^m>..* \ DEPOSITED IN THE LIBRARY OE THE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES A MANUAL SUB-KINGDOM CGELENTEEATA. GALBRAITH AND HAUGHTON'S MANUALS OF SCIENTIFIC AND POPULAR NATURAL HISTORY. In fcp. 8vo. with 66 Woodcuts, price 7s. 6d. cloth, MANUAL of GEOLOGY. By Samuel Haughton, M.I). F.R S. Fellow of Triu. Coll. and Prof, of Geology in the University of Dublin. Second Edition, tlioroughly revised and enlarged. :\IANUAL of the METALLOIDS. By J. Apjohn, M.I). F.R.S. Edited by J. A. G-albraith, M.A. and S. Hat;ghton, M.D. Revised Edition, with 38 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 76-. Qd. MANUAL of the COKALS and SEA JELLIES (Coclenterafa). By J. Reay Greene, B.A. M.R.I.A. Edited by J. A. GALnuAiTH, M.A. and S. Haughton, M.D. Re- vised Edition, with 39 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 5s, :\IANUAL of the SPONGES and ANIMALCULES (Profocoa) : with a General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By the same Author and Editors. Revised Edition, with 16 Woodcuts. Fcp. Svo. 25. London : LONGMANS and CO. Paternoster Row. GALBRAITH & HAUGHTON'S SCIENTIFIC MANUALS. Experinie)ifal and Natural Science Series. MANUAL CCELENTERATA. JOSEPH EEAY GREENE, B.A. PROFESSOn OF NATUBuVL HICTORY IN THE QUEEN'S COIJ.EGE, CORK &C. &C. NEW IMPRESSION. LONDON : LONaMANS, GKEEN, AND CO. 1869. LONDON: PBINTKD BY SPOTTISWOODB AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUAHB AND PAELIAMBNT STEIEI MANUAL S U B - K I N G O O M CGELENTEKATA. JOSEPH REAY GREENE, B.A. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY I.V THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, COKK &C. &C'. NEW IMPRESSION. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1869. Ll^l BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES LIBRARY HARVARD UNiVERSITY PREFACE. ' The house that is a-building looks not as the house that is built.' The present Manual, though now issued as complete, is, in truth, but the abridgment of part of a larger work which the Author trusts may yet one day see the light. The general arrangement of the subject-matter here devised does not seem to require any expla- nation. Had the Author sought to evade those delays and difficulties with which, in almost every paragraph, he has found it his duty to contend, another, and far easier, plan might have been chosen. A thoroughly scientific method seemed, however, more likely to prove useful. And, in the discussion of questions hitherto considered unsusceptible of general treatment or, perhaps, insufficiently known to men of science themselves, he has not endeavoured, by the invention of diffi- culties which in nature have no existence, to hide truth beneath the patchwork veil of a meagre quasi-originality. Rather has it been his wish to viii PREFACE. unfold, in the clearest and simplest language at his command, phenomena which, as a student, lie has himself earnestly striven to comprehend. Keenly, indeed, does he regret the deficiencies of style and want of artistic combination which, but too frequently, it is feared, will be found to mar his pages ; believing, as he does, that for the in- terpreter of nature there is a standard of literary excellence not less high than that of the poet or historian. In the select bibliographical list appended to the end of the Manual will be found the names of those writers from whose published works has been derived that assistance which the Author would now, gratefully, acknowledge. In particular to Professor Huxley are his best thanks due, for, without access to the original memoirs of that naturalist, the second chapter, on the Class Hy- drozoa, could never have been rightly completed. But the Author must confess himself under deeper and less formal obligations to the same philosophic investigator, whose rich and suggestive seeds of thought could not, from their nature, fail to fall fruitfull on the soil of any patient mind. From Professor Allman, also, who has done so much to promote a right knowledge of the Coelen- terat'a, the Author has not been denied kind aid. PREFACE. IX And of foreign naturalists, personally unknown to him, he would especially single out, for courteous thanks, Professors Gregenbaur, E. Leuckart, Milne Edwards, and Agassiz. To Mr. Grosse the Author is indebted for the loan of the beautiful drawings from which two of the woodcuts have been copied. The wood-en- graver, Mr. William Oldham of Dublin, has exe- cuted his share of the following pages in by no means an unsatisfactory manner. Mr. Busk, the Eev. Thomas Hincks, and Dr. Strethill Wright have also supplied the Author with some valuable facts touching the structure of the fixed