68 DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. B. heynemanni and B. inglorius, and after having examined a con- siderable number of specimens collected by Herr Hoge, I quite agree with him." (Martens.) Var. heynemanni (Pfr.). PI. 3, figs. 44, 45, 47-52. Boldly marked with wide, irregular black-brown stripes. E. Mexico: Orizaba (Botteri). Central Mexico : Tecomavaca, in the State of Puebla, S. E. of Tehuacan, Cactus- and .M'/woso-region (Hoge). £ Mexico : Cerro de San Antonio de la Cal, in the State of Oaxaca, on shrubs (Boucard); Tlacohda, in the same State, copi- ously (Hoge). Bulimus heynemanni PFR., Malak. Blatt., xiii, p. 83 (1866) ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent., vi, p. 110; Novit. Conch., iii, p. 423, pi. 96, fig. 3, 4 — Bulimulm (Scutalus) heynemanni FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 527. — Bulimulus heynemanni STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw. Conch, v, p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 7 — Buli- mulus (Scutalus] inglorius FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit., p. 538, pi. 21, fig. 9, 9a (not of Reeve). — 0. inglorious var. heynemanni MAR- TENS, Biologia, p. 220, pi. 14, f. 1, la, 4, 4a. GROUP OF D. TRIPICTUS. D. IRAZUENSIS (Angas). PL 6, figs. 16-20, 24, 25. Shell somewhat elongately ovate, rimate, moderately thin, longi- tudinally irregularly striated, shining, more or less longitudinally striped or freckled with black, and ornamented with numerous small white spots ; whorls 6, rather convex. Spire a little shorter than the aperture. Aperture oblong-ovate; lip thin, simple, tinged inside with rose color. Alt. 25, diam. 12J mill. (Angas.) Central Costa Rica : Volcan de Irazu, on low aromatic bushes on the eastern slope (Boucard); Tierra Blanca, on the southern slope of the Volcan de Irazu, at an elevation of 1800 metres above the sea (Biolley). Bulimus irazuensis ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1878, p. 73, pi. 5, fig. 17-20. — Otostomus irazuensis VON MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 224, pi. 14, f. 12, 12a, 13, 13a. The following principal color-patterns occur : a. More or less numerous zigzag stripes (figs. 17, 18). b. Pale brown, sprinkled with white dots (figs. 16, 24, 25). c. Three rather wide brown, white-spotted bands (figs. 19, 20). DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 69 " The varieties a and b have been procured in company, together with specimens approaching to c (see fig. 16), both by Boucard and Biolley, on the slopes of the Volcan de Irazu. Of var. c, I know of only one specimen, here figured, found among those collected by Van Patten : in one of his examples the peristome is slightly ex- panded. " This species agrees with 0. tripictus in having a rose-colored, simple peristome, but differs from it in the more elongate form and the rougher sculpture of the shell, also in the style of painting." (Martens.'} D. TRIPICTUS (Albers). PL 6, figs. 12, 13, 14, 15. Shell very narrowly perforate, ovate, ventricose, thin ; white or yellowish-white, with three to five brown girdles elaborately figured with white, or reduced to bands of arrow-shaped spots ; sometimes landless, longitudinally streaked and more or less variegated with ob- lique, zigzag whitish lines. Surface glossy, striatulate, without spiral striae. Spire short, conic, the apex obtuse, with typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls 4j, rather convex, the last ventricose. Aperture large, oblique ; peristome thin, not expanded, bordered inside and out with pink ; columella pink, slender, subvertical, more or less concave, the edge shortly reflexed above. Alt. 20, diam. 13, length of aperture 12J mill. Alt. 17, diam. 11, length of aperture 10^ mill. Costa Rica (Coll. Mousson, Carmiol, Gabb). Bulimus tripictus ALBERS, in Malak. Blatt. iii, p. 97 (1857) — PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 468. — VON MARTENS, in Jahr- biicher d. deutschen Malak. Ges., iii, p. 256 ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 478. — Otostomus tripictus MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 225, pi. 14, f. 11, lla (var. hojfmanni). — Bulimulus rhodotrema, VON MART., in Malak. Blatt. xv, p. 156 (1868); see also Jahrb. d. M. Gesell. iii, p. 256 (1876). — Bulimus rhodotrema PFR., Novit. Conch, iii, p. 463, pi. 101, fig. 10, 11; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. viii, p. 146. Easily recognized by its globose form, roseate peristome and the complicated pattern of the bands, which are cut into spots .or figures of very irregular and various shapes by oblique or zigzag lines or dots, in endless variety of design. Often the bands, typically five in num- ber, are reduced to three by loss of the upper and lower ones, or their coalescence with the adjacent bands ; and sometimes they are re- BERKELEY DIVERSITY OF JREESE LIBRARY CALIFORNIA y OF THE OF CALIFORNIA. Deceived ^\J^, , ISffl Accession No. '/X//t~) Y- Class No. IB _ •'*• • *4&£wivv- >•*•; >^\¥ry*«^;v;.y.: s&fcj SECOND SERIES: PULMONATA. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY STRUCTURAL IND SYSTEMATIC. ' WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SPECIES. BY GEORGE ¥. TRYON, JR. CONTINUED BY HENRY A. PILSBRY, Sc. D., CONSERVATOR or THE CONCHOLOGICAL SECTION OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Vol. XII. AMERICAN BULIMULID^E: NORTH AMERICAN AND ANTILLEAN DRY- S, LEIOSTRACUS, ORTHALTCIN^E AND AMPHIBULIMIN^. // PHILADELPHIA: 'ublished by the Conchological Section, ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, COR. I9TH AND RACE STS. 1899. EARTH SCIENClt LIBRARY . CONTENTS. [The present volume completes the account of American Bulimu- lidce, with the exception of the toothed genera, Odontostomus, Anctus, Tomigerus and Anostoma, which form a sub-family to be mono- graphed in the next volume, which will be occupied chiefly with the Australian and Oriental groups of Bulimulidce, completing the mono- graph of this family.] Family BULIMULID^E (continued). Subfamily BULIMULIN^K (continued). Genus Drymasus Albers. Species of the West Indies, Trinidad and Florida, . 1 Species of Mexico and Central America, . . .29 Subgenus Leiostracus Albers, . . . . .90 Subfamily OKTHALICIN^:, ....... 99 Genus Oxystyla Schliiter, - . . . . . .101 Antillean and Floridian species, .... 105 Mexican and Central American species, . . .111 South American species, ...... 132 Genus Porphyrobaplie Sliuttleworth, .... 149 Genus Liguus Montfort, . . . . . . .160 Subgenus Liguus Montf., . ..... 161 Subgenus Corona Albers, 175 Subgenus Hemibulimus Martens, .... 184 Genus OrthaKcus Beck, . . . . . . .186 Subgenus Metoithalicus Pilsbry, . . . .192 Subfamily AMPHIBULIMIN^E, 211 Genus Simpulopsis Beck, . . . . . .212 Section Bulimulopsis Pilsbry ..... 220 Subgenus Platysuccinea Ancey, .... 223 Genus Gceotis Shut tie worth, . . . . . .227 Genus Peltella Webb & v. Beneden, . . . .231 [Genus Cryptostrakon W. G. Binriey, . . . 232] Genus Amphibulima Lamarck, . . . . .232 Subgenus Rhodonyx Fischer, ..... 239 Subgenus Pellicula Fischer, ..... 241 Explanation of plates, ........ 244 Dates of issue of vol. XII, 258 (iii) i, Ml A". MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Vol. JLII—BUL1MUL1DJE. Genus DRYM^EUS Albers. (Continued.) II. SPECIES OF THE WEST INDIES, TRINIDAD AND FLORIDA. With the exception of D. undulatus and D. elongatus and its im- mediate allies, the Drymczus species of this area form a homogeneous group, undoubtedly derived from the group of allied forms in Vene- zuela and the adjacent region, which has the same characters. There are also a few species in eastern Mexico belonging to the same group. While some of the species have the expanded lip of typical Drymcem, others have no perceptible expansion, and would technically be classed in Mesembrinus ; but the distinction here is purely artificial, and had better be disregarded. With an identical pattern of sculpture, the various forms show gradations in texture from the excessive fragility of D. dominicus to the solidity of D. liliaceus. In the more fragile forms, the upper whorls of the spire usually exhibit an excessively dense and minute granulation, below the grated apical portion. The land snails of the Lesser Antilles are in large measure peculiar to the region ; and though there are conspicuous exceptions, the local- ities on the mainland of South America which authors quote for them are to be received with great caution. There can be no doubt that many such records which have been copied by Pfeiffer in the Mono- graphia, and thence by Mr. Smith in some of his valuable Antillean lists, were based upon errors of determination or false locality labels. Drouet has been particularly unfortunate in the introduction of such errors, and except where the extrinsic evidence corroborates the state- ments in his " Terrestrial and Fluviatile Mollusks of French Guiana," I do not consider them worthy of quotation. Among the snails cred- ited by him to Guiana, there are many species such as Helix nuxden- ticulata, dentiens, Isabella, badia, orbiculata, Bulimus perversus, papy- (i) 2 DRYM^US, FLORIDA AND WEST INDIES. raceus, multifasciatus, virgulatus, exilis, tenuissimus, auris-sileni, Achatina virginea, etc., which we cannot, without further confirma- tion, consider actual inhabitants of that region. See also pp. 39, 40 of volume XI. Besides the species described below, the following forms have been attributed by Beck to the Antilles: Bulimus (Bulimulus) venustus Beck, Index Moil., p. Go, "I. Antill." Bulimus (J3ulimulus) pugio Beck, Index Moll., p. 66, "I. Antill." Bulimus (Bulimulus} ochraceus Beck, Index Moll., p. 67, " I. Antill." Bulimus (Mastus] niveus Beck, Index Moll., p. 73, " I. Antill." Bulimus {Cochlicellus} subantiquatus Beck, Index Moll., p. G3, "I. Antill." All are nude names, unknown to subsequent authors. The Index Molluscorum was, according to a MS. note (apparently by Beck) in my copy, projected to consist of three parts, of which "fasciculus 3 nondum publicatus, dontinet speciarum novarum descriptiones." D. DORMANI (W. G. Binney). PI. 5, figs. 14, 15, 1(5, 17. Shell umbilicate, ovate-conic, thin (oiten fragile), white or cor- neous-white, opaque or somewhat transparent, with (typically) four spiral bands of squarish brown spots, the upper band narrow, often wanting; the spots frequently irregular, oblong, or coaiescent verti- cally or horizontally, or even wholly wanting. Surface smooth, glossy or corroded, with delicate spiral strise when not effaced. Spire decidedly conic; apex obtuse. Whorls 5^ to G, the last convex. Aperture oblique, ovate, showing the external markings within; peristome simple or a trifle expanded, the columellar margin dilated, reflexed. Alt. 29, diam. 16, length of aperture 15 mill., often smaller. Peninsular Florida: mouth of the St. John's River, and Cedar .Keys, south to the Caloosahatchie River. Bulimus dormani W. G. B., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Oct., 1857, p. 188; Terrestr. Moll, iv, p. 132, pi. 80, f. 10.— PHR., Malak. Bl., 1859, p. 45; Monogr. vi, p. 109. — Bulimulus dormant. W. G. B., Land and Fresh-water Shells N. A., i, p. 194, f. 339 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1876, p. 190 (anatomy); Terrestr. Moll, v, p. 397, DRYM.EUS, FLORIDA AND WEST INDIES. 3 f. 280, pi. x, f. F (teeth), pi. xv, f. J (genilalia): Man. Arner. Land Shells, p. 406, f. 44G, 447; Fourth Suppl. Terr. Moll, v (Bull. M. C. Z. xxii, no. 4), p.. 191, pi. 1, f. 6. — SIMPSON, Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sciences, v, p. G7 — Liostracus dormani TUYON, Amer. Journ. .Conch, iii, p. 169, pi. 13, f. 8. — Drymceus dormani PILSBRY, Nautilus ix, p. 115. Larger and more conic than D. dominicus (marielinus) or D. mac- ulatus. Figures 14 and 15 represent the typical form as found in the northern St. John's valley, where it is large, rather opaque, and more or less deficient in basal bands in the adult. Further south in the St. John's valley the shells are generally thinner and smaller, with two or three spot-bands above, and two continuous bands below, the lower one circum-umbilical. While quite variable, D. dormani is a perfectly distinct species, not especially close to any other described form. Among other differences, D dominions and its several varie- ties have the two basal bands contiguous, the lower one not close to the axis. Var. albida B. H. Wright. PI. 5, figs. 16, 17. More slender and elongated than the type, whorls as many as 6^; very thin and glossy ; whitish-hyaline, somewhat translucent, im- maculate or with two or three subcontinuous brown bands, the sub- peripheral band widest, circum-umbilical and peripheral indistinct. Alt. 32, diam. 15^, length of aperture 14J mill. A " hammock " near Lake Helen, Florida. (G. W. Webster.) Bulimulm dormani var. albida WRIGHT, Nautilus iv, Oct., 1890, p. 61 — WEBSTER, t. c., p. 86. Of. SIMPSON, t. c., p. 79. — Bulimulus dormani forma nov. subfatciatus COCKERELL, Zoe ii, p. 18 (April, 1891). The specimens figured are banded, but as Mr. Webster has pointed out, they vary in the original locality by imperceptible stages from 3-banded to bandless. The bands are represented as too dark and distinct in fig. 16. The narrow contour is characteristic of this local form. D. DOMINICUS (Reeve). PI. 20, figs. 30, 31, 32; pi. 5, fig. 26. Shell subperforate, ovate-conic, thin and fragile, yellowish or whit- ish corneous, more or less translucent, with typically four or five spiral dark-brown bands, the upper three (typically) interrupted into small spots, the lower two continuous or nearly so, contiguous and nearly 4 DRYM^EUS, FLORIDA AND WEST INDIES. midway between axis and periphery on the base. Surface smooth, showing light growth lines and fine engraved spirals under the lens, becoming densely and most minutely puncticulate or beaded above. Spire conic, apex usually brown-tipped and with typical Drym&us sculpture. Whorls 5^, the last oval, equably rounded, subangular in the immature shell. Aperture ovate, oblique ; peristome thin, simple ; columellar margin narrowly reflexed and mainly adnate above. Alt. 15J, diam. 8^, length of aperture 8 mill. (Porto Plata.) Alt. 15^, diam. 7-J, length of aperture 7^ mill. (Yuma R.) Island of Hayti : San Domingo, without exact locality (Salle) ; environs of Santiago and at Porto Plata (Hjalmarson), and Yuma river (H. Prime). Cuba: Mariel (Poey), Manzanillo, Trinidad S*la Ferina en Bemba (Gundlach), Cayo Carenas, near Cienfuegos (Cis- neros). Florida: Upper Matacumba Key (Hemphill, Velie), near Miami river (Binney), Micco (Baker), and on the west coast at Marco, near Charlotte Harbor (Hemphill), and on the Caloosahatchie river below Fort Thompson (C. W. Johnson), with'/?, dormani ; also, Lake Helen (Wright). Mexico: Chiapa, State of Chiapas (Ghiesbreght), State of Tabasco, Mirador, State of Vera Cruz (Berendt), Callejon de la Zamorana, near Vera Cruz (Strebel), Labna, Yucatan (Heilprin Exped.). Nicaragua: San Nicolas (Tate). Haitian references : — Bulimus dominicus REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 88, f. 659 (Feb., 1850) PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 410 Bulimulus dominicus CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1891, p. 128. Cuban references : — Bulimus marielinus POEY, Memorias sobre la Historia Natural de la Isla de Cuba, i, p. 204, 212, 213, 447, pi. 12, f. 32, 33 (1851).— PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 406; Malak. Bl., 1854, p. 195 ARANGO, Fauna Malac. Cubana, p. 80 — Bulimus (Lepto- merus) marielinus TRYON, Amer. Journ. Conch, iii, p. 174, pi. 14, f. 23. — Bulimulus marielinus CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1890, p. 200. Floridian references : — Bulimulus marielinus BINNEY, Land and Fresh-water Shells N. A. i, p. 193, f. 337 (1869); Terrestr. Moll. v, p. 398, f. 281 ; Man. Amer. Land Shells, p. 408, f. 450 DALL, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, p. 260 Bulimulus flon danus W. G. BINNEY, Man. Amer. Land Shells, p. 408, f. 449 ; Third Suppl. Terr. Moll, v (Bull. M. C. Z. xix, no. 4), p. 201, fig. in text.— DRYM^EUS, FLORIDA AND WEST INDIES. O Bulimus floridanus PFR., P. Z. S., 1856, p. 330 ; Monogr. iv, p. 406. — Bulimus floridianus (sic) W. G. BINNEY, Terrestr. Moll, iv, p. 134. — Bulimulus hemphilli B. H. WRIGHT, West American Scien- tist, vi, April, 1889, p. 8 (referring to fig. 449 of Binney's Man. Amer. L. Shells). See also WRIGHT, Nautilus iii, p. 19 ; iv, p. 61. Mexican references : — Bulimulus dominicus FISCHER and CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., i, p. 540 — STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land und Siisswasser-Conch., iv, pi. 6, f. 17; v, p. 94. See also, von MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 237. — Bulimus maculatus Lea, TATE, Amer. Journ. of Conch.,' v, p. 156. D. dominicus is the senior name for a shell existing under various names — dominicus^ marielinus, floridanus, hemphilli — in Haiti, Cuba, Florida and eastern Mexico. The San Domingo specimens before me from two collectors show conclusively that the doubt expressed by Crosse as to its occurrence there is not well founded, and it is equally certain that the true dominicus occurs in eastern Mexico, Yucatan and Nicaragua. Having specimens before me of undoubted authenticity as to locality, I fail to find the slightest grounds for sep- arating the Mexican from the Haitian shells as a variety, much less a species, though on a priori grounds 1 would be inclined to do so if I could. Reeve's figure (copied on my pi. 5, fig. 26) is faulty in showing the columellar expansion too broad, but is otherwise a good represen- tation of the shells before me from Porto Plata (pi. 20, fig. 31). Those from Yuma R. (pi. 20, fig. 30) are more slender, with the earlier whorls reddish. All of these San Domingo shells have the bands above the periphery spotted, in this respect differing from most, though not all Floridian specimens, in which all the bands are usually sub- continuous. Mexican shells are very like Haitian. In that described and fig- ured by Strebel, band i (subsutural) is wanting, as in some Haitian, Cuban and Floridian shells. The Labna, Yucatan, shell wants bands i and ii, band iii (peripheral) being dotted, bands iv and v con- tinuous and contiguous. Two specimens collected by Prof. Ralph Tate in Nicaragua, and listed by him under the name " B. macu- latus" are wholly typical in -coloring. Cuban specimens are either practically typical, like Poey's type of marielinus (pi. 5, figs. 24, 25), which has the formula 00345, the 6 DRY.M.EUS, FLORIDA. AND WEST INDIES. third or third and fourth bands dotted, .or they have all the bands subcontinuous as in most Floridian shells. Floridian specimens (pi. 5, figs. 18, 21, 22, 23, and pi. 20, fig. 32) are the most variable of all. In one lot from the Caloosahatchie river there are two specimens with the typical band-formula 12345, upper three bands dotted ; four with the formula 10345, the upper band very faint,- dotted, the peripheral also dotted; two without bands, and one (pi. 20, fig, 3-2) with faint traces of the basal bands. Mr. Hemphill found the same form in the vicinity of Charlotte Har- bor, Fla., -one- of his specimens'.figured .by Binney (Man. Amer. Land Shells,, p. 408, fig. 449), having the formula 12345, the upper three bands broken into dots. , The shell, in this form, is often. more ven- tricose with shorter spire than in most Cuban marielinus, but this varies a good deal. Mr. Wright's B. hemphilli applies to these forms. It is the ordinary South Florida form of the species, stated to be a "thinner shell than J5. marielinus Poey,. and more corpulent, while the revolving bands are redder, finer and continuous in. the last-named species ; the substance of the shell of B. marielinus is white, while that of B. hemphilli is light amber colored." These supposed differ- ences are largely due to erroneous ideas regarding marielinus, which is really not " white " nor has it " continuous " bands ; and Cuban specimens are .fully as, thin as "J9. hemphilli." Specimens from Upper Matacumba Key, near Miami river, and Micco, vary from 12345 to 02345 or Q0345, all bands generally con- tinuous though irregular (pi. 5, (igs. 22, 23). These often exceed the dimensions of .the largest Haitian shells I have seen, reaching as great a size as alt. 21^, diam. Ill, length of aperture 10.J mill. t The shell varies from as obese as typical dominicus to as narrow as Binney's figure of " marielinus." This is what was figured by Binney as B. marielinus. A Cuban specimen before me has the same characters, alt. 17, diam. 8^, length of aperture, 10^ mill. Still another Floridian form remains to be noticed : the bandless, oblong shells, light brown, very translucent, with indistinct corneous streaks, alt. 19^, diam. 10, length of aperture 10 mill. (pi. 5, figs. 18, 21). The apical whorl is a little more depressed than in the typical dominicus. It occurs at Lake Helen, Volusia Co., and between Mosquito lagoon and the Atlantic. This local variety, which has no name, has been referred by Mr. Wright to his B. hemphilli, but is not mentioned in the original account of that form. Similarly col- DRYMyEUS, WEST INDIES. 7 ored specimens were collected with typical dominions on the Caloosa- hatchie river by C. W. Johnson. Pfeiffer's B.floridanus (name pre-occupied by .Conrad), was based upon slender specimens with interrupted bands. Whether the figures given by Binney (copied on my pi. 5, figs. 19, 20), are floridanus or not, they certainly do not represent Pfeiffer's type, as he mentions no bandless form of his species. See W. G. Binm-y, Terr. Moll, iv, pi. 79, f. 3 ; L. and Fr.-W. Sh. N. A., f. 338 ; Terr. Moll, v, f. 282 ; Man. N. A. Land Shells, f. 448; Third Suppl. to Terr. Moll, v (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xix, no. 4), pi. 3, f. 7 ; also Wright, Nauti- lus iv, p. 62. The above references to Binney's work do not include his description, which is in each case an inaccurate translation of Pfeiffer's diagnosis. As the name is pre-oceupied, and in all prob- ability a pure synonym of dominicus, it had better be dropped. In conclusion : Throughout its range, D. dominicus shows no ap- preciable variation -in texture or sculpture- ; it ;vari^s in degree of in- flation, the variation not being correlated with geographic location. It varies in coloration, the typical pattern occurring in Haiti, Cuba, Florida and .Mexico, forms with subco.ntinuous bands and of larger size in Cuba and Florida, and bandless forms in Florida only, so far as known, though often associated there 'with banded individuals. It attains a larger size in Florida than elsewhere. All the synonyms are based upon specimens with dotted bands above* The distribution of D. dominicus is enigmatic, but D. multiline atus, the melanocheihis group of Orthalicus, and Cerion uva, offer similar anomalies. D. HJALMARSONI (PfeifFer). Shell subperforate, oblong-fusiform, thin, nearly smooth (seen under a strong lens to be very finely decussated), shining, diapha- nous, whitish, indistinctly painted with series of spots. Spire long- conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, moderately convex, the last as long as the spire, somewhat attenuated at base. Aperture oblique, oblong- oval; peristome thin, narrowly expanded ; columella thread-like, slightly arcuate, entering; the columellar margin slightly dilated above, nearly adnate. Alt. 21, diam. 9, length of aperture 11, width of mill. (Pfr.). Pajas plantation, Manati, Porto Rico (Hjalmarson). Bulimus hjalmarsoni PFR., Malak. Bl. iii, 1856, p. 51 ; Monogr.. 8 DRYM^EUS, WEST INDIES. iv, p. 398. — Bulimulus (Drymceus) hjalmarsoni CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1892, p. 23. Apparently none but the original lot have been found. It may prove to be a form of D. dominions or closely related thereto. D. MOUSSONI (Pfeiffer). Shell perforate, oblong-conic, rather smooth (marked with im- pressed spiral obsolete lines), rather shining, white, ornamented with about 5 roseate bands. Spire conic, the apex acute, red. Whorls 6, nearly flat, the last a little shorter than the spire. Aperture ob- long-oval, colored within like the outside ; peristome simple, unex- pancled, the columellar margin reflexed, vaulted ; columella arcuate, somewhat twisted above. Alt. 26, diam. 12, length of aperture 12, width 7 mill. (Pfr.). Yaquesi, San Domingo, Haiti (A. Salle). Bulimus moussoni PFR., P. Z. S., 1851, p. 147; Monogr. iii, p. 423. — Bulimulus (Mesembrinus) moussoni CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1891, p. 129. The bands and red apex are distinguishing characters of this un- figured species, which was described from the Cuming collection. D. BAHAMENSIS (Pfeiffer). PL 13, figs. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. Shell oblong-turreted, openly rimate, rather solid, opaque ; uniform white, or marked with tawny brown streaks parallel with growth- lines, arid generally interrupted by two white basal bands, and often having wider vertical purplish clouds above the periphery. Surface glossy, under the lens showing faint growth-lines and minute, close, superficial spiral incised stria3. Spire long, its lateral outlines nearly straight; apex minute, obtuse, with typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls 7, slightly convex, the sutures at first hardly impressed, be- coming deeper below. Aperture decidedly less than half the total alt., ovate, rather ob- lique, white or faintly streaked within; peristome very slightly ex- panded along the outer, more along the basal margin ; columella straight, slightly oblique, the margin broadly reflexed above. Alt. 31, diam. 13, alt. of aperture 12J mill. Alt. 32, diam. 13, alt. of aperture 14 mill. New Providence, Bahamas (Bland, Bendall, et «/.). Bulimus bahamensis PFR., Malak. Bl. ix, 1862, p. 204; Monogr. DRYM^US, WEST INDIES. 9 viv p. 50; Novit. Conch, iii, p. 415, pi. 94, f. 21-24.— Bulimulus bahamensis BLAND & BINN., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. x, 1871, p. 82, pi. 2, f. 3, 4 (dentition) — Drymceus bahamensis W. G. BINN., Ann. N. Y. Acad. of Sci. iii, p. 121, pi. xii, f. F. (jaw and dentition). — Bulimulus (Drymceus) bahamensis BENDALL, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 293. Bendall found it on trunks of cocoanut palms. It is closely allied to D. immaculatus of Jamaica, although rather more elongated and without the basal pink tint common in that species. For Haitian references see D. sallei var. haitensis. I have not seen specimens from Durham Creek, Great Inagua (Sargent), which are on record. D. ERUBESCENS (Pfeiffer). PL 13, fig. 89. Shell perforate, oblong-turreted, thin but moderately solid, whitish- flesh or yellowish-flesh colored, becoming pink or pinkish-brown above; surface rather dull, smooth, showing faint growth-lines and indistinct, fine, spiral lines under the lens. Spire much elongated, apex sub- acute, with typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls about 6, nearly flat. Aperture less than half the length of the shell, oblique, pinkish inside, peristome thin, the outer and basal margins somewhat ex- panded, columella oblique, slightly twisted above, its edge reflexed above. Alt. 29, diam. 11, length of aperture 13 mill. Alt. 21, diam. 8, length of aperture 10 mill. Alt. 24, diam. 10, length of aperture 12 mill. Jamaica. Bulimus erubescens PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 112; Monogr. ii, p. 44; vi, p. 57. — REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 57, f. 381. The exceptionally slender form and ruddy color of the spire are characteristic. Probably Gray's B. rufescens belongs here. It is known only by the following description : Bulimus rufescens. Shell ovate-conic, perforate, glabrous, very minutely striated, buff-whitish ; apex acute, brown ; peristome simple. Length 1 inch. Jamaica (Gray, Ann. of Philos. (N. Ser.), ix, 1825, p. 414). This name is prior, but may I think fairly be held insuf- ficiently diagnostic. 10 DltYMxKUS, WEST INDIES. D. IMMACULATUS (C. B. Ad., Reeve). PI. 13, figs. 8G, 87, 88. Shell perforate or nearly closed, oblong-conic, solid ; opaque white? suffused with pink below, and sometimes brownish around the colu- mella; but some shells have a delicate canary-yellow tint instead of pink. Surface somewhat glossy, showing growth-lines and fine spiral striation under the lens. Spire straightly conic, .the apex slightly obtuse, 1-f earlier whorls with typical Drym&us sculpture. Whorls 6^ to 7, but slightly convex, the last tapering below. Aperture slightly oblique, irregularly ovate; peristome simple, hardly expanded below ; columella with slightly oblique, straight edge, or (in quite old specimens) strongly projecting in the middle, the reflexed margin becoming very heavily calloused with age. Alt. 28, diam. 18, length of aperture 12^ mill. Alt. 32^, diam. 13J, length of aperture 15 mill. Alt: 26, diam. 13, length of aperture 13 mill. Alt. 25, diam. 11, length of aperture 11^ mill. Jamaica at Mandeville (Gloyne), Port Maria (Rush, Henderson), Long Mt. (Henderson and Simpson). Bulimus immaculatus C. B: Adams MS. in Cuming collection, REEVE, Conch. Icon.- pi: 85, f. 631 (Feb., 1850). — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 4-11.— GLOYNE, Journ. de Gonchyl. xx, 1872, p. 32.-—BuIi>n- ulus immaculatus \V. G. BINNEY, Bull. Mus. (Jomp. Zool. v. p. 338, pi. 1, f. D (jaw and dentition). — HENDERSON, Nautilus viii, p. 19. — Thaumastm immaculatus Ad., W. G. BINNEY, Ann..N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 122, ph 12, f. H^(radula). Fresh specimens are somewhat roseate throughout, though only on the last whorl is the tint pronounced. Old cabinet specimens fade .to white. In D. liliaceus the columella has more of a spiral twist, and so far as I know the shell is never pink tinted. The two species are very closely allied. The uniform white form of D. bahamensis is also excessively like some specimens of immaculatus. The dentition is like that of D. bahamensis. D. LILIACEUS (Ferussac). PI. 13, figs. 90, 91, 92. Shell perforate, oblong-conic, with long spire, solid; rather glossy and cretaceous ; opaque white more or less stained with bluish or with a narrow bluish streak or two. Growth-stria? fine, the lens revealing minute spiral incised lines. Spire with nearly straight lateral out- lines, the apex somewhat obtuse, with typical Drymceus sculpture. DRYMJEUS, W-EST INDIES. 11 Whorls 6^ to 7, hardly convex, the' last rathe? swollen at "and below the periphery. Aperture ovate, oblique, white: within ; peristome very slightly ex- panded, col u me Iht rather sinuous, the margin reflexed and pressed in above. Alt. 33^, cliiim. 141, length of aperture 15 mill. Alt. 28, diarn. 121, length of aperture 12^ mill. , - Porto Rico: San Juan and Mayaques (Swift); Las Pietras and Humacao (Blauner); Quebradillas and Utuado (Gundhich); Ponce (A. D. Brown coll A Also reported from Dominicd (Angas, Ram- age), and Les Cayes, Haiti (Rolle). Helix (Cochlogena) /?7wcm FER., Prodfonrf. p. 54, no. 401;.Hist- oire, pi. 142 B. f. 11 (\&'2\}.—Bulirhm UUaceus PFE., Symbolae ad Hist. Hel. i, p. 43 ; Monogr. ii, p. 203. — DESIIAYES, Hist, ii> p. 83. — SHUTTLW., Diagn. n. Moll., no. 6, Bern Mittheil. 1854; p; 136. — Not B. liliaceus REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 45, f. 287, inor of ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1883, p. 596. — Bulimus (Leiostracus) liliaceus E. A. SMITH, Ann. Mag. N. H. (6) ii, p. '230,' ±l(J.—£iilimulus liliaceus CROSSE, Journ de' Concliyl. l'89l, p. 128, 2()5 ; 1892, p. 23, 65. — STREBEL and PFEFFER, Beifr.' Mex. Land und1 Siissw. Moll, v, p. 90, pi. 15, f. 3 a-d ; pi. 16, f. 5, 6 (anatomy)-— Otbstomus liliaceus MARTENS, Jahrb. d. m. Ges., 1877, p. 350; Biol.f Centr. Amer., p. 226, pi. 14, f. 19, 20. This species wras originally described from Porto Hico. It has also been reported from Haiti, St. Kitts, Dominica and Mexico. The Mexican specimens, supposed to be liliaceus, have been referred to D. sulphureus by Dr. von Martens, in my opinion correctly. That species is thinner than liliaceus, with the body whorl 'more tapering below — the base in liliaceus being decidedly convex, and the texture solid and cretaceous in adult specimens. Numerous specimens are before me from Porto Rico, but I have seen none from Haiti, St. Kitts or Dominica. D. SALLEI Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 12, fig. 15. Shell subperforate, ovate-conic, thin ; white, delicately tinted with lemon-yellow on the spire and often on the base. Surface rather glossy, with slight growth lines and very fine, dense, engraved spiral strise. Spire straightly conic, the apex obtuse, with very minute typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls 5|, hardly convex, the last 12 DRYM^EUS, WEST INDIES. subangular at the periphery. Aperture ovate, oblique, slightly ex- ceeding half the length of shell ; outer lip acute, simple ; columella concave below, straight above, the edge reflexed, appressed. Alt. 16, diam. 9, length of aperture SJ mill, Island of Haiti, around San Domingo and Rancho Arriba (Salle) ; around Port-au-Prince (Park hurst). Balimus stramineus Richard, BLAND, Ann. New York Lye, N, H. xi, p, 84, 1876 Bulimus stramineus WEINLAND, Jahrb. D. M, Ges. vii, 1880, p. 376. — Bulimulus stramineus CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl,, 1891, p. 127. It is with some hesitation that I describe these shells which Bland thinks may be a variety of D. lilaceus, and Weinland refers to D. stramineus; but I am satisfied that they cannot be a variety of the former species, and the latter is widely separated geographically and presents several differential characters. The specimens before me, from the Robert Swift and A. D. Brown collections, are probably none of them quite mature. Var. HAITENSIS n. var. PL 39, fig. 4. Shell short and rather stout, thin, somewhat translucent whitish, with 5 dark-brown spiral bands, the lowest circumumbilical, those above the periphery interrupted by occasional rather opaque, white longitudinal streaks, or even broken into squarish spots. Surface glossy, engraved with fine spirals. Alt. 17, diam. 9^ mill, (immature). Alt. 21, diam. llj mill Alt. 16, diam. 8 mill. Haiti (Bland, in A. D. Brown coll.); Fort Jacques, near Port-au- Prince (Linden). Bulimulus bahamensis BLD., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. xi, p. 199. — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1891, pp. 128, 206. — Bulimus baha- mensis WEINLAND, Jahrb. d. mal. Ges. vii, 1880, p. 376. The exact position and status of this form are not easily decided. It seems to be what Bland and others have referred to bahamensis as a variety. Some forms of D. palpaloensis Strebel are very similar, and the more slender forms are not unlike D. semimaculatus Pilsbry. D. VIRGINALIS var. DOMINICANUS Pilsbry. n. v. PL 12, fig. 24. This Venezuelan species has already been discussed in vol. xi, p. DRYM^US, WEST INDIES. 13 309. Specimens from Dominica are white, with barely 6 whorls (instead of 6J as in the typical form), the last subangular at the periphery in front, decidedly tapering below. Peristome with a very slightly expanded edge, the columella straight above, the reflection decidedly pressed in at its insertion. Smaller than Venezuela speci mens. Alt. 22-22J, diam. 10, length of aperture 10 mill. D. STRAMINEUS (Guilding). PI. 12, fig. 7. Shell subperforate, ovate-conic, thin ; faint straw-colored or white. Surface rather glossy, with slight growth-lines and fine spiral engraved striae. Spire conic with nearly straight lateral outlines, the apex rather obtuse, earlier If whorls with typical Drymceus sculpture ; last whorl somewrhat tapering below, often showing a faintly indicated peripheral angle in front. Aperture oblique, half the length of shell, ovate ; outer lip thin, a trifle expanded at the edge ; columella nearly straight, the edge re- flexed above, appressed, leaving a mere chink at the axis. Alt. 30, diam. 14J, length of aperture 15 mill. Alt. 28, diam. 15, length of aperture 14 mill. St. Vincent (Guilding et aL) ; Mustique, Grenadines (Bland, H. H. Smith, Rawson) ; Becquia, Grenadines (H. H. Smith) ; Dominica (Sharp). Bulimulus stramineus GLDG., Trans. Linn. Soc., London, xiv, p. 340 (1824); Zool. Journal, iv, p. 170 BLAND, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y. xi, 1875, p. 84.— SMITH, Proc. Malac. Soc., Lond., i, p. 304, 321, with var. fasciata, op. cit. p. 305, pi. 21, f. 9. — not B. stram- ineus CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1891, p. 127 (Haiti). — Bulimu* stramineus PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 44; viii, p. 57. — REEVE, C. Icon, pi. 85, f. 632. — Not Bulimus stramineus WEINLAND, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. 1880, p. 376 (Haiti). — Bulimus lucidus REEVE, C. Icon. pi. 40, f. 245 (1848).— ? Bulimulus debilis BECK, Index Moll., p. 65 (1837), based on Fer. Hist., pi. cxlii B, f. 10. See vol. XI, p. 311. Much thinner than D. liliaceus, less straightly conical, and pale yellow in color, though fading in time to white. Mr. Smith, in his article cited above, refers to a B. lucidus Beck ; evidently an error for B. debilis Beck. Fresh specimens are almost of a golden yellow, but this soon fades to nearly white. Guilding writes: "It abounds in rainy weather in the underwood about Fort 14 DKYM^EUS, WEST INDIES. Charlotte and other parts of this island, and when withdrawn into the shell resembles the pale green side of a reversed leaf, an appear- ance which renders it difficult to be found, and doubtless protects ij; from the birds." H. H. Smith found it "common locally, princi- pally on the leeward side, in rather damp forest hillsides below 1,500 feet. In damp weather it is found on leaves or tree-trunks; conceals itself at roots of trees in dry weather." Specimens before me from Mustique do not differ appreciably from those of St. Vincent. Examples of the shells referred to stramineus by Weinland and Crosse, from the Haitian localities men- tioned by the latter are before me, and while very similar to the true strctmi/teus, I prefer to consider them a variety or species allied to D. liliqeeus. Several specimens were collected by Dr. Benj. Sharp on ihe wind- ward side of Dominica a few years ago, which are so similar to D. stramineus that I dare not call them anything else, though the island is rather separated from the well established range of the species. Var./am'tfta Smith. PL 12, fig. 8. Like the type, but banded with purplish black or purplish red. There are usually four bands on the body-whorl — one at the middle, one-half way between it and the suture, the third equally distant be- low the middle, and the fourth around the umbilicus (Smith). Leeward side of St. Vincent, in dry forest below 1,000 feet, on leaves in wet weather, or at roots of trees and in crevices of rocks in dry weather. The animal is green like the allied (typical) form, and this is probably a variety, but i.t is found in much dryer situa- tions, principally on the ridges between Cumberland and Largon. Rarely the two forms are associated ; nowhere common (//. H. Smith}. D. MULTIFASCIATUS (Lamarck). PI. 13, figs. 93, 95, 90, 97. Shell perforate, oblong-conic, thin ; white or yellowish, with Jive dark purple-brown bands, the uppermost narrow and sutural, the second about midway between suture and periphery, the third wider, just above the periphery, the space between these two crimson, or occasionally the two widen and coalesce ; fourth band the widest ; fifth a mere crescent around the perforation, the space between bands iv and v crimson. Surface glossy, with fine growth-lines and minute, PRYMJLUS, WEST INDIES. 15 crowded, spiral incised lines. Spire rather long, somewhat slender, the apex somewhat obtuse, with typical Drymtzus sculpture, several earlier whorls black or blackish. Whorls about 6, somewhat convex, the sutures rather impressed, defined by a white line. Aperture short ovate, rather oblique, banded within ; outer lip thin, a trifle expanded ; columella somewhat concave, its edge re- flexed above and impressed at the insertion ; the peristome not angular at juncture of columellar with basal margins. Alt. 25, diam. 12, length of aperture 10^ mill. Alt. 23, diam. 12, length of aperture 10 mill. Martinique, at Fort de France, and Massif des Pitons, living mainly between 100 and 150 meters alt., on leaves of trees. Guade- loupe, numerous localities between 375 and 610 meters above the sea (Maze). Dominica (Angas, Brown, Ramage). BuUmu? multifasciatus LAMARCK, An. s. Vert, vi, p. 123 (1819) ; Edit. Desh. viii, p. 233.— DELESSERT, Recueil, pi. 28, f. 3 REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 46, f. 295. — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 108 ; iii, 343 ; iv, 406 ; vi, 52 ; vii, 66.; Conchyl. Cab. p. 239, pi. 63, f. 11, 12. — Bulimus (Leiostracus) multifasciatus E. A. SMITH, Ann. Mag. N. H. (6), ii, p. 230, 419. — Balimulus multifasciatus BECK, Index, p. 65 MAZE, Jour, de Conchyl. 1874, p. 163, with var. albicans ; also 1883, p. 16. / Liostracus multifasciatus FFLD., Verh. Zool. bot. Ges. Wien, xix, 1869, p. 874. Helix (Cochlogena) pictnrata FER., Prodr. p. 54, no. 400 — Buli- mus picturatus POT. and MICH., Galerie, i, p. 147 (1838). The crimson zones between bands ii and iii, and iv and v remind one of some forms of D. pcecilus Orb. In some Martinique shells bands ii and iii are coalescent, and this is perhaps invariable in Dominica specimens. Besides the localities recorded above, the species has been re- ported from Trinidad, Cayenne and La Guayra. The continental localities are so doubtful and ill-attested that I wholly discredit them. Lamarck's t} pes probably come from Martinique, as they agree per- fectly with specimens from that island. The Guadeloupe form, according to Maze, is quite different from that of Martinique, and is distinguished by a thin, fragile shell, of a beautiful light golden-yellow, with numerous transverse bands of vio- laceous brown on the last three whorls. Whorls 6^. Some specimens 16 DRYM^EUS, WEST INDIES. measure alt. 33. diam. 14, length of aperture 16 mill.; the ordinary size of the species being, alt. 25, diam. 12, length of aperture 12 mill. Of Dominica specimens collected by Ramage, Smith writes: " Three specimens from Dominica are very different in colouring from the type as figured by Delessert (Recueil, pi. xxvii, fig. 3}. They are of a warm reddish-pink color, banded with purple-black. The upper whorls exhibit two bands, one just beneath the suture and the other, a trifle broader, rather below the middle. The body-whorl has a third zone beneath the centre somewhat narrower than the one above it. The fine spiral striae correspond with those of the typical form, and the minute pitting of the dark apical whorls is the same." Var. alMcans Maze. Shell entirely white except the earlier three whorls, which show faintly three brown bands. St. Pierre, Martinique, at 200 meters alt. Var. christopheri Pilsbry, n. v. PL 13, figs. 98, 99. Similar to D. multifasciatus in texture and sculpture, but without pink markings, the fourth band with a light-brown border above, the same tint also appearing around the fifth band and sometimes above the third; spir'. Perforation narrow. Group of D. serperastrum, p. 33. a'. Peristome but slightly or not expanded. b. Short-oval, no spiral striae, peristome colored. Group of D. tripictus, p. bf. Elongated, moderately opaque, and usually streaked or spotted. DRYMuEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 31 c. More or less wrinkled or plicatulate. Group of D. sitlcosus, p. c1. Smoother. Group of D. attenuates, p. I". Elongated, thin, often translucent, unicolored or with bands or rows of spots ; spirally striated, nearly smooth, glossy. Group of D. totanacus, p. Group of D. sulphureus, p. Group of D. altemans, p. bf". Elongated, rather opaque, streaked or banded. Group of D. multilineatus, p. 27. GROUP OF D. JOSEPHUS. D. ZHORQUINENSIS (Angas). PL 26, figs. 14, 15. Shell perforate and openly rimate, ovate-conic, rather solid ; whit- ish, with oblique, spaced brown streaks, narrower than their inter- vals. Surface smooth, marked with slight growth lines. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse ; whorls nearly seven, convex, the first with typical Drymam sculpture, the last full, very convex below, ascend- ing toward the lip. Aperture vertical, ovate, the peristome very broadly expanded, white; columellar margin broadly dilated, channelled at its junction with the whorl ; columella with a deep spiral fold. Alt. 44, diameter 23J, length of aperture 23^ mill. S.-E. Costa Rica: middle Zhorquin to Cuabre, on low hills and flat ground (Gabb). Bulimus zhorquinensis ANGAS, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 478, pi. 40, f. 4. Otostomus zhorquinensis MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 202. — Buli- mulus (Scutalus) pallidior, "specimens from Costa Rica," DALL, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, 1893, p. 640. Allied to D.josephus only, among known Mexican shells, though as Angas remarks, the great expansion of the peristome gives it a resemblance to D. expansus, Pfr., which also has a widely-open rimation. Angas' figures (which are copied on my plate) do not show the broad flare of the columellar lip very well. The brown streaks are also closer than in the specimen in the Academy collec- tion. Somewhat worn and decolored specimens collected by Senor Zeledon in Costa Rica were referred by Dall to B. pallidior, which they much resemble. 32 DRYM^TJS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. D. JOSEPHUS (Angas). PI. 26, figs. 6-13. Shell oblong-turreted, broadly rimate, thin but solid ; white with thin pale buff cuticle, unicolored or with longitudinal stripes or spiral series of spots of brown. Surface glossy, smooth, the growth-lines inconspicuous, some very fine spiral lines generally to be seen on the base, under a strong lens. Spire long, conic, with convex or nearly straight lateral outlines, the apex obtuse. Whorls 7, convex, the apical with typical Urymceits sculpture, the last very convex and full below, slightly ascending in front. Aperture decidedly less than half the length of shell, ovate, the peristome thin ; broadly expanded, columellar margin very much dilated, impressed or channelled at the insertion above, the outer edge produced in a wide lobe ; columella with a deeply entering fold. Alt. 32, diam. 14^, length of aperture 15 mill. Alt. 32J, diam. 15, length of aperture 13J mill. Alt. 30, diam. 14J, length of aperture 13 mill. Puerto Viejo, on the Rio Sarapfgui, in N.~E. Costa Rica (Biolley); San Jose (Boucard) and Talamanca (Gabb) in central ; and on the banks of Rio Pacuare del Sur^ in its middle course at about 500 meters alt., valley of the upper Savegal, at 1000 meters alt., and in tlie ivoods near Terr aba ; Quelrada de Tocori in the valley of the Rio Paquete, and El Pital in the valley of the Rio Naranjo, in S.~ W. Costa Rica (Pittier). Bulimus josephus ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1878, p. 73, pi. 5, f. 13, 14; 1879, p. 478 Otostomus josephus MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 202, with var. maculosus, pi. 12, f. 7, and var. concolor, pi. 12, f. 8-10 (Aug., 1893) Bulimulus (Leptolyrsus} zeledoni DALL, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvi, p. 644, pi. 71, f. 2 (Nov. 23, 1893). Closely resembles D. zhorquinensis in the form of the umbilicus, peristome and columella, as wrell as in the color pattern ; but smaller, with longer spire and less dilated last whorl. The typical color-form (figs. 11, 12) is striped longitudinally with brown, the stripes either straight or somewhat angulated. Color- var. maculosus Martens (fig. 9), has four series of square spots. It is from the banks of the Rio Pacuare del Sul, in south- western Costa Rica. Color-var. concolor Mart. (figs. 6, 7, 8, 10, 13), uniform pale yel- lowish. Occurs in N.-E., Central and S.-W. Costa Rica. Ball's B. zeledoni (fig. 13) is a synonym. DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 33 GROUP OF D. SERPERASTRUM. D. DOMBEYANUS (Ferussac). PI. 2G, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Shell rimate-umbilicate, ovate-acuminale, white, solid, longitudi- nally rugose. Spire acuminate ; whorls 7, flattened. ColumelJa nearly straight, brown. Aperture oval-oblong, brown in the throat ; peristome brown, very broadly expanded and reflexed ; the columellar margin dilated (Pfr.). Alt. G2, diam. 34, length of aperture 38 mill. Central Mexico : On the slope of the hill Ajusco, near the city of Mexico (Hahn, var.) ; IF. Mexico: Venta de Zopilotc, State of Guer- rero (H. H. Smith). Helix dombeyana, Ferussac, in Mus. Paris, PFR. Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 76 (1842) (without description) Bulimus dombeyanus^ PFR. Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 114 (1842), iii, p. 83 (1846) (first description of the shell) ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 57, vi. p. 38. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 30, f. 186. — Bulimus (Dry- miens') dombeyanus, PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 151 (1855) Bull- mulus ( Otostomus) dombeyanus, v. MART, in Albers' Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 211 ; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 23 (1865) Balimulus (Scutalus) dombeyanus, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Sclent. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 515 — Lymnaa ruyosa* VALENC., in Humboldt & Bonpland's Obs. Zool.,ii, p. 250, pi. 56, fig. 5 (young) (1833). Bulimus alcantarce, BERNARDI. Journ. de Conch., iv. p. 35, pi. 3. fig. 1 (1853).— PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 393 Bulimulus dombeyanus, var. p, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, 1, p. 516. — Bulimulus dombeyanus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land und Siissw. -Conch, v, p. 74, pi. 7, fig. 3a, b. The largest species of the genus. The variety alcantara Bernard! (pi. 26, figs. 4, 5) is distinguished by its white peristome. Von Martens writes as follows : Of three full-grown specimens before me, two exhibit the prominent edge of a former lip on the back of the last whorl, one-third or one-half of the circumference backwards frcm the aperture. The color of the peristome varies in these specimens from very pale brown to white, which proves that B. alcantarce can scarcely be distinguished even as a variety ; Strebel came to the same conclusion. The interior of the aperture is also, in the variety, brownish. The young specimen from Venta de Zopilote (pi. 26, figs. 2, 3), has a pale-brown band immediately below the angular periph- ery, as in the figure given by Valenciennes. 34 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. It is a curious fact that previous to the year 1882 no exact locality was known for this very remarkable shell, the largest of the Mexican species of this genus. It seems that in the Paris Museum it has been mixed with shells collected by Mr. Dombey in Peru, or rather Chili: see Lamarck, Hist. Nat. des Anim. sans Vert. ed. I, vi, p. 141, Auricula (Chilina) dombeyana, and ibid. p. 76, Helix peraviana, identical with laxata, Fer., which botli inhabit Chili and not Peru; hence the name " dombeyanus" and the erroneous indication of Peru as habitat. Bernard! 's assertion that his specimen came from the Solomon Islands is still less trustworthy. The name alcantarce was given in honor of the then Prince-Royal of Portugal, Dom Pedro de Alcantara, afterwards king (1861). D. FENESTRATUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 7, figs. 11, 12, 13, 14. Shell rimate-umbilicate, conic-ovate, rather solid, sculptured with oblique minutely undulating, close stride and some spiral impressed lines; brown-whitish, painted with five interrupted blackish bands; spire conic, rather acute, pale flesh colored above. Whorls 7, a little convex, the last very shortly ascending in front, narrowed and rounded at base. Aperture oval-oblong, little oblique, a little exceeding half the shell's length; columella pliciform, receding, intense violaceous; throat violaceous-brown ; peristome rather widely reflexed, white ; columellar margin somewhat dilated, white ; parietal callus distinct, violaceous (Mart.). Alt. 51, diam. 26, length of aperture 28 mill. ManzaniUo near Colima, western Mexico (Pieschel). Bulimus fenestratus PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 29 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent., ii, p. 101 — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v., Bulimus, pi. 36, fig. 214. Orthalicus (Mesembrinus) fenestratus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Moll. ii. p. 157. — Bulimulus (Scutalus) fenestratus FISCH. and CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex. Mollusca, i, p. 528. — Bulimulus (Otostomus) piescheli v. MART, in Monatsb. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1863, p. 541 ; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 22, pi. 1, fig. 10 (1865) Bulimus piescheli PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent, vi. p. 38 — Bulimulus (Scutalus) piescheli FISCH. and CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 509. — Bulimulus pies- cheli STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Sussw.-Conch. v, p. 77. Otostomus fenestratus v. MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 200, pi. 12, f. 1, 1 a, b. DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 35 Fig. 11 is Pfeiffer's original fenestratus ; figs. 12-14 represent the unique type of piescheli Mart. This species, writes von Martens, is somewhat intermediate be- tween 0. dombeyanns and 0. lilacinus, but is nearer to the latter, from which it differs chiefly in the much rougher, wrinkled and malleated sculpture. The apex is unicolorous white with a reddish hue. and smooth ; the band commences on the third whorl, and only three are visible on all whorls except the last, the two others being concealed by the following whorl. The sculpture consists of broad raised wrinkles, most of which are covered by much finer undulated lines. I have seen only one specimen (pi. 7, figs. 12-14), collected at the above-mentioned locality and given to the Berlin Museum by Herr Pieschel, once Secretary of the Prussian Embassy to Mexico. From Reeve's figure it is evident that the original specimen of Pfeiffer's Bulimus fenestratus in Cum ing's collection belongs to the same species ; but in the German collections this name has been applied by Philippi to another species, in which the light intervals between the dark bands and streaks have not the appearance of bow- or bay- windows, but the interrupted brown bands themselves represent square windows. Pfeiffer himself seems to have confounded afterwards his own species with another, figured by Philippi as " B. fenestratus " (see 0. dunkeri, Pfr.), as the specimen from Pfeiffer's collection de- scribed and figured by Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land und Siissw.- Conch. v, p. 75, t. 6, fig. 19, evidently belongs to the latter; there- fore neither the name of Liebmann as collector,) which is not men- tioned by Pfeiffer in the first description,) nor its position in the subgenus DrymcEus, close to B. dunkeri (Pfeiffer, Malak. Blatt. 1855, p. 151), can be safely quoted for this species. D. LILACINUS (Reeve). PI. 7, figs. 1-10. Shell umbilicate, oblong-pyramidal, rather solid, somewhat roughly striate ; white, ornamented with purple-brown bands which are here and there interrupted. Spire long conic, rather acute ; whorls 7^ to 8, a little convex, the last about two-sevenths the entire length, base somewhat compressed around the rather wide, compressed, violaceous umbilicus. Columella inflated, somewhat twisted, lilac colored. Aperture little oblique, semioval-auriform, lilac within, banded ; 36 DRYMuEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. peristome broadly expanded, white, the columellar margin much dilated, vaulted. Alt. 47, diam. 18, length of aperture inside, 18 mill. (Pfr.) Western and southwestern Guatemala ; Nicaragua. Bulimus lilacinus REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 74, fig. 532 (1849) (young specimen). — PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 326 — Bulimus (Drymceus) lilacinus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 151 (1855). — Otostomus (ffamadryas) lilacinus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Moll, ii, p. 150 — Bulimulus (Drymceus) lilacinus ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 211 — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 479, pi. 20, figs. 1, 2 ; pi. 24, figs. 5, 5a Otostomus (Drymceus} lilacinus v. MART., Conch. Mittheil. ii, p, 191 ; Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll, p. 201, pi. 12, f. 3-6. — Bulimus patricius REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 81, fig. 600 (Dec. 1849). "According to the MS. notes of Dr. O. Stoll, this species, and especially the var. unicolor, is characteristic of the forests of the west- ern or Pacific slope of the Guatemalan Cordillera, at an elevation of between 3000 and 4000 feet above the sea, descending in some local- ities nearly to 2000 feet. The specimen collected by Mr. Champion at El Reposo in the lowlands between Retalhuleu and the Pacific coast is remarkably small, attaining only 36^ millim. in length ; it exhibits, nevertheless, the remains of an older expanded aperture (such as is often to be seen in 0. dombeyanus) at the back of the last whorl, which corresponds to a length of 30 millim. This early build- ing of an aperture, as if it were adult, seems to indicate a longer in- terruption or slowness of growth, caused by unfavorable conditions of the locality. The var. d, which I know only from the description and figure of Fischer and Crosse, closely resembles, at first sight, 0. chiapensis.' ' ( Martens. ) Von Martens gives the following varieties : a. Typical (figs. 1, 2, 3). 4-5 purple brown bands, striolate, fre- quently interrupted ; throat violaceous ; peristome yellow-bordered outside. (Reeve, fig. 600 ; Fisch. & Crosse, pi. 20, fig. 1, 2.) S. W. Guatemala: San Augustin, department of Solola (Bocourt) ; same locality, at an elevation of 3000 feet above the sea (Stoll). b. Undulosus (fig. 4). ' Pale violaceous, with undulating vio- laceous streaks ; throat violaceous, peristome yellow outside. W. Guatemala : Hacienda de las Nubes, Cerro Zunil, Pacific slope, 4000 feet alt. (Champion). DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 37 c. Unicolor : white, the columella only violaceous, peristome yellow outside. Bulimulus (Drymaus) lilacinus var. /3, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 479. — Bulimulus delattrei, schlanke Lokalform, STOLL, Guatem. Reisen, p. 198 (1886). W. Guatemala: Cholhuitz (Stoll); Cerro Zunil 4000 feet; El JReposo 1000 feet (Champion) ; Hacienda Buenavista and Hacienda Helvetia, in virgin forest, at an elevation of from 3000 to 4000 feet, descending in some localities to about 2000 feet (Stoll); Cuesta be- tween Antigua and Escuintla (Stoll). d. Crossei (figs. 5, 6). White, with three narrow brown continu- ous bands, the peristome whitish outside. Bulimulus (Drymaus) lilacinus var. y, FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit. p. 479, pi. 24, fig. 5, 5a. N. Guatemala: Aha Vera Paz (Sarg). e. Jansoni (figs. 7, 8, 9). Fleshy, whitish, with 4 purple-brown interrupted bands, and some narrow streaks ; peristome whitish out- side, the throat roseate. Alt. 46, diam. 22, apert. 24 mill. Nicaragua (Janson). f. Ictericus (fig. 10). More slender, unicolored, yellow, the colu- mella only violaceous. W. Guatemala, Cerro Zunil (Champion). D. SERPERASTRUM (Say). PI. 9, figs. 34-41. Shell umbilicate, oblong-ovate, thin but moderately strong ; white or ochre tinted, with six blackish bands, the upper four or all of them irregularly interrupted into oblong spots, bands iii and iv frequently having the spots coalescent ; in some specimens all markings absent. Surface shining, somewhat wrinkled and finely malleated, the degree of rugosity very variable ; some fine interrupted spiral lines generally visible under the lens. Spire long, conic, the apex rather obtuse, with typical Drymaus sculpture. Whorls 6 to 6§, moderately convex. Aperture ovate, banded within ; peristome expanded, white, thin, the columellar margin reflexed above. Alt. 38, diam. 18, length of aperture 18 mill. (Say's type.) Alt. 35, diam. 16, length of aperture 16 mill. (Ticul.) Alt. 33, diam. 16±, length of aperture, 17 mill. (Ticul.) Alt. 30, diam. 14, length of aperture, 15 mill. (Sitilpech.) Alt. 33^, diam. 13£, length of aperture, 15 mill. (Tekanto.) 38 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Bulimus serperastrus SAY, New Harmony Disseminator, Jan. 1, 1829, p. 25 (ed. Binney, p. 30).— PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 102; iii, p. 341 ; and in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. Cab. ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 82, pi. 32, fig. 1, 2, pi. 39, fig. 5 — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 40. fig. 252. — PHILIPPI, Abbild. neuer Conch, iii, p. 97, Bulimus, pi. 9, fig. 6. — BINNEY, Terr. Air-breath. Moll. N. Am., ii, p. 274, pi. 50, fig. 2, and iv, p. 126 — Bulimus (Drymaus) serperastrus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 152 (1855). — Bulimulus (Drymceus} serperastrus v. MART., in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 212 BINNEY & BLAND Land and Fresh-water Shells of N. Am., i, p. 192, fig. 334, 335 (the latter copied from a drawing by Mrs. Say) — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 488, pi. 24. fig. 4 (copied from Mrs. Say's drawing) — Drymaus serperastrus TRYON, in Am. Journ. Conch, iii, p. 167, pi. 9 (13), fig. 4 Bulimulus serperastrus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land und Su'ssw. -Conch, v, p. 83, pi. 6, fig. 12. — STEARNS, North Amer. Fauna no. 7, p. 274 — Bulimus liebmanni PFR., in Zeitschr. fur Malak. 1846, p. 158; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 106 Bulimus ziebmanni (error for liebmanni} REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 70, fig. 506 Bulimus (Mesembrinus} liebmanni ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. i, p. 157. — Orlhalicus (Mesembrinus) liebmanni H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 157. — Bulimus nitelinus REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 59, fig. 398 (young specimen). — Bull' mus paivanus PFR., in Malak. Blatt. xiii, p. 81 (1866); Novit. Conch, iii, p. 309, pi. 75, fig. 4, 5 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 35. — Bulimulas (Drymceus) paivanus Fisci-i. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 490, pi. 21, fig. 1, la. — Bulimulus paivanus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land und Su'ssw. -Conch, v, p. 82, pi. 6, fig. 11 ; pi. 12, fig. 18; pi. 13, fig. 12 (radula), pi. 14, fig. 9 G. (genitalia), 10 A, B, D, 11 ; pi. 16, fig. 3 (jaw) — Otostomvs paivanus v. MART., Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 192. — Otostomus serper- astrum v. MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 203. E. Mexico : on the road between Vera Cruz and Mexico (Say) ; Jalapa (Ho'ge); Tierra Colorada, between JaJapa and Vera Cruz (Dona Estefania); Paso de San Juan and Loma de Piedra on the Rio Jamapa, near Vera Cruz ; and between Paso de Ovejas and the plan- tation of Mirador (Strebel); Bobo, near the Port of Vera Cruz (Ho'ge); Vera Cruz, in the littoral region (Berendt). N.-E. Mexico : Hidalgo, Tamaulipas (Wm. Lloyd). Yucatan: Sisal (Morelet); Port of DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 39 Silam, Ticul, Tekanto, Sitilpech and Uxmal (Heilprin, Baker et al.). Seems to range from the State of Tamaulipas to Yucatan, where, in the northern part of the peninsula at least, it is a common species. Although extremely variable in coloration, form and size, it is readily recognized, and not closely allied to any species but the following. Fig. 35 is copied from a drawing by Mrs. Say of the type speci- men, which is still extant in the collection of the Academy. It is the largest shell of a considerable series before me. Binney records serperastrum from Texas, but without giving any definite locality. Its occurence north of the Rio Grande requires confirmation, as it has not been found in Texas during the last forty years or more. D. ZIEGLERI (Pfeiffer). PL 40, figs. 4, 5, 6. Shell oblong-conic, rather slender, perforate; opaque white, uni- colored or with a few oblong spots arranged in vertical rows, or interrupted bands (six in number when most developed) of dark brown: surface lightly striatulate and showing fine faint spiral lines under the lens. Spire long, apex obtuse, yellowish-corneous, with typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls 6, slightly convex, the last somewhat tapering below. Aperture less than half the shell's length, oblong, the lip slightly expanded below, columellar lip reflexed ; columella nearly straight. Alt. 29, diam. 12^, length of aperture 13^ mill. Mazatlan, N.-W. Mexico, also Altata (Stearns). Bulimulus ziegleri PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 113, exclusive of var. j3. Orthalicus ziegleri CPR., Maz. Catal., p. 177. Bulimulus zieglen BINNEY, L. and F.-W. Sh., N. A., i, p. 193, f. 336 STEARNS, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvii, p. 165. — Bulimus caltfornicus Reeve. The description and figures 4, 5, are from Mazatlan specimens in the collection of the Academy. These vary from whitish without markings to sparsely spotted, and finally to as fully developed a pat- tern as D. serperastrum. Perhaps Carpenter's Orthalicus f mexicanus (Maz. Cat. p. 177) was a banded specimen ; it was a solitary shell. Fig. 6 is copied from Binney's figure of a specimen received from Pfeiffer. Closely allied to D. serperastrum, but more slender, smoother, more polished than most specimens of that species, and showing 40 DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. microscopic, close spiral striae more clearly on the base. The main distinction, however, is geographic, serperastrum being an eastern, ziegleri a western form. So far as present information goes, its range is separated from that of serperastrum by the table-land of Mexico. The original description of B. ziegleri Pfr., which was drawn from a small or immature specimen, is as follows: Shell subperforate, ovate- conic, thin, closely striatulate, obsoletely decussated with spiral lines, under the lens ; whitish ; spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, a trifle convex, the last subangulate in the middle, a little shorter than the spire ; columella a little receding ; aperture oval ; peristome sim- ple, the columellar margin narrowly reflexed, subappressed. Long. 21, diam. 10 mill. Aperture 10 mill, long., 6 wide (Pfr., Proc. Zool. Soc. 1846, p. 113). Locality unknown. A var. P, with the shell pellucid, buff, encircled by chestnut bands, on the upper whorls interrupted into spots, is also described. This variety is figured by Reeve, Conch. Icon. pi. 58, f. 389. Von Mar- tens refers it to B. emeus Say. Probably it has nothing to do with the typical ziegleri. In the Monographia, Pfeiffer gives the localities Central America (Largilliert) and Mexico ? (Liebinann). Pfeiffer furnished to Bin- ney the shell figured as ziegleri in L. and F.-W. Sh. N. A., p. 193, f. 336. Carpenter records it from Mazatlan, as Orthalicus ziegleri (Maz. Catal. p. 177). From the series before me, I am disposed to consider the Mazatlan ziegleri as identical with californicus specifically; the description of the latter here follows : B. californicus Reeve (pi. 49, fig. 34). "Shell somewhat acumin- ately ovate, rather thin, scarcely umbilicated ; whorls 6 in number, smooth ; columella reflected ; lip simple. Cream color, encircled with interrupted transverse blue-black zones." Gulf coast of Lower California (Stearns), or perhaps mainland coast of the Gulf; California (Hartweg, according to Reeve). Bulimus californicus REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 56, f. 378 (Dec., 1848). PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 122. — BINNEY, Land and F.-W. Sh. N. A., i, p. 199, f. 345 — Bulimulus (Drymaus) californicus DALL, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvi, 1893, p. 641 — STEARNS, ibid, xvii, 1894, p. 165. As stated above, this is apparently the much variegated extreme DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 41 of the typically spotless ziegleri. It is of course not found in Cali- fornia in the present limits of that State, and probably not on the peninsula. D. LATTREI (Pfeiffer). PI. 8, figs. 15-26, 28. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin but rather solid ; white or whit- ish, either unicolored, or 4 or 5 banded, or longitudinally streaked with brown or purple-brown. Surface shining, irregularly striated, finely malleated, and usually showing fine spiral lines in places. Spire conic, the apex obtuse. Whorls 5§-6^, but slightly convex, the last large, oval. Aperture large, but slightly oblique, colored within like the out- side; outer lip reflexed, white; columellar lip reflexed and appressed ; columella and part of the parietal wall purple. Alt. 40, diam. 19, length of aperture 22 mill. Alt. 45, diam. 19, length of aperture 25 mill. Alt. 43, diam. 23, length of aperture 27 mill. Northern and Central Guatemala. Bulimus lattrei PFR. in Philippics Abbild neuer Conch, ii, p. 112, pi. 4, fig. 11 (1846); Monogr. Helic. Viv. ii, p. 56— DESHAYES, in Ferussac's Hist. Nat. Moll. Terr, ii, 2, p. 48, pi. Ill, figs. 12, 13, pi. 149, figs. 12, 13. — Bulimus (Gonyostomus) lattrei ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. 1, p. 150. — Bulimus (Eurytus) lattrei, v. MART, in Albers' Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 195. — Bulimus {Drymceus} lattrei PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 151 (1855). — Otostomus (Goniostomus) lattrei, H. & H. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 151 — Bulimulus (Drymteus) delattrei FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex. Mollusca, i, p. 481, pi. 20, fig. 3 (living anim.), 4; pi. 22, fig. 1-14 (jaw, radula, anatomy. — Otostomus (Drymezus) delattrei, v. MART. Conch. Mitt- heil. ii, p. 191 ; Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 204, pi. 12, f. 11-14. Bulimus focillatus REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 36, fiV. 211 (1848) Bulimus pazianus, TRISTR., P. Z. S., 1861, p. 230 (not Pfr. nor Orbigny). A large species, varying much in contour, comparative size of aperture and coloration. In some obscurely streaked examples, such as that shown in fig. 25, the interior of the aperture is purple ; and this color almost always tints the columella. Very commonly two or more of the color-varieties defined by von Martens occur together. Von Martens recognizes the following forms : 4 42 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Normal form. Sculpture strong; aperture about ^ the length of the shell ; large (length about 40 mill.). a. (Fig. 20.) Pale lilac, with a few narrow brownish streaks. (Pfr., Monogr. ii, p. 56, form a; REEVE, loc. cit. fig. 211 c; Des- hayes, loc. cit. p. 48, troisieme variete.) N. Guatemala: Vera Paz. (by error " Vera Cruz" in Mono- graphia); Ooban (Salvin, Bocourt). Central Guatemala: Depart- ment of Salama (Morelet); San Geronimo near Salama (Champion). b. (Figs. 21-24). Pale lilac, with interrupted bluish bands (Pfr. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii. p. 56, form /?, and in Philippi, loc. cit. middle fig.; Reeve, loc. cit. fig. 211 b; Deshayes, loc. cit. pi. 111. fig. 12, 13; Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. p. 481 ; Martens, fig. 11). North Guatemala: Vera Paz (Delattre). Central Guatemala: San Geronimo (Champion). c. (Figs. 15, 16). Uniform straw colored or whitish, the columella violaceous. (Pfr. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 56, form y, and in Philippi, loc. cit. right fig.; Reeve, loc. cit. fig. 21 la; Deshayes, loc. cit. pi. 149, figs. 12, 13 ; Martens, fig. 12). North Guatemala: Vera Paz (Delattre); Coban (Salvin, Bocourt, Conradt). Nicaragua (Janson). Var. hiabundus Martens. Smoother, aperture about ^ the length of shell ; small (length about 30 mill.). d. White, with 3-5 wide purple-brown bands (fig. 17-19). e. uniform white (fig. 28). W. Guatemala: Cerfo Zunil (Champion). D. CHIAPASENSIS (Pfeiffer). PL 8, figs. 27, 29-33. Shell narrowly perforate, ovate-conic, rather solid, striate and de- cussated by very fine spiral striaB ; dull whitish, the spire conic with slightly convex outlines, apex rather acute, suture lightly impressed, very finely serrate. Whorls 5^, a little convex, the last longer than the spire, ascending slightly in front, subcompressed at base. Colu- mella thread-like, slightly arcuate. Aperture oblique, oval ; shining white inside ; peristome simple, the outer margin strongly dilated below, expanded ; columellar margin dilated above. Alt. 35, diam. 14, length of aperture 21 mill. (Pfr.} States of Chiapas and Vera Cruz, Mexico. Bulimw chiapasensis PFR. in Malak, Blatt. xiii, p. 81 (1866); DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 43 Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 42 ; Novit. Conch, iii, p. 417, pi. 95, figs. 3-6 — Balimulus (Drymceus) chiapasensis FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 483 — Bulimulus chiapasensis STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Su'ssw. -Conch., v, pp. 70-73, pi. 5, fig. 14 a, b, c ; pi. 6, fig. 13, 15, 16 ; pi. 12, fig. 19 a, b, c.—Buli- mulus (Drymaus] delattrei, var. $, £, FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit. pi. 20, fig. 5, 6. — Otostomus chiapensis v. MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 205, pi. 12, f. 15. Dr. von Martens arranges the color-varieties thus : a. typicus: Uniform white (figs. 27, 30, 31). (Pfr. Novit. Conch., fig. 5, 6; Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. fig. 6 ; Strebel, loc. cit. pi. 6, fig. 13; pi. 12, fig. 19 b.) E. Mexico: Cordova (Salle); Cerro de Palmas near Cordova (Hoge); Orizaba (Berendt, Botteri); Coatepec (Quirozj. Central Mexico: Cuautitlan (Strebel). S. Mexico: Cumbre de Manzanilla, in the State of Chiapas (Ghiesbreght). b. quadrifasciatus. Whitish with four continuous brown bands. (Fig. 32.) (Bulimulus chiapasensis, var. y, Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. fig. 6 ; B. chiapasensis-delattrei, Strebel, loc. cit. fig. 19 a, c.) E.Mexico: Matlaquihahuitl, in the State of Vera Cruz (Salle); Cerro de Plumas near Cordova (Hoge). c. nebulosus: clouded, the suture white, throat brown (fig. 33). (Bulimulus chiapasensis, form D (part), Strebel, loc. cit. p. 72, pi. 6, fig. 15, 16.) E. Mexico: Coatepec (Quiroz); Quimistlan, between Coatepec and the borders of the State of Puebla (Dona Estefania). Central Mexico ; Cuautitlan (Strebel). D. CASTUS (Pfeiffer). PL 9, figs. 42-53. Shell perforate or nearly closed, ovate-fusiform, rather thin, white or whitish, often becoming pink or brown on the spire, and either without markings or with three spiral bands, or spaced longitudinal streaks of purplish-brown. Surface glossy, densely and regularly spirally striate under a lens. Spire long, the apex rather obtuse, with typical Drymczus sculpture, last whorl lengthened and graceful. Aperture large, white or marked inside ; peristome very broadly expanded, flaring, white or pinkish ; columellar margin narrowly re- flexed, and with the parietal wall, pink in color. Alt. 34, diam. 15, length of aperture 18 mill. 44 DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Alt. 27, diam. 12, length of aperture 14^ mill. Northern Guatemala. Bulimus castus PFR., P. Z. S. 1846, p. 112 ; Monogr. Helic. Vi- vent. ii, p. 47 — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 45, fig. 282. — TATE, Am. Journ. Conch, v, pp. 152, 156 (1870). — Bulimus (Leiostracus) castus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 153 (1855). — Otos- tomus (Leiostracus) castus, H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 151 — Bulimulas castus v. MART., in P. Z. S. 1875, p. 648 — Bull- mulus (Drymceus) castus, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Sclent. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 485, pi. 24, figs. 11, 11 a-d Otostomus castus v. MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 206, pi. 12, f. 16-21. Peculiarly graceful in contour, and while allied to the two species preceding, yet easily distinguished by its slender form, smooth, not malleated surface, fine spiral striation, and purity of coloring. Pfeiffer's types were whitish, with a blush toward the base and aperture, the peristome roseate. Dr. von Martens offers the follow- ing arrangement of varieties and variations. A. typicus ; Small, length 19-23, diam. 11, aperture 10-12^ mill. a : unicolored, white, peristome, more or less roseate. b: irregularly streaked with brown (Fig. 42). c: Three blackish-brown bands, either interrupted (Reeve, loc. cit. fig. 282) or continous (fig. 43, 44). Central America : probably Vera Paz (Delattre var. a). ' N. Guat- emala: Coban (Morelet, Salvin : varr. a, b, c); Tamahu (Sarg). B. xantholeucus : large, a little more inflated, length 25, diam. 14, apert. 15 mill.); white, apex and peristome yellowish (Fig- 52, 53). N. Guatemala : Sabo, in a tributary valley of the River Polochic, at an elevation of 3800 feet above the sea (Champion). C. porrectus: Elongated, more slender, length 30-35, diam. 14- 15, apert. 18-19 mill.) a. Uniform white, the columella only pink (Figs. 47, 49), (Bali- mulus castus var. B, Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. fig. 11 b.) b. Two or three purple-brown bands, the aperture roseate (figs. 45, 46). (Bulimulus castus var. y, Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. fig. lie, d). c. Streaked, columella only roseate (Fig. 48.) N. Guatemala: Coban or Tamahu (Morelet or Sarg.: varr. «, b)\ Vera Paz (Stoll : varr. b, c). " The three varieties, A, B, C, appear to be distinct at first sight, DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 45 but there are transitions between them in size, form, and color. For example, one of Dr. S toll's -specimens from Vera Paz (fig. 48) is only 27 millim. long, but it exhibits the slender figure and more solid shell of Var. C. Fischer and Crosse do not give separately the localities for the different varieties which they have described and figured. Tate doubtfully records the occurrence of the species in Nicaragua — * in the mountain-forests of Javali and Pena Blanca, at an elevation of about 2500 feet above the sea,' and at ' Chontales;' he does not mention either the size or the coloration of his specimens, so that we cannot refer them even by conjecture to any of the three forms which are indicated above." (Mtirtens.) D. DUNKERI (Pfeiffer). PI. 10, figs. 54, 55 j pi. 15, fig. 31. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, rather thin, longitudinally roughly striate and obsoletely reticulated by impressed spiral lines; whitish- buff, streaked and maculated with reddish-brown, and with smaller scattered white spots. Whorls 6, rather fiat, the last as long as the spire. Columella vertical, inflated : aperture oblong-oval ; peristome simple, the margins distant, outer lip somewhat expanded, columellar lip broadly reflexed; Alt. 37, diam. 16, length of aperture 19 mill. Central Mexico : State of Michoacan (Hegewisch, Uhde); Lake Patzcuaro, in the same state (Baker, Heilprin). W. Mexico : Tepic (Richardson); inland from Guaymas (Gabb, pi. 15, fig. 31). Bulimus dunkeri PFR. in Philippi's Abbild. neuer Conch, ii, p. 112, pi. 4. fig. 10 (1846); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 101— REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 74, fig. 533 — Bulimus (Mesembrinus) dunkeri ALBERS, Die. Helic, ed. i, p. 157. — Bulimus (Drymceus) dunkeri PFR. in Malak. Bliitt., ii, p. 151 (1855). — Orthalicus (Mesembrinus) dunkeri, H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157. — Bulimus (Scutalus") dunkeri v. MART, in Malak. Blatt., xii, p. 36 (1865) — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 511. — Bulimulus dunkeri STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.- Conch. v, p. 76. — Otostomus dunkeri v. MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 207, pi. 13, f. 1. The typical form (pi. 10, figs. 54, 55 ; pi. 15, fig. 31, specimen from inland from Guaymas) is easily recognizable by the pale round spots on a brownish ground. In the variety the brown color is limited to more or less numerous patches, which are either somewhat 46 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. square and arranged in spiral rows (fhilippi^ and specimens from Chihuahua), or more irregular and combined, sometimes at acute angles (specimen from Ventanas). In a specimen from Chihuahua the pale spots of the type are seen within some of the larger brown patches. The sculpture of this species is somewhat coarsely rugoso- striate, but it cannot be termed undulated, as in 0. fenestratus Pfr. Most of the -specimens I have seen show remarkable irregularities and scars, some even at the apex, caused by previous fractures dur- ing life. Probably they live on conspicuous objects during the wet season, and often fall to the ground. (Martens.) Var./orrm (Mousson). PL 10, figs. 56, 57, 58. Shell oblong-ovate, rimate-perforate, rather thin, irregularly sub- plicose-striate ; dull whitish, painted with grayish spots in series or obscure zigzag streaks and clouds. Spire conic, the outlines a trifle convex, apex white, polished ; suture a little impressed, rather ir- regular. Whorls 6, a little convex, regular, the last not descending, ovate, subvertical, longer than the spire. Aperture broadly oval, whitish inside, weakly showing the markings through ; peristome well expanded, acute, the margins converging, joined by a very thin lamina ; columellar margin broadly reflexed. Alt. 37, diam. 21 mill. (Mouss.) N. Mexico: Chihuahua (Hoge) N. W. Mexico: Ventanas, State of Durango (Forrer), and near Mazatlan (Gabb). Bulimus fenestratus (Pfr.), PHILLIPI, Abbild. neuer Conch, iii, p. 96, pi. 9, fig. 1, 5. — Bulimulus fenestratus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw. -Conch., v. p. 75, pi. 6, fig. 19 Bulimus (Mesem- brinus) fenestralis ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. 1, p. 157 (misprint). — Bulimulus forreri, MOUSSON, Journ. de Conch., xxi, p. 217, pi. 9, 2 (1883). — Otostomus dunkeri var. forreri MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer.,MolL, p. 207, pi. 13, f. 2, 2 a. D. CHAPERI (Crosse & Fischer). PI. 15, figs. 29, 30. Shell nearly covered perforate, long- ovate ; dull whitish, with rather widely-spaced pale-brown . streaks and longitudinal, close, somewhat oblique impressed wrinkles. Spire rather long, the apex rounded, suture simple. Whorls 6-J, a little convex, the first two smooth, the following strongly wrinkle-striate, last longer than the spire, ventricose, inflated, tapering at base. Aperture oblong-ovate, whitish inside ; peristome simple, whitish, DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 47 the margins distant, columellar margin expanded, nearly closing the perforation, basal and outer margins thin, subexpanded, a little re- flexed. Alt. 43, diam. 25, length of aperture 26 mill. (C. $ F.) Island of Mescala, in lake Chapala, State of Jalisco, Mexico. (diaper). Bulimulus chaperi C. & F., Jour, de Conch., 1892, p. 296 (1893); 1893, p. 31, pi. 1, f. 1, 2 — FISCHER, t. c., p. 32, pi. 1, f. 2 (animal living). This species, of which I have not seen specimens, should probably stand as a race or variety of D. dunlceri. It is near var. forreri Mousson. D. COLIMENSIS (Rolle). Shell conic-elliptical, perforate, rugose-striate, whitish, ornamented with three series of violaceou s-brown spots on the whorls of the spire, five on the last whorl. Whorls 6-J, rather flattened, separated by a slightly impressed suture, the upper 3 whorls unicolored, apex rather obtuse, last whorl more convex, perceptibly tapering at base, brown tinted in the umbilical region. Aperture elliptical, very slightly oblique ; peristome narrowly ex- panded, thin, white, the basal margin narrowly rounded, columellar margin rather widely reflexed, triangularly dilated above, violaceous tinted in well-preserved specimens; parietal callus thin but distinct. Alt. 31, diam. 15, length of aperture 15 mill. (Rolle). Colima, Mexico. Otostomits colimensis ROLLE, Nachrichtsbl. d. d. Malak. Ges., xxvii, p. 130 (August, 1895). According to Rolle this is nearest to D. fenestrellus and D. dunkeri var. forreri j distinguished from the former by the reflexed peristome, from the latter by the more lengthened contour and less obese whorls. GROUP OF D. SULCOSUS. D. BOTTERII (Crosse and Fischer). PL 15, figs. 34, 35. Shell perforate, oblong-conic, rather thin, but somewhat solid, a little shining, impressed with rather strong, somewhat distant longi- tudinal wrinkle-striae, decussated by numerous very delicate transverse visible only under a lens ; pale fleshy reddish, transversely 48 DKYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. banded obscurely with brown. Spire conic, the apex a little obtuse, suture irregularly impressed. Whorls 5-^, a little convex, the em- bryonal 1-J smoothish, pale fleshy-brown, the last whorl a little longer than the spire, obscurely three-banded with brown. Aperture subovate, shining and fleshy-white within, vividly show- ing the external bands; peristorne a little expanded, milk white, the margins separated ; columella somewhat twisted inside, reflexed, di- lated, partly closing the perforation ; basal arid outer margins a little reflexed, the outer narrowing toward its insertion. Alt. 32, diam. 15; length of aperture scarcely 17 mill. (G. # F.) Near the city of Orizaba (Botteri.). Bulimulus (Drymceus) botterii, CROSSE & FISCII. in Journ. de Conch, xxiii, p. 52 (1875); Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 487, pi. 24, fig. 10, 10 a — Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Stissw.- Conch. v, p. 63 — Bulimus botterii PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent., viii, p. 61 Bulimus sulcosus, form A (part), STREBEL, loc. cit. p. 61, pi. 6, fig. 17; form B, p. 62, pi. 5, fig. 4 (teste Martens) — Otostomus sulcosus var. botterii MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. Moll., p. 208. Considered a variety of D. sukosus by von Martens; but it seems to differ in the fine spiral sculpture, which is wanting in sulcosus. D. SULCOSUS (Pfeiffer). PL 10, figs. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Shell oblong-conic, perforate, solid and strong; opaque-bluish, or fleshy- white, frequently clouded longitudinally with reddish-brown on the spire, and sometimes showing faint traces of three wide bands on the last whorl. Surface lustreless, deeply, coarsely and irregularly wrinkled, the spire smoother, conic, apex with typical Drymaeus sculpture, whorls 6-6^, convex. Aperture ovate or squarish-ovate, pinkish-purple within, moderately oblique ; peristome blunt, whitish, someAvhat expanded, columeliar margin reflexed above; columella nearly straight above, and white, or with the parietal wall, purple-tinted. Alt. 33 J, diam. 17, length of aperture 16 mill. Alt. 42, diam. 17J, length of aperture 20J mill. Central Mexico : near the city of Mexico (Boucard, Hahn); valley of Mexico (Bourgeau); Tacubaya (Hegewisch); summit of the Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, at an elevation of 9500 feet above the sea (H. H. Smith); Tuxpan (Strebel), Soledad, State of Guerrero (H. H. DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 49 Smith); Mountains near Chilpancingo, Guerrero, in pine and oak forest at 9500 feet elevation (E. W. Nelson). Bulimus sulcosus PFR. Symb. Hist. Helic., i. p. 43 (1841) PHIL- IPPI, Abbild. nener Conch, i, p. 56, pi. 1, fig. 9 — PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 196 — Bulimus (Mesembrmus') sulcosus ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. i, p. 157.— PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 158 (1855).— Ortltalicus (Mesemlrinus) sulcosus, H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157 — Bulimiilus (Scutalus) sulcosus MART, in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 217 — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mol- lusca, i, p. 520, pi. 23, fig. 2, 2 a, b — Otostomus (Scutalus) sulcosus MART. Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 193; Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 208, pi. 13, f. 3, 3a, 4 — Bulimus hyematus REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 49, fig. 324 (I848).—Bu,limulus (Scutalus) sulcosus var. a, hiemalus MART, in Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 33 (1865). Very closely allied to rudis and glneslreghti, all of them character- ized by the very strong folds of the last whorl. It is likely that the three may prove to be merely varying races of one species. In most specimens the columella and parietal wall are whitish, but in those above recorded from Soledad and Chilpancingo the upper portions of the columella and the parietal wall are deep purplish-rose, the other characters being typical. The interior of the aperture is purplish- rose in all of the specimens before me. Von Martens writes as fol- lows : " All authors describe the aperture of this species as having a simple (not reflected) edge, but I can see in some specimens a very faint, but distinct, expansion of the edge outwards : in one of the ex- amples collected by Mr. H. H. Smith it is quite strong and 2 mill, broad* The interior of the aperture is described as chocolate- colored : in the specimens collected by Uhde it is of a greyish rose-color, in those by Mr. H. H. Smith either rose-colored or pure white ; the columella is in all of them white. The largest specimens, long. 44 mill., unicolorous, white, are from the summit of the Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 feet, near Omilteme, in the State of Guerrero, collected by Mr. H. H. Smith." D. RUDIS (Anton). PI. 15, figs. 43-46 ; pi. 10, figs. 65, 66, 67. Shell openly perforate, ovate-conic, sculptured with coarse, irreg- ular growth strias ; a little shining ; white, flamed and banded with brown and livid. Spire rather lengthened, the apex acute. Whorls 5^, a little convex, the last inflated, as long as the spire. Aperture 50 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. oblong-oval, brownish [or white] inside, black-striated, shining ; peristome acute, the columellar margin vaulted, dilated (Pfr.). Alt. 23, diam. 13, length of aperture 12 mill. Alt. 24J, diam. 13, length of aperture 12^ mill. Central Mexico : environs of the city of Mexico (Halm); Chapulte- pec (Hegewisch, Heilprin); Anganyues, State of Michoacan (Deppe). Bulimus rudis ANTON, Verz. d. Conch. Samml. p. 43 (1839) PFR. Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 50 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 197. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 44, fig. 286. — Bulimus (Mesembrinus) rudis ALBERS Die Helic. ed. i, p. 157. — PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 158 (1855) — Orthalicus (Mesembrinus) rudis, H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157. — Bulimulus (Scutalus) rudis, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 523, pi. 23, figs. 6, 6a ; pi. 22, figs. 7-11 (jaw, radula, anatomy) Bulimu- lus rudis STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 63, pi. 5, fig. 3; pi. 6, fig. 9. — Otostomus (Scutalus) rudis, MART., Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 193. — Bulimulus sulcosus, form A, STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 61, pi. 5, figs. 1,2; pi. 11, flgs. 12 a, b, 13, 14, 15; pi. 13, fig. 8 (radula) ^Bulimulus (Scutalus) sulcosus, var P- fenestratus, MART, in Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 34 (1865) — Otostomus rudis MART., Biologia p. 209. The thinner, more ventricose shell, usually much le&s strong sculp- ture, and bold striping, distinguish this species from D. sulcosus. Of twelve specimens before me, two show three somewhat interrupted spiral bands in connection with the usual streaks ; the others have longitudinal stripes or ragged streaks only. Figs. 43, 44 of pi. 15 are drawn from specimens from the gardens of Chapultepec, near the City of Mexico, collected by Heilprin's Mexican Expedition. They are very smooth for the species, being merely wrinkle-striate, and thin, almost fragile. Figs. 45, 46 are from specimens more like that illustrated by Fischer & Crosse. The blackish streaks vary from a dozen on the last whorl, to two or three, and may be either continuous or ragged and blotched. D. GHIESBREGHTI (Pfeiffer). PI. 15, figs. 32, 33 ; pi. 1, figs. 72-80. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, solid, somewhat rugulose-striate, scarcely shining ; white, ornamented with sparse brown streaks. Spire rather regularly conic, the apex somewhat acute, suture mi- nutely serrulate. Whorls 6, the upper ones hardly convex, the last DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 51 about equal in length to the spire, more convex, slightly tapering at base. Columella lightly arcuate, lilac colored. Aperture slightly oblique, acuminate-oval; peristome simple, the right margin narrowly expanded, columellar margin vaulted, reflexed. Alt. 31-32, diam. 13, length of aperture 16± mill. (Pfr.) S.Mexico: Chiapas (Ghiesbreght); Tlacolula (Ho'ge). Bulimus ghicsbreghti PFR., in Malak. Blatt. xiii, p. 82 (1866); Novit. Conch, iii, p. 309, pi. 75, figs. 6, 7 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 46 — Bulimulus (Scutalus) ghiesbreghti FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i. p. 522, pi. 23, fig. 4 Bulimulus ghiesbreghti Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw. -Conch, v," p. 60, pi. 6, fig. 14 — Otoftomus ghiesbreghti MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 209, pi. 13, f. 5-10 (with varieties). The typical form of D. ghiesbreghti (pi. 15, figs. 32, 33), is rather smooth, and has narrow brown streaks. Von Martens recognizes the following varieties. Var. stolli Martens (pi. 1, figs. 72, 73, 76, 77, 78). More rugose. Bulimulus (Scutalus~) ghiesbreghti FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit., p. 522, pi. 23, fig. 4a — Bulimulus ghiesbreghti STREBEL, loc. cit. pi. 5, fig. 5. — Bulimulus jonasi var. stolli MART., in Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl. 1886, p. 161. — Otostomus g. var. stolli MART., Biol. Centr. Amer. pi. 13, f. 5-8, 10. Central Guatemala : Llano of Quezaltenango, at an elevation of from 6000 to 9000 feet above the sea, common, chiefly on Agave, and on various shrubs (Stoll); Argieta, department of Solola, in the " tierra fria " (Bocourt); Los Encuentros, at an elevation of 8000 feet, at Tecpam 7000 feet, also on the northern slope of the Volcan de Agua, in the belt of tall forest-trees, at from 8000 to 9000 feet, and at Antigua (Stoll). W. Guatemala: in the forest above the Hacienda de Las Nubes, on the southern slope of Cerro Zunil (Champion). Var. interstitialis Martens (pi. 1, fig. 75). Regular white or brownish longitudinal ribs, the intervals tawny on the last whorl; parietal wall of the aperture pale rose, columella white. Central Guatemala : Cumbre de San Martin, on the N. W. slope of the Cordillera, at an elevation of 6000 feet (Stoll). Var. iodostylus Pfr. (pi. 1, figs. 79, 80). Sculpture less strong. Bulimus iodostylus PFR. P. Z. S., 1861, p. 23; Malak. Blatt, xi, p. 13 (1864); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 48 ? Bulimulus 52 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. (Scutalus) iodostylus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mol- lusca, i, p. 539 — Balimus iodostylus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 70, pi. 12, figs. 8a, 8fr. S. W. Mexico : Santa Efigenia, Tehuantepec (Sumichrast). The variety stolli is so much like D. sulcosus as to suggest specific identity. Von Martens writes as follows: Dr. 0. Stoll states, in his MS. notes, that this species is very common at the above-mentioned elevations, but apparently dees not occur on the most elevated ridges between Totonicapan and Tecpam, nor lower than 6000 feet on the terraces of the Cordillera at Santa Maria and San Martin. In dry weather it conceals itself on the lower face of blades of grass, but during and after rain it creeps about freely. The relative proportion of the breadth to the length of the shell is very variable, as is also the size in this species. Its chief character- istics are the coarse plaits of the last whorl, the preceding whorls being remarkably smoother, and the rose-color of the apertural wall and of the columella. The last-mentioned character distinguishes it — with few exceptions — from 0. sulcosus, which is the corresponding form in the elevated plain of Central Mexico. The rose color, how- ever, is somewhat variable ; it is never wanting, and more or less intense on the upper half of the columellar margin, and extends sometimes upwards on to the parietal wall and beneath to near the base of the aperture; in some specimens the whole interior of the aperture is pale rose-colored, and a stripe which on the outside is dark brown appears in the interior intense reddish-brown. D. HEGEWISCHI (Pfeiffer). PI. 1, figs. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. Shell ovate, thin but moderately strong, very narrowly perforate ; whitish, usually stained in places with light brown, and having un- equally spaced, narrow, brown longitudinal streaks which do not ex- tend to the suture above, and are often obsolete at the base. Surface shining, irregularly wrinkle-striate, and showing fine, subobsolete spiral lines under the lens. Spire conic, the apex obtuse, with typi- cal Drymczus sculpture ; whorls 5J, but slightly convex, the last oval. Aperture long-ovate, light brown or yellowish inside, showing dark streaks ; peristome thin and unexpanded, acute ; columellar margin reflexed for a short distance above, nearly closing the perforation. Alt. 25, diam. 12^, length of aperture 14 mill. Central Mexico: environs of Mexico, in tierra fria, on Cactus DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 53 (Salle and Boucard); San Antonio, near City of Mexico (Heilprin Exped.); Toluca (Hoge); Cuernavaca (Godman); Puebla and Tehu- acan (Uhde); Tenango (Hegewisch). ? Bulimus (Bulimulus) nitidulus BECK, Index Moll., p. 67 (1838) (without description) — Bulimus hegewischi PFR., Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 46 (1842) (excl. var.); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 172. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 70, fig. 508 — Bulimus (Mesem- brinus') hegewischi ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. i, p. 157 — PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 158 (1855). — Orthalicus (Mesembrinus) hegewischi, H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157 Bulimulus (Mormus) hege- wischi MARTENS in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 216; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 28 (1865). — Bulimulus (Scutalus) hegewischi Fiscu. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 526, pi. 23, fig. 10, 10a, and var. minor, gracilior, f. lOb. — Bulimulus hegewischi STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 66, pi. 6, fig. 10 Otos- tomus hegewischi MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 211, pi. 13, f. 14. Var. c, yellowish, with numerous chestnut streaks. Bulimulus (Mormus) hegewischi Var. e, MART, in Malak. Blatt. xii. pp. 28, 29 (1865). — Bulimulus hegewischi, No. 2, STREBEL, loc. cit. p. 67. E. Mexico : Orizaba (Uhde). Var. d, yellowish, with faint diaphanous streaks (fig. 82). W. Mexico, Omilteme, in the State of Guerrero at an elevation of 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). Differs from the foregoing species in the long, oval body-whorl and narrower perforation. Figs. 84 and 85 show this characteristic shape better than the others. The longitudinal stripes vary from many to very few and inconspicuous. Dr. von Martens writes : This species is about intermediate between 0. recluzianus and 0. ghiesbreghti, Pfr.; it is rougher than the former and not so coarsely wrinkled as the latter ; the stripes are ordinarily not abrupt below, and the columellar margin is white. Of the var. c, 1 know of only two young specimens ; their stripes break up at the same height, but perhaps in the adult shell this may be otherwise. It is strange that the vars. c and d should not have been found by other collectors, but I am unable to refer them to any other known Mexican species. I have already stated that the locality Pazqqaro (Patzcuaro), state of Michoacan, is given in Pfeiffer's first description only for the var- iety /?, " fasciis latis tesselatis violaceo-fuscis," which is probably my 45 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. O.femstrellus; but in his other work it stands alone for the whole species, owing possibly to the unintentional omission of the locality Tenango. Neither Fischer and Crosse nor Strebel have noticed this. D. JONASI (Pfeiffer). PI. 10, figs. 64, 68, 69, 70, 71. Shell perforate, oblong-conic, rather thin but moderately solid ; shining, white or buff, with numerous narrow longitudinal corneous or corneous -brown streaks, occupyiny the sulci between prominent, unequal wrinkles or folds of the surface; rather slight and superficial spiral striae appearing under the lens. Spire long, the apex obtuse, with typical Drym&us sculpture, whorls nearly 6, moderately convex, the last revolution of the suture deeply impresses Aperture long-ovate, colored within like the outside; peristome thin, acute, the outer lip moderately expanded in large individuals; columellar margin reflexed for a short distance above. Alt. 26, diam. 11, length of aperture 121 miH. Alt. 24^, diam. 11, length of aperture 12 mill. Central Guatemala : Environs of the city of Guatemala (Salle, Stoll); Antigua and Amatitlan (Stoll) ; Duenas (Champion). [? N. Guat- emala: Vera Paz. (by error Vera Cruz) (Delattre) ; Coban (Salvin)]. Costa Rica (van Patten in Berlin Museum). Bulimus jonasi PFR. in Philippi, Abbild. neuer Conch, ii, p. 125, pi. 5, fig. 4 (1846) ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 107 ; in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. -Cab., ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 168, pi. 50, figs. 11, 12 DESHAYES, in Ferussac, Hist. Nat. Moll. Terr. ii, 2, p. 183, pi. 150, figs. 17, 18 REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 55, fig. 363.— Bulimus (Leiostracus) jonasi PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 153 (1855) Otostomus (Leiostracus) jonasi H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Reo. Moll, ii, p. 151 — Bulimulus (Morrnus) jonasi MART, in Albers, Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 216 — BINNEY, Am. Journ. Conch, vii, p. 182 (1872) (jaw, radula). Bulimulus (Scutalus) jonasi FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 525, pi. 23, figs. 7, 7a. — Bulimulus jonasi MART, in P. Z. S. 1875, p. 648; Jahrb. d. M. Ges. iii, p. 257.— O. STOLL, Guatem. Reisen, p. 53 (1886). — Otostomus (Mormus) jonasi MART, in Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 193; Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 212, pi. 13, f. 11-13 Mormus jonasi W. G. BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 123 (jaw and teeth). D. jonasi, like the allied ghiesbreghti, varies a good deal in the DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 55 ^ prominence of the fold-like sculpture. Four specimens before me collected by Morelet have three broad, continuous or interrupted, dark purple-brown bands (fig. 64). D. AURIFLUUS (Pfeiffer). PL 1, figs. 86, 87. Shell subperforate, ovate-conic, thin, pale whitish corneous, with numerous longitudinal brown streaks alternating with white ones of the same width or wider; surface glossy, nearly smooth, with faint growth-lines and extremely fine, close superficial spiral striae. Spire conic, whorls 5J, slightly convex, the last tapering below. Aperture long-ovate, striped within ; peristome thin, acute and not expanded ; columellar margin with a short, narrow reflection above. Alt. 201, diam. 10^, length of aperture llf mill. E.Mexico: Jalapa (Hoge); Mirador (Berendt); Cordova (Salle, Hoge); Plantation Toxpa (Tospan) near Cordova (Berendt). — S. Mexico: Yalalag, near Villa Alta in the Stale of Oaxaca, on the eastern slope of the Cordillera, in dense forest (Hoge) ; Juquila, State of Oaxaca (Hoge). Bulimus aurifluus PFR. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 319, pi. 35, fig. 10; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 400 ; Novitat. Conch, iii, p. 420, pi. 95, figs. 13, 14 — Bulimulus (Mormus) auriflum, MART in Albers Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 216. — Bulimulus (Drymceus} aurifluus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 499, pi. 20, figs. 21, 22. — Bulimulus aurifluus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Su'ssw.- Conch. iv, pi. 6, fig. 14; v, p. 79 — Otostomus aurifluus MART., Biologia, p. 213. '•At first sight this species much resembles 0. jonasi; in 0. auri- foms, however, the yellow stripes are on the same level as the whit- ish ground, whereas in 0. jonasi the pale brown stripes are placed in depressions between the elevated whitish plaits. The edge of the aperture is also distinctly expanded in 0. aurifluus, but only in full- grown specimens. The locality, 'Vera Cruz,' quoted by Dr. Pfeiffer, is probably intended for the State of that name, not the town." (Martens.^ D. RECLUZIANUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 1, figs. 92, 93, 94, 95. Shell subperforate, subfusiform-oblong, rather smooth, delicately sculptured with close spiral lines; shining, opaque, flesh- colored, ornamented with wide, irregular chestnut and grayish-purple streaks. 56 DRYM.EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Sp:re conic, the apex rather obtuse, suture white-margined. Whorls 6, a little convex, the last as long as the spire. Columella thin, lightly arcuate, somewhat twisted above. Aperture subvertical, oblong ; peristome simple, acute, the columellar margin reflexed and sub- adnate above. Alt. 30, diam. 12, length of aperture 16, width 7-J mill. (/yV.) South Mexico: Chiapas (Ghiesbreght). Central ('osta Rica: San Jose (Pittier and Biolley); La Uruca, near San Jose, at an elevation of 1,100 metres above the sea (Biolley); San Francisco de Jos Rios, also near San Jose, on hedges which surround the plantations of coffee (Pittier). Bulimus recluzianus PFR. in Zeitschr. fiir Malak. 1847, p. 82 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, 172, and iv, p. 468 ; and in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. Cab. ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 119, pi. 36, figs. 5, 6. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 74, fig. 530. — Bulimus (Oxycheilus^ recluzianvs ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. i, p. 174. — Bulimus (Mesembrinus) recluzianus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 159 (1855). Orthalicus (Oxycheilus} recluzianns H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 155. — Bulimulus (Drymceus^ recluzianus MART, in Al- bers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 212. — Bvlimulus (Scutalus) recluzianus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 510. — Bull- mulus recluzianus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw. -Conch., v, p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 8. — Otostomus recluzianus MARTENS, Biologia, p. 213 (with " var. lineolatus"). The Costa Rica localities given above are for what von Martens calls var. lineolatus, identifying it with the species so named by Con. rad. It is not, however, the true lineolatus, and may be called var. martensianus. Smaller, yellowish, the length of the aperture not exceeding the diameter of the shell. Dr. von Martens further remarks: "The stripes of this species are very irregular ; even in the same specimen some are near one another, and others have large intervals between them ; often they are more greyish violet than brown, from being situated in a more internal layer of the shell, and covered by a thin whitish superficial coating. Ordinarily, the stripes break up at the same height at some distance from the umbilicus; in young specimens, as a general rule, they break up at the angularity in the middle of the whorl. " The specimens from Costa Rica have generally a thinner and more yellow-colored shell, and the largest which I have seen from DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 57 that country is only 20 millim. long, perhaps not full grown. 0. roseatits, Reeve, from Columbia, comes very near this species." (Martens.) D. LINEOLATUS (Conrad). PL 1, figs. 90, 91. Shell scarcely perforate, ovate-conic, thin but moderately solid ; opaque white, somewhat more than the lower half of the last whorl tinted with light chestnut ; striped longitudinally with dark purplish- chestnut, the stripes not reaching to the suture above, nor to the base below. Surface glossy, smooth, showing traces of an excessively fine, dense spiral striation in places. Spire rather short, conic, with slightly convex lateral outlines ; apex obtuse ; sutures but slightly impressed. Whorls 5J. Aperture oblong, decidedly exceeding half the total length of shell, and greater than the total diameter; sub vertical, streaked in- side ; columellar margin reflexed and closely appressed above, pressed in at its insertion ; columella cord-like, vertical and straight; outer lip a little and gently expanded. Alt. 25, diam. 13, length of aperture 15, width within 7-J mill. Alt. 25, diam. 11.8, length of aperture 14, width within 6§ mill. Volcan de Cartago, Central Costa Rica. Bulimus lineolutus CONRAD, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., viii, p. 42 (1855) — PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 398 — not Otosto- mus recluzianus var. lineolatus Martens, Biol. Centr. Amer. Moll., p. 214. The spire is decidedly shorter than in D. recluzianus Pfr. , the aperture longer, produced at base, and -with less arcuate outer lip, and the1 columella is cord-like, and almost perfectly straight and ver- tical. Description and figures are from the types in coll. A. N. S. P. D. LIRINUS (Morelet). PL 1, fig. 96. Shell nearly imperforate, oblong-fusiform, irregularly rugate- striatulate, very obsoletely decussated (under the lens) with incon- spicuous transverse lines, thin, delicate, milk-white. Spire length- ened, the apex rather obtuse ; suture impressed, whorls 6, a little convex, the embryonal 1^ smooth, corneous, the last scarcely longer than the spire ; columella spirally twisted, filiform, of the same color. Aperture acuminate-oblong, shining and white within ; peristome 5 58 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. simple, the terminations separated, columellar margin a little ex- panded, reflexed and appressed, basal and outer margins acute. Alt. 30, diam. 11, length of aperture 15£ mill. (C. $ F.). N. Guatemala: San Luis de Peten (Morelet). Bulimus lirinus MOREL., Testae. Noviss. ii, p. 11 (1851) — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 313; viii, p. 26 — Bulimulus (Drymceus} lirinus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll, i, p. 494, pi. 20, f. 10. D. CUCULLUS (Morelet). PI. 1, figs. 88, 89. Shell imperforate, oblong-ovate, thin, rather obliquely rugose- striate, milky-whitish, spire rather long, the apex rounded, rather obtuse ; suture impressed. Whorls 4, convex, the embryonal 1 J smooth, hyaline, the last whorl large, ventricose, longer than the spire, somewhat attenuated at base. Aperture acuminate-ovate, within shining and colored like the outside ; peristome simple, the margins joined by a rather thick white callus ; columellar margin dilated, whitish ; basal and outer margins acute. Alt. 18, diam. 8, length of aperture 9^ mill. (C. $. F.) Yucatan: Sisal, on sandy ground (Morelet). Bulimus cucullus MORELET, Test. Noviss. i, p. 9 (1849) — PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 383 ; in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. Cab. ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 217, pi. 60, fig. 11, 12.— Bulimus (Leptomerus) cucullus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 159 (1855).— Bulimulus (Mormus} cucullus MARTENS in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 216 Bulimulus (Scutalus} cucullus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 519, pi. 20, fig. 11 ; with var. gracilior, loc. cit. p. 519, pi. 20, fig. 12. The var. gracilior, pi. 1, fig. 88, is probably only an extreme indi- vidual variation rather than a true variety. It measures: alt. 17, diam. scarcely 7, length of aperture 9 mill. GROUP OF D. ATTENUATUS. D. FENESTRELLUS (v. Martens). PL 2, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Shell minutely perforate, ovate-conic, thin but moderately strong ; white, with 4 or 5 broad interrupted bands composed of large square purple-brown spots : the bands rarely subcontinuous, occasionally re- duced to few spots or none by encroachment of the white streaks. DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 59 Surface glossy or dull, with inconspicuous wrinkles of growth, on the base decussated or scratched by impressed spiral lines. Spire conic, subacute, black-tipped in banded specimens. Whorls fully 6, mod- erately convex, the last ventricose. Aperture oblong-ovate, inside white with vivid chestnut spots ; outer lip acute, white-edged, not expanded ; columellar lip shortly reflexed above. Alt. 26^, diam. 14, length of aperture 14 mill. Alt. 241, diam. 12J, length of aperture 12J mill. Central Mexico : elevated plain of Mexico (Uhde); Matamoras Izu- car, Slate of Puebla (Boucard); Puebla (Berkenbusch); Patzcuaro, State of Michoacan (Hegewisch). ? Bulimus hegeivischi var. ft PFR. Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 46 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 173. — Bulimulus (Scutalus) fenestrellus MART, in Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berl., 1863, p. 541 ; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 35 (1865) (part). — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 529. — Bulimus fenestrellus PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 144. — Bulimulus fenestrellus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw-Conch. v, p. 64, pi. 5, fig. lOb ; pi. 13, fig. 5 (radula) ; pi. 14, fig. 6 A, B (anatomy). — Bulimus gealei, H. ADAMS, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 309, pi. 19, fig. 21 PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 110. — Bulimulus (Scutalus) gealei, FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit. p. 536, pi. 21, figs. 3, 3 a, b — Otostomus fenestrellus MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 214. More inflated than any form of D. attenuatus, with shorter aperture and smaller triangular columellar reflection. Var. subunicolor Martens (pi. 2, iig. 5). White, with light chestnut bands showing only in the throat. Bulimulus (Mormus} hegewischi, varr. c, d, MARTENS in Malak. Blatt. xii, pp. 28, 29 (1865). — Bulimulus (Scutalus) gealei var. ft, FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit. p. 536, pi. 21, figs.*3c, 3d — Bulimulus fenestrellus var., STREBEL, loc. cit. p. 65, pi. 5, fig. lOa. — Otostomus fenestrellus v. MARTENS Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 193 ; var. subuni- color v. MARTENS, Biol., p. 215. 'Dr. von Martens writes: The variety seems to be found in com- pany with the banded specimens. In the disposition of the bands this species bears some resemblance to Otostomus serperastrum and even to 0. emeus; but the sculpture is distinctly more coarse, the vertical strire are somewhat more wrinkled and prominent, the spiral strise are not so fine and crowded, but rather irregular and broad, 60 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. and, finally, the whole shell is more or less provided with small rounded impressions, which look as if they had been inflicted by blows from a hammer (malleated). D. ATTENUATES (Pfeiflfer). PI. 2, figs. 6-16. Shell oblong-fusiform, thin but solid ; white, with irregular purple- brown longitudinal blotched streaks, generally broken into spots ; all markings sometimes lacking. Surface glossy, with inconspicuous growth-stride and very fine, dense, shallowly engraved spiral lines throughout. Spire conic with slightly convex outlines, the apex ob- tuse. Whorls 6, the earlier ones yellowish ; last whorl oblong, tap- ering below. Aperture oblong, white or showing the markings inside ; peristome very gently expanded, white, thin ; the columellar margin reflexed above, with an impression or groove at its insertion; the columella cord-like, ivith a long fold above. Alt. 30J, diam. 12^, length of aperture 16 mill. Alt. 311, diam. 13J, length of aperture 17 mill. E.Mexico: Vera Cruz (coll. Cuming); Orizaba (Boucard, Bot- teri); Cordova, commonly, on orange-trees (Hoge, Berendt); Atoyac (H. H. Smith); Mirador (Sartorius). Bulimus attenuatus PFR., P. Z. S. 1851, p. 256; in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. Cab. ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 83, pi. 30, figs. 9, 10; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 336 (not of Mousson, 1854). — Bulimus (Liostracus) attenuatus PFR. in Malak., Blatt. ii, p. 152 (1855). — Bulimulus (Drymceus} attenuatus VOK MARTENS in Albers' Die Helic. ed. 2, p. 212 FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex. Mollusca, i. p. 491, pi. 23, figs. 1, la. — Bulimulus attenuatus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Su'ssw. -Conch, v. pp. 79-81, pi. 5, figs. 7a, b (not full-grown), 8a, b, c; pi. 13, fig. 13 (jaw); pi. 5, f. 15 (white form). — Otostomus (Drymaus) attenuatus VON MARTENS Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 192; Biol. Centr. Amer. p. 215, pi. 13, f. 15, 16 Bulimus Kefersteini PFR., in Malak. Blatt. xiii, p. 82 (I860); Novit. Conch, iii, p. 310, pi. 75, fig. 8; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 53. Specimens collected by W. M. Gabb in Costa Rica (locality not more exactly recorded) are somewhat thinner than Mexican speci- mens; see pi. 12, figs. 16, 17. Some of these shells look deceptively DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 61 like D. papyraceus, having quite the color and pattern of some forms of that Brazilian species. D. attenuatus is closely allied to D. costaricensis, but differs some- what in the pattern of coloring, and in being more elongated than the typical form of the latter species. Costa Rican specimens col- lected by Gabb practically efface this distinction, however, having the long form of attenuatus and the color-pattern of costaricensis. The spotless form (var. concolor Martens, pi. 2, fig. 14) occurs with the typically colored form. Dr. von Martens writes: The brown stripes are nearly perpendic- ular, often interrupted near the suture, and ordinarily less numerous in the last whorl than in the preceding ones ; in some specimens they are entirely wanting in the last whorl, these forming a transition to the white variety. In a few specimens the stripes become broader and look rather like those of 0. serperastrum var. paivanus ; but the shell is easily to be distinguished from that of Otostomus serperastrum by its more attenuated shape and the much thinner, conspicuously spirally-twisted columella. The apex of the shell and the inside of the aperture are in some specimens yellowish. The var. pittieri, from Costa Rica, differs in the shell being smoother and rather yel- lowish, the streaks not interrupted ; it has the aperture formed ex- actly as in typical attenuatus. Var. VARICOSUS Pfeiffer. (PI. 15, figs. '36, 37; pi. 2, figs. 9-11). A little more ventricose ; alt. 36-37, diam. 16-18, length of aperture 17-19 mill. Bulimus varicosus PFR., P. Z. S. 1851, p. 256; in Martini & Chem- nitz, Syst. Conch. -Cab. ed. 2, Bulimus, p. 83, pi. 30, figs. 7, 8; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 326 — Bulimus kefersteini var. /?, PFR. Novit. Conch, iii, pi. 76, fig. 9 — Otostomus attenuatus var. varicosus MARTENS, Biologia, p. 216, pi. 13, f. 16. Var. PITTIERI von Martens (pi. 2, fig. 16). Lightly striatulate and with scarcely noticeable spiral lines, yellow, shining, with con- tinuous, undulating widely separated streaks. Long. 30, diam. 13, apert. long. 15, diam. 8 mill. Bulimus attenuatus ANGAS, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 478 0. attenuatus v. pittieri VON MART., Biologia, p. 216, pi. 16, f. 1. S. W. Costa Rica : Alto de Mano Tigre, near Terraba, 690 metres above the sea (Pittier); Central Costa Rica: Dota, a high hill-region, south of San Jose (Gabb). 62 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. D. TRIMARIANUS (von Martens). PI. 2, figs. 17, 18. Shell riinate perforate, ovate-fusiform, rather thin, lightly striatu- late, somewhat shining ; white, usually painted with fragments of interrupted bands. Spire attenuated, rather acute, the apex pale. Whorls 7, a little convex ; suture impressed, delicately and irregu- larly crenulated, the last whorl moderately attenuated at base. Aper- ture nearly vertical, less than half the total length of the shell, oval- oblong; peristome a little thickened, narrowly expanded, white ; columellar margin nearly straight, a little thickened, reflexed, half covering the perforation (Martens). Alt. 32, diam. 14, length of aperture 14J, breadth 7 mill. Alt. 27, diam. 12, length of aperture 12J, breadth 7 mill. N.-W. Mexico: Tres Marias Islands (Forrer and Richardson). Otostomus trimarianus v. MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 216, pi. 13, f. 17 (August, 1893). " This species almost forms a connecting link between Otostomus attenuatus, 0. serperastrum and 0. pallidior Sow. the latter from the Peninsula of Lower California ; it resembles 0. attenuatus but has not its thread-like, twisted, columellar margin. From 0. pallidior it is distinguished by the less conical, in the last whorl much more oblong, form, the thinner shell, and the narrower aperture ; from 0. serperastrum also by the general shape of the shell. Some specimens are entirely white; others' have more or less distinct traces of pale brown spots on the penultimate whorl arranged in four spiral rows, corresponding in position to those of 0. serperastrum (the fifth and sixth being covered by the following whorl) but they do not extend over more than half the whorl in the spiral direction " (Martens.) D. HEPATOSTOMUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 2, figs. 23-27. Shell perforate, subfusiform-oblong, rather solid, smoothish ; white, marked sparsely with brown streaks. Spire conic, rather acute ; suture subnaargined. Whorls 6, moderately convex, the last a little longer than the spire, somewhat tapering at base. Columella verti- cal, straightened. Aperture scarcely oblique, oblong, liver-colored inside, glossy ; peristome white, the right margin narrowly expanded, columellar margin flat, broadly reflexed. Alt. 32, diam. 13, length of aperture 17 mill. (Pfr.) S. Mexico: Tepanistlahuaca (Boucard); Juquila, State of Oaxaca (Hoge). DRYALEDS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 63 Bulimus hepatostomus PFR. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 23, pi. 3, fig. 4; Malak. Blatt. viii, p. 13 (1861); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 43. — Bulimulus (Drymaus) hepatostomus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mol- lusca, i, p. 493, pi. 21, fig. 2, 2a. — Otostomus hepatostomus MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. Moll., p. 217, pi. 13, f. 18-20. " Nearly allied to 0. attenuates, but less attenuated, also somewhat variable in form. The brownish hue of the inside of the aperture is in some specimens very distinct, in others scarcely to be seen. On the outside of the second half of the last whorl the shell becomes in some examples rather wrinkled." (Martens.) D. COSTARICENSIS (Pfeiffer). PI. 2, figs. 19, 20 (21, 22). Shell perforate, ovate-fusiform, rather solid, irregularly striate, whitish, painted with interrupted or serrate streaks of buff and light red. Spire conic, the apex rather acute, corneous. Whorls 5, scarcely convex, the last three-fifths the total length of the shell, more inflated, having a prominent varix in the middle, tapering at base; columella compressed, thread like, slightly twisted. Aperture sub- vertical, oblong-oval; peristome simple, narrowly expanded. Alt. 23, diam. 11, length of aperture 14J mill. (Pfr.) Alt. 31J, diam. 18J, length of aperture 16 mill. (Martens.) Central Costa Rica: San Jose (Pittier and Biolley) ; San Fran- cisco de los Rios, near San Jose, on hedges (Pittier) ; Alajuela, at an elevation of 900-1000 metres above the sea (Orqsco) ; Cartago and Navarro (Boucard) ; elevated plain of Costa Rica (Hoffmann). Bulimus costaricensis PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ix, p. 153 (1862) ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 47 ; Novit. Conch, iii, p. 419, pi. 95, figs. 11, 12.— ANGAS, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 478.— Bulimulus (Drymaus) costaricensis PAETEL, Catalog, p. 100 — Otostomus costaricensis MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. p. 217. — Bulimus navarrensis ANGAS, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 73, pi. 5, figs. 15, 16. " Very near Otostomus attenuatus and 0. hepatostomus, but less attenuated, and with the stripes more interrupted, appearing in the upper whorls rather like interrupted spiral bands. Rather variable in size and proportional breadth : see the measurements given under the description above. Most of the specimens I have seen are some- what more elongated and less ventricose than Pfeiffer's original type ; but there are many gradations in this respect. " Dr. Pfeiffer received his specimen of this species from Dr. von der 64 DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Busch, in Bremen, with the statement that it came from Costa Rica. The Berlin Museum received examples of it many years ago from Mr. Carmiol, who travelled in Costa Rica, but he could not give the locality more definitely. Dr. Gabb has also reported it from the same country, without nearer indication." (Martens.*). The specimens collected by Gabb are intermediate between costa- ricensis and attenuatus, but in my opinion referable to the latter. See pi. 12, figs. 16, 17. B. navarrensis Angas (pi. 2, figs. 21, 22) is referred to costaricensis as a synonym by Dr. von Martens. D. PLUVIALIS (Pfeiffer). PI. 3, figs. 28, 29. Shell subperforate, oblong-turrited, rather solid, rudely rugose- striate ; whitish, painted with linear rufous streaks which are zigzag on the penultimate whorl. Spire elevated-conic, the apex rather acute, buff; whorls nearly 6, a little convex, the last a little shorter than the spire, obsoletely subcompressed at base. Columella arcuate, thread-like. Aperture little oblique, elliptical ; peristome simple, unexpanded, the columellar margin narrowly reflexed. Alt. 22, diam. 9J, length of aperture 11^ mill. (Pfr.) Costa Rica (von d. Busch). Bulimus pluvialis PFR., in Malak. Bl. ix, 1862, p. 153; Monogr. vi, p. 115; Novit. Conch, iii, p. 423, pi. 96, f. 5, 6. — Otostomus plu- vialis MARTENS, Biologia Centr. Amer., p. 218. Differs from D. costaricensis in the peristome not being expanded and in the more numerous linear brownish streaks. D. BUGABENSIS (von Martens). PI. 3, figs. 34, 35. Shell subimperforate, oblong-fusiform, rather thin, lightly striatu- late, shining, yellow, painted with rather wide black, flexuous streaks, mostly short above. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, colored like the shell or whitish. Whorl 6, a little convex, the last perceptibly attenuated at base. Aperture half the length of the shell? subperpendicular, ovate-oblong, colored within like the outside ; per- istome slightly expanded, the columellar margin somewhat thickened, distinctly twisted. Alt. 27, diam. 11, length of aperture 7^? mill, (Mart.). S. Panama : Bugaba, Department of Chiriqui, at an elevation of 1000 ft. (Champion). DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 65 Otostomus bugabensis von MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 218, pi. 13, f. 21, 21a (Sept., 1893). The two specimens obtained have the aperture damaged, but I cannot refer them to any known species (Martens}. D. SARGI (Crosse & Fischer). PI. 3, figs. 30, 31, 32, 33. Shell scarcely rimate, oblong-ovate, thin, a little shining, nearly smooth, with rather distant, obsoletely rugulose, scarcely percepti- ble striae; dull whitish, painted with transversely interrupted dark blackish-brown streaks and spirally-arranged series of spots. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, suture somewhat irregularly impressed. Whorls 5-J, moderately convex, the embryonal first 1J smooth, livid brownish white ; the last whorl a little longer than the spire (as 12:10), inconspicuously submargined at the suture, painted with twice interrupted longitudinal streaks and three spiral series of spots, sometimes confluent, lost on the base and toward the lip. Aperture acuminate-ovate, dull whitish inside, showing the bands and spots through ; peristome simple, whitish, the margins joined by a very thin callus ; columellar margin twisted inside, outwardly dilated, almost completely closing the umbilical chink ; basal and outer mar- gins a trifle expanded. Alt. 22, diam. 10, length of aperture scarcely 12 mill. ( C. $ F.} Northern Guatemala: Tamahu (Sarg). Bulimulus sargi CROSSE & FISCH., in Journ. de Conch., xxiii, p. 52 (1875). — Bulimulus (Scutahu) sargi FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 534, pi. 24, fig. 6, 6a. — Bulimus sargi PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent., viii, p. 59. — Otostomus sargi MAR- TENS, Biologia, p. 218, with var. motagua, pi. 14, f. 2, 2a. " Distinct from its allies by the smaller size, and the dark, almost completely black, stripes on a white ground " {Mart.} Var. motagucK Martens (pi. 3, figs. 32, 33). Smaller, the streaks more distinct, straight, wanting on the upper whorls. Alt. 19-21^, diam. 8J, length of aperture 11 mill. (Mart.) Central Guatemala: Valley of the Rio Motagua (Stoll). D. DROUETI (Pfeiffer). PI. 3, figs. 36-43. Shell nearly covered perforate, ovate conic, thin, rugulose-striate (very obsoletely decussated with spiral striae); pale straw-colored, typically marked with five reddish-chestnut interrupted bands formed 5 66 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. by the transverse coalescence of blotches on longitudinal streaks, but varying considerably in development of bands or streaks; spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, slightly convex, the last slightly longer than the spire. Aperture oblique, ovate; peristome thin, a trifle expanded, the col- umellar margin dilated above, abruptly reflexed; columella narrow. Alt. 24, diam. 10J, length of aperture 13 mill. E. Mexico : Pacho, Molina de Pedreguera, Coatepec, Chirimoyo, all near Jalapa, and Barranca de Mahuistlan, and San Jose Miahu- atlan (Strebel); Jalapa (Hoge); Mirador (Berendt); Orizaba (Bot- teri, Salle); Cordova (type locality, Salle, Hoge); Plantation Toxpa (Tospan)^ near Cordova (Berendt), Atoyac (Hoge). Bulimus droueti PFR., P. Z. S., 1856, p. 319, pi. 35, f. 12; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 399. — Bulimulus (Scutalus) droueti FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i. p. 533, pi. 23, figs. 9, 9a, b. — Bulimulus droueti STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.- Conch. iv, pi. 6, fig. 13 ; v, p. 77, pi. 6, fig. 6. (young); pi. 12, figs. 7a, b, c — Bulimus sporlederi PFR., Malak. Blatt. xiii, p. 83 (1866); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 112 — Bulimulus (Scutalus) sporlederi FISCH & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 535, pi. 21, figs. 5, 5a — Bulimulus sporlederi STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. iv, pi. 6, fig. 12 ; v, p. 78, pi. 12, fig. 9 ; pi. 13, fig. 10 (radula); pi. 14, fig. 18 A, B, C (anatomy) — Otostomus (Scutalus) sporlederi v. MART., Conch. Mittheil. ii. p. 193 — Otostomus droueti v. MART., Biologia, p. 218. The coloration described above is that of Pfeiffer's type, the spe- cimen used being from Mirador, which is also the type locality of sporlederi. Dr. von Martens enumerates the following color-forms. a: (Typical form, pi. 3, figs. 36, 37, 38, 43). Streaks and spiral bands in combination. (Pfr. P. Z. S., 1856, pi. 35, fig. 12 : Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit. pi. 23, figs. 9, 9a; Strebel, loc. cit. iv, pi. 6, fig. 13; v, pi. 12, fig. U.) 1): Streaks rather numerous and wavy. (Strebel, loc. cit. iv, pi. 6, fig. 12; v, pi. 12, figs. 7«, 7c.) c: (Var. sporlederi, pi. 3, figs. 40, 41, 42). Streaks fewer, straight, oblique (Fischer & Crosse, loc. cit. pi. 23, fig. 95, droueti, var. y.) " The vars. a and b have been procured together at Cordova by Herr Hoge, the var. b only at Atoyac by the same collector. The DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 67 var. d is only known from Orizaba. The var. c (sporlederi) is per- haps also distinguished by somewhat more flattened whorls, but in this respect there is also much variation in vars. a and b. Pfeiffer has placed his Bulimus sporlederi far apart from B. droueti in another sub-division, because his specimen was not full-grown and had there- fore the peristome quite straight, whereas in adult specimens it is a little expanded, though always very thin." D. INGLORIUS (Reeve). PL 3, figs. 44-52. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, rather solid. Striate, obsoletely gran- ulated by impressed spiral lines ; dull white, painted with narrow, brown, white-dotted streaks. Spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 5^, a little convex, the last slightly exceeding the spire in length, rounded at base. Columella somewhat straightened. .Aperture lit- tle oblique, oblong-oval ; peristome simple, unexpanded, the col- umellar margin dilated above, vaulted, reflexed. Alt. 26, diam. 12, length of aperture 14 mill. (Pfr.). S. Mexico : Juquila, State of Oaxaca (Ho'ge). Bulimus inglorius REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus^ pi. 55, fig. 368 (1848).— PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 419. Bulimus (Mesembrinus) inglorius PFR., Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 159 (1855) — Otostomus inglorius MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 219. The typical form (pi. 3, fig 46) u has only a few scattered brown stripes, ornamented by white dots ; but the var. heynemanni is very richly painted with broad black stripes on a ground which is whitish on the upper whorls and becomes more and more ochraceous-yellow towards the lower half of the last whorl. The stripes often include small pure white round spots, or are jagged on the side towards the aperture, sometimes projecting two or three branches in that direc- tion, which, if they are repeated in the following stripes, may form three broad interrupted spiral bands. All the stripes break off at the same distance from the umbilicus. Inside the aperture the black stripes are quite as conspicuous as on the outside. In Dr. Pfeiffer's monograph, Bulimus heynemanni Pfr., and B. inglorius Reeve, are somewhat widely separated, the former in § 49, u subperforati vel obtecte perforati," and the latter in § 54, " perforati vel umbilicati." The umbilicus is always minute, but in some specimens cleft-like, oblong ; in others from the same locality, similar in all other respects, it is nearly circular. Strebel has already suggested the identity of 68 DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. B. heynemanni and B. inglorius, and after having examined a con- siderable number of specimens collected by Herr Hoge, I quite agree with him." (Martens.) Var. heynemanni (Pfr.). PL 3, figs. 44, 45, 47-52. Boldly marked with wide, irregular black-brown stripes. E.Mexico: Orizaba (Botteri). Central Mexico : Tecomavaca^m the State of Puebla, S. E. of Tehuacan, Cactus- and Mimosa-region (Hoge). S. Mexico : Cerro de San Antonio de la Cal, in the State of Oaxaca, on shrubs (Boucard); Tlacolula, in the same State, copi- ously (Hoge). Bulimus heynemanni PFR., Malak. Blatt., xiii, p. 83 (1866) ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent., vi, p. 110; Novit. Conch., iii, p. 423, pi. 96, fig. 3, 4 — Bulimulus (Scutalus) heynemanni FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 527. — Bulimulus heynemanni STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw. Conch, v, p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 7 — Buli- mulus (Scutalus) inglorius FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit., p. 538, pi. 21, fig. 9, 9a (not of Reeve). — 0. inglorious var. heynemanni MAR- TENS, Biologia, p. 220, pi. 14, f. 1, la, 4, 4a. GROUP OF D. TRIPICTUS. D. IRAZUENSIS (Angas). PI. 6, figs. 16-20, 24, 25. Shell somewhat elongately ovate, rimate, moderately thin, longi- tudinally irregularly striated, shining, more or less longitudinally striped or freckled with black, and ornamented with numerous small white spots ; whorls 6, rather convex. Spire a little shorter than the aperture. Aperture oblong-ovate; lip thin, simple, tinged inside with rose color. Alt. 25, diam. 12J mill. (Angas.) Central Costa Rica : Volcan de Irazu, on low aromatic bushes on the eastern slope (Boucard); Tierra Blanca, on the southern slope of the Volcan de Irazu, at an elevation of 1800 metres above the sea (Biolley). Bulimus irazuensis ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1878, p. 73, pi. 5, fig. 17-20. — Otostomus irazuensis VON MART., Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 224, pi. 14, f. 12, 12a, 13, 13a. The following principal color-patterns occur : a. More or less numerous zigzag stripes (figs. 17, 18). b. Pale brown, sprinkled with white dots (figs. 16, 24, 25). c. Three rather wide brown, white-spotted bands (figs. 19, 20). DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 69 " The varieties a and b have been procured in company, together with specimens approaching to c (see fig. 16), both by Boucard and Biolley, on the slopes of the Volcan de Irazu. Of var. c, I know of only one specimen, here figured, found among those collected by Van Patten : in one of his examples the peristome is slightly ex- panded. " This species agrees with 0. tripictus in having a rose-colored, simple peristome, but differs from it in the more elongate form and the rougher sculpture of the shell, also in the style of painting." (Martens.') D. TRIPICTUS (Albers). PI. 6, figs. 12, 13, 14, 15. Shell very narrowly perforate, ovate, ventricose, thin ; white or yellowish-white, with three to five brown girdles elaborately figured with white, or reduced to bands of arrow-shaped spots ; sometimes band less, longitudinally streaked and more or less variegated with ob- lique, zigzag whitish lines. Surface glossy, striatulate, without spiral striae. Spire short, conic, the apex obtuse, with typical Drymczus sculpture. Whorls 4f, rather convex, the last ventricose. Aperture large, oblique ; peristome thin, not expanded, bordered inside and out with pink ; columella pink, slender, subvertical, more or less concave, the edge shortly reflexed above. Alt. 20, diam. 13, length of aperture 12^ mill. Alt. 17, diam. 11, length of aperture 10^ mill. Costa Rica (Coll. Mousson, Carmiol, Gabb). Bulimus tripictus ALBERS, in Malak. Blatt. iii, p. 97 (1857) — PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 468. — VON MARTENS, in Jahr- biicher d. deutschen Malak. Ges., iii, p. 256 ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 478. — Otostomus tripictus MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 225, pi. 14, f. 11, lla (var. hoffmanni). — Bulimulus rhodotrema, VON MART., in Malak. Blatt. xv, p. 156 (1868); see also Jahrb. d. M. Gesell. iii, p. 256 (1876). — Bulimus rhodotrema PFR., Novit. Conch, iii, p. 463, pi. 101, fig. 10, 11; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. viii, p. 146. Easily recognized by its globose form, roseate peristome and the complicated pattern of the bands, which are cut into spots ,or figures of very irregular and various shapes by oblique or zigzag lines or dots, in endless variety of design. Often the bands, typically five in num- ber, are reduced to three by loss of the upper and lower ones, or their coalescence with the adjacent bands ; and sometimes they are re- 70 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. duced to simple rows of spots (fig. 12). In other specimens, bands are wanting; inconspicuous or distinct corneous-brown streaks, with more or less zigzag white lineolation composing the pattern (fig. 13). The apex may be either roseate or pale, in perfectly preserved shells. Var. hoffmanni Martens. PL 6, figs. 5, 6. More slender, the upper and lower bands simple, the middle band only being maculated. Alt. 19, diam. 9J, aperture 10 J mill. Central Costa Rica: Woods of San Lorenzo de Dota, 1300 metres above the sea (Pittier). S. W. Costa Rica: Heredia, on trees (Carl Hoffmann, 1856). D GABBI (Angas). PL 6, figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Shell imperforate or subperforate, obliquely ovate, obese, thin but rather solid ; white or light greenish-yellow, unicolored, or pale fleshy with scattered white dots and several spiral bands composed of irregular brown spots. Surface very glossy, smooth, with slight growth-lines but no spiral sculpture. Spire short, conic, the apex with typical Drymteus sculpture ; whorls 4^-4f , slightly convex, the last large, oblique, flattened above on its latter portion, inflated at the periphery. Aperture ovate, oblique, whitish within ; peristome thickened within, a little expanded, rose colored ; columellar margin narrowly reflexed above ; columella narrow, concave ; parietal wall deep rose-colored. Alt. 22, diam. 14, length of aperture 12 mill. Alt. 15, diam. 11^, length of aperture 8^ mill. Central Costa Rica, upon the flank of Pico Blanco, alt. 3000-6000 ft., on the ground (Gabb); N.-E. Costa Rica at La Paz, on the road to the Rio Sarapiqui (Biollev). Bulimus gabbi ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 477, pi. 40, f. 3, 3a. Not Bulimulus gabbi Crosse & Fischer, 1872, see p. 147 — Otostomus angasi v. MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 207 (August, 1893). — Bulimulus irazuensis BINNEY, Ann. New York Acad. i, p. 262, pi. 11, fig. 1 (radula, jaw) (1879) — Bulimulus gabbianus BIN- NEY, Ann. New York Acad. iii, p. 124, pi. 12, f. L (jaw, teeth). A very distinct and peculiar species, slightly resembling D. castus in the pink peristome, but much more closely allied to D. tripictus Alb., in form, absence of spiral sculpture, and in the color pattern. The peculiar oblique compression of the last whorl, most conspicuous as seen from behind, is a characteristic feature. DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 71 Von Martens changes the name to angasi on account of the prior Bulimalus gabbi of Crosse & Fischer ; but the latter was described as a Bulimnlus, not as a Bulimus ; and as the present species is not a Bulimulus, and was not described as such, I fail to see that there is any conflict of names. Binney has figured the radula under the names B. irazuensis and B. gabbianus. It has typical Drymcem dentition. GROUP OF D. TOTONACUS. D. SEMIMACULATUS Pilsbry. PI. 5, figs. 8, 9. See vol. xi, p. 297. Described from Colombia, but specimens col- lected in Nicaragua by Gabb agree exactly with the types. The locality, " San Nicolas, Central Nicaragua," given on the authority of Tate (Amer. Journ. Conch., 1870, p. 156), should be deleted, Tate's specimens, some of which are before me, proving to be typical D. dominions. D. TOTONACUS (Strebel). PL 5, figs. 11, 12, 13. Shell thin though pretty solid, somewhat glossy, and rather trans- lucent ; bluish- or milk-white, sometimes with occasional transparent growth striae, but always with widely-separated, small, triangular or rounded chestnut-brown spots, which are regularly placed in the line of growth-striae, but more obviously along the spiral direction, forming five narrow bands represented by these spots, more distinct on the upper whorls where the spots are more closely placed. Sculpture of in- conspicuous, fine longitudinal wrinkles with some coarser ones inter- mingled, decussated by fine and close, sharply-engraved, short-waved spiral lines, which are often interrupted and in places disappear on the last whorl. Whorls 5|-6|, rather convex, the last somewhat ventricose (in young shells weakly keeled). Peristome generally expanded, the columellar margin narrowly reflexed above. Alt. 34.6, diam. 13.4, length of aperture, 11.7 mill. Alt. 28, diam. 11.2, length of aperture 8.6 mill. E. Mexico : Rancho de Quilate, near Misantla (Dona Estefania, Hoge); Agua Caliente, also near Misantla (Dona Estefania). Bulimulus totonacus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.- Conch. v, p. 84, pi. 5, fig. 13, 13a (shell); pi. 13, fig. 11, A. H. (radula); pi. 14, ng. 9 A-F, and 10 E (anatomy). — Otostomus (Mor- mus) totonacus MART., Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 193 ; Biologia, p. 221. 72 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. '* This fine species is distinguished by its thin pure white shell, with not very numerous round brown spots ; these are arranged on the last whorl in four spiral rows, on the preceding whorl in three, in the one before that in two rows, those of the second row being often a little larger than the others. The spots are placed rather distant one from the other, and they can also be regarded as being arranged in vertical rows, forming interrupted stripes from the suture towards the umbilicus, but this arrangement is not so regular as the spiral one. The spiral* striae of the shell are exceedingly fine. The aper- ture is pure white, the peristome very slightly reflected. "The average length of the shell is 28-30 mill.; but one figured by Strebel (fig. 12) attains even 34^ mill., and one reported by Herr Hoge, from Mexico, the locality of which is not especially stated, is only 24 mill. long. The breadth of the shell is equal to the length of the aperture and to about half the length of the whole shell." (Martens.) The only species closely allied to this is D. dormant, but in that the spire is more conic. The name totonacus is derived from the name of the tribe of the Totonacs, that dwell in the district of Mis- antla. D. DOMINICUS Reeve. (See p. 3.) Callejon de la Zamora, near Vera Cruz (Strebel); Mirador and Tabasco (Berendt); Chiapas (Ghiesbreght); Labna, Yucatan (Heil- prin Exped.); San Nicolas, central Nicaragua (Tate). D. ALBOSTRIATUS (Strebel). PI. 12, figs. 25, 26. In most respects so similar to D. dominicus that only its differen- tial characters need be stated. The shell is only slightly shining, light horn-color, and has separated, rather wide, whitish growth- streaks shading out on both sides. Apex brownish horn-color; be- tween the 2d and 4th whorls three narrow dark brown bands appear, mostly interrupted and crossed by brown longitudinal streaks, form- ing an irregular marking quite similar to that of B. heterogeneus. The sculpture does not differ, and of the structure and form of the whorls it is only to be said that the basal half of the last whorl is sometimes darker colored. There is on the inner margin of the peri- stome a rather strongly thickened whitish streak, showing the whit- DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 73 ish streaks of the surface to be growth-periods. Columellar reflec- tion, columella and umbilical chink as in dominions. Alt. 14.2, diam. 8.4, length of aperture 5.3 mill.; whorls 5J. Alt. 13.6, diam. 8.3, length of aperture 4.8 mill.; Tehuantepec Bulimulus albostriatus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Su'ssw.- Conch. v, p. 94, pi. 6, f. 3 (1882). Based on four similar specimens received from an English dealer as an unknown species, among material from Tehauntepec, which in all probability was collected by Dr. Sumichrast. Very likely a form of dominions. D. CHAMPIONI (von Martens). PI. 5, fig. 10. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin, closely and finely spirally stri- ated, shining, diaphanous whitish. Spire conic, the apex rather ob- tuse ; whorls 6^, slightly convex, regularly increasing, with the suture white, the last whorl ventricose ; painted with a subsutural brown band becoming obsolescent in front, and some sparse brown spots. Aperture rhombic-oval, a little oblique ; peristome thin, a trifle ex- panded, the columellar margin triangularly dilated, vertical, whitish. Alt. 27, diam. 14J, length of aperture 13, width 9 mill. (Mart.). W. Guatemala: Hacienda de Las Nubes, Cerro Zunil, Pacific slope, in the vicinity of the coffee plantations, elevation about 5000 ft. (Champion.) Otostomus championi MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 222, pi. 14, f. 5 (Sept., 1893). Described from a single specimen. D. EMEUS (Say). PI. 4, figs. 52-61. "With crowded, minute, transverse striae. Inhabits Mexico. Shell conic or elongate ovate, slightly angulated on the middle of the volu- tions, and covered with minute, undulated, impressed, capillary lines; whitish, with maculated bands; suture not deeply impressed ; aper- ture shorter than the spire; labrum exteriorly simple, interiorly with a thickened submargin ; columella short, recurved ; umbilicus small, but distinct ; spire with the angulation concealed by the suture ; body whorl with the angulation almost obsolete. Length thirteen-tvventieths of an inch ; greatest breadth (parallel to the suture) three-tenths. (Say.) OF THE ^NIVERSITY 74 DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. E. Mexico: Papantla and Misantla, in woods (Deppe and Schiede); Quilate, Arroyo del Obispo, Camino de Arroyo Hondo, and Rancho de Guerrero, all near Misantla (Berendt and Strebel); Nautla, Molino de Pedreguera, Coatepec, Dos Arroyos, Pacho, and Cuauatitlan, all near Jalapa (Berendt and Strebel); Jalapa, Playa Vicente, Cordova, and Atoyac (Hoge); on the road from Vera Cruz to Mexico (Say); San R afael, Jicaltepec (Townsend.) S. E. Mexico: Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith). Bulimus emeus SAY, New Harmony Disseminator, Jan. 1, 1829, p. 26 (ed. Binney, p. 40) PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 221. — Otostomus emeus (Say) MARTENS, Biologia Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 222, pi. 14, f. 6, 6a, 8, 8a. — Bulimus mexicanus, var. p. gracilior PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 102 — Bulimus mexicanus (La- marck), REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 40, fig. 244. — Buli- mus (Liostracus) mexicanus^ var. P. gracilior MARTENS in Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 23 (1865). — Bulimus ziegleri, var. P, PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 175 — Bulimus ziegleri REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 58, fig. 389. — Bulimulus (Thaumastus) tryoni FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 565 (part.) — Bulimulus (Liostracus) alternans, var. d, FISCH. & CROSSE, loc. cit., p. 501 — Bulimus baezensis (Hidalgo), PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. viii, p. 47 (part.). — Bulimulus palpaloensis STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Sussw.-Conch. v, pp. 85-87, pi. 5, figs. 12 a-c ; pi. 13, fig. 14 (radula); pi. 15, figs. 1 A-L (anatomy); pi. 16, figs. 4, 7, 8, 11 (jaw). — Otostomus (Drymaus) palpaloensis MARTENS, Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 190 — Bulimulus sulphureus Pfr., PILSBRY, Nautilus x, p. 59 (1896). The following arrangement of color and local varieties is given by Dr. von Martens : b. hypozonus : small, a little more ventricose, peristome unex- panded, usually yellow ; bands only 1 or 2, basal, continuous. (Bu- limulus palpaloensis, var. Strebel, loc. cit. p. 85, pi. 5, figs. 12d, 16). E. Mexico : Jalapa and Cordova (Hoge, M. Trujillo). c. albivaricosus : much smaller ; nearly unicolored, with few white streaks, bands visible only on the upper whorls (figs. 56, 57). E. Mexico : Playa Vicente, dense forest, oaks prevailing (Hoge). d. membranaceus : unicolored, diaphanous whitish. (Otostomus (Mormus} membranaceus von Mart., Binnenmoll. Venez., p. 30 (speci- men from Mirador) — Bulimulus palpaloensis, var., Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 85, pi. 5, fig. 12e.) DRTM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 75 E.Mexico: Mirador (Sartorius); at one or more of the above- named localities, probably Misanila (Strebel). This is identified by von. Martens with B. membranaceus Phil., with some doubt. I consider that species as more likely to be an Andean form. See vol. xi, p. 237. B. emeus var. membranaceus is recorded by J. G. Cooper (Proc. Cal. Acad. 2d ser., p. 166) from the vicinity of Tepee, in western Mexico. This lends some color to the locality given in Monographia vi, p. 57 : " Hab. in provinciis mexicanis pacificis ;" but still I con- sider it improbable that a Drymceus of the east Mexican lowland should re-appear at Tepee. Von Martens gives the following notes on D. emeus: The varia- tions in color are fully described by Strebel ; the ground-color is either white or pale yellow, and there are ordinarily five reddish-brown bands, which are either continuous or interrupted into rows of spots, or also very pale with darker spots. The lower bands are mostly continuous. The uppermost or the two upper bands are absent in several specimens ; if also the third is wanting, we have the variety hypozonus, which, however, is ordinarily of a more ventricose form. Many young specimens show only two lower bands. The two and a half upper whorls are finely cancellated. " Strebel states that this species is often found on a shrub called ' huichin,' which bears umbels of 40-50 yellow flowers (capitula?) and belongs to the natural order Compositse ; the botanical name of this plant he could not ascertain. Palpalo is the name of a river in the district of Misantla. " This species has been greatly misunderstood and confounded with others, no doubt on account of its great variation in color and its peristome being so slightly expanded ; in an artificial system it might quite as well be placed among the species with simple and straight as among those with expanded peristome. From the original descrip- tion, together with the locality indicated, I have no doubt that Say's Bulimus emeus is identical with Strebel's Bulimulus palpaloensis " (Martens). For Bulimus mexicanus of Lamarck, see vol. xi, p. 291. D. TRYONI (Fischer & Crosse). PI. 3, fig. 53. Shell acuminately ovate, thin, but slightly umbilicated, whorls 6 to 7 in number, longitudinally finely striated ; coiumella reflected, lip thin, simple. Whitish encircled by three or four zones of blackish- brown (Reeve). 76 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Alt. 28, diam. 14, length of aperture 13 mill, (from fig.) N. W. Mexico : Sinaloa (Tryon). Mexico, without nearer indica- tion of locality (Reeve). Bulimus mexicanus (Lamarck), REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 40, fig. 244 — Drymceus mexicanus (Lamarck), TRYON, Am. Journ. Conch, iii, p. 168, pi. 9 (13), fig. 5 (copy from Reeve) (1867). Not B. mexicanus Lam., see vol. xi, p. 291. — Bulimulus (Thaumastus) tryoni, PISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Sclent. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 565, and v. pochutlensis, pi. 24, f. 3, 3a. — Otostomus tryoni MARTENS, Biologia, p. 232. A somewhat doubtful species, based upon Reeve's figure of "B. mexicanus" I do not know where the specimens are upon which Tryon based the locality " Cinaloa." It seems to be near 1). emeus Say. Var. POCHUTLENSIS Crosse & Fischer. PI. 3, figs. 54, 55. Encircled by brown, white and pale tawny bands ; peristome whitish-brown. Alt. 24, diam. 11^ mill. (C. & F.) W. Mexico: Pochutla, near Chilapa, in the State of Guerrero (Salle). GROUP OF D. SULPHUREUS. D. SULPHUREUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 4, figs. 65, 66, 67, 68. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin, somewhat translucent, pale sul- phur colored or (probably by exposure to light) white. Surface glossy, with slight growth striae and fine, regular engraved spiral lines. Spire lengthened-conic, apex rather obtuse. Whorls 5|-6 (6^ according to Pfr.), but slightly convex, the last convex. Aper- ture decidedly oblique, ovate; peristome slightly and narrowly ex- panded at the edge, the columellar margin shortly reflexed above, im- pressed at its insertion ; columella straight above. Alt. 29|, diam. 15, length of aperture 14^ mill. Alt. 28, diam. 14, length of aperture 13^ mill. Central Mexico : near the city of Mexico (Hahn). E. Mexico : Consolapa and Soncoantla, both near Jalapa (Strebel) ; Mirador (Strebel); Atoyac and Orizaba (Hoge); Cordova (Salle); S. E. Mex- ico: Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith). N. Guatemala: Cubilgmtz, north of Coban, in the dense forests of Vera Paz, drainage into the Rio de la Pasion (Champion); Chiacam^ near Lanquin, on the Ca- DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 77 baton River (Champion); Coban (Sarg); San Joaquin, below San Cristobal, in the valley of Rio Chisoy (Champion); Chacoj and Sen- aim, Polochic Valley (Champion); Panzos in the same valley (Con- radt and Godman). Nicaragua: La Libertad (Belt). Bulimus sulphureus PFR., P. Z. 8., 1856, p. 318, pi. 35, fig. 11; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 412 — Bulimulus (Drymaus) sulfureus vox MART., in Albers' Die Helic., edit. 2, p. 212 — Bulimulus (Dry- mceus) sulphureus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 495, pi. 23, figs. 3, 3a — Bulimulus sulphureus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Susswasser-Conch., v, p. 87, pi. 5, figs. 11 a-d ; pi. 1.3, figs. 15, 15&, 16 (radula); pi. 15, figs. 2 A-C (anatomy) Otos- tctnus (Drymceus) sulfureus VON MARTENS, Conch. Mittheil., ii, p. 192; Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 225, pi. 14, f. 14-18 Bulimus mori- candi (Pfr.), TRISTR., P. Z. S., 1861, p. 230. Dr. von Martens writes of this species thus: "Animal greenish (Berendt). Animal of var. citronellus white; tentacles very long ; arboreal (Gabb). H. Pittier found the same variety under the bark of a dead tree. " This species has been confounded sometimes with the white 0. (ffelix) liliaceus of Ferussac (antea, p. 10), from Porto Rico. Ac- cording to the specimens collected by Herr Gundlach at Quebradil- las and elsewhere in this island, 0. liliaceus differs from 0. sulphur- eus not only in its pure white, somewhat cretaceous color, but also in the more conical form of its shell, the last whorl being less attenuated beneath, more bag-like (saccatus)." As the difference is more easily explained by a drawing than by description, the figures of the Porto Rican shell should be referred to (pi. 13, figs. 90, 91, 92). "Although neither the figure in Deshayes' continuation of Fe>us- sac's Hist. Nat. Moll. Terr., pi. 142 B, fig. 11, nor that given by Fischer & Crosse (pi. 23, fig. 8), exhibits this difference very clearly, I prefer to restrict the name liliaceus to the Porto Rican shell. Fer- ussac's, fig. 14, and Fischer & Crosse's, fig. 8a, well represent 0. flavidus Menke, from Venezuela : see my essay on the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of Venezuela (Die Binnenmollusken Venezue- la's), p. 29 (1873). 0. virginalis Pfr., from Venezuela, common near Caracas, also belongs to the same group ; it is white, and nearly as slender as var. b of sulphureus, with proportionately smaller aper- ture, only two-fifths of the length of the shell. Pfeiffer (Novitates Conchologica?, iii, p. 422), mentions a variety of it from Chiapas, 78 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. distinguished by the more rounded last whorl and a rounded aperture ; I suspect this is a whitish specimen of 0. sulphureus, var. b. " The specimens of 0. virginalis examined by Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conch. v, pp. 88, 89, were from Caracas." Dr. von Martens notes the following variations : b. Whitish. (Fisch. & Crosse, 1. c. p. 496. pi. 23, f. 8). Jalapa (Hoge) ; Teapa, in Tabasco (H. H. Smith); Northern Guatemala at San Luis de Peten (Morelet), and Coban (Bocourt, Salvin). c. Var. gracilior. PI. 4, fig. 65. Length 28-29, diam. 11-12, aperture 11-13 mill. (F. & C., 1. c. p. 496, pi. 23, fig. 8a ; Strebel, 1. c., p. 88, pi. 6, fig. 5.) N. Guatemala: Senahu (Champion). W. Guatemala; Retalhulen (Stoll). S. W. Guatemala: San Agustin (Bocourt); Zapote, on the slope of the Volcan de Fuego (Champion). Nicaragua: La Liber- tad (Belt). " Our var. c, gracilior, is very near O.flavidus Menke [see vol. xi, p. 310, pi. 26, figs. 71-73; Ferussac, pi. 142 B. fig. 14; Reeve, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 45, fig. 287 (liliaceus)]; but I have not yet seen a specimen from Mexico or Central America with the deli- cate rosy hue on the lower half of the last whorl, which is so charac- teristic of this species." d. Var. citronellus: Angas (pi. 4, fig. 67), subconic, bright yellow, the suture white. Length 27, diam. 13, aperture 12 mill. (Buli- mus citronellus Angas, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 479, pi. 40, fig. 5). N.-E. Costa Rica: Puerto Viejo on the Rio Sarapiqui (Biolley). Central Costa Rica : San Jose, and La Uruca near San Jose (Biolley); Alajuela at an elevation of 900 to 1000 metres above the Sea (Orosco); Suralres, alt. 600 metres, near San Mateo (Biolley). S. W. Costa Rica: Boruca, alt. 450 metres (Pittier); Alto de Mano Tigre, 690 metres (Pittier). S. E. Costa Rica : between Urea and Liporia, on the low hills (Gabb). e. Var. obesus Mart. (pi. 4, fig. 68). Subconic, shorter, uniform whitish. Long. 26, diam. 14, apert. 13 mill. E. Mexico : Huatusco, in the State of Vera Cruz (Hille, in Bun- ker's collection). D. MORICANDI (Pfeiffer). PI. 4, figs. 62, 63, 64. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin, engraved with subcontinuous spiral lines ; subdiaphanous, citron-colored. Spire conic, rather DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 79 acute ; suture submargined with a paler tint. Whorls 6, slightly convex, the last as long as the spire ; columella straightened ; aper- ture suboblong, truncate-oval, colored within like the outside ; peri- stome simple, narrowly expanded, the columellar margin shortly re- flexed above. Alt. 24, diam. 12, length of aperture 13 mill. (Pfr.). N. Guatemala: Coban (Delattre); Vera Paz (Morelet). Bulimus moricandi PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 113; Monogr. Helic. Vivent., ii, p. 109 — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 45, fig. 283. — Bulimus (Leiostracus) moricandi PFR., in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 153 (1855). — Bulimulus (Liostracus} moricandi MART., in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 213. — Bulimulus (Drymceus') moricandi FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Seient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 497, pi. 24, figs. 9, 9«. — Otostomus moricandi VON MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. p. 227. Var. hyalino-albidus. Clear whitish. Bulimus moricandi var., Pfr., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iv, p. 398 ; Bulimulus (Drymaus) mori- candi var. Pt hyalino-albida Fisch. & Crosse, loc. cit., p. 498). S. Mexico: Chiapas (Ghiesbreght); Yucatan (F. D. Godman); E. Guatemala: Tzabal (Stoll). Evidently very close to D. sulphureus, from which its somewhat more ventricose form, larger aperture, and stouter, perhaps convexly- conic spire, may perhaps distinguish it. Specimens before me lab- elled " B. moricandi, Guatemala, Sarg," prove to be merely sulphureus. GROUP OF D. MULT1LINEATUS. D. MULTILINEATUS (Say). See page 27. D. MORITINCTUS (von Martens). PI. 6, figs. 26, 27, 28, 29. Shell rimate, ovate-oblong, rather thin, irregularly striatulate, shining; isabelline-whitish, with very few oblique streaks, a single rather wide peripheral band of blackish, and sparsely scattered dots of the same color. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, blackish or brown. Whorls 6, a little convex, the last slightly attenuated basally, and sometimes rose-tinted there. Aperture half the length of the shell, a little oblique, acuminate- oblong, colored within like the outside; peristome simple, not ex- panded, the columellar margin thin, lightly arcuate, shortly reflexed and appressed at the umbilical chink. Alt. 26-29, diam. 13, length of aperture 14-15 mill. (Mart.) 80 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. W. Mexico: Chilpancingo, State of Guerrero, at an altitude of 4600 ft. (H. H. Smith.) Otostomus moritinctus MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 228, pi. 14, f. 9, 10 (Sept., 1893.) A very distinct species, allied to D. livescens, but thinner, larger, with more ventricose whorls and larger aperture. One of the speci- mens before me shows scarcely any of the scattered dots mentioned above, and in another the peripheral band is only faintly indicated. The apex shows the fine grating characteristic of Drymceus. Von Martens writes: " Varies somewhat in the more or less pure whitish, yellowish or slightly reddish hue of the general coloration, in the more or less broad and dark peripheral band, in the presence, disposition, and number of the black points, which are either arrow-like or rounded, and in the presence or absence of a large brown streak near the aperture; the base of the shell near the umbilical cleft is in some examples bright rose-colored. The uppermost whorl is curiously punctured." D. LIVESCENS (Pfeiffer). PI. 4, figs. 76-81. Shell scarcely perforate, ovate-turreted, smooth, livid-whitish marked with a few brownish streaks. Spire long, acute. Whorls 7, nearly flat, the last shorter than the spire. Aperture narrow, oblong, brownish inside ; peristome simple, the columellar margin slightly revolute, covering the small perforation. Alt. 23, diam. 9, length of aperture 10, width 5 mill. (Pfr.) Central Mexico : Tehuacan (Hegewisch, Uhde); Tecomavaca, in the State of Puebla, S. E. of Tehuacan, Cactus and Mimosa region (Hoge). W. Mexico: Chilpancingo, in the State of Guerrero (H. H. Smith). Bulimus livescens PFR., Symb. Hist. Helic. ii, p. 48 (1842); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 175 — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 47, fig. 304 PHILIPPI, Abbild. neuer Conch, iii, p. 96, pi. 9, fig. 3 Bulimus (Mesembrinus] livescens ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. 1, p. 157 — PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 158 (1855).— 0rthalicus (Me- sembrinus) livescens H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157. — Bulimulus (Mesembrinus) livescens VON MART, in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 214; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 27 (1865) — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca i, p. 543 — Bulimulus livescens STREBEL, DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 81 Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 91, pi. 6, fig. 4. — Otos- tomus livescens VON MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 228, pi. 15, f. 7, 8 (var.). The original diagnosis describes the shell as streaked, no bands being mentioned ; and the locality was merely " Mexico." It seems allied to moritinctus and especially to discrepans. Von Martens enumerates the following color-forms : a. Brown bands and streaks distinct. b. Bands and interstitial streaks paler. c. Three bands, no streaks (fig. 79). d. Upper band narrow, lower a little wider, a series of spots be- tween (fig. 78). e. Two basal bands (figs. 80, 81). f. Subunicolored whitish, with a few streaks (typical form). D. DISCREPANS (Sowerby). PI. 12, figs. 18, 19. Shell subperforate, oblong-ovate, thin ; whitish, with few or num- erous narrow, brown, obliquely-longitudinal streaks, interrupted at the periphery by a narrow white spiral band, below which there is a faint or distinct, wide corneous band upon which the streaks reappear, suc- ceeded by a wide whitish band ; a very narrow umbilical area being defined by a narrow brown band. Surface shining, smooth, under a strong lens showing slight growth-striae and faint, fine, dense spiral lines. Spire conic, the apex obtuse, with typical Drymaus sculpture. Whorls nearly 6, moderately convex. Aperture less than half the shell's length, ovate, striped inside, oblique ; peristome thin and not expanded ; columellar margin nar- rowly reflexed at the perforation, which it nearly closes. Alt. 18, diam. 9, length of aperture 8 mill. Alt. 17, diam. 8, length of aperture 1\ mill. Central Guatemala: Salama (Morelet); San Geronimo near Salama (Champion). E. Guatemala: Zacapa, on Cereus sp. (Stoll). Sal- vador: Conchagua, under the bark of trees (Cuming; type locality). Central Nicaragua : Granada, Masapa, San Nicolas, in the Savana region (Tate). N. W. Costa Rica: Guanacasta, in the Bay of Sali- nas, in the woods (Pittier). Bulinus discrepatis SOWERBY, P. Z. S., 1833, p. 72; Conch. II- lustr., Bulinus, fig. 52. — Bulimus (Bidimulus^) discrepans BECK, Index Moll., p. 65. — Bulimus discrepans DESHAYES, in Lamarck's 82 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Hist. Nat. des Anim. sans Vert., ed. 2, viii, p. 279 PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 176. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 23, fig. 145 — TATE, Amer. Journ. Conch, v, pp. 152, 156 (1870).— Bulimus (Mesembrinus) discrepans ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. i, p. 158 —PFR., in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 158 (1855) Orthalicus (Mesem- brinus) discrepans H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 157. — Bulimulus (Liostracus) discrepans FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 503. — Otostomus discrepans VON MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 230. Allied to D. livescens and some forms of D. multilineatus^ but thin- ner than the latter, with fewer whorls and somewhat different color- ation. Some specimens show a narrow spiral band revolving a little above the middle on the ante-penultimate and next earlier whorls. Specimens from Guenacasta examined by Dr. von Martens are smaller, measuring: Alt. 16, breadth 8, and aperture 9 mill. Sow- erby's type from Conchagua measured : Alt. 0.7, diam. 0.33 inch. D. SEMIPELLUCIDUS (Tristram). PI. 4, figs. 71, 72, 73. Shell imperforate, oblong-conic, fragile, shining, semipellucid, white, marked with sparse opaque streaks. Spire conic, acute: suture deep. Whorls 6, convex, the last a little longer than the spire, in- flated, rounded at base ; columella vertical, straightened. Aperture slightly oblique, angulate-oval ; peristome thin, the right margin very little expanded, columellar margin shortly reflexed. Alt. 18, diam. 8 mill. (Tristr.) Guatemala (Salvin). N. W. Costa Rica: Guanacasta, in the Bay of Salinas (Pittier). N. E. Costa Rica : Puerto Viejo, on the Rio Sarapiqui (Biolley). Central Costa Rica: Alajuela (Orosco). Bulimus semipellucidus TRISTRAM, P. Z. S., 1861, p. 230, pi. 26, fig. 8. — PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 22 — Bulimulus (Liostra- cus) semipellucidus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 507. — Otostomus semipellucidus MARTENS, Biologia, p. 236, pi. 15, f. 10. " I am rather inclined to think that this is an albino variety of 0. discrepans. The specimen from Guanacasta, from which our figure is taken, has a few brownish oblique stripes on the whorl before the last, whereas in all respects it agrees with the Rev. H. B. Tristram's description and figure ; but as the whorls are a little more convex than in 0. discrepans, and the umbilical cleft completely closed, I DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 83 dare not assert it positively. Tristram's figure is somewhat magni- fied, as is proved by his statement in the text, that the length of the shell is 18 mill. He gives the breadth as 8 mill.; but this is too nar- row, as by reducing the measurements of his figure we find 9J mill, as the breadth of the last whorl. Probably he has, judging from the example of Dr. Pfeiffer, measured the breadth just above the upper edge of the aperture, which is in reality the breadth of the penulti- mate whorl. This must be kept in mind when comparing my meas- urements with those given by Dr. Pfeiffer. " The Costa Rica specimens have stripes only on the upper w norl- and also here less numerous than in the type." (Martens.) • D. UHDEANUS (v. Martens). PI. 15, figs. 47-53. Shell rimate, oblong-conic, rather thin, perpendicularly rather coarsely striate, showing very fine spiral lines under a lens, opaque, fleshy-straw-colored, usually ornamented with three white bands. Spire long-conic, rather acute, the apex corneous-yellow. Whorls 6, convex, the last tapering at base. Aperture oval-oblong, colored within like the outside and slightly roseate, columella a little arcuate, rose colored; peristome simple, unexpanded, the columellar margin narrowly reflexed and overhanging. Alt. 22, diam. 10, length of aperture 10 mill. (Mart.). Mexico, without nearer indication of locality ( Uhde). JE. Mexico : Aculcingo, State of Vera Cruz, south of Orizaba (Boucard). W. Mexico: Sayula, State of Jalisco (Hoge). Bulimulus (Mesembrinus) uhdeanus VON MART., in Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. BerL, 1863, p. 541 ; Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 25, pi. 1, figs. 4, 5 (1865). — PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 114 Bulimulus (Scutalus) uhdeanus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 530, pi. 21, figs. 4, 4a. — Bulimulus uhdeanus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 90, pi. 11, figs, lla, b — Otos- tomus uhdeanus MARTENS, Biologia, p. 233, pi. 15, f. 1-6 (with vars. cuernavacensis, tepecensis and borealis (Sept., 1893.) "The first one and a half whorls are unicolorous, yellow, and finely reticulated. The typical form may be described as white with fawn- colored bands, or fawn-colored with white bands ; the latter defini- tion is perhaps the best, as the fawn occupies a greater part of the surface, and is the only color present in subvar. c, and I have used it in my earlier descriptions. But if we examine the var. cuernavacen. 84 DRYM^US, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. sis, and the majority of the other species of this genus, we shall, per- haps, prefer to regard the coloration as white with fawn bands, but then we must admit that the uppermost band reaches the suture and the lowest one the umbilicus, and that the unicolorous subvariety c is produced by all the bands uniting together. The variation in the number of bands is caused by the uppermost disappearing, and by the fourth and fifth uniting into one. k' This species, as regards the shell, bears some resemblance to Bulimulus exilis Gmel. (guadelupensis Brug.), the type of the genus Bulimulus ; but having examined the radula of 0. uhdeanus, I have found that it agrees better with that of Otostomus, the median tooth being also remarkably smaller than the neighboring ones" (v. Mar- tens). The following varieties are distinguished by von Martens : A. Typical. Length 22, diam. and aperture 10 mill. a. Whitish, with 3-5 pale fulvous equal bands (figs. 49, 50). b. Whitish, with 5 pale fulvous bands spotted with brown (fig. 48.) c. Unicolored pale fulvous (fig. 47). B. Var. cuernavacensis C. & F. (pi. 15, figs. 42, 51). Larger, the bands more distinct, rather broad ; length 29, diam. 15, aperture 13 mill. Central Mexico : Cuernavaca (Boucard). E. Mexico, Orizaba and Maltrata, a little west of Orizaba (Hoge). Bulimulus (Scutalus) cuernavacensis CROSSE & FISCH., in Journ. de Conch, xxii, p. 283 (1874); FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca i, p. 532, pi. 23, fig. 11, lla (young?) — Bulimus cuernavacensis PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. viii, p. 152. — Bulimulus cuernavacensis STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch. v, p. 65, pi. 12, fig. 17. 0. Var. tepecensis Martens (pi. 15, fig. 52). Smaller, upper whorls banded, median ones maculated, the last pale, with one wide weak band on the base. Alt. 18, diam. 9, aperture 8-| mill. West Mexico: Tepee, State of Jalisco (Hoge). D. Var. borealis Martens (pi. 15, fig. 53). Smallest, grayish-white, above with 1-3 series of spots, beneath with one wide pale band. Alt. 15, diam. 8, aperture 7 mill. N.- W. Mexico : Ventanas, State of Durango, at 2000 ft. elevation. (Forrer.) DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 85 D. HETEROGENEUS (Pfeiffer). PL 12, figs. 22, 23. Shell subperforate, ovate-turreted, thin, striatulate, decussated with microscopic spiral lines, slightly shining, whitish-corneous. Spire elevated conic, the apex rather acute, suture impressed, simple. Whorls 6^, a little convex, the apical unicolored, following with chestnut lines and dots, last two painted with pale corneous streaks, on the penultimate whorl irregularly spotted ; last whorl about ^ the total length, rounded at base. Columella receding. Aperture ob- lique, angulate lunar ; peristome simple, the right margin a trifle expanded, columellar margin dilated above, overhanging, subap- pressed. Alt. 17, diam. 7-|, length of aperture 8 mill. (Pfr.) W. Mexico: Tepee, State of Jalisco (Hoge). E. Mexico: Mirador, Pala Gacho, on the road from Vera Cruz to Jalapa, and Rinconada near the same place (Strebel); Vera Cruz (Berendt, type locality). Bulimus heterogeneus PFR. in Malak. Blatt. viii, p. 118 (1866); Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 118. — Bulimulus (Liostracus) hetero- geneus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca i, p. 506.— Bulimulus heterogeneus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.- Conch. iv, pi. 6, fig. 18 a, b; v, p. 92. — Otostomus heterogeneus MAR- TENS. Biologia, p. 235. " The species approaches 0. livescens, as Strebel has already stated, and 0. discrepans. From 0. livescens it differs in the somewhat more convex whorls, the less tapering spire, the more yellowish hue of the white color, the subangular last whorl, and the very slight turning out of the apertural margin ; the last mentioned character proves it to be adult, although the shell has one whorl less than that of 0. livescens. The stripes are pale brown, disposed at unequal in- tervals, and very variable ; they are seen chiefly on the whorl before the last, sometimes also on the last, while on the other whorls spiral rows of spots, or even bands, also pale, however, predominate. On account of some of the whorls being differently painted to the others, Dr. Pfeiffer seems to have used the name "heterogeneus" which at first leads one to suppose that the species possesses much more pecul- iar and unusual characters " (v. Martens). D. TROPICALIS (Morelet). PI. 6, figs. 21, 22, 23. Shell sinistral, perforate, long ovate-conic; moderately solid ; white with two or three pink or pinkish-brown spiral bands, the tip of the 86 DRYMJEUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. apex of the same color. Surface somewhat shining, smooth, showing fine, superficially engraved spiral lines under a strong lens. Spire high, straight-sided, the apex obtuse, with typical Drymceus sculpture. Whorls 6^-7, but slightly convex. Aperture small, ovate, typically showing the bands inside; peri- stome acute, thin, unexpanded ; columellar lip triangularly reflexed above ; columella straight. Alt. 28, diam. 12, length of aperture 12 mill. Alt. 21J, diam. 10, length of aperture 9 mill. Yucatan: Campeche, on the shore (Morelet); Tabi, S. of Merida, in the interior (F. D. Godman, Febr., 1888); Ruins of Labna (Heil- prin Exped.). Bulimus tropicalis MORELET, Test. Noviss. i, p. 9 (1849). — PFR., in Martini & Chemnitz, Syst. Conch. -Cab., ed. 2, Bulimus* p. 198, pi. 55, figs. 5, 6 ; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. iii, p. 424. — Bulimus (Pyrgus) tropicalis PFR., in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 159 (1855) — Bui- imulus (Liostraeus) tropicalis FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 504, pi. 20, figs. 7, 8 — Bulimulus tropicalis STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch., v, p. 95. — PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1891, p. 315. — Otostomus tropicalis MAR- TENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 233. The specimens collected by Morelet (pi. 6, figs. 21, 22) have three brownish-red bands on the last whorl, and are 27 to 28 mill, long, with 7 wrhorls. Those taken at Labna by the expedition from the Academy (fig. 23) are smaller, 21-22 mill, long, with the bands pink, the upper two almost obsolete, and with a pink band just behind the columella, which is somewhat stained with the same tint. The young are a little keeled and the bands are more brown. This is the only sinistral species of Drymaus known. GROUP OF D. ALTERNANS. D. ALTERNANS (Beck). PI. 15, figs. 38, 39, 40. Shell narrowly perforate, ovate-conic, thin but moderately solid ; white or faintly buff-tinted with five spiral brown bands ; the upper one narrow, bordering the white-edged suture, the fifth forming a rather large umbilical patch. Surface glassy, smooth, with slight growth wrinkles and close, fine, engraved spiral striae, in some speci- mens subobsolete in places. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, having typical Drymseus sculpture. Whorls 5^, moderately convex. DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 87 Aperture ovate, banded inside, oblique ; peristome thin, not ex- panded, the columellar margin. triangularly reflexed above ; columella straight or with a low convex fold above. Alt. 20, diam. 11, length of aperture 9-10 mill. JV. Guatemala: Panzos (Conradt). Central Guatemala: San Geronimo, near Salama (Champion); vicinity of Guatemala City (Stoll). Central Costa Rica: San Jose (Pittier); La Uruca, near San Jose, at an elevation of 100 metres above the sea, under dry leaves (Biolley); Alajuela (Orosco). S.Panama: hla del Rey (San Miguel) in the Pearl Islands, and Taboga Island* both in the Bay of Panama (coll. Cuming). Bulinus vexillum BRODERIP, P. Z. S., 1832, p. 105. — SOWERBY, Conch. Illustr., Bulinus, fig. 26. — Bulimus vexillum DESHAYES, in Lamarck, Hist, des Anim. sans Vert., ed. 2, viii, p. 272. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 23, fig. 152 (not of Wood, 1828). — Bulimus (Bidimtdus) alternans BECK, Index Moll. p. 65 (1837) Bulimus alternans PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 207. — Bulimus (Leptomerus) alternans ALBERS, Die Helic. ed. 1, p. 166. — PFR., in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 160 (1855) — Orthalicus (Leptomerus} alternans H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 156. — Bulimulus (Liostracus) alternans v. MART., in Albers' Die Helic., ed. 2, p. 213 BINNEY, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., x, p. 305 (jaw and radula) — FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i. p. 500, pi. 23, fig. 5. — O. STOLL, Guatem. Reisen. p. 33. — Liostracus alternans W. G. BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 122 (jaw and radula) B* alternatus FORBES, P. Z. S., 1850, p. 54 (not of Say). More allied to the thin, banded species of Colombia, Trinidad, etc., than to any of the preceding Mexican species. The number of bands is constantly five, in the series before me, but they vary in width. Usually the fourth band is wider than those above, and the second band narrow ; but in some shells the second band is wide, and the third reduced. Von Martens writes : "• Dr. O. Stoll has observed this species upon a shrub, Baccharis salicifolia, in company with 0. jonasi but much less frequent. Dur- ing the dry season it conceals itself beneath stones and amongst the roots of the above-mentioned shrub, more rarely on its branches, and closes the aperture with a thin transparent epiphragma ; in this state it often becomes the prey of the rapacious Glandina aurata, which does not ascend the shrubs. He mentions also that full-grown spe- 8 DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. cimens are comparatively rare. An unusually large specimen — long. 28, diam. 14, apert. 