and the 110 and GO are extremely near the propor- tional numbers laid down by the French chemists. But in the quantity of salt required for 10 grains of silver the differ- ence between the two sets of equivalents is but 0.02 of a | grain, and an error to this extent might easily be made in weighing at different temperatures. ‘The solution must there- _ fore be verified ; and it may be done thus. 18. Prepare a solution of pure dry common salt so that | 5.44 grains shall be contained in 994.56 grains of distilled | water; 2. e. 1.000 grains of the solution will contain 5:44 _ grains of salt, and 994.56 of water. This quantity ought to | precipitate exactly 10 grains of pure silver. Dissolve therefore 10 grains of pure silver in 3 or 4 drachms of dilute nitric - acid; and when dissolved, add thereto half an ounce of dis- | tilled water, and shake it up and mix it well together: then | pour in the 1,000 grains of the salt solution, shake it well, let | it subside and when clear test a portion with a single drop of nitrate of silver, and another portion with a single drop of the solution of salt. If the prepared solution of salt be of the exact strength, neither one nor the other of the tests | will have any effect. But if it be too strong, the test by nitrate of silver will cause a discolouration ; if too weak, the other test will do the same. Suppose it too weak and that 5 grains in weight more of the solution are required to pro- duce complete precipitation of the silver; it may then be made of the proper strength either by evaporating it in the | proportion of 5 grains in the 1.000; or by adding more 83 (On Assaying Silver. [Apri salt, the quantity of which is thus ascertained,—viz. As 1.000 : 544 :: 5 = 0.027 the quantity of salt required. If the solution be too strong, then a less quantity of it than 1.000 grains will neutralize the silver; suppose 998 grains are sufficient, then it is obvious that 2 grains of distilled water added to 998 of the solution is all that 1s wanted to make it of the standard strength. 19. Having prepared a sufficient stock of the standard solution, its use in assay is plain. Suppose the assay pound (10 grains) of silver to be divided into 100 parts, and that the silver to be assayed contained 81 pure silver and 19 alloy. Then 810 grains of the solution would precipitate it, and the quantity of the solution expended would be cor- rectly indicative of the true quality of the bullion. Nor is it of any consequence whether fractions occur or not, for if the silver was 71.54 touch, the expenditure of the solution would then be 715.4 grains; its indications are therefore perfect, and even with a moderate degree of skill in manipulation, the out-turn exhibited by this mode of assay, may, I appre- hend, be depended on toa far greater degree of accuracy than the process by fire. I have made several trials with it on silver of known fineness, and found it come out correct within a zsso part, on the principle of using 1.000 grains of the solution. Butif the quantity of water was increased, only retaining the same weight of salt, as much greater pre- cision of result could be obtained, as might be thought desirable. 20. The only practical objection that occurred to me in pursuing my enquiries on this subject was, the tediousness of weighing and of repeated testings; and the time occupied after each testing, particularly when near the point of satu- ration, before the mixture became clear enough to try it again. But Iam informed by a gentleman who was two months at Paris, to learn this method of assay, that neither tediousness nor delay is there experienced, and that the assays are made with sufficient rapidity for the requirements of practice. ‘They do not, however, now weigh the solution of salt, but have their glasses so proportioned and graduated that the quantity expended, can be read off at sight, which is M6 n “a wf es rae 1836.] Odservations on ihe ora of Courtallum. 84 a great facility. And as for the turbidness of the mixture after testing, my informant states that by agitation and sharply shaking, it very soon goes off, and the liquid becomes clear enough for succeeding trials till the pomt of neutrality is completely obtained. Constant practice no doubt pro- duces facility of manipulation. The French assayers are said to be horrified at the thought of now using an assay furnace. eS Se ne Oe I1.— Observations on the Flora of Courtallum.— By Ropert WicGHt, M. D. ( Continued from vol. 2d page 391.) I concluded my preliminary observations on the Flora of —Courtallum, with some remarks on the vast variety of vege- table forms which it produces within a very limited space. To enable persons unacquainted with such inquiries to under- stand the subject more clearly, I compared the number of Species, estimated, growing on a very small portion of this range, (20 square miles) with the ascertained number of species, indigenous to the whole of the British islands: and showed a preponderance in favour of Courtallum in the pro- portion of nearly 4 to 3. Since that time, I have arranged, and somewhat extended my collections, and find they amount to about 1,200 species; three-fourths of which, were collected at one season, and in less than three months. Such a result leaves scarcely a moments room for doubt, that in estimating the flora at 2,000 species, I have not overstepped the truth, as but a small portion indeed of these hills are yet explored, and that very imperfectly. From the data now adduced, I am inclined to advance a step further, and assume, that the Flora of Courtallum within an equal space will be found to equal that of Nepaul, though enjoying a range of climate varying in heat from tropical to arctic. There, within an area of 60 square miles, in the course of one year, the collections of that most active and indefatigable botanist Dr. Wallich, he estimates, did not exceed 2,500 species: showing I think unequivocally, that so far as yet known, no 85 Observations on the Fiora of Courtallum. [Aprit tract of country of equal size exhibits such a profusion of plants as this does. The great length of time required to arrange so large a collection, even roughly, embracing as it does from 15 to 20,000 specimens, while subject to the usual interruptions of a professional life, prevented me sooner continuing these re- marks, and other, and more pressing avocations, will I fear, constrain me to break them off on the present occasion, at an earlier stage than I originally contemplated. In this, and my subsequent communications on the same subject, it is my intention to notice as briefly as possible, the leading peculiarities of structure, geographical distribution, and uses, of the several natural orders of plants found here. In these remarks, it shall be my constant endeavour, to adopt a style and mode of illustration, freed to the utmost from technicalities, but without making any sacrifice. of science, my object being, to present, in the most inviting garb, her truths to the general reader; in the hope of expediting the diffusion of a knowledge of them, and aiding in establish- ing a taste for Natural History, a study which, in the words of the accomplished President of the Bombay branch of the Asiatic Society,* “ being directly conversant with the works of God, is, in all circumstances, possessed of the highest in- terest, and conduces both to intellectual gratification and moral improvement ; and in such a country as India, so vast in its extent, so grand and multifarious in its productions, 1s possessed of peculiar charms. The sojourners in Bombay (in India) have in the mountains and forests and Islands of the neighbourhood, innumerable objects, connected espe- cially with Geology, Botany and Zoology, which allure atten- tion, both from their comparative novelty and intrinsic in- terest. The report of observation and discovery connected with them, would form an agreeable recreation, even to those who may be most ardent and persevering in their researches into the other important objects of the. Society’s investiga- tion.” BD SESS HOE SE Ce DS Se gy ee Coes GE * Vide abridged report of the President’s Address.—-Madras Herald, 10th February 1836. 1836.] Observations on the Flora of Couriallum. 86 Influenced by views similar to those so admirably ex- pressed in the preceding extract, I shall proceed to examine in succession the principal natural orders of which I have specimens from this station. In these notes I follow the natural system, not only on account of the facilities which it offers to myself, but in the expectation of being able to eluci- date by numerous examples the various benefits which the botanical student derives, from the now nearly general adoption of that method. Through its means we can often trace affinities of soil and climate, in circumstances the least to be expected, and equally diversities where altogether unlooked for. The exa- mination of a dried collection of plants, will often enable the botanist, without any collateral information, to declare the existence in a country of local causes exerting sufficient force, in modifying the climate, to counteract the effect of geographical situation. or example, many families of plants are only found within the tropics, or in the warmer regions on their confines ; while many others are rarely found to ex- tend beyond the temperate zone. Specimens of both de- scriptions being found in a local collection indicate as clearly, to the botanist, as 1f he had himself visited the region, that the plains experienced a tropical climate, while the higher hills enjoyed a temperate one. The first and second orders of the following arranzement, (Ranunculacee and Dil- lenacee) afiord illustrations of these positions. Of Ranuncu- lace, an extra tropical order, Professor Decandolle de- scribes 505 known species, 119 of which are Huropean, 74 North American, only 19 Indian. Of the 19 referred to India, only three or four are found on the plains, the rest are Alpine, mostly from Nepaul and the Neilgherries. The number of Indian species has been greatly augmented since the publication of his work, but, the additions only tend to confirm the general rule, since they are nearly all from the Himalayas, while 10 of 13 Peninsular species are limited to the Neilgherries, and two of the remaining three found on them. Of Dillenacez,on the other hand, 21 of 96 species are Indian, and most of the others are found either within 87 Observations on the Flora of Courtalium. [Apri the tropics, or on their confines. Those of New Holland attain the highest latitude, extending as far as 340 south. These two examples, though not the most pointed that might have been selected, are, for the present, sufficient to illustrate this important feature of vegetable distribution over the globe. I say important, because it is one which at once enables the botanist to tell from the inspection of a col- lection of plants, from any part of the globe, and without any collateral information, the character of the soil and climate, the chances of success which would attend the in- troduction of valuable exotics, or of the removal of such as it might possess to countries more favourably situated for turning them to the best account. | Other and not less important information is occasionally deducible from the examination of the vegetable products of a country ; such as the probable salubrity or otherwise of its climate : whether the hills attain an elevation, sufficient to place them beyond the reach, of that almost constant at- tendant on exuberant tropical vegetation, ia unchecked by cultivation—Jungle fever. Such area few of the benefits that flow from that, nan erroneously so called, dry study of Botany, even when studi- ed in its dryest form—in the cabinet—from dried specimens of plants. I must not however beso far misunderstood, as to be supposed to assert, that, from such data, correct con- clusions can always be attained, since it 1s well known that this country presents an anomaly, strikingly at variance with the general rule, the cause of which remains still unexplain- ed. Tallude to the difference that exists, between the hill jungles of the northern and southern extremities of the peninsula, in regard to their healthy and unhealthy seasons,* a ES EET SRE RE ARR fea ES TS ee ee eS og RE * I may here observe that the direction of the wind has a great influ- ence on the healthiness of Courtallum. On my first arrival here, about three weeks ago, the weather was fine and the climate most salubrious, the wind being at that time about N. N. E. A week ago it shifted round to 8. E. and instantly the sickly season commenced, and so energetical- ly, that in less than three days almost every member of the party, near- ly 20 in number, was more or less affected, some very severely, with feverish complaints. RB Teeagians 1836.]. Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. 8& a difference worthy the most attentive investigation. In the former the dryest season of the year is the most healthy, and that during which their recesses may be most safely ex- _ plored ; while in the latter it is during the height of the rains; and that too, although the vegetation is much the same in both. But, in both, so far as yet known, the vege- tation no where, except on the Neilgherries, presents an indi- cation, of any part of the hills, attaining an elevation suffi- cient to place them beyond the influence of the fever zone. Some may, and no doubt do, attain an elevation exceeding the nearly ascertained limits of that zone on the Neilgherries, such for example as the Shevaroys, but they have not mass enough at that elevation, to relieve them entirely from its pestilential influence. In justice to my subject I have thought it necessary to in- troduce these additional preliminary observations, to show more clearly the object and bearings of such investigations : and, I trust I may add, not without the hope of inducing some of those who have hitherto paid but little attention to such enquiries,to devote some portion of their leisure to such pursuits. _ The method or arrangement, which I propose following in these papers, is that of Professor Decandolle. He in place of commencing his systema vegetabilium with the more simple, and rising tothe more complex forms, has adopted the oppo- site course, of commencing with the more complex forms, and descending to the more simple ; from their structure and organization being more obvious, yet, though more complex, easier understood. As every linear arrangement of the series of natural orders must be more or less artificial, this truly great botanist has adopted one, which affords many facilities for discovering the piace of any unknown plant, by grooping all the Dicotyledo- nous orders under four great classes, distinguished, generally, by very obvious characters. In the first ( Thalamifiore ) the petals are distinct and inserted along with the stamens, when present, below the ovary or young seed vessel ( hypogynous ), without any reference to the number either of stamens or pistils, or whether only one or both are present—their posi- 8 Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. [Aprit tion, then, between the calyx and ovarium, but attached to neither, is the distinguishing character of this class. His second class ( Cali yerflor @), is equally independent of num- bers, as well as of the presence or absence of both stamens and pistils in each flower, but is distinguished by having the petals (whether united or distinct) and stamens inserted into the calyx (perigynous). The third class ( Corollifiore ) has the petals united, inserted below the ovary (hypogynous,) and bearing the stamens ; and the fourth class (Monochla- midec) has a simple perianth, that is a calyx without a corolla, or a single, in place of double, series of parts covering one re-productive organs. ‘ This short explanation of this celebrated system, 1s in- troduced to prevent the necessity of after repetitions. ‘The orders, now to be considered, all belong to the first class, or ee with distinct hypogynous petals. I. Ranunculacee. I have already spoken of this Order as being almost exclu- sively extra-tropical, and but for its importance might have been passed over, as I have as yet only found one species here, Varavelia Zeylanica, one of the few truly tropical representatives of this family. All the herbaceous members, when found within the torid zone, are observed to occupy the highest hills, where great elevation compensates for a low latitude. This is strikingly the case with Anemone, Ranunculus, Thalictrum, and some others. The shrubby genera such as Clematis and WVaravelia, are more truly tropi- cal, hence we find species of them on the plains of India, Ceylon, the Eastern Islands, west coast of Africa, New Hol- land and equinoctial America. We may thence generally assume, from the presence of the herbaceous forms within the tropics, that the hills have attained an elevation sufficient to raise them above the limits of the fever zone. Their ab- sence on the Shevaroy hills, were we otherwise unacquainted with the fact, might be received as an indication that they had not attained that elevation. - This Order is readily distinguished from all the others of the class, by havinga number of distinct, or only shel adhering, seed vessels (carpels) and sheathing leaves. 41836.} Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. 19) In its properties, “ acridity, causticity and poisen,’ form the leading features ; hence its species are always tobe re- garded with suspicion. The bish or bikh of Nepaul, a species of aconite, one of the most active vegetable poisons known, belongs to this order. : It is suspected that that, or an allied plant, possessing si- milar properties is a. native of the Geomsoor country, as a root, somewhat resembling it, was found in some wells, appa- rently introduced with the intention of poisoning them, and had proved injurious to the health of people who drank the water. The belief that the bikh is a native of that country, can only be viewed as a conjecture, since the roots were so much decomposed, before the discovery was made, that they could not be preserved fer examination. I was however in- duced to make some inquiries on the subject of poisonous roots in this part of the country, and had one brought, said te be so, which proved to be the Gloriosa superba ; whether or not it is poisonous I have not ascertained, but I did find that a large proportion of its substance consists of pure farina or arrow root. The subject is certainly deserving of further inquiry, and is mentioned here in the hope that some of those employed in that country, will endeavour to procure specimens both of the root and plant. Ifan aconite is found, most of the European officers will be able to recognise it from its likeness to the monkshood of the English oe which belongs to that genus. II. Dilleniacee. This, as already observed, is mainly a tropical Cedar for though many of them, particularly those of New Holland, extend several degrees beyond that zone, yet we do not know any that reach a high latitude ; and even if they did, a few exceptions would scarcely affect the general rule. Of this family I have as yet only found three species at Courtallum, one of them Acrotrema, varying greatly in habit from the other two, and from the rest of the Order ; being a stemless, herbaceous plant, growing in moist clefts of rocks ; most of the other species are either trees or shrubs.. Tetracera Rhudit, a very common shrub on the Malabar coast, I have not yet found ; though probably a native at least of the passes 9] Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. [Aprit leading to that coast : neither have I met with Delima sar- mentosa, a Ceylon plant ; but I think it may be expected on the higher range of hills, which I have not yet been able to visit. Roxburgh appears, from the Flora Indica, to have been acquainted with only nine Indian species of this order, natives partly of the Circars, Bengal and the Moluccas. Blume describes 8 from Java alone. ‘Two are natives of Senegam- bia, and six are natives of the Indian peninsula. In addition to their superior distinct carpels (seed vessels), the principal peculiarity of this Order consists in its seeds having an arillus, or middle coat, if I may so call it, between the capsule and ¢eséa or true covering of the seed, and by its exstipulate leaves. Most of them are remarkable for their ~ handsome flowers, and some of them attain the size of large timber trees. Roxburgh states that the wood of Dillenia speciosa makes excellent gun stocks. Astringency is the most usual characteristic of the Order, but the calyces of Dillenia scabrilla and speciosa have a pleasant acid taste, and are used by the natives to season their curries. Roxburgh adds, that they make a pleasant tasted jelly. : Ill. Magnoliacee. Of this Order I have. as yet only met with one tree, and that a doubtful native, Michelia Champaca. Itis an Order nearly unknown on the plains of India. There are however several Nepaul species, and no fewer than thirteen natives of Java. It is remarkable for the chashioeat and fragrance of its flowers, and for the bitter aromatic properties of the bark. Some of the Himalayan species are very large trees affording excellent timber. These Mr. Royle thinks might be ad- vantageously introduced into the South of Europe for the sake. of their wood. IV. Anonacee. A large and strikingly tropical Order, few if any of its ssi cies bemg known to extend above two or three degrees on either side beyond that zone. India, so to speak, seems to be its head quarters, Dr. Wallich’s list of Indian plants, presenting a catalogue of nearly 80 species ; a vast accession’ 1836.] Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. 92 since the publication of Decandolle’s Systema Vegetabilium ; at which time only 105 were known, one-fourth of which were Indian. Roxburgh describes 27 in his flora, all that he knew, from both the Continent and Islands. Blume enu- merates 32 from Java. After reducing several of Decandol- le’s species, 19 are assigned to the peninsula, to which I have added fully half as many more since my return to India : so that, the known peninsular species may now amount to 30 ; of these 20 or 22 are natives of Courtallum, and no doubt several more will be found, as they generally frequent the thickest and most shady forests, where, from having nothing very striking in their appearance, or showy in their flowers, pst may be easily passed unobserved. The distinguishing character of this order restsin the seeds, the albumen or white portion of which, as seenina longitudinal section, is ruminated. This is a’ mark to which there is no exception, and with the appearance of which, any ohe may make himself acquainted by merely dividing lengthwise the seed of a custard apple, and examining ‘the cut surface. The custard apple and some others have the - carpels united into asingle conglomerate fruit. But -gene- _ vally, each carpel is furnished with a distinct pedicel, forming | together a large cluster = fruit, all springing from one cen- tral point. ) _ ‘Considering the liberal supply which has been grant- _ ed-to India of members of this order, it is to be regret- _ ted that in an economical point of view, so far as we yet know, they have so little to recommend them to - our consideration. ‘Two species only are mentioned by Ainslie, the 4nona squamosa and J. reticulata, (the custard- apple and’ bullocks-heart) on account of their fruit ; a few attain the size‘of ‘timber trees, but the wood is soft and not much esteemed. ‘The family is said to possess, as a ge- _neral property, a powerful aromatic taste and smell: a point _to which Iam’ sorry I have not paid sufficient attention, to enable me either to corroborate or refute, generally ; but I _ know the leaves of the custard-apple form a striking éxcep- | tion, in so far as smell is concerned, which in them is heavy and: disagreeable; while that of the flowers of Zrtabotrys 98 Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. [Aprit odoratissima is most fragrant. The seeds of some’of the species are strongly aromatic, those of one, so much so, as to have procured for it in the shops, in Europe, the name of AXthiopian pepper. Another species the Monodora myris- tica, has got the name of American nutmeg, on account of its aromatic properties ; and, lastly, Mr. Royle informs us ‘ that the seeds of the custard-apple contain a highly acrid princi- ple fatal to insects, on which account the natives of India use them powdered and mixed with gram, or Cicer arietinum, for occasionally washing their hair.” V. Menispermacee A small, but not unimportant, Order, and like the last ey most exclusively tropical. Most of the species are twining shrubs, some of them of great size, chiefly confined to Ame- yica and Asia. The Flore Senegambie has only three; and previous to its publication, only five were known from all Africa.. Decandolle enumerates 84 species, twenty-two of which are from equinoctial America and thirty-five East In- dian. Of the latter several,on more careful examination, proved to be only varieties, and have since been reduced, leaving under thirty genuine species. Blume gives charac- ters of 15 genuine and two doubtful species from Java. A few species are found in the warmer valleys of the Himalay- as. Eleven species are referred tothe Peninsular flora. The Courtallum one hasan equal number ; two or three of which are new ; raising the number for the Peninsula to 13 or 14 species. The most striking peculiarity of this Order is, the form and structure of the seed. In all the species there is a degree of obliquity, which in many becomes lunulate, or bent on itself, so that, in place of being straight, the ends of the seed. ap-. proach each other, till they meet at the foot stalk. Hence, if cut transversely it appears a two celled and two seeded nut, but, when split vertically, is found to have only one long arched cell, somewhat resembling a horse shoe, filled with a single kernel. 1 ay The flowers are generally dioecious, small and numerous. The stamens six, distinct, with a small scale at the base of the. filaments, as in cocculus; or they ere numerous, united into. == 1836.] Observations on the Flora of Courtallum. 04 one body, having a round head all covered with anthers, as in Anamirta ( Cocculus indicus ); or there are only 4 stamens united into a square centre column, the anthers opening transversely on the four faces, as in Cissampelos. The former genera usually produce three, rarely 6 or more, distinct car- pels from each female flower; in Cissampelos only one. In this last, several of these drupes are usually embraced by a broad succulent bractea, producing the appearance of a leafy cluster. ! As already observed, this is rather an important Order, in an economical point of view: supplying the London porter brewer with Cocculus indicus (anamirta cocculus), and the physician with one of his best tonics—the Columbo root (coc- - culus palmatus ), among the strongest and purest of vegetable bitters. This most valuable plant is now cultivated in the Mauritius, and was formerly found to thrive well at Madras. It is one of considerable commercial importance, a native of Madagascar, and might, I am confident, be cultivat- ed with advantage in the light sandy soils of this country, much in the same way that yams are, and with equal ease and success. The Cocculus (menispermum) cordifolius, which has been much extolled asa febrifuge in Bengal under the name of Galancha, is a native of the peninsula, and is common in hedges and among - bushes, is another member of this family. Ainslie informs | us that the tender shoots of this plant, which are bitter and _ a little nauseous to the taste, when dried and powdered, are _ prescribed as an alterative in jaundice and depraved habit, I by the Hindoo practitioners, and, on the authority of Dr. | Fleming, that the leaves are febrifuge. In the Materia Indica | he adds, that from 15 to 20 grains of the root is a powerful emetic, and is much used in the Chittore district in cases of snake-bite. Jtis the root which is used in Bengal against fever. It seems to possess the properties of ipecacuana in an _ eminent degree. Under Cissampelos pareira, Ainslie speaks very favourably of the medical properties of the root of _ cissampelos convolvulacea, avery common Indian plant. He says that it is avery agreeable bitter and stomachic, fre- | quently prescribed by the natives in the latter stages of bowel complaint. 95 Observations.on the. Flora of Courtallum, [Apri, From these data, I think we may safely infer, that nearly the whole Order possesses strong tonic and febrifuge proper- ties, and that many of the species may at all times be safely substituted for the better known and more highly esteemed, "but costly, cinchona, in the cure of fever, when it (cinchona) is not procurable. VI. Nympheacee. Of this small but beautiful and interesting family, (the water lilies), the flora of Courtallum can only boast of one, or at. most two, species. Itis a curious circumstance in the history of this Order, that, though found in almost every part of the Northern Hemisphere, it is rare in the Southern, and is almost unknown in South America. In an economical point of view little can be said regarding it. Generally I believe over India, the roots dried and roasted are eat by the natives. In some parts of Bengal the seeds also are eaten, sometimes alone, at others powdered and mix; ed with flower. Mr. Royle states that they are occasionally prescribed as a diet by native practitioners in some diseases : and the authors of the Flore Senegambie state, that both the roots and seed are commonly used by the poorer natives of that coast, especially in times of scarcity ; and that the wild hogs come in droves from their coverts during the dry season in search of the roots. | a“ Botanically considered this Order is one of much interest, and has given rise to many warm discussions among botanists as to its structure and affinity. ‘These it is not my intention to dwell upon. I shall, however, avail myself of the opportu- nity which it affords, of illustrating a not less curious than important botanical hae ; one which has been long observed, though its practical application to science is a recent disco- very. I allude to the doctrine of metamorphosis of organs. This doctrine lays it down as an axiom, that different parts of the flower and seed vessel are all modifications of leaves, a that under particular circumstances they may, and actually do, revert to their original form, and, lastly, that the complex | congeries. of parts forming a perfect flower, are the un- developed elements of a branch. According to this view, each segment of the calyx is a modified leaf, and. the ee Ss eae 1836.] Odservations on the Flora of Courtallum. 56 whole together, whether distinct or united, few or many, a whorl or verticle of such leaves; that the petals are equally so many leaves, more completely changed, and that the stamens and pistilla, are all leaves more and. more altered from the original form. That this is actually the case, there can now scarcely exist a doubt, as every one of these parts has in repeated instances been ob- served, more or less perfectly, to. revert to its. original form. Indeed, it is almost impossible to examine a double flower, without discovering some trace: of what is. here stated. In the common double rose many of the centre petals have half an anther on one edge, the filament and other half having expanded into a petal. In the saine way, in the double shoe- flower, nothing is more common than to find one, or more, of the pistilla transformed into a leaf, representing in miniature those of the shrub. The nympheas show this transformation even more strikingly, because it may be traced in every part of the flower. ‘Thus it is generally difficult to tell where the calyx ends and the petals begin ; and between the petals and Stamens there is usually a number of bodies that are neither petals nor stamens, but partly both. As it would be out of place to go into a lengthened examination of the question of _ morphology, I have merely introduced these instances for the | purpose of directing the attention of those curious in such in- | quiries to the subject, but cannot drop it without adding the | practical deduction which has been drawn from the facts here, perhaps too briefly, stated. It has been already menti- oned that, according to this theory, a flower is an abortive _ branch, the parts of which, in place of being developed in the _ usual way, are condensed intoa new and highly complex organ, the flower. Hence the sterility of fruit trees in very rich soils, by the too exuberant vegetation converting flow- er buds into branches. Those who wish to know more on this subject will find it, in all its details, most ably elucidated by Dr. Lindley in his Introduction to Botany, the best ele- mentary botanical work in the English language. |’ Passing over rapaveracee and Crucifere, as having no indigenous representatives in this flora, I shall in my next proceed with Capparidee. ) 97 ae FSET LE Ee Tae UiI.—Gn the solidifying, or induration of Chunam. Sie municated through 1 etn a , Lime or Chunam as it is called by the natives is in chemi- cal terms the oxide of Calcium, supposed by analogy to be @ metal combined with one portion of oxygen. It is also de- signated an alkaline-earth, because it has the property of altering the vegetable blues to red, and turmeric, brown, like the mineral and vegetable alkalis. As it is found in nature, itis always combined with a gaseous acid, the car- bonic acid, the sulphuric, phosphoric, and some others. The first combination is the marble of the statuary,—the shell of which the Indian chunam is generally made,—it is the common chalk; the second is the plaster of Paris, of which casts are made,—it is the alabaster or selenite, of which vases are made and small figures ;—the phosphoric is that combination with lime, which constitutes the human and other bones: there are other combinations, such as the eis of lime, or Derbyshire spar. 3 Lime in itself and by itself possesses no indurative or binding property ; it must be combined. Lime is not found as an oxide of the metal, calcium,—it must be reduced to that state by the expulsion of the acid with which it is com: bined,—it is then what is called unslaked or caustic lime; it is by the action of fire that the carbonic acid is driven off. Lime possesses a great affinity for water and is capable of taking up and solidifying a considerable quantity, evolving much caloric at the same time: having gone through this process, it becomes a hydrate, or slaked lime, retaining still its causticity, or capacity for combination with, and power to decompose vegetable and animal matter. In this state, 1 has no indurating or cohesive property, is friable, it must be in combination; and its great affinity is to silex or sand, to this substance it mechanically attaches itself with great avidity, and forms what is commonly called mortar or cement; but it is necessary that water should be the medium by which the minute particles of each should be brought into full.and equal contact: there is ne ‘doubt P 1836.] On the solidifying, or induration of Chunam. 98 that when masonry is excluded from external heat, as it is in works of thick masonry, it solidifies a further portion of the water—therefore it is inexpedient to submit works to the effect of a higher temperature, or rather say to allow it te dry too rapidly. _ But thisis not sufficient to give it the indispensable quality of induration, on which strength and permanency depend. The lime as far as has been shewn is only an hydrate com- bined mechanically by the aid of water,—there is another principle wanting—that is carbonic acid. It acquires this from the atmosphere gradually, where other means are not employed to impart it more rapidly—in some places charcoal is added, and it is very often worked up with impure matter; for pure lime is not considered to form the best cement: the purest chunam or lime is obtained from shells. At a distance from the sea coast where these beds or strata of shell aré found, what is called stone chunam is used, and is as good as that of shell for masonry, although the native bricklayers prefer the shell. In this part of India the use of jaggery dissolved in water universally prevails, and although it does, there is not a maistry bricklayer, nor even persons who know more, can explain the rationale of its use: some say that if gives an adhesive property from its clamminess—some say that their forefathers used it and so do they their successors; others laugh at the use of it and pronounce it to be an unne- cessary ingredient and reject it altogether. There 1s no doubé that its use may be dispensed with; the Madras Engineers it is believed have exploded it altogether, as a measure of economy. ; -If we in our days, are more cunning than our ancestors they were more wise ;—no doubt they had their rationale, but like the ancients kept the secret to themselves. We give ourselves great credit-for our discoveries, but there is good reason for believing that we are only reviving a know- ledge of things lost. But there is great sense in the appli- eation of jaggery or sugar water. Modern chemists have dis- covered the ultimate elements of sugar to be carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Here we find a grand source and an abundant supply of carbonic acid, or at least the elements of v7 89 On the solidifying, or induration of Chunam. [Aprit it. They have further discovered that lime is more solu- ble in a solution of sugar, than in water alone :. the lime decomposes the sugar, sets free the gaseous carbon and oxygen which combine in the proportion to form carbonic acid, and the lime having a very strong affinity for the earbonic acid attaches it, and thus united with the indurating principle, or with that gas which gives hardness to the lime, it becomes that hard and imperishable matter that it is found in all buildings properly built, particularly in old Indian masonry of brick and lime. If we examine a fresh brick it will be found brittleand light—but examine a _ brick of old masonry, it is as hard as granite. There is another purpose gained by this ican Winialiicans Bricks are made of clay, silex, and a certain portion of oxide of iron, scattered by nature over and among matter, and which gives the red-colour to bricks ; these are porous and capable. of absorbing moisture—they consequently absorb the jaggery water holding the lime in solution, this water in the brick acts the same part that the unabsorbed jaggery water does with the lime and sand, and forms within the brick and in its pores a similar cement to that which binds the bricks together, bindimg the minute particles. of the brick, and this accounts for the intense hardness of all the old Indian masonry. In this country where the temperature is so high, evapora- tion rapidly takes place. Moisture is necessary to assist the lime in attracting and holding carbonic acid, therefore some extraneous aid must be given which is afforded by the jag- gery ; and further, masonry 1s so thick in general that the carbonic acid that is always floating in the atmosphere would be years, if it ever reached the interior work. In Europe sugar is too dear to use, and on that account it has never- been used ; but hair is used in Dlapterigs to keep mortar together. | j If a better: rationale than the foregoing can be given, or if there are errors in the conclusions drawn, it would be adding to knowledge if it were afforded, and those errors pointed out. 1836.] On the solidifying, or induration of Chunam. 100 - Suggested—that a piece of well burnt brick, say three in- pret square be taken, and ascertain what degree of weight it will require to crush it. Take another piece of brick of similar dimension, and let it be weighed,—let it remain immersed in a solution of lime and water for 24 hours—take it out, let it dry for a month or more, then weigh it—ascertain what-it has gained in weight—and try what force it will require to fais ture it as in the preceding. ‘Take a third piece and weigh it—then immerse it in a so- lution of jaggery water, to which lime has been added—and which has dissolved as much lime as it is able; let it remain 24 hours, take it out and let it dry well fora month or longer, weigh it—and then subject it to pressure—and ascertain whe- ther it will fracture at a less or greater weight = the other. 7 Take an ounce of worked up chunam without jaggery— expose it to the open air until dry—put it into a retert—add muriatic acid, apply the retort to a receiver over the pneuma- tic trough, see what quantity of carbonic gas comes over. ~ Take asimilar quantity worked up with jaggery water, let it dry fora week or longer and dothe same with itas the preceding—these experiments will shew which is carbonated. the soonest and the most. ’ Note.—The ingenious writer of the foregoing paper has taken up a subject which is well deserving notice and further investigation; and in connexion with it might be investigated the causes of the decay of modern brick and chunam masonry, compared with the hardness and durability of work executed 50 years ago. The use of jaggery in chunam is frequently set aside when buildings are executed by the Enzgineer’s department ; we should be glad to be favoured with the de- tails of any experiments that have been made, tending to shew the grounds of this newusage. From a few experimental facts within our own knowledge we are inclined to believe that this departure from na- tive practice is not to be commended.