COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HX64059715 QM23 R1 1 A manual ot analomi' CoIutr.OM ^ntbcrsitp in tfje Cttp of Jletogortr-0^ g>cf)ool of ©ental attb ©ral iSwrgerp Reference Htbrarp Q) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Columbia University Libraries A MANUAL of ANATOMY By HENRY ERDMANN RAt)ASCH, M. Sc, M. D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY IN JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE; INSTRUCTOR IN ANATOMY IN THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, PHILADELPHIA WITH 329 ILLUSTRATION'S PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY 1917 il Copyright, iqit, by W. B. Saunders Company DEDICATED TO MR. DANIEL BAUGH PREFACE This book was originally intended as a Visceral Anatomy for the use of first-year medical students. Although there are numerous and excellent anatomies published, they are all large and voluminous. There being a need for an anatomy of intermediate size, the original manuscript has been enlarged at the suggestion of the publishers. Chapters in Osteology, Syndesmology, and Myology have been added and the chapters on the Blood-Vascular and Nerve Systems have been extended so as to include the appendages and their plexuses, thereby making this work desirable for medical students, medical preparatory students and nurses. The anatomy and histology of the nerve system is taken up in a manner different from that used in most anatomies. The external anatomy is continued from one segment to another, uninterruptedly, and the histology is taken up in the same manner. In this way the student has a more connected idea of the parts and their relations to one another. In addition the various pathways are given sepa- rate and rather full consideration, so that impulses may be traced, in a connected manner, from origin to termination. The semilunar valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery are described in all anatomies under the ventricles, without justification from a standpoint of anatomy and embryology. In this work they are described in their respective vessels, where they should be taken up. Although the B. N. A., as a whole, is not all that could be desired this nomenclature is given in parentheses. The author has used the terms ventral and dorsal instead of anterior and posterior, respec- tively, in order to avoid confusion arising between anatomists and embryologists. The latter use the terms anterior and posterior exclusively for head and tail directions, and not synonymously with ventral and dorsal. For this reason the author uses cephalad and caudad for headward and tailward, discarding anterior and posterior altogether and avoiding confusion arising in comparative anatomy. The illustrations of the first three chapters are from Sobotta and McMurrich's work. Many of those of the visceral portion are adapted from standard works as Cunningham, Gray, Piersol, Morris and Rauber-Kopsch. A number of the illustrations were made from photographs of organs and preparations at the Daniel Baugh Institute of Anatomy and Biology. 13 14 PREFACE The author desires to thank Dr. J. J. Fauz for his assistance in the preparation of the photographs and some of the drawings and Mr. Smoczynski for his assistance in the preparation of the outlines of the organs; also the publishers for their suggestions and many courtesies. H. E. Radasch. Malvern, Pa., July, 191 7. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Page Osteology 17 CHAPTER II Syndesmology 108 CHAPTER III Myology 143 CHAPTER IV Blood-Vascular System 211 CHAPTER V Lymph-Vascular System • 252 CHAPTER VI Respiratory System 271 CHAPTER VII Alimentary Tract 282 CHAPTER VIII Urinary System 316 CHAPTER IX Male Organs of Reproduction .... 324 CHAPTER X Female Organs of Reproduction 330 CHAPTER XI Ductless Glands 338 IS CONTENTS. 10 CHAPTER XII Eyeball and Lacrimal Apparatus. CHAPTER XIII Page ■ 341 CHAPTER XIV 358 \i 1 \ 1 System A MANUAL OF ANATOMY CHAPTER I OSTEOLOGY The skeleton is a framework of bone and cartilage that serves for the attachment of the muscles. The axial portion comprises the head and trunk and is comparatively rigid or fixed, while the appen- dicular portions, the appendages, are extremely mobile; the bones of the extremities represent a system of levers actuated by the muscles and acting upon the joints, which constitute the fulcra. The human skeleton is an endoskeleton which is more or less completely invested by the muscles and completely covered by the skin. The adult skeleton comprises 206 individual bones arranged as follows: Single bones Pairs Total f The vertebral column 26 . . 26 The ribs 12 24 Axial Skeleton j The sternum 1 1 The skull 6 822 I The hyoid bone 1 1 / Pectoral appendage 32 64 Appendicular Skeleton' D , . , rr l Pelvic appendage 31 62 Auditors- Ossicles 366 206 Bone is a derivative of the mesoderm and represents the most highly differentiated of the connective tissues. It is mainly a sec- ondary tissue as in most instances it is derived from cartilage. It consists of cells and intercellular substance. The latter is a hard, tough resistant, yet elastic substance to which the peculiar charac- teristics of bone are due. Osseous tissue consists of about 66 per cent, of inorganic, or earth salts and of 34 per cent, of organic mate- rial. The inorganic salts comprise phosphates, carbonates and fluorid of calcium, also chlorid of sodium and phosphate of mag- nesium. The organic material includes fats, collagen, etc. If a fresh bone be burned or calcined, the organic material will be re- l8 OSTEOLOGY moved and a porous cast of the bone, representing the earthy salts, will remain. If a bone be subjected to the action of a mineral acid, the earthy material is removed and flexible bone, representing the organic substances, remains. The elasticity and toughness of the bone is due to the organic substance while the inorganic salts impart hardness to it. . *■< Fig. I. — Portion of a cross-section of a decalcified human radius. X about 4.8. (Sobotta and Huber, " Atlas of Human Histology.) The figure shows the lamellar systems of compact bone, as well as some trabecular of spongy bone, agl, periosteal lamellar; igl, peri- medullary lamellae; il. interstitial lamellar, hi. Haversian lamellar; p, periosteum; sp, trabec- ular of spongy bone. Fresh bone upon examination shows the presence of an enveloping membrane, the periosteum. This is tough, does not strip readily and serves for the attachment of muscles and tendons. The articu- lar portions of a bone are covered with hyalin cartilage. Cleaned specimens are devoid of these two structures. In order to study bone under the microscope it must be decalcified and sectioned, or pieces must be ground so thin that their structure is readily discernible. STRUCTURE OF BONE 19 There are t-dio varieties of bone, compact and cancellous. The compact variety is the more abundant and exhibits a char- acteristic structure. Surrounding all bones there is a fibrous sheath, the periosteum. This consists of white fibrous connective tissue and its deep layer is rich in blood-vessels and cells, the future osteoblasts. From its inner layer bundles of fibers (Sharpey's) penetrate the bone. The real osseous tissue is arranged in four varieties of lamellae and between the lamellae are the lacunae and canaliculi. 1. The periosteal lamella are few in number and lie just beneath the periosteum. These constitute the circumference of the bone and between them are the lacunae, containing osteoblasts, and the canaliculi. Howship's lacuna are on the surface and canals (Volk- mann's) pierce the layers and transmit blood-vessels for a short distance. 2. The Haversian lamella are hollow cylinders of bone that fit into one another, the central one containing the Haversian canal. The number in a system varies from three to eight. Between the layers are the lacunae and canaliculi. The Haversian canals of the various systems anastomose with one another. These canals are for the transmission of blood-vessels. 3. The intermediate lamella fill in the areas between the cylindrical Haversian systems. They are irregular in course and contain lacunae and canaliculi. 4. The perimedullary lamella are irregular in number and extent and when present they are seen on the marrow-cavity surface of the bone and are comparable to the periosteal lamellae. The lacuna are irregular, stellate spaces and contain the osteo- blasts. The canaliculi serve to connect the various lacunae together and to support the processes of the osteoblasts. An osteoblast is an irregular, stellate cell with a flattened body. Its processes are numerous, but short and heavy. These cells have to do with the formation of osseous tissue, but in what manner they do it is unknown. Compact bone constitutes the shafts of the long bones, covers their extremities and forms the outer portion of the short, irregular and flat bones. Cancellous bone consists of delicate bars of osseous tissue that form a network resembling a sponge. Lacunae, canaliculi and osteo- blasts are present but Haversian systems are absent. This variety is found in the ends of the marrow-cavity of the long bones, forms the bulk of the extremities of these bones and of the flat, short and irregular bones. This variety imparts lightness and permits of an increase in size without sacrificing strength. The medullary, or marrow-cavity, is long, narrow and contains the marrow; it is found in the shafts of the long bones. It is lined by 20 OSTEOLOGY the endosteum which serves as an internal periosteum and a covering for the marrow. Bone Marrow. — In the adult there are two varieties of bone marrow, red and yellow. In early life only red marrow is found. The red marrow consists of a delicate network of reticulum connected with the endosteum. It supports various cellular elements and blood- vessels, nerves and lymphatics. The cellular elements are as follows: i. Myelocytes are large, nucleated masses of granular protoplasm that exhibit ameboid movements. These are seen only in marrow under normal conditions. Fig. 2. — Blood. Elements of the bone-marrow of a mouse. X 700. {Sobotta and Huber. "Atlas of Human Histology.") The preparation was taken from the femur of a full- grown mouse. 1. Polynuclear giant-cell (myeloplax); 2-7, marrow-cells; 2, marrow-cell with annular nucleus (goes through the nuclear stage of 4 into that of 3 — that is. into the ordinary polymorphonuclear cell") ; 4 and 5. acidophile cells; 6 and 7, mitoses; 8, ordinary ery- throcyte; o and io, nucleated erythrocytes. 2. Erythroblasts are nucleated red blood cells and are very numer- ous as the red marrow is practically the only tissue in which they are formed. 3. Erythrocytes are normal red blood cells that have just been formed from the preceding and are ready to go into the blood stream. 4. Leukocytes are white blood cells and are of the finely and coarsely granular eosinophilic and basophilic types. 5. Myeloplaxes, or osteoclasts, are large, irregular masses of proto- plasm that may contain one or more nuclei. They are bone-destroy- ing cells and are of great importance in the growth and repair of bone. They are capable of ameboid motion and are also phagocytic in action. 6. Osteoblasts are mentioned in bone marrow but they are chiefly at the periphery and are not essential to the marrow. Fat is seen in small quantities in red marrow but predominates in yellow marrow. In the adult, red marrow is found in the extremities of the long BONE DEVELOPMENT 21 bones and in the centers of the flat and irregular bones, or wherever cancellous bone is found. Yellow bone marrow is the result of the deposition of a great quan- tity of fat in the red marrow of the shafts of the long bones. As a result the cellular elements are greatly reduced and its function as a seat of blood-cell formation is practically nil. It is found only in adults. Serous, or mucoid marrow results when the fat and cellular elements are absorbed and replaced by a serous infiltrate, as in old age, starva- tion and certain diseases. It thereby loses its function of making blood cells. Bone Development. — There are two methods, endochondral and mtramembranous. In the endochondral form the hyalin cartilage is replaced by osseous tissue. All of the bones of the body except those of the face and vault of the cranium are said to be formed by this method but the endochondral bones are really formed by a combination of the two methods, as will be seen. The point at which bone formation first begins is called the center of ossification. There are several of these centers for each of the bones and these will be considered later. At the center of a ossification the cartilage cells reproduce rapidly and arrange themselves in rows parallel to the long axis of the bone (proliferation). Calcareous salts are deposited in the cartilage partitions and most of the cartilage cells disappear (calcification). New cells, chondroclasts , appear and destroy some of the partitions, forming a series of small spaces called primary areola. Osteoblasts gain access to these spaces and lay down a thin veneer of osseous tissue upon the cartilaginous and calcareous partitions. The peri- chondrium becomes the periosteum and its cells form a layer of periosteal bone. Blood-vessels and osteoblasts penetrate the little bone and enter the areolae which have been converted into a fewer number of larger spaces by the destruction of many of the partitions (vascularization). The first, or primary marrow, is then formed. The blood-vessels and osteoblasts proceed toward the extremities of the little shaft, almost to the area of proliferation. Gradually all of the calcareous material of all of the partitions is removed and replaced by osseous tissue. After this no more cartilage appears in the changed area. Each extremity is ossified from an independent center at a later date so that a pad of cartilage, the epiphyseal disc, intervenes between the shaft and each extremity until the bone has reached its full length. Then this disc ossifies and the parts are united so that this area can no longer be distinguished. The bone continues to grow in length by cartilage being formed a little more rapidly, in the epiphyseal disc, than it is converted into bone. The bone grows in diameter by the continual addition of new layers of OSTEOLOGY periosteal bone. After a number of periosteal lamellae have been formed, osteoclasts destroy all of the central cancellous bone and establish the primary adult marrow-cavity. They continue to de- stroy the oldest or innermost periosteal lamellae but less rapidly than the new ones are formed upon the outside. As a result the marrow-cavity is formed and continues to grow at the expense of the compact bone but never as rapidly as the bone is formed. In the meantime Haversian systems are being formed from the perios- teal lamellae, and the remnants of the latter constitute the irregular lamella;. PK Fig. 3. — Bone development. Portion of a longitudinal section of a metacarpal bone of a five-month embryo. X so. (Sobolta and Huber. "Alius of Human Histology.") Outside in the perichondrium (periosteum) is a layer of periosteal bone. eK, bone formed by endo- chondral ossification; A"». cartilage; Km, zone in which the cartilage cells are arranged in rows; Km, zone of enlarged cartilage cells and calcification of ground substance; KnR, remains of calcified cartilaginous matrix. M, marrow; pK, bone formed by periosteal ossi- fication; Rz, giant-cells (osteoclasts). In the extremities of the long bones and in the flat and irregular bones no marrow cavity is formed. The cancellous tissue practi- cally remains and is added to by the constant honeycombing action of the osteoclasts upon the innermost periosteal lamellae. In this manner the central portions of these bones always remain cancellous and are covered by only a thin layer of compact bone. In intramembranous bone formation ossification occurs without the intervention of cartilage. At the- center of ossification (say of a skull bone) the mesodermal cells form a membrane from which fibers radiate in all directions and upon which calcareous material is deposited. The inner and outer boundary layers of this membrane become somewhat denser and constitute the periosteum. These CLASSES OF BONES 23 layers give rise to the osteoblasts that secrete osseous tissue as above, forming periosteal lamellae and a veneer for the calcareous trabeculae. More periosteal lamellae are added and the process spreads gradually in all directions. The calcific material is removed and replaced with bone and osteoclasts honeycomb the innermost or oldest layers of periosteal bone thereby increasing the amount of cancellous bone. The thin covering of compact bone constitutes the tables of the skull bones. Bones are usually classified, as to shape, as long, flat, short and irregular. The long bones (ninety) are found in the extremities and include the femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, clavicle, meta- carpal and metatarsal bones and the phalanges. The name indi- cates the presence of a central, more or less cylindrical portion called the diaphysis, or shaft, and two more or less expanded portions the epiphyses, or extremities. The diaphysis is a hollow cylinder of compact bone that contains the yellow marrow in the adult. In the longer examples of this class the shaft is not straight but curved, thereby greatly strengthening the bone. The epiphyses are usually enlarged for articulation and muscle attachment. Each consists of a thin covering of compact bone surrounding a mass of cancellous bone that contains red marrow throughout life. The flat bones (thirty-eight) are the scapulas, ossa coxae, sternum, ribs, frontal, vomer, parietals, nasals, lacrimals and patellae. These are adapted for protection and consist mainly of a central mass of cancellous bone covered by a thin layer of compact bone. In the cancellous bone red marrow is found throughout life. The short bones (thirty) are the carpal and tarsal bones. These serve to give strength to the parts and yet permit limited motion. Each consists of a central mass of cancellous bone, containing red marrow, surrounded by a layer of compact bone. The irregular bones (thirty-eight) comprise the vertebrae, tem- porals, sphenoid, zygomatics, maxillae, palatals, conchals, ethmoid, hyoid and sacrum. These are very irregular in shape and also con- sist of a mass of cancellous bone, containing red marrow, surrounded by a layer of compact bone. Some parts of these bones, however, are so thin as to be nearly transparent and these portions contain no cancellous bone. Some place the patellae and hyoid bones and the auditory ossicles (incus, malleus, and stapes) as unclassified bones. Wormian bones are found along the cranial sutures but are inconstant. Sesamoid bones are found in certain tendons of the muscles of the extremities; they are variable in number. Very few of the bones show extensive smooth areas, but lines, crests, ridges, spines, tubercles, processes, protuberances and the like are seen. On the other hand, depressions of various kinds, as pits, 24 OSTEOLOGY fossa, cavities, furrows, grooves, fissures, and foramina, or canals, sinuses, or air spaces are seen. Each serves its purpose as will be pointed out in each bone. THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN (COLUMNA VERTEBRALIS) The vertebral column comprises twenty-six individual bones in the adult; in early life thirty-three are present but certain ones fuse as will be indicated later. These bones are the vertebrae and they are classified as true, or movable and false, or fixed. True, or movable False, or fixed Cervical 7 Sacrum (5 fused) Thoracic 12 Coccyx (4 fused) Lumbar 5 A typical vertebra comprises the body (ventral segment ), the neural arch (dorsal segment) and a number of processes. The body [corpus vertebra-) is the largest part but varies in size and form in the different segments of the vertebral column. It is nearly -spinous process transverse process „ „ ■ „ /. < superior t'crlebral notch Superior articular pv'rv SupfrwrSL7ac\Yjl^\!rarS ""' /""' Fig. 4. — A vertebra seen from above. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Inferior Ami -fa, it hifi forkeud of rib Fir., s. — A vertebra seen from the side. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) cylindrical in shape and its superior and inferior surfaces are flattened or slightly concave, to accommodate the intervertebral discs. Ven- trally and at the sides the body is concave from above downward, as well as from side to side. The dorsal surface is concave from side to side. All parts exhibit numerous foramina that transmit the nutrient vessels of the bones. The neural arch (arcus vertebra) is formed by the two roots of the vertebra and two lamina. The pedicles, or roots of the vertebral arch (radix arcus vertebra ) are two flattened bars of bone that pass dorsally from the body to the points of attachment of the articular processes. As these processes are not of the same height as the body, a distinct VERTEBRAL COLUMN 25 notch is formed between the body and the articular processes, above and below these roots. These are the superior and inferior inter- vertebral notches {incisurce vertebra superior et inferior). In the articu- lated vertebral column these become the intervertebral foramina for the transmission of the spinal nerves and vessels. The lamina are two, flat, rather broad, sloping plates of bone which extend dorsally, converge toward the midline and fuse with the root of the spinous process. These serve to complete the neural arch which, with the body, forms the vertebral or spinal foramen. The processes are muscular and articular. The muscular processes are as follows: The transverse processes, two in number, vary in size and function in the different vertebrae. They extend laterally from the junction of the root of the arch and the lamina of each side. The spinous process is that mass of bone that extends dorsally, in the median plane of the body, from the junction of the fused laminae. Its shape, size and direction varies in the different segments of the vertebral column. The articular processes (zygapophyses) are four in number, two superior and two inferior. These are placed upon the upper and lower parts of the neural arch at the junction of the roots of the arch and laminae. Each superior process (processus articularis supe- rior) projects superiorly and faces, generally, dorsally. Each inferior process (processus articularis inferior) project interiorly and faces, generally, in a ventral direction. These directions, however, differ in the various regions. THE CERVICAL VERTEBRAE The cervical vertebras are seven in number and are the smallest of the true vertebrae. The first and second are considerably modi- fied and the seventh somewhat so. In all, the transverse processes are perforated by a foramen. The body is oblong and the dorsoventral dimension is greater than the transverse. The superior surface is markedly concave from side to side and slopes dorsoventrally. The lateral margins are sharp and project superiorly while the ventral edge is rounded and smooth. The inferior surface is concave, dorsoventrally, and convex from side to side. The ventral edge overlaps the vertebra beneath. The ventral surface of the body is mainly flat but becomes concave at the sides. The dorsal surface is flat and rough and presents numerous foramina. At the superior part of the lateral surface of the body is attached the transverse process. Each is pierced by the transvi foramen {foramen transversarium) and consists of two parts, one dorsal and the other ventral to the foramen. The dorsal portion arises from the vertebral arch and represents the true transverse process; the ventral portion represents the ribs of the thoracic region. 26 OSTEOLOGY These are united by a small bar of bone that completes the foramen and each division terminates in a small tubercle called tubcrcula a ntcr ins et posterius. These processes are grooved for the accommoda- tion of the spinal nerve trunks. The vertebral artery and vein pass through the transverse foramina of the superior six cervical verte- brae. The roots of the vertebral arches arise from the middle of the side (dorsal portion) of the body and are directed dorsally and later- ally, in a horizontal direction. Above and below these are the intervertebral notches. The lamina are rather long and broad; they fuse in the midline dorsally. The spinous processes are short, bifid, flattened from above downward and are dorsally directed. The articular processes are dorsal to the transverse processes. The Fig. 6. — The fifth cervical vertebra seen from above. (Sobolla and MrMurrich.) facets are circular and the superior face upward and dorsally, while the inferior face downward and ventrally. The Atlas. — This is the first cervical vertebra and it possesses neither body nor spinous process. It consists of two lateral masses con- nected to each other by a ventral and a dorsal arch. Each lateral mass is irregular and its ventral end is closer to the midline than the dorsal end. Superiorly it possesses an oval articular facet {fovea articular is superior) that receives a condyle of the occipital bone. Each facet is concave and slopes dorsally and toward the midline. The inferior articular facets (fovea artiadares inferior •&?) are circular and nearly flat. Each surface faces downward and toward the midline. Upon the medial surface of each lateral mass there is a small tubercle to which the transverse ligament of the atlas is attached. Behind each tubercle is a nutrient foramen. The ventral arch (arcus anterior) is thickest in the middle forming here, on its ventral surface, the ventral tubercle (tuberculum anterior) ; its dorsal surface exhibits a facet {fovea dentis) for articulation with the dens of the epistropheus or axis. The dorsal arch (arcus posterior) arises from the lateral mass and transverse processes. At its origin it is flattened from above down- ward and bounds a groove, dorsal to the articular facet, that extends VERTEBRAL COLUMN 27 to the transverse foramen. This groove is occupied by the vertebral artery and suboccipital nerve. The dorsomedian part of the arch may present a small tubercle (tuberculum posterior) which represents a rudimentary spinous process. Each transverse process arises from the lateral mass by two roots that are united, enclosing the trans- verse foramen. The anterior and posterior tubercles are usually fused into one. The extremely large vertebral foramen of the atlas is Posterior tubercle Transverse process Foramen transv divided into two portions by the transverse ligament that extends between the two median tubercles. The smaller ventral division contains the dens of the epistropheus while the larger dorsal portion accommodates the spinal cord. The Epistropheus. — This is the second cervical vertebra and it Odontoid process (anterior articular facet) (epistropheus), fr. . front. (Sohotta and McMurrich.) possesses a tooth-like process called the dens. The superior part of its body is continued as the dens. The apex of this process is blunt, and to it are attached the alar ligaments. Where it joins the body of the vertebra, the process is constricted and its dorsal surface at this region is smooth and grooved to accommodate the transverse liga- ment. The ventral surface of the dens has a facet for articulation 28 OSTEOLOGY with the dorsal surface of the ventral arch of the atlas. The inferior surface is somewhat concave and slopes sharply downward and over- laps the body of the third cervical vertebra. The ventral surface of the body is irregular and has a ridge that extends onto the neck of the dens. The dorsal surface is flattened and presents numerous foramina. The roots of the vertebral an lies are deeply grooved, in- feriorly, but superiorly they support the superior articular facets. The laminae are short and thick and form the short, bifid spinous process. Each transverse process slopes downward and has but one terminal tubercle. The superior articular processes cover the roots of the vertebral arches. They are nearly circular, flattened or slightly concave; they face upward and a little laterally. Dorsal to each is a groove in which the second cervical nerve courses. The inferior articular facets are nearly circular and face inferiorly and forward or ventrally. These lie dorsal to the transverse processes. The seventh cervical vertebra is called the vertebra prominens because its spinous process projects beyond the level of the other vertebras. This process is not bifid. The transverse processes are wider and more prominent than those of the sixth vertebra. The foramen does not usually transmit the vertebral artery as it is too small. The ventral tubercle is small and the costal element may be separate, constituting a cervical rib. THE THORACIC VERTEBRjE (VERTEBRA THORACALES) The thoracic vertebrae are twelve in number and they articulate with the ribs. The body of a thoracic vertebra is usually described as heart-shaped. The superior and inferior surfaces are slightly concave or flattened, smooth and rimmed. The ventral and lateral surfaces are concave from above downward and rough. The body is thicker behind than in front, thus forming the thoracic curve of the vertebral column (concavity ventrally directed). Dorsally it is concave and shows numerous foramina. Near the junctions of the roots of the arches and the body (along the superior and inferior margins) there are four costal facets (fovea costales) two superior and two inferior. In two successive vertebrae the contiguous facets accommodate the head of a rib. The roots of the vertebral arches slope upward and backward so that the superior intervertebral notch is slight and the inferior notch is deep. The laminae are flat and broad and slope downward and out- ward, thus overlapping those of the vertebra below. The vertebral foramen is circular and smallest in this portion of the vertebral column as this portion of the spinal cord is smallest in diameter. The spinous processes vary; in the upper part of the thoracic region they are short and nearly horizontal, while in the lower part they are VERTEBRAL COLUMN 20. longer, heavier and successively more oblique. Each may possess a tubercle at its extremity. The transverse processes are larger in the upper thoracic vertebra? and gradually decrease in length. They are directed laterally and dorsallv. Near the extremity of each there is a concave facet for articulation with the tubercle of the rib. The superior articular facets are nearly vertical, facing dorsallv and a little laterally. The inferior facets are directed downward and face ventrally and a little medially. The first thoracic vertebra resembles, somewhat, a cervical verte- bra. The superior costal facet is more on the side of the body; the Inferior facet for.head of rib ) Spinous process Fir,. o. — The sixth thoracic vertebra from the side. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) transverse processes are quite long and the superior intervertebral notches are well marked. The superior articular facets are more sloping and are directed upward and dorsallv. The ninth thoracic vertebra has usually no inferior costal facets. The tenth thoracic vertebra has only a superior costal facet and the facet upon the transverse process is small or absent. The eleventh thoracic vertebra has one costal facet below the superior margin and none upon the short transverse process. The twelfth thoracic vertebra has one costal facet upon the root of the vertebral arch. The transverse process is thick and presents a number of tubercles resembling those of the lumbar vertebrae. Its inferior articular processes face laterallv. THE LUMBAR VERTEBRA (VERTEBRAE LUMBALES) The lumbar vertebrae are the largest of the true vertebrae and are five in number. The body is reniform and the ventrodorsal dimension is about half the transverse dimension. The superior and inferior surfaces are smooth and somewhat concave and rimmed. The ventral and 3° OSTEOLOGY lateral surfaces are quite concave from above downward and show numerous foramina. The dorsal surface is concave from side to side as well as from above downward. The body is slightly thicker behind than in front giving a curve to this part of the column, with the convexity forward. The roots of the vertebral arches are directed dorsally and are short and thick. Both intervertebral notches are well marked. The laminas are broad and nearly vertical. The vertebral foramen is large and triangular. The spinous process is short, flat and broad; each is directed dorsally and slightly down- ward. The transverse processes are somewhat slender and are directed laterally and horizontally. In the successive vertebra? the lamina? Superior articular process Transverse process Fig. io. — The third lumbar vertebra seen from above. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) arise at a more ventral level from the roots of the vertebral arches. They apparently represent the costal elements of the thoracic ver- tebrae. Upon the dorsal surface of each transverse process are the accessory tubercles. The superior articular processes are oval and lie at the junction of the roots of the arches and the lamina. The articular facets are concave, vertical and face medially. The inferior articular processes are at the inferior margin of each lamina at the root of the spinous process. The oval and nearly flat facets face laterally. These processes are nearer the median plane than are the superior ones and so are overlapped by these when articulated. The fifth lumbar vertebra has the largest body. Its ventral vertical dimension is much greater than the dorsal vertical measure- ment and so assists the sacrum in forming the sacrovertebral angle. The transverse processes are pyramidal in shape and arise from the sides of the body and the vertebral arches. The superior articular facets are directed more dorsally than medially. The inferior facets face ventrally and laterally and are in a line with the superior pro- cesses. The spinous process is short and narrow. THE SACRUM 3 1 Ossification. — The vertebra are of endochondral origin and each develops irom four primary (two for the lamina and two for the body) and three secondary centers, usually. The centers for the lamina appears during the sixth week of fetal life and spread into the base of the spinous process, the roots of the arches and the transverse processes. The centers for the body appear during the eighth week and these centers soon fuse. At birth the vertebra consists of three parts. During the first year the laminae fuse dorsally (in the lumbar region first and then upward) and during the third year the body and laminae fuse. The secondary centers appear at about the sixteenth year. There is one for the tip of each transverse process and one for the tip of the spinous process. All parts are fused into one mass by the twenty-fifth to the thirtieth years. The number of centers for the atlas is variable (two to five). Usually three centers appear, one for each lateral mass (sixth week of fetal fife) and one for the ventral arch (end of the first year). The epistropheus is usually developed iromfive or six primary and two secondary centers. The primary centers are one for each lamina (seventh to eighth week), one (or two) for the body (fourth month) and two for the dens (sixth month). During the second year a secondary center appears for the apex of the dens and this unites with the main mass at about the twelfth year. The oilier center is for a thin epiphyseal disc on the inferior surface of the body. THE FIXED OR FALSE VERTEBRjE The sacrum represents the fusion of five vertebrae. It is said to be roughly triangular in shape (better like a curved wedge). Its ventral or pelvic surface is smooth, concave from side to side as well as from above downward. It presents four transverse ridges that terminate at the ventral sacral foramina. These foramina extend laterally as shallow grooves and dorsally they communicate with the vertebral canal. That portion on each side lateral to the foramina constitutes the lateral mass (pars lateralis). Its lateral surface (upper part) is large and ear-shaped (articular surface) and articulates with the os innominatum on each side. Dorsal to this area is the sacral tuber- osity. The superior surface articulates with the fifth lumbar verte- bra; it resembles that vertebra in this part and possesses superior articular processes. The dorsal surface is rough, convex from above downward and shows a median as well as two pairs of lateral ridges and four pairs of dorsal sacral foramina. The crest (crista sacralis media) is in the midline and consists of the spinous processes of the upper four sacral vertebra;. The fifth spinous process is absent and the lamina; sepa- rated so that the vertebral canal is exposed. This gap is the hiatus sacralis. Lateral to the crest is the sacral groove on each side. This groove is bounded laterally by a crista sacralis articularis, which is formed by the row of fused articular processes. Lateral to each crest is a row of dorsal sacral foramina through which pass the dorsal branches of the sacral spinal nerves. Lateral to the foramina is a row of tubercles forming the lateral ridge (crista sacralis lateralis) of each side. This represents the transverse processes of the true 32 OSTEOLOGY Superior articular iirja-a Fig. ii. — The sacrum seen fr \ Apex of sacrum front (pelvic surface). (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Superior articular process Sacral canal FlG. 12. — The sacrum seen from behind (dorsal surface). (Sobotta ami McMurrich.) THE COCCYX 33 vertebrae. The sacral cornua are the downward-projecting inferior articular processes of the last sacral vertebra. The apex of the sacrum represents the oval body of the fifth sacral vertebra. The sacral canal is flattened dorsoventrally and curves with the bone. It communicates with the dorsal and ventral sacral foramina. The sacrum of the. female is shorter, broader and less curved than in the male. In the male it is directed more obliquely backward. Ossification. — The sacrum has thirty-five centers of ossification. The body of each segment has three centers, each arch two, the lateral mass has six (two for each of the first three segments) and each of the lateral surfaces has two centers. The first centers appear during the eighth or ninth week of fetal life and all are fused between the twenty-fifth and thirtieth years. Muscles Attached. — To the ventral surface the mm. pyriformis, the coccygeus and part of the iliacus. To the dorsal surface the mm. gluteus maximus, the latissimus dorsi. sacrospinalis and multifidus. THE COCCYX (OS COCCYGIS) The coccyx represents the fusion of four rudimentary vertebrae. The first segment is the largest and the others are successively smaller. The superior surface of the first segment shows an oval concave facet First coccygeal vertebra Second coccygeal vertebra Fig. 13. — The coccyx seen from in front. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) that articulates with the sacrum. The dorsal surface presents two upward-projecting processes [cornua coccygea) representing articular processes for articulation with the cornua sacralis. These assist in forming two foramina for the fifth pair of sacral nerves. Laterally this segment presents a rudimentary transverse process on each side. The second may also present such processes but the remaining seg- ments are rudimentary nodules of bone. Ossification. — The coccyx is developed from four centers, one for each segment. That for the first segment appears during the first to the fourth years, the second, from the fifth to the tenth years, the third, from the tenth to the fifteenth and the fourth, from the fourteenth to the twentieth years. The fusion of the parts is complete about the thirtieth year. Muscles Attached. — To the dorsal surface the m. gluteus maximus; to the lateral margin the mm. coccygeus and levator ani on each side; to the tip the m. sphincter ani externus. 34 OSTEOLOGY THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AS A WHOLE When the vertebrae are articulated a peculiarly curved, and for the most part movable, column is formed. The adult vertebral column averages from 27J-2 inches to 28% inches (70 to 73 cm.) in length, in the male, and in the female about 23% inches (60 cm.). The individual parts in the male are as follows: cervical, 13 to 14cm.; thoracic 27 to 29 cm.; lumbar, 17 to 18 cm.; sacrococcygeal, 12 to 15 cm. The ventral part consists of the bodies of the vertebrae that serve as a support for the head and trunk. The verte- bral arches and laminae form the ver- tebral canal that contains the spinal cord and its membranes. This canal is largest in the cervical and lumbar regions and is open at the last sacral segment. At the side of the column the intervertebral notches now form the intervertebral foramina through which the roots of the spinal nerves pass. The first two cervical foramina are dorsal to the articular processes and the remainder (as far as the sacrum) are ventral to these processes. Dor- sally the spinous processes produce a dorsal median ridge and the transverse processes a lateral ridge, on each side. As a result a groove is formed on each side of the median ridge called the ver- tebral grooves and these are occupied by the muscle that operate the vertebral column. Curves are also noted. When viewed from the ventral surface the vertebral column may have a slight lateral curve in the thoracic region with the con- vexity to the right; this is due, prob- ably, to the greater use of the right side and right upper extremity or by pressure exerted by the thoracic aorta upon the thoracic vertebrae. Viewed from the side the vertebral column presents four dorsoventral curves, Fig. 14. — The vertebral colu seen from the left side. (Sobolta and UcMurrich.) THE STERNUM 35 cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. The thoracic and sacral are primary curves, existing during fetal life, while the other two are acquired curves; they are formed after the child begins to walk. The cervical curve is slight and has its convexity ventral; the thoracic curve is marked and its concavity is ventrally directed. The lower part of this curve becomes continuous with the lumbar curve which is also marked and has its convexity ventrally directed. The sacral curve has its concavity ventrally directed and from its length is the deepest and most marked curve. The sudden dorsal curve of the first segment of the sacrum causes the fifth lumbar vertebra to form a prominent projection called the sacrovertebral angle. THE STERNUM The sternum constitutes the middle portion of the ventral bound- ary of the thorax and is a fairly long, flat and thin bone; it is pointed at its inferior extremity, constricted near its middle and consists of three parts, the manubrium, body and xyphoid process. The manubrium, or handle, is the superior portion and its ventral surface is smooth and somewhat saddle-shaped. To it are attached the mm. pectoralis major and sternomastoideus. Its superior margin is thickened and uneven exhibiting a median notch, the suprasternal notch, or incisura jugularis, that is more pronounced when the clav- icles are in position. On each side of this notch there is an oblique facet for articulation with the clavicle, the incisura clavicularis. Just inferior to this another facet is noted, on the lateral margin, for articulation with the cartilage of the first rib. Inferior to this the bone becomes narrower.and the inferior corner is absent, forming a facet with a like area upon the next portion of the sternum, for the second costal cartilage. The inferior margin of the manubrium is connected with the second segment by cartilage or it may be fused with it. The dorsal surface is smooth and slightly concave and shows numerous foramina. It affords attachment to the mm. sterno- hyoideus and sternothyroideus. The body (corpus sterni) is the middle and longest segment. It is nearly flat from side to side and convex from above downward. Its superior portion is narrower than the inferior part. The ventral surface (planum sternale) is smooth but shows three more or less marked transverse ridges that indicate the four segments that fuse to form this portion of the sternum. It affords attachments to the m. pectoralis major upon each side. The superior margin is attached or fused to the manubrium forming an angle at the junction that is usually appreciable to the touch. This is the sternal angle (angulus sterni). The lateral portions of this margin complete the facet for the second costal cartilage. The inferior margin is convex and its 3° OSTEOLOGY middle part is connected to the xyphoxd process. Latera to th the sixth and seventh costal cartilages are attached. Each lateral margin is thick and irregular presenting facets at the extremities of the ridges that accommodate the third, fourth and fifth costal cartilages The dorsal surface is concave from above downward and may exhibit the transverse ridges. Its superior portion affords attachment to the m. transversus thoracis, or triangularis sterm, while the remainder is in relation with the pericardium and pleura. The xvPlwid process (processus xyphoideus) is the smallest segment and variable in form. Its base is attached to the body of the sternum Jugular notch Clavicular notch " -^ x ■ first rib I Manubrium Notch for >— -^yar second rib - ^Bi iiJx. Notch for _ ).£'. third rib V { Notch for fourth rib .'«g \ Body of sternum > - Notch for EM / fifth rib Notch for lSjC"' g sixth rib ^W^ k 1 Notch for yvS seventh 'rib ' jPIrl Xiphoid process Fic. IS— The sternum seer, from in front. 'SoboUa and McMurrich.) while its apex affords attachment to the linea alba of the abdomen. The process slopes dorsally forming the pit of the stomach, or ,n,r- sterZl depression. To its lateral margins the aponeuroses o the abdominal muscles are attached, while the dorsal surface .afford, at- tachment to a portion of the m. transversus thoracis and diaphragm. In the male the sternum is longer and broader than m the female its direction is more oblique and variations of the different segments are also noted. Ossification -The sternum is an endochondral bone and the cartilaginous stem mf formed bv the fusion of two lateral bars. Ossification begms dunng ™h month of fetal life with the appearance of the center for the manubrium. THE RIBS 37 Secondary centers may appear for the clavicular facets. The body develops from four single, or double centers (one for each segment) and their appearance usually follows that for the manubrium; the last one appears just before birth. One center appears for the xyphoid process during the third year. The seg- ments of the body fuse between early childhood and the twentieth to the twenty- fifth years. The manubrium and body may never fuse while the body and xyphoid process fuse at about the fortieth to fiftieth years. Muscles Attached. — The mm. pectoralis major, sternohyoidens, sternothy- roideus, transversus thoracis the diaphragm and the aponeuroses of the mm. obliquus internus abdominis, obliquus externus abdominis and transversalis abdominis — nine pairs. THE WBS (COSTE) The ribs, or hemal arches, twelve in number on each side, form a bony protection for the thoracic contents. They are movable as they articulate with the thoracic vertebrae, dorsallv, and with the costal cartilages, ventrally; by means of the latter they are connected with the sternum. The first seven constitute the true ribs [costm vera) as their cartilages articulate individually with the sternum. The remainder are called false ribs (costm spuria); of these the carti- lages of the eighth, ninth and tenth ribs join that of the seventh rib [vertebrochondral ribs) while the costal cartilages of the eleventh and twelfth ribs are free at their ventral extremities [floating ribs). A typical rib presents a head, neck, tubercle, shaft and angle. The head (capitullum costae) is slightly enlarged and represents the dorsal or vertebral extremity of the rib. Its medial surface has an articular facet divided by a ridge [crista capituli) into a larger inferior portion that rests in the superior facet of the body of a thoracic vertebras (from which it takes its number) ; the smaller superior facet articu- lates with the inferior facet of the body above. -To the crista is attached the interarticular ligament. The neck (collum) is a nar- row part of the rib connecting the head to the shaft and here a tubercle is seen dorsally. The ventral surface of the neck is smooth and the dorsal surface roughened for the attachment of the ligaments of the neck. The superior margin may present a ridge for the attach- ment of the ventral costotransverse ligament. The inferior margin is smooth and continuous with the costal groove. The tubercle is on the dorsal surface of the rib at the junction of the neck and shaft. It presents an oval articular portion that faces inferiorly and dorsally. It articulates with the facet on the trans- verse process of a thoracic vertebra. The nonarticular portion affords attachment to the fibers of the ligament of the tubercle. A groove, occupied by the lateral division of the dorsal branch of a thoracic spinal nerve, separates tubercle from shaft and neck. The shaft is thin, curved and band-like. It varies in length in the different ribs. The seventh and eighth are the longest and the first 3§ OSTEOLOGY the shortest. The curvature is not uniform but varies in the different regions and gives the peculiar shape of the thorax. From the tuber- cle the rib proceed first laterally and at a variable distance in the different ribs, then it turns rather sharply in a ventral direction. This change of direction produces the angle (angulus costa). The distance from tubercle to angle is greater in the eighth rib and nil in the first rib. The rib is also twisted so that the ventral end is at a lower level than the head, when the rib is placed upon a plane surface. This is most noticable in the seventh and eight ribs and least in the first and last ribs. The shaft is flattened and has two surfaces, lateral and medial. The lateral surface is smooth and convex and faces according to the part of the thorax in which it is placed, i.e. , superiorly in the upper part, laterally in the middle of the thorax and slightly downward in the lower part. The medial surface is smooth and faces in the opposite Fig. i 6.— The nth rib of the left from within. (Sobolta and McMurrich.) direction. The superior margin is thick and rounded and affords attachments to the mm. intercostales externus et internus. The inferior margin is sharp and dorsally it is grooved; here it forms the costal groove {sulcus costalis) which disappears ventrally. The in- ferior margin, between the angle and the tubercle, is ridged and affords attachment to the m. iliocostalis. The costal groove contains the intercostal vessels and the lip affords attachment to the external and internal intercostal muscles. In the groove are seen the nutrient foramina that are directed toward the vertebral extremity. Peculiar Ribs. — The first rib is the smallest. The head is small and the head articulates with only one vertebral body, the first. The neck is short and flattened from above downward. The tubercle, at the junction of the neck and shaft, is prominent and bears a small facet, on its under surface, for articulation with the transverse process of the first thoracic vertebra. The angle and tubercle are coincident. The medial margin is thin and presents, near its middle, the tubercu- lum scaleni; this margin affords attachment to Sibson's fascia. The superior surface is uneven and at the tubercle area a ridge passes ven-. trally and laterally separating two grooves; the ventral, deeper, one is for the subclavian vein, while the dorsal one is for the subclavian THE COSTAL CARTILAGES 39 artery and ventral division of the first thoracic nerve (sulcus sub- clavian). Dorsal to the latter groove the surface is roughed for the attachment of the m. scalenius medius. The inferior surface is smooth and covered with pleura. The lateral margin is thickened and rough dorsally for attachment of the first digitation of the m. serratus anterior. In the second rib there is no twist and the surfaces are turned so that they are obliquely directed. The head presents two facets and the angle is distinct from the tubercle. The lateral surface presents a roughened area for the attachment of part of the first and the entire second digitation of the m. serratus anterior. The margin likewise affords attachment to the external and internal intercostal muscles. On the tenth rib there is only one facet on the head and usually none on the tubercle. Fig. 17. — The first ri and McMurrich.) Fig. 18. — The second and McMurrich.) Tubers- Tubercle b of the right side seen from above and from the side. (Sobotta rib of the right side seen from above and from the side. (Sobotta On the eleventh and twelfth ribs the heads show only one facet; the tubercles and angles are faint. The ventral ends are pointed and tipped with cartilage. Both ribs are short. Ossification. — The ribs are of endochondral origin and each rib is developed from three centers, except the last two pairs. The center for the shaft appears during the ninth or tenth week of fetal life. The centers for the head and the tubercle appear about the sixteenth to the twentieth years. Fusion is complete about the twenty-fifth year. The last two ribs have tuv centers each, one for the shaft and one for the head. Muscles Attached. — The mm. intercostales interna et externi, scalenus an- terior, scalenus medius. scalenus posterior, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, latissimus dorsi, diaphragma, quadratus lumborum, obliquus externus ab- dominis, serratus posterior superior, serratus posterior inferior, iliocostalis lum- borum, iliocostalis dorsi, iliocostalis cervicis, longissimus, levatores costorum and infracostales (nineteen). THE COSTAL CARTILAGES The costal cartilages are the bars of cartilage attached to the ribs, on the one hand, and on the other directly or indirectly to the }o OSTEOLOGY sternum, except the eleventh and twelfth pairs. The first seven pairs articulate with the sternum at the designated notches and usually a synovial membrane exists at the joints. The eighth, joined by the ninth and tenth cartilages, on each side, is attached to the seventh cartilage. The eleventh and twelfth are small and merely tip these ribs. The cartilages increase in length from the first to the seventh and then again shorten. Their direction and obliquity vary as can be noted in the illustration. THE THORAX AS A WHOLE The thorax or chest consists of a framework of bones and cartilages. Between the ribs lie the intercostal muscles and membranes com- Fig. 19. — Ventral pletely closing these intervals. The thorax has the shape of a trun- cated cone, flattened from before backward, shorter in front than behind. It presents four walls, or boundaries, dorsal, two lateral and ventral ; it has two apertures, superior and inferior. The dorsal wall consists of the twelve thoracic vertebra; and the THE FRONTAL BONE 41 ribs to their angles. On each side of the midline is seen a deep groove, the vertebral groove. The bodies of the vertebra? project into the cavity of the thorax and reduce its dorsoventral dimension markedly. The lateral walls consist of the shafts of the ribs. The ventral wall consists of the sternum and the costal cartilages. This wall is the shortest and slopes downward and forward. The superior, or cephalic aperture, is kidney-shaped, about 4 inches (10 cm.) from side to side and about 2 inches (5 cm.) dorsoventrally. Its boundaries are as follows: dorsally, the body of the first thoracic vertebra; laterally, the first ribs; vent rally, the upper margin of the sternum. This aperture slopes downward and forward so that its ventral margin is on a level with lower border of the body of the second thoracic vertebra, in the male, and in the female at the lower border of the third thoracic vertebra. The main structures trans- mitted are the esophagus, trachea, thoracic duct, the innominate, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries, the right and left innominate veins, the vagal, phrenic and sympathetic nerves and the apex of each lung covered by the cervical extension of the parietal pleura. The inferior, or caudal aperture is not a true aperture as it is closed in by the diaphragm. Its boundaries are as follows: dorsally the body of the twelfth thoracic vertebra; laterally the twelfth ribs; ventrally the eleventh, tenth, ninth, eighth and seventh costal carti- lages. These joined cartilages sloping upward and inward form with their fellows of the opposite side the subcostal angle at the midline. The thorax is widest at the level of the eight or ninth ribs, deeper behind than in front and deeper on the left than on the right side. In the female the capacity is less, the ribs more movable, the inlet has a greater slant and the sternum is shorter than in the male. Upon transverse section the thorax is kidney-shaped. THE BONES OF THE SKULL (OSSA CRANII) This portion of the skeleton, comprising the entire head, is made up of twenty-two bones; it is divided into cranium cerebrate and cranium viscerate. The cranium cerebrale consists of fifteen bones, the occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, parietal (two), temporal (two), inferior nasal conchas (two), lacrimal (two), nasal (two), and vomer. The cranium viscerale consists of the ossa faciei which are the mandible, maxillae (two), zygomatic (two), palatal bones (two). The hyoid bone will be described in this section. THE FRONTAL BONE (OS FRONTALE) The frontal bone constitutes the front part of the cerebral cranium and consists of frontal, orbital and nasal portions. OSTEOLOGY and convex ventrally. Upon ea h -ronta, luberosity. The marked part of the convex^onsntute, £ ^ ^ ^ tyertor HMrxM presents an arch on m ^supraorbital b>' r Ted rStSSSX^ Processesf laterally „„/(•/; or A"*"™. Each arch i si o . ]ls arches upward is the zygomatic process from which the hm at mpo _ and backward upon the temporal portion of the bone Fig. 26. — The sphenoid bone Pterygoid fist ft niiutar process from in front. (Sobotta and McMurrtch.) sphenoidalis); this articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. The crest ends in the sphenoidal rostrum. At the lateral limit of each depression is seen an opening that leads into the air sinus of each side. The remainder of this surface articulates with the ethmoid and palatal bones. The inferior surface presents a ridge- like continuation of the sphenoidal rostrum and this ridge fits between the alas of the vomer. The dorsal end of this surface is rougher and serves for the attachment of the mucosa of the roof of the pharynx. The posterior surface of the body is fused with the basilar portion of the occipital bone. The greater, or temporal wing (ala magna) is nearly horizontal and the cerebral surface forms a considerable portion of each middle fossa of the skull. The lateral, or squamosal margin, starts at the parietal angle and downward and then backward and medially to end at the 5° OSTEOLOGY spina angularis where the bone is grooved for the cartilaginous por- tion of the auditory tube (sulcus tuba). The more extensive margin starts at the parietal angle, passes downward and medially to the body; the first half (frontal) articulates with the frontal bone while the medial half is free and forms the inferior margin of the superior orbital fissure, which transmits the oculomotor, trochlear, ophthal- mic division of the trigeminal and the abducens nerves and the ophthalmic veins. The margin then continues backward along the body of the bone forming, posteriorly, the lingula that constitutes the lateral boundary of the carotid groove; this is fused underneath with the root of the pterygoid process. The remaining portion of this margin is directed laterally; its first part is free, forming the anterior boundary of the foramen lacerum; the rest (petrosal) is -The sphenoid bone < External /itnygoid plate Htuiititur process l from behind. (Sobotta and McMurrich rough for articulation with the petrous part of the temporal bone and ends as the spina angularis. In the broad root of origin of the greater wing are seen three foramina, the foramen rotundum (for the trans- mission of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve); the large foramen ovale (for the transmission of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve and a branch of the middle meningeal artery) ; the foramen spinosum (for the transmission of the middle meningeal artery and vein and the nervus spinosum, from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve). The cerebral surface of this wing is concave and exhibits the foregoing foramina and may also show impressions of the gyri of the temporal lobe of the brain and a sulcus arteriosus. Its orbital surface {fades orbitalis) is smooth and forms a part of the orbital fossa and lies below and lateral to the superior orbital fissure; near this there may be the spina recti lateralis to which is attached THE SPHENOID BONE 5 1 the common ligament of the ocular muscles. Its inferior margin or orbital crest, is free and assists in bounding the inferior orbital fissure (fissura orbital is inferior). Below this is seen the opening of the foramen rotundum. The concavo-convex temporal surface (fades temporalis) is the largest and is separated from the preceding by the zygomatic margin. The nearly horizontal infratemporal crest (crista infratemporalis) sepa- rates the planum temporale (above) from the infratemporal surface (below). The infratemporal surface is divided by the low spheno- maxillary ridge into a lateral, infratemporal surface proper (showing the openings of the foramina ovale and spinosum) and an anterior, medial spenomaxillary surface. The entire temporal surface enters into the formation of the infratemporal, and pterygopalatine (spheno- maxillary) fossae. The lesser, or orbital wings (alas parvae) are narrow, triangular and nearly horizontally placed. Each arises by two roots that embrace the optic foramen. The posterior root forms the anterior clinoidal process on each side (processus clinoideus anterior). The cerebral surface forms a part of the anterior cranial fossa; the inferior surface forms a part of the orbit and the upper boundary of the superior orbital fissure. Its anterior margin articulates with the frontal bone and its posterior, sickle-shaped margin is sharp and separates the anterior and middle cranial fossae. The pterygoid processes (processus pterygoidei) are two vertical processes that project downward from the under surface of the bone at the junction of the greater wings and body. Each consists of two lamina, (lamina: processus pterygoidei lateralis et medialis) between the roots of which extends the pterygoid canal for the pterygoid nerve and artery. The two plates are almost at right angles to each other, fused behind (except below at the pterygoid notch) and separated in front where they form the pterygoid fossa. Thd medial pterygoid plate is narrow and stout; its posterior free margin forms, below, the pterygoid hook (hamulus pterygoideus) and, above, it divides to en- close the scaphoid fossa. This fossa gives origin to the m. tensor veli palati. This margin affords attachment to the pharyngobasilar fascia, pharyngeal aponeurosis, superior constrictor of the pharynx and the m. pharyngopalatinus. At the root of this plate are the vaginal processes (processus vaginalis) and the pterygopalatine groove. The lateral pterygoid plate is thin and broad and is directed laterally. It affords attachment to the inferior head of the m. pterygoideus lateral and to the m. pterygoideus medialis. The anterior surface of the root of the pterygoid process forms a part of the pterygopala- tine fossa. The sphenoidal concha (concha' s phenoidales) are hollow and each is shaped like a three-sided pyramid. The apex is in contact with the 52 OSTEOLOGY vaginal process of the medial plate while the base is attached to the lateral mass of the ethmoid bone. The superior surface is in contact with the inferior surface of the front part of the body of the sphenoid and the apposed walls have been absorbed to form the sphenoidal sinus of each side. The inferior surfaces assist in forming the roof of each nasal fossa and a part of the pterygopalatine fossa. They are separate bones up to the fifth year at which time fusion, as above given, takes place. Articulations. — With the frontal, parietals, temporals, occipital, ethmoid, vomer, palatals and zygomatic bones (twelve). Ossification. — This bone is mainly of endochondral origin, the medial pterygoid plate developing in membrane. There are fourteen centers of which six form the presphenoid (the lesser wings and the front part of the body); the other eight centers form the postsphenoid, or remainder of the bone, except the medial pterygoid plates. The first center on each side are for the greater wing and it appears about the eighth week of fetal life and the last ones are for the hamular processes and appear during the fourth fetal month. The centers are great wings two, pot sphenoid body two. lingular two, lesser wings two, presphenoid body two, medial pterygoid plates two, hamular processes two. The presphe- noid and main part of the body unite about the eighth month of fetal life so that at birth the greater wings with the pterygoid processes are still separate from the body; they are all united usually by the end of the first year. Muscle Attached. — Mm. temporalis, pterygoideus lateralis, pterygoideus medialis, constrictor pharyngeus superior, tensor veli palati, levator palpebrae, obliquus superior and the four recti of the eyeball (eleven pairs). THE TEMPORAL BONES (OSSA TEMPORALLY) The temporal bones form the middle portion of the base of the cranium. Each consists of three parts — the squamous, tympanic and petromastoid portions. The squamous part (squama temporalis) is the vertical portion that forms part of the lateral boundary of the cranium. The cere- bral surface is smooth but bears the impressions of the gyri of the temporal lobe of the brain and the middle meningeal artery. The temporal surface is smooth and assists in forming a part of the tem- poral fossa; here it gives attachment to the m. temporalis. At the anteroinferior part of this surface is the zygomatic process (processus zygomaticus). This is a twisted bar of bone that at its anterior ex- tremity articulates with the zygomatic bone; its inferior and medial aspects give attachment to the m. masseter. Its superior margin continues backward over the external acoustic meatus as the superior root of the zygomatic process and becomes continuous with the supra- mastoid crest. The inferior margin turns medially and constitutes the anterior root. About half way along this margin is the lubcrcu- lum articulate that bounds the mandibular fossa (fossa mandibularis) in front. Just in front of the external auditory meatus the anterior root has another projection, the postglenokl tubercle. In the depths THE TEMPORAL BONES 53 of this fossa is the partly closed petrotympanic fissure, the middle portion of which transmits the tympanic branch of the internal max- illary artery and also lodges the anterior process of malleus. Near% this is a canaliculus that transmits the chorda tympani nerve. That portion of the mandibular fossa behind the fissure is nonarticular and lodges a portion of the parotid gland (which becomes enlarged in mumps and causes the pain when the mandible is lowered). The anterior part is articular and with the articular tubercle and the condyle of the mandible forms the temperomandibular articulation; this contains an interarticular fibrocartilage. The posteroinjerior surface of the squamosa forms a part of the posterior wall of the ex- ternal auditory canal. The superior margin is convex and beveled at expense of the cerebral surface. The posterior, inferior and medial Parietal border % Squamous portion Groove for middle temporal artery Parietal Supramental Sphenoidal border from the outer (lateral) ilc.Murricli.) margins of the squama are fused with the petrous part. Inferiorly and in front is the petrotympanic fissure separating it from the cor- responding part of the bone. The tympanic portion (pars tympanica) forms the posterior part of the mandibular fossa, the anterior and inferior walls and a part of the posterior wall of the external auditory canal. Its lower edge embraces the styloid process as the vagina! process. Although fused with the other parts of the bone it is separated, laterally, from the mastoid and squamous divisions by the tympanomastoid fissure. To that part bounding the canal the cartilaginous portion of the external ear is attached. The external auditory canal {meatus audilorius externus) is slightly curved, oval on section and twisted upon its long axis. For details see page 350. 54 OSTEOLOGY The petromastoid portion (pars petrosa et pars mastoidia) is the most massive division and is pyramidal in form. The petrous part (pyramis) is a long, three.-sided pyramid with an apex, a base, three surfaces and three margins. The apex is near the middle line of the base of the cranium at the body of the sphenoid. The base is fused with the squamous and tympanic portions. The anterior surface forms a part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa and is smooth but irregular; it may show impressions of the gyri of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum. Near the apex is the impressio trigemina which lodges the semilunar ganglion of the trigeminal nerve. On this surface are seen the eminentia arcuata, made by the superior semi- circular canal; near this is the slit-like hiatus canalis facialis, for the facial nerve; a little lateral to the hiatus may be a small opening, the Sulcus arteriosus 4 Sphenoidal border ,. Parietal border Cerebral sar/at Subarcuate Jossa Internal auditory meatus Inferior petrosal groove Styloid proa Fig. 20. — The right temporal bone seen from the cerebral surface. (Sobotta and \L Murrich.) apcrtura superior canalis tympani. The posterior surface forms part of the posterior cranial fossa and is concave, smooth but uneven. Here the following are seen: (i) Internal auditory meatus (meatus auditorius internus) a long, oval opening in the depths of which the opening of the canalis facialis may often be noted. The meatus transmits the acoustic nerve and vessels. (2) The aqueduct of the vestibule (apertura externa aqueduclus vestibuli) is in front of the pre- ceding; this lodges the saccus endolymphaticus. (3) The ridge of the posterior semicircular canal is above this. The inferior surface is very irregular and mostly rough. The most prominent structure is the styloid process (processus styloideus) that gives attachment to the mm. styloglossus, stylohyoideus and stylopharyngeus and the THE TEMPORAL BOXES 55 stylohyoid and stylomaxillary ligaments. Behind the process is the foramen styloideum, for the facial nerve and the mastoid artery. The jugular fossa (fossa jugularis) is medial to the process and assists in forming the jugular foramen. In the jugular fossa is the canalis mastoideus for the auricular branch of the vagus. In front of and lateral to the fossa is the carotid canal (canalis caroticus) for the trans- mission of the internal carotid artery and the sympathetic plexus. Upon the ridge separating the fossa and canal is the canaliculus tympanicus for the transmission of the tympanic branch of the glosso- pharyngeal nerve. The fossula fenestra cochlea, with the opening of the aqueduct of the cochlea (apertura externa aqueductus cochlea), are seen anteromedial to the jugular fossa. In the fossula is lodged •--.^Sphenoidal border Fig. 30. — Right temporal bone seen from below. {Sobolta and McMurrich.) the petrous ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve. From the roughened bone near the apex the m. tensor veli palatini arises. The superior angle, or margin, separates the anterior -and posterior surfaces and also separates the middle and posterior cranial fossae from each other. It is grooved for the superior petrosal si?ius and to it is attached the tentorium cerebelli. The posterior angle, or mar- gin, is in part free or nonarticular where it forms a part of the jugular foramen; the remainder is articular and usually presents a groove for the inferior petrosal sinus. The anterior angle, or margin, is the shortest and extends from the apex to the squamous part. Near the squama is seen the osseous portion of the auditory tube (canalis musculotubarius). This is divided by a bony septum into a smaller division (semicanalism. tensor tympani) for the tensor tympani muscle; 56 OSTEOLOGY the larger portion {semicanalis tubes auditiva) is the osseous portion of the pharyngotympanic, or auditory tube. The mastoid portion of the temporal bone lies posterior to the ex- ternal auditory meatus and forms a nipple-like process that is vari- able in size. Its lateral surface is rough and with the inferior margin affords insertion to the mm. sternomastoideus, splenius capitis and longissimus capitis. Its inferior surface shows a groove (incisura mastoidea) along the root of the apex which gives origin to the pos- terior belly of the m. digastricus. Medial to this groove is another for the occipital artery. The cerebral surface of the mastoid division forms a part of the floor of the posterior cranial fossa; on it are seen a deep wide groove for the transverse, or sigmoid sinus which leads to the jugular fossa; the mastoid foramen for a small artery and vein. Articulations. — Each articulates with the occipital, parietal, sphenoid, man- dible and zygomatic bones (5). Ossifications. — It is mainly of endochondral origin and develops from ten centers, as follows: (a) the center for the squamozygomatic part appears at about the end of the second month of fetal life; (b) one for the tympanic plate during the third month; (f) six for the petromastoid portion during the fifth to the sixth months; (d) two for the styloid process, one just before and the other just after birth. The squamozygomatic portion develops in membrane. The mastoid process develops during the second year and toward the age of puberty it be- comes cellular. The squamous and tympanic parts fuse just before birth and the petromastoid and the squama during the first year. The base of the mastoid process fuses with the rest about the same time and the lower end of the styloid process and the basal end unite about the age of puberty. Muscles Attached. — To the squama, the m. temporalis; to the zygomatic process, the m. masseter; to the mastoid portion, mm. sternomastoideus, splenius capitis, longissimus capitis, digastricus and auricularis posterior; to the styloid process; the mm. styloglossus, stylohyoideus and stylopharyngeus; to the petrous portion the mm. tensor veli palatini, stapedius, the tensor tympani and levator veli palatini (fifteen). THE ETHMOID BONE (OS ETHMOIDALE) The ethmoid bone is alight, thin-walled, honeycombed bone that forms a part of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and fits in be- tween the orbital parts of the frontal bone. The bone is T-like and consists of a median vertical plate that is topped by the cribriform plate. From this the ethmoidal labyrinth of each side is suspended. The perpendicular plate {lamina perpendicularis) is irregular and pentagonal in form and projects into the cranial cavity as a sharp, median crest (crista galli); to this is attached the falx cerebri, at its frontal extremity is a notch forming the foramen cecum with the frontal bone. This plate is usually deflected to one or the other side and has smooth surfaces. Its posteroinferior surface is fused with the vomer while its anterior margin articulates with the cartilaginous nasal septum. THE ETHMOID BONE 57 The cribriform plate (lamina cribrosa) bridges the space between the two orbital plates of the frontal bone and is pierced by numer- ous foramina for the passage of the olfactory nerves. On each side of the midline the cerebral surface shows a groove for the olfactory lobe. Along each lateral edge are notches that become the ethmoidal for- amina upon articulation. Anteriorly, there is a slit that transmits the nasociliary nerve into the nose. The inferior surface forms the roof of the nasal fossa?. The ethmoidal labyrinths (labyrinthi cthmoidaJes) are two thin- walled masses enclosing numerous air cells, anterior, middle and pos- terior. The lateral, or orbital wall (lamina papyracea) forms a part Lamina papyracea dtcular Middle '"" } * turbinated Ethmoidal cell Perpen- Uncinate dicular process plate Fig. 31. — The ethmoid bone seen from above. (Sobolta and McMurrich.) 12. — The ethmoid bone seen from the ;ide. (Sobolta and McMurrich.) of the medial wall of the orbit. The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina are seen here; these transmit small ethmoidal vessels and the anterior nasociliary nerves. Upon the medial surface, that forms a part of the lateral wall of each nasal fossa, are seen the two ethmoidal turbinals [concha ethmoidales). These are two thin, con- voluted plates of bone of which the middles is much the larger. Between the middle and superior concha? is the superior meatus of the nasal fossa and into this the posterior ethmoidal cells open. The middle meatus lies between the middle and inferior conchas and into it open the middle and anterior ethmoidal cells and the frontal sinus (see "Nasal Fossaa, page 272). Articulations. — With the sphenoid frontal, two nasal, two palatal, two lacrimal, two maxilkc, two inferior concha? and vomer bones (thirteen). Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and is developed for jour centers, one for each labyrinth and two for the perpendicular plate. The centers for the labyrinths appear at about the fifth month of fetal life and also form the lateral part of the perpendicular plate. The centers for the perpendicular plate appear at the end of the first year; they form this plate and the medial portion of the 58 OSTEOLOGY cribriform plate. Fusion of all parts is complete by the sixth year. The sphe- noidal fusion is complete by about the twenty-fifth year but vomerine fusion is not completed until the fortieth or fiftieth year. The ethmoidal cells are usually completed at birth. Muscles Attached. — Xone. THE INFERIOR CONCHiE (CONCHA NASALES INFERIOR) Each inferior concha is a scroll-shaped bone located on the lateral wall of the inferior part of the nasal fossa. The superior margin is thin and articulates with the maxilla and the palatal bone and by a process {processus lacrimalis) with the lacrimal bone. Here it assists in forming the nasolacrimal canal. Its posterior edge unites with the ethmoid bone by means of the ethmoidal process (processus ethmoid- alis). From this margin the maxillary process extends forming a part Ethmoidal process Lachrymal process Maxillary process Fig. 33. — The inferior turbinated (conchal) bone seen from its lateral surface. (Sobotta and M< Murrich.) of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus. The medial margin is free and slightly curved. The medial surface is convex from above down- ward, projects into the nasal fossa and forms the floor of the middle meatus. The lateral surface is concave and overhangs the inferior meatus. Articulations. — With the maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoidal and palatal bones (four). Ossification. — It is developed in cartilage and from a single center. This appears at about the fifth montli of fetal life. Muscles Attached. — None. LACRIMAL BONES (OSSA LACRLMALIA) The lacrimal bones are thin bones that form a part of the orbital fossas. Each has two surfaces and four margins and is quadrilateral in shape. The lateral, or orbital surface, is smooth and is divided by a vertical ridge (crista, lacrimalis posterior) into two areas; the anterior is the lacrimal groove (sulcus lacrimalis) for the lacrimal sac; the posterior area is the orbital surface proper. The ridge ends below in a hooklet (hamulus lacrimalis) that forms part of the upper boundary of the nasolacrimal duct. The medial wall of the lacrimal groove ends as the descending process. Part of the crest gives attachment to the THE VOMER 59 tendo oculi and lacrimal part of the m. orbicularis oculi. The medial surface is uneven and closes in the anterior ethmoidal cells and forms a part of the lateral boundary of the middle meatus of the nose. The margins are uneven and articulate with various bones. Articulations. — With the frontal, ethmoidal, maxilla and inferior concha (four). Ossification. — Of intramembranous origin and from one center that appears during the eighth or ninth week of fetal life. Muscles Attached. — M. orbicularis oculi (lacrimal part). 'X. Posterior lachrymal crest Alae vomeris Depression for lachrymal sac Hamulus lacrimalis Fig. 34. — Left lacrimal bone seen PlG. !5. — The vomer seen from the side, from its median surface. (Sobotta fScbotta and McMurrich.) and McMurrich.) THE VOMER The vomer is an irregular, quadrilateral bone that forms the pos- terior portion of the nasal septum. It is usually deflected to one or the other side. The right and left surfaces are smooth. The superior margin possesses two lips, or alee by means of which it is held fixedly in position. The posterior, or free margin is the posterior margin of the nasal septum and separates the two choanae. The inferior margin is irregular for articulation with the palatal bones and the maxillae. The anterior (longest) margin is sloping and articulates with the ethmoidal bone and the cartilaginous nasal septum. Its anterior extremity is irregular and articulates with the maxillae. Articulations. — With the maxilla?, palatals, sphenoid and ethmoid bones (six.) Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and developes from two centers (one on each side of the midline). These appear during the end of the second month. These centers begin to fuse during the third fetal month and fusion is usually completed at the age of puberty. Muscles Attached. — None. NASAL BONES (OSSA NASALES) The two nasal bones form the bridge of the nose. Each has two surfaces a.nd four fnargins. The lateral surface is convex from side to side, concave from above downward and constricted near the middle. Upon this surface is seen a small opening for the nutrient vessel. 6o OSTEOLOGY The medial surface is small, concave from side to side and forms a part of the lateral boundary of the nasal fossa. It is traversed bv a narrow groove (sulcus ethmoidalis) in which is lodged a branch of the nasociliary nerve. The margins are roughened and irregular for articulation with the neighboring bones. Articulations. — With the opposite nasal, the frontal, ethmoidal and maxilla (four). Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and is developed from one center that appears about the eighth week of fetal life. Muscles Attached. — Xone. Nasal foramen • Fig. 36. — The left nasal bone seen :rom the lateral surface. {Sobolla md McMurrich.) ■ Ethmoidal groove [Nasal foramen Fig. 37. — The left nasal bone seen rom its medial surface. (Sobotta nd McMurrich.) THE FACIAL BONES (OSSA FACIEI) These comprise the two maxillae, two palatals, two zygomatics and the mandible. THE MAXILLAE The maxilla? (two) form the front of the face and constitute the upper jaw. The main portion is the body, and from this extend four processes. The body (corpus) although apparently massive is light and hollow (maxillary sinus). It has four surfaces. The lateral, or anterior surface [fades anterior) although smooth is irregular showing ridges that correspond to the sockets of the teeth (processus alveolaris). Of these ridges that for the canine tooth is the most prominent separating two fossae, incisor fossa (medially) and canine fossa (laterally). Its superior oblique margin (margo infraorbital is) is free and beneath it is the infraorbital foramen. The medial margin has the nasal notch limited below by the anterior nasal spine. The orbital surface (planum orbitale) is smooth and nearly horizon- tal. Posteriorly it forms part of the posterior boundary of the in- ferior orbital fissure. The first part of the medial margin is notched forming the lacrimal groove (sulcus lacrimalis) . Through the planum extends the infraorbital canal which may be open for a variable dis- tance. The canal has two openings (invisible unless the canal is laid THE MAXILL.* 6l open) that lead into the maxillary sinus and these transmit vessels to the anterior and middle teeth. The infratemporal surface is posteriorly and laterally placed, convex from side to side and smooth. The upper margin, with the posterior margin of the orbital surface, forms the anterior boundary of the inferior orbital fissure. Near the middle of the posterior portion it is pierced by several alveolar canals (foramina aheolaria) that trans- mit vessels and nerves to the molar teeth. That part of the bone Frontamaxiltary suture Frontal process % Fig. 38. — The right maxilla seen from the medial surface. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) FlG. 39. — The right maxilla seen from the lateral surface. (Sobotta and Mc- Murrich.) that extends beyond the last molar tooth is called the maxillary tuberosity (tuber maxillare). The nasal, or medial surface (fades nasalis) forms a part of the lateral wall of the nasal fossa. It exhibits the nasal notch, in front, the lacrimal groove, above, and along the posterior margin the ptery- gopalatine groove, which becomes a canal upon articulation (for the posterior palatine nerve and the great palatine artery). Near the upper and back part of this surface is the opening into the maxillary sinus which is smaller in the articulated skull. The sinus is pyra- midal in shape (as is the body) and communicates with the middle meatus of the nasal fossa. Its walls, the surfaces of the body, are for the most part thin, especially over the sockets of the teeth. In 62 OSTEOLOGY the recent state it is lined with a mucous membrane which is con- tinuous with that of the nasal fossa. The palatal process is a horizontal shelf of bone at the lower margin of the nasal surface of the body and extends as far back as the second molar tooth. Its superior surface forms most of the floor of the nasal fossa. The rough inferior surface is concave from side to side and, with its fellow, forms the anterior three-fourths of the vault of the hard palate and about one-half of the roof of the oral cavity. It is grooved by the pterygopalatine groove. Its medial margin helps form the nasal crest {crista nasalis) for articulation with the vomer. In front the nasal crest forms the incisor crest that ends in the anterior nasal spine. Back of the nasal spine the medial margin is grooved and with its fellow forms the incisive foramen (foramen incisivum). Into this open the foramina of Stenscn and Scarpa. The alveolar process (processus alveolaris) is that part below the level of the palatal process. It represents half of the superior dental arch and bears the teeth of its respective side. It is present only when the teeth are present, being absorbed when the permanent teeth are lost. The zygomatic process (processus zygomaticus) is concave behind, in keeping with the infratemporal surface, and flattened anteriorly. It separates the facial and infratemporal surfaces and is attached to the body above the first molar tooth. Its extremity is irregular for articulation with the zygomatic bone. The frontal process (processus frontalis) is a thin plate of bone ex- tending above the level of the orbital surface. The infraorbital margin is continued upon it as the crista lacrimalis anterior, behind which the grooved area forms a part of the fossa for the lacrimal sac. The tendo oculi is attached in front of the groove. The medial sur- face is smooth but uneven forming part of the lateral boundary of the nasal fossa. Upon it is seen the oblique ethmoidal crest (agger nasi). Its edges are roughened for articulation with the neighboring bones. Articulations. — It articulates, above, with the nasal, frontal, lacrimal and ethmoidal bones; posteriorly and medially with the palatal and opposite maxilla; laterally with the zygomatic bone; it also articulates with the inferior concha and the vomer (nine). Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and is developed from six centers. These are the orbitonasal, zygomatic, palatal, nasal, injrawmerine and prcmaxillary (probably two). These centers appear about the eighth week and by the tenth week the first five have fused into one mass. Later these two fuse but the suture between them is noted on the -palate up to middle life. The maxillary sinus begins to form during the fourth month and reaches its full size after the second dentition. Muscles Attached. — Mm. orbicularis oculi, obliquus inferior, caput angulare, caput infraorbitale, caninus, nasalis, depressor alae nasi, dilatator naris posterior, masseter, buccinator, orbicularis oris and pterygoideus medialis (twelve). THE PALATAL BONES 63 PALATAL BONES (OSSA PALATLNA) Each palatal bone is very delicate and of irregular shape. It assists in forming the following fossae: nasal, orbital, pterygopalatine, infratemporal and pterygoid. It has two main portions, horizontal and vertical. The horizontal portion (pars horizontalis) forms about one-third of the hard palate. Its superior surface, smooth and concave, con- stitutes a part of the floor of the nasal cavity. The inferior surface is rougher and forms part of the roof of the mouth. The medial and anterior margins articulate with the neighboring bones while the lateral margin fuses with the pars perpendicularis. The posterior margin is free and has the aponeurosis of the palate attached to it. Orbital process — Sphenoidal process Orbital process Horizontal plate^ Pterygopalatine groove Perpendicular plate Orbital process Pterygopalatine groove Lesser palatine (greater palatine foramen) foramen Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 40. — The right palate bone seen from behind. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) Fig. 41. — The right palate bone seen from lateral surface. (Sobotta and McMurrich.') Fig. 42. — The right palate bone seen from the medial surface. *, Surface which completes the pterygoid fossa. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) The posterior part of the medial margin constitutes the posterior nasal spine. The perpendicular portion (pars perpendicularis) is narrow below. Its medial surface forms the back of the lateral wall of the nasal fossa and is crossed by the conchal crest (crista conchalis) ; above this crest is the middle meatus and below it is the inferior meatus. Near its upper part is the ethmoidal crest. The lateral wall is a part of the pterygopalatine fossa wall. It is quite irregular and shows the ptery- gopalatine groove. Its front part constitutes the maxillary process. The anterior margin is irregular for articulation. The posterior mar- gin exhibits, below, the pyramidal process. The inferior margin joins 64 OSTEOLOGY the horizontal part. The superior margin supports two processes, the sphenoidal and orbital. The sphenoidal process (processus sphenoidalis) is small and dor- sally directed. Its superior surface is smooth and assists in forming the pharyngeal canal for the pharyngeal artery and the pharyngeal branch of the sphenopalatine ganglion. Its medial surface forms a part of the nasal fossa. Its lateral surface forms a part of the wall of the pterygopalatine fossa. The hollow orbital process (processus orbitalis) is the highest part of the bone and its medially directed opening communicates with the sphenoidal sinus. The nonarticular surfaces are as follows: superior, that forms a part of the floor of the orbit; medial, that forms a part of the lateral nasal wall; lateral, that forms a part of the wall of the pterygopalatine fossa. The pyramidal process (processus pyramidalis) is at the antero- inferior extremity of the bone. A smooth, V-shaped groove forms a part of the pterygoid fossa. A small part of the lateral surface enters into the formation of the infratemporal fossa. Through this process pass, vertically, the lesser palatine foramina for the trans- mission of the lesser palatine nerves and vessels. Articulations. — With the ethmoid, vomer, sphenoid, maxilla, inferior concha and the opposite palatal bones (six). Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and usually from one center, which appears in the second fetal month. The orbital process may have a separate center. Muscle Attached. — The mm. tensor veli palatini, constrictor pharyngeus superior, pterygoideus medialis and uvula; (four). THE ZYGOMATIC BONES (OSSA ZYGOMATIC A) The zygomatic bones are irregular, constituting the cheek bones and assisting in forming the orbital, infratemporal and temporal fossa?. The lateral surface (fades malaris) of each is convex, smooth and exhibits the zygomaticofacial canal. The most prominent part of this surface is the malar tuberosity. The surface is roughly quad- rilateral in form and the angles are represented by processes. The femporal process is broad and is posteriorly directed. The fronto- sphenoidal process is the most prominent and is superiorly directed. The marginal process is anterior and somewhat curved. The in- ferior process is the least marked. The margins connecting these processes are mostly thin and sharp. The temporal margin has a projection, the processus marginalis, and with the orbital and masset- eric margins is free. To the latter is attached the m. masseter. The maxillary margin is articular. The medial surface is divided by the orbital process which sepa- THE MANDIBLE rates the concave infratemporal from the orbital areas (also called surfaces). Part of the orbital process is nonarticular and forms the anterior boundary of the inferior orbital fissure. The orbital area of the medial surface exhibits two foramina (zygomaticoorbitale) one of which is the internal opening of the zygomaticofacial canal (for the zygomaticofacial branch of the zygomatic nerve) ; the other is the zygomaticotemporal canal (for the zygomaticotemporal nerve). The former canal opens upon the lateral surface of the bone and the latter in the temporal fossa. Fig. 43. — The right i from the lateral surfac McMurrich.) ar bones seen (Sobotta and Fig. 44. — The right malar bone seen from the media! or temporal surface. (Sobotta and Sdciiurrich.) Articulations. — With the temporal, frontal, sphenoidal and maxillary bones (four). Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and is developed from three centers. The center for the orbital portion appears about the eighth to the tenth week and forms the bulk of the body and the temporal process; a second center forms the temporal fossa part of the body and the third forms the lower part of the body. These fuse at about the fifth month of fetal life but sutures may persist between these throughout life. Muscle Attached. — Mm. caput infraorbitale, zygomaticus, caput zygomaticum and masse ter (foun. THE MANDIBLE (MANDIBULA) The mandible is V-shaped with its extremities turned upward. It constitutes the entire lower jaw and is the strongest bone of the face. It supports the lower teeth and consists of a body and two rami. The body (corpus mandibular) has two surfaces and two margins. The lateral surface is convex from side to side and concave from above downward. In the median line is a vertical ridge, the symphysis, below which is the mental protuberance (protuberantia mentalis) which is divided into two tubercles (tubera mentalia). The sockets of the front teeth project somewhat. At each side of the symphysis is the incisor fossa and in line with the second premolar tooth is the mental foramen, for the mental nerve and vessels. The oblique line (linea obliqua) extends upward and backward from the mental tubercle. The medial surface is convex from above downward and concave 66 OSTEOLOGY from side to side. Upon each side of the median line are the menial spines (spina mentales) the upper giving attachment to the mm. genioglossus and the lower to the geniohyoideus. Above the spine is a nutrient foramen. Below and to the side is the digastric fossa (fossa digastrica) for the attachment of the anterior belly of the m. digastricus. This surface is traversed and divided by an oblique line below and in front over the digastric fossa. This is the mylo- hyoid line (linea mylohyoidea) to which the mm. mylohyoideus and constrictor pharyngeus superior are attached. The bone below this Notch of the mandibte Pterygoid depression Mead of condyloid process Mental foramen Fig. 45. — The mandible ! Angle {masseteric tttbovsityt . from the lateral surface. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) line is hollow (fossa submaxillar is) for the submaxillary gland and in front is another hollow area the fossa sublingualis. The superior, or alveolar margin, supports the lower teeth. The inferior margin (basis mandibulce) is thicker than at the junction of the alveolar margin and the body. This margin is longer than the superior, rounded and grooved near the junction with the ramus for the external maxillary artery. The rami (rami mandibulae) are flat and nearly vertical in direc- tion. The lateral surface of each is smooth but uneven due to ridges for muscle attachment (masseter). The medial surface is smooth and irregular. Near the middle is the foramen mandibular e that leads into the inferior alveolar canal (for the vessels and nerves of the same name). The shelf of bone overhanging the opening is the lingula mandibulce. An oblique groove (sulcus mylohyoideus) extends downward from the foramen lodges the mylohyoid artery and nerve. The angle (angulus mandibulce) represents the junction of the base and rami. The anterior margin is free and continuous with the oblique line. The posterior margin is thick, smooth and covered by the paro- THE SKULL AS A WHOLE 67 ticl gland. The inferior margin represents the fusion of ramus and body. The superior margin is thin and presents the coronoid and condyloid processes with an intervening mandibular notch (incisura mandibular). The coronoid process {processus coronoideus) is a flat triangular proc- ess that affords attachment, laterally, to the mm. masseter and temporalis, and medially to the m. temporalis. The condyloid process (processus condyloideus) is more massive and presents a condyle and a neck. The condyle (capitulum mandibular) is oblong with its long axis transversely placed. Its surface is convex and Mental Spine Sublingual depression One-half of the mandibl. Mylohyoid groov, Submaxillary depression 1 from the medial surface. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) mainly articular. The neck (collum mandibular) is flattened from before backward and ridged. Upon its medial surface, anteriorly, there is a deep depression {fovea pterygoidea) for insertion of the m. pterygoideus medialis. Articulations. — With the temporal bones (two). Ossification. — It is of intramembranous origin and develops from two centers, one for each half. These centers appear about the forty-fifth day of fetal life. At birth the mandible consists of two halves that fuse, usually, by the end of the first year. Muscles Attached. — The mm. mentalis, quadratus labii inferioris, triangularis, platysma, buccinator, masseter, orbicularis oris, geniohyoglossus, geniohyoideus, mylohyoideus, digastricus, constrictor pharyngeus superior, temporalis and pterygoidei medialis and lateralis (sixteen pairs). THE SKULL AS A WHOLE Only a general description of the skull in various views will be given, as frontal, lateral, occipital, basal, medial and internal. The frontal aspect {norma frontalis) exhibits the following impor- tant features for consideration: The frontal region, the orbital fossa, pyriform aperture and dental arches. 68 OSTEOLOGV The frontal region, above the level of the orbits, is convex in both directions and its breadth and height vary in the different races. The lower border is sharply outlined, on each side, by the supraorbi- tal margins, each of which shows the supraorbital notch (incisura supraorbitalis). In the median line, near the lower margin is the and passing to each side from this are the superciliary arches. Fig. 47.— The skul! seen from in front. (Sobotta anil McMwrich.) The lateral borders of the frontal region are sharp, below, but not above; no superior border is present as the curve of the bone blends with the vertex. The orbital fossae (two) are pyramidal in shape with the base (orbital aperture) at the face and the apex directed backward and medially. The apex is practically the optic foramen (for the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery); below and medial to this is the superior orbital fissure, for the oculomotor, trochlear, ophthalmic division of the trigeminal, and the abducens nerves and the ophthal- mic veins. In the temporal part of the orbit is the fossa for the lacri- mal gland. The roof is formed by the orbital portion of the frontal THE SKULL AS A WHOLE 69 bone and the small wing of the sphenoid. The floor is formed by the orbital surfaces of the maxilla and zygomatic bones and the orbital process of the palatal bone. Here is seen the inferior orbital fissure that transmits the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve, the zygomatic branch of that division, the infraorbital vessels and some branches from the palatine ganglion. Through the floor passes the infraorbital canal. The lateral wall is formed by the great wing of the sphenoid and the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone. It is bounded by the two orbital fissures, behind. In it are seen two open- ings, the foramina zygomaticoorbitalis, for the transmission of the zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal nerves from the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve. The medial wall is formed by the frontal process of the maxilla, the lamina papyracea of the ethmoid and the body of the sphenoid bones. ' At the inferior and medial part (in front) is seen the fossa for the lacrimal sac. The pyriform aperture {aperture pyriformis) lies below and between the orbits and varies in the different races. It is bounded by the nasal bones and the frontal processes of the maxillae. In the medial line is seen the anterior nasal spine and, deeper in, the vomer. The middle and inferior concha? are seen upon each lateral wall. The dental arches are transversely placed and the upper overlaps the lower, slightly. In the mandible, on each side of the midline, is seen the mental foramen for the transmission of the mental vessels and nerves. The lateral aspect (norma lateralis) is mainly cranial. This por- tion is bounded by the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital bones, and lies above a line drawn from the tip of the mastoid process to the nasofrontal suture. The temporal fossa lies above the level of the zygomatic process and extends upward to the superior temporal line. The fossa contains the m. temporalis, with its nerves, vessels and fascia, and the zygomaticotemporal nerve. Below the level of the zygomatic arch the temporal fossa continues as the infratemporal fossa, under cover of the ramus of the mandible. Into this fossa open the foramina ovale and spinosum which are best seen on the basal view. Under the root of the zygomatic arch is the mandibular fossa, for the condyle of the mandible, and behind this is the external auditory meatus. The pterygopalatine fossa is small and somewhat hidden. It lies between the maxilla, in front, and the root of the pterygoid process, behind. It communicates with the infratemporal fossa through the pterygomaxillary fissure. The occipital aspect (norma occipitalis) is formed by the squamous portion of the occipital bone and the lower part of each parietal bone. Its lower limit is the superior curved line and in the middle of this is the external occipital protuberance, or inion. The vertex (norma verticalis) is the superior aspect of the skull 7° OSTEOLOGY and varies greatly. The sutures are quite pronounced. In the midline is the sagittal suture between the parietal bones. This joins the lamboidal suture, between the occipital and parietal bones, be- hind. This junction indicates the posterior fontanelle of the fetus. In front, the sagittal suture meets the coronal suture, between the parietal and frontal bones. This junction corresponds to the anterior fontanelle of the fetus. The basalar aspect (norma basalts), with the mandible off, is quite complicated. In front are seen the superior dental arch and the hard palate with its foramen incisivum. Back of the hard palate are' the choanal, or posterior nares to the side of which are the pterygoid and vertex ^ jm Occiput scaphoid fossce. At about the middle of the base is seen the foramen magnum (for the spinal cord and vertebral arteries) with the two con- dyles and condyloid foramina (for the hypoglossal nerve) at each side. Back of the foramen magnum is the external occipital crest with the external occipital protuberance at its superior end, from the latter the superior nuchal lines extend laterally. Lateral to the midline the following are seen, from before back- ward: The infraorbital fissure, the infratemporal fossa, foramen ovale (for mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve) for. spinosum (for middle meningeal artery and vein) and the mandibular fossa; the fora- THE SKULLL AS A WHOLE 7 1 men lacerum (for the carotid artery and great superficial petrosal nerve), the auditory tube, the carotid canal, the jugular foramen (for the jugular vein and the glossopharyngeal, vagal and hypoglossal nerves), the styloid process and the external auditory meatus; the stylomastoid foramen (for the facial nerve), the mastoid notch, the mastoid process and the mastoid foramen. The basis cranii interna is exposed by removing the vault of the cranium. Three fossae, anterior, middle and posterior are then seen. The anterior, the smallest, lies at the highest level. It is bounded, in front, by the vertical portion of the frontal bone and behind, by the edges of the small wings of the sphenoid bone. In the middle are seen the foramen cecum and the crista galli; at the sides of the latter are the olfactory grooves (for the olfactory lobes) and the cribriform plate, of the ethmoid. This plate is pierced for the transmission of the olfactory nerves. The frontal lobes of the cerebrum lie in this fossa. The middle fossa lies between the edges of the small wings of the sphenoid bone and the superior margins of the petrous portions of the two temporal bones. This is narrow in the midline and here is seen the pituitary fossa for lodgment of the pituitary gland. This fossa contains in addition the cruri cerebri and the temporal lobes of the cerebrum. At each side, and from before backward, are the optic foramen, internal opening of the carotid canal, and the carotid groove. Far to the side the foramina rotundum, ovale, spinosum and lacerum, the depression for the semilunar ganglion and the hiatus facialis. The superior orbital fissure is here but it is hidden by the overhang- ing posterior edge of the small wing of the sphenoid. The posterior fossa is the largest, deepest and at the lowest level. It contains the cerebellum. It lies between the superior margins of the petrous portions of the two temporal bones, in front, and the vertical portion of the occipital bone, behind. It is roofed over by the tentorium cerebelli. In the midline are the foramen magnum with the canal is hypoglossi upon each side; then follow the internal occipital crest and internal occipital protuberance. At the sides of the midline are seen the internal acoustic meatus, the jugular foramen and grooves for the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses and the lateral and sigmoid sinuses. In a median sagittal section of the skull, the bulk is represented by the cavity of the cranium, for the brain. In the frontal bone is seen the frontal sinus; within the body of the sphenoid is the sphe- noidal sinus and in the superior surface of the body is the pituitary fossa. In the posterior fossa is the internal acoustic meatus. The facial portion of this section presents the nasal cavity (cavum nasi). This and its connections are described on page 271. At birth the facial portion of the skull represents only about one- 72 OSTEOLOGY eighth the mass of the cranial portion. The median line junction of the frontal and parietal bones is incomplete, constituting the frontal fontanelle (fonliculus frontalis); this is diamond-shaped, covered in by membrane and is closed by bone by about the middle of the second year. Between -the parietal and occipital bones there is also an area where the bones are incomplete and this is the posterior fontanelle (fonticulis occipitalis). This is closed usually by the second month after birth. Lateral fontanelles are usually present at the sphenoidal angles of the parietal bones. The parietal eminences are unusually prominent at birth and represent the less-marked tubera parietalia of the adult. The forehead bulges prominently at the regions of the frontal Frontal fontanelle Frontal eminence Sphenoid fontanelle Occipital fontanelle Parietal eminence Fig. 49. — Skull of a new-born child seen from the left side. (Sobolla and McMurrich.) tuberosities. The apertura pyriformis is relatively wider than in the adult, the maxilla? are low and the alveolar margins poorly marked. The maxillary sinus is merely indicated by a groove. The mastoid process is barely noticeable. The mandible consists of lateral halves united by fibrous tissue and the alveolar margin is poorly marked. The ramus is wide and the angle is obtuse. In the adult the face constitutes about one-half of the mass of the cranium. This is mainly due to the eruption of the teeth and the development of the air sinuses. As regards sex, the skull of the average female is smaller than that of the average male by about one-tenth. It is lighter, smoother and less well marked in regard to ridges for muscle attachment. The forehead is usually more vertical though the frontal and occipital THK CLAVICLE 73 regions are less capacious more oval. The vertex is usuallv flatter and the face BONES OF THE SUPERIOR ( PECTORAL ) EXTREMITY The bones of each pectoral appendage are the clavicle, scapula (form- ing one-half of the shoulder girdle) the humerus (arm), the radius and ulna (forearm), carpal bones (wrist), metacarpal bones (palm) and the phalanges (fingers). THE CLAVICLE The clavicle, or collar bone, is a ~-shaped bone that forms the ventral portion of the pectoral girdle on each side. It consists of a shaft and two extremities. (.Subotta and McMurrich.) The sternal extremity (ertremitas sternalis) is enlarged, oval and somewhat concave, from above downward. Its articular surface is smooth, and articulate with the manubrium sterni; from this bone, however, it is separated by the interarticular fibrocartilage. This extremity also rests upon the first costal cartilage. The edge of the articular area serves for the attachment of the capsular ligament. The shaft has a double curve. The sternal two-thirds is cylindrical 'Sternal articular — tuberosity [Sobotta ami McMurrich. and convex in front, and the acromial one-third is flattened and con- cave in front. The shaft has two surfaces and two margins. The superior surface is smooth and subcutaneous. The inferior surface shows, near the sternal extremity, a depression (tuberositas costalis) for the attachment of the costoclavicular ligament. Beyond this a groove extends to the acromial extremity and here the m. subclavius is inserted. The ventral, or anterior margin, is roughened and from its sternal portion arises the clavicular part of the m. pectoralis major; from its acromial end a portion of the m. deltoideus arises. 74 OSTEOLOGY The dorsal, or posterior margin is broad at its sternal end and here the clavicular portion of the m. sternomastoideus arises; immediately below this the m. sternohyoideus has its origin. Near the acromial end of this margin is a small projection, the coracoid process {tuber- ositas coracoidea) for attachment of the conoid ligament. The acromial extremity presents, at its end, an oval facet for articulation with the acromion of the scapula; to the edges of this area is attached the capsular ligament. Its superior surface is roughened and mainly subcutaneous. The inferior surface shows the oblique trapezoid ridge at the dorsal end of which is the tuberositas coracoidea. These are for the attachment of the trapezoid and conoid portions of the coracoclavicular ligament, respectively. The ventral, or anterior margin is thin and gives origin to the m. deltoideus. The dorsal, or posterior margin is roughened for the insertion of the m. trapezius. The nutrient foramina are large and on the dorsal margin. Articulations. — With the scapula and sternum (indirectly). Ossification. — It is endochondral in origin and develops from ti,o centers, one for the shaft and acromial extremity (fifth to sixth week) and one for the sternal extremity (fifteenth to twentieth year). It is the first bone to ossify and fusion of the two parts is completed by about the twenty-fifth year. Muscles Attached. — Origins. — Mm. sternomastoideus, deltoideus, pectoralis major, and sternohyoideus. Insertions. — 11m. trapezius and subclavius (six). THE SCAPULA The scapula, or shoulder blade forms the dorsal half of the pectoral girdle on each side. It is flat, somewhat triangular and presents a body, a spine and two processes. The body is triangular and thin and presents two surfaces, three margins and three angles. The ventral, or costal sulfate {fades costalis) is concave in both directions and forms a fossa. Along its medial, or vertebra! margin the m. serratus anterior is inserted. The superior half of the lateral, or axillary margin is thick deepen- ing the fossa in this area. The surface of the bone shows several ridges that converge toward the neck. The fossa and ridges give origin to the m. subscapularis. The dorsal surface (fades dorsalis) is crossed, almost horizontally, by the spine, which divides this surface into two portions or fossa?. The upper, smaller supraspinous fossa is above the spine and the latter forms its floor. From the outer part arises the m. supra- spinatus. This fossa communicates with the infraspinous fossa by means of the great scapular notch that transmits the transverse scapular artery and suprascapular nerve. The infraspinous fossa is triangular and roofed by the inferior surface of the spine. The bulk of this area gives origin to the m. infraspinatus. Along the vertebral margin the m. rhomboidei is inserted; along the upper THE SCAPULA 75 Acromion Glenoid cavity ' External Neck Axillary bordt Inferior angle Fig. 52. — The dorsal surface of the left scapula. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Subscapular ft Internal angle Acromion Articular surface of Coracoid Inferior angle PlC. 53. — The costal surface of the left scapula. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) 76 OSTEOLOGY two-thirds of the axillary margin the m. teres major arises while from the lower third the m. teres minor takes origin. Occasionally the m. latissimus dorsi has an origin at the inferior angle. The superior margin is thin, sharp and presents the scapular notch. Usually this notch is bridged by a ligament and through the foramen thus formed passes the suprascapular nerve while above the ligament courses the transverse scapular artery. The posterior belly of the m. omohyoideus arises near the notch. The vertebral margin (margo vertebralis) is the longest. It is irregular and to it are inserted the mm. levator scapulae, and rhomboideus major et minor (from above downward). The axillary margin is thick. The part just below the glenoid fossa is roughened (tuberositas infraglenoidalis) and from this arises the long head of the m. triceps. The angles are medial, inferior and lateral. The medial and in- ferior angles are rather blunt. The lateral angle, occasionally called the head, supports the glenoid cavity and coracoid process. The glenoid cavity is oval and concave in both directions; its edge affords attachment to the capsular ligament. Below the cavity is the infra- glenoid tuberosity and above is the supraglenoid tubercle (tuberositas supraglenoidialis) from which arises the long head of the m. biceps brachii. The neck (collum scapula) connects the glenoid cavity to the body. It is constricted and is indicated by a line connecting the scapular notch and the infraglenoid tuberosity. The spine (spina scapula) is on the dorsal surface and arises near the vertebral margin and passes obliquely upward and laterally toward the glenoid cavity; here the spine twists and leaves the dorsal surface to form a free projecting mass of bone called the acromion. At its glenoid edge it forms the great scapular notch. The main part of the spine separates the supra- and infraspinous fossae, from each other. Its ventral margin is fused to the body of the bone while its dorsal margin is free and subcutaneous; to the upper lip of this margin the m. trapezius is inserted and from the inferior lip the m. deltoideus arises. The acromion, one of the processes, is a continuation of the spine. It is flattened from above downward and overhangs the glenoid cavity. It presents superior and inferior surfaces and medial and lateral margins. The superior surface slopes upward, faces dorsally and is subcutaneous. The inferior surface is smooth. The medial margin presents a facet (facies articularis acromii) for articulation with the acromial extremity of the clavicle. The m. trapezius is inserted to the medial margin while the m. deltoideus arises from the lateral margin. The coracoid process (processus coracoideus) is attached to the upper part of the head just lateral to the scapular notch. It is bent in such a manner so as to overhang the glenoid cavity. To the THE HUMERUS 77 upper surface, near the bend, are attached the trapezoid and conoid ligaments. Its dorsal margin affords attachment to the coraco- acromial ligament and near its apex the m. pectoralis minor is in- serted. From the apex the mm. coracobrachialis and short head of the biceps arise. Nutrient foramina are numerous around the glenoid cavity and upon the surfaces of the spine. Articulations. — With the clavicle and humerus (two). Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and is developed from seven centers. The center for the body appears about the seventh to eighth week of fetal life; two centers appear for the coracoid process, one during the first year and the other about the tenth year; two centers appear for the acromion at about the age of puberty; one center appears for the inferior angle about the sixteenth year and one for the vertebral margin at about the seventeenth year. All parts are usually fused by the twenty-fifth year. Muscles Attached. — Origin. — Mm. subscapularis, omohyoideus, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, teres minor, deltoideus, coracobrachialis, long head of the triceps, short head of the biceps and occasionally the latissimus dorsi. Insertions. — Mm. trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboidei major et minor, serratus anterior and pectoralis minor (seventeen). THE HUMERUS The humerus constitutes the support of the arm muscles. It con- sists of a proximal extremity, a shaft and a distal extremity. The proximal extremity comprises the head, neck and two tubercles. The head {caput humeri) forms about one-third of a sphere and is articular, resting in the glenoid cavity of the scapula. Its dorsal half is the more convex, and the whole surface faces medially and somewhat upward and dorsallv. It is set off from the rest of the bone by a constriction, the anatomical neck (collum anatomicum) to which the capsular ligament is attached. The tubercles are large and small. The larger (tuberculum majus) seems to be a projection of the shaft and presents three facets for the insertion of the mm. supra- spinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor (from above downward). It has numerous nutrient foramina. The smaller tubercle (tuberculum minor) is attached to the front of the proximal extremity and is separated from the preceding by the bicipital groove (sulcus inter- tuber cularis). The two tubercles are connected by the transverse humeral ligament. To the small tubercle the m. subscapularis is inserted. The part of the bone succeeding these parts is the surgical neck (collum chirurgicum) and is the part most liable to fracture. The shaft (corpus humeri) is partly cylindrical and partly flattened (distally). It presents ventral and dorsal surfaces and medial and lateral margins. The proximal half of the ventral surface is divided into lateral and medial portions by the intertubercular groove. The tips of this groove are the crests of the larger and smaller tubercle; (they are called the crista tuberculi majoris (lateral) and minoris 78 OSTEOLOGY medial). The muscles inserted here are the mm. pectoralis major (lateral lip), latissimus dorsi (floor of groove), teres major (medial lip). At the end of the lateral part of the ventral surface is the V- shaped deltoid tuberosity (tuberositas deltoidea) for the insertion of the m. deltoideus. The medial ventral surface, near the middle of the shaft, receives the fibers of the m. coracobrachialis. The distal por- Greatcr tubercle Upper extremity Anatomical neck 'ntertubtrntlar grccrt t . Greater tubercle Lower extre- mity FIG. 54— The left h behind. (Sobotta and MtMurrith.) Fig. S5-— The left hu front. {Sobotta and AIcAlurrich.) tion of the ventral surface presents a ridge that begins at the deltoid tubercle that forms two sloping surfaces from which the m. brachialis anterior arises. The dorsal surface is divided into proximal and distal (greater) portions by the oblique groove for the radial nerve (sulcus nervus radialis). The nerve is accompanied by the profunda brachii artery. Its course is downward and laterally. Upon the upper THE HUMERUS 79 part there is a ridge from which the lateral (small) head of the m. triceps arises. Distal to the groove the surface is smooth, extensive and gives origin to the medial head of the m. triceps. The medial margin {margo medialis) is rounded and indistinct, proximally, while distally its prominent epicondylic ridgs ends at the medial epicondyle. At about the middle of this margin is seen the insertion of the m. coracobrachialia. The lateral margin {margo lateralis) is more prominent, especially at its distal extremity where it is grooved for the radial nerve and the profunda brachii artery. This distal por- tion constitutes the lateral epicondylic ridge from which arise the mm. brachioradialis (proximal two-thirds) and extensor carpi radialis longus (distal one-third). The distal extremity comprises the epicondyles, trochlea and capi- tal urn. The lateral epicondyle (epicondylus lateralis) is small and from it arises the m. anconeus and the common tendon of origin of the extensor muscles. The medial epicondyle (condylus medialis) is more prominent and affords origin to the m. pronator teres and the superficial flexor muscles of the forearm. The trochlea is a spool-shaped articular surface for the proximal extremity of the ulna. Its ventral surface is more extensive than the dorsal surface. It is placed obliquely to the long axis of the bone. The coronoid fossa (fossa coronoidea) is just proximal to the trochlea on the ventral surface of the bone. This receives the coronoid process of the ulna during flexion of the forearm. In a corresponding position upon the dorsal surface is the deeper ole- cranon fossa (fossa olecrani) for the reception of the olecranon process of the ulna during extension of the forearm. The capilulum is lateral to the trochlea and articulates with the head of the radius. It is separated from the trochlea by a groove. Its articular portion is rounded ventrally and distally but not dorsally. It is attached to the ventral surface of the humerus. Just proximal to the capitullum is the radial fossa (fossa radialis) for the reception of the head of the radius during flexion of the forearm. Nutrient foramina are numerous; the two largest (distally directed) are near the insertions of the mm. deltoideus and coracobrachialis. The smaller ones are in the region of the anatomical neck. Articulations. — With the scapula, radius and ulna (three). Ossification.— It is of endochondral origin and is developed from six centers. One for the shaft appears during the seventh week of fetal life; one for the head appears during the fifth or sixth month (postnatal); one for the large tubercle during the second or third year; one for the small tubercle at the end of the third year. The first three are fused by the seventh year and this epiphysis is fused with the shaft by the twenty-fifth year. The center for the capilulum and lateral half of the trochlea appears during the second or third years; that for the medial pari of the trochlea about the sixth year; that for the lateral condyle about the twelfth year. The medial condyle fuses with the shaft at about the nine- teenth year and the others by about the seventeenth year. 80 OSTEOLOGY Muscles Attached. — Origin. — Mm. triceps, brachialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum sublimis, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis. extensor digitorum communis, extensor digiti quinti proprius, extensor carpi ulnaris, anconeus and supinator (brevis). Insertions. — Mm. subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, coracobrachialis and deltoideus. THE ULNA The ulna constitutes the medial bone of the forearm and consists of a proximal extremity, shaft and a distal extremity. The proximal extremity comprises the olecranon and coronoid processes. The olecranon process is a direct continuation of the shaft and represents the dorsal part of the extremity. Its dorsal surface is triangular, covered with a bursa and subcutaneous. The superior (proximal) surface is nearly at a right angle with the dorsal surface and forms at this junction the tip of the elbow where the tendon of the m. triceps is inserted. The ventral, or volar surface, is smooth and concave, from above downward, and convex, from side to side. It articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. The sharp margin between these two surfaces serves for attachment of the ligaments of the elbow joint. The coronoid process (processus coronoideus) projects, shelf-like, from the ventral surface of the bone. The proximal surface, with the ventral surface of the olecranon, forms the semilunar notch for articulation with the trochlea of the humerus. The ventral or volar surface of the coronoid process is rough, triangular and continuous with the corresponding surface of the shaft. It usually presents a tubercle (tuberositas ulna) for insertion of the tendon of the m. brachialis. The margin affords attachment to ligaments of the elbow joint. The ventral surface also affords origin to the mm. flexor digitorum sublimis and pronator teres and occasionally to the flexor pollicis longus. The semilunar notch {incisura semilunaris) articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. This notch is narrowest across the middle and is uneven so as to approximate closely to the trochlear surface. The radial notch (incisura radialis) is at the lateral margin of the coronoid process. It is concave dorsoventrally and comparatively small, accommodating the head of the radius. Medially it joins the semilunar notch and all of its other margins serve for attachment of ligaments. The shaft (corpus ulna) is tapering and its distal extremity is slightly curved, laterally. It presents three surfaces and three margins. The ventral, or volar surface, is smooth and concavo- convex. It affords origin for the mm. supinator, flexor digitorum THE ULNA » I profundus, pronator teres and pronator quadratus (from above downward). The medial surface is smooth and not sharply defined from the ventral surface; it affords origin to the m. flexor digitorum profundus and is often described with the ventral surface. The dorsal surface is quite well defined and faces somewhat laterally. Dorsal border Internal stir/the Fig. 56.— The left ulna seen from be- hind. (Sobolta ami McMurrich.) Fig. 57. — The left ulna seen from ; front. (Sobolta and McMurrich.) It is smooth and concave in its proximal two-thirds and the distal portion is rounded and not sharply separated from the medial surface. Its proximal portion affords origin to the mm. anconeus and then in order (but along its lateral margin) the abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus and extensor indicis proprius. 82 OSTEOLOGY The ventral, or volar margin is rounded extending from the tuber- osity to the styloid process and affords origin to the m. flexor digito- rum profundus. The dorsal margin (margo dorsalis) is sharp and subcutaneous. To it is attached the aponeurosis of the mm. flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus. The lateral margin, or interosseous crest {crista interossei), is sharp and well defined in its proximal three-fourths. To almost its entire extent it affords attachment to the interosseous membrane. The distal extremity comprises a head and a styloid process. The head (capitulum ulna:) in its ventrolateral portion is smooth, convex, narrow and articulates with the ulnar notch of the radius. Its distal, flat, semilunar surface rests upon the interarticular car- tilage of the wrist joint. The margin affords attachment to the ligament that holds this bone to the radius. The styloid process is a small projection of bone medial and dorsal to the head from which it is separated by a small groove. This groove extends upon the dorsal surface of the bone and lodges the tendon of the m. extensor carpi ulnaris. Nutrient foramina are numerous. The main ones (distally directed) is on the ventral surface near the middle. Others are seen near the radial notch and near the groove at the distal extremity of the bone. Articulations. — With the radius (at both ends) and the humerus. Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and develops from three centers. The coiler for the shaft appears about the eighth week of fetal life; that for the distal extremity appears during the fourth year (sixth to the eighth year (Pryor) and for the proximal extremity about the tenth year. The shaft and proximal extremity fuse about the sixteenth year and the distal extremity fuses with the shaft at about the twentieth year. Muscles Attached. — Origin. — Mm. supinator, pronator teres, flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor digitorum profundus, pronator quadratus, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor indicis proprius, extensor pollicis longus. Insertions. — Mm. triceps, anconeus and brachialis (fourteen). THE RADIUS The radius is the shorter bone of the forearm and is laterally placed. It consists of a proximal extremity, shaft and distal extremity. The proximal extremity comprises the head, neck and tuberosity. The head (capitulum radii) is disc-like and its surface concave and articular (fovea capituli radii). Its margin is broad and smooth and its medial portion articulates with the radial notch of the ulna. The remainder of the margin is enclosed by the annular ligament of this joint. The neck (folium radii) is the smooth, constricted portion of bone between the head and shaft. The tuberosity (tuberositas radii) is an oval projection on the medial and proximal part of the radius. Its dorsal surface is roughened for the insertion of the tendon of the m. biceps brachii; its ventral surface is smooth and covered by a bursa. THE RADIUS 83 The shaft {corpus radii) is larger distally than proximally and has a lateral convex curve. It has three surfaces and one well-marked margin. The ventral, or volar surface is smooth and slightly convex proximally and broad and flat distally. It is crossed by the ventral oblique line, from which the m. flexor digitorum sublimis takes origin, and proximal to which the m. supinator is inserted. The bulk of this surface gives origin to the m. flexor pollicis longus; Styloid process Styloid process -The left radius seen from i (Sobolta and McMurrich.) Fig. 50. — The left radius seen from be- hind. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) to the distal part the m. pronator quadratus is inserted. The lateral surface {margin) is broader proximally than distally where it is more ridge-like passing into the base of the styloid process. The m. supinator is inserted to the proximal portion (as well as the neck); the m. pronator teres to the middle part and the distal part is covered by muscles. The dorsal surface {fades dorsalis) is broadest at 84 OSTEOLOGY its distal portion and narrow proximally. It is crossed by the dorsal oblique line proximal to which the m. supinator is inserted. Distal to the line the mm. extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis respectively arise. The distal quarter of the surface is subcutaneous and has several grooves that continue onto the ex- tremitv. The interosseous crest (crista interossei) is the lateral margin and is the only one that is well defined. It begins proximally at the tuberosity and distally divides to embrace the ulnar notch of the distal extremity. To the triangular area so formed the m. pronator quadratus is inserted. The crest gives attachment to the interosseous membrane. The distal extremity has two articular surfaces and a styloid process. The distal surface (carpal articular) is slightly concave and divided into two facets. The lateral of these surfaces is triangular and for articulation with the navicular (scaphoid) and the medial is quadri- lateral and articulates with the lunate (semilunar) bones of the carpus. The concave ulnar notch (incisura ulnaris) is on the medial margin of the distal extremity of the head of the radius and to its distal edge is attached the articular cartilage that supports the head of the ulna and prevents it from participating in the formation of the wrist joint. To the ventral and dorsal edges ligaments are attached. The ventral margin of the distal extremity gives attach- ment to the capsular ligament of the wrist Joint. The dorsal margin is irregular and grooved for tendons and also gives attach- ment to the capsular ligament. The broad medial groove contains the tendons of the mm. extensor digitorum communis and extensor indicis proprius. The next one accommodates the tendon of the m. extensor pollicis longus; the last groove accommodates the tendons of the mm. extensores carpi radialis longus and brevis. The styloid process is the pointed projection of the lateral surface of the distal extremity. The lateral surface of its proximal end is grooved and the tendon of the m. brachioradialis is here inserted. The remainder of the groove accommodates the tendons of the mm. abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis. The medial surface of the process is smooth and articular and enters into the formation of the wrist joint. Nutrient foramina are numerous around the neck. The main one for the shaft is in the proximal third and is proximally directed. Small foramina are also present in the distal extremity. Articulations. — With the humerus, ulna (both ends) and the navicular and lunate carpal bones. Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and is developed from four centers. Tlhil for the shaft appears about the eighth week; that for the distal, extremity during the second or third year (eighth to the fifteenth month (Pryor); thai for the head from the fifth to the seventh year; that for the tuberosity during the fourteenth year. By the twenty-third year all are fused with the shaft. THE CARPI'S S 5 Muscles Attached. — Origins. — Mm. flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis. Insertions. — Mm. biceps brachii, supinator, pronator teres, pronator quadratus and brachioradialis (nine). THE BONES OF THE HAND The hand comprises the wrist (carpus, eight bones), the palm (metacarpus, five bones) and the digits (phalanges, fourteen bones). THE CARPUS The carpal bones are arranged in two rows of which the first, or proximal row contains the navicular (scaphoid), os I una turn (semi- lunar), os triquctrum [cuneiform) and the os pisiforme. The second, or distal row contains the greater multangular (trapezium), the lesser multangular (trapezoid), the os capitatum (os magnum) and the os hamatum (unciform) bones. These are given from radial to ulnar side. They are all irregular bones. The dorsal surfaces form an irregular convex surface and are rough for the attachment of ligaments. The ventral surfaces are irregular and together form a concave or groove-like area which is bridged by the transverse carpal ligament and constitutes thus a canal for the flexor tendons of the fingers. The oilier surfaces are articular except for those bones that form the ends of the rows and here the exposed surface of each is nonarticular. The navicular and os lunatum articulate with the distal extremity of the radius and the distal row articulates distally with the metacarpal bones. These bones are of endochondral origin and are usually carti- laginous at birth. According to J. N. Pryor the centers appear earlier than formerly supposed. They appear earlier in the female than in the male. Each has one center of ossification that appears as follows: Usually given Pryor Capitatum appears about 12th mo. (1). 3d to 10th mo. Os hamatum Os triquetrum Os lunatum Greater multangular Navicular Lesser multangular Os pisiforme 14th mo. (2). 5th to the i2mo. 3d year (3). 2nd to 3d year 5th to 6th year (4). 3d to 4th year 6th year (7). 4th to 6th year 6th year (5). 4th to 5th year 6th to 7th year (6). 4th to 6th year nth to 12th year (8). 9th to 13th year Ossification is completed about the 15th year. Muscles Attached. — Navicular. — M. Abductor pollicis brevis (origin). Os Pisiforme. — Abductor quinti digiti (origin), flexor carpi ulnaris (insertion). Great Multangular. — Abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis (deep head) (all origins). Lesser Multangular. — Deep head of flexor pollicis brevis (origin) 86 OSTEOLOGY THE PHALANGES 87 Os Capitation. — Deep head of flexor pollicis brevis, adductor pollicis (origins). Os Hamatum — Opponens quinti digiti, flexor quinti digiti brevis (origins), flexor carpi ulnaris (insertion). THE METACARPAL BONES (OSSA METACARPALIA) The metacarpal bones are five in number and articulate with the distal carpal bones and each other, proximally, and with the first row of phalanges, distally. The first, or thumb metacarpal, is the most mobile. Each consists of a base, shaft and head. The base is the carpal extremity, each is wedge-shaped and the articular surface varies with the joint that it forms. The first {thumb) is the shortest and strongest. The second (index finger) is the longest. The shaft of each is smooth and narrow in the middle. The dorsal surface is triangular and broad distally. The ventral surface is narrow and more like a ridge. The medial and lateral surfaces are concave and afford origin for the mm. interossei. The head (capituium) has an articular surface for the base of the proximal phalanx. This surface is rounded and more extensive ventrallv than dorsally. The ventral edge is grooved for the passage of tendons. To the margins of the head ligaments are attached. Nutrient Foramina. — There is one for each bone. In the first it is directed distally while in the others it is proximally directed. Ossification. — Each of the four medial metacarpal bones has one center for the shaft and base and one for the head. The shaft and base center appears (successively and in order) during the ninth or tenth week of fetal life; the center for each head appears during the third year and fuses completely with the shaft by the twentieth year. The center for the shaft and head of the first metacarpal bone appears after the tenth week and for the base during the third year. Fusion with the shaft takes place about the twentieth year. Muscle Attached. — First Metacarpal. — Jim. First dorsal interosseous (origin). flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis longus (insertions) (four). Second Metacarpal. — First and second dorsal interossei, first palmar interos- seous, adductor pollicis (origins); flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus (insertions) (six). Third Metacarpal. — Second and third dorsal interossei, adductor pollicis transversus and obliquus (origins); extensor carpi radialis brevis, flexor carpi radialis (insertions) (six). Fourth Metacarpal. — Third and fourth dorsal interossei and second palmar interosseous (origins) (three). Fifth Metacarpal. — Extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris, opponens quinti digiti (insertions) (three). THE PHALANGES (PHALANGES DIGITORUM MANTJS) The phalanges are fourteen in number, three for each finger and two for the thumb. The first, or proximal phalanges, are the longest and the distal are the smallest. The proximal end of each first phalanx is rather large and bears a concave articular facet for the head of the metacarpal bone. The shaft is somewhat flattened OSTEOLOGY THE PELVIC APPENDAGES 89 and presents a smooth convex dorsal surface; the ventral surface is smooth and concave for the accommodation of the flexor tendons. The head bears a convex articular facet for the second phalanx. The second phalanges resembles the first generally. The proximal facet, however, is convex. The third phalanges are the smallest and shortest. The proximal extremity is large and its articular surface is convex. Its distal extremity is flattened for the support of the nail. Nutrient Foramina. — There are usually two nutrient foramina for each phalanx, distally directed and upon the ventral, or palmar surface. Ossification. — These are of endochondral origin and each is developed from two 11 titers. The center for the shaft and distal extremity appears during the ninth to the tenth week of fetal life and that for the proximal extremity during the third year. According to Prvor most of these centers appear between the first and early part of the third years. Fusion of these parts occurs at the eighteenth or twentieth year. Muscles Attached. — These are all insertions. Thumb. — Fir>l Phalanx. — Mm. Extensor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, adductor pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, adductores pollicis obliquus and transversus (five). Set ond Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus (two). Index Finger. — First Phalanx. — First dorsal and first palmar interossei (two). Second Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum sublimis, extensor digitorum com- munis, extensor indicis (three). Third Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum profundus, extensor digitorum communis (two). Middle Finger. — First Phalanx. — Second and third dorsal interossei (two). Second Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum sublimis, extensor digitorum communis (two). Third Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum profundus, extensor digitorum communis (two). Ring Finger. — First Phalanx. — Fourth dorsal and second palmar interossei (two). Second Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum sublimis, extensor digitorum com- munis (two). Third Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum profundus, extensor digitorum communis (two). Little Finger. — First Phalanx. — Third palmar interosseus, flexor quinti digiti brevis, abductor quinti digiti (three). Second Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum sublimis, extensor digitorum communis (two). Third Phalanx. — Mm. Flexor digitorum profundus, extensor digitorum communis, extensor digiti quinti (three). THE LOWER LIMB (PELVIC APPENDAGES) The pelvic appendages comprises the pelvic girdle and the append- ages proper. The girdle is formed by the two innominate bones, articu- lating with each other ventrally and with the sacrum dorsally. 90 OSTEOLOGY THE HIP BONE (OS COXjE) The hip bone is classed as a flat bone; it is shaped like a propeller, one blade of which is perforated by a foramen (obturator). It represents the fusion of three segments, the ilium, ischium and os pubis. These surround and form the acetabular cavity. The ilium is the largest division and presents two surfaces, three margins and four spines. The lateral surface is divided into a larger (gluteal) and a smaller (acetabular) portion. The gluteal portion is large, concavoconvex and is marked by the three gluteal lines. The inferior gluteal line (linea glutece inferior) lies just over the acetabular margin and between these two the reflected head of the m. rectus femoris arises. The ventral {anterior) line is the largest and starts near the ventral end of the iliac crest and arches dorsally to the greater sciatic notch. The dorsal {posterior) gluteal line is a short curved line near the dorsal portion of the lateral sur- face; dorsal to this line the m. gluteus maximus arises. The m. gluteus medius arises between the ventral and dorsal lines and the iliac crest. The medial surface is divided into dorsal and ventral por- tions. The dorsal part is partly articular (fades articular is) for articu- lation with the sacrum. Superiorly and dorsally the bone is rough- ened and presents a tuberosity {tuberositas iliaca) and serves for the attachment of ligaments. The superior edge here gives origin to the mm. multifidus, sacrospinalis and quadratus lumborum. The ventral portion is mainly concave, smooth and presents the extensive iliac fossa from which the m. iliacus arises. The oblique iliopectineal line {linea arcuala), which bounds the fossa inferiorly, ends ventrally in the iliopectineal eminence. The dorsosuperior portion of this surface gives origin to the m. obturator internus. The iliac crest {crista iliaca) has a lateral lip (labrum lateralis), a medial lip (labrum medialis) and an intervening area (linea inter- media). The crest is in the form of a quarter circle and extends from the ventral superior spine to the dorsal superior spine in a double curve. From the dorsal part of the crest the mm. quadratus lumborum, latissimus dorsi and sacrospinalis arise; on the ventral part the mm. obliquus abdominis internus and transversus ab- dominis arise and the oblique abdominis externus is inserted. The ventral superior spine (spina ilia-ca anterior superior) is a blunt process that affords origin to the m. sartorius and laterally to the m. tensor fascia? lata? and the inguinal ligament. The ventral inferior spine (spina iliaca anterior inferior) is below the preceding and gives origin to the m. rectus femoris and the iliofemoral ligament. The ventral margin connects the two ventral spines. The dorsal superior spine is at the termination of the iliac crest. From it the dorsal margin starts and a short distance below its origin it presents the THE HIP BONE 91 92 OSTEOLOGY dorsal inferior spine; below this the margin is deeply notched; this constitutes the greater sciatic notch (incisura ischiadica major). The ischium, the dorsoinferior portion of the os coxae, presents a body and two rami. The body {corpus) is the superior part of the bone. Its lateral surface is irregular, presenting a deep acetabular notch that forms two-fifths of the acetabular cavity. The bone beyond this slopes from the margin of the cavity and is smooth. The medial surface is smooth, concave and forms a part of the wall of the pelvic cavity. The short ventral margin assists in forming the obturator foramen. The medial margin presents the ischial spine (spina ischiadica); this bounds the lesser sciatic notch superiorly and affords origin to the m. gemellus superior and the sacrospinous ligament; laterally it gives origin to the m. coccygeus and medially to the m. levator ani. The rami are two wedge-shaped bars of bone that join each other at nearly a right angle. The ventral surface of each is concave and the inferior affords origin to the mm. obturator externus, and adductor magnus. The medial surfaces are flat and afford an origin to the crus penis (or clitoridis) and mm. ischiocavern- osus, obturator internus and transversus perinei. The medial margin of each ramus is thin and assists in forming the boundary of the obturator foramen. The dorsolateral margin of the superior ramus presents a rough irregular mass of bone, the tuberosity (tuber ischiadicum); from this arise the mm. semitendinosus (superiorly and laterally) and the biceps femoris and semimembranosus (inferiorly and medially). The pubis (os pubis) is the smallest division and is ventrally placed. It comprises a body and two rami. The body (corpus) presents two surfaces. The dorsoinferior surface is smooth and affords origin to the m. levator ani and the pubo- prostatic ligament. The ventroiuferior surface is rough and affords origin to the mm. gracilis, adductores longus et brevis and the obturator externus. The medial margin (fades symphyseos) is oval, covered with cartilage and joins its fellow of the opposite side to form the symphysis pubis. The superior margin is thick and extends so as to form the crest and tubercle. The crest gives origin to the mm. rectus abdominus and pyramidalis and the tubercle affords attach- ment to the inguinal ligament. The superior ramus slopes superiorly and laterallv and its lateral extremity forms a part of the acetabular cavity. Its ventrosuperior surface affords origin to the m. pectineus. The dorsosuperior (medial) surface is concave and forms a part of the pelvic wall. The ventroiuferior surface is concave. The inferior margin (crista obturatoria) forms a part of the boundary of the obtu- rator foramen. The dorsosuperior margin is a continuation of the iliopectineal line and is called the pecten ossis pubis. The interior ramus is flattened and has a downward and lateral direction; it THE PELVIS 93 completes the boundary of the obturator foramen and with its fellow- forms the pubic arch. Its ventral surface gives origin to the mm. gracilis and adductores magnus et brevis. Its smooth medial sur- ace and inferior margin give attachment to the crus penis or clito- ritis and the arcuate ligament. The obturator foramen (foramen obturation) is the opening between the above bones. This is closed in by a membrane in the fresh condition. The acetabulum is a deep cavity formed by the above bones; the ilium forms a little less than two-fifths, the ischium a little more than two-fifths and the pubis one-fifth. Opposite the obturator foramen the margin, to which the capsular ligament is attached, is interrupted and this is the acetabular notch (incisura acetabuli). The articular portion of the floor is horseshoe-shaped and the central depressed area (fossa acetabuli) is continuous with the acetabular notch. Nutrient foramina are numerous; for the ilium in the iliac fossa and pelvic and gluteal areas; for the ischium near the acetabulum and upon the pelvic portion; for the pubis in the acetabular fossa and in the body. Articulations. — With the femur, sacrum and fellow of the opposite side. Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin. The primary centers appear early; the center for the ilium about the ninth week of fetal life; for the ischium about the fourth month; for the pubis about the fifth to the sixth month of fetal life. Up to the twelfth year these bones are still separated from one another by car- tilage in the acetabular cavity; at that time about three centers appear here and fusion is completed by the sixteenth year. At about the age of puberty other centers appear; one for the ventroinferior spine, twelfth year; one for the ventral two-thirds of the iliac era! and superior spine, fifteenth year; one for the dorsal one-third of the iliac crest and the dorsal superior spine, fifteenth year; one for the tuberosity of the ischium, fifteenth year: one or two for the tubercle and angle of the pubis. These all fuse with the body by the twenty-fifth year. Muscle Attached. — Origins. — Mm. tensor fascia? lata?, latissimus dorsi, trans- versa abdominis, quadratus lumborum, sacrospinalis, obliquus abdominis internus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, rectus femoris, iliacus, pyriformis, rectus abdominis, pyramidalis, obturator internus, obturator externus, ischiocavernosus. transversus perinei, gemelli superior and inferior, levator ani, coccygeus, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, adductores magnus and brevis, pectineus, gracilis and adductor longus. Insertion. — M. obliquus abdominis externus. THE PELVIS The pelvis consists of the two ossa coxa-, sacrum and coccyx. That portion superior to the iliopectineal lines constitutes the false pelvis (pelvis major) and that below the true pelvis (pelvis minor). The pelvis minor is bounded, ventral! y, by the symphysis pubis, the bodies and superior rami of the pubic bones; laterally by the body of the ischium and its rami and dorsally by the sacrum and coccyx. The superior aperture, or brim, slopes downward and forward at an angle of 6o° to the horizontal plane; it is bounded, ventral! y, by the 94 OSTEOLOGY bodies of the ossa pubes, laterally by the iliopectineal lines and dorsally by the promontory of the sacrum. The inferior aperture, or outlet, is bounded, venlrally and superiorly, by the bodies of the ossa pubes, laterally by the rami of pubes and ischii and ischial tuberosity and dorsally by the tip of the coccyx and sacrotuberous ligaments. The ventral wall is only i>2 to 2 inches vertically and the dorsal wall 5 to 6 inches in extent. The female pelvis is lighter and smoother and the iliac bones do not flare out as much as in the male. The cavity is more capacious, the sacrum shorter and wider, the sacral curve less uniform and the pelvic arch is wider in the female. The superior aperture is large and more oval; the outlet is larger and the ischial tuberosities are farther apart in the female. THE FEMUR The femur is the longest bone in the body and comprises a proxi- mal extremity, shaft and a distal extremity. The proximal extremity consists of head, neck and two trochanters. The head (caput femoris) is the articular portion. It is hemispherical in shape, fits into the acetabular cavity and near its summit exhibits a depression (fovea capitas femoris) in which the ligamentum teres is attached. The neck (folium femoris) is shaped like an old-fash- ioned mortar, supports the head and is attached by its base to the shaft, at an angle of 1250. Ventrally and dorsally its junction with the shaft is marked by oblique ridges; the ventral ridge is the superior portion of the intertrochanteric line and to it is attached the ilio- femoral ligament. The dorsal ridge connects the two trochanters and is called the intertrochanteric crest; part of this, the quad rat or tubercle, affords insertion to the m. quadratus femoris. Vascular foramina are numerous in the neck. The greater trochanter (trochanter major) is a quadrilateral mass of bone that projects from the shaft above the level of the neck. Its medial surface is quite concave, forming the trochanteric fossa where the m. obturator externus is inserted. The lateral surface is some- what convex and presents an oblique ridge into which the m. gluteus minimus is inserted. To its proximal, or superior margin the mm. obturator internus and gemelli are inserted (ventrally) and the pyriformis (dorsally). The dorsal margin is the superior portion of the intertrochanteric crest. The lesser trochanter (trochanter minor) is a blunt, cone-shaped mass of bone upon the dorsal surface at the junction of the shaft and neck and at a lower level than the greater trochanter. Here the intertrochanteric crest ends. To this trochanter the m. iliopsoas is inserted. The shaft is cylindrical and curved from above downward with 1HE FEMUR 95 the convexity ventrally directed. It becomes broader where it supports the distal extremity. Margins are not present as the gen- eral curvature of the circumference causes the surfaces to blend insensible with one another. Upon the dorsal surface is a narrow Great trochanter Oreat trochanter Internal epicondyle Internal condyle i Intercondyloid line \ External condyle Intercondyloid ft Fig. 66. — The right femur seen from behind. (Soboila and AlcMurrich.) FlG. 67. — The right femur see front. (.Sobotta and McMu 1 from i rich.) rough area called the linca aspera. The medial edge, or lip, of the linea aspera continues, superiorly, around the base of the trochanter minor where it becomes continuous with the ventral intertrochanteric line; these two constitute the spiral line from which the m. vastus medialis arises. The lateral Up of the linea aspera is continued, superiorly, to the level of the trochanter minor as the gluteal tuber- 96 OSTEOLOGY osity. This is rough and serves for the insertion of the m. gluteus maximus. The pectineal line lies between these two and serves for the insertion of the m. pectineus. In the middle of the shaft the lips of the linea aspera are most prominent. The mm. adductores magnus, longus and brevis are inserted into the proximal portion between the mm. gluteus maximus and pectineus. In the distal third the lips diverge and end at the corresponding epicondyles as the epicondylic lines. The triangular area between these lines is the popliteal plane (planum poplitcum) which is part of the floor of the popliteal fossa. The adductor tubercle is a small eminence at the end of the medial epicondylic line; to its medial surface the tendon of the m. adductor magnus is inserted and from its dorsal surface the m. gastrocnemius (medial head) arises. The medial lip and the adjoining medial surface of the shaft afford origin for the m. vastus medialis; the lateral lip and lateral surface afford origin for the m. vastus lateralis; the ventral surface of the shaft affords origin to the mm. vastus intermedius and articularis genu. The m. biceps fe- moris arises from the lateral lip distal to the m. gluteus maximus and also from the lateral epicondylic line. The distal portion of the same line gives origin (dorsally) to the m. plantaris. The distal extremity consists of the two condyles and two epicondyles. The condyles are two rocker-like articular processes of the bone; the articular surface of the two condyles are connected ventrally (patellar area) and are separated dorsally by the intcrcondylic notch or fossa. When the bone is held vertically the medial condyle projects farther distally but is narrower and less extensive dorso- ventrally than the lateral condyle. The intercondylic notch is quite deep and broad. To the medial wall is attached the dorsal cruciate ligament and on its lateral wall is attached the ventral cruciate ligament. Where the floor of the notch joins the popliteal plane there is a ridge to which the dorsal part of the capsular ligament is attached. The medial epicondyle affords attachment to the tibial collateral ligament of the knee joint. The lateral epicondyle is less prominent and presents a dorsal groove {popliteal) that ends in a pit ventrally. Here the m. popliteus arises. The dorsal por- tion of the epicondyle affords attachment to the fibular collateral ligament of the knee joint and to the lateral head of the m. gastrocnemius. The articular surface consists of the patellar and condylic portions. The patellar part (jacies patellaris) is concave in the middle and is separated from each condylar surface by an oblique groove. The lateral condylic surfaces are convex in both directions and are on the distal and dorsal portions of the condyle. The medial is narrower than the lateral. THE PATELLA QJ Nutrient foramina are found in the fossa for the ligamentum teres, the neck, on the great trochanter, on the linea aspera (proximally directed) and in the intercondylic fossa. Articulations. — With the hip bone, tibia and patella. Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and is developed from five centers. The centers for the shaft appears during the second fetal month; that for the distal extremity during the ninth month; that for the head during the first year; the center for the greater trochanter about the second to the third year; that for the lesser trochanter about the twelfth to the thirteenth year. All fuse with the shaft by the twentieth to the twenty-second year. Muscles Attached. — Origins. — Mm. vasti medialis, lateralis and intermedius. short head of biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, popliteus, plantaris and articularis genu. Insertions. — Mm. glutei maximus, medius and minimus, gemelli superior and inferior, pyriformis, obtutatores internus and externus, psoas, iliacus, quadratus femoris, adductores magnus, brevis. and longus, and pectineus (twenty-three). THE PATELLA The patella is a sessamoid bone, that is one that is developed in a tendon. It protects the knee joint ventrally. It is flattened, of a triangular outline (inverted) and possesses an apex, a base, two surfaces and two margins. The apex (apex palel/ce) is distal and affords attachment to the ligamentum patellae. The base (basis patella) is broad and thick and Base Base Apex Apex Fig. 68. — The patella seen from in front. Fig. 69. — The patella seen from behind. -■■•iia ami McMurrich.) (Sobotta and McMurrich.) receives, ventrally, the insertion of the tendon of the m. quadriceps extensor. The ventral surface is convex, somewhat rough, subcu- taneous and has numerous foramina. The dorsal surface is mainly articular. A vertical ridge divides it into a larger, concave lateral facet, for the lateral condyle of the femur, and a smaller, concave medial facet for the medial condyle of the femur. The nonarticular portion is the dorsal surface of the apex and here the synovial mem- brane of the knee joint is attached. The medial and lateral margins are convex and afford insertion to the mm. vasti medialis and lateralis, respectively. 90 OSTEOLOGY Nutrient foramina are seen upon the ventral surface. Articulations. — With the femur. Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and develops from one. or two centers, which appear during the third year. Ossification is usually com- pleted by the age of puberty. Muscles Attached. — Insertions. — Mm. vasti medialis, lateralis and intermedins and the rectus femoris (four). THE TIBIA The tibia or shin bone is the larger and stronger bone of the leg. It consists of a proximal extremity, shaft and distal extremity. The proximal extremity comprises the condyles, the intercondylic eminence and the tuberosity. The condyles constitute a flat mass that caps the proximal end of the shaft. The proximal surface of each condyle is concave and articular. The lateral is the smaller and nearly circular in outline. Near the middle of the intercondylic Anterior intereondyloid fossa ^ Tuberosity of tibia cimal extremities of the right tibia ; (Sobot'a and McMurrich.) area is the intercondylic eminence [cmincntia intcrcondyloidea); this presents two peaks, or tubercles, the tubcrculum inter condyloideum lalerale and tub. inter, mediate. The depression ventral and dorsal to the eminence constitute the ventral and dorsal intercondyloid fossce. Here are attached the ventral and dorsal cruciate liga- ments and the menisci of the knee joint. The lateral condyle projects well beyond the side of the shaft and presents a small dorsolateral facet for articulation with the proximal extremity of the fibula. Ventrally the iliotib al band (trackis iliotibialis) is attached, the tendon of the m. biceps femoris is inserted and the mm. extensor digitorum longus and peroneus longus arise. The dorsomedial margin of the medial condyle is grooved for the inser- tion of the m. semimembranosus. The tuberosity is slightly distal to the condyles; its proximal portion is covered by a bursa while the distal part receives the insertion of the ligamentum patella?. The shaft (corpus tibia') presents three surfaces and three margins. Its proximal three-fourths is wedge-shaped (triangular in section) THE TIBIA 99 and its distal one-fourth is somewhat flattened. The medial surface, flat or convex, is extensive but mainly subcutaneous. On its proximal portion the mm. gracilis and semitendinosus are inserted. Fig. 71. — The right tibia seen from front. (Sobolta and McMumch.) Inferior extremity Fig. 7^- — The right tibia, seen from behind. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) The proximal portion of the lateral surface is quite extensive and affords an extensive origin to the m. tibialis anterior; distally it turns and blends with the medial surface a sort of ventral surface. This is covered by the tendons of the mm. tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis proprius and the ext. digitorum communis. The dorsal IOO OSTEOLOGY surface is extensive and is usually convex proximally and flat distally. The convex portion is crossed by the oblique popliteal line proximal to which the m. popliteus is inserted; from the oblique line the m. soleus arises. From the bulk of the remainder of the surface the mm. tibialis posterior (laterally) and the flexor digitorum longus (medially) arise. The distal portion is merely covered by these tendons and the tendon of the m. flexor hallucis proprius. A nutrient canal (distally directed) is present on this surface. The ventral margin, or crest is prominent in the proximal three-fourths and subcu- taneous. The medial margin is prominent in its middle third only. The lateral margin, or interosseous crest (crista inter ossea) is sharp and to it the interosseous membrane is attached. Distally it is divided into two lines that diverge and enclose the articular surface for the distal extremity of the fibula and the area for the attachment of the ligaments of this joint. The distal extremity is quite large and exhibits an articular surface and a malleolus. The articular surface is on the inferior, or distal portion; this is triangular and saddle-shaped and rests upon the articular surface of the astragalus (talus). Upon the lateral margin of the extremity (base of the triangle) there is a notch (incisura fibularis) for articulation with the fibula and the articular cartilage lines the notch. The medial angle of this extremity projects in- feriorly as the medial malleolus. The medial aspect of the malleolus is subcutaneous and its lateral aspect is articular forming a part of the ankle joint. It also serves for the attachment of the tibial collateral ligament. Its dorsal surface has two grooves, one for the tendons of the mm. tibialis posterior and the flexor digitorum longus and the other for the tendon of the m. flexor hallucis longus. Nutrient foramina are numerous in the condylar portion, the intercondyloid fossae and the eminence; the main one for the shaft is on the dorsal surface and is distally directed. The margins of the distal extremity also shows numerous foramina. Articulations. — With the femur, fibula and astragalus. Ossification. — This is of endochondral origin and develops from three or four centers. The center for the shaft appears during the second fetal month. The renter for the proximal extremity appears before birth and for the distal extremity between the first and second years. The center for the tuberosity, when independ- ent, appears at about the eleventh year. Complete fusion with the shaft takes place by the twentieth to the twenty-fourth year. Muscle Attached. — Origins. — Mm. tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus. Insertions. — Mm. biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, sartorius, gracilis, popliteus, quadriceps extensor (thirteen). THE FIBULA The fibula is the slender bone on the lateral side of the leg but it does not support the body. It consists of two extremities and a shaft. THE FIBULA The proximal extremity or head (capitulum fibula) is broad, flat, and pointed. This point is the apex to which the fibular collateral ligament is attached and the m. biceps femoris is inserted. The medial surface slopes medially and distally and has an articular facet that fits against the articular facet upon the lateral condyle of the tibia. The lateral surface is somewhat roughened. The - Anterior crest Inferior extremity —> Peroneal Fic. 73. — The right fibula, seen from the medial surface. (Sobolta and Mc- FlG. 74. — The right fibula, seen from he lateral surface. (Sobotla and Mc- tendon of the m. biceps femoris is inserted to the ventral and proximal surface and below this the m. peroneus longus arises; its dorsal part gives origin to the m. soleus. The next portion of the bone is somewhat constricted and is called the neck. The shaft (corpus fibula) is exceedingly variable as to shape and form. It has three surfaces, three margins and an interosseous crest. The medial surface is divided into ventral and dorsal areas by the interosseous crest to which the interosseous membrane is attached. The ventral part of this surface is variable in width and affords origin to the mm. extensor digitorum communis, extensor hallucis longus and peroneus tertius. The dorsal part of this surface is less exten- OSTEOLOGY sive, lies dorsal to the interosseous crest and affords origin to the m. tibialis posterior. The lateral, or peroneal surface, in its proximal part, faces ventrally and in its distal part faces dorsally. It gives origin to the mm. peronei longus and brevis. The dorsal surface is fairly extensive but irregular. Proximally the m. soleus arises while distally the m. flexor hallucis longus arises. The ventral margin, or crest, separates the medial and lateral surfaces and to it the in- termuscular fascia that separates the peroneal from the ventral muscles is attached. The lateral margin, or crest is fairly well marked (distally) and separates the lateral and dorsal surfaces. From its proximal end the m. soleus arises. The medial margin, or crest, is a curved ridge dorsal to the interosseous crest and serves to separate the smaller dorsal part of the medial surface (from which the m. tibialis posterior arises) from the larger dorsal surface of the shaft. The crest gives at- tachment to the deep fascia that covers the m. tibialis posterior. The distal extremity is called the lateral malleolus (malleolus lateralis). It is an ir- regular mass of bone with a blunt point. The lateral surface is convex and mainly subcutaneous. The medial surface exhibits a facet for articulation with the astragalus (talus). Dorsal to this is a pit for the at- tachment of the astragulofibular ligament, and proximally the roughened surface gives attachment to the interosseous ligaments. The dorsal surface shows a groove (sulcus malleolaris) for the passage of the tendons of the mm. peronei longus and brevis. The ventral margin gives attachment to the astrag- alofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments. Arterial Foramina. — These are numerous, some in the head and some in the malleolus. The largest is on the dorsal surface of the shaft and is distally directed . Articulations. — With the tibia (proximally and distally) and with the as- tragalus (talus). Ossification. — It is of endochondral origin and arises from three centers. The center for the shaft appears during the middle of the second month of fetal life. The center for the distal extremity appears during the second year and for the proximal extremity during the third or fourth year. Fusion with the shaft is completed between the twentieth and twenty-fourth years. Muscles Attached. — Origins. — Mm. soleus, peronei longus, brevis and tertius, Fie. 75.— The tibia and fibula seen from behind. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) THE TARSUS IOJ tibialis anterior and posterior, flexor hallucis longus. extensor digitorum com- munis and extensor hallucis longus. Insertions. — M. biceps femoris. THE BONES OF THE FOOT The foot comprises the tarsus, metatarsus and the phalanges. THE TARSUS The tarsal bones (ossa tarsi) are the astragalus, calcaneum, scaphoid, three cuneiform and cuboid bones. All are irregular in shape. The astragalus (talus) forms the tarsal part of the ankle and supports the tibia. It consists of a body, head and neck. The body presents a superior, saddle-shaped facet for articulation with the tibia. The articular surface extends laterally for articula- tion with the malleolus of the fibula and medially for articulation with the malleolus of the tibia. Around these areas ligaments of the joint are attached. The distal surface presents two articular facets; the dorsal one (dorsal calcaneal facet) is concave for articulation with the dorsal facet upon the calcaneus. The ventral facet (middle calcaneal facet) is slightly convex for articulation with the facet upon the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneum. Between the two there is a deep groove {sulcus tali). The oval head presents a convex articular facet on its ventral surface; this articulates with the scaphoid (navicular) bone. Ventral and lateral to the middle calcaneal facet is the ventral calcaneal facet. Upon the infer omedial surface of the head is another facet that rests upon the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament. The neck is a groove and is best marked dorsally where it separates the body and head. Articulations. — With the tibia, fibula, calcaneum and scaphoid (navicular). Muscles Attached. — Xone. The calcaneum, or heel bone, is the largest of the tarsal bones. It is an irregular mass the dorsal portion of which projects as the heel and is called the tuberosity (tuber calcanei). To the middie of its dorsal surface the tendo Achillis (calcaneus) is attached. The medial surface of the main part of the bone presents a heavy shelf of bone, the sustentaculum tali the plantar surface of which is grooved for the tendons of the m. flexor hallucis longus. Its superior surface pre- sents the middle calcaneal facet (for the astragalus). The superior surface of the main portion of the bone presents a large dorsal cal- caneal facet and a small ventral calcaneal facet in front of the middle one. These are for articulation with the corresponding facets upon the astragalus. The dorsal facet is separated from the others by a deep groove (sulcus calcanei). The lateral surface is somewhat con- cave. The ventral extremity is a concave articular facet for articula- tion with the scaphoid (navicular) bone. 104 .OSTEOLOGY Articulations. — With the astragalus (talus) and the scaphoid (navicular) hones. Muscles Attached. — Origins. — Jim. flexor digitorum brevis, abductores hallucis and digiti quinti. flexor quadratus plants and extensor digitorum brevis. Insertions. — Mm. plantaris, tibialis posterior and tendo Achillis (calcaneus) (eight). The scaphoid bone (os naviculare) is somewhat concavoconvex. Its proximal (correctly dorsal) surface is a concave articular facet f^ Pkatm i ill o/ digit ii l'h,ilnni II a; tllgft ll I 9) dipt II FtG. 76. — A frozen preparation of the bones of the foot seen from the plantar surface. (Scholia and McMurrich.) Fig. McMu • dorsal ch.) for the head of the astragulus. The distal (ventral) surface presents three confluent quadrate facets for articulation with the three cuneiform bones. The medial space projects as the tuberosity. The other surfaces are roughened. Articulations. — With the astragalus and three cuneiform bones (four). Muscles Attached.— M. tibialis posterior (inserted). THE METATARSI'S IOj The cuboid (os cuboideumj is laterally placed and is roughly cuboidai in form. Its medial surface presents a facet for articulation with the lateral cuneiform bone and occasionally with the navicular bone. The proximal surface has a concave facet for articulation with the calcaneum. The distal surface presents two articular facets for the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. The plantar surface bears a groove (sulcus peronei) for the tendon of the m. peroneus longus. Articulations. — With the calcaneum, lateral cuneiform, fifth and fourth meta- tarsal bones and occasionally with the navicular bone. Muscle Attached. — Origin. — M. flexor hallucis brevis. Insertion. — Part of the m. tibialis posterior. The three cuneiform bones are wedge-shaped and form with the cuboid the distal row of tarsal bones. The first or medial cuneiform bone is the largest and articulates with the first metatarsal bone, distally, the navicular, proximally and the second metatarsal and second cuneiform bones, laterally. Muscles Attached. — Mm. tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior and peroneus longus (inserted). The second (middle) cuneiform bone is the smallest. It articu- lates distally, with the second metatarsal bone, laterally, with the third cuneiform bone and medially, with the first cuneiform and proximally with the navicular bone. Muscles Attached. — Part of the tendon of the m. tibialis posterior is inserted. The third (lateral) cuneiform bone articulates distally with the third metatarsal bone laterally with the fourth metatarsal and cuboid, proximally with the navicular and medially with the second cuneiform and second metatarsal bones. Muscle Attached. — Origin. — M. flexor hallucis brevis. Insertion. — M. tibialis posterior. Ossification. — The tarsal bones are of endochondral origin. The calcaneum develops from two centers and the others from one each. The centers appear in the following order: Calcaneum (body) sixth month of fetal life Astragalus (talus) seventh month of fetal life Cuboid ninth month of fetal life Lateral cuneiform first year Medial cuneiform third year Scaphoid and middle cuneiform fourth year Tuberosity of the calcaneum about the tenth year and fuses with the body about the age of puberty. THE METATARSUS The metatarsus, like the palm, consists of Jive bones. Each presents a proximal extremity or base, a shaft and a distal extremity, or head. The proximal extremities articulate with the distal row of tarsal bones and with each other. The first is the shortest and Io6 OSTEOLOGY stoutest and the second the longest. The fifth presents a tuberosity at the lateral part of the proximal extremity to which the tendon of the m. peroneus tertius is attached. Ossification. — These are of endochondral origin and each develops from two centers, one for the shaft and one for the digital extremity of the four outer meta tarsals and one for the shaft and one for the base of the first metatarsal. The center for the shaft appears during the ninth week of fetal life; the center for the base of the first metatarsal appears during the third year; the centers for the distal extremities of the others appear between the fifth and eighth years. Fusion of shaft and epiphysis is usually completed by the eighteenth to the twentieth years. Muscles Attached. — First Metatarsal. — Origin. — First dorsal interosseous. Insertions. — .Mm. tibialis posterior, peroneus longus (three). Second Metatarsal. — Origin. — Mm. adductor hallucis obliquus, first and second dorsal interossei. Insertions. — Mm. tibialis posterior, peroneus longus (five). Third Metatarsal. — Origins. — Mm. adductor obliquus hallucis, second and third dorsal interossei, first plantar interosseous. Insertions. — M. tibialis pos- terior (five). Fourth Metatarsal. — Origins. — Mm. adductor hallucis obliquus, third and fourth dorsal interossei, second plantar interosseous. Insertions. — M. tibialis posterior (five). Fifth Metatarsal. — Origins. — Mm. flexor quinti digiti brevis, adductor hallucis transversus. fourth dorsal and third plantar interossei. Insertions. — Mm. peroneus brevis and peroneus tertius (six). THE PHALANGES The phalanges of the foot resemble those of the hand in number, form and arrangement. Their nutrient foramina are similar. Each consists of a proximal extremity, shaft and distal extremity. Their articulations are also similar. Ossification. — These are of endochondral origin and each is developed from two centers. The center for the shaft appears during the tenth week of fetal life and those for the proximal extremities appear between the fourth and tenth years. Fusion between these parts occurs about the eighteenth year. Muscles Attached. — All are insertions. First Phalanx of the Great Toe. — Mm. extensor digitorum brevis (innermost tendon), abductor hallucis. adductores hallucis transversus and obliquus, flexor hallucis brevis (five). First Phalanx of the Second Toe. — First and second dorsal interossei, first lum- bricale (three). First Phalanx of Third Toe. — Third dorsal interosseous, first plantar interosseous, second lumbricale (three). First Phalanx of the Fourth Toe. — Fourth dorsal interosseous, second plantar interosseous, third lumbricale (three). First Phalanx of the Little Toe. — Mm. flexor digitorum quinti brevis, abductor digiti quinti brevis, third plantar interosseous, fourth lumbricale (four). Second Phalanx of the Great Toe. — Mm. extensor hallucis longus, flexor hallucis longus (two). THE FOOT AS A WHOLE 107 Second Phalanx of the Other Toes. — Mm. flexor digitorum brevis, one slip of the common tendon of the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor digitorum brevis (except the fifth toe). Third Phalanges. — Two slips of the common tendon of the extensor digitorum longus, the extensor digitorum brevis and flexor digitorum longus. THE FOOT AS A WHOLE The bones of the foot are arranged in the form of an arch and this supports the weight of the body in the erect position. The foot is placed at a right angle to the leg. There are two arches, longitudinal and transverse. Tarsus Sinus ft Navicular bonr Middle cuneiform bone / External cuneiform bone calcaneus -A frozen preparation of the bones of the right foot : (Sobctie. and McMun 1 from the outer side. The longitudinal arch is the larger and the longer; the curvature of the arch is greater on the medial aspect than it is on the lateral aspect. The heel (back) part of the arch is made up of the calcaneum and the proximal part of the astragalus and is about 3 inches in length; the front part of the arch consists of the other tarsal and the metatarsal bones and measures about 7 inches in length. The weakest part of the arch is at the joint between the astragalus and scaphoid bones. It is especially supported here by ligaments (the calcaneoscaphoid and the tendon of the m. tibialis posterior). Whenever these give, the arch becomes lower and causes Hat-foot. The transverse arch of each foot is only a half arch and the whole is formed when the two feet are placed in apposition. This half arch represents the difference in height of the longitudinal arch at its lateral and medial aspects. CHAPTER II SYNDESMOLOGY THE JOINTS A joint, when movable, is the fulcrum at which the levers (bones) are moved by the muscles. There are two main divisions of joints, the immovable and the movable. i. Synarthroses, or immovable articulations, are those in which no motion is perceptible. In these the apposed edges of the bones are irregular and fit, or dove-tail, into one another. There is a small amount of white fibrous tissue separating the bones, but no joint cavity exists. There are four varieties. (a) Suture (sutura) is that form found in the skull. • When the irregularities of the connecting bones are well marked they form a true suture (sutura vera), otherwise a false suture (sutura notka). When the sutural projections are tooth-like they form a sutura dentata; when saw-like they constitute a sutura serrata; when ridge-like they form a sutura limbosa. The false suture may be a sutura squamosa (squamoparietal), a sutura harmona (palatal processes of the maxillae). (b) Schindylesis is that variety in which a bone is placed in a cleft between two lamellae of another, as the articulation of the vomer with the maxilla1. (c) Gomphosis is that form in which a conical process fits into a special socket, as the articulation of the teeth with the mandible and maxillae. (d) Synchondrosis is that variety in which hyalin cartilage intervenes between the articular surfaces of certain bones, early in life, to be later ossified. This is represented by the epiphyseal cartilage separating shaft and extremities of long bones, before adult life. Movable joints comprise two classes, partly movable, or amphi- arthroses and freely movable, or diarthroses. i. Amphiarthroses exhibit slight movement and they resemble somewhat in structure the diarthroses. Two varieties are noted. (a) Symphysis, that form in which the two articular surfaces of the bones are connected by an intervening plate of fibrocartilage. All parts are held together by ligaments and a rudimentary joint cavity may be present. Examples are the symphysis pubis and the articulations between the bodies of the true vertebrae. 