Hydrozoa. Queen's College, Cork ; April, 1 86 1 August, 1 861. Professor ]Max Schultze has just published a memoir on Hyalonema in which he confirms the opinion that the beautiful siliceous fibres of this organism are, in truth, to be regarded as spicules of a Sponge, allied, in some respects, to Euplec- tella. Very recently. Professor Agassiz (op. cit. (71) p. 256), from personal examination of the living animal of Millepora, has concluded that the X PREFACE. entire division of Tabidata, and, perhaps also, the Rugosa, can no longer be associated with the undoubted Actinoid polypes, but find, rather, their true place in the neighbourhood of the genus Hydractinia. The details of these observations having not yet fully appeared, it seems premature to adopt the important systematic change thereby indicated. CONTENTS, CHAPTEE I. THE SUB-KINGDOM CCELENTERATA. Page I. General characters.— 2. Classes • . • .3 CHAPTER II. THE CLASS HYDROZOA. SECTION I. MORPHOLOGY AKD PHYSIOLOGY OF HYDROZOA. I. Typeof the Class: Hydra.— 2. General Morphology. — 3. Or- gans of Nutrition, — 4. Prehensile apparatus. — 5. Tegu- mentary Organs. — 6. Muscular System and Organs of Locomotion. — 7. Nervous System and Organs of Sense. — 8. Reproductive Organs . . . . 2C SECTION II. PEVELOP31ENT OF HYDROZOA . . . . . 5I SECTION in. CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROZOA. I. Classification. — 2. Order i: Hydridae. — 3. Order 2: Cory- nidae. — 4. Order 3 : Sertularidae. — 5. Order 4 : Calycopho- ridae.— 6. Order 5 : Physophoridse. — 7. Order 6 : Medusidse. — 8. Order 7 : Lucernaridae . . . . '79 XU CONTENTS. SECTION IV. DISTRIBUTION OF HYDUOZOA. Page I. Relations to Physical Elements. — 2. Bathymetrical Distri- bution.—3. Geograpki^ml Di«tributioa . . .126 SECTION V. RELATIONS OF IIYDROZOA TO TIME . , • . I30 CHAPTER III. THE CLASS ACTINOZOA. SECTION T. MORPHOLOGY AND PHY'SIOLOGY OF ACTINOZOA. 1. T^'pe of the Class : Actinia. — 2. General Morphology. — 3. Organs of Nutrition. — 4. Prehensile apparatus. — 5. Tegu- mentary Organs. — 6. Corallum or Skeleton. — 7. Muscular System and Organs of Locomodon. — 8. Nervous System and Organs of Sense. — 9, Reproductive Organs 131 SECTION 11. DEVELOPMKNT OF ACTINOZOA , ... I70 SECTION III. CLASSIFICATION OF ACTINOZOA. I. Classification. — 2. Order i : Zoantharia.— 3. Order 2: Alcyo- naria.— 4. Order 3 : Rugosa. — 5. Order 4: Ctenophora . i96 SECTION lY. DISTRIBUTION OF ACTINOZOA. I. Relations to Physical Elements. — 2. Bathymetrical Distri- bution.—3. Geographical Distribution . . . 231 CONTENTS. Tn\-i SECTION V. RELATIONS OF ACTINOZOA TO TIME. I, General History of A ctinozoa. — 2. Histor}' of Zoantharia.- 3. History of Rugosa. — 4. History of Alcyonaria. — 5. Silu- rian Corals. — 6. Devonian Corals. — 7. Carboniferous Corals. — 8. Permian Corals. — 9. Triassic Corals. — 10. Jurassic Corals. — II. Cretaceous Corals. — 12. Tertiary Corals. — 13. Recent Actinozoa Page Bibliography of the Ccelexteuata Questions on the Ccelenteuata List of Illustrations . Index . . . • . 236 249 257 261 263 THE SUB-KINGDOM y CCELENTERATA. ^ y: COELENTERATA. CHAPTEll I. THE SUB -KINGDOM CCELENTERATA. I. General characters. — 2. Classes. I. Creiipral characters. — The animal forms included under the sub-kingdom Coelenterata pre- sent modifications of a type of structure better marked than that which is characteristic of the Protozoa. All are furnished with an alimentary canal, freely communicating with the general, or somatic, cavity. The substance of the body consists essentially of two separate layers, an outer, or ' ectoderm,' and an inner, or ' endoderm.' These two membranes, but especially the former, are in general provided with cilia. Another distinctive characteristic of the Coelen- ierata is found in the presence of the peculiar articating organs, or ' thread-cells,' which are met with so constantly in the integument of these organisms [Jig, i). Thread-cells, for which the term ' cnid?e ' has been proposed, usually occur as colourless, trans- parent, elastic, double-walled sacs, rounded or B 2 4 THE SUB-KINGDOM CCELENTEIIATA. oval in form, and containing a fluid in their interior. Tiie outer wall of the sac is entire and very delicate ; the inner one is much stronger, having its open extremity produced into a stout, rather fusiform, sheath, Vv^hich terminates in a long thread, Fig. r. TJrticating organs of Ccelenteeata: — a, e, and/, thread-eeils of Caryo'phyllia Smithii ; h, tliread-cell of Corynactis Allmani ; (\ portion of the marginal canal of Willsia stcllata, with peculiar receptacle, containing thread-cells, arising therefrom ; d, a single thread-cell of the same ; g, thread-cell of Actinia (or Bunodes) crassicornis. {AM magnified.) or 'ecthorseum.' A number of barbs or hooks are sometimes disposed spirally around the sheath, the ecthoraeum itself being often delicately ser- rated. In the ordinary condition of the thread- THE SUB-KINGDOM C(ELENTERATA. 