CO CD ROCK HOLE & CAIRN SECTION MIDDLE TRENCH (#4) ENTRANCE PIT(#3) APPROX. POSITION TRENCH #1 (ELL-1955) 06 OVERHANG 2Q' ROCK HOLE = O REFERENCE POINTS = © v>V ° o e ^ MAGNETIC ROCK HOLE TTT ■ 1 1 i ' i : i . i : i . ' : t-^-t -i I I— 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II. ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V i i i i i i \ 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 • i i i i i i i i t , | , | | , . ■ i i i i ^.r. DARK RED CLAV SILT YELLOW - ORANGE GRITTY SAND (TxH43) 37,880 ± 3. 520 YBP \ RED-GRAY SAND AND GRAVEL TIGHT SILT AND CLAV SEAM3 RED-ORANGE SILTY CLAV y (Tx 1145) 15.600 t 250 YBP LIMIT EXCAVATION 4 WHITE SANDY SILT 5 RED CLAY Left, bottom, Map of Madura Cave showing the locations of the trenches. Large arrows point to cross sections of three of the five trenches in the northern tunnel; left, top, Trench 5, Section B-B'; right, top, Trench 4, Section A-A'; and right, bottom, Trench 3, Section C-C. (All illustrations are taken from Madura Cave, Part I.) FIELDIANA Geology Published by Field Museum of Natural History New Series, No. 14 THE MAMMALIAN FAUNA OF MADURA CAVE, WESTERN AUSTRALIA PART VI: MACROPODIDAE: POTOROINAE ERNEST L. LUNDELIUS, JR. Professor of Geological Sciences University of Texas at Austin Research Associate Department of Geology Field Museum of Natural History WILLIAM D. TURNBULL Curator, Fossil Mammals Department of Geology Field Museum of Natural History Committee on Evolutionary Biology University of Chicago Research Associate Texas Memorial Museum Accepted for publication July 27, 1983 April 30, 1984 Publication 1354 © 1984 Field Museum of Natural History Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 72-97564 ISSN: 0096-2651 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS List of Illustrations viii List of Tables ix Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Potorous Desmarest, 1804 2 Potorous platyops (Gould), 1844 2 Material 2 Comparative Material 2 Description 2 Discussion 12 Potorous lncertae Sedis 13 Material 13 Description 14 Caloprymnus Thomas, 1888 14 Caloprymnus campestris (Gould), 1843 14 Material 14 Comparative Material 20 Description 20 Discussion 29 Caloprymnus lncertae Sedis 30 Material 30 Bettongia 30 Bettongia lesueur (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) 31 Material 31 Comparative Material 36 Description 36 Discussion 46 Bettongia penicillata 48 Material 48 Comparative Material 48 Description 49 Discussion 58 Bettongia Species Indet 58 Material 58 Conclusions 60 Acknowledgments 61 Literature Cited 61 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Madura Cave and cross sections of trenches Frontispiece 1. Potorous platyops comparative materials 4, 5 2. Potorous platyops from Madura Cave 6,7 3. Potorous platyops from Madura Cave 8 4. Caloprymnus campestris from Madura Cave 21 5. Caloprymnus campestris from Madura Cave 23 6. Bivariate graphs of dP4s of Bettongia from Madura Cave 34, 35 7. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, surface 38, 39 8. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, Units 1 and 2 43 9. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, surface and Unit 1 44 10. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, surface and Unit 1 45 11. Bettongia penicillata, Recent 50, 51 12. Bettongia penicillata, Recent 52 13. Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave, surface and Unit 1 53 14. Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave, Unit 1 55 15. Bivariate graphs of P3s and P3s of Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave and Nannup Cave 57 LIST OF TABLES 1. Measurements of upper dentitions of Potorous platyops from Madura Cave 3 2. Measurements of lower teeth of Potorous platyops from Madura Cave 9 3. Measurements of upper dentitions of various samples of fossil and Recent Potorous platyops 10 4. Measurements of lower dentitions of fossil and Recent samples of Potorous platyops 11 5. Position of anterior end of masseteric canal in specimens of Caloprymnus campestris of various dental ages 24 6. Measurements of upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 1 of Madura Cave 25 7. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Units 2 to 4-5 of Madura Cave 26 8. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 7 of Madura Cave 27 9. Measurements of lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 1 of Madura Cave 28 10. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Units 2 to 4-5 of Madura Cave 29 11. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 7 of Madura Cave 30 12. Dental and cranial characteristics used to distinguish the Madura Cave Bettongia lesueur from Bettongia penicillata 32 13. Comparison of cranial, mandibular, and dental measurements of Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave with those of Bettongia penicillata anhydra Finlayson 37 14. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave 37 15. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave 40 16. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Lake Victoria 40 17. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Lake Victoria 41 18. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Nannup Cave 41 19. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Nannup Cave 42 20. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave compared with those of other fossil and modern samples 54 21. Statistical data on lower dentitions of fossil and living samples of Bettongia penicillata 56 ABSTRACT The potoroines represented in the Madura Cave deposits are Potorous platyops, Caloprymnus campestris, Bettongia lesueur, and Bettongia penicillata. Potorous platyops, found in Units 1 through 4-5, is not significantly different from Pleistocene, Holocene, or modern specimens from other parts of Australia. Caloprymnus campestris, which occurs in all units, shows no significant mor- phological or size change through the sequence and is smaller than the samples from the Pleistocene of Lake Menindee and from the known Recent material, with no overlap in size. Bettongia is represented by B. lesueur, which is present throughout the strati- graphic sequence, and B. penicillata, which is absent only from Unit 7. The Madura Cave B. lesueur is smaller in size than other Pleistocene and modern samples, but B. penicillata shows no differences. Today, four species of potoroines are known only from an area near Albany, Western Australia. The presence of Potorous platyops suggests that more effective moisture existed in the vicinity of Madura Cave when these sediments were deposited than at present. The association of now allopatric species such as Potorous platyops and Caloprymnus campestris indicates a more equable climate in the past. INTRODUCTION This section of the Madura Cave report covers the rat-kangaroos, Potoroinae, and continues the systematic treatment of the marsupials (Lundelius & Turn- bull, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1982). Measurements, abbreviations, and dental terminology are either those in standard use or those outlined in Parts I through V. Measurements in all tables and graphs are given in millimeters. Headings for the statistical tables are as follows: N, sample size; OR, observed range; M, mean; SE, standard error; SD, standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation. Abbreviations for institutions are: BMNH, British Museum (Natural History); FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History (Recent mammal); PM, Field Museum of Natural History (fossil mammal); SAM, South Australian Museum; TMM, Texas Memorial Museum; WAM, Western Australian Museum. 2 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Potorous Desmarest, 1804 Potorous platyops (Gould), 1844 Hypsiprymnus platyops Gould, 1844 Potorous platyops Thomas, 1888 Potorous morgani Finlayson, 1938 Potoroops platyops (Tate), 1948 Material Trench 4, Unit 1 TMM 41106-576, right M, (fig. 3B) TMM 41106-600, left M1 or M2 (fig. 2C) TMM 41106-609, right M3 (fig. 3F) TMM 41106-619, right P4 fragment (fig. 2B) Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 1 PM 34418, left M1 or M2 Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 2 PM 34419, right maxillary fragment with M3 (fig. 2E) PM 34420, right M, (fig. 3C) PM 34421, left M1 or M2 PM 34422, left M2 (fig. 3E) Trench 4, Units 4-5 PM 34423, left M1 or M2 (fig. 2D) TMM 41106-647, juvenile ramus with I, P„, alveoli of P3, dP4, M, (fig. 3A) PM 34424, right M, PM 34425, right M, (fig. 3D) WAM 75.1.130, left M1 or M2 Trench 5, Unit 4 PM 34426, right M1 or M2 Trench 5, Unit 6 WAM 75.1.131, left M' or M2 TMM 41106-632, right dP4 (fig. 2A) Comparative Material Potorous platyops BMNH, P. platyops type BMNH SAM PI 68, P. morgani cotype Hastings' Cave PM 6313 (fig. 1D,E), 6314-6318, 6695, 7073-7078, 36844-36848, 36852, 36869-36871 Wedge's Cave PM 5598-5602, 36843 Webb's Cave PM 4355 (fig. 1A-C) Description Upper Dentition.— The dP4 (TMM 41106-632; fig. 2A) is rooted, but unworn. Its nearly equally spaced cusps and primary lophs are low and sharp. The tooth is rectangular in outline with the anterior ridge of the paracone extending forward as a short blade. As compared with PM 6313 (fig. 1D,E) and PM 6315, the Madura Cave specimen is more elongate with more pronounced constric- tions both labially and lingually between the protoloph and metaloph. A low LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE J Table 1. Measurements of upper dentitions of Potorous platyops from Madura Cave. Anterior Posterior Teeth Specimen No. Length width width dP4 TMM 41106-632 2.85 2.13 2.20 P4 TMM 41106-619 > 3.5 > 1.7 1.62 M1 or M2 TMM 41106-600 3.42 2.96 2.74 PM 34423 3.34 3.04 2.89 PM 34424 3.45 2.96 2.81 PM 34421 3.08 3.00 2.81 PM 34426 3.42 2.04 2.70 PM 34418 3.12 2.74 WAM 75.1.130 3.04 2.74 2.66 WAM 75.1.131 3.34 2.81 2.74 M3 PM 34419 3.12 2.74 2.25 angular ridge extends posteriorly from the apex of the protocone parallel to the labial side of the tooth. This ridge almost reaches the median valley, then swings abruptly lingually and disappears. A similar low ridge runs anteriorly from the apex of the metacone along the labial edge of the tooth and disappears near the valley without turning lingually. Low, blunt, and more massive ridges connect the protocone and hypocone, meeting at a nearly right-angled V where they cross the bottom of the median valley. The protoloph forms a broadly open saddle, with the paracone making the greater contribution. The metaloph is nearly straight and horizontal. It is weakly notched near the hypocone. The metacone causes the labial half of the metaloph to bulge posteriorly. The post- cingulum is a heavy ridge, especially near the hypocone. It is U-shaped in posterior view and it and the metaloph delimit a shallow, crescentic posterior cingular basin. The P4 (TMM 41106-619) lacks the anterior end. It is unworn, lacks roots, and probably was unerupted (fig. 2B). The long axis of the tooth is concave labially. This appears to be a variable character since PM 4355 (fig. 1A-C) from Webb's Cave (about 55 miles [89 km] east of Madura Cave) is nearly straight, while PM 6313 (fig. 1D-E) and PM 6315 from Hastings' Cave show considerable difference in their curvature. Of all the specimens here compared, PM 6315 shows the most curvature. The anterior cusp is higher than the others. The two specimens from the Nullarbor Plain differ from the two Hastings' Cave specimens in having less pronounced vertical ridges on the labial side of the two anterior cusps. It is difficult to distinguish between isolated M's and M^. The M1 in most of the available comparative material has a more pronounced anterolabial projec- tion on the procingulum than does the M2. However, the Madura Cave speci- mens do not fall into two distinct groups on the basis of this character or on the basis of size. Both M1 and M2 probably are represented. There is much more similarity between M1 and M2 in the Madura Cave sample than in the Hastings' Cave and Wedge's Cave samples. The M1 or M2 (as represented by TMM 41106-600; fig. 2C) is slightly longer than wide. The posterior part of the tooth is narrower than the anterior part, both in the spacing of the two posterior cusps with respect to the anterior ones and in the overall width of the tooth. Its protocone and hypocone are relatively o < &. a 3 E 2 > E < £ "■ 0 3 3 o ■ u u o - > ■ 1 ^ 0 3 ■ 3 < E c c C .2 o ii ii > a. -C ^ ■-" — -. .C u- _ E c o ~ _ — J- ^ 60-O T3 C c c 9* •z "> *^ * * 2 5 J c .2 2 o- E o - ^ „ * x " > O *- « v « * SP^ « £ 5 2 E< £ c ** TV**" .