m LIB Y FACULTY OF FORESTRY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO * ' DE. SCHLICH'S MANUAL OF FOKESTKY, VOL. III. EKEATA. Page 49, line 14 from top, for = ^—, — — , read V1= -V— „ 50, „ 7 „ foot, /or (v + i/ + v" + ...), read V 64, „ 12 „ foot, for F J-^, read F= SxH- 97, between lines 14 and 15 add (2 a) The mean dia- meter of trees. 120, for lines 5 & 6 from top, substitute " A rental R is due after n years, and again every n years, for ever ; it is equal to an annual rental of — ." 140, line 4 from foot, for Under, read By. 145, ,, 3 ,, foot, for (1'ojp — 1), read (l*opr — 1). 163, ,,2 „ foot, for curr- p, read curr- pf. 181, lines 14 and 15 from foot, strike out the words " the increment of." n 'i 10 I 186, line 3 from foot, for /, read I . 192, „ 3 „ foot, /or /, read, V. 194, „ 4 „ top, /or 4-37-, read 4'37 = . n t 10 / 194, ,, 5 ,, top, for / read I - V v 196, „ 2 „ top, for i^"1^ read l°8 S-\og ^ 10 n 198, ,,3 ,, top, for current, read correct. 203, last column of table, for Indicatin, read Indicating. 220, line 3 from top, for r = 20 „ read r = 20 years. Page 221, line 8 from foot, for mxr, read t x r. ,, 224, ,, 3 ,, top, for Coupe No. , read Coupe No. 20. ,, 224, ,, 10 ,, top, /or Coupe No. 20, readCoupeNo. 1 ,, 227, „ 12 „ foot, for Under, read By. „ 240, „ " 8 „* top, /or Under, read By. ,, 245, ,, 14 ,, \ top, for annual yield, read final annual yield. ,, 249, „ 3 „ top, for (m-l) x I, read (m-1) I " 2 „ 267, „ 17 „ foot, for Under, read By. ,, 280, ,, 7 ,, foot, add the word "soil" after geology. ,, 342, ,, 13 ,, foot, read 6. Determination of the yield. ,, 349, line 2 from foot, for a lotment, read allotment. ,, 374, first column, for Holier Oclisen, read Holier Ochsenkopf. ,, 370, line 7 from foot, after single, add the word " trees." ,, 392, in heading, fill in figures 7 and 8. ,, 394, „ ,; ,, „ figure 4. Note. — Some of the above mistakes do not occur in all copies of the book. With the Author's Compliments. A MANUAL OF FORESTRY, MANUAL OF FOBESTBY BY WILLIAM SCHLICH, C.I.E., PH.D., PRINCIPAL PEOFESSOR OF FORESTRY AT THE ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, COOPERS HILL ', LATE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF FORESTS TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. VOLUME III. FOREST MANAGEMENT. WITH 53 ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON : BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO. LD., 8, 9, 10, BOUVERIE STREET. 1895. LONDON : BRADBURY, A6NEW, «fe SO. LD., PRINTERS, WHITEFR1ARS. U. PEEFACE. IN the Preface to the first volume of this Manual I intimated that the work would comprise the following parts : — I. THE UTILITY OF FORESTS. II. PRINCIPLES OF SYLVICULTURE. III. FORMATION, KEGENERATION, AND TENDING OF WOODS. IV. FOREST FINANCE: V. FOREST WORKING PLANS. VI. FOREST PROTECTION. VII. FOREST UTILIZATION. Parts I. to V. have been dealt with in this and the two previous volumes. My colleague, Mr. W. E. Fisher, has translated Dr. Hess' excellent work on " Forest Protection." That work will appear almost simultaneously with this volume, and take its place as Volume IV. of this series. Mr. Fisher has also commenced the translation of Dr. Gayer's classical work on " Forest Utilization," which will be published towards the end of the present year, and make the fifth and final volume of this Manual. Under these circumstances I have now completed the task which I set myself at starting. That task consisted in providing, in the first place, text books on the various branches of forestry for the students at Coopers Hill College. At the same time I have endeavoured so to prepare the books vi PREFACE. that they might also be useful to others who desired to become acquainted with forest science in Central and Western Europe. As I have stated elsewhere the principles of forest manage- ment hold good all the world over. In endeavouring to explain these principles it seemed to me right and proper to be guided by the experience gained in those countries which have taken the lead in forestry, namely, Germany and France. In these countries systematic forest management became a necessity almost a hundred years ago, so that their methods are now. based upon long experience and a rich crop of investigations. Economic forestry has not been developed in the same degree in Britain, because it was of subordinate importance. Of late, however, many voices have been heard urging the subject upon the attention of the public and the government of the country. It has more particularly been suggested that the depression in agriculture, the continuous flow of population into the towns, and the ever increasing number of the unemployed, are matters which might raise more extended forest operations into the position of an economic necessity. Ten years ago I showed, and so have many others since, that timber worth at least £12,000,000, which could be pro- duced locally, is annually imported into this country ; also that more waste land is available in these Islands than is necessary to produce that timber. On the other hand it has been said that the home grown timber cannot compete with the imported material. This is not the place to enter into the details of the question, but I desire to draw attention to two points :— - In the first place, British timber cannot compete with the imported timber because, as at present grown, it is of inferior quality, being generally shorter and less clean of branches and PREFACE. Vll knots. Moreover, conifers generally grow too quickly in Britain, because the woods are too heavily thinned while young; hence the individual trees increase too rapidly, and produce timber inferior to that of the same species imported from the Baltic, and grown in crowded woods. Secondly, the home-grown timber is brought into the market in fluctuating quantities, so that neither a regular timber trade, nor superior methods of working up the material, nor forest industries, have a chance of developing and thriving. In short, the whole business is far too haphazard. Economic forestry, to be successful, must be conducted on true sylvicultural principles, arid the yield must be so regulated, that, approximately, the same quantity of material may be brought into the market every year ; in other words, the principle of a sustained and well-regulated yield must be recognized. Then, and then only, can adequate financial results be expected from forestry. These are the principles which I have endeavoured to explain in this and the previous two volumes. Whether the student proposes to follow the profession of a forester in this country, in India, the Colonies, or in America, makes no difference ; the principles are the same everywhere. Once they have been thoroughly assimilated, the student will without difficulty apply them to the special conditions with which he may have to deal in any part of the world. While I was Inspector General of Forests to the Govern- ment of India, I was fortunate enough to obtain sanction to the establishment of that branch of the Indian Forest Department, which is known as " The Working Plan Branch." This, no doubt, was a very important step, because the measure provided that gradually working plans should be viii PREFACE. prepared for all Government forests, and that the Inspector General of Forests should control the execution of the working plans. The results have been very satisfactory, as the management of the Indian forests has been placed on a safer basis, and the principle of continuity of action been more fully recognized. Absolute security, however, has not as yet been established in this respect. From time to time re-action is liable to set in. Hence I was anxious to set forth in the present volume the principle and paramount importance of a " sustained yield " of forests. It is not for me to say in how far I have succeeded in my task; it is, however, a matter of satisfaction to me that a second edition of the first two volumes will have to be issued shortly. This gives me hope that the cause of systematic forestry is gaining ground, and that it will impress itself more and more upon the minds of those who leave this country tp govern India and the Colonies. Should this happy anticipa- tion be realized, then the progress of forest administration in India will be definitely assured. When forestry in Britain has once become an essential part of the industry based upon the soil, those who leave these shores will be duly impressed \>y its importance, and they will bring to their spheres of action a sympathetic understanding of the business, which will go a long way to prevent any oscillating policy that other- wise might threaten to interfere with the progress of forest management in India and the Colonies. Continuity of action will then become the order of the day, without which no industry can flourish, whatever its name or nature may be, and least of all forestry, the produce of which frequently requires a century and more to mature. In writing the present volume, I have, apart from my PREFACE. IX own experience, extending over many years, utilized chiefly the following works : — For Forest Mensuration : (1) Schwappach, " Leitfaden der Holzmesskunde." (2) Baur, " Holzmesskunde." For Forest Valuation : (1) G. Heyer, " Waldwerthrechnung." (2) Wimmenauer, " Grundriss der Waldwerthrechnung." In compiling the tables at pages 394 to 397, I have used those appended to the above-mentioned two works, and I desire to express herewith my best thanks to the family of the late Professor G. Heyer (under whom I studied forestry), and to Professor Wimmenauer, for the permission which they kindly gave me to do this. For Forest Working Plans : (1) Heyer, " Die Waldertrags-Regelung." (2) Judeich, " Die Forsteinrichtung." As Judeich's " Bestandswirthschaft " is the method of regu- lating the yield of forests which commends itself to me more than any other, I have naturally largely drawn upon Judeich. At the same time I have introduced certain modifications into the method where it seemed too rigid. I have also made occasional use of, (1) Puton, " Traite d'Economie Forestiere." (2) Hess, " Encyklopadie " und " Methodologie der Forstwissenschaft," Part III. I am indebted to my colleague, Mr. A. Lodge, Professor X PREFACE. of Mathematics at this College, for his kind assistance in looking over the proof sheets of Parts I. and II. of this volume. Herr Forstassessor Alwin Schenck has been good enough to obtain for me the working plan for the Krumbach Communal Forest, contained in Appendix A, and I herewith tender to him my best thanks. The extract from the working plan for the Herrenwies Range, Appendix C, was prepared by me while I was on tour with the students of this College during the summer of 1893, the records having been kindly placed at niy disposal by Herr Oberforster Ziegler of Herrenwies. W. SCHLICH. COOPERS HILL, 28th February. 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE . v FOREST MANAGEMENT. INTRODUCTION 1 PART I. FOREST MENSURATION .... 3 CHAPTER I. INSTRUMENTS USED IN FOREST MENSURATION . . 6 1. Instruments for the Measurement of the Girth. . . . .6 2. Instruments for the Measurement of the Diameter . . . .7 3. Instruments for the Measurement of the Diameter Increment . . 12 4. Instruments for the Measurement of the Length of Felled Trees and Logs . ... . . .: 14 5. Instruments for the Measurement of the Height of Standing Trees . 14 6. Instruments for the Direct Measurement of the Volume . . .27 CHAPTER II. MEASUREMENT OF FELLED TREES . . . 29 1. Volume of the Stem 29 2. Volume of the Branch and Root Wood . . . . . . 33 3. Volume of the Bark . . 34 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PAGE MEASUREMENT OF STANDING TREES . . . 35 1. Ocular Estimate 35 2. Estimate of Volume by Means of Form Factors 36 Table of Form Factors 30 3. Estimate of Volume by Means of Volume Tables 39 4. Measurement of Standing Trees by Sections 40 5. Pressler's Method of ascertaining the Volume of Standing Trees . . 41 CHAPTER IV. DETERMINATION OF THE VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. 43 SECTION I. — MEASUREMENTS EXTENDING OVER THE WHOLE WOOD . 43 I. Measurement of all Trees 43 II. Determination of Volume by Means of Sample Trees . . . . 43 A. The Height is a Function of the Diameter . . .44 ,1. Description of the General Method 44 2. Modifications of the Method 51 a. Draudt's Method 52 b. Urich's Method :>:> c. Robert Hartig's Method . . . .• . . . . :>.s 3. Comparative Accuracy of the Several Methods . . . tnt 4. Determination of the Volume by Means of Form Factors and Volume Tables . . . . . \ . . . til B. The Height is not a Function of the Diameter . . . <'•"> SECTION II.— DETERMINATION OF VOLUME BY MEANS OP SAMPLE PLOTS 6<> SECTION III.— DETERMINATION OF VOLUME BY ESTIMATE . . •,!> CHAPTER V. THE AGE OF TREES AND WOODS . . . . 72 1. Determination of the Age of Single Trees 72 2. Determination of the Age of Whole Woods ... .74 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER VI. PAGE DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT ... 78 SECTION I. — DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF SINGLE TREES . 79 1. Height Increment . . ... . . . . . . 79 2. Diameter Increment . . .' 80 3. Area Increment . . . ... . . ; . ... 82 4. Volume Increment . . . .... .^ !. '.- . . 82 SECTION II.— DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF WHOLE WOODS 95 A. Determination of the Future Increment according to the Mean Annual Increment of the Past . . . . . 96 B. Determination of the Increment by Means of Yield Tables . 90 I. Of Yield Tables generally . . 96 II. Determination of the Increment by Means of Yield Tables . 105 PAET II. FOREST VALUATION . . . . .111 CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY MATTERS . . . . . 114 SECTION I. — VALUE OF PROPERTY GENERALLY 114 SECTION II.— CHOICE OF RATE OF INTEREST 114 SECTION III.— FORMULAE OF COMPOUND INTEREST . . . .118 SECTION IV. — ESTIMATE OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES . . . . 120 Money Yield Tables for Scotch Pine and Beech 122 CHAPTER II. VALUATION OF FOREST SOIL .... 124 SECTION I.— THE EXPECTATION VALUE OF FOREST SOIL . . .124 SECTION II. — THE COST VALUE OF FOREST SOIL . . . 132 SECTION III. — THE SALE VALUE OF FOREST SOIL . 133 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PAGE VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK . . . 134 SECTION I. — VALUE OF THE GROWING STOCK OF A WHOLE WOOD . 134 1. Expectation Value of a Whole Wood . . . • . . . . 134 2. Cost Value of a Whole Wood 138 3. Sale or Utilization Value of a Whole Wood 140 4. Relation between Expectation and Cost Values of a Normal Wood . 141 5. Relation between Expectation and Cost Values on the one hand and Utilization Value on the other 142 SECTION IT. — VALUE OF PAET OF A WOOD 143 SECTION III. — VALUE OF THE GROWING STOCK OF A NORMAL SERIES OF AGE GRADATIONS * . .144 CHAPTER IV. VALUATION OF WHOLE FORESTS . . . . 149 1. Expectation Value of a Forest 141) 2. Cost Value of a Forest 152 8. Sale Value of a Forest . .153 4. Rental Value of a Forest 153 * CHAPTER V. DETERMINATION OF THE RENTAL OF FORESTS . 154 CHAPTER VI. THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY . . . ir><> SECTION I.— THE METHODS OF CALCULATING THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY 156 1. Determination of the Profit of Forestry 157 2. Determination of the Rate of Interest yielded by Capital invested in Forestry lf>2 SECTION II.— THE FINANCIAL TEST APPLIED TO THE METHOD OF TREATMENT 167 1. Choice between Forestry and Agriculture . . . . • . . 167 2. Choice of species and Sylvicultural System 168 8. Choice of Method of Formation 168 4. Choice of Method of Tending 168 5. Determination of the Financial Rotation 168 fi. Determination of the Financial Ripeness of a Wood . . .169 CONTENTS. XV PART III. PAGE PRINCIPLES OF FOREST WORKING PLANS . . . 171 INTRODUCTORY 173 CHAPTER I. THE INCREMENT . . . . . . 178 SECTION I.— QUANTITY INCREMENT 178 1. Progress of Volume Increment . . . . . . . 178 2. Quantity Increment per cent 184 3. Yield Tables for the Scotch Pine 188 SECTION II.— QUALITY INCREMENT 192 SECTION III. — PRICE INCREMENT 19» SECTION IV.— ADDITION OF THE SEVERAL INCREMENT PER CENTS. LEADING TO THE FOREST PER CENT 196 CHAPTER II. THE ROTATION 200 1. The Financial Rotation 200 Financial Yield Table for Scotch Pine . 202 2. Rotation of the Highest Income 207 3. Rotation of the Greatest Production of Volume .... 208 4. The Technical Rotation 209 5. The Physical Rotation 210 6. Choice of Rotation 211 CHAPTER III. THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES . . . .212 1. The Annual Coups or the Area to be cut annually . . . . 213 2. Size of the Age Classes 215- 3. Distribution of the Age Classes over the Forest 227 CHAPTER IV. THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK . . .231 1. Calculation of the Normal Growing Stock as regards its Volume . 232 2. Calculation of the Financial Value of the Growing Stock . . . 239- XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER Y. PAGE THE NORMAL YIELD 240 1 . The Yield determined by Area or Volume 240 2. The Financial Value of the Normal Yield . . 244 CHAPTER VI. RELATION BETWEEN INCREMENT, GROWING STOCK AND YIELD 245 1. Allotment of Increment during a Rotation 245 2. Allotment of Increment during the Regeneration Period' . . .248 3. Relation between Yield and Normal Increment .... 250 4. Relation between Normal Yield and Normal Growing Stock . . 251 CHAPTER VII. THE REAL FOREST COMPARED WITH THE NORMAL FOREST 253 , PART IV. PREPARATION OF FOREST WORKING PLANS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. COLLECTION OF STATISTICS .... -'•">'.) SECTION I.— SURVEY AND DETERMINATION OF AREAS .... -'">'•> SECTION II. — DESCRIPTION OF EACH WOOD OR COMPARTMENT . . 261 1. The Locality ........ -261 •2. The Growing Stock -)(>>-'S 3. Determination of the Quality of each Wood 267 4. Notes regarding Future Treatment 267 SECTION III. — PAST RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES 278 SECTION IV.— GENERAL CONDITIONS IN AND AROUND THE FOREST . 280 CONTENTS. XV11 PAGE SECTION V.— THE STATISTICAL REPORT . . • ; ;.• ~. ., .281 1. Register of Boundaries . ., ;....,.. ..,">. i .. . . . 282 2. Table of Areas v *••..• ...- .283 3. Description of Compartments . . . .... . . 284 4. Table of Qualities of Locality . . .•..•- . . .284 5. Table of Age Classes . . . . . .:'-,. . .' • -,- . '•'-. '. 285 6. Table of Past Yields .'..'. .*."/'.' .287 7. Maps •'.- '....' . •• * •'. :. '••• .' ' •.--.• : - . 287 CHAPTER II. DIVISION AND ALLOTMENT OF FOREST AREA . 292 1. The Working Circle .' .' .' . . . . '. . .292 2. The Compartment . . .'.-•". . . ' . . . . 293 3. The Sub-Compartment .'../'. . '. . . .294 4. The Working Section . . . . ' . - ' . - '. , . . . 295 5. The Cutting Series ". .. . ' . ' .'. . . . . .297 6. Severance Cuttings . • . . • . • . ... . . . . . 298 7. The System of Roads and Rides 300 8. Demarcation of the Divisions of a Forest 303 9. Naming and Numbering of the Divisions of a Forest . . . 304 CHAPTER III. DETERMINATION OF THE METHOD OF TREATMENT . 305 1. Species . . . . . . ... ... . . 306 2. Sylvicultural System ' ' r :. -: . •. 306 3. Method of Formation . . . .' . '. . " . . . 308 4. Method of Tending : .• ; • • . . . '. . . . 309 5. Rotation . . . . . ; . . . . . 309 CHAPTER IV. DETERMINATION AND REGULATION OF THE YIELD . 310 SECTION I.— DIVISION OF FOREST INTO FIXED ANNUAL COUPES . .311 SECTION II.— ALLOTMENT OP WOODS TO THE SEVERAL PERIODS or A ROTATION 312 1. The Method of Periods by Area . .313 2. The Method of Periods by Volume 314 3. The Method of Periods by Area and Volume combined . . . 316 VOL. in. • b XVU1 CONTENTS. PAGE SECTION III.— REGULATION OF THE YIELD ACCORDING TO INCREMENT AND GROWING STOCK . . 317 1. The Austrian Method 317 2. Hundeshagen's Method . . . . 320 3. Von Mantel's Method 323 3. Brandis' Method 325 SECTION IV.— KEGULATION OP THE YIELD ACCORDING TO INCREMENT AND GROWING STOCK, COMBINED WITH THE ALLOTMENT OF AREAS TO THE SEVERAL PERIODS OF A ROTATION . 327 SECTION V.— SELECTION OF WOODS FOR CUTTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SYLVICULTURAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE OBJECTS OF MANAGEMENT .330 1. Application of the Method to Clear Cutting in High Forest and the Shelter-wood Compartment system , . 331 2. Application of the Method to other Sylvicultural Systems . . 335 3. Change from one Sylvicultural System to Another ; called a Con- version 338 CHAPTER Y. THE WORKING PLAN REPORT . . . .341 CHAPTER VI. CONTROL OF EXECUTION AND RENEWAL OF WORKING PLANS 344 1. Record of Changes 345 2. Record of Works • . . 345 3. Renewal of Working Plans . . . .... . .346 APPENDIX A. Working Plan for the Communal Forest of Krumbach (Yield regulated according to Method of Periods by Area) 349 APPENDIX B. General Working Plan for the Method of Periods by Volume . . .362 APPENDIX C. Working Plan for a Portion of the State Forests of the Herrenwies Range (Yield regulated according to the Austrian Method) .... 364 CONTENTS. XIX APPENDIX D.— TABLES . . Y. I. Yield Tables used in Saxony for the Determination of the Quality of Locality . . . . . . . * ...... 386 II. Area of Circles for Diameters of 1 inch to 60 inches .... 390 III. Volume of Cylinders and Sum of Circles, for diameters of 1 inch to 48 inches . . .... ...... 392 IV. Tables of Compound Interest A. Amount to which a Capital accumulates in the Course of n Years . 394 B. Present Value of a Capital to be realized after n Years . . . 395 C. Present Value of a Perpetual Eental due every n Years . . . 396 D. Present Value of a Rental due at the End of every Year altogether n Times . . ...•»'. . . .397 FOKEST MANAGEMENT. INTRODUCTION. THE management of forests depends, apart from local con- ditions, on the objects which it is proposed to realise. These differ considerably according to circumstances, but whatever they may be, they can be brought under one of the following two headings : — 1. The realisation of indirect effects, such as landscape beauty, preservation or amelioration of the climate, regulation of moisture, prevention of erosion, land- slips, avalanches, etc. 2. The management of the forest on economic principles, such as the production of a definite class of produce, or the greatest possible quantity of produce, or the best financial results. It rests with the owner of the forest, in so far as his choice is not limited by the laws of the country, to determine in each case what the objects of management shall be, and it then becomes the duty of the forester to see that these objects are realised to the fullest extent. In some cases the realisation of indirect effects requires a special and distinct management, but in the majority of cases they can be produced in combination with economic working. The present volume deals with the latter. The economic working, whether it aims at the production of a special class, or the greatest quantity of produce, or the best VOL. III. B 2 INTRODUCTION. financial results, must be based on the yield of the forest. In order to determine this, the forester must study the laws which govern production; he must be able to measure the produce and the increment accruing annually or periodically, to determine the capital invested in the forest, to regulate the yield according to time and locality, and to organise the systematic conduct of the business. Accordingly, forest management may be divided into the following parts :— PART I. — FOREST MENSURATION, dealing with the deter- mination of the dimensions of trees, the volume of trees and whole woods, their age and increment. PART II. — FOREST VALUATION, dealing with the determina- tion of the capital employed in forestry, and the financial results produced by it. PART III. — PRINCIPLES OF FOREST WORKING PLANS. PART IV. — PREPARATION OF FOREST WORKING PLANS. PAET I. FOREST MENSURATION. B 2 FOREST MENSURATION. FOREST Mensuration deals with the determination of the dimensions, volume, age and increment of single trees and whole woods. These determinations are required for the calculation of the material standing on a given area, the yield which a wood can give, and the value of single trees, whole woods and forests. They serve also as the basis for the calculation of the effects of different methods of treatment. As a rule, the units of measurement employed in Britain and India are the foot, square foot, and cubic foot. The subject has been divided into the following chapters : — I. OF THE INSTRUMENTS USED IN FOREST MENSURATION. II. OF -THE MEASUREMENT OF FELLED TREES. III. ,, ,, „ ,, STANDING TREES. IV. „ ,, ,, ,, WHOLE WOODS. V. DETERMINATION OF THE AGE OF SINGLE TREES AND WHOLE WOODS. VI. DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF SINGLE TREES AND WHOLE WOODS. CHAPTER I. INSTRUMENTS USED IN FOREST MENSURATION. INSTRUMENTS are required to measure the circumference or diameter of logs and trees, the length of logs, the height of trees, and the increment. Such measurements have for their object, either to ascertain the various dimensions, or to calculate from them the volume ; in the latter case the measure- ment of the girth or diameter is used to calculate the sectional area, on the assumption that it forms a circle. The instruments may be classified as follows : — t 1. Instruments for the Measurement of the Girth. The girth may be measured with a tape, or with a string and tape. The tape consists of a band, of about half an inch in breadth, so constructed that it alters its length as little as possible when moist. It is divided on one side into feet, inches, and, if necessary, decimals of inches ; on the other side the sectional areas corresponding to the length of girth are sometimes noted. It is useful to have a small hook on one end, which can be pressed into the bark when the girth exceeds 5 feet. Long tapes are rolled up in cases, which are made of leather, wood or metal. Of late years flexible steel tapes have come much into use. The advantages of the tape are, that it is easy to handle and convenient to carry. Measurements with the tape are subject to various sources MEASUREMENT OF THE DIAMETER. 7 of inaccuracy, amongst which the following deserve to be mentioned : — (a) The sections of most trees are not circles. (6) Owing to the presence of a rough bark, the measured girth is too large. (c) Irregularities in the tree are difficult to avoid. (d) The tape is frequently not applied at right angles to the axis of the tree. In order to avoid some of the disadvantages of tape measure- ments, a thin string is sometimes used, which is then held parallel to a graduated tape or rule. In this way more accurate results may be obtained, but the procedure takes more time, and is therefore not employed where large numbers of trees have to be measured. 2. Instruments for the Measurement of the Diameter. The diameter of sections of trees is measured with an ordinary rule or a tape ; in all other cases the calliper is used, or sometimes the tree compasSr a. The Calliper or Diameter Gauge. It consists of a graduated rule and two arms. Of the latter, one is fixed at one end at right angles to the rule, so that its inner plane lies in the starting point of the graduated scale ; the other arm moves along the rule, parallel to the fixed arm. In using the calliper, the tree is brought between the two arms until it touches the rule, then the fixed arm is pressed against the tree on one side and the movable arm shifted until it touches the tree on the other side. The diameter can then be read off on the rule (see Fig. 1 on next page). The length of the rule and of the arms depends on the size of the trees to be measured ; each arm should be at least half the length of the rule. Callipers exceeding 4 feet in length are 8 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. rarely used. The rule is divided into units, which depend on the desired degree of accuracy. Ordinarily they will be inches or two inches ; in some cases half inches, and for very accurate measurements decimals of inches. Where large numbers of trees are to be measured, it is desirable to round off the limits of each unit ; for instance, if Vertical Section of Movable Arm. Fig. 1.— Friedrich's Calliper. the rule is divided into intervals of inches, the first division line is placed at J inch from zero, the second at 1 J, the third at 2|, and so on (Fig. 2). In this way all trees measuring from J to 1J inches are recorded as having a diameter of 1 inch, those from 1J to 2J inches as 2 inches, and so on. A good calliper must fulfil the following conditions :— (1) It must be sufficiently light so as not to fatigue the labourer, and yet sufficiently strong to resist the wear and tear which it is likely to be subjected to. (2) The two arms must be at right angles to the rule, or at least parallel to each other, when pressed on to the tree. MEASUREMENT OF THE DIAMETER, (3) The movable arm must move with sufficient ease along the rule. Callipers of iron would be too heavy and too cold in winter, hence they are made of wood. As wood alters with the degree of humidity, the movable arm is liable to jam at one o e CD © 0 Fig. 2. time, or to move too easily at others. To avoid this drawback, various constructions have been adopted, resulting in a number of callipers, of which the following two deserve to be specially mentioned : — Gustav Heyers Calliper. — The distinguishing feature of this instrument is that the rule is given, in section, the shape of a trapezium, and that it is pressed up or down in the movable arm by means of a wedge, so as to counteract the swelling or shrinking of the wood. In Fig. 3, a represents the cross section of the rule, b the wedge, and c the section of the mov- able arm. The wedge is fastened to a screw, which can be moved by a key at d. On moving the wedge from left to right, it presses the rule upwards and thus tightens it ; on moving the 10 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. wedge from right to left, it releases the rule, and enables it to move more freely. To force the rule to follow the backward movement of the wedge, a spring is fastened at e, which pushes it from right to left, so that it always must be in touch with the wedge. Friedrich's Calliper. — In this instrument the section of the rule has the shape of a rectangle, while the opening of the mov- able arm is larger than the section of the rule, and placed slanting towards it. At the same time it is so shaped, that, on being pressed against the tree, it assumes a position which is at right angles to the rule (Fig. 1). In this position the arm rests on the two points, a (below) and b (above). As these points are liable to wear awa}r, thus causing Fig. 3.— Heyer's Calliper. the arm to assume a position which is no longer at right angles to the rule, Bohmerle has added a spring at b, which can be moved by a screw, until the true position of the arm is established. b. Accuracy of Measurements icith the Calliper. To insure the greatest possible accuracy, the following precautions must be taken : — (1) Moss, creepers, etc., found on the tree must be removed before measurement. (2) In the case of an abnormal swelling or indenture, the measurement must be taken above or below it, or both, and the average taken. MEASUREMENT OF THE DIAMETER. 11 (3) In the case of excentric or elliptic trees, two diameters at right angles to each other must be measured and the mean taken. (4) The height fixed for the measurement must be strictly adhered to. (5) In the case of trees which are divided into two or more limbs below the fixed height of measure- ment, each limb must be measured and recorded as a separate tree. (6) The calliper must be placed at right angles to the axis of the tree, and the rule must touch the tree. (7) The reading must be taken while the calliper rests on the tree, and not after it has been with- drawn. Fig. 4.— The Tree Compass. c. The Tree Compass. The shape of this instrument will be understood on reference to Fig. 4. The diameter of the tree or log is taken by the two points c and d, while it can be read off at li on the arc/, g. In order to produce sufficient stiffness in the arms of the compass, they have to be made of metal, which makes the instrument very heavy and unsuited for continued use. d. Dendrometers. In some cases certain dendrometers are used to measure the diameter of trees at some height from the ground. The theory is this : — The angle which is formed by two rays running to the two sides of the tree is measured, as well as the distance of the eye 12 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. of the observer from the tree. From these data the diameter is calculated. Instead of the angle, the distance a b between the two lines of sight can be measured, in which case the diameter is obtained in the following way (Fig. 5) :— and A B = G- -4 x a 6. Oa If, therefore, the instrument gives a b and Ca, and the dis tance C A has been measured, the diameter can be calculated. Fig. 5. So far, instruments of this class have not obtained a footing in practice, because those at present available do not work with sufficient accuracy and C A is difficult to ascertain. 3. Instruments for the Measurement of the Diameter Increment. The diameter increment of prepared sections is measured with an ordinary rule, or with a pair of compasses and a rule. Such rules are made of metal or wood, and are sufficiently sub-divided. MEASUREMENT OF THE DIAMETER INCREMENT. 13 If no section is available, as in the case of standing trees, the measurements are made with Pressler's Increment Borer (Fig. 6). This instrument extracts a cylinder of wood from the stem, and it consists of the following parts : — (a) A hollow borer, A, which is slightly conical from the handle towards the point. ( b) A handle, B, which is hollow and serves to receive the Fig. 6. — Pressler's Increment Borer. borer, wedge and cradle, when the instrument is not in use (see E in figure). (c) A wedge, C, which has a scale marked on one side wherewith to measure the breadth of the concentric rings, and is roughly toothed on the other side to assist in extracting the cylinder of wood. (d) A cradle, D, into which the cylinder of wood is placed, after extraction, to prevent its breaking. The borer is used in the following way : — It is screwed in a radial direction into the tree, at right angles to its axis, to the desired depth, whereby a C}7lindrical column of wood enters the hollow borer, which is severed from the tree except at its base ; then the wedge is inserted between 14 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. the column of wood and the inner wall of the borer, with its toothed side towards the former, and firmly pressed in. This prevents the cylinder from turning round inside the borer during the following operation. The borer is now screwed backward one or two turns, whereby the cylinder of wood is severed at its base from the tree. The borer is now screwed further in, which causes the severed cylinder of wood to be pushed back, until it can easily be withdrawn and placed into the cradle. In this way a column of wood is obtained of about *2 inches diameter and from 2 to 6 inches long accord- ing to the length of the borer. The breadth of the con- centric rings is then measured. If the rings are not distinct, a smooth surface may be prepared with a sharp knife. 4. Instruments for the Measurement of the Length of Felled Trees and Logs. The length of felled trees and logs is measured with the tape or measuring staff. The former has already been described. The staff varies in length up to about 15 feet ; it should be made of hard, straight-grained, well-seasoned wood, and well varnished to protect it against moisture. The ends may usefully be capped with metal plates. 5. Instruments for the Measurement of the Height of Standing Trees. The instruments which have been designed for measuring the height of standing trees are very numerous, but they are all based upon one of two principles : either they determine the height by means of similar triangles (geometrical height measuring), or they serve to measure the angles of elevation and depression (trigonometrical height measuring). HEIGHT MEASURING. 15 a. Geometrical Height Measuring. If a horizontal plane is drawn from the eye of the observer to a tree, it will hit the same, according to the position of the observer, either between the top and the foot of the tree, thus dividing it into two parts, one of which is situated above, and the other below the horizontal plane ; or above the top ; or below the foot. If the observer holds a plumb-line at some distance from his eye, it may be considered parallel to the axis of the tree ; hence by looking at the top and foot of the tree o ,' Fig. 7. similar triangles are formed, which are used for the determina- tion of the height of the tree. Let A B (Fig. 7) be the height of the tree. D B SL ray from the eye of the observer to the top of the tree. D A, ditto to the foot of the tree. D C a horizontal line. a, b, and c the points where the three rays hit the plumb- line. Then the height is determined as follows : The horizontal line hits the tree between the top and foot. Here the following equation holds good : — B C :bc = D C : D c (1) 16 and Again, and Hence, INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. be x D G A G :ac = D C : DC A r _ ac x D G ~D~e BC+AC=AB= height of tree = ft <* + _a c) x 7? 0 Fig. 8. (2) The horizontal plane passes below the foot of the tree. In that case (Fig. 8) :— DC (3) The horizontal plane passes above the top of the tree (Fig. 9). Then :— H = AC-BC = ia In each of the above three cases two measurements are HEIGHT MEASURING. 17 required, unless the foot of the tree happens to be at the same level with the eye of the observer. The horizontal distance D C must be measured, and a c, b c and D c are read off upon the instrument in the same units in which D C has been measured. The measurement of D C can be avoided in the following manner (Fig. 10 on next page) : — A staff M N, of a known length = I, is placed alongside the tree, so that both its ends can be seen. In this way the plumb line gives two further points, m and n, and the similar triangles D C M and D c m, as well as D C N and D c n, so that the following equations hold good : — D G :Dc = A B :ab and D G :D c = MN : mn ; hence, and A B :a I = M N :mn = H = a - x M~N = ab x l m n mn 18 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. This equation can easily be modified for the cases when the horizontal plane lies above the top or below the foot of the tree. The indirect determination of the distance by means of a staff is less accurate than measuring it on the ground, as it is difficult to read off in n with sufficient accuracy, owing to its smallness and the necessarily primitive arrangement of the height measuring instruments. •"*-- - c. . ** Fig. 10. If the length of a b = h can be read off at once, the business becomes more simple, and may be expressed as follows : — If two parallel objects are cut by diverging rays, then the portions of the parallel objects tying between the said rays are proportionate to the lengths of the rays. Let D A = L (Fig. 11) be the length of ray from the eye of the observer to the foot of the tree, Da — I that from the eye to the plumb line, A B = H the height of the tree, and a b = h the length of the plumb line between two rays going from the eye of the observer to the top and foot of the tree, then, I :L = h :H and x h. HEIGHT MEASURING. 19 In this case L may be measured along the surface of the soil, whether it be level or slanting, while I and h are read off on the instrument. The number of hypsometers based upon the above theories is very large ; some being used with stands, others without. Only the latter are really useful for forest operations. Most in use are those by Faustman, Weise, and Christen. Others are those by Hossfeld, Winkler, Bose, and Klaussner. A very simple instrument is the measuring board by Konig. .1* Fig. 11. Measurements made with the above mentioned hypsometers are liable to yield inaccurate results, owing to the following causes : — (1) Inaccurate reading owing to the unsteadiness of the plumb line in windy weather, or in consequence of a shaky hand. (2) Inaccurate measurement of the base line. (3) Slanting position of the tree. Other things being equal, the most accurate results are ob- tained if the distance of the observer from the tree equals the height of the tree. c 2 20 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. The inaccuracy of the better hypsometers does not exceed 2 per cent, of the height of the tree. b. Trigonometrical Height Measuring. This is based upon the measurement of the angles of eleva- tion and depression indicated by rays running from the eye 4, Fig. 12. of the observer to the top and foot of the tree. In A B C D (Fig. 12) :- E G = D C x tan. b and in A D C A, hence, A G = D G x tan. a C = H = DC (tan. a + tan. b). If the horizontal line of vision passes below the foot of the tree, the above formula becomes : — H = D 0 (tan. b - tan. a). If it passes above the tree, H = D G (tan. a - tan. b). Ill each of these cases, the measuring of the horizontal line D C can be avoided by placing a staff of known length along- side the tree. In that case (Fig. 13) : and hence, HEIGHT MEASURING. 21 M C = D C x tan. m ; N G = D C x tan. n M N = I = D C (tan. m + tan. n} DC = tan. m + tan. n By introducing this value into the former equation, the height is obtained as : — TT _ I x (tan. a + tan. 6) tan. m + tan. n N Fig. 13. All instruments which measure vertical angles are suited for trigonometrical height measuring. For practical purposes it is desirable that the instrument should not require a stand, and that, besides the angles, the corresponding tangents should be marked on it. c. Description of some of the more useful Instruments. Weises Instrument. — It consists of (1) a tube (T) with an objective in the shape of a cross at one end (0) and an eye- 22 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. piece (E) at the other. (2) A scale fastened longitudinally to the tube (called the height scale, H, Fig. 14) ; it is toothed on one side, and has the zero point some distance from its end. (8) A second scale, D, moving at the zero point of the height scale and at right angles to it (called the distance scale). From the upper or zero point of this scale depends a plumb line P. OP Fig. 14. — Weise's Hypsometer. When not used, the distance scale and plumb line are kept in the tube. * In using the instrument, a position is chosen from which both the top and foot of the tree can be seen ; then the hori- zontal distance from the point of observation to the tree is measured, and the distance scale drawn out until it indicates at the zero point of the height scale the number of units in the distance ; then the tube is raised and directed towards the top of the tree, taking care that the up and down line of the objective keeps a vertical position. As soon as the horizontal line of the cross covers the top of the tree, the tube is gently turned from left to right, thereby causing the plumb line, which hitherto swung free, to be caught by the toothed edge of the height scale. The instrument is then taken down and the number of units, from the zero point to the point where the plumb line was arrested, read off. This number gives the WEISE S HYPSOMETER. 23 number of feet (or yards as the case may be) from the hori- zontal of the eye of the observer to the top of the tree. To this must be added (or deducted) the difference in height between the eye of the observer and the foot of the tree, which is obtained in the same way, by directing the tube towards the foot of the tree, reading the height on the prolongation of the scale towards 0. The theory of the instrument rests upon the similarity of Fig. 15. the triangles with the sides R H D and r h d; that is to say, the following equation holds good :— d : h = D : H and If therefore the units of the scales, which give h and d, are of the same size, and d is so fixed that its units are the same number as the units of the measured distance D, it follows that the above formula gives the height. Christens Instrument. — [t consists of a piece of metal (see Fig. 16) with protruding upper and lower edges (see a and I). The instrument is based upon the theory explained on page 17, which avoids the measurement of a base line. A staff of known length = I, say 4 yards, is placed alongside the foot of the tree. The instrument is then held in a vertical position INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. at some distance from the observer, and moved backward and forward until the top of the tree is seen along the upper edge a, and the foot along the lower edge b ; then the point is marked 5 - 2O_; 25 Fig. 16. — Christen's Hypsometer. on the instrument, where a ray from the eye to the top of the staff hits the instrument at c. In this way similar triangles are formed, in which the following equation holds good :— or A B If now a values for A = 12 inches, and Z = 4 3rards, and successive = height of tree, are introduced, corresponding BRANDIS* HYPSOMETEK AND CLINOMETER. 25 values of b c are obtained and can be marked on the instru- ment. In this way the heights can be read off straight on the instrument. For convenience sake the marks on the instrument are cuts, so that the top of the staff may be more easily seen. The instrument has the disadvantage that the marks are very close one to another for heights over 30 yards. This might be obviated to some extent by lengthening the instru- ment and making it with a clasp in the middle, so that it could be folded together when out of use. Fig. 17. — Brandis' Hypsometer and Clinometer. (The front lid removed, so as to show the wheel.) It is evident that, instead of using a staff 4 yards long, one of, say, 2 yards can be used. In that case the height read off on the instrument must be divided by 2.s The instrument works well up to 25, or at the outside up to heights of 30 yards ; for higher trees it cannot be recommended in its present shape. Brandis' Instrument* (Fig. 17). — This instrument is based on the trigonometrical method of height measuring. It con- sists of a tube with an objective o at one end and an eye-piece, e, in the shape of a horizontal slit, at the other. Attached to this tube is a wheel, which is weighted on one side and swings between two pivots, so that it always maintains the * To be obtained from Herr Max Wolz, Mechaniker, Bonn, Germany. 26 INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. same position when at rest. Oscillations can be arrested by a stop (see at * in figure). That point of the wheel which corresponds with the horizontal line of vision is marked as zero, and from this point the wheel is graduated to 60° up and down. A lens is fastened alongside the eye-piece, to facilitate the reading of the angle on the wheel. By directing the tube to any point the angle can be easily read off on the wheel, which preserves the same position while the instrument is being raised or lowered. The wheel is placed in a firm metal case. In using the instrument, any convenient position, where the top and foot of the tree can be seen, is chosen, the angles to the top and foot of the tree read off, and the distance from the eye of the observer to the foot of the tree measured. The height is then found by the formula (see Fig. 18) :— jj- _ DA x sin (u + I) cos. u For convenience sake a little table accompanies the instru- ment, in which the heights corresponding to various distances and upper plus lower angles are given. In order to reduce this table as much as possible, it gives only upper angles from 40° to 50° in intervals of 2°, and lower angles from 0° to 25° in intervals of 5°. This necessitates placing a staff, on which DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME. 27 feet are marked by alternate colours, alongside the tree, so as to read off the distance between the lower ray of the lower angle and the foot of the tree, a distance which has to be added to the height taken from the table. The instrument is at the same time an admirable clinometer, with which the angles of slopes can be measured and roads laid out. The author has used the instrument extensively both for Fig. 20. Fig. 19. the measurement of the height of trees, and for the laying out of forest roads ; he has arrived at the conclusion that it is decidedly the most useful of similar instruments which are known to him. The instrument works accurately, and much quicker than the reader would imagine ; besides, its strong construction renders it admirably adapted for forest work. 6. Instruments for the Direct Measurement of the Volume. For this purpose the xylometer, either alone or in combina- tion with a scale, is used. The method is based upon the fact that a submerged body displaces a volume of water equal to the volume of the body, and the instrument used is called a xylometer. It consists of a graduated vessel, Fig. 19, in INSTRUMENTS USED IN MENSURATION. which the wood is submerged. Before and after immersion the position of the water is noted, and the difference gives directly the volume. The method is employed for the measure- ment of irregular pieces, such as root wood and fagots. To obviate the necessity of submerging large quantities of wood, the whole is first weighed, and only a fraction immersed. Let the weight of the whole be = W, that of the immersed portion = w, the volume of the former = F, of the latter v, then : — W : w = V : v and V = v- x W. w Instead of having a graduated vessel, the latter ma}T be filled up to an opening, then the wood is immersed, the outflowing water caught in a separate vessel and measured (Fig. 20). CHAPTER II. MEASUREMENT OF FELLED TREES. THE methods of measuring the various dimensions of felled trees have been explained in Chapter I. In this place the measurement of the volume will be dealt with. Each tree consists of a stem or trunk, branches and roots. These have peculiar shapes of their own, which differ con- siderably ; hence they must be considered separately. 1. Volume of the Stem. If the stem, or trunk, of a tree had a regular or distinct shape, its volume could be calculated direct by means of a formula corresponding to that particular shape. As a matter of fact the stem shows different shapes in different parts of the tree. Again, the shape of trees differs widely according to species, the ages of the trees, and the conditions under which they have grown up, whether in the open or in a crowded wood. At the same time, trees of the same species and age, which have grown under the same conditions, generally show shapes which are nearly identical Moreover, experience has shown that each part of the stem shows approximately a constant form. Fig. 21. Thus the uppermost part, a, of an undivided stem has generally the shape of a cone, the lowest part, c, that of a truncated semicubical paraboloid, while the 30 MEASUREMENT OF FELLED TREES. bulk between these extremes approaches in shape a truncated Apollonian paraboloid or a cylinder. If h = the height, or length, S = the lower section, s = the upper section, and *,„= the middle section (Fig. 22), the volume of each of the above-mentioned truncated solids is, according to Simpson's rule : — 6 This formula reduces : — For the cylinder to V = S x h For the cone to V = S-^JL 3 And for the Ap. paraboloid to V = 'S + s x A or =Sm x h. By means of these formulas it would be possible to calculate the volume of each part of the stem, provided its particular shape had first been ascertained. This, however, would be a tedious business, and it is necessary to search for a more simple procedure. It has been found that by far the greater portion of the stem approaches in shape that of a paraboloid, and that, if the stem is divided into a number of sections of moderate length, each can, without com- mitting any appreciable error, be considered as a truncated paraboloid, the volume of which is — Or, V=smxh. Of these two formulae the latter is the more convenient, and experience has shown that it is even more accurate than the former. VOLUME OF THE STEM. 31 According to this method the volume of the whole stem is obtained by means of the following formula (see Fig. 23) : — Volume of stem = sl l^+s^h^+Ss h.3+. . ., where slt s2, ss . . . are the sectional areas taken in the middle of successive paraboloids, and hl9 h2) hs . . . the corresponding heights or lengths. If the pieces are made of equal length, the above formula changes into the following : — Volume of stem = (s14-S2+s3 + « • •) '&• This formula is used in all scientific investigations, and the I*,, jfc^..- *»*.:. *2 -->;.,- Fig. 23. degree of accuracy with which it works depends on the length of the pieces. For the purposes of determining the yield of woods, and for the sale of logs, the formula is further simplified by con- sidering each log as one paraboloid, in other words, the volume is calculated from the middle section of the log, multiplied by its length, according to the formula V=SmxH, where Sm represents the sectional area in the middle and H the total length of the log. Experience has shown this formula to give sufficiently accurate results for all practical purposes. The sectional area is obtained either by measuring the girth or the diameter. If g = girth, and d = diameter, the section is : — 32 MEASUREMENT OF FELLED TREES. 01' ' 4 " and V='Q79QxcfxH, or V='7S5xd*xH. In practical work the sectional areas are taken from specially prepared tables ; there are also tables which give directly the volume of logs according to their mean girth and length, or their mean diameter and length. (See App. D. pp. 390 to 393.) All these calculations are made on the assumption that the section represents a circle. This is, however, rarely the case. As a rule the degree of divergence from the circular shape depends on : — (1) Part of the stem ; the lowest and uppermost parts differ most. (2) Age of tree ; }roung trees are more regularly shaped than old trees. (3) Species. (4) Conditions under which the tree has grown up ; in crowded woods the shape is more regular than in the case of trees grown in the open; exposure to strong winds, slanting position, and the nature of the soil also affect the shape. Generally, the sections of trees approach the shape of an ellipse, the great axis of which lies, in the same locality, as a rule in a constant direction. Where trees are much exposed to wind, the great axis lies generally in the direction of the prevailing wind ; in Western Europe, therefore, from west to east or from south-west to north-east. The inaccuracy caused by measuring the girth and calcu- lating therefrom the sectional area has been found to amount to about 7 per cent, on an average ; where only one diameter is measured the error may be the same or even more ; where two diameters at right angles are measured and the mean taken, the error generally does not exceed 2 per cent, of the true value. VOLUME OF BRANCH AND ROOT WOOD. 33 In Britain and in India, the sectional area in the middle is calculated by the method of the quarter girth, that is to say, by the formula — In comparing this with the real sectional area = '0796 X, s3 . . . ,, basal area ,, ,, „ ,, Jin h.2, h3 . . . ,, heights „ „ ,, ,, •/i,/2>/3 ... » form factors „ and s, h, f the basal area, height and form factor of the mean tree of all classes thrown together. VOL. III. E 50 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. then the following equation holds good : — V= Wj x »j x 7^ x/!+ w2 x s, x 7i2 x/2+ . . . = (7*1 + ^2+ • • •) X 8 X /I X/. If it is now assumed that li± X /i = 7i-2 X /a = 7ts X /3 = h X /then the above equation becomes : and . ~N where S = basal area of all trees of the group, and N = total number of trees ,, ,, In other words, the basal area of the average tree is equal to the arithmetical mean of the basal area of all trees contained in the group. The volume of the group is then : V=vxN, where v represents the volume of the arithmetical mean sample tree, with a basal area = s. If no tree can be found with the basal area s, another as near as possible to it is chosen of a section s', and the volume of the group is obtained by the formula : since s X N = S = the basal area of all trees in the group. If several approximately mean sample trees are taken, the formula changes into the following : — ( V + vf V" + -.)xS The above method rests on the assumption that hlfl = fci/i -&«/«=...= hf. This, however, is not absolutely correct, though it holds good approximately in all regularly-grown woods. It follows that the degree of accuracy decreases with the increase in the number of classes which are clubbed together into one group, the least MODIFICATIONS OF GENERAL METHOD. 51 accuracy being obtained by joining all classes into one group. In this latter case the method is known as " the method of the arithmetical mean sample tree." Example. — In order to illustrate this and the methods to be described hereafter, one acre of Scotch pine wood, 70 years old, was measured, and twenty-three sample trees of various diameters felled and measured. Only timber down to 3" diameter at the small end has been included in the account. The wood is situated in the Cooper's Hill School forest at Caesar's Camp, on gravelly sand, with a fair layer of humus, showing a quality between III. and IV. according to Weise's yield tables. The statement on pp. 52 and 53 illustrates the procedure which has just been described. 2. Modifications of the Method. It has been shown above that the volume of a wood is repre- sented by the formula : — F=F1+F8+F,+ . . . = v1x rr o o It is obvious that, as long as the fractions — ^ -, — , differ, the volumes of the sample trees in the several classes must be measured separately. In order to avoid this incon- venience, it has been proposed to fix the number of sample trees in each class so, that >Si Of> OQ - = —=-- = . . . = a constant = c, sl s.2 ss when the above formula reduces to : — V=(v1 + v2 + v3 + . . .)xc. By following this method it is not necessary to keep the sample trees separate ; they can be thrown together and measured in one lot. This is a great convenience, which saves also much time. The volume of all sample trees multiplied by the constant c gives the volume of the wood. In this way a modification of the general method has been elaborated, which is known by the name of Draudt's method. E 2 52 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. a. DraudVs Method. Draudt selects in each class the same percentage of sample trees, thus ensuring that— Sl S2 S8 Let be If p per cent, of the trees in each class are taken as sample CALCULATION OF VOLUME BY INCH CLASSES, FOUR GROUPS, AN! FOR ONE ACRE OF SCOTCH Mameter in Inches. Number of Trees. Basal Area in Square Feet. METHOD OF INCH CLASSES. METHOD o Diameter of real Sample- Tree. Basal Area of Sample- Tree. Volume of Sample- Tree in Cubic Feet. Volume of Class in Cubic Feet. Number of Group. Number of Trees in Group. Basal Area of Group. Mean Sample Tree. Basal Area. Diamete 4 4 •349 4-0 •087 1-80 '7 5 6 12 26 1-637 5-105 5-25 6-4 •150 •223 3-27 4-41 36 101 1 83 18-048 •218 6-3 7 41 10-957 7-5 •307 6-92 247 ) 8 42 14-661 8-5 •394 7-26 270 9 51 22-532 9-25 •467 12-13 585 II. 144 65-010 •451 9-1 10 51 27-817 9-6 •503 11-63 643 11 34 22-439 11-0 •660 16-19 550 \ 12 16 12-566 12-1 •799 20-41 321 r 59 43-301 •734 11-6 13 9 8-296 13-1 •936 25-93 230 ) 14 6 6-414 13-6 1-009 21-87 139 15 lf> 5 8 6-136 4-189 15-0 16-4 1-227 1-467 28-40 38-53 142 110 . IV. 16 19-892 1-243 15-1 17 2 3-153 17-tf 1-576 39-50 79 Total.. 