—ZJ. B. 101 - [Apri EF: On! Worise Edupniioa The subject of Native Education, has of late years attract- ed a considerable degree of attention at the sister presiden« cies of Calcutta and Bombay, and much surprise has been expressed that similar interest has not been excited on this side of India. The department of Public Instruction at this Presidency is under the superintendence of the College Board, and we have reason to know that those gentlemen have been most anxious to forward the Important object confided to them. In the year 1825, particular measures were adopted with the view of training up a better descrip- tion of teachers and of improving the system of education, which has hitherto prevailed in the provinces subject to this Presidency ; but as, after several years trial, neither of these objects have been obtained to the extent anticipated, it has recently been deemed expedient to have recourse to a modifia cation of the system, which it 1s hoped may lead to more favourable results. As, however, the adoption of the sugges- tions of the College Board would be attended with some additional expense, it is necessary, under the existing state of things, that the sanction of the Supreme Government should previously be obtained ; and it remains to be seen . whether the interest which has been evinced for the further- ance of education in Bengal, will be extended to this Presi- dency. The following extracts from an able minute of Mr. Campbell, the senior member of the College Board, on the subject above referred to, appearing to us to contain much information that will be interesting to the generality of our © readers, we have ventured, with his permission, to communi- cate them to the public. “ The original , object of the Collese was to facilitate the acquirement, by the junior Civil Servants, of the numerous languages peculiar to the South of India. « On its first establishment, the non-existence of a sini English elementary work upon these languages, and the im- possibility at that time of procuring even incompetent teach- ers, amongst a people in general ignorant of the grammar of | their own tongues, were the principal obstacles to their ac-— 1836.] Native Education. 102 quisition. But, auniform standard of qualification in them, sufficient for the duties of the public service, was also to be established, by requiring all, previously to entermg upon public duties, to be certified as qualified, by the same cal- lective body, guided by systematic rules. - © The most gratifying success has hitherto attended this branch of the institution. The liberal encouragement held out by Government has stimulated many gentlemen to the publication of English elementary works, on the Tamil, Carnataca and Teloogoo, the three most prevalent lan- guages, and even given rise to English translations and grammatical illustrations, of some of the most difficult moral compositions in the classical dialects of these tongues. An extensive and intelligent body of native teachers has been formed for these languages, as well as for Malayalem, Mah- ratta, Sanscrit, Hindoostanee, Persian and Arabic, who are stammatically versed in English, and possess a critica knowledge of their own tongues; and many of them, by their talents and acquirements, have gradually been raised by their former pupils to the highest civil offices filled by _ natives—whilst a knowledge of the native languages has, by | these means, become now nearly universal amongst the members of the Madras Civil Service. « After good elementary books and competent teachers: were prosurable in sufficient number to be sent into the interi- _ or, it was no longer necessary to retain the junior Civil Servants at the Presidency; where, during the gradual formation of both, it had been requisite at first to assemble them, in order - to be within the reach of the best of each previously attain- _ able. The expediency of stationing them universally in the | interior, as soon as possible after their arrival in India, has | ever appeared to me unquestionable. It not only withdraws them from the allurements to dissipation, inseparable from a | metropolis, but even deprives them of the’ means of indulg- | ing in expensive habits, which formerly terminated, too fre- _ quently, in the sacrifice of their independence as public men. | Above all, it brings them, at a period of life when novelty + gives additional excitement to curiosity, in contact with the | interesting people whom they are destined to rule; and i03 Native Education. [Arnin. affords them an invaluable opportunity for ascertaining their familiar habits, peculiar feelings, and true sentiments, which,. unreservedly communicated to others, are too apt to be con- cealed, or dissembled, before any one clothed with public authority. It is a knowledge of the natives thus acquired, before entering upon public life, which forms the best foun- dation for that indulgent consideration towards them after- wards, that ought ever to characterize our civil polity in India. * * * * & % « On the first establishment of the College, such was the deplorable apathy and ignorance prevalent amongst the people, that it was requisite, not only to instruct the candidates for the situation of teacher in their own languages, as wellas in English, but to bestow upon them salaries, to hire them to learn. ‘The result of my recent examinations at the College clearly proves that this is no longer necessary. In each of the languages, I found several unpaid natives, studying ex+ pressly for the office of teacher; and, by a tolerable ac~ guaintance with English, as well as acritical knowledge of their own tongue, well qualified to hold the situation to which they aspire. — * * * % bd e ‘** From the want of that attention and encouragement, on the part of the ruling power, without which learning never flourishes in any country, it had so long sunk into a dormant state in the Peninsula, that if competent teachers of the spoken dialects were not precurable, still greater dif-~ ficulty was experienced, in filling up the high situations of ic Hindoo and Mahomedan Law Officer in our courts of Judi- cature, requiring a knowledge of law and its sister sciences, buried in the profound depths of Arabic and Sanscrit lore. ~ Accordingly, thé Hindoos at first, selected with the utmost care, were too often found, on trial, ill qualified for the offi- ces they filled ; and not a single Mussulmga being discover- ed in the Madras territories capable of this employment, 1t was necessary to send to Bengalfor Mahomedan Law Officers, who arrived here necessarily as ignorant as Europeans of - Re 1836:] WVative ‘Education. 1o¢ the various languages spoken by the people under this Pre- sidency. ‘To remedy these evils, the College were next dis rected to educate a class of natives of the Madras territories, versed in its vernacular languages, in the several branches of Sanscrit and Arabic science, requisite to qualify them for em- ployment as Hindoo ae Mussulman Law Officers in our Courts. “< It is pleasing to state that in this branch also of the Cols lege, the success has been complete. «‘ Of the native Law Officers in the interior, most of whom as Sudr Ameens, now both adjudicate civil suits and: con- _ duct criminal trials, the far greater number are individuals educated in this department at the College, and of ten Bra- mins and ten Mussulmans now holding the twenty.paid fel: lowships in the law department of the College, who are to succeed to these employments as they fall vacant, there are at present only three Mussulmans who have not obtained the established certificate of qualification, for the eda situations — they are destined to fill. * * He * € oe ~. © Of the ten Bramins holding half of the fellowships in que 6 tion, each of the 5first received in addition to his own salary of 20 Rupees, a further sum of 20 Rupees per mensem, or 100 Rupees altogether, the salary of the former deputy San- écrit master being divided amongst them, as sanctioned by Government on the 3d May 1831. But, I found on inquiry, that these five individuals did not teach more than 20 students, half of whom are mere children, and that the head master alone is fully adequate to instruct the whole Sanscrit class, consisting only of 35 persons. edhe ; % * * a8 i 2% i “ Of the five first holding the corresponding Mussulman Law fellowships, two at Madras, and a. third at Arcot, re- ceive, in addition to their salaries of 20 Rupees each, 9 Rupees per mensem as Tahsildary teachers. The result of my examination of the scholars, under the two who profess to | teach in this capacity at Madras, convinced me that their ex- ertions as masters have been little more than nominal. : a - * & a % 105 Native Education. [Arriz “ The attempts hitherto made at the improvement of public instruction, the most interesting, if not the most important, department under our charge, exhibit so lamentable a con- trast with the success attending the other branches of the in- stitution, and with the great progess made in the improve- ment of native education at the two sister Presidencies, that I consider the honour of the service seriously implicated in our redeeming from censure and reproach the public body to which we belong, by placing this branch of the institution under us in an acknowledged state of more progressive ad- ° vaneement, * * * * SS * Mihaly ‘“* The exertions of the Board in this department have hither- to been directed—Ist, to the establishment at the Presidency, | of a central seminary, for the proper instruction of paid can- didates, entertained for the situation of Collectorate teach- ers at the principal schools to be established in the inte- rior of the country—2dly, to the actual introduction, under these persons, of some of these principal or Collectorate schools into the’ provinces—3dly, to the establishment of subordinate or Tahsildary schools there—and, 4thly, ‘to the composition of improved elementary works on the na- tive languages, with the view of rendering the general system of instruction more consecutive in its stages ; and to the dis- tribution of approved English and other works throughout the country, in communication with the School Book Society. Reversing the order in which these have been stated, I proceed to offer to the consideration of my colleagues a few observations upon each. a “‘ As explained in a report which I laid before Government when collector of Bellary, the grand defect in the education of the natives throughout the South of India is, that whilst they learn to write and to read mechanically, the intellect is restrained from the exercise of its natural powers, and the heart deprived. of those all important moral impressions, which can be fixed indelibly only in youth, merely in-conse: quence of every school-book used being in adialect of which __ the learner is profoundly ignorant. This is the case not only in all the Hindoo schools as there explained, ‘but in the 1836.] Native Education. 106 Mahomedan schools also ; for the Koran, in its original Ara- bic, is the only book first placed in the hands of every Mus- sulman boy. ** Capt. Harkness, our late Secretary, has the merit of hav- ing done his utmost to remedy this crying evil. Under him the College head masters, and others, prepared a series of ele- mentary books in Tamil, Teloogoo, Hindoostanee and Sanscrit. % ¥e % C3 Fd oe _ “The number of these books which have been sold (2,358) shews that their value has been appreciated by the natives; and that the attempt, so far as it has gone, to introduce into the native schools books intelligible to the learner, has been successful. But it appears to me that the books themselves admit of great improvement ; and that, thus improved, the distribution of them should be attempted on a much more ex- tensive scale. : "© The whole of these consecutive works might, with much ad- vantage, be compressed intoa single volume in each language,’ for they are at present unnecessarily numerous and compli~- cated. The alphabet of each language should be given in the largest character—then all the different combinations of letters used in the language, omitting suchas never occur in’ it, some of which have found their way into these books | merely because they occur in other tongues. A few pages’ may then be devoted to words of one, two, three and _ more syllables respectively ; and the book should close, like an English spelling book, with moral verses and moral tales, ~ such as children can easily understand and get by heart, and ) such as may be calculated to produce salutary impressions onthe youthful mind. Iam not sufficiently master of the | language to pronounce a judgment as to the successful exe- eution of this last part of Vencatachella Moodely’s Jamel } works—but the novel attempt he has made, to convey to - native children lessons of morality in verse, in the colloqui- | al dialect of the Tamil language, though a humble, is a power-. ) fal means for the promotion of virtue and useful knowledge, deserving of the utmost encouragement. Om 107 Native Education. {ArriL _ © Ag all native books commence with an invocation to the deity, it ought not perhaps to be dispensed with in these books, but it ought to be couched in general terms, such as may be applicable to every religion, otherwise bigotry has been carried so far, Iam ashamed to say, by men calling themselves Christians, as, for this reason alone, to exclude some of these books from use; and the universal popularity which it should be our object to excite in their favour, may thereby be partially defeated. <« Whilst we thus endeavour to give a beneficial impulse to the mind of the rising generation, generally by newly combining advancement in useful knowledge, and salutary moral im- pressions, with the mechanical arts of writing and reading, which alone have hitherto been taught to them; let us not neglect to satisfy the thirst for improved education, and Hu- ropean science evinced amongst the higher and more culti- vated classes of the native community. The mode in which this should be done, so far as the supply of books is concern- ed, appears pointed out to us by the past experience of the School Book Society. ‘< In 1823 that Society reprinted at Madras 500 copies of Joyce's English Scientific Dialogues. In’1830 they printed 600 copies of it in the Tamil language, incurring a very hea- vy additional expense for its translation. Of these the price is the same, and there have been sold of the English transla- tion 285, of the Tamil 28. Of the former there are now in store 215; of the latter 472 copies. ‘<‘ This shews that the demand for the English work is six fold greater than forits Tamil translation, the annual sales being on an average 24 of the former to only 4 of the latter. It would be difficult to find a more decisive proof than this, of the expedi- ency of giving the preference to English as the medium for communicating to the people, a knowledge of European. literature ; and in order to excite amongst the more learned. © natives, versed only in the higher classical works of their — own language, a taste for English literature, I would placein ~ their hands such books as Mr. Ellis’s translation of the | Ww Re! 1836. ] Native Education. 108 Boni, or Mr. Stokes’ of the Nidineri Vilaccum, in which also the original text is given in the native language. © * * * 4 * * © Of the Tahsildary or subordinate schools, 61 in the inte- rior, and 9 at the presidency have been established, at the _ expense of 9 Rupees each, for the teacher’s salary, or Rupees _ 6,480 per annum for the whole. About 2,200 scholars were stated, in our letter to Government of the 15th November 1832, as then studying at these schools. 3 * * % * * _ “T regret to be obliged to state my reluctant conviction, that the establishment of these schools in the provinces, has been entirely premature, if not prejudicial ; and that no further steps should, for the present, be taken for their extension. Until we are better provided with a stock of adequate teach- ers for the superior or Collectorate schools, we cannot hope with success to establish even these principal seminaries ; and as it is to them, chiefly, we must look for the formation of competent instructors to preside over the inferior schools, it is straining in vain at an object beyond reach, to attempt establishing them satisfactorily, before teachers competent to preside over them are formed. «The premature establishment of these Tahsildary schools, indeed, appears to me to have been even injurious to the cha- racter which we should endeavour to create for all the Govern- ‘ment seminaries, and calculated to degrade them in public estimation. ‘They are, says the principal Collector in Tan- jore, *‘ some degrees worse than the common village schools, acs from which they differ in no respect, except that the mas- “ ter is more careless from his independence of the scholars, | “ whose parents are content that they should get a worse _ © education at a cheaper rate, than the sons of their neigh- *‘ bours. Werea system of rational instruction established, [4 and strictly enforced by the constant supervision of a com- _ © petent person, with authority to punish and reward the ‘* school-masters, according to the progress made by the « scholars, the occasional visit of a Collector or other Euro- et pean functionary would have a useful effect ; but any one s* practically acquainted with the subject, must be aware of 109 Native Education. [APRIL ** the impossibility of a Collector devoting a sufficient porti- ** on of his time, to the establishment or enforcement of such * a system ; and his visits, at present. do nothing more than *« Jend the sanction of his patronage to the worst schools in *“‘ the district, without even the consolation of supposing ** that, bad as it is, an education is given to those who would “ otherwise have none; for I do not believe that these *‘ schools are attended by a single individual whose parents ** would not pay for his education elsewhere, were they abo- *« lished to-morrow.” *« Believing, as I do, that this is a correct account of the Tahsildary schools generally, I strongly deprecate their fur- ther extension for the present ; for I believe that the sole good arising from them has been, that all alarm against Go- vernment interference with public education, so characteris- tic of the people in the South of India, has been prevented, by leaving the selection of these Tahsildary teachers to. them ak. “‘ But, whilst the machinery requisite for the efficient work- | ing of the Tahsildary schools is under preparation, we should, not be justified in delaying some effort for the immediate improvement of the very defective system of education, pre- valent throughout the provinces. The returns made by the Collectors in 1823 shew that no less than 12 ,498 schools al-. ready exist in these territories ; and, instead of adding more to their number, at the expense of Government, I would sub- . mit that we should endeavour to improve and render efficient those which exist, and are voluntarily supported by the pub- . lic. * % oe ro id *% “ Of the nine Tahsildary schools at the Presidency, the Tamil and Teloogoo schools alone are in an efficient state, such as reflects honour on their teachers and their visitors, the head Tamil and Teloogoo masters at the College. They are attended by numerous children, generally from 15 years downwards; one by as many as 57 pupils. Several of the — scholars have been attached to them for 4 or 5 years, and — have thus become masters of the language they have studied. In one of these schools the use of the new Tamil elemen- ~ Aa 1836.] Native Education. aye tary books had been discontinued, under a belief that thev were discountenanced by the head Tamil master at the Col- lege, though they were deemed by the master of the school himself preferable to any other ; but they are in universal use elsewhere, amongst the presidency Tahsildary schools. Of all the scholars, a little girl of pure caste, grand-child of one of the Hindoo masters, particularly attracted my notice, from the singularity of such an occurrence here. I hope her example may be followed by others of her sex, and that here, as in Bengal, females will no longer continue excluded from learning. It appears to me particularly desirable that these Tamil and Teloogoo Tahsildary schools at Madras should be extended, as subordinate branches of the great cen- tral seminary to be established at the Presidency ; for we have them here within our reach, and under our own personal supervision ; and they may thus be made the models upon which the subordinate schools in the interior may hereafter be fashioned, if not the nurseries - for teachers at these more distant future seminaries. As it | is of importance that these schools, where useful, should be supported by voluntary contributions from’ the public, in ad- | dition to the Government retaining fee of 9 rupees per | mensem, I recommend that it be clearly explained that the masters are not bound to teach any, except the children of _the poor, unless the parents consent to give the same fees for their children, as are usual in other native schools. This will make the situation of the masters more profitable and respectable, and the value of the fees realized will enable us ‘are held by the public. I saw several children at these ‘schools, whose parents are in easy, if not affluent, circum- « With regard to the, provision of school rooms and sta- (tionery, for the use of either the ‘Tahsildary or the Col- \lectorate schools, the expense would be enormous, and is by no means requisite. Europeans, in this respect, may with advantage take a lesson from Hindoo simplicity. The shade _of the spreading banyan tree, to be found in every village, is in oa , Native Education. [Apart this climate the most wholesome and convenient, as it ever will be the most appropriate and beautiful scene for the village school, and the sand beneathit renders stationary al- together unnecessary. The little girl above alluded to spelt, with her finger on the floor of the College Hall, every word I mentioned ; and though there was no sand on it, she, with the tenacity of habit, obliterated each word as she spelt it, as if there had been sand upon the floor, to prepare it for the word that was to follow—where such materials have habi- tually been used by the people for ages, to supply our schools with the novel luxuries of pen, ink and paper, would merely be to organize a system of petty but universal pilfering upon the public stores by the teachers, whose moral. character it should be our object to guard from, not expose to, such cor- ruption. ‘‘The number of paid candidates for the situation of Collec. torate teachers now educating in the College is 22 ; others, to the number of 14, have been sent thence into the interior, to form the principal Government provincial schools, intended to be established in each Collectorate; making a total of 36, each of whom receives rupees 15 per mensem. The aggregate annual expense on this account is, therefore, rupees 6,480. There is nothing which reflects such disgrace upon the insti- tution, as this branch of it. «Of the 14 persons in this capacity deputed into the interior, the only notice I can findis in our letter to Government of the 15th Nov. 1832, where only 5 of them are mentioned ag “ qualified to act as instractors to others,” but not “ suffi- ciently advanced to be employed as teachers in the provinces;” and in the recent report from the principal Collector of Tans jore, who says, “ I consider it my duty to inform you that the ** school master, appointed to the Collectorate school in this district, is entirely unfit for the situation, both in natural ‘* abilities and literary acquirement, and that at least a score * of persons might be found in this province, any of whom ** would fill it with much greater efficiency, who have never “ had the advantage of a College education.” Under such circumstances, I fear that the deputation of these 14 persons _ into the provinces has answered no purpose, except to bring a 1836. ] Native Education. 