IBID arinitu iHcbiral (Collcqr v A MANUAL HISTOLOGY EDITED AND PEEPAKED BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D., OF NEW YORK President of the New York Pathological Society, Pathologist to the St. Luke's and Presbyterian Hospitals, etc. IN ASSOCIATION WITH DRS. THOMAS DWIGHT, J. COLLINS WARREN, WILLIAM P. WHITNEY, CLARENCE J. BLAKE, and C. H. WILLIAMS, of Boston; DR. J. HENRY C. SIMES, of Philadel- phia; DR. BENJAMIN F. WESTBROOK, of Brooklyn; and DRS. EDMUND C. WENDT, ABRAHAM MAYER, R. W. AMIDON, A. R. ROBINSON, W. R. BIRDSALL, D. BRYSON DELAVAN, C. L. DANA, andW. H. PORTER, of New York City WITH ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK WILLIAM WOOD & COMPANY 1881 COPTBIOHT BT WILLIAM WOOD & COMPANY 1881 TROWS PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY 201-313 Knit latA Street NEW YORK PREFACE. FOR some years past there has been a general demand among the members of our profession for a manual of Histol- ogy, summarizing, in concise and plain language, our present knowledge in this fundamental branch of medicine. It is true many books have been written -on the subject, but their great brevity, on the one hand, or an unnecessary diffuseness on the other, have prevented them from meeting with acceptance at the hands of physicians and students. In the one class belong the little handbooks of Rutherford and Schaefer, which have done much to simplify and therefore popularize histology, but they were intended for beginners, and especially students doing class-work under the laboratory system now so much in vogue. But both physician and student" need something of wider scope, and they have been compelled to turn to Klein & Smith, Strieker, or Frey, though no one of these excellent works is thoroughly adapted to their wants. Apart from the expense of the two former, they all are deficient in matters relating to human histology. The practical experience of a teacher made it evident also that the volume to fill such an obvious gap should take the form of a text-book. And the present time seemed opportune for its appearance, since we have latterly made much positive jv PREFACE. advance in historical studies, while histologists themselves :llv now more of one mind in microscopical matters. That such a book should appear under American auspices seemed further to be eminently proper, as we have in various parts of the coun- try a goodly number of medical men who are either engaged in" teaching histology or in studying some special branch of it. The advantages of utilizing their accumulated experiences I therefore apparent by the editor, and he gladly applied to them for assistance when it was found that one individual could not prepare the volume within a reasonable time or in a manner that would be satisfactory. It is hoped that the names of the collaborators furnish a sufficient guarantee that proper representatives of American histology have been selected. In some respects the. object sought for has not been wholly attained, as, for example, in the effort to separate purely human histology from the comparative. But this is impossible at the present time, mainly because our knowl- edge is still too limited. It is a matter of regret, also, that the original illustrations have been so few in comparison with the total number, but the great expense attending their production would not warrant any one in attempting much in this direc- tion. Through the kind co-operation, however, of Messrs. Wil- liam Wood & Co., the editor has been able to utilize many excellent cuts that were in their possession. As a further means of relieving the tedium associated witli a work that is so largely descriptive, the various authors havo aimed to intersperse here and there throughout the text mat- ters of physiological or pathological import. Still, intelligent practitioners do not have to be reminded that rational thera- pfutics has found a substantial support in the revelations of pathological anatomy, which, in turn, rests upon histology, PREFACE. V so that tlie relation between microscopic anatomy and the sci- entific practice of medicine is readily appreciated. Emanating as the volume does from American sources, the editor finds it a fitting place to give proper space to American contributions, and the reader may therefore find due notice of the physiological desquamation of bloodvessels, considerations on the nature of nerve-termini, matters relating to the intimate structure of the striped muscular fibre and nerves, with the results of studies on the structure and development of certain connective substances, and novelties in microscopic apparatus and methods. A special chapter is also given to the thick cutis vera, now for the first time described as a distinctive portion of the skin. In it will be found detailed the discovery of the fat-columns, which are .calculated to explain certain pathological changes that have been imperfectly understood. The first chapters of the book are devoted to the mechanism of the microscope, and to certain formal methods of work with which the beginner should be familiar. Of the illustrations, sixty-five were prepared for the volume, while forty have never, it is believed, appeared in book-form. The remainder are mostly from the manuals of Strieker and Frey. A limited number of bibliographical references have been in- serted where it was thought they were desirable in guiding the reader to the literature of the subject. For the prepara- tion of these tables and much valuable assistance, the editor here desires to express his thanks to Dr. E. C. "Wendt, of this city. It was thought best to omit the subject of optical principles which figure so conspicuously in some of our histological manuals. Those who wish information on these matters are referred to any of the standard text-books on physics, where yi PREFACE. subject is treated at greater length than was permissible in the present instance. For a similar reason, and also because it would prove a needless expense, the price-lists of instrument-makers have been omitted. Full particulars relating to the various sorts of microscopes and their accessories can be obtained from any of the leading opticians, who from time to time issue lists con- taining ample illustrations of the most recent improvements in all that pertains to practical working of the instrument. In conclusion, the editor finds himself compelled to reiter- ate the well- worn statement, that circumstances over which he lias had no control have united to delay the press- work of the volume, and at the end have made its final revision rather hasty. A kind indulgence is therefore asked for any error that may, through oversight, have escaped his notice. T. E. S. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. CHAPTEK I. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. MATERIALS REQUISITE FOR HISTOLOGICAL WORK. — How TO USE THE MICRO- SCOPE.— TESTING THE MICROSCOPE. — ITS USES. Page 1 Appliances for microscopic work, 1. Chemical reagents, 3. Illumina- tion, 4. Stage diaphragms, 5. The mirrors, 5. Direct and oblique light, 5. Arrangement of the object, 6. Kind of lens to use, 6. How to keep the instrument clean, 7. Magnifying power of a lens, 7. How to estimate the size of an object, 8. Testing a lens, 8. How to illuminate the object, 9. Testing the eye-piece, 10. Testing high lenses, 10. Measuring the angle of a lens, 10. CHAPTER II. BY THOMAS K SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. METHODS FOR PREPARING MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS Page 12 General directions, 12. To prepare fresh objects for rapid examination, 13. Ordinary methods of preparing tissues, 13. Miiller's fluid, 14. Potas- sium bichromate solution, 14. Ammonia bichromate solution, 14. Alcohol and acetic acid mixtures, 14, 15. Molybdate of ammonia, 15. Solution of osmic and chromic acids, 15. Alcohol and acetic acid, and muriatic acid solution, 15. Method of hardening the brain, 15. How to embed speci- mens, 15. Embedding in glycerine and tragacanth, 16. The hand section- cutter, 10. Freezing section-cutters, 17. Hailes' microtome, 19. The Vincent microtome, 21. Staining fluids, ammonia carmine, 21. Borax car- mine, 22. Double staining, 22. Haematoxylon solutions, 23, 24. Solutions for multiple staining, 24, 25. Preparation of the cornea, 25. Triple stain- i TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ing, 36. Doable, triple and quadruple staining, 26. Bismark brown, 26. Solution of alum carmine, 27. Naphthaline yellow for bone, 27. Methyl green and induline, 27. Purpurine, 28. French archil, 28. Alizarine, 28. Metallic solutions, staining with osmic and oxalic acids, 28. Chloride of gold and lemon jnice, 28. Nitrate of silver, 29. Chloride of gold, 29. Osmic acid, 29. Methyl green for waxy change, 29. Wickersheimer'a liquid, 29. Methods of injecting the blood-vessels, 30. CHAPTER III. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. THE BLOOD Page, 34 Bed corpuscles, 34. Comparative measurements in men, and animals, 36. Number of, 37. Corpuscles in an indifferent fluid, 38. Brownian and amoeboid movements, 39. Heating slide, 40. Action of dilute salt solution, 40. Action of distilled water- -irrigation, 41. Action of carbonic acid gas, 42. Action of acids, 43. Action of alkalies, 44. Action of electricity, 44. Exhibition of the circulation, 45. Internal structure of red corpuscles, 46. Development, 47. White corpuscles, 48. Counting corpuscles, 48. Blood crystals, 53. Haemoglobin, 53. Hajmochromometer, 54. Bibliography, 54. CHAPTER IV. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. EPITHELIUM \ page 5G Ordinary flattened or squamous epithelium, 57. Ciliated epithelium, 58. Effect of reagents, 59. Columnar or cylindrical epithelium, 60. Other va- rieties, 61. Structure of epithelial corpuscles, 61. Bibliography, 61. CHAPTER Y. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. Tire CONNECTIVE SUBSTANCE GROUP. -Mucous OR GELATINOUS TISSUE. - ISSUE. -NKI-KOGMA.— FAT TISSUE.— FIBROUS TISSUE PROP- BB. — CORNEAL TISSUE.— IXTKKMUSCULAR TISSUE.— TENDON TISSUE — ELASTIC TISSUE ; Page Q2 Connective substances in general, 62. Mucous or gelatinous tissue, 63. slopment of fibrous tissue, 64, 65. Fibrous tissue, 66. Adenoid tissue euroglia, 70. Tendon tissue, 72. Fat tissue, 73. Intermuscular lorneal tissue, 75. Elastic tissue, 77. Pavement endothe- 1mm, 80. Bibliography, 81. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER VI. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. THE CONNECTIVE-SUBSTANCE GKOUP (Continued). — CARTILAGE Page 83 Hyaline cartilage, 82. Parenchymatous cartilage, 83. Division of the corpuscle, 84. Calcifications, 84. Methods of studying hyaline cartilage, 84. Yellow elastic cartilage, 85. Fibrous cartilage, 86. Structure of cor- puscle, 87. Bibliography, 88. CHAPTER VII. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. THE CONNECTIVE-SUBSTANCE GROUP ( Continued). — BONE Page 89 Compact tissue, 89. Ossein, 89. Bone-corpuscles, 90. Haversian sys- tem, 90. Preparation of dry bone, 92. Preparations of decalcified bone, 92. Sharpey's fibres, 94. Cancellous tissue, 94. Marrow, 95. Periosteum, 95. Development of bone, 96 ; through cartilage, 97 ; from membrane, de- velopment and absorption, 99. Howship's lacunae, 100. Formation of cal- lus, 100. Bibliography, 101. CHAPTER VIII. BT THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. THE TEETH Page 102 The enamel, 102. Dentine or ivory, 103. Dentinal globules, 104. Cement, . 105. Pulp, 105. Development of teeth, 105. Primary enamel organ, 107. Development of enamel, 108. Bibliography, 108. CHAPTER IX. BY THOMAS E. SATTERTHWAITE, M.D. GENERAL HISTOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Page 109 Nerve-fibres, 109. Myelinic fibres, 109. Staining in picro-carmine, 111. Staining with silver, 112. Staining with osmic acid, 113. Semi-desicca- tion, 113. Transverse sections of myelinic nerves, 114. Preparation by ammonia bichromate, 115. Modern conceptions of myeliuic nerves, 116. Fibres of Remak, preparations in osmic acid and picro-carmine, 118. Prep- arations of Remak's fibres in h&matoxylon, 118. Ganglionic bodies, 119. Ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves, 120. Gasserian ganglion, 120. Ganglionic bodies of the spinal cord, 120. Brain, 121. Sympathetic, 121. Meissner's plexus, 122. Auerbach's plexus, 123. Termination of nerves, 123. Tactile corpuscles, 124. Pacinian bodies, 124. Nerve-terminations in muscle, 125 ; in epithelium, 120. Connective tissue of nerves, 126. Bibliography, 127 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART II. CHAPTER X. BY THOMAS D WIGHT, M.D. ..Page 128 MCSCTLAR FIBRE Involuntary muscular fibre, 128. Voluntary muscular fibre, 130. Physi- ological attributes, 134. Nuclei and muscle corpuscles, 136. Conclusions, 137. Peculiarities of voluntary muscles, 138. Termination of muscle in tendon, 139. Muscular fibre of the heart, 140. Bibliography, 140. CHAPTER XL BY EDMUND C. WENDT, M.D. THE BLOOD-VESSELS Page \& Capillary blood-vessels, 142. Vascular endothelium, 143. Capillaries proper, 144. Genesis, reproduction, and regeneration of capillaries, 150. Arteries, 151. Veins, 155. Peculiar vascular structures, 158. Blood-vas- cular glands, vascular plexuses, 158. Intercarotid gland, 160.' Corpora cavernosa, 160. Vasa vasorum, lymphatics, and nerves, 161. Bibliography, 162. CHAPTER XII. BY W. R. BIRDSALL, M.D. Tire LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Page 163 Modern views of, relative to connective tissue, 163. General histology, 164. Lymphatics of the mesentery, 165. Klein's studies on the omentum, 166. Perilymphangeal nodules, 167. Development of fat-tissue, 168. Lym- phatic radicles, 168. Artificial injection of lymphatics, 169. Endothelium and stomata, 169. False stomata, 170, 171. Intimate structure of lym- phatic vessels, 172. Variations in shape, 173. Topographical peculiarities, 174. Thoracic duct, 174. Subarachnoid and subdural spaces, 175. Lym- phaticn of tendons, 175. Lymphatic glands, 175. Nerves of lymphatic nodes, 179. Injection of a lymphatic gland, 179. Method of studying, 179. Kanvier's method, 180. Other methods of injecting glands, 180. Bibli- ography, 182. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xl CHAPTER XIII. BY A. MAYER, M.D. THE LIVER AND BILIARY APPARATUS Page 183 Hepatic lobules, 183. Blood-vessels, 186. Connective tissue, 188. Liver- cells, 189. Larger biie-ducts, 191. Glands of the ducts, 191. Capillary bile-ducts, 192. Do the bile-capillaries possess walls ? 196. Gall-bladder, 197. Lymph-vessels of the liver, 198. Nerves, 199. Bibliography, 199. CHAPTER XIV. BY A. MAYER, M.D. THE KIDNEY Page 201 General structure, 201. Renal tubules, 203. Their epithelium, 206. The loops, 209. Their epithelium, 210. Intercalated portions, 211. Collecting tubules, 211. Their epithelium, 211. Blood-vessels of the kidney, 213. In- jecting the kidney, 214. Kidney stroma. 215. Nerves, lymphatics, capsule, calyx, 216. Natural injection by the sulphindigate of soda, 216. Bibliog- raphy, 222. CHAPTER XY. BY J. HENRY C. SIMES, M.D. MALE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ORGANS OP GENERATION, WITH THEIR GLANDULAR APPENDAGES Page 223 Penis, 223. Urethra, 225. Cowper's glands, 227. Prostate, 227. Testi- cles, 229. Tunica vaginalis, 230. Hydatid of Morgagni, 231. Vas defe- rens, 232. Seminal vesicles, 235. Bibliography, 238. CHAPTER XVI. BY J. HENRY C. SIMES, M.D. FEMALE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ORGANS OP GENERATION, WITH THEIR GLANDULAR APPENDAGES. — PLACENTA Page 240 Labia majora, 240. Labia minora, 240. Clitoris, 240. Vestibule, 241. Glands of Bartholine, 241. Hymen, 241. Vagina, 241. Urethra, 242. Uterus, 243 ; Mucous membrane of, 243. Ovula Nabothi, 244. Fallopian tubes, 246. Ovary, 246. Graafian follicles, 248. Parovarium, 350. Pla- centa, 251. Bibliography, 251. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XYII. BY BENJAMIN F.' WESTBROOK, M.D. TIIK RESPIRATORY TRACT Pase 253 Larynx, '.53. Ligaments of, 253. Cartilages, 254. Epiglottis, 255. Mucous membrane, 2.55. Trachea and primary bronchi, 257. Smaller bron- chi and lungs, 259. Pleura, 2G5. Lymphatics of, 267. Pleural append- ages, 267. Bibliography, 267. CHAPTER 'XYIII. BY A. R. ROBINSON, M.D. THE SKIN P<*9* 269 General plan of arrangement, 269. Structure, 270. Different layers, 271. Epidermis, 271. Rete Malpighii, 271. Granular layer, 274. Stratum lucidum, 274. Corneous layer, 274 Subcutaneous connective-tissue layer, 275. Pacinian corpuscles, corium, 277. Blood-vessels, 279. Nerves, 279. Tactile corpuscles, 280. Sweat-glands, 282. Muscles, 287. The hair, 288. Nails, 293. Bibliography, 295. CHAPTER XIX. BY R, W. AMIDON, M.D. TIIE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM .Page 296 Spinal dura mater, 296. Spinal arachnoid, 297. Spinal pia mater, 297. General histology of the spinal cord, 298. Nerve -elements of the cord, 299. Special studies in different portions of the cord, 301. Medulla oblongata, 807. Olivary body, 310. Cerebellum, 317. Cerebral ganglia, 319. Cere- bral ventricles, 319, Cerebral cortex, 321. Structure of cortex, 323. Bib- liography, 325. CHAPTER XX. BY C. H. WILLIAMS, M.D. THE EYE page 328 Eyelids, 828. Eyelashes, 328. Tarsus, 829. Meibomian glands, 329. Conjunctiva, 380. Cornea, 331. Sclera, 337. Vitreous layer, 339. Ciliary body, 340. Retina, 343. Lens, 350. Lachrymal gland, 351 . Bibliography, 852. CHAPTER XXL BY W. F. WHITNEY, M.D., AND CLARENCE J. BLAKE, M.D. AR Pagem External ear. 353. Middle ear, 355. Eustachian tube, 355. Internal ear, 357. Membranous labyrinth, 358. Cochlea, 362. Bibliography, 367. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART III. CHAPTER XXII. BY D. BRYSON DELAVAN, M.D. TIIE NASAL FOSSAE, PHARYNX, AND TONSILS Page 368 Vestibulum nasi, 868. Respiratory region, 368. Olfactory region, 370. Olfactory nerves, 372. Bowman's glands, 372. Pharynx, 373. Tonsils, 373. Bibliography, 375. CHAPTER XXIII. BY D. BRYSON DELAVAN, M.D. THE MOUTH AND TONGUE Page 377 Tunica propria, 377. Blood-vessels, 379. Lymphatics, 379. The tongue, 380. Papillae, 380. Taste-goblets, 381. Bibliography, 384. CHAPTER XXIY. BY EDMUND 0. WENDT, M.D. THE ALIMENTABY CANAL Page 386 (Esophagus, 386. Stomach, 388. Small intestine, 394. Large intestine, 400. Rectum, 401. Bibliography, 402. CHAPTER XXV. BY C. L. DANA, M.D. THE SPLEEN, PANCKEAS, THYMUS, THYROID, AND PINEAL GLANDS, AND PITUITARY BODY Page 403 The spleen — coats, 403, 404. Malpighian corpuscles, 404. Pulp, 406. Blood-vessels, 407. Lymphatics, 409. Nerves, 409. Development, 409. Pancreas— excretory duct, 411. Blood-vessels, 411. Lymphatics, 411. Nerves, 411. Development, 411. Thymus gland, 412. Capsule, 412. Fol- licles, 412. Central canal, 414. Blood-vessels, lymphatics, development, 414. Thyroid body, 415. Blood-vessels, 416. Lymphatics, 416. Nerves, 416. Pineal gland, 417. Pituitary body, 417. Bibliography, 418. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVI. BY J. COLLINS WARREN, M.D. THE THICK CUTIS VERA Page 420 Fat-columns, 421. Blood-vessels, 423. Lymphatics, 424. CHAPTER XXVII. BY EDMUND C. WENDT, M.D. URINARY EXCRETORY PASSAGES.— SUPRARENAL CAPSULES Page 428 Renal pelvis, 428. Ureters, 429. Bladder, 430. Suprarenal capsules, 431. Bibliography, 437. CHAPTER XXVIII. BY W. H. PORTER, M.D., AND E. C. WENDT, M.D. MAMMARY GLAND Page 439 General considerations, 439. Nipple, 440. Galactophorous ducts, 441. Milk reservoirs, 441. Areola mammae, 442. Arteries, 442. Lymphatics, 443. Nerves, 443. Structure of expanded gland, 444. Of involuted gland, 446. Rauber'a views, 450. Corpuscles of Donne, 450. Milk, 451. Devel- opment, 452. Flan of histological study, 455. Bibliography, 456. MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY AND HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. CHAPTER I. MATERIALS REQUISITE FOR HISTOLOGICAL WORK— HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE— TESTING THE MICROSCOPE— ITS USES. VERY little apparatus and few reagents are essential for gen- eral histological work. Such as are really needed may be so arranged as to fit in a box or bag, that can be carried in the hand. First of all, the student should be provided with a Fio. 2. Fio. a— Curved Iris Scissors. pair of small forceps, with either curved or straight points (Figs. 1, 2), according to individual fancy; a pair of delicate curved iris scissors (Fig. 3) ; a few pipettes; a glass rod or 2 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. two ; a spoon (Fig. 4) for lifting sections of tissues from the fluids in which they have been immersed ; a pair of needles (Fig. 6) in handles for teasing or tearing tissues ; (the handles used for crochet needles, or the pin-slides sold by jewelers, may be fitted with ordinary milliner's needles, which are long, delicate, and flexible, and therefore well adapted for • this Fio. 4. Fio. 5.— Microscopic Needle-holder. work) a sable or camel's hair brush for removing cellular elements, so as to bring particular parts into prominence ; bibu- lous paper ; a sharp knife (Fig. 6) for cutting thin sections ; l 1 For this purpose the razors made by Le Coultre, in Geneva, have been highly recommended, but good knives may be obtained of almost any cutler ; indeed, most of the makers of surgical instruments furnish them ; they are usually flat on one side and slightly concave on the other. MATERIALS REQUISITE FOR HISTOLOGICAL WORK. five or six shallow porcelain dishes, ounce gallipots, with flat bottoms, in which to soak the tissues when they have been cut ; glass slides for mounting specimens (the ordinary size is 3 x 1 inch) ; thin glass or mica covers (squares or circles) for cover- ing the specimens (three-quarters of an inch is a good diameter). Mica covers are much cheaper than glass, and are suitable for rapid work and when it is not desirable to make permanent preparations. FIG. 8.— Beer's Cataract Knife. In addition, a small Beer's cataract knife (Fig. 8) will be found useful for puncturing vessels and hollow organs to obtain samples of their fluid contents. All of these articles may easily be contained in the drawer of a box 10 x 12 inches in size ; ' the upper portion will hold the necessary reagents. These latter should comprise a small amount of a three-fourths per cent, aqueous solution of sodium chloride, about an equal amount of distilled water, dilute acetic acid, glycerine, and iodized se- rum;* a fluid ounce of each will be all that is necessary, and for convenience of use they may be put in corked bottles pro- vided with capped pipettes passing through the corks. The vials and perforated corks may be obtained of almost any apothecary. The cap being of rubber, very small quantities of the fluid can be withdrawn from the bottle and pressed out as desired, either upon the slide or otherwise. Other reagents required are oil of cloves in a two-ounce stoppered bottle ; dammar varnish or Canada balsam, each in a capped bottle (Fig. 7), containing a glass rod ; a solution of logwood, and another of borax carmine,* in ordinary glass stoppered two-ounce bottles, and a small vial of asphalt or some similar cement. It will be useful, in addition, to have a small bottle (4 oz.) of absolute alcohol, another (8 oz.) of com- mercial alcohol, some Muller's fluid3 (8 oz.), and a solution of the bichromate of potassium (gr. xv. — 3 j.). 1 T. H. McAllister, optician, No. 49 Nassau Street, New York City, has made one for me which answers the purpose satisfactorily. Miller Bros., No. 69 Nassau Street and 1213 Broadway, New York City, also make and furnish cases for the same purpose. 8 Formula in the chapter on General Methods. 3 Ibid. 4 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. No good liistological work can be done without a note-book to record the results of observation. All such memoranda will be very useful for subsequent reference. A Jieating slide, a gas chamber and a slide arranged for conducting electric cur- rents may also be desirable. They will be described in the chapter on the Blood. The following substances that cannot be contained in a box, and are necessary in some forms of microscopic work, may be mentioned: osmic acid (1 percent.), nitric acid (C. P.), distilled water, olive oil, caustic soda or potash, chloride of gold (£ per cent, sol.).' It is also very convenient to have at hand a short wooden rule which is divided into inches and tenths of an inch. The stage micrometer is also equally necessary. Other accessory materials will be described in their proper places. HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE.1 Illumination. — When the instrument is ready for use it should be placed upon a firm and rather low table, near a window, which does not receive the direct rays of the sun. If daylight is not to be obtained, a small kerosene hand-lamp will answer sufficiently well for illuminating purposes. The flame should be on a level with the reflecting mirror of the micro- scope, and quite near it. Sometimes a condenser is interposed, but this is rarely necessary, and, indeed, it may be said that it never comes into use in histological work. A thin sheet of blue glass may sometimes be found to assist the eye when artificial illumination is used, as the light is made white. Some microscope makers furnish with their instru- ments a set of blue glasses varying in color from very light to dark blue. They are rarely needed, as the eye soon becomes accustomed to continuous work for long sittings, even when strong light is employed. Those who work much with the microscope keep both eyes open, and- use first one and then 1 Formula in the chapter on General Methods. 1 It is presumed that students engaging in histological work are more or less familiar with the mechanism of the microscope. For this reason the subject of optical principles and the description of the different parts of a microscope are omitted here. Those who may wish special information on these points are referred to Ap- pendix A. the other. Some find it a great assistance to direct the un- engaged eye upon a dark object, such as a blackened card, which they fasten to the tube of the instrument near its top. As it is desirable that the lamp should only illuminate the reflector, a great many ingenious contrivances have been made to cut off the superfluous light. For this purpose some micros- copists interpose a piece of thin board, or a thick card, having a circular opening between the lamp and the reflector. Stage diaphragms. — When the pencil of light has been reflected from the mirror upon the opening in the stage, it is plain that a larger or smaller amount of light will pass, accord- ing to the size of the opening. The appliances that regulate this matter are called stage diaphragms — sometimes they are simply cylindrical tubes with capped upper extremities, each tube being provided with caps of varying aperture. The tubes are pushed into the stage from beneath. When polished they undoubtedly aid in converging the light upon the aperture. Other diaphragms are simply round holes in a circular revolving plate which is set into the stage. The diameters of the apertures vary from that of a pin's point to about three-fourths of an inch or even more. The revolving diaphragms have now come into general use, because they work simply and efficiently. Mr. Wale has de- vised one that is extremely ingenious. It has the advantage of a cylindrical diaphragm, in so far as it converges the pencil of light upon the diaphragmatic opening, while the size of the opening is regulated by the action of a single thumb-screw.' It acts as the iris does in enlarging or diminishing the pupil, from which its name, the iris diaphragm. The mirrors. — Of these there should be two, one plane when a diffuse light is needed ; the other concave for a concentrated beam. The latter is frequently used, the former seldom. Direct and oblique light. — Thus far the descriptions have applied to direct light, and it is the only kind much used in histological work. In testing a lens, however, as with a diatom, it is often necessary to use oblique light in order to resolve a line or series of lines. In such cases the aperture in the stage should be made as large as possible, and the mirror, concave or plane, is to be carried well up under the stage, to the left or 1 See Appendix A. 0 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. n-hr, so that the pencil of light may be thrown across the object. By this means, little inequalities of the surface which would be invisible under direct light are clearly demonstrated. The poorer lenses, however, are those which necessitate oblique light. When reference is made to the definition of the lens, direct light is intended. Arrangement of the object.— When the object is to be ex- amined, it should be placed upon the glass slide, which is usu- ally one by three inches in superficial measurement, and as tli in as is compatible with the usages to which it is put in ordinary microscopic work. The glass should be white in color, and free from any imperfections that can be detected by the eye. Usually a drop or two of water, a drop of glycerine, or a drop of water and glycerine in equal parts, is placed upon the slide. The object is then immersed in the liquid. It takes some little time for the fluid to permeate the specimen, so that it is ready for study. When pure glycerine is used fully ten minutes will generally elapse before the specimen is transparent. A covering glass is then cautiously let fall upon the liquid, care being taken that no bubble of air enters. The cover is then pressed down. In such cases, when the object is studied with high powers, the cover will often slowly rise and separate itself from the slide, so that the forceps or the finger may be neces- sary to press it back. This inconvenience is obviated by paint- ing a little Canada balsam or cement around the 'edge of the cover so as to hold it down. The kind of a, lens to be used. — For the first examination a low objective should be used, with a medium, not short, eye- piece. The tube should then be carried down until the object comes within the focus. Low powers should always be used at first, because they give a good idea of the object in its gen- eral features. Then the tube may be withdrawn, and a higher power sub- stituted, and so on, until the specimen has been studied in all its details. A convenient accessory is now made by most of the instrument makers; it is a "nose-piece" — a brass attach- ment which is screwed into the end of the tube, and carries two or more lenses.1 1 The double angular nose-piece made by Schrauer, 46 Nassau Street, costs $6, the triple, $20 ; all of the microscope makers are now prepared to furnish them. TESTING THE MICROSCOPE ITS USES. 7 The first named is usually fitted with a f and a \ inch lens ; in addition to these a TV immersion may be used for the triple nose-piece. How to Tceep the instrument clean. — After using the instru- ment it should always be wiped dry, as it is damp from the moisture of the breath and hands. The lenses should be re- turned to their cases, and, if necessary, the surfaces are to be rubbed off with a bit of soft chamois skin or fine linen. Water will remove almost all the dirt from the anterior lens, but occa- sionally it may be necessary to use alcohol. In such cases but very little is requisite, as it may penetrate behind the anterior lens and dissolve the Canada balsam that cements the different portions together. It is well for the student to familiarize himself at first with certain common objects that are apt to be met with in all forms of microscopic work, such as the little foreign substances that go to make up the dust of rooms ; these include minute bits of wood, cotton and linen fibres, particles of wool, hairs of various animals, feathers, etc. The imperfections in the glass should also be noted, and especially the curious red figures sometimes resembling butter- fly wings, caused by an accumulation in the flaws of the glass of a red substance — the red oxide of iron— used by manufac- turers in polishing glass. These red figures are often wonder- fully alike, and have given rise to singular errors among micro- scopical workers. TESTING THE MICROSCOPE— ITS USES. Magnifying power of a lens. — To determine the actual magnifying power of a lens in combination with the particular eye-piece that happens to be in use, the ordinary method is as follows : The glass stage micrometer, which is ruled off into tenths, hundredths, and thousandths of an inch, is placed upon the stage and focussed. This having been done, the wooden rule, which we have already alluded to and which is divided into inches and tenths of an inch, is laid alongside of the micro- meter-slide. One eye, looking outside of the tube, reads off the number S MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. of divisions of the wooden rule corresponding to a single divi- sion of the micrometer slide as seen with the other eye directed through the tube of the microscope. By this method of double vision, as it were, a comparison is instituted between the two rules, and the ratio that one bears to the other may be estimated. Suppose, for example, thatTx ; K, binding screw attaching box to table. A, A bo ', frame for holding knife H, H, covers to metallic It consists of the brass cylinder, S, made of rather large size, and placed in the centre of a metallic box, B. The length of the cylinder, with driver, D, is about five inches. The diameter of the well, a, measures If inch. Fitted round and about the cylinder is a plate of glass which from its smooth- ness permits the knife to sweep it easily. The knife, A, A, is large, measuring 13 inches in length, in- cluding handle ; in breadth, If inch. It is fitted into a brass frame, c, c, 7£ inches in length and 3| in breadth. Two strong brass springs, and two sliding clamps, hold it in place. The knife is slightly concave on both sides. The well is so large that it will hold an ordinary kidney after hardening, or at least so much of it that a transverse sec- J Made by Miller Bros., 1213 Broadway, New York city. 2 18 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. tion maybe made of the whole organ at one sweep of the knife. The knife and. frame are modifications of those devised by Dr. E. Curtis of this city, and the section-cutter and box are not dif- ferent in any essential particulars from those in common use. They are larger, however, and the indicator, G, enables the observer to determine with accuracy the thickness of his sec- tions. Thus, in my own instrument thirty-one turns of the milled head drives the plug forward one inch. Each revolution consequently drives the specimen forward 5Y inch. Now, the circumference of the milled head is marked off into thirty divisions. When the indicator marks that the plug has been driven forward one division, the distance traversed will be 7^ inch. It is easy, therefore, to determine the thickness of any sec- tion with considerable accuracy. When it is desirable to put the instrument in use, the plug that is to be used is well oiled, as also the thread of the driver, and the metallic box is filled with a mixture of ice and snow. It is necessary to be particular and oil the bearings thoroughly, else they will bind and the instrument will be clogged while the freezing process is going on. The usual plan is to soak the tissue (as Dr. Pritchard suggests) in a thick solution of gum, which cuts like cheese when frozen. The soaking should continue for a number of hours, say until the next day. When the tissue is ready, a thick solution of the gum should be poured into the well and the tissue held until it is fixed by the ice. Some non-conductor is to be placed over the well as soon as fixation has commenced, in order that ac- cess of heat may be prevented. If ice is used it should be ground up finely and then packed tightly about the well; snow is better. The whole process takes only ten or fifteen minutes. The freezing section-cutter is of use when we are desirous of making a rapid examination of fresh tissues. It is obvious that they are seen under more natural circum- stances than when they have passed through the bichromate or chromic acid solutions, or alcohol, all of which cause more or less change in such delicate substances. It has been hoped that by the freezing method we should THE ORDINARY J1ETHODS OF PREPARING TISSUES. 19 learn much that is new about the finer structures of the brain and the character of the corpuscular elements of the body, but as yet it has not reached our expectations. Hailes 's microtome. — A very ingenious and excellent instru- ment (Fig. 10) has been devised by Dr. William Hailes, Pro- fessor of Histology and Pathological Anatomy at the Albany Medical College. Objections to it will be mainly on the ground of price. Dr. Hailes uses it as a simple instrument or as a freez- ing microtome, arranged either for ice and salt, ether-spray, rhigoline, etc. The employment of ice and salt (coarse) is preferred, be- cause it costs but little and freezes the mass solidly and quickly, and, if desired, 500 or 1,000 sections can be obtained in a few moments, depending, of course, upon the rapidity and skill of the operator. The time of freezing is about seven minutes, except in very warm weather, when it requires a few moments longer. The instrument does not work quite so satisfactorily in very warm weather, owing to the rapid melting at the surface of the preparation. It is absolutely necessary that the mass should be frozen solid, or the sections cannot be cut smoothly. An extra freezer may be employed, and while one specimen is being cut the other is being frozen ; by exchanging cylinders (they being interchangeable) no delay is necessary. The art of cutting is readily acquired. Two hundred or two hundred and ftfty sections have been made in a minute, and of a uniform thickness of -^^ of an inch. It is not necessary to remove the sections from the knife each time, but twenty or thirty may be permitted to collect upon the blade. They lie curled or folded up upon the knife, and when placed in. water, straighten themselves out perfectly in the course of a few hours. The knife employed is an ordinary long knife from an amputating case. Perfectly fresh tissues may be cut without any previous preparation, using ordinary mucilage (acacia) to freeze in, but most specimens require special preparation. If preserved in Miiller's fluid, alcohol, etc., they require to be washed thoroughly for several hours, and then, according to the suggestion of Dr. David J. Hamilton, F.R.C.S., etc., of 20 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, the specimen is placed in a strong syrup-(sugar, two ounces ; water, one ounce) for twenty- four hours ; it is then removed to ordinary mucilage for forty- eight hours, and finally is cut in the freezing microtome. These sections may be kept indefinitely in a preservative FIG. 10. Fio. 11. Fio. 10. — Poly-microtome (without freezing apparatus) : A, small well fitting on pyramidal bed-plate ; B. pyramidal bed-plate containing different sizes; C, micrometer screw; D,- ratchet- wheel attached to •crew ; E, lever actuating the micrometer screw by means of a pawl engaging in teeth of ratchet-wheel ; F, arm carrying a dog, which prevents back motion of screw ; G, regulator for limiting the throw of lever, and consequently governing the micrometer screw ; H, lever-nut for fixing regulator ; I, index, with )>ointer and graduated scale, from 1/2400 inch to 1/200 inch ; K, knife for cutting sections ; L, knob to turn micrometer screw direct when pawls are detached ; M, table clamp ; T, table of microtome, with plan* top to facilitate cutting. Fio. II. — (Very much reduced in size). A, B, tube containing specimen which is surrounded by freez- ing mixture in tin receiver C, D ; E, F, revolving hopper with wings, W, W, for stirring the ice ; G, out- let for melted ice. fluid recommended by Dr. Hamilton: is advisable. B. Glycerin., aqme Boil and filter. The STAINING FLUIDS. 21 TJie Vincent microtome. — This instrument, which was de- vised by Dr. Vincent, of New York city, is a flat piece of steel (Fig. 12) 12 inches long by 2— 2£ inches wide, with a bevelled cutting edge, 6 inches long. The handle is simply the rounded and smoothed extremity of the knife. It has been in use at the School of Histology connected with the Columbia Veterinary College, and has proved to be a very efficient knife. The mode of action is very simple. The object having been previously placed in any ordinary hand-cylinder and mounted FIG. 12. in wax, paraffine, or pith, the sections are made by a stroke of the knife, which is pushed straight forward. As will be readily seen, the larger the section the wider the knife must be. The blade is made of the best plate steel, and is easily kept in order. STAINING FLUIDS. Ammonia carmine. — This is one of the oldest and best known solutions. Take one part, by weight, of the best car- mine, which is known as " No. 40," dissolve it in 100 parts of distilled water, and add one part of aqua ammonise. The pre- vious dull color now gives place to a most brilliant and deep red. It is necessary, however, that the carmine be either neu- tral or very faintly alkaline, else the color will diffuse and the tissues will not be differentiated. Expose the fluid, therefore, for some weeks to the air, or evaporate over the water-bath until the odor of ammonia is no longer perceptible. The nuclei should be deeply and brightly stained, while the intercellular substance is in no way affected. If, however, diffusion has taken place, a great deal of it may be removed by soaking the section in a saturated alcoholic solution of ox- alic acid. When a brick-red color has in this way been ob- tained, the object has been accomplished. Crystals of oxalic acid are apt to be found in specimens that have been prepared .,., MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. in this way. It is therefore desirable, after using the acid, to wash thoroughly in alcohol or water. 'liurax carmine (Arnold's formula).-The following method is given by Dr M. N. Miller as the one in use by students m the historical laboratory of the New York University, originated with Prof. J. W. S. Arnold. A saturated solution ,f borax is prepared in a wide-mouthed pint bottle. The borax should be in some excess. - "No. 40" carmine is now added to the solution under constant agitation, until after a whili no longer dissolves, and an excess remains at the bottom of the vial, mingled with the crystals of borax. After twenty-four hours the supernatant fluid is decanted. To this clear portion f. §ij. of alcohol are added, and f. 3 j. of caustic soda solution (U. S. P.). The staining solution is now ready. Or, the alco- hol may be omitted (Arnold), and the liquid evaporated to dry- ness ; the red amorphous mass is then powdered. Of this, 15 grains are placed in an ounce of water, to which f . 3 j. of alcohol is added.1 Sections, after staining, should be washed in alcohol to re- move the superfluous coloring fluid, and then transferred to a saturated solution of oxalic acid in alcohol to fix the color. The oxalic acid is then washed out in alcohol ; finally the sec- tions are cleared up in oil of cloves, and mounted in balsam or dammar. Double staining by borax carmine and indigo* carmine.— Drs. W. T. Norris and E. O. Shakespeare, of Philadelphia, have recommended a method which is a modification of Mer- kel's. Two staining fluids are made, one red and the other blue. The red one contains carmine, gr. 7£ ; borax, 3 ss. ; dis- tilled water, § j. The blue contains indigo carmine, 3 ss. ; bo- rax, 3ss.; and distilled water, §vij. After thorough trituration the ingredients are mixed and left in a vessel ; the supernatant fluid is then poured off. The sections, if previously hardened in bichromate, picric acid, or chromic acid, should be well washed ; they then are to be placed for a few minutes in a mixture (equal parts) of the red and blue fluids, then transferred, without washing, to a satura- ted solution of oxalic acid and allowed to remain in it rather less time than in the staining fluid. When sufficiently bleached 1 [This preparation of borax carmine is the best that I have ever used. — T. E. S.] STAINING FLUIDS. 23 the sections should be washed in water until every trace of ox- alic acid is removed. Sections thus prepared may be mounted in balsam or dammar. Connective- tissue substances are blue, while the nuclei are red. The osseous lamellae of bone are blue, the cells in the lacunae red, while the marrow is apple- green. Picro-carmine (Miller's). — Add one part of a saturated so- lution of picric acid to two parts of the i5-graih borax carmine solution (Arnold's). The epithelium of the glands and the muscles are stained yellow, while the nuclei of the cells and the connective tissues acquire the carmine color. Sections should remain in the picro-carmine solution for about twenty-four hours. Next they are washed quickly in water, then in .alcohol, after which they are transferred to the oil of cloves. (For Ran- vier's method of making picro-carmine, see the chapter upon the Histology of the Nervous System.) HcEmatoxylin solution (Boehmer's). — Dissolve 20 grains of haematoxylin in one-half an ounce of absolute alcohol ; then dissolve 2 grains of alum in an ounce of water. Some drops of the first solution are added to the second, which, after a short time, becomes a beautiful violet. It improves after keeping for a few days, and should always be filtered before using (Thin). HcEmatoxylin solution (Kleinenburg's). — First make a satu- rated solution of the chloride of lime in seventy per cent, alco- hol, and add alum to saturation. Then make a saturated solution of alum in seventy per cent, alcohol. Add the first to the second in the proportion of one to eight. To the mixture add a few drops of a saturated solution of hsematoxylin in absolute alcohol (Thin). H&matoxylin solution (Miller's method). — Take a pint bot- tle, as in the former process, fill with water, and add about an ounce of common extract of logwood in coarse powder. Allow this to remain in a warm place for twenty -four hours, with occasional stirring. After the expiration of this time add pow- dered commercial alum until the liquid changes from the muddy brown color given by the logwood to a brilliant purple. The alum is to be added until no change is produced. An excess of the salt will do no harm. Add about f. 3 j. of alcohol, and after decanting or filtering it is ready for use. One may omit the alcohol at this stage, and evaporate to dry ness as in the borax-carmine process. The powder thus obtained is 24 MANUAL OF IHSTOLOGY. added to water when required. Three grains to the ounce of water will give a fluid that will stain alcohol-hardened tissue in from ten to fifteen minutes. A solution containing ten ir rains to the ounce will stain very quickly. If it is desired to keep the solution, add f. § j- of alcohol for each ounce. Hsema- toxylin stainings are soaked in water for a few minutes to wash out the alum, then transferred to alcohol, clarified in the clove oil, and finally mounted in balsam or dammar. Klein's formula for hcematoxylin.