302 146-261 3460 DEAUDT S METHOD. 53 trees, the proportion of these to the total number of trees is 79 = ~- = -op. By multiplying each term in the above equation by this coefficient, the following equation is ob- tained : — Vx 'op = vl X H! X ' 'op+vs xn3X'op + . Here, vlxnlX'op represents the volume of the sample trees in the first class, v2Xn2X 'op that of second class, &c. If the THE ARITHMETICAL MEAN SAMPLE TREE OP THE WHOLE WOOD IINE WOOD, 70 YEARS OLD. FOUR GROUPS. METHOD OF ARITHMETICAL MEAN SAMPLE-TREE. TIEAL SAMPLE TREES. Volume of Group. Number of Trees. Basal Area of all Trees. Mean Sample Tree of Wood. HEAL SAMPLE TREES. Volume of Wood. Diameter Basal Area. Volume. Basal Area. Diameter Diameter Basal Area. Volume. 6-4 6-5 Total 9-25 9-40 Total 11-5 11-6 Total 15-0 15-0 Total •223 •230 4-41 4-52 356 1571 1089 455 \ ' 302 146-251 •484 9-4 9-25 9-40 9-60 Total •467 •482 •503 12-13 10-81 11-63 3482 •453 8-93 •467 •482 12-13 10-81 •949 22-94 •721 •734 17-43 19-17 36-60 1-452 34-57 1-455 1-227 1-227 27-79 28-40 2-454 56-19 Total... 3471 / V 34-57x146-251 Q1 32 cubic feet. 1-452 54 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. volume of all the sample trees, v x X n l x 'op + r 2 x n ., x 'op + . = vt then V X *op = v and x It happens generally that the number of sample trees in each class contains a fraction of one. Such fractions are eliminated by considering *51 as a full sample tree, and by neglecting '50 and under, taking care that the total number of sample trees is as nearly as possible correct. The result of this operation is, that the original proposition is no longer absolutely main- tained ; in other words, the volume of the actual sample trees does no longer represent the true value -=75^* To avoid this 1U(J inaccuracy, Draudt introduces the basal area of the whole wood =$, and of the sample trees =s, by saying: — s : S = v : V, and V=vxS. s This formula is used to calculate not only the whole volume, but also that of timber and firewood separately. The advantages of Draudt's method are : — (1) That the sample trees can all be worked up together; and (2) That it yields a high degree of accuracy. Its drawbacks are : — (1) That in rounding off the number of sample trees in each class, inaccuracies are likely to be introduced ; and (2) That frequently no sample trees at all are taken from classes which contain only a small number of trees. The larger the wood, that is to say, the greater the number of trees in the several classes, the more accurately the method works. Example. — The following example will further explain the URICH S METHOD. 55 method. The data are the same as those used in the previous example, but they have been multiplied by ten all round, in order to obtain a larger number of trees. CALCULATION OF VOLUME ACCOEDING TO DEAUDT'S METHOD. Area = 10 Acres. Diameter No. of Trees. Basal Area. Percentage -1% Multiplied by Number of Trees. SAMPLE TREES. Volume of Wood. Number Bounded Off. Basal Area should be Basal Area really is Volume. 4 5 40 120 3-49 16-37 •40 1-20 1 •136 •150 6 260 51-05 2-60 3 •588 •669 7 410 109-57 4-10 4 1-068 1-228 8 420 146-61 4-20 4 1-396 1-576 9 510 225-32 5-10 5 2-210 2-335 10 510 278-17 5-10 5 2-725 2-515 It 340 224-39 3-40 3 1-980 1-980 12 160 125-66 1-60 2 1-570 1-598 13 90 82-96 •90 1 •922 •936 14 60 64-14 •60 1 1-069 1-009 15 50 61-36 •50 1 1-227 1-227 16 30 41-89 •30 17 20 31-53 .•20 3020 1462-51 30-20 30 14-891 15-223 357-60 34357 ,, 357-60 V — — ] x 1462-51 0,Q-r — o4o;/ Per Acre = 3436 L5-223 I. UricVs Method. In order to avoid the slight inaccuracy caused by rounding off fractions of sample trees, Urich proposes to arrange the trees in such groups, that each sample tree represents the same number of trees. For this purpose he arranges the trees in groups, so that each contains the same number of trees ; he then calculates the arithmetical mean sample tree for each group. For the rest he proceeds on the same lines as Draudt, so that he obtains the volume of the whole wood by the same formula, namely :• — 56 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. Urick's method is thus a combination of Draudt's method with that of the arithmetical mean sample tree for each group. The degree of accuracy depends on the number of groups which are formed, and on the number of sample trees measured in each. Too large a number of groups is however inconvenient, as it involves repeated separation of the original diameter classes. CALCULATION OF VOLUME, GROUPS. Diameter. Number of Number of Trees. Basal Area. Trees. No. Diameter. i Detailed. Total. Detailed. Total. 4 40 4 40 3-49 5 120 5 120 16-37 I. - 6 260 1 6 260 51-05 7 410 ( 7 335 755 89-53 160-44 / 7 75 20-04 8 420 II. 1 8 420 146-61 9 510 I 9 260 755 114-87 281-52 9 250 110-45 10 510 III. 10 505 755 275-44 385-89 / 10 5 2-73 11 340 11 340 224-39 12 160 12 160 125-66 13 90 13 90 82-96 IV. | 14 60 14 60 64-14 15 50 15 50 61-36 16 30 16 30 41-89 17 20 17 20 I.". 31-53 634-66 3020 3020 1462-51 URICH S METHOD. 57 The method has the disadvantage that the basal areas must be calculated before the sample trees can be selected. Urich proposes to avoid this by estimating the sizes of the sample trees in the several groups, a procedure which may lead to inaccuracies. Example. — ACCORDING TO URICH'S METHOD. MEAN SAMPLE TREE. HEAL SAMPLE TREES. Volume of Wood, Cubic feet. Basal Area. Diameter. Number. Diameter. Basal Area. Volume. Cubic feet. Detailed. Total. 1 6-4 •223 t •213 6-25 2 6-5 •230 •453 3 7-5 •307 •373 8-25 4 8-5 •394 •701 5 9-4 •482 •511 9-7 6 9-6 •503 •985 7 12-1 •799 •841 12-4 8 12-1 •799 1-598 Total... 3-737 88-36 34581 Per Acre = 3458 v_ 88-36 x 1462-51 „ , _fi1 -- -34581' 58 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. c. Robert Hartufs Method. In Draudt's and Urich's methods each sample tree repre- sents the same number of trees. As the volume increases rapidly with the diameter, it follows that a sample tree in a class or group of small diameter represents a much smaller volume than one in a class or group with a large diameter. For this reason Eobert Hartig argues that the number of MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME ACCORDING GROUPS. Diameter Number of Trees. Basal Area. Vrk DicUii6tcr Number of Trees. Basal Area. JMO. Detailed. Total. Detailed. Total. 4 40 3-49 / 4 40 3-49 5 120 16-37 5 120 16-37 6 260 51-05 6 260 51-05 L 1337 365-53 7 410 109-57 7 410 109-57 8 420 146-61 8 420 146-61 9 510 225-32 9 87 38-44 ' ( 9 423 186-88 10 510 278-17 II.} 751 M.V7K 1 10 328 178-90 / 10 182 99-27 11 340 224-39 III.J 11 340 575 224-39 365-29 12 160 125-66 ) I 12 53 41-63 12 107 84-03 13 00 82-96 13 90 82-96 14 60 64-14 14 60 64-14 IV. , 357 ') 365-91 15 50 61-36 15 50 61-36 I 16 30 41-89 16 30 41-89 17 20 31-63 1 17 20 / 31-53 Total.. 3020 1462-51 3020 1462-51 EGBERT HARTIG S METHOD. 59 sample trees in each class or group should be proportionate to the volume which it contains, and not to the number of trees. As the volume is fairly proportionate to the basal area, Eobert Hartig forms groups which contain equal basal areas. He divides the total basal area of the wood by the number of groups which he proposes to form ; this gives the basal area to be allotted to each group. After having placed in each a sufficient number of trees to give that basal area, he calculates TO ROBERT HARTIG'S METHOD. » MEAN SAMPLE TREES. REAL SAMPLE TREES. Volume of Groups and of Whole Wood. Remarks. Basal Area. Diameter No. Diameter Basal Area. Volume. Detailed. Total. •273 7-1 2 7'5 7-5 •307 •307 •614 13-54 8061 8334 8638 8992 13-54 x 365-53 •614 8061 cubic feet. Per Acre = 3402 cubic feet. •487 9-4 4 9-4 9-6 •482 •503 •985 22-44 •635 10-8 5 6 10-7 10-7 •624 •624 1-248 29-51 1-025 13-7 7 8 13-1 13-6 •936 1-009 1-945 47-80 Total... 34025 60 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. the mean sample tree for each group, and selects an equal number of these for each. The formula for K. Hartig's method is as follows : — Sf Sf S' As — , -?, — ?, . . . are not equal the one to the other, Oi Ss> So it follows that the sample trees must be measured and the volume of each group calculated separately. By adding together the volumes of the groups the volume of the whole wood is obtained. This makes the method more laborious than those of Draudt and Urich. For example, see pp. 58 and 59. 3. Comparative Accuracy of the several Methods. Guided by investigations made by various authors, it may be said that in the majority of cases the difference between the calculation made according to any one of the above-mentioned methods and the results of actual fellings keeps within 2 per cent., that the maximum error in the case of the method of the arithmetical mean sample tree may be placed at 10 per cent., and in the case of all the other methods at 5 per cent. If the results obtained in the examples used above are put together, the following data are obtained : — •\r 4.1. i r • i. T Volume Difference Method of inch classes : in c\ in %. Each inch class being calculated separately . = 3460 ... 0 All sample trees being thrown together . . = 3554 ... +27 Method of four groups : Each group being calculated separately . . = 3471 . . . + '3 All sample trees being thrown together . . = 3433 ... - -8 Method of arithmetical mean sample tree . . . = 3482 . . . + '6 Draudt's method = 3436 ... - 7 Urich's method = 3458 ... - -06 Hartig's method : Each group being calculated separately . . = 3402 ... - 17 All sample trees being thrown together . . = 3457 ... - -09 METHOD OF FORM FACTORS. 61 It will be seen that for the methods as described above the greatest difference amounts to 1/7 per cent. Even if, in the case of ordinary inch classes, all sample trees are thrown together, the difference amounts only to 2*7 per cent. Under these circumstances it appears that any of the methods meets the requirements of measurements for the preparation of working plans, and that much more depends on the care bestowed upon the operation than on the particular method followed. If the actual fellings show greater differences than the calculations justify, they are frequently due to extraneous causes, such as the felling of the trees at some distance above the ground, careless working up of the material, inaccurate measurement of the fall, theft of material, etc. In all cases where special accuracy is required, as for instance for scientific investigation or for the determination of the sale value of woods, the classes or groups should be small and the number of sample trees large. In this way greater accuracy is likely to be obtained than by making a distinction between the different methods which have been described. This conclusion appears justified by the facts that in regularly- grown woods the basal area is a most powerful factor, and that the height is to a sufficient extent a function of the diameter or girth. 4. Determination of Volume by means of Form Factors and Volume Tables. Instead of felling and measuring sample trees, their volume can be ascertained by means of form factors or taken from volume tables. This applies to all the methods given above. In all these cases the volume is ascertained according to the general formula : — V=SxHxF. How the basal areas of the trees of a class or a wood are obtained has already been explained. The mean height of a 62 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. number of trees, or of a whole wood, is ascertained in the following way : — hence ISXF. If it is assumed that the form factors are the same throughout, the above formula reduces to the following : — CALCULATION OF VOLUME BY ACCORDING Diameter Number of Trees. Basal Area. ascer- tained from 23 Sample Trees. Area Multiplied by Height cxri. By Inch-Classes. By Four Form Factors. Volume. Basal Area. Basal Area Multiplied by Height a b C d K •f g h i 4 4 •349 38 13-26 •43 6 5 12 1-637 40 65-48 •45 29 18-048 77.V2I5 6 2G 5-105 42 214-41 •45 96 7 41 10-957 44. 482-11 •46 222 8 42 14-661 46 674-41 •47 317 9 51 22-532 48 1081-56 •47 508 > 65-010 3146-82 10 51 27-817 50 1390-85 •48 668 / 11 34 22-439 52 1166-83 •48 560 12 16 12-566 54 678-56 •48 326 43-301 2309-97 13 9 8-296 56 464-58 •47 218 14 6 6-414 58 372-01 •47 175 1" 15 5 6-136 60 368-16 •47 173 19-892 1201-68 16 3 4-189 62 259-72 •47 122 17 2 3-153 64 201-79 •47 95 . Total... 3515 METHOD OF FORM FACTORS. 63 yy_ S in words : "the mean height is equal to the total volume of cylinders erected over the spot where the measurement of the diameters is taken, divided by the total basal area." This formula holds good in the case of the several trees of one class, as well as for calculating the mean height of several classes, or of a whole wood. MEANS OF FORM FACTORS. TO KUNZE'S FORM FACTORS. Groups. By One Group. » Mean _ 1 Height-^ fl Form Factors. Volume JiXkxl. Basal Area. Basal Area Multiplied by Height. Mean Height ° n Form Factor. Volume yxpxq. li I mi n 0 2 £ )' 42-95 •45 = 349 48-45 •47 = 1479 ^46-25 7433-73 50-83 •48 = 3568 53-35 •48 = 1109 60-42 •47 = 565 Total 3502 64 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. If a somewhat smaller accuracy suffices, the following method may be followed : — A number of trees are selected which show about an average diameter and height, their heights accurately measured and the mean taken, which represents the mean height of the class, or wood. In some cases the height of the arithmetical mean sample tree is taken as the mean height of the wood. Good results are obtained by ascertaining the mean height by graphic interpolation. In that case the diameters are plotted as abscissa and the heights as ordinates ; an average line is then drawn between the various points which gives the mean heights for successive diameters. It remains to be noted, that the heights obtained by means of these simplified methods are generally a foot or two smaller than that obtained according to the formula : — S. How the form factors of single trees are ascertained has been described above. Similarly form factors for whole woods can be determined according to the formula : — V=SxHxF, i iS x H If volume tables are used, the calculation is made according to the formula : — V=nxsxhxf. Here s x h x f, equal to the volume of the mean tree, is taken direct from the tables. Difference in % com- pared with The example on pp. 62 and 63 shows :— Volume- or(,*h«ry Volume calculated with Kunze's form factors according ' method?8 to inch classes ........ = 3515 + 1-6 Volume calculated with mean height of trees arranged in four groups ........ = 3502 + 1-2 Volume calculated with mean height of whole wood . = 3568 + 31 METHOD OP SEVERAL HEIGHT CLASSES. 65 These data show that form factors for Scotch pine obtained from measurements in Germany are well applicable to woods in England. B. The Height is not a Function of the Diameter. If it is found that in the case of equal diameters the heights differ considerably, then height classes must be formed in addition to diameter classes. In some cases it happens that the different height classes are separated according to area, for instance where a marked change in the quality of the locality occurs,. due to change in the soil or subsoil, aspect, etc. In such cases the wood is divided into as many parts as different height classes appear, and each is treated as a separate wood. If the several height classes are mixed over the whole area, a case which is comparatively rare, as in irregular selection forests, then the diameter and height must be measured in each case. Where only two height classes are adopted, the height may be estimated while the diameter is measured, and the tree placed in the one or the other height class. Each of the latter is then considered as a separate wood, and its volume ascertained according to one of the methods described under A. Cases where more than two height classes, in addition to diameter classes, are called for, are very rare. Generally, the distinction of height classes is a matter of considerable diffi- culty, unless the heights are measured. They are only neces- sary where a very high degree of accuracy is aimed at. The following example will show the manner of booking in the case of two height classes : — VOL. III. 66 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. BEECH. Diameter in Inches. I. Height- Class. II. Height- Class. TOTALS. I. Height- Class. II. Height- Class. Total. 8 tiMW Mini |i TnT II 18 12 30 9 mil || in i Mil TnT TTiTTTtt JILL Jill Mil TnT TTTT MM mm m\\\ 34 18 52 10 MM Mil MM INI TrTT TTTT TTTTTltT tMM! HHII MM MM MM Mil TnTTnT Tttt tttt mm\\\ 47 33 80 11 INI MI; fin MM TnT TnT TnTTnT tittW-Httllll mmmm 39 20 59 12 WIMII nil MM i TnT Tttt 1 17 11 28 Grand Total 155 94 249 SECTION II. — DETERMINATION OF VOLUME BY MEANS OF SAMPLE PLOTS. 1. Definition. Instead of measuring all trees in a wood, a certain part of the area may be selected, the volume on it ascertained, and from it the volume of the whole wood calculated. Such a part is called a sample plot. It may be denned as a portion of a wood which contains an average volume of material per unit of area. Having ascertained the volume of the sample plot, that of the whole wood can be calculated in two ways : either according to area, or according to the number of trees on the sample plot and in the wood. Let A = area of wood, a = area of sample plot, V— volume of wood, v = volume of sample plot, METHOD OF SAMPLE PLOTS. 67 then the following proportion is assumed to exist : — v : V=a: A and Again, if v_vxA N= number of trees in the wood, n = number of trees on the sample plot, then v: V=n:N, and n In the first case it is necessary to ascertain the areas, and in the latter the number of trees in both sample plot and wood. As, however, the counting of all trees gives hardly less trouble than measuring them, it yields only a small saving of labour, and it can only come into consideration when the area of the wood is not known, or cannot readily be ascertained. 2. Selection of Sample Plots. The proportion given above will hold good only if the sample plot represents a fair average of the whole wood, so that it can be considered as a model of it ; in other words, if a measure- ment of the trees on it yields an average basal area of stems per unit of area, an average height and the same form factors. Hence, the sample plots must be selected accordingly. Here several cases must be distinguished : — (a) The quality of the wood is the same throughout the area. In this case the sample plot may be selected anywhere, as long as the density of stocking represents an aver- age. In very large woods it may become desirable to take several sample plots and calculate the mean. (b) Several qualities occur, which are clearly separated according to area. Here each quality is treated sepa- rately, and one or more sample plot taken in each part (Fig. 27). F 2 68 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. (c) Several qualities exist, which change gradually from one to the other. In this case the sample plot may take the shape of a strip, which runs through the whole wood, so as to include a due proportion of each quality (Fig. 28). As this is difficult to accomplish, it is generally better to follow the method given under (b), to divide the wood into several parts, and to take a sample plot in each. Fig. 27. Fig. 28. (d) Several qualities prevail irregularly over the whole wood. Here a sample plot of average stocking must be selected, a matter frequently beset by great difficulties. 3. Extent and Shape of Sample Plots. The sample plot must be of sufficient extent to contain the different classes of trees in the same proportion as the wood. Hence, its size depends on the degree of regularity of the stock- ing ; the more uniform this is, the smaller may be the sample plot. It follows that they may be made smaller in young fully- stocked woods, than in old irregularly stocked areas. Very small sample plots have the disadvantage that propor- tionately too many trees fall into the boundary lines. The absolute extent of the sample plot depends on the desired degree of accuracy. In mature woods it should not be less than 5 % of the whole area, but in young woods it may be much less, down to a quarter of an acre in very young woods. ESTIMATING THE VOLUME. 69 The best shape would be that which includes the greatest area, as compared with the boundary, in other words a circle. As this is impracticable, it is usual to give to the sample plot the shape of a square, or of a rectangle approaching a square. 4. Measurement of Volume on Sample Plots. This can be done according to any one of the methods described above. As here a conclusion is drawn from the volume of a small area to that of the whole wood, it is desir- able to measure the volume on the sample plot as accurately as possible. 5. Merits of the Method of Sample Plots. The method of sample plots works quickly, and it affords a great saving of time and expense as compared with the measure- ment of whole woods. On the other hand, its accuracy depends on the degree to which the sample plot represents an average of the whole wood. Hence, it only yields accurate results in regular grown young and middle-aged woods, less so in old irregularly stocked areas, or where the quality changes frequently. The method is chiefly useful where very extensive areas have to be assessed, or where the value of produce is small, in fact where a high degree of accuracy is either impossible to attain, or not required. Where only small areas have to be measured, or where the value of a forest has to be ascertained for the pur- pose of sale, in fact where a high degree of accuracy is wanted, the whole wood should be measured. SECTION III. — DETERMINATION OF VOLUME BY ESTIMATE. Instead of measuring the trees on the whole or a part of the area, the volume can be estimated in various ways, of which the following deserve to be mentioned : — 70 VOLUME OF WHOLE WOODS. 1. Estimating the Volume of the Wood as a whole. This method, being the oldest and roughest of all, consists in going through the wood and estimating the volume either of the whole wood, or per unit of area, if the total area is known. The estimator must consider differences in the density of stocking, the average volume per tree, the differences in the quality of the locality, and, if for the whole wood at once, its area. It stands to reason that the method requires great ex- perience and practice on the part of the estimator, and even then considerable mistakes may be made. 2. Estimating by Trees. Under this method each tree is estimated separately, the volume of the wood being obtained by adding together the volumes of the several trees. With great care an experienced estimator can obtain fairly accurate results, but if done care- fully the operation takes almost as much time as if the diameters of all trees and the height of some of them are measured; in the latter case the volume can be calculated by means of form factors or volume tables, a procedure which yields far more reliable results. The method is only justified in open woods, consisting chiefly of old trees, such as standards in high forest or in coppice with standards, or where a low degree of accuracy meets the require- ments of the case. In such cases the estimate may extend over the whole area, or over a sample plot only. 3. Estimating according to the results of Past Fellings. Where fellings have been made and the fall accurately measured, the results can be used to estimate the standing crop in similar woods. In such cases it is necessary to take into consideration any differences in the age, density of stocking, height, etc. Frequently fellings made in clearing strips for roads or rides METHOD OF YIELD TABLES. 71 give useful data for estimating the crop of the adjoining woods. In all such cases the estimate is based on the volume per unit of area. 4. Estimating the Volume by means of Yield Tables. In the same way as volume tables of single trees are con- structed, which give the average volume of trees arranged according to diameter, height, form factor and age, so tables can be compiled on the basis of extensive measurements in cut woods, which show the volume of woods according to species, age, quality of locality, etc. If tables are available which are suited to a particular part of a country, it is necessary to ascertain in the wood to be estimated — (1) The quality class of the locality. (2) The density of the crop. (3) The age of the crop. The first is best judged by the height of the trees; the second by ascertaining the basal area of the trees on a sample plot ; the third by counting the concentric rings on stumps or on a few trees cut very close to the ground, unless the age is known from records. Based upon these data the volume can be taken from the yield table. If for a certain age the basal area given in the table differs from that of the wood, the volume of the table must be modified accordingly ; a second correction may be necessary owing to a difference in the height. The method just indicated is, however, not much used, because, if basal area and mean height of the wood have been ascertained, it is much shorter to calculate the volume by means of form factors or volume tables. Yield tables are better adapted for ascertaining the increment of woods ; hence the method of preparing them will be described in Chapter VI. CHAPTER V. THE AGE OF TREES AND WOODS. IT is of importance to know, not only the actual dimensions of the trees and their volume, but also the time which has heen necessary to produce them. To solve this question the age of single trees as well as that of whole woods must be ascertained. 1. Determination of the Age of Single Trees. a. Standing Trees. All trees increase annually in diameter and also by the elongation of the leading shoots and branches, at any rate up to a certain age. The diameter increment produces every year an additional concentric ring, and the new leading shoot leaves marks, which are more or less distinguishable, according to species and age. These facts yield data by which the age can be determined in the majority of cases, but not in all, when no records are available which give the age. Accordingly, the following methods of determining the age may be dis- tinguished : — i. DETERMINATION FROM EXISTING RECORDS. Reliable records yield the best results, if they refer to in- dividual trees. In the case of trees which form part of the wood they are not always accurate, as many woods are not altogether even-aged. ii. DETERMINATION BY ESTIMATE. As a general rule, it may be assumed that the larger the tree the older it is. Taking, therefore, into consideration the AGE OF TREES. 73 conditions under which a tree has grown up, its age can be estimated within 10 or 20 years, at any rate as long as height- growth continues. In the case of very old trees the limit of accuracy is much wider. At all times this method requires much practice and experience, and even then it yields only approximately correct results. iii. DETERMINATION BY THE NUMBER OP ANNUAL SHOOTS. In the case of species which leave clear marks of the successive annual shoots, the age can be ascertained by counting these shoots from the top downwards and by adding a proportionate number of years for the lowest part of the stem, where the marks are no longer distinguishable. This method is, in Europe, only applicable to the various species of pine up to a certain age, less so in the case of firs, and not at all in that of larch or of the ordinary broad-leaved species. iv. DETERMINATION BY MEANS OF PRESSLER'S INCREMENT BORER. As explained in Chapter I., with this instrument a narrow cylinder of wood can be extracted from the stem on which the concentric rings may be counted. The instrument does, how- ever, not work satisfactorily beyond a depth of 6 inches, so that the centre can only be reached if the diameter of the tree does not exceed 12 inches. Even then it is frequently difficult to hit off the centre, as the trees grow generally more or less excentric. I. Felled Trees. It is by far the best method to fell a tree and count the concentric rings on the stump. At the same time this is not always an easy operation, and in some cases it is altogether impracticable. It is easiest in the so-called ring-porey broad- leaved species, and in conifers, which produce a darker coloured summer, or autumn, wood than that formed in spring. Frequently false rings appear. These may be distinguished from true rings by finding that they do not run right round the 74 AGE OF TREES AND WOODS. tree (Hornbeam, Alder). In the case of suppressed trees the true rings are frequently so narrow, either all round or in parts, that they are difficult to distinguish. The business may be facilitated by smoothing the surface, by making a slanting cut, or by applying] colouring matters (as indigo, alizarine ink, Prussian blue, alcohol coloured with aniline, sulphuric acid, etc.). Such colouring does, however, not always facilitate the counting. The number of rings thus counted represents only the age of the tree above the place where it has been cut. To the number so obtained the number of years which the tree took to reach that height must be added. If it is desirable to avoid mistakes in this respect, the stool must be split open along the centre and the rings counted to the starting point. In this way the physical age of the tree can be ascertained, provided that each concentric ring represents a year's growth. It is, however, by no means certain whether this is always the case, as temporary interruptions of growth may cause two rings to be formed in one year. (For instance, the destruction of the leaves by insects and the subsequent sending forth of a second crop of leaves, fire running through a wood, or even late frost.) Moreover, there are trees in the tropics on which the concentric rings do not exist, or cannot be distinguished. Another point is, that a distinction must be made between the physical and economic age of a tree. By the latter is understood the actual growing age, leaving out of consideration any years during which the tree may have been at a stand-still, owing for instance to heavy shade from above. 2. Determination of the Age of Whole Woods. a. Even-aged Woods. If the age of such woods is not known from authentic records, it can be ascertained by determining the age of a tree by one of the methods indicated above. If a tree is felled for the purpose of counting the concentric rings, it is desirable AGE OF WOODS. 75 to avoid exceptionally thick trees, as such trees may represent former advance growth. As whole woods are rarely established in one year, owing to failures and subsequent repairing, or, in the case of natural regenerations, owing to two or more seed years being necessary to the complete stocking of the area, it is generally desirable to examine several trees and take the mean. 1). Uneven-aged Woods. In many cases woods are less even-aged than has been indicated above. The differences in the age of the several component parts of the wood may be very considerable, as regeneration may have extended over a long period. In such cases the mean age must be ascertained. By the " mean age " of an uneven-aged wood is understood that period which an even- aged wood requires to produce the same volume as the uneven-aged wood. Let alt a>2, %, . . . be the ages of the several age classes ; vi> vz> vs> ... be the volumes of the several age classes ; 7, the mean annual increment of an even-aged wood of the same volume as the uneven-aged one ; A, the mean age, or the age of an even-aged wood of the same volume as the uneven-aged one ; Then, according to the above definition, the following equation holds good : — vl+v2+vs + . . . = IxA, and m As the even-aged and uneven-aged woods are assumed to have the same volume, it follows that I must be equal to the sum of the mean increments of the several age classes of the uneven-aged wood, that is to say : — a+aj... 0? d,, 76 AGE OF TREES AND WOODS. By substituting this expression for I in the above equation, the latter becomes : — (1) l This formula is known as that of Smalian and C. Heyer. It says in words : The mean age of a wood is obtained by dividing the volume of the whole wood by the sum of the mean annual increments of the several age classes. The method may be simplified by assuming that the age is approxi- mately proportionate to ^the diameter; hence the diameter classes may be taken as the age classes. The above formula is chiefly used when the .age classes are irregularly mixed over the area. If the areas of the several age classes are represented by ml; mz; ms; . . . . and the average annual increment per acre by i1; i2; i^; . . . . then formula (1) can be written in this way (after Gustav Heyer) : — x % x a1 _, ??i2 x 2 X a2 _, m3 x % X as or A _ m! x ij x E! + m2 x i2 x a2 + m3 x i3 x a3 + . . . m.! x ^ + m2 x i2 + m3 x i3 + . . . If it is now assumed that : i1 = iz = ?,3 = . . . the above formula reduces to the following : m.! + m2 + 10.3 + . . . This formula was first given by Giimpel. It holds good only if the differences in age are small, and the age itself is close to that at which the increment culminates, as it then changes but slowly. Andre follows yet a different method. He bases the calcu- lation upon the number of trees in the several age classes. If they are n1; nz; ns; . . . . his formula would be : AGE OF WOODS. 77 nx + n2 + n3 + . . . All these formulae are somewhat troublesome. Formulae (1) and (2) demand a knowledge of the volume, and (2) besides of the areas occupied by each age class. Formula (3) necessi- tates also a knowledge of the areas, while for formula (4) the numbers of trees in each age class must be ascertained. In practice the mean age is frequently taken as equal to the average age of the sample trees, or of the age classes, according to the formula : where n represents the number of sample trees or age classes. Finally, the age of the arithmetical mean sample tree can be taken as the mean age of the wood. Example : — Let — E\C\ fWi — - O QPY»PQ />? i — t)\J //t/i — *-i clCl t/o /c-i % = 70 m;} = 2 „ HS= 800 ^ = 80 Wl4 = 1 fj TO4= 300 Mean age according to formula : , 4000 + 9000 + 7000 + 4000 _ 24000 = 63-2 4000 9000 , 7000 4000 380 "50" 60 " 70 " 80 A _2 x 80 x 50 + 3 x 150 x 60 + 2 x 100x70 + 1x50x80 = 61.6 2x80 + 3x150 + 2x100+1x50 _ 2 x 50 + 3 x 60 + 2 x 70 + 1 x 80 = 62>5 — 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 /4\ J - 150° x 50 + 160° x 60 + 80° x 70 + 300 x 80 = 5g.g 1500 + 1600 + 800 + 300 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 = 65 \°) •"• — A 78 CHAPTER VI. DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. DURING every growing season a tree increases by the elonga- tion of the top shoot, side branches and roots, and by the laying on of a new layer of wood and bark throughout its extent. Thus the height and diameter (or basal area) as well as the spread of the crown increase constantly, up to a certain age, producing an increase of volume called the increment. By adding up the increase of the several trees in a wood, that of the whole is obtained. The increment may refer to one or more growing seasons, and accordingly a distinction must be made between : — (1) The current annual increment, or that laid on in the course of one year. (2) The periodic increment, or that laid on during a number of years or period. (8) The total increment, or that laid on from the origin of a tree or wood, up to a certain age, frequently that when the tree, or wood, is cut over. (4) The mean annual increment, or that which is obtained by dividing the increment laid on during a given period by the number of years in the period. If the mean annual increment is calculated for a portion of the total age, it is called the periodic mean annual increment, if for the total or final age of the tree, or wood, it is called the final mean annual increment. In determining the increment of whole woods, it must be remembered that a certain number of trees disappear from time to time owing to thinnings and natural causes. All such HEIGHT INCREMENT. 79 removals must be taken into account, in determining the total increment laid on. The determination of the increment may refer to the past (backward), or to the future (forward). As the former deals with actually existing quantities, the determination can be made with a comparatively high degree of accuracy ; the latter, on the other hand, is to a considerable extent based on specu- lation, hence less reliable. SECTION I. — DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF SINGLE TREES. 1. Height Increment. a. Of the Past. The height increment of standing trees can in some cases be ascertained by the whorls formed in successive years. This, however, refers to a limited number of species. In the majority of cases it is necessary to cut down a tree for the purpose of investigating the height increment. The height increment of the last few, say n, years, can be ascertained, in the case of some conifers, by measuring the length of the last n shoots. In the case of all other species the height increment of the tree during the last n years is ascertained by cutting off a certain length and counting the rings ; if they are less than n in number, an additional piece must be cut off, and so on until that spot has been found where the section shows n rings. If the section of the first cut shows more than n rings, then another cut higher up is made, until again the section shows n rings. The length above that point gives the height growth of the last n years. In all cases where a complete knowledge of the height increment during the several periods of life is required, the tree should be divided into a series of sections, the length of which depends on the desired degree of accuracy. The con- 80 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. centric rings are then counted at the end of each section, and from the data thus obtained, the height of the tree at successive periods of life can be ascertained, either by calculation, or interpolation. Generally, graphic interpolation gives the better results, as it equalizes accidental irregularities. In this case the abscissae represent the ages and the ordinates the corresponding heights. By connecting the points thus indicated by a steady curve, the height at successive ages can easily be read off. Example. — See analysis of a Scotch pine tree, at p. 83. b. Height Increment of the Future. The expected height increment for a number of years to come can be estimated from the increment of the immediate past. In doing this the rate of increment during the past must be studied, and especially the time ascertained when the current annual increment of the species usually culminates. If the increment immediately before the time of inquiry was still rising, it may continue to do so or not, according to whether the maximum has been reached or not. If it is falling already, it will continue to do so, and in that case the rate at which it is likely to fall must be estimated. In this way the probable increment for a limited number of years (10) can be estimated with satisfactory accuracy. This is best done by constructing a height curve of the past, and elongating it for the required period so as to form a continuous curve. 2. Diameter Increment, a. Of the Past. This can refer to wood and bark, or to wood only. The increment of wood and bark laid on by standing "trees can be ascertained by repeated measurements of the same tree, a certain number of years being allowed to pass between every DIAMETER INCREMENT. 81 two measurements. The latter are made with the calliper, care being taken to mark the place of measurement without causing an unusual swelling at that part of the tree. Where immediate results are required, the increment can be ascertained with Pressler's increment borer. The number of years for which it can be ascertained depends on the length of the cylinder which can be extracted, and on the rate of growth. As most trees grow irregularly, it is necessary to ascertain the increment at opposite sides, or at four sides, and to take the mean. These investigations rest on the assumption that the concentric rings are distinguishable, and that each ring repre- sents one year's growth. The increment can be ascertained with much greater accuracy by felling a tree and measuring the breadth of the desired number of rings in the section, the latter being laid at right angles to the axis of the stem. The measurements are made with a scale subdivided to a sufficient degree. This is either laid on the section and the breadths read off, or the latter are taken off with a pair of compasses, and the dimensions then taken from the scale. In either case care must be taken to obtain averages by measuring along two, four, or more radii, equally arranged over the section, and then taking the mean of the several readings. In the case of standing trees the increment can only be ascertained for a limited number of years. If a tree is felled, the increment can be ascertained for the several periods of its life, say for every five, ten, or more years. The result can be graphically represented, and a mean curve of increment con- structed, from which the increment for any desired intervals can be easily determined. By repeating the above operation at successive heights from the ground, the increment can be ascertained in the several parts of the stem. 82 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. I. Diameter Increment of the Future. This is estimated from the increment of the immediately preceding period, taking into consideration how far the future diameter increment may be affected by the method of treat- ment, me /e especially the proposed degree of thinning. 3. Area Increment. The increment in basal area is calculated from that of the diameter. Let D be the mean diameter of the whole section, d the diameter of the same section n years ago, then Basal increment ) _DzX7t_d2 x TT during n years j ~ ~~4. ~4 The basal increment can be ascertained for a limited number of years only, or for the several periods of the life of a tree. An estimate of the future increment is based upon that of the immediate past, taking into consideration the proposed treat- ment, as in the case of the diameter increment. 4. Volume Increment. a. Of the Past. The past volume increment of a tree during a certain period of years, n, is equal to the difference of volumes at the com- mencement and end of the period. These volumes can be ascertained by examining a series of sections at various heights of the tree, or by basing the calculation upon measurements made at the middle section, or by using form factors. i. DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT BY SECTIONS. If the increment of only a limited number of years, n, is desired, it can be ascertained by means of the increment borer. VOLUME I!s7CREMENT OF SINGLE TREES. 83 The breadth of n rings is ascertained at regular intervals, and the difference between the present volume and that n years ago calculated. The investigation of the progress of increment throughout the life of a tree is called a stem analysis. It consists of a combination of a height and a diameter analysis. The tree having been divided into a suitable number of sections, each is cut through in the middle, the number of concentric rings counted on the basal area, and the size of the diameter at the several ages measured. The measurements are best plotted, so that a representation of a longitudinal section through the tree is obtained. For this purpose the heights of the several cross sections from the ground are marked on a vertical line, which represents the axis of the stem ; also the heights which the tree had obtained at successive periods of its life. Next the radii of each cross section are marked on horizontal lines, and the points thus obtained con- nected by a series of lines, which represent the stem curves of the several stages during the life of the tree. From the data thus obtained the increment throughout the several periods of the life of the tree can be calculated. As the thickness of the bark at former periods cannot be ascertained, these investiga- tions can only refer to the increment in wood, exclusive of bark. The following example will explain the procedure : Analysis of a Scotch Pine Tree. The tree was cut up into nine pieces, which gave the following cross sections : — Section I. taken at foot of tree showing 97 concentric rings. II. 5 feet above ground „ 95 n III. 15 „ „ 89 IV. 25 „ „ 85 5) V. 35 „ „ „ „ 80 VI. 45 „ „ 72 VII. 55 „ „ 64 VIII. "'* 55 53 55 55 34 IX. fift wo 55 55 55 5) 26 Top = 9 feet long. Total height = 77 feet. G 2 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. Height of Section. Number of Rings. Number of Years which the Tree took to reach that Height. 0 97 0 5 95 2 15 89 8 25 85 12 35 80 17 45 72 25 55 64 33 64 34 63 68 26 71 77 0 97 Radius of Section I. at 0* from the ground in inches. Radius of Section II. at 5' from the ground in inches. Radius of Section III. at 15' from the ground in inches. Radius of Section IV. at 25' from the ground in inches. Total = 11-50 Total = 8-82 Total = 6-92 Total = 6-38 97 = 10-56 95 = 8-32 89 = 6-78 85 = 6-21 87 = 9-88 85 = 7-86 79 = 6-45 75 = 5-94 77 = 9-22 75 = 7-34 69 = 6-16 65 = 5-62 67 = 8-50 65 = 6-77 59 = 6-04 55 = 5-30 57 = 7-65 55 = 6-25 49 = 5-46 45 = 4-99 47 = 6-71 45 = 5-74 39 = 4'95 35 = 4-41 37 = 5-74 35 = 5-06 29 = 4-24 25 = 3-80 27 = 4-94 25 = 4-34 19 = 3-50 15 = 2-81 17 = 3-83 15 = 3-38 9 = 2-25 5 = 1-30 7 = 1-85 5 = 1-30 Radius of Section V. at 36' from the ground in inches. Radius of Section VI. at 45' from the ground in inches. Radius of Section VII. at 55' from the ground in inches. Radius of Section VIII. at 64' from the ground in inches. Total = 6-03 Total = 5-81 Total = 3-54 Total = 2-12 80 = 5-96 72 = 5-75 64 = 3-46 34 = 2-07 70 = 5-71 62 = 5-40 54 = 2-98 24 = 1-66 60 = 5-28 52 = 4-87 44 = 2-40 14 = -88 50 = 4-80 42 = 4-31 34 = 1-85 4 = -24 40 = 4-37 30 = 3-85 20 = 2-95 10 = 1-35 32 = 3-74 22 = 3-05 12 = 1-90 2 = -35 24 = 1-40 14 = 1-03 4 = -41 Radius of Section IX. at 68' from the ground in inches. Total = 1-43 26 = 1-39 16 = 1-02 6 = -50 ANALYSIS OF A SCOTCH PINE TREE. 85 Fig. 29. — Graphic representation of the Height Increment. Note. — The tree grew in a very favourable locality, but it was overtopped by other trees at the age of about 40 years ; hence the abnormal height growth. 86 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. no TO ^o er and ] 1 Tears 1-18 •83 •68 •61 •51 •13 Total Ti •02 •01 ber and 7 Years •99 •80 •61 •50 •40 •07 Total Ti •02 iber and 7 Years •85 •65 •55 •41 •31 Total Ti •04 •01 iber and Old. 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 aber = I 1 ?uel = Old. 10 10 10 10 10 10 13-4 9-1 7-7 7-1 6-4 2-0 •5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 1 2 3 4 5 I 1 Tree 4 11-5 9-9 8-8 7-7 6-1 2-1 •6 otal Tim Tree 3 10-1 8'5 7-6 5-9 3-8 2-4 otal Tin: Tree 2 8-7 7-0 6-6 2-7 1-6 otal Tin Tree 1 6-8 4-5 2-6 1-2 'otal Tin Tree ' 2-6 1-2 'otal Tin 7 Years •72 •53 •42 •32 •20 Total Ti •02 •002 ber and 7 Years •56 •39 •32 •19 •08 Total Ti •03 iber and 7 Years •41 •27 •17 Total Ti •04 •01 iber and 7 Years •25 •11 Total Ti •04 •01 iber and r Years Total Ti •04 •01 iber anc Old. 10 10 10 10 10 mber = 10 i TTnpl 7'2 5-3 4-2 3-2 2-0 21-9 •20 22-10 5-6 3-9 3-2 1-9 •8 15-4 •07 46-2 •03 46-23 11-8 8-3 6-8 6-1 5-1 1-3 39-4 •16 39-56 9-9 8-0 6-1 5-0 4-0 •7 33-7 •04 Old. 10 10 10 10 10 mber = I Fuel = Old. 10 10 10 mber = 10 1 Fuel = Old. 10 10 mber = 10 I Fuel = Old. mber = 10 1 Fuel = 8 ^ Fuel = Old. 10 10 10 10 10 10 mber = i Fuel = Old. 10 10 10 10 10 mber = 10 1 Fuel = 15-47 4-1 2-7 1-7 8-5 •40 •02 8-92 2-5 1-1 33-74 8-5 6-6 5-5 4-1 3-1 2 3 4 1 3-6 •40 •02 4-02 o-o •40 •01 • 0-41 : 27-7 •4 •01 28-11 1 2 1 ANALYSIS OF A SCOTCH PINE TREE. 89 Recapitulation. The stem of the tree had, at the age of 97 years : A total volume of =55*15 cubic feet. Of this was = 55-15-51-82 = 3-33 cubic feet , Bark Leaving = 6 per cent, of total volume. Timber = Firewood = 51*7 cubic feet. •12 Total Timber and Firewood = 51*82 cubic feet. By graphically representing the volume of wood at the several ages, figure 32 is obtained, which, with the previous diagrams, gives the following data : — 50 P O 10 .. I / WJ •EO SO 10 56 GO TO 80 OO 1DO AGE Fig. 32. — Graphic representation of the Volume Increment. 90 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. Age of Tree. Height in Feet. Diameter without Bark, at 5' above Ground, Inches. Volume without Bark in Cubic Feet. Periodic Incre- ment for every Ten Years. 0 _ 10 20 4-0 1-8 1 w i 4-2 20 38 7-4 6-0 j 6-0 30 51 9-1 12-0 1 i 6-0 40 58 10-6 18-0 j « \ 1 6-0 50 62 11-9 24-0 j i 5-9 60 64 12-8 29-9 j I 5-4 70 67 13-9 35-3 J | 6-7 80 70 15-0 42-0 J 6-0 90 74 16-0 48-0 | I 3-8 97 77 16-6 51-8 1 Total 51-8 ii. DETERMINATION OF INCREMENT BY THE MIDDLE SECTION. If somewhat less accurate results suffice, the volumes can be ascertained by multiplying the basal area in the middle by the height. Let V be the volume of the tree at the present time, v that n years ago, H and h the corresponding heights, figure 33, and S and s the corresponding basal areas at ~- and -^-, then I=V-v = SxH-sxh. TT The height and basal area at — - can easily be measured; Fig. 33. BY FORM FACTORS. 91 h is ascertained by cutting off a piece from the top downwards, and repeating the operation, until the point has been ascer- tained where the basal area contains n concentric rings. Then the basal area s at ~ is ascertained, either by making a JL cross section at the spot, or by ascertaining the breadth of the last n rings with the increment borer, thus ascertaining the diameter which the tree had n years ago. In either case the diameter increment must be measured in several places of the circumference, so as to obtain the mean. -H In order to simplify the operation, Pressler proposed to cut off a length corresponding to n years height growth in the first place, and then to measure the basal area in both cases at •g. He obtains the increment according to the formula : I=Sxh-sxh=(S-s) h. The error due to omitting the top is said to be compensated TT for by S having been taken somewhat below ^-. a iii. DETERMINATION OF INCREMENT BY FORM FACTORS. Let S be the basal area of a tree, taken at chest height ; s the basal area of the tree n years ago taken at the same height ; H and h the corresponding heights, and F and /the corres- ponding form factors, then the increment : — I=SxHxF-sxhxf. In the case of a standing tree, H is measured with a height 92 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. measurer, h is estimated, S is obtained by measuring the X - - - diameter with a calliper, and s with the ! assistance of an increment borer. F and /must be taken out of form factor tables, or estimated. If F is taken as = /, the formula becomes : H Fig. 35. The method can only give approxi- mately correct results, because h has to be estimated. It must also not be over- looked, that form factor tables give only averages ; hence the method is not adapted to the measurement of a single tree, but only to that of a large number of trees. I. Volume Increment of the Future. The increment which a tree may be expected to lay on in the future can be estimated either from its own past incre- ment, especially that of the immediate past, or by comparing it with other older trees. i. ESTIMATE ACCORDING TO PAST INCREMENT. The increment is represented by the formula : In = S X Hx F-s X h xft where s x h x/is the value of the present volume, and S X H x F that to be expected after n years. The formula shows that, in order to obtain fairly accurate results, it is necessary to estimate S, H and F from s, h, and /. How this should be done as regards basal area and height, has been explained above. The form factor F may be obtained from tables, if such are available ; otherwise it must be estimated, or it may be taken as equal to /. OF THE FUTURE. 93 Instead of estimating the separate factors, the volume incre- ment of the next n years may be estimated direct from that laid on during the last n years, taking into consideration how far the latter should be modified with regard to the age of the tree, locality, future treatment of the wood, especially the proposed degree of thinning, etc. According to Pressler's method the probable increment can be ascertained by estimating the probable diameter increment, and then proceeding by the formula : I* = (S-8) h, where s represents the present section in the middle, S the expected section in the same spot after n years, and h the present height. The method applies only to felled trees ; hence it necessitates the felling of one or more sample trees. ii. ESTIMATE BY COMPARISON WITH OTHER OLDER TREES. The increment I which a tree A now a years old, and con- taining a volume va is likely to lay on during the next n years, can be ascertained by examining another tree B grown under the same conditions but now a + n years old, which with a present volume = va + n had, when a years old, a volume equal va. The increment which the second tree has laid on during the last n years, may be assumed as equal to that which the first tree is likely to lay on during the next n }rears. The assumption holds good only if the weather and treatment are the same during both periods. It is, however, not always easy to find exactly the tree wanted, and as a rule a tree differing somewhat in volume and age must be taken, which involves the following corrections : — Supposing the age of the second tree is a + t instead of a + n, and its volume =va + t> then, if the increment has been steadily laid on, the following equation holds good : — t : n = It : In = va+t-va : In and In=(va+i-Va}X~. t 94 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. If, on the other hand, t = w, but the second tree had only a volume va' in the year «, then the increments of the two trees may be assumed to bear the same proportion as the volumes, or: ,,. . „ '_ T • T ' Qr,;i 7" — T ' V Va — (vf _ ti' \ V ^a va • la — ln • *-n ana *» = *» x — /— \v a+n v a) X — • Va V a Now: *W = »a + T X Va - Va = Va+n X Va va or — ^a+» • va = V a+n '• ^a > in words : the proportion which exists between the volumes of the second tree n years ago and now, holds good also as regards the volumes of the first tree now and n years hence. If both, the ages and volumes, differ, it may again be assumed that the increments of the two trees show the same proportion as the volumes. In that case :— Va - va = In Of Va : In of Va' And— All these calculations assume that the increment of n years has been laid on in annually equal quantities, which is only approximately correct. The degree of accuracy depends on the length of the time n, and the differences between n and t and between va and v' a. This method of calculating the volume of a single tree is so complicated, that it is not used in practice ; it has been OF WHOLE WOODS. 95 explained here, as it forms the basis of calculating the incre- ment of whole woods, to be explained further on. Example : — Find the increment which a tree now 50 years old with a volume of 30 c' is likely to lay on during the next 10 years. A tree has been found, now 58 years old, with a volume of 40 c', and which had 33 cubic feet when it was 50 years old. SECTION II. — DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF WHOLE WOODS. It has been shown that, in the case of single trees, the accumulation of the volume, as well as of the factors which lead up to it, height, diameter, or basal area increment, can be followed backwards with a considerable degree of accu- racy. This is not the case as regards whole woods, because trees die or are taken away in thinnings. Investigations made on sample trees selected in a wood show only the successive development of the individuals existing at the time of examina- tion, but they throw no light on that of those trees which have disappeared in course of time, since the wood was created. Height growth alone makes an exception. An analysis of a number of sample trees will indicate the mean height of these trees during previous periods, which may be taken as the upper height of the wood at those periods. These would of course not represent the mean heights at the several ages, because it may safely be assumed that the now existing trees were, as a rule, always the leading trees. Investigations have proved that the mean height of woods can be deduced from the upper height. For instance, in the case of the Scotch pine the difference ranges from about 3 per cent, to 5 per cent, according to the age of the wood. But no such relation has as yet been found as regards the basal area or the volume, and to evolve 96 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. the former amounts of these out of the present quantity is more or less speculative. Under these circumstances one of the following two methods may he followed : — A. Determination of the Future Increment according to the Mean Annual Increment of the Past. The present volume of the wood is ascertained and divided by its age, the quotient giving the mean annual increment calculated on the growing stock present at the time of measure- ment. According to the age of the wood, it may he assumed that the mean annual increment will be laid on for a number of years to come, or a somewhat diminished or increased increment. The method gives fair results, if the calculation is made for the time when the mean annual increment culminates, and even for older woods ; it is less accurate in the case of younger woods. Moreover, it is only applicable for a limited number of years, during which no thinnings are made, say 10 years. B. Determination of Increment by means of Yield Tables. I. OF YIELD TABLES GENERALLY. 