5 cell the ecthoraeum lies twisted in many irregular coils round its sheath; the barbs of the latter being closely ajopressed to its sides, while it com- pletely fills up the open end of the inner sac, into whose interior it projects. Under pressure or irritation, the cnida suddenly breaks, its fluid escapes, and the delicate thread is projected, still remaining attached to the sheath. So quickly is this done that the eye can by no means follow the process, but, in all probability, a complete ever- sion of the cell's contents takes place. In some cnidae the presence of a sheath has not yet been discovered. Thread-cells vary much both in form and size. They are unusually large in the Portuguese Man- of-war (Physalia), where they are spherical in ligure and attain a diameter of -003 of an inch. The relative dimensions of the thread and cell also vary. Sometimes the ecthorasum is scarcely longer than the sac; in other cases itt* length is nearly iifty times as great. The disagreeable stinging sensations experienced when the human skin is brought into contact with the bodies of some Coelenterata is, by most zoolo- gists, attributed to the influence of the thread-cells. It is supposed that the irritation is in part me- chanical, arising from the friction of the fl lament or its sheath, and in part chemical, from the assumed poisonous nature of the fluid contained within the cell. The ease with which many Coelenterate animals seize and, as it were, para- lyze their struggling prey, is also ascribed to the same agency. These stinging propensities were evidently known to Aristotle, who refers to dif- ferent forms of the present group imder the name B 3 6 THE SUB-KINGDOM CCELENTERATa. of aicaX7]?, lateral prolongation of the same* forming one of the gonocalycine canals ; k", cavity of manubrium ; p, spermaria or ovaria. (These drawings are diagrammatic.) HTDROZOA. 43 tween the central and peripheral portions of the thickened boss, commencing at the distal ex- tremity, and extending down very nearly to the proximal end of the boss, so as to leave the thick central portion, enclosing the central cavity, at- tached to the thin peripheral portion (which re- mains as the wall of the cavity of the bell) only at its proximal extremity. In the perfect condition of the zooid thus produced, the endoderm lines the cavity of the peduncle by which it is attached, the canals, and the central cavity of the suspended axial body ; while the ectoderm forms the whole of the outer walls of both natatorial organ and central sac." Still further changes are liable to ensue. The central sac, or * manubrium,' may acquire a mouth at its distal extremity, thus, as it were, transform- ing itself into a polypite, while the natatorial organ, or ^ gonocalyx,' enlarging, loosens its attachment, and swims freely in the sea as a veritable Medusid ( fig. 6, in). Indeed, there is every reason to be- lieve that a great majority of the organisms de- scribed as Medusidce are, in reality, the detached reproductive bodies of other Hydrozoa {figs. 13 and 14). Such bodies, however, are more than mere organs. Many of them, when first liberated, pre- sent no distinct traces of generative elements, pending the formation of which essential products, their independent existence is of necessity pro- longed. At this period they lead a very active life, incre se rapidly in size, and eagerly devour such minute marine animals as they are able to secure. During the calmer seasons of the year they abound in our seas, but before the approach 44 ETDROZOA. of rougli weather usually disappear, their func- tion having been, in all probability, previously discharged. Yet nothing can be more perfect than the series of transitional forms which estab- lish the connection between these highly differen- tiated organisms and the simple reproductive ap- paratus occurring in Hydra. A few gradations may be indicated. Thus, the closed gonophore of Coixlylophora sends off from its manubrial cavity a system of prolongations, evidently homologous with true gonocalycine canals {fig. S, g). In Tuhularia indivisa, fully developed canals are exhibited by a distinct gonocalyx, but this never becomes detached {fig. 9). Neither does it pre- sent marginal tentacles, though even these sur- round the fixed gonocalyces of Campaiiularia Ld- veni {fig. 1 0). And so we at once pass to the free swdmming generative cups of other Hydrozoa. But