—Mix in a mortar 5 grammes of the officinal extract of hsematoxylin, with 15 grammes of alum, and pulverize carefully. To this add grad- ually 25 c.c. of distilled water, and filter. To the residue add 15 c.c. of distilled water and again mix in a mortar, and filter; to this filtrate add 2 grammes of alcohol. Now mix the two filtrates and keep in a glass-stoppered bottle. If the liquid should at any time become muddy, filter again. Care must be taken to prevent any acid from intermingling with the fluid. Acids cause the hsematoxylin to turn red ; for this reason, sec- tions which have been hardened in chromic acid should be placed in a watch-glass and covered with distilled water, to which add a drop or two of a 30 per cent, solution of caustic potassa ; allow it to remain therein 10 to 15 minutes. To use the hsematoxylin fluid, add a few drops to an ounce of distilled water, so as to make a pale violet solution ; allow sections to remain in this solution for 12 to 24 hours. Or, a- stronger so- lution may be employed which will stain specimens in 10 to 30 minutes, and still give good results. Mount in- glycerine, ace- tate of potassa, balsam, or better, resinous turpentine. Eosine solution. — Eosine, first introduced by Fischer in 1875, is much used in staining fresh preparations. It is cus- tomary to have a strong solution of one to ten or twenty on hand. A few drops are then added to a watch-glassful of water or alcohol. Fresh tissues are both stained and hardened. It affects the body of the cells, together with the nuclei. It is apt to diffuse, unless special care is taken, and long soaking, say for twenty-four hours, is practised. Double- staining with eosine and other aniline colors. — Schiefferdecker first stains in an alcoholic solution of eosine and then in a one per cent, watery solution of an aniline color (dahlia, methyl violet, or aniline green). Care must be taken not to extract the color when dehydrating the specimen in STAINING FLUIDS. 25 alcohol according to the usual method ; very deep staining is therefore desirable. Green coloration of the nuclei. — To effect this, Tafani em- ploys a fluid containing three or four parts of a saturated watery solution of aniline blue to some six or seven parts of a saturated watery solution of picric acid. Eosine and hcematoxylinfor staining bone. — Busch recom- mends eosine and hsematoxylin for double-staining the zone of ossification in growing bone. The sections of decalcified bone are first immersed a few days in a one-half per cent, chromic acid solution, or in a one per cent, solution of the bichromate of potassium, and then, after washing with water, in a watery solution of eosine. In young bone, where ossification is pro- gressing, the cartilage matrix is blue, while the nuclei of the cartilage-cells adjoining the line of bone are red ; the contents of the medullary spaces are also bright red, while in the bone trabecles there is a combination of blue and red. IHosme for permanent specimens. — Renaut has employed eosine to differentiate all forms of protoplasm, whether bodies or their processes. He either employs a watery solution alone, or with the admixture of one-third its volume of alcohol. The coloration is obtained after immersion of the sections from one-half minute to one minute. They are then washed in distilled water, and may be preserved in a neutral solution of glycerine to which one per cent, of chloride of sodium has been added to prevent the glycerine dissolving the eosine. These preparations will then remain unchanged for months. In examining the fixed corpuscles of the subcutaneous tis- sue, the same author injects beneath the skin a solution of eosine and water (1-500), and then removes a portion of the in- filtrated tissue with the scissors. The fibrous fascicles are un- affected, while the elastic fibres take the color deeply. The fixed corpuscles appear as red granular plates, while their nuclei take a very intense color. This reagent, therefore, is well suited for the study of connective tissues. In special instances the silver method may be used first, and then the eosine. Preparation of the cornea. — Klein has adopted the follow- ing plan for exhibiting this most delicate tissue. He first burns the centre of the cornea of a kitten with caustic potash, and then, twenty-four hours later, brushes the surface with nitrate •2(\ MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. of silver, and, half an hour afterward, immerses it in water acidulated with acetic acid ; after a day or two it is found to have a glutinous appearance. The lamellae are then easily stripped off, and in the middle portions, the corneal corpuscles assume a purplish-brown color while their nuclei are uncol- ored. The outlines of the lymphatic channels are also sharply Picro-hcematoxylin and eosine (triple-staining}. — Wendt has described a method of double-staining by picric acid and liMMiiatoxylin. Only the very thinnest sections, however, give satisfactory results. A strong solution of hsematoxylin is first employed. In this the sections are allowed to remain about twelve hours. After washing them in water, they are placed in a saturated solution of picric acid and carefully watched. They may be removed from time to time, examined with a low power, and, when properly stained, put in alcohol and mount- ed in Canada balsam with as little delay as possible. To ob- tain triple-staining, eosine may be conveniently combined with this picro-hfematoxylin method. To insure good results some amount of practice is necessary. Double, triple, and quadruple staining. — Dr. Gibbes re- commends for double-staining, immersion first in picro-carmine and then in logwood, or which is better, immersion first in a spirituous solution of rosine or aniline violet, and then in an aqueous solution of aniline blue or iodine green. ' In obtaining more than two colors there is considerable difficulty. To ac- complish it he -uses first the chloride of gold or picro-carmine and then the spirituous and aqueous solutions of the ani- lines. Staining with BismarJc brown. — Make a watery solution of gr. ij. — §j., heat and filter; soak in the solution about three minutes ; set the color with acetic acid (glacial) 4 per cent, for half a minute. After dehydrating with alcohol mount in dammar varnish. Weigert prepares the Bismark brown as follows : he makes a concentrated aqueous solution by boil- ing in water, filtering from time to time. He also uses a weak alcoholic solution, and combines with other colors. [To combine with eosine — put the sections in a strong aqueous solution of Bismark brown ; remove after about two minutes, set in weak acetic acid (four per cent.), then place in a weak alcoholic or aqueous solution of eosine, and then again in the acetic acid solution.— T. E. S.] STAINING FLUIDS. 27 Solution of alum-carmine. — Grenacher recommends this fluid : Take a one to five per cent, solution of ordinary alum, or ammonia alum ; boil with one-half to one per cent, powdered carmine for twenty minutes. Filter, and add a little carbolic acid to preserve. NapWialine yellow for bone.— In sections of the femur from a foetal pig, three and a half inches in length, the follow- ing method was found to yield very excellent results : After immersion for three days in Muller's fluid, sections were made, and, after washing in water, immediately dipped in an alcoholic solution of naphthaline yellow (gr. iv. — § j.) ; after eight to ten minutes the sections were removed, and dipped in a watery solution of acetic acid of three per cent. ; then they were immersed for about ten minutes in the ordinary solution of ammonia-carmine, rendered neutral by exposure to the air. The sections were again dipped in the acetic acid solution in order to set the color, and then placed in alcohol of eighty per cent., and subsequently in absolute alcohol. The specimens thus stained showed a matrix of deep trans- parent chrome yellow. The young bone-corpuscles and osteo- blasts, on the other hand, together with the fibrous tissue, assumed a brilliant rose color, thus affording an excellent con- trast between forming and formed bone. Staining witJi metliyl-green and induline. — Calberla has introduced two new substances into use, viz., methyl-green and induline. The one stains the nuclei of the cells of the sub- cutaneous tissue, the nuclei of vessels and nerve-sheaths rose color, while the cells of the corium and their nuclei are a violet red ; the other colors the cells of the Malpighian layer a greenish blue. Combinations of methyl green and eosine are also recommended. Eosine (one part) and methyl green (sixty parts) are to be dissolved in a thirty per cent, solution of warm alcohol. The epithelial nuclei take a violet blue, the nuclei of connective tissue a greenish blue, and the cell-body a red color. Singular differentiations are made ; thus, while the striated muscle is red, the nuclei are green. On the other hand, smooth muscular tissue is green, and the intercellular substance red. In the salivary glands the cells of the excretory ducts are blue, while the so-called secretory cells are red. In- duline dissolves in warm water and in dilute alcohol. Take a 28 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. concentrated watery solution, dilute it with six times its volume of .water, then immerse the preparations from 5 to 20 minutes, wash them out and clarify in oil of cloves or glycerine. The peculiarity of this material is that it never affects the nucleus, but only the cell-body. More frequently, however, it is the intercellular substance that is colored blue. Purpurine. — Ranvier has recommended this dye, which is extracted from madder.- Alum (one part) is dissolved in dis- tilled water (two hundred parts) ; the fluid is then heated to the boiling point in a porcelain dish. Then a small quantity of purpurine is dissolved in distilled water and added to it. Sufficient purpurine should be added to leave a residue, by which it is certain that the solution is saturated. While still hot it is to be filtered into alcohol of one-fourth the total volume. The fluid has an orange red color, and is more effi- cient when fresh. Sections should be immersed from 24 to 48 hours. French archil— Staining with extract. — Wedl uses this substance, which, after the loss of the ammonia, is dissolved in 20 c.c. absolute alcohol, 5 c.c. acetic acid of 1.070 sp. gr., and 40 c.c. of distilled water so as to make a saturated solu- tion. Protoplasm and matrix, but not nuclei, are colored a beautiful red. Alizarine. — This aniline color is recommended by Than- hoffer, but experience is limited with reference to it. It has a golden yellow color, and is easily fixed by the tissues. METALLIC SOLUTIONS. Staining with osmic and oxalic acids. — Broesicke adopts the following method : Little pieces of fresh or freshly dried preparations are left for an hour in a one per cent, solution of osmic acid ; then they are carefully washed and soaked in a cold saturated solu- tion of oxalic acid, and finally examined in water or gly- cerine. ^ Elastic fibres are yellow, fat is black, .while the walls of capillaries and many connective- tissue substances are red. Chloride of gold arid lemon juice. — Ranvier is in the habit of demonstrating the corneal nerves by using lemon- METALLIC SOLUTIONS. 20 juice in which the tissue is left five minutes. Then it is soaked for 15 to 20 minutes in 3 c.c. of a one per cent, solution of the gold chloride, and finally 25 to 30 minutes in distilled water to which one or two drops of acetic acid has been added. After two or three days' exposure to the sun, the fibres become dis- tinct. Nitrate of silver in solution (gr. j. — iv. — § j.) is much used. The details of the method will be found in the Chapter on the Lymphatics. Chloride of gold has also been much used in studying the so-called lymph-canalicular system of the cornea. The method of employing it will be found in the section relating to the cornea. Osmic acid in solution is also very useful. Its effects are given in the chapter on the General Histology of the Nervous System. Methyl-green for showing waxy change. — Curschmann, of Hamburg, has recommended this reagent to effect the same object as the violet de Paris of Cornil. A solution of about five grains to the ounce is used. The specimens are bathed in the fluid a few minutes or hours. They take the color quickly. After staining they may be mounted in glycerine. The amy- loid material assumes a brilliant rose color. The surrounding tissue takes a dull green. Wicker sheimer's preserving liquid.. — This material has been extensively used of late, and there are several formulae for it. Among the most recent modifications is that made by the firm of Poetz & Flohr, of Berlin. For immersing speci- mens the ingredients are : arsenious acid, 12 grains ; sodium chloride, 60 grains; potassium sulphate, 150 grains; potassium nitrate, 18 grains; potassium carbonate, 15 grains; water, 10 litres ; glycerine, 4 litres ; wood naphtha, £ litre. A modified fluid is used for injecting the blood-vessels. This is suitable for all fresh tissues, preserving them in their natural color and consistence. If the tissues are to be used subsequently for the micro- scope, it is said that they should be washed thoroughly in water, but it seems from recent experiments that the fluid un- fits them for minute examination. It is also rather expensive, and has an extremely pungent and unpleasant odor. 30 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. METHODS OF INJECTING THE BLOOD-VESSELS.1 Good injections are hard to make, requiring skill, patience, and practice. First of all, it is essential to have a perfectly transparent injecting material. This is usually made up with gelatine and colored by carmine or Prussian blue. When carmine is used it is customary to dissolve it in ammonia, ni- ter, and then add it to the solution of gelatine. In order to obtain a neutral or faintly acid liquid, acetic acid is added, drop by drop, until the alkalinity is overcome, but there must, at the same time, be no precipitation of carmine, which is best detected by the granules of carmine seen in the field of the microscope. If alkaline, the color diffuses and the result is a failure. It is difficult to lay down any rule in reference to the amount of acetic acid necessary ; the color of the liquid is the best and only satisfactory test. The ammoniacal odor, if very slight, cannot be detected, and therefore is useless as a test. A slight excess of .acid, however, will do no harm. The preparation of the blue injecting fluid is less difficult. Usually Brucke's soluble Berlin blue is used; it can be procured at most of the large drug stores, but if not obtaina- ble, may be made as follows (Klein) : " Take of potassic ferrocyanide 217 grammes, and dissolve in one litre of water (solution A). Take one litre of a ten per cent, solution of ferric chloride (solution B). Take four litres of a saturated solution of sulphate of soda (solution C). Add to A and B two litres of C. Then, with constant stirring, pour the ferric chloride mixture into a vessel, collect the precipitate upon a flannel strainer, returning any blue fluid which at first escapes through the pores of the flannel ; allow the solutions to drain oft*. Pour a little distilled water over the blue mass, returning the first washing if colored, and renew the water from day to day until it drips through permanently of a deep blue color. This is a sign that the salts are washed away, and all that is further necessary is to collect the pasty mass from the strainer and allow it to dry." Having obtained the soluble Berlin blue, it will be much 1 Prepared for the editor by Dr. W. H. Porter, Curator of the Presbyterian Hos- pital, New York city. METHODS OF INJECTING THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 31 simpler to inject both arteries and veins with the same solution. If a small animal is to be employed (as the rabbit, for instance) it will be found most convenient to inject through the aorta. If, however, an organ from the human body is to be injected, through the main vessels of that part. To commence with, the kidney is probably the best, as it is small and of firm consis- tence. For injecting with the red gelatine liquid the following rules will be found of service, and yield good results : Take 40 grammes of Cox's best English gelatine, place it in a jar, and add just water enough to cover it ; let it stand for several hours, when it will imbibe the water, being hygro- scopic ; it may then be dissolved over a water-bath. Take of the carmine 22 grammes and dissolve in 40 c.c. of aqua ammonite, then add 240 c.c. distilled water, and filter. The preparation of the carmine solution had better be com- menced the day before, as it takes about twenty-four hours to filter. The gelatine and carmine solutions are raised, separately, to the same temperature, when the gelatine solution is gradu- ally added to the carmine solution, under constant stirring. The injection fluid, which is now of a deep cherry-red color and alkaline reaction, is precipitated with acetic acid until the deep cherry color gives place to a bright red, and the ammoniacal odor is exchanged for that of acetic acid. At this point a little more acid may be added without doing harm. In case the liquid should be found too concentrated, a little more water may be added. For the blue mass the following method may be adopted : Take 66 grammes of gelatine, and prepare as in the former case. Add 4 grammes of soluble Berlin blue in substance and 360 c.c. of water. The blue will also be found slow in filtering. When both are heated to the same temperature add the gelatine to the blue solution, with constant stirring. When this has been done, a solution of the iron salts may be added to intensify the blue color, care being exercised not to add enough of the iron to coagulate the gelatine. This liquid also may be diluted if found so concentrated that it will not flow easily. The liquids having been prepared, the organ carefully removed from the body, thoroughly washed out and heated to a tem- perature of 98° F., everything is ready for injection. The fill- 32 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. ing of the vessels may be accomplished in one of two ways : either by forcing in the fluid with a syringe or by the pressure of a column of water. The syringe is the simplest, but requires practice and skill in manipulation. Having inserted the canula into the artery, the kidney may be entirely filled with either the red or blue injecting liquid. When the organ is seen to be swollen, tense, and well colored the vessels must be tied off, and the kidney placed in a freez- ing mixture until the gelatine has set. When this is accom- plished, the organ should be cut into small pieces, and placed first in a weak solution of alcohol (seventy per cent, or less), and the strength of the alcohol gradually increased until the specimen is sufficiently hard for cutting. The object of using weak alcohol is to prevent too great shrinkage of the gelatine. If two colors are used, it is impossible to tell beforehand how much fluid will be necessary to fill the arterial arid venous sys- tems, and not have the one encroach on the other. For an ordinary kidney, about 250 c.c. of the injecting liquid should be prepared to fill the arterial vessels, and nearly double to fill the veins. The following rules must be observed in inject- ing: keep the gelatine solutions and the organ as nearly as possible at the same temperature. Immerse the organ in warm water during the process. Avoid the entrance of air into the canula when connecting the syringe. Inject slowly, and give the fluid time to work its way into the minute capillary rami- fications. The above rules can be applied to any organ, with such modifications as will suggest themselves to the operator. BIBLIOGRAPHY. KLEIN. Handbook of the Physiological Laboratory. Edited by Sanderson. Vol. I. 1873. Bcscu. Arch. f. Mikroskop. Anat. XIV. 1877. NORRIS and SHAKESPEARE. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Oct. , 18T7. EENAUT. Archives de physiol. 2me Serie, T. IV. 1877. SCIIAEFER. Histology and the Microscope. Philadelphia, 1877. TniN. Practical Histology. London, 1877. WENDT. Ueber die Hardersche Dnise, etc. Strasaburg, 1877. RANVIER. Trait6 technique d'histologie. Paris, 1877-8. BROESICKK, J. Med. Centralblatt. 46. 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 33 CALBERLA. Morpholog. Jahrb. III. H. & S.'s Jahrb. I. 1878. HAMILTON. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Vol. XII. 1878. MILLER. New York Medical Record, Feb. 2, 1878, p. 97. RANVIEB. Journ. de micrographie. H. & S.'s Jahrb. 1878. SCHFEFFEBDECKEB. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. XIV. 1878. TAFANI. Journal de micrographie. 1878. WEDL. Virchow's Arcbiv, 74. 1878. WEIGEBT. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. XV., p. 259. 1878. FLESCH. Archiv f . mikrosk. Anat. XVI., p. 300. 1879. GBENACHEB. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. XVI., p. 463. 1879. KLEIN and E. NOBLE SMITH. Atlas of Histology. 1879-80. COBSCHMANN. Archiv f. Path. Anat. LXXIX., III. 1880. FBEY. The Microscope and Microscopical Technology. New York, 1880. GIBBES. Lancet, March 20, 1880. HAILES. An Improved Microtome. New York Medical Record, July 24, 1880. THANHOFFEB, L. v. Das Mikroskop u. seine Anwendung. Stuttgart, 1880. VINCENT. New York Medical Record, June 12, 1880. WICKEBSHEIMEB. Arch. f. Pharm. New Remedies, May, 1880. GIBBES. Practical Histology and Pathology. Philadelphia, 1881. SEILEB. Compendium of Microscopical Technology. Philadelphia, 1881. STOWELL. The Student's Manual of Histology. Detroit, 1881. • HABBIS and POWEB. Manual for the Physiological Laboratory. New York, 1881. 3 CHAPTER III. THE BLOOD. Ix man and most vertebrates the blood consists of a clear fluid, the liquor sanguinis or plasma, in which a large num- ber of corpuscles are very evenly distributed. Of these there are two prominent varieties, differing much in character — the red and the colorless cr white. The former are greatly in ex- cess, and give to the liquid its characteristic red appearance. In relative proportion the two vary greatly within certain limits. Usually there is but one of the white to 600 or 1,200 of the red ; but these numerical relations are disturbed by vari- ous diseases, and the white may equal the red, or even, in rare cases, exceed them. In fresh liquid blood the corpuscles are the only solid mat- ters visible tinder the microscope ; nor is there any difference in this respect with coagulated blood, when the quantity is large. If, however, a little should be allowed to dry, fibrin may be deposited under the form of delicate filaments, which are superimposed on one another without definite order. In one hundred volumes of blood there are said to be thirty- six volumes of corpuscles and sixty- four of plasma. This ratio, however, is altered somewhat by different conditions, such as the age and health of the individual. The red corpuscles in man and other mammals, with very few exceptions, are bi-concave bodies, circular in outline. In birds, amphibia, and almost all fishes they are also bi-concave or hollowed out at the centre, but have an elliptical contour. In the human species nuclei or central bodies appear at a very early period of life, but subsequently are invisible, unless arti- ficial means are used to display them. In birds, amphibia, and fishes a rounded prominence is also seen at the centre, which is particularly well marked when the corpuscle happens to be THE BLOOD. 35 turned so that its edge meets the eye. This prominence cor- responds to the ordinary nucleus of other elementary bodies or cells. In this position the peculiar shape of the corpuscles, with their constricted centres and rounded extremities, has suggested a comparison between them and the little cakes known as lady's-tingers. (See Fig. 13.) It is obvious also that this varying thickness of the disk will have some effect upon the microscopic image, for the whole superficies cannot be in focus at one time, even when the cor- FIG. 13. — Red corpuscles of the frog. (Rollett.) FIG. 14. — Hnman red bloort-corpn soles : a. globules showing the double contour : ft. globules turned on edge ; c, the same in rouleaux like coin. (Rollett.) puscle is turned flatwise to the eye. There will be some differ- ence between the level of the thickest and thinnest portions. As a result, when one is dark the other is bright, when one is well defined the other is blurred. This statement serves for an explanation of the double contour that is sometimes observed in human blood (see Fig. 14), though it has also been offered in support of the theory that the semi-solid and elastic matter of which the disk is mainly composed has an external envelope or limiting membrane of different density. It is to be remem- bered, however, that the property of double refraction which explains the double contour, belongs to all transparent bodies that have rounded edges, such as drops of water or oil, in which cases there is plainty no enveloping or peripheral wall. When the lens and eye-piece are suitably combined, as in the best microscopes, the double marking is often difficult or im- possible to discover. On the other hand a poor optical com- bination will generally exhibit it to an unpleasant degree, and 36 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. especially if great amplification is aimed at. Lenses of very high power are also apt in any case to exhibit the same ap- pearances. Measurements of the red corpuscles in man and ani- mals.— The average diameter of the human red globule is still a matter of discussion. The faulty measurements of the older writers have led to some misconception on these points, and the matter has required new study. Welcker, who has long been an authority on the Continent, gave .00774 mm. as the average breadth in the human male, with a minimum of .0045 mm., the latter from personal observation. A maximum of .010 mm. has been given by Max Schultze, while Frey places the average thickness at .0018 mm. Later investigations by Hayem show that a diameter of .012 mm. or even .014 mm. may be reached, while he has known it to fall as low as .0022 mm. Elsberg gives the mean diameter of the red blood-corpuscle at .0075 mm., agreeing very nearly with Welcker. He has observed a maximum of .01016 mm., and a minimum of .00422 mm. Measurements of single corpuscles have no value in deter- mining the particular animal from which the blood has been obtained, and this is an object of prime importance in medico- . legal cases. It is common, therefore, to make a hundred or more single measurements, and then take the average of them. And yet this figure may vary considerably in different individ- uals, or even in the same one. In the blood of the puppy, for instance (the size of the dog's corpuscle being very nearly that of man's), a recent observer found that the average diame- ter of fifty corpuscles varied only two-millionth of an inch from a like average of fifty taken from his own blood. In another instance, taking forty from a puppy, Jie found that the average differed only seven-millionth of an inch from a similar average of his own (Woodward). Opposite is given a table of blood-corpuscle measurements by Welcker and others. By referring to it, the cat's and rabbit's corpuscles will be found to have an average diameter which is not far distant from man's and dog's, while the minimum and maximum diameters of each show conclusively that a large number of their corpuscles would be likely to equal man's, and there- fore make it impossible to distinguish one from the other. To obviate this source of error a very large number of corpuscles THE BLOOD. 37 would have to be measured separately, as we have already seen, and then an average taken of them all, before even a guarded opinion could be given as to the source of the blood. Still other difficulties, however, are apt to beset the microscop- ist. The blood is usually dried and in small quantity. The disks are then shrunken. If we endeavor to restore them to their original shape, as by soaking in blood-serum, we are never sure of having accomplished the object, or that we have not overdone it. This statement will be better understood by experiments that will be detailed at another point in this chapter. Where blood-corpuscles are elliptical, as in birds, there is much less opportunity for error. Measurements of red Blood-corpuscles. Maximum diameter. Minimum diameter. Average diameter. Dog .. mm. .0082 mm. .0065 mm. .0073 Cat .0074 .0058 .0065 Rabbit .0080 .0062 .0069 Sheep .0056 .0038 .0050 Goat (old) .0046 .0036 .0041 " (eight days old) .0066 .0039 .0054 Moschus javanicus .0030 .0022 .0025 Elephant .0106 .0084 .0094 Pigeon (old) .0160 .0132 .0147 " (fledsrlingr) . .0140 .0116 .0126 Chicken .0132 .0104 .0121 Duck .0140 .0118 .0129 Vespertilion .0066 .0054 .0061 Triton cristatus .0327 .0259 .0293 Salamandra Cryptobranchus. .0415 .0302 .0378 .0579 .0460 .0512 IJepidosiren annectens .0440 .0360 .0410 Average length. Average breadth. mm. .058 mm. .034 .075 .047 The number of the red globules. — It has commonly been held that the blood of an adult man contains 5,000,000 red corpus- cles in each cubic millimetre. In anaemic conditions this num- ber may be reduced below 3,000,000, while in fair physical 38 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. l^ulth it has reached 6,000,000 and over. Under ordinary cir- cunisianees 4,500,000 is thought to argue a fair bodily condi- tion (Keyes). Quite recently Hayem has given an instance where the number was reduced to 800,000. This extraordinary state he has called aglobulie intense ; the name (tr/lobxlie extreme was given to a condition observed on another occasion where he counted only 450,000 corpuscles. The Uood-globules in an indifferent fluid.— -In order to get a proper conception of the various influences that act upon the red corpuscles, so as to alter their form, size, and internal appearance, it is essential to subject them to some of the more common, such as water, acids, alkalies, electricity, etc. In no other way can the student appreciate the extraordinary changes which these bodies suffer, and indeed a knowledge of such matters is quite necessary in studying the histology of either normal or diseased tissues. Unfortunately we are not always able to use human blood for these demonstrations because the corpuscles are too small, and consequently the alterations do not admit of easy observa- tion. We naturally turn to an object that has larger corpuscles and may be procured with little trouble or expense. The frog is therefore selected, or, even better still, the newt, which is especially well suited for this purpose. • At first the blood may be examined in a menstruum similar to the liquor sanguinis or plasma, and the frog's aqueous humor is usually found satisfactory. To a drop of this latter add an equal quantity of the blood, mix them well with a glass rod, and adjust an ordinary | inch circle. The aqueous humor exerts no special influ- ence over the corpuscles, and is therefore called an indif- ferent fluid. If it be impossible to obtain aqueous humor, an excellent substitute may be found in the fresh fluid from a hydrocele or ovarian cyst, or we may use serum to which iodine has been added, which is then called iodized serum. To six ounces of the fluid twenty grains of finely powdered iodine are added. After prolonged agitation the iodine will be dissolved, and the mixture thus prepared may be kept for a number of months. Suspended in this liquid the blood is studied to advantage with a lens of moderate power, such as an ordinary THE BLOOD. 3«) i inch. The contents of the disk will appear homogeneous, which is a term that merely indicates an apparent absence of structure. The nucleus and nucleolus should also be invisible. The shape of the corpuscles is oval, and they are flattened and have rounded edges, with hollowed centres, in which a promi- nence is usually seen (Fig. 13). The protoplasm is the sub- stance of which the disk is made ; it has a light yellow color, and is dull or pellucid in appearance, much like semi-solid jelly. Brownian and amoeboid movements. — Using the same method of preparation the white corpuscles or leucocytes are seen to good advantage. They are much smaller than the red disks (in the frog — the reverse of human blood), and there is wide range in size, one histologist (Klein) having described as many as thirty varieties. In the interior, little dark spots are sometimes seen in constant vibration. By a skilled observer they are readily detected, even with a good £ inch glass. When such specks are numerous the bodies are said to be granular. In the newt's blood this phenomenon is usually best seen. The word granule has been applied in these cases from the notion once prevalent that the little dots were molecules sus- pended in a menstruum of some sort that filled the corpuscle. This subject is now eliciting much study, but the movement, whatever its significance may be, is called the Brownian move- ment. Klein, who states that the newt's leucocyte is traversed by an intracellular network, believes that the movement just described is due to the motion of the "disintegrated network " under the stimulus of imbibed water. Under this explanation the oscillatory movement in the corpuscles of the human saliva would indicate death rather than life. When fluid has been withdrawn by evaporation the phenomenon ceases. According to other histologists this vibratile motion is an indication of vital action. The remarkable change in form which these corpuscles un- dergo is a more positive indication of vital power in the leuco- cyte. When the little body is placed under conditions which imitate those of its natural state it commences to put forth processes and then withdraw them, carrying on these move- ments slowly, but with a certain degree of regularity. While this is being accomplished the corpuscle is observed to move about from place to place. 40 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. Pio. 15.— Leucocytes: a, putting out pro- sses ; ft, having withdrawn them. (Hollett.) In Fig. 15 the leucocytes are seen. Those marked with the letter a are engaged in amoeboid motion. The one marked b i? in a state of contraction. . This phenomenon is called amoe- boid movement, because it resem- bles that of the amceba— the lit- tle microscopic organism found in stagnant water. In order to permit these changes to continue for some length of time, it is well to paint a little oil or glycerine around the edge of the circle. Evaporation is thus prevented. If the warm slide be used the changes will follow with greater rapidity. Both Brownian and amo3boid movements are usually confined to a limited number of the corpuscles, and the former often to only a small portion of the interior. The slide ' for heating consists of an ordinary glass slide (Fig. 16) upon which is riveted a thin copper plate (b) perfor- ated in the centre, so as to allow space for the drop of blood which is to be examined. From the copper plate extends an arm (c) over which is slipped a spiral copper wire (e), which is heated by the flame of an alcohol lamp. By this means the glass plate is kept warm and with it the drop of blood. In order to secure a proper amount of heat.and no more, it is customary to put a little bit of cocoa butter upon the corner of the slide. The butter melts at the tem- perature of the body, and after this point has been reached the lamp should be carried along the wire away from the slide until the precise distance is found at which this particular degree of heat will be maintained. Action of a dilute salt solution. — It is often difficult, and, FIG. 16.— Slide for heating : a, slide; 6, copper plate ; c, arm over which the spiral wire (h work, a. It does not appear as if the fibrilhe anastomose with one another, though this point cannot now be definitely settled. It must be stated that some of these fibrils are possi- bly nerve-elements, and yet this is doubtful, because they do not even seem to be connected with the nerve-fibres ' that are distinctly shown by this method of preparation. Granular appearances are always noted in the brain, which is to be expected when cross-sections are made of the delicate fibrillfe. Three kinds of corpuscles are met with in the brain and medulla. The first are the variously shaped ganglionic corpuscles or cells, Fig. 28, 5, b, b ; secondly, the ordinary lymphoid cells, c, c, which are generally seen to have a pale envelope about them ; lastly, smaller corpuscles, d. d, of irre- gular shapes, and many of them undoubtedly flattened and appearing to have branching processes. They may be found in considerable numbers, and can be isolated so that there is no doubt that they exist. The fibrillje of the neuroglia do not differ substantially in size from the fibrillje of fibrous tissues elsewhere. Tendon-tissue (Fig. 29).— Tendon-tissue may be well studied in the gastrocnemius of the frog. It is prepared like the preceding. If, how- ever, it is desirable to show the nuclei in adult tissue, it is well to use nitrate of silver. Cut a thin section of a fresh tendon and ex- pose it for a few minutes in a \ per cent, solution of nitrate of silver, until the section is turbid or milky, then place in the sunlight, and in a few min- Fio. 29.-Tend Cohnheim showed B, network of whitish lines surrounding small, dull-colored polygons on cross-cuts of frozen muscle (Fig. 56). The muscles of the crab are said to show this particularly well. Schafer found in the muscles of the water-beetle the appearance of granules on a clear ground. A similar appearance is seen in the fibres of vertebrates. The writer has observed in the cross-section of fibres from the tongue of the mocassin snake, granules which presented, at least, the suggestion of bright points in their cen- tre. In some fibres these were collected into groups, separated by clear spaces. Cohnheim's areas cannot be considered equivalent to fibril- lae, but rather, as Kolliker claims, to bundles of them, sup- posing always, we would add, that fibrillse exist at all. It is pointed out in the account of the transverse striae that these are often interrupted, and there is no doubt that this may be due to the limits of the muscle-columns. Of course, we must assume that there are many more columns than would be in- ferred from these interruptions ; for if the transverse stripes of two neighboring columns exactly correspond, no break will appear. Nuclei and muscle-corpuscles. — In mammalian muscle acetic acid demonstrates a number of oval nuclei which may contain one or more uucleoli. Their long axis runs in the same direc- VOLUNTARY MUSCULAR FIBRE. 137 tion as that of the fibre. A small amount of granular matter may be seen at their extremities. Cross cuts of fibres show that, with possibly some exceptions, they lie directly beneath the sarcolemma. In the frog, and in many invertebrates, as the beetles, they lie in the substance of the fibre, and, especially in the latter class of animals, are surrounded by a mass of granular protoplasm. Weber denies that in the adult frog they are surrounded by this mass. Conclusions. — From what precedes, it seems demonstrated that striped muscular fibre consists of a transparent, semifluid ground-substance, which is the contractile element. At certain intervals a double layer of minute granules or spherules is placed, which practically forms a transverse disk. The refrac- tion of the light causes the substance bordering this disk to appear brighter than the intermediate portion, which is only occasionally seen in mammalian muscle as an indistinct and usually a broken line, because the black stripes are so near to- gether that the bright borders of two neighboring ones coalesce. In invertebrates, as beetles, for instance, they are so far apart that the dim stripe is proportionally broad, but it necessarily disappears when by contraction the black stripes are brought nearer together. Variations in the direction of the light, or any obliquity of the disks, will cause peculiar effects, well- nigh defying analysis. The writer's views coincide, in the main, with Schafer's, except that he cannot accept the "handles" of the latter's dumb-bell-shaped structures. As the writer has stated in another paper, muscles in the leg of the Gyrinus which have been exhausted by electricity show the stripes very indistinctly, and contain a number of stray granules. Klein has pointed out that if fresh muscular fibre of the frog is teased out in salt solution, when a break of the substance oc- curs inside the sarcolemma, " inside this tube a greater or less number of granules are observed in active molecular move- ment." These observations appear to confirm the views given above. A good deal has been written about the effect of polarized light on muscular fibre, and very different results have been reached. Ranvier thinks it of no value in the discussion, be- ' cause the same substance may be either doubly or singly re- fracting, according to the pressure to which it is subjected. This is certainly a strong argument against its value, espe- 138 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. cially in view of the discrepancy of the observations made with it. Each fibre is, moreover, divided longitudinally into a vary- ing number of what are called muscle-columns, held together probably by a delicate cement. Between these are lodged the muscle-corpuscles in the lower forms of animals. In opposition to most authorities, the writer is inclined to question the exist- ence of fibrillse in the living muscle, at all events, as essential parts of its structure. The granular appearance of cross sec- tions is in accord with the views given above, and does not necessarily imply the presence of fibrillse. Peculiarities of voluntary muscles of different functions. — Ranvier was the first to discover a physiological and struc- tural difference in the red and white muscles of the rabbit' s leg and in some other animals where both kinds exist. He found that the semitendinosus of the rabbit, a red muscle, if acted on by an induction current, gradually contracted till it became tetanized, and remained so until the current was stopped, when it gradually relaxed. White muscles, on the other hand, when treated in the same way, contracted sud- denly, and continued to give jerks corresponding to the inter- ruptions of the current as long as it was continued. With its cessation the muscle instantly returned to its original length. From this he concludes that the white muscles are those of sudden action, while the red ones serve to regulate power and to maintain equilibrium. As to structure, he found out that the white muscles had a very distinct transverse striation, and a very faint longitudinal one, while in the red the longitudinal lines were very marked, interrupting the cross ones at many points, and giving the fibre a granular appearance. The nu- clei were much more numerous in the red fibres, and, instead of being flattened and situated just beneath the sarcolemma, as in the white, were oval and projected into the fibre, some even lying in its interior. Ranvier showed later that the vascular supply of the red muscles differed from the usual arrangement, which consists simply in elongated meshes of capillaries in the main parallel with the fibres. In red muscle, not only were the minute ves- sels more numerous, but the longitudinal capillaries were more varicose, the meshes nearly as broad as long, and the transverse vessels, both of the capillaries and small veins, presented fusi- VOLUNTARY MUSCULAR FIBRE. 130 form dilatations, the object being, as he points out, to keep the muscle supplied with oxygen during its long-continued con- traction, which must interrupt the circulation. E. Meyer has since shown that Ranvier was over-hasty in his generalization. What is true of the semitendinosus of the rabbit is not necessarily true of other red muscles. The writer is able to confirm this statement. As to the dif- ference between the semitendinosus and white muscle, he is in- clined to admit the greater number of nuclei of the former, but the difference in the stripes did not seem to him conclusive. The peculiarity, however, of the minute blood-vessels of the semiteudinosus is very striking ; but in another red muscle of the rabbit's thigh he did not find the same arrangement. The richness of the capillary network varies greatly in different muscles of the same animal. Future investigations will, per- haps, show that modifications in the arrangement of the minute blood-vessels correspond with the function of the muscle. The termination of muscle in ten- don.