1. Definition of Yield Table. It has already been explained that the progress of height, diameter, basal area, and volume increment can be repre- sented by curves constructed on the principle that the succes- sive ages are marked as abscissae, and that the corresponding ordinates represent the height, diameter, basal area, or volume. Such curves indicate the appropriate quantities for any age up to a fixed limit, generally the highest rotation likely to be adopted. Instead of employing curves, the data which they represent are read off and arranged in tables, which are called Yield or Increment Tables. OF YIELD TABLES GENERALLY. 97 By a yield table is understood a tabular statement which gives the course of the development of a wood from early youth up to a fixed age, either from year to year, or for intervals of a certain number of years. 2. Object and Contents of Yield Tables. Yield tables are used for a great variety of purposes, as : (a) Determination of the volume of woods. (&) „ „ „ increment of woods. (c) ,, ,, ,, quality of localities or of woods. (d) ,, ,, ,, most profitable species, method of treatment and rotation. (e) ,, „ „ value of the soil, growing stock, or both. (/) ,, ,, ,, yield of forests. In order to meet all these requirements, yield tables should show, per unit of area (acre) : (1) The progressive volume which may be found in a fully- stocked wood. (2) The number of trees. (3) The basal area of trees. (4) The height of the wood. (5) The form factors. (6) The current annual and mean annual increment. Separate yield tables must be prepared for (a) Each species. (b) Each method of treatment, as high forest, coppice wood, and combination forest. (c) Each quality of locality. The volume is given divided into the different classes of wood, as timber, firewood, fagots, etc. The volume of thinnings is entered separately from that of final yields. Yield tables are only prepared for " normal " woods, that is to say for woods which are fully stocked, taking into considera- VOL. III. H 98 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. tion the species, quality of locality, and the adopted method oi treatment. Such woods are produced if no extraordinary in- fluences have interfered with their progress, such as natural phenomena, faulty treatment, etc. 3. Local and General Yield Tables. If a yield table has been prepared for a particular district of limited extent, it is called a " local " yield table ; if for a whole province or county, a " general " yield table. The question, what limits should be assigned to the applic- ability of a yield table, is still under discussion, but so much is certain, that in the preparation of such tables a considerable extent, of country can be thrown together without incurring any appreciable inaccuracy. 4. Quality Classes. Localities of different quality or yield capacity produce woods, which follow in their development different laws. The law of increment of the one cannot be evolved out of that of the other. The preparation of a yield table should therefore be based on data obtained from localities of precisely the same quality. Practically, however, an immense number of different qualities exist, hence in practical forestry some concession must be made, by being satisfied with a limited number, which rarely exceeds five, and frequently three are quite sufficient. The best quality is generally designated as I. quality (though the reverse would be better). In proceeding to construct yield tables it is obviously of the first importance to have a ready method by which the quality of a locality may be indicated. It has been explained in " Sylviculture " that the several factors of the locality, such as the chemical and physical conditions of the soil and subsoil, the climate, etc., do not enable the forester to determine the quality of the locality for forest purposes with any degree of QUALITY CLASSES OF YIELD TABLES. 99 accuracy, and that the only satisfactory indication is given by the wood which has been produced on it. In other words, a locality which produces, in a given time, a large volume, is of good quality ; one which produces a small volume, of inferior quality. The volume then, is in the first place the surest indi- cation of the quality of the locality. As it is, however, a somewhat cumbrous process to ascertain the volume when searching for a certain quality, the question arises, whether one or more of the elements from which the volume is calculated, would not do equally good service. It has been shown above that the volume is V=sxkxf. Of these three elements, the form factor moves between comparatively narrow limits, and it is not suited for the present purpose, apart from the fact that the volume would first have to be ascertained in order to determine the form factor. Basal area and height together give a sure indication of the quality, that is to say, two woods which show the same basal area and height, may safely be assumed to have the same volume, hence the localities which have produced them would be of the same quality. If only one indicating element is used, the height is far preferable to the basal area. While two woods which have the same basal area may have very different heights, experience has shown that two normal woods of the same height have approximately the same basal area. It follows that the height is, next to the volume itself, the best indicator of the qualit^y of the locality. Great height growth means good quality, small height growth inferior quality of locality. Neither the mean diameter nor the number of trees can be used for the above purpose, as they are not in due proportion to the volume. Nor can the product of number of trees multi- plied by the mean diameter be used. H 2 100 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. 5. Metlwds of Constructing Yield Tables. The following methods have been proposed : — a. Annual or Periodical Measurement of the Growing Stock of one and the same Wood ; in the second case the Intermediate Values are found by Interpolation. The method gives absolute certainty that all figures of the yield table are derived from the same quality class, but as the preparation of the table would take a century and more, the method has only theoretical value. Moreover, accidents may happen which would render the wood unfit for further observation. b. Annual or Periodical Measurement of the Growing Stock of a limited number of Woods of different Ages. In order to save time, it has been proposed to select several woods differing in age by a certain number of years, say 20, and to obtain from the measurements of each, extending over 20 years, part of the yield table. To make sure that the quality of the several woods is the same, it is necessary that they should have the same volume at the same age ; in other words, the wood now 40 years old should have had, when 20 years old, the same volume as the present 20-years-old wood has ; again, the 60-y ears-old wood the same volume when it was 40 years old, as the present 40-years-old wood, etc. Or, to put the matter differently, the 20-years-old wood should have, when it becomes 40 years old, the same volume as the 40-years-old wood has now, etc. In addition, the progress of the increment should be steady throughout. Although it is difficult to select localities on these lines, which are exactly of the same quality, or woods which will de- velop in the same manner, there can be no doubt that ultimately satisfactory yield tables can only be obtained by observing and periodically measuring suitable woods for a series of years. Hence the method is actually followed. For each quality class and age gradation several sample plots are PREPARATION OF YIELD TABLES. 101 selected, and these are periodically measured, and the mean taken. In this way yield tables will ultimately be obtained. It is necessary to take several plots for each quality and age gradation, so as to obtain average results, and because one or other may become unfit for the purpose, in consequence of unforeseen events. c. Measurement of a large number of Woods of different ages once, so that Yield Tables are obtained immediately. Until yield tables, prepared as indicated under b, become available, others for immediate use are required. These are obtained by measuring fully- stocked sample plots in a sufficient number of woods, representing all ages with moderate intervals. Out of the data thus obtained, steady curves and tables are prepared. A separate set of woods are required for each quality class, and the great difficulty consists in selecting for each set localities of the same quality. For this purpose various methods have been suggested. Most of these start from an indicating wood, while one, specially elaborated by Baur,* starts from a different principle ; it will be dealt with in detail further on. i. SELECTION OF WOODS FOR EACH QUALITY CLASS BY MEANS OF AN INDICATING WOOD. The method is based upon the fact that the older wood has been evolved out of the younger, in other words that the older wood had at one time the same volume as the younger. Hence it should be possible, by analysing a number of sample trees, to ascertain the volume, or its forming factors, as basal area, height and form factor, which the trees of a mature wood had at the several periods of its life. Guided by the data thus obtained, woods are selected, the dominant trees of which show the same dimensions as those of the mature trees at the same age. Such woods are assumed to give a true representation of what the now mature wood was at the same age. When a * Professor of Forestry at the University of Munich. 102 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. sufficient number of woods of various ages have been selected, normal sample plots are measured in them, and the data worked up into a yield table for the corresponding quality class. The same procedure is followed for all other quality classes. Various authors have gradually elaborated this system, first Seutter as early as 1799, then Hossfeld in 1823. Huber, in 1847, was the first to give a regular method of working with an indicating wood. He calculated the mean tree of a normal mature wood, analysed it and searched for younger normal woods, the mean tree of which possesses the same dimensions as the mean tree of the mature wood at the same time. His method is, however, wrong, because the mean tree of the mature wood was not the mean tree at all former stages of life. Theodor Hartig, and afterwards Robert Hartig, analysed only the largest trees of the mature wood, and then searched for younger woods, an equal number of the largest trees of which show the same dimensions as the largest trees of the mature wood had at the same age. Such woods are considered as having been produced on localities of the same quality, so that the}r can be united into one yield table. The system presupposes that the largest trees of the mature wood were at all times amongst the largest trees at previous periods of the wood's life. Although this holds good generally, exceptions occur. Besides, the method is very troublesome in execution. ii. BAUR'S METHOD OF PREPARING YIELD TABLES. After a sufficient number of normal sample plots on all sorts of qualities have been carefully measured (at least 30 for each desired quality class), the volumes are marked as ordinates over the corresponding ages as abscissa (see figure 36). Next two curves are drawn, so that the lower touches the lowest points, and the upper the highest points indicating these volumes. Then the area thus confined is divided into as many equal strips, as there are quality classes to be distinguished. The woods falling into each strip are considered as belonging to BAURS METHOD. 103 the same quality class. By drawing a mean curve through each strip, the mean volume curve for the quality is obtained, from which the volume tahle is prepared for successive years. In a similar way mean curves for the height, basal area and number of trees are constructed for each quality class. The method is of easy application, and it yields good results. Instead of limiting the quality classes in the manner described above, the average quantity of final yield which corresponds to each quality class can be once for all determined. Thus in Germany it has been decided to consider that normal Scotch pine woods, which contain (in round numbers) at an age of 100 years : — 10,000 cubic feet per acre, shall be considered as I. quality 7 ,yuu ,, ,, ,, ,, j-i. 5, 6,000 „ „ „ „ III. „ 4,300 „ „ „ „ IV. „ 2,900 ,, ,, ,, ,, V. ,, EXAMPLE OF PREPARING YIELD TABLES ACCORDING TO BAUR'S METHOD. Scotch Pine : 3 Quality Classes to be distinguished. Woods Measured as follows : — No. £•];£. Basal Area, sq. ft. Mean Height, feet. Volume in solid cub. ft. Xo. Age. Years. No. of Trees. Basal Area, sq. ft. Mean Height, feet. Volume in solid cub. ft. 1 15 62 16 1800 21 76 295 173 70 5500 2 17 60 14 1400 22 79 265 177 72 6300 3 18 61 13 1100 23 81 245 192 86 7200 4 21 84 20 1700 24 85 290 156 62 5030 5 27 1400 130 33 3300 2:, 94 190 196 93 9000 6 29 2400 ' 99 25 2050 26 94 240 150 67 6000 7 34 1480 133 35 3250 27 94 218 177 80 7300 8 35 1670 113 32 2800 28 96 248 150 69 5300 9 35 910 156 46 4450 29 97 200 176 82 6950 10 46 620 165 55 4800 30 99 170 194 93 8200 11 47 740 150 47 4230 51 104 160 192 94 9200 12 48 860 132 40 2900 32 106 169 177 86 7150 13 49 680 154 52 4700 33 106 220 160 69 5700 14 50 750 132 44 3500 34 108 173 179 86 8100 15 54 450 '182 69 6400 35 109 210 152 72 6700 16 62 450 169 65 4700 36 109 151 196 96 8500 17 62 369 184 73 6200 37 112 148 194 98 9700 18 68 420 148 56 4450 38 115 150 176 88 7500 19 74 270 192 83 7800 39 118 145 194 98 9000 20 74 350 146 61 4000 40 120 186 157 75 6000 104 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. WOODS SEPARATED INTO QUALITIES. (See figure 36.) No. Age. No. of Trees. Basal Area. Mean Height. Volume No. Age. No. of Trees. Basal Area. n'ssa.v-™ /. Quality. 13 16 49 62 680 450 154 169 52 65 4700 4700 1 5 15 27 1400 62 130 16 33 1800 3300 21 22 76 79 295 265 173 177 70 72 5500 6300 9 35 910 156 46 4450 27 94 218 177 80 7300 10 15 17 46 54 62 620 450 369 165 182 184 55 69 73 4800 6400 6200 29 32 34 97 106 108 200 169 173 176 177 179 82 86 86 6950 7150 8100 19 74 270 192 83 7800 38 115 150 176 88 7500 23 81 245 192 86 7200 25 30 94 99 190 170 196 194 93 93 9000 8200 III. Quality. 31 104 160 192 94 9200 3 18 ... 61 13 1100 36 109 151 196 96 8500 6 29 2400 99 25 2050 37 112 148 194 98 9700 12 48 860 132 40 2900 39 118 145 194 98 9000 14 50 750 132 44 3500 18 68 420 148 56 4450 II. Quality. 20 24 74 85 350 290 146 156 61 62 4000 5030 2 17 ... 60 14 1400 26 94 240 150 67 6000 4 21 84 20 1700 28 96 248 150 69 5300 7 34 1480 133 35 3250 38 106 220 160 69 5700 8 35 1670 113 32 2800 35 109 210 152 72 6700 11 47 740 150 47 4230 40 120 186 157 75 6000 YIELD TABLE FOR THE SCOTCH PINE, I. QUALITY. Derived from the Curves in figures 36, 37, 38 and 39. INCREMENT. Age. Number of Trees. Basal Area. Square Feet. Mean Height Feet. Volume. Cubic Feet, solid. Current Mean i Annual. Annual. 10 HO 10 900 90 90 20 2000 92 23 2100 120 105 30 1200 133 40 3300 120 110 40 770 160 54 4500 120 112 50 520 175 64 5400 90 108 60 380 186 73 6250 85 104 70 300 190 80 6950 70 99 80 250 192 86 7600 66 96 90 200 193 90 8200 60 91 100 160 194 94 8660 45 86 110 150 194 97 9100 45 83 120 140 194 100 9500 40 79 WITH THE HELP OF YIELD TABLES. 105 «}000 1 ,'T! *' •IS V / s TfT QTJAUTT 10° i»o X1O- Fig. 36. — Graphic representation of the Volume per acre of 40 different Woods and their allotment to Three Quality Classes, according to Baur's method. II. DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT OF WOODS BY MEANS OF YIELD TABLES. If yield tables are available, and it is desired to estimate the increment of a wood forward or backward, it is necessary to decide in the first place which of the quality classes of the tables corresponds with the given wood ; in other words, it must be ascertained to which quality class the wood belongs. The best way of doing this is to measure the volume of a normal sample plot in the wood and compare it with the 106 DETERMINATION OF THE INCREMENT. \ \ \ 1.0 to -50 HQ 50 Co lo go So 100 ixo 120 Fig. 37. — Graphic representation of the Number of Trees per Acre. volumes given in the tables for the same age and the different quality classes. If it agrees with one of these volumes, the two are of the same quality class, and the increment shown in the table applies also to the wood in question. If the volume of the wood does not agree with any of the volumes in the tables, then that quality class is selected which comes nearest to it, and the increment is ascertained in proportion to the two volumes. Let va be the present volume of the wood, Va the nearest volume given in the table ; Va + n the volume given in the same table for the year a + n ; and va+n the desired volume of the wood in the year a + w, then WITH THE HELP OF YIELD TABLES. 107 O lo -io to xl'pp^ + ... + Tqxl-qp'-^-o_( E) l-op*-l Example : — An acre of land is to be cultivated at once with Scotch pine, and to be worked under a rotation of 80 years. It is expected to yield the returns given in the mpney yield EXPECTATION VALUE. 127 table at page 122. The expenses are expected to be as follows :— Cost of formation every 80 years = 60 shillings. Annual expenses for administration, taxes, etc. = 3 shillings. Interest = 2J per cent. The expectation value of the soil will, in that case, amount to:— 2225 + 4 x l-02530 + 36 x l'02540 + 67 x 1-02530 •/>*- 1 1-025100-1 65 '5 shillings. If the cost amounted to 120 shillings each time, the present value would be = 120xl'02510° — r = 1B1 shlllmgs- Thus it may happen that the expectation value is higher under the system of natural regeneration, than under the clear cutting system with planting. e. The Rate of Interest with which the Calculation is made. A, high_rate_of interest^ gives alowexpectatign value of_tlie^. soil, and vice versa. The value is, however, not in inverse pro- portion to the rate of interest ; the former rises more rapidly than the latter falls. Again, under a low rate of interest the expectation value culminates later than under a high rate of interest. Example. — Taking the same data as above, and calculating EXPECTATION VALUE. 131 the expectation value of the soil with 2J and again with 3 and 4 %, the following values are obtained : — ROTATION. Years. CALCULATION MADE WITH 2i% 3%. 4%. 60 + 196 + 104 s. - 15 70 + 236 + 123 + 5 80 + 250 + 124 - 3 90 + 245 + 113 - 15 This example shows :— (1) By raising the per cent, from 2J to 3, the expectation value for a rotation of 80 years falls from 250 to 124 shillings, and calculated with 4% to - 3 shillings. (2) By making the calculation with 4 °/o the expectation value becomes practically nil, and under a higher per cent, it becomes negative. (3) The expectation value of the soil culminates : — Calculated with 2J% at about 82 years. )> )> 3 ,, ,, 78 ,, 4 72 J) J> •t J) J> »~ J5 3. Merits of the Method of the Expectation Value. The expectation value indicates the true economic value of the soil for forest culture, because it is based upon the produc- tive power of the land when used for the production of forest crops. It gives the value which corresponds to the net returns calculated with the adopted rate of interest. On the other hand, the method gives correct results only under the following conditions : — (a) That all items of expected incomes and expenses are accu- rately known. In order to comply with this condition, accurate and suitable yield tables are required. More- over, future prices of produce and expenses must be estimated on the basis of those at present prevailing 132 VALUATION OF FOREST SOIL. a matter which introduces much uncertainty into the calculation. (b) That the calculation is made with a suitable rate of in- terest. It has been shown above that this is a matter beset by considerable difficulty. (c) That the rotation corresponding to the maximum expec- tation value of the soil can be adopted and retained without thereby lowering the price of forest produce ; in other words, that the market can readily absorb any extra cuttings which may be necessary in order to introduce a rotation lower than that hitherto followed. Generally speaking, the expectation value of forest soil is not a fixed quantity; it changes, not only in the ways indicated above, but also with alterations in the price of forest produce consequent on changes in the areas set aside for the produc- tion of forest crops. SECTION II. — THE COST VALUE OF FOREST SOIL. By the cost value of the soil is understood the sum of all expenses incurred in acquiring the land and rendering it fit for forest culture. These expenses consist of: — (1) The price paid for the land. (2) The sum expended in rendering it fit for cultivation, such as drainage or irrigation, levelling, fixation, etc. (8) The interest accumulated on the outlay mentioned under (1) and (2) up to the date when the first forest crop is started. Example. — An acre of land has been purchased for ^£10 ; a sum of £5 has been expended at once in breaking through an impermeable substratum in strips 6 feet apart; a further sum of £2 has been spent after the lapse of 3 years in breaking up the intermediate strips ; the land was allowed to lie fallow for another 2 years. The cost value of the land at the end of 5 years, when it is planted, amounts, calculating with 2J%, to S. = (10+5)xl-0255 + 2xl-0252 = £19 1 5 COST VALUE AND SALE VALUE. 133 The cost value of the land may be accepted as the true value : — (1) If the owner agrees to let the land go at the price which represents his own outla}^ on it : (2) If the expectation value of the soil cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy : The cost value of the soil may be equal to, smaller, or larger than the expectation value. SECTION III. — THE SALE VALUE OF FOREST SOIL. By the sale value of forest soil is understood the value which it realizes in the open market. It represents the true economic value only, if it agrees with the expectation value. In most localities a sale price has established itself, but this represents in the majority of cases the value which the land has for other purposes, such as agriculture. It may differ con- siderably from the value which the land has if used for the production of forest crops, the sale value being generally higher in the case of good lands, and lower in the case of in- ferior lands, because the former yield a higher rental under field crops, and the latter under forest crops. The sale value of forest soil may be taken as expressing the true value : — (1) If forest soil is to be disposed of voluntarily for other uses. (2) In the case of forced sales, when the local value has to be ascertained, rather than the forest value. 134 CHAPTEE III. VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. THE value of the growing stock can, as in the case of the soil, be determined as the expectation, cost, or sale value. The valuation may refer to : — (1) A whole wood or a series of woods. (2) A part of a wood, such as one or more trees, one or more units of measurement, or one or several }rears increment. SECTION I. — VALUE OF THE GROWING STOCK OF A WHOLE WOOD. 1. Expectation Value of a Whole Wood. The expectation value of the growing stock of a wood now m years old is equal to the present value of all incomes, which may be expected from the wood, less the present value of all expenses which must be incurred between the year m and the time when the wood is finally cut over. a. Method of Calculation. Starting from the same data as those given in the case of the valuation of forest soil, the receipts consist of : — (1) Final yield in the year r = Yr ; present value = r, (2) Intermediate yields, as thinnings, to be realized in the years n, o, p, and q ; their present value amounts to : — EXPECTATION VALUE. 135 Thinning in the year n = --- - -*j _ T0xl'opr ~ _ T ~ ~~ Expenses : (1) Annual expenses to be incurred from the year m to the year r ; their present Value amounts to : — 00 /> - + - ~ + . . . + - — - = (according to Formula VI.) I'op I'op- l'opr~' e d'm/~TO— "h = e (l'opr-m-l) = 'op V _ = E (l'opr-m-l) l-opr~mx'op l'opr~m l'opr~m (2) Eent of soil to be paid from the year m to the year r ; its annual amount may be denoted by S X 'op ; the total present value of the rent of the soil during r - m years amounts to:— Sx'op tS_x^op_ , _, Sx-op _ S X'op (I opr~m — 1) l- op Top7" i-opr~m ^^ = S (l'opr-m-l) The formula for the expectation value of a wood stands therefore as follows: — r. _ Yr + Tn x l-opr-n + . . . + Tq x l-opr-« - (S + E) (l- -- Example. — A fully-stocked Scotch pine wood, worked under a rotation of 80 years, is feloniously burned when 45 }^ears old ; what compensation per acre should be paid to the owner, if the expected returns are those indicated in the table at page 122. /t,-H .*. c , I ,, A * ^ ^ -- 3 0. *$TAN^ J ~ " (' ' ^'; -;X?^P^ 136 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. Rate of interest = 2£ per cent. Value of soil = 250 shillings. Annual expenses =3 „ to be incurred at the end of each year : — 2225 + 67 x r02530 + 86 x r02520+91 x T02510 45r _ -(250 + 120) (1-02535-!) 1-02535 *°Ge = 891 shillings = £44 11 0 ~b. Notes on the Expectation Value of the Growing Stock. The expectation value of the growing stock depends on the following matters : — i. THE ABSOLUTE AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES. Regarding the value of the soil to be introduced into the calculation it should be noted, that the maximum expectation value should be chosen if the soil is again to be used for forest purposes ; if the soil can be more profitably used for agricul- ture or other purposes, the correspondingly increased value must be introduced into the account. ii. THE LENGTH OF THE ROTATION. In the case of fully-stocked or normal woods, the highest expectation value is obtained for that rotation for which the expectation value of the soil culminates, provided that value is introduced into the account. If a larger value of soil is intro- duced, then the maximum expectation value of the growing stock is obtained for a lower rotation than that for which the expectation value of the soil culminates, and vice versa. In the case of insufficiently stocked or abnormal woods, the rotation for which the highest expectation value of the growing stock is obtained, can only be determined by experimental calculations based upon the data of each special case. Example. — Taking the same data as before. For a rotation of 70 years : — 1683 + 67 x l-02520 + 86 x T02510 shillings. EXPECTATION VALUE. 137 For a rotation of 80 years : — 45Ge = 891 shillings. For a rotation of 90 years : — 2789 + 67 x l'02540+86 x 1'02530+91 x 1-02520 45r +95 xl-02510- (250 + 120) (1'02545-1) 1-02545 = 878 shillings. The maximum value is obtained for a rotation of 80 years, that is to say, the rotation under which the expectation value of the soil culminates (see page 129). Assuming now that the wood has been injured by wind at a previous period, so that no thinnings can be made before the year 90, and that the growing stock would realize — At an age of 70 years . . = 1200 shillings. „ 80 „ . . . . = 2000 „ „ 90 „ "• • • =2789 „ then the expectation value of the wood under these rotations would be as follows : — For a rotation of 70 years : — For a rotation of 80 years : — tSGf = 2000-870^26^1) 1 025 For a rotation of 90 years : — For a rotation of 100 years : — It will be observed that the maximum expectation value of the growing stock is, in this case, obtained under a rotation of 90 years. 138 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. iii. THE AGE OF THE WOOD. The expectation value of the growing stock rises (given a fixed rotation) with the age of the wood, but not in exact proportion. If the thinnings are made after regular intervals, say every 10 years, it generally happens" that immediately before making thinnings the expectation value is slightly higher, than immediately after the thinning has been made. For instance, if a thinning is made in the year 60, the expectation value of the growing stock for the year 59 will probably be higher than for the year 61. Immediately after the area has been stocked in the beginning of the rotation the expectation value of the growing stock is equal to the cost of formation, and at the end of the rotation it is equal to the value of the final yield. iv. THE RATE OF INTEREST WITH WHICH THE CALCULATION is MADE. A high rate of interest gives a low expectation value of the growing stock, and vice versa, similar to what has been shown for the expectation value of the soil. 2. Cost Value of the Growing Stock of a Whole Wood. The cost value of the growing stock of a wood now m years old, is equal to the present value of all costs of production less the present value of all returns which the wood ha3 yielded before the year m. a. Method of Calculation. Costs of Production. — (1) The present value of the rent of the soil during m years comes to :— Sxl'opm-S = S (l'opm-l). (2) The present value of the annual expenses during m years (see Formula IV.) :— = e x 1 -opm~l + ex l'opm~* + . . . + e, COST VALUE. 139> (3) Present value of cost of formation : — = cxl-opm. Receipts. — These consist of all previous thinnings and items of other incomes ; they may be represented hy Ta, Tb, . . . T^ Their present value is — = Ta x l-opm~a+ Tb x l-opm~b + . . . + T\ x l'opm~l. Should any items of income have occurred in annually equal amounts, such as shooting, grazing, etc., they can be summed up according to the Formula IV. The general formula for the cost value is therefore : — mGc = (S + E) (l-opm - 1) + c x l-opm - (Ta x l-opm-a + Tb x ropm~b + . . . + Tj x Top™-1). Here mGc still includes the thinning of the year m. If the calculation is made for what remains as final yield to go on with, then the thinning in the year m = Tm must also be deducted. Example. — Taking the same data as before, the cost value comes to : — 45GC=(250 + 120) (l'02545-l) + 60xl-02545-(4xl-02515 + 36xl-0255). 45(2C = 891 shillings, as in the case of the expectation value. b. Notes on the Cost Value. The cost value of the growing stock depends on : — (1) The absolute amount of the receipts and expenses up to the year m. (2) The Age of the Wood. — The value rises with the age, but temporary exceptions occur, as immediately after a thinning the cost value may be smaller, than imme- diately before it. At the commencement of the rotation the cost value is equal to the cost of formation. At the end of the rotation the cost value is equal to the value of the final yield, provided that : — 140 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. (a) the calculation has been made with the expectation value of the soil ; (b) the receipts and expenses were of the normal amounts, and (c) the wood is fully stocked, or normal, at the end of the rotation. Proof. — Let in = r, then, rGe=(S+E) (l-op>'- By introducing the expectation value of the soil, the above equation becomes : — which, after reduction, leads to : — 'Gc = Yr. (3) The Rate of Interest. — If the calculation is made with the maximum expectation value of the soil, and the receipts and costs corresponding to it, then a higher rate of interest yields a lower cost value, and vice versa. If the above assumptions do not hold good, it depends on the value of the soil and the amounts of receipts and costs which are introduced into the calculation, whether a higher rate of interest gives a greater or smaller cost value of the growing stock. 3. Sale Value, or Utilization Value, of the Growing Stock of a Whole Wood. Under the sale value of the growing stock of a wood is understood that price which it would realize in the open market. A wood may be sold under one of two conditions : — SALE VALUE. 141 (a) The wood is allowed to grow on for a number of years. In this case the purchaser would have to rent the soil for a number of years, and he would have to meet certain other expenses. Hence the sale value should be equal to the expectation value. (b) The wood is to be cut down at once. In this case the sale value would be the price which the cut material realizes in the open market. It is ascertained by determining the volume of the growing stock and multiplying it by the net mean rate per unit of measurement. The sale value of very young woods under condition b is generally negative, until the receipts obtained by the sale of the produce cover the cost of harvesting ; from that period it be- comes positive, rising at first slowly, then more rapidly, reach- ing its maximum value far beyond the period at which the mean annual increment culminates, in fact not until the annual in- crease in the value per unit of measurement is no longer suf- ficient to cover the falling off caused by thinning or decay. This period occurs, generally speaking, earlier in the case of light-demanding species, than in the case of shade-bearing species which maintain a full stocking for a longer space of time. 4. Relation existing between the Expectation and Cost Values of the Growing Stock of a Normal Wood. Looking at the formula? for the expectation and cost values, it will be observed that the soil rental and annual expenses appear in the negative form in the one, and in the positive form in the other ; again, the thinnings appear positive in the first and negative in the second. It follows that any change in these items affects the two values in opposite directions ; what raises the one value, reduces the other, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the one value can become equal to the other. This is the case, other items remaining the same in both instances, if the calculation is made in either case with the expectation value of the soil. 142 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. Proof. — Let mGe = mGc, immediately after the thinning in the year m has been made, then, Yr+TnxI'opr-n + . . . + rgxl-ojf-g = (S+E) (I'opm-l) + cxl'opm-(Taxl'opm-a+. . . After making the necessary reduction, it will be seen that this equation can only hold good, if — „ Yr+Taxl'opr-a+. . . + T,xl'opr^-cxl'opr l'opr-l in other words, if the expectation value of the soil is introduced for 8. It must, however, not be overlooked that the above holds good only in the case of normally stocked woods. If a wood has been too thinly stocked from early youth, so that both thinnings and final yield are below the normal amounts, the cost value will be found to be greater than the expectation value. 5. Relation existing between the Expectation and Cost Valu.es of the Growing Stock of a Normal Wood on the one hand, and the Utilization Value on the other hand. The utilization value of the growing stock is equal to the expectation, or cost value at the end of the rotation, provided the maximum expectation value of the soil is introduced into the account, and the rotation is that for which the expectation value of the soil culminates. An equality can also occur at a previous stage; according to the values introduced into the account. Generally speaking, the utilization value of young woods is smaller than the expectation, or cost value. On approaching the end of the rotation the difference is small, and it is then the safest plan to value the woods according to their utilization value, as the calculation of the expectation and cost values is based upon more or less uncertain data. VALUATION OF PART OF A WOOD. 143 SECTION II. — VALUE OF A PART OF A WOOD. 1. Value of Single Trees. The average value of a single tree is obtained by dividing the value of the whole wood, whether it be the expectation, cost, or utilization value by the number of trees. The special value of a certain tree can be ascertained by estimating its utilization value, or according to the formula of the expectation or cost value, by introducing the data referring to the special tree in question, an operation which is beset by considerable difficulties. 2. Value per Unit of Volume. This is obtained by dividing the value of a wood (or tree) by the number of units of volume contained in the wood (or tree). 3. Value of the Increment of One or More Years. The value of x years increment is equal to the value of the wood x years hence less the present value of the wood. The calculation can be made for x years forward or backward. In either case the expectation, or cost value may be calculated. a. The, Expectation Value. (1) Calculated for the year m + x : — l'0pr-(m+x) _Yr+Tnxl'opr-n+. . .-(S+E) (l'opr-m-l) l-opr-m v , _ (Yr+THxl'ojT*+. . . + S+E}(l'op*-l) \-of~™ (2) Calculated for the year m : — Valne = (Yr+Tnxl'opr-n+. . . + S+E) (l-ops-l) 144 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. I. The Cost Value. (1) Calculated for the year m + x : Value = (S+E) (l'opm+x- 1) + c x l'opm+x-(Ta x l-opm+*-» + ...)- [(S + E) (l'opm- 1) + c x l'opm -(Taxl'opm-" + ...)]. Value = l'opw fs+jE+c -(—«- + . . .Yl (l'opx-l). (2) Calculated for the year m :— Value = l-opw-a! [s+JS+c-y^M-. . .Yj (l-op*-l.) The cost value becomes equal to the expectation value, if the expectation value of the soil is substituted for S, a matter which is easy to show. In either case it becomes, calculated for the year m + x :— Value For the year m this value has to be divided by l'opx. SECTION III. — VALUE OF THE GROWING STOCK OF A NORMAL SERIES OF AGE GRADATIONS. (NORMAL GROWING STOCK.) If a forest is so .managed that it yields annually an equal return, it must contain a regular series of woods of equal yield capacity ranging in age from 1 year up to r years, with one year's difference between every two successive gradations. Whether these age gradations are found on separate areas, or are mixed with each other, makes no difference. In either case, every year the oldest age gradation will be cut over, giving a yield = Yr, and every year there will be thinnings in the gradations which have reached the ages of a, b . . . q years ; at the same time every year formation would cost c shillings, while supervision would cost r X e shillings. It is of interest to the forester to ascertain the value of the growing stock in such a forest, the same being known as " the growing stock of a normal series of age gradations." NORMAL GROWING STOCK. 145 1. Time of Year for which the Calculation should be made. The annual net return of a normal series of age gradations (or a working section) forms the rental of the soil and normal growing stock of that working section. Like the interest yielded by any ordinary capital that rental is produced within the year, so that the growing stock at the end of the year represents the capital plus one year's rental. Hence, the capital alone is present immediately after the year's rental has been removed. At that moment the oldest age gradation is (r—1) years old, the next (r — 2), etc., and the youngest (which has just been cleared), is 0 year old. Where cuttings are made in winter the normal growing stock is present in spring, before the trees have commenced to lay on the new annual increment. 2. Expectation Value of the Normal Growing Stock. For simplicity's sake, it shall, in the first place, be assumed, that only one intermediate return is obtained, in the year q ; then the values of the various age gradations will be as follows : — r.lr _Yr-(S+E)(l'op*-l) etc. - q.lr _Yr+Tqx 1-ojf-g -(S+E) (l' l-opr*-* etc. or _Yr+Tqxl-opr-«-(S+E) (1-op-^l) ~ToF~ By adding up all these quantities the following sum is obtained : — VOL. III. L 146 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. .r -op l-opz VojfJ \l-op 1 * opr X 'op l'oprx'op ^ l'oprx 'op Introducing now the other intermediate returns which occur in the age gradations aged a, b, . . . their values will appear in the same manner as the return which occurred in the age gradation q, namely as : — Taxl'opr-a(l'opa-l) t Tbxl'opr-b(l'opb-l) l'opr x 'op l'opr x 'op Hence, the general formula for the expectation value of the normal growing stock runs thus : — (Yr+S+E) (I'opr-l}+Tax l'opr~a (l'opa-l) Norm. Gr. ) = _ +. . - + Tqx l'opr~q (l'opq-l) Stock Ge j l'oprx'op -r (S+E). Assuming that in the above formula Yr) Ta . . . Tq, S and E are given for the unit of area, say 1 acre, then the formula represents the value of the normal growing stock for r acres. Consequently the normal growing stock for the unit of area is : — «- ___ ( ^ rxl'oprx'op By introducing the soil expectation value into the formulas given above, and substituting its value S' -Yr+TqXl-opr-a+. . . + Tqxl'opr-q-cxl'opr _ « NORMAL GROWING STOCK. 147 in the first part of the formula, it reduces to : Yr+Ta+. . . 'op f) or, as£ = — , Yr+Ta + . . 'op In words : The expectation value of the growing stock of a normal working section is equal to the capitalized annual net income minus the value of the soil. For the unit of area the formula is : Yr+Ta + . rx 'op 8. Cost Value of the Normal Groiving Stock. Assuming the same conditions as before, and also that only the a year old gradation has given an intermediate yield, the values of the successive age gradations come to : — °GC=(S+E) (l'op° 1GC=(S+E) (l'opl etc. aGc=(S+E)(l'opa- a+lGc = (S+E) (l'opa+l-l) + c x l'opa+l-Ta x I'op etc. r~lGc=(S+E) (l'opr~l- 1) + c x l'opr'l-Ta x l'opr-a~l. The sum of these expressions comes to : — (S+E)(l'op° + l'opl + . . -op 'op 'op By introducing now the further intermediate returns 'op 'op L 2 148 VALUATION OF THE GROWING STOCK. the general formula for the cost value becomes : — (S+E + c)(l'opr-l)-[Ta(l'opr-a-l) + . . . Norm. Gr. 1 + Tq (1-opT*-!)] Stock Gc J -op - r(S+E). For the unit of area : — (S+E + c) (l-opr-l)-[Ta(l'opr-a-l) + . . . Norm. Gr. \_ _ + r _ •*• r i •*• r _j_ _i_ •*• n i -*• n " l'opr~m l'opzr~m l'opn~m l'opr+n~m T T -f _ •*•» 4. _|_ ^a _1_ 'tr+n-m 1 ^ .r-tm-a) . c c + V--EJ- 'op*r-m * ') l'opr-m EXPECTATION VALUE. 151 , TaXl'0P l'opr-l l'opr-l l'opr-l cxl'op™ w + • • • — l - Ft ~~ ^ > l'opr — 1 as before. Example. — Determine the expectation value of a forest now 45 years old, if that forest yields the returns given in the money yield table for the Scotch pine at page 122 ; if rotation = 80 years; cost of formation = 60 shillings; per cent. = 2J; and annual costs per acre = 3 shillings. l-02545(2225 + 67 x l'02530+86 x 1'02520 -^o 1-02580-! ^Fe = 1141 shillings = £57 I 0. It was found before : — At page 127 . 80Se = 250 shillings. 136 . *Ge = 891 Total . . 1141 „ = £57 1 0 as above. In the case of the present growing stock being abnormal, the corresponding values must be introduced into the account (see page 137). b. Calculation under the supposition that, after the cutting over of the present crop, another species or another method of using the soil is introduced. In this case, the value S' of the soil corresponding to the new conditions must be introduced into the account ; then the rotation / must be determined, under which the 152 VALUATION OF FORESTS. expectation value of the present growing stock reaches its maximum. The value of the forest is then represented by the formula — > Y+ Txl'o>'-n+. . .-E l-o'-n If the present growing stock is abnormal, a further modifi- cation is required, by substituting the abnormal for the normal returns. 2. Cost Value of a Forest. a. The Cost Value of a Forest is equal to the Cost Value of the Soil, plus that of the Grotving Stock. (1) For any soil value : — c)l-opm-[Taxl'opm-a+. . . (2) By introducing the expectation value of the soil, the above becomes, for normal woods : — -[Taxl'opm-a+. . , l'op>-n+. . .+ j|^+. . .-c) l'opr-l~ This, it will be observed, is equal to the expectation value of the forest. b. The Cost Value can be cakulated direct out of the Expenses incurred. The method is similar to that followed in calculating the cost value of the growing stock, but the value of the soil is added instead of the rental only ; hence — mFe=Sxl'opm+E (l'opm-l)+cxl'opm-(Taxl'o2}m-a+. . .) = (S+E+c) l'opm-[Taxl'opm-a+. . . as before. COST, SALE AND RENTAL VALUES. 153 3. Sale Value of a Forest. By the sale value of a forest is understood the value estimated according to prices realized for forests of a similar description. As it is difficult to estimate existing differences, and hence to estimate the sale value, the latter is of subordinate importance. 4. Rental Value of a Forest. Under the rental value of a forest is understood the capitalized rental which it is capable of yielding. If the annually equal rental is = R, the rental value would be : — Rental value = ; — - • This method is only applicable in the case of a forest which can be so managed that it yields an annually (or periodic) equal rental. The rental is represented by — Yr+Ta+Tb + . . . + Tq-(c + rxe), and the rental value of the forest is — _Yr+Ta+Tb + . . . + Tq-(c+rxe) . •op Or, if — — is denoted by = E, 'op Rental value of a whole series = Yr+T*+- ' - + T^C -rXE. 'op The mean value of one age gradation would amount to — + ' ' ' r x 'op Rental value per unit of &rea,= Yr+ Ta + ' ' ' + T<*~~C-E. ' 154 CHAPTER V. DETERMINATION OF THE RENTAL OF FORESTS. IN order to convert any item of income, whether it occurs once or after stated intervals, into an annual rental, it is necessary to ascertain the capital value of the income and then to multiply it by 'op. For instance, the rental which corre- sponds to the thinning in the year a, and its recurrence every r years, is equal to : — The annual payment corresponding to the cost of cultivation, is expressed by — ex Top' 1. Rental of the Soil. Under the rental of the soil is understood the annual net return of the soil. It is represented by the difference between the rentals of incomes and the annual payment of expenses of a wood, hence :— Soil rental R8 \~Yr+Taxl- This rental, it will be observed, is the rental of the soil expectation value = rSe X 'op. RENTAL OP FORESTS. 155 2. Rental of the Growing Stock. This is calculated from the value of the growing stock in the same way as in the case of the soil rental. 3. Rental of the Forest. The rental of the forest is equal to the net return yielded hy the forest (soil plus growing stock). In the case of the annual working, the forest rental is equal to : — Rf=Yr+Ta+. . . + Tq-(c + rxe). If Yr, Ta . . . c and e refer to the unit of area, the rental for the unit of area is : — Unit of area Rf = Yr+T<* + - • 156 CHAPTER VI. THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. THE subjects which will be treated in this chapter belong to that part of scientific forestry which is called on the con- tinent " Forest Statics " ; that is to say, the science which weighs and considers the comparative merits of the different methods of treatment to which forests may be subjected. The financial results, or the rent-yielding power of an undertaking, are expressed by the proportion which exists between the yield and the capital which produces it. Hence, when several methods of treatment lead to the realization of the otherwise desired object, it should always be ascertained which of them does so in the most profitable manner ; in other words, which of them gives the highest rate of interest on the invested capital. In the present instance only the most necessary matters will be given, namely the methods of calculating the financial results of forestry, and their application to a few of the more important questions. SECTION I. — THE METHODS OF CALCULATING THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. The financial results of forestry can be determined in one of two ways : — (1) by ascertaining the " profit," that is to say, the surplus of receipts over costs of production ; (2) by ascertaining the rate of interest yielded by the capital invested in forestry, here called the " forest per cent." Each of these two methods must be explained in detail. DETERMINATION OF THE PROFIT. 157 1. Determination of the Profit of Forestry. a. Calculation for the Intermittent Working. In the case of a single wood of approximately uniform age, the returns and costs do not occur at the same time, but at intervals of various duration ; hence they must he calculated for one and the same time. In the first place, that time shall be the commencement of the rotation when the area is about to be planted or sown for the production of a forest crop. i. CALCULATION FOR A BLANK AREA. Let as before : — Yr be the final yield occurring in the year r and again in 2 x r, 3 x r, and so on for ever ; Ta, Tb . . . Tq, the thinnings occurring in the years a . . . q, and again in a + r . . . q + r years, again in & + 2 x r . . . # + 2 X r years and so on ; Sc the cost value of soil ; E the capitalized annual expenses = - : 'op c the cost of formation expended now, and again every r years ; C the capitalized cost of formation = c- ---- ^ ; l'opr — 1 p the per cent, at which money can be made available for investment in forestry, and at which money taken out of the forest can be invested with equal security. Then the present value of all returns is represented by _Yr+Txl'opr-a+. . . l'opr-l while the present value of all costs comes to ? — SC+E+C. Hence the profit of forestry is expressed by the formula : — Profit=P= r,+ Ta x i-«s^+._. •+ r. x i-°^-- ( 158 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. This formula can also be written as follows : — p _ (Yr+Taxl'opr-a+. . . + TqxI-opr-«-cxl'opr \ l'opr-l It will be observed that the part in brackets represents the expectation value of the soil; hence the above formula re- duces to : — P = Se-Sc. In words : the profit in the case of a blank area is equal to the difference between the expectation and cost values of the soil. From this fact the following conclusions can be drawn : — (1) A profit is realized if the soil has been acquired at a lower rate than that indicated by the expectation value of forest soil. (2) A profit is also realized if, although Se = Sc at the outset, the soil expectation value is afterwards in- creased, either by higher returns or by smaller costs, or by both ; in other words, by improved and more economic management. (8) The greatest profit is obtained by the adoption of the rotation, species and method of treatment which give the highest expectation value of the soil. (4) If the cost value of the soil is equal to the expectation value, the profit is nil and the capital invested in the forest yields exactly the per cent. p. If the cost value is greater than the expectation value, the forest industry involves a financial loss ; in that case it is more profitable to take the capital out of the forest and invest it otherwise, as long as in this way p per cent, can be obtained with equal security. ii. CALCULATION OF THE PROFIT FOR A WOOD NOW m YEARS OLD. It is assumed that the returns and costs are of the normal amount. DETERMINATION OF THE PROFIT. 159 The receipts consist of: — (a) All items of income realized between the formation of the wood and the year m, with accumulated interest to the year m : — Taxl'opm~a+...Tm. (b) All items of income to he realized between the year m and the end of the present rotation r, discounted to the year m : — Tnxl'opr-n+. . . (c) All items of income to be realized during subsequent rotations, amounting to : — Taxl'opr~a+. . . (l'opr-l)xl'opr-< The costs are : — (a) Past costs with compound interest to the year m : — Scxl'opm+E (l'opm — l) + cxl'opm. (b) Costs to be incurred from the year m to the end of the rotation : — E(l'opr-m-l) (c) Costs to be incurred during future rotations : — E cxl'opr l'opr~m (l'opr-l) X l'opr-m' By deducting all costs from the receipts, the profit is obtained and represented by the following formula : — Profit P = Yr+ Ta x l'opr~n + . . . + Tqxl'opr-q-E (l«opr-m-l] T + ."r-m V1') Yr+Taxl'of -« + ... -cxl'of ~ \ E) - (IL) 160 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. -Sc . . . . . . . . . (HI.) In this formula expression (II.) represents the expectation value of the soil discounted for r — m years, and the bracketed part of expression (III.) represents the cost value of the m years old growing stock ; hence the above formula can be written as follows :— Profit P = Yr+Taxl'opr-n+. . . + Tqx Here again the positive part represents the expectation value of the forest (see page 149), and the negative part the cost value of the forest ; hence :— Profit P = mFe-mFe. It will be seen that this formula agrees with that given for a blank because for the year o the expectation value of the forest is equal to the expectation value of the soil, and the same holds good for the cost values. The conclusions drawn on page 158, headings (1) to (4), with regard to the formula P = Se — Sc also hold good with regard to the formula P = Fe — Fc. b. Calculation for the Annual Working. In this case the returns and costs occur regularly every year. If they are of annually equal amounts, the returns are = Yr + Ta + . . . . + Tq. The costs consist every year of — (1) Interest on the value of the soil . . = rxS0X'op; (2) „ „ „ „ normal grow- ing stock . . . . . =rxnG0X'op; (8) The annually recurring cost of a4minis- tration, protection, taxes, etc. . . =rxEx 'op ; (4) The cost of formation . . . . = c ; DETERMINATION OF THE PROFIT. 161 hence total annual costs = and the annual profit : — Annual P = Yr+Ta + . . . + Tq-[(rxS0+rxnGc+rxE)x'op + c]. This formula can be written thus : — Annual P — Yr+Ta+. . . + Tq-c-rxe-[rxSc + rxnGc~]x'op; or, Annu,OP= Yr+T.+. . . + Tt-c-rx< x j x nQ 'op 'op Now : — Annual P = capitalized value of annual profit = total profit ; expectation value of the 'op Yr+Ta+. . . + Tq-c-rxe_ 'op forest under the annual working = Fe ; r x Sc + r x nGc = cost value of forest = F0 ; hence total, or capital, value of profit of the whole forest : — Total P = Fe-Fc. In words, the profit is equal to the difference between the expectation and cost values of a forest. For the rest, what has been said as regards the intermittent working holds also good in respect of the annual working, and vice versa, because a series of age gradations may be considered as so many separate woods of various ages ; the profit calculated for the series as a whole must be equal to that obtained by adding together the profits derived from the several age gradations, each calculated for itself. 162 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. 2. Determination of the Rate of Interest yielded by the Capital invested in Forestry, called the Forest Per cent. a. Calculation for the Intermittent Working. Under the intermittent working the rate of interest changes from year to year, because the capital, as well as the increment, change with the advancing age of the wood ; hence it is neces- sary to distinguish between the current annual and the mean (or average) annual rate of interest. i. CURRENT ANNUAL RATE OF INTEREST. The current annual rate of interest is equal to the net annual value increment of a wood divided by the cost value of the wood at the commencement of the year in question. The current annual per cent, is equal to that quotient multiplied by 100. Let:— Ym be the utilization value of a wood at the end of the year m, •* m+l » >j j» » >j j> 7/1+1, then — -^m+l ~~ *j» represents the increase in value which has been laid on during the year m + l. Deducting from this e, the annual costs, the net increase is equal to — V —V — P •*• m+l *« °« The cost value of the wood at the end of the year m (or beginning of the year m + 1) is represented by : — (a) the value of the soil with compound interest to the year m = Scxl'opm. (b) the cost of formation with compound interest to the year m — c x l'opm. (c) The value of the annual costs during m years with CURRENT RATE OF INTEREST. 163 compound interest calculated for the end of the year m = 'op (d) From these amounts must be deducted all returns realized between the formation of the wood and the end of the year m — Taxl'opm-a+TbxI'opm-b + . . . + TlxI'opm-l+Tm. The forest per cent. = °pf with which the invested capital is working during the year ra + 1 is, therefore, expressed by the formula : — • (Ym+l-Ym-e)lW The denominator in the above formula can also be written thus : — (SC+E) (l'opm On reference to page 139, it will be seen that this expression represents the cost value of the growing stock immediately after the thinning in the year m has been made plus the cost value of the soil ; hence the formula for the forest per cent. reduces to — curr. = (Ym+l-Ym-e)xWO*_ (Ym+1-Ym-e}xlW Sc+mGe mFc By substituting the utilization value of the growing stock for its cost value, the formula becomes — * This formula differs from that usually given in continental works, which is as follows : It is easy to show that this formula is only correct for the year in which = general per cent.^?. M 2 164 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. Similar to the progress of the current annual increment of a wood, the current annual forest per cent, is at first small, then rises, reaches a maximum, and then falls again. The maximum is greater than that attained by the mean annual increment, and also it occurs earlier (see fig. 41). Fig. 41. Of special interest to the forester is the relation which exists between the current annual forest per cent. «= °pf and the Culmination oj mean p/. Year when Se culminates. Fig. 42. general per cent. p. At first cpf is < p, then comes a time when the two are equal ; after that °pf > p, and after a further lapse of time epf becomes =p a second time (fig. 42), but beyond that period the forest per cent, is permanently smaller MEAN EATE OF INTEREST. 165 than p, unless exceptional conditions produce once more a sudden rise in the current annual forest per cent. The second occasion occurs in the year when the expecta- tion value of the soil reaches its maximum. Hence the formula for the current annual forest per cent, can he used to gauge the financial ripeness of a wood, as will be shown further on. ii. MEAN ANNUAL RATE OF INTEREST. The mean (or average) rate of interest is ascertained by converting all net returns into an equal annual rental and dividing it by the producing capital. That quotient multiplied by 100 gives the mean annual forest per cent. The best time for making the calculation is the commence- ment of the rotation. At that time the annual net rental is represented by the expression : — __x . - \ l'opr-l -op The producing capital at the commencement of the rotation is equal to the cost value of the soil = Sc. Hence the mean annual forest per cent, under the intermittent working is : — /r,+r.x i-gp^+. . .+Taxi-oP'-«-cx i-ofr^ x V i'of-1 L _xlOO meane anPf=-exp. Sc If 8>8m then «™pf>p. If the expectation value of the soil is equal to the cost value, then the mean annual forest per cent, is equal to the general per cent, p, which proves the correctness of the above formula. The highest mean annual forest per cent, is obtained under that rotation for which the expectation value of the soil culminates ; it is then equal to the current annual forest per cent, (see fig. 41). 