1 08 STRUCTURE OF A JOINT IOq (b) Syndesmosis, that form in which the bony surfaces are con- nected by an interosseous ligament, as the inferior tibiofibular articulation. 2. Diarthroses. — Most of the articulations come under this class and a number of varieties are given. (a) Arthrodia is that variety in which there is a somewhat limited gliding movement, as between the bones of the carpus, the tarsus and the articular processes of the vertebra. (b) Ginglimus, or hinge joint, is that form in which motion occurs only in one plane, that is at right angles to the long axis of the bones taking part (as in a hinge). The best examples are the interpha- langeal articulations and the elbow joint. The knee and ankle joints belong to this variety but permit of some lateral movement. (c) Condyloid, or biaxial articulations, permit of movement in two planes, at right angles to each other, permitting flexion, exten- sion, abduction and adduction and circumduction, as in the radiocarpal articulation. ((/) Trochoid, or rotary joint, is that variety iri which there is rotation only, as in the proximal and distal radioulnar articulations, as well as that between the dens of the epistropheus with the atlas and transverse ligament. (c) Reciprocal reception, or saddle joint, is a term applied to the carpometacarpal articulation of the thumb. Such permits of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circumduction. (/) Enarthrosis, or ball and socket joint, is the variety that per- mits of motion about practically any number of axes from a common center, as the hip and the shoulder joints. A number of structures are required in order to have a diarthrodial joint, as bones, cartilage, ligaments and synovial membrane. Two bones are necessary and their articular surfaces are so formed and adapted to each other so as to permit of certain movements. The parts of these bones that actually rub against each other are covered with a layer. of hyalin cartilage. Ligaments connect the bones together so as to prevent them from separating. A synovial membrane lines the inner surface of the capsular ligament and covers all parts of the bones within the joint cavity except that part covered with hyalin cartilage (real articular surfaces). The structure of bone has been discussed in the chapter on "Osteology." Cartilage. — There are three varieties: (a) hyalin, (b) fibrocartilage, (c) elastic cartilage. Cartilage is surrounded by an investing, genetic membrane called the perichondrium, which is analogous to the periosteum of bones. From it the cartilage cells, or chondroblasts, arise. Within the peri- chondrium is the matrix containing the cartilage cells. In hyalin cartilage this matrix is apparently homogeneous. In special prepa- rations, however, a groundwork of white fibrous tissue may be recognized. The cartilage cells beneath the perichondrium are 110 SYNDESMOLOGY small, elongated and close together. Near the middle of the cartilage they are larger, oval and each usually lies in a distinct space, or lacuna. Hyalin cartilage is found covering the articular surfaces of bones, and as the costal, tracheal, bronchial and the larger laryngeal car- tilages. It may calcify or even ossify. In fibrocartilage the matrix is chiefly white fibrous tissue in which the fibers are mostly parallel to one another. The cartilage cells lie in little scattered islands of hvalin matrix. T^ J -r ■-■■■ : —- B C Fig. 79. — Sections of cartilage. A. Hyalin cartilage, a. Fibrous layer of peri- chondrium; 6, genetic layer of perichondrium; c, youngest chondroblasts; d, older chondro- blasts; e, capsule; /, cells; g, lacuna. B. Elastic cartilage. C. White fibro-cartilage. (Radasch's Histology.) Fibrocartilage is found as the intervertebral discs, interarticular cartilages and deepening joint cavities. It may calcify in old age. Elastic cartilage does not concern us here. Ligaments are those bands of dense white fibrous tissue that hold the bones together. They resemble the fascia? in structure and con- sist of bundles of white fibrous tissue, most of which are parallel to one another; other bundles pass obliquely or transversely to the preceding and bind all together into a firm sheet or band. A variable quantity of elastic tissue is present. The connective-tissue cells lie between the bundles of fibers and are comparatively few in number. Ligaments are whitish and shiny in appearance and are arranged as STRUCTURE OF A JOINT III capsules with accessory strengthening portions, or as individual bands or intraarticular ligaments. A synovial membrane is a thin, delicate serous membrane that lines the joint cavity. It consists of a single layer of endothelial cells that are flat and plate-like with irregular edges that fit into one another. At intervals small gaps or stomata exist. These cells rest upon a thin layer of fibroelastic subendothelial tissue. This membrane does not extend over the hyalin cartilage of the articular surfaces in the adult. These membranes transude {not secrete) a thick, viscid substance, called synovia, that lubricates the joint. Synovial membranes are found elsewhere as in bursae, and vaginal synovial membranes. Bursae are sacs of white fibrous tissue lined with a synovial mem- brane; they may be cutaneous, as those placed between the skin and a prominent bony process (over the patella, olecranon and malleoli). The subtendinous bursee are those intervening between a tendon and a bone or cartilage, facilitating the action of the muscle. Some bursae are over joints. A vaginal synovial membrane (synovial sheath) is one that lines a groove or canal in the bone, through which a tendon passes, thus facilitating its action. These are seen in connection with the flexor and extensor tendons of the fingers and toes, especially. ARTICULATIONS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND HEAD The articulations of the vertebral column are those between the bodies and those between the articular processes. In addition there are ligaments connecting the spinous processes, transverse processes and laminae. Bodies. — These articulations are amphiarthrodial and the liga- ments are intervertebral, ventral longitudinal and dorsal longitudinal. The intervertebral discs vary in thickness in the various parts of the vertebral column. Each conforms in shape to the surfaces of the bodies to which it is firmly attached. Its peripheral portion (annu- lus fibrosus) is dense and tough white fibrocartilage, while its central portion {nucleus pulposus) is soft, pulpy and elastic. The ventral longitudinal ligament (lig. longitudinale anterius) is a broad, fibrous band that extends from the epistropheus to the superior segment of the sacrum. It is attached to the projecting superior and inferior edges of the ventral portion of each body and the intervertebral disc. Some of its fibers are of short course and others extend over three or four vertebrae. The dorsal longitudinal ligament (lig. longitudinale poster ius) con- nects the dorsal surfaces of the bodies in the same manner. It lies in the vertebral canal. Articular Processes. — The articular processes form arlhrodial articulations. Each contiguous pair of processes is surrounded by SYXDESMOLOGY Fig. 80. — The ventral longitudinal lig- ament in the lower thoracic portion of the vertebral column, together with the costo-vertebral ligaments seen from in front. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Fig. 81.— The dorsal longitudinal liga- ment in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar portions of the vertebral column. The vertebral arches have been removed. (Sobotta and McMurruh.) Inten-ertebral foramen Intervertebral fibrocartitage Fig. 82. — Two thoracic vertebrae divided longitudinally in the medu ligamenta flava. {Sobotta and McMurrn In and showing the LIGAMENTS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN II3 a thin capsular ligament (capsula articularis) that is usually com- pleted by the ligamenta flava. These ligaments are loosest in the cervical region, where movement is most extensive, and are attached to the bone adjoining the articular surfaces. Other ligaments are as follows: Ligamenta Flava. — The laminae of adjoining vertebrae are connected to each other by the short, yellow, elastic ligamenta flava. These close in gaps in the osseous vertebral canal. Ligamenta intertransversaria are short ligaments that connect the transverse process of the vertebrae, except in the cervical and upper thoracic region. Ligamenta supraspinaUa form a strong band that connects the tips of the spinous processes together. In the neck it is usually more highly developed and consists, mainly, of yellow elastic tissue. This part is called the ligamenlum nucha and is important and highly developed in quadrupeds. Ligamenta inter spinalia are the short, thin bands that connect one spine with another, and extend dorsoventrally from the supra- spinous ligaments to the ligamenta flava. The lumbosacral articulation is similar to that of the typical vertebrae. Two accessory lumbosacral ligaments are present. Each extends from the transverse process of the last lumbar vertebra to the ventral aspect of the ala of the sacrum; occasionally there is an extension from the lateral part of the body of the last lumbar ver- tebra to each ala. The sacrococcygeal articulation is a symphysis. The last seg- ment of the sacrum and the first of the coccyx are connected by strong ventral, dorsal and lateral sacrococcygeal ligaments. An intervetebral Jibrocartilage is present. The vertebral column is capable of flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation and some circumduction. The movements are most exten- sive in the cervical and lumbar regions and while the movement of one vertebra upon its neighbor may be small, the motion as a whole becomes considerable. ATLAS AND AXIS This articulation (atlantoepistrophica) comprises those of the articular processes and that between the dens and atlas. The articulation between the processes are arthrodial. Each joint possesses a capsular ligament and an accessory ligament; the latter is located in the vertebral canal and represents a thickening of the capsular ligament. The ventral atlantoepistropheal ligament connects the ventral sur- face of the body of the epistropheus to the ventral surface of the ventral arch of the atlas. This is reinforced bv the fibers of the H4 SYXDESMOLOGY ventral longitudinal ligament. The dorsal atlantoepistropheal liga- ment extends from the dorsal arch of the atlas to the lamina; of the epistropheus (like a ligamentum flavum). The transverse ligament (lig. transversum atlantis) extends trans- versely between the two tubercles of the atlas and dorsal to the neck of the dens of the epistropheus; between these two structures there exists a synovial sac. The cruciform ligament (lig. cruciatum atlantis) is formed by the transverse ligament sending fibers from its superior margin to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum Alar Cmriatt ligament Fig. 83. — The atlanto-odontoid articula- tion. The odontoid process {den, epis- trophei) and the ventral arch of the atlas have been cut. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) Fig. 84. — The cruciate ligament after re- moval of the tectorial membrane. The artic- ular capsules have also been removed on the right side. (Sobolla and McMurrich.) and fibers from its inferior margin to the dorsal surface of the body of the axis. Movements. — The head and the atlas rotate upon the axis or epistropheus. ATLAS AND OCCIPITAL BONE The atlantooccipital articulation (articnlatio atlantooccipitalis) is a d {arthrosis. The ligaments are as follows: 1. A capsular ligament that surrounds each condyle of the occipital bone and corresponding facet of the atlas. 2. The ventral atlantooccipital membrane imcmbrana atlantooccip- italis anterior) extends from the ventral arch of the atlas to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum and is thickened in the median line. 3. The dorsal atlantooccipital membrane extends from the dorsal arch to the dorsal margin of the foramen magnum. Both are continuous with the capsular ligaments. 4. The alar, or check, ligaments (ligg. alaria) are two short, strong THE MANDIBULAR ARTICULATION 115 oords extending right and left from the sides of the apex of the dens to the condylar portions of the occipital bone. 5. The ligament of the apex (lig. apicis dentis) extends from the apex of the dens to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum. Occipital bone Fig. 85. — A portion of the occipital bone together with the atlas and axis (epistropheus) and their ligaments seen from behind. On the left side the capsule of the atlanto- epistropheal articulation has been removed. (Sobotta and McXIurrkh.) Movements. — Between the occipital bone and the atlas, a rocking motion is accomplished (nodding) as well as a limited amount of oblique motion. THE MANDIBULAR ARTICULATION The mandibular articulation {articulatio mandibularis) is a ginglymo-arthrosis and the parts concerned are the condyles of the mandible and the mandibular fossa; of the temporal bones. An intraarticular cartilage (disc) intervenes between these bones, however. 1. The loose capsular ligament is attached to the edges of the fossa and to the neck of each condyle. 2. The temporomandibular ligament (lig. tern poromandibulare) is a vthickening of the lateral wall of the capsule and extends between the inferior margin of the zygoma and the neck of the mandible (dorsally and laterally). 3. The articular disc (discus articularis) is a concavo-convex mass of fibrocartilage that is attached, peripherally, to the capsule so as to divide the joint cavity into two compartments, each of which has its own synovial membrane. 4. The sphcnomandibular ligament (lig. sphenomandibulare) is a thin, fiat band extending between the spine of the sphenoid bone and lingula of the mandible. It is an accessory ligament. 5. The stylomandibular ligament (lig. stylomaudibulare) extends from the styloid process of the temporal bone to the dorsal margin of the angle of the mandible. It is an accessory ligament. Movements. — Depression, elevation, forward, backward, lateral (grinding). n6 SYXDESMOLOGY ARTICULATIONS OF THE THORAX Two articulations exist between each rib and the vertebral column. The head articulates with the bodies and the tubercle with a transverse process. COSTOVERTEBRAL ARTICULATIONS The articulations of the heads of the ribs (articulatianes capitu- lorum) are of the ginglynwid variety of diarthrosis. The head articu- remporomamiibuLir ligament Zygomatic arch Pterygoid process Temporal bone Sphenoid bone / Sphertot.nindt- 1 butar ligament Fig. 86. — The right temporomandib- ular articulation seen from the outer side., (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Fig. 87. — The right temporo-mandibu- lar articulation seen from the inner side. {Sobotta and McMurrich.) lates with the demifacet of the two adjoining vertebral bodies. A capsular ligament surrounds these parts. The ventral portion of the capsule is reinforced by three radiating bundles of fibers called the radiate ligaments of the head (fig. capituli costce radiation). These start at the head; the middle one is attached to the inter- vertebral disc and the others to the vertebral bodies. The intraarticular ligament (lig. capituli costce intraarticulare) is within the joint; it is attached to the ridge on the head, between the two facets, and to the intervertebral disc. ARTICULATION OF THE RIBS 117 The costotransverse articulations {articidationes coslotransversarice) of the typical ribs are those between the tubercles of the ribs and the transverse processes of the lower vertebra with which the head articulates. These are arthrodial joints. The capsular ligament is thin but is not found on the eleventh and twelfth ribs. The ventral costotransverse ligament {Kg. costotransversarium an- terior) is short and strong; it connects the neck and tubercle of the n8 ^VNDKSMOLOGY rib with the transverse process above and to its costotransverse capsular ligament. The dorsal costotransverse ligament is a short and oblique fasciculus that connects the transverse process with the nonarticular portion of the tubercle. Such ligaments are absent on the eleventh and twelfth ribs. The ligament of the neck of the rib (lig. colli costce) consists of short fibers that connect the dorsal surface of the neck with the ventral surface of the transverse process, though some of the fibers pass to the inferior articular process of the upper vertebra. STERNOCOSTAL ARTICULATIONS The articulations of the costal cartilages of the true ribs, except the first, are of the arthrodial variety. i i ■• ' A/ Fir.. 90. — A frontal longitudinal section of the sternum and costal cartilages. (Sobotta and .1/, Murrich.) A thin capsular ligament surrounds each joint. The ventral sternocostal, or radiate ligaments pass from the ventral surfaces of the costal cartilages to the ventral surface of the sternum, interlacing with those of the opposite side forming the membrana sterni. STERNOCLAVICULAR ARTICULATION IIQ The dorsal sternocostal ligaments are like the preceding but less prominent. The intraarticular sternocostal ligaments (Jig. sternocostal intra- articulare) are inconstant in all except the second sternocostal articu- lation. When these are present, they extend transversely between the costal cartilage and the sternum and divide the joint cavity into two distinct (superior and inferior) portions. The xiphoid ligament passes from the ventral surface of the xiphi- sternum to the ventral surface of the seventh and sometimes the sixth costal cartilage. INTERCHONDRAL ARTICULATIONS The cartilages of the sixth, seventh and eighth (ninth and tenth sometimes) ribs articulate with each other forming arlkrodial joints. Each joint is surrounded by a thin capsule. The ventral and dorsal portions of the capsule are thickened by fibers connecting the adjacent cartilages. These constitute the external and internal inter chondral ligaments. Each costal cartilage fits into a depression on the sternal end of the shaft of a rib. There is no true joint as these structures are held together by the blending of the periosteum and perichondrium. ARTICULATIONS OF THE STERNUM The sternal synchondrosis is the amphiarthrodial articulation between the manubrium and body of the sternum. Ventrally and dorsally are found the interstemal ligaments supported by the membrana sterni. THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY The superior extremity, or pectoral appendage comprises the pectoral girdle (clavicles and scapula;) and the appendages proper. The pectoral girdle articulates with the axial skeleton ventrally, only, at the sternum. Each clavicle articulates with its corresponding scapula. THE STERNOCLAVICULAR ARTICULATION The sternoclavicular articulation (articulatio sternoclavictdaris) is of the arthrodial variety. The parts concerned are the enlarged sternal end of the clavicle, a facet upon the superolateral angle of the manubrium, the superior surface of the first rib and an intraarticular fibrocartilage. A capsular ligament encloses the joint. The intraarticular cartilage (discus intraarticularis) is thinner in the middle than at its circumference. It is attached peripherally 120 SYNDESMOLOGY to the capsular ligament, as well as to the clavicle superiorly and the first costal cartilage inferiorly. The ventral sternoclavicular ligament {lig. sternoclavicular e anterius) consists of fibers strengthening the capsule and connecting the ventral surfaces of the clavicle, sternum and first costal cartilage. The dorsal sternoclavicular ligament is similar to the preceding. The interclavicular ligament (lig. interclavicularc) is a strong acces- sory ligament connecting the sternal ends of the two clavicles across the interclavicular notch; this ligament is attached to the upper margin of the sternum also. Costoclavicular ligament Articular capsule Costal cartilage I — " Costal cartilage II Sternal synchondrosis Fig. 91. — The two sternoclavicular joints, together with the costosternal articulations of the two upper ribs seen from in front. The right sternoclavicular joint has been opened by a saggital section. (Sobclta and McMurrich.) The costoclavicular ligament (lig. costoclaviculare), also accessory, is a strong, oblique band connecting the first costal cartilage with the inferior aspect of the sternal end of the clavicle. THE ACROMIOCLAVICULAR ARTICULATION The acromioclavicular articulation (articulalio acromioclavicul- aris) is also an arthrodial joint. A capsular ligament is present. The superior and inferior acromioclavicular ligaments are thickened portions of the capsule connecting adjoining portions of the clavicle and acromion of the scapula. An intraarticular cartilage is inconstant and when present it is obliquely placed and is attached by its circumference to the capsule. The coracoclavicular ligament (lig. coracoclavicularis) is an acces- sory ligament and connects the coracoid process of the scapula and the acromial end of the clavicle; it consists of two parts. THE SHOULDER JOINT The trapezoid ligament (lig. trapezoidcum) is attached, inferiorly, to the basal half of the superior surface of the coracoid process and superiorly to the inferior surface of the acromial end of the clavicle. The conoid ligament (lig. conoideum) is somewhat triangular; its blunt apex is attached to the base of the coracoid process (near the scapular notch) and its base is attached to the coracoid tuberosity of the clavicle. It lies medial to the preceding ligament. Coracoclav cular ligament (Conoid portion) Superior transverse ligament Coracoelavicalar ligament (Trapezoid portion) Coracoid process Coraco-acromial ligament Acromion \ , Intertubercular mucous ^ Long head of biceps -The left shoulder and acromioclavicular joints seen f inner surface. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) above and from the The scapula has several intrinsic ligaments that are not articular. The coracoacromial ligament (lig. coracoacromialc) is attached, in- feriorly, to the apical half of the dorsolateral margin of the coracoid process and, superiorly, to the tip of the acromion. It is tense and tends to protect the shoulder joint. The superior transverse ligament (lig. transversum scapula: superius) bridges the scapular notch. The inferior transverse scapular ligament connects the lateral margin of the scapular spine with the dorsal aspect of the head of the scapula. THE SHOULDER JOINT (ARTICULATIO HUMERI) The shoulder joint is of the enarthrodial variety and permits of the widest range of movement of any joint of the body. It is formed by the glenoid fossa of the scapula and the head of the humerus. 122 SYNDESMOLOGY The glenoid ligament (labrum glenoidale) is a ring-like mass of dense white fibrous tissue that deepens the glenoid fossa. It is firmly attached to the margin of that fossa. The capsule (capsula articularis) is attached, proximally, to the circumference of the glenoid fossa and the labrum glenoidale; distally it is attached to the anatomical neck of the humerus. It is strongest superiorly. It is strengthened by fusion with the tendons of the mm. subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, near their insertions. The transverse humeral ligament is a portion of the capsular liga- ment that bridges the groove between the tubercles of the humerus. Acromioclavicular ligament Coraco-acromial ligament Supraspinal 1 Fig. 93. — The left shoulder joint seen from behind, the long head of the triceps being cut and the terminal portions of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles cut and turned outward. (Sobolta and McMurrick.) The coracohumeral ligament (lig. coracohumerale) is an accessory ligament that extends the base of the coracoid process and the base of the greater tubercle of the humerus. It is partially fused with the capsular ligament. The glenoJiumeral ligament consists of three bands of fibers that strengthen the ventral part of the capsule and are seen only upon its inner aspect. They extend from the ventral margin of the glenoid fossa to the ventral part of the neck of the humerus. The head of the humerus is held against the glenoid fossa by mus- cular action and atmospheric pressure as the ligaments themselves are too lax to do this. The synovial membrane lines the capsule and extends over the nonarticular portions of the bones within the capsular ligament. The proximal end of the tendon of the long head of the m. biceps brachii arise within and passes through the joint cavity and leaves THE ELBOW JOIN 1 123 at the groove between the tubercles. The tendon is enclosed within the synovial membrane which is prolonged upon it into the groove but the cavity here is closed. Where the subscapularis tendon lies over the capsule there is a bursa and its cavity and synovial mem- brane are continuous with the joint cavity. The subdeltoid, or subacromial bursa does not communicate with the joint cavity. Movements. — This joint is capable of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation and circumduction. Tendon of iong fiend of biceps Coracohumeral ligament Inteiiubereular mucous shealh Tendon of long head of biceps Fig. 04. — A frontal longitudinal section of the shoulder joint, parallel to the tendon of the long head o! 5 Jwlla and McMurrich.) THE ELBOW JOINT (ARTICULATIO CUBITI) The elbow joint is of the ginglymus, or hinge variety. The bones concerned are the humerus, ulna and radius. The humeroulnar articulation comprises the trochlea of the humerus and the semilunar notch of the ulna. The humeroradial articulation comprises the capitulum of the humerus and the head of the radius. The capsule surrounds the joint and is made up of individual ligaments of varying thickness that join so as to make a complete investment of the joint. The ventral ligament (Jig. anlerius) consists of vertical, oblique and transverse fibers. It is attached, proximally, to the bone just beyond the coronoid and radial fossa? of the humerus and, distally, to the margin of the coronoid process of the ulna and the annular ligament of the radioulnar articulation. The middle portion is the strongest. The thin dorsal ligament (lig. posterius) is attached, proximally, to the margin of the olecranon fossa and capitulum of the humerus and, 124 >YNDESMOLOGY distally, to the margins and tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the dorsal aspect of the radial notch of the ulna. The ulnar collateral ligament (lig. collaterale ulnare) is triangular and fills in the medial part of the capsule between the two preceding ligaments. It is attached, proximally, to the edge of the medial epicondyle and, distally, to the medial margin of the semilunar notch of the ulna. Its fibers are formed into three bands that are called ventral, dorsal and transverse. A synovial membrane lines the capsule and is reflected over the nonarticular portions of the bones within the joint cavity. Pads Internal epkondyL Articular capsule Internal epicondyle Fig. 95-— The left elbow joint seen from front. 'Sobotta and McMurrich.) Fig. 96. — The left elbow joint seer from behind and from the radial side {Sobotta and McMurrich.) of fat separate it from the capsule in the coronoid and olecranno fossae. The movements of the elbow joint are of flexion and extension. RADIOULNAR ARTICULATIONS There are two radioulnar articulations, one between the proximal extremities of the two bones and the other between their distal extremities. They both represent the rotary, or lateral ginglymus variety. The proximal radioulnar articulation (articulatio radioulnaris proximalis) consists of the radial notch of the ulna and the head of the radius. RADIOCARPAL ARTICULATION The annular ligament (lig. annulare radii) holds these bones in apposition. It is attached to the ventral and dorsal margins of the radial notch and is obliquely placed so as to form a funnel. Its synovial membrane is continuous with that of the elbow joint. The distal radioulnar articulation {articulatio radioulnaris distalis) comprises the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch of the radius. The ventral and dorsal radioulnar ligaments are transverse bands of fibrous tissue that connect the adjoining nonartic- ular surfaces of the bones. A dis- tinct capsular ligament does not exist. The triangular articular disc is important in binding these bones together. Its apex is attached to the depression at the root of the styloid process of the ulna and its base to the ridge between the ulnar notch and the distal carpal articular surface of the radius. A synovial membrane closes the joint cavity and, covering the ar- ticular surfaces of the bones extends proximally between the ulna and radius as the recessus sacciformis. Accessory Ligaments. — The oblique ligament (chorda obliqua) is an ob- lique band connecting the coronoid process of the ulna and the tuber- osity of the radius. The interosseous membrane (mem- brana interossea anlebrachii) is a strong, sheet-like band that connects the adjacent margins of the ulna and radius, distal to the oblique chord. Between these two ligaments there is a gap, the hiatus interosseus. Movements are of pronation and supination. THE RADIOCARPAL ARTICULATION (ARTICULATIO RADIOCARPEA) The radiocarpal articulation is of the condyloid, or biaxial variety. It comprises the distal extremity of the radius, the discus articularis, on the one side, and the scaphoid (os naviculare), semilunar (os lunatum), and cuneiform (os triquetrum) bones, on the other. Fig. 97. — The bones of the left fore- arm with the interosseous membrane; the annular ligament has been divided. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) 126 SYNDES1I0L0GY The capsule is loose and its thickened portions constitute the following ligaments. The lateral radiocarpal ligament (Jig. radiocarpeum laterale) extends from the tip of the styloid process of the radius to the tuberosity of the navicular bone. The medial ulnocarpal ligament (lig. ulnocarpeum mediale) is cord- like and extends from the styloid process of the ulna to the triquetral and pisiform bones. The ventral radiocarpal ligament {lig. radiocarpeum volarc) extends between the ventral margin of the distal end of the radius and the styloid process of the ulna to the ventral surfaces of the navicular, lunate and triquetral bones and sometimes to the os capitatum (magnum). - The dorsal radiocarpal ligament [lig. radiocarpeum dorsale) extends from the dorsal margin of the distal end of the radius to the dorsal surfaces of the first row of carpal bones. A synovial membrane lines the joint. The movements are of flexion and extension, abduction and adduction. THE CARPAL ARTICULATIONS tARTICDLATIONES INTERCARPE^J The carpal articulations are all of the arthrodial variety. First Row. — The dorsal ligaments run transversely and connect the navicular and lunate bones and the lunate and triquetral bones. The ventral, or volar ligaments, are thinner but and similarly placed. The interosseous ligaments are two in number, one connecting the lunate and the navicular bones and the other the lunate and tri- quetral bones. These are at the proximal ends of the bones and extend from ventral to dorsal surfaces and shut out the wrist joint from the intercarpal joints. The pisiform bone has three ligaments. The capsule connects it with the triquetral bone and it has its own synovial membrane. Its two palmar ligaments connect it with the hamate and fifth meta- carpal bones. Second Row. — The dorsal ligaments connect the great multangular (trapezium) with the lesser multangular (trapezoid), the latter with the os capitatum (magnum) and this with theoshamatum (unciform). The ventral, or volar ligaments are similarly arranged. The interosseous ligaments are three in number and connect the bones somewhat as in the first row, but not so completely. The articulation between the first and second rows of carpal bones is surrounded by a short capsular ligament. The ventral, or volar ligament (lig. carpi radiatum), extends between the two rows on their ventral surfaces. The dorsal ligament is thinner but similarly arranged. THE CARPAL ARTICULATION 127 The radial collateral carpal ligament extends between the lateral surfaces of the navicular and greater multangular bones. The ulnar collateral ligament extends between the medial surfaces of the triquetral and hamate bones. Two synovial membranes are present, one between the pisiform and triquetral bones (already mentioned) and the other is between the two rows with extensions between the various bones forming a labyrinthine cavity. Movements. — Between the first and second rows, flexion, extension and slight rotation. 1 28 SYNDESMOLOGY CARPOMETACARPAL ARTICULATIONS The articulation of the first (thumb) metacarpal with the great multangular bone is one of reciprocal reception. It permits of the greatest movement of any of these joints and a loose capsule surrounds the joint. Movements. — Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and circum- duction. The articulations between the other metacarpal and carpal bones are of the arthrodial variety. The dorsal ligaments are quite distinct and extend between the dorsal surfaces of the bones concerned. The ventral, or volar ligaments are similarly arranged. Interosseous ligaments extend between the capitate and hamate bones and the adjacent surfaces of the third and fourth metacarpal bones. The synovial membrane is continuous with that between the first and second row of carpal bones. Movements. — A slight gliding movement, only, is permitted. INTERMETACARPAL ARTICULATIONS The four inner metacarpal bones articulate with each other on their adjacent sides (bases). Dorsal (ligg. basalia oss. metacarp. dorsalia) and ventral (ligg. basalia oss. metacarp. volaria) ligaments connect their bases transversely. The synovial membranes are all extensions of and continuous with that between the two rows of metacarpal bones. The transverse metacarpal ligament (lig. capitulorum oss. mcta- carpalium fpansversum) is a strong band that connects the heads of the four inner metacarpal bones (ventral surfaces). It blends, distally, with the metacarpophalangeal ligaments and, proximally with the fascia of the interosseous muscles. THE METACARPOPHALANGEAL ARTICULATIONS These joints are of the condyloid variety. A capsule surrounds each joint and this is strengthened dorsally by the expansions of the tendons of the m. extensor digitorum communis. The ventral, or volar ligament (lig. vaginale) is thick, strong and grooved for the flexor tendons. The collateral ligaments (ligg. collateral ia) are cord-like thickenings of the lateral parts of the capsule. Movements. — Flexion, extension and some abduction, adduction and circumduction. TIIE SACROILIAC ARTICULATION" 129 ARTICULATIONS OF THE PHALANGES (ARTICULATIONES DIGITORUM MANUSi These joints are of the ginglymus variety. A capsule is present and is strengthened by a ventral, or volar, and two collateral ligaments arranged similarly to those in the preceding articulations. Each of these joints has a complete sy- novial membrane lining the joint cavity. Movements. — Flexion and extension. THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE INFERIOR EX- TREMITY (PELVIS APPENDAGE) This appendage comprises one-half of the pelvic girdle and the appendage proper. The pelvic girdle comprises the two ossa coxae (innominate bones), that articulate with each other ventrally at the symphysis pubis, and with the sacrum dorsally. Upon each side the girdle articulates with the proximal extremity of the femur. Accessory ligaments are also present. THE SACROILIAC ARTICULATION (ARTICU- LATIO SACROLLIACA) This articulation is of the amphiarthrodial variety. A joint cavity is barely preceptiblc. A capsule is formed by the following ligament. The ventral sacroiliac ligament is short, thin but strong and extends between the ala of the sacrum and the iliac fossa of the hip bone. The dorsal sacroiliac, or interosseous ligament extends from the supraauricular area of the ilium to the tubercles of the first and second sacral segments and the adjacent bone. There are two parts, as follows: The short dorsal sacroiliac ligament extends from the dorsal superior spine of the ilium to the first and second transverse tubercles of the sacrum. The long dorsal sacroiliac ligament extends from the dorsal superior spine of the ilium to the transverse tubercles of the third and fourth sacral segments. Accessory Ligaments. — The sacrotuberous , or great sacrosciatic, ligament (lig. sacrotuberosum) is of a triangular outline but narrow in the middle; it extends from the dorsal inferior spine of the ilium to the transverse tubercles and the lateral margins of the third, fourth and fifth sacral and first coccygeal segments and to the tuberosity of the ischium, inferior to the groove for the m. obturator internus. From this attachment a portion passes along the medial aspect of the ramus of the ischium as the processus falciformis. Fig. 100. — Articulations of the middle finger seen from theside. {Sobotta and McMurrick.) 13° SYNDESMOLOGV The sacrospinous, or small sacrosciatic ligament (lig. sacrospinosum ) is of a triangular outline and lies ventral to the preceding ligament. It extends from the last two sacral and the first coccygeal segments to the spine of the ischium. These ligaments convert the sciatic notches of the hip bone into foramina; the greater foramen (foramen ischiadicum majiis) lies superior to the sacrospinous ligament and the lesser foramen (foramen ischiudicum minus) lies inferior to the same ligament. Lumbar vertebra l\ Anterior sacro-iliae lig. Anterior longitudinal ligament Iliolumbar lig. Articular capsule of hip joint Iliofemoral pubic lig. Fig. ioi. — The male pelvis with its ligaments fibrocartilage membrane front. (Sobotta and McMurricli.) THE SYMPHYSIS PUBIS (SYMPHYSIS OSSIUM PUBIS j This articulation is of the amphiarthrodial variety and completes the pelvic girdle ventrally. The ventral pubic ligament {lig. pubicum anterius) is short and thick and extends between the adjacent surfaces of the two pubic bones. Its superficial surface is strengthened by the interlacement of fibers from the tendons and aponeuroses of the adjacent muscles. The dorsal pubic ligament {lig, pubicum poster ins) is similarly arranged but weaker. The superior pubic ligament {lig. pubicum su peri us) is weak and extends from one pubic crest to the other. The arcuate, or inferior ligament (lig. arcualum pubis), is quite strong and extends from the descending ramus of the one pubic bone across the inferior surface of the joint to the inferior ramus of the other pubic bone. THE HIP JOINT 131 The inter pubic disc {lamina fibrocartUaginea inter pubica) is covered with hyalin cartilage and is attached to the adjacent surfaces of the two pubic bones. It may contain a cleft-like cavity which, however, does not contain a synovial membrane. The obturator membrane almost completely fills in the obturator foramen of the hip bone. At its highest part there is a U-shaped gap that completes the obturator canal. Short post, sacn-iliac I WjS Iliolumbar ligament <^ ■/ 5 ."'iliac tig. ■ ;heroit$ ■ Fig. 102. — The female pelvis from behind. (Sobotla 1 THE HIP JOINT ARTICULATIO COXjE) The hip joint is of the enarthrodial variety. It comprises the head of the femur and the acetabular cavity of the hip bone. The labrum glenoidale, or cotyloid ligament is a C-shaped mass of fibrocartilage that is attached to the rim of the acetabular cavity to deepen it and to make it narrower. The gap is at the acetabular notch and here the two ends of the labrum are connected by the transverse ligament (lig. transversantm acetabuli). This ligament converts the notch into a foramen through which the vessels and nerves pass into and out of the acetabular cavity. The inner surface of the labrum is articular. The capsule is a hollow cylinder. It is attached, proximally, to the labrum glenoidale and the transverse ligament and the adjoin- ing bone; distally, it is attached, above, to the medial aspect of the 132 SYNDESHOLOGY Pubocapsalar ligament ■ator membrane Fig. 103. — The right hip joint seen from in front. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) FlG. 104. — The right hip joint seen from behind. (Sobotta and McMurrich,) THE HIP JOINT 133 greater trochanter; ventrally, to the intertrochanteric line; dorsally, to the junction of the middle and lateral third of the neck and inferior]}- to the region of the lesser trochanter. Most of the dorsal surface of the neck is not intrascapular while all of the remainder is. The iliofemoral ligament (lig. iliofemorale) is j^-shaped and sup- ports the capsule ventrally. It extends between the inferior margin of the superior spine of the ilium to the intertrochanteric line of the femur, splitting as it descends. The pubocapsular ligament (lig. pubocapsularis) extends from the superior ramus of the pubis and obturator crest to the capsule, with which it blends. The ischiocapstilar ligament {lig. ischiocapsularis) consists of fibers Tendon of rectus femoris i Fossa of acetabulum Round ligament X ligament of acetabulum Fig. 105. — Socket of the right hip joint after cutting through the articular capsule and the round ligament. The head of the femur has been removed. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) that extend from the region of the lesser sciatic notch to the acetabular portion of the capsule to blend therewith. The round ligament (lig. teres femoris) is a flattened band extend- ing from the superior portion of the depression in the head of the femur to the lower margin of the transverse ligament and to the adjacent margins of the acetabular notch. The fossa in the acetabular cavity contains a mass of fat that is called the Haversian gland. This is covered by the synovial mem- brane so that it lies external to this membrane. The synovia! membrane lines the capsule and covers all parts of the bones within the joint except the actually articulating portions. Occasionally a bursa is found communicating with the ventral part of the synovial sac. This is beneath the tendon of the m. iliopsoas. Movements. — This joint is capable of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation and circumduction. 134 SYNDESMOLOGY THE KNEE JOINT (ARTICULATIO GENU) The knee joint is the largest joint in the body and is of the lynius variety. Three bones, the femur, tibia and patella enter into its formation. The condyles of the femur articulate ventrally Fig. 106. — The right knee joint in tension seen from in front. (Sobotta McMurrich.) G. 107.— The right knee joint seen f behind. {Sobotta and McMurrich.) with the patella and distally with the condylar facets upon the head of the tibia. The capsule in itself is not a complete investment nor are the special portions sufficient to form a complete capsule. The latter is completed and strengthened by expansions from the various tendons about it. THE KNEE JOINT 135 The patellar ligament {lig. patella;), a. ventral ligament, connects the apex of the patella with the tuberosity of the tibia. The dorsal ligament (lig. posterius) is thin laterally and thick medially. It extends from the margins of the femoral condyles and popliteal surface just superior to the intercondylic notch to the dorsal margin of the head of the tibia. The tendon of the m. semimembranosus contributes the oblique popliteal ligament (lig. popliteum obliquum). The tibial collateral ligament (lig. collaterale tibiale), or internal Patellar surface Anterior ligament Anterior capitular pi w*» Tuberosity 0/ tibia ight knee joint in flexion after m lateral ligaments. {Sobolta a moval or' the articular capsule and the ,:J McMurrich.) lateral ligament, is short and strong, extending from the medial condyle of the femur, inferior to the adductor tubercle, to the medial surface of the head of the tibia. The fibular collateral, or externa! lateral ligament (lig. collaterale libidare), is a cord-like band extending from the lateral condyle of the femur to the head of the fibula, ventral to the styloid process. It is split by the tendon of the m. biceps femoris. Within the joint cavity a number of important ligaments will be found. The cruciate ligaments (lig. crnciata genu) are ventral and dorsal. The ventral one (lig. cruciatum anterius) extends obliquely (laterally and dorsallv) from the front of the intercondylic eminence of the 136 SYNDESMOLOGY tibia to the dorsal part of the lateral condyle and the intercondylic notch. The dorsal one (lig. cruciatum posterius) is shorter than and dorsal to the preceding. It extends obliquely (ventrally and medially) from the area dorsal to the intercondylic eminence of the tibia to the medial condyle near the ventral end of the intercondylic notch. Two fibrocartilagcs deepen the facets upon the head of the tibia. The medial meniscus (meniscus medialis), or internal semilunar cartilage, is C-shaped. Its ends, or cornua are attached to the head of the tibia in front of and behind the ventral cruciate ligament. Its margin is attached to the margin of the head of the tibia by the short coronary ligament. Transverse ligament Anterior crucial Deep infrapatellar bursa Patellar lig. Internal Posterior crucial lig. Fig. 109. — The condyles of the tibia with the two menisci and the origins of the crucial liga- ments. (Sobotta and McMitrrich.) The lateral meniscus (meniscus lateralis), or external semilunar cartilage, is roughly semilunar. Its cornua are attached to the superior surface of the head of the tibia but are farther apart than the cornua of the other cartilage. It is also attached to the margin of the head of the tibia by a coronary ligament. The transverse ligament (lig. transversum genu) binds the ventral margins of the menisci together. The synovial membrane lines the capsule, covers the bones within the capsule and also invests the intraarticular ligaments. Between it and the patellar ligament is the infrapatellar pad. In this region the synovial membrane forms folds, the plica synovialis patellaris and the plicce alares (two). Bursce exist in relation with the joint. The prepatellar bursa lies between the patella and the skin. The deep infrapatellar bursa lies between the ligamentum patellar and the tuberosity of the tibia. The suprapatellar bursa lies between the femur and the tendon of the m. quadriceps extensor. The subcutaneous tibial bursa lies between the tuberosity of the tibia and the skin. THE TIBIOFIBULAR ARTICULATIONS 137 Anterior capitular ligament Movements. — This joint permits of flexion and extension. Under certain conditions a slight rotation is permitted. THE TIBIOFIBULAR ARTICULATIONS An articulation of the arthrodial variety exists between the proximal extremities and another between the distal extremities of the tibia and hbula. The proximal tibiofibular articulation is the smaller and less important. A capsule surrounds the joint and this is strengthened by additional ligaments. The ventral ligament of the head of the fibula (lig. capituli fibula anterius) ex- tends between the head of the fibula and the adjacent part of the lateral tibial condyle. The dorsal ligament of the head of the fibula (lig. capituli fibidoz posterius) is similarly placed but thinner. A synovial membrane is present and may connect with that of the knee joint. The distal tibiofibular articulation, a synchondrosis, is merely a lateral support to ankle joint. The ventral ligament of the lateral mal- leolus, or anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, extends between the ventral surfaces of the distal end of the tibia and the lateral malleolus of the fibula. The dorsal ligament of the lateral mal- leolus, or posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament is similar in position. The distal ligament of the lateral mal- leolus, or transverse inferior tibiofibular ligament extends from the dorsal margin of the tibia to the pit on the dorsomedial portion of the lateral malleolus. The interosseous ligament is strong and connects the adjacent surfaces of the distal extremities of the tibia and fibula. It is continuous superiorly with the interosseous membrane. The interosseous membrane, like that of the forearm, connects the adjacent margins of the two bones and separates ventral and dorsal muscles. Superiorly there is a gap for the anterior tibial vessels and inferiorly another opening for the peroneal vessels. FlC. IIO. — The right tibia and fibula with their ] igaments. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) 138 SYNDESMOLOGY The synovial membrane of the joint is an extension of that of the ankle joint. THE ANKLE JOINT (ARTICULATIO TALOCRURALIS I The ankle joint, or tibiotarsal articulation is of the ginglymus variety. The bones concerned are the tibia, fibula and talus (astragalus). A capsule is formed by the various ligaments and these vary in strength. Fig. III. — The ankle joint : from behind. (Sobolta and \Ii.\lu The ventral ligament is thin and connects the margin of the head of the tibia with the margin of the head of the talus. The dorsal ligament is very strong and consists of three parts. The ventral fasciculus (lig. talofibular e anterius) is the shortest and connects the ventral margin of the lateral malleolus with the talus in front of its articular surface. The medial fasciculus (lig. calcaneo- fibulare) is cord-like and connects the tip of the malleolus with the side of the calcaneum. The dorsal fasciculus (lig. talofibulare poslcrius) is the strongest and is transversely placed. It extends from the fibular fossa of the malleolus to the dorsal surface of the talus. The deltoid ligament (lig. deltoideum) , or medial ligament, is tri- angular in shape and the strongest ligament of the ankle joint. It extends from the medial malleolus to the navicular, talal and THE INTKRTAKSAL ARTICULATIONS 139 calcaneal bones. It has a number of divisions, as anterior, posterior and deep (all talotibial) and tibionavicular and tibiocalcaneal. The synovial membrane that lines the capsule and invests the non- articular portions of the bones within the joint sends an extension into the inferior tibiofibular articulation. Pads of fat separate it from the bones at the front and back of the joint. Movements. — These are of flexion and extension. THE INTERTARSAL ARTICULATIONS (ARTICULATIONES INTERTARSEiE) The intertarsal articulations are of the arthrodial variety. The talocalcaneal joint is formed by the talus and the calcaneum. In addition to a capsule there are the anterior, posterior, lateral, Deltoid ligament Tendon of tibialis (inter Dorsal tarsometatarsal lig. Tendon of tibialis Sustentaculum tali Calcaneus Calcaneal tendon (.Sobotta and McMurrich.) medial and interosseous talocalcaneal ligaments, which connect corresponding areas of the two bones. The talocalcaneonavicular joint is formed by the talus, calcaneum and naviculare. It is at the summit of the anteroposterior arch of the foot. The most important ligament is the plantar calcaneona- vicular ligament as it gives support to the arch and forms part of the articulation. It blends with the deltoid ligament of the ankle joint. Other ligaments are, the calcaneonavicular part of the bifurcate liga- ment and the posterior talonavicular ligament. The calcaneocuboid articulation is surrounded by a capsule which is supported by other ligaments as, the medial calcaneocuboid (the calcaneocuboid part of the bifurcate ligament), dorsal, lateral and inferior calcaneocuboid ligaments. 140 SYNDESMOLOGY The cuneonavicular articulation concerns the navicular and three cuneiform bones. In addition to the capsule there are the dorsal and plantar cuneonavicular ligaments. The intercuneiform articulations are two in number, the middle bone taking part in both. The ligaments are the dorsal and plantar intercuneiform ligaments. The cuneocuboid articulation is between the cuboid and the third cuneiform bones. The ligaments are the dorsal, plantar and interos- seous cuneocuboid ligaments. Anterior talo-fibidar % -The ligaments of the foot tmts Upmaia Transverse capitular tig. from above and from the outer side. (Sobotta THE TARSOMETATARSAL ARTICULATIONS (ARTICULATIONES TAR- SOMETATARSEjE) These joints are formed by the cuboid and three cuneiform bones, proximal]}-, and the bases of the five metatarsal bones, distally. There are three joints and they are of the arthrodial variety. The medial tarsometatarsal articulation comprises the internal cuneiform bone and the base of the first metatarsal bone (great toe). The ligaments are the capsule, and dorsal and plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments. The intermediate tarsometatarsal joint comprises the three cuneiform bones and the bases of the second, third and a part of the fourth metatarsal bones. The ligaments are dorsal, plantar and interosseous. The lateral tarsometatarsal articulation involves the cuboid and THE IXTERUETATARSAL ARTICULATIONS 141 the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. The ligaments are dorsal and plantar. Each of the three joints has a separate synovial membrane. Movements. — The intertarsal and tarsometatarsal articulations permit of a gliding movement. In the tarsus inversion, eversion and a slight rotation may be produced. Sesamoid bone Tendon of peronaeus longits Plantar tarsometatarsal ligts. 14. — The ligaments of the foot seen from the plantar surface. McMurrich.) THE INTERMETATARSAL ARTICULATIONS These joints comprise the adjacent surfaces of the outer four metatarsal bones only. The ligaments are the dorsal, ventral (plantar | and interosseous ligaments of the bases. In addition transverse meta- tarsal ligaments bind the bases on their plantar surfaces. The syno- vial membrane is an extension of the preceding joints. 142 SYNDESMOLOGY THE METATARSOPHALANGEAL ARTICULATIONS These joints are of the condyloid variety. They resemble those of the hand and each is provided with a modified capsule, a plantar (accessory) and two lateral (collateral) ligaments. The dorsal liga- ment is supplied by the expansion of the extensor tendon as it passes over the joint. Movements. — Flexion, extension, abduction and adduction. THE INTERPHALANGEAL ARTICULATIONS (ARTICULATIONES DIGITORUM PEDIS) These joints also resemble those of the hand. The capsule is thin. The other ligaments are the plantar (accessory) and two lateral (collateral). The dorsal ligament is supplied by the extensor tendon. Each capsule has its own synovial membrane. Movements. — These are of fle-xion and extension. CHAPTER III MYOLOGY Muscle tissues are those that produce the various movements of the different parts and organs of the body. Myology is that division of Anatomy that treats of the origin, insertion and actions of the muscles. There are three varieties of muscle tissue, voluntary striated, involuntary nonstriated and involuntary striated. Voluntary striated, or skeletal muscle tissue consists of units called muscle cells. These are cylindrical in shape, vary in length from 2.5 cm. to 12 cm. and in from 25^ to 80/u in diameter. Each cell or fiber shows longitudinal and cross-striations. Each fiber consists of a large number of delicate fibrillar, or sarcostyles, imbedded in the homogeneous sarcoplasm and is surrounded by a delicate membrane called the sarcolenima. The fibrillar are composed of sarcous sub- stance which stains deeply while the sarcoplasm stains faintly, thereby causing the longitudinal striations. Each fibril is not an uninterrupted thread but consists of segments (sarcous elements) of equal length and separated from one another by an interval filled in with sarcoplasm. These segments are all at the same level at any given part of the fiber causing, thus, the cross-striations or alternating dark and dim discs. In special preparations the dim discs are seen to be crossed by a fine dark line called the membrane of Kraiise, or Dobie's line. The nuclei are numerous and are located at the periphery of the sarcous substance just beneath the sarcolenima. A muscle consists of a collection of muscle fibers and exhibits a definite structure. Each muscle is surrounded by a sheath of white fibrous tissue called the epimysium. From this septa are sent in which divide the muscle into large secondary bundles; these are further subdivided into primary bundles, or fasciculi each of which is surrounded by a sheath called the perimysium. Incomplete septa extend into the primary fasciculi and ultimately give rise to a delicate meshwork all of which constitutes the endomysium; this supports the muscle fibers, smaller nerves and vessels. This variety of muscle is found as the skeletal, and external ocular muscles, in the tongue, pharynx, upper part of the esophagus, anus, diaphragm, larynx and external ear. The involuntary, or smooth muscle tissue, consists of small spindle-shaped cells. Each cell measures from 25// to 200/^ in length 143 144 fff 0 "■ ■ * .' r/ —A D Fig. 115. — A, Longitudinal section of smooth muscle fibers, a. Muscle fiber; 6, nucleus; c, fibrous tissue between fibers. B, Cross-section of smooth muscle fibers, a. Perimysial connective tissue; b, blood-vessel; c, nucleated fiber; d, nonnucleated fiber. C, Longitud- inal section of voluntary muscle fibers, a, Sarcotemma; b, nucleus; c, end of muscle fiber; d, dark bands; e, intermediate disc;/, nucleus; g, lateral disc. D, Diagrammatic section of cross and long striations. a. Dark disc; b, lateral discs; c, intermediate disc. £, Cross- section of voluntary muscle, a. Perimysium; b, endomysium; c, nucleus of perimysium; d, fibrillar; e, nucleus of muscle; /, sarcolemma. F, Longitudinal section of cardiac muscle fiber, a. Muscle fiber; 6, nucleus; c, branch. G. Cross-section of cardiac muscle fibers, a. Perimysial sheath; b, nucleus of sheath; c, muscle fiber; d, nucleus; e, radial plates of fibrillae. (Radasch, Histology.) MUSCLE TISSUE 145 and 5M to 7M in diameter; each fiber contains a single, long, slender, centrally placed nucleus. The fibers are arranged in bundles that form layers in the hollow organs. It is found in the gastrointestinal tract, trachea, bronchial tubes, within the eyeball, in the genitouri- nary system, in the blood vascular and lymph vascular systems and the capsules of some organs. The involuntary striated, or cardiac muscle tissue, is found in the heart only. Each cell is a short, stubby cylinder measuring from 25M to 200ju in length and 25/z to 40^ in diameter. According to some the heart muscle is considered a syncytium. Each cell has cross- and longitudinal striations; the fibrillar are radially arranged but are not present in the nuclear area. A single, broad, oval nucleus is found near the center of each fiber. The cells are arranged in bundles that do not form muscle masses as in the first variety, nor are they arranged in regular layers as in the second variety. For their general arrangement see "The Heart." A muscle has two points of attachment; that which usually acts as the fixed point (the part from which the muscle usually acts) is called its origin, while the point acted upon (moved) is called the insertion. Muscles are usually attached to the periosteum of the bone (but may be attached to the bone directly, to ligaments or to the skin) by means of tendons, or aponeuroses. The main mass of the muscle (between the tendons) constitutes the venter or belly. Movements are not the result of the action of a single muscle but of a variable number. While one (or more) muscle is concerned directly with the action produced other muscles (fixation muscles) steady various joints during the action. The actions of muscles are of im- portance in the displacement of fractured bones and the deformities in dislocations. Muscles are often named from their action (extensors, flexors, pronators, supinators); number of heads (biceps, triceps); points of attachments (sternomastoid, sternohyoid); shape (deltoid, trapezius, rhomboideus) ; situation (ulnaris, radialis, tibialis) ; direction (rectus, obliquus, transversal is) ; course (orbicular, or sphincter). The fibers of the muscles are arranged in various ways. When parallel, or nearly so, they form quadrilateral and fusiform muscles. When they converge toward a common point, they form triangular muscles (temporalis). When arranged obliquely and attached to one or both sides of the tendon, they constitute penniform muscles. On one side they are called unipennate (peronei); on both sides, they constitute bipennate muscles (rectus femoris); when the tendinous bands are numerous and the fibers are obliquely attached, the result is a multipennate muscle (deltoid). More or less directly connected with the muscles are the fascia. The superficial fascia {fascia superficialis), or panniculus adiposus 146 MYOLOGY is that loose areolar tissue just beneath the skin where the fat is deposited. It supports the cutaneous nerves and vessels and is the one affected in dropsical conditions. The deep fascia (fascia profunda) is in close relation with the bones, ligaments and muscles. It is of variable thickness in the various regions of the body. It envelops the entire extremities and sends in septa, the intermuscular fascia?, that separates the muscles from one another. It assists in strengthening joints and as aponeuroses affords attachment to muscles. There are said to be 347 pairs of muscle and two single muscles in the body. THE MUSCLES OF THE HEAD The muscles of the head comprise those of the scalp and auricular, nasal, oral and orbital regions as well as those of mastication. THE MUSCLES OF THE SCALP The superficial fascia of the scalp is firm and dense and is attached to the skin; it contains the superficial vessels, nerves and considerable fat. The m. epicranius (occipitofrontalis) consists of two bellies with an intervening tendon. The frontal portion [frontalis) arises from the galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis) and at the orbital arch blends with the mm. orbicularis oculi and corrugator supercilii. The occipital portion [occipitalis) arises from the lateral two-thirds of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone and terminates in the galea aponeurotica. The galea aponeurotica is a broad and extensive mass of dense fibrous tissue that connects the two bellies together; it is attached laterally to the temporal ridges and dorsally, between the dorsal bellies, to the middle of the superior nuchal line. Actions. — The frontal portion draws the scalp forward and elevates the skin over the root of the nose and the eyebrows. This action is increased in fright and terror. The occipital portion draws the scalp backward. Nerves. — Occipitalis. — Posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve. Frontalis. — Temporal branch of the same nerve. THE EXTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE EAR The m. auricularis anterior, the smallest, arises from the temporal fascia and is inserted into the top of the root of the auricle. The m. auricularis superior, the largest, is fan-shaped and arises from the temporal fascia and is inserted into the top of the auricle. The m. auricularis posterior arises from the surface of the mastoid process and is inserted into the cranial surface of the auricle. MUSCLES OF THE NASAL REGION 147 Actions. — Practically functionless. Nerves. — Auricularis anterior and superior. — Temporal branch of the facial nerve. — Auricularis posterior. — Posterior auricular branch of the same nerve Frontal, Orbicularis oculi (Palpebrdl portion) L16. palpebrals mediate Procerus . , . Nasaiis s^&J Galea aponeurotica Auricularis superior Orbicularis OCul't orbital portion) Occipitalis Can in us Orbicularis oris Transversus ment Plalysma 116. — The superficial layer of the facial muscles; neck seen from the side and slightly from in front. domastoideus id the neighboring muscles of the {Sohotta and McMurrich.) THE NASAL REGION The m. procerus, or pyramidalis nasi, arises from the frontalis muscle and the skin of the glabella and is inserted into the membrane that stretches over the nose. The m. nasaiis, or compressor naris, arises from the maxilla above the incisor fossa and is inserted into the above membrane. The mm. dilatatores nasi are attached to the margin of the nostril, one anterior to the other. The m. depressor alae nasi arises from the upper part of the incisor fossa of the maxilla; it divides, one part being inserted into the ala and the other into the septum of the nose. The caput angulare, or levator labii superioris et alaeque nasi, arises from the root of the frontal process of the maxilla and is inserted into the ala of the nose and joins the m. orbicularis oris. Actions. — The procerus wrinkles the skin over the bridge of the nose. The caput annulare elevates the upper lip (disdain and con- tempt). The other muscles act as indicated by their names. Nerves. — All are supplied by the facial nerve. 148 THE ORAL REGION The m. orbicularis oris is a sphincter muscle connected with the other muscles that converge at the mouth. The superior part is attached to the nasal septum (nasolabial band) and the incisor fossa (superior incisive fasciculus which is continuous with the mm. buccinator and caninus); the inferior part is attached to the mandible at each side of the symphysis (inferior incisive fasciculis which is continuous with the mm. buccinator and caninus) ; laterally it is joined by the buccinator, the elevators and depressors of the lower lip at the angle of the mouth. The m. quadratus labii superioris consists of the three following muscles: The caput infraorbitale, or levator labii superioris, arises from the maxilla just above the infraorbital foramen and joins the orbicularis oris muscle. Fig. 117. — The oral musculature seen from behind. The muscles, together with the integument, have been separated from the bones, and the mucous membrane covering the muscles has been removed. (Scbotla ami McMitrrich.) The caput angulare has been described above. The caput zygomaticus, or zygomaticus minor arises from the zygomatic bone and is inserted into the margin of the orbicularis oris muscle. The m. caninus, or levator anguli oris, arises from the canine fossa of the maxilla and is inserted into the orbicularis oris and the skin of the angle of the mouth. The m. zygomaticus (major) arises from the zygomatic arch and is inserted into the skin and into the orbicularis oris muscle. The m. triangularis, or depressor anguli oris, arises from the oblique line of the mandible and is inserted into the skin and the orbicularis oris muscle. The m. risorius is a portion of the platysma muscle arising from the fascia over the parotid gland; it is inserted into the skin of the angle of the mouth. The m. quadratus labii inferioris, or depressor, arises from the THE MUSCLES OF THE ORBITAL REGION I49 mandible close to the triangularis; it is inserted into the skin of the lower lip and into the orbicularis oris. The m. mentalis, or levator menti arises from the incisor fossa of the mandible and is inserted into the skin of the chin. The m. buccinator forms the bulk of the cheek. It arises from the pterygomandibular raphe and the alveolar processes of the mandible and maxilla. At the angle of the mouth its fibers blend with those of the muscles there. Actions. — These are the muscles of expression and by their actions produce the effect of emotions upon the face. The m. orbicularis oris causes the lips to pout, protrude unevenly, or compresses the lips in various degrees. The mm. quadratics superioris and zygomati- cus draw the lips upward; the mm. zygomalicus, risorius, buccinator and triangularis draw the angle of the mouth laterally; the mm. triangularis and quadratus inferioris draw the lips downward. The m. buccinator flattens the cheek and draws the angle laterally and the in. mentalis protrudes the lower lip. Nerve Supply — All are supplied by the facial nerve. THE ORBITAL REGION The external muscles include three. The m. orbicularis oculi is a sphincter muscle of the eyelids. Its orbital portion spreads over the cheek, temple and forehead (pars orbital is) and the palpebral portion (pars palpebral- is) is contained in the eyelid. Medially the palpebral portion is attacked to the medial palpebral ligament and the borders of the nasolacrimal groove. The pars lacrimalis, or tensor tarsi, is a portion of the above muscle that lies behind the lacrimal sac and extend from the nasolacrimal groove to the tarsal ligaments. It closes the eyelids. The m. corrugator supercilii arises from the medial portion of the superciliary arch and blends with the deep fibers of the orbicularis oculi. It throws the skin of the forehead into vertical folds. Nerve Supply. — All are supplied by the facial nerve. Within the orbit are the orbital muscles, the fascia bulbi and the eyeball, vessels and nerves. These structures are embedded in the orbital fat. The fascia bulbi, or capsule of Tenon, represents a bursa upon which the eyeball moves. One layer is attached to the posterior surface of the eyeball while the other is applied to the adjacent fat. The layers are continuous at the conjunctival region. This fascia is pierced by the optic nerve and the tendons of the ocular muscles upon which it is prolonged in the form of sheathes. The m. levator palpebrae superioris arises from the upper part of the optic foramen and as it passes forward it spreads out and is inserted into the lid, mainly into the superior border of the superior 150 MYOLOGY tarsal plate. It is also inserted into the conjunctiva, the orbicularis oculi and skin of the upper lid. Action. — Elevates the upper lid. Nerve Supply. — Superior division of the oculomotor nerve. The mm. recti are the superior, inferior, lateral and medial, and they all arise from a ring of fibrous tissue that surrounds the optic foramen. The superior, medial and superior head of the lateral rectus all arise from the upper part of this ring while the inferior rectus and the inferior head of the lateral rectus arise from the inferior portion of this ring. The medial and lateral recti are in- serted into the transverse plane of the eyeball about 8 mm. behind the corneoscleral junction. The superior and inferior recti are 18. — Muscles of the right orbit. inserted a little medial to the vertical axis of the eyeball about 8 mm. behind the corneoscleral junction. The m. obliquus superior arises from the lateral margin of the optic foramen, passes obliquely to the superomedial part of the orbit where its middle tendon passes through a fibrous pulley that is here attached. It then turns laterally and passes between the superior rectus and the eyeball to be inserted into the sclera at the equator of the eyeball between the lateral and superior recti muscles. The m. obliquus inferior arises from the anteromedial part of the floor of the orbit at the margin of the nasolacrimal groove. It passes laterally between the inferior rectus and the floor of the orbit and then between the lateral rectus and the eyeball to be inserted into the sclera between the superior and lateral recti muscles but at a more posterior level than the superior oblique. Actions. — The medial and lateral recti muscles move the eyeball medially and laterally in the horizontal plane. The superior and inferior recti tend to move the eyeball in the vertical plane but their THE MUSCLES OF MASTICATION 151 insertion and oblique direction cause them to produce some inward movement as well as some rotation. This action of the superior rectus is corrected by the inferior oblique while the same action of the inferior oblique is corrected by the superior oblique muscle. Diagonal movements are produced by the two contiguous recti muscles acting at the same time. The oblique muscles acting alone produce movements upon the anteroposterior axis of the eyeball. Nerve Supply. — The lateral rectus by the abducent nerve. The superior oblique by the trochlear nerve. The remainder of the orbital muscles by the oculomotor nerve. The m. orbitalis, or Mueller's muscle consists of smooth muscle tissue and spans the inferior orbital fissure and infraorbital groove. Action. — Probably assists in protrusion of the eyeball. Nerve Supply. — Sympathetic nerves. MUSCLES OF MASTICATION The m. temporalis arises as a fan-shaped mass from the temporal fossa and the temporal fascia. It is inserted into the coronoid proc- ess and the anterior margin of the ramus of the mandible. Action. — Closes the mouth, protrudes and retracts the mandible. Nerve Supply. — Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. The m. masseter arises superficially from the anterior two-thirds of the inferior margin of the zygomatic arch and deeply from the medial surface of the entire zygomatic arch; it is inserted into the lateral surface of the coronoid process, ramus and angle of the mandible. Action. — Closes the mouth. Nerve Supply. — Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. The m. pterygoideus externus arises from the infratemporal sur- face of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone (superficial head), and from the lateral surface of the lateral plate of the pterygoid process of the same bone (deep head). It is inserted into the anterior part of the neck of the mandible just below the condyle and into the capsule of the joint and the articular disc. Action. — Protrusion and lateral movements of the mandible. Nerve Supply. — Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. The m. pterygoideus internus arises from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and from the tuberosity of the maxilla; it is inserted into the medial surface of the angle and ramus of the mandible behind the mylohyoid groove. Action. — Closes the mouth and assists in protrusion and lateral movements of the mandible. Nerve Supply. — Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. '5- Galea aponeuroses Temporalis Occipitalis ularis Trapezius Splenius capitis Parotid oland Sternocleidomastoideus Alasseter x Fig. no. — The deepest layer of the facial muscles and the temporalis. . The caninus, the zygomatic arch, a portion of the zygomatic bone with the origin of the masseter and the tem- poral fascia? have been removed. (Sobotla and McMurrich.) Palatine mucous^^ Hamulus of pterygoid p, lohuoideus x ^(Ant. belly) Fig. 120. — The two pterygoidei seen from the skull has been divided in the sagittal pi. tongue and soft palate have been remo1 K indicates that the structures so marked, in the muscle illustrations, have been cut. irface. The anterior portion of the and the temporal bone in an oblique plane; the (Sobotta and McMurrich.) THE CERVICAL MUSCLES 1 53 THE MUSCLES AND FASCIA OF THE NECK The superficial fascia is very thin and invests the m. platysma. The m. platysma is a broad thin sheet of muscle that (irises from the pectoral and deltoid fascia; and passes obliquely upward and inward over the neck; some of its fibers are inserted into the mandible while the remainder pass onto the lower part of the face to be inserted into the skin and to blend with the other muscles at the angle of the mouth. Action. — Wrinkles the skin of the neck, assists in depressing the angles of the mouth arid may assist in depressing the mandible. Nerve Supply. — Facial nerve. The deep fascia (fascia colli) surrounds all of the muscles of the neck, forms the carotid sheath and sends in septa that have received special names. Dorsally it is attached to the ligamentum nuchse and as it passes ventrally it splits at the dorsal margin of the sterno- mastoid muscle to envelop it, uniting again at the ventral margin of this muscle to envelop the infrahyoid muscles and then passes to the midline of the neck. It is attached, superiorly, to the inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone and the entire length of the body of the mandible; inferiorly, it is attached to the sternum, the clavicle, first rib and to the acromial process of the scapula. The prevertebral fascia (fascia prevertebralis) is the transverse septum that passes in front of the vertebral column and the preverte- bral muscles. The pretracheal fascia is a septum that arches across the neck ventral to the trachea and thyroid gland, assisting in form- ing the carotid sheath on each side. These two septal fasciae form a compartment containing the larynx, trachea, thyroid gland, esophagus and pharynx. The carotid sheath forms a tubular com- partment that encloses the carotid artery, the jugular vein, the vagal and descendens hypoglossi nerves. The prevertebral fascia lies dorsal to the parotid gland and assists in forming the stylomandibu- lar, sphenomandibular and pterygomandibular ligaments. The m. sternomastoideus arises from the ventral surface of the manubrium sterni (sternal head) and from the medial third of the superior surface of the clavicle (clavicular head). It passes supe- riorly and dorsally in an oblique manner to be inserted into the lateral surface of the mastoid process of the temporal bone and the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone. Action. — Flexes the head laterally and rotates it toward the opposite side if acting alone. Both acting flex the head upon the neck and assist in raising the clavicle and sternum in forced inspiration. Nerve Supply. — Accessory nerve and a branch from the second cervical nerve through the cervical plexus. 154 MYOLOGY INFRAHYOID MUSCLES The m. omohyoideus consists of two bellies; the dorsal one arises from the superior margin of the scapula and the transverse scapular ligament and ends in a tendon that continues as the ventral belly that is inserted into the body of the hyoid bone along its inferior margin. The muscle has an oblique direction and the middle tendon is held in position by a process of cervical fascia that is attached to the clavicle and first rib. Action. — Depresses hyoid bone (after elevation) and draws it to one side and backward if one alone is acting. THE SUPRAHYOID MUSCLES 155 Nerve Supply. — Ansa cervicalis formed by the first three cervical nerves. The m. sternohyoideus is narrow and arises from the dorsal surface of the manubrium sterni, the first costal cartilage and the adjacent part of the clavicle. It is inserted into the inferior margin of the body of the hyoid bone. Action. — Depressor of the larynx and hyoid bone after elevation in deglutition. Nerve Supply. — Ansa cervicalis. The m. sternothyreoideus arises from the dorsal surface of the manubrium sterni and the first costal cartilage and is inserted into the oblique line of the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx. Action. — Depressor of the larynx and hyoid bone. Nerve Supply. — Ansa cervicalis. The m. thyreohyoideus, apparently a continuation of the preced- ing, arises from the oblique line of the thyreoid cartilage and is inserted into the body and greater cornu of the hyoid bone. Action. — Depressor of the hyoid bone and elevator of the thyreoid cartilage. Nerve Supply. — Ansa cervicalis. SUPRAHYOID MUSCLES The m. digastricus consists of two bellies, the dorsal one of which arises from the digastric notch of the mastoid process. This is directed toward the hyoid bone where the middle tendon is held in place by a band of cervical fascia. The ventral belly continues from this tendon and is inserted into the digastric fossa of the mandible (near the symphysis on the medial surface). Actions. — Elevator of the hyoid bone and the ventral belly depresses the mandible. -Xii-cc Supply. — Ventral belly by the mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar division of the trigeminal nerve; dorsal belly by the facial nerve. The m. srylohyoideus arises from the dorsolateral portion of the base of the styloid process of the temporal bone and is inserted into the body of the hyoid bone near the omohyoideus. Action. — -Elevator of the hyoid bone. Nerve Supply. — Facial nerve. The m. mylohyoideus is broad and extensive forming the floor of the buccal cavity. It arises from mylohyoid ridge of the mandible and is inserted into the body of the hyoid bone and a fibrous median raphe that extends from the hyoid bone toward the chin. Actions. — Elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible. Nerve Supply. — Mylohyoid branch of the inferior dental nerve (trigeminal). 156 MYOLOGY The m. geniohyoideus arises from the inferior mental spines (me- dial surface of the symphysis menti) and is inserted into the ventral surface of the body of the hyoid bone. Actions. — Elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible. Nerve Supply. — First and second cervical nerves through the hypoglossal nerve. LINGUAL MUSCLES The intrinsic muscles are given in the description of the "Tongue" (page 288). The extrinsic muscles are given below. The m. genioglossus is a fan-shaped muscle arising from the supe- rior mental spines; its inferior fibers are inserted into the body of the hyoid bone while the remainder are inserted into the tongue from its tip to the base. Body of tono'ue filiate papilla I L 0„^tadinsl;s i;n6uae inferior Root o/tono'- /LXJ Oral mucous membrane X G/ossopalatir. Sty/o - pbaruno'eus w~ x Cenioolossus Gen'tohuoideus *S< ' ' !j'i ''il *5 ^ riyoolossus Greater comu of Vfl;||'l'| \M^~^Hyoid bone (body) " * — -v — * ^^Huothureoid membrane Thureohuoideus Fig. 123. — The superficial layer of the musculature of the tongue seen from the right side. The mandible has been divided immediately to the right of the median line. (Sobotto- and McMurrich.) Actions. — Elevates the hyoid bone, depresses the mandible and assists in protracting, retracting and depressing the tongue. Nerve Supply. — Hypoglossal nerve. The m. hyoglossus arises from the body and greater cornu of the hyoid bone and is inserted into the side of the tongue. Actions. — Elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the tongue. Nerve Supply. — Hypoglossal nerve. The m. styloglossus arises from the tip of the styloid process and the stylohyoid ligament and is inserted into the side and inferior surface of the tongue, decussating with the mm. hyoglossus and the glossopalatinus. Actions. — Elevates the tongue and assists in retracting the tongue. Nerve Supply. — Hypoglossal nerve. MUSCLES OF THE PHARYNX AND PALATE 157 The m. glossopalatinus arises from the inferior surface of the soft palate and is inserted into the side of the tongue blending with the m. styloglossus and intrinsic muscles. Action. — Elevates the base of the tongue. Nerve Supply. — Accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. The m. chondroglossus is a variable muscle and when present it arises from the lesser cornu of the hyoid bone and blends with the intrinsic muscles of the tongue. Action. — Negligible. Nerve Supply. — Hypoglossal nerve. PHARYNGEAL AND PALATAL MUSCLES The m. constrictor pharyngeus superior is thin and arises from the inferior portion of the dorsal margin of the medial pterygoid plate, from the pterygomandibular ligament, the mylohyoid line and the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth. Its fibers radiate dorsally and are inserted into the pharyngeal tubercle of the occipital bone and the median raphe. Its inferior portion is overlapped by the middle constrictor. The m. constrictor pharyngeus medius arises from the stylohyoid ligament and both cornua of the hyoid bone. It is inserted into the dorsal median raphe. It is overlapped by the inferior constrictor. The m. constrictor pharyngeus inferior arises from the oblique line of the thyreoid cartilage and cricoid cartilage and is inserted into the dorsal median raphe. Actions. — These are the muscles of deglutition. Nerve Supply. — Accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. The inferior receives branches from the vagal nerve in addition. The m. stylopharyngeus arises from the root of the styloid process and is inserted into the wall of the pharynx and the superior and dorsal margins of the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx. Actions. — Elevates and draws laterally the wall of the pharynx. Nerve Supply. — Glossopharyngeal nerve. The m. pharyngopalatinus arises from the soft palate and is ■inserted into the dorsal margin of the thyreoid cartilage near the m. stylopharyngeus. Action. — Draws the pharynx over the bolus of food in deglutition. Nerve Supply. — Accessory through the pharyngeal plexus. The m. salpingopharyngeus is a small muscle that arises from the inferior part of the auditory (Eustachian) tube and blends with the m. pharyngopalatinus. The m. levator veli palatini arises from the inferior part of the cartilaginous auditory tube and from the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It is inserted into the aponeurosis of the soft palate. Action. — Elevates the soft palate. Nerve Supply. — Accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. The m. tensor veli palatini arises from the cartilaginous portion of the auditory tube and from the scaphoid fossa of the pterygoid process and the spine of the sphenoid bone. It is inserted into the dorsal margin of the soft palate and into the palatal aponeurosis. pharynoobasilar Stylopharyndeus Stylohuotdeus Constrictor pharuno'is medi pheryno'eal raph pharuno'eal o'/ands — styloid process V parotid o'land Constrictor pharuno'is superior Pteryo'oideus internus Submaxillary o'land Fig. 124. — The constrictors o- the pharynx seen from behind. The posterior part of the skull has been removed. *, A bundle of the superior constrictor arising from the base of the skull. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Action. — Renders the palate tense. Nerve Supply. — Trigeminal nerve through the otic ganglion. The m. glossopalatinus (see lingual muscles). The m. uvulae is really a pair of muscles and these are the only intrinsic muscles of the palate. Each arises from the posterior nasal spine and palatal aponeurosis and is inserted into the tissues of the uvula. LATERAL AND PREVERTEBRAL CERVICAL MUSCLES !59 Action. — Elevates the uvula. Nerve Supply. — Accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. THE LATERAL AND PREVERTEBRAL CERVICAL MUSCLES The m. scalenus anterior arises from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebra?. It is inserted into the scalene tubercle and ridge of the first rib. The m. scalenus medius arises from the posterior tubercles of the l6o MYOLOGY transverse processes of the inferior six cervical vertebra and is inserted into the first rib dorsal to the subclavian groove. The m. scalenus posterior arises from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the fourth, fifth and sixth ribs and is inserted into the lateral surface of the second rib. Actions. — Lateral flexion of the vertebral column and accessory to respiration. Nerve Supply. — Ventral rami of the lowest four cervical nerves. The m. longus capitis, or rectus capitis anticus major arises from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae and is inserted into the basilar portion of the occipital bone. Action. — Flexes the head and the cervical vertebrae. Nerve Supply. — Ventral rami of the first four cervical nerves. The m. rectus capitis anterior, or rectus capitis anterior minor arises from the lateral mass of the atlas and is inserted into the basilar portion of the occipital bone. Action. — Flexes the head upon the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — From the loop between the first and second cervical nerves. The m. longus colli is divisible into three portions. The vertical part arises from the bodies of the last three cervical and the first three thoracic vertebrae and is inserted into the bodies of the second, third and fourth cervical vertebrae. The superior oblique part arises from the anterior tubercles of the third, fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae and is inserted into the anterior tubercle of the atlas. The inferior oblique portion arises from the bodies of the first three thoracic vertebrae and is inserted into the anterior tubercles of the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. Action. — Flexes the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — Ventral rami of ' the second, third and fourth cervical nerves. The m. rectus capitis lateralis arises from the transverse process of the atlas and is inserted into the jugular process of the occipital bone. Action. — Flexes the head laterally upon the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — The loop between the first and second cervical nerves. MUSCLES OF THE BACK The superficial fascia is thin and contains a variable quantity of fat. The deep fascia is usually more prominent. It is attached, superiorly, to the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone and is continuous with the cervical fascia. It is continuous with the axillary fascia and the fascia of the abdomen and thus covers the THE MUSCLES OF THE BACK 161 superficial muscles and even ensheathes them. In the middorsal line it is attached to the ligamentum nuchas and the vertebral spines; it is also attached to the spine of the scapula and to the crest of the ilium. The muscles are superficial and deep and are usually described under four layers. The mm. trapezius and the latissimus dorsi form the superficial layer. The m. trapezius is broad, thin, flat and of a triangular form. It arises from the medial portion of the superior nuchal line of the Semispinal''^ capit Splenius capitis Sternocleidomastoideus Sacrospinalis fc I posterior layer) Gluteal fascia Fig. i 2- . — The superficial layer of the flat muscles of the back together with the neighbor- ing muscles of the head, neck, abdomen, and buttock. Upon the right side the rhomboideus major and the teres major are represented covered by fascia. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) occipital bone, from the ligamentum nucha; and from the spines of the seventh cervical and all of the thoracic vertebrae as well as the supraspinous ligaments. The superior fibers are inserted into lateral third of the dorsal margin of the clavicle; the middle fibers are inserted into the medial margin of the acromion and the superior margin of the spine of the scapula; the inferior fibers are inserted into the base of the spine of the scapula. I 62 MYOLOGY Action. — The whole muscle rotates the scapula. The superior portion elevates the shoulder girdle while the inferior fibers depress the vertebral margin. Nerve Supply. — The accessory nerve and the third and fourth cervical nerves through the cervical plexus. The m. latissimus dorsi is also a flat, triangular muscle. It arises from the lumbosacral fascia, from the lower three or four ribs (interdigitating with the m. obliquus abdominis externus) and occa- sionally from the inferior angle of the scapula. Toward its inser- tion the muscle becomes narrow and thick and its ribbon-like tendon is inserted into the floor of the intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove). Action. — Depresses and rotates the humerus medially and as a muscle of extraordinary inspiration it elevates the inferior ribs. Nerve Supply. — The thoracodorsal nerve from the dorsal cord of the brachial plexus (representing sixth, seventh and eighth cervical nerves). SECOND LAYER The m. levator scapula is a narrow muscle that arises from pos- terior tubercles of the transverse processes of the first three or four cervical vertebra and is inserted into the superior angle and vertebral margin of the scapula. Action. — Elevates the superior angle and vertebral margin of the scapula. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal scapular nerve of the brachial plexus (fifth cer.) and branches from the third and fourth cervical nerves. The m. rhomboideus minor arises from the ligamentum nucha? and the spines of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra?. It is inserted into vertebral margin of the scapula at the base of the spine. The m. rhomboideus major arises from the spines of the second, third, fourth and fifth thoracic vertebra; and supraspinous ligaments. It is inserted into the vertebral margin of the scapula at the base of the spine and at the inferior angle. Actions. — They elevate and draw toward the median line the vertebral margin of the scapula. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal scapular nerve of the brachial plexus (fifth cer.). THIRD LAYER The m. serratus posticus superior arises from the ligamentum nuchas and the spines of the seventh cervical and first three thoracic vertebra;. It is inserted into the second, third, fourth and fifth ribs. The m. serratus posticus inferior arises from the lumbosacral THE MUSCLES OF THE BACK 163 fascia attached to the last two thoracic and first two lumbar spines; after a horizontal course it is inserted into the last four ribs. Actions. — Extensors of the vertebral column and accessory muscles of respiration. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal rami of the superior and inferior thoracic nerves, respectively. The m. splenius is a band-like muscle that arises from the lig. nuchae, the last cervical and the first six thoracic spines and the Splenius capitis Levator scapulae Rhomboideus minor tSupraspinatus) Rhomboideus major Occipitalis Semispinalis capitis Sternocleidomastoideus Splenius cervicis Levator scapulae ^Trapezius y Latissimus X Latissimus x Serratus §;'.\ posterior inferior .umbodorsal fascia I posterior layer) Gluteal fascia (Glutaeus maximus) Fig. 1 28. — The deeper layers of the flat muscles of the back. On the left side the trape- zius and latissimus have been cut away; on the right side the rhomboidei have also been cut ' 1 and the lumbodorsal fascia has been retained only where it is in relation with the origin of the serratus posterior inferior and below. (Sobolla and Ml Murrich.) supraspinous ligaments. The superior portion is inserted, as the splenius capitis into the mastoid process and the superior nuchal line. The inferior portion, as the splenius cervicis, is inserted into dorsal tubercles of the first three or four cervical vertebra?. Actions. — Extension and lateral movement of the vertebral column. The splenius capitis assists in flexion, rotation and raising the head. 1 64 MYOLOGY Nerve Supply. — Dorsal rami of the cervical and superior thoracic nerves. FOURTH LAYER The m. sacrospinalis, or erector spinse, is the large muscle mass that tills the vertebral groove on each side of the spinous processes. It arises from the iliac crest, from the dorsal sacral ligament and from the dorsum of the sacrum and the spinous processes of the Iliocostalis turn bo rum FlG. 129. — The deeper layers of the lo spinalis has been partly removed and the i anil McMurrich.) 'spinalis capitis X Rectus capitis major Splenius capitis X ObUquus capitis super. longissimus capitis X Obliquus capitis inferior Spinalis cervicis Semispinalis capitis X fnterspinales ~ 5 err at us poster, super, X Semispinalis ceroids et dorsi X Multifidus dorsi Legator costae Levator costae fono'us 5 er rat us posterior inf Semispinalis X :he back. On the left side pinalis has been cut and reflected. lumbar and superior sacral vertebrae. Near the last rib the muscle divides into several portions, as follows: The m. iliocostalis lumborum, or lateral portion, is inserted into the six inferior ribs. The m. iliocostalis dorsi, or accessorius, is the successor of the preceding in the upper thoracic region. It arises from the inferior six ribs, medial to the iliocostalis lumborum and is inserted into the six superior ribs. THE MUSCLES OF THE BACK 165 The m. iliocostalis cervicis, or cervicis ascendens, succeeds the m. iliocostalis dorsi in the cervical region. It arises from the superior six ribs medial to the insertion of the preceding muscle and is inserted into the dorsal tubercles of the fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebra?. The m. longisimus is the medial and largest portion of the m. sacrospinalis. It is inserted into all of the ribs and into the trans- verse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebra?. The m. longisimus cervicis, or transversalis cervicis, arises from the transverse processes of the first six thoracic vertebra? and is inserted into the dorsal tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebra?. The m. longisimus capitis, or trachelomastoideus, arises in com- mon with the preceding and from the articular processes of the lower four cervical vertebra?. It is inserted into mastoid process of the temporal bone. The m. spinalis dorsi lies just lateral to the midline in the thoracic region. It arises from the spinous processes of the first two lumbar and the last two thoracic vertebra? and is inserted into the spines of the first four, or more, thoracic vertebra?. The m. semispinalis capitis, or complexus, is a broad muscle that arises from the transverse processes of the first six thoracic and the articular processes of the last four cervical vertebra?. It is inserted into the occipital bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines. Actions. — Assists in extension and lateral movements of the pelvis and vertebral column. Extension, lateral movement and rotation of the head (mm. long, capitis and semispinalis capitis). Accessory to inspiration (mm. longisimus and iliocostales). Nerve Supply. — Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves. FIFTH LAYER The m. semispinalis comprises two portions. The m. semispinalis dorsi arises from the transverse processes of the last six thoracic vertebra? and is inserted into the spines of the first four thoracic and last two cervical vertebra?. The m. semispinalis cervicis, or colli, arises from the transverse processes of the first six thoracic and the articular processes of the last four cervical vertebra? and is inserted into the spines of the second to the fifth cervical vertebra?. Actions. — Extension, rotation and lateral movement of the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal rami of the spinal nerves. The m. rotatores are eleven pairs of small, thoracic muscles. Each arises from the transverse process and is inserted into the lamina of the vertebra superior to it. l66 MYOLOGY Action. — Extension and rotation of the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal rami of the thoracic spinal nerves. The mm. interspinals are paired muscles connecting the trans- verse processes of the vertebrae. They extend the vertebral column and are supplied by the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves. The mm. intertransversarii, or intertransversales, are small mus- cles connecting the adjacent transverse processes. In the neck and lumbar region they are paired on each side of the midline. These assist in lateral movement and rotation of the vertebral column and are supplied by the ventral rami of the spinal nerves. The m. rectus capitis posterior major arises from the spine of the second cervical vertebra and is inserted into the occipital bone below the middle of the inferior nuchal line. The m. rectus capitis posterior minor arises from the dorsal tu- bercle of the atlas and is inserted into the occipital bone medial to the preceding muscle. Actions. — Both muscles assist in elevation, rotation and lateral movement of the head. Nerve Supply. — Dorsal ramus of the suboccipital, or first cervical, nerve. The m. obliquus capitis superior arises from the transverse process of the atlas and is inserted into the lateral portion of the occipital bone between the superior nuchal line and the jugular process. The m. obliquus inferior arises from the spine of the epistropheus (axis) and is inserted into the transverse process of the atlas. Actions. — The superior produces elevation, rotation and lateral movement of the head upon the atlas. The inferior produces extens ion , lateral movement and rotation of the atlas in the axis. Nerve Supply. — Posterior ramus of the suboccipital or first cervical nerve. The m. rectus capitis lateralis connects the jugular process of the occipital bone with the transverse process of the atlas. It assists in lateral movement and rotation of the head and is supplied by the sub- occipital nerve. MUSCLES OF THE THORAX, OF RESPIRATION The mm. intercostales are placed between the ribs and are eleven pairs in number on each side. Each external intercostal muscle (m. intcrcostalis externus) arises from the inferior margin of a rib, passes downward and ventrally to be inserted into the superior margin of the rib beneath. It does not quite reach the sternum in front and the space is spanned by the ventral intercostal aponeurosis. Each internal intercostal muscle (m. intercostalis interims) arises from the costal cartilage and the medial margin of the costal groove THE DIAPHRAGM 167 and passes downward and dorsally to be inserted into the superior margin of the costal cartilage and rib beneath. It extends to the angle of the rib only and the remainder of the intercostal space is spanned by the dorsal intercostal aponeurosis. The mm. levatores costarum are twelve in number arising from the transverse processes of the seventh cervical and the first eleven thoracic vertebrae; each is inserted into the rib dorsal to the angle. The mm. subcostales are on the medial surfaces of the inferior ribs near their angles. These are in series with the internal intercostal muscles. Anterior fanaitudinal //'{foment Intercostales extern? SUrnothyreoide! X Rib XI RibXIl Lumbar vertebra I Subcostales Fig. 131. lavicles and the ribs, with the intercostales. Fig. 130. Fig. 130. — The sternum, sternal ends of the and the transversus thoracis, seen from behind. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Fig. 131, — The fifth to the twelfth thoracic vertebra: and the vertebral extremities of the corresponding ribs, with the intercostales and subcostales seen from in front. On the left side the intercostal ligaments have been removed. {Sobotta and McMurrich.) The m. transversus thoracis, or triangularis sterni, is within the thoracic cavity. It arises from the dorsal surface of the xiphoid process and most of the body of the sternum and is inserted into the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth costal cartilages of both sides. The diaphragm (diaphragma) is a musculomembranous partition between the thorax and abdomen. The muscular portion arises as follows: dorsally by two crura (pars lumbal is) the rig/it crus arising from the first, second and third lumbar vertebras and the left from the first and second lumbar vertebra;; from the middle arcuate liga- ment in front of the aorta; from the internal arcuate ligament (arcus lumbocostalis medialis) that stretches from the body of the first lumbar vertebra to its transverse process; from the external arcuate 1 68 / i game at (arc its lumbocostal is lateralis) that stretches from the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra to the apex and lower margin of the twelfth rib. Ventrally, the diaphragm arises from the dorsal surface of the ensiform cartilage of the sternum {pars sternalis) and from the dorsal surface of the six lower costal cartilages; laterally, it arises from the lower six ribs (pars costalis). The muscle fibers are all inserted into the central tendon. The centra! tendon (centrum tendincum) consists of three leaflets of which the right is the largest and the left the smallest. There are three chief openings in the diaphragm. The aortic orifice (hiatus aorticus) is the lowest and most dorsal; it transmits the aorta, the Fig. 132. — The abdominal surface of the diaphragm. .4, Middle arcuate ligament and aortic orifice; B. esophageal orifice; C, caval orifice; D. right crus; E, medial arcuate ligament; F, lateral arcuate ligament. vena azygos major and the thoracic duct. The esophageal orifice (hiatus esophageus) is to the left of the preceding and at a more ventral level; it transmits the esophagus and vagal nerves. The caval orifice (foramen vena cavce) is the highest and is situated to the right of the midline. It is quadrate in form and transmits the inferior vena cava. The diaphragm is dome-shaped and when viewed from the side shows that the ventral attachment is at a higher level than the dorsal; when viewed from the front it exhibits two domes of which the right is the higher, reaching the level of the fifth interspace in the mid- THE MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN 169 clavicular line; the left dome reaches the level of the sixth left sternochondral junction. The position varies with inspiration and expiration, its excursion at times being as great as 2 inches. Actions. — Inspiration is accomplished mainly by the diaphragm and intercostal muscles assisted by the mm. scalenei, serrati pos- teriores, levatores costarum and the subcostal muscles. The dia- phragm depresses its central tendon and elevates the inferior ribs. The external intercostal muscles elevate the ribs. The internal inter- costal muscles are supposed to do the same. The accessory muscles of inspiration are the mm. pectorales, quadratus lumborum sterno- mastoideus, latissimus dorsi, infrahyoid muscles and extensors of the vertebral column. Expiration is accomplished by the relaxation of the above muscles and elevation of the diaphragm causing the thoracic cavity to be- come smaller, by the elasticity of the lungs and by the contraction of the abdominal muscles. THE MUSCLES AND FASCIA OF THE ABDOMEN The superficial fascia of the abdomen contains a variable quantity of fat and consist of a single layer in the superior portion of the abdominal wall. In the groin region it is separable into two layers, the superficial one of which is continuous with that of the thigh; the deeper layer is attached to the inguinal ligament and fascia lata of the thigh thus preventing the passage of fluids from the abdominal wall to the thigh. These fascial layers also pass along the spermatic cord and form part of the scrotum. The deep fascia is closely applied to the muscles even investing some. It is variable in its thickness in different regions. The abdominal cavity side of the muscles is covered by fascia that is named according to the muscle covered (transversalis, quad- ratus lumborum, psoas, diaphragmatic). At the thigh it forms the femoral sheath for the femoral vessels and at the inguinal ring the i nf u nd ibul i/orm fascia. Upon the deep surface of this fascia are the extraperitoneal tissue and the peritoneum. The extraperitoneal tissue usually contains a great quantity of fat in which are embedded the extraperitoneal abdominal organs. The peritoneum is a serous membrane that lines the abdominal cav- ity and invests some organs completely, some incompletely and others not at all. The m. obliquus externus abdominis is broad and thin and arises from the eight inferior ribs interdigitating with the mm. serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi. It is inserted into the ventral half of the external iliac crest and aponeurosis by means of which it is attached to the xyphoid process, the linea alba and the symphysis 170 MYOLOGY pubis. This aponeurosis is extensive forming various ligaments and assisting in forming the external abdominal ring. The inguinal ligament (lig. inguinale Pouparf) is the inferior margin of the aponeurosis of the m. obliquus externus abdominis and extends from the ventral superior spine of the ilium to the tuber- cle of the pubis. It affords attachment to some muscles and also forms the floor of the inguinal canal. Oelto'deus 'Clavicular portion of pecmaj Sternocostal portion of pec ma) Abdominal portion of pec rnaj Serratus anterior Cremaster Reflected inguinal lig of penis Superior pillar Inferior pillar. Fig. 133. — Superficial and second layers of the abdominal and pectoral muscles seen from in front. On the right side the pectoralis major and the obliquus abdominis externus have been removed. {Sobotta and McMurrich.) The lig. lacunare, or Gimbernat' s lig., is a triangular reflection of the medial extremity of the inguinal ligament toward the iliopec- tineal line. The subcutaneous inguinal ring, or external abdominal ring, is just over the tubercle of the pubis and through it pass the spermatic cord, or round ligament of the uterus, and the cremaster muscle and THE MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN 171 its fascia. The margins of the ring are called the crura and these are thin. From the margins of the ring a thin tubular sheath of fascia, the inter columnar, or external spermatic fascia, passes over the spermatic cord. The reflex inguinal ligament of Colles, or the triangular fascia, consists of fascial fibers from the opposite side that are attached to the crest and tubercle of the pubis. Omohyoid Scalenus medius Sternohyoid * *, + Sternothyreoid/l. Fig. 134. — The superficial layer of the abdominal muscles and the serratus anterior seen from the left side. The pectoralis major and minor and the inner portion of the clavicle have been removed and the arm has been drawn backward. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) The m. obliquus internus abdominis, broad and thin, arises from the lumbodorsal fascia, the ventral two-thirds of the iliac crest and from the lateral portion of the inguinal ligament. Its fibers are directed superiorly and medially, the superior ones are inserted into the three lower ribs and the remainder are inserted into an apo- neurosis that joins that of the external oblique and transversalis muscles. This conjoined fascia splits to envelop the rectus abdominis muscle forming, at the lateral margin of the muscle the linea semi- lunaris and at the medial margin the linea alba. The inferior margin of the aponeuroses is joined by fibers from the transversalis fascia forming the conjoined tendon, or falx aponeiaotica ingiiinalis; this is attached to the pubic crest and iliopectineal line. The m. cremaster arises from the inferior margin of the internal oblique muscle and is inserted, in part, to the tubercle of the pubis. The m. transversus abdominis arises from the deep surfaces of the lower six costal cartilages, the lumbosacral fascia, the medial External intercostal /tots. Sternal membrane Rectus abdomin Rib VI Intercostales interni Serratus anterior 'ntercostales exterm Semicircular line Transversalis fascia Inouinal lid. Cremaster x Pyramidalis X Fk;. 135. — The deeper layers of the abdominal muscles. On the left side the anterior layer of the sheath of the rectus abdominis and the obliquus abdominis externus have been removed; on the right side, in addition, the rectus abdominis, the pyramidalis. and the ob- liquus abdominis internus. The external intercostal ligaments have been removed on the left side. (Soboita and McMurrich.) crest of the ilium and from the lateral part of the inguinal ligament. After a horizontal course the fibers are inserted into an aponeurosis that joins that of the internal oblique to form the sheath of the rectus muscle; this aponeurosis is inserted into the xyphoid cartilage, the linea alba and the crest of the pubis. The inferior fibers form the conjoined tendon described above. The m. pyramidalis abdominis is small and arises from the pubic crest and is inserted into the ilea alba. THE INGUINAL CANAL 173 The m. rectus abdominis arises from the symphysis and crest of the pubis and is inserted into the ventral surface of the xyphoid process and of the fifth, sixth and seventh costal cartilages. The muscle is divided transversely by three or more tendinous bands, the inscriptiones tendineee. The lateral margin of the muscle is indi- cated by the lined semilunaris. At this line the abdominal apo- neurosis splits to form the two layers of the rectus sheath. The in- Fig. 136. — The diaphragm and the muscles of the dorsal abdominal wall. The ven- tral abdominal wall and the abdominal viscera have been removed; the thorax has been bent backward so that the lumbar vertebra are strongly convex forward. (Sobctta and McMurrich.) ferior portion of the dorsal layer of the sheath is not present and the linea semicirctdaris marks the inferior limit of the layer. The inguinal canal (canalis ingninalis) begins at the abdominal inguinal ring and continues to the subcutaneous inguinal ring. The abdominal, or internal ring, lies about 1 cm. superior to the middle of the inguinal ligament. The floor of the canal is formed by the inguinal ligament; the ventral vail by the aponeurosis of the external 174 MYOLOGY oblique and the muscle fibers of the internal oblique; the dorsal wall consists of the transversalis fascia and falx aponeurotica inguinalis (conjoined tendon). At the abdominal ring is the infundibuliform, or internal spermatic fascia. In the canal lies the spermatic cord and it is invested by the infundibuliform, cremasteric and inter- columnar fascia?. The triangular area between the inguinal ligament, inferiorly, the rectus abdominis, medially, and the inferior epigastic artery, laterally is called Hesselback's triangle. A hernia at this point is called a directing ing. hernia, whereas when the intestine traverses the inguinal canal and appears at the subcutaneous ring then it is an oblique ing. hernia. Actions. — To compress the abdominal wall as in defecation, vomit- ing, micturition, parturition and deep respiration. They also act as flexors of the vertebral column and pelvis. Nerve Supply. — Pyramidalis from the last thoracic nerve; the cre- master from the genitofemoral (L. i, 2); the remainder are supplied by the ventral rami of the last six thoracic nerves. The m. quadratus lumborum arises from the dorsal portion of the iliac crest from the transverse processes of the lower lumbar verte- bras and from the iliolumbar ligament; it is inserted into the inferior margin of the last ribs and the transverse processes of the upper lumbar vertebra;. Ad ion. — Assists in inspiration and flexion and extension of the vertebral column. Nerve Supply. — Branches from the ventral rami of the first three lumbar nerves. FASCIA AND MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM AND PELVIS The superficial fascia extends into the scrotum to form there the dartos fascia and the scrotal septum, in the male, while in the female it assists in forming the mons veneris and labia majora, containing con- siderable fat in the latter places. It also passes over the penis and connects with the superficial fascia of the thigh, buttocks and abdom- inal wall. In the dorsal part of the perineum there is a considerable space between the rectum and ischium on each side and this consti- tutes the ischiorectal fossa which is filled with a mass of fat contained in the superficial fascia here. Ventrally, the superficial fascia com- prises two layers as in the groin. The superficial layer is continuous with that of abdomen and thigh. The deeper layer is attached to the pubic arch, the fascia of the urinogenital diaphragm and to the root of the penis and the scrotal septum. The attachment of this layer prevents the urine that extravasates, when the perineal portion of the urethra is ruptured, from entering the thigh and the ischiorectal fossa. THE MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM 1 75 The deep fascia is thin and tends to invest the muscles. In the midline of the perineum about i cm. ventral to the anal canal, there is a fibrous area called the central tendinous point of the perineum and four muscles are here attached. The m. sphincter ani externus is a flattened, spindle-shaped muscle around the anus and anal canal connected ventrally with other mus- cles at the central tendinous point and dorsallv it is connected with anococcygeal ligament. Action. — Closes the anus voluntarily. Nerve Supply. — By the third and fourth sacral nerves through the pudendal and perineal nerves. The m. corrugator cutis ani are radiating bundles of smooth mus- cle tissues at the margin of the anal opening and superficial to the external sphincter. The m. transversus perinei superficialis is a variable muscle. When present, it arises from the inferior ramus of the ischium and the fascia of the urinogenital diaphragm: it is inserted into the central point of the perineum. Action. — They_/f.v the central tendinous point of the perineum. Nerve Supply. — Deep perineal branch of the pudendal nerve (S. 3,4)- The m. bulbocavernosus, or accelerator urlnas of the male, sur- rounds the root of the penis, the bulb of the urethra and the corpus spongiosum, in the male. It arises from the central point of the perineum and median raphe and the fibers are inserted into the fascia of the urinogenital diaphragm, the dorsal surface of the corpus cavernosum and into the fascia of the dorsum of the penis. The bulbocavernosus, or sphincter vaginae of the female arises from the central point of the perineum and is inserted into the root of the clitoris somewhat as in the male. Ail ion. — Compresses the urethra in the emission of semen and urine and assists in the erection of the penis in the male. In the female it contracts the vaginal orifice and compresses the bulb of the vestibule. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the perineal nerve (S. 3, 4). The m. ischiocavernosus, or erector penis, invests the crus penis of the male. It arises from the tuberosity of the ischium and is inserted to the fascia of the crus penis and to the corpus cavernosum of the penis. The m. ischiocavernosus, or erector clitoridis, of the female is smaller and similar in attachments. Action. — Erection of penis or clitoris. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the perineal nerve (S. 3, 4). The urinogenital diaphragm comprises several muscles and two layers of fascia. 176 The m. sphincter urethras membranaceae arises from the inferior pubic ramus and is inserted into the median raphe partly ventral and partly dorsal to the urethra. The m. transversus perinei profundus arises from the inferior ramus of the ischium and is inserted into the median raphe. The m. sphincter urethras in the female is smaller and some of the fibers are inserted into the side of the vagina with the transversus perinei profunda. Action. — Slight compression of the urethra and slight constriction of the vagina. / coccyx occygeal ligament scrotum corpus cavernosum of urethra ^corpora cavernosa of pen* Fig. 137. — Superficial muscles of the male perineum. (Sobottu and McMur The fascial portion constitutes the fascia urinogenitalis diaphrag- matis inferior et superior. The inferior fascia, or superficial layer of the triangular ligament, tills in the pubic arch and is about 3.5 cm. in height. Between its apex and the subpubic ligament passes the dorsal vein of the penis. Laterally the fascia is attached to the rami of ischium and pubis. This fascial layer is perforated by the ure- thra, ducts of Cowper's glands and various arteries, veins and nerves. In the female this fascia is not as strong and it is pierced by the vagina. The deep layer, or fascia diaphragmatis urinogenitalis superior is a portion of the pelvic fascia and is perforated by the urethra. Between its two layers are found the dorsal vein of the THE MUSCLES OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY 177 penis, the membranous part of the urethra, the bulbocavernosus muscle, the glands of Cowper and their ducts and arteries, veins and nerves in the male. In the female the dorsal nerve and vessels of the clitoris, a part of the urethra, the bulbocavernosus muscle, the glands of Bartholin, the vestibular bulbs and arteries, veins and nerves. The pelvic fascia (fascia pelvina) forms a lining for the pelvic cavity and an investment for the muscles here. It is connected, superiorly, with the fascia of the abdominal cavity while inferiorly, it is attached to the bony and ligamentous boundary of the inferior pelvic outlet. Different portions have been given special names ; that portion in relation with the pyriformis muscle is the pyriformis fascia while the obturator fascia is in relation with the m. obturator internus. The fascia diaphragmatis urinogenitalis superior has already been discussed, and with the various muscles previously discussed con- stitutes the ventral portion of the pelvic floor. The dorsal part of the floor consists of the mm. levatores ani and the anal fascia, the perineal body and the anococcygeal body. The white line, or tendinous arch, is a taut band of fascia that extends from the dorsal surface of the symphysis pubis to the ischial spine. The pelvic fascia also forms the true ligaments of the bladder and the sheath of the prostate gland. The m. levator ani arises from the dorsal surface of the body of the pubis, the tendinous arch and the spine of the ischium. It is inserted into central tendon of the perineum into the external sphincter, to the anococcygeal ligament and to the sides of the lower coccygeal segments. Actions. — Supports and raises the pelvic floor; assists in defecation; elevates the prostate gland, or contracts the vagina; assists in child- birth. Nerve Supply. — Directly by the third and fourth sacral nerves and by branches from the perineal nerve. The m. coccygeus arises from the spine of the ischium and the sacrospinous ligament. It is inserted into the lateral aspect of the inferior portion of the sacrum and the superior part of the coccyx. Action. — Mainly to assist the levator ani in supporting the pelvic floor. Nerve Supply. — By the third and fourth sacral nerves. THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY OR PECTORAL APPENDAGE Fascia and Muscles of the Pectoral Region. — The superficial fascia is thin and contains a variable quantity of fat and the mammary glands. The deep fascia invests the pectoral muscles and connects with the abdominal fascia. Medially, it is attached to the sternum, superiorly, 178 MYOLOGY to the clavicle and laterally, forms the axillary fascia. This fascia forms the costocoracoid membrane and ligament. The costocoracoid membrane is a layer of the deep fascia extending from the superior margin of the m. pectoralis minor to the clavicle. This layer, before it reaches the clavicle, splits to envelop the m. subclavius and then it is attached to the inferior surface of the clavicle. Medially, Deltoideus Clavicular portion ofpecmaj Sternocostal portion of pec mat Cremaster Reflected inguinal lig Superior pillar Inferior pillar. Fig. 138. — Superficial and second layers of the abdominal and pectoral muscles seen from in front. On the right side the pectoralis major and the obliquus abdominis externus have been removed. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) this membrane is attached to the first costal cartilage and laterally to the coracoid process and as this part of the membrane is quite well developed it is called the costocoracoid ligament. The membrane is pierced by the cephalic vein, the branches of the lateral ventral thoracic nerve and thoracoacromial artery and vein. The m. pectoralis major is large and fan-shaped, arises from the sternal half of the ventral margin of the clavicle, from the ventral THE MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER REGION 1 79 surface of the sternum and the first six costal cartilages and, a small part, from the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. It is inserted as a rather broad thick tendon into the lateral margin of the intertubercular sulcus, or bicipital groove. The clavicular part of the muscle forms the inferior part of the tendon while the costo- sternal portion forms the superior part. Action. — Assists in drawing the arm to the side of the thorax; adduc- tion and medial, or inward rotation while bringing the arm across the ventral part of the thorax. Nerve Supply. — Lateral ventral thoracic nerve, from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus (C. 5, 6, 7) and the medial ventral thoracic nerve from the medial cord of the brachial plexus (C. 8, T. 1). The m. pectoralis minor, small and triangular, arises from the ventral surfaces of the chondral extremities of the third, fourth and fifth ribs and the third and fourth intercostal fasciae; it is inserted into the margin of the coracoid process near the origin of the mm. biceps and coracobrachialis. Action. — Depresses and draws the shoulder forward. Nerve Supply. — Same as pectoralis major. The m. subclavius arises from the superior surface of the first costal cartilage and sternal end of the first rib and is inserted into the subclavian groove on the inferior surface of the clavicle. Action. — Depresses the clavicle and shoulder and assists in inspira- tion by fixing the first rib. Nerve Supply. — Branch from the brachial plexus (C. 5, 6). The m. serrarus anterior, or serratus magnus, arises by eight or nine digitations from the first eight ribs and is inserted into the verte- bral margin and ventral surfaces of the superior and inferior angles of the scapula. Action. — Draws the scapula forward, assists in rotating the scapula and is an important muscle in inspiration. Nerve Supply. — The long thoracic nerve (from the ventral rami of the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical nerves). MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER REGION The m. deltoideus, a large multipennate muscle, arises from the lateral third of the ventral margin of the clavicle, from the lateral margin of the acromion, from the inferior margin of the spine of the scapula and from the fascia covering the infraspinatus muscle. It is inserted into the deltoid tubercle of the shaft of the humerus. Action. — Abducts the humerus to a right angle with the glenoid fossa of the scapula. Assists in drawing the arm forward (ventrally) and backward (dorsally). Nerve Supply. — Axillary, or circumflex nerve (C. 5, 6). i8o The m. supraspinatus arises from the bulk of the supraspinous fossa and the fascia covering the muscle and is inserted into the proximal facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus and into the capsular ligament. Action. — Assists the deltoid in abducting the arm. Nerve Supply. — Suprascapular nerve (C. 5, 6). The m. infraspinatus arises from the bulk of the infraspinous fossa and the fascia covering it and is inserted into the middle facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus. Trapezius raspinatus 'fascia Teres major ■issimus X head of triceps brachii brachii Outer head of triceps brachii Inner head of triceps brachii picondy/e 3 Antibrachial 1 fascia Fig. i3g. — The deltoid and muscles of the upper arm see Mc Munich.) from the side. 'Sobotta i Action. — Assists in abducting the arm and when raised assists in drawing the arm dorsally. Nerve Supply. — Suprascapular nerve (C. 5, 6). The m. teres minor arises from the dorsal surface of the axillary margin of the scapula (proximal two-thirds) and the intermuscular septa and is inserted into the distal facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus. Action. — Rotates the humerus laterally. THE FASCIA AND MUSCLES OF THE ASM 151 Nerve Supply. — Axillary, or circumflex nerve (C. 5, 6). The m. teres major arises from the inferior third of the dorsal aspect of the axillary margin of the scapula and from the intermus- cular septa and is inserted into the medial margin of the intertuber- cular sulcus (bicipital groove) of the humerus. With the margins of the teres minor and subscapularis muscles and the neck of the humerus, the teres major forms a triangular space. The long head of the triceps muscle divides this into a medial, quadrilateral space, transmitting the axillary nerve and the posterior circumflex artery and a lateral, triangular sp^c, transmit- ting the circumflex scapula artery. Action. — Rotates the humerus medially. Nerve Supply. — Lower scapular nerve (C. 5, 6). Levator scapulae X /JV R homboideus minor X Infraspinatus Rhomboideus majo Deltoideus Subdeltoid bursa Pect oralis maj> Fig. 140. — The muscles of the dorsal surface of the left scapula and the neighboring portion of the extensor surface of the upper arm. The deltoid has been removed with the exception of its origin and insertion; portions of the dorsal muscles inserting into the verte- bral border of the scapula and also of the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major have been retained. (Sobottu an J McMurrich.) The m. subscapularis arises from the entire subscapular fossa and is inserted into the lesser tubercle of the humerus and into the cap- sular ligament and even into the surgical neck of the bone. Action. — Medial rotator of the humerus and assists in drawing the arm ventrally. Nerve Supply. — Long and short subscapular nerves (both C. 5, 6). FASCIA AND MUSCLES OF THE ARM The superficial fascia is thin and presents a bursa over the olecranon. The deep fascia is continuous with that of the shoulder muscles 182 and the axilla and with that of the forearm. It sends in a medial septum, that separates the brachialis muscle from the medial head of the triceps, and a thin lateral septum, that separates the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles from the triceps, behind. These septa are only, in the distal half of the arm and are attached to the epicon- dyles distally. OmohuoideuB X ~ -Clavicle Coracoid process. Subscapular, Subclavivsx Bursa of latissirrtus Tendon of larissimus pecrora/i's major Deltoideus x > head of biceps -The muscles of the flexor surface of the upper arm, superficial layer. The deltoid has been removed. (Sobotta and .1/. Murrich.) The m. coracobrachialis arises in common with the short head of the biceps muscle, from the tip of the coracoid process of the scapula and is inserted about the middle of the medial margin of the humerus. A ction. — A ssists the biceps in ra ising and drawing the arm medially. Nerve Supply. — Musculocutaneous nerve (C. 7). The m. biceps brachii arises from the tip of the coracoid process (short head, or caput breve) and from the supraglenoid tuberosity and glenoid ligament (long head, or caput longum). The latter tendon passes through the shoulder joint and into the bicipital groove and then forms a fleshy belly that lies beside the belly from the short VENTRAL MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM AND HAND 1 83 head; these form a common tendon that is inserted into the dorsal surface of the tubercle of the radius. The bicipital fascia (laccrtus fibrosus) is a strong fascial band that arises from the tendon in front of the elbow joint and passes medially to join the deep fascia of the forearm. Action. — Draws the humerus forward at the shoulder joint, flexes the elbow joint and supinates the forearm. Nerve Supply. — The musculocutaneous nerve (C. 5, 6). The m. brachialis (anterior) arises from the distal two-thirds of the ventral surface of the humerus and the intermuscular septa and is inserted into the ventral ligament of the elbow joint and the coro- noid process of the ulna. Action. — Flexes the forearm at the elbow. Nerve Supply. — Musculocutaneous nerve (C. 5, 6) and radial nerve (C. 5, 6). The m. triceps brachii, the only dorsal muscle of the arm, arises by three heads. The long head (caput longum) arises from the infra- glenoid tuberosity of the scapula; the lateral head arises from the lateral margin (proximal one-third) and the intermuscular septa; the medial head has the most extensive origin from the dorsal sur- face of the shaft of the humerus and the intermuscular septa. The common tendon is inserted- into the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and into the deep fascia of the forearm on each side of this. Action. — Mainly an extensor of the forearm; the long head may assist in adducting the humerus at the shoulder-joint. Nerve Supply. — Branches from the radial nerve of the dorsal cord of the brachial plexus (C. 6, 7, 8). FASCUE AND VENTRAL MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM AND HAND The superficial fascia is as usual containing fat and the superficial vessels and nerves. It contains one muscle in the palm. The m. palmaris brevis, in the medial side of the palm, arises from the medial margin of the central palmar aponeurosis and is inserted into the skin of the medial border of the hand. It wrinkles the skin here, when acting, and deepens the hollow of the hand. The deep fascia is quite strong at the elbow region due 'to reinforce- ment from the tendon of the biceps and triceps muscles. It sends in intermuscular septa one of which is attached to the dorsal margin of the ulna. At the wrist it is strengthened by transverse bands that form important ligaments. The transverse carpal, or anterior annular ligament (lig. carpi transvcrsum). is a broad band stretching between the navicular and greater multangular bones, laterally, and the pisiform and hamate bones, medially. This holds the flexor tendons and median nerve in place. The space between the bones 184 MYOLOGY and the ligament is divided into two compartments, the larger for the flexor tendons of the digits and the median nerve, and the smaller for the flexor carpi radialis ' tendon. Three synovial sheaths lie beneath this ligament. The dorsal carpal, or posterior annular ligament (lig. carpi dor sale), is another broad ligamentous band upon the dorsal surface of the wrist joint. Beneath it are six compartments each lined with a syn- ovial membrane. These are, lateromedially, as follows: (a) mm. ab- ductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis; (b) mm. extensores carpi radialis longus and brevis; (c) m. extensor pollicis longus; (d) mm. extensores digitorum communis and indicis proprius; (e) m. extensor digiti quinti proprius; (/) m. extensor carpi ulnaris. In the palm the deep fascia constitutes the palmar aponeurosis. The medial part of this is the largest and most extensive as well as the strongest portion. It is triangular in shape with its apex blending with lig. carpi transversum; its base is opposite the bases of the four medial digits and here a slip is given off for each finger; each slip divides into two slips that are attached to the sides of the metacar- pophalangeal joints and the first phalanx of each finger. The digital sheaths are continuations of the palmar aponeurosis upon the ventral surface of each finger. Each sheath is attached to the sides of the phalanges and serves to keep the flexor tendons in place. Each is lined with a synovial membrane. The synovial space of the little finger is continuous with the large synovial sac of the palm that also extends into the forearm under the transverse carpal ligament. The synovial spaces of the outer three fingers are independent of one another. The synovial space, or sheath of the thumb extends through the palm and under the transverse carpal ligament into the forearm. SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM The m. pronator teres arises from the medial epicondylic ridge and its intermuscular septum, from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the fascia over it and from intermuscular septa here; this con- stitutes the caput humeralc. The caput ulnare, or deep head arises from the medial surface of the coronoid process of the ulna. The muscle is inserted into the middle of the lateral surface of the shaft of the radius. . 1 1 lion. — Flexes the elbow joint and pronates the forearm. Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6). The m. flexor carpi radialis arises from the medial condyle through the common tendon, from the intermuscular septa and fascia over it and is inserted into the proximal extremities of the second and third metacarpal bones. Action. — Flexes the elbow and wrist joints and assists in pronating the forearm. THE VENTRAL MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM I85 Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6). The m. palmaris longis arises from the common tendon of the medial epicondyle, the fascia over it and the intermuscular septa and is inserted into the transverse carpal ligament and the apex of the palmar aponeurosis. Action. — Assists inflexion of the elbow and wrist joints and makes the palmar fascia tense. Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6). Brack /o radial is Tendon of biceps Fig. 142. Fig. 143. Fig. 142. — The superficial layer of the muscles of the flexor surface of the forearm to- gether with the brachioradialis. seen from in front. 'Sobotto and M, Murrich.) Fig. 143. — The superficial layer of the muscles of the flexor surface of the forearm after removal of the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis. seen from in front and slightly from the radial side. The brachioradialis is drawn outward to show e supinator and the insertion of the tendon of the biceps. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) The m. flexor carpi ulnaris arises from the common tendon of the medial epicondyle of the humerus, the fascia over it and the inter- muscular septa and from the medial margin of the olecranon and the first two-thirds of the dorsal margin of the ulna. The muscle is in- serted into the pisiform and hamate bones and the proximal extremity of the fifth metacarpal bone. l86 MYOLOGY Action. — Flexes and addticts the wrist and assists in flexing the elbow joint. Nerve Supply. — Ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. i). The m. flexor digitorum sublimis has three heads. The caput humerale arises from the common tendon, the ulnar collateral liga- ment and from the intermuscular septa. The caput radiale arises from the first two-thirds of the ventral surface of the radius. The caput ulnare arises from the medial margin of the coronoid process of the ulna. All join to form a common belly that divides in the distal third of the forearm and continues as four tendons which at the wrist are arranged in pairs, middle and ring fingers (superficial) and index and little fingers (deep). Here these tendons are contained in a common synovial sheath with the tendons of the profundus muscle. In the palm the four tendons separate and over the base of the first phalanx of each finger the tendons split to give passage to the cor- responding tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle. Dor- sal to the latter tendon these slips partially reunite to be inserted into the sides of the second phalanges of the fingers. The vincida longa and brevia. are delicate accessory portions of each tendon. Action. — Flexes the elbow, wrist, metacarpophalangeal and first interphalangeal joints. Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6). DEEP LAYER The m. flexor digitorum profundus arises from the ventral and medial surfaces of the ulna and olecranon (first two-thirds) and from the middle third of the medial half of the interosseous mem- brane and the deep fascia. Its broad tendon passes beneath the transverse carpal ligament and in the palm divides into four tendons for the four fingers. Each tendon passes through the split in the corresponding tendon of the m. flexor digitorum sublimis and is inserted into the ventral surface of the base of the distal phalanx. Each tendon also gives off vinculo longa and brevia. The mm. lumbricales are four small muscles connected with the tendons of the preceding muscle in the palm. Each of the two lateral muscles arises by a single head from the radial side of the tendon for the index and middle fingers and is inserted into the side of the cap- sule of the metacarpophalangeal articulation and into the side of the corresponding extensor tendon dorsally. Each of the two medial muscles arises by two heads from the adjacent sides of the second, third and fourth tendons and is inserted in the same manner. Action. — The flexor digitorum profundus flexes the wrist and the fingers at all of their joints. The lumbricales flex the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and assist in extending the fingers at their interphalangeal joints. THE VENTRAL MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM I87 Nerve Supply. — Flexor digitorum profundus: Volar interosseous branch of the median nerve (C. 7, 8, Th. 1) and the ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. 1). The two lateral lumbricales: Median nerve (C. 6, 7). The two medial lumbricales: Ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. 1). The m. flexor pollicis longus arises from the middle third of the ven- tral surface of the shaft of the radius and from the medial margin of the coronoid process of the ulna. It is inserted by means of a long tendon that passes beneath the carpal ligament, in its own synovial sheath, to the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb. Bicipito- radial bursa Supinator -r- Radial head of flexor pollicis lonous Tendon of extensor Tendon of flexor _LIIIK|i. Ill carpi radial, lonous carpi ulnaris J > W.V ^1,', Tondon 0f flexor idialis i Tendon of patmaris lonous Fig. 144. — The deep layer of the muscles of the flexor surface of the forearm after removal of the superficial layer, seen from in front. (Sobotta and McMurrich.) Action. — Flexes the wrist and the thumb. Nerve Supply. — Volar interosseous branch of the median nerve (C. 7, 8, Th. 1.). The m. pronator quadratus arises from the ventral surface and me- dial margin of the distal quarter of the ulna and passing transversely across the forearm is inserted into the distal quarter of the ventral surface of the radius. Action. — Assists in pronating the forearm. Nerve Supply.- — Volar interosseous branch of the median nerve (C. 7, 8, Th. 1). SHORT MUSCLES OF THE THUMB The m. abductor pollicis brevis arises from the tubercle of the navicular and the greater multangular bones and from the transverse carpal ligament. It is inserted into the first phalanx of the thumb (radial side) and into the capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Action. — Abducts the thumb. Xcrve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6, 7). The m. opponens pollicis arises from the transverse carpal ligament and the ridge of the greater multangular bone. It is inserted into the ventral surface and lateral margin of the first metacarpal bone. An+ibrachiat fascia Tendon of palrnaris hnous r aponeurosis and the palma ■ shown covered by the fasci: brevis. The thenar and hypothenar (Sobotlo. and McMurrich.) Action. — Draws the metacarpal bone over the palm. Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6, 7). The m. flexor pollicis brevis consists of two parts of which the superficial portion arises chiefly from the transverse carpal ligament and is inserted into the radial side of the base of the first phalanx of the thumb. The deep portion, or first palmar interosseous muscle, arises from the base of the first metacarpal bone (medial side). It is inserted into the medial side of the base of the first phalanx of the thumb. Action. — Flexes the thumb and assists in opposing it to the fingers. Nerve Supply. — Median nerve (C. 6, 7). The m. adductor pollicis also consists of two parts. The oblique THE MUSCLES OF THE LITTLE FINGER 189 head- arises from the ventral surface of the greater and lesser mult- angular and the capitate bones and from the bases of the second, third and fourth metacarpal bones and their ligaments. It is in- serted into the medial side of the base of the first phalanx of the thumb. The transverse head arises from the median ridge of the ventral aspect of the third metacarpal bone and the fascia covering the adjacent interosseous muscles. It is inserted into the medial side of the base of the first phalanx of the thumb. Action. — Adducts the thumb and assists in opposing it to the fingers. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. i). MUSCLES OF THE LITTLE FINGER The m. abductor digiti quinti arises from the pisiform bone and the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. It is inserted into the medial side of the base of the first phalanx of the little finger. Action. — Draws the little finger from the ring finger and flexes it at the metacarpophalangeal joint. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. i). The m. opponens digiti quinti arises from the transverse carpal liga- ment and the hamate bone. It is inserted into the medial margin and medial half of the ventral surface of the fifth metacarpal bone. . 1 1 lion. — Draws the metacarpal forward so as to deepen the hollow of the hand. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. i). The m. flexor digiti quinti brevis arises from the transverse carpal ligament and the hamate bone and is inserted into the medial side of the first phalanx of the little finger. Action. — Flexes the proximal phalanx of the little finger. Nerve Supply. — Deep branch of the ulnar nerve (C. 8, Th. i). There are two sets of interosseous muscles, palmar and dorsal. The mm. interossei volares, or palmar interossei, are three in num- ber. Each arises by one head: the first arises from the medial side of the second metacarpal bone, the second and third from the lateral sides of the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones. The first is inserted into the extensor tendon, the capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joint and the medial side of the first phalanx of the second finger. The second and third are inserted into the lateral sides of the first phalanges of the fourth and fifth fingers and their respective extensor iendons and capsular ligaments. The mm. interossei dorsales axe jour in number. Each arises by a head from each of the two bones that bound its interosseous space. The first is inserted into lateral side of the first phalanx of the index 190 MYOLOGY finger and its extensor tendon. The second is inserted in the same manner to the middle linger. The third is inserted into the medial side of the same finger and the fourth into the medial side of the ring finger. Action. — The dorsal intcrossei abduct the fingers from a line through the middle finger while the palmar muscles adduct the fingers to this line. The interossei also assist the lumbricales to flex the first phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joint and extend the second Tendon of fle/tor oto prof. Annular fibres 3 ' •Flexor dqit.V Ooponens di£ to % inch nearer the wrist. THE DESCENDING AORTA 235 THE DESCENDING AORTA The descending aorta (aorta descendens) begins at the lower border of the fourth thoracic vertebra, passes downward (caudad) to the left of the midline, through the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity where it divides ventral to the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra into right and left common iliac arteries. That portion (prediaphragmatic) above the diaphragm (above the twelfth thoracic vertebra) constitutes the thoracic aorta while that below (post- diaphragmatic) constitutes the abdominal aorta. The thoracic aorta (aorta thoracalis) is 7 to 8 inches (17.5 to 20 cm.) in length and is reduced in diameter from 23 mm., at the beginning, to 21 mm., at the diaphragm. The branches are: ( Intercostal, nine pairs, for the lower nine intercostal spaces that I supply the intercostal muscles, the vertebral column and the skin v ■ , , of the back and sides of the thorax, ranetai J 0 , . I subcostal, one pair. Superior phrenic, one pair; that supply the superior surface of the L diaphragm. (Esophageal, one pair. Bronchial, four to five pairs. Pericardial, three to four pairs. Mediastinal, several. The abdominal artery (arteria abdominalis) extends from the twelfth thoracic vertebra to the fourth lumbar vertebra, is from 7 to 8 inches (17.5 to 20 cm.) in length and lies in the epigastric and umbilical regions. Its branches may be divided into parietal and visceral but they will be given in order of origin. 1. Inferior phrenic (two) parietal. \ Gastric. 2. Celiac axis (one) visceral \ Hepatic. [ Splenic. 3. Suprarenal (two) visceral. 4. First lumbar (two) parietal. 5. Superior mesenteric (one) visceral. 6. Renal (two) visceral. 7. Spermatic, or ovarian (two) visceral. 8. Second lumbar (two) parietal. 9. Inferior mesenteric (one) visceral. 10. Third lumbar (two) parietal. 11. Fourth lumbar (two) parietal. r> -,. ,. -, f External (two) parietal. 12. Common mac (two) { T % . , . , ( Internal (two) parietal and visceral. 13. Middle sacral (one) parietal. The inferior phrenic arteries supply the inferior, or abdominal surface of the diaphragm and give off a pair of superior adrenal arteries. 236 THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM The celiac axis is only V2 inch in length but is of large caliber. It supplies the liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas and part of the duo- denum. Its branches are as follows: the left gastric, or coronary; the splenic, which gives off the pancreatic, short gastric (vasa brevia) and left gastroepiploic branches; the hepatic artery that gives off the right gastric, gastroduodenal, right gastroepiploic and superior pancreaticoduodenale arteries. The suprarenal arteries supply the adrenal glands and represent the middle suprarenal arteries. The superior mesenteric artery supplies the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending and transverse colons. Its branches are intestinal (ten to sixteen) for the jejunum and ileum; the inferior pancreaticoduodenale; the middle colic; right colic, ileo- colic and terminal, for the end of the ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending and transverse colons. THE BRANCHES OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA 237 The renal arteries are two large arteries that supply the kidneys. Each gives off the inferior suprarenals , ureteral, perinephric branches and some branches to the lumbar lymph nodes. The spermatic (testicular) arteries accompany the vas and pass to the testes in the spermatic cords. Each gives off branches to the ureter, peritoneum and lumbar lymph nodes. The ovarian arteries, of the female, pass to the ovaries and uterus through the broad ligament. Each gives off branches to the ureter, peritoneum, lumbar lymph nodes to the uterine tubes, uterus and its round ligament. The inferior mesenteric artery is a large branch that supplies the descending colon, iliac and pelvic colons and the upper third of the rectum. Its branches are the left colic, sigmoid branches and the superior hemorrhoidal arteries. The four pairs of lumbar arteries correspond to the intercostal arteries of the thorax. They supply the muscles and skin of the dorsal and lateral portions of the abdominal wall. The middle sacral artery is a small artery that passes along the sacrum and coccyx and ends in the coccygeal gland. The common iliac arteries represent the terminal branches of the aorta and start at the middle of the fourth lumbar vertebra to the left of the midline. The right artery is about 2 inches (5 cm.) in length and the left is about 1% inches (4.3 cm.) in length. Each divides into external and internal iliac arteries. The internal iliac, or hypogastric artery (arteria hypogastrica), arises opposite the sacroiliac articulation and passes into the pelvis for about 1J-2 inches (3.7 cm.) before dividing into its terminal branches. These arteries supply the greater part of the pelvic wall and viscera, the buttocks, thighs and the external organs of repro- duction. Each gives rise to parietal and visceral branches. The parietal branches are as follows: The iliolumbar artery supplies the iliacus, psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles and also the vertebral canal. The lateral sacral artery supplies the pyriformis muscle and also sends branches to the sacral canal and sacral nerves. The superior gluteal artery leaves the pelvis and passes into the buttock and lies on the deep surface of the gluteus maximus. It gives off a number of muscular branches to the glutei, obturator internus and tensor fascia; lata; muscles and nutrient vessels to the hip bone. The obturator artery passes into the buttock and gives off a number of muscular branches to the obturator internus, iliopsoas and levator ani muscles; nutrient branches to the ilium; vesical branches to the bladder; pudic branch that is mainly for collateral circulation. These branches all arise within the pelvis. The terminal part of the artery gives off branches to the obturator externus and adjacent muscles, to the hip joint, head of the femur 238 THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM and ligaments. The internal pudic artery is a large branch that enters the buttock and passes to the perineum. In the buttock it supplies the neighboring muscles. In the perineum it gives off the inferior hemorrhoidal artery that supplies the lower part of the rectum and the anal canal; the perineal artery for the scrotum of the male, or the labia of the female; the transverse perineal artery supplies the sphincter ani, the sphincter vagina;, or bulbocavernosus muscle, the bulb of the urethra, the corpus spongiosum and penile portion of the urethra (in the male) and the bulb of the vestibule (in the female) ; the profunda artery of the penis or elitoris supplies the corpus cavernosum of the penis or clitoris; the dorsal artery of the penis or of the elitoris supplies the dorsal portion of the penis or clitoris as well as the corpus cavernosum and glans penis, or clitoris. The inferior gluteal, or sciatic artery passes into the buttock and then the upper part of the thigh. It gives of muscular branches for the proximal parts of the hamstring muscles; coccygeal branch; cutaneous branches to the skin; a branch that accompanies the sciatic nerve. The visceral branches are as follows: (a) The superior vesical artery supplies the upper part of the bladder. (b) The inferior vesical artery supplies the base of the bladder, the seminal vesicles, vas and prostate gland, (c) The artery of the ductus deferens accom- panies the vas, supplies it and extends to the testicle, (d) The middle hemorrhoidal artery gives branches to the seminal vesicles, vas, prostate and terminates in the rectum where it supplies the middle third, (e) The vaginal artery supplies the vagina and also the rectum, bulb of the vestibule and base of the bladder. (J) The uterine artery supplies the uterus, round ligament and the vagina. The external iliac artery (art. iliaca externa) is about 3^ to 4 inches (8.7 to 10 cm.) in length and ends at the thigh side of the inguinal ligament. It gives rise to two main branches. The inferior epigastric artery (art. epigastrica inferior) passes along the medial side of the abdominal inguinal ring into the ventral ab- dominal wall to the umbilical region where it anastomoses with branches from the superior epigastric branch of the internal mam- mary artery. It gives rise to muscular branches, an external spermatic artery, cutaneous branches and a pudic branch. The deep circum- flex iliac artery (art. circumtlcxa ilium profunda) passes toward the ventral superior spine of the ilium and gives off muscular and cutaneous branches. The femoral artery (arteria femoralis) is the continuation of the external iliac artery and extends from the inguinal ligament to the lower part of the thigh where it passes through the adductor magnus muscle. The first inch and a half was called the common femoral and the remainder the deep and superficial portions. Its branches THE POPLITEAL ARTERY AND SPACE 239 are as follows: (a) The superficial circumflex iliac artery (art. circumflex ilium superficialis) supplies the lymph nodes of the groin and the skin here, (b) The superficial epigastric artery (art. epigastrica superficialis) passes to the ventral abdominal wall and supplies the superficial fascia and skin in its course, (c) The super- ficial external pudic artery (art. pudenda externa superficialis) sup- plies the skin of the pubis, scrotal, or labial regions, (d) The muscular branches pass to the adductors, pectineus, sartorius and vastus medialis muscles, (e) The deep external pudic artery (art. pudendar externa profunda) passes to the scrotum or labium majus. (f) The deep femoral artery (art. profunda femoralis) is the largest branch of the femoral artery and passes in between the deep muscles of the thigh and gives rise to numerous branches. These are the lateral circumflex, medial circumflex, muscular and four perforating arteries. These are for the supply of the deep muscles of the thigh and the perforating arteries pass to the dorsal part of the thigh and anastomose with vessels there, (g) The anastomotic artery, or arteria genu suprema, supplies the skin of the medial side of the leg muscles near the knee and the knee joint. The course of the femoral artery is indicated by a line drawn from a point midway between the ventral superior spine of the ilium and the symphysis pubis to the adductor tubercle on the medial condyle of the femur. The superior two-thirds of this line represents the femoral artery. The thigh should be abducted and rotated laterally. The popliteal artery (art. poplitea) is the continuation of the femoral artery back of the knee; it lies in the popliteal fossa at the distal end of which it divides into anterior and posterior tibial arteries. It is deeply placed and gives rise to the following branches: Muscular branches to the hamstring and upper leg muscles; articular (five) branches to the knee joint; cutaneous branches to the skin of the popliteal space. The popliteal fossa, or space, is back of the knee joint and is of a diamond shape. It is bounded superolaterally by the biceps; inferolaterally by the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and plantaris; supermedially by the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, sartorius and gracilis; infcromedially by the medial head of the gastrocnemius. The floor is formed by the popliteal plane of the femur, the dorsal ligament of the knee joint and the fascia covering the popliteus muscle. It contains the popliteal artery and its branches, the popliteal vein, the termination of the external saphenous vein, the common peroneal (external popliteal) and tibial (internal popliteal) nerves, some lymph nodes and fat. The course of the popliteal artery i^ indicated by a line drawn from the outer margin of the semimembranosus muscle (at the beginning 240 THE BLOOD-VASCULAR SYSTEM of the lower third of the thigh) to the middle of the popliteal space; this indicates the upper part of the artery. The lower part Is repre- sented by a line drawn from this point vertically downward to the level of the tuberosity of the tibia. The anterior tibial artery (art. tibialis anterior) is the smaller branch of the popliteal artery and passes distally upon the ventral surface of the interosseous membrane. It gives off the following branches: (a) Fibular branch that supplies the soleus, peroneus longus and skin of this region, (b) The posterior tibial recurrent branch for anastomosis around the knee joint, (e) The anterior tibial recurrent is for the same purpose and also supplies the tibialis anterior and the tibiofibular articulation, (d) Muscular branches for the muscles of the front of the leg. (e) Cutaneous branches for the skin of the front of the leg. (/) Medial anterior malleolar branch for the skin of the lateral malleolus and the ankle joint, (g) The lateral anterior malleolar branch for the skin of that region and the ankle joint and adjoining articulations. The dorsalis pedis artery is the direct continuation of the anterior tibial artery. It extends from the front of the ankle joint to the base of the first interosseous space. Its branches are as follows: (a) Cutaneous branches for the skin of the dorsum and medial side of the foot, (b) Medial and lateral tarsal branches that supply the extensor digitorum brevis and the articulations here, (c) The arcuate artery arches across the bases of the metatarsal bones and gives off first three metatarsal arteries; each of these divides into digital arteries that supply the adjacent sides of the outer four toes. (4 inches, represents the artery. The course of the dorsalis pedis artery is indicated by drawing a line from the point midway between the two malleoli to the base of the first interosseous space. The posterior tibial artery is the larger branch of the popliteal artery. It lies between the superficial and deep muscles of the back of the leg and extends from the lower margin of the popliteus muscle to a point midway between the medial malleolus and the most prominent part of the heel, where it divides into medial and lateral plantar arteries. It gives off the following branches: (a) Muscular brandies to the soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis THE PLANTAR ARTERIES 24.I longus. (b) A fibular branch to the adjacent muscles and for anastomosis around the knee joint, (c) The peroneal artery is its largest branch and passes to the dorsal part of the lateral malleolus. It gives off muscular branches to the muscles along its course; a nutrient branch to the fibula; a communicating branch to the posterior tibial artery; a perforating artery that passes along the inferior margin of the interosseous membrane to the front of the ankle and anas- tomoses with the vessels here. (o.n. & =*t m vV\°v Fig. 191. — Lymph nodes and lymphatic drainage of the stomach. (b) The ileocolic nodes, about twenty to thirty, form a chain along the ileocolic artery. The main subgroups are the ileal, along the ileal branch of the superior mesenteric artery; the ventral ileocolic near the front of the cecum; the dorsal ileocolic, in the angle between the ileum and the colon; the appendicular along the appendix and paracolic along the medial side of the ascending and transverse colons. These nodes drain the lower part of the ileum, cecum, appendix and ascending colon and empty the lymph into the superior mesenteric nodes. (c ) The mesocolic nodes (part of the paracolic chain) are numerous and lie in relation with the transverse colon. The lymph from the 264 THE LYMPH VASCULAR SYSTEM transverse colon passes through these nodes and thence to the superior mesenteric nodes. From the superior mesenteric group the Ivmph is drained by the superior mesenteric trunk that helps to form the common intestinal trunk. 3. The inferior mesenteric group lies at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery. The subsidiary groups are the (a) left colic, (b) sigmoid, (c) pararectal. (a) The left colic -nodes lie along the branches of the left colic artery and drain the descending colon and empty into the inferior mesenteric group. (b) The sigmoid nodes lie along the branches of the sigmoid and superior hemorrhoidal arteries and drain the sigmoid flexure of the colon. The efferents carry the lymph to the inferior mesenteric nodes. J>uc*L f 192. — Lymph nodes of the pancreas. (c) The pararectal, or superior hemorrhoidal nodes lie in contact with the muscle coat of the rectum and drain the upper part of the rectum. The lymph then passes to the inferior mesenteric nodes. From the inferior mesenteric nodes the lymph is carried by the inferior mesenteric trunk to the common intestinal trunk. The common intestinal trunk is the main tributary of the cisterna chyli and receives the lymph from the above organs through the celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric nodes and trunks. The lymphatic drainage of the liver is quite complicated and will therefore be given special consideration. There are two sets of vessels superficial and deep. The superficial vessels of the convex surface drain in three directions. Those of the left side drain into the paracardial nodes of the gastric group; those of the middle pass THE LYMPHATICS OF THE THORAX 26? through the caval orifice of the diaphragm and empty into nodes at the termination of the inferior vena cava; from the right side the vessels drain into the celiac nodes. In addition some of the lymph passes to the hepatic nodes; some into the inferior diaphragmatic nodes to the internal mammary nodes and some to the dorsal mediastinal nodes. The superficial vessels of the visceral surface carry the lymph chiefly to the hepatic nodes; some of the lymph from the dorsal part of this surface is carried to the caval nodes above mentioned. Fig. 193. — Ileal and ile lymph nodes and lymphatic drainage. The deep lymphatic vessels are the ascending that accompany the hepatic veins and empty the lymph into the caval nodes, and the descending that emerge at the portal fissure and empty the lymph into the hepatic nodes. THE THORAX The lymph nodes of the thorax comprise two wain sets, parietal and visceral. Parietal. Visceral. 1. Internal mammary. 1. Ventral mediastinal. 2. Intercostal 2. Dorsal mediastinal. 3. Diaphragmatic. 3. Tracheobronchial. 266 THE LYMPH VASCULAR SYSTEM Parietal. — I. The internal mammary, or sternal nodes (four to eighteen) lie along the course of the internal mammary artery. These receive lymph from mammary gland, the deeper structures of the ventral thoracic and abdominal walls (to umbilicus) and dia- phragm, from the liver through the ventral diaphragmatic nodes and from the medial part of the mammary gland. The lymph then passes through the internal mammary trunk that empties either into the subclavian-internal jugular vein junction, or upon the right side into the right lymphatic duct, or the right bronchomediastinal trunk, and upon the left side into the thoracic duct. 2. The intercostal nodes (L. intercostales) lie at the lateral and dorsal part of the intercostal spaces. They receive the lymph from the deeper structures of the dorsal and lateral walls of the thorax. The vessels from the lower four or five intercostal spaces usually form a trunk on each side that descends into the abdomen to empty into the cisterna chyli, or into the first part of the thoracic duct. These are the descending lumbar trunks. The lymph of the left upper intercostal spaces drains into the dorsal mediastinal nodes, or into the thoracic duct, while upon the right side the lymph from the corresponding spaces is emptied into the right lymphatic duct. 3. The diaphragmatic nodes comprise three groups, (a) ventral, (b) middle and (c) dorsal. (a) The ventral nodes lie behind the ensiform cartilage of the sternum and receive lymph from the convex surface of the liver and the ventral part of the diaphragm. The lymph then passes into the internal mammary nodes. (b) The middle nodes {right and left) lie where the phrenic nerves enter the diaphragm. Some of the right nodes lie within the fibrous pericardium. They receive lymph from the middle of the diaphragm and some from the convex surface of the liver (and the right nodes). The lymph then passes to the dorsal mediastinal nodes. (c) The dorsal nodes lies at the dorsal part of the diaphragm and receive lymph from the adjacent regions. The lymph then passes partly to the lateral aortic nodes and partly to the dorsal mediastinal nodes. The visceral nodes are (1) ventral mediastinal, (2) dorsal mediastinal and (3) tracheobronchial. 1. The ventral mediastinal (superior) nodes lie in front of the arch of the aorta in the superior mediastinum. They receive lymph from the thymus body through the thymic nodes and the lymph vessels passing from these nodes assist in forming the right and left bronchomediastinal trunk. 2. The dorsal mediastinal nodes (eight to twelve) lie behind the pericardium near the esophagus and descending thoracic aorta. They receive lymph from the esophagus, dorsal surface of the peri- THE TRACHEOBRONCHIAL LYMPHATICS 267 cardium, diaphragm and the convex surface of the liver. Most of the lymph passes to the thoracic duct and the remainder to the tracheobronchial nodes. 3. The tracheobronchial nodes comprise jour groups, the right and left tracheal and the intertracheobronchial, the bronchopulmonary and the pulmonary. Fig. 194. — Tracheobronchial lymph nodes. (a) The right and left tracheal nodes lie upon the right and left sides of the trachea. (6) The intertracheobronchial nodes are found in the angle of the bifurcation of the trachea. (c) The bronchopulmonary nodes lie at the hilus of the lung. (d) The pulmonary nodes are in the lungs in the angles where the bronchial tube branches arise. These nodes receive the lymph from the trachea, bronchi, lungs 268 THE LYMPH VASCULAR SYSTEM and heart and some from the dorsal mediastinal nodes. The lymph passes into vessels that unite with the vessels from the internal mammary and ventral mediastinal nodes to form the right and left bronchomediastinal trunks. These trunks usually empty into the subclavian and internal jugular vein junction, of their respective sides, but may empty into the right lymphatic and thoracic ducts, respectively. THE SPLEEN AND THYMUS BODY Although the spleen and thymus are not usually described under the lymphatic system the fact that they consist mainly of lymphoid tissue seems to warrant their description here. They are usually described under ductless glands but they are not of epithelial structure. The Spleen, Lien. — The spleen, usually called a ductless gland, is located deeply in the left side of the abdominal cavity. It lies ycntra-L bord-er PlG. [95. — The visceral surface of the spleen showing its various areas. (From a photo- graph.) a. Intermediate angle; 6, dorsal angle; c, ventral angle. partly in the epigastric but mainly in the left hypochondriac regions. It is about 5 inches (12.5 cm.) in length, 3 inches (7.5 cm.) wide and i'4 inches (3 cm.) thick. It weighs about bl2 ounces (195 grams). Its long axis usually conforms to th'e obliquity of the tenth rib. It is irregular in shape but is said to be tetrahedral in form. It is soft, of a dark brown color and very vascular. The spleen has an apex, a base, two surfaces and three borders. The apex is somewhat pointed and is about 1J2 inches (3.75 cm.) from the midvertebral line. The base corresponds to the colic area of the visceral surface and extends usually to the midaxillarv line. ^ THE SPLEEN 269 The parietal, or diaphragmatic surface is smooth and convex and is in contact with the diaphragm. The visceral surface is irregular and is divided into three areas by three ridges. The longest ridge starts below the apex and extends nearly to the base. It separates the larger, concave gastric area (above) from the smaller and flatter renal area (below). On the gastric area is seen the hilus where the vessels, nerve and lymph vessels, enter and leave. The triangular base, or colic area, is the smallest and is bounded by the medial, ventral and dorsal angles. The ventral border is thin and notched and separates the dia- phragm a t i c surface from the r gastric area. The dorsal border is thin and separates the diaphrag- matic surface from the renal area. This border corresponds approxi- mately to the eleventh intercostal space. The inferior border sepa- rates the diaphragmatic surface from the colic area. The spleen is practically com- pletely invested by peritoneum is connected with the stomach by a fold of peritoneum called the gastrosplenic omentum. A fold of peritoneum passes from the spleen to the peritoneum ventral to the left kidney; this is the licnorenal ligament and through this the splenic artery reaches the organ. Another fold, the phrenicocolic ligament, connects it with the diaphragm. _ Fig 1Q0._0utl„ The spleen is outlined upon the body wail. body as follows: Three points are first determined: (i) i}^2 inches to the left of the tenth thoracic spine; (2) in the eleventh intercostal space on a level with the first lumbar spine and i inch medial to the level of the center of the crest of the ilium; (3) in the ninth interspace in the midaxillary line. Join the points one and two by a slightly curved line with the convexity downward following the eleventh interspace (renal line) ; join points two and three by a curved line with the convexity outward (colic line); then continue the curved line from three to the upper border of the ninth rib and follow this to the scapular line, then horizontally across to the upper border of the tenth rib and then in a sharp curve proceed to point one. It must be remembered that this gives the 270 THE LYMPH VASCULAR SYSTEM anatomic outline, but this entire area does not give dulness upon percussion as approximately the apical one-fifth is deeply placed. The artery that supplies the spleen is the splenic artery. The splenic vein returns the blood to the portal vein. The nerves are from the splenic plexus derived from the solar plexus of the sympathetic system. The Thymus Body. — The thymus body, or gland is essentially an organ of fetal life and early childhood. It is located in the lower cervical and upper thoracic regions and in the latter place lies upon the pericardium and great vessels. It weighs about 1 ounce (28 Fig. 197. — Ventral child at birth. grams) at birth but this is quite variable; it measures at that time about 2 inches (5 cm.) in length, iH inches (3.75 cm.) in breadth and ij£ inches (30 mm.) in thickness. It is pinkish in color and consists of two unequal lobes. After the second year it does not grow in proportion to the other organs of the body and gradually loses its lymphoid structure and becomes more adipose in character. Usually at puberty it is very small though it may be very large. The arteries are usually from the inferior thyroid and internal mammary arteries and its veins join the corresponding veins. The nerves are derived from the sympathetic and vagal nerves. CHAPTER VI THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The respiratory system comprises the nasal cavities, the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and pleura. THE NASAL CAVITIES The nasal cavities (Fig. 198), two in number, extend from the an- terior nares to the posterior nares, or choanee. The anterior nares, or nostrils, lead into the vestibule. The lower part of the vestibule is lined with heavy hairs, the vibrism, that protect the entrance. The upper part of the vestibule is smooth and represents that part of the nasal fossae lined by an extension of the skin, beyond this area a mucous membrane exists. ' That part of the nasal cavity above the vestibule is the olfactory portion as it is concerned with the sense of smell. This portion is narrow and slit-like. The remainder is expanded and constitutes the respiratory portion. The floor of each cavity is formed by the palatal process of the maxilla and palate bone and the soft palate. The lateral wall is formed by the nasal bone, frontal process of the maxilla, lacrimal bone, labyrinth of the ethmoid with its superior and middle conchal processes, the vertical plate of the palate bone and the medial surface of the medial pterygoid plate. The roof consists of the nasal and frontal bones, the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, the body of the sphenoid and the sphenoidal concha?, the sphenoidal process of the palate bone and the ala of the vomer. The medial wall, or septum, consists of the crests of the palate bones, below, the vomer, the per- pendicular plate of the ethmoid, the nasal spine of the frontal bone, and the cartilaginous septum, in front. The cavity is deepest in the middle (going from front to back). Upon the outer or lateral wall are three projections; the inferior concha (the largest), the middle and superior (smallest) conchal processes. The space between the floor and the inferior concha con- stitutes the inferior meatus and has the nasal duct opening into it. The space between the inferior concha and the middle conchal processes is the middle meatus. As its front extremity is the iufun- dibulum that leads into the frontal sinus and anterior ethmoidal cells. In the middle of the outer wall is an opening that leads into the maxillary sinus. Between the middle and superior conchal 272 THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM processes lies the superior meatus that communicates with the pos- terior ethmoidal cells. Above the superior conchal process is a small space called the sphenoethmoidal recess that communicates with the sphenoidal sinus. The choanae, or posterior nares, are the openings by which the nasal cavities communicate with the pharynx. They are larger than the nostrils. Fig. 108. — Median sagittal section through the head and neck, a, Superior meatus of the nose; 6, middle meatus of the nose; c. inferior meatus of the nose; d. Eustachian (torus tuba- rius) cushion; e, orifice of auditory tube; /, palatoglossal fold; g. tonsil; h, palatopharyngeal fold; k, arycpiglottic fold; /, ventricle of the larynx; in. vocal cord; K, vestibule of nose. The pharynx connects the nasal and oral cavities with the larynx. For a description see page 290. THE LARYNX The larynx, or organ of voice is situated at the lower part of the pharynx between the trachea, below, and the base of the tongue, Male Female 44 mm. 36 mm. 43 mm. 41 mm. 36 mm. 26 mm. 136 mm. 112 mm. THE LARYNX 273 above. It lies in the upper and front part of the neck where it causes a projection in the midline that will be described later. It extends from the lower border of the third cervical vertebra to the lower border of the sixth cervical vertebra separated therefrom by the pharynx. Its position depends upon the movements of the head and neck during deglutition and singing. In the fetus it lies at a higher level than in the adult. Up to puberty the larynx of the male is simi- lar to that of the female. After this time the increase in the male is greater, the cartilages enlarging, the thyreoid cartilage becoming more prominent and the glottis nearly doubling its length. At this time the voice of the male is uncertain and likely to break at un- expected moments. The dimensions of the larynx are as follows: Vertical Transverse Dorsoventral Circumference The larynx at its upper extremity is somewhat triangular in out- line (base dorsally directed) and below, almost cylindric. It consists of nine cartilages connected by ligaments and intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. The cartilages are: Single Paired f Thyreoid ( Arytenoid j Cricoid < Cuneiform I Epiglottis [ Cornicula laryngis The thyreoid cartilage (cartilage thyreoidea) is the largest and consists of two lamella?, or ala?. The ventral borders of the als meet, in their lower portions in front, at an angle of about 90°, in the male and 1200 in the female. This junction produces a promi- nence in the midline called the prominentia laryngca, or Adam's apple, which is more noticeable in the male then in the female. Above, these borders are separated by a V-shaped notch, the incisura thyreoidea. The dorsal borders are thick and each extends upward as a long cylindrical process, the superior cornu, and downward in a shorter, heavier process, the inferior cornu. The superior cornua are connected to the greater cornua of the hyoid bone, while the inferior cornua articulate with the lateral surface of the cricoid cartilage. Upon the outer surface of each ala is an oblique line that divides this surface into two unequal portions. The inner surface of each is smooth and to it is attached the mucous membrane of the larynx. At the angle, on this medial surface, are attached, from above downward, the epiglottis, the thyreoepiglottis ligament, the plica ventrindaris, plica vocalis and lastly the thyreoepiglottic and thy- reoarytenoideus muscles. To the curved upper border is attached 274 THE RESPIRATOR'S SYSTEM the tkyreokyoid membrane and to the slightly curved lower border the cricothyreoid membrane. The cricoid cartilage, or signet ring {cartilago cricoidea), is smaller but heavier and stronger than the thyreoid cartilage. It consists of the lamina and arch. The lamina, nearly 2.5 cm. in height, is dorsally placed and lies between the two alas of the thyreoid cartilage; it exhibits a ridge in the midline that gives attachment to the esoph- agus. On each side of this line is a shallow depression for attachment of the cricoarytenoideus posterior muscle. The arch constitutes the sides and front of the cartilage and is about 5 to 6 mm. in height. It gives attachment to the cricothyreoideus muscle, in front, and the inferior con- strictor of the pharynx, behind. At the junction of the arch portion with the lamina on each side is a facet for articulation with the inferior cornua i of the thyreoid cartilage. If ' - II The upper border of the cricoid I cartilages gives attachment to the cricothyreoid membrane, n front and at the sides and at the side also to the cricoarytenoideus lateralis muscle. The back part presents a facet on each side of the midline for articulation with the arytenoid carti- lages. The lower border of the cricoid cartilage is connected with the first ring of the trachea. The epiglottic cartilage {cartilago cpiglottica) is somewhat leafshaped and is attached by its lower smaller end to the alar angle (upper part) by the thyroepiglottic ligament. The ventral surface is attached to the base of the tongue by the medial and two lateral glossoepiglottic folds. Two little depressions are thus produced one on each side of the medial fold and these are the vallecula. The epiglottis protects the glottis of the larynx during deglutition. From the side of the epiglottis the arye pi glottic folds extend backward, on each side, to the arytenoid cartilage. The arytenoid cartilages (cartilagines arytenoidew), two in number, are small and articulate with the upper part of the cricoid cartilage. Each has the form of a three-sided pyramid, having an apex, base and three small surfaces. The apex is pointed and is in relation with, or may be articulated with, the corniculum laryngis. The base THE LARYNX 275 articulates with the cricoid cartilage. Two of the basal angles are important. The lateral angle, or muscular process, gives attachment to the cricoartenoideus posterior muscle. The ventral angle, or vocal process, gives attachment to the inferior thyreoarytenoid ligament, or the true vocal band. The dorsal surface gives attach- ment to the arytenoideus muscle. Upon the ventrolateral surface are attached the superior thyreoarytenoid ligament, or the false vocal bands and the thyreoartenoideus muscle. The medial surface forms the lateral boundary of the respiratory glottis. The cornicula larynges (cartilagines corniculata) are two small cone-shaped cartilages that surmount the arytenoid cartilages at the dorsal end of the aryepiglottic folds. The cuneiform cartilages (cartilagines cunciformes) are two, long, flat structures located in the aryepiglottic fold. Ligaments. — The larynx is connected to the hyoid bone and the trachea by the extrinsic ligaments. The cartilages are connected to one another by the intrinsic ligaments. The most important of the former is the thyreohyoid membrane that extends between the thyreoid cartilage and the hyoid bone. Its variation in thickness gives rise to several subsidiary ligaments. Of the intrinsic ligaments the most important, from a surgical standpoint, is the cricothyroid membrane. This extends between the medial portion of the arch of the cricoid and the thyreoid cartilages. It is not of the same thickness throughout, thus giving rise to subsidiary ligaments. It is here that the larynx is opened in cases of obstruction of the glottis. The interior of the larynx (cavum laryngis) is lined by a mucous membrane. At the upper end of the larynx is located the superior aperture (aditus laryngis) which is triangular in outline with its base at the epiglottis and its apex at the apices of the arytenoid cartilages. The aperture extends dorsally and downward and is bounded laterally by the aryepiglottis folds. A short distance beneath the aperture are seen the vocal bands. There are two on each side; the superior fold is called the false vocal band, or plica ventricularis and contains the superior thyreoarytenoid ligament. The inferior fold is the true vocal band, or plica vocalis and contains the inferior thyreoarytenoid ligament. On each side of the larynx between each pair of folds is a depression or pouch called the ventricle of the larynx (ventriculus laryngis). An extension upward and forward from each ventricle, Interior of the from the left. entricularis; b, plica vocalis. 276 THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM between the false vocal band and the thyreoid cartilage constitutes the saccule (appendix ventriculi laryngis). That part of the cavity between the true bands and the aperture is the vestibule of the larynx. The rima glottidis is the narrow dorsoventral slit between the true vocal folds. In the male this measures about 23 mm. in length and in the female about 16 to 20 mm. The ventral three-fifths constitutes the vocal portion (pars intermembranacea) and the dorsal two-fifths is the respiratory part (pars intercartilaginea) . The shape of each portion depends upon the movements of the vocal folds during respiration and phona- tion. The lower portion of the cavity of the larynx constitutes the body and this is nearly cylindrical in shape. The muscles of the larynx are intrinsic and extrinsic. The former serve to move the larynx up and down while the latter are connected with the processes of phonation and respiration. The intrinsic muscles are as follows: Mm. cricothyreoidei (two) render the cords tense. Mm. thyreoarytenoidei (two) relax the cords. Mm. cricoarytenoidci posticuj (two) open the glottis. Mm. cricoarytenoidei lateralis (two) close the glottis. M. arytenoideus (one). THE TRACHEA AND BRONCHI The trachea or windpipe, extends from the lower border of the sixth cervical vertebra to the upper border of the fifth thoracic verte- bra where it divides into right and left stem bronchi. It is about 4}$ inches (11 cm.) long in the male and from 3^ to 4 inches (8.75 cm.) in length in the female. It consists of two portions, cervical and thoracic. It is nearly cylindrical in shape with the dorsal part flattened. Its caliber in the living is 12.5 mm. transversely and 11 mm. dorsoventrally; in the cadaver it measures from 19 to 25 mm. transversely. Its caliber is slightly greater in the middle than at either end. It is composed of fifteen to twenty C-shaped plates of cartilage separated from one another by white fibrous tissue and mucous membrane. The bronchi are two in number, right and left. That part to the THE LUNGS AND PLEUR.