— This occurs in several ways. Sometimes the fibre divides again and again, ending jn small bundles of fibrillse which have lost all muscular characteristics. Again, instead of spreading out, a fibre may become pointed, and the enveloping sarco- lemma, reinforced with more or less fibrous tissue, runs on as a delicate tendon. Both these modes of end- ing can be seen in the tongue.1 The cases in which a fibre loses its stria- tion, and is apparently continued as a tendon of about the same size, present greater difficulties. By sep- arating the fibres of a frog killed by immersion in hot water, Ranvier has succeeded in demon- strating that the sarcolemma incloses the tendinous end of the fibre. The whole subject, however, of the ending of the fibres is not exhausted. 1 Thin sections of the hardened tongue of a small animal are to be recommended, not only for the study of this point, but for that of striped muscle in general. Fio. 57. — Anastomosing muscular fibre of the heart, seen in a longitudinal section. On the right, the limits of the separate cells with their nuclei are ex- hibited somewhat diagrammatically. After Schweigger-Seidel. J. Arnold. 140 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. TJie muscular fibre of the 7ieart.—This is transitional in structure between the voluntary and the involuntary. The fibres of the Ircart of the frog resemble chiefly the latter, being made of elongated, narrow, nucleated cells, which differ from it only in being transversely striped. In the mammalia the fibres are broader and composed of nucleated cells placed end to end. These cells frequently give off lateral processes which support others, thus forming a network of fibres. The cells have both a longitudinaland a transverse series of stripes, but the latter are not so clear as in well-marked voluntary muscle. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BOWMAN. On the Structure and Movements of Voluntary Muscle. Philosoph. Transactions. 1840-41. AMICI. Ueber die Muskelfaser. Virchow's Archiv. Bd. XVI. 1859. WEISMANN. Ueber die Muskulatur des Herzens beim Menschen und in der Thier- reihe. Reichert & Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. 1861. IBID. Ueber die Verbindung der Muskelfasern mit ibren Ansatzpunkten. Zeit- schrift fur ration. Medicin. 3te Reihe. Bd. XII. 1861. COHXIIEIM. Ueber den f eineren Bau der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Virchow's Archiv. Bd. XXXIV. 1865. DWIGHT. The Structure and Action of Striated Muscular Fibre. Proceedings Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist Vol. XVI. 1873. SCHAEFER. On the Minute Structure of the Leg Muscles of the Water-Beetle. Philos. Transact. 1873. ENOELMANN. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die quergestreifte Muskelsub- stanz. Pfliiger's Archiv. Bd. VII. 1873. Ho M.IK KK. Handbuch der Gewebelehre. Leipzig, 1867. HENBEN. Arbeiten aus dem Kieler physiologischen Institut. 1868. HEPFNER. Ueber ein Eigenthumliches Verhalten der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Archiv fiir mikroscop. Anat. Bd. V. 1869. DOENITZ. Beitrage ziir Kenntniss der quergestreiften Muskelfaser. Reichert & Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. 1871. SCBWEIGER-SEIDEL. The Heart. Strieker's Histology. 1872. MERKEL. Der quergestreifte MuskeL Archiv fiir mikro. Anatomie. Bd. VIII. 1872. BHUKCKE, E. The Behavior of Muscular Fibres when examined by Polarized Light. Strieker's Histology. 1872. SACHS. Die quergestreifte Muskelfaser. Reichert & Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. 1872. WAGENKR. Ueber die quergestreifte Muskelfibrille. Archiv fiir mikro. Anat. Bd. IX. 1873. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 141 IBID. Ueber einige Erscheinungen an den Muskeln lebendiger Corethra plumicornis- larven. Archiv. fur mikro. Anat. Bd. X. 1874. KAUFMANN. Ueber Contraction der Muskelfaser. Reichert & Du Bois-Reymond's Archiv. 1874. THIN. On the Minute Anatomy of Muscle and Tendon. Edinburgh Medical Jour- nal. Sept., 1874. WEBER. Note sur les noyaux dee muscles strips chez la grenouille adulte. Archives de physiologic. 1874. RANVIER. De quelques fait relatifs a 1'histologie et.a la physiologic des muscles stries. Archives de phyg. 1874. IBID. Note sur les vaisseaux Banguins et la circulation dans les muscles rouges. Archives de phys. 1874. IBID. Traite technique d'histologie. Paris, 1875. FBEDERICQ. Generation et structure du tissu musculaire. Bruxelles, 1875. MEYEK. Ueber rothe und blase quergestreifte Muskeln. Reichert & Du Bois- Reymond's Archiv. 1875. FREDERICQ. Note sur la contraction dea muscles stries ohez 1'hydrophile. Bulletin Acad. Roy. de Belgique. Tome XL. 1877. RENATJT. Note sur les disques accessoires des disques minces dans les muscles stries. Compt. rend. Tome LXXXV. No. 21. 1877. BIEDERMANN. Zur Lehre vom Bau der quergestreif ten Muskelfaser. Wiener Acad. Sitzungsbericht. Bd. LXXXV. No. 21. 1877. SCHAEFER. Quain's Anatomy. Eighth edition. New York: Wm. Wood & Co. 1878. NASSE. Zur microscopischen Untersuchung. des quergestreiften Muskels. Pfliiger's Archiv. Bd. XVII. 1878. FROBIEP. Ueber das. Sarcolemm und' die Muskelkerne. Archiv fiir Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte. 1878. ENGELMANN. Nouvelles recherches sur les phenomenes microscopique de la con- traction musculaire. Archives Neanderlaises des Sciences exactes et natu- relles. 1878. FLEMMING. Ueber Formen und Bedeutung der organischen Muskelzellen. Zeit- schrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. XXX. Supplement. 1878. UNGER. Untersnchungen iiber die quergestreiften Muskelfasern des lebenden Thiers. Wiener medinische Jahrbiicher. 1879. (Largely pathological.) NETYMAN. New Theory of Contraction of Striated Muscle, and Demonstration of the Composition of the Broad Dark Bands. Journal of Anatomy and Physi- ology. Vol. XIII. 1879. CHITTENDEN. Histochemische Untersuchungen iiber das Sarcolemm und einige verwandten Membranen. Untersuchungen aus der Physiol. Institut der Uni- versitat Heidelberg. Bd. III. 1879. KLEIN and SMITH. Atlas of Histology. Part V. 1879-80. RANVIER. Legons d'anatomie generate sur le systeme musculaire. Paris, 1880. CHAPTER XL THE BLOOD-VESSELS. BY EDMUND C. WENDT, M.D., Curator of St. Francis' Hospital, New York City, etc. IN man, a closed circuit of branching tubes, which proceed from a central organ, the heart, and, ramifying throughout the body, return the blood to this central organ, constitutes the blood- vascular system, as it has been named. Of these vessels we recognize three different kinds : arteries, capillaries, and veins. The arteries convey the blood to the various capillary districts, whence it is again collected and car- ried back to the heart by the veins. The arteries, highly elastic throughout, are composed of three superimposed layers or tunics. The veins, less elastic, and consequently more flaccid and compressible^ likewise con- sist of three coats or tunics. In both sets of vessels these coats have received the names of intima for the inner, media for the middle, and adventitia for the external layer. The capillaries, intervening between the two, form minute branch- ing tubules, which generally have but a single exceedingly thin and permeable membrane as the sole constituent of their walls. Of course, all these vessels merge into one another, so that a sharp line of demarcation can nowhere be drawn ; but in their typical forms they present clearly defined structural dif- ferences, necessitating a separate description of them. We begin with the simplest and yet most important class : The capillary blood-vessels. — They are composed, as we have already said, of a single layer of cells, arranged in tubu- lar form, and containing nuclei. These corpuscles are di- rectly continuous, on the one hand, with the inner coat of THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 143 the terminal arteries, and, on the other, with the intima of the veins, hence also with the lining membrane of the heart. They are called endothelia, and since they constitute the only struc- tural elements which enter into the composition of all blood- vessels, we will first consider them and their relations to these vessels. The vascular endothelium. — Histologists understand by the term endothelium a thin layer of flattened cells lining the free surface of various membranes, canals, sheaths, and cavi- ties, all belonging to the serous type. Epithelium, on the other hand, is found covering the skin and mucous surfaces. All endothelia, in common with the blood, the blood-vessels, and connective tissues, are derived from the mesoblast, or mid- dle of the three fundamental layers of the embryo. The epi- thelia, it will be remembered, originate in the two other layers, called epiblast and hypoblast, respectively — the former being the superior and the latter the inferior layer of the embryo. In adult human subjects the vascular endothelia are made up of thin, polygonal, sometimes irregularly pentagonal, flat- tened cell-plates. Most of the elements are furnished with a rounded or ovoid nucleus, of central or more or less peripheral location (Fig. 58). Some have two nuclei. In general, the cells are somewhat elongated in the longitudinal direction of the ves- sel to which they belong. They also grow slightly narrower as the calibre of the vessel decreases. Their borders are serrated or scalloped, and dove-tailed into one another. An albuminoid substance, ordinarily invisible, cements their- adjoining edges. This substance has the peculiar property of effecting an ener- getic reduction of silver nitrate. Hence, by proper manage- ment, the outlines of each individual cell may be made visible as a black zigzag surrounding a nucleus. Every cell represents a plate-like expanse of modified protoplasm. Remnants of this original substance may be seen to surround the nuclei of young vessels, where they appear in the shape of varying quantities of distinctly granular matter. Klein has described an intra- cellular network, formed by plexuses of minute fibrils, and associated with a second denser reticulum within the nucleus, called the intranuclear network. Whatever interpretation we choose to give these minute structures, the fact of their exist- ence is indisputable. In man, however, their presence is not as readily demonstrable as in animals. 144 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. An isolated endothelial cell, when tilted up on its edge, pre- sents the appearance of a straight or curved double contour, with a central thickening corresponding to its nucleus. Viewed en face, we observe the sinuous outline and the central or ec- centric nucleus, with its surrounding granules of protoplasm. The shape and contour of endothelial cells are subject to con- a. c • Via. 58.— Endothelirfm of the carotid artery of man, after treatment with nitrate of silver: o, cells; 6, clearer, c, darker intermediate spaces ; d, intra-cellular circular and spotted markings. Eberth. siderable variations in the different vascular districts. Such differences also occur in the same district, with the varying de- gree of expansion or contraction of the particular vessel under observation. TJie capillaries proper. — In point of wideness of distribu- tion, this variety of blood-vessels greatly exceeds all others. Indeed, the capillaries occupy a rank, in this respect, second only to the connective-tissue group of histological struc- tures. As regards importance to the economy, it will only be necessary to advert to the vital processes of nutrition, secre- tion, respiration, and excretion, to recall the quality and extent of their physiological usefulness. Throughout the THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 145 body ' capillary plexuses are interposed between arteries and veins, which constitute a series of conveying and returning tubes. Thereby the direct continuity of these blood-channels is established. It is in these intermediate territories, and in them only, that the blood serves its true function of giving and taking. True markets of exchange, then, these capillary districts, where the system is supplied with new material, and in return gets rid of useless or even deleterious by-products of tissue-life. Hence, the para- mount importance of these vessels in the maintenance of life and health. Hence, also, the direct practical utility of knowing their minute anatoni}^ and physiological dignity. Every practitioner of medicine will see the important relation this branch of histology holds to pathology, and therefore to thera- peutics. At the same time we should not forget that the role played b}r the capillaries in the system is normally due to the inherent mechanical and physical properties of a fine- ly elastic animal membrane, rather than to any specific action of their cellular constitu- ents. Robin, following Henle's example, dis- tinguishes several varieties of these vessels. It seems to me proper to limit the term capil- laries to those minute tubules which are entirely devoid of muscular elements. This corresponds to the classification adopted by Virchow, Kolliker, Eberth, Ranvier, Frey, and others. It is the one therefore that has generally been accepted, and is both simple and logical. The diameter of these tubules varies from 0.0045 to 0.0115 mm. Their structure is readily understood. Examined in the living animal with a high power, we see mere- ly a delicate, hyaline, double-contoured membrane, having an 1 Hoyer has shown that a direct communication of arterioles with venules occurs normally in the tips of the fingers, the matrix of the nails, the tip of the nose, and various other parts. 10 Pio. 59. — A rather Inrce capillary from the hyaloid of the frog, presenting a membranous and nucleated tunica adventitia. Eberth. 146 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. average thickness of 1 to 2 micro-millimetres (0.001 — 0.002 mm.). This membrane forms a tubule, the parietes of which are studded at intervals with rounded or oval nuclei, often containing one or more bright nucleoli. When oval, these nu- clei have their long axis parallel with the direction of the ves- sel. Their average size is 0.0056 to 0.0074 mm. They possess the property of eagerly imbibing most of the staining fluids employed in histology, and of resisting the action of dilute acids, alkalies, and other reagents. (See Fig. 59.) Besides nuclei, the capillary wall contains at various points peculiar granules, which indicate its protoplasmic nature. In addition, Strieker and Eberth have described lateral processes and pointed prolongations jutting out from the parietes of the Fio. 60. — Capillaries of the lungs of the frog, with irregularly dentated cells : a, vascular meshes. Eberth. capillary tubes. In growing tissue these are readily demonstra- ble, often forming thread-like connecting bridges between neigh- boring vessels ; at a later period they are hollowed out into true capillaries. The shorter sprouts are also protoplasmic buds, capable of further development into similar vessels. (See Fig. 61.) By employing weak solutions of silver nitrate, the capillary-wall may be shown to consist of variously shaped areas, each one corresponding to a nucleated cell. They are the endothelia, and represent, as already stated, the sole essen- tial constituents of all capillaries. Their form varies with the calibre of the vessel, the smaller capillaries being composed of THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 147 D, corpuscles which are comparatively narrow, the larger vessels having broader cells. In man they have an average length of 0.0756—0.0977 mm., and an average breadth of 0.01—0.05 mm. The intercellular boundaries, brought out as dark lines by means of the silver salt, frequently exhibit little nodular swell- ings. (See Fig. 58.) In addition to the ordinary endothelia, we find smaller areas, generally without nuclei ; they have rounded or some- what dentate contours, and are interposed be- tween the other cells. Eberth believes that some of these intercal- ated areas, as Auerbach has called them, proba- bly correspond to por- tions of strangulated vas- cular cells. It is more logical to regard them as the remnants of an in- complete endothelial des- quamation, a process which is of physiologi- cal occurrence through- out the blood-vessels. These remaining bits are finally destined to be- come quite detached from the vascular wall, and are then swept away by the rush and flow of the blood-current. The detached portions of such endothelia and their nuclei appear as free granules in the blood, where they have puzzled many observers, and have been vari- ously called microcytes, hcematoblasts, etc. From this descrip- tion it is plain that Cohnheim's view, that these spaces are openings or stomata, is not sustained. True, we find in serous membranes of certain animals real openings, but these always appear of rounded shape, and are, to say the least, not com- monly observed in human blood-vessels. This statement of the case does not militate against Cohnheim's well-known views that the corpuscles emigrate through the vessels, for, remembering the protoplasmic nature of the endothelial tubes, FIG. 61. — A,A, stellate connective-tissue cells connected by B,B, delicate protoplasmic threads to C,C, sprouts of endothe- lial tubes ; D, protoplasm connecting two capillaries ; E, nu- cleus imbedded in a primitive sprout of protoplasm, budding from wall of capillary. Specimen prepared by silver nitrate. 148 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. we can readily account for the phenomena in question. The capillary-wall is elastic, extremely thin, and permeable. By virtue of these qualities, it may allow the passage of a leu- cocyte or colored globule through its substance without suf- fering a permanent breach of continuity. The writer's views on endothelial desquamation as a normal process of physi- ological import may strike the reader as insufficiently substantiated by known facts. But when we remember that similar processes have been actually ob- served taking place under the microscope, all doubts as to the probability of this endothelial desquamation should vanish. The author refers to the recent observations of Altmann (Arch./, mikros. Anat., Vol. XVI., p. 111). This his- tologist investigated the changes which take place in the serous epithelium (i.e., endothelium) of the exposed frog's mesentery. Multiple swellings of the endothelia were seen to occur ; then portions of these cells would become de- tached. Such detached bits were found to resemble in their appearance ordi- nary leucocytes. But, in spite of this apparent breaking up of the endo- thelia into these nucleated corpuscles, they often retained their individuality unaltered. The production of bodies resembling leucocytes from endothelia has, therefore, been actually observed in connection with serous membranes, and vascular desquamation is essentially the same process. The capillary blood-vessels occupy the interstitial connec- tive tissue of organs, without entering their parenchyma proper. Cartilage, the teeth, the hairs and nails, the cornea, and cer- tain structures of the nervous system and organs of special sense are devoid of capillary supply. Most of the larger tubes are invested by a 'delicate, exter- nal, sheath-like structure, called the capillary adventitia or vascular perUhelium. It is composed of a rather close net- work of delicate connective- tissue librils. Prolongations of pe- culiar stellate cells, which clasp the capillary-tube, may some- times be seen to join these fibrils. (Fig. 62.) Such branching cells are also encountered at some distance from the capillaries. They show delicate processes, which may anastomose with the offshoots of the adv.entitial corpuscles. In other places we only find external plates of connective-tissue cells (Krause's ino- blasts), which have become more or less fused with the capil- lary-wall. In many instances the perithelium is inseparable from the connective-tissue stroma surrounding the vessel. In reference to the manner of anastomosis, the forms and modes of ramification of different networks vary with the dif- ferent tissues and organs of the body. Hence, a simple in- THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 149 spection of capillary reticula will generally enable us to decide the nature of the tissue or organ in question. From a physio- logical point of view, we recognize a causal relation between high capillary development and great functional activity. Therefore, the abundance of capillaries will determine the physiological importance of an organ. The chief forms of ramification may be grouped as follows : 1. Loops (a), simple or compound; e.g., the skin and the hard FIG. 62.— Capillaries from the hyaloid membrane of the frog : o,a, capillary-wall ; b,f>, nuclei of the mme ; c,c. cells of the tunica aciventitia ; transparent, homogeneous substance, apparently pierced by numerous minute pores. This membrane is prob- ably developed from the cells of the discus proligerus, and from the layer described as the egg epithelium. The cell-contents, protoplasm, or vitellus is a granular mass composed of albu- minous and fatty particles, and a more or less distinct reticu- THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 249 lum of fine fibrils. Within the vitellus is seen the nucleus or germinal vesicle (also presenting a delicate reticulum of fibrils), situated eccentrically, spherical in shape, measures 0.037 to 0.451 mm. in diameter, shining, transparent, and contains the nucleolus or germinal spot, which is a highly refractile body, finely granular, supposed to be non- vesicular, and measures 0.0046 to 0.0068 mm. in diameter. The mature Graafian follicle, which is seen on the surface Fio. 108. — A, primordial egg of the human being: 8 month*' fostus. B, primordial follicle of the rabbit. C, primordial follicle of a dove. D, a somewhat older follicle of the same animal ; commence- ment of the formation of the subordinate yolk. E. blind end of the ovary of an nscaris nigrovenosa ; germinal vesicles (some of which possess a germinal spot and Schriin's "granule") in a diffuse mass of protoplasm. F, egg of the ascaris nigrovenosa from about the middle of the ovary ; Schron's grannie ; commencement of the deposition of yolk-matter. (?, egg from a follicle (2 mm. in diam.) of the rabbit : a. egg-epithelium ; 6, striated zone with radiating striae ; c, germinal vesicle ; d, germinal spot ; «, yolk. Waldeycr. of the ovary, giving rise to a prominence, ruptures during the menstrual period and empties its contents, viz. : the ovum, fluid contents, and discus proligerus into the Fallopian tube. The cause of the rupture is an increase in the contents of the follicle, and a fatty metamorphosis of the cells of the wall of the follicle. As a result of this rupture of the Graafian vesi- cle, there is formed a yellow body, the corpus lideum, which 250 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. reaches its full development in a few weeks after the ruptur- ing of the follicle, or when impregnation has occurred after the lapse of two or three months. It consists of a central portion, at iirst red, becoming gray, and a peripheral portion, yellow in color, thrown into folds. These folds are made up of the in- ternal membrane and cells. The central portion in a fresh corpus luteum consists of a very vascular tissue, in which are seen numerous large cells, containing a red coloring substance and hsematoidin crystals. A retrograde metamorphosis occurs in the yellow body, supposed to be due to a want of nutrition caused by a wasting of the arteries, and there only remains a white cicatrix, the corpus albicans. The time required for the disappearance of a corpus luteum when impregnation has taken place— a true corpus luteum — is several months, lasting to the end of gestation ; but for the disappearance of a false corpus luteum, or when impregnation has not occurred, it only requires a few weeks. It is, however, to be remembered, that every Graafian follicle with its contents does not reach full de- velopment ; most of them experience fatty or colloid metamor- phosis. The ovaries have their origin from the Wolffian bodies. A thickening of the epithelial covering is early observed upon the side of these bodies ; at the same time and place a cellular projection growing from the connective tissue of the. organ is noticed. From this increase of -epithelium the Graafian folli- cles and ova are developed, later the ovarial epithelium ; from the connective tissue is built up the vascular system of the ovary. The Graafian follicles are developed from collections of cells, irregular in shape, or, as they are named, ova chains, consisting of small-sized peripheral cells, which later form the membrana granulosa, and the primordial ova ; these last are recognized by their large size, granular or reticulated protoplasm and central position. The ova chains are sometimes enclosed in a homogeneous membrana propria, forming a tubular structure, as in the cat ; this membrane, however, is not found in all ani- mals. These chains are developed by an ingrowth of the epi- thelial cells covering the surface of the ovary. The parovarium, or remains of the Wolffian body, situated in the broad ligament, is made up of twelve to fifteen tubules, which possess a membrana propria, lined by a single layer of ciliated epithelium, and contain a transparent substance. THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 251 The placenta is divided into a uterine and total portion. The former consists of cells irregular in shape, containing one or several nuclei, and at times one or more nucleoli. These cells are separated by an intercellular substance, either hyaline, granular, or fibrous in nature. Fusiform cells, in which a rod- shaped nucleus is seen, are also found, and are thought to in- dicate the presence of smooth muscular elements. The tufts upon the surface of the uterine placenta, which divide and sub- divide, pass quite deeply into the foetal placenta, yet no direct transformation of them into the foetal tissue can be demon- strated ; they appear to terminate in fibrillated tissue, which contains none of the cellular elements of the uterine placenta. The blood-vessels of the uterine placenta are arteries and veins, with no intermediary capillary system ; they communi- cate by means of sinuous spaces, limited by placental tissue only. These spaces are said to possess a delicate limiting wall ; this statement, however, has not been confirmed. The foetal placenta is developed from the chorion, the villi or tufts of which growing into the uterine follicles are covered by a columnar epithelium. The blood-vessels in the villi do not lie directly in contact with the wall of the villus, but are separated from it by a perivascular space. Besides a direct communication of the arteries and veins, there is also a capil- lary system present in the villi. Connective tissue accompa- nies the vessels into the villi from the chorion. The variety of connective tissue here met with is the mucoid, consisting of round, spindle, and stellate-shaped cells, with a structureless intercellular substance. There is a direct transformation of this mucoid connective tissue into the connective tissue of the chorion. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BISCHOPP. Beitr. zur Lehre v. d. menschl. Eihiillen. 1834. VALENTIN, in Mailer's Arch., p. 526. 1838. GOODSIR. Anat. and Path. Researches. Edinburgh, 1845. KOBELT. Der Nebeneierstock des Weibes. Heidelberg, 1847. STEINLIN. Ueber d. Entw. d. Graaf. Foil. u. Eier d. Saugeth., Mittheil. d. Zu- richer naturf. Gesellsch. 1847. ROBIN. Arch, gener. de med. Vol. XVII., p. 258 and 405. 1848. And Vol. XVIII., p. 257. Also Gaz. m&L No. 50. 1855. RAINEY, in Phil. Trans., II. 1850. 252 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. SCIIR&DKR VAN DER KOLK. Waaraemingen oves het Maaksel van de menschl. Placenta, etc. Amsterdam, 1851. SMITH, TYLER-. Med. Chir. Trans. Vol. .XXXV., 378. 1852. REMAK. Unters. ueb. d. Entwick. d. Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1855. Med. Centr. Zeit. No. 42. 1861. No. 3. 1862. KLEBS, in Virch. Arch. Vol. XXVIII. 1863. PFLOOEII, E. Ueb. d. Eierstocke d. Saugeth. u. d. Menschen. Leipzig, 1863. SPIEGELBERG. Virch. Arch. .VoL XXX., p. 466. 1864. KAMENEW. Unters. d. Blutgef. d. Mutterth. d. Placenta, Medicinsky Westnik. No. 13. 1864. CORNIL, in Jour, de 1'anat., p. 386. 1864. Unters. aua d. phys. Labor, zu Bonn, p. 173. Berlin, 1865. POLLS. Die Nervenverbr. in d. weibl. Genital. Gottingen, 1865. His, in Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. I., p. 151. 1865. ST. GEORGE, v. LA VALETTE, in Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. II., p. 56. 1866. PEKIER. Anat. et phys. de 1'ovaire. Paris, 1866. STRICKER. Wien. Sitz. June, 1866. LANGHANS, in Virch. Arch. Vol. XXXVIII., p. 543. 1867. FRANKENHAUSER. Die Nerven. d. Gebarmutter. Jena, 1867. JASSINSKL Zur Lehre ueb. d. Struct, d. Placenta. Virch. Arch. 1867. VIRCHOW. Bildg. d. Placenta, in Gesamm. Abhandlungen. 1853. BIDDER. Ueb. Hist. d. Nachgeb., in Hoist's Beitr. z. Gynacol. IL 1867. ERCOLANI. Giamb. delle gland, otricolare, etc. Bologna, 1868. PLIKOL, in Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Vol. V., p. 445. 1869. FRIEDLANDER. Unters. ueb. d. Uterus. 1870. HENNIG. Der Catarrh d. inn. weibl. Geschlechtsorg. 1870. WALDEYEU. Eieratock. u. Ei. Leipzig, 1870. LOTT and A. ROLLET. Untersuchungen. II. Leipzig, 1871. LANGHANS. Unters. ueber d. menschl. Placenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1877. LEOPOLD. Stud. ueb. d. Uterus-schleimhaut. Arch. f. Gyn. Vol. XI.«, p. 110 and 443. 1877. Also Vol. XII., p. 169. 1877. HENNIG. Ueber Driisen der Vagina. Arch. f. Gyn. VoL XII., p. 488.- 1877. FOULIS. The Development of the Ova, and the Structure of the Ovary, etc. Jour. of Anat. and Phys. Vol XIII., p. 353. 1878-79. FREY, HEINRICH. Histology and Histochemistry of Man. 1880, KLEIN, E., and E. NOBLE SMITH. Atlas of Histology. 1880. CHAPTER XVII. THE KESPIKATOBY TEACT. BY BENJAMIN F. WESTBROOK, MID., Lecturer on Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy at the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. THE respiratory tract includes the nares and, perhaps, the pharynx, but as the latter is more commonly associated with the function of deglutition, and the former contain in their upper portions the organs of one of the special senses, they have been assigned to other portions of this work. This chap- ter is devoted exclusively to the consideration of those parts which are concerned in the respiratory process. As the pleura forms a part of the lung, and facilitates the movements of breathing, its structure may properly be described under this section. The air-tubes are in general made up of three layers : an outer of connective tissue and elastic fibres ; a middle, muscu- lar and cartilaginous; and an inner of mucous membrane. Their structure is more complex in the upper, and simpler in the lower portions of the respiratory passages. The larynx. — The muscles of the larynx are of the striped or voluntary variety. The ligaments and membranes are composed of yellow elas- tic fibres with some white fibrous tissue. Their structure can be easily demonstrated by the process of teasing or by employing the reagents ordinarily used for this class of tissues. The la- teral thyro-hyoid and the inferior thyro-arytenoid ligaments have the following peculiarities of structure : the lateral thyro- hyoid ligament usually encloses a small piece of hyalinecarti-. lage about the size and shape of a large grain of wheat. It is known as the cartilago triticea. In adult males it is usually calcified. It may be incorporated either with the cornu of the hyoid bone or with the superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage. 254 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. The inferior thyro-arytenoid ligaments, or true weal cords, are made up almost entirely of yellow elastic fibres stretched across from the thyroid cartilage in front, to the vocal processes and adjacent anterior borders of the arytenoids behind. The elastic bundles originate, anteriorly, in a mass of connective tissue which occupies the angle of the thyroid. Posteriorly, many of the fibres are prolonged into the arytenoid cartilage, converting that part of it into reticular tissue. These liga- ments are continuous below with the lateral crico- thyroid mem- branes, and are described by some anatomists * as their superior borders. The innermost fibres of the internal thyro-arytenoid mus- cle mingle with the outer fibres of this ligament, some ending in or taking their origin from them. The intimate relation be- tween the muscle and the ligament can be seen in a vertical sec- tion through the larynx. Of the laryngeal cartilages, the three larger are of the hyaline variety. Horizontal sections show a broad central area with two zones between it and either the outer or inner sur- face. The appearance of the zones or bands is thus described by Rheiner : * "1. A thin peripheral portion, appearing to the naked eye as a narrow, bluish, opalescent band, which con- sists of a transparent and longitudinally striated matrix with elongated cartilage-cells arranged parallel to the surface. 2. The intermediate layer, a narrow, whitish, opaque band, con- sisting of a dull yellowish ground-substance with numerous large mother-cells containing fatty daughter-cells. 3. The broad central layer, with a perfectly transparent homogeneous matrix and few cells. The intercellular substance increases, relatively to the contained cells, from without inward, and, in the interior, presents numerous large spaces in which no cells are found. In the thyroid and cricoid cartilages the outer peripheral zone is thicker and more easily distinguished than the inner." The following peculiarities are to be noted : the central por- tion of the thyroid, viz., that part which forms the anterior projection or angle, is distinguished by the great number and small size of its cells. It ia penetrated by numerous fibres ' Qaain's Anatomy, eighth edition, Vol. II.. p. 284. * Quoted by Merkel in Anatomie u. Phys. des mensch. Stimm- u. Sprach-Organs. Leipzig, 1863, S. 166. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 255 from that mass of connective tissue from which the vocal cords take their origin. After prolonged maceration in some alka- line solution, this cartilage can be separated into three parts — two lateral and an anterior or median. The arytenoids are not composed exclusively of hyaline cartilage. The vocal process, as already mentioned, presents a yellow reticulated structure, the fibres of which are continuous with those of the true vocal cords. The apex has also a re- ticular structure when there is no joint between it and the cartilage of Santorini. The elastic tissue is then continuous with that which connects it with the corniculum. A hori- zontal section through the arytenoid at the level of the vocal process shows the reticular structure of the process, the hya- line character of the body of the cartilage, and the gradual transition from one to the other. The three cartilages already described are subject to calci- fication and partial ossification. This occurs more frequently and at an earlier age in the male than in the female. It also begins at a later date in those who have been castrated. It makes its first appearance at the points of muscular attach- ment. As the cartilages undergo calcification they increase in size, so that the calcified larynx of old age is larger than that of the young adult. The matrix also splits up into a fibrous texture, not aifected by acetic acid. The cornicula laryngis or cartilages of Santorini and the cuneiform cartilages of Wrisberg, as well as the sesamoid cartilages (when they exist) are of the reticulated variety. The cartilago triticea is hyaline and prone to calcification. The epiglottis consists of reticular cartilage. On transverse section, however, the intercellular substance is seen to be a spongy elastic substance, granular on section ; at the periphery yellow fibres are present. The elastic cartilage should be ex- amined with a high power. The mucous membrane of the larynx varies in its structure in different situations. On the laryngeal surface of the epi- glottis it is thin. The epithelium in the upper half is in several layers. The deepest cells are somewhat columnar or pyramidal in form, while the superficial ones are flat. The lower half is covered by a stratified, columnar, ciliated epithelium. The epithelium rests upon a thin, apparently structureless basement-membrane. 256 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. The mucosa is made up of delicate connective-tissue fibres, en- closing in their meshes a series of lymph -spaces. Connective- tissue cells are also found here, and some elastic fibres. There are a few small papillae in the upper portion. The submucous layer is thin, contains many elastic fibres, and is continuous with the perichondrium. It contains the racemose mucous glands, whose ducts open upon the surface. Some of the larger glands are lodged in the depressions of the cartilage, and some are even situated on its anterior aspects, their ducts passing through to the posterior side. In the submucous tissue there are lymphatic follicles, some of which are arranged about the mucous glands and their ducts. The membrane covering the false vocal cords, arytenoid cartilages, and ary-epiglottic folds, as well as that lining the ventricles and inferior compartment of the larynx is thicker and more loosely attached to the subjacent parts. It is covered by stratified columnar, ciliated epithelium, except upon the edge of the false vocal cords and over the inner surfaces of the arytenoids, where it is of the pavement variety. The mucosa contains a large amount of lymphoid tissue, which holds in its meshes lymphoid cells. Closed lymph-follicles are also found in the submucous tissue of the false vocal cords and on the floor of the ventricle.1 That portion of the mucous membrane which covers the true vocal cords is thin, more closely attached, and has no mucous glands. In its anterior half it ha's numer- ous small papillae (0.07 to 0.08 mm. in height, Coyne) project- ing at the edge and 'on the superior and inferior surfaces of the cord. They are composed of connective tissue, with many elas- tic fibres. Their vascular supply is slight. The membrane in this situation is covered by stratified pavement -epithelium, continuous posteriorly with that which covers the inner sur- faces of the arytenoids. Numerous racemose glands send their ducts obliquely upward and inward to discharge their secretion upon the upper and under surfaces of the vocal cords. In front of the corniculum laryngis, on either side, is a col- lection of racemose glands surrounding the cartilage of Wris- berg. Another collection is found between the arytenoids. The epithelium can be examined, either by scraping it from the surface, or in sections. The mucous glands are best seen 1 Coyne : Archiv. d. Physiologie, p. 92, 1874. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 257 in sections of the hardened larynx. They are lined by cubical glandular epithelium. The capillary blood-vessels of the laryn- geal mucous membrane are small with wide meshes, giving the membrane a paler appearance than that of the pharynx. The lymphatics are numerous in the mucous and sub- mucous layers. They may be injected with Berlin blue, by puncturing the submucous tissue. In the nervous filaments are ganglion cells. The mode of termination is not definitely known. But in the mucous membrane of the epiglottis end bulbs have been found. The methods of examination will be found elsewhere. The trachea and primary bronchi. — The rings of the trachea and bronchi are composed of hyaline cartilage. Longitudinal sections of these rings show that the cells lying near the peri- phery, underneath the perichondrium, are flattened, and ar- ranged with their long axes parallel to the surface. Internally they are oblong and perpendicular to the former. The ends of the incomplete rings are connected, posteriorly, by a layer of smooth muscular fibres, which are attached to the fibrous tissue of the perichondrium. The attachment is to the inner aspect of the ends of the cartilages, so as to throw the muscular layer forward of the most posterior projection of the rings. These muscular fibres also exist in the spaces between the rings, where they are attached, on either side, to the fibrous tissue of the tube. Outside of the transverse fibres are a few filaments which have a longitudinal direction. They are at- tached to the fibrous membrane. The fibrous membrane which encloses the cartilages and completes the framework of the tube is composed of connective tissue containing a considerable portion of elastic tissue, par- ticularly in its external portion. The outer lajrer of the fibrous membrane encloses both the cartilages and the muscle fibres. The inner layer is thin and lies between the rings and the glandular layer. The mucous membrane is covered by several layers of epi- thelial cells, the deeper being more or less spherical or ovoid, whilst the superficial ones are columnar and ciliated. The columnar cells, losing their cilia, are continued into the ducts of the mucous glands. These glands are very numerous, and often of considerable size. They are racemose, the acini being 258 MANUAL OF IIISTOLOGY. lined with cubical epithelium. Owing to the distention of some of the gland-cells by mucus or by the action of reagents, they assume a rounded form, and the nuclei are pressed against the attached ends of the cells. Such corpuscles are known as 4 'goblet " cells. Some of the larger glands project posteriorly outside of the fibrous membrane, but the great majority of them are situated internally to that structure, and then form a dis- tinct layer, the "glandular layer." They are most abundant in the spaces between the cartilages. Their ducts pierce the deb Pio. 109. — Transverse section of bronchial twig, 6 mm. in diameter : a. outer fibrous layer ; ft, muscu- lar layer ; c, inner fibrous layer (inucosa) ; rf. epithelium. Magnified 30 diameters. F. E. Schulze. mucous membrane obliquely, so that the entire length of a duct is not usually found in a section of the tracheal wall. At short intervals, between the columnar cells of the surface, other cells are found, of a spindle shape, or somewhat stellate. These cells send processes upward to the surface and down- ward into the basilar membrane, where they become contin- uous with other branched cells. The prolongation which passes upward to the surface is usually single, though it may occasion- ally send off a delicate filamentary branch, which is lost in the cement substance between adjacent cells. The process, sometimes double, which passes downward connects with a tissue in the mucosa which resembles the lymph canalicular system of other parts. It is made up of a network of branched cells, or connective-tissue corpuscles, which line a series of spaces, that in turn communicate with the lymphatic capillaries of the mucous membrane. Sikorsky injected a watery solution of carminate of ammonia into the THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 259 bronchial tubes of cats and dogs while the animals were liv- ing, and found, post-mortem, that the carmine had penetrated through the interepithelial cells above described into the lym- phatic vessels below. The interepithelial cells have a small nucleus which stains more deeply with hsematoxylon than do the nuclei of the ordi- nary epithelial cells. In vertical section they are more opaque than the epithelia, and, when seen on the surface of the mem- brane, appear as dark spots among the ciliated cells. The lymphatic capillaries join to form larger trunks which run along the sides of the bronchi communicating freely with each other and with those of the neighboring blood-vessels. They are called by Klein the peribroncMal lymphatics. Beneath the mucosa, and between it and the mucous glands, are numerous bundles of yellow elastic tissue having a longi- tudinal direction. Some of the bands are quite thick, particu- larly in the posterior wall, and raise the mucous membrane in longitudirial folds. The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi has a rich network of capillaries. The racemose glands are also sup- plied with a vascular network which ramifies in the fibrous tis- sue by which they are surrounded. The natural injection of these vessels, which occurs in cases of bronchitis in the human subject, is often sufficient for their examination. The mode of termination of the nerves has not been ascer- tained. The trachea should be hardened in chromic acid or Muller's fluid, followed by alcohol. The sections may be stained in hsematoxylon. In order to preserve the ciliated epithelium, it is well, as Professor Rutherford suggests, to cut the sections with the freezing microtome. The lymphatics can be injected by puncture. The smaller bronchi and lungs.— 'Beyond, the primary bron- chi (or first division of the trachea) the muscular fibres encircle the tubes inside of the cartilaginous and fibrous layer ; indeed, the primar}?- divisions show the first sign of this new arrange- ment. The cartilages change from incomplete rings to irregu- larly shaped plates, which are found on all sides of the tubes, but their microscopic structure remains unaltered. The longi- tudinal elastic fibres are contained between the muscular and mucous coats. The tubes divide and subdivide generally in a 260 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. dichotomous manner, diminishing gradually in calibre, the combined area of the branches, however, always exceeding that of the trunk from which they' spring. No change occurs in their structure, except a gradual thinning of their walls, until they reach a diameter of about 1 mm., when the cartilages disappear and the attenuation is more marked. The circular muscular fibres continue to exist, as also the longitudinal elas- tic fibres, but the mucous glands disappear. After a still further division the tubes are diminished to a diameter of .20 to .30 mm., the muscular fibres become more sparse, and the epithelium is reduced to a single layer of low, somewhat cubi- cal cells, which are still ciliated. These are the lobular bronchi, each one going to a single pulmonary lobule. The lobular bronchi each give off ten to fifteen smaller tubes, known as the terminal bronchi or bronchioles. They are straight and cylin- drical, their walls are very thin and delicate, and their epithelial cells gradually lose their cilia and become flattened plates. Each bronchiole leads to a smaller division of the lob- ule, called an acinus or lobulette.1 The bronchioles divide into short canals, the alveolar passages, usually three Fio. 110. — A system of alveolar pas- • -i • mu • 11 j.u* ges with infuridibuii from an ape's for each acinus. Their walls are thin Inng : a, terminal bronchial twig ; 6. 