112. into disrepute the branch of the institution, to which they have too long been suffered to belong. | © Of the 22 candidates for these situations also in the Col- lege, though some of the Hindoos have made considerable advancement, and are likely to prove valuable instruments in our hands, all are deficient in a knowledge of English, es- pecially the Mussulmans ; and many of them are dull men, ill fitted for the situation, upon whom the labour of tuition is a fruitless waste of time. t ; % * % * * * ' « Mr. Stevenson states, that experience taught the Bengal Committee the inexpediency of uniting, in the same person, the duty of instruction in both oriental and european learn- ing. This appears confirmed by the failure of the Collecto- rate teacher-class here, which, in addition to the causes above stated, may be also attributed, in part, to a similar érror of ours, in attempting too much at first, by aiming at the union of both qualifications in the same individual. g * * ad % * * ‘ « Tn the English head master, Mr. White, we possess a zea-. lous and active man, who to the extent of his own qualifica- tions has ably instructed his pupils. But he is attended by a host of what are called general students, or unpaid pupils, seeking with avidity instruction in English, and some of these, being more distinguished by talents, intelligence and zeal, than the paid Collectorate students, are apt to divert him from the tuition of the latter. ~ & T was particularly pleased with the advancement which se- _veral of these general unpaid students have made in English, Geography, the use of the Globes, Algebra and the first élements of Mathematics, and find that our Secretary, Mr. } Rowlandson, with praise- -worthy zeal, has devoted one day of the week to the instruction, in these branches of study, of afew of the most advanced English pupils. One young Hindoo, the son of a native military officer, I particularly remarked, who is quite masterof English. By zealous study he has acquired so much of the genius of our language, as to have attained a distaste for his own, and though he tran- slated most fluently into English from his own language, no Ws Native Education. [Apri solicitation whateveron my part, could induce him to attempt giving the meaning of English in his own tongue. He said that he disliked his own language, that he spoke it at home, but that, as he did not understand it Sree he must. decline translation into it. . T propose that, if the increase of pay to Collectonite teach- ers, upon qualification, be sanctioned by government, a gene- _ ral examination be held at the Presidency, to be attended by the whole of the present Collectorate teachers in the interior, and the Collectorate students at the College, and any others who may be induced, by the increased pay eventually to be granted, to become candidates for the situation—that we then proceed to purge this class, by selecting from the whole, only such as possess good natural talents,and are most distinguish-. ed by a knowledge of English, augmenting the class gradually hereafter as far as 100—that, in addition to our present Eng- lish establishment, we apply to government to obtain from the Honourable the Court of Directors the nomination of a Professor on 12,000 rupees, and a deputy on rupees 4,200 per annum, as general superintendents of this branch of the institution, capable of affording the pupils instruction in Ma~ thematics, Natural Philosophy, and European literature in general : and that, until their arrival, we be authorized, tem- porarily, to fill these situations by the most competent per- sons to be procured, on such salaries, within these amounts, as we may find practicable. “ From the statement given by me in a previous part of this minute, it will be perceived that these, and all the other ad- | ditional expenses proposed by me, to render efficient this | most important and mteresting branch of the institution un- | der our charge, will not exceed an expenditure of Rupees. 103,150, for the improvement of public instruction, through- out the extensive territories under the Government of Ma- dras. The Honourable the Court of Directors have ‘autho- rized funds being placed at our disposal adequate to the ob- ject in view, and, in laying before the Board the following return submitted by the India House to Parliament, I refer to it with confidence to shew, that, compared with the libera- lity which has. distinguished, the sister presidencies for this 1836.] Native Education. W114 purpose, especially of late years, the amount I have estimat- ed by no means exceeds the just. proportion due to our na- tive subjects, in this extensive portion of the Indian domini-. ons of Britain. “ An account of all sums that have been applied to the purpose of educating the natives in India, from the year 1813 to the latest period to which the same can be made out, distinguishing the amount in each year. | Beneact. |Mapras.| Bomepay. TOTAL. cal Ly eon 2a io Y Oi | nae £. £. | £. | ig ee 4X0 442 5129 | bapa pare PEGOG 480 499 | 12585: 7 4405 480 | 537 5422 | ee 5146 4so | 578 6204 Pe alii 420 795, 6452 | oil 5211 480 “630 6321 daa 7191 420 1270 s941_ | pee 5807 480 1401 7688 ee 6882 | 480 594 | 7956 eet 9081 480 594 | 10155} ilk 80 | 594 7208 | BEE OOT H 480 1434 21884 HUNG « FAL R92 420 8961 | 66563 aki. (21623 480 5309 27412 ~ 30077 | 2140 13096 | 45313 ea e797 <1 2980 10064 35841 | tH 24663 3614 | 9799 38076. | 28748 2946 12636 | 44330 - « Madras ought to take shame to itself for its back- | wardness i in the cause of native education, as exposed in the | above return to the British Senate; and as no other public | body can exculpate it from this reproach, except this Board, I have considered myself bound, as its senior Member, though sensible of my inability to perform the task adequately, to sketch the outline of a plan for the improvement of public instruction, such as may be modified and matured by my Colleagues. Whilst it embraces a gradual improvement in the education of the mass of the natives generally, by converting the symbols of sounds not understood, into the medium of conveying instruction to their minds, and moral impressions. WSs Syrian Roofs. [Aprit! to their hearts, its chief object is to open, to the higher and more influential classes of the community, access to a new and superior quality of knowledge, through the medium. of the English language and the sciences of Europe.” ey V.—On Syrian Roofs.—By M. It has very erroneously been supposed that white ants will not attack teak wood; and hence that description of timber is most generally employed, in the roofs of buildings. We have, however, abundant proof to the contrary, and to give one or two recent instances, I may mention that the organ loft of St. Mary’s Church, built of teak wood, was lately re- newed, having been nearly destroyed by white. ants; im St. George’s Cathedral, also, they some years ago worked their way to the organ, through the teak supports of the gallery, and have lately attacked the sounding board of the pulpit. In many parts of this Presidency, it is extremely difficult to procure teak timber, except at a ruinous expense in land carriage ; and in consequence, a very unsubstantial description of roof is employed in private dwellings; and in public buildings, either the expense is incurred, of procuring teak timber at whatever cost, or arches of masonry. (almost as expensive) are substituted! True, the latter last a very long time, but, the expense being in proportion to the span of the arch, the accommodation is much cramped, to keep the cost within moderate bounds. , It is extraordinary, that these disadvantages and difficul- ties, should not have, long since, led to the more general use of the Syrian roof; a method of construction in which no wood whatever is employed, and which is moreover ex- tremely light and durable. . It is possible that the expense attending its first introduc- tion, attributable to the novelty of the material, may have operated with individuals, to prevent the trial being more generally made: but,as regards public buildings, the same cause can scarcely be assigned ; the material being the ordi- 1836.] Syrian Roofs. 116 nary potters clay used in making pots and tiles, moulded on the native wheel, and baked or burnt, precisely in the same manner; the difference consisting, solely, in the shape of the cones. The want of timber is ies glial as the original cause of the invention of these roofs, in Palestine and Syria, where they are stated to be in general use. They have been tried | in Bengal, and are reported to have answered fully the ex- pectation formed of them; but whether from prejudice, or other cause, they have apparently again fallen into disuse. These roofs, it is believed, are never quite flat, but are formed into arches of every curve; and from their construc- tion must be capable of resisting very great pressure; they are formed of hollow cones of pottery, about 10 inches long, the broader extremity, which is closed, being about 3 inches in diameter, and the narrower, which is open, between 2 and 8, but they may probably vary, according to the span of the roof intended to be built ; they are placed by the side of each other, the interstices being filled with mortar; they are found to leak with the first rains and crack slightly, but a coat of oil is applied over the surface, which is afterwards found to render the roof impervious; it 1s probable that a course of flat tiles, with a plastering of cpanee Serle answer the purpose in India. - I have been given to understand that the Syrian roof has been successfully constructed at Bangalore, a station where the destruction of every kind of wood by white ants is felt as a most serious evil; should any of your correspondents be enabled to furnish you with particulars, as regard section of the roof, form and dimensions of the cones, and the cost of making them, | have no doubt the information will prove both interesting and useful. ‘Adverting to the ravages of white ants, it may be useful to mention that the.-Naptha, or Petrolium, produced in abund- ance on the Tenasserim Coast, and to be purchased in the bazars of. Madras, under the denomination of earth oil, or munnoo tylum, is an effectual remedy; it may be used as a paint, alone, or mixed with common tar; or mixed with chunam asa plaster. 8 Manras, March 1836. M. VIL.—4 glance at the Banaganpilly Jaghire, taken while passing through that territory in Mareh 1836.—By T. J. MiHOuD, a. pv. ¢. to Brigadier General soins ©. °B! Topography.—The Jaghire of Banaganpilly vies errs 15° and 16° north latitude, and is situated nearly oe in the Balaghaut Ceded Districts. It is bounded, on the north and on the north-east by rks? territory of His Highness the Nuwab of Kurnul, on the west by the talik of Punchapollam, on the south and south-east by the taluk of Koilkdntla. - | _Its extreme length north and south is about 30 aan and extreme breadth east and west about 26. | The eastern and southern parts of the Jaghire consist generally of a fertile plain watered by rivulets, taking a south easterly course, and producing large crops of cotton and various kinds of try grain. The plain is bounded on its western and northern limits by detached ridges of hills; which, ranning down from Kurnil, take a south easterly direction by Gooty, Cuddapah and Tripati, and terminate. near the eastern coast at Naggery. A bandy road, connecting the trade of the Ceded Districts with that of Masulipatam, Nellore, Guntoor, &c. by the direct route of the Nundi Cunnama ghaut, passes through: the centre of the Jaghire: over the ghaut itself the road is impracticable for bandies, consequently the heavier articles are constrained to go by the circuitous route of Cuddapah and the Yeddadogoo pass. The lighter goods pass overs direct on carriage bullocks. | All the natives, with whom I conversed, agreed that the. trade would be much increased were the pass opened for bandies: from what I saw of it, I should say this might be- done at no very great expence. 7 Geology.— The plain of Banaganpilly is‘ the western ex-! : | tremity of that wide flat tract, that extends, from the foot of the Nulla Mulla hills, to the range alluded to above. es ct SEY OD CRS " or ES ex RS Se ES SEE ESSE me zi orem ore NVote.—The information,here adduced,has, for the most part been ob- tained on the spot, combined with the result of personal observation, ~~ 1836.] - | Banaganpilly Jaghire. 11g ~ These. ranges are of the clay slate and sand stone forma- - tion—the plain itself is mostly covered with the reygur, or black cotton ground; in some parts with the alluvium of the neighbouring hills, not unfrequently intermixed with cal- careous matter, arising probably from the decomposition of the kankars, which are found strewn in various proportions over its surface. Near the foot of the Nulla Mullas are found nodoles of iron ore, but nearer Banaganpilly these disappear, and their place is supplied by fragments and blocks of variously coloured lime-stone—dark blue predo- minating. , . The streams in this neighbourhood generally flow over beds of this substance. _ * About 3 a mile to the westward of Baneganpiily,lies the low range of hills, in which the diamond mines are situated ; to which I shall have occasion to advert presently. _ Division into 2 Pergunnahs. (a)—During the Mogul ad- ministration the Jaghire was divided into two .ergunnahs, viz. those of Banaganpilly and Chinchimulla—the former com- prising 42 and the latter 21 villages. The principal places are Banaganpilly, Chinchimulla, Nun-- dawarum and Tungatoor. , _ Population.—The total of population is said to amount to about 40,000, but this cannot be relied on. It is chiefly Hindu, though there are many Mussulmans, particularly at the principal town. fievenue.—The revenue, it is said, used to average about alac and twenty-nine thousand rupees annually. It is chiefly derived from land rents, duties on produce, manu- factures, &c. toddy contract, and a duty levied on traders. ' Products.—The Jaghire produces a large quantity of dry grain, principally juari, cotton and a small proportion of rice; arundi and other oils, ghee, tamarinds and toddy. In some parts culinary salt is produced. _. At Banaganpilly a variety of cotton cloths are manufac- tured and dyed. They are chiefly adapted for mussulman ) : ( a) Some say there are 3 Pergunnahs, and that 19 out of the 63 vil- lages are dependancies on the 44 principal ones. 119 Banaganpilly Jaghire. [Aprip wear; and by far the larger proportion fry its way to. the Hyderabad market. ~The diamonds produced. here’are cut wind set'at the town of Banaganpilly, and used to form an article. of trade. - Town and Fort of Banaganpilly.—The town of Bana- ganpilly lies in the plain, near the entrance to a broad defile, formed by the branching off of two parallel ranges of low: hills; one taking a north easterly direction; the other a little south of east. The town is divided by a stream of clear water, called the Zurairoo, into: two. parts; which are again sub-divided as follows: Condapettah and Suntapettah on the right bank, Kungrazpettah and Kushahpettah on the left. The buildings generally: have an ae ap- pearance, ' The fort is also situated on the left trartle Py rom she cur- sory glance I had of it, it appears to be little better than the ordinary village forts scattered over the Ceded Districts— and apparently loosely built of limestone cemented with mud. Its round bastions are connected by curtains, ar Ww — loop holes for matchlocks. *The entrance is from the north. Round the whole runs a ditch now nearly dry: the bottom partly cultivated. and partly choked up with rank vegetation. The walls enclose the Nuwab’s zenaneh, his residence and those of the retain- ers attached to his: person. In the pettah at the northern side of the fort are some strong and defensible houses of stone. “ Our road lay ci the southern sd western faces.of the fort, on our right the fort ditch, and on our left the Zurairoo, — which we crossed to some good encamping ground, in a tama- rind -tope on its right bank. : Population.—The town of Baradaapallya 18 said to contain about 12,000 houses—700 of Hindus, the remainder occu~— pied by Mahomedans. Allowing each house to average Sie inmates, this will give el ‘a population of 6,000 souls. Two or three months ago, sub- sequent to the Company’s resumption of the Jaghire, a body of about 700 Puttans, formerly in the pay of the Nuwab, left the place for Hyderabad; where, it is currently reported, 1836.] Banaganpilly Jaghire. | 120 they have been taken into the Nizam’s service by Chundoo Lal. die Diamond Mines.—The diamond mines‘are situated in and near alow range of hills, about 4a mile from the town. The matrix of the gems, agreeably to the statements of Dr. Heyne and Voysey, regarding diamonds produced in the South of India, is the sandstone breccia of the clay-slate formation. This I found also to hold good with regard to the alluvium found at the base of the Cuddapah hills washed by the Pennaur, on a recent visit to the diamond mines near Chinnoor and Condapettah, in the Cuddapah division. The process of mining is simply digging out the gravel, breaking up the larger pieces of the breccia, washing and sifting the fragments, and spreading them out on the ground. The diamonds are easily detected by the practised eye of the native. I observed that many of the old heaps of rubbish had been recently sifted and re-examined; not, I am told, from the opinion that the diamond is always growing, and that the chips and small pieces rejected by former searchers, actually increase in size, and im process of time become large diamonds, as has been supposed by some; but from sheer laziness to dig fresh pits, and from its being found that stones of an inferior size and water have frequently eluded the search of former miners. I do not learn that any stones of a greater value than 3 or 400 rupees have ever been discovered here; the specimens shewn me by the diamond merchants on the spot were cer- tainly extremely poor; but from the shortness of my stay, the duplicity and secrecy maintained by natives in matters of this sort, it would be wrong perhaps to decide that better means scientifically employed in these diamond districts would not produce. better results, than has hitherto been the _ case. Since the resumption of the Jaghire, mining has been discontinued. Besides Banaganpilly, the diamond is found, according to Hamilton, at Lamdoor and Pinchetgapadoor, in the talik next to Chinnoor. 