166 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. b. Cakulation for the Annual Working. Under the annual working, with equal annual increment yield and costs, the current annual forest per cent, is equal to the mean annual forest per cent. In this case the annual net return amounts to : — Yr+Ta + . . . + Tq-c-rxe, and the producing capital to — rxSe+rx*Ge; hence mean _ •*r+-*a+* • • + -Lg — C — v rxSe+rxnGc ~-> _ -*r"i -*• a\~ • • • H~ •*- q C TX6 ~lf)f) Fc By multiplying and dividing the enumerator in this formula by 'op, the following is obtained : — r,+r.+...+r,-c-rxA x 100 or, as the part in brackets is equal to the expectation value of the This formula is identical with that obtained above for the profit = Fe-Fc: IfFe>Fc,then IfFe=Fc, then The highest mean annual forest per cent, under the annual working is obtained for that rotation under which the expecta- tion value of the forest reaches its maximum. CHOICE BETWEEN FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURE. 167 SECTION II. — THE FINANCIAL TEST APPLIED TO THE METHOD OF TREATMENT. If the profitableness of the method of treatment is to be tested, or if several methods are to be compared, it must be assumed that in each case those conditions exist, which render the method in itself as profitable as possible. In this case, it may be said that :, The most advantageous method of treat- ment, from a financial point of view, is that which yields the highest profit, or the highest mean annual forest per cent., provided, in the latter case, the capital is the same under each method. If the capitals differ, the following cases must be distinguished : (1) The method employing the greater capital is the more profitable, if it gives the higher forest per cent. (2) The one with the smaller capital is the more profitable, if it yields an equal or a greater amount of interest. If it yields less interest and yet a higher forest per cent., it cannot be decided off-hand whether it is the more profitable or not, as the total profit depends on two factors, namely, the rate of interest and the amount of the invested capital ; hence it is necessary to calculate the actual amounts of profit for each case and to compare them. The above-mentioned tests may be applied to all questions connected with forest management. Of these the following are the most prominent : — 1. Choice between Forestry and Agriculture as regards a Piece of Land. Of these two methods of using the land that is the more profitable which yields the highest net rental of the soil. Rental of soil under forest = l'opr-l 168 THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF FORESTRY. Kental of soil under agriculture = Annual gross rental — annual costs = net letting value. The decision can also be based upon the profit in each case, when the formula stands as follows : — r+ Ta X 1 =r- where Yf represents the annual gross income from agricul- ture, e' the annual expenses under agriculture, and S the cost value of the soil. 2. Choice of Species and Sylvicultural System. In both cases the choice is determined by the expectation value of the soil. It depends on :— (a) the value of the returns and the time when they occur. (b) the cost of formation, and the amount of the annual expenses if they differ for different species or different sylvicultural systems. (c) the rate of interest. 3. Choice of Method of Formation. The choice depends on the differences in the expectation value of the soil under the various methods of formation, such as planting, sowing, or natural regeneration. 4. Choice of Method of Tending, especially in respect of the Time and Strength of Thinnings. This is best effected by calculating the expectation value of the growing stock for the different methods of thinning, and comparing them. 5. Determination of the Financial Rotation. The financial rotation, or that which gives the best financial results, may be determined in various ways, as : — FINANCIAL RIPENESS OF WOODS. 169 (a) The rotation which yields the highest expectation value of the soil, or the highest soil rental. (6) The rotation which gives the highest net return for the forest. (c) The rotation which, taking a certain value of the soil, gives the largest profit or the highest mean annual forest per cent. 6. Determination of the Financial Ripeness of a Wood. The financial ripeness of a wood, say m years old, is gauged by means of the current annual forest per cent. As long as the forest per cent. : — curr. (Ym+l-Ym-e}xWO is greater than the general per cent, p, the wood is not ripe. If current pf = p, then the wood is just ripe. If current pf < p, then the wood is past ripeness and, if left standing, a financial loss is incurred. The above short notes will suffice for the present. The application of these principles will be found in the next part of this volume. PAET III. PRINCIPLES OF FOREST WORKING PLANS, OR, DESCRIPTION OF THE NORMAL FOREST. 173 PRINCIPLES OF FOREST WORKING PLANS. INTRODUCTORY. FOREST working plans regulate, according to time and locality, the management of forests in such a manner, that the objects of the industry are as fully as possible realized. As the latter differ widely, it follows that working plans cannot be drawn up according to any special pattern. The working plan for a protection forest, or a park-like forest, is altogether different from that of a forest which is managed on economic principles. In this volume only forests of the latter class will be considered, that is to say, it will be explained how forests should be managed so as to produce the best financial results, or the greatest volume, or the most suitable class of produce. The yield (or the return) of a forest consists of major or principal and minor produce. Under the former, timber, fire- wood and bark are understood. It is in the nature of things that forests should chiefly yield such articles ; at the same time, articles of minor produce (such as turpentine, fodder, grazing, fruits, caoutchouc, etc.) are frequently of considerable importance, and demand modifications of that management, which would be indicated by considering only the realization of major produce. Major produce is again divided into the final and interme- diate yields. The latter comprise the thinnings which are made from time to time during the course of the life of a wood, while the former is the return yielded by the final cutting of the wood, to be followed by a new crop. The major produce of forests, wood, is one of the indispen- 174 PRINCIPLES OF WORKING PLANS. sable articles of life, but it is bulky, and not adapted for a long transport by land. To this must be added that long periods of time elapse between the planting and harvesting of trees. Both these matters make it desirable that the yield of forests should be continuous and brought into the market in annually equal or approximately equal quantities, necessitating a man- agement based upon the principle of a sustained yield. Generally speaking, a " sustained yield " is secured, if all areas which have been cleared are restocked within a reason- able time, and the young woods which spring up properly tended, so that the soil continues to produce crops of wood. At the same time a distinction must be made between : — (1) The intermittent working, if the successive returns are separated by a varying number of years. (2) The annual working, if final cuttings occur in each year. If the latter are approximately equal in quantity year by year, the method is called the " strict or equalized annual working." The regulation of the yield of forests worked intermittently is very simple. It is only necessary to ascertain the most profitable rotation, taking into consideration the objects of management, and to make the thinnings whenever they become necessary. Although the method of annual working, and especially of the equalized annual working, is not an absolute necessity, still it is in the majority of cases highly desirable, more espe- cially where extensive areas are under treatment, or where a steady market has to be regularly satisfied. Moreover, it has considerable advantages, of which the following may be mentioned : (1) It favours the development of a regular and steady market, with a sustained competition of purchasers. (2) It affords equal employment year after year, and enables the administration to maintain a regular number of workmen, and to instruct them thoroughly in their work. INTRODUCTORY. 175 (3) It secures to the owner equal, or approximately equal, annual incomes, and facilitates budget arrangements. On the other hand the method has disadvantages, such as : — (a) It cannot as a rule be introduced without cutting certain woods at an age differing from that which is most profitable. (b) Owing to the necessity of bringing annually the same quantity into the market, it interferes with the com- plete utilization of special demands for forest produce, or the omission of cuttings when the demand is slack. These remarks show that the intermittent as well as the annual working possess peculiar advantages, and that the choice depends on circumstances. In the majority of cases the annual working will be found more suitable, without, however, strictly adhering to it when it would involve sacri- fices out of proportion to the general advantages of the method. Correctly speaking, in order to have equal annual returns, it would be necessary to regulate the intermediate cuttings or thinnings, as well as the final returns. Against such an arrangement the following reasons may be given : — (1) Areas which yield equal final returns, do not always yield equal intermediate returns. (2) Thinnings depend much more than final cuttings on the method of formation and tending. (3) The yield of thinnings depends frequently on events which do not occur regularly, or which cannot be fore- seen, so that it is almost impossible to estimate it correctly beforehand. Hence, it is desirable to confine the regulation of the annual yield to the final cuttings, and to be satisfied with an approxi- mate equalization of the intermediate returns, such as will naturally happen, if the final cuttings are systematically equalized; provided always that the thinnings are not made so heavy as to affect the subsequent final returns. 176 PRINCIPLES OF WORKING PLANS. If a forest is to yield a return, either annually or periodi- cally, it must be in a certain state. In order to determine what this state should be under a given set of conditions, it is useful to construct an ideal pattern in a simple form, which is uninfluenced by external interfering circumstances. Such an ideal state differs, of course, for every different method of treatment, in accordance with the objects at which the manage- ment aims. In all these cases a forest which corresponds in every way to the objects of management is called a normal forest. It enables the forester to study the laws which must govern the management, and it serves as an ideal to be aimed at, though it may never be altogether reached, and at any rate not permanently maintained. The normal state of a forest, under a given set of conditions, depends chiefly on the presence in it of : — (1) A normal increment. (2) A normal distribution of the age classes. (8) A normal growing stock. By normal increment is understood that which is possible, given a certain locality, species and rotation. An abnormal increment may be caused by faulty formation, faulty treatment, injurious external influences, and also by a preponderance of certain age classes. By a normal distribution of age classes is understood a series of age gradations, so arranged that at all times when cuttings are to be made, woods of the normal age are available in such a position that no obstacles to their cutting exist. The normal growing stock is that which is present in a forest in which the age gradations are arranged normally, and show the normal increment. It can, however, also be present (in quantity) in an abnormal forest, if the deficiency of some woods is made good by a surplus in others. For the strictly annual working and the clear cutting system a forest is, therefore, normal, if it consists of a series of fully stocked woods equal in number to the number of years in the rotation, so that each year a wood of the normal age INTRODUCTORY. 177 can be cut, and the returns are equal, at any rate in quantity if not in value. From a financial point of view, the further condition must be added, that there should be no woods in the forest, the forest per cent, of which has sunk below the general per cent. p (see p. 169). In accordance with these definitions, the following matters demand special attention : — 1. The increment. 2. The rotation, or the normal age at which woods should be cut over. 3. The normal age classes. 4. The normal growing stock. 5. The normal yield. 6. The relations which exist between increment, growing stock, and yield. 7. The real forest compared with the normal forest. VOL. III. 178 CHAPTER I. THE INCREMENT. EVERY tree or wood may lay on three different kinds of increment, namely : — 1. Quantity or volume increment. 2. Quality increment. 3. Price increment. SECTION I. — QUANTITY INCREMENT. By quantity increment is understood the increase in the volume caused by the growth of a tree or a wood. It is measured by the cubic foot solid, or the cubic foot stacked. The different kinds of quantity increment and the modes of measuring them have been explained 'in Forest Mensuration, p. 82. For the purpose of working plans it must be added that for short periods, say 5-10 years, the periodic mean annual increment can be put equal to the current annual increment, without any appreciable error. The calculations of increment may refer to the final yield only, or to the intermediate yields, or to both together. In the tables at pages 188 to 191, the various classes of in- crement have been calculated separately for final, intermediate, and both yields together. 1. Progress of Volume Increment. a. Of Single Trees. The volume increment is produced by an annual elongation of the crown and roots, and by the laying on of a new layer QUANTITY INCREMENT. 179 between wood and bark all over the stem, branches and roots. As a general rule the stem or trunk is the most important part of the tree ; hence the forester is specially interested in the height and diameter growth. It has been explained in Volume I. of this Manual, p. 161, that the energy of height growth differs not only according to species, but also, in the case of one and the same species, according to the locality and method of treatment ; besides, there is in this respect a great difference between seedlings and coppice shoots. Generally speaking, in the case of seedlings the height growth during earliest youth is, in temperate climates, com- paratively slow ; it then increases rapidly, remains steady for a time, then decreases, and ceases altogether, or nearly so. The periods when the current annual and mean annual height increment show their maxima are of special interest to the forester, but the data at present available give wide limits for those periods. Taking the various quality class es together the following table gives the limits of the periods and the mean year of the maximum height growth : — SPECIES. CURRENT ANNUAL HEIGHT INCREMENT. MEAN ANNUAL HEIGHT INCREMENT. Limits of Period when the Maximum occurs. Average Year when Maximum occurs. Limits of Period when Maximum occurs. Average Year when Maximum occurs. Scotch pine 15—40 20—55 25—55 20—90 28 38 40 55 30— 55 38— 80 41— 92 50—140 43 59 67 95 Spruce Beech Silver Fir On the whole, the culmination occurs earlier : — (1) In the case of light- demanding species, and (2) In the better localities. In the case of teak, the current annual height increment N 2 180 THE INCREMENT. generally reaches its maximum during the first five years of the tree's life, frequently in the second or third year. Deodar shows a height growth similar to that of spruce, though some- what quicker during early life. S&1 shows, as far as is known at present, a remarkably even rate of height growth up to an age of 80 or 100 years. Coppice shoots show, generally, the greatest height growth during the first few years of their existence ; the rate of increment begins to fall off early, nor do such shoots, rare cases excepted, reach the same ultimate height as seedling trees. The comparative height growth of different species has been dealt with at p. 163 of Volume I. of this Manual. The lateral increment of the trunk of a tree, i.e., diameter or sectional area increment, depends on the surface of the leaf canopy and on its activity. Hence, free growing trees increase more rapidly in diameter than those grown in dense or crowded woods. At the same time the position of the leaf surface is of importance. Trees with a crown coming close to the ground are comparatively more tapering, while those with the crown reduced to the upper part of the stem show a more cylindrical shape. The form or shape of the stem depends therefore on the distribution of the crown. If, with advancing age, the crown of trees in crowded woods moves higher up the stem, the difference in diameter increment between the lower and upper part of the stem decreases, and this is accompanied by what may be called the "form increment"; in other words, the tree becomes less tapering. The forester expresses this, as explained at p. 36, by the " form factor," or the coefficient by which the volume of a cylinder of the same base and height as the tree must be multiplied, in order to obtain the volume of the stem of the tree. It has been stated, at p. 38, that in practice only the form factors based on a measurement of the base at height of chest, or 4£ feet above the ground, are used, and at p. 39 the form factors for the following trees were given : — QUANTITY INCREMENT. 181 Scotch pine, according to T. Kunze. Spruce, ,, „ Baur. Silver Fir, ,, ,, Lorey. Beech ,, ,, Baur. These factors refer to trees grown in fairly crowded woods. Similar figures for oak, based on the measurements of a sufficiently large number of woods, are not yet available, but until they have been obtained the form factors for beech may, within reasonable limits, be used for oak grown in fully stocked woods. In the case of oak' trees grown in coppice with standards, form factors are out of the question. b. Increment of tuJiole Woods. The increment of a wood consists, during the first period of life, of the full increment of the individual trees. As soon as the trees close overhead, the extension of the crowns is inter- fered with, followed by a decrease in the diameter increment. As long as the degree of crowdedness is not too great, the height growth is not reduced ; on the contrary, a moderate degree of density of the leaf canopy encourages height growth. Although, during this period, the individual tree has less increment than it would have in a free position, the increment of a fairly crowded wood can have, and generally has, a larger increment per unit of area than an open wood, because the total increment is equal to the mean increment per tree multiplied by the number of trees. What degree of density of a wood gives the maximum increment is a question which awaits solution. In the meantime it must not be forgotten that a fairly crowded condition encourages height growth, decreases the tapering of the stems, and kills off the lowei branches, thus producing more valuable trunks. While the loss of material is very small in trees grown in the open, it becomes considerable in the case of fully stocked woods. Not only do all the lower branches die off, but the greater number of the trees, of which the wood originally con- sisted, must be removed by degrees, because they are gradually 182 THE INCREMENT. overtopped and suppressed ; these form ordinarily the material of which the thinnings consist. In fully stocked woods, especially in those treated as high forest, a distinction must be made between the dominant and suppressed trees ; the former may be called the major or primary part of the growing stock, and the latter the minor or secondary part. Not only the latter, but also a considerable portion of the former, will be removed in the thinnings, in the same degree as, with the advancing age of the wood, the.y lose their dominant character and join the secondary part of the growing stock. The progress of the increment in whole woods has, by no- means been determined for all important species, though much material bearing on this question has been collected of late years on the continent of Europe. In India matters are still more backward. So much, however, has been determined, that both the current and mean annual increment culminate much earlier than had been supposed. The yield tables for some of the more important European species justify the following conclusions : — (1) The current annual increment rises rapidly after the first youth is passed, and reaches its maximum about the time when the height growth culminates ; it then falls, and reaches zero at the death of the wood. (2) The mean annual increment keeps below the current annual increment, until the two become equal; after that period the mean annual increment is greater than the current annual increment. (3) The mean annual increment reaches its maximum at the precise moment when it is equal to the current annual increment. Gustav Heyer has proved this in the following manner : — Let cit cz, c3, . . . cn, cn+1, be the current annual increments of successive years ; mlt m2, ra3, . . . mn,' mn+1, the mean annual increments for the same years ; then the current annual incre- ment of the year (n + 1) is represented by— QUANTITY INCREMENT. 183 or and CH+I = (n + 1) mn+l -nx mn, ca+1 = nx mn+l + mn+l -nx mn, CH+I ~ w»+i = n (mn+1 - mn) . It follows that if mn+l^,mn, then also cn+1^.wn+1; and if mn+l = mn, then also en+1 = wn+1, as it was proposed to prove. (4) When the mean annual increment culminates, the current annual increment must, naturally, already be past its maximum, and be falling ; hence the former culminates later than the latter. During the inter- mediate period between the two culminations, the mean annual increment is still rising, whereas the current annual increment is already falling. Example : — Year. Current Annual Increment. Cubic feet. Total Increment. Cubic feet. Mean Annual Increment. Cubic feet. Year. Current Annual Increment. Cubic feet. Total Mean Annual Increment. Increment. Cubic feet. Cubic feet. 1 30 30 30 7 120 716 102 2 65 95 47 8 108 824 103 3 105 200 67 9 94 918 102 4 126 326 81 10 80 998 100 5 138 464 93 11 68 1 1066 96 6 132 596 99 12 62 1128 94 Or graphically represented : — 1-00 8c €.0 40 4 Fig. 43. 184 THE INCREMENT. (5) Whenever the object of management consists in the realization of the greatest return of volume, the rota- tion must coincide with the year in which the mean annual increment culminates. The time when the maximum for final yield only occurs, differs from that for final plus intermediate yields ; the difference may amount to 10 and, even 20 years, especially if heavy thinnings are made at an early period. 2. Quantity Increment Per cent. So far the increment has been expressed in actual volume. In addition, it is useful to ascertain the proportion which exists between the total volume of a tree or wood at a certain age, and the increment laid on during the year before or the following year. In order to express this proportion indepen- dently of the actual volume, it is usual to give it in per cents., and to call the proportion the " increment per cent." ; by this is, therefore, understood the current annual increment which is laid on by every 100 units of volume. ; The increment per cent, is used, sometimes to calculate from the present volume the increment which is likely to be laid on in the immediate future, but is chiefly employed for the purpose of testing the activity of the capital invested in forestry. Let the volume of a tree or wood at a certain age = v, „ ,, the same tree or wood one year later = F; then the increment of one year i = V — v. Let further the increment per cent, of the volume = pv, then and pc = Zn?xlOO = -xlOO. v v The same expression is obtained by considering V as the accumulated value of v, produced by v working with interest for one year, in other words : QUNTITY INCREMENT PER CENT. 185 This gives :— as before. The increment per cent, p is naturally very large during the early youth of a tree or wood ; but as the volume increases year by year, that is to s&y the denominator in the above equation, while the annual increment does not increase in any- thing like the same proportion, and in fact begins to decrease comparatively early, it follows that the increment per cent. becomes smaller year by year. Heavy thinnings can tempo- rarily produce an exception to the above rule, as they may retard the sinking of the increment per cent. Instead of comparing i with v, it can be brought into re- lation with F; in that case the increment per cent, becomes : — =x 100=x100. As the determination of the increment of a single year is a difficult and inaccurate operation, it is usual to determine it for a number of years, 5, 10, or, generally, n years, and to consider V as the value produced by placing v for n years at compound interest, working with pv per cent., as : — From this and or- 186 THE INCREMENT. In order to avoid the use of logarithms, several formulae have been evolved, which give approximately accurate results. Pressler obtained such a formula by assuming that the incre- ment during the n years is laid on in annually equal quantities, and by comparing the increment with the volume which is present in the middle of the period of n years. He thus obtains the proportion — Capital : annual increment = 100 : pv and V-v 200 n * This formula gives pv somewhat too small ; but the difference is so slight, that it can be neglected for all practical purposes. Example : — Let v (in the year 70) = 3820 cubic feet ; „ V (in the year 80) = 4260 then — or V-v 200 4260-3820 200 w *•- V+v X T = 4260 + 3820 X lo = If any thinnings have been made during the n years, their amount must be added to F, before the increment per cent. is calculated. Supposing that in the above case 327 cubic feet were cut between the years 60 and 70, then — or 4260 + 327-3820. 200 - - QUANTITY INCREMENT PER CENT. 187 A law of considerable importance in the preparation of work- ing plans, which was discovered by Pressler, runs thus : — " The increment per cent., in its gradual fall, is expressed for the year r, in which the mean annual increment culminates, by the formula — 100 For final yield only: .... pv= . For final and intermediate yields : p'v = where t represents the sum of all thinnings expressed in per cent, of the final yield. The proof is eas}T : — The increment per cent, is, pv = -xlQQ. v In the year r, when the mean annual increment culminates, the current annual increment is equal to the mean annual in- crement, that is to say, i = - ; introducing this value in the T above formula, it becomes r v r For final and intermediate yields let : — T = total of intermediate yields to the year r', v = final yield in the year r', then the maximum mean annual increment — _v'+T r' If pvf be the corresponding increment per cent., then , v'+T 100 100 r v r \ v If now t represents the per centage of T in v't then — T t~^7x 188 and THE INCREMENT. — — 100' Introducing this value into the above formula of pv, the latter becomes : — ,_100/., , txv' \_100 + £ ~V~\ +100x7/~ ~7~ The formula? pv = — ~ and pv' = -— ^ are used to gauge the ripeness of growing woods which are worked for volume of production only. If it is found that the increment per cent. YIELD TABLE FOB ONE ACRE OF A SCOTCH PINE WOOD, Timber down to FINAL YIELD. INTERMEDIATE Age of Mean Height of Domi- Volume Increment in Cubic Feet solid. Volume Incre- Wood. nant Trees. Cubic Feet solid. Periodic. Current Annual. d Mean Annual. Per Cent. Cubic Feet solid. Periodic Current Annual _ i To ~io a 1) C- d e / 9 ' h i ft 10 5 — 20 15 30 1-5 800 80 39-88 48 5 30 26 830 28- 48 1140 114 9-03 289 29 40 35 1970 49- 289 730 73 3-20 403 40 50 43 2700 54- 403 600 60 2-03 413 41 60 51 3300 55 413 520 52 1-47 363 36 70 57 3820 55- 868 440 44 1-10 327 88 80 63 4260 53- 327 360 36 •81 282 28 90 67 4620 51- 282 290 29 •61 248 25 100 71 4910 49- 248 240 24 •48 213 21 110 73 5150 47' 213 190 19 •86 164 16 120 75 5840 44- 164 QUANTITY INCREMENT PER CENT. 189- 100 in a certain year r is still greater than , it shows that the T moment when the mean annual increment culminates has not 100 yet been reached — the wood is not yet ripe. If pv < — 100 then ripeness is past ; and if pv = — , the wood is just ripe. r It remains to add, that the formula for the increment per cent, can be applied to height, diameter, or basal area incre- ment, as well as to volume increment. Example. — The accompanying two tables are yield tables for the Scotch pine III. quality, according to Weise, the first for III. OK MIDDLING QUALITY, ACCOKDING- TO WEISE. 3 inches diameter only. YIELDS. TOTAL YIELD. merit. Volume in Cubic Feet solid. Increment. Age of Wood. Mean Annual _ m a Total to present Age. Columns c + h. Columns c + TO. Periodic d + i. Current Annual e + k. Mean Annual 0 a Per Cent. I in n 0 P 1 r s 10 30 30 1-5 20 843 85 40-16 1-6 48 873 878 29- 30 1429 143 10-53 8-0 337 2259 2307 58- 40 1133 113 4-65 15- 740 3103 3440 69- 50 1013 101 3-24 19- 1153 3713 4453 74- 60 883 88 2-40 21- 1516 4183 5336 76- 70 767 77 1-85 23- 1843 4587 6103 76- 80 642 64 1-41 24- 2125 4902 6745 75- 90 538 54 1-11 24- 2373 5158 7283 73- 100 453 45 •89 23- 2586 5363 7736 70- 110 354 35 •67 23- 2750 5504 8090 67- 120 190 THE INCREMENT. YIELD TABLE FOR ONE ACRE OF A SCOTCH PINE WOOD, Timber and FINAL YIELD. INTERMEDIATE Age of Wood. Mean Height of Domi- nant Trees. Feet. Volume, Cubic Feet solid. Increment, in cubic feet solid. Volume in Cubic Feet solid. Incre- Periodic. Current Annual. d Mean Annual. Per Cent Periodic. Current Annual, t 10 10 a I c d e / 0 h i ft 510 51 10 5 510 51 780 78 9-72 20 15 1290 64 850 85 5-19 343 43 30 26 2140 71 343 760 76 3-10 614 61 40 35 2900 72 614 630 63 1-98 572 57 50 43 3530 71 572 530 53 1-41 529 53 60 51 4060 68 529 470 47 1-10 443 44 70 57 4530 64 443 420 42 •89 386 39 80 68 4950 <>2 386 350 35 •68 328 33 90 67 5300 59 328 280 28 •51 286 29 100 71 5580 56 286 240 24 •42 243 24 110 73 5820 53 243 190 19 •32 186 19 120 75 6010 • 50 186 timber down to 3 inches diameter, and the second for timber and firewood, in each case for one acre ; the data refer to the volumes above ground only. The second table shows that — (1) The current annual increment, for final returns only, culminates about the year 25. (2) The mean annual increment, for final returns only, culminates about the year 40, that is to say, when it is equal to the current annual increment. (3) The current annual increment, for final and inter- mediate returns, culminates about the year 35. QUANTITY INCREMENT PER CENT. 191 III. OR MIDDLING QUALITY, ACCORDING TO WEISE. Fagots. YIELD. TOTAL YIELD. ment. Volume in Cubic Feet solid. Increment. Age of Wood. Mean Mean Annual. m a Total to present Age. Columns c + h. Columns c + m. Periodic d + i. Current Annual. e + k. Annual. 0 a Per Cent. I m n 0 P 1 r s 510 51 510 510 51 10 780 78 9-72 1290 1290 64 20 1193 119 6-77 12 343 2483 2483 83 30 1374 137 5-08 24 957 3514 3857 96 40 1202 120 3-53 30 1529 4102 5059 101 50 1059 106 2-66 34 2058 4589 6118 102 60 913 91 2-05 36 2501 4973 7031 100 70 806 81 1-65 36 2887 5336 7837 98 80 678 68 1-29 36 3215 5628 8515 95 90 566 57 1-02 35 3501 5866 9081 91 100 483 48 •83 34 3744 6063 9564 87 110 376 38 •63 33 3930 6196 9940 83 120 (4) The mean annual increment, for final and intermediate returns, culminates about the year 60, when it is equal to the current annual increment. (5) Both the current and mean annual increment of final and intermediate returns culminate later than in the case of final returns only. (6) The increment per cent, forms a falling series in each case. (7) The increment per cent, of final yield for the year 40, when the mean annual increment culminates, should be — 192 THE INCKEMENT. This agrees with the table, as it shows — For the period 30-40 : p = 3'10 „ 40-50: p = l-98 or about 2'5 for the year 40. For final and intermediate returns :— jj;_100+SXl00^100+51_2.52 The table shows — For the period 50-60 : / = 2'66 „ 60-70 : / = 2-05 between which 2*52 lies. (8) The maximum quantity return will be obtained under a rotation of 60 years. SECTION II. — QUALITY INCREMENT. By quality increment is understood the increase in the value per unit of volume. It is produced, in the first place, by larger pieces of timber fetching higher prices per unit of measurement, and secondly by a reduction of the cost of harvesting per unit of measurement. Quality increment is independent of any alteration in the general price of forest produce. If in the course of n years the net value of the unit of volume rises from q to Q, then the quality increment is -= Q — q, and the corresponding per cent, is obtained by the formula : — and or QUALITY INCREMENT. 193 An approximately correct value for pq is obtained by the formula : — The quality increment may be rising, falling, or its move- ments may be more or less irregular ; hence it is impossible to indicate these movements in a mathematical form. Woods grown for firewood only show little or no quality increment after middle age ; except, perhaps, in so far as the per-centage of stem- to branch wood increases. The latest investigations seem even to indicate that wood taken from middle-aged trees has a higher heating power than wood taken from older trees although they may be perfectly sound. Matters are different in the case of timber forests ; here the quality increment rises, in the majority of cases, to an advanced age, because : (1) Trees of large dimensions are, on the whole, more valuable per unit of volume, than those of small dimensions. (2) The per centage of timber to firewood increases, at any rate up to a certain age. The quality increment per cent, sinks, on the whole, with advancing age, though more or less irregularly ; it can become nil and even negative if the timber commences to decay, while the quantity increment is still above nil. Example. — A Scotch pine wood 60 years old contains : — Timber = 3,300 cubic feet, worth 4d. per cubic foot. Firewood = 760 „ „ „ Id. „ „ Hence, mean quality : 3300x4 + 760x1 «" -406CT -=3'44P*nce- The same wood in the year 70 has : — Timber = 3,820 cubic feet, worth 5d. a cubic foot. Firewood = 710 „ „ „ Id. „ VOL. III. O 194 THE INCREMENT. Hence : 3820x5 + 710x1 Q7 Q= "4530- -4-37 pence. And: -- ', 4-37^3-44 xl'op,10 And p, = 2-42 per cent. Approximate value : 4-37-3-44 200 0 QQ X TO =238percent- Calculating the quality increment per cent, for timber only with the data given in the table at page 122, the following values are obtained for pq according to the formula :— Period 30— 40 years . . . pq = 2'26 40— 50 „ . . . „ = 1-84 50— 60 „ . . . „ = 2-92 60— 70 „ . . . „ = 2-26 70— 80 „ . .; . „ = 1-84 80— 90 „ .. ;v. . „ = 1*55 90—100 „ . v ' . „ = 1-34 „ 100—110 „ . . . „ = 1-18 „ 110—120 „ . . „ = 1-06 What has been said above can also be applied to the inter- mediate returns. Indeed, the quality increment of that part of a wood which yields the thinnings can be very considerable, especially while the wood is still young. Here a few years extra growth may cause a great rise in the quality per unit of measurement. On the other hand, if thinnings are kept over too long, they interfere with the proper development of the PRICE INCREMENT. 195 major part of the wood, hence extremes in this respect must be avoided. SECTION III. — PRICE INCREMENT. Under price increment is understood the increment caused by a change in the price of forest produce generally, inde- pendent of the accompanying quality increment. It can be positive, nil, or negative. Example. — A hitherto inaccessible forest is brought into communication with a large town by the construction of a railway; the increase in the prices of the produce of the forest represents the price increment, which in this case is positive. Or, Owing to an increased import of forest produce the price of the home production falls generally ; this represents a fall of prices, in other words a negative price increment. Price increment depends partly on the forester and partly on external causes, over which he has little or no control. Of the former class of causes are, for instance, the construction of good roads, development of industries which consume forest produce, improvement in the general management leading to a higher net value per unit of measurement. It is out of the question to construct a law showing the changes in price. In some cases such changes affect all classes of produce, in others only certain kinds. Under any circumstances it is almost impossible to foresee them, except in special definite cases. At the same time the price increment is of considerable importance, as it affects the financial ripe- ness of woods, and in this way influences the lines upon which the management of the forest should proceed. The price increment is calculated in the same way as the quality increment. If s represents the value of the unit of measurement at the present time, and S the corresponding value after n years, the price increment is = S — s, and S = sxl'op8n 196 THE INCREMENT. 10- Again, the approximate value : — SECTION IV. — ADDITION OF THE SEVERAL INCREMENT PER CENTS. LEADING TO THE FOREST PER CENT. On reference to page 163 it will be seen that the current annual per cent, with which the capital invested in a wood works, is expressed by the formula :— _(Ym+l-Ym-e) 100_(Ym+l-Ym-e) 100. Sc+mG0 Fc or, if mGc is taken as = Ym, _(Ym+l-Ym-e)xlW Pf S0+Ym This formula could be used to determine the financial activity of a wood at any time, if it were possible to determine accurately the value increment of the wood for a single year. This, however, is a very uncertain operation ; hence the difference in the value of the crop produced during a series of years must be ascertained, a difference due to the combined effect of volume-, quantity-, and price increment. The determination of the combined increment per cent, is done in the following manner : A property which has at present a value = w increases during the next n years in volume by pv per cent, annually. „ quality „ pq „ „ ,, price ,, ps ,, ,, Its value W at the end of the n years may be expressed by the formula : — THE FOREST PER CENT. 197 W— W X l'0pv* X I'op* X l'op,n; or or -l .*g* .»g«g« , 100 1002 1003 or 1002 In this equation the right side expresses nothing else than the current per cent, with which the forest capital w works during the period of n years, in other words what has been called at page 163 the current annual forest per cent. The proof is easy : If n = 1, the original formula becomes : — W=w (l'opv) (l'opq} (l'ops) and also : W=w (1-op,). Hence l-opf=(l-opv) (l'opq) (rop8) and , -LV +*, + « qv sy s, 100 Hence the above formula can be written thus : — This formula was introduced by Pressler, who called the curpf thus obtained the indicating per cent. (Weiserpro- 198 THE INCREMENT. cent.). Pressler went out of his way to call the above expres- sion the approximate value of cpf, whereas it represents the absolutely current value of it, as has just been proved. The indicating per cent, (or current forest per cent.) indicates the per cent, with which the capital represented by a wood works at the various periods of the wood's life ; in other words, it indicates at any time, whether a wood is financially ripe or not. (See page 169.) As long as the indicating per cent, is larger than the general per cent, p, at which money can be invested otherwise with equal security, or at which money can be obtained for investment in forestry, the wood is financially not ripe ; when the indicating per cent, has become smaller than p the financial ripeness of the wood is past ; the wood is financially ripe at the time when the indicating per cent, is equal to p. It remains to substitute the proper values for w and W. The capital value w of the forest at the present time is represented by the value of the soil and growing stock, correctly = S + mGc- As the formula is only used in the case of woods which are at or near maturity, the utilization value may be substituted for the cost value of the growing stock, so that This is the capital which it is proposed to let work for another n years. During that period it increases to the value of the forest in the year ra + n, from which amount must be deducted the annual costs during n years with compound interest, so that : — W=Ym+n+S-E (l-op»-l) and If between the years ra and ra + n a thinning has been * This formula differs from that given by Pressler and Judeich for the reasons indicated in the footnote at page 163. THE FOREST PER CENT. 199 made, say in the year xt its value with compound interest to the year m + n must be added to W, so that the formula becomes : — cur. pr _ 1(?0 / ° 7 Ym+n + Tx X l-0p°+ ' + S - E (l'OPn - 1) _ A* In either case the value 8 of the soil can be taken as the cost value or as the expectation value. If n is placed = 1, the above formula reduces to : — our. n _ (Ym+l-Ym-e)xWQ Pf— - - agreeing with that given at page 163 for the current annual forest per cent. Example. — Taking the data in the table at page 122, and putting p = 2J per cent., S = 250 shillings, e = 3 shillings, the following values of pj> are obtained : — For the period 70 — 80 years : — log (100 +ft) - 2 + lQg (218Q + 95 + 25° ~ B4) " lQg (1592 + 250> 7°->/=2'86. For the period 80 — 90 years : — log (lQO+ry)-2+log (2695 + 94 + 250-34) -log (2130 + 250) The current annual forest per cents, given in the table at page 202 have been calculated in this way, and they show that the financial ripeness occurred during the period 80 to 90, or more precisely in the year 82. * This formula differs from that given by Pressler and Judeich for the reasons indicated in the footnote at page 163. 200 CHAPTER II. THE ROTATION. BY rotation is understood that period of years which elapses between the formation of a wood and the time when it is finally cut over and regenerated. The end of this period, that is to say the age of the wood when cut over, is called the " final age." If it coincides with that which is considered the one best suited to the system of management, it is called the " normal " final age ; if a wood has, for one reason or another, to be cut over at a different age, the latter is called an " abnormal " final age. The determination of the rotation is one of the most important measures in forest management. At the same time the rotation depends entirely on the various objects of manage- ment ; hence it differs with every change of conditions. In economic forestry the following deserve to be distinguished :— 1. The financial rotation. 2. The rotation of the highest income. 3. The rotation of the greatest volume production. 4. The technical rotation. 5. The physical rotation. Each of these may be indicated by the objects of manage- ment, and it is necessary to explain them in some detail. 1. The Financial Rotation, a. Calculation of the Financial Rotation. By the financial rotation is understood that under which a forest yields, if calculated with a given per cent, and THE FINANCIAL ROTATION. 201 compound interest, the highest net return. The financial rotation is, therefore, identical with that which — (a) Gives the maximum soil rental as expressed by the formula : — Soil rental = Se X 'op Yr+Taxl'opr-a+. . . + T(/xl'opr-y-cxl'opr l'opr-1- 'op (See page 154.) (6) Or yields the highest profit : — P = Se-Se. (See page 158.) (c) Or yields the maximum mean annual forest per cent. : (See page 165.) Of these, the first formula is the most convenient, and the procedure is as follows : — In the forest for which the financial rotation shall be determined, a number of typical woods are examined and as many data as possible collected. These can be augmented by data taken from suitable yield tables if such are available. Then the soil rental is calculated for various rotations, and that, for which the rental becomes a maximum, is the financial rotation. In order to explain the method the appended table has been calculated from the money yield table for the Scotch pine given at page 122. In calculating that table it has been assumed that the cost of formation comes to 60 shillings, the annually recurring costs to 3 shillings, and that the general per cent, p is = 2| per cent. It has also been assumed that the thinnings during the several periods of ten years have been made at the end of each period ; for instance, the thinnings during the period of 40 — 50 are assumed to have been made in the year 50. 202 THE ROTATION. FINANCIAL YIELD TABLE FOR Value of St (According to Weise's Volume Yield Table for the III. Quality, calculated (See Table a , I ; d e Year. NET VALUE OF YIET.DS, IN SHILLINGS. Sum of Intermediate Yields with Compound Interest to Date, Shillings p = 2-5. Total Yield to Date (b + d) Shillings. Final. Intermediate. 30 138 4 4 142 40 406 36 41 447 50 675 67 120 795 60 1100 86 239 1339 70 1592 91 397 1989 80 2130 95 603 2733 90 2695 94 866 3561 100 3273 103 1212 4485 110 3862 106 1657 5519 120 4450 96 2218 6668 This table shows that the financial rotation falls between the years 75 and 85. In order to ascertain the exact year, the rentals given in column k of the table have been plotted (see figure 44). It will be seen that the financial rotation falls into the year 82, when the rental reaches its maximum. In column I the current annual forest per cent, is given, calculated according to the formula on page 199. These data show that the forest- or indicating per cent, passes from above 2J per cent, to below 2J per cent, between the years 75 and 85. By plotting the per cents, (see figure 45), it is found that the exact time falls into the year 82, that is to say, the same year when the annual soil rental culminates. Hence the wood was financially ripe in the year 82. THE FINANCIAL ROTATION. 203 ONE ACRE OF SCOTCH PINE WOOD. = 250 shilling*. with English prices ; brushwood, under 3 inches diameter, omitted.) at page 122.) / ff h i li I Cost of Formation = 60s., with Compound Interest to Date, Total Yield less cost of Formation Shillings. Value of Wd7~ Soil jrross Rental g h Shillings. Soil Net Rental i —Annual Expenses, Shillings. Current Forest = or Indicatin Per Cent, during even 10 Years. Shillings. 126 16 43-903 0-36 -2-64 , 5-42 161 286 67-403 4-24 + 1-24 3-86 206 589 97-484 6-04 3-04 * L 4-25 264 1075 135-992 7-90 4-90 { I 3-47 338 1651 185-284 8-91 5-91 { I 2-86 433 2300 248-383 926 6-26 { t 2-36 554 3007 329-154 9-14 6-14 \ 2-01 709 3776 432-549 8-73 5-73 ,' L 1-73 907 4612 564-902 8-16 5-16 \ 1-48 1161 5507 734-326 7-50 4-50 J b. Notes on the Financial Rotation. Owing to the uncertainty of the data upon which the calcu- lation is based, the financial rotation can only be determined approximately, moreover it changes with every change of conditions. Under these circumstances it can only serve as a general guide. Of the several items which appear in the formula for the soil rental, the rate of interest is the most important. A low rate gives a high financial rotation, and vice versa. An altera- tion of 1 per cent, in the general per cent, p may cause the financial rotation to rise or fall by 10 to 20 years. As has been explained on a previous occasion (page 118), the general per cent, applicable to forest finance may for 20* THE ROTATION. Britain at present be placed at 2| per cent. As the rate of interest has, for a series of years, steadily declined, it is desirable to make calculations for the future rather with a lower, than a higher rate of interest. Of the receipts, the final yield is by far the most important item. Its present value can be easily ascertained, but fore- casts for the future are of a risky nature. If, in the future, the proportion between the prices of the different classes of produce remains about the same, then a change in the financial rotation does not necessarily follow ; but great changes can be t : 5 « 2o 30 YE^*-R « . Fig. 44. produced in the reverse case; that is to say, if for instance timber of small dimensions rises in price while that of large dimensions falls, or vice versa. Such changes are difficult to foresee ; the experience of the last decades shows, no doubt, that timber of large dimensions is not unlikely to rise in price ; hence the selected rotation should be rather above than below the financial rotation. The intermediate returns exercise a considerable influence upon the actual amount of the rental, but a comparatively small effect upon its culminating point ; in other words, early thinnings reduce the financial rotation only to a limited THE FINANCIAL ROTATION. 205 extent, and if they are made so heavy, that they reduce the value of the final return, they may even have the opposite effect. Of the costs, the annual expenses do not affect the financial rotation, unless they alter in amount with the rotation. The cost of formation affects the rental to a considerable extent, but its effect upon the financial rotation is small. Taking all effects together, it may be said that the financial rotation is low : — (1) in the case of forests \vhere only firewood is saleable, that is to say, where an increase in quality per unit of volume ceases at a comparatively early age ; 2-5 83 AGE Fig. 45. (2) if trees of small dimensions can be sold as timber, for instance in mining districts, in hop-growing coun- tries, etc. The financial rotation is high: — (1) in localities with an unfavourable soil or climate, such as high exposed situations, where the trees take a longer time to reach marketable dimensions ; (2) in thinly populated districts, where prices generally rule low for small dimensions, while large timber can be exported to other better paying markets. c. Correction of the calculated Financial Rotation. The length of the financial rotation, as obtained by a first calculation, is subject to correction, because it is based 206 THE ROTATION. upon certain rates obtainable for the various classes of pro- duce, whereas a change in the actual rotation may alter those rates. If, for instance, the calculated financial rotation is lower than that actually existing, and the former is intro- duced, more small and less large timber will be produced; also the proportion between timber and firewood will be altered. This may produce a fall in the average price of produce, and consequently a rise in the financial rotation. The reverse effect would be produced, if the calculated financial rotation were higher than the one actually existing. In either case it must be taken into consideration that a change in the rotation is accompanied by a change in the growing stock, and that either more or less material is brought into the market, which may be accompanied by a change in prices. It follows, that the first calculation is generally subject to some correction in accordance with the alteration of prices which may be produced by a change in the rotation. d. Introduction of the Financial Rotation. Although every deviation from the financial rotation is accompanied by a financial loss, yet it is very desirable that it should be introduced, if not already followed, with great caution, because, in the first place, it can only be determined approximately, and secondly, its introduction is accompanied by a change in the existing growing stock. If a true, or assumed, surplus of growing stock has been disposed of, it would take much time to re-establish it, should further experi- ence indicate a higher rotation than that originally calculated. Hence, it is desirable to keep always somewhat above the theoretical financial rotation. If a change of rotation has been decided on, it can be carried out at once, provided the forest is of small extent, and the demand for produce sufficiently large to absorb the extra supply of produce thrown upon the market, without causing any appreciable change in prices. If the forest is, however, ROTATION OF HIGHEST INCOME. 207 of some extent, and the demand for produce uncertain, it is always desirable to make the change gradually, so as either to spread the extra supply of produce over a number of years, or to accumulate the extra growing stock gradually, thus disturbing the market as little as possible. 2. Rotation of the Highest Income. By this is understood the rotation which yields the highest income, calculated without interest and irrespective of the time when the items of income occur. The net income is thus calculated according to the arithmetical mean of incomes diminished by the costs. All items of income and costs during one rotation are added up, and the sum of the latter deducted from the former; the difference, divided by the number of years in the rotation, represents the annual income. Hence, the rotation in this sense is that under which the expression — Yr+Ta+Tb + . . + T9-c-rxe Annual income = -J/—- — — r becomes a maximum. As the annual expenses and the cost of formation are generally the same for differing rotations, the above expression can be reduced to the following : — Gross annual income = jrr+r«+r» + ' ' + T<*. r This rotation falls, as a rule, a number of years beyond the financial rotation. Example. — Taking the data contained in the table at page 202, the net annual income amounts to : — For a rotation of : — Shillings. 2130 + 4 + 36 + 67 + 86 + 91 + 95-60- orv *^^ X O Of7.£M 80years = — — - =27'61 208 THE ROTATION. For a rotation of— Shillings. 2695+4 + 36 + 67 + 86 + 91 + 95 + 94- 60-90x3 _ qi.-Q 90 years = — =3153 yu 8273 + 4 + 36 + 67+86 + 91 + 95 + 94+ 103-60-100x3 100}Tears = — - 100~ =34'89 3862 + 4+36 + 67 + 86 + 91 + 95 + 94+ 103 + 106-60-110x3 o7.7ft 110 years = -- — =3776 120yearS = 4450+4 + 36 + 67 + 86 + 91 + 95 + 94 + _ 103 + 106 + %- 60 -120x3 It will be observed that the annual income still rises under a rotation of 120 years, and will continue to do so, until the volume- and quality increment become so much reduced, that they will no longer cover the increase in the expenses. At the same time a rotation of 120 years would involve a financial loss, because interest on the invested capital has been alto- gether omitted. This can easily be seen by a reference to column k of the financial yield table at page 203. The net soil rental under a rotation of 120 years comes to 4'50 shillings, and under one of 80 years to 6*26 shillings. 3. Rotation of the Greatest Production of Volume. This is the rotation under which a forest yields the greatest quantity of material per unit of area ; it coincides with the year in which the mean annual volume increment culminates, that is to say, the year when the volume increment per cent. 100 is equal to - in the case of final yield only, or equal to — , in the case of final and intermediate returns (see page 187). ROTATION OP GREATEST VOLUME PRODUCTION. 209 Let volume of final yield be = Fr Volume of thinning in the year a = va ,» >» » b = vb etc., „ „ „ <1 = Vq then the rotation of the greatest production is that in which the value r ' — £ becomes a maximum. f The calculation can be made for timber and firewood, or for timber only. Example. — Taking the data for total yield in the table at page 189, for timber only, the rotation of the greatest pro- duction would fall about into the year 80, which is approxi- mately the financial rotation. For timber and firewood (page 191) the rotation would fall into the year 60, which is considerably below the financial rotation ; in this case a financial loss would be incurred. 4. The Technical Rotation. By this is understood the rotation, under which a forest yields the most suitable material for a certain fixed purpose ; for instance for construction generally, shipbuilding, railway sleepers, telegraph or hop poles, mining props, tanning bark, fuel, etc. As the objects of management and the purposes for which the material is required differ very much, the technical rota- tion may fall into any age, either before, after, or into the age of the financial rotation. The loss occasioned by following it depends on the difference between the technical and financial rotations. 5. The Physical Rotation. By the physical rotation is understood that age which is most favourable for the natural regeneration of a species, taking into consideration the conditions of the locality and the sylvicultural system. It cannot be lower, in the case of high VOL. III. ' P 210 THE ROTATION. forest, than the age when the trees have commenced to bear good seed in sufficient quantity, nor as high as the age when the production of good seed has ceased ; the best period being that towards the end of the principal height growth. In the case of coppice woods the age must be below that at which the trees cease to produce good healthy shoots when cut over. Sometimes a second physical rotation is mentioned as that which coincides with the natural lease of life of the trees. It is only of interest in the case of protection forests, parks, etc. 6. Choice of Rotation. The choice of rotation, or the age at which a wood is to be cut over, is one of the most important questions in forest management. Many and varied are the arguments which have been brought forward in favour of the one or other rotation. One party maintains that the financial aspect should decide the choice of rotation, since forests represent capital, which should yield the highest possible interest. Another party brings the general usefulness more into the foreground, and maintains that other considerations are more important to the general community than purely financial results, especially in the case of State forests. In the author's view, the " objects of management " should determine the rotation. These frequently demand deviations from the financial rotation. For instance, to begin with an extreme case, for protection forests generally a very high rotation is indicated ; where a nation considers it necessary to produce timber fit for naval construction, a rotation which lies far beyond the financial rotation is necessary ; where hop- poles are wanted, a very low rotation would be called for ; in cases where land is scarce and yet a certain quantity of wood is wanted for existing industries, the rotation of the highest production of produce is indicated; if a proprietor wishes to invest capital so as to obtain the highest annual income, CHOICE OF ROTATION. 