6, 111 -i 1 1 '• i _e intnndibuia; c, c, alveolar passages, and bulge outward on all sides, torm- Magnifled 10 times. F. E. Schulze. . ,, , . . . , .. ing, externally, little projections or elevations ; internally, shallow depressions or cavities which open into the calibre of the tube. They also give off secondary branches, called infundibula, which have groups of such little cavities attached to, and opening into them. The little cavities are the alveoli or air-cells of the lung. From this description it will be seen that each lobule has ten to fifteen acini or lobu- lettes, and that the lobulette is made up of alveoli or air-cells, which open into common spaces or infundibula, which in turn communicate with the alveolar passages. The alveoli, which are connected with the infundibula, are called terminal alve- oli ; those which open on the sides of the alveolar passage are called the parietal alveoli. The latter are called, by Dr. Wa- ters, the broncJiial alveoli. The alveolar passages, infundibula, 1 Dr. Waters : The Anatomy of the Human Lung, London, I860. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 2C1 and alveoli have a flat pavement epithelium resting on an ap- parently structureless basement-membrane. Outside of this are numerous elastic and muscular fibres, curving around the cavi- ties, and holding in their meshes the capillary blood-vessels. The muscular fibres are very numerous in the walls of the al- veolar passages and infundibula. The alveoli have a diameter of .1 to .4 mm., but their size varies greatly according to the degree of inflation of the lungs. FIG. III.— Section through an infundibultim : a, entrance from the alveolar passage into the infundi- bulntn ; o, nuclei of smooth muscular cells. Magnified 30 diameters. F. B. Schulze. The epithelium in the alveoli of the fetal lung is columnar in shape, so that a section of such a lung resembles a section of a glandular organ. But when the alveoli are distended at birth, the cells change their form. In transverse sections, either real or optical, of the alveolar walls, the epithelial plates pro- ject more or less into the cavity, according to the degree of dis- tention of the lung: This change of shape undoubtedly occurs during life with the alternating expansion and contraction of the thorax, and should be taken into account in considering the pathological changes of inflammation, collapse, etc. By injection of a weak solution of silver nitrate (£ per cent.) into the bronchi of a fresh lung, and its subsequent immersion in 262 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. alcohol, the lines between the epithelial plates can be demon- strated. The nuclei can be s.tained with carmine. Some of the cells are converted into hyaline plates. The alveolar epithelium of the human lung is not so readily demon- strated as that of animals, principally because too long a time usually elapses between death and the post-mortem dissection. In some traumatic cases an autopsy can be made early, and as Pio. 112.— Interior of an alveolus. LunR injected with a solution of nitrate of silVer to show the lines between the alveolar epithelial cells. F. E. Schnlze. favorable opportunity had of examining these structures. They can be shown very well in fresh sections cut with Valentin's knife. The spaces between the alveoli and acini contain the elastic fibres mentioned above, together with a few oval connective- tissue nuclei and muscular elements. The lobules are held together by thin septa of connective tissue. The connective tissue is also found in the angles of division of the lobular bronchi and bronchioles. The muscle-cells may be identified by their elongated, fusiform nuclei. A further proof of their 'existence is found in certain cases of cirrhosis of the lung, in which many distinct muscular fibres are found in the new connective tissue.1 The branches of the pulmonary artery follow the course 1 Buhl : Lungenentz. Tuberculosis, u. Schwindsucht, Miinchen. 1873, S. 358. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 263 of the bronchi as far as the lobules. The lobular branches are terminal arteries — i.e., they do not anastomose with each other. They break up into very small branches, which encircle the alveoli and supply the capillary plexuses of their walls. These capillaries are very small, and the network so fine that, when injected, the open spaces are not as wide as the vessels themselves. This, however, will vary with the degree of dis- tention of the lung. Between two adjacent alveoli only one Pro. 113.— Section of human lung injected through the pulmonary artery : a, a, free alveolar margins ; 6, small arterial branch ; c, c, alveolar walls seen in transverse section. F. E. Schulze. capillary plexus is found, the branches of which are seen to pursue an undulating course, projecting, first, into the cavity on one side, then into that an the other. These unite again into veins which run irregularly through the lobules to unite upon the bronchi and follow their course to the root of the lung. The peculiarities of the pulmonary veins are, 1st, that their united calibre does not exceed (if it equals) that of the arteries ; 2d, that they have no valves. The bronchial vessels supply the coats of the bronchial tubes and the surrounding connective tissue and the pulmonary pleura. But the line of demarcation between the bronchial and pul- monary circulations is indistinct on the venous side, as injec- tions thrown into the bronchial arteries fill the pulmonary 2G4 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. veins and capillary plexuses and overflow into the pulmonary arteries.1 It appears from this that part of the blood from the bron- chial arteries does, or may, return through the pulmonary veins. In their course through the lung, the pulmonary arteries lie upon the upper and anterior aspect of the bronchial tubes, while the veins are found on their inferior surface. The bron- chial arteries follow the tubes and divide with them. The lymphatics of the alveolar septa are a series of lacunar spaces lined by branched connective- tissue corpuscles, whose nuclei have already been described as being visible in ordinary sections of the lung. In sections of a lung treated with silver nitrate the forms of the cells are distinguishable. According to Klein the pro- cesses of these cells pass upward between the epithelial plates of the alveoli so as to bring the cells into direct communica- tion with the cavity, just as we have seen the interepithelial cells of the bronchial mucous membrane send certain processes upward between the columnar epithelia and others downward to the cells of the lymph lacunae. On examining the epithelium of an alveolus, small, round, dark spaces are seen between the cells ; these are said by Klein to be the projecting processes of the branched cells of the lymph lacunar system. The ends of these processes, both here and on the bronchial mtjcous mem- brane, are called pseudostomata, in contradistinction to the true stomata of the serous membranes. The small spaces, or lacunae, open into lymphatic radicles, which have a regular endothelial lining. These pass inward toward the root of the lung, upon t^e bronchi and the walls of the vessels. On the vascular walls they communicate freely with each other, and at times completely invest the vessel with a lymphatic sheath like that of the cerebral vessels. In this situation they are called perivascular lymphatics. The peri- vascular and peribronchial lymphatics communicate freely. At the surface of the lung there is a plexus immediately beneath the pleura (subpleural lymphatics) from which trunks of some size run to the root of the lung. They communicate with the perivascular system and with the pleural cavity. The final termination of all these channels is in the bronchial glands. 1 Dr. Waters. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 265 The nerves of the lungs are derived from the sympathetic and pneumogastric. Their mode of termination is not known. For the examination of the general structure of the lung it may be inflated and dried pretty rapidly in the sun or by a fire. For more careful examination it should be hardened in chromic acid, Miiller's fluid, or alcohol. The hardening fluid should be injected into the air- passages. In order to distend the vesicles it is well, before placing the lung in the hardening fluid, to inject the bronchi with simple gelatine. The vessels may also be injected with a colored mass. The lungs of the lower animals are used for these demonstrations, owing- to the difficulty of obtaining normal human lungs in a perfectly fresh condition. The investigation of the lymphatics is attended with great difficulty. They may be demonstrated by the puncture method. Klein found that on injecting the blood-vessels, under high pressure, with Ber- lin blue or silver nitrate, some of the capillaries ruptured, and the fluid passed into the perivascular lymphatics. The pleura. — The pleura, like the other serous membranes, consists of a connective-tissue ground-substance covered by a single layer of polygonal endothelial cells. In the costal pleura the subserous connective tissue is more abundant, and its at- tachment to the thoracic wall is not so firm as is that of the pulmonary pleura to the lung. The structure of the pleura is most conveniently studied in the smaller mammals. It can also be demonstrated in young children. To demonstrate the endothelium of the surface, the thorax of a recently killed animal should be opened, care being taken not to rub or otherwise injure the pleura. The surfaces are to be washed by pouring distilled water over them, in order to remove the serum, and then a weak solution of silver nitrate (i — \ Per cent.) allowed to flow over them. After a few mo- ments the surfaces are bathed with pure water. The diaphragm- atic or mediastinal portion is then excised with scissors, immersed in distilled water or glycerine, and exposed to the daylight until it takes a light reddish-brown color. It may now be floated on to a slide, carefully smoothed by traction at the edges, and mounted in glycerine. The portion excised should be large, so that it can be manipulated without touch- ing the part which is to be examined. For this reason it is well to take with it some of the surrounding structures, e.g., the 266 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. entire diaphragm, with the mediastinal portion, together with the heart and pericardium. It will be seen that the endothelium is composed of a great number of polygonal plates whose edges are glued together by a substance which has been stained brown or black by the sil- ver. Nuclei are seen in many of them, or they can be shown by staining with carmine or hsematoxylon. Small openings are to be seen in certain localities surrounded by cells of a more cubical form, with large, distinct nuclei. In other places small dark spots are seen between the cells. The openings are known as stomata, and communicate with lymphatic vessels running beneath the endothelium. The dark spots &re pseudo- stomata, and are similar in their nature to the pseudo-stomata of the alveoli and bronchial mucous membrane; i.e., they are the ends of processes of the branched cells of the ground-sub- stance reaching up between the endothelial plates. In order to demonstrate the ground-substance or connective-tissue layer of the pleura, the fresh surface is carefulty pencilled with a soft brush dipped in the fluid of the abdominal cavity, or in artificial serum. After washing with distilled water, the solu- tion of silver nitrate is poured over it, and it is treated as be- fore. On examination, the branched connective-tissue cells are seen communicating with each other by their processes. Blood-vessels and lymphatics are also seen, and in a favor- able place the endothelium of the latter is seen to be continuous with the branched cells. These cells line the cavities of the connective tissue, and belong to the lymph lacunar system. The lymphatic vessels accompany the blood-vessels, some- times ensheathing them. They are identified by the shape of their endothelial cells, which are wider and more polygonal in form than those of the veins. It will be seen from this descrip- tion that the serous membrane is a lymphatic structure. Its cavity communicates by means of the stomata with the lym- phatic vessels below, while, by means of the pseudo-stomata, it communicates with the lacunar spaces which are lined by the branched cells. To demonstrate the pulmonary pleura, the lungs should be excised, moderately distended with air (which is retained in them by ligature of the trachea), treated with silver nitrate, as already described, and then immersed in alcohol. After a few days sections are made parallel to the surface. THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. 267 If the lung be pencilled before it is treated with the silver solution the deeper structures can be examined. The sections should be mounted in glycerine with the external surface upward. The appearances here are similar to those already described. The capillary lymphatic-vessels communicate with the superficial pulmonary branches forming the subpleural lymphatics. The endothelial cells of the pulmonary pleura vary in shape according to the degree of distention of the lung. In the lung which has been inflated before hardening, the cells appear as flat plates, but in the atelectatic lung of a fetus, or the collapsed lung of an animal that has breathed, they are cubical or even columnar in shape. This difference is most marked in the guinea-pig, owing to the presence of a layer of muscular-fibres beneath the pleura of that animal. The tops of the cells which have this pyramidal shape are not flat as in true columnar epithelium, but rounded. This change of shape simply indicates that the cells accommodate themselves to changes of space. These changes, in a lesser degree, must be occurring constantly during life, with the movements of respi- ration. On the costal pleura, the stomata are only found in the intercostal spaces. Attached to the lower border of the lung are minute ap- pendages, the "pleural appendages" forming a sort of fringe connected with the pleura. Some are visible to the naked eye, some microscopic. The larger are made up of connective tissue and blood-vessels, and, exceptionally, nervous fibres in the larger ones. They are covered by round cells, sometimes resembling epithelium. The smallest ones are structureless, and in general have no epithelial covering.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY. COYNE, P. Recherches sur 1' anatomic normale de la nraqueuse du Larynx. Ar- chives de Physiologic, p. 92. Paris, 1874. STIRLING. Nervous Apparatus of the Lung. Brit. Med. Journal. Vol. II., p. 401. 1876. CADIAT. Des rapports entre le develop, du poumon et la structure. Jour, de 1'anat. et de la Phys., No. 6, p. 591. 1877. And, Structure et de>el. du poumon. Gaz. Med. de Paris, No. 17, p. 214. 1877. 1 Luschka : Anatomic des Menschen, Bd. I., S. 293. 268 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. GRANCIIEIC. Note BUT leslymphat. du poumon. Gaz. Med. de Paris, No. 9, p. 103. 1877. AEBY. Die Gestalt d. Bronchialbaumes u. die Ilomol. d. Lungenlappen beiin Menschen. Med. CentralbL, No. 16, p. 290. 1878. SEILER, C. Researches on the Anatomy of the Vocal Cords. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, p. 333. April 5, 1880. And, Minute Anatomy of the Larynx Normal and Pathological. Archives of Laryngology. Vol. I., Nos. 1 and 2 and to be continued. 1880. CHAPTER XVIII. THE SKIN. Br A. R ROBINSON, M.D., Lecturer on Normal Histology in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York. General plan of arrangement. — The integumentum commu- ne, or skin, forms the external covering of the body, which it mechanically protects, and at the same time is endowed with certain physiological functions. The surface of the skin in some parts of the body is smooth and soft ; in others it is more or less uneven and rough. This latter condition depends upon the presence of pores, hairs, furrows, and ridges. The pores correspond to the surface openings of the hair-follicles, sebaceous and sweat-glands. The hairs vary in amount of development according to their situation. In the so-called hairy regions they are largest ; other parts are provided only with a soft down (lanugo hairs). There are no hairs on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, the dorsal surfaces of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, the glans penis, and inner surface of the prepuce. The fur- rows are either long and deep, or short and superficial. The former are chiefly found in the flexures of the joints, and cor- respond to the folds in the derma produced by movements of the joint. The latter run between the papillary elevations, and, by crossing each other, divide the surface into a number of polygonal or lozenge-shaped fields. This division is well- marked on the backs of the hands. These superficial furrows are more developed on the extensor than on the flexor surfaces of the extremities, and in the lumbar region more than on the anterior surface of the abdomen. Their direction is dependent on the degree of the tension of the skin. The ridges correspond to the papillse, and are most developed on the palmar surfaces of the last digital phalanges. The color of the skin varies in 270 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. individuals according to race, and in the same individual ac- cording to the part of the body. The dark skin of some races depends upon the presence of 'pigment in the cells of the rete Malpighii. In the white race, dark pigment is usually pres- ent in greatest quantity in the areolse of the nipples and in the scrotum and labise. General structure. — The skin is composed of the follow^ ing parts : epidermis, corium, subcutaneous connective tissue, Pio. 114.— Diagrammatic perpendicular section through the normal skin : a, epidermis ; b, rete Mal- pighil; c, papillary layer; d, corinm; e, panniculns adiposus; /, spirally bent end of excretory sweat- dnct : 0, straight portion of excretory duct of sweat-gland ; A, coil of sweat-duct ; i, hair-shaft ; *, root of hair ; 1, sebaceous gland. After Neumann. blood-vessels, nerves, lymphatics, sweat and sebaceous glands, hairs, and nails. A perpendicular section through the skin shows (Fig. 114) three well-marked layers ; the most superficial is called the epidermis proper, a, b ; the middle layer is the corium or cutis, d ; and the deepest layer the subcutaneous connective tissue, e. The limit of the epidermis at its place of union with the corium is sharply denned, but the corium and subcutaneous connec- THE SKIN. 271 tive tissue gradually merge into each other, the boundary be- tween them being only an artificial one. Commencing with the epidermis, we will describe in detail the minute structure of the different tissues and organs of the skin, omitting only the lymphatics. Description of the different layers. — The epidermis is generally subdivided into several layers, with specially distinc- tive names for each layer ; but though such a division has some practical value, histologically it is incorrect, as the cells of the lowest layer are transformed, at some period of their existence, in their movement toward the free surface, into the cells of the other layers. Examination with high powers also shows that the chan- ges in the molecular constitution or chemical condition of the cells of the epidermis — changes which produce differences in their appearance — are quite gradual. Consequently, sharply defined layers are not found. For practical reasons, however, it is well to adopt the usual classification. In Pig. 115 these layers are shown. Another division is into Malpighian and corneous layers only, the former comprising the rete and the granular layer, and the latter the stratum lucidum and corneous layer. The Malpighian layer, as compared with the corneous layer, pre- sents a more or less dark, granular appearance, while the latter is homogeneous, and its cells have a lamellar arrangement. The rete MalpigTiii consists of nucleated corpuscles, rich in protoplasm, granular in appearance, and disposed more or less in parallel strata, the elements of the different layers differing somewhat from each other as regards their size and shape. The lowest layer consists of columnar-shaped cells arranged pali- sade-like, with their long axes more or less perpendicular to the surface of the corium. Where the papillae are well developed, this perpendicular arrangement is not so marked. The base of some of these bodies terminates in a pointed extremity, which passes a short distance into the underlying corium. Each of them has an oval nucleus. The cell-body consists of a small quantity of slightly granular, shining protoplasm. The cor- puscles of this layer are not united to each other by bands, as 272 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. in the other layers. The next two or three strata consist of more or less polygonal-shaped bodies, each with a spherical nucleus. The cells of these' layers are large, their contours sharpl}' defined, and they contain more or less pigment. It is this substance deposited in the corpuscles that gives the charac- teristic color to the different races of mankind. Their cell-bod- ies are larger in proportion to the nucleus than in the first layer. In the succeeding layers the cells increase in size and are more granular in appearance, the cells and nuclei become flatter as they approach the granular layer, and, finally, lie with their long axes parallel to the surface. The granular structure which in the lowest layer is most marked around the nucleus, gradu- ally extends toward the margin of the cells, as the surface is approached, so that finally a clear area is seen around the nucleus, whilst the remainder of the cell-body is markedly granular. At the same time the cell-body becomes firmer and the nucleus smaller. All the cells of the rete Malpighii, except those of the first row, are united to each other by filaments (Martin, Bizzozero, Heitzmann), the so-called prickles of Max Schultze (Fig. 116). These uniting filaments or bands vary much as regards their size and length in different parts of the body. They are most distinct wherever the Mal- pighian layer is well developed, but are thicker and longer in the lower rows of Fia lie.-" prickie "ceiis cells than in the upper. At the stratum lucidum they cease to exist. Between neighboring corpuscles the length of these bands is in direct proportion to the distance between the borders of the cell- bodies. Hence, where three or four cells meet at one place, as in the centre of Fig. 116, the minute filaments are much longer than those uniting the bodies of closely adjoining cells. Examining these prickle-cells with the microscope, alternate dark and light bands are seen between the cell-borders. With a low power, these light bands appear to consist of spaces be- tween the connecting filaments, the dark lines being the con- necting filaments, but with a high power the latter can be recognized as spaces between the former. The light bands can be traced from the surface of one cell to the surface of another, whilst the dark lines are the spaces between these THE SKIN. 273 bands. These connecting cords sometimes divide and anas- tomose with each other, forming a sort of network between the cells. In this case, the dark spaces do not always extend from one cell-body to another, since they may correspond to the space between anastomosing filaments. These bands are therefore not the prickles of adjoining cells, which interlock with each other, but are true connecting filaments between cells of a common origin, and which have not yet become sepa- rated from each other. The connecting bands or fibres gradu- ally diminish in length and thickness from below upward, and finally cease to exist when the granular layer is reached. The spaces between the bands are filled with an inter- cellular albuminous substance, and they may be regarded as minute channels for the conveyance of nutriment to the cells of the epidermis. The above view of the "prickles" corre- sponds very closely with that held by Dr. Martin, and differs from that of later observers, who maintain that the dark lines are connecting bands, and the light lines the spaces between them. Owing to the close union of the Malpighian elements it is very difficult to isolate them. Perhaps the best way to accom- plish this result is by long immersion in iodized serum. Fig. 117 represents a cell isolated in this manner. Here the bands have been torn apart and the cell-surface is studded with thorn-like projections. Hardening in chromic acid, with subseq uent boiling in a moderately FIO. m.-i*>- , ,. . * lated "prickle" strong solution of potash, causes a separation of the <*»• mucous layer from the corium and a falling apart of the rete cells (Biesiadecki). The structure of the corpuscles, however, can be best studied when their normal relations with each other are preserved. Variations in the number of cellular lay- ers are of normal occurrence in the rete, although this portion of the skin shows the least variation as regards its thickness. The arrangement of the elements in these different strata is the same in all parts of the body, and appears to be independent of the thickness of this layer. As regards the direction of the long axes of the cells there is a gradual passing from the perpendicularly seated cells of the first layer to the horizontally lying cells of the uppermost row. The lower surface of the rete adapts itself to the upper surface of the corium, and between the papillae projects down- 274 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. FIG. 11&— Horizontal section of skin through a papilla. The migrating cells are observed as dark bands between the epithelial cells and amongst the connective tissue of the papilla. Pagensteoher. ward and forms the interpapillary rete Malpigliii. Wandering lymphoid cells' are frequently present in the rete. They are especially numerous in some pathological conditions. They (Fig. 118) are elongated spindle-shaped bodies lying between the rete cells, and sending out minute processes. They color deeply in carmine, have a small nucleus, and are most numerous in the lower part of the rete mucosum. The granular layer (Fig. 115, 6) consists of one or two strata of flattened, granular- looking bodies, which, in perpendicular section appear spindle - shaped, with their long diameter parallel to the free surface of the epidermis. In this stratum the cells are no longer connected with each other by bands, as in the pre- ceding layer. The nuclei of these corpuscles are very distinct, and flattened in the same direction as the cell-body. The latter has a very coarsely gran- ular appearance, which is most marked near the nucleus, and gradually diminishes in degree as the periphery of the cell is approached. The structure of these bodies is best shown with hsematoxylon. The stratum lucidum, also called the stratum of OeM, is composed of at least three layers (Fig. 115, c). It presents a clear, homogeneous, or striated appearance. Within the flat- tened cells composing it, a staff-shaped nucleus is found. The cells of this layer are formed from those of the granular stra- tum. In their movement to the free surface the latter become less granular and the inter-granular substance grows more trans- parent and shining (Unna). This change from a granular to a homogeneous translucent appearance commences around the nucleus, whence it gradually extends to the periphery of the cell. The nucleus, also, usually becomes invisible. In vertical section the corneous layer appears (Fig. 115, d) to be composed of wavy fibres and horny, transparent cells of various sizes and shapes. This variation in bulk and form THE SKIN. 275 depends in great measure upon the thickness of the layer. The nearer we approach to the stratum lucidum, the more dis- tinct are the cells. If the layer is very thin the cells appear as elongated, flat, or curved bodies, giving to this part of the epidermis a fibrous appearance. When the corneous stratum is thick these cells present various forms and sizes. The cor- puscles of the lower layers color slightly in carmine, are poly- gonal or spindle-shaped, and frequently contain a shrivelled nucleus. As the surface is approached they grow flatter and drier, are more bent upon themselves, and color less and less in carmine. The nucleus also becomes invisible. The most su- . perficial layers are composed of elongated, flat, dried-up cells, the so-called epidermic scales. These bodies are best studied after they have been subjected to the action of liquor potassse, which causes them to swell up. The corpuscles of the stratum corneum are arranged in lay- ers as in the other parts of the epidermis, but the elements forming a layer are more closely united with each other than with those of the adjoining layers. Hence this stratum can be separated into lamellae, as occurs in some pathological states of the skin. It accompanies, for example, the formation of some vesicles, where the exuded liquid, prevented from pass- ing toward the surface, accumulates between the layers, and thus separates them from each other. The corneous layer participates in the elevations and de- pressions of the underlying layers. This causes the undulat- ing or wavy appearance of the lamellge, as observed in sections where the papillae are well developed. It varies greatly in thickness in different parts of the body, and reaches its great- est development on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Its thickness does not depend upon the rete Malpighii, as it sometimes forms a thin layer where the rete is thick, and vice versa. The subcutaneous connective-tissue layer of the skin con- sists principally of connective-tissue bundles, which, coming from the underlying fasciae of the muscles or from the peri- osteum, pass in an oblique direction to the corium. These fasciculi are generally cylindrical in form, and variable in size ; by their anastomoses or divisions they form larger or smaller networks, with correspondingly large or small interfascicular spaces. Generally large bundles anastomose with each other 276 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. in this layer, and hence a loose connective tissue is formed. Within this layer adipose tissue is found in greater or less quantity. The fat-cells are collected into masses or lobules, the number of cells which form a lobule varying greatly in num- ber. Each of these latter may be regarded as a fat-gland, as it is provided with an afferent artery, a capillary plexus between the corpuscles, and one or more efferent veins. Several lobules are sometimes united together in the form of an acinous-like gland, and are likewise seen to be surrounded by a general sheath of connective tissue. The individual fat-cells are round, flattened, polyhedral, or oval-shaped, the form depending upon the degree and direction of the pressure exerted upon them. Owing to the amount of fat-tissue so often found in this layer, it has been called the panniculus adiposus. Such fat-lobules are absent in the penis, scrotum, labise minorse, eyelids, and pinna. The corresponding spaces in these regions are tra- versed by fine connective- tissue bands or single fibrils. From this adipose tissue fat-columns pass upward in a somewhat oblique direction to the bases of the hair-follicles, especial!}7" to those of the fine hairs. Their long axes form a slight angle with the axes of the follicles, and they are nearly parallel to the erector pili muscles (Warren). In cases of starvation, in the so-called wasting diseases, and in all acute diseases at- tended with excessive loss of tissue, the fat-cells ^disappear to a greater or less extent. The skin, in such instances, becomes correspondingly flaccid and wrinkled. Adipose tissue gives to the skin its tension and fulness, and to the body its appear- ance of roundness or plumpness. Obesity consists in an exces- sive production of fat-cells. The interfascicular spaces differ in size in proportion to the amount of lymph present, and to the closeness of the anasto- moses between the bundles. In oedema the lymph-spaces are increased in size proportionately to the increased amount of liquid present. The interfascicular spaces all communicate with each other, as is shown by the rapidity with which a hypodermically injected liquid can be dispersed by manipu- lation. The connective-tissue cells of this layer and of the corium consist of branched cells (Ravogli) which surround the white fibrous bundles and send in processes between the fibres. Ac- cording to some observers, these cells are epithelioid in charac- THE SKIN. 277 ter. The elastic-tissue fibres are developed from the processes of the branched cells. Besides connective- tissue fibres and cells, lymphoid corpus- cles are present in this layer. They exist in greatest number near the blood-vessels and glands. In this situation they are of a roundish form, but in the parts distant from the blood- vessels they are more or less spindle-shaped, and are to be regarded as wandering cells. The convoluted part of the sweat-glands and the lower part of the hair-follicles of deep-seated hairs lie in this layer. Blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves are present. The blood-vessels are large, 'and after giving off small branches to the hair-follicles, sweat-glands, and fat-lobules, pass upward to the corium. Pacinian corpuscles are found in connection with some of the nerves. For a description of these bodies the reader is re- ferred to the article on the nerves. The principal part of the corium consists of white fibrous and elastic tissue, the latter increasing in amount with advancing age. Here the white fibrous tissue forms a much denser, firmer structure than in the previous layer. It consists of deep oblique, and superficial horizontal bundles. The latter com- prise fine bundles of connective tissue which run parallel with the surface of the skin, and by their division and anastomoses form a very fine network with small interfascicular spaces. From this layer bundles pass upward into the papillae, and these form a second denser network. The deeper layer is formed by a continuation upward of the subcutaneous con- nective-tissue bundles. These pass upward in an oblique direc- tion, and as they reach the corium divide into fasciculi. Here they continue to divide and anastomose with each other and with fibres from the horizontally running bundles. The anas- tomoses are very close ; hence, the corium is formed of a dense network of connective tissue, except in those parts which are traversed by blood-vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, hair-folli- cles, and sebaceous and sweat glands. Immediately around the hair-follicles, sweat-ducts, and sebaceous glands the con- nective tissue is dense, and the fibres run parallel with the di- rection of the organs. Owing to the greater size of the connec- tive-tissue bundles in the lower part of the corium, and the consequent looseness of the network formed by their anasto- 278 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. moses, tliis part of the coriura has been called the pars retlcu- laris cor ii, in contradistinction from the finer network formed in the upper part, to which the name pars papillaris has been applied. But neither between these two parts nor between the subcutaneous layer and the corium is there any sharp dividing line, the transition being a gradual one. As already mentioned, the size of the interfascicular spaces depends upon the closeness of the anastomosis between the bundles and fibres. The direction of the bundles corresponds with that taken by the blood-vessels. The connective-tissue corpuscles of the corium resemble those found in the subcutaneous layer, and also bear the same relation to its connective-tissue bundles. From the upper portion of the corium fibres pass upward to make the papillae. The form of the papilla is very variable in different parts of the body. Where they are most developed, as on the inner surface of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, they are conical in shape. In some other regions they form only slight elevations on the corium, giving a wave-like appearance to its upper surface. They consist of a close network of white, fibrous connective tissue combined, especially in the central part of the papilla, with a large number of elastic fibres. Those papillae which contain tactile corpuscles are called nerve-pa- pillae. The corium is separated from the stratum mucosum by a thin, transparent basement-membrane, containing oval nuclei. Its under surface is not sharply defined, and from it prolonga- tions pass upward between the cylindrical cells of the rete, giving this surface a notched appearance similar to that ob- served on the inner margin of the internal sheath of the hair- follicle. Elastic fibres are present in large numbers in the corium, especially in its upper part, where they form a network around and between the white fibrous tissue-bundles. In the lower part of the corium they form a large network, which becomes finer as the surface is approached. The number of elastic fibres increases with advancing years. With this increase of clastic fibres there is a corresponding decrease of the white fibrous connective-tissue cells (Ravogli). Numerous wander- ing cells are met with in the corium, especially in the vicinity of the blood-vessels and glands. Hair-follicles, sebaceous THE SKIN. 279 glands, sweat-ducts, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and non-striated muscles are also present in this layer. For a fuller descrip- tion of the intimate structure of the connective-tissue bundles and cells, see the subject of connective tissues. Blood-vessels. — Only the corium and subcutaneous tissue are provided with blood-vessels. The arterial Hood-vessels supplying the skin form two parallel horizontal layers, a su- perficial and a deep one. The deep layer lies in the subcuta- neous tissue, and consists of large vessels running parallel to the general surface. From this horizontally lying deep layer, branches are distributed to the sweat-glands and fat-follicles of this region. The principal branches, however, pass perpendicu- larly or obliquely upward through the corium to its upper part, and form immediately beneath the papillae (after free branch- ing and anastomosis) a superficial horizontal layer, the stratum subpapillare. From the vessels ascending through the corium branches are given off to the hair-follicles, sebaceous glands, and gen- eral tissue of the corium. From the stratum subpapillare small branches pass upward into "PIG. ii9.-Biood-ve«- the papillae, where they become capillary ves- Stratum ^ubpSpulare'; l\ sels, which proceed to the summit of the papilla. (See Fig. 119.) Before reaching this point, however, they frequently divide into two or more branches. Frequently, those papillae in which tactile corpuscles are seated have no blood-vessels. The veins are arranged on the same plan as the arteries : they form a superficial and a deep layer, and have their origin in the papillae. From the superficial layer larger vessels pass downward, receiving blood from the veins of the hair-follicles, sebaceous glands, and the general tissue of the corium, thus forming a deep subcutaneous layer or venous network. JVerves. — Medullated and non-medullated nerve-fibres are present in the skin. They are found in combination in the nerve- trunks of the subcutaneous tissue, the medullated fibres being most numerous in those regions of the skin where the Pacinian and tactile corpuscles are most abundant. In the subcuta- neous connective-tissue region, and in the lower part of the corium, some nerve-fibres leave the nerve-trunks and pass to the glands, blood-vessels, and Pacinian corpuscles found in this region. In the corium some of the fibres lose their medullary MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. sheath, and afterward continue their course as non- medulla ted fibres. The nerve-bundles pass upward in a more or less oblique direction from the subcutaneous connective tissue through the corium to the subpapillary network of blood-vessels, around which they form a plexus. From this subpapillary plexus medullated fibres run upward and pass into the tactile cor- puscles. The non-medullated nerve-fibres form a reticulum around the blood-vessels of the pars reticularis corii and the capilla- ries of the papillae. They consist of thick or fine, smooth, varicose fibres with numerous nuclei. These fibres proceed from the network around the subpapillary blood-vessels up- ward toward the rete Malpighii, and either pass directly into the rete or run for a short distance parallel to its under sur- face, and then finally enter that layer. Within the epider- mis the fibres run between the cells and terminate in a manner not yet definitely known. Their mode of division and termina- tion within the epidermis is probably similar to that occurring in the cornea. Within the papillae the nerve-fibres frequently divide before entering the rete. The manner of distribution and termination of the non- medullated nerve-fibres can only be studied successfully in tis- sue stained with gold chloride. The tissue must be fresh, and a weak solution of the gold chloride used. When sufficiently stained the tissue is placed in distilled water slightly acidu- lated with acetic acid and exposed to the light. The Pacinian corpuscles are found in greatest abundance in the skin of the fingers, toes, palm of the hand, sole of the foot, but also occasionally in other regions of the skin. Their struc- ture is described in the article on the nervous system. Tactile corpuscles. — As already mentioned, some of the medullated nerve-fibres forming the plexus surrounding the subpapillary blood-vessels, pass upward and enter the so-called tactile corpuscles. These corpuscles are generally seated in the papillae, but occasionally they are found in the subpapillary region, i.e., the upper part of the corium. The majority of the papillae containing such corpuscles have no blood-vessels. They are more or less oval in form, and can be easily recog- nized under the microscope by their dark contours and by the oblique lines produced by the transversely running connective- tissue fibres of the outer surface of the corpuscle. There may THE SKIN. 281 be two or more corpuscles within a single papilla (Thin), but each corpuscle invariably has a special nerve passing into it. Frequently, however, an appearance as if two corpuscles were present is produced by a single corpuscle having the shape of a figure 8. The medullated nerve-fibre, in passing to the corpuscle, pursues a more or less curved course, and usually enters it at or near its lower extremity. It may, however, en- ter at any part of the corpuscle, and sometimes winds around it for a considerable distance before entering. After entering the corpuscle the medullary sheath is lost, and its course now becomes difficult to pursue, except in the case of very small or young corpuscles. The intimate structure of these bodies and the arrangement of their formative elements are still mat- ters of discussion and uncertainty. The external portion of a corpuscle appears to be composed, in great part, of larger or smaller bundles of white, fibrous connective tissue anastomos- ing with each other and running transversely, or in a spiral direction, to the long diameter of the corpuscle. This part of the corpuscle differs, as regards irregularity of surface, with the size and the manner in which the fibrous fascicles divide and anastomose. The coarser the bundles and the anastomo- ses the more irregular will be its sur- face. Between the fibres are found oval or round bodies which color deep- ly in gold, and have been regarded as elastic elements (Thin). Other obser- vers consider them as connective tis- sue, or nerve-fibres. Some of these bodies undoubtedly represent the nerve-fibre in transverse or oblique section ; for the nerve pursues a more or less zigzag course within the corpuscle, and, consequently, a section of the body will probably show the nerve cut across in one or more places (Fig. 120, Z>). The arrangement of the elements forming the central part of the corpuscle is not yet thoroughly understood. These bodies have hitherto been usually regarded as end-organs — that is, it has been believed that the medullated nerve-fibre terminates within the corpuscle, hence the name, tactile corpuscle. Observers, however, have f... FIG. 120.— Tactile corpuscle, show- ing termination of nerve : a, corpuscle; 6, nerve, cut obliquely; c, apparent division of nerve-fibre ; e, similar ap- pearance as at c ; /, blood-vessel ; g, rete cells; h, nerve-fibre cut trans- versely. 