- ii — "" H > £ £ 60 ■« c E 2 e 2 U £ _2 _ A3 * 5 ■&»* e!s as := -a £ JS — 4< 3 "5 X * *s * &■& u -• 9* . - >*- 13 2 I ii o y <£ ° c T3 — 01 t: > - ' 9* — E SP E S i5 a> o 1 T3 £0.5 •- b 2 B Figure 2. 6 AM Fig. 2. A-E, Potorous platyops from Madura Cave. A, TMM 41 106-632. Right dP4 shown in labial (top), crown, and lingual views. B, TMM 41106-619. Right P4 shown in labial (left), crown, and lingual views. C, TMM 41106-600. Left M1 or M2 shown in labial (top), crown, lingual, posterior (left), and anterior views. D, PM 34423. Left M1 or M2 shown in labial (top), crown, and lingual views. E, PM 34419. Right M' in maxillary fragment shown in labial (top), crown, and lingual views. F,G, lncertae sedis, probably P. platyops, Madura cave. F, TMM 41106-682. Right premaxillary with I'2, alveolus for I\ shown in labial (left), crown, and lingual views. G, PM 34510. Left premaxillary with I1, alveoli for I23, and C, shown in crown and labial views. LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 9 Table 2. Measurements of lower dentitions of Potorous platyops from Madura Cave. Anterior Posterior Teeth Specimen No. Length width width P. TMM 41106-647 3.80 1.34 1.14 M, PM 34420 3.01 2.13 2.20 PM 34425 2.96 1.98 2.05 TMM 41106-576 3.34 2.37 3.43 M2 PM 34422 3.27 2.74 2.58 M5 TMM 41106-609 3.08 2.37 2.09 high, blunt cusps. The metaloph is nearly straight, but the protoloph is slightly bowed and lies slightly oblique to the long axis of the tooth, joining the pro- tocone at its anterior margin. In profile the crests of the lophs are gently con- cave between the cusps. A low but continuous crest connects the protocone to the hypocone. Crests from the paracone and metacone nearly meet at the bases of these cusps. These crests and the lophs define a nearly square, almost fea- tureless central basin. Pro- and postcingula are both present. The procingulum is connected to the protocone by a weak crest and to the paracone by a some- what stronger crest, forming a broad asymmetrical basin. Similarly developed distinct crests extend downward and posteriorly from the apices of the hypo- cone and metacone, meeting about halfway to the base of the crown to form a symmetrical posterior cingular basin (fig. 2C). The other three M's or M2s (PM 34423, PM 34424, WAM 75.1.131) show minor variations in the condition of the notch that separates the crests from the paracone and metacone. PM 34423 (fig. 2D) and PM 34424 have a narrow U-shaped notch, while WAM 75.1.131 has a narrow cleft. Wear has made it impossible to determine the condition of this feature in TMM 41106-600. Specimen PM 34423 differs from the other three M's or M2s in possessing a protoloph that in profile has an open V shape rather than a U shape. This character may be affected by wear. The posterior cingular basins of PM 34423 and WAM 75.1.131 are narrower than those of TMM 41 106- 600 and PM 34424. The M3 (PM 34419) differs from the M's and M2s in having the posterior part of the tooth distinctly narrower than the anterior part. It has a square, feature- less central basin, a broad, asymmetrical procingular basin, and a well-defined oval posterior cingular basin (fig. 2E). No M4s have been recognized. Loicer Dentition.— The mandible (TMM 41106-647; fig. 3A) is shallow. The lower incisor is narrow and procumbent, as is normal in Potorous, and is curved inward and upward throughout its length. It shows slight wear at the tip and on the ventromedial edge. The ventrolateral surface of the tooth is convex and enamel covered throughout its length. In cross section the dorsolateral surface is generally convex in its dorsal half, with a narrow groove on its dorsal edge. A broad trough extends the length of the tooth on the ventromedial edge. Enamel is present only on the distal end of the medial convexity. There do not appear to be any differences between the Madura tooth, the Western Australian specimens of P. platyops, and the Kangaroo Island P. morgani which cannot be accounted for by individual variation. All the cheek teeth except the unerupted P4 have been lost from the man- dible. The crown of the P4 (fig. 3A) is well formed but the tooth lacks roots. a £S 6 60 O c -* S o 2 5 < Z rt 1 •° £ 5 « a < $ E K N V E 2 f rn ii » s * « > (/) eo 5 ? K ^ n in i-< co © Tpiom rxsot% in on on •£> © r^ CSwi-l (N *M *H -t ri m vD in N NO Tf< rO TpO ov ro in otx^r i-t on so 2 9 ON H i-C Tf ^H ^H vo n vo h x to tn oo in sO CO CO si s ? s « H no ir> CO in © in (N -i IX lO *- O0 N m m ^H 00 CO Ift ^H ^H CC m co ro CM CO CO CO CO CM cn in cr in ^r rj CO CO CN CO CO CO <: * * s S i S * s (N r-J -r CO \0 31 CC CO to fO CN CO CO CN CN CM CM in m CO CC o CC CC ■~C CO CO co f\| CO CO CN CN rj fN » ro CN rN cn © in n co s t^^t—< s S 2 On CN CN On IX >o oo n in s o in n ^ 5 5 rsi in — — 5 5 Jn 5 5 < a- 5 5 5 5 10 4 I ilil 2 £ 5 S s 8 £ E •3 * X . „ „ Z * - |- 2 9 « h O oo t-* m o — • N nC 00 Q *© ^ h ft IS Ift O^ N m cm n n 2 $ m ««^ Kiriri nriri nriri ? T -h§§ ff» N rt n N S OWN ^ji ^ w in n rs cj n ci « n ri X sO cvl n n «- K fcS sn- tNrt ««>« -!el « ~> t> * f* IT) 00 00 N S * ro «N «N ei rj ri xj JJi n 12 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY The long axis of the tooth is straight, in contrast to the situation in P4. The tooth is compressed and divided on both sides by two broad grooves into three well-defined cusps. The posterior cusp has an indistinct groove that forms a low notch on the crest. The posterior end of the tooth is very flat. The length of the P4 is 3.80 mm, which is just below the size range of P4s of a sample of P. platyops from Hastings' Cave, Western Australia (table 3). The type (BMNH, female) and one additional Recent specimen from Western Australia (BMNH, male) measure 3.8 and 4.1 mm, respectively. The length of the P4 of one of the cotypes of Potorous morgani is 3.9 mm (Finlayson, 1938, p. 134).* An examination of Tables 2 and 4 shows that the lengths of the P4s of all available samples of P. platyops, both fossil and Recent, overlap the sample from Hastings' Cave. The M, (as represented by TMM 41106-576; fig. 3B) is slightly narrower across the protolophid than across the metalophid (the protolophid and metalophid are more nearly equal in PM 34420). The central basin is large, longer on the lingual than the labial side, with no significant irregularities. Labial and lingual ridges connect the protoconid and hypoconid and the metaconid and entoconid along the margins of the tooth. In TMM 41106-576 these ridges are not fused where they meet; in PM 34420 and PM 34425 the ridges are fused, with no sign of a cleft. The pro- and postcingula are distinct and are connected with the apices of their associated cusps. The anterior and posterior cingular basins are asymmetrical with their centers labial to the midline of the tooth. In TMM 41106-576 the posterior cingular basin is subdivided by a low bulge on the floor of the basin; this feature is lacking in the other two M,s, and PM 34420 has a more symmetrical posterior cingular basin. The only M2 (PM 34422; fig. 3E) is rectangular with the metalophid slightly narrower than the protolophid. The ridges from the major cusps join along the sides of the central basin without fusing, as in TMM 41106-576. The posterior cingular basin is smaller than that in M1 and is more lingually situated. The only M3 (TMM 41106-609; fig. 3F) is moderately worn. It is slightly wider across the protolophid than across the hypolophid, its central basin is nearly square, and there is a trace of a transverse valley across the middle, as in MP Wear has reduced the ridges labial and lingual to the central basin, but the clefts are still in evidence where the ridges meet but remain unfused. The procingulum is expanded anteriorly in its middle, so that the anterior cingular basin is more oval than in the M! but lacks the prominent anterolabial cuspule seen in PM 7074 from Hastings' Cave. Wear has truncated the postcingulum to the point where the basin is nearly obliterated. Only a small, deep pit remains almost directly behind the saddle of the hypolophid. The thick enamel tips of the protoconid and hypoconid have both been breached by wear so that small circles of dentine are exposed. Discussion The dentition of Potorous platyops differs from that of other species of Potorous primarily in its smaller size. The P4 of P. platyops differs from that of P. tridac- * The measurement is listed as P4. This, as well as the references to M1 through M4, is surely a typographical error, as the paragraph on p. 134 refers to the mandible, and the length of P4 in the table on p. 139 is 5.0 mm. LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 13 tylus (including P. gilberti) in having a shallower notch between the second and third cusps and the absence of a flared base. Three specimens of Potorous apicalis from Tasmania (FM 98902, FM 57805, FM 98789) differ from P. platyops in having three or four small cusps between the two large end ones rather than the two characteristic of P. platyops. This is the fifth reported occurrence of P. platyops in cave deposits on the Nullarbor Plain. The species was reported earlier from Webb's Cave (55 miles [89 km] east of Madura) on Mundrabilla Station (Lundelius, 1963) and more recently (Butler & Merrilees, 1971) from caves near Madura, Eucla, and Koon- alda. The material from the older deposits of Madura Cave shows that the species occupied the Nullarbor Plain during the latter part of the Pleistocene. Lundelius (1963) suggested that it is likely that P. platyops from Western Australia, P. morgani from Kangaroo Island, and the specimen from Webb's Cave are representatives of a single species, P. platyops. The extensive overlap in dental dimensions of the various samples of P. platyops (including the cotypes of P. morgani) supports this view. Finlayson (1938) listed six characters as criteria which separated the type of P. platyops from P. morgani. Four of these are minor differences in proportions which Finlayson himself pointed out might break down if larger series of specimens were examined. The other two, the size and shape of the first upper incisor and the degree of specialization of the lower incisor, seem to us to be equally subject to geographic variation, although little material from Madura Cave bears on this. Potorous platyops formerly was widespread in coastal southern Australia. In addition to the Madura Cave Pleistocene and Holocene fossils reported here, and to the Webb's Cave and Kangaroo Island occurrences discussed above, P. platyops is also known from Pleistocene deposits in Victoria Cave, southeastern Southern Australia (Smith, 1971), and from the following Holocene deposits: Dongara-Hill River area on the west coast of Western Australia (Lundelius, 1957, 1960), Bremer Bay on the south coast of Western Australia (Butler & Merrilees, 1971), several caves on the Nullarbor Plain (Lundelius, 1957, 1963; Butler & Merrilees, 1971), and from aboriginal sites on the lower Murray River (Wake- field, 1964). Several of these occurrences indicate a late Holocene age for the specimens: the Webb's Cave specimen was collected from the surface (Lunde- lius, 1963); the Wedge's Cave material from the west coast is known to be younger than 3750 BP; the Bremer Bay material has Cu dates indicating an age between 1190 and 620 BP; the material from caves near Madura, Eucla, and Koonalda all appears to be of late Holocene age (Butler & Merrilees, 1971); and the species is represented in the lower Murray River sites with C14 dates of 1800 BP. Evidently P. platyops, like Cercartetus concinnus (Lundelius & Turnbull, 1982), persisted until quite recently, perhaps as relict populations in locally favorable areas. The restriction and fragmentation of the mainland population probably resulted from the post-Pleistocene trend toward aridity. Potorous Incertae Sedis Material Trench 3, Unit 2, Level ? TMM 41106-682, premaxillary fragment with I1 2, alveolus of I3 (fig. 2F) 14 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 1 PM 34510, premaxillary fragment with I1, alveoli for I23, C (fig. 2G) PM 36877, 36878, two I's Trench 5, Unit 6 PM 38673, I" Description These specimens probably belong to Potorous platyops. The available compar- ative specimens have no upper incisors preserved; hence, the uncertainty. The Ps thought to belong to Potorous are uniformly curved, nearly prismatic teeth with only a slight taper throughout their length. If not too worn, they may have a faint groove on their posterolabial edges. The I's lack