-E 277 first branch constitutes the stem bronchus and the divisions are the branch bronchi. The right stem bronchus is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in length, makes an angle of about 250 with the midline of bifurcation and enters the right lung at the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra. It has a greater diameter than the left and gives off three branches, one for each lobe of the right lung. The first branch is called the eparterial bronchus. The left bronchus is about 2 inches (5 cm.) in length and makes an angle of about 460 with the midline of bifurcation. It enters the lung at the level of the sixth thoracic vertebra. It gives off but two branch bronchi, one for each of the two lobes of the left lung. The first branch is called the hyparterial bronchus. THE LUNGS AND PLEURA The lungs (puhnoncs) two in number, are the real organs of respira- tion. They occupy the bulk of the thoracic cavity and extend into the neck; each lies in a completely closed serous sac, or space. The right lung weighs about 22 ounces and the left lung about 20 ounces in the cadaver. In the bloodless condition, after electro- cution, the weights are 8l2 ounces and 71; ounces, respectively. Each lung is smooth and glistening and, at birth, of a pinkish color. In adult life it is usually mottled, becoming darker as age advances. Each lung is somewhat conical in shape and presents an apex, a base, two surfaces and three borders. The apex is blunt and projects out of the thoracic cavity into the root of the neck to the extent of about 1 inch above the first rib. The medial and ventral part is grooved by the subclavian artery. The base, or diaphragmatic surface is smooth, semilunar in shape and concave fitting upon the dome of the diaphragm on each side. The right dome of the diaphragm ascends higher than does the left so that the concavity is deeper in the right lung. The costal surface is smooth and convex and may show grooves, corresponding to the ribs, in specimens hardened in situ. It is the most extensive surface. The mediastinal surface is triangular in shape and concave for the accommodation of the heart and pericardium. A special part where the vessels, nerves, lymph vessels and bronchi enter and leave is noted and this is the root, or hilus. This surface differs in the two lungs. In the left lung the concavity is deeper. The root (radix pul- monis) occupies a position a little behind and above the middle of the surface. It is outlined by the reflections of the pleura and con- sists of the bronchus and its branches, the pulmonary artery and 278 THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM veins, the bronchial artery and vein, nerves and lymphatics. In the root the order of the chief structures is, from above downward, artery, bronchus, vein. At the lower part of the root the two layers of pleura that bound the root come together, continue to the base and extend from the lung to the mediastinal pleura as a band called ligamentum latum pulmonis. Above the root is seen the aortic groove caused by the arch of the aorta; from this groove the subclavian groove extends upon the apex; ventral to this groove is seen another made by the left innominate vein. The aortic groove is seen extend- ing downward along the dorsal part of this surface. In the right lung the root has the same general position, appear- ance and structures. The order, however is different; from above Fig. 202. — Medial surface of the luntrs. A. Right lung; B. left lung, a. Groove for the right innominate vein; b, groove for the innominate artery; c groove for left subclavian artery; d, groove for left innominate vein; e, e, lig. latum pulmonis; /, /, pulmonary arteries; g. g. bronchi; h, h, pulmonary veins. downward we find bronchus, artery and vein. The ligamentum latum pulmonis is present. Above the root is a deep groove that is formed by the vena azygos major as it hooks over the root to empty into the superior vena cava; above and passing outward is a deep groove for the superior vena cava and right innominate vein; behind the latter the innominate artery may form a groove. At the dorsal part of this surface may be a long groove formed by the esophagus. The borders are ventral, dorsal and inferior, or basal. The ventral border is thin and sharp and upon the left lung presents a notch called the incisura cardiaca. The dorsal border is rounded, thick THE PLEURAL REFLECTIONS 279 and rests in the deep concavity at the side of the vertebral column. The basal border is sharp and thin, separates the base from the other surfaces and extends into the costophrenic sinus. The right lung contains three lobes, the upper, middle and lower and two fissures while the left lung presents two lobes, upper and lower separated by the one fissure. The lines for the fissures will be given later. As previously mentioned each lung is in a closed serous cavity the pleural cavity. The serous membrane bounding this space is called the pleura. The pleura is divided into portions according to parts invested, as visceral, that investing the lung, and parietal, that attached to the ribs, diaphragm and pericardium, thus bounding each pleural cavity. The visceral pleura invests the lungs except at the root where the layers are separated by the structures entering and leaving the lung. At the lower limit of the root the layers approximate and constitute the ligamentum latum pulmonis. The visceral pleura extends into the fissures and completely separates the lobes from each other. The parietal pleura consists of several subdivisions: that covering the inner surfaces of the ribs, cartilages and intercostal muscles and membranes constitutes the costal pleura; that upon the dia- phragm is the diaphragmatic pleura; that toward the midline upon the pericardium constitutes the mediastinal pleura, while that portion that covers the apex of the lung in the neck is the cervical pleura. These pleural reflections forming a closed sac constitute a continuous layer of endothelium and it is possible to start at any point and return after passing over the various divisions without an interrup- tion in the serous membrane. The surface is constantly kept moist with lymph so as to prevent friction. As will be seen later the lungs do not extend down completely into the cleft between the diaphragm and body wall; this serous space unoccupied by lung is called the costophrenic sinus. It is deepest in the midaxillary line. The outline of the pleura upon the body wall is as follows: From a point '2 to 1 inch (1 to 2.5 cm.) above the clavicle over the sternal end of the first rib, draw a line to the midsternal line to pass under the sternoclavicular articulation. On the right side continue this line down to the level of the sixth ehondrosternal junc- tion, then obliquely outward to the tenth rib, or interspace on the midaxillary line and then horizontally across to a point between the spine of the twelfth thoracic vertebra and the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra. From this point carry a line verti- cally to the upper border of the third thoracic vertebra and then arch across to the apex point. The right apex is about \ ■> inch higher than the left apex. 28o THE RESPIRATOR'S SYSTEM On the left side where the apex line reaches the midsternal line continue down to the level of the junction of the fourth cartilage Fig. 203. — Outline of pleura? aid lun^s upon the ventral thoracic wall. i/» !»! a photograph.) A, Area of superficial cardiac dullness. Fu;. J04.— Outline of pleura and lungs upon the dorsal thoracic wall. (From a photograph.) with the sternum then turn out to the edge of the sternum and down to the level of the sixth chondrosternal junction, then outward to the upper border of the tenth rib in the midaxillary line, thence THE PLEURAL REFLECTIONS 26l across to a point midway between the twelfth thoracic spine and the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra. Then continue vertically upward to the level of the upper border of the third thoracic vertebra and then arch across to the apex point. To outline the lungs draw a line from the apex point to the mid- sternal line passing beneath the sternoclavicular articulation and just within the pleural line. On the right side the edge of the lung follows the pleural line to the sixth chondrosternal junction, then passes obliquely downward and outward to cross the eighth rib on the midaxillary line, then horizontally across to the level of the tenth thoracic spine and up along the vertical pleural line to the apex point. On the left side follow the pleural line from the apex point to the midsternal line, then down parallel to the pleural reflection to the level of the fourth chondrosternal junction, then outward in a curved line so that the deviation is about 5 cm. from the midsternal line in the fourth interspace; then curve toward the sternum for about 2.5 cm. thence downward and outward to cross the eighth rib in the midaxillary line, across to the level of the tenth thoracic spine, up parallel to the pleural line to the apex point. To outline the main fissure start on the back at the level of the transverse process of the third thoracic vertebra, pass obliquely down so as to reach the lower border of the lung at the parasternal line. This separates the upper from the lower lobe. On the right side the intermediate fissure starts from the main fissure at the midaxillary line and crosses the front of the thorax practically hori- zontally to the junction of the fourth cartilage with the sternum. This fissure separates the upper from the middle lobe. CHAPTER VII THE ALIMENTARY TRACT (APPARATUS DIGESTORIUS) The alimentary tract is a tube-like structure about 30 feet in length extending from the lips to the anus. Here the food is mechanically and chemically treated (digested) so that it is capable of absorp- tion. The caudal portion of the apparatus receives and expels the undigestible portions of the food. In addition to the tube are various organs that lie in the wall of the tube or lie outside and are connected to the tract; these are the accessory organs. All of the tract caudal to the pharynx is called the tubus digestorius. The parts of the alimentary tract are as follows: f Aperture Mouth \ Vestibule I Oral cavity proper Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine C Duodenum \ Jejunum [ Ileum Accessory organs (■ Teeth Gums \ Tongue Salivary glands I Tonsils' (?) / Liver I Pancreas Large intestine Colon Cecum and appendix ascending transverse descending I sigmoid Rectum Anal canal Anus THE MOUTH The mouth comprises the aperture, vestibule and oral cavity proper and here are found the accessory organs, the teeth, tongue, gums and oral salivary glands. The aperture (rima oris) is the narrow slit between the lips (labia oris). It is placed transversely and is bow-shaped. It is about 2 inches (5 cm.) in length and extends from the first premolar of one side to the corresponding premolar of the opposite side. THE VESTIBULE 283 The vestibule (vestibulum oris) in a state of rest is a narrow, slit- like cavity that lies between the lips and cheeks (buccal) externally, ■Fig. 20s. — A diagram of th ntary tract. and the teeth and gums, internally. The lips bounding the aperture and vestibule consist of skin externally and mucous membrane THE ALIMENTARY TRACT internally. Between these lie the muscles, fat and white fibrous tissue supporting blood-vessels, nerves and lymphatics. In the mucous-membrane side lie numerous small labial salivary glands. Internally, each lip is connected to the gum by a delicate fold of mucous membrane, the frenum; that of the upper lip is the larger. The cheeks (buccal) consist of skin externally and mucous mem- brane internally. Between these lie the muscles, fat and white fibrous tissue and the buccal salivary glands, besides blood-vessels, nerves and lymphatics. In the infant, in the superficial fascia, is an encapsulated mass of fat called the corpus adiposum bucccr, or sucking pad. It is of great importance as it strengthens the cheek during nursing. In the adult it is less prominent. The gums ( gingiva) constitute the mucous membrane covering the alveolar portions of the maxillae and mandible. They consist of a firm red tissue about i or 2 mm. thick. They are quite vascular, are firmly attached to the periosteum and ex- tend about the base of the crown of each tooth in the form of a collar. The vestibule communicates with the mouth cavity by the small spaces between the teeth and a large space behind the last molar teeth. On the inside of the cheek, opposite to the second upper molar tooth, is a papilla where the parotid duct empties its secretion into this vestibule. The oral cavity proper is bounded above by the palate, below by the tongue and floor, or sublingual region and laterally and in front by the teeth and gums. The dorsal wall is wanting, constituting the communication with the pharynx. The palate (palatum) consists of two portions, hard and soft. The hard palate (palatum durum) constitutes the ventral two-thirds of the roof and is nearly horizontal in direction. It is formed by the palatal processes of the maxillae and the palate bones and is covered by a mucous membrane and shows a ridge in the midline called the raphe; some transverse folds, the ruga: [plica palatina-) are seen. The soft tissues contain the palatal salivary glands. The soft palate {palatum molle) constitutes the dorsal one-third . of the roof and it slopes downward (caudad) and backward. The dorsal free edge consists of two lateral arches produced by the downward projecting, cone-like process of the middle of the soft Fig. 206. — Mouthopened. ,1.1'alat oglossal fold; B. palatopharyngeal fold c, tonsil; D, uvula. THE TEETH 285 palate called the uvula. This part varies in length in different individuals. The ventral edge of the soft palate is attached to the hard palate the upper and lower surfaces are covered by mucous membranes that become continuous at the free edge. Between these mucous membranes lie the palatal aponeurosis (attached to the hard palate) and the muscles of the palate (in the posterior two- thirds of the soft palate). Extending downward from the palate, are two folds on each side, the arches, that will be described later. The muscles of the soft palate are the mm. tensor veil palatini, levator veil palatini, glossopalatinus, pkaryngopalatinus and uvula, all paired. The blood supply of the palate is from the descending palatine branch of the internal maxillary artery, the ascending palatine artery and branches from the ascending pharyngeal and dorsalis lingua? arteries. The sensor nerves are from the sphenopalatine ganglion. These are the anterior, middle and posterior palatine nerves; the motor nerves for all muscles, except the tensor veli palatini, come from the spinal accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. The tensor veli palatini is supplied by the motor portion of the trigeminal nerve through the otic ganglion. The floor of the mouth consists of the tongue and the sublingual region. The sublingual region, or true floor, consists of the tissues between the anterior part of the base of the tongue and the mandible. Connecting the tongue to the floor in the midline is a small fold of mucous membrane, the frenulum lingua;. On each side of this fold is a little papilla (caruncula sublingualis) in which is the orifice of the submaxillary duct. Extending from the papilla on each side is a fold of mucous mem- brane, the plica sublingualis, in which are seen numerous openings representing the orifices of the sublingual ducts. The teeth (denies) are the organs of mastication. During life there are two sets, temporary and permanent. The temporary, or deciduous teeth (denies decidui), are twenty in number and begin to erupt about the sixth or seventh month and are all present at about the twenty-fourth to the thirtieth month. In each jaw are found central incisors (two), lateral incisors (two), canines (two) and molars (four). In the permanent set (denies permanentes) there are thirty-two teeth. In each jaw are found two central incisors, two lateral incisors, two canines, four premolars and six molars. These teeth begin to erupt at about the sixth year and all are present at about the twenty-first to the twenty-fifth year. Each tooth consists of a central cavity (cavum dentis) surrounded by the dentin (substantia cburnea) that gives the form to and consti- tutes the bulk of the tooth. That portion of the tooth projecting 286 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT beyond the line of the alveolar socket of the jaw is the crown (corona dentis) and is covered by the enamel (substantia adamantina); that portion covered by the gum is the neck (collum dentis) while that part \ » —Enamel Fig. 20S. — Mandible with the permanent teeth canine; D. premolar 1, Ce , mola within the alveolar process constitutes the root {radix dentis). The root is held in the alveolar socket by the peridental membrane (peri- osteum aheolare). At the apex of the root is an opening (foramen apicis) that leads into the root canal (canalis radicis) that terminates THE TONGUE 287 in the pulp cavity (cavum dent is). The latter is occupied by the tooth pulp (pulpa dentis). The part of the tooth that opposes that of the other jaw is called the fades masticatoria. The incisors (denies incisivi) are chisel-like teeth and those of the upper jaw are larger and stronger than those of the mandible. The root of each tooth is flattened laterally. The canines (denies canini) are pointed, or conical in shape and are stronger than the incisors. They represent the holding and tearing teeth of the lower animals. The rcot of each is nearly conical and longer than that of the incisor tooth. The premolars (denies premolares) exhibit two little projections or cusps upon the crown the latter being more massive than in the preceding teeth. The root of each tooth is usually single and flattened from side to side. The molars (denies molares) are the most massive teeth; the crowns are cuboidal and the cusps three to five in number. Each upper tooth possesses three roots while each lower but two roots. The third molar, or wisdom tooth, is called the dens serotinus. In the normal condition the teeth form an arch in each jaw the dental arch (arcus dental is). The upper is slightly the larger and therefore slightly overlaps the lower arch. The tongue (lingua) is the most mobile organ in the body. It has the following important functions: Mastication, insalivation, deglutition, taste and speech. In order to get the proper shape and dimensions of the tongue it must be hardened in situ. It is about 9 cm. ($li inches) in length and lies in the oral cavity proper and oropharynx. It consists of apex, base, dorsum, inferior surface and margin. The apex, or tip (apex lingua) is the free extremity and is usually narrow and thin, resting against the incisor teeth. The base, or root (radix lingua) is the attached portion and is broad and massive. It is directed downward (caudad) and back- ward and is attached to the hyoid bone, mandible and floor of the mouth. The dorsum (dorsum lingua:) consists of two parts, the anterior, or apical two-thirds and posterior, or basal one-third. The apical two-thirds, or oral part, is nearly horizontal and slightly arched from before backward and from side to side. It may show a slight median, longitudinal groove (sulcus mediants) that ends posteriorly in the foramen cecum. The apical two-thirds is separated from the basal one-third by a slight V-shaped groove, the sulcus lerminalis, the apex of which is the foramen cecum. In front of the sulcus is a V-shaped collection of papilla, eight to ten in number, below the surface, called the vallate papilla:. These contain the taste-buds. Scattered over the dorsum are smaller, conical projections, the THE ALIMENTARY TRACT tUUfonn papilla'; a third variety, the fungiform papilla are less numerous than the filliform and are found chiefly at the sides and apex. The basal one-third, or pharyngeal part of the tongue, is nearly vertical in direction. Papilla? are not found here but rounded ele- vations, that represent masses of lymphoid tissue below the mucosa, are present. These constitute the lingual tonsil (tonsilla lingual is). The dorsum of the base is connected to the epiglottis by three folds, two lateral (plica; pharyngoepiglotticm) and one median (plica glosso- epiglottica), the glossoepiglottic folds. Between the median and each lateral fold a little fossa is formed, the vallecula. The inferior surface (fascies inferior) of the tongue is not extensive. Here is seen a part of the frenulum lingua? and upon each side of Fie. 209. — Do ith the epiglottis this a slight fold of mucous membrane, the plica fimbriata. Near the tip there may be a slight elevation that indicates the presence of the apical gland. The margin (margo lateralis) of the tongue is free in front of the anterior arches of the fauces and separates the dorsum from the inferior surface. The tongue is covered by a mucous membrane. The bulk of the organ consists of voluntary striated muscle tissue. The muscles comprise two sets, the intrinsic and the extrinsic. The intrinsic muscles are the superior and inferior longitudinal, the transverse and the vertical lingual muscles. The extrinsic are the hyoglossus, genioglossus, glossopalatinus, styloglossus and choudro- glossus. In the tongue are numerous small glands, the lingual salivary glands (gland nice linguales). THE ORAL SALIVARY GLANDS 289 The arteries are the lingual, external maxillary and ascending pharyngeal. The nerves are the hypoglossal, glossopharyngeal, chorda tympani, the lingual branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal and the internal laryngeal branch of the vagus. The principal oral salivary glands {glandule salivares) are six in number, two parotid, two submaxillary and two sublingual. The parotid gland (glandula parotis) is the largest and weighs from 20 to 30 grams. It lies upon the side of the face and chiefly in front of the ear. It is bounded above by the zygomatic arch, below by the angle of the mandible and a line extending back to the mastoid Fig. 210. — The oral salivary glands in their normal positions. process. In front it extends a little distance over the masseter muscle, behind to the external auditory canal and sternomastoid muscle. The deepest and thickest part is wedge-shaped and in close relation with the great vessels of the neck. This constitutes the processus retromandibularis and occupies the so-called parotid fossa. Within the gland are important vessels and the facial nerve and its branches. The parotid duct {ductus parotideus) extends from the upper anterior part of the gland, is 5 to 6 cm. in length and empties into the vestibule opposite the second upper molar tooth. This duct 290 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT corresponds approximately to the middle third of a line drawn from the lower margin of the external auditory meatus to the middle of the upper lip. The blood supply of the parotid gland consists of branches from the external carotid artery and other arteries in relation with the gland. The nerves are from the great auricular, facial, auriculotemporal (from otic ganglion) nerves and the external carotid plexus of the sympathetic system (the latter are chiefly vasomotor). The submaxillary gland (glandula submaxillaris) weighs 8 to 10 grams and is located under the middle of the body of the mandible in the submaxillary triangle. A process of the gland usually extend forward and medially. The submaxillary duct (ductus submaxillaris) is about 5 cm. long and empties into the oral cavity at the side of the frenum lingua at the apex of the caruncula sublingualis. The submaxillary gland receives its blood supply from the external maxillary artery. The nerves are from the chorda tympani and the lingual nerves, from the submaxillary ganglion and the external maxillary plexus. The sublingual gland (glandula sublingualis,) 3 to 4 grams in weight, is a collection of glands in the floor of the oral cavity upon each side of the frenum. They form a mass from 35 to 45 mm. in length. The ducts (ducti sublinguales minor es) may be fifteen to twenty in number upon each side and empty into the oral cavity on the plica sublingualis. The blood supply of the sublingual glands consists of the sublingual (from the lingual), the submental (from the external maxillary) arteries. The nerves are derived from the lingual and chorda tym- pani nerves through the submaxillary ganglion and from the external maxillary plexus. In the mouth cavity the processes of digestion that take place are mastication and insalivation. The pharynx is somewhat funnel-shaped but flattened from before backward. It extends from the base of the skull to the sixth cervical vertebra, behind, and the cricoid cartilage, in front. It is 5 to 5H inches (12.5 to 14 cm.) in length and widest in the upper part behind the orifices of the auditory tubes. The nasopharynx is about 3 cm. long, the oropharynx 5 cm. and the laryngopharynx about 7 cm. long. From the incisor teeth to the esophagus is about 5^ to 6>£ inches. Dorsoventrally the nasopharynx is 15 to 18 mm., from the septum of the nose to the dorsal wall; from the glossopalatal arches to the dorsal wall about 10 mm.; below this the wall approach each other. The transverse dimension at the lateral recesses is 35 mm.; opposite the middle of the soft palate 25 mm.; opposite the inferior THE PHARYNX 29I margin of the laryngeal opening 45 mm.; below this it narrows to the esophagus. The pharynx is attached from above downward to the pharyngeal spine, basioccipital, petrous portion of the temporal bone, auditory tube, internal pterygoid plate, pterygomaxillary ligament, mylohyoid ridge, mucous membrane of the mouth, base of the tongue, hyoid Fig. 211. — Median sagittal section through the head and ncek. a, Superior meatus of the nose; b, middle meatus of the nose; c, inferior meatus of the nose; d, torus tubarius (eusta- chian cushion); e, orifice of auditory tube;/, palatoglossal fold; g. tonsil; h. palatopharyn- geal fold; k, aryepiglottic fold; e, ventricle of the larynx; m, vocal cord; n, vestibule of nose. bone and thyreoid and cricoid cartilages of the larynx and below it becomes continuous with the esophagus. The pharynx is divided into the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx. The nasopharynx (pars nasalis) extends from the base of the skull to the dorsal border of the soft palate. It lies behind the nasal cavities and is an accessory portion of the respiratory system. Its ventral wall is wanting and here are seen the two choanal. Upon 292 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT each lateral wall are several points of interest. Here is seen the pharyngeal orifice of the auditory tube (tuba auditiva) bounded by a hook-shaped prominence, the torus tubarius, which is open below. The anterior limb of the cushion continues to the soft palate and is called the salpingo palatal fold [plica salpingopalatina). The posterior limb is the longer and continues down the pharynx wall and constitutes the salpingopharyngeal fold (plica salpingopharyngea). Behind the cushion is quite a deep recess called the lateral recess of the pharynx (recessus pharyngeiis). In the middle of the roof is a small recess called the pharyngeal bursa (bursa pharyngea). In the dorsal wall are collections of lymphoid tissue, the pharyngeal tonsils. In infancy and childhood these masses frequently hypertrophy constituting adenoids. The floor is formed by the sloping soft palate the dorsal border of which almost touches the dorsal wall of the pharynx. The narrow space intervening is called the isthmus of the pharynx (isthmus pharyngonasalis). The oropharynx (pars oralis) extends from the lower border of the soft palate to the level of the hyoid bone. The ventral wall is partly wanting representing the communication with the oral cavity. The remainder of the wall is made by the base of the tongue. Here are seen the glossoepiglottic folds and the valleculas. Upon each lateral wall are seen two folds that start at the soft palate and diverge, the anterior passing to the tongue as the glosso palatine fold (arcus glossopalatinus) which contains the glossopalatinus muscle. The posterior extends for some distance upon the lateral pharyngeal wall and is called the pharyngopalatine fold (arcus pharyngopalatinus) which contains the pharyngopalatinus muscle. The wedge-shaped area between these folds extending across the cavity constitutes the isthmus of the fauces {isthmus faucium). In this area is seen the tonsil (palatal). Above the tonsil is the sup- ratonsillar fossa (fossa supratonsiUaris). The tonsils (tonsillaz palatini) are situated between the above folds. Each is about 1 inch (2 to 2.5 cm.) long, 3j inch (18mm.) wide and ]j inch (12 to 15 mm.) thick. Its pharyngeal surface is covered by mucous membrane and exhibits a number of pits, or crypts (twelve to fifteen in number). The tonsil is not concerned in the process of digestion but belongs to the great group of lymphatic organs. Its arteries are derived from the ascending palatine and tonsillar branches of the external maxillary artery; the dorsalis lingua; of the lingual and the ascending pharyn- geal of the external carotid artery. Its nerves are from the glosso- pharyngeal and the pharyngeal plexus. The laryngopharynx (pars laryngea) extends from the hyoid bone to the cricoid cartilage, or to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, THE ABDOMEN 293 behind. Here are seen the opening into the larynx, in front, and the opening into the esophagus, behind. The epiglottis is seen here as well as the recessus pyriformis. Each recess lies at the side of the laryngeal aperture and is bounded laterally by the thyreoid cartilage and medially by the aryepiglottic fold. The pharynx has seven communications; two nasal, two auditory tubes, one oral, one laryngeal and one esophageal. The muscles of the pharynx are the superior, middle and inferior constrictors, the stylopharyngeus and the pharyngopalatinus. The blood supply of the pharynx is from the ascending pharyngeal, the ascending palatine (from the external maxillary) descending palatine (from the internal maxillary) dorsalis lingua? and pterygo- palatine (from the internal maxillary). The nerves are from the pharyngeal plexus of the vaga?, glossopharyngeal and sympathetic nerves. THE ESOPHAGUS The esophagus (Fig. 205) is the narrowest part of the alimentary tract and extends from the sixth cervical vertebra to the eleventh thoracic vertebra. It is about 10 inches (25 cm.) long and consists of cervical, thoracic and abdominal portions. Its diameter varies, its widest part being about r2' inch (12 mm.), in the resting condition, and then its ventral and dorsal walls are in contact. Distended, it measures 25 to 30 mm. It is not quite vertical, deviating in certain regions from the midline. The blood supply of the esophagus is derived from the inferior thyroid, descending thoracic aorta, bronchial, left gastric and inferior phrenic arteries. The nerves are derived from the vagi and the sympathetic system. THE ABDOMEN The abdomen comprises the largest portion of the trunk. In the male it is somewhat barrel-shaped and flattened from before backward. In the female it has the shape of a flattened, truncated cone. In the midline the ventral wall is only 21-; to 3 inches from the vertebral column. The abdomen represents the largest serous cavity of the body and consists of two divisions, the abdominal cavity proper and the pelvic cavity. The abdominal cavity proper is bounded above by the dia- phragm and below is continuous with pelvic cavity. Dorsally it is bounded by the lumbar vertebra? and iliac bones, laterally by the muscles, fascia? and skin and ventrally by muscles, fascia? and skin. The upper part of the abdominal cavity is under cover of the ribs due to the doming of the diaphragm. 2g4 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT The pelvic cavity is bounded dorsally by the sacrum and coccyx, laterally by the body of the ischium and part of the ilium, ventrally by the symphysis pubis. It has an inlet that gives communication with the thoracic cavity and its boundaries are as follows: Dorsally the margin of the base of the sacrum, laterally the iliopectineal lines, ventrally the crests of the pubic bones. It slants downward and forward and is heart-shaped. The outlet is irregular and is bounded dorsally by the tip of the coccyx, laterally by the tuberosities of the ischia and ventrally by the pubic arches and symphysis. "It slants slightly downward and forward. This is not a true aperture but is closed in by the pelvic diaphragm consisting mainly of the levatores ani and the ischiococcygei muscles and pelvic fascia. This diaphragm is pierced by the anal canal, in the male, and the anal canal and the vagina in the female. In the female the pelvis is more delicate, wider and shallower than in the male. The inlet is larger, the sacrum shorter and less curved, the outlet larger and the coccyx more movable, the pubic arch larger and less angular. The apertures of the abdominal walls are the three openings in the diaphragm, the openings in the pelvic floor for the rectum the urethra and in the female the vagina; the inguinal canal for the spermatic cord in the male, or the round ligament in the female, and the crural or femoral canal that leads into the thigh. The abdomen is divided into nine regions by four lines or planes, two horizontal and two vertical. A line drawn about the trunk at the lower border of the tenth costal cartilage and the superior part of third lumbar vertebra is called the subcostal line. A second line drawn at the level of the highest points of the iliac crests and through the middle of the fifth lumbar vertebra is the intertubercular line. The two vertical lines are drawn parallel to the long axis of the body from the midpoint of the inguinal ligament (one on each side). The three transverse zones formed by the horizontal lines are the costal, the Pig. 212. — Lines and regions of the abdo- men and the viscera in each, i. Subcostal line; 2, intertubercular line; 3, 3, midingui- nal lines; A, A, right and left hypochondriac regions; B. B, right and left lumbar regions; C, C. right and left inguinal regions; D, epigastric region; E, umbilical region; F, hypogastric region. THE CONTENTS OF THE ABDOMEN 295 umbilical and the hypogastric. The two vertical lines divide these zones into nine regions. In the costal zone the regions are right hypochondriac, epigastric and left hypochondriac. In the umbilical zone they are right lumbar, umbilical and left lumbar regions. In the hypogastric zone lie the right iliac, hypogastric and left iliac regions. A horizontal line drawn about the trunk at a point midway between the superior border of the crest of the pubis and the inferior margin of the sternum and at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, behind, is the transpyloric line. The contents of the abdomen are the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ureters, bladder, adrenals, seminal vesicles, prostate and vasa deferentia (in the male) and the ovaries, oviducts, 213. — Outline of some of the organsof the thorax Fig. 214. — Outline of some of the and abdomen, on the ventral body wall. (From a photo- organs of the thorax and abdomen, on graph. 1 the dorsal body wall. (From a photo- graph.) uterus and vagina (in the female) nerves, sympathetic ganglia, blood- vessels, lymph channels and lymph nodes. These are located in the various regions as follows: Right Hypochondrium. — Right lobe of the liver, gall-bladder, duodenum, hepatic flexure of the colon and the upper part of the right kidney. Epigastrium. — Part of right and left lobes of the liver, the pylorus and bulk of the stomach, aorta, celiac axis, celiac ganglia and pancreas. Left Hypochondrium. — Spleen, tail of the pancreas, splenic flexure of the colon, upper part of left kidney and the left portion of the greater curvature of the stomach. 296 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT Rig/it Lumbar Region. — Liver, part of the right kidney, coils of the small intestine and ascending colon. Umbilical Region. — The transverse colon, the greater curvature of the stomach, coils of the small intestine, the mesentery and great omentum. Left Lumbar Region. — Lower part of the left kidney, descending colon and coils of the small intestine. Right Iliac Region. — Cecum, appendix, ileocecal junction and right ureter. Hypogastric Region. — Coils of the small intestine, fundus of bladder (when distended) uterus (during pregnancy). Left Iliac Region. — Descending colon and left ureter. THE PERITONEUM The peritoneum is a serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and more or less completely invests the various organs. In the male this is a closed sac, but in the female the oviducts open into the peritoneal cavity. The tunica vaginalis of the testes and the serous lining of the scrotal compartments are derived from the peri- toneum. That portion lining the walls of the peritoneal cavity is the peritoneum parietale and that upon the organs is the peritoneum viscerale. Peritoneal folds are of three kinds: 1. Omenta, those folds that connect the stomach to other organs. These are the gastrocolic, or great omentum {omentum majus), which extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon. The gaslrohepalic, or lesser omentum (omentum minus), extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the transverse fissure of the liver. The gastrosplenic omentum extends from the greater curvature of the stomach to the spleen. 2. Mesenteries that connect parts of the intestine to the dorsal body wall. These are the mesentery proper ( mesenterium) compris- ing the mesojejunum and mesoileum, the transverse mesocolon (mesocolon transversum) mesosigmoid (mesocolon pehinum) and mesoappendix. 3. Ligaments, folds of peritoneum that connect organs other than the gastrointestinal tract to the body wall. These are the falciform, the right and left lateral ligaments of the liver, broad ligament of the uterus, false ligaments of the bladder, etc. Owing to the peculiarity in development of the greater and lesser omenta of the stomach a portion of the general peritoneal cavity, the lesser sac (bursa omentalis) is cut off from the remainder which then constitutes the greater sac. These two sacs communicate with each other underneath the liver through the foramen of Winslow (foramen epiploicum). THE PERITONEUM 297 The lesser sac is bounded by two layers of peritoneum, ventral and dorsal. The ventral layer invests the caudate lobe of the liver and continues to the dorsal edge of the portal fissure and from here, and from the fissure for the ligamentum venosum it passes to the lesser curvature of the stomach as the dorsal layer of the gas- trohepatic omentum. It invests about the entire dorsoinferior surface of the stomach, being continued as the dorsal layer of the great omentum to the lower border of this fold where it becomes continuous with the dorsal layer of the lesser sac. From the upper part of the greater curvature of the stomach it continues to the spleen as the dorsal layer of the gastrosplenic omentum. The dorsal layer of the lesser sac passes from the foramen of Winslow over the inferior vena cava and the celiac axis, covers a small area of the diaphragm behind the caudate lobe, thence passing to the left, it covers the upper surface of the pancreas, the left adrenal and superior pole of the left kidney and part of the gastric area of the spleen. From the pancreas it continues as the ventral layer of the transverse mesocolon, over the colon and from this region it con- tinues as the ventral layer of the dorsal fold of the great omentum to its lower border, where it becomes continuous with the dorsal layer of the ventral fold previously described. The greater sac constitutes the bulk of the peritoneal cavity. The ventral layer starts at the uncovered area of the liver (upper margin) and continues on to the under surface of the diaphragm down the ventral body wall to the pelvis. a fold attached to the ventral body wall and the under surface of the diaphragm is reflected upon the ventral and superior surface of the liver as the falciform ligament of the liver. In the free edge of this fold is the round ligament of the liver. The dorsal layer starts at the upper margin of the uncovered area of the liver, forming here the upper leaflet of the coronary ligament; it invests the superior, right and ventral surfaces of the right and left lobes and passes to the inferior surface at the ventral Fig. 215. — Medial sagittal section of female showing the reflections of the peritoneum (digrammatic). .4, Foramen epiploicum; B, bladder; C, transverse colon; D. duodenum; E. rectum; Mt's, mesentery; P, pan- creas; SI, small intestine; V , uterus. From the umbilical region 298 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT margin of the liver. Here it passes backward and upward over the right and left lobes to the portal fissure while lateral to this fissure the peritoneum spreads upon the remainder of the inferior surface (except the caudate lobe and the inferior vena cava) to the lower margin of the uncovered area forming here the lower leaflet of the coronary ligament; upon the left it continues to the diaphragm as part of the left lateral ligament and upon the right side as part of the right lateral ligament. The portion extending to the left covers the dorsal abdominal wall lying ventral to the outer and upper part of the left kidney and extending from here to the spleen as the li- enorenal ligament. This layer then passes around and invests the spleen covering the renal, colic and part of the gastric areas con- tinues to the greater curvature of the stomach as the ventral layer FiG. 216. — Transverse section of the abdomen, at the level of the foramen epiploicum, showing the reflections of the peritoneum (diagrammatic). A, Aorta; B, inferior vena cava; C. gastrohepatic omentum; K, K. kidneys. of the gastrosplenic omentum. Upon the right side the peritoneum passes upon the diaphragm as far to the left as the esophagus, form- ing here the fold called the gastrophrenic ligament. It also con- tinues downward over the right adrenal and kidney, to the duodenum and hepatic flexure of the colon, both of which it partially invests. From the portal fissure the dorsal layer of the greater sac continues down to the lesser curvature of the stomach as the ventral layer of the gastrohepatic omentum; from the. lesser curvature it invests the superior surface of the stomach and the greater curvature, from which it is continuous with the ventral layer of the ventral fold of the great omentum to the lower border of that fold. From the lower border of the great omentum it continues upward to the transverse colon as the dorsal layer of the dorsal fold of the great omentum and from the colon up to the dorsal body wall it forms the THE PERITONEUM 299 dorsal layer of the transverse mesocolon to the pancreas. At the pancreas the peritoneum passes downward over the third part of the duodenum to the oblique mesentery of the small intestines. Here it forms the right layer of the mesentery, invests the bowel and then passes to the dorsal body wall as the left layer of the mesentery; it then continues down along the dorsal body wall to the left and right, investing the sides and ventral walls of the ascending and descending colons (with cecum and appendix). In the left iliac fossa it completely invests the sigmoid colon forming for it a mesen- tery that shortens as the pelvic cavity is reached and ending at the beginning of the rectum. In the pelvic cavity the dorsal layer descends upon the front and sides of the rectum lessening at the sides so that at about the middle of this organ the entire peritoneum leaves the rectum to be carried forward, in the male, to the back of ■ section of the abdomen at a more caudal level (diagrammatic), nferior vena cava; C, ascending colon; C descending colon. the bladder and sides of the pelvis, forming the rectovesical pouch. It then continues over the superior part and lateral surfaces of the bladder to the ventral abdominal wall, becoming here continuous with the ventral layer. In the female the peritoneum is reflected from the rectum to the upper part of the dorsal wall of the vagina and then to the dorsal wall of the uterus and broad ligament, over the fundus and the ovi- ducts to the ventral surface of fundus and body of the uterus and the broad ligament; it then continues to the back of the bladder, up over the superior part of the lateral surfaces of this organ to the ventral body wall. In the female the fossa between the rectum, behind, and uterus and vagina, in front, is the pouch of Douglas (rectouterine) and between the uterus, behind, and the bladder, in front, the space is called the uterovesical pouch. 300 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT At the sides of the body wall the ventral and dorsal layers of the greater sac are continuous with each other. The organs completely invested by the peritoneum are as foliows: Spleen, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, transverse colon, sigmoid colon and the oviducts (in the female). Those partially invested are: Liver, stomach, duodenum, ascending and descending colons, rectum (upper part), bladder, uterus and vagina (in the female). Those uninvested are: Kidneys, adrenals, ureters, rectum (lower part), anal canal, pancreas, seminal vesicles, vas and prostate (in the male), and the urethra. THE STOMACH (VENTRICULUS) The stomach (ventriculus) lies in the epigastric, umbilical and left hypochondriac regions. The direction of its long axis varies from oblique to nearly horizontal, depending upon the quantity of its contents. The space occupied is called the stomach-chamber. When viewed from the side this space is somewhat triangular with curved sides. The floor slants downward (caudad) and ventrally; it is formed by the upper surface of the pancreas, the transverse mesocolon, transverse colon, spleen, right adrenal, and the upper pole of the left kidney. The roof is formed by the inferior surface of the left lobe of the liver and the diaphragm. The ventral wall is formed by the ventral abdominal wall and the diaphragm. When empty and contracted the stomach is sausage-shaped and almost vertical. As the stomach fills it dilates at the fundus first and at the pyloric portion last. The stomach presents two orifices, cardia and pylorus, two surfaces, ventral and dorsal, and two borders, the greater and lesser curvatures. It is divided into fundus, body and pyloric portion. The cardiac orifice (cardia) is situated about 2 inches (5 cm.) to the left of the midline at the level of the eleventh thoracic vertebra, behind, or 1 inch to the left of the seventh sternochondral junction, in front. It is fixed in position. The pyloric orifice (pylorus) is situated about 12 to 1 inch (i1., to 2.5 cm.) to the right of the midline at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. In the distended stomach the pylorus moves an inch or so to the right. It opens into the duodenum. The ventral surface (paries anterior) is convex and is in contact with the roof and ventral wall of the stomach chamber when the organ is distended. When empty, the transverse colon lies ventral to it. It is more extensive than the dorsal surface. The dorsal surface (paries posterior) is more flattened and less extensive than the preceding and is in contact with the floor of the THE STOMACH 30I stomach chamber. This surface may be divided by a slight ridge into an upper and a lower area. The greater curvature (curvatura venlriculus major) is convex and starts to the left of the esophagus in the incisura cardiaca and extends to the pylorus. This margin is 12 to 16 inches long in the distended stomach (three to four times that of the lesser curvature) and has the great omentum attached along the greater part of its extent. The lesser curvature (curvatura ventriculus minor) is somewhat concave, extends from the cardiac region to the pylorus; it is only 3 to 4 inches in length and has the gastrohepatic omentum attached to it. Near the pylorus is the incisura. annularis. The fundus (fundus ventriculi) is the dilatation to the left of the esophagus and it extends 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm.) above the level of the cardiac orifice. It constitutes a little less than one-third of the stomach. The body (corpus ventriadi) is the next portion and ltU3u.|o,r -The parts of the stomach shown in the distended organ. Fig. 219. — Form and position of the empty contracted stomach. connects the fundus and pyloric portions. It constitutes a little over one-third of the stomach. The pyloric end (pars pylori, a\ constitutes about one-third and is separated from the body by the incisura annularis. It is sometimes separated into a dilated first part, the pyloric vestibule (antrum pyloricum) and a second tubular portion, the pyloric canal. The measurements of the distended stomach are, length 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm.), lateral 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12.5 cm.), and dorso- ventral 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm.). Its capacity is usually 1 quart (40 ounces) though some give 4 to 5 pints as the capacity. Its weight is 41., ounces (135 grams). The stomach is almost completely invested with peritoneum, the uncovered area being just behind and to the left of the cardia. It is triangular in shape, measures about 2 inches along the base and \V^ inches high. The stomach is connected to the liver by the gastro- 302 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT hepatic omentum; to the colon by the gastrocolic omentum and to the diaphragm by a small fold, the gastrophrenic ligament. The interior of the stomach exhibits many folds chiefly longi- tudinal in direction, consisting of mucous and submucous coats. These folds are the ruga;. Minute orifices representing the gastric pits, or crypts, are seen throughout the entire surface. At the pyloric orifice a distinct fold is seen, constituting the pyloric valve. Within this fold is a strong ring of circularly disposed smooth muscle tissue, the sphincter pylori muscle. The stomach is supplied by the following arteries (branches of the celiac axis): The gastric (from celiac axis direct), pyloric (from the hepatic), right gastroepiploic (gastroduodenale), left gastro- epiploic (splenic), vasa brevia (splenic). The veins empty into the superior mesenteric and splenic veins. The nerves are derived from the vagals and the solar plexus (ganglion celiaca) of the sympathetic; branches from these form the plexuses of Auerbach (plexus myentcricus) and Meissner (plexus submucosce) in the walls of the organ. SMALL INTESTINE (INTESTINI TENTJE) The small intestine consists of duodenum, jejunum and ileum and is, after death, 20 to 22 feet in length (22.5 feet in the male and 23 feet in the female). The diameter varies from 2 inches (5 cm.) at the duodenum, to a little over 1 inch (27 mm.) at the ileum. The duodenum is n inches (27.5 cm.) in length and starts at the right side of the first lumbar vertebra and ends at the left of the second lumbar vertebra having a C-, U- or V-shape. Its two ex- tremities are only about 2 inches (5 cm.) apart. It is the largest part of the small intestine. It consists of superior (pars superior), descending (pars descendens) , transverse (pars horizontal is) and ascend- ing (pars ascendens) portions. In the cavity of the duodenal loop is placed the head of the pancreas. All parts do not lie in the same plane. The first part is slightly movable being almost invested by peritoneum while the remainder is fixed being only partially invested. In this it is readily distinguished from the remainder of the intestine. At its termination as it turns ventrally to continue as jejunum (duodenojejunal junction) it is bound to the body wall by a fold, the suspensory ligament of Treitz, containing some smooth muscle tissue, the suspensory muscle (m. suspensorius duodeni). As a whole the duodenum is incompletely invested with peritoneum. The interior of the duodenum varies in appearance. The first part is smooth but this condition is soon changed by the appearance of circular folds, the plica; eircidares, or valvules conniventes. In the descending portion is a longitudinal fold representing the course THE DUODENUM 3°3 of the bile and pancreatic ducts. At the lower end of this fold is a papilla (papilla duodeni) at which the above ducts empty into the 4 Fig. 220. — A diagram of the alimentary tract. duodenum. This papilla is usually 3J-2 to 4 inches from the pyloric orifice. 3°4 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT The jejunum (intestinum jejunum) represents about two-fifths (8 feet) of the small intestine. It has a greater diameter, ij^ to ili inches (3.75 to 3 cm.) than the ileum, its walls are thicker and Bi\1wTWlrlV Hc.-t.cfl Fig. 221. — Ventral view of the duodenum, pancreas and the neighboring organs. redder, the plica; circulares are larger and more numerous than in the ileum and the villi are more numerous and broader. -Interior of the jejunum showing the plica? circula iFrotn a photograph.) The ileum (intestinum ileum) constitutes about three-fifths (12 feet) of the small intestine. It is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in diameter, its walls are thin and pale, the plicae circulares are few and small and the villi few and slender. Both of these portions of the small in- THE CECUM 305 testine are completely invested with peritoneum and are suspended from the dorsal body wall by the mesentery. The coils of the jejunum lie chiefly in the upper and left part of the abdominal cavity, the first third of the ileum in the left iliac fossa, and the remainder in the lower right portion of the abdominal cavity and even in the pelvic cavity. The small intestine receives its blood supply from the following vessels: Duodenum from the pyloric and superior pancreatico- duodenale (branches of the hepatic artery) and inferior pancreatico- duodenale (from the superior mesenteric artery). The veins return the blood to the superior mesenteric and portal veins. The jejunum and bulk of the ileum receive their blood from the vasa intestini tenuis (from the superior mesenteric artery) and the re- mainder of the ileum from the ileal vessels (ileocolic branch of the superior mesenteric artery). The veins return the blood to the superior mesenteric vein. The nerves are derived from the celiac plexus of the sympathetic- system. Branches from this plexus form the plexuses of Auerbach (plexus myentericus) and Meissncr (pi. submucosa) in the walls of the intestine. Some branches of the right vagus join the latter plexuses. THE LARGE INTESTINE (INTESTINTJM CRASSUM) The large intestine consists of cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal and anus (Fig. 220). The large bowel presents a sacculated appearance. This condi- tion is due to the three longitudinal bands, or tenia coli. These bands represent the longitudinal muscle tissue of the large intestine and as these bands are about one-sixth shorter than the intestine they cause the sacculations. They arise at the base of the appendix and are nearly equidistant from one another. They extend to the rectum where they end by spreading out to form a complete longi- tudinal layer. If the tenia? be removed the sacculations disappear and the bowel is of a cylindrical form. All along the large intestine are seen little tabs of fat surrounded by peritoneum called the appendices epiploic^. The cecum (intestinum cecum) is the blind portion of the large intestine. It is about 2.5 inches (6.5 cm.) long and 3 inches (7.5 cm.) wide. It lies in the right iliac fossa and extends as high as the intertubercular plane. The interior of the cecum shows some folds of the mucosa and submucosa. The superior end is continuous with the colon. The opening of the ileum is guarded by the ileo- cecal valve (valvula coli) that consists of two segments, upper (labium supcrius) and lower (labium inferius). About 1 li inches below the ileocecal orifice is the appendiculer orifice and this may be guarded by a valve. 306 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT The cecum is usually entirely invested with peritoneum but it has no mesentery. The appendix (processus vermiformis) is the smallest part of the intestine. It has been known to be absent and in other cases as long as 9 inches ("22. 5 cm.). Its average is about 3 inches (7.5 cm.) in length and }-i inch (6 mm.) in diameter. Its orifice, guarded by a valve (valvula processus vermiformis) usually is considered half way on a line between the anterior superior spine of the ilium and the umbilicus; this is called McBurney's point. The appendix is com- pletely surrounded by peritoneum and possesses a mesentery, the mesoappendix. The colon (Figs. 213 and 220) consists of four parts, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid flexure. The ascending colon (colon ascendens) is 5 to 8 inches (.12.5 to 20 cm.) long and extends from the intertubercular plane to the under surface of the liver, where it turns ventrally and to the left Jg SL as the hepatic flexure. It is wider and K^s^^^gS^^^ more prominent than the descending colon; it is usually invested upon its ventral and two lateral surfaces with peritoneum and is, therefore, fixed in position. It lies in the right lumbar and partly in the right hypochondriac regions. Fig. 223.— Cecum with part of At the liver the colon bends sharply the ventral wall removed, a, to the left and ventrallv and this part Ileocecal valve and orifice; B, . .. . . . , ., • \ n /n appendicular orifice. is called theriglit (hepatic) flexure (nexura coli dextra) and produces the colic im- pressions upon the visceral surface of the liver. The transverse colon (colon transversum) is from 15 to 20 inches (37-5 to 50 cm.) long; it begins at the hepatic flexure and extends across the body in an arched manner (convexity downward) to the spleen where it ends at the splenic flexure. The first and last por- tions are fixed in position, but the intervening portion is freely movable possessing a long mesentery, the transverse mesocolon. Its extremities lie in the right and left hypochondriac regions while the middle portion lies in the umbilical and even in the hypogastric region. At the spleen the transverse colon turns sharply downward (caudad), forming the left (splenic) flexure (flexura coli sinistra). This lies at a higher level than the right flexure. The descending colon (colon descendens) is about 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm.) long and starts at the splenic flexure and extends to THE ANAL CANAL 307 the left iliac crest. It is about i}2 inches (3.75 cm.) in diameter and is partly invested with peritoneum; it is fixed in position. It lies in the left hypochondriac and lumbar regions and bends slightly toward the midline at the level of the left kidney. The sigmoid flexure, 17 to 20 inches (42.5 to 50 cm.) in length, consists of two parts, the iliac and pelvic colons. The iliac colon, about 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 cm.) long, extends from the crest of the ilium to the brim of the pelvis. It is completely invested with peritoneum but has no mesentery. It lies in the left iliac and the hypogastric regions. The pelvic colon, about 12 to 17 inches (30 to 42.5 cm.) in length, extends from the brim of the pelvis to the third sacral segment in an irregular loop. This constitutes a large coil that is completely invested with peritoneum and has a well- developed mesentery that shortens as the end of this portion of the bowel is reached. This mesentery is referred to as the mesosigmoid for both parts as a whole, or pelvic mesocolon. The rectum (iutestinum rectum) about 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 mm.), extends from the third segment of the sacrum to a point about 1*2 inches (3.75 cm.) in front of the tip of the coccyx. The first part is only partially invested by peritoneum and the last por- tion not at all. Its diameter varies, being smallest at the beginning and largest nearest the anal canal. This dilated portion is called the ampulla (ampulla recti). When empty the diameter is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) but when distended it may be 3 inches (7.5 cm.). The rectum is not straight, as its name indicates, but shows a curve from before backward as it follows the curve of the sacrum. Viewed from the front it shows usually three curves; the upper and the lower have the concavity to the left and the middle curve to the right. These are not sacculations but are due to the projection of the coats into the lumen of the organ forming, thus, three well- marked shelves, the rectal valves (plicce transvcrsales recti). These valves extend from a half to two-thirds of the way across the lumen and serve to support the weight of the fecal matter. The anal canal (pars Orudis recti) is the slit-like continuation of the bowel. It is from 1 to i'2 inches (2.5 to 3.75 cm.) in length and '_> to 34 inch (12 to 18 mm.) dorsoventrally. It lies between the levatores ani muscles and extends backward and downward at an angle of about 45° to the horizontal plane, from the end of the rectum to the anal orifice. The circularly disposed smooth muscle fibers extend from the beginning to about }i inch from its end and constitute the internal sphincter muscle. Around the lower two- thirds is a strong band of circularly arranged voluntary striated muscle called the external sph 'ncter. The interior of the anal canal shows, in its upper and middle thirds, a number (five to ten) of vertical folds called the columns of 308 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT Morgagni {eolumnce rectales). Between these are little depressions {sinuses rectales) bounded below by crescentic folds called the anal valves. The anal orifice is the lower aperture of the alimentary tract. This orifice is irregular and is usually surrounded by hairs, sebaceous and modified sweat glands (glandule? circumanales). At the orifice the mucous membrane of the rectum passes into the skin without any sharp line of demarcation. The blood-vessels that supply the large bowel are as follows: Cecum and appendix by the ileocecal artery (from the ileocolic branch of the superior mesenteric artery) ; the ascending colon by the right colic (from the superior mesenteric) ; the transverse colon by the mid- dle colic (from the superior mesenteric) and the left colic (from the inferior mesenteric) ; sigmoid colon by the sigmoid branches of the Fig. 224. — Lower part of the rectum and the anal canal. C, C, columns of Morgagni; Vj anal valves. inferior mesenteric artery; the rectum by the superior hemorrhoidal (from the superior mesenteric), the middle hemorrhoidal (from the internal iliac) and the inferior hemorrhoidal (from the internal pudic). The venous blood of the rectum passes in two directions. There are two venous plexuses in the rectum, internal and external. The internal hemorrhoidal plexus gives rise to the inferior hemorrhoidal veins that empty into the internal pudic vein which is a tributary to the inferior vena cava through the internal and common iliac veins. The external hemorrhoidal plexus gives rise to the superior hemorrhoidal vein that empties into the inferior mesenteric vein which is a tributary to the portal vein. The blood that is distrib- uted by the inferior mesenteric artery is returned by venous channels that correspond to the arterial branches; these ultimately form the inferior mesenteric vein that empties into the splenic vein, a tribu- THE LIVER 309 tary to the portal vein. Corresponding venous channels return the blood from the distribution of the superior mesenteric artery to form the superior mesenteric vein. This vein unites with the splenic vein to form the portal vein that enters the portal fissure of the liver. The nerves of the great bowel to the rectum are derived from the sympathetic plexuses around the roots of the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. Their distribution is similar to that of the small intestine. The rectum receives its sympathetic fibers from the inferior and hypogastric plexuses. Its cerebrospinal nerves are derived from the second, third and fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord. THE LIVER (HEPARi The liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing from 50 to 55 ounces (1500 to 1650 grams) in the male, and from 43 to 48 ounces (1290 to 1440 grams) in the female. It represents one-eighteenth to one-twentieth of the body weight at birth and about one-fortieth in the adult. The bulk of the liver lies in the right hypochondriac region, the remainder extending across the epigastric into the left hypochondriac region. It is soft, of a reddish-brown color and quite friable. It is not completely invested with peritoneum, having a large area, the uncovered area, uninvested. Its shape is irregular and inconstant in the same body varying under different conditions. It is usually described as a "right angle triangular prism with the basal angles rounded." Its measurements are as follows: greatest transverse 7 to 8 inches (17.5 to 20 cm.) ; vertical (near the right side) 6 to 7 inches (15 to 17.5 cm.); dorsoventral (in the thickest part) 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12.5 cm.). It presents five surfaces, superior, ventral, right, dorsal (these four constituting the parietal surface) and inferior [visceral) surface and an inferior border. The superior surface (fades superior) is convex from before backward and slightly concave, to the left of the midline, from side to side. This depressed area is the cardiac impression, for here the heart rests upon the liver separated therefrom by the central tendon of the diaphragm. The convexity of the two sides is due to the doming of the diaphragm. This surface is divided by the sus- pensory ligament into a greater, right, and a lesser, left portion. The ventral surface is extensive and of a triangular shape; it is slightly convex, or flattened, resting against the diaphragm and the ventral abdominal wall. It is divided by the suspensory liga- ment as above stated. The right lateral surface is convex and triangular in shape and rests against the diaphragm. The dorsal surface ( fades posterior) is convex, the greater right portion being broad while the lesser left portion is narrow and comes 310 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT to a point. To the left of the midline of the liver is the deep vertebral groove where the liver is moulded around the protruding vertebra column. The greater portion of this surface is uninvested with peritoneum and is called the uncovered area. This area is from 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm.) from above downward to 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12.5 cm.) from side to side. This surface presents from right to left, the uncovered area with the adrenal impression (impressio suprarenalis), the fossa for the inferior vena cava (fossa vena cava:), the base of the caudate lobe, the fissure for the ligamcntum venosum and the esophageal groove (impressio esophagea). The inferior, or visceral surface (fades inferior), presents from right to left the following: Starting across the upper part is seen first . - I Suspensory ligament V." ^^^^7 Round ligament ^H Wm^ J Umbilical notch ^^1 jf^r Gall-bladder Fig. 225. — Ventral and right surfaces of the liver. {From a photograph.) the large renal impression (impressio renalis), then the transverse, or portal fissure with the processus caudatus of the caudate lobe above it ; then the fissure for the ligamentum venosum (fossa ductus venosi) ; next the omental tuberosity (tuber omentalc) that fits into the lesser curvature of the stomach; lastly, the gastric impression (impressio gaslrica) that accommodates the ventral surface of the stomach. Across the lower part of this surface (right to left) are seen: first, the colic depression (impressio colica) below the renal impression; the duodenal depression (impressio duodenalis) above and to the left; next, the gall-bladder in its fossa (fossa vesica fellea); then, the quad- rate lobe with the pyloric depression (impressio pyloris); the umbilical fissure for the round ligament; and lastly, the end of the gastric impression. THE LIVER 3" The inferior border, or margin of the liver is sharp and thin. Where the falciform ligament reaches it there is a deep notch called the umbilical notch (incisure umbilicalis) which represents the begin- ning of the umbilical fissure. A little to the right of the notch is seen the base of the gall-bladder. The lobes of the liver are four in number, right (lobus dexter) with its subdivisions the quadrate (lobus quadratus) , caudate (lobus cauda- tus) and lastly the left lobe (lobus sinister). The fissures five in number and form a broken letter H. Upon the left are the continu- ous umbilical ( fossa umbilicalis) and ligamentum venosum (fossa ligamentum venosum) fissures that constitute the great longitudinal fissure. On the right are the fissure (fossa) for the ga'l bladder Inferior i Caudate lobe . Esophageal groove \ Uncovered Fissure for the 1 Gastric pression Omental tuberosit Hepatic arcerv // ' Fissure for the round lig. Quadrate lobe Gall-bladder gall-bladder Portal fissure Common duct Fig. 226. — Dorsal and inferior surfaces of the liver. {From a photograph.) (fossa vesica fellece) and the fissure for the inferior vena cava (fossa vena- cava-) interrupted by the caudate process; connecting the longi- tudinal fissure with the fossa for the gall-bladder is the transverse, or portal fissure (porta hepatica). At the portal fissure the hepatic artery, nerves and portal vein enter and the hepatic ducts and lymph channels pass out. The ligaments are the suspensory, coronary, right and left lateral, umbilical and ligamentum venosum. The falciform, or suspensory ligament (ligamentum falciforme hepalis), is a sickle-shaped fold of peritoneum that connects the liver to the diaphragm and ventral abdominal wall. It starts at the umbilicus, passes upward to the diaphragm and liver and then back to the dorsal surface where its 312 THE ALIMENTARY TRACT two layers separate, one going to the right and the other to the left as the upper leaflets of the coronary ligament. It passes over the ventral surfaces and superior wall to the left of the midline of the liver and separated the right from the left lobes here. The coronary ligament (lig. corinarium hcpatis) consists of upper and lower leaflets. The upper have been mentioned above. The lower leaflet represents the peritoneum from the visceral surface of the liver and it bounds the inferior margin of the uncovered area. At the right edge of the uncovered area the two leaflets unite and pass to the ^^^mmmm^ . diaphragm as the right triangular ligament dig. triangular e dextrum). ^djMkfe To the left of the caudate lobe the two leaflets unite and extend along the dorsal edge of the left lobe to its end and then to the diaphragm as the left triangular ligament (lig. triangulate sinistrum). The round ligament (lig. teres hepalis) represents the impervious umbilical vein of the fetus and it lies in the free edge of the falciform ligament and enters and lies in the fissure for the round ligament in the inferior surface. The ligamentum venosum lies in the fissure of that name and ex- tends from the portal fissure dor- sally to the inferior vena cava. It represents the impervious ductus i*J venosus. «r upon The blood-vessels entering the {From a . liver are the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The latter is the real nutrient vessel of the liver as it is laden with the nutritious sub- stances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and comes into very intimate relation with the hepatic cells. The several hepatic veins drain the liver and empty the blood into the inferior vena cava at the dorsal surface of the liver. Two of these veins are usually of considerable size. The nerves are chiefly sympathetic from the celiac plexus; the cerebrospinal nerve assisting is the left vagus. To outline the liver upon the ventral abdominal wall four points are taken: (i) in the middle of the fifth interspace on the right mid- clavicular line; (3) the upper margin of the sixth left rib li inch (1 cm.) medially from the midclavicular line; (2) >£ inch (12.5 mm.) Fig. 227. — Outline of th the ventral abdominal wa photograph.) THE GALL-BLADDER AND DUCTS 313 below the tip of the tenth right rib; (4) a point midway be- between the lower end of the gladiolus sterni and the umbilicus in the midsternal line. The line connecting (1) and (3) should be depressed in the midsternal area representing the cardiac depression. The line connecting (1) and (2) should describe a curve to the right. The line connecting (3) and (2) is concavoconvex, passes through the midsternal point (4) and is like a reversed italic /. The posi- tion of the liver varies with the movements of respiration, ascending during expiration and descending during inspiration. THE GALL-BLADDER AND DUCTS The gall-bladder (vesica fellea) lies in a fossa on the visceral surface of the right lobe of the liver. It is pear-shaped, measures about 3 X C«Si«£uit t V N f /fcCir,c - ?• - u,„, »»«r V. \_'_ Omen. aie- — Fig. 228.— Structures in the lesser omentum (liver raised). The duodenum is laid open to show where the conjoined ducts empty. PV, Portal vein. inches (7.5 cm.) in length and 1 to i}4 inches (2.5 to 3.5 cm.) in diameter. Its capacity is from 1 to ixi ounces (30 to 45c. a). Itcon- sists of a. fundus, body (corpus) and neck (collum). The neck presents a peculiar curve with the convexity directed toward the right. The hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus) is made up of the right and smaller left lobar ducts. It measures usually 1 to i}i inches (2.5 to 3 cm.) in length and 3 to 4 mm. in diameter and joins the cystic duct. The cystic duct (ductus cysticus) begins at the neck of the gall- bladder and is from 1% to iH inches (3 to 3.75 cm.) in length and 3M THE ALIMENTARY TRACT 3 to 4 mm. in diameter. It joins the hepatic duct to form the com- mon bile duct. The common bile duct (ductus cholidochus) is about $y2 to 4 inches (8.5 to 10 cm.) in length, 6 to 7 mm. in diameter and passes into the duodenal wall where it joins the pancreatic duct. These ducts pass obliquely through the coats of the duodenum and before opening into the lumen of this organ there is a dilatation of this combined duct called the ampulla of Voter. The orifice of the common duct is 2,Vi to 4 inches from the pylorus along the dorsomedial wall. The gall-bladder receives its blood from the cystic artery, a branch of the hepatic artery. Its veins empty directly into the portal vein. The nerves are derived from the sympathetic plexus upon the hepatic artery. THE PANCREAS The pancreas is often referred to as the abdominal salivary gland. When fixed in situ it measures from 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 cm.) in Fig. 229. — Ventral , pancreas and the neighboring organs. length. Its weight is from 85 to 90 grams. Most of the organ lies in the epigastrium and the remainder in the left hypochondrium. It consists of head, neck, body and tail. The head (caput) is the largest portion, measures about 2 inches (5 cm.) across. It lies in the concavity of the duodenum. The neck (collum) is the narrow, constricted portion between the head and the body. It is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) long and \'2 inch (12 mm.) thick. THE PANCREAS 315 The body (corpus) is the longest and thickest division and is somewhat wedge-shaped. It presents three surfaces, ventral, inferior and dorsal, and three borders, ventral, superior and inferior. The tail (cauda) is the pointed extremity that extends to the spleen. The pancreas is classed as a retroperitoneal organ. The pancreatic duct {ductus pancreaticus) begins near the tip of the tail and continues in a zigzag manner through the long axis of the organ; near the head it bends downward to join the common bile duct. Occasionally an accessory duct (ductus pancreaticus accessorius) is found. This is small and opens independently into the duodenum about 3i inch above and a little ventral to the preceding duct. The arteries are the superior pancreaticoduodenale (from the gastroduodenale of the hepatic artery), the inferior pancreaticoduo- denale (from the superior mesenteric artery) and pancreatic branches from the splenic and hepatic arteries. The veins empty into the superior mesenteric, splenic and portal veins. The nerves are mainly sympathetic from the solar plexus by way of the celiac, splenic and superior mesenteric plexuses. CHAPTER VIII THE URINARY SYSTEM The urinary system comprises the ti bladder and the urethra. THE KIDNEYS 'ii kidneys, two ureters, the Each kidney (re») is a large, bean-shaped organ, measuring 4>2 inches (11.5 cm.) in length, 2 inches (5 cm.) in width and about 1 ' 2 inches (3 cm.) in thickness. In the male the kidney weighs from 41-2' to 6 ounces (135 to 180 grams) and in the female from 4 to 5!^ ounces (120 to 165 grams). It is rather solid in texture and of a reddish-brown color. Surfaces. — The kidney presents ventral and dorsal surfaces, media! and lateral borders and superior and inferior poles. Fig. 230. — Ventral surfaces of the kidneys showing the areas of each. The ventral, or visceral surface (fades ventralis), is convex and looks forward (ventrally) and outward. Upon each kidney are areas as follows: Right kidney: adrenal, duodenal, hepatic and colic. Left kidney: adrenal, gastric, pancreatic, splenic, jejunal and colic. The dorsal, or parietal surface (fades dorsalis) is directed backward (dorsally) and inward and is flatter than the ventral surface. The dorsal surface is in contact with muscles. The areas are diaphrag- 316 THE KIDNEYS 317 matic, transversalis, quadratus lumborum and psoas; these are on both kidneys but not to the same extent. In addition to these, upon the left kidney may be seen two grooves formed by the eleventh and twelfth ribs and two little depressions near the medial border formed by the transverse processes of the first and second lumbar vertebrae, respectively. On the right kidney there is one groove formed by the twelfth rib and one depression formed by the trans- verse process of the first lumbar vertebra. The lateral border {mar go lateralis) is convex in both directions and belongs more to the dorsal surface. The medial border {margo medialis) is concave presenting a deep notch, the kilns, seen mainly from the front. The vessels here are the renal vein, in front, the renal artery, above and in the middle, and the ureter behind and below. Fig. 231. — Dorsal surfaces of the kidneys showing the areas of each. The superior pole, or extremity is thick and broad and about 4 cm. from the midline. It is capped by the adrenal. The inferior pole, or extremity is usually thinner and more pointed than the preceding and is about 5J2 cm. from the midline of the body. If the kidney be sectioned longitudinally, and parallel to the sur- faces, a number of important points are noted. The peripheral one- third is distinctly demarcated from the inner two-thirds and these constitute the cortex and medulla, respectively. The cortex (sub- stantia (corticalis) shows striations perpendicular to the surface. These alternating dark and light stripes are due to the difference in vascularity of these two parts: the dark ones constitute the labyrinth (pars convoluta) and are the more vascular; the lighter ones are the medullary rays (pars rod iota). The rays are continuous with the medullary portion of the kidney while the labyrinth extends a dis- 3i* THE URINARY SYSTEM tance into the medulla between the medullary pyramids, forming here the cortical ends of the columns of Berlin or columna renales. The medulla {substantia medidlaris) is seen to consist of a number of pyramids (pyramides renales) the apices of which are directed toward the sinus and the bases (bases pyramides) toward the cortex. The basal areas constitute the boundary zone of the kidney. Between the pyramids are the incomplete fibrous columns of Berlin (columna; renales) the pathways of the vessels to and from the boundary zone. Just within the hilus is seen an area called the sinus. This is occupied by the pelvis of the ureter and the branches of the renal artery, the tributaries of the renal vein and some adipose tissue. Here are also seen the apices of the medullary pyramids that project into the sinus a short distance con- stituting the papilla renales. The kidneys are retroperitoneal, that is, not in any way or part in- vested with peritoneum. Each is usually imbedded in considerable fat, Hi/u*s the fatty capsule (capsitla adiposa) wihch is usually thicker at the margins of the organ. In this fatty tissue is seen the fascia renalis, a sheet of white fibrous tissue with some fat interposed between it and the kidney (the perirenal fat). That portion of the fatty capsule outside of the renal fascia is the pararenal fat. The organ is held in position by the surrounding organs, chiefly, and somewhat by the renal fascia. The vessels of the kidney are the renal artery and the renal vein. The nerves are about fifteen in number and are derived from the renal plexus. This plexus is formed by branches from the solar plexus, celiac ganglion, aortic plexus and lesser and least splanchnic nerves. Branches from the tenth, eleventh and twelfth thoracic nerves also reach the kidneys. The kidneys lie mainly in the epigastric and umbilical regions but extend somewhat into the lumbar and hypochondriac regions. The left is usually higher than the right. The left kidney extends from the middle of the eleventh thoracic vertebra to the upper border of the third lumbar vertebra. The right kidney extends from the lower border of the eleventh thoracic vertebra to the middle of the third Fig. 232. — Median longitudinal section of the right kidney. A. A, Calyces minores; B, B, calyces majores; C, pelvis of the ureter; 5, hilus of the kidney. THE URETERS 319 lumbar vertebra. In the female they are somewhat lower than in the male. The inferior poles are il4, to 2 inches (3.75 to 5 cm.) above the crests of the ilium. The upper pole of each is 4 cm. from the mid- line while the lower pole is 5^ cm. from the midline. THE URETERS The ureters are the tubes by means of which the urine is con- veyed from the kidneys to the bladder. Each consists of a pelvis and ureter proper. The pelvis lies in the sinus and consists of a num- ber of small divisions, the calyces minores eight to ten in number. • of a corrosion preparation of the (From a photograph.) ssels and ureter of the kidney. These calyces minores surround and are completely attached to two or three pyramid apices and join to form two or three tubular structures, the calyces major es. The junction is somewhat enlarged and constitutes the pelvis. At the level of the disc between first and second lumbar vertebne it continues as the ureter proper. The ureter proper is a small tube about 4 mm. thick and 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm.) in length. It extends from the upper border of the second lumbar vertebra to the bladder. The first part (pars abdominalis) lies in the abdominal cavity and corresponds nearly to the midinguinal line. The second half (pars pelvina) lies in the pel- vic cavity. When it reaches the bladder, it enters that structure obliquely and proceeds for nearly an inch (2.5 cm.) between the mus- cular and mucous coats. Its opening in the bladder is guarded by mucous folds. 320 THE URINARY SYSTEM Its blood supply is from the renal, spermatic, ovarian, middle hemorrhoidal and superior vesical arteries. Its nerves are derived from the renal, spermatic and hypogastric plexuses of the sympa- thetic system. THE BLADDER The bladder (vesica urinaria), located in the pelvic cavity just behind the symphysis pubis, is the reservoir for the urine. When Fig. 234. — Medii prostate, urethr. empty and contracted the bladder is almost spherical in shape. Its shape in the infant is somewhat conical. In the empty collapsed state, as in the cadaver, it is somewhat cup-shaped. When dis- tended, it is about $}$ inches (14 cm.) in height, 44 inches (11. 5 cm.) in width and nearly 4 inches (10 cm.) dorsoventrally, and then extends into the abdominal cavity. In the female the width is greater and the dorsoventral dimension less. Its capacity is about 1 pint (500 to 700 c.c.) but is usually emptied when it contains 8 to 10 ounces (about 300 c.c). THE BLADDER 321 The bladder presents an apex, a base, a superior and ventroinferior and two lateral surfaces and illy defined borders. The apex (vertex veskce) is best seen in the nearly empty bladder and lies just behind the symphysis pubis. From this the urachus extends to the umbilicus. The base (fundus vesica) is directed downward and backward (dorsally) and is partly in relation with rectum and seminal vesicles of the male and vagina of the female. It is partially invested by peritoneum. The superior surface is directed toward the abdominal cavity and its shape varies with the state of distention. It is invested with peritoneum. The ventro- inferior surface is directed downward and forward (ventrally) and Fig. 23s. — Bladder laid open showing the trigo when the bladder is distended it is partially invested with perito- neum. The so-called neck of the bladder is at the lowest part of the organ, at the junction of the base and ventroinferior surface. Here the urethra begins and it represents the most fixed part of the blad- der. The lateral surfaces are directed downward and outward and meet in front at the urethral orifice. Each is partially invested with peritoneum. When the empty contracted bladder is opened the mucosa exhib- its folds, or rugae except at the trigone. In the distended bladder these folds disappear. The trigone (trigonum vesica) is a triangular area at the neck; at the basal angles are the two ureteral orifices and 3 2 2 THE URINARY SYSTEM at the apical angle is the urethral orifice. The sides are of equal length and measure about i!4 inches (3 cm.) in the empty bladder and i'2 inches (3.75 cm.) in the distended condition. The ureteral orifices are usually guarded by small folds of the mucosa. Extend- ing upward and outward from each ureteral orifice is seen a short ridge the ureteral fold (plica ureterica) formed by the ureter in its oblique course through the bladder wall. Connecting the ureteral orifices is another fold (basal side of the trigone) the intcrurcteral fold {torus ureterica), extending from the middle of the fold across the trigone, and on into the urethra, is a ridge the uvula of the bladder {uvula vesica). The ligaments are ten in number, five true and five false. The true ligaments are mainly fascial bands and are the two ventral, the two lateral and the middle. The ventral ligaments (puboprostatic) extend from the neck of the bladder to the prostate gland and then to each side of the symphysis pubis. The lateral ligaments extend from the side of the bladder and prostate gland to the lateral walls of the pelvis. The middle, or umbilical ligament dig. umbilicales medium), consists of the impervious urachus and extends from the summit of the bladder to the umbilicus. The false ligaments are peritoneal folds and are five in number, two dorsal, two lateral and one ventral. The dorsal false ligaments extend from the dorsolateral region of the bladder to the side of the rectum in the male; between the two there is a depression called the rectovesical pouch. In the female these ligaments extend from the dorsolateral region of the bladder to the sides of the uterus bound- ing thus, the uterovesical pouch. The lateral false ligaments extend from the sides of the bladder to the lateral pelvic walls and iliac fossae. The ventral false ligament extends from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus and lies over the urachus. Extending from the sides of the bladder and converging at the umbilicus are two addi- tional folds of peritoneum that cover the two impervious hypo- gastric, or umbilical arteries. These folds are the plica umbilicales laterales and the impervious arteries are sometimes referred to as the round ligaments of the bladder. The arterial supply of the bladder is from the superior, middle and inferior vesical arteries in the male; in the female other branches are received from the uterine and vaginal arteries. The veins carry the blood to the tributaries of the hypogastric veins and anastomose with the pudendal venous plexus. The lymphatics are few and empty into the intern aliliac, hypo- gastric and sacral nodes. The nerves are from the third and fourth sacral cerebrospinal nerves through the vesical plexus and from the upper lumbar nerves through the hypogastric plexus. THE URETHRA 323 THE URETHRA The urethra varies in the male and female. The female urethra (urethra muliebris) is about i'-2 inches (3.75 cm.) in length extending from the neck of the bladder (orificium urethra internum) to the external urinary meatus (orificium urethra; externum) in the vestibule. It may be dilated to about li inch (6 mm.) and lies imbedded in the ventral wall of the vagina. It is directed downward and forward. The male urethra (urethra virilis), 7 to 8 inches (17.5 to 20 cm.) in length, extends from the neck of the bladder to the end of the penis. It consists of three parts, prostatic, membranous and penile portions. The prostatic portion (pars prostatica) is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in length and courses through the prostate from its base to its apex. It presents the most dilated part of the urethra; its greatest caliber is 12 mm. Upon its dorsal wall or floor is seen a ridge the urethral crest (crista urcthralis) which represents a continuation of the uvula of the bladder. The middle part of this ridge is slightly thickened and shows a depression in the center, the sinus pocularis (utriculus proslaticus) upon each side of which is to be seen the opening of the ejaculatory duct. At each side of the crest is a linear depression, the prostatic sinuses, into which open the prostatic ducts. The membranous portion (pars membranacea) is about' M inch (12 mm.) in length and lies beneath the symphysis pubis. It is firmly fixed in position and not easily dilated. Its caliber is about 8 mm. ; its distal part has thin walls and is the part that is most liable to rupture. The spongy, or penile portion, is about 6 inches (15 cm.) in length and lies in the spongy portion of the penis and glans penis. Its caliber is about 9 mm. except near the end where it is dilated to from 12 to 14 mm., the fossa navicularis. Its termination is called the external urinary meatus (orificium urethra; externum) and repre- sents a vertical slit about Vi inch (6 mm.) in extent. CHAPTER IX THE MALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION The male organs of reproduction comprise the two testes, two vasa deferentia, two seminal vesicles, two ejaculatory ducts, a prostate, two glands of Cowper, the penis and the scrotum. The testes, two in number, lie in the scrotum. The scrotum is a pouch-like structure of skin at the dorsal side of the root of the penis. Spermo/tic Cord. Tunica. /? / buy ii"-^ Dmitri T poss«- Fig. 236. — The left testis in situ with the tunica vaginalis partly removed. Fig. 237. — Frontal section of testis, epi didymis and spermatic cord: It is divided into two compartments by a septum {septum scroti) which corresponds to the ridge, or raphe upon the outside. Internally each compartment is lined by a serous membrane, the parietal layer oj the tunica vaginalis testis. This was derived from the peritoneum 324 THE SPERMATIC CORD 325 during intrauterine life. Between the serous membrane and skin is the dartos (tunica dartos) which contains some smooth muscle tissue. Each testis occupies a compartment and is suspended by the spermatic cord. Each organ is about i'2 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm.) in length, 1J-4 inches (3 cm.) dorsoventrally and 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in width. It weighs about 1 ounce (30 grams) and its parenchyma is yellowish in color. The long axis is directed forward, upward and outward. The testis presents two surfaces, two borders and two poles. The lateral (fascies lateralis) and the medial (fades medialis) surfaces are convex and smooth. The ventral border (mar go ventralis) is convex and free. The dorsal border (margo dorsalis) is somewhat flattened and has the epididymis attached to it. The superior pole, or ex- tremity is rounded and to it is attached the head of the epididymis; to the inferior pole, or extremity and lower part of the dorsal border is attached the gubernaculum that connects the testis to the scrotum. The testis is invested by the tunica vaginalis testis except along the dorsal border where the epididymis is attached. Along the outer side of the organ the serous tunic passes in between the testis and epididymis forming the digital fossa (sinus cpididymi). The epididymis consists of the head (caput epididymis), the body (corpus epididymis) and the tail (caiida epididymis). The head and tail are attached to the testis by the superior and inferior epididymal ligaments. At the head the excretory ducts of the testicle enter and form that portion of the epididymis. The body and tail portions consist of the convolutions of one tubule; if this tubule be straight- ened it would measure about 20 feet in length. The spermatic cord (funiculus spcrmaticus) suspends the testicle in the scrotum and serves as pathway for vessels, nerves, lymphatics and the vas. It consists of numerous vessels, white fibrous tissue and some muscle tissue, the cremaster muscle. It contains the vas, the spermatic, cremasteric and deferential arteries, the pampiniform plexus of veins, nerves and lymphatics. It extends from the back of the testis through the so-called inguinal canal to the internal abdomi- nal ring, measuring about 5 inches (12.5 cm.) in length. The artery of the testicle is the spermatic artery, that is, a branch of the abdominal aorta. The venous channels form the internal spermatic vein which then forms a complicated plexus upon the spermatic cord, the pampiniform plexus. This plexus reforms the spermatic vein that enters the abdomial cavity at the internal ab- dominal ring; the right one empties directly into the inferior vena cava while that of the left side empties into the left renal vein. The nerves are derived chiefly from the tenth thoracic nerve through the spermatic plexus of the sympathetic system. 