282 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. not agreed as to the mode of termination of the nerve, and some have maintained that it has not been clearly proven that they really do terminate in the corpuscle. From specimens which I have recently obtained I am led to believe that the nerve does not terminate within the corpuscle, but passes on into the rete Malpighii. The best corpuscles for studying this point are small ones, as in these a section is more likely to include the entire upper extremity of the corpuscle at the same time that it is not too thick for examination with the microscope. Even in a small corpuscle, however, unless the nerve passes onward in a direct level with the corpuscle after leaving it, the nerve, in a vertical section, will be cut across, and it will, therefore, be impossible to follow it from the corpuscle into the rete. I believe the nerve frequently, perhaps generally, changes the direction of its course after leaving the corpuscle, and hence we often see a transverse section of the nerve at the upper extremity of the corpuscle. In Fig. 120 is seen the location of the termination of the nerve-fibre as observed in one of my specimens. In one place its course between the rete cells was very indistinct, though recognizable. The nerve passed obliquely upward be- tween the cells of the rete to the space between the second and third rows of cells, where it assumed a longitudinal di- rection. At the commencement of the curve tjie nerve ap- peared to have undergone division (c). After passing a short distance horizontally it ran almost perpendicularly downward, and near g was lost to view. At e it appeared to have again undergone division. According to the appearances here fig- ured the corpuscles are not the structures in which the nerve terminates, the latter passing from the corpuscle (as a non- medullated fibre) into the epidermis, where it divides and probably terminates in the same manner as the other nerves. This mode of termination cannot be regarded as strange, as we have already seen that some medullated nerve-fibres lose their medulla deeper in the corium, and afterward continue their course as non-medullated fibres. The tactile corpuscles are found in greatest number in the ends of the fingers. They are also present on other parts of the hand and on the foot, and sometimes in the lips and nipple. The sweat-glands.— The sweat-glands— glandulce sudorif- THE SKIX. erce — are found in the skin of all parts of the body except that of the glans penis and margin of the lips. They are most nu- merous in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, where they number, according to Krause, 2,685 to 2,736 to the square inch. A sweat-gland is composed of two parts, viz.: the gland proper, or secreting part, and an excretory duct. The gland proper lies in the subcutaneous tissue, and consists of the lower part of the sweat- gland rolled and coiled upon itself into a more or less globular form, the tube ter- minating in a cul-de-sac, the blind extrem- ity generally lying in the centre of the coil. The diameter of the secreting tube is greater than that of the excretory duct. The former is composed of secreting cells, unstriped muscular fibres, and a basement- membrane. The cells (glandular or secret- ing epithelial cells) are polygonal in shape and form only a single layer. They are strongly granular in appearance and have a very distinct nucleus. Their basal end is sometimes notched where they are in- serted into the basement-membrane. In normal conditions these bodies are never found in the sweat-fluid, but in inflamma- tion of the surrounding connective tissue they frequently become separated from the basement-membrane. Oil-globules are frequently seen in the cell- body, and are to be regarded as a normal constituent of the corpuscles. The basement-membrane is a thin, transparent structure, lying beneath the epithelial cells and composed of flat endo- thelial elements, as shown by the action of silver nitrate on the fresh tissue. In certain glands, especially those of the axilla, a layer of unstriped muscular fibres is found external to the basement- membrane. These fibres are present in only a small number of sweat-glands ; by their contraction they assist in the expul- sion- of the secreted sweat. They are the smallest unstriped muscular fibres met with in the human body. Flo, 121. — Lower part of a sweat-gland : a, excretory duct ; 6, coil of secreting-tube ; c, se- creting-tnbe cut transversely; ., corpora quadngemina ; c. c., crus cerebri. 308 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. its peripheral extremity into a bulbous termination (see Fig. 133), from which the posterior root emerges. The central gray matter between the two horns is traversed and intersected by the decussating fibres from the lateral columns. Numerous pro- longations from this gray matter spread out into the lateral columns, presenting a coarse reticulum, called iheformatio FIG. 133.— Diagram of transverse section of human medulla below external decussation of pyramids, showing bulbous posterior horns: F R, formatio reticulnriR ; 11, spinal accessory root and decnssation of the lateral columns. Flo. 134. — Diagram. Decnssation of the pyra- mids, shows decussation of the lateral columns, the swelling of the posterior horns, the shrink- age of the anterior horns, the spinal accessory root 11, and a partial decussation of the posterior columns behind the central canal. reticularis. The gray commissure is very broad, the central canal having its long diameter directed antero-posteriorly. In sections at the decussation of the pyramids proper, i.e., where they are seen to decussate externally, a slightly different picture is presented. The lateral columns have nearly disap- peared, having now almost all entered into the decussation, which is here very broad (see Fig. 134), and presents a peculiar zigzag appearance from the interweaving of bundles of fibres from the opposite lateral columns. These fibres, after curving around 'the anterior columns for a short distance, seem to dis- appear by assuming a vertical direction. The club-shaped ex- tremities of the posterior horns remain, while the rest is pushed back into the posterior columns, and contains many large cells. The anterior horns are also displaced backward, pushed back by the anterior columns increased in size by the addition of the lateral columns. Hence, the anterior roots have a longer path through the anterior columns and approach the type of the hypoglossal nerve-roots seen a little higher up. (See Fig. 135.) The spinal accessory nerve curves out and back from the lateral gray matter where a group of cells is situated. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 309 Let us next take up a section involving the lower end of the olivary body. We have the following view presented. The section is slightly cordiform. (See Fig. 135.) The decussa- ting fibres at the base of what remains of the anterior fissure, which has all along become shallower, now forms the com- mencement of the rapke, a structure which extends all through the rest of the medulla and pons, separating the two motor tracts. The union of the lateral and anterior columns now nearly complete, forms the anterior pyramids. The fibres here have a general vertical direction, except that a broad band which emerges from the decussation at the bottom of the anterior fissure, curves around the margin of the anterior pyramid, and then, sometimes in the sub- stance, sometimes at the surface of the medulla, almost completely sur- rounds it, the bundle becoming lon- gitudinal on the posterior surface. These bear the name of the arciform fibres. The rest of the white matter is so cut up as to render it hardly divisible into regions. The central canal, which is very long antero-posteriorly, has almost coalesced with the gradually deepening posterior furrow soon to become the fourth ventricle. The gray matter originally in the cord is now collected about the central canal. Anterior and external to the central canal there is a small group of multipolar cells. This is the remnant of the anterior horns, which have been continually crowded back by the accumulation of fibres in the anterior pyramids. These cells in every respect are similar to those in the anterior horns. Their processes give origin to fibres which course forward in two or three bundles through the white matter of the anterior pyramids, and emerge at about the junction of the anterior pyramids and the lateral white mass. A little farther back in the gray matter, behind the central canal, is a small group of nerve-cells the remains of the spinal accessory nucleus, from which a few fibres run in a straight course outward and slightly backward, through the lateral white matter. Additional collections of gray matter now begin FIG. 135. — One half of section at lower end of the olives : 11, upper spinal acces- sory root ; 12, lower hypoglossal roots. 310 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. to appear. In the posterior region is a large tract (see Fig. 135) containing- scattered groups of many small cells evidently con- nected with the arciform fibres. This is probably a part of the lower origin of the pneumogastric. A little in front and external to this is a small group of larger nerve-cells which help to form the lower sensory origin of the fifth nerve. Still farther forward in the lateral region is a large collection of multipolar nerve-cells. Although this group is traversed in many directions by fibres, single and in bundles, still it seems to give rise to fibres which run back and upward, evidently to curve upon themselves and join the peripheral fibres of the spinal accessory root. (See Figs. 135 and 137.) Farther forward still there is a collection of small cells arranged in a wavy line (see Fig. 135), the commencement of the olivary nucleus. Through this the roots of the hypoglossus all pass. Some seem to be lost in it, others appear to arise from it, but this is probably due to the arrangement of roots often seen to curve into the nucleus and then out again. As this is the first appearance of the olivary body, it will be well here to describe it. THE OLIVARY BODY. The olivary nuclei are situated in the medulla, under the oval projections on its anterior surface called the olivary bodies. The nucleus consists of a strip of gray matter arranged in gen- eral like a piece of fluting folded on itself, so as to form almost an ellipse. From the concavities of the fold on either side pro- ceed bundles of fibres, the external ones joining the formatio reticularis, the internal ones passing into the raphe. Their connection with the hypoglossal roots is probably not 'im- portant. The intimate structure of the olivary fold is that of a dense gray matrix holding numerous small polyhedral cells having delicate protoplasmic processes. Let us now go a trifle higher (see Fig. 137), and observe that in sections the central canal, which has all along been elongat- ing and receding backward, now opens into the apex of the fourth ventricle. There is now, therefore, quite a deep notch in the posterior part of the section, covered with the same cylin- drical epithelium which lined the central canal. On each side, THE OLIVARY BODY. 311 and in front of the bottom of the fourth ventricle, lies a large group of multipolar cells, the liypoglossal nucleus, from which bundles of fibres course forward through the olivary body, which is here much enlarged and more complex than in the last section. On the inner side of the liypoglossal roots in the olivary region is an elongated mass of gray matter con- taining small cells, called the parolwary nucleus. There is an oval group of fusiform cells at, behind, and external to the hypoglossal nucleus, from which indistinct and broken bands of fibres pass outward to emerge from the lateral re- gion of the medulla. This constitutes the upper spinal acces- sory nucleus and root. Behind this nucleus, forming the FIG. 136. — Diajjram showing structure of one fold of the olivary nucleus : C, centripe- tal fibres; P, peripheral fibres, x 04. FIG. 137. — One-half transverse section of the human medulla at the point of fusion of the central canal and the posterior fissure to form the fourth ventricle : 11, spinal acces- sory root ; 12, hypoglossal root ; B, raphe. eminence on each side of the fourth ventricle, is a large mass of gray matter containing a great number of small nerve-cells, which also seems to be rather indistinctly connected with the spinal accessory root. External to this nucleus is a con- tinuation of the collection of large cells seen in the section lower down, the lower sensory nucleus of the fifth. In front of the spinal accessory root is seen a group of multipolar cells not so large as in preceding sections. The peripheral circular fibres in this region are confined to the anterior and external aspect of the medulla, and are still seen to be in connection witli the raphe by the arcuate fibres which traverse obliquely the intervening nervous tissue. From this point to the middle of the olives, sections differ 312 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. FIG. 138. — One-half transverse section of the human medulla through the middle of the olives : 4, fourth ventricle ; 10, pneumogastric root ; 12, hypoglossal root. little, except that in this space the root-fibres of the spinal accessory seldom appear, although figured by most writers. The region formerly occupied by the spinal accessory nucleus contains a group of small cells which form part of the pneu- mogastric nucleus. The fibres between this nucleus and the point of exit of the pneumo- gastric root run so obliquely upward, that no direct connec- tion between them can be traced. It is in sections at the mid- dle of the olives that the pneu- mogastric begins to appear dis- tinctly. Most of its fibres seem to be connected with a small group of cells situated in the gray matter, at the junction of the funiculi graciles and the restiform body. The gray mat- ter of the restiform bodies is filled with small cells and con- tains many fibres having a peripheral direction posterior to the pneumogastric root — the beginning of the auditory nucleus and root. The olivary body here reaches its highest develop- ment and greatest dimensions. Behind the olivary body is a small group' of cells, from which scattered fibres pass backward and inward toward the pneumogastric nucle- us. But most of them are lost by as- suming a longitudinal direction. This is probably the lower facial nucleus, to be described farther on. The arciform fibres are chiefly confined to the surface of the anterior pyramids and the olivary bod- ies. The fibres of the raphe pursue, in great part, an antero-posterior direction. Sections through the medulla at the upper part of the olivary bodies differ little from the former sections. But a small segment of the olivary bodies is present, and only a few of the hypoglossal roots remain. (See Fig. 139.) External to the remains of the hypoglossal nucleus is a nucleus of small cells FlO. 189. — One • half trans- verse section of the human me- dulla through the upper part of the olives bringing the glosso- pharyngeal tract (9.) and the lower part of the acoustic nucleus (80 into view. THE OLIVARY BODY. 313 giving origin to a bundle of fibres, which pass out laterally just as does the pneumogastric lower down. This is the glosso- pharyngeal nerve and root. Farther still from the median line, in the floor of the fourth ventricle, is seen a group of small cells, the commencement of the acoustic nucleus. Scat- tered nerve-cells arising here pursue an obliquely forward and outward direction, making the lower margin of the auditory root. Transverse sections of the medulla just at the edge of the pons bring the acoustic region into view ; the upper olivary body is here visible. Behind this are scattered a few large cells, from which fibres pass backward to form higher the facial root. Fio. 140.— One-half transverse section of the human medulla just below the edge of tho pons, showing acoustic nucleus and roots which enclose the inferior cerebellar peduncle I. 0. P. : I, internal root ; E, external root ; M, up- per olivary nucleus ; Lf , lower facial nucleus. 3 diains. FIG. 141. — Diagram of a transverse •action just above the edge of the pona, having the obliquity given it in Fig. 182, 6 & 7 : 6, abducens root ; 7, facial root. For other explanations, see text. Occupying the floor of the fourth ventricle is a large mass of gray matter, from which the acoustic arises. This gray matter contains many small round and some multipolar cells. The nerve has two roots, one internal, the other external. (See Fig. 140.) The former arises from fibres emerging from the raphe near the fourth ventricle and from the gray matter just external to it, and pursues a course downward and forward through the lateral white matter. This root, at its point of emergence, is joined by fibres from the posterior root curving Jaround the surface of the medulla, like, if not identical with, the arciform fibres. The external root has also one origin from the gray matter near the median line, and curving outward on 314 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. the floor of the fourth ventricle (forming the UnecB transfer see) it receives additions from the lateral gray mass, and emerges from the medulla a little behind the internal root, which, how- ever, it soon joins. It is seen that the two roots embrace a column of white matter, which is the inferior peduncle oftJie cerebellum. (See Fig. 140.) In sections just above the edge of the pons, having the oblique direction given in Fig. 132, the region of the sixth and seventh nerves comes into view. The view presented here is different from that in the medulla below. In place of the narrow band of arciform fibres which covered the anterior re- gion of the medulla, nearly the anterior half of this section is composed of transverse, arciform fibres. Imbedded in this structure is a longitudinal bundle of white matter, the contin- uation of the anterior pyramid. The posterior half of the section contains the structures under consideration. From a group of multipolar cells at the floor of the fourth ventricle, some distance from the median line, several bands of fibres pass forward and slightly outward, in a somewhat sim- ilar way to the hypoglossal roots lower down. This is the nucleus and root of the abducens nerve. Internal to and behind the abducens nucleus, in almost all sections, is seen an oval bundle of what at first sight ap- pears to be longitudinal nerve- fibres. Closer examination, how- ever, shows the fibres to be not straight but looped, and in suc- cessful sections the following ap- pearances are presented. Behind the anterior pyramids and out- side of the abducens root is seen Fio. 142.-Diagr.n, of co*n* of fibres in a Sr°UP °f mnltipolar Cells OC- KtaKS±SS£&9Si£i cupying the same location as the or coil where the fibres change their direction rrrrmr* Pillar! flio Ir»-W7av fn fill Tin B, the root proper of the facial nerve. 61OUP Called Ult LOW6J cleus, lower down. Arising from this, and pursuing a course backward and inward, are numer- ous fibres ; these reach the oval bundle before mentioned, enter it, curl upon themselves (see Fig. 142), and emerge at about their point of entrance. The fibres mentioned as appearing longitudinal undoubtedly come from the lower facial nucleus, and curl upon themselves*like the rest. THE OLIVAEY BODT. 315 Some fibres (commissural) join the root from the raphe, and others seem to arise from the abducens nucleus, though this is denied by many authors. The fibres which seem to arise from the abducens nucleus are probably fibres from the anterior nucleus of the facial, which do not traverse the coil ("genu," as it is called), but enter the root directly. The facial root thus formed goes directly outward at first toward the external angle of the fourth ventricle, then turns sharply forward to emerge at the junction of the pons and medulla external to the sixth root. Many authors, first of whom was Clarke, describe an inferior nucleus of the facial nerve, supposing it to innervate the lips and mouth, basing their assertions as much on the seat of lesion in labio-glosso- pharyngeal paralysis as on anatomical evidence. There can be but little doubt as to its existence, and probably it corre- sponds to the group of cells seen in Figs. 137 and 138. Sections of the pons above this point soon begin to show traces of the fifth nerve. (See Fig. 143.) The picture we get in transverse sections at the emergence of the fifth root is, in front, two large bundles of longitudinal nerve-fibres sur- rounded by the arciform fibres and separated by the raphe ; behind, the gray matter of the fourth ventricle, which here is pentagonal in shape and is covered in by the base of the , IIG; i4s.-DiaKrwn showing origin and course •f of the tngeminus nerve. cerebellum, the inferior vermi- form process. Emerging from the gray matter in front of the external corner of the ventricle, and also joined by fibres from above and below, is a large bundle of fibres which pursue a diagonal course outward and forward, to emerge from the side of the pons. This is the sensory root of the fifth nerve. Inter- nal to this root, just after its formation, is seen in successful sections a large group of multipolar cells sending off fibres, the motor root, which join the sensory root and emerge with it. A collection of large, oval, pigmented cells here underlie the exte- rior part of the fourth ventricle and form the locus cceruleus. It seems to have an indistinct connection with the trigeminal 316 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. FIG. 144. — Diagram showing ori- gin of the third and fourth nerves from the gray matter about the aque- duct of Sylvius: c. a, cms cerebri; 8, third nerve ; 4, fourth nerve. sensory root, and Meynert makes it one of its points of origin. The sensory root is reinforced by fibres from a group of large oval cells external to the fourth ventricle and by the so- called descending branch (Meynert), which is seen in trans- verse section in the same location com- ing from regions still higher up. Some fibres also come from the raphe and arcuate fibres, and others from the low- er sensory origin of the fifth, which occupies a lateral position in all the sections up from the spinal accessory region of the medulla. Higher in the pons, where the ante- rior motor tracts or pyramids, before mentioned, begin to separate into the crura cerebri, the fourth nerves are seen. They are supposed to arise from a nucleus at the floor of the fourth ven- tricle lower down, curve around the outer wall of the ventricle, decussate in the median line in the valve of Vieussens, and pass from the pons behind the tubercula quadrigemina. From this point they curve forward around the crura, on the outer side of which they appear at the base of the brain. At about this point and a little higher are seen bundles of fibres emerging from the gray matter containing small cells, in front of the fourth ventricle, diverging and pursuing an arcuate course through the crura, to converge again and emerge from the inner side of each crus. (See Fig. 144.) This consti- tutes the nucleus of origin, the course and point of emergence of the third nerve — a view hard to get unless just the right obliquity is given to the section. Imbedded in the crus, in the region through which the third nerve passes, is a collection of pigmented cells forming the locus niger. Higher the crura separate and enter their respective hemispheres. Their further course is better shown by a trans- verse vertical section of the hemispheres at the large part of the thalamus opticus. (See Fig. 145.) Here we see a great part of the substance of the crus flat- tened in form passing upward, between the optic thalamus and a gray mass called the nucleus lenticularis, forming what is THE CEREBELLUM. 317 denominated the internal capsule. The posterior third of the internal capsule is distributed to the posterior part of the hemisphere, and when destroyed produces loss of sensibility on the opposite side of the body. The anterior two-thirds of the internal capsule is distributed to the middle or motor re- gion of the hemisphere, and its destruction causes a paralysis EC NL JC TO Pro. 145. — Modified from Charcot's diagram to show position, relation, and distribution of the inter- nal capsule ax seen in a vertical transverse section of the brain on a level with the greatest development of TO, thalamns options ; 1C, location of the Internal capsule : NL, nucleus lenticularis : EC, external capsule ; D, claustrum ; NC ; nucleus candatus ; MRC, motor regions of cortex cerebri ; 1, fibres repre- senting the radiation of the internal capsule vertically to the motor region of the cortex. — From "Lec- tures on Localization," by Dr. E. C. Seguin : New York Medical Record, p. 142, August 24, 1878. of the opposite side of the body. The fibres expanding from the internal capsule, joined by those emanating from the gan- glia at the base and the corpus callosum, form a fan-shaped expansion of white fibres called the corona radiata. THE CEREBELLUM. The white centre of the cerebellum, formed from the ex- pansion of the peduncular tracts, incloses a collection of gray substance, the corpus dentatum. This body, visible in all sections, bears some resemblance to the olivary body in the medulla, on account of its irregular, dentated outline. Its greater consistence causes it to stand out in a section from the surrounding tissue. In intimate structure this body consists 318 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. of a collection of small fusiform and polyhedral cells with minute processes, imbedded in a basis- substance much more dense than the surrounding white matter. The body is made to appear striated in a peripheral direction by bundles of fibres and blood-vessels pursuing a parallel course. The surface of the cerebellum, deeply gashed by sulci and their subdivisions, presents, on section, its well-known com- pound, arborescent appearance. This arrangement of the gray matter causes the greatest possible surface to come in con- tact with the blood-current furnished by the pia mater, and hence secures the greatest nutrition of the elements of the cortex. The gray matter of the cortex is easily divisible into an external or granular layer, a middle or cellular layer, and an internal or nuclear layer. The latter consists of a vast number of small granular cells about the size of white blood- corpuscles, which take staining fluids with great avidity. The middle stratum is a clear space in which there is a single layer of large corpuscles, called the cells of Purkinje, 10 to 40 /*. in diameter. They are scattered at some distance from each other, and present pe- culiarities pos- sessed by no other cells in the body. The cells are of large size, vary- ing in form from, fusiform to flask- Purkin'e 4<$'~DiagrRm °f the cerebeUar cort6^ showing the large cells of shaped, aCCOrd- ing to the plane of the section. Their central side is round, and in most cases has no processes. Often the usual rounded contour of the cell- body is broken by an angle, seemingly the remains of a broken process. Here and there a large non-branching axis-cylinder process is seen emerging from the base of a cell and pursuing a course parallel to the cortex. That these basal processes exist in all cases, and ultimately acquire a myelinic sheath, there is no doubt. (See Fig. 146.) From the peripheral side large arborescent processes spring, THE CEREBRAL GANGLIA. 319 which pursue quite a direct course through the external or granular layer and disappear when near the periphery. The primary processes, one or two in number, have a tendency to spring from the cell-body at an obtuse angle, and give off at almost right angles to themselves the straight peripheral pro- cesses already mentioned. The nuclei of these cells are oval and coarsely granular ; the nucleolus is round and small. The cortex proper consists of a granular matrix vertically striated by the cell-processes and parallel blood-vessels. There is also a moderate sprinkling of small round cells and nuclei similar to those in the third layer. The cortex is very vascular. THE CEREBRAL GANGLIA. As examples of these structures the optic thalami and cor- pora striata may be taken. They are collections of gray matter through which part of the fibres, emanating from the crura to help form the corona radiata, pass. In the corpus striatum these fibres pass through in bundles visible to the naked eye, which gives to this body its striated appearance. These bundles radiate toward the periphery of the body, thus leaving ever increasing spaces between them. These spaces at the base of the body, at the point of entrance of the bundles from the crura, are narrow, filled with nerve- fibres running in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions, seemingly commissural in nature, and multipolar cells few in number, large, and resembling somewhat cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord, whose processes mingle with the fibres mentioned. Nearer the periphery of the organ, where the bun- dles of fibres are more widely separated, the intervening mass of fibres and cells abruptly changes to a finely granular gray ma- trix, holding in its substance numerous small blood-vessels and small nerve-cells, mostly round — some, however, triangular in shape, similar to those of the second layer of the cere- bral cortex. They have large nuclei and many delicate pro- cesses. The optic thalami consist of a mixture of gray matter and fibres, not, however, so regularly arranged as in the corpus striatum. The gray matter contains a few oval cells having many delicate processes. The cerebral ventricles. — Continuous with the central canal 320 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. Fio. 147. — Diagram illustrating tba structure of the ependyma of the cere- bral ventricles. of the cord, and doubtless like it in function, the cerebral ven- tricles resemble it in their structure. They are lined through- out with a structure called the ependyma. This consists first of a finely granular layer covering all the nervous matter bounding the ventricles. Besides the minute granules, this layer contains a few small nuclei here and there, but no fibres. On its free surface rests a single layer of cylin- drical epithelium. The cells of this layer have square free ends, while they are anchored by one or more delicate processes which emerge from the attached end and pierce the sub- jacent granular-matrix. These epi- thelia in the fresh state undoubtedly have cilia. This layer of epithelium is apt to be arranged in folds, giving a section of the ependyma a wavy appearance. The chor old plexus of the lateral ventricles has for its basis an artery which enters the descending horn of the lateral ven- tricle from the base of the brain. This artery gives off along its course short arterial trunks which repeatedly subdivide, and each ultimate arteriole terminates in a convoluted capillary loop, resembling the Malpighian tuft of the kidney. Some of the twigs seem to end in a cse- cal extremity ; but it is doubtful whether they do, the preparations giving this appearance being prob- ably artificial. The peculiarity of the choroid plexus is that all the vessels composing it, large and small, are covered by a layer of polyhedral epithelial cells, each having one, sometimes two large nuclei. This presents a beautiful example of the so-called tesselated epithelium, each cell being sepa- rated from its neighbor by a transparent intercellular sub- stance. This epithelial covering causes the tufts of the choroid plexus to resemble, in a degree, the villi of the chorion. The best plan in studying the choroid plexus is to use hsema- toxylon, or alcoholic specimens slightly teased. Fio. 148. — Diagram showing structure of the choroid plexus of the lateral ven- tricles. THE CEREBRAL GANGLIA. 321 The cerebral dura mater differs from the spinal in the fact that, its outer surface serving as periosteum, it lacks the layer of loose connective tissue present in the spinal dura mater. Its bulk consists of two layers of dense fibrous tissue running in opposite directions. The inner serous surface is coated with endothelium and lymphatics. The outer or periosteal surface is the most vascular. The cerebral differs from the spinal arach- noid only in being perhaps a little more closely attached to the pia mater. The pia mater of the brain is extremely vascu- lar, and shows more beautifully than the spinal membrane the system of perivascular spaces. The cerebral cortex. — The cerebral cortex is a thin sheet of gray matter spread on the outer surface of the hemispheres. The outer surface of the hemispheres is grooved by furrows (sulci) less deep in proportion to their size, and less regular than those of the cerebellum. The convolutions produced by these sulci, although seemingly very irregular, still have a cer- tain symmetry in different brains by which they can be classi- fied and named. A definite knowledge of these facts is neces- sary for an understanding of the current literature on the subject and of properly recording cases. The fetal hemisphere at an early date is smooth. Furrows soon begin to appear, the first and most important of which is the fissure of Sylvius, extending upward and backward, from about the anterior third of the base of the brain, and ihefis- sure of Rolando, running from near the posterior extremity of the fissure of Sylvius upward to the superior longitudinal fis- sure. One after another the other fissures appear, till in the adult brain they seem innumerable. Even here, however, there is a certain constant arrangement of fissures and convolutions on which a nomenclature may be based. The original fissures of Sylvius and Rolando remain. From the anterior inferior part of the frontal lobe three furrows run obliquely upward and backward toward the two fissures just named, dividing the frontal region into the three frontal con- volutions, while a convolution in front of the fissure of Rolando receives the name of the ascending frontal or anterior central convolution. A similar convolution behind the fissure is called the ascending parietal or posterior central convolution. The parietal region- is irregularly divided from above downward, as is also the temporo-sphenoidal and occipital region. The 21 322 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. base of the brain is also divided into a series of basal frontal, temporal and occipital convolutions. By far the most impor- tant region of the cortex-, according to our present knowledge, is that along the fissures of Sylvius and Rolando, the so-called motor tract of the hemispheres. The exact physiological func- tions of the anterior frontal, the occipital, temporal, and basal Fio. 149.— Modified from Ferrier ; letters and figures the same : 8, fissure of Sylvius ; c, fissure of Ronaldo ; po, parieto-occipital fissure ; A, ascending frontal gyrus ; B, ascending parietal gyrus ; F2, third frontal gyrus; Pa', gyrus angularis ; circle I., seat of lesions which (on the left) cause aphasia; circle II., seat of lesions which convulse or paralyze the upper extremity of the opposite Bide; dotted circle III., seat of lesions which probably convulse or paralyze the face on the* opposite side; dotted oval IV., seat of lesions which probably convulse or paralyze'the lower extremity of the opposite side. These •districts receive their blood-supply chiefly from the middle cerebral artery. — From Lectures on Localiza- tion by Dr. E. 0. Seguin : N. Y. Medical Record, October 19, 1878, p. 301. regions of the hemispheres, is not known, inference, however, making them the seat of general and special sense, vaso-motor, psychic centres, etc., etc. The middle or f ronto-parietal region, however, is the proven seat of motor centres for the face, limbs, and body, and the faculty of articulate language. The centre for speech occu- pies the region at the base of the third frontal convolution and the island of Reil on the left side, a similar location on the right side being occupied by a centre for articulatory movements. A little higher on the ascending frontal and parietal convolutions is an area having control over the move- ments of the tongue and face. Still higher is found a larger space, the centre for the arm of the opposite side. A larger space at the junction of the fissure of Rolando and the su- THE CEREBRAL GANGLIA. 323 perior longitudinal fissure, including a tract 'on the inner aspect of the hemisphere, called the paracentral lobule, is the centre for movements of both extremities, especially the lower. On account of the anatomical variability of the convolutions in different brains, these centres must be allowed some lati- tude, and should not be made so small and exactly located as they are by some authors. Their location has been pretty definitely determined, however, by experimentation on animals, and lesions in man, such as trauma- tisms, neoplasms, abscesses, hemor- rhages, atrophy following amputa- tions, retarded development, etc. Possessing such important proper- ties we should naturally expect the cerebral cortex to be a very complex structure, and so it is. Minute structure of the cortex. — In order to get a satisfactory view of the elements of the cortex, great care has to be exercised in making sections. It is not enough to make a section exactly perpendicular to the cortex. The plane of the section must exactly coincide with the direction of the fibres of the corona radiata as they enter the convolution. This can be rather easily accomplished by paying close atten- tion to the arrangement of the white and gray matter in the piece from which the sections are to be made. Cuts with any obliquity will give erroneous impres- sions as to the exact shape and structure, especially of the cellular elements of the cortex. The cortex cerebri is generally divided into five layers, but it is easily divisible into three only. The outer layer, lying immediately under the pia mater, is more transparent than the rest, and is composed of a fine net- work of neuroglia containing many quite large openings, giving it a spongy appearance. It also contains a few large, round nuclei, and a small number of triangular nerve-cells. The second layer, thicker than the first, consists of a gray basis-substance, dense and granular, holding an immense num- ber of small, triangular and conical cells, their apex being di- Pio. 150. — Diagram showing -the elements and relation of parts in the cerebral cortex. (See text.) 324 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. rected toward the periphery and often drawn out into a slen- der axis-cylinder process, while from their base several delicate processes are given off. These cells all have large nuclei and nucleoli. Here and there are seen larger conical cells, which will be described with the next layer. The characteristic fea- ture of the second layer, however, is the presence of a great number of small, round cells and free nuclei similar to those in the third layer of the cerebellar cortex. In the third layer the matrix is still more dense, and con- tains, besides a few small triangular cells, round cells, and free nuclei, a large number of large conical corpuscles, the so-called "giant cells" of the cortex, the distinguishing feature of this layer. When isolated from their surroundings these cells ap- pear like cones which taper gradually from a broad base to a very slender apex, which, when it attains the size of an axis- cylinder, can be traced for a long distance without showing a division. This undoubtedly terminates in a myelinic nerve- fibre. The base of the cell is not square, but crenated and notched by the giving off of numerous delicate basal processes which are lost in the granular matrix. The cells all have nuclei and nucleoli, most of which are round, but some of which seem also to have a triangular shape corresponding to the cell-body. The cells average 25 p.. in diameter. A great difference is made in the apparent shape of the cell by obliquity of the section. If the line of section is moderately oblique, it shortens the cells ; if still more oblique, it makes them very short and blunt ; while if the section is at right angles to their axis, all the cells appear round and of various sizes. In the deepest parts of this layer the giant-cells gradually disappear, and the gray matter of the cortex merges into the white matter. In the two inner layers of the cortex there are seen many fibres and bundles of fibres having a ver- tical direction, which, with the blood-vessels (the largest of which being perpendicular to the surface), give the cortex a somewhat striated appearance. We see, then, that the only difference between the second and third layers of the cortex is the greater number of small cells in the second and the greater number of large cells in the third, while the division of the third layer into three, as is accepted by most authors, seems purely arbitrary, there being a gradual gradation into the white substance. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 325 Some writers l lay much stress on the difference of structure of the cortex in different regions of the hemisphere. It is true that, in the non-excitable or sensory regions, the cortex is thin- ner and perhaps less highly organized ; but here are met the same elements as form the cortex in the motor region (centre, for the arm, for instance). (See Fig. 150.) Even the giant-cells are found less numerously than in the motor regions. Another fact demands attention, that is, that the structure of the cortex is the same at the bottom of a fissure as on the surface of a convolution, and for this reason lesions of the sides and bottom of fissures should receive as much attention as those of the surface of the convolutions, implicating, as they do, equally im- portant structures. BIBLIOGRAPHY. SPINAL, CORD. CLARKE, J. L. Researches into the Structure of the Spinal Cord. Philosoph. Transactions. 1850. DONDEHS, F. C. Dissertatio anatomica inauguralis do cerebri et medullas spiuulis systemata vasorum capillari in statu sano et morboso. 1853. JACUBOWITSCH, N. Mittheilungen iiber die f einere Structur des Gehirna und Rucken- marks. Breslau, 1857. JACUSOWITSCH, N. Further Researches into, etc. Breslau, 1858. BIDDER, F., und KUPFPER, C. Untersuchungen iiber die Textur des Ruckenmarks, etc. Leipzig, 1859. VAN DER KOLK, SCHROEDER. Minute Structure and Functions of the Spinal Cord and Medulla Oblongata, and on the Proximate Cause and Rational Treatment of Epilepsy. New Sydenham Society. London, 1859. STILLING, B. Neue Untersuchungen iieber den Bau des Ruckenmarks. Cassel, 1859. LUTS, J. Recherches sur le systeme nerveux cerebro-spinal ; sa structure, ses fonc- tions et ses maladies. Paris, 1865. His, W. Zum Lymphsystem. Leipzig, 1865. HIRSCIIPELD, LUDOVIC. Trait6 et iconographie du systeme nerveux et des organea des sens de 1'homme. Paris, 1866. JOLLY, F. Ueber die Ganglienzellen des Ruckenmarks. Miinchen, 1866. KOLI.I KKK, A. Elements d'histologie humaine. Traduit par Marc See. Paris, 1868. 1 See Betz : Anatomischer Nachweis zweier Gehirncentra. Centralblatt fur die Medicinischen Wissenschaften, August 1 and 8, 1874, pp. 578 and 595. He finds " nests " of enormous cells in the motor area, especially of the paracentral lobule. 326 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. HENLE, J. Handbuch'der Nervenlehre des raenschen. Braunschweig, 1871. GERLACU, J. • The Spinal Cord. Translated by Dr. E. C. Seguin, in Strieker's His- tology. 1872. ScnuLTZE, MAX. The General Character of the Structures Composing the Nervous Substance. Translated by Henry Power. Strieker's Histology. 1872. RBTZIUS, GUST, och KEY, AXEL. Studier i nervsystemets anatomi. Stockholm, 1872. ERB, W. H. Diseases of the Spinal Cord and Medulla Oblongata (Anatomical Intro- duction). Ziemssen's Cyclopaedia of Medicine. Vol. XIII. American Edi- tion. 1878. SEQUIN, K C. Lectures on the Localization of Spinal and Cerebral Diseases. N. Y. Medical Record. 1878. FORT, J. A. Lemons sur les centres nerveux. Paris, 1878. HUGUENIN, G. Anatomie des centres nerveux. Traduit par Dr. Th. Keller. Paris, 1879. BRAIN. BERLIN, RUDOLF. Beitrag zur Structurlehre des Grosshirnwindungen. Erlangen, 1858. KUPKPER, GUST. De cornus ammonia textura. Dorpat, 1859. CLARKE, J. L. Researches on the Intimate Structure of the Brain, Human and Comparative. 1857 and 1867. ARNDT, RUDOLF. Studien iiber die Architektonik der Grosshirnrinde des Men- schen. Bonn, 1867-68. JENSEN, JULIUS. Die Furchen und Windungen der menschlichen Grosshirn Hemis- pharen. Berlin, 1870. MEYNERT, T. The Brain of Mammals. Strieker's Histology. Am. edition. New York, 1872. HITZIQ, EDWARD. Untersuchungen fiber das Gehirn. Berlin, 1874. CllARCOT, J. M. Lefons sur les localisations dans les maladies du cerveau, Paris, 1876. BENEDIKT, MORIZ. Anatomische Studien an Verbrecher-Gehirnen. Wien, 1879. BOYER, H. DE. Etudes topographiques sur les lesions corticales des hemispheres c6rebranx. Paris, 1879. FERRIER, DAVID. The Localization of Cerebral Disease. New York, 1879. STRICKER und UNGER. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Grosshirnrinde. Wiener Anzeiger, 1879. BEVAN LEWIS and CLARKE, H. The Cortical Lamination of the Motor Area of the Brain. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. XXVII. 1879. CEREBELLUM. HESS, N. De cerebelli glornm textura. Dorpat, 1858. SCHULTZE, F. E. Ueber den feineren Bau der Rinde des kleinen Gehimes. Ros- tock, 1863. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. DEITERS, OTTO. Untersuchungen iiber Gehirn und Riickenmark des Menschen und der Saugethiere. Braunschweig, 1865. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 327 DEECKE, THEODORE. Perivascular Spaces in the Nervous System. American Jour- nal of Insanity. January, 1874. WALDEYER. Beitrage zur Kenntniss dor Lymphbahnen dea Centralnervensyst. Arch. f. raikr. Anat. 1879. KESTEVEN, \V. H. The Structure and Functions of the Olivary Bodies. St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital Reports. 