enamel on their posterior side except at the extreme labial edge where it folds around from the labial side. The I2 has an oval crown in occlusal view. The occlusal surface is flat. The crown is expanded forward so that more of it lies anterior to the root than posterior to it. The alveolus for the canine lies largely within the premax- illary, and the anterior edge of the incisive foramen is located opposite the alveolus for P. Caloprymnus Thomas, 1888 Caloprymnus campestris (Gould), 1843 Bettongia campestris Gould, 1843 Material Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 1 TMM 41106-160, left ramus with P3, dP4, M,.2, alveoli for M3.4 (fig. 5A) TMM 41106-161, right ramus with P3, dP4, M,_3, alveoli for M4 (fig. 5B) TMM 41106-162, right ramus with shattered roots of all teeth TMM 41106-163, left ramus with I, P3_4 removed, M,_3 (fig. 5C) TMM 41106-164, left ramus fragment with P4, M, (fig. 5D) TMM 41106-165, right ramus fragment with worn M2 TMM 41106-166, left ramus with P4, M2_4 (fig. 5E) TMM 41106-167, left maxillary fragment with P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M12, alveoli for M3 (fig. 4C) TMM 41106-304, right maxillary fragment with M12 TMM 41106-305, right maxillary fragment with M1-3 TMM 41106-306, left maxillary fragment with M12 TMM 41106-307, left maxillary fragment with worn M12 (fig. 4F) TMM 41106-308, right maxillary fragment with P4 broken, M1 TMM 41106-309, right maxillary fragment with worn M3 4 (fig. 4G) TMM 41106-310, right maxillary fragment with P4-M' (fig. 4D) TMM 41106-313, left M2 or M3 TMM 41106-2829, left M2, M1, or M3 TMM 41106-2830, -5099, two right M3s or M2s TMM 41106-5100, M2 or M, or M3 TMM 41106-5101, right M2 TMM 41106-5102, right M, TMM 41106-5103, left M2, M1, or M3 TMM 41106-5104, right M1 or M2 TMM 41106-5105, left M' or M2 TMM 41106-5106, right M2 or M3 TMM 41106-5107, right M' or M3 TMM 41106-5108, left dP4 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 15 TMM 41106-5120, left P4 TMM 41 106-51 22, left P4 TMM 41106-5123, left P4 TMM 41106-5124, posterior % right P4 TMM 41106-5125, -5126, two right dP4s TMM 41106-5127, badly worn lower molar TMM 41106-5128, right M2 or M' TMM 41106-5129, right dP4 WAM 75.1.145, left M1 or M2 PM 34427, right maxillary fragment with M1'2 PM 34428, left maxillary fragment with P3, dP4 PM 34429, left maxillary fragment with M1"2 PM 34430, right M, or M2 PM 34431, 34432, two left dP4s PM 34433, right maxillary fragment with P4 in crypt PM 34435, left ramus with all teeth shattered PM 34461, right ramus fragment with I,, P4 PM 34462, left ramus fragment with P4-M3 PM 34463, edentulous right ramus PM 34464, left ramus with M3 PM 34465, right ramus fragment with I,, P3 PM 34466, right ramus fragment with I,, M2_3, crypt for P4 PM 34467, right ramus fragment with M2_3 PM 34468, right ramus fragment with M2„3 or M3_4 PM 34470, edentulous maxillary fragment with alveoli for dP4-M', crypt for P4 Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 2 PM 34436, right maxillary fragment with alveoli for P\ dP4, crypt for P4 Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 4 WAM 75.1.132, left M, WAM 75.1.133, left M2 or M3 PM 34437, 34438, two right P3s PM 34439, posterior % right P3 PM 34440, right P3 PM 34441, 34442, two right dP4s PM 34443, right P4 PM 34444, left P4 PM 34445, right dP4 PM 34446, right M, PM 34447, left M, PM 34448, right M1 PM 34449, right M2 PM 34450, very worn left M2 PM 34451, right M' PM 34452, left M, PM 34453, right M2 PM 34454, right M, PM 34455, left M2 or M3 PM 34456, right M2 or M3 PM 34457, 34458, two left M's or M^ PM 34459, right M2, M', or M3 PM 34460, right M2 or M, Trench 3, Unit 3, Level ? TMM 41106-34, maxillary with P3, P4 removed from crypt, M1-2 (fig. 4B) TMM 41106-35, left dP4 TMM 41106-36, left ramus fragment with M,, alveolus for M2, part of crypt for P4 TMM 41106-311, right ramus fragment with M3.4 TMM 41106-312, left ramus fragment with M2 broken, M3 TMM 41106-344, left ramus with I, P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M,_2 TMM 41106-345, left ramus with dP4, M,_2, unerupted P4 and M3.„ TMM 41106-346, left ramus with P3, dP4 TMM 41106-348, edentulous left ramus fragment 16 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY TMM 41106-349, left ramus fragment with dP4/ M2.3 TMM 41106-351, right ramus with M, TMM 41106-352, right ramus with I, dP4, M, TMM 41106-353, right ramus with M2 TMM 41106-354, left ramus with dP4-M, TMM 41106-357, right maxillary with P3, dP4, M1"2 TMM 41106-358, right maxillary with M2"3 (fig. 4E) TMM 41106-359, left maxillary with P3, dP4, M1"2 WAM 75.1.134, left ramus with I, broken, alveoli for P3, dP4, M,_2 WAM 75.1.146, right ramus fragment with dP4, P4 in crypt, alveoli for I, P3, M,_2 WAM 75.1.147, right ramus fragment with P4 exposed in crypt, alveoli for P3-M, PM 34471, 34472, two left dP4s PM 34473, right M2 or M3 PM 34474, right M2 PM 34475, edentulous right ramus fragment PM 34476, juvenile edentulous left ramus PM 34477, left maxillary fragment with very worn M12 PM 34478, right ramus fragment with I,, P3 PM 34479, edentulous left ramus PM 34480, edentulous right ramus PM 34481, right ramus with very worn M3.4 PM 34482, left ramus with I,, probably P4 in crypt PM 34483, juvenile edentulous left ramus PM 34484, maxillary fragment with P4 (inverted in crypt) Trench 4, Unit 1, top 1 foot TMM 41 106-497, left M2 TMM 41106-540, left maxillary fragment with M12, part of M3 TMM 41106-541, left ramus with P4-M4 TMM 41106-570, left dP4 TMM 41106-577, left M1 TMM 41106-5131, left dP4 TMM 41106-5132, right M1 TMM 41106-5133, right M2 TMM 41106-5134, right dP4 TMM 41106-5135, anterior % left M1 TMM 41106-5136, broken left P4 TMM 41106-5137, left M1 TMM 41106-5138, right P4 TMM 41106-5139, left P3 TMM 41106-5140, left P3 PM 34485, right ramus fragment with P4-M, PM 34486, left ramus fragment with I„ P3, dP4 PM 34487, left ramus fragment with I, PM 34488, right maxillary fragment with broken M2"3 PM 34489, left P3 Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 1 TMM 41106-314, right maxillary with P3, dP4, M1, part of M2 WAM 75.1.135, left maxillary fragment with Mu2 WAM 75.1.136, right ramus fragment with M2_3 PM 34490, left P3 PM 34491, worn right P4 PM 34492, right M1 PM 34493, right M2 PM 34494, right M2 PM 34495, right M, PM 34496, left M, PM 34497, right M2 PM 34498, right M3 PM 34499, left M, PM 34500, right M' PM 34501, left M2 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 17 PM 34502, left M1 PM 34503, left M2 PM 34504, left M', M2, or M3 PM 34505, right M2 PM 34506, anterior Vi left M2 or M3 PM 34507, right M2 PM 34508, left M3 PM 34509, edentulous left ramus PM 34511, right maxillary fragment with M2 PM 36873, posterior Vi lower molar PM 36874, right ramus fragment with M2.3 PM 36875, left maxillary fragment with dP\ P4, and M2 in crypts, alveoli for P\ M' (fig. 4A) PM 36876, right maxillary fragment with M'2 Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 2 TMM 41106-12, left maxillary with P3, crypt for P4 PM 36880, X right M2 PM 36881, left M3 or M2 PM 36882, left M2 PM 36883, left M3 PM 36884, 36885, two left M's PM 36886, right M2 or M3 PM 36887, left M3 PM 36888, left ramus fragment with dP4 PM 36889, edentulous right ramus fragment PM 36890, edentulous left ramus fragment PM 36891, edentulous left maxillary fragment PM 36892, left maxillary fragment with M1 PM 36893, left maxillary fragment with broken P4, M1 PM 36895, left dP4 PM 36896, right dP4 PM 36897, left P4 PM 36898, posterior % right P4 PM 36899, posterior Vi left P4 PM 36900, left M, PM 36901, left P3 PM 36902, left P3 (uncertain since tooth is broader than rest of sample, blade is not compressed, and has labial groove) PM 36903, left M, (has peculiar uninterrupted protoconid ridge anteriorly) PM 38712, left M2 Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 3 TMM 41106-2, right ramus fragment with M,_2 Trench 4, Unit 4 TMM 41106-63, right maxillary with P3, dP\ M1 Trench 4, Units 4-5 WAM 75.1.149, 150, two right P4s WAM 78.3.1, 3, two left dP4s WAM 78.3.2, right dP4 PM 36904, right P4 PM 36905, right P4 PM 36906-36909, four left dP4s PM 36910-36912, three right dP4s PM 36913, right P4 PM 36914, left P4 PM 36915-36918, four right P4s PM 36919, right P4 PM 36920, left P4 PM 36921, left dP4 PM 36922, 36923, two right M,s PM 36924, right M1 or M2 PM 36925-36929, five right dP4s 18 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY PM 36930, 36931, two left dP4s PM 36932-36934, three left P3s PM 36935-36938, four right P3s PM 36939-36942, four left P3s PM 36943-36948, six right P3s PM 36949-36951, three right M,s PM 36952, right M3 PM 36954-36956, three right M's or M2s PM 36957, left M2 PM 36958, left M, PM 36959-36962, four right M3s PM 36963-36965, three right M's PM 36966, left M3 PM 36967, right M2 PM 36968, 36969, two left I,s PM 36970, molar fragment PM 36971, left M, PM 36972, left I, PM 36973, right dP4 PM 36974, 36975, two molar fragments PM 36976, left I, PM 36977, right M, PM 36978, right dP4 PM 36979, 36980, two molar fragments Trench 4, Unit 7, Level 1 WAM 78.3.4, right M2 WAM 78.3.5, left M2 WAM 78.3.6, left M' WAM 78.3.7, right M2 WAM 78.3.8, right M2 or M3 PM 36989, 36990, two left P4s PM 36991, 36992, two right P4s PM 36993-36996, four I,s PM 36997, 36998, two right M3s PM 36999, 37000, two right M2s PM 37001, 37002, two left M,s PM 37703, left M3 PM 37004, 37005, two left M's PM 37006, left M2 or M3 PM 37007, right M, PM 37008, 37009, two left M2s PM 37010, 37011, two right M2s or M3s PM 37012, left dP4 PM 37013, left P3 PM 37014, left M, PM 37015, left M2 or M3 PM 37016, right ramus fragment with M3, alveoli for M2, M4 Trench 4, Unit 7, Level 2 PM 37017, left maxillary fragment with M' PM 37018, right P4 PM 37019, 37020, two ramus fragments PM 37021, left ramus fragment with broken molar, probably M2 PM 37022, 37023, two left P3s PM 37024-37026, three right P3s PM 37027-37029, three left P3s PM 37030, 37031, two right P3s PM 37032, 37033, two right P3s PM 37034-37037, four broken left P4s PM 37038, 37039, two broken right P4s PM 37040, left P3 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 19 PM 37041, left P3 PM 37042, 37043, two left dP4s PM 37044, left P4 PM 37045, right P4 PM 37046, 37047, two right dP4s PM 37048, left dP4 PM 37049-37057, nine I,s PM 37058-37060, three right M2s PM 38617, 38618, two right MjS PM 38619-38623, five left M's PM 38624, left M2 PM 38625-38627, three left M2s or M3s PM 38628-38631, four right M,s PM 38632-38635, four right M3s PM 38636, left M, PM 38637-38639, three right M's PM 38640, right M, PM 38641, right M3 or M2 PM 38642, left M2 PM 38643, 38644, two left M,s PM 38646, 38647, two left M4s PM 38648, right M, PM 38649, left M, PM 38650, broken tooth Trench 5, Unit 6 TMM 41106-589, left P3 TMM 41106-593, left P4 TMM 41106-598, right P4 TMM 41106-630-633, three left dP4s TMM 41106-634, left lower molar fragment TMM 41106-635, right dP4 TMM 41106-637, left M, or M2 TMM 41106-638, left dP4 TMM 41106-639, left lower molar TMM 41106-642, left dP4 TMM 41106-645, right M, or M2 TMM 41106-646, right dP4 TMM 41106-5028, left P4 TMM 41106-5109, right P4 TMM 41106-5111-5115, five right P3s TMM 41106-5116, right P3 TMM 41106-5118, -5119, two left P3s PM 38651, 38652, two left M2s PM 38653, broken M, or M2 PM 38654, right M3 or M2 PM 38655-38658, four left M's PM 38659, broken left M2 PM 38660-38663, four left M3s or M^ PM 38664-38666, three right M's PM 38667, 38668, two right M^ PM 38669, left M2 or M, PM 38670, right M2 or M, PM 38671, left M, or M2 PM 38672, left M3 PM 38678-38685, eight right lower incisors PM 38686, right M2 Trench ?, Unit ?; probably Trench 3, Unit 3 WAM 75.1.148, right ramus fragment with P„ dP4 Trench ?, Unit ?, Level ? TMM 41106-5141, right M, or M2 20 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Comparative Material Webb's Cave PM 36894, right ramus with P4, broken M,_„ Description Skull. — Several maxillary fragments show some morphological characters which permit comparison with the skulls of various rat-kangaroos. Since most of these fragments are from juvenile individuals, we have used juveniles for comparison where they were available. The anterior opening of the postorbital canal lies approximately over the midpoint of P3, usually as a simple opening. In one specimen (TMM 41106-34) this foramen opens into a broad, deep depres- sion on the side of the maxillary. Within the central part of this depression there is a flat arching strut of bone that forms a tunnel