326 THE MALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION THE VAS DEFERENS The vas deferens (ductus deferens) the continuation of the epididy- mis, is about 18 inches (45 cm.) in length, but the first 6 inches are coiled in a small area at the end of the epididymis. The vas, one on each side, joins the spermatic cord and continues in this through the inguinal canal to the internal abdominal ring; here it enters the ab- dominal cavity and continues into the pelvic cavity, passes to the under surface of the bladder and near the prostate gland is it joined by the seminal duct. Near its end it dilates constituting the ampulla (ampulla ductus deferens). It then becomes smaller and joining the seminal duct forms the ejaculatory duct. THE SEMINAL VESICLES The seminal vesicles (vesciculce seminales) are two rather wide, convoluted tubes beneath the base of the bladder. Each is about Fig. 238. — Dorsal view of distended bladder and neighboring organs of reproductic 2l2 inches (6 cm.) in length, 10 mm. in breadth and 5 mm. in thick- ness. If straightened each would measure about 5 inches (12.5 cm.) in length. The duct (ductus excretorius) is short and joins the vas to form the ejaculatory duct. THE PROSTATE 32/ Theejaculatory duct {ductus ejaculatorius) is about 3iinch (18 mm.) in length and enters the prostate gland near the inferior basal angle, converges with its fellow of the opposite side to the dorsal wall of the urethra where each empties upon the urethral crest. THE PROSTATE The prostate gland {prostata) is a pyramidal-shaped organ situated at the so-called neck of the bladder. It is of a dark red color and Fig. 239. — Median sagittal section through the bladder, prostate, urethra and penis of the male. musculoglandular in structure. It is about il-i inches (3.5 cm.) wide, 1 inch (2.5 cm.) thick and 1 '4 inches (3.5 cm.) high. It weighs about y2 ounce (15 grams.) It consists of apex, base, ventral, dorsal and lateral surfaces. The apex (apex prostata-) is directed downward and forward and rests upon the deep layer of the urinogenital diaphragm. The base (basis prostata1) is directed upward and backward and is in contact with the bladder. Near the middle of the base the urethra enters the organ and courses through it to the apex. At the inferior angles of the 328 THE MALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION base the ejaculatory ducts enter the organ and converge at the urethra. That portion of the prostate between these ducts and the urethra constitutes the so-called middle lobe of the prostate. The dorsal surface (fades posterior) is in contact with the rectum. The ventral surface (fades anterior) is directed toward the symphysis pubis and is connected to it by the two puboprostatic ligaments. The lateral surfaces (fades laterales) are in contact with the leva- tores ani muscles with only a venous plexus intervening. The visceral layer of the pelvic fascia invests the prostate upon its lateral and dorsal surfaces; this is called the sheath of the prostate. It is continuous at the apex of the gland with the urinogenital dia- phragm and from its ventral part two bands continue to the pubis as the puboprostatic ligaments. The arteries of the prostate are derived from the middle hemor- rhoidal, internal pudic and inferior vesical arteries. The veins form a plexus around the gland and then empty into the hypogastric (internal iliac) veins. In elderly male these veins are usually en- larged. The nerves are from the hypogastric plexus of the sympa- thetic system. COWPER'S GLANDS The glands of Cowper are located between the layers of the tri- angular ligament and their ducts empty into the penile urethra. They are small organs about 6 to 8 mm. in diameter. The duct of each is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in length. THE PENIS The penis is attached to the pubic arch. It is composed chiefly of erectile tissue. In the pendulous state the surfaces are under, or urethral, and the opposite surface is the dorsum. It consists of root, bodv and glans penis. The root (radix penis) consists of two crura and a bulb. Each crus arises from the side of the pubic arch, gradu- ally increasing in size and continuing as the corpus cavernosum. Each crus is surrounded by the ischiocavernosus muscle and con- verges to meet its fellow at the midline. The bulb (bulbus urethra:) is the beginning of the corpus spongiosum and lies behind the point at which the urethra enters the corpus spongiosum. The body (corpus penis) of the penis consists of two corpora cav- ernosa (corpora cavernosa penis) and the corpus spongiosum (corpus cavernosum urethra?). Each corpus cavernosum lies to the side of the midline of the organ in the dorsal part of the penis and consists of erectile tissue. The corpus spongiosum lies in a groove upon the under surface of the corpora cavernosa. It is traversed by the urethra and consists of erectile tissue. These three structures are surrounded by white fibrous tissue and the loose skin. THE PENIS 329 The glans penis is the continuation of the corpus spongiosum and is an expanded, cap-like structure that covers the ends of the corpora cavernosa, where its edge is raised forming the corona gland is. At its end is a slit-like orifice the external urinary meatus. On the glans the skin forms a free covering, or hood, the prepuce (prcputinm ) that is attached to the glands beneath the urinary meatus by a delicate fold, the frenulum {frenulum prcputii). From the fibrous capsule of Fig. 240. — Male organs of (except testes). Fig. 241. — Male urethra laid open. A, Urethral crest; B, prostate; C. glands of Cowper; D, bulb; E. fossa navicularis; F, external urinary meatus. the penis a triangular fold of fibrous tissue is attached to the sym- physis pubis; it is the suspensory ligament (ligamentum suspensorium penis) of the penis. Between the capsule and the corpora cavernosa lie the dorsal vein and dorsal arteries of the penis. The arteries that supply the penis are deep dorsal arteries and the artery to the bulb. The veins empty into the prostatic plexus or into the dorsal vein. The nerves are from the pudenal nerve and hypogastric and pelvic plexuses of the sympathetic system. CHAPTER X THE FEMALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION The female organs consist of the two ovaries, two oviducts, uterus, vagina, internally, and the two glands of Bartholin, the vestibule, clitoris, hymen, two labia minora and two labia majora and mons veneris, externally. The ovaries lie at the side of the pelvic cavity in a little depression called the ovarian fossa (fossa ovarica). They lie behind the broad ligament of the uterus and are attached thereto. Each organ is about ili inches (3.75 cm.) long, *i inch (18 mm.) wide and \i inch Body Fimbriated extremity Fig. 242. — Dorsal and broad ligament sho n (i photograph.) (8 mm. ) thick. It weighs about 4 to 8 grams. Each presents two surfaces, two borders and two poles. The long axis is directed down- ward (caudad) and medially. The pelvic, or lateral (fades lateralis) and visceral, or medial sur- faces (fades medialis) are convex and nodular; the latter condition is due to the projecting Graafian follicles, between the age of puberty and the menopause. The dorsal border (margo liber) is convex and free. The ventral border (margo mesovaricus) is not free and repre- sents the attached border; it is connected to the broad ligament by a double sheet of peritoneum, the mesovarium. The superior, or tubal pole (e.xlremilas tubaria) is rounded and covered by the fim- 330 THE OVIDUCTS 33 I briated extremity of the oviduct; one of the largest fimbria? is attached to the ovary and is called the ovarian fimbria {fimbria ovarica). The inferior, or uterine pole {extremitas uterina) is directed toward the uterus and is connected to it by a cylindric band of fibrous tissue, the uteroovarian ligament (ligamcntum ovarii proprium). The ovary is connected to the lateral pelvic wall by a triangular fold of peritoneum, the suspensory ligament (ligament sitspensorium ovarii) through which the vessels gain access to the ovary. The ligaments of the ovary are the mesovarium, suspensory, uteroovarian and the fimbria ovarica. The arteries of the ovaries are the ovarian from the abdominal aorta. These enter at the hilus with the branches of the uterine artery. The veins form first a plexus similar to the pampiniform plexus of the male, near the ovary, and then form the ovarian vein upon each side. The right one empties into the inferior vena cava while the left one empties into the left renal vein. The nerves are from the ovarian plexus continuous with the renal and aortic plexuses of the sympathetic system; sensor fibers from the ovary pass through the dorsal root of the tenth thoracic nerve. THE OVIDUCTS Each oviduct {tuba uterina) is about 4 inches (10 cm.) long and extends from the ovary to the uterus. It is situated at the upper border of the broad ligament in the pelvic cavity and is not straight in course. Each consists of an infundibulum. the ampulla and isthmus. The infundibulum {infundibulum tuba: uterina) or fimbriated extremity is funnel-shaped and fringed; this fringe constitutes the fimbriae and one of these fimbria? is attached to the ovary. Its opening {ostium abdominale) is about 2 mm. in diameter. The ampulla (ampulla tuba uterina;) is the longest, widest and most tor- tuous portion; its first part is hooked over the superior pole of the ovary. The isthmus (isthmus tuba uterina), the narrowest part, is straight and horizontal in its course and ends at the lateral angle of the uterus. Its opening (ostium uterinum tuba) is 1 mm. in diameter. It has a thick wall. The oviduct is connected to the upper part of the broad ligament of the uterus by a thin band of peritoneum, the mesosalpinx. The tube is entirely invested with peritoneum. The blood supply is from the ovarian and mainly the uterine arteries. The veins empty into the uterine and ovarian veins. The nerves are from the ovarian and uterine plexuses of the sympathetic system. Its sensor fibers enter the dorsal roots of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic and first lumbar nerves. 332 THE FEMALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION THE UTERUS The uterus, or womb, is a muscular organ with a very small cavity. It is situated in the pelvic cavity. It is of a flattened pear-shape and its walls are very thick. Its position varies with the position of the body and the state of the bladder and the rectum. It meas- ures (in the virgin) 3 inches (7.5 cm.) in length, 2 inches (5 cm.) in width and 1 inch (2.5 cm.) in thickness. In the virgin it weighs about 1 V2 ounces (45 grams) and in those that have borne children about 2H ounces (75 grams). It consists of fundus, body, cervix and lateral border. -Dorsal view of the uterus ; broad ligament. nd left half of the Fig. 244. — Frontal section tirough the uterus showing its avity (diagrammatic), C, licse palmatae. The fundus (Jundus uteri) is the upper, broad and convex extrem- ity above the level of the openings of the oviducts and represents about li inch of the length. The body {corpus uteri) is somewhat triangular in shape, broad above and narrower below. Its ventral surface {fades vesicalis) is flattened while the dorsal surface {fades intestinalis) is convex. At the sides the broad ligaments of the uterus are attached. It represents about 1% inches of the length of the uterus. The cervix, or neck {cervix uteri) about 1 inch in length, is cylindrical in shape. It connects the body of the uterus with the vagina. The lower end projects into the vagina and consti- tutes the vaginal portion {portio vaginalis), while the upper end is called the supravaginal part {portio supravaginalis). The cavity of the uterus when seen from the side represents a mere slit. Viewed from the front, that part in the body is triangular in outline and the cervical portion (canal) is spindle-shaped. The upper end of the cervical canal {canal is cervicis uteri) represents the internal OS (orijicium internum uteri) while the vaginal end repre- sents the external os {orificium externum uteri). The mucosa of the cervical canal shows a large number of oblique folds, the plicce THE PARAMETRIUM 333 palmatcB, while the mucosa in the- body is smooth. The mucosa at the external os is usually pouched forming the ventral and dorsal lips {labium anterius et labium posterius. The fundus, the ventral surface of the cervix and the entire dorsal surface and cervix are invested with peritoneum. The lateral border (margo lateralis) separates the two surfaces and here the broad ligament is attached. The uterus is supported by a number of ligaments. The two broad ligaments (ligamenta lata uteri) extend from the side of the uterus to the lateral pelvic wall and are covered by the peritoneum. From the free edge of each extends the mesosalpinx. Each round liga- ment {ligamentum teres uteri) extends from the junction of the oviduct and the fundus, under the peritoneum, to the internal abdominal ring; from here it passes through the inguinal canal and is lost in the tissues of the labium majus. The two ventral, or uterovesical ligaments, extend from the uterus to the bladder. The two dorsal ligaments, or rectovaginal folds, extends from the uterus and vagina to the rectum. The uterorectal folds {plica rectouterine?) extend from the uterus to the rectum and contain the utcrosacral ligaments. The position of the uterus varies with the position of the body and the condition of the neighboring organs. In a ventral view it is seen bent usually toward the right side; in the erect position, when the bladder is empty, the uterus usually rests upon the bladder and is then bent forward and downward on the cervix so that the axis of the organ is not a straight line. This is called anteflexion. If the uterus as a whole is tilted forward it constitutes anleversion; as the bladder fills the uterus becomes more erect. When the bladder is full and the rectum empty the organ may be bent backward and be either retroverted, or retroflexed. The parametrium is that rather thick layer of loose tissue between the two layers of peritoneum of the broad ligament, below the level of the mesosalpinx. Where the broad ligament joins the pelvic dia- phragm will be found the ureter and the uterine vessels. Below these vessels the fibrous and muscle tissue form the lateral cervical ligament, on each side. In the female at birth the cervical portion of the uterus predomi- nates and the plica; extend through the cavity. The organ grows slowly until just before puberty when it rapidly increases in size and the plica; in the body disappear. In old age the uterus becomes harder and paler. During the child-bearing period the uterus undergoes periodic changes, called menstrual changes. The menstrual flow recurs every twenty-eight days. The arteries of the uterus are the uterine and ovarian arteries, the branches of which form an extensive anastomosis. 334 THE FEMALE ORGAN'S OF REPRODUCTION The veins form a plexus that empties into the tributaries of the internal iliac veins. The nerves are derived from the uterovaginal plexus connected with the hypogastric and vesical plexuses of the sympathetic system and branches are received from the third and fourth sacral nerves. THE VAGINA The vagina is a flattened, musculomembranous tube that connects the external genitalia with the uterus. Its ventral and dorsal walls are in contact and the cavity is a transverse or H-shaped slit that extends ventrodorsally. The ventral wall is about 3 inches (7.5 cm.) in length, while the dorsal wall is about 3J-2 inches (8.75 cm.) long. Fig. 245. — Medi; :ittal section of the female pelvis. The cervix projects into the vagina and as a result the vaginal cavity projects around the end of the cervix, constituting the ventral and dorsal fomices, respectively; at the sides of the cervix are the lateral forn ices. In the ventral wall lies the urethra. The arteries are derived from the uterine, vaginal branches of the hypogastric (internal iliac) and branches from the internal puden- dal and middle hemorrhoidal arteries. The veins form a dense plexus and empty into the hypogastric veins. The nerves are derived from the uterovaginal and vesical plexuses of the sympa- thetic system and from the third and fourth sacral nerves. THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA The external genitalia (pudendum muliebre) comprise the mans veneris, the labia majora, the labia minora, the vestibule, elitoris, glands of Bartholin and the hymen. THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA 335 The mons veneris {commissura labiorum anterior) is the pad of fat covered with skin and hairs over the symphysis pubis. The labia majora are two linear folds of skin extend- ing from the mons veneris toward the anus. In the midline they lie in contact and this line of contact constitutes the pudendal slit (rima pudendi). The adjacent surfaces of the labia are covered by mucous membrane. Just in front of the anal region the folds are quite low and are connected by a transverse - fold called the posterior commissure {commissura labiorum posterior). When the labia majora are separated two smaller folds, the labia minora are exposed. At their pubic extremities they are united and surround the clitoris, forming its prepuce (preputium clitoridis) and frenulum {frenulum clitoridis); anally they diverge and fuse with labia majora. Near this region a transverse fold, the fourchette {frenulum labiorum pudendi) connects the labia minora and forms the posterior boundary of the vaginal orifice. The de- pression between the fourchette and dorsal commissure is the fossa navicular is. The long triangular area between the labia minora is the vestibule {vest ibul urn vagina). Here are seen the vaginal and urethral orifices and the opening of the ducts of the vestibular glands. The vaginal Orifice {orificium G. hymen; If . fourchette vagina) is the larger and occupies the dorsal part of the vestibule or basal part of the triangle. Between the orifice of the vagina and the converged labia minora (pubically) is a triangular area near the middle of which is seen the urethral orifice {orijicum urethra: externum). Upon each side of the vaginal orifice, beneath the mucous membrane and extending to the clitoris region, is a bulb-like mass of erectile tissue, the bulbus vestibuli. The hymen is a variable fold of tissue which tends to cover the vaginal orifice. It is usually crescentic in shape but may be absent. The glands of Bartholin {gland ul a: vestibularis ma fores) are in relation with the triangular ligament and their ducts empty into the Fig. 246. — External organs of reproduc- tion of the female. A, Anterior commis- sure; B. clitoris; C, labium minus; P. ves- tibule; E, urethral orifice; F, vaginal orifice; 336 THE FEMALE ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION space between the vaginal orifice and the labia minora. Each is elongated and about the size of a bean. They represent the glands of Covvper of the male. The clitoris is the analog of the penis minus a corpus spongiosum. It arises by two crura from the sides of the pubic arch and these con- tinue as the corpora cavernosa clitoridis that meet and form the body of the clitoris (corpus clitoridis); this is connected to the symphysis Fig. 247. — Female perineum dissected. .-1. Clitoris; B, crus of the clitoris; C, bulb of the vestibule; D, urethral orifice; E. vagina. by a suspensory ligament (ligament siispensorium clitoridis). At the end of the body is a small rounded mass of erectile tissue the glans clitoridis, that is very sensitive. The glans is covered by, the prepuce (preputium clitoridis) derived from the labia minora. The body of the clitoris is about ijjj inches (3 cm.) long. Arteries — The artery of the clitoris is the deep artery of the clit- oris from the internal pudendal. Its nerves are derived from the hypogastric plexus of the sympathetic system and the internal pudic nerve. The glans is supplied by the dorsal artery of the clitoris. The bulbits vestibuli is supplied by the artery of the bulb from the internal pudendal artery. The nerves are from the hypogastric plexus and branches from the pudendal nerves. THE MAMMARY GLANDS The mammary glands (mamma) although not directly connected with the reproductive organs are best considered here as they are accessories. Each is a hemispherical mass in the superficial fascial of the upper, ventral thoracic wall, extending, usually, from the second THE MAMMARY GLAND 337 to the sixth rib. Each is surmounted by a nipple (papilla mamma) which is of variable size and shape; it is usually in the lower, outer quadrant of the gland. The nipple is darker in color than the gland proper and is surrounded by a circular area of darkened skin. This area is the areola. The amount of pigment in the areola and nipple varies. On the summit of the nipple are seen small depressions into which the milk ducts empty. During lactation the organ consists mainly of glandular tissue and is firmer and larger than in the non- mary gland through the nipple lactating period. During this latter period the glandular tissue is reduced to a minimum and the organ consists chiefly of adipose and white fibrous tissues and gland ducts. In early childhood there is very little or no difference between the mammae of the male and female. Toward the age of puberty, in the female, the mamma; begin to grow rapidly. The arteries of the mammary gland are the internal mammary artery and branches from the lateral thoracic and intercostal arteries. The veins empty the blood into the internal mammary and axillary veins. The nerves are from the thoracic sympathetics and from the fourth, fifth and sixth intercostal nerves. CHAPTER XI THE DUCTLESS GLANDS The ductless glands comprise the spleen, thymus, thyreoid, para- thyreoids, adrenals, carotid bodies, coccygeal body, parasympathetic bodies, pituitary and pineal bodies. THE THYREOID BODY The thvreoid bodv, or gland is located in the neck at the sides of the larynx and over the upper part of the trachea. It weighs about 25 grams and measures 2 inches (5 cm.) in width and 2.4 inches (6 cm.) in height. It consists of tuo lateral lobes and a middle lobe, or isthmus. This is not always the case as it may be horseshoe-shaped, or have the form of a notched sphere, or may be in two distinct parts. Each lateral lobe is somewhat conical in shape, its apex resting upon the side of the ala of the thyreoid cartilage and the base extending down to the fifth or sixth tracheal ring. The isthmus is a narrow band of gland- ular tissue that connects the two lateral lobes across the second, third and fourth of the trachea rings. Occasionally a pyramidal lobe (said to occur in 40 per cent.) is seen extending upward from the upper margin of the isthmus. Being firmly attached to the underlying structures the thyreoid follows the larynx in its movements. The arteries are the superior and inferior thyreoid arteries. The superior and middle thyreoid veins emptv into the internal jugular vein of each side; the inferior thyreoid vein joins its fellow of the opposite side to empty into the left innominate vein. The nerves are derived from the middle and inferior cervical ganglia of the sympathetic system. THE PARATHYREOIDS The parathyreoids are usually four in number, two superior and iuv inferior, although as many as twelve may be present. Each 338 Fig. 249. — Thy oid gland, ventral 1 a photograph.) THE CHROMAPHYL SYSTEM 339 weighs from o.oi gram to 3 grams and is about J4 inch (6 mm.) in length and about % inch [3 mm.) in diameter. They are yellowish brown in color and may be lenticular, or nearly spherical in shape. The superior are behind the lateral lobes of the thyreoid body at the level of the lower border of the cricoid cartilage. The inferior are variable in position and may be found behind the lower part of the lateral lobes and at a distance below. Each is supplied by a branch from the inferior thyreoid artery. CHROMAPHYL SYSTEM A number of small organs in the body stain peculiarly when treated with chromium salts; they secrete adrenalin and are classed under the chromaphyl system. The adrenals are the largest and the others comprise the carotid bodies, aortic bodies and paraganglia; all are closely associated with the sympathetic system. THE ADRENALS The adrenals, or suprarenal glands {glandula- suprarcnales) are two in number. Each is of a yellowish color externally, and darkish brown (chromaphvl tissue) internally. Each lies in the epigast'ric region and is in relation ^^"^ inf^ with the upper part of the kidney. Each parathyroids, respectively, organ weighs about 6 to 7 grams and meas- ures 2 inches (5 cm.) in height, i'2 inches (3.75 cm.) in width and about '-4 to *2 inch (6 to 12 mm.) in thickness. The right adrenal is triangular in outline and its base rests upon the superior extremity of the right kidney. Upon its ventral surface is seen a furrow, the hilus, at which the supra- renal vein emerges. The left adrenal is semilunar in shape and its base rests upon the upper part of the medial border and a part of the superior extremity of the kidney. Upon its ventral surface is seen the hilus. The adrenals are retroperitoneal. The arteries are the suprarenal arteries from the aorta, and branches from the renal and inferior phrenic arteries. The right suprarenal vein empties into the inferior vena cava while the left empties into the left renal vein. The nerves are derived from the suprarenal plexus and branches from the solar and renal plexuses of the sympathetic system and from the greater splanchnic, vagal and phrenic nerves. Fig. 250. — Dorsal view of the parathyreoids and the .HO THE DUCTLESS GLANDS CAROTID BODIES The intercarotid bodies (glomus caroticum) are two small bodies structures situated at the bifurcation of each common carotid artery. Each is about the size of a grain of wheat (3 mm. by 1 mm.). Each is closely connected with the carotid sympathetics and is grayish- reddish brown, or yellowish in color. Rig h 1~Jlclrena. / Fig. 2si.— The adrenals, ventral view. (From a fholograph.) COCCYGEAL GLAND The coccygeal gland is located in front of the tip of the coccyx and is smaller than the preceding gland. It is in close relation with the middle sacral artery. PARASYMPATHETIC BODIES The parasympathetic bodies (aortic bodies) are two to three in num- ber and are seen in the fetus and in early childhood. They are retro- peritoneal and are found in front of the aorta in the neighborhood of the third and fourth lumbar vertebra; at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery. Their blood supply is from the aorta. Each is brownish in color, about 8 to 11 mm. long and 3 mm. in diameter. The pituitary body, or hypophysis and the pineal body, or epiphysis will be described under the "Nerve System." The spleen and thy- mus have already been described under the "Lymphatic System." CHAPTER XII THE EYEBALL AND LACRIMAL APPARATUS The eyeball and part of the lacrimal apparatus lie in each orbital fossa. The orbital fossae are pyramidal cavities on each side of the bridge of the nose and below the frontal bone, in the upper part of the face region. Each is about 2 inches (5 cm.) deep. The base, or orbital aperture is forward on the face while the apex is directed backward and medially and is represented by the optic foramen. It has a roof, floor, and two walls, a lateral and a medial. The bones that form the boundaries of each fossa are the frontal, lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid, malar, maxilla and palate bones. At the front of the orbit at the junction of the floor and medial wall is seen a groove, the lacrimal fossa (fossa sacci lacrimalis) and an opening extending into a bony canal. The fossa and opening lodge the lacrimal sac, while the bony canal is for the nasal duct. At the upper and inner portion of the front of the orbit is a spine, or a depression (spina vel fovea trocfdearis) for the attachment of the pulley of the superior oblique muscle. In the temporal portion of the orbit is a depression wherein is lodged the lacrimal gland. Within the orbit is lodged the eyeball, the muscles that operate it, the capsule of Tenon and the orbital fat, vessels and nerves. The capsule of Tenon (fascia bulbi) is a lymph space of bursa wherein the eyeball moves as free from friction as possible. This is a double layer of serous membrane that covers the posterior portion of the eyeball and extends as far forward as the reflection of the con- junctiva. The layers are practically in apposition. It is pierced posteriorly by the optic nerve and continues thereon. It is likewise pierced further forward by the tendons of the ocular muscles and prolonged upon each in the form of a tubular sheath. That portion of the fascia under the eyeball is formed like a sling, or hammock and seems to support the eyeball and has, therefore, been called the s«s- peusory ligament. The extrinsic muscles are the rectus superior, rectus inferior, rectus lateralis, rectus medialis, obliquus superior and obliquus inferior. The four recti muscles arise from a tendinous ring around the optic foramen, the lateralis having two heads. These muscles pass for- ward and are inserted into the sclera at about 8 mm. from the cor- neoscleral junction. The superior and inferior recti are inserted into the vertical plane a little medial to the axis of the eyeball while 341 342 THE EYEBALL AND LACRIMAL APPARATUS the lateral and medial recti are inserted in the horizontal plane. The superior oblique, a digastric muscle, arises a little above and medial to the ring and passes forward to the upper and inner angle of the orbit to pass through the pulley and then turns outward between the superior rectus and the eyeball to be inserted into the sclera between the superior and lateral recti muscle midway between the cornea and optic nerve area, behind the equator of the eyeball. The inferior oblique arises at the front of the orbit just lateral to the lacrimal fossa. It passes outward between the eyeball and the floor of the orbit, then upward between the lateral rectus and the eyeball to be inserted into the sclera between the lateral and superior recti muscles, a little further back than the superior oblique. 252. — Muscles of the right orbit. The lateral and medial recti muscles move the eyeball horizontally outward and inward. The superior rectus moves the eyeball ver- tically upward when assisted by the inferior oblique, while the in- ferior rectus moves the eyeball vertically downward when assisted by the superior oblique. The inferior oblique rotates the eyeball laterally, while the superior oblique rotates the eyeball medially. The orbital fat, usually considerable, serves as a cushion for the eyeball. It varies in quantity in different individuals and in health and sickness. It fills in the orbital fossa around the eyeball and is most abundant behind that organ. THE EYEBALL The eyeball {bulbus oculi) occupies the anterior portion of the orbit being protected by the orbital margins and the eyelids. The antero- posterior and the transverse diameters are 24 mm. while the vertical diameter is 23.5 mm. so that the eyeball is not quite a sphere at the equator. At birth the eyeball is about 17.5 mm. in diameter and is THE CORNEA 343 nearly spherical in shape. It increases about 3 mm. between birth and puberty and soon thereafter attains its adult size and shape. The apparent difference in the size of the eyeballs of different individuals is not due to a real difference in size but to a difference in the prominence of the eyeball and width of the palpebral fissure. When viewed from the side the eyeball is seen to consist of parts of two spheres. The smaller, anterior, corneal portion (about one- sixth) represents part of a sphere of 14 mm. diameter, while the larger, posterior portion (five-sixths), represents the greater part of a sphere of 24 mm. diameter. The optic axis is represented by a line connecting the anterior and posterior poles, that is the central points of anterior and posterior curvatures, respectively. The equator is the line around the eyeball midway between the poles. The visual axis is a line that passes from the first nodal point of the cornea to the fovea centralis of the retina. The eyeball is called the organ of vision {organon visits). In reality it makes an image like a camera, while nerve impulses that are generated by the cells of the retina travel to the brain and these impulses are then translated into photic impressions. The eyeball consists of three coats, or tunics: (1) the corneoscleral (tunica fibrosa ocitli); (2) the choroid, ciliary body and iris, or the uveal tract; (3) the retina. 1. The cornea constitutes about one-sixth of the circumference of the eyeball and is transparent. It represents one of the important 344 THE EYEBALL AND LACRIMAL APPARATUS refractive media of the eyeball. It is composed mainly of white fibrous tissue arranged in layers, covered externally by epithelium and internally by endothelium. It is thinner in the axial region (0.9 mm.) and at the corneoscleral region is about 1.2 mm. thick. The curvature is greater in youth than in old age. The sclera, or white of the eyeball consists of about five-sixths of the circumference and is composed of dense white fibrous tissue. It is the protective coat and serves for the attachment of the ocular muscles. That portion of the sclera where the optic nerve passes out is sieve-like and is called the lamina cribrosa. Between the sclera and the capsule of Tenon is the episcleral lymph space. Between the sclera and the choroid is the sitbsclcral lymph space. Besides being pierced by the optic nerve fila it is perforated by the posterior ciliary arteries and the vena; vorticosas. It is thinnest at the equator. 2. The uveal tract, consisting of choroid, ciliary body and iris, is also called the vascular coat (tunica vasculosa oculi). The choroid (chorioidea) is the most extensive of the three divi- sions. It lies between the sclera, externally, and the retina, inter- nally and extends forward to the ora serrata. It is a loose coat and contains the large blood-vessel trunks of the eyeball, in its outer part, and a capillary plexus near its inner border. The pigment layer of the retina adheres firmly to it. Between it and the sclera is a meshwork (lamina suprachorioidea) covered with endothelium, constituting the suprachoroidal, or subscleral lymph space. It is the posterolateral part of the choroid coat that gives the peculiar metallic reflex of the lower animals. The ciliary body (corpus ciliarc) comprises the ciliary ring, ciliary muscle and the ciliary processes. The ciliary ring is indicated upon the outside of the eyeball by a 4-mm. area encircling the eyeball at the edge of the cornea. It is mainly fibrous tissue supporting the blood-vessels of that region. The ciliary processes (processes ciliarcs) are sixty to seventy radially placed ridges that start at the end of the choroid and extend to the base of the iris where they end abruptly at about 1 mm. in height, They vary in length from 2 to 5 mm. and they are not all of the same height. They contain blood-vessels and are covered by the pig- mented layer of the retina (pars ciliaris retincc). The ciliary muscle (m. ciliaris) consists of smooth muscle and is arranged chiefly in two sets, radial and circular. The radial fibers arise at the corneoscleral junction, radiate backward to be attached to the processes and ciliary ring. They constitute the tensor chor- ioidea; muscle. These fibers are usually the more numerous. The cirt ular fibers lie under the radial fibers near the base of the iris. These muscles are part of the intrinsic muscles of the eyeball. THE RETINA 345 The iris is the automatic curtain of the eyeball regulating the amount of light that enters the organ. In its center is the pupillary aperture which varies in size under varying amounts of light. The iris consists mainly of white fibrous tissue, covered anteriorly by endothelium and posteriorly by the pigmented layer of the retina (pars iridica retina). It contains two sets of smooth muscle, one, the circular fibers, arranged circularly near the pupillary aperture. This is called the sphincter pupilla muscle, for by contraction it diminishes the pupillary aperture. The second set or radial fibers extend outward from the circular fibers to the base of the iris and constitute the dilatator papilla muscle, for by contraction they in- crease the size of the pupillary aperture. In the center of the iris are found also the blood-vessels (to be described later) and varying quantities of pigmented connective-tissue cells that give the color to the eyeball. The retina is the neural, or image-making coat of the eyeball, i.e., concerned with the formation of an image. It is usually called the expanded portion of the optic nerve but it is more than that and very complex in structure. It consists of two main parts, the pig- mented layer and the true neural portion (consisting of nine complete layers). The pigmented layer is composed of pigmented columnar epithelial cells that are firmly attached to the glassy membrane of the choroid and continue over the ciliary region and iris as pars ciliaris and pars iridica retina, respectively. The neural portion- extends only to the end of the choroid where it ends in a serrated edge, the ora serrata. This part of the retina constitutes the pars optica retina. . Its cellular elements are the layer of rods and cones, the outer and inner ganglionic layers. The layer of nerve fibers ultimately forms the optic nerve. The important regions of the retina are the blind spot, yellow spot and the ora serrata. The blind spot (optic disc) is so-called because no image can be formed there. It is whitish in color. It represents the area of convergence of nerve fibers that constitute the optic nerve. It is situated about 3 mm. to the nasal side and about 2 mm. below the posterior pole of the eyeball. It is about 1.5 mm. in diameter and is usually slightly depressed in the center, the excavatio papilla nervi optici. The macula lutea, or yellow spot is oval in shape and 2 by 3 mm. in its diameters and lies in the visual axis. Its central part is slightly- depressed and is called the fovea centralis. The ora serrata is the region at which the pars optica retinae ends. Here the retina is about 0.1 mm. thick while at the optic nerve region it is about 0.4 mm. in thickness. In the eyeball are the crystalline lens, aqueous and vitreous humors, the anterior, posterior and vitreous chambers. 346 THE EYEBALL AND LACRIMAL APPARATUS The crystalline lens (lefts crystal! iua) is a transparent, biconvex lens in which the posterior curvature is greater than the anterior. The posterior curvature, however, is practically fixed while the anterior curvature is variable. It lies just behind and in contact with the iris (at the pupillary region) and rests in a depression in the vitreous humor called the patellar fossa (fossa patellaris). It is about 4 mm. in thickness and 9 to 10 mm. in its transverse diameter. It is surrounded by a capsule the anterior layer of which, at the edge or equator of the lens, is continuous with the anterior layer of the zonule of Zinn. This zonule represents a thick and plicated portion of the hyaloid membrane of the vitreous humor that is moulded around the ciliary processes and intervening depressions. This anterior layer is called the suspensory ligament of the lens. The bulk of the lens con- sists of lens fibers. The lens represents the most important refract- ive medium of the eyeball. The vitreous humor (corpus vitreum) is the largest structure of the eyeball and occupies the vitreous chamber, or optic cup, that repre- sents the posterior four-fifths of the eyeball. The jelly-like sub- stance is surrounded by the hyaloid membrane (membrana hyaloidea). On the anterior surface is the patellar fossa for the posterior surface of the lens. At the ora serrata region the hyaloid membrane becomes thickened and strengthened by radial fibers and this con- stitutes the zonule of Zinn (zonula ciliaris). As the zonule advances over the ciliary processes toward the lens, it is moulded over and attached to the processes and invaginated into but not attached to the depressions. As the equator of the lens is approached, the zonule splits into two layers, the anterior and thicker blending mainly with the anterior layer of the lens capsule and sending fibers to the posterior layer (that lines the patellar fossa). The vitreous humor represents one of the refractive media but is usually disregarded in ophthalmology. The aqueous humor is merely lymph that occupies the anterior and posterior chambers. The anterior chamber [camera oculi anterior) is the space between the back of the cornea and the front of the iris and is filled with aqueous humor. The angle formed at the junction of iris and cornea is the infiltration angle. The posterior chamber (camera oculi posterior) is the space between the back of the iris and the front of the lens and suspensory ligament. It is filled with aqueous humor and communicates with the anterior chamber through the pupillary aperture. The optic nerve (nervits opticus) is 1 ' L. to 2 inches (3.75 to 5 cm.) in length, from the eyeball to the chiasm. It begins as the nerve- fiber layer of the retina, mainly, but also contains fibers that have a centrifugal course. It traverses the orbital fat and leaves the orbit through the optic foramen. THE EYELID AND CONJUNCTIVA 347 The blood-vessels of the eyeball are the central retinal artery (arteria centralis retina:) the short and long posterior ciliary arteries and the anterior ciliary arteries. The central retinal artery enters the optic nerve near the eyeball and passes into the eyeball to supply the retina. Its blood is returned by the central vein that has a cor- responding course. The short posterior ciliary arteries, about six to twelve in number, pierce the sclera near the optic nerve region to enter the choroid. In the choroid they form the layer of large vessels and then the choroidal capillaries and these branches anastomose with those of the other arteries. They supply a part of the sclera. The long posterior ciliary arteries, two in number, pierce the sclera at some distance from the optic nerve and pass between the sclera and choroid to the ciliary muscle where they form the cir cuius arteriosus major, at the base of the iris, by anastomosis. From this circle vessels pass to the pupillary margin to form the cir cuius arte- riosus minor. The anterior ciliary arteries, four in number, form a plexus at the edge of the cornea. Branches pierce the sclera and connect with the circulus iridicus major. The blood from the long and short ciliary arteries is carried to the veno? vorticosa and then to the ophthalmic vein. Most of the blood from the anterior ciliary arteries is returned by the anterior ciliary veins. The lymphatic spaces of the eyeball are intercommunicating. The anterior chamber communicates with the posterior and with the spaces in the sclera and cornea and with the venous canal of Schlemm, by means of the spaces of Fontana. The posterior chamber com- municates with the spaces in the choroid and retina and through these with the subarachnoidean space around the optic nerve. The capsule of Tenon receives lymph from the subscleral space and from the choroid by means of the vessels around the venae vorticosae and the lymph is then transmitted to the subarachnoidean space around the optic nerve. The nerves comprise the long and short ciliary nerves and ciliary ganglion. THE EYELIDS AND CONJUNCTIVA The eyelids (palpebral) are two transverse folds of skin, attached to the upper and lower orbital regions, that protect the eyeball. The cleft between the two eyelids is called the palpebral fissure and measures about 30 mm. though this varies in the different races. The outer surface is covered with skin while the inner surface is a mucous membrane called the conjunctiva. Between these two layers are fibrous and muscle tissues and the tarsal plate containing the tarsal glands. At the margin are seen two rows of heavy hairs the 348 THE EYEBALL AND LACRIMAL APPARATUS eyelashes, or cilia. The medial and lateral angles at which the lids meet are called the medial and lateral canthi, or commissures, respect- ively. Near the medial canthus of each lid is a minute elevation, the papilla lacrimalis; the minute orifice, or punctum, found therein is the beginning of the lacrimal duct system. Medial to the papilla is seen the caruncida lacrimalis. The conjunctiva (tunica conjunctiva palpebro?) is a mucous mem- brane that lines the inner surface of each lid and is reflected onto the sclera of the eyeball {tunica conjunctiva bulbi) just in front of the insertion of the ocular muscles. It continues to the edge of the cornea where its epithelium only passes onto that part of the eyeball. The region where the conjunctiva is reflected from the lid to the sclera is called the fornix conjunctiva; (superior and inferior). When the lids are in apposition the conjunctiva represents a closed sac. THE LACRIMAL APPARATUS The lacrimal apparatus comprises the lacrimal glands, the puncta, canalicidi, lacrimal sacs and nasal ducts. Fig. 254. — The lacrimal 'apparatus of the right The lacrimal glands (glandulm lacrimales) one in each orbital fossa, is located in the upper and lateral (temporal) part of the orbit in the lacrimal fossa. It is flattened and the main portion measures about 12 by 20 mm. The ducts, three to nine in number, empty into the conjunctival sac between the upper edge of the eyelid and the fornix. The punctum, one in each eyelid, is located near the inner canthus upon the summit of a little papilla. It leads into a canaliculus. The canaliculus (ductus lacrimalis) one in each eyelid, of which that in THE NASAL DUCT 349 the upper eyelid is the shorter, connects each punctum with the lacrimal sac. The lacrimal sac (sacus lacrimalis) represents the dilated upper extremity of the nasal duct. It is about 12 to 15 mm. long, 4 to 5 mm. wide and 7 mm. thick. It lies in the lacrimal groove and re- ceives the canaliculi. The nasal duct (ductus nasolacrimalis) is about 18 mm. long and 3 to 4 mm. in diameter. It passes inward and backward and opens into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity under cover of the inferior conchal bone. CHAPTER XIII THE EAR (ORGANON AUDITUS) The car, or auditory apparatus consists of three parts the external, middle, or tympanum and internal or labyrinth portions. THE EXTERNAL EAR The external portion comprises the pinna and external auditory canal. The pinna, or auricle, is a peculiarly moulded mass of elastic cartilage covered with skin and adapted to catch the sound waves and conduct them into the external auditory canal. It is of an oval form and is located midway between the forehead and the occiput. It is attached to the side of the head and its cartilage continues as a tube that forms a part of the external auditory canal. Its parts are the helix and antihelix, the tragus and antitragus and the lobule. The latter contains no cartilage and is very vascular. The muscles of the pinna are intrinsic and extrinsic. The extrinsic muscles are the atlrahens aurem {m. auricularis anterior) which is the smallest and is in front; the atolens aurem (m. auricularis superior) which is the largest and is above; the retrahens aurem [m. auricularis poste- rior) which is behind the pinna. These muscles are of very little importance in man. The intrinsic muscles are the mm. helicis major, helicis minor, tragicus, antitragicus and the transversus and obliquus auricular (B. The external auditory canal [canal is auditorius extcrnus) is about i inch (2.5 cm.) in length when measured, as it should be, from the bottom of the concha. It is like an elongated S in shape and its general direction is forward and inward. It makes an angle of about 45° with the sagittal plane and its diameter varies in the different parts. Its anterior and inferior walls are longer than the posterior and superior walls on account of the slope of the tympanic membrane. The lateral one-third is called the cartilaginous portion (pars carti- laginea) and is formed by the tube-like continuation of the pinna; the medial two-thirds is called the osseous portion (pars ossea) because its walls are formed by bone (temporal). This canal is lined by skin continued from the pinna and in it are found the ceruminous, or wax glands (glandulce ceruminosa) and many hairs (barbula hirci). THE MIDDLE EAR The middle portion, or tympanum (cavum tympani) consists of the tympanic cavity proper, the attic, the membraua tympani, the ossicles and its connection with the pharynx, the auditory tube. 35° THE TYMPANIC CAVITY 351 The tympanic cavity proper, or atrium lies just medial to the tympanic membrane and is a narrow space, quadrilateral in shape. It is placed practically parallel to the sagittal plane of the body. Its length and height are 15 mm. each. The distance between the lateral and medial walls varies; at the top it is 6 mm., in the middle about 2 mm. and at the bottom about 4 mm. Above the level of the tympanic membrane the tympanic cavity forms a recess called the attic (recessus epitympanicus) , or epitympanum. This recess contains most of the incus and half of the handle of the mal- leus and communicates with the mastoid antrum. In the anterior Fig. 255. — Vertical section through the external auditory canal and tympanum. At Epitympanic recess; B. tympanum; C, fenestra oralis closed by foot of the stapes; Mem.. tympanic membrane. wall {paries carotica) of this cavity are two openings; the upper represents the orifice of the canal that transmits the tensor tympani muscle (semicanalis m. tenso'ris tympani) while the lower represents the orifice of the auditory tube. The medial wall \ paries labyrinthica) has an oval opening, the fenestra vestibuli; its long axis, 3 mm., is directed horizontally while its shorter axis is directed vertically and measures about 1.5 mm. In the recent slate this orjening is closed by the foot of the stapes held in position by the annular ligament {ligamentum annulare). In the dried bone this opening leads into the vestibule of the internal portion of the ear. Below the fenestra vestibuli is another opening (in the dried bone) that leads into the cochlea and is termed the fenestra cochlea. In the recent state it is closed by the membrana tympani secundaria. 352 THE EAR The tympanic antrum {antrum tympanicum) is a cavity in the temporal bone that is about 8 by 10 mm. and connects the epitym- panum with the mastoid cells. The mastoid cells (cellules mastoidece) vary in number and size and are said not to be developed until the sixth year. In the adult they are usually quite numerous. The tympanic membrane (membra na tympani) is an elliptical, disc-shaped membrane that slopes downward, medially and back- ward, thus accounting for the difference in the length of the walls of the external auditory canal. It is about 10 mm. in its vertical dimension and 9 mm. from side to side. Its circumference is thick- ened by circularly directed fibers of the annidus fibrocartilagineus , that attaches it to the circumference of the medial end of the external auditory canal. Above the malleolar prominence (formed by the handle of the malleus) is the pars flaccida. The bulk of the mem- brane is tense, constituting the pars tensa. The central part of the membrane is drawn slightly inward by the attached handle of the malleus and is called the umbo. The lateral surface of the membrane is covered by a thin skin and the medial surface by a delicate mucous membrane. The cir- cular and radial fibers between these two layers are .thinner in the middle than at the circumference. The muscles of the middle ear are the m. tensor tympani and the m. stapedius. The insertion of the tensor tympani upon the medial edge of the anterior surface of the handle of the malleus is such that when the muscle contracts the handle is drawn medially and the membrane is rendered tense. The stapedius is inserted into the neck of the stapes and by its contraction the anterior end of the base of the stapes is tilted laterally and the posterior end medially, thus, probably, compressing the lymph in the vestibule. The tympanic ossicles (ossicula auditus) or ear bones (Fig. 255) are three in number upon each side. These are the malleus, incus and stapes. The malleus is the largest having a length of 8 to 9 mm. It is composed of head, neck, handle, long and short processes. The head (caput) articulates with the body of the incus. The handle (manubrium) is directed downward, medially and backward and is attached along its entire length to the tympanic membrane. The incus consists of a body and two processes. The body (corpus) has a facet for articulation with the head of the malleus. The long process (crus longum) is directed almost perpendicularly downward and at its low extremity it articulates with the head of the stapes. The stapes consists of the head, neck, two crura and a base. The head (caput) articulates with the long process of the incus. The oval base (basis) rests in the fenestra vestibuli and is held in position by the ligamciitum annulare. THE INTERNAL EAR 353 The auditory tube (tuba auditiva) connects the tympanic cavity with the pharynx. The air which it transmits to the tympanic cavity serves to maintain an equilibrium of pressure upon both sides of the tvmpanic membrane. The lateral end opens upon the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity. The tube is about i ] 2' inches (36 mm.) in length and is directed downward at an angle of about 30° to 40° to the horizontal plane and forward and medially at an angle of about 450 to the sagittal plane. It opens into the naso- pharvnx. Its lateral one-third is the osseous portion (pars ossea) and the medial two-thirds the cartilaginous portion (pars carlilaginea) . The cartilage is in the form of a T-shaped hook in which the anterior wall is completed by fibrous tissue. The cartilage projects into the nasopharynx (covered by mucosa) constituting the eustachian cushion (torus tubarius). Some of the fibers of the tensor veli palatini muscle take origin from the upper end of the hook and have been called the dilatator tuba- muscle. THE INTERNAL EAR The internal portion of the ear, or labyrinth is the most important portion of the- auditory apparatus. It is located in the petrous portion of the temporal bone and comprises the osseous and mem- branous labyrinths . The bony labyrinth (labyrinthus osseus) consists of the vestibule, the semicircular canals and the cochlea. The vestibule (vcstibulum) lies between the semicircular canals, behind, and the cochlea, in front. It is about 6 mm. anteroposte- riorly and 4 to 5 mm. from above downward and 3 mm. from without inward. In its lateral wall is seen the fenestra vestibuli closed by the base of the stapes and its ligament. It lodges the sacculus (recessus sphcricus) and the itlricnlus (recessus cllipticus) and numerous foramina that transmit nerve fibers from the sacculus and utriculus and lower end of the cochlear duct, are noted here. The semicircular canals (canales semicircular es ossei) are behind and above the vestibule. They are three in number in each ear and are called superior, lateral and posterior. Each forms about two- thirds of a circle and is about 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter. One extremity of each is dilated and this is the ampulla which is 2 mm. in diameter. These canals communicate with the vestibule by five openings. The superior canal is vertical and is placed trans- versely to the long axis of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Its length is about 18 mm. The lateral canal is placed almost hori- zontally and measures 12 to 15 mm. in length. The posterior canal is about 20 mm. in length. The opposite lateral canals lie in the same plane while the superior canal of one ear is parallel to the poste- rior canal of the other ear. 354 THE EAR The cochlea represents a tapering tube, of 28 to 30 mm. length, spirally wound for nearly 234 turns about a bony axis, the modiolus. The broad portion is the base that measures about 9 mm. across and is in relation with inferior fossula of the internal auditory meatus. The end of the coil is the apex, or cupola; it is about 5 mm. above the base and about 2 mm. above the apex of the modiolus. The basal portion of the tube is about 2 mm. in diameter. The modiolus, or axis is a conical mass about 3 mm. high and is pierced by many foramina for the transmission of nerve fibers. Upon the tube side the modiolus sends out a bony shelf that extends Fig. 256. — Isolated membranous labyrinth of the A, ductus endolymphaticus. about halfway across the tube and is called the lamina spiralis (ossea). The division of the tube is completed by the basilar membrane that extends from the spiral lamina to the lateral wall of the osseous tube. As a result two passage-ways are formed, the upper the scala veslibuli and the lower the scala iympani. At the modiolus end of the spiral lamina is a canal that extends the length of the shelf and in this spiral canal is lodged the spiral ganglion of Corti {ganglion spirale). The spiral lamina and basilar membrane extends to within a short distance of the end of the tube and here the two scalae communicate with each other. This communication is called the helicotrema. Within the bony labyrinth is a membranous cast called the mem- branous labyrinth (labyrinlhicus membranaceous). This cast is separated from the bony walls by the perilymph. Within the mem- branous labyrinth is the endolymph. The parts are the sacculus, utriculus, the semicircular canals and the cochlear duct. The sacculus and utriculus lie in the osseous vestibule. The saccu- lus lies in the lower and front part, is oval in shape and measures THE MEMBRANOUS LABYRINTH 355 2 by 3 mm. It is smaller than the utriculus. It presents a thick- ened neuroepithelial area, the macula acuslica sacculi. The saccule communicates with the cochlear duct by means of a small canal, the ductus reuniens. Another canal, the ductus endolymphaticus , passes through the aqueductus vestibuli to end in a small sac under the dura, in the cranial cavity. This duct is met by a canal from the utriculus, the ductus utriculosaccular is, thereby giving an indirect communication between these two structures. The utriculus lies in the posterior and superior part of the bony vestibule. It is larger than the preceding and its highest part com- municates with the ampullae of the superior and lateral membranous semicircular canals. The lower medial part communicates with the ampulla of the posterior canal. The central part communicates with the lateral canal and above this with the common opening of the posterior and superior canals. The utriculus possesses a whitish, neuroepithelial area, the macula acustica utriculi. From the utriculus the ductus utriculosaccularis passes to the ductus endolymphaticus. The membranous semicircular canals (ducti circulates) represent casts of the osseous canals, but are only one-fourth the diameter of the latter. In the ampullae are found neuroepithelial areas, the crista acustica. The semicircular canals seem to be the organs of equilibrium, the canals being arranged, apparently, in the three dimensions of space. The membranous cochlea (ductus cochlcaris) cochlear duct, or 356 THE EAR scala media is a limited portion of the scala vestibuli. From the spiral lamina the thin membrane of Reissner {membrana vestibularis) passes upward and laterally at an angle of about 450 to be attached to the lateral wall of the scala vestibuli. This forms a tube, triangu- lar in section, the scala media, or cochlear duct, which is closed at its apical end, constituting the lagena. The basal end of the cochlear duct lies in the vestibule and communicates by means of the ductus reuniens with the saccule. Upon the medial end of the basilar mem- brane is the important part of the auditory apparatus, the organ of Corti (organum spirale). This consists of supporting and neuroepi- thelial (hair) cells that form a mass that has a spiral course upon the basilar membrane and extends the length of the scala media. The hair cells are about 15,000 in number and constitute the neuroepithe- lial elements that translate the lymph waves into nerve impulses. These impulses are transmitted to the brain and there translated into auditory impressions. The blood supply of the pinna and external auditory canal is from the posterior auricular and superficial temporal arteries, chiefly; the veins from the former empty into corresponding veins while the veins from the latter empty into the external jugular and external maxillary veins. The nerves of the pinna are the auriculotemporal, the small occipital and the great auricular. Those of the external canal are the auriculotemporal and auricular branch of the vagus. The blood supply of the tympanum is as follows: The membrana tympani is supplied laterally by the deep auricular branch of the internal maxillary while the medial side receives its blood from the tympanic branch of the internal maxillary mainly. The veins laterally empty into the external jugular and medially into the plexus of the auditory tube or into the lateral sinus. The nerves are later- ally from the trigeminus and medially from the glossopharyngeus. The arteries that supply the tympanic cavity are branches of the pos- terior auricular, internal maxillary, middle meningeal, internal car- otid and ascending pharyngeal arteries. The veins empty into the superior petrosal sinus, the pterygoid plexus and the middle menin- geal vein. The nerves are from the pharyngeal plexus. The tensor tympani muscle is supplied by the trigeminus (through the otic gang- lion) and the stapedius by the facial nerve. The blood supply of the labyrinth is the auditory artery from the basilar artery. This gives rise to three branches, the anterior ves- tibular, the cochlear and the vestibulocochlear arteries. The audi- tory veins return the blood to the inferior petrosal sinus, or to the lateral sinus. The nerve of the labyrinth is t he auditory nerve. This consists of two portions, vestibular and cochlear. The vestibular division con- THE NERVES OF THE LABYRINTH 357 sists of three portions, one from the utriculus, one each from the ampullae of the superior and lateral semicircular canals. The coch- lear division consists of three parts, one from the sacculus, one from the posterior semicircular canal and the third, the bulk of this divi- sion, from the organ of Corti. CHAPTER XIV THE NERVE SYSTEM The nerve system (systema nervorum) is the most important and most complicated apparatus in the body. It serves, through various sensations and impressions, to make us cognizant of our surroundings and give us the power to adapt ourselves to our environments. It presides over motion and sensation and the functions of the various organs are subjected to its control. It is most highly developed in man and consists of two kinds of nerve tissue, gray and white. It is composed of units called neurons that are linked together in such a manner so as to give direct and indirect connections between the central system and the periphery of the body. Each neuron consists of a cell and its processes. Gray nerve tissue is composed of nerve cells, their processes, nerve fibers a.nd a distinctive supportive tissue, the neuroglia. A neuron is a nerve cell and its processes. The cell body, or cytom, comprises a mass of protoplasm varying from 4M to 1 20M in diameter and exhibits a granular and fibrilar structure. The basophilic granules are large but inconstant depending upon the state of the cell. These granules are called the corpuscles of Nissl, or tigroid bodies. Their position, size and number depends upon the functional activity of the cell; they may be diffusely scattered and small, or arranged in groups around the nucleus, or near the periphery and extend into the minor processes, or dendrites. In fatigued cells they disintegrate and dis- appear. The fibrillar character is due to the neurofibrils that extend throughout the protoplasm forming an apparent network but the 358 TdereuntB Fig. 258.— Nerve cells. A, Multipolar; B. bipolar; C. diagram of a neuron. NERVE FIBERS 359 fibrils do not really form junctions with one another. These fib- rils pass into all of the processes and form the most important part thereof. They are brought out by intravitam, or silver nitrate staining. The nucleus is usually large, spherical and pale in appearance as it contains but little chromatin. It is usually eccentrically placed. The nucleolus is large and stains darkly. If but one process is present it is the axone, the other processes, when present, being called dendrites. The axone is the main process and consists of a number of neurofibrils embedded in neuroplasm and surrounded by a delicate sheath called the axilemma. This proc- ess may go but a short distance in the gray substance and terminate in a brush-like manner near the processes of another cell (second type cell). When the axone leaves the gray substance and becomes sur- rounded by a myelin sheath and a neurilemma it constitutes a mye- linated fiber and the cell is called a Dieter's cell, or cell of the first type. The dendrites are the minor processes and consist mainly of neuro- fibrils that extend but a short distance from the cell before they branch and form a large number of twigs that terminate in a brush- like manner near the processes of another cell. These are the telo- dendrites and these processes serve an associative function. Some dendrites are quite long, leave the gray substance and become in- vested with a myelin sheath and a neurilemma and serve as a nerve fiber. The cells that possess but one process, as those of the ganglia of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves and certain of the cerebral nerves, are called unipolar. When two processes are present, as in the cochlear and vestibular ganglia and the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, they are called bipolar cells. When more than two processes are present, they are called multipolar cells, as are seen in the cerebral cortex and the ventral horns of the spinal cord espe- cially. The latter are the largest cells of the nerve system. The neuroglia is the special supportive tissue of the nerve system and comprises glial cells and glial fibers. The cells are chiefly stel- late, possessing many processes that may be short and thick, or long and slender. The fibers form a meshwork that supports the func- tionating nerve cells. Nerve fibers may be myelinated, as seen in the cerebrospinal sys- tem, or amyelinated, as seen in the sympathetic system. A myelin- ated nerve fiber, on cross-section, is seen to consist of a central axis, the axis-cylinder, or axons; this consists of neurofibrils embedded in neuroplasm and surrounded by an axilemma. This is surrounded by the myelin sheath that is composed of a framework of neurokeratin containing the myelin substance [phosphorized fat) in its meshwork. It is apparently an insulating sheath and is surrounded by the neurilemma, a delicate connective-tissue sheath. Upon longitudinal 360 THE NERVE SYSTEM section a nerve fiber shows constrictions (nodes of Ranvier) at regular intervals; here the myelin substance is wanting and the neurilemma dips in and touches the axilemma. Here only may collaterals arise. Nerve fibers vary from 2^ to 20ju in diameter. A nerve consists of a number of nerve fibers in one mass of variable size. The number of nerve fibers varies from a few to 450,000 to 800,000, as in the optic nerve. The nerve is surrounded by a connective-tissue sheath called the epinemium. This sends in septa that divides the nerve into large secondary bundles and these septa send in others that form sheaths for the primary bundles, or fasciculi. These latter sheaths are the perineural sheaths. Fibers of the perineurium pass into the bundles and form a mesh work, the endoneurium, that supports the nerve fibers, blood-vessels and nerves of the nerve. Nerve fibers are sensor and motor and an entire nerve as the hypo- glossal, accessory, oculomotor, trochlearis and abducens may be composed entirely of motor fibers and each is then called a motor nerve. A nerve may be composed entirely of sensor fibers, as the acoustic, olfactory and optic nerves and are then called sensor. Some nerves, mixed, have both sensor and motor fibers as the spinal, vagal, glossopharyngeal, trigeminal and facial nerves. Each main division of such a nerve is distinguished as the motor root and the sensor root. Although there are two divisions, the cerebrospinal and the sym- pathetic, they are not isolated from each other, but are intimately connected by intercommunicating fibers, the rami communicantes. The cerebrospinal system comprises the centra! portion, i.e., brain, spinal cord and their meninges, and a peripheral portion, the cerebral and spinal nerves and their ganglia. The central nerve system is surrounded and protected by the bones of the skull and the vertebral column. The cranial part fits rather snugly into the cranium and the bones surrounding it are immovable, thus affording greater protection. The spinal portion is situated in the jointed vertebral column but the vertebral canal is of sufficient diameter to admit of all normal movements without injuring the spinal cord. The central nerve system is not solid but possesses a central cavity system throughout, the cavity varying in the different parts. This canal system is a characteristic of the nerve system of the vertebrates only. It comprises the ventricles and spinal canal and contains the cerebrospinal fluid. It communi- cates at several points with the subarachnoid lymph spaces around the central system and by means of these communications the intra- neural and the extraneural pressure are balanced. Interference with these openings, as in certain diseases, causes a disturbance of the balance with certain attendant symptoms. THE MENINGES 361 The meninges comprise three membranes the dura, arachnoid and the pia. The dura {dura mater) is a thick and tough white fibrous tissue membrane. In the cranial cavity it is attached to the bones and acts as the inner periosteum thereof as well as a protection to the brain. It also forms the falx cerebri which is a vertical, sickle- shaped membrane that separates the cerebral hemispheres from each other in the sagittal plane. The dura forms the walls of the venous sinuses and the tentorium cerebelli. The latter lies above the cere- PlG. -'Mj. — Dried spt ie falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli. (From a photographs bellum, serves to support the weight of the occipital portion of the cerebrum and joins the falx cerebri and the falx cerebelli. The dura also forms a sheath about the cerebral nerves for a short distance. The falx cerebelli is a vertical septum of dura that lies between the two cerebellar hemispheres. The diaphragma sella is a portion of the dura that stretches over the top of the sella turcica of the sphe- noid bone and thus converts that depression into a fossa in which the hypophysis is situated. The diaphragm is pierced by a small open- ing through which the stalk of the hypophysis passes. In the vertebral canal the dura does not serve as a periosteum but is suspended as a loose bag that extends from the foramen magnum to the third division of the sacrum. Within this bag is the spinal 362 THE NERVE SYSTEM cord. Between the dura and the arachnoid is a lymph space called the subdural lymph space. The arachnoid (arachnoidea) is a delicate, web-like membrane that lies between the dura and pia, and though closely applied to the latter does not follow it into the fissures and sulci except in the case of the longitudinal and lateral cerebral fissures. Between the arachnoid and the pia is the subarachnoid lymph space (cavum sub- arachnoideale) which does not communicate with the subdural space. The arachnoid forms a number of reddish bodies that project into the venous sinuses. These are the Pacchionian bodies {granulationes arachnoideales) and although they may appear to lie within the sinu- ses they are covered by a thin layer of the dura. In certain regions the arachnoid and pia are separated from each other forming spaces, the cisterna subarachnoidcales. The cisterna cerebellomedularis is the largest and is situated between the cerebellum and the roof of the oblongatal portion of the fourth ventricle. The cisterna pontis is in relation with the pons. The cisterna inter peduncularis is in the interpeduncular space. The cisterna chiastnatis is an extension of the preceding in front of the optic chiasm. The pia {pia mater) is the vascular membrane of the brain and spinal cord. It is closely applied to the surface of these and enters all of the fissures and sulci, more so in the cerebrum than in the cerebellum. The larger vessels project into the subarachnoid space while the smaller ones ramify the pia and then pierce the nerve tissue. THE SPINAL CORD The spinal cord (medulla spinalis) is that portion of the central nerve system located in the vertebral canal. It is somewhat cylin- drical in shape and extends from the margin of the foramen magnum to the lower border of the first or upper border of the second lumbar vertebra. In the male it measures about 18 inches (45 cm.) and in the female about 17 inches (43 cm.). Its weight, when stripped, is about 30 grams and with the nerve roots about 45 grams. Two enlargements are present, one in the cervical portion and the other in the lumbar portion of the cord. The former {intumescentia cervi- calis) is at its maximum at the sixth cervical vertebra (12 to 14 mm.) and the latter {intumescentia lumbal is) reaches its maximum at the twelfth thoracic vertebra (n to 13 mm.). This increase is due to the added cells and fibers for the appendages. These enlargements vary in size according to the use of the appendages; in man, ourang and gibbon the cervical enlargement is the larger. In the kangaroo and ostrich the lumbar enlargement is the larger. In animals without appendages these enlargements are barely perceptible. The terminal portion of the spinal cord is cone-shaped and is called the conus medullaris. This includes the three lower sacral and the THE SPINAL CORD 363 coccygeal segments. Its formation is due to the reduction in quantity of the gray and white substances. Extending from the conus is a thread, the filum terminale, that Fig. 260. — Dorsal view of the spinal cord and membranes in situ. The vertebral arches have been re- moved. {From a photograph.) Fig. 261. — Model of the pons, ob- longata and spinal cord in situ (ventral view), a. Pons; b, cervical enlarge- ment; c, brachial plexus, d, thoracic nerves (ventral divisions) ; t, lumbar enlargement and conus; /, Cauda equina; g, lumbosacral plexus; h* cervical sympathetic ganglia;*, tho- racic sympathetic ganglia ; k, I. splanchnic is nearly 10 inches (25 cm.) in length. It consists chiefly of the pia and about one-half lies within the dural sac and its remainder exter- nal to the sac. Its peripheral end is attached to the coccyx. In the early months of fetal life, the spinal cord is as long as the verte- 364 THE NERVE SYSTEM bral canal. As the cord grows less rapidly than does the vertebral column, it recedes from the bottom so that at birth it extends to the lower border of the fourth lumbar vertebra and in the adult to the upper border of the second lumbar vertebra. In the earliest condi- tion the nerves pass out at right angles to the cord while in the adult, in order to continue out of the proper foramen of exit, each of the lower nerves lengthens as the cord recedes and forms a more acute angle. As a result the lower end of the cord is surrounded by bundles of nerve fibers resembling, thus, a horse's tail; this constitutes the cauda equina. The spinal cord presents a number of fissures and grooves. Yen- trally in the midline is the ventromcdian fissure {Jissura mcdiana anterior) the depth of which is about one-third the dorsoventral diameter of the cord. Dorsally in the midline is the dorsomedian groove {sulcus mcdiana posterior) . Where the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves enter there is a groove, upon each side of the cord called the dorsolateral groove {sulcus lateralis posterior) ; midway between this and the dorsomedian groove lies the dorso paramedian groove {sulcus inter- medins posterior) upon each side of the cord. The cord is divided into halves, longitudinally, by the ventromedian fissure and the dorsomedian septum. The latter extends all of the way from the surface to the gray commissure. Upon transverse section, the spinal cord is seen to consist of internal gray and external while nerve tissues. The gray substance is arranged in the form of an H-shaped column, the dorsoventral bars representing the horns, or cornua and the transverse bar the gray commissure {commissure grisea). In the gray commissure is the central canal {caualis centralis). That portion of each horn ventral to the level of the canal is the ventral horn {columua anterior) and that behind is the dorsal horn {columna posterior). The ventral horns are the larger, are blunt and do not extend to the periphery of the cord; the dorsal horns are more slender and usually extend to the periphery of the cord. The cornua con- tain the functionating cells of the spinal cord. The gray nerve tissue consists of nerve cells their processes, neurog- lia and nerve fibers. The nerve cells are arranged in groups in the ventral horns but these groups vary in size and number of cells in the various segments of the cord. The ventral horn cells are the largest nerve cells in the body. The various groups are as follows: 1. The ventromedian group is found in nearly all segments of the cord (except the fifth lumbar and the first sacral). This apparently represents the nuclei of origin of the fibers of the nerves that supply the long trunk muscles. 2. The dorsomedian group is found in the upper cervical segments, the thoracic and first lumbar segments, in other words where no limb muscles are represented. THE SPINAL CORD 365 3, 4. The ventrolateral and dorsolateral groups are the largest and represent the nuclei of origin of the nerves to the muscles of the limbs. These groups are not continuous throughout the cord but are found in the cervical and lumbar enlargements and the upper sacral segments. 5. The central group is found chiefly in the lumbar and sacral segments. 6. The intermediate, or lateral group, is a thin, continuous column of cells in the thoracic and first two lumbar segments with recrudes- cences in the upper cervical and third and fourth sacral segments. The axones from these cells pass to the sympathetic ganglia and represent the white rami rommunii antes; they are splanchnic efferent fibers representing motor connections between cerebrospinal and sympathetic systems. Although many axones of the above cells form the nerve fibers of the ventral roots of the spinal nerves, the axones of the other cells have a different course and function. Some of these axones as well as myelinated dendrites pass to the medial and lateral sides of the ventral horns and form the medial and lateral ground bundles. Upon entering these bundles the fibers branch T-like and the divi- sions pass up and down for one or two, and occasionally more, segments and then turn into the gray substance and end around the cells of the ventral horns of those segments. These fibers represent intersegmental association fibers and serve to connect several seg- ments together for coordination of action of several muscles, or mus- cle groups. Other cells, especially those along the medial side of the ventral horns, send their axones and dendrites through the gray com- missure to the other side of the cord as commissural fibers. The dendrites pass to the ventral horn cells of the same level and they do not leave the gray substance. The axones enter the white substance of the ground bundle of the opposite side, branch T-like and the ascending and descending branches ultimately end in the gray a few segments above and below to terminate around the cells of the ventral horn. These cells ventral to the intermediate group represent somato- motor cells while those of the intermediate group region to the trans- verse line through the canal represent the visceromotor cells. In the dorsal horn there is only one distinct group of large cells, the other cells being somewhat scattered and small. This main- group is the nucleus of Clarke (nucleus thoracis) and is an unbroken column from the eighth cervical segment to the second lumbar segment; it lies at the dorsal side of the cervix of the dorsal horn (the junction of this horn with the gray commissure). Most of the axones of these cells pass to the dorsolateral columns of the same side forming the superficial dorsolateral spinocerebellar tract. The other axones pass 366 THE NERVE SYSTEM through the gray commissure to the opposite side (possibly to the white substance) constituting axones of commissural cells. The other cells of the dorsal horn are classified as marginal, stellate and spindle cells. The marginal cells are near the extremity of the dorsal horn and the axones enter the lateral columns as intersegmen- tal association and other fibers. The stellate cells send their mye- linated dendrites to the funiculus cuneatus of the dorsal column. The spindle cells, the smallest, send their axones to the dorsal col- umns. Some of these cells also send their myelinated axones through the dorsal portion of the gray commissure to the opposite side to form there the two spinothalamic tracts, the spinotectal and superficial ventrolateral spinocerebellar tracts. These cells near the transverse midline of the dorsal horns repre- sent viscerosensor cells while those farther dorsad represent somato- sensor cells. The neuroglia consists of spider-like cells that possess a small, flat body and many, long, slender processes. In addition there are many glial fibers that form a meshwork for the support of the nerve cells and vessels. In the region of the spinal canal there is an especially dense meshwork of these fibers called the substantia grisea centralis; around the peripheral end of each dorsal horn is a cap of neuroglia called the substantia gelatinosa, or caput cornualis. This contains a few nerve cells that send their axones into the marginal tract. The white nerve tissue consists mainly of myelinated nerve fibers supported by neuroglia and a little white fibrous tissue. These are divided into columns and tracts. In each half of the cord there are three columns, ventral, lateral and dorsal. The ventral column lies between the ventral median fissure and the ventral nerve roots; the lateral column lies between the ventral and dorsal nerve roots; the dorsal column lies between the dorsal nerve root and the dorsomedian septum. Connecting the ventral columns across the midline is the white commissure (commissura alba) that lies between the ventral median fissure (ventrally) and the gray commissure (dorsally). Each column consists of tracts, some of which, however, do not extend the full length of the spinal cord. The ventral columns are the following: 1. The sulcomarginal tract (fasciculus lectospinalis) borders the ventromedian fissure, consists of descending fibers from the corpora quadrigemina of the opposite side and is seen in the cervical part of the cord. 2. The direct pyramidal tract {fasciculus cerebrospinalis anterior) lies lateral to the preceding and consists of descending fibers from the motor cells of the cerebral cortex. It represents undecussated fibers (10 to 15 per cent.) of the oblongata but they ultimately cross to the opposite ventral horn through the white commissure at vari- THE SPINAL CORD 367 ous levels. It does not extend below the midthoracic segments of the cord. 3. The vestibulospinal tract (fas. vestibulospinalis) consists of descending fibers from the vestibular nuclei of the brain stem, that end in the ventral horn of the cord as far as the sacral region. 4. The ventral ground bundle (fasc. anterior proprius) lies at the medial side of the ventral horn. It consists of intersegmental asso- ciation fibers of the ventral cells of the same and opposite sides (ascending and descending). 5. The ventral spinothalamic tract (fasc. spinothalamicus anterior) lies in the intermediate zone of the ventral columns, consists of Fig. 262. — Diagram of the tracts of the spinal origin or termination. ascending axones of the cells of the opposite dorsal horn that pass through the white commissure and ascend to end in the thalamus. These fibers convey touch and pressure impressions from the opposite side of the body. The lateral column is more extensive and contains more tracts. 1. The olivospinal tract (fasc. olivospinalis) lies at the side of, or in the ventral root region and consists of descending axones from the cells of the olivary nucleus (in the oblongata) ; they end around the ventral horn cells. This tract is found in the cervical segments. 2. The superficial ventrolateral spinocerebellar tract (of Gowers') (fasc. spinocerebellaris anterior) is at the periphery of the cord and consists of axones from the cells of the dorsal horn of the opposite 368 THE NERVE SYSTEM side that cross through the white commissure and ventral horn to form this tract. These fibers ascend to the cerebellum through its brachium conjunctivum and constitute ascending fibers that convey muscle sense impressions, chiefly from the opposite side of the body; they are concerned with reflex actions. 3. The superficial dorsolateral spinocerebellar tract (fasc. spino- cerebellarls posterior) extends from the preceding to the dorsal root zone. It consists of the axones of the nucleus of Clarke from (he same and opposite sides. These ascend and enter the cerebellum through the restiform body and convey also muscle sense impressions and are concerned with reflexes. 4. The crossed pyramidal tract (fasc. cerebrospinal is lateralis) is very extensive and lies medial to the preceding. This consists of the descending axones (85 to 90 per cent.) of the motor cells of the cerebral cortex that have decussated in the oblongata. They enter the ven- tral horn at various levels and terminate about the cells there that form the ventral roots of the spinal nerves especially. This tract continues to the fourth sacral segment. 5. The lateral ground bundle (fasc. lateralis proplus) lies along the lateral margin of the ventral and dorsal horns. It consists of intersegmental association fibers (ascending and descending) that arise in the cells of both horns and end at various levels above and below their origin. Between the above-mentioned tracts is an area called the mixed lateral tract. Here several tracts have been isolated. 6. The rubrospinal tract (fasc. rubrospinalis) consists of axones that descend from the cells of the red nucleus of the midbrain to end about the cells of the ventral horn. 7. The tectospinal tract (fasc. tcctospinalis) consists of descending axones from the cells of the corpora quadrigemina that end about the cells of the ventral horn. 8. The fasciculus spinotectalis consists of ascending axones of the cells of the dorsal horn and ends in the corpora quadrigemina. 9. Ventral and dorsal spinothalamic tracts (fasciculi spinothalamics anterior el posterior) comprise ascending axones of cells of the dorsal horn of the opposite side that end in the thalamus. The ventral one conveys impressions of touch and pressure from the opposite side while the dorsal ones (mixed with the fibers of Govvers' tract) convey impressions of heat, cold and pain from the opposite side. The tracts of the dorsal column are as follows: 1. The fasciculus gracilis (Colli) occupies the medial portion of the column along the dorsal septum. It consists almost entirely of the axones of the cells in the ganglia of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. It comprises those fibers representing the sacral, the lum- bar and last eight thoracic nerves. The sacral fibers are nearest SPINAL CORD 369 the dorsal septum and the highest thoracic are nearest fasciculus cuneatus. There is really no functional difference between the fibers of this tract and the fasciculus cuneatus, the latter represent- ing fibers that enter the cord merely at a higher level. Most of these fibers ascend some of them terminating in the gray substance of the dorsal horn at various levels; others, representing fibers from all the spinal nerve roots of this tract, extend the length of the cord and end in the nucleus gracilis of the oblongata. The descending fibers will be considered under the tracts of Schultze, Flechsig and septomarginal of Bruce. 2. The fasciculus cuneatus (Burdachi) lies lateral to the preceding and represents axones of the cells in the ganglia of the upper thoracic and cervical nerves. They correspond to the preceding and are merely of a higher level. 