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BY aA Pies BRY and aes Er Ak APLACOPHORA, | INDEX TO GENERA AND SUBGENERA, VOLUMES II to XVII PHILADELPHIA : Published by Conchological Section ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, OF PHILADELPHIA. 1897-8. PREHEEACE. The Scaphopoda have hitherto received comparatively little at- tention from either conchological or morphological naturalists. No other molluscan group of like rank and extent exists upon which the anatomical data are so scanty, or restricted to so small a num- ber of species; and as the Class consists mainly of deep sea dwellers, the list of species now known is doubtless a mere fraction of the grand total of living forms. Consonant with the general plan of the “ Manual,” this volume treats primarily of the “system” of Scaphopods, and the determina- tion of genera and species. A classification of the Dentaliide based upon features hitherto untried for this purpose is submitted; and the innovation is made of including a catalogue of fossil species, largely with a view to rectify the current nomenclature and prevent future complications by the duplication of specific names. The labor of collating the references to fossil forms has been, in large measure, accomplished by Dr. Benj. Sharp. The work is based upon the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, containing a large proportion of known shore species, and upon that of the United States National Museum, including the types of DALL, JEFFREYS, VERRILL and GouLp. This great collection, undoubtedly richer than any other in exist- ence in deep sea forms, was, with generosity rarely equalled, placed at my disposal by Prof. William H. Dall, Honorary Curator, and the authorities of the Museum. My most earnest thanks are due to them for this and other courtesies. The published works of Dall, Watson and Jeffreys have been freely quoted herein ; and it is to the critical acumen and large ex- perience of these masters of conchological science, transplanted to our pages, that much of their value is due. An account of the Aplacophora is also included in this volume, partly for the sake of greater completeness, partly to call the atten- tion of conchologists to this important group, which has doubtless been neglected by many who have opportunities for collecting. (iii ) iv PREFACE. And now it remains to announce the completion of the First Series of the MANUAL OF CoNnCHOLOGY, with the present volume. Twenty years have passed since the first number appeared in 1878; my able predecessor conducting the work until 1588, as far as the middle of the tenth volume. During the decade of swiftly running years since then, the work has fallen to me. And while an author cannot but feel regret—that what he has done is not better—that long and pleasant relations must suffer interruption—it is still a great pleasure to acknowledge gratitude for numberless acts of gen- erosity from conchologists, for the kindly appreciation of good work and the more kind charity for mistakes, which have rose-bestrewn the difficult path of science. TT, AL MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Class SCAPHOPODA. Cirrhobranchiata Blainville, Man. de Malacol. et Conchyl., p. 495 (1825-1832). Lateribranchiata CLARK, Ann. Mag. N. H. (2) vii, pp. 471, 476 (1851). *“Solenoconches” Lacaze-Duthiers; Solenoconche and Solenoconchia of various authors. Prosopocephala Bronn, Klassen u. Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, Malacozoa, p. 523 (1862). Scaphopoda Bron, t. c., p. 524 (1862). Bilaterally symmetrical mollusks with the shell (and mantle) a long, more or less curved and tapering or fusiform tube, open at both ends, the concave side dorsal; anterior orifice larger, con- tracted by a muscular thickening of the mantle, and giving egress to the cylindrical head and the long, pointed foot, which is capable of being enlarged and variously modified in shape distally; the smaller (posterior) orifice of mantle and shell giving exit to the refuse of digestion, respiration and the genital products. Head with terminal mouth surrounded by a rosette of lobes; no eyes; otocysts present ; no tentacles, but a close cluster of thread-like, dis- tally enlarged appendages known as captacula springs from the base of the snout. Jaw and radula present ; liver two-lobed, sym- metrical; gut strongly convoluted, the anus opening rather far for- ward in the mantle cavity, kidney openings near it. Gonad simple, opening through the right nephridium. No gills, respiration being performed by the general integument. Heart rudimentary, with only one chamber, auricles and reno-pericardial ducts wanting. Nervous system with well-developed ganglia, the cerebral, pleural, pedal, visceral and buccal ganglia symmetrical. Marine animals, living partially imbedded in sand or mud on the sea bottom. The tubular shell, open at both ends, is characteristic of the group, and occurs nowhere else in the mollusca. Growth takes Oe vi SCAPHOPODA. place at the larger end and on the inside of the tube, and at the same time the shell is absorbed at a slower rate from the smaller end. The slits and notches in this end are therefore formed by ab- sorption, being wholly different in genesis from similar structures of the peristome in Gastropods. In some forms (pl. 9, fig. 51; pl. 14, figs. 20, 21; pl. 18, fig. 4,8) upon the practical cessation of growth and absorption upon the attainment of maturity, there is a supple- mentary tube built out from the edge of the anal orifice. This structure is wholly different from the interrupted “sheath” of very frequent occurrence (pl. 18, fig. 16, 17) which is due to the slower absorption of the dense inner layer of the shell. The shell contains a very slight organic basis, leaving no appre- ciable amount when dissolved in acid. It is formed of three distinct layers. The inner layer (hypostracum, pl. 38, fig. 3, h) is composed of long prisms, rounded at the angles and tapering at the ends. This layer is thinnest at the aperture, thickest toward the apex. The thick middle layer (ostracum, pl. 38, fig. 3, 0) is built up of short prisms in bundles lying at right angles with each other. The outer layer (periostracum, pl. 38, fig. 3, p) is thin and wholly struc- tureless. It covers the sculpture, ribs, ete., of the shell. The snout or proboscis shows considerable variation in form, as well as in the number and presence of mouth-lobes in the several species and genera. At its base, there are two plate-like folds of the integument, which bear numerous, long, extensile filaments, each terminating in a spoon-shaped expansion. These “captacula” are prehensile, catching foraminifera, etc., upon which the Scaphopod feeds (pl. 38, fig. 6, one captacle greatly enlarged). The foot is inserted immediately adjacent to the head, ventrally. In Dentaliwm the foot is pointed, with a circular “ epipodial” ridge, interrupted dorsally, some distance from the end, which gives it a trifid or fleur-de-lis shape. In the Siphonodentaliide the “ epipo- dium ” is subterminal, not interrupted dorsally, and forms a disk with crenate edge, with or without a central filament representing the conic point of the Dentalium foot. It would seem that this ex- panded disk (as shown on pl. 24) is capable of contraction to a slender conic form (pl. 26, fig. 79); burrowing being effected as in Solen, ete., by thrusting the conic foot downward, then expanding it distally for an anchor, and pulling the shell down by contraction of the foot retractor; the process being then repeated. The gut (pl. 38, figs. 4, 5) is short, closely convoluted. Liver (pl. 38, fig. 1, 2, 7) large, lying along the ventral side. SCAPHOPODA. Vil The radula (pl. 39, figs. 8, 9) is short, nearly rigid and curved, and incapable of being used as a rasping organ as in other mollusks. Its function is probably largely as a crushing plate, like the “ giz- zard-plates ”” of Tectibranchs. The dentition of the Scaphopoda, so far as known, does not show great diversity. The formula of teeth is The median tooth is always a nearly flat plate, which in Dentalium is much wider than long, in Entalina is but little wider than long, and in Cadulus and Siphonodentalium is longer than wide. The single lateral on each side has an erect, rather shovel-shaped cusp, with several denticles. In Dentaliwm these denticles are short and in- conspicuous ; in the other genera Entalina, Siphonodentalium and Cadulus there are two or three stout and distinct denticles. The uncini, one on each side, are trapezoidal flat plates, thickened to- ward their inner edges. Dentalium.—No species of the typical group or subgenus has been examined anatomically. In the subgenus Antalis the dentition of vulgare (tarentinum), entalis and occidentale (“ striolata” Sars) is known. See pl. 39, fig. 6, D. occidentale Stimp. In Fissidentalium the radule of D. megathyris, plurifissuratum and magnificum have been examined, and are said to agree with Antalis. In Rhabdus I find some divergence in the laterals, the cusp being rather strongly bidentate (pl. 39, fig. 5, D. rectius Cpr.). It will be noticed that with the exception of the species last men- tioned, the forms yet examined belong to two very closely allied subgenera. When some of the more divergent groups, such as Bathoxiphus, Episiphon and Fustiaria, are examined, it is likely that further modifications will be found. The examination of some species of Compressidens is especially to be desired, as that group may prove to belong to the Siphonodentaliide, in which case it will probably be ranked as a subgenus of Siphonodentalium. Entalina.—The teeth of E. quinquangularis have been examined by G. O. Sars (pl. 39, fig.10). The rhachidian teeth are wider than in other known Siphonodentaliide, but narrower than in Dentalium. The laterals are strongly dentate. Siphonodentalium.—G. O. Sars has figured the raduls of S. Jo- batum (vitreum) and S. lofotense. The rhachidian teeth are as long as wide or longer, and somewhat pentagonal. Laterals strongly tridentate. PI. 39, figs.7, 8,9, S. lobatum. Cadulus.—The dentition of C. propinquus is figured by G. O. Sars (pl. 39, fig. 11). It is similar to that of Siphonodentalium. For Vill SCAPHOPODA. further anatomical details and embryology, the reader is referred to the papers of Lacaze-Duthiers, Plate, Kowalevski and others, or to the excellent resumé by Simroth in Bronn’s “ Klassen und Ordnun- gen.” CHANGES OF THE SHELL WITH GROWTH AND AGE, ETC. The Scaphopods are like Cecum, Rumina, Cylindrella and many other Gastropods in successively truncating the shell posteriorly as growth proceeds at the anterior end. The original apex is retained only in extremely young individuals. This successive truncation is necessitated not only by the excessive fragility of the early portion, which would prevent its retention in any case, but by the necessity for a larger anal orifice as the amount of water with its load of im- purities increases with the size of the animal. The loss of shell substance is due occasionally to accidental break- age, largely to chemical erosion by the water, but constantly to ab- sorption by the mantle of the animal itself, such as occurs internally in Neritide and externally in roughly sculptured gastropods gener- ally. These several causes, acting in varying combinations, produce an extraordinary variety of forms, even among individuals of a single species. The principal modifications are here tabulated :— I. Apex simple, the orifice without slit, notch or tube (figures on plate 22). II. Apex with an supplemental tube, built out. No notch or slit (pl. 18, figs. 4, 8). III. Apex with a V-shaped notch on the convex side, the orifice usually surrounded by a short sheath formed of the inner layer or lining of the shell left standing after erosion of the prismatic layer outside of it (pl. 18, figs. 11, 16, 17). IV. Apex with a long, narrow slit on the convex side (pl. 6, figs. 185719). V. A very long, straight linear slit on the convex side (pl. 19, figs. 18, 21). VI. Slit on the concave face or on the side of the shell. Hetero- schisma (p. 61), and occasional species or even specimens of other groups, such as D. sericatum, inversum, alloschismum, exdispar, pretiosum, etc., have the slit in an abnormal posi- tion. The other characters of these forms show them to be- long to various diverse groups. VII. Slit divided into a series of fissures (pl. 6, figs. 87, 89). In D. (Schizodentalium) plurifissuratum, D. exuberans and D. SCAPHOPODA. ix capillosum (pl. 8, fig. 34) this condition occurs either nor- mally or in exceptional cases. All of them agree in other characters with the subgenus Fissidentalium, and are herein referred to that group. VIII. Two symmetrical lateral slits (pl. 27, figs. 90-92). IX. Four or more slits cutting the apical margin into lobes (plates 28, 29, 30). These characters have been considered sufficient for the definition of genera by Stoliczka and some other authors. Dall, on the other hand, (Trans. Wagner Inst., iii, 436), attaches no systematic import- ance to the various modifications, which he attributes largely to erosion and repair of breakage. Neither of these positions seem to us tenable in the radical sense in which they have been advanced. The apical characters are subject to much variation in many species, but they still have considerable value as specific and group char- acters. It is no valid argument against the systematic value of the apical teeth in (for instance) Polyschides, to show that they are fre- quently broken off, although that argument might be held conclu- sive against using the character as absolutely diagnostic in the de- termination of species or genera. Again, the accessory tube, de- scribed in paragraph II above, is not due to repair of an accidental breakage, but is a normal process following absorption of the shell, and occurring only in the species of certain subgenera of Dentalium, although not developed in every specimen of these species, and oc- casionally in but a small proportion of them. The forms possessing this structure are not “especially liable to such breakages’? more than others which never develop the added tube. The theory that “from a peculiar fragility or liability to transverse breakage in a species, this condition may [become] almost habitual with the adults of that species” is not supported by any evidence we have encount- ered ; and the supporting statement that “no one has ever recorded a specimen with the posterior end entirely unbroken and yet pos- sessing the supplementary tubule,” loses its weight when it is re- membered that no Scaphopod can in the nature of things retain “the posterior end entirely unbroken” beyond the earliest stages of growth, the absorption of this end being as essential a process as growth at the other. While we do not consider the characters of the posterior orifice as so unreliable as some authors have thought, it must not be gathered that we place great weight upon them. That there is a wide range of variation among individuals of the same species is sufficiently x SCAPHOPODA. shown in the descriptive portion of this work. That apical charac- ters usually cannot be held sufficient for generic and subgeneric distinctions is recognized by our use of other features, especially sculpture, for this purpose. And on the whole, while we cannot en- dorse all the arguments advanced by Dall to support the position, we thoroughly agree with his conclusion “ abnormalities may usu- ally be discriminated by comparison with numerous specimens of the same species. In cases where the student has only one or two specimens, he should refrain from putting reliance on characters which may be abnormal as a basis for describing new forms or for discriminating old ones.” In many species, especially the groups of D. entalis and D. semi- striatum, the young shell is sculptured while the later growth is smooth. Frequently the adult retains some of the sculptured por- tion posteriorly ; but in some individuals or species this early sculp- ture is entirely lost by posterior truncation. Such forms are prac- tically indistinguishable from species which are without sculpture at all stages of growth, although belonging to quite different groups. Young or half-grown specimens show the true relationships in these cases. Spurious SCAPHOPODS. Throughout the early period, various Gastropod mollusks such as Ceecum were occasionally described as Dentaliwm ; and until Berke- ley defined the genus Ditrupa in 1834, demonstrating its Vermian nature, the calcareous tubes of species of this genus and of Pomato- ceras were commonly referred to Dentalium. Paleeontologists, how- ever, almost up to the present decade, have described the tubes of worms of the family Serpulide as Seaphopods. So general has been this error, and so widely is it spread throughout the literature of Scaphopoda, that we have considered the pseudo dentalia in a sepa- rate section (page 240) of this volume. HABITS, FOOD, AND USE BY MAN. According to Lacaze-Duthiers, the Mediterranean Dentaliwm pre- fers to live in clean and rather coarse sand, and avoids mud con- taining decomposition products. Many deepsea forms live in mud. The animal lives buried at an angle of 45° or less with the sur- face, the posterior end only projecting. Their food consists of foraminifera, minute bivalves, and, it is said, infusoria. The prin- cipal enemies of Scaphopods seem to be molluscan. They have been found in the stomachs of Scaphander and other opisthobranchs, and LITERATURE OF SCAPHOPODA. Xi occasionally, though rarely, shells are found bored by rapacious gastropods. Only in a few piaces have Scaphopods been utilized by man. The aborigines of the Pacific coast used Dentalium pretiosum for currency and also for personal adornment. D. lessoni seems to be used for ornament by the natives of New Guinea; and there are probably other like instances among primitive peoples. LITERATURE OF SCAPHOPODA. All that has been written about Scaphopoda from the system- atic standpoint may be divided into two parts: First, a period of more or less crude and largely unsystematic attempts to define species, beginning with ALDROVANDUs, continued by Linnvs, ScHROE£TER, CHEMNITZ, GMELIN and LAMARCK, and second, the period of more fundamental knowledge of the biologic relations of the group, and exact specific definition inaugurated by DresHayYEs. In like manner, the work of Lacaze-Duthiers upon the anatomy and embryology of the Secaphopoda, subdivides the second period into an older and a modern division. 1758. Linnezeus, in the Tenth Edition of the Systema Nature, places Dentalium between the genera Patella and Serpula. Four species, elephantinum, dentalis, entalis and minutu [m] are deseribed. In the Twelfth Edition, aprinum, corneum, politum and eburneum are added. In the Thirteenth Edition, Gmelin increase the number to 21, mainly by the addition of fossil species described by Schroeter. With inconsiderable additions to the roll of species, the genus remained without thorough treatment until. 1818. Lamarck, in vol. V of the Animaux sans Vertebres, pp. d41- 346, monographed it, recognizing 21 species, several being new. He places the genus among the “ Annelides sédentaires,” and includes a number of worm-tubes in Dentalium. Part of Gmelin’s species are omitted, probably as unidentified. A yvrouping into striated and ribbed species is made. The next work upon Dentalium, passing over that of DeFrance in Dictionaire des Sciences Naturelles, 1819, mainly a complication, is: 1825. Deshayes, Anatomie et Monographie du Genre Dentale, in Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, ii, pp. 321— 378. In this essay the systematic study of these animals was estab- lished as a science. While before they had been placed indifferently xil LITERATURE OF SCAPHOPODA. among either worms or shell fish, Deshayes demonstrated their mollusean organization ; where before insufficient specific definitions had been the rule, Deshayes gave full and lucid diagnoses and good figures. He was cognizant of the variations of the apical orifice, and used these features in combination with the sculptural varia- tions for a classification of the species, the number of which was materially augmented. Deshayes’ monograph was translated into English by G. B. Sowerby, who published it in the Zoological Journal, iv, pp. 175-195 (1828), following the descriptions by judicious critical notes. Substantially the same matter appeared in the second edition of Lamarck, and of the Encyclopedie Méthodique. 1842. Cuenu, Illustrations Conchyliologiques, Vol. I, Dentahum, 8 pages, 7 plates. Both recent and fossil species are treated, 31 of the 91 species being living Dentalia. Several of the others are worm tubes, and there is one Cadulus. The descriptions are extremely brief, the localities often lacking or incorrect, and the figures though good are rather stiff. The work is supposed to illustrate the Paris Museum and Delessert’s collection, but the types of numerous species, such as abbreviatum, novemcostatum, semialternans, virginianum, america- num, alternans, fasciatum, philippii, ensiforme, cylindricum, novum, dacostianum, sowerbyi, are lacking in these collections, according to a MS. note by Deshayes, written about 1870. 1856-1857. Lacaze-Durutirrs, Histoire de Vorganisation et du développement du Dentale, in Annales des Sciences Naturelles (4), Zoologie, vi, vii. The first accurate and thorough account of the macroscopic anatomy of Dentalium, with extended and valuable observations upon the embryology, formation of the primitive shell, ete., is given in this paper, which remains to this day the chief source of information upon the general anatomy of tbe genus. 1861. M. Sars published an excellent paper upon Siphonodenta- lium (Om 8. vitreum, en ny Slegt og Art of Dentalidernes Familie), first directing attention to the structure of the foot in this group, with other valuable observations. 1860. G. B. Sowersy, Jr., Thesaurus Conchyliorum, Volume III, pp. 97 to 104, pls. 223 to 225. A monograph of the recent species of the genus Dentaliwm. Eighty-five specific names ap- pear, of which 49 pertain to valid species, 5 are considered synonyms, 17 are mentioned as fossil species, and 15 forms uniden- tified or excluded from the genus. No subdivision of the genus is LITERATURE OF SCAPHOPODA. Xlll attempted, but a general sequence from smooth to ribbed forms is followed. This is the first monograph from which non-molluscan dentaloid forms are rigidly eliminated. The figures are excellent ; and the main criticism we would make upon the text is that there is not enough of it. A few species of earlier authors are incorrectly identified, and those unknown in English collections are omitted ; but these blemishes are traceable to the general condition of con- chology and the condensed plan of the Thesaurus, rather than to any lack of care on the part of the author, whose work on Dentalium has been of very great value to all subsequent workers. 1872. Much of the same matter, and copies of the same figures were incorporated by Mr. Sowerby in his monograph of the genus in the Conchologia Iconica, Volume X VIII, pls. 1-7, with the same number of leaves of text. A few additional species are figured, but the lithographic plates are poor, doing but scant credit to Mr. Sowerby’s pencil. 1880-1895. Numerous contributions to the general morphology, histology and embryology of Scaphopoda have appeared since 1880. The more extensive and important memoirs being mentioned below. During the same period two extensive reports upon deep sea Scaph- opods appeared : 1886. R. Boog Watson, Challenger Rep., Vol. xv, pp. 1-24. 28 new species are described and figured, and a number of those des- cribed by Jeffreys and others are further elucidated. _ 1889. Wm. H. Datu, Blake Rep., pp. 418-432. 22 new forms are described, with valuable notes on some of the previously known spe- cies. In Trans. Wagner Free Institute of Science, iii, pp. 485-446, the American Tertiary species are discussed ; further information is given on some living forms, and the value of conchological charac- ters in classification is considered at some length. 1883. A. Kowatevsk1, Etude sur l’embryogénie du Dentale. Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Marseille, I. 1885. H. Fon, Sur l’anatomie microscopique du Dentale, in Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér. (2), vii, pp. 91-148. 1892. L. Puatr, Ueber den Bau und die Verwandtschaftsbezie- hungen der Solenoconchen. Zool. Jahr., Abth. fiir Anat. u. Ontog., v, p. 8301-386. 1892. P. PetseneER, La Classification générale des Mollusques. Bull. Scient. France et Belg., xxiv. 1891-1894. C. GrospBen, Verhandl. der d. zool. Ges., 1891, p. 63; also Sitzber. k. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1894, p. 61. X1V LITERATURE OF SCAPHOPODA. 1895. H. Stmrorn, Scaphopoda, in Bronn’s Klassen und Ord- nungen des Thier-Reichs, new edition, Vol. ili, pp. 356-467. This contains the best recent general account of the anatomy and onto- geny of the class, and includes a bibliography of papers upon these subjects. 1896. S. Ciesstn in the Systematisches Conchylien- Cabinet, IV, Abth. 5, Heft x, Lieferungen 422, 424, pp. 1-48, pl. 1-11, gives a monograph of Scaphopoda which is not only one of the worst mono- graphs in that justly famous series, but perhaps the most ineffective example of monographie work to be found in modern conchological literature. Purporting to cover the genera Dentalium, Antalis, Siphonodentalis (blunder for Siphonoentalis), Siphonodentalium, Cad- ulus, Dischides and Gadus, it is not only extremely incomplete in all of them, but the generic limits are everywhere singularly mis- understood. Thus “ Dentalium” actually contains species of nearly all the other genera admitted, etc., ete. Most of the figures and descriptions are copied from the Conchologia Iconica, and credited to Reeve instead of Sowerby. The synonymy is often hopelessly muddled, and all borrowed. ‘The author does not seem to have actually seen more than a half dozen species; and of the three “new species” described, one is a worm tube, another probably not distinct from D. rubescens Dh., and the third an absolute synonym of D. pretiosum Nutt. Clessin apparently had neither the mono- graphs of Deshayes or Chenu before him, and the important works of Watson on the ‘ Challenger,’ and Dall on the ‘ Blake’ Scapho- poda were unknown to him. Several specific names are misspelled. See table on next page for summary. DISTRIBUTION OF SCAPHOPODA. The Scaphopods are in no respect remarkable or anomalous in distribution, as compared with Gastropod or Pelecypod mollusks. So many species belong to the deep sea fauna that the lists of spe- cies under the conventional “ Provinces ” are somewhat misleading, comprising a shore element with species having the range and limitations of the shore fauna generally, and a deep water element with more widely distributed species, frequently common to two or more of the provinces defined by shore mollusks. It is the pre- valence of deep water forms which swells the list of North Atlantic _ and Gulf of Mexico species to large proportions compared to Indo- Pacific regions. The latter are as yet almost untouched by the dredge. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. XV Table showing number of species included in the principal mono- graphic works on Scaphopoda. | ] oO | lor | . a fe P| Ss | N : 5 Sie lSliealio|si\u ney a aa x | ed EES z & = ney | = © ima Be ileeeh Mceell ey. (le | tee cs Vel ehe |= |e |s RIAIS |al/a;ola | ; EC es RR la a a ( Recent species. : : 10'| 18 |°30) | 47 | 52°) 48") 158 "2 4 Fossil species. eae: 8|19|48]17| 0| 0 | 308 ral a | ras | New species or new names... 1019 otita le de \eesol 5p . 2 { Recent species. Os One On| sath eselon et aoe | 2° 4 Fossil species. A Ooi BVO Os pe Onis Os trol ee | | “3 | New species or new names. On Os) Oe” On Ones 20 Worms, etc., described as Seaphopods.|) 3:0 4512 (Onl One f 0 Total number of specific names, | | | including synonyms. 23 | 55 | 93 | 85 | 62 | 100 /1013 | | : Note.—The number of new species in each work is, of course, taken at the author’s estimate. It is really less in most cases, part proving to be synonyms. The genera are practically universal in distribution ; but the sub- genera Fissidentalium, Heteroschisma, Bathoxiphus, Rhabdus, Epi- siphon and Compressidens are almost exclusively deep water forms. Typical Dentalium, Antalis and Graptacme are mainly shore groups. The subgenera are more or less localized, though not nearly to the same extent as groups of like rank in the Gastropoda or Polypla- cophora. The bathymetric range of Scaphopods is considerable, but as data thereon are abundantly given in the text, no examples need be cited here. Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. Species marked with an asterisk in the list following occur also in the Western Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico. With the exception of D. entalis, which is a shore form having the northern distribution Xvl GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. of so many species, all of the Scaphopods common to East and West Atlantic are essentially deep water species. The Antalis group is largely special to European seas, having but few West Atlantic representatives. The polygonal typical Dentalia, and the subgenera Graptacme and Compressidens, are West Atlantic groups not represented in the Eastern Atlantic or Mediterranean. The Polyschides group of Cadulus, well represented in the earlier Ter- tiary, has not yet occurred in the recent northeastern Atlantic fauna. D. vulgare, p. 41, 0-543 fms. *D. entalis, p. 42, 3-1,750 fms. *D. agile, p. 46, 400-1,785 fms. *D. occidentale, p. 47, 50-1000. D. enigmaticum, p. 49,640-1000. D. novemeostatum, p. 1. D. ineequicostatum, p, 52. D. dentalis, p. 53. D. panormum, p. 54, 0-195 fms. D. senegalense, p. 55. D. concinnum, p. 250, 150 fms. (Fissidentalium). D. milneédwardsi, p. 75, 800. D. semivestitum, p. 75, 500. D. exuberans, p. 78, 700—2,062. D . ergasticum, p. 74, 226-1,073. Entalina quinquangularis, p. 132 *Siphonodentalium lobatum. *S. lofotense, p. 158. S. teres, p. 138. *S. affine, p. 140. S. pusillum, p. 140. Cadulus (Dischides) politus. C. ovulum, p. 156. C. cyathus, p. 156. *C. amphora, p. 161. C. subfusiformis, p. 163. D. scamnatum, p. 79, 700 fms. *D. candidum, p. 72, 410-1,750. *D. capillosum, p. 77, 100-1,785. D. rectum, p. 252, deep sea. (Levidentalium, ete.) D. caudani, p. 104, 730 fms. D. rubescens, p. 105, 2-40 fms. D. siculum, p. 107. D. tenuifissum, p. 129. (Episiphon.) *D). filum, p. 118, (Bathoxiphus.) *D. ensiculus, p. 121. ( Heteroschisma.) *D. subterfissum, p. 61. C: gibbus, p. 159. *C. tumidosus, p. 160. *C. jeffreysi, p. 164. *C. gracilis, p. 165. . propinquus, p. 166. . cylindratus, p. 166. senegalensis, p. 176. . strangulatus, p. 176. monterosatol, p. 177. . artatus, p. 177. Seoocec Western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. About 66 species, equally divided between the families Dentaliide and Siphonodentaliide are known; 15, or about 23. per cent, are common to the East and West Atlantie. The typical Dentalia of GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Xvil D. octangulatum group, the subgenera Graptacme, Compressidens, Polyschides, and the Cadulus acus group, are forms which this region has in common with the Panamic province, but which are wanting in the Eastern Atlantic thus far. The list of species common to both sides of the Atlantic will probably be increased ; but still the affinity of West Atlantic and especially the Gulf of Mexico Seapho- pod fauna with that of the Panamic region, is upon the whole as fundamental as that between the two sides of the Atlantic. . laqueatum, p. 10. . gouldii, p. 20, 247. . picteti, p. 22. . carduus, p. 30. (Antulis.) . disparile, p. 56. . ceratum, p. 97. eis) Te tohons, D. anullarum, p. 957. D. taphrium, p. 58. *D. entalis, p. 42. *D. agile, p. 46. *D. occidentale, p. 47. ( Heteroschisina.) *D. subterfissum, p. 61. D. callithrix, p. 62. (Fissidentalium.) D. amphialum, p. 71. *D. candidum, p. 72. *D. capillosum, p. 77. ( Graptacme.) D. sericatum, p. 86. Entalina platamodes, p. 133. *Siphonodentalium lobatum. S. tytthum, p. 137. *S. lofotense, p. 138. *S. affine, p. 140. Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschis- tus, 148. C. (P.) tetrodon, p. 151. C. (P.) carolinensis, p. 152. C. (P.) bushii, p. 153. C. (P.) spectabilis, p. 153. 11 D. eboreum, p. 89. D. leptum, p. 89. D. semistriatum, p. 90. D. circumcinctum, p. 88. D. calamus, p. 97. (Levidentalium.) D. callipeplum, p. 100. D. ensiforme, p. 101. D. perlongum, p. 104. D. matara, p. 105. D. liodon, p. 107. (Episiphon.) D. sowerbyi, p. 117. *D. filum, p. 118. (Bathoxiphus.) *D. ensiculus, p. 121. ( Compressidens. ) D. pressum, p. 124. D. ophiodon, p. 126. (Fustiaria.) D. stenoschizum, p. 128. *C. amphora, p. 161. *C. jeffreysi, p. 164. *C. gracilis, p. 165. - minusculus, p. 164. . lunula, p. 167. - Watsoni, p. 167. . rushii, p. 168. . agassizi, p. 168. . hatteraseusis, p. 169. . poculum, p. 170. . vulpidens, p. 170. Gr@s@-@1G7e. GO XVlil GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. ©. (P-) grandis, p. 154. C. sauridens, p. 171. C. ampullaceus, p. 158. C. amiantis, p. 174. C. exiguus, p. 159. C. rastridens, p. 174. C. obesus, p. 159. C. curtus, p. 175. *C. tumidosus, p. 160. C. acus, p. 191. C. cureurbita, p. 161. C. dominguensis, p. 191. Panamic province—Ecuador to Lower California. Fourteen species of Dentalium and six of Cadulus are known, five of the former genus, four of the latter having occurred only in depths greater than 300 fms. The rest are shore species, all of them prob- ably to be found living within the 25 fathom line. D. tesseragonum, quadrangulare, semipolitum, sectum, innumerabile and brevicornu, and Cadulus perpusillus and panamensis have their nearest allies in the Antillean Tertiary and recent faunas; some of them being at most only varietally distinct from their West Indian counterparts. D. equatorium and dalli and Cadulus albicomatus and striatus are essentially West American types, having no near alliesin Antillean or Oriental seas. In general, the deep water Panamic Scaphopods belong mainly to what seem to be endemic West American groups of species, while the shore or shallow water species are very inti- mately related to Antillean forms. Dentalium oerstedi D. inversum. D. agassizi, 322-1,020 fms. D. splendidum. D. tesseragonum. D. sectum. D. quadrangulare. D. eequatorium, 401 fms. D. fisheri. D. dalli, 660 fms. D. megathyris, 812—2,282 fms. D. innumerabile. D. semipolitum. D. brevicornu, 634-995 fms. Cadulus striatus, 322 fms. C. californicus, 1,270 fms. C. albicomatus, 401-1,672 fms. — C. perpusillus, p. 190. C. platystoma, 401 fms. C. panamensis, p. 191. Me Key to Panamic species of Dentalium. a. Shell square at apex, keeled on dorsal, ventral and lateral faces. 6. Smooth and rounded toward aperture; length 20 mill., 8 times the diam., tesseragonum, p. 34. b’. Interstices striated throughout. c. Length 20 mill., 54 times the diam., quadrangulare, p. 35. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. KIX ce Length 14-15 mill., nearly 8 times the diam., fisheri, p. 36. a’. Shell longitudinally ribbed. b. 6-ribbed at apex, increasing to 12, and at aperture with 17-24 alternating riblets; length 27 mill., about 9 times the diam., oerstedi, p. 24. b’. Similar, but glossy with finer sculpture and more nu- merous riblets at aperture, var. numerosum, p. 25. b”. 12 to 20 sharp riblets at apex, 25-48 at aperture, the interstices wider than ribs, concave; length 29-65 mill., 9 to 15 times the diam., agassizi, p. 26. b’’. About 50 riblets and threads; shell very large, strong and solid ; aperture oblique; length 90-99 mill., 5 to 53 times the diam., megathyris, p. 67. a”. Shell with fine, evenly engraved longitudinal strie toward the apex or throughout ; section circular. b. Apex with a straight, narrow slit across an obliquely conic, smooth plug; shell cylindrical; length 24 mill., 15 times the diam., sectum, p. 96. b’. Apex with slit on concave side; shell translucent whit- ish with opaque rings; length 30 mill.,16 times the diam., inversum, p. 95. b”. Apex simple; length 25-30 mill., 10 times the diam. semipolitum, p. 91. a”. Shell without longitudinal sculpture, rounded or oval in sec- tion. b. Strongly compressed between convex and concave faces, rapidly tapering; length 9-5 mill., about 4 times the diam. brevicornu, p. 125. b’. Shell compressed laterally, excessively slender, fragile, salmon tinted ; length 17, greatest diam. 0:8 mill. innumerabile, p. 119. 6”. Shell subcircular in section. ce. Well curved, polished, flesh-tinted toward the apex, which is sometimes slit in front and behind; length 45 mill., 12 times the diam. splendidulum, p. 96. ce’. Curvature very slight ; thin, white, smooth. d. Almost perfectly straight, fragile, excessively slender; length 31 mill., nearly 20 times the diam., equatorium, p. 112. 1 xX GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. d’. Less straight, decidedly wider; length 45-69 mill]., 11-14 times the diam., dalhi, p. 114. Peruvian Provinee. The west coast of South America from Peru southward is not known to possess any shore Scaphopods; the few species known from off Chili are deep water forms of the Eastern Pacific, or mem- bers of the Magellanic fauna. Magellanic Province. The few species yet known belong to widely distributed subgen- era. D. megathyris extends north to the northern limit of the Pan- amic fauna. D. majorinum, p. 27, and var. magellanicum. Magellan St., ete. D. lebruni, p. 102. Magellan Strait. D- megathyris, p. 67, off Chiloe I., 1,050-1,342 fms. C. (Polyschides) dalli, p. 155, west coast Patagonia, 122 fms. In this connection might also be mentioned D. ceras, p. 68, an essentially mid-Pacific species, which has been dredged from 2,160 fms., west of Valparaiso. It is allied to D. Degathyris. California to Alaska. Eight species of Dentalium are known from this region, two of them, semipolitum and agassizi being southern forms, reaching the neighborhood of San Diego. D. neohexagonum and D. pretiosum with its variety indianorum are abundant shore species, the others being from deeper water. Six species of Cadulus have been described, mostly within the past year. The following species extend into the Panamic province: JD. semipolitum, agassizi, dalli, C.californicus. The subgenus Rhabdus is almost peculiar to this and the Panamic region ; the affinities of the other species are with Panamic forms, with the exception of D. pretiosum, which belongs to Antalis, a North Atlantic group. D. neohexagonum. D. watsoni, 786 fms. D. agassizi, 822 fms. D. rectius, 13-786 fms. D. pretiosum. D. dalli, 265-786 fms. D. semipolitum. D. stearnsii, 786 fms. C. (Polyschides) quadrifissatus. C. aberrans. C. californicus, 252-822 fms. C. fusiformis. C. tolmiei, 60 fms. C. hepburni, 60 fms. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. eG Key to Californian species of Dentalium. a. Shell longitudinally strongly ribbed. b. Ribs typically 6, decreasing anteriorly, neohexagonum, p. 19. b’. Ribs 12-20 at apex, 25-48 at aperture, —agassizi, p. 26. a. Shell longitudinally striate near apex (or in young specimens, throughout). b. Thin, closely, finely and evenly engraved toward apex, smooth and polished toward aperture; length 25-30 mill., semipolitum, p. 91. 6’. Rather solid and opaque; larger; unequally lirulate toward apex, pretiosum var. indianorum, p. 45. a’. No longitudinal] sculpture. b. Strong and solid, young striated, pretiosum, p. 44. b’. Quite thin ; deep water species; no apical notch. c. Slender, with very slight curvature, and slow in- crease. d. Very slightly curved, very slender ; length 30 mill., 16-19 times the diam., watsoni, p. 113. d’. Almost straight, very glossy ; length 30- 40 mill., 12-153 times the diam., rectius, p. 113. d”. Curvature regular but slight ; length 45 to 69 mill., 11 to 14 times the diam., dalli, p. 114. ce’. Short, decidedly curved, very rapidly tapering ; tube vertically compressed; length 8-6 mill., 44 times the greatest diam., stearnsu, p. 2538. Japanand China. Fifteen species of Dentalium, none of them deep water forms, are known from this side of the Pacific from Hong Kong northward. Five of these are more or less widely distributed in the East Indies and Indian Ocean, the others being until now known only from Japan and China. The dominant group is that of D. octangulatum. There is one Antalis and three Fissidentalium. Dredging in deeper water will doubtless reveal a rich fauna. One nameless Siphonodentalium (p. 141) is recorded from Corea, and Cadulus clavatus (p. 185) occurs in Hong Kong harbor: xxil GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Key to Japanese and Chinese Dentalium. a. Primary ribs 6-18, strong, angulating the aperture; shell white or pale. b. Ribs 6 (rarely 7), strong, intervals with some riblets generally, length about 55 mill., 12-14 times the diam., heaagonum (p. 18); sexcostatum, p. 19- b’. Ribs 7-9, some interstitial riblets. c. Ribs 7-8; length 72 mill., 12 times the diameter, japonicum, p. 17. ’. Ribs 8-9; length 50 mill., 10 times the diameter, octangulatum, p. 16. ce’. Ribs 8-9; length 30 mill., 8 times the diameter, yokohamense, p. 16. b”. Ribs 11-18, strong and narrow; an interstitial thread or none; a wide, shallow apical notch; length 70 mill., 11-12 times the diam., bisexangulatum, p. 16. a’, 16 narrow riblets at apex, increasing to double that number, and then vanishing, the large end smooth except for growth- lines, length 80 mill., 11 times the diam., weinkauffii, p. 40. vw’, 6-12 riblets at apex, increasing to about double that number. b. 6, increasing to 12; shell acute, rapidly widening ; length 18 mill., 8-9 times the diam., intercalatum, p. 28. b’. 8 ribs, increasing in number toward aperture; cancel- lated with growth-striz ; length 253 mill., about 8 times ion} the diam., cancellatum, p. 50. b”. 12 delicate sulci, increasing to 30; length 20 mill., 8 times the diam., poreatum, p. 15. a”. 30 sulci, vanishing toward aperture ; length 30 mill., 10 times the diam., buccinulum, p 14. vw”, Smooth, glossy, white; longitudinally finely striate at apex, becoming smooth, aciculum, p. 98. Riblets very numerous; shell large and solid. b. About 40 subequal riblets becoming alternating toward apex, where there is a long slit; length 90 mill., 8-9 times the diam., vernedet, p. 80. b’. Many unequal riblets; a series of 2 to 5 holes in place of the slit; length 47 to 64 mill, about 83 times the diam., plurifissuratum, p. 82. b’. Numerous unequal riblets; tawny, irregularly banded with brown; tube compressed ; length 62 to 72 mill., about 6 times the diam., hungerfordi, p. 84. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. XxXili Indo-Pacific Provinee—East Indies, Philippine Islands, Singapore to N. Papua. About 20 species of Dentalium and two Cadulus are reported from definite localities in the ‘“ East Indies,” nearly all being shallow water species, the deep water forms being still unknown. No doubt many other species recorded from China and Japan, Torres Strait, and the Indian Ocean, also occur here. The specialty of this tract is the group of green colored species. D. elephantinum. D. variabile. D. formosum. D. belcheri. D. aprinum. D. acutissimum, 1,070 fms. D. interstriatum. D. bisinuatum. D. javanum. D. longitrorsum. D. letsone. D. eburneum. D. hexagonum. D. philippinarum. D. bisexangulatum. D. subrectum. D. pseudosexagonum. Cadulus gadus, p. 186. D. dispar. C. singaporensis, p. 199. D. quadrapicale. Key to species of Dentalium. a. Shell ribbed, decidedly colored, generally green. (Group of D. elephantinum, p. 1; and of D. aprinum, p. 3. a’. Shell ribbed, white or whitish, not green. b. Square, with four right angles or keels at apex, becoming rounded at aperture. e. The four primary ribs bifid or trifid, dispar, p. 32. ce’. Primary ribs simple; surface costulate, about 36 riblets at aperture, which is very oblique, quadrapicale, p. 34. b’. Hexagonal or 6-ribbed at apex. c. 6-ribbed throughout, intervals smooth or with several strise toward aperture; length 55 mill., 12—- 14 times the diam. heaagonum, p. 18. c’. Each interval divided and subdivided by succes- sively arising riblets, pseudosexagonum, p. 23. 6’. 10-18 ribs, or more. c. 11-13 ribs throughout, the ribs not dotted ; a weak thread in intervals or none, biserangulatum, p. 15. ce’. Ribs dotted or articulated, gray and white, variubile, belcheri, p. 60. XXIV GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. a”. No longitudinal sculpture. =) ol elslleleile) ele! b. Much curved throughout; amber, carnelian or white; smooth, glossy, length about 90 mill., about 19 times the diam., longitrorsum, p. 111. b’. Curvature moderate or slight; surface with low variceal swelling or rings; length 50-70 mill., 12 to 15 times the diam., eburneum, p. 115; philippinarum, p. 116. b’. Curvature moderate; surface smoothish ; apex notched on both convex and concave sides; length 33 mill., 11 times the diam., bisinuatum, p. 108. b’”, Nearly straight, small, fragile and acicular; length 16, diam. of aperture 1 mill., subrectum, p. 119. Indo-Pacific Province—Middle Indian Ocean, ete. . quadrapicale, p. 34. Travancore, 406 fms.; Malabar. . usitatum, p. 29. Off Ceylon, etc., 597-675 fms. filosum, p. 13. Tenasserim. . conspicuum, p. 248. Karachi. . politum, p. 128. “ Indian Ocean.” . profundorum, p. 79. Off Colombo, Ceylon, 675 fms. . magnificum, p. 251. Off east coast Ceylon, 637-800 fms. . lacteum, p. 99. ‘“‘ India.” . insolitum, p. 109. Bay of Bengal, 597 fms. Entalina mirifica, p. 1384. Off Ceylon, 200-350 fms. Cadulus anguidens, p. 253. Madras. Southwestern Indian Ocean. D. bisexangulatum, p. 15. Querimba Is. and Mozambique. C. gadus, p. 186. t C. dive, p. 188. Island of St. Paul. [D. egeum, p. 69. Kerguelen I., 110 fms. ] South African. D. strigatum, p. 13. “D. lessoni Desh.” Sowb. Indo-Pacific Province: Persian Gulf and Red Sea. Seven species of Dentaliwm are known from this province, only two of which (longitrorsum and aciculum?) extend far beyond its limits. As most of the others are still unfigured, it is possible that some of them may prove identical with forms described from other regions ; but on the other hand there will doubtless prove to be GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. XXV other species when these rich basins are more fully investigated. See also p. 247. a. No longitudinal sculpture. b. Raised growth-strie near apex ; slender, length 22 mill., 11 times the diam., subtorquatum, p. 101. b’. Polished, much curved, extremely long and slender; length 90 mill., about 19 times the diam., longitrorsum, p. 111. a’. Longitudinal striz near apex, elsewhere smooth, aciculum, p. 93. «’, Longitudinally ribbed. b. 9 strong ribs and some interstitial riblets ; length 40-48 mill., about 7 times the diam., lineolatum, p. 11. b’. 11 indistinct ribs; shell thick, ungraceful; length 44 mill., 8 times the diam., clavus, p. 50. b”. 11-12 ribs, interstices and ribs strongly longitudinally lineated ; length 373 mill., 10 times the diam., aratorum, p. 10. 6”. 14 slightly elevated ribs, intervals flat; length 31 mill., 20 times the diam., cookei, p. 29. 6”, 21 subequal ribs, intervals flat; dense, lamellose growth strie ; length 75 mill., 7 times the diam., shoplandi, p. 28.. A single Cadulus, C. minutus, p. 188, is described. Indo-Pacific Province :— Torres Straits, Papua, New Caledonia, ete. Out of some sixteen species of Dentalium recorded from this area, six are widely distributed Indo-Pacific forms. Of the others only two have been figured, and comparisons with a good series of species from other regions would probably develop some synonymy. Still, it is evident that this region has a somewhat special Scaphopod fauna. None of its species are known to extend southward to New South Wales, though they probably follow the Great Barrier Reef of Queensland. a. Smooth, or with no longitudinal ribs or riblets. b. Incised spaced circular lines on smaller end, smooth to- wards aperture; length 14 mill., anulosum, p. 101. b’. No conspicuous circular lines; glossy, strongly curved, very long and slender; length 90 mill., about 19 times the diam., longitrorsum, p. 111. XxXVl GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. b”. Glassy, very thin, with fine obliquely encircling striz, and minutely longitudinally scored when young; very slender, acutissimum, p. 94. a. With four angles toward the square apex. | b. 4 bifid or trifid keels towards apex, with fine riblets between them, becoming cylindrical and polished toward aperture ; length 30 mill., dispar, p. 32. b’. A serrate rib at each angle; white, straightened ; length 16 mill., 8 times the diam., quadricostatum, p. 33. a’. With 6 to 13 primary ribs, at least on the smaller half of shell. Section not elliptical. b. 6 ribs at apex, 12 from middle to aperture, the intervals smooth; white; length 22 mill., 11 times the diam., duodecimcostatum, p. 13. b’. 6 ribs at apex, numerous striz soon appearing in each interval ; length 45-50 mill., 11-12 times the diam., pseudosexagonum, p. 23. b”. 7 ribs at apex, with interstitial riblets anteriorly ; white; length 14 mill., katowense and cheverti, p. 9. 6”. 8 to 10 primary ribs. c. Ribs 8, prominent, intervals deeply concave, with a few riblets in adults; white; length 50 mill. about 10 times the diam., octangulatum, p. 16. c’. Ribs 8, narrower, intervals wide, flat; tinted ; length 48-77 mill., 11-13 times the diam., javanum, p. 4. ce’. Ribs 8-10, low, rounded, obsolete at aperture; length 50 mill., 123 times the diam., Jlessonz, p. 8. ce”, Ribs 9, rounded, distant, intervals flat; aperture angular; length 20 mill., 8 times the diam., robustum, p. 12. . Ribs 10, rather sharp, intervals nearly flat, trans- versely striate; thin, white, tapering; length 20 mill., about 7 times the diam., decemcostatum, p. 8. bh”, 11-13 strong narrow ribs, intervals with a weak thread or none; length 70 mill., 11-12 times the diam., bisexangulatum, p. 15. a”, 16 angular ribs, smaller ones sparsely intercalated below ; inter- vals clathrate; tube elliptical in section, clathratum, p. 84. we GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. XXVil The Siphonodentaliide are as tollows : Siphonodentalium eboracense, p. 140. Cadulus (Dischides) prionotus, p. 146. Cadulus simillimus, p. 182. Cadulus ? levis, p. 195. Cadulus viperidens, p. 184 (Loyalty Is.). Pacifie species. Eastward from the region last treated the known species are few, part being shore forms, part deep water species. None of these have occurred elsewhere, and no other species are yet known from this area. D. diarrhox, p. 109. Northeast from New Zealand, 700 fms. D. acutissimum, p. 94. North of Papua, 1,070 fms. and mid-Pacific east of Japan, 2,050 fms. D. tornatum, p. 121. Levuku, Fiji, 12 fms. D. complexum, p. 76. Off Honolulu, 295 fms. D. phaneun, p, 59. Off Honolulu, 298-357 fms. D. ceras, p. 68. Mid-Pacific, east of Japan in 2,050, and west of Valparaiso in 2,160 fms. Cadulus (Dischides) belcheri, p. 145. North Pacific. C. (D.) dichelus, p. 145. Levuku, Fiji, 12 fms. C. honoluluensis, p. 185. Off Honolulu, 40 fms. C. colubridens, p. 184. Northeast from New Zealand, 700 fms. Australian Province: New South Wales to South Australia and Tasmania. Five species of Dentalium and one Cadulus (C. acuminatus, p. 183) are known from this coast, to which a sixth may be added, D. leptosceles, from lat. 42° 42’ S., south of Australia, in 2,600 fms. The others are from inconsiderable depths. None of them have occurred elsewhere. The “ D. octagonum” reported by Angas was apparently an incorrect identification, and D. novehollandie has not been found by Australian naturalists. a. Shell longitudinally ribbed. b. Equally 8-ribbed, intervals often subcostate ; length 10°5 mill., tasmaniense, p. 9. b’. Obsoletely equally ribbed ; length 10 mill., weldianum, p. 9. XXVlil GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. b”. Seven-ribbed, the ribs lower and splitting toward aperture ; length 19 mill., nearly 7 times the greatest diam., bednalli, p. 248. a’. Minute longitudinal striz on the smaller end, the rest smooth ; length 76 mill., about 18 times the diam., novehollandie, p. 98. a.” No longitudinal sculpture. b. Length 11 mill., about 9 times the greatest diam. ; aper- ture very oblique, wider than long; surface obliquely wrinkled, platyceras, p. 126. b’. Decidedly larger, more slender, polished, leptosceles, lubricatum, erectum, p. 110, 111. New Zealand. Five species of Dentalinm are credited to this province, one of which is a doubtful member of the fauna, and two others of uncer- tain standing (see synopsis below). All are confined to the prov- ince. No Cadulus or Siphonodentalium have yet come to light. a. Shell smooth, white, nearly straight; length 15 mill., about 9 times the diam., : ecostatum, p. 102. a’. Shell with longitudinal ribs. b. Principal ribs about 18. c. Eighteen unequal ribs at aperture, fewer at apex ; length 15-16 mill., about 6 times the diam., huttoni, p. 71. ce. Eighteen ribs, with intervening riblets, all becoming subobsolete at aperture ; shell nearly straight, rapidly tapering ; slit short; length 56 mill., about 72 times the diam., opacum, p. 70. 6’. Thirty or many ribs; length 57-60 mill., 7 or 8 times the diam., zelandicum, pacificum, p. 70. Pabitat unknown. The habitats of the following are unknown: D. curtum, dipsyche, aculeatum, dacostianum, translucidum, ambiquum, longum, fistula and multistriatum. There are also a few others, of which the assigned localities are more or less doubtful. Geologically the group is an old one. Dentaliwm first appears in the Lower Silurian ; though it must be noted that part of the Silu- rian species, such as some of those described by Eichwald, are very doubtful members of the group, presenting bizarre sculptural char- CLASSIFICATION. XX1X acters and unusual forms. In the Carboniferous numerous very large species occur, some of them surpassing any of the recent forms. These belong mostly to thé subgenus Plagioglypta, a group which became extinct before the close of the Mesozoic. FAMILIES OF SCAPHOPODA. I. Width of the median tooth of the radula double its height. Foot with an encircling epipodial sheath which is discontinuous, interrupted on the side next to the head. Shell greatest in di- ameter at the oral opening, DENTALIIDA, p. xxix. II. Width of median tooth much less than double its length, gener- ally less than the length. Foot vermiform, capable of expan- sion into a terminal or subterminal rosette-like disk, not inter- rupted dorsally. Shell generally smooth, often inflated, SIPHONODENTALIID&, p. 130. Family DENTALIIDZE. Characters given above. U.S. Nat.Mus.; No: 37, p: 76, pli 27,4. 1 (18397. Off Martha's Vineyard and Chesapeake Bay in 68 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission); from near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to the vi- cinity of Cape Florida, abundant (Blake Expedition) ; at Station 9, Gulf of Mexico, in 127 fms.; off Sombrero, living, in 54 fms. ; off Havana, in 127 to 177 fms. (Sigsbee) ; off Santa Cruz, in 116 fms. ; off Dominica, in 118 fms., sand; near the Grenadines, in 164 fms., coral ; off Grenada, in 154 fms., ooze ; near Barbados, in 73-84 fms. (Blake Exped.). This species is easily distinguished from all others of our coast by the very large and strong longitudinal ribs, and the fine longitudi- nal strise between them ( Verrill). This very fine species reaches the length of 55 mill. The very young have generally a very slight wave on the convex side of the anal aperture; in the adults this aperture is somewhat circular and unslit; sometimes there is a narrow slit 5 mill. long. The very young have the transverse sculpture most prominent (aside from the strong ribs which range from 9 to 11), the adolescent part the longitudinal strize ; while near the lip of the adult both are obsolete. I am disposed to think the species does not reach more than 200 fms. (Dall.). It recalls D. octangulatum Don. somewhat, but the secondary strize in that species, when present, are generally more numerous, the primary ribs fewer, and the taper at the posterior end much more abrupt. D. LInEOLATUM Cooke. Unfigured. Shell solid, pale amber colored, acuminate, curved toward the apex, fluted with 9 angulated, very high, equidistant ribs; inter- stices and some of the ribs themselves longitudinally lineated, and ty DENTALIUM. decussated by very minute transverse strive. Apex entire. Length 1:75, breadth at base 0°25 inch (Cooke). Gulf of Suez (MacAndrew). D. lineolatum Cooxr, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xvi, p. 274 (Oct., 1885). In fresh specimens the interstitial lines are very marked; they are parallel to the ribs, which are themselves generally bisected by a similar line ( Cooke). D. laugieri Jouss. and D. reevei Desh. seem to be identical with, or at least very nearly allied to, this species. Although reevet has pri- ority, the absence of a sufficient description would lead us to adopt Cooke’s name should the specific identity of these forms be confirmed. The descriptions here follow : D. laugieri Jousseaume. Shell white, solid, cylindrical, slightly arcuate, longitudinally costate; ribs 9, equal, strong, rounded, smooth ; the intervals flat, wider, with 3 to 5 delicate strie. Length 40-48, diam. 7 mill. (Jowss. in Bull. Soc. Philomath. de Paris, (8), vi, p. 103, 1894). Aden; Suez. This form seems to present no tangible differences from D. lineo- latum Cooke, and from comparison of the diagnoses we believe it a synonym. D. reevei “Deshayes”’ Fischer. This species, which will shortly be described by M. Deshayes, is white, arcuate, having 9 longitudi- nal ribs. The interstices are very finely striated transversely, and some longitudinal narrow ribs run along them. (D. reevei De- shayes, mss., Fischer, Journ. de Conchyl., xix [(8), xi], p. 212, 1871). Suez. The above insufficient descriptive note is all that has been pub- lished on this species. Compare D. laugiert Jouss. and lineolatum Cooke, with which reevei is probably identical. D. ropustrum Brazier. Shell nearly straight, thick, dull white, longitudinally 9-ribbed, ribs rounded, wide apart, narrow toward the apex, interstices flat- tened, smooth; apex with small perforation, entire ; aperture thick- ened, regular. Length 10 lines, diam. of apex %, base 14 line (Bra- zer). Katow, New Guinea, 8 fathoms, sandy mud and coral (Chevert Exped.). D. robustum Braz., P. L. S. N.S. W., ii, p. 56 (1877). DENTALIUM. 13 D. DUODECIMCOSTATUM Brazier. Shell straight, white, thin, shining, smooth, six-sided, having two longitudinal rounded ribs, one on the edge of each square, from the center between the interstices one fine rib extending to the base, making in all 12 ribs; apex tapering, entire, with minute perfora- tion ; aperture large. Length 11 lines, diam. of apex 1, base 1 line (Braz.). Darnley Island, Torres Straits, 30 fathoms, sandy mud (Chevert Exped.). D. duodecimeostatum Braz., P. L.S.N.S. Wales, ii, p.56 (1877). Only one specimen found. It differs from anything at present known. ‘The shell is six-sided, the base with twelve ribs, and from the center to the apex six, with the interstices smooth (Brazier). D. r1Losum Broderip & Sowerby. Shell slender, thin, white ; with 8 longitudinal threads and very close transverse strize. Length 2°6, diam. 0-2 inch (B. & S.). Tenasserim, on shore. D. filosum B. & §., Zoological Journal, v, p. 48 (1830-1832). Distinguished from D. octogonwm by its much more slender shape and its thinner shell. Instead of the eight angles of that species it has eight distinct, raised, longitudinal threads. Three specimens of this fine species were lately brought to England by Mr. Hay, who himself picked them up on the coast of Tennasserim (B. & S.). It is somewhat peculiar that this apparently distinct and large species has not been noticed by any author since its original descrip- tion. Compare D. javanum. D. stRIGATUM Gould. PI. 5, figs. 69, 70. Shell considerably curved, solid, rapidly tapering ; surface luster- less, white with several irregular transverse grayish-translucent bands. Sculpture of 13 strong and rather sharp ribs continuous from end to end, separated by wider deeply concave intervals; no trace of interstitial riblets ; intervals and ribs longitudinally very finely stri- ated. Aperture hardly oblique, circular, the peristome strongly scalloped by the ribs, which are represented by grooves within the tube. Anal orifice much smaller than the truncated apex, oblong, with a raised ledge at each side. Length 15:2, breadth at aperture 2°4, at apex 0°9 mill. Length 18, breadth at aperture 3 mill. False Bay, Cape of Good Hope (N. Pacif. Expl. Exped.). 14 DENTALIUM. D. strigatum Gup., Proce. Bost. Soc. N. H., vii, p. 166 (1859) ; Otia, p. 119. Considerably like D. bisexangulatum on a small scale, but the concave intervals and sides of the ribs are finely and evenly striated longitudinally as in D. lineolatum. Figures and description from one of the original specimens, in U. 8. Nat. Mus. (no. 24189). D. BuccInULUM Gould. PI. 5, figs. 14, 75, 76; pl. 6, fig. 84. Shell rather rapidly tapering, solid, the smaller half considerably curved, later half straight; lusterless, white. Sculpture of 14 nar- row, rather sharp ribs at the smaller end, separated by wider, deeply coneave intervals; at the middle of the shell a thread arises in each interval, those on the convex side appearing first, and at the aperture there are 28 equal riblets parted by shallow intervals as wide as themselves. Aperture oblique, circular. Anal orifice small, ovate, with an extremely slight notch on the convex side. Length 16, diam. at aperture 2°2, at apex 07 mill. Kagosima, Japan (N. Pacif. Expl. Exp.). D. buccinulum Gup., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. vii, p. 166 (1859); Otia, p. 119.—Sows., Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 50. The specimen described above and figured on pl. 5 is not full grown. ‘Traces of tertiary threads at the aperture show that a larger shell would have more riblets. It is no. 24160 U.S. Nat. Mus. -Gould’s description here follows: Shell moderate, milk white, ruddy toward the apex, very arcuate ; longitudinally grooved by about 30 sulci, which vanish toward the aperture. Length 50, diam. 3 mill. Most nearly allied to D. cur- tum, but is more deeply grooved. (Gld.). Sowerby quotes this and Gould’s other species, as MSS. names in the British Museum ;. but they were all diagnosed by Gould many years ago in as well-known a work as the Otia Conchologica. The locality “ Hong Kong” given in the Iconica is incorrect. D. curtum Sowerby. PI. 10, fig. 65. Shell greenish, subeylindrical, delicately striated, short. Apex obtuse, slightly fissured. A small, cylindrical, pale-greenish shell, with obtuse apex and fine strie. (Sowd.). Length 203, diam. 3 mill. (from fig.). Habitat unknown. DENTALIUM. US D. curtum—? , Sows., Thes. Conch., ili, p. 100, pl. 225, f. 62, under figs. 47, 48 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 6, f. 42 (1872). Short, pale brown, finely striated, strongly arched, rapidly increas- ing; apex attenuated and acuminated ; apical fissure small. (Sowd.). D. porcatum Gould. PI. 6, fig. 80. Shell moderate, chalky, more or less ruddy at the apex, well curved, with 12 delicate longitudinal sulci, increasing to 20. Length 20, diam. 2°5 mill. (Gd.). Hongkong Harbor, China (N. P. Expl. Exped.). D. porcatum Guv., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., vii, p. 166 (1859) ; ‘Otia Conch., p. 119.—Sowg., C. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 47. D. BISEXANGULATUM Sowerby. PI. 2, fig. 25. Shell well curved, solid, moderately stout, the length about 11 or 12 times the greatest diameter; white. Sculpture of about 12 (11 to 13) strong longitudinal narrow ribs, about a third as wide as the concave intervals, which are ribless or show a weak median thread on the convex side (or occasionally all the intervals except one or several on the concave side have low median threads) ; growth-striz fine and superficial. Aperture a trifle compressed laterally, strongly angulated by the projecting ribs on the concave margin, but much less so in adult shells on the convex margin. Anal orifice rounded, with a wide, shallow notch on the convex side. Length 68, length of aperture 6°5, breadth 6 mill.; height of arch from chord 10 mill. Length 72, length of aperture 6:2, breadth 6 mill.; height of arch from chord 11°5 mill. Java (Sowerby) ; Singapore (Archer); Yokohama, Japan (Loo- mis); Gulf of Swez (MacAndrew) ; Torres Straits and vicinity, 8-30 fms. (Chevert Exp.). D. bisexangulatum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 102, pl. 223 f. 8 (1860), and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 8, f. 15 (1872).—CooxgE, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, p. 273.—Brazimr, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, ii, p. 57 (1877). So far as our material goes, there are oftener 11 than 12 ribs; and the development of an intermediate thread in each space over the greater part of the shell is occasional though probably exceptional. The specimen from Yokohama which I refer to this species came with a series of D. octangulatum. It is 11-ribbed, and measures, length 16 DENTALIUM. 47, length of aperture 5, breadth 4:7 mill.; height of arch from chord 9 mill. The apical third is much more curved than in the typical form, but this, like the greater ratio of diameter to length, is a character of immaturity. D. YOKOHAMENSE Watson. PI. 2, figs. 29, 30, 31. Shell much curved when young becoming nearly straight with later growth, little conical, rather strong, opaque, yellowish-white, quite dull, but not chalky. Sculpture: Irregular, slightly elliptical, lines of growth, a little puckered, generally slight, but sometimes sharp and even; towards the mouth faintly imbricated ; occasion- ally marked by a deep furrow-like construction of the shell. The longitudinal ribs are eight to nine in number, equal, rounded, rather strong, but not very prominent. These are parted by furrows, round and open, very shallow, and of very unequal breadth. In these furrows, one, two, or even three thread-like riblets appear, and in the whole texture the lens shows a tendency to a longitudinal or rod like structure. At the apex the shell is squarely truncate, and in the young shell there is, on the convex slope, a slight ragged fis- sure. Length 1:2, breadth at mouth 0°15; at apex 0°003 inch. [Length 30, diam. 3°75 mill.]. ( Watson). Yokohama, Japan, 8 fms. (Challenger). D. yokohamense Warts., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 517 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 11, pl. 2, f. 1. The ribs here are much less sharp than they are in Dentalium dentalis Linn., and there is no trace of the exquisite longitudinal fretted strize which cover the furrows in that species. The sharp intercostal strize of Dentalium octogonum are quite absent here; and in that species, which is much more bent, the ribs are much wider apart and more equally parted. ( Wats.). D. ocraNcuLatTuM Donovan. PI. 2, figs. 16, 17, 18, 22. Shell rather slender, the length about 10 times the greatest diam- eter, well curved, white or bluish-white ; nearly lusterless or shining. Sculpture, 8 (rarely 9) longitudinal rounded ribs, extremely strong and prominent toward the smaller end, often lower toward the aper- ture, parted by deep concave intervals, smooth in the young, but usually with several or many unequal longitudinal striz in adult specimens at least toward the larger end ; growth-lines slight. Aper- ture somewhat oblique, octagonal, a trifle longer than wide. Anal DENTALIUM. FE orifice minute, a little channelled on the convex side but without a slit. Length 50, greatest diam. 5, least 1 mill. Length 52, greatest diam. 5:3, least ‘8 mill. China Sea (authors) ; Japan, Nagasaki, (figs. 17, 18), and Bay of veddo, f.16 (Lischke) ; Hakodate (Schrenck) ; Avi coast (Stearns) ; Ceylon (Tennent). N. Australia at Cape York, Princess Charlotte Bay, Katow, New Guinea, Darnley Island, Torres Strait (Chevert Exped.). D. octangulatum Donovan, Nat. Hist. Brit. Shells, v, pl. 162 (1805) ; quoted “ octangulum” by Turton.—D. striatulum (ir part) Turton, Conch. Dict. Brit. Is., p. 38 (1819).—D. aprinum Mawe, Linn. Syst. Conch., pl. 35, f. 1 (not of Linné).—D. octogonum Lam., An. s. Vert., v, p. 8344 (1818).—Desn, Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, li, p. 352, pl. 16, f. 5, 6 (1825).— DELEssrErt, Rec. de Cogq,, pl. 1, f. 1 (1841).—CueEnv, Illustr. Conchyl., i, p. 5, pl. 1, f. 21-23.—Sow- ERBY, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 102, pl. 223, f. 9 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 2, f. 12 (1872).—ReEEvs, Conch. Syst., ii, pl. 36, f. 8. —LiscuKE, Jap. Meeres-Conchyl., ii, p. 103; iii, p 75, pl. 5, f. 1-8 (1874).—DunkeEr, Index Moll. Mar. Jap., p. 153.—Brazimr, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1877, ii, p. 55.—? D. octagonum Angas, P. Z. S., 1878, p. 868 (Henley Beach, South Australia). Not D. octa- gonum Costa, Fauna Reg. Nap., Dent. p.19, pl. 1, f. 6 (1850).— - D. octohedra Leacu, ms. label in Jeffreys coll. Out of 32 specimens before us from Japan, 2 have nine equal and equidistant ribs, and in another one rib is replaced by two contiguous smaller ones. The young are much more curved than adults; and in the latter the larger half of the length is scarcely arcuate. The number of ribs is practically the chief character separating this from D. sexcostatum. In some specimens the primary ribs become much lower toward the aperture, which, while still octagonal, has the angles rounded off, not projecting as in the typical form. Donovan supposed the species to be British ; but there can be no doubt whatever of the identity of his types with the Lamarckian D. octogonum. After arriving at this conclusion we found that Des- _ hayes, in his MS. card catalogue, had adopted the same view. D. saponicum Dunker. PI. 2, fig. 19. Shell solid, white, becoming yellowish toward the apex, a little arcuate ; having 7 or 8 thick ribs, and interstitial riblets; trans- 2 18 DENTALIUM. versely striated ; apex rather large, entire, without a slit. Length 72, diam. 6 mill. (Dhkr.). Japan (Dkr.). D. japonicum Drr., Malak. BL, xxiv, p. 68 (1877); Index Moll. Mar. Jap., p. 153, pl. 5, f. 2. Not unlike D. javanum Sowb., but easily distinguished by being more slender, with stronger interstitial riblets and the whole sculpt- ure more prominent. (Dhkr.). It is evidently near D. octangulatum, but the diameter increases less rapidly, the aperture being contained twelve times in the length. Not seen by us. D. HEXxAGONUM Gould. PI. 2, figs. 20, 21, and var. 23, 24. Shell long, slender, bony, arcuate, hexagonal with obtuse, later- ally compressed angles, the interspaces unsculptured; peristome six-angled. Length 55, diam. 4 mill. (Gild.). Hongkong (N. Pacif. Expl. Exped.) ; Singapore (Sowb., Archer !) ; Bay of Yeddo, Japan (Lischke). D. hexagonum Guip., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. vii, p. 166 (Dec., 1859) ; Otia Conch., p. 119.—Sows., Thes. Conch., ili, p. 103, pl. 223, f. 10 (1860) and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 2, f. 6 (14872).— LiscuK®, Jap. Meeres-Conchyl. iii, p. 74, pl. 5, f. 4, 5 and var., f. 6, 7 (1874). Not “ D. hexagonum Sby.” of Carpenter and other authors on West American mollusks. Several specimens of the original lot are before us, with others collected by Archer at Singapore. These have sharply cut, high and rather narrow ribs, separated by flat or concave intervals showing lines of growth only, although in the largest there are faint traces of interstitial strie. One out of 5 from China is 7-ribbed (see be- low). There is no apical slit. The shell is somewhat more slender than D. octangulatum, the diam. of aperture being contained 12 to 14 times in the length of shell. Lischke writes as follows: Gould’s diagnosis agrees excellently with the 16 examples before me, except that the intervals are plain only in the smaller part of the shell to about 20-25 mill. from the apex, beyond there having very fine interstitial riblets. These riblets become more numerous toward the aperture, but they vary in num- ber, not only in different specimens but in the different intervals on DENTALIUM. 19 the same shell; usually being 1-3, exceptionally 4, or even 6. My largest example has a length of 50, breadth 4 mill. With the 16 six-ribbed specimens, there are 4 with seven primary ribs, the largest one 41 mill. long. These were received with the others, and are exactly like them except in the number of ribs (pl. 2, figs. 23, 24). All the seven ribs run from apex to aperture, and the latter is as pronounced a heptagon as that of the typical form is a hexagon. Var. SEXCOSTATUM Sowerby. PI. 2, figs. 27, 28. Shell slender, its smaller half well curved, larger half nearly straight; white. Sculpture of 6 very strongly projecting rounded ribs, about half as wide as their interstices; the latter on the smaller third of the shell concave and plain, beyond that, one or two inter- stitial threads appear in each interval on the convex side, and later in those on the concave side; these increasing in number until near the aperture there are 3-6 unequal threads on the flat ground of each interval. Aperture hexagonal, the angles more or less project- ing. Anal orifice a minute ovate foramen, excentric in position on the star shaped apex; no slit or notch. Length 62, breadth and length of aperture 5 mill. Japan, Cape Shima, 18 fms.; Goza Harbor, 6 fms. (St. John) ; China (Sowerby). D. sexcostatum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 1038, pl. 223, f. 11. (1860) and in Conch. Icon., pl. 2, f. 11 (1872).—E. A. Smirn, Ann. Mag. N. H., xvi, 1875, p. 118. Conf. Liscakr, Jap. Meeres- Conch., iii, pp. 74, 75. This differs from typical hexagonum in the more sculptured inter- vals, thicker ribs and larger size, but we have little doubt that the forms intergrade. D. NEOHEXAGONUM Sharp & Pilsbry, n. sp. Pl. 11, figs. 74-86. Shell decidedly curved toward the apex in the young, only moder- ately arcuate when adult ; slender (the length 12-14 times the great- est diameter, in adults); much attenuated toward the apex; white. Sculpture of siz strong, rounded, projecting ribs, which on the larger half or third of the adult shell become reduced to mere rounded angles ; interstitial riblets wanting, or with one or two low cords developed in each interval toward the larger end of the shell only ; usually with coarse wrinkles of growth on the larger half of the length Aperture hexagonal, but with the angles so rounded as to appear almost circular; oblique; anal orifice rounded-oval, without notch or slit. 20 DENTALIUM. Length 30:5, diam. of aperture 2°5 mill.; height of arch from chord 4°8 mill. Length 31°5, diam. of aperture 2°3 mill.; height of arch from chord 3°7 mill. Santa Barbara, San Pedro Bay, San Diego, California (south to. Acapulco ?). Fossil in southern Californian Pliocene. “ D. hexagonum Sby.,” Cper., Suppl. Rep. Moll. West Coast N. A., in Rep. Brit. Asso. Ady. Sci. for 1863, pp. 612, 648 and 668 (“ D. ? hexagonum, var. B”); and in The Mollusks of Western North America, Smiths. Mise. Coll., no. 252, pp. 98, 134, 154 (1872).— Gass, Paleeont. of Calif., ii, 1869, p. 86—WzuLiiamson, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xv, p. 194 (1892).