about one-fourth the diameter of the infraorbital foramen, large enough to pass a sizable branch(es) of the infraorbital nerve or artery (fig. 4B). This character apparently is variable in potoroines; a specimen of Bettongia lesueur from Koomooloobooka Cave (TMM 41230-108) shows this "bifurcated" condition only on one side of the skull. The posterior opening of the infraorbital canal lies close to the sphenopalatine fo- ramen, as it does in Bettongia; it differs in this character from Potorous tridactylus (PM 6706 and TMM M-2549). Behind and slightly lateral to the posterior open- ing of the infraorbital canal are two or three small nutrient foramina which extend downward into the alveoli of the teeth. One branch of the infraorbital canal extends downward and anteriorly and emerges as a small foramen on the palate just anterior to the P3. At least one lacrimal foramen is present. The canal leading downward and anteriorly from it can be seen on the inside of the maxillary (fig. 4B). This foramen probably is equivalent to the inferior lacrimal foramen described by Stirton (1963) for Protemnodon, which is present in most, if not all, macropodids. Upper Dentition. — No incisors have been found among the Madura Cave ma- terials which can definitely be associated with skull fragments identified as Caloprymnus. One edentulous premaxillary (PM 34434; fig. 4H) has been ten- tatively referred to this genus on the basis of alveolar dimensions and positions, but this specimen also might belong to Lagorchestes, whose premaxillary is very similar to that of Caloprymnus. The P3 is a laterally compressed, serrate blade, with three strong grooves followed by one weak groove dividing the crown labially and lingually into Opposite: Fig. 4. Caloprymnus catnpestris from Madura Cave. A, PM 36875. Left maxillary of a juvenile with dP4, P\ and M2 in their crypts, alveoli of P3 and M1, shown in ventral and labial views. B, TMM 41106-34. Left maxillary of a juvenile with P3, P4 removed from crypt, M12, shown in lingual (left), ventral, and labial views. C, TMM 41106-167. Left maxillary of a juvenile with P\ dP4, M'~2, alveoli for M\ shown in labial (left), ventral, and lingual views. D, TMM 41106-310. Right maxillary fragment of an adult with P4, M1, shown in labial and crown views. E, TMM 41106-358. Right maxillary fragment of an adult with M2-3, shown in crown and lingual views. F, TMM 41106-307. Left maxillary fragment of an adult with M13, shown in crown and lingual views. G, TMM 41106-309. Right maxillary fragment of an adult with M34, shown in crown and lingual views. H, PM 34434. Incertae sedis, probably C. catnpestris, possibly Lagorchestes. Edentulous right premaxillary shown in labial and ventral views. !;<£? UJ i#r^>iril C* o ▼r!jU/ JfBJri . o 21 22 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY three well-defined anterior cusps and two less well-defined posterior cusps. The combined length of the posterior pair of cusps is two to two and one-half times that of either of the preceding cusps. The two posterior cusps are strongly compressed laterally and are aligned with the long axis of the tooth. The crest of the blade is almost straight. The tooth has three roots, one anterior and two posterior. The posterior roots lie side by side and diverge upward. A small fourth root is fused to the lingual side of the anterior root in two specimens (TMM 41106-167, 41106-359). The lingual and labial edges of the tooth have cingular shelves which are widest over the posterior roots. The shelves bear two to four (most often three) broad, low cusps which are located opposite the ridges on the sides of the blade, but are not always joined to them. Both sides of the tooth usually have the same number of cingular cusps. The dP4 is a rectangular tooth with four major equal-sized cusps (fig. 4A,C). A laterally compressed parastyle, indistinctly set off from the paracone, forms a short blade which is aligned with the blade of P3. Crests extending posteriorly from the protocone and anteriorly from the hypocone join near the midline of the tooth to form a V-shaped lingual boundary for the central basin. Very weak crests extend from the apices of the paracone and metacone toward the center of the tooth but they do not join, thus leaving the labial side of the basin open. The posterior crests of the metacone and hypocone join to form a narrow pos- terior cingular basin. The protocone lacks an anterior crest. The anterior cin- gular area consists of a concave surface which slopes rootward from the para- style to a point about halfway across the anterior face of the protocone. There is a very weak procingular ridge. The protoloph is straight, with its lowest point close to the protocone. The metaloph has a slight sigmoid curve, with its lowest point close to the hypo- cone. As in Recent material from South Australia (Finlayson, 1932), the para- cone and metacone contribute more to the lophs than do the protocone and hypocone. The posterior face of the metaloph has a broad convexity extending from the midpoint of the crest to the posterior cingular basin. The anterior face of the metaloph and both faces of the protoloph are flat. A spur running anterolabially from the hypocone into the central valley was described by Finlayson (1932) in Recent specimens of Caloprymnus campestris from South Australia and by Tedford (1967) in a tentatively referred specimen from Lake Menindee, New South Wales. The only sign of this spur on the Madura Cave specimens is a faint bulge in that position on some specimens. The P4 is a straight, serrate, laterally compressed blade with no arch to the edge (fig. 4B,D). Six grooves divide the crown into seven laterally compressed cusps. The anterior six cusps are approximately the same size. The posterior cusp is approximately twice as long as any other cusp and has a broad ridge on its lingual face which extends to the valley which separates this cusp from the posterointernal cuspule. The posterointernal cuspule is conical when unworn and is about half the height of the posterior cusp of the blade. A lingual cin- gulum is present which bears three to five low, rounded cuspules which are located opposite the grooves in the blade and are joined to the cusps of the blade by weak ridges. The anterior cusp of the blade has a well-defined anterior ridge. The general pattern of M1, M2, and M3 (fig. 4A-G) is similar to that of dP4. There is no parastyle, but anterior crests of the protocone and paracone join to form a prominent ridged procingulum and an anterior cingular basin. The posterior crest of the protocone and the anterior crest of the hypocone are 3 # •J Fig. 5. Caloprymnus campestris from Madura Cave. A, TMM 41106-160. Left mandible of a juvenile with P3, dP4, M,.2, alveolus for M3, crypt for M4, shown in dorsal and lingual views. B, TMM 41106-161. Right mandible of a juvenile with P3, dP4, M,_3, alveoli for M4, shown in dorsal and labial views. C, TMM 41106-163. Left mandible of a juvenile with I, P3, P4 (all removed), M,_2, M3 in crypt, crypt for M4, shown in labial (left), crown, and lingual views. D, TMM 41106-164. Left ramus fragment of an adult with broken incisor and very worn P4 and M„ shown in labial (left), crown, and lingual views. E, TMM 41106-166. Left ramus fragment of an adult with P4, M2_4, alveolus for M,, shown in labial (left), crown, and lingual views. 23 24 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Table 5. Position of anterior end of masseteric canal in specimens of Caloprymnus campestris of various dental ages. Position of anterior Oental end of masseteric stage Specimen No. Eruption stage canal 1 TMM 41106-354 dP4 in place, M, erupting Posterior to M, 2 TMM 41106-351 M, in place, M2 erupting, M3 unerupted Anterior end of M2 3 TMM 41106-346 P3, dP4, M,* in place, M2 erupting* Posterior end of M, 3 TMM 41106-349 dP4-M,* in place, M2 Posterior end of M, erupting alveolus 3 TMM 41106-352 dP4, M, in place, M2 erupting* Posterior end of M, 4 TMM 41106-353 P3/* dP4,* M„* M2 Midpoint of M, alveo- erupting lus 5 TMM 41106-2 M„ M2 in place, M3 erupting? Protolophid of M, 5 TMM 41106-344 P3-M2 in place, M3 erupt- ing* Hypolophid of M, 5 + TMM 41106-345 P3-M2 in place, M3 un- erupted Posterior end of M, 6 PM 36894 (Webb's Cave) P4-M4 in place Anterior end of M, Based on condition of alveoli. directed labially and meet in the central valley in either a V or a U. The pos- terior crest of the paracone and the anterior crest of the metacone are weakly developed. They extend from the apices of the cusps toward the central valley and then turn lingually in varying ways. In some specimens the crests almost reach the central valley and then turn sharply lingually, while in other speci- mens the crests swing lingually in a smooth curve about halfway to the bottom of the central valley. In some specimens the posterior crest of the paracone bifurcates and one ridge is directed lingually, while the other, which usually is more rounded, remains near the labial edge of the cusp, disappearing near the bottom of the median valley. The labial crests usually do not join in the central valley as do the lingual crests. The posterior crests of the metacone and hypocone join to form a well-developed postcingulum with a deep posterior cingular basin. The protoloph and metaloph are slightly wavy. They join the paracone and metacone at their apices, but join the protocone and hypocone on their labial sides below their apices. The protoloph joins the side of the protocone slightly anterior to its apex; the metaloph joins the side of the hypocone slightly pos- terior to its apex. The protoloph has a low rounded bulge on its anterior face. The metaloph has a similar, but larger, bulge on its posterior face; this posterior bulge may be ridged. The faces of both metaloph and protoloph which border on the central valley are flat. The anterolabially directed spur from the hypocone mentioned by Finlayson (1932) and Tedford (1967) is variable in its expression. An enamel column may be present between the protocone and hypocone of M1. The cusps and ridges of all of these molars are higher and sharper than those of Bettongia. The only M4 in the Madura Cave collection (TMM 41106-309; fig. 4G) is so heavily worn that few features can be discerned. It is markedly smaller than M3, and the posterior end is reduced so that the tooth has a triangular shape. LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 25 Table 6. Measurements of upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 1 of Madura Cave. TMM TM TM PM 34488 41106-570 41106-5140 4106-5138 3.30 1.25 1.22 1.71 dP< M M' M TMM 41106-540 L AW PW x. W L AW PW L AW PW L 3.04 AW 2.96 PW 2.93 L 3.46 AW 3.27 PW 3.27 L AW PW ... 2.89 2.20 2.43 3.50 2.89 2.43 5.85 1.78 1.98 Mandible. — The mandible is short and deep, as in Bettongia and unlike Poto- rous. No specimen from the Madura Cave collection has a complete ascending ramus, but the basal part is preserved in two specimens (TMM 41 106-160, 41 106- 345; fig. 5A). The anterior edge of the ascending ramus is at a 45° angle to the tooth row, steeper than the angle found in either Bettongia or Potorous. The masseteric fossa is deep and opens anteriorly into a tunnel-like masseteric canal, which has been shown by Abbie (1939) to be confluent with the inferior dental canal and also serves as the area of insertion for the deep masseter. This canal extends to the posterior end of the alveolus for the lower incisor, which lies at the level of the posterior end of M, in juvenile individuals and at the level of the anterior end of M, in adult specimens (table 5). Other genera of potoroines show some variation in the forward extent of this canal. In Aepyprymnus and Potorous it extends to the level of M2, and in Bettongia, to the middle of M, (Abbie, 1939). Thus, Caloprymnus shows as specialized a state of this character as any of the other potoroines. The mental foramen is high on the labial side of the mandible just ahead of P4 or P3. All mandibles have a shallow pit on the labial side just below M,. In some specimens this pit is elongated, somewhat like the labial groove in Pro- temnodon (Stirton, 1963, p. 123). There is an equidimensional concave-upward pterygoid fossa. The mandibular foramen is located at the anterior end of this fossa directly under the posterior end of the tooth row. The symphysis is not ankylosed. The symphyseal areas are prominent and roughly oval with an ir- regular surface. The posterior end of the symphysis lies under dP4 in juvenile individuals and under P4 in adult individuals. There is a large pit immediately posterior to the symphysis. Lower Dentition. — The lower incisor is long, gently tapered, and weakly curved, with a suboval cross section except for a flattening on the ventral edge of the 26 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Table 7. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Units 2 to 4-5 of Madura Cave. I" dP< M1 M2 M3 M' N Mean ± SE SD CV (%) OR L 24 3.61 ± .049 .24 6.65 3.09-3.95 AW 24 1.31 ± .022 .11 8.40 1.14-1.52 PW 24 1.28 ± .033 .16 12.50 1.14-1.90 Max. W 24 1.85 ± .039 .19 10.27 1.43-2.20 L 21 2.93 ± .035 .16 5.46 2.58-3.19 AW 21 2.14 ± .031 .14 6.54 1.97-2.43 PW 21 2.43 ± .037 .17 7.00 2.05-2.66 L 6 5.53 5.32-5.78 AW 6 1.64 1.44-2.05 PW 7 2.05 1.86-2.28 L 16 3.26 ± .035 .14 4.29 3.04-3.50 AW 17 2.90 ± .046 .19 6.55 2.66-3.30 PW 16 2.84 ± .025 .10 3.52 2.74-3.12 L 16 3.43 ± .045 .18 5.25 3.12-3.72 AW 16 3.17 ± .040 .16 5.05 2.96-3.50 PW 14 2.97 ± .035 .13 4.38 2.81-3.34 L 4 3.28 3.19-3.42 AW 4 3.12 2.96-3.19 PW 3 2.63 ... 2.48-2.66 L 1 2.36 AW 1 1.78 ... PW medial surface (fig. 5C). It shows somewhat greater lateral compression distally than proximally. The ventral and lateral surfaces of the crown are covered with enamel, except for the most proximal quarter of the lateral surface. The medial surface has a fairly even enamel band along its ventral edge which gradually thins to nothing in the most proximal quarter of the crown. The rest of the medial surface and all of the dorsal surface except for its extreme lateral edge lack enamel. Most of the lower incisors from the lower units in the cave have enamel extending slightly higher on the medial side. The P3 is a serrate, bladelike tooth with three grooves which divide it into four laterally compressed cusps. The anterior and posterior cusps are larger than the two central cusps. The posterior cusp, which is the largest, is weakly subdivided on both sides and across the ridge by a shallow groove. This groove usually is removed by wear. The posterior half of this cusp is turned lingually, and considerably overhangs the posterior roots of the tooth. The labial side of the tooth has a prominent bulge centered over the posterolabial root. This bulge shows subdued extensions of the grooves that divide the crown. The lingual side of the tooth has a low, rounded cingulum which extends from the anterior part of the posterior cusp to the posterior part of the anterior cusp. This cin- gulum bears two low, blunt cusps which lie opposite the two central cusps of the blade. The labially expanded base of the crown shows some variation at its posterior end. In TMM 41106-160 and 41106-161 its edge is a smooth arc. In TMM 41106-344 the edge is sharply constricted at its posterior end. TMM 41106- 163 is less sharply constricted. Like P3, P3 has one anterior root and two side- by-side posterior roots (fig. 5A,B). The dP4 is a subtriangular tooth with one anterior root and two posterior LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 27 Table 8. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 7 of Madura Cave. P> dP< N Mean ± SE SD CV(%) OR L 10 3.55 ± .060 .19 5.35 3.27-3.84 AW 10 1.23 ± .002 .08 6.50 1.14-1.37 PW 10 1.33 ± .002 .08 6.02 1.22-1.44 Max. W 10 1.75 ± .051 .16 9.14 1.44-1.82 L 8 3.02 ± .049 .14 4.64 2.81-3.19 AW 8 2.28 ± .078 .22 9.65 1.90-2.66 PW 8 2.45 ± .078 .22 8.98 2.20-2.88 L 3 5.23 4.98-5.55 AW 2 1.45 ... 2.37-1.52 PW 2 1.64 ... 1.60-1.67 L 1 3.50 ... AW 1 3.04 ... ... ... PW 1 2.92 ... ... ... M1 roots. The anterior end of the tooth is laterally compressed all the way to the base of the crown. The blade thus formed has its anterior half oriented parallel to the long axis of the tooth and its posterior half turned lingually at an angle of about 45° to the long axis of the tooth. The change in orientation between the two halves is abrupt. In some specimens the blade is weakly divided into two cusps by a shallow groove. At the point of inflection there is a ridge on the labial side of the blade which extends rootward and posteriorly to join the anterior crest of the hypoconid, forming the labial boundary of the central basin well in from the labial edge of the tooth. The lingual border of the central basin is formed by the merging of the bases of the lingual cusps. In many specimens this border is enhanced by the joining of crests extended from the lingual cusps. The hypoconid and entoconid are subequal in size when unworn and are joined by a sharp ridge. The crest of the entoconid makes the greatest contribution to this ridge. Crests extend posteriorly from the apices of the hypoconid and entoconid to surround a broad posterior basin. The P4 is a relatively low-crowned, serrate, bladelike tooth with two roots (fig. 5C-E). In profile its cutting edge is almost straight rather than being slight- ly arched as it is in Bettongia. In crown view the crest bends lingually in a gentle arc which is most pronounced in the posterior half of the blade. Five well-developed pairs of grooves divide the tooth into six cusps. The anterior cusp may be larger than the next four cusps. The posterior cusp is two to three times the size of any of the four preceding cusps. It is strongly compressed laterally and is inflected lingually at an angle of about 40° to the long axis of the tooth. The lingual surface of the tooth has a cingular bulge which is variably subdivided by extensions of the grooves on the blade. The labial surface of the tooth is almost flat, but may have a similar, though smaller, cingular bulge. The M,, M2, and M3 are rectangular teeth with four nearly equal-sized cusps (fig. 5A-E). The anterior moiety of M, is slightly narrower than the posterior moiety (tables 9, 10). The protolophid and the hypolophid are well developed. These lophids are sharp when unworn and are much higher than those of Bettongia. The lophids join the lingual conids at their apices and slope down from there to the midline of the tooth. As pointed out by Finlayson (1932) for the Recent population from South Australia, the metaconid and entoconid con- tribute more to the lophids than do the protoconid and hypoconid. The hy- 28 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Table 9. Measurements of lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 1 of Madura Cave. TMM TMM TMM TMM PM PM PM 41106- 41106- 41106- 41106-541 34485 34486 34489 5131 5134 5139 Mean p3 L 3.27 3.04 3.16 AW 1.14 1.22 1.18 PW 1.37 1.06 .99 1.14 Max. W 1.75 1.82 1.90 1.82 dP4 L 2.81 2.81 2.96 2.86 AW 1.98 1.75 1.56 1.76 PW 2.05 2.32 2.05 2.14 P4 L 4.94 4.94 AW 1.75 1.75 PW 1.67 1.52 1.60 M, L 2.81 2.96 2.89 AW 2.13 PW 2.51 M2 L AW PW 3.08 2.74 2.74 M3 L AW PW 3.12 2.96 2.74 M4 L AW PW 2.74 2.81 2.05 M,_3 L 8.97 M,_4 L 11.67 polophid is straight. The protolophid is slightly convex anteriorly. In unworn teeth prominent crests extend downward and lingually from the apices of the protoconid and hypoconid toward the midline of the tooth and join in the central valley to form the labial boundary of the central basin. The metaconid and entoconid have weakly developed crests which extend down the cusps to meet at the midline of the tooth. These crests form the lingual boundary of the central basin. The procingulum of Ml is variable. In some specimens it is only half the width of the tooth, lacks a well-defined basin, and is joined by a ridge only to the metaconid. In most specimens it is larger, occupying up to three- quarters of the width of the tooth, has a definite basin, and is joined by ridges to both the metaconid and the protoconid. A few specimens have procingular basins, but lack the ridge from the protoconid. The M2, M3, and M4 all have procingula which are connected to the protoconid by prominent crests and which have well-defined basins. In all specimens which are not extremely worn, the procingulum is joined to the base of the anterolabial corner of the proto- conid. The posterior crests of the hypoconid and entoconid of Mj_3 swing down- ward and toward the midline of the tooth, joining to form a well-defined post- cingulum with a well-developed basin. The M4 is markedly narrower posteriorly than the other molars (fig. 5E). The L 14 3.05 + .040 .15 4.92 2.85-3.34 AW 14 1.26 ± .027 .10 7.94 1.06-1.44 PW 14 1.27 t .032 .12 9.45 1.06-1.44 Max. W 14 1.83 f .021 .08 4.37 1.67-1.98 L 19 2.74 ± .028 .12 4.38 2.51-2.96 AW 19 1.51 4 .044 .19 12.58 1.37-1.90 PW 18 2.00 ± .028 .12 6.00 1.82-2.36 L 11 4.80 ± .108 .36 7.50 4.26-5.40 AW 9 1.47 f .070 .21 14.74 1.22-1.75 PW 11 1.57 + .060 .20 12.74 1.22-1.82 L 12 3.17 ± .052 .18 5.68 2.89-3.60 AW 12 2.29 ± .029 .10 4.37 2.12-2.47 PW 13 2.64 ± .078 .27 10.22 2.36-3.43 L 15 3.48 ± .036 .14 4.02 3.27-3.72 AW 13 2.78 * .028 .10 3.60 2.62-2.96 PW 13 2.95 fc .036 .13 4.41 2.74-3.12 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 29 Table 10. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Units 2 to 4-5 of Madura Cave. N Mean ± SE SD CV (%) OR dP4 P< M, M, hypoconid and entoconid are well defined. The postcingulum, formed by crests from the hypoconid and entoconid, has a basin which is located partly between the hypoconid and entoconid rather than entirely posterior to them as it is in the other molars. Discussion A comparison of measurements of teeth from various stratigraphic units shows few differences in size (tables 6-11). The lengths of the P4 and M2 of two specimens from Unit 1 are below the lower limit of those teeth of the sample from Units 2 to 4-5, but larger samples would be needed to demonstrate sig- nificant differences. Comparisons of samples from Units 2 to 4-5 and Unit 7 reveal minor differences, but f tests give nonsignificant results (P > .05) in every case. The Madura Cave specimens are smaller than the Pleistocene specimens from Lake Menindee and the Recent specimens from northeastern South Australia. A comparison of the dental measures given by Tedford (1967, p. 30) and Fin- layson (1932, p. 166) shows that there is no overlap in any measurement be- tween those samples and the sample from Madura Cave. Caloprymnus campestris is known as a living animal only from a small area in northeastern South Australia and southwestern Queensland (Finlayson, 1932). This area has sand ridges, claypans, and gibber plains. According to Finlayson, Caloprymnus does not occur on the sand ridges, but seems to be restricted to the flat areas. Caloprymnus is known from late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits at Lake Menindee, western New South Wales (Tedford, 1967) and various caves on the Nullarbor Plain (Lundelius, 1963; Archer, 1972, 1974). The time of its disap- pearance from the Nullarbor Plain is not known precisely, but was certainly Holocene. Its presence in surficial deposits in Webb's Cave (Lundelius, 1957, 1963) has been taken to indicate a very recent occurrence as a living animal in this area, but C14 dates of 1500 ± 70 BP on charcoal (TX 1148) and 5030 ± 90 L 8 3.14 2.96-3.50 AW 8 1.20 1.06-1.44 PW 8 1.28 1.14-1.52 Max. W 8 1.79 1.67-1.98 L 3 2.79 2.66-2.98 AW 3 1.37 1.29-1.44 PW 3 1.95 1.94-1.98 30 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Table 11. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Caloprymnus campestris from Unit 7 of Madura Cave. N Mean OR dP4 BP on bone (TX 1147) from a depth of 1 to 3 inches (2 to 7 cm) in this cave throw doubt on this conclusion. In addition, on two mummified specimens of Thylacinus cynocephalus from two other Nullarbor caves, C14 dates are 3280 ± 90 BP for one and 4650 ±104 and 4550 ± 153 BP for the other (Partridge, 1967; Lowry & Merrilees, 1969). These dates indicate that there has been little or no deposition in some of these caves for significant periods of time. This, together with the dry conditions in many of these caves, which ensure good preserva- tion, demonstrates that caution should be used in drawing conclusions about the age of material based only on its appearance or on its position on the surface. It is possible that Caloprymnus survived to the time of European settle- ment in locally favorable areas as the report of its presence on the Bunda Plateau by Tate (1879) suggests, but as yet there is no supporting evidence from the cave deposits. Like Dasyuroides byrnei, Caloprymnus disappeared from the Nullarbor Plain some time during the Holocene when the climate was becoming drier, but still survives in a very arid area in central Australia. The reasons for the disappear- ance of these two animals from the Nullarbor Plain are not known. Finlayson (1958) has suggested that Caloprymnus campestris is competitively inferior to Bettongia lesueur in arid areas because of the latter's burrowing habit. He points out that, today, C. campestris survives only in areas in which B. lesueur does not occur. If Finlayson's hypothesis is correct, then we need to account for the exception to it given by the Madura Cave and Lake Menindee records. This will be considered in the conclusion. Caloprymnus Incertae Sedis Material Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 1 PM 34434, edentulous right premaxillary, possibly Lagorchestes (fig. 4H) Trench 3, Unit 2, Level ? PM 38718, broken molar Trench 5, Unit 6 PM 38674-38677, four upper incisors Bettongia Bettongia Gray, 1837 Bettongiops Matschie, 1916 The genus Bettongia is represented in the Madura Cave deposits by two species, B. lesueur and B. penicillata. Specimens with diagnostic characters such as sec- LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 31 torial premolars and auditory bullae can be confidently assigned to species. Table 12 lists the diagnostic features. However, the majority of the Bettongia material from Madura Cave consists of isolated teeth that usually cannot be identified to species; many of these specimens are listed as Bettongia sp. These materials show no characters that would rule out their assignment to either B. lesueur or B. penicillata or that suggest the presence of any other species of Bettongia. The M1 and M2 of B. penicillata frequently have a mesostyle (Finlayson, 1958; Tedford, 1967; Marshall, 1973). All of the Madura Cave specimens which can be assigned to B. penicillata on other grounds have mesostyles on dP\ M1, and M2. Therefore, isolated upper molariform teeth with mesostyles have been re- ferred to B. penicillata. Because some specimens of B. penicillata have been re- ported to lack a mesostyle on M1 and M2, isolated upper molariform teeth which lack a mesostyle cannot be assigned to either species. The situation is further complicated by the fact that, on rare occasions, a specimen of B. lesueur may have a trace of mesostyle on dP4, M1, or M2 (an example is PM 4786, positively identified as B. lesueur on the basis of the form and groove count of its P3s and P*s). It is difficult to identify individual dP*s to species on the basis of standard dental measurements. Considering only teeth in jaws, which can be identified on the basis of other features, the dP4s of B. penicillata are smaller on the average than those of B. lesueur, but the two size distributions overlap. A plot of length versus anterior width for all known dP4s from Madura Cave (fig. 6A) illustrates the extent of this overlap. In Figure 6B the points for isolated teeth have been added to the plot from Figure 6A. Small x's indicate those isolated teeth which we considered to belong to B. penicillata because they are small and their crowns are simple. Small circles indicate those isolated teeth which we considered to belong to B. lesueur because they are larger and more bulbous and have more complex crowns. Seven teeth which did not fall into either group are indicated by dots with specimen numbers. Most of the isolated teeth fall within or near the plots of the known teeth. The fact that it is only tooth proportions, rather than other consistent morphologic features, which seem to divide the two groups makes the identifications less certain. Figure 6C shows a plot of length versus posterior width for the same specimens. Overall, the results of this plot are the same as those of Figure 6B, although the two differ in detail. Bettongia lesueur (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) Hypsiprymnus lesueur Quoy and Gaimard, 1824 Hypsiprymnus graii Gould, 1840 IBettongia graii Gray, 1841 Perameles harveyi Waterhouse, 1842 Bettongia lesueuri Thomas, 1888 Bettongiops lesueuri Matschie, 1916 Material Surface pickup TMM 41106-20, adult skull with left and right I', P4-M\ and right ramus with I, P4-M, (figs. 7, 9A-C) TMM 41106-26, left ramus with I, P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M„ M2, and M3 in crypt (fig. 10A-C) SJ> 5 ca (J a =0 c £ u C C ,- o * S, Co 4, — I .j-c in 0) -i u, X C 2* ,vi to 3 60 "1 C ■■ 5 T3 xc j o> to c £ a, ~ |.S S W 3 O Sj O J5 O in o> f X! too c i_ o < UH "J3 T3 c ^ .2 c 3 o >>Xl 01 w g 13 _2 60 o "^ is ■£ -a o "« -c 2 Dh ° ,T o C (0 »-, -s *« >, 3 © v^ E. - Xl ID O ~3 s i 5>.2 a en 3 3 x d2u< to x C o ns vh 6d " c o-2 .2 * u , S <- a G 'C 73 c ns ed n T3 3 V 0 $ 73 01 C "5b C ns C to 01 Cu -J <3^ 3 N^ O X ? > 01 3 > X O II *» a, m 3 o _ — , J « ■ — x; *= i ° o-2 S x o •2 § < U a.2 -S f^ 3 1's-s .a o oi ^ C C xi •■ 2 2 c t to tn 3 O O O 3 x CU ft, Z O) RJ Oh e 1 "o ro « O" ~ x 3 60 x; x 60*: •- O O " Oi o O 3 x; a a o 3 3 nj oi x-.S 2^ 0 o 01 o °° bo .. ih •C " A RS O || <« u ns 5i 3,2 ^ ft- 5j g « J tl ^ .. 2 3 U < - - r: ^ p a c O u 2 u a .hi 01 01 01 01 c ■S *i 3 bo c w w ►-. O ft, ft, Z J o> *^ o ft, S 2^ « 60 2? C 01 A 2 ns £ A en >> *> 01 << > Al ns 3 -C VM o x bo 2 _0j A o! bo S be jo A >> S 1 V w C c o t gn 3 TJ HI 1 iorly riorly bulbo l.s 1 inter ante ded, TO -C t. e — 60 tward greate a roui 3 ta 60~ .5 0 O c 2 ~ ^ -a 41 ° Z c c 41 tD led eigl utli 0 u c -0 ---. — o to c c oq ■« 0 " s * C O "C D. •300 X h, h. 0 0 p *. 60 C .2 2 o t/i "= ""JS 4) TJ ~ «i C '> ~ to * k. o 5; Vi *- > -So o .2. S E c 2 C »> 3 60-C O ^ C C .2 § o X U V. TJ C (d TJ 41 (A 8) 4> > e 41 O <« _>, 3 41 60 m C JS (fl 41 E a E □ ■ vO in 4i > 5 1- 60 U 41 c 1- ~ o en v» « r. 4> O 3 J 2s.I| I 3 «| £ U 2 ■S ci.' 4; >"» TO- 2 0 TO 60 ■A J; — ± 60 ~. 2 60*. fe -° C£ ° « " 60"^ _ •SSu° c u ™ c * •£ £ I- _ S -J 2P - ID 39 Table 15. Statisti* :al da P3 L N 6 W 6 dP4 L 5 AW 5 PW 5 P< L 3 AW 3 PW 3 M, L 4 AW 4 PW 4 M2 L 8 AW 8 PW 8 M3 L 3 AW 3 PW 3 M4 L AW PW Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave. OR 3.80-4.94 2.28-2.51 3.50-3.72 1.98-2.20 2.54-2.93 6.08-6.84 2.20-2.51 2.05-2.66 3.65-4.10 3.04-3.34 3.27-3.72 3.88-4.56 3.57-4.56 3.57-3.95 3.57-3.65 3.57-3.80 2.96-3.42 M, Mean ± SE 4.23 2.39 3.60 2.09 2.77 6.49 2.33 2.36 3.88 3.22 3.53 4.14 ± .085 3.90 ± .102 3.70 ± .046 3.62 3.72 3.24 11.16 SD CV <%) 5.80 7.44 3.51 Table 16. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Lake Victoria (data from Marshall, 1973). dP< M1 M2 M3 M< M' N OR Mean ± SE L 5 4.8-5.3 5.02 ± .079 W 6 2.4-2.7 2.52 ± .054 L 10 3.3-3.9 3.60 ± .061 Max. W 10 2.8-3.4 3.15 ± .065 L 18 7.7-9.0 8.21 ± .097 Max. W 18 2.7-3.5 3.01 ± .062 L 49 3.7-4.6 4.16 ± .031 AW 45 3.4-4.5 4.93 ± .039 PW 47 3.6-4.6 4.03 ± .034 L 48 4.0-4.8 4.43 ± .029 AW 48 3.7-4.8 4.30 ± .034 PW 49 3.7-4.5 4.07 ± .028 L 35 3.6-4.5 4.00 ± .035 AW 34 3.1-4.2 3.81 ± .042 PW 34 2.8-3.6 3.25 ± .039 L 19 2.5-3.0 2.73 ± .044 AW 19 2.3-3.1 2.66 ± .055 PW L 31 11.6-13.3 12.58 ± .093 SD CV (%) 179 3.57 133 5.28 194 5.39 207 6.57 411 5.01 265 8.80 217 5.22 266 6.77 233 5.78 202 5.56 233 5.42 195 4.79 206 5.15 242 6.35 227 6.98 191 7.0 241 9.06 .518 4.12 40 Table 17. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Lake Victoria (data from Marshall, 1973). N OR Mean ± SE SD CV(%) p3 L 36 3.7-4.7 4.28 ± .042 .253 5.91 W 39 2.2-2.7 2.44 + .025 .154 6.31 dp4 L 41 2.9-3.8 3.37 ± .030 .195 5.79 Max. W 40 2.6-3.1 2.77 ± .021 .135 4.87 p. L 48 6.1-7.6 6.80 ± .050 .346 5.09 Max. W 53 2.2-3.0 2.49 ♦ .023 .165 6.63 M, L 98 3.5-4.2 3.92 ± .019 .192 4.90 AW 89 3.0-3.8 3.33 ± .020 .192 5.77 PW 91 3.2-4.2 3.68 ± .021 .200 5.43 M2 L 87 3.8-4.8 4.42 ± .023 .214 4.84 AW 86 3.6-4.5 4.06 ± .024 .220 5.42 PW 84 3.3-4.5 3.95 ± .027 .245 6.20 M3 L 68 3.8-4.6 4.09 ± .030 .147 3.59 AW 64 3.6-4.5 3.94 ± .023 .185 4.70 PW 62 3.2-4.3 3.53 ± .029 .231 6.54 M4 L 38 2.8-3.6 3.17 t .032 .200 6.31 AW 35 2.6-3.7 2.98 ± .040 .238 7.99 PW 29 2.0-2.8 2.34 ± .043 .229 9.79 M..3 L 59 11.2-13.2 12.50 ± .064 .493 3.94 Table 18. Statistical data on upper dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Nannup Cave. CV(%) P3 dP4 M1 M M' M4 M1 L W L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW N 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 7 13 13 13 12 12 12 10 10 10 3 3 3 10 3 OR 4.86-5.14 2.74-2.81 2.66-3.12 2.96-3.19 7.75-8.66 2.58-2.96 2.74-3.19 3.95-4.71 3.80-4.26 4.03-4.60 4.10-4.82 4.10-4.56 3.80-4.41 3.42-4.18 3.27-4.03 2.81-3.34 2.51-3.12 2.36-2.81 1.14-2.13 11.85-13.52 14.71-15.38 Mean ± SE 5.00 2.78 3.72 2.89 3.08 8.31 2.76 2.91 4.23 4.02 4.35 4.47 4.38 4.18 3.38 3.64 3.05 2.85 2.51 1.50 12.48 14.96 SD .050 .039 .053 .055 .038 .046 .076 .070 .057 ± .175 53 4.26 3.48 4.37 4.25 2.97 3.83 6.27 6.04 5.90 4.25 41 42 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Table 19. Statistical data on lower dentitions of Bettongia lesueur from Nannup Cave. N dP, P. M, M2 M3 M4 M,_3 M,_4 L W L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L AW PW L L 4 4 4 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 1 1 1 9 1 OR 4.41-4.94 2.58-2.89 3.24-3.80 2.20-2.51 2.66-3.04 6.38-6.84 2.51-2.66 2.28-2.54 3.72-4.26 3.27-3.57 3.57-4.03 4.03-4.86 3.95-4.33 3.88-4.26 3.80-4.33 3.80-4.18 3.27-3.50 11.32-12.62 Mean ± SE 4.78 2.77 3.46 2.32 2.88 6.69 2.59 2.39 3.96 ± .053 3.42 ± .025 3.82 ± .031 4.39 ± .067 4.14 ± .039 4.02 ± .036 3.95 4.01 3.39 3.04 2.89 1.98 12.10 15.26 SD CV (%) .19 .09 .11 .24 .14 .13 Upper Dentition. — The P3 is a serrate, bladelike tooth which is aligned with the molar row (fig. 8A-D). It has six grooves on the labial side (table 12). This agrees with the number of five to six reported by Marshall (1973, p. 106) for the P3s of a Pleistocene sample from Lake Victoria and by Finlayson (1958, p. 256) for the P3s of a modern population from central Australia. The anterior and posterior crown heights are approximately the same. In crown view the tooth has an even oval shape with prominent cingula. The dP4 is roughly square and molariform in structure, with four approxi- mately equal-sized principal cusps (fig. 8A-D). The parastyle is large and lat- erally compressed and joins with the paracone to form an anterior blade that is aligned with the main ridge of the P3. The dP4 usually lacks the mesostyle which is frequently present on the dP4 of B. penicillata, but PM 4786 (fig. 8A,D) has a small mesostyle. The P4 is elongate, bladelike, and usually straight, and like the P3, is aligned with the molar row (figs. 7, 8). It has nine to ten grooves on the labial side (table 12). This agrees with the number of eight to ten reported by Marshall (1973, p. 103) and by Finlayson (1958, p. 266). Tate (1948, p. 266) reported nine grooves for B. lesueur. Bettongia penicillata is reported by Finlayson (1958) to have seven grooves. The upper molars are square with four principal cusps. Their size decreases markedly from M2 to M4; the relative sizes are M2 > M1 > M3 > M4. This is said by Wakefield (1967) and Tate (1948) to be characteristic of this species. The protoloph and metaloph are straight, with bulbous expansions on the labial segments. The posterior crest of the protocone and the anterior crest of Fig. 8. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, Units 1 (post-Pleistocene) and 2 (late Pleis- tocene). A,B/ PM 4786, right maxillary with P3, dP4, M12 in place, removed P\ and crypt for M3, shown in labial and ventral views. The P4 is also shown in lingual view. C,D, PM 4787, right maxillary fragment with P\ dP4, exposed P\ M1, and crypt for M2, shown in labial and ventral views. E-G, TMM 41106-117, left maxillary fragment with P-M2, shown in lingual, ventral, and labial views. 43 Fig. 9. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, surface (Recent) and Unit 1 (post-Pleisto- cene). A-C, TMM 41106-20. Right ramus with I, P4-M3, and alveoli for M4, shown in lingual (A), dorsal, and labial views. D-F, PM 4795. Left ramus of a juvenile with I, dP4, P4 in crypt, M,, and M2 removed from crypts, shown in labial (D), dorsal, and lingual views. The M2 is shown in anterior (left), crown, and posterior views. 44 H 1cm Fig. 10. Bettongia lesueur from Madura Cave, surface (Recent) and Unit 1 (post-Pleis- tocene). A-C, TMM 41106-26. Left ramus with I, P3, P4 unexposed in crypt, M,, M2 erupt- ing, M3 in crypt, shown in labial (A), dorsal, and lingual views. D-F, PM 4796. Left ramus with I, P3/ dP4, P4 in crypt, M, missing, M2 erupting, M, in crypt, shown in labial (D), dorsal, and lingual views. 