it would be easy to dwell on further modifica- tions. Plumularia pinnata, for example, has its manubrium irregularly lobed, the lobes being, in all probability, as Professor Allman suggests, in- cipient gonocalycine canals, while in Campanu- laria caliculata canals exist, though the manu- brium itself is suppressed. And in some gonophores, the canal system, at first easily recognisable, be- comes obliterated by age. A gonophore, therefore, may exhibit in its de- velopment four distinguishable stages, which cor- respond, respectively, to the permanent forms of the reproductive body in particular members of the group. These conditions are : — I. That of a simple expansion of the body- wall, as in Hydra. HYDBOZOA. 45 2. That of a well-defined process, or sporosac, as in Hydr actinia, 3. That of a manubrium with closed gonocaly- cine investment, in which case the medusoid structure is said to be " disguised," as in the gonophores of Cordylophora and numerous other forms. 4. That of a manubrium, with open gonocalyx and well-developed canal system. Such " medusi- form gonophores" may either remain attached, as in Hippopodius and Vogtia, or become free, as in Velella, Porpita, and many of the fixed Hydrozoa, The same gonophore does not contain more than one kind of generative elements, and these are situated either between the ectodermal and endodermal layers of the manubrium, or in the walls of the gonocalycine canals. When male and female gonophores differ externally in form, the special terms ' androphore ' and ' gynophore ' are employed to distinguish them. But, apart from such sexual distinctions, two kinds of gonophores appear occasionally to be produced by the same Hydrozoon, while, on the other hand, similar gonophores may arise from the bodies of appa- rently difi'erent species. So much, then, for the structure of the gono- phores ; next, as to their position. They may be seated either — 1. on the polypites ; or, 2. on special processes termed *gonoblas- tidia;' or, 3. directly on the ccenosarc. The first of these methods is characteristic of 46 HTDROZOA. the Ccdycophoridw, the second of the Physopho- ridce and Sertidaridai, while all three find acces- sible representatives in the order Corynidve. In certain species of this last order the gono- phores, even on the same individual, obey different modes of attachment. Thus in Clava multicorniSf some are inserted on the polypites, others on gono- blastidia ; while in Hydractinia, besides the gono- phores borne on the gonoblastidia, a few are found to arise, without intervening support, from the sides of the coenosarc. The gonoblastidia are either simple or branched. Often they present a curious resemblance to true polypites, from which, however, they differ in wanting a mouth, and having usually shorter ten- tacula. Such polypoid gonoblastidia may be ex- amined with ease in Hydractinia^ where they are less than the polypites in size. In this genus the free extremity of each is seen to end in a pear- shaped, tapering enlargement, w^hose surface is studded with minute conical swellings containing thread-cells, which increase in size so as to re- semble rude tentacles, ten or twelve in number, around the largest portion of the pyriform pro- cess. Beneath these the gonophores are borne. At the base of the process is inserted a proble- matical body, presenting the appearance of a short stalk, which terminates distally in a rounded ex- pansion, filled with very small, dark orange, masses of pigment. In general, gonoblastidia arise from the sides of the coenosarc, though, in some cases, they are attached to the bodies of the polypites. A curious structural modification distinguishes the oronoblastidia of the Sertidaridce. In Cam- HYDROZOA. 47 panularia, for example, columnar gonoblastidia arise in the angles between the stem and branches of the coenosarc, or from the sides of the branches themselves (Ags. lo and 19). The lower portion of each gonoblastidium forms a sort of peduncle, above which the cuticular investment of its ec- toderm becomes separated as an urn-shaped cap- sule, the 'gonotheca.' Such capsules, or "ovigerous vesicles," are very variable and beautiful in form. True gonophores, protected by the gonotheca, are borne along the sides of its axial column. In some Calycophoridce and Physojphovidce, particular regions of the hydrosoma may devote themselves to the performance of the reproductive function, and, becoming separated from the rest of the fabric, subsequently undergo a surprising amount of modification. Finally, in the Liicernaridce, with the exception of Lucemaria and a few closely-allied genera, the reproductive bodies are produced by