211 irrespective of the rate of interest, he would choose the rotation under which that income culminates, etc. There may be good reasons in all these cases for adopting the one or other rotation. At the same time the proprietor should know what financial sacrifice he brings for the realiza- tion of his special object. Hence, the general procedure in fixing the rotation may be described as follows : — In the first place the financial rotation should be deter- mined, as it alone gives a true expression of the economic value of the management ; then it should be ascertained in how far the objects of management demand a departure from the financial rotation ; lastly, the financial loss involved in such a departure should be determined, so that the proprietor may have a clear conception of the payment which ha is called upon to make in order to realize his special object. It need hardly be pointed out that the above procedure suits all possible cases which may come under consideration. p 2 212 CHAPTER III. THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. IT has been stated at page 176, that by a normal dis- tribution of age classes is understood a series of age gradations so arranged, that at all times when cuttings are to be made, mature woods of the normal age are available, and so situated that no obstacles to their cutting exist. This means that each age class must be of the proper extent, and that the several B0i t age classes must be properly grouped, or distributed, over the forest. If a forest is to be managed according to the system of a sustained an- nual yield, it must contain a series of age gradations equal to the number of years in the rotation; the oldest age gradation must, immediately before cutting, have the age of the rotation, the youngest must be one year old, with a difference of one year in the age of every succeeding two gra- dations. Example. — Assuming the rotation of a coppice wood to be 20 years, and the height which the oldest wood reaches in that time = 28 feet, then the 20 age gradations may be represented as in the appended figure 46. H t " H H SJ « a Fig. 46. THE ANNUAL COUPE. 213 If the annual returns are to be equal in volume, and the quality of the locality is the same throughout, then all age gradations must be of the same extent ; if different qualities occur, the areas of the coupes must be in inverse proportion to the quality of the locality. A series of age gradations so arranged is called a normal working section. This subject will be again dealt with further on. For the present it is assumed that the quality of locality is the same throughout. The questions then are : — (1) What is the area to be cut annually under the different methods of treatment ? (2) What is the size, or extent, of the age classes ? and (3) How should the age classes be distributed over the forest? 1. The Annual Coupe, or the Area to be cut annually. This differs according to the method of treatment. (For a description of the latter, see page 203 of Volume I.) a. Coppice and Coppice ivith Standards. The annual coupe is determined by dividing the total area of the forest, or working section, by the number of years in the rotation : — Let total area = A Eotation of the coppice = r, then the annual cutting area c = . This holds good for the coppice with standards system, because the annual cutting area is governed by the coppice only. #. Clear Cutting in High Forest. Here is again: if each clearing is at once restocked. Frequently it happens, £14 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. however, that the cleared coupes lie fallow for one or more, say s years ; in that case : c- A ~~ so that the forest consists, immediately before cutting, of a series of age gradations from 1 to r years old, and s blanks, or altogether r + s coupes. c. The ShelUr-ivood Compartment System. Under this system the regeneration of each coupe extends over a number of years, say m ; hence it is necessary to throw m annual coupes together into a periodic coupe, the crop on which is, by gradual cuttings, led over, in the course of m years, into a young wood. The size of the periodic coupe is, therefore =— X m. r In this case the first of the successive cuttings towards regeneration may be made : Either in the year r, so that the trees removed at the end of the regeneration period would be r + m years old, and the M| mean age r + — years ; in other words the procedure would lead to a raising of the rotation from r to r + — years ; 2 Or, the first cutting may be made in the year r — - and 2 the last in the year r + — , so that the mean final age comes to r years. In the present chapter the latter is assumed. d. The Selection System. Strictly speaking, the annual coupe is equal to the total area of the forest. For convenience sake, however, the cuttings of each year are restricted to a portion of the area, so that it takes a number of years to go round the forest, and before cuttings are again made on the same area. If that number is I, then — SIZE OF THE AGE CLASSES. 215 A Annual cutting area = - . Example. — In the beech forests of Buckinghamshire, which are worked under the selection system, it is usual to go round once in seven years ; in that case the annual cutting area would he equal to - . 2. Size of the Age Classes. In forests of some extent, which are worked under a high rotation, and especially those regenerated naturally, it is, as a rule, impracticable to separate the annual cutting areas so that a regular series of age gradations, differing by one year in age throughout, exists. In these cases it is necessary to be satisfied with larger groups, that is to say, to join a number of age gradations into an " age class." The normal size of such an age class depends on the area of the annual coupe and the number thrown together. If a class contains n gradations^ its *• area would be = n x c. The number of age classes = - is variable. Another way is to fix the number of age classes ; in that case n is variable, but this procedure is not to be recommended, as it is likely to lead to confusion. It is usual to take for n a round number, say 10, 20, or even 30; in coppice woods n is usually taken as =5. The age classes are numbered. It is best to call the youngest I., the next youngest II., and so on; for instance, if n = 20 — First age class I., contains all woods up to 20 years old. Second ,, II., ,, ,, from 21 to 40 years old. Third „ III., „ „ „ 41 to 60 „ and so on. In this way the number of the age class indicates directly its age. The reverse method, of calling the oldest age class I., the next oldest II., etc., is less desirable, but unfortunately it has been largely adopted. An effort should be made to alter 216 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. this. The area of the age classes under the several methods of treatment is now as follows : — a. Ckar Cutting in High Forest. The area of each age class, in a normal state, is : — A A C = n x c = n X -, or C = n x - r r+ s according as to whether each clearing is at once re-stocked, or allowed to lie fallow for s years. Example ; — Let area A = 1050 acres Rotation r = 100 years s = 5 „ n = 20 „ then: , ,. A 1050 1A Annual age gradation = = -\?\ — = 10 acres ; and the age-classes : Blanks c x s 10x5 =50 acres. d ( 1— 20 years old woods) = cx n = 10x20= 200 „ Cu (21— 40 „ „)=„=„= 200 „ C/77(41— 60 „ „)=„=„= 200 „ C/F (61— 80 „ „)=„=„= 200 „ Cv (81—100 „ „)=„=„= 200 „ .4 = 1050 acres. b. /Shelter-wood Compartment System. As already explained, under this system the old crop is gradually led over into a young wood in the course of a number of years, which has been indicated by m. There is always an area under regeneration, which contains a certain number of old trees and young growth, and this may be called the regeneration class = Cv ; it wanders gradually through the whole forest, until, at the beginning of the second rotation, it is found in the original position. As regeneration sometimes THE SHELTER-WOOD SYSTEM. 217 takes only a few, and in others more years, it is impossible to define its duration accurately, and least of all can m be placed equal to n, the number of years in the period. Under these circumstances the arrangement of age classes can be indicated only approximately, somewhat in the following manner : — Cuttings in the oldest age class commence when the crop is r — ~ years old, and the last cuttings occur when the crop is r + ™ years old. Assuming that s years pass, after the first 2 regeneration cutting, until the new crop is fully started, then A the annual cutting area, as before, = — - - , and the area of the T -\- 8 £ regeneration class = - X m. The latter contains the areas r + s as yet blank, young trees from 1 to m — s years old, and the remaining old trees ranging in age from r— ^ + lto years. Now, it may happen that m — s = n ; in that case the youngest age class does not exist by itself, but forms part of Cv. Again, it may occur, that m — s > n, in which case Cv contains not only the youngest age class, but also a portion, if not the whole, of the second age class. Hence the size of the several age classes may be expressed as follows, assuming five age classes : — (1) m — s<^n : — Cv = -- r+s 218 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. C, = — xro. r+s Total number of annual coupes = n — (in — s) + 4 X n + m •• 5xn + s = r + s. (2) m — s = n: — r+s -A- r+s Cv =-A-xn r+s Total number of coupes = 4xw+??t=5 (3) 77i — s>n, but m — C7 =0 r+s r+s -t Cw =— -xm r+s Total number of coupes = 2 X n — (m — s) + 3 X n + m = 5 X n + 8 = r+s; and so on. It is obvious that for the shelter-wood system with natural regeneration the above allotment is only of an ideal character, because the duration of regeneration is so uncertain. The regeneration class, the oldest and youngest classes are subject COPPICE WOODS. 219 to modifications amongst themselves, so that they cannot easily be separated the one from the other; hence they are best thrown together. The important point in that case is, that the middle-aged classes are of the proper size. The allotment may then be represented as follows : — T-\-S Or again — CV = - x n IV Example.— As above, A = 1050 ; r=100; s = 5; ?i =~ X 20 = 200 CF+C,+(7/+C/7-^(xl05-40) = 650 Total . . . 1050 c. Coppice Woods. As the rotation of coppice woods is short, it is usually possible to mark the annual coupes on the ground, so that grouping in age classes is not necessary. If the latter should, nevertheless, be considered desirable, generally not more than five gradations are thrown together, so that C/ comprises the 1 to 5-years-old gradations, Cn those from 6 to 10 }rears, etc. 220 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. Example : — Area = 200 acres r = 20 „ n = 5 „ The arrangement of age classes would be normal, if — GI — — — x 5 = 50 acres. 20 r 200 - -n //=W " r _200 -_ -0 c~ 5= 50 " Total 200 acres. d. Coppice with Standards. Here each coupe contains coppice (underwood) and standards (overwood). As far as the underwood is concerned, the arrangement is exactly the same as in the case of simple coppice; the annual age gradation is = — , and the age class = -x «. r The distribution of the overwood, in its normal condition, is somewhat peculiar, which may usefully be explained here, though it is only of a theoretical value. In the first place it should be remembered that cutting in both the under- and overwood on the same area must be made at the same time, or rather those in the overwood must be made immediately after the underwood has been cut over, and before the new coppice shoots appear ; hence the rotation R of the overwood must be a multiple of the rotation r of the under- wood, say R = r x t. In each annual coupe, when cutting comes round to it, a certain portion of the underwood (chiefly seedling trees), is COPPICE WITH STANDARDS. 221 left standing to form the youngest age gradation of the over- A wood. That portion would occupy an area = -, assuming H that each age gradation of the overwood occupies the same extent of ground. The area of the youngest age class of A overwood comes to = —- x n. 2i Assuming now that the youngest overwood class 1 to r years old, though still forming part of the underwood, is already counted as belonging to the overwood, then there are t over- wood classes. The latter are not separated according to area, as in the case of clear cutting or coppice, but t gradations are standing mixed on each annual coupe, so that each of the latter contains -th part of each overwood class. Immediately before cutting, the arrangement would be as follows : — Underwood, Age in Years. 1 2 3 r-1 r Overwood Age Class Ci age 1 2 3 r-1 r , On „ r+1 r+2 r+3 2 r-1 2xr » ,, ,, Cm „ 2 r+1 2r+2 2r+3 ... •• 3 r-1 3xr Cr .. (<-l) r+1 (<-l) r+2 (<-l)r+3 ... txr-1 txr It will be seen, that a normal coppice with standards forest must have an overwood which consists of ra x r = R age gradations ranging from 1 year up to R years old. Example. — A forest of 200 acres worked under a rotation of 20 years for the underwood, and 100 years for the overwood, 100 has 20 = 5 overwood classes. On the 10 acres which are about to be cut, will be found : — Underwood = 20 years old Overwood = 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20 years old. 222 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. The next oldest coupe contains — Underwood = 19 years old Overwood = 99, 79, 59, 39 and 19 years old. The youngest coupe contains — Underwood = 1 year old Overwood = 81, 61, 41, 21 and 1 years old. 60TEET — IrOFEEST — ctovi-H a Fig. 47. The appended figure 47 illustrates the distribution of the several age gradations over the area. COPPICE WITH STANDARDS. 223 The area occupied by each overwood class can only be determined by assuming that each gradation occupies an equal area of ground ; hence the youngest gradation will have most trees, and the oldest least. Imagining now that the age classes of the overwood were not intermixed, but that the trees of each class were brought together on separate areas, then the over- wood, apart from the coppice, would form an open high forest resembling a selection forest. The areas to be allotted to the several classes may, therefore, be considered as equal. The youngest would contain the standards from 1 to r years, the next those from r + 1 to 2 r years, and so on. By degrees, the youngest class passes through all the intermediate stages, until it becomes the oldest and is cut over in the course of r years. At each annual cutting, therefore, an equal area must be cut over, on which the new, that is the youngest, gradation is started, either naturally or artificially. j[ The annual coupe is c = — and ^4 = c x r. T) The number of overwood classes is = — = t , hence — r A A c, Area of each age class on each annual coupe = — = = — . R txr t As the whole forest consists of r coupes, each overwood class, consisting of r gradations, contains, in a normal forest, c A - X r = — units of area. This shows that, theoretically, v L> the proportion of the age classes is the same as in high forest, although the distribution is different. Example. — Data as before : — A = 200; R = 100; r = 20, number of overwood classes * = 5. A 200 Normal annual cutting area c — — = = 10 acres. On each coupe each age gradation ) c 10 of overwood occupies . . j 1 ~ 5 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. The area and distribution of the several age classes is as follows : — Coupe No. 1, oldest: Underwood = 10 acres = 20 years old. Overwood 2 ,i = 20 „ „ 2 ,, = 40 „ „ 2 „ = 60 „ „ 2 ,, = 80 „ „ 2 ,, =100 „ „ Co?/pe No. 20, youngest : Underwood = 10 acres = 1 year old. Overwood 2 » = •*• » » 2 ,, =21 „ „ 2 ,, =41 „ „ 2 ,, =61 ,, „ 2 » =81 ,, ,, If now the underwood is arranged into four classes of 5 years each, and the overwood into five classes of 20 years each, the following areas are obtained for each class : — Undenvood : G! = 1 — 5 years old = 5x10= 50 acres. Cn= 6—10 „ „ = „ = 50 „ (77/7=11—15 „ „ = „ = 50 „ CIV = 16-20 „ „ = „ = 50 „ Total A = 200 acres. Overwood : Cf = 1 — 20 years old = 20 x 2 = 40 acres. C//=21— 40 „ „ = „ = 40 „ C777=41— 60 „ „ = „ = 40 „ 0/r = 61— 80 „ „ = „ = 40 „ Cv =81—100 „ , = „ = 40 „ Total A = 200 acres. COPPICE WITH STANDARDS. 225 It will be seen that the total area has been distributed amongst the underwood, and a second time amongst the overwood. By allotting the overwood to the four underwood classes, the following four combination classes, called "coppice with standard classes," are obtained : — Class I., the youngest. Underwood, 1 — 5 years old = 10 x 5 = 50 acres Overwood, 1—5 „ „ - 5x2-10 „ 21—25 „ „ = „ =10 „ 41—45 „ „ - „ =10 „ 61 — 65 ,, „ = ,, =10 ,, 81 — 85 ,, ,, = , = 10 Total C Underwood = 50 acres I Overwood =50 ,, Class II. Underwood, 6 — 10 years old = 50 acres Overwood, 6 — 10 „ „ =10 „ 26-30 „ „ =10 „ 46—50 „ „ =10 „ 66—70 „ „ =10 „ 86—90 „ „ =10 „ m . i ( Underwood = 50 acres lotal (. Overwood =50 „ Class III. Underwood, 11 — 15 years old = 50 acres Overwood, 11 — 15 ,, ,, =10 ,, 31—35 „ „ =10 „ 51—55 „ „ =10 „ 71—75 „ „ =10 „ 91—95 , =10 rp . i i Underwood = 50 acres Overwood =50 ,, VOL. III. Q 226 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. Class IV. Underwood, 16 — 20 }rears old = 50 acres Overwood, 16 — 20 ,, ,, =10 „ 36— 40 „ „ =10 „ 56— 60 „ „ =10 „ 76— 80 „ „ =10 „ 96—100 , =10 „ rp , i j" Underwood = 50 acres I Overwood = 50 The normal state of the age classes in the case of coppice with standards is of a still more ideal character than in the case of the shelter-wood compartment system ; it can only serve as a mathematical guide for the treatment of such woods. More especially, it gives some idea of the relative number of trees which should be found in each class or gradation. As each should occupy about the same area, the youngest class must contain a large number of trees, which is gradually reduced to a comparatively small number in the oldest age class. The actual proportion in these numbers depends on the species and the quality of the locality. e. The Selection Forest. Here the age classes are intermixed, as in the case of the overwood in coppice with standards, or even more so. The number of age classes will, theoretically, be equal to '! . t Let A = 1,000 acres ; r = 100 ; / = 20; then each annual cutting area = - - = — '—- = 50 acres, and the distribution would be as follows : — DISTRIBUTION OVER THE FOREST. 22? Coupe No. 1 (youngest). 1 year old trees = 10 acres 21 41 61 81 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 Coupe No. 2. 2 year old trees = 10 acres 22 42 62 82 = 10 = 10 = 10 = 10 Total = 50 acres Coupe No. 19. Total = 50 acres Coupe No. 20 (oldest). 19 years old trees = 10 acres 20 years old trees = 10 acres 39 „ „ „ =10 „ ! 40 „ „ „ =10 „ 59 „ „ „ =10 „ j 60 „ „ „ =10 „ 79 =10 I 80 =10 99 „ =10 „ Total = 50 acres 100 = 10 Total =50 acres Each year the 100 years old trees in the oldest coupe would be cut, which cover an area equal to one-fifth of the coupe, or equal to 10 acres, thus cutting once the whole area of the forest in 100 years. It is needless to add, that such regularit}T is never reached in practical forest management. 3. Distribution of the Age Classes over the Forest. Under a normal distribution of the age classes is under- stood that which admits of a proper succession of cuttings, so that each wood is cut at the proper age, and that external dangers can be successfully resisted. It has already been explained that every deviation from the normal age interferes with the full realization of the objects of management; hence the age classes should be so distributed that no such deviations are called for. The latter are generally caused by threatening dangers, such as strong winds, dry air currents, danger from frost, fire, insects, &c., sometimes by considerations for a successful regeneration. Strong ivinds or gales are a most important consideration. 228 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. Their prevailing direction must be ascertained, and cuttings must proceed against it. Assuming that the strong winds generally blow from the west, the youngest age class should, at the commencement, be situated at that side, and the oldest on the east, so that the cuttings proceed gradually from east to west. (See diagram, fig. 48.) _r o 6 xo 16 3.0 Fig. 48. In determining the prevailing wind direction it must not be overlooked, that it is frequently changed in hilly and mountainous tracts according to the direction of the valleys and hill ranges. Dry winds may frequently blow from a direction differing from that of strong winds ; in that case the forester must decide which is the more important consideration of the two, and determine the cutting direction accordingly. Frequently the seeds of trees fall under the effect of a dry wind, so that the cleared areas, which are to be naturally regenerated, must be situated to the leeward of the seed-bearing trees. Large clearings in one place are generally objectionable because the soil is liable to dry up, and damage by frost is DISTRIBUTION OVER THE FOREST. 229 more likely to occur : hence in extensive forests cuttings must be made in several localities in each year so as to clear only a small area in one and the same locality. Insects and fire are most injurious when several annual cuttings adjoin each other, because the former wander from one coupe to the next, while fire spreads more rapidly in young woods than if the area is interrupted by older woods. These circumstances demand in many cases, and especially where clear cutting is practised in coniferous woods, that a second cutting should not be made in any lo- cality until the first coupe has been successfully re- stocked. This leads to the splitting up of a working section or a series of age gradations, into several sub-divisions which are called "cutting series." Supposing, in a forest worked under a rotation of 20 years, it was considered neces- sary not to cut in the same locality more fre- Fig> 49. quently than once in every 4 years, the series of age gradations would be divided into 4 cutting series, of which each would comprise 5 coupes. (Figure 49.) Cutting Series A would comprise the coupes now old 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 years. C „ „ „ „ „ „ 18,14,10,6,2 „ D „ „ „ „ „ „ 17,13, 9,5,1 As a general rule, a careful distribution of the age classes 230 THE NORMAL AGE CLASSES. over the area of the forest is of special importance in the case of species which are easily thrown by wind, liable to attacks by insects, to danger from fire or frost, and also those which are difficult to regenerate naturally. In all these cases a distribu- tion must be aimed at which allows the cutting of each wood when mature, without thereby endangering on the one hand the adjoining woods, and on the other the successful regeneration of the cleared area. The above considerations must specially guide the forester in the case of forests worked under the systems of clear- cutting and of the shelter-wood compartment system. They are of less importance in coppice, coppice with standards, and selection forests ; but even here the cutting direction should be carefully determined. At the same time the forester should not go to extremes, as there is something to be said on both sides. Reasons for adjoining the annual coupes are : — (1) Best security against damage by storms. (2) Reduction to a minimum of damage by overhanging trees. (3) Reduction of the cost of transport of forest produce. Reasons against adjoining the annual coupes are :— (1) Increase of danger through fire, insects, and dry winds. (2) Defective protection of young growth against raw winds. The subject will again be referred to in Part IV. when dealing with the division and allotment of areas. 231 CHAPTER IV. THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK. IT has been stated at page 176 that under the normal growing stock is understood that present in a forest which has a normal proportion of age classes and a normal increment. This being so, the forester need only see that the age classes and incre- ment are normal, and the normal growing stock will be present as a natural consequence. It happens, however, that, as far as quantity is concerned, the normal growing stock may be present, if neither the normal age classes or increment have been established ; for instance, if the deficit in one age class is made good by a surplus in another. If in such a case an annually equal quantity of wood were cut, it would lead to a deviation from the normal final age, and consequently to loss. Indeed, the normal growing stock, according to quantity, might be present, if the whole forest consisted of only one uniform age class of about half the normal final age. In that case no ripe wood at all would be found in the forest, and cuttings would have to be suspended for a considerable number of years. Under these circumstances the normal growing stock by itself is of subordinate importance in determining the yield of a forest, and yet it is useful to look at its determination for the following two reasons : — (1) Because the yield taken out of a forest in the course of a rotation consists partly of the growing stock which was present at the beginning of the rotation, and partly of increment added to that growing stock during the rotation. 232 THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK. (2) Because several methods base the calculation of the yield upon the difference between the normal and real growing stock. The amount of the normal growing stock is proportional to the length of the rotation ; the higher the latter, the greater the former. In calculating the normal growing stock only the principal part of the woods which give the final yield are taken into account, because, as previously explained, the determination of a sustained yield is, in the first place, based upon the final .yield. The normal growing stock can be looked at from the volumetric or the financial point of view. 1. Calculation of the Normal Growing Stock as regards its Volume. The calculation can be made either by means of yield tables or the mean annual increment. The former is the only correct method, but the latter must be explained, as it is used by several methods of calculating the yield. The calculation differs for the several methods of treatment. a. Clear Cutting in High Forest. (1) Calculation from Yield Tables. — If a yield table is available for a forest, which gives the final yields from year to year, the normal growing stock is equal to the sum of all yields in that table from the year 1 to the year r (the rotation) ; that sum would represent the normal growing stock of r units of area, and for the season when the annual growth has been completed, but before the annual cuttings are made; in Europe this would be autumn. If the yield table, and this is generally the c«se, gives the volumes only from period to period, say for every n years, then the approximate amount of the normal growing stock can be calculated (according to Pressler), by assuming that the CLEAR CUTTING IN HIGH FOREST. 233 volumes rise within each period of n years according to an arithmetical series, that is to say, by adding the same amount of volume each year. Let be volume in the year 0 =0 cubic feet, JJ 5> >> '" " » »> j> » ?i « X fl — - 0 n ,, 3 x n = <• „ » M » 4 X 7i = r? ,, „ then : — Total volume from yearo to year n minus a = (0 + a) x — — — a « ,, ,, n ,, 2 X« minus b = (a + b) X — — — b a n \ 1 ,, ,, 2xw ,, 3 x n minus c = (b + c) x -— — — c1 „ 3x?^ „ 4X7Z Total volume from o to 4 x ?i years = Normal Gr. Stock, Grn = This is the calculation for autumn. If the oldest age gradation is cut away during winter the normal growing stock in spring must be d cubic feet less than that in autumn, that is to say :• — Gn in spring = n ( \ 111 spring the growing stock consists only of a series of gradations running from 0 to (r — 1) years old. In the course of the summer (the growing season), the series is brought up again to one running from 1 to r years old. If, therefore, the calculation is made for the middle of summer, it may be 234 THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK. assumed that one half of the annual increment has been laid on ; in other words that the growing stock is then equal to the arithmetical mean of those in spring and autumn : — Example.-~A. forest of 100 acres, to which the data given in the Table at page 190 apply, worked under a rotation of 100 years, has the following normal growing stock : — In autumn mGn= 10 (510 + 1290 + 2140 + 2900 + 3530 + 4060 + 4530 + 4950 + 5300 + 2790) + 2790 = 10x32000+2790 = 322,790 cubic feet. Tn spring mGn= 10 x 32000-2790 = 317,210 „ „ In summer mGa = 10 X 32000 = 320,000 „ „ The same forest, if worked under a rotation of 80 years, would, for. summer, have the following growing stock : — "0> 10 (510+1290 + 2140 + 2900 + 3530+4060 + 4530 + 2475) — 80 100 = 214,350 X ~ = 267,937 cubic feet, which is considerably less 80 than if the area is worked under a rotation of 100 years. (2) Calculation with the Mean Annual Increment. — Assuming that the current annual increment is the same throughout the rotation and equal to the final mean annual increment, then the volumes of all normally stocked gradations, from the youngest to that r years old, would form an ascending arithmetical series, the sum total of which would represent the normal growing stock. Let i = volume of the 1 year old gradation, then „ 2 x i — „ „ 2 years „ * ,, I* X 1 = ,, ,, T ,, ,, ,, ,, and the sum of all gradation is : — CLEAR CUTTING IN HIGH FOREST. Now r x i = volume of oldest age gradation and also = to increment of all gradation in one year, which may be placed = J, then : — r@n = Lx r + 7. This is for autumn. 2 2 For spring there would be :— r rxri ri Ixr I a2 a 3 - For summer, the arithmetical mean of the two : — •G.-1" The normal growing stock is, therefore, equal to the volume of the oldest age gradation multiplied by half the number of years in the rotation, or equal to the total increment of one year multiplied by half the number of years in the rotation. Example. — Data as above ; rotation = 100 years, then : — For autumn O. = - -+ = 281, 790 cubic feet. 4 A „ 5580x100-5580 Or7/. 0-m „ spring Gn = -- - -- -__ = 276,210 „ „ n 5580 x 100 Or70 nAr1 ,, summer Gn = -- — =279,000 „ „ The forest treated under a rotation of 80 years would have : — For summer *>Gn = 495°0X 8Q x ^ = 247,500 cubic feet, & oO or less than above. It will be seen that the normal growing stock calculated by the mean annual increment is smaller than that calculated from a yield table. This is, however, by no means always the case. Taking, for instance, the data in the table at page 190, and calculating the normal growing stock for various rotations, and a number of acres equal to the number of years in the 236 THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK. rotation in each case, the following results are obtained for spring :— Rotation in Years. NORMAL GROWING STOCK. Calculation from Calculation from Yield Table. tcretn? Excess of Calcula- tion from Mean Annual Increment. 30 27,630 31,030 + 3,400 40 52,450 56,550 + 4,100 50 84,285 86,485 + 2,200 60 121,950 119,770 2,180 70 164,285 156,285 8,000 80 211,875 195,525 - 16,350 90 262,950 235,850 - 27,100 100 317,210 276,210 - 41,000 The above example shows that the normal growing stock, calculated with the mean annual increment, is larger than that calculated from a yield table up to the age of 50 years ; between 50 and 60 years the two are equal, and after that the latter is greater than the former. Under these circumstances it is evident that, except for a rotation from 50 to 60 years, a considerable error is committed in the above case by calcu- lating the normal growing stock with the mean annual increment of the final crop. I. Shelter-wood Compartment System. The normal growing stock is the same as for the clear cutting system, provided the regeneration cuttings are so arranged that one half are made before the year r, and the other half after it. Strictly speaking, this is only correct if the timber in the regeneration class is removed in annually equal quantities, and if regeneration takes place in the middle of the period. In reality this does not occur, but the deviations compensate each other in the long run ; anyhow a more accurate determination is practically impossible. COPPICE WITH STANDARDS. 237 c. Coppice and Coppice with Standards. The calculation for simple coppice is the same as in the case of clear cutting in high forest. For coppice with standards forest the calculation must be made separately for under- and overwood, and the results added together. The former is of small account, as the presence of the overwood reduces the quantity of the under- wood considerably. The calculation of the normal growing stock of overwood is a complicated and uncertain operation, and at the best only of theoretical value. It must be based upon the number of trees in each age class, and the average volume per tree in each, somewhat in the following manner : — If the normal number of trees in each of the r, 2 r, 3 r . . . old age gradation is known, and also the volume of the average tree in each of these gradations, then it can be assumed that the trees increase, within each class, in volume according to an arithmetical series ; this makes it possible to interpolate the volume of the trees r +1, 2 r + 1 . . . years old. In that case the normal growing stock of the first age class would be expressed by — where Fr + 1 represents the volume of all trees r + 1 years old, and F2r that of all trees 2 r years old. In the same way the next age class would be represented by — and so on. Adding all positions together the normal growing stock of overwood comes to : — This amount does not comprise the youngest age class of all, which still forms part of the underwood. 238 THE NORMAL GROWING STOCK. Example : — Area of a coppice with standards forests = 100 acres. Rotation of underwood = 20 years. „ ,, overwood = 100 ,, 100 Number of overwood classes = t - = 5. Area of each coupe = 5 acres. Age of Gradation. Number of Trees in Gradation. Mean Volume per Tree, Cubic Feet. Total Volume of Gradation, Cubic Feet. 21 200 •9 40- 40 200 2-0 400- 41 130 2-65 344-5 60 130 15- 1950- 61 80 15-75 1260- 80 80 30- 2400- 81 . 40 31- 1240- 100 40 50- 2000- Gn = 10x9634-5 -96,345 cubic feet, or per acre = 963 cubic feet. d. The Selection Forest. The growing stock of a normal selection forest ma}' be placed equal to that of a forest under the clear cutting system, as all the age gradations are represented in a similar way, though differently arranged over the area ; hence it can be ascertained by summing up the quantities given in a yield table. At the same time the calculation is likely to be less accurate, since the younger age gradations stand under the shade of the older trees, and it is difficult to say in how far the loss of increment of the former is covered by an increased increment of the latter. FINANCIAL VALUE. 239 2. Calculation of the Financial Value of the Normal Growing Stock. The various methods of calculating the financial value of the normal growing stock have been explained at pages 144 to 148. It has there been shown that the same results are obtained, whether the value is calculated as the cost value, expectation value, or the capitalised rental of the growing stock, provided the expectation value of the soil is introduced into the account. In each of those cases the value is expressed, for r units of area worked under a rotation of r years, by the formula : — Y^+T^ •op in words the normal growing stock is equal to the capitalised annual net rental minus the expectation value of the soil. To make that growing stock truly normal, it is necessary that the per cent, which the capital yields, should be exactly equal to the general per cent. p. Every deviation from this leads to loss. As it is impossible to keep a forest always in that condition, it follows that the financial normal growing stock has only a theoretical value, which assists in the comprehension of the working of the capital invested in forestry, but is of little importance in determining the yield of forests. 240 CHAPTER V. THE NORMAL YIELD. UNDER the normal yield is understood that which a normal forest can permanently give. The yield may be annual, or intermittent. Instead of determining the yield for each year, or certain intermittent years, it can be ascertained for a num- ber of years, in which case it is called the periodic yield. The yield is composed of the final and intermediate returns. The regulation of the yield deals principally with the former, for reasons which have been explained at p. 175. The yield of major produce is further sub-divided according to the different classes of wood, such as timber, fagots, root- wood, &c. In order to bring them into the account, all the different classes of produce are reduced to one common standard, that is, " the solid cubic foot." The yield can be determined by area and volume, or by its financial value. 1. The Yield determinedly Area or Volume, a. Clear Cutting in High Forest. (1) The Normal Final Yield is equal to the volume which stands on the oldest age gradation. A A The normal cutting area is c = — or = - - , according as to r r + s whether the cleared area is at once re-stocked or allowed to lie fallow for s years (see p. 213). The volume standing on c must be equal to the volume of the oldest age gradation in a normal series of age gradations, if it is to give the normal yield. The periodic normal coupe is = — Xn,or = — — x u. r r+s THE NORMAL YIELD. 24-1 Example :— Area of forest . = 1000 acres Rotation . . = 100 years 1000 Annual cutting area = — — - = 10 acres, luu if the area is at once re-stocked. The annual yield of final returns, according to the table at p. 190, amounts to 5580 + 286 per acre = 5866; for ten acres = 5866 x 10 = 58,660 solid cubic feet. Final yield during every period of 20 years = 58,660 x 20 = 1,173,200 cubic feet. (2) Intermediate Yield. — This consists of all the thinnings which are made. Taking the same table, the following thin- nings would be made in each year : — In the coupe 30 years old = 10 acres, each giving 343 c = 3430 „ 40 „ „ =10 „ „ „ 614 c' = 6140 „ 50 „ „ =10 „ „ „ 572c' = 5720 „ 60 „ „ =10 „ „ „ 529c' = 5290 „ 70 „ „ =10 „ „ „ 443 c' = 4430 „ 80 „ „ =10 „ „ „ 386c' = 3860 „ 90 „. „ =10 „ „ „ 828 c' = 3280 Total = 32,150 (3) Total Normal Annual Yield = 58,660+ 32,150 =90,810 cubic feet. b. Shelter-ivood Compartment System. The calculation of the yield is the same as under the system of clear cutting, as long as the rotation r is maintained. If regeneration is commenced later than in the year r — — , the 2 rotation is increased, and the calculation must be made accordingly. Supposing the first cutting is made in the year r, and the last in the year r+m, then the rotation =?*+ — 2 A and the mean annual cutting area = — , m 242 THE NORMAL YIELD. Example : — Let bew = 20; then rotation = 110 years. Annual cutting 1000 area = -^ = 9-09 acres. Volume standing on an acre at the age of 110 years = 5820 + 243 = 6063 ; hence annual yield = 6063x9-09 = 55,113 solid cubic feet. The intermediate yields would amount to = 35, 010 cubic feet, or: — Total annual yield = 90,123. The raising of the rotation has led to a reduction of the yield. c. Selection Forest. If all trees which are cut in one year were brought together A on a portion of the area, the latter would be = — : hence the T yield is practically the same as in the case of clear cutting. Another way of looking at the matter is, to determine the area on which cuttings are made in each year ; this has been ^ placed above (p. 226), = . Everything which has to be cut (j on this area forms the normal annual yield. Example : — Area of a selection forest = 1000 acres Kotation . . . = 100 years I . = 20 years. Then : f =-00 = 50 acre, On these 50 acres the following material is cut : — (1) All trees which have reached the age of 100 years. (2) A certain proportion of trees in the younger age classes, so as to reduce their number gradually to that number which should reach maturity at the age of 100 years. Taking the data in the table at p. 190, the material men- tioned under (1) should give = 58,660 cubic feet, that is to say, THE NORMAL YIELD. 243 the yield under the system of clear cutting. The material under (2) represents the intermediate yields, which should amount to 32,150 c'. Total yield = 90,810 cubic feet, as before. d. Coppice and Coppice with Standards. The normal yield of coppice woods is calculated in the same way as for clear cutting in high forest. In this case, the A annual cutting area is = — and the volumetric yield is com- posed of the material standing on that area, plus thinnings in the younger age gradations. In coppice with standards, the annual cutting area is the same as in simple coppice. The normal annual yield is composed of : — (1) The underwood on the oldest age gradation, less those trees which are left to grow into standards. (2) The contents of the oldest, R years old, age gradation of the overwood. (3) The thinnings amongst the younger age gradations of overwood standing on the annual coupe, and occasionally in the younger underwood gradations. Example : — Taking the data given at p. 238, the yield in overwood is as follows : — 40 trees (mature) 100 years old, each = 50 c' = 2000 40 „ „ 80 „ „ „ = 30 c' = 1200 50 „ „ 60 „ „ „ = 15 e' = 750 70 40 = 2 c' - 140 Total ... - 4090 c' to which the volume of the underwood has to be added. The normal annual yield of overwood must also be equal to the annual increment laid on by all the overwood during one year, or 7= 2-0 x 200 + (15 - 2) x 130 + (30 - 15) x 80 +(50- 30) x 40, 1= 4090 cubic feet. R 2 244 THE NORMAL YIELD. 2. The Financial Value of the Nnrmal Yield. The financial value of the normal yield is that which secures interest on all capital invested in a forest exactly at the rate of the general per cent, p, at which money can be obtained for forestry, or at which money taken out of the forest can be invested with equal security as in forestry. The financial yield is realised as long as a financial equilibrium on the above lines exists in the forest, that is to sa}r, when the forest per cent, is equal to the general per cent. p. This occurs under a rotation equal to that for which the expectation value of the soil reaches its maximum. Example : — Taking the data in the table at p. 202, and a rotation of 80 years :— Soil expectation value for 80 units of area = shlgs. 80x250 . . . . = 20,000 Financial value of normal growing stock . = 68,360 Total . . . = 88,360 Financial Normal Y= 88,360 X '025 = 2209 shillings ; or 27*61 shillings for each acre of forest. 24.5 CHAPTER VL RELATIONS BETWEEN INCREMENT, GROWING STOCK AND YIELD. BETWEEN the increment, growing stock and yield of a normal forest relations exist, which are of great importance in deter- mining the yield. In order to bring them out clearly, the system of clear cutting in high forest will be used as an illus- tration; it will, in the majority of cases, also be assumed that the current annual increment is equal to the final mean annual increment. 1. Allotment of Increment during a Rotation. Every normal series of age gradations contains, at the com- mencement of the rotation, the normal growing stock. Every year the oldest age gradation is cut over, which gives the normal annual yield, and this yield is replaced during the following growing season by the laying on of the normal increment. The latter is laid on partly on the old growing stock, and re- moved with it during the first rotation ; but partly it accumu- lates on the cleared areas, forming a new growing stock, which is carried over into the second rotation. The question then is, how much of the total increment of one rotation is added to the old growing stock, and how much to the new. Making the calculation for spring, the youngest age gradation is 0 years old, and the oldest r— 1 years. The former grows for r growing seasons, and is cut over during the last winter of the first rotation, so that all its increment is removed during the first rotation ; hence, all goes to the old growing stock, and nothing to the new stock. The gradation now one year old grows for r — 1 years during the first rotation, when it is cut over. All the increment laid on during these years goes 246 INCREMENT, GROWING STOCK AND YIELD. to the old growing stock ; but that laid on during the last year is not cut, but goes over to the second rotation, and so on. This gives the following allotment, if the increment of one age gradation during a year is called = i :— Allotment of Increment to — Old New Growing Stock. Growing Stock. Gradation now 0 years old — r x i . . 0 1 „ „ = (r-l)t . . i 2 „ „ = (r-2)t ., .• 2 -i 3 „ „ = (r-3)i . . 3 • t „ (r-2) „ „ =[r-(r-2)]i . . (r-2) . t „ (r-1) „ „ =[r-(r-l)]i . . (r-1) • i The terms under each growing stock form arithmetical series, and if added up, they come to the following : — Placing now rxi = I, the above become : Spring, £oM = /r+ If the calculation is made for autumn, then the positions of the old and new growing stocks are reversed. Of the youngest age gradation, now 1 year old, only (r — l)xi goes to the old, and i to the new stock ; of the second age gradation, now 2 years old ; (r — 2) x i goes to the old, and 2 x i to the new stock, and so on. This gives — Autumn, Gold ALLOTMENT DURING A ROTATION. 247 Making the calculation for the middle of the growing season, summer : — Summer, Gold = — ^, ( & r _Ixr • » '"''new Q • The quantity I is equal to the total increment of all grada- tions laid on in one year, or the increment laid on \>y one age gradation in course of a whole rotation. Hence the following conclusions may be drawn : — (1) The annual increment of a series of age gradations is equal to the volume of the oldest age gradation. (2) The total increment laid on during a rotation is equal to twice the normal growing stock, calculated for the middle of summer. (3) Calculated for the middle of summer, the total increment laid on during one rotation is equalty divided between the old and new growing stock. (4) The growing stock must increase, if less than the normal increment is removed, and vice versa. Example : — Area of forest = 100 acres. Rotation =100 years. Data those contained in the table at page 190. Calculation made with Mean Annual Increment : — Annual increment of one age gradation = 55*8 cubic feet. ,, ,, ,, all gradations = 55'8xlOO = 5580 Total increment of all gradations during one rotation -5580x100 = 558,000 Increment laid on by old growing stock = - - -- = 279,000 new lew What has been said above holds also good, if the current INCREMENT, GROWING STOCK AND YIELD. annual increment is substituted for the mean annual increment, provided the calculation is made for the rotation, when the normal growing stock calculated from a yield table is equal to that calculated by the mean annual increment. For all other rotations deviations occur, as the following example will show : — For a rotation of 100 years — Cubic feet. Annual increment of all age gradations . . = 5,580 Total „ „ „ in 100 years = 558,000 Total yield in 100 years = 558,000 Normal growing stock in middle of summer, taken from yield table =320,000 Increment laid on by old growing stock - 558,000 - 320,000 = 238,000 new „ =558,000-238,000 = 320,000 2. Allotment of Increment during the Regeneration Period. It is of interest to know, in the case of the shelter-wood compartment system, how much of the increment laid on during the regeneration period on the area under regeneration goes to the old growing stock, and how much to the new. For this purpose it may be assumed that the old wood is removed in the course of m years by annuall}7 equal instalments, and that the cuttings are made in the commencement of the year. Total annual increment = I; the allotment is then as follows : — Allotment of Increment to — Old Stock. New Stock. During the first year (^zl) x 7. - x 7. m m „ second (^Z2)XJ. 2x7. m m m x/=0. ALLOTMENT DURING THE REGENERATION PERIOD. £49 Hence — Increment on old stock = f m-1 l^TX m_(m-l)xl_mx I __ I 2~ ~~2~ 2" Increment on new stock = 1 j j \m_ _mx I , I m J 2 ~" 22' If the first cutting is made at the end of the first year, then the position is reversed, and — Increment on old stock = — - — +— mx I I „ ,, new ,, = — - — — — . For the middle of the growing season — Increment on old stock = — — — 2 I . - „ ,,new „ =^. For all practical purposes the same result is obtained, pro- vided m is not too long, by adding to the existing old growing stock half the increment which it would have laid on in the course of m years if no cuttings were made, in other words placing the expected yield equal to the volume of a wood, the final age of which is increased by -^ years. What has been said above, enables the forester to calculate the annual yield which a wood under regeneration gives during the period of m years, namely : — mxl Annual yield = ^ = ^f + 3- Again, if the yield = Y has been fixed, the number of years during which the wood under regeneration will give that yield, can be calculated : — 250 INCREMENT, GROWING STOCK AND YIELD. m 2 and out of this — ~"2"~~wT and a „ m = Y- I 2 Example : — Table at page 190. A wood of 10 acres, now 80 }rears old, is to be regenerated during the next 20 years ; what will be its annual yield during that period ? .20 -5 2650 x 20 = 53,000, or per acre = 5300, which is the same as the wood should have had when 90 years old, if no cuttings had been made. Again, supposing the yield has been fixed at 2,650 cubic feet a year, the 10 acres in question will furnish that yield for— =20years 2650 - 3. Relation between Normal Yield and Normal Increment. The normal final yield is equal to — (a.) The volume of the oldest age gradation ; (6) The mean annual final increment of all gradations ; (c) The total current annual increment of all gradations. Example : — Table at page 190. Area of a normal forest = 100 acres Rotation = 100 years. NORMAL YIELD AND GROWING STOCK. 251 Cubic feet- Every year a wood 100 years old is cut over, giving = 5580 Normal annual yield = 5580 Total mean annual increment = 55'8 x 100 . . = 5580 „ current „ „ -10(51 + 78 + 85 + 76 + 63 + 53 + 47 + 42 + 35 + 28) = 558x10 . . = 5580- 4. Relation between Normal Yield and Normal Groiving Stock. If the normal yield (FJ is divided by the normal growing stock (6rn) and the quotient multiplied by 100, the result ia called the " utilization per cent." Y Utilization per cent. = -2. x 100. (jrn It gives the units of yield for every 100 units of growing stock, just as the increment per cent, gives the units of incre- ment for every 100 units of growing stock. As the increment of a whole series of age gradations is equal to the yield of the same, it follows that — Utilization per cent. = increment per cent, of the whole series of age gradations. Placing the current annual increment equal to the mean r X / annual increment, and calculating Gn for summer = — -- — ,. the utilization per cent, for the rotation of the maximum volume production is always equal to twice the increment per cent, of the oldest age gradation. It has been shown above (page 187) that for the year in which the mean annual increment culminates (rotation of maximum volume produc- tion), the — 100 Increment per cent. = . For the same rotation — Utilization per cent. = £* x 100 = ~X 10° G rxl -252 The utilization per cent, must fall with the increase of r, just as the increment per cent, has been shown to fall. Example : — Table at page 190. The greatest volume production occurs under a rotation of 40 years, hence : — n rxl 40 x 2900 KQ nrkrk , . - Gn=— — = 58,000 cubic feet. 2t _ Utilization per cent. = 72 x 100 Increment per cent, of oldest age -gradation = — - = 2'5%. 2900 A somewhat different result is obtained if Gn is calculated from the positions of a yield table. For summer — Gn=10 (510 + 1290 + 2140.+ 1450) = 58,900 cubic feet. and — Utilization per cent. = — o^0 = 5-38°/0, or more than 20°. Calculating the per cent, for various rotations the following data are obtained : — UTILIZATION PER CENT. ROTATION. By Mean Annual From Yield Increment. Tables. 30 ..... G'67 7'46 40 . . . . . 5* 5'38 50 ..... 4- 4-10 60 . . . . . 3-34 3-27 In this case the two are equal some time between 50 and 60 y-ears, after which the per cent, calculated from yield tables is .smaller than that calculated by the mean annual increment. 253 CHAPTER VII. THE REAL FOREST COMPARED WITH THE NORMAL FOREST. HAVING drawn a picture of the normal, or ideal, forest, it remains to compare it with what is found in reality. A forest which is absolutely, and in every respect, in a normal condition does not exist, especially in the case of extensive areas treated under high rotations ; and if an area should ever get into that state, greater or smaller deviations are sure to occur again. The great value of the normal forest consists in its serving as a standard, towards which the forester must endeavour to lead the forest under his management. How this is done is laid down in forest working plans. Forests which are worked for quantity or quality of produce only may be abnormal in respect of — (1) The increment. (2) The size and distribution of the age classes. (3) The growing stock. From a financial point has to be added : — (4) There may be woods which work with a forest per cent. smaller than the general per cent. p. Either one, more, or all these conditions may be in an abnormal state. In determining the method by which the abnormal condi- tions are to be removed, it must be specially noted that the increment alone renders the growing stock an active capital ; it replaces year by year that quantity of the growing stock which has been removed by fellings. Hence., it must be the forester's first care to bring the increment up to its normal amount. This is accomplished by regulating the cuttings in 254 REAL AND NORMAL FOREST. a suitable manner, followed by efficient regeneration and tending of the growing woods. More especially as regards the regulation of cuttings, care must be taken that all woods which have a poor increment are cut over at an early date, and replaced by vigorous young woods. Next, a proper proportion and distribution of age classes must be aimed at, so that each wood can be cut over when ripe, without endangering thereby other adjoining woods. Only in this way is it possible to avoid loss of increment in the future, due to the premature cutting over of vigorous woods, or to the retarded cutting over of incompletely stocked or diseased woods. The establishment of a normal proportion amongst the several age classes (or normal series of age gradations) fully insures a regular sustained yield, provided the increment is not interfered with. With these two conditions in the normal state, the third, or growing stock, must also be normal. The latter in its numerical aspect is valuable as a means to judge the capacity of a forest to yield a fixed return for a certain period of time ; but it seems a procedure of doubtful ex- pediency to begin by establishing the numerically normal state of the growing stock, because it can be reached while the forest is in other respects highly abnormal. A forest consisting of a normal series of age gradations, and worked according to the system of a sustained annual yield, is, after all, nothing else but a number of age gradations, each of which is worked under the system of intermittent yields ; by adding together the intermittent yields of the several age gradations, the sustained annual yield of the whole series is obtained. It stands, therefore, to reason that the best method of regulating the management of a forest is that which con- siders first the special lequirements of each wood, and then adds up the cuttings which have been determined on during this process. In this way a healthy treatment can be insured to every part of the forest, leading to a healthy treatment of the whole. How this can be accomplished will be shown in Part IV. of this volume. PAET IV. PREPARATION OF FOREST WORKING PLANS. 257 PREPARATION OF FOREST WORKING PLANS. INTRODUCTORY. A FOREST working plan has for its object to lay down the entire management of a forest, so that the objects for which the forest is maintained may be as fully as possible realised. In order to be of any use, it must be based upon an exact and detailed examination of the actual state of the forest in all its component parts ; next, the forest must be divided into divisions of workable size ; the leading principles of management must be indicated, and the yield calculated. The whole material is then brought together in a working plan report. Finally, arrangement must be made to control the execution of the plans, and to collect additional information, so that every succeeding working plan may be more accurate, and the management ma}?- become more and more exact. The subject may, therefore, be divided into the following chapters : — I. EXAMINATION OF THE FOREST, OR COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. II. DIVISION AND ALLOTMENT OF THE AREA. III. DETERMINATION OF THE METHOD OF TREATMENT AND GENERAL LINES OF MANAGEMENT. IV. DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. Y. THE WORKING PLAN REPORT. VI. CONTROL OF EXECUTION AND RENEWAL OF WORKING PLANS. The subjects coming under I., II., and III. are not easy to VOL. III. S £58 INTRODUCTORY. separate, because these chapters overlap to some extent. In practice they are dealt with simultaneously, more especially Chapters I. and II., but in dealing with them here they must be taken one after the other. It is not possible to put the statistics together in proper order, without having divided the forest into a number of divisions ; nor is it possible to divide and allot the area to its several uses, without having previously ascertained what each part of the forest contains. Again, the division and allotment of areas cannot be finally arranged, until the method of treatment and the general lines of manage- ment have been pro vision all}r laid down. It is for this reason that the division and allotment have been placed between the collection of statistics and the determination of the method of treatment. At one time it was the practice to prepare working plans of high forests for long periods of time, even as much as a whole rotation. Such a procedure is to be strongly deprecated, because the conditions which govern the working of a forest change from time to time. Although the general lines of action must be determined for some time ahead, so as to secure continuity of action, the detailed prescriptions for the management should only be laid down for a short period, say 10 or perhaps 20 years. This is especially desirable where a working plan is prepared for the first time, and where the data upon which it is based are as yet defective. It is desirable, in such cases, to revise the existing arrangements in the light of the experience gained during the actual working of the forest for a limited period. 