Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.





Break O’Day Tomato


316 9th Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. Phone NA1121

Hearts of Gold Cantaloupe oe ee

Sixty-Sixth Annual Edition

MANN’S GARDEN GUIDE Sent FREE to All Who Desire a Copy

1935 Greetings to Our Host of Friends and Customers

N making our plans for the 1935 season we recall with a great deal of pride and pleasure the patronage accorded this long established seed house in the past.

For sixty-six years we have been sending out our Guide for the Farm and Garden. We trust that you will during the coming year find Mann’s Seeds and Garden Helps of great assistance in making for you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

If our 1935 Catalogue proves helpful and useful in the preparation and conduct of your garden and farm operations, it will give us much pleasure.

Order your seed and farm implement requirements from this catalogue with every assurance that you will receive a “square deal.” We assure you all orders will receive our prompt and best attention.

Very truly yours,

P. MANN & CO., Inc. 316 Ninth Street, N. W. WasHINGTON, D. C.

We Deliver

When Ordering

please state whether you want goods shipped by mail, express or freight.


to any Post Office all vegetable seeds men- tioned in this catalogue, if in packets, ounces, quarter or half pounds. Purchasers must pay charges on pounds, pints, quarts, pecks or bushels, and on all agricultural tools and fertilizers.

Telephone NAtioonal 1121.

P. Mann & Co. gives no warranty, express or implied, as to descrip- tion, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of seeds, bulbs or plants they sell, and will not be responsible for the crop.

When this is omitted, we use our best judgment. Remittances may be made by sending Post Office Order, Express Money Order, Registered Letter or Draft. For small amounts, postage stamps are acceptable.





When to Plant


Spring and Fall. April to Aug. 15. May and June.

| May, June, July.

March to August.

.| April, May, June. March to July.








Jan. to June., Sept., Oct.

.| April to July. .| March to August. || Feb., Mar. and April.

March to August.

April to early August. April to July.

Feb., Mar., April.

March to Sept.

Feb. to Apr., Aug. to Oct.

| Feb., Mar., Aug. to Oct.

March to May, Aug., Sept.

-| Feb. to May, July to Oct.

Feb., March, Sept. Feb., Mar., Apr., Sept., Oct.

May and June. May and June.

-| April, May, June. -| Feb. to April—Aug., Sept. -| Feb., Mar.—Aug., Sept.

March to July. Feb. to May—Aug.

| Feb. to July.


-| March, April. | June, July.

May and June.

Feb. to May, Aug. and Sept. March and April.

March to July.

Feb. to Apr., Aug. to Dec.

‘| April to July. -| Jan. to July.




Feb., July to Sept. 15.

Mar., April—Aug., Sept.

-| June and July.

April, May, June. May and June.

‘| May and June. ‘| April to July.

July to November.

July to October. Feb., Mar. and April.

April, May—Aug. to Nov. Feb., Mar.—Aug. to Nov.

-| April to July. --| May, June, July. -| Feb. to Apr., Sept., Oct.


May and June. May, June, July. Jan., Feb., March.

_| Feb. to Apr. 15, Aug. to No,


May and June.

May and June. February.

Feb., Mar.—July to Nov. October, November.

Quantity For 100 Feet.

Quantity For an Acre.

Distance Between Rows.

Distance Apart in the Row.

Pounds te the Bushel.

50 to 65 roots. 114 lbs.

1 Ib.

1 to 1% lbs. 2 ozs.

2 ozs.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

Lb., 100 hills, Oz., 50 hills. 14 oz.

VY oz.

2 oz

1 to 2 ozs.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

1 oz.

Oz., 50 hills. Oz., 30 hills. 3 ozs.

1 oz.

1 oz.

4 ozs.

2 Ibs.

Oz., 1200 pits. ¥Y% peck.

Y% peck.

Oz., 20 hills. 2 ozs.

1 oz.

2 ozs.

2 ozs.

2 ozs. (hills). 1 oz.,1500 pits, 1 oz.


Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Lb., 100 hills. Broadcast. Broadcast. 1 Ib. Broadcast. Broadcast.

| Broadcast.


5,000 to 7,000. 75 Ibs. 30 Ibs. 30 to 60 Ibs. 6 to 8 lbs. 6 to 8 lbs. Y% Ib. 6 to 8 ozs. 6 to 8 ozs. 3 to 4 lbs. 3 Ibs. Y% |b. 10 to 12 lbs. 2 Ibs. 6 ozs. 1 Ib. 8 Ibs. 410 7 Ibs. 1 Ib. Ibs. to 6 lbs. to 6 lbs,

lbs. lbs. to 10 lbs. to 6 lbs. to 5 Ibs. 5 lbs. 90 lbs. Y% to % |b. 10 to 12 bus. 10 to 12 bus. 3 lbs. 8 to 10 lbs. 8 to 10 lbs. 6 to 8 lbs. 12 to 15 lbs. 3 to 4 lbs. 4 ozs. 11% to 2 lbs.

20 to 30 Ibs. 15 Ibs.

15 lbs.

1% to % bu. 6 lbs.

1 to 1% pks. 20 to 25 lbs. 15 lbs.

20 lbs.

20 Ibs.

12 to 15 lbs. 10 to 12 lbs. 1 bus.

2 to 3 bus. 35 to 40 lbs. 1 to 1144 bus. 1% bus.

6 to 8 lbs,

5 to 8 Ibs. 2 to 3 Ibs.

1 to 2 oz. 25 to 30 lbs. 5 pks.

4 to 6 feet. 2 to 3 feet. 4 feet.

3 feet.

15 to 18 ins. 2 to 2% feet. 214 to 3 feet. 2% to 8 feet. 3 feet.

12 to 24 ins. 2 to 4 feet. 2% to 8 feet. 3 feet.

4 feet.

3 feet.

18 inches,

18 to 24 ins. 18 inches.

18 inches.

18 inches.

18 ins.

12 to 18 ins.

4 to 6 feet.

8 to 10 feet. 3 feet.

12 to 18 ins. 12 to 18 ins. 18 inches. 2% to 3 feet. 2 to 3 feet.

3 feet.

3 feet.

8 to 10 feet. 18 to 24 ins. Trans. 4 feet. 18 inches. 1% to 2 feet. 8 to 4 feet. 4 feet.

2 feet.


3 feet.

2% to 8 feet. 5 feet.

3% feet.

21% to 8 feet Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. 31% to 4 feet, Broadcast. Broadcast. 2% to 3 feet. Broadcast. Broadcast. 11% to 2 feet. 34% to 4 feet. 38% to 4 feet, 314 to 4 feet. Broadcast. Broadcast.

18 to 24 ins. 3 inches,

3 to 4 feet. 15 to 18 ins. 4 inches.

8 inches.

18 inches. 18 inches.

2 feet.

3 to 4 ins.

6 to 8 ins.

2 feet.

12 to 18 ins, feet.


foot. inches. inches.

to 6 inches, to 12 ins. to 6 ins. to 4 ins.


to 6 feet. to 10 feet. foot.

to 4 ins. to 3 ins. 4 to 6 ins,

3 to 4 ins.

18 inches, 15 inches. 15 inches. to 10 feet. to 6 ins. feet.

to 6 ins. to 6 ins. to 4 feet. feet. inches,

nwre oO -


1 foot.

6 inches, 2% to 3 feet, 8 to 10 ins. 15 to 18 ins. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. Broadcast. 12 to 18 ins. Broadcast. Broadcast.

8 to 10 ins. Broadcast. Broadcast.

4 to 6 ins.

4 to 6 ins.

4 to 6 ins.

3 feet. Broadcast, Broadcast.

4 inches. 2 inches.

2 inches. 1% inches. 1 inch.

1 inch,

Y% inch. Y% inch, % inch. Y% inch, ¥% inch.

Y% inch.

1 to 2 ins.

34 to 1 inch. 1 inch.

4 inches. 4 inches. 1 inch.

¥Y% inch. ¥Y% inch. Y% inch. 1 inch.

1 inch.

Y% inch. Y% inch.

34 to 1 inch. 2 inches.

1 inch.

3 to 4 ins,

1 inch.

2 inches.

Y4 inch.

Y% inch.

Y% inch,

Y% inch,

Y% inch.

2 inches, 1% inch,

L to 2 ins.

1 to 2 ins. 2 inches.

4 inches,

Y% inch. Y% to 1 inch. 1 inch. 1-16 inch. 2 inches.

2 inches.

60 Ibs.


P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.



WASHINGTON—This asparagus, which has been selected by the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., has proven to be nearly rust-free. The shoots are thick and heavy. They are long and straight, with closely folded tips. The color is rich dark green, tinted darker at the tips. It is a heavy yielder of exceptionally fine flavor. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 20c, '%4 Ib. 50c, lb. $1.25. ROOTS—$1.50 per 100, $10.00 per 1,000.

ASPARAGUS KNIVES—S50c and 60 each. By mail, add 7c postage.


Dwarf or Bush, Green Pod

Prices subject to change without notice. One quart will plant

100 feet of drill.

CULTURE.—Dwarf Beans may not be safely planted until the middle of April, owing to the late frost, but may be planted thereafter as desired, until the middle of August.

Select high, rich soil, make drills two feet apart, drop beans along the rows and cover with earth. Hoe often to keep earth to the stems.

IMPROVED STRINGLESS RED VALENTINE—Is the favorite sort for growers who supply the early markets. It is a heavy cropper, and ready to pick in about forty days. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.



TENDERGREEN—The plants are strong and vigorous, and bear attractive light green pods 7 inches long. They are round, meaty, and tender. Absolutely stringless. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

EXTRA EARLY REFUGEE—The pods are fleshy and of fine quality; very hardy. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

NEW BOUNTIFUL—Absolutely stringless; good shell bean for winter use. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

BURPEE’S STRINGLESS GREEN POD—This new bean produces a vine similar to Red Valentine, but develops pods to edible condition two or three days earlier than the Valentine; that is to say, in thirty to thirty-one days from germination, which extra-ordinary maturity for table at once advances the Stringless Green Pod to the first rank among table beans. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

GIANT STRINGLESS GREEN POD—Absolutely stringless, very crisp, round, full and fleshy. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8. Mann’s Stringless Green Pod Beans

A new second early variety. The plant is of true bush habit and bears an enormous quantity of handsome pods of light green color. Pt. 30c, qt. 55c, pk. $2.75, bu. £9.00.

FULL MEASURE (New)—Large cropper; Stringless, Green- podded, round Bean, not as early as Burpee’s Stringless, but a heavy yielder. Best of quality. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.

DWARF HORTICULTURAL—Large green pods, splashed

with carmine. Excellent either as snaps in the green state, or shelled green or dry. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

Pole Beans

Use one quart of seed for 100 hills.

KENTUCKY WONDER—We believe this variety is the most practically useful of the green-podded pole Beans suitable for use as snaps. The vines are vigorous, climbing well, and very pro- ductive, bearing pods in large clusters. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

HORTICULTURAL CRANBERRY (Cut Short)—One of the best for family use. The pods are tender, and of fine qual- ity. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $9.00.

LAZY WIFE—A white-seeded variety, with long, green pods. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $9.00.

Dwarf Wax Beans

_WARDWELL’S KIDNEY WAX—Long pods and very pro- lic. Handsome in appearance, entirely stringless. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

BLACK WAX, IMPROVED PROLIFIC—One of the best for a home garden, perfectly stringless and of excellent flavor. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

REFUGEE WAX, KEENEY’S STRINGLESS—The pods are round, pencil-like. The color is a rich golden yellow and the quality is excellent. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

GOLDEN WAX, IMPROVED STRINGLESS—A vigorous and wonderfully productive Bean of excellent quality. The pods are thick, meaty, entirely stringless and tender. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

CURRIE’S RUSTPROOF WAX-—It is hardy and practically rustproof. Pods grow long, flat, and are tender and of fine quality. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $8.00.

Improved Golden Wax.


Early Leviathan Lima Beans.

t Pole Lima Beans

| EARLY LEVIATHAN LIMA—This is the earliest large- podded pole Lima we know of. The pods are large and often ')contain five beans which are of good size and of the finest quality. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.25, bu. $8.00.

CARPINTERIA POLE LIMA—tThe beans are of the very | finest quality, thin skin, extra tender, and of the finest flavor. |

Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.25, bu. $8.00.

KING OF THE GARDEN—Large bean and pod; very heavy cropper. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.25, bu. $8.00.

| CAROLINA or SIEVA—In the south this is familiarly known _ as the “butter bean.’ It is very early, vigorous and productive. _ The seeds are small and white but of good flavor. Pt. 30c, qt. 60c, | pk. $2.40, bu. $8.50, | |

‘Bush Lima Beans

One quart plants about 150 hills, or 100 feet of drill.

Plant in light, rich soil in drills 2 feet apart, dropping the seeds about 1 foot apart in the row, and cover 2 inches.

FORDHOOK—This is altogether unique. Nothing like it has ever been seen before. It is the first and only stiffly erect bush form of the popular Potato Lima. Pt. 30c, qt. 60c, pk. $3.25, bu. $12.00.

BURPEE’S IMPROVED-—It is fully 8 to 10 days earlier than any other large Limas, will outyield Burpee’s Bush Lima by fully one-third, as the pods are very much larger, while the beans, either green or dry, are nearly twice as thick. Pt. 30c, qt. 60c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

| WOOD’S IMPROVED BUSH—A selected strain of Bush Lima. Pt. 30c, qt. 60c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

| Mann’s Improved Wonder Bush Lima

This is one of the earliest of the large seeded Limas. Pt. 35c, qt. 70c, pk. $4.00.

Spray your String and Lima Beans with RED ARROW to kill Mexican Bean Beetle—non-poisonous spray. Oz. 35c, 4 ozs. | $1.00, pt. $2.00, qt. $3.70, 1 gal. $12.00.

Garden Beets

CULTURE —If wanted very early, sow in hotbeds and trans- plant. For general use, plant seed as early as ground can be nicely worked, usually about first of April. Sow in drills 1 foot apart, about 1 inch deep, and thin out to 2 inches apart in rows. One ounce of seed to 50 feet of drill, 6 to 8 pounds per acre.

CRIMSON GLOBE—A second early variety, somewhat oblong in shape, with smooth skin and very dark flesh. Good quality. Pkt. 5c, ounce, 15c, 14 Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

EARLY ECLIPSE—Very early, dark red color, small top and free from fibrous roots; will grow without thinning the plants. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 44 lb. 35c, lb. $1.25.

DETROIT DARK RED—Very early and an excellent keeper. Tops small. Roots dark red and globular in shape. Tender and sweet. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

IMPROVED EARLY BLOOD TURNIP—An improved va- riety of the Early Blood Turnip; of deep blood-red color, fine form and flavor. An excellent market sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, VYlb. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

EDMAND’S EARLY BLOOD TURNIP—Of beautiful, round form and good size. Flesh dark red and of finest quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

BASSANO—Top large, leaf stems light red, leaf light green, root large, round, Turnip-shaped, flesh pink zoned with white, very sweet and tender when young. An excellent sort to plant for use as greens. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

CROSBY’S IMPROVED EGYPTIAN-—Very early; smooth, globe-shaped. Dark blood red. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

EARLY WONDER—This beet is the result of many years of expert selection with a special strain of Crosby’s as a basis. In this new beet we have perfect form, small tops and tap root, beautiful color; extra early maturity. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % lb. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

Crosby’s Improved Egyptian.

4, P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.

Long Red Mangel.

Selected Mangel Wurzels Six pounds of seed will sow an acre.

An invaluable crop for stock feeding. Sow from April to June on well-cultivated, deep, rich soil, in drills 24 to 30 inches apart.

MAMMOTH LONG RED—The largest and heaviest cropper of all the long red sorts. A most valuable and distinct variety and very popular on account of its nutritious and milk-producing qualities. 1% lb. 20c, Ib. 50c.

GIANT GOLDEN TANKARD—Flesh bright golden, yellow, differing in this respect from all other varieties which cut white. 1% Ib. 20c, Ib. 50c.

Swiss Chard or Spinach Beet

CULTURE.—Swiss Chard is a beet grown for its leaves. The mid-rib when boiled makes delicious greens, or the leaves may be boiled and served as spinach. Sown in the spring, the leaves are soon ready to eat, and will continue to grow all through the summer and fall. One ounce will sow 60 ft. of drill.

LUCULLUS—A new variety with curled leaves like a Savoy cabbage. The plant grows nearly two feet high and the stem and leaves are very large and of fine quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, Y% Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.


Broccoli Calabrese

This variety is the broccoli which is served in the first class hotels of Metropolitan cities. |B It is cooked and |™ served like cauli- flower; it has a de- licious flavor and is highly praised by epicures.

CULTURE.—_Sow seed in open ground Ist of April. Set plants out May 15th to June like late cabbage. Pkt. 20c, 1 oz. 50c, %4 Ib. $1.25, 1 1b. $4.00.


Brussels Sprouts

(Paris Market) Belongs to the cabbage family, making clusters of miniature

cabbage heads around the main stalk; these heads are very i

delicious, with a flavor something like cauliflower; tops grow open like collard heads. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, ™% Ib. 75c.

Cabbage Choux Pommes, French

Kopf Kohl, German American-Grown Selected

One ounce will produce about 2,000 plants. Quarter pound of seed in beds will produce plants for one acre.

Early Varieties, Pointed Heads

EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—A gem of a little cabbage and great favorite with home gardeners on account of its size. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, ™% lb. 60c, Ib. $2.00.

CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD—Just a little later and larger than the Early Jersey, and is fine for following this crop. Pkt. 10¢, 0z. 25c, 1% lb. 60c, Ib. $2.00.

GOLDEN ACRE—This is a new, early, round-headed cabbage which closely resembles Copenhagen Market in type. It is 8 to 10 days earlier than Copenhagen Market but is smaller and can be planted closer. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, %4 Ib. 85c, Ib. $3.00.

ALL-HEAD EARLY—A thoroughbred sort, especially recom-

mended on account of its uniform size and shape and reliability | for heading. Makes a deep flat head, solid and uniform in color, ,

shape and size. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, %4 Ib. 60c, lb. $2.00.