fission from polypites of almost microscopic minuteness ; and, in their detached condition, grow with such ra- pidity as ultimately to attain a weight of many pounds, or even hundreds. A corresponding ad- vance in structure attends this vast increase of size. Each, at the outset of its free existence. includes a complete transverse segment of the polypite from which it has separated. This soon forms a lobed swimming organ, or umbrella, with the hooded lithocysts before mentioned. Fromi the centre of the umbrella hangs a large polypite, whose lips, in such genera as Aurelia, Cyanea, and Chrysaora, form lobes of considerable length, the folds of which serve as temporary receptacles 48 HYDROZOA. for the ova during the earlier stages of their development (Jig. 7, h). The interior of the poly- pite leads to a large central cavity, situate in the substance of the thick gelatinous umbrella, and Fig. 7. Oceanic forms of LrcEKNAEiDJE : — a, Ehizostoma pulmo ; b, Chrysaora hysoscella ; c, its lithocyst. (All reduced.) lined by a layer of endoderm which sends pro- longations into the system of anastomosing canals, communicating with a marginal vessel, fringed, in its turn, by a series of tentacular diverticula. The generative products are lodged in saccular pro- HYDROZOA. 49 cesses of the lower portion of the central cavity, immediately above the bases of the radiating canals, and, being usually of some bright colour, form a conspicuous cross shining through the thickness of the disc. But in RJiizostoma, Cephea, and Cassiopeia, sl different arrangement prevails, which is best de- scribed in the words of Professor Huxley. "In the Rkizostomiike, a complex, tree-like mass, whose branches, the ' stomatodendra,' end in, and are covered with, minute polypites inter- spersed with clavate tentacula, is suspended from the middle of the umbrella in a very singular way. The main trunks of the dependent polypiferous tree, in fact, unite above into a thick, flat, quadrate disc, the ' syndendrium,' which is suspended by four stout pillars, the *dendrostyles,' one springing from each angle, to four corresponding points on the under surface of the umbrella, equidistant from its centre. Under the middle of the um- brella, therefore, there is a chamber whose floor is formed by the quadrate disc, while its roof is constituted by the under wall of the central cavity of the umbrella, and its sides are open. The re- productive elements are developed within radiat- ing, folded diverticula of the roof of this genital cavity " {fig. 7, a). This is, without doubt, the most complicated structural product presented bj the class, and its description forms a not inappropriate conclusion to the preceding general survey of their organisa- tion. The majority of Hydrozoa are dioecious, the same hydrosoma not bearing both male and female E 50 HYDEOZOA. reproductive bodies. Exceptions, however, occur in Hydra itself, in Cordylojphora, in Plumularia pinnata, in many Physophoridos and Calyco^ p)horidw, Diphyes being an exception. The re- productive zooids of the Lucernaridw, except in the case of Chrysaora, appear to be unisexual, but it is not yet ascertained whether generative bodies of dissimilar sexes can be produced by the fission of one primitive hydrosoma. As in other animals, fecundation is effected by the contact of ova and spermatozoa : the sper- maria and ovaria, when fully developed, becoming wholly resolved into these essential elements. The spermatozoa present the form of ovate cor- puscles, from the broad end of which a filament projects. The ova are, in most cases, spherical, destitute of vitelline membrane, with distinct germ-vesicle and germ-spot. Diffusion of the spermatozoa in the surrounding water seems, in the present class, the usual prelude to the act of fertilisation. But, in Cordylophora, it has been supposed that the male elements can alone obtain access to the ova by reaching them from within along the general cavity of the body. HTDEOZOA. 