12} Banaganpilly Jaghire. [Aprin Tt is also found at Moonimuddagoo, in the talik of Pun- chapaulum; at Ovalumpully and Condapettah in the Chin- noor talik—at Ramulacottah in the Kurnul territory, and formerly at Wudjrakarure in the Gooty division, The Ramulacottah mines are the most celebrated. ‘These places partly furnished the diamonds, for which Golconda diss been so greatly famed. (0) Political Skeitch.—The Jaghire of Banaganpilly was re- ceived by treaty with the Nizam in 1800, together with the rest of the Balaghant Ceded Districts, but remained under the original Jaghiredar; who, until recently, retained both the management and revenue of the country. In 1832, tempted by our non-interference with its admini- stration, and the state of misrule into which it had been thrown by the culpable extravagance and mismanagement of the present chief, Hussain Ali Khan, the Nizam made an insidious attempt to annex the Jaghire to his own posses- sions, but this intention was totally frustrated by the BOR ous interference of Government. At present the country is still in a very unsettled state. Hussain Ali Khan’s expensive habits have involved him in debt toa very large amount. His creditors are principally usurious Gossayns and Hyderabad Pathan sirdars, formerly in his pay. These men have lately returned to Hyderabad. ‘To satisfy their inmportunate claims numerous villages of the Jaghire have been made over to them, and from the griping extortion and tyranny practised by these lawless’ mercena- ries in exacting the revenue, the agricultural classes have been reduced to great distress, and are anxiously expecting some change for the better. jf am assured that the news of the Gareieen s intention of assuming sr control over the Jaghire towards the close of ,——— Se = (6) A few geological specimens of the general formation of the country, also of the matrix in which the diamond is found imbedded, both from Banaganpilly and Chinnoor, together with one or two gems of the most common description (rough from the mine) found at the former place, are presented for the Society’s acceptance. I was unable to procure any at Chinnoor, as the miners had only just commenced operations. : 1836.] Prop on an inclined Plane. 122 1835, was hailed by these poor people with unaffected joy. Indeed had the Nizam even offered them his protection, there is but little doubt that they would have gladly pre- ferred it to the oppression of these needy soldiers and avari- cious Gossayns. Some villages have been assigned over, as a subsistence, to the numerous illegitimate offspring of the late chief, Ghulam Ali Khan; and to others of the family, particularly to Rownuk Ali Khan, cousin to the present chief, and now in the Nizam’s service a8 a sirdar of horse. - Hussain Ali Khan is said to be a man of great good na- ture, which is not unfrequently allied to extreme inaptitude for business, thoughtlessness and extravagance; all of which have been fully manifested by his conduct. His wife the Begum is looked upon as a superior woman, possessing much influence, when she chooses to exert it, over her husband. Hussain Ali Khan has no male issue: he succeeded his father Ghulam Ali Khan about 18 years ago. Futteh Ali Khan his younger brother, is looked upon as the next heir. This nobleman has two sons; one a lad about 10 years old, said to have been adopted by his uncle. ' Banaganpilly has always maintained a close connexion with the Court of Hyderabad, and also, from its proximity, _ that of Kurnul. : es Ce Se, Gees EE Se © VII.—Prop on an inclined Plane. To the Editor of the Madras Journal ) of Science and Literature. SIR Having accidentally met with your Journal for October 1835, and fancying myself a bit of a Mathematician, my eye was eagerly caught by the lines and letters, page 336 and 337, and I looked for a feast. ~ Imust say, Mr. Editor, I was disappointed to find, in the second figure, so many lines and letters quite unnoticed in the solution of the problem, and still more to find the line A C not in the figure at all. It makes sad confusion, and as it is to prove that the vertical pressure of a body is zot best sup- - ported by a vertical prop, contrary to my notion of the mat~- ter, I should have been very glad to see the solution some- 123: Prop on an inclined Plane. [APRIL what more clearly made out. Perhaps “A Miner’ will favour me (and I thnk many of your Subscribers will thank him) by revising his paper. I must touch upon the first solution, be- cause that to my reckoning is clear enough to be palpably wrong. WhenP:W:: BC; A C—if AC and Ware con- stant, P will be greatest when BC is the greafest. Suppose, Mr. Editor, we said 2: 4::6:12,if 4 and 12 remain con- stant, surely 2. and 6 must increase and decrease together as long as the proportion lasts. Else we should perhaps have 1:4::7:125 and that will never do. In fact I should say from the body of this solution it would appear P 1s greatest when P C comes into the vertical position ; which just suits my fancy, that a vertical pressure is best resisted by a verti- cal prop. Your obedient servant, _ A woutp Be MatHemarician. To the Editor of the Madras Journal of Science and Literature. oe I beg to return you my thanks for the early perusal of a letter, signed “ A would-be Mathematician,’ containing strictures on the two problems regarding the best position of a prop on an inclined plane, which I had the honour to send you some time ago. The writer says, “ fancying myself a ‘* bit of a Mathematician” &c. &c. “ I was disappointed to « find, in the second figure, so many lines and letters quite * unnoticed in the solution of the problem, and still more to ‘¢ find, the line A C not in the figure, at all.” Now A C is not requisite, and had the critic been in reality what he « fancies’ himself to be, or had he read with other motive than to cavil, he must have immediately observed that A C should have been printed A G, and verily the only line unnoticed is PN, which I ‘ fancied’ was inserted in the manuscript sent to you, agreeably to the copy I had received, and from which I did not conceive myself justified to depart. However P N happens to be immaterial ; for whether it be written as the Journal shows it “ let s and ¢ represent the sine and cosine 1836.} Prop on an inciined Plane. 124 of the angle QD M=B AM,” or as the original before me has it‘ QP N=B AM,’ those angles being equal, the resuit will be the same. Surely, Mr. Editor, such sweeping censure for typogra- phical errors not affecting the solution, might have been spared by one anxions to promote the circulation of knowledge; and as I affirm, having proved it, that they in no way “ make sad confusion,” this phrase of the fanci- ed Mathematician’s might have been softened. The very fact of the line A C not being drawn in the figure, ought to have led a very superficial reader even, to correct the prin- ter’s mistake before alluded to. But I now proceed to notice the “ would-be Mathematician’s’’ remarks on Solution the First. But, én passdnt, I must observe that, as I gave the avowed author’s name, I do not feel myseif bound to enter into any controversy for his defence, though I think I may very safely do it on the present occasion. Permit me also to notice in this place, as we are harping on that string, that for cur future harmony it would be better if the words “ 2d so- lution”? came in their proper place, opposite the para. imme- diately above where they now appear, and “ By the Rev. Jd. Harker’ at the close of the sentence immediately pre- ceding—G H should also have been printed g H with a little g—(though any tyro would have ndbindd™ this, and it creates no confusion.) Having thus corrected the press, I venture to press the following on your notice, in the hope that our friend will cor- rect his hasty reckoning, and that he will prop up the Journal with more proper contributions than the last. IJ love gentle- manly discussions, am alive to their value, will always yield with acknowledgment to proof and reason; and the “ would. be Mathematician” shall find that, though “ A Miner,” when the * blow up’ is over I am, like a “ good crater,” open to as- sault. I shall be glad to hear what he has to say against the convincing proof of No. 2, which *« Shows by lines and tangents straight _“ What is small and what is great.” 125 Prop on an taclined Plane. [Apri Now for No. 1 “fF B E is perpendicular to AC the: peti / | direction. of the weight ; and oral | A B perpendicular to B C the di- : i. yi rection of the power. To BPS ye ee a oe ee Te Bee eee a by cS eR aS estat did similar triangles ; therefore ehh hy Pot Wet SABC yee Ovand Py AC=W x BC when in equilibrium. But now, leaving AC and W out of consideration, or con- stant as it is termed, what will be the result if B C be reduc- ed one half in value or weight ? Why its proportion to P, of course, becomes changed to that extent, or Pis redatively one half greater. hus 2) 5 4o° 6. 12 and 2X12 =4x6 ; or 2=4 X%6=2. ie2 % 4% 6whenin P:W::BC;:Aac wi “RB equili- | __ brium. But now altering the 6 into 3 (this figure representing B C.) ce i = | that 1s 2 has now a proportion to 1, or P is now double in power; and so the more you reduce one side the greater becomes the other (not to preserve the ‘ equilibrium,’ mind, for the very reverse is attempted to make the power superior to the weight), and, when B Cis a minimum, P becomes a maximum. But a lever will at once illustrate this ; perhaps more familiarly, | merihh a ra The case here is similar, ie ys m4 for, according to the pro- | perty of the lever, PxA ee | C= W xB Cas before. ATS ‘O-“ Now if we reduce the weight on the right hand side, the left arm falls, and P becomes so much heavier in comparison; or, which has the same effect, if we shorten one arm the other is relatively longer,and so on. The more we reduce B C the greater becomes the energy of P; and its effect is greatest, or a maximum, when B C is shortest, or @ Minimum. 1836.] Prop on an inclined Plane. 126 But, to show that our critic’s reasoning 1s erroneous, with reference to a prop he asserts that “ Pis greatest when BC is greatest,” and that “ P is greatest when BC comes into the vertical position,” (or into the direction A C). But now draw all the BCs as inthe annexed figure and carry them on to an extent bordering 4 oninfinity. The last is great- sie est of course (not A C); and ee where is he ? Why with the fey ee weight at one end of a long ees lever almost horizontal, and B “~~ x. the support at the other ; the " very weakest position possi- : ble. . The fact is, people who discuss this matter, like the “ would- be Mathematician,” do not recollect that the proportion or equation is, in this problem, purposely altered, and that the only point to determine is how the change on one side will affect the other. To preserve an equilibrium, or the propor: tion, our friend argued correctly ; that is, when B C is great- est, P, or the power, must be increased or made greafes?, to preserve the equilibrium (the necessity for which we want to avoid), and which is the same as saying when Bb Cis éeasé, P, the power required to restore the balance, is least, (the very thing desired), or, in other terms, when B C is leasé, the ori- ginal P (without alteration) is greatest. It is worthy of remark that the system now adopted at Chatham for Mine Frames, after long discussion and experiment, accords with this theory. The props, in descending galleries, are always placed perpendicular to the inclined plane. Hoping you will excuse this long dissertation, believe me that you have a sincere friend to the Journal, in A MINER. Dace -—Is oe the point, discussed in the foregoing papers, one involv- ing a question of practice, as much as of pure science >—It seems rea- sonable to suppose that a verfzcal prop, must be a better support to a di- rect downward pressure, than a sloping prop: but it is quite as reason- able, on the other hand, tosuppose that a prop at right angles to the shaft of the mine, would be found the most convenient and sufficiently effectual in practice, and that therefore it may be preferred. It is cer: 127 [Apri VIll.— ints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. The following letter, with which we have been furnished by an intelligent friend who has. recently returned from the Cape of Good Hope, will afford much useful informa- tion to such of our readers as may have intentions of visiting that Colony. “ My Dear “Yn sending you ne following hints, for a damnit going from Madras to the Cape of Good Hope, I speak feelingly when I say that I have no doubt they may be the means, if at- tended to, of adding materially to comfort, and of saving Rupees. s You have been at sea before, but, it may be, not of late years, or with a family ; a few general suggestions may not prove valueless. «* Have all your trunks well corded, to prevent their adh rolled over in the hold; marked with your name, and num- bered tn paint; cards would do, were they. not liable to destruction by cockroaches. Let every thing in your cabin, be snugly stowed, lashed and cleated, before you take your family on board ; beds made, lamp trimmed, a small hand lJanthorn ready to convey a light in, and acouple of candles, ready to burn all night ifneed be. Do not trust to being in time when you embark to set your cabin to rights, or to the carpenter’s assistance in making all fast! for, in all. probability, others will do so too, and, as he cannot help every body, some will go to sea, with cots, trunks, &c. adrift, and you will have a wretched first night of it. A portable kitch- en will prove a useful thing, both for that purpose, and as a night lamp; have a supply of hooks, for lamps, log or a ca ca a a LS tainly clear that if asingle prop had to supporta free weight on the Earth’s surface, as a block of stone, it must be placed upright, or ina — line tending to the cenire of the Earth. And, as this is a plain principle, there seems no good reason why it should not hold good in principle, ‘whether the prop has to support a weight on the surface of the Earth, or atsome distance below its surface. As said before, there may be good reason for Puneat differing : the question “which is the best posi- — tion for the prop” may refer to practice as well as to principle; if our correspondents continue the discussion it may perhaps be well to bear ig this distinction in mind.—J, B, 1836.] Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. 128 merline for lashings, and hanging clothes or towels upon ; a pair of pincers, hammer, nails of sorts, screws, hooks, gim- blets and turn screw ; a smal llooking glass, clothes brush, one or two small hand swabs, a mop, a hand broom and dust pan. You should have asupply of two dozen of (bottled) good water én the cabin, and a reserve (sayfourtosixdozen ) in the hold. On no account be persuaded to transfer it to the Captain’s steward, on the promise that he will supply you when you require it; he, in ali probability, has none, except the ship’s stock in the hold; and you would find it a poor sub- stitute for your own, when you most needed it. A couple of large Bengal guglets will be useful, to keep your supply of washing water in; one or two of pewter (the round China guglet is very good) standing (or rather hanging) in a grum- met of rope or rattan, with the means of hanging them up, are required, to bring your daily supply of fresh water for the cabin from the fore-hold, and two or three common tin pots, for bringing hot water from the galley ; one or two China wooden lackered washing basons (for which there will probably be an early call unless your party are all good sailors), a clasp knife, cork-screw, a small bucket and rope, a small foot tub, and the means of obtaining a light; but not by the use of acids, or other liquids, lest you endanger the ship. Do not’ forget comfortable chairs without castors: children are best off on board on morrahs or hassocks. ~You must provide ‘oil for your lamp in stone bottles, and cotton wick ; have two lamps, one of thick glass (a globe) for oil, another a sliding ‘shade for candles, and a spare glass for it; tumblers, and, ‘when there are children, strong drinking mugs ; take on board some coarse stuff for curtains, with spare brass rings, a few iron rods, and screw eyes for hanging them. You will require for children a good supply of toasted bread, bis- cuits and ginger-bread in tin cannisters, arrow root, sago, tollong, tea and sugar’in stone jars: and you will find Bruce’s mulligatawny paste a very grateful addition to broth. Bring all your musquito curtains with you, they will be use- ful in Cape Town, and are a good protection on board against ‘cockroaches. You may derive not amusement only, from hav- ‘ing in your possession three or four skeins of Kurope logline, 129 Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Aprit and a dozen of cod-fish hooks, with a leaden weight of from 8 to 14 1b: an opportunity sometimes offers of good cod-fish- ing on the bank L’Agullas, in from 35 to 70 fathoms water. So much for equipment. «¢ A material point for early consider ation is, what servants you should take with you from Madras ; but it must’be a sine qua non, that religious prejudices are not to interfere with the performance of such duties as you may require from them, ox with the acceptance of such provisions on board as are available; of course the master will seek to render the situa- tion of his native servants as comfortable as possible, if from no other motive, for his own interest, as he would have to send them back if dissatisfied. As to the number for the voyage, you will be best able to estimate, with reference to the number and ages of your party; but by no means bring any men or women of delicate constitution or indolent ha- bits; I mean such as are likely to give up, under the first encounter of the climate, &c. &c. which they will find greatly different from what they have been accustomed to. “‘ Natives of Madras are sadly “‘ taken aback,” on first going to sea; they become sea-sick, heartless, disgusted and use- less ; but soon recover if taken care of. A well devil’d biscuit, or kaw of hot pepper-water, or mulligatawny, sets them up famously; andif they find that you have provided for their comfort, their good humour willinall probability return, and you have willing and useful attendants; but to effect this, you must attend to some of their comforts hereafter noticed. A good active Avah, or cloth woman, who speaks English well, will be found a most valuable servant, if not a fine lady, as all the native female servants at the Cape are, who require high wages, and will do little work, in the service of temporary residents, particularly ‘* Hindoos!” who appear to be consi- dered on all sides “ fair game,” (thanks to one or two Bahau- cars, who gave out that the cost of a purchase should deter- mine its quality). They (the Hindoos) are charged with haying spoiled the market, but I think without sufficient grounds, for, on arrival at the Cape, if dependent on the place for ser- vants, an Indian requires their services immediately, and is obliged to submit to imposition (for, except he has friends, 1836.] | Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. 