—K rep, West Coast Shells, p. 114. This species has hitherto been confused with the Japanese D. heaagonum Gld., a mistake apparently originating with Dr. Car- penter. It never grows as large as that form, the six primary ribs lose conspicuously in prominence on the larger part of the shell, and fewer interstitial riblets develop. The two species are very readily — separated at all stages of growth, and have only been united because no comparison of Oriental and Californian specimens seems hitherto to have been made. The young shells, as usual, are much more curved and taper more rapidly than adults. Specimens from the Pliocene at San Diego are larger than any recent shells we have seen. There is a form of this species having 7 or even 8 ribs, (pl. 11, figs. 81, 82, 83, 86) and another with a short apical slit on both con- vex and concave sides of the tube (pl. 11, fig. 84). We have not seen specimens enough to be satisfied that these are more than variations of D. neohexagonum. D. coutpit Dall. Pi. 7, fig. 14 (var. obscurum). Shell elongated, slender, slightly arched, vitreous, anteriorly whit- ish, behind with a yellowish or pale greenish tinge, surface polished, with fine microscopic longitudinal striz over a large part of the surface; in well developed specimens the shell is hexagonal and six-sided, with the sides impressed so that the ribs stand out like marginating rods; as the shell grows older, the angles become less marked, although generally quite perceptible at the aperture; the lines of growth are visible as extremely fine engraved striz; in an- other mutation of the species (which served the draughtsman for fig. 14), there are longitudinal threads between those forming the DENTALIUM. 21 angles, and which obscure the angularity especially in front until the shell is examined from behind “end on” when it will be per- ceptible; this form is straighter than the type. The aperture is not at all oblique. There is a wide rather short notch, perhaps due to erosion, at the convex side of the anal orifice in the shell figured. Typical form shows no notch when perfect, and measures 30:0 mill. long, height of the arch 3°5 mill., aperture 3:0 and anal end 06 mill. in diameter. The variety obscurum is 28°0 mill. long, aperture 2°0 and anal end 0:5 mill. in diameter. (Dall). Off Havana, in 127 fms. Variety at Station 299, in 140 fms. coral, near Barbados. Also (the typical form) at U.S. Fish Commission Station 2145, in 25 fms., mud, near Aspinwall; Galveston and Corpus Christi, Texas (Singley). Also in 12 fms., twelve miles east from Frying pan shoals, South Carolina, (Dr. W. H. Rush, U. 8. N.). Also Barbados (fide H. Cuming), East from Rio Janeiro, 59 fms. (Albatross). Eocene of Trinidad (Guppy & Dall). D. gouldii Datu, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 424, pl. 26, f. 4 (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76, pl. 26, f. 4; Proce. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, 1889, p. 295 (1890)—Gupry & Datt, Proc. U.S. N. Mus., xix, p. 825 (1896).—D. sexangulare HitGarp & Hopkins, Rep. Borings Miss. R. and L. Borgue, Engineers Dept. U.S. A., p. 48, pl. 3, f. 7 (1878), name preoe.—D. texasianum Putt. and ?_D. americanum CHENU, see below. The shell was confounded with D. hexagonum Gould, a large Chinese species of similar form, by Sowerby and Reeve. The typical form of D. gouldii is longer, more slender, and less curved than the figures of Reeve and Sowerby, which represent a young D. hexago- num. Itis just possible that the supposed variety may prove dis- tinct, in which case it may be called D. obscurum; but I inclined at present to believe it to be nothing more than a variety. The ordinary form is what has been called hexagonum by West Indian collectors for many years, but the rounding off of the angles as the shell becomes adult is not paralleled in the Chinese species, which is much larger, and has a reddish dull surface, like pale terra-cotta. (Dall). It is probable that this species was described three times before the publication of Dall’s description, but some doubt attaches to the identity in each case. We therefore retain the name gouldii. The following is probably a young specimen of D. gouldii Dall, which is known to occur at Galveston. 22 DENTALIUM. D. texasianum Phil. Shell little curved, slowly increasing in diameter, white, six-angular ; interstices of the ribs flat, plain at the apex, but toward the base with 1,2 or 3 elevated strie. Length 10 lines, diam. of base scarcely 1, of apex %. (Phil.). Galveston, Texas (Roemer). D. texasianum Putu., Zeitschr. f. Malak., 1848, p. 144 (March, 1849). Readily distinguished from other six-angled species by the size, the rate of increase, and the interstices of the ribs becoming flat toward the aperture and delicately striate there (Phi/.). D. americanum Chenu. (PI. 5, figs. 71,72). Shell with six prin- cipal projecting ribs, with weak intermediate ribs or none; trans- verse strize distant. Length 23, diam. 1:8 mill. (from fig.). Length 28, diam. 2°8 mill. (from fig.). Shores of America (Chenu). D. americanum CHEN, Illustr. Conch., i, p. 1, pl. 4, f. 9, 10. Chenu’s description and figures are here given for what they may be worth. We had thought to identify americanum with disparile Orb., but in view of the strongly 6-angled section of the former, this is hardly possible. If the locality is correct we are disposed to con- sider it the same as D. gouldii Dall. D. picreti Deshayes, n. sp. Pl. 11, fig. 87. Shell narrowly elongate, slightly arcuate; white, translucid, reg- ularly 6-angulate, the angles projecting, equal and equally spaced, very narrow ; the interstices smooth, alternately marked with trans- lucent and opaque-white. Aperture symmetrical, six-angled ; peri- stome thin, transverse. Posterior orifice small, circular, somewhat bi-labiate. West Indies ? (coll. Delessert). D. americanum var. c, CHENU, Illustr. Conch., pl. 6, f. 35 (not pl. 4, f. 9, 10).—D. picteti DesHayes in MS. card catalogue of Den- talium. Deshayes, from whose MS. the above diagnosis is taken, states that Chenu lumps two if not three species under the name D. amer- icanum. The present form seems to be distinct from D. disparile in the six continuous prominent ribs with no interstitial riblets, and in DENTALIUM. pp the apical contraction, reminding one somewhat of D. sectum, cala- mus, etc. We have seen no specimens. D. INTERCALATUM Gould. PI. 11, figs. 88, 89. Shell strongly curved and conspicuously tapering in its earlier half, the later half nearly straight and less tapering ; white, luster- less. At and near the apex hexagonal in section, the angles rather sharp and a little projecting, intervals nearly flat. Not far from the apex a secondary riblet arises in each of the two faces on the outer curve, and somewhat later the lateral faces and those on the concave side are similarly divided ; the secondary riblets gaining rapidly in strength, and on the latter part of the shell equal to the six primary ribs. Toward the aperture there are 12 equal, equidistant ribs, rounded but well projecting, and about half as wide as the concave, excavated intervals, which are smooth except for light growth striz. Aperture circular, the outer edge of peristome scalloped by the ribs. Apical orifice circular, about half as wide as the truncated apex. Length 19, diam. at aperture 2:25, at apex 0°9 mill. China Seas (North Pacif. Expl. Exped.). D. intercalatum Goutn, Proce. Bost. Soc. N. H., vii, p. 166 (1859) ; Otia, p. 119.—Sowerpsy in Conch Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 45 (1872). In D. hexagonum the secondary riblets when developed do not | arise so soon, and the six primary angles are stronger. Figure and description from the type in U. 8. National Museum, No. 24183. Sowerby’s figure copied on plate 6, fig. 85, is not characteristic, from its much greater proportionate diameter. D. PSEUDOSEXAGONUM Deshayes. PI. 4, figs. 47, 48. Shell cylindrical, subulate, somewhat curved, grayish-white, some- what transparent. At the apex there are 6 strongly projecting equidistant angles; between each of these ribs a great many strize arise, covering the shell, and the primary ribs rapidly decrease and disappear at the first fourth or third of the shell’s length. Growth strive quite fine and often regular. Length 45-50, greatest diame- ter 4 mill. ( from Desh.). Masbate, Philippines; W. Colombia (Sowb.); Cape York, near Albany I, N. Australia, 11 fms.; Darnley I, Torres Straits, 30 fms. (Chevert Exp.). D. pseudosexagonum Desu., Monogr. Dent., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 358, pl. 16, f. 14, 15, 16 (1825).—Sows., Thes. Conch., 24 DENTALIUM. ili, p. 108, pl. 224, f. 34 (1860); Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 4, f. 23 (1872).—Brazier, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ii, p. 56 (1877). Brazier writes: This species is six-ribbed near the apex, finely striated below, as Mr. Sowerby expresses it. The specimens before me have very fine, thread-like ribs; the number of ribs in all are from 24 to 25, and at or near theapex 6. Shell thin, white, slightly arched. There can be no reasonable doubt that “ W. Columbia ” cited by Sowerby as a locality for this species, refers to specimens of D. oer- stedii Morch. We have unfortunately no Oriental examples for comparison with the West American species, and published descrip- tions are insufficient ; but while the forms from opposite sides of the Pacific may be identical, it is at least unlikely that they are. Des- hayes was ignorant of the locality of his species, but he was well supplied with East Indian material and had very little from the Panamiec Province, so it is somewhat likely that his types were from the former region. Fig. 47 is a copy of Deshayes original fig- ure. D. orrsteEDI Morch. PI. 10, figs. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. Shell not much curved, decidedly tapering, rather solid, white. Sculpture: hexagonal at and near the apex, with a narrow, raised riblet at each angle, the intervals flat; a short distance from apex each face is divided by a riblet which soon attains the size of the six primary ribs, and the tube becomes circular in section. Some- what further on, each interval on the convex and lateral faces of the shell bears a (tertiary) riblet, and still later these appear in the in- tervals on the concave side, so that the number of riblets at the middle of the shell is 12 (usually with some small threads also), and at the aperture it varies from 21 (or sometimes as few as 17) to 24, according to the age, and individual variation in development of tertiary riblets on the concave face. Near the aperture the riblets become rather low and wide, and are somewhat unequal. Growth striz fine and inconspicuous, but occasionally there are low, varici- form rings on most specimens. Aperture slightly oblique, circular ; apex small, with circular ori- fice without slit or notch of any kind. Length 39:5, diam. of aperture 3°5, of apex 1 mill. Length 37, diam. of aperture 3:2, of apex 0°9 mill. DENTALIUM. 25 Bay of Panama, 26 and 30 fms., very abundant ; Galapagos Is., in 812 fms.; off Guaymas, 20 fms. (U.S. F. Commission) ; Gulf of Nicoya (Oersted) ; also Guwaymas (Dall), apparently on the shore. D. oerstedii Morcu, Malak. Blatter, vii, p. 177 (1861). The hexagonal six-ribbed apex, with interstitial secondary and tertiary riblets successively appearing in the intervals, are the more obvious features of this form. The specimens from Panama Bay and Galapagos Islands are lusterless and somewhat chalky. This southern race is evidently the typical D. oerstedi which was de- scribed from a rather short specimen. A translation of Mérch’s diagnosis is as follows: D. oerstedii Morch. Shell arcuate, rather solid, somewhat shin- ing, white or yellowish, hexagonal at apex. Aperture circular, having 12 lire, the interstices smooth posteriorly, but toward the middle divided by a riblet, whence to the aperture there are 24 liree. Growth lines here and there more raised, nearly variciform. Length 27, diam. 3 mill. Gulf of Nicoya, west coast of Costa Rica (Dr. A.S. Oersted). A specimen in the U. 8. National Museum (no. 18,711) from Rio Janeiro (U. S. Expl. Exped.) considerably resembles this species. Var. NUMEROsUM Dall, n. var. PI. 10, figs. 70, 71, 72, 73. This name, which Dall used to cover the entire species, as found from Lower California to the Galapagos, may be utilized in a re- stricted sense for the northern form. The general proportions and curvature are as in typical D. oer- stedi, but the sculpture is less coarse; tertiary riblets soon appear on the concave as well as the other sides of tube, and toward the middle a varying number of threads of a fourth order are inter- posed ; toward the aperture all sculpture becomes flattened, and the total number of riblets and threads is decidedly greater than in typical oerstedi. The primitive 6 riblets retain their predominance longer than in the type. The specimens are glossy. Length 41:5, diam. of aperture 3°5, of apex 0°6 mill. Types of var. numerosum are no. 87,559, U. S, Nat. Mus. Off Lower California, near Cerros Id., lat. 28° 12’, long. 115° & in 44 fms., and 24° 18’, 110° 22’, in 26 fms.; off Todos Santos, lat. 23° 33’, long. 110° 37’, in 66 fms. (U. S. Fish Commission). 26 DENTALIUM. Group oF D. AGASSIZI. Forms resembling the D. octangulatum group in general appear- ance, but with more numerous riblets. Key to Species. a. 11-20 sharp riblets separated by deeply concave intervals, increasing to 2448 riblets at aperture; slender, agassizi, majorinum. a. About 14 slightly elevated, but well defined riblets; very ® narrow, acuminate; length 31,diam.1°6 mill., cookei, p. 29. aw’, 20-25 very delicate, equal lirze ; small, moderately slender ; length 31, diam. 2°7 mill. usitatum, p. 29. a”, 17-21 narrow, separated riblets, increasing to about 25 at aperture ; conspicuously transversely striated; large and stout; length 75-78, diam. 10-11 mill., shoplandi, p. 28. D. aaassizt Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. PI. 12, figs. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94. Shell gently curved posteriorly, the later half nearly straight, tapering, solid, white and lusterless (often with a black encrustation toward the apex, and reddish-brown on the larger end). Sculpture: at the apex there are 12-20 rather sharp and well raised riblets separated by wider, concave intervals; ata varying distance from the apex an interstitial thread appears in these intervals, so that near the middle of the shell’s length there are double that number of riblets and threads, alternately larger and smaller, and at the aperture there are 25-48 unequal riblets and threads, lower and blunter in large examples. Aperture somewhat oblique, subcircu- lar, but the are along the concave side is sometimes less curved than the remainder of the peristome, and the edge is irregular from breakage. Anal orifice small, circular, no slit or notch, but often the inner layer projects tube-like from erosion of the softer, more chalky outer layer. a. Length 65, diam. at aperture, 4°3, at apex 0°7 mill. (type). b. Length 31:7, diam. at aperture 3°2, at apex 1 mill. c. Length 30°7, diam. at aperture 3, at apex 0°7 mill. d. Length 29, diam. at aperture 3:1, at apex 0°7 mill. Gulf of Panama, 322 to 1020 fms.; off Acapulco, 660 fms. ; Santa Barbara Is., California, 414 fms.; off San Diego, California, 822 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission). DENTALIUM. Dik D. pretiosum var. indianorum is far less coarsely sculptured than this species, and the ribs do not crenulate the peristome. D. occi- dentale is very similar, but the sculpture developed between the primary ribs is unlike this Pacific form. D. majorinum and its variety magellanicum are also much like agassizi, but the latter has finer sculpture. The inner layer of shell substance is very dense and bluish-white, the outer layer being softer and more chalky, fre- quently eroded, often exposing the inside stratum which resists the solvent power, at the apex and elsewhere. The number of riblets is quite variable; thus the four specimens measured above have: (a) At apex 20, at aperture 48 riblets. (6) At apex 17, at aperture 40 riblets. (c) At apex 14, at aperture 29 riblets. (d) At apex 12, at aperture 25 riblets. (Off San Diego). The number of interposed riblets varies somewhat, but the num- ber of apparently primary ribs at the apex is also subject to a wider range of variation than usual. D. MAgoRINUM Mabille & Rochebrune. PI. 12, figs. 98, 99. Shell moderately curved posteriorly, the later two-thirds nearly straight, slender, attenuated toward the apex ; white, the young and newer growth of adults somewhat translucent; slightly shining. Sculpture of about 11 narrow, rather acute ribs near the apex, separ- ated by concave intervals; the number increasing by intercalation to about 29 at the aperture, where they are approximately equal, with concave, transversely finely striate interstices, in some of which a median riblet occurs. Aperture circular, not oblique. Anal orifice minute and circular, without slit or notch. Length 38:5, diam. of aperture 3°5, of apex 0:7 mill. West coast of Patagonia, 122 fms. (U.S. F. C.sta. 2783) ; Orange Bay, Patagonia (M. & R.). D. majorinum Mas. & Rocu., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, Zool., Moll., p. 100, pl. 4, fig. 10 (1889). Something is wrong with Mabille and Rochebrune’s measurements (their figure measuring, length 50, diam. at aperture 4°3 mill.), and their description is not very good. It is here translated. Shell long-conic, rather slowly increasing, much attenuated to- ward the apex, hardly shining, subpellucid, a little fragile, orna- mented with numerous, nearly equidistant, somewhat roughened 28 DENTALIUM. {scabriusculis] ribs; the intervals concave, sculptured with very minute transverse ribs. Apex entire, minute, somewhat campan- ulate. Length 0:74, diam. 12 mill. (M. & R.). Orange Bay, Patagonia. Another form of this species was collected by the U.S. Fish Com- mission at Sta. 2777 and 2780 in 773-369 fms., bottom temp. 36°-46° Straits of Magellan. It has the riblets on the median portion of the shell unequal, alternating, becoming subequal toward the aperture where they are rounded and parted by narrow grooves, instead of acute, with wider concave intervals as in the type. Length 57, diam. 45 mill. This form may be called var. MAGELLANICUM (pl. 12, figs. 95, 96, 97). In the specimen figured there are 12 or 13 riblets at apex, 24 ataperture. Type no. 87561 U.S. Nat. Museum. D. sHOPLANDI Jousseaume. PI. 12, fig. 100. Shell large, but slightly curved, nearly straight, solid, slowly tapering ; cream-white with gray-white ribs. Sculpture: near the apex 17 subequal but unequally spaced, narrow, sharply defined riblets very much narrower than the interspaces; these continue to the aperture, increasing in size; their number is early increased by the intercalation of some interstitial threads, mainly on the concave side, so that at the aperture there are 25 unequal, unevenly spaced ribs and threads; the whole surface densely and conspicuously striated transversely, the strize unequal, like cords scattered among threads, erenulating the riblets. Aperture oblique, subcircular, a trifle wider than long, the peristome jagged from fracture. Apex large, the orifice simply circular, without notch or slit. Length 78:5, diam. at aperture 10, at apex 3°2 mill. 50 miles off Aden, in 678 fms. D. shoplandi Jouss., Bull. Soc. Philomath. de Paris (8), vi, p. 102 (1894). A large species, apparently without near allies. It is remarkable for the prominence of the growth-striz, and the clearly carved ribs of the surface. Figure and description are from a specimen in coll. U.S. National Museum. Jousseaume’s original diagnosis is as follows : Shell large, gray-white, cylindrical, slightly arcuate, longitudi- nally costate, transversely densely lamellose-striate; ribs 21, sub- equal, separated by flat grooves. Length 75, diam. 11 mill. DENTALIUM. 29 D. cookE! Sharp & Pilsbry, n.n. Unfigured. Shell thin, very narrow, acuminate, polished, subpellucid, little arcuate; fluted with about 14 ribs, which are not equidistant, only slightly elevated, but distinctly defined at their bases; ribs at the apex coalescent and vanishing ; interstices shallow and polished. Length 1:25, diam. at base 0°0625 inch. (Cooke). Gulf of Suez (MacAndrew). D. acus Cooke, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, p. 274 (Oct., 1885). Not D. acus Eichwald, 1856. Probably a young shell, but very distinct from any known species. It is a most graceful shell, exquisitively marked and polished. One specimen. (Cooke). D. usiratum E. A. Smith. PI. 10, figs. 68, 69. Shell small, moderately slender, white, little arcuate; having about 20-25 very delicate, equal longitudinal lire, sculptured with oblique lines of growth. Scarcely slit at the apex. Length 31, greatest diam. 2°7 mill. (Smith). Off Colombo, Ceylon, lat. 6° 32’ N., long. 79° 37’ E. in 675 fms. ; Bay of Bengal in 597 fms. (Investigator). D. usitatum SmitH, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (6), xiv, p. 168, pl. 4, f. 16, 16a (Sept., 1894). The two specimens examined do not look as if they were young shells. The white color is varied here and there with narrow, oblique, somewhat pellucid zones. (Smith). Group oF D. cARDUUS. Shell longitudinally ribbed, latticed by circular riblets or fine raised lamelle, often rising into minute knots or spines at the inter- sections. _ The species following would apparently fall into Sacco’s subgenus Coccodentalium (Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. R. Univ. di Tor- ino, xi, 1896, p.98). We have not seen D. radula Schroter, Gmel., the type of that group, and Sacco gives no diagnosis, but the descrip- tion of that Pliocene species indicates sculpture like carduus. Other members of the same section are D. tryoni Pils. & Sharp of the Miocene of San Domingo, and possibly the recent D. cancellatum Sowb. 30 DENTALIUM. The group Ooccodentalium is hardly equivalent in value to the subgenera we have recognized, being merely a modification of the D. agassizi type. D. carpuus Dall. PI. 7, fig. 6. Shell pure white, sometimes attaining an ashy or rusty tinge from extraneous matter, elongated, slightly curved, and with a rasp-like surface for about half its adult length; longitudinal sculpture of very numerous fine sharp raised threads with somewhat wider inter- spaces, in which intercalary threads from time to time arise; trans- verse sculpture of fine sharp elevated lamelle which cross the threads and become almost spinulose on the intersections; these can be felt, but are almost too fine to be clearly seen with the naked eye; in the perfectly adult shell, this sculpture becomes, through senility or wear, less sharp on the last half of the shell; though both sorts of ridges persist, they are thicker and more rounded; shell not very thick; aperture circular, very little ublique; anal orifice small, with a short wide slit on the convex side, and no notch or wave on the other. Length of completely adult shell, 87:0; height of arch from chord, 7:0; diameter of aperture, 7:0; of anal orifice 0°7 mill. (Dall). Near Santa Lucia, in 116 fms.; in 154 fms., ooze, near Granada (Blake). Also by U.S. Fish Commission, in 338 fms., on the Little Bahama Bank. D. carduus Datu, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 423, pl. 27, f. 3 (1889) ; Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76, pl. 27, f. 3. The specimen figured is only 16 mill. long, but shows sufficiently the characters of the form and sculpture. Better specimens were afterwards found in some of the Fish Commission dredgings, from which the above description is drawn. The peculiar sharpness felt by drawing the shell gently between the finger and thumb is very recognizable and under the glass the sculpture is very beautiful. (Dall). A closely allied species attains a very large size in the Oligocene of San Domingo. D. CANCELLATUM Sowerby. PI. 10, fig. 67. Shell thin, white, acuminate, strongly curved towards the apex, where it is cancellated by about 8 longitudinal ribs and elevated con- centric strie, then the shell becoming straighter and the ribs more numerous (Sowd.). Length 253, greatest diam. 3 mill. (from fig.). China (Sowb.). DENTALIUM. 31 D. cancellatum Sows. Jun., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 224, f. 36 (1860); and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f. 29. Cancellated near the apical end by distinctly raised strize crossing the longitudinal ribs (Sowbd.). Group oF D. QUADRAPICALE. Small or moderate sized shells with the tube square at and near the apex, having angles on the convex, concave and two lateral sides, becoming subcireular at the aperture. Generally costulate be- tween the angles, sometimes smooth ; the apical orifice occupying a short pipe, or without this and square or round. Distribution, Pacific shores of tropical and subtropical America, and of the East Indies south to Torres Strait. No species of this very distinct group appear in the “Albatross” dredgings off west America, so it is likely that the species are shal- low water forms, not descending to archibenthal or benthal depths. No recent species is yet known with certainty from the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico; but in the Miocene of Jamaica and San Do- mingo D. dissimile Guppy and its probable synonym, D. pondero- sum Gabb, species allied to D. dipsyche, but much larger and more solid, occur. Dall has described from the Caloosahatchie Pliocene a D. caloosaénse, also similar in general characters, and doubtless the direct descendant of the Miocene species. Another similar form has been reported by Harris from the “ Galveston deep well” as D, quadrangulare? Sby., from strata of upper Miocene age. The fragments seen by us are not large enough to be characteristic, but it is probably not the recent species. In the same deposit occurs a form not separable so far as material we have seen shows, from the recent D. tesseragonum (D. tetragonum Sby., Harris, Bull. Amer. Paleont., no. 3, p. 18). Nothing we have seen from the Eocene belongs to this immediate group. Key to Species. I. The four primary ribs bifid or trifid; shell attenuated and stri- ated toward apex, smooth toward aperture. Length about 30 mill., dispar, p. 82. II. Primary ribs serrate, intervals ribless; aperture angular, quadricostatum, p. 33. 32 DENTALIUM. III. Primary ribs not split or serrate. a. Surface smooth ; length 20 mill., tesseragonum, p. 34. a’. Surface costulate, b. Decidedly attenuated toward the apex ; aperture somewhat compressed vertically, 32 riblets at aperture, which is hardly oblique ; length 45 mill., about 11 times greatest diam., dipsycha, p. 33. 36 riblets at aperture, which is very oblique; length 20 mill., about 6 or 7 times greatest diam., quadrapicale, p. 34. b’. Not much tapering, the apex large; aperture cir- cular. Length 14 mill., about 8 times the greatest diam., fisheri, p. 86. Length 20 mill., about 54 times the greatest diam., quadrangulare, p. 35. D. quadricostatum Braz., perhaps belonging to this group, is not clearly enough described to admit of its inclusion in the above analysis without doubt. Whether the keels are serrate (as in the fossil D. radula), or divided as in D. dispar, we do not know. D. pispAR Sowerby. PI. 4, figs. 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Shell rather slender, the length about 9 times the greatest diam- eter in adults; earlier third well curved, the rest of the length but slightly arcuate; much attenuated toward the fine apex; rather thin, white or biuish-white, glossy and brilliant. Sculpture: fowr- angled at apex (square in section), the angles dorsal, ventral and lateral, continuing as keels which rapidly become obsolete (extend- ing two-thirds the length of shell in a specimen 15 mill. long, but only about one-third the length in one 30 mill. in length); each of the four primary ribs bifid or trifid at summit. Between these angles, throughout their extent, the surface has very fine longitudi- nal riblets ; and not far from the apex a secondary rib arises in each of the four faces, and continues as far as the primary ribs. The larger moiety of the shell is polished, cylindrical, wholly free from longitudinal sculpture. Growth striz fine and inconspicuous. Aperture slightly oblique, sub-circular, the peristome thin ; anal orifice square with thin walls, and without slit or notch. Length 30, antero-posterior diam. of aperture 3 mill., lateral 3-2 mill. DENTALIUM. 33 Singapore (Sowerby, 8. Archer); Samar, Philippines (Sowb.) ; China Sea (A. N.S. P.); Darnley 1., Torres Straits, 30 fms. (Chev- ert Exp.). D, dispar Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 103, pl. 224, f. 837 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 4, f. 25 (1872).—Brazimr, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ii, p. 58 (1877). Young shells taper more rapidly, as usual, and of course a greater part of their length is sculptured. The summits of the four primary ribs are subdivided by one or two longitudinal grooves in this spe- cies, but are simple in D. quadrapicale and D. quadrangulare. D. quADRICOsTATUM Brazier. Shell white, very slightly arched, four angled, keel or rib at each angle, rounded, finely serrated, interstices flat, marked with trans- verse lines; apex perforated, perforation entire; aperture angled. Length, 8 lines; diam. of base, 1 line [16, 2 mill.]. (Brazier). Princess Charlotte Bay, north-east Australia, 18 fathoms; York Island, Torres Straits, 13 fathoms, hard mud; Katow, New Guinea, 8 fathoms, sandy mud. (Chevert Exped.). D. quadricostatum Braz., P. L.S., N.S. W., ii, p. 58 (1877). If this species is laid upon its side it forms a true square; when resting with the arched part of the apex down, it forms four angles, with a serrated rib on each angle. The 11 specimens from Katow, 16 from Princess Charlotte Bay, and 1 from York Island, all have the same character. (Brazier). D. piesycua Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. PI. 4, figs. 57, 58, 59, 60. Shell slender, the length about 11 times the diam., well curved, attenuated toward the apex; white, nearly lusterless. Sculpture: at and near the apex square in section, with four acute, narrow, pro- jecting, longitudinal, pinched-up ribs, the spaces between flat ; not far from the apex in each face a median thread arises, and soon equals the primary four in size; each interval then bears a tertiary thread, and here the section of the tube has become circular. At about the middle of the length another set of interstitial threads ap- pear ; so that at the aperture there are 32 flat, equal, low, but abruptly defined riblets separated by flat interstices of about the same or slightly greater width. Interstices everywhere plain except for cir- cular growth-lines, which are moderately obvious throughout. 3 34 DENTALIUM. Aperture rounded, somewhat compressed antero-posteriorly, the inner margin less curved; hardly oblique; peristome thin. Anal orifice circular, occupying a very short tube. No slit. Length 46, antero-posterior diam. of aperture 3°8, lateral diam. 41 mill. Habitat unknown. This species differs from D. dispar in the simple primary ribs, lack of fine, even longitudinal striation, and persistance of the sculpture to the aperture. D. quadrapicale is allied, but has a much more oblique aperture, more rapidly tapering tube, and though far smaller, a greater number of much finer longitudinal riblets. D. QUADRAPICALE ‘ Hanley’ Sowerby. PI. 4, fig. 50. Shell rather stout, apical third strongly curved, the remainder but slightly arcuate ; white, shining. Sculpture, fowr angles at the apex (giving that part an almost square section, the two outer sides of the square slightly longer), situated at the outer, inner and lateral sur- faces, the faces between them straight and flat; these angles rapidly lose in prominence, and the intervals become convex; very near the apex each interval becomes parted by a secondary riblet; and the interstices between these are again divided by tertiary threads at about the end of the first third of the shells length ; and subdivision proceeds until at the aperture there are about 36 low, subequal rib- lets, with narrow, shallow intervals, and the tube is subcircular, a little flattened antero-posteriorly, in section. Growth-striz faint. Aperture very oblique. Anal orifice without slit or notch. Length 20, length of aperture, measured obliquely 34, breadth 3 mill. Length 31:5 mill (original figure). Cochin; Malabar (Hanley coll.). D. quadrapicale Hanley MS., Sowersy, Thes. Conch., ili, p. 103, pl. 225, f. 61 (1860); and in Conch. Icon., pl. 7, f. 46.—D. quadri- picale CLEssin, Conch. Cab., p. 13. The square apex and rounded, oblique aperture are strong points of difference from most known species. Sowerby’s figure shows the anal orifice minute and round; but in the single specimen we have seen it is large and square, the shell walls thin. D. TESSERAGONUM Sowerby. PI. 4, fig. 51. Shell moderately arcuate, tapering, attenuated toward the apex, rather thin, white. At the apex square, with four equal faces, the -_DENTALIUM. 35 angles pinched up into narrow ribs, which continue to or beyond the middle of the shell, gradually decreasing; intervals at first flat or somewhat concave, soon becoming convex midway between the ribs, and when perfectly preserved showing faint longitudinal striation at this place; the convexity increases until the latter third of the shell is cylindrical, and sculptured with rather conspicuous, oblique growt h- lines only. Aperture oblique, circular. Apex minute, with a circular orifice ; no slit or notch. Length 30:5, diam. at aperture 2-9, at apex 0°6 mill. Gulf of Nicoya and Puerto Portrero, W. coast Central America ; also Xipixapi, west coast Colombia (Cuming), 10-16 fms., sandy mud. D. tesseragonum G. B. Sowersy, P. Z. 8., 1832, p. 29.—D. tetra- gonum Sows. JR., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 103, pl. 224, f. 21, 22 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 4, f. 20a, b.—? CARPENTER, Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci. for 1863, p. 666; Moll. West Coast N. A., p. 152. Not D. tetragonum Brocchi, 1814. The original description here follows: Shell thin, milk-white, smooth, at first tetragonal but becoming cylindrical by the disap- pearance of the angles; very delicate growth-lines forming sub- hyaline rings. Length 0°8, diam. 0'l inch. (G. B.S.). Var.: angles indistinct ; growth-lines forming rings (G. B. S.). Mr. Sowerby changed the name of his fathers species in 1860 without assigning any cause, or even mentioning that a change had been made. The etymology of the original name is obvious, and we do not see that such radical emendation is called for, the more be- cause the specific name tetragonum had already been used by Broc- chi. Carpenter reports tetragonum Sby. from Margarita Bay, Pacific coast of Lower California in about N. lat. 24°, specimens collected by one of Harper Pease’s collectors. They may possibly be refer- able to D. fisheri, q. v. There are some specimens in the collection of the Academy said to be from Rio Janeiro, collected by the U.S. Exploring Expedition. We do not know whether the locality is authentic or not, but it seems doubtful. There were, however, several species of this type in the Antillean Miocene fauna. D. QUADRANGULARE Sowerby. PI. 5, fig. 77. Shell small, white, quadrangular, the angles rather acute, inter- stices striated. Aperture four-cornered. Length ‘8, diam. *16 inch. 36 DENTALIUM. [—=20, 3°75 mill.]. The color of this shell is variable, being either milk-white, yellowish or reddish ; the angles are less acute at the larger end; and at the smaller end there is sometimes formed a tu- bular appendage. (G. B.S.). Xipixapi, West coast of Colombia (Cuming); Realejo, west coast of Nicaragua (Dr. A. 8. Oersted). D. quadrangulare G. B. SowErsy, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1882, p. 29.—Sows. Jr., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 103, pl. 224, f. 31; and in Conch. Icon., pl. 5, f. 27.—Morcu, Malak. Blatter, vii, p. 176 (1861). White, small, striated, cylindrical, four-sided at the apical end, rounded at the other (Sowd.). The single specimen collected by Dr. Oersted measures, length 62, diam. 14 mill. D. FISHERI Stearns, n. sp. PI. 5, figs. 61, 62, 68, 64, 65. Shell cylindrical becoming square toward the apex, not much taper- ing, and nearly as wide at apex asat aperture; moderately arcuate ; comparatively solid and strong. White with the riblets gray ; luster- less. Sculpture of four strong angles at and near the apex, where it is square; these angles rapidly decreasing in prominence until at the first third of the shell’s length the section is almost round. Very near the apex each of the four faces is parted by a median riblet ; and a little further on a tertiary series of riblets, one in each of the intervals except the two bounding the keel of the convex side, in which intervals small riblets develop later. At the middle of the shell’s length the section is circular and the 28 to 30 riblets nearly equal in size; a few threads are intercalated toward the aperture, where the riblets are slightly unequal, low, narrow and close. Aper- ture circular, slightly oblique. Anal orifice circular, with a slightly raised rim ; placed in the middle of the square apex. Length 14:1, diam. at aperture 1°8, at apex 1:2 mill. Los Animas Bay, Lower California (type no. 46204, U. S. Nat. Mus.). D. fisheri SreaRNS, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xvii, 1894, p. 157 (“ provisional” name only ; no description). This species is evidently near to D. quadrangulare Sowb. of Col- ombia, but it is narrower in proportion to its breadth. We have not, however, been able to compare specimens of Sowerby’s species. The general system of sculpture is the same as in several allied species ; 9 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. ols and it must be remembered in dealiny with these that an older shell, or a younger one, would show corresponding differences in the sculpture at and near the apex, owing to the truncation of this part with advancing age. This species is probably what Carpenter reports as D. tetragonum Sby. from Margarita Bay. Another specimen (no. 46207, U.S. Nat. Mus.) before us, from the Gulf of California (pl. 5, fig. 63, apex enlarged), is probably an older stage of this species, in which the apex has been more trun- cated, the riblets extending to the extreme end. There is a short “pipe” for the anal orifice. Length 14°7, diam. at aperture 1°8, at apex 1°3 mill. Subgenus Anrauis H. & A. Adams, 1854. Entalis Gray, P. Z. §., 1847, p. 158, type D. entalis. Not Enta- lis Sowerby, 1839, = Pyrgopolon Montf. 1810. Antalis H. & A. Ap., Gen. Rec. Moll., i, p. 457, examples A. semistriolata Gldg. and A. entalis L. (1854); from Antale ALDRO- vanbus, De Reliquis Animalibus exanguibus, lib. iii, De Testaceis sive conchyliis, p. 282 (1642). Entaliopsis Newron & Harris, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., i, p. 66 (1894), type D. entalis. Shell circular or polygonal in section, sculptured with longitudi- nal ribs or strize at least in the young, often without longitudinal sculpture in adults, or only so sculptured near the apex; apex gen- erally with a v-shaped notch at or near the convex side, or with a solid plug and central short tube or orifice. Type D. entalis Linn. Distribution, Mediterranean, North Atlantic, Arctic and North Pacific. Mainly a group of moderate depths. These forms differ from the foregoing ribbed species in the pecu- liarities of the apex mentioned above, which are probably developed in some specimens of all the species, though examples not showing them are also abundant in all. The group as here constituted may seem heterogeneous, including as it does species with or without a v-shaped apical notch, with or without a short pipe or tube inserted in an apical plug, and either heavily ribbed or smooth; but apical characters vary within each species in limits so wide that they are among the secondary specific characters, and they are not correlated with sculptural characters. 38 DENTALIUM-—ANTALIS. Thus, were we to divide into (1) species with a tubular apical fora- men and (2) those with a v-like notch, such closely allied forms as D. vulgare and D. weinkauffii would be separated, and a good many specimens of other species would fail to show the differential feat- ures; if we divide by a criterion of sculpture, each section would contain forms with various apical characters, and a number of spe- cies intermediate in sculpture. If the characters of the apex be held of subgeneric importance, then the group with an apical tube, such as vulgare, novemcostatum, etc., will require a new subgeneric name. The names for this division of Dentalium are involved in obscur- ity. Aldrovandus, writing in 1642, proposed to call the smooth Italian species (probably D. vulgare) Antale ; but as his nomencla- ture was not binomial, the name has of course only a historic in- terest in the light of subsequent events. Defrance and other early French writers enter “ Antale” as a synonym of Dentalium, or another name for D. entalis (see Nouv. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat. 11, p. 136, 1816; Encycl. Méth., i, p. 75, 1892, ete.). Schroter, between 1774 and 1784, is said to mention Antale, but his two works on geology, “ Lithologisches Real- und Verballexicon,” and “ Vollstindige Ein- leitung in die Kenntniss und Geschichte der Steine und Verstein- erungen,” are not accessible to us, and it does not appear that he adopts Anta/e as a genus. In 1846, Herrmannsen mentions Antalis Aldroy. as a name for smooth Dentalia, no type species being given. In 1854 H. & A. Adams recognized Antalis Aldrov. as a second genus of Dentaliide, with the following diagnosis: “Shell symme- trical, tubular, subeylindrical, recurved ; apex perforated, perfora- tion with a notch-like fissure on the dorsal or posterior margin ; aperture circular, entire. Of the two examples cited, A. semistrio- lata Guild. is evidently introduced merely as an illustration of the soft anatomy, but as the shell has no “ notch-like fissure,” it is ap- parent that the second example, A. entalis L., of which the shell is figured, must be the type. It agrees with the generic definition, and with the express statement in regard to the fissure following it. So far as we can learn, this was the first formal introduction of the term Antalis into post-Linnzan nomenclature, and although the name is attributed by Adams brothers to Aldrovandus, it is essen- tially a new group, the original “ Antale” Aldrov. (D. vulgare= tarentinum) being omitted from the list given under Antalis Adams, and placed in Dentalium. DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 39 Stoliczka in 1868 restricts Antalis to the species of the type of D. vulgare, in which there is a supplemental tube at the apex, sep- arating it generically from Entalis Gray. Tryon and Fischer fol- low Stoliczka’s definition of Antalis or Antale and Entalis. Finally, Newton and Harris in 1894 finding Entalis Gray pre- occupied by Sowerby (but not by Defrance, as they allege) substi- tute Entaliopsis for the group. It appears, therefore, that Entalis Gray, Entaliopsis Newton & Harris and Antalis Ads. are absolutely equivalent, being based upon the same species as type. There is another chapter of this history, in which the genesis of “Entale” (Defrance’s Gallic vernacular for Entalium) is dealt with, the vicissitudes of its career related, with at last its final trans- formation into “ Entalis.” The details of this melancholy tale may be found by the curious in the section of this volume treating of Pyrgopolon. Group oF D. ENTALIS. Shell moderately or very solid, circular in section ; white or red- dish toward the apex ; near the apex always sculptured with longi- tudinal riblets or striz, at least in the young, but frequently the greater part in adults is smooth, with growth-lines only. Apex typically with a slightly projecting “sheath ” interrupted by a small v-shaped notch on or near the convex side. North Atlantic, Mediterranean and North Pacific in distribution, from shallow water to the greatest depths reached. In many species of this group the inner layer of the shell is of more porcellanous, firmer texture than the outer, and by the pro- gressive erosion of the smaller end with growth this layer projects slightly as a sort of narrow, elevated rim around the apical orifice, interrupted on one side by the notch, as shown in fig. 25 of plate 8. This condition, while usual in some species and likely to occur in ali of the group, is by no means invariable in any of them. In some forms the inner layer thus exposed by erosion, may form a longer tube, as in the voung specimen of D. agile which Jeffreys called D. vagina. The same structure occurs in D. agassizi and many other forms. This tube is not homologous with the apical tube of D. vulgare (which is probably more allied to the novemcostatum group), or of D. filum, ete. 40 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Key to species. I. Shell becoming round and nearly smooth toward aperture, sharply and finely striate longitudinally toward apex, at least in the young. a. Very fine longitudinal strie throughout, sharp threads on on smaller end. b. No apical notch, the orifice simple or tubular, vulgare, p. 41. b’. An apical notch; more than half the length sharply striate, weinkauffii, p. 40. a’. Only circular striz on larger part of the shell; apex with a short sheath and v-like notch, or simple, entalis, p. 42; pretiosum, p. 44; agile, p. 46. II. Shell with numerous riblets toward apex, persistent or becoming obsolete near aperture. a. About 12 riblets at apex, becoming lower and double as many and sometimes obsolete near aperture, occidentale, p. 47. a’, 26-28 narrow ribs throughout, no interstitial riblets or strize, enigmaticum, p. 49. D. WEINKAUFFI Dunker. PI. 2, fig. 26. Shell large, solid, the smaller third well curved, the remainder slightly so; stout; the length about 11 times the diam. of aperture ; apical end not much attenuated. Flesh-colored, fading to whitish toward the mouth; shining. Sculpture, 76 narrow longitudinal threads at apex, indistinctly alternating larger and smaller, and inereas- ing to about double that number at the end of the first third of the shell’s length. These threads are most prominent at the smaller end, and gradually decrease in size, obsolete on the larger third of the shell, where microscopic, superficial longitudinal striz replace them. Growth-strie conspicuously developed and irregular on the larger half of the tube. Aperture circular, oblique, with thin per- istome, the interior white, becoming yellow far within. Anal open- ing small, narrowly ovate, passing into a small v-shaped notch on the convex side. Length 80, diam. aperture 7:3, diam. apex 2 mill. (specimen). Length 86-87, diam. 8 mill. (Dkr.). Bishiu coast, Japan (Stearns). DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 41 D. weinkauffi Dkr., Malak. Bl., xxiv, p. 68 (1877); Index Moll. Mar. Jap., p. 153, pl. 5, f. 1 (1882). Not nearly allied to any other Oriental species, its relationship being rather with the Mediterranean D. vulgare DaCosta (tarentinwm Lam.) and the West American D. pretiosum Nutt. The longitu- dinal sculpture does not stop abruptly, as shown in the figure, but gradually decreases. D. vutGARE DaCosta. PI. 8, figs. 22, 23, 24; pl. 9, figs. 53, 54. Shell moderately curved, solid, nearly lusterless, opaque white, often with some indistinct dusky zones, and tinted with yellowish- brown or rose toward the apex. Sculpture of fine close longitudinal strize, about 30 in number at the apex of an adult, half that many in a younger shell, increasing by intercalation to double that number of much less conspicuous, fine, low striz on the larger part of the shell, persisting to the aperture, although weak there. Aperture circular, oblique, the peristome thin and jagged from fracture. Apex truncated in adults; anal orifice small, round or ovate, occupying a very short tube arising from the middle of the thick apical plug. “No notch, groove slit or channel.” Length 38, diam. of aperture 4°7, of apex 2 mill. (adult). Length 36, diam. of aperture 4°6, of apex 0°5 mill. (younger). Length 34, diam. of aperture 4°8, of apex 1 mill. Length 48, diam. of aperture 5:5 mill. Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas ; Atlantic from Spain to Belgium ; southern England and Ireland. Low water mark to 543 fms. Mio- cene of Belgium; Pliocene of Italy. Dentale vulgare DaCosta, Brit. Conch., p. 24, pl. 2, f. 10 (1778) —Dentalium vulgare MontTERosa 0, Not. int. alle Conch. Medit., p. 28 (1872).—Buaquoy, Daurz. & Doxur., Moll. Mar. du Roussillon, i, p. 558, pl. 66, f. 1-6.—Daurz., Mém. Soc. Zool. France, viii, p. 370; ibid., iv, p. 609.—D. entalis of OLivi, PAYRAUDEAU, VON Sais, Poryrprr and others, and in part of Linnr.—D. tarentinum Lamarck, An. s. Vert., v, p. 345 (1818).—Forses & HANLEy, Hist. Brit. Moll., ii, p. 451, pl. 57, f. 12 (1853).—Sowp., Ilustr. Ind. Br. Sh., pl. 10, f. 2% ; Thes. Conch., iii, p. 100, pl. 224, f. 19, 20.—J EF- FREYS, Brit. Conch., iii, p. 195; v, p. 197, pl. 55, f. 2; P.Z.S. Lond., 1882, p. 657.—Cuessty, Conchyl. Cab., p. 3, pl. 1, f. 1, and of many other authors.—D. striatum Monraau, Test. Brit. ii, p. 492 (not of Born).—D. labiatum Turton, Conch. Dict. Br. Sh., p. 38.-— 42 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Browy, Illustr. Conch. G. Brit., p. 117, pl. 56, f. 4, 5—D. politum De Buaryvy., Dict. Sci. Nat., xiii, p. 70 (1819).—and again Turron, ibid., p. 88 (not of Linn.), changed to D. eve 'TuRTOoN, ibid., p. 256. —D. striolatum Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Mérid., iv, p. 398 (1826).— D. multistriatum Risso, ibid., p. 398 (not of Desh.).—D. affine Bronp1, Atti dell’Accad. Gioenia di Sci. Nat. (2), xiv, p. 120, pl., f. 7 (1859).—D. fasciatum GMe.., Syst. Nat. (13), p. 87387.—? D. nebulosum GMEL., ibid., p. 3738. Allied to D. entalis L., but when unworn it is lusterless, finely striated throughout, not slit or notched posteriorly, and it is more robust. The following forms have received varietal names: elongata Monts., attenuata Monts., decurtata Monts., albina Monts. (uniform white), citrina Monts. (lemon yellow throughout), rosea B. D. & D. (rose-carmine throughout). Sacco has a fossil “ variety ” perstri- olata. D. weinkauffi Dky., of Japan, is a near relative of this species, but that has the apical notch of typical Antalis, while vulgare is like novemcostatum in apical features. According to Jeffreys, ‘‘ The stomach of this Dentaliwm is a reper- tory of littoral Foraminifera. It is not, like Spatangus or Synapta, an indiscriminate swallower of sand, but a fastidious Pig from the herd of Epicurus, luxuriously picking out the choicest morsels with its extensile and delicate captacula. Adriatic specimens of the shell collected by Professor Stossich are 2} inches in length and very fine.” Besides the literature cited above, there are very many references in local and faunal works, and a number doubtfully applying to this species or confusing it with D. entalis. Martini, Bonanni, d’Ar- gentville and other early writers have also noticed and figured it. D. ENTALIS Linné. PI. 8, figs. 25. Shell tapering, not much curved, often irregularly divided into segments by the successive accretions of growth; it is solid, opaque, and glossy ; sculpture, slight concentric lines of growth, and occa- sionally a few indistinct and extremely fine longitudinal strize to- wards the narrower end, these striz, when they occur, are not very numerous, and are only visible with the aid of a magnifier; color ivory-white, with sometimes an ochreous stain on the narrower part, caused by an admixture of mud with the sand in which this species burrows: margin at the anterior or broader end more or less DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 43 jagged, owing to that part of the shell being nearly formed and con- sequently much thinner than other parts; at the posterior or nar- rower end it is usually truncated in adult specimens, and furnished with a very short sloping and oblique pipe or tubular appendage having a pear-shaped orifice; there is also occasionally at the point on the convex side a notch or groove, in a line with the front or smaller part of the tubular appendage, and this notch is rarely ex- tended into a short and narrow slit or channel. (Jeffreys). Length 37-42, diam. of aperture 45-5 mill. Spitzbergen, Scandinavia, Iceland, and Atlantic coasts of Europe, south to Spain, 83-1750 fms. Coasts of Maine and Massachisetts, north to Bay of Fundy. D. entalis Lixn., Syst. Nat. (10), p. 785; (12), p. 1263.—Prnn- ANT, Brit. Zool., iv, p. 145, pl. 90, f. 154 (1777).— Lamarck, An.s. Vert., v, p. 845 (1818).—Forses & Haney, Nat. Hist. Brit. Moll. li, p. 449, pl. 57, f. 11 (1853).—H an ey, Ipsa Linn. Conch., p. 437, 048 (1855).—ReEEvE, Conch. Syst., ii, p. 6, pl. 130, f. 3 (1842).— JFFFREYS, Brit. Conch., iii, p. 191, pl. 5, f. 1; v, pl. 55, f. 1 (1865) ; P. Z.S., 1882, p. 659.—Warson, Challenger Scaph. & Gastr., p. 5 (1885).—D. entale L., and D. antale of some authors. Not D. en- talis or D. entale of writers on Mediterranean shells, or of Searles Wood and some other paleontologists—D. entalum Dr Brarnv., Dict. Se. Nat., xiii, p. 70. D. striolatum Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, p. 114 (1851); Shells of New England, p. 28 (1851).—Entalis striolata Stimp., Goutp-Brnney, Invert. of Mass., p. 266, f. 528 (1870). Not D. striolatum of Jeffreys, Watson or Sars. Not D. striolatum Risso, 1826. More glossy and ivory-like than D. vulgare, usually more dis- tinctly annulated, and with the longitudinal striz completely want- ing except at the smaller end, where their presence is variable. The posterior termination has either a labial projection which is rather broadly fissured dorsally (i. e. upon the arched side of the tube) or if it have not experienced that reparative process is then very taper- ing, and has a short shelving notch-like dorsal fissure; it is always entire upon the ventral or incurved side of the shell. In certain specimens the close approximation of the concentric lines of growth produces a somewhat annulated appearance. (F. & H.). D. entalis is an abundant species on the coast of Maine; and William Stimpson, comparing with the European D. vulgare and finding differences, distinguished the American shells as D. striolatum, 44 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. under which name the species is generally known in American col- lections. Had he compared with D. entalis, the identity of the two would no doubt have been recognized. There is no difference, not even varietal, between English and Maine specimens. D. striolatum or Entalis striolata of Jeffreys, Sars and Watson is D. occidentale Stimp. D. striolatwm of Risso is D. vulgare. There is great latitude of opinion regarding the limits of the species entalis ; some conchologists holding occidentale, agile and pretiosum as merely varieties of the Linnean species. The following variations have been named : Var. infundibulum Jeffr. Shorter and less cylindrical, being pro- portionally wider toward the mouth. Loch Fyne (Jeffr., Brit. Conch. v, p- 197). Var. anulata Jeffr. Narrower and more regularly cylindrical, ornamented with white ring-like marks of growth (Jeffr., Brit. Conch., iii, p. 192). Var. ORTHRUM Watson. Rather long and straight, and sharply striate toward the apex, thus combining the form of D. agile with the sculpture of D. abys- sorum. Setubal, 470 fms. ; Fayal, Azores, 450 fms.; Prince Edward Island, 140 fms. (Challenger); Gulf of Gascony (Hirondelle). D. entalis var. orthrum Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., xiv, p. 512 (1879); Challenger Rep., p. 6—Dautzenserc, Mém. Zool. Soc. France, iv, p. 609, 617. D. PrETIosUM ‘ Nuttall’ Sowerby. PI. 13, figs. 1, 2, 3. Shell rather long, moderately curved and solid ; opaque white, ivory-like, often with some faint dirty buff rings or tinted with that color at thesmaller end. Sculpture of fine, irregular growth-striz and occasional deeper grooves caused by interrupted growth; usu- ally with no longitudinal sculpture in adults, but sometimes showing longitudinal striz toward the apex, the young with numerous small riblets (but in southern specimens the longitudinal sculpture is more persistent). Aperture circular, oblique, the peristome thin. Apex rather broadly truncate, the orifice small, oblong, continued in a short notch on the convex side; often having a narrow raised rim. Length 55, diam. of aperture 5, of apex 2 mill. (Washington). Length 41, diam. of aperture 5, of apex 2°7 mill. (Brit. Columbia). Length 41, diam. of aperture 3°8, of apex 1°5 mill. (Cerros L.). West coast of America.from Sitka, Alaska, to Cerros I., Lower Cali- fornia. DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 45 D. pretiosum Cpr., Moll. W. C. North Amer., in Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci. for 1856, pp. 296, 317 (name only ; “ Central Amer- ica, Dr. Sinclair in Brit. Mus.”).—D. pretiosum Nurt., Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 95, pl. 225, f. 57 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 54 (1872).—Cper., Rep. Br. Asso. for 1863, p. 560; (Smiths. Mise. Coll., No. 252, pp. 31, 46).—Wuiiamson, Proe. U. 8. Nat. Mus. xv, 1892, p. 194—Krrp, West Coast Shells, p. 113, f. 101 (1887). —Entalis pretiosus Nutt., Lorp, P. Z. S., 1864, p. 187 (method of capture by aborigines).—Dentalium like entalis, Vancouvers Isl., Crr., Rep. Br. Asso., 1856, p. 296. “ Dentalium (var.) Indianorum,” “ Dentalium (? pretiosum Nutt., Sby. var.) Indianorum,” and “ Dentalium Indianorum” CARPENTER, Rep. Brit. Asso. Ady. Sci. for 1863, pp. 612, 648, 683 (1864) ; Moll. Western N. A., Smiths. Misc. Coll., no. 252, pp. 98, 134, 169.—D. imdianorum—pretiosum STEARNS, Rep. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1887, pp. 315, 316, f. 8, 9, pl. 1, f. 2 (use as money ).—D. “ preciosum ” CLEs- sin, Conchyl. Cab., p. 15, pl. 4, f. 8 (1896).—D. “pretionum” JAMES, Journ. Cincinnati Soe. N. H., viii, p. 36 (1885-6). D. politum Lamk., MrppenporrFrF, Beitrige Mal. Rossica, ii, p. 98 (not of Lam.). D. columbianum CuEssin, Conchyl. Cab., vi, Heft x, p. [43], pl. 10, f. 4 (1896). Very similar to D. entalis, of the North Atlantic and perhaps better ranked as a subspecies; but in general the Pacific shell is larger, longer in proportion to the diameter, and whiter; and these differences, with the geographic separation, make it undesirable to unite the forms, Clessin’s D. columbianum is merely a short form of typical pretio- sum, utterly without specific or varietal characters different from pretiosum as ordinarily developed in British Columbian waters. Californian examples are decidedly smaller, and frequently lirate toward the tip. This form has been called Var. INDIANORUM by Dr. Carpenter, who describes it as “like entalis, with very fine posterior striz.”’ Specimens from Monterey, San Pedro Bay, ete. aresosculptured. In the examples of this form before me the apex is unslit, the anal orifice circular with thin walls. Should these differences prove constant, indianorum may perhaps be elevated to specific rank; but in entalis the apical features are in- constant. Pl. 13, figs. 6, 7, 8 are normal indianorum ; figs. 4, 5 are an older shell. 46 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. " In some specimens of D. pretiosum before us the apical notch is excentric, and in one it is directly lateral, as in D. sericatum, although having the form usual in pretiosum and entalis. We have observed similar inconstancy in the position of the slit in some other species. ~ D. aciLE M. Sars. PI. 8, figs. 36. Shell very long and narrow, somewhat attenuated toward the apex ; very slightly curved, almost straight, not very solid. White, little shining, generally smooth, rarely lightly striolate toward the apex. Apical fissure rather deep. Length 57 mill. (G. O. Sars). Lofoten Is., etc., Norway (Sars); Bay of Biscay (Travailleur) ; Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas (Spratt, Stossich) ; Canaries, Azores and Ascension I., 420-620 fms. (Challenger, Josephine Exped.) ; Between Halifax and La Have Bank (U.S. F. C.); Off Morro Light, Havana, Cuba, 400 fms. (Blake). D. agile M. Sars, Remarkable Forms of Anim. Life, ete., p. 34, pl. 3, f. 4, 5 (1872).-—Antalis agilis G.O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 102, pl. 20, f. 9 (1878)—Monrs., Nomencl. Gen e Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 82—D. agile Daur, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 37 (1881); ibid., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 418 (1889); Trans. Wagner Inst., iii, p. 44 (1892).—Srurany, Ber. Commis. Erforsch. dst. Mit- telm, p. 29.—JEFFREYS, P. Z.S., 1882, p. 658; Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), x, p. 80 (1882); Nature i, p. 166, no description (1869).—D. entalis var. agile Sars, Wa'rson, Challenger Rep., p. 6 (1885).— SmiryH, P. Z. S., 1890, p. 321.—D. incertum Puiu., Enum. Moll. Sicil., ii, p. 207, (1844), not D. incertum Desh.— D. vagina JEFFREYS, see below.—D. fusticulus BRUGNONE, Mise. Malac., ii, p. 21, f. 31. “T now find that, compared with D. striolatum or abussorum, the present species is more slender and not so strongly ribbed, and that the curve is more gradual and not abrupt towards the point or base. Perfect specimens of both species have a short terminal pipe within the slit and occasionally issuing from a truncated and thick- ened base, asin D. dentalis and D. tarentinum. Philippi was the first to describe D. agile from the Italian Tertiaries as D. incertum of Deshayes; but it is not the last named species. It was dredged in the ‘ Porcupine’ and ‘ Travailleur’ expeditions off the Lusitanian coasts.” (Jeffreys). D. vagina Jeffreys. (PI. 9, fig. 52). Narrowly cylindrical, rather solid, glossy, smooth. Its peculiarity consists in the posterior termination forming a second and narrower cylinder, which issues DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 47 out of the larger and longer one, as if from a sheath. This process has an entire and circular point; so that the shell cannot be a species of Siphodentalium. Length 12°5 mill. (Jeffr.). N. Atlantic, Station 16,1785 fms. (Valorous Exped.). D. vagina Jerrr., Ann. Mag. N. Hist. (4), xix, (1877), p. 155 (concealed in text relating to D. swbterfissum). Described from a dead specimen, which Jeffreys was apparently ashamed to formally introduce as a new species. It is a wretched fragment of a young shell, which owes the projecting tube to loss of the outer shell layer, as described under D. agassizi, not to inde- pendent growth as in D. filwm, innumerabilis, and the vulgare group. After examining the type and another specimen, we have no hesita- tion in declaring it a young D. agile. At all events, its absolute counterpart can be found in the long-dead young of this species. The figure is an enlarged drawing of the type. -D. OCCIDENTALE Stimpson. PI. 13, figs. 9,10, 11; pl. 9, figs. 41, 42, 43 (young). Shell moderately curved, the bend mainly posterior, rather solid, lusterless; whitish, frequently tinted with yellow or fleshy. Sculpt- ure of about 12 rather strong ribs toward the apex, gradually be- coming lower and wider anteriorly, and increased to double that number by the intercalation of as many intermediate riblets, all of . which become subobsolete toward the aperture, which is oblique and circular. Anal orifice circular not notched or slit, or with a short slit on the convex side. Length 34, diam. of aperture 3:9, of apex 1 mill. North Atlantic, from off New England north to Newfoundland ; Spitzbergen, Norway and Faroe Is. (According to Jeffreys south to Bay of Biscay and Azores). D. occidentale Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 28 (1851) ; no description, being based on D. dentale Gould, Invert. Mass., p. 155, pl. 1, f. 5.—D. occidentale VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vy, pl. “42, f. 16-18; Rep. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries for 1883, p. 573, pl. 28, f. 125-125.—Wutrraves, Rep. on a Second Deep-sea Dredgiug Exped to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, ete., p. 17 (1873).— D. dentale Gu. in Invert. Mass., edit. W. G. Binney, p. 266.—D. abyssorum Sars, see below. This shell has curiously enough been mistaken for D. striolatum Stimpson, by Jeffreys (P. Z.S., 1882, p. 659), Watson (Chall. Gastr., 48 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. p. 5) and G. O. Sars (Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 101). It is, in our opinion, specifically different from strio/atum Stimp., but seems to be identical with the later D. abyssorum M. Sars. D. attenuatum Say is a somewhat similar Miocene species, differing in the characters of the apex. The description and synonymy of D. abyssorum here follows. D. abyssorum M. Sars. (PI. 8, fig. 21; pl. 9, fig. 40). Longer and more slender than D. entalis; lightly arcuate toward the apex ; less solid. | White or ashen, little shining, longitudinally striolate, about 20 (16-24) more distinct strize at the middle, rarely extending to the aperture, and sometimes quite raised, sometimes less distinct and almost obsolete. Apical fissure moderately deep; sheath or tube around the anal orifice short. Length 50, diam. of aperture 44, of apex 1 mill. : D. abyssorum M. Sars, Christ. Vid. Selsk. Forh., 1858, p. 52 ; Om de i Norge Forekommende Fossile Dyrelevninger fra Quartr- perioden (University Programme for 1864), p. 42, pl. 3, f. 100-106 (1865), exclusive of the so-called young—SrarLEs Woop, Crag Moll. Suppl. i, Pal. Soc. Mem., p. 93 (1871) ; see ibid.,i, p. 189, pl. 20, f. 2.—D. striolatum Stimp., JEFFR., P. Z. 8., 1882, p.659; Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), x, p. 830.—D. brevifissum BruGnone, Misc. Malac., il, p. 20, fig. 30 (1876).—? D. cinerascens Anton, Verzeich. Conchyl. Samml. Anton, p. 25 (1839).—D. entalis var. striolatum Watson, Chall. Rep., p. 5 (1885).—Antalis striolata G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 101, pl. 7, f. 1; pl. 20, f. 10a, b,c; Also folded pl. 1, f. 1 (vadula). Not D. striolatwm Stimpson !— D. tarentinum AsB- JORNSEN, Nyt Mag. f. Naturv., 1853, vii, p.350.—Ma.m, Goteborgs Vetensk. 0 Vitterh. Samhilles Handl., viii, 1863, p.2, f.3. Not D. tarentinum Lam. Var. SULCATUM Verrill. Shell of moderate size, thin, translucent white, tinged with very pale yellowish or bluish, moderately curved, more decidedly behind the middle, tapering regularly and rather rapidly from the anterior to the very slender posterior end. The entire surface is covered by well marked, nearly regular, narrow raised ribs with nearly perpen- dicular sides and rounded summits, separated by well-defined, strongly marked, concave grooves which are about twice the width of the ribs anteriorly, but posteriorly are of about the same width. The ribs and furrows show on the interior of the shell within the DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 49 aperture, in reverse, the whole thickness of the shell conforming to the sculpture as if they were corrugations of its substance. The oval aperture is relatively large and circular, very little oblique, and usually with the very thin edge more or less broken. Posterior aperture very small, usually plain and without any notches, but in one of the most perfect specimens it has a slight lateral notch on each side; in others there is a small dorsal notch. Length of one of the largest specimens 20, diameter at the ante- rior end 3, at the posterior end 0°6 mill. Some specimens are slightly more slender than the one measured. (Vervill). South of Nova Scotia, east of Cape Cod, lat. 41° 9 40” to 41° 13’, long. 66° 2’ 20” to 66° 50’, at the following Stations: 2076, in 906 fathoms, one living specimen ; station 2077, in 1255 fathoms, four living, and station 2079 in 75 fathoms, one living specimen (U.S. Fish Commission). D. occidentale var. suleatum VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 217 (June, 1884). This variety resembles D. candidwm Jeffreys in its form and lon- gitudinal sculpture, but lacks the transverse lines between the ribs; the posterior end is also more slender and more curved than shown in his figure. It also closely resembles some young specimens of the typical D. occidentale but the latter has not so strongly marked and regular ribs and grooves, nor does the sculpture extend entirely through the thickness of the shell so as to appear on the inside, as in the present form. Specimens often occur, however, that are evidently intermediate between the two forms, in the character of the sculpture and thickness of the shell. ( Verrill). We have not seen this form. D. =nicMaticum Jordan. PI. 9, figs. 58, 59. Shell subeylindrical, very slender, thin, slightly curved, lusterless, and opaque. Sculpture, 26-28 longitudinal ribs, which are thin, almost sharp, and traverse the entire length of the shell. No lon- gitudinal microscopical strize are visible between these ribs, merely the usual transverse lines of growth. Color, creamy-white, margin at the anterior end jagged, as is usual in other species of this genus. No notch or slit is visible at the posterior end, which, however, appears when examined by a strong lens to be slightly broken. Length 25, diam. 2 mill. (Jordan). Faroe Channel, * cold area,” 640 fms. ; off west coast of Ireland, in 1000 fms. 4 50 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Dentalium enigmaticum JoRDAN, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., i, p. 264, pl. 16, f. la, Lb (July, 1895). From D. agile this species may be distinguished by the persistent ribs which traverse the entire length of the shell, and by its some- what more slender form. Herr Herman Friele informs me that D. agile “is not always so faintly striated as described by Sars.” It differs from D. striolatum [occidentale] in its more slender form and stronger sculpture ; from D. candidum in its much more slender form, and in not possessing the fine transverse intercostal sculpture of that species; whilst from D. dentalis it is distinguished by its more slender form, more numerous ribs (about twice as many), which are thin and not well rounded as in D. dentalis, and by not having lon- gitudinal microscopical strize between the ribs. The learned author of “ British Conchology,” in vol. iii, p. 197, says of D. dentalis, “ It has nine longitudinal ribs, besides frequently a stria between each rib, but no fine impressed lines as in D. taren- tinum ;” but in the specimens of D. dentalis which I have examined longitudinal striz are visible; even in specimens which appeared to be destitute of them, I have with a strong lens detected them in some places when holding the shell at a certain angle to the light, and in many specimens these strize by their intersection with the lines of growth, impart a microscopical bead-work appearance to the inter- b costal spaces. Mr. E. A Smith informs me that there are two specimens of this new species in the British Museum (Natural History) from off the west coast of Ireland in 1000 fms., and that he regards the species as being quite recognizable. (Jordan). Group of D. novemcostatum. Shell stout and strong, moderately curved, with 9 to 13 principal ribs at and near apex, and usually interstitial riblets. Apex fre- quently truncate, with a small central tube. Shell often ruddy. Species of the Mediterranean and immediately adjacent seas, mainly living at slight or moderate depths. With the inclusion of D. vulgare, this group would constitute the genus Antalis of Stoliczka, but not the earlier Antalis Adams; but it is a matter of common observation that the apical tube is by no means constantly developed in shells of any stage of growth. In the following key some species of the preceding group are included. DENTALIUM-—ANTALIS. 51 Key to species. I. 9 to 18 strong ribs at and near apex ; an equal number of inter- stitial ribs often developed, or intervals longitudinally striated. a. Primary ribs strong, intercalated riblets generally smaller throughout, shell generally ruddy, novemcostatum, dentalis, inequicostatum, panormum. a’, About 11 indistinct ribs, intervals longitudinally striated, apex wide; white; (Gulf of Suez). clavus, p. 5d. II. 12 or more low ribs at apex, increasing to double that, and be- coming lower or obsolete toward aperture, occidentale, p. 47. IIL. 11-28 primary ribs or riblets, continuous from end to end; no interstitial riblets or longitudinal strize; white. a. 11-138 ribs; length 35 mill., 7 times the diam. senegalense, p. 55. a’, 26-28 narrow ribs; no apical notch; length 25 mill., 12 times the diam., enigmaticum, p. 49. D. NovEMcostatuM Lamarck. PFI. 9. figs. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. Shell moderately curved, very stout; grayish-white or delicate rose, usually reddish toward the apex and with encircling zones of deeper red. Sculpture of 9 rounded ribs, stronger at the apex, weak or obsolete at the aperture; longitudinally obsoletely striated. Aperture rounded-angular. Apex wide, truncate, the anal orifice small, usually occupying a short tube. Length 32, diam. of aperture 4:7, of apex 2-3 mill. Ocean coast of France. D. novemeostatum Lam., An. s. Vert., v, p. 344 (1818); edit. Desu., v, p. 592 (1838).—Desu., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 356, pl. 16, f. 11, 12 (1826)—Derxerssert, Req. de Cogq,, pl. 1, f. 2a, 2b (1841).—F iscuer, Actes Soc. Linn. Bord., xxvii, 1869, p. 115. —DaniEL, Journ. de Conchyl., xxxi, 1883, p. 8331.—Buaq., Daurz. & Douur., Moll. du Roussillon, i, p. 565, pl. 66, f. 12-14.—Sowp., _Thes. Conch., iii, p. 102, pl. 224, f. 24-27; Conch. Icon., xvii, pl. 3, f. 13, c, d—Cuesstn, Conchyl. Cab., p. 5, pl. 1, f. 5. —Antale novem- costatum Sacco, Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat, Comp. Univ. Torino, xi, 1396; p. 97. Stouter, comparatively broader in the adult than the Mediterranean - D. inequicostatum, and lacking the distinct circular striation of that form. BZ DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Sacco recognizes ‘ varieties’ pseudaprina, mutabilis, ineequicostata _decemcostata, undecemcostata, duodecemcostata and tredecemcostata in the Italian Pliocene. They are probably mere forms, and may be- long to the closely allied D. inequicostatum Dautz. D. 1n2zquicostaTuM Dautzenberg. PI. 9, figs. 49, 50, 51. Shell moderately or slightly arcuate, either decidedly or slightly tapering, very solid, nearly lusterless. Whitish, with numerous ill- defined orange-red or roseate zones, and suffused with that color to- ward the apex. Sculpture of 9-12 strong primary ribs toward the apex, narrower than their intervals, which are smooth except for very faint, close longitudinal striation, and rather conspicuous growth-striz ; smaller secondary ribs, alternating with the others, soon appear, and toward the aperture, where the sculpture becomes weaker, some tertiary cords; so the ribs are rather irregularly alter- nating in size; adults showing some irregular, shallow or deep con- strictions around the tube, caused by interrupted growth or break- age. Aperture subcircular, slightly polygonal, somewhat oblique. Apex wide and truncate in adults, with a small, short central tube. No slit or notch. Length 50, diam. of aperture 4°5, of apex 2 mill. (Specimen). Length 35, diam. of aperture 5 mill. (Bb. D. & D.). Mediterranean, from Greece and Sicily to southern France, Algeria and Tunis ; laminarian zone. D. dentalis Lam., An.s. Vert., v, p. 344.—Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Mérid., iv, p. 398.—Desu., Mém. Soc. H.N. Paris, ii, p. 353, pl. 16, f. 9, 10.—Paxritirri, Enum. Moll. Sicil., i, p. 243; ii, p. 206.—J Er- FreEYs, Ann. Mag. N. H., 1870, p. 10—Monrerosato, Not. int. alle Conch. Medit., p. 28; Conch. delle Rada di Civitavecchia, p. 8. Not D. dentalis Linné. D. fasciatum Lam., |. ¢., p. 843. Not D. fasciatum Gmel. D. novemeostatum Lam., Payr., Moll. de Corse, p. 19.