3. The dorsal ground bundle (fasc. posterior proprius) is another intersegmental association tract. It consists of the axones of some of the cells in the dorsal horn that pass to the tract and branch T-like and so ascend and descend for a short distance and reenter the gray substance. 4. The comma tract of Schultze (fasc. inlcrlascicularis) lies deep between the fasciculis gracilis and cuneatus. It consists of the short descending branches of the fibers that form the two above fasciculi. These descend for a short distance and enter the gray of the dorsal horn. 5. The oval tract of Flechsig {tractus cervicolumbalis of Edmger) is another such tract situated in the fasciculus gracilis at the dorsal median septum. This is best seen in the lumbar region of the cord. 6. The septomarginal tract (fasc. septomarginal of Bruce) is another group of descending fibers along the dorsal septum but close to the gray commissure. These tracts, four, five and six, are con- sidered to be of an associative nature. 7. The marginal tract (fasc. posterolateral is of Spitzka arid Lissauer) is a small bundle of fibers among the dorsal root fibers just after they enter the cord. It consists of the axones of some of the cells of the ganglia, that do not enter the dorsal fasciculi proper but continue up the spinal cord as the marginal tract to end around the cells of the substantia gelatinosa after a course of only three or four seg- ments; some of these fibers may possibly end around the cells of the ventral and dorsal horns. The dorsal columns are the most complex of the cord. It will sim- plify them to consider the course of the fibers that enter the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. 1. Most of these latter fibers form the fasciculi cuneatus and gracilis; these fibers divide into ascending and descending branches. The ascending branches are of variable length some ending soon in 370 THE MERYE SYSTEM the gray of the dorsal horn and others ending in the same way at higher levels. Some ascending fibers of each spinal nerve continue to the oblongata and end in the nuclei cuneatus and gracilis. The descending branches that form the oval, comma and septomarginal tracts end in the gray substance of the dorsal horn. 2. Many fibers after entering the dorsal root zone course along the medial side of the gray of the dorsal horn and enter it to terminate around the cells of the same level. These latter cells represent neurons that form various tracts of the lateral column and are also concerned in the reflex arc. 3. Some fibers of the dorsal roots enter into the formation of the marginal tract and terminate about the cells of the substantia gelatinosa and perhaps around other cells of the ventral and dorsal horns. The various cell groups and the formation of the various tracts of the spinal cord are diagrammatically represented in Fig. 262. The fiber tracts consist of extrinsic fibers: (a) that arise outside of the cord and traverse it or end in it; (b) fibers that arise in the cord and pass out of it. Under (a) are the tracts of Goll and Bur- dach, the crossed and direct pyramidal tracts, vestibulospinal, olivo- spinal, some of the mixed lateral and marginal tracts; the direct cerebellar and Gowers' tracts, and parts of the mixed lateral tracts come under (b). The intrinsic fibers are those that arise and end in the cord as the three ground bundles. THE BRAIN The brain, or encephalon, is an ovoid mass of gray and white nerve tissues that occupies the cranial cavity. It reaches its highest de- velopment in man. It is the seat of the intellect and special senses and presides over motion, respiration, circulation, etc. Its measure- ments are as follows: Frontooccipitally 6.4 to 6.8 inches (16 to 17 cm.), laterally 5.2 to 5.6 inches (13 to 14 cm.); height 5 inches (12.5 cm.). The average weight of the adult male brain is 1400 grams and of the female 1250 grams. At birth the weight in the male is 400 grams and in the female 380 grams. It usually doubles by the end of the first year and trebles by the end of the fourth or fifth year; it almost reaches its maximum by the end of the eighth or ninth year. From that time the growth in weight is slow and ceases about the eighteenth or twentieth year. The brain begins to lose weight after the sixtieth year and very rapidly from seventy to eighty years. The important factors that affect brain weight are age, sex, race, intelligence, skull form and body weight. In regard to race the Caucasians have the heaviest and the Aus- tralians the lightest. There is considerable variation in the Cau- THE BRAIN 371 casian race. In regard to intelligence, the brains of the highly in- tellectual individuals will weigh on the average 100 grams more. Brains weighing under 1000 grams in the male and 900 grams in the female are usually considered too low for mental integrity. The brain consists of a number of divisions: (1) the cerebrum, comprising the cerebral hemispheres and a number of lesser structures; second, the cerebellum; third, the brain stem, comprising the midbrain, the pons and tegmental portion and the oblongata. The brain as a whole when viewed from above, exhibits two lateral masses, the hemi- h Olfactory tract Ot showing the attachn From a photograph. ) spheres, separated by a deep cleft, the longitudinal fissure {fissura longitudinalis cerebri). The frontal pole is rather narrow but not pointed. The parietooccipital region in the broadest and most massive, while the occipital pole is rather sharply pointed. The superior and lateral surfaces show severalrather deep clefts or fissures and a number of smaller clefts or sulci; these separate the various lobes and convolutions from one another. The size and number of these convolutions depends upon the degree of intelligence. When the hemispheres are separated a whitish band, quite extensive fronto- occipitally, is seen at the bottom of the fissure connecting the two hemispheres; this is the corpus callosum, or intercerebral commissure. The cerebellum is not visible in this view. The under, or ventral surface (basis cerebri), is also called the 372 THE NERVE SYSTEM base. Going from before backward the following parts are seen: the frontal lobes separated by the longitudinal fissure and upon each side of the fissure an olfactory bulb and tract. Just behind the tracts, across the midline, lies the optic chiasm and farther to the side the temporal lobes which are separated from the frontal lobes by the sylvian fissure. Just behind the chiasm is the tuber and stalk of the pituitary body; to the rear of the tuber lie the two corpora albican- tia, one upon each side of the midline. This represents the extent of the cerebrum upon the basal surface. Behind the corpora albicantia is a rather deep, triangular space, the posterior perforated space, bounded laterally by two large diverg- ing whitish masses, the crura cerebri. Appearing from the medial side of each crus (in the above space) is a nerve, the oculomotor, or third cerebral nerve. These structures constitute the midbrain por- tion of the brain stem. Behind the posterior perforated space and partially covering the crura cerebri is a broad mass of transversely coursing fibers, the pons; at its lateral boundaries in front is seen a large nerve upon each side, the trigeminus, or fifth cerebral nerve; at its posterolateral boundary are noted two nerves, the facial, or seventh and the audi- tory, or eighth nerves. Coming out between the pons and the crus on each side is the trochlearis, or fourth nerve; at the inferior border of the pons and near the midline is seen the abducens, or sixth nerve. On each side, the pons continues as a thick rope-like mass that enters the corresponding cerebellar hemisphere; these two masses constitute the middle cerebellar peduncles or brachia pontis. Behind the pons is a tapering structure that is continuous with the spinal cord. This is the oblongata. Out of the first fissure to the side of the median groove the hypoglossus, or twelfth nerve, is seen to emerge, while farther to the side are seen the roots of the glosso- pharyugcus (ninth), vagus (tenth )and accessorius (eleventh) nerves. At the sides of the oblongata and completely covered by the occip- ital pole of the cerebrum are the two hemispheres of the cerebellum, separated from each other in the midline by a fissure. The dorsal surface of the midbrain, pons and oblongata region are completely hidden by the cerebrum and cerebellum. When the cerebellum is raised and the pia removed a shallow, diamond-shaped fossa, the fourth ventricle is exposed. This is bounded below by the diverging inferior cerebellar peduncles and above by the converging superior cerebellar peduncles. When the cerebral hemispheres are raised from the cerebellum the pineal body and the corpora quadrigemina are exposed. The pineal body lies in front of and between the two anterior quadrigeminal bodies. These will all be considered under the midbrain. It is customary to give the external anatomy of each part with its THE BRAIN 373 Olfactory bulb. Optic N. - Oculomotor II. IriyeminaJ 'M. Facial fj. Vagal N. Accessory N Optic chiasm Trochlear//, -tons fibcluce/15 A/. Auditor}/ N. Glossopharyngeal 'IV. HypojIossaJ N- OblonyaJa Cerebellum Fig. 264. — Diagram of the ventral surface of brain showing the attachments of the cerebral X y& C -^ , A *2 -w-** Fig. 265. — Left lateral aspect of the brain with the arachnoid, pia and vessels intact. (From a photograph). 374 THE NERVE SYSTEM internal anatomy immediately following. It seems more practical to give the external anatomy of each part in sequence connecting the external landmarks as much as possible, and then to give the internal anatomy and carry it through in the same connected manner. The parts of the brain are often described as forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. It seems more practical to describe the parts under cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem and will be taken up in that way. THE BRAIN STEM The brain stem is continuous with the spinal cord and as it shows less differentiation and is the next direct part it will be first con- optic chiasma interpeduncular accessory nerve medulla oblongata of the pyramids (.Sobotla and McMu sidered. Its parts from below, upward are oblongata, pons and teg- mental portion of the pons and the midbrain. The oblongata (medulla oblongata) is about i inch (2.5 cm.) in length and is a connecting link between the spinal cord and higher centers. It is smallest at the spinal cord end and gradually increases in its dimensions toward its base. At the spinal cord end it meas- THE OBLONGATA 375 ures about 10 mm. in both dimensions; at the pontile end it measures 17 to 18 mm., transversely, and about 15 mm. dorsoventrallv. It is flattened from before backward and is directed nearly vertically, resembling an inverted, flattened, truncated cone. It presents ventral, lateral and dorsal areas and certain grooves. The ventral area contains only the pyramid [pyramis, or fasciculus cerebrospinalis anterior) and is divided longitudinally by the ventro- •mediate portion) root filaments of vagus, ri and glossopharyngeal * " \?^i restiform body pyramid taberadam cineream' t",'"\ fl root filaments of accessary ner\-» if J) *„ anterior root filaments of * \ i H %fu cervical nerve II '(j^^^H anterior lateral sulcus-' ^^^^HS posterior lateral salens spinal '§ . ainea te tubercle M fasciculus euneatas 1. posterior intermediate salens 1 posterior root filaments of cervical nerve II Fig. 2^7. — Brain stem, lateral view . (Sobotta and McMurrich.) median groove (fissura mediana anterior) that terminates at the fora- men cecum. This groove is not continuous as it is crossed and in- terrupted by bundles of fibers passing from one side to the other constituting the pyramidal decussation (decussatio pyramidiun). At a little distance to the side of the ventromedian groove is another, the ventrolateral sulcus (sulcus lateralis anterior). The mass of fibers be- tween these two grooves is the pyramid. Those fibers of the pyra- mid that cross, or decussate (85 to 90 per cent.) constitute the crossed pyramidal tract of the spinal cord. The remaining fibers continue down the same side to the appropriate levels, then cross to 376 THE NERVE SYSTEM the opposite side through the white commissure of the cord; these libers constitute the direct pyramidal tract of the spinal cord. Be- tween the pons and the upper end of the pyramid the abducens nerve is seen to emerge. The lateral area of the oblongata contains the olivary body, the lateral column and certain nerve roots. The olivary body (oliva) is about the size and shape of an olive pit, that is, about ]2 inch (12 mm.) long; it is situated at the upper end of the lateral area and represents the position of the inferior olivary nucleus. Dorsal groove Fig 268 — Dissei tion showing the dorsal aspect of the brain stem with the corpora striata and dentate nuclei intact. (From a photograph.) The lateral column is in part the continuation of some of the lateral tracts of the spinal cord, i.e., the direct cerebellar, Gowers' and the lateral ground bundle. Below (caudad) the olive it is well marked, being located between the ventrolateral and dorsolateral grooves. Near the olive it is crossed and hidden by the external arcuate fibers that pass to the dorsal area. Between the olive and the pyramid are seen the roots of the hypo- glossal nerve emerging from the ventrolateral groove. In the dorso- lateral groove are seen the roots of the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves, above, and the roots of the accessory nerve, below. THE PONS 377 The dorsal area is more complicated. In its lower (caudal) two- thirds in the midline, is the dorsomedian groove (fissura mediana posterior), which ends above at the lower angle of the fourth ventricle. This is bounded upon each side by a club-shaped elevation, the nu- cleus gracilis; the upper end of this is expanded and is called the clava. The nucleus gracilis is bounded laterally by the dorsal paramedian groove (sulcus intermedins) to the outside of which is the nucleus cune- atus; this is bounded laterally by the dorsolateral groove (sulcus lateralis posterior). These two nuclei occupy the lower two-thirds of the dorsal area. Between the upper end of the nucleus cuneatus and the lateral area lies an eminence the tuberculum rolandi (tuboculum cincreum); this eminence lies in the dorsolateral groove and causes it to fork at this point. The upper part of the dorsal area in the midline is the lower part of the fourth ventricle, while the lateral part of the area is represented by quite a mass of fibers called the restiform body, or inferior cerebellar peduncle (corpus rest i forme); these two peduncles constitute the lateral boundaries of the lower half of the fourth ven- tricle. This peduncle consists of the direct cerebellar tract of the spinal cord and the superficial and deep arcuate fibers of the oblongata. The superficial arcuate fibers appear from the ventromedian groove and sweep laterally and dorsally over the olive in a sheet-like manner occasionally covering the entire olive. The}- continue dorsally and assist in the formation of the restiform body. THE PONS AND THE TEGMENTAL PART OF THE PONS The pons, or bridge (Fig. 266), represents the broad band of fibers on the ventral surface of the middle part of the brain stem. It is not sharply demarcated from the tegmental part upon section. It represents the transverse fibers that connect the cerebellar hemi- spheres with each other through the nuclei pontis and constitutes a cerebellar commissure. It is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) from side to side and also from above downward; it extends laterally to the root of the trigeminus nerve on each side. Along the midline its presents the basilar groove (sulcus basilaris) in which lies the basilar artery. Along the lower border of the pons three cerebral nerves are seen; near the midline is the abducens and at the side the facial and audi- tory nerves, at the upper edge of the restiform body. At the sides the pons fibers become massed into a cylindrical band that passes into each cerebellar hemisphere; these are the middle cerebellar peduncles (brachia pontis). Emerging through the lateral border of the pons is the trigeminal nerve constituting the arbitrary lateral boundary of the pons and the beginning of the brachium pontis. The tegmental part of the pons, or pars dorsalis pontis, cannot be seen from the ventral surface. If a knife be passed fron tally, dorsal to the pons and this structure lifted off, the tegmental 378 THE NERVE SYSTEM part approximately, will be exposed; it seems to be a continuation of the oblongata and by some is well called the preoblongata. The dorsal part of this portion of the brain stem shows the upper half of the fourth ventricle. At the lateral angles of this space are seen the massive middle cerebellar peduncles; the lateral boundaries, above, are the converging superior cerebellar peduncles (brachia conjunctiva) that also overhang and form a part of the roof of the fourth ventricle. The fourth ventricle, or rhomboidal fossa (ventriculus quart us), represents the canal of the spinal cord laid open and the walls at the sides stretched so as to form a diamond-shaped fossa. It is nearly vertical in direction. The roof is very thin, possessing prac- tically no nerve tissue, and is rein- forced by the pia; that portion over the lower half of the ventricle is called the inferior medullary velum (velum medullare inferius), while that over the upper half constitutes the superior medullary velum, or valvule (velum medullare superius). Ordi- narily the cerebellum hides the fourth ventricle completely. The so-called floor is nearly verti- cal in direction and represents the dorsal surface of the pars dorsalis pontis and oblongata; it consists of gray nerve tissue. It shows a median longitudinal furrow and is divided into upper and lower triangles by some nerve fibers that cross the middle of the space transversely to pass into the median furrow; these fibers, the acoustic strice (strim medullaris) may be absent, but when present approximately separate the oblongatal part of the ventricle from the tegmental, or pontile potion. In the upper triangle near the midline and the acoustic striae is an eminence, the collicidus facialis (cmincntia mediana); just below and lateral is a depressed area, the superior fovea. Above the emi- nence, toward the apex of the triangle, is a slate-colored, slightly depressed area, the locus carnleus; the cells in this area are pig- mented by the substantia fcrruginea. In the lower triangle just below the acoustic striae is the area acus- tica (better area vestibularis). Medially and below this is a triangu- lar depression, the trigonum vagi (ala ciuerca) and between this and the median groove is seen a tapering elevation, the trigonum hypo- -The so-called "flo fourth ventricle. THE MIDBRAIN 379 glossi. These tapering elevations, at the lower angle of the ventricle, constitute the calamus scriptorius (point of a pen). Between the lower margin of the trigonum vagi and the lower boundary of the ventricle is a narrow space, the area postrema; this is separated from the trigonum vagi by the funiculus separans, a clear ridge. The lower lateral boundaries of the fourth ventricle are the diverg- ing restiform bodies; at the lateral angles are the two middle pedun- cles; the upper lateral boundaries are the converging superior peduncles that also form a small part of the roof in this region. The fourth ventricle communicates caudally with the spinal canal and above it is continuous with the aqueduct of Sylvius, or iter. It represents a lymph space and communicates with the subarach- noid space by means of an opening in the roof of the lower triangle, the foramen of Majendie. The roof at the lateral angles possesses small openings called the foramina of Luschka. At the sides of the ventricle are the lateral recesses (recessi lateralcs) that communicate with the subarachnoid space upon the ventral surface (at the sides) between the acoustic and hypoglossal nerves by means of the apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti. THE MIDBRAIN The midbrain, the upper part of the brain stem, comprises the crura cerebri, the posterior perforated space, the corpora quadrigemina, the medial geniculate bodies, the brachia and the aqueduct of Sylvius. It is about % inch (18 mm.) in length. The crura cerebri (pedunculi cerebri) are seen upon the ventral surface; each crus is a large, whitish, cylindric mass of nerve fibers which starts at the upper border of the pons, but at a more dorsal level, and passes upward (frontally) and laterally into the cerebrum. It represents the chief bulk of the midbrain. Between the diverging crura is a triangular depressed area called the posterior perforated space (interpeduncular space). This is so called because of the large number of small openings that transmit vessels into the interior of the brain of this region. Along the medial side of each crus is the oculomotor sulcus (sulcus oculomotorius) from which emerges the oculomotor nerve. Near the pontile border of the lateral margin of each crus is the trochlear nerve. Upon each side of the midbrain are seen the crus, the medial geniculate body, and the superior and inferior brachia. The internal geniculate body (corpus geniculatum mediale) is a small oval eminence on the side of the midbrain. It is connected with its fellow of the opposite side by the commissure of Gudden. It also represents an intermediate nucleus in the auditory pathway. The superior brachium (brachium quadrigeminum superius) is a 38o THE NERVE SYSTEM band of libers at the upper, medial part of the midbrain . It consists of fibers of the optic tract that terminate in the superior quad-rigem- inal body and also of fibers that pass to the lateral geniculate body. The inferior brachium (brachium quadrigeminum inferius) lies at the side of the upper quadrigeminal body and disappears under the medial geniculate body. It represents fibers of the auditory path- way from the inferior quadrigeminal body. mammillary hotly optic chiasma ) (Sobotla and McMur The dorsal surface of the midbrain exhibits the corpora quadrigemina, or colliculi; of these there are four, two superior and two inferior, and they are separated from one another by a transverse and a longi- tudinal furrow. The latter is in the midline. The superior quadrigemina are oval in shape, yellowish gray in color and are the larger. Above, in the median groove that sepa- rates them, lies the pineal body. They are centers connected with eye-muscle reflexes, resulting from optic and auditory impulses. The inferior quadrigemina are nearly hemispherical in shape and lighter in color than the preceding. They are nuclei in the pathway of auditory impulses. THE CEREBELLUM 38l The superior and inferior quadrigemina rest upon the lamina quadrigemina which really constitutes the dorsal wall of the mid- brain. The iter, or aqueduct (aqueduct us cerebri), is a narrow canal con- necting the third and fourth ventricles. Its shape varies somewhat in different parts and it lies nearer the dorsal than the ventral sur- face of the midbrain. \ ^^__ 1 \^ Lenticular nucleus Caudate nucleus Internal capsule Thalamus Corpora quadrigem Valvula Brachiu::; Dentate nucleus Fourth ventricle Dorsal groove Fig. 271. — Dissection showing the dorsal aspect of the brain stem with the copora striata and dentate nuclei intact. (From a photograph.) THE CEREBELLUM The cerebellum lies in the posterior fossa of the skull under cover of the occipital pole of the cerebrum from which it is separated by the shelf of dura called the tentorium cerebelli. It averages 165 grams in the male and 155 grams in the female, reaching its greatest weight between the twenty-fifth and thirty-fifth years. It repre- sents a coordinating center and might well be called the balancing brain. The cerebellum consists of two lateral lobes, or hemispheres, and a middle lobe, or vermis. The two hemispheres are separated from each other ventrally by a groove, the vallecula, into which the oblon- gata, tegmental portion of the pons and the midbrain fit. Dorsally the hemispheres are less widely separated. 382 THE NERVE SYSTEM The vermis and each hemisphere present a superior and an inferior surface. The superior surface of the vermis consists of the following lobes, from before backward: (a) Hngula cerebelli; (b) lobus centralis; Fig. 272. — Superior surface of the cerebellum. {From a pnoiograpli.) (c) c id men; (d) declive. The lobes of the superior surface of each hemisphere represents a continuation of these with the exception of the lingula. The central lobe is continued into each hemisphere as Fig. 273. — Frontal ' ' of the cerebellu (From a photograph.) the ali lobidi centralis. The admen continues as the lobus culminis. The declive continues as the lobus lunatus. In addition to these lobes the last of those of the superior surface is the posteroinjcrior lobe. Upon the inferior surface of the vermis the following lobes are THE CEREBRUM 383 noted from behind forward: (a) tuber; (b) pyramis; (c) uvula; (d) nodulus. Upon each hemisphere in the same order are the (a) posteroinferior lobule; {b) biveniral lobule; (c) tonsilla; (d) flocculus. The fissures of the cerebellum all run, in general, transversely and are eight in number forming, thus, nine lobes. The cerebellum is connected to the rest of the nerve system by its three pairs of peduncles. The inferior peduncles (corpora resti- forme) connect the cerebellum with the spinal cord, the oblongata and the cerebral nerve nuclei. The middle peduncles (brachia pontis) the largest, consist mainly of fibers that connect one cerebellar hemisphere with the other through the nuclei pontis. The superior peduncles [brachia conjunctiva) are the smallest and consist chiefly of fibers that connect the cerebellar cortex with the midbrain, especially. THE CEREBRUM The cerebrum comprises the cerebral hemispheres, the corpora striata, the callosum, olfactory tracts and bulbs and the following structures usually classified as diencephalon: the thalami, the epiphy- sis, the corpora albicantia, tuber, hypophysis, optic chiasm and tracts and the lateral geniculate bodies. Viewed dorsally only the cerebral hemispheres are seen. When these are separated in the midline, the callosum is exposed. If the cerebral hemispheres are raised, then the epiphysis and velum inter- positum are shown covering the thalami and third ventricle. The lateral geniculate bodies are also seen laterally placed. Ventrally are seen from behind forward, the corpora albicantia, the tuber cinereum and hypophysis, the optic chiasm and tracts, and the ol- factory tracts and bulbs. The ventral structures will be considered first. The corpora albicantia are two small, whitish bodies situated close together, one on each side of the midline in the interpeduncular space. These are nuclei in the olfactory pathway. The tuber cinereum is a hollow, conical structure lying just in front of the corpora albicantia. Its cavity constitutes the infun- dibular recess of the third ventricle. Connected with the lower end of the tuber is the hypophysis. The hypophysis, or pituitary body, is a small glandular structure suspended from the lower end of the tuber by means of a small stalk. It consists of two divisions the, anterior lobe, or prehypophysis, and a posterior portion, the posthypophysis. The former is epithelial in structure and is derived from the oral epithelium; the posthypophy- sis is a direct derivative of the nerve system. These two parts are bound together by a common capsule. The optic chiasm lies just in front of the tuber and is formed by 3»4 THE NERVE SYSTEM the convergence of the optic nerves here, attended by a decussation of some of their fibers. The nerve fibers from the nasal portion of each retina cross to the opposite side of the brain while those from the temporal side of the retina continue on the same side. This produces the chiasm and decussation. The fibers on each side then continue as a flattened band called the optic tract of which some of the fibers pass to the lateral geniculate body, others to the puhinar of the thalamus and the remainder to the superior quadrigemina. These fibers constitute the lateral root of the optic nerve. The Olfactory bulb •r Olfactory tract Oculomotor__JM( m ■ nerve ^^^E Abducens__H^H lirrvt' K. *» Glossopharyn- j^^\ geal and ^^ \ vagal nerves th Hypoglossal nerve ^ bv H < /Opt.. A^ -Ventral aspect of the brain showing the attachment of the cerebral Ft >»i a photograph.) medial root, or infracomtnissure of Gudden, are independent of these fibers and connect one medial geniculate bod}- with the other through the chiasm but constitute no part of the true optic pathway. The lamine tenninalis is a thin layer of gray nerve tissue just behind the optic chiasm, extending upward into the cerebrum in front of the optic thalami and anterior commissure; it separates these from the cerebral hemisphere in front. It represents the fron- tal end of the original neural tube. The preceding structures con- stitute the hypothalamus. The lateral geniculate body (corpus geniculatum laterale) is seen in a lateral view and lies just in front of the medial geniculate body of the midbrain and represents a way-station of visual impulses in the optic pathway. It represents a part of the thalamus. These bodies constitute the metathalamus. THE THALAMI AND EPIPHYSIS 385 The thalami lie under cover of the cerebral hemispheres and velum interpositum. When exposed each is a large, ovoid mass of gray nerve tissue separated from its fellow, in the midline, by a vertical cleft, the third ventricle. The posteromedial part constitutes the puhinar. The ventricular surface is smooth and shows an area where the two thalami are united across the midline, making the middle commissure (massa intermedia). Above this and arching over the entire surface is a narrow ridge showing where the dorsal and Septum pellucidu Posterior commissure Optic chiasm Hypophysi Corpus mammil: th ventricle medullar; Oblongata -Median sagittal section of the brain showing the medial surface of the right half. {From a photograph.) medial surfaces meet and where the velum interpositum is attached. The thalamus is a nucleus in the optic pathway as well as in the general sensor pathway, from the tegmentum to the cerebral cortex (touch pain, temperature, muscle sense and emotional). The epiphysis, or pineal body, is a small, reddish body lying between the superior quadrigeminal bodies at the caudal end of the roof of the third ventricle. Its cavity is called the epiphyseal recess and is an extension of the third ventricle. The velum interpositum is a thin membrane roofing the third ven- tricle and covering the dorsal surface of the thalami. This repre- sents the bulk of the roof of the third ventricle and no nerve tissue develops here. It is a thin epithelial layer and is reinforced by pia with its blood-vessels called the tela ckorioidea. The tela forces this epithelial layer in as two ridges with blood-vessels and these consti- tute a part of the chorioidal plexuses. 386 THE NERVE SYSTEM Just in front of the superior quadrigemina and between the caudal ends of the thalami is a small triangular area called the trigonum babe u nice. This contains some nerve cells, the ganglion habenuliB. The axones from these cells form the fasciculus retroflexus and termi- nate in the ganglion inlerpeduncidare of the interpeduncular space. The ganglion habenula? is a way-station in the olfactory pathway. The epiphysis, velum and trigonum habenulae constitute the cpithalamus. The third ventricle (vcntriculus tcrtius) is a vertical, cleft-like space between the two thalami. It communicates caudally with the iter and frontally and laterally with the lateral ventricles, in the cerebral hemispheres, by means of the foramina of Monro. CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES The cerebral hemispheres constitute about six-sevenths of the brain weight. The hemicerebri are separated from each other, in the midline, by the median longitudinal fissure [fissura longitudinalis cerebri) at the bottom of which is seen the callosum which connects these hemispheres with each other. The cerebral hemispheres are connected with the rest of the brain mass by means of the internal capsule. Upon examining each hemicerebrum the lateral, or external surface is seen to be convex while the media! surface is flattened above and hollowed out below in the temporal lobe region. Each of these exhibits little folds called convolutions which are separated form each other by fissures, or sulci. The main fissures are important land marks in the cerebral topography and serve to separate more or less completely the various lobes from one another. The lobes are frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal and central in each hemisphere. The interlobar fissures bound these lobes fairly well. Fissures. — Upon the lateral surface are seen the following inter- lobar fissures: i. The Sylvian fissure (fissura cerebri lateralis) is about 2}Vxive_,_| ' ' f IV } Ventricular Gray Fir.. 2R3. — Diagram of the .Spino-l Cr«wj I gangl cells have been moved to the side. This will be noticed when the cerebral nerve nuclei are considered. This peculiar condition of the fourth ventricle being at the dorsal surface of the pons-oblongata is due to the failure of development of nerve tissue in the dorsal wall of the neural tube at this region. Hence all nuclei of this part and the liber tracts that pass centrifugally and centripetally must pass ventral to the cavity, thus placing this ventricle at the dorsal surface. It is to be remembered that the nerve cells ventral to a line drawn INTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN STEM 395 through the spinal canal from side to side are motor and those dorsal are sensor. As the fourth ventricle passes frontal into the aqueduct it is as though the slit cord had been returned to its original condition and gray nerve tissue surrounds the entire aqueduct. The ventral, or floor part represents the seat of the cerebral nerve nuclei. The motor nerve cells do not form continuous columns as in the spinal cord but are grouped forming three interrupted columns, con- stituting the nuclei of the cerebral nerves. One column [medial somatic column) is along the median groove of the fourth ventricle and aqueduct and comprises the hypoglossal, and abduccns nuclei. Another column {lateral somatic column) slightly lateral to the pre- ceding, comprises the accessory, part of the vagal, the facial, and tri- geminal nuclei. These two go to voluntary, or skeletal muscle, in- cluding tongue, pharynx and larynx. A third column (splanchnic or visceromotor) is located further from the midline and comprises part of the vagal, glossopharyngeal and facial nuclei. These cells are concerned with the movements of involuntary nonstriated mus- cles of the viscera and their axones go to sympathetic ganglia. These cells represent the intermedio-lateral group of the spinal cord. The sensor cells do not form a continuous column either but form isolated groups of nuclei that lie furthest from the midline. These nuclei of termination are for both ordinary and special senses. The olivary, pontile and arcuate nuclei are connecting links between the cerebellum and the rest of the nerve system. In the third ventricle that lies frontad of and is continuous with the aqueduct, the gray substance is practically lacking so that this part of the brain lies beyond the region of the cerebral nerve nuclei. In addition to this central gray there are numerous nuclei scattered in the white nerve tissue, giving thus a mixed character that does not exist in the cord. In the cerebellum and the cerebrum the rela- tion is again more distinct, but the gray here is superficial or cortical while the white is central or medullary. THE BRAIN STEM Oblongata. — In studying the internal structure of the oblongata sections at the motor decussation, sensor decussation and midolivary levels will be utilized. These sections are from ascending levels in the order named. Motor Decussation (Figs. 284 and 285). — In the upper or pontile part of the oblongata the motor fibers all lie in a compact bundle in the ventral area constituting the pyramid. At the lower (spinal cord) part of the oblongata these fibers are seen crossing the ventral median groove in bundles constituting the pyramidal, or motor de- cussation. Upon examining a section at this level these fibers are 39^ THE NERVE SYSTEM Nucleus Cuneatus rasciculus Spmo- 'ercbellaris Ventrahs Mixed lateral Tracts Vestibule* -Spinal and Spmo-tna/amic Tracts Hyramtdal Vhvo Spinal Tract Ventral Horn Decussation Fig. 284. — Section of the oblongata at the level of the motor or pyramidal decussation. Vcritro'mcd'zn < r^mmid ra/horn effh* T\ FlG. 285. — Section of the oblongata at the level of the motor decussation (Weigert's stain). The right half shows the various fasciculi and nuclei in outline. THE SENSOR DECUSSATION' 7)91 seen sweeping, obliquely dorsolaterally, from one side of the ventral fissure to the opposite side of the oblongata, cutting through the ventral horn of gray tissue to the dorsolateral region. These fibers constitute here the crossed pyramidal tract of the spinal cord and comprise 85 to 90 per cent, of the motor fibers. The remaining 15 to 10 per cent, continue down on the same side as the direct pyramidal tract in the cervical and upper portion of the thoracic part of the spinal cord, where they cross at various levels in the white commissure so that all fibers ultimately end in the opposite of ihe cord from which they originate in the cerebrum. The motor area of gray represented by the ventral horn of the spinal cord is thus cut into two parts: (i) the isolated ventral mass that is gradually pushed more laterally and is diminished in size at higher levels; (2) the basal portion (that near the canal) which represents the motor gray of the floor of the fourth ventricle higher up. Dorsally a change is also noticeable on the peripheral part of the dorsal horn — the substantia gelalinosa has become much increased and forms a projection on the lateral surface of the oblongata called the tuberculum cinereum. The remainder of the dorsal gray also shows alterations. Near the dorsal median septum an elongated aggregation of cells, the nucleus gracilis, appears among the fibers of the fasciculus gracilis. This ultimately produces an elevation upon the dorsal surface of the oblongata called the nucleus gracilis. A little lateral to this another aggregation, the nucleus cuneatus, appears; this also forms an elevation upon the dorsal surface. It will be remembered that the fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus (the tracts of Goll and Burdach) occupy the dorsomedian area in the spinal cord but at this level of the oblongata they are quite a bit smaller as their fibers are terminating in their respective nuclei; in the next level these tracts will have ceased to exist being replaced by these nuclei. The bulk of the fiber tracts of the lateral area of the oblongata pass upward uninterruptedly into the cerebellum, quadrigemina or thal- amus as the case may be. These tracts comprise the several spino- cerebellar, spinothalamic, rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, spinotectalis and converse tracts. They will be considered later. Sensor Decussation (Fig. 286). — Just above the motor decussa- tion lies the sensor decussation. In the ventral part of the section are seen all of the motor fibers in two compact bundles, the pyramid, one upon each side of the ventromedian groove. Just dorsal to these are seen first, a thin flattened bundle, the beginning lemniscus, or fillet (lemniscus medial is) and dorsal to that the decussating sensor fibers arising from the nuclei gracilis and cuneatus of the opposite sides. These added fibers here have raised the canal to a slightly higher (dorsal) level; between the decussating fibers and the canal lie the wedge-shaped remains of the filaments of the hypoglossal 398 THE NERVE SYSTEM nerve sweeping ventrally close to the pyramid. Lateral to these nerve fibers are seen the remains of the isolated portion of the ventral horns somewhat smaller than in the preceding section. In the dorsal half of the section the gray has a peculiar arrangement. Near the midline is the slender nucleus gracilis and just lateral the more massive nucleus cuneatus and then the tuberculum cincreum. Here the nuclei form elevations upon the dorsal surface and the tracts of Goll and Burdach are almost ended. Superficial to the tuberculum cinereum, in both sections, are seen some nerve cells and nerve fibers constituting the descending nucleus and root of the trigeminal nerve ::a'' ft.~c .C.//1.5 Fig. 286. Section of the oblongata at the level of the sensor decussation (Weigerfs stain). The right half shows the various fasciculi and nuclei in outline. {nucleus traclus spinalis nervi trigemini and tractus spinalis ncrvi trigemini). Between this and the next section the nuclei gracilis and cuneatus disappear, several. new nuclear masses, olivary nuclei, appear and the addition of a great mass of nerve fibers (formatio reticularis) between the canal and the lemnisci raises the canal to such a level dorsally that it is practically exposed and constitutes the fourth ventricle. This is due to the fact that the dorsal wall of this part of the neural tube develops no nerve tissue and that nerve tissue which does form is ventrally placed. The Midolivary Region (Fig. 287).— This section shows a marked change. The ventral median groove is broad but shallow and is flanked by the large motor tracts, the pyramids; these are covered externally (superficially) by some gray nerve tissue, the arcuate THE MIDOLIVARY REGION 399 nucleus and some nerve fibers, the external, or superficial arcuate fibers. Of these arcuate fibers some arise in the nuclei gracilis and cuneatus of the same side and pass to the cerebellum; others arise from the nuclei of the opposite side, decussate in the raphe, course ventrally and pass over the surface of the pyramid. Many of these fibers are interrupted in the arcuate nuclei and then pass on to the cerebellum by way of the restiform body. Just dorsal to the pyra- mids lie the medial lemnisci forming quite a thick bundle of longi- tudinally coursing fibers. These are separated from each other in the Nucleus of Hypoglossal Fourth UenTr/clr Mrjiart lonyitudmat Tascir'i TectcspirtaJ \ 7ff/*t choi-oiifott inferior ^Tractus satitetrius. Descendma roof of vestibu Jf eti form body , ^eK/P° 3Ci Pig. 287. — Sec of the oblongata at the level of the midolivary region ( Weigert's stain). The right half shows the various fasciculi, nuclei and nerves in outline. midline by the median raphe that extends dorsally to the ventricular gray. The raphe consists of a few nerve cells and fibers. Some of the fibers run longitudinally, others obliquely (internal arcuate fibers) and still others run dorsoventrally (belonging to the external arcuate fibers). Between each lemniscus and the floor of the fourth ventricle on each side of the raphe are seen bundles of fibers running longitudi- nally, transversely and some gray nerve tissue; this constitutes the mass mentioned above as the formatio reticularis. This field is divided by the hypoglossal nerve roots into a median area (formatio reticularis alba) as it contains little gray nerve tissue; the lateral part is the formation reticularis grisea as it contains considerable 4 ^rea parolfactory 'Frenulum GicLcommi .' lntesmea'>aJ*\'_f ' Frenulum gyrus arnbienS jtrta. j . Gyrvs semilunaris. -Schematic representation of the olfactory pathway. (intercrural space) and near the midline. Their white color is due to the myelinated nerve fibers of the fornix that end here in the central gray nerve tissue. This gray tissue is usually arranged as two nuclear masses in each body. The anterior commissure is seen in the frontal wall of the third ventricle, as it courses from side to side. It is usually a small bundle of nerve fibers of which the frontal portion belongs to the olfactory pathway. It connects the uncus of the two sides with each other in addition to containing the pathway fibers from the bulb. The septum pellucidum consists of two layers enclosing a portion of the early intercerebral cleft, during the formation of the callosum. This space is the so-called fifth ventricle but is not a part of the true ventricular system of the brain. The septum is enclosed in the arch of the corpus callosum and extends from it to the fornix. Its frontal part contains some gray nerve tissue that is a part of the olfactory pathway. Occasionally an opening is seen in the septum permitting THE OLFACTORY PATHWAY 429 communication between the two lateral ventricles. Also, in two instances the writer has noticed that the septum extended all the way from the genu to the splenium and w^as twice as long as in the usual specimens. The fornix is a paired structure consisting of longitudinally cours- ing fibers connecting the uncus and corpus albicans of each side. It consists of a body and a pair of anterior (frontal) and a pair of pos- terior (occipital) pillars. The body is that portion ventral of the body of the callosum where the two tracts lie side by side. Fron- tally, at the region of the anterior commissure, the two tracts diverge and course ventrally, as the anterior pillars, to end in the corpus albicans of each side. Occipitally, at the splenium of the callosum, these tracts diverge as the posterior pillars and pass first ventrally and then frontally in a hook-like manner to end in the uncus of each side. As the pillars pass ventrally they project into the inferior (temporal) horn of the lateral ventricle and lie upon the hippocampus, here constituting a band of fibers called the fimbria; this dwindles in size as the uncus is approached. Impulses arising in the olfactory portion of the nasal mucosa pass to the olfactory bulb by way of the olfactory fila. This constitutes the peripheral tract (first neuron). From the bulb the impulses are conducted by another neuron system, by way of the olfactory tract, to the primary centers, i.e., the gray substance of the tractus olfactor- ium, trigonum, anterior perforated substance and the gray substance of the septum lucidum. The impulses are then conducted to the cor- tical centers by a third neuron. The lateral olfactory stria carries the impulses to the gyrus ambiens and gyrus semilunaris from the trigonum. The intermediate stria carries the impulses to the gray substance of the anterior perforated space; from the trigonum, the anterior perforated substance and the septum lucidum impulses pass to the hippocampus by way of the fornix. The medial olfactory stria consists of fibers from the trigonum that pass toward the gyrus subcallosus and then over the corpus callosum through the dentate gyre to end in the hippocampus. Other fibers pass from the anterior perforated substance and the septum pellucidum to the nucleus amygdala and the thalamus. The hippochampus is connected with the corpus albicans of each side by the fornix fibers that arise from the cells of the hippocampus and the dentate gyre. As the fornix passes ventral to the corpus callosum it receives fibers from the medial longitudinal stria3, dorsal to the callosum, that pass to this body and constitute the fibres perforantcs. While most of the fornix fibers pass to the corpus albi- cans some pass to the ganglion habenula (a small nucleus between the epiphysis and the caudal end of the thalamus). 43° THE NERVE SYSTEM The corpus albicans of each side is further connected with the thal- amus and the tegmentum of the crus cerebri, where there is a small ganglion, the ganglion pro/ionium tegmcnti. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BRAIN The arteries (Fig. 312) that supply the brain are the two vertebral (arteries vertebrates) and the two internal carotid arteries (arteries carol ides internee). The latter enter the cranial cavity through the Olfactory bulb SG^neri/e Int. carotid artery ^nerve Vertebral art. Spmat cord \ ^\^t'n f. Cere6e//*r art Fig. 312. — The arteries of the base of the brain. (After Sobotta and McMurrich.) carotid canals while the former enter through the foramen magnum. The vertebral arteries join to form the basilar artery (arteria basilaris) the largest branches of which are the two posterior cerebral arteries (arteria; cerebri posteriores) . The internal carotid arteries give rise to a branch, the posterior communicating artery, that passes back and anastomoses with the posterior cerebral artery on each side. In front each internal carotid artery gives rise to an anterior cerebral artery (arteria cerebri anterior) which is connected to its fellow on the opposite side across the midline by the anterior communicating artery. Thus a so-called circle is formed at the base of the brain called the circle of Willis (circulus adenosis). VEINS 431 The other branches of each vertebral artery are the following: The posterior meningeal. The ventral spinal, one on each side, which unite to form a single vessel that lies at the front of the ventral median fissure of the spinal cord. The dorsal spinal artery, one descending upon each side behind the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. The posterior inferior cerebellar. Bulbar. The basilar artery gives the following branches: Internal auditory. Anterior inferior cerebellar. Superior cerebellar. Posterior cerebral. The internal carotid gives rise to the following branches: Posterior communicating. Middle cerebral (in the sylvian fissure). The anterior cerebral that winds over the callosum and lies in the longitudinal fissure. The central ganglionic masses are supplied by branches of the circle of Willis, or trunks close to it. Veins. — The blood is returned from the cerebrum by the super- ficial and the deep cerebral veins {vena? cerebri). The superficial veins receive the blood from the convolutions and deeper parts and empty into the sinuses. The deep veins, or internal cerebral veins (Galen) unite to form a short trunk, the vena magna Galeni, that ends in the straight sinus. The blood from the cerebellum is returned by the superficial and deep cerebellar veins which return the blood to the transverse, superior and inferior petrosal and the occipital sinuses. The blood from the pons is returned to the cerebellar veins, or the superior petrosal sinus. From the oblongata the blood is returned to the inferior petrosal sinus, or the basilar plexus. The sinuses in the dura that receive the blood from the brain are the following: Single: Superior sagittal sinus. Inferior sagittal sinus. Straight sinus. Occipital sinus. Circular sinus. Basilar sinus. Paired: Lateral sinuses. 432 THE NERVE SYSTEM Sphenoparietal sinuses. Superior petrosal sinuses. Inferior petrosal. Cavernous. The superior sagittal sinus (si)nis sagittalis superior) lies in the up- per edge of the falx cerebri and extends from the foramen cecum, in front, to the torcular Herophili (confluens sinuum), behind. The inferior sagittal sinus {sinus sagittalis inferior) lies in the lower edge of the falx cerebri and extends backward to the frontal edge of the tentorium cerebelli to end by joining the deep cerebral vein (Galen) to form the straight sinus. The straight sinus (sinus rectus) extends along the upper surface of the tentorium cerebelli, from the end of the inferior sagittal sinus to the torcular Herophili. The occipital sinus, the smallest, is formed from veins around the margin of the foramen magnum and terminates in the torcular Herophili. The circular sinus (anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses) is situated in the pituitary fossa and surrounds the pituitary body and is connected on each side with the cavernous sinus. The basilar sinus (plexus basilaris) extends across the basilar por- tion of the occipital bone and connects the ends of the cavernous, or the ends of the superior petrosal sinuses to each other. The lateral sinuses (sinus transversi) begin at the torcular and pass outward and then downward to the jugular foramen of the skull; here each ends in the internal jugular vein of that side. They are the largest sinuses and carry most of the blood out of the skull. The sphenoparietal sinuses (sinus sphenoparietalcs) lie under the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone and each terminates in the ante- rior end of the corresponding cavernous sinus. The cavernous sinus (sinus cavemosi) lie upon the side of the body of the sphenoid bone and extend from the sphenoidal fissure to the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. These communicate with each other through the circular sinus and receive the blood from the sphenoparietal sinuses and send the blood into the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses. The superior petrosal sinuses (sinus petrosi superiores) start at the same regions, pass downward and outward along the lower margin of the petrous portion of the temporal bone; each ends in the lateral sinus of that side. The inferior petrosal sinuses (sinus petrosi inferiores) begin at the posterior end of the cavernous sinus of each side and pass down- ward, backward and laterally in the posterior fossa of the skull and empty into the internal jugular vein of that side. The veins of the spinal cord form a plexus in the pia and from this THE CEREBRAL NERVES 433 plexus six main longitudinal and radicular veins are formed. The longitudinal veins are one ventromedial!, two ventrolateral, two dorso- lateral and one dorsomedian. The radicular veins pass around the nerve roots to terminate in the ventral and dorsal spinal "veins. The venlromedian and dorsomedian veins empty into veins of the oblongata; the lateral veins empty partly into the preceding but chiefly into the two radicular veins that carry their blood to the ventral and dorsal spinal veins of the vertebral column. The intracranial lymphatics are meningeal and cerebral. The meningeal lymphatics start in the spaces of the dura, follow the blood-vessels and empty into the internal maxillary and upper deep cervical lymph nodes. The Peripheral Nerve System The peripheral nerve system comprises the cerebral and spinal nerves and their associated ganglia. THE CEREBRAL OR ENCEPHALIC NERVES The term cerebral nerves is poorly chosen as the first two pairs, only, are connected with the cerebrum and these are not considered true nerves but outgrowths of the cerebral vesicles; the others are connected with the brain stem. The term encephalic nerves would be more satisfactory as the distinction from spinal nerves would be maintained and the origin from the brain, as a whole, would be expressed. The cerebral nerves are twelve pairs in number and ten pairs are directly connected with the brain stem in which lie their nuclei of origin, or termination. These nerves vary, some are purely motor, others purely sensor (special senses) and others are mixed. These nerves are classified as follows: i. Olfactory. Pure sensor, special sense (smell). 2. Optic. Pure sensor, special sense (vision). 3. Oculomotor. Pure motor. 4. Trochlear. Pure motor. 5. Trigeminus. Mixed. 6. Abducens. Pure motor. 7. Facial. Mixed. Special sense (taste). 8. Auditory. Pure sensor, special sense (hearing). 9. Glossopharyngeal. Mixed. General and special sense (taste). 10. Vagus. Mixed. n. Spinal accessory. Pure motor. 12. Hypoglossal. Pure motor. For the sake of convenience these will be taken up in reverse order just as the brain was considered from the oblongata to the cerebrum. 434 THE XERYE SYSTEM Hypoglossal Nerve (Nervus Hypoglossus). — This is the motor nerve of the tongue and its nucleus lies in the lower, or caudal end of the gray substance of the fourth ventricle. This nucleus is about 18 mm. long and quite narrow; it extends from the upper level of the pyramidal decussation to the stria; acusticae and close to the mid- line. It represents a continuation of the motor gray of the spinal cord. The upper end of the nucleus lies beneath the trigonum Fig. 313. — The hypoglossal and distribution. hypoglossi of the fourth ventricle. The two nuclei are connected across the midline by commissural fibers and fibers from the opposite pyramid end in each nucleus, completing thus the connection with the cerebral cortex. The nerve cells are large and their myelinated axis-cylinders pass ventrally through the formatio reticularis, be- tween the olivary nucleus and the pyramid, to emerge (superficial origin) in the groove between these two structures on the ventral surface of the oblongata. THE ACCESSORY NERVE 435 The hypoglossal nerve leaves the cranial cavity through the hypo- glossal canal, enters the neck, passes downward, ventrally and medi- ally to the tongue. It gives off the recurrent, descending, thyreo- hyoid and lingual branches. The recurrent branch (ramus rccurrens) is given off in the cranial cavity and supplies the dura of the posterior fossa. The descending branch (ramus descendens) forms the hypoglossal loop with a branch from the second and third cervical nerves and supplies the mm. omohyoideus, sternohyoideus and sternothyreoideus. The thyreoid branch (ramus thyreoidens) supplies the m. thyreohyoideus. The lingual branches (rami lingualcs) supply the mm. hyoglossus, genioglossus, geniohyoideus and the intrinsic muscles of the tongue. The hypoglossal nerve communicates with the superior cervical ganglion (sympathetic), the ganglion nodosum of the vagal nerve, the upper cervical nerves, the pharyngeal plexus and the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve (trigeminal). The Spinal Accessory Nerve (Xervus Accessories). — This is a pure motor nerve consisting of a spinal division (representing a spinal nerve) and an accessory portion arising from the oblongata (bulbar part). The spinal part arises from the dorsolateral nerve cells in the ventral horn of the first four cervical segments of the spinal cord. These myelinated axones pass ultimately to the surface of the spinal cord, emerge at the lateral column and pass up through the foramen magnum to join the bulbar portion. The accessory, or bulbar root, arises from nerve cells in the ventricular gray at the upper (cephalic) end of the spinal nucleus and is practically a continuation of the lower, or caudal end of the nucleus ambiguus of the vagal and glosso- pharyngeal nerves. It is lateral to the lower end of the hypoglossal nucleus and is called the nidus laryngci, because its fibers later join the vagus and though this nerve pass to the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, except the cricothyreoid muscle. The spinal root supplies the trapezius and sternomastoid muscles. Fibers from the opposite pyramids end in each nucleus (cortical connections) as do also fibers from the dorsal (sensor) roots of the spinal nerves (establishing a reflex arc). The superficial origin of the bulbar portion of the accessory nerve is the side of the oblongata, at the head end of the restiform body. The spinal portion arises from the side of the spinal cord as low as the sixth cervical nerves. These two portions join and leave the cranial cavity through the jugular foramen. The bulbar root sends a branch to the ganglion nodosum of the vagal nerve and the re- mainder joins the vagal nerve and ultimately supplies the intrinsic muscles of the larynx (except the m. cricothyreoideus), and furnishes cardioinhibitory nerves to the vagus. The spinal portion (ramus extcrnus) passes into the neck and supplies the mm. sternomastoideus and trapezius. 436 THE NERVE SYSTEM The spinal portion communicates with the cervical plexus. Vagal and Glossopharyngeal Nerves (Nervus Vagus et Nervus Glossopharyngeus) . — These nerves, though mixed, are mainly sensor and as their nuclei of origin and termination are so close together and so intimately associated they will be considered together. It is highly probable that the glossopharyngeal nerve is purely sensor. The nuclei are the dorsal (mixed) nucleus, nucleus ambiguus and nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius. The dorsal {mixed) nucleus, long and rod-shaped, lies at the upper end of the hypoglossal nucleus and the motor part comprises that portion nearest the midline. The axones of the cells in this portion THE VAGAL AND GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVES 437 pass obliquely ventrolateral between the olivary nucleus and the restiform body, emerging from the oblongata between the olive and the end of the lateral column. The fibers belong to the vagus and pass to the esophagus, stomach, trachea and bronchi. This is a nucleus of origin and the sensor part will be discussed later. The nucleus ambiguus is deeply placed in the formatio reticularis and the substantia gelatinosa; it seems to be a continuation of the bulbar part of the accessory nerve. The axones pass first dorsally, then bend ventrally and join the preceding, supplying the esophagus, -Diagram of the course of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal and vagal the brain stem. Motor nuclei solid black, sensor nuclei dotted. pharynx and the m. cricothyreoideus of the larynx. Apparently a por- tion of this nucleus is cardiq-inkibitory. This is also a nucleus oj origin. The sensor fibers arise from cells in the ganglia. Connected with the vagus are the jugular gang! inn (ganglion jugulare) and the gang- lion nodosum. Connected with the glossopharyngeus are the gang- lion superior and the ganglion pclrosum. These ganglia are compar- able to the ganglia connected with the dorsal (sensor) roots of the spinal nerves. The axones of the cells in these ganglia enter the oblongata, branch into ascending and descending fibers that ter- minate in the nucleus ala cinerea and the nucleus of the tractus soli- tarius, or trineural fasciculus, respectively. These are the nuclei of termination. The nucleus ala cinerea is the sensor part of the previously men- tioned dorsal nucleus and it receives ascending branches, above- mentioned; these are chiefly vagal so that the bulk of this nucleus belongs to the vagus. 438 THE NERVE SYSTEM The nucleus and Iraclus solitarius form a spindle-shaped column in the dorsal area of the oblongata between the descending root of the trigeminal nerve and the fibers are mainly of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Only a few vagal fibers enter this nucleus and there are reasons to believe that all of the glossopharyngeal fibers terminate here. This nucleus and tract extend from the upper limit of ob- longata into the spinal cord as far as the fourth cervical segment. From the cells of all of these sensor nuclei axones pass to the opposite side of the oblongata, join the lemniscus and pass to the thalamus and ultimately establish a connection with the cerebral cortex. The vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves arise from the oblongata between the olivary and the restiform bodies (superficial origin). They leave the cranial cavity through the jugular foramen. In the jugular foramen the vagus has two ganglia, jugular and nodosum. The nerve passes through the neck in the carotid sheath, passes through the thorax and enters the abdomen. The jugular ganglion gives off branches to the meninges and to the auricle and the external auditory canal. The ganglion nodosum gives off the pharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves. The pharyngeal nerve assists in forming the pharyngeal plexus that supplies most of the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate. The superior laryngeal nerve divides into external and internal branches. The external branch supplies the m. cricothyreoideus. The internal branch sup- plies the mucous membrane of the larynx. In the neck the vagus gives off the cardiac branches, and recurrent laryngeal nerves. The superior and inferior cardiac nerves of the right side join the deep cardiac plexus of the thorax. The left superior cardiac nerve joins the deep cardiac plexus while the left inferior cardiac nerve joins the superficial cardiac plexus. The recurrent laryngeal nerve gives off muscular branches to the trachea and esophagus and then ends in the larynx to supply all of the muscles except the m. crico- thyreoideus. This is the bulbar portion of the accessory nerve. In the thorax the vagus assist in forming the cardiac, pulmonary and coronary plexuses. These are described on page 470. In the abdomen the vagi give branches to the stomach and to the celiac, splenic, renal and hepatic plexuses. The glossopharyngeal nerve arises just behind the vagus. As it passes through the jugular foramen it exhibits two ganglia, the superior and petrous ganglia. The superior gives off no branches. The petrous ganglion gives off the tympanic branch that assists in forming the tympanic plexus that supplies the mucosa of the tym- panum, mastoid cells and auditory tube. It also forms a part of the superficial petrosal nerve. In the neck the glossopharyngeal nerve gives a branch to the m. THE AUDITORY NERVE 439 stylopharyngeus and branches that pass to the mucosa of the pharynx directly and others indirectly (through the pharyngeal plexus). Terminal brandies pass to the tonsil and mucosa of the dorsal one-third of the tongue. Auditory Nerve (Nervus Acusticus). — This nerve comprises really two distinct nerves called cochlear and vestibular divisions of the auditory nerve; these are both connected with special sense, the former hearing, and the latter, the sense of equilibrium, if this term might be used. As in the case with all of the real cerebral sensor nerves there is a ganglion connected with each division comparable to the ganglion on the sensor divisions of the spinal nerves. The fibers of the cochlear division, the real nerve of hearing, arise from the bipolar cells of the ganglion spiralc located in the internal ear. These myelinated axones pass into the ventral surface of the brain stem, in connection with the vestibular division, at the lower (caudal) border of the pons at its junction with the brachium pontis. After a short course the fibers terminate in the ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei. These nuclei lie upon the lateral and ventral aspect of the restiform body, respectively. The fibers arising from the cells of the ventral cochlear nucleus pass transversely through the ventral part of the tegmentum, just dorsal to the pons fibers, and form here the trapezium; here fibers are added from the superior olive of both sides and from the cells of the trapezial nuclei. All of these fibers cross the midline and form the lateral lemniscus that ends in the inferior quadrigeminal and medial geniculate bodies. From these structures new fibers continue to the auditory center in the cortex of the temporal lobe. In the lateral lemniscus are cells constituting the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (a way-station in the auditory pathway). Here some of the lemniscal fibers may end and then new ones replace them. The fibers from the dorsal, or lateral cochlear nucleus have a dif- ferent course. They pass over the restiform body to the floor of the fourth ventricle, where most of them continue superficially as the strim acusticce, to the median sulcus, cross the midline, pass ventrally in an oblique manner and join the lateral lemniscus of the opposite side. Some of the fibers pass to the lemniscal nucleus of the same side from which new fibers join the trapezium and pass to the lemniscus of the opposite side. All of the fibers terminate as those of the ventral nucleus do. The fibers of the vestibular division arise from the bipolar cells of the ganglion vestibnlare that lies in the internal auditory meatus. They enter the brain stem with the cochlear division. Some of the fibers ascending end in the medial vestibular nucleus; others descend- ing end in the spinal vestibular nucleus; still others terminate within 440 THE NERVE SYSTEM the lateral vestibular nucleus [Deiter's) and the remainder pass to the superior nucleus of Beckterew. From these nuclei fibers pass in various directions to the dentate nucleus and nucleus fastigii of the IN f ROOT ^ ft£OL LEM. Fin. 316. — Diagram of the nuclei of termination of the vestibula connections. nd their higher Pic. 317. — Diagram of the nuclei of termination and their higher connections. cerebellum, to the nuclei of the oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminus and abducens nerve, to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex, to the thalamus and to the ventral horns of the spinal cord (cervical portion). THE FACIAL NERVE 441 The lateral lemniscus contains all of the auditory fibers but they reach this tract by different routes as shown above. The auditory nerve is attached to the brain at the inferolateral margin of the pons lateral to the facial nerve. It consists of ves- tibular and cochlear roots. It passes into the internal acoustic meatus. The vestibular root, or nerve communicates with the nervus inter- medius and the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve and sends its three branches to the utriculus and ampulla? of the superior and lateral semicircular canals. The cochlear root, or nerve sends branches to ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal, to the sacculus and the cochlea. The vestibular nerve has the vestibular ganglion and the cochlear nerve the spiral, or cochlear ganglion. The Facial Nerve (Nervus Facialis). — The facial nerve consists of two distinct nerves, the facial proper (motor) and the nervus intermedins (sensor). The nucleus of origin of the motor portion is deeply placed and lies in the ventral part of the tegmental part of the pons well to the side of the midline. It is just above (cephalad of) the boundary between the oblongata and pons. The axones of these cells have a decidedly peculiar course. They pass first dorsally almost to the ventricular surface, then arch over the nucleus of the abducens nerve (toward the midline), then pass ventrally and emerge from the brain stem at the lower border of the pons at the medial side of the auditory nerve. The fibers of the nervus intermedius are both motor and sensor fibers; the sensor portion arises from the unipolar cells of the gen- iculate ganglion in the facial canal. The dendrites, that pass per- ipherally, constitute the chorda tympani nerve (taste) and the central fibers (axones) constitute the intermediate nerve. They enter the brain stem between the facial and auditory nerves and terminate in the upper end of the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius (glossopharyn- geus). The motor fibers are said to arise from the cells in a nucleus near the midline and beneath the ventricular gray substance (nucleus salivatorius) . This is said to extend from the level of the facial nerve to the level of the lower end of the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. These represent excito glandular fibers. The facial nerve arises from the brain at the inferolateral margin of the pons just medial to the auditory nerve. It passes into the internal acoustic meatus with the acoustic nerve, then through the facial canal of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and appears upon the base of the skull through the stylomastoid foramen. It then passes through the parotid gland (branching here) to supply the muscles of the face. The geniculate ganglion is situated upon the facial nerve in the facial canal and gives off the greater superficial petrosal, deep petrosal and externa! superficial petrosal nerves; the deep nerve passes to the sphenopalatine ganglion. 44 -1 THE XERVE SYSTEM In the facial canal the nerve gives off a branch to the m. stapedius and the chorda tympani nerve. The latter passes through the tympanic cavity and petrotympanic fissure to join the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve. In the neck the facial nerve gives branches to the mm. stylohyoideus and digastricus (posterior belly), auricularis posterior and occipitalis and the intrinsic muscles of the auricle. In the parotid gland the facial nerve forms the parotid plexus con- stituting cervicofacial and temporofacial divisions. The cervicofacial Nucleus Salivatori us , Motor part of M Intermedins _ Meryus Intermedius Geniculate Garty/>o" Maxi llary Mei Posterior /luricularh. To Dioastnc^ To Stylohyoid. Fig. 318. — Diagram of the facial and intermediate nerves and their connections. division gives off the following branches: Buccal branches to the m. buccinator and muscles at the angle of the mouth; the marginal, or supramandibidar. branch of the mandible that supplies the mm. orbicularis oris and the quadratus labii inferioris. The cervical, or iniramandibular, branch supplies the m. platysma. The temporofacial division gives off the temporal branches that supply the mm. orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii, frontalis and auricularis anterior and posterior. The zygomatic branches supply the mm. orbicularis oculi and zygomaticus. The Abducens Nerve (Nervus Abdmois). — This is a small motor nerve the fibers of which arise from the cells of the nucleus located under the dorsal part of the tegmental portion of the pons near the midline. The axones pass ventrally and laterally and emerge from THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE 443 the brain stem along the lower border of the pons near the midline (superficial origin). The abducent nerve passes through the middle fossa along the carotid artery and enters the orbital fossa through the superior orbital fissure to supply the m. rectus lateralis. The Trigeminal Nerve {Nerous Trigeminus). — This represents a mixed nerve and is the largest of the cerebral nerves. Its nuclei of origin and termination are the most widely distributed and longest of all the nerves, extending from the midbrain through the pars dorsalis pontis and the oblongata into the spinal cord. The nucleus of origin of the motor portion consists of two parts, a principal nucleus that lies close to the sensor nucleus, though dorsal thereto, near the lateral aspect of the pars dorsalis pontis. The mesencephalic nucleus starts just a little above (cephalad of) the preceding and extends throughout the midbrain and is seen at the extreme lateral limit of the gray substance of the aqueduct. Where it starts it is quite large but the midbrain portion gradually tapers. The fibers arising from these two nuclei pass ventrally and emerge from the brain stem at the junction of the pons and brachium pontis of each side serving, thus, as an arbitrary boundary between these two structures. The greater part of the motor root consists of the axones of the principal nucleus. The two nuclei are connected to each other by collateral fibers. These nuclei receive fibers from the motor area of the cerebral cortex through the opposite pyramid. The sensor portion consists of the axones of the cells in the semi- lunar ganglion (ganglion scmilunare) located upon the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It is larger than the motor root and enters the brain stem where the motor root emerges. In the brain stem the fibers bifurcate, one branch ascending and ending in the main sensor nucleus that lies near the surface of the tegmental part of the pons, ventral to the brachium conjunctivum. This nucleus, like the corresponding motor nucleus, extends into the midbrain, tapering as it ascends. The descending branches form a large tract called the descending root of the trigeminal nerve. The tract lies just lateral to the substantia gelatinosa; at intervals the fibers end around the cells of the substantia gelatinosa and they represent the nucleus of termination of the descending root. This descending root decreases in size as it approaches the spinal cord and ends at the level of the first or second cervical nerve. From these terminal nuclei fibers (arcuata) pass through the raphe to the oppo- site side and proceed upward to the thalamus where new fibers arise and pass to the sensor area of the cerebral cortex. Some fibers pass from the sensor to the motor nucleus thus establishing a simple reflex arc. The trigeminal nerve is attached to the brain at the middle of the 444 THE NERVE SYSTEM lateral border of the pons. It consists of two roots, the larger, sensor and the smaller, motor. As these two roots pass forward and reach the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal hone the sensor root exhibits an enlargement, the semilunar, or Gasserian ganglion. From this ganglion Hirer roots, or nerves, are seen to arise, the ophthal- mic, maxillary and mandibular nerves. The motor root is hidden by the ganglion and it joins the mandibular nerve. The ophthalmic nerve passes through the middle fossa to enter the orbital fossa through the superior orbital fissure It gives rise Trigeminal Gasserian Ophthalmic nerve or 5th nerve ganglion Sphenopa Inf. alveolar nerve Fig. 319. — The trigeminal nerve and its communications with the facial and glosso- pharyngeal nerves. {After Sobotta and Mc&turrich.) The exposed nerves are black, the concealed ones shaded. lo three, main branches. The lacrimal nerve gives branches to the lacrimal gland, the conjunctiva and skin at the lateral commissure of the eyelids. The frontal nerve, through its supratrochlear branch, supplies the skin of the root of the nose, the medial commissure of the eyelids and the medial part of the forehead. Through its larger supraorbital branch it supplies the frontal sinus, the skin of the upper eyelid and of the forehead and scalp to the vertex. The nasoi iliary nerve, in the orbit, gives a branch to the ciliary ganglion, gives off the infratrochlear nerve, that supplies the skin of the root of the nose and the eyelids. In the nose it gives off the lateral and medial nasal branches that supply the mucosa of the lateral wall and septum of the nose. On the face the external nasal branch supplies the skin of the lower half of the tip of the nose. The ciliary ganglion, connected with this division of the trigeminal nerve, is a small reddish ganglion in the orbit. It has three roots; THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE 445 the long, or sensory root, is derived from the nasociliary nerve; the short, or motor root is derived from the oculomotor nerve; the sym- pathetic root is derived from the cavernous plexus of the sympathetic system upon the internal carotid artery. This ganglion gives rise to about fifteen short ciliary nerves that supply the coats of the eyeball and the muscles of the ciliary body and iris. The maxillary nerve, the largest division, leaves the middle fossa of the skull through the foramen rotundum, passes through the pterygopalatine fossa where it gives off a number of branches. The remainder of the nerve enters the orbit as the infraorbital nerve, passes through the infraorbital canal (giving off branches) and appears upon the face through the infraorbital foramen. In the pterygopalatine fossa it gives off the following branches: Two branches to the sphenopalatine ganglion; posterior superior alveolar nerves, for the molar teeth and the neighboring parts of the gum. The zygomatic, or orbital branch, that divides into zygomatico- temporal or temporal nerve (for the skin of the temple) and the zygomaticofai ial, or malar nerve (for the skin over the zygomatic bone) . In the infraorbital canal the infraorbital nerve gives off the middle and anterior superior alveolar nerves that supply the premolar, canine and incisor teeth, the gum and the mucosa of the maxillary sinus. Upon the face the infraorbital nerve gives off the inferior palpebral branches, for the lower eyelid; the external nasal, for the skin of the side of the nose; the superior labial, for cheek and upper lip. The sphenopalatine ganglion is connected with this division of the trigeminal nerve, in the pterygopalatine fossa, by the two spheno- palatine (sensor) roots. The motor root comes from the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve (through the greater superficial petrosal nerve) and the sympathetic root comes from the cavernous plexus (through the deep petrosal nerve). These last two named nerves form the nerve of the pterygoid canal. This ganglion gives off the following branches: Pharyngeal branches, to the mucosa of the roof of the pharynx. The anterior palatine nerves, for the mucous mem- brane of the mucosa of the soft and hard palate and a part of the lateral wall of the nasal fossa. The middle palatine nerve, for the mucosa of the uvula, soft palate and palatal tonsil. The posterior palatine nerve supplies the mucosa of the same region. The posterior superior nasal nerve, for that portion of the lateral wall of the nasal fossa. The nasopalatine nerve, for the mucous membrane of the roof and nasal septum and the hard palate. Orbital branches, to the periosteum of the orbit. The mandibular nerve contains all of the motor fibers and some sensor fibers. These two parts are separate and leave the middle fossa of the skull through the foramen ovale, enter the infratemporal fossa, fuse and divide into anterior and posterior divisions. 446 THE NERVE SYSTEM The branches of the undivided nerve are the spinous, or recurrent nerve, that supplies the dura and a branch to the m. pterygoideus internus. The masticator nerve, or anterior branch, gives off a branch to the m. pterygoideus externus; one, to the m. masseter; two, to the m. temporalis; a buccinator branch (sensor) that supplies the skin and mucosa of the cheek. The Larger posterior branch gives off the following branches: The auriculotemporal nerve (by two roots) that supplies the skin and scalp of the temporal region, the mandibular articulation, the paro- tid gland, the skin of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane. The Lingual nerve is one of the terminal branches of the mandibular nerve. It supplies the mucosa of the apical two-thirds of the tongue, the floor and lateral walls of the mouth and sends a branch to the submaxillary ganglion. It is joined by the chorda tympani and branches from the hypoglossal nerve. The inferior alveolar, or dental nerve, is the larger terminal branch of the mandibular nerve. This gives off the mylohyoid nerve, for the muscle of the same name and the anterior belly of the digastricus. It then enters the mandibular canal, through the mandibular foramen. Here it gives off branches to the molar and premolar teeth and the mental nerve and then terminates in branches for the canine and incisor teeth. The mental nerve leaves the mandibular canal through the mental foramen and supplies the chin and lower lip. The submaxillary ganglion is connected with the lingual nerve. Its motor root is derived from the chorda tympani; its sensor root is derived from the lingual nerve; its sympathetic root is derived from the sympathetic plexus of the external maxillary artery. Its branches are distributed to the submaxillary gland and duct. The otic ganglion is situated near the mandibular nerve as it emerges from the foramen ovale. Its motor root is derived from the nerve to the m. pterygoideus internus; its sensor root is derived from the tympanic plexus (through the smaller superficial petrosal nerve); the sympathetic root is derived from the sympathetic plexus upon the middle meningeal artery. It sends branches to the nerve of the pterygoid canal, the chorda tympani and roots of the auriculotem- poral nerves; its two motor branches supply the mm. tensor veli pala- tini and tensor tympani. The Trochlear Nerve (Nerous Trochlearis). — This is a pure motor nerve that has its nucleus of origin in the midbrain. This nucleus is small and oval and lies in the gray substance of the floor of the aqueduct beneath the inferior quadrigeminal body of each side. It rests upon the median longitudinal fasciculus and lies close to the midline. The axones arising from these cells pass downward (cau- THE OCVLOMOTOR XERVE 447 dally) and laterally along the edge of the aqueduct gray which they follow to the midline; here the nerves decussate at the upper edge of the superior medullar}- velum and emerge at the medial border of the brachia conjunctiva. They are the smallest of the cerebral nerves. These nuclei receive fibers from the motor area of the opposite cerebral cortex through the pyramid. Fibers of the median longitudinal fasciculus also end here. The trochlear nerve arises from the midbrain just behind the cor- pora quadrigemina. It passes to the ventral surface of the brain stem and through the middle fossa of the skull to enter the orbital fossa through the superior orbital fissure. It supplies the m. ob- liquus superior. The Oculomotor Nerve (Nervus Ocidomotorius). — This is also a pure motor nerve and its nucleus of origin is also in the midbrain. Fig. 320. — Xuclei of origin of the motor cerebral nerves (lateral view) The nucleus is quite large, 5 to 6 mm. long and lies in the floor of the aqueduct gray substance under the superior quadrigeminal bodies just ahead of the preceding nucleus; it rests upon the median longitudinal fasciculus. The cells do not form a single mass but are arranged into a number of fairly distinct groups (at least seven) in each nucleus and a common small nucleus in the midline, the central nucleus. Most of the fibers of each nerve arise from the nucleus of the same side and pass ventrally in bundles; when the red nucleus is reached they spread out and pass through it, to be gathered into compact bundles at its ventral limit. These bundles are then collected into a single mass that emerges upon the medial aspect of each cerebral peduncle (intercrural space) in the oculomotor sulcus (the groove between the crusta and tegmentum of the crus). 448 THE NERVE SYSTEM The fibers from the central nucleus, and possibly other nuclei, de- cussate immediately and join the opposite nerve. These fibers are probably those that innervate the medial rectus muscle. The oculomotor nucleus is connected to the occipital cortex (visual area) through the optic radiation; with other cerebral nerves through the median longitudinal fasciculus; with the motor area of the cerebral cortex through the pyramid; with the visual apparatus through fibers from the superior quadrigeminal body. The oculomotor nerve emerges from the ventral surface of the mid- brain in the oculomotor sulcus and passes forward to enter the orbital fossa through the superior orbital fissure. It supplies the mm. recti superior, inferior, medialis, the levator palpebrae and obliquus in- ferior; it also sends a branch to the ciliary ganglion. The Optic Nerve (X err us Opticus). — As previously mentioned this is not considered as a true cerebral nerve and is best considered as the optic tract. This tract comprises the optic nerves and the optic chiasm as the peripheral parts and the pulvinar (of thalamus) the lateral geniculate body, the superior quadrigeminal body and the occipital cortex as the central parts. The optic nerve arises in the retina of the eyeball. The fibers proceed in a peculiar manner. Upon reaching the ventral part of the brain in the region of the thalamus, the fibers from the nasal side of each retina (about two-thirds) cross the midline, decussate, form- ing the optic chiasm and those parts usually called the optic tracts. In addition the caudal side of the chiasm contains added fibers the commissure of Gudden, a group of fibers that connect one medial geniculate body with the other; so far as is known these fibers have no part in the visual pathway but form the so-called medial root of the optic tract. The optic tract after leaving the chiasm bends dorsally around the crus cerebri of each side and divides into a medial and a lateral root. The medial root ends in the medial geniculate body and represents, the commissure of Gudden above mentioned. The lateral root is the real continuation of the visual portion of the chiasm and ends in the lower, or primary optic centers, i.e., the lateral geniculate body, the pulvinar and the superior quadrigeminal body of that side. The first named receives the most of the fibers and the last the least, as it is concerned only with muscle reflexes and not with light, or color perception. From its cells fibers join the optic nerve and end in the retina. The lateral geniculate body and pulvinar of the thalamus are im- portant subcenters for vision. From these centers new fibers arise and pass in a compact bundle toward the occipital cortex (cuueus) where they end around the occipital cells. In addition, fibers pass from these occipital cells and end in the superior quadrigeminal body and pulvinar of the same side. All of these fibers and the caudal part of the internal capsule constitute the optic radiation. THE SPINAL NERVES 449 The superior quad ri gem inal body is connected with the nuclei of the motor nerves of the eyeball by means of fibers that arise from its cells and enter the median longitudinal fasciculus. This body is also connected with the oblongata and the spinal cord through the medial lemniscus. From the optic chiasm the optic nerve may be followed through the optic foramen to the dorsal portion of the eyeball. Its connec- tion with the eyeball is described under that organ. Olfactory Nerve (Nervus Olfactorius). — This is not a single nerve upon each side but about twenty nerves, or fila; these arise from the cells of the nasal mucosa, pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and terminate in the olfactory bulb. The details of the remainder of the tract have been considered under the "Olfactory Pathway." THE SPINAL NERVES The spinal nerves are arranged in pairs of which there are usually thirtv-one. Each nerve consists of two portions, or roots called ventral, or motor and sensor, or dorsal. These nerves pass from the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramina. Within the vertebral canal the roots are distinct and separate, but peripheral to the foramina the roots are united together into a single mass, the nerve proper. These nerves are named according to the vertebra between which they pass. Each nerve passes beneath its correspond- ing vertebra except the first cervical pair that emerges between the occipital bone and the atlas and should really be called the suboc- cipital nerve. Occasionally the thirty-first pair is absent, or two additional pairs may be present. These latter are small and do not emerge from the vertebral canal; they represent rudimentary caudal nerves. The nerves are as follows: Cervical . . 8 pairs. Thoracic. . . 12 pairs. Lumbar 5 pairs. Sacral .... 