1879. SEE, MARC. Sur la communication des cavites ventriculaires de 1'ence'phale avec les espaces sous-arachnoiidiens. Revue mensuelle. 1879. BKOCA, P. Localisations cerebrates. Revue d'anthropoL 1879. CHAPTER XX. THE EYE. BY C. H. WILLIAMS, M.D., BOSTON, MASS. THE eyelids are very complicated structures. Their exter- nal coating is formed of skin, which is modified for the special purpose it has to serve in this situation. Beneath the skin is a loose sheet of connective tissue ; still more internally is the lit- tle orbicular is palpebrarum muscle ; behind this again is loose connective tissue, which shades off gradually into the tarsus. This latter is not formed of cartilage, as was formerly sup- posed, but of dense fibrous tissue. The conjunctiva tarsi lines the inner surface of the tarsus. The skin of the lids exhibits the usual layers of horny, serrated, and cylindrical epithelium. At the upper portions the papillae are sparsely developed and short, but they gradually increase in size and number as they approach the free edges. A peculiarity of this skin are the pigment-cells, which are scattered throughout the cutis. They 'are more abundant in brunettes than in blondes. At the confronting margins of the lids are found the cilia or eyelashes, which resemble the ordinary larger hairs in their formation and mode of growth ; they are placed in two or three rows, are well supplied with pigment, and have a definite direction given to them by the deep follicles from which they grow. Ordinary sweat-glands are quite numerous, especially in the upper portions of the lid ; at the lower border we occasionally find them in a modified form, opening into sebaceous follicles near or just behind the cilia ; they have a long and wide ori- fice, and the tubules are filled with fine granular matter, con- taining occasional roundish masses resembling particles of albumen. Beneath the cutis is a loose connective-tissue layer through THE EYE. 329 which numerous blood-vessels and nerves pass ; behind this, and covering the whole extent of the lid, are bundles of the orbicularis palpebrarum ; some small fasciculi of this muscle are also found at the lower and inner angle of the lid, enclosing the openings of the Meibomian glands. These bundles, known as the musculus ciliaris-Miolani, have fibres which are among the smallest of the striped variety of muscular tissue. Behind this layer is a thin sheet of loose connective tissue, which merges without any sharp boundary line into the tar- sus ; this latter body forms a leaf-shaped plate about twenty millimetres in length by one millimetre in thickness, and is composed of very dense connective-tissue fibres separated only by minute lymph-spaces ; it has few blood-vessels or nerves, and serves to give the requisite stiffness to the looser tissues of the lid. The Meibomian glands are imbedded in the tarsus. Their excretory ducts, which are directed at right angles to the pal- pebral margin, have their openings on the surface of the lid near its posterior angle. They are lined with epithelium, which at the external orifice is similar to that in the superficial parts of the skin ; more internally it is serrated, while in the acini of the gland it has a cuboidal shape. These glands have a straight central tube, around which the acini are clustered, and into which they discharge the sebum, a material composed of epi- thelial cells that have undergone fatty degeneration. This oleaginous substance serves to moisten the edges of the lid and to prevent the overflow of tears. Above the Meibomian glands, and in part imbedded in the tarsus, are the acinous glands, which have their openings on the surface of the conjunctiva fornicis. Above these glands the smooth muscular fibres of the little palpebralis muscle of Mutter are inserted, through a tendon, into the upper part of the tarsus ; the fibres of this muscle are quite large and have peculiar irregular cells with pigmented nuclei scattered throughout them. To prepare sections from the lids they should be pinned flat on a piece of cork and then immersed in Miiller's fluid1 for eight days. After being washed in water they are placed in absolute alcohol until sufficiently hard ; or they may be hard- 1 See chapter on General Methods. 330 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. ened by placing in the ordinary £ per cent, solution of chloride of gold. This last method shows very clearly the nerves of the lid and conjunctiva, which take a deep violet or mauve color. For rapid work the lids may be hardened in a saturated solution of picric acid. They may then be stained with picro- carmine or hsematoxylon, and mounted in glycerine or balsam. (See chapter on General Methods.) The caruncula lacTirymalis is a small, rounded mass of skin ; it is placed between the lids at their inner angle, and contains hairs, vessels, and glands, such as are found else- where in the cutis. Its office is to prevent the overflow of tears. The conjunctiva. — Just behind the tarsus, and separated from it by a thin layer of fibrillated connective tissue, is the conjunctiva, which, after lining the inner surface of the lid, passes backward as a loose connecting fold (fornix) to the sclera, over which it is reflected forward as far as the margin of the cornea. The conjunctiva consists of an external or epithelial layer and a tunica propria or proper investing mem- brane. There is also a subconjunctival layer. The lower portion of the conjunctiva, where it takes its origin from the margin of the lid, is quite smooth ; but near the upper edge of the tarsus it becomes more or less infiltrated with lymph- cells, and is thrown into numerous folds, which have sometimes been mistaken for glands. The. epithelial ele- ments of this part vary much in shape ; in general there are two layers: a superficial one, composed of cylindrical bodies which are a continuation of the superficial strata of the skin, and a deeper one of small, round cells, representing the changed cylindrical elements of the Malpighian layer or rete mucosum. The tunica propria consists of fine connective- tissue fibres, in which a few elastic fibrillse are interspersed. The subcon- junctival layer resting immediately upon the tarsus is very thin. That part of the conjunctiva forming the fornix has an abundant subconjunctival tissue, which is composed of loose elastic fibres and vessels ; the epithelial layers are also thicker here, and small racemose glands, supposed to secrete mucus, are also found there. On the conjunctiva covering the bulb the epithelium con- tains here and there the large mucus-cells corresponding to the goblet-cells of the intestines. It gradually begins to change its character and passes over into the variety which is seen in THE EYE. 331 the cornea, and, in fact, is continuous with it. The tunica propria has an abundant supply of blood-vessels, and is loosely connected with the sclera by fibres, which become more numer- ous and firm in the vicinity of the corneal margin. The nerves of the conjunctiva may be seen by cutting small pieces of fresh conjunctiva from a pig or calf and examining them in aqueous humor, or in a 1 per cent, aqueous solution of common salt — care being taken to support the cover-glass at the sides, in order to avoid pressure. The nerve-fibres can then be seen passing under the epithelium ; they can be distin- guished with certainty by their annular constrictions (anneaux constricteurs) ; after penetrating a short distance, however, they lose their medullary sheath and form open networks under the epithelium ; a few fibres find their way toward the surface between the epithelial cells. The gold method is of special use in exposing the finer nerve-branches. The question of the manner in which the nerves ultimately end is still a point in dispute. The lymph-spaces of the conjunctiva are quite numerous, especially near the corneal border ; here they are narrow, and finally pass forward to unite with the lymph-spaces of the cor- nea, from which they can be injected by means of a solution of alkanet-root in turpentine.' The normal conjunctiva does not have any true papillae, but on the tarsal portion the surface often has small papilliform projections covered with epithelium. The cornea. — This tunic is covered with stratified epithe- lium (a), comprising layers of flat, serrated, and cylindrical cells. Directly beneath these is the anterior limiting or Bow- man's membrane (b) ; this is a clear, homogeneous stratum, which differs from the substantia propria of the cornea only in containing no lymph-spaces or cells. It can be divided up into the same tine fibres as the cornea itself, and its inner bor- der has no distinct limit, the fibres passing directly into the corneal tissue ; when this layer has been destroyed, as by a perforating ulcer or wound, it is not regenerated. The substantia propria of the cornea (5, c) is made up of lamellae, like the leaves of a book ; these lamellae, which at first appear homogeneous, can be separated into fine fibres, just 1 See chapter on General Methods. 332 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. like other connective-tissue membranes, by dissolving out the cementing substance in a 10 per cent, solution of common salt. With the exception of thefibrce arcuatce, which curve for- ward through several strata in the anterior portions of the cornea, the fibres pursue the same direction as the layers ; but, although most of the fibres run parallel to the surface of the cornea, yet they may have a different direction in each layer, f-tt FIG. 151.— Meridional section through the cornea of the human adult, from an eye hardened in Mul- er's fluid. The section was colored with carmine, and made transparent by the oil of cloves. so that when viewed from above the fibres will appear to cross one another. This explains the formation of the stellate fig- ures which are sometimes observed after the injection of fatty substances into the cornea, or by the infiltration of bacteria between the fibrils. In the intertibrillar material are found the lymph-canals and spaces, which contain the fixed corneal corpuscles (Fig. 152). These spaces are stellate and broad when seen from above, but thin and spindle-shaped on side view ; they have numer- ous branches and branchlets given off from them at right angles (lymphatic channels) (Fig. 162, A). The spaces and branches usually lie in the plane of the lamellae, anastomose freely with one another, and are filled with the corneal corpus- cles and lymph (Fig. 162, B). THE EYE. 333 In life these fixed bodies nearly fill the lymph-spaces and conform to their size and shape ; they are flat corpuscles, usu- ally nucleated, and have short, sharp-pointed processes, which pass out into the minute lymph-canals. In the lymph-spaces of the cornea are also found, even in normal conditions, a few migratory cells, resembling white blood-corpuscles ; they are very numerous when the cornea has been irritated, and can be seen in a frog's cornea, which has been kept five to fifteen minutes in serum or aqueous humor in a moist chamber, and examined without pressure on a warm slide. Beneath the substantia pro- pria of the cornea we find the posterior limiting layer, or Descemet's membrane (cT) (Fig. 151). This is transparent, ap- parently homogeneous, rolls up when cut, is intimately connect- ed with the posterior fibres of the cornea proper, and is lined on its inner surface with endo- thelium (e). It contains no cel- lular bodies, but, like the anterior limiting layer, can be sepa- rated into fibrillae, and appears to represent a concentration of the corneal fibres rather than a separate structure. The endothelium is a single layer of flat cells lining the anterior chamber. Blood-vessels are found only in the normal cornea at the periphery, where they form a fine network con- necting with the conjunct! val and scleral vessels. The 'nerves enter the cornea at the posterior part of the periphery ; they soon lose their neurilemma and medullary sheath, and pass forward obliquely, as small axis-cylinders, toward the epithelial layer ; here they divide up into branch- lets, often having a ganglionic enlargement at the point of divi- sion. Under the epithelium these delicate fibres form a net- work which sends some very minute filaments upward between the epithelial cells. Their further course is unknown. To separate the cornea into its constituent fibres, small pieces should be soaked for twenty-four hours in a concentrated pi- FIG. 152.— Lymph spaces and canals, A ; fixed corneal cell, partly filling these spaces, B. After Waldeyer. 334 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. eric acid solution ; they can then be washed in water and easily picked to pieces. In order to see the arrangement of the nbrillse in the different layers, the cornea of a rabbit should be pricked with a needle in several places ; then some highly infectious fluid, as the exudation in puerperal peritonitis, is to be brushed over the surface, and in a few days an infiltration will have taken place throughout the interfibrillar substance. We shall then see the lines of pus-cells crossing one another in different directions, and sometimes collections of micrococci forming stellate figures. A very delicate preparation of the fixed corneal cells may be made by removing a fresh cornea, and then immersing it from three to six hours in aqueous humor, in a moist chamber. In examining it take care, as before mentioned, to avoid any pressure upon the cover-glass. It is easier, however, to demonstrate the cells and lymph- spaces by staining with silver or gold. To do this the nictitat- ing membrane of a live frog should be cat off or held to one side by an elevator ; the exposed cornea is then placed near the mouth of a test-tube, in which some water has been raised to the boiling point ; when the epithelium begins to appear opaque it should be carefully wiped off with a fine cloth ; a | per cent, aqueous solution of nitrate of silver is then applied ; when the cornea has become thoroughly white tyy this method, it is to be removed, washed in a weak solution of common salt, placed in distilled water, and exposed to the light until it be- comes brown. It should then be cut at the edges and mounted in glycerine. In ten or fifteen minutes it. will be transparent and ready for examination. Instead of removing the epithe- lium by steam, a solution of silver nitrate (| per cent.) may be used, the lids being held out of the way until the epithelium appears whitish ; this outer layer is then removed, and the same process repeated as before. The substantia propria as- sumes a brown color, and the corpuscles appear as lighter spaces in it. The nuclei may be exposed by hsematoxylon. The best preparations, both for the lymph-spaces and the nerves, are made with chloride of gold. A fresh cornea, pref- erably one from a live pigeon, is removed immediately after decapitation and immersed for five minutes in lemon -juice, then washed in distilled water, placed for fifteen minutes in- a 1 per cent, solution of chloride of gold, again washed, and this THE EYE. 335 time soaked for twenty-four hours (well protected from the light) in a 2 per cent, solution of formic acid. After another washing in distilled water the cornea should be cut in two and placed in glycerine ; one portion can then be separated into thin layers, by tearing with fine forceps or needles. Examine in glycerine for the corneal corpuscles, nerves, and lymph-spaces, which latter appear dark on a light blue or red background ; or the piece may be imbedded in wax or some such material, and sections made parallel to the surface of the cornea. The remaining half of the specimen is to be imbedded or held in liver or pith. Transverse sections may then be made. These will exhibit on lucky sections the fine plexuses of nerve-filaments under the epithelium, with occa- sional fibres passing up between the individual corpuscles. The different layers of the cornea will be well shown, also the narrow corneal cells (as seen on side view), together with the remains of the endothelial layer on the inner surface. The peripheral portions of the cornea are particularly inter- esting. We have here the transitions from cornea to conjunc- tiva and sclera, the origin of the ciliary muscle, the ligament of the iris, and the numerous vessels of the part. The epithelium of the cornea (a) forms a gradual transition into the epithelium of the conjunctiva, but the anterior limit- ing membrane (Bowman's) becomes thinner as it approaches the edge of the cornea, until finally it merges with the fibres of the anterior corneal layers into the tunica propria of the conjunctiva. No sharp boundary line has been demonstrated between the cornea and the sclera. Under the microscope the fibres appear to have no distinct limit ; the lymph-spaces also of the cornea are continued directly into the sclera, and the scleral and corneal fixed corpuscles are much the same. The posterior limiting membrane (DescemeV s) (c), like the anterior, becomes gradually thinner and loses itself in a small bundle of scleral fibres which surround the edge of the mem- brane and form the anterior support to the ligamentum pec- tinatum iridis. The endothelium (Fig. 153 cAthe sclera from the entrance of the optic nerve to the junction of sclera and cornea, and is united to it at those points ; over the remaining portion there is a loose connection formed by scattered fibres and the numerous vessels and nerves which pass through the sclera to the cho- roid. The meshes of the open network between the layers of the choroid and the sclera form lymph-sacs — the perichoroidal spaces — which connect with the sac enclosed in Tenon's capsule, and this in turn unites with the su- pra-vaginal space surrounding the sheath of the optic nerve. The choroid consists of several layers, with limits not distinctly marked. The lamina suprachoroidea (Fig. 154, sc) lies next the sclera, and consists of fine elastic and connective-tissue fibres, holding in their meshes pigmented and transparent cells: the first are stellate, often with projecting arms by which several are joined together ; the latter resemble lymph-cor- puscles. The layer of large vessels is traversed by branching arteries and veins ; between them are numerous pigmented corpuscles, Fio. 15-1 — Sclera, * ; choroid, cA ; ret- ina, >•; perichoroidal space, /xA; lamina Bnprachoroidea, »c ; lamina chorio-capilla- ri», ex; ; lamina vitrea, c ; layer of pigment- celU between cboroid and retina, p. After Merkel. THE EYE. 339 while the whole is held together by the firm connective- tissue network which extends throughout the entire choroid. The lamina clwrio-capillaris (cc) consists of a network of line vessels interspersed with pigment, and extends over the whole inner portion of the choroid. The vitreous layer («) is very closely connected with the lamina chorio-capillaris ; though it appears homogeneous, fibres may be detected in it after long maceration in a ten per cent, solution of common salt. Where this layer covers the cil- ia^ processes the surface is no longer smooth, but has fine, elevated ridges upon it ; here the membrane also is thicker, and is more easily affected by reagents. The dense lamina of hexagonal pigment-cells between the choroid and retina has sometimes been classed with the former, although it belongs more properly to the retina. The long and short posterior, and the anterior ciliary arte- ries, furnish the numerous blood-vessels which constitute the great mass of the choroid. The short posterior ciliary arteries, four to six in number, give off some twenty branches which penetrate the sclera, pursuing a straight course near where the optic nerve enters ; then, continuing their course in a tortuous manner, they divide into fine networks which supply the greater part of the lamina chorio-capillaris. About the entrance of the optic nerve they also form a network of fine vessels, and even send occasional branches to anastomose with vessels from the sheath and cen- tre of the optic nerve. The two long ciliary arteries penetrate the sclera in a very oblique course, a little anteriorly to those last mentioned, and in the horizontal meridian ; they pass forward in the outer lamina of the choroid without branching until they reach the ciliary muscle ; here they divide, and penetrating the muscle, form near the periphery of the iris a circle (circulus arteriosus iridis major) by uniting with the artery of the opposite side. The anterior ciliary arteries, eight to ten in number, arising from muscular branches of the ophthalmic artery, penetrate the sclera near the insertion of the recti tendons ; they also unite with the circle just described, which forms the principal distributing point for the vessels of the iris and ciliary body. From this circle also are sent back a few small branches to unite with the choroidal capillaries, and there is formed the sole con- 340 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. nection between the short posterior or choroidal arteries pro- per and those which supply the circulus arteriosus. A small amount of the blood which returns from the capillaries of the choroid, ciliary body and iris finds its exit from the eyeball through the veins accompanying the anterior and posterior ciliary arteries, but by far the larger part is collected by the large veins in the outer layers of the choroid (venae vorticosse), converging so as to form four or six great trunks, which perfo- rate the sclera obliquely in the equatorial region, and empty into the ophthalmic vein. The long and short ciliary nerves supply the tunica vascu- losa with fibres from the third and fifth pair and the sympa- thetic. The long nerves, two or three in number, are branches of the nasal division of the ophthalmic nerve ; the short, ten to fifteen in number, arise from the ciliary ganglion. These nerves penetrate the sclera near the optic nerve, and then, passing for- ward on the outer portion of the choroid, form, in the ciliary muscle, a fine plexus with ganglionic corpuscles at the nodal points of the meshes ; from this plexus fibres are distributed to the cornea and iris. At the junction of the anterior and middle thirds of the eyeball the choroid undergoes a change, the membrane be- comes thinner, the capillaries turn back toward the veins, only a few vessels continuing forward in a straight course. In this region the retina also undergoes a change and loses all its nervous elements, the connective tissue supporting fibres alone being continued forward under the name of the pars cili- aris retina. The very narrow zone between the points where these changes occur and the irregular line formed by the begin- ning of the ciliary processes is called the orliculus ciliaris, and the line of origin of these processes the ora serrata. The ciliary body.— Crossing the orbiculus, the choroid is Been raised in radial folds, some seventy in number, which in- crease in size until they reach the thickness of a millimetre. This increase is caused by the development of smooth muscular fibres in addition to the usual constituents of the choroid. These fibres arise just behind the canal of Schlemm, from the sclera and cornea ; passing backward, they together form ring, which on section appears as a right-angled triangle, with the base turned toward the anterior chamber, and the hy- pothenuse toward the vitreous (Fig. 155). THE EYE. 341 This triangle consists largely of the fibres of the ciliary mus- cle, which are divided into meridional fibres, or those which occupy the side next the sclera, and radial fibres, which pass PIG. 155.— Section through the ciliary region of a hypermetroplc eye. Ivanot from the point of origin to the hypothenuse ; the circular fibres of Mailer's muscle lie next to the base of the triangle, and are concentrically arranged. In highly myopic eyes the meridional and radial fibres Pro. 156.— Section through the ciliary region of a myopic eye. Ivanof . are strongly developed (Fig. 156), while the circular fibres are scarcely seen, and the angle of the ciliary body at the point of origin is changed from a right to an acute angle. 342 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. In very hypermetropic eyes, on the contrary, the circular fibres are abundantly developed (Fig. 155), the meridional fibres are shorter, while the angle at the point of origin of the mus- cle becomes somewhat obtuse, so that by these changes one can determine, even in a microscopic section, what considerable refractive error the eyes have had. The meridional fibres are either prolonged some distance into the stroma of the ch'oroid and end in a delicate fringe, or they terminate at the anterior and outer layers of this mem- brane in stellate knots with fine anastomosing branches. The radial fibres form a looser network than the last, but also have the same terminal interlacement of their fibres ; the circular fibres form fewer anastomoses, and only those bundles which lie next to the radial fibres are extensively connected with them. The nerves of the ciliary body are derived from the plexus formed in its stroma by the ciliary nerves ; the vessels are largely supplied from the circulus iridis major, lying in the an- terior part of the body. The iris arises from the anterior side of the ciliary body, and from the connective tissue surrounding the fibres of the ciliary muscle ; it is also attached to the cornea and sclera by the ligamentum pectinatum. (See Fig. 153). It consists of a loose connective-tissue stroma, which sup- ports a rich vascular network, a complete muscular structure, and the nerves. It is covered anteriorly by a continuation of the endothelium of the cornea, and posteriorly by a thick layer of pigment-cells continuous with those which line the ciliary body. The vessels arise from the circulus, have adventitial coats which are thick in proportion to their calibre, and pass radially to the margin of the pupil, where they form a network of fine capillaries, the circulus arteriosus iridis minor, ending final- ly in veins which return in the same general direction as the arteries, but lie beneath them, emptying finally into the venae vorticosae. Near the margin of the pupil, and forming a ring about it 1 mm. in breadth by -^ mm. in thickness, is the sphincter muscle of the iris. It is composed of unstriped muscular tissue, and is situated in the posterior portion of the iris. The dilator muscle, at its inner border, is in close connection with the sphincter, and its fibres run radially to the periphery THE EYE. 343 of the iris, where they are woven into a thick anastomosing circle. The nerves of the iris are derived from the ciliary plexus ; at the periphery they divide and scatter in various directions : the pale fibres to the posterior layers, forming a fine network about the dilator muscle; the fibres with a medullary sheath to the anterior portion ; another set supplies the sphincter muscle — these being, in the order of description, the branches possibly of the sympathetic, sensory, and of the third pair. The posterior surface of the iris, which, near the pupil, rests upon the anterior capsule of the lens, is covered with a thick layer of densely pigmented cells, the uvea, which can rarely be so separated as to determine their shape, and which appear to have no distinct limiting membrane behind them. This layer extends from the pupil, where it meets the endo- thelium of the anterior surface, back to the pigment of the ciliary body, with which it is continuous and from which it can be distinguished by having no connective tissue covering it. The pigmented cells, which are more or less thickly scat- tered through the stroma of the iris, determine the color of the anterior surface. Transverse sections through the sclera and choroid are best made from eyes hardened in Muller's fluid. An eye which has been injected with colored gelatine, introduced through the aorta after that vessel has been tied beyond the carotids, will show the fine meshes of the chorio-capillaris, when the pigment- layer covering the choroid has been brushed away under gly- cerine. Such injections are best made on albinotic rabbits. Good sections of the ciliary body can be made from eyes hardened in alcohol or Miiller's fluid, and the blood-vessels can be easily seen in injected specimens. The muscular tissue of this body and the iris may be examined in specimens treated with a 30 to 40 per cent, solution of potash. Carmine may then be used to color. The vessels of the iris are best seen in the eyes of a young albino rabbit, injected with colored glycerine or Berlin blue. The retina, lines the whole inner surface of the choroid as far as the ora serrata ; it is composed of nervous elements, connective tissue, and blood-vessels. The following division into well-marked layers from within outward has been generally adopted. (See Fig. 157). 344 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. a, membrana limitans interna. &, optic nerve fibre-layer. c, ganglion-cell layer. d, inner granular layer. e, inner nuclear layer. /, outer granular layer. <7, outer nuclear layer. 7i, membrana limitans' externa. i, layer of rods and cones. Pigment layer. The fibres of the optic nerve generally lose their medullary sheath at the lamina cribrosa, and proceed thence as naked axis-cylinders through the opening in the choroid to the level of the retina, where the}7 spread over its entire in- ner surface to form the nerve-fibre layer, which is thick in the vicinity of the nerve, but gradually decreases as it approaches the ora serrata, where it ends. At the macula lutea the fibres do not form a distinct layer, but, curving toward this spot from above and below, are lost in the layer of ganglion-cells, either entering them or passing on to the inner granular layer. The ganglion-cell layer consists of large branching cells in most places but one row deep, though near the macula there may be two or more layers. They are very u transparent, have no visible cell-wall, and He. are provided with a varying number of pro- jecting arms ; when fresh they contain fine granular matter with a clear, large nuclei and nucleoli, and appear finely fibrillated. They receive an axis-cylinder on their inner side, and on the outer send out branches which ultimately divide into fine fibrillse, and are lost at the inner granular layer in a tangled network. It is probable, however, that some of these fibres are connected with the cells of the inner nuclear layer. The inner granular layer partly surrounds the ganglion- FIG. 157. — Transverse nec- tl«m of the retina. After Zc- henilcr. THE EYE. 345 cells and forms a sort of spongy network between these and the inner nuclear layer ; its composition is still a matter of doubt, but it appears to be made up of a more or less homo- geneous substance, in which are numerous tine openings tilled with some material of a peculiar refractive power. It does not belong to the nervous substance of the retina, and when placed in a 10 per cent, solution of common salt, dissolves, leaving the supporting connective-tissue fibres unaffected. The inner nuclear layer is made up of numerous oval cells with large nuclei ; they belong mostly to the nervous tissue, but scattered among them are also cells of the supporting con- nective-tissue framework. The nerve-cells resemble small bipolar ganglion-cells, hav- ing two fine processes, the inner of which probably connects with the ganglion-cell layer, or directly with the optic nerve fibres. Near the macula these cells are more numerous ; to- ward the ora serrata they gradually decrease in number. Next comes the outer granular layer, a thin stratum re- sembling the inner in appearance and composition ; here the fine fibres from the outer and inner nuclear layers become lost in a tangled mass. Between this layer and the membrana limitans externa is the outer layer of nuclei, made up of a number of oval cells, connected more or less closely with the inner ends of the rods and cones. The larger nerve-fibres, which pass through the outer gran- ular layer, are joined to the nuclei of the cones, which lie di- rectly within the membrana limitans and are connected to a prolongation of the base of the cones themselves. The smaller fibres pass to the nuclei of the rods, which form an irregular layer at varying distances from the limiting membrane, and from which fine tangled fibres pass to the base of the rods. These nuclei resemble those of the inner layer ; they con- tain a small amount of granular matter with a nucleus and nu- cleolus, and sometimes exhibit, as the result of post-mortem changes, peculiar transverse stripes. Directly beyond the membrana limitans externa, and rest- ing upon it, are the rods and cones, each composed of an outer ' and inner member. The rods are small, cylindrical bodies of high refractive power ; when fresh they appear homogeneous, but with the 346 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. beginning of decomposition, which occurs very quickly, the inner half appears as if filled with a finely granular substance, while the outer exhibits' transverse striations, and finally bivaks up into small disks, which can only be distinguished from those of the outer segment of the cones by their red color (visual purple of Kuhne), which soon fades on exposure to light. The inner segment of the cones is larger than that of the rods ; it tapers rapidly toward the outer part, where it is filled with a peculiar oval-shaped body ; the outer segment does not equal that of the rods in height, but divides into similar disks. The pigment-layer, in which the ends of the rods and cones are imbedded, consists of a single layer of hexagonal cells, more densely pigmented in the part next the retina, and by some observers said to be provided with fine processes, which are lodged between the rods and cones. This pigment is more dense at the macula and varies with the color of the person, being most abundant in negroes, whereas it is absent in albi- nos ; from this layer, according to Kiihne, the visual purple of the rods is reproduced. At the macula lutea, which is situated a little to the outer side of the entrance of the optic nerve, the ganglion-cell and inner nuclear layers have their greatest thickness. The fibres which pass from the outer granular to the outer nuclear layer are lengthened and run in a more horizontal direction toward ihefovea, which forms a slight depression in the centre of the macula. Over this fovea the layers of nerve-fibres and ganglion-cells are absent, and the other laminse become so much thinned that the membrana limitans interna approaches nearly to the nuclear layer; the rods are also absent, and the cones be- come lengthened and slightly convergent. The membrana limitans interna lies between the retina and vitreous body ; it is a transparent homogeneous structure, and from its outer surface spring the connective- tissue fibres which form the supporting framework for the nervous part of the retina. These fibres arise in the form of thin fenestrated plates, connected together by numerous arms ; they soon contract, however, to smaller radiating bands, which surround the gan- glion-cells and pass on to the inner nuclear layer, where they THE EYE. 347 contain occasional nuclei. From this point they again ex- pand into broader sheets, which, after surrounding the outer nuclei, are united to form the membrana limitans externa. This membrane lies just at the base of the rods and cones, and it is provided with numerous holes, through which those struc- tures pass ; from its outer surface fibres extend up between the rods and cones to form supporting sheaths. The blood-vessels of the retina come from the arteria cen- tralis retince, which usually divides into two or more branches at the entrance of the optic nerve ; these vessels lie in the layer of nerve-fibres, and, arching above and below the macula, give off numerous fine branches, from which capillaries penetrate as far as the inner nuclear layer. The larger retinal vessels are surrounded by lymph-spaces, which probably unite with those of the optic nerve. At the periphery the retina becomes much thinned, and at the ora serrata the nervous elements are discontinued, the con- nective tissue alone being prolonged over the ciliary body to its anterior angle, thus forming the pars ciliaris retince. This membrane consists of long cylindrical cells of varying shapes ; they rest on the pigment and are covered by a thin stratum, which sends processes between them and seems to be a prolongation of the membrana limitans interna of the retina. It is very difficult to prepare good sections of the retina, but the following plan is recommended : enucleate with care the eye of a frog or some small animal, and immediately sus- pend it in a well-stoppered bottle containing a small bit of solid osmic acid ; when sufficiently hard the posterior portion of the eye can be cut in pieces and sections made by imbed- ding or holding between pieces of liver. Another method is to place the eye unopened in Miiller's fluid for some two weeks, frequently changing the fluid ; af- terward harden in alcohol. Sections may then be made in the same manner as before. To obtain the separate constituents, place a fresh retina in a -jV per cent, aqueous solution of osmic acid for fourteen days, then in glycerine for seventeen days ; after this, place a small piece on a slide in glycerine, with the cover-glass so arranged that no pressure is made upon the specimen ; now tap gently on the centre of the glass until the motion of the fluid causes the retina to fall apart. 348 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. The optic nerve, after leaving the optic canal, passes through the orbit surrounded by three coverings, continuations of the cerebral membranes. The dural coat, composed of dense connective tissue with a few elastic fibres, forms the outer covering ; the fibres are at- tached to the periosteum, where the nerve leaves the bony canal, and where it enters the eyeball they are continued directly into the outer layers of the sclera. Within this covering, and separated from it by a very nar- row space, are the delicate fibres of the arachnoidal coat, and the lymph-space between the two is called the subdwral space. Within the arachnoidal coat, and separated from it by a wide lymph-space, is the pial coat closely surrounding the nerve-fibres, and sending processes of connective-tissue be- tween their bundles. This membrane passes into the inner layers of the sclera, and also sends numerous fibres to the la- mina cribrosa. Its outer surface is covered with endothelium, and between it and the arachnoid coat is the subaraclmoid space, which reaches to the inner layers of the sclera, and is continuous with the same space in the brain. The optic nerve itself, closely surrounded by its vagina fibrosa, passes forward through the orbit, receiving the central artery and vein at about 15 to 20 mm. from the sclera. These vessels pass to the centre of the nerve and lie in a connective- tissue sheath until they emerge on the inner surface of the eye- ball to branch over the retina. On cross-sections of the nerve, bundles of connective tissue are seen to pass inward from the pial sheath and form a cross- network, through the openings of which the nerve-fibres pass. On longitudinal sections the connective tissue appears in irregular fenestrated sheaths ; this tissue can also be demon- strated by macerating thick sections in a | per cent, solution of chromic acid and then brushing out the nerve-elements. These nerve-filaments themselves are extremely small, but vary somewhat in size. They consist of an axis-cylinder sur- rounded by its medullary sheath; they are grouped in large bundles which pass through the meshes of the connective tis- sue. The fibres appear to be held together by a kind of homo- geneous albuminous substance— neuroglia, and have on their surface occasional nucleated corpuscles, distinguished from THE EYE. 349 those of the connective tissue by being larger and more irregu- lar in shape. Blood-vessels are found not only in the centre of the nerve, but also scattered through various parts of the connective tis- sues. At the lamina cribrosa there is an anastomosis with the ves- sels of the circle of Holler, which, coming from the short poste- rior ciliary arteries, forms a vascular circle in the sclera, about the entrance of the optic nerve. Where the nerve-tibres pass through the sieve-like openings of the lamina cribrosa they lose their medullary sheath, and from that point pass on to the nerve-fibre layer of the retina as transparent axis-cylinders ; but in rare cases the sheaths are continued from the optic disk some little distance over the retina, and are seen with the ophthalmoscope as very white patches radiating out from the disk, or following the vessels and gradually fading into the general color of the f undus by a fine, fringe-like border. The vitreous body is a transparent, jelly-like mass, of spher- ical shape, with a depression at the anterior part, in which the lens rests. Ifc is bounded behind and on the side by the retina, in front by the lens with its attachments, and appears to have no true hyaloid limiting-membrane of its own. It is very diffi- cult to demonstrate any definite structure in this substance ; toward the periphery it appears to be arranged somewhat in concentric layers, but in the centre is more homogeneous. From the optic disk to the lens there is a small canal about 1 mm. wide in front and spreading out behind ; it is lined with very transparent cells, and filled with a substance which passes off at an angle from the middle of the lamina spiralis and is inserted into the wall of the cochlea. The portion of the canal thus cut off forms the ductus cochle- aris (Fig. 162, e, et), and in it lies the peculiar body in which the nerve terminates, and which is called the organ of Corti. THE EAR. 363 The scala tympani is a blind canal, having at one extremity the membrane which covers the fenestra rotunda, and at the upper part terminating in. the cupula of the cochlea, where it Lsp PlO. 162.— Section of the cochlea of a human embryo at the fourth month, a. a, a, cartilaginoo* incaoement of the cochlea; 6. fr, perichondrium ; c, mncuid tissue matrix of the modiolug; d, d, cartila- ginous septa of the individual turns of the cochlea ; e — «4, sections of the ductus cochleariR ; /, /,. Reiss- ner's membrane ; g, membrana tectoria. eomewlint lifted up from the subjacent parts ; A, rudiment of the stria Tascularis ; <, rudiment of the subsequent organ of Corti ; L up, lamina spiralis ; Ol, Of,, ganglion spirale with variono efferent and afferent bundles of nerves; ST, scala tympani; SV, scala vest.ibuli; AT,, (SK,, STt, miiccid tissue where later the scala; of the last cochleal turn will be. i1-'. Waldeyer. is said to enter into communication with the scala vestibuli by a minute opening, the helicotrema. The scala vestibuli stands in direct communication with the perilymphatic space of the vestibular sacs, while the ductus cochlearis is in communication with the saccule by means of a slender canal (the canalis reuniens). The walls of the two scalse are formed of a thin periosteum, on the surface of which 364 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. there can be shown, by means of the silver method, a layer of endothelium. This proves that the canals are of the nature of serous cavities. The lamina spiralis is composed of an osseous and a mem- branous portion. The osseous portion reaches about one-half the distance from the modiolus to the opposite wall, and on its outer and vestibular portion is a mass of connective tissue called crista spiralis (Fig. 163, Or.), the upper lip of which is called labium vestibulare (Fig. 163, I/o.\ while the lower lip is called labium tympanicum (Fig. 163, Lt.); the space between the two lips has received the name of recessus internus. The crista spiralis is divided by a number of parallel furrows, which gives the surface a regular toothed appearance when seen from the vestibular surface. Hence, the portions between the furrows are called "auditory teeth." The under (vestibular) of the two lips is connected with the membrana basilaris (Fig. 163, Hn, Zp'\ which is com- posed of two layers of finely fibrillated connective tissue, 'and is covered on its tympanic surface by a layer of endothe- ' Hum, and on the surface turned toward the ductus cochlearis by the organ of Corti and its supporting cells. The inner layer of this fine connective tissue is directly continued into the bases of the pillars of the organ of Corti next to be de- scribed. The organ of Corti, so named from its discoverer, is a com- plicated arrangement of cells in which the nerve terminates, and of otner cells and their modifications, which apparently act as supports to these and as modifiers of the sound. The cells proper, in which the nerve terminates, have received the name of hair-cells, from the ciliated appendages which they carry (Fig. 163, a, a", a", a"\ while the peculiar modified cells which are their chief support are called the pillars. The pillars (Fig. 163, ft, fa) are two slender, slightly shaped bodies, of a finely fibrillated structure, showing, however, in their early stages, the presence of nuclei. They stand upon the membrana basilaris, and are apparently to be directly fol- lowed into the fine layer of connective tissue beneath them. They are arranged in two rows, named inner and outer, ac- cording to their situation as regards the modiolus. The pillars are inclined toward each other, and the space between them is named the tunnel. The head of the outer is a little enlarged THE EAR, and rounded, lying in a shallow depression in the head of the inner pillar, thus resembling a ball and socket-joint (Fig. 163, gia}. The heads of the pillars, when seen from the surface, have Fio. 1(53. — Section through the dnctna cochlearis of a young dog : K-r', Reissner's membrane ; Los and Los', vestibnlar and tympanic platen of the osseous lamina ; asp, ganglion spiritl*1 ; n, fine nervee pawing through the habenula perforata at Jfn ; Cr, crista spiralia ; Lr, its vestibuln or upper lip ; rm, Mt, m', the membrana tectoria (Corti's membrane); 8*tH, recessim internns clothed with epil he- lium ; fl and /a, inner and outer pillarx of Corti , a and n", a", a", inner and outer liair-oells. between the latter arc seen the fl.ink-Hhaped cells, r, r, r ; Tn. nerve passing through the tunnel to reach one of the outer lmir-cell« : J/t. Hennon's prop-cells : ST>, Zt/ zona pectinata ; gta, inner and outer heads of the pillars of Corti : A'/', plate called plialynx. which, when joined with its neighbors, forms the lamina n-ti- cularis, in which the ends of the hair-oella are supported ; Li>p, ligamentum spirale ; 't), stria voacu- laris. AfUT Lax-dowsky. 