Jersey Wakefield

COPENHAGEN MARKET —The earliest headed cabbage yet introduced. The heads are of exceptionally large size for so early a variety. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, %4 Ib. 75c, Ib. $2.50.

large, round-)

EARLY FLAT DUTCH—Most popular cabbage in South] Texas and Gulf Coast sections for a market and shipping va-|

riety. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 60c, Ib. $2.00.

ALL SEASONS—A fine early flat-head cabbage, adapted to culture in all seasons of the year; a good header and keeper, making medium-sized heads; a good all-round cabbage for any: purpose. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 14 1b. 60c, Ib. $2.00.


| Late or Autumn and Winter

PERFECTION DRUMHEAD SAVOY—The Savoy Cabbages are very tender and of fine flavor, very much superior in this

respect to the ordinary late Fall and Winter Cabbage. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25¢, %4 Ib. 60c, Ib. $2.00. LARGE LATE AMERICAN DRUMHEAD (American

superior late cabbage.

Grown)—One of the largest, most solid and best keeping late varieties. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % 1b. 60c, lb. $2.00.

WORLD-BEATER OR AUTUMN KING—This is a very Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 60c, Ib. $2.00.

PREMIUM LATE FLAT DUTCH—The heads are large and solid; round in shape. Excellent keepers. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1% Ib. 60c, lb. $2.00.

MAMMOTH RED ROCK—The head is round, large, solid and a deep red color, the best of the red cabbages. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.

Chinese or Celery Cabbage

Also called Pe-Tsai, and Cut Cabbage, by Chinese gardeners, and is beginning to attract attention in America. It does not form a Cabbage head, but when grown to its full size resembles the Cos Lettuce and the outer leaves may be used during its grow.h. Sow seed after July Ist and give plenty of room to the plants, setting in rows 3 feet apart and 2 feet apart in the row.

Pkt. 10c, 0z. 25c, % Ib. 65c, lb. $2.25.

One of the best main-crop carrots. ness of shape, its tenderness of flesh and beauty of color.


One ounce to 150 feet drill. Two and one-half pounds to acre.

DANVERS HALF-LONG STUMP-ROOTED—A new va- riety, of decided merit; rich in color and of handsome shape. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 1% Ib, 35c, lb. $1.25.

IMPROVED LONG ORANGE—Deep orange color; long, smooth; popular for general crop. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

CHANTENAY, HALF-LONG—Medium early and heavy crop- per; one of the best for market. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

EARLY SCARLET HORN—Small, but early. Best for forc-

ing. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

ST. VALLERY, OR NEW INTERMEDIATE CARROT— It is noted for its smooth- Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb. 35c, lb. $1.25.

EARLY RUBICON CARROT—A half long Orange, stump- rooted Carrot, of a beautiful deep-red orange color. It is earlier than Danver’s, about the same length, but heavier and thicker at

the shoulder, making it more productive. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 1%4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

Long Orange Carrot.

Golden Self Blanching.


One ounce produces about 3,500 plants.

EARLY SNOWBALL—Our strain of this popular variety is unequaled. It is one of the best for forcing under glass or for the open ground. A sure header. Pkt. 20c, oz. $1.25, 14 lb. $4.00.


Ten to fifteen ounces to the acre.

One ounce to 3,000 plants. Golden Self-Blanching

(French-Grown, Superior Stock, Unsurpassed)

The color is a rich golden yellow, very solid and tender; flavor is delicious; has large heart. Pkt. 10c, oz. 45c, 1% Ib. $1.50, 1b. $5.00.

WINTER QUEEN—Grows very thick, solid and heavy stalk, and has a large heart. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 75c, lb. $2.00.

IMPROVED WHITE PLUME—Ar) early self-blanching va- riety, very popular for fall and early winter use. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.00.

DWARF GOLDEN HEART—Very solid and excellent keeper, and of fine, nutty flavor. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1% lb. 75c, lb. $2.25.

GIANT PASCAL —A green-ieaved variety which was de- veloped from the Golden Self-Blanching. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 75¢C, lb. $2.25.

Celery Seed for Seasoning—Oz. 10c, % lb. 20c, lb. 50c.

Celeriac or Turnip-Rooted Celery

Grown exclusively for its roots, which, when cooked, sliced and used with vinegar, makes a fine salad.

GIANT SMOOTH PRAGUE—The best variety; large and smooth roots; excellent keeper. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 25c, % Ib. 75c, Ib. $2.00.


Sow early in spring, in good mellow soils, in drills half an inch deep, and 12 inches apart.

LARGE-ROOTED BAGDEBURG—The leaves when blanched make an excellent salad. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, 1% Ib. 50c, lb. $1.75.

WITLOOF—Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, ™% lb. 50c, Ib. $1.75.

We can supply all kinds of Vegetable Plants in season, such as Tomato, Cabbage, Celery, Sweet Potato, Egg- plants, Peppers, Lettuce, etc., by the dozen or hundred.

6 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.


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; Stowell’s Evergreen.

Sweet or Sugar Corn

One quart will plant 200 hills.

Eight quarts for an acre.

If Corn is wanted by mail or express prepaid, add 5 cents per pint, 10 cents per quart for charges.

EARLY EVERGREEN—tThe ears of this new corn grow 8 inches long; are mostly 14 to 16 rows. It ripens 10 to 12 days in advance of Stowell’s Evergreen, and is equally as good ior all purposes. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

WHITE EVERGREEN—A pure white strain of the popular Stowell’s Evergreen. The ears are very large and well filled from butt to tip with long, slender, pure white grains of the most delicious sweetness. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

Mann’s Early Sugar Corn

A big-eared medium early corn with the sweet flavor of the late varieties. Pt. 30c, qt. 60c, pk. $3.00, bu. $10.50.

IDEAL EARLY ADAMS—A selection and improvement over the old Early Adams. Makes larger and handsomer ears and deeper grains. Pt. 20c, qt. 40c, pk. $2.00, bu. $6.75.

GOLDEN BANTAM—Probably the very earliest variety grown. Very sweet; none better for the home garden for first early. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $9.75.

GOLDEN EVERGREEN—tThis is a cross between Golden Bantam and Stowell’s Evergreen and resembles both of these varieties in many ways. The ears measure 8 inches long and are set with 12 or 14 rows of kernels. Has delicious golden yellow kernels. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

HOWLING MOB—One of the very best early varieties. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $9.75.

BLACK MEXICAN—Surpassed by none in quality and ten- derness. When cooked is almost white. The ripe ear is black or blue-black. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $9.75.

COUNTRY GENTLEMAN—A new corn of merit and desir- able for family use. The grains are irregular, compact and sweet. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

STOWELL’S EVERGREEN —So well known that it scarcely needs description. Excellent; keeps green till cold weather; ears large; one of the best. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $3.00, bu. $11.00.

Corn Salad—ackersalat

One ounce will sow about eighteen square feet and six pounds

will sow an acre.

BROAD-LEAVED (Large-Seeded)—A delicious salad, used |

during the winter and spring months as a substitute for lettuce, and is also cooked and used like spinach. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb.

35c, Ib. $1.25. Collards GEORGIA, SOUTHERN, OR CREOLE—This is the white

or green-stemmed variety, growing 2 to 3 feet high and forming _

a ‘large, loose, open head, or cluster of leaves, with a rather long stem. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 20c, Ib. 60c.


UPLAND—The most popular variety for market; excellent flavor. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, % Ib. 45c, Ib. $1.25.

WATERCRESS—Cultivated by sowing the seed by running

water or near a spring which is not severely frozen through |

the winter. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, % Ib. $1.00.


One ounce to fifty hills.

One to two pounds to an acre.

IMPROVED EARLY WHITE SPINE, OR ARLINGTON— i A selection from the White Spine, being more pointed at each |

end. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % lb. 75c, lb. $2.00. LONDON LONG GREEN—The standard late sort, quite crisp and of good size. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 75c, Ib. $2.25. PERFECTED JERSEY PICKLE—New and fine. The best pickle. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % lb. 75c, Ib. $2.00.

EARLY FORTUNE —Is of recent introduction and is con-

sidered the finest market cucumber of the White Spine type. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, % Ib. 75c, lb. $2.00.

Mann’s Favorite Cucumber

A selection of a medium early White Spine. very deep green which holds for a long time. Pkt. 15c, oz. 30c, 1% Ib. 75c, 1b. $2.25. |

Dandelion |

An early spring salad. Sow early in spring in drills 12 inches apart, and thin out 6 inches “in the rows.

IMPROVED FRENCH—PKIt. 10c, 02. 40c, 1% Ib. $1.50. |

Early Fortune.

In color it is a)

| and rich flavor.


Black Beauty.

Egg Plant

One ounce will produce 1,000 plants.

BLACK BEAUTY EGG PLANT—It is very early; in fact, the earliest good market variety. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, %4 Ib. $1.25, Ib. $4.50.

NEW YORK IMPROVED SPINELESS—Best New Jersey gardener’s selection. Oval shape, thornless, dark purple color Pkt. 10c, 0z. 40c, % Ib. $1.25, Ib. $4.50.

FLORIDA HIGH BUSH—Very vigorous and productive, bear- ing profusely its large purple fruits of fine shape and quality. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, %4 Ib. $1.25, Ib. $4.50.


EXTRA GREEN CURLED—It is the best. Y% lb. 40c, Ib. $1.25.

BROAD-LEAVED BATAVIAN (Escarolle)—Used in soups and stews. Requires to be tied up for blanching. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 20c, 14 Ib. 40c, Ib. $1.25.

Pkt. 10c, 0z. 20c,

Kale or Borecole

An ounce of seed, will sow about 200 feet of drill. pounds to an acre.

DWARF GERMAN GREENS (Siberian Kale)—Generally sown broadcast, but can be sown in drills a foot apart in August. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 14 lb. 25c, Ib. 90c.

BLUE CURLED SCOTCH—A distinctly blue close-curled Scotch strain in large demand in the Norfolk (Va.) section on account of its deep color and excellent shipping qualities. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 14 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.00.

NEW IMPERIAL, OR LONG STANDING—Slow seeder; hardiest for gardeners, superior to all other sorts in vigorous habits; bright green color. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.00.

PLAIN, or SMOOTH—Fine for salads. Oz. 10c, % Ib. 15c,

- Kohl-Rabi

(Turnip-Rooted Cabbage) One ounce to 200 feet of drill. One and a half pounds to an acre. EARLY WHITE VIENNA—This forms a bulb above ground and its flavor mingles the peculiarities of the cabbage and turnip. Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c, 14 Ib. 50c, lb. $1.75.


Lettuce—Lattich Salat

One ounce will sow 100 square feet, or 120 feet of drill.

Mann’s Imperial Lettuce

A Winner for the Home Garden. One of the very best cabbage varieties for summer heading. Pkt. 15c, oz. 30c, ™% lb. 75c, Ib. $2.00.

GRAND RAPIDS FORCING—There is no better forcing va- riety among the curled-leaved sorts than the Grand Rapids. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

BLACK-SEEDED SIMPSON—One of the best curled va- rieties, withstanding the summer heat. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

WAYAHEAD—Very early, sure-head and solid. Outer leaves light green, inner yellow. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib, $1.25.

MAY KING—A new German variety, fine for forcing and outdoors; heads of medium size, yellowish-green in color; very early and a fine variety. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

BRITTLE-Ice—Grows to a larger. size, is of more pleasing appearance, and retains its crispness and mild flavor to a greater degree during the hot summer months than any other crisp-head variety. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25,

NEW GOLDEN QUEEN—Popular for forcing. 0z. 20c, %4 Ib. 50c, Ib. $1.50.

SALAMANDER (B.:S.) Compact, tender heads resisting summer heat. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

IMPROVED BIG BOSTON LETTUCE—Identical in color, shape and general appearance as the Boston Market Lettuce, but double in size. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

ICEBERG—A large, crisp lettuce, always tender, stands hot weather remarkably; give each head 14 inches in the row. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 1%4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

EARLY CURLED SIMPSON—Very early, largely grown in cold frames. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

Pkt. 10c,

Romaine or Cos Lettuce



finest of all the Cos sorts; leaves when bleached are stiff like celery stalks, and can be eaten in the same manner, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

Pkt. 10c,

Big Boston.

8 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.


SPINACH MUSTARD—A mild flav- ored mustard with a delicious spinach flavor, ready for cutting in 3 to 4 weeks after planting. Prepare like spinach or turnip greens. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 20c, Ib. 60c.

FORD HOOK FANCY MUSTARD— The plants are of vigorous growth; dark green leaves curve outward like a fine ostrich plume. Fine flavor, one of the best for early salad. Pkt. 5c, 0z. 10c, 14 lb. 20c, lb. 60c.

White—Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, ™% lb. 20c, Ib. 60c.

Giant Southern Curled—Pkt. 5c, oz. 06) 14 Ib. 20c, 1b. 60c.


BROAD LONDON, or LARGE AMERI- CAN FLAG—Best American-grown seed. Pkt. 10c, ez. 25c, ™% Ib. 85c, lb. $3.00.

American Flag.

Cantaloupe or Muskmelon

Two or three pounds

One ounce will plant about fifty hills. in hill per acre.

Mann’s Surprise Cantaloupe

This melon is becoming more popular every year among the market gardeners. Pkt. 15c, 0z. 25c, % lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.

Early Knight Cantaloupe

A splendid early Cantaloupe of superb quality, and at the same time makes an excellent market or shipping melon.

Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb. 35c, 1b. $1.25.

SWEET AIR—It is the sweetest, finest flavored, juiciest and best melon ever offered. Well netted, thick green flesh, small seed cavity. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.


ROCKY FORD NETTED GEM—It is uniform in size, thickly netted, distinctly ribbed, firm-fleshed and of most delicious flavor. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb. 35c, lb. $1.25.

BOTTOMLY—Is planted exclusively by the foremost canta- loupe growers of Anne Arundel County, in connection with the now famous Knight, maturing about 10 days later. Pkt. 10e, oz. 15c, % Ib. 40c, Ib. $1.25.

_ TIP TOP—It grows to a large size, has thick orange flesh and is sweet, juicy and of the finest flavor even close to the rind. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb. 35c, Ib. $1.25.

POLLOCK’S No. 10-25 (Salmon Flesh)—This Musk Melon considered the best of the salmon-fleshed Rocky Fords. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

FORDHOOK MUSK MELON—Very thick, orange-yellow flesh, small seed cavity, and comparatively few seeds. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 35c, lb. $1.25.

LONG JOHN—This is a product of Anne Arundel County which is famous for its fine Cantaloupes. Averages 8 to 10 inches, some specimens growing a foot long, deeply netted and ribbed, green-fleshed, thickly meated, and deliciously flavored. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 15c, % Ib. 5Cc, Ib. $1.50.

HEARTS OF GOLD—Fruit round with tendency to heart- shape, slightly ribbed and covered with a fine netting; flesh very thick, deep salmon color and of high quality. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 1% lb. 35c, 1b. $1.25.

Tom Watson Watermelon.


Those using larger quantities than one pound of Watermelon Seeds should write us for special prices.

THURMOND GRAY WATERMELON We consider the Thurmond Gray one of the best market sorts and recommend it to both market gardeners and large growers of watermelons. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

EXCEL (New)—Large, long dark green melon; rind, therefore making it a fine melon for shipping. 0z. 10c, ™% Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

IRISH GREY—Long melon, light green rind; fine shipping. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, lb. 85c.

GENERAL PERSHING—Long dark green melon; flesh firm and compact; very sweet; rind tough, making it a fine shipper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, A lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.

FLORIDA FAVORITE—An oblong melon of fine flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 25c, lb. 85c.

HALBERT HONEY—tThe strong points in favor of this melon are its superb flavor, sweetness, tenderness, and fine table qualities. Pkt. 5c, 0z. 10c, 1% Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

STRIPED GYPSY, or GEORGIA RATTLESNAKE A large, oblong melon. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

KLECKLEY’S SWEET—This is one of the earliest melons. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 14 Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

TOM WATSON, NINETY DAYS—Long, dark green; much better than the Kleckley Sweet, and longer; fine variety. (See illustration.) Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 75c.

has a tough Pkt. 5c,


t :


| |


White Silver Skin Onion.

Okra or Gumbo

PERKINS’ MAMMOTH LONG-PODDED—A very large- podded variety; popular with canners and for home use. Quality very fine. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, %4 lb. 25c, 1b. 60c.


and prolific variety. Pods green, smooth and thickly set. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % lb. 25c, lb. 60c.


Good Onion Seed is of the Greatest Importance

WHITE SILVER SKIN, or PORTUGAL—The leading sort of white onion. Skin is of a beautiful clear white color; flavor mild and a most excellent keeper. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 30c, 1% lb. 90c, Ib. $3.00.

YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS—tThe popular yellow globe onion for market and shipping purposes is almost ball shaped, but a trifle flattened at both ends. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, % Ib. 90c, Ib. $3.00.

PRIZETAKER—A superb variety where large size and superior keeping qualities are desired. Color a rich straw and flavor very mild and delicate. Pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, %4 Ib. 90c, Ib. $3.

Onion Sets

One quart to fifty feet of row; eight to ten bushels per acre, according to size of sets.

All onions attain full size and maturity for the same season from spring-sown seed, yet many people desire to plant out sets for earliest Onions for the table or to use green or for bunching.

YELLOW ONION SETS—Grown from our select strain of Yellow Danvers. Pt. 15c, qt. 25c.

WHITE ONION SETS—Grown from our select strain of White Portugal. Pt. 15c, qt. 25c.

The price per bushel is subject to change with the market. Write for quotations.

Parsnips —Pastinake

One ounce to 150 feet of drill. HOLLOW CROWN, or LARGE SUGAR—The best variety in cultivation for general use; roots white, smooth, of inter-

mediate length, sugary, of excellent flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15¢c, 4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c.


One ounce to 150 feet of drill.