11 mill. — found at Panzos (Conradt), has been sent to me by Prof. Hausknect of Weimar ; its bands are very dark, nearly black, the shell thus approaching 0. nigro-fasciatus Pfr., from Colombia [vol. xi, p. 307, pi. 50, figs. 98, 99], but differs from it in the distinct spiral striation and the comparatively narrower bands." Var. JUQUILENSIS Martens (fig. 40). Bands narrower. Length 19^, diam. 9-10 mill. S. Mexico: Juguifa, in the State of Oaxaca (Boucard) ; Oaxaca (Uhde). N.Guatemala: Vera Paz (Salvin). Bulimus virgulatus TRISTRAM, P. Z. S., 1863, p. 412 — Bulimus alternans var. #, PFR., Monogr. Helic. Vivent. vi, p. 131. — Bulimu- lus (Liostracus) alternans, var. /3, FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca i, p. 501, pi. 23, fig. 5a. — Otostomus (Liostracus) alternans VON MART. Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 192. — Bulimulus (Lios- tracus} mexicanus, var., VON MART., in Malak. Blatt. xii, p. 24 (1865) (ex parte). D. TRICINGULATUS (Anton). Shell oval-conic, spire nearly steeple-shaped, acute ; 7 rather flat whorls with deep suture, the last whorl two-fifths the whole length ; translucent, shining, smooth ; light yellow with three dark-brown bands on the last whorl, and two light brown ones on the others ; perforate ; aperture oval-oblong. Alt. 1 inch 1 line, diam. 6 lines. (Anton.) Saboja Ins. (Anton). Bulimus tricingulatus ANT., Verzeich. der Conch. Sammlung H. E. Anton, p. 43, no. 1566 (1839) PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 212. More lengthened than vexillum (Brod.), the last whorl more obese, somewhat shorter, and, therefore, more conic-oblong. Besides the ground-color, the slim form and delicate peristome also distinguish it from trifasciatus Brug. (Anton.) Has not been recognized by later authors. The locality is evi- dently Taboga island, in the Bay of Panama. D. HONDURASANUS (PfeifFer). PI. 15, fig. 41. Shell openly perforate, ovate-conic, smooth, shining ; yellowish- white, ornamented with three bands and an umbilical area of rose- brown. Spire conic, acute, whorls 6, a trifle convex, the last a little shorter than the spire ; columella straightened, vertical, the aperture DRYM^EUS, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. 89 oval-oblong, colored within like the outside ; peristome unexpanded, simple, the columellar margin expanding in a triangular plate. Alt. 18J, diam. 10, length of aperture 9 mill. (Pfr.) Honduras (Dyson). Bulimus Jiondurasanus PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 29; Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 209. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 59, fig. 400. — ? Bulimus honduratianus TRISTRAM, P. Z. S., 1861, p. 230. — Buli- mus (Leptomerus) Jiondurasanus PFR. in Malak Blatt. ii, p. 160 (1855). — Orthalicus (Leptomerus) hondurasanus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 156. — Bulimulus (Liostracus) Jiondurasanus FISCH. & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Mollusca, i, p. 503. — Otosto- mus honduranus VON MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. p. 232. Known to rne only by the description and Reeve's figure, and per- haps, as von Martens remarks, not separable from D. alternans. l'A very delicate, transparent, rose-tinged shell." (Rve.) D. TRANSLUCENS (Broderip). PI. 24, figs. 28, 29. Shell oblong-pyramidal, with a small umbilical chink, pale yellow- ish white, translucent, thin ; surface glossy, showing fine, irregular growth lines and some faint, almost obsolete spiral strias under the lens. Spire conic, the apex obtuse, with typical Drymceus sculpture; whorls 5, a little convex, rapidly widening, the last ventricose, (keeled in immature shells). Aperture ovater large, about half the length of the shell ; outer lip thin, unexpanded ; columella reflexed and appressed above, somewhat excised and slightly subtruncate below. Alt. 22, diam. 12.5 mill. King's and Saboga Is., Bay of Panama, (Cuming). Bulinus translucens BROD., P. Z. S., 1832, p. 31. — SOWB., Con- chol. Illustr. f. 11. — Bulimus (Bulimulus) translucens BECK, Index Moll. p. 67 — Bulimus translucens DESH., in Lam. An. s. Vert, viii, p. 265 — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 195; iii, p. 437; iv, 501; vi, 151; Con- chyl. Cab. p. 241, pi. 63, f. 27, 28.— REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 13, f. 71. — Bulimulus (Leptomerus) translucens v. MART., in Alb., Die Hel. (2), p. 222; Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 250. This species " when in fine preservation is so translucent that the internal pillar and structure of the shell may be plainly viewed through its glassy surface" (Brod.). It has hitherto been referred to Leptomerus, but the apical sculpture shows it to belong to Drymceus. 90 DRYM^US LEIOSTRACUS. Var. subfloccosus, n. v. PI. 24, figs. 26, 27. Smaller and more slender ; whorls 6 ; later whorls showing a slight irregular malleation under the lens. Translucent whitish, with more or less opaque white strigation, and often some scattered dots; sev- eral post-nepionic whorls densely spirally striated. Alt. 19, diam. 9, length of aperture 8-J mill. (Nicaragua). - Alt. 15J, diam. 7J, length of aperture 6J mill. (Honduras). Nicaragua (Bridges); Honduras (Hjalmarson). D. PANAMENSIS (Broderip). PI. 24, fig. 30. Shell ovate-fusiform, somewhat glossy, diaphanous, pale fulvous. Whorls 6, subventricose ; lip slightly subreflexed. Alt. 1, diam. ± inch (Brod.). Isla del Rey (San Miguel}, one of the Pearl Islands, and Taboga Island, both in the Bay of Panama, on the trunks of large trees (Cuming). Balinus panamensis BRODERIP, P. Z. S., 1833, p. 105 — Sow- ERBY, Conch. Illustr., Bulinus fig. 25. — Bulinus panamensis DES- HAYES, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. des Anim. sans Vert., ed. 2, viii, p. 273.— PFR. Monogr. Helic. Vivent. ii, p. 206.— REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Bulimus, pi. 13, fig. 70. — Bulimus (Bulimulus) panamensis BECK, Ind. Moll., p. 67. — Bulimus (Leptomerus) panamensis ALBERS, Die Helic., ed. I, p. 166 PFR. in Malak. Blatt. ii, p. 160 (1855). — Orthalicus (Leptomerus} panamensis H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 156 — Otostomus panamensis MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 236. Reeve's figure shows darker obliquely longitudinal tawny streaks on a paler ground. It is probably, as Dr. von Martens remarks, a Drymeeus rather than a Leptomerus, and may prove to be a bandless form of one of the preceding species inhabiting the Pearl Islands. Subgenus LEIOSTRACUS Albers, 1850. Leiostracus ALBERS, Die Heliceen, 1850, p. 156 (exclusive of all except Brazilian species) Liostracus VON MARTENS, 2d edition of Die He!., p. 213 (same exclusions), type B. vittatus Spix. Not Lios traca Burmeister, Handbuch der Entomologie iii, p. 589, 1842 (Cole- optera); not Leiostraca H. & A. Adams, Gen. Rec. Moll, i, p. 237, Dec., 1853 (Mollusca); not Liostracus Angelin, Palaeont. Suec. ii, 1854 (Trilobita). Perforate, ovate-pyramidal shells, with the spire somewhat turreted, DRYM^EUS LEIOSTRACUS. 91 straight-sided, the lip narrowly expanded, surface smooth, without spiral striae; protoconch with excessively fine spiral striae, but no vertical sculpture except occasionally some coarse, low, hardly notice- able wrinkles. Type D. vittatus Spix. The species are illustrated on plate 14. Distribution, eastern Brazil. Habits arboreal. Leiostracus^ as defined by Albers and retained by von Martens and other authors, was a. heterogeneous mass of thin-lipped species from both North and South America. As here restricted, it includes a very natural group of tree snails dominant in the Province of Bahia, Brazil, remarkable for their almost smooth apical whorls, straight- sided and pyramidal spires, and usually conspicuous band or stripe pattern of coloration. The anatomy of the group is wholly unknown ; and it is placed under Drymceus as a subgenus mainly on account of the general appearance of the shell. The apical whorls in vittatus, onager, vimineus, manoeli, cinna- momeolineatus and perlucidus show no fine vertical sculpture, but only spiral striae, very fine and close, usually more or less interrupted by shallow rugosities of the surface, and often wholly effaced in adult shells by superficial erosion. D. obliquus, which I have not seen, is said by Dohrn to have a " ganz fein gegittertes Embryonalende" This indicates the close alliance of that species to Drym&us, and perhaps its removal from Leiostracus. As naturalists now generally adopt the principle that a name should be written as its author wrote it, even when the customary system of transliteration from Greek to Latin has been transgressed, it would seem that Leiostracus may stand, though there is an earlier generic term Liostraca, of the same derivation and significance. D. VITTATUS (Spix). PI. 14, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Shell umbilicate, oblong-turreted, thin but moderately strong; yellow or corneous-buff, unicolored or variously banded or streaked with dusky reddish brown. Surface glossy, smooth, the growth- striae faint. Spire long conic, with straight lateral outlines, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 7 to 8, moderately convex, the last well rounded at the periphery and below ; sutures impressed. Aperture oblique, colored within like the outside ; peristome white, thin, decidedly but very narrowly expanded at the edge, the outer lip more arcuate above, basal lip well rounded, columellar margin 92 PRYM^EUS LEIOSTRACUS. broadly expanded above, impressed at its junction with the whorl ; columella concave below, straight or a little convex above. Alt. 33£, diam. 14-16, length of aperture 14^ mill. Alt. 29^, diam. 15, length of aperture 13 mill. Provinces of Bahia and Pernambuco (Spix, Acad. coll.); forests of llheos (Blanchet); Forest of St. Gonzales and at Caxoeira, prov. Bahia (Blanchet, for H. coxeirana); Bahia (Ihering, Paz). Bulimm vittatus SPIX, Testae. Bras. p. 7, pi. 7, f. 4 (1827). — DESK, in Lam., An. s. Vert, viii, p. 243 PFR., Monogr. ii, 105; iii, 342; iv, 403; vi, 51 ; viii, 65 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 259, pi. 70, f. 7-11. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 44, f. 279. — HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. ±1 .—Bulimulw vittatus BECK, Index Moll., p. 65. — CLESSIN, Mai. Bl. 1888, p. 166, — Not Otostomus vittatus SEMPER, Reisen in Arch. Philippinen, Landmoll. iii, p. 156, pi. 15, f. 15 (anatomy )» specimens from Mexico and Caracas. Helix coxeirana MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. d'Hist. Nat. Geneve, vii, p. 433, pi. 2, f. 7-11 (1836). — Bulimus coxeiranus DESK, in Lam., p. 240. — H. caxoeirana MORIC., Mem. Geneve ix, p. 59. — Bulimus candidus GRAY, in Maria Emma Gray's Figs. Moll. Anim., iii, pi. 302, f. 4 (copy from Moricand), and iv, p. 115 (1850) — Bulimus omphalodes MKE., Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1846, p. 144. — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 105. Apparently differs from D. obliquus in having the aperture longer and the apical sculpture different. The number of bands varies from 4 to 0, but the uppermost, a line al the suture, is generally absent. It varies considerably in degree of elongation, some shells before me having the body-whorl shorter and more convex than any of those illustrated on my plate. Menke's B. omphalodes was founded on short examples, with the aperture relatively larger than in the types, measuring 15 mill, long with a shell length of 31 mill. The coloring of Spix's type is that shown in fig. 1, streaked, with a basal band. Moricand based his coxeirana upon banded shells, and gave names to the several color-forms. But slight systematic im- portance attaches to these band-varieties, which are as follows : Viitato-ezonata, streaked like fig. 1, but bandless ; unicolor, citron yellow throughout (fig. 4) ; trizona, three dark bands on a light ground (fig. 2) ; dizona, two bands (fig. 5) ; nigrescens, upper two bands united (fig. 3) ; purpurascens, a single subperipheral vinous band. Hidalgo reports vittatus from Rio Janeiro, on the authority of Sr. DRYM4SUS LEIOSTRACUS. 93 Paz ; but the specimens were probably purchased or given to him there, not collected, as other naturalists report it solely from more northern provinces. D. OBLIQCUS (Reeve). PI. 14, figs. 6-15. Shell umbilicated, subpyramidal-ovate, the base obliquely pro- duced ; rather solid, smooth ; pale rose-colored, the last whorl encir- cled by a single chestnut band. Spire long-conic, rather obtuse. Whorls 7-8, rather flattened, the last shorter than the spire, rotund. Columella subplicate. Aperture a little oblique, suboval : peristome expanded, the columellar margin dilated, vaulted, refiexed. Alt. 23, diam. 10 mill.; aperture 9 mill. long. (Pfr.) Province of Bahia (Cuming, Will), and Minas Geraes (Holler- bach), Brazil. Bulimus obliquus REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 76, f. 551 (August, 1849) — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 342. — Bulimulus obliquus DOHRN, Jahrb. D. Mai. Gey. x, 1883, p. 352, pi. 11, f. 8-15.— MARTENS, Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde, Berlin, 1885, p. 191. — — Bulimus Jeffrey si PFR., Zeitschr. f. Mai., 1852, p. 93 : Monogr. iii, p. 342 ; Conchyl. Cab., p. 187, pi. 49, f. 9, 10. Fig. 14 is typical obliquus, and fig. 15 the original jeffreysi. Dohrn writes that different as are Pfeiffer's diagnoses of obliquus and jef- freysi, he is unable to separate the two upon comparing over a hun- dred specimens. In the various color-varieties the form is sometimes more slender, sometimes more obese, and the aperture varies con- comitantly in length, and in being more or less oblique. In those with long, subvertical mouth the columellar margin of the lip is nat- urally formed somewhat differently than in shorter shells. Common to all the examples is the quite finely latticed and reddish embryonic extremity of the smooth shell. The following color-varieties occur : 1. White, bandless. 2. White or even milk-while or yellowish-white or bluish white or reddish, with a band below the periphery (J9. obliqaus}. 3. Straw-yellow, with rose-colored bands so broad that the ground color almost disappears, and either with a brown band below the periphery, or with also a quite narrow brown sutural stripe, frequently demarked by a white line bounding it below. 4. Like no. 2, but having a brown band around the umbilicus and two narrow, brown, band-like series of flecks above the periphery. 94 DRYMJSUS - LEIOSTRACUS. 5. With three dark bands upon a whitish or yellowish ground 6. With four dark bands, the uppermost from the suture on cover- ing half of the whorls. 7. With four or five bands, the lowest around the umbilicus light brown or dark, the rest always dark ; the uppermost and middle ones generally narrow and light brown, the second always lilac or rose, sometimes decidedly wider than the others ; and frequently there is a fine, dark autural line. Measurements of several specimens are: Alt. 30, diam. 13 ; aperture, length 12, width 8 mill. Alt. 27, diam. 14; aperture, length 11^, width 1\ mill. Alt. 26, diam. 13 ; aperture, length 12, width 8J mill. Alt. 24, diam. 11J; aperture, length 10, width 7 mill. Alt. 22^, diam. 12 ; aperture, length 10, width 6J mill. This species is undoubtedly distinct from B. vittatus Spix. It is doubtful, in my opinion, whether B. coxeiranus Moric., placed by Pfeiffer as a synonym of B. vittatus* will not have to be removed thence and united with the present species. (Dohrn.) D. OLOUEI (Pfeiffer). Shell perforate, ovate-turreted, rather solid, striated and sometimes submalleate; white, irregularly marked with streaks, spots and dots of corneous-brown. Spire long-conic, rather acute. Whorls 7, mod- erately convex, the last scarcely equal to three-sevenths of the total length, subangular, having a corneous band around the impervious perforation. Columella shortly receding. Aperture oblique, sinuate- oval, brownish within ; peristome narrowly expanded, the columellar margin dilated above, reflexed, then descending to an obtuse basal angle. Alt. 22, diam. 10 mill.; aperture 10J mill, long, 6 wide. (Pfr.) Brazil (Cloue, in Cuming coll.). Bulimus clouei PFR.. P. Z. S., 1856, p. 390 ; Monogr. iv, p. 408. Very similar in form to B. obliquus Rve. D. ONAGER (Beck). PI. 14, figs. 16, 17. Shell perforate, oblong-turreted, thin but rather solid ; white, creamy or yellow, with longitudinal purple-brown stripes which may continue to the base, or be interrupted by a basal light zone bordered by dark bands ; the stripes generally irregular or forked above. Sur- face glossy, smooth except for slight growth-lines. Spire long, apex rather obtuse. Whorls 6^ to 7, convex, the last decidedly so. DRYM^EUS LEIOSTRACUS. 95 Aperture oblique, small, showing the external pattern within ; peristome thickened, white or tinted, expanded, the columellar mar- gin triangularly dilated above ; columella straight and vertical above. Alt. 25, diam. 13, length of aperture 11 mill. Alt. 26, diam. 12, length of aperture 10 mill. Alt. 20, diam. 10^, length of aperture 9 mill. Forests of Prov. Bahia, Brazil (Spix). Bulimus zebra SPIX, Testae. Bras. p. 8, pi. 7, f. 5 (not of Brug.). — DESH. in Lam., An. s. Vert, viii, p. 242. — Helix zebra MORI- CAND, Mem. Geneve, vii, p. 432 — Bulimulus onager BECK, Index Moll. p. 64 (1838), based upon Spix's B. zebra. — Bulimus onager REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 45, f. 284 — DESH. in Fer., Hist., p. 73, pi. 145, f. 10, 11.— PFR., Conchyl. Cab. p. 167, pi. 50, f. 9, 10; Monogr. ii, 107; iii, 342; iv, 403; vi, 50 Bulimus vittattis KCSTER, Conch. Cab., pi. 16, f. 16. D. onager is allied to D. vimineuf, but the aperture is entire and rounded below, while in the other species it is produced and effuse at the lower outer part. The typical form (fig. 16) has longitudinal stripes, usually quite irregular and often bifurcating near the suture, but extending to the base. This varies to forms having a small uniform brown tract around the columella, or enlarged to cover half or even all of the base. Color-var. subtuszonata n. v. (fig. 17). Base with a wide white zone, bounded by dark bands above and below. In this form the longitudinal stripes are generally broad and bold, and the shell is frequently larger than the typical form, attaining a length of 28 mill. D. VIMINEUS (Moricand). PI. 14, figs. 18, 19, 20. Shell perforate, oblong-pyramidal, rather solid ; white or whitish, with longitudinal stripes of purple-brown extending from suture to base, some of them often accompanied by ochre-colored stripes ; with sparsely irregularly scattered dark dots, which are translucent by transmitted light. Surface smooth except for slight growth lines, somewhat shining. Spire high, the apex somewhat obtuse. Whorls 7, moderately convex, the last obscurely angular at the periphery, in front. Aperture oblique, chestnut-colored and streaked within, more or less produced at the outer basal portion, like a wide, shallow channel 96 DRYMJEUS LEIOSTRACUS. or spout ; peristome thickened and broadly white-edged within, slightly expanded, the columellar margin with a short triangular re- flexion above, narrow below. Alt. 24, diam. 12, length of aperture 11^ mill. Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet). Helix (Cochlogena) viminea MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. et d' Hist. Nat. Geneve, vi, p. 540, pi. 1, f. 5 (1833 ?) Bulimus vimineus POT. & MICH., Gal. du Douai, i, p. 150, pi. 13, t. 19, 20. — DESK, in Lam., p. 242 — REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 40, f. 246. — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 95 ; iii, p. 375 ; iv, p. 444 ; vi, p. 80 ; viii, p. 113 — HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl., 1870, p. 59 — BuUmulus vimineus BECK, Index Moll., p. 64, with var. normalis and leucostoma (undescribed). Closely allied to D. onager; but the aperture is always produced or channelled more or less at the outer basal portion, there are some ochre-colored stripes among the purplish and white ones, and dots are sparsely scattered over the surface. The pattern of coloring is not so mutable as in onager, the variation being in the width of the stripes, greater or less prominence of the ochre coloring, and number of dots. There is wide variation in the shape of the aperture, but the outer lip is shown too arcuate in fig. 20. Hidalgo reports vimineus from Rio Janeiro, on the authority of Paz ; but I do not think it inhabits that province. D. MANOELI (Moricand). PI. 14, figs. 23, 24. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, rather solid though thin ; fleshy- or yellowish-white, usually with indistinct purplish streaks above, with two rather narrow purple bands, one basal, the other peripheral, as- cending the spire, where it is partially disclosed above the sutures ; the upper part of the spire generally corneous. Surface smooth except for slight growth-lines, shining. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 6J to nearly 7, moderately convex, the last well rounded. Aperture oblique, ovate, white with two bright chestnut bands within, and often clouded with chestnut above the upper band ; per- istome white, very narrowly expanded, the columellar margin trian- gularly dilated above. Alt. 21, diam. 11£, length of aperture 10 mill. Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet, Anthony, Ihering). Helix (Cochlogena) manoelii MORIC., Mem. Soc. Phys. et Hist. DRYM^EUS — LEIOSTRACUS. 1)7 Nut. Geneve, ix, p. 59, pi. 4, f. 4, 5 (1838?). — Bulimus manoelii PFK., Symbolse iii, p. 55; Monogr. ii, p. 110 — REEVE, pi. 48, f. 311 DESHAYES in Fer., Hist., ii, p. 54, pi. 145, f. 12, 13 Bu- limus coxiranus POT. & MICH., Galerie, i, p. 138, pi. 13, f. 1, 2. — BiiUmulus (Liostracus) manoeli CLESSIN, Mai. Bl. 1888, p. 166. Very variable in the amount of purple or reddish streaking and suffusion above, this species seems to constantly have two purplish bands, invariable in position but showing some variation in width. In some shells there is a wide obscure zone above and adjacent to the peripheral band, and ascending the spire. It is named in honor of a Creole who assisted Blanchet to collect natural history specimens. Fig. 24 was drawn from a specimen received from Moricand. There is a later Helix manoeli of Pfeiffer, which is a synonym of Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) manueli (Higgins). D. CINNAMOMEOLINEATUS (Moricand). PI. 14, figs. 25, 26, 27, 28. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin but usually rather solid ; whitish with numerous narrow, irregular light reddish-brown oblique streaks continuous from suture to base or leaving a small light umbilical area, or nearly uniform white or yellowish throughout, broken by incon- spicuous grayish or yellowish oblique streaks. Spire pyramidal with straight lateral outlines, the apex obtuse. Whorls 6f, somewhat convex, the last with a slight keel sketched around the periphery. Aperture oblique, ovate, white or streaked with gray inside ; the peristome thin, very narrowly expanded at the edge, columellar mar- gin triangularly reflexed above. Alt. 21^, diam. 11^, length of aperture 9| mill. Alt. 18^, diam. 10, length of aperture 8^ mill. Alt. 17, diam. 9, length of aperture 1\ mill. Province of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet and others). Bulimus lineatus SPIX, Test. Bras. p. 8, pi. 7, f. 6 (1827). — DESH. in Lam., An. s. Vert, viii, p. 244. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 62, f. 428. — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 109 ; vi, p. 52. Not B. lineatus Brug. — Helix (Cochlogena) cinnamomea-lineata MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, ix, p. 60, pi. 4, f. 6, 7 (183&?) — Bulimus cinnamomeo-lineatus PFR., Symbolse ad Hist. Hel. iii, p. 53 ; Monogr. ii, p. 109 ; iii, 343 ; iv, 407. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 46, f. 293. — ?? TROSCHEL, Archiv fiir Naturg. 1849, i, p. 231, pi. 4, f. 4 (teeth and jaw) — ? ? DROUET, Moll. Guyane Francaise, p. 61. 7 98 DRYMJEUS LEIOSTRACUS. The species upon which Moricand inflicted the more than sesqui- pedalian name of cinnamomeolineatus is usually somewhat smaller than any of the preceding, and streaked rather than striped with cin- namon brown, or with the streaks obsolete. The peripheral keel, while so slight as to hardly affect the rotundity of the last whorl, is still quite perceptible. I consider the locality, Guiana, given by Troschel on the evidence of specimens collected by Schomburgk, as in all probability erron- eous. TroscheFs investigation of the teeth was made on Schom- burgk's material, so that this citation also is open to doubt. See Schomburgk's " Reisen in Britisch-Guiana," vol. iii, p. 546. Drouet quotes the species, on the authority of Schomburgk, in his French Guiana catalogue. D. PERLUCIDUS (Spix). PI. 14, figs. 21, 22. Shell perforate, pyramidal, thin but moderately strong; subtrans- lucent opaline white throughout, or with the tip of the spire red-brown. Surface smooth except for slight oblique growth lines and in places some nearly obsolete short spiral impressions. Spire long-conic with straight lateral outlines, the apex somewhat obtuse, usually with a minute terminal dark spot. Whorls 7 to 7^, the first smooth, the rest slightly convex, last whorl decidedly keeled at the periphery, mod- erately convex above and below the keel. Aperture small, oblique, ovate ; peristome narrowly expanded at the edge, the columellar margin triangularly reflexed above.' Alt. 231, diam. 12^, length of aperture 10 mill. Alt. 21, diam. 11, length of aperture 8f mill. Province of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet, Will). Bulimus perlucidus SPIX, Test. Bras. p. 7, pi. 7, f. 2 (1827).— DESK, in Lam. An. s. Vert., viii, p. 248 — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 204 ; iv, p. 405 ; vi, p. 51. — Bulimulus perlucidus BECK, Index Moll. p. 67 DOHRN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Gesellsch. x, 1883, p. 351.— Bulinus opalinus SOWB., Conch. Illustr. f. 47; Beechey's Voy. "Blossom," p. 144, pi. 38, f. 8. — Bulimus opalinus PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 107 ; iii, p. 347. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 58, f. 394 HI- DALGO, Journ. de Conch. 1870, p. 47. — Helix (Cochlogena) angulosa FER., Prodrom. p. 54, no. 402 (according to Beck). — MORICAND, Mem. Geneve vii, 435 — Bulimulus angulosus BECK, Index Moll. p. 64 Liostracus angulosus, FFLD., Verb. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xix, 1869, p. 874. ORTHALICIN^E. 99 Aside from some resemblance to Oxycliona pileiformis, already no- ticed by Dohrn, this species resembles no other South American snail, though it is obviously related to D. cinnamomeolineatus and its allies. Out of nine specimens before me, two lack the reddish tip at the apex, and one has a light red line bordering the suture below, and about 1 mill. wide. As Dohrn remarks, the whorls vary in con- vexity in different specimens. He gives the following measurements of the largest and smallest specimens: Alt. 30, diam. 13, length of aperture 13 mill.; alt. 19, diam. 10, length of aperture 10 mill. The soft parts are said to be light green with yellowish sole. On the authority of Paz, Hidalgo records this species from Rio Janeiro ; but 1 am disposed to believe that some one in that city gave or sold it to Paz with a number of other north Brazilian snails. There is no sufficient evidence to show that any Leiostracus occurs living in the province of Rio Janeiro. Subfamily ORTHALICIN^E. Shell varying from ovate to oblong-conic, wholly imperforate, with solid axis, the aperture ovate, toothless, columellar lip closely ap- pressed, the lip-ends distant. Jaw composed of about 15 broad plates, overlapping or imbricating as usual in Bulimulidce, the median plate usually subtriangular. Radula peculiar, the basal-plates short, oblong or quadrate, the cusps short and blunt or rounded, gouge- shaped throughout, or a few median teeth have pointed cusps : no division into ectocone, entocone and mesocone except on the marginals, where it is 'not strongly indi- cated. Genital system simple, except that there is a small appendix or accessory gland about midway on the penis, rarely replaced by a cir- cular swelling. No flagellum. Oviparous. The eggs are elliptical, brown or whitish, and rough- ened by distinct granules. Distribution : tropical and subtropical America. Most of the spe- cies live on trees and bushes, but probably Hemibulimus and part of Orthalicus s. str. are terrestrial. This subfamily differs from the Bulimulince in the imperforate, not even rimate shell, the broad plates of the jaw and their small num- ber, the highly modified, gouge-shaped teeth, and the presence of an appendix on the penis. It is a very natural group, comprising several quite closely-allied genera. 100 ORTHALICINJ2. The form of the cusps of the central and inner lateral teeth varies within several of the genera, which are based almost wholly upon characters of the shell. In Oxystyla, Liguus and Orthalicus there are species with the median teeth lance-shaped and others with them blunt. It is not possible to divide the series in any rational manner, using this character as a basis. The fundamental color-pattern consists of five spiral bands (gener- ally reduced to three) and numerous longitudinal stripes. The modi- fications of pattern are further discussed under the several genera. In the subdivision of the Orthalicince into genera, there has been wide divergence of opinion ; but few who have occasion to study ex- tensive series will dissent from the view that the fundamental division of the group cannot be based upon the lanceolate or obtuse form of the median teeth, nor upon the truncate or continuous condition of the columella, nor upon the simplicity or thickening of the outer lip. These characters all intergrade imperceptibly, sometimes even within the limits of one single species. A far more stable feature is found in the sculpture of the nepionic shell ; and I would divide the sub- family primarily into (1) forms with the ante-natal shell pitted like a thimble, and (2) those in which it is smooth or slightly wrinkled longitudinally. The senior name for the first series of species is Orthalicus of Beck, 1837. That for the second series is Liguus of Montfort, 1810. These two groups are easily of generic rank ; but when further subdivision into genera is attempted, it is obvious that we are dealing with groups of less systematic value than the genera of Bulimulince recognized in this work. The usage of most conchologists in recent years, however, has been to recognize two or three genera within the group with smoolh early whorls; and keeping in mind the fact that their differences are not of much significance, it may be best to adopt some further division. I would, therefore, arrange the genera and subgenera thus: I. Early whorls pitted, ORTHAHCUS, with the subgenus Metor- thalicus. II. Early whorls smooth or nearly so, LIGUUS, with subgenera Corona and Hemibulimus. OXYSTYLA. PORPHYROBAPHE. Or, to show more clearly the true rank and relationship of the groups : OXYSTYLA. 101 /•v Ai i. ( Orthalicus s. str. Orthahcus - ( Metorthahcus. ( Liguus s. str. Liguus ....•< Hemibulimus. ( Corona. Oxystyla . . < Oxystyla B. *tr. ( Porphyrobaphe. Orthalicus, in the sense here intended, includes Soutli American species only, the restricted subgenus pertaining to 0. gullina- sultana and its immediate allies ; Metorthalicus being a new subgenus for spe- cies with pitted apex and thick or reflexed lip. Liguus may well include Corona and Hemibulimus until some char- acters of importance are found to separate them. The nepionic shell generally has some longitudinal wrinkles, and the columella is fre- quently truncated below. Oxystyla is the earliest name for the so-called Orthalicus of Mexico and the West Indies, the type being the common 0. undatus Brug. The group Porphyrobaphe, type iostoma, is rightly only a subordinate group to Oxystyla, toward which it bears a relation parallel to that held by Metorthalicus toward Orthalicus. On account of its consid- erable superficial modification, Porphyrobaphe will probably be con- sidered to rank as a genus, though its claims to that position are presumptuous. It will be seen that in any case, the B. undatus group cannot be called "Orthalicus." If Oxystyla be not recognized as a valid genus, the species will revert to Liguus, its next of kin. Genus OXYSTYLA Schliiter, 1838. Oxystyla SCH LIFTER, Kurzgefasstes systematisches Verzeichniss meiner Conchyliensammlung (Halle, 1838), p. 7; Sole species undata Schliit. = B. undatus Brug. — Zebra SHUTTLEWOKTH, Notitia? Con- chologicse, i, p. 60 (1856) PFR., Nomencl. Helic. Vivent., 1878, p. 258 — Orthalicus and Bulimus sp. of some authors — Ortalichus v. MARTENS, Biologia Centrali-Americana, mollusca, p. 179 (May, 1893). For anatomy, see Crosse & Fischer, Miss. Scient. Mex. Moll., p. 429; Binney, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 128; Strebel, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Susswasser-Conchyl., Heft v; Semper, Reisen in Archip. Phil., Landmoll., p. 248. 102 OXYSTYLA. Shell imperforate, ovate-conic, usually rather thin but strong, com- posed of 5 to 8-J- moderately or slightly convex whorls ; apex obtuse, the earlier 2 or 3 whorls smooth; aperture ovate, oblique, rounded be- low, the Up simple and unexpanded; columella slender, straight or with a moderately convex fold, not truncated at base. Coloration usually of longitudinal, waved or zigzag stripes, more or less modified by three equidistant spiral bands. Type Bulimus undatus Brug. Distribution, tropical and sub-tropi- cal America. Genitalia without accessories except a small lobed gland upon the penis, rarely obsolete. Teeth usually with rounded cusps, but those of the median teeth are rarely pointed, and in some species, such as 0. princeps, the cusps vary in different individuals from long and lance-shaped to short and obtuse. The fundamental color pattern is a combination of three bands at equal distances on the last whorl, with longitudinal stripes, the bands being probably the more fundamental and older element. These bands are apparently the remnant of an original five-banded pattern, such as may be seen in various forms of Drymceus ; and following the usual notation, a banded Oxystyla has the band formula 02340. In some species and races, such as 0. melanocheilus, tricinctvs,flori- densis, this pattern stands alone ; in others, such as reses, ferussaci deceptor, it is found in combination with stripes ; while in the striped forms without distinct bands, their position is indicated by a sinua- tion, angle or spot in the stripes, showing the fundamental impress of the tendency to trifasciation in the organization of the animal. Striped species seem to have a tendency to revert to the trifasciate condition; and the full recognition of the several ," melanocheilus " forms (pi. 18) occurring in Mexico, Central and South America, and Florida, as parallel modifications of several flammulate specific or varietal stocks, arid wholly independent of each other, is the main contribution I would make to the body of general ideas bearing on the study of species and races. In a few forms, such as 0. longa, the bands seem wholly lost, the stripes being straight. In 0. zonifera there is a tripartite division in the general color tone of the shell. VARICES, as the black or dark streaks reminiscent of former peri- stomes or lt resting periods " may be called, are doubtless directly due to climate ; their number and spacing depending upon the two factors of rate of growth of the individual, and frequency or rarity of OXYSTYLA. 103 of its partial or complete interruption by dry periods. The influence of these dry seasons is to check growth ; the dark pigment, which during rapid growth in seasons of humidity is distributed in flames or bands, is concentrated in. the narrow, slowly forming lip-streak; finally growth ceases, the aperture is firmly sealed to the bark of a shrub or tree by a thick epiphragm, and metabolism is reduced to a minimum until the recurrence of wet weather abruptly initiates a new period of active growth. Each varix corresponds to a light or imperfectly pigmented sig- moid streak on the parietal callus, apparently caused by a temporary deficiency of coloring matter upon the resumption of growth after a resting period. Specimens having varices upon the latter portion of the last whorl show these pale streaks on the callus. From the fore- going, it will be obvious that local climatic conditions govern the development of varices to a great extent ; and these markings are therefore characteristic of the local races into which Oxystyla every- where splits. The sculpture varies somewhat in different species, consisting of spiral stride and oblique malleation. In 0. undata jamaicensis it is almost or entirely obsolete ; in obducta it is very faint ; in princeps sharp, irregular, the striae anastomosing or descending at short inter- vals in a series of steps. In 0. bensoni the spiral lines are strongly developed, decussating the longitudinal striae. None of the species, so far as now known, are common to South America and Mexico or Central America ; the supposed Central American obducta being a form of 0. princeps, and the Colombian and Venezuelan shells referred by von Martens and Strebel to 0. ferussaci and 0. tricinctus prove to belong to 0. maracaibensis. The Middle American species have been monographed by Fischer and Cros»e, later by Strebel and Pfeffer (1882), whose work contains a great amount or original and valuable information, and lastly by Dr. E. von Martens (1893) who gives an excellent and succinct account, marred only by an insufficient appreciation of the status of the " melanocheilus " forms, and the inclusion of 0. obducta, a species not occurring in North America. The species are all variable. Those of " Mexico and Central America of the 0. undata-princ.eps group are nearly allied inter se, and it may be questioned whether they do not run one into the other, so much so as to be regarded as varieties of one and the same species. 104 OXYSTYLA- Most authors, however, including Shuttleworth, in his valuable mon- ograph, have treated them as distinct, and I adopt this plan ; but I confess that in some cases it is very difficult to decide to which species a single specimen may belong." The material I have studied fully supports Dr. von Martens' remarks just quoted. It should be added that there are several species of the undata-princeps group, such as obducta and longa, which are readily distinguishable and undoubtedly "good" species, and in fact forms occur of every grade between species and mere local races. There is no particular advantage in lumping them under one name, as the forms are definitely limited geographi- cally, and the knowledge already gained of their variation and dis- tribution would be largely lost by lumping all of them under one or two of the old names. The species are herein grouped geographically under (1) Mexican and Central American, (2) species of the Antilles and Florida, and (3) South American. This arrangement separates some closely- allied forms, such as 0. undata, maracaibensis and ferussaci, but is probably more convenient than a strictly natural sequence. The oldest description of a species of this genus, Buccinum zebra Miiller, Vermium Terrestrium et Fluviatilium, ii, p. 138 (1774), would apply to various species, but is so vague that it cannot be fixed upon any one of them. As illustrations of his species, Miiller cites numerous figures: Lister, pi. 11, f. 6 = Perideris ; 9, 4 and 10, 5 = Limicolaria f ; 580, 34= Orthalicus prince ps f or undatus f young; 578, 33 = Achatina fulica ; Petiver, Gazophyl. 44, 7 = a uniform white Oxystyla, possibly 0. maracaibensis f. imitator ; Seba, The- saurus, pi. 39, f. 54, 55 = O.ferussacif and f. 50, 51 = 0. melano- cheilus, tricinctus or imitator. The terms of the specific description exclude Achatina. The name practically covers the entire genus Oxystyla, with similarly marked species of Limicolaria ; but in my opinion neither the melon ocheilus- like form selected by Shuttleworth, nor the 0. undatus of Bruguiere can fairly be called zebra ; the first because Muller's name and de- scription point rather to a zebra-striped and not a three-banded shell, the second because undatus was the first species to be segregated from Muller's composite group, and hence has a valid claim to retention. There is a specimen in Muller's collection which Morch took for the type, apparently either melanocheilus, tricinctus or imitator / but Miiller states that the type is in Spengler's collection. OXYSTYLA, ANTILLES. 105 1 would therefore uphold the decision of Dr. von Martens (Malak. Blatter xii, p. 44, 1865), that the name zebra be wholly given up. The data are too indefinite to permit us to fix upon any of the modern species as the true zebra of Miiller, either by the process of elimina- tion or otherwise. It should be mentioned that Messrs. Crosse & Fischer, not recog- nizing the right of Bruguiere to dismember a composite species, have arrived at the conclusion that the name zebra was " avec une certi- tude presque complete " based upon the Antillean form, and should replace that of undatus. Their remarks on the subject are worthy of careful consideration, in which, however, the "presque" should re- ceive due attention. Agatina varieyata Rafinesque, Enumeration and Account of some remarkable Natural Objects, etc., p. 3 (1831), Binney & Tryon's reprint, p. 68, is an unidentifiable species of Oxystyla. Zebra loxensis Miller = Strophocheilus hartwegi Pfr., vol. x, p. 52. Antillean Species. O. UNDATA (Bruguiere). PI. 27, figs. 16-26. Shell ovate-conic, varying from ventricose to elongate, rather solid and strong, wholly denuded of cuticle or with it thin and inconspicu- ous: white or brownish, with numerous ii regular undulating longi- tudinal stripes, often forked above, and three frequently-interrupted spiral bands, often indistinct ; apex white or brown-tipped. Surface with irregular growth-wrinkles, more or less puckered or plicatulate below the suture, but showing no spiral striation on the last whorl, or only the faintest indication of it in places. Whorls 6^ to nearly 7, moderately convex. Aperture ovate, white with bluish or brown dark markings inside, oblique ; peristome thin, narrowly edged with brown ; columella oblique or subvertical, white, the parietal callus varying from dark chestnut to very pale. Antilles, Southern Florida. A species of peculiar distribution, closely allied to 0. maracaibensis Pfr., and distinguished from allied Mexican forms chiefly by the obsolescence of the spiral striation. Several well-marked geographic races are indicated by the extensive series of specimens examined, as follows : 106 OXYSTYLA, ANTILLES. Typical UNDATA. PI. 27, figs. 16, 17, 18. The terms of Bruguiere's description agree best with specimens before me from Trinidad, collected by Mr. Guppy, from the Bahamas, Bendall and White, and from St. Thomas, StrebeL The ground-color is pale brownish-yellow or white ; the stripes are purplish-brown, rather wide in the median region of the last whorl, and mostly forked above, and on the penultimate whorl often spread into blotches, as in 0. princeps ; they do not continue to the base, there being a lighter basal area; blackish-brown varices narrow, two or three on the last whorl ; the three bands may be seen on some part of the last whorl, though often not distinct ; but on the spire the band above the mid- dle is usually conspicuous, though narrow, and the edge of another may often be seen in the suture. The summit of the first whorl is dark or blackish-brown. Columella subvertical, the white part nearly straight. Parietal wall rich chestnut-brown. Surface often rather coarsely and shallowly plicatulate. Alt. 51, diam. 31, longest axis of aperture 30 mill. Alt. 49, diam. 26J, longest axis of aperture 27 mill. Trinidad (R. L. Guppy); Union Island, Grenadines (C. D. Stew- art); Cariacou, Grenadines (Sir R. Rawson); St. Thomas (Strebel); Andros (White) and New Providence (Bendall), Bahamas. Balimus undatus BRUG., Encycl. Meth. i, p. 320 (1792) Ortha- licus undatus BLAND, Amer. Journ. of Conch, iy, 1868, p. 185. — GUPFY, Journ. of Conchology vii, 1893, p. 217 — 0. ferussaci- undatus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conchylien v, p. 24, pi. 2, fig. 10. — Bulimus zebra GUPPY, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xvii, 1866, p. 48 ; Proc. Scient. Asso., Trinidad, 1866, p. 16.— Orthalicus zebra CROSSE, Journ. de Conchy]., 1890, p. 41 (peculiar synonymy). — E. A. SMITH, Journ. of Conchology viii, 1896, p. 240. — Achatina undulata GUILDING, Zoological Journal iii, p. 531 (1828?). One specimen from Union Island, Grenadines, is before me, agree- ing in all respects with the Trinidad form. Mr. Smith also reports it from the adjacent Cariacou Island, though exactly what form occurred there I do not know (0. zebra, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 321). As Union Island was the locality of Guilding's Ach. undu- lata, and the description tallies well with the present form, that name is in all probability a synonym. Mr. E. A. Smith also reports this species from St. Vincent, on the OXYSTYLA, ANTILLES. 107 authority of specimens in the collection of Sir Rawson Rawson, which he received from the late Thomas Bland (0. zebra Mull., Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 306). This species has been reported from St. Thomas by Strebel, who gives the following notes: 0. undatus, form B ; form from St. Thomas. A specimen in the Berlin Museum, from Gruner. It differs from those of Jamaica in the more ventricose form, and the less oblique, sinuous columella. The flame-marking continues over half the last whorl, the general coloration being characteristic of the species; embryonic whorls with a small brown tip; the peripheral and upper spiral bands are well developed on the latter half of the last whorl. Alt. 60.1, diam. 36.3, length of aperture 35 mill.; whorls 6J. (Beitrage Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conchylien, v. p. 27). The locality lacks verification by other observers, and can hardly be accepted unreservedly until confirmed, although in view of the occurrence of the species in the Bahamas, there is nothing intrin- sically improbable in the record. It is evidently the typical form of the species. Mr. Bendall reports the species living high up in large trees in New Providence, Bahamas (0. zebra Brug., Bendall, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 293). He very kindly sent me a young specimen, which proves to be like the Trinidad form in markings and apex, and the dark parietal callus. A specimen from Andros, Bahamas (J. J. White), before me be- longs also to the dark tipped, chestnut calloused Trinidad form. It would seem therefore that in the Bahamas, 0. undata belongs to the typical form, not to the Jamaican or Floridian races. Whether man's intervention has been a factor in the distribution of 0. undata is problematic. Var JAMAICENSIS n. v. PI. 27, figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Form more elongated ; solid ; destitute of cuticle ; white with numer- ous bluish-black or bluish-brown stripes, mostly continuing on the base to the columellar callus ; bands variable, but rarely so conspicuous on the spire as in Trinidad shells; apex white; aperture showing blackish bands and streaks within, more or less distinctly, on a white ground ; the lip black or dark brown ; parietal wall with a thin wash of diluted chestnut, or if it be moderately dark, there is a while zone around the insertion of the columella; columella a little sinuous or concave. 108 OXYSTYLA, ANTILLES. Alt. 50, diam. 27-J, longest axis of aperture 28 mill. (Kingston). Alt. 70, diam. 39, longest axis of aperture 40 mill. (Yallahs). Alt. 59, diam. 32, longest axis of aperture 33 mill. ( Yallalis). Alt. 53J, diam. 27, longest axis of aperture 28^ mill. (Yallahs). Jamaica : " Rock Fort," etc., near Kingston (Gloyne, Feilden, W. J. Fox, C. W. Johnson) ; east of Kingston, and Hope River (Hen- derson & Simpson); Tallahs (U. C. Smith). Transported from near Kingston to the Suburbs of Bridgetown and on Pelican Island, Bar- bados (Feilden), Bulimus zebra Mull., C. B. ADAMS, Contrib. to Conch, no. 3, pp. 40, 48; Catalogue of Land Shells which inhabit Jamaica, 1851, p. 184. — Orthalicus zebra (Mull.), E. A. SMITH and H. W. FEILDEN, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), viii, 1891, p. 253 (exclusive of reference to Reeve). — CROSSE & FISCHER, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., p. 441 (exclusive of much of the synonymy and distribution), pi. 18, f. 8 (epiphragm). Orthalicus undatus var. a, SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Malacologicae i, p. 63, pi. 3, f. 4. — Orthalicus undatus Brug., GLOYNE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1875, p. 120. — W. G. BINNEY, Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of New York xi, p. 41, and also the notes on genitalia (and probably jaw and dentition) of undatus in Terr. Moll, v, p. 410, and Man. Amer. Land Shells, p. 440. — STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser Conchylien v, p. 26, form A, pi. 2, f. 11 (shell of a Jamaican specimen) — TRYON, Amer. Journ. Conch, iii, p. 166, pi. 13 (9), f. 1. — HENDERSON, Nautilus viii, p. 19, 1894. More or less doubtfully pertaining to the Jamaican form : Bulla zebra rt (all South American localities and references), Biologia Centrali-Americana, Moll., p. 184. — Orthalicus ferussaci forms A and C, STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conch. v. pp. 18-21, 23, 24, pi. 2, f. 4 a, 5, 5 a, 6 a-d, 7, 9 or, b, 8 (shell), pi. 10, f. 2, 6, 17, pi. 12, f. 4, 5 (anatomy). — ? 0. princeps form E, STREBEL, t. c., p. 16, pi. 3, f. 2, OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. 139 5. — ?£ulimus undatus APPUN, Unter den Tropen i, p. 141. — ?Tno- SCHEL in Schomburgk's Reisen in Britisch-Guiana iii, p. 548. Three-banded form. Orthalicus zebra SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Malak. i, p. 61, pi. 8, •f. 3, 4. — PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 588. — MOUSSON in Malak. Blatt. xvi, 1869, p. 179. — Orthalicus ferussaci form B, STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. und Siisswasser-Conch. v, p. 21, pi. 2, f. 1 a-e, 2 a-d, 3 a, b (shells), pi. 9, f. 12, 13, pi. 10, f. 3, 5, pi. 11, f. 6, 6 a (anatomy).— Ortalichus tricinctus v. MARTENS in part (all South American references and localities), Biologia, p. 185 (1893). — Orthalicus melanochilus, in part (all South American references and localities) FISCHER and CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., p. 458. The literature of this species lias been almost inextricably confused with that relating to 0. ferussaci and its form tricincta. The large ser- ies before me demonstrates the complete intergradation of the striped with the three-banded and Landless forms, and fully supports Strebel's contention that these are only extremes of a variable species, against Dr. von Martens' distribution of them between the two species fer- ussaci and tricincta. Numerous specimens before me from Maracaibo and the neighbor- ing island of loas agree with Pfeiflfer's types, as described by him and redescribed and figured by Strebel (pi. 29, fig. 41, type, and figs. 40, 42 other specimens from PfeifFer's collection). They are rather livid, faded-out shells, though in quite fresh condition. Sometimes there are no bands on the penultimate whorl, and in some cases there are rather broad markings on the spire, bifurcate above, somewhat as in 0. princeps. There also occurs at Maracaibo a form in which the stripes are broad and dark bluish-brown throughout, the surface less wrinkled and less interrupted by vicissitudes of growth (pi. 29, figs. 44, 45). Some of these approach 0. pulchella var. prototypus, but they do not have the brown ground-color of that form, it being nearly white. A wholly similar form occurs at Barcelona. Another Maracaibo specimen, pi. 29, fig. 46, somewhat simulates 0. pulchella, having numerous thrice angulated flesh-colored stripes on a warm, pale, flesh-white ground. On the island of Margarita an ill-defined form occurs (pi. 30, fig. 58) with very concave columella, narrow purple-brown stripes obso- 140 OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. lete in places and on the base, on a dirty flesh-tinted ground, and no dark varices, though of rude, frequently arrested growth. The lip, parietal wall and apex are whitish. From the Rio Hacha, a series of eight specimens is before me, some of which are figured, pi. 30, figs. 55, 56, 57. They vary from the typical coloring to more heavily-marked forms, and through specimens with fainter and fainter stripes, to a white form with no stripes, a chestnut basal band, and traces of a peripheral band. The intergradation is quite complete, and could be doubted by no one who saw the shells. All of them are smaller than Maracaibo specimens, an average one measuring, alt. 40, diam. 23, longest axis of aper- ture 22 mill. Form imitator n. PI. 30, figs. 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. From near Maracaibo we have a series of shells (pi. 30, figs. 49, 50, 51, 52) which vary from (1) slightly yellowish-white, absolutely bandless and with no stripes; varices none, or one narrow olive line;, aperture white or yellowish inside, the apex, lip and parietal wall white, to (2) one to three banded with brown or purplish-brown on a white or flesh-tinted ground, varices, lip and parietal wall dark, apex dark or white, or (3) in addition to these markings, having extremely faint gray or brown longitudinal undulating stripes, apex white (fig, 50). Measurements are as follows : Alt. 52, diam. 30J, longest axis of aperture 31 mill, (albino). Alt. 51, diam. 30, longest axis of aperture 29 mill. (3-banded). The young (pi. 30, fig. 52) look like 0. ferussaci tricincta, but there is a fourtli (circum-columellar) band well developed. Exactly the same form occurs at Barranguilla (pi. 30, figs. 53, 54), the columella in these being either rather straight and stout, and the spire without markings, or the columella slighter and concave, spire conspicuously banded ; varixed, and with a chestnut streak behind the varix. Besides the localities mentioned above, this form has been collected at Santa Marta, in Colombia, by Grosskopf : on the Magdalena river, by Wallis, and in Ecuador at San Juan de la Costa, by Dr. Reiss. It occurs almost everywhere with the striped typical form of the spe- cies. Dr. von Martens reports it, under the name tricincta, from the Maranon river, Peru. OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. 141 Var. SUBPULCHELLA n. v. PI. 28, figs. 38, 39. Small and rather thin, smooth, showing under the lens fine, dense, irregular, wavy or anteriorly-descending spiral striation with occa- sional slight malleation, exactly as in 0. princeps and its allies. White, with rather close, fine markings of longitudinal undulating stripes, and three interrupted or subcontinuous spiral bands, the stripes generally split above the upper band, as in many specimens of 0. pulchella var. prototypus ; varices narrow, black and conspicuous, generally 2 or 3 on the last whorl, and one or more on the next earlier; apex black. Aperture conspicuously striped inside ; peristome edged with blackish ; parietal callus dark chestnut, rather thin ; columella rather straight, and white. Whorls 5|. Alt. 34, diam. 20, longest axis of aperture 20^ mill. Union Island, Grenadines (C. D. Stewart). Paler and more finely marked than the Trinidad 0. undata, and differing conspicuously from all forms of .that species in the fine sculpture. It lacks the yellow or brown cuticle of 0. pulchella and its variety prototypus. It seems to lie on the debatable borderland between undata, maracaibensis and pulchella. O. FULVESCENS (Pfeiffer). PI. 29, figs. 47, 48. Pfeiffer's type, as described by Strebel,- is a thin though strong shell, with dirty Isabella tinted ground-color, becoming lighter toward the apex, darker below, the embryonal whorls with no brown dot; sometimes spiral bands appear, but usually only narrow brown-black varix-streaks, light bordered in front. Whorls 6|. The peristome is narrowly dark-edged outside, the dark more broadly spreading inside ; the parietal callus is chestnut-brown, and the interior of the aperture brownish-purple-white. The sculpture consists of incon- spicuous longitudinal wrinkles, a slightly-developed plication at the suture, and fine, distinct spiral grooves. The white columella is sin- uous and stands oblique to the axis of the shell. The last whorl is distinctly keeled at the periphery. Alt. 51.1, diam. 29.9, aperture 25.3 mill. (type). Alt. 42.3, diam. 24.8, aperture 22.2 mill. (Rio Hacha specimen). Rio Hacha, Colombia (Strebel). Bulimus zebra -y PFR., Monogr. Helic. Viv. ii, p. 144. — B. zebra var., PFR., Conchyl. Cab. p. 377, pi. 22, f. 11 Orthalicus fulves- cens PFR., Malak. Blatter iii, p. 187 (1856); Monogr. iv, p. 590 — 142 OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conch. v, p. 42, pi. 6, f. 2 a-c. The obtusely angulated periphery of the last whorl and distinct spiral striae seem to distinguish this form from those varieties of 0. maracaibensis which have a similar " griseo-fulvescens " color, nar- row varices with clear light border, and three bands or none. The words " obsoletely clouded with bluish " of Pfeiffer's diagnosis should be deleted, as that appearance is due to the dried soft parts, accord- ing to Strebel. A young specimen with the type in Dohrn's collection has three faint but distinct spiral bands. Strebel's specimens were received with shells from the Hacha river, and in all probability came from that place. The smaller one shows some faint longitudinal streaks on the third and fourth whorls, which pass into spots and then disap- pear farther on. The larger (fig. 48) shows a narrow peripheral band of light chestnut right above the suture on the fourth and fifth whorls, fading and changing to a whitish band on the last whorl ; the upper band appears on the fourth whorl, is white, and continues, though indistinct, to the aperture. The white part of the bands is more transparent than the rest of the shell. 0. ISABELLINA (von Martens). PI. 31, fig. 66. Shell ovate-conic, rather thin, very lightly striatulate, plicatulate at the suture, sculptured with very close, fine spiral lines ; isabelline, with pale blackish streaks and three narrow brown bands, generally frequently interrupted, and with a few brownish varices. Spire conic, the apex brown or white ; whorls nearly 6, a little convex, the last moderately swollen. Aperture rather oblique, a little exceeding half the shell's length, rhombic-oval, brownish and variegated with chest- nut inside ; columella straight, thin, white ; peristome unexpanded, acute, isabelline or pale brownish ; no parietal callus. Alt. 49, diam. 23^, length of aperture 21 J, width 13 mill. (Mts.) Peru, forests of the eastern slope of the inland cordillera (Tschudi). Bulimus zebra var. 6 TROSCHEL, Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte 1852, 1, p. 195. — Orthalicus isabellinus von MARTENS, Binnenmoll. Vene- zuela's, in Festschrift Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, p. 191, pi. 1, f. 8 (1873).— PFR., Monogr. Hel. Viv. viii, p. 263. Apparently belongs to the group of 0. ferussaci. Dr. von Martens figures a smaller specimen than his measurements indicate as the size OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. 143 attained by the species. It is distinguished from most of the closely allied forms of the 0. ferussaci type by wanting a chestnut parietal callus. O. BIFULGURATA (Reeve). PI. 31, figs. 59, 60, 61, Shell jm perforate, ovate-conic, striate and minutely decussated with spiral lines; greenish-brown, elegantly decorated with pairs of yellow zigzag lines. Spire convex-conic, obtuse ; whorls 5J, a little convex, the last somewhat longer, inflated, somewhat tapering at base. Aperture a little oblique, oval-oblong; peristome simple, un- expanded ; the columella rather straight, compressed, white, its mar- gin a little reflexed and adnate. Alt. 57, diam. 36, longest axis of aperture 33 mill. Alt. 50, diam. 24, longest axis of aperture 28 mill. Andes of Colombia (Reeve); Pilaton Valley, Ecuador, 1000 meters alt. (Wolf). Bulimus lifulguratus REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 82, f. 606 (Dec., 1849).— PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 388.