130 there nobody will assist him) at least at first ; and he may consider himself extremely fortunate if, once having been obliged to pay high, he can subsequently come down to are- duced scale of wages. ** T am addressing myself to those whose purses have a bot- tom to them ! and therefore assume, that, on the score of eco- nomy and comfort, a family will endeavour to get a house of their own as early as possible. If such are your objects, the country, in my estimation, is preferable; and you may obtain a capital house and grounds, on moderate terms, for a year or 18 months certain (about 100 dollars a month), Ifyou wish to be gay, my hints will not suit your purpose. For such an object bring an active plain cook with you (itis difficult to get one at the Cape on reasonable terms, and they are quite unmanage- able*), who understands marketing, and is not likely to sub- mit (long) to imposition. He is perhaps the person least likely to be subject to it, after becoming acquainted with the value of dollars, shillings, pence, half-pence, doublegees and stivers ; that is in Cape Town, the competition in the market being sufficient security. An active hard working matey, or alascar willing to turn his hand to any thing, would bea capital stand by; but bring none who are given to tippling; temptation, opportunity and example are abundant. A tailor, combining any other useful calling as dressing boy, child’s servant, or the like, would be founda treasure; for work- women are scarce and very expensive; tailors (according to Indian acceptation) are not to be 2 and regular tailors are extremely extravagant. _ Tn taking your passage to the Cape, you will (in general) find youself obliged to pay nearly the price of similar accom- modation to England! In such ease, you have a right to look for liberal treatment from the captain; you ought not _ «*J] heard ofan instance, from undoubted authority, when a lady ex- pecting a party to dinner, had ordered a certain number of dishes. At the hour named, no dinner was ready, and, after repeated messages, she went herself, and found the monarch of the kitchen, seated with hislegs on the dresser and a segar in his mouth, directing the dishing up of about half what had being ordered, and when questioned on the subject, replying very coolly that it was enough for the party !!! For this you have no redress but to part company, and the successor will prob ably do the same. - 131 Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Arrim to be charged any thing extra, for a full proportion of servants ; and baggage should be at discretion. If, however, you must pay, the rate should never exceed 100 Rupees a head for servants, the captain providing every thing; but do not trust toa general promise verbally given, that your servants shall be fed! They are under your protection. The captain will desire his steward ‘‘ to look after them,” and /e will consider a table spoonful or two of ill boiled rice a handsome provision, with some broken meat and biscuit for the day; or the. ship’s allowance of salt junk, biscuit and grog will be offered! JI would however advise an agreement | (to be duly entered into by both parties) that coarse rice, chillies and curry materials (usually laid in for public fol- lowers), with a supply of saltfish, and a specific quantity of biscuit and water per head, should be allowed daily, and. some broken fresh meat, once or oftener in the week, from the cuddy table. Such an arrangement would tend to keep. your servants in health and good humour, and would not ruin the skipper! An iron pot, or sauce pan, should be provided for the servants to cook in, and a specific hour or two stipu. - lated for, in which they might cook in the galley without being interfered with. Give the native men a 3 or 5 gallons keg to keep water in (with means of slinging it, and advise them to take it on board filled with water) and a strong vessel, such as a pewter guglet or closed tub, in which they may receive and carry their allowance of water from the ~ hold. Their berth should be distinctly allotted, and their - trunks deposited and cleated down there before sailing, or you will have everlasting requisitions for their boxes. “The women would eat their meals with the cuddy servants, 7 and their allowance of water is generally served out, with . that of the family, to the cabin. «« As you will probably be one winter at the Cape, both men i. and women should have warm clothing; indeed they would in all probability require it on the voyage, if leaving India in the beginning of the year. Flannels to be worn under chintz, . &c. are recommended, and a coarse warm wrapper or shawl ; worsted stockings for the voyage, as they are to be had of | that quality in abundance at the Cape, and reasonable in 1836.] Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. 132 price. They should all have good stout leather shoes double soled, calculated to be worn with worsted stockings; they cost at the Cape six shillings a pair. «‘ The men should have at least three coarse flannel bannians each, and three pair of flannel drawers, two pair cloth trow- sers, two cloth jackets, oneof which should be very warm, say of duffle, and both lined with serge or baize. If they will wear around jacket and trowsers, you may buy them ready made at the Cape; but if they are to be of their own fashion, have them made in India by all means, for the Cape tailors of any class, will not condescend to work for them. Abundance of good Bengal rice is to be had at the Cape cheap, but the Madras natives do not like it, and your bringing a stock with you, if not obliged to pay an extravagant freight, would ke a great indulgence to them, and afford you the means of punishment for neglect of duty, by withholding it. «Tf you like curry! bring a large supply of curry powder with you, or make arrangements for having your stock re- plenished occasionally; what you buy at the Cape has no flavour. Green ginger is not abad thing to bring or have sent ; it keeps well for many weeks, packed in a deal box in dry river sand. Wax candles are better and cheaper at Ma- dras, and, unless you can make up your mind to use tallow, bring a supply, with pillar shades and bed-room candlesticks. *¢ Few Indians like the Cape wines, but this may be attri- buted to the trash they taste at the boarding houses ; very nice madeira and pontac may be had from the wine mer- chants ; the former from 18 to 25 dollars the half arm, the latter from 22 to 30 dollars. Of European wines, if you prefer them, you had better bring a stock ; what you can buy in Cape Town are dear and not fine. You pay a duty on im- porting wines of 10per cent. on the value. Good cogniac brandy may be bought there very reasonable. The Cape beer is very pleasant, and (perhaps) in general preferred to Hodgson, and much cheaper ; but. ‘“‘ Hindoos’’ very often sigh for the old malt! A brewery has lately been established in Cape Town for draught ale of malt and hop, and promises to answer admira- bly; the price of a hogshead of it (Collison’s) is £3-15. _ Teas will now probably be as good and cheap as in India, 133 Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Arnit but if you prefer chinchew to lump sugar, bring it with you. Bring your own cot and bedding, well packed and secured against vermin on board, and cots for your children to suit land or sea, for these are very expensive at the Cape. Fora child a pair of bullock drawers placed end to end, witha wooden frame rattaned at bottom, and sides to ship on the top, answers admirably. Each trunk should be from 2 feet 1 to’ 2 feet 6 in length, by 20 or 22 inches in breadth; these will give a cot of 4 feet 4, or 5 feet 2, according to the height of | the child. If you have any carpets, or Bengal floor mats, and purpose keeping house at the Cape, bring them, unless you have to pay very high freight ; also table gear ofall sorts, but © ~ donot buy for the purpose, as probably you would do so as cheap at the Cape. Children’s shoes are not made, and those from England are very dear,a large stock therefore is desira- ble, a good proportion of which should be with strong double soles,and calculated for wearing with woolen socks—those for the. house may be made of jean or prunella, chilblains “being common in winter. Lamb’s wool stockings are seldom to be got at the Cape, so, if you have the opportunity, bring a good stock with you; socks of chamois leather are very comfort- able under cotton, and a jacket of the same material over your shirt, will save you from the piercing effects of sudden | gusts of wind, to which you will be liable at all seasons in © Cape Town and its neighbourhood. Bring a carriage with | you, or a bandy ; the wheels and springs should be in perfect order, as they will meet with rough roads: horses are not | driven en postilion, so you must mount a dickey. Also bring your harnesses and saddlery, the former should all be provid- ed with breechings. Your conveyances should be well packed to exclude cockroaches on board, or you will fall into the clutches of the coach-makers, who will not spare you when making out your bill. You will now I think start fair, so adieu, till we meet again in Table Bay. ' « Arrived in the bay, abundance of excellent boats will come | off to the ship, but you must not attempt to land, until the Officer of Health has given his permission; and you must be — cautious not to be caught by a south-easter, when it is un- _ pleasant, and often unsafe, to attempt landing. You have only — 1836.) Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. 134 to consult the boatmen, however, who understand the thing perfectly ; only, if they require you to start, do so, and do not trust to your own judgment as regards weather, or delay landing your family, to wait for your baggage. It is better to pay for two trips than run the risk of delay, or a boat heavy laden. But, before landing, I recommend, for your attentive perusal, the annexed extract from the leading article of the 4 South African Commercial Advertiser,’ dated 7th April 1833, written in review of part of an article published in the Bengal Hurkaru, and having reference to the particular pas- © The sum annually spent by sagein the margin. I give you “us Indians (in this agreeable’ this extract, with a view to “half way House, is computed exonerate myself from being “at £. 30,000; one half of which, charged with libelling His Ma- it may be fairly assumed,we jesty’s lieges of South Africa, * should not spend, if the honesty and the authority is, I can as- ‘of the residents were propor- gure you,of the best, at least in “tioned to the liberality of our the estimation of the writer. “ dealings.” if “*: Now, if the case be considered fairly, supposing thig -estimate to be correct, we would ask, in what country in the world wouldsuch Jiberality promote honesty? Ifthe "writer can name any town or city in the East or West, where the misguided stranger is willing to pay two prices, and where the ‘ Natives,” from mere honesty, charge no “ more than they could screw out of the most skilful bar- gain maker among themselves, then we will admit the ' charge asa true bill against the Cape. But if no place can be found where such a quaker-like practice prevails, the writer must admit that he has laid against the Cape, in particular, a charge that holds against human nature uni- versally. Ifa buyer throws himself upon the “ d¢beradity”’ of the seller, and thereby constitutes him for the time his agent, to cheat him is abominable, but then he owes ‘ the seller, a salary or per centage for his new office, and *¢ when the ticklish nature of the trust is considered, in which -€ conscience and custom are so directly opposed to each « other, the allowance should be pretty “ liberal.” © Every body knows, that men when making a monéy 135 Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Aprrit ‘* bargain, are, for the instant, in astate of war. The very ** opening of the business is a declaration of hostilities, and ** though habit itself has a conscience, and to go beyond ‘‘ certain bounds on either side, whether of selfishness or liberality, is inconsistent with a trading reputation, yet “s§ there is a wide scope for opinion respecting the highest «* and the lowest price of articles. If the price of any artt- © ele rises, the shopkeeper is not bound to continue selling “ at the old rate, because, should prices on the other hand fall, the purchaser is not bound to pay the same price as ‘* before, till the stock on hand is exhausted. The univer- ** sal rale for the shopas well as for the counting house is « © to buy as cheap and sell as dear as posible.’ This all ‘ men can understand and all men can, or should be able € to, practise, for there is no other principle on which trade ‘© can be carried on. ! « The opinion that Indians are cheated by a combinati- on of natives against them, is we think untenable. There * ig no corporation of trades or professions at the Cape. « But the same causes will produce the’ same effects in all ** the shops. If every Indian is green, every shopkeeper « will find it easy and safe tosqueeze him. Even nettles in ‘‘ that state may be handled with impunity. Even the «‘ scrupulous shopkeeper will take, not a cheating but, the ‘ highest pricefrom him. The native may honestly claim “ the article at the lowest. price, because he has spent time, *¢ which is value, in acquiring that knowledge which the “ Indian wants. Is it desirable that ignorance should reap “ the fruit of knowledge ?!!1’ | ‘“‘ Now, friend Mull, having perused this document, you know how you stand : you are, for the time being, that is whenever your hand is destined to visit your pocket for the purpose of drawing therefrom coin, much or little, in “a state of war with the natives.” You are to avoid being considered ‘“ green” anda legitimate subject for “ squeezing.” You have no right to expect that any thing will be sold to you at the lowest price, because you want “ knowledge” of what that price is! As the extract is taken from the Cape oracle let me advise you to forget that, where you come from, the | 1836.) Hints regarding the Cape of Good Foye. 136 prices of goods for sale in shops are the same for all customers ! you are if you have any regard for your own in- terest to understand, that the sum asked of you is not the real market value of the article, and what you ought to pay for it, but the measure of the party’s conscience who makes the demand! Therefore do nothing without making your bargain beforehand! and first for boat hire—you should land your family for six shillings at the highest, if the weather is fine, but, beware, the boatmen will charge sepa- rately for every person, not of your family, whom you may invite to land with you, unless you have taken the boat spe- cifically without reference to whom your party may consist of, You should go on shore, in the first instance, yourself, and secure quarters. ‘The climate admits of your walking, if not a great invalid, but if you require a conveyance, a person from the stables generally comes on board to take instruc- tions ; the conveyances are carriages and buggies, and the rates of hire about the same as at Madras.. You must go to the Custom House, and. get a permit for Janding your baggage, specifying if you can the number of packages you will require; and a separate order, after paying the duties, for liquors and conveyances. These you will de- posit with the searchers, or tide-waiters on the wharf, and _ your boatman (with whom you had better make a bargain for all your work) will procure waggons or coolies to convey your baggage; and their hire is best arranged by bargain, for they will scarcely work for anew comer at the regulated price. pyle You will do well, with a family, to go to a lodging house for a few days; there are abundance of them—the best are Mrs. Vanschoor’s, Mrs. Cambier’s and Miss Rabes’.. The terms are generally the same per day, but if your party is large, or you propose remaining some time, say beyond a fort- night, you will be able to obtain a reduction. The usual rate is rix dollars 6 per day per head for adults, 3 for a _ child, and 1 for a servant; I have known it reduced to 5,1, and 4 respectively : this provides lodging, breakfast, dinner and tea, with Cape wine and beer. You may make a very reasonable bargain for board and lodging (at a second rate 137 ffints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Aprit boarding-house) by the month: a man and his wife £l5a month, providing their own liquors and firing. Almost the first person whose services you will require, after landing at the Cape, will be the washerwoman. They are excessively extravagant and bad; not one tenth of your clothes will be washed at all, and you will have to pay from 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. per dozen pieces, but you have no remedy, and are at their mercy. After the board ship clothes are washed you will hire a woman to wash by the month, the rates are for a single person from 10 dollars upwards, for a family considerably more; I have paid 40 dollars a month, for washing the clothes of my family consisting of my wife and self, 3 children, 3 Indian servants and 2 English girls. The wages of a housemaid are from 12 to 20 dollars a month with board ; they g generally work at the needle, but are fond of idling and require much looking after. Your Indian ser- vants should as soon as possible make themselves acquaint- ed with the nature of the current money, and bazar rates ; till when, they will most certainly be imposed upon. ‘The bazar currency, sovereigns, half crowns, shillings, six pences, penny pieces, half-pennies, farthings, rix dollars (1s.6d.) shil- lings, (21d.) stivers (6 toa shilling) and doublegees (3d. each.) Beef of excellent quality from 2d. to 3d. per lb., mutton 2d., fresh butter 2s. in summer, and from that to 3s. per lb. in winter, good salt butter 8d. and 9d., fish very cheap and good ; vegetables and fruit abundant and cheap in the season ; bread good and about the same price as at Madras, milk 3d. a bottle, but it is often a little sky blue, and the bottle is barely an honest pint. The Cape summer season is from the beginning of Octo- ber to April, during which the residents are generally out of town ; you may at this season get a house or lodgings in Cape Town at a moderate rent, and a country residence is expensive. The case is vice versa with the change of season. If you want quiet and fine air, the country is‘the place throughout the year; if gaiety is your object, you must fol- low the fashion, and return to town for the winter. There are some very comfortable bungalows at Wynberg, eight miles 1836.] Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. 138 from Cape Town ; supplies abundant and good, and the coun- try tolerabiy pretty. Sales by auction are held three or four times a week in the streets of Cape Town, at which are sold all sorts of domestic stores, but (Gt is said) an Indian must avoid bidding in proprid persond, or the article is Immediately run up. If you go into the country you will have to find the means of conveying your stock of supplies from Town; the best way is to treat with some of the labourers in the neighbourhood, who own carts and who occasionally take into the Town for sale, a load of reeds or rushes, &c. If inthe country, make early enquiry, and lay in your winter stock of firewood, oats and hay ; take care the wood is dry, and look well after the cook who will otherwise ruin you in expenditure in fuel. Oats and hay should be purchased after Christmas when a part of its fresh moisture has gone off; but do not wait be- yond January or the price will rise, (coals you must procure from Town) and in taking a groom stipulate that he is to draw water and chop wood for the house. Do not trust to a house being “ furnished,”’ as that usually consists of an old table and a few rickety chairs. Some furniture (particularly beds and bedsteads) is very dear, other kinds reasonable. A new table of cedar wood in three pieces, 9 feet long by 5 feet broad, costs from 65 to 75 dollars; a dozen chairs from 90 to 100, and a deduction is made fora good order and ready money. Carpeting from 2 to 4 shillings a yard, the shops are well provided with all sorts of Europe articles, but labor is excessively dear. Mulitary men from India have adopted the fashion, I know not why, of throwing off every part of their military dress at the Cape, thereby incurring a heavy expense in fitting out at the tailor’s. Horses are very good at the Cape, but you should take time to select. A good buggy is a plea- sant conveyance out of Town, but scarcely sufficient for the winter. The coachmen drive well, but their wages are very high (30 to 40 dollars a month and food) ; such a man ought to take care of your carriage and horses and be otherwise useful, as chopping firewood, going to market and errands. If you have more horses than three, you will require a boy as an 159 Hints regarding the Cape of Good Hope. [Arrit assistant at about 8 dollars a month ; unless you require him to ride with you, when you would want a more regular groom, who would receive about 20 dollars a month. Your best means of remitting funds (for Rupees or draw- ing on India is ruinous) is to bring Ceylon, Mauritius or Navy Bills on England, which you may generally sell at a premium. Sovereigns and all English silver money, are current at the Cape. ‘The Madras Rupee is worth no more than Is. 6d. The houses of Agency are extremely polite, and will re- ceive your bills, allowing you to draw against them; this is a very desirable arrangement if you go into the interior: or you may pay them into the discount Bon, which will answer your draughts. : As a valuable factotum and a worthy person, let me re- commend you to make early acquaintance with Mrs. Saun- ders, confectioner in the Here Gracht, who will gladly ex- ecute all your little commissions in Town, and has some remains of a conscience. The household expences of a small family (consisting ofa pail and one child) may be thus enumerated. Accommodation in a boarding-house for 6 months cer- tain, 300 rix dollars, washing and personal servants extra. Accommodation in separate quarters. Rent of a small unfurnished house, 80 dollars. Do. of apartments furnished 100 dollars.. Do. of afamily house do. 250 do. AVERAGE ORDINARY EXPeENces. 3 ; Dollars. Cook’ 25, nouse boy lore og a a eee Butcher’s? bill’40,-baker’s:25..2-::c%, Badin wh Pe oy SiG Milk 15, wood 20, salts 6........ sith bs inte Has oe 1 a ‘Coffee and tea 10, vegetables 10..... ctepotcss, hele ae alte Pucaracandles,roil.. 5:14 ... sv 5 stkdderegaeAl, GG Bee ee eee Washing 30, house 30, groom 30.........ceeeceeees+ 90 Fruit, coals, &czl 6; wme&e. 300.5 4 .hegt cree 46 Total 402 1836.) Hints.regarding,the Cape: F. Good. fTope.; 140 Table: of Weather, hepts eNO: the. timits of. Cape, Town. ths a as Se ae en on mc ce Thermo- SST EL ot es _ Ineter,: sl e[3 by 201 Bel a. TEE 24 leleli se “O[ a ots lee |e EE ed iid r : May. » » «{64{56 63.6. |Generally fine—4 days rainy, I stormy & do. June. .