EXTRA-DARK MOSS CURLED—The large leaves are very heavily crimped and curled, being quite moss-like in appearance and of peculiarly rich, extra dark green coloring. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 4, lb. 25c, Ib. 75c.

FINE DOUBLE CURLED—Plants of dwarf compact growth, and the young leaves have the edges heavily crimped, being of quite mosslike appearance. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 44 Ib. 25c, Ib. 75c.


One ounce will produce about 2,000 plants.

CRIMSON GIANT—The largest and finest mild red pepper; double the size of Ruby King. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, %4 Ib. $1.50, Ib. $5.00.

NEAPOLITAN LARGE EARLY—Earliest of the large sweet peppers. Thick-meated.and very productive. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 14 Ib. $1.00, 1b. $3.50.

Ruby King—Ideal pepper for filling and pepper hash. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 35c, % Ib. $1.00, Ib. $3.50.

LARGE BELL, or BULL NOSE—Early, large, red mild. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, % Ib. $1.00, lb. $3.50.

LONG RED CAYENNE—PKt. 10c, 07. 35c, % lb. $3.25.

CHINESE GIANT—Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, 1% 1b. $1.50, Ib. $5.00.

PIMENTO LARGE SWEET—PKt. 10c, oz. 35c, % Ib. $1.00, Ib. $3.25.

Maine-Grown Seed Potatoes

Ib. $1.00,

All of the Seed Potatoes we sell are grown in the State of Maine, where it is universally acknowledged the best seed potatoes are raised, and thousands of carloads are shipped every year from the counties of Holton and Aroostook alone. Farmers and truckers in the Middle and Southern States should renew their seed potatoes at least every two years, as by doing so they will realize the advantage of early maturity and pro-


Special prices will be given on application.


P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.

Ves SE; Early Bird. ¥


Garden Peas


We Do Not Pay Postage on Peas.

Three quarts of seed to 100 yards of row. One and a half to two bushels to the acre.

EXTRA-EARLY ALASKA—The earliest blue pea. The dark green color of the pods makes it extremely desirable. Height 2 feet. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.25, bu. $8.00.

LITTLE MARVEL—As regards Little Marvel peas, this va- riety we can recommend as being one of the very best short- vine peas introduced. The vines are about a foot high. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.75, bu. $10.50.

NOTT’S EXCELSIOR—One of the best early dwarf peas. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

LONG-PODDED ALASKA—Nevw, vigorous, handsome, long- podded, delicious flavored Alaska Pea. It is an abundant yielder. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

GRADUS, or PROSPERITY—-Probably the best extra-early pea yet introduced. Only 2 or 3 days later than Alaska, and a wrinkled pea of excellent quality. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

THOMAS LAXTON—An extra-large-podded variety. dark green. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

AMERICAN WONDER—This is a dwarf variety, and leads all others in point of earliness, growing about 10 inches high. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

CARTER’S DAISY, or DWARF TELEPHONE—Pods broad and of a pale green color. Height 20 inches. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

EARLY BIRD—As early as Alaska. Dwarf, vigorous vines about 2 feet high, covered with immense well-filled pods. Can be planted as early as any variety. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.





LAXTON SUPERB—A new dwarf Gradus. This is the largest podded of all the early dwarf varieties and is a new sort of decided merit. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.50, bu. $9.00.

Mann’s Full Pod Pea

An extremely valuable variety, superior to Nott’s Excelsior

Pt. 30c, qt. 55c, pk. $2.75, bu. $10.50.

TELEPHONE IMPROVED STOCK—A luscious wrinkled- pea; pod, large size and peas excellent quality; an enormous cropper; grows 4 feet high. Pt. 25c, qt. 50c, pk. $2.25, bu. $8.50.

NOTICE.—In ordering Peas to be sent by mail, please add 8 cents per pint to pay postage. Prices subject to change with- out notice.


One pound will sow 200 to 300 hills.

LARGE CHEESE—A good cooking variety, cheese shaped creamy yellow color, flesh fine-grained and one of the best for pies. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, ™% 1b. 25c, lb. 75c.

LARGE CONNECTICUT FIELD—Hardiest of all pumpkins, good for pies and stock feeding. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 25c, lb. 75c.

SMALL SUGAR—Early, prolific and very sweet, orange color; fine keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 75c.

KING OF MAMMOTHS—tThe giant variety, grows to | enormous size; deep yellow, glossy color. Splendid to grow for stock and exhibition purposes. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, %4 Ib. 35¢c,

Ib. $1.25. Herbs

All gardens should have some space devoted to the more im-

portant Pot Herbs. A few varieties are grown solely for the seed

produced, which is used for flavoring cakes, bread, confection-

ery, etc. - Pkt. Oz. V4 Ib. - DGD oe a ree ee $.10 $.15 $.35 | 10 15 50 Lavender 10 .30 75: Marjoram, Sweet .............220.0.::0.-- Bees reine 10 -30 154} Sa ger eee eta es eee ee 10 30 75 | Summer Savory =n 2 a ee 10 30 75 Thym Cosson hee ee Soe ee eer .10 .50 1.50

Small Sugar.


and American Wonder, especially suited to sma!l home gardens. © i t |


French Breakfast.


One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill. an acre. ‘| LONG WHITE ICICLE—The popular long white radish, very ‘early. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 75c. | _SAXA—A large globe-shaped variety of recent introduction.

Color is brilliant cardinal; flesh firm and tender; matures early; ‘grows to a large size, and is always very crisp and tender. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1% |b. 25c, lb. 75c.

_ EARLY SCARLET TURNIP, WHITE TIPPED—Early fine | grain and flavor, round with white tip. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, %4 Ib. | 25c, Ib. 75c.

VICK’S SCARLET GLOBE—A very desirable variety for open ground or forcing. It is nearly olive-shaped; bright scarlet color, of fine quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, %4 Ib. 25c, lb. 75c.

GLOWING BALL, New—(Extra Early Forcing Variety). A splendid forcing radish which is a striking advance over the present scarlet forcing varieties. It has a perfect round shape, a small top, a thread-like tap-root, and a unique color. In fact, _we have never come across a radish of such an unusual bril- _liant color. Bright fiery scarlet-red with a suffusion of orange, it has a glow all its own. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 4 Ib. 35c, lb. $1.00. EARLY SCARLET TURNIP—The old favorite turnip-shaped _ radish of medium size, quick to mature; a very desirable variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, %4 lb. 25c, Ib. 75c.

FRENCH BREAKFAST—A quick - growing, oval - shaped radish, light color arid white tip. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, | Ib. 75c.

WHITE STRASBURG—Large white radish, which stands

Nine pounds will sow

summer heat; handsome shape and pure white color. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, lb. 75c. | CHINESE WINTER ROSE—PKt. 5c, 0z. 10c, % lb. 25c,

| Ib. 85c.

ROUND BLACK SPANISH WINTER—Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, %4 Ib. 25c, Ib. 85c.

LONG BLACK SPANISH—PKt. 5c, oz. 10c, ™% lb. 25c, Ib. 85c.

| Rhubarb or Pie Plant

| Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 50c. VICTORIA—Large-size Roots.

Each 20c, dozen $2.00.

Salsify or Oyster Plant

Five to eight pounds to an acre.

SANDWICH ISLAND MAMMOTH—The most popular salsify in cultivation, and far superior to the old varieties in size, weight and productiveness. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 20c, %4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50.


One ounce for 100 feet of drill. to the acre.

NEW ZEALAND—Grows large and produces a large quan- tity of leaves during the summer. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % 1b. 20c, Ib. 60c.

VICTORIA—Dark green, crimped leaves. 14 lb. 15c, lb. 40c.

NEW LONG SEASON—The best for spring sowing, because it will stand longer before running to seed than any other va- riety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 1£c. lb. 35c.

MANN’S RESELECTED BLOOMSDALE SAVOY—This new strain has been developed in response to the urgent demand on the part of large spinach growers for an improvement in the quality of the regular commercial Bloomsdale grown in Holland. The plants are large, heavy, uniform and in every way especially reselected to match the ideal Bloomsdale Savoy type. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, lb. 35c.

NEW SPRING—A valuable sort; its attractive dark green color, long-standing and hardy character make it desirable for both spring and late sowing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, lb. 35c.

Sow ten to twelve pounds

Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c,


Bush sorts, 1 ounce for 50 hills. Running varieties, 3 to 4 pounds, in hills, for an acre.

EARLY WHITE BUSH SCALLOPED, or PATTY PAN— The best for early market use. Preferred for table. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, %4 lb. 30c, Ib. $1.00.

SUMMER CROOKNECK—Early, fine flavor; table sort. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.

BENNING BUSH—Earlier than the White Bush; color very light shade of green; bush habit; very productive and attractive appearance. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, % lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.

TRUE HUBBARD—A desirable sort, suitable for winter use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 30c, 1b. $1.00.

a desirable

Mann’s Reselected Bloomsdale Savoy.

12 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.


Chalk’s Bacige J Facil

Tomato —Liebesapfel

NORTON—tThis is a wilt-resistant variety developed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Resembles Stone in every way as regards shape, color, size, season, etc. It resists wilt to a remarkable degree. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, %4 Ib. $1.00, Ib. $3.00.

PONDEROSA—It is the largest-fruited deep-colored tomato known; of very fine quality, solid, almost seedless and free from acid. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1% Ib. $1.50, 1b. $5.00.

Mann’s Beauty Tomato

The finest large-fruited, early-purple variety. A decided favorite for home market or shipping, being early, hardy, a strong grower. Pkt. 15c, oz. 40c, % Ib. $1.25, lb. $3.50.

“BONNY BEST” EARLY TOMATO—Enormously prolific, scarlet red, globe-shaped fruits, smooth and ripening evenly without cracking. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1% Ib. 90c, lb. $3.00.

NEW STONE—This variety has obtained great favor with canners and market gardeners everywhere. Its solidity and carrying qualities are remarkable. Its color is a desirable red; in shape perfectly smooth and thicker from stem to blossom end than most varieties. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, % Ib. 75c, lb. $2.00.

MATCHLESS—One of the best main-crop tomatoes. The solidity, absence of core, size and color of the fruit, together with its freedom from rot, all unite in making this well worthy of the name of “Matchless.” Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1% 1b. $1.00, 1b. $3.00.

CHALK’S EARLY JEWEL—An extremely early variety of brightest scarlet color, deep fruited, very hardy and solid, with few seeds and of excellent flavor. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1% 1b. $1.00, Ib. $3.00.

OX HEART—A main crop, large fruited variety of distinct appearance and perfect quality. Heart-shaped, rosy pink, and very solid fleshed, with few seeds. Single fruits often weigh two pounds or more. Mildly acid and of pleasing flavor. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 60c, %4 Ib. $2.00, Ib. $7.00.

PRITCHARD, or SCARLET TOPPER TOMATO Wilt- resistant, mid-season main crop variety. Heavy cropper of scar- let, globe-shaped fruits. Fruit very heavy, inside color beautiful red, desirable for canning. Abundant foliage to protect from sun scald. Excellent tomato for the home garden and market gardener as well as long distance shipper. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1% 1b. $1.00, Ib. $3.50.


316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.


BREAK O’DAY—The earliest, disease resistant, globe shaped, scarlet fruited, meaty Tomato yet introduced. 10 to 12 days earlier than Marglobe, and very productive. Break o’Day will) fill a long felt want for an early Tomato with the good qualities’ of the popular later sorts. It was developed by Dr. Fred J.) Pritchard, senior Physiologist of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, and is a cross between Marglobe and Marvana, having the dis- ease resistant quality of its parents. Fruits are of the “Marglobe| type. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c, % Ib. $1.25, lb. $4.00.

Marglobe Tomato

EARLY WILT-RESISTANT VARIETY which originated) from a cross between Marvel and Globe. This cross was made by an expert plant breeder of the United States Department of Agriculture, with the purpose in mind of developing an early) type of wilt-resistant tomato. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, % Ib. $1 00," lb. $3.50.

GREATER BALTIMORE—An excellent main crop sort, pro- ducing large, solid smooth fruit of a brilliant red color. Pkt. 10c, | oz. 40c, %4 Ib. $1.00, 1b. $3.00. i

PEAR-SHAPED YELLOW TOMATO—Handsome, bright, pear-shaped yellow fruit. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, %4 lb. $1.25. }

PLUM-SHAPED YELLOW TOMATO—Round and regular, bright yellow; used for pickling. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, % Ib. $1.25.

| Turnip —Stockrube i

EXTRA-EARLY PURPLE-TOP MILAN—Earliest turnip il in cultivation; fit for use a week sooner than others. Suitable for spring or fall planting. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 25c, Ib. 75c. i]

PURPLE-TOP WHITE GLOBE—A standard white variety, with purple top, handsome globe-shaped and heavy cropper; leading turnip among truckers and gardeners. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c,._ %4 lb. 20c, Ib. 60c.

PURPLE-TOP STRAP LEAF—A white, flat, turnip, with purple top; mild flavor and very popular. 0z. 10c, ™% Ib. 20c, 1b. 60c.

YELLOW ABERDEEN —Hardy, good keeping turnip; yellow) flesh and very productive. Pkt. 5c, 0z. 10c, %4 lb. 20c, Ib. 60c.

AMBER GLOBE—A good variety for general crop. Flesh solid and sweet; keeps well late in spring, grows large; fine for table or stock. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 20c, 1b. 60c.

IMPROVED AMERICAN PURPLE-TOP RUTABAGA— Very hardy and productive; flesh yellow, solid and sweet. Pkt.) 5c, 0Z. 10c, ™% lb. 20c, 1b. 60c.

SEVEN TOP—Cultivated extensively in the South for tops,' which are used for greens. It is very hardy and will grow all) winter, but does not produce a good root and is only recom- | mended for the tops. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, %4 lb. 20¢, lb. 60c.

SHOGOIN, or JAPANESE TURNIP—Very valuable for tur-' nip greens. The leaves grow upright, about 2 feet high when ~ fully developed which makes. it free from insects. The roots are. pure white, between flat and globe shaped. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 14 lb. 20c, Ib. 60c.

| 4 / i 4

strap-leaf | Pkt. Sey ‘a

Purple Top White Globe Turnip.




ing of seed.


ASTERS, AMERICAN BRANCHING. A—Of all garden flowers from seed, there is none that gives more satisfaction than the Aster. Tha. five colors: Crimson, Dark Blue, Lavender, Shell Pink, White. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00. | Finest Mixed—Pkt. 10c, oz. 90c.


A.—Of dwarf, compact habit, 4 to 6 inches in height. It begins to bloom when quite small, and the plants are a solid mass of white from spring to late in autumn. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

AMARANTHUS (JOSEPH’S COAT). | A—Tricolor; a hardy annual with leaves of red and green; well known as “Joseph’s Coat,” the colors being especially brilliant | £ grown in rather poor soil. Pkt. 10c, 22. 60¢. |

ACROCLINIUM ROSEUM. AA | pretty annual “Everlasting,” growing about

{5 inches high, bearing Tovely, white or -osy-pink flowers, which, when cut in the sud state, can be dried and used in winter }oouquets. Double Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

AGERATUM (FLOSS FLOWER). A.— | One of the best bedding plants, being | iterally a sheet of bloom from early sum- | ner till frost. A sowing in September will rive plants to bloom all winter. Dwarf Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

BALLOON VINE Remarkable for its

nflated membraneous capsules containing | he seed. It is sometimes called “Love-in- i-Puff”’ A rapid and graceful climber. | lowers white. Tender annual; 6 feet righ. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

BALSAM (LADY’S SLIPPER, or TOUCH-ME-NOT). A.—Our Camellia- lowered strain produces the finest double olossoms, and is quite a revelation com- ‘vared with the old varieties. Sow in rich | oil for the finest blooms. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

BALSAM APPLE (MOMORDICA 3ALSAMINA). A.—A rapid-grovring vine

| i 1 roducing apple-shaped fruits. Pkt. 10c,

Sweet Alyssum.

(Zz. 50c.

and imported strains obtainable. tain the highest standard of quality.

Our constant aim is to supply our customers with the very best domestic We spare no expense in our efforts to main- Our list contains those varieties which are most popular because of their beauty, usefulness, and ease of cultivation. Annuals are those which attain full growth, bloom and die the same year, and are raised from seed exclusively. Biennials attain full growth, bloom and die the second year from the plant-

Perennials produce plants the first year, which with a few exceptions do not flower until the second year from planting of seed, after which they bloom every year and last several years.

The class to which each variety belongs is indicated as follows:

A. for Annuals,

B. for Biennials, P. for Perennials.


BRACHYCOME (SWAN _ RIVER DAISY). A.— Free-tlowering, dwarf- growing annuals; covered during the

greater part of the summer with a pro- fusion of pretty blue or white flowers, suitable for edgings, small beds or pot culture; 9 inches. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

COREOPSIS GRANDIFLORA. P.— 2 feet. June to October. Bears many large golden daisy-like flowers which last long as cut flowers and are very effective in the garden. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

CANDYTUFT. A.—Showy, branching plants, 6 to 18 inches high. If sown in spring will blossom from July to September, or in the fall will blossom from May to July. Hardy annual. Fine Mixed. Pkt. 10, oz. 40c.

CARNATION, MARGUERITE. P.— The plants of this wonderfully fine strain may be made to flower in 4 months. The flowers are large, double and very fra- grant, and appear in very attractive shades of color. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.




CALENDULA (POT MARIGOLD). A. —This is the “Marygold” of Shakespeare’s time; one of the best and showiest free- flowering hardy annuals, growing in any good garden soil, producing a fine effect in beds or mixed borders, particularly bright in late fall, continuing to bloom from early summer until killed by frost. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

CENTAUREA (BACHELOR BUTTON) —Also known as Blue Bottle, Corn Flower, Ragged Sailor and Ragged Robin. An old favorite, easily grown and blooms profusely from July until frost. Height 2 feet.

Double Blue and Double Ruby Red— Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

Double Dwarf Mixed— Many colors Pkt. 10c, oz. 20c.