— HIGGINS, P. Z. S., 1872, p. 687. — Orthalicm bifulguratus SHUTTLE WORTH, Notitiae Malacologies i, p. 60 Zebra bifulgurata COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. France xii, p. 198 Zebra fulgur MILLER, Malak. Blatter xxv, p. 186 (1878), and (n. F.) i, p. 201 (as Orthalicus fulgur), pi. 6, f. 1 «, b. Of. DOHRN, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. vii, p. 88. The ventricose form and elegant coloration are characteristic. Fig. 61 is the synonymous Z. fulgur of Miller. O. MARS (Pfeiffer). PI. 53, fig. 42. Shell imperforate, oblong-conic, solid, nearly smooth ; flesh-colored, livid-clouded ; spire conic, the apex obtuse ; suture crenulated. Whorls 7, moderately convex, the middle marbled with grayish-white, the last whorl about two-fifths the length of the shell, wrinkle-striated anteriorly. Aperture oblique, oval, pearly white in the interior; peristome unexpanded, obtuse, black-bordered inside, the termina- tions connected by an entering black callus ; columella black, callous, twisted and folded. Alt. 77, diam. 35, aperture 36 mill, long, 21 wide (Pfr.). Ecuador (Cuming Coll.). Orthalicus mars PFR., P. Z. S., 1861, p. 25, pi. 2, f. 8 ; Malak. Blatter 1861, p. 77 ; Monogr. vi, p. 202. — Corona mars COUSIN, 144 OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. Bull. Soc. Zoo\. France xii, 1887, p. 193.— MILLER, Malak. Bl. xxv, p. 185, 1878. Known only by the description and figure given by Pfeiffer. The folded columella apparently separates this species from 0. ponderosa and 0. decolor, which are extremely similar in form and coloration. See pp. 130, 131. O. VARIA (von Martens). PI. 32, figs. 69-77. Shell oblong-conic, rather thin but solid, the surface slightly glossy, with slight, fine growth -wrinkles but no spiral slrice or only faint stri- ation in places; ground-color whitish, light yellow, light olivaceous- brown or pink, generally marked with several narrow interrupted blackish-brown or purple-brown girdles, and numerous narrow longi- tudinal stripes above the upper girdle, and often irregular streaks or blotches over the rest cf the last whorl ; usually several blackish varices on the last whorl, sometimes wanting or pale. Spire long, the apex obtuse, whitish. Whorls 6|— 7, convex. Aperture small, less than half as long as the shell, somewhat oblique, whitish, variously marked within ; peristome thin and acute, narrowly dark-edged ; columella convex, twisted, its edge white, in old speci- mens calloused ; parietal wall dark chestnut or blackish, rarely colorless. Alt. 45, diam. 22-^, length of aperture 23 mill. Alt. 42^, diam. 23, length of aperture 22-J mill. Alt. 43, diam. 21^, length of aperture 21| mill. Venezuela: Angostura (Gruner, Blume); Caracas (Ernst, Salle); British Guiana: Demerara (Cuming coll.) Bulimus phlogerus PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 145 (exclusive of syn- onymy); Conchyl. Cab., Bulimus, p. 196, pi. 47, f. 7, 8 (?) Orthal- icus phlogerus var. /3 and y, SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Malak. i, pp. 65, 89, pi. 4, f. 1, 2 — SEMPER, Reisen im Archip. Phil., Landmoll., p. 248, pi. 15, f. 2 (genitalia). — Orthalicus varius \\ MARTENS, Bin- nenmoll. Venez., p. 34, in Festschr. Feier 100-jahrigen Bestehens Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde zu Berlin, p. 190, pi. 1, f. 4a, 4b (1873). PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 264 — Achatina flogera POTIEZ & MICHAUD, Galerie i, p. 127, pi. 12, f. 1, 2 (young shells). Extremely variable in coloring, yet readily distinguished from all other species of the same region by its elongated form and small aper- ture. It is allied to 0. phlogera and 0. bensoni. The latter is OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. 145 readily distinguished by its granulose surface, being scored by distinct spiral stride cutting the growth-wrinkles into granules. 0. phlogera is more allied in its smooth surface, but the black columella and de- tails of coloration, the narrower mouth and more oblong last whorl, probably indicate specific distinction, in view of the widely separated habitats. The principal color-forms are : 1. Uniform flesh-pink, varices light brown, parietal callus trans- parent (fig. 74). 2. Yellow below, pink above, with a peripheral girdle of purple- brown spots, a narrow interrupted line above, and narrow streaks below the suture (fig. 75). • 3. Brown or olive-brown, like the last or wanting the peripheral girdle (figs. 76, 77). 4. Variously and elaborately striped and streaked or blotched on a yellow or whitish ground (figs. 69, 70, 71). Some specimens labelled " Brazil " are in the series of the Acad- emy. Semper found the accessory gland of the penis wanting in. this species. Drouet's Bulimus zebra (Moll. terr. et d'eau douce de la Guyane Fran9aise, p. 66, pi. 4, f. 48, 49) is evidently something of the nature of 0. varia or 0. bensoni, but I cannot reconcile his figures with either. Perhaps we have here to deal with another and still unde- fined species. It is from around Cayenne, the forest of Rouza, and Oyapoc, French Guiana. The " variete " figured does not look much like the k' type." 0. PHLOGERA (Orbigny). PI. 32, figs. 67, 68. Shell elongated, quite thin, smooth ; spire long, perceptibly swollen, the apex obtuse, black ; composed of 7 slightly convex whorls ; aper- ture oval, quite wide, the lip thin, acute ; columella twisted, blackish, subtruncate in the young, rounded in adults. Colors : general tint whitish or purplish, paler on the last whorl ; ornamented from place to place with large longitudinal brown stripes, especially on the last whorl ; a wide band formed of dark purple-brown spots interrupted and flamed, appears around the middle of the last whorl and the upper portion of the others, bounded above and below by a blackish interrupted line ; the other portion is marked with little longitudinal bands, equally spaced, of a purple-brown color ; the summit is con- 10 146 OXYSTTLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. stantly black-brown, and this dark shade colors the right margin of the lip and the whole columella. Alt. .55, diam. 24 mill. Around the Missions of San Xavier and Concepcion, Prov. Chiqui- tos, Bolivia (Orb.). Helix phJogera ORB., Mag. de Zool. 1835, p. 8. — Bulimus phlogerus ORB., Voy. dans 1'AmeV. Merid. p. 257, pi. 29, f. 6, 7.— PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 145 (part). — Orthalicus phlogerus BECK, Index, p. 59. — Acha- tina phlogera PFR., Symbolae ii, p. 134. Orbigny's description, from which the above is taken, does not tally very well with his figures of this species. It is evidently allied to 0. bensoni Rve., a larger and granulose species, occurring in a moister and more tropical region. The smaller size of 0. phlogera, the less developed color-pattern on the last whorl as compared with 0. bensonij and the broad variceal streaks, are all attributable to the sparsely w7ooded and dry character of the region it inhabits. O. PFEIFFERI (Hidalgo). PI. 55, figs. 48, 49, 50. Shell oblong-conic, rather solid, smooth, little shining ; whitish- violaceous, very closely painted with longitudinal somewhat waved brown lines, and wide straight (variceal) streaks at irregular dis- tances, each composed of a white and a brown streak ; covered with an olivaceous cuticle. Spire long-conic, the apex tawny, rather ob- tuse ; suture simple or lightly plicate. Whorls 7-8, nearly flat, widening at a moderate rate, the last not descending in front, slightly angular at its origin, somewhat tapering below. Aperture oblong-semioval, three sevenths the length of the shell, dull white or brown inside; peristome simple, acute, broadly black- bordered inside, the margins joined by a blackish entering callus; columella a little twisted, rather straight, black, covered inside with a thick whitish callus. (Hid.) Alt. 52, diam. 23 mill. Canelos, Ecuador (Martinez). Orthalicus pfeifferi HID., Journ. de Conchyl., 1869, p. 41; Catal. Coq. Am. Merid., p. 39 (in Journ. de Conchyl., 1870), pi. 6, f. 8 ; Viaje al Pacifico, Moluscos, p. 135, pi. 8, f. 3, 4. — PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 261 Zebra pfeifferi MILLER, Mai. Blatt. 1878, xxv, p. 186. The longer spire, flatter whorls, structure of the columella and sys- tem of coloration, are the characters separating this species from 0. phJogera Orb. OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. 147 There are sixty longitudinal lines on the last, 51 on the penulti- mate whorl in the type specimen in the collection of Sr. Paz. In one in the Madrid Museum there is a whitish zone in the middle of the last whorl, interrupting most of the longitudinal stripes (fig. 50). O. MACANDREWI (Sowerby). PI. 41, fig. 5. Shell elongated ; grayish-fulvous, streaked and zoned with brownr here and there radiated with black. Apex a little obtuse, grayish- lilac. Whorls 8J, regularly increasing, a little convex, longitudinally lightly striated, separated by impressed sutures, spirally marked with three slightly conspicuous, brown and white articulated lines, vanish- ing on the whorls after the penultimate one ; the last whorl about as long as the spire, roundly convex, with a grayish-fulvous zone above, brown ones at the middle and beneath ; columella nearly straight, rather thin, grayish-lilac within, black outside. Aperture semioval, lilac within ; peristome simple, hardly reflexed, slightly thickened, black-edged ; columellar margin covered with a wide black callus spreading inward. Alt. 70, diam. 30 mill.; aperture 28 mill, long, 16 wide (Sowerby). San Diego de Cou, Peru. Orthalicus MacAndrewi Sows., Journ. Linn. Soc. London xx, Zoology, p. 399, pi. 25, f. 18 (December 31, 1889). u This species, of which I have seen only a single specimen, is similar in form to 0. bensoni, but it has no spiral sculpture, and the coloring consists principally of light brown zones with a few longitu- dinal streaks of brown and black. The articulated painting is very slight, and is only to be seen on the upper whorls." (Sowb.) O. BENSONI (Reeve). PI. 31, figs. 62, 63, 64, 65. Shell acuminate-oval, moderately solid, purplish or fleshy-white, usually covered with a greenish-yellow cuticle, and varied with numerous narrow longitudinal purple-brown stripes fading at their edges, or fewer wide stripes, and encircled by three narrow girdles of purple-brown oblong or arrow-shaped spots alternating with shorter cream-white intervals, the basal girdle less distinct, the median and upper ones ascending the spire ; one variceal streak or none. Surface scarcely shining, with close and rather irregular wrinkles of growth, decussated and rendered granose by fine, close, deeply- cut spiral strife. Spire long, a little contracted near the obtuse apex ; whorls 7£ to 8, 148 OXYSTYLA, SOUTH AMERICAN. the first one black-tipped, nearly planorboid, the earlier two or three smooth except for short low folds just above the suture, the following whorls moderately convex. Aperture somewhat oblique, rather small, purple-tinted, white in- side; peristome simple, broadly bordered with purple-brown inside and out, columella subvertical, rather long, slightly convex, or some- what calloused, white or dark chestnut colored ; parietal callus chestnut. Alt. 62, diam. 30, longest axis of aperture 27^ mill, (specimen). Alt. 85, diam. 40 mill. (Crosse). Banks of the Amazon (Reeve); Upper Amazon (Orton); Mission of Sarayacu, Peru (Castelnau); Napo, Ecuador (Martinez). Bulimus ( Orthalicus) adamsoni (Gray), BECK, Index, p. 60 (1837). — Helix (Cochlitoma) regina var. P minor, FERUSSAC Tabl. p. 49; Histoire, pi. 119, f. 1, 2. — Bulimus bensoni REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 78, f. 571 (Sept., 1849) PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 388; viii, p. 261; Conchyl. Cab. p. 75, pi. 21, f. 1. — HUPE in Castelnau's Exped., p. 31. — Orthalicus bensoni SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Mai. p. 60, pi. 4, f. 3, 4, 5.—CHENU, 111. Conch, i, p. 439, f. 3225 HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. 64 ; Viaje al Pacifico, Mol., p. 133, pi. 7, f. 13. — -CROSSE, Journ.de Conchyl. 1871, p. 318. — Zebra bensoni MILLER, Malak. Blatter xxv, p. 186 — COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. France xii, p. 198. The long spire with large, rather mammillar apex, the three articu- lated girdles, and the fine but strong decussation of the surface are characteristic. There is a single variceal purple-brown streak on the penultimate whorl of the specimen drawn in fig. 62; one of Shuttle- worth's illustrations shows a similar stripe, and F£russac's shell has one. The pattern varies, some specimens having narrow, others wide stripes, and the greenish-yellow cuticle of some shells is largely wanting, or very thin and pale yellow below on other specimens, otherwise in good condition. The large specimen from Napo (length 80, not 85 mill.), commented on by Hidalgo (fig. 65) has "a callos- ity superimposed upon the columella, as in 0. regina, and due with- out any doubt to advancing age." This group of Oxystyla certainly approaches Corona in the convex form of the columella. This species was noticed first by Ferussac, who considered it a small form of his H. regina, and figured it on the plate of that spe- cies. Beck, in 1837, gives the name "0. adamsoni (Gray) B." to PORPHYROBAPIIE. 149 these figures, referring to Ferussac's plate ; and as a synonym he quotes "Achatina adamsonii Gray! Gray, Sp. Z. fasc. 2, f. 4, 5." No such species occurs in either the text or plates of our copy of Gray's u Spicilegia Zoologica," which is evidently the work referred to; but in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1833, Gray described a Bulinus adamsonii, which is a species of the subgenus Metorthalicus. Fig. 64 represents Reeve's type. It is a species of the Upper Amazon region, and the localities " Guiana " and " Pernambuco," cited by some authors, require con- firmation. Ferussac gives *' Cayenne " as the locality. Genus PORPHYROBAPHE Shuttleworth, 1856. Porphyrobaphe (in part) SHUTTL., Notitiae Malacol. i, pp. 69, 70 (for adamsoni, iostoma, kelletii, latevittata, labeo, irrorata] — VON MARTENS in Albers, Die Hel. edit. 2, p. 227, type 0. iostomus Sow. (1860); and of many recent authors — BORUS, in part, of MORCH, Catal. Yoldi, 1852, p. 27, and of H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 148. Shell imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, with about 2J smooth apical whorls ; aperture ovate, rather large, with the lip reflexed, expanded, or merely blunt and somewhat thick. Jaw, dentition, central nervous system and genitalia (of P. iostoma) similar to those of Oxystyla, except that the penis is shorter and the spermatheca is larger with shorter duct. The penis bears a lobed appendix as in Oxystyla. Type, B. ioftoma Sowb. Distribution, northwestern Peru, to Colombia. The only difference of much importance between Porphyrobaphe and Oxystyla is in the peristome, which is thick and blunt or reflexed in the former, thin and acute in the latter group. This is hardly of itself sufficient ground for generic separation ; but as the name has already come into general use, and the soft anatomy may, when more fully examined, show other differences, it is probably best to adopt the group as of generic value. It differs from Orthalicus proper and from Metorthalicus in the smooth, not pitted, embryonic shell. Key to Species of Porphyrobaphe. [P. integer is not included in this table. J 150 PORPHYROBAPHE. a. Lip blunt, not expanded or reflexed, brown or white, the colu- mella and parietal callus pale ; profusely mottled, and with several pale bands; finely decussated. dennisoni, p. 158. a1. Lip expanded or reflexed, at least below. b. Parietal wall blackish brown ; lip usually colored ; spiral striation when present rather finer than the longitudinal wrinkling. c. Lip and columella purple ; surface ashen or brown, usually mottled or dappled. iostoma, p. 150. c1. Lip and columella blackish ; surface striped and black-varixed on a light ground. saturnus, p. 153. bl. Parietal callus white or bluish ; spiral striae separated, irregularly cutting the surface wrinkles into long gran- ules ; spire rather attenuated above. c. Base rounded. d. Columella folded, lip yellow or pinkish, shell purplish brown with light spots, sometimes yellowish. irroratus, p. 155. dl. Columella hardly folded ; peristome and pari- etal callus white ; yellow, with some brown streaks and spots. grevillei, p. 156. c1. Base strongly carinated ; lip brown or white, pari- etal callus white. tm, p. 157. GROUP OF P. IOSTOMA. P. IOSTOMA (Sowerby). PI. 49, figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Shell ovate-conic, solid, varying from rather thin to thick. Color (1) pale brownish or pink tinted, almost uniform or faintly mottled with purplish flesh-tint, or (2) creamy or light brown copiously strewn with dark brown or purplish-brown oblong spots, the spire with ragged or zigzag brown streaks, or (3) rarely pure white ; frequently marked with a few dark variceal streaks. Surface dull or somewhat glossy, with coarse, usually irregular growth-wrinkles, more or less strongly plicatulate below the sutures, sometimes with a projecting varix or two on the last whorl; a lens often showing close, fine, spiral striation on the spire, or in smoother, thin-lipped shells, finely striated spirally throughout. Apex obtuse, the earlier 2-J whorls forming the smooth nepionic shell. Whorls 5^ to 6, convex, the last well rounded. Aperture ovate, white within (sometimes showing the external PORPHYROBAPHE. 151 spots), slightly oblique ; peristome somewhat thickened, or very heavily thickened and built forward, of a rich purple color; columella with a moderate white fold above ; parietal wall with a thick dark chestnut callus, sometimes purple-edged. Alt. 2f, diam. 1£ inch (Sowerby). Alt. 60, diam. 35 mill, (typical form). Alt. 66, diam. 37 mill. ) ,., , v var. bilabratus. Alt. 54, diam. 31 mill, j N.-W. Peru: Lechugal, near Tumbez (Stolzmann); Western Ecuador: Prov. del Oro, at Chacras, on the Rio Zarumilla (Wolf), Santa Rosa (Dohrn) ; Prov. Guayas at Puna Island (Martinez), Guayaquil (Fontaine, Paz and others), Colonche (Wolf); Prov. Manabi at Portoviego (Cousin), Montechristi (Lehmann), Island of Plata (Cuming, Wolf); Prov. Esmeraldas at Esmeraldas (Lehmann), a small form. Andean region in the Pilaton Valley, Prov. Pichincha, at 1000 meters alt. (Boetzkes), and Macas in the Amazonian drain- age, Prov. Chimborazo (Martinez). Bulimus iostoma SOWERBY, Zoological Journal i, p. 58, pi. 5. f. 1 (1824) DUNKER, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 379 — Pachyotis iostoma BECK, Index Moll. p. 56 (1837).— Bulimus yos- tomus VILLA, Dispositio Syst. p. 20. — Bulimus iostomus PFR., Monogr. Hel. Viv. ii, p. 29 ; iii, 307 ; iv, 370 ; vi, 14 ; viii, 22 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 190, pi. 56, f. 1, 2. — HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl., 1870, p. 44; Viaje al Pacifico, p. 60, pi. 5, f. 7, 8. — Bulimus (Borus) iostoma ALBERS, Die Hel., 1850, p. 142. — Orthalicus {Porphyrobaphe) iosto- mus MARTENS in Alb., Die Hel. (2), p. 227 (1860). — REIBISCH, Sitzungsber. u. Abhandl. Nat. Ges. Isis, 1896, p. 58 (1837).— Buli- mus (Porphyrobaphe) iostomus Sow., LUBOMIRSKI, P. Z. S., 1879, p. 721 Porphyrobaphe iostoma SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitia3 Malak. i, p. 70 (1856) MILLER, Malak. Blatter xxv, p. 184 (1878) DOHRN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 110 (variation). — KOBELT, Illustr. Conchylienbuch, pi. 82, f. 12. — Porphyrobaphe ios- tomus COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. de France xii, 1887, p. 202.— Conf. FISCHER, Exped. Scient. Mex., Moll, i, p. 433 (brief account of anatomy). — Porphyrobaphe jostomus P^ETEL, Catal., p. 99. Bulimus phasianella VALENCIENNES in Humboldt & Bonpland's Rec. d' Obs. Zool. ii, p. 244, pi. 55, f. 4 (1833).— DESHAYES in Fer., Histoire ii, p, 24, pi. 143, f. 1-3. — Bulimus phasianellus DESH. in Lam., Anim. s. Vert, viii, p. 259. — REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 15, f. 152 PORPHYROBAPHE. 88 (1848) — ORBIGNY, Voy. dans 1' Amer. Merid., Moll., p. 295.— Helix (Cochlostyla) phasianella FER., Tabl. System, p. 48, no. 336 (nude name). — ORB., Mag. de Zool., 1835, p. 7. The well authenticated range of this species extends from extreme N.-W. Peru, and the neighborhood of the bay of Guayaquil, to Es- meraldas in N.-W. Ecuador, including the island of Plata. It thus inhabits both the arid coast region and the moister tract of low moun- tains and coast, chiefly of tertiary or later age, though also ascending the Pilaton valley to 1000 meters above the sea. There i« no evidence of its occurrence in Chili, the old citations being either erroneous or based upon former temporary political boundaries. With one excep- tion, all of the localities are in the Pacific drainage, Macas being the sole place east of the main chain of the Andes whence it has been reported. Cuming found it clinging to trees on the island of Plata, and in such profusion that they looked as if laden with fruit. This is con- firmed by Dr. Wolf. Others have reported it from inside hollow logs, gregarious and in copious numbers. In consequence, the; shell is abundant in collections, though a sufficient account of the anatomy is still to be supplied. Sowerby's original account, and all of the published figures, per- tain to the form with only moderately thickened lip and spirally striated last whorl. The spirals are sometimes very close, regular, and though minute, still strong, especially on the heavily mottled shells. The color varies from creamy brownish, paler above, to brown and copiously mottled ; and there is often a pale band a little way below the suture. Nine specimens in the series before me differ in having the spiral striation obsolete on the last whorl, and the lip and columellar margin greatly thickened and built forward beyond the reflection (pi. 50, figs. 26, 27). This form may be called var. bilabratus. It is lustre- less, without conspicuous spots. Var. bilabratus attains a larger size than the typical form, one col- lected by Dr. Wolf measuring 82 mill. long. The tendency to form a second or third expanded lip, leaving the former peristomes pro- jecting as varices, is more usual than in thinner shells. Hidalgo, Dohrn and Reibisch have discussed the variations of P. iostoma, but only the latter author notices the oblong, thick-lipped form. Dohrn has called attention to the relationship existing between PORPHYROBAPHE. 153 iostoma and saturnus, Both have strongly defined varices indicating periodical growth and rest periods, and in both the color and sculp- ture usually change a little at each varix. P. saturnus shows more clearly than iostoma the close relationship to Oxystyla in its colora- tion of waved stripes. The young of P. iostoma (pi. 49, fig. 18) are exactly like Oxystyla in form, the columella being slender and straight, the outer lip thin, and the apex, of course, smooth. The jaw and teeth are similar to those of the Mexican u Orthali- cus," according to Fischer. P. INTEGER (Pfeiffer). Unjigured. Shell imperforate, solid, obliquely irregularly rugulate, spirally sulcate (the interstices closely arcuate-lineolate), flesh colored, painted with gray-brown streaks and flammules. Spire elongated- conic, rather obtuse ; suture crenulated. Whorls 7^, a little convex, the last a little shorter than the spire ; columella grayish-lilac, cylin- drical, somewhat twisted, arcuately passing into the peristome. Aperture nearly vertical, truncate-oval; peristome somewhat thickened, narrowly expanded, the columellar margin subdilated, adnate. Alt. 82, diam. 39 ; aperture, alt. 40, width 22 mill. (Pfr.). Province of Quito, Ecuador (Ida Pfeiflfer)., Bulimus integer PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 114; Monogr. iv. p. 369; vi, 13. — Bulimus (Dryptus) integer MARTENS in Albers, Die Hel. Edit. 2, p. 194. Variety: Shell generally unicolored fleshy-gray; whorls 6^, colu- mella more twisted. Alt. 65, diam. 31 ; aperture alt. 34, width 17 mill. (Pfr.) An unfigured shell, the systematic position of which is not certain. Miller (Malak Blatter xxv. 184) thinks integer specifically identical with P. iostoma, but I would hardly agree with this opinion, judging from the description alone. P. SATURNUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 50, figs. 23, 24, 25. Shell ovate-conic or oblong-conic, solid. Pale lilac under a thin yellowish olive cuticle, usually in part lost, or remaining in spiral hair- lines, the spire with three earlier whorls uniform yellowish-corneous, the next whorl wjth a series of brown spots' below the suture, penulti- mate and next earlier whorls with numerous waved brown stripes on a yellowish ground, these stripes sometimes continuing on the last whorl, 154 PORPHYROBAPHE. sometimes almost obsolete there ; three or four broad blackish varices appearing on the penultimate and last whorls. Surface slightly glossy, with rather strong, fold-like striae on the spire, the last whorl smoother, with a plicate band below the suture, and decussated with irregular spiral grooves. Whorls 6, the earlier 2^ smooth, forming the nepi- onic shell ; last whorl convex, sometimes ridged at the varices ; apex obtuse. Aperture somewhat oblique, ovate, pure white within; peristome black, thick, somewhat reflexed ; columella slightly folded, nearly straight, mainly black ; a black parietal callus deeply entering the aperture. Alt. 70, diam. 38, longest axis of aperture 39 mill. Pallatanga Ecuador (Fraser). Bulimus saturanus (error for saturnus) PFR., P. Z. S. 1860, p. 136. — B. satuanus (error for saturnus) PFR., P. Z. S. 1860, Mollusca, pi. 51, f. 6. — Bulimus saturnus PFR., Malak. Blatter, viii, 1861, p. 11; Monogr. vi, p. 14. — Porphyrobaphe saturnus DOHRN, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 111. I have below reproduced Pfeiffer's description because his type (fig. 25) was much more copiously striped than any of the specimens I have seen. The " lilac-flesh " ground color is concealed in good specimens by a thin yellowish-olive cuticle, which is easily rubbed off, and remains chiefly in the grooves of the spiral and growth striae, usually as fine spiral capillary lines. The varices are black and con- spicuous, usually three in number, one being on the penultimate, the others on the last whorl. The columella becomes bluish-white towards its insertion. There is considerable variation in size, the smallest specimens I have seen being about 60 mill, long, while Dohrn men- tions one measuring alt. 82, diam. 33, length of aperture 41 mill. Pfeiffer's original description is as follows : Shell imperforate, somewhat fusiform oblong, solid; of a lilac-flesh tint flamed with brown. Spire conic, the apex rather acute, white. Whorls 6J, the upper smooth, the rest obliquely striated, last whorl smoother, having several wide blackish varices, a little shorter than the spire, tapering at the base. Columella thick, twisted, black. Aperture subvertical, acuminate, oblong; peristome black, nar- rowly reflexed, the margins joined by a black callus. Alt. 76, diam. 33, aperture including peristome 38 mill. long. PORPHYROBAPHE. 155 GROUP OF P. IRRORATUS. P. IRRORATUS (Reeve). PL 52, figs. 33-37. Shell imperforate, conic-ovate, solid ; spirally sulcate and closely striated longitudinally, but little shining. Greenish-fulvous, with irregularly-scattered fulvous and chestnut spots [or "reddish-purple, last whorl covered with a pale ash epidermis, sprinkled with brown- shaded fulvous white spots."] Spire conic, attenuated below the obtuse, reddish-corneous apex. Whorls 6, a little convex, more strongly plicate below the sutures, the last whorl ventricose, longer than the spire, with rounded base. Aperture slightly oblique, oval, blue within ; peristome expanded, thickened and reflexed, orange-colored or roseate [or buff], the mar- gins joined by a thick, white or orange callus, right margin regularly arcuate ; columella somewhat folded above, white or reddish, the columellar margin reflexed and adnate (Pfr.). Alt. 64, diam. 38, longest axis of aperture 40^ mill, (specimen). Alt. 77, diam. 39, longest axis of aperture 43 mill. (Reeve's fig). Ecuador: La Mocha and Guaranda (Paz); Macas (Martinez); Nanegal (Martinez, Orton, Wolf, Stu'bel); Pilaton Valley (Boetzkes, var. elongata and minor)-, Los Puentes, near Gualea (Cousin, var. elongata) ; Quito (Cuming coll.) ; Valle del Pastaza, near Mapoto (Wolf)., Bulimus irroratus REEVE, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1849, p. 16, pi. 2, f. 10 ; Conch. Icon., pi. 62, f. 427 (March, 1849) DESHAYES in Fer. Hist, ii, p. 50, pi. 130, f. 5, 6 — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 304.— HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl., 1870, p. 44; Viaje al Pacifico, p. 59, pi. 6, f. 1. — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1871, p. 316 — Porphyro- baphe (?) irrorata SHUTTL., Notitiae Malac. i, p. 72 COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. de France xii, 1887, p. 203 (p. 17 of separate copies). — Dryptus irroratus MILLER, Malak. Blatter xxv, p. 179; (n. F.) i, pi. 5, f. 2a (var. elongata), 2b (var. minor) — Orthalicus (Porphyro- baphe) irroratus Rve., MARTENS, Conchol. Mittheil. p. 159 — REI- BISCH, Sitzungsber. u. Abhandl. Nat. Ges. Isis, 1896, p. 58 (1897). — Orthalicus irroratus Rv., SCIIACKO, t. c., p. 197 (dentition). " One of the most abundant and wide-spread species of Ecuador, showing great variations. The peristome is sometimes yellow, some- times more or less rose-colored, in some specimens thin and weakly reflexed, in others strongly thickened. The commonest form is ven- 156 FORPHYROBAPHE. tricose, 69-75 mill, long, 35-37 in diameter, the last whorl being longer than the spire." (Miller.} "Among the examples from Nanegal great variation occurs, as well in form as in coloration. The following measurements of three shells illustrates the former : "Alt. 78, diam. 45, length of aperture 46, width including peri- stome 29 "Alt. 69, diam. 35, length of aperture 40, width including peri- stome 25. "Alt. 70, diam. 39 J, length of aperture 41, width including peri- stome 28. " In respect to coloring, the peristome is sometimes yellow, some- times rose-red ; the ground-color of the shell is sometimes uniform yellowish, sometimes dark clouded, the upper whorls either yellowish- brown or dark violet-brown or white. "A variety from the valley of the Rio Cinto at Pichincha, 1300 meters alt., is quite unicolored, with stronger parietal callus, but no nodule in the upper angle of the mouth." (Martens.) The jaw, according to Schacko, is similar to that of Orthalicus obductus, composed of 17 plates, the median one triangular. The teeth are of the form usual in the 0. undatus group, except that the laterals are more massive, closely crowded and quadrangular. Miller describes two varieties : Var. ELONGATA Mill. (pi. 52, fig. 33). Last whorl hardly as long as the spire ; peristome very strongly thickened and broadly reflexed. Whorls 6|, alt. 75, diam. 30, aperture 35 mill, long, 17 wide inside. Pilaton Valley (Boetzkes); Los Puentes, near Gualea, in abund- ance (Cousin). Var. MINOR Mill. (pi. 52, fig. 35). Whorls 6 ; alt. 58, diam. 26, aperture 28 mill, long inside, 14 wide. Pilaton Valley. P. GREVILLEI ("Sowerby" Pfeiffer). PI. 53, figs. 38, 39, 40, 41. Shell ovate-acuminate, moderately solid. Yellow, with occasional (variceal) brown streaks, and numerous irregularly scattered brown spots sometimes shadowed on the side toward the lip with paler yellow. Surface slightly shining, coarsely plicatulate, puckered beneath the sutures, and decussated by wide-spaced spiral lines, cutting the sur- face-wrinkles into long granules. Spire rather slender, the lateral PORPHYROBAPHE. 157 outlines somewhat concave. Whorls o^ to 6, convex, the earlier three smooth, uniform yellowish or flesh-colored, last whorl well rounded throughout. Aperture but slightly oblique, ovate; white and showing some purplish mottling within; peristome pure white, reflexed and re- curved, widest below, having a slight or decided tubercle on its face at the insertion above, outward from which there is a slight sinus; columella concave, hardly folded, white, narrow in the middle ; parietal callus white, thin inside, thickened into a low nodule or ridge near the posterior angle of the mouth. Alt. 60, diam. 35, longest axis of aperture 36^ mill. Alt. 67, diam. 44 mill. (Pfeiffer's type). Quito, Ecuador (Cuming). Bulimus grevillei Sowerby, PFR., Novit. Conch, iv, p. 143, pi. 133, f. 4, 5 (1876) ; Monogr. viii, p. 15 (1877). — Dryptus grevillei Sow., MILLER, Malak. Blatter, xxv, 1878, p. 180. This species is closely allied to P. irroratus, differing therefrom chiefly in the light coloration, less folded columella and wider basal lip. The tubercle at the insertion of the outer lip (see fig. 39) is not constant, being very low in a specimen before me received from Cuming. Perhaps the shallow sinus or bay in the lip near the in- sertion, may prove more constant; but it is not unlikely that grevillei may prove to be a variety of the older and variable irroratus. P. grevillei differs from P. iris and P. ivallisianus in being rounded beneath, not keeled. The locality "Quito" rests upon the authority of Cumingian labels only. Wolf, Boetzkes, Stubel/Cousin, Paz and other collec- tors in Ecuador do not seem to have encountered the species. P. IRIS (Pfeiffer). PL 51, figs. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Shell ovate-acuminate, moderately solid and strong. White under a bright yellow or tawny-brown streaked cuticle, paler or white on the spire and basal keel. Surface slightly shining, coarsely, irregularly plicate or plicatulate, decussated by rather wide-spaced spiral furrows or lines, cutting the folds into spiral bands' of oblong granules. Wfhorls 5J, the first 2J forming the nearly smooth, obtuse nepionic shell, the next whorl rather flattened, penultimate and last whorls convex, the latter haying a prominently exserted, blunt keel on the base. Aperture irregularly ovate, slightly oblique, white within ; peri- 158 PORPHYROBAPHE. stome blunt, white or flesh-colored, expanded, becoming subreflexed below ; columella vertical, straight or convex, white ; parietal callus white. Alt. 73, diam. 39, longest axis of aperture 43 mill. Alt. 62, diam. 39, longest axis of aperture 39 mill. Colombia: La Ceja, Rio Negro (type locality) and mountains near Fresno, between Salamina and Santa Ana (Bid.). Bulimus iris PFR., P. Z. S. 1852, p. 136; Conchyl. Cab. p. 244, pi. 65, f. 4, 5 ; Monogr. iii, p. 313 ; iv, 376 ; vi, 22 — DOHRN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ii, 1875, p. 298 Bulimus wallisianus MOUSSON, Malak. Blatter xxi, 1873, p. 9 PFR., Novit. Conch, iv, p. 135, pi. 130, f. 7, 8 ; Monogr. viii, pp. 15, 604. — B.utimus (Borus)fris H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 148. — Porphyrobapheiris Pfr., von MAR- TENS, Conchol. Mittheil., p. 174, pi. 35, f. 3 (apex). Similar to P. irroratus and grevillei in sculpture, but distinguished by its basal keel. Dohrn has already discussed this species at some length, the specimens I have seen supporting his opinion of the ex- traordinarily wide swing of variation among individuals. Pfeiffer's original specimen was rather small, length 64 mill., with the keel very near the columella, and the base, therefore, only slightly distorted (figs. 28, 29). Mousson's wallisianus (figs. 31, 32) was based upon a more strongly keeled shell, with very convex body- whorl and brown-streaked coloring. The type measured 62 mill, long ; one before me agrees exactly in color, form and size, see sec- ond line of measurements above. A more aberrant, but in no way pathologic individual, is shown in fig. 30. Dohrn gives the following extremes of size : Alt. 87, diam. 41, length of aperture 48 mill.; thick and calcar- eous. Alt. 52-59, diam. 26-27, length of aperture 32-34 mill. ; thin, translucent. GROUP OF P. DENNISONI. P. DENNISONI (Reeve). PI. 48, figs. 13, 14, 15, 16. Shell imperforate, ovate-acuminate, rather thin, subgranulated by light growth striae and somewhat undulating close spiral stria?, but little shining. Dull greenish buff, encircled with some pale bands, marked with sparse blackish streaks and strewn with purple-brown spots. Spire conic, the apex whitish, rather obtuse ; suture impressed ; PORPHYROBAPHE. 159 whorls 6, the upper ones flattened, streaked with brown, the penulti- mate more convex, last whorl about as long as the spire, rounded at base. Columella simple, rather straightened, white. Aperture slightly oblique, oval, livid, with a pearly luster inside ; peristome brown-edged, UB expanded, somewhat duplicate, not re- flexed. (Pfr.~) Alt. 83, diam. 43 mill, (from fig. of type). Colombia: Marmato among ferns, moss and dead leaves, in damp places (Bland); Canea (Da Costa); Bogota (Wallis). Bulinws dennisoni REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 26, f. 166 (July, 1848). — PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 245, pi. G6, f. 1, 2 ; Monogr. iii, p. 380.— BLAND, in Adams' Contrib. to Conch., No. 11, p. 229. Orthalicus (Sultana) dennisoni SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitise Malac. i, p. 58 (1856). — PFR., Monogr. iv, 586 ; vi, 198 — Of. Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 290, and STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Susswasser- Conchyl. v, pp. 1, 2 (1882). Porphyrobaphe dennisoni MOUSSON, Malak. Blatter xxi, 1873, p. 13, with var. obscurata, p. 14. — Bulimus dennisoni var. obscarata Mouss., PFR., Novit. Conch, iv, p. 120, pi. 127, f. 12, 13. The nepionic shell is composed of two and a half smooth corneous- buff whorls ; the next whorl has a subsutural band of squarish brown spots. Specimens collected by Bland at Marmato are small, alt. 57, diam. 34^, longest axis of aperture 36J mill., with 5J whorls, closely and conspicuously decussated surface and brown lip ; the columella is not straight, as in Reeve's figure, but markedly concave. This form may be called var. marmatensis (pi. 48, fig.. 14). Another specimen measures 59, 34, 36^ mill.; it has a tubercle at the upper insertion of the outer lip, as figured for P. grevillei. I think it path- ologic. Pfeiffer figures a small specimen of the typical form, measuring alt. 71, diam. 35 mill. Mousson describes a variety from Bogota : var. obscurata (pi. 48, fig. 13). A little smaller, alt. 71, diam. 37 mill., with elegant pat- tern of black -brown lines and diffuse spots upon white bands, the lip unexpanded and obtuse, grayish like the interior, not colored with brown. It is darker and more copiously and elaborately figured than the typical form. The inclusion of dennisoni among the species with "zierlich punkt- formigen Griibchen " upon the nuclear whorls, by Mousson, caused 160 LIGUUS. some uneasiness to Strebel ; but Mousson evidently did not actually see any such sculpture, but merely inferred it. The nepionic shell is smooth. (?) B. VICTOR Pfeiffer. See vol. x, p. 82. I have not seen' this species, but following Pfeiffer, placed it in Eurytus. Cousin has re- ferred it to Porphyrobaphe (Bull. Soc. Zool. France xii, p. 204), and states that he procured it in Ecuador, precise locality not given. PORPHYROBAPHE PEELii Miller, Mai. Blatt. xxv, 184 = Drymceus peelii, vol. xi, p. 205. Genus LIGUUS Montfort (s. lot.). Liguus Montf. + Corona Alb. + Hemibulimus Martens. Shell oblong- or ovate-conic, with simple, thin-edged, unexpanded lip, and obtuse, vertically wrinkled or smooth nepionic whorls, the columella usually truncated at its base, though sometimes continuous with the basal lip, and either concave, folded, or straight above. The present group differs from Orthalicus in the sculpture of the nepionic whorls ; from Oxystyla in the more lengthened general form, usual though not invariable truncation of the columella, and the vertical wrinkles of the nepionic shell, or the last nepionic whorl; a character frequently lost in old shells by wear, but probably in- variable in the young. , The genus as limited above, is nearly coincident in distribution with the Helicoid genus Plfurodonte, inhabiting the two largest West Indian islands and the northern and north-western parts of South America. And as Pleurodonle is represented in South America by two peculiar sections, Labyrintlus and Jsomeria, so Liguus appears on the continent in forms (Corona and Hemibulimus) differing from the Antillean. The subgenera of Liguus may be arranged thus : . Liguus (in the narrow sense) : Antillean forms with white or bright colored shell, rather small apex, and strictly arboreal habits. Hemibulimus: Colombian forms with the shell dark, somber col- ored, the columella concave above, truncated below ; habits probably terrestrial. Corona: South American forms with the shell strong, apex obtuse as if cut off, the columella with a callous fold above, colors not vivid. LIGUUS. 161 Subgenus LIGUUS Montfort, 1810. Liynus MONTFORT, Conehyliologie Systematique ii, p. 422 (1810), Sole species L. virgineus. Chersina (Humphrey, in part, Museum Calonnianum, p. 62, 1797) BECK, Index Moll., p. 74 (1837). Pseudotrochus (Klein, in part, Tent. Meth. p. 26, 1753) MORCH, Catal. Yoldi, p. 21 (1852); Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, p. 390 (for virginea L.) H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 135 (ex- clusive of several species of Perideris). Oxystrombus (of Klein, in part, Tentamen Method! Ostracologicae, p. 32, 1753) MORCH, Catal. Yoldi, p. 21 (1852); Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, p. 270 (for fasciatus Mull.). OrthaUcinus FISCHER & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll, i, p. 436 (1875), type L. fasciatus. SheH imperf orate, oblong-conic, either thin or solid, the nepioriic shell not differentiated from the subsequent whorls, smooth, or with a few spiral bands of vertical wrinkles ; the later whorls smooth, dull or glossy, white or vividly banded or streaked, pink, green and yellow often entering into the color-scheme ; the cuticle, when pres- ent, very thin and inconspicuous ; aperture rather small, ovate, the outer lip acute and unexpanded, columella vertical, and varying from heavy and abruptly truncated at the base (as in Achatina) to thin and continuous with the basal lip ; always simple above. Jaw as in Oxystyla, Orthalicus, etc. Radula with the cusps either all obtuse and rounded, or several in the median part longer and pointed. The penis lias a lobed accessory gland or appendix, as in other genera of the sub-family. Type Bulla virginea L. Distribution : Haiti, Cuba, with the Isle of Pines, Cozumel Island, Southern Florida and the keys. Arboreal. The shell is generally less ventricose than in Oxystyla, not spirally striated, and usually lighter or brighter colored. Corona is more obtuse and less brilliantly colored, but is doubtless very closely allied to Liguus. It agrees in the slight wrinkles of the last nepionic whorl, cut into long granules, and the usually truncated columella; though in both groups, this is a variable character. Of the names quoted as generic synonyms above, Chersina origin- ally appeared in the anonymous sale- catalogue of M. de Calonne's collection, and covered many diverse genera; its resurrection and restriction by Beck in 1837 was long after Montfort had established 11 162 LIGUUS. Liguus. Pseudotrochus and Oxystrombus of Klein would have no standing in binomial nomenclature even if they had been natural groups, which they were not ; and Morcli's use of the names in 1852 was futile. The erection of Orthalicinus in 1875 by Fischer' and Crosse seems to me to be quite a needless addition to nomenclature, for if L. fasciatus is in need of a subgeneric name, Oxystrombus of Morch fills every requirement. Key to species of Liguus. a. Columella deeply concave above, abruptly truncated at the base, sinuous within the last whorl. b. Shell glossy and brilliant, usually with 3 to 6 distinct color-bands, somewhat trochiform ; basal lip subhorizontal, but slightly arcuate. Haiti. virgineus, p. 162 b1. Somewhat pupiform, the last whorl rather contracted be- low ; basal lip deeply arcuate. Cuba. poeyanus, p. 166 a1. Columella straight above, vertical, hardly or not sinuous within the last whorl, and either continuous or truncated at the base ; basal lip rather deeply arcuate. Aperture not deep purple or pink within, though the parietal wall is often colored. b. Pale yellow or whitish, with several blackish zones, one above and one below the periphery more or less maculated with yellow ; columella but slightly truncated ; last whorl somewhat contracted. blainiamis, p. 174 b1. Without the above combination of characters. fasciatus, p. 166 Several species besides those defined above are referred to Liguus and its vicinity in Pfeiffer's Nomenclator Heliceorum Viventium. L. carinatus Pfr. (p. 206, no. 76) is a Peri den's ; L. emarginatus >(p. 260) is a form of//, virgineus ; and Orthdlicus (Corona,} histrio Pfr. (p. 259, no. 77) is a species of Oleacina. L. VIRGINEUS (Linne). PI. 56, figs. 58-^69. Shell ovate-turreted, solid, smooth and glossy. Color white or bright yellow, with distinct, vivid, continuous and rather narrow bands of blackish, brown, green, pink, purple, or light yellow, or two or three- of these colors; the bands usually 3 to 6 in number, typical positions for three of them being the periphery, the middle of the upper surface (ascending the spire midway between sutures), and 163 the middle of the lower surface ; the earlier whorls either white, pink or with the lower half of each one purple. Whorls 7 to 8, somewhat convex, the last either subangular or rounded at the periphery ; apex obtuse, smooth. Aperture small, oblique, varying from pure white to dark purple within, paler near the lip; peristome acute, unexpanded, the basal margin excised ; cohuneUa concave, and deeply excavated above, its base abruptly truncated ; and with the parietal callus, of a deep pink color. Alt. 52, diam. 27, longest axis of aperture 24^ mill. Alt. 49, diam. 20, longest axis of aperture 20 mill. Alt. 37, diam. 21^, longest axis of aperture 18 mill. Alt. 36, diam. 17, longest axis of aperture 14^ mill. Haiti : Miragoane (Rolle); Jacmel ( Vend ryes); Aux Caijes (Swift);. Gonave Island (Linden) ; and in Santo Domingo, environs of Santi- ago (Hjalmarson), Barrera, San Juan and Neyba (A. Salle). BuJla virginea LINNE, Syst. Nat. (12), p. 1186 (1766). — CHEM- NITZ, Conchyl. Cab. ix, pt. 2, p. 8, pi. 117, f. 1002, 1003: and x, pi. 173, f. 1682, 1683 (sinistral form).— GMELIN, Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3429. — DILLAVYN, Descript. Catal. i, p. 491. — MA WE, Tiie Linnaean System of Conch., pi. 22, f. 6 (1823). — Buccinum virgimum MULLER, Hist. Vermium ii, p. 143 — Bidimns virgineus BRUG., Encycl. Meth. i, p. 363. — Helix (Cochlitoma) virginea FER., Prodr., p. 49, no. 344. Achatina virginea LAM., An. s. Vert, vi, pt. 2, p. 131 ; edit. De- shayes viii, p. 299 — CROUCH, Illustr. Introd. Lam. Conch., 1827, p. 29, pi. 15, f. 5. — REEVE, Conch. Syst. ii, pi. 176, f. 2; Conch. Icon. pi. 10, f. 36. — SOWERBY, Conchol. Man., f. 286 KUSTER, Conchyl. Cab. pi. 7, f. 8, 9; pi. 14, f. 9, 10 (sinistral).— DESHAYES in Fer., Hist., p. 152, pi. 118, f. 3, 4, (red banded form), pi. 120, f. 2-7, and 8 (sinistral). — PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 300, pi. 24, f. 8-10; Monogr. ii, p. 255 ; iii, 489; iv, 604; vi, 221 ; viii, 277. — BINNEY and BLAND, Amer. Jour, of Conch, vi, p. 209-211, f. 3, 4 (teeth) ; Land and Freshwater Shells of N. A. i, p. 212, f. 364 (jaw). HJALMARSON and PFEIFFER, Malak. Blatter v, p. 153. — DROUET, Moll. Terr. Guyane Francaise, p. 69 — Achatina virginice BLAIN- A^ILLE, Man. de Malac., p. 456, pi. 38, f. 2. Chersina virginea BECK, Index Moll., p. 74 (1837). Liguus virgineus MONTFORT, Conch. Syst. ii, p. 423, pi. 106 (1810). — BINNEY and BLAND, Ann. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist, xi, p. 41, pi. 3, 164 LIGUUS. f. A-G (teeth); pi. 4, f. G (genitalia).— BLAND, t. c., p. 198.— von MARTENS, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. iv, 1877, p. 3G2-367.— CROSSE & FISCHER, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., p. 436. — BINNEY, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. iii, p. 129, pi. 12, f. A (dentition) CROSSE, Jour- nal de Conchyl. xxxix, 1891, pp. 129, 204 (with var. sinistralis Maltzan, Ms.). — Achatina virginea varieties 2, 3, 4, SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr. iii, pi. 122, 123 (1822). — Achatina (Liguus) virginea MAR- TENS in Alb., Die Hel., 1860, p. 207 — Pseudotrochus virgineus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 135, pi. 73, f. 8a. Achatina vexillum Humph., DEKAY, Zool. of New York, pte v, Moll., p. 56, pi. 4, f. 56. Achatina emarginata SAVAINSON, Zool. Illustr. ii, pi. 84, upper and lower figures (1821). — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 256 — Ilotia virginea and puellaris BOLT., teste Pfr — Chersina vittata HUMPHREY, Mus. Calonnianurn, p. 62 (1797). Pre-Linnean illustrations: Lister, Historia Conch., pi. 15, f. 10. Buonanni, f. 66 ; Argentville, pi. 65, f. G 1, G 3, G 4, G 5. Klein, pi. 7, f. 116 (copied from Lister). Petiver Gazophylacii, pi. 22, f. 11 (copied from Lister). Gualtieri, pi. 6, f. A. Seba, Thesaurus iii, pi. 40, f. 38. Schroter, Geschichte der Flussconchylien, p. 337, pi. 8, f. 3, 4. L. virgineus differs from L. fasciatus in the shorter columella, strongly concave above and more abruptly truncated below, and in being more trochiform. The columella is strongly sinuous within the last whorl, and there is frequently a short callous ridge well within the aperture on the basal wall. The positions of the four blackish bands, when they are present, is always the same, and the dark green (or purple) super-peripheral band, ending in a slight notch in the lip, is also fix e^ in position when present. The green band is purely cuticular, and when rubbed off, a purple one is seen in the substance of the shell beneath it. The number of band combinations, if one descends to minutias and transition forms, is considerable ; but the chief patterns are noticed below. The variation in width of the shell is largely independent of color-pattern. I. With a super-peripheral green band terminating in a notch at the lip-edge. la. One green band and some faint yellow ones ; aperture white within (figs. 58, 59). This is Achatina emargi- nata of Swainson. It occurs at Jacmel. LIGUUS. 165 Ib. Two to four blackish bands in the typical positions, a red band above the peripheral one or replacing it; aperture dark within (figs. 63, 64.) bl. A second green band above, both bordered be- low with yellow. Ic. Ground color yellow, fading to white or pink above ; a red line above the dark green super-peripheral band, and a red band at periphery ; grass-green bands at suture and base; aperture white inside (figs. 61, 62). Aux Cayes. II. Green bands wanting or replaced by purple. Ha. Four dark lines in the typical positions, the lower two bordered above by red bands or wanting (figs. 68, 66). lib. Three red bands, no dark ones (fig. 69). lie. Four dark bands or lines only, in the typical positions (figs. 67). According to Hjalmarson, L. virgineus lives upon the tree Hcema- toxylon camp eel teanwn, the Campeche wood, used for dyes. In water the dye diffuses a reddish-yellow color; acted upon by acids, it be- comes yellow or red ; by alkalies, violet, purple or blue. These are the colors chiefly found in the shell. The epiphragm and the slime of the snail are green. Sinistral specimens have been figured by Chemnitz, Ku'ster and Ferussac, and Rolle reports the sinistral with the typical form at Miragoane. From the data at hand, it would seem that the chief color-patterns are probably local, all the shells of one " colony " being somewhat similar, though the same color-form may occur in many separated places. Further investigation is required to definitely speak on this point. Probably sinistral shells occur of any color-pattern, and are wholly sporadic ; and in that case v. Maltzan's " var. sinistralls" will not stand for anything of the nature of a race or variety in the true sense. As Haiti was the first Antillean island to be settled, and for a long time was visited for provisions by most vessels trading to the West Indies and Spanish Main, this brilliant shell was early carried to Europe, and is figured in most of the iconographic works of the last century. Naturally, the habitats given by the older authors scattered it wide of the mark. Linne cites figures of L. fasciatus as a var. ft of 166 virgineus, an error detected by Bruguiere. Drouet gives it among his Guiana shells, from a locality near Cayenne. If it exists there, it was evidently introduced by French commerce. L. POEYANUS (Pfeiffer). PL 55, figs. 55, 56, 57. Shell dextral or sinistral, oblong-turreted, somewhat fusiform, solid, whitish, becoming deep pink above, and more or less yellow on the latter part of the last whorl, with three narrow brownish black bands in the typical positions, sometimes with a light chestnut band bordering the suture below and a chestnut patch around the columella. Smooth and glossy, whorls 8, moderately convex. Aperture oblique, pink within ; outer lip acute and simple ; col- umella and parietal wall rose-colored, the former destroyed by crabs in the specimens known, but said by Poey to be truncated. Alt. 43-48, diam. 18-20 mill. Oabo Cruz, Cuba (Gundlach, Jaudenes). Achatina poeyana PFR., Malak. Blatter iv, p. 173, pi. 4, f. 3, 4 (1857); Monogr. iv, p. 605; vi, 221 — ARANGO, Fauna Malacologia Cubana, p. 94 — Liguus poeyanus Crosse, Journ. de Conchyl. 1890, xxxviii, p. 202. — ? Achatina vittata SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr. pi. 84, middle figures (1821-2). Similar to L. virgineus, and unlike all other Cuban Liguus, in the three blackish bands in the typical positions for bands in this sub- family. The pink-calloused interior, narrow7 form and smooth sur- face, as well as the truncated columella, are also like L. virgineus, from which species it differs chiefly in distribution. The tapering base of the last whorl, however, is not quite like virgineus. The shells collected by Gundlach and sent Pfeiffer had all been inhabited by Paguri, the columella being worn away. Those before me are also in this condition. According to Gundlach the majority of the specimens are sinistral. None have been observed with green, purple or red bands, though the spaces between the peripheral and upper, and below the lower dark band, become straw-yellow7 on the latter part of the last whorl in one of the shells before me. I think Swainson's A. vittata corresponds much better with this species than with L. virgineus, but as there is some doubt, I do not give it precedence. L. FASCIATUS (Miiller). Plates 57, 58, 59, 60 ; pi. 55, fig. 54. Shell oblong-conie, thin or solid, smooth. Color variable, being LIGUUS. 167 white, banded or streaked. Whorls 6J-8, moderately convex. Aperture ovate, oblique; outer lip simple, thin, more or less notched at the terminations of green bands when these are present ; colamella vertical, straight above, varying from heavy and strongly truncate below (in typical fasciatus) to thin and continuous with the basal lip (in var. crenatus etc.). Alt. 73, diam. 34, longest axis of aperture 33 mill. Alt. 60, diam. 26^, longest axis of aperture 25 mill. Alt. 50, diam. 27, longest axis of aperture 25 mill. Alt. 41, diam. 17, longest axis of aperture 17^ mill. Cuba and the Jsle of Pines ; Cozumel Island, off the east coast of Yucatan ; Florida Keys, and northward on the east coast to Miami, on the west to Goodland Point. Bulla virginea ft LINNE, Syst. Nat. (12), p. 1186. Buccinum fasciatum MULLER, Verm. Terr, et Fluv., ii, p. 145 (1774), referring to Seba, Thesaurus III, pi. 39, f. 62-64, 67, 68, 74 (but f. 62-74 are all fasciatus). Argenville, Conch. (1757), pi. 11, f. M. Berlinisches Magazin, iii, (1766), pi. 5, f. 52. Regenfus, Conchyl. pi. 10, f. 46. Lister, pi. 12, f. 7. Gualt. Test. Conchyl. Index, pi. 6, f. D. Klein, Ostrac., pi. 2, f. 43, etc. Bulla fasciata CHEMNITZ, Conchyl. Cab., ix, pt. 2, p. 13, pi. 117, f. 1004-6.— GMELIN, Syst. Nat. (13), p. 3430 — DILLWYN, De- script. Catal. i, p. 362. Achatina fasciata SWAINS., Zool. Illustr., ii, pi. 74; iii, pi. 162. —REEVE, Conch. Syst. ii, pi. 178, f. 11, 12 ; Conch. Icon. pi. 9, f. 29, pi. 10, f. 35 a, b, c ORB., Moll. Cuba i, p. 172, pi. 6, f. 1-7.— PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 245; iii, 479; iv, 604; vi, 221; viii, 277; Conchyl. Cab. p. 298, pi. 24, f. 1-3; pi. 47, f. 3-6. — DESHAYES, in Fer., Hist., ii, p. 148. Chersina fasciata BECK, Index Moll., p. 74. Achatina (Chersina] fasciata PFR., Malak. Bl. i, 1854, p. 197 — Achatina (Corona) fasciata PFR., Malak. Bl. ii, 1855, p. 167. — Oxystrombus fasciatus MORCH, Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, xiii, p. 270. Orthalicus ( Orthalicinus) fasciatus CROSSE & FISCHER, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., p. 436.— CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1890, p. 201. Bulimus vexillum BRUG., Encycl. Meth. i, p. 362. Helix (Cochlitoma} vexillum FER., Prodr. 49, no. 343 ; Histoire, pi. 121, f. 1-8. Achatina vexillum LAM., Anim. s. Vert, vi, pt. 2, p. 130; edit. Desh., viii, p. 298 — KUSTER, Conchyl. Cab. p. 7, f. 1-3. 168 L1GUUS. Achatina pallida SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr. i, pi. 41 (1820). Achatina crenata SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr. i, pi. 58 (1821). — Chersina crenata BECK, Index Moll., p. 74. Achatina anais LESSON, Revue Zool. 1840, p. 356 (1841). Achatina lineata VALENC. in Humb. & Bonpl. Rec. de Obs. Zool. 11, p. 248, pi. 55, f. 2 (1833). Achatina lutea (in Berlin Mus.) ANTON, Verzeich. p. 44 (1839), nude name. — A. lutea WIEGMANN (unpublished). Achatina murrea REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 7, f. 22 (1849) — Pseudotrochus murreus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 135. Achatina picta REEVE, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 50; Conch. Syst. ii, p. 178, f. 10; Conch. Icon. pi. 10. f. 34.— PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 256; iii, p. 490; iv, 605; vi, 221. — Pseudotrochus pictus H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 135. — Li guns picta CKOSSE, Journ. de Conchy!. 1890, p. 201. Helix hepatica and H. testa ovis BOLTON, according to Pf'eiffer. Chersina vexillum HUMPHREY, Mus. Galon., p. 62. (Floridian references.} Achatina solida SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v, p. 122 (1825) ; Edit, Binney, p. 29.— DEKAY, N. Y. Moll., p. 56 PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 246. Agatina varlegata RAFINESQUE, Enum. and Acct. p. 3 (1833) ; edit. Binney & Tryon, p. 68. Buliimis fasciatus BINNEY, Terrestr. Moll. U. S. ii, p. 266, pi. 55-57 ; and LEIDY, ibid, i, pi. 5 (anatomy). Achatina fasciata W. G. BINNEY, Terr. Moll, iv, p. 138 ; BINN. & BLAND, Land and Fresh-water Shells N. A., i, p. 213, f. 365 (shell), 366 (teeth). Li guus fasciata TRYON, Amer. Journ. Conch, iii, 1867, p. 165, pi. 12, f. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. (Cuban specimens!) — Liguus picta TRYON, 1. c. p. 165, pi. 12, f. 4 (a Cuban specimen !) Liguus fasciatus W. G. BINNEY, Terrestr. Moll, v, p. 403, pi. 55, 56,57 (shell), pi. 10, f. G (dentition) ; Man. Amer. Land Shells, Bull. 28 U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 432, f. 478 (teeth), 479 (1885) ; Fourth Supplement to Terr. Moll, v, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxii, no. 4, p. 201, pi. 1, f. 5 (1892) SIMPSON, Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci. v, p. 67. — RHOADS, Nautilus xiii, p. 45. The typical L. fasciatus is a solid, strong shell with the columella LIGUUS. 