366 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. prolongations shaped a little like the bones of the fingers, and hence called phalanges (Fig. 163, Kp). These enclose spaces be- tween them, through which the ends of the hair-cells project. The network thus formed is called the lamina reticularis, and gives a very peculiar appearance when this portion of the organ is viewed from above. Corresponding to the pillars are rows of hair-cells termed inner and outer — a single row of the former (Fig. 163, a) and four rows of the latter (Fig. 163, a", a", a"). The shape of the cells of the inner row is cylindrical, having their base pro- longed into a fine thread expanding into a foot-stalk, which passes into the membrana basilaris. The top of the cell which passes through the opening in the lamina reticularis is pro- vided with fine cilia. The four rows of cells in connection with the outer pillar are of the same shape as those of the inner row, but, in addition, are joined at their lower part to peculiar cells shaped like a flask, large and rounded at the bottom, and tapering to a long and narrow neck. The tops of these cells reach to the lamina reticularis, but do not pass through it (Fig. 163, r, r, r, and 5). Immediately adjoining the outer rows of hair-cells are several rows of cylindrical epithelial cells (Hen- son's prop-cells) (Fig. 163, ffz), which pass gradually into the short cubical epithelium forming the zona pectinata (Fig. 163, Zp to Zp') adjoining the epithelial lining of the ductus cochle- aris. The course of the nerve has already been followed to the ganglion spirale. From this point a number of fine trunks pass through a canal in the osseous portion of the lamina spi- ralis to the lower lip of the crista, which they leave as naked axis-cylinders by a number of small holes, called the habenula perforata (Fig. 163, Hri). After entering the ductus cochle- aris they divide into two chief bundles, one distributed to the inner hair-cells, and the other, passing between the bases of the inner pillars, crosses the tunnel and then again passes be- tween the outer pillars, and terminates finally in the outer hair-cells. Beyond the fact that they apply themselves directly to the surface of the hair-cells, their mode of ultimate ending is not known. From the upper edge of the crista spiralis, lying directly upon it and covering the whole of the organ of Corti, is the membrana tectoria (Corti' s membrane) (Fig. 163, Mt), a homo- BIBLIOGRAPHY. 367 geueous mass in which indistinct striations are to be seen. This is of the nature of a cuticular formation, and probably acts as a damper, preventing excessive vibrations of the organ of Corti. BIBLIOGRAPHY. RUEDINGER. The Eustachian Tube, etc. Strieker's Histology, New York. 1872. TRAUTMANN. Der gelbe Fleck am Eude des Hammergriffes. Arch. f. Ohrenheilk., Vol. XL, p. 99. 1876. URBANTSCHITSCH. Zur Anat. d. Gehorknochelchen des Menchen. Arch. f. Ohren- heilk., VoL XL, p. 1. 1876. POM TZ Kit. Ueber Auastomosen d. Gefassbezirk d. Mittelohres u. d. Labyrinths. Arch. f. Ohrenh., Vol. XL, p. 237, 1877, and Wien. med. Woch., No. 30. 1876. UiiBEit-LiEL. Die Membrana tympani secundaria. Monatsschr. f. Ohreuheilkunde, No. 4. 1876. LAVDOWSKY. Ueber d. akust. Endapparat d. Saugethiere. Arch. f. mikros. Anat, Vol. XIII. , p. 417. 1877. KUIIN. Untersuch. iiber den hautigen Labyrinth der Knochenfische. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XIV., p. 284. 1877. MOLDENHAUER. Beitr. zur. Anat. u. Entwickel. d. Menschl. Gehororganes. Arch. f. Ohrenheilkunde, Vol. XL, p. 225. 1877. DORAN. Morphology of the Mammalian Ossicula Auditus. Trans. Linn. Soc. , London, Second series, VoL I. 1877. UEBER-LIEL. Der Aqueductus cochleae beim Menschen. Monatsschr. f. Ohrenheilk., VoL XIII., No. 3, p. 33, 1878-79, and Virch. Arch., Vol. LXXVII., p. 207, 1879; also Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Phys. Abtheilung, p. 188. 1878. CISOFF. Ueber d. Gehorlabyrinth d. Knorpelfische. Sitz. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. an d. K. Universit. zu Kasan. May, 1879. (Russian.) PRITCHARD. The Organ of Corti in Mammals. The Lancet, 1876, p. 552, and Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XXIV., No. 168, p. 346, 1878 ; also The Termination of the Nerves in the Vestibule and Semicircular Canals of Mammals. Quart. Journ. Micros. Sc., New Series, No. 64, VoL XXI., p. 398 1879. MINOT, C. 8. Recent Investigations of the Histology of the Scala Media Cochleae. American Journal of Otology. April, 1881. PART III. CHAPTEK XXII. THE NASAL FOSSJE, PHARYNX, AND TONSILS. BY D. BRYSON DELAVAN, M.D. Curator of the New York Hospital, New York City ; Member of the American Laryn- gological Association. The vestibulum nasi is that part of the nasal canal which is surrounded by the anterior cartilages of the nose. It is cov- ered by a continuation of the exterior skin, which gradually assumes the characteristics of a mucous membrane and pos- sesses several layers of pavement-epithelium, the uppermost of which is composed of horny cells. This epithelium extends backward to the anterior margin of the inferior turbinated bone and the commencement of the inferior nasal duct, where it becomes ciliated. The integument has also vascular papillae, with both simple and compound loops, and in the lower part of the nose long, stiff hairs (vibrissae), as well as large sebaceous follicles. It is sparingly supplied with blood-vessels. The nerves are derived from the trigeminus, and consist of fila- ments, which probably end in terminal bulbs. The respiratory region. — The nasal fossae proper, with the exception of a limited part known as the olfactory region, may be regarded as a continuation of the respiratory tract. Each fossa communicates with four sinuses : the frontal, the sphe- noidal, the maxillary or antrum Highmorianum, and the pos- terior ethmoidal. The mucous membrane covering the respira- tory region and its accessory sinuses is called the Schneiderian or pituitary membrane. It is devoid of papillae, and is covered with a cylindrical ciliated epithelium, like that of the trachea, THE NASAL FOSS.- sively of the unstriped variety. Below the upper one-eighth of the oesophagus smooth muscle-cells first begin to be blended with the other variety ; they rapidly increase as we proceed FIG. 164. — Trnnsverse section through the lower part of the resophagua of the newly-born child : a, a, epithelium ; 6, mucosn ; c, rnnscil- laris mucobse ; d, snbinncoiis tissue ; t. layer qf circular muscular fibres ; /, longitudinal muscu- lar layer ; (/, external fibrous layer ; A, A, two of the ganglia of Anerbach. Klein. 388 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. downward, until at about the middle of its course the striped fibres entirely disappear, being replaced by continuous layers of unstriped muscle-cells: The fibrous envelope consists of connective tissue and elastic fibres, arranged so as to form a thin, peripheral, sheath-like membrane. Blood-vessels and lymphatics are found in less abundance in the oesophagus than -in the mouth and pharynx. The for- mer are arranged in the shape of capillary networks in the mucosa. The papillary loops, already mentioned, take their origin from these reticula. The larger branches are found in the submucosa. The lymphatics occur as plexuses; one is situated superficially in the mucous membrane, and communi- cates by capillary vessels, with a second larger one, placed in the submucosa. The glands are said to have special lymphatics. Nerves. — An elaborate account of the mode of distribution of nerves in the oesophagus is given in Ranvier's " Lecons d'ana- tomie generale," 1880, p. 366 et seq. The following brief sum- mary gives the main points : Nervous filaments proceeding from the pneumogastrics find their way to the striped muscles, where they terminate in the well-known eminences ordinarily found in that tissue. These terminal bodies are seen to be very numer- ous, a fact which corresponds to the importance and complex- ity of nervous action concerned in the process of deglutition. The terminal distribution in the unstriped muscle presents no striking peculiarity. Between the two layers of the muscle- coat we find' an arrangement analogous to Auerbach's gangli- onic plexus, but the ganglia and their nerve-cells are larger and appear to be more numerous than in the intestine. The nerve- fibres proceeding from the vagus are medullated ; those from the ganglionic plexus belong of course to the non-medullated variety. THE STOMACH. The serous covering of this organ has the same general structure as all visceral peritoneum, being composed of a con- nective-tissue membrane lined by flat endothelial cells. The muscvlar coat of the stomach is divisible into three layers, composed of, 1, external longitudinal fibres ; 2, middle circular ; and 3, internal oblique fibres. All of these belong THE STOMACH. 389 exclusively to the unstriped variety of muscle-cells. A thickening of the inner circular layer constitutes the pyloric sphincter. The submucous layer is composed of loose connective tis- sue, and it is for this reason that the mucous membrane is so freely movable over the muscular coat. It is, moreover, owing to this peculiarity that, whenever and wherever muscular contraction takes place, the mucous mem- brane presents numerous folds, ridges, and eleva- tions. Thus, we may find in a perfectly healthy stom- ach appearances quite an- alogous to those described by pathologists as the so- called etat mamelonne of gastritis. The muscularis mucosce frequently presents two lay- ers of unstriped muscle- cells — an outer longitudinal and an inner circular one. In some regions we observe only one layer of longitu- dinal muscle-cells. The gastric mucous mem- brane is covered by a single layer of columnar epitheli- um, containing goblet-cells in greater or less abun- dance. These goblet-cells represent ordinary epithelia, which appear to be bulged out by mucoid contents. At the cardiac extremity of the stomach there is a sharp, serrated line of demarcation between the O3sophageal and gastric epithelial lining. The surface-epithe- lium forms one continuous stratum, and is continued down into the ducts of the gastric glands. The latter occur in two distinct varieties, viz., peptic glands and pyloric glands. The peptic glands, also called gastric glands, are cylindrical FIG. 165. — Transverse section through the fundne of the stomach in a child : a, a, cylindrical epithelium ; 6, 6, peptic tubes ; c, c, muscularis mncosse ; d, d, cnb- mncous tissue ; «, circular muscular layer: /, longi- tudinal muscular layer ; g, peritoneum ; A, t>, ganglion of Auerbach. Klein. 390 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. tubules, nearly straight or slightly tortuous, with often a single rounded caeca! extremity. However, the latter is sometimes double by dichotomous division, or we find many such blind terminal branches. Hence, we may speak of simple peptic glands and compound peptic glands. They are all placed ver- tically to the surface, and consist of a homo- geneous basement-mem- brane with a lining of secreting epithelia. (Fig. 166.) The basement- membrane contains flat- tened nuclei, and at its inner aspect it is fur- nished with flat, branch- ing adventitial cells. Each gland is divisible into a duct and gland proper. The latter, again, consists of a neck, body, and fundus. Usually, two, three, or even more of these glands, have a common duct. The length of the entire structure varies in the different gastric re- gions from 0.4 — 2.0 mm., in accordance with the thickness of the entire mucous membrane in the respective parts. The duct, amounting to about one-fourth of the whole length of the tube, is lined with one contin- uous layer of columnar epithelial cells, similar to the surface epithelium of the rest of the stomach. The neck, the thin- nest portion of the minute tube, has similar cells ; but they appear shorter, darker, and have a smaller ovoid nucleus. As regards its breadth, the body stands about midway between Flo. 166. — A, simple gastric gland : P, parietal ; and C, chief cells. B, compound gantrta gland. Only the outline, denoting the membrana propria, is drawn. THE STOMACH. 391 the neck and the f undus, which latter is the thickest portion of the entire gland. In the neck we also find, in addition to the cells already described, other corpuscles placed externally to the former. . They are the parietal cells (Heidenhain), or delomorphous cells (Rollett), the former variety being termed chief cells (Heidenhain), or adelomorphous cells (Rollett), or simply peptic cells. The parietal cells occur as spheroidal, oval, or polygonal, rather opaque, sometimes very granular bodies, which lie beneath the basement-membrane, but com- monly outside the layer of ordinary chief cells. In the body of the gland-tube we again meet with these two forms of lin- ing-corpuscles. Here, however, the columnar or chief cells are longer than in the neck, and their bodies generally appear more transparent, while the nuclei, again spheroidal, are situ- ated nearer the external than the internal border. Klein de- scribes the substance of these cells as consisting of a delicate reticulum, with a small amount of a hyaline interstitial sub- stance in its meshes. The same author, also, invariably finds an intra-nuclear network. Others have been less fortunate in finding such appearances. The parietal cells of the body in all respects resemble those of the neck. As the fundus is ap- proached their number grows comparatively less. The pyloric glands, which some histologists insist on call- ing mucous glands, are lined throughout by a single layer of epithelium. This is composed of the ordinary columnar cells of the gastric surface. But the corpuscles here appear to be somewhat compressed, so that they seem less transparent than elsewhere. They are known to undergo certain changes dur- ing their passage from activity to rest. Examined in the latter condition, we find them more granular, and apparently smaller or shorter, than during and immediately after secre- tion. These glands have long ducts, each one serving for sev- eral secreting tubules. Their bodies are branched, and usually appear somewhat tortuous. When such glandules become somewhat more complex and grow larger (a change which nor- mally takes place in the duodenum), they are called Brunner' s glands. Dr. Edinger has recently (Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Vol. XVII., p. 193) asserted that the gastric glands contain in reality only one kind of cellular element. He based his opinion on results obtained by treating the almost living mu- 392 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. cous membrane with osmic acid, after Nussbaum's method. By him the chief cells are said to develop into parietal cells, through an increase of their volume and a filling up with the gastric ferment. The considerations which led him to form this opinion are as follows : 1, the occurrence of bodies which represent transition-forms between chief cells and parietal cells ; 2, the analogy of this assumed metamorphosis of gas- tric corpuscles (i.e., the conversion of chief cells into parietal cells), with similar changes, known to occur in other glands during active secretion ; 3, the fact that many animals which secrete pepsin have only the parietal cells ; 4, the results of an examination of the mucous membrane of starving animals, which revealed only the chief -cell form of gastric corpuscles ; and 5, the apparent discrepancy in the descriptions of these bodies by competent histologists — some observers regarding the chief cells, others the parietal cells, as exclusively pepsin- ogenous. Still more recently, Sto'hr has (VerTiandl. d. p7iys.-med. Gesel. in Wurzburg, 1881, p. 101) studied the histology of the gastric epithelium. His specimens were derived from the fresh stomach of a criminal immediately after execution of the latter. The man had taken no nourishment for some hours before his death. The principal conclusions of Stohr are : 1, the epithe- lia of the mucous glandules are not destroyed during the pro- cess of secretion, but, like those of the true gastric glands, con- tinue their existence ; 2, the parietal groups of cells represent those portions of the mucous corpuscles which have not un- dergone mucoid metamorphosis, being made up of unaltered protoplasm. From the above contradictory statements it appears that even to-day our intimate knowledge of the gastric mucous membrane, and especially its epithelia, is far from being in a satisfactory condition. It will have to be reserved for future investigations to dispel the uncertainty still existing with re- gard to some of the most interesting details of the physiologico- histological characteristics of the inner coat of the stomach. The blood-vessels of the stomach have an arrangement simi- lar to that of the oesophagus. In the mucous membrane, how- ever, we find abundant plexuses of capillary vessels surround- ing the gastric glands. These networks intercommunicate, and* just beneath the surface-epithelium they become especially THE STOMACH. 393 close. From this point the veins take their origin. The ve- nous rootlets unite in a stellate manner to form larger branches, which descend almost vertically and empty into a venous retic- ulum situated between the glandular layer and the muscularis mucosse, and just above a similar arterial network. IsympTiatics abound in the stomach. They appear to arise from superficial loops, which, anastomosing between the FIG. 167. — Lymphatics of the gastric mucous membrane of the human adult. Frey. glandular tubules, reach the fundal zone of these structures. There they form a network, and this is in communication with a plexus of larger vessels, situated in the submucous tissue. The distribution of the gastric nerves does not differ mate- rially from that of the small intestine, in the description of which this matter will receive more particular attention. Gan- glion-cells are frequently found both in the muscular layer and the submucosa ; in the latter we have a tolerably distinct plexus of nerve-filaments and ganglion-cells. Of the normal occurrence in the walls of the stomach, of true lymphoid follicles, the author has been unable to find convincing evidence. Nevertheless some writers assert that they are always to be found there. 394 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. THE SMALL INTESTINE. The serous coat presents no structural characteristics pecu- liar to itself, closely resembling the gastric peritoneum. It encloses a muscular coat and the mucous membrane, which are held together by connective tissue. The average thickness of these3 layers does not, in man, exceed 1.0 mm., of which three-fourths belong to the muscular, and one-fourth to the Flo. 168.— Longitudinal section of the small intestine of a rabbit : Z, 55, villi : J, crypts; Pp, a Beyer's patch ; K, cap of a follicle ; S, gubmucosa ; m. m, muscularis mueosse ; R, circular muscular layer ; L, longitudinal muscular layer ; P, peritoneum. Verson. mucous coat. Of course, the contracted or relaxed condition of the intestinal tube at the time of measurement will appre- ciably influence these figures. But they represent the general ordinary average. The muscular coat has an external longitudinal and an in- ternal circular layer. Between the two we find Auerbach's THE SMALL INTESTINE. 395 plexus myentericus of flat nerve-fibres, which will be described farther on. The muscle-coat becomes gradually thinner as we pass from the duodenum to the ileo-csecal valve. In the for- mation of this thickened fold the longitudinal layer does not participate. The unstriped muscle-cells have an average length of 0.255 mm., and are about 0.005 mm. broad. They are arranged in bundles, surrounded by connective-tissue bands, with which elastic elements are abundantly interwoven. The mucous membrane is thrown into folds, and is studded with closely placed projections, called villi. The general di- rection of these folds, the valvulce conniventes KerTtringii, is parallel to the transverse course of the circular muscle-layer. They run parallel to one another, or join at acute angles. The mill jut out into the lumen of the intestinal canal, as variously shaped projections, of an average length of 0.04 — 0.6 mm., and an average breadth of 0.06 — 0.12 mm. In general their form may be said to be conical or cylindrical ; but we always en- counter a great variety of shapes, in accordance with the varying states of contraction in the mus- cularis mucosae. Each villus con- sists of a large-meshed reticulum of connective tissue, infiltrated, as it were, with leucocytes, and con- taining flattened corpuscles, which resemble endothelial cells. One or several spaces, situated in the cen- tre of every villus, constitute the origin of the lacteal tubes. Ac- cording to Briicke, these chyle- vessels are covered by thin, but not continuous bundles of smooth muscle-fibres. Their walls show only a single layer of ordinary endothelial cells, with clear oval nuclei. The free surface of the villi, like that of the stomach, is covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium. Each cell presents, in the recent state, a finety striated hyaline band at its unattached border. This structure has, at different times, received various interpretations, and even now opinions Fio. 169. — Soction of a villus from the intestine of a rabbit : a, epithelium ; 6, Btrouia ; c, central cavity. Verson. 396 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. are much divided as to its true significance. Some histologists regard the striae as indicating so many minute pores for pur- poses of absorptive transmission ; others believe that the jux- taposition of numerous delicate rods explains the peculiar ap- pearance; and Klein has lately asserted them to be merely prolongations of the fibrils of the cell-substance composing the epithelia. These striae are always seen to run parallel to the long axis of the cells. Krause also described as of normal occurrence, a basal pro- cess extending at an obtuse angle from the attached surface of these bodies, and inserted into the delicately serrated border of the villi. Near its attached border each epithelium presents a bright ovoid nucleus, with one or more distinct nncleoli. Besides the ordinary corpuscles, we find interposed between them the so-called goblet-cells. These are derived from the former by mucoid infiltration of the cell-body, which is there- fore conspicuously bulged out. Lymph-corpuscles also occur between the epithelia. Immediately beneath this layer we find a delicate, homo- geneous basement-membrane, composed of flattened cells, re- sembling endothelia. The muscularis mucoscB, or muscle of Brucke, is made up of a single or double layer of smooth muscle-cells. When double, an inner circular may be distinguished from an external longi- tudinal coat, both being always very attenuated*. The submucous layer is formed of connective tissue, the supporting framework of which contains lymphatics, blood- vessels, nerves, and often groups of fat-cells. The glands of tlie small intestine are those of Brunner and the crypts of Lieberkiihn. In addition to these, however, there occur numerous lymphoid follicles, which, when found singly, are known as the solitary follicles, and, when grouped together, as agminated glands, or Peyer's patches. The solitary or closed follicles are real lymphoid glands, and, like these, con- sist of reticulated connective tissue, the meshes of which are replete with lymph-corpuscles. The jejunum, ileum, and colon all contain sucli -follicles, but the agminated glands occur in tli(> ileum, alxiuiKlinii; especially at its lower part. Around each follicle we find a ring of villi and glands, which arrange- ment goes by the name of corona tubulorum (Miiller). The follicles receive an enveloping layer of nbro-connective tissue. THE SMALL INTESTINE. 397 Brunner's glands lie in the submucosa, where they form closely crowded tubules, separated by a small amount of con- nective tissue. Smooth muscle-cells, starting from the muscu- laris mucosse, are of ten seen to pass between them. These con- voluted tubules resemble and correspond to the gastric glands, but have here attained a much greater degree of development. FIG. 170.— Vertical section throneh a human Peyer's patch, with Its lymphatics Injecfcd : a. Intestinal villi with their lacteal ; 6. Lieberkiihnian glands; c, muscular layer of the mucous membrane: d, apex of the follicle : e, middle zone of the follicle ; /, basis portion of the follicle ; g, continuation of the lacteals of the intestinal villi into the mncons membrane proper: A, reticnlar expansion of the lymphatics in tho middle zone : t, their coarse at the base of the follicle ; k, continuation into the lymphatics of the submn- cous tissue ; /, follicular tissue in the latter. Frey. They also appear to have been pushed down, as it were, from the mucous into the submucous layer. An individual gland consists of its long duct lined by col- umnar epithelium, and the branched tubules, which frequently have terminal clusters, resembling true acini. They are, how- ever, only secondary or tertiary diverticula, so that Brunner's glands really conform to the compound tubular type of secret- ing structures (Renaut). Each ultimate diverticulum has an external membrana propria composed of flattened endothelial cells, and a lining of cylindrical, columnar, or prismatic secret- ing epithelia, containing oval nuclei. Histologists have described minute capillary channels pro- ceeding from the central lumen of the gland, between the se- , creting-cells, ending just underneath the membrana propria. The author believes these intercellular channels, as they have 398 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. been called, to be the artificially altered cement-substance al- ways present between such adjacent cells. Ikunner's glands abound only in the duodenum, but a few may occasionally be seen lower down the intestine. Their ducts, after traversing the muscularis mucosse, ascend almost vertically between the crypts, opening on the free surface of the mucous membrane. Fig. 171.— Crypts and interfollicnlar connective tissue, from the intestine of the rabbit : K, crypt ; a. n, epithelium ; , groove-shaped and cylindrical cortical trabeoulaa ; c, stroma. Eberth. hedral masses of protoplasm furnished with spherical nuclei and conspicuous nucleoli. Their protoplasm has a coarsely granular character, and, as a rule, contains more or less fat in greater or smaller droplets. The middle layer contains cortical corpuscles which are ar- ranged in almost parallel rows, and are so closely packed that this portion acquires a distinctly striated appearance. These cellular columns have received various names. By Ecker they were called gland tubules, Kolliker termed them cortical cylin- 28 434 ders, Eberth described them as cylindrical cell-trabeculge, or cortical trabecuL-e, and Krause named them cellular pillars. These cellular rows, columns, or streaks, are by no means always cylindrical, for on cross-section they frequently present a semilunar, oval, or bean-shaped appearance. Their inner and outer terminations have a rounded shape, and near the former place they seem to anastomose with one another. At Tin. 1S7.— Vertical section through the the cortical portion of the suprarenal capsule of the Horse, a, capsule ; 6, cell-trabeculoe ; c, cell-groups. Eberth. the peripheral end they sometimes appear groove-shaped, or in horse- shoe form. Connective-tissue processes communicating with the cap- sule are found between the cell columns, but the latter are not completely isolated by them. These connective-tissue streaks also send off transverse or oblique fibres, so that occasionally the cells of the middle layer seem to be inclosed in basket-like meshes. In addition to fat-droplets, granules of pigment are SUPRARENAL CAPSULES. 435 found in the cells of the innermost portion of the middle layer. The external layer is made up of irregularly arranged cor- tical corpuscles. Nearly all the cells of this layer contain pigment granules. The connective-tissue here forms a reti- culum, with variously shaped meshes, which contain greater or smaller heaps of cells. The medullary substance has a whitish-gray appearance, and is of a more delicate consistency than the cortex. It consists Fio. 188. — Vertical section throncrh the medullary subFtance of the suprarenal capsule of the Cow. a, blood- vessels ; 6, trabecnlse of medullary cells. Strieker. of a network of connective tissue, which contains in its meshes the medullary corpuscles. These are pale cells with spherical nuclei and large nucleoli. They may assume various shapes. In man they are generally of an irregularly stellate or polyg- onal form. Their protoplasm is finely granular, and they con- tain, as a rule, much less fat and pigment than the cortical corpuscles. Kolliker finds that they resemble the nerve-cells of the central nervous system, but he adds that they cannot be regarded as such nerve-elements. The medullary cells assume a yellow or brownish color when treated with chromate of potash or chromic acid. Since the cortex corpuscles are not thus colored, this peculiar! ty may serve to distinguish one cellular variety from the other. The connective-tissue framework of the medulla is called its 430 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. stroma, and its meshes in man have an oval or rounded form, so that, as a rule, the cell-groups have a similar shape. On the whole, we find a smaller proportion of connective tissue in the medulla than in the cortex. The blood-vessels of the suprarenal capsules occupy the stroma, and are found in great abundance. The arterial vessels arise from the aorta, the phrenic and renal arteries, and the cffiliac axis. About twenty small branches pierce the capsule, and are distributed mainly to the cortex. The medullary sub- stance is very rich in venous plexuses. Capillary networks are found in both cortical and medullary portions. The veins uniting form one principal branch, which passes out at the hi- lus of the organ. The right suprarenal vein empties its blood into the vena cava inferior, the left one into the vena renalis sinistra. LympJiatics were seen by most observers only at the sur- face of the suprarenal capsules. Klein, however, has recently asserted that there exists between the cells "an anastomosing system of narrower and broader clefts, channels, and lacunae, which belong to the lymphatic system." This applies to the zona fasciculata. In the other portions of the organ the same writer also finds lymph-spaces, and lymph-sinuses, occupying the regions "between the septa and trabeculse of the frame- work on the one hand, and the cell -groups on the other." The nerves occur in comparatively greater abundance in these organs than in any other glandular structures of the hu- man body. Kolliker was able to count thirty-three branches in a single suprarenal capsule of a man. They are derived from the renal plexus, the pneumogastric and phrenic nerves, and semilunar ganglion. Very fine or medium-sized, dark-bor- dered fibres are commonly encountered, and they abound espe- cially in the medulla. Ganglion-cells are also frequently seen, and Virchow has traced them into the interior of the organ. In the cortical substances they are of rare occurrence. The terminal distribution of the nerves has not been hitherto ascertained, and it appears to be still a matter of doubt whether they ter- minate in the suprarenal body at all. Development. — In mammals the suprarenal capsule has an independent origin in a collection of tissue between the Wolff- ian bodies behind the mesentery and in front of the abdomi- nal aorta. (Kolliker.) The mesoderma at this point assumes BIBLIOGRAPHY. 437 a special structure. Certain of its cells form more or less cyl- indrical masses with a reticulated appearance. Between these cellular groups a network of blood-vessels is soon found, so that the whole structure is now not unlike embryonal hepatic tissue. In rabbits, Kolliker saw the first traces of these bodies about the twelfth or thirteenth day. On the sixteenth day they had already attained a length of 1.56 mm., and occupied a position along the vertebral column from the first to the fourth and part of the fifth lumbar vertebra. On cross sections of em- bryos sixteen days old, Kolliker found that the suprarenal cap- sules were distinctly separate at their upper borders, whereas their lower ends were joined together to form a single organ. The same writer also found a nervous ganglion at the coalesced central portions of somewhat older embryos. Behind the suprarenal capsules a second sympathetic ganglion was discovered. Remak and v. Brunn do not in all respects corroborate the statements of Kolliker. The latter was unable to ascertain any existing relationship between the nervous system and the suprarenal capsules. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BERGMANN. De glandnlis suprarenalibus. Diss. inaug. Gottingen, 1839. ECKKU. Der feinere Bau der Nebennieren beim Menschen und den vier Wirbelthier- klassen, 1846. Article u Blutgef assdriisen " in Wagner's Handworterbuch der Physiologic, Bd. IV. 1849. H. FRET. Art. " Suprarenal Capsules" in Todd's Cyclopa3dia of Anat. 1849. REMAK. Untersuchungen ueber der Entwickelung d. Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1853- 1855. VIRCHOW. Zur Chemie der Nebennieren. Virchow's Archiv, 1857. LEYDIG. Lebrbuch der Histologie, 1857. B. WERNER. De capsulis supraren. Dorpat Dissertatio. 1857. VULPIAN. Gaz. med., p. 659. 1856; p. 84, 1857. Gaz. hebd., p. 665, 1857. G. HARLET. The Histology of the Suprarenal Capsules. Lancet, June 5th and 12th, 1858. BARKOW. Anat "Outers, ueber die Harnblase. 1858. PALLADINO. Estratto del bulletino dell' ass d. natur e med. Anno I., No. 5. NapolL BURCKHARDT. Virchow's Arch., Vol. XVII., p. 94. 1859. G. JOESTEN. Archiv fur phye. Heilkunde, S. 97. 1864. A. MOERS. Virchow's Archiv, Bd. XXIX. , S. 3:;G. HENLE. Anatomic des Menschen. Bd. 2. 1866. 438 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. ARNOLD, JUL, Bin Beitrag zu der feineren Structur und dem Chemiaraus der Ne- bennieren. Virchow's Archiv, Bd. 35, S. 64. 1866. HOLM. Ueber die nervosen Elemente in den Nebennieren. Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie. Ed. 53, 1. Abtheilung. 1866. (JitAXDUY. Structure de la capsule surrenale. Journal de 1' anatomic et de la physi- ologic. 1867. KOLLIKER. Handbuch der Gewebelehre. 5. AufL 1867. EBERTH. Strieker's Archiv. KISSELEFF. Centralblatt, No. 22. 1868. BOUVIN. Over der bouw en de beweging der Ureteres. Utrecht, 1869. ENGELMANN. Zur Phys. d. Ureters. Pfliiger's Arch. , Vol. IL, p. 243. 1869. OBERSTEINER, in Strieker's Manual UNRDH. Archiv f. Heilkunde, p. 289. 1872. v. BRUNN. Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Vol. VIII., p. 618. 1872. EOLI. Arch. f. mikros. Anat., Vol. IX., p. 653. 1873. HAMBURGER. Zur HistoL d. Nierenb. u. d. Harnleiter. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Vol. XVII, p. 14. 1879. See also the text-books of Frey, Krause, Kolliker, and Henle. BRAUN. Ueber Bau u. Entw. der Nebennieren bei Reptilien. Zool. Anzeiger, Vol. IL, No. 27, p. 238. 1879; und Arbeiten aus d. zool. -zootom. lustitut in Wiirzburg, Vol. V., p. 1. 1879. KOLLIKER. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. Leipzig, 1879. KLEIN, and S. NOBLE SMITH. Atlas of Histology. 1880. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE MAMMARY GLAND. Br W. H. PORTER, M.D., and EDMUND C. WENDT, M.D., of New York City. General considerations. — By virtue of its intimate associa- tion with the function of reproduction, this organ occupies a distinctly peculiar position among the glands of the body. In the male it persists through life in the same rudimentary form which characterizes the mamma of both sexes at birth. Only in the female, and in her only at certain times, does this organ attain its complete histological maturity. It may be borne in mind, however, that in a few anomalous cases, male beings sup- plied with fully developed mammary glands have been ob- served. After conception, and as pregnancy advances, progressive evolution takes place within the mamma. This unfolding process at length culminates in exaggerated tissue-metamor- phosis, which in other organs we should scarcely hesitate to call pathological. In fact, Virchow and his followers all main- tain that the secretion of milk is the direct result of a fatty degeneration of mammary epithelium, and similar in all essential respects to the processes involved in the elaboration of the seba- ceous material from the cutaneous glands of that name. Bill- roth, indeed, calls the mammae cutaneous fat-glands (Hautfett- drusen\ and he does this in consideration of the mode of their development, and because they are placed immediately be- neath the integument. In spite of these statements, however, we must maintain that the mammae are radically different from ordinary sebaceous glands, and that the processes of secretion in the two sets of glands are quite distinct. The grounds on which we base this opinion will be amplified farther on. The secretory activity of the gland, consisting in the elaboration of milk, is, as a rule, called into play only during the period 440 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. of rapid growth and development already alluded to. In ex- ceptional instances, however, lacteal fluid may be secreted during the extra-puerperal, period. The mammae belong to the class of compound acinous or race- mose glands, and, like the other organs of this group, consist of a framework or stroma, and a proper secreting structure or parenchyma. As they appear to the naked eye, the bulk of the breasts is not their secreting parenchyma, but ordinary adipose tissue. This fills out the intervals between the lobes and lobules, and gives to the entire organ its smooth, round form. The different lobes have separate secretory ducts, which open upon the nipple. These ducts ramify throughout the substance of the gland tissue, and ultimately carry upon their terminal branches the clusters of secreting vesi- cles, called acini or alveoli. Accord- ing to Zocher and Hen nig, the true glandular substance has not a rounded FIG. 189. — Terminal vesicles and , -1,1 i rtroma from the gland of a nursing shape, but ShOWS Si grOUpmg HltO three woman. Langer. . ^ .',... ^ J ~ , . , principal divisions, one 01 which ex- tends far up in the direction of the axilla. It is separated from the axillary lymphatic glands only by a small amount of adipose tissue. This would explain the ease, readiness, and frequency with which these glands become implicated in ma- lignant disease of the mamma. Since the glands at birth differ very widely from the mammae of adult women, and still more widely from those of pregnancy, it will be convenient to consider the histology of the organ under different aspects. This will be necessary, however, only with regard to the acini and the epithelia therein implanted, as these alone show such wide morphological divergencies in the dif- ferent phases of existence. The nipple (teat, mamilla, papilla mammce) is the one struc- ture belonging to the mamma which is least liable to modifica- tions of tissue due to age and sex. It generally assumes the shape of a pigmented conical or cylindrical projection, at the apex of which the galactophorous ducts have their terminal openings. It is composed principally of a rather loosely woven connective tissue, containing abundant corpuscles, and provided THE MAMMARY GLAND. 441 i with elastic fibrils. This conjunctive tissue forms a supporting framework for the milk-ducts traversing the nipple. The latter show walls of rather derive fibrous tissue, with a large pro- portion of elastic elements, and are provided with a lining of one row of short cylindrical cells. As the external orifice is approached, these cells begin to take on the character of the ordinary epidermic corpuscles of the integument. Partsch has found in many animals that the secreting paren- chyma accompanied these ducts almost to their mamillary orifices. The occurrence of unstriped muscle in the nipple, accords with the fact of its erectile properties. But the exact mode of distribution of these elements is still a matter of controversy among histologists. From the researches of Winkler and Kolessnikow, recently confirmed by Partsch, it would appear that they occur not in the ducts themselves, but form an in- complete ring around and external to the same. In or around the smaller galactophorous ducts, muscle-cells cannot be unmis- takably recognized, though some authors have described their occurrence there. As regards the structure of these smaller galactopliorous ducts (ductm lactiferi, milk-ducts) it is quite simple. Their membranous walls consist of a delicate and closely woven reticulum of connective tissue, with a large admixture of fine elastic fibres. Henle, Meckel, and Kolessnikow have described smooth muscle-cells in these canals, but, as already stated, Partsch and others have denied their existence. At any rate, on cross-sections the contracted condition of some of the larger ducts results in a stellate appearance of their lumina, whereas the smaller ducts always appear round or oval. The larger ducts traced into the gland tissue are found to be provided with saccular dilatations immediately beneath the nipple. These milk-reservoirs (sinus ductuum lactiferorum, sacculi lactiferi, or ampullce) may be 5 to 8 mm. broad, and thus become distinctly perceptible to the naked eye. Below these dilatations the ducts again grow narrower, and by numerous divisions and subdivisions form a system of ramifying tubes, which terminate in the secreting alveoli. The structure of the larger ducts does not materially differ from that of the smaller ones. Their walls are, of course, considerably thicker, and there is found in addition a greater proportion of elastic tis- 442 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. sue. All the different kinds of ducts show a lining composed of a single layer of short cylindrical cells, containing ellipsoid nuclei. The character of the lining cells is, however, gradually changed as the acini are approached, near which it merges into the alveolar epithelium by insensible gradations. Surrounding the nipple is a variously pigmented ring, called the areola mammce. Its surface is slightly corrugated, and this circumstance, taken in connection with its pigmentation, results in the production of the marked contrast it presents to the very white and soft integument covering the other portions of the female mamma. The areola is also provided with abun- dant unstriped muscle-fibres. Some of the latter surround the nipple in concentric rings, others pursue a radial course. The sudoriferous and sebaceous glands of the areola are conspic- uously developed, and lanugo hairs are also found. The fa- miliar changes which go on in the areola simultaneously with the development of pregnancy, are mainly due to increased blood-supply and additional pigmentation. The areola is also provided with small granules of secreting parenchyma. Some of these grains empty the products of their secretory activity by special recurrent ducts into the main excretory canals. But there are others which have special openings upon the free sur- face of the areola. Usually, little papillary eminences mark the presence of such orifices. These scattered bits of mam- mary parenchyma are known as the glandules aberrantes of Montgomery. Kolliker and others regard them as largely developed seba'ceous glands. The arteries of the mamma are chiefly derived from the internal mammary artery and the long thoracic. The veins empty into the thoracic branches and cephalic vein. Both arterial and venous vessels proceed subcutaneously from the periphery to the nipple, whence branches are given off in a posterior direction. They are not guided in their course by the distribution of the milk-ducts, but are distributed to the glandular parenchyma in such a way that each lobule has its own separate supply. Finally, under the areola the veins of the nipple form a circular anastomosing chain, known as the circulus venosus of Holler. Capillary vessels surround the acini, forming networks with rather close meshes. Of course, the varying states of expansion and contraction in the ultimate alveoli, which conditions correspond to phases of activity and THE MAMMARY GLAND. 