CASTOR BEAN, or RICINUS. A.— Tall, majestic plants for lawns, with leaves of glossy green, brown or bronzed metallic hue and long spikes of scarlet, or of green, prickly fruit. Of very quick growth in rich soil. Tender annual. 6 to 15 feet high. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c.

CAMPANULA (CANTERBURY BELLS).—This old-fashioned flower is a favorite with all. Stately and showy, and of the easiest culture. The seeds should be sown about April, in finely prepared, rich soil. Hardy Biennial. Pkt. 10c.

COCKSCOMB DWARF MIXED. A.— Showy dwarf growing plants bearing large velvety combs. If the combs are cut before frost they may be dried and used for winter decoration. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.25.

COSMOS, SINGLE EARLY SUMMER FLOWERING—Coming into flower in July, continuing until frost. Can be grown in the North where the seasons are too short for other strains. Dwarf, compact growth; 4 ft. Profuse bloomer. Flowers beautiful and large; petals broad. Mixed. Each, pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

MORNING GLORIES, IMPERIAL JAPANESE or EMPEROR—The flowers are of gigantic size and their colors range from snow-white to black-purple, with all the possible intermediate shades. Pkt. 10c, OZ. 25C.


P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 1, Block North Penna. Ave.


CYPRESS VINE. A.—A most beautiful climber with delicate dark green feather foliage and an abundance of bright star- shaped rose, scarlet or white blossoms which contrast most effectively with the graceful foliage. Tender annual; about 15 feet high. Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 35c.

CATCHFLY, SILENE. A.—The varie- ties offered below are very pretty, well adapted ior the rockery or the front of the hardy border. Glistening white flowers in July and August. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 75c.

COLUMBINE, AQUILEGIA. P.—The Aquilegias are fine, free-flowering, hardy border plants. Seed may be planted in the open ground early in the spring, and will, in the case of single varieties, bloom same season. Best results are obtained by plant- ing in August, when they will come up early in the spring, making vigorous plants, blooming during late spring and early summer. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 50c.

SHASTA DAISIES (CHRYSANTHE- MUM LEUCANTHEMUM). P.—A splen- did hardy perennial variety with flowers rarely less than 5 inches across, of the purest glistening white, with broad over- lapping petals, and borne on long strong stems; a beautiful cut flower, remaining in good condition a week or more. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.75.

DIANTHUS, PINKS. B.—Double Japan Mixed (Chinensis JLaciniatus). The flowers are rich in hue; very double, deep- fringed petals. Colors vary from white to rose, lilac, carmine, crimson, scarlet, purple, brown and almost black, spotted and striped. Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

DIGITALIS (FOXGLOVE). P.—Grows to the height of 3 or 4 feet, affording dense spikes of brilliantly-colored flowers, which are terminal and half as long as the height of plant. Colors white, lavender and rose. A valuable flower in every perennial garden; does not usually blossom until the second year. Hardy biennials or perennials. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

DAISY, ENGLISH (BELLIS). P—A favorite perennial, which will stand the winter if given the protection of a little litter. In bloom from early spring until well on in the summer. -Pkt, 10c, 0z. $1.75.

EUPHORBIA (SNOW-ON-THE- MOUNTAIN). A.—Strong-growing an- nuals, suitable for beds of tall-growing plants, or mixed borders; the flowers are inconspicuous; the foliage, however, is ex- ceedingly ornamental. Attractive foliage; veined and margined with white; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

FOUR O’CLOCK (MARVEL OF PERU). A.—The plants are large, and each needs 3 or 4 feet of space each way for its best development. The flowers are funnel-shaped, white, red, yellow or striped with these colors and open about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

FORGET-ME-NOT (MYOSOTIS). P. —A favorite old-fashioned flower, bearing in profusion clusters of blue blossoms. It thrives well in the shade or open border. Hardy perennial. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.

GAILLARDIA (Blanket Flower), Double Mixed. A.—Gorgeously colored annuals, flowering in great profusion throughout summer and fall. Pkt. 10c, oz. 75c.

GYPSOPHILA (BABY’S BREATH). A. —Pretty, free-flowering, elegant plants, succeeding in any garden soil. Their misty white panicles of bloom are largely used for mixing with other cut-flowers. Pkt. 10c, Oz. 25c.

GOURD (CUCURBITA). A.—A tribe of climbers with curiously shaped and col- ored fruit. Being of rapid growth, they are fine to cover old fences, trellises, stumps, etc. Tender annual; 10 to 20 feet high. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

HELICHRYSUM (STRAW FLOWER) MONSTROSUM. Everlasting flowers, large and full. Colors, white, yellow and red. Cut before the flowers fully expand. Hardy Annual. Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

KOCHIA (SUMMER CYPRESS, BELVEDERE OR BURNING BUSH).— Forms regular pyramids about 3 feet high, having a cypress-like appearance. The leaves are light green until September, when they change to carmine and blood red. Sow indoors in April and plant out in May, or sow in open ground about May Ist. Hardy Annual. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

HELIOTROPE. P.—Highly valued for |

the fragrance of their flowers and duration of bloom. Half-hardy perennial, blooming the first year from seed. Dark varieties. Mixed. Pkt. 15c, oz. $2.00.

HOLLYHOCK. P.—The most majestic of hardy plants of the garden. When planted in rows in the garden or among shrubbery the effect is beautiful. oz. $1.00.

HYACINTH BEAN (DOLICHOS). —A free-growing climber with heavy foli-

age and large sprays of white and purple flowers. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

LOBELIA. P.—This dwarf and trailing variety is fine for bedding, borders or

Pkt. 10c,

A. ||

hanging baskets; blooms profusely from |

June until November. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

LARKSPUR (DELPHINIUM). A—An old-fashioned very choice, especially hardy

annual, which increases in beauty each |

year. Pkt. 10c, 0z. $2.50.

LARKSPUR. A.—This is one of the best known of garden flowers. Seeds sown in the open ground before the close of April will produce flowering plants by the beginning of July. OZ. 75C.


Hardy Annual. Pkt. 10¢, |


—Splendid for beds or borders; the tall varieties grow about 3 feet high, the dwarf sorts 18 to 24 inches. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

MARIGOLD, GUINEA GOLD.—A dis- tinct type of Marigold; of graceful, pyra- midal habit, growing 2 to 2% ft. high;), flowers semi-double, 2 to 2% ins. across. Wavy petals of a brilliant shade of orange and gold. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

DWARF SINGLE FRENCH MARI- GOLD. A.—tLegion of Honor (Little, Brownie). A single flowering Marigold, forming compact bushes 9 inches high.|

Begins flowering early, commencing in June, continuing until frost. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

Shasta Daisy.



| MIGNONETTE. A.—Few ladies would think that a garden was complete without Mignonette. For fragrance and beauty there are few flowers that are as univer- sally admired. Pkt. 10c, oz. 40c.

MOONFLOWER, A. WHITE. So called because it has the characteristic of opening its flowers during the late after- noon and evening. The large pure white flowers contrast beautifully with the heavy dense foliage. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

MOONFLOWER, HEAVENLY BLUE. _ Grows quickly. Blooms early and covers _ the vine with large clear blue flowers. |! Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.75.


A new double sweet-scented Nasturtium. | Large, golden yellow flowers, averaging 21%4 | to 3 inches across, are borne in the greatest profusion well above the foliage on erect | 6-inch stems. A marvelous flower for gar- den display and cutting. Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c.

| NASTURTIUM, TALL SORTS. A— | Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 15c, 14 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00.

NASTURTIUM, DWARF SORTS. A.— Mixed. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 15c, 14 Ib. 30c, Ib. $1.00.

PHLOX DRUMMONDI. A. Very hardy annuals, unequaled in the magni- ficent display of their many and brilliantly colored flowers. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

PHLOX. Mixed. P.—A fine mixture of the perennial varieties. Pkt. 10c, oz. $2.00.

PANSIES, GIANT TRIMARDEAU. A. B.—Our selection of this well-known flower is, we believe, the best that is offered anywhere for size, variety and beauty, and have no equal. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

Roggli Giant (Swiss Pansy) (New). Flowers of enormous size and with over- lapping petals; many brilliant colors and shades, making a wonderful combination, excellent for greenhouse culture. Pkt. 25c.

PORTULACA, SINGLE MIXED. A.— There are few flowers in cultivation that make such a dazzling display of color in the bright sunshine as a bed of portulacas. They are in bloom from about the first of

July until killed by frost in autumn. Fine Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 90c.


annuals and perennials.

POPPY (IMPROVED SHIRLEY). —Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

ORIENTAL POPPIES, MIXED. P.— These are always popular in any perennial bed. Pkt. 10c, oz. $2.00.

PETUNIAS, BEDDING AND WIN- DOW BOX VARIETIES. Fine Bedding Petunia.—Very fine. Striped, blotched and all colors mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

Snowball.—Pure white. Pkt. 10c, oz. $3. Rosy Morn.—Pink. Pkt. 10c, oz. $3.50. Pkt. 25c,

Pkt. 10c, 0z. 50c. A.

Heavenly Blue.—Silvery blue. lg oz. $1.00.

PYRETHRUM (Painted Daisy). P.—One of our best hardy plants, bearing in great profusion in early summer beautiful large daisy, or cosmos-like flowers in colors ranging from pure white through shades of pink and rose to deep crimson. Unsur- passed for cutting. Pkt. 10c, 0z. $2.25,

SALPIGLOSSIS, LARGE -FLOWER- ING (PAINTED TONGUE). A.—These are one of the very finest annuals and are of the easiest culture, succeeding in any good ordinary soil. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.

SCARLET RUNNER. A.—The well- known rapid-growing annual climber, with bright red flowers from July to September. Pkg. 10c, % Ib. 15c, Ib. 50c.

SCABIOSA (Mourning Bride), A.— Well known garden favorite, flowering freely from midsummer until frost. The

handsome double flowers are borne on long stems, thus adding to their value as cut flowers. The colors range from pure white through shades of pink and red to blue and black maroon. Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

SWEET WILLIAM. P.—A very beau- tiful class of easily grown and very hardy plants of extreme richness and diversity of colors, deliciously sweet scented. Hardy perennials; about 1 foot.

Newport Pink (Watermelon Pink)— Single. Pkt. 10c, oz. 90c.

White—Single. Pkt. 10c, oz. 50c.

Scarlet Beauty—Single. Pkt. 10c, oz. 90c. Double Mixed—Pkt. 10c, oz. 60c.

SNAPDRAGON, ANTIRRHINUM. P.— This is a well-known and valuable plant, bearing long spikes of many colored flow- ers throughout the season. Fine for cut- ting as well as garden display. Pkt. 10c, 0z. $1.00.

STOCKS, CUT-AND-COME-AGAIN. A.—Splendid’ perpetual-blooming class; sown in March or April they begin flower- ing in July, continuing till frost, and are especially valuable during September and

October. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00. SWEET PEAS, SPENCER’S CHOICE COLORS MIXED—Pkt. 10c, oz. 25c,

Ib. $1.50.

SALVIA (Scarlet Sage). A.—Bonfire. A fine variety, 2 feet high; forms a dense compact bush; is a heavy bloomer, having brilliant scarlet flowers. Pkt. 10c, oz. $2.50.

SALVIA SPLENDENS (SCARLET SAGE). A.—Large, brilliant scarlet flow- ers are in these plants afford a rich dark green background of dense foliage. This variety is most generally used in parks and on extensive lawns. Pkt. 10c, oz. -$2.00.

VERBENA. A.—Plant produces a mass of flowers from spring to late fall. Our strain is as fine as the world produces. Large flowers and free blooming. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.25.

VINCA (PERIWINKLE). A.—These are very bright annuals with dark glossy green leaves and large showy flowers, and should be included in every garden. The compact plants grow 15 inches tall. They are excellent for beds, borders and window boxes. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.50.

WALLFLOWER. Single Mixed. P.— Well, known, very fragrant garden plant, blooming early in the spring, with large, conspicuous spikes of beautiful flowers; prized for bouquets. Pkt. 10c, 0z. 90c.

ZINNIAS, GIANT. A.—One of the most brilliant annuals; a general favorite, its splendid double flowers rivaling in beauty and size and form moderate-sized dahlias. Choice Mixed. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.

DOUBLE DAHLIA - FLOWERED ZINNIAS (Gold Medal). A.—This type, the latest development in Zinnias, bears flow- ers of mammoth size and in form like a perfect decorative Dahlia. As the result of painstaking care and selection the size, form and coloring has been much improved and we now offer Finest Mixed. Pkt. 10c, 0z. $1.50.

LILLIPUT or Pompom Zinnias. A.— Mixed. The best zinnia for bedding. About 12 inches high, bearing small double flow- ers of distinct colors. Pkt. 10c, oz. $1.00.

CHINESE WOOLFLOWER—This is a unique form of the Feathered Cockscomb, growing 2 to 3 ft. high, each branch termi- nated with a large head of flowers that look as if made out of some silky wool material. Not only effective in beds or borders, but highly interesting and valuable for cutting, as they can be dried and retain their bright coler for weeks. Mixed or Scarlet. Each, pkt. 10c.

P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.


Decorative Dahiia.

CHOICE SELECTED DAHLIAS KALIF—A handsome variety producing

giant flowers on long stiff stems. Color pure scarlet. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

WHITE SWAN—Pure white, the stand- ard commercial Ball Dahlia. <A _ strong grower and free bloomer. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

DELICE—Large flower with long stems, very fine for cutting, color clear bright rose-pink. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

SYLVIA—Deep pink with white center. A showy variety. Fine for cutting. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

SNOWDRIFT—Snow white. doz. $2.50.

MRS. I. DE. VER WARNER—Immense flowers on long stems, are of perfect form and of a lovely mauve pink color; early and free bloomer. Each 25c, doz. $2.50.

MIXED DAHLIAS—A splendid mixture of many fine varieties. Each 10c, doz. $1.00.


THE PRESIDENT—This is described best when said to combine all the good qualities of Fire Bird with none of its faults. Blooms are pure crimson and foliage deep green. Height 4 to 5 feet. Each 10c, doz. 75c.

KING HUMBERT—The most popular of cannas. Gigantic orange scarlet trusses with red markings. Foliage deep coppery bronze: 5 feet tall. Each 10c, doz. 75c.

CITY OF PORTLAND Flowers of large size on heavy trusses; color, glow- ing pink; profuse bloomer; green foliage. 3%4 ft. Each.10c, doz. 75c.






Each 25c,


NEW AND CHOICE NAMED VA- RIETIES—The Gladiolus is one of the most decorative plants in the garden and as a cut flower lends itself readily to any arrangement. If the spikes are cut when the lowest flower is in bloom, the others will open in succession and remain fresh a week or ten days.

GOLDEN MEASURE—Pure golden yellow; very large flowers of good sub- stance; robust grower and considered the best yellow on the market; a super-glad. Doz. 60c. 3

CRIMSON GLOW Glowing velvety crimson, shaded deeper in the center; tall strong grower, flowers well placed; con- sidered the best in its color. Doz. 50c.

MRS. DR. NORTON Silvery white base tinged with pink deepening towards the edges of the petals, creamy blotches in throat on lower petals; tall, vigorous grower, splendid cut flower. Doz. 50c.

EVELYN KIRTLAND— Very warm rose pink, deeper at the edges of the petals shading towards shell pink in the center, brilliant scarlet blotches on the lower petals; strong stem, making it one of the most desirable varieties for cutting. Doz. 50c.

MRS. FRANK PENDLETON Deep rose pink shading to pale pink in throat, large bright crimson blotches on lower petals, giving it a striking appearance; tall vigorous grower, extra cut flower. Doz. 50c.

PURPLE GLORY, RUFFLED—Deepest velvety maroon with almost black blotches ; very large tall plant; a real giant in all respects. Doz. 60c.

MR. W. H. PHIPPS—La France pink, overlaid light rose salmon; one of the finest exhibition varieties. Doz. 60c.

DR. F. E. BENNETT—This is one of the finest red Gladiolus in existence, form- ing heavy, tall spikes with many blooms open at one time. The color is a brilliant scarlet-red of remarkable purity. Doz. 60c.

CARMEN SYLVA Snow - white with lilac throat. Doz. 50c.

GLORIAN A—Large, golden salmon blooms with yellow throats. Doz. 50c.

MINUET—Clear light pinkish lavender. Doz. 75c.

YELLOW WONDE R—Pture yellow. Doz. 50c.

MANN’S RAINBOW MIXTURE—Con- tains only finest named sorts of our list. This gives a wide range of color and markings. We mix them ourselves and feel convinced they will please the most critical. Doz. 40c, $2.50 per 100.


quite hardy plants, 4 feet tall, bearing large, »

pendant, lovely pure white blooms on a long substantial stem. Each 15c, doz. $1.50.

TIGRINUM FLORE PLENO (Double Tiger Lily)—An excellent double Lily with bright salmon-red blooms spotted purplish black. Grows 3 to 4 feet tall and flowers during August and September. Cover the large bulbs 8 ins. deep. Very hardy and permanent. Each 25c.

HENRYII (Yellow Show Lily)—Brilliant salmon-orange flowers attractively spotted with reddish brown. 5 to 6 ft. tall, bloom- ing during July and August. Cover the bulbs 10 ins. deep. The long, arching stems should be supported with thin stakes. Each 25¢.

REGALE (Regal Lily)—Mammoth, wide open, bell-shaped, white blooms showing a touch of canary-yellow in the throat and a shading of lilac-pink on the outside of the petals. Grows 3 to 6 ft. and blooms dur- ing July. Sweet scented. Cover with 9 ins. of soil. Each 50c.

SPECIOSUM RUBRUM (Show Lily)— Large white flowers suffused rose - pink, spotted crimson. Reflexed petals. Blooms August and September, with many flowers on each stem. 3 to 4 ft. tall. Cover 10 ins. deep. Each 25c.

AURATUM PLATYPHYLLUM (Golden Banded Lily of Japan) Gorgeous large white blooms spotted bright carmine and showing a yellow mid-rib running through the center of each petal. The plants grow 4 to 5 feet tall and bloom profusely during late July and August. Cover the bulbs 6 to 7 ins. deep. Each 25c.