«..|64)53/58 & (Generally fine—6days rain, 4 days taney; wind a | southerly, bof them stormy with rain. July. ..../62/51/5542 2\Gonerally. fine—6 days rain, 3 days stormy ae rain. August. i 535575 7|Ni ine days rain, 9 days Hlondy,. | ‘ Septet 59 bs 2. CE menage fine—6 days rain, 34, 4th and 5th of 4 _ the-month stormy, w ith wind from. .south easterly. “October. . 65 54 5823 2\Generally fine—2 days rain and 2 days stormy, 7 : on one of them wind westerly. Magomber, 69 59 6242 6| Generally fine—Ist, 11th, 15th, Leet 16th, 17th, 18th, stormy wind N. W.. December. 401 62 64, |Generally. fne—a few- days. Tight. rain, wind | sterly. — January... 171/63 67a: Generally fine—3 days rain, wind! s. Ww. 8. E. ee 176165! a Generally lees, S. W.Ss 3, Easterly. March. ns | ceneray fine—15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, very boisterous, wind SW. spt {67 60'6314!Generally fine—wind S. E. 8. W. till 14th, when _ it began torun.to N. Westerly... cop _ \Generally fine—5 days rain, wind N. W. W. Ju une. he 5944 Generally fine—5 days pula W.N. We 2 J ily? : ie : [00 ey) 56-2, Gener ally fine—5 days rain, snow in the month, a | iJ wind 8..E. and N. \ : | Ne: and Sept | sles .| Incomplete. October. . avs sla Fine wind S, & with mae and N. W. SaaS eee latcan cellist zi vy —-— 14] IX.—Distance of objects at sea, [Arrin To the Hditor of the Madras Journal A SIR, of Literature and Science, In Adam’s Geometrical and Gra- phical Essays at page 117, the follow- ing problem is given, viz.—The dis- tance of three objects A, B& C, from each other, and the angles A DC, CDE,CED,C EB being given, to find the sides AD, DC,D E, E Cand EB. | The method of construction 1s there calculation, but a direct general for- mula for the solution of the problems may be found. To simplify the cal- culation, let the three points A C B be conceived in a straight line, and producing the limes B EK and A D to M. the angle M =a +684 6 + « —1802, and calling the angles ABE = yand BAD = ¢ then e+ y = 180 —M = 3600 — (a+ A +6 + 6)then in the triangle C BIS we have CH a Ph pene Ue! sin B and in the triangle D C EF. we have In the triangle C A D we have DC = C E. sin ip cig CB. siny sin (e ~b 6) SS ects ees ee a ee er eS AG. sin % Peet moe sin @ and in the triangle D C B we have ED=— DC. sin (€ ++ 0) iss A €. sin @ sin (e + 0) ore = —eeeee . . sin r3} sin @ aes, and equating the two values of ED there resuits C B. sina sin § sin £ — whence sin pin y given, and also an indirect method of 1836.] Proceedings of the Madras Lit. Society, &c. 142 CB.sina.sind +AC. sin A.sine_sinx+siny_tang3(v +) CB.sina.siné6—AC.sinBsine sing —siny tangi (aw y) CB. sina sin € = taking tang 9 =—.—--_- we have AC. sin B sing x tang 3 ( — y) = tang 3 (e + y). tang @ — 45s) by which the value of # and y are found, and therein the values of any of the required quantities. Yours obediently, &.—At a General Meeting of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society, held at the College, on Satur- day, the 30th January, 1836. PRESENT. The Honourable Sir Rogert Comyn, President, tn the Chair. The Honourable Wittiam Oniver, Esq. Vice President. The Venerable Archdeacon H. Harper, A. M. J. ANNESLEY, Esq. W. Lavi, Esq. R. Cors, Esq. J. OucHTERLOonY, lisq. and Captain Keicuty. | Revd. I. Spring, A. M. The meeting having been opened by the Honourable the President, the Revd. Mr. Spring, for the Secretary, laid before them a statement of the funds of the Society, in both its branches. The following donations having been made to the Society since the last annual general meeting, the thanks of the meeting were unani- mously voted to the donors. FOR THE LIBRARY. 3 Copies of Koros’s Tibetan Dictionary and Grammar ..... E Aaclie Gah) ee de beh WS Supreme Government of India. Essays on Beriberi and Rheumatism, by J. G. Malcolmson, Esq. .....ccscccecsee cece Madras Medical Board. Result of the Madras Astronomical Observa- tions, for 1832 and 1833...... a DR Bs Madras Government. Wight’s Contributions to the Botany of India.. The Author. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, volume Sd, Warhod al 20.0% 3. tnd 5 » Royal Asiatic Society. Ram Raz’s Hindu Architecture............ o- Do. Evlya’s Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa... Do. Sangermano’s Burmese Empire..........-... Do. Travels of Macarius—part V......scesseceee Do. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,—the three first Nos... ..0.-cccsenevevscesoees Do. 143 Proceedings of the Madras Lit! Saviety, &c. [Avnic E Report of the Oriental Translation Fund.,?... Royal Asiatio Society. ~-Alfiyya- ou la Quintessence dela Grammaire. __ a coon Arabe—par le B. 8. de Sacy...... ..... Do. Les Cluvres de Walli—Publiées ‘én “Hindou- - stani—par-M. Garcin de-Tassy........«.Mons. G. De. Tassy. Notice sur les Fetes at aa des Hlindous par M. G. De Tassy.. a eR Ne /Mons. G. De Tassy. Two copies of the Index m ine Asiatic Re- Beavches, <.. SOR eae leew eee Bengal Asiatic Society. The Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette OANos; for L839)... Pisce’ wien ee UBresen tell thro’ G. Lys _ Esq. from the Literary Asis eR beri i __ Society . of the Cape. Two es tionuls of books i in the South African nigh | Public Library... 5 ge. cos. eee dae, OS “i Supplement to décs waa, —sed- vilersnste® SdleabeDO. ce iof the: first 2 mnie ania) fp sates bf 5 “the'friends of the Popular: Library, Cape 2 TOWN... geen ere ecnee See tee ete tesennes iatay Oe ee s Essay on the "paiative Univer sal i Standard of Weights.and-Measures......The ‘Author. aE, “ Rask’s Samlede Alfhandlinger, 6 Oepics ....Presented thro’ Arch- - deacon Robinson, from the University of Co- ;penhagen. iias0e y,, Nouvelles Restatchiess sur ‘Piasoripton en let- pe far ~ “tres Sacrées du Monument De Rossette.. “| ‘Do. Vejledning til Akra Sproget—af Prof. R. Bal - Do. Solemna Scholastica ad Celebrandum...... ‘eds P.Do. Singalesisk Skrifteere af Prof. R. Rask.:..... ~~» Do. __ Annual Report of the Royal Society of Nor- a) thern Antiquities at Open AREER eee spiky ee Nordift' Zidsftrift for Oldtyndighed. patios es Do. Oriental Historical Manuscripts.......: Maes: end W. aylge The following books, in the Chinese directed) were presented by Lieutenant Newbold, in the name of the -Rev. Mr. Evans, of the Anglo- Chinese College at Malacca, as specimens of the produce, of the Chi- “nese Press of ‘that Institution. | ) Holy Scriptures in the Chinese angie, 21 MOMGMES 05). 22 oicinsaicirn, soyahn e c¥ eee a Lieutenant Newbold— | in thename of the Rev. i fie enol iow of co PO BU 0)” Wer vents, Seripiuve Proof in.d0..3 vols... ccetsdlsust sicko cteeeeypeeienel VOue See History of Kéa-kus—Chinese emperor 6vols. . Do. Family Instructor—4 vols..........- e Hleee Do. Chinese translations of religious works 41 vols. Do. 1836.] Proceedings of the Madras Lit. Society, &c. 144 _ Malayan: translation of the- Bible printed at Harlem .....,, ie eriaisei2> “ei: wee morncinnsLacatenant Newbold— in the name of the Rey. Mr. Hughes. Do." Do: Do. printed at Serampore Do. The New Testament:i VAY ICMR aed A pes Do. MicwGOaels AbdeACts IN -dO.. wo... 6s «sence Do. Twenty-six pamphlets—translations of reli- pears workcuin Malay... ..... cc cs.ness Do. FOR THE MUSEUM. A ‘bow and four arrows taken from one of the _ rebels of the Kimedy country...........W. Gilchrist, Esq. atk collection of Geological specimens, chiefly from the Northern parts of India, being duplicates from the Bengal Society’s Museum, presented through Dr. Benza, Gc te nee tee Neocon eo, . The Neiatie Society of Bengal. A series of Mineral specimens, one hundred and four in number, illustrative of the Geology of the Neilgherry Hills, by... .Dr. Benza. These specimens illustrate the very able and interesting paper by “Dr. Benza, on the Geology of the Neilgherries, contained in the _ Bengal Journal of Literature and Science, for August 1835. It is to be regretted, however, that the specimens presented to the Madras Museum, are not numbered according to the references contained in that paper; a classification which would very mueh enhance their value, in the eyes of the geological student, who may hereafter wish to refer tothem. A member of the society having engaged, in com- munication with Dr. Benza, to arrange the specimens in the order in which they are describedin the paper above alluded to, there is no doubt but that this desirable end will be attained.* A collection of Geological specimens from the Nome Circars; by or PsP Pe Dr. Benza: The formations in the district whence the above were taken, are described by Dr. Benza in an appendix to the paper cited above.: A number of most beautiful specimens of the Trap formation near Poonah, presented DY cerereee cree ecte cee tees eet e cece ead, G. Malcolmson, Esq. : tree ed rer a ET a oe * The Neilgherries being located within the limits of owr own province, we eg hereafter to give an abstract of Dr. Benza’s paper, or to transfer it entire to the pages our Journal. As the Doctor is again on the Hills, perhaps he may have something Be add to his former observations.--Hp1ToR. 145 Proceedings of the Madras Lit. Society, Bc. [APRIL These consist of vesicular Trap, or Amygdaloid, of a dull reddish brown colour, containing embedded crystals of fibrous Zeolite, Cubicite, Green Earth, Rock Crystal and Chalcedony. The following notice, froma paper by Mr. James Bird, in the 3d number of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, will afford an idea of the formations whence these specimens are derived. « The elevated table-land of the Dekkan is exclusively composed of rocks belonging to the floetz-trap formation. The hills which rise on the western. ghats asa base have conical or tabular forms, and are sometimes distributed in long ridges or terraces which run east-north- east. “© At the openings in the hills west of Punah, known by the name of the Ghats, and which are the passages from the lower land of the Kon- kan into the higher land of the Dekkan, these tabular forms are grand and beautiful. They are generally triangular shaped, and insulated from each other by broad and deep ravines, of which the perpendicular descent cannot be less than twelve or thirteen hundred feet. ‘ The rock composing these tables is compact basalt of a black co- lour, in which hornblend predominates. | | Wd «“ About Punah, and further-south-eastwards, the rocks are generally: amygdaloidal, and become lighter in colour the farther they are re- moved from the western entrance. This amygdaloid is in no respect diferent from the toad-stone of extra tropical climates. It shews embedded masses of calcedony, zeolites, and green earth; and in the neighbourhood of water courses, at the depth of five-and-twenty or thirty feet below the surface, contains drusy cavities of crystallized quartz, the appearance of which, in digging wells, indicates that water is near.” A-collection of Mineral specimens from vari- ous parts of the Peninsula of India, by..Captain Boileau. A figure of a Burmese Deity......... Wks ae ak: Hon. Sar R. Palmer. The sumpitan, or blowpipe, and a quiver of poisoned arrows used by the Jacoons, a sa- vage race inhabiting the mountains and for- ests of the Southern parts of the Malay Peninsula, once the property of one of their Batins or chiefs, by whom they were presented to the donor...... te ee Lieut. Newbold. A specimen of the rude cloth worn by them round the loins, made from the fibrous bark of the Terap tree......... Sto terest wale Do. A hunting basket worn across the shoulders. . Do. A rude call or whistle used by the Malays.... Do. 4& Malayan Buah-raga, or foot-ball.......... Do. A Malayan-spear used by the Malayan chiefs.. Do. : 1836.] Proceedin gs of the Madras Lit. Society, &c. 146 a common, Malay Kris... ui. .ci.ce0esreseeoees Lieut, Newbold. A common Malay fishing line ............. : Do. A bow obtained from a native of the Celebes.. Do. A bundle of arrows from do. d0....... 4 Do. A Malay sling made of human hair......... : Do. Specimen of tin of Salangore.............. : Do. Specimen of stream Ore........0-cececeee sis Do. A Chinese Abacus,’ or calculating board with apparatus for writing .....cs.esecoeses als Do, A Chinese opium pipe......- Beast codes deity Do. WA Packet of-upas' poison... 0-0. ...0/.cceevaee : Do.’ A. small Cobra di Capello, about 1 feet long, in the act of swallowing a smaller snake of another species, of which it has effect- ed the deglutition of about one third...... Revd. Mr. Spring, in the name of Captain | : Bernard. The following gentlemen have been elected members since the last general meeting :— C. R. Baynes, Esq. H. Morris, Esq. T. Jarrett, Esq. . A. H. Harris, Esq. N. B. Acworth, Esq. The following vacancies have occurred by death or retirement since the last general meeting. J.G.' Maleolmson, Esq. gone homie. Captain Lane, _ gone home, Ven. Arch. T. Robinson, a.m: do. | W. E. Underwood, Esq. Retired. W. H. Richards, Esq. do. T.. H. Davidson, Esq. do. Captain Boileau, do. Captain Alexander . do. Colonel Pearse, do. C. A. Kerr, Esq. Dead. Resolved,—that an early. meeting of the Committee of Management be called, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of éffecting an improvement in the selection of books from England, and the expediency of disposing of any useless works which may now form part of the Library. The meeting proceed to elect three members for the Committee of Management for the ensuing year, in succession to Lieutenant Colonel Cullen, A. Robertson, Esq. and Captain Rowlandson—when the Vene- rable Archdeacon H. Harper, a. m. and James Minchin, Esq. were duly elected and Captain Rowlandson re-elected. The thanks of the meeting were voted to the Honourable the Presi- dent, for his able conduct in the chair, 447 XL— METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER xerr ax tu MADRJ ee ser Fe ciaeienieniennen tiene ‘Standard Bar omter No. 3, by Gilbert. | Standard Therm. by Troughto | " e ° ” Py ne ° ay wal 2 s | = | 3 x si =S 2 eS a = % | Days a eS S a Pp . a a a le a 3 Tha ip ede |eislFla 4 “Dee. jinchesy_ piialnee : it | 0,164) 30, 152 30,130] 30,122| 30,154) 30, 150|] 73,2| 77,5] 79,0] 79,6) 77,9| 76,0] a Hess : ke 146] Toa] ,108}, 144] 148! 76, || 79,3) 80,4] 79,0] 79,5)74,51 79h) 3 136 3172 ‘ibe 110| 7126} 31444 7154\173,7178,5) 79,41 79,5] 77,0] 76,01 Zap “| 7156 2180; 164) 5146) 150) ,174| || 72,0 mo 19,0] 79,2} 74,0] 76,2) Zay |) | "7621 -,210} ,180, ,150) 144) 4174 a 71,0| 78,1] 7%,8! 77,01 75,7175,5)=9 |! ) gi} ,18a|_ .,146].. ,154).. ,174| 11 73,011 77,21 77,3) 76,5] 7, Gem “| "135 188] 163 124] ,150}———}] 73,5] 79.3) 75,2)-——| 74,2] 74,3} at rao] 21sa{ 2150l liz] 104] 5154) —-_—}) 73,4179, 1) 79,81 79,6] 77, 1) 76,3) 9} 2150] ..774] ,144| ,100 144 77,2| 79,0 18,2] 75,9] 75,3 10} 3136] 5172] 152) 9] 770 79,2, 78,9! 75,0) 74, ! ; 1 172) 15 | 75,0] 78,6|78,0) 77,0] 75,9 7a. 19 "168 ‘| oF 5178] 132 76,2|77,4| 78,3] 76,4] 75,7 13) 2158} 21sg, ,154| , 108 77,8) 78,9}*0,0] 77,0176, 14] [136]. veo} ,144! 116 78,2] 78,0179,6| 76,5] 75,0) 7 45 5150] 3178) 155] 110 | 77,0] 80,0] 80,5) 77,5| 76,31 5 iso] ,146 76,0! 79,31 79,0] 76,7| 75,6} 1e| 21a] ’are| 200] 7166 |78,1| 77,7| 78,0| 75,6) 73,5] 7 18| 7208] 7920, 188] ,162 76,6] 78,4|78,6] 78,0! 74,9 191 7154 {196 5154) 132 75,3| 77,4 78,81 75,2| 70,81 6 20| sie 5146] 5122 ——|76,7|77,2| 76,0 72,6 180 j 76,3) 77,7|77,9| 76,2| 73,7 \+ 3 al "186 "15e 16 : 76,2) 77,0| 77, 7| 76,0) 75,11 93| 7154) 208] 180) 156] 16: 75,1] 79,0] 78,7| 77,0) 74,8} 4 Hl "1541 202] 51 8] .134] ,124 : (0) 75,7|77,4|78,41 76, 1| 72,61 951 °132| “16d| .428}———! 5108] 114) ,148)170,'| 74,2) 77,0; 75,1) 70,9) 190 5114} ,140}169,0| 74,7] 76,2| 77,5] 75,21 72,0 2g| 7138) 182] Jl5zt Jina! 5104) ,'32] 128 65,8) 73,6) 76,4 76,9| 73,21 69,21 & 29} 31221 158 71281 2102| 3096] ,1 6! ——||63,6| 73,4] 76,5] 77,3] 72,2] 69,5}- 30) 08 7160! 2122] 5080} ,10z] 136,144 66,94 75,2| 77,2176,9] 75,5 73,2) gif 150] 178] 160] 116) 120] 138] ,142 l67,2 74,0! 76,3| 76,4| 75.7, 73,9)" Mean.|30, 30,145 | 30.1 184] 30, 159130,126 30,126 |30, 30,1301 30,151! 30,162|| 70,6] 76.4] 78.0] 78,31 76,0 74,1) Be ? Be ) =X o 4 é ‘ a Bee ~3 Uae Os fe) ~ co; e 4 : 27802 fp Fates 22 e oe oe ace ‘ og. 8606 ® E See ee { Fees > 2 (| pate) mo rs a ee) a { é 3a a ia RS ego Sd ! ma Sots ee B36. 0 = (opatetie: ce 5 Pb 535 s .. oa Se S peieeoee ee es SS omg : - wr Oo ‘Ts j G os iS S 5 38 B Aes avo oe ae 4 4 3 3 BP, = ore 8 3B 38 3 a a) t i cs SoBe 4 BPs eS a. Be cA Oe es a eo es La a2. = - gst z Posh so Ss s) &B ay © SS Bie SoS ea o 3 TS : S 18S iS) Leon ae) es SO Sry ° me > bs F Se Pe eae) SO Se eet Zee oS S woes os ap Se Bs ae pO gS Pp SS oo 2 = Sy (Sy noes xo} al (oo See OC Ba e ees) or te = eae a. oo 2 a) 1, eB taki oe ao { a3 ee, = “Bena BS = ® Se LS Qo MESS OA Booaa ga = 3S ees : | ee dees a 3 : minksan S| sS ‘ é : “35 (ees ° = _ Bee a ae A ; J ‘e ° 2 S G O = = ' Pa AZ eee es Rae 2 ol A ee Bee eo a ee ee : a Aaa aa Ae eg a eo — ! ZH 4424 Zz Sin pae se tees SE eee a8 ze 6 ee a cr se A ODO > 3 a > GOO eae iy & a ; aq ; } Oe i A Z-8' 4 ZZ pe ee ee ee Bl | uoyerodea sy; =| ~ | rH Sy tit GA Fo FA : (en) : C 1} o| sealele ah (ania, at F — pee : z 3 i] se) el 7 =] oe P 13 “30S ung | (0.5) aT . = oS aes ld 5 = ie | fay mi. 8 a ms 0 Hii ee : © ete os Z, | asta ung | eal aa as © 24 ae cy ee. em H ; | a et = Bake gi ¢ eo i a Toes [cs ce eae de ate ba totes TT lap les ot a de ae | ow Sos aS a ‘ : NW: : ; NM Petar oN —,ON mFS 2 2 jes unk, a CN GO O19 ois ois SSP NN CONIQD R= a OS : i A ——— Be ee ee HONCN WMerena GO 8 00 =—O6D0OOS Sisoane ft | : - lg “ie OARS Spa SHOP F GOPAS id save A ee eae ss ae ad? aS Se Sil ee St a oo Se Cad 19 onl = e Ree Ne oe ee en DS00D AHH — =o ed ES ——}| ——_____ OQ SHA dad Ht Seas DN 10 AG (2) .E ae Ono mw OND adwos = | Oe a ey u0o N Se ee OD BS OG ee a ES Orissa % a se {| Sf j— WHSSS wT! co he Sea. a aoe = air ae - GSAS Pee oF ANGAS ABWON oa a "Ww ov ¢ : Soe a oN SNT oS on gem acgen ee Sol g ero eas Tees aso ese see? cae eo : A | ‘esix unc] = SS Filo an SMDON SO— HH a S'S) Gen ae FO ASH Hen eo eat Oa OON 19 stood ~ a Eloe Say Sea Lee | 149 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER xerr ar-rne MADRAS | Standard Barometer No.3, by Gilbert. ‘ AGRE ee Standard Therm. by Troughton} ai2 P ee ge ia 2 teicg | at hes my ° ‘ ‘6 o. Days e o E ey 4 is : 41 3 ate ! i | = nS aD @0 D2 ki NN Pe | Jan. finehes aren ri | 1}30,134 130,144 | | 2120, 100 "136 30. 086 30.072 (30. 078 30. 112 30.126 77.6178.0176.7 |72.7 (7h ll Dippin o 094 78.3178.7\76.4|74.0 '7) iil 4| ‘r30} ,1s0 “160 108 106 Te 78.4179.3)77.0)75.0|74 || 8} ,!28) ,l44) 122) 054 0744 = .100 77.0177.4|74.9 '74,3|—# ol)! 6! joo4] 140] .128} .102] .086] .116 178.4178.5'75.4l74°3 708 (il! 7) ya6t) 161 154) tO) 110F * 130 \78.6 178.7 175.8 179.0 iy $} ,110j-———] .118; .080! .078] .108 78.4 179,.3175.9 171.0 16% 44 9} 220) .'52] .144] .100| 104] .128 77.0 |78.0176.2175.2 (74 Sih! TO, igi) ae 0B) 02s a) ra0 78.1 179.0177.0175.8 il 11] 141] .156] 134] 100] 094] 110] .130|/64.8)78.0|79.0|78.7|76.9|76.0 i Popo eh WA pT sa ei ee 1y.. 13! o91| .126! .110} .090] .200f .114] .118|163.7!77,6179.3 |79.0176.0|72 8 174 14} -(082{ .136] .116] .1C0} 094] .130] 1146/16! 0177.8}80.2 180.7 177.0'74.9.17% gy 15] jog] 160] 152] 118) 106) 124] 140} /66.9)77.0]79.0)79.0176.0 74.2 17% Ani} 1g) ,136| 160] .1504 -128] .110] .126' .150 ||65.9;78.0]78.8 |79.8175.7 17| ?146{-——-—}" 1140] 120)" 102] 126 het 81_= 177.9!78.0176.2 18] 2146) .200) 182] .140| 146] .168| .190//60.8|76.3177 0|77.7 |75.6 19} {182} .228] .196| 160] .142] 146] .150]|63.1 176.3 |77.8|78 3175.2 20! 2126] -174| 157} 124) 0120] 1281 .1344161.1 176.0|77.4178.3 175.5 ai} ,146] -'94) .154| .128] .150] .150| .154| 64.5 76.9 77.8 178.9 176.0 92| 7175| .216| .200) .160) 152) 172) —})60.6)75.2 |77.3177.9|75,6 93! 7182) .2187 .196] .158) .150) 162) .1921'60.1)76.2/77.3 177.7 175.8 94| *195|———| .194| .165| .178{ 1921 .2'4] 6'.6|—--177.0/78.0176.0 25} 7188, .252| .2i4; 172} 186 206] .208| 58.5 75.5 |77.5|78.0175 5 a6) .204| 258! 212] .180] .188) .226|———1|61.4|76.9|78.0|78.7 |75.9 o7| “214| .960| 2s) 82| 172; 1212] 214/645 |77.2]78.7,79.0|75.9 os] “14 | 282]. 2501 200) 1198) 224) 252] 6!.5177.4177.8|75,8 |76.0 99| °2'8| .276| .240] -202] .2'4| .230) .244 [61.2 76.7 178.3 |78.4|75.9 30; 2224, .290| -258) -2!4) .204) .220| .240|/61.3)77.2 ade (79.0 176.5 ae 246|———| .2464 .202) .196} 216] .222)161.0 iad 8 79.4 177.3 win 30.194 [30.169 [30.125 130.121 |30.152|30.1 63\162.4|76 5178.1 783 76.0(74 4th) 15d PBSERVATORY; ror raz MONTH or JANUARY 1836. pee = = B aD : = i | : } ® SS) ro O58.e 6 Eee nies "Ro zs .) = , poet = La en} ‘ = _ peeee pee yest = @) = ans So Ud dd i Sete eee = a5 gs OS = : } ; 3. o8 os es 80 eb Ss Seas) S S | BS oe oe Bo A eos pres See Td. a Baka = 9 oo i ee i » = ie cre} ny Ta D ray ‘ a ee Secen. 