5 pairs. Coccygeal . . i pair. Each spinal nerve consists of a ventral and a dorsal root. The ventral, or motor root consists of myelinated axones of the cells in the ventral horns of the spinal gray substance. The roots emerge from the ventrolateral region in a linear formation, indicating a segmentation of the cord. The ventral roots are smaller than the dorsal but the individual fibers are larger. These fibers are both somatomotor and visceromotor. Within each intervertebral foramen lies a ganglion connected with each dorsal root. The central end of the root (that which enters 450 THE NERVE SYSTEM the cord) is made up of the myelinated axones of the ganglion cells in these ganglia; the peripheral part of the root (that which joins the motor root to form the nerve proper) consists of the myelinated dendrites of the cells in the ganglia. Each spinal nerve, after the junction of its two roots, is a mixed nerve; a short distance from this junction each nerve divides into a dorsal and a ventral primary division, or ramus, each of which con- sists of motor and sensor fibers. Each dorsal ramus divides into a medial and a lateral trunk. The medial branches, in the upper half of the body contain the cutaneous nerves while the lateral branches contain the muscular nerves; in the lower half of the body the reverse condition prevails. Certain spinal nerves send branches to the sym- pathetic system and these constitute the white rami communicantes. Those spinal nerves that are intended for the appendages are the largest, as the lower cervical and first thoracic for the pectoral appendage and the lower lumbar and upper sacral for the pelvic appendage. These nerves form the great brachial and lumbar plexuses upon each side, for the pectoral and pelvic appendages, respectively. THE DORSAL RAMI OF THE SPINAL NERVES THE CERVICAL NERVES The first cervical, or suboccipital nerve has a rudimentary dorsal root usually. Its dorsal ramus is large. The nerve passes into the neck and gives off muscular branches to the mm. semispinalis capitis, recti capitis posterior major and minor and the obliqui capitis superior and inferior. It sends a communicating branch to the second cervical nerve. The dorsal ramus of the second cervical nerve is larger than its ventral ramus and passes into the neck. It distributes muscular branches to the mm. semispinales capitis and cervicis, the obliquus inferior and the multifidus. It sends communicating branches to help form the dorsal cervical plexus. A large part of this ramus accom- panies the occipital artery as the great occipital nerve which is the chief cutaneous nerve of the back of the scalp. The third cervical nerve is small and its dorsal ramus divides into medial branch that becomes the third occipital nerve and supplies the skin of the scalp and neck. The lateral, or muscular branch, supplies contiguous muscles. The dorsal rami of the rest of the cervical nerves are quite small. Their medial branches are cutaneous for the skin of the back of the neck and their lateral branches supply the surrounding muscles. THE THORACIC REGION Each dorsal ramus divides into medial and lateral branches. The medial branches of the first seven thoracic nerves are chiefly cuta- neous for the scapular region. The lateral branches supply branches THE SPINAL NERVES 45I to the longitudinal muscles of the back. In the lower thoracic region the lateral branches are cutaneous, supplying the skin of the back as low as the buttock. The medial branches, here, supply branches to the longitudinal muscles of the back. THE LUMBAR REGION The dorsal rami of the first, second and third lumbar nerves divide into medial and lateral branches. The medial branches innervate the deep muscles of the back while the lateral branches are chiefly cutaneous and supply the skin of the buttock. The dorsal rami of the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves are chiefly muscular and send branches to the longitudinal muscles of the back. THE SACRAL AND COCCYGEAL REGIONS The dorsal rami of the first, second and third sacral nerves supply the m. multifidus through their medial muscular branches, and the skin of the sacral and adjoining buttock region, through their lateral cutaneous branches. The dorsal rami of the fourth and fifth sacral nerves and that of the coccygeal nerve form the posterior anococcygeal nerve, which is a cutaneous nerve for the skin of the coccyx region. THE VENTRAL RAMI OF THE SPINAL NERVES The ventral rami of the spinal nerves are, with the exception of those of the thoracic region, concerned in the formation of extensive plex- uses. Each usually receives a gray ramus communicans from the sympathetic system and many give off a delicate white ramus com- munis ans to the sympathetic system. Each thoracic nerve passes ventrally between the intercostal muscles, supplying branches to these muscles. At the side of the thorax each gives off a lateral branch that passes to the subcutaneous tissues and branches into ventral and dorsal divisions, for the supply of the skin of the side of the thorax. The remainder of the ventral ramus continues ventrally between the intercostal muscles to the margin of the sternum where it passes to the subcutaneous tissues to be distributed to the skin of the ventral thoracic region. THE CERVICAL PLEXUS (PLEXUS CERVICALIS1 The ventral rami of the first four cervical nerves form the cervical plexus, under cover of the m. sternomastoideus. These nerves form irregular loops with one another and from these loops superficial (cutaneous) ascending and descending and deep ( muscular and com- municating) branches are given off. The Superficial Cutaneous Branches. — Ascending Branches. — The smaller occipital nerve (C. 2, 3) passes toward the occiput and gives 452 THE XERVE SYSTEM off the mastoid, auricular and occipital branches for the skin of the ear and mastoid and occipital regions. The great auricular nerve (C. 2, 3) passes toward the ear and gives off mastoid, auricular and facial branches to the skin of those regions; the facial branch supplies the skin of the cheek and over the masseter muscle and parotid gland. The cutaneous cervical nerve (C. 2, 3) supplies the skin of the anterior triangle of the neck. N.hypoyhssas to m.rectus capitis latcraJi N occipitalis minor it-*^-* Ramus descendens n. hypoqlosii N auncularis maynus N. cutaneus colii N.dorsolii,7°mU"at°r*C/VX'1' SCapulat\ja„Mrnomo, M cutane, medial'! A/n. mtercosfobrachiales (After P. Eisler.) Descending Branches. — The descending roots of the second and third cervical nerves unite to form a single trunk that divides into ventral, middle and dorsal branches. The ventral, or suprasternal branches supply the skin of the neck and upper sternal region. The middle, or suprascapular branches supply the skin of the over the middle third of the clavicle to the nipple. The dorsal, or supra- acromial, branches supply the skin over the lateral third of the clavicle and the deltoid region. THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS 453 The Deep Branches. — These are lateral and medial. The muscular branches of the lateral division are to the mm. sternomastoideus (C. 2), trapezius (C. 3, 4), levator scapulae (C. 3, 4), scaleni medius and posterior (C. 3, 4). The communicating branches are given to the accessory nerve. The medial division gives muscular branches to the prevertebral muscles as follows: mm. rectus capitis lateralis, longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior (C. 1, 2), the mm. intertransversarium, longus colli and longus capitis (C. 2, 3, 4), the m. scalenius anterior (C. 4). The descending cervical nerve is formed by small branches from the second and third cervical nerves. With the descendens or com- municans hypoglossi (derived from the first and second cervical nerves) the descending cervical nerve forms the ansi hypoglossi, which sends branches to the mm. sternohyoideus, sternothyreoideus and omohyoideus. The mm. thyreoihyoideus and geniohyoideus are also supplied by the first and second cervical nerves by a branch that accompanies the hypoglossal nerve. The phrenic nerve (11. phrcnicus) is also derived from the descend- ing branches of the third, fourth (mainly) and fifth cervical nerves. This nerve passes down through the neck and thorax and at the diaphragm supplies this organ with muscular branches. It also gives branches to the pleura, pericardium, inferior vena cava, supra- renal gland and liver. The last two are not direct, however, but through the diaphragmatic sympathetic plexus. The communications of the descending cervical branches are with the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia, the vagal and the hypo- glossal nerves. The communications of the phrenic nerve are with the cervical sympathetics and the celiac and diaphragmatic plexuses. THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS .PLEXUS BRACHIALIS) The brachial plexus is the extensive plexus from which are derived the nerves for the superior extremity. It is formed by the ventral rami of the fifth, sixth, seventh cervical and first thoracic nerves. This plexus lies in the neck and axillary space and gives rise to a large number of branches. The brachial plexus communicates with the cervical sympathetic ganglia. The second thoracic nerve sends a branch, the intercoslohumeral , or intcrcostobrachial nerve, directly to the arm. The primary cords of the plexus are formed as follows: The fifth and sixth nerves form the first cord; the seventh constitutes the. second cord; the eighth cervical and first thoracic nerves form the third cord. At the same time each of the nerves divides into ventral and dorsal trunks. The secondary cords of the plexus are formed as follows: The 454 THE NERVE SYSTEM ventral trunks of the fifth, sixth and seventh nerves form the lateral cord; the ventral trunks of the eighth cervical and first thoracic form the medial cord; the dorsal cord is formed by the union of all of the dorsal trunks of the nerves of the plexus. These cords are lateral, medial and dorsal to the axillary artery and from this rela- tion receive their names. The branches of the brachial plexus are usually described under supraclavicular and infraclavicular branches. The supraclavicular portion (pars supradavicularis) represents the branches given off above the level of the clavicle and these are an- terior and posterior. The Anterior Branches. — Muscular branches to the mm. scalenus anterior and longus colli (C. 5, 6, 7, 8). The communicating branch to the phrenic nerve (C. 5). The nerve to the m. subclavius (C. 5, 6). The posterior branches are as follows: Branches to the mm. scaleni medius and posterior (C. 5, 6, 7, 8). The dorsal, or posterior scapular nerve (n. dorsalis scapula) is distributed to the mm. levator scapula;, rhomboidei major and minor (C 5). The long, or posterior thoracic nerve (n. thoracal is longus) passes through the neck into the axilla to the m. serratus anterior (C. 5, 6, 7)- The suprascapular nerve (n. suprascapularis) passes from the neck to the superior margin of the scapula, through the scapular notch and supplies the mm. supraspinatus and infraspinatus (C. 5, 6). The infraclavicular portion (pars infraclavicularis) is distributed to the shoulder, ventral part of the thorax and the extremity proper. It has ventral and dorsal branches. Some of the* ventral branches are from the lateral cord and some from the medial cord. The dorsal branches are all from the dorsal cord. The Ventral Branches. — The ventral, or anterior thoracic nerves, are lateral and medial and arise from the corresponding cords. The lateral nerve is derived from the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical nerves and the medial nerve from the eighth cervical and first thor- acic nerves. These supply the mm. pectorales major and minor. The musculocutaneous nerve (n. musculocutancus) is derived from the lateral cord (C. 5, 6) and is usually accompanied by the nerve to the m. coracobrachialis (C. 6, 7). This nerve passes through the axilla into the arm (between the biceps and brachialis muscles) to elbow where it continues as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm, • this divides into ventral and dorsal branches. The ventral branch sup- plies the skin of the lateral half of the ventral surface of the forearm to the ball of the thumb. The dorsal branch supplies the skin of the first three-fourths of the lateral half of the dorsal surface of the THE MEDIAN NERVE 455 forearm. The only muscular branches are to the biceps and brachialis muscles. The medial, or internal cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneous antibrachii medialis), is derived from the medial cord of the brachial plexus (C. 8, Th. i). It passes from the axilla into the arm, in the distal part of which it divides into ventral and ulnar branches. The ventral branch supplies the medial half of the ventral surface of the forearm to the wrist. The ulnar branch supplies the first three-fourths of the medial half of the dorsal surface of the forearm. - Fig. 322. — Infracla ■ portion of the brachial plexus after i toralis major and minor muscles. The medial cutaneous, or lesser internal cutaneous nerve of the arm is derived from the median cord of the brachial plexus (Th. i). It supplies the first half of the skin of the medial surface of the arm. The median nerve («. medianus) is derived from the medial (C. 8, Th. i) and lateral (C. 5, 6, 7) cords by two heads. It passes from the axilla through the arm and forearm (between the superficial and deep muscles) to the wrist and enters the palm. [ts first branches are given off in the forearm to the elbow joint. The next branches are muscular for the mm. pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum sublimis. The 456 THE XERVE SYSTEM ventral, or volar interosseous nerve, accompanies the ventral in- terosseous artery and gives off muscular branches to the mm. flexor longus pollicis, pronator quadratus and lateral half of the flexor digi- torum sublimis; it gives branches to the radiocarpal articulation. In the palm the median nerve supplies the skin. In the hand it gives off its terminal branches which are muscular and cutaneous. The muscular branches are for the mm. abductor pollicis brevis, the opponens pollicis and the flexor pollicis brevis. The cutaneous branches are five in number; the first three supply suc- cessively the lateral and medial sides of the thumb and the lateral side of the index finger; the other two branches divide into two each for the adjacent sides of the index and middle and the middle and ring fingers, respectively. The ulnar nerve (nervus ulnaris) is derived from the medial cord of the brachial plexus (C. 8, Th. 1). It passes from the axilla through the arm, behind the medial epicondyle into the forearm where it lies between the superficial and deep muscles of the ulnar side. It accompanies the ulnar artery into the palm and there divides into its terminal branches. Its first branches are in the forearm. The articular branch supplies the elbow joint. The muscular branches are for the mm. flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of the flexor digitorum profundus. It gives off cutaneous branches that extend into the hand. The ventral or palmar cutaneous branch supplies the distal third of the ventral sur- face of the forearm (medial half) and the skin of the hypothenar eminence. The dorsal cutaneous branch supplies the skin of the distal third of the dorsal surface of the forearm (medial half) and the back of the palm and also gives off the dorsal digital branches for the little finger and the adjacent sides of little and ring fingers. In the palm the ulnar nerve supplies the palmaris brevis muscle and divides into a superficial and a deep branch. The superficial branch (cutaneous) divides into two digital branches for the medial side of the little finger and the adjacent sides of the little and ring fingers. The deep branch supplies the mm. flexor brevis and abductor quinti digiti, opponens quinti digiti, interossei, lumbricales (third and fourth), adductor pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis (deep part). The axillary, or circumflex nerve («. axillaris), is derived from the dorsal cord (C. 5, 6). It is large and passes from the axilla, winds around the surgical neck of the humerus and ends by giving branches to the m. deltoideus. It also gives muscular branches to the m. teres minor, articular branches to the shoulder joint and a large cutaneous branch to the skin of the proximal half of the lateral surface of the arm. The radial, or musculospiral nerve (n. radialis), is derived from all of the nerves of the dorsal cord. It leaves the axilla and passes to THE RADIAL NERVE 457 the bend of the elbow along the radial groove on the dorsal surface of the humerus. It divides into superficial and deep terminal branches. In its course through the arm it gives off a number of branches. The muscular branches are distributed to the mm. triceps, Fig. 323- — Ne ; of the left upper extremity. anconeus, brachialis, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and at times the brevis. The posterior cutaneous brachial nerve {the upper internal cutaneous branch of the musculospiral) supplies the skin of the first third of the medial surface of the arm. The dorsal 458 THE NERVE SYSTEM cutaneous nerve of the forearm supplies the skin of the dorsal surface of the arm (last third) and of the first two-thirds of the forearm. The terminal branches are the superficial and deep rami. The superficial ramus, or old radial nerve arises near the elbow, passes along the lateral part of the forearm and in the lower third it passes to the dorsal surface to end in branches that supply the skin of the back of the wrist and some of the fingers. Its digital branches are five in number; the first three supply both sides of the thumb and the radial side of the index finger. The other two branches divide into two each for the contiguous sides of the index and middle and the middle and ring fingers. The deep ramus, or posterior interosseous nerve, supplies the muscles of the forearm and the carpal articulations. The nerve lies between the superficial and deep muscles and supplies the following: mm. carpi radialis brevis, supinator, extensores digitorum communis, digiti quinti proprius, carpi ulnaris, the abductor pollicis longus, extensores pollicis longus and brevis and extensor indicis proprius. The first, or short subscapular nerve in. subscapularis), is derived from the fifth and sixth cervical nerves (dorsal cord) and supplies the subscapularis muscle. The second, or lower subscapular nerve, has the same origin and passes to the teres major and subscapularis muscles. The thoracodorsal, or long subscapular, nerve arises from the sixth and seventh and eighth cervical nerves (dorsal cord). It supplies the latissimus dorsi muscle. THE LUMBOSACRAL PLEXUS (PLEXUS LUMBOSACRALIS) The lumbosacral plexus is formed by the ventral rami of the five lumbar, the five sacral and one coccygeal nerves. It is usually divided into lumbar, sacral and pudendal plexuses. The lumbar plexus is formed by the ventral rami of the first, second, third and a branch of the fourth lumbar nerves. It is formed within the substance of the psoas muscles and also divides into its branches here. The first two nerves divide into superior and inferior branches. The superior branch of the first lumbar nerve divides into the ilio- hypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. The inferior branch of the first and the superior branch of the second nerve form the genitofemoral nerve. The inferior branch of the second, the whole third and the branch of the fourth lumbar nerves divide into smaller ventral and larger dorsal divisions. The ventral divisions form the obturator nerve; the dorsal divisions form the femoral, and lateral, or external cutaneous, or anterior crural nerves. In addition independent muscular branches are given off. The branches are as follows: Muscular branches pass to the m. quadrat us lumborum (L.i, 2,3,4), psoas major (L. 2, 3), psoas minor (L. 1). THE LUMBAR PLEXUS 459 The iliohypogastric nerve (w. iliohypogastrics) passes into the loin along the crest of the ilium into the groin and gives off muscular branches (to the muscles of the abdominal wall) and the lateral and ventral cutaneous branches. These cutaneous branches supply the Lai. cutaneous branch of ilioliypogastric Genitofemoral Ilioinguinal Muscular branches to the Mop, External spermatic nerve** tat. femoral cut. Lumbj-: Tibial ifu:-f long head of bieeps and semitendinosus inter Posterior femoral cutaneous nave Medial infer, cluneal Perineal nerve-rdors. nerve of penis Infer, hemorrhoidal Muse, branches t, Fig. 324- ■ d axcygeui -Lumbosacral pies {.After P. Eisler.) skin of the superolateral part of the buttock and the ventral abdom- inal wall. The ilioinguinal nerve (n. ilutinguinalis) passes along the iliac fossa to the external abdominal ring and supplies branches to the skin of the pubic region, scrotum and root of the penis (or mons veneris and labia majora) and the superomedial portion of the thigh. 460 THE NERVE SYSTEM -lateral Cutaneous M '^rme^a/e CuHuiems ^ 4 Superficial Perorrea! /V— Fig. 325. — Nerves of the ventral part of the right lower extremity, THE SACRAL PLEXUS 461 The genitofemoral nerve (n. genilofemoralis) passes across the iliac fossa and gives off an external spermatic branch that supplies a part of the scrotum and thigh; the remainder passes into the thigh along side of the femoral artery and supplies the skin of the ventral and proximal part of the thigh. The lateral cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneous femoralis lateralis) passes into the thigh and supplies the skin of the ventrolateral and lateral aspects of the thigh and buttocks. The obturator nerve («. obtnratorius) (L. 2, 3, 4) passes into the thigh through the obturator groove. Its ventral, or superficial branch supplies muscular branches to the adductores longus and brevis, the gracilis and occasionally the pectineus; an articular branch to the hip joint; a cutaneous branch to the skin of the medial surface of the thigh (distal two-thirds); a branch to the femoral artery. The dorsal, or deep branches pass into the thigh and give muscular branches to the obturator externus, adductores magnus and brevis; an articular branch to the knee joint. The femoral, or anterior crural, nerve («. femoralis) is a large nerve derived from the second, third and fourth lumbar nerves. It passes through the iliac fossa and into the thigh at the side of the femoral sheath and in the femoral triangle gives off a number of branches. The muscular branches are distributed to the mm. pec- tineus, sartorius, rectus femoris, vasti lateralis, medialis and inter- medins; articular branches to the hip and knee joints; cutaneous branches, the intermediate and medial cutaneous branches, that supply the skin of the ventral part of the thigh to the knee. The saphenous nerve (n. saphenus) is the terminal part of the femoral nerve. It passes into the leg and supplies the medial side of the knee and patellar regions, the medial side of the leg and foot. THE SACRAL PLEXUS (PLEXUS SACRALIS) The sacral plexus is formed by the remainder of the fourth, all of the fifth lumbar and all of the first and part of the second and third sacral nerves. The fourth and fifth lumbar and the first and second sacral nerves divide into ventral and dorsal divisions. The third sacral nerve divides into superior and inferior divisions, the latter forming the pudendal plexus. The ventral divisions of the fourth and fifth lumbar and first, second and the superior part of the third sacral nerves form the tibial nerve. The dorsal divisions form the common peroneal nerve. The branches of distribution are dorsal and ventral. The sciatic nerve is really the tibial and common peroneal nerves with extra nerves for the hamstring muscles. This large nerve passes through the greater sciatic foramen into the buttock and then into the thigh where it divides into the tibial and common peroneal 462 THE NERVE SYSTEM •Super/or GJuteal M Pudendal N Small Sciatic N- %. Common Peroneal N. oneal PlonTar Cutaneous M- Fig. 326. — Nerves of the dorsal part of the right lower extremity. THE PLANTAR NERVES 463 nerves at almost any level. In its course the sciatic nerve gives branches to the mm. biceps, semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the adductor magnus. Collateral branches of the sacral plexus are given off as follows: muscular branches to the mm. quadratus femoris, obturator internus, gemelli superior and inferior, pyriformis, glutei maximus, medius, minimus; articular branches to the hip joint. The tibial, or internal popliteal, nerve (». tibialis) is derived from the fourth and fifth lumbar and first three sacral nerves. It is a part of the sciatic nerve to various levels of the thigh but is usually individual before the popliteal space is reached. It continues through the back of the leg to the back of the ankle and passes into the foot where it divides into medial and lateral plantar nerves. In the popliteal space it gives branches to the knee and proximal tibiofibular joints; muscular branches to the mm. plantaris, gastroc- nemius (both heads) popliteus; the medial cutaneous sural nerve (tibial communicating nerve) is joined by the peroneal anastomotic branch of the common peroneal nerve and these form the sural nerve that accompanies the small saphenous vein and supplies the skin of the lateral and back parts of the calf, ankle and heel and the side of the foot; it also gives branches to the ankle and tarsal joints. In the back of the leg the tibial nerve distributes muscular branches to the mm. tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus; cutaneous branches to the skin of the medial malleolus and the heel and posterior part of the sole of the foot; articular branches to the ankle joint. The medial plantar nerve is the larger of the two terminal branches and accompanies the medial plantar artery. Its collateral branches are muscular to the mm. abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis; cutaneous to the skin of the medial part of the sole of the foot; articular branches to the tarsal and metatarsal joints. The common digital plantar nerves are four in number. The first (medial) supplies the m. flexor hallucis brevis, and the skin of the medial side of the foot and great toe. The second supplies the first lumbricale muscle and then divides into two proper digital nerves for the adjacent sides of the great and second toes. The third and fourth divide into proper digital branches for the skin of the adjacent sides of the second and third and the third and fourth toes. The lateral plantar nerve accompanies the lateral plantar artery. It distributes collateral branches to the quadratus plantae and ab- ductor digiti cjuinti muscles; cutaneous branches to the sides of the foot. Its terminal branches are the superficial and deep rami. The superficial ramus [lateral branch) supplies the flexor digiti quinti 1)K \ is and the two interossei of the fourth space and the skin of the sole and of the lateral surface of the little toe. The medial branch 464 THE NERVE SYSTEM divides into proper digital nerves for the adjacent sides of the little and fourth toes. The deep ramies gives off muscular branches to the interossei muscles (except those of the fourth space) to the adductor hallucis and the three lateral lumbricale muscles; articular branches to the tarsal and metatarsal joints. The common peroneal, or external popliteal nerve (n. peroneus communis), passes through the popliteal space to the back of the head of the fibula. It gives off collateral branches as follows: a mus- cular branch to the short head of the biceps; articular to the knee Fir,. 327. — The plantar joint; two cutaneous branches, the lateral sural branch and the anasto- motic branch. The lateral sural branch arises in the popliteal space and supplies the skin of the lateral surface and back of the leg in the first two-thirds. The peroneal anastomotic nerve (fibular com- municating nerve) joins the corresponding branch of the tibial nerve the distribution of which has been given. The terminal branches of the common peroneal nerve are the following: The tibial recurrent nerve supplies the proximal part of the tibialis anterior muscle, the knee and tibiofibular joints. THE PUDENDAL PLEXUS 465 The deep peroneal, or anterior tibial, nerve (». peroneus profundus) passes to the front of the leg and accompanies the anterior tibial artery to the dorsum of the foot. In the leg it gives off muscular branches to the mm. tibialis anterior, extensores hallucis longus, digitorum longus and peroneus tertius; a branch to the ankle joint. Its terminal branches in the foot are medial and lateral. The medial branch that accompanies the dorsalis pedis artery and supplies the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the skin of the medial side of the great toe and the adjacent sides of the great and second toes, also the adjacent joints. The lateral branch gives off muscular branches to the extensor digitorum brevis muscle, the tarsal and metatarsal joints and branches (sensor probably) to the second and third dorsal interossei. The superficial peroneal, or musculocutaneous nerve is the last branch of the common peroneal nerve and lies between the peroneus longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. It gives collateral muscular branches to the peronei longus and brevis muscles and divides into dorsal medial and intermediate cutaneous nerves. The former ultimately divides into two branches that supply the adjacent sides of the second and third toes. The latter divides into two branches each of which divides into two for the supply of the skin of the adjacent sides of the third and fourth and the fourth and fifth toes. THE PUDENDAL PLEXUS (PLEXUS PUDENDUSl The pudendal plexus is formed by fibers from the first three sacral nerves and by the anterior rami of the fourth and fifth sacral and first coccygeal nerves. It receives gray rami communicantes from the sympathetic system. It gives rise to a number of branches. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (small sciatic nerve) is derived from the first three sacral nerves. It is a cutaneous nerve and its branches are as follows: Perineal branches supply the scrotum and root of the penis, or the labium majus and clitoris and part of the skin of the perineum. The inferior gluteal branches supply the skin of the lower half of the buttock and back of the thigh. The perforating cutaneous nerve supplies the skin of the lower part of the buttock and the medial surface of the nates. The muscular branches pass to the levator ani, coccygeus and ex- ternal sphincter muscles. The nerve to the external sphincter mus- cle also supplies cutaneous branches to the skin of the ischiorectal fossa and the fold of the nates behind the anus. The anococcygeal nerve is derived from a plexus formed by the remainder of the fourth and fifth sacral and coccygeal nerves; it supplies the skin of the coccyx region and that back of the anus. The pudendal, or pudic nerve arises in the pelvis from the second, 466 THE NERVE SYSTEM third and fourth sacral nerves. It passes to the buttock through the greater sacrosciatic foramen and in the ischiorectal fossa divides into its terminal branches. The inferior hemorrhoidal nerve accom- panies the inferior hemorrhoidal artery and gives off muscular branches to the external sphincter ani muscle; cutaneous branches to the skin around the anus; communicating nerves to the surrounding nerves. The perineal nerve consists of superficial and deep portions. The superficial portion is cutaneous and as its lateral and medial divisions supplies the skin of the scrotum, or labium majus. The deep branch gives off muscular branches to the anterior portion of the mm. levator ani, and external sphincter, the transversus perinei (superficialis et profundus), ischiocavernosus (or sphincter vaginas), ischiobulbosus, sphincter urethra; membranaceae. It also supplies the erectile tissue of the bulb and corpus cavernosum and the mucosa of the urethra as far as the glans. The dorsal nerve of the penis, or clitoris accompanies the internal pudendal artery. It passes under the pubic arch and along the dorsum of the penis or clitoris. It sends branches into and around the corpus cavernosum. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE SYSTEM The sympathetic nerve system (systema nervorum sympathicum), although seemingly an independent structure, is intimately con- nected with the cerebrospinal system. Owing to its peculiar ar- rangement and appearance it is called the ganglionatcd cord and ex- tends from the base of the skull to the coccyx. It rearranges and distributes fibers of the cerebrospinal system to the viscera; it trans- mits sensor impulses from the viscera to the cerebrospinal system; it sends motor fibers to vessels and organs through the cerebrospinal nerves. This system consists of a series of central ganglia, collateral ganglia and terminal ganglia. The central ganglia (ganglia trunci sympa- thies) are arranged in pairs on each side of the midline from the base of the skull to the coccyx; they are connected with one another up and down (on the same side only). The fibers are gray in color and constitute the gray rami communicantes; these are connecting and distributor^- in function. Each ganglion consists of a variable number of large, multipolar nerve cells surrounded by a capsule of white fibrous tissue. In addi- tion neuroglia, myelinated and amyelinated nerve fibers are present. Each cell possesses a main process, the axone, that may be associative in function, or may pass to the cerebrospinal system as the gray ramus communicans, or it may pass to the periphery, or to ganglia farther out. The dendrites are usually numerous and serve an associative function in the immediate neighborhood. The white THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE SYSTEM 467 rami communicantes are from two main sections of the spinal cord, the thoracicolumbar (from the second thoracic to the second lumbar nerve levels) and the pelvic, or sacral (from the second to the fourth sacral nerve levels). Both ventral and dorsal roots of the spinal nerves are concerned. The small fibers {white rami communicantes) from the ventral roots of the spinal nerves may end in the central ganglia of that level; they may pass through that ganglion and up or down to another one of the central ganglia; they may pass through the central ganglion and terminate in a collateral ganglion. All of these fibers are the splanchnic efferent fibers. The sensor fibers are the splanchnic afferent*; and the cells lie in the dorsal root. Although in early fetal life there are as many pairs of ganglia as vertebral seg- ments, at birth this condition does not prevail. The central ganglia are ar- ranged as follows: Cervical 3 pairs. s Thoracic 10 to 12 pairs. Lumbar 4 pairs. Sacra! 4 to 5 pairs. Coccygeal a single one. These communicate with one another up and down. Fibers from the spinal nerves that pass to the sympathetic ganglia are wkite and constitute the white rami communicantes. Those from the sympathetic system to the spinal cord are gray and constitute the gray rami communicantes. These are the communicating fibers. I In libers of distribution are chiefly gray and pass from the various sympathetic ganglia to vessels and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, that is, the muscles and epithelium thereof representing both motor and sensor fibers. The collateral ganglia, or ganglionated plexuses are the cardiac, solar and hypogastric plexuses. The terminal ganglia are in the various organs, as in the plexuses of Auerback and Meissner of the gastrointestinal tract. The cervical portion (pars cephalica el cervical is) of the central sys- tem comprises three pairs of ganglia, the superior, middle and in- ferior cervical ganglia. No white rami communicantes are found here. The branches of these ganglia are either central communicating branches for the other nerves, or peripheral branches that pass directly, or through plexuses to the viscera and vessels of the head, neck and thorax. The superior cervical ganglia (ganglia cervicalcs superiores) are the largest; each lies opposite the second and third cervical vertebra?. Each is broad, fiat and spindle-shaped, of a reddish color and repre- sents a fusion of the first four conical ganglia. From its superior (cephalic) end a branch ascends along the internal carotid artery and in the skull its two branches form the internal carotid and cavern- 468 THE NERVE SYSTEM ous plexuses. The carotid plexus communicates with the semilunar (Gasserian) and sphenopalatine ganglia and the abducens and glosso- pharyngeal nerves. The cavernous plexus, in the cavernous sinus, communicates with the oculomotor, trochlear, the ophthalmic divi- sion of the trigeminus and abducens nerves and the ciliary ganglion. Other branches of these plexuses follow the anterior, middle cerebral and ophthalmic arteries. Fig. 328. — Diagram of the sympathetic ganglia and their connections Other branches of the superior cervical ganglion communicate with the middle ganglion, the first four cervical nerves (ventral roots) vagal, glossopharyngeal (forming the pharyngeal plexus), and hypoglossal nerves, while others pass to the larynx, pharynx and heart; the latter form the superficial cardiac nerve, the right one join- ing the deep cardiac plexus and the left the superior cardiac plexus. The middle cervical ganglia {ganglia cervicales mediates) are the smallest and lie in front of the sixth cervical vertebra and represent the fifth and sixth ganglia fused. Each sends branches, gray rami communicantes, to the fifth and THE CENTRAL SVMPATHETHIC GANGLIA 469 sixth cervical nerves and to the subclavian artery. Peripheral branches pass to the thyreoid gland and heart, as the middle cardiac nerve to the deep cardiac plexus. This ganglion may be absent and when this occurs these branches arise direct from the cord in that region. The inferior cervical ganglia {ganglia cervicales inferiores) lie upon a level with the seventh cervical vertebra and are irregular in shape. Each usually represents a fusion of the seventh cervical and the first thoracic ganglia and each sends branches, gray rami, to the seventh and eighth cervical nerves and the subclavian artery; it also gives off the inferior cardiac nerve that joins the deep cardiac plexus. Other branches follow the vertebral artery into the skull and these continue along the cerebral and cerebellar arteries. The thoracic ganglia (pars thoracalis) are ten to twelve pairs in number. They rest against the heads of the ribs, behind the pleura. The first often fuses with the last cervical and the eleventh and twelfth are usually fused. All of the spinal thoracic nerves (except the first) send white rami to these ganglia. Branches from the first five pairs of thoracic ganglia go to the aorta and its branches and from the second, third and fourth others go to the posterior pulmon- ary plexus. From the lower ganglia branches go to the aorta and others form the splanchnic nerves. The great splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus major), on each side, is formed by branches from the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth ganglia and is whitish in color. It passes through the crus of the diaphragm and joins the celiac ganglion of the solar plexus and ultimately the renal and adrenal plexuses. In the thorax branches pass to the aorta and esophagus. The lesser splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus minor) is formed by branches from the ninth and tenth ganglia, passes through the dia- phragm to join the aorticorenal ganglion of the solar plexus. The least splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus imus) is made up of fibers from the eleventh thoracic ganglion, pierces the diaphragm and ends in the renal plexus. The lumbar ganglia are usually four in number upon each side, small and placed near the midline. They receive white rami from the first two lumbar nerves. They send branches to the lumbar nerves and to the abdominal aorta and aortic plexus. The sacral ganglia (pars pclviua) are four or five in number on each side on the front of the sacrum; branches pass to the sacral nerves. Some of the sacral nerves send branches through the gang- lia. Other branches pass to the pelvic plexus and the vessels and pelvic organs, as bladder, rectum, uterus (motor and inhibitor fibers) prostate (secretor fibers) and vasodilatator fibers to the geni- tal organs. 47° THE NERVE SYSTEM In front of the coccyx the two cords join to form a single coccygeal ganglion, or ganglion impar. The cardiac plexus (plexus cardiac us) comprises the superficial and deep portions and lies at the base of the heart. The superficial plexus, under the arch of the aorta, is formed by the left superior cardiac nerve, the left inferior cervical cardiac, a branch from the vagus and some fibers from the deep plexus. The ganglion of Wrisberg may be present. From this plexus branches pass to the left half of the deep plexus and to the anterior coronary and left anterior pulmonary plexuses. The deep portion (plexus cardiacus profundus) is situated in front of the tracheal bifurcation. It is the larger and is formed by the cardiac branches of the cervical ganglia (except left superior) branches of the recurrent laryngeal and vagal nerves. Branches pass to the anterior and posterior coronary plexuses. The left cor- onary plexus sends branches to the left atrium and ventricle and the right coronary plexus to the right atrium and ventricle. Branches also pass to the pulmonary plexuses. The pulmonary plexuses (plexus puhnonaJes) are ventral and dorsal. The ventral plexus on each side lies upon the structures at the ventral part of the root of the lung, which structures it supplies. Each receives fibers from the deep cardiac plexus and the left from the superficial cardiac plexus also. The dorsal plexus lies behind the root of the lung and is formed by branches from the second, third and fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglia, but chiefly branches from the vagal nerve. Branches therefrom pass along the vessels and bronchi. The esophageal plexuses (plexus esophagei) are ventral and dorsal and are formed, chiefly, by the vagal nerves through the pulmonary plexuses; branches from these plexuses pass into the esophagus and pericardium. The lower part of the esophagus also receives fibers from the greater splanchnic nerve. The solar, or celiac plexus (plexus celiacus) is a great network of sympathetic nerves and ganglia situated in front (.ventrad) of the aorta and crura of the diaphragm and behind the pancreas; it is in relation with the celiac axis and superior mesenteric arteries. To this plexus pass all of the splanchnic nerves and branches from the right vagus. From it pass branches to the viscera of the abdomen and along the branches of the aorta. It consists of the celiac plexus and two main ganglionic masses, the celiac ganglia. This plexus is connected with the renal, diaphragmatic, adrenal, aortic and supe- rior mesenteric plexuses and others lower down. The most important ganglia are the celiac; these are the largest THE ABDOMINAL SYMPATHETIC PLEXUSES 47 1 in the body. Each is large and irregular, situated in front of the cms of the diaphragm and consists of a collection of smaller ganglia. The upper end of each receives the great splanchnic nerve while the lower part constitutes the aorticorenal ganglion that receives the lesser splanchnic nerves. The solar plexus gives rise to a number of plexuses. 1. The phrenic plexuses receive branches from the phrenic nerves. The right is the larger and may possess a ganglion. From each branches pass to the diaphragm and (on the right side) to the inferior vena cava and to the suprarenal and hepatic plexuses. 2. The coronary plexus sends branches to the esophagus and along the lesser curvature of the stomach that join branches of the vagus. 3. The splenic plexus, chiefly from the left celiac ganglion, accom- panies the splenic artery to the spleen, likewise giving branches to the pancreas and the greater curvature of the stomach. Branches of the right vagus join the plexus. 4. The hepatic plexus is the largest and receives branches from the left vagal and phrenic nerves. Its branches go to the liver and pyloric portion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, greater curva- ture of the stomach and to the gall-bladder. These branches form plexuses along the arteries and take their names therefrom. 5. The suprarenal plexus, on each side, contains a ganglion at the junction of branches of the celiac ganglion, great splanchnic and phrenic nerves and renal plexus that form this plexus. It sends branches to the adrenal, or suprarenal glands. 6. The superior mesenteric plexus surrounds the superior mesen- teric artery and receives branches from the right vagal nerve, the celiac and aorticorenal ganglia. As it passes into the mesentery it gives rise to subplcxuses that follow the branches of this artery, as the pancreatic, intestinal, iliocolic, right colic and middle colic. It has a ganglion at the root of the artery. 7. The renal plexuses consist of branches of the solar plexus, aorticorenal, adrenal and aortic plexuses and the least splanchnic nerves; branches pass to the kidneys and to the spermatic plexuses. 8. (a) The spermatic plexuses are formed by branches from the renal and aortic plexuses; branches pass to the testes. (b) The ovarian plexuses are formed in the same manner and send branches to the ovaries, oviducts and borders of the uterus. They communicate with the uterine plexus. 9. The aortic plexus is situated upon the front and sides of the abdominal aorta between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. It is made up of branches from the solar plexus and the lumbar sympathetic ganglia. It distributes branches to the sper- matic, inferior mesenteric, suprarenal, renal, and hypogastric plexuses and to the inferior vena cava. 472 THE NERVE SYSTEM The inferior mesenteric plexuses is situated at the root of the infe- rior mesenteric artery where a ganglion is found. It is derived, chiefly, from the left side of the aortic plexus and gives rise to sub- plexuses that follow the branches of the artery, as the left colic and Lefl greater splanchnic r, Left celiac gang/ion Sup mesenteric artery left renal gonolion • Sup mesenteric ganglia Left, x/artery left sympathetic cord In? mesenteric ganctlic Left Com. //lac artery Left com iliac vein Hypogastric plexus Fig. 329. — Abdominal portion of the sympathi tic trunk. sigmoid plexuses that distribute branches to the corresponding parts of the large intestine (descending, iliac, pelvic colons and the upper part of the rectum). The hypogastric plexus is located in front of the promontory of the sacrum and is composed of branches of the aortic plexus (the hypo- THE HYPOGASTRIC PLEXUS 473 gastric nerves) and the lumbar ganglia. Below it divides into right and left pelvic plexuses to supply the pelvic viscera. The pelvic plexuses receive branches from the second, third, and fourth sacral nerves and a few from the first two sacral sympathetic ganglia. Small ganglia are present. Subplexuses follow the branches of the internal iliac artery (hypogastric). The subdivisions are as follows: 1. The vesical plexus contains a large number of spinal nerve fibers and accompanies the branches of the vesical arteries. Its branches pass to the bladder and ureter and, in the male, to the seminal vesicles and vasa deferentia and some branches join the spermatic plexus on the spermatic cord. 2. (a) The prostatic plexus is large and sends branches to the prostate, neck of the bladder, seminal vesicles and penis of the male. In the latter they constitute the small and large cavernous nerves that accompany branches of the internal pudic (pudendal) artery. (b) The uterovaginal plexus sends branches to the uterus along the uterine artery and these join those of the ovarian plexus. The branches to the vagina, vestibule and clitoris contain quite a few spinal nerve fibers. 3. The inferior hemorrhoidal plexus sends branches to the lower part of the rectum and these join the branches from the superior hemorrhoidal plexus. INDEX Abdomen, 293 apertures of, 294 boundaries of, 293 cavities of, 293 lines of, 294 lymphatics of, 260 muscles of, 169 regions of, 294 viscera of, 293 Abdominal aorta, 235 branches, 235 rings, 1 70 Abducens nerve, 442 Acetabulum, 93 Acromion, 73 Air cells, ethmoidal, 57 sinuses, frontal, 71 mastoid, 352 maxillary, 61 sphenoidal, 57 Ala cinerea, 378 Alimentary tract, 282 Alisphenoids, 49, 50 Alveolar process, 62 Amphiarthroses, 10S Ampulla, rectal, 307 semicircular canals, 353 uterine tube, 331 vas, 326 Amygdala, 41 1 Anal canal, 307 columns, 307 valves, 307 Angle of mandible, 16 of scapula, ;i, of sternum, 35 sacrovertebral, 35 subcostal, 41 Ankle joint, [38 Annulus ovalis, 218 Anococcygeal body, 177 Ansa hypoglossi, 433 Antecubital nodes, 25 7 Anterior rami of spinal nerves, 451 Antihelix, 350 Antitragus, 35 Antrum, maxillary, 61 pyloric, 301 tympanic, 312 Anus, 308 Aorta, 225 abdominal, 236 arch of, 225 branches of, 235 great sinus of, 235 thoracic, 235 valves, 225 Aortico-renal plexus, 471 Aperture of larynx, 275 of mouth, 282 pyriform, 69 Apertures of diaphragm, 168 of fourth ventricle, 379, 414 of pelvis, 93 of thorax, 167 Aponeurosis, epicranial, 146 intercostal, 166, 167 palatal, 283 palmar, 1X4 plantar, 206 Apparatus digestorius, 282 lacrimal, 34S respiratory, 271 urinogenital, 316, 324 Appendage, pectoral, 73 pelvic, 89 Appendices epiploica, 305 Appendix of larynx, 276 vermiform, 306 Aqueduct of cerebrum, 3S1 Aqueous chamber, 346 humor, 346 Arachnoid, 362 granulations, 362 villi, 362 Arbor vita; of cerebellum, 408 Arch, alveolar, <•: aortic, 223 arterial of hand, 234 of wrist, 234 carpal, 234 dental, 69 476 Arch, glossopalatal, 292 neural, 24 pharyngopalatal, 292 plantar, 107 Arcuate fibers, external, 409 internal, 409 Arteries, ascending pharyngeal, 228 axillary, 231 brachial. 232 bronchial, 232 of brain, 431 carotid, common, 225 external, 226 internal, 229 celiac, 236 cerebral, anterior, 430 middle, 431 posterior, 4.51 cervical ascending, 230 deep, 231 transverse, 229 ciliary, long, 347 posterior, 347 short, 347 circumflex of humerus, 231, 232 iliac, 239 of thigh, 239 colic left, 237 middle, 236 right, 236 common digital, 234, 240 communicating anterior, 430 peroneal, 241 tibial, 241 coronary of heart, 225 of maxillary, 236 of stomach, 236 costocervical trunk, 231 deferential, 23S. digital of foot, 241 of hand, 234 dorsal lingual, 236 of clitoris, 238 of penis, 238 dorsalis pedis, 240 pollicis, 240 epigastric inferior, 238 superficial, 239 superior, 230 esophageal, 235 external iliac, 238 branches of, 238 maxillary, 226 branches of, 226 facial, 226 Arteries, femoral, 238 circumflex deep, 239 lateral, 239 medial, 239 fibular, 240 frontal, 229 gastric, 236 gastroduodenale, 236 gastroepiploic left, 236 right, 236 gluteal, 237 hemorrhoidal inferior, 238 middle, 238 superior, 237 hepatic, 236 branches of, 236 hypogastric, 237 ileocolic, 236 iliac common, 237 external, 238 internal, 237 iliolumbar, 237 infraorbital, 228 innominate, 225 intercostal, 233 intestinal, 236 labial, 226 lingual, 226 lumbar, 237 malleolar, 241 mammary, 230 maxillary external, 226 internal, 228 median, 233 mediastinal, 235 meningeal, middle, 228 mesenteric inferior, 237 superior, 236 metacarpal, 233 metatarsal, 240 musculophrenic, 230 nasal, 226 obturator, 237 occipital, 226 of eyeball, 347 of peni- ophthalmic, 229 ovarian, 237 palatal ascending, 226 descending, 229 pancreatic, 236 pancreaticoduodenale, 236 perforating of foot, 241 of femoral, 239 of hand, 234 477 Arteries, perforating, of peroneal, 241 pericardial, 235 peroneal, 241 pharyngeal, 227 phrenic, 23s plantar lateral, 241 medial, 241 popliteal, 239 posterior auricular, 227 pudendal, 238, 239 pulmonary, 224 radial, 232 branches, 234 indicis, 233 renal, 237 retinal, 229 sacral, 237 scapular, 230 spermatic, 237 spinal, 431 subclavian, 229 subcostal, 235 sublingual, 226 submaxillary, 226 subscapular, 231 superior thyreoid, 226 supraorbital, 229 suprarenal, 23G temporal, 228 thoracoacromial, 231 thoracodorsal, 231 thyrocervical trunk, 229 thyreoid inferior, 229 superior, 226 tibial anterior, 240 posterior, 240 tonsillar, 226 ulnar, 233 uterine, 238 vaginal, 238 vertebral, 229 vesical inferior, 238 middle, 238 superior, 238 Arthrodia, 109 \rti. ular discs, in processes, 25 Articulations, 108 acromioclavicular, 126 ankle, 138 atlantoepistropheal, 113 atlantooccipital, 114 calcaneocuboid, 139 carpal, 1 26 carpometacarpal, 128 Articulations, costochondral, 11 costotransverse, 117 costovertebral, 116 humeroradial, 123 humeroulnar, 123 interchondral, 119 intermetacarpal, 128 intermetatarsal, 141 interphalangeal, 129, 142 intertarsal, 139 lumbosacral, 113 mandibular, 115 metacarpophalangeal, 128 of elbow, 1 23 of hip, 131 of knee, 134 of pelvis, 129 of pubis, 130 of shoulder, 127 of vertebrae, in radiocarpal, 125 radioulnar, 124 sacrococcygeal, 113 sacroiliac, 129 sternoclavicular, 119 sternocostal, 118 tarsometatarsal, 140 tibiofibular, 137 tibiotarsal, 138 Aryepiglottic folds, 274 Arytenoid cartilages, 224 Association fibers of cerebrum, 416 of oblongata, 400 of spinal cord, 367, 368, 369 Atrioventricular apertures, 217, 220 bundle, 221 Atrium left, 219 right, 217 Attic, tympanic, 351 Auditory area, 392 canal, 350 labyrinth, 353, 354 meatus, 350 nerve, 356 ossicles, 352 tube, 353 Auricle, 217, 219, 350 Axilla, 232 Axis cylinder, 359 Bartholin, glands of, 335 Basal ganglia, 410 Base of brain, 371 of heart, 216 of skull, 70 4?S Basilar groove, 377 Bicipital groove, 77 Bile ducts, 314 Bladder, 319 Blind spot, 345 Blood vascular system, 2IJ Bone or bones, atlas, 26 axi>. 2; calcaneus, 103 cancellous, 19 carpal, S5 clavicle, 73 coccyx, 33 compact, 19 composition, 17 conchal, 58 development of, 21 diaphysis, 27 ear, 352 epiphysis, 27 ethmoid, 56 facial, 60 flat, 23 frontal, 41 haversian canals, 19 systems, 19 hip, 90 humerus, 77 ilium, 90 incus. 352 innominate, 90 irregular, 23 ischium. 92 lacrimal, 58 lacunae, 19 lamellae, 19 long, 23 malleus, 352 mandible, 65 marrow. :o maxilla, 60 metacarpal. 87 metatarsal, 103 nasal, 59 occipital. 4- of foot, 107 of hand, 85 palate, 63 parietal, 43 patella, 97 pelvis, 89 periosteum, 17 phalanges, 87, 106 pubis, 92 radius, 82 Bone or bones, sacrum, 31 scapula, 74 sesamoid, 23 short, 23 sphenoid, 4S stapes, 352 sternum, 35 structure of, 17 tarsus, 103 temporal, 52 thigh, 94 tibia, 9S ulna, 80 vertebrae, 24 Wormian, 23 zygomatic, 64 Brachia conjunctiva, 379, 410 of midbrain, 379 pontis, 377, 409 Brain, 370 base of, 371 circulation of, 430 fissures of, 386 hemispheres of, 386 lobes of, 386 parts of, 371 stem, 374, 393 topography of, 392 ventricles of, 413 weight of, 369 Broad ligament of uterus, 333 Bronchi, 277 Buccae, 2S4 Bulb of corpus spongiosum, 328 of urethra, 328 of vestibule, 335 olfactory, 389, 426 Bursae, 111 Cai Virus scriptorius. 379 Calyces renales, 319 Canal, anal, 308 hypoglossal, 47 inguinal. 175 Canine fossa, 60 Capsule, external, 410 internal, 411 of joints, in of Tenon, 341 Cardia, 300 Carotid body, 340 Cartilage. 109 Caruncula lacrimalis, 348 Cauda equina, 364 Cavernous plexus, 470 479 Cavernous sinus, 432 Cecum, 305 Cells, ethmoidal. 57 mastoid, 352 Cerebellum, 3S1, 40S Cerebrospinal nerve system, 360 Cerebrum, 386, 410 Cerumen, 350 Ceruminous glands, 350 Chambers of eyeball, 346 Cheeks, 284 Chest, 40 Choame, 274 Chordae tendineae, 219 Choroid, 344 plexus, 385 Chromaphyl system, 339 Ciliary body, 344 ganglion, 444 processes, 344 ring, 344 Cingulum, 388 Circular sinus of brain, 430 of eyeball, 347 Circulation, portal, 251 pulmonary, 224 systemic, 250 Circumanal glands, 30S Cisterna eerebellomedullaris, 362 chiasmatis, 362 chyli, 253 interpeduncularis, 362 magna, 362 subarachnoideales, 362 Claustrum, 410 Clava, 37 1 Clinoid processes, 48 Clitoris, 336 Coccygeal ganglion, 470 gland, 340 Cochlea, 354 Cochlear duct, 355 Colliculi, 380 ( lolon, 306 ascending, 306 descending, 306 lie'. II res of, 306 pelvic. 306 sigmoid, 307 transverse, 306 Columnae 1 arneae, 210 Columns of Bertin, 317 of rectum. 307 of spinal cord, ; 16 Comma tract, 309 Commissure, anterior, 410, 42S gray, 364 hippocampal, 416 of Gudden, 448 posterior, 33s white, 366 Cones, retinal, 345 Confluens sinuum, 461, 432 Conjunctiva, 348 Conus arteriosus, 218 medullaris, 362 Coracoid process, 76 Cord, ganglionated, 466 Cords of brachial plexus, 453 Cornea, 343 Cornicula laryngis, 275 Corona dentis, 286 glandis, 329 radiata, 415 Coronal suture, 70 Coronoid fossa, 79 process, 66, 80 Corpora albicantia, 383, 428 quadrigemina, 380 Corpus adiposum buccae, 284 callosum, 390, 416 cavernosum, 328 geniculatum, 379, 384 spongiosum, 328 striatum, 411 Cortex, cerebral, 410 Corti, organ of, 356 spiral ganglion of, 354 Cortical localization, 391 Corticifugal projection libers, 415 Costal cartilages, 39 Cowper's glands, 328 Cranial fossa-, 71 Craniocerebral topography, 392 Cricoid cartilage, 274 Crura ci rebri, 379, 405 Crusta, 403 Crystalline lens, 346 Cuneale fasciculus, 319 nucleu Cuneiform cartilages, 275 Cuneus, 388, 392 Cupola of cochlea, 354 Dartos fascia. 325 Decussation, brachia conjunctiva, 4o£ fountain, 407 lemnisci, 397 motor, 375, 39s optic, 284 480 Decussation, sensor, 397 Deiter's nucleus, 440 Dendrites, 359 Dens, 27 Dental arches, 287 Dentate gyre, 427 nucleus, 408 Diaphragm sella;, 361 urinogenitale, 176 Diarthroses, 109 Digastric fossa, 66 Digestive system, 282 Dorsum sellae, 4S Ductless glands, 338 Ductus endolymphaticus, 355 Duodenum, 302 Dura mater, 361 Ear, external, 350 internal, 353 middle, 350 Ejaculatory duct, 327 Enarthrodial joints, 109 Encephalon, 370 Endolymph, 354 Ependyma, 415 Epididymis, 325 Epigastrium, 295 Epiglottic cartilage, 274 Epiglottis, 274 Epiphyseal line, 21 Epiphysis, 27, 385 Epithalamus, 386 Epitympanic recess, 352 Eruption of teeth, 2S5 Esophagus, 293 External auditory canal, 350 meatus, 350 genitalia, 334 Eyeball, 341 Eyelids, 347 Face, 71 Facial bones, 60 Falx cerebelli, 361 cerebri, 361 Fasciculus, or fasciculi, anterior pro- prius, 367 anterolateral superficial, 367 cerebropontile, 401 cerebrospinal, 366, 36S cervicolumbalis, 369 cuneatus, 369 gracilis, 368 interfascicularis, 369 lateralis proprius, 368 Fasciculus, or fasciculi, longitudinalis medialis, 400, 40S olivospinal, 367 posterior proprius, 369 posterolateralis, 369 pyramidal, 416 retroflexus, 3S6 rubrospinal, 36S septomarginal, 369 solitarius, 400 spinocerebellar, 367, 368 spinotectal, 36S spinothalamic, 367, 368 striatothalamic, 412 tectospinal, 366, 368, 400 vestibulospinal, 367 Fauces, 292 Female reproductive organs, 330 Femoral canal, 195 ring, 195 Fenestra cochlea;, 351 vestibularis, 351 Fibers, arcuate, external, 39S, 409 internal, 409, 410 association, 416 commissural, 4r6 corticostriate, 413 corticothalamic, 413 projection, 415 thalamocortical, 4r2 Fibrocartilage, 109 Filiform papillae, 28S Filtration angle, 346 Filum terminale, 363 Fimbria of uterine tube, 331 Fissure or fissures, calcarine, 388 central, 386 cingular, 3SS circular, 386 collateral, 388 frontal, 3S8 » hippocampal, 3S8 lateral, 3S6 longitudinal, 386 occipital, 3SS of cerebellum, 3S3 of cerebrum, 386 of liver, 311 of lung, 280 of oblongata, 375 of spinal cord, 364 orbital, 51, 6S, 388 palpebral, 347 parietal, 388 portal, 311 48 1 Fissure or fissures, sphenoidal, 5 i . 68 sylvian, 386 temporal, 388 Flexures, cervical, 35 lumbar, 35 of colon, 300 of rectum, 307 of sacrum, 35 of vertebral column, 34 thoracic, 35 Folds, peritoneal, 296 Fontanelles, 70 Foot, arteries of, 139 bones of, 103 muscles of, 207 Foramen or foramina, alveolaria, 61 cecum, 43, 287 condyloid, 70 epiploic, 296 incisive, 62 infraorbital, 61 interventricular, 413 intervertebral, 34 jugular, 71 lacerum, 70, 71 magnum, 48, 70 mastoid, 70 mental, 65 obturator, 93 of Luschka, 414 of Magendie, 379, 414 optic, 68 ovale, 70 rotundum, 71 spinosum, 70 stylomastoid, 70 supraorbital, 42 vena cava?, 168 vertebral, 25 Winslowi, 296 Formatio reticularis, 398 Fornix, 390, 429 Fossa, or fossx, anterior, 71 canine, 60 condyloid, 47 coronoid, 80 cranial, 71 digastric, 66 digital, 323 for gall-bladder, 311 glenoid, 76 iliac, 96 incisor, 6o, 63 infraspinous, 74 infratemporal, 69, 70 3i Fossa or fossa?, interpeduncular, 379 ischiorectal, 174 jugular, 55 lacrimal, 43, 68 middle, 71 nasal, 99, 271 orbital, 38, 341 ovarian, 330 popliteal, 239 pterygoid, 51, 70 pterygopalatine. 51, 70 radial, 80 scaphoid, 70 submaxillary, 66 supraspinous, 74 supratonsillar, 292 temporal, 69 trochanteric, 94 Fourchette, 335 Fourth ventricle, 378, 414 Fovea centralis, 345 Frenulum linguae, 288 labii, 284 preputii, 329 Frontal tuberosity, 42 Fundus of stomach, 301 of uterus, 332 Fungiform papillae, 288 Galea aponeurotica, r46 Gall ducts, 314 Gall-bladder, 313 Ganglion or ganglia, aorticorenal, 471 basal, 410 cardiac, 470 celiac, 470 cervical, 467 ciliary, 444 coccygeal, 470 cochlear, 438 Gasserian, 443 geniculate, 441 habenulx', 386, 429 interpedunculare 386 jugular, 438 lumbar, 469 nodosum, 438 of Corti, 438 otic, 446 petrous, 438 sacral, 469 semilunar, 443 sphenopalatine, 445 spinal, 449 submaxillary, 446 48 2 in Ganglion or ganglia, sympathetic, 466, 467 _ thoracic, 469 vestibular, 438 Ganglionated cord, 400 Geniculate bodies, 379, 384 ganglion, 441 Genu of corpus callosum, 390 of facial nerve, 441 of internal capsule, 412 Giacomini, 427, 428 Gingiva;, 284 Ginglymus, 109 Girdle, pectoral, 73 pelvic, 89 Glabella, 42 Glans clitoris, 336 penis, 329 Globus pallidus, 44 Glomus caroticum, 340 Glossopalatal arch, 292 Glottis, 276 Goll, tract of, 36S Gowers' tract, 367 Gracilis, funiculus, 368 nucleus, 397 Gums, 2S4 Gustatory, 392 Habenula, ganglion of, 386 Hair cells, auditory, 356 Hard palate, 284 Haversian canals, 19 systems, 19 Heart, 215 outline of, 222 Helicotrcma, 354 Helix, 350 Hemispheres, cerebellar, 381 cerebral, 386 Hilus of kidney, 317 of lungs, 278 of nucleus dentatus, 408 olivarius, 400 of spleen, 269 suprarenal gland, 339 Hip joint, 131 Hippocampal fissure, 3S8 Hippocampus, 391, 427, 429 Humor, aqueous, 346 vitreous, 346 Hyalin cartilage, 109 Hymen, 335 IIvpoi hondrium, 295 Hypogastrium, 295 Hypophysis, 383 Hypothalamus, 3S4 Ileocecal valve, 305 Ileopectineal eminence, 92 line, 92 Ileum, 304 Iliac crest, 90 spines, 90 Impression, cardiac, 309 colic, 310 gastric, 269 hepatic, 269 renal, 310 splenic, 269 Incisura angularis, 301 cardiaca, 278 Indusium, 427 Inframammary region, 213 Inguinal canal, 173 ligament, 170 ring, 170 Insula, 388 Intercondylic fossa, 96 Intercostal aponeuroses, 166, 167 Internal capsule, 411 Interosseous membrane, 124, 137 Interpleural space, 213 Interscapular region, 313 Intertubercular plane, 294 Interventricular foramen, 413 grooves, 217 Intervertebral cartilages, in Intestine, large, 305 small, 302 Intumescentia cervicalis, 362 lumbalis, 362 Ins. 345 Island of Reil, 3S8 Isthmus of fauces, 292 of pharynx, 292 of uterine tube, 331 Iter, 3S1 Jaw, mandible, 65 maxilla, 60 Jejunum, 305 Joints, 108 Jugular foramen, 7c process, 47 Kidneys, 316 Kronlein's methods, 392 Labia majora, 335 minora, 335 Labia oris, 2S2 Labrum glenoidale, 122 Labyrinth ethmoidal, 57 membranous, 354 osseous, 353 Lacrimal apparatus, 348 duct, 340 fossa, 42, 68 gland, ,us Lamina terminalis, 384 Larynx, 272 interior of, 274 Lateral or transverse sinus, 432 of fourth ventricle, 414 of pharynx, 292 ventricles, 391, 413 Lemniscus, lateral, 403 medial, 307, 308, 406, 4rg Lens, crystalline, 346, 423 Lenticular nucleus, 411 Ligaments, 109 peritoneal folds, 296 Line or lines, aspera, 95 intertubercular, 294 lateral sternal, 211 midaxillary, 211 midclavicular, 211 midsternal, 211 midvertebral, 211 mylohyoid, 66 of abdomen, 294 of thorax, 211 parasternal, 21 r Poupart, 294 scapular, 211 subcostal, 294 transpyloric, 294 Lips, 283 Lobe or lobes, caudate, 311 central, 388 cerebellar, 3S1, 382 cerebral, 388 frontal, 388 oi cipital, 3S8 of liver, 311 of lungs, 279 olfactory, 38S parietal, 388 temporal, 388 Locus cceruleus, 378 Lumbar plexus, 458 regions, 295 Lungs, 277 outline of, 281 Lymph, 253 Lymph nodes, 253 aortic, 261 axillary, 257 cervii al, 256 fai ial, 255 gastric, 263 hypogastric, 261 inguinal, 259 lingual, 250 lumbar, 261 mesenteric, 262, 264 occipital, 234 of abdomen, 260 of head and neck, 254 of liver, 264 of lower extremity, 259 of neck, 256 of thorax, 265 of upper extremity, 257 parotid, 254 popliteal, 259 subclavian, 259 submaxillary, 256 suprapancreatic, 262 tracheobronchial, 267 trunks, 254 vascular system, 252 Macula acustica, 355 lutea, 343 Malleolus, 100, 102 Mammary gland, 366 Mammillary bodies, 383, 428 Marrow, 20 Marshall, fold of, 221 Mastoid cells, 352 Maxillary sinus, 61 Meatus, acoustic, 350 of nose, inferior, 271 middle, 271 superior, 271 Median longitudinal bundle, 400, Mediastinum, 213 Membrana tympani, 352 Membranes of brain, 361 of Reissner, 356 Membranous labyrinth, 354 Meninges, .i'11 Mesem ephalon, 378 Mesentery, 296 Metathalamus, 384 Midbrain. 378 Middle ear, 351 Mitral valve, 220 Moderator band, 218 484 Modiolus, 354 Mons veneris. 335 Motor area, 3gi decussation, 305 pathway, direct, 416 indirect, 418 Mouth, 282 Muscles, 140 movements of, 145 of abdomen, 169 of arm, 181 of back, 160 of buttock, iog of cervical region, 153, 159 of ear, 146, 352 of eyeball, 341, 149 of foot, 207 of forearm and hand, 1S3 dorsal, 190 ventral, 184 of infrahyoid region, 154 of larynx, 276 of leg, dorsal, 205 lateral, 205 ventral, 203 of little finger, 189 of mastication, I5r of nasal region, 148 of neck, 153, 159 of oral region, 148 of orbital region, 149, 341 of pectoral region, 177 of pelvis, 174 of perineum, 1 74 of pharynx and palate, 157 of scalp, 146 of shoulder region, 179 of suprahyoid region, 165 of thigh, dorsal, 201 medial, 197 ventral, 195 • of thorax, 166 of thumb, 188 of tongue, 156, 288 structure of, 143 tissue, 143 Myocardium, 220 Myology, 143 Nasal aperture, 271 cavity, 271 fossa, 271 Nasal cavity, 271 Nasolacrimal duct, 349 Nerve or nerves, abducens, 442 Nerve or nerves, accessory, 435 acustic, 439 alveolar, 445, 446 anococcygeal, 465 ansa hypoglossi, 453 auricular, 452 auriculotemporal, 446 axillary, 456 cardiac, 468, 438 cerebral, 433 cervical, 450 chorda tympani, 441 circumflex, 456 coccygeal, 45 r cochlear, 439 common peroneal, 464 deep peroneal, 465 descendens hypoglossi, 453 digital of foot, 463 of hand, 435 encephalic, 433 facial, 441 femoral, 461 frontal, 444 genitofemoral, 466 glossopharyngeal, 436 gluteal, 465 hypoglossal, 434 iliohypogastric, 459 ilioinguinal, 459 inferior maxillary, 445 infraorbital, 445 intercostobrachial, 453 intermedius, 441 laryngeal, internal, 438 external, 438 recurrent, 438 superior, 438 lingual, 446 lumbar, 451 mandibular, 445 masticatory, 446 maxillary, 445 mental, 446 musculocutaneous, 434 musculospiral, 456 nasociliary, 444 nasopalatine, 445 obturator, 460 occipital, 450 oculomotor, 447 olfactory, 449 ophthalmic,' 444 optic, 447 palatine, 445 Nerve or nerves, perineal, 465, 466 peroneal common, 41. 4 deep, 465 superficial, 465 petrosal, 441 pharyngeal, 438 phrenic, 453 plantar, 463 popliteal external, 464 internal, 463 pudendal, 465 pulmonary, 470 radial, 456 sacral, 451 saphenous, 451 scapular, 454 sciatic, 461 spinal, 449 dorsal rami of, 450 ganglion of, 440 ventral rami of, 451 splanchnic, 469 superficial peroneal, 465 superior maxillary, 445 supraorbital, 444 sural, 464 sympathetic, 466 thoracic, 450 thoracodorsal, 437 tibial, 463, 465 recurrent, 464 trigeminal, 443 trochlear, 446 ulnar, 456 vagal, 436 vestibular, 439 zygomatic, 445 zygomaticofacial, 445 zygomaticotemporal, 445 Nerve cells, 35S fibers, 359 system, 358 peripheral, 433 Neurilemma, 359 Neuroglia, 359 Neuron, 358 Nipple, 337 Nucleus or nuclei, ambiguus, 400 amygdala-, 411 caudate, 411 cochlear, 439 cuneus, 397 dentate, 408 dorsalis, 465 emboliform, 408 Nucleus or nuclei, fastigii, 408 globosus, 408 gracilis, 397 hypoglossal, 434 insertus, 402 intercallatus, 402 laryngeal (nidus), 433 lateral of thalamus, 431 lenticular, 411 medial of thalamus, 413 of abducens nerve, 402 of accessory nerve, 440 of Bechterevv, 440 of Clarke, 365 of Deiter, 440 of facial nerve, 403, 439 of funiculus solitarius, 400 of glossopharyngeal nerve, 436 of lateral lemniscus, 405 of median longitudinal bundle, 408 of mesencephalon, 408 of oculomotor nerve, 406, 447 of tegmentum, 406 of thalamus, 413 of tractus solitarius, 400 of trapezoid body, 403 of trigeminal nerve, 443 olivary, 400 pontis, 400 red, 406 thoracalis, 365 trochlear, 406, 446 vagal, 436, 437 vestibular, 402, 439 Nymphse, 335 Oblongata, 374, 395 Olecranon, 80 Olfactory area, 392 bulb, 389, 426 lobe, 389 mucosa, 271 stria.', 426, 429 tract, 389, 426 Olivary nucleus, 400 Olive, 375, 400 Omental bursa, 297 tuberosity, 310 Omentum, 296 Opercula insula?, 388 Optic axis, 343 chiasm, 383, 448 commissure, 44S foramen, 68 nerve, 340, 448 486 Optic radiation, 448 thalami, 385 tract. 448 Ora serrata, 345 Oral cavity, 284 Orbit, 68, 341 Organ of Corti, 356 Ossicles, auditory, 352 Ossification of bone, 21 Otic ganglion, 446 Ovary, 330 Oviduct, 331 Palatal aponeurosis, 285 Palate, 284 Palpebral, 347 Pampiniform plexus, 325 Pancreas, 314 Papillae, lingual, 287 Parametrium, 3^3 Parasympathetics, 340 Paratliyreoid bodies, 338 Parotid gland, 289 Pathway, auditory, 423 gustatory, 421 motor, direct, 416 indirect, 418 muscle sense, 424 olfactory, 426 optic, 420 reflex, 419 respiration, 425 sensor, 419 touch and pressure, 424 Peduncles of cerebellum, 383, 408 of cerebrum, 370, 405 Pelvic cavity, 294 Pelvis, 93 Penis, 328 Perforated substance, 427 Pericardium, 221 Perichondrium, 109 Perilymph, 354 Perimysium, 143 Perineurium, 360 Periosteum, 18 Peritoneal cavity, 296 Peritoneum, 296 Perivascular lymph spaces, 252 Permanent teeth, 285 Pharynx, 290 Philtrum, 283 Pia, 362 Pillars of fornix, 390 Pineal body, 3S5 Plantar arch, 241 Pleura1, 279 Pleural cavity, 279 outline, 279 Plexus or plexuses, aortic, 471 brachial, 453 cardiac, 470 carotid, 470 cavernous, 470 celiac, 470 cervical, 451 choroidal, 385 coronary, 471 esophageal, 470 hemorrhoidal, 473 hepatic, 471 hypogastric, 472 lumbar, 458 mesenteric, 471 ovarian. 471 pampiniform, 325 pelvic, 473 pharyngeal, 438 phrenic, 471, 472 prostatic, 473 pudendal, 465 pulmonary, 470 renal, 471 sacral, 470 sigmoid, 472 splenic, 471 suprarenal, 471 uterine, 473 vaginal, 473 vesical, 473 Plica or plicae, circulares, 302 fimbriata, 288 glossocpiglottic, 2S8 palmate, 322 salpingopalatal, 292 salpingopharyngeal, 292 sublingual, 2S5 umbilical, 322 ureteric, 322 ventricularis, 275 vocalis, 275 Pons (varolii), 377, 400 Portal circulation, 25 j Posterior chamber, 346 commissure, 335 Prepuce, 329 Pudendum, 334 Pulmonary circulation, 224 Pulvinar, 384 Puncta lacrimalia, 348 487 Puncta maxima, 222 Pupil, 345 Putamen, 41 1 Pyloric antrum. 301 I\ lorus, 300 Pyramidal colls, 416 Pyramids, 375, 395, 401 Pyriform aperture, 60 QUADRIGEMINAL bodies, 380, 405 Radiation, auditory, 412 of corpus striatum, 412 optic. 448 Rami communicantes, gray, 466 white, 467 Raphe of oblongata, 398 of palate. 284 of pons, 402 of scrotum, 384 Recess, epitympanic, 351 lateral of fourth ventricle, 414 of infundibulum, 413 of pharynx, 292 optic. 413 pineal, 413 Rectal ampulla, 307 valves, 307 Rectum, 307 Red marrow, 20 Refracting media of the eyeball, 346 Regions of abdomen, 294 of thorax, 21 2 Respiratory system, 271 Restiform body, 377, 408 Retina, 345 Ring, inguinal, 170 Saccule, 354 Sclera, 344 Scrotum, 324 Sella turcica, 48 Semicircular canais, bony, 353 membranous, 355 Semilunar ganglion, 443 Seminal vesicles, 326 Sensor area of brain, 391 decussation, 397 pathway, 419 Septomarginal tract, 369 Septum lucidum, 391, 428 Sigmoid colon, 307 mesocolon, 307 Sinus cavernosus, 432 circular, 432 Sinus coronary, 218 frontal, 71 great oblique, 221 transverse, 221 intercavernous, 432 lateral, 432 longitudinal, 432 maxillary, 61 of cranium, 432 of dura, 432 petrosal, inferior, 432 superior, 432 phrenicocostal, 270 rectal, 308 sagittal, inferior, 432 superior, 432 sphenoidal, 71 sphenoparietal, 432 squamopetrosal, 432 straight, 432 transverse, 432 Skeleton, appendicular, 17 axial, 17 Skull, 41 as a whole, 67 Sounds of the heart, 222 Space, axillary, 232 interpleural, 213 mediastinal, 213 subarachnoid, 362 subdural, 362 Spaces, lymph, 232 of Fontana, 347 Spermatic cord, 325 Spinal canal, 415 cord, 362 ganglia, 449 nerves, 449 Splanchnic nerves, 469 Spleen, 268 Splenium of corpus callosum, 416 Spongy bone, 19 Sternal angle, 35 Stomach, 300 bed, 300 chamber, 300 Stria? mcdulares, 378, 423 Subarachnoid space, 362 Subcostal angle, 41 Subdural space, 362 Sublingual gland, 290 Submaxillary ganglion, 446 gland, ?qo Substantia ferruginea, 378 gelatinosa, 366, 397 Substantia nigra, 405 Sulci. See Fissures. Suprarenal gland, 339 Supratonsillar fossa, 292 Sutures, 108 Sympathetic nerve system, 466 Symphysis of mandible, 65 pubis, 93 Synarthrosis, 108 Synchondrosis, 108 Syndesmology, 10S Synovial bursae, 1 1 1 membrane, 1 1 1 Systemic circulation, 250 Tarsus, 103 Taste buds, 287 Teeth, 285 Tegmentum of pons, 377, 406 Tela choroidea, 400 Temporal fossa, 69 Temporopontile tract, 412 Tentorium cerebelli, 361 Testes, 324 Thalamocortical fibers. 412 Thalamostriate fibers, 412 Thalamus, 385, 412 Thebesius, foramina of, 218 Third ventricle, 413 Thoracic duct, 252 Thorax. 42 boundaries of, 42 lines of. 211 Thymus gland, 270 Thyreoid cartilage, 273 gland, 338 Tongue, 287 Tonsil, lingual, 288 palatal, 292 pharyngeal, 292 Trachea, 276 Tract. See Fasciculus. olfactory, 389, 426 optic, 418 Tragus, 350 Transpyloric line, 295 Trapezium, 403 Trigonum habenuhe, 386 hypoglossi, 378 olfactory, 426 vagi, 378 vesicae, 322 Trochanter, 94 Trunks of brachial plexus, 453 Tube, auditory, 353 Tube, uterine, 331 Tuber cinereum. 383 omentale, 310 Tunnel of Corti, 356 Tympanic antrum, 352 atrium, 351 attic, 351 cavity, 351 membrane, 352 ossicles, 352 Tympanum, 352 Umbo membranae, 352 Uncus, 427 Urachus, 322 Ureter, 319 Urethra, crest of, 323 female, 323 male, 323 Urinary bladder, 319 Uterine tube, 331 Uterus, 332 Utricle, 354 Uvula cerebelli, 383 palatina, 285 vesicae, 322 Vagina, 334 Vallate papillce, 288 Vallecula, 228 Valves aortic, 229 bicuspid, 220 colic, 305 pulmonary, 224 pyloric, 302 rectal, 307 sinus coronarii, 218 tricuspid, 217 Valvula, 404 Vas deferens, 326 Vascular system, 211 Vein, or veins, azygos, 249 cardiac, 221 cava, inferior, 247 superior, 245 internal jugular, 242 of abdomen, 247 of brain, 431 of extremities, lower, 245 upper, 24.5 of head, 243 of spinal cord, 432 portal, 251 pulmonary, '248 Velum interpositum, 385 489 Ventrii les, cerebral, 413 fourth, 378, 413 lateral, 391, 413 of heart, 218, 220 of larynx, 275 third, 3S6, 413 Vertebra, 24 cervical, 25 coccygeal, 33 lumbar, 29 prominens, 28 sacral, 31 thoracic, 28 Vertebral column, 24 as a whole. 34 curves of, 34 Vestibular ganglion, j (8 Vestibule, aortic, 220 bulb of, 335 Vestibule, of labyrinth, 353 of larynx, 275 of mouth, 283 of nose, 271 of vagina, 335 Vibrissas, 271 Villi arachnoideale, 362 of intestine, 304 Visual area, 392 axis, 343 Vitreous body, 346 Vocal cords, 275 Vulva, 334 Willis, circle of, 430 Womb, 332 Wrist, 85 Xyphoid process, 36 SAUNDERS' BOOKS Skin, Genito- Urinary, Chemistry, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, and Dental W. 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A large number represent the best work of Mr. H. F. Aitken. Coolidg'e on Nose and Throat Manual of Diseases of the Nose and Throat. By Algernon Cool- Idge, M. D., Professor of Laryngology, Harvard Medical School. Octavo of 360 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 net. This new book furnishes the student and practitioner a guide and ready reference to the important details of examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Established facts are empha- sized and unproved statements avoided. Anatomy and physiology of the different regions are included. Frank Allport, M. D. Professor of Otology, Northwestern University, Chicago. " I regard it as one of the best books in the English language on this subject. The pictures are especially good, particularly as they are practically all original and not th-; old reproduced pictures so frequently seen." DISEASES OF THE EYE, DeSchweinitz's Diseases of the Eye Just Out— New 8th) Edition Diseases of the Eye: A Handbook of Ophthalmic Practice. By G. 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D., Instructor in the Laboratories of Clinical Medicine, Tulane Medical College. Octavo of 168 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $2.50 net. Drs. Bass and Johns present their subject from the viewpoint of infection by the Endamceba buccalis. You get a full account of the Endamceba buccalis, the history of disease, the morbid processes, contagiousness, symptomatology, how to make your diagnosis from the history and microscopic examination, prophy- laxis, and the exact technic for using emetin hydrochlorid. You get the action of emetin upon the Endamceba, you get the exact dosage, you get the interval between doses, the local effect, the urticaria produced, the tecknic of injection. University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin "Upon reading through the contents of this book we are impressed by tne remarkable fulness with which it reflects the notable contributions recently made to ophthalmic literature. No important subject within its province has been neglected." SAUNDERS' BOOKS ON GET J* * THE NEW THE BEST i\ 1X1 6 r 1 C £fc II STANDARD Illustrated Dictionary New (8th) Edition— 1500 New Terms The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary. A new and com- plete dictionary of the terms used in Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Veterinary Science, Nursing, and kindred branches; with over 100 new and elaborate tables and many illustra- tions. By W. A. Newman Dorland, M.D., Editor of " The American Pocket Medical Dictionary." Large octavo, with 1 137 pages, bound in full flexible leather. Price, $4.50 net; with thumb index, $5.00 net. KEY TO CAPITALIZATION AND PRONUNCIATION— ALL THE NEW WORDS This dictionary is the "new standard." It defines hundreds of the newest terms not defined in any other dictionary — bar none. These terms are live, active words, taken right from modern medical literature. Howard A. Kelly, M. D., ' Professor of Gynecologic Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore " Dr. Dorland*s Dictionary is admirable. It is so well gotten up and of such convenient size. No errors have been found in mv use of it." Theobald's Prevalent Eye Diseases Prevalent Diseases of the Eye. By Samuel Theobald, M. D., Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology, Johns Hopkins University. Octavo of 55opages, with 219 text-cuts and several colored plates. Cloth, $4.50 net ; Half Morocco, $6.00 net. THE PRACTITIONER'S OPHTHALMOLOGY With few exceptions all the works on diseases of the eye, although written ostensibly for the general practitioner, are in reality adapted only to the specialist ; but Dr. Theobald in his book has described very clearly and in detail those condi- tions, the diagnosis and treatment of which come within the province of the general practitioner. The therapeutic suggestions are concise, unequivocal, and specific. It is the one work on the Eye written particularly for the general practitioner. . Charles A. 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The price of the book is remarkably low. The Medical Record, New York " The work is excellently suited to the student of ophthalmology and to the practising physician. It cannot fail to attain a well-deserved popularity." Haab and DeSchweinitz V Ophthalmoscopy Atlas and Epitome of Ophthalmoscopy and Ophthalmoscopic Diagnosis. By Dr. O. Haab, of Zurich. Edited, with additions, by G. E. DeSchweinitz, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania. With 152 colored lithographic illustrations and 92 pages of text. Cloth, S3.00 net. In Saunders' Hand-Atlas Series. SECOND EDITION The great value of Prof. Haab's Atlas of Ophthalmoscopy and Ophthalmo- scopii Diagnosis has been fully established and entirely justified an English translation. Not only is the student made acquainted with carefully prepared ophthalmoscopic drawings done into well-executed lithographs of the most im- porcant fundus changes, but, in many instances, plates of the microscopic lesions are added. The whole furnishes a manual of the greatest possible service. The Lancet, London " W'e recommend it as a work that should be in the ophthalmic wards or in the library of every hospital into which ophthalmic cases are received." SAUNDERS HOOKS ON Head's Mouth Infections Mouth Infections. By Joseph Head, M. D. , D. D. S. Octavo of 35° PaSesi wfth 310 illustrations. Ready Soon. THE RESULT OF 30 YEARS' ACTIVE PRACTICE That gum and tooth infections may originate valvular heart disease, pernicious anemia, arthritis deformans, rheumatism, and nervous derangements there is re- peated clinical proof. Dr. Head, a specialist in this field, cites case after case of organic diseases — just such cases as come into your office for treatment daily — which he has traced to lesions in the gums due to infection, and cured of both local and systemic affections. He gives you the principles, the technic in full, and his original formula; and methods. You get sections on diagnosis, treatment, mouth hygiene, local anesthesia by novocain, electrolysis, tooth discoloration, care of children's teeth, orthodontia, cement, .r-ray study, use of emetin, and of vaccines. It is a book of wide and varied application, of vital importance, and of true scien- tific value. It appeals first to the dentist and dental surgeon, but it appeals strongly to the general practitioner, surgeon, and specialist because of the recognized im- portance of mouth infections as factors in the etiology of organic disease. Kyle's Diseases of Nose and Throat Diseases of the Nose and Throat. By D. Braden Kyle, M. D., Professor of Laryngology in the Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia. Octavo, 825 pages; with 258 illustrations, 28 in colors. Cloth, $4.50 net; Half Morocco, #>6.oo net. THE NEW (5th) EDITION The new (jtli) edition of Dr. Kyle's work shows an increase of 100 pages and some 40 new illustrations. The following ne-u' articles have been added : vaccine therapy ; lactic bacteriotherapy; salvarsan in the treatment of syphilis of the upper respiratory tract ; sphenopalatine ganglia neuralgia ; negative air-pressure in ac- cessory sinus disease ; chronic hyperplastic ethmoiditis ; and congenital insuffi- ciency of the palate. The tables of differential diagnosis and the prescriptions are striking points of Dr. Kyle's book. Pennsylvania Medical Journal " Dr. Kyle's crisp, terse diction has enabled the inclusion of all needful nose and throat knowledge in this book." URINE AND IMPOTENCE. Og'den on the Urine Clinical Examination of Urine and Urinary Diagnosis. A Clinical Guide for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine and Sur- gery. By J. Bergen Ogden, M. D., Medical Chemist to the Metro- politan Life Insurance Company, New York. Qctavo, 418 pages, 54 text illustrations, and a number of colored plates. Cloth, $3.00 net. 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NEW (2d EDITION Cystoscopy is to-day the most practical manner of diagnosing and treating diseases of the bladder, ureters, kidneys, and prostate. To be properly equipped, therefore, you must have at your instant command the information this book gives you. It explains away all difficulty, telling you why you do not see something when something is there to see, and telling you how to see it. All theory has been uncompromisingly eliminated, devoting every line to practical, needed- every-day facts, telling you how and when to use the cystoscope and catheter — telling you in a way to make you know. The work is complete in every detail. Bransford Lewis, M. D., Si. Louis University. " I am very much pleased with Dr. Pilcher's ' Practical Cystoscopy.' I think it is the best in the English language now." — April rj, ign. SAUNDERS" BOOKS ON Goepp's Dental State Boards Dental State Board Questions and Answers By R. Max Goepi M. D., author " Medical State Board Questions and Answers." Octav of 428 pages. Cloth, $3.00 net. SECOND EDITION This new work is along the same practical lines as Dr. Goepp's successful wor on Medical State Boards. The questions included have been gathered from reliabl sources, and embrace all those likely to be asked in any State Board examinatio in any State. They have been arranged and classified in a way that makes for rapid resume of every branch of dental practice, and the answers are couched i language unusually explicit — concise, definite, accurate. The practicing dentist, also, will find here a work of great value — a wor covering the entire range of dentistry and extremely well adapted for quic reference. Haab and deSchweinitz's Operative Ophthalmology Atlas and Epitome of Operative Ophthalmology. By Dr. C Haab, of Zurich. Edited, with additions, by G. E. deSchweinit: M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Pennsylvani; With 30 colored lithographic plates, 154 text-cuts, and 375 pages 0 text. In Saunders' Hand-Atlas Series. Cloth, $3.50 net. Dr. Haab's Atlas of Operative Ophthalmology will be found as beautiful an as practical as his two former atlases. The work represents the author' s thirl years' experience in eye work. The various operative interventions are describe with all the precision and clearness that such an experience brings. Recognizin the fact that mere verbal descriptions are frequently insufficient to give a clej idea of operative procedures, Dr. Haab has taken particular care to illustral plainly the different parts of the operations. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin " The descriptions of the various operations are so clear and full that the volume can w< hold place with more pretentious text-books." GENITO-URINARY AND NOSE, THROAT, ETC. u Greene and Brooks' Genito-Urinary Diseases Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and the Kidney. By Robert H. Greene, M. D., Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery at Fordham University; and Harlow Brooks, M. D., Assistant Pro- fessor of Clinical Medicine, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical School. Octavo of 639 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $5.00 net; Half Morocco, $6.50 net. THIRD EDITION This new work presents both the medical and surgical sides. Designed as a work of quick reference, it has been written in a clear, condensed style, so that the information can be readily grasped and retained. Kidney diseases are very elaborately detailed. New York Medical Journal " As a whole the book is one of the most satisfactory and useful works on genito-urinar» diseases now extant, and will undoubtedly be popular among practitioners and students." Gleason on Nose, Throat, and Car A Manual of Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear. By E. Baldwin Gleason, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Otology, Medico- Chirurgical College, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Penn- sylvania. 1 21110 of 590 pages, profusely illustrated. Cloth, $2.75 net. 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The additions to be specially noted are those relating to the electronic theory, chemical equilib- rium, Kjeldahl's method for determining nitrogen, chemistry of foods and their changes in the body, synthesis of proteins, and the latest improvements in urinary tests. More space is given to toxicology than in any other text-book on chemistry. American Medicine '" Its statements are clear and terse ; its illustrations well chosen; its development logical, systematic, and comparatively easy to follow. . . . We heartily commend the work." Ivy's Applied Anatomy and Oral Surgery for Dental Students Applied Anatomy and Oral Surgery for Dental Students. By Robert H. Ivy, M.D., D.D.S., Assistant Oral Surgeon to the Philadel- phia General Hospital. i2mo of 280 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $1. 50 net. FOR DENTAL STUDENTS This work is just what dental students have long wanted — a concise, practical work on applied anatomy and oral surgery, written with their needs solely in mind. No one could be better fitted for this task than Dr. Ivy, who is a graduate in both dentistry and medicine. Having gone through the dental school, he knows precisely the dental student's needs and just how to meet them. His medical training assures you that his anatomy is accurate and his technic modern. The text is well illustrated with pictures that you will find extremely helpful. H. P. Kuhn, M.D., Western Dental College, Kansas City. " I am delighted with this compact little treatise. It seems to me just to fill the bill." CHEMISTRY, SKIN, AXD VENEREAL DISEASES. IJ American Pocket Dictionary New 9th i Edition The American Pocket Medical Dictionary. Edited by W. A. Newman Dorland, M. D., Editor "American Illustrated Medical Dictionary." Containing the pronunciation and definition of the principal words used in medicine and kindred sciences. 693 pages. Flexible leather, with gold edges, $1.25 net; with thumb index, $1.50 net. James W. Holland. M. D., ■ Professor of Medical Chemistry and Toxicology, and Dean, Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, " I am struck at once with admiration at the compact size and attractive exteripr. ) rtmend it to our students without reserve." Stelwagon's Essentials of Skin 7th Edition Essentials of Diseases of the Skin. By Henry W. Stel- WAGON, M. D., Ph.D., Professor of Dermatology in the Jeffer- son Medical College, Philadelphia. Post-octavo of 291 pages, with 72 text-illustrations and 8 plates. Cloth, $1.25 net. In Saunders' Question- Compend Series. The Medical News " In line with our present knowledge of diseases of the skin. . . . Continues to main- tain the high standard of excellence for which these question compends have been noted." Wolffs Medical Chemistry seventh Edition Essentials of Medical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic. Containing also Questions on Medical Physics, Chemical Physiol- ogy, Analytical Processes, Urinalysis, and Toxicology. By Law- rence Wolff, M. 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Gleason's Nose and Throat Fourth SSS Essentials of Diseases of the Nose and Throat. By E. B. Gleason, S. B., M. D., Clinical Professor of Otology, Medico- Chirurgical College ; Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Post-octavo, 241 pages, 1 12 illustrations. Cloth. $1.25 net. /;/ Saunders' Question Compends. The Lancet, London " The careful description which is given of the various procedures would be sufficient to enable most people of average intelligence and of slight anatomical knowledge to make a very good attempt at laryngoscopy." Grunwald and Grayson on the Larynx Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Larynx. By Dr. L. Grunwald, of Munich. Edited, with additions, by Charles P. Grayson, M.D., University of Pennsylvania. With 107 colored figures on 44 plates, 25 text-cuts, and 103 pages of text. Cloth, $2.50 net. In Saunders' Hand-Atlas Series. Second Edition Mracek and Stelwagon's Atlas of Skin Atlas and Epitome of Diseases of the Skin. By Prof. Dr. Franz Mracek, of Vienna. Edited, with additions, by Henry W. Stelwagon, M.D., Jefferson Medical College. With 77 col- ored plates, 50 half-tone illustrations, and 280 pages of text. In Saunders' Hand-Atlas Series. Cloth, $4 .00 net. EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT. deSchweinitz and Holloway on Pulsating Exoph- thalmos Pulsating Exophthalmos. An analysis of sixty-nine cases not pre- viously analyzed. By George E. deSchweinitz, M. D., and Thomas B. Holloway, M. D. Octavo of 125 pages. Cloth, $2.00 net. This monograph consists of an analysis of sixty-nine cases of this affection not previously analyzed. The therapeutic measures, surgical and otherwise, which have been employed are compared, and an endeavor has been made to determine from these analyses which procedures seem likely to prove of the greatest value. It is the most valuable contribution to ophthalmic liter- ature within recent years. British Medical Journal ith the whole subject and in it the most complete account of Jackson on the Eye Preparin(, New (3d) Edition A Manual of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Eye. By Edward Jackson, A. M., M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado. i2mo volume of 615 pages, with 1S4 beautiful illustrations. The Medical Record, New York " It is truly an admirable work. . . . Written in a clear, concise manner, it bears evidence of the author's comprehensive grasp of the subject. The term ' multum in parvo' is an appropriate one to apply to this work." Grant on Face, Mouth, and Jaws A Text-Book of the Surgical Principles and Surgical Diseases of the Face, Mouth, and Jaws. For Dental Students. By H. Horace Grant, A. M., M. 1)., Professor of Surgery and of Clinical Surgery, Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville. Octavo of 231 pages, with 6S illustrations. Cloth, $2.50 net. Preiswerk and Warren's Dentistry Atlas and Epitome of Dentistry. By Prof. G. Preiswerk, of Basil. Edited, with additions, by George W. Warren, D.D.S., Pro- fessor of Operative Dentistry, Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. With 44 lithographic plates, 152 text-cuts, and 343 page3 of text. Cloth. $3. 50 net. In Saunders* Atlas Series, Asher's Chemistry and Toxicology Chemistry and Toxicology for Nurses. By l'mi ir Asher, Ph.G., M. D., Dean and Professor of Chemistry, New Orleans College of Phar- macy. i2mo of 190 pages. Cloth, $1.25 net. Date Due ■•- t> i 7 DEC MARS » . /AUG g 1 946 AUG 1 i948 QtA SS^2 >.s»l