169 heavy and generally truncated, and a rich color-pattern of dark zones and lines on a white or light ground, as shown in figures 70—74 of plate 57. All of the older and especially the pre-Linnean figures represent this form. It is a superb shell, with the appearance of painted porcelain. B. vexillum Brug., A. lineata Val. are absolute synonyms, and A. murrea Rve. is the young. The Achatina pallida of Swainson is a form of L. fasciatus retaining only a small part of the typical color pattern. Var. pictus Reeve is another branch of the typical fasciatus stem, in which the longitudinal stripes have be- come obsolete except at the ends, where they appear as spots. It is often thinner than typical fasciatus. I am convinced that no specific separation can be made between the shells with strongly truncate columella and those with no trunca- tion. It is a character of less phylogenetic stability than the mere color-pattern ; truncate and non-truncate specimens occtir together in many localities, with all possible intergradations between them. The contention of MM. Crosse and Fischer that L. fasciatus should be removed from Liguus to Orthalicus, under the subgeneric title of Orthalicinus was apparently based upon an incomplete knowledge of the variations of the columella ; and such an arrangement of the forms as that given by M. Crosse in J. de C. xxxviii, 1890, p. 201, is clearly inadmissible. No shells corresponding to this typical form and its color-variations occur in Florida. They are exclusively Cuban. A form parallel with var. pictus Reeve occurs in Florida (var. VII), but it evidently had a different genesis. The variety crenatus of Swainson, so named from the nicks in the perisiome at the ends of the green bands, is the oldest name for the thin form with numerous green lines, occurring both in Cuba (pi. 58, figs. 80, 81) and in Florida (pi. 60, figs. 1, 2, 3). It is likely that this form was the original one which reached Florida, the other peninsular varieties being derivatives therefrom. Var. VIII occurs both in Florida (pi. 59, figs. 92, 93), and in Cuba (as var. Ill, pi. 57, fig. 76). The uniform white Cuban form (pi. 58, fig. 88) is not quite like the white Floridian form (pi. 59, figs. 94, 96) and evi- dently arose from diverse antecedents. Very little is known of the distribution of the color-varieties in Cuba. The heavy, beautifully painted typical forms, variety I and its subvarieties, occur in western Cuba and the Isle of Pines. This 170 LIGUTJS. is also the pattern occurring in Cozumel Island, where one specimen (pi. 58, fig. 83) was collected in 1899 by Dr. C. F. Miilspaugh dur- ing the West Indian cruise of the yacht " Utowana." It was found on the trunk of a low Sabal palm about two feet from the ground, and about 500 feet from the beach. It does not seem to me desirable to apply names to the numerous forms of L. fasciatus until they are far better understood than at present ; but a synopsis of the main variations may be useful. Cuban varieties. I. Typical form. Solid and strong, the columella more or less truncate ; white with a broad belt varying from purplish- pink to bluish above and another below the white peripheral band, which is usually divided by a brown line ; the colored belts generally with greenish lines and dark flames ; spire flammulate, with spiral lines at the sutures ; columella and apex pink or white ; parietal callus often pink-edged (pi. 57, figs. 70, 71, 72). Cienfuegos, etc. Through various transi- tions this blends with form la. • The Cozumel Island form is somewhat similar to the above. It is solid with distinctly truncated columella; with two wide blackish bands, traversed by darker lines and somewhat spotted with yellow, on a white ground becoming yellowish below and pink near the apex, the bands gradually disappear- ing on the latter half of the last whorl, and replaced by several greenish lines, (pi. 58, fig. 83). la. Similiarly solid, large, the columella varying from very strongly to weakly truncate. White, often yel- lowish on the last whorl, with a brown line at the periphery, and numerous grass-green or yellowish- green lines and narrow bands, and more or less streaked or maculated with purplish above; parietal callus often with a dark chestnut border, and some sigmoid streaks within (pi. 57, figs. 73, 74). Transitions towards var. crenata occur. Ib. Similar to a, but green lines wanting or faint (A. pal- lida Swains., pi. 58, fig. 82). The lack of green lines is often due to wear. The chestnut streaks upon the parietal callus are often conspicuous. This form some- ,times attains a length of 70-75 mill. LKiUUS. 171 Ic. No bands except a white one at the periphery ; striped with deep brown, like an Oxystyla (pi. 57, fig. 75). An unusual color-variety. II. Rather smaller, alt. 40-50 mill., solid, the columella more or less, or not, truncated ; white or yellowish, with a few longi- tudinal bluish or purplish smears, and a double row of brown or bluish spots at the periphery and suture ; apex and colu- niella pink or white (A. picta Reeve. PI. 58, figs. 84, 85). This is a modification of var. I ; compare fig. 74 of pi. 57. III. Rather small and stoutly conic ; white, some whorls of the spire with a wide blackish-brown zone, replaced upon the penultimate or last whorl by some green lines, or continuous to the aperture, with another dark zone on the base of the shell ; apex and aperture either white or pink (pi. 57, fig. 76). IV. Small and slender, rather thin ; a white peripheral zone, with longitudinal bluish, greenish or purplish streaks above and below, the streaks either distinct or lost in a general purplish- fleshy suffusion. Columellar truncation weak or scarcely noticeable, parietal callus thin, faint pink ; apex often dark- tipped ; aperture small (pi. 57, fig. 79). Pinar del Rio. V. Pure white throughout, or with a faint pink tint on the parietal wall. Columellar truncation varying from very strong to imperceptible. (PI. 58, fig. 88). VI. Var. crenatus Swains. Rather thin, the columella straight, slightly or not at all truncated. White, with numerous grass- green lines, the earlier whorls, columella and thin parietal callus white or nearly so. (A. crenata Swains.; A. anais Lesson. PI. 58, figs. 80, 81). This form differs from Var. la in wanting dark markings on the spire and parietal wail. There is sometimes a brown peripheral line. Floridian varieties. VI. White, with few or numerous grass-green lines, sometimes coalescent into bands ; no brown line at periphery or else- where. Apical whorls and parietal callus white or pink, (var. crenatus Swains., pi. 60, figs. 1, 3, 5). These are the same as the Cuban crenatus. The bands are sometimes dull instead of bright green, or even olive-brown. Via. Similar, but more or less tinted or broadly zoned with 172 LIGUUS. yellow, varying to forms with no green lines and bright yellow color (pi. 60, figs. 10, 12, 13, Miami, Fla.). VIb. Similar to VI, but with a broad interrupted blackish zone or series of blotches on one or two whorls of the spire; sometimes a brown line at the periphery (pi. 60, fig. 2). Vic. Similar to VI&, but the broad interrupted zones ex- tend to the last whorl, with or without green lines, the intervals between dark blotches often yellow (pL 60, figs. 4, 8, Miami, P'la.). Vie?. Last whorl elaborately streaked with black-brown, a light band at periphery and suture (pi. 60, fig. 7, Miami : also pi. 20, figs. 27, 28). Vie. Streaks reduced to series of spots below the suture and at the periphery (pi. 60, fig. 11, Miami, Fla.). This form resembles and is a transition to the next, but is more heavily marked. VII. Thin and light, the columella slender, not truncated. Deli- cately greenish-yellow tinted, pale above, smeared longi- tudinally at irregular intervals with bluish or purplish, more copiously streaked on the upper whorls ; having more or less developed sub-sutural and peripheral bands of spot» ; brown bands at periphery and suture, with another above the suture; and some green lines (pi. 59, figs. 90, 91, Lignum Vitas Key)r or none (pi. 59, iig. 97, No Name Key) on the last whorl. Apex and parietal wall faintly pink-tinted. Similar to var. picta Rve., but thinner, with slender columella, and a white band between the suture and the row of spots below it. VIII. A broad blackish zone on the spire, two on the last whorl, on a white ground (pi. 59, figs. 92, 93, Key Largo). This connects with VI6 and the following form though specimens with the dark zones absent on the last whorl, and replaced by lines or a uniform white surface. In some shells the bands are yellow with brown streaks. IX. White, with faint pinkish or gray streaks, the apex and columella pink (pi. 59, fig. 94, Key Largo). Also occurs at Goodland Point. X. Solid and strong, pale yellow, or white with yellow zones. 173 the columella truncated at base (var. solida Say, pi. 58, fig. 86, Say's type ; also fig. 87). Jn Florida L. fasciatus is said to range from Key West to Miami, and northward on the west coast to Goodland Point. It is defi- nitely known from the following keys and mainland localities : Key West (Binney) ; which color form is not recorded. Pine Key (Simpson) ; "a very large form, greatly elongated with flattened whorls and beautifully marked with brown, green, blue and purple on a yellow ground, columella and tip of spire pink. One living shell found, of a chalky-white throughout, having a single very narrow olive line on the body and next whorl, the columella being as distinctly truncated as most of the African Achatinas." No Name Key (Hemphill). See Var. VII above, and pi. 59, fig. 97. Delicate mottled shells, resembling those from Lignum Vitre Key, and the var. pictus of Cuba. Key Vaccas (Hemphill). See pi. 59, fig. 95. " Small, thick, four upper whorls white with longitudinal dark chestnut blotches, lower three w)iorls very dark green, almost black, with white longi- tudinal flammules and black revolving bands." Grassy Key (Joseph Willcox). Pure white, with pale olive- green lines. Two specimens. Rabbit Key (Simpson). " Variety having a wide brown band." Lignum Vita Key (Willcox). See var. VII, above, and pi. 59, figs. 90, 91. Delicately mottled with purple and lineate with green. Resembles the form from No Name Key. Four specimens examined. Key Largo (Hemphill). (a) Pinkish-white, with some grayish streaks, the apex and columella pink ; pi. 59, fig. 94. (b) The same, with pale green lines on the last whorl, (c) White with two wide black or red-brown bands, the upper one ascending the spire, pi. 59, fig. 93, or the bands yellow with brown streaks, pi. 59, fig. 92, and sometimes wanting on the last whorl or replaced by greenish lines there. Thirty two specimens. Biscayne Key (Binney). Color forms not recorded. Miami, Dade Co., on the mainland (S. N. Rhoads, H. A. Pilsbry). This is apparently near or at the limit of distribution northward on the east coast of Florida. See varieties VI, Via, VI&, Vic, Vic/, Vie, and pi. 60, all figures. The earlier whorls and columella are indifferently white or pink in all the color-forms. The color-patterns are somewhat localized, some colonies affording green-banded shells 174 LIGUUS. only, while in others many dark specimens occur also. The more elaborately-marked forms, such as Vic? and Vie are rave at Miami, the forms VI and Via greatly predominating. Cape Sable, S.-E. Florida (Simpson, Willcox). White, with pink apex and columella, the later half of the body-whorl with a pink peripheral line and numerous light greenish lines ; solid and strong, with the columella either heavy and strongly truncated, or the trun- cation scarcely noticeable (pi. 59, fig. 96, coll. by Willcox). Simpson writes : u Some of the shells marked with a broad spiral band of bril- liant orange, and on one shell the band was green." Goodland Point, Lee Co., on the west coast, about 40 miles south of Charlotte Harbor (Simpson, Hemphill). This is the most north- ern point from which the species is known, though Mr. Simpson mentions a report of its occurrence on Sanibel Island. It ascends decidedly further on the west than on the east coast. The shells collected by Hemphill are white with the apex and columella pink, last one or two whorls with a broad yellow zone or two, and some- times numerous yellowish-olive lines toward the end of the last whorl. Simpson mentions them as either pure white or slightly marked with greenish or brown lines on the body-whorl. It occurs in abundance. It will be obvious from the foregoing that certain color-patterns are locally restricted ; but until many more of the keys are explored and ample series collected with data on the stations, etc., no definite con- clusions on the distribution of the color-varieties can be formulated. The exact habitats of some forms, such as the solidus of Say, are unknown. L. BLAINIANUS (Poey). PL 55, figs. 51, 52, 53. Shell oblong-turreted, rather solid. Cream -white or yellowish- white, with five black-brown spiral bands : the upper one a mere line below the suture, the second and fourth wide zones more or less broken by reddish or yellow streaks, the third or peripheral narrower, continuous, and the fifth band encircling the columellar region or forming a columellar patch. The first, third and fifth bands are sometimes replaced by diluted purplish or purple-brown bands (fig. 53), and the degree of maculation of the two main zones varies within wide limits. Surface smooth. Whorls 7^, the apex blackish at the tip when not removed, several whorls following reddish, with a pale subsutural border. LIGUUS — CORONA. 175 Aperture small, oblique, whitish or maculated within ; outer lip acute ; columella vertical, moderately heavy, somewhat truncated at the base; the parietal and columellar callus more or less pinkish, the former rather thin. Alt. 43, diam. 19, longest axis of aperture 19 mill. Alt. 38, diam. 17, longest axis of aperture 17 mill. Sierra de Rangd, in the cordillera de los Organos, about 30 leagues S. S.-E. from Havana, Cuba. Achatina blainiana POKY, Memorias sobra la Hist. Nat. de la isla de Cuba i, p. 206, pi. 12, f. 4-6 (1851) — PFK., Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1852, p. 176 ; Conchyl. Cab., p. 364, pi. 24, f. 4, 5 ; Monogr. iii, p. 489; iv, 605; vi, 221 GUNDLACH, Malak. Blatter iv, 1857, p. 45. Poey mentions a specimen 47 mill, long, but the ordinary size is about 40 mill. It is closely allied to L. fasciatus, with which Arango unites it, but may be distinguished by the more compressed or con- tracted last whorl, and the particular pattern of coloring, which does not vary materially in th^3 small series of some 23 specimens before me. Still, there are certain forms of fasciatus which approach blaim'anus, and when full series from the region adjacent to its local- ity are collected, I do not have much doubt that blainianus will be given subspecific rather than specific rank. Subgenus CORONA Albers, 1850. Corona ALBERS, Die Heliceen, p. 193 (for Achatina reyina Fer. and A. fiammigera Fe>.) — SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitia? Concholngiaei i, p. 66 (1856) VON MARTENS in Die Hel. edit. 2, p. 226 (type 0. regina Fer.). — Bulwms and Achatina sp., of various authors. — ffelix, subg. Cochlitoma sp. of Fe>ussac. Not Corone Kaup, 1829 (Aves), nor Coronus Dej., 1833 (Coleoptera), nor Coronia Ehrenberg. Shell lengthened, ovate conic, solid, sinistral or dextral, without spiral striation ; apex obtuse, the first whorl planorboid above, smooth, the following 1J whorls of the nepionic shell irregularly striated or wrinkled in the direction of growth-line*, when unworn. Aperture oblique, the outer lip unexpanded, thin, the inner margin covered with a blackish callus and deeply excavated at the root of the colu- mella ; columella twisted, with a heavy callous fold, usually more or less distinctly truncate at base. Soft anatomy unknown. Type : Helix (Cochlitoma} regina F£r. — See plates 33 to 36«. Distribution : Eastern side of the Andes from Bolivia to Ecuador, eastward to the province of Bahia and to Guiana. 176 LIGUUS CORONA. This group is still unknown anatomically. In shell-characters it seems more nearly allied to Hemibulimus than to other known sub- genera of OrthalicincB) agreeing with that group in the vertically wrinkled nepionic shell, the deeply excised inner lip, and the truncate columella. It differs from Hemibulimus in the brighter coloration, and heavily calloused columella. The structure of the columella is remarkably like some species of Metorihalicus, a group distinguished by its pitted apical sculpture, and thick outer lip. Albers, Pfeiffer, Shuttleworth, von Martens and others have in- cluded a greater or less number of incongruous species in Corona. Excluding these, the subgenus consists of a group of very closely allied forms, which when full geographic series are collected and studied may prove to be varying races of a single species. Cousin has taken this view (Bull. Zool. Soc. France, vii, 1889, p. 193); but the obvious errors of fact and crudities of judgment everywhere apparent in his "Fauna Malacologique de la Republic de PEquateur," and particularly so in his paragraphs upon Corona regina, do not recommend his views to us. The distribution of several of the forms is involved in obscurity. L. regaiis, with its variety loroisianus, is known to be a species of the upper Amazon, in Eastern Peru and Ecuador, and western Brazil, L. incisus inhabits the forests east of the Cordillera in Bolivia, and apparently occurs also in the province of Bahia and in Guiana. This is a wide range, and the identity of the Guiana shells with those of Bolivia is not absolutely certain. Of L. perversus I have an appar- ently authentic specimen from Demerara ; but no habitat is yet known for the typical L. regina. When the wide gaps in distribution indicated above are narrowed, and large series from single localities are collected, the number of species and their limits may become clear to us. Meantime these are open questions; and in declining to "lump" them I should not be understood as holding the opinion that the forms are distinct species ; I merely desire to leave the subject in convenient order for those who come after. To this end the several forms have been dis- criminated and the whole literature rearranged. Should the group be reduced to a single species, the name perversus Swains., will take precedence over regina F£r. for the whole assemblage. There are several names similar to Corona, and of earlier date, in use in zoology. If the molluscan group-name be considered pre- occupied by any of them, it may be called Paraliguus. L1GUUS — CORONA. 177 Key to Species of Corona. a. Outer lip black or blackish. b. White within ; a peripheral band generally developed. c. Dextral ; last half of the body-whorl blackishr spire pink. regina, p. 177. c1. Sinistral, at least typically ; last half of the body- whorl not darker, the occasionally interrupted peripheral dark band giving place to a whitish one in some specimens ; ground-color flesh-tinted. perversus, p. 178» b1. Purple within ; band in middle of upper surface of each whorl developed, short dark streaks between it and the suture ; sinistral. invttuf, p. 179. a1. Outer lip and interior white ; no well defined spiral bands in adults. Sinistral, or rarely dextral. b. Last half of last whorl with yellow or green streaks. regalis, p. 180. b1. Last half of last whorl black with orange spots. regalis var. loroisianus, p. 183. L. REGINA (F£russac). PI. 33, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5. Shell dextral, oblong-turreted, thick and solid. Spire pink, with a median articulated band (sometimes faint or obsolete) and some rather wide, separated longitudinal streaks, brown on the upper, purplish on the penultimate whorl, upon which the ground-color fades to the buff tint of the last whorl, where there is a variable number of narrow brown longitudinal lines ; and the latter half of the whorl usually becomes blackish olive, with some post-variceal snow-white stripes. It is begirt at the periphery by a black-brown band, pale- edged, which may generally be seen as a series of arrow-spots nearly concealed by the suture, on the spire. Surface somewhat glossy, nearly smooth, growth-lines being but slightly developed. Whorls about 8, the apex usually self-amputated in large examples. Aperture pure white within ; perislome with a narrow black- brown edge ; columella with a conspicuous callous fold above, obliquely truncated at 'base; parietal wall and columella covered with a black callus, the fold of the columella fleshy white. Alt. 86, diam. 35, longest axis of aperture 39 mill. 12 178 LIGUUS COROXA. Habitat unknown; "Brazil" (in coll. Acad. Nat. Sci., with L. regalis). Helix (Cochlitoma^) regina FERUSSAC, Tabl. Systemat. p. 4J, no. 342, based upon Histoire pi. 119 (exclusive of " /?, minor," and '* monstrum, a sinistra " (1823 ?) — Achatina mtlastoma SWAINSON, Zoological Illustrations iii, pi. 152 (excluding " var (reversed) A. perversa "), (1822-3) — Achatina melanostoma Sw., GRAY, Annals of Philosophy (new series) ix, p. 414 (June, 1825) — Orthalicus rex, a. dextrorsus, BECK, Index Moll., p. 60 (1837) Achatina regina Swains., REEVE, Conch. System ii, pi. 177, f. 8 — Achatina regina Fer., PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 244 (A., dextrorsa). In any division of the regina group, either into species or varieties, the typical regina of Ferussac must be restricted to his figures 3, 4, 5, of plate 119 of the Histoire (similar to the form shown in my pi. 33, figs. 1, 2). That he included a form " /3, minor" (= Oxystyla bensoni} and a " monstrum, sinistra " (Ligaus perverstis) as pertain- ing to the species, is true ; but obviously neither of these was regarded by him as typical. Regardless of questions relating to the limits of the several var- ieties, typical regina is the large solid dextral form with pink spire and yellow-tinted body-whorl, upon which yellowish-olive streaks appear, at first separated, but upon the latter half of the whorl crowded and dark, or forming an almost uniform blackish-olive coat. Svvainson's A. melastoma (pi. 33, figs. 4, 5) is a smaller specimen in which the longitudinal streaks are more developed upon the spire. It is difficult to tell what form was collected by Lieutenant Eyries near Cayenne, French Guiana ; for while Drouet (Moll. terr. et d'eau douce Guyane Fran£aise, p. 67) refers to Ferussac's figures 3-5, which represent the typical regina, yet he says that the peri- stome is white, and expressly states that he has not seen melanostoma Gray from French Guiana. The white peristome would also ex- clude L. incisus, which is reported from Guiana on Cuming's au- thority, and indicates the upper Amazon species, L. regalis. L. PERVERSUS (Swainson). PI. 36, figs. 20, 21, 22, 23. Sinistral, oblong-conic, thick and solid. Flesh-colored, with a black-brown belt at the periphery, occasionally interrupted, and over- lying a slightly wider white belt, which shows at the edges of the dark band, and where the latter is interrupted ; a narrow black varix on the LIGUUS — CORONA. 179 last whorl; several earlier whorls with wedge- shaped or irregular purplish longitudinal streaks. Aperture white and thickened inside, the lip with a black-brown edge and border within ; col umella chestnut col- ored, short, with a particularly heavy and convex fold directed in- wardly ; the parietal callus black. Alt. 61, diam. 29, longest axis of aperture 29-^ mill.; whorls 7J. Demerara (Jacobs, in R. Swift coll.). Achatinia perversa SWAINSON, Zoological Illustrations i, pi. 36 (1820-21) — Helix regina, monstrum, sinistra, FERUSSAC, Histoire, pi. 119, f. 6. — Orthalicus rex, b. sinistrorsus, BECK, Index Moll., p. 60 (1837). Bidimus regina d'Orb., HUPE in Castelnau's Exped. dans 1'Amer. du Sud, p. 33, pi. 10, f. 2 ; pi. 7, f. 1, la. The blackish edge and internal border of the peristome, the shortness of the very convex and deeply situated columellar fold, and usual absence of basal truncation, the more pronounced effuseness or retraction of the base of the aperture, are all characteristic features of this form as contrasted with those following. The peripheral band and occasional black varices are also conspicuous, and with the bold longitudinal blotches and partial or complete obsolescence of a me- dian articulated band on the whorls of the spire, usually permit ready recognition. In large specimens, however, the peripheral belt may become inconspicuous. Hupe's "Bidimus regina1' (pi. 36, figs. 24, 25) is apparently refer- able to this species as a dextral form, rather than to the typical regina; but it is not far from being a transition form between the two. Swainson's name perversa was doubtless properly published before Ferussac's regina, and was not pre-occupied ; so that should the two be consolidated as the result of further investigations, L. perversus will take precedence. Swainson's type was a specimen almost ex- actly like my figs. 20, 21, 22 in size and coloration. L. INCISUS (Hupe). PI. 35, figs. 15, 16, 17. Shell sinislral, elongate-turreted, irregularly wrinkled by longitu- dinal striae ; spire pyramidally acuminate, the apex obtuse ; whorls somewhat convex ; chestnut-brown, with longitudinal flexuous or angulated flammules, and an articulated band in the middle of the whorls of the spire, and when present, above the middle on the last 180 LIGUUS CORONA. whorl. Aperture oblong, oblique, violaceous within, the inner mar- gin deeply excavated in the middle ; columella black, twisted, thick- ened, strongly truncate at base ; outer lip simple, acute, bordered with blackish inside. Alt. 62, diam. 33 mill. Surinam, Demerara and British Guiana (Cuming coll.); Province of Bahia, Brazil (Spix); Provinces of Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Moxos, Bolivia (Orb.); Bolivia (Hupe). Bulimus incisus HUPE, in Castelnau, Exped. dans I'Ame'r. du Sud, Moll., p. 36, pi. 9, f. 1 (1857). — Orthalicus incisus PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 202. — Orthalicus melanostoma SHUTTLE WORTH, Notitise Malaco- logicae i, p. 67 (exclusive of references to Ferussac). — PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 591 (exclusive of references to Ferussac, Swainson and Gray). — Bulimus regina ORB., Voy. dans PAmer. Me rid., p. 258, pi. 29, f. 4 (living animal) REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 27, f. 168c Achatina melanostoma Swains., WAGNER in Spix, Testae. Bras., p. 16 (exclu- sive of synonymy), pi. 8, f. 1 = Achatina perversa SPIX, 1. c. (1827). Shuttleworth's description under the name U0. melanostoma" is better than that of Huj^e, from which the above is taken, especially in describing the coloration. " Purplish-flesh colored, becoming dull chestnut toward the base, with a median purple-brown band articu- lated with whitish, and a series of short blackish-violaceous streaks between the band and the suture." " Columella callous, twisted, thickened above, blackish-chestnut or purple ; aperture semi-oval, purple deep within, becoming whitish toward the margin ; peristome unexpanded, bordered with blackish-chestnut" He gives the dimen- sions, alt. 78, diam. 30, length of aperture 34 mil!. It resembles L. perversus in the' dark-edged outer lip, but the aperture is purple inside instead of white, and the articulated band is not the peripheral (band 3 of the usual notation), as in perversus, but the one above that (band 2); above it, dark streaks run to the suture. The dextral form doubtfully referred to this variety by Sliuttle- worth, and those cited by Pfeiffer, do not belong here. L. REGALIS (Hupe). PI. 35, figs. 13, 14, 19 ; pi. 34, figs. 9, 10, 11, 12; pi. 36#, figs. 26, 27 (specimens from Moyobamba); pi. 33, figs. 3, 6. Shell usually sinistral, ovate or oblong conic, the surface varying from striatulate to plicatulate. Ground color various, but usually pale brown, or in denuded specimens, cream tinted, LIGUUS — CORONA. 181 the cuticle becoming heavier and olivaceous- chest nut or decidedly green in streaks on the latter half of the last whorl, where there are usually some ill-defined varices ; the upper portion of the spire either flesh-pink or whitish ; the markings consisting of some oblique brown streaks, and a narrow median articulated band on the spire, the band becoming ob- solete on the last one or two whorls, which are variously figured with wedge-shaped, light-bordered, purplish spots, or short lines transverse to the growth stride, or both; often with some irregular, longitudinal purplish streaks. Aperture white inside, the peristome white, without a dark border within; columella with a prominent callous fold above, truncated below, brown, with more or less of the edge white ; parietal wall and reflexed columellar callous black or nearly so. Alt. 84, diam. 37, longest axis of aperture 39^ mill., whorls 8^. Alt. 71, diam. 45, longest axis of aperture 36^ mill., whorls 7§. Alt. 70, diam. 32, longest axis of aperture 35 mill. Alt. 70, diam. 31, longest axis of aperture 33 mill., whorls 8^. Moyobamba Peru (Moricand, Cuming, in R. Swift colln.); Napo Ecuador (Martinez); "Brazil" (Hup6 in Castelnau). Bulimus regina d'Orb., REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 27, f. 168a. Achatina regina Fer., PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 362 (in part), pi. 47, f. 1, 2 — A. regina Swains., REEVE, Conch. Syst. ii, p. 86, pi. 177, f. 7. Bulimus regalis HUPE, in Castelnau, Exped. dansl'Amer. du Sud, Moll., p. 34, pi. 10, f. 3 (1857); cf. PFR., Malak. Blatt. 1859, p. 49. — Orthalicus regalis, PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 201. — Orthalicus regina Fer., HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. 64; Moluscos del Viaje al Pacifico i, p. 134. — Corona regina MILLER, Malak. Blatt. xxv, p. 185 COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zoo'l. France 1887, p. 193 (exclusive of most of the references and localities). Orthalicus ( Corona) regina SHUTTLE WORTH, Notitiae Malacologies i, p. 66 (exclusive of part of references). — PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 591 (excluding part of the references). Distinguished from all the foregoing species of the group by its white peristome. There is no peripheral band on the adult shell ; but the young, and often the spire of old specimens, shows an articulated or dotted band almost concealed at the suture. The markings con- sist of short lines or streaks transverse to the growth-striae, with usually some wedge-shaped spots and longitudinal purplish streaks, 182 LIGUUS- — CORONA. bordered with white on the right side, as though the pigment had been withheld a short time and then poured out copiously. Sometimes all of these markings are sub-obsolete, as in the chestnut-colored speci- men shown in fig. 10 of plate 34. There is almost always more or less green in the cuticle on the latter part of the last whorl, though yellowish-chestnut occasionally replaces it. Besides the pattern of coloring described above, more heavily striped shells occur (pi. 33, fig. 6), in which the occasional stripes of the ordinary form are emphasized and multiplied, are either straight or zigzag, and the shell is usually quite large. Fig. 7 of pi. 177 of the Conchologia Systematica, and fig. 1 68a of the Conchologia Iconica represent these richly colored specimens, and Dr. Hidalgo, in his excellent volume ou the mollusks of the Spanish Expedition, has de- scribed similar individuals from Napo, Ecuador, collected by Sr. Martinez. As in the ordinary form, there is more or less green on the latter half of the last whorl. Fig. 9 of plate 34 represents a rather small specimen, in which a reddish band, more or less obscured in places by the overlying cuti- cle, revolves above the periphery and just below the articulated dot- band of the spire ; the earlier whorls have broad, angular, brown stripes ; the first half whorl is reddish brown, the succeeding 1^ whorls similar with a white crown. The last whorl is distinctly though obtusely angular in front, and is streaked with bright green cuticle, peculiarly spotted in places with white. This shell may be referable to the form loroisiamis, but that seems to be only a weakly marked variety of L. regalis. A young shell (pi. 35, fig. 19) has an articulated or dotted band at the rather acutely keeled periphery, another above the middle of the upper surface, and some light and dark streaks below the suture ; just below the periphery there is a continuous dark chestnut band, and two more, separated by a cream-colored space with faint purplish streaks, are upon the base. The peripheral angle is hardly acute enough in the figure. D'Orbigny's pi. 29, fig. 5, shows a similar shell. Dextral form, (pi. 36a, figs. 28, 29; pi. 33, fig. 3). Similar to the ordinary sinistral type, of which it probably is a mere form rather than a race. The specimens figured on pi. 36a are nearly denuded of cuticle, what remains showing the brownish or yellowish-green tint of the sinistral form. LIGUUS CORONA. 183 Var. loroisianus (Hupe). PI. 34, figs. 7, 8. Shell elongate- turreted, sinistral, with elevated, pyramidal-acuminated spire and obtuse apex ; whorls 8; surface with very fine, close oblique stria3, apparent on the last whorl but hardly visible upon the earlier ones. Earlier whorls bright yellowish-rose colored, the tint deeper at the apex, traversed by a narrow brown or blackish articulated or in- terrupted band, which disappears on the last whorl ; the latter is blackish varied with spots and irregular longitudinal bands of orange- yellow, formed by a ground of that ctilor. Aperture oblique, white inside; columella brilliant blackish, strongly twisted in the middle, and provided with a strong white callus ex- tending to the base, with a slight truncation there. Alt. 64, diam. 30 mill. Between Lamas and Tarapoto, eastern Peru, 300-400 meters above the sea (Stiibel); Juraty, middle Amazonas (Dohrn). Bulimus loroisianus^ HUPE, in Castelnau, Exped. dans 1'Amer. du Sud, Moll., p. 35, pi. 10, f. 1 (1857); cf. PFK., Malak. Blatt. 1859, p. 50. — Orthalicus loroisianus PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 202. — DOHRN, Jahrb. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 109 — Orthalicus (Corona) melan- ostomus Shuttl., var. loroisianus, Hupe, MARTENS, Conch. Mittheil. ii, p. 159. The coloration of the last whorl, consisting of orange yellow spots scattered over a ground of intense black, seems to be the only char- acter separating this form from L. regalis, while the blackness of the last whorl suggests L. regina, which differs in having the outer lip dark-bordered. I have not seen specimens. Dr. Dohrn records loroisianus from " Juraty " (? Jutahy river, in western Brazil). Of fourteen specimens from this place examined by him, the largest reached a length of 68 mill. They almost agree in coloring, the upper whorls being fleshy-rose, then becoming .whitish-yellow, the last whorl covered with an olive-colored cuticle, more or less rubbed off. The typical narrow dark band of the upper whorls is never wanting ; generally there are similar streaks above or below, always interrupted. Dark stripes and flames are very irreg- ular in occurrence, so that a few specimens appear especially dark. The aperture is milk-white within, columella and parietal wall glossy violet-black. The columellar fold shows great variability, sometimes being but little swollen, sometimes having thick callosities which on the edge bear one or two protuberances, this edge being 184 L1GUUS HEMIBULIMUS. always whitish. The development of the col umellar fold io indepen- dent of the more or less slender form of the shell. The lip-edge is white, only in young specimens, in which the lip had not attained its full thickness, the external epidermis shows darkly through. Only one of the lot is dextral. Four measure as follows: Length 68, diam. 30, length of aperture 30, widtli 16 mill. Length 56, diam. 32, length of aperture 27, width 17 mill. Length 56, diam. 29, length of aperture 25, width 14 mill. Length 53, diam. 32, length of aperture 25, width 16 mill. LIGUUS, sp. undet. PI. 35, fig. 18. A young shell before me differs from all other young specimens of the group in being rounded at the periphery, without trace of a keel. Whorls 6^ ; there is no articulated band in the middle of the whorls of the spire, but one shows at the sutures, and a narrow continuous purple-brown band bordered with cream-tint above, encircles the per- iphery, becoming obsolete on the latter part of the whorl ; another narrow band is upon the base. As the young of regina, regalis and incisus seem to be keeled, I am at a loss to tell where this shell belongs. The locality, "Amazon," may not be reliable. Subgenus HEMIBULIMUS von Martens, 1885. Hemibulimus v. MART., Conchologische Mittheilungen, ii, p. 175. Shell rather fusiform, sculptured and dark colored ; aperture about half the length of shell, the outer margin of peristome unexpanded and obtuse, columellar margin deeply concave, the columella dis- tinctly truncated at its base. Apex obtuse, the first whorl finely wrinkled. \ „ --,, Jaw composed of 13 imbricating plates, the median one reaching to the lower margin. Radula with the central and inner two lateral teeth on each side helicid in form, with long lanceolate mesocones and slight rudiments of ectocones : the other teeth as in Orthalicince generally. Type, Liguus excisus Martens *= Achatina magnified, Pfr. The shell resembles Liguus in i.ts Achatina-\\ke columella, but differs in the sculpture of the apex as well as of the rest of the shell, and the dark coloration, — characters assimilating it with Orthalicus. The radula resembles Liguus virgineus and Oriltalicus gallinasultana in the lanceolate cusps of the median teeth. Similarly shaped teeth LIGUUS HEMIBULIMUS. J85 have been shown by Strebel and Pfeffer to occur also in certain Mexican forms of Oxystyla. L. MAGNIFICUS (Pfeiffer). PI. 36a, figs. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Shell ovate-subf'usiform, rather thin, lightly striatulate, hardly shin- ing; butf, variegated with green and chestnut flames, and one supra- median band, articulated buff and chestnut. Spire conic, the apex very obtuse ; whorls 5^, scarcely convex, the last a little longer than the spire ; suture narrowly margined. Columella straight, vertical, covered with a callus which is white inwardly, blackish outwardly, base red, obliquely truncated at the base of the elliptical aperture, which is blue-white inside. Alt. 47, diam. 21, length of aperture 27 mill. (Pfr.) Quito, Ecuador (Delattre) ; Southern Colombia, in damp forests (Lehmann). Achatina magnified PFR., P. Z. S. 1847, p. 232 ; Monogr. Hel. Vivent. ii, p. 255; iii, 487; iv, 602; vi, 217 REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, Achatina, pi. 9, f. 33. — DUNKER, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 380.— COUSIN, Fauna Malacol. de la. Re> de 1'Equateur (p. 45 of separate copies), in Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1887, p. 231. This species has been described more in detail by Dr. von Mar- tens, as Liguus excisus. There are some differences in coloration, and possibly excisus may be a local race rather than an absolute syn- onym. Fig. 30 represents Pfeiffer's type. L. excisus von Martens. (PI. 36«, figs. 31-34.) Shell ovate fusiform, imperforate, irregularly striate and malleolate, decussated by some spiral lines (fig. 33) ; brownish-green, painted with some brown and buff streaks. Whorls 6, regularly increasing, the suture appressed, whitish, somewhat crenulated ; apex obtuse, with an axial dimple, first whorl minutely granulose, the whole almost black, the following three whorls more reddish, with a blackish, white-spotted, sutural zone. Aperture but slightly exceeding half the length of the shell, ample, acutely angular above; outer lip nnexpanded, obtuse, narrowly scarlet-edged, with a blackish border within ; columellar margin deeply concave, strongly truncated below, as in Achatina, and scarlet colored, passing into the outer lip by a short, narrow basal sinus ; the parietal wall covered with a glossy black-brown deposit. 186 ORTHALTCUS. Alt. 44, greater diam. 22, lesser 18, length of aperture 23, width 13 mill. (Martens). Popayan, Colombia, in the cold, elevated region, about 2400 meters above the sea (Dr. A. Stiibel). Liyuus (Hemibulimus) excisus \. MART., Conchol. Mittheil. ii, pp. 173, 160, pi. 35, f. 1, 2, 4,5 (shell) — Liguus excisus SCHACKO, i.e., p. 200, pi. 36, f. 1-4 (jaw and teeth). — Hemibulimm magnificus Pfr. v. MART. Nachtragliche Bemerkung, t. c. (Nov. 21, 1885). Genus ORTHALICUS Beck, 1837. Orthalicus Beck (in part), Index Molluscorum, p. 59 (for 0. sultan B., zigzag Lain., princeps l&YQ(\.,pulchelhis Spix, undatus Brug., zebra Mull., livens B., pMogerus Orl., adamsoni Gray, B., rex B.) TRO- SCHEL, Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1847, p. 50, footnote ; Archiv f. Naturg. 1849, i. p. 228, as a genus for B. gallinasultana. — VON MARTENS in Albers, Die Hel., edit. 2, p. 171, type 0. zebra Mull. — Orthalicus § Sultana SIIUTTLEAVORTH, Notitiae Malac. i, p. 58 (1856) Ortha- liscus Beck, GRAY, P, Z. 8. 1847, p. 176, type Helix sultana. Shell imperforate, varying from ovate to oblong-conic, thin or solid, with the nepionic shell composed of 2\ to 3\ densely thimble-pitted whorls, the subsequent whorls either decussated or merely striate. Aperture ovate, with the peristome either thin and simple, or thick, expanded or broadly reflexed. Jaw and dentition similar to those of Oxystyla, or with the teeth of the median part of the radula bearing longer, pointed cusps ; the penis (in 0. sultana) with a mere swelling in place of of the lohed accessory gland or appendix of Oxystyla. Type, Helix sultana Dillw. Distribution, tropical and subtropical South America, especially in the Andean region. Orthalicus was founded by Beck for a group of tropical American snails previously described as Bulimi. While the " remarkable con- chological instinct" of Beck enabled him to accurately assign the species then known to his new group, it was practically ignored by his co-laborers until Troschel, in 1847-8, announced that the genus had strongly marked anatomical characters, which caused him to adopt it for the B. gallina-sultana, which he had dissected. About the same time, Gray, in his list of molluscan genera with their types (P. Z. S. 1847), nominated "Helix sultana" as type of the genus, the name of which he misspells " Orthaliscus." These two authors by ORTHALICUS. 187 selecting the same species, clearly fix the type of Beck's genus; although Herrmannsen a year or two later gives B. zebra Mull., as type of the group, a decision accepted by Dr. von Martens in 1860, and by some later authors. Shuttleworth, in 1852, published a monograph of the genus, which like ail of his conchological work is a model of lucid reasoning ; and this work established most of the species then known upon a firm basis so far as their synonymy was concerned. He divided Ortha- licus into three sections: SULTANA for 0. gallina-sultana and its allies, ZEBRA for the undatus group, and CORONA for the regina group. Further, he proposed a subgenus, PORPHYROBAPHE, for the species with thickened or reflexed lip. These divisions have been retained by authors generally up to this time. MM. Crosse and Fischer, in discussing the genus in their volume on land mollusks in the " Mis- sion Scientifique an Mexique," take occasion to review the classifica- tion, endorsing Shuttleworth's conclusions. Finally Herr Strebel has offered some suggestions of value for the improvement of Shuttle- worth's classification, in that veritable mine of observation and original suggestion, the •* Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna Mexikanischer Land- und Susswasser-Conchylien." His chief modification is in proposing the definite separation of the Porphyrobaphe species with pitted, from those with smooth, nuclear whorls. Key to groups of Orthalicus. a. Shell thin, capacious, with oblique large aperture and simple and thin or somewhat thickened lip and columella, the former unexpended. Section ORTIIAI.ICUS s. sir. (see below, p. 188.) a1. Shell solid, more lengthened, the aperture smaller, but slightly oblique or vertical, the lip thickened and blunt, or expanded or reflexed; columella usually with one or two folds. Section METORTHALICUS Pilsbry. b. Shell very solid, with the lip thick, expanded or not, some- what purple or broadly purple-bordered within. Colom- bian. Group of 0. atramentarim, p. 205. b1. No purple border within the lip, and without the above combination of characters. Species of Ecuador and Peru. c. Shell spirally striated ; peristome white or pale. d. Spaced, rather strong spiral lines or furrows, 188 ORTHALICUS. visible to the naked eye; lip well expanded or reflexed, white or light colored. Group of O.fraseri, p. 192. dl. Spiral stria? fine and close, the shell rather smooth; lip and entire aperture pure white, the former expanded or reflexed ; columella with a strong fold above. Group of 0. deburghicE, p. 196. c1. No spiral striation ; peristome colored. Group of 0. labeo, p. 199. Subgenus ORTHALICUS (restricted). The selection of H. sultana Dillw. (gallina- sultana auct.), as typi- cal of Orthalicus by Gray and Troschel, restricts that group to a few large, richly variegated shells inhabiting the Guianas, western Peru and central and northern Bolivia — all abundantly watered forest regions. The exact definition of the species and varieties awaits fuller knowledge of their geographic distribution, which in large part still remains'to be mapped. O. SULTANA (Dillwyn). PI. 47, figs. 6, 7, 8. Shell large, ovate, with rather short, conic spire and ventricose last whorl ; thin ; immature specimens more or less fragile. Last whorl buff, closely veined with irregular and anastomosing, or fes- tooned purplish or brown stripes, and encircled by three principal blackish-purple or brownish-purple spiral bands irregularly inter- rupted by white or creamy spots or stripes ; narrower or indistinct bands in the intervals between the main ones (a variety with five bands) ; the upper band usually formed of a broad series of large dark alternating with light (or white) blotches; the spire closely marked with festooned stripes and two or three spot-girdles or bands of angulation. Surface lustreless, finely plicatulate obliquely, decus- sated by close spiral striae, at narrow intervals stronger. Whorls 6, moderately convex, the first 2^ forming the densely thimble-punctate obtuse nepionic shell, the earliest two whorls dark brown above ; last whorl very large ; suture not deflexed anteriorly. Aperture large, oblique, ovate, bluish white (lilac colored in a variety) and variously mottled within ; peristome thin, unexpanded, light brown (or in a variety, black-brown in adults, with a rather wide internal border of the same color, fading through purple into ORTHALICUS. 189 white); columella thin, arcuate, white (in a variety nearly straight and whitish above only); parietal wall with a brownish callus, usually white within (but in the variety with a broad blackish-chestnut cal lus throughout), wanting in young shells. Alt. 84, diam. 54, longest axis of aperture 56 mill, (var.) Alt. 53, diam. 39, longest axis of aperture 38 mill. Alt. 70, diam. 50 mill. La Poule Sultane, FA v ANNE, Cat. Syst. p. 13, pi. 1, f. 47 — Helix gallina sultana CHEMNITZ, Conchyl. Cab. xi, p. 281, pi. 210, f. 2070, 2071 (1795). — Bulimus gallinasultana LAM., An. s. Vert. vi,p. 117 (1822) — WAGNER, in Spix, Testae. Bras. p. 9.— ORBIGNY, Voy. dans rAme>. Me>id. p. 265 — REEVE, Conch. Syst. ii, pi. 173, f. 7 ; Conch. Icon. pi. 32, f. 198 KUSTER, Conchyl. Cab. p. 8, pi. 8, f. 1, 2.— TROSCIIEL, Archiv fur Naturg. 1849, i, p. 228, pi. 4, f. 2 (dentition) ; Reisen in Britisch-Guiana (Schomburgh), iii, p. 547. — HUPE in Castelnau, Exped., p. 38 (1857).— DROUET, Moll. Terr, et Fluv. Guyane Francaise, p. 66 (1859) — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 145 ; iii, 381 Succinea gallina- sultana PFR., Symbolae ad Hist. Hel., ii, p. 131 (1841) Orthalicus gallinasultana SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Malac. i, p. 59 (1856.) — PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 587; vi, p. 198, viii, p. 261.— BINNEY, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y. xi. (1874), p. 38, pi. 4, f. A-F(anatomy) ; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii (1884), p. 128, pi. xv, f. N (jaw), pi. xii., f. C (dentition). — STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siisswasser-Conch. v. p. 2, pi. xi, f, 10 (genitalia) — MARTENS, Conchol. Mittheil., p. 158. — Sultana gallinasultana MILLER, Malak. Blatt. xxv, p. 186 — COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, xii, 1887, p. 196. Helix sultana, DILLWYN, Descriptive Catal., ii, p. 920 (1817). — FER., Prodr., p. 52; Histoire, pi. 117, f. 2. — WOOD, Index Testa- ceologicus, pi. 33, f. 75. — ORBIGNY, Mag. de Zool. 1835, p. 8. — Achatina sultana SWAINS., Exotic Conchology, p. 26, pi. 10 (1841). — Orthalicus sultan BECK, Index Moll., p. 59 (1837). — Achatina pavonina SPIX, Testae. Bras., pi. 9, f. 1 (1827) — Bulimus princeps POTIEZ & MICHAUD, Galerie des Moll., i, p. 151, pi. 14, f. 29.— Orthalicus gallinasultana and 0. pavoninus H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 154. The Guianas: All over British Guiana, on tree trunks (Schom- burgk); around Cayenne, French Guiana (Eyries). N.-E. Brazil: on the Rio Tocantins, in the region of Baiao, 5 meters above the sea 190 ORTHALICUS. (Stiibel). Peru : Maranon (Orton). Bolivia : Middle of the republic, and near the Mission of Bibosi, 20 leagues from Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Orbigny). The thin lip and columella distinguish this species from the 0. trullisatus. The typical form (figs. 6, 7) is from the Guianas, where it is a widely-distributed and common shell. The specimens from the upper Amazon drainage belong to a more oblong, darker colored race, noticed below. It is a magnificent snail, formerly very rare ; Ferussac is said to have paid 560 francs for his specimen, at the sale of the Count de Latour d'Auvergne. It is usually known as 0. gallmasultana, Chemnitz, variously written as one word, compounded with a hyphen, or as two words, the latter being Chemnitz's mode. It was not originally a binomial name, and even those who accept it do not extend their liberality to other trinomials in the same volume of Chemnitz. The first binomial name is that of Dillwyn. D'Orbigny distinguished two varieties : the typical form of Guiana, which is shorter, more ventricose, and another discovered by him in Bolivia, which is more elongated, larger, with five spiral zones and black-bordered peristome. This race (pi. 47, fig. 8) which may be what Pffeifer called B. meobamben&is, was met with by d'Orbigny in the great humid forests of mid Bolivia, inhabited by the wild tribe of Guarayos. It remains deeply buried at the feet of the trees, com- ing forth upon the trunks of trees only in the rainy season, when only it may be procured. He gives the 'size as 80 mill, long, 45 wide. It is apparently what Herr Stiibel collected on the Rio Tocantins, described by Dr. von Martens as follows : It " is somewhat more slender than the usual form from Guiana and Surinam, the outer lip with a narrow, distinctly defined black-brown border inside, parietal wall black-brown throughout, the upper half of the colu- mellar margin white, lower half dark brown. Length 73, diara. 48, height of aperture 48, breadth 30 mill. Approaches 0. trullisatus Shuttl., but the columellar margin is thin and concavely arched, as in 0. gallina sultana." Beck attempts to distinguish two varieties : a, cayanensis* based upon the figure given by Spix, the locality of which is unknown, and b, bolivianus, based upon Chemnitz's figures (which are the basis of typical sultana], and those of Ferussac. The latter represents a Guiana shell. It would seem that these two varietal names must fall as pure synonyms of typical 0. sultana. ORTHALICUS. 191 O. MEOBAMBENSIS (Pfeiffer). Shell imperforate, ovate-conic, rather solid, closely striated, and somewhat granulated by spiral striae; green-whitish, with interrupted black bands combined with waved streaks, and above the middle with large, angular, black spots. Spire conic, obtuse ; whorls 6^, a little convex, the last five-eighths the total length, ventricose, some- times bearing varices. Columella compressed, white-calloused, straightened and receding. Aperture oblique, angulate-oval, pearly within, the peristome black-margined, a trifle expanded, margins connected by a blackish- chestnut callus. Alt. 88, diam. 46 mill ; aperture 55 mill, long, 33 wide (Pfr.). Moyobamba, Peru (Yates, in Curnirig coll.) Bulimus meobambensis PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 96 (printed July 23, 1855, see P. Z. S., 1893, p. 439). — Bulimus gallinasultana 8, PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 381. — Orthalicus meobambensis PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 586. — 0. moyobambensis, MART, in Albers' Die Hel., edit. 2, p. 225. " Differs from 0. gallinasultana in the oblong form, more solid texture, more convex whorls and straight columella " (Pfr). Pfeiffer, in the Monographia, places 0. trullisatus as a synonym under meobambensis. From the description, translated above, I would think meobambensis identical with the upper Amazonian variety of 0. sultana. As I am unable to decide the question, the original de- scriptions are given. O. TRULLISATUS Shuttlewortli. PI. 47, figs. 9, 10, 11. Shell ovate-acuminate, rather thin, very closely rugose-striate, de- cussated with remote impressed spiral lines and others very close, granulose and somewhat undulating_(fig. 10); scarcely shining, dull greenish buff, encircled with five purple-black bands articulated with white, with scattered narrow brown streaks, broad, ragged, blackish- purple blotches, and whitish spots. Spire conic, nuclear apex banded with black-brown and pitted (fig. 9); suture moderate ; whorls 6-J, a little convex, the upper ones purplish, conspicuously streaked, the last nearly twice the length of the spire, rounded at base. Columella a little straightened, callously thickened, black- brown, obliquely subtruncate at base. Aperture a little oblique, oblong-oval, opaque milky inside ; peristome somewhat duplicated. 192 ORTHALICUS. unexpanded, broadly bordered inside with a blackish-purple callus ; the margins joined by a somewhat thick black-brown callus, strongly thickened outside at the base of the columella. Alt. 90, diam. 52, length of aperture 53, width 33 mill. (Shuttl) Tarapoto, Eastern Peru (Moricand). Orthalicus trullisatus SHUTTL., Notitiae Malacologicae i, p. 58 (ex- clusive of synonymy), pi. 5, f. 1 (1856). Intermediate between 0. gallina- sultana and 0. dennisoni ; differing from 0. dennisoni in the thinner, more inflated shell with more convex whorls, the blackish-purple bands, and color of the aperture and columella; from 0. gallina-sultana it differs in the more solid shell, which is opaque and more slender, in the thickened black-brown col- umella, and color of the aperture and peristome (Shuttl.). Subgenus METORTHALICUS Pilsbry, 1899. Porphyrobaphe, in part, of Shuttleworth and other authors. Bul- inus, BRODERIP, Zoological Journal iv, p. 222 (1828), not of O. F. Miiller, 1781. This new group includes species with pitted nepionic whorls as in typical Orthalicus, but differing in the solidity of the shell and its thick, blunt or reflexed lip. GROUP OF O. FRASERI. The species placed here are related to typical Orthalicus in colora- tion and sculpture, differing in the less ventricose form, and devel- oped peristome. 0. galactostoma and 0. augusti are stated to have smooth apical whorls ; and if this proves to be true, they must be re- moved to Porphyrobaphe. Key to species. a. Columella with a rather strong fold above ; aperture more than half the length of the shell ; having bands of blackish spots or streaks. b. Aperture purplish-fleshy within. fraseri, p. 193. b1. Aperture and peristome milk-white, columella making an angle with the basal lip. galactostoma, p. 194. a1. Columella not folded above, but twisted below ; aperture less than half the length of shell, of a deep livid rose color, the lip whitish ; shell very long, alt. 93, diam. 36, aperture 37 mill. buckleyi, p. 193. OKTIIALICUS. 193 a1. Columelia without noticeable folds; aperture exceeding half the length of shell. augusti, p. 195. O. BUCKLEYI Higgins. PL 41, fig. 6. Shell imperforate, oblong-conic, solid: sculptured with irregular longitudinal rugose costae and close, irregular, deeply impressed spiral lines. Fieshy-rubescent under a yellowish-tawny epidermis. Longitudinally ornamented with reddish-brown streaks. Spire conic, the apex obtuse, suture whitish. Whorls 7, a little convex, the first two minutely gran u lose -stri ate, the last nearly equal to the spire, tapering at base. Columelia thick, twisted at base, flesh colored. Aperture subvertical, acuminate-oblong, of a deep •roseate livid color inside; peristome thickened, expanded, narrowly reflexed, whitish outside, the margins joined by a thin glossy callus. Alt. 93, diam. 36, length of aperture 37, width 17 mill. (Hiygins). San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). Orthalicus (Porphyrobapha) buckleyi HIGGINS, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 685, pi. 56, f. 3. — Bulimus buckleyi (Orthalicus) PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 21. — Porphyrobaphe buckleyi MILLER, Malak. Blatt. xxv, p. 185. — COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zoo'l. France xii, p. 200. No additional information is given by the authors mentioning this remarkable species subsequent to Higgins. O. FitASERi (Pfeitfer). PI. 46, figs. 31-35. Shell imperforate, oblong-fusiform, solid, longitudinally closely striated and encircled by remote impressed lines. Flesh-colored under a lusterless greenish-tawny epidermis, ornamented with interrupted bands of arrow-shaped black-brown marks, or confluent into light- ning-streaks. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, whorls 6, a little convex, the last about the length of the spire, tapering at base; colu- mella violaceous, provided with a strong fold above, somewhat twisted belo\v. Aperture very oblique, semi-elliptical, subangular at base, milk- white inside, peristome roseate, thickened and expanded, the margins joined by an entering, glossy lilac tinted callus; columellar margin narrow, adnate. (P/V.). Alt. 89, diam. 37, length of aperture with peristome 49 mill. . 13 194 ORTHALICUS. Ecuador: Province of Cuenca (Fraser, in Cuming coll.) ; Railroad of Quito, SO or Jfi kilometers from Chimborazo. (Paz.) Bulimus fraseri PFR., Malak. Blatter, v, 1858, p. 239 ; P. Z. S. 1860, p. 137, pi. 51, f. 5; Novit. Conch, p. 157, pi. 42, f. 1, 2; Monogr. vi, p. 15. — HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchy 1. 1870, p. 44. — Porphyrobaphe fraseri Pf'r., MILLER, Malak. Bl. xxv, 185 __ COUSIN, Bull. Soc-. Zool. France xii, p. 200.— DOHRN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges., ix, 1882, p. 114. Dohrn remarks that the coloration of his specimens is variable ; the upper whorls have a subsutural band of white and dark brown spots ; thje shells are smaller than Cuming's, though of the same form and sculpture, measuring: Alt. 73, diam. 33, length of aperture 43, width 27 mill. Alt. 67, diam. 30, length of aperture 41, width 22 mill. Alt. 60, diam. 25, length of aperture 36, width 20 mill. Pfeiffer's type (fig. 31) and the specimen figured in the Novitates (figs. 32, 33), are decidedly more lengthened than the only one I have seen, which probably represents a race or variety. Var. BREVISPIRA, n. v. (pi. 46, figs. 34, 35). Decidedly shorter than typical fraseri, with larger aperture ; surface decussated with close spiral grooves ; 2^ nepionic whorls thimble-pitted, distinctly demarked from the post-natal growth ; whorls of the spire with occa- sional angular blackish stripes and fine brown wavy streaks, the last whorl with four girdles of blackish arrow-spots and some black streaks, on a ground of brown-stained, somewhat olivaceous yellow, becoming duskier and reddish below ; lip obtuse, thick, expanded, reflexed below, white; columella purplish with white folds, the parietal callus transparent,, lilac tinted. Alt. (>!), diam. 38, longest axis of aperture 44^ O. GALACTOSTOMA (Ancey). Uwfigured. Shell imperforate, ovate, solid ; whitish under a buff, but little shining epidermis, irregularly marked with spots and interrupted streaks, brownish above, brown greenish on the last whorl, and arranged in four rather wide, indistinct transverse stripes. Spire conoid-attenuated, rather short, obtuse ; whorls 6, rapidly increas- ing, convex; snture irregular, slightly crenulated ; embryonic whorls smooth, the following ones delicately granulated, the lower whorls obliquely grooved with impressed growth-stria? and ORTHALICUS. 195 decussated by remote spiral lines, last whorl oblong, attenuated, ample. Aperture large, ovate, angulated above, tapering below and with the peristome milk-white within, showing the spots; moderately oblique, slightly receding below ; columella acutely folded above, thickened, white, becoming nearly straight, tapering below, forming a distinct angle with the basal lip ; margins joined by a glossy whitish callus ; peristome thickened, expanded, umbilical region narrowly marked with brown. (Anc«y.) Alt. 72, diam. 34, alt. of aperture 40 mill. Ecuador. Porphyrobaphe galactostoma, ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Malac. France, vii, p. 153 (1890). Akin to Porph. fraseri Pfr. and especially Porph. coushii Jouss.,. but differing from both chiefly in the color, especially of the aperture,. and the characters of the columella. (Ancey.) An unfigured species, apparently more slender than fraseri) with shorter mouth. Ancey apparently intends P. augusti by his reference to " Porph coitsini" O. AUGUSTI (Jousseaume). PL 44, fig 20. Shell imperforate, fusiform-ovate, solid, lightly granule-striated, en- circled by white and greenish bands. Spire conic, the apex obtuse ; whorls 6, the first but little convex, the last four-sevenths the total length, more convex. Aperture oblong-oval, white within, with a pearly lustre; peristome violaceous, thickened, reflexed ; columella white, slightly arcuate, the margins joined by a glossy callus. (Jouss.) Alt. 69, diam. 34, length of aperture, 40 mill. Ecuador: Machai, voile del Pastaza, 4900 ft. alt. (Wolf). Porphyrobaphe augusti Jouss.. Bull. Soc. Zoo'l. de France, xii, p. 165, pi. 3, f. 10 (August 1, 1887) COUSIN, t. c., p. 203 Orthal- icus (Pophyrobaphe} augusti REIBIS.CH, Sitzungsber. u. Abh. natur- wiss. Gesell. Isis, in Dresden, 1896, p. 57 [bis] (1897). This form is apparently a member of the group of 0. fraseri', dif- fering from that species chiefly in its simple columella. Good speci- mens will probably show a thimble-pitted nepionic shell. Jousst aume gives further details of the coloration as follows : The two earlier whorls are smooth and yellowish ; the following ones are ornamented with fine longitudinal denticulated striae, quite regular and crowded, and decussated on the later whorls by revolving stria? which are not 196 ORTHALICUS. conspicuous, and more or less spaced. The color of the third whorl is formed of two zones of about the same width ; the anterior one yel- lowish with brown spots behind, the posterior one white with quite large, spaced chesnut-brown spots; on the following two whorls there are waved lines of light chestnut on a yellowish ground, and occa- sional very irregular long spots of deep brown. The last whorl, which is a little ventricose, is of a dead-leaf color, ornamented with four revolving zones of very pale green, the anterior three wide and closer together than to the narrower posterior zone. The locality in Ecuador of the original specimen was not known, but Dr. Wolf collected two specimens at the locality given above. One of them is very similar to the type in coloration, but the other, agreeing with the type in form and size, the coloration of the aper- ture, lips and columella, has four alternating narrow and broad bands composed of spots shaped like long, pointed scales. This is more like 0. fraseri, and is considered by Herr Reibisch to be a more normal coloration than that of the type. GROUP OF O. DEBURGHI.I:. The shell is smoothish with fine and rather shallow spiral striation, a pure white aperture and strongly-folded columella. 