64 oS a a ee | a) 5 m= (o) e : i; 2 eee. See SES soe ee ee ae = So See BO GE ag ee | So 09 4 pO {i eee ee os By | | Roo Pa Poo oo 8 aS aS = aa oe SARSS BARBRA A RMS BARR RES EQ mA RUAN { : > “J < cee cee Ss i Oo as s a | rd : : 28 gas Orca eat "pence : : ro) ° CHER Vea re ee 2 ° g cy sa) se, © ; Fe) i AAA RA A - &« fF ABA Ba Ae a i a easter Fag et re Pe a ier ee ee ee a AZAAZAZ 244244 4 424424 424242243 44002 aude 8 een SS eee ed [= asf tees {| | eS Tf ' | vomoieenl TILL STL TEU Hils HUTT TS as a on Set (stoma rt) (esl N ees RAMU eS a a ea | - a | | nef | =| | es | | | | mee | { same) FULL LTE TELE EE TEER WUT ae scl Nile bee ate lel fea |< eet eer] ale ay BS a lehek ca ty | een TIMIITBTT! he Ee Hed Pd : i eae ee tte) ce aa set : pa tae = — Toul eee Oe ee. ee. See fee ee : t | Sata NWA SLI SS SO oS ot | od a Sie ON et El woeayg | (RRO wotat Soe qtnns amaon aAnngoo oO is o aos svat Sle Bg la rama AOMSO NOR = yes ung | J wistt stimisdus 1s | oor 2 = Be foneS BaMAS = POSs an Wd 7% [COSTS NSN o 6 [NN 7 om. SSGS GSII a RAS ees naa Holle oejite) MODIS xs | ONS ° 2355. - = —~ : OS pan Risa) aS 6 ae ee Se or OPO oA pA prices AQ Isr SSS ee “we PINA n Bi Ss is a SI ah (ace pane : F 05 HAS Aaaala ante Hox Wan ~lice | : A NOMS ONDAHS Haass XI. METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER rer ar rar MADRAS] | Standard Barometer No. 3, by Gilbert. | 2} Sun rise. Noon. 30, 170 30, 142 {30,150} 2 28} jLld} 4127 ee | J£160, 12 23 166,7 78,3 3} 80,7 30,7189, 7 Standard Therm. by Troughton. © 60,9}77,2 60,1 176,017 62,2|75,0|77,7 60,5 75,3. 77,3 si eanaae 78,0 79,2 7 61,8|77,0 66,0177,7 6',9 él, 2 62, 9 Se “I ~J we WH IS ToWOO CoE - 76,2 77,\ 78,¢ 76,9 796s 79,9 1S1,2 1{RO,0 (81,2 I =] ROP) iS ~I oes SF I< 00 3 GO PS Dre nN oe > VU OS a) 25) e a) Vos “I < . CO LOLONT .) SO —t J S wT \ 0 s og So . SEP cacao .) S VO to GO 30 GO or GO Qaaay Sas S&S Se “ © So = » ww ~OMOwH. NOCOW WONS ) Oayvo NRO O ~ 23 IN CEO bet SY sj Sy ie} oss — i & Ce rere J oF Ss bo =} @ ; x the { oa as era @ GO GD sus FOO SO tohote aT SI “100 WH v . ‘tn 80,7178, 76,9 750 = | 0 42 te st? & .6 >Re : ms Q Ss = S = te 3 tak = ° ° ° : - Bc @ om oS Boe Oo sos | = =| 5p. og & i=) 36.626: Geese S250 gESeo Seeas sess | q, ~-S & Zio w o's 3 8 Pee i) = : ac a9 rg Aw oO 8g j Soy oe en SO a | ee we Bs) Gs, eechse a a Bee ae S om SO 3 SR ZSITGS Shei om a8 5 and 69 + CR at i or on ae Se eee ee tol C oS 3 BD S a ° : ees Stas ESRI GESTS SSeS a4 . uw mH me BT flies ro ro a) [S) a eeu x oe OE ar} Sm ms a ba (Sirs) 3 by 3 Seen ao $B Prd s Br tet oe Seco Sn gt ee 2) 2 S-seceg CHolsg “Le Gee Gino = ee oC eo ore a O S758 See ec eee eS ea 26 oS Ss ee Ga SssS S255 s3a3 oi ae Osa a =e Ot fa a a ee =< a = A = = cs weg 2 See AE e a ye See ee aa a ; Henk gg tea 8R2SE Bonds Fw He ic PA eee oes ae Fone. at ae nA 2 9 iy tio + A OG np AAR NM ag egg yee ‘uotyeI0dea | 2 | | eat tess toe eet al =a a ca non wo be nee ee | ede | labs Pe eee 6 Sey Se Taal Plo ley t | eed ial | (tae as ea ee alee ch aber el Es : qas ung ie | | | ZA |e j——I—— et lll ON | peste ry | a : paren | 4 S| | | Bees a = | © 4 0] SENS ON wan mae ae pie ee Bela SS Soi Signa onan el tos ee Ee | ae ea o Nd gQ| BANDS atonw wae. Osl ss cosas Kod _ | 9 <= |—— OI Le a nF eR eg TN OO OS a a HORM Nida Salsas isSisies NSS Hoo Ova | % ss : Nudd 4100 : DOINGS Nr Goods 7 GC ysune | Sosa ODM Homa —— wD wcow rw 110 en pe} S [or Werken yop} Nf 8 nN nN age > SO 1D CO Ss panos — ar = OW rmRi6 Asis x PIAA IAI AS BN Ow w Od iy 1D tw = 3 — SSS Se 2 MOD BIOSST NISL www jw ‘la °° a cas ey 2 MID ON IDO On Ose SS : Gel fo ee eee ee oesae SFSne Beg Taam 1S WOON | mea ee oe I OE NOS Se The instruments with which the foregoing’ observations have been made, are placed upon a table about 4 feet above the ground in the western verandah of the Honorable Com- pany’s Observatory; which is situated in the longitude 5h. 21m. 9s. E. latitude 13h: 4m. 9s. N. at about two miles from the sea and about 27 feet above the low water mark. T. G. TAYLOR, Hl. C. Astronomer. 96th March 1836. | 1836. } : hod MISCELLANEA, 1.—Prroussion Caps ror Muskerry, &c.—We copy the following from a private letter dated in August last, from an intelligent and Scientific officer in chargeof H. M’s Armoury Mills for the manufac- ture of small arms, swords, &c. situated a few miles north of London on the river Lea :—‘‘ We have been bewildered by a multiplicity of inventions, but our original and safe principle of the nipple and cap is working its way gradually and securely to the top, and I have no doubt will eventually succeed. We have offers as low as ls. 10d. per thousand for the caps uncharged, as it is proposed that the whole are to be primed with the fulminate by the laboratory at Woolwich. A man at Birmingham has offered a machine by which one boy can prime 50,000 caps per Hour !! ! what think you of that !—And lam now in treaty. with a Frenchman for a machine, or collection of machines, that is capable of stocking a musket complete at the. rate of 600.per day. I have seen one of his stocks with the barrel, lock, brass work, ramrod, &e. let in very neatly.—This if it is brought to bear will cause a re-action inthe gun trade. We are now busy arming the Spanish auxiliaries, and are sadly pressed for men.” J.B 2.—New Iron Mine in Swepen.—Another competitor has started up near Thorshalla,a little town about 90 miles inland from Stockholm. A Mr. Zerthelius is working the ore there after the English manner, and produces better ore than the Dannemora mines, who have already been obliged to lower their prices 30 percent. I have written toa friend at Stockholm to send mea specimen of the ore and a sample of the iron, which, if I succeed in procuring, I will find some opportunity of communicating to you. 3.—DRILLING HOLES IN GLass.—A common drill, dipped in spirits of turpentine, is said to make quick work in boring through glass, and not to be more blunted than by piercing iron of the same thickness. It is a recent improvement adopted from the French. 4,—Cosr oF PariaMentary Sanotion.—“ In round numbers the following are the costs of a few of the late bills as given tome by those who profess to have the means of knowing. The London and Southampton railway bill cost 31,000Z£, exclusive of the opposition to the great Western.—The Birmingham railway 90,000£.—The Lon- don Docks 100,000.—The great Western (railway) it is calculated will fall little short of 150,000£, whether the bill be obtained or not; hence the last bill including the expenses of opposition may be set down at least at 260,000£.”— Mechanics Magazine, August, 1835. 5.—ANALYSIS OF THE NELLORE Copper Ores; by James Prinsep, Esq. Assay Master at Calcutta. “ Through the kindness of Mr. C. A. aoe I have had a further op- portunity of examining the produce ef the Nellore copper mines, of 155 Miscellanea, [Arrim which cabinet specimens were presented to the Asiatic Society two years ago*, before the formation of the “ Indian Copper Mining Com- pany” at Madras, for the purpose of turning to profit the mineral stores of this promising district. “ From a pamphlet published at ; Made as, we learn that the copper mines in the Nellore and Cuddapah districts were discovered about 40 years ago, by Mr. Benzyamin Hrynz, whose report to Government, inserted in his Jracts on India, gives the fullest and most satisfactory account of them. “« Mr. Heyns seems to have been wrong in imagining, that the natives had only discovered these mines 50 or GOyears before (about1750). Mr. Kerr, who has since visited the whole of the mining district, and ex- amined all the formations, and the old works, with great care, states, that the former excavations are of prodigious magnitude, many of them occupying several hundred feet square, and having a depth of 50 or 60 feet. The matrix rock and rubbish are now accumulated in these immense tanks ; but on clearing them away, the mouths ofthe galleries extending into the rocks were discovered; blocks of the ore, (perhaps some that had been gathered previous to the discontinuance of work- ing the mines from some political convulsion or oppression,) have been used to mend the village tank at Guramanypenta ; and Mr, Kerr imagines that any quantity of the richest ore{ may be obtained at a trifling expence, and within 100 feet of the surface. Extensive hills, formed of lumps of ferruginous slag, now covered with vegetation, point out the situation of the ancient smelting houses. A piece of this slag (which was at first mistaken for a volcanic product) was analysed by myself. It yielded but. faint traces of copper, shewing that the native processes of extraction, however rude, were effectual in completely Separating the metal. But I must now proceed to observe upon the actual specimens of the ore submitted to my examination, purposely avoiding all allusion to the mercantile value of the mines, the estimates of the expence of working them, and the invitations to join in an asso- ciation for this purpose :—objects which are highly interesting to the community, connected with so laudable a measure for developing the natural riches of the country ; but which cannot with propriety be entered upon in a work devoted exclusively to literature and science. “The ores now presented to me are from three different localities. They differ considerably in quality one from the other, and all from the former ore, which Dr. Tuomson pronounced to be an anhydrous carbonate, new to mineralogy. “No. lL. A parcel, weighing 90lbs. of roughly-picked and cleaned ore, has a quartzose matrix, in some parts colored green, or appearing so from the malachite beneath the transparent crystal. It contains * See Proceedings of the Asiatic Society, Feb. 1833, in vol. ii. p. 99. +The ‘‘steel-~grained, crystalized silvery ore, invariably found in green-stone slate, and partly imbedded in quartz, the richest ore met with,’’ is doubtless No. 3, the sul. phuret.--J. P. 7, ¢ , “yh £836.) & Miscellanea. 156 much iron, which, on solution in an acid, appears in the form of a yel- low ochre. ‘'T'en per cent. of quartz was separated from this specimen on pounding it roughly, before setting it apart for analysis. “No. 2. A parcel of the same weight is labelled “Bungeral Mettah,’’ and is the species stated to be found in clustered nodules in the alluvi- um, of rounded exterior, as though they had been detached from their original site, and reburied here. The ferruginous matrix of this ore, on solution, assumes the appearance of a dark-red oxide. It is the same probably as that of Dr. THomson’s specimen. The carbonate of _ ¢opper runs through it in veins, but the mixture of sulphuret of iron and perhaps of copper with the oxide, gives the whole a dark arenace- ous texture. : “No. 3. The richest ore of the three is at the same time the most abundant, and promises to yield the safest return, as it runs in unbroken veins. This ore is a combination of carbonate and sulphuret, the for- mer intermixed with the latter, but readily distinguishable from it, as the sulphuret is crystallized, and has the grey metalic lustre of galena. The specific gravity of this ore is 3°77, being intermediate between that of the carbonate, 3°2, and the sulphuret, 4°5. “ The analysis was conducted for the sake of expedition on separate parcels of 100 grains each, in lieu of attempting the separation of the ingredients from a single parcel. Some variation may thus be in- duced from the irregularity of the ore; but, onthe whole, the results. ought to be more trust-worthy. Thus: the carbonic acid was estimat- ed by the loss of weight on digesting 100 grains, finely pounded, in dilute nitric acid. . The water, (for none of these ores was found to be anhydrous,) by heating ina glass tube, removing the aqueous vapour by bibulous paper, and ascertaining the loss. As the ore generally lost its-green colour by this operation, it is possible that a portion of carbonic acid was also driven off. Calcination in an open dish, in the muffle of an assay furnace, gave a loss, which was compounded of that of the carbonic acid and the water. Calcination drives off the sulphur also, but the equivalent of oxygen, which replaces it, being of precisely equal weight, this operation affords no test of the quantity of sulphur present.—In fact, not expecting from Dr. THomson’s analysis, to find sulphur in the Nellore copper ore, I at first. neglected the precautions necessary for its separation... This was accordingly effected on other samples, by boiling in strong nitric acid, which from its heat, caused part of the sulphur in a pure state to rise in fused globules to the surface: while a portion, being oxygenated, was afterwards separated by precipitation with barytes. “The quantity of copper was most conveniently estimated from the black oxide taken up from the calx by dilute nitric acid. It was also obtained directly from other samples by redaction of the oxide with charcoal and borax.—The iron and pyrites were deduced from the difference between the residue in the cold solution, and that from the -hot dissolution in strong acid of another parcel, before calcination. iS7 Miseelianea. [APRIL ‘* Collecting together the results of the above operations, we have the following data, whence to deduce the composition of the three specimens. No. 1. No. 2 No 3. a. Loss ofcarbonic acid by digestion in di- lute mitric’ wend, SSeS. Seen Meee 12.0 14.6 7.0 8. Loss of water (and some carb. acid ?) by heating without air in glasstube,.... 5.0 7.0 3.0 ¢. Total loss oncalcination with access of air, 17.5 17.8 21.0 ¢ 2. Ditto average of two other trials (more CHEMOMARGL sc eo ite lene tales nec cietcia # or 20.0 20.3 23.5 d. Oxide of copper taken up from calx ¢ by . dilute/dertls 133/005 Pale ig eae 37.0) G2 (OT s. Residue of insoluble earths and ox. iron, alten ato. re hes A Se ee nes i 44.8 33.0 5,3* jf. Residue from digestion of crude ore in ! orig nrtrie acids...) Seas re kes 20.0 13.9 19.6 g. The same, after burning off the sulphur and redigestine. Wrdd’. i. Chao ws + oe 20.0 ? 8.5 0.0. hk. Sulphur, separated on boiling in strong : aeide ts eae Ph SRR Sah dei htt SP iran AME 0.6 2.1 9.0 i. Sulphate of barytes precipitated after- Wands 6 Sa. | ce eee ee aan Oe ne 1.4 17.8 28.5 &, Weight of metallic nape actually reco- Merced Grol ¢ Moveeo ck. sie lelaiogel sb aie 2800 > Jee. OU “In regard to d, No. 3, it was observed on digestion in cold nitric. acid, that a very considerable portion of the calx of copper was ofa red color, or in the state of protoxide, or perhaps ina metallic state, and was not taken up without disengagement of nitrous gas;—the weight 73.7 must therefore be increased, to give the true weight in terms of the peroxide. This is also proved by the amount of loss in e, 21.0, which is considerably in excess; and it was remarked on removing the calx from the fire that it was agglutinated, so as per- haps to have prevented the access of air to oxidate the interior.—The. sulphur enables us to approximate the correction of this item; for 12.8 requires 51.5 copper,=64.3 black or peroxide; and this, added to 22.8, the peroxide of the carbonate, would give 87.7; which is 14.0 greater. than the actual return from the fire—Again, deducting the deficiency after calcination (c) 21.0,from the sum of the three volatile ingredients— sulphur, 12.8; carbonic acid, 7.0; and water 3.0=22.8, there remains but 1.8 for the weight of oxygen absorbed in place ofthe sulphur ; whereas 12.8 are required.—Adding the difference 11.0 tod, we shall have 84.7. This number will be found to be a little in defect from the subsequent results; while 87.7 isa little too great; a mean may there- fore be adopted. | * This residue may have consisted partly of sulphuret of copper that had escaped de~ composition in the fire; for another specimen was wholly soluble, and little iron was. present in the solution, 1836.] Miscellanea. — [58 ' & From the above data, we may now proceed to extract the simple elemenis of each specimen of ore: No. 1. Wo. 2. No. 3 %. Metallic copper, calculated from the BCR asa sc tae ee ek ses eset ss 5 50.2 39:5 69.0 m. Pure sulphur, from A and i,......... ra 0.8 45 12.3 A. Carbonic acid, less th for hygrome- trie. Moisture... 0... ; sone. s dioia 10.8 13.1 6.3 ‘“‘ The carbonic acid being supposed to be wholly combined with cop- per, while the sulphur may be partly united with iron, we may cal- culate the proportions of the carbonates and sulphurets by means of the scale of chemical equivalents, thus : | Wo. Io Wo. 2.. Vo. 3: 6. The carbonic acid will require copper,.. 31.4 886 18.3 “© Now in the first two of these, the copper required so nearly agrees with the calculated weight of metal, J, that the latter may be looked upon as existing here wholly in the form of carbonate, and the suphur as united entirely with iron*. In No. 3, however, we find that the majority of the copper remains; and knowing the nearly total absence of iron in this specimen, we may conclude it to be a mixture of nearly two parts sulphuret, with one of carbonate. ~ “ ‘The miner would rest content with the determination of the pure me- tal in the ore, and would have good reason to be satisfied with the 60 per cent. “actual yield” of No. 3, or even with the 30 per cent. of the poorest of the three ores ; but the mineralogist will prefer an exhibition of the component salts of the ores, according to the usual synthetical formula. I may here remark, that the water separated (+) is more than is re- quired to convert the carbonate intoa hydrate or ordinary malachite: sa, Noy Ni No. 8. Nog 3, y. Thecopper combined with carbonic acid iis Rel OreTa rEg Ola Nm AI Re Be ilags ce 30.2 39.5 18.3 gq. Will require water to hydrate it,....... : 4.2 5.5 2.6 The excess in 6 may have been carbonic acid, partially driven off. “© The chemical composition of the three minerals may therefore be thus expressed : No. 1. No. 2, No. 3 Hydrated carbonate of copper,.......2000¢ 524 685 317 RNTMEEEE, Of, COPDED, on os cue soidiee sein deco 0: 0-2 63-0 SM MMe Of (FON. Se ew ssn fa eatrea ats 2:1. . [2-4 0:0 Oxide ofiron, silex,&c........ MARR Soe ie 43°5 25:1 3-3 UMAR ERC ESS Io sfc. « «o's % » 6 d¥oinie ora 4.56 cuban 20 —60 0-0 ——S 1000 100:0 100-0 ap SEARS OES OP CEI ETD SORE EY RY CEA ED ey * In the second Analysis of No. 2, however, the copper actually recovered, %, so much exceeds this quantity, that it is evident this ore frequently contains sulphuret, or is of very variable quality. 159 Miscellanea. [Apri “The excess in No. 2,is doubtless owing to the irrecularity of the rocky admixture in different specimens, whereof one yielded 44, and another only 13.9 of insoluble matter, on digestion in acid. “ The richness of the last of the three minerals will more than com- pensate for the inerease of trouble and expence in the reduction of the ere by successive roastings; and practical miners assert, that the glance or grey sulphuretis a much steadier and more plentiful ore than the carbonate. Me “7 should add, before concluding the above imperfect analysis of the Nellore copper ores, that 1 tested them in vain for silver and other metals. Neither did arsenic appear to be present. “ J may here mention, that among the specimens of minerals present- ed to me by Mr. Kerr, as occuring within the copper mining district, associated with the micaceous schist, are the following; corundum and adamantine spar, garnets, dark-green actinolite, red chalk, manganese ; besides carbonote of magwesia, and other minerals of which specimens have not yet reached me. Anore of mercury is also suspected to exist in the same range of rocks. The surface of the gneiss or micaceous schist, where exposed to the air, is frequently seen tinged of a green colour, from the trickling of water holding carbonate of copper in solu- tion, through crevices of the rock.” 7. WaTER OF THE WELL ZEM-ZEM AT Mecca. May 14.—A paper was read, entitled, “An Account of the Water of the Well Zem-zem, with a qualitative analysis of the same by Pro- fessor Faraday”; inaletter from John Davidson, Esq., to the Se- cretaries, and communicated by them. “The author having, during his stay at Jedda, the port of Mecca, suc- ceeded in procuring about three quarts of the water from the well of Zem zem, to which the Mahomedans ascribe a sacred character and extraordinary virtues; and wishing to preserve this water for the pur- poses of analysis, had the canin which it was contained carefully seal- ed; but, unfortunately, on its arrival in the London Docks, the can not- withstanding the directions written on it, was opened, and the gas with which it was highly charged, and by which it held in solution a very large quantity of iron and other matters, was allowed to escape. The precipitate thrown down, in consequence of the loss of this gas, was found, by Professor Faraday, to consist of carbonate of protoxide ofiron in the enormous proportion of 100.8 grains to the imperial pint of water. The clear fluid was neutral, and contained much muriate, anda little sulphate, but no carbonate; together with a little lime, potash, and soda. There was also found analkaline nitrate in considerable quanti- ty; this Mr. Faraday conjectures to have been saltpetre, which had been added to the water by the priests.” Transactions of the Royal Society. i ay mu a iy, Re A : : En, ‘ a : end Sey by Si EO gt ah al eer ee iy ne Vee Sey eoerak ‘ike 4 wis se Bes wie ae ay ot ¢ ' x soaks Sarre = I Tem eS sigumaske os = ra ah Poe : Ses : ’ ; PS ad eg geen *) hye inet De