45 46 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY the hypocone are thick. They turn into the central basin, where they may or may not join. The inturned crest from the hypocone usually is larger than the one from the protocone. The crests of the paracone and metacone are sharp. They also turn into the central basin, but they do not join. There usually is no mesostyle (Tedford, 1967; Marshall, 1973), but PM 4786 (fig. 8A,B) has a small mesostyle on dP4 and a trace of one on M1. Lower Dentition. — The P3 is a straight, serrate, bladelike tooth which is aligned with the molar row (fig. 10). In crown view it is somewhat oval, with cingular shelves. One-fourth of our sample has five grooves on P3; the rest of the spec- imens have six grooves. This agrees with the five to six grooves reported by Marshall (1973, p. 105) and by Finlayson (1958, p. 256). Bettongia penicillata has five grooves on P3 (Finlayson, 1958). The anterior and posterior crown heights are the same. The dP4 (figs. 9D-F, 10) is triangular in crown view because it lacks a pro- toconid. The metaconid, which is the highest cusp, is laterally compressed and has an anterior bladelike process which is a functional continuation of the P3. The entoconid is higher than the hypoconid and is joined to it by a hypolophid. The hypoconid is joined to the metaconid by a ridge. A postcingulum borders a small cingular basin. The P4 is straight, serrate, and bladelike and is aligned with the molar row (figs. 9, 10). The posterior cusp is laterally compressed and about three times as large as the other cusps on the blade. Crown height is uniform along the entire length of the tooth. The blade has seven to nine grooves, with nine most common. This is slightly less than the eight to ten grooves reported by Marshall (1973, p. 106) and the nine reported by Finlayson (1958, p. 256). Bettongia pen- icillata has seven grooves (Finlayson, 1958). The lower molars (figs. 9, 10) are rectangular and slightly longer than wide. The M4 may be triangular because of reduction of the hypolophid. The proto- lophid is shorter than the hypolophid in Mu equal in size in M2, and longer in M3. The lingual segments of both lophids are swollen. Crests run from the protoconid and hypoconid into the central basin. The metaconid and entoconid are joined by sharp crests at the labial edges of the teeth. The pro- and postcin- gula are large and outline oval cingular basins. Discussion A comparison of dental dimensions of the Madura Cave sample (tables 13- 15) with the dental dimensions of fossil samples from Lake Menindee, New South Wales (Tedford, 1967, p. 35), Lake Victoria (Marshall, 1973; tables 16, 17), and Nannup Cave, southwestern Australia (tables 18, 19) and of Recent samples from central Australia and South Australia (Finlayson, 1958, pp. 255, 256, 258, 264; summarized by Tedford, 1967) shows only minor differences. The Madura Cave sample has slightly lower mean values for most measurements than those of the other samples, although the ranges overlap considerably. The exceptions to this rule are the widths of dP4 and M2 and the length of dP4, which have larger mean values than do those of any of the other samples. The Madura Cave sample is closest in size to the samples from Lake Menindee and Lake Victoria. Only M1 and M2 have large enough sample sizes to make calculation of coef- ficients of variation worthwhile. The coefficients are slightly higher than the LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 47 corresponding values for the other samples (tables 13-19), probably because of the small size of the Madura Cave sample. Size comparisons of the Madura Cave sample with other samples of fossil and recent B. lesueur are somewhat uncertain because of the small sample size and wide age range of the Madura Cave material. The Madura Cave sample has smaller average values for most measurements of the upper dentition than do samples from Lake Menindee, Lake Victoria, and Nannup Cave (tables 14, 16, 18; Tedford, 1967, table 7). The samples from Lake Menindee, Lake Victoria, and Nannup Cave are similar in size, but for a number of measurements, the Lake Menindee sample has the highest mean values. The Madura Cave sample also shows smaller mean values than the modern sample from central Australia in the six measures available for comparison (tables 13, 14; Tedford, 1967, ta- ble 5). A decrease in size of modern examples of B. lesueur from the humid area of southwestern Australia through southern South Australia to arid central Aus- tralia has been reported by Finlayson (1958) and Tedford (1967). This size cline does not seem to exist in the fossil samples. Pleistocene specimens from Lake Victoria and Lake Menindee, both now in the arid zone, are as large as or larger than Pleistocene specimens from Nannup Cave in the humid area of south- western Western Australia. The Pleistocene specimens from Madura Cave, also now in the arid zone, are as small as or smaller than modern specimens from arid South Australia in spite of other indications that, at that time, the climate in the vicinity of Madura Cave was more humid than it is today. Bettongia lesueur was distributed through a wide range of environments at the time of European settlement (Finlayson, 1958, p. 240). In the more humid parts of its range, it was sympatric with B. penicillata. Bettongia lesueur is regarded by Finlayson (1958, pp. 297, 298) as being competitively superior to both B. peni- cillata and Caloprymnus campestris in arid areas. This advantage probably is due in part to its burrowing habit, which the other two species lack (Marshall, 1973). The much greater abundance of B. lesueur than of B. penicillata in the deposits at Lake Menindee (101 B. penicillata to five B. lesueur; Tedford, 1967) and Lake Victoria (119 B. penicillata to two B. lesueur; Marshall, 1973) has been attributed by Marshall (1973) to this difference in adaptation to arid conditions. Caloprym- nus is rare in the Lake Menindee collections (two specimens) and not recorded from Lake Victoria. In contrast, the number of Madura Cave specimens defi- nitely assignable to B. lesueur (20) is smaller than the number assignable to B. penicillata (38), and Caloprymnus campestris is much more abundant than either species of Bettongia. Any attempt to account for these differences in representation of the two species of Bettongia in the various samples must consider the fact that the bur- rowing habit of B. lesueur must greatly increase the probability of remains of this species being preserved in open sites such as Lake Menindee and Lake Victoria. The numerous articulated skeletons of B. lesueur found at both of these sites and the clumped distribution of bones of B. lesueur and of Lasiorhinus sp., another communal burrower, at Lake Menindee suggests that many of these animals died in their burrows (Tedford, 1967, p. 23; Marshall, 1973). In contrast, the principal agents for introduction of bones into the Madura Cave deposits were avian and mammalian predators, which would bias the sample differently, but which might more accurately reflect the relative abundance of the living populations in the area. 48 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Bettongia penicillata Bettongia penicillata Gray, 1837 Hypsiprimnus ogilbyi Waterhouse, 1841 Bettongia gouldi Waterhouse, 1846 Material Surface pickup TMM 41106-27, left maxillary with P3, dP4, P4 removed from crypt, M1, M2-3 in crypt, edentulous premaxillary (fig. 13A-C) Trench 1, Unit 1, top 1 foot PM 4789, left maxillary with P3 in crypt, dP4, P4 removed from its crypt, M1, crypt for M2 (fig. 13G-I) PM 4792, right ramus with I, P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M, (fig. 14D-F) PM 4794, left ramus with I, P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M„ alveolus for M2 (fig. 14A-C) Trench 3, Unit 2, Level ? TMM 41106-6, left maxillary fragment with worn M1-2 (fig. 13D-F) TMM 41106-62, left P4 TMM 41106-603, left M2 TMM 41106-5142, right P4 fragment Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 4 PM 38688, left P4 Trench 3, Unit 2, Level ? or Trench 4, Unit 1 PM 38690, right M1 or M2 Trench 4, Unit 1 TMM 41106-533, right P3 TMM 41106-586, -605, two left M's or M2s TMM 41106-614, right P3 TMM 41106-622, right P3 TMM 41106-623, right P3 TMM 41106-685, left P3 TMM 41106-686, right P3 TMM 41106-5144, broken upper molar Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 1 WAM 78.3.10, left M' or M2 Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 2 PM 38691, 38692, two left P3s Trench 4, Units 4-5 TMM 41106-18, left dP4 TMM 41106-648, left ramus fragment with P4-M, (fig. 14G-I) WAM 78.3.12, left P3 PM 38694, left P4 PM 38695, right P3 PM 38696, right P4 PM 38697, left M1 PM 38698, right M2 PM 38701, left dP4 PM 38703, right M2 or M3 PM 38705, left M' or M2 PM 38736, right P3 or left P3 PM 38737, right P3 Trench ?, Unit ?, Level ? PM 38715, right dP4 Comparative Material Recent, southwestern Western Australia FMNH 35325, 35330 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 49 Nannup Cave, southwestern Western Australia PM 5142, 5143, 5149, 5156, 5159, 5167, 5169, 5172, 5173, 5175-5177, 5222, 5232, 5973 5974, 5975-5977, 5979, 5981, 5982 Weebubbie Cave, southeastern Western Australia (north of Eucla) TMM 41107-67 Cave N-31, southwestern South Australia TMM 41235-97 Description Skull.— Other than maxillary fragments with teeth, the only skull material is the left side of the facial region of a juvenile skull (TMM 41106-27; fig. 13A- C). Because it is a juvenile, comparisons of cranial characters must be made with caution. The tooth row turns sharply linguad at the level of M2, suggesting that the tooth rows converged strongly posteriorly. This is a diagnostic character of B. penicillata (Finlayson, 1958, p. 284). Upper Dentition. — The P3 is a broadly oval tooth with a laterally compressed serrate ridge (fig. 13A-C). The base is bulbous and is widest about at the mid- point. Cingula are absent or weak. The anterior end of the tooth usually is turned outward with respect to the molar row. There are five grooves on the labial surface. The crown is highest at the anterior end. PM 4789 does not fit the foregoing description. It has a more elongate P3 with a crest which is slight- ly curved labially at its anterior end. There is a prominent notch in the labial cingulum and the lingual cingulum is prominent, with three cuspules which are placed opposite the three posterior lingual ridges. Although these charac- ters are reminiscent of B. lesueur, PM 4789 has been referred to B. penicillata because it has seven grooves on the P4 and mesostyles on dP4 and M1. The dP4 is molariform. The paracone and parastyle are joined to form a lat- erally compressed, anteriorly projecting blade which is a functional continua- tion of the P3 (fig. 13A-F). Crests from the paracone and metacone and from the protocone and hypocone close the central basin on the labial and lingual sides. Unlike M13, dP4 does not have a spur from the hypocone extending into the central basin. A mesostyle is present in PM 4789 but not in TMM 41106-27 (although this specimen has a mesostyle on M1). Finlayson (1958) found the mesostyle to be present only rarely on the dP4s of a sample from central Aus- tralia. The P4 is elongate, laterally compressed, and serrate (fig. 13A-F). The long axis of the tooth is turned outward anteriorly with respect to the molar row. The crest may be straight or curved labially at the anterior end. Seven grooves are present on the labial side of the blade. The posterointernal cusp is com- pressed anteroposteriorly, and is two to three times wider than, but lower than, the posterior cusp of the blade. The posterior cusp of the blade usually is turned outward. The tooth is constricted at the middle. The crown is highest at the anterior end. Of the upper molars (fig. 13), only M's and M^ can be positively assigned to B. penicillata. The width of M1 and M2 is equal to or slightly greater than the length. The protoloph and metaloph are nearly straight and have less promi- nent bulges on their labial segments than do the lophs of B. lesueur. The lophs and ridges are lower and the central basin is more open than in B. lesueur. A mesostyle is present on M1. It varies from single and minute in TMM 41106-27 to complex and prominent in PM 4789. 50 1 I 1 1 fi-g 51 1 > 0 73 C 3 < > 2 3 UJ «i C TO X 1-1 IB G 3 73 E n C K £ £ OJ ro J i- si: c a oi C 2Q ^W^2*2| 52 $ Fig. 13. Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave, surface (Recent) and Unit 1 (post- Pleistocene). A-C, TMM 41106-27. Edentulous premaxillary and left maxillary with P3, dP", P4 removed from crypt, M1, M2, M3 in crypt, shown in lingual (A), ventral, and labial views (each with inset of P4). D-F, TMM 41106-6. Left maxillary fragment with M\ M2, shown in lingual (D), ventral, and labial views. G-I, PM 4789. Left maxillary fragment with partly erupted P\ dP4, P4 removed from crypt, M', crypt for M2, shown in lingual (G), ventral, and labial views (each with inset of P4). 