259 CHAPTER I. COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. THE collection of statistics is of the first importance, because the whole fabric of the working plan rests upon the data which have been collected as regards the actual state of the forest, and the notes on the treatment which should be applied to each part. The statistics to be collected must refer, on the one hand, to each wood which forms part of the forest, and, on the other hand, to the general condition in and around the forest as a whole, which are likely to influence the management. The data to be collected may therefore be arranged under the following heads : — I. Survey and determination of areas. II. Description of each wood or compartment. III. Past receipts and expenses. IV. General conditions in and around the forest. V. The statistical report. The data under II. must be collected separately for each unit of working or compartment ; those under III. may be given for each compartment, or each working section, or for .the whole forest, according to circumstances. SECTION I. — SURVEY AND DETERMINATION OF AREAS. The survey yields the necessary data from which maps can "be prepared and the area of the whole forest, as well as of its several divisions, ascertained. It is not intended to describe here the various methods of surveying, as this work must be s 2 260 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. done by professional surveyors ; the following remarks refer only to those points in which the forester must participate. Before the survey is commenced, various preliminary matters must be attended to, such as : — (1) Regulation and demarcation of the boundaries of the forest, and of those parts which are subject to servitudes. (2) Demarcation of all areas which are not destined for the production of wood, such as fields, meadows, pas- tures, swamps, rocky parts and other areas unfit for growing woods. (3) The laying out of a suitable system of roads and rides, in so far as it can be done without a map, or with the help of a sketch map. What cannot be done in this respect before the commencement of the survey, should, if possible, be done during its progress, that is to say, as soon as the necessary data become available. If any part cannot be done until a map becomes available, an additional survey will be necessary. (4) Demarcation of the boundaries between woods con- sisting of different species, or -different ages, or different quality classes. The latter is only neces- sary in very valuable forests. The method of survey depends on the value of the forest, as represented by its returns ; the higher the latter, the more accurate should be the survey. Generally speaking, all main lines, such as the boundaries of the property and of the areas subject to servitudes, the roads and principal rides, should be surveyed with the theodolite and chain or measuring staff. The details, such as the limits of woods and of sub-com- partments, may be done with the plane table or prismatic compass. The area of the whole forest and its main parts should be ascertained by the method of co-ordinates ; the area of the DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS. 261 compartments or woods may be ascertained with the plani meter, or a network of squares, each of which represents a fixed area. Whenever practical the survey should be based upon a previous triangulation. The preparation of the maps will be dealt with in the last section of this chapter. Frequently general maps of the area, are already available. If they are on a sufficiently large scale and reliable, only the additional details required for the management of the forest need be added. SECTION II. — DESCRIPTION OF EACH WOOD OR COMPARTMENT. The description of each wood, compartment, or other unit of working, is of the first importance, because it gives informa- tion on which depends the whole management, viz. : — (1) The selection of species to be grown in the future. (2) The method of treatment of each wood and the deter- mination of the rotation. (3) The degree of ripeness of each wood. {4) The yield capacity of each wood and of the whole forest. The minuteness of the investigation depends on the value of the forest and the intensity of management. Where these are high, a detailed examination and record are called for ; where the returns are likely to be small, a summary procedure may be indicated. The forester must in each case determine the actual procedure which he considers to be in keeping with the interests of the owner of the forest. 1. The Locality. By locality is understood the soil (and subsoil) and the climate, which depends on the situation. The agencies which are at work in the soil and the overlying air determine the yield capacity or " quality " of the locality. The details regarding locality in relation to forest vegetation will be found in Volume I. of this Manual, pages 104 — 157. 262 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. From what has been said there it will be easily understood that a description of the soil and climate must form part of the basis upon which a working plan rests. In describing the climate and soil the following points deserve attention : — a. Climate. (1) The geographical position of the locality, as indicated by latitude and in many cases also the longitude, especially where the vicinity of the sea, large lakes, or high mountains, are likely to influence the climate. (2) The local peculiarities of the locality, such as altitude, aspect, slope, temperature, moisture in the air, rainfall, exposure to strong, cold, or dry winds, susceptibility to late or early frosts, &c. (3) The surroundings of the locality, in so far as they are likely to affect the local climate. b. Soil (1) The underlying rock. (2) The mineral composition of the soil. (3) The organic admixtures of the soil. (4) The depth of the soil. (5) The degree of porosity. (6) The degree of moisture. (7) The surface covering of the soil. In forests situated on level ground the above data may be the same over a considerable portion or the whole of the area, but in the hills they have frequently to be determined for each compartment, or even portions of one compartment, especially if it shows considerable differences of altitude, aspect, or slope. All these factors combined produce a certain quality or yield capacity of the locality. How this is determined has been explained at page 150 of Volume I. and in Forest Mensuration. Some further remarks on the subject will be found in the last part of this section. THE GROWING STOCK. 26S 2. The Growing Stock. The growing wood, or the crop produced on an area, repre- sents the results of the activity of the locality under a certain treatment. All points which have influenced the quantity and quality of the results must be ascertained, to enable the forester to judge of the merits of the treatment hitherto followed and the advisability or otherwise of any changes in it. a. Method of Treatment, or Sylvicultural System. The different methods of treatment have been described at p. 203 of Vol. I. In this place the forester must ascertain the system under which the wood has actually been managed in the past. b. Pure woods are indicated by giving the species. In the case of mixed woods, the degree of mixture must also be given ; this can be done either by adjectives, such as "some," "a few," or by decimals, placing the whole as 1. These decimals should have reference to the area occupied by each species. Example : — The following description — Beech — '5 Oak = -3 Ash = -2 Maple = a few, would mean that J of the area is occupied by beech, "3 by oak, and '2 by ash, with a few maples. In the case of very valuable trees, such as old oak, or teak trees in Burma, it may be desirable to give their actual number. The manner of admixture is expressed as "in single trees," "in groups," "in strips," or "irregularly distributed." It is also necessary to state whether the mixture is perma- nent or temporary, whether it is of special sylvicultural or 264 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. financial importance, such as a shelterwood (or nurses) over another tender species, or a soil protection wood, standards of valuable species, &c. The undergrowth, shrubs, herbs, &c., should also be described. c. Density of the Growing Stock. To every method of treatment, as determined by the objects of management, corresponds a normal densit}^ of the growing stock. Deviations from that density are expressed by such terms as over-crowded, under-crowded, open, very open, interrupted, irregular, &c. Such terms are indefinite, and subject to different interpretations. It is better to place the normal density as equal to 1, and express the actual stocking in decimals of 1. The degree of density can be determined by ocular estimate, or more accurately by comparing the basal area of the stems with that of a normally stocked wood, or still more accurately by comparing the volume of the wood with that of a fully stocked wood of the same age. When the density of stocking is insufficient, it should be stated whether the wood is generally open, or whether the deficiency is due to greater or smaller blanks. Under a blank is understood an area which, though it belongs to the wood producing area, has no trees on it, or so few that its complete re-stocking is necessary. Areas which are not destined for the production of trees are not included here, as they form part of the areas set aside for other purposes, such as fields, meadows, &c., or are altogether unfit for the production of trees, such as bare rocks, boulder drifts, swampy ground which cannot be drained, &c. As regards the latter, it is not always easy to draw the line between actual blanks and woodland, as they frequently have a thin stocking, which may give a small return from time to time. d. Age. The methods of determining the age of trees and woods have been given at pp. 72 to 77. THE GROWING STOCK. '265 An absolutely accurate determination of the age is only necessary when the data are required for the preparation of yield tables or other scientific purposes. Fairly approximate data suffice for the purpose of working plans. In the case of even-aged or nearly even-aged woods, one or more sample trees are examined. If considerable differences of age exist in a wood, the limits should be given, and the wood placed into that age class to which it belongs according to its economic character. If some older or younger groups exist, which are not of sufficient extent to be classed as separate woods, this should be mentioned. The same holds good for a limited number of standards which are to be held over for a second rotation, or for young growth which has sprung up in an old wood. A minute calculation of the mean age is rarely called for. In the case of woods which have been kept back in their development, the economic and not the actual age must be given. For instance, a young wood, which has stood under heavy shelter and is now 80 years old, but of a development which is ordinarily reached in 10 years, must be entered as 10 years and not as 30 years old. In the regeneration class the age of the overwood and underwood must be given separate!}7. In selection forests it suffices to give the limits of the age gradations, which are frequently determined by the number of years during which cuttings go once round the forest. In coppice with standards the ages of the overwood and underwood are given separately ; for the former the limits of the existing gradations are given. The age of coppice can generally be easily ascertained from the time when the last cutting occurred. e. Origin and Past Treatment. Whenever the necessary data can be ascertained, a short history of each wood should be prepared, giving the method of formation, whether by natural or artificial means, planting 266 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. or sowing, the manner in which the wood has been tended, cleanings, thinnings, pruning, natural phenomena which have affected the development, etc. Such a history is very useful in judging the results of the past method of treatment, and in determining the future treatment. /. Volume. All methods of determining the yield in material require a measurement of the volume, but to a different extent. For some it is necessary to measure all woods, excepting only those which are very young, and which are estimated, either direct, or with the assistance of yield tables. For other methods only those woods require to be measured, which will come under the axe during the immediate future of, say, 10 to 20 years. Where a fine financial management is followed, all woods which are close to ripeness, or of which the ripeness is doubtful, must be accurately measured, so as to calculate the per cent, with which the capital is working. For the determination of the capital value an accurate measurement of the volume is indispensable. The volume should be given separately for the different species, if their value per unit of measurement differs con- siderably. It is useful to give all volumes in solid measure, as solid cubic feet. The proportion between the different classes of produce need only be given for each working section ; bestr according to local proportionate figures, if such are available. The different methods, according to which the volume can be measured, have been described at pages 43 to 71. The choice of the method of measurement depends on the circum- stances of each case. g. Increment, Capital Value, and Forest Per cent. These matters have already been dealt with in full detail. The determination of the quantity increment is required for the calculation of the yield. It must be done for all woods, QUALITY OF WOODS. 267 if the yield is fixed for a whole rotation, or when the increment forms the principal basis for the determination of the yield. In the latter case both normal and real increment must be ascertained. AVhen the yield is fixed for only one, or at the outside two periods, the current increment must be ascertained for that number of years, or the mean annual increment of the past is substituted for it. For financial questions the quantity-, quality-, and price- increment must be determined, as well as the capital invested in the forest, so as to calculate the indicating or forest per cent. The latter is necessary only for woods, the financial ripeness of which is doubtful, that is to say, for woods which are approaching the normal final age, and woods which have suffered by injurious agencies, such as wind, snow, fire, insects, damage by game, etc. 3. Determination of the Quality of each Wood. a. General. Under the quality of a wood or compartment is understood its yield capacity, as expressed by the quantity of produce which can be derived from it. The yield capacity depends in the first place on the locality ; but injurious influences may have interfered with the full development of the producing factors of the locality, so that abnormal conditions may be the consequence. The forester distinguishes therefore between normal and abnormal quality. The quality is normal, if no extraordinary injurious influences have affected the development of the wood. A further distinction must be made between the quality of the " locality " and of the " growing wood " or standing crop. Either of the two can be normal or abnormal. The quality of the locality may be abnormal in consequence of a variety of causes, such as the continued removal of litter, or excessive exposure to the effects of sun and air currents which have impoverished the soil ; or in consequence of unfavourable '268 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. natural phenomena, for instance, if the ground has become swampy, temporarily denuded, or covered with moving sand. An abnormal condition of the growing wood may be pro- duced by faulty treatment, by injurious external agencies, such as drought, frost, wind, fire, insects, diseases of the trees, etc. For the preparation of working plans, only the actually existing, or real, quality of the locality should be taken into account, because the restoration of the normal quality is generally a slow process, if it is at all effected. As regards the growing stock both values are required, because the normal quality represents the real quality of the locality, and the real quality of the growing stock forms the basis for the calculation of the yield which the forest can give. On page 150 of Volume I. it has been said that the quality of the locality can be ascertained — (1) By an assessment according to the several factors of the locality ; or (2) B.y an assessment according to a crop of trees produced on the area in question, or on a similar soil in the vicinity. It has also been stated that the first of these two methods, however carefully carried out, is always subject to grave errors, because an examination of the chemical composition and the physical properties of the soil, and a determination of the climate do not indicate the yield capacity of the locality for forestry with any degree of certainty; hence it should be used only as an auxiliary of the second method, or when the latter is not available. Thus it will be seen that the determination of the quality of the locality depends practically on an examination of the growing wood which it has produced. In fact, a normal growing stock is the true expression for the real quality of the locality; the same investigation gives both the quality of the locality and of the existing crop. For the purpose of obtaining an actual figure, which repre- QUALITY OF WOODS. 269> sents the quality, the best way is to ascertain the volume of the growing stock and the number of years in which it has been produced. In dividing the volume by the age of the wood, the mean annual increment is obtained. Both volume and mean annual increment depend on the locality and the past treatment of the wood. It is evident that in reality a multitude of different qualities exist, but for practical work they are grouped into a few, generally not more than five quality classes, which are numbered I. to V. Of these I. should represent the lowest and V. the best quality, but unfortunately the reverse num- bering has been largely introduced. A still more convenient way is to represent the best quality by 1 and the others in decimals of 1. Each of these quality classes represents a distinct yield capacity, which diifers with the species and method of treatment. The quality can be determined with the help of yield tables,, or the final mean annual increment. I. Determination of the Quality with the help of Yield Talks. The preparation of yield tables has been explained in Forest Mensuration (page 96). Such tables represent the progress of increment, or volume, throughout life for each quality class ; hence, assessing the quality means, in this case, the selection of the proper yield table. The difficulty is that for every species and sylvicultural system a different set of yield tables is required. It may even be desirable to have different sets. for different localities, so-called local yield tables ; but such a procedure is likely to lead to confusion, as different standards of the quality classes are introduced into the account. Hence, general yield tables are to be preferred, even if the same degree of accuracy is not obtained as in the case of local tables. The difference is, however, not considerable, as experience has shown that, within reasonable limits, general tables give sufficiently accurate data for the preparation of working plans. It has, for instance, been proved that the general yield tables 270 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. for the Scotch pine prepared for Germany may safely be used in the south of England. The fact is, that the sources of inaccuracy inherent to the best methods of measuring the volume of a standing crop are greater than those caused by using general yield tables for any particular locality. The general yield tables given at page 386, Appendix D, are used in Saxoii}r for the determination of the quality class. The quality of young woods cannot be judged by their volume, since the factors of the locality may not yet have found full expression in the volume ; here the quality must be estimated by the general condition of the crop, and especi- ally its height growth. Indeed, the latter may be used even in older woods, as long as height growth has not ceased. The determination of the quality from yield tables in the case of clear cutting in high forest and in coppice is a simple matter, as previously shown. The regeneration area under the shelter-wood system gives some trouble, because it is no longer fully stocked, so that the volume does not represent the quality ; here the determination must be based upon an inves- tigation of the quality of the locality combined with the con- dition of the shelter-wood and young growth. A similar procedure is followed in the case of coppice with standards, and in selection forests. The quality of blanks is estimated from the soil and climate, or from that of adjoining woods which have been produced on soil of a similar description. c. Determination of the Quality by the Final Mean Annual Increment. This method has sometimes advantages, especially if the areas are to be reduced to one common quality ; but it has the great disadvantage that the final age of each wood must be fixed, since the mean annual increment changes with the age at which the wood is cut over. Moreover it is almost impossible to fix the final mean annual increment without the help of yield tables. QUALITY OF WOODS. 271 d. Reduction to One Quality. Several methods of regulating the yield demand a reduction of the areas of the several woods, or working sections, to one quality, so as to have to calculate only with areas of equal yield capacity. Such a reduction to one quality may be made as regards the locality, or the growing wood ; in each case as regards the normal or real quality. The method of procedure is the same in each case. The calculation becomes most simple ; either if yield tables are used, in which the yields of the several classes are indicated the best by 1 and the others in decimals of 1 ; or, if the reduction is made with the final mean annual increment or yield. Again, the reduction can be made under one of the two following conditions : — Either the total of the several reduced areas shall be equal to the actual area of the working section ; in other words, the calculation is made with the mean quality of the area ; or, the above equality is not required, in which case any quality can be used as the standard, frequently that being chosen which exists over the greater part of the area, i. REDUCTION BASED UPON THE FINAL MEAN ANNUAL INCREMENT. (a) Calculation with the Mean Quality. — Under mean quality is understood that which, if it existed throughout the working section, would produce the same total yield as that produced by the several existing qualities in different parts of the working section. Let aly a2, as ... be the several areas, •>, y\> 2/2? 2/3 • • • the corresponding annual yields per unit of area, ,, Y the mean yield per unit of area, then 272 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. and . . . = total annual yield • • • total area Example : — A working section of 1000 acres contains :— Block (1) 200 acres with 60 c' average increment „ (2) 100 „ „ 50 „ „ „ (3) 200 „ „ 40 „ „ „ (4) 500 „ „ 30 „ „ „ then- Mean quality 200x60+100x50+200x40 + 500x30,,, , 1000 By reduced area is now understood that which would produce, with a uniform quality = Y, the same total yield as the actually existing areas with their varying qualities. It is obtained by applying, in each case, the inverse proportion of that which exists between the actual and the mean quality : In the above example : Block (1) The proportion is 60 : 40 ; hence the reduced area x is obtained by means of the equation — A s\ f* r\ r\r\f\ 1 £\J\J s\ \)\) orv/"v „ (2) 40 : „ (3) 40 : „ (4) 40 : KH i of) . 7. 40 100 x 50 125 „ 200 „ 375 „ AC\ onn • T 40 40 x 200 30 = 500 ix „ 40 80 x 500 40 Total . . . = 1000 acres. If now the forest is to be divided into annual coupes of equal QUALITY OF WOODS. 273 yield capacity, the area to be placed in each is also obtained by calculating with the inverse proportion of the qualities. Example : — The above forest shall be divided into ten coupes of equal yield capacity ; then the reduced area of each coupe comes to = — ^ — = 100 acres. The real area of a coupe in each block is calculated as follows : — Block (1) 60 : 40 = 100 ; x and x = 4° *10Q = 66'67 acres 60 „ (2)50:40 = 100:* „ a; = 40*1QO = 80'00 „ 50 „ (3)40:40 = 100:* „ x = 4° * ™° = lOO'OO „ 40 „ (4)30:40 = 100:* „ * = 40*100 = 133*33 „ oO or : Coupe No. 1 = 66-67= 66'67 acres ^ n 9 fifi-fi7 fifi-AT 1 Taken from block „ „ 2= bbb7 = bb b7 „ j- „ 1 ,,3= 66-66= 66-66 „ J „ 4= 80-00= 80-00 From block No. 2. „ 5=20+75= 95-00 „ ( and partly No. 3. „ 6= 100 = 100 „ From block No. 3. 7-25-4-100- 125 i Partly fr°m N°' 3 ,, <— ZO-hlUU— 140 ,, < (. and partly No. 4. „ 8= 133-33= 133-33 „ ^ ,,9= 133-33= 133-33 „ I From block No. 4. ,,10= 133-34= 133-34 J Total . . 1000-00 acres. (&) Calculation with any Suitable Quality. — In this case any quality can be used, whether it exists on the area or not. The total reduced area is obtained by multiplying the several qualities by the corresponding areas and dividing the product by the selected standard quality. The total reduced area may 274 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. be greater, equal or smaller than the actual area, according to the size of the standard quality : — Reduced A = The reduced areas of the several parts are obtained b}r the inverse proportion of their qualities to the standard quality; thus : — Reduced al — Reduced a = etc. Example, as above : Let the standard quality = 50 c, then Total reduced area = 200 x 60 + 100 x 50+200 x 40+500 x 30_ ftnn - — — — — — — ouu acies, ou and for the several blocks : — 50 = acres (3) 200x40 Total . . 800 acres. 800 Reduced area of annual coupe = — — - = 80 acres, and the size of coupes in the several blocks : — (1) 60 : 50 = 80 :# and a? = — ^~= 66'67 ou (2) 50: 50 = 80 ix „ « = — — = SO'OO 50 QUALITY OF WOODS. 275 (3) 40 : 50-80: x and x = ~ = 100- KA v Of) (4)30:50 = 80:* „ % = ~~ = 133'33 ; oU as before. It is obvious, tbat the last mentioned method is the more convenient of the two. ii. REDUCTION BASED UPON YIELD TABLES. The reduction is based upon yield tables, of which the best is indicated by 1 and the others by decimals of 1. (a) Calculation with the Mean Quality. — The mean quality is obtained by multiplying the several areas by their quality figures, and dividing the product by the total area. The reduced area of each part is obtained by calculating it with the inverse proportion which exists between its own and the mean quality. Example : as above, but let — Quality of Block No. 1 = '6 » » » 5> 2 = '5 3— '4- , . == **• 200 X -6 + 100 X ' '4 + 50° X Mean quality Beduced areas of the several blocks : — (1) -4 : '6 = 200 :a?anda; = 2-0'6= 300 acres -4. (2) -4: -5 = 100:^ „ x = = 125 * (3) '4 : "4 = 200 : x „ x = = 200 ' (4) -4: -3 = 500:* „ x = ^^= 375 „ Total = 1000 acres 276 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. 1000 The reduced annual coupe would be = -— — =100 acres. Area of a coupe in each block : — (1) '6 ; '4 = 100 ; #anda; = '4 = 66'67 acres. *O (2) '5: -4 = 100:* „ * = - = 80 "5 (3) '4: '4 = 100: x „ x (4) '3: -4 = 100:# „ o^ = 133'33 „ *3 as before. (b) Calculation with any Standard Quality. — In this case the several areas are multiplied by their respective quality figures, and the sum of these products represents the reduced area; in other words the standard quality is placed equal tol. Example : as above :— (1) 200 X '6 = 120 acres (2) 100 X '5= 50 „ (3) 200 x '4= 80 „ (4) 500 x -3 = 150 „ Total reduced area = 400 acres. A r\c\ Eeduced area of annual coupe = — - = 40 acres. Size of coupe in each block : — (1) '6 : '1=40 : xandx==^ = 66'67 acres *D (2) -5: '1 = 40:* „ * = ^j= 80 (3) '4: '1=40:* „ * = ^=100 (4) -3: '1 = 40:* „ a; = 45 = 133-33 „ o as before. NOTES REGARDING FUTURE TREATMENT. 277 Under this method the size of the annual coupes in the several clocks is obtained by dividing the reduced area of the annual coupe, by the real quality figure of the wood, a method which is the simplest of all. 4. Notes regarding Future Treatment. While drawing up a description of each wood it is very desirable to note down any observations which may strike the forester regarding the future treatment. Such notes are, of course, only of a preliminary nature, because a final decision on the future treatment to be followed can be arrived at only after the management of the whole forest, or working section, has been laid down. Nevertheless they are a great help during the progress of the work. It is not possible to give a complete list of the points which should be attended to, as they differ according to circum- stances ; the following may, however, be enumerated : — (a) Filling up the existing wood ; if so, the area to be treated and the species to be grown should be given ; also the method of sowing, planting, or other cultural operations. (6) Cleanings, thinnings, or primings during the period for which the working plan is prepared ; the volume to be removed should be estimated. (c) Degree of ripeness of the principal or final crop, taking into consideration the objects of management ; if the latter are financial the forest per cent, should be calculated. If it appears advisable that final cuttings should be made, the method of cutting should be given and an estimate of the volume to be removed. (d) Method of regeneration to be followed and the species to be grown, if this should occur during the period for which the working plan is prepared. (e) Measures to be taken for the protection of the wood against threatening dangers, especially fire. 278 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. (/) Other works to be undertaken, such as construction of roads, draining, irrigation. (g) Utilization of enclosures and improvement of boundaries where practicable. (/O Proposals regarding the formation of sub-compartments, or the abolishment of those which exist, with reasons for such proposals. SECTION III. — PAST RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES. There is no surer basis in estimating future returns than those of the past ; hence it is of importance to ascertain and note down the yield in material, the cash receipts and costs for as many years as the available data admit. These data will, however, only be forthcoming if records have been kept for some time past. As far as may be practicable, past yields and costs should be given for each unit of working, that is to say each wood or compartment. If the records have not been kept in sufficient detail, the data for each working section should be given ; the latter may also be quite sufficient where the management is as yet in a backward condition, or where the receipts are as yet small. The following notes indicate the class of information which may be required :— 1. Yield of Wood or Major Produce. The yields should be given separately : — (a) For the principal species. (b) For the different classes of timber and firewood, according to size or value. (c) For final and intermediate yields. (d) Of cash receipts should be given the total, and the mean price of the several classes of material, separated according to species. (e) The areas over which cuttings extended should, if PAST RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES. 279 possible, also be given separately for final and inter- mediate cuttings. 2. Minor Produce. Under this heading should be given the quantity of each article of minor produce which has been removed and the cash receipts obtained for it. Receipts derived from areas not used for the production of wood, such as fields, meadows, &c., should be separately recorded. 3. Expenses. These should be recorded separately for : — (a) Cost of administration and protection. (b) Taxes, rates, &c. (c) Formation of woods. (d) Tending and amelioration. (e) Maintenance of boundaries. (/) Construction of roads, drainage, irrigation, and other works. (g) Cost of harvesting, separated according to major and minor produce. 4. Generally. For forests worked on financial lines the receipts and ex- penses should be so arranged that it is possible to ascertain: — (a) The current forest per cent, of each wood whenever desirable. (b) The forest rental, being the difference between all receipts and expenses. It is used to determine the per centage which the forest capital has yielded. (c) The capital value of the forest, being the sum of the value of the soil plus value of the growing stock. For the preparation of working plans based upon financial principles, these values may be ascertained as follows : the data of receipts and costs collected 280 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. for the several woods will enable the forester to calculate a series of expectation values of the soil for the different qualities of locality ; besides, all available data referring to actual sales of land similar to the forest lands in question should be carefully noted. By combining these data it will be possible to determine the value of the soil with sufficient accuracy for the purpose of working plans. The capital value of the growing stock is then determined as the cost value calculated with the value of the soil as determined above, or as the utilization value in the case of woods which are near maturity. SECTION IV. — GENERAL CONDITIONS IN AND AROUND THE FOREST. The management of a forest depends not only on the state of its several parts, but also on the general conditions which exist in and around it. The latter must, therefore, be ascer- tained at this early stage, and they • should be used for a general description of the forest, to be incorporated into the working plan report. The field of enquiry here indicated is of considerable extent ; the following matters may be mentioned : — 1. Name and situation of forest, giving the latitude and longitude where necessary. » 2. Description of boundaries and names of the adjoining properties and their owners. 8. Topographical features of the locality. 4. General description of the geology and climate. 5. Former and present proprietors, financial position of present proprietor, whether the funds for formation, tending, administration, amelioration, &c., are avail- able ; whether specially heavy cuttings must be made to meet the demands of the proprietor. 6. Nature of proprietorship, whether full and unfettered THE STATISTICAL EEPORT. 281 property, or whether servitudes and privileges rest on it ; in the latter case their extent should be recorded. 7. Bights enjoyed by the proprietor of the forest elsewhere, such as rights of way or floating, or rights over other lands, &c. 8. Kequirements of the surrounding population, and con- dition of the market for forest produce generally ; special industries in the vicinity which require forest produce, such as mines, smelting works, saw mills ; imports which compete with the local supply; sub- stitutes for wood available in the vicinity. 9. Extent of forest offences, their causes, effect upon the forest ; suggestions for their prevention. 10. Labour available in the vicinity ; rate of wages. 11. Past system of management ; changes introduced from time to time; prescriptions of former working plans and their effect upon the forest. 12 Natural phenomena which have affected the condition of the forest, such as storms, snow, frost, fire, insects, fungi, &c. 13. Conditions of game and its effect upon the forest. 14. Past seed years of the more important species. 15. Opportunities for consolidating the property, either by exchange or purchase ; conversion of fields, meadows, &c., into forest, or the reverse. 16. The staff of the forest, its organization and efficiency. SECTION V. — THE STATISTICAL EEPOET. The data which have been collected in the manner indicated in the previous four sections, must be brought together in a statistical report, accompanied by maps to illustrate it. The form of this report depends entirely on the circumstances of each case. In one instance it will be necessary to go into minute details, in another a more summary treatment is indi- cated. The following documents will ordinarily form part of the report. 282 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. 1. Register of Boundaries. This should give : — (a) The boundary marks in consecutive numbers. (b) The angles backwards and forwards at each point. (c) The horizontal distance between every two boundary marks. (d) The nature of the boundary line, whether a road, water- course, waterparting, ditch, cleared line, etc. (e) The names of adjoining properties and of their owners. The value of the register of boundaries is considerably enhanced, if its correctness has been acknowledged by the adjoining owners before the proper court of law. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY. AREA, IN ACRES. Boundaries. Locality. Working Section or Block. Com- part- ment. Sub- com- part- ment. Stocked Blank. Total Caesar's Camp 1 a 24 2 26 North % East : Elevation: 420 feet' SirJ.Hayter's land. above sea-level, slop- ing towards the east, South : Com- partments 13 and 12. with moderate gra- dient, down to 380 feet. West : Koman road. Geological Forma- tion: Middle Bagshot sands. Soil : Loamy sand, fairly good in upper part and good in lower part ; no pan to 4 feet depth. TABLE OF AREAS. 283 2. Table of Areas. The following form of this table is given as an illustration ; it serves as a summary of all areas, and shows how each part is utilized : — AREA NOT USED FOR THE PRODUCTION LOCALITY. Area used OF WOOD, IN ACRES. for the Grand Produc- Total, "Working Section or Block. Com- part- ment. Sub- coin - part- ment. tion of Wood, in Acres. Roads and Rides. Fields. Meadows Water, etc. Total. in Acres. Cassar's Camp . . 1 a 26 •4 2-2 — •6 3-2 29-2 Etc. REMAEKS. — The use of the fields forms part of the forester's emoluments. COMPAETMENTS. (See next page.) GROWING STOCK. QUALITY OF Sylvicul-r tural Species. System. | Age, in Years. Mean Height in Feet. Volume in solid Cubic Feet. Lo- cality. Grow- ing Stock. Remarks, and Notes regarding Future Treatment. High Forest Oak = -4 70 Oak, Chest- Broad- leaved 3 •8 The mixture of species is uneven ; the Scotch Chest- nut & = 34,000 pine is chiefly found nut ='2 Beech Scotch in the Northern part. = 54 pine and the broad-leaved Beech = 28,800 trees in the South ; = •1 Scotch Northern p&rt is well pine 62,800 stocked, Southern part Scotch = 60 open ; most of the pine = -3 oaks and chestnuts are frost-cracked. Future Treatment : Southern part is so increment-poor, that it should be cut over during the next ten years, leaving the best oaks and chestnuts, and underplanted or sown, with beech (or spruce). In the North- ern part only dead or dying trees should be removed during the next ten years. 284 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. 3. Description of Compartments. This description may be drawn up in a tabular form, or otherwise ; the former is preferable, as it presents a more in- telligible picture of the forest, and gives greater security that nothing has been overlooked. It is quite impossible to recom- mend any particular form for this table, but by way of illustra- tion a form based upon those recommended by Judeich and Heyer is given. (See form on previous pages.) In this table the quality of locality indicates that which corresponds to the normal quality of the growing stock. The real quality of the growing stock is given in decimals, the normal quality being placed equal to 1. If the forest is worked on financial principles, further columns must be added for the quantity and quality increment, wherewith to calculate the forest per cent, and the forest capital. 4. Table of Qualities of Locality. LOCALITY. QUALITY CLASSES OF LOCALITY. Area in Acres. Working Section. Com- part- ment. Sub- com- part- ment. Sylvicultural System. I. Lowest. II. III. IV. V. Best. Total Area. Remarks. Caesar's Camp 1 a Scotch pine 26 26 with some » 1 b broad-leaved 14 14 trees here » 2 and there. 32 6 38 » 3 High forest 17 17 H 4 16 15 31 » 5 12 17 4 33 n 6 25 6 31 » 7 20 7 27 Etc. Total 29 49 67 50 22 217 TABLE OF AGE CLASSES. 285 It is always useful to prepare this table, as it enables the forester to calculate the total yield capacity of the area. In this table each working section must be recorded separately, as the yield capacity depends on the species, sylvicultural system and rotation. The Saxon Tables (p. 388, App. D) give the following mean production per acre for Scotch pine woods, under a rotation of 80 years : — For the V. Class (lowest) = 19 cubic feet. IV. „ = 44 „ HI. „ = 70 „ II. „ = 96 „ I. „ (best) =122 The mean annual increment, or the yield capacity, of the area shown in the above table, would therefore be : — Yield capacity = 29 x 19 + 49 X 44 + 67 X 70 + 50 X 96 + 22 X 122 = 14,881 cubic feet, or average yield capacity per acre = = 69 cubic feet. This figure represents the normal yield ; the real, or actual, yield depends on the quality of the growing stock and the ages of the several woods. Assuming that the age classes are represented in normal proportion, and that the mean quality of all woods was equal to '7, the actual yield would be equal to 14,881 x -7 = 10,417 cubic feet, or 48 cubic feet per acre and year. 5. Table of Age Classes. This table is of great importance, as it gives a correct idea of the proportion of the different age classes, which affects the determination of the yield in the immediate future. It maybe prepared in the following form : — 286 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. TABLE OF AGE CLASSES. LOCALITY. Present Mean Age. AGE CLASSES, IN ACRES. Working Section. Com- part- ment. Sub- com- part- ment. I. 1—20. II. 21—40 III. 41—60 IV. 61—80 V. Over 80. Blanks. Regene- ration Class. Caesar's Camp 1 a 70 24 2 1 b 35 14 2 95 32 6 3 54 17 4 16 31 5 46 33 6 24 31 7 86 Total... 27 31 45 60 24 59 8 — TABLE OP Material Cut in Past Years, YEAR. CONIFERS. BROAD- Final. Intermediate. Total. Final. TimberwFood. Total. Timber Fire- wood. Total. Timber. Fire- wood. Total. Tim- ber. Fire- wo'd To- Si 1881 1882 7,200 1 1J50 i 8.950 4,700 1,300 6,000 11,900 3,050 14,950 i • i 1890 Total in 10 Years .. Annual Average . . 77,600 16,400 7,760; 1,640 94,000 9,400 36,400 3,640 12,200 1,220 48,600 4,860 114,000 11,400 28,600 142,600 2,860 14,260 2750 275 2600 260 5350 536 REMARKS.— The area set aside for the production of wood amounted, in the beginning of 1881, to 217 acres. PAST YIELDS AND MAPS. 287 6. Table of Past Yields. This table should give the past yields in produce for as many years as possible, and the mean annual yield calcu- lated from these data. The data should be separated, where practicable, according to final and intermediate returns, and according to the prin- cipal species, and the different classes of produce. The accompanying table illustrates this. Where specially valuable timber has been cut, like oak standards, teak, etc., it can be entered separately. 7. Maps. It is most useful to represent on maps the data required for the preparation of a working plan as far as this can be done. Such maps give at a glance a, clear picture of the forest, which PAST YIELDS. in solid Cubic Feet. LEAVED SPECIES. TOTAL. Intermediate. Tim- ber. 750 4100 410 Total Final. Intermediate. Total. Tim ber. 750 1350 135 Fire- wo'd 1650 2100 210 To- tal. 2400 3450 345 Fire- To- wo'di tal. Timber Fire- wood. Total. T""»» ££ Total. Timber. wFood. Tota1' 1650 2400 7,200 1,750 8,950 5,450 2,950 8,400 12,650 4,700 17,350 4700 470 8800 880 80,350 8,035 19,000 1,900 99,350 9,935 37,750 3,775 14,300 52,050 1,430 5,205 118,100 11,810 33,300 151,400 3,330 15,140 The annual yield was fixed at 15,000 solid cubic fept : or 150,000 for the period of 10 years; hence the average cuttings exceeded the fixed yield by 140 cubic feet annually. 288 COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. impresses itself more readily on the mind of the forester than a lengthy description. As it is not possible to represent every- thing on one map, it is usual to prepare different sets, such as the— (a) Topographical map. (b) Detailed map on a large scale. (c) Map showing the nature and age of the growing woods, called the stock map. (d) Geological map. (e) Soil map. (/) Map showing the working sections and cutting series. (g) Detailed road map. There is, however, no need for so many separate maps, as several of them can he combined into one. Ordinarily three maps suffice, namely : — a. The Geological Map. This map should show the geological formation of the upper layers, on which the nature of the soil depends. In it can also be shown the general topography of the area ; the various qualities of locality can be entered by lines of a distinguishing colour into which the quality figure is written. I. The Detailed Map. The scale of this map depends on circumstances. In India the ordinary scale is 4 inches = 1 mile. In a few cases maps on a scale of 8 inches = 1 mile, and in others of 2 inches = 1 mile have been prepared. The map should show, amongst other items : — (1) Name of forest and year of survey. (2) Boundaries, all boundary marks being indicated on the map and numbered ; boundaries between free property and parts subject to servitudes. (3) Names of adjoining properties and their owners. (4) Area, total, as well as of the main divisions. (5) Areas not used for the production of wood. THE STOCK MAP. 289 <6) Contour lines, or height curves. (7) The system of roads and rides, watercourses and other natural lines, with their names. (8) The boundaries of working sections, blocks, compart- ments and sub-compartments, with their names and numbers. c. The Stock Map. This has for its principal object to give a picture of the manner in which the area is stocked with wood ; a smaller scale than 4 inches = 1 mile generally suffices for it. The map should contain, apart from the necessary details, a representa- tion of the existing species, sylvicultural systems and distribu- tion of the age classes. This can be done in a variety of ways, as for instance in the following : — In high 'forest the principal species are shown by different washes ; the age classes by different shades of the same wash, the 3roungest being given the lightest, and the oldest the darkest shade ; the regeneration class receives some distin- guishing mark. Mixed woods may receive a separate wash, or they may be distinguished by the addition of small trees or marks of various •colours. Coppice woods may receive a separate wash, if shown on the same sheet. Coppice with standards may be distinguished from coppice by the addition of miniature trees. Selection forest may be indicated by colouring it with the wash of the principal species, and indicating other species by special marks. Blanks remain uncoloured. The stock map should be renewed whenever a new working plan is prepared ; if this is done, it gives, in the course of time, an excellent representation of the history of the forest. The two following illustrations will further explain what has been stated above : — VOL. Ill, U 290 COLLECTION OF STATI REPRESENTATION OF TWO CUTTING SERIES (THE UPPER CONSISTING OF 10 COMPARTMENTS, THE LOWER OP 6), AS PRESCRIBED IN SAXONY. JL_. STOCK MAP. 291 DIAGRAM SHOWING THE PROPORTIONS OF THE AGE CLASSES IN THE ANTONSTHAL RANGE, SAXONY, FROM THE YEAR 3827 TO THE YEAR 1893, WITH THE NORMAL PROPORTION INDICATED AT FOOT "OF DIAGRAM. 1827 u 2 292 CHAPTEE II. DIVISION AND ALLOTMENT OP THE FOREST AREA. 1. The Working Circle. BY a working circle is understood that area which is managed under the provisions of one and the same working plan. The area of a working circle depends on local conditions. Its minimum size would be the area of a property belonging to the same owner ; the maximum will ordinarily be the area forming one executive charge or range. The division of an extensive property into ranges depends chiefly on : — (1) The situation, and (2) The intensity of management. In the case of scattered blocks, in hilly country, or where means of rapid locomotion are wanting, a range will comprise a smaller area than if the property is consolidated, situated on level ground, or where railways and other means of locomotion enable the range officer to move rapidly from one part of his charge to the other. In forests which yield a small return, the ranges may be large ; where the money yield is high, it pays best to make the ranges small, so that an intense and detailed management may be possible. In some cases one range officer may manage several working circles ; for instance, if the owners of several small properties join in employing one officer for the management of their forest property. That case occurs frequently in many Euro- pean States, where Government forest officers manage both the forests of the State and of Communes. THE COMPARTMENT. 295 Each working circle or range, as the case may be, must be further divided. The unit of that division is the compartment. A number of compartments are grouped together into cutting series, and a number of the latter form the working circle, or a part of it called a working section. The whole of this division is effected by utilizing, in addition to the outer boundaries, interior natural lines, such as water partings, watercourses, precipices, etc., and artificial lines, as roads already constructed or projected and rides. Although the division of the working circle depends chiefly on the system of roads and rides, it is desirable, before indicat- ing how it should be laid out, to explain more fully what is understood by compartment, sub -compartment, cutting series and working section. 2. The Compartment. By compartment is understood the unit of working ; it forms, therefore, the unit of the division of the forest. The above definition should never be lost sight of. If the boundaries of a compartment can be made to coincide with those of a wood showing a certain composition or age so much the better, but it is a mistake to insist upon such an arrange- ment ; the main point is, that each compartment should be of a certain size, so as to fulfil its objects as the unit of working. If that area includes two or more different kinds of growing woods, they may be distinguished as sub-compartments ; but the boundaries of the unit of working should never be twisted out of shape for the sake of including only one kind of growing stock in each compartment. The formation of compartments is necessary — (1) For general orientation, so as to enable the forester to define any particular part of the area accurately. (2) To render all parts of the forest easily accessible, since one or more sides of the compartment are always formed by roads or rides. DIVISION OF AREA. (8) To assist in the prevention of fires, and to enable the forester to stop any which may have broken out. (4) For the location of the annual or periodic coupes. (5) To facilitate the transport of forest produce. (6) To obviate the necessity for repeated surveys of the coupes. (7) In some cases, to facilitate hunting and shooting. The boundaries of compartments are formed by roads and rides, whenever natural lines are not available. The shape of compartments depends on the configuration of the ground. In the plains, a rectangular shape (with sides 2:1, or 3:2) is most suitable. On hilly ground, such a shape is rarely practicable ; but the actual shape should, as far as possible, approach that of a rectangle. The size of compartments cannot be laid down ; it depends on : — (1) The intensity of management. (2) The extent of danger from fire, and (3) The size of the working circle. 3. The Sub-compartment. If within the limits of a compartment considerable differences exist in respect of species, sylvicultural system, age of growing stock, quality of locality, etc., it ma}' be divided into two or more sub-compartments ; the latter may be temporary, if the differences will disappear after some time, or permanent. Sub- compartments may be marked by shallow ditches or other cheap boundary marks. The forester should not go too far in the formation of sub- compartments, as it is accompanied by additional expenditure. As a rule, sub-compartments should be formed only if the additional income, derived from different treatment, at least covers the additional expense involved there by. THE WORKING SECTION. 295 4. The Working Section. All parts of a working circle, which form one separate series of age classes, are called a working section. If a working •circle consists of only one series of age classes, it is identical with a working section. In working circles of some extent, however, different conditions may demand the establishment of two or more series of age classes, or a division of the working circle into two or more working sections. The prin- cipal causes, which demand the formation of working sections, are the following : — a. Species. If several species appear as pure woods in a working circle, they must be placed into different working sections, if they require essentially different treatment, or if a certain quantity of material of each species has to be cut annually. If, on the other hand, the several species appear in mixed woods, such a separation is neither practicable or necessary. b. Sylvicultural System. Each sylvicultural system may demand the formation of a separate working section. If, for instance, part of a high forest is treated under the compartment system, and another part as a selection forest, each part must be formed into a separate working section. Coppice woods, and coppice with standards always must form separate working sections. c. Rotation. Even in the case of the same species and sylvicultural system, areas worked under different rotations must be placed into different working sections, whenever an even or ap- proximately even annual yield is expected. Unless this is attended to, it will happen either that the annual yield is uneven, or, if the same quantity is cut every year, that the •different rotations merge into one. 296 DIVISION OF AREA. d. Servitudes. If part of a working circle is subject to servitudes, it should be placed into a separate working section ; this is necessary to protect the interests of the owner. e. Differences in the Quality of the Locality. Differences in the quality of the locality cause the establish- ment of different working sections, if they necessitate the growing of different species, or the adoption of different treat- ment or rotations. /. Distribution of Cuttings. If cuttings must be made annually in different parts of the working circle, it is often advisable to form different working sections, though this is not absolutely necessary. (j. Generally. A working circle consisting of several working sections is said to be normal, if each separate working section is in a normal state. Although the formation of working sections is in certain cases unavoidable, the forester should not go to extremes m this respect. A separate record must be kept for each working section, and they cause extra trouble and expense in other ways ; hence moderate differences of conditions, especially in the rotation, should not induce the forester to introduce separate working sections. The question may be asked, why a separate working plan should not be drawn up for each working section, thus making the latter always identical with a working circle. Such a pro- cedure is not desirable, because it involves extra labour and repetitions in the working plan report. It is preferable, when- ever practicable, to have one working plan for each executive charge, because the management of the different working sections can be so arranged that they supplement each other, thus enabling the forester to provide for a proper allotment THE CUTTING SERIES. 297 of work amongst the staff, and a proper distribution of the yield. Where the areas managed on different lines are mixed up with each other, the division of a working circle into two or more working sections becomes an absolute necessity. 5. The Cutting Series. A working section in its simplest shape should consist of a series of age gradations equal to the number of years (or periods) in the rotation, so arranged that cuttings commence in the oldest age gradation and proceed steadily towards the youngest, in the direction which is determined by the circum- stances of each case. It has, however, been pointed out oil page 229, that such a simple arrangement is, in the case of high forest, rarely admissible, and that every working section in such a forest must be further divided into several parts, which are called " cutting series." Only such a further division gives the necessary order and elasticity to the arrangement of the coupes. Each cutting series should comprise a number of gradations, the ages of which differ by a certain number of years (see diagram on page 229) ; it can be regarded as a working section, in which cuttings are made periodically instead of annually ; ordinarily, however, a certain number of cutting series together form one complete series of age gradations, or a working section. The number of age gradations to be included into one cutting series depends on local circumstances. On the whole, small cutting series are preferable, as each gives a point of attack where cuttings can be made. Amongst the advantages of small cutting series the following may be mentioned : — (1) The special requirements of each wood can be met at the right time ; if a cutting is desirable at a given time, it can be made without interfering with the safety of adjoining woods. (2) A suitable change of coupes can be arranged, so as to- 298 DIVISION OF AREA. protect the forest against the dangers which may make themselves felt, if two or more coupes adjoin each other. (3) The establishment of small cutting series assists the forester in distributing the yield to meet local demands. In order to realize these advantages, it is necessary that each cutting series should receive a shape, and be so situated that the coupes can be suitably arranged, and that cutting in one series does not interfere with the requirements of adjoining series. Where these conditions do not exist, they must be specially provided by the clearance of broad rides between the cutting series called severance cuttings. 