0. deburghice is not an uncommon shell, but wrzesniowskii is as difficult to get as its name is to pronounce, and maranhonensis is still known by .the type 'specimen only. Key to species. a. Shell with numerous broad dark stripes separated by narrow zigzag yellow stripes, a wide subsutural zone paler; the per- iphery and a small basal tract encircled by interrupted blackish lines. deburgldce, p. 196. a1. Shell flesh-tinted, with narrow brown streaks and dull lilac dots ; aperture over half the total length, wrzesm'uivskii, p. 198. a2. Shell tawny, with livid clouds and irregular blackish streaks and spots ; aperture less than half the total length. maranhonensis, p. 198. O. DEBURGHI^ (Reeve). PI. 39, figs. 3, 5 ; pi. 42, figs. 9, 10, 11, Shell ovate-conic, thick and solid. Pale yellow (white when de- nuded of the thin cuticle), with broad, zig-zag, blackish-olive (or when denuded, purplish-black) stripes which abruptly cease at the ORTHALICUS. 197 upper fifth of the last whorl, or fade to a much fainter tint there, leaving a broad, pale zone below the sutures ; the stripes becoming rich chestnut on the spire, the base with a small pale area below; en- circled by a narrow, frequently interrupted, peripheral, blackish- chestnut band, and a similar but less interrupted one at the base. Surface rather smooth to the eye, but under a lens showing irregular growth- wrinkles, and close, irregular spiral stria:. Whorls G^, moderately convex, the first three forming a netted-striolate or punctate nepionic shell, somewhat more attenuated than the subsequent outlines ; apex obtuse; last whorl convex. Aperture pure white throughout; per- istome thick, reflexed ; columella with a strong, short fold above; parietal callus heavy, pure white. Alt. 2f, diam. 1^ inch. (Reeve's type). Alt. 61, diam. 33, longest axis of aperture 32J mill. (fig. 31). Alt. 75, diam. 34 mill. (Hidalgo, for gloriosus). Alt. 78, diam. 34, aperture 38 mill. (Pfr. for gloriosus}. Bulimus deburghite REEVE, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 123 PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 15 — Porphyrobaphe deburghioi MILLER, Malak. Blatt. (n. F.) i, p. 119.— DOHRN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 112.— COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. France xii, p. 200. — Bulimus gloriosus PFR., P. Z. S. 1861, p. 387, pi. 37. f. 4; Monogr. vi, p. 14 HID- ALGO, Mol. Viaje al Pacifico, p. 62, pi. 4, f. 2, 3 — Porphyrobaphe gloriosus MILLER, Malak. Blatt. xxv, 1878, p. 185 ; and (n. F.), i, p. 200, pi. 5, f. 1 (var. elongata). Conf. DOHRN, 1. c. — Orthalicus (Porphyrobaphe) gloriosus MARTENS, Conchol. Mittheil. p. 159. — REIBISCH, Sitzungsber. u. Abhandl. Nat. Ges. Isis, 1896, p. 57 \bis~\ (\^l).—Bidimus duburghii Reeve, HIGGINS, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 687. Peru: banks of Amazon rtuer (Reeve). Ecuador: San Jose (Isern and Espada); Nanegal (Wolf); road to Canelos (Stiibel); Rio- bamba (Cisneros) ; Machai, valfe del Pastaza, 4900 ft. above the sea (Wolf). The broad pale zone below the suture, bold marking of the median portion of the body-whorl, and two narrow, interrupted girdles, with the fine spiral striation of the surface and pure white aperture, lips and parietal wall, easily separate this from the other species. Pfeiflfer's B. gloriosus (fi1. Peristome and parietal wall very dark or black brown ; shell with narrow dark lines at periphery, base, and suture, and a few streaks. c. Lip smooth, purplish brown. vicarius, p. 200 c1. Lip punctured, very brown and dark, labeo, p. 199 a1. Peristome reddish-brown or pink, blunt and thickened, more or less expanded, but hardly reflexed ; color of arrow-shaped or trapezoidal spots in bands. b. Aperture somewhat angular at base of the columella. yatesi, p. 202 b1. Aperture evenly rounded beneath. kelletti, p. 204 O. LABEO (Broderip). PL 44, figs 21, 22. u Shell stout, long-oval, of a brown-chestnut color, changing to red at the apex and on the upper whorls, which last are longitudi- nally striped with reddish-brown towards the suture. Whorls 6, ventricose ; the last has a narrow black band across its middle, and another of the same color close to the suture, which is white; the last whorl but one has two narrow black bands, both near the sutures ; the lower bands on the last and penultimate whorls are each thrice 200 ORTHALICUS. interrupted. On the last whorl near the base, which is very dark, is a faint, broad, lighter colored band. The columella is remarkable for its obtuse white tooth, surrounded by the rich, dark coloring of the aperture. The right lip is of huge thickness, and much reflected ; above it is of a light chestnut color ; below of a rich brownish japan- like black, which, particularly where it is shading off into the chest- nut, gives, when the light is thrown full on it, the same kind of iridescent appearance as is seen in the Lumachella, or fire-marble. The lower edge of this rich lip is punctured pretty thickly with dots, resembling those of Gyprcea testudinaria, which seem filled with a whitish, opaque substance, and the formation of which has given an irregular and almost fungus-like appearance to the reflected border of the lip, on its upper side. The interior of the aperture is white. Length 3 inches, breadth, measured across the body-whorl, and in- cluding the lip, 1J inches." (Brod.) Toulea, about nine leagues east of Chachapoyas, Peru, about 8000 ft. elevation (Lieut. Maw, R. N.). Bulinus labeo BRODERIP, Zool. Journ, iv. p. 222, suppl. pi. 31 (\%2%}.—Bulimus labeo REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 35, f. 207, copied from Broderin, (not pi. 71 and 72, f. 207 b, c NYST, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bruxellesxii, p. 149, pi. 1, f. 2a, 2b. — PFR., Monogr. ii. p. 56. — Porphyrobaphe labeo SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiae Malacologicaei, p. 71 (part), 89. Cf. FULTOX, Ann. Mag. N. H. (6), xviii, p. 104. The type specimen was deposited in the museum of the Zoological Society of London, but disappeared shortly afterward, and has nol been recovered. Other specimens have since been found. It is evi- dently allied to 0. vicarius, but the remarkably broad and curiously punctate peristome easily separates it from that and all other known species. O. VICARIUS (Fulton). PI. 44, figs. 18, 19; pi. 48, fig. 12. Shell ovate-conic, thick and solid ; pale pinkish-gray under a thin olive-yellow cuticle, mainly wanting on the spire, which is irregularly streaked with purplish, the last whorl with some inconspicuous dusky streaks, and a narrow dark band, more or less interrupted, at the periphery, another continuous one on the base just behind the colu- mellar lip. Surface somewhat shining, with faint, low growth- wrinkles only. Whorls 7^—8, the first one planorboid above, earliest 3J forming a closely pitted nepionic shell, the fourth whorl (at ORTHALICUS. 201 least in some specimens), witli a sub-sutural band of alternating chestnut and white spots, the rest of the whorls with a whitish hair- line bordering the suture below, edged below by a chestnut line; whorls convex, the last tapering below. Aperture slightly oblique, white inside, angular at the base of the columella; peristome blackish purple-brown, thickened within, con- vex, broadly reflexed, and at the outer edge recurved and flesh- tinted ; columella sub-vertical, with a fold or convexity near the base and a small white fold above ; parietal and columellar callus thick, blackish brown. Alt. 86, diam. 48, aperture with peristome 44 mill. long. 29 wide Alt. 79, diam. 37, greatest length of aperture 38^ mill. (tig. 12). Leimabamba, Peru, on the road from Chachapoyas to Truxillo, 8000 feet elevation (Lobb, Baron). Bulimus labeo Brod., REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 71, f. 207 b, pi. 72, f. 207 c __ PFR., Honour, iii, p. 306. — MORELET, Series Conchyl. iii, p. Io6 __ ? Orth aliens (Porphyrolaphe) labeo Brod., H. ADAMS, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 443. Not Bulinus labeo of Broderip. Of. SHUTTLE- WORTH, Notitire Malac., i, p. [89] — Porphyrobaphe vie aria FULTON, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xviii, p. 103 (July, 1896). Formerly referred to B. labeo Brod. Shuttleworth in 1856 ex- pressed the opinion that it was a distinct species, and Mr. Fulton has recently separated it from that form, basing the new specific term vicaria upon the specimen figured by Reeve (see pi. 44, fig. 18, 19). This specimen is more obese than the one before me (pi. 48, fig. 12). It " can be distinguished from snblabeo Ancey by its light olive color, the almost entire absence of markings, and the dark purple-brown of the columella and parietal wall." O. SHUTTLEWORTHI ( Albers). PI. 41, figs. 1, 2. Shell imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, lightly striated, "JVhitish under a buff epidermis, irregularly ornamented with wide chestnut lightning-streaks. Spire conic, obtuse, suture a trifle marginated, whorls 6, a little convex, the last as long as the spire, a little atten- uated at base. Columella callous, twisted. Aperture slightly ob- lique, obversely ear shaped, rose-whitish inside, glossy ; the peristome reddish, thick, expanded and reflexed, the margins joined by a glossy 202 ORTHALICUS. callus ; columellar margin tuberculate and adnate. Alt. 71, diam. 29 mill.; aperture with peristome 37 long, 15 wide inside. (P/r.). • On the Maranon river in Colombia [now Peru] (Warscewicz). Bulimus Shuttleworthi ALBERS, Malak. Blatter i, 1854, p. 216 — PFR. Monogr. Hel. Viv. iv, p. 371 ; Novit. Conch, i, p. 31, pi. 8, f. 14, 15. Probably allied to 0. yatesi. I have not seen the species. O. YATESI (Pfeiffer). PI. 43. Shell im perforate, fusiform-oblong, solid, smooth, brown oliva- ceous with black bands interrupted by arrow-shaped buff markings. Spire long-conic, obtuse ; suture lightly margined, whorls 8, a little convex, the last slightly exceeding two-fifths the total altitude, tapering at base. Columella calloused, strongly folded above. Aperture' subvertical, elliptical oblong, subangulate at the base, bluish-white inside ; peristome thickened, narrowly expanded, the margins joined by dull flesh-colored callus. Alt. 82, diam. 32, length of aperture inside 32, width 15 mill. (Pfr.). Peru: Moyobamba (Yates, type locality); Tarapoto (Moricand, type loc.ality of latevittata); Tambo Yumbite, near Moyobamba, 1479 meters above the sea (Stiibel). Bulimus yatesi PFR., P. Z. S. 1855 p. 93, pi. 31, f. 5; Novit. Conch, i, p. 63, pi. 18, f. 1, 2 ; Monogr. iv, p. 371 — Porphyrobaphe yatesi SHUTTL., Notitise, i, p. 90. — Orthalicus (Porphyrobaphe) yatesi MARTENS, Conchol. Mittheil. p. 159. Not B. jatesi Hupe. — Porphyrobaphe latevittata SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitia? Malac., i, p. 71, pi. 5, f. 2, 3 (1856) — Porphyrobaphe sublabeo Dohrn, ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Malac. France vii, p. 153. The thick lip is fleshy or brownish ; and the columella either white with a strong fold above (figs. 15, 17), or brown and straight below, white and weakly folded above (fig. 16). The nepionic shell is large, composed of 3J whorls, sculptured with fine more or less anastomosing longitudinal wrinkles, forming a striolate pattern over part and a pitted pattern over the rest of the surface. In 0. kelletti only 2^ whorls compose the pitted nepionic shell. The original description of yatesi is given above, and fig. 17 is a copy of the original figure. It is an extremely variable species, dis- tinguished from the closely allied 0. kelletti by its bolder markings, and the subangular production of the aperture at the base of the ORTIIALICUS. 203 columella. This character is shown in an exaggerated form in fig. 12, but the artist has overlooked it in drawing figures 15 and 16. Another important feature separating yatesi from kelletti is the ab- sence in the latter of the subsutural series of spots constantly present in yatesi, and the smaller number of pit-sculptured nepionic whorls. There are typically four bands of blackish-purple spots, the basal two more or less united, on a yellow ground with dusky streaks; but in specimens without cuticle the ground color is whitish, profusely streaked with purple. About 2J whorls at the summit are uncolored, the next whorl showing only a subsutural band of alternating dark and white spots. This series of spots descends gradually during post-nepionic growth, and becomes the upper band of arrow spots on the last whorl. Var. sublabeo (" Dohrn " Ancey). Differs from the allied species P. yatesi in the shorter spire, more slender, solid shell, more ovate, larger last whorl and consequently wider aperture, the peristorae being thicker, much wider, deep chest- nut colored; columella straight, thickened within, scarcely twisted, almost straight, forming a distinct angle with the base ; whorls less numerous, 7, instead of 7^ to 8 (Ancey). Amazonian region of Peru. Fig. 16 is probably referable to this ill-defined variety, though not typical of it. Var. latevittata (Shuttleworth). PI. 43, figs. 12, 13. Shell elongate-ovate-conic, solid, nearly smooth, glossy; brown- purplish or chestnut-purplish, ornamented with two to four rather wide black-brown bands, interrupted by angulated straw-colored stripes, and above having narrow blackish-purplish streaks. Spire long conic, the apex as if cut off, the granulose nuclear shell narrowly banded with blackish-purple; suture bordered by an impressed line; whorls 71, moderately convex, the last a little shorter than the spire. Columella thick, plicate twisted, aperture scarcely oblique, truncated oblong-oval, bluish inside ; peristome thickened, expanso-reflexed, pale livid purplish, glossy, the margins joined by a somewhat thick- ened whitish or livid callus, columellar margin sinuous. Alt. 85, diam. 35 mill.; aperture, including peristome, 38 long, 22 wide. (Shuttl.) Pern: Tarapoto (Moricand). 204 ORTHALICUS. Seems to differ chiefly in the obsolesence of part of the markings of the typical form. The specimens figured by Pfeiffer in the Novi- tates Conchologicae (see my figure 14) is evidently referable to this race, if such il proves to be. 0. KELLETTI (Reeve). PI. 45, figs. 23, 24. Shell ovate, rather ventricose ; whorls 5, convex, roughly striated, somewhat plicately crenulated at the sutures, last whorl much the largest ; columella thickened, peculiarly twisted. Aperture rather effused, lip thickened, reflected. Bluish-gray, encircled with four bands of a darker color, and longitudinally lightning-marked with narrow, waved and interrupted white streaks (Rve.} Alt. 60, diam. 34, mill, (from figure.) Ecuador: type locality unknown (Kellett) ; Southern Ecuador (Dohrn); Cuenca,in the valley of Quito, (Paz and Martinez, Orton.) Bulimus lellettii REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 89, f. 661 (Feb., 1850). — PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 305; iv, 368; vi, 12 FORBES, P. Z. S. 1850., p. 54 Porphyrobaphe kellettii Reeve, DORHN, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Gesell., ix, 1882, p. 112.— COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. France xii, 1887, p. 201. Bulimus fungairinoi HTDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl. 1867, p. 72, pi. 4, f. 4 (typographical error for fungairinoi, see t. c. p. 468) — B. fungairinoi HIDALGO, Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. 44; Viaje al Pacifico i. p. 58, pi. 3, f. 8, 9. — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1871, p. 316 PFR., Monogr. vi. p. 12; viii. p. 16 — Of. Dohrn, 1. c. — Porphyrobaphe fungairinoi MILLER, Mai. Bl. xxv. p. 185. — COUSIN, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xii. p. 200 — Bulimus jatesi (Shuttleworth), HUPE, in Castlenau, Exped. dans 1'Amer. du Sud, Moll., p. 31, pi. 8, f. 1, la (where it is erroneously lettered B. ben- soni Reeve). If there be any division between typical kelletti and the variety or form, fungairinoi, the former will be restricted to shells with four subequal bands and wide contour, as in the original figures, pi. 45, figs. 23, 24; and the varietal name proposed by Hidalgo will include forms with the upper band narrow, the median wider, and the two basal bands wide and to a greater or less extent coalescent, the whole shell being of narrow contour (pi. 45, figs. 25—28). In the variety fungairinoi, the folds below the suture are some- times well-developed, as in fig. 27, sometimes entirely absent, as in ORTIIALICUS. 205 Hidalgo's types, and some shells before me. The ground-tint is sometimes a rich yellow with some dusky streaks, sometimes a beau- ful light purple, the bands being deep purple-black with white veins. The peristome in all known forms of the species is reddish-brown or brownish-red, the parietal callus more of a chestnut or blackish color. Dohrn, who united the two forms, writes as follows: Narrow and broad, large and small specimens of this species occur; the columella is sometimes strongly folded, sometimes passes in a simple curve into the outer lip ; and now green, now yellow predominates in the colora- tion, only rarely a tone of green passing into lead-gray occurring. The number of bands is 4, riot 3 as Hidalgo holds, but not infrequently the two lower bands coalesce. The upper whorls may be either white or roseate, In many shells the four growth-periods are very char- acteristically separated by differences in the markings, so that either ground- tint or the decoration of zigzag lines is changed. At the base just behind the columellar callus, there is a long small elongate tract of the shell which is dennded of cuticle, plicate and purplish-red (or ash-gray). As this is present upon all my specimens, I consider it a specific character. Measurements of several specimens are as follows: Alt. 71, diam. 34, length of aperture 44, breadth 26 mill. Alt. 71, diam. 28, length of aperture 34, breadth 22 mill. Alt. 61, diam. 20, length of aperture 37, breadth 24 mill. Alt. 58, diam. 25, length of aperture 30, breadth 19 mill. Hupe gives Peru as the locality of the specimens collected by Courit Casteljiau. They are the form of fungairinoi, but the markings are somewhat reduced, showing more of the ground color than usual. GROUP OF O. ATRAMENTARIUS. Chiefly a group of central- Colombia, distinguished by the blunt lip, but little and gradually expanding, and bordered broadly with violet or purple inside. The species are among the most superb of South American land snails. They vary considerably in color, and are closely allied. Key to species. a. Aperture pure white within ; shell usually with a peripheral dark girdle. 206 ORTHALICUS. b. Spirally striated, though the striae are fine and shallow ; form rather conically ovate. adamsoni. p. 207. b1. No spiral striation ; and of more fusiform contour. c. Spire purple, last whorl tawny or olivaceous-brownish; lip black, shading into violet within ; columella ver- tical, folded ; alt. 59-67 mill, approximatus, p. 208. c1. Glossy, light fawn-colored usually with some dark markings, spire thick below, attenuated above, lip brown, purple within. poivisianus, p. 206. a1. Aperture tinted within; surface rather rough, heavily blotched or mottled, or with the last whorl dark throughout; peristome dark brown, becoming reddish-purple within. atramentaritis, p. 209. O. POWISIANUS (Petit). PI. 37, figs. 28-34. Shell oblong-conic, solid and strong, light fawn colored with nu- merous inconspicuous slightly darker streaks, and usually some pur- plish blotches and streaks; begirt a little below tie periphery by a narrow brown-black band somewhat uneven in width, and narrowly light-edged in places ; this band ascending the spire, showing a little at the suture ; some of the earlier whorls with a continuous or inter- rupted median brown line, first whorl brown-topped ; on the last whorl or two a dark line (often interrupted) borders the whitish suture below. Surface polished, glossy, with faint growth-lines, stronger at the sutures. Spire convexly conic below, concavely conic above, apex obtuse, flattened. Whorls 7, the earlier 3 regularly thimble-pitted, those following almost flat, penultimate and last whorls slightly convex, the latter obliquely produced and spreading out- wardly and downward, near the aperture, with a narrow blackish streak behind the lip: the base flatly tapering to a rounded ridge behind the columella. Aperture oblique, rhombic, somewhat effuse below, pure white within, with a broad purple internal lip-border; peristome obtuse and thick, black-brown; columella subvertical, white, anda trifle tortuous above, purple below, parieto-columellar callus brown-black. Alt. 74, diam. 35, longest axis of aperture 38 mill. Alt. 68, diam. 33^, longest axis of aperture 35^ mill. Colombia: Marmato, and the forest on the east side of the Cauca, on the road to Salamina, on damp banks under trees and on shrubs (Bland); Forests on the Cauca. River (Lehmann and others). OBTIIALIOUS. 207 Bulimus powisianus PETIT de la SAUSSAIE, Revue Zoologique 1843, p. 239 ; Guerin's Magasin de Zoologie (2), 1843, Moll., pi. 65. — DESH. in Fer. Hist., pi. 128, f. 1, 2. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 27, f. 167 a, b, c PFR., Monogr. ii, p, 140; iii, 378. — BLAND in C. B. Adams' Contrib. to Conch. No. 11, p. 229. — BUNKER, Jahrb. d. D. Malak. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 379, ph 11, f. 3, 4.— Orthalicu8 (Corona) powisianus SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitiaa Malac. i. p. 68 — Porphyrobaphe powisiana Petit, MOUSSON, Malak. Blatter, xxi, p. 13 KOBELT, Jahrb. d. D. Mai. Ges. ii. 1875, p. 223, pi. 7, f. 2. Very distinct in its glossy surface and light color, the flattened whorls and somewhat mam mill ar apical portion. Petit's type was a rather small example, length 68 mill., but others as short as 63 mill, have occurred. The locality was doubtfully given as Bogota by Pfeiffer, the type having been collected by Goudot ; but later infor- mation locates it in the Cauca valley. There is wide variation in the amount and prominence of the dark streaks or blotches, and they are sometimes obsolete. Reeve's figures (copied in my figs. 28 and 32) show the whorls more convex than the type or any specimen I have seen, and the streaks of fig. 28 are far more prominent than in the typical form. Figures 31 and 34 are drawn from Marmato specimens received from Bland. The young shell is acutely angular at the periphery. A specimen collected by Bland laid three dark olive-brown oval eggs, about 10 mill, long, 8 wide ; the surface of the egg-shell is strongly granulose. O. ADAMSONI (Gray). PI. 39, figs. 1,2; pi. 40, figs. 7, 8. Shell ovate-fusiform, thick and solid. ** Violaceous-ashy, some- what olivaceous toward the base, sparsely clouded here and there with brown, encircled by a conspicuous bluish-white band uhich is somewhat distantly articulated with olive-black, and with a subobso- lete brownish band al ove," (pi. 39, figs. 1, 2); or dull reddish on the spire, obscurely streaked with darker, a median spot-band appearing on the penultimate whorl, the latter part of which is pale ashen above, olivaceous below the band, and copiously streaked with black ; the last whorl with a wide ashen zone above, the lower three- fourths olivaceous, the whole profusely streaked and spotted with black ; there is a narrow peripheral black girdle bordered above by a wider white one, which is frequently interrupted by black blotches; 208 ORTHALICUS. on the latter half somewhat stained with reddish-chestnut, and then becoming almost uniform black (pi. 40, figs. 7, 8). Surface some- what shining, with slight growth-wrinkles and close, rather coarse and shallow spiral stria3, subobsolete on the last whorl. Whorls 6 to 7, the apex decollate and plugged (at least in the specimen before me); nepionic shell probably composed of at least 3 whorls, which are densely pitted ; last whorl oblong, tapering below. Aperture oblique, rhombic-oval, white inside ; peristome slowly but decidedly expanding, thick, obtuse, purplish black at the edge, with a broad, blackish-violet border within, shading into violet and then white ; columella violet, somewhat cylindrical, subvertical and indistinctly bisinuate ; parietal callus and the reflexed columellar callus black throughout. Alt. 87, diam. 42, longest axis of aperture 46 mill. Alt. 89, diam. 47 mill, (from Reeve's figure of the type.) Colombia: " Parr em o" near the volcano Tolima (Adamson coll.); valley of Guaduas (Gen. J. Acosta); "Bogota " (pi. 40, f. 7, 8). Bulinus adamsonii GKAY, P. Z. S., 1833, p. 123. — Bulimus adamsonii REEVE (de novo), Conch. Icon. pi. 26, f. 165 (1848) PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 242, pi. 65. f. 1, 2 ; Monogr. iii, p. 307; iv, p. 370; vi, p. 14. — HUPE in Castelnau's Exped. dans PAmer. du Sud, Moll., p. 32, pi. 8, f. 2 — BLAND in C. B. Adams' Contrib. to Conch, no. 12, p. 231. The type of B. adamsonii (pi. 39, figs. 1, 2), was only rather faintly mottled. The specimens figured by Hupe and Pfeiffer, and that shown on my plate 40, figs. 7, 8, are much more heavily veined and mottled, and constitute a color- variety maculatus. It is a larger species, than 0. atramentarius, white within, and differently marked externally. This is not Orthalicu? adamsonii of Beck, which is 0. bensoni Reeve. Beck's reference, to a figure in Gray's Spicilegia Zob'logica is apparently a mistaken one. There is no such figure in that work. O. APPROXIMATES (Fulton). PI. 40, figs. 1, 2, 3. Shell oblong-conic, thick and solid ; whorls of the spire largely denuded of cuticle, whitish-purple with a serie^of oblong purple spots above the sutures separated by small white spots, and sometimes a mediun interrupted girdle ; the last whorl covered with a thin cuticle, somewhat yellowish or olivaceous-tawny, becoming reddish ORTHALICUS. 209 in tint on the latter half, and girdled by a broad blackish band at the periphery, with traces of one or two fainter dusky bands above ; hav- ing some oblique variceal dark streaks. Surface glossy, with close, irregular wrinkles of growth, roughened at the varices. Whorls 6 (in a decollate and plugged specimen, figs. 2, 3 ; but 6^ according to Fulton), the apical 2J thimble-pitted, those of the spire hardly con- vex, the last oblong, convex ; apex obtuse. Aperture oblique, ovate, pure white within, but with a very wide black internal border shading through violet into the white ; peri- stome obtuse, thick, a trifle expanded, black ; colurnella vertical, bi- sinuate, the upper fold or nodule much stronger, purple tinted, the lower one slighter; parietal callus black. Alt. 59, diam. 29, longest axis of aperture 29 mill. Alt. G7, diam. 31 mill. (type). Bogota, Colombia. Porphyrobaphe approximata FULTON, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (6)r xviii, p. 103 (July, 1896); xx, pi. 6, f. 6, (1897). Allied to 0. atramentarius, adamsoni and poivisianus. From the last of these it differs in coloring, the more oblique aperture, and the straight lateral outlines of the spire. 0. adamsoni is much larger, with more ample body-whorl, and has spiral striae ; it agrees in the color- ing of the aperture. 0. atramentarius is much more closely related to approximates, differing from it chiefly in the different color- pattern of the exterior, the browner black of the lip and parietal wall, and the red-purple rather than violet or blue-purple internal shading of the lip-border, and the tinted instead of pure white color of the interior. The form of the columella is closely approached by some specimens of atramentarius. Fig. 1 represents the type ; 2 and 3 are from a specimen received from the author. O. ATRAMENTARIUS (Pfeiffer). PL 38 ; pi. 39, fig. 7. Shell ovate-conic or oblong-conic, thick and solid ; two or three early whorls flesh-tinted, the succeeding whorls of the spire fleshy or white, with irregular, broad ragged stripes and narrower oblique streaks of purple-brown, the last whorl (1) whitish-lilac or pale brownish with similar stripes, streaks and spots, or an indefinitely mottled pattern, or (2) wholly or on the last half of a uniform black- ish-purple color ; sometimes showing an obscure band at the per- 14 210 ORTHALICUS. iphery (as in figs. 35, 37 \ and above (fig. 38); the general black- ness sometimes interrupted by some dirty white, rough varices (as in fig. 37). Surface sculptured with irregular growth-wrinkles, often rougher and finely plicatulate on the last whorl, the latter half of which is frequently coarsely plicate. Whorls 6J to 7, the first obtuse, often amputated and plugged, the rest moderately convex. Aperture oblique, ovate, red-purple within, becoming paler in the throat and darker towards the lip ; peristome blunt, not expanded, pale-edged, with a dark-brown border inside ; colurnella purple, bi- sinuate, its reflexed callus and the strong parietal callus almost black. Alt. 69, diam. 34, longest axis of aperture 36 mill. Alt. 62, diam. 29, longest axis of aperture 32 mill. Alt. 61, diam. 32, longest axis of aperture 32 mill. Colombia: C/topa, in the province of Pamplona (Linden) ; Cucuta (Bland); Canelos, Ecuador (Stiibel). Achafina regina B, PFR., Monogr. Hel. Viv. ii, p. 244 — A. regina DESIT. in Fer., Hist., p. 145, pi. 122, f. 8, 9. — Bulimus regina (part) REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 27, f. 168 b — Achatina atramentaria PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, 116. — Orthalicus atramentarius PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 591; vi, p. 202. — 0. (Corona} atramentarius PFR., Malak. Blatt. 1855, p. 167. — Bulimus boussingaultii HUPE in Castelnau's Exped. dans 1'Amer. du Sud Moll., p. 37, pi. 9, f. 2 (1857).— Orthalicus (Corona) iodes SHUTTLEWORTH, Notitise Malacologies, i, p. 68, pi. 4, f. 8 (1856).— MARTENS, Conchol. Mittheil. p. 159. Smaller than 0. adamsoni, differently colored, the aperture pinkish-purple within, while in adamsoni it is white, shading into violet or bluish-purple toward the lip-margin. The last whorl varies from mottled to a uniform blackish-purple in specimens from a single locality ; my figures 36, 37 and 7 being drawn from shells collected at Cucuta. Pfeiffer gives the length of his type as 81 mill., which is larger than any of the specimens in our collection. Occasional shells (figs. 36, 37) have some patches of a scarlet-brown color at the edpre of the blackish tract. Something of the same sort is seen in some specimens of 0. adamsoni. Both of the synonyms, iodes and boiissingaidtii, were based upon the true atramentarius, and do not stand for varietal forms. AMI'HIBULIMINJB. 211 Sub-family AMPHIBULIMIN^:. Includes Amphibulima, Rhodonyx, Pellicula, Gceotis, Peltella, Simpulopsis and Eudioptus. Arboreal or sub-arboreal Bulimulidce with the shell degenerate as a protective organ, *S//.cczW#-shaped, //a/i'o^'s-shaped, or in the less reduced forms, globose or ovate; always thin, and mainly cuticular ; unicolored and more or less translucent (except in Amphibulima). Jaw, radula and genitalia of Bulimulid type. An American group of genera, which agree in having the shell in various stages of degeneration. In Bulimulopsis only the incipient stage of this process of reduction has been reached ; Simpulopsis is a later stage, and Peltella and Gaotis seem to be terminal members of the series, being slug-like in form. Amphibulima with its satellite groups Rhodonyx and Pellicula, stand a little apart from the other series. The exact inter-relationships of the various genera cannot be understood until a comparative study of the soft parts, more fund- amental than has yet been made, is undertaken. Peltella is the only genus which has been adequately investigated. It may turn out that Drymaus, Liostracus and Bulimulopsis converge to a common origin ; Simpulopsis being a further development of the last of these groups, and Peltella another member of the series. Just where Platysuccinea belongs is doubtful, but Gaotis may be related to it as PelteJla to Simpulopsis. Amphibulima may trace its ancestry to the Liostracus- Bulimulopsis root, or it may possibly be descended from Bulimulus. 1 look to the general arrangement or *' topography " of the viscera, for the solution of these problems, rather than to any information to be gained by study of the details of genitalia or teeth. Our knowledge of the anatomy of the Amphibulimince is due chiefly to Dr. Paul Fischer, Dr. H. von Ihering, and Mr. W. G. Binney, all of whom have contributed valuable data. Key to genera, by shell-characters. I. Shell subglobose, ovate or oblong, varying in form from Naticoid to Bulimuloid. SIMPULOPSIS, p. 212. II. Shell depressed, the whorls open beneath, columella reduced to a spiral rib not concealing the interior of the whorls. PELTELLA, p. 231 ; G^OTIS, p. 227. III. Shell Succinea-shaped. AMPHIBULIMA, p. 232. 212 S1MPULOPSIS. Genus SIMPULOPSIS Beck, 1837. Simpulopsis BECK, Index Moll., p. 100 MARTENS in Albers' Die Heliceen, p. 308 (type S. sulcidosa Fer.). PFR., Nomencl. Hel. Viv., 1878, p. 228 Simulopsis GRAY, P. Z. S., 1847, p. 171 (type " Helix sulcosa"). Shell imperforate, varying from globose to ovate, very thin, mainly cuticular, usually with few whorls ; the last very large ; apical 1^ to 1^ whorls with excessively line spiral striation, except in subgenus Platysuccinea ; apertuie large, rounded lunate or ovate, oblique; peristome and columella very thin, simple and arcuate. Type S. sulculosa Fer. The jaw is arched and composed of numerous plaits, as in Dry- mceus ; radula about as in Bulimulusy but the cusps of the teeth are more strongly developed. The species live on and among plants in moist woods. The group was at first associated with Succinea ; Pfeiffer then placed the species in Vitrina. It was recognized as agenus by Morch in 1852, and by Shuttleworth in 1854; these authors being followed by Pfeiffer. Dr. Paul Fischer, in 1873, was the first to recognize the Bulimulid affin- ities of the group. The typical group of species occurs in Brazil, from the State of Bahia to Sao Paulo ; but one species has been found in Trinidad and another in Nicaragua. An aberrant group of forms with smooth apical whorls is found in the West Indies and. Eastern Mexico. Several old-world forms have been referred to Simpulopsis (see p. 226), but their status is uncertain. Tlie species fall into three sections or subgenera : I. Apical whorls spirally striate. 1. Simpulopsis s. str. Short globose shells, excessively thin, mainly cuticular, somewhat flexible, with 3 to 4^ whorls ; corrugated or merely wrinkled, varying from greenish-yellow to olive-brown. 2. Bulimulopsis Pilsbry, 1899. Oblong-ovate or globose- conic, higher than wide, smooth, glossy and brittle, Uyht tinted ; whorls 4 to 5^. Brazil. (See p. 220.) II. Apical whorls smooth. 3. Platysuccinea Ancey, 1881. Globose, thin, rather brittle, with 2-| to 3^ whorls ; striated or smooth, light- SIMPULOPSIS. 218 colored. Type S. portoricensis. Greater Antilles and Mexico. (See p. 223.) Section SIMPULOPSIS. Species of South America and Trinidad. Key to species, a. Shell smooth or nearly so, about as wide as high ; whorls 3^. atro wrens, p. 213.. a1. Shell longitudinally corrugated or folded, not decussate. b. Higher than wide, the spire prominent, whorls about 4^ ; folds coarse, irregular and low. sulculosa, p. 214. bl. Diameter about equal to or exceeding the width ; whoils 3 to 4. c. Folds close, subregular and strong ; whorls 3 to 3J. d. Diam and longest axis of aperture exceeding alt.; spire very short, low ; outer lip inserted above periphery of penult, whorl. braziliensis, p. 215. d1. Diam. exceeding alt.; spire short; outer lip iiL- serted at periphery of penult, whorl. obtusa, p. 216. d2. Diam. and alt. about equal; spire conic.; length of aperture less than that of shell. e. Olive or olive-brown ; alt. about 14 mill. rufovirens, p. 216. e1. Light green ; alt. 9 to 10 mill. corrugata, p. 217. c1. Folds strong, irregular; whorls 4; alt. 17^, diam. 24 mill. miersi, p. 218. a2. Shell corrugated and decussate. b, Irregularly plicate, with extremely fine spiral striae ; whorls 4^ ; alt. and diam. about equal ; alt. 20, diam. 19 mill. tryoiii, p. 218. b1. Closely plicate, with spiral sulci ; whorls 4^-; alt. 11; diam. 12^ mill, decussata, p. 218.. S. ATROVIRENS (Moricand). PI. 64, figs. 79, 80. Shell semi-oval, ventricose, excessively thin, being mainly cuticu^ lar ; olive-green or reddish-brown, becoming paler on the spire ; sur- 214 SIMPDLOPSIS. face dull, lusterless or with a somewhat silken sheen, nearly smooth, but with some low and irregular wrinkles or folds, but more regularly and more closely plicate on the penultimate whorl. Spire small and short; whorls 3J, the last extremely large and inflated, well-rounded throughout. Aperture very oblique, large, rounded, ovate ; peri- stome thin and sharp, the outer lip usually with a cuticular and more or less distorted edge ; columella long, concave, thin. Alt. 15, diam. 15, longest axis of aperture 14^; width 10J mill. Portas, Prov. Bahia, Brazil, on palms (Blanche!) ; Bahia (Acad. coll.) Helix ( Cochlohydra] atrovirens MORIC., Mem. Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. Nat. de Geneve, vii, p. 416, pi. 2, p. 1 (1835 or 1836).— Vitrina atrovirens JAY, Catal., 1839, p. 43. — PFR. Monogr. ii, p, 511 — Simpulopsis atrovirens Mor., BECK, Index Moll., p. 100 — PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 30, pi. 3, f. 5, 6 ; Monogr. iii, p. 7 ; v, p. 22. In general appearance this species resembles the corrugated forms, but the folds are almost obsolete. A number of specimens before me, including two from Moricand, show very little variation in sculpture, and the species seems well founded. S. SULCULOSA (Ferussac). PI. 64, figs. 81, 82, 83. Shell globose-conic, higher than wide, excessively thin, pale greenish-yellow, transparent, surface glossy, showing under a lens numerous revolving dull and lustreless bands about as broad as the glossy intervals ; irregularly sulcate or wrinkled, the wrinkles rather widely and unevenly spaced, subobsolete on the spire. Spire conic and elevated. Whorls ahout 4^, the last globose. Aperture ovate, moderately oblique ; outer lip thin and acute; columellar lip thin, concave. Alt. 11, diam. 9^, longest axis of aperture 8.3, width 6 mill. Prov. Sao Paulo, Brazil, at Itapetininga (v. Ihering) and Taguara (v. Ihering, teste Clessin); Botafogo, near Rio Janeiro, among plants in moist places (Paz and Martinez). Helix (Cochlohydra,} sulculosa FER., Prodr., p. 27; Hist., pi. 11 A, f. 6 — Succinea sulculosa Gray, Ann. of Philos., ix, 1825, p. 415 — Vitrina sulculosa PFR., Symbolae, iii, p. 45 : Monogr., ii, p. 512. — Simpulopsis sulculosa BECK, Index, p. 100. — CLESSIN, Mai. Bl. (n. F.), x, p. 168 PFR., Conchyl. Cab., p. 31, pi. 3, f. 7, 8 — HEYNEMANN, Malak. Blatt., xv, 1868, p. 110, pi. 5, f. 10 (dentition). siMPULorsis. 215 — HIDALGO, Viaje al Pacifico, p. 5. — Succinea membranacea MICH., teste Villa, Dispositio Syst., p. 9 — Not S. sulculosa II. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll., pi. 73, f. 1. This rather small species of southern Brazil is easily recognized by the coarse and irregular shallow sulcation and the prominent and conic spire. Well-preserved shells show many dull bands on a bril- liant ground, scarcely visible without a lens, and varying in degree of development in different specimens. In the collections I have seen, the name sulculosa, seems to have been often applied to other species. Dr. Hidalgo reports specimens with 4^ whorls, measuring, alt. 15, diam. 13 mm., from Botafogo, near Rio Janeiro. S. BRASILIENSIS (Moricand). PI. 64, figs. 84, 85. Shell semi-oval, ventricose, very thin, pale greenish-yellow, sub- transparent. Surface glossy, regularly and deeply corrugated, the folds rather close and nearly regular, smooth or nearly so ; no spiral sculpture. Spire very short and low. Whorls 3^, the earlier 1^ or 2 smooth, the last whorl very large and globose. Aperture quite oblique, large, rounded-ovate ; peristome thin and sharp, the outer lip inserted above the periphery of the penult, whorl; columella thin, somewhat concave, meeting the basal lip in a salient angle, in the middle of the apparently columellar margin. Alt. 12, diam. 13, longest axis of aperture 12.3, width 9 mill. Alt. 11.5, diam. 12, longest axis of aperture 12, width 8 mill. Alt. 12.5, diam. 15, longest axis of aperture 13.5, width 10 mill. S. Gonzalves, Brazil, in humid forest (Blanchet). Helix {Cochlohydra) brasiliensis Sowerby, MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Geneve, vii, 1835-6, p. 416 (no sufficient de- scription); Mem., etc., xi, p. 148, 149, 160, pi. 5, f. 5 (as Succinea brasiliensis), 1845-6. — Vitrina brasiliensis Mor., PFR., Symbolse, ii, p. 62 (1842), no description — Vitrina obtusa Sow., PFR., Monogr., ii, p. 511 (1848). — Simpulopsis obtusa PFR., Monogr., iii, p. 7; Conchyl. Cab., p. 29, pi. 3, f. 1, 2. Distinguished chiefly by its extremely short, low spire and high insertion of the outer lip. The angulated columellar margin, caused by the meeting of the arc of the basal margin with that of the colu- mella, is not constant, the angle being often obsolete. This species has been called obtusa Sow. by Pfeiff'er, but I find it 216 SIMPULOPSIS. impossible to reconcile Sowerby's figures with these shells. More- over, Sowerby described his species too briefly, and simultaneously proposed two specific names for it. Moricand had been incorrectly informed by Ferussac that Sowerby had named this species " brasiliensts," and therefore attributed the name to that author. S. OBTUSA (Sowerby). PI. 64, figs. 86, 87. Shell ovate, corneous, longitudinally striated; spire very short; whorls 3, a little convex ; aperture ovate, oblique. Length to the breadth as 2 to 3 (Sowerby). Brazil. Succinea ovata SOWERBY, Genera of Shells, pt. ix, second page of text, Succinea. Succinea obtusa SOWERBY, Genera of Shells, legend at foot of plate of Succinea (1820 or 1822 ; see Ann. Mag. N. H. (6), xiii, p. 371). — REEVE, Conch. Syst., ii, p. 89, pi. 180, f. 2 (reprinted from Sowerby's plate) — Helix obtusa FER., Hist., pi. 9 B, f. 5 (copy of Sowerby's figure). — Simpulopsis obtusa BECK, Index, p. 100. According to Sowerby's figures, which there is no reason to think incorrect, this species has a decidedly more projecting spire than S. brasiliensis, and the outer lip is inserted much lower on the penul- timate whorl. Sowerby called this species " S. ovata " in the text, " S. obtusa" on the plate. Pfeiffer has chosen to retain the latter, ignoring the former name. As I can add nothing to our knowledge of the species, it is not worth while to question the propriety of Pfeiffer's favoritism in dealing with the twins. S. RUFOVIRENS (Moricand). PL 64, figs. 88, 89, 90, 91, Shell semi-globose, very thin, olive-green or brown-tinted olive ; somewhat shining but not glossy. Surface closely and strongly cor- rugated, the corrugation rather regular, though sometimes folds split or are intercalated. Spire conic. Whorls 3^, moderately convex, the last globose; suture slowly descending in front. Aperture rounded-ovate, very oblique, the outer lip thin, its upper end inserted at or near the periphery of the penultimate whorl; colurnellar lip very thin and regularly arcuate. Alt. 14, diam. 14, longest axis of aperture 12.4, width 9.5 mill. Province of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet, Anthony). SIMPULOPSIS. 217 Helix (Succinea} rufovirens MORIC., Mem. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat. Geneve, xi, p. 147, pi. 5, f. 4 (1845-6).— Vitrina rufovirens PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 511 — Simpulopsis rufovirens PFK., Conchyl. Cab., p. 30, pi. 3, f. 3, 4; Monogr. v, p. 22. — Simpulopsis rufescens MOR., ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 128. This species from the number of specimens before me, must be found in some abundance. It is wider than sulculosa, with fewer whorls, lower spire and finer corrugation. The spire is decidedly more raised than in brasiliensis, and the outer lip is inserted lower. The deep, rather fine and even corrugation is its most prominent feature. S. CORRUGATA Guppy. PI. 64, figs. 93, 94, 95. Shell globose, very thin and fragile, being mainly cuticular ; light green, translucent in places. Surface glossy, deeply corrugated, the ribs subregular, but in places a little irregular. Spire short* conic. Whorls 3 J, the earlier 1^ smooth ; last whorl inflated, rounded. Aperture large, subcircular, but somewhat excised by the penult, whorl, moderately oblique; peristome thin, regular arcuate; colu- mella arcuate, thin ; no perceptible parietal callus. Alt. 9.3, diam. 9, longest axis of aperture 7.7, width 5.7 mill. Trinidad, near Savana Grande, in humid forests ; rare (Guppy). S. corrugatus GUPPY, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3), xvii, 1866, p. 53. — S. corrugata Guppy, PFR., Monogr. vii, p. 28. — GUPPY, Journ. de Conchyl. 1878, p. 323, pi. 10, f. 3; Journ. of Conch, vii, 1893, p. 221 — BINNEY, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., v, p. 338, pi. 1, f. G (dentition) — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1890, p. 46 S. rufo- virens Mor., E. A. SMITH, Journ. of Conch., viii, p. 244. Similar to S. rufovirens^ but constantly smaller, of a lighter green color when in good condition, and with the aperture perceptibly less obliqiif. Mr. E. A. Smith unites corrugata to rufovirens as a synonym, but the differences indicated above are constant in the series before me, and with the wide geographic separation of the two forms, seem to make it desirable to retain the species or subspecies. "Species,'* however, among the slightly differentiated forms of this genus, are more conventional than usual; and in this instance we totally lack material from the vast intermediate region, the Amazon valley. 218 SIMPULOPSIS. S. MIERSI Pfeiffer. Unfigured. Shell conic-subglobose, very thin, somewhat irregularly, strongly plicate, pellucid, rather shining; olivaceous-corneous. Spire short, conic, acute ; whorls 4, moderately convex, separated by a somewhat channelled suture, the last whorl inflated, regularly descending. Aperture oblique, ample, lunate-oval ; peristome thin, black-edged, the right margin rather widely expanded, columellar margin hair- like, somewhat twisted above. Alt. 17^, greater diam. 24, lesser 171 mill. (Pfr.) Espirito Santo, Brazil (Miers, in Cuming coll.). S. miersi PFR., Malak. Blatter, iii, 1856, p. 260; Monogr. iv, p. 800; v, p. 21. Known to me by the above description only. S. TRYONI Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 64, fig. 92. Shell globosely semi-oval with conic, projecting spire, thin, light olivaceous; surface lusterless, rather irregularly corrugated, and under a strong lens seen to be spirally sculptured with extremely fine, dense, cuticular striae, passing over the folds and intervals. Whorls 41, the last globose. Aperture very oblique, rounded-ovate, the peristome thin and sharp; columella regularly arcuate. Alt. 20, diam. 19, longest axis of aperture 16, width 12 mill. Brazil (J. G. Anthony). The folds are much less regular than in S. rufovirens, and that species shows no spiral striation. S. DECUSSATA Pfeiffer. Unfigured. Shell conic-subglobose, very thin, closely plicate and rather regu- larly decussated by spiral sulci; pellucid, shining, olivaceous-corneous. Spire moderate, conic, acute ; suture deep. Whorls 4^, moderately convex, the last one ventricose. Aperture oblique, rounded-oval, slightly angular above ; peristome simple, unexpanded ; columellar margin lightly arcuate, very slightly twisted above. Alt. 11, greater diam. 12£, lesser 10 mill. (Pfr.) Petropolis, near Rio Janeiro, Brazil (Miers, in Cuming coll.). Simpulopsis decussata PFR., Malak. Bl. iii, 1856, p. 260 ; Monogr. iv, p. 800 ; v, p. 22. I have not seen this species, which is apparently well distinguished by its spiral grooves decussating the longitudinal folds. SIMIMJLOl'SIS. 219 Caribbean Species. S. VIXCENTINA E. A. Smith. PI. 63, figs. 65, 66. Shell orate, very thin, pale greenish-corneous, spire obtusely conoid ; whorls 3, the first two sculptured with delicate, close, waved striae, the first whorl involute at the apex; last whorl ample, deli- cately plicate longitudinally, and transversely obsoletely substriate, scarcely descending. Aperture inversely auriform ; peristome very thin throughout. Length 13, diam. 10 mill. (Smith.) St. Vincent, Upper Richmond Valley, in damp forest, 2000 feet elevation, on leaves of Artanthe (Piperacece). H. H. Smith. S. vincentina S.M., Proc. Malac. Soc. i, p. 305, pi. 21, f. 4, 5 (Oct., 1895). Only a single specimen was collected. The ovate form, rather conical spire, and the peculiar fine sculpture of the two upper whorls, distinguish this form from other species of the genus. (Smith.) I suppose Mr. Smith refers to spiral striae on the first two whorls; if longitudinal striae are meant, the species would be referable to Amphibulima, not Simpulopsis. Species of Mexico and Central America. S. SIMULA (Morelet). PI. 63, figs. 56, 57. Shell conic-globose, very thin, somewhat membranaceous, pellucid, elegantly sculptured with slightly oblique longitudinal and rather spaced folds; pale olivaceous-corneous. Spire shortly conoid, the apex rather obtuse ; suture impressed. Whorls 4^, a little convex, the earlier two nearly smooth, the last larger than the spire, ex- panded and inflated. Aperture lunate*rotund, colored within like the outside ; peristome simple, concolor, the terminations separated, columellar margin arcuate, thin, basal and outer margins acute. Length 11, diam. 9, length of aperture 7, width 6 mill. (F. fy C.). Peten, northern Guatemala, in woods, on the leaves of trees (More- let). Bulimus simulus MORELET, Testacea Novissima ii, p. 11 (1851). PFK., Monogr. iii, p. 383 (1853); iv, p. 450; vi, p. SO.—Ortkalicus (Plectostyhis) simulus ADS., Genera ii, p. 155 (1858). — Bulimulus (Eudioptus} simulus ALBERS, Die Hel., edit. v. Mart., p. 223 Simpulopsis? Simula PFR., Monogr. vii, p. 516 (1876) — Simpulopsis 220 SIMPULOPSIS. / Simula FISCHER & CKOSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., i, p. 578, pi. 24, f. 13, 13a.— VON MARTENS, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Moll., p. 253. Resembles the Brazilian species in color and form. It is known by the type lot only, one of which has been figured by Fischer and Crosse. S. CUMINGI Pfeiffer. PI. 63, figs. 61, 62. Shell subglobose, very thin, lightly and irregularly plicatulate, pellucid, slightly shining, greenish-corneous. Spire minute, project- ing as a little papilla. Whorls 3, the last much inflated ; columella regularly arcuate, simple. Aperture oblique, rounded-oval, very glossy inside; peristome simple, a little expanded. Alt. 12, greater diam. 20J, lesser 19£ mill. (Pfr.). Mexico (Cuming coll.). S. cumingi PFR., P. Z. S., 1861, p. 27, pi. 3,f. 2 ; Malak. Blatter, 1861, p. 84; Monogr. v, p. 22; vii, p. 29 REEVE, Conch. Icon., xiii, pi. 1, f. 5 (1862).— FISCHER & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., p. 580 MARTENS, Biol., p. 253. Known by the original description and Reeve's figures, which represent a shell double the size of S. anea, arid distinctly plicatulate. Section BULIMULOPSIS Pilsbry, 1899. Eudioptus ALBERS, Die Hel., edit. Martens, p. 223, 1861 (type B. pseudosuc cineus Moric.). Not Eudioptis Hiibner, Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge, 1816. Shell smooth, varying from oblong-ovate to globose-conic, imper- forate or very narrowly perforate, thin, brittle, translucent, glossy and unicolored; whorls 4 to 5^, the apical 1^-1^, sculptured with excessively fine, dense, spiral stria?, as in typioal Simpulopsis. Aper- ture ovate, the peristome and columella thin and simple. Type S. pseudosuccinea Moric. A Brazilian group of thin, brittle-shelled snails, resembling Sim- pulopsis in their tenuity and simple peristome, but differing in the more Bulimoid form of the shell, which is very smooth and light colored. The soft anatomy is unknown. Key to Species. a. Length of shell over twice its diameter ; oblong ovate. pseudosuccinea, p. 221. SIMPULOPSIS. 221 J a1. Diameter of shell slightly under § its length ; ovate ; whorls 5. Umpida, p. 223. a2. Diameter of shell § to J its length ; ovate-conic ; whorls 5 ; periphery rounded. citrinovitrea, p. 221. a3. Diam. of shell over J its length ; globose conic ; whorls 4. b. Brownish-yellow; periphery faintly angular; alt. 11-13 mill. loissieri, p. 222. bl. Alt. 7 mill. progastor, p. 223. S. PSEUDOSUCCINEA (Moricand). PL 64, figs. 4, 5. Shell im perforate, oblong-ovate, /SWcmm-shaped, very thin and fragile. Decidedly translucent, the columella visible through the shell; whitish corneous or faintly yellowish. Surface glossy, with slight growth-wrinkles, nepionic lj whorls with excessively fine, close, spiral striation. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls about 5J, moderately convex, with well impressed sutures, the last whorl oblong, tapering above and below, a faintly sketched, hardly noticeable angle traced around the periphery. Aperture oblique, ovate-pointed, broadly rounded below; lip sim- ple, unexpanded ; columella concave below, thread-like, with a faintly convex spiral trend above ; basal view showing a narrow " false um- bilicus" extending to apex. Alt. 23^, diam. 11 ; length of aperture 12^ mill., or smaller. Environs of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet, v. Ihering). Helix pseudosuccinea MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. et d' Hist. Nat. de Geneve, vii, p. 435, pi. 2, f. 18 (1835-6). — Bulimus pseudosuc- cinea DESH. in Lam., Anim. s. Vert, viii, p. 248. — POT. & MICH., Galerie, i, p. 140, pi. 13, f. 5, 6 PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 148; iii, 302; iv, 450; vi, 89; viii, 125 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 216, pi. 60, f. 5, 6 REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 62, f. 429. — BuUmulus pseudosuccineus BECK, Index, p. 64.— CLESSIN, Mai. Bl. (n. F.) x, 1888, p. 166 Succinea moricandi PFR., Symbolae ad Hist. Hel. ii, p. 131. Much more elongated, and of a more milky tint than S. citrino- vitrea. As in S. boissieri, there is a slightly indicated keel at the periphery. This species is the type of the section Eudioptus, and has hitherto been referred to Balimulns. Its affinities, however, are with the following species : S. CITRINOVITREA (Moricand). PI. 64, figs. 96, 97. Shell minutely perforate, ovate-conic, thin and transparent, the 222 SIMPULOPSIS. columella being visible through the last whorl ; pale yellowish-green. Surface glossy and nearly smooth, having slight growth-wrinkles only. Spire conic, the apex slightly obtuse ; suture well impressed ; whorls about 5, convex, the last well rounded. Aperture broadly ovate, slightly oblique; outer lip thin and sharp; columella slightly concave or nearly straight, thin. No perceptible parietal callus. Alt. 13, diam. 9, longest axis of aperture 8, width 5.3 mm. Alt. 16, diam. 10.5, longest axis of aperture 9, width 6.5 mm. Environs of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet, v. Ihering). Helix (Cochlogena) citrino-vitrea MORICAND, Mem. Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. Nat, de Geneve, vii, p. 436, pi. 2, f. 19 (1835 or 1836).— Bulimus citrino-vitreus Mor., PFR., Monogr., ii, p. 149; Conchyl. Cab., p. 218, pi. 60, f. 13, 14 — DESH. in Lam. An. s. Vert., viii, p. 246 POT. & MICH., Galerie, i, p. 135, pi. 12, f. 13, 14.—Buli- mulus citrino-vitreus BECK, Index, p. 64. — Simpulopsis citrino-vitrea Mor., PFR., Monogr., vii, p. 29. — CLESSIN, Malak. Bl. (n. F.), x, p. 168. — Bulimus vitrinoides REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 46, f. 290 (1848). Has a more elevated spire, less inflated contour, and more whorls than S. boissieri. It also differs in color. Large specimens are dis- tinctly perforate ; but in those of small size, a lens is required to see the minute chink behind and below the columellar reflection. S. BOISSIERI (Moricand). PI. 64, figs. 98, 99. Shell imperforate, globose, with short, conic, small spire ; very thin, translucent ; brownish-yellow or " tawny" Surface glossy, smooth except for slight growth-wrinkles, begirt at the periphery by an incon- spicuous cord or angulation. Spire short, the apex a little obtuse ; whorls 4, convex, the last globose. Aperture slightly oblique, rounded-ovate; peristome thin and sharp; columella thin, concave below7, straight or slisfhtly sigmoid above, the reflexed callus very thin and adnate. Alt. 11.3, diam. 9.5, longest axis of aperture 8, width 6 mill. Alt. 12-13, diam. 10 mill (Moricand). Environs of Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet and others). Helix (Bulimus) boissieri MORIC., Mem. Soc. Phys. et d'Hist. Nat. de Geneve, xi, p. 156, pi. 5, f. 24, 25 (1845 or 1846).— Buli- mus boissieri Moric., PER., Monogr., ii, p. 149; Conchyl. Cab., p. 218, pi. 60, f. 15, 16 REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 64, f. 449.— Sim- pulopsis boissieri Mor., PFR., Monogr., v, p. 23. SIMPULOPSIS PLATYSUCCINEA. 223 Tliis species is larger than S. progastor, which is evidently closely allied. It is much more ventricose than S. citrinovitrea, of different color, has a whorl less, and, on close inspection, is seen to be belted by an angle at the periphery. This is not conspicuous, but is con- stant in the series before me. S. PROGASTOR (Orbigny). PI. 64, figs. 1, 2, 3. Shell globose, about as high as wide, thin, transparent; amber tinted, slightly brownish, and uniform ; smooth, or with merely some traces of growth-lines near the suture. Spire elevated, conic, the apex obtuse ; formed of 4 whorls, separated by a quite deep suture. Aperture about as wide as high, oblique, the peristome thin and sharp. Length 7 mill. (Orb.). " Province des Mines " Brazil (Fontaine). Helix progastor D'ORB., Synops., in Mag. de Zool., 1835, p. 2: Voy. dans 1'Amer. Merid., Moll., p. 255, pi. 22, f. 12-15 — Vitrina progastor PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 74. — Succinea progastor BECK, Index Moll., p. 99. — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 527 Simpulopsis progastor PFR., Monogr. v, p. 23. Evidently allied to S. boissieri, but much smaller, with about the same number of whorls. I have not seen specimens. S. LIMPIDA (Drouet). PI. 63, figs. 69, 70. Shell imperforate, ovate-ventricose, very thin and very fragile, pellucid, striated, shining, transparent-yellowish. Whorls 5, convex, the last large, swollen. Aperture ample, ovate-pear-shaped ; peri- stome simple, unexpanded, acute. Alt. 13, diam. 8, length of aper- ture 8, width 5 mill. (Drouet.) Uet-la-Mere, French Guiana, on leaves (Eyries). Bulimus limpidus DROUET, Moll. Terr, et d' £au douce de la Guyane Franpaise, p. 64, pi. 2, f. 23, 24 (1859).— PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 108. " In its pellucid texture and coloration, this pretty and very fragile shell approaches certain Vitrinas." The species is known to me by Drouet's account only. It seems to be either a Simpulopsis or a Drymaus, some forms of the latter genus, such as D. dominicus, being equally fragile and transparent. Subgenus PLATYSUCCINEA Ancey, 1881. Platysuccinea ANCEY, Le Naturaliste iii, 1881, p. 484. Type S. portoricensis. 224 SIMPULOPSIS PLATYSUCC1NEA. Similar to Sirnpulopfis in contour, but pallid, not plicate, and with the apex smooth. I have not examined the apices of S. cznea or S. psidii ; but it is smootli, without spiral striae, in S. portoricensis and »$". dominiccnsis* I look upon Platysuccinea as a group ancestral to Gceotis, and prob- ably differing from the typical forms of Simpulopsis in some structural characters besides the difference in the apex ; but only a thorough study of the soft anatomy can justify such suspicions. Antilles : Porto Rico, S. portoricensis, S. psidii. Haiti, S. dominicensis. Mexico : S. cenea. S. PORTORICENSIS Shuttleworth. PI. 63, figs. 67, 68. Shell semi-oval, ventricose, thin, glossy and nearly smooth, being sculptured with slight irregular growth-wrinkles, stronger near the aperture; somewhat translucent, very pale straw-tinted. Spire prominent; whorls about 2^, very rapidly increasing and very con- vex, the suture deeply impressed ; last whorl ventricose. .Aperture rounded-oval, very oblique; peristome thin ; columella regularly ar- cuate, thin. Alt. 12.6, diam. 13 mm. Alt. 12, diam. 15 mm. Sierra de Luqidllo, Porto Rico, abundant on banana leaves (Blauner). S. portoricensis SHUTTL., Diagn. n. Moll., in Mittheil. der Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, 1854, p. 55 (separate copies, p. 147) — PFR., Monogr. iv, p. 801; v, p. 22 — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1892, p. 22 — Platysuccinea portoricensis ANCEY, Le Na- turaliste, iii, 1881, p. 484. Evidently allied to the smaller, less elevated, S. dominicensis. It has not been figured before. S. PSIDII (Martens). PI. 63, figs. 63, 64. Shell imperforate, globose-conoid, thin, shining, striatulate, pale buff. Whorls 3, a little convex, forming a conic spire with obtuse apex; the last whorl inflated below. Aperture oblique, lunate-cir- cular, occupying two-thirds the total length of the shell; upper mar- gin somewhat straightened, produced in a si^moid curve ; columellar margin thin, a little arcuate. Alt. 5, greater diam. 5, lesser 4, ob- lique alt. of aperture 3^, width 3 mill. (Mart.