TRITOMA PFITZERI BULBS (Red Hot Poker)—Each 15c, doz. $1.50.

Regale Lily.




Etoile de Hollande.

HARDY ROSES Strong 2-year-old field grown.

Monthly or Tea Roses Prices unless otherwise noted— 49c each. If by mail, 60c each.

COLUMBIA—One of the most popular Toses, being a vigorous grower and very free flowering. The flowers are of a pleas- ing shade of rose pink, large, fragrant and perfect in form.

ETOILE DE FRANCE—Crimson with darker shading.

FRANCIS SCOTT KEY—Large double flowers of rich crimson-red.

JONKHEER J. L. MOCK—A favorite with hundreds of Rose lovers. The flow- ers are large and of more than ordinary beauty. The deep imperial pink on the out- side of the petals and the shining silvery pink on the inside make a double colored bloom.

KAISERIN AUGUSTA VICTORIA— The blooms are large and full; color soft creamy white tinted with lemon.

LOS ANGELES—One of the finest Roses ever introduced. In color a luminous flame pink toned with coral and shaded with

_ translucent gold at the base of the petals. ~ The buds are long, pointed and extend into a flower of mammoth proportions.

ETOILE DE HOLLANDE—The world’s leading red rose, with brilliant blooms of magnificent size. Popular in all climates and successful in any location.

MME. BUTTERFLY—While this is a sport of Ophelia, it shows an even better growth, with more and larger flowers, in a brilliant pink, suffused apricot and gold.

DOUBLE WHITE KILLARNEY —A snowy white form of Killarney, popular, shapely, and very double.

PADRE—Very effective for bedding, be- ing best when massed in quantity. Copper- scarlet, with bases of bright yellow.

SOUV. DE GEO. PERNET—Unusually beautiful rose, with brick red buds opening to huge flowers of a pleasing orange-pink.

PINK RADIANCE—A profuse bearer of large, globular, attractive pink flowers.

PRESIDENT HOOVER—A wonderful new rose with a splendid color combina- tion, cerise-pink, flame, scarlet and yellow. Long pointed buds, moderately fragrant, free flowering and a good grower.

Red Radiance.

RED RADIANCE—Exactly like Pink Radiance except the color is clear cerise red.

REV. F. PAGE ROBERTS—Long- pointed, coppery-red buds opening into golden-yellow flowers, stained with red on the outside; fully double, very large and fragrant.

VILLE DE PARIS—Large globular flow- ers emerging out of fine, well-rounded buds. The color is a very striking clear yellow.

MISS ROWENA THOM—Htuge buds of a flaming rose-mauve, centered with old gold, produced continuously on long, strong stems.

FRAU KARL DRUSCHKI—A white Rose of exquisite beauty. Bud very large, long-pointed, tinted carmine-pink; flower very large, double, open, unusually lasting, snow-white, sometimes light pink blush at center.

SOUVENIR DE CLAUDIUS PERNET —Very large full flowers with elongated deep petals, a beautifully formed bloom. Color, a most striking sunflower-yellow.

SUNBURST —A vigorous grower with erect or slightly spreading habit and dark bronzy foliage. The flowers are of medium size, full and of fine elongated cup form; color a superb cadmium-yellow passing to yellow-orange in the center.

TALISMAN—A new American rose of exceptional coloring; the outside of the petals is bright yellow, gold and pink; as the flower opens it becomes bright apricot, gold and rose-pink.

MRS. E. P. THOM Bud large, long- pointed; flower large, perfectly shaped, very lasting, moderately fragrant, high- centered, fully double, clear deep canary- yellow without a trace of shading, borne singly on long stem.

Climbing Roses 49c each. If by mail, 60c each.

DR. VAN FLEET—Long, pointed, deep pink buds, bright pink when open with shell pink center; a large flower on long stem.

PAUL’S SCARLET CLIMBER—No other rose in any class can compare with it for brilliancy of color, which is a vivid scarlet that is maintained without burning or bleaching until the petals fall.

SILVER MOO N—An indispensable hardy climber, having long well shaped buds, creamy yellow on first appearance, opening into immense Clematis-like flow- ers of a waxy whiteness. The center is a mass of bright yellow stamens, making a wonderful contrast.

Mrs. E. P. Thom.

18 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.

Grass and Clover Seed



TIMOTHY (Phelum Pratense)—This makes one of the most popular, nutritious and salable of hay grasses.

ORCHARD GRASS (Dactylis Glomerata)—Orchard Grass is a very vigorous grower, and yields large crops of excellent and most nutritious hay, and will last for years in increasing value with proper treatment.

KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS—Kentucky Blue Grass is one of the richest and most nutritious of pasturage grasses, and should be largely used in all pasturage mixtures, except on very light or sandy soils.

RED TOP, or HERD’S GRASS—Red Top, or Herd’s Grass, is one of the best and most satisfactory grasses all throughout the South.

ROUGH STALKED MEADOW GRASS (Poa Trivialis)— No Grass is better adapted for pleasure grounds, particularly under trees, as it will not only grow in such places, but forms a fine sward where few other Grasses can exist.

ALFALFA, or LUCERNE—The hardiest and most lasting of all Clovers, and when once established the most productive as well as the best soil-enricher of all. It can be cut for hay several times a year, yielding bountifully at each cutting, and the hay is of the highest feeding value.

WHITE BOKHARA, or SWEET CLOVER—Can be sown either in the spring or fall. Should be sown at the rate of 15 pounds to the acre.

GOLDEN, or LIBERTY MILLET—Golden, or Liberty Millet makes a large yielding and most nutritious hay crop, quick- growing and easily cured.

MAMMOTH CLOVER (Trifolium Pratense Perenne)—Valu- able with other grasses for mixed hay; ripens about with Timothy.

RED CLOVER (Trifolium Pratense)—Red Clover not only furnishes most excellent pasturage and hay crops, but its growth improves the land and adds humus to the soil wherever it is grown.

ALSIKE CLOVER—Grows thicker and is finer in growth than Red Clover, making better hay and probably more aiid better grazing.


It grows on the poorest and dryest soils.

Lands totally unfit for other crops will produce Japan Clover.

Fine for reclaiming old worn-out fields and restoring them to fertility.

Selected Seed Corns

BOONE COUNTY WHITE—A large-eared variety of White Corn. It has deep, soft and very white grains; it is a vigorous grower and has become very popular.

GOLDEN BEAUTY—A broad-grained, large-eared variety, maturing in about 120 days.

PAMUNKEY ENSILAGE—Our Pamunkey Ensilage Corn is Sred for height of stalk, breadth and thickness of foliage, as well as size and number of ears. It is of strong and vigorous growth, attaining a height of 13 to 15 feet, yields an unsually heavy growth of fodder and usually bears two ears to the stalk. The ears are 10 to 12 inches long, 24% to 2% inches in diameter, with a good depth of grain.

EUREKA ENSILAGE—This variety is bred from the Cocke’s Prolific. The ears are much larger and longer, but not as many to the stalk. The ears run from 9 to 12 inches long. It is a rather hard, pure white variety, and makes excellent meal. Is especially adapted to rich low grounds, and is one of the most valuable ensilage varieties.


LEAP’S PROLIFIC—A splendid new variety, originating in the Shenandoah Valley. It is remarkable for its productiveness and fine quality of grain.


Cow Peas will make a good growth under very unfavorable conditions and on poor soil.

BEST VARIETIES TO PLANT—Clays, Whippoorwills, New Era, Mixed, Black Cows, Black Eyes, Canada Field Peas, ete. All our Cow Peas are fancy, recleaned, free from hulls. Write for our lowest prices.


VIRGINIA—On account of its abundant growth and large yield of beans the Virginia makes most excellent hay and ensilage. As it is about 20 days earlier than Mammoth Yellow, it can be grown further North and throughout the corn belt.

MAMMOTH YELLOW—The latest, yet the most extensively grown for both beans and forage, both of which it yields in great abundance. It grows more than 3 feet high; is erect in growth.

Soy, or Soja Beans.




PRIVET—The most popular of all hedges. Set 6 inches apart.

CALIFORNIA—An upright grower with glossy green foliage. Stcceeds under the most adverse conditions. 18 to 24 inches, $5.00 per 100; $40.00 per 1,000,

GRAPE VINES All varieties 30c each; $2.50 per dozen.

CATAWBA—tThe bunches and berries are large; dark copper color when ripe; sweet with a pleasant musky flavor.

CONCORD—Succeeds everywhere; very productive; the bunches large and com- pact; berries large and black.

NIAGARA—Bunches very large and compact; berries large, light greenish white; skin thin but tough; tender and sweet.


If you are bothered with dogs, cats or rabbits, "Dogzoff"' is the spray you need. It is a most efficient animal repellant and one spraying will last from three to four weeks. Not poisonous to plants and will not injure animals. Not offensive to humans. Its use is guaranteed to keep these animals from any place where they are not wanted.

"Dogzoff" is applied with any small insect sprayer and one application usually does the work.

"Dogzoff" will save its cost many times over around the garden and home.


No. No. No. No.

Mili 2


. 42—2 qt. can, each............ $ .40 . 444 qt. can, each............ 50 . 216—6 qt. can, each........... .75 218—8 qt. can, each.......... .90 220—10 qt. can, each.......... 1.10 222—12 qt. can, each.......... 1.25

226—16 qt. can, each........ 1.40



BEAUTY—A large round berry of a bright red color, an easy berry to grow and worth space in your garden. $8.00 per 1,000.

GANDY—A very late variety; excellent quality and very firm. Gandy should be planted on low springy soil to do its best. $7.00 per 1,000.

PREMIER—The most popular early berry ever introduced. Covers a long sea- son of ripening berries of large uniform size and color. $7.00 per 1,000.

MASTODON—The wonderful everbear- ing Strawberry. by planting this berry with proper care, you can have Strawberries from early summer until late fall. A berry that you should include in your garden. The berries are a beautiful red color, very firm and juicy. $12.00 per 1,000.

Note.—Should you wish a good late crop of Mastodon you should keep all the blos- soms picked off until July lst then let them fruit the balance of the summer and fall.


New York Style. Richmond Style.

Richmond Style

Inside Inside Inside

Top Dia. Bot. Dia. Depth Price Size Inches Inches Inches Each INO). Ieee eam 6) 5 6 $ .55 INC Zoe teens 7 5 7 .60 INOS Srecezeereseee 8 6 8 65 INog4 ee 9 7 9 .70 INOW oS ee 10 74 9 .80 INO Ome eee 11 8% 10 1.00 INO pe 12 9 11 1.15 IN@s Saeseeeseee 13 10 2 1.50 INOS See 14 11 13 1.70 Now) =e 15 11y% 14 1.85 INO. Wile 6 12% 15 2.10 Now2= = 17 13% 16 2.45 INOS UG ceeteencs 18 14% 17 2.95 NOM 4a 19 15% 18 3.55

New York Style

INOW. sabe 12 934, 105% 2.15 IN@s peccossnesc 13 1034 1234 2.80 INOS ieee 14% 121/16 1434 3.45 No 34 peesth 16% 14! 2) 1534 4.55 IN@s 2 caseecccote 197/16 17% 165% 4.90 INOS 8) eteen COUN ZA 18% 6.40

POT AND TREE LABELS—PAINTED 3%-inch Painted Tree Labels with wire. 100 35c, 500 $1.50, 1,000 $2.50 6-in. Pot Labels, 100 45c, 1,000 $3.00.

20 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C. Se RES ee

EARTHENWARE SAUCERS FLOWER POTS AND FERN POTS 4 incl reas ee Each Dozen Per 100 Sack oe ag a ici oe eee ame $03 $20 $15 (Sich ove) ots pe eee rin ene sect ite Veena Clue emai: 06 65 CY UNE Nw eccitees rscSnoteeenees 04 27 1.85 Peas Tl G | ite se ie Peas oe reine tiene POE 08 80 SONG) a erate ee .04 30 1.95 Eat be (ol gS eee os eae es ee ah At 10 1.10 11 C Hibepee ales Os aaa eee 05 45 3.00 CONE Vel pcre ee Oo as Neri e ae ge e ral} 1.50 HBV pleas es ee cae neat ea 08 75 5.40 TOs tratces pete ea ele apne ee Se a 16 1.75 SROKC) Yo: ak ea lees ye ne 12 1.15 7.75 iT Chaser ee arc tet aerate 125 2.75 Lin Chiat eee eee ae .20 1.85 13.50 TAC heer ee eee kee 40 4.00 IOVS Olt eer eee a ee eae a2 5) 2.75 20.00 HOC oleae ea sete eS 35 3.75 29.00 NEPONSET FLOWER POTS sey ase eee Le "50 550 3750 Dozen Per 100 Per 1000 ING ce Renee ee ee 95 9.50 75.00 Si AMM sles coe eee ea ta $ .15 $.70 $6.00 LNG Hee eee ee a 1.60 16.00 125.00


STIM-U-PLANT TABLETS—25c pkg., 75c pkg., $3.50 1,000 tablets.

PLANTABBS—25c pkg., 50c pkg., $1.00 pkg., $3.50 1,000 tablets. LOMA— lbs. 50c, 10 lbs. 85c, 25 Ibs. $1.50, 50 lbs. $2.50, 100 lbs.


specially prepared plant food


VIGORO is especially prepared to supply growing things with 1 all of the plant food elements needed for rapid, sturdy, and 5 luxuriant growth.

VIGORO is odorless, clean and easy to apply. It can be sown by hand, like grass seed. 100 lb. bag, $4.00; 50 Ib. bag, $2.50; 1 25 lb. bag, $1.50; 10 lb. bag, 85c; 5 lb. can, 50c. 5

Hs, | SEMESAN BEL Fg Dip Disinfectant for _ {Seed Potatoes};


SEMESAN BEL—for seed potatoes. CERESAN—for seed grains. SEMESAN JR.—for seed field and sweet corn. SEMESAN—for flower and vegetable seeds.


OZ.atininee 22 neem ener $ .50 PbS stins ee ees $ .75

Ibsatiny =i ee nen eee 1.75 Sil Dy tin soe eee 3.00

Ibistiny oo an eee 8.00.25. Ibi _paill 28 eee 12.50 SEMESAN JR. SEMESAN

OZ: tine $5500, 2.102. tile. ee ern $ .50

ND stiniets eee een 1:50. = 1b: tin eee 2.50

Destine see ean ce 7.00



The Best Inoculation for All Legume Seeds Means Better Crops, Better Soils, Less Fertilizer Expense. Alfalfa, Clovers, Soybeans, Cowpeas, Vetch, Peanuts, all thrive into bumper crops when properly inocu-

lated with STIMUGERM pure-bred cultures.


STIMUGERM JELLY is a pure culture of nitrogen fixing bacteria, selected for maximum vitality and ability to transform nitrogen from the air into soluble nitrates and deposit them in the soil.

EVERY BOTTLE IS DATED and guaranteed for one year. PRICES ARE LOW

Alfalfa and Mixed Clovers

Jo -cbishele tit eens ee eee eee ee $ .35 1 iis he letra Ose ene eee 65 ZY ea DUShel etinitt. ese. eet ae eee 1.40

Nodules with Nitro- Migen worth their weight in gold.

Soy Beans, Vetch, Beans, Peas, and Cow Peas

1b ashe le wean te eee ee eS $ .35 Diy rs tre lem ta tat tess ee a eer 65 Sia Use Lees er rat tea en em ee 1.40


Insecticides and Fungicides

ANTROL—Ants destroyed in their nests— .. New method gets them at their source—Safe. Fxyadisan Permanent. Effective. Prices: Antrol sets =; =~ containing 4 containers and one 4-oz. bottle of syrup, 75c; Antrol extra containers (each) 10c; Antrol syrup, 4-0z. bottle, 35c; pints, 85c; gallon $3.50.

ANTROL READY FILLED SETS—(Each Set contains four ready filled ant feeders.) Per set, 40c.

APHINE—A nicotine preparation for plant lice, thrip and red spider. 1 qt. $1.00, 1 gal. $3.00.

ARSENATE OF LEAD (For Leaf-Eating Insects)—Sticks to the leaf better than Paris green and remains longer in suspen- sion, requires fewer applications; does not burn the leaf, thus allowing stronger solutions. White in color and shows just where it has been applied. 1 Ib. 25c, 4-Ib. pkg. 80c, 48 lbs. $7.20.


BORDEAUX MIXTURE—Ready for use by simply adding water. 1 Ib. 25c, makes 5 gallons spray; 4 Ibs. 80c, makes 25 gallons spray; 100 lb. drum, 15c Ib.

“BLACK LEAF 40”’—40% Nicotine—Kills Aphis—For Sucking Insects.—Kills plant lice on roses, shrubbery, fruits, and vege- tables. A concentrated solution of nicotine sulphate, guaranteed to contain not less than 40% of nicotine. 1 oz. bottle 35c, 5 oz. bottle $1.00, 1 lb. bottle $2.25, 2 lb. tin $3.25, 5 lb. tins $5.85, 10 lb. tins $10.60.

CYANOGAS, “Calcium Cyanide,” Grade A—For the destruc- tion of ground moles, wood chucks, rats and other rodents. Y% lb. 45c, 1 Ib. 75c, 5 Ibs. $3.00.

FISH OIL SOAP—Dissolved in water makes an excellent spray tor scale on palms, etc., 1-lb. pkg. 30c, 5 Ibs. $1.25, 10 lbs. $2.25.

For Mildew and Black Spot on


FUNGTROGEN—A highly concentrated form of fungicide that will conquer mildew and control black spots on roses. It also supplies an essential fertilizer. Dilute 1 part with 60 parts of water. % pt. 75c, pt. $1.25, qt. $2.00.

HAMMOND GRAPE DUST, For Mildew and Blight—1-lb. carton 30c, 5 lbs. 80c.

HAMMOND’S SLUG SHOT, For Leaf-Eating Insects—1 lb. 25c, 5-lb. pkg. 75c.