6. Severance Cuttings. By a severance cutting is understood a cleared strip of varying breadth, by which two woods are separated in the general direction of the cuttings, at a place where some time afterwards regular cuttings are to commence. Severance cuttings are necessary, wherever an existing cutting series is too long, and where it is desirable to divide it into two or more series. Their object is to accustom the edge trees of the wood on the leeward side to a free position, so that they may develop into storm-firm trees, and be able to withstand the effects of strong winds, when the wood on the SEVERANCE CUTTINGS. 299 windward side has been cut. An example will explain this. A wood comprising a and b is to be divided into two cutting series I. and II. To prevent the trees in II. being thrown by wind, when I. is cut over, a strip c is cleared some time before cuttings in I. are commenced, so that the edge- trees along the line d — e may become storm-firm. Severance cuttings need not be straight ; they may, if neces- sary, be curved, or run along two or three sides of a wood. The latter is necessary, where the prevailing wind direction is not constant, but oscillates, say, from north-west to south- west. The breadth of severance cuttings differs according to species, their height growth and the strength of threatening winds ; it will ordinarily range between 30 and 60 feet. Severance cuttings must be made while the wood to be pro- tected is still young and capable of developing firm edge trees ; such a development is generally no longer possible after the trees have passed middle age. They must be made some 15 to 20 years before the regular cuttings in the windward wood are commenced. Where danger from windfalls is great, it is desirable first to clear a narrow strip, and widen it a few years afterwards in one or more instalments, so as to gradually accustom the edge trees to the effects of strong winds. If the severance cutting is not to form a road or ride, it is at once re-stocked, so as to avoid loss of increment, and because the existence of a young wood in front of that to be protected is an additional safeguard against windfalls. When a severance cutting is made along an existing road or ride, it is of course placed to the windward of it. If the proper time for making a severance cutting is past, and the wood to be protected is too old, it would be a dan- gerous procedure to make such a cutting. In that case it is better to make a series of thinnings in the strip along the edge of the wood to be protected, before cuttings in the windward wood are commenced. Whether this measure will have the desired effect is doubtful, but it is better than to risk a regular severance cutting. 300 DIVISION OF AREA. 7. The System of Roads and Rides. As already indicated, working sections, cutting series, and compartments must be separated from each other by natural or artificial lines. Apart from suitable natural boundary lines, such as water partings, watercourses, precipices, fields, meadows, &c., roads are the best boundaries of compartments- and cutting series, because they facilitate the transport of the produce. It is therefore desirable that, in the first instance, a suitable network of roads should be decided on and marked on the ground. Roads alone, however, rarely suffice. In some cases roads already exist which are not suitable for boundaries, in others even new roads must be so laid out that they cannot be used as boundaries, because they must lead in the direction of the places of consumption, and in hilly or swampy ground they often assume a shape and direction, which makes them unfit to serve as boundaries. The missing division lines are provided by a system of rides, that is to say, by cleared strips of various breadths. A dis- tinction is made between major and minor rides. a. Major Rides. In so far as roads or natural lines are not available, cutting series, and in many cases working sections, should be bounded by major rides. These should run in the direction of the cuttings, that is, parallel to the prevailing wind direction, whenever the configuration of the ground does not necessitate deviations. In coppice and coppice with standards, the major rides need not be more than 6 to 8 feet broad, unless they are used as roads for the transport of the material. In high forest, they must be much broader, because they are used as severance cuttings, to induce the edge trees of adjoining woods to form wind -firm trees, and to become accustomed to other climatic influences. In the case of woods consisting of species which are easily thrown by wind, they should not be less than 30 feet SYSTEM OF ROADS AND RIDES. 301 broad, and if the major ride is also used as a fire line, it may be still broader. The edges of the woods bordering on major rides should be strongly thinned from an early age onward, so as to produce strongly developed trees. Major rides may be utilized for stacking wood. Their area is entered as non-productive of trees ; in many cases, however, they produce grass. In young woods the major rides should be cut at once, while the edge trees are capable of producing a strong root system ; in woods which are over middle age, only 6 to 8 feet broad lines should be cleared in the first instance, which are widened to the required breadth, when the adjoining woods are cut over. b. Minor Rides. Minor rides should run more or less at right angles to major rides ; they complete the delimitation of the compartments. The annual coupes will, therefore, run parallel to the minor rides, and stand at right angles to the major rides. Minor rides need not be more than 6 to 8 feet broad, unless they are used as fire lines. c. The Network of Rides. Major and minor rides together form the net- work or system of rides. The laying out of it is, especially in the case of shallow-rooted species, chiefly dependent on the prevailing wind direction. In the plains, the latter can generally be determined without much trouble. In mountainous districts, the matter is frequently beset by difficulties, because the con- figuration of the ground may produce a local direction, which differs from the general direction. No rule can be laid down for such deviations ; the question must be studied on the spot. The direction can frequently be recognised by the shape of the crowns of trees, by a slanting position of the stem, and above all, by the direction in which trees have been thrown. As regards the latter, it must not be overlooked that local storms 302 DIVISION OF AREA. sometimes throw trees in a direction which differs from the ordinary direction of gales. In many cases reliable informa- tion can be obtained from local people who have lived for some time in the locality. The laying-out of the system of rides is of great importance, because it is used in the protection of the woods against natural phenomena, and it leads to order in the management. These advantages outweigh the loss of productive area, which is, after all, very limited. Eegular networks of rides, with right angles, are only practicable in the plains ; on hilly ground they must accommodate themselves to the configuration of the ground. The following example (taken from Judeich) will illustrate this : — The forest occupies a ridge, the slope of which is indicated by dotted contour lines . The top of the ridge, being much exposed, must be treated as a separate working section DIKKCTIOK. Fig. 51. DEMARCATION OF DIVISIONS. 303 under the selection system ; it is separated from the rest by a major ride (B\ The slopes are treated under the compart- ment system, and they are divided into two parts by the major rides (A) (JB) and (c\ The numbers ^JM (jT) . . . indicate the minor rides, and 1, 2, 3 . . . . the compart- ments. The prevailing wind blows from the" west. The division would probably be somewhat on the following lines : — Working Section I. = Compartment System. Cutting Series A comprises compartments 1 & 2 » )) ^ » » 4 ,, ., D ,, ,, 5 & 6 Working II. = Selection System. Comprises compartments 7, 8, and 9. The cutting .direction would be from east to west, a direction which is indicated by the numbering of the compartments. The coupes in compartments 1 to 6 run at right angles to the major rides NLj and fC\ or up and down the hill side, as. it is generally objectionable to let the coupes run horizontally, even from the top gradually downwards. 8. Demarcation of the Divisions of a Forest. It is generally desirable that all interior boundary lines. should be demarcated by boundary marks so that they can be recognized, if they should have become obliterated in con- sequence of cuttings, windfalls, etc. For this purpose boundary marks may be placed at all points, where rides cross, or where they show an angle. If straight rides are very long, it is useful to place intermediate marks at suitable distances. Such marks are placed on one side of the rides, so that they may not interfere with the transport of the produce ; it is useful to 304 DIVISION OF AREA. choose always the same side, say the north side of the major rides, and the east side of the minor rides. 9. Naming and Numbering of the Divisions of a Forest. The methods of naming and numbering the divisions differ much. Judeich recommends the following : — (a) Working sections receive Eoman numbers = I, II, ... (b) Cutting series receive names and slanting capital letters = A,B . . . (c) Compartments receive Arabic numbers = 1, 2 . . . (d) Sub-compartments receive small Eoman letters = la, lb . . (e) Major rides receive upright capital letters surrounded by a circle = ^A \ MEM . . . _?'Xl fhpTi flip yPttl ^-^ — r\~~ 9 vllt/Xl L11C rxl_ O 2^7' 7* Yield = = 1— — — = I — , r r r "2 2 which means, that less than the increment is cut. Supposing that the real growing stock is greater than the rxl "2" rxl T T £ ~r i & normal: realG=- --+x; then, r r 2 2 more than the increment will be cut, so that the surplus of growing stock will gradually disappear. All these assumptions depend, however, on the supposition that the normal increment is laid on. If the increment i& deficient, the abnormal state may be further increased, until the increment has reached its normal size. The merits of the method are approximately those of Hundeshagen's method. It introduces an additional inaccu- racy by being based on the assumption that the normal I x r growing-stock is = — — . On the other hand, the normal growing stock and normal yield need not be determined ; in other words, the method can do without yield tables. It is only BRANDTS' METHOD. 825 necessary to measure the growing stock, and to determine the rotation. The method is very simple, and it is specially suited for •determining the yield of selection forests. 4. Ijranctis' Method. The method to he described under this Jiead will be better understood by indicating the circumstances which lead to its elaboration. Doctor (now Sir Dietrich) Brandis, on being appointed Superintendent of the Pegu forests in Burma in 1856, found himself confronted by enormous areas of teak forests in danger of being heavily overworked. These forests con- tained teak in varying proportions, but on the whole to a limited extent, which has since been ascertained to amount to perhaps 10 per cent., while about 90 per cent, of the growing stock consisted of species, which at that time had no market value. Indeed, the latter were allowed to be removed free of charge without let or hindrance. Moreover, even teak trees required to be of a certain size to make their extraction really remunerative. At that time it was considered desirable that no teak tree should be removed, unless it had reached a circumference of 6 feet, or roughly a diameter of 2 feet, measured at 6 feet from the ground. Trees of that girth and above were called trees of the first class. Under these circumstances, Brandis' object was to ascertain, as quickly as possible, the number of first-class teak trees which might be removed annually, without at any rate ex- posing the forests to deterioration. For this purpose he designed a method, by which he ascertained — (1) the number of first class trees in the forests ; (2) the time which it takes to replace them. By dividing the number of first class trees ascertained under (1) by the number of years ascertained under (2), he ascertained the maximum number of trees which it was per- missible to cut annually. 326 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. It will thus be seen that the volume of marketable growing stock was ascertained, and that this was removed at such a rate as at least to maintain it ; in other words, the maximum yield was fixed at that quantity of marketable timber which reached maturity every year, thus at least maintaining the mature growing stock in the forest, and utilizing the actual increment. With the view of utilizing an excess of mature material, it was laid down that if the proportion of first class trees appeared excessive as compared with the younger classes, extra cuttings might temporarily be made, and vice versa, hence the method is one based on increment and growing stock. Various safe-guards were added, such as an allowance for trees which it did not pay to extract ; where few second and third class trees existed, some first class trees were left standing, to provide seed for regeneration; immediately along the banks of streams cuttings were made very sparingly, &c. For the rest, the method leaves a free hand to the forester, who arranges the cutting with due regard to sylvicultural requirements and a proper succession of the different coupes. The [number of trees of the several size classes were originally ascertained by measuring or counting them along narrow strips, generally 100 feet broad, laid through the forest along the line of march (so called "valuation surveys"). From the contents of these sample strips (or plots), the contents of the blocks, or forest, were calculated. The rate of increment was determined by counting the concentric rings on a sufficient number of stumps, thus ascertaining the average number of years which a teak tree takes to reach the limits of the several size classes. The original method was subsequently further elaborated, so that the sample plots are now systematically arranged over the area, with the view of obtaining correct data for the number of trees in the several blocks of the forest. The cuttings, based on these data, were also localized : in other words, an area check was added to the calculated yield, so as to guard against overcutting. HEYER'S METHOD. 327 The method does not claim to be theoretically quite correct, because it does not accurately define the extent to which the growing stock of marketable material may be reduced, or ought to be increased, but it is correct enough wherever large areas have to be dealt with in a short time. It works expeditiously, and prevents a deterioration of the forest, if judiciously applied. Had it not been for this method, the valuable teak forests of Lower Burma might have been exhausted, before their sus- tained }deld capacity had been ascertained. It is a method to be strongly recommended for adoption in countries where systematic forest administration is in its earlier stages. SECTION IV. — REGULATION OF THE YIELD ACCORDING TO IN- CREMENT AND GROWING STOCK, COMBINED WITH THE ALLOTMENT OF AREAS TO THE SEVERAL PERIODS OF A ROTATION. This method was originally elaborated by Carl Heyer, and classed under Section III., as it rested on the Austrian method. Subsequently it was further developed, especially by Gustav Heyer, until it became the combination indicated in the above heading : it is generally known as " Heyer's method." 1. Principle of the Method. The principle of Heyer's method is as follows :— (a) To arrange all woods into a general working plan according to periods, so that each period contains the same, or approximately the same,, area. The object of this arrangement is, to prevent loss of increment during the second and subsequent rotations. (fe) To equalize the real and normal growing stock, if any difference should exist, in such manner and within such time as may be indicated in each case and approved by the owner. (c) To utilize the real increment, calculating the mean for a 328 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. series of years, plus or minus the quota of growing stock determined under (b). It is obvious that these objects can only be realized by a complicated procedure, and even then only approximately, because changes in one direction disturb the balance in another. 2. Practical Application of the Method. (a) The first step is to allot, by means of the table of age classes, all woods to the several periods and to equalize the areas by suitable shiftings, as indicated under the method of periods by area ; care being taken to allot the woods with due consideration to sylvicultural requirements, and a proper distribution of age classes, as far as this is practicable. (&) The real increment is placed equal to the real final mean increment, for which purpose it is necessar}^ to deter- mine the final age of each wood (which may differ from the normal final age), and its probable volume at that age ; the latter divided by the former gives the mean annual increment. In order to avoid having to cal- culate the increment year by year, it is generally calculated for a number of years, which may be called a. If an abnormal wood is cut over during the a years at an age differing from the normal, and a normal wood grows up in its place, the increment must be calculated separately for each part of a years. (c) The normal and real growing stocks are calculated as for the Austrian method ; the former is placed Ixr — , where I represents the normal final mean a increment ; the latter is obtained by multiplying the real final mean increment of each wood by its age. The difference between the real and normal growing stock is removed as may be approved by the owner, say, in equal amounts in the course of a years. HEYER'S METHOD. 329 (d) The theoretical yield is then fixed by the formula — y_Real Increment of a' yea,YS.reaiG If a is placed equal to a, that is to say, if the real increment is calculated for the number of years during which any difference between the real and normal growing stock is to be removed, the above expression goes over into : — Y — real™ ~^~ real -^a — norm.® a (e) The next step is to ascertain whether the woods pre- liminarily placed into the several periods are sufficient to meet the yield during each period, as calculated by the formula under (d), or whether they contain too much or too little volume ; in the latter case, suitable shiftings must be made, which necessitate, of course, fresh calculations of the increment and real growing- stock, as the final ages of some of the woods are thereby altered. This process is continued until the require- ments of the method are realized, that is to say, until each period contains the same area, and at the same time the volume necessary to meet the yield as cal- culated under (d). As already indicated, the forester must in this respect be satisfied with approximate results. (/) The regulation of the yield is restricted to final returns. The intermediate returns are estimated only for the first period, or part of it, by means of yield tables, or past experience, and added to the final yield. 3. Merits of the Method. The method is one of great precision. On the other hand, it is very complicated, and it calculates the increment, and normal and real growing stock incorrectly, as in the case of 330 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. the Austrian method. The latter objection could be removed by using suitable yield tables, instead of the final mean annual increment, for the calculation of the increment and normal growing stock, and by measuring the growing stock actually standing in the forest. Nevertheless, the method involves great labour, and the necessary calculations are of an uncertain nature. As regards the purely financial principle, the method stands above the methods described under Section III., though it does not do full justice to it. SECTION IV. — SELECTION OF WOODS FOR CUTTING IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH SYLVICULTURAL EEQUIREMENTS AND THE OBJECTS OF MANAGEMENT. The method now to be described has been gradually de- veloped since Heinrich Cotta was called to Saxony in 1811 ; it advanced by steps, until it was finally put into a precise form by Judeich ; hence it is now known as " Judeich's Bestandswirthschaft" The German word " Bestand " can be rendered into English by the word " wood^" meaning part of a forest forming a unit of fairly the same description. The main character of the method lies in the fact, that first of all the requirements of each Wood, are considered, and that the management of the whole forest represents a summing-up of the treatment laid down for each wood. The method ap- proaches the business, therefore, from a point which differs from that of all the previously-described methods, as the latter bring the forest as a whole into play, in order to determine and regulate the yield. The first step under Judeich's method is a suitable division of the forest into units, called woods or compartments ; next, a general plan is sketched to indicate the manner in which a normal arrangement of the age classes, both as regards size and grouping, is to be effected ; then the treatment of each wood is determined for a limited number of years ; the cuttings JUDEICH'S METHOD. 331 I thus indicated are added up, and they represent the yield during the first, say, 10 years, unless considerations for a sustained yield in the future demand certain modifications. It will thus be seen that the centre of the method lies in the establishment of a full increment and a proper arrangement of the age classes. Not a word is said about the normal growing stock, because this must come of itself, if the other two condi- tions of the normal state are established. Finally, an important part of the method is, to fix the working only for a limited number of years, and to have revisions at regularly recurring periods when the requirements of each wood are reconsidered, with due regard to the intro- duction of a suitable arrangement of the age classes, and especially the introduction of small cutting series. The latter point is of great importance, because it secures a perfectly free hand to the manager to take each wood in hand at the right moment. In describing the method, the author of this manual has, however, introduced a few changes. Judeich bases the ripe- ness of each wood upon financial considerations ; he ascer- tains the forest- or indicating per cent., and calls a wood ripe, if that per cent, has sunk below the general per cent. p~ This the author considers too narrow a view to take ; the ripeness should, in his opinion, be determined by the " objects of management," as laid down by the owner of the forest, of which the financial ripeness may, or not, be one. 1. Application of Judeich' s Method to Clear Cutting in High Forest and the Shelter -wood Compartment System. a. The General Plan of Operations. This is represented by a plan which gives the division of the forest into units of working or compartments. The latter are marked off by natural or artificial boundary lines, a& described in Chapter II. This plan enables the forester to determine, in a general way, the order and direction in which DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. the cuttings should proceed, and the grouping together of compartments into suitable cutting series. The latter may be a definite arrangement, but in many cases temporary cutting series must be designed, which will, at the time of sub- sequent revisions, be gradually led over into more permanent groupings. b. Determination of the Final Yield. The first step is to determine the rotation in accordance with the objects to be aimed at, as laid down by the owner of the forest. How this is done has already been explained. The financial rotation is ascertained by calculating the soil rental, and the forest per cent, for a number of characteristic woods; in this way it is possible to determine the financial rotation within 10 or 20 years. The rotation actually decided on, as determined by the objects of management, may then be compared with the financial rotation, with a view of bringing out the financial sacrifice involved in a departure from the latter. The next step is to select, with due consideration of the desired cutting direction and the establishment of suitable •cutting series, the woods where final cuttings are called for during the period, for which the working plan is to be pre- pared, say, for the next 10 years. Special care is taken not to put down for cutting any wood, the removal of which would expose the adjoining woods to windfall ; or where difficulties of transport would be encountered. Subject to the modifications caused by these considerations, the following areas would be selected : — (1) All areas which must be cut to meet sylvicultural or protective necessities, such as the establishment of severance cuttings, woods which must be sacrificed in order to work up to a proper grouping of age classes and arrangement of cutting series. (2) All decidedly ripe or over-ripe woods ; the ripeness to be determined by the objects of management. In the JUDEICH'S METHOD. 33$ case of a financial management, this would comprise- all woods the current forest per cent, of which has- sunk below the general per cent. p. (3) All woods, the ripeness of which is more or less doubt- ful, and which may be situated in the direction of the cuttings. This includes the woods which will become ripe during the working plan period. The sum total of the cuttings indicated under these three- headings represents the final yield to be assigned to the period,, for which the working plan is prepared. For small forests, or those where a sustained annual or periodic yield is not called for, nothing further is required. It is different in the case of extensive areas, especially those where considerations for a steady annual income, for the regular supply of markets, or the occupation of the staff and workmen, necessitate an approximately even annual outturn. Here the yield, as determined above, must be subjected to a modifying regulator, either as regards the area to be cut or the volume to be removed during the working plan period. This regulator can take any suitable shape, such as the size of the mean annual or periodic coupe, the yield as calcu- lated by the Austrian method, Hundeshagen's, or Heyer's methods. Judeich prefers the mean annual coupe as obtained by dividing the total area by the fixed rotation. If a forest has an area of 2,000 acres and is worked under a general rotation of 100 years, the mean annual coupe would be equal 2000 to ^rf^r = 20 acres. During a working plan period of 10 100 years the normal cutting area for it would amount to 20 X 10 = 200 acres. In other words, during a period of 10 years 200 acres should be cut over, and the areas selected for cutting should be brought within that limit. This, however, is only desirable if the proportion of age classes is fairly normal. In all cases where considerable deviations from it exist, such a narrow limit cannot be drawn, because in some cases it is highly desirable to cut more than the normal area, if for -334 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. instance too large a proportion of old or defective woods exist, and in others the cuttings should be below the normal area, if for instance the area of mature woods is deficient. Hence the regulator should give merely the maximum and minimum area to be dealt with. In the above case the area might be given as 150 to 250 acres. As long as the total area as determined above under (1) to (3) falls between these limits, it may be accepted as the area to be dealt with during the first ten years. If it is larger than the maximum, then some of the most suitable areas enumerated under (3) should be held over until the next period ; if smaller than the minimum, then possibly some* further woods may be found which could be added to those already placed under (3). In extreme cases the yield may be kept for a number of years below the proper minimum. c. The Intermediate Yields. The[limit between final and intermediate yields is not always very clear. In a general way it may be said that — 1. Final yields comprise — (a) All returns obtained from woods which are put down for regeneration during the first period. (I)} All returns from other woods, which in consequence of unforeseen causes are so large that the regeneration of the woods becomes necessary, whether the final cutting over is done during the working plan period or later on. 2. Intermediate yields comprise all other returns derived from — (a) Cleanings. (b) Ordinary thinnings. (c) Pruning, cutting of standards, etc. (d) Accidental cuttings, such as dry wood cuttings, wind- falls, etc., in so far as they do not occur in the areas put down for regeneration during the first period. JUDEICH'S METHOD. 335 The quantity of intermediate yields is best estimated accord- ing to past local experience, with due consideration to the condition of the several woods. Where the necessary local data are not available, the most suitable average data obtained elsewhere must be used. The woods to be cleaned and thinned are put down according to their areas. The question, whether the regulation of the yield should refer to the final cuttings only, or include the intermediate cuttings, has been much discussed. There can be no doubt that the systematic working of a forest should, in the first place, be regulated by the final cuttings. At the same time the intermediate }delds may be utilized to equalize any un- avoidable inequalities of the final yield. Under any circum- stances both classes of yields must be estimated so as to ascertain the probable quantities of produce which will be placed upon the market, and to prepare the annual budgets. d. Separation of Yield into Classes of Produce. The yield should be separated according to classes of pro- duce, as it is brought into the market, say as timber and firewood, or large timber, poles, mining props, fagots, etc., each being given in solid cubic feet. This separation should be based upon locally obtained proportional figures. It is also desirable to give the yield of the important species separately, as for instance oak, other broad leaved species, larch, other conifers, etc. In India, teak, sal, deodar, and some other valuable species, should always be given separately. 2. Application of the Method to other Sylvicultural Systems, a. Coppice. In the first place the rotation must be determined. By dividing the total area (real or reduced) by the rotation, the size of the annual coupe is obtained. Next the area is divided into as many coupes as the rotation •contains years, taking into consideration all matters influencing 336 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. a proper arrangement of the age gradations, more especially the requirements of transport. If a coppice forest is so extensive that it is desirable to cut in several places in each year, while the rotation remains the same throughout equal to r, it is first divided into a corre- sponding number of working sections, and then each of the latter into r annual coupes. If these several working sections are treated under different rotations, a separate account must be kept for each ; for instance, oak coppice worked for bark alongside of coppice of an entirely different nature, such as alder coppice. In order to obtain as far as practicable equal annual returns, the calculations should be made with reduced areas, though it is not necessary to go into very minute calculations. The different coupes should be marked on the ground. The final yield is ascertained by estimating the returns which may be expected from the areas to be cut over during the working plan period. Intermediate returns consist of all cuttings made on areas not put down for cutting over during the working plan period. As a rule they are not of much importance. Their amount should be estimated according to local average figures. 1). Coppice with Standards. The first step is to lay down a division into annual coupes in the same way as for simple coppice ; this division regulates the yield of the underwood. The normal yield in overwood, as given on page 243, can only serve as a very general guide ; in reality, the management of the overwood partakes of the character of forest gardening or selection fellings. Hence this sylvicultural system offers considerable difficulties if the areas are extensive. Any but a very elastic method of fixing the yield would be out of place. The determination of the final yield in overwood is effected by estimating, on the areas to be dealt with during the working JUDEICH'S METHOD. 337 plan period, the probable amount of material to be taken out. In doing this, the forester is guided by sylvicultural considera- tions, and the degree of ripeness of the several standards. The sum total of the quantity of overwood thus ascertained, and of the underwood, makes up the expected yield during the working plan period. The executive officer should, however, not be forced to abide absolutely by that estimate, but be per- mitted to modify it within certain limits in accordance with requirements, as they may become manifest in the course of the period for which the working plan is drawn up. Intermediate cuttings occur on the areas not put down for final cuttings. Their amount should be estimated in a summary way on the basis of local experience. c. The Selection Forest. The selection forest resembles the coppice with standard forest, since the several age classes are mixed on the area in a similar manner. In the case of selection forests it is desir- able to go round the whole area within a moderate number of years, that is to say, to select again trees for felling over the same portion of the area after a moderate interval, thus avoid- ing having to cut too much at one time. The area to be taken in hand annually is obtained by divid- ing the total area by the number of years, I, fixed as above. By multiplying the quotient by 10, the area to be dealt with during the next ten years is obtained. On the area thus- fixed all mature trees are cut, and the necessary thinnings in the younger age classes made. The age of maturity, or the rotation, is fixed as in the case of clear cutting in high forest cr the shelter-wood compartment system. Example : — Area of a selection forest = 600 acres, Botation = 120 years, I = 20 years, 600 Annual cutting area = — — =30 acres. 338 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. Area to be dealt with during the first ten years = 300 acres. On this area all 120-years-old trees are cut, as well as the necessary number of younger trees, so as to reduce them to a suitable number of mature trees. As it is a laborious matter to ascertain the age of the trees, it is desirable to substitute the diameter (or girth) at maturity for the age. For instance, instead of an age of 120 years, it may be laid down that trees with a diameter of, say, 2 feet at chest-height above the ground shall be considered mature. The areas to be dealt with in each period of, say, 10 years, should be marked off on the ground ; in some cases even the annual coupes may be marked. A distinction between final and intermediate returns is very difficult in the case of selection forests. To attempt a regulation of the expected returns by volume seems of doubtful utility. At any rate, to fix the yield in material only, whether in cubic feet or number of trees, is a risky procedure, which may lead either to over- or under- working of the forest. By far the best plan is to fix the yield by area, and to determine the minimum size of the mature trees to be cut. This area should not be exceeded. With this reservation, the probable amount of final returns to be cut may be estimated according to von Mantel's or Brandis' methods described above. 3. Change from one Sylvicultural System into another, called a Conversion. The number of conversions from one sylvicultural system to another, which are conceivable, is considerable, and it is impossible to give any general rules of procedure. Whatever the nature of the conversion may be, the only sure basis for the determination of the expected yield is the annual cutting area. Hence the consideration of one specific case will bring out the essential points to be considered in each conversion : — An irregularly-stocked forest of broad-leaved species, partly coppice, or partly coppice with standards, shall be converted CHANGE OF SYSTEM. 339 into a coniferous forest, a conversion which is indicated by the special conditions of the locality. The first and most important step is, to divide the forest into a suitable number of compartments by laying out a system of roads and rides suitable to the locality. These compart- ments are then grouped into a suitable number of cutting series, without taking into consideration the present conditions of the several woods, but merely future requirements. It would be problematic to determine the rotation to be adopted for the future coniferous forest. On the other hand, the age should be determined which the oldest coniferous wood should have reached when the conversion has been concluded, so as to have, from that moment forward, woods of sufficient age to cut and supply the market. This age determines the period during which the conversion is to be effected, called the " conversion period." The latter must not be too short, or else there would be no final cuttings for a number of years, after the conversion has been completed. Supposing 60 years were chosen for the period of conversion, then at its close the oldest coniferous wood should have an age of 60 years. By dividing the total area by 60, the area is ascertained which should be converted annually. In selecting the areas to be taken in hand year by }rear, two considerations present themselves : — (1) A suitable arrangement of the future cutting series ; and (2) To begin with cutting over the woods which are poorest in increment. A consideration of both, but more especially of the first, decides the allotment of the annual coupes to the several cutting series. Example. — A coppice with standard forest of 1,200 acres shall in the course of 60 vears be converted into coniferous 1200 forest. Every 10 years — — = 200 acres must be taken in Of) hand for conversion. In that case the yield during the first 10 years would consist of : — 340 DETERMINATION OF THE YIELD. (1) The clearing of 200 acres ; and (2) The treatment of 1,000 acres as coppice with standards. During the second 10 years : — (1) The clearing of 200 acres ; and (2) The treatment of 800 acres as coppice with standards. During the third 10 years : — (1) The clearing of 200 acres ; (2) The treatment of 600 acres as coppice with standards ; (3) Thinnings in the oldest coniferous woods, £c. It is evident, therefore, that the returns fall off from period to period, in so far as the reduction is not made good by thinnings in the young coniferous woods. This can to some extent be modified by not making an^y cuttings in the 200 acres of coppice with standards which will come under conversion during the next period of 10 years ; in other words, to let the material get 10 years older than it otherwise would. The expected yield is determined by estimating the returns from the 200 acres to be converted and adding thereto the necessary cuttings on the rest of the area ; the latter should oe sparingly done, so as to equalize the cuttings as much as possible. 341 CHAPTER V. THE WORKING PLAN REPORT. UNDER the working plan report is understood the document which gives, in a systematic manner, all the information which has been indicated in the previous chapters, and describes the system of management in such detail as may be required in each case. No general rule can be laid down in this respect. For forests, which are of great value, and which yield high returns, very detailed plans should be drawn up; for forests which give as yet only small returns simple plans would be indicated. By way of illustration the following arrangement is given, but it must be understood that in one case many of the headings may be omitted, while in another additional informa- tion may be required : — Working Plcm Report. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. — GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 1. Name and situation of forest; name of proprietor. 2. Boundaries. 3. Area. 4. Configuration of the ground. 5. Kock and general character of the soil. 6. Climate. 7. Legal position of forest, rights and privileges. 8. Surrounding population and its requirements. 9. Markets, lines of export. 10. Prices of the several classes of produce. 342 THE WORKING PLAN REPORT. 11. Cost of extraction and of transport to markets ; supply of labour. 12. General description of forest growth. 13. Injuries to which the crop is exposed. 14. Kate of growth. 15. Yield tables, volume tables, form factors, reducing co- efficients, &c., used in the calculation of the volume and increment of the woods. 16. Organization and strength of the forest staff. CHAPTER II. — DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS. CHAPTER III. — DIVISION AND ALLOTMENT OF AREAS. CHAPTER IV. — DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD OF TREATMENT. 1. The objects of management. 2. Choice of species. 3. „ sylvicultural system. 4. Determination of the rotation. 5. General lines of treatment. 6. „ „ yield. CHAPTER V. — SPECIAL WORKING PLANS. 1. Plans of utilization. a. Final cuttings. b. Intermediate cuttings. c. Minor produce. 2. Plan of formation. 3. ,, ,, other works. 4. Maps illustrating the condition of the forest and the proposed treatment. CHAPTER VI. — MISCELLANEOUS, 1. Reorganization of the forest staff. 2. Financial forecast. THE WORKING PLAN REPORT. 343 3. Proposals for the control of the execution of the working plan. 4. Miscellaneous observations. The shape of the special working plans enumerated in Chapter V. of the report depends entirely on local circum- stances. Some forms will he found in the appendices of this volume, such as were considered suitable for the forests in question. On the whole it is desirable that the forms should at once provide for a suitable control of the execution of the working plan, a subject to be dealt with in the next chapter. CHAPTER VI. CONTROL OF EXECUTION AND RENEWAL OF WORKING PLANS. IT is not sufficient to prepare a working plan ; it is also necessary to see that its provisions are carried out ; and when the period for which it lays down the management of a forest has come to an end, a new plan, or rather a revised plan, must be prepared. As the preparation of a first working plan is to some extent based upon doubtful data, it is of importance to keep a careful record during its execution, so as to eliminate in the course of time all such doubtful elements. Apart from this, changes in areas or in other respects may occur, which must be noted. The work of control and renewal comprises, therefore, three distinct operations : — 1. The record of changes as they occur. TABLE OF RECEIPTS Year. Area, Acres WOOD Sou), IN CUBIC FEET SOLID. RECEIPTS, SHILLINGS. Ex- Timber. Fire- wood. Bark. Total. From Wood. From Minor Produce Total. Har- vesting of Wood. Har- vesting Minor Produce 1891 253 12,300 7,000 100 19,400 7,600 400 8,000 1.200 100 1892 1900 Total Annual Average 253 130,000 13,000 70,000 7,000 1000 100 201,000 20,100 75,000 7500 4000 400 79,000 7,900 14,000 1,400 900 90 RECORD OF CHANGES AND OF WORKS. 345 2. The record of works. 3. The preparation of revised working plans from time to time, or renewals. 1. Record of Changes. (a) All changes in the areas must be recorded. Part of the area may he sold or exchanged, or additional areas bought ; areas hitherto used for the production of wood may be set aside for other purposes, or vice versa. The progress of the cuttings may cause alterations in the allotment of areas ; natural phenomena may pro- duce changes, such as floods, landslips, &c. All such changes should be noted at the close of each year, in the maps as well as in the table of areas. (b) All final cuttings should be entered on the record and the maps. 2. Record of Works. The record of works has for its object : — (a) To give a general view of all cuttings in the forest, and their distribution over the several woods, or compartments. « AND EXPENSES. PENSES, SHILLINGS. NET RESULT, IN SHILLINGS. FORBST CAPITAL, SHILLINGS. Per- Form- ation & Im- prove- Ad- minis- tra- tion & Pro- Taxes, &c. Mis- cella- neous. Total. Total. Per Acre. Soil. Growing Stock. Total. jiven by Forest Capital during Yearf Re- marks. ment. tection 200 400 200 100 2,200 5,800 22-92 31,100 128,700 159,800 3-63 2,100 210 4,000 400 2,000 200 1000 100 24,000 2,400 55,000 5,500 21-74 31,100 128,700 159,800 3-44 CONTROL OF WORKING PLANS. (b) To give the means of comparing the provisions of the working plan with the execution or actual results. The special shape to be adopted depends on local circum- stances, but information on the following points is required : — (1) Kesult of each cutting according to quantity and amount realized by its sale. (2) A comparison of the estimate with the actual results. (3) The harvest of minor produce according to receipts, and if possible, quantity. (4) The data showing the net results of management. For a sample see table on previous page. (5) The means of following up the history of each wood or compartment, as illustrated on page 384, Appendix C. 3. Renewal of Working Plans. When the period for which a working plan has been prepared comes to an end, it must be renewed. Such a renewal may, in some cases, amount to an entirely new plan; but in the majority of cases much of the work done on the first occasion can be used again, only subsequent changes being noted. The most important part of what remains from the pro- visions of the first working plan is the allotment of areas, or the order of cuttings then initiated ; but even this frequently requires modification. The task at a renewal is, strictly speaking, the same as on the first occasion, except that a good portion of the work need not be done over again, and that the experience gained during the past period makes that task a much easier one than on the first occasion. Hence it may be indicated as follows : — (a) Investigation of the manner in which the provisions of the former working plan have been carried out, whether there were reasons for departing from them, and if so what they were. RENEWAL OF WORKING PLANS. 347 (b) Investigation of the extent to which the provisions of the former working plan were judicious and appropriate. (c) Preparation of a new working plan, hased upon : — (1) The old working plan. (2) The corrected records and maps. (3) The results of past yields in money and material. (4) The account of past works of formation, tending, and improvement. APPENDIX A. WORKING PLAN FOR THE COMMUNAL FOREST OF KRUMBACH IN THE OBERFORSTEREI LINDENFELS, FORST WALD-MICHELBACH, IN THE PROVINCE OF STARKENBURG OF HESSE-DARMSTADT.* (PERIOD 1888—1907.) PRELIMINARY REPORT. THE preparation of a working plan for the communal forest of Krumbach having been ordered by a resolution dated the 2nd May, 1887, the Grand-duoal Forstmeister in Wald-Michelbach and the Oberforster in Lindenfels have agreed that the following main points shall be attended to : — (a) The forest in question shall form one working circle. (b) The prevailing species is the beech, with which oak and Scotch pine are associated in single trees here and there. The method of treatment shall be that of high forest with natural regeneration under a shelter- wood. In order to increase the proportion of valuable timber, it is desirable that, during regeneration, an increased number of useful timber trees should be introduced, especially oak, then ash, maple, silver fir, larch and spruce. The mixture shall, especially in the case of oak, be in small groups suitably distributed over the area, the best soil being selected lor the oak. On stony, shallow soil spruce, larch, and Scotch pine should be chiefly mixed into beech. (c) The rotation should be fixed at 100 years. (d) As the several species are not separated according to area, only one working section is required to be called " mixed * The method of determining the yield prescribed in Hesse-Darmstadt is that of allotment of woods to the several periods of a rotation according to area. The annual yield during the first period is ascertained and fixed by volume. 350 APPENDIX A. broad-leaved high forest, with coniferous trees here and there." (e) As the difference in the quality of the locality ranges within very narrow limits, only one quality class need be recog- nized. (/) The road system is complete. Though many of the roads are steep and not very well laid out, it will not be necessary to alter them at present. (g) The mensuration of the woods, which will be regenerated during the next 20 years (first period) is to be done according to the method of Draudt-Urich. THE FORSTMEISTER.— THE OBERFORSTER. ' 15th June, 1887. DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS. PKELIMINARY — GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE LOCALITY. THE Krumbacher communal forest, comprising an area of 164" 6 2 acres, occupies the western and southern slopes of a mountain which rises from the valley of the river Weschnitz, and forms a range of some height. The highest part of the mountain (called Die Stotz) and of the communal forest has an elevation above the sea of 1,437 feet. The forest, commencing at the highest point, stretches down to an elevation of 853 feet, being bounded at the lower edge by other communal forests. Geologically, the Stotzberg belongs to the granulite-syenite group of the Odenwald ; more especially syenite rich in quartz with narrow strips of granulite is here the forming rock. It disintegrates easily into grit and forms a clayey or loamy soil, mixed with pieces of stones, which is generally fresh and deep. Only on exposed ridges and peaks is the soil shallow, dry and hard ; in these places the broad-leaved species show only moderately good growth, whereas they exhibit great vigour in all other parts. As laid down in the Preliminary Report, only one quality class of the locality has been recognized, which, assuming three classes, is the II. or middle class. APPENDIX A. 351 [ g. = good ; m. = middling ; b. =bad.] BLOCK. Com- part- ment. Area. Acres. Quality of locality Work- ing section DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENT. GROWING STOCK. Age in 1888. Growth Den- sity. Quality Farrenfeld 1 18-78 II. I. Situation : Western slope, 80 g- g. g- moderately steep, with shallow depressions. Soil : Sandy loam, fairly deep, fresh, stony, and covered with boulders. Wood: Beech (-9) with oat (•1), latter mostly affected with cancer ; thinned in 1878 ; in south-east a group = 1'73 acres 30—40 years old of not yet thinned beech. »» 2 7-98 79 Situation : Western steep 60 m. g- m. slope. Soil : As in Compt. 1. Wood: 50—70 years old beech ('9) with oak ('I), older and younger groups changing ; requires thin- ning. 3 , 3 576 J j || Situation: Ridge with ad- I 60 ; m. g- m. joining western slope. | Soil : Very stony, covered with boulders. Wood : Beech with single oaks ; requires thinning. Heimaths 4 10-68 j j Situation : Southern to 40 g- g- g- south-eastern steep slope. Soil : Sandy loam, very stony. Wood: Beech ='8, ash and sycamore = -1, spruce and larch = "1 ; thinned for first time in 1878—86, yielding 1377 c' solid. 5 9-44 j , SitiiMtion : Southern steep 15 g. g. slope, partly trough- i shaped. Soil : Fresh, deep ; in the upper part somewhat stony. Wood : Beech regeneration coupe ; on about 6 '18 acres fairly complete young growth of beech 9 years old, with oaks and maples, and on the 52-64 I 352 APPENDIX A. [ g. =good ; m. = middling ; b. =bad.j BLOCK. Com- part- ment. Area. Acres. Quality locality Work- ing DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENT. section j GROWING STOCK. Age in 1888. Growth Den- sity. Quality Br. forward 52-64 II. I. stony parts spruce here and there ; on 3 "26 acres 20—35 years old beech ; thinned in 1887. Heiinaths 6 3-21 „ fj Situation : A narrow deep 130 g- g- g- trough, sloping towards the west, traversed by a * small rivulet. Soil ; Very fresh, deep hu- mus ; rich. Wood : Open beechwood, 120 — 140 years old, with long boles, under which a good quantity of beech advance-growth up to 10 years old. M 7 7-34 II >f Situation : South - western 10 g- g- slope, pretty steep. Soil : Sandy loam, fairly deep and fresh. Wood : Beech regeneration, with oak, ash and maple here and there ; requires filling up in parts. Over the young growth stands an open beechwood in the final stage, 116 years old. 8 8-95 M .,, Situation : Western steep 50 g- g- g- slope. Soil : Stony, fairly fresh and deep. Wood : On 7 -12 acres, beecli = •8, oak ='2, age 50— 60 years ; thinned in 1875. •69 acres and 1'14 acres are two groups on western edge containing beech = •8, sycamore = '1, spruce and larch ='1, aged 27 years ; thinned in 1881 for first time. 9 3-66 Situation and Soil : As in 75 g- g- g- Compt. 8. Wood : Beech ; thinned in 1875. Kohlwald 10 10-68 II „ Situation: Western fairly 75 m. g- m. 86-48 APPENDIX A. 353 [g. =good; m. = middling ; b. =bad.] BLOCK. Com- part- ment. Area. Acres. Quality of locality Work- ing section DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENT. GROWING STOCK. Age in J868. Growth Den- sity. Quality Br. forward 86-48 II. I. steep slope, partly a ridge. Soil : Very stony, a good part shallow and dry. Wood: Beech =-9, oak = •1, of moderate- growth, especially on the ridge ; last thinned in 1884—85. Kohlwald 11 870 3 ) Situation : Western and 75 g g- g- north-western steep slope. Soil : Stony and covered with debris of rock, but mostly deep. Wood: Beech =-9, oak='l; last thinned in 1884—85. 12 12-65 J J Situation : Western anil 75 m. m. m. south - western slope, steep. Soil : Stony, on the ridge - shaped south - western parts shallow and dry. Wood: 70—80 years old beech, with some oaks and a few conifers. The covering of the soil pierced by much grass. |f 13 3-43 Situation : Western slope, 80 g. g. g. moderately steep, some depressions. Soil : Fresh, humus-rich, deep. Wood : Beech, last thinned in 1880 ; a few oaks. Sausudel 14 6-99 )) Situation : South - western 10 g. g. g. and southern steep slope. Soil : Stony, fairly fresh. Wood: Beech =7, oak = = '2, Scotch pine, larch and spruce ='1. In de- pressions also some small groups of ash. 15 6-82 >5 Situation and Soil : As in 16 g. g. g- Compt. 14. Wood: Thicket, the result of natural regeneration, containing beech ='6, 125-07 854 APPENDIX A. [ g. =good ; m. = middling ; b. =bad.] BLOCK. Com- part- ment. Area. Acres. Juality ocality Work- ection DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENT. GROWING STOCK. &s Srowth Den- sity. Quality Jr. forward 125-07 II. I. oak = -2, Scotch pine, larch, ',and a few ash = •2. Some small stony patches have been filled up with spruce. jaubhecke 16 6-67 Situation : Western and 65 m. m. m. south-western slope, here and there ridges. Soil : Stony, here and there shallow. Wood: Beech with single oaks, 60 — 70 years old. In the south-eastern part of the compartment about 1£ acres 22 years old (beech = '5, spruce = '2, larch ='3), once thinned. 17 3-81 „ Situation : Gentle western 70 m. m. m. slope, with depressions. Soil : Sandy loam, rather stony, mostly deep. Wood: Beech ='9, oak = •1, with single birches ; thinned in 1876. 18 5-29 Situation : Western slope, 70 g. g. g- moderately steep with de- pressions. Soil: Fairly fresh, with a good covering of leaves. Wood: Beech =-8, oak = •2 ; thinned last in 1880. 19 5-54 Situation : Western slope, 75 m. m. m. moderately steep partly in ridges. Soil : Stony, here and there covered with bilberry. Wood: Beech =-9, oak='l, with single Scotch pines ; thinned in 1876—78. Grosses Kopfchen 20 10-58 j. Situation : Ridge sloping 82 m. m. m. gently towards the west, with its northern to west- ern steep slopes. Soil: Sandy loam, stony, on the top of the ridge shallow. 156-96 APPENDIX A. 355 [g.=good; m. = middling ; b. =bad.] BLOCK. Com- part- ment. Area. Acres. Quality of locality Work- section DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENT. GROWING STOCK. Age in 1888. Growth Den- sity. Quality Br. forward 156-96 II. I. Wood : Beech = -9, oak and Scotch pine="l. In the southern part on about l£ acres regeneration cuttings have been commenced, with incomplete 6 years old growth of beech ; the rest fully stocked, requir- ing thinning. Kleines Kopfchen 21 3-19 ii 5> Situation : Western slope, 13 g- g- g- moderately steep. Soil : Loamy sand, fairly fresh and deep, with few stones. Wood : Beech, the result of natural regeneration, with an admixture of oak='l, and Scotch pine =-2. The mother trees were removed in 1883, Total area un- der Wood . 160-15 Roads & Rides 4-47 Total area of Forest . . 164-62 A A 2 356 APPENDIX A. GENERAL WORKING PLAN OP THE HIGH FOREST WORKING Block. 1 Com- part- ment Area, Re- duced Acres. Age in 1888. 3UALITY OF LOCALITY ALLOTMENT OF WOODS TO I. Period. 1888—1907. II. Period. 1908—1927. III. Period. 1928—47. No. Pro- por- tional Figure Re- duced Area. Acres. Mean Age when Cut Over. Re- duced Area. Acres. Age when Cut Over. Re- duced Area. Acres. Age when Cut Over. Tarrenfeld leimaths lohlwald Sausudel Laubhecke Grosses Kopfchen Kleines Kopfchen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18-78 7-98 5-76 10-68 9-44 3-21 7-34 8-95 3-66 10-68 8-70 12-65 3-43 6-99 6-82 6-67 3-81 5-29 5-54 10-58 3-19 160-15 s 80 60 60 40 15 30 10 50 75 75 75 75 80 16 16 65 70 70 75 82 13 ole H II. forkin 1-0 g Section : Mixed Broad-It aved j 8-78 7-98 tfigh 130 110 ... ... 3-21 140 10-68 8-70 105 105 ... ... 12-65 3-43 85 90 6-67 115 3-81 5-29 5-54 100 100 105 10-58 92 29-87 34-02 33-42 Remarks. — The areas which have been shifted from APPENDIX A. 857 SECTION OF THE COMMUNAL FOREST OP KRUMBACH. THB SEVEKAL PERIODS. REMARKS. IV. Period. 1948— 67. V. Period. 1968—87. Blanks. With Overwood. Without Overwood. Re- duced Area. Acres. Age when Cut Over. Re- duced Area. Acres. Age when Cut Over. Re- duced Area. Acres. Age when Cut Over. Re- duced Area. Acres. Forest, with Conifers here and there. Shifted, because the wood is of vigorous growth and the second period is overstocked. Shifted to fill up the IV. period. Of good growth ; shifted to fill up the IV. period. » » 5> Shifted to provide for the I. period. » >j » Shifted to relieve the II. period. Shifted to provide for IV. period. Mean area of period = — °^ = 32-03 5-76' 10-68 8-95 3-66 130 110 120 146 6-18 7-34 105 100 3-26 105 6-99 6-82 106 106 ... ... 