—JEF- rReEyYs, Moll. Piedm. Coast, p. 26.—WeINKAUFF, Conch. des Mit- telm., ii. p. 420.—Monrrrosato, Nom. Gen. e Spec., p.31. Not D. novemcostatum Lamarck. ? D. striatulum DE Buarny., Dict. Sci. Nat., xiii, p. 70 (1819). D. pseudo-antalis Scaccut, Catal. Conch. Reg. Nap., p. 17 (1836). Not D. pseudo-antalis Lamarck. D. alternans Bug., Dautz. & Doutur., Moll. Mar. du Roussilon, i, p. 561, pl. 66, f. 7, 8,9. Not D. alternans Chenu. DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 53 D. ineequicostatum DaurzENBERG, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, pour 1891, p. 53 (footnote); Ibid., 1895, p. 370. The vicissitudes of nomenclature suffered by this species have been ably elucidated by the learned authors of Les Mollusques Marins du Rousillon ; and as their material has been so much more extensive than any we have access to, we are content to accept their separation of the form from D. novemcostatum Lam. and D. dentalis Linné. D. penTAuis Linné. PI. 9, figs. 55, 56, 57. Shell moderately curved, rather slender ; whitish, zoned and suf- fused toward the smaller end with rose; sometimes uniform white. Sculpture of about 10 strong rounded ribs near the apex, rapidly in- creasing by the intercalation of intermediate riblets to 18 or 20 at the aperture. Aperture rounded, polygonal, slightly oblique. Anal orifice small, circular, with very thick walls. No notch or slit. Length 24, diam. of aperture 2°8, of apex 0°8 mill. (or somewhat larger). Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas ; Sea of Marmora. D. dentalis Linne, Syst. Nat. (12), p. 1263 (1766).—Hantey, The Shells of Linnzeus, p. 436.—O. G. Cosra, Faun. Reg. Nap., Tubibranchi, p. 16, pl. 1, f. 83—Monrs., Nom. Gen. e Spec., p. 31.— Bug., Dautz. & Doutur., Moll. Mar. Roussillon, i, p. 564, pl. 66, f. 10, 11.—Cuesstn, Conchyl. Cab., p. 6 (in part)—Srurany, Ber- ichte der Commiss. fiir Erforsch. des Ostlichen Mittelm., p. 120, in Denkschr. K. Akad. Wissensch., ]xii, 1895.—DauTzeENnBERG, Mém. Soe. Zool. France, iv, p. 609.—Carus, Prodromus Faun. Medit., p. 174.—D. dentale and D. linneanum LocarD, Prodr. Mal. Francaise, in Ann. Soe. d’Agricult., ete. de Lyon (5), ix, for 1886, p. 145 (1887) ; Coq. Mar. France, in Ann. Soc. Linnéenne de Lyon, for 1890, p. 238 (1891).—? D. simile S. Bronp1 Grunt1, Atti Accad. Gioenia de Sci. Nat. (2), xiv, p. 120, pL, f. 6 (1859).—D. mutabile DoDERL. in Hornes, Foss. Moll. Tertiar-Beckens von Wien, in Abhandl. K.-K. Geol. Reichsanst., iii, p. 654, pl. 50, f. 82 (1856). Closely allied to D. inequicostatum, with which, indeed, it may have been associated by Linneus. Sacco has named “ varieties” astensis, sexdecimcostuta, quatuordecimeostata, paucicostulata and mac- ulatellata from the Italian Pliocene. It is an interesting collection of Latin compounds, but probably without adequate foundation in nature. 54 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Foresti, in Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital., xix, p. 249-252, admits these varieties from the Pliocene: (1) alternans B. D. D., (2) obsoleta Dod. (=D. obsoletum Doderlein, Cenn. Geol. giacim. terr. Mioce. sup. Ital. Centr., p. 15, 1862 ;—D. dentalis var. sublevis Cocconi, Enum. sistem. Moll. Mioc. e Plioc. Parma e Piacenza, p. 240, 1873), and (3) equicostata Foresti, 1895, Whether these are really refer- able to dentalis or not is uncertain ; the recent forms of this group are certainly closely allied though probably specifically distinct, but some convergence is to be expected in the tertiaries. D. panorMuM Chenu. PI. 9, figs. 38, 39. Shell slender and elongated, moderately curved, solid. Flesh- tinted, or opaque white and tinted posteriorly, where it is also often encrusted with a black deposit. Sculpture of about a dozen unequal narrow riblets at the apex, increasing in number but losing in prom- inence as the tube enlarges; growth striz scarcely noticeable, but there is often a deep jagged encircling constriction where a former fractured peristome has been repaired. Aperture circular, hardly oblique. Anal orifice small, circular or ovate, with thick walls. Length 53, diam. of aperture 4, of apex 1 mill. Length 70, diam. of aperture 4, of apex 1:5 mill. Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas ; Bay of Biscay, 30-195 fms. D. panormum CHEN, Ill. Conch., i, p. 6, pl. 6, f. 13 (1842-1847). —D. panormitanum JEFFREYS, P. Z. S., 1882, p. 657.—Srur- ANY, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wissensch. Wien., ]xiii, Berichte der Commis. fiir Erforsch Ost]. Mittelm., p. 29.—D. lessoni Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 100, pl. 224, f. 17, 18.—? And Cressin, Conchyl. Cab. p.7. Not of Deshayes.— ? D. arguticosta BRUGNONE. D. pseudoantalis O. G. Costa, Fauna Reg. Nap., Dent., p..17, pl. 1, f. 2, 8 (1850). Independently of the much greater length, the ribs are finer and far more numerous and regular, (than in dentalis), and they are ex- tremely slight or become mere striz on the anterior part or in front. The shell isalso more tapering and proportionally narrower. It attains the length of 3 or 4 inches. Some specimens have the same pipe at the posterior extremity as in D. dentalis. (Jeffr.). D. panormum, like the very closely allied dentalis and inequicosta- twm, repairs a broken peristome very clumsily, leaving a gaping record of the injury, deeper than in most species of the genus; such breaks DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 5D being seen in the majority of adult specimens. D. semiclauswm Nyst has been referred here, but is probably distinct. D. cuavus Cooke. Unfigured. Shell solid, whitish, ungraceful, slightly arcuate, almost equally wide from apex to base; fluted with about 11 very indistinct ribs, interstices longitudinally lineated, the lines sometimes nearly equal to the ribs; apex entire. Length 1°75, diam. 0-2 inch. (Cooke). Gulf of Suez (MacAndrew). D. clavus Cooke, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), xvi, p. 275 (Oct., 1885). A remarkably ungraceful shell, reminding one of thick specimens of novemcostatum Lam. The breadth is almost the same throughout, ribs very indistinct and impossible to count at the base, interstitial lines proportionately strong. (Cooke). D. SENEGALENSE Dautzenberg. PI. 15, figs. 13, 14, 15, Shell 35 mill. long, 5 wide at base; rather thin, elongate, arcuate, ornamented by 11-13 longitudinal narrow continuous ribs, narrower than their intervals, and very delicate growth-striz between them, the interstices without longitudinal sculpture. Apexentire. Aper- ture polygonal, the peristome very acute, with 11 to 13 grooves within corresponding to the external longitudinal ribs. Color uni- form dull, milk white. (Dautz.). Dakar, Senegal, (‘ Melita’ Exped.). D. senegalense Dautz., Mém. de la Société Zoologique de France pour l’année, 1891, iv, p. 53 (p. 38 of separate copy), pl. 3, f. 8a, 8b, 8e. D. senegalense approaches D. dentalis L. of the Mediterranean in the equal ribs and white coloring; but it has only 11 to 13 longitu- dinal ribs instead of 20, it enlarges more rapidly toward the ante- rior end. It is less like the Mediterranean form described by us as D. alternans (which name being in use for an earlier species described by Chenu, we propose to replace by D. inequicostatum), which has alternately larger and smaller ribs. Finally, the shell approaches D. lessoni Desh., reported by Lesson from New Guinea. (Dautz.). GRoupP oF D. DISPARILE. Irregularly many-ribbed species of rather small size, often with alternating translucent and opaque encircling bands, or dots on the ribs; apex either simple, notched or tubiferous. 56 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. A few Antillean and Pacific species are grouped here for want of a better place. D. DISPARILE d’Orbigny. PI. 14, figs. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Shell small, solid, moderately curved, opaque white, frequently with some or all of the ribs articulated with dots and dashes of trans- lucent gray. Sculpture, 9 or 10 primary ribs with smooth (or 1- ribbed) interstices at and near the smaller end, increasing by inter- calation to somewhat over double that at the aperture, the interstitial riblets developed earliest and most numerously on the convex side of the shell, where they become as prominent as the primary ribs ; several of the latter, on the concave side of shell, frequently continu- ing prominent to the aperture. Aperture circular, outer margin of peristome crenulated by the riblets. Anal orifice small, without slit or notch, frequently bearing an inner tube (figs. 20, 21). Length 20, diam. of aperture 2°3, of apex 1 mill. (St. Martin). Length 19:5, diam. of aperture 2-2, of apex 0°7 mill, ) Marco, Length 20, diam of aperture 1:9, of apex 0:7 mill. ; Florida. Length 25, diam. of aperture 3 mill. (Turks I.). Coast of Florida, in 2-10 fms. (Hemphill, Rush, Vodges et al.) ; Martinique (Orbigny) ; Bahamas (Rawson, Gabb) ; Havana, Cuba (Arango); Samana Bay, St. Domingo (Couthouy); Barbados, 100 fms., (Blake Expedition) ; St. Martin (Marie) ; Miocene and Pliocene of the Carolinas and Florida. D. disparile OrB., Moll. Cuba, ii, p. 202, pl. 25, f. 14-17 (1842). —Datt, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 37, 1881 (ex parte); Ibid, xviii, Blake Rep., p. 424 (1889); Trans. Wagner Inst., iii, p. 440; Bull. U.S. Nat Mus. no. 37, p. 76—ARaANGo, Cont. Faun. Mal. Cub., p- 232 (1878). “This species has no notch or slit when perfect ; when truncate it repairs damages by projecting asmall tube from the broken end (figs. 20, 21). It recalls D. panormitanum Jeffreys, but is smaller, less uni- form in sculpture, and has no notch. At the posterior end it is cir- cular, with the exterior crenulated by the ribs; by this feature it is distinguished from some of the allied species whose posterior section is polygonal.” (Dal). D. disparile has the ribs more unequal than in D. antillarum, and fewer in number at the aperture. Of course the count of ribs at the apex depends upon the age of the individual specimen, the secondary riblets being added very early on the convex side. DENTALIUM—ANTALIS, oi D. disparile is very similar to D. variabile Desh. The Oriental locality of the latter rests upon little satisfactory evidence, unless Martens’ identification of Anderson’s shells proves unquestionable. We do not know that the gray-dotted pattern of the ribs in this species and D. antil/arum has been noticed in print hitherto, though it is obvious enough in many specimens. D. ceratum Dall. PI. 7, figs. 4 (young) and 5. Shell of waxen hue becoming whiter toward the mouth, aculeate, slightly curved, rather stout, and of glassy texture ; at the anal end septangular, the angles passing into riblets at the beginning of the middle third, then becoming gradually much more numerous, finer fainter, and lastly absent or evanescent on the oral third. Surface shining, apertures simple, circular. Length 30, anal diam. 0°5, oral diam, 2°0 mill. (Dall). West Florida, 50 fms. (Pourtalés) ; Off Havana,in 119-177 fms. ; Off Morro Light, Havana, in 175 to 250 fms.; Off Virgin Gorda dead, in 1097 fms. In 213 fms., off Martinique ; Barbados, 100 fms. ; Of St. Vincent, in 424 fms., sand (Blake). Also by the U.S. Fish Commission, south of Cuba, in 250 fms., coral. D. ceratum Dau, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 38 (1881); Ibid, xviii, Blake Rep., p. 424, pl. 26, f.5; pl. 27, f.2; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., Hoo, p- (6, pl..26, f. 5. This species has about the curve and proportions of D. eireumeine- tum Watson, but is much smaller, has a wholly different sculpture and no anal notch. D. ceratum also recalls D. panormitanum, but is always more slender, usually shorter, has a yellow waxen instead of an apricot tint, and the raised sculpture is finer, and more uniform. D. ceratum has a shallow wave above and below at the anal end, while D. pan- ormitanum has a true, though short, slit. (Dall). D. anTILLARUM d’Orbigny. PI. 14, figs. 22, 28, 24, 25. Shell small, rather stout, solid ; apical third quite strongly curved, the remainder but slightly or moderately arcuate. White, or with a faint greenish-yellow tint; all or part of the ribs frequently seen to be articulated with dots and dashes of translucent gray. Sculpt- ure of numerous (about 37-43 at the aperture) subequal or alter- nately smaller longitudinal close riblets, about as wide as the inter- stices, rather low and rounded ; towards the apex the riblets become 58 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. unequal, fewer by loss of those intercalated in the interstices, and the remaining ribs, about 20 in number, are alternately large and small (and in younger shells there are 10 strong ribs). Aperture circular. Anal orifice small, ovate with thick walls, and a wide, shallow tri- angular notch on the convex side. Length 23:5, diam. of aperture 2°5, of apex 1°3 mill. Length 22:5, diam. of aperture 2°3, of apex 0:9 mill. Entire West Indies and Gulf of Mexico; north in deep water to Cape Hatteras. Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vineent, Gren- ada, Santa Cruz, Arrowsmith Bank, Yucatan, and Yucatan Strait ; off Cuba; off Cape Fear, N. C. (Blake and Albatross); Off Cape Hatteras (Rush), 17-1000 fms., Pourtales plateau (lowaS. U. Bahama Exp.) ; St. Martin, Saba and Key West, Florida (Acad. coll.) ; St. Thomas (Orbigny). D. antillarum Ors., Moll. Cuba, ii, p. 202, pl. 25, f. 10-18 (1842 or 1846).—Datt, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 37 (1881); Ibid. xviii, Blake Rep., p. 421 (1889); Nat. Hist. Bull. State Univ. Iowa, iv, no..1, p. 20. The riblets on the larger portion of the tube are much more equal and less coarse than in D. disparile Orb., a species often occurring with this one, and of equally wide distribution. d’Orbigny’s descrip- tion and figures were from a young specimen. Dall writes as follows: This well marked species is uniformly finely grooved from the tip to the anterior part, the interspaces being rounded, subequal, and thread-like, growing slightly finer anteriorly. The section is circular, the notch is on the convex side, shallow and wide, often decollate. I believe its range extends north to New Eng- land, and possibly to Nova Scotia, in deep water, judging by spec- imens so labelled in the National Museum. D. TAPHRIUM Dall. Shell short, stoutish, slightly curved, pale apple-green, which is so alternated in ill-defined zones of translucency and opacity as to give on a fresh specimen the effect of the silk known as moire antique, though the sculpture is not modified in these zones ; sculpture of very fine sharp slightly elevated incremental lines, visible only in. the interspaces between the longitudinal threads; the latter are even, squarish, rather flattened threads, with subequal channelled interspaces, about six threads to the millimeter of circumference ; close to the aperture they become faint, and posteriorly every alter- DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. 59 nate thread is weaker until it disappears. Both orifices are circular, the anal one has the upper, and to a less degree the lower edge gently concavely waved, but without a slit. Generally this end is decollate and circular. Length of shell, 17-0; height of arch from chord, 2°4; diameter of aperture, 2°12; of anal orifice, 0°5 mill. (Dall). Off the Carolina coast, in 22 to 52 fms., sand; at U.S. Fish Com- mission Stations 2598, 2608 and 2612. Station 2405, in the Gulf of Mexico between the Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 30 fms., sand. D. taphrium Dat, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 422 (1889) ; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76. A couple of specimens were obtained, dead and white, in 182 fms., coral sand, off Havana, Cuba, by the U.S. Fish Commission. These though decollate behind, were about nine millimeters longer ante- riorly than any of the more northern specimens, without gaining much in diameter. The added part was almost destitute of sculpt- ure. (Dall). D. PHANEUM Dall. PI. 20, fig. 24 (enlarged). Shell rather thin, pale straw color, glistening, nearly straight, the curve chiefly in the earlier third; the shell originally is smooth or . with few, feeble elevated lines, which in traversing the distance from the apex to the aperture revolve one-fourth of a turn to the right; surface marked by delicate annular lines of growth and longitudin- ally by about twenty-five very fine, sharp, little elevated threads, which are strongest about the middle of the shell and more or less obsolete in front and behind ; between these are faint obscure lon- gitudinal striz; both orifices of the shell are simply circular, the anterior sharp-edged and a little oblique. Length of the shell, 35 ; anterior diameter, 2°2 ; apical diameter, 0°5; maximum deviation of the curve from a chord drawn between the ends, 3:2 mill. (Dal). Off Honolulu, Hawaiian Is., 298-351 fms. (Albatross). Dentalium phaneum Dau, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xvii, 1894, p. 686, pl. 26, f. 1. This species is perhaps most nearly allied to D. antillarum Orb- igny, of the Antilles, a species which differs in its sharper and more numerous ribs, which become more prominent toward the apex in- stead of obsolete. 60 DENTALIUM—ANTALIS. Of Pacific species, D. numerosum Dall, a form which occurs in very deep water from the Galapagos to California abundantly, has the most general resemblance to the present species; but it grows to nearly twice the length, and when closely examined is seen to have a sharply pentagonal posterior section with a conspicuous ventral slit. D. numeroswm is a somewhat straighter and longer shell than D. phaneum. (Dall). D. VARIABILE Deshayes. PI. 14, figs. 26, 27, 28. Shell rather small, moderately arcuate, not much attenuated pos- teriorly, solid; white, with numerous encircling grayish-translucent zones, more pronounced on the ribs, which appear articulated with grayish and white. Sculpture of 10 or 11 strong narrow ribs with concave interstices, at and near the apex; a median thread soon arising in each interval, and becoming nearly equal to the primary ribs, and later other interstitial riblets arise in some intervals, so that at the aperture there are about 22, 24 or more riblets: Aper- ture round, slightly polygonal. Anal orifice small and circular with thick margin. No slit or notch. Length 19, diam. aperture 2, diam. apex 1°1 mill. Length 18, diam. aperture 2, diam. apex 1 mill. Mergui Archipelago at Mergqui on mud-flats and Sullivan J. in 7- 10 fms. (Anderson) ; Philippine Is. (Sowb., Acad. Coll.) found at a dealers with mainly small Indian shells (Desh.). D. variabile Desu., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 367, pl. 16, f. 30 (1825)—_Sowrrpy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 224, f. 30 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 4, f. 26 (1872).—Marrens, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xxi, p. 200. Not D. variabile Costa or Risso. Differs from D. belcheri in being narrower and less rapidly en- larging. The dotted ribs are characteristic, but their number varies considerable. It sometimes reaches 30 mill. length. Compare D. disparile Orb. D. BELCHERI Sowerby. PI. 14, figs. 29, 30. Shell subeylindrical, equally and closely ribbed, lightly curved towards the apex ; white or roseate, with pale maculation on the ribs ; apex entire and obtuse. (Sowb.). Length 32, greatest diam. 5 mill. (from fig.). Length 26, greatest diam. 4°5 mill. (from fig. ). East Indian Archipelago (Sowb.). DENTALIUM—HETEROSCHISMA. 61 D. belcheri Sows. jun., Thes. Conch., iii, p..101, pl. 224, f. 28,29 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 1, f. la, 16. (1872). It is like D. novemeostatum, but with the ribs much more numer- ous. There is a slight articulated appearance on the costze. (Sowd.). D. ACULEATUM Sowerby. PI. 10, fig. 66. Shell white, strongly curved, unequally striated ; apex attenuated, acuminate, entire. Not unlike the young of D. tarentinum, but more acuminated, and with unequal instead of equal strize. (Sowbd.). Length 21, diam. 3°5 mill. (from fig.). Habitat unknown. D. aculeatum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 100, pl. 225, f. 63 (1860). D. pacosttanuM Chenu. PI. 13, fig. 12. Shell small, somewhat arcuate, with very numerous and crowded longitudinal striz. (Chenu). Length 7°5 mill. (from fig.). Habitat unknown. D. dacostatianum CHENv, Ilustr. Conch., i, p. 3—D. dacostianwm CHENU, pl. 6, f. 33. Evidently a young shell and a doubtful species. The figures show five strong ribs at apex and 16 fine ones at aperture. Subgenus HErERoscuHisMA Simroth, 1895. Heteroschisma Stmroru, in Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Thier- Reichs, iii, Moll., p. 460 (1895). Shell coarsely striate or ribbed longitudinally, tapering, and _ with a apical slit on the concave side. An abnormal position of the slit occurs in some other species, such as D. leonine, D. inversum and D. sericatum, belonging to quite different groups. It is no evidence of common origin, so that the group established by Simroth for all species with the slit on the con- cave side, is to that extent an artificial one. If adopted as a sub- generic or sectional name it may be restricted to species of the sub- terfissum type. D. suBTERFISssUM Jeffreys. PI. 7, figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Shell slender and finely tapering, more curved towards the point, rather thin, nearly semitransparent, and glossy ; sculpture, from 12 to 16 delicate and sharp regular longitudinal striz, which are con- 62 DENTALIUM—HETEROSCHISMA. tinued to both ends; color whitish; margin at the posterior end bul- bous ; slit long and narrow, placed on the lower or ventral side; its length is double that of the greatest diameter of the shell. Length 0°6, breadth 0:075 inch. (Jeffreys). Davis Strait, 1785 tms.; Off West coast of Ireland, 1180-1476 fms. (Porcupine Exped.) ; off Azores Is., 1000 fms., Palma, Canaries 1125 fms., and off Pernambuco, Brazil, 675 fms. (Challenger). D. subterfissum JEFFR., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 154 (Feb., 1877); Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. 660, pl. 49, f. 3.— Warson, Challenger Scaphopoda and Gastrop., p. 10, pl. 1, £10 (1885). Peculiar in having the slit on the concave side of the tube. D, CatmiTHRi Dally SPIT, figs: Shell white, moderately curved, laterally slightly compressed ; sculpture of about nine primary longitudinal ridges, angulating the section, with between them toward the middle of the shell three to five secondary smaller rounded threads, crossed by moderately strong lines of growth ; the primaries are strongest posteriorly, they become fainter in front and all the longitudinal sculpture nearly uniform near the aperture in the adult ; aperture oblique, rounded oval, the lower lip in advance, margin thin; anal orifice circular, simple in the young, without notches or slits; adults usually show a short broadish slit on the concave side, or are irregularly eroded; the extreme tip in the young is more curved than the body of the shell, and quite acute. Length 25; height of arch above chord, 5; ver- tical diameter of aperture, 3°75; transverse ditto, 2‘75; diameter of anal end in young, 0°25; in figured specimen (eroded) 1 mill. The shell may attain a length of 43 mill. (Dal/). Yucatan Strait, 640 fms.; Gulf of Mexico, Blake Station 20, in 220 fms.; Station 41, in 860 fms.; near Guadelupe, in 769 fms., sand, off Santa Lucia, in 423 fms., ooze, off Bequia, in 1591 fms., ooze; off Cape Fear, in 161 fms., ooze; off Grenada; Also at U.S. Fish Commission Station 2678, in 731 fms., ooze, off Cape Fear, North Carolina, and in the Gulf of Mexico, between the delta of the Mississ- ippi and Cedar Keys, Florida, in 1181 fms., mud; 8S. of St. Kitts, 687 fms.; East from Tobago, 880 fms. (Albatross) ; Rio Janeiro (U.S. Expl. Exped.). D. callithrix Datu, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 427, pl. - 27, f. 10 (1889); Bull..U.S. Nat. Mus, no. 37, p. 76, ph 2756 20g Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, 1889, p. 294 (1890). DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. 63 This is a very characteristic species, in which the longitudinal sculpture, and even the shell, are often somewhat spirally twisted as much as one-eighth of the circumference. (Dall). There are at first 9 narrow, acute ribs, with smooth, wide concave intervals; then 3, 4 or more narrow riblets appear in each interval and the section of the tube becomes circular. Toward the aperture, which is slightly compressed laterally, there are subequal, fine and inconspicuous riblets. The slit is rather long and on the concave side. Subgenus FissrpEnTALIUM Fischer, 1885. Fissidentalium FiscHEer, Manuel de Conchyliologie, p. 894 (1885), type D. ergasticum Fisch. Schizodentalium SowERBy, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., i, p. 158 (1894), type S. plurifissuratum Sowb. Shell large and solid, sculptured with many longitudinal riblets, the apex typically with a long slit, but often simple, sometimes with a slit divided into a series of fissures. Mainly deep water species, of all temperate and tropical seas, distinguished chiefly by the large size and solidity of the shell with numerous longitudinal riblets. The apical slit is a frequent but by no means invariable feature, being here an extremely mutable character, as in most other groups of the genus. It is this great var- © iability, not only between different species but among the individ- uals of the same species, that has induced us against preconceived opinions to merge Mr. Sowerby’s group Schizodentalium into Fischer’s earlier subgenus. The extraordinary character of a slit divided into a series of fissures might well induce any conchologist to found a new genus; but the essential agreement of the type species with Fisstdentaliwm in sculptural characters and contour, the vari- ‘ation in number of the fissures, and the existence of the same char- acter to some degree in other species (capillosum and exuberans), all seem to us to indicate the minor importance of this modification of the slit, in common with the other several types of apical structure. In this case, as throughout the Scaphopoda, data upon the soft anat- omy are required. Wide as is the distribution of species of this group in modern seas, the range in time is not less marked. Characteristic fossil forms are D). grande Desh. of the Paris Basin Lower Eocene, a species not unlike D. capillosum; D. giganteum Sowb. and D. corrugatum Gay 64 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. of the southern extremity of South America, both probably Miocene or later; D. mantelli Zittel and D. solidum Hutton of the New Zea- land upper Eocene or lower Miocene, and other species. The following is a very imperfect analysis of the species. Key to species. I. Shell circular or nearly circular in section. a. 12-14 high, rather acute ribs toward apex, with numer- ous riblets developing as the tube enlarges; shell large, nearly straight ; a long often sinuous fissure. Length 63 -114 mill. rectum, p. 81; delessertianum, p. 81. a’. Longitudinal riblets or ribs much more numerous. b. Slit divided into a series of fissures by bridges of shell. c. Stout; length 95 mill., about 52 times the great- est diam.; off West Africa, exuberans, p. 78. ce’. Length 64 mill., about 8-9 times the diam. ; many unequal ribs and striz ; fissures 2 to 5; Hong Kong ?, plurifissuratum, p. 82. b’. Slit simple or wanting. c. Caliber quite rapidly enlarging, the diameter gen- erally contained 4 to 7 times in the length. d. 50-80 riblets on larger part of the very stout shell. é. ~ ~ ~ Very large, yellowish, with about 50 riblets; aperture oblique, no slit; length 90-99 mill., 5-52 times the greatest diam.; E. Pacific, megathyris, p. 67. . 70-80 riblets ; aslit; length 42-45 mill., 43-6 times the diam. ; Pacific, ceras, p. 68. . Nearly straight, brownish-yellow, with a short fissure; about 50 very slightly raised rounded ridges, faint toward aperture; length nearly 50 mill., about 62 times the diam., amphialum, p. 71. d’. 30-36 riblets toward larger end, either alternately smaller or only half as many DENTALIUM-—FISSIDENTALIUM. 65 at apex; length 56-60 mill., 7-8 times the diam.; New Zealand, opacum, p. 70; zelandicum, p. 70 ; pacifi- cum, p. 70. d’, About 18 ribs at larger end, fewer poste- riorly ; white, rapidly tapering, curved ; length about 16 mill., about 6 times the diam. ; New Zealand, huttoni, p. 71. ¢’. Tube less rapidly enlarging, the greatest diame- ter contained 8 to 11 times in the length. d. 30-35 riblets on larger part of the shell; length about 8 times the diameter. é. ~ Long, conic, finely tapering, white ; 30-35 unequal, rounded, close, high ridges, finally obsolete except for slight grooves; a short slit; length 62 mill.; — aegeum, p. 69. . About 30 unequal grooves near large end, fewer posteriorly ; white, solid, slightly curved; length 60 mill.; New Zealand, pacificum, p. 70. d’, 40 or more flattened riblets separated by much narrower grooves. é. ~ ~ About 40 subequal riblets with much narrower intervals; toward apex alternately smaller; length 90-133 mill., 8-9 times the diam. ; a deep slit or none, vernedei, p. 80. . Solid, glossy, white or ashy-gray, about 44-48 low, rather flattened riblets, somewhat fewer posteriorly, parted by linear grooves, becoming subobsolete toward aperture; length 74-88 mill., about 9 times the diam., slit short. candidum, p. 72. . Similar, but 90 or more riblets, continuous to aperture ; length 100 -110 mill., 8-10 times the diam., meridionalis, p. 73. 66 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. dd é . About 40 narrow riblets at apex, becoming flattened and then ob- solete; slit 15 mill. long; length 91 mill., 9 times the diam., - ergasticum, p 74. Light red; length 82 mill., about 7 times the diam., milneedwardsi, p. 75. More cylindrical than candidum ; length 78 mill., about 9 times the diam., complexum, p. 76. d’. Many thread-like riblets separated by deeply cut intervals hardly narrower than the riblets. é. yyy Solid, about 65 even, sharply and deeply cut rounded equal threads, with narrow grooves; a slit; length about 80 mill., 9 times the diam., capillosum, p. 77. . About 40 flat-topped riblets, with broad square furrows, paucicostatum, p. 78. . Striation coarser, slit longer; length 101 mill., about 72 times the diam., magnificum, p. 78. . Sculpture much as in capillosum ; light reddish-gray; nearly straight; length 95 mill. 10 times the diam., scamnatum, p. 79. . About 80 thread-like riblets; a notch or short slit; length 90 mill., about 10 times the diam., profundorum, p. 79. ¢’. Diam. contained 15 times in length; 75 mill. long; finely ribbed, senivestitum, p. 75. II. Shell decidedly compressed, elliptical in section. a. Tawny, banded with brown; very numerous unequal rib- lets; slit long and narrow, aperture oval; length 72 mill., 6 times the diam., hungerfordi, p. 84. a’. White; about 16 angular, narrow, equal ribs, smaller ones sparsely intercalated toward aperture ; intervals conspic- uously transversely striated ; a long slit; length 51 mill., 12-13 times the diam ss clathratum, p. 84. DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. 67 D. MEGATHYRIs Dall. PI. 15, figs. 29, 30, 31. Shell remarkably stout and solid, rapidly enlarging ; the earlier third moderately curved, the remainder much straighter. Surface where not eroded shining ; texture of shell porcellanous within, with an external chalky stratum under the smooth exterior ; the poste- rior half generally much eroded even in living specimens. Color yellowish-white, generally with some dark extraneous matter lodged in the interstices. Sculpture: numerous (about 50) strong longitudi- nal riblets and threads, the latter rather sparsely and irregularly interposed ; the intervals deep and generally somewhat narrower than the riblets; longitudinals rather abruptly losing in strength near the aperture in aged shells. Aperture (fig. 29) decidedly ob- lique, somewhat wider than long, the peristome subsinuous, acute. Apex with simple, circular, sharp-edged orifice (fig. 31). No slit or notch. Length 99, greatest diam. of aperture 18-1 mill. Length 97, greatest diam. of aperture 17°9, diam. at apex 2°7 mill. Length 95, greatest diam. of aperture 17:5, antero-posterior diam. 15°5 mill. Length 91, greatest diam. of aperture 18, antero-posterior diam. 16°5 mill. Off Chiloe Island and southeast Chili in 1050 and 1342 fms. near Galapagos Is. in 812 fms. ; off Ecuador in 1740 fms.; Gulf of Panama ; s.-w. of Tehauntepec, 2282 fms. ; off Mazatlan, 995 fms. ; Gulf of California off La Paz, (U.S. Fish Commission). Dentalium megathyris Dauy, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 298, pl. 9, f. 1—Srrarns, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xvi, p. 424 (1893). This is one of the finest species of the genus, and the stoutest known. Dall writes: “The young recalls D. ceras Watson, but the shell changes in rate of increase and form of longitudinal ribs as it grows. It is a little straighter near the anal end, and the adult is more funnel-shaped, with flatter ribs than in D. ceras. “The radula is short, with the formula The median Dit 1+1+1° tooth is wide, subrectangular, arched a little in front. The laterals on each side have a projecting stout cusp; the uncini are flat rhom- boidal plates. The whole radula bears a strong resemblance to that of Entalis striolata as figured by G. O. Sars. The oesophagus is short; the stomach short and cordate, stuffed with foraminifera. The soft parts, as preserved in alcohol, seem ridiculously small and out of proportion to the massive shell.” 68 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. D. ceras Watson. PI. 3, fig. 41. Shell like one of the old drinking-horns, stumpy, sbort, and a good deal bent, rather thin; the newer growth porcellanous, the older chalky and given to break off in flakes, leaving a perfectly smooth, brilliant porcellanous core. Sculpture: The surface is covered with close-set annular strize, which, especially on the longi- tudinal ribs, show like minute, crisp, round threads. The longi-— tudinal ribs are very much stronger, but still are fine, rounded, parted by rounded furrows much like the ribs; both, but especially the furrows, are irregular in size, fresh riblets arising in the hollows. There are from 30 to 35 toward the apex, and from 70 to 80 toward the’ mouth. Color, pure white. Edge thin and broken at the mouth; at the apex there is an irregular, ragged fissure in the con- vex curve. Length 1°8, breadth at mouth 0:3, at apex 0-07 inch. ( Watson). Animal, mantle is white, very thin and transparent ; the adductor muscles are short and weak. The liver is small, of a light grayish- brown. The mouth of the mantle is very strong, of a yellowish color, and the animal is rather fawn-colored ( Watson). Mid-Pacific, east of Japan, 2050 fms. ; W. of Valparaiso; 2160 fms. (Challenger). D. ceras Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 510 (1879). Not D. ceras Dau, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 37 (1881); Ibid., xviii, p. 425 (1889); Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., ‘xii, p. 294 (1890) ; Bull. U.S, Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76 (1884).—D. keras Watson, Chall. Rep., p. 3, pl. 1, f. 4 (1885). “ One specimen from mid-Pacific east of Japan is much less curved than the others. That from W. of Valparaiso (distant more than 7,500 miles in a straight line, 4,500 miles north and south and 6,000 miles east and west) is much broader, length 1:7, breadth 0°36 inch, and much more bent, but is obviously identical ( Watson). “The distance by sea from the Pacific, off Valparaiso, to the Gulf of Mexico, is so enormous that Mr. Dall’s identification of his spe- cies with this one seemed to need confirmation, and a specimen was accordingly sent to him for comparison. Mr. Dall sent measketch © of his solitary specimen with the following remarks, which his -— sketch confirms: “ Yours is older, has lost much tip, and widened at the mouth ; the tip is, perhaps, slightly more curved. The sculpture - in mine, perfectly preserved, is a little more clearly cut than in yours, DENTALIUM-—FISSIDENTALIUM. 69 but otherwise identical. Mine was dead and surface not glossy, yours living (though eroded), and in places quite glossy. If the two had been dredged together 1 think no question would have arisen as to their being the same. From such different localities there is always more doubt, though, in these abyssal things without much reason for it. Mine has no notch, but I find such differences in this character in the same species that I put no value on it unless it is uniform in many specimens. There do not seem to be any other differences. After a most careful scrutiny, I think there are no - specific or even definable varietal differences between them.” “This (D. ceras) compared with Dentalium amphialum Wats. is more curved ; the longitudinal striz are much narrower, more dis- tinct, and more persistent. Than Dentaliwm grande Desh. this is much smaller and especially shorter and stumpier form, without the regular circular lirae, and the longitudinal ribs are much weaker and are closer set. Compared with Dentaliwm capillosum Jeftr., which it superficially resembles, it differs in texture, form and sculpture ( Watson). The specimens from the Atlantic reported as D. ceras, we refer to D. candidum var. meridionalis, young. D. zGEUM Watson. PI. 20, fig. 27. Shell long, conical, finely tapering, much and very equally bent, | though less, of course, as the shell grows larger; thin, pure white, porcellanous, a little chalky towards the mouth, but higher up bril- liant. Sculpture: Longitudinal ridges 30 to 35, unequal, rounded above, close, rather high, narrow, and parted by furrows which equal the ribs, but lower down these ribs become broader and flatter, and the furrows widen, till, towards the mouth, the surface becomes uniform and the ridges are only indicated by the faint strize of the furrows. Under a lens the whole surface shows a faint longitudinally striated texture. On the upper part of the shell the strize of growth are very faint, but they become rather strongly marked towards the mouth. Toward the apex the outer layers for half an inch are stripped off and leave exposed the brilliant, smooth core, presenting many longi- tudinal facets corresponding with the ridges of the outer layer. ‘There is an irregular short fissure with broken edges at the apex on the convex curve. Length 2°5 in., breadth at mouth 0°3, at apex 0°33 inch ( Watson). Off London River, Kerguelen Island, in 110 fms. (Challenger), 70 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. D. egeum Watson, Journ. Linn. Soe. Lond., xiv, p. 509 (1879) ; Challenger Rep., p. 2, pl. 1, f. 2. Than D. capillosum Jeffr. this is more conical, more curved, the ridges are fewer, and the furrows between much wider and more open ( Watson). D. opacum Sowerby. Shell nearly straight, attenuated at the apex, its diameter increas- ing much more rapidly than in the other species; with 17 or 18 rather blunt longitudinal ribs, with a smaller one between each ; all the ribs nearly obsolete at the wider extremity ; posterior fissure short, dorsal. Length 2°25, diam. 0°3 inch (G. B.S.). From South Sea ships, supposed New Zealand (G. Humphrey’s coll.). D. opacum G. B.S., Zool. Journ., iv, p. 198 (1828). A few specimens were preserved in Mr. G. Humphrey’s collection with the following label: “ White striated elephant’s teeth, per S. Sea ships, supposed New Zealand” (G. B.S.). D. zELANDICUM Sowerby. PI. 6, fig. 81. Shell white, banded with pale gray and tawny ; slightly arcuate, pyramidal, wide. Ribs numerous, but little elevated and unequal. Apex slightly slit (Sowd.). Length 57, greatest diam. 8 mill. (from fig.). New Zealand (B. M.). D. zelandicum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 223, f. 13 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 2, f. 8 (1872). Very similar to D. rectum, but the sculpture is far less bold and coarse (Sowb.). The length is about 7 times the diameter. D. pacificum Hutton, in which the length is 8 times the diameter, and D. huttoni Kirk, with the length about six times the diameter, are somewhat similar ribbed species, the former perhaps identical. D. conicum Hutton, of the New Zealand Pliocene, seems also to belong to this immediate group. Compare also D. opacum. D. paciFicum Hutton. Shell solid, tapering, slightly curved, longitudinally grooved ; grooves unequal, about 30 at the anterior end, but diminishing in number toward the apex; white. Length 2°4; breadth, anterior end 0:3, posterior end 0:05 inch=60, 7°5 mill. (Hutton). New Zealand (Hutton). DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. Til D. pacificum Hutton, Catal. Mar. Moll. N.Z., p. 5 (1873) ; Man- ual N. Z. Moll., p. [1380] (1880). It is very likely the same as D. zelandicum Sowb., as Hutton surmises. D. nurront Kirk. Shell white, lustrous; small, curved, rapidly tapering; ribbed, ribs unequal, about 18 at the anterior end but diminishing in num- ber towards the apex. Length 0°63, breadth at anterior end 01 inch —=15°75, 2°5 mill. (Kirk). Wellington, New Zealand. D. huttoni Krrx, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vi, p.15 (July, 1880); Trans. N. Z. Institute, xii, p. 306 (May, 1880). Three specimens from the stomach of a trumpeter (Latris heca- teia). D. ampHiaLum Watson. PI. 8, fig. 37. Shell long, conical, nearly straight, what curve there is very equal throughout, of a dirty brownish-yellow, chalky on the surface, por- cellanous beneath. Both specimens are very much eroded, especially on the convex curve, and show a prodigious number of layers of shell, which is, however, thin and slight. There is a short, irregular anal fissure on the convex curve. Sculpture: There are about 50 very slightly raised, rounded, longitudinal ridges, the furrows be- | tween which are very much like the ridges reversed, being very shallow and open. These vary a good deal at different parts of the shell, and tend to disappear toward the mouth ; they are crossed by fine, close-set, sharp, but very superficial, irregular scratches, which run elliptically round the shell, advancing on the concave and re- treating on the convex curve. As the shell grows, these lines of growth become harsh and broken. Length 2 inches, nearly ; breadth 3, nearly; least length 0°05inch. (Watson). Animal small for the shell, of a pale, ruddy color, which is deeper and browner on the foot and liver, the latter very large: two large masses of long, fine, equal captacula fill the mantle cavity ; they spring from the front of the pedestal out of which the buccal mass and the foot arise, and of these, two large bunches project through the mantle orifice ; buccal palps very small ( Watson). Off mouth of La Plata River, 1900 fms. (Challenger). D. amphialum Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 510; (1879) ; Challenger Rep., p. 3, pl.1,f.3. 72 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. This species is somewhat like D. zelandicum Sow., from New Zea- land, British Museum, but in form is much stumpier, the ridges are closer and the shell thinner. Than D. grande Desh., “ Japan,” British Museum, it likewise is stumpier in form; the ridges are less strong, the furrows less marked, the circular striz less sharp ; in D. amphialum the longitudinal ridges die out, while in D. grande they continue equally strong ( Wats.). D. canprpuM Jeffreys. PI. 15, figs. 39, 40; pl. 8, figs. 27, 28, 29, 30. Shell rather large and solid, the earlier third or half moderately curved, the remainder nearly straight : of adrab or ashy-gray color, the young sometimes brilliant white; glossy. Sculpture, of numer- ous (44-48) low, rounded and rather flattened riblets parted by im- pressed linear grooves; toward the apex the riblets or strize become higher, narrower and parted by intervals as wide as themselves, and toward the aperture the riblets become lower and nearly or wholly disappear ; oblique, irregular, sinuously circular growth-lines replac- ing them. Aperture decidedly oblique and nearly circular. Apex small, with circular orifice, simple or with a slight encircling ledge and anotch or slit on or near the convex side. Length 74, diam. at aperture 8, at apex 1 mill. Length 76, diam. at aperture 9, at apex 2 mill. Length 88, diam. at aperture 10 mill. Northern and eastern Atlantic and Bay of Biscay, 410-1750 fms. (Valorous Exped.) ; west of Ireland, 664-1476 fms. (Porcupine Exped.); Western Atlantic from off Nantucket southward to the Carolina coast in 843-1309 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission) ; Gulf of Mexico near Jamaica, ete.; southern west Atlantic, 240 miles E. of Rio Janeiro, 641 fms.; 90 miles N. of Ceara, Brazil, 1019 fms. (Albatross). D. candidum JEFFREYS, Aun. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 153 (1877) ; P. Z.8., 1882, p. 658, pl. 49, f. 2; Proc. Roy. Soc. London, xxv, pp. 184, 191, 199, no description (1876).—Datt, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 422; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76 (1889) ; Proe. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 1889, p. 294 (1890).—D. solidum VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, pp. 215, 276, 283, pl. 44, f. 16, (1884). Not D. solidum Hutton, 1873.—D. ceras DALL (not of Watson), Blake Gas- tropoda, in Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 37 (1881); xviii, p. 425 (1889) ; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 294 (1890). DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. ie Dall has already announced the specific identity of D. candidum Jeffr., solidum Verrill and ergasticum Fischer. Jeffreys’ specimens of D. candidum prove on comparison to be absolutely the same as the young D. solidum Verrill, though the snowy whiteness of the original specimens, with their rather narrower, sharper riblets as in all young shells of the species, give them a different aspect at first view from the drab or ashen, obsoletely sculptured adult shells dredged in American waters. The glistening white color is proba- bly due to local conditions ; Dall remarks: “ Under favorable cir- cumstances this species may be of a most brilliant milk-white, but nearly all the specimens are dull ashy-gray in color, even when liv- ing and in perfect order. I suppose the white ones are those which happen to live in pure sand, while the ordinary form comes from mud or ooze.” The young of one lot collected by the “ Albatross ” 240 miles E. by S. of Rio Janeiro, are as pure white as Jeffreys’ ty pes. Var. MERIDIONALE Pilsbry & Sharp. PI. 15, figs. 32, 33, 34. Off Brazil the shell becomes larger and still more solid, the strize more numerous (90 or more), and they persist to the aperture, not becoming obsolete on the later portion of the tube. The aperture is more or less compressed between the convex and the concave sides. Specimens measure : Length 101, diam. of aperture, transverse, 12°8, longitudinal 12°3 mill.; length of slit 3 mill. (type, no. 87,557 U.S. Nat. Mus.). Length 108, diam. of aperture, transverse, 14 mill. (off Rio Janeiro). Length 110, diam. of aperture, transverse, 11, longitudinal 10 mill. (near Jamaica). The specimens from near Jamaica and from off Cape Fear are to some extent intermediate, but nearer to the variety than to typical D. candidum (solidum). In our opinion the Atlantic shells referred to D. ceras Wats. by Dall are the young of this large southern race of D. candidum. Figures 33 (enlarged) and 34 (natural size) show the variation in development of the apex. We repeat here the orig- inal description of candidum. D. candidum Jeffreys. PI. 8, fig. 29, 30. Shell having the shape of a narrow funnel, tapering, slightly curved, rather thin, opaque, more or less glossy. Sculpture, about forty fine and regular rounded longitudinal strize, which disappear 74 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. towards the front margin; these stris are crossed by extremely numerous and close-set circular microscopic lines. Color, glistening white. Margin at the anterior or broader end jagged, at the poste- rior or narrower end abruptly truncated ; there is no notch, groove, slit or channel. Length 1°75, diam. 0°3 inch. Body whitish, with a faint tinge of brown; mantle very thin, forming a collar, which encircles the inside of the upper part of shell; tentacles very numerous, with pear-shaped tips, issuing be- tween the mantle and the shell; foot, when at rest, conical, having a semi-circular lobe or flap on each side, so as to give it a tricuspid appearance; the lobes are fringed or puckered at the edges (Jef- freys). In D. candidum the apical slit varies from a length of several millimeters to none at all. In one shell before us it is on the side of the tube. An abnormal specimen collected by the Fish Com- mission is bent spirally, the torsion amounting to about 80°. Compared with D. capilloswm this species is more glossy, more curved, with the grooves between the strize far less impressed, com- paratively superficial. Figs. 27, 28, of Pl. 8, are copies of Verrill’s illustrations of D. solidum. The figures on Pl. 15 were drawn from northwest Atlan- tic specimens dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission. D. ercasticum Fischer. PI. 15, figs. 35, 36. Shell large, thick, conic, little curved, white usually encrusted with ferruginous substance; posterior end very acute, exteriorly costulate striate all around, striz close, about 40 in the region of the slit, acute, narrow, prominent; becoming flat in the middle of the shell, and at the aperture obsolete; the growth-strie stronger near the aperture. Slit linear, long, on the convex side. Aperture ex- actly circular, little oblique, ivory-like and thick inside. Length 91, diam. of aperture 10, length of slit 15 mill. (Fischer). Gulf of Gascony and Atlantic, in 400-1900 meters (Travailleur and Caudan Exp.). D. ergasticum FiscHer, Journ. de Conchyl., 1882, p. 275.—Lo- CARD, Rés. Sci. de la Campagne du “Caudan” dans le Golfe de Gascogne, fase. i, p. 170, pl. 6, f. 1, from Ann. de Univ. de Lyon (1896). According to Locard the riblets in fully adult D. ergastiewm are visible the entire length of the shell from apex to aperture, and the aed DENTALIUM-—FISSIDENTALIUM. (oO slit at the apex is longer than in D. capillosum, in which, moreover, the sculpture is obsolete toward the aperture. The same author recognizes a var. major attaining the length of 113 mill. We have seen some hundreds of specimens of D. candidum and a number of D. capillosum, none with so long a slit as is indicated for the D. ergasticum, specimens of which we have not seen. Pending full comparisons of Fischer’s shell with the earlier described forms, it may be best to let it stand as a species, although the mere length of the slit is generally a variable character and of correspondingly minor importance. Fischer’s original diagnosis does not agree fully with Locard’s remarks. The figure of our plate, copied from Lo- card, evidently belongs to his var. major, though this is not stated in his text. It shows an elliptical section, while ergasticum has the aperture “exucte circularis.” Compare D. capillosum var. pauci- costatum. D. MILNEEDWARDs!I Locard. Shell of large size, of conoid, very elongate form, stout, arcuate above; base exactly circular, quite oblique, the tube adjacent to it nearly cylindrical and straight as far as the middle, then tapering and arcuate, the greater part of the concavity in the upper three- fourths of the total length. Summit quite thick, very rapidly tap- ering ; apical slit small, rather wide. Shell very thick, very solid, ornamented throughout its length with quite strong, quite regular, flat, compressed longitudinal ribs, separated by simple strize which are narrow but deep. Growth-striz sloping, weak, a little more marked toward the base. Coloration a nearly lusterless light red. Length 82, greatest diam. 12, curvature 3 mill. (Locard). West coast of Africa, off the Soudan, in 1435 meters. D. milne-edwardsi Locarp, L’Echange, Revue Linnéenne, No. 146, Feb., 1897, p. 10. D. sEMIVESTITUM “ Fischer” Locard. Shell very large, of slender form, very narrowly conoid, very at- tenuated, subcylindrical for the first two-fifths from the base, thence slowly tapering to the apex; nearly straight or very feebly arcuate in the cylindrical part, with a stronger curvature along the latter moiety of the length, summit slowly and progressively tapering. Base obliquely truncate and almost exactly circular; apical slit extremely short, formed simply by a notch. Shell somewhat thin, solid, a little glossy, ornamented nearly the entire length by very 76 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. narrow longitudinal ridges, not quite regular nor much projecting, with slightly narrower intervals between them, all much attenuated at the base, sometimes with the ribs narrower and more separated at apex; concentric growth-striz little marked, visible especially toward the base. Coloration, a yellowish-white with narrow brown rings, more or less continuous, and a wide band of very deep chest- nut at the base. Length 75, greatest diam. 5, curvature 5 mill- (Locard). The Tropics and the Sahara, in from 830 to 1113 meters. D. semivestitum P. Fischer, Locarp, L’Echange, Revue Linné- enne, xiii, No. 146, Feb., 1897, p. 9. D. comMPLEXUM Dall. PI. 20, fig. 25. Shell large, solid, thick, normally white(?), but discolored by sediments after death, so that the specimens received are a pale, rusty brown ; surface glossy, sharply grooved ; with wider, flat in- terspaces, varying finer or coarser in different specimens; orifices circular, one specimen showing indications of a wide, shallow ven- tral sinus at the apex; shell little curved, and the sculpture shows no rotary tendency. Length of shell 78, diameter anteriorly 8°5, posteriorly 1°3, maximum divergence from a chord connecting the extremities 8:5 mill. (Dal/). Off Honolulu, Hawaiian Is., 295-298 fms. (Albatross). Dentalium complexum Datu, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xvii, 1895, p. 686, pl. 26, f. 3. This species is most nearly allied to D. candidum, but it has more deeply engraved strix, and the tube tapers less. Dall writes: This shell differs from D. candidum Jeffreys by being more cylin- drical and, so far as my present specimens go, without the long, slender, ventral slit of that species. From D. ceras Watson, as fig- ured, it is distinguished by being straighter and less sharply sculp- tured, besides being much larger, but Watson’s specimens were young. With a few specimens it is easy to separate species of Den- talium, but if one has numerous specimens from various kinds of bottom the difficulty increases greatly. D. solidum Verrill, D. ceras Watson and D.candidum Jeffreys appear to merge into one another, yet individual specimens appear very distinct when one has not a connecting series. The present species, by its somewhat more cyl- indrical form, seems sufficiently distinct to be named, but, with that exception, is very closely related to the group of forms above enu- DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. £7 merated. All the specimens were dead, discolored, and occupied by annelid tenants (Dal/). D. caprLiostm Jeffreys. PI. 8, figs. 31, 32, 33, 34, 55. Shell very slightly curved, solid and strong, white under a dull gray-brown deposit, lusterless. Sculpture of fine, even, rounded lon- gitudinal threads, separated by narrow grooves, and roughened by close, rather irregular impressed growth-lines ; the threads about 65 in number toward the aperture, most of them continuing to the anal end, varying somewhat in width, but remarkably uniform in appear- ance. Aperture circular, somewhat oblique, thin-edged. Anal ori- fice nearly round; slit rather narrow and short, on the convex side. Length 81, diam. of aperture 8°6, of apex 1°6 mill.; length of slit 3 mill. Whole North Atlantic, 208-1785 fms. (Valorous, Porcupine) ; off Bahia Honda, 418 fms.; Bay of Biscay, 882 fms.; N. of Hebrides, 542 fms.; Coast of Portugal, 220-1095 fms.; W. of Azores and off San Miguel, 1000 fms. ; Setubal, 470 fms. ; off Culebra I., W. Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger) ; off Havana, 119 fms.; off Martinique, 169 fms.; near Santa Lucia, 116 fms. (Blake); Barbados, 100 fms. (Hassler Exped.). D. capillosum JEFFR., “ Valorous” Rep., Proc. Roy. Soc., xxv, 1876, pp. 185, 191 (name only); Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, 1877, p. 153; Ibid (5), vi, p. 375, (1880); P. Z. S., 1882, p. 658, pl. 49, f. 1—Warson, Challenger Rep., p. 1, pl. 1, f. 1.—Daut, Blake Moll., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 425; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76 (1889). The above diagnosis and fig. 33 are from specimens dredged near Graciosa, Azores, in 800 fms. Jeffreys described this species from a young specimen as follows : D. capillosum Jeffreys, (Pl. 8, figs. 31, 32). Shell tapering to a fine point, slightly curved, rather solid, opaque, and mostly luster- less. Sculpture, numerous and sharp (not rounded) longitudinal strie, some of which are intermediate and smaller than the rest ; they disappear toward the posterior or narrow end, which is quite smooth and glossy for one-quarter of an inch; color whitish; mar- gin at the posterior end having a short and narrow notch; length 1-4 inch, breadth 0°15 inch. (Jeffreys, 1877). Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys has described the ribs as “sharp (not rounded).” They rather seem to be sharply cut, but they are rounded on the 78 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. top. Length 2:1 inch, breadth at mouth 0:22, at apex 0°036 inch. The young specimen from off Azores has at the apex on the con- vex curve a slit 0:1 inch long, but interrupted by two bridges of the shell which have not been removed when the fissure was made (pl. 8, fig. 34). From off the Azores the specimens belong to the typical form ; that from Setubal, a remarkably large and fine specimen, belongs to a variety : D. CAPILLOSUM var. PAUCICosTATUM Wats., with only about 40 instead of 65 longitudinal riblets or threads, which are very flat on their top and are divided by furrows remarkably broad and square in form. These differences strike one very strongly at first, but the transverse sculpture is identical, and there are spots on the typical specimens which present an exactly similar form of ribbing. Figs. 35. (Watson). “ All the Blake specimens were dead or fragmentary, and most of them belong to the variety paucicostatum Watson. In examining the specimens named D. capillosum in the Jeffreys collection, I find several of them which he regarded as the young to be of a more slender and much smaller species, which probably never attains a large size, though sculptured like D. capillosum. The specimen fig- ured in the P. Z.S. above cited, is only about one-third the size of an adult.” (Dall). D. MAGNIFICUM E. A. Smith. An Indian Ocean species resembling D. capillosum, but with decidedly coarser striation and longer slit. Aperture circular. Length 101, diam. 13°4, length of slit 6°5 mill. It is known to us from a specimen in the U.S. National Museum. So far as we can learn, no description has yet been published. D. EXUBERANS Locard. Shell of relatively large size, very strongly conoid contour, very wide at the base, tapering rapidly at first, then more progressively to the summit ; profile at first straight, but quite conic for a short distance from the base, becoming more curved further up, but always quite moderately arcuate. Aperture very oblique, a little undulated, visibly oval, contracted toward the dorsal, widened to- ward the inner curve. Summit quite slender, rapidly tapering ; apical slit elongated, ordinarily constituted of a series of narrow and successive orifices, more or less regular. Shell quite thin but solid, DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. 79 ornamented throughout its length with well developed unequal ribs, rather narrow and nearly rounded on the dorsal surface, wider and perceptibly flattened on the opposite surface, the interspaces a little wider than the ribs. Growth striz oblique toward the base and quite impressed, spaced and a little irregular, becoming straighter and less visible toward the apex. Color dull gray above, passing - into slightly shining white toward the base. Length 95, greatest diam. 17, curvature 10 mill. (Locard). West coast of Africa, Senegal, Sahara, Azores between Pico and St. George, between 1258 and 3650 fms. D. exuberans Locarp, L’Echange, Revue Linnéenne, No. 146, Feb., 1847, p. 10. The slit seems to be interrupted into a series of orifices as in D. plurifissuratum and the young specimen of eapillosum figured by Watson, and the aperture is oval. D. scAMNATUM ‘ Fischer’ Locard. Shell of relatively very large size, the contour narrowly and pro- gressively conoid from base to summit, perceptibly curved through- out the length ; base quite wide, with almost exactly circular aper- ture, the plane of which is a little oblique.. Apex slender, con- tracted, slowly tapering; apical slit narrow and long. Shell some- what thin, quite solid, ornamented throughout with very fine longi- tudinal costulations, which are regular, a little flattened, closely crowded and very vaguely subgranulose, the intercostal intervals shallow and very narrow as though linear. Concentric strie of growth fine, crowded, scarcely regular, giving the costule a sub- granulose appearance. Color a light reddish-gray, sometimes paler at base. Length 95, greatest diameter 9 mill., curvature 4 mill. (Locard). West coast of Africa, Cape Ghir, the Azores, and Sargasso Sea, in 1235-2087 meters. D. scamnatum P. Fischer, Locarp, L’ Echange, Revue Linnéenne, No. 146, Feb., 1847, p. 10. D. proFuNpoRUM E. A. Smith: PI. 6, fig. 82. Shell large, solid, lightly arcuate, longitudinally very finely striated and sculptured with oblique growth-lines; dull buff; pos- teriorly slit. Aperture nearly circular, white inside, thin at the ob- lique margin and acute. Length 90, greatest diam. 10 mill. (Smith). 80 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. Off Colombo, Ceylon, lat. 6° 32’ N., long. 79° 37’ E., in 675 fms. (Investigator Exped.). - D. profundorum Smrtu, Annalsand Mag. N. H. (6), xiv, p. 167, pl. 4, f 18 (Sept., 1894). This species rather closely resembles the fossil D. grande Deshayes, but the style of the striation is not quite the same, and the form is not quite so slender. The fine thread-like slightly rounded riblets are about eighty in number, and usually rather broader than the intervening striz. None of the three specimens examined are per- fect posteriorly, so it is impossible to describe the fissure properly. In the largest example a mere notch indicates the existence of a slit in the normal position. In a second specimen there is a distinct lateral fissure 3 mill. in length, but whether this is an accidental fracture is not quite certain. The surface of this species appears to be subject to erosion, for patches are broken away here and there throughout the entire length of the shell. D. capillosum Jeffreys, is a closely allied species from the Atlan- tic, but somewhat more slender in form and not quite similar in sculpture. (Smith). D. VERNEDEI “ Hanley” Sowerby. PI. 3, figs. 35, 43. Shell gently curved, solid, whitish, with or without some pale yel- lowish zones, lusterless. Sculpture, about 40 rounded, longitudinal riblets on the larger portion of the shell, most of equal size, and parted by interstices narrower than the riblets; but toward the apex the riblets become alternately small and large; growth-strize close, fine and prominent. Aperture circular, at nearly aright angle with tube. Anal orifice circular, with a deep and rather wide slit on the convex side. Length 90, diam. of aperture 11, height of arch above chord 12- 13 mill. (specimens). Length 133, diam. 15 mill. (Dkr.). Japan (McAndrew coll.; Dunker); China (Garrett). D. vernedei Hanley, Sowerby, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 223, f. 3 (1860); Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 1, f. 3 (1872)—Dunker, Index, Moll. Mar. Jap., p. 153 (1882).—“Antalis verendi A. Ad.,” CLESSIN, Conch. Cab., p. 26. This species is more curved and more slowly increasing than D. rectum, and has the riblets subequal except toward the apex. DENTALIUM-—FISSIDENTALIUM. 81 One specimen before us (fig. 35) has no slit, there being only a slight notch on the inner margin of the anal aperture. It measures, length 94, diameters of aperture 10°3 mill. In another shell 90 mill. long the slit has a length of 7°6 mill. D. rEctTuM Gmelin. PI. 38, figs. 32, 33, 34. Shell nearly straight, slightly curved toward the anal end, solid, whitish, with faint, wider, grayish zones, lusterless. Sculptured at the anal end with about twelve larger alternating with an equal number of smaller, rather high, narrow and sharply cut ribs; this number being increased toward the larger end by the intercalation of numerous tertiary longitudinal riblets and strie; the whole sur- face very densely aud finely microscopically striate in a longitudinal direction, and decussated by equally fine incremental stris. Aper- ture quite oblique, circular, thin-edged. Anal orifice small, cireu- lar, with a long, narrow slit on the convex side. Length 633, diam. of aperture 122 mill. India (Desh.). D. rectum GMEL., Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3788 (1788 ).— Woop, Index Testac. p. 191, pl. 38, f. 1d (1818).—Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 223, f. 1 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 1, f. 4 (1872).— DELEs- SERT, Rec. de Cogq., pl. 1, f. 3 (1841).— D. elephantinum DesHayes, Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 347, pl. 17, f. 7 (1825) exclusive of fossil forms and var. a.—Antalis recta CLEss., Conch. Cab., p. 25. The straight form, more rapidly increasing cone and alternating ribs readily distinguish this from D. vernedei. The locality is very uncertain. Sowerby gives “Adriatic,” which is certainly wrong, unless, indeed, his figures really represent D. delessertianum. We have a specimen said to be from the Gulf of California. Compare D. delessertianum Chenu and D. philippit Monts. not Chenu. The identification of this shell with Gmelin’s species rests upon his citation of a figure in Gualtier, reproduced with the embellish- ment of color, and the omission of some of the sculpture, in Martini, and a figure of Schréter’s which seems to represent a crinvid stem. While there is some doubt of the identity of D. rectum of modern authors with that of Gmelin, it seems inadvisable to change. D. DELESSERTIANUM Chenu. PI. 6, figs. 78, 79. Shell large and solid, the apical third somewhat curved, remain- der nearly straight or slightly recurved. Sculpture of 13-14 high, 6 82 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. rather acute ribs at the apex, becoming rounded anteriorly, and either splitting to form about three minor riblets, or not noticeably divided but having several strong longitudinal cords developing in each interval; all longitudinal sculpture subobsolete near the aper- ture, where growth-strie predominate in old individuals. Aperture circular, quite oblique. Anal orifice with a slight sheath (as in en- talis) and a long, usually crooked slit. Length 111, aperture 14x 14 mill., slit 12 mill. long (old speci- men). Length 99, aperture 15 x 13 mill., slit 19 mill. long (hardly ma- ture). Living, in Eastern Atlantic (Travailleur Exped.); Pliocene of Monte Pellegrino, Sicily, Rhodes, ete. D. delessertianum CHENU, Illustr. Conch., i, Dentalium, p. 3, pl. 6, f. 10.—FiscHer, Journ. de Conchyl., 1882, p. 276.—D. delesserti CuHENv, Manuel de Conch.,i, p. 374 (1859) ; also Dentale de Deles- sert, Lecons Elém. d’Hist. Nat., p. 141, f. 448 (1847)—Cf. also Forest, Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital., xix, pp. 240, 242.—D. elephantinum and D. rectum of many writers on Pliocene fossils of the south of Europe. Our diagnosis is from Monte Pellegrino Pliocene specimens. Chenu’s description is as follows: Shell very large, multicostate, with several small riblets between the ribs. This fossil species is the largest and one of the finest of the genus. It has 10 or 12 large and raised ribs, with 3 or 4 smaller riblets in the intervals; smaller end obliquely truncate and well slit (Chenu). Length 114, greatest diam. 13 mill. (from fig.). The aperture is more oblique than in D. rectum. The identity of this species with D. philippii Monts. affirmed by DeFranchis and Foresti is somewhat doubtful, but we have not material enabling us to attempt a rectification of the nomenclature of Italian Pliocene and Postpliocene species. The synonymic knots are worse than Gordian, and there are several tied to each species. D. PLURIFISSURATUM (Sowerby). PI. 6, figs. 87, 88, 89. Shell subulate, rather thick, slightly curved posteriorly and at- tenuated ; pale; longitudinally very delicately striated and having many unequal riblets; irregularly roughened circularly. Fissures 2 to 5, the first (near the apex) generally long, the rest shorter. Length 64, greatest diam. 7°5 mill. (Sowd.). Hong Kong? DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. 83 Schizodentalium plurifissuratum Sows., Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., i, p. 158, pl. 12, f. 24 (Oct. 1894).—Srmroru in Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, iii, p. 375, f. 454 (1894). This species is type of the genus Schizodentalium Sowerby, char- acterized by having the shell Dentalium-shaped, the convex side with a longitudinal series of slits in place of the usual fissure, or, in other words, the fissure is interrupted by several bridges of shell. The conjectured mode of formation of the slits given by Sowerby seems to us inadmissable.” They-are, in all cases, so far as present knowledge goes, absorbed out of the solid shell-wall, and not left open in the progress of growth as in Emarginula or Haliotis. In the present lack of knowledge regarding the physiologic role of the slit, the uncertainty as to whether any other character is cor- related with it, and the variability of its occurrence in some forms, it seems to us hardly desirable to base a generic distinction upon this one modification. Compare D. exuberans Locard, and Watson’s remarks quoted under D. capillosum, and alluded to below. Mr. Sowerby further writes of this interesting form as follows: “ The shell is very like an ordinary multicostate Dentalium, but distinguished by the following remarkable character. In a line with the usual apical notch there are several slits on the convex side, extending from the summit to about a quarter of the length of the shell. I have three specimens before me, and the dimensions given above are taken from the largest; it has five perforations, the first being a narrow slit about 2 mill. in length, the second and third rather shorter, and the last two only about :75 mill. The second specimen is about 47 mill. long, and has five slits which are narrower than in the first, four of them being of nearly equal length. The third specimen is a young one 28 mill. long, having only two long narrow slits. A fourth specimen has been, for many years, in the British Museum unnoticed; it is nearly as large as my largest, and has four slits. “Tt is, at present, uncertain how these perforations are formed. It may be conjectured that when young there has been an open slit or notch in the anterior margin, as in Emarginula, which has been enclosed in the next stage, as in Rimu/a, a succession being formed and enclosed in subsequent stages. “ The animal is very like that of Dentalium entalis, and the Rev. Prof. Gwatkin has examined the radula, finding it the same as in the typical Dentalium. 84 DENTALIUM—FISSIDENTALIUM. “T am not quite certain as to the habitat of this curious mollusk ; it was not among those dredged by Dr. Hungerford, but I believe the three specimens were found in the neighborhood of Hong-Kong. “ {Since the reading of this paper our President drew my atten- tion to the fact that the Rev. R. Boog Watson, in his Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda of the Challenger, p. 2, pl. 1, fig. 1b, noticed something on a very small scale approaching the character here described in the case of a very young specimen of Dentaliwm capillosum Jeffreys. He says: “The young specimen from Station 78 has at the apex on the convex curve a slit 0:1 in. long, but inter- rupted by two bridges of the shell which have not been removed when the fissure was made. ]” D. HUNGERFORDI Pilsbry & Sharp, n.n. PI. 6, fig. 88. Shell rather wide, almost straight, acute; unequally compressed ; toward the apex slightly inclined. Tawny, irregularly banded with brown. Sculptured with very numerous plano-convex unequal rib- lets, and cancellated by but slightly conspicuous transverse striz. Slit long and narrow. Aperture somewhat oval. Length 72, great- est diam. 12 mill. (Sowd.). Hong Kong (Hungerford). D. compressum Sows., P. Z.8., 1888, p. 569, pl. 28, f.18. Not D. compressum Watson, 1879, nor of Meyer, nor of Orbigny. A very distinct and remarkable species, more highly colored than its congeners; but it is chiefly distinguished by its curiously com- pressed form. A second specimen, brought by Dr. Hungerford, is only 62 millimeters in length, and rather wider in proportion. It is rather lighter in color, but presents all the same characters, con- firming the specific importance of the chief characteristic, which might otherwise have been thought accidental (Sowd.). Apparently more tapering and more finely ribbed than the large, compressed species of unknown origin described by Chenu as D. guganieum. D. cLaTHRATUM von Martens. Unfigured. Shell rather straight, elliptical in section, white, opaque, with about 16 angular, narrow, equal ribs, with smaller ones sparsely in- tercalated towards the aperture, the interstices conspicuously trans- versely striated. Apical orifice thick-edged ; slit on the convex side, narrow, long. Length 51, transverse diam. of aperture 4, dorso- ventral diam. 54 mill., diam. of apex % mill. (Mart.). Near Moreton Bay, eastern Australia, 550 fms. (Gazelle Exped.). DENTALIUM-—GRAPTACME. 85 D. clathratum E. von Martens, Sitzungs-berichte der Gesell- schaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, Jahrgang 1881, p. 66, (April, 1881). Similar to D. compressum Watson of the West Indies, The in- terspaces between the ribs are about three times as wide as the ribs themselves, where smaller riblets are not interposed. (Martens). Subgenus Grapracme Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Surface sculptured with close, fine, deeply engraved longitudinal strie near the apex, the remainder smooth; or rarely the strize per- sist half or all the length. Moderate sized or small species, cylin- drical in section, and white or nearly so. Distribution: Antillean and Panamic regions; Indo-Pacific ; mainly living in quite moderate depths. There is remarkable diversity in the characters of the apices in this apparently very natural group. In some species, as D. semi- striatum and eboreum, the apical orifice is perfectly simple; in others, such as D. aciculum, a slight notch appears; in D. leptum there is a slit on the convex side. D. sericatwm has the slit lateral, and it is on the concave sidein D. inversum. D. sectum and calamus have the apical aperture reduced to a slit across the summit of a convex apical plug, an altogether peculiar structure. In old or worn specimens of some species the striation is lost. I. Apex with simple orifice or variously slit, not contracted, Group of D. senustriatum. II. Apical orifice contracted by a callous plug cleft by a slit from convex to concave side, Group of D. sectum, p. 96. Group OF D. SEMISTRIATUM. I. No slit at the apex; apical seventh to two-thirds with fine, clear cut incised strix, the remainder smooth and polished. a. Length 76 mill., about 18 times the diam.; posterior third striate, novehollandia, p. 98. a’. Length 20-31 mill., 10-12 times the diam., eborewm, p- 89; semistriatum, p.90 ; semipolitum, p.91; acieulwm, p- 98. II. An apical slit or notch on the side ; young zig-zag clouded with opaque white ; length 33-35 mill., 9-10 times the diam., sericatum, p. 86. 