443 rest, will materially affect tlie size and shape of the capillary networks. They are, however, much less distinct and con- spicuous during the period t>f lactation than in the quiescent state of the gland. Rauber found in the glands of pregnant animals that the blood-vessels were not in immediate contact with the walls of the secreting vesicles, being separated from them by interposed lymph-channels. Coyne, Langhans, and Kolessnikow have also described these perialveolar lymph- spaces. Their presence is, indeed, readily demonstrated by injections with nitrate of silver solutions. In actively secreting glands these channels are sometimes packed with leucocytes, which also infiltrate the stroma of the organ. Lymphatics are plentiful in the mammary gland. We find them subcutaneously, as well as deep in the interior of the organ. Coyne, in 1874, described the perialveolar lymph- spaces, already mentioned, for the human mamma, and Koless- nikow, in 1870, perialveolar lymph-spaces for the mammary gland of the cow. Langhans succeeded in injecting a rich net- work of periacinal lymph-vessels, likewise lymph-channels around the excretory ducts and the lacteal sinuses. The lar- gest lymph-vessels are retro-glandular. They are without valves. The lymph-vessels of the nipple resemble those of the skin. There seems to be no free communication between the lacunal and interstitial spaces of connective tissue of the glands, and the proper lymph-channels. The principal lymph-vessels of the mamma, both deep and superficial branches, proceed to the glands of the axilla. But some of the mammary lymphatics also communicate, through intercostal branches, with the thoracic lymphatic glands. These are points worthy of remembrance in studying the mode of dissemination in mammary tumors. Nerves abound less in the secreting structure of the mam- ma than in its integumentary apparatus. The majority are of spinal origin, although the sympathetic system is by no means excluded from representation. Branches from the fourth, fifth, and sixth intercostal nerves — the so-called rami glandu- lares — accompany the milk-ducts, and ramify within the organ. Satisfactory evidence concerning the manner of their ultimate termination has, however, not been hitherto obtained. Most of the nerves in the interior of the organ belong to the vascular or vaso-motor variety, and many are seen to accompany the 444 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. blood-vessels. Eckhard has given the most elaborate descrip- tion of the nerve-supply of the human mamma. Structure of fully expanded gland. — Immediately before, during, and after lactation, the mamma appears as a distinctly lobulated organ, having a pinkish or yellowish hue, and resem- bling in consistence the human pancreas or salivary gland. The different lobuli are made up of numerous ultimate acini, having, as a rule, a rounded, pyriform, or slightly poly- hedral shape. They are of nearly uni- form size, and are closely placed, being separated from one another by only sparing amounts of connective tissue, and the capillary vascular channels therein contained. Elastic fibres and smooth muscle-cells also occur, though not constantly, between the alveoli of the lobules. Lymphoid elements, as well as branched connective-tissue cor- puscles, are always encountered there in greater or less abundance. In addi- tion to these elements, large granular corpuscles containing nuclei are found. Via. 190. — Transverse section through the terminal vesicles of the gland in a nursing woman, showing interalveolar capillaries. Langer. They are most numerous along the course of the blood-vessels, and appear to be identical with the so-called plasma cells of Waldeyer. Creighton, however, also describes similar cells in the interior of the alveoli,' and believes that both are identical, maintain- ing that they are derived from the acinous epithelium. According to this author's description, such cells are "not infrequently seen in the tissue outside a lobule in rows three or four deep ; again, they are found in the interfascicular spaces among the lymphoid-cells," that have been already mentioned. These large, granular, and nucleated corpuscles are said to be filled with a bright yellow or golden pigment. Now, Creighton has pointed out that the periodical subsidence of the mammary function is accompanied by the formation of much corpuscular waste material. And the production of these remarkable yel- low cells, which finally leave the gland by way of the lymph- vessels, is, according to him, but a final phase of this process. The mammary epithelium which paves the acini has been variously described as consisting of flat polyhedral (Reinhard) ; THE MAMMARY GLAND. 445 cubical, cj'lindrical (Kolessnikow) ; small polyhedral (Langer) ; and prismatic (Kehrer) cells. This discrepancy of opinion re- ceives its explanation from, the fact that the epithelial cells FIG. 191. — Lobule of a mamma near the resting state. Numerous large pigmented cells within the acini and in the interlobular fibrillar tissue. Creighton. have a different appearance in the various conditions interven- ing between full activity and complete rest of the gland. Creighton has given a very satisfactory description of mam- mary epithelium. He states that in the fully expanded gland " the floor of an acinus in section is covered by a mosaic of polyhedric epithelial cells, usually to the number of fifteen or twenty, while in 'the larger elongated acini as many as thirty may be counted. The cells are usually pentagonal or hex- agonal, and the corners are sometimes rounded. In each cell there is a central round nucleus, which colors brightly with the staining fluid, and a broad fringe of protoplasm, which stains less deeply." The nucleus varies in its relative size, generally having a diameter equal to about one-third that of the entire cell. " In a profile view of an acinus, the epithelium appears as a circlet of oblong cells, in which the nucleus at the centre occu- pies almost the entire thickness of the cell. The mammary epithelial cell may therefore be described as a flattened poly- hedric body, with a thickness about one-half of its breadth. The substance of the nucleus is apparently homogeneous, with Fio. 192. — Fully expanded ad- nus, showing mosaic of polyhedral cells. Creighton. 44G MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. a deeper line of staining round the margin ; a micleolus is not always prominently seen." Structure of involuted mamma. — Having thus briefly indi- cated the main histological features of a fully evolved gland, we are now prepared to examine the mamma in a condition of advanced involution. By involution, in this sense, is meant the periodical return to inactivity, and not to final retrograde metamorphosis, which culminates in complete senile atrophy. The glandular lobules, then, in the involuted organ are again found to be composed of closely crowded alveoli. But all the lobules appear to have become smaller, and their acinous components are likewise shrunk- en. The basement-membrane of the latter does not appear to be materially altered, but its cellular contents are considerably changed. In place of the beautiful mosaic characteristic of the active gland, there now appears only an aggregation of nucleated corpuscles to the number of five or ten. Creighton describes them as "nothing else than a somewhat ir- regular heap of naked nuclei, with no fringe of protoplasm round them, and in size little, if at all, larger than the nucleus alone of the Perfect epithelium." This description, how- ever> apples only to hardened 'specimens, for in fresh preparations the nuclei, as a rule, show a broader or narrower surrounding zone of protoplasm. As regards the diameter of the involuted acini, it is about one- fourth that of the actively secreting alveoli. Owing to the shrinkage in the glandular parenchyma, the blood-vessels and excretory ducts, as already stated, are more prominent in an involuted than in an active gland. It is not our purpose here to trace, step by step, the various processes by which a gland passes from the resting state to that condition of complete evolution which is alone compatible with active secretion. For the details of this interesting subject, the reader is referred to the work of Creighton. We may, how- ever, very briefly summarize this author's account of the trans- formations in question. The one essential circumstance char- acterizing the whole change is a process of vacuolation, which Creighton assumes to take place in the secreting cells. "The of the THE MAMMARY GLAND. 447 most definite and unmistakable form of vacuolation is the sig- net-ring type." This process is, according to him, a true one of endogenous cell 1'ormati.on, resulting in this instance in the formation of milk. Moreover, large, granular, nucleated cells, filled with a bright yellow or golden pigment, "found both within the alveoli and in the interfibrillar spaces without them" FIG. 194. — Vacnolation of alveolar epithelium. From the ndder of a ewe shortly after the end of lac- tation. The cellR in situ are vacuolated cells, with the usual thin and, for the most part, uncolored hoop or ring of the vacuole, and the deeply Plained peripheral mass. Creighton. characterize the last stage of involution, "and the pigment that belongs to them is to be found strewn over the lobules that have reached the resting state." Finally, Creighton as- serts that "the various forms of cells that characterize the various stages of involution must have resulted from a trans- formation de novo of the renewed epithelium, and not from successive changes upon the same cell." Each epithelial cell, therefore, that is used up in the formation of milk, has been at one time a perfect polyhedral corpuscle or fully equipped cell, and "has rapidly undergone the cycle of changes whereby its whole substance has been converted into milk." A distinguishing feature of one stage of evolution which 448 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. deserves to be mentioned, is "the presence in the cavities of the acini of -a peculiar granular material, the coagulated con- dition of a fluid." Partsch has also described the occurrence of this granular mass within the alveoli, and he states that the secreting epithelia, though of normal size, were furnished with shrunken nuclei, and showed numerous light spots, as if the cells were perforated and sieve-like. It would appear that this writer has ob- served the stage of vacuolation with- out, however, interpreting the same in Creighton's sense. Creighton also describes in certain glands the connective-tissue stroma as crowded with cellular elements, which he considers equally with the pigmented corpuscles as waste-cells of the secre- tion. Others (Winkler, Brunn, and par- ticularly Rauber) have assigned a far different significance to these bodies, as will appear farther on. Finally, Creigh- ton explains that the secretion of the mammary gland " may be said to be pro- duced by a transformation of the sub- stance of successive generations of epithelial cells, and in the state of full activity that transfor- mation of the substance is so complete, that it may be called a deliquescence."" Although Creighton's investigations did not extend to the human mammary gland, there is ample ground for the belief that changes of evolution and involution similar to those which he has described in animals, constantly take place in the hu- man female as well. And even if we accept only some of his views on the inter-relations of physiological action and histo- logical appearance, the discrepancy still existing in the de- scriptions given by different authors will receive a more rational explanation than has hitherto been offered by writers on this subject. Certainly some of his assertions appear rather fanci- ful in their far-reaching novelty, nevertheless they deserve the attentive consideration which we have, at least, in part bestowed on them. From the results of our own examinations, we are unable Pio. 195. — Acini from a partly expanded gland, some of them filled with a granular material. From the mamma of a pregnant cat. Creighton. THE MAMMAKY GLAND. 449 to concede in all respects the correctness of Creighton's inter- pretations. The evidences of epithelial destruction for purposes of milk secretion, are not positive and convincing. In the Har- derian gland, as well as in the mamma, we have observed the extrusion of fat-droplets from cells replete with them without destruction of the cell itself. Partsch agrees with us in assum- ing that the cells may burst or otherwise discharge their con- tents, and yet retain enough protoplasm to maintain their vital- ity ; and also that the vital contractions of the protoplasm may force out the oil-globules without destruction of the epi- thelium. What Creighton has called vacuolation does not mean death to the cells concerned in this action, for they retain their nuclei and sufficient protoplasm to become re-established as perfect epithelia. That this reformation of old epithelium takes place, is proven by the fact that a new formation by proliferation has never been observed, and by the additional circumstance that the mammary acini never show more than a single layer of lining-corpuscles, and, moreover, always show this layer complete. In this, as in many other respects, the mamma closely re- sembles the Harderian gland, more particularly of the roden- tia, as described by one of the writers in a monograph. The basement-membrane of the acini in every particular also corre- sponds in the two kinds of glands, being in both a homoge- neous, apparently structureless membrane, with superimposed branched adventitial cells, the so-called Stutzzellen of German writers. A basket-shaped reticulum,-such as has been described by Boll, Langer, Kolessnikow, Moullin, and others, is never found to constitute this membrana propria, although artifi- cially, appearances simulating a structure of this kind are readily obtained, and have been interpreted by several histolo- gists as natural occurrences. In the cutaneous sebaceous glands the secreting vesicles are filled with several superimposed layers of epithelia, and it is this circumstance which leads to an entirely different mode of secretion. For there it would indeed appear that the cells undergoing fatty degeneration become detached from their bases and find their way into the narrow lumen of the acinus. The older or inner generation of cells thus vanishing is replaced by new corpuscles formed by gradual proliferation from the peripheral zone. 29 450 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. Ranker's mews on the mamma and the lacteal secretion are somewhat startling, but must occupy our attention here. From a series of very carefully conducted examinations, principally on the glands of guinea-pigs during and after pregnancy, he feels justified in concluding that milk owes its orgin to the entrance of countless leucocytes into the lumen of the gland- vesicles. The emigrated lymphoid elements, he believes, pene- trate the alveolar walls, passing through the single layer of epithelial cells which line them. Arrived in the interior of an ultimate acinus, the leucocytes undergo fatty metamorphosis, and thus at length furnish the most essential and characteristic ingredient of milk, viz., the milk-globules. Rauber, therefore, discards the notion that the formed particles of the lacteal secretion originate in the glandular epithelium, and represent the elaborated products of its functional activity. He also denies that previously formed milk globules, or colostrum cor- puscles, ever pass through the alveolar walls. Thus the prim- itive opinion advanced by Empedocles, describing milk as white pus, is in a measure revived, and milk is held to be directly derived from the white corpuscles of the blood. Preparations of mammary glands taken from animals still suckling their young, according to him, invariably show the intraglandular lymph-vessels replete with leucocytes, the stro- ma similarly infiltrated, identical corpuscles in ^greater or less abundance within the vesicles, and transitional forms between lymphoid-corpuscles and milk-globules. These claims, granted to be facts, and considered in conjunction with the circum- stance that epithelial proliferation is not seen, would certainly go far to make Rauber' s theory seem a somewhat plausible one. Nevertheless, we require corroborative evidence from others, before his views can be accepted as anything more than an ingenious hypothesis. Rauber has also described the occurrence of a delicate stri- ation within the epithelial cells of the alveoli. These striae are said to be in all respects similar to those found in the secreting elements of certain portions of the salivary glands and the tubules of the kidneys. As regards the corpuscles of Donne, or colostrum bodies, most authors regard them as the products of desquamation of the alveolar epithelium, the latter being in a condition of fatty degeneration (Winkler, De Sinety, Buchholtz, and others). THE MAMMARY GLAND. 451 Some liistologists, like Strieker, hold that oil-globules may be expelled from the interior of fat-filled cells without disintegra- tion of their protoplasmic bodies. It is an undoubtable fact that colostrum corpuscles, when managed with proper precau- tions, may be seen to yield droplets of fat under the micro- scope, just as amoebae reject similar contained particles. Rau- ber, however, maintains that these bodies represent leucocytes in various stages of fatty metamorphosis, and he calls such corpuscles, when found in the gland vesicles, galactoblasts. In the gland of Harder, one of the writers has found the spacious gland vesicles lined with very large epithelia ; and these cells were in many animals entirely fat-filled. They se- creted a greasy substance not unlike thick milk. Yet destruc- tion of the cell-body did not occur, at least evidences of such a process could not be obtained. Partsch has therefore antici- pated the authors in their conclusion that the secretion of milk is accomplished in much the same way in which the creamy pro- ducts of the Harderian gland are formed, i.e., without total destruction of epithelial cells. According to our view, then, and it nearly coincides with the opinion of Strieker, Winkler, and especially Partsch, the cells containing the fat-globules may, indeed, burst and discharge their contents, but the nu- cleus and sufficient protoplasm are retained to enable the epi- thelium to recuperate, and in the course of time again and again discharge its contents. Along with this mode of milk secretion, a second process occurs. This consists of the gradual extrusion of oil-droplets, the cell body remaining entirely in- tact, since the mere vital contractions of the protoplasm suf- fice to drive out one milk-globule after another. When the activity of the gland is suddenly heightened in the period immediately before childbirth, some few epithelial cells are desquamated. These, appearing in the milk of most women, are identical with the bodies known and described as colostrum corpuscles. Of other anatomical constituents of normal milk, we only find the milk- or oil-globules. They are suspended in the fluid emulsion which milk truly represents, in countless numbers. They vary in size from 0.002 to 0.009 mm. A very delicate fringe of protoplasm adheres to their periphery, and it is for this reason that they may appear to become stained when sub- mitted to the action of proper dyes. 452 MANUAL OF HISTOLOGY. DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLAND. Like the other cutaneous glands of the body, the mamma is first formed by a proliferation inward of certain epidermal cells. In other words, the breast results from a downward extension of epiblastic corpuscles. The first unmistakable indi- cation of the future gland is seen about the third or fourth month of pregnancy. At that time it consists of a solid plug, or pro- Fio. 196.— 1. Eudimentary form of gland Fm. 197.— Embryonal mamma: a, cen- in human foetus: a, ft, epidermis : c, aggrega- tral mass, with b, aud c, variously shaped tion of cells ; d, connective tissue layer. 2. From outgrowths. Frey. a seven-months' foetus : a, central substance ; b, larger, and c, smaller outgrowths. Frey. cess, extending'downward from the rete-mucosum of the skin. This has been called Drusenfeld, by Huss. From the internal end of this solid process, sprouts, or offshoots, are developed, and they represent the future separate glands constituting the mature organ. These buds have a pyrif orm, or club-like shape, and are surrounded by ordinary embryonal connective tissue. The further growth of the gland takes place by a process of continuous extension and subdivision, but indications of the latter are not always found at birth. Ducts are already visible in the new-born infant, but the aggregations of cells represent- ing the future acini, remain without lumina for a much longer period. Th. Kolliker describes as a constant occurrence, especially marked in the breasts of female infants, the dilatation of a greater or smaller number of milk-ducts. Such ectatic-canals DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLAND. 453 have their lumina filled with desquamated epithelial cells, and a whitish, granular material. Formerly, these occurrences were considered to be exceptional, and were regarded as having a pathological significance. During the first year of extra-uterine life, this characteristic process of progressive dilatation may assume such large dimensions, that the mamma may come to resemble cavernous tissue, the ectatic spaces of which are paved with flattened epithelium. Within certain limits, Kolli- ker regards this as a perfectly normal physiological event. But he adds that an exaggerated process of this kind may result in early mastitis. Such an occurrence, he thinks, may explain the rudimentary development of the breasts observed in some women of otherwise normal growth. The post-embryonal growth of the mamma has been care- fully studied by Langer, and his results and conclusions having been confirmed by the investiga- tions of Kolliker, Huss, and others, must still be received as represent- ing the true condition of things, in spite of the novel and heterodox views advanced by Creighton. Up to the time of puberty, the growth of the breast is very grad- ual and quite insignificant, even in females. Then, however, the ducts begin to rapidly ramify in all di- rections, and, by offshoots from va- rious points, true acini are at length developed. But they remain of . * 66 Hepatic artery, 186 cells, 189 Hints regarding study of mamma, 455 Horny teeth, 100 Howship's lacunae, 100 Hyaline cartilage, 82 Hydatid of Morgagni, 231 Hymen, 241 Hypermetropia, ciliary body in, 343 Hypoglossal nucleus, 311 TLLUMINATION, 4 -L Induline, 27 Infundibula of lung, 260 Injecting fluids, 30, 32 Injection of blood-vessels, 30, 31, 32 of cutis vera, 424 of kidney, 214 of liver, 185 of lymph-glands. 179 of lymphatics, 169 Instrument, care of, 7 Intercarotid gland, 160 Intercalated portions of renal tubules, 211 Intercellular substance of cartilage, 83 of connective tissue, 64 Intermuscular tissue, 74 Internal capsule of brain, 317 Internal elastic coat of arteries, 152 of veins, 157 Internal ear, 357 Internal fibrous coat of arteries, 153 of veins, 157 Intima of arteries. 152 Invertebrates, muscle of, 133 Involuntary muscle-fibre, 128 Involuted mamma, histology of, 440 Iodized serum, 38 Irrigation, method of, 41, 67 Iris, 342 diaphragm, 5 Island of Reil, 322 Ivory, 103 T7ARYOKINESIS, 237 -*•*• Keyes's method of counting blood - globules, 51 KIDNEY, 201 afferent vessel of, capsule of, 206 blood-vessels of, 213 Bowman's capsules of, 204 calyx of, 216 408 INDEX. KIDNEY— capsule of, 21ft collecting tubules of, 205 convoluted tubes of, 205 efferent vessel of capsules of, 206 epithelium of collecting tubules, 211 of looped tubules of, 210 of tubules of, 206 general plan of structure of, 201 boundary layer, 201 cortex, 201 medulla, 201 medullary rays, 201 injection of, 214 intercalated portions of tubules of, 211 looped tubules of, 209 lymphatics of, 216 membrana propria of tubules of, 203 method of preparing sections of, 208 natural injection of tubules of, 216, 220 nerves of, 216 rods of Heidenhain, 207 stroma of, 215 tubules of, 203 vasa recta of, 214 Kleinenburg's haematoxylon, 23 Klein's hasmatoxylon, 24 Klein's method of studying the omentum, 166 Kuhnt, Tiohlcylinder of, 114 T ABIA MAJORA, 240 -^ minora, 240 Labium tympanicnm, 364 vestibulare, 364 Labyrinth, 358 Lachrymal gland, 351 Lacunae, Howship's, 100 Lacunae of bone, 91 Lamellae of bone, 90 Lamina chorio-capillaris, 839 cribrosa of solera, 337 reticularis of ear, 366 spiral is, 362 suprachoroidea, 338 Large intestine, 400 Larynx, 253 Lens, 350 Lenses, high, testing of, 10 kinds of, 6 measuring angle of, 10 testing of, 8 Leucocytes, 39, 48 Lieberkiihn's follicles, 398 Ligament of iris, 336 of lens, 350 Ligaments of larynx, 253 I Ligamentum pectinatum iridis, 335 light, direct, 5 oblique, 5 aquor sanguinis, 34 JVER, 183 acini of, 183 bile-ducts, capillary, 192 Mayer's views on, 196, 197 natural injection of, 193 walls of, 196 bile -ducts, larger, 191 blood-vessels of, 186 capsule of, 183 cells of, 189 central veins of, 184 connective tissue of, 188 cystio duct, 198 ductus communis, 198 fat-droplets in cells of, 190 gall-bladder, 197 coats of, 198 glands of bile-ducts, 191 Glisson' s capsule of, 183 general plan of structure of, 183 hepatic artery, 186 hepatic lobules, 183 injection of, 185 interlobular septa of, 188 interlobular veins of, 184 intermediate canals of, 184 intralobular veins of, 184 lymph-vessels of, 198 nerves of, 199 sublobular veins of, 185 Lobule, paracentral, 323 Lobules of liver, 183 Lobulettes of lung, 260 Locus cseruleus, 315 niger, 316 Looped renal tubules, 207 Lumbar enlargement of spinal cord, 303 Lungs, 257 INDEX. 469 Lunula of nails, 294 Luschka's gland, 158 Lymphangeal nodules, 167 tracts, 167 Lymphatic glands, 176 Lymphatics of bladder, 431 of blood-vessels, 161 of kidney, 216 of large intestine, 401 of larynx, 257 of liver, 198 of lung, 264 of mamma, 443 of mouth, 379 of oesophagus, 388 of pancreas, 411 of small intestine, 399 of spleen, 409 of stomach, 393 of suprarenals, 436 of testis, 234 of thymus, 414 of thyroid, 416 LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, 163 artificial injection of lymphatics, 169 cysternas lymphaticae, 170 development of fat-tissue, 168 endolymphangeal tracts, 167 endothelium and stomata, 169 general histology of, J64 germinating endothelium of, 165 glands of, 175 adenoid or reticular tissue of, 178 afferent and efferent branches of, 176 follicles of, 176 injection of, 179 lymphoid corpuscles of, 178 medulla and cortex of, 176 methods of studying, 179 nerves of, 179 Ranvier's plan of injection of, 180 sinuses of, 177 stroma of, 176 vessels of, 179 Klein's method of studying omentum, 166 lymphangeal nodules or patches of, 167 lymphangeal tracts of, 167 LYMPHATIC SYSTEM— lymphatic radicles, course and ter- mination of, 108 lymphatics, 175 development of, 175 of mesentery, 165 of tendons, 175 lymphatic vessels, 172 intimate structure of, 172 topographical peculiarities of , 174 variations in shape of, 173 lymph-spaces, 175 eubarachnoid and subdural, 175 modern views on, 163 nerves of peritoneum, 172 perilymphangeal tracts, 167 plasma-cells, 164 plasmatic channels, 165 pseudo-stomata, 171 Ranvier's taches laiteuses, 168 views on false stomata, 170 relations to connective tissues, 163 retrospective view of, 181 sap-canaliculi of, 165 stomata of,' 165 stomata vera of, 171 thoracic duct, 174 Lymphoid cells of brain, 72 Lymphoid corpuscles of connective tirsue, 67 of lymph-glands, 178 of skin, 277 Lymph-spaces, subarachnoid, 175 Lymph-vessels of penis, 224 MACULA ACUSTICA, 360 lutea, 344, 346 ' Malassez's method of counting blood-cor- puscles, 50 Malpighian corpuscles of spleen, 404 layer of skin, 271 Mammary epithelium, 444 MAMMARY GLAND, 439 areola of, 442 blood-vessels of, 442 circulus venosus of Haller of, 442 colostrum bodies, or corpuscles of Donne, 450 development of, 452 Dnisenfeld, 452 470 INDEX. MAMMARY GLAND— ectasia of milk-ducts, 452 galactoblasts of. 451 galactophorous ducts of, 441 generjl considerations on, 439 glandular aberrantes of, 443 growth of, 4f>3 Creighton's views on, 454 Harderiau gland, similarity with, 449 lymphatics of, 443 membrana propria of, 449 milk-globules. 451 milk-reservoirs of, 441 nerves of, 443 nipple or mamilla of, 440 Partsch's views on milk-secretion, 451 Rauber's views on the mamma and the lacteal secretion, 450 structure of fully expanded gland, 444 acini of, 444 Creighton's views on, 445 epithelium of, 444 plasma-cells of, 444 yellow cells of, 444 structure of involuted mamma, 446 Creighton's account of, 446 epithelium of, 446 vacuolation of epithelium of, 447 study of, 455 Stulzzellen of, 449 Wendt's views on secretion of milk, 449,451 Mammilla, 440 Marrow of bone, 95 Measurement of red blood-corpuscles, 35 Meatus auditorins externus, 353 urinarius of female, 242 of male, 226 Media or musculosa of arteries, 154 Medulla of suprarenal capsules, 435 oblongata, 307 of kidney, 201 Medullary rays of kidney, 201 Meibomian glands, 329 Meiwraer's plexus, 122, 399 Membrana basilaris of ear, 364 limitans olfactoria, 372 propria of mamma, 449 propria of renal tubules, 203 tectoria of ear, 366 tympani, 3o4 Membrane of Bowman, 79 of Corti, 366 of Descemet, 79 of Reissner, 362 Meninges of brain, 321 of spinal cord, 296 Metallic solutions, 28, 29 Metaplastic bone, 98 Methods for preparing objects, 12 of preparing tissues, 14 of studying hyaline cartilage, 84 of studying spinal cord, 305 Methyl-green, 29 and induline, 27 Micrometer, stage, 7 Microscope, how to use, 4 testing of, 7 Microtome, Hailes', 19, 20 Vincent's, 21 Middle ear, 355 Milk-ducts, 444 Milk-globules, 451 Milk reservoirs, 441 Miller's picro-carmine, 23 Mirrors, 5 Modiolus, 362 Moist chamber, 42, 43 Molybdate of ammonia, 15 ' Morgagni, hydatid of, 231 Motor tract of hemispheres, 322 MOUTH AND TONGUE, 377 MOXJTH, 377 blood-vessels of, 379 epithelium of, 377 glandules of, 378 lymphatics of, 379 nerves of, 379 submucous tissue of, 377 tunica propria of, 377 TONGUE, 380 circumvallate papillae of, 383 glands of, 383 filiform papillae of, 380 fimbriaB of, 380 foramen coecum of, 383 fungiform papillae of, 381 papillae foliatae of, 383 taste-goblets of, 381 Mucous membrane of larynx, 255 of oesophagus, 386 of small intestine, 395 INDEX. 471 Mucous membrane, of stomach, 389 Mucous tissue, 63 Muscle, 128 (Johnheim's areas of, 136 columns of, 138 conclusions regarding structure of, 137 fibres of, 128 of frog's bladder, 129 of fly, 133 of heart, 140 of human embryo, 132 of invertebrates, 133 of the "lucky bug" or gyrinus, 134 of water-beetles, 133 involuntary, 128 nuclei and corpuscles of, 136 peculiarities of, associated with differ- ent functions, 138 polarized light for the study of, 137 red and white, of rabbit's leg, 138 sarcolemma. 130 striation of fresh, fibre, 131 study of contraction of, 135 termination of, in tendon, 139 transverse sections of, 136 vascular supply of, 138 voluntary fibre. 130 of Miiller, 329 of Riolani, 329 termination of nerves in, 125 Muscles of skin. 287 Muscular coat of oesophagus, 387 of small intestine, 394 of stomach, 388 fibres of heart, 140 Muscularis mucosae of oesophagus, 387 of small intestine, 396 of stomach, 389 Musculosa of arteries, 154 Mi-ller's fluid, 14 muscle, 329 Myelinic fibres of spinal cord, 301 nerve-fibres, 109, 116 Myeloplaxes, 95 Myopia, ciliary body in, 341 VfABOTH, ovula of, 244 •W Nail-fold, 294 Nails, 293 Naphthaline yellow, 27 NASAL FOSS^J, PHARYNX, and TON- SILS, 368 NASAL FOSSAE, 368 Bowman's glands of, 372 indifferent cells of, 371 merabrana limitans, olfacloria of, 372 mucous membrane of, 368 olfactory cells of, 371 olfactory epithelium of, 371 olfactory nerves of, 372 olfactory region of, 370 thicker membrane of, 369 thinner membrane of, 369 respiratory region of, 368 vestibulum nasi, 368 PHARYNX, 373 mucous membrane of, 373 pharyngeal tonsil of, 373 TONSFLS, 373 Natural injection of liver, 193 of kidney, 216, 220 Nerve-elements of spinal cord, 299 Nerve-fibres, varieties of, 109 Nerves of bladder, 431 of blood-vessels, 161 of choroid, 340 of cornea, 333 of iris, 343 of kidney, 216 of large intestine, 401 of larynx, 257 of liver, 199 of lung, 265 of lymph-glands, 179 of mamma, 443 of mouth, 379 of oesophagus, 388 of ovary, 248 of pancreas, 411 of penis, 225 of peritoneum, 172 of skin, 279 of small intestine, 399 of spleen, 409 of stomach, 393 of suprarenals, 436 of thyroid. 416 of uterus, 245 olfactory, 372 Nerve -terminations, 109 472 INDEX. NERVOUS SYSTEM, 109 Auerbach's plexus, 123 axis-cylinder, 110 connective tissue of nerves, 126 Deiter's protoplasmic processes, 120 Doyere's eminence, 126 endoneurium, 125 epineurium, 126 fibres of Remak, 117, 118 preparation of, in haematoxylon, 118 Frommann'a lines, 113 ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves, 120 ganglia of spinal cord, examination of, 120 gang! ionic bodies, 119 of human brain, 121 of sympathetic system, 121 Gasserian ganglion, < xamination of, in frog, 120 general histology of, 109 hoJilcylinder of Kuhnt, 114 incisions of Schmidt, 111 Meissner's plexus, 122 methods of nerve-termination, 109 moiorial plate, 126 myelinic fibres, 109 nerves, modern conceptions of, 116 myeline or medulla, 110 Pacinian bodies, 124 perineurium, 12? preparation by bichromate of am- monia, 115 preparation in osmic acid and picro- carmine, 118 Ranvier's nodes, 110 sheath of Schwann, 110 spiral fibre of Beale, 122 staining of, in osmic acid, 113 stauiing of, in picro-carmine, 111 staining of. with silver nitrate, 112 tactile corpuscles, 124 termination of nerves, 123 in muscle, 125 in epithelial bodies, 126 varieties of nerve-fibres, 109 Nervous system, central, 296 Network of epithelial cells, 61 Neumann, dentinal sheath of, 104 Neuroglia, 70, 71 fibrillje of, 72 of optic nerve, 348 of spinal cord, 298 Nipple, 440 Nitrate of silver, 29 staining of nerves with, 112 Norris and Shakespeare's method of dou- ble staining, 22 Nose, 368 Nose-piece, 5 Nuclei, green coloration of, 25 of muscle, 136 Nucleus and root of abducens, 314 lenticularis of brain, 316 of hypoglossus, 311 parolivary, 311 OBJECT, arrangement of, 6 size of. 8 Oblique light, 5 Odontoblasts, 104 Odontomata, 105 (Esophagus, 386 Olfactory epithelium, 371 nerves, 372 region, 370 Olivary body, 310 Optic nerve, 348 thalami, 319 Ora serrata, 340 Orbicularis ciliaris. 340 palpebrarum, 328 Organ of Corti, 362, 364 of Giraldes, 231 ORGANS OF GENERATION, FEMALE, 240 CLITORIS, 240 corpora cavernosa of, 241 genital nerve corpuscles of, 240 glans of, 241 GLANDS OP BAKTIIOLINE, 241 HYMEN, 241 FALLOPIAN TUBES, 246 ampulla of, 246 fimbrise of, 246 isthmus of, 246 LABIA MAJORA, 240 LABIA MINORA, 240 INDEX. 473 ORGANS OF GENERATION, FEMALE— OVARY, 246 blood-vessels of, 247 corpus albicans of, 250 corpus luteum of, 249 development of, 250 Graafian follicles of, 248 nerves of, 248 stroma of, 246 tubes of, 246 PAROVARIUM, 250 PLACENTA, 251 URETHRA, 242 meatus urinarius of, 242 UTERUS — changes of, during menstruation and gestation, 245 decidua, 245 glands of, 244 mucous membrane of, 243 plicae palmatae of, 243 nerves of, 245 OB uteri, 244 ovula Nabothi, 244 vessels of, 245 VAGINA, 241 vascular system of, 242 VESTIBULE, 241 bulbi vestibuli, 241 ORGANS OF GENERATION, MALE, 223 COWPER'S GLANDS, 227 EPIDIDYMIS, 231 blood-vessels of, 234 EJACULATORY DUCTS, 235 HYDATID OP MORGAGNI, 231 karyokiuesis, 237 ORGAN OF GIRALD^S, 231 PENIS, 223 blood-vessels of, 224 genital nerve-corpuscles of, 225 glans penis, 224 lymph- vessels of, 224 nerves of, 225 tunica albuginea of, 223 Tyson's glands of, 224 PROSTATE GLAND, 227 acini of, 228 blood-vessels of, 229 epithelium of, 228 nerves of, 229 vesicula prostatica of, 229 ORGANS OF GENERATION, MALE— SCROTUM, 231 dartos of, 231 semen or sperma, 235 seminal vesicles, 235 spermatoblasts, 236 SPERMATOZOA, 225 structure of, 236 development of, 236 TESTICLES, 229 blood-vessels of, 234 corpus Highmori of, 230 lymphatics of, 234 mediastinum of, 230 nerves of, 234 rete testis, 231 seminiferous tubules of, 231, 233 septula of, 230 tunica adnata of, 230 tunica albuginea of, 230 tunica vaginalis communis of, 230 URETHRA, 225 colliculus seminalis of, 225 lacunae Morgagnii of, 226 lymphatics of, 227 meatus urinarius of, 226 membranous portion of, 226 musculns urcthralis of, 220 nerves of, 226 papillae of, 226 prostatic portion of, 225 spongy portion of, 226 structure of, 225 vas aberrans, 232 VAS DEPERENS, 232, 233 ampulla of, 232 muscular coat of, 234 nerves of, 234 Organs of respiration, 253 Osmic acid, staining of nerves with, 1 1.5 Osmic acid and picro-carmine, preparation of nerves in, 118 Osmic and chromic acids, 15 Osmic and oxalic acids, staining with, 23 Ossification, points of, 98 Osteoblasts, 96, 98 Osteoclasts, 100 Osteo- or vaso-dentine, 105 Osteoporosis, 9 Os uteri, 244 Otoliths, 358 474 INDEX. Ovary, 246 Oviducts, 246 Ovula Nabothi, 244 PACINIAN BODIES, 134 •*• PANCREAS, 410 acini of, 420 blood-vessels of, 411 centro-acinal cells of, 411 development of, 412 excretory duct of, 411 lymphatics of, 411 nerves of, 411 trypsin, 410 zymogen, 410 Panniculus adiposus, 277 Papillae of cutis vera, 421 of hair, 289 of tongue, 380 Papillary sphincter, 429 Paracentral lobule, 323 Parenchymatous cartilage, 83 Parolivary nucleus, 311 Parovarium, 250 Partsch's views on secretion of milk, 451 Pavement endothelium, 80 Pelvis, renal, 428 Penis, 223 Peptic glands, 389 Perichondrium, 86 Perineurium, 126 Periodontium, 108 . Periosteum, 95 Peritheliuin, 148 Perivascular spaces, 161 Petit, canal of, 350 Peyer's patches, 396 Pharyngeal tonsil, 373 Pharynx, 873 Pia mater, spinal, 297 Picro-carmine, 23 staining of nerve-fibres with, 111 Picro-haematoxylon and cosine, 26 Pigmented epithelium, 58 Pigment of retina, 346 Pineal gland, 417 Pituitary body, 417 Placenta, 251 Plasma, 34 cells, 164 Plasma of connective tissue, 67 of mamma, 444 Plasmatic channels, 165 Pleura, 265 Pleural appendages, 267 . Plexus, choroid, 320 of Auerbach, 399 of Meissner, 399 Polarized light in the study of muscle, 137 Pons varolii, 315 Potassium bichromate solution, 14 Preparation of bone, 92 of cornea, 334 of fresh object, 13 of tissues, 13, 14 of mamma, 455 of microscopic objects, 12 of retina, 347 spleen, 409 Preserving fluid, Wickersheimer's, 29 Preservative fluid, Hamilton's, 20 Prickle cells, 58 of skin, 272 Prop-cells, Hen son' s, 366 Prostate gland, 227 Pseudostomata, 171 of pulmonary lymphatics, 264 Pulp of spleen, 406 of teeth, 102, 105 Purpurine for staining cartilage, 85 Pnrkinje, cells of, 318 granular layer of, 104 Purpurine, 28 Pyloric glands, 391 p ADICLES of lymphatics, 168 Av Ramification of capillaries, 149 Ranvier's nodes, 110 purpurine, 28 taches laiteuses, 168 Raphe of medulla oblongata, 309 Rauber's views on the mamma, 450 Rectum, 401 Red blood-corpuscles, 34 Reil, island of, 322 Reissner, membrane of, 362 Remak. fibres of, 117 Renal pelvis, 428 tubules, 203 INDEX. 475 RESPIRATORY TRACT, 253 LARYNX, 253 calcification of cartilages of, 255 cartilages of, 254 cartilago triticea of, 253 corniculum of, 255 epiglottis of, 255 glands of, 256 ligaments and membranes of, 253 lymphatics of, 257 mucous membrane of, 255 nerves of, 257 Santorini's cartilages of, 255 vocal cords of, 254 Wrisberg's cartilages of, 255 LUNGS, 259 acini or lobulettes of, 260 alveolar passages of, 260 alveoli or air-cells of, 260 blood-vessels of, 263 bronchioles of, 260 epithelium of alveoli of, 261 infundibula of, 260 lymphatics of, 264 nerves of, 265 plenral appendages, 267 pleura of, 265 pseudostomata of lymphatics of, 264 septa of, 262 smaller bronchi^ 259 subpleural' lymphatics, 267 terminal arteries of, 263 TRACHEA and PRIMARY BRONCHI, 257 cartilage rings of, 257 glands of, 258 mucous membrane of, 257 Rete Malpighii, 271 Reticular or yellow elastic cartilage, 85 Reticular form of connective-tissue, 66 Retina, 342 Retzius, stripes of, 103 Riolani's muscle, 329 Rolando, fissure of, 321 Root of hair, 288, 292 of nail, 294 a ACCULE of labyrinth, 358 ^ Salter, incremental lines of, 105 Santorini's cartilage, 255 Sap-canaliculi, 165 Sarcolemma, 130 Sattertbwaite's section-cutter, 17 Scala tympani, 362 vestibuli, 362 Scales of epidermis, 275 Schlemm's canal, 336 Schmidt, incisures of, 111 Schreger, lines of, 105 Schwann, sheath of, 110 Solera, 337 Scrotum, 231 Sebaceous glands, 285 Section-cutters, 16, 17 Semen, 235 Semicircular canals, 359 Seminal vesicles, 235 Seminiferous tubules, 231 Septa of lung, 262 Shaft of hair, 288, 292 Sharpey's fibres of bone, 94 Sheath of Schwann, 110 Pheaths of hair, 289 Silver, nitrate of, 29 Sinuses of lymph-glands, 177 Size of object, 8 SKIN, 269 blood-vessels of, 279 CORIUM OP, 277 pars papillaris, 278 pars reticularis of, 278 corneous layer of, 274 elastic tissue fibres of, 277 epidermic scales, 275 EPIDERMIS, 271 general plan of arrangement of, 269 general structure of, 270 granular layer of, 274 HAIR, 288 development of, 293 papillae of, 289 root of, 288, 292 shaft of, 288. 292 sheaths of, 289 lymphoid corpuscles of, 277 muscles of, 287 NAILS, 293 bed of, 294 body of, 294 development of, 294 lunula of, 294 47G INDEX. HKDT- NAILS — nail and fold, 294 root of, 204 nerves of, 279 panniculus adiposus of, 276 rete Malpighii, 271 prickle cells of, 272 SEBACEOUS GLANDS OF, 285 development of, 280 stratum lucidum of, 274 stratum subpapillare of, 279 subcutaneous connective- tissue layer of, 278 fat-cells of, 270 SWEAT-GLAND3 OF, 2S3 development of, 285 tactile corpuscles of, 280 Slide for heating. 40 Small intestine, 394 Sperma, 235 Spermatoblasta, 236 Spermatozoa, 235 Sphincter of iris, 343 ani, 401 papillary, 429 vesicse, 430 Spinal cord, 298 fluid, 397 Spina's views on cartilage, C7 SPLEEN, 403 blood-vessels of, 4C7 development of ,.409 fibrous coat or capsule of, 404 general structure of, 403 lymphatics of, 409 Malpighian corpuscles of, 404 nerves of, 409 preparation of, 409 pulp of, 406 serous coat of, 403 Squamous epithelium, 57 Stage diaphragms, 5 micrometer, 7 Stevenson, plan of imbedding, 10 Stomach, 383 Stomata of lymph-vessels, 165 vera, 171 Stratum intermedium of tooth, 108 lucidum of skin, 274 subpapillare of skin, 279 Striation of muscle, 131 Stroma of kidney, 215 Stutzzellen of mamma, 449 Subdural spaces of optic nerve, 348 Submucous layer of ossophagus, 387 of small intestine, 390 of stomach, 389 Subpleural lymphatics. 207 Sudoriferous glands, 2S2 SUPRARENAL CAPSULES, 431 blood-vessels of, 436 capsule of, 432 cortical substance of, 432 external layer of, 433 internal layer of, 435 middle layer of, 433 zona fasciculata of, 433 zona glomerulosa of , 433 zona reticularis of, 436 development of, 4o6 lymphatics of, 436 medullary substance of, 435 nerves of, 436 Sweat-glands, 282 Sylvian fissure, 321 Sympexions of thyroid, 415 rpACTILB CORPUSCLES, 124 -L Tarsus of eye, 328 Taste-globlets of tongue, 381 TEETH, 102 cement of, 105 dentinal canals of, 104 dentinal globules of, 104 dentinal fibres of tomes, 104 dentinal sheath of Neumann, 1 04 dentine or ivory, 103 development of, 105 cuticula, 107 dentinal teeth, 106 dentine, 106 horny teeth, 106 primary enamel organ, 107 secondary enamel organ. 107 stratum intermedium of, 108 tooth papilla, 107 tooth-sac, 107 development of enamel of, 108 enamel, 102 granular layer of Purkinje, 104 INDEX. 477 TEETH— incremental lines of Salter, 105 interglobular spaces of Czermak^ 103 interglobular substance, 105 lines of Schreger, 105 parallel stripes of Retzius, 103 parts of, 102 periodontium of, 108 pulp of, 102, 105 odontoblasts, 104 odontomata, 105 osteo- or vaso-dentine, 105 Tendons, lymphatics of, 175 Tendon-tissue, 72 Tenon's capsule, 337 Termination of muscle in tendon, 139 Testicles, 229 Testing lenses, 8, 10 microscope, 7 Thalami optici, 319 THICK CUTIS VERA, 420 blood-vessels of, 423 erector pili muscles of, 422 fat-columns or fat-canals of, 421 fibrous prolongations of, 420 injection of, 424 lymphatics of, 424 papillae of, 421 Third corpuscular element of blood, 48 Thoracic duct, 174 THYMUS GLAND, 412 ' blood-vessels of, 414 capsule of, 412 cells of, 413 central canal of, 414 development of, 414 follicles of, 412 lymphatics of, 414 thymic juice of, 413 THYROID BODY, 415 blood-vessels of, 416 capsule of, 415 epithelium of, 415 lymphatics of, 416 nerves of, 416 sympexions of, 416 vesicles of, 415 Tissue, adenoid, 69 cellular, 63 connective, 63 corneal, 75 Tissue, elastic, 77 fat, 73 fibrous, 66 gelatinous, 63 intermuscular, 74 mucous, C3 tendon, 72 Tissue, compact, of bone, 89 Tomes, dentinal fibres of, 104 Tongue, 380 Tooth-sac, 107 Tonsil, pharyngeal, 373 Tonsils, 373 Trachea, 257 Triple staining, 26 Trypsin, 410 Tubules of kidney, 203 Tubules, seminiferous, 231 Tunica vauculosa of sclera, 338 Tympanum, 354 Types of arteries, 152 Tyson's glands, 224 TTRETERS, 429 U Urethra, female, 242 male, 225 URINARY EXCRETORY PASSAGES, 428 BLADDER, 430 blood-vessels of, 431 epithelium of, 430 connective tissue of, 430 detrusor urinas of, 430 lymphatics of, 431 muscular coat of, 430 nerves of, 431 sphincter vesicas, 430 RENAL PELVIS, 428 fibrous layer of, 429 mucous membrane of, 428 muscular coat of, 429 papillary sphincter of, 429 vessels and nerves of, 429 URETERS, 429 mucous membrane of, 429 muscular layers of, 429 vessels and nerves of, 429 Uterus, 243 Utricle of labyrinth, 358 Urea, 343 478 INDEX. TTACUOLATION of mammary epithe- V Hum, 447 . Vagina, 241 Valves of veins, 158 Valvulae conniventes, 395 Vas aberrans, 232 Vasa recta of kidney, 214 Vas deferens, 232 Vasa vasorum, 161 Veins, 156 central, of liver, 184 interlobular, of liver, 1 84 intralobular, of liver, 184 sublobular, of liver, 185 Venae vorticosaj of sclera, 337 Ventricles of brain, 319 Venules, 156 Vermiform appendix, 401 Vertebrates, muscle of, 130 Vesical epithelium, 430 Vesicnlae seminales, 235 Vessels of muscle, 138 Vestibule of vagina, 241 Vestibulum nasi, 368 Villi of intestine, 395 Vincent's microtome, 21 Violet de Paris, 29 Vitreous body, 349 Vocal cords, 254 Voluntary muscle-fibre, 130 TIT ARM-SLIDE, 40 '' Waxy change, methyl-green for, 29 Wendt, method of triple staining, 2G views on endothelial desquamaticu, 147 views on secretion of milk, 449, 451 White blood-globules, 39, 48 White substance of spinal cord, 299 Wickersheimer's preserving fluid, 29 Wrisberg's cartilage, 255 "YELLOW CELLS of mamma, 444. ZONA FASCICTJLATA of suprarenals, 433 glomerulosa, 433 reticularis, 433 pectinata of ear, 366 Zymogen, 410 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY Do not re move Acme Library Card Pocket Under Pat. " Kef. Index Kile." Made by LIBRARY BUREAU