53 .c: - - — £ *» <■ a* S w - .• - 0> ai b « — E *£^ ? c «« 0l — * o *» -. E -o = 11 > a ; T3 E o = T3 - — 3 C O X © Zf^s rt DO N « N n ns nocn ... 5 «£ ** rsi m csi cn — m Zrsi vc «o r\i ff} ... o^ os o* 5 «U vO csi csi r > © sO 00 ^ u °£ nS in cn g - • O sO O °£ cn rM cn fn ^« ^ ^ ^ ^- ff} fT) fT} so -- -- -- X — cn o IT ts. K — o cn 00 •«* in c ON — m ^< ■* >* ^< — ■^ cn en m CM CM -H CM ■*« hOO NNN » O; « *NN cn cn cn m cn cn cn cn cn in cm p Nino; cn cn csi ts. in © csi cm csi - ■* - ** os *M in os cn cn cm cn nrin in in r>j °) 0. ""! m ^ ^ •* in rs. IN m cm cm m cn aq O ■* cn ^ rn p — in ^ ^ m in t~» cn cm cm rsi O ■* CM * N ^ ts. t»< cn ^ IT) * o o c •«9> t-s Os ■>* •* cn o o c +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 ■<* CM cn cm cn O OCN ts! CM CM O; O Cs| m ^ ^ -NO N r^ ro ^ ^ ^* ill ill •* ^ — ao o m in tv in ac ac O; >c cm cm m" m cn ao sO cn ao ao sD — cm cn •* ^ CM cncM^> ^oaom ^ cm * *-h cn csi ts. ts. o\ cn cn m cm cm— — cn cn cn cn cm m in o Ov O^ 00 r^ cn r*^ cn cn cm cm o»o- enmen encnen acacac cmcmcm occm > in •<*< U BJ CM cn o o +1 • • c +l +l ? cn cn w rn ■<* 2 « CM — in p m cm cn Ov os os BON in csi — cn ^ cn cn cn cn * ir, cn ac cn ■^ csi cn cm cn OS ov ac ^ ac ac r-s ac rsi vc Is O; * csj cm cm in — — — — CMCMCM CMCMCM Z " r*^ ^" ^ c^ r^i fi ... ... ^^ ill II "5 O^ ^ *st ^" C r^ • * r — r~, m rr> "^ rsi -Jg f^ c*} f*^ r*^ r^ r^ *g 2 cn cn cn cm cm cm ; c o < ft- < - < =- ^2: < - -22 22 54 B Fig. 14. Bettottgia penicillata from Madura Cave, Unit 1 (post-Pleistocene). A-C, PM 4794. Left ramus with I, P3, dP4/ P4 in crypt, M,, alveoli for M2, M3 in crypt, shown in labial (A), dorsal, and lingual views. D-F, PM 4792. Right ramus with I, P3, dP4, P4 in crypt, M,, shown in lingual (D), dorsal, and labial views. G-I, TMM 41 106-648. Left ramus fragment with P4, M,, shown in labial (G), dorsal, and lingual views. 55 _ s S c X o Z J2 00 00 —i m ■^ en ^ « rH S en "* cm OWN tOON 2 "^ ■^ cm en cm en ■<* en en •* en en •"* O 00 rt oof) CO C*5 CO »*n ooooo oooooo ^vom ** o on >— i voctn^i; <- +1 00 c u C > a, 9 C 01 2 T3 e C « ^- r-l o N N N n inwa » h« > Tji-^TtCO^'vO U c ^ r^ t^ O o o o CO CO o in in oo o o o +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 c o t-^ in CO 00 CO oc If) IV. CO VO r^ CO vO 00 00 On O00N sC en Ti- ts ts oo m t>s CO CM r-* ^c CM rj CO CO CO ■* CO CO CO CO CO CM (N ^H r- •<*■ ■* oo ooeno ^h(^^ OKiri .-h o en en en o o en esi ^h i i i a N (N 00 CO 00 M tsi r-i * 00 K vO (N (S win* -tf en en I I I t^ ON ■* in h« CO CO CO O O 00 ■•* -^ en en en en en en en mm en en en n co n o> o> o^ o c> 0 \o vo \o i-h i— i .— c \o «— i 00 00 v© M N ff> CM t-H CM en fN en oo (J- oc cr- oc Tt< CXI OC 1C X t cm es C-t CM 0 in co Cx CO en CM CM i-m CM mm cm cm es Hoqq en CM en < ft- ss 56 LENGTH LENGTH Fig. 15. Bivariate graphs of PJs and P3s of Bettongia penicillata from Madura Cave and Nannup Cave. A, Plot of P's and P3s from Madura Cave, showing probable assignment. B, Plot of length vs. maximum width of P3s and one P3 of Bettongia penicillata from Nannup Cave. Note the apparent reversal of position of the scatters of the two teeth. Symbols as in A. 57 58 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Lower Dentition. — The dP4 is triangular and lacks a protoconid (fig. 14A-F). The metaconid is the highest cusp; it is laterally compressed and projects for- ward to the posterior end of the P3. The entoconid is higher than the hypoconid and is joined to it by a hypolophid. The metaconid and entoconid are connected by a ridge. The posterior cingulum is small. The P4 is a simple, laterally compressed blade with a straight crest (fig. 14). The posterointernal cusp is either absent or reduced to a bulge on the lingual side of the posterior ridge. The long axis of the tooth is turned outward ante- riorly with respect to the molar row. There are seven grooves on the labial side of the blade. The anterior part of the tooth is widest. As with P\ crown height is greatest at the anterior end of the tooth. Lower molars which are associated with sectorial premolars and which thus can be positively identified as B. penicillata are rare in the Madura Cave mate- rials. Only TMM 41106-648, PM 4792, and PM 4794 have M, in place (fig. 14). The protolophid of the M, is shorter than the hypolophid. The ridge which joins the protoconid and hypoconid is less prominent than it is in B. lesueur. The lophids of M, are less bulbous than those of B. lesueur, and thus the central basin is more open. Discussion The P3 and P3 of B. penicillata are so similar that differentiation of isolated teeth is difficult. The length /width ratios of the four specimens which are still in a maxillary or ramus differ between P3 (.56, .57) and P3 (.65, .69). The length/ width ratios of the isolated teeth tend to cluster around those of known posi- tion, but there is no clear separation between the two groups. A bivariate scatter diagram of length versus width does suggest a separation into two groups which correspond to the groups formed on the basis of length /width ratios (fig. 7A). This is the tenuous basis for the identifications of isolated P3s in this paper. The plots of points representing each tooth are so close to each other that a larger sample size might produce a wide zone of overlap. A scatter diagram of length versus width for a sample of P3s of B. penicillata from a late Pleistocene fauna from Nannup Cave in southwestern Australia (fig. 7B) yields a very different distribution. Even so, it appears that the Nannup Cave P3s might be separable on this basis. The difference between the two samples indicates that criteria for distinguishing between isolated P3s and P3s will have to be developed independently for each sample. Bettongia Species Indet. Material Trench 3, Unit 2, Level ? TMM 41106-116, right ramus fragment with M2^3, alveoli for P4, M,, and M4 TMM 41106-602, right M2 TMM 41106-681, right M3 (possibly Potorous platyops) PM 38687, right dP4 (probably B. lesueur) PM 38716, right ramus fragment with unerupted M2 in crypt, proximal tip of alveolus for I, alveoli for posterior roots of dP4, posterior end of crypt for P4, alveoli for M,, small crypt for M3 PM 38717, left dP4 LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 59 Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 2 PM 38774, right M4 Trench 3, Unit 2, Level 4 PM 38689, left M, Trench 4, Unit 1, Level ? TMM 41106-564, left dP4 TMM 41106-565, right dP« TMM 41106-567, -569, two right M,s TMM 41106-571, broken right P* TMM 41106-572, broken upper molar TMM 41106-574, right M2 TMM 41106-578, left M2 or M, TMM 41106-582, broken right upper molar or dP4 TMM 41106-591, left lower molar TMM 41106-592, right M, TMM 41 106-595, left M3 TMM 41106-596, left M2 TMM 41106-597, -599, two right M2s TMM 41106-601, right M, TMM 41106-604, right I, fragment TMM 41106-606, right dP4 TMM 41106-607, left M2 or M3 TMM 41106-608, left dP4 (probably B. penicillata) TMM 41106-610, right M, TMM 41106-615, posterior half right P3 (probably B. penicillata) TMM 41106-616, left M, TMM 41106-617, left M2 TMM 41106-618, posterior half left P3 (probably B. penicillata) TMM 41106-620, right M, TMM 41106-621, left M2 or M3 TMM 41106-2828, left P, TMM 41106-5143, upper molar (probably B. lesueur) TMM 41106-5145, left dP4 (probably B. penicillata) PM 38719, right M2 or M3 PM 38720, left upper molar PM 38752, anterior half ?upper premolar PM 38753-38756, four right I's PM 38757-38760, four Ps PM 38761-38768, eight Fs Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 1 WAM 78.3.9, right M, WAM 78.3.11, right dP4 (probably B. penicillata) WAM 78.3.13, right M3 WAM 78.3.14, dP4 (possibly not Bettongia) WAM 78.3.15, M3 or M2 WAM 78.3.16, right M2 PM 38709, broken left dP PM 38724, right M, or M2 PM 38725, right M, PM 38726, right M2 PM 38728, left dP4 (probably B. lesueur) PM 38729, left dP4 or M' PM 38730, broken right molar PM 38769, edentulous maxillary fragment Trench 4, Unit 2, Level 2 PM 38710, 38711, two left dP4s PM 38731, right M2 PM 38732, right M3 or M2 PM 38733, left M2 or M' PM 38734, left M3 PM 38735, left M, 60 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY Trench 4, Unit 2, Level ? PM 38693, ramus fragment with dP4-M, (probably B. penicillata) PM 38770, right M, PM 38771, left maxillary with shattered tooth roots Trench 4, Units 4 and 5 WAM 78.3.17, right M, WAM 78.3.18, left M1 WAM 78.3.19, right M3 PM 36983-36985, three left I's PM 36986, ?F (possibly other potoroine or phalangerid) PM 36987, I2 (possibly other potoroine or phalangerid) PM 36988, left P (possibly other potoroine) PM 38699, left M2 or M3 PM 38700, broken right M2 PM 38702, right M, or M2 PM 38704, right M2 PM 38706, left M2 PM 38738, broken molar PM 38739, right M2 Trench 4, Unit 7, Level 2 PM 38707, right M2 PM 38708, right M2 or M, PM 38742, left M2 PM 38743, right M3 PM 38773, left upper molar Trench 5, Unit 6 TMM 41106-629, left M4 TMM 41106-636, left dP4 TMM 41106-643, right dP4 TMM 41106-5146, left dP4 PM 38744, right I, PM 38745, left M2 or M3 PM 38746, right M1 or M2 PM 38747, left M2 PM 38748, right M, PM 38749, right M1 or M2 PM 38750, left M2 PM 38751, left M2 or M3 Trench, Unit, and Level data lost PM 38713, broken right P4 PM 38714, left M2 CONCLUSIONS The Madura Cave deposits contain four species of Potoroinae, Potorous pla- tyops, Caloprymnus campestris, Bettongia lesueur, and Bettongia penicillata. Potorous platyops and Caloprymnus campestris are not known to have occupied the Nullar- bor Plain since the beginning of European settlement, although there is an early report of Caloprymnus campestris by Tate (1879) with no supporting evi- dence. The only part of Australia where four species of potoroines have been reported as living animals is a small area near Albany in southwestern Austra- lia. The species reported there are Potorous tridactylus, P. platyops, Bettongia le- sueur, and B. penicillata. Potorous platyops was known as a living animal from two localities in southwestern Western Australia, one near the town of Goomalling (Calaby, 1954), and the other near the Pallinup River, 110 km northeast of Albany (Ride, 1970). Both localities are in areas of higher average annual rain- fall (20 to 30 inches [50 to 75 cm]) than the Madura Cave area, which has an LUNDELIUS & TURNBULL: MADURA CAVE 61 average annual rainfall of approximately 10 inches (25 cm). Caloprymnus cam- pestris has been reported from an extremely arid area in central Australia (Fin- layson, 1932). The increased diversity of potoroines and the presence of now allopatric species of that group are similar to the situation seen in the Dasyu- ridae from this site (Lundelius & Turnbull, 1978). This supports the interpre- tation, based on the dasyurid assemblage, of a climate with more available moisture and more equability than the present climate in this area. The pres- ence of all four potoroines in Unit 1 (CM date of 7470 ± 120 BP from the top 1 foot) demonstrates that the change that resulted in the loss of Caloprymnus and Potorous took place some time during the last 7,500 years. This is consistent with the conclusions regarding the changing climatic conditions which were made in the earlier parts of this study based on Dasyuridae, Peramelidae, and Phalangeridae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In addition to those individuals mentioned in earlier parts of this faunal report, we wish to thank Dr. Larry Marshall of the University of Arizona for allowing us to use his unpublished data on Bettongia penicillata and B. lesueur from Lake Victoria, Mr. Zbigniew Jastrzebski for illustrations, and Ms. Elizabeth Moore and Ms. Melissa Winans for typing and editing. Financial support was provided by Field Museum of Natural History, the Geology Foundation of the University of Texas at Austin, and by grants GB 975, GB 3729, and GB 7662 from the National Science Foundation. LITERATURE CITED Abbie, A. A. 1939. Masticatory adaptation peculiar to some diprotodont marsupials. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 109: 261-279, 9 figs. Archer, M. 1972. Nullarbor, 1969. The Western Caver, 12(1): 17-24. . 1974. New information about the Quaternary distribution of the thylacines (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. J. Roy. Soc. West. Aust., 57(2): 43-50. Butler, W. H., and D. 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