86 DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. III. An apical slit or notch on convex side only; not zig-zag clouded. a. 17-20 fine sharp ribs, increasing in number, but be- coming faint toward mouth; puckered elliptically; a short slit; length 48 mill., 15 times the diam., circumeinctum, p. 88. a’, Very fine strise near apex, then smooth; delicate sal-— mon tinted; a deep narrow fissure; length 31 mill., 15 times diam., leptum, p. 89. a’, Striz fine, faint in adults; long and slim, rather straight ; an irregular fissure; length 38 mill., 12-15 times diam., acutissimum, p. 94. aw” Fine striz on posterior seventh only; a slight apical notch; length 29 mill., about 11 times diam.; white, aciculum, p. 98. IV. A slit across the apex ; jana 45 mill., about 12 times the diam., splendidum, p. 96. V. A slit on the coneave side ; striate near apex only; length 30 mill., about 16 times the diam., inversum, p. 9d. D. sericatumM Dall. Pl. 16, figs. 41, 42, 45, 44, 45, 46 ; pl. 7, fig. 12. Shell considerably curved, rather slender, thin; very glossy. Subtransparent, bluish-white, with nwmerous finely zig-zag encircling bands of opaque white, becoming less jagged but still irregular on the larger part of the shell, and generally disappearing toward the aperture. Sculpture of deeply engraved and extremely ine, close, longitudinal strie near the apex (and therefore all over young shells), but soon disappearing, leaving far the greater part of adult shells smooth except for faint annular swellings. Aperture some- what oblique, circular. Anal orifice small, circular, with (in adults) a short slit which is /atera/ (latero-dorsal to latero-ventral) in position, and sometimes represented by an internal channel only. Length 35, diam. of aperture 3°3, of apex 1:1 mill. Length 33, diam. of aperture 3°8, of apex 1:2 mill. Length 38°5, diam. of aperture 4, length of slit 2 mill. Length 37, diam. of aperture 4, length of slit 2°5 mill. Length 34, diam. of aperture 3, length of slit 1:2 mill. (@mma- ture). St. Thomas (Swift); St. Martin (Marie) ; Yucatan Strait in 640 fms. (Blake). DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. 87 D. sericatum Dat, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, 1881, p. 37; xviii, Blake Moll., p. 423, pl. 26, f.1; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 37, Catal. Mar. Moll. S.-E. U. S., p. 76, pl. 26, f. 1—D. semistriolatum var. B, GuILpine, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xvii, p. 34, pl. 3, f. 6 (1834).— D. nebulosum Lin., Desu., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 369, pl. 16, f. 20 (1825).—Sowersy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 226, f. 58 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., pl. 7, f. 53 (good). Not D. nebu- losum Gmelin, Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3738. Remarkable for the zig-zag white rings of the young, and the position of the slit, which is generally more lateral than ventral, although intermediate between the convex and lateral sides of the shell. D. cocconti Sharp & Pilsbry (D. dispar Mayer in Cocconi, not Sowb.), has a similar lateral slit. The young are densely striated longitudinally and generally without a slit, and some old specimens have swollen rings as in D. eburneum, but slighter. We do not follow Deshayes’ identification of this with Gmelin’s nebulosum, because the description of that, as well as the locality, indicate a different form. Some authors have referred it to D. vul- gare. Gmelin’s description, which is not elucidated by citation of figures, is as follows: “ D. testa arcuata, laevissima, alba, fulvo, maculata, nebulosaque. Habitat in Mari Siculo, fasciato affine, ac testa magis arcuata, longiore et tenuiore.” Dall’s description of the single specimen dredged by the ‘ Blake’ is quoted below. We consider it a young shell in which the charac- ter of being longitudinally striate throughout would disappear in the adult form. The alternation of translucent bluish with opaque white bands is but poorly represented by the figure, which shows the pattern merely. We have compared the type of sericatum with the adult shells described above, and have before us a full series connecting the sharply zig-zagged young form with the ring-clouded adults. The locality given by Deshayes for his nebulosum is incor- rect. D. sericatum Dall. (P1.7, fig.12). “Shell small, very thin, acute, slightly curved, rather rapidly enlarging, covered with fine, sharp, close-set longitudinal grooves, with narrow thread-like interspaces separating them, to the number of thirty-six on the middle and about fifty at the oral end of the shell; plane of oral aperture at right angles to the axis, both apertures circular, simple; color 88 DENTALIUM—GRA PTACME. translucent white, with opaque white wavy lines (like those on the silk goods known as moire antique) encircling the shell with zig-zags, whose successive irregular bands (08 mill. apart in the middle of the shell) are sub-parallel with one another, and gradually become more slender and further apart toward the ends. In a specimen 13 mill. long, there were about fifteen of these bands, each with about ten or twelve angles. Length 15 mill., eral diam. 1:2 mill., anal 0°37 mill. (Dall). “ This species is more acute than D. taphrium of the same size, and the moire antique effect is of a much more prominent and zig-zag pattern. In D. taphrium the sculpture is also coarser. A sonie- what similar effect is observable on the younger portion of D. aculeatum Sowerby, which is otherwise very different. The Indo- Pacific D. nebu/osum Deshayes also exhibits it. The sculpture is entirely independent of these differences of opacity, which at first one finds it difficult to realize.” (Dal/). D. crrgcumcinctum Watson. PI. 8, fig. 26. Shell very long and narrow, very slightly bent, and that almost entirely above; a very little flattened on the concave curve, so as to be slightly trigonal; white, opaquely porcellanous, a little glossy, not thick but strong. Sculpture: closely and regularly girt round, elliptically with seratch-like puckerings in the lines of growth, of which there are about 55 in the tenth of an inch. Longitudinally striped with fine ribs, of which there are from 17 to 20, sharp and well defined by still broader furrows toward the apex, but down the shell these increase in number and steadily decrease in definiteness till they only show as a feeble system of lines on the rounded sur- face. At the apex there is on the convex curve a ragged irregular fissure about 071 inch long, Length 1°93 [48 mill.], breadth at mouth 0:13 [8°25 mill.], at apex 0°02 inch. (Watson). Setubal 470 fms.; Sombrero I., W. Indies 450 fms.; off Bermuda 1075 fms.; Pernambuco 350 fms. (Challenger). D. circumeinctum Warts. Journ. Lin. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 513 (1879) Chall eps pat, apis teased As compared with D. semipolitum Sow., this isa longer, straighter, more attenuated shell, with stris stronger, blunter, and more per- sistent. It is not unlike D. antillarum d’Orb., in texture and in size, but is much straighter and narrower, and the early ribs are much finer and fewer. It is intermediate in form between D. DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. 89 erectum G. B. Sow. and D. splendidwm Desh. ; a little stumpier and more curved than the first, and less so than the second ; it is much more longitudinally ribbed and less polished than either. Than D. lessonit Desh., it is much more attenuated, and never so strongly ribbed longitudinally ; than D. inversum Desh., it is more strongly and persistently striate longitudinally. The young shell is per- plexingly like that of D. entalis var. orthrum Wats., but is a little straighter, broadens more slowly, and the ribs project more sharply. In maturer specimens this species is obviously much more attenu- ated than the former. ( Wats.). D. EBOREUM Conrad. PI. 16, figs. 47, 48, 49, 55, 56. Shell slender, attenuated posteriorly, gently curved, shining, white. Sculpture: extremely close, fine, but rather deeply en- graved longitudinal striz toward the apex, the larger part of the shell smooth and glossy. Aperture slightly oblique, circular; peri- stome thin. Anal orifice small and round. No notch or slit. Length 20, diam. of aperture 1°8, of apex 0°35 mill. West coast of Florida: Tampa (Conrad); Marco (Hemphill) ; Sanibel Island (Johnson). D. eboreum Conran, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, iii, p. 27 (1846). The description and figures are from Conrad’s type specimen in the collection of the Academy. It is allied to D. semistriatum Turt., but is less curved and more slender. Specimens collected at Sanibel Island by Mr. C. W. Johnson, two of which are illustrated on pl. 16, figs. 55, 56, indicate that the species attains a much larger size than the types. As the figures show, they vary much in arcuation ; and they have lost the posterior striation by truncation in the course of growth. The shells figured measure : Length 31, diam. at aperture 2°5, at apex 0°8 mill. Length 27-4, diam. at aperture 2°2, at apex 0°75 mill. D. teprum Bush. PI. 16, fig. 50. Shell of moderate size, very slender, slightly curved posteriorly, rather thin, delicate, with a very smooth and glossy surface, destitute of sculpture, except at the posterior end, which is covered with numer- ous, very fine, raised, longitudinal lines visible only under the lens. Anterior aperture round, with a sharp, thin edge; posterior aper- ture somewhat thickened, very small, round, slightly oblique, with 90 DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. a deep narrow dorsal notch. Color delicate salmon or yellow, gradually shading into white toward the anterior end. Length 31°5 mill., anterior diam. 2, posterior diam. about 0°5 mill. (Bush). Vicinity of Cape Hatteras, N. C., to Charlotte Harbor, Florida in 2-50 fms.; older Miocene of Chipola River, Florida. D. leptum Busu, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 470, pl. 45, f. 18, 18a (1885); Rep. U.S. Fish Commission for 1883, p. 586 (1885). —Datut, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z, xviii, p. 421; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76; Trans. Wagner Inst., ili, p. 440 (1892). This beautiful and distinct species is readily recognized by its orange tint and slender form, delicately and closely striated near the tip. (Dall). Some of the Fish Commission specimens marked /eptwm from off Hatteras proved to be D. matara. D. sEMIsrRIATUM Turton. PI. 16, figs. 51, 52, 53. Shell slender, tapering and attenuated posteriorly, translucent- white, milky, sometimes slightly tinted toward the apex, polished. Sculpture of fine, regular, clearly cut and close longitudinal grooves separating narrow lirule, which extend over the posterior third (more or less) of the shell’s length ; the remainder very glossy, without sculp- ture other than slight irregularities of growth. Aperture somewhat oblique, circular. Anal orifice minute, circular, and normally un- slit. Length 26, diam. of aperture 2°2-2°6, of apex 0°6 mill. Carribean Is.: St. Martins (E. Marie), and Saba (Swift). D. semistriatum Turron, Conchol. Dict. Brit. Is., p. 39, pl. 18, f. 68 (1819) ; compare Forbes and Hanley, Hist. Brit. Moll., 11, p. 454. —D. translucidum CHeEnu, Ill. Conch., i, p. 8, pl. 3, f. 12, not of Deshayes.—D. semistriolatum GuiLpInG, Trans. Linn. Soe. Lond., xvii, pt. 1, p. 34, pl. 3, f. 1-5 (1834). Both Turton and Guilding have given good descriptions and fig- ures of this species, although later writers have singularly overlooked them. We believe the West American form, D. semipolitum B. & S., with its synonyms, to be identical, numerous specimens before us showing no constant differential characters. The species differs from D. sericatum Dall in lacking the conspicuous (though variable) zig-zag color-pattern, and the tube does not increase so rapidly. D. leptum Bush is more slender, the length fully 15 times the diameter of aperture; D. eborewm is also more attenuated and straighter. DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. 91 The following specific names are synonymous, in our opinion: PD. semistriatum Turton (1819), D. semipolitum Brod. & Sowb. (1829), D. semistriolatum Guild. (1854), D. hyalinum Phil. (1846), D. lira- tum Carp. (1857), and D. lirulatum Moreh (1861). The known geographic range includes the Gulf of Mexico and west coast of Mexico and Lower California. While we have no doubt of the correctness of the above synonymy, we give below, under separate heading, a description of the west American race. Var. SEMIPOLITUM Broderip & Sowerby. PI. 16, fig. 54. Shell slender, moderately or decidedly curved, attenuated toward the apex; rather thin, milk white and very glossy. Sculpture: deeply engraved with very numerous, fine, close, subequal, longitudinal strie, extending from the apex downward one-third to two-thirds the shell’s length (and of course covering the entire length of young shells) ; the remaining one- or two-thirds smooth and polished, bril- liant, scarcely showing growth-lines. Aperture circular, the peri- stome thin. Anal orifice minute and round, no notch or slit. Length 26, diam. of aperture 2°6 mill. Length 29°5, diam of aperture 2°9 mill. La Paz; Acapulco; Mazatlan; north to Mulege Bay, Boca de los Piedras and San Ignacio Lagoon, Lower California, and San Diego, California. D. semipolitum B. & §., Zool. Journ., iv, p. 369 (1829).—? D. semi- politum Sows. Jr., Thes. Conch., ili, p. 100, pl. 224, f. 28; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 4, f. 19.—D. semipolitum Sowb. CARPENTER, Suppl. Rep. Moll. West Coast N. A., Brit. Asso. Adv. Sei. for 1863, pp. 612, 648, 666 (1864) ; and in Smiths. Mise. Coll., No. 252, pp. 98, 134, 152.—D. semipolitum Cp., STEARNS, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvii, p. 158 (1894).—D. hyalinum Puiu. Zeitschr. f. Malak., iii, p. 55 (1846). Not D. hyalinum Ph., CARPENTER, Mazatl. Catal., p. 188. —D. liratum CARPENTER, [bid., p. 188 (young shell).—SowERBy. Thes. Conch., iii, p. 101, pl. 224, f. 32; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f, 34.—D. lirulatum Morrca, Malak. Blatter, vii, p. 177 (1861). Compared with D. aciculum of the same length, a larger part of the surface of D. semipolitum is seen to be striated. It is a very beautiful shell, quite constant in the fine sculpture of the smaller end, though, as in all species, with diverse ornamentation at the two ends, the extent of the sculptured and smooth portions varies regu- larly with age, and somewhat among adults. Quite young and half- 92 DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. grown shells are striate throughout ; and in some of the old ones less than a third of the shell is sculptured. In form there is also considerable variation, occasional examples fully justifying Philippi’s term “ subrecta,” while others are very markedly arcuate. We have noted above the essential identity of this form with the Antillean D. semistriatum Turton. In the average, a greater por- tion of the tube is striated in this than in D. semistriatum; but in many individual specimens this does not hold, and they are quite indistinguishable. The West Coast form is, at most, only a sub- species. The original description of this species is as follows: “Shell whitish, polished ; posterior end somewhat recurved, very finely striated; no posterior slit. Length 1:4, diam. 0:1 inch. The very fine strize continue about half the length of the shell, which is rather narrower in proportion than D. nebulosum” (B. & S.). The habitat of the type was unknown, but as a large number of the shells described in Broderip and Sowerby’s paper, cited above, were from the west coast of Mexico, it is very probable that the original semipolitum came from thence, especially as their descrip- tion agrees perfectly with specimens from that region. It has also been well-described by Philippi as D. hyalinum, and young shells, in which the strize extend from end to end, have re- ceived the names lirulatwm Morch and liratum Carpenter. All published information upon the latter two forms is given below. D. lirulatum Morch. Shell arcuate, dilated toward the aperture, apex attenuated; thin, white, very closely lirulate with beautitul regularity, the interstices deep, milk-white; growth-striz wanting. Length 8, diam. 1:25 mill. (Moerch). Gulf of Nicoya, west coast of Costa Rica (Oersted). Has the form of D. acwminatum Deshayes. It is probably a young shell of the D. semipolitum group, and nothing in the diag- nosis precludes the supposition that it is identical with that species. D. liratum Carpenter. Shell solid, white, cylindrical, little curved, very closely covered with very delicate longitudinal lirz numbering in the young about 12, in the adult about 30; they are acute and hardly of equal size. Branchial [anal] orifice simple. One perfect though rather small specimen was found entangled in the byssus of Modiola capax; fragments occurred of a much larger size. Length -25, breadth :011-—03 inch [L. 6°25, greatest diam. 0°75, apical diam. 0:275 mill.]. DENTALIUM—GRA PTACME. 93 Mazatlan, off Modiola capax, Chame and Spondyli, very rare. Liverpool Coll. Tablet 879 contains the perfect specimen, a small one wedged in the mouth of Trivia sanguinea, and a fragment of a large one, (065 [= 1°625 mill.] across ( Carpenter). Carpenter, who described a good deal of trash as well as many good species inthe Mazatlan Catalogue, makes a wrong identifica- tion of D. hyalinum Phil., and redescribes its young as above. D. acicuLuM Gould. PI. 17, figs. 65, 66, 67. Shell slender, considerably tapering, attenuated posteriorly, mod- erately curved throughout but more toward the apex ; glossy white, nearly opaque. Sculpture of fine, close, deeply engraved longitudi- nal strie near the apex (extending over only a seventh the total length in the type specimen), the remainder of the shell smooth and polished, with faint growth-stris only. Aperture circular, a trifle oblique. Anal orifice with a slight notch on the convex side (fig. 67) and a concave wave on the opposite part. Length 24, diam. at aperture 2°55, at apex 0°6 mill. Coast of Whina, 23° 50’ N. lat., in 25 fms. sand (Stimpson). D. aciculum Gup., Proc. Bost. Soe. N. H., vii, p. 165 (1859) ; Otia Conch., p. 119.—Sows., Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f.52 (1872). ? D. semipolitum Cooke, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, 1885, p. 273. —-Smiru, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xvi, 1875, p.113. Compared with D. semipolitum from the Gulf of California the type of D. aciculum is striated for a much shorter distance, increases slightly less in calibre, and is distinctly notched at apex. Whether these differences are specific or merely individual we have not enough Oriental material to decide. Probably Cooke’s semipolitum from the Gulf of Suez (MacAndrew!) and Smith’s from Cape Shima and Matoza Harbor, Japan, 6-18 fms. (St. John !) are Gould’s form, rather than the true semipolitum. The description and figures are from the type, No. 14149, U.S. Nat. Mus. D. NoVEHOLLANDI# Chenu. PI. 17, fig. 64. Shell subarcuate, whitish, smooth anteriorly, with very minute striz on the posterior third. A species of large size, white, glossy, remarkable for the fine striation of the upper (smaller) end, while the larger portion is smooth with faint growth-strize only (Chenu). Length 76, diam. of aperture 4:2 mill. (from fig.). Australia (Chenu). 94 DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. D. nove hollandie Curnu, Il. Conch., i, p. 5, pl. 6, f. 14. Like so many of Chenu’s species, this is known by the original publication only. It is unusually large for the present group. D. acurissimum Watson. PI. 20, fig. 26. Shell long and much attenuated, rather straight and very regu- larly curved, very thin, brilliant and glassy. Sculpture: The sur- face is crossed by fine, sharpish, irregular strize, which run very elliptically round. In the young shell the surface is regularly and finely scratched by a great number of close-set, regular, sharp and extremely minute lines, which very gradually become more and more faint, but are still traceable even in the full-grown shell. The color is pure white, transparent, and almost hyaline in the fresh shell, but in the dead shell the interior (not, as usual, the exterior) layers of the shell become opaque and chalky. The edge is very thin and irregularly broken. At the apex the end is abruptly broken off in one specimen, and in the other there is an irregular fissure with an internal lining process. In one specimen from Sta- tion 246, which is full-grown, but very short, a large, thin, irregu- larly shaped process projects, which, being obliquely cut off some- what across the shell, supplies the anal orifice. Length 1°52 in., of young specimens from Station 218; breadth at mouth 0°12, at apex 0-026 inch. Length 1:14, of old and broken specimen, Station 246 ; breadth at mouth 0°23, at apex 0°14 inch ( Watson). N. of Papua, 1070 fms.; mid-Pacific, E. of Japan, 2050 fms. (Challenger). D. acutissimum Warts., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 514; Chall. Rep., p. 8, pl. 1, f. 8. Compared with Dentalium leptoskeles Wats. this is more curved, more conical, and thus not nearly so attenuated. Compared with Dentalium agile Sars also, this is more curved, rather more conical, and very much more delicate. It is likewise, when full-grown, ap- parently larger than either. Than Dentalium lubricatum G. B. Sow. this broadens more rapidly, is more brilliant, the circular striz are stronger, the longitudinal are finer, closer and sharper. It is also straighter than that species. Than Dentalium pretiosum Nut- tall this broadens faster and is much more brilliant. Dentalium perlongum Dall lacks the faint longitudinal striz, is much straighter and is more slender ; thus if one chooses a point where the breadth in the two species is equal, then within about an inch Dentalium DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME, 95 perlongum Dall is not so much as two-thirds of the breadth of Den- talium acutissimum. Contrary to Mr. Dall’s statement, however, the two species agree in having the anal fissure on the convex side. In reference to the form of the apex, it may be observed that the separation of the Dentalia by the absence (Dentalium) or presence (Entalis) of the cleft-process cannot be maintained. In Dentalium abyssorum Sars there are some with a fissured process, some with a fissure without any process, some with neither fissure nor process. There are cases in which the fissure is very regularly formed, in others it looks asif it had been gnawed, in others it resembles a break ; sometimes it is on the convex curve, as in the general ease, sometimes on the concave as in Dentalium inversum Desh. and in Dentalium subterfissum Jeffr.; sometimes it is irregularly lateral as occasionally in Dentalium agile Sars ( Wats.). D. 1nversuM Deshayes. PI. 21, figs. 47, 48, 49. Shell rather lightly curved, small, extremely slender, the length about 16 times the greatest diameter; translucent white, clouded with opaque white, and becoming reddish toward the apex; very glossy. Sculpture, very fine and regulur longitudinal striation near the apex, the greatest part of the shell smooth, free from sculpture, with very slight variceal rings as in D. eburneum but far less marked. Aperture circular, the peristome thin. Anal orifice minute, round, with a deep, narrow slit or a shorter notch, in the middle or excentric on the concave side. Length 30, diam. of aperture 1:9, of apex 0°6 mill.; length of slit 1°8 mill. Gulf of California (W. Newcomb, in coll. Acad.) ; Habitat un- known (Desh., Sowb.). D. inversum Desu., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris ii, p. 370, pl. 16, f. 21, 22 (1825).—Sowerrsy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 99, pl. 225, f. 42; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 51.—E. A. Smrru, P. Z. S., 1871, p- 738. Remarkable for having the slit on the concave side. Otherwise the species is not very unlike D. semipolitum. D. sectum Desh. differs in being less attenuated posteriorly, with differently formed apex and slit. One specimen from the Gulf of California, which we refer to this species, has the apical notch formed as in many D. entalis, with a slightly projecting rim around the ovate orifice, slit not median, but decidedly excentric on the concave side. This specimen occurred with D. semipolitum B. & S. 96 DENTALIUM—GRAPTACME. Smith reports D. inversum from Whydah, West Africa (Capt. Knocker!). D. sPLENDIDUM Sowerby. PI. 15, fig. 38. Shell thin, polished, flesh-colored at base, milk-white toward the apex ; posterior orifice with two slits, one dorsal, the other ventral. . Length 1°8, diam. 0°15 inch.—=45, 3°75 mill. (G. B.S). Xipixapi, west coast of Colombia, 10-16 fms. (Cuming). D. splendidum G. B. Sowrrsy, P. Z. §., 1832, p. 29.—Sows. Jr. Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225, f. 41; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f. 30.—? D. fissura Lam., Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 226, f. 43, not D. fisswra of Lamarck, Philippi or Costa. The apical slit is somewhat as in D. sectum Desh., but not reduced to a narrow cut above by anapical plug. ‘‘ Generally reddish near the apex, and white toward the base. In some specimens there are two fissures, one dorsal, the other ventral.” Group OF D. SECTUM. Shell subcylindrical, the apex obliquely truncate, with an oblique, convex plug, perforated by a narrow antero-posterior slit. I. Shell longitudinally striated from apex to or nearly to aperture, calamus. II. Apical half striated, the rest smooth, sectum. D. sectum Deshayes. PI. 17, figs. 60, 61, 62, 63. Shell small, slender, very little tapering, slightly curved, white and glossy. Sculpture of very numerous, close, subequal fine riblets ea- tending longitudinally from apex about half way to aperture ; the re- maining half with fine growth-strie but no longitudinal sculpture. Aperture circular, not oblique, with acute peristome. Apex witha high, obliquely conical, smooth plug, perforated by an antero-posterior slit. Length 24, diam. of aperture 1:7, diam. of apex below plug 1:2 mill. Gulf of California (W. Newcomb, in coll. Acad.) ; Habitat wn- known (Desh., Sowb.). D. sectum Desu., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 367, pl. 18, f. 12-14 (1825).—Sowersy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 99, pl. 224, f. 35 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f. 28 (1872).—Antalis secta Ciesstn, Conch. Cab., p. 26.—D. diffusum CuxEnv, II]. Conch., i, p. 3; pl.6, f. 2: DENTALIUM—L/VIDENTALIUM. 97 Very peculiar in the anal plug and slit which are formed as in D. calamus, a species differing only in being striated throughout. The sculpture is characteristic of a small group of species comprising the above named forms and the D. semistriatum group, which though varying greatly in the details of the anal slit, we hold to be closely allied. TD. cALAmus Dall. PI. 17, figs. 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. Shell very slender, slightly arched, white, translucent, the soft parts showing through the shell; finely longitudinally grooved [throughout, or for the greater part of the length], the grooves uni- form, the interspaces flat and slightly wider anteriorly; aperture hardly oblique, anal end apparently trimmed off obliquely for a short distance on the convex side, glandiform, phallic, vertically narrowly slit, the slit longer on the convex side, the “ glans”’-like portion smooth, polished, usually with a little ledge around it. Length of shell, 19:5; height of arch from chord, 2:25; diameter of aperture, 1:25 ; of anal end behind the “glans,” 0°8 mill. Grooves in the middle part of the shell about sixteen to the millimeter of circumference. (Dall). Turtle Harbor, Florida, in 4 fms.; and Cape Fear (Dr. W. H. Rush, U.S. N.); Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie, Florida. D. calamus Dawu, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 421 (1889) ; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76; Trans. Wagner Institute, iii, p. 440. D. calamus differs from the very closely allied D. sectwm in being striate for nearly or quite its entire length, while the other is smooth toward the aperture. Very young specimens of calamus have the slit much more open, and the form tapering. D. ca/amus attains a length of 26, diam, of aperture 1°7, of apex 1°3 mill. Figs. 58, 59 are drawn from a Florida specimen in which the anterior portion of the tube is smooth for a short distance; figs. 55-57 are from aspecimen taken off Cape Fear, striate throughout. The name is doubly appro- priate. Subgenus LasvipENTALIUM Cossmann, 1888 (s. at.). Levidentalium Cossm., Ann. de la Soc. Roy. Malacologique de Belgique, xxiii, p. 9. Type D. incertum Desh. Shell of moderate or large size, smooth, with growth lines only circular or slightly oval in section ; apex simple (typically), or with a short notch on the convex side as in Antalis. Type D. incertum. t 98 DENTALIUM—-LZVIDENTALIUM, M. Cossmann founded this group to include smooth species with the shell oval in section, the posterior orifice without aslit. In deal- ing with recent species we find it practically impossible to draw the line between circular and slightly oval forms; and the apical char- acters seem insufficient ground, in our opinion, for the separation of species with no slit from those with an Antalis-like extremity. In accepting the distinguished French palzeontologist’s group, we there- fore enlarge its bounds beyond those originally intended ; and are alone responsible if future investigators find that heterogeneous mate- rials are included therein. I. Apex simple, without notch or slit, Group of D. lactewm, p. 98. II. Apex with a slit or notch, Group of D. matara, p. 102. Group of D. lacteum. Smooth, polished, moderately curved shells with the apical orifice simple, not notched or slit. Of recent species, these are nearest to the type of Levidentalium ; but the distinction between a notched and simple anal orifice is in actual practice rather delusive. One encounters many apparently perfect individuals of species typically notched, in which the apical margin is entire; and yet no fracture other than the normal trunca- tion of the apex with increasing age, may appear. It is only when numerous specimens of various age are available for study, that the systematic position of some species can be ascertained. Occasional old specimens of the group of D. semistriatum have the characters of the present group; and more frequently specimens of the D. matara group may be looked for here. The key given below must therefore be used with caution. It is moreover rather unsatisfactory on account of the absence of readily describable characters in these smooth simple shells. Key to Species. (Consult also the group following this, p.102, and that preceding, p. 85). 1. Large and stout, length 75 mill., 73 times the diameter ; rather straight, polished, opaque and solid, rapidly increasing. Cape Horn, lebruni, p. 102. II. Small, white, nearly straight ; length 15 mill., nearly 9 times the diameter. New Zealand, ecostatum, p. 102. III. Much narrower, the diameter contained over 10 times in the length. DENTALIUM—-LEVIDENTALIUM. 99 a. Circular strive or rings toward smaller end. 6.. Transparent, with incised circular lines on smaller, smooth on larger half of shell; length 14 mill. N. E. Australia, anulosum, p. 101. b’. White, thin, narrow, circularly striate at apex; length 22 mill., 11 times the diameter. Suez, subtorquatum, p. 101. a’, Smooth, nowhere conspicuously striate. b. Quite arcuate. Antillean. c. White, arcuate, very slender; length 24 mill., 15 times the diameter, ensiforme, p. 101. c’. White or pale salmon, rapidly tapering; length 613 mill., about 12 times the diam- eter, callipeplum, p. 100. b’. But slightly curved; thin. Habitat unknown. c. Greenish-yellow ; length 25 mill., 10 times the diameter, translucidum, p. 99. ce. Color?; very acute; longer and less curved than transluctdum; length 37 mill., about 12 times the diameter, ambiquwm, p. 100. é”. Milky subtranslucent; length 30 mill., 12 times the diameter, lacteum, p. 99. D. LAcTEUM Deshayes. PI. 19, fig. 1. Shell cylindrical, somewhat curved, very smooth and polished, whitish, milky, subtranslucent. Smaller than entalis, and proportionally less in diameter, invari- ably of a milky, subtransparent color, thinner than entalis and not striated at the small end. Length 30, diam. 23 mill. at the base. No slit. (Desh.). India (Desh.). D. lacteum Desu., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 362, pl. 16, f. 27 (not 28, as given by Desh.).—Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225, f. 48. Not D. lacteum Costa, Faun. Reg. Nap., p.387. Probably not D. lacteum Dh., Tate, Tr., Proc. and Rep. Roy. Soc. S. Austr., seep. 193. We have not seen specimens certainly referable to this species. D. rRaNsLucipUM Deshayes. PI. 19, fig. 5. Shell cylindrical, rather straight, polished, transparent, greenish- yellow; calcareous and solid, smooth. Length 25, diam. 2°5 mill. (Desh.). Habitat unknown. 100 DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. D. translucidum Desu., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 362, pl. 16, f. 26 (1825). Not of Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225 f. 47 (1860).—Not Antalis translucidum CuEss., Conch. Cab., p. 24. The form identified as translucidum by Sowerby has a linear, very long slit, and belongs to the subgenus Fustiaria Stol. Deshayes states that there is no slit in his D. translucidwm (see Monogr. Deut., p. 345); so it is evident that Sowerby’s shell is a different thing. D. ampicuuM Chenu. PI. 19, fig. 4. Shell somewhat straight, smooth; whitish-gray maculated with black or violaceous, the apex very acute. (Chenu). Locality unknown. D. ambiguum CuEnNv, Ilustr. Conch., i, p. 1, pl. 3, f. 1. According to Deshayes’ manuscript note, the sole example of this species had long lain dead in the mud, and become blackened in color in place of the pale corneous or yellow which was probably the normal tint. It is allied to D. translucidum, but longer and less arcuate. The surface is smooth and glossy. Length 37, diameter of aperture 3 mill. D. CALLIPEPLUM Dall. PI. 19, fig. 9. Shell ivory-white to pale salmon color, glistening, elegantly arched; rapidly increasing ; sculpture of faint girdling incremental lines, and toward the tip faint longitudinal scratches, hardly discernible ; sec- tion circular, the lower edge projecting a little in the adult aperture ; tip entire, circular in the youngest, but in the adult with a wide very shallow notch on the concave side. Anterior diameter, 5:0; posterior diameter, 0°5; length of shell, 61:5; height of arch above the chord, 10°0 mill. (Dal). Near Santa Cruz, in 180 fms. ooze ; off Saba Bank, a fragment, in 150 fms. ; off Guadelupe, in 175 fms., sand; off Santa Lucia, in 116 fms., hard bottom ; off Grenada, in 92 fms., sand (Blake). Also off South Carolina, in 159 fms., sand, and in the Gulf of Mexico, in 169 fns., mud (U.S. Fish Commission). Also Pliocene of Caloosahat- chie River, Florida. D. callipeplum DaAu.u, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 419, pl. 27, f. 12b. (1889); Bull. U.S: Nat. Mus., no. 37> p. 76,ply20 12b (1889); Trans. Wagner Free Institute of Science, iii, p. 442. This elegant species has also been received from the coast of Hon- duras and from Samana Bay, St. Domingo. Its nearest relative is DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. 101 D. rubescens Deshayes, which is less curved in front and more curved near the tip, is smaller, deeper colored, and has a very long narrow posterior slit when perfect, quite different from that of eallipeplum. The specimen figured is young; better specimens, from which the description was drawn up, were dredged by the Fish Commission. The striation on the tip is so faint as to be very difficult to see, while the surface is so brilliant as not easily to be scrutinized. (Dall). It has the oily luster of D. longitrorsum. D. ENSIFORME Chenu. PI. 15, fig. 37. Shell arcuate, smooth, white, the aperture oblique. (Chenu). Antilles. D. ensiforme CuENv, Ilustr. Conchyl., i, p. 3, pl. 6, f. 18. Deshayes remarks: Very near inverswm in curvature and size, but that differs in the slit; narrower than Jacteum. Length 24, diam. at aperture slightly exceeding 1°5 mill. D. susToORQUATUM Fischer. Shell white, thin, narrow, shining, cylindrical, slightly curved. Encircled at the apex with minute, close, somewhat raised trans- verse strie. Apex entire. No longitudinal striation. Length 22, diam. 2 mill. (Fischer). Suez (Gaudry). D. subtorquatum Fiscuer, Journ. de Conch., xix [(3) xi], pp. 218, 212 (1871). D. ANULOSUM Brazier. Shell thin, transparent, tapering, slightly curved, marked by in- cised circular lines from the apex to the centre, and from that to the base quite smooth, apex thickened, perforated, perforation entire, aperture circular. Length 7 lines [14 mill.] (Braz.). Princess Charlotte Bay, northeast Australia, 13 fathoms, sandy bottom (Chevert Exped.). Dentalium anulosum BRAztER, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ii, p. 58 (1877). The upper part of this beautiful, thin, transparent shell has a ringed appearance like a trachea. Allied to Dentaliwm politum Linn., that species being distinguished by the incised lines that di- vide its whole length (Braz.). 102 DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. D. ecostatum Kirk. PI. 18, fig. 13. Shell white, nearly straight, smooth, gradually tapering, faintly, distantly, transversely striated. Length 0°6, breadth at anterior end 0°07 inch = 15, 1°75 mill. (47k). Watkanae, New Zealand (Kirk); also Pliocene of N. Z. at Wan- ganui and Petane (Hutton). D. ecostatum Kirx, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vi, p. 15 (July, 1880); Trans. N. Z. Institute, xii, p. 306 (May, 1880).—Hurron, Macleay Memorial Volume, p. 80, pl. 8, f. 79. Shell small, slightly curved, quite smooth, polished (Hutton). The illustration is from Hutton’s figure of a Pliocene specimen. D. teEBRUNI Mabille & Rochebrune. Shell rather straight, slightly curved toward the apex, white, polished, opaque and solid; at the base rapidly increasing ; apex entire, neither slit nor emarginate. Length 75, greatest diam. 10 mill. (M. & R.). Santa Cruz, Patagonia (Lebrun). D. lebruni Mas. & Rocu., Miss. Sci. Cap Horn, vi, Zool., Moll., p- 99 (1889). A nearly straight shell, only toward the apex a little arcuate. white, polished, without strize except at the base, where they are quite perceptible. This species somewhat resembles D. lwbricatum Sow. of the coast of Australia, but it is larger, narrower, decidedly less curved, and thinner at the summit (VW. & f.). Group of D. matara. Smooth and polished, elongated species, circular or subcircular in section, with the apical characters of typical Antalis or of Fissiden- talium—a V-shaped notch or a slit. Those who attach cardinal value to the modifications of the apex would place most or all of these forms in Antalis (Entalis or Entali- opsis). They have a more or less projecting rim or sheath around the anal orifice, interrupted by a slit or V-shaped notch on the con- vex side. In including the group under Levidentalium, we empha- size rather the smooth surface; but neither course is entirely satis- factory to us. Key to Species. I. Shell much curved throughout, amber, carnelian or white, aper- ture circular; length about 90 mill., about 19 times the diam., longitrorsum, p. 111, DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. 1038 II. Shell with slight or moderate curvature. a. Aperture circular or nearly so. b. Apex slit on the concave side ; bluish-white, polished ; length 24-27 mill., 12-13 times the diameter. West Indies, alloschismum, p. 108. b’. Apex notched on both convex and concave sides. c. Moderately curved; yellow corneous; length 33 mill., 11 times the diam., bisinwatum, p. 108. ce’. Nearly straight ; reddish toward apex; length 5d mill., about 14 times the diam.; Australia, erectum, p. 111. 6.” No notch on concave side. ce. Shell white, with annular swellings; Mediter- ranean, siculum, p. 107. ce’. No annular swellings. d. Very slender; length 50-80 mill., about 25 times the diam., —_perlongum, p. 104. d’, Less slender; salmon or carnelian tinted toward apex. e. Length 41 mill., about 15 times the diam.; Antillean, matara, p. 105. e’. Length 33 mill., about 9-10 times the diam. ; Mediterranean, ete., rubescens, malzant, pp. 105,107. d’”. Less slender; white or whitish. e. Faintly striated longitudinally ; length 15 mill., about 62 times the diam. ; quite tapering, diarrhox, p. 109. e’. No longitudinal striation ; aperture slightly compressed vertically ; length 387 mill., about 123 times the diam., leptosceles, p. 110. e”. Length 64 mill., 10-11 times the diam.; Australia, Jwbricatum, p.110. e”’. Smooth, subtranslucent, bluish- white ; a slit on convex side ; length 25 mill., 12-13 times the diameter, Antilles, liodon, p. 107. a’. Aperture and section of the tube oval. 6. Large; length 105 mill., 11-12 times the diam., caudani, p. 104.. 104 - DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. b’. Smaller; tube flattened on concave side; length 36 mill., about 14 times the diam., —insolitum, p. 109. b”. Smaller; tube slightly compressed vertically ; much tapering; length 37 mill., about 123 times the diam., leptosceles, p. 110. D. PERLoNGuUM Dall. PI. 18, figs. 10, 11. Shell solid, opaque white, shining, without sculpture, except. deli- cate irregularities due to incremental lines; oral aperture simple, nearly circular, its plane quite or nearly at right angles to the axis. Anal aperture with a shallow notch (in adult specimens) on the con- vex side; tube very slightly curved. Length 50 to 80 mill., oral diam. 3°5 mill. ; anal diam. 0°5 to 0:7 mill. (Dall). Yucatan Strait, 640 fms.; off Guadelupe in 734-769 fms.; off St. Vincent in 424-785 fms. ; off Bequia in 1507-1591 fms. ; off Grenada in 792 fms. (Blake). Off Cape Hatteras, N. C., in 683 fms.; Gulf of Mexico, between Mississippi delta and Cedar Keys, Fla., in 227- 1191 fms.; Florida Keys; also 90 miles north of Ceara, Brazil, 1019 fms. (Albatross). Dentalium perlongum Datu, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 36 (July, 1881) ; Ibid., v, p. 61, 1878 (no description); Ibid., xviii, Blake Moll., p., 419, pl. 27, f. 6; Bull. 37, U.S. Nat. Mus., Catal. Mar. Moll. S.-E. U. S., p. 76, pl. 27, fig.6; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, p.294.—DaA.t in Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, ii, p. 67, f. 284 (1888). This fine species has been carefully compared with all those from deep water in the Jeffreys collection, and seems fully distinct from any of them. Mr. Watson observes that the young resembles D. longitrorsum Reeve in texture and general appearance, but is straight. D. acutissimum Watson is stouter and more curved (Dall). The fissure is Antalis-like; our figure 11 was drawn from one of the types. D. cauDANI Locard. -Pl. 18, fig. 12. Shell relatively very large, of a very narrowly conoidal form, much elongated and progressively attenuated, feebly arcuate a little past the moiety of the length; shell quite thin, smooth and_ glossy throughout, showing only fine, crowded, irregularly and slightly ob- lique concentric growth lines; aperture very obviously oval, slightly oblique; apical fissure narrow and short; color grayish-white. Length 105, diameter of aperture 9, at apex 1 mill.; curvature 9 mill. (Locard). Gulf of Gascony, 13800 meters (Caudan Exped.). . DENTALIUM—LEVIDENTALIUM. 105 D. caudani Loc., Ann. Soe. Agric. Lyon (7), iv, p. 213 (1896) ; Rés, Sci. Camp. du Caudan, i. p. 171, pl. 6, f. 2. Particularly characterized by the great size and the smooth, glossy shell. It is much less slender than D. perlongum Dall, straighter below, and oval in section. D. MATARA Dall. PI. 18, figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Shell slender, salmon-colored, whiter toward the aperture, glisten- ing, the lines of growth hardly perceptible in fresh specimens, other sculpture none; very slightly arched; aperture circular, very little oblique; anal orifice higher than wide, slightly notched below and above, with a short, wide notch, but on the convex side this is pro- longed by a rather wide slit, about 1:0 mill. long. Length of shell 41, diameter of aperture 2°75, of apex 0°6 mill. ; height of arch above the chord 3°75 mill. (Dal/). Off Cape Lookout, N. C., in 22-31 fms., sand; off Hatteras, sta- tion 2276, in 16 fms. ; and in the Gulf of Mexico, in 26 and 111 fms., sand and mud (U.S. Fish Commission), also at Samana Bay, Santo Domingo in 16 fms., mud (Couthouy, in 1854). D. matara Daut, Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 420 (1889) ; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76. Belongs to the same group as perlongum; there are no striz near the apex as in D. leptum, which, moreover, is smaller and less colored. The apex has an unusually high “sheath ” (figs. 16, 17, 18) in typical specimens, but in some there is only a very short one (figs. 14,15). The color varies from a flesh tint to carnelian. Dall writes as follows: This shell is colored like D. rwhescens, but has a shorter and very different notch; is slimmer, straighter, and has a proportionally larger posterior end when perfect. It is less conical, less arched, and smaller than D. callipeplum, which it resembles in brilliancy. It entirely wants the fine posterior striation of D. leptum Bush, which is still more slender (Dall). D. ruBeEscens Deshayes. PI. 19, fig. 2. Shell slender, moderately arcuate, but the bend mainly in the smaller third of the length, rather thin. Carnelian tinted, paler toward the aperture. Surface smooth and glossy, with no longitudi- nal sculpture and only faintly-indicated growth-lines. Aperture circular, the peristome thin and acute; anal orifice circular with thin margins, and on the convex side a short slit (or according to 106 DENTALIUM—-LEVIDENTALIUM. Deshayes, an internal groove ending in a slight notch). Length 53, diam. 3°5 mill. Mediterranean Sea, coasts of Italy, Sicily and Tunis, 2-40 fms. ; Canary Islands ; Pliocene of Sicily. D. rubescens Desu., Mém. Soe. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 363, pl. 16, f. 23-25 (1825).—Puiu., Enum. Moll. Sicil., i, p. 244 (1836) and ii, p. 206 (1844).—Arapas, Conch. Mar. della Sicil., p. 117 (1870).— Ors., Moll. Canaries, Brit. Mus. Catal., p. 28 (1854)—DaurzEn- BERG, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, iv, p. 609.—Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, pl. 224, f. 39— Jerrreys, P. Z.S., 1882, p.660.—Pur., Enum., i, p. 244; 11, p. 206.—D. fissura Puiu., Enum. Moll. Sicil., i, p. 244. Not of Lamarck.—D. rufeseens WEINKAUFFE, Conchyl. Mittelm., ii, p. 420.—CueEssin, Conchyl. Cab., p. 8, pl. 3, fig. 7 (bad ).—Pseudan- talis rubescens Monts., Nom. Gen. e Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 32. The specimen before us has the apical features described above, but, according to Jeffreys, there is in perfect specimens “a small ter- minal pipe or sheath which is partly enclosed in the shell, but pro- trudes from it as in D. entalis and many other species; it is slightly channelled on each side. McAndrew noticed a white variety from Goletta near Tunis.” Varieties pallida and albina are mentioned by Monterosato. Weinkauff changed the name to “rufescens,’ probably inadvert- ently ; and Clessin, who appears to take all his synonymy at second hand, perpetuates the blunder, and wrongly quotes Philippi and others as using that incorrect name. He likewise places D. fidum as a synonym of “rufescens” and admits it as a distinct species, on one and the same page of his unspeakable monograph. Var. ? TENUIFISSUM Monts. PI. 19, figs. 16, 17. Monterosato proposes the name tenwifissa for examples with a slit. The latter occur in the same localities with the unslit typical forms. Deshayes also, in his ms. card catalogue, distinguishes this varia- tion under the new name D. discretum. Naples (Phil.) to Sicily (Phil., Monts.). D. fissura Putu., Enum. Moll. Sicil., i, p. 244; ii, p. 206.—Cosra, Fauna Reg. Nap., Tubibranchi, p. 25, pl. 3,f.6. Not of Lamarck. Pseudantalis tenuifissa Monts., Nom. Gen. e Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 33 (1884).—D. discretum Desu., Mss.—D. splendens Cosra, Cata- logo ragionato, p. 125. DENTALIUM—-LEVIDENTALIUM. 107 We scarcely endorse the view of Jeffreys, who seems not to have considered the slit form distinct. The somewhat meagre series of D. rubsecens seen (Jeffreys and Academy Coll.) is searcely sufficient for definite decision. D. fissura Lamarck, with which Philippi and Costa identified this shell, is a Miocene species. D. fisswra Sowerby may be a large, pale D. splendidum. See under Fustiaria. D. mauzani ‘ Dunker’ Clessin. PI. 19, fig. 3. Shell slender, lightly curved, slowing increasing, smooth, some- what solid, shining, semipellucid; white, with rose colored apex. Aperture round, margin acute; apex abruptly truncated. Length 33, diam. 3°5 mill. (Clessin). Gorée, West Africa (Malzan). D. malzani Dxr. in Paetel’s Catalog, p. 593 (no deseription).— Ciessin, Conchyl. Cab., p. 42, pl. 11, f. 5 (1896). Type in the Stuttgart Museum. Occurred with “ D.” goreanum,a species of Ditrupa or some allied genus, which Clessin (in the year 1896! ! !) describes as a new Dentalium. How slowly moves this old World! D. malzani may be the same as D. rubescens Desh. No distinguishing characters have been brought forward. D. stcuLum Deshayes,n.n. PI. 19, fig. 6. Shell cylindrical, somewhat curved, continuous, whitish, polished, with extremely close and delicate strive. ( Costa). Adriatic Sea and Ionian Is. (Costa). D. politum Cosra, Faun. Reg. Nap., Tubibranchi, p. 23, pl. 1, f. 4. Not D. pohtum Linn.—D. siculum Desu. in MS. card eata- logue. Costa describes the shell as smooth and lustrous, of a shining milk-white color, somewhat diaphanous, with fine circular strize seen only under the lens, and indistinct annular swellings (such as occur in D. eburneum) ; and the apex is formed as in many Mediterranean tusk-shells, the orifice being small with thick walls and a slight notch, as shown in the figure. Length 1 inch, 6 lines. | Deshayes gives no further information on his card, which is dated 1870, and probably had not seen the shell. Costa’s species has been referred doubtfully to D. rubescens Dh. by some authors, but if the annula- tion described be really present, that species apparently is different. D. tiopon Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. _ Pl. 21, figs. 37, 38, 39. Shell moderately curved, rather slender, attenuated toward the apex, thin but not fragile. Subtranslucent bluish-white, opaque white 108 DENTALIUM—-LEVIDENTALIUM. toward the middle, brilliantly polished. Sculpture none, except for occasional circular grooves indicating growth periods, Aper- ture subcircular, a little compressed between the convex and con- cave sides, not oblique. Anal orifice circular, with a narrowly v- shaped notch on the convex side (fig. 38). Length 25:3, greatest diameter 2, diam. of apex 0°6 mill. St. Martin, West Indies (E. Marie). The general appearance of the shell is like D. semistriatum Turton, but longitudinal striz are wanting, and it is evidently allied to D. translucidum and other similar species here grouped. It differs from translucidum, ambiguum, subtorquatum and lacteum in having a well developed slit, among other less conspicuous feat- ures. Var. ? alloschismum P. & 8S. PI. 21, figs. 40, 41, 42. Like the preceding, but the slit is on the concave side, either sub- median (fig. 40) or to the side (fig. 41). : Length 24:5, diam. at aperture 1:9, at apex 0°6 mill. Length 27-5, diam. at aperture 2°2, at apex 0°6 mill. St. Martin (figs. 40, 40); West Indies, without nearer location (figs. 41, 42). In view of the considerable variation observed in the position, shape and even presence or absence of the slit in other species, we hesitate to give this form rank higher than varietal. The section of the tube is circular in the variety, a little flattened in the type, but other characters seem identical. The specimen represented in figs. 41, 42 seems to be somewhat worn at the apex at the termina- tion of the slit. The latter is decidedly excentric, fig. 41 being viewed directly upon the concave side. D. BistnuatuM André. PI. 19, figs. 7, 8. Shell conic, perfectly circular in transverse section, little curved, thin, translucid, glossy, of a yellowish corneous color ; with oblique, regular, fine transverse striz. Aperture circular, a little oblique ; peristome sharp, irregular. Apex with two small notches, one ven- tral, the other dorsal, a little deeper than the former. Length 33:5, diameter of the aperture 3, of apex 0°5 mill. (André). Amboyna. D. bisinuatum ANDRE, Revue Suisse de Zool. et Ann. du Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Genéve, iv, fasc. 2, p. 397, pl. 17, f. 9 (Dee., 1896). This species is allied to D. splendidum Sow.; the size of the lat- ter is greater, and the notches of the apex are continued in a slit DENTALIUM—LAVIDENTALIUM. 109 double the length of the notch. D. bisinuatum also approaches D. erectum Sow., Jr., but is smaller, more curved, and the posterior notch js not so deep. (André). D. 1nsotitum E. A. Smith. PI. 22, figs. 56, 57. Shell slender, conspicuously arcuate, smooth, polished, subpellu- cid, white ; with the tube hardly circular, being lightly flattened on each side. Striated with very delicate growth lines, hardly slit at the apex. Length 36, greatest diam. 2°5 mill. (Smith). Bay of Bengal, in 597 fms. (Investigator). D. insolitum Smiru, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (6), xiv, p. 168, pl. 4, f. 17, 17a (Sept., 1894). The peculiarity of this species consists in its being a little com- pressed, so that the tube is not circular. It is broadest along the concave curve, which is not so round as the opposite side, and al- most defined by lateral angles. (Smith). D. prArRHOoXx Watson. PI. 3, figs. 36, 37, 38. Shell white (chalky), but porcellanous beneath the surface, rather straight, with a considerable bend near the apex; of rather rapid expansion from a very fine apex. Sculpture: the whole sur- face is faintly marked with scarcely impressed longitudinal lines of very equal interval (about 0:0055 apart) ; transversely it is very faintly scratched all over by very slight lines, which run elliptically round the shell. The apex has a very narrow, slightly ragged fis- sure, about 0:027 inch long, which lies unsymmetrically on the con- vex curve. Length 0:6, breadth 0:09 inch. ( Watson). Animal: Mantle white, body pale yellow. Captacula many, fine, long and equal, with small ovoid points. Foot and collar those of atrue Dentaliwm. N.-E. from New Zealand, lat. 37° 34’ S., long. 179° 22’ E., in 700 fins. (Challenger). D. diarrhoz Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 511 (i879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 4, pl. 1, f. 5. This differs from D. leptoskeles Wats., in being more curved and more conical. It resembles in form the young of D. lubricatum Sowb. “from Australia,” but in that the transverse strize are much less oblique, and the surface is “lubricate” and polished. ( Wat- son). 110 DENTALIUM—-L2ZVIDENTALIUM. D. LeproscELEs Watson. PI. 3, figs. 44, 45, 46. - Shell very attenuated, thin, brilliant, porcellanous, with longitu- dinal flecks of opaque white on the translucency of the shell, chiefly toward the apex, where the shell thickens, very little bent, very slightly compressed between the convex and concave curves. Sculp- ture: there is some kind of flexuous longitudinal texture in the structure of the shell affecting the reflection from the brilliant sur- face, which is also closely and regularly scratched transversely by very minute, sharp, but superficial lines, which run round the shell a little elliptically. Length 1°5, breadth 0:12, at apex 0:04 inch [37°5, 3 mill.]. ( Watson). Animal yellow, with a large dark patch in the region of the liver. A close little bunch of captacula round the mantle opening. ( Wat- son). S. of Australia, lat. 42° 42’ &., long. 134° 10’ E., in 2600 fms. (Challenger). D. leptosceles Watson, Journ. Linn. Suc. Lond., xiv, p, 513 (1879).—D. leploskeles Watson, Challenger Rep., p. 7, pl. 1, f. 6. This species in form very much resembles D. evectum G. B. Sow., British Museum “ from Sydney,” for while some specimens of that species are more curved than this, others are even less so; but in this species the transverse strize are very much more oblique, and in the former there is no trace of the irregular intratextural longitudi- nal strie which exist here. Than D. agile Sars, this is a straighter and much more cylindrical, attenuated, brilliant, and delicate shell. ( Wats.) D. LUBRICATUM Sowerby. PI. 19, fig. 22. Shell polished, elongate, white, subpellucid, lightly curved, slightly slit, gradually increasing. (Sowb.). Length 64, greatest diam. 6 mill. (from fig.). Off Port Jackson Heads 45 fms. (Challenger) ; Australia (Sow- erby). D. lubricatum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. [95], pl. 225, f. 56 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 55 (1872).—Brazirr, Proce. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, ii, p. 370 (1878). Certainly a narrower shell, less solid and of more gradual increase than either D. entalis or D. pretiosum (Sowb.). Brazier seems to have obtained a specimen dredged by the “ Challenger” off Port Jackson. DENTALIUM—LE/VIDENTALIUM. naa! D. EREcTUM Sowerby. PI. 19, fig. 23. Shell polished, narrow, slightly curved, reddish from the middle to the apex, white toward the aperture ; slit on each side (Sowb.). Length 55:5, greatest diam. 3:9 mill. (from fig.). Length 1 inch (Angas). Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia (Strange; Angas). D. erectum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 99, pl. 225, f. 55 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 6, f. 41.—Antalis erecta Anaas, P. Z.S., 1867, p. 220.—CLEssin, Conchyl. Cab., vi, Heft x, p. 29, pl. 9, f. 1 (1896). This tapering shell is very little curved; the narrow end is strongly colored, the Jarger end white. There is a slit on each side of the apex. (Sowd.). An unusually straight species. It was dredged by Angas near the “ Sow and Pigs”’ reef. D. LonGITRORSUM Reeve. PI. 20, figs. 35, 36. Shell much and evenly curved, very long and slender, the length (of chord) about 19 times the greatest diameter; thin, but solid, polished, amber or carnelian colored or tinted, or pure white. Sculpture none, save inconspicuous growth lines. Aperture circu- lar, the peristome thin. Anal orifice, circular, entire or ovate, and with a slight notch slightly aside from the middle on the convex side. Length 89, diam. of aperture 4:7, height of arch from chord 16 mill. Darnley Island, Torres Straits 30 fms., sandy mud (Chevert Ex- ped.) ; west of Cape York, south-west of Papua, 25 fms. (Challenger Exped.) ; Bombay (Melv. & Abercrombie); Gulf of Suez (Mac Andrew) ; Philippines (Sowerby ; Phila. Acad. coll.) ; Zanzibar and China (Brit. Mus.). D. longitrorsum REEVE, P. Z. 8., 1842, p. 197; Conch. Syst., ii, p- 6, pl. 130, f. 6, (1842).—Sowrrsy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225, f. 59, 60 (1860); and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 2, f. 9a, 6b (1872).—Wartson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 515 (1879) and Challenger Scaphopoda, p. 9 (1885).—Brazrer, Proc. Linn. Soe. N.S. Wales, ii, p.59 (1877)—Metvit,t & ABERCROMBIE, Mar. Moll. Bombay, Mem. & Proce. Manchester Lit. and Philos. Soe. (4), vii, p. 25 (1893).—Cooxr, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, p. 271.—D. lamarckii CHEN, Llustr. Conchyl., i, Dent., p. 5. pl. 6, f. 15, 15a. —D. longirostrum ParrE., Catalog, i, p. 593. 112 DENTALIUM—RHABDUS. Easily recognized by its great length, strong curvature and bril- liant polish. Subgenus Raappus Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Nearly straight or but slightly curved Dentalia, the shell very thin throughout and of somewhat glassy texture when unworn ; the surface brilliant, polished, without longitudinal sculpture; both orifices simple, the smaller end without notch, slit or supplemental tube. Type D. rectius Cpr. West coast of North and South America in deep water. A group of more curved species from the western Pacific may also form a section of this subgenus. Key to species. I. Shell with numerous annular swellings or low rings. Oriental. a. Length 12-13 times the diam., eburneum, p. 115. a’. Length 15 times the diam., = philippinarum, p. 116. II. Shell with dense, fine concentric striz ; white under a thin, fugitive light chestnut cuticle; length 45-50 mill., about 6 times the diam., perceptum, p. 115. III. Shell unsculptured, smooth, the length over 10 times the diam- eter. West American. a. Almost perfectly straight, excessively slender, much at- tenuated ; length 31°5 mill., about 19 times the diame- ter, cequatorium, p. 112. a’. Very slightly curved, almost straight ; extremely slen- der but less attenuated posteriorly ; length 29-31 mill., 16-19 times the diameter, watsoni, p. 113. a”. Very slightly curved, almost straight ; length 30-40 mill., 12-16 times the diameter, rectius, p. 113. a”. Slightly curved, less slender; length 45-70 mill., 11- 14 times the diameter, dalli, p. 114. Group of D. rectius. D. zquatorium Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. PI. 21, fig. 43. Shell almost perfectly straight, excessively slender, regularly taper- ing and attenuated toward the apex, thin and very fragile, transluc- ent and almost colorless except where whitened by erosion, Sculpt- ure none, growth-striz being nearly or quite invisible except where slight surface erosion has traced them. Aperture hardly oblique, DENTALIUM—RHABDUS. Wile circular. Anal orifice circular, its edge in the type specimen jagged from breakage, but apparently without true slit or notch. Length 31°5, diam. at aperture 1°6, at apex 0'5 mill. Off Manta, Ecuador, in 401 fms., bottom temperature 42°9° (U. S. Fish Commission, Station 2792). No recent species known to us is so nearly straight as this. It is smaller at the apex and straighter than D. watsoni, which seems to be its nearest ally. D. innumerabile is another almost straight species, but it is smaller, colored and compressed, and belongs to an appreciably different group of species. D. rectius is like this in texture, but is of course very much less slender. The unique type is no. 122759, U.S. Nat. Mus. D. watsoni Sharp & Pilsbry, n. sp. Pl. 21, fig. 44. Shell very slightly curved, long, extremely slender, not much taper- ing, thin, white; surface shining, wholly free from longitudinal sculpture, the growth-lines fine and inconspicuous. Aperture cir- cular, hardly oblique. Anal orifice small and circular, simple; no slit or notch. Length 31, diam. at aperture 1:6, at apex 075 mill. Length 29:5, diam. at aperture 1°8 at apex 0°75 mill. Off Tillamook Bay, Oregon, in 786 fms. (U.S. F. C., sta. 3346) ; off San Diego, California (U.S. F. C., Sta. 2923). As straight as D. rectius Cpr., but very much more slender. It is more curved than the closely allied D. equatorium from off Ecuador, and slightly larger at the aperture. The specimens are but slightly translucent, one being quite and the other almost opaque; but they are both dead shells, and may have been more transparent in life. Types are nos. 107702 and 107706, U.S. National Museum. It is named in honor of the learned author of the ‘ Challenger’ Report on Scaphopoda and Gastropoda. D. REcTIUs Carpenter. PI. 21, fig. 45. Shell almost straight, slender and long, attenuated toward the apex, thin and fragile, bluish-white, somewhat translucent, with some opaque white flecks or rings, often encrusted near the aperture with a reddish deposit. Surface very glossy, polished, growth-marks being only faintly seen, and sculpture absent. Aperture not oblique, almost circular, but the tube is a little compressed laterally ; per- istome thin. Apical orifice smal], circular, without notch or slit, but from its extreme fragility the end is often nicked or broken. 8 114 DENTALIUM—RHABDUS. Length 40, diam. at aperture 2°6, at apex 1 mill. Length 30, diam. at aperture 2°5, at apex 0°6 mill. Near Victoria, Vancouver Id., 60 fms. (Newcombe) ; Puget Sound (Kennerley, and U.S. F. C.in 82-135 fms.) ; off Tillamook Harbor, Oregon, 786 fms.; California, off Point Reyes, 50 fms., off Bodega Head, 62 fms., off Cortes Bank, 984 fms., Sunta Barbara channel, 205-233 fms., Monterey Bay, 13 and 37 fms. (U. 8. Fish Commis- sion). D. rectius Cpr., Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci., for 1863, pp. 603, 648 (no description); Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1865, p. 59—NEw- coMBE, Nautilus x, p. 18.—Taytor, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada (2), i, p. 56. Allied to D. watsoni and D. wquatorium, species decidedly more slender, and to D. dalli, a stouter, larger, more curved species. The whole series is remarkable for the tenuity of the smooth shell, and its unusual straightness. The specimen figured is no. 107707, U.S. Nat. Mus., from Monterey Bay, 37 fms. Carpenter’s type was from Puget Sound, and measured 1:9 inch. in length. D. pau Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. Pl. 21, fig. 46. Shell regularly but only slightly curved, evenly tapering, thin and fragile ; opaque, slightly bluish-white. Surface brilliant, glossy and polished ; but in all specimens seen, mainly dead or lusterless whitish, from loss of the greater part of the superficial gloss, which remains near the aperture only, or sometimes in patches or irregular rings elsewhere. Growth-strice faint ; no other sculpture. Aperture circular, not oblique. Apex rather large, with simple, circular, thin- edged orifice; no slit or notch. Length 45, diam. at aperture 4, at apex 1°5 mill. (type). Length 50, diam. at aperture 3°8, at apex 1°5 mill. (Bering Sea). Length 69, diam. at aperture 4°9, at apex 2°5 mill. (Acapulco). Bering Sea, N. of Unalashka, 351 fms., Chernoffski, Unalashka, 109 fms., and off Illinlink Harbor, 309 fms. Off Tillamook Bay, Oregon, 786 fms. Off Point Conception, California, 278 fms., and Sta. Barbara Channel, 265 fms. Off Acapulco, Mexico, 660 fms., bottom temp. 39°. (U.S. Fish Commission). This species is most nearly related to D. rectius Cpr., but it is larger, -less slender and more curved. The outer varnish or gloss seems to be caducious, and is largely lost, leaving a mat white sur- face, in the specimens seen. JD. pretiosuwm often occurs with almost DENTALIUM—RHABDUS. 115 exactly the size and figure of D. dalli, but it is a very solid shell, while our new form is one of exceptional fragility, and moreover lacks the apical striation of young pretiosum. The range of Dall’s tusk-shell extends in deep water the entire length of the North American continent, though apparently more numerous in the north. We have distinguished it by a specific name which so long as West Coast shells are studied, will be an honored one among naturalists. Imperfect specimens, apparently of this species, were obtained by the Fish Commission in the Gulf of Panama. Types are no. 107696 U.S. Nat. Mus. ; Group of D. perceptum. D. perceprtuM Mabille & Rochebrune. Shell rather straight, scarcely incurved, densely concentrically striated, slowly increasing. White, under a caducious bright chest- nut epidermis; diaphanous, fragile, scarcely shining, apex entire, nearly tubular. Length 45-50, greatest diam. 8 mill. (Ii. & R.). Cape Horn. Dentalium perceptum Mas. & Rocu., Miss. Sei. Cap Horn, vi, Zool., Moll., p. 99 (1889). An elongated, straight shell, presenting somewhat of a very notice- able curvature, delicately ornamented with fine concentric strix, and pure white under a fugitive, very light chestnut epidermis; diaphan- ous, fragile, without luster, and of slow increase ; the summit entire, a little in the shape of the mouth of a huntsman’s horn. (I. & R.). Group of D. eburneum. Shell thin, moderately or slightly curved, glossy, with numerous unequal coarse annular wrinkles ; anal orifice simple. D. eBuRNEUM Linné. PI. 20, figs. 38, 34. Shell long and slender, moderately arcuate, attenuated posteriorly, the length about 123 times the diam.; rather thin ; white, shining. Sculpture of numerous, unequal, irregularly spaced encircling ribs, rather low and rounded, with fine growth-lines throughout ; some- times showing traces of longitudinal striation in places. Aperture subcircular or rounded-ovate, narrower toward the concave side; peristome thin. Anal orifice small, rounded-oval, the greatest diam- eter antero-posterior ; a slight notch on the convex side or none. 116 DENTALIUM—RHABDUS. Length 59, antero-posterior diam. apert. 4:7, lateral diam. 4°5 ; diam. apex 0°9 mill. Length 66, diameters of aperture 5°3, of apex 0°9 mill. Singapore (Dr. S. Archer) ; Sullivan Island, Merqui Archipelago, in 7 fms. (Anderson) ; Also Siam and Philippine Is. (authors). D. eburneum Lryn., Syst. Nat. (12), p. 1264 (1767).—GmMeELin, p. 3737.—Lam., An. s. Vert., v, p. 346 (1818).—Han ey, Ipsa Linnei Conchylia, p. 438 (1855).—Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225, f. 53 (1860) ; and in Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 3, f. 16 (1872). —Marrens, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool., xxi, p. 200. Not D. eburneum Desh., 1825,=politum Linn.—D. politwum Mawes, The Linn. Syst. Conch., p. 191, pl. 33, f. 6 (1823).—Croucg, Illustr. Introd. Lam. Conch., p. 1, pl. 1, f. 2 (1827).—? Drsu., Mém. Soe. H. N., Paris, ii, p. 361, pl. 16, f. 17 (1825), and in Lam., An. s. Vert. edit. 2, v, p. 597. Not D. politum Linné.—D. indicum CuEnu, Illustr. Conchyl., 1, Dentalium, p. 4, pl. 3, f. 11.—D. annulare G. B. Sowersy, Zool. Journ., iv, p. 199 (1828). D. eburneum of nineteenth century authors before 1855 is D. poli- tum Linn. as Hanley has shown. The species is remarkable for its irregularly placed, low, swollen rings. All of the specimens before me with definite and reliable locality data, are from Singapore. D. PHILIPPINARUM Sowerby. PI. 20, figs. 31, 32. Shell similiar to D. eburneum, but less curved, less tapering, the posterior end being larger and the aperture smaller than in spec- imens of eburneum of the same length ; polished, with low, irregular variceal rings and some circular impressed lines, and showing dis- tinct traces of longitudinal striation in some places. Translucent whitish. Length 56, diam. of the subcircular aperture 3:7, of the apex 1:3 mill. Island of Samar, Philippines (Cuming). D. philippinarum Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 98, pl. 225, f. 54 (1860); and in Conch. Icon., pl. 3, f. 18 (1872). This tusk-shell is evidently very closely allied to D. eburnewm, but our material does nut permit us to unite the two, although it is not improbable that intermediate specimens wi!l be found. Sowerby thus describes it: Shell elongated, very narrow, rather straight, semipellucid, highly polished, somewhat golden brown, banded with numerous elevated DENTALIUM—FPISIPHON. 1% concentric rings. Apex attenuated; apical fissure very short. (Sowb.). Narrower than D. eburneum, more diaphanous, and of a reddish color. This is a brightly colored, transparent shell, much narrower in proportion than D. eburneum. (Sowbd.). Length 52, greatest diam. 4 mill. (from fig.). Subgenus EpistpHon Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Small, very slender, rather straight shells, needle-shaped or trun- cated, slightly tapering, thin and fragile, glossy and smooth, or at least without longitudinal sculpture; apex with a projecting pipe or asimple orifice ; no slit, rarely a notch. Inhabitants of moderately or very deep water in the Mediterra- nean, Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Pacific. The small accessory tube or pipe at the apex is frequently devel- oped in most, perhaps all, of the species grouped here; although most young and many adult shells lack it. The majority of the species are known by but few specimens, but in D. filum and D. in- numerabile, of which we have seen a good many hundreds, the spe- cific characters though not very conspicuous or strongly marked, seem very constant. Key to species. I. Aperture oval, the tube laterally compressed ; salmon colored, innumerabile, p. 119. II. Aperture circular. a. Shell decidedly curved, white or fulvous; length 18, diam. 1-2 mill., longum, p. 120. a’. Shell nearly straight. b. Decidedly tapering, acicular, subrectum, p. 119. b’. Subcylindrical, usually with an accessory apical tube in adults, nearly smooth, sowerbyi, p. 117; filum, p. 118; fistula, p. 118. b”. Upper part of tube encircled by deep, close-set grooves ; an apical tube developed; length about 13 mill., tornatum, p. 121. D. sowErBy! Guilding. Pl. 20, fig. 30. Shell small, nearly smooth, transversely indistinctly subplicatu- late, the apex bearing a tube. Length 13 mill. (@ldg.). Caribbean Sea. 118 DENTALIUM—EPISIPHON. D. sowerbyi Guitp1nG, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xvii, p. 35, pl. 3, f£.7 (1834). ~ Known only by Guilding’s description and figure. The relation of this form to D. fistula and D. filum requires in- vestigation ; but as only the last named of these species is known to us by specimens, we deem it best to present the information upon all three, unprejudiced by an attempt at synonymy. D. FistuLa Sowerby. PI. 18, fig. 4. Shell subhyaline, narrow, nearly straight, the apex entire. (Sowb.). Length 21 mill. (from figure). Habitat unknown (Hanley coll.). D. fistula Sows., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 99, pl. 225, f. 62, under f. 45 (1860). Mr. Sowerby seems to consider this doubtfully distinct from D. duplex Defr., of the Paris Basin Eocene, but in that species the tube is compressed and provided with two internal ribs. Deshayes in his MS. catalogue places fistula under D. sowerbyi Guilding. We have seen no specimen. D. FituM Sowerby. PI. 18, fig. 9. Shell extremely narrow and slender, gently curved, thin, nearly transparent and glossy. Sculpture: slight concentric lines of growth, which are scarcely perceptible; color clear white. Aper- ture circular ; margin at the anterior end more or less jagged, owing to its excessive tenuity and fragility ; at the posterior end truncated, with an internal pipe (in adult shells) and slightly notched ; in the fry this latter part has a pear-shaped and perforated point. Length 123, breadth 14 mill. Mediterranean, from the Aigean (off Crete 70-250 fms., Spratt), and Algeria to Gibraltar (MacAndrew); E. Atlantic, Vigo (Mac Andrew) ; Bay of Biscay (Travailleur). Off North Carolina coast 17-124 fms. (U. S. Fish Comm.) ; older Miocene of the Chipola Beds, Calhoun Co., Florida (Burns); Pliocene of Calabria (Seguenza). Dentalium sp. ined., very slender, MAcANDREWw, Rep. Mar. Test. Moll. N.-E. Atl., in Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci. for 1856, p. 117.— D. filum Sowersy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 89, pl. 225, f. 45, Gibraltar specimens oniy, (1860); Conch. Icon., pl. 5, f. 31 (not fig. 32).