3-19 83 32-24 13-52 •^ ~30-5< 17-07 ) their proper age class are printed in italics. 358 APPENDIX A. I. LIST OF WOODS ALREADY UNDER REGENERATION IN 1888 AND QUAN- II. LIST OF WOODS SELECTED FOR UTILIZATION AND Serial Number Block. Com- part- ment AREA, ACRES. Species. AGE. Work- ing Section. TREES TO BE LEFT AS STANDARDS. Actual. Re- duced. In 1888. At the Time of Cutting (mean). Species. No. I. Woods already under 1 Heimaths 5 9-44 9-44 Beech 104 107 I. Oak 16 Scotch pine 104 107 ... ... 2 Heimaths Total 7 7-34 7-34 Beech 116 119 ... ... 16-78 16-78 II. Woods to be Cut and Regenerated 1 Heimaths 6 3-21 3-21 Beech 130 140 I. Oak 3 2 Kohlwald 12 12-65 12-65 Beech 75 85 ... ... ... Oak 71 81 ... Oak 150 Conifers 70 80 ... ... ... 3 Kohlwald 13 3-43 3-43 Beech 80 90 ... Oak 11 4 Grosses Kopfchen 20 10-58 10-58 Beech 90 100 I. Oak 54 Total . Scotch pine 80 90 L ... ... 29-87 29-87 APPENDIX A. 359 TITY OF OVERWOOD REMAINING IN THEM IN THE BEGINNING OF 1888. REGENERATION DURING THE PERIOD OF 1888—1907. YIELD IN SOLID CUBIC FEET. BEGENERATIOK. Remarks. Estimate. Ac- tual Re- sult. Natu- ral. Acres. ARTIFICIAL. Present Volume. Incre- ment. Total. Mean per Acre. Manner of Formation Species. Area. Acres. Regeneration in 1888. 5238 232 151 7 5389 239 1 596 ... 5-00 Planting f Oak (. Spruce }~ Increment 5238 X3 "104 = 151 8091 209 8300 1131 ... 4-50 Planting f Oak J Ash ^Spruce 1 2-84 8091 o mx3 = 209 13,561 367 13,928 9-50 7-28 during the Period o/ 1888— 1907. 19,827 33,237 4444 1525 4432 626 21,352 37,669 5070 6659 [3442 2-00 7-50 Sowing Sowing Oak . Scotch I pine j Larch 1-21 }5-15 19827 vlft 130 " = 1525 706 101 807 J Spruce 14,575 1822 16,397 4780 2-00 Sowing Oak 1-00 Planting Ash •43 , Larch 36,279 4031 40,310 I 3957 6-00 Planting J Spruce 4-58 1384 173 1557 J Scotch V pine 110,452 12,710 123,162 4123 17-50 12-37 300 APPENDIX A. YIELD TABLE OF INTEEMEDIATE RETURNS FOR BEECH IN THE KRUMBACHER COMMUNAL FOREST. IN the absence of sufficient data for a local yield table, the normal yield tables of Dankelmann have been used, after determining the quality by means of the average height of the woods. Based upon the latter, it has been ascertained that the Krumbacher Communal Forest belongs to the IVth Quality of Dankelmann's yield tables for the beech. Small modifications were introduced, especially because it is desired to increase the proportion of oak, ash, and conifers, a circum- stance which necessitates a moderate increase in the yield of the thinnings as compared with pure beech woods. YIELD-TABLE. Age Class. Mean height of dominant part of Wood at end of age class, in feet. Yield of Thinnings c' solid per acre. 21— 30 16 170 31— 40 28 200 41— 50 38 230 51— 60 44 245 61— 70 49 260 71— 80 52 230 81— 90 54 200 91—100 — 155 Total . . . 1690 This table has been used to calculate the expected yield of thinnings APPENDIX A. 361 during the next 20 years. The details have been omitted ; the total volume amounts to 50,402 cubic feet. CALCULATION or YIELD FOR THE I. PERIOD, 1888-1907. Sources of Yield. SOLID CUBIC FEET. Yield. Grand Total. Mean Annual Yield. Detailed. Total. a. Thinnings ..... Z>. Other intermediate yields . . c. Balance in woods already under regeneration .... d. Final yield of woods to be re- generated * To be deducted as remaining at end of period e. Balance of d to be cut . . . /. Total of c and e . Total of all yields . . . 50,402 50,402 50,402 115,298 2,520 5,765 13,928 13,928 101,370 123,162 21,792 ... ... 165,700 8,285 * The calculation is made as follows : — Regeneration period = 10 years. Mean volume per acre of woods in first period = 4123 cubic feet. Remains, when seeding cutting has been made = 4123 x '6 = 2474 cubic feet. It is assumed that the 2474 cubic feet are cut away in annually equal shares of y^th, that is to say = = 1 f?A*1 ^ 247 '4 cubic feet annually ; hence the ten coupes, of — — — acres of area each, will 100 have per acre at the end of the period volumes equal to X. Coupe. 2474 IX. Coupe. VIII. "To" ii. 24,74 10 = 247-4 Total = 160'15 x — (2474 + 247 -4) = 21, 792 cubic feet. 362 APPENDIX GENERAL WORKING PLAN FOB THE METHOD OF PERIODS BY VOLUME, AND DATA OF THE KRUMBACHER Block. Com- part- ment. Area, in Acres. AGE OF WOODS. Final Yield per Acre, in Cubic Feet. ALLOTMENT OF WOODS Present, in 1888, Years. Final. I. Over 80 Years. 1888-1907 II. 61-80. 1908-1927 III. 41-60 1928-1947 Volume in Cubic Farrenfeld . 1 18-78 80 90 5045 94,745 ... ... 2 7-98 60 110 6045 ... ... 48,239 Heimaths . 3 4 5-76 10-68 60 40 130 110 6817 6045 ... 5 9-44 15 105 5809 ... ... 6 3-21 130 140 7117 22,846 ... ... 7 7-34 10 100 5573 ... ... 8 8-95 50 ISO 6460 ... ... ... 9 3-66 75 145 7267 ... ... Kohlwald . 10 10-68 75 105 5809 ... 62,040 ... 11 8-70 75 105 5809 ... 50,538 ... 12 12-65 75 125 6638 ... ... 83,971 13 3-43 80 90 5045 17,304 ... Sausudel . 14 6-99 16 106 5856 ... ... 15 6-82 16 106 5856 ... ... Laubhecke . 16 6-67 65 115 6252 ... ... 41,701 17 3-81 70 100 5573 ... 21,233 18 5-29 70 100 5573 ... 29,481 ... Grrosses Kopfchen . 19 20 5-54 10-58 75 82 105 92 5809 5151 54,498 32,182 ... Kleines Kopfchen . Total . . 21 3-19 13 103 5715 ... ... ... 160-15 189,393 195,474 173,919 SemarJt.—The compartments which have been shifted 863 B. FOR THE METHOD BY AKEA AND VOLUME COMBINED, APPLIED TO THE COMMUNAL FOREST. (See page 315.) TO PERIODS. Kemarks. AREAS PLACED INTO THE SBVEBAC PERIODS. Remarks. IV. 21-40. 1948-1967. V. 1-20. 1968-1987. I. II. III. IV. V. Feet. ... ... 18-78 ... ... ... ... ... 7-98 39,266 ... ... 5-76 64,560 57,817 54,837 40,906 ... ... ... 10-68 9-44 7-34 3-21 ... ... ... 8-95 26,597 ... ... 3-66 ... ... 10-68 ... ... ... 8-70 ... 40,933 39,938 ... 3-43 12-65 6-99 6-82 6'67 ... ... 3-81 ... 5-29 ... ... 5-54 ... 18,231 ... 10-58 3-79 188,240 194,845 36W 84-02 27-30 29-05 33-78 from their proper age classes are printed in italics. 364 APPENDIX C. WORKING PLAN FOR A PORTION OF THE STATE FORESTS OF THE HERRENWIES RANGE IN THE BLACK FOREST, GRAND DUCHY OF BADEN. (PEEIOD 1884—1893.) WITH THE RESULTS OF THE ACTUAL WORKING. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 1. Area and Boundaries. The areas are recorded as follows : — (a} Productive area . . . . . 1,747 acres (&) Unproductive area . . . • • * •• n^- » (c) Other areas, including fields, meadows, etc. . 2 „ Total area . . = 1,749 acres Alterations in the above figures will probably become necessary when a fresh survey is made. The outer boundaries are in order, but the internal boundaries require rectification. 2. Locality. The forest here in question occupies on the whole the slopes lying between a hill range on the south and the river Schwarzenbach on the north. The highest point of the hill range, the Hoher Ochsenkopf, has an elevation of 3,465 feet above the sea, while the lowest part, near the Schwarzenbach, is only 2,000 feet above the sea, the mean elevation being placed at 2,600 feet. The slopes, on which the forest is found, are mostly steep, level spots being only found on the summits of the hills, and towards the lower end, where granite and Bunter Sandstein meet. The area is drained by the Schwarzenbach (a feeder of the Raumiinzach) with its two feeders, the Gartenbach and Dobelbach. APPENDIX C. 365 The first mentioned runs from west to east, and the two latter, more or less, from south-west towards north-east. It follows that the forest in the valley of the Schwarzenbach has generally a north aspect, and in the valleys of the Gartenbach and Dobelbach a north- west aspect on one side, and a south-east aspect on the other side of the streams. All the forest areas (except those situated at the highest elevations and which are of no importance) are protected by inter- vening ranges against the prevailing winds. Up to a mean elevation of 2,500 feet, .granite is the principal rock, which is sometimes (though rarely) pierced by porphyry. Above the afore-mentioned elevation the granite underlies upper Bunter Sandstein (Yogesen Sandstein), and the latter accordingly prevails in the larger part of the forest area. The granite is generally rich in orthoclase and oligoclase, and therefore decomposes readily, and furnishes mostly a deep soil rich in mineral elements. The decomposition is facilitated, and the quality of the soil improved,, by the remarkably numerous springs which appear between the granite and the Bunter Sandstein. Hard slow decomposing quartzite is of rare occurrence. The Bunter Sandstein is characterized by rapidly and greatly changing mineral composition, consisting sometimes of readily decomposing - rock yielding a deep clay soil, in other cases of hard quartz-gravel, frequently found on the surface in the numerous boulder-drifts. The Bunter Sandstein has numerous rents and fissures in all directions, so that it is rapidly drained, and the dis- integration and decomposition are only rarely assisted by springs, which at the best are scanty and intermittent. It follows that the Bunter Sandstein soils, even when formed by the easily decomposed and minerally rich clay sandstone, never equal the best quality of the granite soil ; moreover, they change frequently and very sud- denly, and without any visible cause, into almost unproductive areas. On the flat hill tops, layers of fine white sand (produced by the disintegration of the gravelly sandstone) frequently produces an impermeable stratum, preventing the water from percolating, thus causing bogs (or "Grinde") which often extend over considerable areas and are almost unproductive. The quality of the soil, therefore, ranges between good and unproductive, in the following proportion : — Good and fairly good to medium = 78 per cent. Medium to indifferent = 12 „ Indifferent to unproductive = 10 „ 366 APPENDIX C. The climate is rough, and is characterized by long winters with an abundant snowfall, and by rapid changes of temperature ; at the same time it is throughout favourable for forest vegetation, especially for conifers. The details will be found in the description of compartments. Generally speaking, the spruce and silver fir are the prevailing trees, the former being more abundant in the middle and upper parts, the latter at the lower elevations. The beech is associated with them locally and in varying proportions. Scotch pine is found in the granite region chiefly upon dry, steep, rocky slopes with a southerly aspect, and in the sandstone region, especially on dry ridges and the top of the mountains, as well as here and there in other localities. The three conifers attain a maximum height of 140 feet, with regular shaped and little tapering stems. Towards the upper limit of the area the height growth diminishes rapidly, dwindling down to 20 or even 15 feet on the high plateaux. Here the mountain pine and the birch are also found. Reproduction is generally good, except at the higher elevations. A marked difference is found between northern and southern slopes, the growth and reproduction being far more vigorous on the former than on the latter. The silver fir is much exposed to cancer. Windfalls and snow breakage are fairly moderate, while the damage from insect attacks is very small. During the years 1874-83, the following proportion existed between the different classes of fellings : — Cuttings caused by insect attacks = 1 per cent, of total fellings „ „ snow breaks = 12 „ „ „ „ „ windfalls =16 „ „ „ Cancer and other diseases and injury = 19 „ „ „ Other cuttings = 52 „ „ „ Total = 100 4. Method of Treatment and Rotation. The situation and the species necessitate the area being treated under the high forest system. The quality gradations, as indicated under 2, are so conspicuous locally that it is possible (as well as desirable in order to secure a proper idea of the condition of the forest), to group the growing stock according to its characteristics as produced by the quality of the locality, and according to the APPENDIX C. 3fi7 method of treatment thereby indicated. The actual basis of this grouping is the yield, and based upon it, the net income or financial result of the management. In this sense the forest may be divided into the following three groups : — a. Areas subjected to an intensive Management. — To this group belong all areas which, in virtue of their quality (as indicated mainly by the height growth of the trees on fully stocked areas) are capable of producing large timber ; areas on which carefully conducted regeneration fellings will produce natural regeneration within a reasonable period of time, and where the cost of any artificial assistance in regeneration is. commensurate with the anticipated returns. As lowest limit of this group a normal increment of 43 cubic feet per year and acre, calculated for a rotation of 120 years, has been fixed. The area thus included in the group amounts to 78 per cent, of the whole. It is with this area, and the growing stock standing on it, that the management must more especially reckon, and from which the largest possible sustained yield must be secured. With a suitable composition of the growing stock and a careful application of sylvicultural principles, that object may be obtained under an average rotation of 120 years. As regards the sylvicultural treatment, and especially the regenera- tion of the woods, two different classes of forest or growing stock (corresponding with two qualities of locality) stand out prominently. First: Forest of spruce with a strong admixture of silver fir (the latter occasionally predominating) more or less frequently interspersed with beech and more rarely with Scotch pine. Secondly: Forest in which spruce predominates with a slight admixture of silver fir and here and there of Scotch pine, but devoid of beech. The first class of forest occurs in the granite area and on those parts of the Bunter Sandstein (clay sandstone), which have deep easily decomposed soils fit to be classed as good. The characteristic features of this class of forest are the occurrence of beech and deep soils, rarely covered with boulders or debris, lying mostly at the lower elevations ; natural regeneration can here be successfully effected in a comparatively short period of time. The second class of forest occupies the stony slopes of the Bunter Sandstein area, and in exceptional cases the quartzite parts of the granite area. Here the soil is generally covered with loose boulders and rock debris of varying size. These areas are nearly all found at the middle to upper elevations. The conditions described demand APPENDIX C the maintenance of an uninterrupted canopy up to the age of maturity, and a careful execution of the regeneration cuttings spread over a prolonged period of time, or else weeds will spring up, which make regeneration very difficult, and at any rate expensive. On the whole, however, careful management is sure to be successful in securing natural regeneration in all the areas pertaining to this group ; for this purpose, as well as for the production of valuable timber, a rotation of 120 years on an average is considered of sufficient length. The length of the regeneration period differs considerably in the different parts, varying on the whole from 30 to 50 years. ~b. The, second group consists of woods growing on soils, which, even under the most careful management, cannot be expected to produce trees of first or even second quality. The trees here produced are of such limited height growth, that the production of valuable timber is out of the question. The woods are found in the upper, and here and there in the lower part of the Bunter Sandstein area, where the soil is covered with large masses of the debris of gravelly sandstone, which is not easily decomposed, and where the slightest interruption of the canopy overhead is followed by the appearance of a dense growth of bilberry and heather. Nevertheless, these areas are capable of yielding timber of the inferior classes, as well as firewood, and the returns which may reasonably be expected from them, justify the application of a method of treatment which, while avoiding any interruption in the canopy and all expensive cultural operations, facilitates natural regeneration ; in other words the treatment under the selection system by removing all trees which are deteriorating or incapable of increasing in value. It is difficult to fix any definite rotation, but it is estimated that the trees will take about 150 years to reach maturity. The lowest quality limit for this group has been fixed at 7 cubic feet increment per acre and year, while the upper limit is, as already indicated, 43 cubic feet. The area comprised in this group amounts to 12 per cent, of the total area. c. The third group comprises the so-called " Grinden," that is to say the highest parts of the ridges, which are mostly level and have a tendency to bogginess. They are covered by a dense growth of bilberry and heather, and are incapable of producing more than a stunted tree growth, which yields only a scanty quantity of firewood, frequently not covering the price of preparing it ; hence financial considerations are entirely out of the question, the areas being pro- APPENDIX C. 369 tected merely for the sake of preserving some cover on the hill tops. The group comprises all parts which produce an annual increment per acre of 7 cubic feet and under ; they amount to 10 per cent, of the total area. In so far as the management aims at the production of valuable material, and at favourable financial results as regards outlay for artificial regeneration (where natural regeneration has failed), for improvement, tending, etc., only the areas in the _first group can be considered. But in the treatment of those forests which pertain to the principal mountain region of the Black Forest, representing a certain drainage area, the task of forestry goes beyond mere financial considerations. It has in fact been recognized that it is necessary to keep areas of this class well wooded for the sake of a proper husbanding of the water supply in the streams. Accepting this further task, the forest administration has endeavoured, during the last 50 years, to afforest the poorly stocked and frequently entirely bare areas at the higher elevations of the Bunter Sandstein region. In so far as the cultural operations were confined to the boulder drifts of the Bunter Sandstein, they were moderately successful, but the cultural attempts made in the " Grinden " prior to 1870 turned out failures. Since 1873 the cultural operations in the Grinden present a more hopeful aspect, owing to the experience gained by former failures, and it seems desirable to continue them in the future. The working plan deals in detail only with the forest area subjected to intensive management, but the group worked under the selection system has also been adequately noticed in the general provisions. The working plan lays special stress upon the execution of improvement fellings, more particularly the removal of cancerous silver firs. For this purpose the ordinary thinnings are utilized ; but over and above these, cancerous trees must also be removed from the old woods, where otherwise no further thinnings would be required. In regeneration fellings the trees to fall first under the axe must be those attacked by cancer. Even then not nearly all cancerous trees can be removed during the next ten years. This fact teaches the management that in future a sharp attack must be made on all cancerous trees at the time of the first and second thinnings, even if a temporary interruption of the canopy should thereby be caused. On the rich deep soils of the granite area, which are almost exclusively concerned in these remarks, even an interrup- tion of the canopy extending over a somewhat lengthy period would VOL. III. B B 370 APPENDIX C. not be a misfortune, and preferable to the maintenance of a full canopy consisting to a considerable extent of cancerous trees. The existence of enormous quantities of such trees on the granite area was one of the reasons which led to the yield being fixed at its present rate. 5. Utilization. a. Yield of Major Produce. The actual yield during the last 40 years has been as follows : — Compartment. YIELD, IN SOLID CUBIC FEET. 1844-53. 1854-63. 1864-73. 1874-83. Total. Area in Acres. 1. Schwarzenbronn . 213,836 122,369 149,843 79,141 565,189 65 2. Schwarzenberg . 311,518 158,778 200,733 158,955 829,984 211 3. Riesenkopf . . 12,502 47,288 206,242 65,617 331,649 76 4. Mehliskopf . — — — — — 34 5. Griinwinkel . . 19,742 124,629 57,423 202,252 404,046 202 6. Dobelbach . 26,875 42,697 30,195 69,925 169,692 178 7. Hoher Ochsenkopf — — — — — 101 8. Kleingartenkopf . 34,256 2,331 1,448 1,024 39,059 76 9. Kleingarten 375,687 138,825 256,603 195,578 966,693 362 10. Grossgarten . . 62,544 46,688 26,417 59,118 194,767 175 11. Sachsenbronn 34,927 47,783 111,351 106,194 300,255 96 12. Gartenbach . . 86,311 83,345 494,665 156,412 820,733 172 1,178,198 814,733 1.534,920 1,094,216 4,622,067 1747 Average per year Average per year and acre . . . . 117,820 67-44 81,473 46-64 153,492 87-86 109,422 62-63 115,552 66-14 From the appended statistical table it will be seen that the estimated increment of the next ten years amounts to 1,086,130 cubic feet. The actual growing stock amounts to 9,488,731 cubic feet The normal „ 7,892,160 „ The surplus of 1,596,571 APPENDIX C. 371 The surplus of growing stock is due to a surplus of woods over 100 years old. With favourable prices for timber, the removal of this surplus in the shortest possible time would be advisable, so as to prevent loss of increment, and take unnecessary capital out of the forest, but as prices run low at present, it appears judicious to keep the greater part of it over for a while. A consideration of the several compartments showed that the removal of the following material during the. next ten years is advisable on sylvicultural grounds : — Final cuttings . . . 1,146,000 cubic feet Intermediate cuttings . 154,000 „ Total . . 1,300,000 As this amount exceeds the expected increment by 213,870 cubic feet, equal to about -fth of the surplus of growing stock, the yield has been fixed at 1,300,000 cubic feet, or annually :— Final cuttings . . . 114,600 cubic feet Intermediate cuttings . 15,400 „ Total . . 130,000 cubic feet. If in the course of the 10 years prices should rise, there would be no objection to reduce the surplus of growing stock further by additional cuttings. The disposal of the yield is effected as follows : — (1) Free grant to the Roman Catholic Priest at Herrenwies . . ... . 1,500 cubic feet Free grant to the Eoman Catholic School at Herrenwies . . . . . = 1,000 „ (2) Sale by public auction and occasionally by private sale . . . ' . . = 127,500 „ Total annual disposals . -. 130,000 „ &. Minor Produce. The principal items are forest pasture and the removal of litter, the utilization of which is permitted to the Herrenwies settlers, as a privilege. According to Government orders the privilege of forest pasture may be exercised only to such extent as the condition of the forest and the requirements of regeneration may permit. The district B B 2 372 APPENDIX C. forest officer indicates from time to time the localities in which the privilege may be exercised. The privilege of removing litter free of charge is exercised under the same conditions. The exercise of these privileges is nowhere injurious, and may be continued during the next ten years. The grass growing in blanks, on roads and in plantations has hitherto been sold for the benefit of the State, and, under suitable supervision, the practice may be continued. The removal of building stones, the sale of plants, etc., is insignificant. 6. Division into Compartments. The contemplated new division into compartments must be post- poned until the projected road system has been completed. DESCRIPTION OF COMPAETMENTS. Block and Compartment. Area in Acres. Description of Wood. Name. No. I. Ochsenkopfe. Schwarzenbronn 1 65 Spruce with silver fir, some beech, Scotch pine, larch. About -6 of area 30 — 50 years old, some trees older. About -4 of area 10 — 30 years old. Above the road fairly complete stocking ; in youngest parts still suffering from frost ; below road still some blanks caused by late cutting out of old trees ; in the latter part still 120 — 150 years old spruce and silver fir in the final stage ; these show a decreasing increment. Growth on the whole fairly good. Schwarzenberg . 2 211 a = 130 acres ; 15 — 40 years old spruce and silver fir with some Scotch pine and beech ; some lately planted, younger, a few up to 60 years old. About 25 acres planted. Where the shelter wood has been removed, stocking generally complete, in the rest still patchy with patches of bilberry intervening. Growth generally between good and fairly good ; along Herrenwies meadows partly only fair, the spruce still suffering from frost. In the north- western part, below the road, on the Riesenkopf road, and in the south-east along Dobelbach, on about 37 acres 110 — 140 years old spruce and silver firs of decreasing increment are standing in the final stage. APPENDIX C. 373 DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS— continued. Block and Compartment. Area in Acres. Description of Wood. Name. No. b = 81 acres (in three parts), spruce and silver fir with a few beech and Scotch pine, generally 50 — 70 years old, but some small groups only 30 — 50 years old ; generally well stocked, here and there somewhat thin and patchy. Growth between good and fairly good. On 3 acres on the Dobelbach, 80 — 90 years old spruce, cover complete and growth good. Riesenkopf 3 76 a = 47 acres ; 100 — 130 years old spruce and silver fir, some older ; on the whole cover fairly complete ; towards com- partment Schwarzenberg somewhat thin, but on about 10 acres with a fair young crop of silver fir and spruce up to 15 years old. Growth fairly good, on the higher part inferior. About 5 acres along the road is a windfall area, now stocked with some silver fir and spruce growth. b = 24 acres ; 9 — 20 years old spruce (a few older), with some Scotch pine and larch, mostly well stocked, showing good to fairly good growth. c = 5 acres ; Grinde, in upper part heather covered, with 100 and more years old short and stunted Scotch pine, some spruce and mountain pine. On the whole poorly stocked. Part underplanted with 20 — 40 years old spruce, which show very poor growth. Mehliskopf 4 ! 34 50 — 90 years old (and more), mountain pine with some spruce, Scotch pine, birch and mountain ash ; towards compartments 3 and 5 cover fairly complete, in the southern and south-western parts inter- rupted by larger and smaller areas of heather. Growth inferior. Grunwinkel 5 - 202 a = 186 acres ; 110 — 150 years old, some older, spruce and silver fir, some beech with a few Scotch pine. In irregular final and seeding stage, in the southern part cover still fairly complete in strips. On '4 of the area stocked with up to 30 years old silver fir and spruce and a few beech. Growth of old trees still fairly good ; on some stony ridges (about 7 acres) middling and inferior ; young growth mostly only middling. b = 16 acres on the highest part in the south and west, Grinde ; heather-ground 374 APPENDIX C. DESCRIPTION OP COMPARTMENTS— continued. Block ami Compartment. Name. Dobelbach Hoher Ochsen- Kleingartenkopf No. Area in Acres. 178 101 Description of Wood. with 100 and more years old crippled Scotch pine, spruce, some mountain pine and birch ; in some parts up to 60 years old advance growth thinly stocked. Here and there traces of plantings, 24 years old spruce. a = 133 acres ; 100—130 years old, some up to 200 years, spruce and silver fir, some Scotch pine ; on the whole cover fairly complete ; only in the western third along Grunwinkel through wind- falls and dry wood cuttings somewhat thin and patchy : in the thin parts as yet little, up to 15 years old, advance growth in single trees. Growth good to fairly good. (Ilex found). b = 27 acres (consisting of the upper south-eastern portion and a ridge running from it in a north-western direction to the centre of the compartment), 100 — 130 years old (some older), short-stemmed spruce with some Scotch pine and silver fir forming a thin, often very thin, wood ; in parts younger up to 60 years old spruce, or an incomplete miserable undergrowth of 25 years old spruce and Scotch pine (experimental planting). Growth middling to inferior. c = 18 acres (uppermost part on the south) Grinde; heather-land with 100 years and more old crippled Scotch pine, some spruce, birch, thinly stocked ; here and there remnants of 25 years old planted spruce and Scotch pine. 70 and up to over 100 years old Scotch pine and mountain pine with spruce, some birch, sometimes forming a very thin wood of single trees, sometimes in smaller or larger groups ; everywhere intersected by heather places and blanks. Growth inferior, even crippled. 100 — 120 years old, in some parts younger, some over 300 years old, spruce with Scotch pine, few silver fir, some moun- tain pine. In the western third and on the eastern point still fairly well stocked, some groups even well stocked ; otherwise the wood is very thin and open. Growth middling to inferior ; here and there an incomplete miserable under- APPENDIX C. DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS — continued. 375 Block and Compartment. Area in Acres. Description of Wood. Name. No. growth of 30 — 50 and more years old spruce and Scotch pine (planted). Kleingarten 9 362 a = 161 acres. Spruce and silver fir, C some beech. Mostly 50 — 80 years old, in strips and single trees up to 100 years old, others only 30 — 50 years old. In the eastern part are about 50 acres 80—100 years old. Everywhere spruce and silver fir standards up to 150 years old, mostly showing good growth. Almost throughout rather thinly stocked, here and there patchy, in consequence of late final cuttings and removal of cancerous silver firs. Growth mostly good, only towards the southern higher part decreasing. & = 122 acres (in 3 places). Spruce and 15—40 silver fir with some beech, average _ 30 years old, some groups up to 50 years ; mostly fully stocked. 120—150 years old (some older) mostly pruned spruce and silver firs in the final stage are standing almost everywhere over the above younger growth. The strip along Dobelbach is finally cleared. Growth good ; of the old trees fairly good. c = 79 acres (upper part towards the south), 120 — 300 years old pruned Scotch pine and spruce, few silver fir and birch, thinly stocked, often open ; on the whole poorly undergrown with 20 — 50 years old spruce (mostly planted), a few silver fir ; the latter in some places form, with up to 100 years old spruce, the picture of a selection forest. Soil much covered with heather. Growth middling to bad ; rarely fairly good. On 6 acres near compartment Dobelbach on the main path, 100 and more years old spruce, with a few Scotch pine and silver fir, form a thin canopy and show middling growth. Grossgarten 10 175 a = 108 acres ; spruce and silver fir 80 — 110 years old, some up to 150, some beech and a few Scotch pine. Partly fully stocked, but the greater part some- what thin, in the lower part very thin ; and here spruce and silver fir advance growth up to 50 years old in single trees and groups. Growth good to fairly good ; 376 APPENDIX C. DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS — continued. Block and Compartment. Area in Acres. Description of Wood. Name. No x in the upper parts with stones (Halde), partly middling only. J = 37 acres. (Ridge through middle of compartment and strip on south, south- west, and north-west.) 90 — 110, some up to 200 years old, spruce and Scotch pine, some silver firs, in the uppermost part some mountain pine in a thin, patchy, and often very thin wood ; most of in- ferior growth ; here and there traces of 30—40 years old spruce plantings. c = 30 acres (adjoining compartment Kleingarten). A wood resembling a selec- tion forest, of spruce and silver fir with beech, the trees 30 — 50 years old pre- vailing ; little quite young. The 100 —120 years old and older trees appear single and in groups. Growth good ; above the cattle track inferior. Sachsenbronn 11 95 100—120 years old (some up to 200 (and years), spruce and silver fir, also some 2 acres beech, namely : — other On 42 acres, final stage, partly pruned, areas.) throughout with years old (in the 20 western part up to 40 years old), silver fir and spruce young growth ; about 25 acres in the position of the seeding stage brought about by windfalls and dry wood cuttings ; on 5 acres, 80—100 years old, generally complete cover ; in the thinner stocked parts is found up to 15 years old silver fir and spruce young growth ; on 12 acres (south-eastern corner, near compartment Gartenbach) generally canopy complete, here and there with a little advance growth. On 10 acres (in the west), 70—90 years old, some older spruce with silver fir, fairly complete canopy. On 7 acres (western point), 12—40 years old (in groups and single up to 60 years old), mostly irregular young growth of spruce with some silver fir, forming a fairly complete stocking. Growth of old trees good to fairly good, in the pruned portions partly less good ; growth of young wood fairly good. APPENDIX C. DESCRIPTION OF COMPARTMENTS — continued. 877 Block and Compartment. Area in Acres. Description of Wood. Name. No. Gartenbach 12 172 110—140 years old spruce, silver fir, some older, some Scotch pine, the latter prevailing in places in the upper part, few beech ; in the northern two-thirds in the final stage, partly in seeding stage. In these two-thirds about 85 acres are stocked with young growth of spruce and silver fir pretty completely, in the eastern part very fully ; in the southern third still fairly complete cover, but on the western slope, already somewhat thin, as yet little young growth. Growth in northern two- thirds good, in the southern third good to fairly good ; in the upper part, in the south-east, only middling. In the middle of the compartment are 3 windfall and 1 beetle clearing, together 12 acres ; of these, 7 acres fairly well stocked with up to 25 years old spruce and silver fir. 378 APPENDIX C. TABULAE STATISTICAL EEPOET OF THE COMPARTMENTS. Name. Number DISTRIBUTION OF AGE' 1 — 40 years old. Cubic feet. sold. I 41-60. I 61—80. AcreslCubic feetJAcresiCubic feet. Acres _j _| I. Working-Section = Yield-capacity over Schwarzenbronn . 1 48,030 41 70,630 20 Schwarzenberg . . 2 200,945 117 169,514 40 192,117 40 Riesenkopf . . 3 19,072 34 Griinwinkel . . 5 21,189 38 Dobelbach . . 6 Kleingarten . . 9 109,479 87 201,299 37 423,787 67 Grossgarten . . 10 26,487 24 46,617 11 25,074 5 Sachsenbronn . . 11 28,605 51 35,316 5 Gartenbach . . 12 13,420 48 Total . - 467,227 440 488,060 108 676,294 117 Normal state under a rotation of 120 years . Comparison of real! + and normal state . / - II. Working-Section = Yield-capacity from Dobelbach. . . . 6 1,770 Kleingartenkopf . . 8 10,595 25 Kleingarten . . . 9 10,948 25 Grossgarten . '. .10 Total 23,313 50 Normal state under rotation of 120 years . Comparison of real \ + and normal state . / - III. Working Section = Yield-capacity 7 cubic feet Riesenkopf . . 3 Mehliskopf . . 4 18,900 34 Griinwinkel . . 5 Dobelbach . . 6 Hoher Ochsenkopf . 7 Total 18,900 34 Normal state under a rotation of 120 years . Comparison of real \ + and normal state . j" - Summary of the Three Real state of forest . . Normal state of forest . Comparison of real \ + and normal state . J - APPENDIX C. 379 HEEEENWIES EANGE. 3 CLASSES. Volume per acre, cubic feet. INCREMENT. 81—100. | Over 100 years. | Total. Annual, per acre. Total in 10 years. Cubic feet. Acreslcubic feet. AcresICubic feet. Acres Normal. Real. Normal. Real. 45,500 158,250 43,310 132,060 94,430 220,740 117,300 67,450 147,920 15,892 353,'l56 494,418 42,379 1 4 2 49 49 5 3 cubic fe 34,250 118,662 381,408 1,606,861 1,522,104 540,329 365,870 459,103 1,373,758 1 et pe 4 12 37 148 133 43 49 34 124 r Acre an 152,910 697,130 400,480 1,628,050 1,522,104 1,628,050 958,466 565,403 1,387,178 auail 65 211 71 186 133 283 138 95 172 y. 2,352 3,304 5,641 8,753 11.444 5^53 6,945 5,952 8J065 85 . ' 85 70 85 100 100 85 100 100 70 75 61 71 71 78 85 71 86 55,250 179,350 49,700 158,100 133,000 283,000 117,300 95,000 172,000 905,845 105 6.402,345 584 8,939,771 7,456,200 1354 6,603 5,507 92 76 1,242,700 1,026.960 1,483,571 1,096 ... 16 21 14 29 21 21 8,100 10,640 33,970 7,770 '5,740 5,670 10,640 22,910 7,770 7 tc 43 cubic 38,850 203,418 108,419 79,460 feet 27 51 54 37 per Acre 40,620 214,013 119,367 79,460 annu 27 76 79 37 ally. 1,504 2,816 1,511 2,148 30 14 43 21 430,147 169 453,460 362,880 219 2,071 1,657 28 60,480 46,990 90,580 414 7 7 7 7 7 'V 7 7 7 7 7 350 2,380 1,120 1,260 7,070 13,490 350 2,380 1,120 1,26C 7,070 12,180 1 md u nder per 4,500 Acre 5 annually 4,500 18,900 11,300 7,400 53,400 95,500 73.080 5 34 16 18 101 900 556 706 411 529 ... ... 11300 7^400 53,400 16 18 101 76,600 140 174 549 420 7 7 12,180 22,420 129 1,086,130 V rorki ng Sectioi is. 9,488,731 7,892,160 1,315,360 1,596,571 229',230 1 380 APPENDIX C. SPECIAL WOEKING PLAN. COMPARTMENTS. DESCRIPTION OF CUTTINGS, CULTIVATION, &c. CUTTINGS. Cultiva- tion. Acres. Draining, ditches. Feet. Road con- struction. Feet. Final. Cubic feet. Inter- mediate Cubic feet 1. Schwarzenbronn 2. Schwarzenberg . 3. Riesenkopf . . 4. Mehliskopf . . 5. Griinwinkel. . f». Dobclbach . . 7. Hoher Ochsenkopf . 8. Kleingartenkopf Final cutting in regene- rated part ... Filling up blanks with spruce Thinning and cutting of cancerous silver firs Total . a. Thinning of shelter. wood and partial final cutting Filling up blanks with spruce and Scotch pine . a & b. Thinning and re- moval of cancerous trees Total . a. Seeding cutting, and partly final cutting . . b & o. Best. Total , Rest. a. Thinningof shelter-wood, seeding cutting in the fully stocked parts by the removal of cancerous and large trees b. Rest. Total . . a. Thinning and removal of cancerous trees . b & c. Rest. Construction of an export road to meet the main road . . . . . Total . Rest. Rest. 34,000 10,000 3 34.000 10,000 8 35,000 53,000 10 35,000 53,000 10 53,000 53,000 318,000 318,000 4,900 4,900 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 ... APPENDIX C. 381 SPECIAL WORKING PLAN— continued. COMPARTMENTS. DESCRIPTION OF CUTTINGS, CULTIVATION, &c. CtTTTINGS. Cultiva- tion. Acres. Draining, ditches. Feet. Road con- struction. Feet. Final. Cubic feet. Inter- mediate Cubic feet. 9. Kleingarten . . 10. Grossgarten . . 11. Sachsenbronn . 12. Gartenbach a. Cutting of all old stan- dards and cancerous trees Thinning . . . . 45,000 3,000 12 9,500 T). Thinning of shelter- wood and partially final cutting Filling up 'blanks with spruce . c. Cutting out of old de- fective trees where young growth exists . . . Construction of an export road to meet the main road . Total . . a. Thinning and removal of cancerous trees . b. Rest. c. Removal of standards and cancerous trees . . Thinning . Construction of an export road .... Total . . In the regeneration area : thinning of shelter- wood and partially final clear- ing ; in the rest seeding cutting . Filling up blanks with spruce . . . . Construction of an export road . Total . . Continuation of regenera- tion cuttings and re- moval of cancerous trees Thinning in fully stocked parts . Filling up blanks with spruce and Scotch pine. Construction of an export road Total . 198,000 14,000 257,000 3,000 12 1 9.500 47,000 25,000 47,000 15,000 5,000 72,000 62,000 ... 5,000 163.000 3 3,500 163,000 3 3,500 3 000 195,000 7,000 8 195,000 7,000 8 ... 3,000 382 APPENDIX C. SUMMARY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE Compartment. PROVISIONS OF WORKING PLAN. Cuttings. Cultiva tion. Acres. Drain- ing. Feet. Road Con- struction Final. Cubic Feet. Inter- mediate. Cubic Feet. Total. Cubic Feet. 1. Schwarzenbronn . . 34,000 10,000 44,000 3 — — 2. Schwarzenberg 35,000 53,000 88,000 10 — — 3. Biesenkopf . . . 53,000 — 53,000 — — — 4. Mehliskopf — — — — — — 5. Grunwinkel . . . 318,000 — 318,000 — — — 6. Dobelbach 19,000 19,000 38,000 — — 4,900 7. Holier Ochsenkopf . — — — — — — 8. Kleingartenkopf — — — — — — 9. Kleingarten . . . 257,000 3,000 260,000 12 — 9,500 10. Grossgarten 72,000 62,000 134,000 — 5,000 11. Sachsenbronn . . 163,000 — 163,000 8 — 3,500 12. Gartenbach Total 195,000 7,000 202,000 8 — 3,000 1,146,000 54,000 1,300,000 «|.. 25,900 Note. — The excess was due to heavy windfalls ; it will not derange future APPENDIX C. 383 WOKKING PLAN AND OF THE EXECUTION. COMPARISON OF RESULTS OF ACTUAL WORK DONE. PROPOSED AND Ex-< ECUTED CUTTINGS. i Cuttings. T> ,._ J Remarks. Culti- vation Acres. Drain- ing. Feet. xio&cL Con- struc- tion. Feet. Cut too much. Cubic Feet. Cut too little. Cubic - Feet. Final. Cubic Feet Inter- mediate. Cubic Total. Cubic Feet Feet. 33,034 12,549 45,583 4-4 — — 1,583 — 54,517 75,000 129,517 5-0 — — 41,517 — Excess due to windfalls and snow break. 132.900 132,900 •1 : — 79,900 Excess due to windfalls and; snow-break. 177,169 177,169 •1 _ 140,831 Held back, on account of ex- tra fellings in other compts. 86,606 68,301 154,907 — v _ 5,003 116,907 — Excess due to — — — — — — — — windfalls. 342,444 21,635 364,079 8-4 : 9,679 104,079 : Excess: wind-j falls and con- struction of road. 95,852 — 95,852 — — 5,299 — 38,148 Thinning held over. 111,049 — 111,049: '9 — 3,691 — 51,951 Held back on ' account of ex-| 197,660 — 197,660 — — 2,953 — 4,340 cess in other 1,231,231 177,485 1,408,716 18-9 — 26,625 108,716 — c o m p el r T- ments. arrangements, as there is yet a considerable excess of growing stock in the forest. 384 APPENDIX C. SAMPLE PAGE OF THE DETAILED CONTEOL BOOK. 1. Schirarzenbronn. Year. Description of Cuttings, Cultivation, etc. CUTTINGS. Culti- vation. Acres. Drain- ing Ditches Feet. Road Con- struc- tion. Feet. Final. Cubic Feet. Inter- mediate Cubic Feet. Provision of Working Plan. Final cutting in regenerated part 34,000 Filling up blanks with spruce ... ... 3 Thinning and cutting of cancerous silver firs 10,000 Total .. 34,000 10,000 3 — — Execution. 1884 Final cutting 14,297 H Dry and windfall wood 813 1885 Windfalls 665 1886 Final cutting, thinning 6,166 832 „ Windfalls . , . • . 547 1887 Windfalls . . 1,363 1888 Final cutting, thinning . . . 7,759 11,717 » 55 1889 Planting Windfall 82 649 1-7 Dry wood, windfalls . » Planting . . . ... ... ... 2-2 1890 Windfalls . . . . 693 »» Planting ... •1 1891 Planting •... •2 1892 Planting •1 1893 Planting . . . . . Total ... ... •1 33,034 12,549 4'4 385 APPENDIX D.— TABLES. THIS Appendix contains the following Tables : — TABLE I. — Yield Tables used in the Kingdom of Saxony for the determination of the Quality of Locality. TABLE II. — Area of Circles for Diameters ranging from 1 inch to 60 inches. TABLE III. — Volumes of Cylinders and the Sum of the Area of Circles for Diameters ranging from 1 inch to 48 inches. Example. — Find the volume of a log which has a diameter in the middle of 15 inches and a length of 24 feet :— Volume of 20 feet length = 10 x 2-4544 . . = 24-544 cubic feet. Volume of 4 feet length .= 4'9088 „ „ Total . . = 29-4528 „ „ In the same way : Area of 24 circles of 15 inches diameter . . , = 2 9 '452 8 sq. feet. TABLE IV. — Tables of Compound Interest : — A. Amount to which a capital accumulates with com- pound interest in n years : — Cn = C0 X l'opn. B. Present value of a capital to be realized after n C. Present value of a perpetual rental due every D. Present value of a rental due at the end of every year, altogether n times, C0 = ^'n If the rentals refer to the past n years, the positions in this Table must be multiplied by the corresponding values of I' op*, to be taken from Table IV., A., so as to comply with the formula : r _r(l-opn-l} i_/0 — - . •op VOL. III. C 0 386 APPENDIX D. I. YIELD TABLES USED IN SAXONY FOB THE DETERMINATION For One Acre of a normal, or fully stocked, wood in solid cubic feet, including Oak. Beech. Age, Years. Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Age, Years. Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. » I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. III. IV. v. 10 290 240 200 140 70 10 330 290 240 190 100 20 740 610 490 360 200 20 800 660 510 390 200 30 1,270 1,060 840 630 330 30 1,310 1,160 900 640 330 40 1,870 1,560 1,210 930 470 40 2,160 1,760 1,360 960 470 50 2,560 2,120 1,670 1,250 640 50 3,020 2,440 1,870 1,300 630 60 3,320 2,750 2,170 1,600 810 60 3,990 3,220 2,440 1,670 800 70 4,160 3,430 2,700 1,970 1,000 70 5,070 4,070 3,070 2,070 980 80 5,060 4,160 3,250 2,340 1,190 80 6,260 5,000 3,740 2,490 1,160 90 5,990 4,990 3,800 2,720 1,360 90 7,460 5,930 4,400 2,880 1,330 100 6,960 5,660 4,360 3,070 1,520 100 8,570 6,800 5,030 3,260 1,480 110 7,950 6,430 4,920 3,420 1,670 110 9,620 7,650 5,590 3,570 1,600 120 8,950 7,220 5,480 3,740 1,800 120 10,580 8,330 6,090 3,840 1,700 130 9,900 7,950 6,000 4,060 1,930 130 11,450 8,990 6,530 4,070 1,770 140 10,830 8,670 6,520 4,340 2,040 140 12,250 9,570 6,920 4,260 1,830 150 11,700 9,350 6,990 4,620 2,140 150 12,960 10,100 7,250 4,400 1,860 160 170 180 190 200 12,560 13,350 14,090 14,780 15,330 10,000 10,600 11,160 11,680 12,100 7,450 7,860 8,250 8,590 8,870 4,890 5,120 5,330 5,500 5,660 2,240 2,330 2,410 2,470 2,530 Example. — A fully stocked beech- wood has a volume, when 60 years old, of 3,220 cubic feet ; hence it grows on a locality of the II. Quality. Again, a fully stocked oakwood, 140 years old, shows a volume of 7,600 cubic feet ; hence it grows on a locality between II. and III. Quality. APPENDIX D. 387 OP THE QUALITY OF LOCALITY. all wood above ground, but exclusive of roots and stumps. Alder. Birch. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Years. Years. I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. III. IV. V. 10 860 690 510 340 160 10 670 530 400 260 110 20 1,800 1,440 1,090 730 340 20 1,410 1,110 820 540 230 30 2,800 2,260 1,700 1,160 540 30 2,360 1,860 1,360 860 390 40 3,820 3,070 2,330 1,580 760 40 3,370 2,660 1,940 1,230 540 50 4,790 3,860 2,930 1,990 950 50 4,300 3,390 2,470 1,560 690 60 5,730 4,630 3,520 2,390 1,130 60 5,120 4,020 2,920 1,810 790 70 6,640 5,350 4,050 2,730 1,300 70 5,740 4,490 3,230 1,970 840 80 7,530 6,050 4,560 3,060 1,460 80 6,230 4,840 3,460 2,070 870 90 8,360 6,720 5,040 3,370 1,600 100 9,100 7,300 5,470 3,640 1,710 Coppice of Alder, Poplar, Willow. Coppice of Oak, Beech, Ash, Birch. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Years. Years. I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. III. IV. V. 5 490 370 260 140 30 5 310 240 160 95 15 10 1,000 740 510 290 90 10 640 490 330 170 45 15 1,540 1,190 860 440 160 15 980 760 510 280 85 20 2,100 1,640 1,190 710 240 20 1,330 1,040 700 480 130 25 2,730 2,120 1,510 900 300 25 1,730 1,330 930 530 175 30 3,360 2,600 1,840 1,090 350 30 2,120 1,630 ' 1,140 660 220 35 3,940 3,040 2,140 1,240 400 35 1,900 1,330 770 260 40 4,520 3,470 2,420 1,390 430 40 2,800 2,160 1,510 870 290 c c2 888 APPENDIX D. I. YIELD TABLES USED IN SAXONY FOR THE For One Acre of normal, or fully stocked, wood in solid cubic Scotch Pine. Larch. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Age, Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Years. : Years. I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. III. IV. V. 10 560 460 360 260 140 10 760 610 470 330 170 20 1,500 1,210 930 640 310 20 1,890 1,510 1,140 770 360 30 2,830 2,270 1,690 1,110 500 30 3,290 2,620 1,940 1,260 570 40 4,320 3,410 2,520 1,610 740 40 4,840 3,820 2,790 1,760 .790 50 5,800 4,590 3,370 2,140 960 50 6,400 5,030 3,640 2,260 990 60 7,220 5,690 4,160 2,630 1,170 60 7,800 6,120 4,400 2,700 1,170 70 8,550 6,730 4,920 3,100 1,370 70 9,060 7,070 5,100 3,130 1,340 80 9,750 7,670 5,600 3,520 1,550 80 10,190 7,960 5,730 3,500 1,500 90 10,830 8,520 6,200 3,890 1,710 90 11,200 8,750 6,290 3,840 1,640 100 11,760 9,250 6,730 4,220 1,860 100 12,120 9,460 6,800 4,140 1,760 110 12,520 9,850 7,170 4,490 1,980 110 12,950 10,100 7,260 4,420 1,870 120 13,100 10,300 7,500 4,700 2,060 120 13,680 10,660 7,650 4,630 1,960 130 13,490 10,600 7,730 4,830 2,120 130 14,310 11,130 7,960 4,800 2,020 140 13,690 10,760 7,830 4,900 2,160 140 14,860 11,560 8,260 4,950 2,060 APPENDIX D. 389 DETERMINATION OF THE QUALITY OF LOCALITY. feet, including all wood above ground, but exclusive of roots and stumps. Spruce. Silver Fir. Age, Years. Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. Age, Years. Quality classes, in solid cubic feet. I. II. III. IV. V. I, II. III. IV. V. 10 460 400 330 260 140 10 430 360 290 210 110 20 1,430 1,170 930 660 330 20 1,190 970 760 540 270 30 2,790 2,260 1,700 1,160 540 30 2,920 2,000 1,500 990 460 40 4,420 3,500 2,600 1,690 770 40 4,130 3,260 2,390 1,500 670 50 6,190 4,870 3,560 2,240 990 50 5,920 4,630 3,350 2,060 890 60 8,050 6,290 4,530 2,790 1,190 60 7,800 6,090 4,370 2,640 1,120 70 9,890 7,700 5,520 3,320 1,390 70 9,730 7,580 5,410 3,230 1,360 80 11,690 9,080 6,460 3,830 1,570 80 11,690 9,090 6,450 3,820 1,570 90 13,360 10,350 7,330 4,300 1,740 90 13,550 10,480 7,400 4,340 1,760 103 14,910 11,520 8,130 4,730 1,900 100 15,350 11,850 8,320 4,840 1,930 • 1 110 16,270 12,550 8,830 5,100 2,030 110 17,030 13,120 9.200 5,300 2.090 120 17,420 13,420 9,420 5,420 2,140 120 18,610 14,310 10,000 5,690 2,220 130 18,320 14,120 9,890 5,560 2,220 130 20,010 15,350 10,690 6,030 2,320 140 18,920 14,550 10,180 5,820 2,270 140 21,240 16,250 11,290 6,300 2,390 150 22,280 17,020 11,760 6,500 2,430 1 390 APPENDIX D. II. AEEA OF CIRCLES FOB DIAMETERS Diam. in inch's. Area of circle in square ft. Diam. Area, of in circle in icli's. square ft. Oiam. Area of in circle in nch's. square ft. Diam. in nch's. Area of circle in square ft. Diam. in nch's. Area of circle in square It. 1-0 eHX)55 24 0-0218 3-0 0-0491 40 0-0873 50 0-1364 1 •07 4 •0314 4 -0631 1 •1056 4 •1590 5 •0123 6 •0341 5 -06(59 :» -1105 5 •1650, 6 •0140 6 •0369 6 -0707 c» -H54 6 •1710 7 •0158 7 •0398 7 -0747 7 1 -1205 7 •1772 8 •0177 8 •0428 8 -0788 S -1257 8 •is;;:, 9 •0197 9 •0459 1) -0830 '.» -1310 9 •1899 11-0 0-GCOO 120 0-7854 13-0 i 0-9218 14-0 1-0690 150 1-2272 1 •6721 1 •7986 1 •9360 1 1-0843 1 1-2437 2 •6842 2 •8118 •2 -9504 2 1-0997 2 1-2602 3 •696$ 3 •8252 'A '9648 8 1-1153 3 1-2768 4 •7089 4 •8387 4 •9794 4 1-1309 4 L-2986 5 •7214 5 •8523 5 •9941 5 L-1467 5 1-3104 6 •7340 6 •8660 6 1-0089 6 1-1626 6 1-3274 7 •7467 7 •8798 7 1-0237 7 1-1785 7 l-.'Mll a •7595 8 •8937 8 1-0387 8 1 -194(5 8 1-3616 9 •7724 9 •9077 '.) 1-0538 9 1-2108 3-1416 9 250 1-3789 210 2-4058 220 2-6398 23-0 2-8852 24-0 :HOSS 1 2-088 1 2-6638 1 2-9103 1 3-1679 1 8-4361 2 2-4514 2 2-6880 2 2-9356 2 3-1942 2 8-4686 3 LM715 :; 2-7122 3 2-9610 3 3-2207 3 8*4911 4 2-4978 1 2-7366 I 2-9864 4 3-2471 4 :',-:, iss 5 2-6212 :, 2-7(511 r> 3-0120 :> 3-2748 6 8-6466 6 lK.417 <; 2-7*57 <; 3-0377 6 3-3006 6 ::-:.7il 7 2-5084 7 2-8104 7 3-0635 7 3-3275 7 3-6024 8 2-5921 8 2-8352 8 3-0894 8 3-3545 8 3-6305 9 &-6159 8 i 2-8602 9 8'11M 1' 3-3816 9 8-6687 40 8-7266 11 INI;*! 42 9-6211 43 10-OS47 II 10-5592 50 i:n;:r,4 51 1 i-isr,.'{ 52 1 l-7lso 58 16*8207 54 16-9048 60 1 9-r,350 Footnote.— The circles of full inches were calculated with logarithms APPENDIX D. OP 1 INCH TO 60 INCHES. 391 Diam. in inch's. Area of circle in square ft. Diam. Area of in circle in nch's. square ft. Diam. in nch's. Area of circle in square ft. Diam. in nch's. Area of circle in square ft. Diam. in nch's. Area of circle in square ft. 60 0-1963 70 0-2673 80 0-3491 90 0-4418 1,0-0 0-5454 1 -2029 1 •2750 1 •3579 1 •4517 1 •5564 2 •2096 2 •2828 2 •3668- 2 •4617 2 •5675 3 •2164 3 •2907 3 •3758^ 3 •4718 3 "•5787 4 •2234 4 •2987 4 •3849 4 •4820 4 •5900 5 , -2304 5 •3068 5 •3941 5 •4923 5 •6014 6 •2376 6 •3151 6 •4034 6 •5027 6 «'6129 7 •2448 7 •3234 7 •4129 7 •5132 7 •6245 8 •2522 8 •3319 8 •4224 8 •5238 8 •6362 9 •2597 9 •3404 9. •4321 9 •5345 9 •6481 16-0 1-3963 17-0 1-5763 18-0 1-7671 190 1-9689 200 2-1817 i 1-4138 1 1-5949 1 1-7868 1 1-9897 1 2-2036 2 1-4314 2 1-6136 2 1-#066 2 2-0106 2 2-2256 3 1-4492 3 1-6324 3 1-8265 3 2-0316 3 2-2477 4 1-4670 4 1-6513 4 1-8465 4 2-0527 4 2-2699 5 1-4849 5 1-6703 5 . 1-8666 5 2-0739 5 2-2922 6 1-5030 6 1-6894 6 1-8869 6 2-0952 6i 2-3146 7 1-5212 7 1-7087 7 1-9072 7 2-1167 7 2-3371 8 1-5394 8 1-7280 8 1-9277 8 2-1382 8 2-3597 9 1-5578 9 1-7475 9 1-9482 9 2-1599 9 2-3825 26-0 3-6870 27-0 3-9761 28-0 4-2761 290 4-5869 30-0 4-9087 1 3-7154 1 4-0056 1 4-3067 1 4-6186 31 5-2414 2 3-7439 2 4-0353 2 4-3374 2 4-6504 32 5-5851 3 3-7725 3 4-0650 3 4-3682 3 4-6823 33 5-9396 4 3-8013 4 4-0948 4 4-3991 4 ' 4-7143 34 6-3050 5 3-8301 5 4-1248 5 4-4301 5 4-7464 35 6-6813 6 3-8591 6 : 4-1548 6 4-4612 6 4-7787 36 7-0686 7 3-8882 7 4-1850 7 4-4925 7 4-8110 37 7-4667 8 3-9174 8 4-2152 8 4-5238 8 4-8435 38 7-8758 9 3-9467 9 4-2456 9 4*5553 9 4-8760 39 8-2958 45 11-0447 46 11-5410 47 12-0482 48 12-5664 49 13-0954 55 16-4988 56 17-1042 57 17-7206 58 18-3478 59 18-9859 of 7 places ; the intermediate values were found ty interpolation. 392 APPENDIX D. III. TABLE OP THE VOLUMES OF CYLINDEBS AND OF THE Length of Cylinder, or Number of Circles. DIAMETER IN INCHES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 0-0055 0-0218 0-0491 0-0873 0-1364 0-1963 0-2673 0-3491 2 0-0110 0-0436 0-0982 0-1746 0-2728 0-3926 0-5346 0-6982 3 0-0165 0-0654 0-1473 0-2619 0-4092 0-5889 0-8019 1-0473 4 0-0220 0-0872 0-1964 0-3492 0-5456 0-7852 1-0692 1-3964 5 0-0275 0-1090 0-2455 0-4365 0-6820 0-9815 1-3365 1-7455 6 0-0330 0-1308 0-2946 0-5238 0-8184 1-1778 1-6038 2-0946 7 0-0385 0-1526 0-3437 0-6111 0-9548 1-3741 1-8711 ' 2-4437 8 0-0440 0-1744 0-3928 0-6984 1-0912 1-5704 2-1384 2-7928 9 0-0495 0-1962 0-4419 0-7857 1-2276 1-7667 2-4057 3-1419 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 1-5763 1-7671 1-9G89 2-1817 2-4053 2-0398 2-8852 3-1416 2 3-1526 3-5342 3-9378 4-3634 4-8106 5-2796 5-7704 6-2832 3 4-7289 5-3013 5-9067 6-5451 7-2159 7-9194 8-6556 9-4248 4 6-3052 7-0684 7-8756 8-7268 9-6212 10*5592 11-5408 12-5664 5 7-8815 8-8355 9-8445 10-9085 12-0265 13-1990 14-4260 15-7080 6 9-4578 10-6026 11-8134 13-0902 14-4318 15-8388 17-3112 18-8496 7 11-0341 12-3697 13-7823 15-2719 16-8371 18-4786 20-19(54 21-9912 8 12-6104 14-1368 15-7512 17-4536 19-2424 21-1184 23-0816 25-1328 9 14-1867 15-9039 17-7201 19-6353 21-0477 23-7582 25-9668 28-2744 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 5-9396 6-3050 6-6813 7-0686 7-4(5(57 7-8758 8-21)58 8-7266 2 11-8792 12-6100 13-3626 14-1372 14-9334 15*7516 16*5916 i7-ir,:5i> 3 17-8188 18-9150 21-2058 22-4001 23-6274 24-8874 26-1798 4 23-7584 25-2200 1 29-8668 31-5032 33-1832 34-90(54 5 29-6980 31-5250 > 37-3335 39-3790 41-4790 43-6330 6 35-6376 87-8300 ; 44-8002 47-2548 49-7748 52-359(5 7 41-5772 1! i 52-2669 55-1306 58-0706 61-0862 8 47-5168 50-4100 j 59-7336 63-0064 66-3664 69-8128 9 53-4564 ' ! 67-2003 70-8822 74-6622 78-5394 APPENDIX D. SUM OF CIRCLES, FOE DIAMETER OF 1 INCH TO 48 INCHES. Length of Cylinder, or Number of Circles. DlAMETEE IN INCHES. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 0-4418 0-5454 0-6600 0-7854 0-9218 1-0690 1-2272 1-3963 2 0-8836 1-0908 1-3200 1-5708 1-8436 2-1380 2-4544 2-7926 3 1-3254 1-6362 1-9800 2-3562 2-7654 3-2070 3-6816 4-1889 4 1-7672 2-1816 2-6400 3-1416 3-6872 4-2760 4-9088 5-5852 5 2-2090 2-7270 3-3000 3-9270 4-6090 5-3450 6-1360 6-9815 6 2-6508 3-2724 3-9600 4-7124 5-5308 6-4140 7-3632 8-3778 7 3-0926 3-8178 4-6200 5-4978 6-4526 7-4830 8-5904 9-7741 8 3-5344 4-3632 5-2800 6-2832 7-3744 8-5520 9-8176 11-1704 9 3-9762 4-9086 5-9400 27 7-0686 28 8-2962 29 9-6210 30 11-0448 31 12-5667 32 25 26 1 3-4088 3-6870 3-9761 4-2761 4-5869 4-9087 5-2414 5-5851 2 6-8176 7-3740 7-9522 8-5522 9-1738 9-8174 10-4828 11-1702 3 10-2264 11-0610 11-9283 12-8283 13-7607 14-7261 15-7242 16-7553 4 13-6352 14-7480 15-9044 17-1044 18-3476 19-6348 20-9656 22-3404 5 17-0440 18-4350 19-8805 21-3805 22-9345 24-5435 26-2070 27-9255 6 20-4528 22-1220 23-8566 25-6566 27-5214 29-4522 31-4484 33-5106 7 23-8616 25-8090 27-8327 29-9327 32-1083 34-3609 36-6898 39-0957 8 27-2704 29-4960 31-8088 34-2088 36-6952 39-2696 41-9312 44-6808 9 30-6792 33-1830 35-7849 38-4849 44 41-2821 44-1783 47-1726 50-2659 48 41 42 43 45 46 47 1 9-1684 9-6211 10-0847 10-5592 11-0447 11-5410 12-0482 12-5664 2 18-3368 19-2422 20-1694 21-1184 22-0894 23-0820 24-0964 25-1328 3 27-5052 28-8633 30-2541 31-6776 33-1341 34-6230 36-1446 37-6992 4 36-6736 38-4844 40-3388 42-2368 44-1788 46-1640 48-1928 50-2656 5 45-8420 48-1055 50-4235 52-7960 55-2235 57-7050 60-2410 62-8320 6 55-0104 57-7266 60-5082 63-3552 66-2682 69-2460 72-2892 75-3984 7 64-1788 67-3477 70-5929 73-91 44 77-3129 80-7870 84-3374 87-9648 8 73-3472 76-9688 80-6776 M:47M 88'867<5 92-3280 96-8856 100-5312 9 82-5156 86-5899 90-7623 95-0328 99-4023 103-8690 108-4338 113-0976 394 APPENDIX D. . AMOUNT TO WHICH A CAPITAL OF 1 ACCUMULATES WITH COMPOUND INTEREST IN n TEARS CH=. C0xl'opn. No. of Years, = n. PER CENT. 2. 2-5. 3. 3-5. V-- 4-5. 5. 1 1-0200 1-0250 1-0300 1-0350 1-0400 1-0450 1-0500 2 1-0404 1-0506 1-0609 1-0712 1-0816 1-0920 1-1025 3 1-0612 1-0769 1-0927 1-1087 1-1249 1-1412 1-1576 4 1-0824 1-1038 1-1255 1-1475 1-1699 1-1925 1-2155 5 1-1041 1-1314 1-1593 1-1877 1-2167 1-2462 1-2763 6 1-1262 1-1597 1-1941 1-2293 1-2653 1-3023 1-3401 7 1-1487 1-1887 1-2299 1-2723 1-3159 1-3609 1-4071 8 1-1717 1-2184 1-2668 1-3168 1-3686 1-4221 1-177:. 9 1-1951 1-2489 1-3048 1-3629 1-4233 1-4861 1-5513 10 1-2190 1-2801 1-3439 1-4106 1-4802 1-5880 MIL'S!) 15 1-3459 ; 1-4483 1-5580 1-6753 1-8001) 1-9353 2-0789 20 1-4859 1-6386 1-8061 1-9898 2- 11)11 2-4117 2-6683 25 1-6406 1-8539 2-0938 2-3632 2-6658 3-0054 3-3S6I 30 1-8114 2-0976 2-4273 2-8068 3-2434 3-7453 4-8311 35 1-9999 2-3732 2-8139 3-3336 3-9461 4-6673 5-5160 40 2-2080 2-6851 3-2620 3-9593 4-8010 5-8164 7-0400 45 2-4379 3-0379 3-7816 4-7024 5-8412 7-2482 8-9850 50 2-6916 3-4371 4-383^ 5-5849 7-1 or,: 9-0326 1M67I 55 2-9717 3-8888 5-0821 6-6331 8-6464 11-2563 14-6356 60 3-2810 4-3998 5-8916 7-8781 10-5196 14-0274 18-6792 65 3-6225 4-9780 6-8300 9-3567 12-7987 17-4807 23-8399 70 75 3-9996 4-4158 5-6321 6-3722 7-9178 9-1789 11-1128 13-1985 15-5716 18-9452 21-7841 27-1470 30-4264 38-8327 80 4-8754 7-2096 10-6409 15;6757 23-0498 33-8301 49-5614 85 5-3829 8-1570 12-3357 18-6179 28-0436 42-1585 63-2544 90 5-9431 9-2289 14-3005 22-1122 34-1193 52-6371 80-7304 95 6-5617 10-4416 16-5782 26-2623 41-5114 85-4708 103-0347 lliu 7-2446 11-8137 19-21B6 31-11)14 50-5049 81-6886 131-5013 110 8-8312 15-1226 25-8282 43-9986 74-7597 126-7045 214-2017 120 10-7652 19-3581 34-7110 62-0643 110-6626 196-7682 348-9120 130 13-1227 24-7801 46-6486 87-5478 163-8076 3or>-:.7.-.n 568-8409 140 l.V'.nx;.-, 31-7206 (•2-6919 123-4949 242-4753 474-5486 ltLT.-7C.7l 150 19-49% 40-6050 84-2527 174-2017 358-9227 73G-959I 1507-9775 200 139-5630 :