CALCIUM ARSENATE (Arsenate of Lime)—For Mexican bean beetle, boll weevil and other leaf-eating insects. Lb. 25c, 4-Ib. pkg. 80c.

GRAFTING WAX—Used for grafting trees and other plants. % |b. 20c, % Ib. 30c, Ib. 50c.

KAYSO—What it does: Spreads the Spray and makes it stay. The ordinary spray collects in spots, leaving unprotected spaces which permit infestation. Kayso gives a smooth, uniform coat- ing on buds, twigs, branches, fruits rand foliage, which will adhere long after the ordinary spray has disappeared. 2 lbs. 45c.

LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION—Lime-Sulphur is used both as an insecticide and a fungicide. As an insecticide it is used principally against scale insects, especially the San Jose Scale. For scale insects it is applied while the trees are dormant and is diluted with 8 or 9 parts of water. 1-qt. can 40c, 1-gal. can 90c, 5-gal. can $3.00, 10-gal. can $5.00, 50-gal. drum (per gal.) 22c.

LIME-SULPHUR POWDER—Apply 12 to 15 pounds in 50 gallons of water. 1 lb. 30c, 5 lbs. $1.25, 10 lbs. $2.00, 25 lbs. $4.00.

NEW EVERGREEN SPRAY—Greatly simplifies insect control It does away with complicated and instructions provides you with one product that will take care of 95 per cent of the insect troubles in home gardens. 1-oz. bottles 35c, 6-0z. cans $1.00, 16-0z. cans $2.00, 1-gal. cans $12.00.

for home gardeners.

confusing and

NICO FUME (Liquid)—An effective vaporizing liquid. Lb. $2.25, 4 lbs. $5.75, 8 lbs. $10.00.

NICO FUME TOBACCO POWDER—1-Ib. tins $1.00, 5-lbs. $3.35, 10 Ibs. $5.85.

SELOCIDE—Kills Red Spiders. 1 qt. $1.25, 1 gal. $3.25.

PARIS GREEN, For Leaf-Eating Insects—It is a strong poison and should be used with care. Mix one pound of Paris green to 50 pounds of plaster, or with water to 150 gallons. On vines and tender vegetables use a larger proportion of ‘plaster and water. '% Ib. 15c, 1 lb. 40c, 5 lbs. $1.85. z

PYROTE. A non-poisonous insecticide for kill- ing both chewing and sucking insects. 1 oz. bottle 35c, 6 oz. bottle $1.00.

PYROX (Bowker’s)—An insecticide and fungi- cide. It does not wash off. It guards against all chewing insects and prevents rots and blights. 5 Ibs. sy) 10 Ibs. $3.00, 25 Ibs. $5.00, 50 Ibs. $7.25, 100 Ibs.


PYROX (With Nicotine)—The one best and safest all-around spray which kills all leaf-eating insects and prevents blights and all fungous troubles without injury. 10-0z. tin 40c, 1-Ib. jar 50c, 5-lb. drum $1.75, 10-lb. drum $3.00.

RED ARROW (Non-poisonous)—Will kill Rose Chafers, Thrips, Mealy Bugs, Caterpillars, Mexican and Japanese Bean Beetles and other insects. Oz. 35c, 4 ozs. $1.00, 1 pt. $2.00, qt. $3.70, 1 gal. $12.00.

ROTECIDE INSECT DUST (Non-poisonous)—Kills Aphis (Plant Lice), Cabbage Worms, Leaf Hoppers, Mexican and Jap- anese Bean Beetles and other Insects. 1-lb. pkg. 35c, 5 lbs. $1.25.

SCALECIDE, THE TREE SAVER— ~ One gallon “Scalecide” will spray as many trees as 3% gallons of Lime- Sulphur Solution. Dilute for all dor- } mant spray work, 1 part to 15 parts of water. 1 qt. 65c, gal. $1.55, 5 gals. $5.50, 10 gals. $9.50, 15-gal. drums $11.25, 50-gal. bbls. $26.00.

SULPHATE OF COPPER—Per Ib. 15c, 10 lbs. $1.00, 100 Ibs. $7.00.

SULPHUR (Flowers)—1 Ib. 10c, 10 Ibs. 75c, 50 Ibs. $3.00.

PARA DICHLOROBENZENE, or CRYSTAL GAS Controls peach borers; use in June and September, 1 ounce to each tree. 1 1b. 50c, 5 lbs. $2.00, 10 Ibs. $3.50, 25 Ibs. $7.50.





22 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.



A Non-Poisonous Weed Killer

Can be dis- solved in

Can be dusted on the weed

water and from the applied as a Sifter spray. Cans

Very Effective on Poison Ivy

Will exterminate all undesirable vegetation—including poison ivy—as easily as watering a garden, without endangering human or animal life. One pound is ample to clear 450 square feet of densely vegetated area. 1 Ib. 50c, 314-Ib. cans $1.50.

SNAROL—Quickly kills gar-

SNA ROL den pests. Science provides new,

safe method that does the work

Snails, cutworms, slugs, grasshoppers, sowbugs,

11% lb. pkgs. 35c, 4 lb. pkg. 85c.

TOBACCO DUST—1 lb. 10c, 10 lbs. 50c, 50 Ibs. $1.50, 100 lbs. $2.75.

TREE TANGLEFOOT—A paste preparation painted around the trunk of a tree to keep caterpillars, etc., from crawling into the tree. 6-0z. can 30c, 1 lb. 50c, 5 Ibs. $2.75, 10 lbs. $5.25.

without fuss. earwigs, etc., are exterminated.

KEY WEED is especially adapted for destroying weeds in walks, dirt tennis courts, golf links, etc. One application will kill roots and foliage in 48 hours sa and no more weeds will grow until more

seed is sown. Qt. can 60c, gal. can $1.50 POMO-GREEN 5 gals. $6.25. ae WITH NICOTINE


The Leaf-Green Kolodust used for the control of many diseases and external chewing insects on flowering plants and shrubs. 1-lb. can 50c, 5-lb. carton $1.75.

POMO-GREEN (With Nicotine) 1 lb. can 75c, 5 lb. can $3.00.

K-R-O Kills Rats and Mice Only. This wonderful new exterminator is the only one of its kind on the market that is harmless to animals other than rats and mice. 2-0z. size 75c, 4-0z. size $1.25.

TANGLEFOOT ROACH AND ANT POWDER is odorless, non-irritating and is more certain to rid premises of roaches and ants than any irritating powder or liquid. 2-0z. can 25c, 1-lb. can $1.00.

SULFOCIDE, A Better Summer Spray—A concentrated liquid sulphur fungicide. Used on both peaches and apples and on all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Controls apple scab, brown rot of peaches, plums and cherries, blight and rot of potatoes, tomatoes and melons, mildew and rust of flowers and shrubs. Convenient, economical, effective. Dilute 1 to 200. 1 pt. 50c, qt. 85c, gal. $2.25, 5 gals. $7.50, 10 gals. $13.50, 30 gals. $33.00, 50 gals. $50.00.

VOLCK—A spray for the garden, nursery, and greenhouse; effectively controls red spider, mites, white flies, scales, mealy bugs, caterpillars, aphis, thrip, etc.; not only kills the insects but also acts asa repellant. ™% pt. 35c, pt. 50c, qt. 75c, gal. $2.00.

Sprayers for Applying Insecticides

BROWN’S AUTO-SPRAY No. 50 Lighter Weight, Smaller Capacity

This sturdy little machine is almost 4 identical to Auto-Spray No. 9 in con- struction and manipulation, but has half the capacity, holding about two and @ one-half gallons. It is entirely suitable for spraying on a smaller scale. It is particularly recommended for use where | weight is a factor, as when the women- folk or youngsters help out with the spraying. ae

Auto- Spray No. 50A Galvanized |p} Tank with Auto-Pop, and 2-ft. extension pipe, $5.50.

Auto-Spray No. 50C—Brass Tank with Auto-Pop, and 2 ft. extension pipe, $8.00.

Extras J eGVA ICG EX) 1) else ta as ei oR nev aN aa re la ie DEL ES edges phe brs Auto-Pop Nozzles, with Hose and Fittings 00 2.00 Extension Pipe, Brass, 2-foot, leneth:c.2 3.042 sacecnh see 50 Brass “Elbow. xtension®.. Scns tenth eens eee 35 Brass Strainer for straining solutions used in Auto Spray.... 1.20

BROWN’S AUTO SPRAY No. 9 A Self-Operating or Automatic Sprayer

Weight—Empty 7 pounds, loaded 39 pounds, shipping weight 15 pounds. = The Auto-Spray No. 9 is one of the “a best on the market. It is very strong | and practical. When properly charged contains 3 gallons of solution and 1 gallon compressed air. Ten to twelve strokes of the plunger will compress the air and two pumpings will empty entire contents.

All parts which come in con- tact with solution are made of brass, and the handle and other parts are made of malle- able iron.

Length of cylinder 21 inches, » diameter of cylinder 7 inches, capacity about 4 _ gallons, ~ weight, empty 7 pounds.

Auto -Spray No. 9A Gal- vanized Reservoir Auto-Pop. Our special price -..........-...- $6.50

Auto-Spray No. 9C Brass

Reservoir, Auto-Pop: Our special price....4_222. eee $9.50


Sprayers for Applying Insecticides—Continued

BROWN’S No. 1 DUSTER—¥Y Pint Capacity 50c.

One of the most important features of this Duster is—that the amount of dust expelled can be regulated by the position in which the jar is held in the operator’s hands. When the agitator is directed down, large quantities of dust can be expelled.


Fig. 1726, No. R324, illustrates the Myers Spray Pump Changing-Gear Handle. This Pump has 1%4-inch diameter brass cylinder with solid plunger, brass ball valve and brass air chamber discharge tube. The foot rest, head and cog gear handle are malleable iron. The large cylinder, in combination with the cog gear handle, makes this an exceptionally easy-working pump of more than ordinary capacity.

3 Price, with 3-ft. Rubber Hose... $6.00 3 Price, with 8-ft. Extension Pipes... 6.75 38 Bordeaux Nozzle oo... cece cece ees 75 4 Mewviermorcle Nozzle een Se tee a 80

Fig. 1726


Made of extra heavy galvanized iron; capacity 1214 gallons; suit- able for greenhouse work, spray- ing trees, whitewashing, painting, etc. A general utility pump about the home. f

Price List represented by Fig. || 2790—No. R33614B. Myers Porta- \\* ble Sprayer, complete as shown in illustration, with Dasher and _ Jet Agitator, 15 ft.

Hose, 8-ft. Ex- tension and Ver- morel Nozzle. PiseS sees $25.00

With Cog-Gear

Spray Pump

Dasher and Jet



BLUE RIBBON SPRAYER—An excellent compressed air This

sprayer has been greatly improved by the addition of an alumi-

sprayer, made of heavy copper bearing galvanized steel.

num, hexagonal, threaded pump cap, Non-Clog screen nozzle and , 2-inch diameter seamless brass pump.

Be mG all OnSiem Pt Comes en Se Ns eee Ss a _......$5.00 3g in. Spray Hose, 12c per ft.

Y2 in. Spray Hose, 15c per ft.

Couplings for same, 10c each.

LOWELL’S WARRIOR DUSTER, No. 465. Price $1.00

1 Quart capacity.

BROWN’S AUTO SPRAY, No. 26BG. Glass Tank, Continuous Sprayer.

1-Quart Capacity, Price $1.10

BROWN’S DUSPRAY. Continuous Sprayer.

1-Pint Capacity. Glass Tank, Price 50c,


With Malleable Iron Base Cylinders, Valves, Valve-Seats and Discharge, All Brass All Working Parts Submerged in Liquid, hence no priming necessary. Has both Jet and Mechanical Agitator.

Fig. 1521, No. 318B, represents Myers Cog Gear Barrel Spray Pump, with both jet and mechanical agitators, complete with 15 feet of 14-inch 5-ply discharge hose and Myers graduating Vermorel nozzle.

These Spray- hers throw a very fine spray of any liquids usually used for destroying insects, bugs, etc., and for keeping cattle free from flies during the summer weather. Quart size, 50c, pint size, 35c.


Syphon Tube Angle Spray


Straight _ @et-) Ao mee Spray Cap x

Filler Vy, f


Wooden Plug ‘can be removed without taking out screws

Just the thing to use in the greenhouse, window garden, for rosebushes and in the poultry house. 26B—B lass van Kes sece tee os senna val ence ase nS © Soe se $1.25

24 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. l4 Block North Penna. Ave.

Poultry Supplies


Instead of ; Pee | aregile Glass © NES ase Unbreakable 27 CEL-O-GLASS

CEL-O-GLASS is a new, unbreakable gtass. It is the most economical and practical glazing material on the market. It replaces ordinary, fragile, costly glass for nearly every purpose.

CEL-O-GLASS is made of coarse mesh galvanized wire cloth treated in such a manner that the spaces between the strands are filled with a clear, translucent, tough flexible substance that will not rub off, peel, or become brittle.

CEL-O-GLASS cannot rust; 3 feet wide. Per running foot, 45c.

VIMLITE—The flexible health glass, reinforced with wire. Ultra-Violet Rays free when you use Vimlite. The most con- venient and economical window material. For poultry houses, hotbeds, etc. 3 feet wide. Price, 40c per running foot.

PRATT’S POULTRY REGULATOR 25c and 50c sizes.

1D am NDS ee eee reat a ee wire $1.50 25S De DUCK E tie sgl ee leant sie ee eA 2.75 TOOS] Ds=-GUM | oes ee ee 9.25

PRATT’S LICE KILLER (Powdered Form) PACK AG Che ace at, ee eh me eevee 25c, 50c

PRATT’S DIP AND DISINFECTANT Quart 50c, gallon $1.45

PRATT’S R-P TABLETS 25c and 50c sizes

DON SUNG (Chinese) Laying Tablets for Winter Eggs Package 50c and $1.00

CONKEY’S Y-O 1 lb. 50c, 2 Ibs. 90c, 5 Ibs. $1.60

CONKEY’S DIATEX 25c and 50c sizes

PRATT’S N-K WORM CAPSULES 55c and 85c sizes

GROUP-OVER For treatment of Roup, Canker, and Colds in Poultry. Price 50c.

AVICOL For treating White Diarrhoea and Cholrea. Price 50c WALKO For white diarrhoea, roup and cholera.

Prices 50c and $1.00.

DRY MASH HOPPER The Most Sanitary Anti-Clog Dry-Food Hopper manufactured. Prices LZ sine 12S q tae ein $1.70 DAS e2 Aig Qt soe eens nese 2.40 Parcel Post Weight

NAR hes cy ne aie asec s 6 Ibs. 24 SQta ie ei ee 10 lbs.

Hopper Closed


makes poultry healthy; makes hens lay; not a stimulant, but a tonic, that tones up the dormant egg organs, brings back the scratch and cackle, and compels each hen to put her share of eggs in the market basket.

A ey CA,

Loe Aa | S9 Uy BEA

SF \ j

It also contains internal antiseptics that counter-act disease; insures a healthy, singing poultry flock.

600: Hien=Size: 1100-1) 2drum) a ee ee $8.50 150) Hén: Size (25=lbs pkgs) SSS See aes 2.50 90-Hen Size: (15=lb: pke). 2 ee eee 1.75 40 Hen -Size=G/-lb:pke.) 22. ee eee 85

20 Hen Size (3-lb. pkg.)


5-lb., 10-1b., 25-lb. and 100-lb. bags. Also Growing Mash put up in 100-lb. bags. Prices on application. PENNOID RUBBER ROOFING For Your Poultry House

Medium, 108-'sq. its per rollk2. 4 eee $2.00 .

Heavy, l08“sq.tt:;) per rollin eee 2.25

STORMTITE ROOFING Medium, 108 sq. sft; per’ roll... eee Sheathing Paper; per roll ae eae ieee 2 Kure-a-Leke Roof Paint, per gal.) se eee


Poultry and Dairy Supplies—Continued

QUEEN COLONY BROODER STOVE No. 1— 600 Chick Size No. 2—1200 Chick Size

INCUBATORS AND BROODERS We carry a full line of Queen Incubators and Brooders. Prices on application.


This is used to heat a home-made brooder, which will take the best of care of from 30 to 60 chicks. In- 4 structions for making brooder packed with every heater. A _ boy can make the brooder

in an hour with saw and hammer. The ma- terials need not cost over 25c. The Putnam Brooder Heater holds § one quart of oil and & will burn 10 days with- § out filling or trimming; needs no other atten- g tion.

Putnam Heater—Our Special Price $1.95. freezing in cold weather.

Keeps water from


14%4-dozen size, all eggs, weight CAD SMOG qscrrecccrcece peers $1.00 2-dozen size egg box 3-dozen size egg box 4-dozen size egg box 00. 6-dozen size egg box... 12-dozen size, all eggs, weight emptymlOMbsi 2s


This feeder is made , in three sizes—21 in ches, 35 inches, and 48 inches in length. Sloping top prevents

roosting and _ slides

off for filling or

cleaning. ; om! 40——2einchesntea ches ae eee eee ee ee $1.00 Bifoml4i—G Sein chic Sape a cis eeeewetes out teen eee eros 1.50

BLACK HAWK CORN SHELLER Original in every feature; never breaks or fails to do good work. Shells fast. Shells easily. Price, $3.00.


Watch every cow, and at the first sign of disorder in appetite, digestion, or flow of milk, give a dose of KOW-KARE. Care- fully follow the directions as given on the box, and that cow will get well. Price, 65c and $1.25,

BAG BALM For Bunches, Caked Bag, Cuts, Sore Teats, Chapping, Inflammation. Price, per can, 60c.