— JEFFREYS, P. Z. S., 1882, p. 660.—H1paxco, Catal. Moll. Espagne, DENTALIUM—EPISIPHON. 119 p. 148—Dat1, Blake Rep. Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 419 (1889) ; Bull. 37, U.S. Nat. Mus., p. 76; Trans. Wagner Inst., iii, p. 441 (1892).—D. gracile JeFrREys, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), vi, p. 74 (July, 1870), and (5), vi, p. 317 (1880). Not of Meek.—FiscueEr, Journ. de Conchyl., 1872, p. 140, pl. 5, f. 5.—D. rufescens (in part) WEINKAUFF, Conch. des Mitteim., il, p. 420. Fully mature shells are nearly cylindrical, the truncated and often tubiferous apex almost as wide as the larger end; the young are acicular, tapering. Color either white or faintly fulvous. Jef- freys writes: “ Mr. McAndrew tells me that the animal was of a greenish color. Not the young of D. rubescens. The present spe- cies is more regularly cylindrical, narrower and nearly equal in breadth throughout. It is curved, which shows that it is adult, the very young of all species of Dentalium being almost straight.” D. INNUMERABILE Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. Pl. 18, figs. 6, 7, 8. Shell small, but slightly curved, excessively slender, and in adults only slightly tapering; thin and fragile, glossy, the smoothness of the polished surface scarcely interrupted by delicate faint growth strie; no other sculpture. Flesh or salmon colored, fading into translucent white near the aperture, and often with some oblique white rings at irregular intervals. Aperture oval, the tube being compressed laterally. Anal orifice circular, occupying a small and short projecting pipe in most adults, but this is very short or want- ing in some examples. Length 17, antero-posterior diam. of aper- ture 0°8, lateral diam. 0°7 mill.; diam. at apex 0°6 mill. Panama Bay in 26, 29% and 51 fms. ; off Guaymas in 20 fms. ; off Lower California near Sta. Margarita Island, lat. 24° 32’, long. 177° 59 in 12 fms.; and near Cerros I., lat. 28° 12’, long. 115° 9, in 44 fms. (U. 8. Fish Commission Str. ‘ Albatross’). Like D. sowerbyi, filum and fistula, but the tube is distinctly, though not much, compressed from side to side. It occurred in great numbers in the Bay of Panama. JD. ottoi Sharp & Pilsbry (D. compressum O. Meyer, not Orbigny), is evidently a closely allied species from the Oligocene of Joachimsthal, Germany. Immature shells are more tapering, being smaller toward the apex, as usual. D. suprectuM Jeffreys. Pl. 18, fig. 5. Shell acicular or needle-shaped, thin, extremely slender, tapering almost to a point, nearly straight, translucent whitish, with the faintest reddish tint from the middle to the apex. Surface very 120 DENTALIUM—EPISIPHON. glossy, smooth, with faint growth-striz only. Aperture not oblique, circular. Anal orifice minute, circular, with thin, entire edge. Length 16, diam. of aperture 1 mill. Philippines (Cuming). D. subrectum JEFFREYS, P. Z.8., 1882, p. 661 (artfully concealed in the text under D. filum).—D. filum in B. M., and, in part, of Sow- erby. This form was considered by Sowerby the same as that he had described from Gibraltar as filum; but Jeffreys has indicated the differences recited below, which we have confirmed. Figured and described from the type, a specimen in Jeffreys’ collection, now in U.S. National Museum. Longer and proportionally broader toward the front or anterior end than D. filum [gracile Jeffr.], and consequently less slender and thread-like; also more curved. D. toneum Sharp & Pilsbry, n. sp. Pl. 18, figs. 1, 2, 3. Shell slender, the length about 15 times the greatest diameter, moderately tapering, rather strongly curved, in section circular. Surface glossy, whitish, somewhat translucent. Sculpture: faint fine growth-strie throughout, running circularly around the tube ; no longitudinal striz. Aperture circular, not oblique (fig. 3). Api- eal orifice circular, with thin walls and a wide shallow notch onthe convex side (fig. 1). Length 18:1, diam. at aperture 1:2, at apex 0-5 mill. Habitat unknown (type no. 71080, coll. A. N.S. P.). D. longum is decidedly more curved than D. fistula, sowerbyi, filum, innumerabile or subrectum; and in place of the apical sup- plemental tube generally developed in adult individuals of the for- mer four of these, our new species has an open anal orifice with a wide, shallow notch or emargination on the convex side. D. attenuatum of Sowerby, 1860 (but not D. attenwatum Say, 1824), is probably the same specifically, although as we have not had the advantage of comparing the type of that form, no positive statement can be made. The original figures and description are here given, together with some additional information obligingly furnished by Mr. Sowerby. D. attenuatum (pl. 20, fig. 28). Shell thin, tawny, polished, a little arcuate, narrower than D. inversum; apex slightly emargi- nate. A shining, pointed, very narrow species, with a very slight DENTALIUM—BATHOXIPHUS. NyALl notch at the apex. It is nearly straight. (Sowb., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 99, pl. 225, f. 40, 1860; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f. 32 (not f. 31). Length 29, greatest diam. 1:6 mill. (from figure). It is fulvous, shining, semipellucid, larger and more curved than D. filum. The figures of this species and D. filum were inadvert- ently transposed in the Conchologia Iconica. (G. B.S. in letter). D. rornatumM Watson. PI. 3, figs. 39, 40, 41. Shell small, narrow, very finely tapering, slightly, but very equably bent, strong, of a quill-like translucency and _ brilliance, Sculpture: the upper part of the shell is encircled by deep, close- set, slightly oblique grooves, which look as if they were turned in a lathe. Farther down the shell they become shallower, and cease at last rather abruptly. ‘The flat bands of the shell-surface which part them are of variable widths, and increase with the growth of the shell from about 0°011 inch to twice that amount. The front part of the shell is closely, minutely, obliquely striated in the line of growth, with here and there a very faint depression, just suggestive of the grooves above. There is besides these a faint, transverse flocculence in the substance of the shell. Mouth edge thin, not con- tracted, very slightly oblique. The apex is abruptly broken across, and there the edge of the shell is thick, and from the opening there projects a minute, round pipe about 0-008 broad and 0:012 long, slightly striated obliquely, abruptly broken off at the end. In most of the specimens only the mere stump of this delicate tube remains. Length 0°55, breadth 0:038, apex 0°018 inch ( Watson). Levuku, Fiji, 12 fms. (Challenger). D.tornatum Wars., Journ. Linn. Soe. Lond., xiv (1879); Chall. Rep., p. 13, pl. 2, f. 3. This species seems to vary a little in breadth ( Watson). Subgenus Barnoxrpuus Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Shell thin, conspicuously compressed laterally, nearly or quite smooth, with a broad slit on the convex side of apex. D. ENsIcuLUS Jeffreys. PI. 7, figs. 7, 8, 9, 10. Shell tapering, considerably and regularly curved throughout or with the latter half nearly straight. Laterally compressed or flat- tened ; thin, nearly transparent, and glossy. Sculpture: a sharp keel on both the dorsal and ventral sides (giving the appearance of a 122, DENTALIUM—BATHOXIPHUS. double-edged scimitar), becoming blunter toward the aperture in adults, besides occasionally a few slight, irregular, longitudinal keels or raised strize and concentric lines of growth. Color, clear white. Slit of moderate length and very broad, semicylindrical, placed on the convex side. The slit cuts away about half of the posterior or narrow end of the shell. Length 273, antero-posterior diam. of aperture 2, lateral diam. 1:3 mill.; Jeffreys’ type was smaller, length 0°9, breadth 0:1 inch. North Atlantic, 1450-1785 fms.; West of Ireland, 1366 fms. ; Bay of Biscay, 862 fms.; Portugal, 740-1095 fms. (Jeffr.). S.-W of Nantucket, 1825 fms.; off Chesapeake Bay, etc., 1594 fms. (U.S. Fish Comm.). Yucatan Strait, 640 fms.; near St. Vincent, 464 fms. ; off Barbados, 399 fms. (Blake). Yucatan Strait, in 1060 fms., and off Favana, 1024 fms. (Dr. W. H. Rush). Off Cape Florida, 193 fms. ; off Sombrero Island, 450 fms. (Challenger). N. of Culebra Island (Challenger, for D. didymum Wats.). D. ensiculus JEFFr., Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 154 (1877); P. Z. S., 1882, p. 660, pl. 49, fig. 4—Warson, Challenger Rep., p. 12, pl. 2, f. 2—VeERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 482 (1885).—Dat., Blake Rep., Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, p. 428, pl. 27,f.12; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 87, p. 76; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 294.—Dentalium sigsbeanum Dawu, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 88 (1881).—D. didymum Warson, Journ. Linn. Soe. Lond., xiv, p. 517 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 1Onpl, tf 14, Easily recognized by the strongly compressed form. Comparison of a full series by W. H. Dall rendered the above consolidation necessary. Mr. Smith has placed on record (Proc. Malac. Soe. Lond., i, p. 60) a list of characteristically North Atlantic mollusks, believed to have been dredged by the “Challenger” at Station 164, off Sydney, N.S, Wales, in 410 fms., including the following Scaphopods: Dentalium ensiculus, D. panormitanum [| panormum] Chenu, D. capillosum Jeffr., and Cadulus propinquus Sars or C. curtus Jeffr., the first two positively identified, the others not absolutely certain, though prob- ably correct. Taking into account the association of species of other genera, it seems to us quite incredible that these forms actually occurred at the Station alleged. It is far more likely that a locality label became misplaced. 9° DENTALIUM—COMPRESSIDENS. 123 Var. pipyMuM Watson. PI. 7, fig. 20. Shell extremely attenuated, very slightly curved, a.little flattened laterally, and that chiefly towards the convex curve, so that the form is slightly trigonal, porcellanous, pure white, brilliant. Sculp- ture: very fine, irregular scratches run around the shell, the sur- face of which is not perfectly uniform; there are very faint indica- tions of longitudinal texture, and there is in the substance of the shell a certain transverse flocculence. Towards the mouth the shell is extremely thin as usual; but towards the apex it becomes thick from the smallness of the bore, which lies not in the center, but nearer the convex curve of the shell. Length 1:08, breadth 0°6, at apex 0°04 inch. The measurement is taken from the largest of six fragments, none of which preserve the apex of the shell ( Watson). This may be a variety, distinguished by the slightly trigonal or ovate section, typical ensiculus being regularly, symmetrically ellip- tical at the aperture, as shown in fig. 7. Subgenus ComMPREsSIDENS Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Shell small, decidedly tapering, conspicuously compressed between the convex and concave sides; weakly sculptured, nearly smooth ; anal orifice simple, without slit or notch. Type D. presswm Sharp & Pilsbry. . The few species of this well-defined group inhabit widely separ- ated areas. D. pressum and ophivdon are Antillean, D. brevicornu west American, and D. platyceras Australian. The occidental forms live in deep water. Specimens of all of them have been examined in the preparation of the following pages. The figures on plate 22 are from camera lucida drawings, representing concave and lateral aspects of each species. An Oligocene member of the group is D. precursor Pilsbry & Sharp from San Domingo. It was probably an ancestor of the re- cent American species. Key to Species. I. Shell but slightly curved, strongly compressed. a. Length about 9°5 mill., about 4 times the greatest diam- eter; Panamie, brevicornu, p. 125. a’. Length 11-13 mill., about 6 to 74 times the greatest diameter ; Antillean, pressum, p. 124. 124 DENTALIUM—COMPRESSIDENS. II. Shell strongly curved, but little compressed, densely obliquely striated, the length 8°5 mill., about 43 times the greatest diam- eter, West American, simplex, p. 125. III. Shell decidedly curved, length 9 to 93 times the greatest diam., a. Length 12-16 mill., faintly finely striate longitudinally ; Antillean. ophiodon, p. 126. a’, Length 11 mill., circularly wrinkled; Australian, platycerus, p. 126. D. pressum Sharp & Pilsbry, n. n. PI. 22, figs. 50, 51, 52; pl. 7, fied Shell small, slightly and evenly curved, thin, considerably taper- ing, the tube strongly compressed between its convex and concave sides, almost subangular on the lateral sides. White, somewhat shining. Sculpture: faint, low, regular, longitudinal riblets with very shallow intervals, crossed at right angles by close, “sharp, irregular scratches in the line of growth,” bent forward on the con- cave side of the tube, which is also faintly wrinkled in the same direction toward the larger end. Aperture decidedly oblique, oval, the are along the concave side generally less curved than the rest of the peristome. Apical orifice oval, without slit or notch. Length 12, greatest diam. of aperture 2, least 1°75 mill., diam. at apex 075 mill. (S. & P. type). Length 0°45, greatest diam. at aperture 0:06, least 0°05 inch., diam. at apex 0°019 inch = 11°25, 1:5, 1:25, 0°475 mill. (Watson’s type). N. of Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). Off Cape San Antonio, in 418 fms.; near St. Vineent, in 424 fms. (Blake). Gulf of Mexico between Mississippi River delta and Cedar Keys, Fla., 111 fms. (Albatross). Thirty-three and one-half miles S. of Rebecca Shoal, lat. 24° 02’ N., long. 82° 31’ 30”, 430 fms. (Dr. W. H. Rush). D. compressum Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. London., xiv, p. 516 (1879); Chall. Rep., p. 9, pl. 1, f. 9—Datt, Bull. M. C. Z., 1x, p. 38 (1880) ; Ibid., Blake Rep., p. 426; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76. Not D. compressum Orz., Prodr. Paléont. Strat., i, p. 2383, no. 135 (1850). As Dall remarks, the posterior half of well-preserved specimens is coarsely obscurely striated. This is variable, however, in specimens of the same age and condition, and sometimes almost imperceptible. DENTALIUM—COMPRESSIDENS. 125 The strong compression from concave to convex sides is a very con- spicuous feature of the species. Ina section of the tube the are along the concave side is much less curved than the other. The pe- culiar “texture of the shell which thus seems to be built up of minute, square-faced rods laid side by side,” as Watson describes it, is not noticeable in the specimens before us. The calibre of the tube increases more rapidly than in the closely allied D. ophiodon Dall, and it is more compressed. D. BREVICORNU Sharp & Pilsbry, n.sp. PI. 22, figs. 58, 54, 55. Shell small, moderately curved, strongly compressed between the convex and concave faces, rapidly tapering, thin, buffwhite. Seuip- ture: rather inconspicuous growth-lines and wrinkles, and exces- sively shallow, hardly noticeable traces of longitudinal depressions scarcely to be called sulci. Aperture not oblique, irregularly ovate, the outer margin rounded, inner much flattened. Apex not very small, its orifice rounded-oval. Length 9°5, transverse diam. of aperture 2°2, diam. from convex to concave sides 1:7 mill., greatest diam. at apex 0°7 mill. Near Galapagos Is., 634 and 812 fms., bottom temp. 40°; off Mazatlan, 995 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission), Very closely allied to the Antillean D. pressum Sharp & Pils., but the tube increases more rapidly in calibre and is decidedly less compressed on the outer curve. Type is No. 122809, U.S. Nat. Mus., from the locality first mentioned above. D. stmpLEx Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. Pl. 27, figs. 88, 89. Shell short, decidedly curved, the bend mainly in the posterior half, very rapidly enlarging, tapering regularly from the large apert- ure to the apex; thin, bluish-white, a little translucent, more or less flecked with opaque white (by incipient surface decay), or with eroded spots. Glossy, with close, fine, distinct growth-striz, very obliquely passing around the tube, bending backward on the convex, forward on the concave side ; in most specimens also showing faint, low traces of longitudinal cords on the convex side. Aperture some- what wider than long, quite oblique, the peristome thin. Anal orifice circular, simple when perfect, but often with irregular, broken edge. Length 8°6, diam. at aperture antero-posteriorly 1°75, laterally 19 mill.; diam at apex 0°7 mill. Off Tillamook Harbor, Oregon, in 786 fms. (U.S. Fish Commis- sion ). 126 DENTALIUM—COMPRESSIDENS. Less compressed and much more arcuate than D. brevicornu, and more distinctly striated circularly. It tapers more rapidly than D. pressum and is less compressed: D. ophiodon and D. platyceras are conspicuously slenderer. The longitudinal cords are variable in prominence, sometimes hardly noticeable. When well developed they are rather coarse, and of the same character as in D. pressum. Type no. 107700 U.S. Nat. Mus. D. opHi0pon Dall. PI. 7, fig. 13; pl. 22, figs. 61, 62. Shell considerably curved, thin, slowly tapering, strongly com- pressed between the convex and concave sides. Grayish-white, some- what glossy. Sculpture: faint, fine irregular longitudinal strize with very superficial interstices, crossed by fine irregular growth striz and wrinkles, which bend forward on the concave side. Aperture irreg- ularly oval, oblique, the peristome less curved along the concave side. Apex oval. anal orifice simple, unslit. Length 15°5, greatest diam. at aperture 1°75, least 1-5 mill. Length 12:5, greatest diam. at aperture 1°3, least 1:1, diam. at apex 0°27 mill. Barbados in 100 fms. (Hassler Exped.) ; Blake stations 19-21, in 220-310 fms; 10 miles off Cuba, lat. 22° 38 40”, lon. 82° 28’ in 780 fms. (Dr. Wm. H. Rush). D. ophiodon Dau, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 427 (1881); Ibid., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 427, pl. 26, f. 9 (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 31, p../0, ple 2; aad: The tube increases less rapidly in width than in D. pressum, it is decidedly more curved, and the longitudinal sculpture is finer and fainter. Dall writes as follows: “ About the same length as the last species (D. pressum), more slender, more acute, more translucent, more curved, and without the evanescent indications of longitudinal striation ; the compression results in less tendency to angulation, and there is an evident tend- ency, in adult specimens, for the diameter at the mouth to be some- what less than at a short distance behind it,—a very marked dis- tinction as between the two. The shellis quite translucent, and very thin ; there is very little variation between the specimens. “ The flattening is most prominent a little way behind the mouth in the adult, and is best seen in an adolescent specimen.” D. PLATYCERAS Sharp & Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 22, figs. 58, 59, 60. Shell small, slightly curved, strongly tapering, dull, glossy toward the aperture, white. Sculpture of rather irregular and decidedly DENTALIUM—FUSTIARIA. U7 oblique encircling wrinkles (sometimes indistinct from superficial erosion), obsolete toward the aperture where there are fine growth strie only; no longitudinal sculpture. Aperture very oblique, oval, wider than long ; the peristome thin and fragile. Anal orifice cir- cular and simple. Length 11, antero-posterior diam. of aperture 1:1, ele to left diam. 1:25 mill. Port Stephens, New South Wales, Australia (John Brazier). Allied to D. pressum and D. brevicornu Pils. & Sharp. It is smaller and less compressed on the inner curve than the former, with no trace of longitudinal sculpture and more oblique growth: strive. Subgenus Fusrrarta Stoliczka, 1868. Fustiaria Stou., Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India, 11, p. 439; types D. eburneum Lam. and circinatum Sowb. (1868).—Pseudantalis MonrEROsATO, Nomencl. Gen. e. Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 32, for fissura Lam., inversum Dh., rubescens Dh., tenuifissa Monts. and fiduwm Sby. (1884). Shell regularly tapering, arcuate, polished; either smooth or sculptured with regular encircling grooves, dividing the surface of the tube into short oblique segments. Aperture circular. Anal orifice round or ovate. Slit a very long, straight, linear cleft on the convex side. Type D. circinatum Sowb. Soft anatomy unknown. Species Eocene to recent. Some recent authors have treated this group as of generic value; but unless we dismember Dentalium and recognize a dozen or more genera in its stead, we are obliged to rank Fustiaria as a subgenus. The more conservative course has been chosen because the anatom- ical characters of Scaphopods are still but little known; the study of the class is in its infancy. Those who come after, when scalpel and microtome have given their testimony, will be better able to decide upon the true generic groups of the Scaphopoda, than we are now, when the soft anatomy of but a handful of species belonging to two or three of the groups has been worked out. But one or two living species of Fustiaria are known; but there are numerous Tertiary forms, and perhaps some from the Cretace- ous. I. Shell annulated, D. politum. II. Shell smooth, D. stenoschizum, D. tenutfissum. 128 DENTALIUM—FUSTIARIA. D. pouitum Linné. PI. 19, figs. 18, 19, 20, 21. _ Shell slender, long, slowly tapering and regularly arcuate, polished. Sculptured with many narrow encircling grooves, parallel with the peristome, and dividing the surface into narrow, oblique segments. Aperture somewhat oblique, circular, the peristome acute. Anal orifice rounded-ovate, somewhat channelled within at the position of the slit. Slit an extremely narrow and long cleft on the convex side. Length 58, diam. aperture 49 mill. Length 39, diam. aperture 3°3 mill. Paris Basin Eocene at Grignon, etc. ; recent in Indian Seas (Desh., Hanley). Dentalium politum Linne, Syst. Nat. (12), p. 1264 (1766)—Han- LEY, Ipsa Linn. Conch., p. 438 (1855) ; SowERBy, Thes. Conch, iii, p. 99, pl. 225, f. 46; Conch. Icon., pl. 6, f. 88 (1872).—D. eburneum Sows., Genera of Shells, Dentalium, f. 6—DeEsu., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 368, pl. 17, f. 8, 9 (1825); An. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, ii, p. 215, pl. 2, f. 11-13 (1864). Not D. eburneum L.—D. subeburneum OrB., Prodr. de Paléont., 11, p. 372 (1850). This species is closely allied to D. circinatum Sowb., but is less slender. The two were formerly united by Deshayes, and Newton (Brit. Oligocene and Eocene Moll., 1891) still includes both under circinata. Whether the Eocene and living specimens referred to D. politum are identical is a question we have no means of answering, as we have seen no recent specimens. It is admitted to the modern fauna on the authority of Deshayes.and Sowerby who state that they have examined oriental recent shells, although the former in his Paris Basin Invertebrates (p. 216) thinks that Linnzeus’ shell may have been a fossil one. D. stENoscHizuM Pilsbry & Sharp, n.sp. Pl. 19, figs. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Shell rather strongly arcuate toward the smaller end, rapidly tapering, the earlier portion slender and delicate, the length about 10 times the diameter of aperture. Milk-white, somewhat translucent. Very glossy and polished throughout, and entirely without sculpture except for slight, inconspicuous annular irregularities of growth. Aperture slightly oblique, nearly circular, being a trifle compressed laterally ; peristome thin. Anal orifice circular, with thin edges. Slit extremely narrow, linear, and long, its length contained about 3% times in length of shell, situated on the convex side. DENTALIUM—FUSTIARIA. 129 Length 35, antero-posterior diam. aperture 3:4, lat. diam. 3:2 ; diam. of apex 0°6 mill. Length 34:5, antero-posterior diam. aperture 3°5, lat. diam, 3°4 ; diam. of apex 0°5 mill. West Indies. D. translucidum Desh., SowerRBy, Thes. Conch., iii, p- 98, pl. 225, f. 47 (1860) ; Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 6, f. 39 (1872). Not D.trans- lucidum Desh., 1825. Distinguished by its rapidly tapering form, the smoothness of its elittering surface, with no trace of -strize even at the apex, and the long linear slit of a Fustiaria. D. translucidum Desh. is an unslit species and less attenuated toward the apex. Types in Coll. A. N. eee. no. 71081. Fig. 13 shows the actual length of the slit. Figs. 10, 11 are en- larged ventral and dorsal views of the apex. Fig. 15 isan old shell. D. rENuIFIssuM Monterosato. Pl. 19, figs. 16, 17. This form is much like D. rubescens except that there is a very long, linear slit on the convex side. We have followed Jeffreys in treating it as a variety of D. rubescens (see p. 106) ; but the form is. more likely to prove a distinct species of Fustiaria. 130 SIPHONODENTALIID&. Family SIPHONODENTALIID &. . =Siphonopoda Sars, Gadiline Stoliczka, Siphonodentaliine Tryon, Siphonodentaliide or Siphonopodide Simroth. Scaphopoda having the foot either expanded distally in a sym- metrical disk with crenate continuous edge with or without a median finger-like projection, or simple and vermiform, without de- veloped lateral processes. The shell is small and generally smooth, often contracted towardsthe mouth. Other characters essentially as in Dentaliide. Distribution, all seas, almost exclusively in deep water. The essential character of this family is in the structure of the foot. In the Dentaliide there is an “ epipodial” sheath, which is discontinuous or interrupted on the side toward the head, and emar- ginate or deeply notched on the opposite side, being most expanded laterally ; the foot itself projecting asa well developed conic mass beyond the sheath, and with the subtriangular lateral expansions of the latter, having a more or less trifid or fleur-de-lis appearance. In the Siphonodentaliide the “ epipodium” forms a continuous disk, apparently terminal upon the foot in some forms, like a daisy on its stem; in others, with a small finger-like median process homologous with the large conic central body of the footin Dentalium. In Cadu- lus (Helonyx) clavatus (Gld.), as figured by Stimpson, no epipodium of any sort is developed. There cannot be much doubt that the shape of the epipodial disk is subject to considerable change during the process of burrowing, as its hollow or channelled structure is to some extent comparable with that of the foot of Solen and other digging Pelecypods; but so far as now known, there is no Siphonodentaloid form haying the epipodium interrupted dorsally and the foot itself well developed beyond it, as in the Dentaliide. We know of no family of like extent so imperfectly known ana- tomically as this one. With the exception of some excellent work by the Sars, father and son, a few descriptions by Jeffreys and others, and an outline drawing by Stimpson, no data have been-published. What little is known of the soft parts indicates that important re- sults may be expected from observations on a larger number of species, especially in the genus Cadulus. At present it is only possi- ble to base the genera and subgenera upon characters of the shell. For further anatomical details see the introductory portion of this work, where the distribution of the species is also discussed. ENTALINA. 131 There has been no monograph of Siphonodentaliide published, or, at least, none of any value; but a very large amount of information is contained in the works of M. and G. O. Sars, Jeffreys, Watson, Dall and Verrill. Dr. Simroth gives a very valuable general account of the group in the new edition of Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, iii, 1895. Key to genera of Siphonodentaliida. I. Shell largest at aperture, thence tapering to apex. a. Longitudinally ribbed, angular in section at least near the apex, ENTALINA, p. 181. a’. Smooth ; circular or subcircular in section throughout, SIPHONODENTALIUM, p. 135. b. Apex cut into lobes or teeth, Section Siphonodentalium. 6’. Apex simple, unslit, Section Pulsellum. II. Shell more or less swollen near the middle or anteriorly, con- tracting toward the aperture as well as tapering posteriorly, CADULUS, p. 142. a. Apex with slits or notches. b. Apex with two lateral slits, Section Dischides. b’. Apex with four or more slits, Section Polyschides. a’. Apex entire, unslit. b. Obese; both ventral and dorsal outlines convex and projecting beyond a chord connecting the adjacent lip edges, Section Cadulus s. s. b’. More slender or attenuated; ventral outline convex ; dorsal outline as a whole concave, not projecting beyond a chord connecting the ends of shell. Section Gadila. Genus ENTALINA Monterosato, 1872. Entalina Monts., Notizie intorno alle Conchiglie Fossile di Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi, p. 27, for D. quinquangulare Forbes.—Pul- sellum StoticzKa and Siphonentalis G. O. Sars, in part.—Dentalium sp. of some authors. Shell Dentaliwn-like, largest at the aperture, thence tapering to the apex ; strongly ribbed, and angular in section near the apex. Foot expanding distally into a disk with digitate periphery, and having a median process or filament. Type E. quinquangularis (Forbes). 132 ENTALINA. With the shell of Dentalium, this group combines the form of foot of Pulsellum. It differs from all other Siphonodentaliide in the strong sculpture of the shell; and in a group otherwise so constantly characterized by smooth, rounded shells, this strongly angular ex- terior is apparently as important as anything. Even though’ Cadu- lus, Siphonodentalium and their satellite groups be merged into one genus, we would still segregate Entalina. E. QUINQUANGULARIS (Forbes). Pl. 24, figs. 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. Shell small, slender, evenly and considerably tapering from base to apex, the apical half strongly curved, larger half of the tube nearly straight. Very faintly buff tinted, bluish-white in places; lusterless. Sculpture: at and near the apex five-sided and five- angled, the angle along the incurved side obtuse, the others nearly right angles; spaces between the angles flat, gradually becoming convex as the tube enlarges, the angles at the same time becoming weaker and then obsolete, so that the later third of the shell is cylin- drical; between the angles several cord-like riblets appear a short distance from the apex, and continue to the aperture, where they number about 28 or 80. Aperture quite oblique, circular in adult shells; apex minute, the orifice with simple edge or variously irreg- ularly chipped or nicked by breakage. Length 12-13, diam. at aperture 1°5 mill. Lofoten, Norway to Spain ; Mediterranean, east to the Afgean, 5 to 650 fms.; Pliocene of S. Italy and Sicily. Dentalium quinquangulare ForBES, Rep. A{gean Invert., in Rep. Brit. Asso. Ady. Science for 1843, p. 188 (1844).—SoweErBy, Thes. Conch., iii, p. 103, pl. 224, f. 33 (1860).—Siphonodentalium quin- quangulare Forbes, JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xx, p. 251 (1867); (Series 4), v, p. 442, and vi, p. 74 (1870).—WeEIn- KAUFF, Conch. des Mittelm., ii, p. 421 (1868) Arapbas & BENoIr, Conch. Viv. Mar. Sicil., p. 118 (1870).—Locarp, Prodr. Mal. Fr., in Ann. Soe. d’Agricult. Lyon, (5), ix, 1886, p. 149.—DauTzEn- BERG, Mem. Soc. Zool. France, iv, p. 609.—Siphodentalium quin- quangulare Forbes, JEFFREYS, P. Z. 8. 1882, p. 663.—Siphonentalis quinquangularis Jeffry. Carus, Prodr. Faun. Medit., p. 176.—Enta- hina quinquangulare Forbes, Monts., Nomencl. Gen. e Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 33 (1884). ENTALINA. 1838 Dentalium? (Entalina) tetragonum Broce. MonrEerRosato, Notiz. Conch. Foss M. Pellegr. e Ficarazzi, p. 27 (1872).—Siphonentalis tetragona G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 105, pl. 20, f. 13 a-¢, shell; and pl. I, f. 4, dentition (1878).—Siphodentalium tetra- gonum Brocchi, JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), vi, p. 3817 (1880). —Entalina tetragona Broce., Monts., Bull. Soc. Malae. Ital., vi, p. 64 (1880). Not Dentalium tetragonum Brocchi. “ Dentalium dentalis or quadrangulare” MacANDREW, Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci. for 1850, p. 267 (1851). Dentalium abyssorum, juv., M. Sars, Om dei Norge forekom- mende fossile Dyrelevninger fra Qvarterperioden, University Pro- gramme for 1864, p. 43, f. 107-109. Siphonodentalium pentagonum M. Sars, Forh. Vidensk.-Selska- bet i Christiania, for 1864, p. 307, pl. 7, f. 45-51 (1865). The strongly pentagonal posterior part of the shell, with rather coarse riblets between the angles, and an oblique, circular aperture, readily distinguish this from any Dentalium. The soft parts, as figured by M. Sars (see pl. 14, figs. 30, 37, 38) have the characters of Siphonodentalium. The very young have a bulbous, pear-shaped nucleus, as in Dentalium. Jeffreys states that “the terminal notches, usually one on each side, agree with those in most species of Siphodentalium. Some Norwegian specimens have five notches, and are jagged like S. vitrewm.” The specimens we have seen are either even-edged or irregularly jagged at the apex. We have compared specimens of FE. platamodes Watson, and consider it sufficiently distinct. E. PLATAMODES (Watson). PI. 23, figs. 3, 4, 5. Shell small, solid, finely tapered, curved, especially toward the apex, five-sided, with four sharp corners, which are nearly right angles, and one very obtuse angle along the concave curve; these all tend to disappear toward the apex, the young shell being rounded. Sculpture: the angles of the shell project more or less in a sharp rounded rib, which is sometimes double; there are a few longitudi- nal striz, regular, 0‘01 inch apart, strongest near the angles, more or less obsolete as they recede from these. Neither end is fresh enough for description. Length 0°47 inch, breadth 0-049 inch. ( Watson). North of Culebra Island, West Indies, lat. 18° 38’ 30” N., long. 65° 5’ 30" w., 390 fms. (Challenger) ; Florida Strait, 33% miles S. of 134 ENTALINA. Rebecca Shoal, lat. 24° 02’, long. 82° 31’ 30” in 430 fms. (Wm. H. Rush). Siphodentalium platamodes Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 519 (1879) ; Chall. Rep. Scaph. and Gastr., p. 18, pl. 2, fi 4— Dentalium platamodes Dawu, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 37, p. 76 (1889). I have hesitated a good deal in separating this from Siphodental- ium tetragonum Broe.=quinquangulare KE. For., with which it agrees more closely than with Stphodentalium pentagonum Sars. Here, however, the longitudinal ribs are much closer, as well as much more obsolete ; the shell is more curved throughout its whole length, is more attenuated, and retains its square form and sharp angles instead of becoming rounded as in S. tetragonum Brocchi. Amidst all the variations of that very variable form I have not seen any that connect it with this species (Watson). It may be added that the specimens dredged by Dr. Rush confirm the distinctions between this species and the preceding. K. MIRIFICA (Smith). PI. 20, fig. 29. Shell small, strongly curved and acuminate toward the apex, quadrate tubular, wider along the inner curve than along the outer ; longitudinally delicately striate, very delicately sculptured with growth-lines ; subconecave between the angles. Length 19, greatest diam. 23 mill. (Smith). Off Trincomalee, Ceylon, 200-350 fms. Dentalium mirificum E. A. Surry, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xvi, p. 9,pl. 2, f.1 (duly, 1895). This little species is remarkable for the sharply curved end and the subquadrate form. The four angles are acute at the tip, but gradually become obtuse as the shell increases. ‘The incurved side is the broadest of all, and up the middle of it, especially towards the apex, there is a raised striation more conspicuous than the rest. This is so prominent at the end that, when viewed with the opening towards the eye, five angles are visible. The two angles on the ex- curved side, which is the narrowest of all, become almost obsolete near the aperture. The form of the aperture, owing to the greater width and flatness of the incurved side, is very like the letter D. Siphodentalium quinquangulare Forbes is a much more slender species, and more circular in section near the aperture. SIPHONODENTALIUM. 135 I have placed this species temporarily in Dentaliwm, as the tips of the four specimens examined are all damaged. Possibly more perfect examples may exhibit slits as in Siphodentaliwm (Smith). The single specimen we have seen (in Coll. U. S. Nat. Mus.) is so similar to E. quinquangularis that we adopt Mr. Smith’s suggestion that it may belong near that species. The apical slitting is a vari- able character, and rarely developed in Entalina. Genus SIPHONODENTALIUM M. Sars, 1859. Siphonodentalium M. Sars, Forh. Videnskabs-Selskabet i Chris- tiania, Aar 1858, p. 52 (1859). Om Siphonodentalium vitreum, etc., Univ. Programme for 1861.—G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 103, restricted to S. vitreum. Siphodentaliwum MonrERosaTo, Journ. de Conchyl., 1874, p. 258, and in subsequent papers.—JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xix, p.155 (1877), and in later papers.— W atson, Challenger Report on Seaphopoda (1886). Siphonodontum or Tubidentaliwum Locarp, Prodr. Mal. Fr. in Ann. Soc. d’Agricult. Lyon, 1886, p. 149, footnote; emendations of Sip honodentalium. Shell an arcuate, slightly tapering tube, largest at the aperture, circular or nearly so in section, and smooth externally. Apex rather large, typically slit into lobes, but sometimes simple. Foot - capable of expanding into a terminal disk. Type S. lobatwm. A widely distributed genus of few species, confined to deep water except in high latitudes. G. O. Sars divides Siphonodentalium into two groups: Siphono- dentalium (restricted), in which the apex of the shell is cut into lobes (pl. 28, fig. 12), and the terminal pedal disk is concave in the middle, without a central process (pl. 23, figs. 9, 18). Siphonentalis Sars, having the apex of the shell entire (pl. 24, fig. 42), and the terminal disk of the foot convex in the middle, with a long central process (pl. 24, fig. 40). This division is based upon too few species to warrant the adop- tion of two genera; the more as we have found the development of slits to be a feature of minor importance in other groups of Scapho- poda. Key to Species of Siphonodentalium. I. Apex with slits. a. Slowly tapering; apex 6-lobed; length 10 mill., lobatwm. 136 SIPHONODENTALIUM. a. Rapidly tapering ; apex with at least two slits; length 5:5 mill., tytthum. a”. Apex 2-slit, the clefts dorsal and ventral; length 8-9 mill., teres. II. Apex simple, unslit. a. Atlantic and Mediterranean species. b. White, but slightly pellucid ; aperture 3 times as wide as apex ; length 6 mill or less, lofotense. b’. Very pellucid, smooth; aperture twice the width of apex ; length 4°5 mill., affine. b”. Transparent, obliquely banded with opaque white ; sharply scratched with minute transverse strize ; length 3 mill., pusillum. a. From Torres Strait. Very gradually tapering, translucent and transparent in alternate bands; excessively minute longitudinal striz ; length about 3°5 mill., eboracense. Section SrPHONODENTALIUM (restricted). S. LOBATUM (Sowerby). PI. 23, figs. 8 to 21. Shell cylindric, very smooth and glossy, thin, pellucid, glassy ; arcuate ; slowly tapering from the aperture to a rather large apex, which is cut into six lobes or teeth: a subtriangular one on each side, two contiguous lobes on the convex side (figs. 14, 19), and two very short lobes on the concave side (fig. 18). Aperture circular, oblique. Length 10 mill. Arctic Ocean from Spitzbergen and Novaia Zembiia to Finmark (Sars and others); North Atlantic between Faroes and Orkney Is., 560 fms. ; off coast of Portugal, 740-1095 fms. (Lightning and Por- cupine Expeditions); Gulf of St. Lawrence, 150-200 fms. (White- aves); Gulf of Maine and off Martha’s Vineyard (U.S. Fish Com- mission ). Dentalium vitreum M. Sars, Nyt Mag. f. Naturvidenskaberne, vi, p- 178 (1851). Not Dentalium vitreum Gmel. Syst. Nat. (138), p. 4739. Siphonodentalium vitreum M. Sars, Forh. Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christ., Aar 1858, p. 52 (1859); Om Siph. vit.,en ny Slegt og Art af Dentalidernes Familie, Universitets-Program for forste Halvaar, 1861, pp. 29, pl. 1-3 (except figs. 78-81) ; Om de i Norge Forekom- mende Fossile Dyrelevninger fra Qvarterperioden, Univ. Progr., for 1864, p. 42, pl. 3, f. 99 (1865).—G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. SIPHONODENTALIUM. 137 Norv., p. 103, pl. 7, f. 2 a-c, and pl. I, f. 2 (radula).—VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., v, p. 557, pl. 42, f. 19; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., iii, p. 394. Siphodentalium vitreum M. Sars, JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xix, p. 155 (1877); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 662. Dentalium lobatum G. B. Sowersy, Jr., Thes. Conch., iii, p. 100, f. 44 (1860); Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 5, f. 36 (1872).—CLEssIN, Conchyl. Cab., p. 15, pl. 4, f. 6 (1896).—* D..labiatum Sow.” in Zoological Record for 1877, Moll., p. 79. The well-known name vitrewm being preoccupied, we have been compelled to substitute dobatwm Sowerby, which applies to exactly the same form, as Jeffreys and others have recognized. Jeffreys describes the soft parts as follows: ‘‘ Body whitish, gela- tinous, and nearly transparent ; mantle rather thick, forming a collar round the foot; tentacles thread-like, very slender, and having oblong tips or bulbs; they are not numerous, but extensile and irre- gular in length, issuing from underneath the edge of the mantle: foot cylindrical, extensile, and attaining a length equal to that of the shell ; when at rest it is conical; but the point fully stretched out expands into a round and somewhat concave disk with serrated or notched edges; excretal fold or tail at the narrowest end of the shell, tubular, and having the front split open and exposed diagonally ; edges jagged ; externally covered with very fine and close set cilia ; liver dark-brown ; ovary lemon color.” S. TYTTHUM Watson. PI. 23, fig. 2. Shell minute, very conical, 7. ¢., broadening rapidly, much bent» very thin, but not hyaline, apparently horny when living, and be- coming opaque when dead, and then also glossy but not brilliant. Sculpture: some very faint traces of circular striz on the lines of growth. Mouth-edge very thin and chipped. Apex broken, but in one specimen showing the two lateral clefts common in the genus. Length 0:22 inch., breadth at mouth 0°049; at apex 0°018 inch. ( Watson). North of Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium tytthwnm Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc., xiv, p. 520 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 14, pl. 2, f. 5. In texture and general form this is like S. vitreum Sars, but it broadens much faster and is more curved. (Watson). There is apparently no contraction toward the aperture. 138 SIPHONODENTALIUM. Group of S. teres. S. TEREs Jeffreys. Pl. 26, fig. 72. Shell cylindrical, gradually tapering to the basal point or poste- rior extremity, gently curved, thin, glossy, and semitransparent. Sculpture, none except fine and numerous lines of growth; color whitish ; mouth circular; apex slightly but distinctly notched above and below. Length 0°35, breadth 0°05 inch. (Jeffreys). North Atlantic, (‘ Porcupine’ Stations 16, 17, 17a). Siphodentalium teres JEFFR., P. Z. 8., 1882, p. 661, pl. 49, f. 5. The position of the terminal notches in this species differs from that of the slits in Dischides, being placed one on the convex and the other on the concave end of the shell in S. teres, instead of being bilateral as in thatshell. (Jeffreys). Section PutsELitum Stoliczka, 1868. Pulsellum Srou., Cret. Fauna of S. India, ii, p. 441, for S. lofo- tense, affine and pentagonum=quinquangulare——FIscHER, Manuel de Conchyl., p. 894. Siphonentalis G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 104 (1878), for S. lofotensis, S. affinis and S. tetragona=quinquangulare. Siphonodentalis [sic] CLesstn, in Systemat. Conchylien-Cabinet, vi, Heft xi, 424te Lieferung, p. 30 (1896). Similar to Siphonodentalium except that the shell has no apical slits and the foot-disk bears a terminal filament. Type S. lofotense Sars. The name Pulsellwm was proposed for the same three species upon which Siphonentalis was founded a decade later. Meantime, Mon- terosato had removed S. quinquangulare to his new genus Entalina, leaving S. lofotense and affine to bear the earlier name. The addi- tional species now placed here are of uncertain affinities; and the posterior simplicity may in some cases be the result of loss of teeth by breakage, which is frequent enough in Siphonodentaliide with lobed apices to pretty thoroughly vitiate any attempt to draw hard and fast lines using the slits as a basis. S. LOFOTENSE M. Sars. PI. 24, figs. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. Shell rather solid, white, but little pellucid, cylindrical, smooth ; growth-strize somewhat oblique, moderately conspicuous; form nar- rowly subarcuate, moderately attenuated toward the apex. Aper- SIPHONODENTALIUM. 139° ture nearly three times the width of apical orifice. Length as much as 6 mill. (G. O. Sars). Lofoten Is. and other places from Christiania fjord to Haswig in Finmark, 30-3800 fms. (Sars and others); Hebrides and Shetland, 40-140 fms. (Jeffreys) ; Clyde district and Lismore (Chaster and Heathcote) ; West of Ireland in 90-1630 fms. ; Bay of Biscay, 227- 1095 fms.; Vigo Bay, 20 fms. (Porcupine Exped.); Gulf of Gas- cony, 60-80 fms. (Folin) ; Mediterranean and Algean Seas, 50-1456 fms. (Porcupine, Acton, Spratt, Monts.) ; Off New England, 500 fms. (Verrill) ; Pliocene of Calabria and Sicily. Siphonodentalium lofotense M. Sars, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania, 1864, p. 29, pl. 6, f. 29-33 (1865)—Jrrrreys, Nature, i, p. 135; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xx, p. 250 (1867); (A), ii, pp. 299, 301 (1868); v, p. 442 (1870); vi, p. 74 (1870); Brit. Conch., v, 195, pl 101, f..2; Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond= xxv, p. 199. Siphodentalium lofotense Sars, JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), mip. 156 (1877); (©), vi, p. 317 (1880); xi, p. 395 (1883); BP. Z. S., 1882, p. 662.—Siphonodentaliwm lofotensis Sars, ARADAS & Ben- ort, Conch. Viv. Mar. Sicilia, p. 118 (1870).—Siphonentalis lofo- tensis M. Sars, G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 104, pl. 20, f 1la-b; pl. I, f. 3, (1878).—VeErRriL1t, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus,, iu, p. 395; Amer. Journ. Sci., xx, 1880, p. 392; Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., v, p. 508.—Pulsellum lofotense Sars, CHASTER & HEATHCOTE, Journ. of Conch., vii, p. 304. Specimens from the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean are usually much smaller than those from more northern seas. (Jef- freys). Jeffreys remarks: “The shell may easily be passed (as it was by me) for the young Dentalium entalis; but it is more curved and eylindricai, the mouth and corresponding lines of growth slope back- wards, and the margin of the posterior orifice is regularly jagged (having two slight notches on each side), and this extremity does not form a bulbous point in the fry. One of the characters given by Sars (“ margine aperture posterioris integro”) should be amended. My observation of the animal agreed with his, except that the foot is vermiform and has a fine point, the disk being expanded and assuming the shape of a flower only when the Siphonodentalium wishes to obtain a fulerum and keep its place inthesand. The foot of Nucula and Leda is somewhat similar, its disk when expanded resembling the leaf of a palm.” 140 SIPHONODENTALIUM. 8. arrive M. Sars. Pl. 24, figs. 45, 46, 47. Shell thin, very pellucid, shining, very smooth, the growth striz but slightly visible; cylindric, slightly subarcuate, a little tapering toward the apex; aperture about twice the width of the apex, which is circular with entiremargin. Length 43 mill. (G. O. Sars). Finmark and Lofoten Is., 100-3800 fms. (Sars); West of Ireland, 1215-1380 fms., and Channel slope, 690 fms. (Porcupine) ; Bedford Basin, near Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 35 fms. (Verrill). Siphonodentalium affine M. Sars, Forh. Videns. Selskabet Christ- iania for 1864, p. 3800, pl. 6, f. 34, 35 (1865).—Siphodentalium affine M. Sars, JEFFREYs, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 156 (1877); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 661.—Siphonentalis affinis M. Sars, G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 104, pl. 20, f. 12 (1878).—VERRILL, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., iii, p. 395; Trans, Conn. Acad., v, p. 558, pl. 42, f. 20u, 6. Not the young of S. vitreum [lobatum], which in all stages of growth is more conical and not so cylindrical as S. affine; and the point is also different. The present species is not half the size of S. teres, and is much less slender and tapering. (Jeffreys). S. pusttLuM Watson. PI. 23, fig. 6. Shell minute, attenuated, slightly bent, thin, transparent, irregu- larly banded with opaque white, which runs elliptically round the shell. Sculpture: there is no trace of longitudinal striz, but the whole surface is sharply scratched with minute transverse stric, which run (as usual) not directly round the shell, but advance on the concave and retreat on the convex curve. Length 0:12 inch., breadth at small end 0°01; at broad end 0:02. ( Watson). Palma, Canaries, 1125 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium pusillum Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 520 (1879); Chall. Rep., p. 14, pl. 2, f. 6. The specimens are young, and both ends are chipped. It is straighter and more tumid than Dentalium filum Sow. (in part),= Dentalium gracile Jeffr., but more curved and broader than the young of D. capillosum Jeftr. It is much larger, more tumid, and straighter for the same length than Siphodentalium lofotense Sars. ( Watson). S. EBORACENSE Watson. PI. 26, fig. 75. Shell small, narrow, tapering very gradually throughout, toward the apex bent, thin, brilliant, translucent, and transparent in alter- SIPHONODENTALIUM, 141 nate bands. Sculpture: there are a few remote, irregular oblique, transverse striz; in the young shell the whole surface is covered with longitudinal strize, excessively minute (0°0005 in. apart), sharp and regular, but which seem very easily rubbed off (on two specimens they are barely traceable), and which disappear towards the mouth. The mouth is round, very oblique, sharp, and thin. The apex is minute, and is broken straight across, and somewhat chipped. Length 0°185 inch., breadth 0:024 ; at apex,0:008 inch. (Watson). Torres Strait, Cape York, N. E. Australia, 3-11 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium eboracense Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 523 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 17, pl. 2, f. 10. Than Siphodentalium prionotum Wats., this is smaller, straighter, but toward the apex more bent, not narrowed at the mouth; smaller at the apex, and the whole texture of the shell is different. Than Siphodentalium vitreum Sars, this is less cylindrical, is not con- tracted toward the mouth, and is much smaller toward the apex. ( Watson). SIPHONODENTALIUM (?) N. sp. PI. 28. figs. 6, 7, 8, 9. A species of Siphonodentalium, or an immature Cadulus allied to C. dalli, is represented in the Jeffreys collection, U. S. Nat. Mus., ~ by two individuals, the smaller of which is figured on pl. 28, figs. 6, 7, lateral and convex aspects, figs. 8, 9 representing the larger shell. The surface is smoothish and polished, with perceptible growth-striz ; hyaline, with some obliquely encircling white lines; section subcir- cular, a mere trifle compressed vertically. Apex with two lobes or teeth on the convex side, but apparently broken along the line of growth on the concave side from one lateral slit to the other, so that the number of teeth upon this margin is unknown; both specimens being alike in this particular. Length 3:3, mill. ; diam. at aperture 0°6 x 0°64, at apex 0°26 mill. (figs. 6, 7). Length 4-4 mill.; diam. at aperture 0°6 x 0°62, at apex 0:26 x 0°28 mill. (apical teeth broken ; figs. 8, 9). Korea, in 54 fms. (St. John). U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 107705. The material is too imperfect for generic determination, although taking locality into consideration, the specific form should be recog- nized from the above details when again encountered. 142 CADULUS. Genus CADULUS Philippi, 1844. Includes Cadulus Phil., Gadila Gray, Gadus auct., Helonyx Stimp., Dischides Jeffr., Loxoporus Jeffr., Polyschides P. & S. Tubular, circular or oval in section ; somewhat arcuate; varying from cask-shaped to acicular; more or less bulging or swollen near the middle or above, contracting toward the aperture. Surface smooth or delicately striated. The genus Cadulus, as we use that term, contains species of a great variety of shapes, and with various apical modifications, but having in common an inflated bulging shell which contracts more or less in caliber near the aperture as well as posteriorly. It is this anterior constriction which separates Cadulus from Siphonodental- ium. In some species of all the sections of the genus, a circular rib is developed within the apical orifice, while others lack it. This strue- ture is not, therefore, characteristic of the typical division only, as some authors have claimed. The subdivision of Cadulus by conchological characters (and there are as yet no adequate data upon the soft anatomy), is attended with difficulties; but as the size of the genus and the heterogeneous nature of its contents render some subdivision a convenience, the following scheme is offered. The recognition of Gadila is an expedient of doubtful utility, for there are no very definite features separating it from the typical forms of Cadulus. The other sections are probably natural groups, although when the teeth are broken off, not an unusual accident, their differential characters are no longer apparent. It is hardly necessary to warn the investigator against this pitfall; but we may perhaps be allowed to beg indulgence lest we may not in every case have avoided it ourselves. Key to sections of Cadulus. I. Apex with slits or notches. a. Apex with two lateral slits only, Section Dischides, p. 143. _ a’. Apex with four or more slits, Section Polyschides, p. 146. II. Apex entire, unslit. a. Obese; both ventral and dorsal outlines convex and project- ing beyond a chord connecting the adjacent lip edges, Section Cadulus s. s., p. CADULUS—DISCHIDES. 143 a’. More slender or attenuated ; ventral outline convex ; dorsal outline as a whole concave, not projecting beyond a chord connecting the ends of shell, Section Gadila, p. Section Discurprs Jeffreys, 1867. Dischides JkrrR., Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist. (8), xx, p. 251 (in text). Gadus “ Rang,” DesHayes, Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin de Paris, ii, p. 217, 1864, (in part) for G. parisiensis [= C. denticulatus Dh.], G. bilabiatus [=C. bifissuratus Dh.], and G. brevis Dh. Shell rather slender, not much bulging ; apex cut into an anterior and a posterior lobe by two deep lateral slits, one on each side. Type C. (Dischides) politus S. V. Wood. Distribution: Recent in both the Atlantic and Pacific; Paris Basin Eocene to Pliocene of Europe. Jeffreys describes the soft parts of C. politus as follows; Body whitish, gelatinous; mantle rather thick, forming a collar round the front opening of the shell ; captacu/a issuing from within the mantle, numerous, capable of so great an extension as to exceed the shell in length; stalks very slender; terminal bulbs oval; foot cylindrical and narrow, protruded from the middle of the mouth as from a sheath; it is occasionally thrust out in a darting manner and suddenly withdrawn, and so swiftly that the point of the foot could not be observed; the foot is usually curved towards the puvint ; anal tube protruded beyond the narrower end or extremity of the shell; it consists of an outer and inner part, the latter being folded to suit the slit on each side; gills rather short, of a brownish color. Key to species of Dischides. I. Slender, but little contracted anteriorly, the length of shell 8 or 9 times its greatest diameter. a. Slits at apex narrow and deep; tube contracting quite noticeably and suddenly near aperture ; length 7°6 mill., about 92 times the greatest diam., politus. a’. Slits wide and triangular ; tube very little contracted to- ward the aperture; length 9:2 mill., about 83 times the greatest diam., belcheri. a’. A shallow, rounded hollow on each side of apex; tube gently contracted at mouth; length 82 mill. about 83 times the greatest diam., prionotus. 144 CA DULUS—DISCHIDES. II. Considerably contracted anteriorly; slits deep and narrow; length 9 mill., about 63 times the greatest diam., dichelus. C. potitus (Searles Wood). PI. 27, figs. 90, 91, 92, 93, 94. Shell small and slender, thin, arcuate, considerably tapering; translucent bluish-white, with many unequal obliquely transverse lines and bands of opaque-white. Sculpture of fine, inconspicuous growth-striz, running obliquely around the tube. Near the aperture the tube contracts quite noticeably. Aperture oblique, round-oval, a trifle wider than long; peristome thin and simple. Apex bilabi- ate, narrowly and deeply slit on each side, edges of the apical lobes bevelled. Length 7°6, greatest diam. antero-posteriorly 0°81, laterally 0°81 mill. ; aperture, greatest diam. 0°67, least 0°63 mill.; diam. at apex 0°31 mill. Mediterranean, from Sicily to Gibraltar. Atlantic: Morocco; Can- aries; Portugal at Setubal Bay; Gulf of Gascony; Benzert Road, Adventure Bank. Pliocene, Coralline Crag, England ; Italy. Ditrupa polita 8. V. Woon, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ix, p. 459, pl. 5, f. 14 (August, 1842). ?? Dentalium pusillum Putix., Enum. Moll. Sicil., i, p. 245 (1836), li, p. 206 (1844). Dentalium coarctatum Putt., Enum. Moll. Sicil., 1, p. 208 (1844), not of Lam. Dentalium levigatum DE RAYNEVAL, v. D. HecKE & Ponzi, Catal. foss. du Mont Mario, Versailles, 1854 (not seen by us). Not D. levigatum Schlotheim, 1830. Dentalium bifissum 8. V. Woop, Crag Moll., i, p. 190, pl. 20, f. 3, a-b (1848). Dischides bifissum [us] Wood, JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. N. H. (8), xx, p. 251 (1867); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 663.—ARap. & BEn., Conch. Mar. Sicil., p. 117 (1870).—We1nkaurr, Conch. des Mittelm., ii, p. 421 (1868).—Monrs., Nom. Gen. e Spee. Conch. Med., p. 34 (1884). Dischides olivi Se., JEFFREYs, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vi, July, 1870, p. 73. The anterior contraction is much more abrupt than in Dischides belcheri or D. brevis. CC. bifisswratus is a stouter, larger shell. The present species was first well defined as Ditupa polita, but this name has since been forgotten, and olivi, coarctatum and bifissum have been CADULUS—DISCHIDES. 145 used. There is a good deal of doubt about Philippi’s D. pusillum ; so much that in the absence of a sufficient diagnosis it need not pre- judice the use of Searles Wood’s name polita, unmistakably fixed as it is by a sufficient diagnosis and good figures. C. BELCHER! Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. Pl. 26, figs. 84, 85, 86, 87. Shell small, moderately arcuate but the bend mainly posterior, tapering, slightly swollen above the middle, and thence a very little contracted to the aperture. Thin, translucent whitish, slightly flecked with opaque posteriorly. Smooth and glossy, growth-strize being hardly apparent under the lens. Aperture nearly circular, but a trifle shorter than wide, the peristome oblique, thin. Anal end bilabiate, with a wide triangular fissure on each side. Length 9°2, diam. at aperture 95x 1-0; at greatest girth 1:05 x 1:08; at apex 0°4 x 04 mill. North Pacific (Sir E. Belcher!). Less abruptly contracted anteriorly and with more open lateral slits than C. politus Wood. This is the form mentioned by Jeffreys in P. Z.S., 1882, p. 663. Type is no. 107703 U. S. Nat. Mus., formerly in Jeffreys’ collection. C. dichelus is a stouter species. C. picHELus (Watson). PI. 26, fig. 73. Shell long, slightly swollen at about three-fifths of its length; the swelling bulges on the concave curve, but the convex curve is un- interrupted ; between these two curves it is compressed by one-sixth of its breadth, a little contracted in front, bent and attenuated to- ward the apex; thin, brilliant, white, almost hyaline, with a few minute, transverse, curdy streaks, but weathering to opaque. There is an opaque band round the apex. Sculpture: most faint and delicate microscopic scratches on the lines of growth, with a minute transverse flocculence and some vague indication of longitudinal texture in the substance of shell. The mouth is large, very oblique, with a smoothly rounded edge, which is sharp on the inner margin ; both it and the posterior opening are oval. The apex, which is small, is split on either side by a deep, narrow, slightly widening, smooth, clean-cut, but not perfectly regular cleft, which is evidently carried down the shell as the growth of the animal demands, for it cuts across the transverse strive, as Mr. Searles Wood remarks is the case with Siphodentalium (Dischides) bifissum. Within the opening a short, minute, longitudinal, rib-like process projects along the 10 146 CADULUS—POLYSCHIDES. middle of the posterior (7. e. convex curve) wall ; a little farther in, a thin, narrow, circular callus runs round the opening. Length 0°35 in. breadth at mouth 0:032; broadest 0°055; apex 0:022. (Watson). Levuka, Fiji, 12 fms, (Challenger). Siphodentalium dichelum Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 521 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 15, pl. 2, f. 7. This is much larger than S. tetraschistum Wats., and much less cylindrical, being much more contracted towards the mouth. The posterior internal rib is a curious feature. It shows through the shell like a crack or depression, but is a true internal rib ( Watson). C. prionotus (Watson). PI. 26, fig. 74. Shell long, narrow, tapering, gently contracted at the mouth, slightly bent throughout; rather strong, polished, but hardly bril- liant, translucent white. Sculpture: very faintly transversely stri- ated on the surface, and a very minute flocculence in the same direc- tion in the texture. For the breadth of the shell the mouth is large, perfectly round, oblique, with a smoothly rounded edge, which is sharp on its inner margin. ‘The apex is small, much chipped, but that in such a way as in all the specimens to produce a shallow rounded hollow on either side, with a sharp, projecting point before and behind. Within the opening a short excessively minute riblet runs out along the middle of the posterior wall; it shines through the shell like a depression, being a little more transparent than the shell-wall. Length 0°328 in. breadth at mouth 0:028; greatest 0°039 ; at apex 0:013 inch. (Watson). | Raine Island, Cape York, N. E. Australia, 155 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium prionotum Warts., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 522 (1879); Chall. Rep., p. 16, pl. 2, f. 9. This species differs from the previous [dichelus] in being much narrower and having no swelling. From Siphodentalium tetraschis- tum Wats. it differs in being more elongated, more attenuated be- hind, and in the character of the posterior opening. (Watson). Section PoLyscuipEs Pilsbry & Sharp, 1897. Shell inflated above the middle or not much bulging; apex cut into a number of lobes, generally four, by as many slits. Type C. (Polyschides) tetraschistus W ats. CADULUS—POLYSCHIDES. 147 This group differs from Siphonodentalium in having the tube con- tracted toward the aperture; from Dischides in the greater number of terminal lobes, and from Cadu/us in the presence of slits at the apex. The typical forms have four teeth, dorsal and ventral, and on each side; in a few species the apex is differently incised, hav- ing two symmetrically placed side-slits as in Dischides, deeper than those above and below. OC. dalli Pilsbry & Sharp from off western Patagonia, and C. parisiensis (Deshayes) from the Parisian Eocene represent this type, which is about intermediate between Polyschides and Dischides, if not actually nearer the latter group. Immature specimens have the characters of Siphonodentalium; and when the apical lobes are broken off the shell is like the Gadila or Helonyx manifestations of Cadulus. Polyschides species of the typical quadridentate form appear numerously in the Eocene, together with species of the type of 0. dalli and of Dischides. Key to Spectes. I. Shell slowly tapering, hardly inflated, the apertural contrac- tion slight and short ; apex large, cut into 4 bevelled teeth by 4 subequal slits ; length 63-10 mill., about 7 times the greatest diameter. a. West Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico species, tetraschistus, quadridentatus, incisus, p. 148. a. Californian species, quadrifissatus, p. 150. II. Shell quite noticeably or strongly inflated, with marked con- traction toward aperture ; apex 4-slit or notched ; known spe- cies West Atlantic. a. Small, moderately swollen, fusiform, with a long, gentle taper toward each end; teeth large; length 5 to 5.6 mill., 53 times greatest diam., tetrodon, p. 151. a’. Larger, moderately swollen anteriorly, attenuated poste- riorly, circular in section throughout; length 73-10 mill., 6 times greatest diam., more or less; 4 short teeth, carolinensis, p. 152. a’. Large and stout, the greatest inflation at the anterior third ; aperture broad-elliptical ; 4 rounded apical teeth ; length 15 mill., about 44 times the greatest diam., grandis, p. 154. 148 CA DULUS—POLYSCHIDES. a”, Large, strongly swollen close to the oblique, markedly contracted and oval aperture; a moderately deep apical notch on each side and smaller ones above and below ; length 22 mill., 52 times the greatest diameter, spectabilis, p. 153. III. Moderately inflated anteriorly ; apex with a deeper notch on each side, the margin along convex side subdivided into 2, that along concave side into 3 rounded teeth; length 11-14 mill., about 53 times the greatest diam. Off west coast Patagonia, dalli, p. 155. C. rETRASCHISTUS (Watson). PI. 23, fig. 1. Shell cylindrical, tapering, bent and attenuated from about the middle to the apex ; toward the mouth very slightly contracted. It is rather strong, and has the dull gloss and white translucency of a quill. There are two opaque bands round the apex. Sculpture: There are traces, exceedingly faint, of fine close-set strise, which run elliptically round the shell on the lines of growth, and in some lights there is just a reflection as of some sort of remote longitudinal texture (very like that in Siphodentalium (Dischides) bifissum Wood). The edge of the mouth slopes backward very obliquely from the concave to the convex side of the shell; it is thick, and all round it is smoothly rounded off. The apex projects on the convex side of the shell, and is split by four opposite, shal- low, unequal, irregular, rough-edged, gaping clefts, so arranged as to leave the teeth at the convex and concave curves and at the two sides. The bands round the apex are two narrow, callus-like inter- nal ribs. Length, 0°298 inch ; breadth at mouth, 0:03 ; at broadest, 0°035; at apex, 0°017 inch ( Watson). Anchorage off Fernando Noronha, 25 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium tetraschistum Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv; p. 521 (1879); Chall. Rep:, p: 15, pl..2, £38: Siphonodentalium quadridentatum Datu, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, p. 36 (July, 1881)—Cadulus quadridentatus Dau, Blake Gas- tropoda, p. 428, pl. 27, f. 5 (1889) ; Trans. Wagner Inst. Sei., iii, p. 445 (1892); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76, pl. 41, f. 20 (1889); Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 295 —C-. incisus Busn, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vi, p. 471, pl. 45, f. 20 (June, 1885). C. tetraschistus is the senior or earliest-described member of a group of closely allied forms having similar 4-cleft apices, from the CADULUS—POLYSCHIDEFS. 149 western Atlantic, extending off the east coast of the United States to the island Fernando Noronha off Brazil, and with one representa- tive in the Pacific (California). The Atlantic forms differ from one another only in size and length of the teeth ; and seem to us to be merely local races or subspecies rather than of specific rank. As others may prefer to retain the several forms as species, we give be- low full information upon them with the original diagnoses. Var. QUADRIDENTATUS (Dall). PI. 23, fig.7; pl. 28, figs. 1-5. Shell moderately arcuate, the bend greater posteriorly, not much tapering; milky-bluish, glassy, smooth, the growth-striz very slight ; gradually increasing to a point quite near the aperture, thence slightly contracted. Greatest diameter contained about 7 times in the length of shell. Tube nearly circular in section, slightly com- pressed vertically. Aperture very oblique, transversely oval. Apex cut into four rather conic teeth, which toward their points are bevelled at the outside edges, by four deep slits; the tooth on con- vex side longest, the other three subequal in length, that on the con- cave side widest and obtuse. Length 9°75, diam. at aperture 1:0 x 1:1; diam. at largest 1:32 x 1°38; diam. at apex 0°75 x 0°76 mill. (specimen from Florida Strait). Largest specimen of a series from off Cape Fear, 9 mill. long; smallest adult 6°6 mill. Bermuda (Heilprin) ; Cape Hatteras (U.S. F. C., Rush) south to west coast of Florida, 30 fms. (Pourtalés) ; Fernando Noronha; and mouth of the Rio la Plata, in 103 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission) ; Pliocene of Caloosahatchie River, Florida. The differences between C. tetraschistus, C. quadridentatus and C. incisus seem to be pretty well covered by the variations observed among individuals dredged off the southeastern U.S. We do not see that there is any considerable or sufficient difference, when the measurements of all are compared. C. quadridentatus may be con- sidered a large race or subspecies, and C. incisus a form intermedi- ate-between the two extremes. As to contour, they are all prac- tically alike. The specimen figured by Dall has the teeth abnor- mally obtuse, probably from old age and wear. Watson’s figure of tetraschistum does not show the tooth on convex side as long as it is in perfect North American specimens. We repeat here Dall’s original description, and give a copy of his figure, pl. 23, fig. 7. 150 CA DULUS—POLYSCHIDES. “This species is best described by comparing it with S. tetraschis- tum Watson, to which it is pearly allied. The present form, which may prove eventually to be a large race of Watson’s species, seems to differ from it in its proportionally greater stoutness and actually larger size, in the want of any sculpture on its polished surface, and in the proportionally smaller and narrower slits at the anal end of the tube. The dimensions of quadridentatum are: Lon. 10-0, max. diam. 1°3, oral diam. 0°8, anal diam. 0°4 mill. The same in Mr. Watson’s species are 7°7, 0°81, 0°75 and 0:4 mill. respectively. His specimens came from Fernando Noronha, 25 fms.; ours is from Pourtalés’ dredgings on the west coast of Florida in 30 fms. “In other respects than those mentioned, Watson’s description and figure agree almost exactly with our specimen” (Dall, 1881). The original description here follows of Var. incisus Bush. PI. 25, fig. 65. “Shell rather small, slender, somewhat cylindrical, slightly con- tracted dorsally, just back of the anterior aperture, tapering and curving gradually from about the middle toward the posterior end. It is thin, semitransparent and very lustrous. Anterior aperture is oval and a little oblique; the posterior aperture is very ob- lique with four narrow very deep notches, two on each side, form- ing four conspicuous points on the end of the shell. Length of largest specimen 8, diam. anterior aperture 1, posterior aperture 0°5 mill. The other specimen is smaller and more slender, measuring, length 7, diam. anterior aperture 0°8, posterior less than 0°5 mill.” (Bush). This form is from the Hatteras region. C. QUADRIFISSATUS (Carpenter), n. sp. . Pl. 29, figs. 10, 11, 12, 13. Shell arcuate, the bend greater posteriorly, slender, but slightly tapering, not swollen, subtransparent bluish, with a milky band near the larger end; smooth and rather glossy, the growth lines hardly visible; posterior third slowly tapering, the tube then nearly cylin- drical almost to the aperture; quite near the latter it is contracted, the contraction greatest on the convex side. Greatest diameter contained about 7 times in the length of the shell. Aperture ob- lique, transversely oval; apex cut into four conic teeth by the same number of short slits; the tooth on convex side slightly longest, the other three subequal in length, that on concave side wider and obtuse ; edges of the teeth somewhat bevelled distally. CADULUS—POLYSCHIDES. ot Length 86 mill. diam. at aperture 0°85 x 1:0, at largest 1:12 x 1:22, at apex 0°65 x 0°7 mill. San Diego, California, 10 fms. (Henry Hemphill, in Acad. coll.) ; San Pedro (Smithsonian Institution). Siphonodentalium 4-fissatum CAREENEE, mss. label in Smithso-° nian Institution collection. Extremely similar to C. quadridentatus of the Antillean fauna ; but in the Californian species the aperture is somewhat less oblique, the apical slits are shorter, the teeth all more conspicuously bevelled and the tooth on the convex side less elongated. These differences we would hardly hold of specific value were it not for the geographic separation of the two species; still they seem constant so far as our material goes. The figures and measurements are from a San Diego specimen in coll. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. The Smithsonian Institution example, which bore the above name, is somewhat smaller, not fully adult, length 7-2 mill. C. TETRODON Pilsbry & Sharp, n.sp. PI. 29, figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Shell small,slender, slightly arcuate,translucent and slightly bluish with a white line or band near the apex ; but little inflated, the great- est girth at the anterior two-fifths of the length, from this point quite perceptibly tapering toward each end. Outline of concave side a trifle convex in the region of inflation; greatest diameter contained about 5% times in the length of the shell. Surface glossy, without percep- tible growth striz. Aperture oblique, nearly circular, the blunt peristome a little contracted along the convex margin. Anal orifice rounded-oval, slit into four blunt lobes or teeth, one on the convex side slightly longer, rounded; one on concave side truncated, the two lateral lobes slightly narrower; each more or less bevelled to an edge. Length 5°6 mill., diam. at aperture 0°57 x 0°6, at greatest inflation 0°95 x 1:0, at apex 0°35 x 0°43 mill. Length 5 mill., antero-posterior diam. at aperture 0°6, at greatest 0°88, at apex 0°4 mill. ive miles off Cape Florida, in 8 fms. (Dr. W. H. Rush, U.S. W..). This species is smaller than C. tetraschistus, quadridentatus and meisus, and is decidedly more swollen and fusiform, the difference in this respect being particularly conspicuous. In general outline 152 CADULUS—POLYSCHIDES. it is very near Dall’s CO. amiantus, but that species is stated to have “both orifices circular and not notched,” and with a length of 5°75 it has a greatest diameter of 1:4 mill., while in a specimen of our species 5°6 in length, the greatest diameter is only 1:0 mill. In other words, the greatest diameter of amiantus is contained 41 times in the length of the shell, and that of tetrodon 5°6 times. The slender specimens of amiantus reported from off Cape Florida by Dall may be individuals of our species with the teeth broken off. Types are No. 71,070 coll. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. C. CAROLINENSIS Bush. PI. 25, fig. 64; pl. 30, figs. 24, 25, 26, 27. Shell of medium size, semitransparent (perfectly fresh specimens are almost transparent and glassy, showing the animal quite dis- tinctly), very glossy, bluish-white, nearly circular throughout its entire length. Greatest diameter at about the anterior third, diminishing moderately to the round, very oblique anterior aper- ture, and backward to the posterior end, at first very gradually and further back more rapidly. Curvature well marked in some speci- mens, slightly in others, nearly uniform along the convex side ; the outline of concave side somewhat, though but slightly, convex along the swollen half or more of the length, concave posteriorly. Great- est diameter contained 5? to 6°6 times in the length of the shell. Aperture oblique, subcircular, the peristome inflexed along the con- vex margin. Posterior aperture very small, round and with four small distinct notches, two on each side ; teeth very short. Length 9°8, diam. at aperture 1 x 1, at greatest inflation 1°6 x 1.6, at apex 0°52 x 0°6 mill. Length 9°7, antero-posterior diam. at aperture 1:0, at greatest in- flation 1°45, at apex 0°5 mill. (specimens). Length 9°5, greatest diameter about 2°0; anterior aperture 1:0, and posterior aperture 0°4 mill. (Bush). Cape Hatteras, very abundant in 7-48 fms. (U.S. Fish Commis- sion, Rush) ; Old Providence in 382 fms. (Dall); Vera Cruz, Mea- ico (Heilprin & Baker). C. curolinensis Busu, in Verrill, Res. Exp]. Albatross, 1883, Ann. Rep. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries for 1883, art. xvi, p. 587, (1885); Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 471, pl. 45, f. 19 (June, 1885). —Datt, Rep. Blake Gastr. & Scaph., p. 480 (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 78. CA DULUS—POLYSCHIDES. 153 This species does not attain the dimensions of C. spectabilis, and it differs from the tetraschistus group in being decidedly inflated. The aperture is formed as in tetraschistus. Specimens in rather poor condition from Vera Cruz, Mexico, are small, length 7:5 mill., but we do not doubt their specific identity with the Carolinian examples, some of which are under 8 mill. long. Var. BusHIt Dall. PI. 33, figs. 58, 59. Shell resembling C. carolinensis, but somewhat smaller, more abruptly constricted behind the swollen portion, and with the posterior orifice a little smaller. Length 65; max. diam., 1:25 mill. Barbados, in 100 fms. (Blake.) Cadulus (carolinensis var. ?) Bushii Dau, ‘ Blake’ Gastr. and Scaph., p. 480, 1889. In the present uncertainty as to what constitutes a species in this group, or what is the range of specific variation, it is impossible to say whether this form should be regarded as a species, or as a variety of C. carolinensis Bush. (Dall.) The figures are from camera lucida sketches kindly furnished by Dall. C. specTaBILis Verrill. Pl. 25, fig. 64. Shell very large for the genus, rather strongly curved, especially behind the middle, swollen and somewhat angular and gibbous a short distance back of the aperture. The gibbosity or swelling affects most the dorsal side, but is distinct also on the sides and ventrally ; in advance of this swollen part the shell narrows rapidly to the aperture, the decrease being much the greatest on the dorsal side. The aperture is oblique and elliptical in outline, the dorsal margin being distinctly flattened. From the anterior swelling the shell tapers regularly and gradually backward, with an increasing curvature. The posterior opening is not very large, a little flat- tened, and its margin, when perfect, has a moderately deep notch on each side and a shallower one both above and below. The shell is translucent and the surface is everywhere smooth and polished, but shows irregular alternating bands of lighter and darker shade, due to greater or less transparency of the substance, and there are also faint longitudinal whitish lines visible in the substance of the shell, but not affecting the surface (Verril/). 154 CA DULUS—POLYSCHIDES. Length, 22 mill.; greatest diameter, 4; breadth of the oral aper- ture 2; diameter of posterior aperture, 1 mill. Atlantic, east of New Jersey and Maryland, from “Albatross.” Station 2,043 in 1,467 fathoms (lat. 39° 49’, lon. 68° 28’ 30” to sta- tions 2,174, 2,221, 2,222 and 2, 228 (the latter in lat. 37° 25’, lon.. 73° 06’), in 1,525 to 1,594 fathoms (U.S. F.C.). Near St. Vincent, West Indies, in 464 fms. (Blake Exp.). Cadulus spectabilis VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 432, pl. 44, f. 19, (1885).— Dati, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xviii, p. 429 (1889): Bull. U.S: Nat: Mus: Ne. 37, pp. 76; plaa6; aed a: “The specimen from St. Vincent is of a more even ivory white, and rather less attenuated posteriorly than the specimens from New England ; otherwise it seems to agree fairly with them (Dall). “The species is remarkable for its great size, exceeding even C. grandis; for its gibbous swelling close to the anterior end; and for the rapid and strongly marked contraction of the oral aperture. By the last named feature it is readily distinguished from C. grandis. Taken in the largest numbers at Station 2,221, lat. 39° 05’ 30”, lon. 70° 44’ 30”, where about twenty-five specimens occurred, part of them living” (Verrill). C. cgRaNbDis Verrill. Pl. 25, fig. 66. General appearance of the shell much like that of C. pandionis, but more than twice as large, without the abrupt bulging at the largest part, which is a characteristic feature of the latter, and with a relatively larger posterior aperture. The shell is, for the genus, large and strong, translucent bluish-. white when living, milk-white when dead, with a highly polished surface, only faintly marked by the lines of growth when perfect. The shell is moderately curved, the greater part of the curvature being behind the middle, and is largest at about the anterior third, the decrease being very gentle and regular in both directions, but a little more rapid towards the anterior end. The dorsal side is a lit- tle flattened towards the aperture, which is decidedly oblique and very broad-elliptical. ‘The posterior aperture is relatively rather large, circular, with the edge a little thickened and divided into. four rounded notches, the two upper ones being usually a little deeper and farther apart than the two ventral ones. Length of one of the largest examples, 15 mill.; greatest diam- eter, 3°5; transverse diameter of the oral end, 3; vertical diameter, CA DULUS—POLYSCHIDES. 155. 2°5; diameter of the posterior end, 1°3 mill. Some specimens exceed these dimensions ( Verrill). Off eastern coast of the United States, from “Albatross”? Station 2,052, south of La Have Bank, east from Nantucket, lat. 39° 40’ 05”, lon. 69° 21’ 25”, in 1,098 fims., to Station 2,115 near Cape Hatteras, in 843 fms.; at several intermediate stations in 906-1,290 fms. At Station 2,043 in 1,467 fms., one large malformed specimen occurred (U.S. Fish Commission). Cadulus grandis VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 219, pl. 44, f. 20 (1884). This species might readily be mistaken for a large form of C. pandionis, but it differs from the latter in having a larger posterior aperture, a more nearly circular oral aperture, and especially in the absence of the abrupt bulging at the largest part. The form is usually less curved, although in this respect both species are some- what variable. This shell is, however, much thicker and in every way more robust ( Verrill). C. pau Pilsbry & Sharp, n.sp. PI. 30, figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Shell rather large, but little curved, smooth and glossy, but upon revolving the shell a sort of excessively shallow, irregular, longi- tudinal suleation may be seen by the play of light on the larger third of the shell, at least in some specimens; bluish-white and slightly translucent, sometimes more opaque upon the dilated por- tion. Moderately swollen posteriorly, the greatest diam. contained about 53 times in the length of the shell, equator not defined, at about the anterior third to fourth of the length, in front of that point moderately contracted, behind it rather rapidly tapering. Outline of concave side slightly or not perceptibly convex in the neighborhood of the inflation ; otherwise nearly straight along the larger half or two-thirds of the length, concave posteriorly. Tube a trifle compressed vertically in the inflated part, elsewhere nearly circular in section. Aperture slightly oblique, circular or nearly so, the peristome thin and acute. Anal orifice subcircular, the edge with a rather deep incision on each side, the dorsal (concave side) margin cut into three, the ventral (convex) into two rounded lobes or teeth by shallower incisions; a short distance within a slight cal- lous ring may be seen. Length 13:7 mill. ; diam. at aperture 2:0 x 21, at greatest infla- tion 2°45 x 2°56, at apex 09x 0°9 mill, (the antero-posterior dimen- sions in each case preceding). 156 CADULUS. Another specimen, figs. 21,22, 23, measures, length 11:2, diam at aperture 1°66 x 1°66, at greatest 2°22 x 2:22, at apex 0°72 x 0°8 mill. West Coast of Patagonia at Fish Commission Station 2,783, S. lat. 51° 2’, lon. 74° 8’, in 122 fms. mud, bottom temp. 47°; Sta. 2,784, S. lat. 48° 41’, lon. 74° 24’ in 194 fms., temp. 51°; and at other stations in 258 and 449 fms.; Magellan Strait in 369 fms., bottom temp. 46°. Comparatively few specimens show the terminal teeth; they are usually broken off, leaving only the two deeper lateral slits visible. The apical slitting, when preserved, is on the plan of C. parisien- sis (Desh.) in having two deeper lateral slits, but the lobes of the anterior and posterior segments are fewer. None of the Atlantic species with denticulate apices are like this, so far as we can judge by what we have seen and the published figures. The specimen drawn in figs. 21-23 is more contracted towards the mouth than the larger one figured, and is quite circular in section, the other being a mere trifle flattened. C. dalliis more inflated than C. quad- ridentatus or quadrifissatus. Types are No. 123,746, U.S. Nat. Mus., from Station 2,783 ; the smaller specimen figured is one of No. 122,736. The specimens from Magellan Strait are not so large, two measuring, a, length 9, greatest diam. 1°8 mill.; 6, length 10°7, greatest diam. 1°8 mill. Section Capuius Philippi, 1844. Cadulus Puru., Enum. Moll. Sicil., ii, p. 209. Type Dentaliwm ovulum Phil. Shell somewhat cask-shaped, short and obese, conspicuously swol- len in the middle, tapering rapidly toward both ends: convex on all sides, though less so dorsally. Aperture with simple, thin peri- stome; anal orifice comparatively large, with simple edge, con- tracted by a wide circular callus or ledge just within the opening. Cadulus in the restricted sense comprises the short, obese forms, in which no side of the shell is really concave, although the dorsal is less convex than the other contours, and the apical orifice is con- tracted by a conspicuous callous ring just within the edge. This cal- lus is also developed in many species of Polyschides, Gadila, etc., but in these it is situated further within and is a comparatively feeble structure. The species now known are all Mediterranean and North Atlan- tic, and are all quite small. This is, geologically, the latest in ap- pearance of the several subordinate groups of the genus. CADULUS. iT C. ovutum (Philippi). PI. 32, fig. 40, 41. Shell egg-shaped, inflated in the middle, more convex on one side, very smooth; apertures circular and subequal. Length 3, diam. 2 mill. (Phil.) Bay of Naples (Acton); Bay of Biscay (Travailleur Exped., 1880) ; Pliocene of Calabria and Sicily ; Miocene, Piedmont. Dentalium ovulum Patx., Enum. Moll. Sicil., ii, p. 208, pl. 27, f. 21 (1844) ; Handbuch der Conch. u. Malac., p. 222 (1853).—O. G. Costa, Fauna di Napoli, p. 56, pl. 4, f. 3—C. ovulum JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), vi, p. 375 (1880); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 666.— Monts., Nuova Rivista Conch. Med., p. 21.—C. ovulus Sacco, Moll. Terr. Terz. Piedm.e Ligur., xxii, p.115, pl. 10, f. 59-63. This species is the type of the genus Cadulus. Philippi remarks substantially as follows: Shell cask shaped, narrow at both ends, almost circular in transverse section. Greatest thickness not in the middle, but a little nearer the anterior end, which is obliquely truncated and with a circular aperture 7s of a line wide and sur- rounded by a simple peristome. The orifice at the posterior end is 7z wide, contracted, with a margin within, the peristome incised and crenate. The affinity to D. coarctatum is evident, but the much shortened form and large posterior aperture indicate a new genus which may be called Cadulus. A var. gibba from the Calabrian Pliocene is described by Segu- enza, Form. Terz. Prov. Reggio (Calabria), p. 276, 1880. C. cyatuus (Cristofori & Jan.). PI. 32, figs. 36, 37, 38, 39. Shell small, thin, but rather solid, short, very much inflated in the middle or slightly nearer the aperture, the inflation less on the dorsal side (fig. 37) ; rapidly tapering toward each end. Surface glossy, without visible growth striation. Aperture (fig. 36) rounded oval, slightly wider than long, somewhat oblique, its diameter about half that of the widest part of the shell; peristome simple, thin. Anal orifice not much smaller than the aperture, round-oval, not oblique, with a wide callous ring or shelf just within the edge, con- tracting the orifice (fig. 38). Length 2:2, antero-posterior diameters, aperture 0°58, greatest 1:21, apex 0°5 mill.; lateral diameters, aperture 0°63, greatest 1:21, apex 0°66 mill. Italy and Sicily ; Pliocene of Sicily and Calabria. 158 CADULUS. Creseis cyathus Dr Cristorort & JAN, Catal. rer. Nat., p. 1. —Cadulus ovulum var. attenwata Mon'rEeRSATO, Notizie Conch. foss. Monte Pellegrino e Ficarazzi, p. 27 (no description).— Cadulus cya- thus C. & J., Monts., Nuova Rivista, p. 21—C. “ alternatus” Monts., JEFFREYS in coll. Fossil at various points in the Pliocene. Smaller than C. ovulwm, not so swollen in the middle of the dorsal part. This is the form found living in the Mediterranean. It is apparently quite distinct from CO. ovulum. We have not seen Cristofori & Jan’s catalogue, and adopt the name cyathus from Monterosato, who identifies his C. ovulum var. attenuata with that species. The figures represent lateral, ventral and apical views, and out- lines of aperture and “ equator.” C. AMPULLACEUS Watson. PI. 25, fig. 58. Shell small, rounded, but not symmetrical in its two curves, con- tracted in front, pinched in behind so as to form a short tube, swol- len, the fullest bulge lying behind the middle. Pretty strong, polished and translucent white, with an opaque band close to the apex; sculpture none; mouth large, very slightly oblique; edge thin and chipped. Apical opening slightly oval, small, straight, roughened, narrowed inside by a flat, concentrically puckered and margined ring, which occupies nearly half its diameter (0°014 and 0:006 inch). The margin (about 0:001 thick) of this ring is formed by the projecting end of a short pipe (about 0:005 long) which passes up into the interior of the shell. Length 0:08 inch, breadth at mouth 0°02, at broadest 0:047, at apex 0°016 inch. ( Watson). Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). Cadulus ampullaceus Warson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 529 (1879) ; Chall. Scaph., p. 28, pl. 3, f. 11 (1885). This species is not only much smaller than C. ovudum Phil., from the Mediterranean, but is obviously very different in form and pro- portions. It differs from C. exiguus Wats. in being much rounder, has no tube anteriorly, is not nearly so elongated posteriorly, and is provided with a distinct posterior pipe. ( Wats.). I think it not impossible that C. gibbus, which I know only from description and figures, may turn out to be my C. ampullaceus. ( Wats.). CADULUS. 159 ‘C. aipsus Jeffreys. Pl. 24, fig. 24. Shell barrel shaped, gibbous in the middle, whence there is an abrupt slope towards each end; these are equal in breadth; it is rather solid, glossy and semitransparent; sculpture none; color white. Mouth obliquely truncated ; base slightly notched, but not quite perfect. Length 0:1, breadth 0°05 inch. (Jeffreys). Bay of Biscay (Travailleur Exp.) and North Atlantic (Porcupine Exp., 1870, Sta. 13). — Cadulus gibbus JEFFR., P. Z. S., 1882, p. 666, pl. 49, f 10; Amn. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vi, p. 375 (no description). Allied to C. ovulum of Philippi, but much smailer and not so oval, and the ends are equal in size. (Jeffr.). C. Exicuus Watson. PI. 25, fig. 6. Shell very small, short, broad, pinched in and projecting at both ends, very slightly bent, and that almost entirely in front; very much swollen in the middle, bulging on the concave curve, a little more attenuated behind ; pretty strong, polished, translucent and white, with an opaque white band round the apex. Sculpture none ; mouth large, straight; edge thin and chipped. Apical opening small, straight, chipped, narrowed inside by a minute shelf-like pro- jecting ring. Length 0:076 inch, breadth at mouth 0:016, at broad- est 0°035, at apex 0°01 inch. ( Watson). Lat. 18° 38 80” N., Long. 65° 5’ 30" W. Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fathoms (Challenger). C. exiquus Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, xiv, p. 528 (1879) ; Chall. Report, Scaphopoda, p. 23, pl. iii, fig. 10 (1885). It differs from Cadulus ovulum Phil. in being very much smaller, rounder, and contracted into a tube at either end. ( Watson). €. opEsus Watson. PI. 25, fig. 53. Shell short, very broad, narrowed at both ends, little bent, and that almost entirely toward the mouth, very much swollen in the middle, and bulging a good deal on the concave curve, a little more attenuated behind, and very slightly laterally compressed (in the proportion of 14 to a little less than 15). It is pretty strong, polished, translucent white, with one, sometimes two, opaque rings near the apex. Sculpture: a few very vague and faint, distant, transverse lines; mouth rather large, straight; edge thin and much 160 CADULUS. chipped. Apical opening small and straight, chipped, narrowed inside by a minute shelf-like projecting ring. Length 0-109 inch, breadth at mouth 0-02, greatest 0°04 ; at apex 0:01 inch. ( Watson). Lat. 18° 38’ 80" N., Long. 65° 5 30" W. Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fathoms (Challenger). C. obesus Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 527, 528. (1879); Chall. Report, Scaphopoda, p. 22, pl. 3, fig. 8.—Daut, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, p. 36; “ Blake’ Scaphopoda, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xvii, p. 431. This is nearly of the same proportions as Cadulus curtus except. being very much broader ; like that too, it is narrowed laterally. I have hesitated very much in making it more than a variety, but on the whole, think it safer to reckon it as distinct. One specimen has its width exaggerated by a gibbous pad of enamel. ( Watson). C. rumrposus Jeffreys. PI. 25, figs. 67, 68, 69. Shell forming a short spindle, slightly bulging in the middle on the lower or more concave part, and very gibbous on the back or outside, somewhat curved, contracted towards both ends, but much narrower at the base, rather solid, glossy and semitransparent. Sculpture none, except microscopic and close set lines; color whit- ish; mouth roundish-oval, obliquely truncated or sloping to the back; the inner margin is furnished with a slight circular rib or thickening like that in many species of Helix; base notched on each side, asin C. subfusiformis. Length 0-2, breadth 0-075 inches. (Jef- freys). Channel Slope, 557 fms. (Porcupine Exped.); Bay of Biscay, 292-1095 fms. (Josephine Exped.) ; Azores, 1000 fms., and Cana- ries, 1125 fms. (Challenger) ; 90 miles N. of Ceara, Brazil, in 1019 fms. (Albatross) ; Fossil in Pliocene at Messina (Seguenza). Cadulus tumidosus JEFFR., Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 156 (1877); P. Z. S., 1882, p. 665; pl. 49, £8; Ann= Map, Noda vi, p. 317 (1880).—Warson, Chall. Rep., p. 22, pl. 3, f. 9 (1885).— Datu, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 295 (1890). This is much larger and more gibbous than C. subfusiformis, and like that species, it varies in shape and size. It has the character on which Monterosato lays stress in generically separating C. sub- fusiformis from C. ovulum, viz., in the month or anterior opening being more or less thickened inside by a circular rib. Some speci- mens are faintly or indistinctly striated lengthwise. (Jeffr.). CADULUS. 161 I have failed to see the callus-rib in the mouth to which Jeffreys refers; but there is within the posterior opening a circular rib or narrow sharp ledge, which, from the outside, is seen as an opaque band, but with some difficulty may be seen within as a narrow pro- jJecting shelf. The edge of the apex seems to me rather chipped than regularly notched ( Watson). This species, known to me by specimens in Jeffrey’s collection, is rather more slender than C. cyathus. C. curcuRBITA Dall. PI. 25, fiy. 54. This little shell is perhaps best described by saying that in form it is about midway between C. obesus Watson and C. tumidosus Jeffr.; being larger than the former and more evenly tapered from the middle than either. It wants the ledge within the aperture at both ends, is polished, translucent, and without perceptible sculp- ture ; neither of the apertures appear to be oblique; both are circu- lar. Length 4:0, oral diameter 0°62, anal diameter 0°37 mill.; maxi- mum diameter 1°25 mill. (Da//). Fernandina to Florida Strait, 294-310 fms. Cidulus eurcurbitus Dat, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 35 (1881).— Cadulus curcurbita Daux, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 431, pl2/, t. 12d;-Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 78. The single specimen obtained [by the Blake] recalls C. gibbus Jeffreys, but is very much larger and differently proportioned (Dail). C. ampHora Jeffreys. Pl. 24, fig. 25. Shell resembling in shape an ancient wine-vessel without handles, bulging towards the middle, gently curved, narrowing towards each end, but more contracted at the base or point, rather solid, glossy and opaque ; sculpture consisting of a slight but distinct keel which encircles the shell on the upper two-fifths of its length ; that part is somewhat excavated or flattened ; no striz of growth are percepti- ble. Color white. Mouth circular, not oblique or sloping; base notched on each side. Length 0:1, breadth 0°35 inch (Jeffreys). Atlantic Station 16, Porcupine Exp. 1870. Cadulus amphora JEFFR., P. Z. S., 1882, p. 665, pl. 49, f. 9. ah 162 CADULUS—-GADILA. Section GapiLA Gray, 1847. Gadila Gray, P. Z.S., 1847, p. 159, for Dent. gadus Mont. Helonyx Stimpson, Amer. Jour. Conch., i, p. 63 (1865), for Dent. clavatum Gld. Gadus “ Montagu? Rang, 1829,” Conrap, Amer. Jour. Conch., ii, p. 75, for pusillum Gabb, subcoarctata Gabb, thallus Conr. ; also of Gaps and some others. Not Gadus Linn. (Pisces). Ditrupa of Gabb, Guppy and some other authors. Not Ditrupa Berkeley (Vermes). Dentalium sp., of some early authors. ? Loxoporus JEFFREYS, apparently undescribed, and type un- known (said by Sacco to be C. subfusiformis Sars.) Shell decidedly curved, the general contour convex ventrally, concave dorsally; more or less swollen near the middle or toward the aperture, more tapering toward the apex ; apical orifice not con- tracted by a callous ring, or with the callus far within and weak ; edges not slit. Type C. gadus Mont. The synonym Gadus, used by some authors for this genus, seems to have originated in a series of errors. The name Gadus was used by Montagu for a species of Dentalium as he understood that genus. It was never used by him for a genus. Rang, in his Manuel de V Hist. Nat. Moll., p. 116, 1829, seems to think that Montagu made a genus Gadus. It is mentioned by him in the text under “ Crests,” a new genus of Pteropods. He merely says: “ Nous réunissons, par analogie, les genres Vaginelle de Daudin et Gadus de Montagu, connus A état fossile.”’ Deshayes adopts Gadus Rang for three species of Dischides and Polyschides, but from his remarks it may be gathered that he would also include the species of Cadulus proper. It need only be added that Gadus was preoccupied when Rang wrote, by Linnzeus, for a genus of fishes of which the common cod is the type. Loxoporus Jeffr. seems never to have been recognized by its author in print. The genus loving Italians have adopted it for C. subfust- formis, though the etymology suggests rather its pertinence to typi- cal Cadulus. This group, which includes a great majority of the species of the genus, is more attenuated and more bent than typical Cadulus, and lacks the apical slits and teeth of Dischides and Polyschides. There are several quite strongly marked groups of species, and one, the group of C. dentalinus, will probably form a separate section eventually. Meantime, a geographic grouping of the forms, accord- CADULUS-GADILA. 163 ing to the scheme given below, will probably be the most generally useful. I. Species of moderately stout figure. 1. Species of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Gulf of Mex- ico. 2. Species of west America, Cape Horn to Alaska, p. 177. 3. Indo-Pacific and Australasian species, p. 182. II. Needle-shaped species, with the swelling very near the aperture. Group of C. dentalinus, p. 188. 1. Atlantic, Mediterranean and Antillean species. Group of C. subfusiformis. Small forms, but little swollen, with the greatest diameter situated near the middle of the length. C. SUBFUSIFORMIS (M. Sars.) PI. 24, figs. 29,31, 32. Shell cylindric, long, subfusiform, only a very little swollen in the middle, a little arcuate, almost equally tapering at each end, thin, pellucid, very smooth, shining, the apical orifice a little narrower than the mouth. Length 2°6, diam. 0°5 mill. (G. O. Sars). Scandinavia, from Finmark to Christiana Fjord, in 40-650 fms. (Sars). Shetland (Jeffreys). Bay of Biscay (Travailleur). Pal- ermo (Monterosato). Siphonodentalium subfusiforme M. Sars, Forh. Videns. Selskabet, 1865, p. 301-307, pl. 6, f. 36-40; pl. 7, f. 41-44.—Cadulus subfusi- formis Sars, JEFrREys, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xx, p. 251 (1867) ; (4), ii, p. 299, 301 (1868) ; (4), v, p. 274; vi, p. 74 (1870); (5), vi, p. 875 (1880); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 664.—Arap. & Ben., Conch. Mar. Sicil., p. 118 (1870).—G. O. Sars, Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 106, pl. 20, f. 14 a-6. Helonyx subfusiformis and var. abyssicola Monts., Nuovo Rivista Conch. Med., p. 20, 21 (1875). Not C. subfusiformis Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., v, p. 196, pl. 101, f. 83=C. jeffreysi Monts. In C. subfusiformis the mouth is circular and abruptly truncated ; in C. jeffreyst the mouth is rounded-oval and obliquely truncated. Both species occur on the western coast of Norway as well as in Shetland (./effr.). Var. abyssicola Montersato. Very small, although adult. Palermo, in 210 meters. 164 CADULUS-GADILA. C. minuscutus Dall. PI. 32, figs. 42, 43. Shell minute, fusiform, moderately swollen in the middle, the greatest diameter contained nearly four times in the length of the shell. Convex outline regularly and strongly arcuate ; opposite out- line nearly straight, very slightly convex near the middle and as slightly concave toward each end ; lateral outlines as seen in a dor- sal or ventral view, strongly arcuate, much tapering toward each end. Greatest girth about median, or a little nearer the aperture. Tube a little compressed between the concave and convex sides in the middle, subcircular in section toward the ends. Surface smooth, glossy, whitish. Aperture hardly oblique (broken in the specimen seen), circular. Anal orifice nearly as large as the aperture, sub- circular, unslit. Length 2°33 mill.; antero-posterior diameter of aperture 0°342, of greatest girth 0°58, of apex 0°29 mill.; lateral diameter, aperture 0:342, equator 0'616, apex 0:3 mill. | Off Hatteras in 63 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission). Cadulus minusculus Day, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 432 (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 78. Very similar to C. subfusiformis in form and size, but minusculus is somewhat stouter, with the aperture less oblique. C. jeffreysi is larger with oval apertures, and is more attenuated toward the apex. Our figures and description are from the type, No. 93,122, U.S. Nat. Mus. C. JEFFREYsI (Monterosato). PI. 24, fig. 39; pl. 32, figs. 44, 45, 46. Shell small, thin, quite arcuate, moderately swollen, the greatest diameter contained slightly over 4 times in the length of the shell. Convex side with strongly, regularly arched outline, concave -side with gently but distinctly convex swell in the middle, concave toward each end. Greatest girth nearly median, but slightly nearer the oral end, the swelling everywhere gentle, “equator” indistinct. Tube circular in section at the middle, laterally compressed toward the aperture, vertically compressed toward the apex. Surface glossy, smooth ; of a bluish-milky color, a little translucent, becoming more translucent near the aperture. Aperture oval, being compressed from side to side, somewhat oblique, the peristome thin. Anal orifice strongly compressed between the convex and concave sides, with unslit edges. CADULUS-GADILA. 165 Length 3:16 mill. ; antero-posterior diameter of aperture 0°37, of greatest swelling 0-766, of apex 0°25 mill.; lateral diam. of aperture 0°45, greatest 0°766, apex 0°342 mill. Mediterranean Sea, from the Afgean, 130-250 fms., to Palermo and St. Vito, 90-200 meters (Monterosato) ; Naples (Acton, et al.) ; off Bayonne (De Folin) and Marseilles; north and east Atlantic from the Canaries (Challenger), Josephine Bank and Azores (Josephine Exp.), Bay of Biscay (for var. tumidula Jeffr.), north to Valentia, west of Ireland, Shetland and Norway (Jeffreys) ; west Atlantic, off Martha’s Vineyard in 115 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission), off Barba- dos (Blake); south Atlantic, St. Helena (Smith); Pliocene of Calabria and Sicily. Cadulus subfusiformis Sars, JEFFREYS, British Conchology, v, p. 196, pl. 101, f.3. Not of Sars.—Helonyx jeffreysti Monts., Poche note sulla Conch. Medit., in Atti Accad. Palerm. Sci. (Ser. 2), v, p- 20; Nuova Rivista Conch. Medit., p.20 (1875); Enum. eSinon., p- 17; Nomencl. Gen. e Spee. Conch. Medit., p. 34 (1884).— Cadu- lus jeffreysi Monts., JEFFREYS, P. Z. S., 1882, p. 665.—VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., v, p. 559 (1882); Proce. U.S. Nat. Mus., iii, p. 895 (1880).—Datt, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii; Blake Rep., p. 430 (1889) ; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76.—Smrru, P. Z.S., 1890, pp. 253, 800.—Marsna LL, Journ. of Conch., vii, p. 248.—C. propinquus VERRILL, Tr. Conn. Acad., v, p. 558, pl. 58, f. 31, 32. Not of G. O. Sars.— C. diploconus SeGuEnza, according to Jeflreys. Although it varies in size, the shell is always much larger and more swollen than C. subfusiformis ( Jeffreys). Our figures and description are from a Palermo specimen from the Jeffreys collection, U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 107,704. The var. tumidula mentioned by Jeffreys, has not, so far as we know, been described. C. Graciis Jeffreys. Pl. 24, fig. 23. Shell more curved and cylindrical than C. subfusiformis (to which it is evidently allied), not swollen in the middle, but through- out nearly equal in breadth; the mouth slopes more, and has a slight circular rib or thickening within; base broader. Oblique marks of growth are conspicuous. Length 0:2, breadth 0°04 inches (Jeffreys). z Bay of Biscay (Travailleur Exped.) and north Atlantic (Porcupine Exped.), 652-1,450 fms. Off San Miguel, Azores, 1,000 fms., and 166 CADULUS-GADILA. Canaries, 1,125 fms. (Challenger). Off Cape Hatteras in 843 fms. (U.S. Fish Commission). Cadulus gracilis JurrReEys, Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 157 (Feb. 1877), and (5), vi, p.375 (1880); P. Z.S., 1882, p. 664, pl. 49, f. 7— Warson, Challenger Rep., p. 20, pl. 3, f.5 (1885).—Da tt, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 482 (1889). It is very like C. jeffreysi Monts., but is larger and a little more compressed (in the proportion of z's) between the convex and con- cave curves as compared with its breadth, which is not the case in C. jeffreysi. It is not so swollen, and the posterior opening is larger than in that species ( Watson). C. propinquus G. O. Sars. PI. 24, figs. 27, 28. Shell rather solid, pellucid, glassy, slightly curved, conspicuously fusiform, the middle moderately swollen, ventral [convex] side equably arcuate, dorsal side slightly rising in the middle: anteriorly tapering. Aperture little oblique, suddenly contracted behind ; apical orifice much narrower than the mouth, circular, with entire margin. Surface very smooth and shining, generally with a sub- opaque zone anteriorly ; there is a readily observable internal, sub- apical annular fold. Length 3-2, diam. 1 mill. (G. O. Sars). Finmark and west coast of Norway, 100-450 fms. (Sars); Bay of Biscay (Travailleur Exped.). Cadulus propinquus G. O.S., Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv., p. 106, pl. 20, f.15 a—-6b, and pl. I, f. 5, dentition (1878).—JerFrreys, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), vi, p. 875 (1880); P. Z. S., 1882, p. 664. Not C propinquus Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., v, p. 558, pl. 58, f. 31, 82. C. CYLINDRATUS Jeffreys. Pl. 24, fig. 26. Shell forming a narrow cylinder, slightly contracted at each end, gently curved, thin, transparent and glossy; sculpture none, except a few microscopic and faint lines of growth. Mouth some- ~what obliquely truncated, but not thickened; base circular, with numerous minute notches, which are not perceptible to the naked eye. Length 0525, breadth 0°075 inch. (Jeffreys). Off west coast of Ireland, 1,215-1,475 fms. (Porcupine Exped.) ; Bay of Biscay, 652-1,450 fms. (Travailleur Exp.). Cadulus cylindratus JEFFR., Ann. Mag. N. H. (4), xix, p. 158 (1877); P. Z.8., 1882, p. 664, pl: 49, f. 6; Ann. Mag: N. Ea CADULUS-GADILA. 167 vi, p. 375, name only (1880).— VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad., vi, p. 220 (1884). Verrill reports this species from Fish Commission Station 2,041, in 1,608 fms. C. LuNuLA Dall. PI. 25, fig. 55. Shell translucent white, smooth, destitute of sculpture ; dorsum nearly straight, slightly inflated near the middle; oral end con- tracted, not flattened, and more slender at the mouth than the pos- terior end; the shell largest in the middle, and tapering nearly equally to both ends; apertures simple, circular, the oral one ob- lique and quite contracted in proportion to the rather stout form of the shell, which, but for the curve of the convex side and extreme ends, would be nearly evenly fusiform ; there is no gibbosity, and, though the anal aperture is the larger, it seems unbroken. Length 6:0 mill., oral diam. 0°75, anal 0°87 mill.; maximum diam. 1°5 mill. (Dall). Off Cape Lookout, N. C., 18 fms. (Albatross) ; Barbados, in 100 fms. (Blake); Florida Keys, in deep water. C. lunulus Dawn, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 85 (1881).—C. lunula Datt, Ibid, xviii, p. 431, pl. 27, f. 8 (1889); Bulli. U.S. Nat. Mus., INGwo, p. (8, pli27, £3. Most like C. simillimus Watson, from which it differs in its more even half-moon shape and proportions. (Dal/). Group of C. olivi. Species in which the greatest diameter is at the anterior third or fourth of the length, the shell tapering considerably posteriorly. C. watsoni Dall. PI. 25, fig. 50. Shell translucent white, polished, showing faintly the annular lines of growth; slightly curved, with the greater portion of the curve in the anal third ; tapering rapidly from the oral third to the posterior end; the oral third flattened on the convex side toward the mouth; this portion also tapered laterally in the same direction ; oral aperture perceptibly oblique in the most perfect specimen, slightly so in another; the transverse diameter of the mouth very slightly longer than the vertical diameter. Length 13:0, oral diam. 15, anal 0°6 mill ; maximum diam. 2°25 mill. (measured from front to back); maximum transverse diameter 2°9 mill. (Dall). 168 CADULUS-GADILA. Yucatan Strait, near Cape San Antonio, in 413 and 1,002 fms. (Blake) ; also off Old Providence, in 382 fms. (U.S. Fish Commis- sion). ° Cadulus watsont Dau, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 34 (1881); xviii, Blake Rep., p. 429, pl. 27, f. 12a (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, p. 76.—VERRILL, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vi, p. 219 (1884). It is reported from off Cape Hatteras by Verriil, who compares the species to C. pandionis. The greatest diameter is contained 43 times in the length in C. watsont. In C. rushii it is decidedly less, being contained nearly 6 times in the length, and the tube is less compressed at the equator. C. rusau Pilsbry & Sharp,n. sp. Pl. 27, figs. 94, 95, 96, 97. Shell moderately solid, large, moderately arcuate, the bend mainly posterior; outline of convex side almost evenly arched, but more convex near the larger end; outline of opposite side nearly straight along the anterior half, the posterior half decidedly concave; great- est diameter contained 53-6 times in the length of shell. Swelling quite moderate, greatest at about the anterior fourth of the length, thence tapering gently to the aperture, and decidedly toward the apex, the posterior half of the shell being conspicuously attenuated. Tube compressed between the concave and convex sides throughout. Surface glossy and smooth; opaque white. Aperture quite oblique, subcircular, but viewed in line with the axis of the latter portion of the tube it is oval. Apex small, rounded-oval, its margin even. Length 11:6; antero-posterior diameter at aperture 1:4, at great- est swelling 1:8, at apex 0°53 mill.; lateral diameter at aperture 1°6, at greatest 2:0, at apex 0°6 mill. Off Cape Hatteras, lat. 35° 19’ 30", long. 75° 14’ 12”, in 293 fms. (Dr. Wi. ic hush): The equator is more anterior than in C. pandionis, and the swell- ing decidedly less in proportion to the length of the shell. The tube is less flattened vertically than in C. watsoni Dall, the aperture a shorter, rounder oval, and the whole shell more slender. There is generally no noticeable callous ring within the anal opening, but in some specimens a very slight one, far within, seems to be developed. C. acassizit Dall. PI. 25, fig. 57. Shell translucent white, with more opaque annulations, shining, destitute of sculpture, excepting nearly imperceptible lines of growth, CADULUS—GADILA. 169 very slightly curved, the dorsum being nearly straight except at the posterior fourth, oral end very slightly tapered, not flattened ; pos- terior part gently tapering from the anterior third; anal end rather stout, opening simple, circular; oral end thin, mouth forming an angle of 45° with the axis, simple, quite circular; the tube with no pronounced gibbosity. Length 9, max. lat. 2, oral diameter 1°5 mill,; anal diam. 0°75, maximum diam. 2 mill. (Da//). ‘ Blake’ Station 5, in 229 fms. (Blake). Cadulus agassiziti Dat, Bull. M.C. Z., ix, 1881, p. 35; Ibid, xviii, Het30, pl.27,1.12¢; Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus:, 37, po78; pl. 27,4, 12¢. No more specimens of this species have come to hand. It is very like C. pandionis Verrill, but has the anterior aperture less oblique, the equator more marked, the posterior part proportionally shorter and less attenuated. It is also smaller than C. pandionis. The latter has about the same range as C. carolinensis, but has not been found yet south of Fowey Rock, Straits of Florida, where it was collected by Dr. W. H. Rush, U.S. N. (Dall). Var. HATTERASENStS Sharp & Pilsbry, n. v. PI. 33, figs. 50, 51, 52, 53, 5-4. Shell moderately strong, not much curved, the convex curve more arcuate toward the larger end, opposite outline slightly con- vex at the anterior third, concave behind and slightly so in front of the convexity. Swelling moderate, greatest near the anterior third of the length, thence tapering considerably toward each end; great- est breadth contained about 43 times in the length of the shell. Circular in section from the middle to the aperture, decidedly com- pressed vertically at the apex. Surface smooth and glossy ; opaque white, irregularly banded obliquely with translucent. Aperture quite oblique, circular, the peristome inflexed along the convex margin. Anal orifice transversely oval, with a stout callous ring a short distance within. Length 7'8 mill.; diam. at aperture 1:1 x 1:0; at greatest inflation 1:67 x 1°76; at apex 0°8 x 0:85 mill. Length 7:9 mill.; diam. at aperture 1:°2x 1:25; at greatest 1°7 x 1:87, at apex 0°8 x 0°9 mill. Off Cape Hatteras, lat. 35° 19’ 30”, lon. 75° 14 12”, in 293 fms. qr WH. Rush, U.S. N.): Probably referable to C. agassizii Dall as a variety, but showing some rather prominent features not mentioned in Dall’s description. 170 CADULUS-GADILA. It is also somewhat allied to C. watsoni in shape and proportions, but our form is not “ flattened on the convex side toward the mouth,” and the equator is subcircular, but little greater in transverse than in vertical diameter. The callous ring within the vertically com- pressed apical orifice is a conspicuous feature in hatterasensis. C. wquauis Dall. PI. 25, fig. 48. Shell opaque white, polished, without sculpture except a rare line due to growth or some irregularity; very slightly curved with hardly any gibbosity perceptible, such as there is being in the ante- rior fifth of the shell; anal opening circular, simple, thin-edged, not oblique; anterior opening somewhat oblique, slightly contracted, nearly circular; the shell on the whole tapering regularly toward the posterior end, which is stouter than usual in the genus. Length 15 mill., oral diam. 2 mill., anal 1 mill.; maximum diameter 2:5 mill. (Dall). Near Tortugas, in 339 fms. (Blake). C. equalis Dauy, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, p.34 (1881) ; Ibid., Xviii, p. 429, pl. 27, fig. 9 (1889); Bull. U.S. Nat. Museum, No. 37, Pp: WO, pl. 2a tgs This fine species is the least swollen of any of the forms from this region, and only C. cylindratus Jeffreys exceeds it in this particular. Its nearest relative is C. spectabilis Verrill, which is larger, less cylindrical, more curved and more attenuated behind (Dal/). C. otivi (Scacchi). Pl. 31, figs. 33, 34, 35. Shell rather thin, moderately curved, the bend mainly posterior ; moderately swollen, the “ equator” indistinctly angular, at the ante- rior third of the length, slightly oblique; thence tapering moder- ately to the mouth, and more rapidly posteriorly, becoming attenu- ated toward the apex. Outline of concave side slightly modified, becoming a trifle convex in the region of greatest inflation. Great- est diameter contained 5 times in length of the shell. Tube very slightly compressed between front and back curves. Surface polished, without perceptible growth-striation. Aperture oblique, rounded oval; anal orifice subcircular, its edge even, unslit. Length 11:7 mill.; diam. at aperture 1:24 x 1°37, at greatest infla- tion 2°06 x 2°33, at apex 0°48x 0°55 mill. (the antero-posterior di- mensions given first in each case). Pliocene of southern Italy and Sicily. CADULUS-—GADILA. jab Dentalium olivi Scaccut, Not. foss. Gravnia (Ann. Civ., 1835), p. 56, pl. 2, f.6, a, b (so quoted by Jeffreys; we have not seen the pub- lication). ? Siphodentalium hyalinum BruGnong, Misc. Malace., pt. 2, p. 21, fig. 32 (1876), according to Jeffreys. Cadulus olivi Seacchi, JEFFREYS, P. Z.8., 1882, p. 663; Ann. Mag. Nel..(4), xix, p. 157 ; also (5), vi, p. 317. The specimen drawn and described is a Jeffreysian example from the Sicilian Pliocene. The type locality is Gravnia, in southeastern Italy. It is still somewhat doubtful whether the species has been found living.» Jeffreys certainly confused at least three species under the name ©. olivi at various times. We are disposed to be- lieve that his “ o/ivi” with apical slits and a thickened rim around the mouth belonged to some other species. He refers C. pandionis to olivi as a synonym, but we do not think them identical. His localities for recent specimens are: Flord, Norway (Norman) ; Bay of Biscay; Palermo (Monts.) west of Ireland, 1,230 fms. ; south of the English Channel, 862 fms. (Porcupine Exped.). Siphodentalium hyalinum Brugnone, which Jeffreys refers to C. olivi as a synonym, is thus described: Shell short, rather broad, eylindric; arcuate, thin, very smooth and very shining; anterior part obscurely attenuated ; aperture round, oblique; apex broken. Length 8 mill. Ficarazzi. This was described from one specimen and seems a rather doubtful form. Brugnone’s figure is reproduced on pl. 33, fig. 61. C. panpionis Verrill & Smith. PI. 25, fig. 63. Shell very large for the genus, white, transparent, very smvoth and polished, shining, strongly curved, largest in front of the mid- dle, with the aperture oblique; sculpture none, the shell issomewhat transversely elliptical in section, slightly gibbose and most swollen at about the anterior third, on the convex side; from this point gradually tapering to the slender posterior end and to the mouth, which is slightly broader than high, and recedes considerably on the convex side of the shell, with a thin, smooth margin. Posterior opening small, with a semicircular notch above and below. Length 10, breadth 2:25, breadth of aperture 1°75, of anal aperture 0°40 mm, (V. & S.) South of Nantucket, east of New Jersey, at numerous stations near 40° N. lat., 85-500 fms. (Albatross). p rp? CADULUS-GADILA. Jadulus pandionis V. & S., VERRILL, Amer. Journ. Science, xx, pp. 392, 399 (Nov. 1880) ; Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., iii, p. 395 (1880) ; Trans. Conn. Acad., v, p. 558, pl. 58, f. 30, 30a; Rep. Commissioner Fish and Fisheries, for 1883, appendix D, Nat. Hist., p. 573 (71), pl. 28, f. 126 (1885). C. pocuLuM Dall. PI. 33, figs. 56, 57. Shell solid, opaque white, strongly arcuate, the bend mainly in the posterior half. Equator at the anterior fifth, the swelling being short and high, subangular on the convex side, in front of it the tube is conspicuously compressed between the convex and concave sides, and behind it regularly tapering to the apex ; outline of the concave side slightly convex in the region of the equator, elsewhere concave ; lateral outlines much contracted above. Surface polished, smooth, Aperture extremely oblique, subcireular, but if viewed from above in the line of the axis of the latter part of the shell, appearing trans- versely elliptical. Anal orifice small, subcircular, with thick, slitless walls. Length 12:2, antero-posterior diameter at aperture 1°2, at equa- tor 2:11, at apex 0°8 mill.; lateral diam. at aperture 1°65, equator 2°45, apex 0°83 mill. Off Cape San Antonio, Cuba, in 640 fms. ; near St. Vincent, West Indies, in 464 fms. (Blake). Cadulus poculum Datu, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xviii, Blake Rep., p- 429 (1889). : . The figures represent the lateral and convex aspects. “ This spe- cies is remarkable for the obliquity of the equator and of the slope on the convex side from the summit to the anterior margin. In these particulars it is more strongly marked than any other species I have seen.” (C. platystoma is stouter and not angularly hump- backed like C. poculum. Figures and description from a specimen in National Museum. C. VULPIDENS Watson. PI. 25, fig. 51. Shell like the canine tooth of a small Carnivore, long, sharp, bent, swolien (a little obliquely) toward the mouth. The swelling is greatest on the convex curve, and lies there a little nearer the end (about one-fourth of the length) than it does on the concave, where it is at about one-third of the length. The obliquity makes the form a little unsymmetrical. From the swelling the shell contracts more rapidly towards the mouth. Toward the apex the bend increases, CADULUS—-GADILA. lic: and the end of the shell is a very little contracted. The shell is pretty strong, brilliant, opaquish white. Sculpture: Very minute, but sharp, microscopic scratches on the lines of growth. Mouth small, round, obliquely truncated backward toward the convex curve. Edge thin and sharp. Posterior opening round; the edge thick, flat, slightly gnawed and broken, projecting a little on the convex curved side. Length 0°35 inch, breadth at mouth 0:039: at swelling 0'069 ; at apex 0:03 ineh ( Watson). Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Chall.). Cadulus vulpidens Wars., Journ. Linn. Soe. Lond., xiv, p. 524 (1879); Chall. Rep., p. 18, pl. 3, f. 2. This is smaller and less symmetrical than Cadulus colubridens, and the mouth is much smaller, Than Dentaliwm clavatum Gould, which it much resembles, this is more contracted in front and less so behind, and has more of angulation in its tumidity. Than Cadu- lus gadus Mont., this is a much less stumpy shell, being less swollen in the middle and more drawn out before and behind ; it is also straighter. Cadulus ventricosus Bronn has the swelling nearer the mouth ( Wats.). C. sAURIDENS Watson. PI. 25, fig. 56. Shell long, narrow, scarcely bent, swollen very slightly near the middle of the convex curve, just perceptibly and a little more ante- riorly on the concave; both the bend and the contraction are greater towards the apex than towards the mouth. There is a very slight compression between the back and the belly of the shell; it is thin, brilliant, scarcely opaque, white. Sculpture: There is none, except perhaps some very faint microscopic traces of longitudinal texture. Mouth rather small, very oblique; edge thin, but not chipped. Apical opening small, straight across the shell, thin, chipped. Length 0:12 inch, breadth at mouth 0-01, at swelling 0:02, at apex 0.009 inch. ( Watson). Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). Cadulus sauridens Wars., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 525 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 19, pl. 8, f. 4 (1885). This differs from Cadulus rastridens Wats., in being less bent, less swollen, the swelling more central, more apparent on the convex curve; the shell is less attenuated posteriorly and more so ante- riorly ; there is no transverse sculpture; the mouth here is oblique, 174 CADULUS—GADILA. the shell at the anal opening is not thickened, and both ends are narrower. Than Cadulus gracilis Jeffr., this is much smaller, more attenuated, has a gibbous swelling, and not a mere equable enlarge- ment, and has both openings much smaller. — From Cadulus jeffreysi Monter., it differs still more strongly in these very respects, except that in size it is nearer. C. amrantus Dall. PI. 25, fig. 52. This species, first identified by me with C. sauridens Watson, was submitted to Mr. Watson forexamination. He writes: “Compared with C. sauridens it is three times as long, mouth not oblique nor regular; form much more bent, swelling much more pronounced and nearer the anterior end. The transverse contour line is more circular, there being little if any flattening between the convex and coneave slopes. It is more like C. vulpidens Watson, but is only half the length of that species, and less conical behind the ‘ equa- tor,’ and more conical in front of it. The equator is less angulated than in C. vulpidens, and not so near the mouth.” The length of ©. amiantus is 5°75, its maximum diameter 1°4 mill. Both orifices are circular and not notched, and the swelling evenly shades off toward the extremities. ‘The specimens obtained off Cape Florida are more slender than the typical form. (Dal/). Off Cape San Antonio, Cuba, in 1,002 fms, (Blake); off Cape Florida, in 8 fms. (Dr. W. H. Rush). Cadulus sauridens Dawu, Bull. M. C. Z., ix, p. 36 (1881); not of Watson, 1879.—Cadulus amiantus Dauu, Bull. M. C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 43], pl. 27, f. 7. C. RASTRIDENS Watson. PI. 25, fig. 62. Shell like the tooth of a rake, small, narrow, bent, swollen, and on the convex curve very faintly angulated at about five-eighths of its length, from which point both the bend and the narrowing of the shell is greater (proportionally) toward the mouth than it is toward the apex. Between the back and the belly there is a very slight compression of the shell. It is pretty strong, brilliant, more or less obscurely banded transversely with alternate equal threads of opaque and transparent white. Sculpture: Very faint, superfi- cial, transverse scratches. Mouth pretty large, not at all oblique, thin, sharp and chipped; posterior opening round, straight; edge thickened, and less chipped than the mouth. Length 0-119 inch, CADULUS-GADILA. VS breadth at mouth 0:015, at swelling 0°023, at apex 0:01 inch. ( Wat- son). Lat. 18° 38’ 30” N., long. 65° 5’ 30" W., Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). C. rastridens Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Vol. xiv, p. 525 (1879) ; Chall. Report, Scaphopoda, p. 19, pl. 3, fig. 3 (1885). ©. curtus Watson. PI. 25, fig. 60. Shell short, broad, narrowed at both ends, scarcely bent, and that almost wholly near the mouth ; swollen in the middle, so as to bulge a little on the concave curve. Though the mouth is larger than the apex, the whole shell is a little more pinched in front than behind, and is very slightly laterally compressed (in the proportion of about 14 to 15). It is thin, polished, translucent white, with one, some- times two opaque rings near the apex. Sculpture: Only under a high power of the microscope can some very close transverse striz be seen in the texture of the shell. Mouth rather large, very slightly oblique; edge thin and generally much chipped ; apical opening small, straight, chipped. The opaque rings result from thickening, caused by a thin projection which narrows the opening. Length 0:1 inch, breadth at mouth 0:019, greatest 0°03, apex 0.012 inch. ( Watson). Lat. 18° 38" 30" N., long. 65° 5’ 30” W., Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fms. (Challenger). C. curtus Warson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiv, p. 527 (1879) ; Chall. Report, Scaphopoda, p. 21, pl. iii, fig. 7. Than C. curtus var. congruens Wats., this is not only very much smaller, but here the mouth is oblique, and the shell is straighter behind and more bent in front, where, too, it is much more pinched in. It is nearly of the same length as C. obesus Wats., but is very much narrower. ( Wats.). Var. CONGRUENS Watson. PI. 25, fig. 59. This differs from Cadulus curtus Wats., in being one-third larger, the mouth is, perhaps, less oblique, but being in both specimens much chipped, this may be accidental. The most remarkable feat- ure of difference is that it is perfectly round, and not like the other, laterally compressed ; I attribute this difference to age. At all 176 CADULUS-—GADILA. events, in the absence of a larger series of specimens, I believe it safer to include both under one species. ( Watson). Station 24, lat. 18° 38’ 30” N., long. 65° 5’ 30” W., Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fathoms. O. curtus var. congruens Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Vol. xiv, p. 527 (1879); Chall. Rept., Scaphopoda, p. 21, 22, pl. 3, fig. Ta. C. SENEGALENSIS Locard. Shell of relatively large size, of strongly conoid form, rather short and stout, quite arcuate throughout, a little contracted at base, tapering slowly and progressively toward the apex; inferior region terminating in a transversely oval section in a quite oblique plane, contracted for a distance apparently equal to one-tenth the total length, in such a manner that the maximum inflation of the shell is well downward and at the same time but little prominent ; anterior and posterior profiles subsymmetrical; shell rather thin, solid, subopaque, of a dirty ivory white tint after death of the animal, very glossy, appearing completely smooth. Length 20, maximum diam. 3°5, curvature 1°5 mill. (Locard). Senegal, 3200 meters depth. Cadulus senegalensis Loc., L’Echange Revue Linnéenne, Jan., 1897, p. 3. C. sTRANGULATUS Locard. Shell of small size and narrowly elongated subcylindroid form, little inflated, feebly arcuate, conspicuously more contracted in the superior region than in the inferior; superior region very short, terminating above by a slightly oval section in a noticeably oblique plane; inferior region delimited, quite high, terminating in a feebly oval section in a decidedly oblique plane. Anterior profile nearly straight, very feebly arcuate above, a little salient below the median region; outer profile very plainly arched, continuous above, with the edge of the superior region, the maximum bulging a little below the middle, shell thin, quite solid, subtransparent, becoming opaque white after death, smooth and glossy. Length 4°5, greatest. diam. 1, least 0°5 mill. (Loe.) Gulf of Gascony and off Marseilles, between 555 and 2018 meters depth. Cadulus strangulatus Loc., L’Echange, 1897, p. 4. CADULUS-GADILA. 7. C. MONTEROSATO!I Locard. Shell of subtruncate conoid (“subtronconoide”’) form, but little arched altogether, strongly swollen in the region above the middle. Superior region very short, a little more constricted than the inferior, terminating in a circular section in a horizontal plane; inferior region short, but a little longer than the superior, terminat- ing in a noticeably oval section in a slightly oblique plane. Anterior profile undulating, feebly projecting above the middle; posterior profile notably more arched, with the greatest convexity a little above the middle, more abruptly tapering upward than downward, Shell somewhat thin, quite solid, subtransparent, smooth, very glossy, becoming a porcelain white after death. Alt. 6, greatest diam. 2, least 1 mill. (Loc.) West of Cape Finistere, 2018 meters depth. Cadulus monterosatot Loc., L’Kchange, 1897, p. 4. C. artatus ‘ Jeffreys’ Locard. Shell of narrowly subconoid shape, well curved, and inflated throughout the median region; superior region more constricted than the inferior and more lengthened, terminating in a perceptibly circular section, in a slightly oblique plane; inferior region a little greater in diameter, a little shorter, terminating in a distinctly oval section, in a plane perpendicular to the long axis of the shell. Anterior outline regularly arched, with a slight swelling a little below the middle; posterior outline well arched, with a very regular, very long swelling, making a nearly continuous curvature of the superior and inferior regions, the greatest convexity a little helow the middle. Shell rather thin, fragile, subtransparent, diaphanous, becoming opaque with death of the animal, smooth and glossy. Alt. 4, greatest diam. 0°75, least 0°5 mill. (Loe.) Gulf of Gascony, 1019 to 2651 meters depth. Cadulus artatus Jeffreys, Locarp, L’Echange 1897, p. 4. CADULUS SEMISTRIATUS and C. ARTaTus Jeffreys, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), vi, p. 317, are merely list names, which Jeffreys did not make good by descriptions. Locard has lately given a diagnosis of the latter, translated above. Species of the West Coast of North and South America. I. Shell large (about 24 mill. long), longitudinally striated. a. Strive close, even, deeply engraved; length 7 times the greatest diameter, albicomatus, p. 178. 12 178 CADULUS—GADILA. a’. Strie slight, shallow, less evenly developed; length 8% times the greatest diameter. striatus, p. 179. II. Shell smaller, not striated longitudinally. a. Species of stout or rather stout figure, the inflation mod- erate or conspicuous, greatest diameter at the anterior third or fourth of the length. b. Tube approaching circular in section at aperture and equator, californicus, p.180; — tolmiei, p. 181. b’. Tube markedly flattened at aperture and equator, platystoma, p. 180. a’. Very slender species, with the slight inflation anterior, contraction toward the mouth very short; diameter con- tained 7-10 times in the length. b. Shell smooth throughout; anterior contraction slight. c. Length 13:5 mill., 10 times the diam., aberrans, p. 195. ce’. Length 10°3 mill., about 9 times the diam., fusiformis, p. 1938. e”. Length 10 mill., about 7 times the diam., hepburni, p. 194. b’. Shell circularly corrugated near the apex, perpusillus, p. 190; panamensis, p. 191; major, p. 192. C. aALBIcoMATUS Dall. PI. 35, fig. 15. Shell resembling C. spectabilis Verrill, but larger, with a less prominent equator, more compressed in an antero-posterior direc- tion, and with the anal opening produced at the sides and roundly excavated in front and behind instead of notched laterally and pro- duced medianly. Color milk-white; incremental sculpture indi- cated only by more or less translucent rings in the shell substance ; longitudinally sculptured by extremely fine sharp grooves with equal interspaces, which cover the whole of the shell; curvature moderate, nearly uniform, slightly more marked near the anal end ; the whole shell distinctly compressed, though not flattened, except below the oval aperture, where the shell is impressed, making a shallow sul- cus extending backward nearly two millimeters, and in front arch- ing the margin so that the perfect aperture is distinctly uniform with sharp, thin edges. There is no swollen equatorial girdle; the greatest diameter is near the posterior end of the above-mentioned CADULUS—GADILA. 179 sulcus, whence the shell tapers evenly backward ; aperture slightly oblique; anal aperture nearly circular, concavely arched, but not notched in front and behind ; longitude of shell on its dorsal chord, 24; perpendicular to the chord, 2; diameter of oval aperture, 3; antero-posterior diameter, 1°5; diameter of anal aperture 1; maxi- mum diameter of shell, 3:4; antero-posterior diameter of shell, 3 mill. (Dail). Off Manta, Ecuador, about 40 miles south of the equator, in lon. 81° W., 401 fms.; Gulf of Panama, 1,672 fms. (Albatross). Cadulus albicomatus DAL, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xii, p. 259, pl. 9, f. 8. This species was obtained about 40 miles south of the equator in west longitude 81°. It is one of the largest and finest species of the genus, and the only one known to me which is distinctly longitudi- nally sculptured (Dall). The longitudinal striation is similar to that of Dentalium calamus, but rather finer. The grooves are very regularly and rather deeply engraved. C. striatus Dall, n.sp. PI. 35, figs. 9, 10, 14, 12, 13. Shell very large, rather slender, moderately bent; bluish-white, more opaque white near the apex and upon the most inflated por- tion ; surface glossy, seen under a lens to be densely and finely stri- ated longitudinally, the striation subobsolete near apex and aperture. Tube without any pronounced inflation, somewhat compressed be- tween the convex and concave sides, gradually increasing from the apex nearly to the aperture, then then abruptly depressed or con- tracted on the convex side, with a small, flattened, slightly concave area just behind the lip; slightly contracted laterally but not on the concave side. Aperture oblique, oval, somewhat flattened on the convex side; peristome acute, excised on the convex side. Anal orifice simple, subcircular, the edge excavated in front and behind (fig. 12). Length 24-8 mill. ; diam. at aperture 2:0 x 2°5, at largest 2°7 x 2°9. at apex 1 x 1:2 mill. x Gulf of Panama, in 322 fms. (Albatross). Very similar to C. albicomatus Dall, but the longitudinal striz which in that species are close, even and deeply engraved, are here more slight, shallow, less regularly and evenly developed. It is also a more slender species. - Numerous specimens were taken at Fish 180 CADULUS-GADILA. Commission Station 3,354, in the Gulf of Panama. Types are No. 122,992, U.S. Nat. Mus. C. pLAtystomMA Pilsbry & Sharp, n.sp. PI. 35, figs. 17, 18. Shell rather large, much bent; bluish-white, somewhat translu- cent posteriorly; smooth and glossy, growth-striz being scarcely discernable. Strongly swollen posteriorly, the greatest diameter contained about 4°4 times in the length of theshell ; equator between the anterior third and fourth of the shell’s length, the tube rapidly tapering posteriorly, less rapidly anteriorly, where it is decidedly de- pressed or flattened on the convex face, the flattening increasing to- ward the aperture, just behind which there is a slight concavity on the middle of the convex side (fig. 18). Outline of convex side de- cidedly more arcuate toward the aperture ; concave outline modified and slightly convex in the region of the inflation. Posterior end attenuated. Tube compressed between the concave and convex sides at and anterior to the inflation, subcircular in section at the apex. Aperture irregularly elliptical, much flattened along the con- vex side, the peristome thin, jagged from fracture. Anal orifice sub- circular, with simple edge. Length 12:7 ; diam. at aperture, 1°3 x 2.0, at greatest inflation 2°52: x 2°92, at apex 0.8 x 0°8 mill. (the antero-posterior dimensions pre- ceding). Off Manta, Ecuador, U.S. Fish Commission Station, 2792 in 401 fms. mud, bottom temp. 42°.9 F. (Albatross). Somewhat like C. poculum in being much bent, with the tube markedly compressed anteriorly, but in the Pacific species the infla- tion is much more extensive and not angular, the posterior attenua- tion less great, ete. It differs from C. dalli in being more bent, without apical nicks, and conspicuously in the shape of the aperture. In the form of the aperture it is somewhat similar to C. albicomatus, but that is a sculptured species. The unique type is No. 107,699, U. S. Nat. Mus. C. caLtFornicus Pilsbry & Sharp, n. sp. PI. 34, figs. 5, 6, 7, 8. Shell large and solid, well curved; smooth and glossy, growth- lines being very faintly indicated ; opaque white, the posterior half bluish, subtranslucent, with a similarly colored rim at the mouth, or sometimes slightly bluish throughout. Stout, decidedly swollen an- teriorly, the greatest diameter contained 45 to 4% times in the length of shell; the equator about at the anterior fourth, either oblique, . CADULUS-—GADILA. 181 well-marked and slightly subangular or less distinct and gently rounded, tapering rapidly toward both ends; outline of concave side noticeably convex in the region of greatest swelling. Section of tube a trifle flattened between the convex and concave sides at the equator or throughout. Aperture subcircular, somewhat oblique. Anal orifice rather large, slightly oval, with no noticeable callus within, its edge irregular from breakage, but possibly two lateral nicks (see fig. 7) may be normally present. Length 143 mill.; antero-posterior diam. at aperture 2°25, at largest 3°33, at apex 1:0 mill.; lateral diam. at aperture 2°3, at largest, 3°4, at apex 171 mill. A more slender specimen measures: length 14°6, diam. at aperture 2:3 x 2°5, at largest 2°9 x 3°1, at apex 1:2. x 1°4 mill. Off Tillamook Bay, Oregon, in 786 fms., bottom temp., 37°.3 ; off Cape St. Martin, California, in 218 fms., temp., 43°.2; off San Luis Obispo Bay, 252 fms.; off Santa Barbara Is., 414 fms. ; off San Diego, in 822 fms., temp., 39° ; also Gulf of Panama, in 1,270 fms., temp., 36°.4 (U.S. Fish Commission). A large stout species, much exceeding C. toliniei, C. clavatus and C. dalli in size, and more swollen and robust than either. The equator is nearer the aperture and more pronounced than in C- tol- miei Dall. The Atlantic forms C. grandis and C. spectabilis Verrill are somewhat similar, but the former is stouter, the latter longer than C. californicus. It varies considerable in inflation, some speci- mens (figs. 7,8) being decidedly less swollen than that selected as type (figs. 5, 6). The type specimens are No. 107,698, U.S. Nat. Mus. C. rotmie! Dall. PI. 34, figs. 3, 4. Shell thin, polished, slightly bluish-white, a trifle translucent, rather arcuate; moderately swollen, the greatest diameter contained about 5 times in the length, situated about at the anterior third, thence tapering at first gradually and then rapidly to the apex, only slightly contracting toward the aperture; convex side strongly and evenly arched, opposite outline straight along the anterior half, concave posteriorly. Tube a trifle compressed vertically in the middle and anteriorly ; sculpture none, or only of obscure, incre- mental lines. Aperture oblique, nearly circular ; anal orifice sub- circular, simple. Length 10-7, antero-posterior diameter at aperture 1°65, at greatest bulging 2-0, at apex 0:77 mill.; lateral diam. at aperture 1°72, at greatest 2'1, at apex 0°72 mill. 182 CADULUS-GADILA. Type measures: length of shell, 12:0 ; max. diam., 2:0 ; min. diam., 0:7 mill. — Near Victoria, Vancouver Island, in 60 fms., with C. hepburni (Nat. Hist. Soc. Brit. Columbia). Cadulus tolmiei DALL, Nat. Hist. Soc. Brit. Columbia, Bull. No. 2, pls, pl. det. 8 (1897): “This species is markedly different, both in arcuation and the in- flation of the anterior part, from either C. aberrans or C. hepburni. I have named it in honor of the late Dr. William Tolmie, of Vic- toria, sometime officer of the Hudson Bay Co., who for many years contributed valuable material to the students of the ethnology and natural history of British Columbia, both in America and England.” (Dall). C. tolmiei is smaller and less inflated than C. californicus Pils. & Sharp, and the equator is less distinct. It is very similar to C. rushii from the Hatteras region in the Atlantic, but that is more attenuated posteriorly. With the type a specimen occurred differ- ing in several respects, and probably at least varietally distinct. C. (tolmiei var.?) NEWCOMBEI P. &S.,n. var. PI. 34, figs. 1, 2. About the length of tolmiei, but decidedly more slender, greatest diameter contained nearly 6 times in length, section of the tube markedly oval, compressed vertically throughout; aperture oval. Length 11:0; antero-posterior diam. at aperture 1°45, at greatest bulging, 1°66, at apex 0°66 mill.; lateral diam. at aperture 1°55, at largest 1:9, at apex 0°75 mill. Indo-Pacific and Australian Species. C. stmILLIMus Watson. PI. 26, fig. 77. Shell very like Cadulus gracilis Jeffr., rather broad, narrowed at both ends, very slightly and symmetrically bent, but a little more towards the mouth, with a very slight bulge, which just shows on the concave curve. It is thin, polished, translucent (weathering opaque), with an opaque ring near the apex. Sculpture: Very minute and faint and superficial oblique striz, with a faint floecu- lence in the substance of the shell. Mouth rather large, oblique> edge thin, but rounded; apical opening small, thin, and chipped. Length 0:16 inch, breadth at mouth 0:02, greatest 0:036, at apex 0-014 inch. ( Watson). Raine Island, Cape York, N. E. Australia, 155 fms. (Challenger). CADULUS-GADILA. 183 Cadulus simillimus W ats., Journ. Linn. Soc., xiv., p. 526 (1879) ; Chall. Rep., p. 20, pl. 3, f. 6 (1885). This differs from C. gracilis Jeffreys in being broader, with a slight bulge on the concave curve, in being a little more bent, and in not being compressed ; it is also larger. It is extremely like C. jefireysi Monter., but is a little more bent, especially in front, is larger, and seems a thinner shell. ( Watson). C. acumrinatus Tate. PI. 82, figs. 47, 48, 49. Shell quite thin, moderately arcuate and not much swollen, fusi- form, the greatest girth about median, thence very gradually taper- ing toward the ends, which are rather large; the median bulging being about as obvious in a dorsal or ventral (fig. 48) asin a lateral view of theshell. Tube somewhat flattened antero-posteriorly throug h- out, the compression slightly greater at the ends. Surface appear- ing perfectly smooth and glossy; translucent-whitish throughout, eacept for an opaque white ring around the tube a short distance from the smaller end, produced by a narrow internal callous ledge. Both openings oval, their outlines more flattened on the convex than on the other side, and both cut the tube nearly at right angles; and the peristomes are simple. Greatest diameter of apex about two- thirds that of the aperture. Length 6:4; tube measuring 1°11 by 1:25 mill. at point of great- . est diameter ; aperture 0°705 by 0°9 mill.; apex 0°564 by 0°66 mill. (figs. 48, 49). Another specimen (fig. 47) measures: Length 5:2 mill.; antero- posterior diam. at greatest amplitude 0:9, at aperture 0°6, at apex 0:47 mill. St. Vincent Gulf, South Australia (Tate, Bednall) ; Port Stephens, New South Wales (Dr. J. C. Cox). Cadulus acuminatus Tarr, Proc. and Rep. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, ix, p. 193 (1887).—C. acuminatus Desh. MS. in Coll. Cuming, Anaas, P. Z. 8., 1878, p. 868. The specific name is singularly inappropriate. Professor Tate de- scribed it from the oyster beds of the Upper Aldinga series (Plio- cene). Numerous specimens vary between the more obese and the slen- der specimens figured. The white girdle near the smaller end is constantly conspicuous on the milky translucent color of the rest of the shell. This girdle is removed from the apex a distance about 184 CADULUS-GADILA. equal to the diameter of the latter. There is no thickening of the shell wall toward the aperture, and no appearance of strize under considerable magnification. The greatest diameter of the tube is contained about 5 times in the length of the shell; that of the aperture is contained about 7 times. This species is considerably like the North Atlantic C. subfusifor- mis in contour. C. simillimus Wats., is a more swollen species. C. COLUBRIDENS Watson. PI. 26, fig. 71. Shell like an adder’s fang, long, sharp, bent, very slightly flat- tened, swollen near the broader end. The swell, which is faintly angulated and is at one-fourth of the length, is chiefly on the con- vex curve, but is visible on the concave curve too. From the angu- lation the curve is very equable in either direction till about two- thirds along toward the apex, where it bends a little more. The shell is thin, brilliant, semi-opaque, white. Sculpture: Very faint and fine scratches on the lines of growth. Mouth large, oval, very slightly flattened on the ventral side, from which the thin, sharp edge is obliquely cut off upwards towards the convex curve. The posterior opening is much smaller, nearly round, and the edge is thin and chipped. Length 0°58 inch, breadth at mouth 0-067, greatest 0:1, at apex 0:033 inch. ( Watson). Lat. 37° 34 8., long. 179° 22’ E., N. E. point of New Zealand, in 700 fms. (Challenger). C. colubridens Watson, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, xiv, p. 523 (1879); Chall. Rep., Secaphopoda, p. 18, pl. ili, f. 1 (1886). This is twice the size of C. gadus Montagu, but it resembles that in the angulation, which, however, is here more marked at the sum- mit of the swelling; its expansion from the smaller end is more gradual, and its contraction from the angulation to the mouth is more rapid. ( Wats.). C. VIPERIDENS Melvill & Standen. PI. 33, fig. 55. Shell of medium proportions, somewhat curved, very smooth, a little tapering towards the apex as well as at the aperture; delicate, pellucid, milk white. Aperture rounded, the margin thin; poste- rior orifice very small, the margin acutely cut into two lobes, thin. Length 6°5, diam. of aperture 1, of apex 0°5 mill. Lifu, Loyalty Is. (Mr. & Mrs. Hatfield). CADULUS-—GADILA. 