^j. 81MPULOPS1S PLATYSUCCINEA. ZZH C'ssieri, but more stiongly). It is thin, striate, olivaceous, with about 4 whorls. Alt. 10, diam. 12 mill. Isle of France (?). G^KOTIS. 227 Helix ( Cochloliydra] angularis FER., Prodr. p. 27; Hist. p. 11 A, f. 5. — Vitrina angularis GRAY, Ann. of Pliilos., 1825, ix, p. 415. — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 512. — Succinea angularis PFR., Symbolae, ii, p. 131 — Simpulopsis angulaiis BECK, Index, p. 100. — PFR., Monogr. v, p. 22. Locality uncertain ; and the species has not been rediscovered by post-Ferussacian conchologists. SIMPULOPSIS COLMEIROI Hid., Miller, Mai. Bl. xxv, 187, is a Drynueut. See Manual, vol. xi, p. 316. S. MASTERSI Brazier (P. Z. S., 1872, p. 619; Lord Howe's Island), is a Flammulina. See Man. Condi, ix, p. 18, and viii, p. 294; Rec. Austr. Mus. i, 1891, p. 140. S. FULGURATA Miller. PI. 63, figs. 73, 74. Shell succinoid, imperforate, very thin, shining, striate and de- cussated by very minute elevated lines ; tawny, ornamented with oblique brown streaks, zigzagged above ; spire short, conic, the apex obtuse ; whorls 3^, planulate, the first two rudely punctate, the last ventricose, forming two-thirds the entire alt. Columella simple, strongly twisted, visible within to the apex, spirally ascending ; ar- cuately passing into the basal lip. Aperture very oblique, oval, angular above; peristome simple, acute. Length 18, diam. 13, aperture 14 mill, long, 10 wide (Miller.} Pilaton Valley, Ecuador, in woods in the very moist region, on leaves, over 1000 meters elevation (Boetzkes). S. fulgurata MILL., Malak. Blatter, xxv, 1878, p. 187; (n. F.) i, pp. 185, 201, pi. 6, f. 6, a, b. Of. DOHRN, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. 1879, p. 188. Dohrn has already referred this supposed species to Eurytus. It is undoubtedly the young of some lightning-streaked species of that group. Genus G^OTIS Shuttleworth, 1854. Gceotis SHUTTL., Mittheil. der naturforsch. Gesell. in Bern, 1854, p. 34. — PFEIFFER, Monogr. Hel. Yivent. v, p. 10 (1868). — BINNEY & BLAND, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., x, p. 252 (jaw and denti- tion).— W. G. BINNKY, Ann. N. Y. Arad. Sci. iii, p. 11(> (jaw and dentition). Animal large, depressed, wiih very broadly dilated, flattened foot . 228 GJEOTIS. tentacles as usual ; mantle partially covering the shell, having an appendage posteriorly on the right side. Shell sigaretiform, fragile and pellucid, composed of about* 2^ whorls, the spire flat and near the right side, the apical whorl smooth. Lower surface completely open, the margin of the ]ast whorl mem- branous, not calcified, the columella a spiral lamina along the suture. Jaw long and low, composed of numerous narrow plaits, as in Dry- mceus, Amphibulima, etc. Radula with the transverse rows of teeth arranged en chevron; centrals with long and narrow basal plate, and a gouge-shaped, tri- lobed cusp, situated far back on the basal plate. Side teeth similar, but larger; somewhat asymmetrical, the median cusp of the trilobed gouge much smaller than the side cusps. The shell of Gceotis is like that of Peltella and Cryptostrah on ; the jaw is similar to that of Peltella, Amphibulima and Drymceus ; but the radula has peculiar teeth, with some resemblance to those of the Ortltalicince and Folyntita, and as in those genera, correlated with arboreal habits. The marginal teeth of Amphibidima, and especially of the subgenera Pellicula and Rhodoiiyx, are considerably like the teeth of Gceotis, and show its close relationship with those groups. The character of the radula peremptorily forbids a union of Gceotis with Peltella or Cryptostrakon. While there can be little doubt that it is allied to Peltella, Pellicula, Amphibulima and Simpulopsis, espec- ially the subgenus Platysuccinea, the exact relationships of these genera remain unknown, awaiting a comparison of their soft anatomy. GcEntis lives on the trunks and leaves of trees, especially bananas. It is doubtless a vegetable eater. The species now known are all from Porto Rico. Shuttleworth has adopted the plan of measuring the altitude ob- liquely, as when the shell is placed concave side down on a flat sur- face. This is more properly called the convexity. I have followed his method, as the altitude cannot readily or certainly be measured in the ordinary way. The soft parts will doubtless give more satisfactory specific char- acters than the shells, though the species described so far are not difficult to distinguish. None of them have been figured hitherto. The radula and jaw are known by Mr. W. G. Binney's researches, but nothing is known of the rest of the anatomy. Gceotis douvillei de Morgan (Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, x, p. 388, G^OTIS. 229 pi. 8, f. 9, 1885), from the summit of mount Tcliabang, Perak, is doubtless a Girasia allied to G. (Africariori) ater Godwin-Austen. G. NIGROLINEATA Shuttlewortli. PI. 62, figs. 41, 42, 43, 44. Shell very much depressed, very thin, hyaline-glassy, somewhat opalescent, shining; striated with flexuous growth lines, obsoletely decussated with spirals. Spire minute, flat, scarcely papiHar ; whorls 2^, very rapidly widening, the last large, depressed ; suture margined. Aperture very oblique ; peristorne with the right margin sinuously produced, the basal margin with a broad membranous margin. Alt. about 3^, greatest diam. 12, lesser 9 mill. Animal pale greenish-buff, pellucid, ornamented with very fine black lines. Liver a vivid and deep rust color. Sierra de Luquillo, Porto Rico^ on banana leaves, abundant (Dimmer); Humacao (Bland). G. nigrolineata SHUTT., Mittheil. naturforsch. Gesell. Bern, 1854, p. 3o ; Diagnosen neuer Moll., p. 127. — PFR., Monogr. v, p. 11 — CROSSE, Journal de Conchyl. 1892, p. 21. This species is very much depressed and very fragile, with the spinil cords almost obsolete. G. FLAVOLINEATA SllUttlewOl'th. Shell depressed, very thin, hyaline-glassy, shining, somewhat opal- escent, with flexuous growth-lines and spirals obsoletely decussating them ; spire very minute, flat ; whorls 2^, very rapidly increasing, the last large, somewhat inflated and obtusely subangulate, depressed in front ; suture margined, obsoletely crenulate-crispate. Aperture very oblique ; peristome with the right margin flexuous, basal and columellar margins with a very broad membranous margin. Alt. 6, greatest diam. 19, lesser diam. 14 mill. Animal large, ornamented with very fine yellow lines. Sierra de Luquillo and at Rio Blanco, Porto Rico, very rare on trunks and leaves of the Banana (Blauner) ; between Arecibo and Utuado (Gundlach & Krug). G. flavolineata SHUTT., 1. c. p. 35 ; Diagn. p. 127. — PFR., Monogr. v, p. 11. — v. MARTENS, Jahrb. D. mal. Ges. iv, 1877, p. 353. — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1892, p. 22. I have not seen this species, which differs from G. nigrolineata in its somewhat greater convexity, larger size and subangulate last whorl. 230 GJEOTIS. G. MALLEATA Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 62, figs. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Shell intermediate between G. nigrolineata and G. albopunctulata, more convex, larger and more solid than the former, decidedly more flattened above than the latter species. Milky-translucent, the very thin cuticle with a faint yellowish tint; apex a trifle projecting; whorls about 2J, the suture margined, its last half turn far more widely deviating than in G. nigrolineata, being much as in G. albo- punclulata, but less descending. Surface with irregular growth- wrinkles, numerous superficial spiral cords, and a generally distributed jine malleationy oblique in the peripheral region. Periphery well rounded ; baso-columellar margin with a broad membranous edge ; cavity of the spire well open ; peristome narrowly brown- edged. Convexity 3.7, length 13, breadth 9.7 mill. Near San Juan, Porto Rico (Robert Swift). Differs from G. nigrolineata in the malleated surface and deviating suture. G. flavolineata is described as larger, with obtusely suban- gulate last whorl and decussated surface. G. albopunctulata is much more globose and solid, but has much the same sculpture. G. ALBOPUNCTULATA Shuttleworth. PI. 62, figs. 45, 46, 47, 48. Shell rather solid, opalescent-whitish, covered with a very thin epidermis ; plicatulate with flexuous growth-lines, decussated and in a manner obsoletely wrinkle-malleated by somewhat crispate spirals ; spire minute, very shortly papillar ; whorls 2§, very rapidly widen- ing, a little convex, the last whorl large, inflated, quite rotund, de- scending in front, depressed and deflexed ; suture margined, some- what crenulated. Aperture very oblique ; peristome with the right margin flexuously produced forward, basal and columellar margins with a membranous margin. Alt. 8, greatest diam. 19, lesser diam. 14 mill. Animal large, pellucid, white, spotted with opaque white dots. Liver pale greenish. Humacyoi Porto Rico, on tree trunks, very rare (Blauner). G. albopunctulata SHUTTL., 1. c., p. 36. — PFR., Monogr. v, p. 12. — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl., 1892, p. 22. Larger, more solid, and decidedly more globose than the other species, with the cavity of the apex more concealed. The sculpture is also somewhat stronger, though the malleation is not clearly vis- ible without a lens. The suture deviates far more than in G. nigro- PELTELLA. 231 lineata. The specimen figured measures : convexity or oblique alt. 5.5, length 14.7, breadth 10.5 mill. The suture is hardly margined and there are 2J whorls. It is from the type locality. Genus PELTELLA Webb & Van Beneden, 1836. Peltella W. & B., in Gu6rin's Mag. de Zool., cl. v, text for pi. 75 and 76 (1836).— VON IHERING, Malak. Blatter (n. F.), viii, pp. 57- 81 (1886); also Archives de Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, viii, pp. 135- 153. (Anatomy and systematic position.) Pectella GRAY, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 171. Slug-like, the foot spreading at the sides, weakly reticulated, with some grooves running forward from the mantle, the tail without pore, not keeled, sole scarcely tripartite; mantle region elevated or humped, the mantle large, chiefly behind the middle, perforated in the middle by a small oval slit ; the breathing pore in front of the middle ; anus opening into a wide anal sack. Genitalia simple, opening below the right eye-tentacle. Retractor muscle system consisting of a very short columellar muscle branching into three subequal bands, the median one buccal, the right and left bands tentacular, and each with a group of foot retractor muscles. Jaw horse-shoe shaped, thin, with many narrow converging plates. Radula substantially as in the normal forms of Drymtzus. Shell mainly cuticular, Haliotiform, depressed, squarish-oval, with about 1 J whorls, the spire small, flat and lateral ; open below, the columella represented by a spiral lamina along the suture. Type Parmacella palliolum Fer. Brazil. Dr. H. von Ihering, who has given an excellent account of this genus, correctly locates it in the Bidimulida. The sculpture of the apical whorl is unknown. If spirally striated, the descent of the genus from Simpulopsis would be indicated. P. PALLIOLUM (Ferussac). PI. 62, figs. 32, 33, 34, 35. Animal, preserved in alcohol (fig. 32), measuring 50 mill, long, 15 wide, 13 high. Foot broadly expanded laterally, rounded dorsally behind the mantle, not keeled or regularly grooved ; no caudal mu- cous pore. Sole only feebly tripartite. Genital opening below the right eye-tentacle. Mantle rather large, 21 mill, long, 13 wide, mainly on the posterior half of the body; a longitudinal slit 2 mill, long in the middle, exposing the shell. 232 AMPHIBULIMA. Shell depressed, somewhat squarish oval, green, but slightly calci- fied, the cavity open beneath. Whorls not quite 2, the small spire lying on the right side rather far posteriorly. Length 18, breadth 10, height 5 mill. Brazil (Taunay); Tijura, near Rio de Janeiro (von Ihering), on a banana. Parmacella palliolum FERUSSAO, Prodr., Tabl. Syst. de la famille des Limaces p. 25 (1821); Histoire, pi. 7 A, f. 1-9.— Peltella pallio- lum VON IHERING, Malak. Blatter (n. F.), viii, p. 57-81, pi. 3, 4 (anatomy); x, p. 168; Descripcoa e anatomia da Peltella, in Archi- ves do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, viii, 1892, pp. 135-153, pi. 7, 8. The open spiral of the shell is similar to those of Cryptostrakon and Gceotis. The species is known from the original account by F^russac, and an excellent anatomical description by Dr. H. von Ihering. Genus CRYPTOSTRAKON W. G. Binney, 1879. Cryptostrakon W. G. B., Annals of the New York Acad. of Sci., i, p. 258 ; iii, p. 104. Type C. gabU W. G. B. Cryptostracon FISCHER, Manuel, p. 469. — TRYON, Man. of Conch. (2), i, pp. 233, 249. See Tryon, Manual of Conchology, i, p. 249. In this slug the shell agrees with Peltella and Gaotis. It is said to be wholly enclosed, but this may possibly be erroneous. The jaw is described as solid with a few stout ribs ; and the radula is de- cidedly of Helicid type, being that of a ground snail. There is thus no question that Cryptostrakon differs generically from Peltella and Gczotis, and the probabilities are that it groups with Xanthonyx (Fischer and Crosse) and Metasfracon (Pilsbry, 1899), rather than with the preceding Bulimulid genera. This can only be determined by an examination of the genitalia. Genus AMPHIBULIMA Lamarck, 1805. Amphibulima LAM., Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, vi, p. 304 (for A. cucullata, A. succinea, A. oblonga} — BECK, Index Moll. p. 98 (for A. unguis, gayana, tigrina, patula, rubesce?is, macro- stomd) — GRAY, P. Z. S., 1847, p. 171 (type A. cucullata}. — Am- phibulina GRAY, Synops. Brit. Mus., 1842, p. 90. — Amphibulimus AMPHIBULIMA. 233 MONTFORT, Conch. Syst. ii, p. 90 (for A. cucul/altis). — Brachyspira PFR., Mai. Bl. 1855, p. 117; Mon. Hel. Viv. iv, p. 804.— MARTENS in Alb., Die Hel., 18GO, p. 311 (type S. tigrina Les.) Shell £wccm«a- shaped, vvith less than 3 whorls, sculptured with growth-wrinkles and more or less obvious spiral impressions or cords ; columella distinct, not reduced to a spiral ridge, which exposes the interior of the spire. Apical 1J whorls finely wrinkled longitudi- nally, the wrinkles waved, sometimes anastomosing to form a net- work or quasi-punctulation, and usually slightly cut by spiral lines on the latter part of the last nepionic whorl (this sculpture obsolete in some forms). Soft parts externally about as in Bulimulus, except for the degen- eration of the mantle. Jaw thin, composed of- many narrow plaits, as in Drymceus. Radula with the mesocones prominent and broad, blunt or pointed. Genitalia simple, as usual in Bulimulus and Dry- mceus. Type, A. patula Brug. Distribution, Caribbean Islands. The shell is capable of containing the soft parts in the typical forms, but not in the subgenus Pcllicula. It closely resembles Snc- chiea in form, and the species were formerly referred to that genus. The researches of Dr. Paul Fischer and Mr. W. G. Binney have demonstrated the Bulimulid organization of all the main species of the group, and malacologists now agree upon the systematic position of Amphibulima as a genus of Bulimulidce. Omalonyx (Homalonyx of some authors), a genus of Succineidcz, has a shell closely resembling that of Pellicula, a subgenus of Am- pltibulima. In genera with the shell degenerate, it is practically im- possible to frame generic diagnoses which shall be really diagnostic. Rltodonyx can scarcely be so defined conchologically as to distinguish it from some forms of Sue cine a; Pellicula is equally impossible to disiinguish from Omalonyx or some Polynesian Succineidtz ; and G&otis, Peltella, Cryptostrakon and some forms of Girasia have shells so similar as to almost defy any attempt at differentiation, though the soft parts show broad distinctions. Amphibulima imbricata Rochebrune, Bull. Soc. Philomathique de Paris (7), vi, 1881-2, p. 72, is apparently a Succinea. Key to sub genera and species. A. Shell with colored cuticle, streaked or spotted ; spire small but projecting. Amphibulima s. str. 234 AMPHIBULIMA. b. Last whorl conspicuously shouldered ; width of shell two- thirds its length or more ; more than three whorls. A. patula, p. 234. b1. Shell ovate or oblong, spotted, not shouldered; narrower; less than 3 whorls. c. Very thin and fragile or flexible ; corneous or greenish, with reddish dots, outer lip regularly arcu- ate, not sinuate ; spire very short : St. Vincent, A. tigrina, p. 237; Dominica, A. pardalina, p. 237. c1. Thin but not fragile or flexible ; outer lip sinuated; colored like the last ; spire slender, between £ and £ the length of shell ; Dominica, A. browni, p. 238. c2. Thin, dark horn-colored with very few reddish dots; outer lip slightly sinuous ; Montserrat. A. rawsonis, p. 239. B. Shell regularly Succinea-sh'dped, pellucid, uniform rose corne- ous, the spire projecting, apical 1^ whorls wave-wrinkled, whorls 2J. S.-g. Rhodonyx. A. rubescens, p. 240. C. Shell much depressed, the spire very small, scarcely projecting above the vertex of the last whorl, apical whorl smooth ; whorls less than two ; columella with a more or less developed blade- like process ; aperture about as long as the whole shell. S. g. Pellicula. a. Spire a trifle projecting above the posterior border of the lip ; columellar appendage well developed. A. appendiculata, p. 241. a1. Spire sunken or hardly projecting ; columellar appendage less developed. A. depressa, p. 242. A. PATULA (Bruguiere). PI. 61, figs. 14-19. Shell thin but rather solid, Succinea-like, with the latter half or third of the broad last whorl square-shouldered, flattened above; the preceding portion not shouldered but steeply sloping, slightly convex. Spire short, conic, red or maroon, rarely yellow ; the last whorl yel- lowish olivaceous, with finely zigzagged or dotted streaks of opaque yellow. Surface with low, irregular wrinkles of growth, and a close, rather fine sculpture of very irregularly anastomosing spiral cords, obliquely descending on the lower portion, the first 1^ whorls finely AMPHIBULIMA. 235 wrinkled. Whorls 3^. Aperture quite oblique, squarish ; columella arcuate. Alt. 26, diam. 18, longest axis of aperture 24 mill. (Guadelupe). Alt. 33, diam. 20, longest axis of aperture 29 mill. (Marie-Galante). Alt. 33, diam. 22.5, longest axis of aperture 30 mill. (Dominica). Alt. 24, diam. 18.5, longest axis of aperture 22 mill. (Dominica). Alt. 27, diam. 24, longest axis of aperture 25.5 mill. (St. Kitts). Alt. 21, diam. 15, longest axis of aperture 20 mill. (Saba). Guadelupe (dead specimens only) ; Sainte-Anne, Bois du Boivin (L'Herminier) ; «* Gosier," on the shore of fort Union, at the mouth of the river Grande Bais (Schramm, Beau). Marie-Galante, in the mountainous part, under large stones in a ravine deeply shaded by banana trees (Maze). Dominica (Guppy, Sharp, Ramage); from Laudat, 2000 ft. eleva- tion, to the sea (Angas); Laudat, on bananas (A. D. Brown). St. Kitts: Bayford's estate, on the wild plantain which grows on the banks of a small water-course (Swift, Dr. Branch). Saba (F. Ober, 1880). Bulimus patulus BRUG., Encycl. Meth. i, 1792, p. 305 (Guade- lupe).— Helix patula WOOD, Index Testae. Suppl., pi. 7, f. 9 (bad). — Succinea patula SOWERBY, A Conchological Manual, p. 4, f. 266 (1839) — PFEIFFER, Monographia Heliceorum Viventium, ii, p. 532; iii, p. 21; vi, p. 26; Zeitschr. f. Malac. 1849, p. 112.— DESII. in F£r., Histoire, ii, p. 140. — SCHRAMM, Journ. de Conchyl. xxi, 1873, p. 127 (occurrence in Guadelupe). — SOWERBY, in Conchologia Iconica xviii, pi. 3, f. 21 (1872). — Amphibulima patula BECK, Index Moll., p. 98 (1837).— H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 129, pi. 73, f. 3 GUPPY, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (4), i, 1868, p. 432 (in Dominica). — BLAND, Journ. de Conchyl. 1873, p. 342 (resume of geographic distribution) FISCHER, Journ. de Conchyl. xxii, 1874, p. 141-145, pi. 5, f. 8-12 (external form, jaw, radula and genitalia of a Guadelupe specimen) — MAZE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1876, p. 394 (living on Marie-Galante); Journ. de Conchyl. 1877, p. 347 (habits); Journ. de Conchyl. 1883, p. 22 (Guadelupe), p. 49 (Marie- Galante) — BLAND & BINNEY, Amer. Journ. Conch, vii, 1871, p. 186, pi. 17, f. 1, 2 (dentition of a Dominican specimen). — BLAND & BINNEY, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of New York, x, p. 223, 225 (oc- currence in St. Kitts) W. G. BINNEY, Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila., 1874, p. 44 (dentition) — W. G. BINNEY, Ann. New York Acad- 236 AMPHIBULIMA. Sci. iii, 1884, p. 117, pi. 15, f. E (jaw), pi. 13, f. c, D (teeth), Dom- inica specimen ; also pi. 13, f. A. B (teeth of a St. Kitts specimen). A. I). BROWN, Amer. Naturalist, xv, 1881, p. 57 (Dominica). — ANGAS, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 595, fig. 1 (living animal; Dominica). — E. A. SMITH, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (6), ii, 1888, p. 231 (Domi- nica).— Helix ( Cochloliydra) patula FER., Prodr. no. 7; Histoire pi. 11, f. 14-16. Amphibalima cuculhita LAM., Ann. du Museum, vi, p. 305, pi. 55, f. 4(1805). — Aniphibiilinius cucullutas MONTFORT, Conchyi. Syst. p. 91, g«jnus 23 (1810). — Succinea cucullata LAM., Anim. e. Vert, vi, pt.<2, p. 134 (1822); edit. DESHAYES, viii, p. 315 (1838) (Guad- elupe); edit. 3d, Desh. et Milne-Edw., iii, p. 382 (183$).— Succinea (Amphibalima} cucullata BLAINVILLE, Man. de Malac., p. 455, pi. 37, f. 2 (1825).— SOWERBY, Genera of Shells, Succinea, f. 1.— Helix (Amphibulima^ cucullata SCHWEIGGER, Handbuch der Natur- gescliichte des skelettlosen ungegliederten Thiere, p. 741 (1820) — REEVE, Conch. Syst. ii, p. 89, pi. 180, f. 1 (1842; plate reprinted from Sowerby's Genera). A very easily recognized species, quite unlike any other. The young (pi. 61, fig. 19) are regular in form, like a globose Succinea^ and are irregularly bestrewn with small reddish-brown spots and streaks, with some yellow streaks. The foot is comparatively large, and when active, in humid places, the soft parts are probably not completely retractile into the shell. When immersed in preserving fluids they retract completely, prob- ably by parting with some of the water which inflated them ; and in dry weather the living animal sometimes retracts entirely within its shell. , The snail is most frequently found on banana leaves, especially those near the ground. It occurs also in the damp cavities of hollow trees, and under the leaves of Dieffenbachia seguine. They are im- mobile during the warm hours of the day, and wander abroad toward evening, seeking food along the water's edge, eating the leaves of Lepidium virginicum L., and Sinapis lanceolata D. C. They eat lettuce freely in captivity. The type locality is Guadelupe ; but upon the main island the spe- cies is now extinct, according to Maz£. It survives on Marie-Galante, and the specimens from Beau which I have figured (pi. 61, figs. 14, 15 } are doubtless from the latter island. I can detect no difference AMPHIBULIMA. 237 between the fossil form of the main island -and these Marie-Gahmte shells. In Dominica the species is not uncommon (figs. 16, 17, 18). The shell is more strongly sculptured with spiral decurrent wrinkles or malleation than in Guadelupe, and the color is somewhat deeper. Mr. Binney has also found some small differences in the dentition ; and it will probably be best to distinguish the local' variety by the name var. dominicensis. In St. Kitts the shells are weakly sculptured, as in those from Guadelupe; there is much less red in the coloring than in the Do- minican form. I do not see that they have any varietal features. In the island of Saba, Ober collected a small form, not differing, except in size, from those of St. Kitts. A. TIGRIXA (Lesueur). PI. 61, figs. 24, 25. Shell oval, pellucid, very thin, somewhat greenish, with small scattered reddish spots. Aperture very large, ovate ; spire very short. The shell is very much depressed and somewhat patelliform, the spire consisting of 1^ whorls. The last whorl is almost open, the enclosed portion being very small. The shell is exceedingly thin, finely striated with growth-lines; it is amber-yellow, and bestrewn with little rounded russet spots. Length 18, width 11 mill. Island of St. Vincent. Helix (CocJdohydra) tigrina Lesueur, FERUSSAC, Prodr., p. 26; Histoire, pi. 11 A, f. 4. — Sucdnea tigrina GRAY, Ann. of Philos., ix, 1825, p. 415 — DESK, in Encycl. M£th., ii, p. 19 ; in Fer. Hist., ii, p. 140; in An. s. Vert, viii, p. 320 — PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 530; iii, p. 21 ; v, p. 26. — Amphibulima tigrina BECK, Index Moll., p. 98. — E. A. SMITH, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 307. The above description is from Deshayes, the figures from Ferussac. Other authors have added nothing to this characterization of the species. My reason for retaining tigrina as distinct from pardalina is that the number of whorls is less — 1^ instead of 2^ — and there is no men- tion of spiral sculpture by Deshayes. No Amphibidima has been found on St. Vincent by later collectors. A. PARDALIXA Guppy. PI. 61, figs. 20, 21, 22, 23. Shell long-ovate, *SWcme«-shaped, with very short, obtuse spire; 238 AMPHIBULIMA. greatest width of shell below the middle of its length; extremely thin and somewhat flexible ; corneous, clouded with opaque yellow, and sparsely dotted with russet. Whorls 2J, the suture of the firsj; but little descending, but on the latter half of the last it falls steeply. Last whorl convex below the suture, then rather compressed laterally, with faint sculpture of slight, irregular growth-lines and numerous coarse, very low spiral cords. Aperture very large, acutely angular posteriorly, at least four-fifths the total length of the shell, ovate ; outer Up regularly arcuate, a little retracted toward the upper inser- tion. Alt. 1"), diam. 9.5, length of aperture 13, width 7.3 mill. Alt. 13.5, diam. 8, length of aperture 10.5, width 7 mill. Island of Dominica, living buried in thick moss on trees in the higher region of the forest, where the vegetation is always dripping with moisture (Guppy). Amphibulima pardalina GUPPY, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), i, 1868, p. 432. — Succinea pardalina PFR., Monogr. vii, p. 34. Amphibulima tigriiia Les., E. A. SMITH, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (6), ii, 1888, p. 231.^-ANGAS, P. Z. S., 1883, p. 595. A pardalina is considered by many authors a synonym of A. tigrina. The latter species, if distinct from pardalina, is not known to modern collectors and authors; but I do not unite the two because A. tigrina is described as having but Ij whorls, and no spiral sculp- ture is mentioned, while A. pardalina has at least 2J whorls, and coarse though very low spirals. Guppy 's original description of pardalina is as follows : Shell long- oval, Succiuea-\\ke, thin, flexible, diaphanous*, lightly decussated, marked with tawny ; whorls 3 ; spire small, obtuse ; aperture ample, dilated in front ; peristome simple, inflexed above ; suture descending. Length 20, width 11, height of spire 3, width of aperture 9 mill. The specimen figured was collected by Dr. B. Sharp. Fig. 23 is enlarged to the same scale as fig. 31, and drawn by camera lucida. The nepionic shell is smooth in the specimens I have seen. A. BROWNI Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. Gl, figs. 28, 29, 30, 31. Shell oblong, thin, but not elastic or fragile, corneous-olivaceous, with numerous irregularly scattered reddish dots. Surface somewhat wrinkled with growth-stria? and showing numerous very low but coarse irregular spirals. Whorls 2^, the apex decidedly raised ; the suture AMPHIBUL1MA. 239 of the last half whorl rapidly descending. Spire rather slender, its length contained 4-J to 4| times in that of the shell. Aperture large, irregularly oblong, the outer lip somewhat blunt, strongly arcuate above, retracted or waved backward at the position of the slight "shoulder"; somewhat effuse below. Columella arcuate, thin. Alt. 19, diam. 10.5, length of aperture 15, length of spire 4.3 mill. Alt. 18.5, diam. 10, length of aperture 14.7, length of spire 3.8 mill. Dominica, 1,000 ft., on bananas (A. D. Brown). A. tigrina Lesseur, A. D. BROWN, American Naturalist, xv, 1881, p. 57. Less fragile than A. pardalina, with less obtuse apex and irreg- ularly arcuate outer lip, which curves transversely at the posterior insertion, and is waved backward where the arcuate upper arc joins the straighter outer portion. The nepionic shell is very finely longi- tudinally wrinkled, the wrinkles slightly decussated by spiral lines. A. KAWSONIS Bland. Shell ovate-oblong, thin, with rather rib-like stria? irregularly de- cussated by impressed lines parallel with the suture ; shining, scarcely pellucid, rather dark horn-colored, ornamented with a very few red- dish spots. Spire short, rather obtuse, rufous ; with a reddish line beneath the impressed suture. Whorls 3, the last convex, much deflexed at the aperture ; columella callous, receding. Aperture oblique, oblong-oval, coerulescent within ; peristome simple, slightly thickened, right margin sinuous, columellar margin arcuate. Length 18, diam. 10 mill.; aperture 14 mill, long, 9 wide (Bland}. Island of Montserrat (Sir Rawson W. Rawson). Amphibulima rawsonis BLD., Ann. of the Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., xi, p. 199 (1875).— BINNEY, t. c., p. 187, pi. 13, f. C (genitalia), pi. 14, f. E (teeth); Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 118, pi. 13, f. H, G (teeth). This species is most nearly allied in form to A. pardalina Guppy, of Dominica. Its radula is characterized by the very great size of the central teeth. I have not seen a specimen. Subgenus RHODONYX Fischer, 1873. Rhodonyx FISCHER, Journ. de Conchyl., 1873, p. 325 ; type Succinea rubescens — Mastogyra ANCEY, Le Naturaliste, iii, Oct., 1881, p. 484, type Succinea rubescens. 240 AMPHIBULIMA. Distinguislied from typical Amphibulima by its regular, Succinea- like form, and roseate tint, without color-markings or spots. The anatomy resembles that of Amphibulima. It differs from Succinea in the corrugated 1^ apical whorls. A. RUBESCENS (Deshayes). PI. 61, figs. 26, 27. Shell Sue tinea-like, thin but moderately strong ; rose-tinted cor- neous, dull, and a little translucent. Sculpture of fine growth- wrinkles decussated by irregular spirals, and short, obliquely de- scending impressions, most conspicuous below. Whorls 2^, convex, spire short, obtuse. Aperture large, ovate, the lip thin and simple, columella thin, deeply arched. Alt. 20, diam. 13.5, length of aperture 17 mill. Alt. 18, diam. 13, length of aperture 15 mill. Alt. 22, diam. 14 mill. (Desh.). Guadelupe (Deshayes); Marie Galante (Schramm, Maze); Martin- ique (Maze and others); Dominica, 300 ft. elevation (A. D. Brown). Succinea rubescens DESH., in Guerin's Mag. de Zool., 1830, p. 4, pi. 4, f. 1,2; Encycl. Meth., ii, p. 20; Anim. s. Vert., viii, p. 319; Guerin's Icon. Reg. Anim., pi. 6, f. 8, 8 a. — KUSTER, Conchyl. Cab., Succinea, p. 36, pi. 3, f. 34, 35 — PFR., Monogr., ii, p. o31 ; v, p. 26.— A. D. BROWN, Amer. Naturalist, xv, 1881, p. 57 — SOWERBY, in Conch. Icon., xviii, pi. 4, f. 25 a, b (1872). — Helix (Gochlolrydra) rubescens FER., Hist., pi. 9 B, f. 3. Amphibulima (Rhodonyx] rubescens FISCHER, Journ. de Conchy]. 1873, p. 324 (S. rubescens}, 325 (anatomy); J. de C. 1874, p. 145- 148, pi. 5, f. 13 (animal), pi. 6,.f. 1 (jaw), 2, 3 (teeth), 4 (genitalia), 5, 6 (central nervous system). — A. rubescens BECK, Index Moll., p. 98. — BINNEY & BLAND, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, p. 45, pi. 8, f. 2 (jaw), 3 (teeth), 4 (genitalia), specimen from Martinique. E. A. SMITH, Ann. Mag. N. H. (6), ii, 1888, p. 231 — Rhodonyx rubescens MAZE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1883, p. 49. The locality Guadelupe, originally given by Deshayes, has not been verified by later naturalists. Indeed Maze, who reports it from Marie-Galante, did not himself collect it, and cannot give the exact locality on the island for the three specimens recorded. A. D. Brown reports it as " not common " on Dominica; but none of the other naturalists who have collected on that island found it at all, and there are no specimens in Brown's collection, now in that of the Academy. AMPHIBULIMA. 241 The island Martinique is, therefore, the only place where A. rubes- cens seems to be undoubtedly found, and in moderate abundance. Subgenus PELLICULA Fischer, 1856. Pdlicnla FISCHER, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, xx, p. 449 ; type '•Succinea depressa" (= appendiculata). Shell incapable of containing the soft parts, oval, shaped like a depressed, open Succinea ; the spire extremely short or depressed, composed of less than two whorls, smooth; aperture extremely large, the short, oblique, posterior columella more or less built out in a thin blade-like appendage. Type Succinea appendiculata Pfr. The two species composing this subgenus are very similar in shell characters, A. depressa having the spire shorter than in A. appendic- ulatu, and the posterior part of the outer lip more dilated; the cuticle being olivaceous or reddish-brown. In A. appendiculata the spire projects somewhat more, the color is white or very pale buff, and the appendage on the columella is more strongly developed. Some shells, however, are difficult to assign. In both species the shell is very thin, somewhat pellucid, sculptured with slight growth-wrinkles and some faint, subobsolete spiral impressions. The soft parts offer more satisfactory characters, depressa being larger -and blackish, with only about 23 plaits on the jaw, while appendiculata is smaller, white, with a jaw composed of about 40 plaits. Dr. Paul Fischer has ably discussed the relationships of the two species, and I have reproduced the descriptions of shells given by him, and those of the animal given by Maze ; merely adding that specimens with the apical characters of depressa sometimes have a well-developed columellar appendage. Succinea haliotidea Mittre and S. aperta Lea are referred to this group by Pfeiffer (Nomencl. Hel. Viv. 1878, p. 231), though with a mark of doubt. The first is apparently an Omalonyx, the second a Hawaiian Succinea. A. APPENDICULATA (Pfeiffer). PI. 63, figs. 49, 50, 51, 52. Shell oval, rounded in front, tapering and subrostrate behind, of a whitish color. Spire papillar, projecting. Right margin of the lip not reflexed, inserted on the columella in front of the apex; columel- lar appendage strongly developed. Length 12^, width 8 mill. (Fischer.} 242 AMPHIBULIMA. Animal smaller than that of A. depressa, at most 40 mill, long ; transparent milk-white, with bluish-gray tentacles. (Maze). Jaw with about 40 folds. (Fischer, Binney.^) Guadehipe : Mole, entrance of the Grands Fonds (Beau, Schramm, Duchassaing); Morne a 1'Eau, woods of the Morne Jensolen (Cay- rol); Vieux-Fort, slope of Houelmont, at about 397 metres elevation (E. Marie); Camp Jacob, cascade Vauchelet, Canal Dupuy, ravine Roche (Bavay, Schramm, Marie), at about 500-700 meters eleva- tion ; Matouba, chute of the Saint Louis river (Schramm); Gour- beyre, Morne du Palmiste (Marie) ; Capesterre, bords du Grand Etang (Bavay, Mattel). Succinea appendiculata PFR., Zeitschr. f. Malak., 1847, p. 146; Monogr., ii, p. 531 ; v, p. 24; Conchyl. Cab., p. 38, pi. 4, f. 3, 4. — BLAND & BINN., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., x, 1873, p. 206, pi. 9, f. 2 (jaw), 6 (shell), 9, 10 (teeth), 11 (an alcoholic specimen). — Pellicula depresfa FISCHER,. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, xx, 1856, p. 449, pi. 6, f. 5-11 (anatomy); Journ. de Conchyl., 1874, p. 148- 155, pi. 5, f. 1, 2, 3 (living animal), 4 (jaw), 5, 6 (teeth), 7 (geni- talia). — PETIT, Journ. de Conchyl., 1856, p. 154 — Pellicula appen- diculata FISCHER, Journ. de Conchyl., 1875, p. 277, pi. 14, f . 1 (shell) — MAZE, J. de C., 1883, p. 23. — Omalonyx appendiculata H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 131 — Amphibulima appen- diculata BINNEY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, p. 42, pi. 8, f. 5 (genitalia), 6 (teeth); Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 119, pi. 15, f. F (jaw), pi. 13, f. E (teeth). The shell differs from A. depressa chiefly in having the spire pro- jecting more above the insertion of the outer lip, and the columellar appendage usually more developed. The living animal is smaller and its jaw has many more plaits. It is a species of the lowlands, while A. depressa lives at a considerable elevation on the mountains. Two specimens before me measure: length 14, breadth 9.5 mill., and length 12.4, breadth 8 mill. A. DKPRESSA (Rang). PI. 63, figs. 53, 54, 55. Shell oval, rounded and dilated in front, tapering and subtruncate behind ; greenish, more or less olivaceous or brownish ; spire a little projecting, sometimes sunken. Right margin thin, slightly reflexed loward the interior, dilated at the spire and projecting beyond the apex, at its junction with the columella. Columellar appendage thin? AMPIIIBULIMA. 243 but feebly developed. Length 13-14, width 9-9^ mill. (Fischer). Living animal measuring 45-60 mill, long when extended, of a uni- form black color (Maze). Jaw with about 23 folds (Fischer). Guadehipe: Massif de la Soufriere, plateau of the central cone, northeast of the Grande Crevasse, slopes of the As-de-Pique, morne Goyavier, 959 to 1380 meters elevation (Schramm, E. Marie, Longueteau); Capesterre, chutes of the Grand Carbet river (Lon- gueteau). Also on Saint Martin, morne Paradis (P. Kohlmann), at 410 meters elevation, on leaves of bushes and herbs, and moist rocks. Succinea depressa RANG, Guerin's Mag. de Zool., 1834, pi. 55. — PFR,, Monogr., ii, p. 531 ; v, p. 24 — Omalonyx depressa H. & A. ADS., Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 131 — Petticula depressa FISCHER, Journ. de Conchyl., 1875, p. 276, pi. 14, f. 2 (shell) MAZE, J. de C., 1883, p. 23; 1890, p. 27. APPENDIX. B. CALIFORNICUS Rve (page 40), reference to plate should be pi. 9, not " pi. 49." OXYSTYLA MARACAIBENSIS Pfr. (p. 137, 138). Add to synonymy: ? Orthalicus undatus Brug., GIBBONS Journ. of Conchology, ii, p. 130 (in part). Chersina venosa Humphrey, Mus. Calonnianum, p. 63, is an un- identifiable Mexican Oxystyla. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. VOL. XII. PLATE 1 (Drym&us). FIGUEE. PAGE. 72. 73. D. ghiesbreghti var. stolli Martens. Biologia, . . 51 74. D. ghiesbreghti Pfr. Moll. Mex., . ." . . .50 75. D. ghiesbreghti var. interstitialis Martens. Biologia, . 51 76. 77, 78. D. ghiesbreghti var. stolli Martens, . .51 79, 80. D. ghiesbreghti var. iodostylus Pfr. After Strebel . 51 81. D. hegewischi Pfr. After Reeve, .-. . . . , . 52 82. D. hegewischi Pfr. Biologia, . . . . *.;."" . 52 83. 84, 85. D. hegewischi Pfr. Moll. Mex., . . _ . . 52 86. D. aurifluus Pfr. Novit. Conch., v. . . ,,. : . 55 87. D. aurifluus Pfr. Moll. Mex., . . , . ;..' , . . 55 88. 89. D. cucullus Morel. Moll. Mex.,. ." ,, . . 58 90,91. D. lineolatus Conrad. Ross, del. ' . .. . . 57 92, 93. D. recluzianus Pfr. Conchyl. Cab., . .\ . . 55 94, 95. D. recluzianus Pfr. Conch. Icon., . .. . . 55 96. D. lirinus Morel. Moll. Mex., . ., ;.. . ^ . . 57 PLATE 2 (Drymceus). 1. D. geaiei (= fenestrellus Mart.}. P. Z. S. 1869, . . 58 2, 3, 4. D. gealei (= fenestrellus Mart.). Moll. Mex., . . 58 5. D. gealei (= fenestrellus var. subunicolor Mart.). Moll. Mex., . . . . 59 6, 7, 8. D. attenuatus Pfr. Biologia, 60 9, 10, 11. D. attenuatns var. varicosus Pfr. Biologia, . . 61 12, 13. D. attenuatus Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . . . 60 14. D. attenuatus var. concolor Mart. After Strebel, . .61 15. D. kefersteini Pfr. (= attenuatus Pfr.). Novit. Conch. . 60 16. D. attenuatus var. pittieri Mart. Biologia, . . .61 17. 18. D. trimarianus Martens. Biologia, . . . .62 19, 20. D. costaricensis Pfr. Novit. Conch 63 21, 22. D. navarrensis Ang. (= costariensis). P. Z. S. 1878, . 64 23, 24, £5. D. hepatostomus Pfr. Biologia, . . . .62 26, 27. D. hepatostomus Pfr. Moll. Mex. . . . .62 PLATE 3 (Drymceus}. 28, 29. D. pluvialis Pfr. Novit. Conch., . . . .64 30, 31. D. sargi C. & F. Moll. Mex, 65 32. 33. D. sargi var. montagui Mart. Biologia, . . .65 (244) EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. 240 FIGURE PAGE 34, 35. D. bugabensis Mart. Biologia, 64 36. D. droueti Pfr. P. Z. S 65 37, 38, 39. D. droueti Pfr. Moll. Mex., .... 65 40, 41. D. droueti var. sporlederi. Moll. Mex., . . .66 42, 43. D. droueti var. sporlederi. After Strebel. . . .66 44, 45. D. inglorius var. heynemanni Pfr. Novit. Conch., . 68 46. D. inglorius Rve. Conch. Icon. ..... 67 47, 48, 49, 50. D. inglorius var. heynemanni Pfr. Biologia, . 68 51, 52. D. inglorius var. heynemanni Pfr. Moll. Mex., . . 68 53. D. mexicanus Rve (= tryoni F. & C.). Conch. Icon., . 75 54, 55. D. tryoni F. & C. Moll. Mex., 75 PLATE 4 (Drymceus). 52-55. D. emeus Say. Biologia, 73 56, 57. D. emeus var. albovaricosus Mart. Biologia, . . 74 58-61. D. palpaloensis Streb. (= emeus). After Strebel, . 74 62. D. moricandi Pfr. Conch. Icon., . . . . .78 63, 64. D. moricandi Pfr. Moll. Mex., . . . .78 65, 66. D. sulphureus Pfr. Biologia, 76 67. D. sulphureus var. citronellus Mart. Biologia, . . 78 68. D. sulphureus var. ohesus Mart. Biologia, . . .78 69. 70. D. emeus Say. Sheppard, del., . . . . .73 71, 72. D. semipellucidus Tristr. Biologia, . . . .82 73. D. semipellucidus Tristr. P. Z. S., 1861, ... 82 74,75. Rachis pulchra Gray. Figured by error. Sheppard, del. 76, 77, 78. Drymseus livescens Pfr. Biologia, . . .80 79. D. livescens Pfr. Conch. Icon., ..... 80 80, 81. D. livescens Pfr. Abbildungen, .... 80 PLATE 5 (Drymaus}. 1. D. subpellucidus Smith. P. Z. S. . . Vol. XI, 288 2. D. flavidulus Smith. P. Z. S Vol. XI, 288 3. D. fuscobasis Smith. P. Z. S. . . . Vol. XI, 289 4. 5. D. interpunctus Martens. Conch. Mittheil. . Vol. XI, 287 6, 7. D. semifasciatus Monss. Novit. Conch. . Vol. XI, 298 8. D. maculatus (= semimaculatus Pils.). Conch. Icon., . 71 9. D. semimaculatus Pils. Sheppard, del., . . . .71 10. D. championi Martens. Biologia, . . . . .73 11 12, 13. D. totonacus Strebel. After Strebel, . . .71 14. D. dorinani W. G. Binn. After Binney, .... 2 15. D. dormani W. G. Binn. Sheppard, del., ... 2 16. 17. D. dormani var. albida Wright. Sheppard, del., . 3 18. D. dominicus Reeve, var. Sheppard, del., . . . 3, 6 19, 20. D. dominicus Reeve (B. floridanus Binn.). After Binney, 7 21. D. dominicus Reeve, var. After Binney, . . . 3, 6 24() EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. FIGURE PAGE 22, 23. D. dominicus Reeve, var. Sheppard, del., . . . 3, 6 24, 25. B. marielinus Poey (= D. dominicus Rve.). After Poey, 5 26. Drymaeus dominicus Rve. Conch. Icon., . . . . ' 3 PLATE 6 (Drymceus}. 1, 2, 3, 4. D. koppeli Sovvb. P. Z. S. . . . Vol. XI, 242 5, 6. D. tripictus var. hofFmani Mart. Biologia, . . .70 7, 8, 9, 11. D. gabbi Angas. P. Z. S., 1879, ... 70 10. D. gabbi Angas. Sheppard, del., . ... . .70 12, 13. D. tripictus Alb. Sheppard, del., ''..."• . . . 69 14, 15. D. tripictus Alb. Novit. Conch., . . . .69 16, 17, 18. D. irazuensis Angas. P. Z. S. 1878, . . .68 19.20,24,25. D. irazuensis Anjjas. Biologia, '. » /. . 68 21,22. D. tropicalis Morelet. Moll. Mex., . . . . 85 23. D. tropicalis Morelet. Sheppard, del., . .- .. . 85 26-29. D. moritinctus Mart. Biologia., . . . . .79 PLATE 7 (Drymaus). 1. D. lilacinus Reeve. Conch. Icon., . k ; . . 35 2, 3. D. lilacinus Reeve. Moll. Mex . . 35 4. D. lilacinus v. undulosus Mart. Biologia, . -'»'!. .36 5, 6. D. lilacinus v. crossei Mart. Moll. Mex., . . . 37 7,8,9. D. lilacinus v. jansoni Mart. Biologia, . . .37 10. D. lilacinus v. ictericus Mart. Biologia, . . . 3T 11. D. fenestratus Pfr. Conch. Icon., 34 12,13,14. D. fenestratus Pfr. Biologia, . . . .34 PLATE 8 (Drymceus). 15. D. lattrei Pfr. Biologia, 41 16. D. lattrei Pfr. Conch. Icon. . . . . . .41 17. 18, 19. D. lattrei v. hiabundus Mts. Biologia, . .42: 20. D. lattrei Pfr. Conch. Icon., 41 21, 22, 23. D. lattrei Pfr. Biologia, ..... 41 24. D. lattrei Pfr. Conch. Icon., . ; . . . .41 25. D. lattrei Pfr. Sheppard, del. ,. . . . . .41 26. D. lattrei Pfr. Sheppard, del., 41 27. D. chiapasensis. After Strebel., 42; 28. D. lattrei v. hiabundus Mart. Biologia, . . . .42 29. D. chiapasensis Pfr. Novit. Conch., . . . .42 30,31. D. chiapasensis Pfr. Novit. Conch., . . . .42 32. D. chiapasensis v. quadrifasciatus Mts. Biologia, . . 43 33. D. chiapasensis v. nebulosus Mts. After Strebel, . . 43- EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. 247 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 9 (Drymceus}. 34. D. r,aliformcus Reeve (= ziegleri). Conch. Icon., . . 40 35. D. serperastrum Say. Mrs. Say, del., ... 37, 39 36. D. serperastrum Say. From Ticul, Yucatan, Sheppard, del., 37 31. D. serperastrum Say. After* Strebel., . . . .37 38, 39. D. paivanus (== serperastrum). Moll. Mex., . . 38 40, 41. D. paivanus (= serperastrum). Novit. Conch., . . 38 42-44. D. castus Pfr., typical. Biologia, . . .43, 44 45, 46. D. castus v. porrectus Mart. Moll. Mex., . . .44 47. D. castus v. porrectus Mart. Biologia, . . . .44 48. D. castus v. porrectus Mart. Biologia, . . . .44 49. D. castus v. porrreclus Mart. Moll. Mex., . . .44 50. 51. D. castus Pfr. Moll. Mex., 43 52, 53. D. castus v. xantholeucus. Biologia, . . . .44 PLATE 10 (Drymceus). 54. D. dunkeri Pfr. Conch. Icon., ..... 45 55. D. dunkeri Pfr. Biologia, . . . . . .45 56. 57. D. dunkeri var. forreri Monss. Biologia, . . .46 58. D. dunkeri var. forreri Monss. Journ. de Conchyl., . 46 59-61. D. sulcosus Pfr. Biologia, 48 62. D. sulcosus Pfr. Moll. Mex., 48 63. D. sulcosus Pfr. Sheppard, del., 48 64. D. jonasi Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . . . .54 65. D. rudis Anton. Conch. Icon., . . . . .49 66. 67. D. rudis Anton. Moll. Mex., 49 68-70. D. jonasi Pfr. Biologia, 54 71. D. jonasi Pfr. Conch. Icon., ...... 54 PLATE 11 (DrynuRus). I, 2, 3, 4. D. elongatus Bolt. Porto Rico specimens, . . 23 5, 6. D. elongatus Bolt. Ana. (melastoma Swains). Zool. Illustr., 178 6. L. (Corona) regalis Hup£ (regina Reeve). Conch. Icon.,. 180 PLATE 34 (Corona). 7, 8. L. (Corona) regalis var. loroisianus Hupe". Castelnau's Exped., 183 9, 10. L. (Corona) regalis Hupe. Sheppard, del., . . . 180 11, 12. L. (Corona) regalis Hupe. Sheppard, del., . . .180 PLATE 35 (Corona). 13, 14. Liguus (Corona) regalis Hupe". Type. Castelnau's Exped., . . 180 15. L. (Corona) incisus Hup£ (regina Rve.). Conch. Icon., . 179 16, 17. L. (Corona) incisus Hupe. Type. Castelnau's Exped., 179 18. L. (Corona) sp. undet. Sheppard, del., .... 184 19. L. (Corona) regalis Hup6, 180 PLATE 36 (Corona). 20. 21, 22. Liguus (Corona) perversus Swains. Typical. Shep- pard, del., 178 23. L. (Corona) perversus Swains. (H. regina monstrum sinistra Fer.) Hist. 178 24, 25. L. (Corona) perversus var. dextroversa (regina Hupe). Castelnau's Exped. . . . . . .179 PLATE 36 a (Corona, ffemibulimus). 26, 27. Liguus (Corona) regalis Hup£. Sheppard, del., . . 180 28, 29. L. (Corona) regalis dextral form. Sheppard, del., . 182 30. L. (Hemihulimus) magnificus Rve. Conch. Icon., . . 185 31—34. L. (Hemibulimus) raagnificus Rve. (excisus Mts). Conch. Mittheil, . . . . . . .185 PLATE 37 (0. Metorthalicus powisianus). 28, 32. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) powisianus Petit. Conch. Icon., . . . :"•'.'. '. . . . £06 29, O. (Metorthalicus) powisianus. Jahrb. 1875, . . . 206 30, 33. O. (Metorthalicus) powisianus. Jahrb. 1882, . . 206 31, 34. O. ^Metorthalicus) powisianus. Sheppard, del., . . 206 PLATE 38 ( 0. Metorthalicus atramentarius): 35-37, 39, 40. O. (Metorthalicus) atramentarius Pfr. Pilsbry and Sheppard, del., . . . . . . 209 254 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. FIGURE PAGE 38. O. (Metorthalicus) atramentarius Pf'r. Conch. Icon., . 209 PLATE 39 (Metorthalicus ^ Drymceus). 1,2. O. (Metorthalicus) adamsoni Gray. Conch. Icon., . 207 3. O. (Metorthalicus) deburghiae Rve. Sheppard, del., . 196 4. Drymaeus sallei v. haitensis Pils. Sheppard, del., . . 12 5. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) deburghiae Rve. Mai. Bl., . 196 6. Drymaeus mossi E. A. Smith. Wm. Moss, photo, . . 21 7. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) atramentarius Pf'r. Sheppard, del., 209 PLATE 40 (Metorthalicus, Dryni(zus). 1, Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) approximatus Fulton. Ann. J^tB^: Mag. N. H., 208 2, 3. O. (Metorthalicus) approximatus Fulton. Sheppard, del., 208 4. 5. Drymaeus ziegleri Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . .39 6. Dryma3us ziegleri Pfr. L. and F.-W. Sh. N. A. I., . . 39 7,8. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) adamsoni var. Sheppard, del., 207 PLATE 41 (Metotth aliens, Oxystyla). 1, 2. O. (Metorthalicus) shuttleworthi Alb. Novit. Conch.,. 201 3, 4. O. (Metorthalicus) maranhonensis Alb. Novit. Conch., 198 5. Oxystyla macandrewi Sowb. Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., . 147 6. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) buckleyi Higg. P. Z. S. 1872, . 193 PLATE 42 (Metorthalicus). 7,8. O. (Metorthalicus) wrzesniowskii Lub. P. Z. S. 1879, . 198 9. O. (Metorthalicus ^ gloriosus Pf'r. = deburghiae. P. Z. S. 1861, 196 10, 11. O. (Metorthalicus) gloriosus. Viaje al Pacifico, . .196 PLATE 43 (Metorthalicus). 12, 13. O. (Metorthalicus) latevittata Shuttl. (= yatesi). Notitia3 Malac., 203 14. O. (Metorthalicus) yatesi, variety. Novit. Conch., . . 302 15. O. (Metorthalicus) yatesi Pf'r. Sheppard, del., (the junc- tion of columella and basal lip should be decidedly more angular than here represented) . . . 202 16. 0. (Metorthalicus) yatesi Pfr. Sheppard, del., . 202, 203 17. O. (Metorthalicus) yatesi Pfr. Type. P. Z. S. 1855, . 202 PLATE 44 (Metorthalicus). 18. 19. O. (Metorthalicus) vicarius Fult. (B. labeo Rve. not Brod.), ... . . . . .200 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. 255 FIGURE PAGE 20. O. (Metorthalicus) augusti Jouss. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 195 21,22. O. (Metorthalicus) labeo Brod. Zool. Journal, . .199 PLATE 45 (0.) Metorthalicus) kelletti, etc.). 23, 24. O. (Metorthalicus) kelletti Rve. Conch. Icon., . . 204 25. O. kelletti v. f'tmgairinoi Hid. J. de C., .... 204 26, 27. O. kelletti v. fungairinoi Hid. Sheppard, del., . . 204 28. O. kelletti v. fungairinoi Hid. Viaje al Pacifico, . . 204 29. " Bulinus lacticofor " Sowb. Conch. Illustr., . Vol. XIII. 30. Bulimulus pollonerae Ancey. Bull. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp. Torino, . . . . . Vol. XIII. PLATE 46 (Metorthalicus}. 31. Orthalicus (Metorthalicus) fraseri Pfr. P. Z. S., 1860, . 193 32,33. O. (Metorthalicus) fraseri Pfr. Novit. Conch., . .193 34, 35. O. fraseri v. brevispira Pils. Sheppard, del., . . 194 PLATE 47 ( Orthalicus). 6. Orthalicus sultana Dillw. Sheppard, del., . . . 188 7. O. sultana Dillw. (gallina- sultana Auct.) Conch. Icon., . 188 8. O. sultana variety. Sheppard, del., . . . . .190 9. 10, 11. O. trullisatus Shuttl. Notitiae Conch., . . . 191 PLVTE 48. 12. O. (Metorthalicus) vicarius Fult. Sheppard, del., . . 200 13. Porphyrobaphe dennisoni var. obscurata Mouss. Novit. Conch., .159 14. Porphyrobaphe dennisoni var. marmatensis Pils. Shep- pard, del., . . . . . .159 15. 16. Porphyrobaphe dennisoni Reeve. Conch. Itfon., . 158 PLATE 49 (Porphyrobaphe iostoma). 17. P. iostoma Sowb. Type. Conch. Illustr., . . . 150 18. P. iostoma Sowb., young shell. Sheppard, del., . . 150 19. 22. P. iostoma Sowb. Sheppard, del., . . . .150 20. P. iostoma Sowb. Conch. Icon., . . . .150 21. P. iostoma Sowb. Viaje al Pacifico . . . .150 PLATE 50 (Porphyrobaphe). 23, 24. P. saturnus Pfr. Pilsbry, del., . . 153 25. P. saturnus Pfr. P. Z. S., 1860, 153 26, 27. P. iostoma v. bilabratus Pils. Sheppard, del., . . 152 256 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 51 (Porphyrobaphe iris}. 28, 29. P. iris Pfr. Type. Conchylien Cabinet, . . .157 30. P. iris Pfr., var. Sheppard, del., .... 157, 158 31, 32. P. wallisianus Monss. (= iris Pfr.). Novit. Conch., 157, 158 PLATE 52 (Porphyrobaphe irroratus). 33. P. irroratus v. elongatus Mill. Malak. Bl., . . . 156 34. P. irroratus Reeve. Viaje al Pacifico, . . . .155 35. P. irroratus v. minor Mill. Malak. Bl., . . . .156 36. 37. P. irroratus Reeve. Type. Conch. Icon., . . 155 PLATE 53 (Porphyrobaphe, Oxystyla). 38, 39. P. irroratus v. grevillei Pfr. Novit. Conch., . . 156 40, 41. P. irroratus v. grevillei Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . 156 42. Oxystyla mars Pfr/ Type. P. Z. S., 1861, . . .143 PLATE 54 ( Oxystyla). 43-47. Oxystyla decolor Strebel. Mexico or South America. Pilsbry and Sheppard, del., ..... 131 PLATE 55 (Oxystyla, Liguus). 48, 49. Oxystyla pfeifferi Hidalgo. Viaje al Pacifico, . .146 50. O. pfeifferi Hidalgo. Journ. de Conchyl., . . .146 51. Liguus blainianus Poey. Type. Memorias, . . . 174 52. 53. L. blainianus Poey. Pilsbry and Sheppard, del., . 174 54. L. fasciatus, variety. Sheppard, del., .... 166 55, 56. L. poeyanus Pfr. Type. Malak. Blatter, . . .166 57. L. poeyanus Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . . . .166 PLATE 56 (Liguus virgineus). 58, 59. L. virgineus L. Jacmel. Sheppard, del., . . . 162 60, 66. L. virgineus L. Conch. Icon., 162 61, 62. L. virgineus L. Aux Cayes. Sheppard, del., . . 162 63-65, 67-69. L. virgineus L. Sheppard, del., . . 162 PLATE 57 (Liguus fasciatus, Cuba). 70. L. fasciatus Mull. Sheppard, del., ..... 166 71, 72. L. fasciatus Mull. Typical. Conch. Icon., . .166 73, 74. L. fasciatus Mull. Typical. Sheppard, del., . . 166 75, 76. L. fasciatus, varieties. Sheppard, del., . . . 166 77. L. fasciatus v. murreus Rve. Conch. Icon., . . .169 78. L. fasciatus v. murreus Rve. Type. Conch. Icon., . . 169 79. L. fasciatns v. murreus Rve. Sheppard, del., . . .169 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. 257 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 58 (Liguus fasciatnt). 80. L. fasciatus v. crenatus Swains. Type. Zool. Illustr., 169, 171 81. L. fasciatus v. crenatus Swains. Cuba. Sheppard, del., 169, 171 82. L. fasciatus v. pallidus Swains. Type. Zool. Illustr., . 169 83. L. fasciatus Brug. Cozumel Island. Sheppard, del., . 170 84. L. fasciatus v. piotus Reeve. Cuba. Sheppard, del., . 171 85. L. fasciatus v. pictus Reeve. Type. Conch. Icon., . .171 86. L. fasciatus v. solidus Say. Type. Sheppard, del., . . 178 87. L. fasciatus v. solidus Say. Terr. Moll., Ill, . . .173 88. L. fasciatus, variety. Cuba. Sheppard, del., . . 169, 171 PLATE 59 {Liguu* fasciatvs, Florida). 89. L. fasciatus var. Terr. Moll., Ill, 172 90. 91. L. fasciatus Mull. Lignum Vitoe Key. Sheppard, del., 173 92-94. L. fasciatus Mull. Key Largo. Sheppard, del., . .173 95. L. fasciatus Mull. Key Vaccas. 4th Suppl. T. M., V, . 173 96. L. fasciatus Mull. Cape Sable. Sheppard, del., . .174 97. L. fasciatus Mull. No Name Key. Sheppard, del., . 173 PLATE 60 (Liguus fasciatus , Miami, Florida). 1, 6. L. fasciatus Mall. Terr. Moll., Ill, ... . 171, 173 2-5, 7-13. L. fasciatus Mtill. Pilsbry and Sheppard. del., 172, 173 PLATE 61 (Amphibulima). 14, 15. A. patula Brug. Guadelupe. Sheppard, del., . . 234 16, 17. A. patula Brug. Dominica. Sheppard, del., . . 234 18. A. patula Brug. Dominica. P. Z. S., 1883, . . .234 19. A. patula Brug. Young shell. Sheppard, del., . . 234 20-23. A. pardaliria Guppy. Pilsbry, del., . . . .237 24, 25. A. tigrhw Les. Fer., Histoire, 237 26, 27. A. rubescens Desh. Sheppard, del., .... 240 28-31. A. browni Pilsbry. Pilsbry, del., . . . .238 PLATE 62 (Peltella, Gaotis). 32. Peltella palliolum Fer. Archives do Mus. Nac., . . 231 33-35. P. palliolum Fer. Fer., Histoire, . . . .231 36, 37, 39. Gaeotis rnalleata Pils. Type. Sheppard, del., . 230 38, 40.-G. malleata Pils. Base and spire enlarged. Pilsbry, del., 230 41,42,44. G. nigrolineata Shuttl. Sheppard, del., . . 229 43. G. nigrolineata Shuttl. Spire enlarged. Pilsbry, del., . 229 45-48. G.^albopunctulata Shuttl. Sheppard, del., . . . 230 258 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, VOL. XII. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 63 (Pellicula, Simpulopsis). 49, 50. Amphibulima appendiculata Pf'r. Sheppard, del., . -241 51, 52. Amphibulima appendiculata Pfr. J. de Conchyl. 1895, 241 53. Amphibulima depressa Rang. Sheppard, del., . . . 242 .54, 55. Amphibulima depressa Rang. J. de Conchyl. 1875, . 242 56, 57. Simpulopsis simula Mor. Moll. Mex., . . .219 58-60. Simpulopsis renea Pfr. Moll. Mex., . . . .225 61, 62. Simpulopsis cumingi Pfr. Conch. Icon., . . . 220 63, 64. Simpulopsis psidii Mts. Jahrb. D. M. Ges., . . 224 65, 66. Simpulopsis vincentina Smith. Proc. Mai. Soc., . 219 67, 68. Simpulopsis portoricerisis. Sheppard, del., . . . 224 69, 70. Simpulopsis (?) limpida Drouet. Moll. Guyane Fr., . 223 71, 72. Simpulopsis (?) angularis Fer. Histoire, . . . 226 73, 74. Simpulopsis fulgurata Mill. Mai. Bl., . . .227 75. Simpulopsis dominicensis Pfr. Sheppard, del., . . . 225 ,76-78. Simpulopsis (?) salomonia Pfr. Conchyl. Cab., . . 226 PLATE 64 (Simpulopsis). 79, 80. Simpulopsis atrovirens Moric. Sheppard, del., . . 213 81, 82. Simpulopsis suleulosa Fer. Conchyl. Cab., . . 214 83. Simpulopsis sulculosa Fer. Fe>., Histoire, . . . 214 84, 85. Simpulopsis brasiliensis Moric. Sheppard, del., . . 215 86, 87. Simpulopsis obtusa Sowb. Genera of shells . . 216 88, 89. Simpulopsis rufovirens Moric. Conchyl. Cab., . . 216 90, 91. Simpulopsis rufovirens Moric. Sheppard, del., . . 216 92. Simpulopsis tryoni Pils. Sheppard, del., .... 218 93, 94, 95. Simpulopsis corrugata Guppy. Journ. de Conchyl., 217 96, 97. Simpulopsis citrinovitrea Moric. Sheppard, del., . 221 98, 99. Simpulopsis boissieri Moric. Sheppard, del., . . 222 1, 2, 3. Simpulopsis pvogastor Orb. Voy. Ame>. Me>id., . 223 4, 5. Simpulopsis pseudosuccinea Moric. Conchyl. Cab., . 221 DATES OF ISSUE OF VOLUME XII. Part 45, pp. 1-64, plates 1-15, March 11, 1899. Part 46, pp. 65-112, plates 16-28, June 16, 1899. Part 47, pp. 113-176,' plates 29-46, August 30, 1899. Part 48, pp. 177-258, plates 47-64, December, 1899. Title-page and Contents, December, 1899. BULIMULlDvE- PLATE 1, 94< BULIMULID.'E. PLATE 2. 26 27 tTK . BULIMULJD^E. PLATE 3. A "Wtt$\ f4v ^1$ i v^ 28 29 30 31 36 37 34 35 I 40 43 I 38 32 33 39 45 50 w 53 54 55 IT-NI BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 4. 76 77 80 81 XV PLATE 8 IB 19 20 25 PLATE 6. XfNI OF PLATE 7. 11 12 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 8.. 29 30 31 32 IE L!BR^ NIV'E-RSITY V f^rr BULIMULID^E. PLATE 9. 37 ^ tf N I Vr E "R 3 1 T T BULIMULID^E. PLATE 1O. 66 70 71 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 11 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 12 15 25 (UNIVERSITY) CK BULIMULID^E. PLATE UNIVERSITY x- ,C/, L! F Q 3 N 1 A^-^ BULIMULID^E. PLATE )4. 28 BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 18 50 51 52 53 PLATE 16. BULIMULID^E. PLATE 17. 18 17 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 18. ^ UNIVERSIT.Y BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 19. 19 OF THE R- BULIMULID^E. PLATE 2O. L'O 29 BULIMULID^C. PLATE 21 40 41 •^£fc&£ U&RAft^- f^" BULIMULID^E. PLATE 22 THE UNIVERSITY BULIMULID^E. PLATE 28. 16 17 (UNIVERSITY BULIMULID^E. PLATE 24, 24? BULIMULID^E. PLATE 28. 36 NIVERSITY BULIMULID./E. PLATE 26. 15 UNIVERSITY BULIMULID^E. PLATE 27. NIVERSITY BULIMULID^E. PLATE 28. 37 BULIMULJD^E. PLATE 20. BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 3O. BULIMULJD^. PLATE 31. CALIF W BULIMULID>£. PLATE 32, 75 76 77 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 33 />*- U2TIV- BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 84. 11 12 BULIMULID^E. PLATE 36. BULIMULIDyE, PLATE 86- UNIVERSITY BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 38.a 29 \^^C/ L I F O R N_\ BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 37. •UNIVERSITY CALIFORNI BULIMULID^. PLATE 38- UNIVERSITY) OF / CALlFQRNl*:^ BULIMULID/^E. PLATE 39. BULIMULID./E. PLATE 4O. o? PLATE 41, •0 DIVERSITY PLATE 42. 11 jT 'fst- - ( 0 K ;i " V PLATE 43. h HIVE RSI BULIMULID^E PLATE 44, 21 BULIMULID/E. PLATE 4B. IVER SIT? BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 46. ARSITY BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 47. BULIMULID^E. PLATE 48. XJ-NIV.ETi.3ITY BULIMULID^E. PLATE 49. fX^tG^LiBR^ (UNIVERi • BULIMULIDyG. PLATE 6O. t* H IV E R BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 51. 31 32 BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 82. BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 68. BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 84, 47 UNIVERSITY BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 38 BULIMULID>E. PLATK 86 UNIVERSITY' BULIMULID^E. PLATE 87 76 79 UNIVERSITY} BULIMULIDvE. PLATE 88 BULJMULID^E. PLATE 59 '3V .TY; BULIMULID^E. PLATE 6O i 0HIVERSITT BULIMULIDyE. PLATE 61 / 29 UNIVERSITY) BULIMULID^E. PLATE 62 UNI VARSITY, BULIMUJLID^E. PLATE 63 58 63 \ * * 56 57 51. 52 54 55 59 60 61 62 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 68 BULIMULIDyE. 79 80 PLATE 64 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 96 97 98 95 •% g x% .» mmm *P, &M$m5$ ;> -,• Sa-