COMBINATION CRATES—With Metal Containers

NOs TF Moyes enrerel) I ClevASial | CEES pocaciaccoaseccceeecegeececeso cet ieee seer ree $1.25 Nov 2—4albswandyaud Zen e gicisue ss ene ae ye 1.75 INOSi3——4 ol bswraridirsind OZEnMeS shear tne eee ee 2.00 We carry a large stock of CELLULOID LEG BANDS in all colors. Price, 60c per 100, 12c per dozen, 30c for 50 bands. DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND FEEDERS Star Drinking Mountain sie ee ree ee $ .10 No. 11—Round Chick Feeder (8-hole size)... tee 10 No. 12—Round Chick Feeder (12-hole size)....0.020000200002.---- 15 Double Feeding Trough (12 inches long)... tee 30 Double Feeding Trough (24-inch size) .........22ce-eeeeeeeee 45

CAPONIZING SETS $3.00 and $3.75

LEADER FOUNTAIN A new Sanitary Fountain, practical to use, easy to keep clean.

A saving of from 30 to 40 per cent over any fountain of its size.

G=quarttsizei eee $ .85

3-gallon size



For Sour Milk, Buttermilk, Medicine, Water, Grain, Grit.

The container is aluminum, the only metal in which sour milk or medicine can be fed with safety. The Handy is adjustable, simple to operate, and dur- able; rustproof and _ non-corroding. Every one has some kind of a quart fruit jar. The Handy fits them all.


The Most Successful Chick Feeder.

Prices 12-inch size, 20c

20-inch size, 35c

CEDAR CYLINDER CHURNS Double Dasher—Thumb Screw Lock We now use a double dasher, and the crank is locked to the churn with a clamp and thumb screw which prevents leakage— lock cannot break.

Novi =—roncallonseachm = ee eee See ae $4.00 NO 2 == AF callilomsi eal hire eewee wren, coe es ee eee nee 4.75 INOS S =e callll 11'S meal’ ieee ene eee eyes mete cent ey ena a 5.50 Nios 4— 1 Oe calli Omisge alc haere orate eee en pe 6.25

RICE’S CALF WEANERS Also prevents cows from sucking themselves.

NORE @ rad Sailiy este eee Cmte eters pete sak soe ire ete Fen $ .50 INO32— Flo tale the rsa en ie ree ee nae RPS aha kte aL Mn 75 IN(O 31 G road © OWS pec eee et il (ar RU See NE AS) cog ae ne ee le 1.00

SHAW’S CALF WEANERS Price, each, 60c


P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.

Lawn Mowers and Hedge Shears


14-inch High} Wheel:Mow nies ee eee ----$15.75 16-inch “High: -Wheels\Mowetic S228. iia ee ---- 16.75 18-inch; High: Wheel” Mowérsnc= 2 =o eee ae ene ---- 17.50 202inch Hish Wheel Mower: 233 So ee ee 19.25


Bearings—High grade balls and cone; adjustable.

Wheels—9 inches, solid style, eight spokes.

The best all-around ball-bearing mower to be had at a moderate price.

14-inch: Guts.n ae $10.00 16sinch; Gute $10.50 NEW YORKER BALL BEARING LAWN MOWER 14-inch: Cut, “Each ses deine Mea $6.25 16-inch! Cut= Shach sass On nen se eee 6.75


The increased height of the wheels is made to meet the popular demand for a wheel larger than the regulation size at the lowest possible cost. It has open cylinder, cast-steel hardened and tempered cutting knives, improved ratchet and good adjustment.

12-inch... $9.50 14-inch............ $10.00 16sinchis $10.50

ORIOLE LAWN MOWERS Ball-Bearing, high wheel, light-running Mower at a moderate price. I2Z=inchacut, price? sae sees eee ere ere eine eee $6.75 4ein chix cuts ep PC elaine ieee a ee renee 2 Peer a 7.00 STEEL HOSE REEL

Price, each, $2.00


54-inch, 25-foot lengths... 2... $2.50 %-inch, 50-foot lengths... 5.00

Couplings, per set 20c BOSTON SPRAY NOZZLE

Heavy cast brass nozzle, giving spray, straight stream, and positive shut-off Spray formed in barrel of nozzle, and full circle-

spray iStiaranteeds- Prices... 60c

GARDEN HOSE AND SPRINKLERS ¥%-inch Oriole Spray Hose, cut lengths, per ft... $ 15 Steel Hoses Reel sisi oe ata caee ttee seate ee bee es ee eee 2.00 Brass SprayiNozzlese = nis nas a, Sie eel ete hes 2 ore eres .60 Brass: Ring Lawn’ Sprinkler {22202 eC ee eee .75 IRoserSpritikler = (hig 172) ieee cose ced cee eee .40

RaintKine: Lawn sprinkler,..Model D220 22. eee 2.00




Hand-driven Electric

30'in=size-Hedger Trimmer... ee $25.00 $103.00 40 in. size Hedge Trimmer 27.50 106.50 60 in. size Hedge Trimmer 35.00 114.00 Side Cutting Carriage for Hedge Trimmers......... 4.50 Lawn Clipper Attachment for Hedge Trimmers.................-.. 18.00 30 in. size Lawn Weed Clipper, complete............---..--:::-00--0-+: 35.00 40 in. size Lawn Weed Clipper, complete...........---2-.-:-:1-10+- 40.00

PRUNING SHEARS—75c to $2.00 each.

PRUNING SAWS—41.50 to $2.50 each.

GARDEN TROWELS—20c to 75c each.

NORCROSS WEEDER—The best tool for garden. 3-tine,

75c each; 5-tine, $1.00. PRUNING SHEAR

This Shear has a positive draw or sliding cut. The hook and blade are made from solid tool steel and firmly held together by a bolt with lock nut.

No. 5402——24=ineh; = ea chasesics2csc ies ocean ase $3.25


No. V30—26 inches overall. With lock nut. Special heavy forged. Notched blade. Selected ash handles. Price, each

HEDGE SHEARS Ladies: Hedge ‘Shears, 6-inchi Vi Bie oe eee $1.25 8-inch Hedge Shears (Notched) 9-inch Hedge Shears (Notched) F 10-inch Hedge Shears (Notched).............2.::--s:ssssssssesesesceceeceeeeeees 2.75


64-inch, pair 8-inch, pair 9-inch, pair 10-inch, pair




Oliver Plows, Harrows, and Rollers


The Oliver Spring- Tooth Harrow thorough- ly stirs the soil in seed bed preparations, de- stroys the weeds when used for cultivating pur- poses and provides a rapid and _— effective = means of summer fal- lowing. It has good clearance and the teeth are arranged so that trailing of the teeth is impossible. It is strong and durable to stand work in rough land or in other conditions where har- rowing is difficult.

P. B. 2-section, 15 teeth P. B. 2-section, 17 teeth

OLIVER ALL-STEEL SPIKE-TOOTH HARROWS A spike-tooth Harrow with lever up. A smooth-hinged Harrow with lever down. Made entirely of steel. “UBC” Series—Closed End—U-Bar Lever Harrow with

9/16-inch Teeth—5-Bar HES e chron ZO mite ethics see eee ene ee ee Ne yn ee a $10.25 ZESeCHON A OUMte Cte ite bee ee onan eet ee 18.00 ZESECtIOn MOOR Lee thier een orn er eee 21.00



Frame Grindstone is one of the strongest built, and is practically


indestructible. gp

Patel CO igre teen cee ual ae $8.50 \

Loose Grindstones, 30 to 60 lbs. ericemperelbiern sonic .05


Our axes are of best quality. We. only sell those we know to be first class, and have an es- tablished repu- tation.

Kelly Single Bit—4 to 4% Ibs., 4 to 5 Ibs.,

At OND all bs aches ee ; Kelly Single Bit Axes—Handled


Complete with blued

Xpone protected round discs, ~% hard oil cups, rigid p mie \) scrapers, evener, seat 4 \ . ENN J and rigid pole. No \ 1 KV weight pans, fore-car-

a = riage, or neckyoke. SDEa8x16Discwblarrow, swath) Pole ese cere $42.00 “DH” 8x16),Dise Harrow, Fore ruck oe ec cecencsocosesee 50.00 “DH” 10x18 Disc Harrow, Fore-Truck........2.2.2....2.2-::-ceeecoe0 56.00

STEEL LAND ROLLER 3 sections, 8-foot, $38.00 BROWN GARDENER’S HARROW Made in one section. Contains 30 and 24 teeth. It has no equal as a tool for market gardeners. Designed to be used for one horse, and is easily handled in small garden plots. The Harrow is strong and durable and is furnished with runners for


25-tooth Harrow, cuts 3 feet 8 inches wide............222-2.-1-2-: $10.00 32-tooth Harrow, cuts 4 feet 6 inches wide........0222222---++ 11.00 40-tooth Harrow, double himge....c2 een eeccctecececetecscece 16.00

Agents for Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows and Harrows.


Nose! —War. oem Gatrd eri lS ates, Owes eens ce er erenene $8.50 Nios 3—Meditiml (Gair diem= BiarsnO wae secs erecta eee 6.50 HIN O54 3 sy Sry Tes vs aa ee ene ee noe 4.50

GREENHOUSE BARROW No. 67—Painted Green. A barrow for greenhouses with nar- row aisles. Body—3l inches long, 18 inches wide at back, 15 inches wide at front. Weight, 50 lbs. Steel wheel—20 inches in diameter, 2-inch tire. Sell $8.50 each.

7 o 316 Ninth St t, N. W. 28 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. GC: % aioe Bo a Ave.

Cultivators and Garden Plows

These Tools are well known to be most satisfactory and the best.

No. 100—Planet Jr. Plain Cultivator No, 100—It is carefully built of the very best material and will last a regular g “Planet Jr.” lifetime. We unhesitatingly recommend this machine to all growers FY working crops on light, sandy soils. g

io. 100 Price asiinscute se soe ee eral $8.35 eS Wath? Plain =Wheel-add2cs2 2) = 2a aa 1.60 [oj With Lever Expander) addi 2.2422 denne 1.75 == With Horse Hoe and Sweep, addouuw...... esses 2.50 —— Se

MALTA SHOVEL PLOWS aos Single ShovelizPlows.5 tas ee ee $4.50 a Double-ShovelisPlowsiss 2 oot aes eee oreo eee 5.25 ° sania = mbriple. shovel Plows: se eee 2 ee eee 6.00

No. 25 No. 17 PLANET JR.


Double and Single Wheel

Hoe Combined Price $20.50

No. 17—Price $6.85

Known by thousands of users as the “Complete Gardener.” The No. 17 Single Wheel Hoe will do about the same variety Sows all vegetable seed in the drill and drops in hills 2, 6, 8, of work as No. 12 Double, but is wider. Thousands of Market 12, and 24 inches apart, at the right depth and thickness and Gardeners and Home Gardeners buy them every year and there economically. As a Double Wheel Hoe it straddles the row, are more of them in use than any other tool of this kind. cultivating both sides at one time until the plants are 20 inches

; ; aca high. When used as a Single Wheel Hoe it does very effective le are ee ap rahe Eee : a 2 cultivating on one side of each row and in between rows. Cul- 2 Ci oes. e No."1/ will ido practically all; the: workemcns

tivating attachments consist of 1 pair of plows, 1 pair of 6-inch tioned under the No. 12, and will do in one day work that hoes, 4 steel cultivator teeth, and a pair of leaf lifters. would require several days with the old-style hand hoe.



Price, $4.00 Equipment:

One 1%-inch cul- tivating tooth.

One 4-inch culti- vating tooth.

Price $3.75

One plow.

One reversible scuffle blade.

: We can also fur-

nish a special double mouldboard plow which can be used on No. 18 PLANET JR. SINGLE WHEEL HOE this machine. Weight 16%4 pounds; 24-inch Steel Wheel, 1%4-

The simplest equipment we offer and the cheapest for the jnch rim.

work it does. It hoes completely all the space between 12 and

14-inch rows. It can be so changed that it can be used to

cultivate both sides of a row, while the plants are small. FIRE FLY GARDEN PLOW—Price $4.00

Price $5.25.

HIGH QUALITY VEGETABLE SEEDS 29 ASH CANS, PUMPS, TRUCKS, GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS BUCKEYE WOOD PUMPS, Porcelain Lined No. 0 STOCK PUMPS MORE HANDY TRUCK 7-in. square, 4-in. bore, porcelain lined, 6 ft... $10.50 Adopt the New Way— No. 1 FAVORITE HOUSE PUMPS 6-in. square, 3%4-in. bore, porcelain lined, 6 ft... $9.75

Save Your Back

Wheel the ashes and rub- bish from cellar to curb and keep the steps, walk and yourself free from dust and dirt. Solve your ash day preblem.

Price, each


No. 1052 Myers Cog Gear Lift Pump— Brass lined cylinder, glass valve seat. Capac- ity 400 gallons per hour. Price $11.00.

No. 1072 Myers Cog Gear Single-Acting Force Pump—3-inch brass lined cylinder, glass valve seat. Capacity 400 gallons per hour. Price $12.00.

No. 5 Myers 3-Way Windmill Head Double- Acting Force Pump—3x12-inch brass lined cylinder. Capacity 440 gallons per hour. Price $22.00.

1%-Inch Galvanized Pipe—Per foot 20c.

3¥g-inch Galvanized Rod—Per foot 5c.

1%-Inch Foot Valve—Each $1.25.

We carry repairs in stock for these pumps.

In ordering a pump give us exact distance from platform to bottom of well; also the number of feet of water in well.




The new double edged grass and weed cut- ter that does away with tiresome stooping. Use it—swing freely and note how rapidly the double edged blade cuts on both the forward and _ backward stroke. Made of forged tool steel.

Price $1.25.


not break.

Garden Tools


Here is a tool that will cut grass

easier than a shear. Blades warranted. Handle is malleable, will

Price 85c


Witt Cans

No. 1—Capacity 20 gallons, each... eee $3.75 Non 2——Capacity, 27¢callonsyieachtec. 4.25 Noti3—Capacity, 33egalllonss each cerca este eee 4.75


Not /—— Capacitys de calllomsee cl Claessens serene) $1.50 No. 8—Capacity 6% galloms, cache... nc co.cc cece eccceececetteeeceeeeeee 1.65 No. 9—Capacity 8% gallons, cach en... ececeeecee eee ceeeeeeeeeeeeee 1.90 No. 9% Can—Capacity 10 gallons, each... 2.25 No. 10 Can—Capacity 12% gallons, each.......222-.2222:-eeeeeeee 2.50 BRIGHTON ASH CANS INow/—Capacity 7 Z20mcallons iia oe eee $2.25 INOn/8— Ealpacitye Zo call on Seeter mene sce ee 2.50


The Mole causes great loss and annoyance to the growers and market gardeners. One Mole can cause the loss of an entire seed bed in a few hours. One Mole Trap will catch and destroy them. We guarantee them to work satisfactorily. Price, each, $1.00.


Crown Well Bucket (wood), cach... eee eee eects 1.00 Galvanized Well Bucket, cach e.....--.22202...2cec.cececeneeeseeeec eee eee 90 WiellsiWiheels! catches a ee 1.10 Galvanized Well Chain, per foot... 2.22.oocceeceec cee .05


An Entirely New Principle A slight Push and Pull thoroughly loosens the surrounding soil and re-

moves not only the weed, but the entire root.

When pushed into the ground, the two points guide the BRIDGE down alongside the weed, loosening | the soil from that side, it then crosses under the root disengaging the latter. Asthetoolis withdrawn the BRIDGE slips up the opposite side of the weed, loosening the ground from that side and engages the head of the weed above the ground. The now thoroughly loosened weed is readily withdrawn in its entirety with little or no clinging soil, =

Built like hair are forged steel,

Price 50c and 60c

GRASS HOOKS or SICKLES Long Handle Grass and Weed Sickle

Light, strong, durable. 13 in. long, 24%4 in. wide at the heel, is made of crucible steel, oil tem- pered and sharpened to a razor edge.

Price, $1.25

The blade

i | 7 - H i ik in |

h i All

Price, 75c each.

30 P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 14 Block North Penna. Ave.

Garden Tools and Scythes


Sizes for Boys, Ladies, and Men

Cut from One Piece of Steel— Strong and Durable

Prices cece eee 60c to $1.35 SCYTHE STONES English Round) each... 3 225 .2.et ee ee 30c Darby iCreeék, each nah aie en eerste erie -20¢€

HAND PRUNING SHEARS No. V128—8 inch, price .... No. V179—9 inch, price No. V1409—9 inch, price No: Vi2l 8 Finch}<priceis tr. 2.0015 eee eee


Painted Green

WAKES: AT CHOS seen eeh eee ne nas 10c each, 90c doz. S/lOrx 24 1nches: ee at ne 12c each, $1.35 doz.


nelish Blades, eac hs ts cee ete ee pe ees ener eee American Blades, each


For Transplanting

= 12 ft. long

Blade. Price $1.50 each.

No. 170 Weed Cutter, 31 in. Hickory Handle, Steel Extra Knives 25c

4-tine Fork SE tinessE OF ices eee 1.50


Spring steel teeth; will remove the smallest leaves and litter. Price, 90c each.

Pricesea Gh ex.s aie ee nme oy BAS A eee eee $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50


Steel Garden Trowels. Bachz== 25c, 50c and 75c

This knife makes a fine weeder as well. IPT CO osoce ae ace ee ea ict oe ee ee ene 50c and 60c JAPANESE BROOM RAKE

A general outdoor broom for lawns, gravel paths and gardens; is a practical necessity for every residence. The Broom Rake is a strong and durable tool, designed for clean work and hard SErViACe. = Pic Geese er asad Ea ee 40c

The Hoover Rake makes a clean sweep 20 inches wide with a motion similar to that used in sweeping with a broom and is very highly recommended by Park Boards and Cemetery Caretakers, some claiming to save 50 per cent in raking costs.

Price, each Dozen pete ees iL Se ee ee eee

6 ft. long........ 8 ft. long........ 10 ft. long


Farm, Poultry Netting and Lawn Fence


The Wire we offer is all Nos. 19 and 20 double twist, 2-inch mesh, thoroughly galvanized after weaving. Sold in bales of 150 running feet.