185 Cadulus viperidens Mety. & STANDEN, The Journal of Conchol- ogy, vill, p. 274, pl. 11, f. 79 (Oct., 1896). Several specimens of a somewhat incurved, perfectly smooth translucent, milky-tinged Cadulus, precisely corresponding with unnamed specimens in the British Museum from the shore of North Australia. In form it slightly recalls C. colubridens Wats. from New Zealand, but is more uniform in width and less ventricosa towards the base. It is likewise simaller than either that species, the common tropical C. gadus Montagu, or C. jeffreysi Monts. ‘The mouth is simple, round, the posterior or apical orifice also rounded in diameter, has its edges labially bisected by a sharply cut channel. (Melv. & Stand.). C. ctavatus (Gould). Pl. 26, figs. 80, 81, 79. Shell rather slender, moderately solid, considerably curved ; maximum diameter situated near the larger end, gradually taper- ing posteriorly, anteriorly rather rapidly contracting at the sides and especially on the convex face, and very slightiy on the concave face. Tube slightly flattened between the convex and concave sides throughout, least so at the apex. Bluish-white, becoming opaque- white near the ends from the greater thickness of the shell there. Surface smooth, glossy, showing no striation; aperture (fig. 80) slightly oblique, rounded-oval, a little more flattened on the convex than on the concave side. Apex small, rounded oval, with perfectly simple, sharp edge. Length 11, diameter at aperture 1:2 x 1:4, at greatest girth 1°76 x 1°85, at apex °55 x 0.6 mill. Hong Kong Harbor, China, 6-20 fms. (Wm. Stimpson). Dentalium clavatum GouLp, Proc. Bost. Soe. N. H., vii, p. 166 (1859).— Helonyzx clavatus Stimpson, Amer. Journ. Conch., i, p. 63, pl. 9, f. 14 (1865). Stimpson has figured and described the living animal (fig. 79) : “Foot greatly elongated, cylindrical, and obtuse at the extremity ; collar apparently entire ; anal siphon longer than in Dentalium, not fissured.” Mr. A. H. Cooke reports C. clavatus from the Gulf of Suez, dredged by MacAndrew (Ann. Mag. N. H. [5], xvi, p. 275). Our figures and description are from the type, U. S. Nat. Mus. C. HONOLULUENSIS (Watson). PI. 26, fig. 76. Shell cylindrical, bent, and attenuated from about the middle to the apex, toward the mouth very slightly contracted, of a dull white 186 CADULUS-GADILA. translucency, and not glossy. Sculpture: The surface, especially toward the apex, is faintly marked by microscopic, remote, oblique, raised, encircling rings, parallel to which there are fine scratches in the intervals. Edge of the mouth very oblique, blunt; apex not small, broken. Length 0:21, breadth, greatest 0:°031, at mouth 0:028, at apex 0:016 inch. ( Watson). Reefs off Honolulu, 40 fms. (Challenger). Siphodentalium honoluluense Wats., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., xv, p- 89 (1880) ; Chall. Rep. p. 17, pl. 2, f 10. This species closely resembles Siphodentaliwm tetraschistum Wats.,. but, besides the obvious difference in size, that species is a little more cylindrical and is much more strongly and uniformly sculptured. I say nothing of the peculiar feature of the apex of that species, be- cause the point being broken in the solitary specimen of the present. species, comparison is impossible. ( Watson). C. capus (Montagu). PI. 31, figs. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Shell small, rather thin, but little curved and that mainly poste- riorly ; anterior half considerably and very regularly swollen, the greatest diameter slightly behind the anterior third of the length ; tapering toward the aperture on all sides, a little more rapidly tapering posteriorly, decidedly attenuated toward the small apex. Outline of concave side decidedly modified and quite convex in the region of the inflation. Greatest diameter contained 4% to 47 times in the length of the shell. Surface smooth, with a glimmer some- what like that of C. incisus; no perceptible growth-striz ; color whitish, imperfectly translucent. Tube slightly compressed from front to back, throughout. Aperture quite oblique when unbroken, and rounded-oval. Anal orifice very small, of the same shape, its edge apparently free from slits when uninjured. Length 7:6 mill.; diam. at aperture 0°95 x 1:26; at largest 1°68 x 1°79; at apex 0°47 x 0°48 mill.; the antero-posterior diameter given first in each case. Length 6°53 mill. ; diam. at aperture 0:82 x 0:9; at largest 1°37 x 1:58, at apex 0°33 x 0°42 mill. Habitat uncertain. Dentalium gadus Mont., Testacea Britanica, p. 476, pl. 14, f. 7 (1803).— Cadulus gadus Mont., JEFFREYS, Ann. Mag.N.H.(4), xix, p. 157 (1877).—? Cadulus gadus Cooks, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, p. 275.—? C. gadus Sowb., Metvitt & ABERCROMBIE, Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. and Philos. Soc. (4), vil, p. 25. loa CADULUS-GADILA. 187 Our figures and description are from specimens in the Jeffreys collection (U. S. Nat. Mus.) which agree thoroughly with Montagu’s figures, and which perhaps came originally from Humphrey’s stock of shells. The species is quite distinct in its flask-like form, being conspicuously and evenly swollen but not in the least angulated anteriorly, and a good deal attenuated posteriorly. This peculiar and characteristic shape is fur some reason more conspicuous in the shells themselves or in a natural size figure, than it is in the much enlarged camera drawings, although the latter are faithful in pro- portions. Jeffreys writesas follows: “ C. gadusof Montagu resem- bles C. olivi; but it is not only very much smaller, but is proportion- ally shorter and less slender, and the anterior end is more con- tracted. The locality given by Montagu (‘many parts of the Brit- ish Channel’), with the mariner’s name ‘ Hake’s-tooth,’ is at least very doubtful as regards this species; and it is not unlikely that he may have mistaken for the ‘ Hake’s-tooth’ Ditrypa arietina (a testa- ceous annelid), which is frequently found adhering to the grease or ‘arming’ of the deep-sea lead in soundings. But his description and figure evidently apply to a species of Cadulus from the noted collection of old George Humphreys, the shell-dealer, of which I possess specimens. This species was dredged by the late Professor Barrett at Jamaica; and it is a fossil of the Sicilian tertiaries. I received specimens of the latter from the Marquis di Monterosato as ‘ Cadulus subfusiformis Sars,’ and from Dr. Tiberi as ‘ Siphonoden- talium olivi var. minor Scace.’” The typical shells figured are without habitat. Whether the localities ‘‘ Jamaica” and “ Sicilian Tertiaries” really refer to the same specific form is open to question. Mr. A. H. Cooke reports C. gadus from the Gulf of Suez, dredged by Mac Andrew; and Melvill and Abercrombie include it in their Bombay list. It is evident that some of these localities are questionable; and the true habitat remains to be ascertained. C. gadus has been identified by Sacco (Moll. Terr. Terz. Piem. e Ligur., xxii, 116) from the northern Italian Miocene; but his fig- ure proves the identification incorrect. Montagu gives the following description; and his figures are copied on my plate (fig. 27); the latter are characteristic, though the enlarged view is somewhat exaggerated. “Dentalium with a subpellucid, subarcuated shell, tapering to a small point, pervious, contracting a little towards the larger end; is 188 CADULUS-—GADILA. white, glossy, and perfectly smooth, without the smallest appearance of wrinkles or strie. Length scarce three-eighths of an inch ; diam- eter of the largest part, about one-sixteenth.” (Mont.). C. piv# (Vélain). PI. 26, figs. 82, 83. Shell thin, white, transparent, elongated, moderately arcuated ; obviously swollen at the upper third; surface smooth and glossy, showing some unequally spaced growth-striz when sufficiently magnified. Anterior aperture perfectly circular, not oblique, con- tracted, with simple and sharp peristome; posterior orifice quite large, simple, oblique, entire, without lobes or lateral slits. Length 4, diameter above ?, below 3 mill. (Vélain). Island of St. Paul, in the crater, 90 meters (French Transit of Venus Exped., 1874). Gadus dive [sic] Ca. Veutain, Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér., vi, p: 128, pl. 5) f; 1,,2-@3877). Apparently resembles C. gadus. We have not seen specimens. C. minutus H. Adams. PI. 26, fig. 78. Shell smooth, thin, arcuate, a little contracted anteriorly, whit- ish. Aperture circular, slightly oblique. Length 4, diam. } mill. (H. Ad.). Red Sea (MacAndrew). Cadulus minutus H. Av., P. Z. 8., 1872, p. 10, pl. 3, f. 9.—Den- talium minutum SowERBY, Conch. Icon., xviii, pl. 7, f. 48 (1872).— Cooker, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), xvi, p. 273 (1885).—C.Ess1n, Con- chyl. Cab., p. 18 (1896). This may be a Dischides, but the apex has not been described. Group of C. dentalinus. Slender forms with the greatest girth situated very near the aper- ture, the constriction short and rather abrupt ; both apertures sub- circular and simple ; surface smooth or circularly finely ribbed. This group contains the most slender members of the genus Cad- ulus. The shell is considerably like that of Ditrupa, but less earthy and of more regular growth. The species are of two kinds: circu- larly wrinkled and smooth. The sculptured series probably begins with C. perpusillus (Sowb.), imperfectly described in 1832, but this is not positively known, as the minute features of the surface of that species are still undescribed ; the next species in point of seniority is C. dentalinus (Guppy) of the CADULUS-GADILA. 189 Jamaican Oligocene. This has modern descendants in C. acus of the Gulf of Mexico, and C. panamensis and var. major of the Pan- amic region. It is extremely probable that all the above mentioned forms fall within the limits of one single species. A smaller but allied species, C. singaporensis, occurs in the East Indian fauna. The series of smooth species is also represented in the Antillean Oligocene. C. elegantissimus Pils. & Sharp and C. phenax P. & S. belong here. Recent, it has occurred only in the Californian fauna, where C. aberrans Whiteaves and the very closely allied C. fustfor- mis 8. & P., and C. hepburni Dall, also similar, are found. As to C. dominguensis (Orb.), its characters have been too inde- finitely described to permit a positive location; and it is likewise doubtful whether C. levis belongs to this group or some other; and it may even be non-molluscan. Dentaliwm corrugatum Cpr. is a young shell of the annulated C. dentalinus group. Key to species. J, Shell circularly corrugated toward the apex. a. More or less of a short inflation near the larger end ; length 7-11 mill.; American forms. b. West American. c. Length 7:5 mill., 9 times the diam. (sculpture unknown), West Columbia, perpusillus, p. 190. ce’, Length 7 mill., 73-9 times the diam., Panama to L. Cal. panamensis, p. 191, ce”, Length 8-10 mill., 6-74 times the diam., major, p. 192. b. Antillean forms. c. Length 7-7-5 mill., 7{-102 times diam., Oligo- cene of Jamaica, dentalinus, p. 190. c. Length 8 mill., 103-11 times the diam. ; recent, acus, p. 191. a’. Not inflated near larger end; less annulated; length 5:6 mill., 74 times the greatest diam. ; Singapore, singaporensis, p. 198. II. Shell smooth, not circularly corrugated. a. Length 28 mill., 14 times the diam. A doubtful member of the genus. N.-E., Australia, levis p. 195. a’, Smaller and not nearly so slender; anterior constriction slight; West American. 190 CADULUS-GADILA. b. Length 13:5 mill., 10 times the diam., aberrans, p. 193. b’. Length 10°3 mill., about 9 times the diam., fusiformis, p. 193. b”. Length 10 mill., about 7 times the diam., hepburni, p. 194. CO. dominguensis (p. 191) is not included in the above table. C. pERPUSILLUs (G. B. Sowerby). (Unfigured). Shell small, thin, narrow, curved, polished and white. Apex acute ; aperture contracted, oblique. Length three-tenths, diam. one-thirtieth inch. (G. B.S.). Puerto Salango, west coast of Colombia (Cuming). Dentalium perpusillum G. B. SowERBy, P. Z. 8., 1832, p. 29. “This is related to D. gadus, but is much more slender, and the aperture is obliquely truncated from the dorsal to the ventral mar- em. (G2 B38.): In the Thes. Conch., ili, p. 104, this is referred to Ditrupa, not an unnatural conclusion. The shape and small size, length 7:5, diam. 0:83 mill., indicate, however, that it is a member of the C. denta- linus group of Cadulus, and perhaps identical with C. panamensis. Should this surmise prove correct, the name perpusillus will take precedence; and itis not unlikely that C. dentalinus, acus and pana- mensis may be ranked as mere varieties. C. DENTALINUS (Guppy). PI. 36, figs. 21, 22. Shell acicular, very slender, abruptly swollen near the larger end ; smaller half closely, circularly costulate. Length 7, greatest diameter 0°9 mill. Length 7:5, greatest diameter 0°71 mill. Jamaica, an Oligocene fossil. Ditrupa dentalina Guppy, Geological Magazine, (n. ser.) decade II, Vol. I, 1874, p. 445, pl. 16, f. 11 (bad, no description).—Ditrupa dentalinum Guepy, Geol. Mag., 1875, p. 42. Outline figures drawn from author’s examples of this Jamaican Oligocene species are here given for comparison with the following recent forms, which we hesitate to separate as species. There is considerable variation in proportions, a slender and a stouter shell being figured. The annulation is similar to that of C. panamensis and C. acus, q. v. CADULUS-GADILA. 191 ©. acus Dall. -Pl. 36, fig. 27. Shell small, very slender, slightly curved, variegated with trans- lucent and opaque white rings and encircling bands, which become broader toward the anterior extreme; aperture circular, slightly ob- lique, the shell behind it rapidly increasing to its point of maximum diameter, from which it very gradually tapers toward the almost acute posterior extremity. Surface smooth, with extremely fine circular grooves or lines, which under a strong magnifier are visi- ble over most of the posterior third of the shell, with their inter- spaces, recalling the rings of Caecum trachea on a much more minute scale; the rings of opaque color sometimes coincide with the sculp- ture, but not constantly. Length of shell 8-0, diameter of aperture 05, greatest diam. 0°75, posterior diam. 0°12 mill. (Dadd). Samana Bay, 8S. Domingo, in 30 fms. (Capt. Couthouy, U.S. N.). Cadulus acus Datu, Bull. M.C. Z., xviii, Blake Rep., p. 482, pl. ieee LSS). epull:, U.S; Nat. Mus... Noi37, py (8, pla2iqt da. Very closely allied to C. dentalinus Guppy of the Jamaican Oli- gocene or Miocene, and possibly also to C. dominguensis d’Orb. C. DOMINGUENSIS (Orbigny). PI. 36, fig. 26. Shell lengthened, narrow, arcuate, smooth and shining; apex acuminate. Length 7 mill. (Orb.). San Domingo, Martinique and Cuba, on the sand (Orb.). Dentalium dominguense D’OrB., (“1846”), Hist. ete., d’Ile de Cuba (de la Sagra), Moll., ii, p. 201 (1853); Atlas, pl. 25, f. 7, 8, 9. This little species is easily recognized by the contraction of the aperture, which is oblique and oval. (Ord.). It is known only by d’Orbigny’s description and figures. Type was deposited in British Museum (Catal., p. 34). C. pANAMENSIS Sharp & Pilsbry,n. sp. or var. PI. 36, figs. 25, 24 25. Shell very slender, acieular, quite arcuate, the bend mainly poster- ior; encircled quite near the aperture by a convexity or swollen band, from which it contracts rapidly to the aperture, and posteriorly tapers gradually to the small apex; circular in section. Bluish- white, a little translucent, the anterior swelling opaque white. Sur- face closely and finely sculptured with encircling wrinkles or riblets from the apex nearly to the middle, the remainder smooth except for light growth-lines, shining. Aperture circular, somewhat ob- lique; apical orifice circular with unslit edges. 192 CADULUS-—GADILA. Length 7, diam. at aperture 0°625, at greatest bulging 0°93+4, at apex 0°25 mill. Length 7, diam. at aperture 0°5, at greatest °75, at apex 0:2 mill. Panama Bay, in 26 and 51 fms., mud ; off Guaymas, Mexico, in 20 fms. ; in the Pacific off Lower California, ‘ Albatross’ Sta. 2,830, lat. 23° 33’, long. 110° 37’, in 66 fms.; near Cerros Id., 26 fms. (U- S. Fish Commission) ; Mazatlan (Cpr.). Dentalium corrugatum Crr., Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 189 (1857), a very young shell. Not D. corrugatum Gay, 1854. This species is extremely similar to C. dentalinus (Guppy) from the Jamaican Oligocene, but the concentric wrinkles are perceptibly more crowded and less oblique in the living than in the fossil form. Compared with the Antillean C. acus Dall, our species or variety is decidedly stouter and more curved, with stronger constriction at the mouth. Types, No. 122,795 U.S. Nat. Mus. The shells from off Guaymas and Cerros Island are the size of the types, but more annulated. Var. major P. & S. PI. 36, figs. 28, 29, 30. A larger form of this species occurs off Lower California at Station 2,830 of the Fish Commission, in 66 fms. sand. The larger speci- mens are annulated for a shorter distance from the apex than in the Bay of Panama types. Three specimens (illustrated) measure: Fig. 28, length 10°37, diam. at aperture 1°12, at greatest 1-72, at. apex 0°75 mill. Fig. 29, length 8°62, diam. at aperture 1:0, at greatest 1°37, at apex 0°37 mill. Fig. 30, length 8:12, diam. at aperture 0°87, at greatest 1:12, at apex 0°44 mill. The specimens of this form are No. 96,570, U.S. Nat. Mus. The dimensions of Carpenter’s Dentaliwm corrugatum, length 1:25, greatest diam. 0°25, apical diam. 0°125 mill., indicate, as Car- penter says, a very young specimen. One only was found; the concentrically wrinkled surface being its most remarkable character. We have little doubt that itis the very young of Cadulus panamen- sis, which is also annulated ; but in any case the name is preoccu- pied for a Chilian Tertiary species of the group of D. ceras, and will, therefore, be dropped. Carpenter’s description here follows : “ D. corrugatum. Shell whitish-corneous, subdiaphanous, little arcuate, slender. Surface concentrically, irregularly corrugated, CADULUS-GADILA. 193 the wrinkles small and very close. Branchial aperture simple. Length 0:05, breath 0:005-0°01 inch.” (Cpr.). Mazatlan, on Spondylus calcifer. C. ABERRANS Whiteaves. PI. 35, fig. 16. Shell slender, moderately but distinctly curved, large and much elongated for the genus, increasing very slowly but regularly in diameter, not distinctly (if at all) swollen in advance of the middle, and very slightly and scarcely perceptibly constricted immediately behind the aperture. Test extremely thin, surface polished, very glossy and shining, smooth to the naked eye, but under a lens it is seen to be marked with minute and transverse but somewhat oblique lines of growth ( Whiteaves). ; Length of an average full-sized example 13°5 mill., greatest breadth of the same near the anterior end 1°3 mill. ( Whiteaves). Quatsino Sound, British Columbia, abundant (Whiteaves). Cadulus aberrans WHITEAVES, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, iv, Sect. 4, p. 124, f. 2 (1887).—Taytor, Ibid. (ser. 2), i, Sect. 4, p. 56. This little shell, which is, nevertheless, of large size for the genus, looks not unlike an immature Dentalium, and, at first sight, speci- mens of it might be easily mistaken for half-grown examples of D. pretiosum Nuttall, which the Indians say occurs at the same local- ity. It may, however, be distinguished from any Dentalium by its thin test and highly polished outer surface, though the swelling of the shell in advance of the middle and the constriction behind the aperture which are usually marked characters in the genus Cadulus, are reduced to a minimum in this species, and in most specimens are quite imperceptible ( Whiteaves). C. rustrorMis Pilsbry & Sharp, n.sp. PI. 35, fig. 14. Shell but little curved, long and slender, the greatest diameter contained about 9 times in the length of the shell; swelling hardly perceptible, the tube very gradually enlarging from the small apex to the beginning of the last third of the length, thence an equal size is maintained almost to the aperture, just before which it is gently but quite perceptibly contracted on all sides. Surface smooth and glossy, bluish-white, scarcely translucent, with oblique rings of more opaque white, and near the apex some longitudinal white lines; a pellucid ring bordering the lip-edge, behind which there is a short, opaque white tract, passing gradually into the bluish and banded general color. Tube a mere trifle compressed vertically at the 13 194 CADULUS-GADILA. widest part. Aperture oblique, and (measured obliquely) a trifle longer than wide (in the ratio of 35:33); lip thin, sharp. Anal orifice circular and simple. Length 10°37 mill.; antero-posterior diameter at aperture 1:0, at widest 1:14, at apex 0°37 mill.; greatest transverse diameter 1°17 mill. San Pedro, California (J. G. Cooper) ; fossil in well at San Diego, Cal., at 150 ft. depth (Hemphill). CO. fusiformis “ Phil.” Cooper in U. 8. National Museum, and HEMPHILL in collection Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Closely allied to C. hepburni Dall and C. aberrans Whiteaves ; but it is decidedly slenderer than the first, and less curved than the other of these species. The type is a specimen collected alive, No. 133,809, U. S. Nat. Mus.; other and fossil specimens from a San Diego well (Pliocene) have been collected by Henry Hemphill. The specific name “fusiformis Phil.” seems to have obtained cur- rency on the West Coast, but we have been unable to find it in Philippi’s writings, or, in fact, in any printed work. There is also a dead shell, perhaps Pliocene, in the U.S. Nat. Mus., with the name “©. intentior Cpr.,” identical with this species. C. HEPBURNI Dall. PI. 35, figs. 19, 20. Shell slightly arcuate, the latter half nearly straight, narrow, the greatest diameter contained about 7 times in the length of the shell ; calibre gradually increasing from the apex to within about a miilli- meter of the aperture, then quite perceptibly contracting. A trifle compressed between the concave and convex sides. Surface polished, smooth, white. Apertures subcircular, their margins simple. Length 10 mill.; antero-posterior diam. at aperture 1°11, at great- est 1°33, at apex 0°45 mill.; lateral diam. at aperture 1:23, at great- est 1:4, at apex 0°5 mill. Type measures: length of shell, 11; diameter at anterior end, 1:25; at posterior end, 0°75 mill. Near Victoria, Vancouver Island, in 60 fms. (Nat. Hist. Soe. of British Columbia). Cadulus hepburnt Daw, Nat. Hist. Soc. Brit. Columbia, Bull. No. 2; pid 2) pl dsr ts (sar: The contraction toward the aperture is very slight, and mainly confined to the covex side. The surface is eroded near the apex in all the specimens collected, so the measurements of apex are approxi- CADULUS-GADILA. 195 mate. While quite slender, it is still somewhat stouter than C. aber- rans ; and C. fusiformis is less curved and less constricted at the aper- ture. Our description and figures of this species and C. tolmiei are from part of the original specimens, kindly transmitted by Dr. C. F. Newcombe. Dall writes :— “This shell, in some lights, appears to have longitudinal streaks of more or less opaque white, but there is no development of longi- tudinal sculpture. “The only other species described from this region is Cadulus aberrans Whiteaves, which is larger and more arcuate. An appar- ently undescribed species from the east coast of North America, near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, is very close to C. hepburni, though the slight differences observable may be thought sufficient, taking the habitat into consideration, to separate it specifically. I have named the Columbian species in honor of the late James Hep- burn, Esq., one of the earliest collectors of British Columbian mol- lusks, and who is well known for his contributions to the herbaria of European botanists.” C. SINGAPORENSIS Sharp & Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 36, figs. 30, 31. Shell small, very slender, closely striated obliquely with alternate white and translucent bands, smooth and glossy on the larger part, encircled by low, close wrinkles near the apex. Gradually increasing from the apex to quite near the aperture, then contracting moder- ately on all sides; equator or point of greatest diameter, at about the anterior ninth of the shell’s length, the diameter there contained about 74 times inthe length. Tube faintly compressed vertically throughout. Aperture not oblique, subcircular ; anal orifice simple. Length 5:6 mill.; diam. at aperture 0°56 x 0°6, at greatest 0°75 x 0°77, at apex 0°29 x 0°34 mill. (the antero-posterior dimensions in each case given first). Singapore (Dr. S. Archer). Allied to C. dentalinus and its recent varieties panamensis and acus, but smaller, less distinctly and for a shorter distance annulated, not swollen near the larger end, etc. It isa very much smaller shell than either C. hepburni, C. aberrans or C. fusiformis. C.(??) Lavis (Brazier). Shell light amber-color, sometimes white, smooth, glossy, strongly arched, half-moon shaped, basal margin pinched in about two lines long, forming somewhat like a shoulder, then slightly ventricose, 196 CADULUS-GADILA. from that to the apex regularly tapering, apex with a minute per- foration entire. Length, 14 lines; diam. of base at shoulder, 1 ; be- low, 3 line [28,2, 1 mill.] (Brazier). Princess Charlotte Bay, northeast Australia, 13 fathoms, sandy mud; Cape Grenville, northeast Australia, 20 fathoms, mud; York Island, Torres Straits, 13 fathoms, hard mud bottom; Darnley Is- land, Torres Straits, 5, 15,20, 30 fathoms (Chevert Exped.). Dentalium leve Brazier, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, ii, p. 59 (1877). Not D. deve Schlotheim. The lower part of this species resembles the spines of the sea- urchins (Echinide). The greater part of the specimens are en- crusted over with a fine coating of coral-like substance (Braz.). Described as a Dentalium, the specific name being preoccupied. It seems to be a Cadulus or a Ditrupa. We have not seen speci- mens, but the last clause of Brazier’s observations suggests the latter genus. DENTALIUM. 197 Appendix A. Fossil Scaphopoda. The references given below comprise the original description of each species, usually with some of the most useful subsequent refer- ences. It has not been considered advisable to cite the full litera- ture of each species. The synonymy, while partly original, has been, in large measure, adopted from various specialists upon molluscan fossils of the several formations. Genus DENTALIUM L. I. CENOZOIC OR TERTIARY SPECIES. (Recent species extending into the Pliocene are generally omitted from the following list). D. assconpituM Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 212-218, pl. 1, figs. 15-17. Eocene, Paris Basin. D. AcrE Sharp & Pilsbry, 1898. New name for D. acicula Deshayes 1864, not Gld. 1859. D. acicula DEsHAYES, 1864 (not of Gould, 1859), Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 202-203, pl. 1, figs. 31-32. Eocene, Paris Basin. D. acricuLum (Tate), 1887. Entalits acriculum Tare, 1887. Trans. & Proc. R. Soc. S. Aus- tralia, Vol. ix, p. 192, pl. xx, fig. 11. Eocene, Lower beds of Muddy Creek, Victoria, Australia. D. acuticosta Deshayes, 1825. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 397, pl. xviii, fig. 3. Eocene, Paris Basin. D. acurum Hébert, 1849. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 2, Vol. vi, p. 469. Not of Deshayes, Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. li, p. 205, pl. 20, figs. 1-3. D. grande Nyst, 1836, not of Deshayes. Rech. Coq. foss. de Hoesselt et K1., p. 39, No. 108. D. nystti D’ORBIany, 1852 (proposed for D. grande Nyst, 1848, not of Deshayes, 1825); Prodr. Paléont. Strat., Vol. iii, p. 18, No. 277. 198 TERTIARY—DENTALIUM. Entalis cf. acuta? Héb. var. apenninica Sacco. Moll. Terr. Terz. Piem., xxii, p. 106. (Probably belongs elsewhere). Eocene, Mayence Basin, ete. D. aArQuaLE Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p, 204, pl. 20, figs. 5-7. Eocene, Paris Basin. D. AGILE var. OLEACINUM Dall, 1892. Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Vol. iii, p. 441. Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie, Florida. D. ALTERNANS Chenu, 1842, (“Museum de Paris”). Illustr. Conch., Vol. i, p. 1, pl. 4, fig. 17. Probably Tertiary ; locality unknown (Dentalium s. str. group of D. octangulatum). D. anceps Sowerby, 1837. Trans. Geol. Soc. London (2d Ser.), Vol. v, p. 136, pl. viii, fig. 19. Fustiaria anceps R. B. Newton, Syst. List Edwards Coll., p. 284. Entaliopsis anceps Newton & Harris, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., i, p. 66. Eocene, London Clay. D. anaustum Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 210-211, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. D. striatum J. Sowerby, 1814. Min. Conch., i, p. 160, pl. 70, f. 4. D. (Entalis) striatum CossMAnNn, Ann. Soe. R. Malac. Belg., Vol. SEKI, ps0. Fustiaria striata Newron, 1891. Brit. Oligocene & Eocene Moll., p. 286. Entaliopsis striata Newron & Harris, 1894. Proc. Malac. Soe. London, Vol. i, p. 68. D. costatum J. de C. Sowb., 1850, in Dixon, Geol. of Sussex, p. 96, pl. vii, fig. 2. Not D. costatum J. Sowb., 1814. D. striatum Brander, 1775. Foss. Hantoniensia coll. et Mus. Brit. depos., pl. 1, fig. 10. So quoted by Deshayes in Deser. Anim, s. Vert. Paris Bassin, Vol. ii, p. 206. In Brander’s work of this title, published in 1766, the same figure is called D. elephantinum. Deshayes may quote from another edition which we have not seen. See also Sowerby, Min. Conch. (1814), Vol. i, p. 160, pl. 70, f. 4. Eocene, Paris Basin and the Barton Beds of England. D. ANNULATUM Meyer, 1886. Geol. Surv. Alabama, Bull. No. 1 (2), p. 64, pl.1,f1. (Not D. annulatum Gmelin). Eocene: Claiborne, Alabama. TERTIARY—DENTALIUM. 199 Considered by Dall a form of D. minutistriatum Gabb. D. ANNULATUM Gmelin, 1788. Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3,738, No. 15. We have not access to Guettards work in which this is figured, and are, therefore, ignorant of its characters and geological horizon. Sacco refers it with doubt to D. jani Hornes, q »v. D. aratum Tate, 1887. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Wolix;, p. 192, pl. xx, fig. 8. Eocene, Victoria, Australia. D. ARAucANUM Philippi, 1887. Tertiar. und Quartir. Verstein. Chiles, p. 107, pl. xii, fig. 17. Tertiary of Chili. D. ARCIFORME Conrad, 1846. D. areiformis Conrap, Amer. Jour. Sci. (2 Ser.), Vol. i, p. 212, pled, fig. 3. D. leai Meyer, 1885. Amer. Jour. Sci. Vol. 29, p. 462; fig- ured in Geol. Surv. of Alabama, Bull. No. 1, (2), pl. 1, figs. 2, 2a. Eocene, Alabama. D. ATTENUATUM Say, 1824. Journal Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. iv, p. 154, pl. 8, fig. 3. D. dentale Conrad, 1840. Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the Wee. No. 2; p. 78) pl. 44, fig. 9. D. duodecenaria ConrRAD, 1862. Proc. Ive Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 570. Chesapeake Miocene, from Maryland to South Carolina; Alum Bluff, Fla. D. ausrrauis Sharp & Pilsbry, 1898. New name for Entalis annulatum Tate, 1887, preoc. by Gmelin and by Meyer. Entalis annulatum Tats, 1887. Trans. & Proc. R. Soc. 8. Aus- tralia, Vol. ix, p. 191-2, pl. xx, fig. 6a, b. Earlier Tertiary, Muddy Creek, S. Australia. D. BADENSE Partsch, 1856, in Hoernes, Abhandl. K. K. Geol. Reichs. Anst. Wien, p. 652, pl. 50, fig. 30.—Entalis badensis Sacco, Moll. Terr. Terz. Piemonte e Liguria, xxii, p. 107, pl. 9, f. 17-20, with var. pliocenica, laticostata, pseudobouei, paucicostata, planicos- tata of Sacco. D. rectum Gmel. var., of BoNELLI, SISMONDA and some others. Lower Miocene: Aquitanian, Elvezian, ete., of South Germany and Austria and northern Italy. 200 TERTIARY DENTALIUM. D. prrrons Tate, 1887. Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Aus- tralia, Vol. ix, p. 192-3, pl. xx, fig. 5. Miocene, upper beds at Muddy Creek, Victoria, Austraha. FusTIaARIA BISIPHONATA “Edwards” in Nrewron, 1891. Brit. Oligocene & Eocene Moll., p. 284. Lower Eocene, London Clay, at Haverstock Hill, England. Not described, and as the species is not mentioned by Newton & Harris in their later revision of British Eocene Scaphopods, it is probably either not valid or based on material unsuitable for char- acterization. D. srrusatum Meyer, 1886. Alabama Geol. Surv., Bull. No. 1 (2), p. 64, pl. 3, fig. 1. Eocene, Jackson, Mississippi. D. suANDUM De Gregorio, 1890. Ann. Geol. et Palaeont., 8 livr., p. 172, pl. 17, figs. 26-31. Eocene, Claiborne, Alabama. D. Bouvet Deshayes, 1825. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii, p. 355, pl. 18, fig. 8—Antale bowei Sacco, Moll. Terr. Terz. Piemonte e Liguria, xxi, p. 98, pl. 8, f. 6-12, with var. tauraspera, perlevis and taurogracilis Sacco. D. intermedium Horrnes, Fauna Schliers v. Ottnang, p. 32 (part). D. borcei MtcHetotti, Etudes Mioc. Inf. Ital., p. 186, 1861. Oligocene, northern Italy and Austria. D. BREVE Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 201-202, pl. 1, figs. 7-8. Entaliopsis brevis Newron & Harris, Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond., i, p. 67. Fustiaria brevis Newron, 1891. Brit. Oligocene & Eocene Moll., p. 284. Eocene, Paris Basin; Thanet Sands, England. D. BrEvIFIssuUM Deshayes, 1825. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Vol. ii, p. 366, pl. xvii, figs. 13-14. D. brevissimum Anton, 1839. A misspelling for D. brevifissum Deshayes, 1825. Anton, Verzeich. Conch., p. 25. Near Anger, France. D. BRONGNIARTI Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 212, pl. 2, figs. 20-21. Eocene, Paris Basin. TERTIARY DENTALIUM. 201 D. BURDIGALINUM Mayer, 1864. Journ. de Conch. (3), Vol. iv, p. 357, pl. xiv, fig. 4. Miocene, Bordeaux. D. sutini Nyst, 1854. Encycl. Pop. Geol., p. 382. New name for D. brevifissum Galeotti, 1837, not of Deshayes, 1825. This is taken from the MS. card catalogue of Deshayes ; we have not seen the work. D. brevifissum GALEoTtTI, 1837. Mem. Const. Geol. de Brabant, p. 150. Tertiary of Belgium. D. cADULOIDE Dall, 1892. Trans. Wagner Free Inst., Vol. ili, p- 442, pl. 23, fig. 25. Miocene of Maryland. D. cALABRUM Costa, 1851. Fauna Reg. Napoli, Dent., p. 35, pl. iii, fig. 4. ? Pliocene, Calabria. D. caLtiiociyptum Pilsbry & Sharp, 1898. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1897, p. 468, pl. 10, f. 10,12; pl. 11, f. 21. Oligocene of San Domingo. D. CALOOSAENSE Dall, 1892. Trans. Wagner Free Inst., Vol. iu, p. 441, pl. 23, fig. 24. Pliocene of the Caloosahatchie, Florida. D. caANnALicuLAtum Klipstein, 1843. Beitr. Geol. Kennt. Oestl. Alpen., p. 206, pl. 14, fig. 28. We have not seen this publication, and the exact locality and geological horizon of the species is unknown to us. D. CAKkOLINENSE Conrad, 1862. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 288 and 570 (1863). Chesapeake Miocene of North Carolina, James River, Va., Alum Bluff, Fla. D. CAsTELLANENSE d’Orbigny, 1850. D. castellanensis D’ORBIGNY, 1850, Prodr. Paléont. Strat., Vol. ii, p. 320, No. 430. Tertiary at Le Vit, Basses Alpes, France. D. crrcrnatum Sowerby, 1823. Genera of Shells, Dentalium, fig. 5.—Desnayves, Deser. An. s. Vert., ii, p. 216, pl. 2, f, 8-10.—Coss- MANN, Ann. Soc. R. Mal. Belg., xxii, p. 10. Eocene of the Paris Basin. 202 TERTIARY DENTALIUM. D. cocentum Hoeninghaus, 1831. Jahrb. Min. Geol., p. 155, nomen nudum. Tertiary, Tabbiano. D. contcum Hutton, 1873. Cat. Tertiary Moll. New Zealand, p. 1; figured in the Macleay Mem. Volume, 1893, p. 73, pl. viii, fig. 77. Pliocene of New Zealand. D. constrictum Newton & Harris, 1894. Proc. Malac. Soe. London, Vol. i, pt. 2, p. 64, fig. in text. Eocene: London Clay, Fareham and Portsmouth, England. D. cossMANNIANUM Pilsbry & Sharp, 1898. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila) 1997, p:.467, plat0; fal ape Wile Olle Oligocene of San Domingo. D. cost# Deshayes, 1898. New name for D. lactewm Costa, 1850, not of Deshayes. D. lacteum Costa, 1850. Faun. Reg. Napoli, Tubibranchi, p. 37, plo 3, fot Italian Pliocene, Amato, Gravina, ete. D. costatum Sowerby, 1814. Mineral Conchology, Vol. i, 1814, pl. 70, fig.8. See also Nyst, Ann. Mus. Roy. d’Hist. Nat. Belg., iii, pt. 1, p: 121, pl 7, & oss): Pliocene: Coralline and Red Crag, Sutton, etc., England ; Yellow Scaldisien, Antwerp, Belgium. D. panar Meyer, 1885. Am. Journ. Sci., Vol. xxix, p. 462; fig- ured in Alabama Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 1 (2), 1886, pl. 3, figs. 2—2a. Eocene: Jackson, Mississippi. D. peEFRANCIT Deshayes, 1864. Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. ii, p. 211, pl. 2, figs. 14-16. Eocene of the Paris Basin. D. DELPHINENSE Font. Cf. Sacco, Moll. Terr. Terz. Piem. e Ligur:; xexiep. 95: D. pensmurRiIs Mayer, 1858. Journ. de Conch. (2), Vol. iii, p. 79, pl. iv, fig. 3. Miocene, St.-Jean-de-Marsacq, near Daz. D. pesHayest! Risso, 1826. Hist. Nat. Europ. Mérid., Vol. iv, p. 400. A Pliocene or Miocene species described from “la Trinite et Saint-Jean.” Has not been recognized by later paleontologists. D. pISCREPANS Risso, 1826. Hist. Nat. Europ. Merid., Vol. i, p. 125. Nomen nudum. TERTIARY DENTALIUM. 2038 D. DisstMILE Guppy, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxii, p. 292, pl. 17, f. 4 (1866).—Pitspry & SHarp, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1897, p- 469, pl. 11, f. 3-5. Oligocene, Bowden, Jamaica. D. DISSIMILE var. PONDEROSUM Gabb, 1873. Pitspry & SHARP, t.c. p. 470, pl. x, figs. 1, 2,3; pl. xi, figs. 15, 16. D. ponderosum Gass, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (N. Ser.), xv, p. 244. Oligocene of San Domingo. D. poriFust Koenen, 1883. Neues Jahrb. Min. & Geol., Beilage- Band, ii, p. 326. Miocene of North Germany, ete. Proposed as a new name for D. costatum Nyst in Dewalque, Pro- drome d’une Descript. Géol. Belgique, p. 425; 2d edition, 1880, p. 483, Koenen states that this is not the costatum of Sowerby ; but it is doubtful whether he had the real costatum of Nyst. The species dollfusi rests therefore upon Koenen’s description only. D. purreEsnit Deshayes, 1825, Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Vol. ii, p- 361, pl. xvii, fig. 18. Pliocene ? “Marcigny en Borgogne,” France. D. puPLEex Defrance, 1819. Dict. Sci. Nat., Vol. xiii, p.71. Fig- ured in Deshayes, Descr. Anim. s. Vert. Bassin Paris, Vol. 1, pl. 1, figs. 36-39. D. bicarinatum DEsHAYEs, 1826. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Vol. ii, p. 364, pl. xviii, figs. 16-17. Eocene of Paris Basin. Type of the section Lobantale Cossmann. D. ENTALIOPsIS Sharp & Pilsbry, n. n. Entaliopsis annulata Newton & Harris, Proc. Malae. Soe. Lond., i, p. 67, pl. 6, f. 1. Not D. annulatum Gmel., or Meyer, nor Entalis annulata Tate. Eocene, London Clay, Portsmouth, ete. D. ENTALOIDES Fleming, 1825. Edinburgh Phil. Jnl., Vol. xii, p- 240. New name for D. entalis ? Sowb., Min. Conch., i, pl. 70, f. 3. Hordwell Cliffs and Stubbington, England. See Searles Wood, Crag Moll., i, p. 189, who considers the speci- mens of doubtful identity, probably having lost the outer coat. D. rucent Dall, 1892. Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Vol. iii, p. 488, 442, Eocene, Prairie Creek, Ala. 204 TERTIARY DENTALIUM. D. EXLAMARCKI (Sacco), 1897. Entalis exlamarcki Sacc., new name for D. lamarcki Mayer, 1864, not of Chenu. D. lamarcki Mayer, 1864, Journ. de Conch. (8), IV, p. 357, pl. xiv, fig. 5, No. 102. Piacenzian Pliocene of Castelnuovo-d’ Asti. D. FissuRA Lamarck, 1818. Anim. s. Vert., Vol. v, p. 346; fig- ured in Desh., Descr. Anim.s. Vert. Bassin Paris, ii, pl. i, figs. 24— 25, 26. D. nitens J. DE C. SowerRBy, Dixon’s “‘ Sussex,” 1850, p. 95, pl. 7, f.3 (not of J. Sowerby, 1814). Fustiaria fissura NEwron & Harris, Proc. Malac. Soe. Lond., i, . 64. : Eocene, Paris Basin and Bracklesham Beds, England. D. FossILE Gmelin, 1788. Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3,738.—Antale fos- sile Sacco, Moll. Terr. Terz. Piemonte e Liguria, xxii, p. 99, pl. 8, f. 22-80, with var. raricostata Sace. D. catenulatum CHEenu, 1842. Llustr. Conch., Vol. i, p. 2, pl. 4, fig. 11. ) eae Guidottii Sacc. (Dentalium) . : : : . 205 Heringense Dreg. (Dentalium) : . : . 205. Hamatum Fbs. (Dentalium) . , : . 243. Hamatus Con. (Dentalium) . : . 245 Hamites spinulosus Sowb. : : : . 241 Hamutus Mort. : ‘ : . 244 Hannonicum Br. & Cor. (Dentalium) ; 4 . 205. Hatterasensis S. & P. (Cadulus) ; ; : £69 Haytense Gabb. (Dentalium) c 4 : : 205 Haytensis Gabb. (Dentalium) : : : - 205 Helonyx Stimps. ; : : . 162 Hepburni Dall (Cadulus) 4 : : : i Nalge Heptagona Sow. (Serpula) : , § . 242, 244 Herculea Waag. (Entalis) : ‘ ’ ; 2 2a Herculeum Kon. (Dentalium) : : : a 25 Hexagonum Cpr. (Dentalium) ; : : 17020 Hexagonum Gld. (Dentalium) : : : Ae ico Hexapleuron Kaun. (Dentalium) ; : . 254 Honoluluensis Wats. (Cadulus) ; ' . 185 Honoluluensis Wats. (Siphodentalium) ; : . 186 Hungerfordi P. & S.(Dentalium) . ; ; oe Huttoni Kirk (Dentalium) . 3 ! «0 ava Hyalinum Brugn. (Siphodentalium) 5 . 171, 284 Hyalinum Leach. (Dentalium) : : : . 253: Hyalinum Phil. (Dentalium) . z : ; «S08 Ibergense Rom. (Dentalium) . : : . 2a8 Illinoiense Worthen (Dentalium) d : : . 2oil Imperforatum Mont. (Dentalium) ' : : - 24a Inequale Bronn (Dentalium) . : : : . 205 Inequale Ryck. (Dentalium) . : : . 2al Inzequicosta Seg. (Dentalium) : 3 : . 205 Inzequicostatum Dautz (Dentalium) . : ‘ . ee Incertula Sace. (Fustiaria) . 2 ; : . 206 Incertulum Sace. (Dentalium) ; ; : . 205 Incertum Desh. (Dentalium) . : : : | Oh Incertum Dh. (Dentalium) . 3 : : . 206 Incertum Dh. (Dentalium) . ; ; ‘ . 208 Incertum Phil. (Dentalium) . : : ; . 46 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Incisissimum Meyer & Aldr. Oey Incisum Chenu (Dentalium) Incisus Bush. (Cadulus) Incrassatum Sow. (Dentalium) Incurvum Ren, (Dentalium) Indianorum Cpr. (D. pretiosum var.) Indicum Chenu (Dentalium) . Indistinctum Flem. (Dentalium) Infortunatum P. & S. (Dentalium) Infundibulum Jeffr. (D. entalis var.) . Ingens Kon. (Dentalium) ; : Innumerabile P. & S. (Dentalium) Inopinatum Mayer (Dentalium) Inornatum M’Coy (Dentalium) Insolitum Smith (Dentalium) Intercalatum Gld. (Dentalium) Intermedium Cop. (Dentalium) Intermedium Hoernes (Dentalium) Intermedium Hupé (Dentalium) Interruptum Gmel. (Dentalium) Interstriatum Sow. (Dentalium) Intestiniforme L. (Dentalium) Inversum Desh. (Dentalium) . Trregulare Seg. (Dentalium) Irregularis Hutt. (Dentalium) Irregularis Risso (Dentalium) Jacksonensis Meyer (Cadulus) Jani Hornes (Dentalium) ; Japonicum Dkr. (Dentalium) Javanum Sowb. (Dentalium) . Jeffreysi Gardn. (Dentalium) . Jeffreysi Monts. (Cadulus) Jeffreysi Monts. (Helonyx) Jungii Orb. (Dentalium) Juvenis Meyer (Cadulus) Karrerit Horn. (Dentalium) Katowense Braz. (Dentalium) Keras Wats. (Dentalium) Kickii Ether. (Dentalium) Kicksii T.-W. (Dentalium) Kickxii Nyst (Dentalium) Keenigianum Risso (Dentalium) Komooksense Meek (Dentalium) Labiatum in Zool. Rec. (Dentalium) . 44, 137 268 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Labiatum Turt. (Dentalium) . Lacteum Costa (Dentalium) Lacteum Desh. (Dentalium) Leve Braz. (Dentalium) Leve H. & H. (Dentalium) Leeve Schl. (Dentalium) Leve Turt. (Dentalium) LavIDENTALIUM Cossm. : Levigatum de Rayn. (Dentalium) Levigatum Kichw. (Dentalium) Levigatum Eichw. (Dentalium granosum, var.) Levigatum Ponzi (Dentalium) Levis Braz. (Cadulus ?) Levis Hutt. (Dentalium) Levis Schl. (Dentalites) : Lamarekiit Chenu (Dentalium) Lamarcki May. (Dentalium) Landinense Vine. (Dentalium) Laqueatum Verrill (Dentalium) Laterobranchiata Clark. : Laticostata Sacc. (D. badense var.) Laticostatum Reuss. (Dentalium) Laugiert Jouss. (Dentalium) . Lea Meyer (Dentalium) Lebruni M. & R. (Dentalium) Lebuense Phil. (Dentalium) Leoniz Meunier (Dentalium) Leonine Simr. (Dentalium) Leptosceles Wats. (Dentalium) Leptoskeles Wats. (Dentalium) Leptum Bush (Dentalium) Lessoni Dh. (Dentalium) Lessoni Sowb. (Dentalium) Letsonez S. & P. (Dentalium) Ligusticus Raz. (Loxoporus) . Lineatum Guer. (Dentalium) Lineatum Moore (Dentalium) Lineolatum Cooke (Dentalium) Linneanum Loe. (Dentalium) Linnei Foresti (Dentalium) Liodon P. & S. (Dentalium) Liratum Cpr. (Dentalium) Lirulatum Moérch (Dentalium) LoBANTALE Cossm. . Lobatum Sow. (Siphonodentalium) Lofotense Sars (Siphonodentalium) Longirostrum Paetel (Dentalium) 207, 253 91, 92 91, 92 136, 253 138, 253 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Longitrorsum Rve. (Dentalium) Longum 8. & P. (Dentalium) Loxoporus Jeffr. Lubricatum Sow. (Dentalium) Lucidum Dh. (Dentalium) Lunula Dall (Cadulus) Lunulus Dall (Cadulus) Macilentum Pils. (Dentalium) Magellanicum P. & S. (Dentalium) Magnificum Smith (Dentalium) : Magnistriatum Dh., Ant. (Dentalium) Magnocostata Sace. (D. subsexangulare var.) Magnum B. & C. (Dentalium) Major Gabb (Hamulus) Major Gardn. (Dentalium) Major P. & S. (Cadulus) Majorinum M. & R. (Dentalium) Majus Gardn. (Dentalium) Majus Sowb. (Dentalium) Malzani Dkr. (Dentalium) Mantelli Zitt. (Dentalium) Martini Whitf. (Dentalium) Matara Dall (Dentalium) Mayeri Giimb. (Dentalium) Mechelinii Rouault (Dentalium) Mediaviense Har. (Dentalium) Medium Gein. (Dentalium) Medium Sow. (Dentalium) Medius Dh. (Cadulus) Meekianum Gein. (Dentalium) Megathyris Dall (Dentalium) Meridionale P. & 8. (D. candidum var. ') Meyeri Coss. (Cadulus) Meyeri Coss. (Siphonodentalium) Meyeri Gardn. (Dentalium) Michauxianum Ryck. (Dentalium) Michelottii Hoer. (Dentalium) Microceras Bttg. (Siphonodentalium) | Microstria Heilpr. (Dentalium) Milneedwardsi Loe. (Dentalium) Minimum Strick. (Dentalium) Minuseulus Dall (Cadulus) . Minutistriatum Gabb. (Dentalium) Minutu L. (Dentalium) Minutuwm L. (Dentalium) Minutum Sowb. (Dentalium) . 270 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Minutus Ad. (Cadulus) Miocenicum Mich. (Dentalium) Miopseudoentalis Sacc. (Dentalium) . Mirifica Smith (Entalina) Mirificum Smith (Dentalium) . Mississippiensis Conr. (Dentalium) Missouriense Swal. (Dentalium) Modicellum Kurtz (Dentalium) Montense B. & C. (Dentalium) Monterosatoi Loc. (Cadulus) . Monterosatoi P. & S. (Dentalium) Moorei P. & S. (Dentalium) Moreanum “ Orb.” (Dentalium) Moreauanum Bronn (Dentalium) Mose Montf. (Pyrgopolon) Mucronatus Tate (Cadulus) Muellerianum P. & S. (Dentalium) Muensteri S. & P. (Dentalium) Multannulatum Ald. (Dentalium) Multicanaliculatum Gtimb. (Dentalium) Multistriatum Dh. (Dentalium) Multistriatum Risso (Dentalium) Mutabile Dod, (Dentalium) Nanaimoense Meek (Dentalium) Nanaimoensis Meek (Dentalium) Nanum Hutt. (Dentalium) Navicanum Ryck. (Dentalium) Navidadense P. & S. (Dentalium) Nebulosum Desh. (Dentalium) Nebulosum Gmel. (Dentalium) Nebulosum Gm. (Dentalium) . Neglectum Coss. (Pulsellum) Neglectum Coss. (Siphonodentalium) . Neohexagonum S. & P. (Dentalium) . Newcombei P. & S. (Cadulus) Newtonensis M. & A. (Cadulus) Niceense Bell. (Dentalium) Nigrofasciatum Eich. (Dentalium) Nigrum Lam. (Dentalium) Nitens Desl. (Dentalium) Nitens Dix. (Dentalium) : Nitense Guemb. (Dentalium) . Nitens J. de C. Sow. (Dentalium) Nitens Sow. (Dentalium) Nitens Terg. & Jourd. (Dentalium) Nitidum Dh. (Dentalium) 53, INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. 271 PAGE Nobile Mayer (Dentalium) ; { : 7/210 Nodulosum Schl. (Dentalium) : viii. : . 225 Nodulosus Schl. (Dentalites) . ; : : +, 225 Noe Bon. (Dentalium) : : a ee 2 Normanianum Orb. (Dentalium) : : ; £226 Notabile Eich. (Dentalium) . : é ; ezee Noveehollandiz Chenu (Dentalium) . ; : SPSS Novaki Koen. (Dentalium) . : ‘ ; a 20 Novemcinctum Sace. (Dentalium) : : . 210 Novemecostatum Lam. (Dentalium) . 5iy 204 Novum Chenu (Dentalium) . : : : 210 Nudum Zeck. (Dentalium) ; ; . 295 Numerosum Dall (Dentalium oerstedi var. Nhe 3 Se 5, Nutans Bohm. (Cadulus) : ; ‘ , 250 Nutans Kner (Dentalium) : : ; 5 . 221 Nysti Binkh. (Dentalium) : : é 3 2220 Nystvi Orb. (Dentalium) : : : : Baer ae: Obesus Wats. (Cadulus) , : pr alog Obliquatus Koen. (Cadulus) . : 5 2a Obnutus Con. (Gadus) : : - 238 Obrutus Con. (Cadulus) ‘ : i 2 4238 Obrutus Con. (Gadus) ‘ é . 238 Obsoletum Dod. (Dentalium) — ; : 54, 211 Obsoletum Hall (Dentalium) . } : F . 233 Obsoletum Schl. (Dentalium) . : : 225 Occidentale Stimp. (Dentalium) : 47, 250 Octangulatum Don. (Dentalium) ‘ : , 16, 247 Octangulum Turt. (Dentalium) ; ae ele Octocostatum Frass (Dentalium) : : . 245 Octocostatum Iher. (Dentalium) , gael Octocostellatum P. & S. (Dentalium) : cot Octogonalis Sace. (D. taurocostatum var.) . : ye oe Octogonum Lam. (Dentalium) : : : 17, 248 Octohedra Leach (Dentalium) ; : : aie Oerstedii Morch. (Dentalium) 24 Oleacinum Dall (Dentalium) . ; : : Be Lets: Olivi Jeffr. (Dischides) ; i : : . 144 Olivi Seac. (Cadulus) . : : : a OR 86 Olivi Seac. (Dentalium) : 2. ly Onyx Mort. (Hamulus) . 245 Oolithicum Piet. (Dentalium) : . 225 Opacum Sowerby (Dentalium) : : : EO) Opalina Quen. (Dentalium) . ; } f Mier 7 Ophiodon Dall (Dentalium) . ; ; ; ALEZE Ornatum Kon. (Dentalium) . : s 232 Orthoceras Pils. & Sh. (Dentalium) . 3 220 272 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Orthrum Wats. (D. entalis var.) _ Orsum Bon. (Dentalium) , Osceola Wale. (Spirodentalium) Ottoi S. & P. (Dentalium) * Ovale Malm (Dentalium) ; Ovosectum Sh. & Pils. (Dentalium) Ovulum Phil. (Cadulus) Ovulum Phil. (Dentalium) Ovulus Sace. (Cadulus) Pacificum Hutt. (Dentalium) . Panamensis S. & P. (Cadulus) Pandionis V. & 8. (Cadulus) . Panormitanum Jeffr. (Dentalium) Panormum Chenu (Dentalium) Pareorensis S. & P. (Dentalium) Parianus Guppy (Cadulus) Parisiense Orb. (Dentalium) Parisiensis Dh. (Cadulus) Parisiensis Dh. (Gadus) Parkinsoni Quenst. (Dentalium) Parvula Stol. (Fustiaria) Parvulina Sace. (C., tumidosus var. ) Parvulum Phil. (Dentalium) Parvulum Stol. (Dentalium ) Parvum May. (Dentalium) Passerinianum Coce. (Dentalium) Paucicostata Sacc. (D. badense var.) . Paucicostatum Wats. (D. capillosum var.) Pauperculum M. & H. (Dentalium) Pellucens Dh. (Dentalium) Pellucidum Gm. (Dentalium) . Pentagonale P. & S. (Dentalium) Pentagonum Sars (Siphonodentalium ) Peracuta Sacc. (D. subsexangulare var.) Perarmatum Ryck. (Dentalium) Perceptum M. & R. (Dentalium) Perleevis Sace. (D. bouei var.) Perlongum Dall (Dentalium) . Perpusillum Sowb. (Dentalium) Perpusillus Sowb. (Cadulus) Phaneum Dall (Dentalium) Pharetrium Konig Phenax P. & S. (Cadulus) Philippianum P. & 8. (Dentalium) Philippii Chenu (Dentalium) Philippii Monts. (Dentalium) . 157, INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Die PAGE Philippinarum Sow. (Dentalium) ; : SLAG: Picteti Dh. (Dentalium) : ; - 3 22 PLaGioGLyPta Pils. . F } ; UGK Planatum Bronn (Dentalium) ' ; we 22, Planicostata Sace. (D. badense var.) . F : Eg Planicostatum Héb. (Dentalium) : ; : L226 Planum Sow. (Dentalium) : ; ; A DPS) Platamodes Wats. (Entalina) . : : d le Platamodes Wats. (Siphodentalium) . : : Be 3} Platyceras S. & P. (Dentalium) : : : bo 126 Platystoma P. & S. (Cadulus) ‘ } : . 180 Pleiocenum T. & H. (Dentalium) : f : pee Pliocenica Sacc. (D. badense var.) : ! . 199 Plurifissuratum Sow. (Dentalium) . " : heey Poculum Dall (Cadulus) : , : : ws WD Polita Wood (Ditrupa) : : : . 144 Politum Blainvy. (Dentalium) . : ‘ ; wh 42 Politum Costa (Dentalium) . ; E : a BO Politum L. (Dentalium) : : : : 1 128 Politum Mawe (Dentalium) . : ; ; H2US PuLsELLUM Stol. : - # MSS Punctatostriatum Giimb. (Dentalium) , : . 226 Pusillum Gabb. (Dentalium) . : : : . 236 Pusillum Gabb. (Ditrupa) . : . 236 Pusillum Ph. (Dentalium) : . 144, 248 Pusillum Wats. (Siphonodentalium) . : ‘ ee) Pygmeus Defr. (Dentalium) . ; : 23)! 1. eee PyrRGopoLon Montf. . ‘ ; ; . 246 Pyrum P. & S. (Dentalium) . : t ; 2208 Quadrangulare Sowb. (Dentalium) . : é Reussianum Ryck. (Dentalium) ‘ : : . 220 Rex P. & 8. (Dentalium) ; : ‘ : . 214 Raasvus Pils. & Sh. : é « xxx Rhodani P. & R. (Dentalium) é ; 3 . 22m INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Rhotomagense Orb. (Dentalium) Ripleyanum Gabb. (Dentalium) Robustum Braz. (Dentalium) . Rothomagense Orb. (Dentalium) Rotundatior Sace. (D. inequale var.) Rubescens Dh. (Dentalium) Rudis Gabb (Dentalium) 3 Rufescens Weink. (Dentalium) Rugosum Defr. (Entalium) Rugosum Dkr. (Dentalium) Rugosum Eich. (Dentalium) . Rugosum Mill. (Dentalium) . Rugosum Spill. (Dentalium) . Rushii P. & 8. (Cadulus) Sacheri Alth (Dentalium) Salicensis Seg. (Cadulus) Sandbergeri Bosq. (Dentalium) Saturni Goldf. (Dentalium) Sauridens Wats. (Cadulus) Scamnatum Fisch. (Dentalium) ScapHopopa Bronn Schizodentalium Sowb. Schumoi Pils. (Dentalium) Scoticum Young (Dentalium) Sectum Desh. (Dentalium) Semialternans Chenu (Dentalium) Semiclausum Nyst. (Dentalium) Seminudum Dh. (Dentalium) Semipolitum B. & S. (Dentalium) Semistriatum Dh. (Dentalium) Semistriatum Turton (Dentalium) Semistriatus Jeffr. (Cadulus) . Semistriolatum Gldg. (Dentalium) Semivestitum Fisch. (Dentalium) Senegalense Dautz. (Dentalium) Senegalensis Loc. (Cadulus) Septangulare Flem. (Dentalium) “ Septemcostata Sacc. (D. taurocostatum var.) . Septemcostatum Abich. (Dentalium) Septemcostatum Braz. (Dentalium) Sericatum Dall (Dentalium) SERPULIDE . Serratum P. & R. (Dentalium) Sexangulare Dh. (Dentalium) Sexangulare H. & H. (Dentalium) Sexangulare Lam. (Dentalium) 105, 63, 91, 276 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Sexangulum Gmel. (Dentalium) _ Sexcarinatum Goldf. (Dentalium) Sexcostatum Sow. (Dentalium) Sexradiatum Goldf. (Dentalium) Shoplandi Jouss. (Dentalium) Siculum Dh. (Dentalium) Sigsbeanum Dall (Dentalium) Simile Biond. (Dentalium) Simile Wiss. (Dentalium) Simillimus Wats. (Cadulus) Simplex Mich. (Dentalium) Simplex P. & S. (Dentalium) . Simplicior Sace. (D. taurostriatum var.) Simrothi Pils. (Cadulus) ‘ Singaporensis S. & P. (Cadulus) Siphodentalium Auct. Siphonentalis Sars, SIPHONODENTALUDE SIPHONODENTALIUM Sars, Siphonodentalis Cless. Siphonodontum Loc. Sip honopoda Sars. Sip honopodide Simr. Solenoconches Lacaze-Duthiers. Solenoconchia Auct. . Solidum Hutt. (Dentalium) Solidum Verr. (Dentalium) Soliticum Piet. (Dentalium) Sorbii King (Dentalium) Sorbyi Auct. (Dentalium) : Sowerbyi Chenu (Dentalium) . Sowerbyi Gldg. (Dentalium) . Sowerbyi Mich. (Dentalium) . Speciosum Gtimb. (Dentalium) Spectabilis Verr. (Cadulus) Speyert Gein. (Dentalium) Spinulosum Mill. (Dentalium) Spirale Risso (Dentalium) SPIRODENTALIUM Walcott. Spitiense Gtimb. (Dentalium) Slendidum Sow. (Dentalium) . Splendens Costa (Dentalium) . Squamosus Gabb (Hamulus) . Stearnsii Pils. & Sh. (Dentalium) Stenoschizum P. & 8. (Dentalium) Stramineum Gabb. (Dentalium) Strangulatum Dh. (Dentalium) xxix, 130, 131, 135, 216, INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Strangulatus Loc. (Cadulus) . Strangulosum Giimb. (Dentalium) Striatellulata Sace. (D. jani var.) Striatissimum Dod. (Dentalium) Striatulum Bly. (Dentalium) . Striatulum Gm. (Dentalium) Striatulum Turt. (Dentalium) . Striatum Born (Dentalium) . Striatum Eich. (Dentalium) Striatum Gein. (Dentalium) Striatum Mont. (Dentalium) Striatum Phil. (Dentalium) Striatum Sowb. (Dentalium) Striatus Dall (Cadulus) Strigatum Gld. (Dentalium) Striolatissima Sacc. (D. subsexangulare, var.) Striolatum Jeffr., Wats., Sars (Dentalium) Striolatum Risso (Dentalium) : Striolatum Stimp. (Dentalium) Subanceps Traut. (Dentalium) Subarcuatum Con. (Dentalium) Subcarinatum Ryck. (Dentalium) Subcanaliculatum Sandb. (Dentalium) Subcentrale Kon. (Orthoceras) Subcoarctatus Conr. (Gadus) Subcoarctatus auct.(Cadulus) . Subcoarcuata Gabb (Ditrupa) Subcoarcuatus Gabb (Cadulus) Subcompressum Mey. (Dentalium) Subcylindricum Phil. (Dentalium) Subeburnea N. & H. (Fustiaria) Subeburneum Orb. (Dentalium) Subentalis Orb. (Dentalium) . Subfissura Tate (Entalis) : ; Subfusiforme Sars. (Siphonodentalium) Subfusiformis Jeffr. (Cadulus) . Subfusiformis Sacc. (Loxoporus) Subfusiformis Sars. (Cadulus) Subgiganteum Orb. (Dentalium) Subirregulare P. & S. (Dentalium) Subjuvenis Sacc. (D. taurostriatum var.) Subleve Hall. (Dentalium) Sublevis Coce. (Dentalium) . Subplanum P. & S. (Dentalium) Subquadratum Meek (Dentalium) Subrecta Coce. (Dentalium) Subrectum Jeffr. (Dentalium) 278 INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. Subsexangulare Orb. (Dentalium) Subsexangulatum Orb. (Dentalium) Substriata Conr. (‘Teredo) Substriatum Dh. (Dentalium) Subterfissum Jeffr. (Dentalium) Subtorquatum Fisch. (Dentalium) Subulatum Db. (Dentalium) Suleatum Lam. (Dentalium) . Sulcatum Scac. (Dentalium) Sulcatum Verr. (D. occidentale var.) Suleosum Sowb. (Dentalium) Syriacum Frass (Dentalium) . Syringites auct. Teeniolatum Sandb. (Dentalium) Taphrium Dall (Dentalium) Tarentinum Lam. (Dentalium) Tasmaniensis T.-W. (Dentalium) Tatei S. & P. (Dentalium) Tauraspera Sace. (D. bouei var.) Taurocostatum Sacc. (Antale) Taurogracilis Sacc. (D. bouei var.) Taurogracilis Sacc. (D. triquetrum var.) Taurominima Sacce. (C. subfusiformis var.) Taurostriata Sacc. (Entalis) Taurostriatum Sace. (Dentalium) Taurotumidosus Sacc. (Cadulus) Taurovulus Sacc. (Cadulus) Tenue Miinst. (Dentalium) Tenue Portl. (Dentalium) : Tenuicostatum Bohm. (Dentalium) Tenuifissum Monts. (Dentalium) Tenuis Hutt. (Dentalium) Tenuis Seg. (Cadulus) Tenuis Seg. (Helonyx) Tenuissimum Kon. (Dentalium) Tenuistriatum Rouault (Dentalium) . TEREDO Teres Jeffr. (Siphonodentalium) TESSERACME Pils. Tesseragonum Sowb. (Dentalium) : Tetraschistum Wats. (Siphonodentalium) Tetraschistus Wats. (Cadulus) Tetragona Broce. (Entalina) . Tetrag gona Sars (Siphonentalis) Tetragonum Broce. (Dentalium) Tetragonum Monts. (Dentalium) INDEX TO SCAPHOPODA. 279 PAGE Tetragonum Sowb. (Dentalium) ; : : ik 515) Tetrodon P. & 8. (Cadulus) . . : ; f v5 Texasianum Phil. (Dentalium) : : : Pap ty ea Thalloide Conr. (Dentalium) . : ‘ bly 25 ls) Thalloides Conr. (Dentalium) : : ; AES Thallus Con. (Cadulus) : ; ; : ezoo Thallus Con. (Dentalium) ; ‘ ; ; SABE Thylacodes polyphragma : ‘ : : « 24) Tirpum Greg. (Deutalium) ; drake Tolmiei Dall (Cadulus) : : ; : Bao! Tonosum Zenk. (Dentalium) . ; : : 228 Tornatum Wats. (Dentalium) : : : . aed Torquatum Schloth (Dentalium) : : eee2s Torquatus Schl. (Dentalites) . ; : : “228 Trachea Mont. (Dentalium) . : : : . 241 Translucidum Chenu (Dentalium) . : : yy so) Translucidum Desh. (Dentalium) : 2 SOG Translucidum Sow. (Dentalium) : : eA Transsilvanicum Bttg. (Siphonodentalium) é : 42389 Transsilvanicus Bttg. (Cadulus) 289 Trautscholdi Koen. (Dentalium) 4-218 Tredecimcostata Sacc. (D. 9-cinectum var.) . : Sa el Tricostatum Goldf. (Dentalium) f : . 246 Trigonum Hoen. (Dentalium) ; : ae AS, Triquetrum Broce. (Dentalium) ; “9219 Triquetrum Tate (Dentalium) : : 218 Tryoni P. & S. (Dentalium) ; : peeshe Tubidentalium Loc. . : : : . 135 Tubulites auct. ; : ; Be. Tubulus auct. ; é ; : HPo.a.< Tumidosus Jeffr. (Cadulus) : : : say LOO 239 Tumidula Jeffr. (Cadulus) ‘ : : : PGs Turgidus Mey. (Cadulus) : ! sag Turoniense Woods (Dentalium) 5 ; : Be Ke) Turritum Lea (Dentalium) . : e238 Turritus Lea (Cadulus) : 7239 Tytthum Wats. (Siphonodentalium) : : selon Undatum Defr. (Dentalium) : : wwe Undecimeostata Sacc. (D. 9-cinctum var.) . ; Salil Undulatum Miinst (Dentalium) : B24) Usitatum Smith (Dentalium) . ; ee) Vagina Jeffr. (Dentalium) . 46 Valangiense P. & C. (Dentalium) : : ; me RAD) Variabile Dh. (Dentalium) : 60, 250 Venustum M. & W. (Dentalium) ; : ; . 233 280 INDEX TO SUAPHOPODA. Ventricosum Bronn (Dentalium) Ventricosus Bronn (Cadulus) Verendi Cless. (Antalis) af Vernedei Hanl. (Dentalium) Verrucosum Eichw. (Dentalium) Vicksburgensis Meyer (Cadulus) Viperidens M. & S. (Cadulus) Virginianum Chenu (Dentalium) Vitreum Gmel. (Dentalium) Vitreum Sars. (Dentalium) Vitreum Sars (Siphonodentalium) Vulgare DaC. (Dentalium) Vulpidens Wats. (Cadulus) Walciodorense Kon. (Dentalium) Walciodorensis Kon. (Entalis) Watsoni Dall (Cadulus) Watsoni P. & S. (Dentalium) Weinkauffi Dkr. (Dentalium) Weldiana T.-W. (Dentalium) Weldianum T.-W. (Dentalium) Wilsont Frass (Dentalium) Xiphias 8. & P. (Dentalium) Yokohamense Wats. (Dentalium) Zelandicum Sby. (Dentalium) Zonatum “ Orb.” (Dentalium) Aah PAGE, 240 240 184 APLACOPHORA, 281 Order APLACOPHORA v. thering. Aplacophora Inertine, Jahrb. d. Deutsch. Malak. Ges., 1876, p. 136 (as a Class of the Phylum Amphineura, of the Vermes) ; Ver- gleich. Anat. Nervensyst. u. Phylog. Moll., p. 31. Telobranchiata KorEN & Danterssen, Arch. Math. og Natur- vid., ii, 1877, p. 128 (as an Order of Opisthobranchiata). See for translation, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iii, p. 323. “Grade Lipoglossa, Class Solecoemorpha” [Scolecomorpha] Lan- KESTER, Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. (n. ser.) xvii, p. 448 (1877). Solenogastres GEGENBAUR, Grundriss der Vergleich. Anat., (2d edit.), 1878. English trans. by Jeffrey Bell, p. 127 (Division of Vermes). Orders Neomenie and Chetoderma LANKEsTER, Encyclop. Brit. (Edit. 9), xvi, art. Mollusca, p. 641 (1883). Vermiform Amphineura without calcareous plates along the back ; covered with a spiculose integument, continuous around the body or interrupted by a longitudinal furrow beneath, in which lies the foot, which is much reduced or wanting; gills when present lying in a posterior cavity or cloaca,in which the anusopens. Gut not convoluted, with a blind sack or numerous lateral pouches ap- parently with the function of a liver. Pharynx with or without a radula, or with it represented by one conical tooth. Nervous sys- tem composed of four ganglion-bearing longitudinal trunks, two pedal and two lateral, the latter uniting posteriorly above the gut, and all uniting anteriorly in a circumeesophageal ganglionic ring. The Aplacophora or Solenogastres escaped the notice of naturalists until about 1845, when Lovén described specimens collected by him under the name Chetoderma nitidulum. Subsequently M. Sars found but did not describe, another form which he called Solenopus, locating it in the Mollusca. It was not until 1875 that this animal was described and figured as Neomenia carinata by Hubrecht, who at first hesitated whether to place it with the Gephyrian worms or the mollusks. After this time the publications upon Chwtoderma, Neomenia and related forms rapidly multiplied. The discovery of a radula in some of the genera influenced most investigators to con- sider the group mollusean; and the investigation of the nervous system which proved to show remarkable agreement with Chiton, soon caused the group to be located near the Polyplacophora. In 1890, Pruvot, at the Banyuls laboratory, studied the embryology of an Aplacophore, and ascertained that at one stage of development 282 APLACOPHORA. it has a dorsal armor ot seven slightly imbricating plates, exactly comparable with the seven-valved stage in the development of Chiton. This observation definitely fixes the position of the Apla- cophores, as a degraded group of Amphineura, which had its incep- tion in a Chiton-like ancestor, and has undergone reduction of the foot and dorsal armor by living in mud at depths below wave dis- turbance. The simplification of the digestive tract in Aplacophores has doubtless been a secondary modification, due, as Simroth holds, to the adoption of a carnivorous diet; but the posterior gills, reduced to asingle pair (for the numerous gill folds of Neomenia, ete., are not true ctenidia), the spiculose integument and the nervous system, are doubtless primitive structures inherited from polyplacophorous ancestors. There is considerable diversity in habits and mode of life among the forms now known. Chetoderma, Neomenia, Proneomenia and Ichthyomenia are free-living forms, lying imbedded in mud, head downward, like a Dentalium, selecting their food of organic parti- cles from the surrounding ooze. Rhopalomenia, Nematomenia, Lepi- domenia, ete., are parasitic upon Hydroids, Gorgonians and Corals, upon the branches of which they crawl and coil themselves. It is likely that future search will reveal Aplacophores in all seas, those at present known being a mere fragment of the existing fauna. ; I am informed by Prof. A. E. Verrill that no less than six species of three or four genera, including Neomenia, occur in the Fish Commission collections off the eastern U.S. They are still un- published. The best general account of the anatomy of the group is that of Simroth in Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, Vol. III. The memoirs of Wirén, Pruvot, Thiele, Kowalevski and Marion and Hubrecht, are the most important special treatises upon the subject. Development. Pruvot (Comptes Rendus cxi, p. 689-692, 1890) has observed the development of Myzomenia banyulensis. A brief summary of his observations is as follows: The eggs are globular, and laid singly, few at a time. Segmenta- tion begins an hour after they are laid, proceeding rapidly, and APLACOPHORA. 283 is unequal from the first. The mode of segmentation resembles that of Dentaliwm and many Lamellibranchs. After 24 hours there appears a median corona of vibratile cilia, while two ciliated areas appear at the cephalic pole and the point of invagination respect- ively. The embryo elongates and becomes divided by two annular constrictions into three segments. The cephalic segment is formed of two rows of ciliated cells; some of the cilia become longer than the rest, and one finally becomes much larger, and forms the term- inal flagellum. The second segment or velum is formed of a single layer of cells, which have a single row of cilia; these grow and form the ciliated corona, the chief organ of locomotion. The third or pallial segment is formed of two rows of cells which are entirely covered by fine cilia (pl. 48, fig. 5, larva of 36 hours). In a larva of 100 hours (pl. 48, fig. 6) three imbricated spicules are to be seen on either side of the ventral line, still enclosed in their mother- cells. The spicules increase in number. The conical body elongates rapidly and becomes curved on its ventral surface, while the mantle is gradually reduced, and the embryo falls to the bottom, as the ciliated corona is unable longer to support it in the fluid. Only one of the embryos passed safely through the critical period of metamorphosis, which is on the seventh day. This change consists in the casting off of almost the whole of the external envel- ope of the larva, that is to say, of the cells of the velum and the two rows that form the pallial lobes. Seven dorsal calcareous and slightly imbricated plates were observed in the surviving embryo (pl. 48, fig. 7, plates seen along the right margin). Classification. The Aplacophora present two divisions of unquestionably higher rank than families. Suborder I. Chetodermatina Simroth (—Ord. Chetoderma Lank.). Spiculose integument continuous all around the body. Family Chetodermatide, p. 284. Suborder II. Neomeniina Simroth (Ord. Neomenie Lank.). Spie- ulose integument interrupted beneath by a longitudi- nal ventral furrow. Family Neomeniide, p. 288. In the present condition of knowledge it would seem inadvisable to recognize more than one family in each of the suborders; but it should be mentioned that Simroth (in Bronn, p. 225) suggests, but does not adopt, a division of the Neomeniide into four families, thus : 284 CH #®TODERMATID®. NEoMENUD#, Neomenia; PRONEOMENIIDH, Proneomenia, Solen- opus, Rhopalomenia, Macellomenia; DonpDERsIID&, Dondersia, My- zomenia, Nematomenia ; PARAMENIID&, Paramenia, Ismenia, Lepi- domenia, Echinomenia. Thiele (Zeitsch. wiss. Zool., lvili, 278) suggests splitting the Neo- meniide into two families: NroMENIID# to contain the genera Proneomenia, Rhopalomenia, Pruvotia, Neomenia and Paramenia, and Myzomentip& for Macellomenia, Dondersia, Myzomenia, Nema- tomenia, Ismenia, Lepidomenia, and Echinomenia. The distinction is based largely upon features of the cuticular layer. Family CHAVTODERMATIDZE. Body elongated, vermiform, the mouth and cloaca terminal ;. head defined by a constriction; body cylindrical, clothed with spiculose cuticle all around, without a foot-groove ventrally. Two well developed feather-like gills; genital openings separated, the genital ducts also functioning as nephridia. Sexes separated; no copulating organ. Radula reduced to a conical peg of conchiolin. Mid-gut with a posteriorly lying blind sack acting as a liver. Genus CHAZTODERMA Loven, 1845. Chetoderma Loven, Ofversigt of Kung]. Vet. Akad. Forh., i, p. 116.—Crystallophrysson Moxtus, 1875. Characters those of the family. Spicules alike all around the body, of needle-shaped and flat forms. Chetoderma lives upon mud bottom, mainly at a depth of 20 to 40 meters. It burrows in the mud, so that the dredge must be weighted to secure them. Wirén writes as follows of specimens kept by him in an aquarium, the bottom of which was covered by a layer of mud: “ When they were not disturbed they remained throughout the day almost motionless in a perpendicularly descending burrow, the anterior end directed downwards, the posterior upwards. The upper mouth of the burrow was completely closed by the wider bell-shaped posterior end, so that from the surface one noticed only the up- wardly directed points of the two red gills. “ When the animal was disturbed by the approach of any object. to the gills, it instantly contracted and bored down several inches with extraordinary swiftness. It effected this progress by alterna- tive lengthening and contraction of its body. In this the ante- CHATODERMA. 285 rior, most movable part of the body, as well as the great spines of the posterior end, played the leading part. These spines are so placed that in the contracted animal they converge backward, but in the expanded condition they diverge, pointing obliquely back- ward and laterally. When the animal expands these prickles must accordingly grip into the side walls of the burrow and thus lend support to the posterior end, preventing any movement upward of this end. Consequently, with each elongation the anterior end is pushed forward a distance equal to the difference in length between the extended and the contracted animal. In a great contraction the anterior part of the prothorax is swollen to a thick bulb, whereby the anterior part of the animal is apparently wedged in the burrow, the small spines of that end, which are directed obliquely to the side, affording insufficient support. The great spines of the hinder end at the same time become loosened from the walls of the burrow. With each contraction the hinder end draws itself forward without change in the position of the anterior end. “J have never observed an animal which had burrowed deeply in this manner, come up in the same burrow in which it had de- scended. In order again to reach the resting position the animal must first bore upward and on reaching the surface, again bore downward. It describes, therefore, during its wanderings from the first resting position to the second, the curve represented in pl. 41, fig. 26. The animal proceeds a short distance on the surface, in- deed, it sometimes crawls several inches, before it again bores down- ward. This is a very slow procedure and attended with considerable difficulty, the hinder part of the body swinging now to right, now to left, by means of alternating expansion and contraction. Gen- erally, particularly ona slightly uneven surface, Cheetoderma makes wholly irregular tracks; on even surfaces, however, and when the animal crawls straight forward, we obtain that peculiar regular appearance which the subjoined drawing (pl. 41, fig. 27) presents, which might easily convey to the paleontologist the idea of a plant impression. “JT have never seen Chetoderma performing swimming move- ments, nor has it seemed able to crawl up the walls of the aquarium. It is wholly adapted to life in the slime bottom, and the knowledge of this circumstance is of importance for the proper understanding of the organization of the animal in reference to its relationships with allied forms. Chetoderma does not devour sand or slime as many 286 CHETODERMA. worms which creep aboutin mud do. Its intestine is usually almost empty, its contents always consist of minute animal or plant organ- isms, principally of diatoms, sometimes also of foraminifera or other protozoans. “ When the animal remains undisturbed in its burrow, the upper mouth of the burrow, as has been mentioned above, is entirely filled up. Since Chetoderma lacks the abdominal groove present in all other Solenogastres, naturally none of the surface water finds its way to the mouth opening. Accordingly the animal cannot, as for example, is the case with the Siphoniata living in mud, feed upon organisms swimming about in the sea water, but must be limited exclusively to those foundin the slime bottom. These are obtained, naturally, by means of the anterior end. Not only the strong and manifold movements of the prothorax, but also the occurrence of a peculiar sense organ, the mouth shield, has this function. This organ, for discussion of which we will have greater opportunity later, is not only an organ for digging and grubbing, but is cer- tainly a sense organ also. It is not present in other known Soleno- gastres.” Synopsis of species. a. Length of the body often exceeding 100 times the breadth (of the narrowest part). Mouth-shield convex. Dorsal sense-organ not covered by large spicules, surrounded on each side by a tract covered with numerous small spicules. Tongue posteriorly circularly closed, with large, lens-shaped thickenings of the cuti- cle at the sides. Each gill with three free lamelle C. productum. a’. Length of the body usually only 40-50 times the breadth Mouth-shield flat. Dorsal sense-organ surrounded by a few rows of small spicules, and almost entirely covered with large spicules. Tongue open behind, no lens-shaped cuticular thick- enings at the sides of the tongue. No free Jamellee on the gills C. nitidulum. w’. Shorter and thicker. Spicules flat and elliptical anteriorly, further back becoming broad keeled spear-like points, and toward the posterior end long stout prickles C. militare. \ C. pRoDUCTUM Wirén. PI. 41, figs. 16-26. Length of largest specimens 130-140 mill., breadth of the pro- thorax 2, of the metathorax 1-3, of the abdomen 3-2 mill. Much CHETODERMA. 287 attenuated, especially the metathorax, which forms about two-thirds the entire length. Smaller individuals with more the proportions of C. nitidulwm ; in one about 70 mill. long, the prothorax measures 13, metathorax nearly 1, abdomen 3 mill. in diameter. Mouth- shield (fig. 16) more convex than in C. nitidulum. Dorsal sense- organ (figs. 25, 26) longer, extending to margin of cloaca, having a wide area of short spicules on each side. Gills like those of nitidu- lum, but with not quite so many lateral lamellee, scarcely 20 on each side. Tongue covered with a thick cuticle, which on each side of the tooth and a little backwards is strongly thickened, which is not the case in C. nitidulum. The tooth is almost wholly sunken in the radula sack. Internal structure not differing greatly from C. niti- dulum. Kara Sea (Djimnfa Exped.). Chetoderma productum Wu1rEN, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademiens Handlingar, xxv, art. No. 6, p. 8, pl. 1, f. 1-5, 8-16 (1892).—Srmroru, Thier-Reich, p. 226, and p. 133, fig. 1. C. nitipuLuM Lovén. PI. 40, figs. 1-11, 13-15. Large individuals 80 mill. long, 3 mill. wide in the middle; aver- age length 30-50 mill. Body cylindrical, of a gray satin-like luster and color, the gills light blood-red or yellowish-red. Dorsal sense- organ (pl. 40, fig. 8), covered with long spicules. West coast of Sweden; Norway; North Sea at Silverpit ; Spitz- bergen; Kara Sea, east coast of Nova Zemblia; Omenak, northern Greenland, 10 to 250 fathoms; Casco Bay, Maine, 48-64 fms. (Verrill). Chetoderma nitidulum Loven, Ofversigt af Kungl. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1844, i, p. 116, pl. 2 (1845); Reprinted in Archiv Skandi- navischer Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte, 1845, p. 169, pl. 2, and in Froriep’s Neuen Notizen, xxxiy, 1845, figs. 45-45e—K EFERSTEIN, Beitragen zur anatomischen und systematischen Kenntniss der Sipunculiden, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., xv, 1865, p. 442.—HAnNsEN, Anatomisk Beskrivelse af Chetoderma nitidulum Lovén, in Nyt Mag. for Naturvidensk. Christiania, xxii, pp. 354-377, pl. 1-5 (1877) ; Neomenia, Proneomenia und Chiitoderma, Bergens Mu- seums Aarsberetning for 1888, art. No. vi, p. 6 (1889)—GrarrF, Anatomie des Chetoderma nitidulum Lovén, in Zeitschr. ftir wiss. Zoologie, xxvi, pp. 166-192, pl. 11-13 ; Neomenia und Cheetoderma, 288 CHATODERMA-—NEOMENIID~. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., xxxiii, p. 568, f. 2 (1877).— Wiren, Histolo- giska meddelanden om Cheetoderma nitidulum Lovén, in Biologiska -Foreningens Forhandlinger, Stockholm, iii, pp. 87-49 (1890); Mittheilungen iiber den Bau des Cheetoderma nitidulum Lovén, 1. c. il, No. 7, pp. 68-73; Monographie des Cheetoderma nitidulum Lovén, in Kong]. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., xxiv, No. 12, pp. 1-66, pl. 1-7 (1892)—Simroru in Bronn, p. 226, pl. 1, f. 1-18.— VeRRILL, Explorations of Casco Bay, in Proc. Amer. Asso. Adv. Sci. xxii, 18738, p. 347, pl. 6, f. 6.— Crystallophrysson nitens Mostus, Jahresber. der Commission zur wissensch. Unters. der deutschen Meere in Kiel, ii, iii, Zool. Ergebnisse 5, Vermes, p. 157, pl. 3, f. 6-12 (1875). Verrill reports this species as common in 10 to 100 fathoms, muddy bottom, off northern New England and Nova Scotia. C. MILITARE Selenka. PI. 40, figs. 12, 16, 17, 18. The calcareous spicules of the proboscis are in the neighborhood of the mouth (fig. 16) flat and elliptical; further back they are larger and have the form of shovel-like or tongue-like plates (figs. 17,), and finally they gradually become smaller again and take the form of keeled spear-like points. The body proper bears only a few thinly scattered rounded calcareous plates, but at the posterior end there are again large plates, which towards the anus become long stout prickles, with a cross-section between circular and ellip- tical. Round about the anus are numerous small prickle-like or awl-shaped calcareous needles (fig. 12). East of Panay, Philippines, Lat. 9°, 26’ N., Long. 123° 45’ E., 375 fms. in blue mud. Chetoderma militare SELENKA, Chall. Rep., Vol. xiii, Report on the Gephyrea, p. 23, pl. 4, f. 28-82.—Simroru in Bronn, pl. 1, f. 14, 15. Fig. 18 shows the animal natural size. Description and figures from Selenka. Family NEOMENIID. Body bilaterally symmetrical. Head and cloaca not defined from the body, or but slightly so. Mouth subterminal on the ventral side when the animal is at rest, the cloaca-opening similarly situated or terminal. Ventral groove provided with a foot-ridge, or at least a longitudinal strip desitute of cuticle ; foot-gland present. Gills NEOMENIA. 289 * developed as simple folds of the circum-anal border, never feathery. Hermaphroditic. Genital ducts uniting into one median opening below the anus. As nephridia act apparently certain pre-anal glands which open into the cloaca. Radula of the usual kind, or entirely wanting. Mid gut without blind sac, with numerous lateral pouches. Animal living free or parasitic. [ Nore.--The “preliminary notice” reigns supreme among the “mor- phologists,” nearly every paper upon Solenogastres having been pre- ceded by one or more of these troublesome notes. No species mon- ger ever carried the struggle for priority to the extreme ordinarily met with in the literature of this group. The genera Rhopalomenia, Macellomenia, Nematomenia, Myzomenia and Echinomenia, and the species Proneomenia langi, were proposed in the new edition of Bronn’s Thier-Reich and in Zeitschrift ftir Wissenschaftliche Zoolo- gie, lvi, pp. 322-525, 1893, nearly simultaneously. In the text I have cited Bronn only, as that has probable priority of publication, though the other paper may have been prepared first. Pruvot’s genera and species were briefly diagnosed in Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér. (2), viii, p. xxii, xxiii, prior to the publication of his elaborate and excellent work of the following year]. Genus NEOMENIA Tullberg, 1875. Neomenia Tutus., Bihang k. Sv. Akad. Handl., iii, No. 15 (1875).—Wrren, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., xxv, p. 15.—Solenopus M. Sars, Forh. Videns. Selsk. Christiania, 1868, p. 257 (name only, no description)—Koren & Dantetssen, Archiv for Math. og. Naturvid. Christiania, 1877, p. 6. Body short, plump, similarly shaped at the two ends, cloaca sub- terminal, the foot-groove continued to it (except iv NV. grandis) with 7-13 longitudinal folds within; a rudimentary sole present. In- tegument with a simple layer of spicules, part of them grooved, part needle-shaped, projecting well from the cuticle between large, several.celled papille. A circle of short branchial folds around the anus. Mouth terminal, with numerous thread-like cirri; no radula or salivary glands; pharynx protrusible. A copulating organ gen- erally developed. Type, V. carinata. The most extensive and elaborate work upon this genus is that of Axel Wirén, cited above. Simroth has given a good synopsis in the new edition of Bronn. Wirén gives the following observations upon the habits of NV. carinata : 290 NEOMENIA. “ The Neomeniz inhabit preferably rather deep water; apparently they generally live on muddy bottom. They differ widely as well in habits as in station from the more elongated Neomeniens of the Mediterranean, which live upon narrow fixed objects, Hydroids, Gorgonians, roots of Algze, ete. ‘Koren and Danielssen who have observed Neomenia carinata (?) in the living state, assert that, by throwing the margin of the mantle to one side so that the foot becomes visible, it is able to creep up the sides of the aquarium ‘like other mollusks ;’ indeed, that it is able to swim on the surface of the water with the curved foot upward and the back down. As has been already indicated, it may be doubted whether the animal observed by Koren & Danielssen was in reality Neomenia carinata. The facts cited above appear highly improbable, and may prove to be erroneous. What is one to un- derstand by the statement that Neomenia creeps with great rapidity like other mollusks, considering that mollusks as a rule cannot boast of great speed—the snail’s pace having always served as the type of the slowest progress—it appears improbable that Neomenia should be distinguished by this charaeteristic—Neomenia, in whose- so-called foot there is no muscular fiber and in whose body walls. but a weakly developed musculature, and which never possesses an abdominal disk suitable for creeping. Moreover no other Neomenia has been observed to move at other than an unusually slow pace. “ T myself observed not many yearsago a Neomenia carinata which was kept for some days in a vessel of water. I observed no other movements than an opening and closing of the mantle opening, an alternating extension and retraction of the proboscis, and a con- traction of the body into an arched form with subsequent extension so that it became almost entirely straight. During the entire time the animal remained quietly in the same spot. “ Prof. Tullberg similarly kept for some days living Neomenia carinata in a vessel of water, and during this time observed no other movement than the opening of the cloaca. “Prof. Théel, who observed during a longer period, a living indi- vidual in an aquarium, the bottom of which was covered with sand, informed me that the animal when undisturbed remained motionless, buried in the sand in a vertical position, so that only the mouth of the cloaca and gills were visible. If the animal was removed it bored directly down again until the old position was reached. No voluntary change of position was observed. From these observa- NEOMENIA. 291 tions I gather that Neomenia carinata resembles Cheetoderina in habit. The latter lives in the soft bottoms, in which it rests with posterior end up and anterior down, so that the mantle opening is at the same level as the surface of the ground. Apparently Neo- menia bores into the above described position by help of its protru- sible proboscis, the only part of the body provided with a powerful musculature. “Tn all the Neomenie which I examined, the intestine was almost empty. Inno case did it contain sand or mud, and identifiable parti- cles were never found. The Neomenias feed, as does Chetoderma, not upon mud, but upon organic particles, which alone are taken into the alimentary canal. It is impossible for Neomenia to find and seize these particles separately by means of its large and unwieldy proboscis, although it is extensible. The food is obtained by the action of the cirri in the mouth, which remind one in a great meas- ure of the cirri of the Scaphopoda, although the corresponding organ in Neomenia, in case that my animal has not been injured, is ap- parently shorter in the extended condition. “ Observations on habits have been made on Neomenia carinata only. The other species are entirely unknown in this respect. Neo- menia afinis and microsolen are very similar to NV. carinata, and similarity in habits may, therefore, be inferred. Neomenia Dalyell may show greater variation in regard to habit, since it lacks the penis and as it appears, the protrusible proboscis.” * Body keeled dorsally. N.carinata Tullberg. Pl. 42, figs. 1-9. Length (in contracted state) 8-30 mill. Body curved into a half moon shape when contracted, compressed above into a dorsal keel, which is scarcely one-fifth the height of the body. Light gray, with a shade of rosy red around the anus. Spicules small, 0-1 mill. long, simple and needle-like on the sides, but channelled and with arrow-like points on the back, stomach folds 9, branchial folds 40- 45. Copulating organ present. West coast of Sweden, 60-200 fms. ; Shetland Islands. Solenopus nitidulus M. Sars, Forh. i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania, 1868, p. 257 (name only, no description)—KorEn & DanieEtssen, Archiv for Mathem. og Naturvidenskab. Christiania, 1877, p.6 (trans. in Ann. Mag. N. H. [5], iii, p. 324)—Neomenia carinata TULLBERG, Neomenia, a new genus of Invertebrate Ani- 292 NEOMENIA. mals, Bihang till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., iii, No. 13, pp. 1-12, pl. 1, 2 (1875).— Hansen, Neomenia, Proneomenia und Cha- -toderma, Bergens Museums Aarsberetning for 1888, art. vi, pl. 1, f. 1-7.—Norman, Ann. Mag.N. H. (5), iv, p. 165 (1879).—Simroru in Bronn, p. 227, pl. 2, f. 1-15.—WiureEn, Studien tiber die Soleno- gastren II, Cheetoderma productum, Neomenia, Proneomenia acum- inata, in Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., xxv, art. 6, p. 15, ete., pl. 1, f. 17-20; pl. 2, f. 8, 7-9; pl. 3, f. 1-8, 11-14; pl.4; pl. 5,f.7; pl. 6, f. 2, 3, 5-9, 12,14, 15,17; pl. 7; pl.8; pl. 9, f. 1-4, 1b-13; pl. 10, f. 50, 31.—Pruvor, Organization de quelques Néoméniens, in Arch, Zool. Expér. et Génér. (2), 1x, p. 728.—Grarr, Neomenia u. Cheetoderma, in Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., xxviii, p. 557, f.1 (1877). —Garstane@, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., ii, p. 124, f. 2. N. arrinis (Koren & Danielssen). Pl. 42, figs. below 6 and 7. Dorsal keel distinctly defined at base, high, fully one-third the height of the body ; spicules as in NV. carinata ; anatomy unknown. Length 16, width 6, height 6 mill. Messina 20-30 fms. ; Genoa. Solenopus affinis Kor. & Dan., Beskrivelse over nye arter, hen- horende til sleegten Solenopus, samt nogle oplysninger om dens or- ganization in Archiv for Mathem og. Naturvidenskab, ii, 1877, p. 127.—Neomenia affinis W1rEN, Kong]. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., xxv, No. 6, p. 15, pl. 1, f. 21; pl. 2, f.4,10—Simroru in Bronn, p. 227. —Pruvot, Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gen. (2), ix, p. 728. Internal anatomy not yet investigated. Differs from NV. carinata in the much greater height of the dorsal keel. N. Granvis Thiele. Pl. 42, figs. 10-16. Back keeled, the keel reaching to the mouth, where it is widened. Ventral surface somewhat flattened, the ventral groove commencing just back of the anterior end, with a furrow along each side of it, defining two lips, the furrows meeting just in front of the cloaca, folds of the ventral groove 13, decreasing to 5 behind. Gill folds 42. Cloaca situated ventrally behind, appearing as a longitudinal crevice. Spicules (figs. 138, 14) long or short, needle-like or gut- tered, those upon the cuticle inflected, in the anterior part of the mouth small, lancet-shaped (fig. 11). Length about 40, breadth 10, height 8 mill. Naples. Neomenia grandis Tame, Zeitschr. fiir Wissensch. Zool., Vol. 58, p. 223, pl. 12, f. 1-50 (1894). NEOMENIA—PRONEOMENIA. 293 * * Body rounded, not keeled dorsally. N. DALYELLI (Koren & Danielssen). Pl. 41, figs. 28-31. Body circular in section, not keeled, spicules (fig. 28) large, 0:2 mill. long, those of needle-shape as long as the guttered ones. A large spicule on each side of the cloaca. No digitiform glands; stomach folds 9; gill folds about 40. No organ of copulation. Length 20, width in the middle 7 mill. Coast of Norway, 2-300 fms.; North Atlantic, lat. 64° 9 N., long. 6° 6 E., 157 fms. ; Scotland ? Solenopus dalyelli Kor. & Dan., Archiv for Math. og Natur- vidensk., ii, p. 127 (1877), trans. in Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iii, p. 327. —Neomenia dalyeli Norman, Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iv, p. 165.— WirREN, Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., xxv, p. 16, pl. 1, f.22; pl. 2, mo,ti-15 5 pli3,f9; pl.5,f.1-6,8=11; pl. 6,£.4,.10,11, 16; pl. 9; f. 5-10.—Pruvor, Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér. (2), ix, p.728.— Srmrorsa in Bronn, p. 227.—Garstana, Proce. Malac. Soc. Lond., ii, p. 124. ?Vermiculus crassus DALYELL, Powers of the Creator, ii, p. 88, pl. MO i 11. N. MICROSOLEN Wirén. PI. 41, figs. 32-35. Body laterally compressed, higher than broad (?) ; spicules small, the gutter-shaped and part of the needle-shaped ones 0°075 mill. long, part of the needle-shaped only half that length. No large cloaca spicules. Ventral furrow smaller than in the above species, with 7 ventral folds. Gills 35. Santa Lucia, West Indies, 160 fms. Neomenia microsolen WrrREN, Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., xxv, Ho: O, p. 16-ple1, f. 23 pl. 2, f.5,16; pl.3,f.10;) pl. 6, f. 1.—Sine ROTH, in Bronn, p. 227. Genus PRONEOMENIA Hubrecht, 1880. Proneomenia Huprecnat, Zool. Anzeiger, iii, no. 70, p. 589. Body elongated, vermiform, the length 9-14 times the diameter, tapering behind. Cloaca opening ventral. Foot present, the foot groove passing into the cloaca. Cuticle thick with crossed spicules. No gills. Radula multidentate. Twosalivary glands. Penis want- ing, numerous calcareous spicules functional as excitation organs. Type P. sluitert. 294 PRONEOMENIA. P. sturreRI Hubrecht. PI. 43, figs. 17-22. Body, in the preserved condition, stiff and light brown, cylindri- ~ eal, thicker toward the anterior extremity ; integument densely beset with spicules (fig. 21) placed at right angles to each other, and about 0:2 mill. long, shaped like elongated cones, pointed at one end, truneated at the other. Radula (fig.22) multiserial. Length 105 —~148 mill., about 14 times the breadth. Barents Sea, 110-160 fms. Proneomenia sluiteri Hupr., Zool. Anzeiger, iil, no. 70, p. 589 (1880); Niederlindisches Archiv fiir Zoologie, Supplementband, 1, pp. 1-75, pl. 1-4.—Pruvor, Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér., (2), ix, p. 731.—Simroru, in Bronn, p. 228, pl. 3, f. 1-16. Var. LANGI Simroth. PI. 48, figs. 23, 24. Animal having a neck-like constriction behind the anterior end ; breadth somewhat greater compared with the length. Length 98, greatest height and breadth 10 mill.; least height 8, least breadth 6 mill., mouth 4 mill. long, the ventral groove beginning 1 mill. be- hind it; cloaca 6 mill. from hind end of ventral groove and 2 mill. long. A smaller specimen had a length of 75, greatest height 10, greatest breadth 93 mill. Northern part of Olga Strait, between Konig Karls Islands, North- eastland and Barentsland, 70-80 fins. P. sluiteri HevuscueEr, Vierteljahrisch. Naturforsch. Gesell. Ziirich, xxxvii, 1892, pp. 148-161, figs. 1-4; Jenaische Zeitschr. fir Natur- wissensch., xxvii, p. 476 to 512, figs. 1-4 and pl. 20-283—(Quart. Journ. Roy. Mic. Soc., 1893, p. 313; 1892, p. 771).—Lane, Lehr- buch der Vergleich. Anat., p. 569, fig. 386; and H. M. & M. Ber- nard’s translation, Text-book of Comp. Anat., pt. 2, p. 3, f. 2.—P. langi Surrora in Bronn, p. 228. Doubtfully distinct from P. sluiteri. P. austRALIs Thiele. Similar to P. sluiteri. Cuticle 0°33 mill. thick, beset with spicu- les of the usual form, mostly hollow ; those near the cloacal opening with the points bent toward the middle; in immediate proximity to the cloaca are very numerous smaller spicules, which are also fre- quently bent hook-like; to the right and left is a flat excavation, clothed with cuticle and these spicules. The dorsal posterior sense organ is also surrounded with small spicules. Ventrally runs the PRONEOMENIA. 295 ciliated longitudinal groove, anteriorly expanded, containing 5 longi- tudinal folds in front, then three, of which the two lateral ones unite posteriorly with the median. Radula small, with two rows of teeth, each tooth rather straight, long-conic, somewhat over 0:2 mill. long. There are 13 rounded receptacula seminis on each side. Length 90, diameter anteriorly 5 mill. Northwest coast of Australia, 60 fms. (Gazelle Exped.). Proneomenia australis TH1iELE, Zool. Anzeiger, xx, p. 399 (1897). Differs from P. slwiteri mainly in the biserial radula and numer- ous receptacula seminis. P. rycrustatTa (Koren & Danielssen). Body cylindrical, 30 mill. long, 8 broad, pointed towards the an- terior, truncate at the posterior extremity; strongly incrusted with particles of sand, so that it has a rugged appearance. Mantle desti- tute of the spear-shaped calcareous spicules along the back. Hasvig, Finmark, 200-300 fms. Solenopus incrustatus Kk. & D., Beskrivelse over nye arter hen- horende til Slegten Solenopus, samt nogle oplysminger om dens organisation, in Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, ii, p. 128 (1877). Trans. in Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iti, p. 8328.—Proneo- menia incrustata HANSEN, Bergens Mus. Aar., 1888, p. 4, and of Provor and Simrora. Known only by the above insufficient description. P. BOREALIS (Koren & Danielssen). Body cylindrical, 25 mill. long, 3 broad, rounded and rather nar- rower at the anterior end, truncate at the hinder extremity, and in- crusted with sand. Along the whole of the back runs a rather fine but sharp line, which is but slightly elevated and richly beset with short, thick, needle-shaped calcareous spicules. Lofoten, etc., Norway, 40-400 fms. Solenopus borealis K. & D., l.c., p. 128; Ann. Mag. t.c., p.328.— Proneomenia borealis HANnsEn, l. ¢., p. 4. Known only by the original description, translated above. P. rrurrorMis Hansen. Animal 61 mill. long, 0°75 mill. thick ; anterior end rounded ; _ posterior end obliquely truncated (Hansen). Sweden. 296 PRONEOMENIA. Proneomenia filiformis Hansen, Bergens Mus. Aarsberetning, 1888, no. 6, p. 10. Simroth and Pruvot simply repeat Hansen’s brief diagnosis. The specimen is unique in the Bergen Museum, and has not been cut, so that the internal features are still unknown. Subgenus Amphimenia Thiele, 1894. Amphimenia Ture ek, Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool., lviii, p. 273, 244. Radula uniserial ; having gullet glands and lobed salivary glands ; spicules of two forms; cloaca simple. Type P. neapolitana. P. NEAPOLITANA Thiele. PI. 48, figs. 25, 26, 27, 28. Body elongated, round, with very strong integument, bearing two kinds of spicules: some small, hollowed, tapering to a point at each end, usually somewhat curved, and others considerably larger, pointed at one end only, being rounded at the other or running out in a sharp margin (fig. 26, 27). The smaller spicules lie tangential or obliquely in the cuticular layer, the larger ones perpendicular, with projecting points (fig.25). Ventrally the latter sort fails, and the smaller ones become perpendicular. Ventral groove with a rather narrow median fold, a smaller one on each side of it, bordering the spiculose cuticle ; wholly disappearing before it reaches the cloaca ; in the space between them lies a preanal gland, below the hypodermis. Radula with one row of teeth, each tooth rounded in the middle in front, tapering at the sides, narrowed behind and running out in two rather long and acute points, which overlie the following tooth (fig. 28). Cloaca small. No copulating organ or penis spicules. Length about 30, diam. 1°5 mill. Naples. Proneomenia neapolitana THIELE, Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., 1889, xlix, p. 429 (footnote); 2. ¢., p.392 (no name); Biol. Centralbl., xi, p. 725.—P. (Amphimenia) neapolitana THIELE, Zeitsch. Wiss. Zool., Iviii, p. 244, pl. 14, 15, f. 51-94. Subgenus SimROTHIELLA Pilsbry, 1898. Solenopus (in part) Koren & Dantevisen, Arch. Math. og Naturvid., ii, p. 120.—Srmrorg, in Bronn’s Klassen u. Ordnungen » des Thier-Reichs, p. 228. Not Solenopus Schonherr, Curcul. Disp. Meth., p. 268, 1826. PRONEOMENIA—RHOPALOMENIA. 297 Body elongated, vermiform. Length 8-23 times the breadth. Gills present in the form of longitudinal folds. Radula and two salivary glands present. Having single tube-shaped penes (?). ‘Type S. sarsii. This subgenus differs from Proneomenia in the development of gills. P. MARGARITACEA (Koren & Danielssen). Body round, thick, strongly glistening, pointed at the anterior end, truncated transversely posteriorly ; 12 mill. long, 13 mill. thick at the broader posterior end. Mantle covered with needle- and lancet- shaped spicules. Two tubular penes. Avidingsoerne, Stavanger, Norway, 40-60 fms. Solenopus margaritaceus Kor. & Dan, /.¢., p. 128 (trans. in Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iii, p.328).—Simrorg, /.¢., p. 228.— Neomenia mar- garitacea PRuvor, Arch. Zool. Expér. (2), ix, p. 729.—Proneomenia margarttacea HANSEN, Bergens Mus. Aarsberetning for 1888, p. 4. P. sarsit (Koren & Danielssen). PI. 43, fig. 29. Body cylindrical, 70 mill. long, 3 mill. diam., the posterior [an- terior] end transversely truncated, the anterior [posterior] end snout-shaped, extended. Christianafjord, 100-200 fms. Solenopus sarsii Kor. & DAN., l.c., p. 128 (Ann. Mag. N. H. (5), iii, p. 828).—Simrors, J. ¢., p. 228.—Proneomenia sarsiti HANSEN, Bergens Mus. Aarsberetning for 1888, no. 6, p. 1-11, pl. 1, f. 8-10. —Neomenia sarsii Pruvot, Arch. Zool. Expér. (2), ix, p. 729. Fig. 29, one gill containing blood corpuscles. According to Hansen (i. c., p. 10) the descriptions of the two ends of this species given by Koren and Danielssen should be transposed. Genus RHOPALOMENIA Simroth, 1893. Rhopalomenia Stwroru, Klassen u. Ordn. des Thier-Reichs, p. 229. Body vermiform, pointed in front and behind. Cloaca opening a ventral longitudinal slit, passing into the foot-groove. Foot pres- ent. Cuticle thick, enclosing obliquely crossed, needle-shaped spic- ules, pointed at each end, free from the epithelium ; with club- shaped, narrow pedicled papillz, projecting in the cuticle near to the surface. Gills wanting. Radula many pointed or wanting. 20 298 RHOPALOMENIA. Salivary glands 2; penial exciting organs two or none. Length 6- 60 mill., 6 to 25 times the breadth. - This genus is evidently composed of somewhat heterogeneous elements, which, however, share the peculiar shape and arrangement of spicules described above, and the same mode of existence, differ- ing in both from the northern genus Proneomenia. Thiele (Archiv Wiss. Zool., lvili, p. 273) proposes to restrict Rho- palomenia to the species aglaophenie and eisigi, and relegate vagans, desiderata, gorgonophila and acuminata to Proneomenia. I have, however, considered it advisable to leave the group within the lim- its fixed by Simroth, except that sopita is removed, as it obviously differs sufficiently to form another genus. Key to Species of Rhopalomenia. Cuticle Exciting Salivary Radula. 2Gille Length Species papille organs glands index one-celled 0 . 2 present. none 25 gorgonophila. many-celled 2 2 present 6 vagans. : 0 2 present none 6 = desiderata. | none none 13 aglaophenie. Of these species, the first is separated widely from the others by its peculiar cuticle-papille. The West Indian A. acuminata is still too little known to be included in the table. R. GORGONOPHILA (Kowalevski). Pl. 44, figs. 30, 31, 32. Elongated, cylindrical, winding around Gorgonia stems, upon which it is parasitic. Length 60 mill. Algerva and Provence. Neomenia gorgonophila KowAu., Bull. Roy. Soc. Friends of Nat. Science, etc., 1881 (Russian) ; Zool. Anzeiger, ili, p. 190.—Proneo- menia gorgonophila Kowa. & Marron, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- seilles, III, p. 75, pl.7, f. 18-21—Rhopalomenia gorgonophila Stm- ROTH, Bronn’s Thier-Reichs, p. 230, pl. 4. figs. 2-4. Fig. 30 represents the animal in its natural position. Fig. 32 section showing foot-groove and foot. Fig. 31 section through the skin, showing epithelium above, below it the peculiar club-shaped inter-cuticular papille, and lower the horizontal spicules, with a layer of circular muscle beneath. RHOPALOMENIA. 299 R. vaGans (Kowalewski & Marion). Pl. 44, figs. 37, 38, 39. Cylindrical, both ends similarly roundly-pointed. Cuticle homo- geneous. Free living upon Zostera; 6 mill. long, 6 or 7 times the diameter. Gulf of Marseilles. Proneomenia vagans Kow. & Mar., Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Mar- seilles, ili, p. 29, pl. 3, 4, 5, 1887.—TutExE, Zeitsch. Wissensch. Zool., Iviii, p. 258, pl. 15, f. 95-107.— Rhopalomenia vagans StmrorH, l. ¢., p- 280, pl. 5, figs. 1-7. Fig. 38 shows the animal magnified 30 diameters, with the dorsal integument removed by the microtome, showing the intestinal coeca and (by transparence) the longitudinal salivary glands lying under them. Fig 39, ventral view of the hind end. Fig. 37, a spicule, x 510. R. DESIDERATA (Kowalewski & Marion). Body cylindrical, rounded at the two ends, 10 mill. long; cuti- cular layer relatively not very thick, formed of distinct layers, ir- regularly superimposed ; cutaneous papillze small, several-celled, for the most part not extending near the outer surface. Spicules all acicular, perceptibly curved. Radula well developed. Marseilles, on Posidonia. Proneomenia desiderata Kow. & MaAr., l.c., p. 59, pl. 5, f. 28-34. —Pruvort, Arch. Zool. Expér. et Génér. (2), ix, p. 732.—Rhopalo- menia desiderata Stmrotu, /.¢., p. 280, pl. 4, fig. 5, 6. R. AGLAOPHENI# (Kowalewski & Marion). PI. 45, figs. 46-56. Elongated, somewhat narrowed behind. Cuticle homogeneous. Frontal sense-tubercle retracted into the mouth cavity. Length 32 mill. Although the radula may be lacking, its supporting mem- brane and sheath remain. Parasitic. Marseilles, Banyuls, Naples and Plymouth on Aglaophenia. Proneomenia aglaophenie Kow. & Mar., Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Marseille, iii, p. 65, pl. 6, 7—Pruvor, Arch. Zool. Exper. (2), ix, pp. 720, 732, 760 ; Comptes Rendus, exiv, p. 1211 (embryology ).— Rhopalomenia aglaophenie Simroru in Bronn, p. 2380, pl. 4, f. 7-16. —THIELE, Zeitsch. Wiss. Zool., lviii, p. 265, pl. 15, f. 108-114; pl. 16, f. 115-122—-Garsranc, Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond., ii, p. 124, pl. 10, f. 3. 300 RHOPALOMENIA. Fig. 50 shows the animal upon a branch of Aglaophenia myrio- phyllum. Fig. 53 shows one of the cuticular papillee in section. The specimens from Banyuls (pl. 45, figs. 46, 47, 53) examined by Pruvot may possibly belong to a distinct species, differing from typical aglaophenie in wanting the radula. They measure 30 mill. long, 24 wide; color cream-white ; form strictly cylindrical with no trace of a dorsal ridge or line. The caudal sensory knob is retract- ile, without a corona of spicules different from those of the general integument ; it is thesame with the cephalic knob (fig. 46). Always oceurs coiled around Aglaophenia myriophyllum, in 60-80 meters depth. R. erstai Thiele. Pl. 44, figs. 40-45. Closely allied to R. aglaophenie. Length 25, diam. somewhat over 1 mill. 26bnuee Angasia Cpr., Xiv, 286 Anisochiton Fisch., xiv, . XxXl Anisocycla Monts., viil, 319 Anolacia Gray, v, 96 Anolax Borson, v, 201 Ansates Sowb., xiil, 109 Antale Aldrov., xvii, . 37 Antalis H. & A. Ad., xvii, 37 Anthochiton Thiele, xv, . 88 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Anthora Gray, xi, . 8, Anticalyptrea Quenst., Viil, Anura Bellardi, 11, Aphera Ads., vii, ‘ Aphanistylus Fisch. yx, 117, Aphanitoma Bell., vi, Aphanotrochus Mts. Mie 2 Apicalia A. Ad., viii, 260, Apicularia Monts., I Ree, Apiotropis Meek, iii, APLACOPHORA, XVIi, . Aplustra Swains., xv, . Aplustride Fischer, xv, Aplustrum Schum., xv, 386, Aplysiella Fisch., xvi, APLYSIID®, XVI, APLYSIIN Pils., xvi, Apollon Montf., ii, Aporrhais Dillw., vii, Aptyzxiella Fisch., viii, Aptyxis Trosch,, ii Aptyxis Zitt., viii, Aquillus Montf., iii, Aquilonaria Dall, Arabica Jouss., vil, Aradasia Gray, xi, Aranea Perry, il, Architectoma Gray, ix, Architectonica Bolt., ix, 103, Archytzea Costa, x, 135 Arcotia Stol., viii, : Arcuella Nev., viii, ; Arcularia Link.,iv, . 6, Arena Ads., x, . me aly. Argobuceinum Klein, iii,37, Ariadna Fisch., ix, Aricia Gray, vii, Arrhoges Gabb, vii, Arthuria Cpr., xiv, Ascoglossa Bgh., xvi, Aspa H. & A. Ad., iii, Assula Schum., xv, Astralium Link, x, Astyris Ads., v, . Athleta Conr,, iv, Atilia Ads., v, Atoma Bell., vi, . Atractus Ag., Sow., iil, 21 . 104, aT 190, - 102, ix, 230, 2 Atresius Gabb, ix, . Atys Montf., xv, 243, 261; xvi, Aulacochiton Shutt., xiv, Aulica H. & A. Ads,, iv, Auriculina meek vill, Aurinia Ads., Aacisteeuaiene ,Vlil, 321, Ausoba Ads., iv, t Austrocochlea Fisch., xi, 9, Austrodiaphana Pils., XV, Austrofusus Kob., iii, 99, Autodetus Linds., viii, Bacula Ads., viii, 5 PATS), Balanetta Jouss., v, 15, Baleis Leach, viii, . Bankivia Beck, xi, 10, Barleeia Clark, ix, . 321, Basilissa Wats., xi, 15, Basterotia Bayle, vii, . Bathoxiphus Pils. & Sh., Xvi, Bathymophila Dall, xi, Batillaria Cantor, ix, ; Batillus Schum., x, . 29 Baudonia Bayan, Vili, Bayania Mun.-Chal., viii, Beanella Dall, xiv, Beanella Thiele, xv, . Beania Cpr., xiv, é i Bela Leach, vi, aoby Belangeria Fisch., xi, 8, Bellardia B., D. & D., vi, . Bellardia Mayer, ix, : Bellardiella Fisch., vi, 160, Belomitra Fisch., vi, . 156, Bembix Wats. ( = Bathy- bembix Crse.) xi, ie Benthodolium V. & S., vii, Bernaya Jouss., vl, P Berthella Blainv., xvi, Bertinia Jouss., Xvi, Bezanconia Bayle, ix, Bezoardica Schum., vii, 269, Bicatillus Swains., viii, 102, Biforina B., D. & D., ix, Bifrontia Desh., ix, 314 Brachytrema Mor. & Lyc., Biplex Perry, iii, . 236 _ Birostra Swains., vii, . . 244 Bittium Leach,ix, . 115, 150 Bivonia Gray, viii, . 166, 176 Bolina Risso, x, - : . 229 Bolma Risso, x, . lO 229 Bonellia Dh., viii, 2 261 Boreochiton Sars, xv, 63 Boreofusus Sars, iii, . 48 Borsonia Bell., vi, . 157, 227 Bourguetia Dh., viii, . 263 Brachystoma Gardn., vii, 104 Brachystomia Monts., vill, . 820 Brachytoma Swn., vi, 155, 176 ix. Maal Brachy sphingus Gabb, iii, 106 Brocchia Bronn, viii, 106 Brochina Gray, viii, 213 Brochus Brown, viii, . 213 Broderipia Gray, xii,. 7, 46 Brontes Montf., ii, 224 Brotia H. Ad., ix 116 Brownia, viii, ; See) Buccinanops Orb., iv, 5, 18 Buceinatorium Pet., iii, 237 BUCCINID4, iii, . Epon Buccinofusus Conr., iii, 47, 7 Buccinopsis Jeffr., ii,. 100, 195 Buceinor bis Conr., ii, . 224 Buccinulus H. & A. Ad.,xv, 136 Buccinum L.., iii, = LOO, Ge Buccitriton Conr.,, iii, 106 Bufo Montf., iii, . 36 Bulbifusus Conr., iii, . 102 Bulbus Brown, viii, 8 Bulbus Humph., ii, 224 Bulimella Hall, viii, 265 Bulimorpha Whitf., viii, . 265 Bullea Lam., xvi, Sy ee Bulla Linne, xv, 327; xvi, 232 Bullata Jouss., v, 15 Bullea Blainv., xv, 327 Bullia Gray, iv, . OsteeS, BULLID&#, xv, . o26 Bullidium, Leue, xvi, 44 Bulliopsis Conr., ili, 238 Bulliopsis Conr., iv, 8 ; v, 16 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Bullina Fér., xv, 136, 175, 391 Bullina Risso, xv, . 288 Bullinella Newton, XV, 287 Bullinulla Gray, xv, . 391 Bullinula Swains, xv, 175 Bullus Montf., xv, 327 Burgersteinia Bet., x, 7 Bursa Bolt., iii, . 238 Bursatella Blainv., xvi, 135 Burtinella Morch, viii, 167 Busycon Bolt., iii, 140 Cabestana Bolt., iii, 15 Cadium Link, vii, . 258 Cadulus Phil.,xvii, 131 142, 250.) 260 Cecalium Maeg., viii, 213 CCID, vill, . . ang Ceecum Flem., Vii, 213, 215: _ XVii, 240, 241 Celatura Conr., 53 Cesia H. & A. ne iv, 55 Calana Gray, x, ) Calcar Montf., x, 220 Calcarella Souleyet, viii, 5 Calceolina A. Ad., x,. 15, 105 Caledoniella Souv., viii, 12, 65 Callianax Ads.,v, . 60, 87 Calliostoma Sw., xi, 14 aa2 Calliotrochus Fisch., xi, 197 Callipara Gray, iv, . 100 Callistochiton OPE xiv, 5260, XV, 87 Callithea Sw aing,, iv, . _ 164 Callistoplax Cpr., xiv, 288 Callochiton ia xiv, 48; es i (Ge Callogaza Dall, ale dg Pees 5 < Callomphala Ad. & Ang., iii, 238 Callonema Hall, ix, 538 Callopoma Gray, x x - 190, 210 Calpurnus Montf., vii, 245, 256 Calvertia Bet., x, 7 Calypeopsis Less., viii, - 102 Calyptrea Lam., Vili, 103, 119 CALYPTRAEIDA&, Viii, . 101 Calyptrophorus Conr., vii, 103 Camitia Gray, xi, 16, 464 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Campanile Bayle, ix,. 114, 149 Campulotus Guett., ii, . 225 Canalispira Jouss., v,. 15, 49 Canalites Auct., xvii,. © xxix Canarium Schum., vii, 101, 118 CANCELLARIID, Vi, > 200 Canidea H. Ad., ili, . 101, 208 Cancilla Swains., iv, . les Cantharidella Pils., xi, Oi Cantharidus Montf., xi, 10, 120 Cantharulus Meek, iii, 104 Cantharus Bolt., ii, . 100, 1538 Canthorbis Swains., x, ARG Cantrainea Fisch., x, . Capulacmea Sars, vill, 105, 152 Capulus Montf., viii, . 105, 131 Caragolus Monts., xi, . 9 92 Cardinalia Gray, xi, . 7, 19 Careliopsis Morch, viii, 297, 315 Caricella Conr., iv, 67 Carinea Swains., vil, . 244 Carinidea Sw., x, . 201, 241 Carmione Gray, v, . . 206 Casmaria Ads., vii, . 269, 277 Cassidaria Lam., vii, . 269, 279 Cassidea Swains., vii, . 269 CASSIDID A, VI, . 268 Cassidulus Ads., iii, 107 Cassiope Coq., vill, . 194 Cassis Lam., vii, SPAR PATAY) Catillina Gray, vili, . 102 Catillus Swains., x, 10 Catinella Stache, viii, 13 Catinus Klein, viii, 10 Cellana H. Adams, xiii, 123 Cemoria Leach, xii, 228 Cemoria Risso, viii, 108 Centronotus Swains., li, 226 Cepatia Gray, viii, . 8 CEPHALASPIDEA, XV, 134 CEPHALOPODA, vol. I. Ceratia Ads., ix, 318, a0! Ceratophorus Cpr., xiv, 290 Ceratosiphon Gill, vii, 104 Ceratozona Dall, xiv, 290 Ceritella Morr. & Lyc., ix, Cerithidea Swains, ix, 117, Cerithidium Monts., ix, 115, Cerithiella Verr., ix, CERITHIIDA, ix, Cerithioderma Conr., ix, Cerithiolum Tib., ix, . Cerithinella Gemm., ix, Cerithiopsis F. & H., ix, 119, 168 Cerithium Brug., ix, 112, 122 Cernina Gray, viii, Bad Cerostoma Conr., ii, (ea, Chetoderma Loven, xvii, 283 CHETODERMATIDA, xvii, . 283 Cheetopleura Shuttlw., xv, 69) xivs Ze Charonia Gist., iii, . 240 Chascax Wats., ili, 89 Cheletropis Forbes, ii, 168 Chelidonura A. Ad., xvi, 1, 34 Chelinodura Fisch., xvi, 34 Chelinotus Swains., viii, 11, 62 Chelyconus Mch., vi, . », (68 Chemnitzia Orb., viii, 265, 317 Chicoreus Montf.,ii, . 73, 88 Chilotygma Ads., v, 91 Chitonellus Lam., xv, 52 CHITONID Pils., xiv, XXvi Chitonisceus Cpr., xiv, xx, xv, 09 Chiton L., xiv, 149, xv, 88 Chlamydoconcha Dall, xv, . 48 Chlamydoglyphis Pils., xii, 198 Chlanidota Mart., ili, 101, 201 Chlorodiloma Pils., xi, 10, 110 Chlorostoma Sw., x1, HMeaGes Chondroplax Thiele, xv, 88 Chonechiton Cpr., xiv, D4 Choneplax Cpr., xv, ile a9 Choristes Cpr., ix, 324, 398 CHORISTID&, ix, 323, 398 Chorus Gray, il, 75,. 197 Chromotis A. Ad., x, 164, 176 Chrysallida Cpr., vili, 297, 311 Chrysame Ads., iv, . 148 Chrysodomus Swains,, iii, . 240 Chrysostoma Sw., xi, 16, 466 Cidaris Swains., x, 2S Cimber Montf., x, . NO aak Cinctella Monts., ix, . 119 316 Cingilla Monts., ix, . 318 Cingula Flem., ix, . 318, 342 Cingulina A. Ad., villi, 318, 338 Cingulina Monts. ix, 318, 356 Cioniscus Jeffr., ix, Sate Circulus Jeffr., x1, ee ae| Cirrhobranchiata Blainy., xvii, Vv Cirsonella Ang., x, 16, 107 Cirsotrema Morch, ix, 50, 81 Citharopsis Pse.,v, . OATS Cithna A. Ad., a F234 268 Cittarium Ph., BAC Cladopoda Gan vill, 166 Clanculopsis Monts., xi, 47 Clanculus Montf., xi, 8, 47 Claneop hila Gray, Vace 208 Clathrella Recl., ix, 2o5 Clathurella Cpr., vi, . 159, 274 Clathropleura Tiberi, ay. 67, 88 Clathrus Oken, ix, 50 Clavatula Lam., vi, . 157, 228 Clavella Si ima ii, 47, 70 Clavellithes Swains., 111, 24() Clavifusus Conr., 111, . 104 Clavus Montf,, vi, 2 1bds 185 Clea A. Ad., iii, . SL Ow 20, Cleanthus Leach, xvi, 192 Cleantus Leach, xvi, . 191 Climacina Gemm., viii, 264 Climacopoma Fisch., ix, . 7 Clinwra Broec., v1, Glionelin Gray, vil alt 208 Clisospira Bill, viii, 158 Clistaxis Cossm., XVIl, Dat Clithon Montf., x, tf Closia Gray, Vv, . 2 ODS ar: Closteriscus Meek, 1 i . 108 Clypeola Gray, viii, . 103 Clypeolum Reel., Kien sigs OU Clypidella Swains., 195 Putilla A. Ad., ie ene 322, 396 Putzeysia Sull., xi, . 413 Pygmea Humph., v Oi Pyramidella Lam., viii, 295, 299 PYRAMIDELIID&, Viil, . 294 Pyramidelloides Nev., ix 320, 391 Pyramis Couth., viii, noZ0) Pyrazisinus Heilpr., ix, . 116 Pyrazus Montf., ix, . 116, 158 Pyrelia Swains., iii, . 266 Pyrene Bolt., v, : : SHOW Pyrgisculus Monts. viii 318, 325 Pyrgiscus Phil., viii, . Bis) Wf) Pyrgolidium Monts. vill, 318, 326 Pyrgopolon Montf., xvii, . 245 Pyrgostelis Monts,, viii, 318, 326 Pyrgostylus Monts., viii, 318, 327 Pyrgulina A. Ad., viii, 821, 359 Pyrifusus Conr., 1ii, . 108 Pyropsis Conr., iii, . 104 Pyrula Lam., vii, : Tae 265 Pyrulofusus Mch., . 266 Pyrunculus Pils., xv, 229 Pyxipoma Moreh, viii, , 168, 191 Quadrasia Crosse, ix, . 238, 279 - Quoyia Desh., ix, 2250, 280 Radius Montf., vii, mae Radsia Gray, xiv, . 189 Radsiella Pils., xiv, . 139 Radsiella Thiele, xv, . 74 Ramola Gray, v, 236 Rana Humph., iii, TOO Ranella Lam., iii, 6, 36, 225 Ranellina Conr.,, iii, cea 0 Ranularia Schum., lil, 268 Rapa Klein, ii, 76, 214 Rapana Schum., 76, 202 Rapella Baainsh ii, #251 Raphistoma Hall, ix, oO Raphitoma Bell., vi, . 160, 307 Raphium Bayan, viii, 319 Rapum Humph., iv, 236 Raulinia Mayer, ix, . 236, 274 Raynevallia Ponzi, viii, 10 Reclusia Petit; ix, 307 38 Retusa Brown, xv,181, 208; Xvi, 233 Reymondia Bet., 1x, | 239, 285 Rhabdoconcha Gemm., viii, 265 Rhabdopleura Kon., ix, 231 Rhabdus Pils. & Sh., xvii, . 112 Rhinacantha H. & A. Ad., il, 13, 98 Riinoclanis Swains., xe 114 Rhinodomus Swains., lil, 268 Rhizochilus Steenstr. sly Ose 205 Rhizoconus Morch, vi, 29, 39 Rhizorus Montf., xv, . 233 Rhodoplax Thiele, xv, T4 Rhombus Montf., vi, . ff Rhopalomenia Simr., xvii, . 297 Rhopalopleura Thiele, xv, . 91 Rhyssoplax Thiele, xv, 69 Rictaxis Dall, xv, 166 Ricinula Lam., i, Op 182 Rigauxia Cossm., vill, . 264 Rimella Agas., vii, . 102, 129 Rimula Defr., xii, : . 269 Ringicula Desh., xv, a Xvi, 233 Ringiculella Sacco, Xvi, 233 RINGICULID#, XV, 393 Ringiculina Monts, RV, 394 Risella Gray, ix, 232, 262 Rissoa Frém., ix, 014, 325 Rissoella Gray, ix, 323 Rissoia Auct., 1x, 314 RIssorp#, 1x, 314, 325 Rissoina Orb., ix, 319, 369 Rissolina Gld., ix, 320, 3/4 Rissopsis Garr., 1x, 319, 359 Rissostomia Sars, ix, . 315, 329 Ritena Gray, X, kame Rostellaria Lam., iy NOD tT Rostellites Conr., re ah Rostrisepta Seg., xiii, ‘ 72 332 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Rotella Lam., xi, Rouaultia Bell., vi, . 450 . 154 Roxania Leach, xv, . 262, 279 Roxaniella Monts., xv, . 263 Rudolpha Schum., 1i, 4 Ruma Chemn., Ads., viii, ff Rumella Bet., viii, . 10, 54 Runcina Forbes, xvi, . 171, 289 RUNCINID&, XVI1, - 170 Sabanzea Leach, ix, . 316, 339 Sabatia Beil., xv, 255; xvi, 235 Sacoglossa Iher., xvi, - 61 Sagenella Conr., 111, . 106 Saginella Conr., iii, . 270 Saintsimonia Bet., x, . 7 Sandalium Schum. ee . 104 Sandbergeria Bosq,, i Lbs Sandella Gray, v, ¢ . 238 Sao H. & A. Ad. MV, O29 Sarcopterus Raf., xvi, . ser oo Sarmaticus Gray, x, . 190, 218 Seabriola Swains., iv, . 132 Sczevola Gemm., x, Ler Sezvogyra Whitf., viii, 3 Seala Klein, ix, . 50 Sealaria Lam., ix, 49 ScALARIID, 1x, ; . 49 Sealaspira Conr., 11,152; ili, 49 Sealenostoma Dh., viil, 260, 287 Sealina Conr., ix, ; er) Sealiola, A. Adj ix,- 2 pl, 285 Sealites Conr., ix, : a 3%) Seapha Gray, iv, : 239 Scaphanidea Rolle, x, 12 Scaphander Montf., xv, 248, 244; xvi, . 234 ScaPHANDRID® Fisch. Ba: Seaphella Swains., iv, 239 ScAPHOPODA, ie Vv Scaphula Gray, v, . 238 Scaphula Swains., v, . 238 Schismope Jeffr., xii, . , 49 Schisomope, error for Schis- mope, Xi, 49 Schizodentalium Sowb., xvii, 63 Schizoplax Dall, a 46 Schizopyga Conr., = | OOss209 Schizochiton ae xiv, 234 Schizostoma Bronn, ix, 8 Schizotrochus Monts., xii, 49 Schwartzia B., D. & D., ix, 316, 330 Schwartziella Nev., ix, 320, 379 Scissurella Orb., xii, . 49 ScISSURELLIDA, Xil, 49 Sclerochiton Cpr., xiv, 188 Scobinella Conr., vi, . lon Scolecomorpha Lank, xvii, . 281 Scolymus Swains., iv, . 239 Sconsia Gray, vii, . 269, 280 Scrobs Wats., ix, old Scurria Gray, xiii, 61 Scutella Brod,, xii, . Bley) Scutellastra ef & A Ads xiii, i j 94 Seutellina Auct., xii, . 70 Scutellina Gray (preoc. = Phenacolepas Pils.) xii, . 127 ScUTELLINID Xi, 12% Seutum Auct., xii, . 250 Scutus Montf., xii, 287 Seguenzia Jeffr., ix, . 41, 46 Seila A. Ad., ix, . 119, 174 Selma A. Ad., vili, . 260, 285 Semicassis Morch, vii, 268, 274 Semifusus Fisch. = Hemifu- sus. Semineila Pse., v, 102, 165; Vil oes , : 160 Semperia Crosse, xii, . 248 Senectus Swains., x, . . 191 Separatista Gray, 11,76, 213, 1D: eee : . 41, 46 Septaria Fér., 4 . Seraphs Montf., Vil, 103 Serpula, xvii, . 241 Serpulorbis Sassi, viii, 166 Serpulus Montf., viii, . 166 Serrata Jouss., v, . 15338 Serrifusus Meek, 111, . 4 Setia Ads., ix, . . 018, 358 Sigapatella Less., vili, 108, 122 Sigaretus Lam., viii, . 10, 695 Siliquaria Brug., viii,. 168, 188 Simnia Risso, vii, . 244 Simpulum Klein, iii,. 9, 11 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Simrothiella Pils., xvii, . 296 Sinistralia H. & A. Ad., iii, 47, 66 Sinusigera Orb., ii, . 168 Sipho Brown, xii, . 228 Sipho Klein, iii, OOF 128 Siphonalia A. Ad., iii, 99, 133 Siphonella Iss., xii, 5 Oe: Siphonentalis Sars, xvii, . 138 Siphonium Morch, viii, 167, 183 Siphonodentalium Sars, mv, Lol, 130,204, 253 SIPHONODENTALIIDA, XVil, oc). + 130 Sip honodentalis Cless., Xvii, 138 Siphonopoda Sars, xvii, 130 Siphonotus Ads. & Rve., Xvi, 65 Siphonor bis Mch. yi, yp Siphopatella Less., viii, 104, 130 Sistrum Montf., ii, 185 Skenea Flem.,ix, . 323, 398 SKENEIDS, ix, . YA, ele) Seenella Pfir.,ix, .322, 396 Smaragdia Iss, x, . 7, 54 Smaragdinella ‘Ad. XV 243, 257 Smithia Malz., ix, ; 52 Solanderia Fisch. (—Rossi- femorbraz ext,» |. 12,' 256 Solariella Wood, xi, 14, 307 SoLARIIDS, ix, . ; 3 Solariorbis Conr., ix, . 5 Solarium Lam., ix, 5, 8 Soleniscus Meek & Worth. Fe Vili, SoS) Wolenoconchia Auct., XVii, Vv Solenogastres Gegenb., Xvii, 281 Solenopus Sars, xvii, 289 Solenopus Simr., xvii, 296 Solidula F. deWald., xv, 186, 413 Sormetus Fér., xvi, 2 Sparella Gray, v, 240 Speo Risso, xv, 147 Spinigera Orb., vii, 105 Spiricella Rang, viii, . 106 Spirilla Humph.s iii, . 273 Spirobranchus Blainv., ii, . 255 Spiroclimax Morch, viii, Spirocrypta Gabb, viii, Spirodentalium Wale., xvii, Spirogly phus Daud.,viii, 166, Spirolidium Costa, viii, 213, Spironema Meek, ix, . Spirotropis Sars, vi, . 155, Spongiochiton Cpr., xv, 7 Xiv, Spongioradsia Pils, xv, Stanleya Bet., x, a Staphylea Jouss., vil, Stectoplax Cpr., xv, Stella Klein, x, : Stenochiton A. & A ealivieee Stenoplax Cpr., xiv, Stenopoma Gray, x, Stenoradsia Cpr., xiv, Stenosemus Midd., xiv, Stenotis A. Ad., ix, . 234, Stephanoconus Mch., vi, Stephopoma Morch, viii,167, Stereochiton Cpr., xv, 68; Xiv, ; Stereoplax Thiele, XV, Steromphala Gray, xi, Sthenorytis Conr., ix, ; Stigmaulax Morch, viii, 6, . b] Stilbe Jeffr., ix, . 53, Stilus Jeffr., ix, AGES, Stimpsoniella Cpr., xv : Stoa Serres, viii, 166, Stolida Jouss., vii, Stomatella Lam., xii, 6, STOMATELLID&, Xli, Stomatia Helbl., xii, . 6, Stomatia Hill, viii, Stomatiide; xii, Stomaxz Montf., xii, ; Stossichia Brus., ix, . 320, Stramonita Swains., i, 159, Strategus Coop., Xvi, Strebloceras Cpr., viii, Strephona Browne, vy, . Strepsidura Swains., iii, Streptochiton Cpr., xiv, : Streptosiphon Gill, iii, 99, Strigatella Swains., iv, 108, 14, 2 334 Strobeus Kon., viii, : Strombella Gray, iii, . ; ole - STROMBID®, vil, ' , eo Strombina Moreh, v, . 102, 183 Strombolaria Greg., vii, . 102 Strombus L., vii, . 100, 106 Strongylocera Mch., iii, 215 Strophostylus Hall, vii, . 9 Struthiolaria Lam., vii, 105, 135 Stylia Jouss., 1x, 122 Stylifer Brod. Seville: | 262, 289 Styliferina A. Ad, Vil, 260, 2501 six. ; 239, 284 Stylina Flem., viii, a Oe Stylocheilus Gld., xvi, 135, 13 Stylopsis A. Ad., viii, 319, 344 Styloptygma A. Ad., viii, 297, 312 Subemarginula Blv., xii, . 273 Subeulima Sow., viii, . 260, 287 Subulites Conr., viii, . . 264 Subularia Monts., viii, Suleobuceinum Orb., ii Sulcoeyprzea Conr., vii, . 162 Suleulus Ads., xii, . Po Sureula Ads., vi, . 158; 236 Surculites Conr., vi, 158 Susania Gray, xvi, 212 Swainsonia Ads., iv, . 130 Sychar Hinds, ix, . 122, 188 Sycopsis Conr., ili, —. . 108 Sycotypus Ads., vii, 259 Sycotypus Gill. iii, . se 142 Sycum Bayle, iii, : Symmetrogephyrus Midd., Xiv, XVli; Xv, : «438 Sympterus Raf, Xvi, Synaptocochlea Pils., xii, 6, 25 Sypharochiton Thiele,xv, . 88 Syphonepyge Bronn, xvi, . 65 Syphonota Pse., xvi, . ‘G5 Syringites Auct., xvii, xxix Syring Bolt., iii, . . 274 Syrnola A. Ad., viii, . 296, 306 Syrnolopsis Smith, viii, 298, 315 Tallorbis Nev., xi, Talopia Gray, xi, . 446 e 246 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Talparia Trosch., vii, . : Taphon H. & A. Ad., iii, 99, Taranis Jeffr., vi, . 160, 315 Tatea T.-W.., ix, «323; 0918 Tectura Auct., xili, . ore Tecturina Cpr., xiii, . Rep) Tectarius Val.,ix, . 231, 256 TECTIBRANCHIATA, Xvi, ot Tecturella Cpr., xiii, . Jon Tecturide, xiil, . 4 SaeS Tectus Montf., xi, Jo) ae Tegula Less , xi, ! . 168 Teinostoma Ads.,x, . 15, 108 Teinotis Ads., xii, .. 75, 126 Telasco H. & A. Ad.,iv, . 30 TELEOPLACOPHORA, XIV, . XXVI Telescopium Montf., ix, 117, 161 Telobranchiata Kor, & Dan. xvii, 281 Temana Leach, ix, i Tenagodes Guett., vill, Tenare Gray, x, . ae Terebellopsis Leym., vii, . 103 Terebellum Klein [=Ser- aphs Montf.], vii, . 103, 180 Terebra Adans., xii, . 8 Terebralis Swaine, [Xe iG: 160 TEREBRIDZ#, Vil, : 3 Terebrispira Conr., 11, 50, 275 Teres B., D. & D., vi, 160, 313 Teretopoma Rochebr., ix, . 7 Tessarolax Gabb, vii, 104 Tessellata Jouss., vil, . es 3). Tethys Auct., xvi, .) 6b) aGh Tethys: 1s.) xvii e: . 64, 65 Tetranemia Morch, viii, 166. Textilia Swn., vi, 88 Thala H. & xe Ad., iv, 108, 159 Thalessa H. & A. Ad., ii, 159, Thallepus Swains., xvi, 117, Thalotia Gray, xi, 10, 141 Thapsia Monts., ix, . . 319 Thapsiella Fisch., ix, . 319, 366 Tharsis Jeffr., x, 3 may Thatcheria Ang., ili, . 98, Thecaphorus Nutt., xv, Theliostyla Mch., x, . 4, 18 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Theodoxus Montf., x, 6, Thesbia Jeffr., vi, . 160, Thethys Auct., xvi, Thiarella Swains., iv, : Thyca Ads., viii, . 106, Thyreus Phil, vil, Thy lacodes Guett,, Vili, 166, Tiara Swains., iv, Tiberia Jeffr., viii, Tigris Trosch., Willen Tinostoma Fisch.— —Teinos- toma Tinotis Fisch., xii, Titiscania Bergh, ‘xiii, TITISCANIID®, X1il, Tomella Swn., vi, and, Tomochilus Gemm., ix, Tomochiton Fisch., xiv, Tomostoma Dh., x, Tonicella Cpr., xiv, Tonichia Gray, xiv, Tonicia Gray, xiv, 194, XV, Toniciella Thiele, xv, Toniciopsis Thiele, Savi ; ae 40, xy Torcula Gray, viii, . 198, Torellia Lovén, ix, 41, Torinia Gray, ix, 6, TORINIINA, ix, . E Tornatella Lam., xv, . Tornatina A. ide XV, 181, Xvi, TORNATINIDA, XV, Tortifusus Conr., ili, . ; Tortoliva Conr., v, 60; v, Trabecula Monts., viii, Trachydermon Cpr., xiv, 67; XV, Trachydomia Meek «& Worth., viii, 8; x, Trachyoma Seg., ix, Trachyradsia Cpr., xv, Trachysma Jeffr., x, Trachytriton Meek, ii, ; Tragula Monts., viii, 317, Transovula Greg., vii, Trelania Gray, viii, 102, Tribulus Klein, ii, . 159, Trichophora Desh., ix, TRICHOTROPID®, IX, . 40 Trichotropis B. & ey LX, 40, 42 Tricla Philippson xv, 244 Tricolia Risso, x, : 164, 167 Tricoliella Monts., x, . a L6T Triforis Desh., ix, ZONE Trigonostoma Blainv., vii, . 77 Ty ipaloia het. x, 7 Triptychus Moreh, ee 304 Tristoma Blainv., 121 Tritiaria Conr., Bier ba Alice Tritia Risso, iv, . T;. 66 Tritonella Ads., iv, 244 TRITONIDZ, ili, . ano 220 Tritonium Cuv., 111, BOE Tritoniwm Fabr., iil, 207 Tritonium Mill. iii, . ne AUS? Triton Montf., iii, : 2 6, 225 Tritonofusus Beck., iil PAE Tritonopsis one Wis. 6 Trituba Jouss., 122 Triumphis nee iii, Qi Trivia Gray, vil, 5 Gowns Triviella Jouss., vil, . 161 Trivirostra Jouss., vil, - IGE Trochalia Sharpe, viii, 298 Trochatella Less., viii, 1038 Trochella Gray, viii, 103 Trochia Swains., ii, . 159, 169 TROCHID®, Xl, 1 Trochilina Gray, viii, 108 Trochiodon Sw., xi, . 86 Trochiseus Sby. (= Norrisia Bayle), xi, . oy Lo 205 Trochita Schum., Viil, 103 Trochius Lch., x1, 92 Trochocochlea Ads., Xi, 92 Trochulus Humph., xi, 86 Trochus L., xi, & G6 Trona Jouss., vu, . 160 Trophon Montf., ii, 74, 188 Truncaria Ads. & Rve., iv, ec Tryblidium Linds., viii, 106 Tuba Lea, ix, 236 Tubicanthus Swains., x, 229 Tubifer Piette, ix, . 120 Tubiola A. Ad., x 14, 95 336 Tubulites Auct., xvii, Tubulites Davila, ii, XxXIx . 259 Tubulibranchiata Cuv., villi, 163 Tubulostium Stol., viii, Se ovre Tubulus Auct., xvii, XX1X Tudicla Bolt., iii, 99, 144 Tudicula Ads., iii, . 144 Tugalia Gray, xii, . 284 Tugurium Fisch., viii, 157, 161 Tumulus Monts., xi, 2 NS) Turbella Leach, ix, 316, 332 Turbinella Lam., iv 67 TURBINELLIDA, iv, 2 166 TURBINIDZ, x, ot TURBININA, X,. . 184 Turbinopsis Conr., Vil, 5 OO Tubispira Desh., viii, . 163 Turbovix., 12 S SOR ae Turbo Moreh, ix, 50 Turbonilla Risso, vili, 317, 322 TURBONILLID&, Vill, mere ye Turcica Ads., xi, 14, 414 Tureicula Dall, xi, 14, 330 Turricula Klein, iv, . 109, 164 Turris Montf., iv, . 244 ‘Turrispira Conr., i, w 49 Turritella Lam., viii, . 192, 195 ‘TURRITELLID2, Vili, . 92 ‘Turritellopsis Sars, viii, 193, 207 “‘Tychonia Kon., viii, 9 Tylacus Conr., viii, . 104 ‘Tyiodina Raf., xvi, . 176, 185 Tylostoma Sharpe, vili, 9 Tympanotonus Klein, ix, 16, 159 ‘Typhis Montf,, ii, 74, 136 Typhlomangilia Sars, vi, 156, 223 Ultimus Montf., vii, 244 Umbella Orb., xvi, 176 Umbilia Jouss., vii, . 160 Umbonella Ad., xi, 16, 464 Umbonium Link, xi, 15, 450 UMBRACULID&, XVI, . 175 Umbraculum Schum., xvi, . 175 Umbrella Lam., xvi, 176 INDEX, VOLUMES II TO XVII. Urosalpinx Stimp., ii, 74, 151 Usilla H. Ad., ii, . sit Utriculina Gray, v, 245 Utriculopsis Sars, xvi, 2 Utriculus Brown, xv, . 203 Uvanilla Gray, x, . 190, 240 Uzita H. & A. Ad., iv, ie Valvatella Gray, xi, . . 285 Vanesia A. Ad., viii, . 319, 339 Vanikoropsis Meek, viii, 13 Vanikoro Q. & G., vili, 18, 67 Vasum Bolt., iv, Od, a Velainia Mun.-Chal., viii, 7 Velatella Meek., x, 8 Velates Montf., x, Bay i Velutella Gray, viii, 1S, 1G Velutina Flem., viii, . 12, 65 Verena Gray, ix, 40 VERMETID#, Vill, .- . 163 Vermetus ‘Adans., viii, 165, 169 Vermicularia Lam., viii, , 186 Vermiculus List., vili, . 168 Vertagus Klein, ix, 114, 145 Vesica Swains., xv, 327 Vespertilio Klein, iv,. . 86 Vexilla Swains., ii, 75, 181 Vexillum Bolt., iv, . 246 Vicaria d’Arch., ix, . _ olka Viriola)Jouss;,1x,. 2a 2atse Vitreolina Monts., viii, 259 Vitrinella C. B. Ad., x, 15, 100 Vitularia Swains., ii, . 74, 183 Volema Bolt., iii, . 102. 102 Volusia A. Ad., viii, . 261, 289 Voluta L., iv, . 10; 82 Volutella Ads., v, 15, 35 Volutella Orb., iv, ~ “88 Volutella Perry, Re 246 Volutella Swains., » 247 Volutharpa Higela iii, 100, 197 VOLUTID#, iv, 73 Volutifusus Conr., iv, 1h Volutilithes Swains., Iv, 100 Volutoconus Crosse, iv, 100 Volutoderma Gabb, iv, 1G Volutolyria Crosse, iv, 7) INDEX—EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. Volutopsis Morch, ili, 99, 118 Xenophora F. de Waldh., Volutomitra Gray, iv, . 108 vill, 157, 159 Volutomorpha Gabb, iv, . 77 XENOPHORID., viii, 156 Volva Bolt., vii, . 244, 253 Volvaria Lam.,v, . 7, 47 Yetina Gray, iv, 247 Volvarina Ads., v, _ . . 15 Yetus Adans., iv, 247 Volvatella Pease, xv, 351, 3962; xvi, 231 Zafra A. Ad:, vi; SlG0s als Volvula A. Ad.,xv, . 181, 233 Zaphon H. & A. Ad., iv, 30 Volvulella Newton, xv, 233 Zaria Gray, viii, AOS 20K Vulgusella Jouss., vil, 160 Zebina Ads., ix, . 820, 389 Vulpecula Blainv., iy, 246 Zebinella Morch, ix, . 320, 385 Zeidora A. Ad., xii, . 246 Wataonia Folin, vii, 214,203 “ome HG A Ae aes Weinkauffia Adams, xv, 263; Fonsi onden ay 6. 30) xvi, 236 ae th At Lia ear ees Ke Westernia Q. & G., xvi, . 192 Be See eae ae aa eer abb tw, 76, 214}, Lidora Fisch, xii, 246 iNeed wean eet pke Woodwardia 0. & F., xii, . 60 yan tend i, | 316, 331 Ziziphinus Gray, Xi, 392 Xanius Bolt., iv, . 247 = =Zoila Jouss., vii, 160 Xanthonella Gray, xvi, . 88 Zonaria Jouss., vii, 161 Ee CeEANATION OF PEATEs WO Qh PLATE 1 (Dentalium). FIGURE PAGE 1. D. elephantinum L. From Thes. Conch., 1 2, 3, 6, 7. D. elephantinum L. From Chenu, 1 4,5. D. elephantinum L. Specimen, 1 8. D. aprinum L. Specimen, 3 9. D. formosum A. & R. From Thes. Conch., . 2 10,11. D. formosum A. & R. From Zool. Samarang, 2 12. D.aprinum L. From Thes. Conch., 3 13. D. letsone n. sp. Specimen, 4 14. D. aprinum L. From Chenu, . : 3 15. D. interstriatum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 4 338 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. PLATE 2, FIGURE 16-18. D. octangulatum Don. From Lischke, the hee Bs dapont cum Dkr. From Dunker, . . 20, 21, 23, 24. D. hexagonum Gld. From Lischke, 22. D. octangulatum Don. Specimen, . 29)-D: bisexangulatum Sowb. Thes. Conch., oo D. weinkauffi Dkr. From Dunker, . D. sexcostatum Sowb. Specimen, 28 D. sexcostatum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 29-31. D. yokohamense Wats. From Challenger Zool., . PLATES. 32. D. rectum Gmel. From Conch. Icon., 33. D. rectum Gmel. Specimen, 34. D. rectum Gmel. From Thes. Chnvelne 35. D. vernedei Hanl. Specimen, 36, 37, 38. D. diarrhox Wats. From Chall. Zobl., 39-41. D. tornatum Wats. From Chall. Zool., 41. D. ceras Wats. From Chall. Zool., 42, 43. D. vernedei Han]. From Mies. Couche 44-46. D. leptoskeles Wats. From Chall. Zool., PLATE 4. 47. D. pseudosexagonum Dh. From Deshayes, 48. D. pseudosexagonum Dh. From Thes. Conch., 49. D. javanum Sowb. From Thes Conch., 50. D. quadrapicale Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 51. D. tesseragonum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 52. D. dispar Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 53-56. D. dispar Sowb. Specimen, 57-60. D. dipsyche n. sp. Specimen, PLATE 5. 61-65. D. fisheri Stearns. Type specimens, 66-68. D. letsonz n. sp. Type specimen, 69, 70. D. strigatum Gld. Type specimen, 71, 72. D. americanum Ch. From Chenu, 73. D. laqueatum Verr. Specimen, : 74-76. D. buccinulum Gld. Type specimen, . 77. D. quadrangulare Sowb. From Thes. Conch., : PLATE 6. 78, 79. D. delessertianum (—rectum). From owt 80. D. porecatum Gld. From Thes. Conch., EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. FIGURE 81. D. zelandicum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 82. D. profundorum Smith. From Ann. Mag, . 83. D. compressum [=hungerfordi]. From P. Z.8., 84. D. buccinulum Gld. From C. [con., E 85. D. intercalatum Gld. From C. Icon., 86. D. lessoni Dh. From Deshayes, 87-89. D. plurifissuratum Sowb. From P. Mal. Soe, 90. D. lessoni Dh. From Chenu, PLATE 7. .laqueatum Verr. From Tr. Conn. Acad., . laqueatum Verr. From Blake Rep., . callithrix Dall. From Blake Rep., ‘ . ceratum Dall (young). From Blake Rep., . ceratum Dall. From Blake Rep., : . carduus Dall. From Blake Rep., . ensiculus Jeffr. From Blake Rep., D. ensiculus Jeffry. From P. Z.S., ~y SRNR OR GOD Slejishelsie)l= cio} \s|\s) — . ensiculus Jeffr. From Chall. Rep. . compressum Wats. (—pressum). From Chall. Rep. . sericatum Dall. From Blake Rep., 13. D. ophicdon Dall. From Blake Rep., _. 14. D. gouldii var. obsoletum Dall. Pre Blake Rep., 15, 16. D. subterfissum Jeffr. From P. Z.S., : ‘ 17-19. D. subterfissum Jeffr. From Chall. Rep., 20. D. didymum Wats. From Chall. Rep., = — PLATE 8. 21. D. abyssorum Sars (A. strio/ata Sars). From Sars, . 22, 23. D. vulgare DaCosta. From Moll. Rouss., 24. D. vulgare DaCosta. From Forbes & Hanley, 25. D. entalis L. From Forbes & Hanley, 26. D. cireumcinctum Wats. From Chall. Rep., 27, 28. D. solidum Verr. (=candidum). From Tr. Conn. Aead.; : : ‘ 29.30. 1: candidum Jeffr. From Po Zi 8S; 31, 32. D. capillosum Jeffr. From P. Z.S., 33. D. capillosum Jeffr. Specimen, 34, 35. D. capillosum Jeffr. From Chall. Rep. 36. D. agile Sars. From Sars, 37. D. amphialum Wats. From Chall. Rep. PLATE 9. 38. D. panormum Chenu. Specimen, . 39. D. panormum Chenu. From Thes. Conch., 340 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. FIGURE * 40. D. abyssorum Sars. From Sars, - 41-438. D. occidentale Stimp., young. From Verrill, 44-46. D. novemeostatum Lei From Moll. Rouss., 47, 48. D. novemcostatum Lam. From Thes. Conch., 49. D. alternans (=ineequicostatum Dtz). From Moll. Rouss., 50, 51. D. inzequicostatum Dautz. Specimen, 52. D. vagina Jeffr. Jeffreys’ type, : 53. D. vulgare DaCosta. From Thes. Coneh., 54. D. vulgare DaCosta. Specimen, : 55. D. dentalis L. From Costa, . 56, 57. D. dentalis L. From Moll. Rouss,, 58, 59. D. enigmaticum Jord. From proc Mal. Soc, PLATE 10. 60-64. D. cerstedi Morch. Pilsbry, del., 65. D. curtum. From Thes. Conch., : 66. D. aculeatum Sowb. From Thes. Conch. 67. D. cancellatum Sowb. From Thes. Couche 68, 69. D. usitatum Smith. From Ann. Mag., 70-73. D. crstedi var. numerosum Dall. Pilsbry, del., PraTEell: )-80. D. neohexagonum P. & 8S. Pilsbry, del., 81-86. D. neohexagonum P. & S. var. Pilsbry, del., 87. D. picteti Desh. From Chenu, 88, 89. D. intercalatum Gld. Type specimen, Pilsbry, del., PLATE 12. 90-94. D. agassizi P. & S. Pilsbry, del., : 95-97. D. magellanicum P.& 8. Pilsbry, del., 98, 99. D. majorinum M. & R. Moll. Cap Horn, . 100. D. shoplandi Jouss. Pilsbry, del., . : Prats}: eee 103 pretiosum Nutt. Pilsbry, del., . 4-8. D. pretiosum var. indianorum Cpr. Pilsbry, del., 9-11. D. occidentale Stimps. Pilsbry, del., 12. D. dacostianum Chenu. From III. Conch. ss 13-15. D. senegalense Dautz. Mém. Soe. Zool. Fr., PLATE 14. 16-18. D. disparile Orb. Pilsbry, del., 19. D. disparile Orb. Moll. Cuba, . 52 52 46 41 41 53 53 49 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. 341 FIGURE "PAGE 20, 21. D. disparile Orb., apices of two specimens. Pilsbry, deli. ; ; : : : . ; : foo 22. D. antillarum Orb. Moll. Cuba, . ; : OL 23-25. D. antillarum Orb. Pilsbry, del., : : : ots 26. D. variabile Dh. From Thes. Conch., . ’ 60. 27, 28. D.variabile Dh. Pilsbry, del., . ; , : 3 fol) 29, 30. D. belcheri Sowb. Thes. Conch., : ; Emo PLATE 15. 29-31. D. megathyris Dall. Pilsbry, del., . 67 32, 33. D. candidum var. meridionale P. & S. Pilsbry, del 73 34. D. candidum var. meridionale P. & S. oo of. Baul specimen. Pilsbry, del., 3 : ee 39, 36. D. ergasticum Fisch. ‘From 1 Locard, : : Heese! 387. D. ensiforme Chenu. From Chenu,. : sala 38. D. splendidum Sowb. From Thee. Conch., : : ap ke 39, 40. D. candidum Jeffr. Specimens. . : : penile PLATE 16. 41-44, 45, 46. D. sericatum Dall. Pilsbry, del., . . 86 47-49. D. eboreum Conr. Type specimen. Pilsbry del., fc) 50. D. leptum Bush. From Tr. Conn. Acad., : ye, 51-53. D. semistriatum Gldg. From Tr. Lai, SOceuene a) 54. D. semipolitum B. & S. From Thes. Conch., . ole, 55, 56. D. eboreum Conr. Specimens, . ‘ : PES PLATE 17. 55-57. D. calamus Dall. Frying Pan Shoal. Pilsbry, del., . 97 58, 58 and 59, 59. D. calamus Dall. Off a Fear. Pilsbry, del., A : : kes) 60-63. D. sectum Desh. ‘Pilsbry, del., : : ; . eae 64. D. noveehollandize Chenu. From Chenu, : . 93 65-67. D. aciculum Gld. Type specimen. Pilsbry, del., ee PLATE: 18. 1-3. D. longum 8. & P. Pilsbry, del., : ‘ : . 120 4, D. fistula Sowb. From Thes. Conch., : pls: 5. D. subrectum Jeffr. Type specimen. Pilsbry, del., » AD 6-8. D. innumerabile P. & 8. Pilsbry, ee : : « £19 9. D. filum Sowb. From Journ. de Conch., ' : . 118 10. D. perlongum Dall. From Blake Rep., . ; : . 104 11. D. perlongum Dall, apex. Pilsbry, del., . : z . 104 12. D. caudani Loc. From Locard, 3 ; 5 . . 104 342 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. FIGURE 13. D. ecostatum Hutt. From Macleay Mem. Vol., 14-18. D. matara Dall. Pilsbry, del., PuaATE 19. D. lacteum Dh. From Deshayes, D. rubescens Dh. From Deshayes, . D. malzani Dkr. From Clessin, D. ambiguum Chenu. From Chenu, D. translucidum Dh. From Deshayes, D. siculum Dh. From Costa, : D. bisinuatum Andre. From Rev. Suisse Zool., D. callipeplum Dall. From Blake Rep., 10-15. D. stenoschizum P. & S._ Pilsbry, del., 16,17. D. tenuifissum Monts. From Costa, 18, 19. D. politum L. From Thes. Conch., 20, 21. D. politum L. From Deshayes, : 22. D. lubricatum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 23. D. erectum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., oe PLATE 20. 24. D. phaneum Dall. From Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 25. D. complexum Dall. From Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26. D. acutissimum Wats. From Chall. Rep., 27. D. egeum Wats. From Chall. Rep., 28-aD: attenuatum Sowb. From Thes. Gonch., 29. Entalina mirifica Smith. From Ann. Mag., 30. D. sowerbyi Guild. From Tr. Linn. Soe., 31. D. philippinarum Sowb. From Thes. Conch., 32. D. philippinarum Sowb. Specimen, . 33. D. eburneum L. Specimen, 34. D. eburneum L. From Thes. Coneh., : 35, 36. D. longitrorsum Rve. From Thes. Conch., 1eieuiay Balle 87-39. D. liodon P. & S. Pilsbry, del., . ; 40, 40. D. lioden y. alloschismum. Pilsbry, del., 41, 42. D. liodon vy. alloschismum. Pilsbry, del., 43. D. aequatorium P. & 8S. Specimen, ; 44, D. watsoni P.& S. Specimen, . 45. D. rectius Cpr. Specimen, 46, 46. D.dalli P.&S. Specimen, . 47,48. D. inversum Dh. Pilsbry, del. . 49. D. inversum Dh. From Thes. Conch., EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. PLATE 22. FIGURE 50-52. D. pressum Sh. & P. Pilsbry, del., . 538-55. D. brevicornu P.& 8. Pilsbry, del., 56, 57. D. insolitum Smith. From Ann. Mag., 58-60. D. platyceras P. & S._ Pilsbry, del., 61,62. D. ophiodon Dall. Pilsbry, del., PLATE 23. 1, Cadulus quadrischistus Wats. From Chall. Rep. . 2. Siphonodentalium tytthum Wats. From Chall. Rep., 3-5. Entalina platamodes Wats. From Chall. Rep., 6. Siphonodentalium pusillum Wats. From Chall. Rep., 7. Cadulus quadridentatus Dall. From Blake Rep., 8-21. S. vitreum (= lobatum). From Sars, PLATE 24: 22. Cadulus gracilis Jeffr. From Chall. Rep., 23. Cadulus gracilis Jeffr, From P.Z.S., . 24. Cadulus gibbus Jeffr. From P. Z.S., 25. Cadulus amphora Jeffr. From P.Z.S, . 26. Cadulus cylindratus Jeffry. From P.ZS., 27, 28. Cadulus propinquus Sars. From Sars, 29, 31, 82. Cadulus subfusiformis Sars. From Sars, 30, 33-38. Entalina quinquangularis Forbes. From Sars, 39. Cadulus jeffreysi Monts. From Brit. Conch., 40-44. Siphonodentalium lofotense Sars. From Sars, 45-47. Siphonodentalium affine Sars. From Sars, . Pram 25, 48. Cadulus eequalis Dall. From Blake Rep., 49. Cadulus acus Dall. From Blake Rep., 50. Cadulus watsoni Dall. From Blake Rep., 51. Cadulus vulpidens Wats. From Chall. Rep., 52. Cadulus amiantus Dall. From Blake Rep., 53. Cadulus obesus Wats. From Chall. Rep., 54. Cadulus curcurbita Dall. From Blake Rep., 55. Cadulus lunula Dall. From Blake Rep., 56. Cadulus sauridens Wats. From Chall. Rep., 57. Cadulus agassizi Dall. From Blake Rep., : 58. Cadulus ampullaceus Wats. From Chall. Rep., 59. Cadulus congruens Wats. From Chall. Rep., . 60. Cadulus curtus Wats. From Chall. Rep., 61. Cadulus exiguus Wats. From Chall. Rep. . 62. Cadulus rastridens Wats. From Chall. Rep., . 63. Cadulus pandionis Verr. From Tr. Conn. Acad., 343 PAGE . 124 225 aecllO9 . 126 . 126 . 148 nelond . 138 . 140 . 149 . 136 . 165 . 165 . 159 Show . 166 . 166 . 165 . 132 . 164 . 138 . 140 aA, oom volGe se . 174 . 159 = Lo + LOK 1S . 168 . 158 mf) Ls, 5 169 . 174 Palit 344 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. FIGURE PAGE 64. Cadulus spectabilis Verr. From Tr. Conn. Acad. . . 153 65. Cadulus incisus Bush. From Tr. Conn. Acad., : me 5) 66. Cadulus grandis Verr. From Tr. Conn. Acad., : . 154 67. Cadulus tumidosus Jeffr. From Chall. Rep., . ; . 160 68, 69. Cadulus tumidosus Jeffr. From P. Z.S., . , . 160 70. Cadulus carolinensis Verr. From Tr. Conn. Acad., . 1o2 Piearn 26: 71. Cadulus colubridens Wats. From Chall. ae ; . 184 72. Cadulus teres Jeffr. From P. Z.S., : . 138 73. Cadulus dichelus Wats. From Chall. Rep., ‘ ‘ . 145 74. Cadulus prionotus Wats. From Chall. Rep., : . 146 75. Siphonodentalium eborasense Wats. From Chall. Rep., . 140 76. Siphonodentalium honoluluense Wats. From Chall. Rep., 185 77. Cadulus simillimus Wats. From Chall. Rep., . 162 78. Cadulus minutus H. Ad. From P. Z.S%., : , A kiste! 79. Cadulus clavatus Stimp. From Am. Jour. Conch, . . 185 80, 81. Cadulus clavatus Stimp. Type specimen, Pilsbry,del., 185 82, 83. Cadulus dive Vélain. From Arch. Zool. Exp., . SLs 84-87. Cadulus belcheri P. & 8. Pilsbry, del. . : . 145 Pyare 27: 88, 89. Dentalium simplex (=stearnsii P. & 8.). Pilsbry, del., 125, 253 90-93. Cadulus politus Wood. Pilsbry, del., . ; : . 144 94-97. Cadulus rushii P. & S. Pilsbry, del., . : . 168 PLATE 28. 1-5. Cadulus tetraschistus var. Pilsbry, del., : : . 149 6-9. Siphonodentalium sp. Korea. Pilsbry, del., . : . 141 PLATE 29. 10-13. Cadulus quadrifissatus Cpr. Pilsbry, del., , . 150 14-18. Cadulus tetrodon P.& 8. Pilsbry, del., . : elo PLATE 30. 19, 20. Cadulus dalli P. & S. Pilsbry, del., . ‘ : a5 21-23. Cadulus dalli P. & S. var. Pilsbry, del., . ; . 155 24-27. Cadulus carolinensis Bush. Pilsbry, del., . 5 . 152 PLATE 31 27. Cadulus gadus Mont. From Test. Brit., . ; : . 186 28-32. Cadulus gadus Mont. Pilsbry, del., . ; ; . 186 33-85. Cadulus olivi Seac. Pilsbry, del., : ; : « 17 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. PEATE 32. FIGURE 36-39. Cadulus cyathus C. & J. Pilsbry, del., . 40, 41. Cadulus ovulum Ph. From Phil. and Costa, 42, 43. Cadulus minusculus Dall. Type specimen. Pilsbry, deli; -. ‘ : ; ‘ 44-46. Cadulus jeftr eysi Monts. Pilsbry, del., 47-49. Cadulus acuminatus Tate. Pilsbry, del., PLATE 33. 50-54. Cadulus hatterasensis P. & S._ Pilsbry, del., A 55. Cadulus viperidens Melv. & Stand. From J. of Conch., 56, 57. Cadulus poculum Dall. Type specimen, Pilsbry, del., 59, 59. Cadulus bushii Dall. Type specimen, Dall, del., 60. Dentalium conspicuum Melv. From Lit. & Philos. Soe. Manch., : : : 61. Siphonodentalium hyalinum Brugn. From Mise. Mal., PLAatre 34. 1, 2. Cadulus tolmiei Dall. Pilsbry, del., . 8, 4. Cadulus tolmiei Dall, var. Pilsbry, del., 5-8. Cadulus californicus P. & 8. Pilsbry, del., PLATE 35. 9-13. Cadulus striatus Dall. Pilsbry, del., 14. Cadulus fusiformis P. & 8. Pilsbry, del., i eesdalacalbicomatns Dall, . Krom Proc, U.S. Nat. Mus., 16. Cadulus aberrans Whiteaves. From Tr. Roy. Soc. Can., 17, 18. Cadulus platystoma P. & S._ Pilsbry, del., 19, 20. Cadulus hepburni Dall. Pilsbry, del., PLATE 36. 21, 22. Cadulus dentalinus Guppy. Pilsbry, del., 23-25. Cadulus panamensis P. & 8. Pilsbry, del., 26. Cadulus dominguensis Orb. From Moll. Cuba, 27. Cadulus acus Dall. From Blake Rep.,_ . s : 28-30. Cadulus panamensis v. major P. & 8S. Pilsbry, del., 31, 32. Cadulus singaporensis P.& 8. Pilsbry, del., PLATE 37, 1-4, 5-9. Dentalium texasianum Phil. detail and natural size views of two specimens. Pilsbry, del., 10, 11. Hamulus faleatus Conr. ned W hitfield, 12. Hamulus onyx Mort. Specimen, . : : 18. Pyrgopolon mose Montf. From Zittel., 23 346 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. FIGURE PAGE 14,15. Pyrgopolon clava Lam. From Chenu, : . 245 16. Ditrupa subulata Dh. From Deshayes, . ‘ . 241 17. Ditrupa goreensis Cless. From Conch. Cab., . ; . 241 18. Spirodentalium oceola Walcott. From P. U.S. N. M., . 246 19. Ditrupa arietina Mull., much enlarged. From Chall. Rep., 241 20. Ditrupa (?) abbreviata Dh. From Deshayes, . : . 242 PLATE 38 (Dentalium vulgare). 1,2. Ventral and lateral views of animal with the shell re- moved, ; 5 : : , ; t se PNA 3. Section of the shell, 3 ; . ; ; : : i awe 4. Gut, viewed ventrally, ; é , : ; : mes 5. Alimentary tract, dorsal view, . : : ; ; 5 OuENe 6. One of the captacula, much enlarged, : ‘ : 2 Qa 7. Animal in feeding position, : : : Be | (All figures of this “plate from Lacaze- Duthiers). PLatE 39. 1, 2, 3. Dentalium bednalli P.& 8. Pilsbry, del., : . 248 4. Cadulus anguidens M.& 8. J. of C, ix, . : : 258 5. Dentalium multistriatum Dh. From Deshayes, : . 201 ). Dentalium rectius Cpr., teeth. Pilsbry,del., . : . vil 6. Dentalium occidentale Stimps. Teeth. From Sars, . vil 7, 8, 9. Siphonodentalium lobatum Sowb, Teeth. From Sars. vii 10. Entalina quinquangularis Fbs. Teeth. From Sars, baal 11. Cadulus propinquus Sars, teeth. From Sars, . vil 12. Dentalium (Lobantale) duplex Defr. From Deshayes, XXXi Puate 40 (Chetoderma). 1-4. C. nitidulum, nat. size; fig. 5, head end, enlarged; fig. 7, oral shield from in front; fig. 8, posterior end from above; fig. 9, the same from the side; fig. 10, diagram- matic section of radula in its sack and tongue; fig. 11, the tooth ; figs. 138-15, spicules, those on the left from the arterior, on the right from the middle and posterior parts of the body. After Wirén and others, . Pe t3 12, 16, 17. Cheetoderma militare, spicules ; fig. 18, sniinaels nae tral size. After Selenka, ‘ : ; 5 E 2268 Puate 41 (After Wirén). 16. Cheetoderma productum, head ; figs. 17-19, Animal, natu- ral size; figs. 20-24, spicules; fig. 25, fig. 26, caudal sense organ, . é 3 . 286 aCe Track of Ch. Aiced ulin: From Wirén, . ‘ ; . 285 28. Burrowing of Ch. nitidalum., From W irén; © *s : . 285 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. 347 FIGURE PAGE 29-31. Neomenia dalyelli K. & D., . : 5 : : . 293 32-35. Neomenia microsolen Wirén, : ‘ : : . 298 Piate 42 (Neomenia). 1, 2. Neomenia carinata, longitudinal and vertical sections, . 291 3-5. Neomenia carinata, side, ventral and dorsal views, natu- ral size; after Tullberg. Fig. 9, N. carinata, ventral view of a living specimen; after Hansen. Fig. 6, spine from the ridge of the back, viewed from the grooved side, and the same from the side (Tullberg) ; fig. 7, grooved spine from side of the animal; fig. 8, curved spine (Tullberg) . 291 Figs. below 6 and 7, Neomenia affinis. From Wirén, . 7202 10. Neomenia grandis, natural size ; figs. 11-14, spicules; figs. 15, 16, anterior and posterior ends from below (Thiele), . 292 Piate 43 (Proneomenia). 16, 20. P. sluiteri, natural size; figs. 18,19, anterior and poste- rior ends; fig. 21, spicules ; fig, 22, radula (from Hu- brecht), . : ; Y : ; ; 3 94 Dome ky. iaieent var. langi, natural size (after Lang), . . 294. 25-28. P. neapolitana (after ee ‘ : : : - 2:6 29. P. sarsi (after Hansen), . : : : 3 . 200 Puate 44 (Rhopalomenia). 30-32. R. gorgonophila (after Kow.), — . : : 5 ake} 33-36. R. acuminata (after Wirén), ; : : d . 300 37-39. R. vagans (after Kow. & Mar.), . ; : 5 28H) 40-45. R. eisigi (after Thiele), ; ; : : : . 300 PLATE 45 (Rhopalomenia). 46, 47, 53. R. aglaopheniz (after Pruvot), . : S254 48-56. R. aglaopheniz (after K.& M.), . - BEY. PLATE 46. 57-59. Pruvotia sopita (after Pruvot), . 3 : : . 301 60-65. Macellomenia palifera (after Pruvot), . : : . 302 64-68. Dondersia festiva (after Hubrecht), . : ; . 3038 69-73. Ichthyomenia ichthyodes (after Pruvot), . : . 305 PLATE 47. 74-77. Myzomenia banyulensis (after Pruvot), ; . o04 78-82. Nematomenia flavens (after Pruvot), . ; : . d04 83-87, 90. Paramenia impexa (after Pruvot), : : . 306 88,89, 91-93. Paramenia pruvoti (after Pruvot), . . Bei a48 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, XVII. PLATE 48. FIGURE PAGE 94-98. Echinomenia ecoralliophila (after Simroth), . : . 308 99, 1-4. Lepidomenia hystrix (after K. & M.), : é . 310 5-7. Myzomenia banyulensis, embryos (after Pruvot), . . 283 8-11. Paramenia sierra (after Pruvot), . ; ; : . 807 DATES OF ISSUE OF THE PARTS OF VOL. XVII. Part 65,’ pp. 1-80, pls. 1-9, May 11, 1897. &. 66," \Sl=l44 © 210-26; Oct Ao soe “67, “© 145-224 * 27-37, May 3; 1398: “ 68, “ 295-348 Beteher, 1898. VOOase i-xxxil, pls. 38-48, October, 1898. PLATE 1, DENTALIID@, PLATE 2. DENTALIID€. PLATE 3. DENTALIID. 45 AG A3 A 37 PLATE 4. DENTALIIDA. PLATE 8. DENTALIIDA. Ces ~~ ~--- GN SOSA IR GEN ORE OS Geena ie LONE P TO EE 76 PLATE 6. DENTALIIDA. — of uh : }e si ont PLATE 7. DENTALIID. . PLATE 8 DENTALIID&. PLATE 9. DENTALIID@, eo nerf > PLATE 10 REAR ARS lauraa laa peste 61 DENTALIIDA. Mg = seal e - t ore 2 Ae a oe a ~ os ‘ = PLATE 11 DENTALIID4. [ See, oO Emsam Sear reise i" ) Sinestro ce | ; chris atte ec Le ee a — aay: : aD (resp mummers iG WR Ff nc xe Se ne es 1S = 85 87 2 Elie DN OMAR Rae a, MSL ta Ronen -~ = Re Sete: ‘Na a Cre ey aren v IS ney ORR BANC ivtnsutcne as Ree STE {AAA AUN RISER Has \ Pb eelieretent tos Niacin aces 82 L =) 6 77, PLATE 12 DENTALIID. SPORE eS A pears en RT FP ete ace Pe Renee WCRI eh tis SATS ES HIE No cen ars : i PLATE 13 ST LRSM) CILLA UES LORS SALA LNW CITE | ! i i es os DENTALIID&. be ce 7 aoe itedee each od Sinineweitars retire nicer rorevosiocsoeeni PLATE 14 Ubon, et ein ORS UR AO eee cite rn toma oe men SOU ak EAA eA ab oa LA nee Sno RECS pet ena : Tien aA ave acoA Dd re nay er acl DENTALIID2. PLATE 18 DENTALIID2:. PLATE 16. DENTALIIDA. tot en Are tHe eet meh est gens ene \ ‘, PLATE 17. DENTALIIDA2. NRT TO CET tees S77 Pp ra a usu Cae pet Fea ie) oe Brita ins awhcokaee Brier PAU Ho maK ES Ta Deca atie aatasetacal Onan aro PLATE 18 DENTALIIDZ. PEST rene AST teense, meres PLATE 19. r rT wa Pbpeayee iH eset LS RA IHS 2) 20 4 i i i ' 4 t \ ' i kee ON HAN RST ON DENTALIIDA:. a) PLATE 20. DENTALIIDA. W 1 i} ’ 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 4 s, PLATE 21, } 4 t ’ TORUS i PLATE 22 DENTALIID@. nnd ae PE LPT SOE LSS AER PLATE 23. DENTALIIDA:. =F: DENTALIIDA, As7 AS 46 AA 43 AO PLATE ’5. DENTALIID. 87 ss Sines oa eo BS PLATE 26. ————— : DENTALIID&. PLATE 27, DENTALIIDZ. coaiainiaeateemceoes 1 Ions 9 ertign-capserincmectete renown cc, SIPHONODENTALIDZ& etn Catenion rae boro pened on iA ormarapnnene oe —— ie Pe artes mtn Vm Ae ae a NT rev eseneyyuermmmsintini ce peers eannanessie mss neat Pm re nat otal Us Rohe Ra abasic PLATE 29. | i q \ ' ee eereenev ney rae eee ney mememmenl Ai J salosee RANE Tien iathadcatone a a aa: ns SIPHONODENTALID&. sae SR eee ne a eee oe KK ete Saeed se Wad i: 5 soe \ ee an = 4 age PLATE 380. nen SIPHONODENTALID-. PLATE 31 SIPHONODENTALID2, aise fuimrnsnien Sa RR Caos a ray, ARLES pevwrarreralenres oe Ne ee ee at 32 39 a . ~ SIPHONODENTALID2&. PLATE 33, SIPHONODENTALIDA., oA eee < ee } { \ q cs ites nate he x AA ey paramere Reet i te Sn POOR AION COON EAI ™ / “ = 7 tA Deedee F i ali eee : nee Meee, . or OV nee oe * Kad oo : : f a = a ee ee ee << Sere Vie \ = 8) ins ee S - ees \H DENTALIID. sie 20 lf 18 17 i Mates Se, enn \. 2p aa maa earemeeememeoner ts os So one es DENTALIIDA&. PLATE 39 DENTALIIDA. Ve) 2 ) cp ene ISTE SPELT SIS ANNE N O kO PLATE wt ~ I ee q \ , = = Seen tm rr ent pe => LIE ORE aie ca EL | 2 wv — See a CHASTODERMATID2 SS, oe PLATE 41 A eee err eeonwra, ® _/ =) : s “I s ous’ ee ae ee ee im aa) (an) On Se ee eee A 2 a y f Sn a a ES se a een oe rent CHATODERMATID4: NEOMENIID4:2 ese en a be . aot Ney a car ero Nea aa al oo as i —— ae. pA ge an recente — “4 eg ispecies ONO rd eae &. PLATE 43. WOMEN sree, 3] it oy be MM ee ba giecin a ec MEH “gp GEREN STRAT 23 aida TNS NEOMENIID4: PLATE 44. NEOMENIID4 er mene evs rs te A rae ae pe = Porter ae nine cre mre Pee paeaet emma on