Width. Sq.Ft. Per B. Width. Sq.Ft. Per B. IN@ 550) comers 12xlinch 150 $2.50 ING S70) peat 12x2inch 150 $1.10 INOS ZO cokes 18xlinch 225 3.25 WEG O epee one ee ase 18x2inch 225 1.55 No. 200 ceeee---24x1l inch 300 4.00 © 20 errr Poe ANU SS Non AD essa: 30xl inch 375 4.75 PG er ee Now 20 eee ne 36x1 inch 450 5.50 eon aD Ae) IN@; C0) ae 48xlinch 600 7.00 i () bese eat ctere 72x2inch 900 4.75

Special price in large quantity. Price 2x20 nettings 1c per sq. ft. in less than bale lots. Staples for fastening, 10c per lb. 1x20 nettings 2c per sq. ft. less than bale lots.


Made 18 inches wide


B6-inchy Styles h— her fOO tere eee 12¢ ; AZ-inchye Style y= Peery LOO tesserae esters 13¢ se Price, each $2.50 48 =inchweStyle: b— Rem toOo tee tee eee 15¢ ‘= e nd ce & & at ORNAMENTAL WALK GATES : ae Se Height 3-Foot Opening 314 Feet sSeia BSCS) Let ese rr ee ete ee ee te a OSes easy a $3.50 $3.75 BD SGN cease ele Sar ee ee 3.75 4.00 5 Peal nsec ie Meo At este RC Mee ou ae 4.00 4.25 i ORNAMENTAL DOUBLE DRIVE GATES —= Height 8-Foot Opening 10 Feet Flower Guard. Height 22 inches. Price, SE TRS ea ee a ea ea eat eee ea $9.00 $10.00 9c per foot. Special prices in large SE BRBSRY a eo eet ale eee pe 9.50 10.50 quantities. All gates have ornamental tops. BARBED WIRE “CAN’T-SAG” STUDDED TEE FENCE POSTS Cattle Wire—6 inches between barbs, 80 rods, 2 point............ S3E/SeeNign 200 Saft SteclPostsweachi=et = ere ee eee 45¢ Cattle Wire—6 inches between barbs, 80 rods, 4 point............ 425005 NG 260 6-faSteel Postes cacho te 55c Hog Wire—4 inches between barbs, 80 rods, 4 point................ Av2 Same POSEN Ete S teelPostemeachin en ee ere ee alt 60c TOWNSEND WIRE STRETCHER—Price $1.75. No. 2/0/72 At; steel Posts, cache Me AMERICAN FARM FENCE AMERICAN POULTRY, GARDEN, AND PeriRod SEVESIY SHENG NG. HOGO—isiae Danes Saas, No, WA ce $ 31 Designs 2158 and 1948 No. 726X6—Hog Fence, Spec. No. 1214 .000020.-22.-:2:2:2-ceceeeceeee .38 WOSROdPRolllNo; 1948 %Rence! Price 2.22 e eee $5.75 No.832X12—Hog Fence, Spec. No. 1214.0.0....-e:cecececeeeeeeeees 35 20-Rod Roll No. 1948 Fence. Price.....2...0--.eececcceceeceeeeetteees 11.00 No. 832X6—Hog Fence, Spec. No. 1204.000..202-..ceseeceeeeeeeeees .43 MORGdwROM No: 2158) Hence. Price. 2 eee teeceeecsescceeete 6.25 No.845X12—Stock Fence, Spec. No. 124... cceeececeeeeees 37 maUSRods Roll No: 2158) Fences Prices. fi. ees 12.00 No. 949X12—Stock Fence, Spec. No. 124.22. .40

HO=Rod Roll No. 2360. Fence, Prices: .cccccccceeeececseseeceecee 6:45) Nios 94912 =Stocka Mences-Spec, No. He 2 ee .50

Contents—1935 Garden Book

VEGETABLE SEED Page RagecleTomato cit ceccatee cece ae 12 ASpara sister neces s nie ceria Ze )|\ MEME Up eee creterocraieracrspsciectaetchorieteoeer tere 12 Beans, Bush | -Watermel ory ss-secianscisisn i isiseisteieants 8 Wax 2 Fol 2 FLOWER SEEDS ima o Beets, Table 3 Paces story Cattle 4 IB TOCCOLI ean cetieis are cote aiereelentierecreiete 4 FIELD SEEDS Brusselse Sproutsie:ce-cnececace <2 siae 4 Page 18 Cabbag ean nccescceseGoinsscone 4,5 Cantaloupe 8 LAWN SEEDS Carrot Siar nals ane aessllierae Bia ee ewe 5 Inside Back Cover Page Cauliflower: ..cccc gee eet es cee cece ee 5 Celery eo 3 | BULBS, PLANTS AND ROOTS Glico ye mre it sence een ance |eAlspatagus Hoots. icc seisteciees elas ener 2 Collards;sGeorgia\..siseen casas: 6 | Caladiums Corn Salad ..........2..... 020s Heed hil Cen hi ickeen Suriennondatnoosapmsbusatcor Horne SU aT are cis acneatscetelstatstecare sisiets/ore 6 ID EE aoe ee > Gressesipin se ones aeeeieeeaeiemeieeiiehe 6 SG Re MEE IEE WN a TS Gucumbertcnacgescccsseaccccmasesiise 6 | Gladiolus a % Grape:-Vines: 7300/5: Dandelion mecrreycucschonisecteet citer ster 6 ~ | Rhubarb Roots Heer blent pobhgonachas DoenenoN dy Oe 7 Rosesicvjsasteccnn Back Cover Page 17 aay hia Whalen inl MA ane Strawberry: *PlantS?..¢tacenes teemes 19 VET St erncte seeicrcteine oneileecisioit ic mistelsiete 10 Bs Muberosespicaccmasicts ecco ote 16 Rai Geer lstonresecetarerthe elesseiersh ie tee eis acinar 7 TOHLSRAD ty ee ane ee eee denen 7-| Vegetable: Plants: <7 <j. cissiianisaie nts 5 DSC OL mac aca sen a cciatioie aeziceateieer lore? 8 Dette tne se ciewetiaia slele eases cisions 8 NURSERY STOCK Miistard® .;.scshtiesteaacisant semecimes S| CalitorniayPriveti cc nassccsssemces 19 Okra 9 Onion 9 HORTICULTURAL AND Onion Sets 9 DAIRY SUPPLIES Pairs] ey terest arcteiste aisrviayouisielaleia ere sterrersfes 9)|. Aish-Gans°+...% Heieyetetaselesaieie7s caraisvelelsterstsre 29 IBARSTUP ys yesicra nisi Ses voce aol seeielaVsyelorsetersteye 9 | Asparagus Knives...... 230 BOaS ease srotersiere <eiate BoteteeteTsc ce aisle eee AO P| AXES tectacoectinctcie .27 Pepper: oe. wicsedcice seis ewieine eisinisise sie 9\| Barrows, Garden: ../8:..0cssemeecns 27 POtatOeS .. 2... cee e eee eeeee ee eeees 9 Greenhouse 2.2.65 ..eneece 27 Pum pk inise ier ke etceicireisaseeisintectearielerste JO. Boxes: Flowers scssai cactesaatotaecn Ra dishicteracrielons eemetnie sisssiteeeemsie te 11 | Bag Balm... scs.cieestsvere aeons Rhubarb) sds. sseuesk ssa csleoeaden toc 11 | Brooder, Putnam Saleify acter car anne ee ib fel DA SO otic Co core 29 SPINACH season saree shee ards eee IT |MCalE Weaner, Mass. .cnsacscaeeaiee 22 SO tlaslirins encan ste sacle naomi 11 | Caponizing Sets ae SwassmGhard vncsanciertocck none nces 4\ N@el-O= Glass! ieiscclecive(essielaatralscesies 24

P. MANN & CO., Washington, D. C.

316 Ninth Street, N. W. 1% Block North Penna. Ave.

Page Geresamtcccrcaeriemettcieoctetetelecrsars eietnse Netting; Poultry ciecissccterieerractttee 31 Churns ......... Pails,¢.Witthccuceeene cece eeeeee 29 Corn Sheller .. Plant Foods) 00... sc-msessn= eee Cultivators ..... Planter’s Guide.jaj.sciieieeee eee 1 Culture 2.2... eee eee cece ee teeta ee PlOWS. ta ving nee ee Ere 27, 28 : = 2 Posthole Digger! <-2- 5.1m scan 31 Dibbles voeseesvesceeeneeecsseeee | BONUS QIBBEE oot ul Se CRORE OES aaC Snape ACN OER Potato--Drag?iasccecchisccel cies 30 Edgers, Turf ...........00. eee 3() Pruner, “Bre viejo -teretaclere date 26, 30 int BNA SP os times 95 1) (Pruning. Saws! sesiccsscecbectiteee 26 Egg Boxes, Parcel: Post....5......2 5 Shears ee 36, 30 Feeders tnnee saree nine clsieecutieeriane) Pump and Well Equipment........ Fence; awit censecciieninsderniiiaol POStSWeceteeee enor 31 ales Card Eons and Rabbits ieee See Teas sete re Dagsissacitaiectniee ate , Fertilizers....Inside Back Cover. .32 Roohne shaper Flower Bed Guard aay IBOox€Sevicemiricanceisiscncets SCY PES ieee ieee ieelcino Laie aa Pots eet Scythe sStones sess cicssestttieeeere - < FU REAL A eg eee Semlesamimnnnnicen seers -ckieteiice cei Honk, Spading Spadnnononondcucapead Cease epee S coc cccccccresccccnstccee ssl Semesan Jr. ist Garden! Qoolsiitjewamaca eee 30 | Sprayers ...... Gates®: Jcas.cdetoin si aclnste sneee soeiines 31 | Sprinklers ......--. Graswaiphcasetnesnioessidoelie tite Stoves, Putnam ... Grasse Shearss oncmc-cccustie sonic 2o ol meseretchers aware Grasse Sicklestecnecmnsreticcceeeeeo Grass Hooksit dts aceriaccetretiseecc el Traps, Moles einer percreet Grindstone saiieac seston eee enced: Trellis Ware) ect creel eeeee i 7 Trowels, Garden ............... Harrows det ceeeeeee octet eect ees teees 2 7 Truck, More Handy... Hedge Trimmer, Little Wonder. ..26 = = Dubs) Helanty. eee eect HedgeaShedrsise-ciacscucemaneeoes 26 HOGS ee sta eel bane shatter leieereTe sO, se tase Hose: Gardens sae ney 26 Vamlitexsotaseecasce econ eer eee 24 | SDIAYoa aay aisles erent é 3 Couplings eee res Watering Cans)... iiecsmciiec cee 19 INOzz lesen ee ae eee ae 26 Wax; Grafting oie sc--caeeeeerotee 21 | Realise cane nines ool 26 Wreedéers sf nosceriincctrleeier 26, 29, 30 ei Wickets, )Wirernjajcacense sn cent 30 UnSecticidesmactit-rteiecis cick Ssralaeee: Wire,=Barbedticsasscerceeeeiienerieres 31 Kowil Kare Gasccscmccisiesielenstecciiener 25 Labels, oe Betas eyetoricis estate ts is POULTRY SUPPLIES Lawns Mowers: smscinaswitisneneiiosan oO Pages 24 to 25 Lawn Rollers, Inside Back Cover Page Brooders and Incubators.......... 25 Lawnii- Sprinklers) .ncrmsecaceseeaciel 19 Poultry Netting. cemecisrcissemceien 31

Fertilizers for the Farm, Lawn, and Garden


Bone Phosphate of Lime............. teen » Rtgs Seog are 45% to 55%

UNITING At. A See: Se eae ee name ey nen LOOU ne Pain eerie 447% SPECIAL CORN AND OATS FERTILIZER

PATINA G TA 9 ssa eee ees AE De oh ee nee 1%

Available Phosphoric Acid. 9%

Potash 27% STANDARD POTATO FERTILIZER NCoahag (oval (= egtaeam eae eigen AN eat UNE ate i erat Sea AY) Available: Phosphoric, Acids:2 2.26 ea ser ee eee sae 8% TPO Le S Tay eae 202 oe Ee oem ae el oe UE ree 5% POTOMAC “A” AMMONIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE This is our well-known brand of General-Crop Fertilizer. PAs In OT 1a yen See ss es ee eA Lene as Re Be aera Ae ee 2% Available “Phosphoric! Aci dis cis Snes eee eee %o TA teas ase ea a sah Ee eRe Ee ec eo 2%

Prices for fertilizer on application.



converts garden refuse, such as leaves, stalks, cuttings, potato, bean and pea vines, etc., into artificial manure.

25 lbs. is sufficient to make one-half ton of manure; 150 Ibs. is sufficient to make three tons of manure. 25 lb. bag $2.00, 150 Ib. bag $10.50.

PEAT MOSS—Prices: Large bale (13 cu. ft. and covers 240 sq. ft. one inch deep), $2.50; half size bale, $1.50; small size, 75c.

COTTON SEED MEAL—Rich in ammonia and potash, mak- ing an excellent fertilizer for lawns and golf greens. 5 lbs. 25c, 10 lbs. 50c, 25 lbs. $1.00, 50 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.00.

NITRATE OF SODA—Refined, soluble, very quick to act, does not take the place of other fertilizers, but stimulates quick growth, and matures early crops when used occasionally along | with them. 1 Ib. 10c, 3 Ibs. 25c, 10 lbs. 60c, 100 Ibs. $3.00. |

SULPHATE OF AMMONIA is a fertilizer which will in- |} crease the growth of the grass so as to crowd out and tend to eliminate ordinary weeds. 3 Ib. pkg. 25c, 10 Ibs. 60c, 25 Ibs. $1.00, | 100 lbs. $3.00. |

ALUMINUM SULPHATE (For Rhododendrons Azaleas)—1 lb. 10c, 3 Ibs. 25c, 10 Ibs. 75c, 100 Ibs. $3.50.

MURIATE OF POTASH—Apply 100 to 150 Ibs. usually with other fertilizers. Excellent for potatoes, corn, grains, etc. Analysis, equal to 50 per cent actual potash. 1 Ib. 10c, 3 Ibs. 25c, 10 Ibs. 60c, 100 Ibs. $3.00. R

BLOOD MEAL—One ot the best plant foods for forcing flowers and vegetables. Excellent for Rose Bushes during blooming season. 1 Ib. 10c, 3 Ibs. 25c, 5 lbs. 40c, 10 Ibs. 75¢, © 25 Ibs. $1.75, 50 lbs. $3.00, 100 lbs. $5.00.

PERFECTION HYDRATED LIME—For Garden and Lawn— | 10 lb. bag 25c, 50 Ib. bag 60c. Special price in ton lots.



per acre, |

pieamiog iysnoIg juNOUL




ENED PR AMT OS SINE aT a amr meena emery eiaaTaiN

OIRO COICO CI CiO CHC ICR Oa CO Oh UC OR Fe) we We) Wire WW Lee e wie lw Ohwiwin mw, WOO OO Cr


FROM Messrs, P. MANN & CO., INC., give no warranty, ex-

press or implied, as to description, purity, productiveness, | or any other matter of any seeds or bulbs they send out; e ©9 nc. and they will not be in any way responsible for the

crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on

316 Ninth Street, N. W. Phone NA. 1121 these terms, they are at once to be returned. WASHINGTON, D. C.

BE SURE TO FILL IN THESE BLANKS AMOUNT ENCLOSED Name Postal Money Order..... $ Syideteup, LEO) IBYoye Che Mas. Jae | Da cING Ubon] fey go wenn NS ee er ee ee Express Money Order.. __——_ = JE LOpSI (OE ac Ssiat SE a a em EAN Tl Ba ec er ne et ea Bea Draitee ee eae ~ (Go ara yesterday OTA Cote Le Se ee mee MEE @urnencye, se eee pee a Fe Teeke Slates) 2 Bb D dS ih Rei SS ced Todays MING care ve tae Postage Stamps............. F

SS Jani © rk yy ee ee EN eee Se RAS pier et Ee ae a TS) aE eS ce SS eg Oe -







FINE LAWNS can only be made by using the best grade of grasses. The proper blending to give satisfactory results needs the study of years. Among some of the most beautiful lawns of Washington and its suburbs are those sown with “Evergreen” Lawn Grass Seed.

These seeds should be covered very slightly and a roller run over the ground after sowing. Pound, 40c; 5 pounds, $1.75; 10 pounds, $3.30.

LAWN GRASS FOR SHADY PLACES AND UNDER TREES. A selection of grasses that thrive well in shaded situations, under tree, or close to walls, where there is little sun. Pound, 45c; 5 pounds, $2.00; 10 pounds, $3.50.

Lawn and Garden Fertilizer

Old and New Lawns Require Stimulating after the long drag through winter, or in the fall, after the season of cutting and the heat of summer. For this purpose our high-grade Bone Meal is best adapted to the wants of the lawn. It should be sown broadcast from the middle of February to the first of May for spring, and from Septem- ber to November in the fall. In preparing a new lawn use a liberal quantity and rake it in thoroughly before sowing the seed. Ten pounds sow enough for 250 square feet. Ten pounds, 50c; 25 pounds, $1.00; 100 pounds, $2.75; 167-pound bag, $4.00.

PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE FOR LAWNS. Two pounds, 15c; 5 pounds, 30c; 25 pounds, $1.00; 50 pounds, $1.50; 100-lb. bag, $2.50.

SHREDDED COW MANURE, 25 pound bag, $1.00; 100 pounds, $2.50. Special prices in ton lots.

Water Ballast Lawn Rollers ss



Empty | Filled with | Filled with PRICE Pa; im Water Sand gage

601 14 24 70 175 400 $12.50 602 18 24 85 265 475 15.00 603 24 24 110 420 630 17.50 604 24 32 130 565 850 19.50 605 14 24 68 175 475 10.00 606 18 24 82 265 475 12.50

Nos. 605 and 606 Plain bearing; no scraper.


Red Radiance Etoile de France Pink Radiance

Roses Chat Bloom

Two-Year Old Field Grown Gold Seal Brand Roses

Special Collection

One Each of the Six 9) 75

Listed in Color for


K. A. Victoria Talisman Rev. F. Page Roberts