51 SECTION II. DEVELOPMENT OF HYDKOZOA. The fertilised ovum, in all the HydrozocCy under- goes yolk-division. This process would seem to be determined by the previous division of the germ-vesicle, which, according to Gregenbaur, in some of these animals at least, does not disappear immediately after fecundation. The embryo which results may be developed from the whole, or only a portion, of the vitellus. It usually appears as a minute, free-swimming ciliated body, but, in some instances, presents a different aspect. The ectoderm and endoderm of the adult Hydrozoon correspond with the inner and outer layers into which the blastoderm of the embryo soon separates, the cavity which is at the same time formed representing the somatic cavity of the future animal. HydriDjE. — The modification of one end of the body into a hydrorhiza, the formation of a mouth, and of tentacular processes, are the only changes, save those of growth, which seem needed to bring such an embryo into the condition of a perfect Hydra. Eut observations are yet w^anting on the development of this organism. The re- searches of Laurent point to the conclusion that, in the production of the young Hydra, a part only of the ovum is directly concerned. The polypite thus resulting from a true genera- tive act may subsequently, by gemmation, give 52 HYDROZOA. rise to several others, in all respects similar to the organism from which they were produced. These for a time may remain in connection with each other, but, more usually, they separate, each in its turn, under favourable conditions, to repeat the same budding process. The number of inde- pendent beings into which a single Hydra, when well supplied with food, and stimulated by a warm temperature, may resolve itself, is certainly as- tonishing. Not less so are its reparative powers, which seem almost to defy the knife of the ana- tomist. Full details on this subject are given by Trembley, whose researches on the Hydra, pub- lished in 1 744, are still well worthy of perusal. Some years ago, Ecker compared the periplastic tissue of the Hydra to aggregate masses of the sarcode, or " formless contractile substance," com- posing the body of Amoeha. Mr. G-. H. Lewes has also recognised distinct " contractile masses," which he says were so very like Amoebae, as to make him at first believe that the Hydra had swallowed them. Such amoeboid particles occa- sionally become detached by the method denomi- nated *' diffluence," each usually including one or more endoplasts ; but there is good reason to infer that their apparently contractile movements are, for the most part, the result of a process of en- dosmose. Jager, however, has shown that two budding Hydrae, each kept by him in a small vessel of water, broke up into several isolated particles, which, after the lapse of a month, were still living, performed amoeba-like movements, and, in some instances, passed into a peculiar stage, resembling the encysted condition of Infit soria. In this state, Jager supposes, they may HYDEOZOA. remain throughout the winter, and again, on the return of spring, once more assume the aspect of the primitive Hydra. Fig.Z, Development of Cordylophora : — «, gonophore of Cordylo- phora lacustris, showing embrj'oes in its interior ; b, the same. more advanced, ^^ith embryoes escaping from its ruptured ex- tremity ; c, an embryo, in its free swimming condition ; d, the same embryo, having assumed a pyriform figure; c, the embryo in its attached condition ; /, primitive polypite, developed there- from ; g, androphore of the same Cordylophora, its contents es- caping under pressure ; h, caudate cells liberated therefrom ; ^, spermatozoa. (All magnified.) 54 HTDROZOA. CoRYNiD^. In CordylopJiora, the free swim- ming ciliated embryo, on emerging from the ruptured gonophore {fig. 8, b), is usually of an elongated oval form, but very contractile, so that often it assumes a pyriform figure {fig. 8, c and d). Eventually, the embryo loses its cilia, and, fixing itself, developes a hydrorhiza at one extremity and a mouth at the other, thread-cells being at the same time formed in the ectoderm {fig. 8, e and /). Next, a series of about four tentacles make their appearance ; these are soon succeeded by others ; the somatic cavity becomes fully formed, and the young Cordylophora, increasing in size, is invested with a delicate cuticular layer. The rudimentary ccenosarc, with its single polypite, formed in this manner, soon commences to send forth prolongations, and these, by gemmation, develop the polypites and other appendages of the adult organism. A somewhat different series of changes occurs in TvMdaria {fig. 9). The embryo of this genus is not ciliated, but first makes its appearance as a discoid body, from the circumference of which short thick processes, the rudiments of tentacula, are produced {fig. 9, /). The disc then becomes more gibbous at the side turned away from the axis of the gonophore ; a mouth, leading into a newly-formed digestive cavity, soon occupying the centre of the opposite side. The mouth then elevates itself on a conical prominence, around which a second series of tentacles arise. In this state the embryo issues from the gonophore {fig. 9, d). Eemaining free for a short time, it finally becomes fixed, and developes a coenosarc with its cuticular layer {fig. 9, e and g). Development of Tubulaeia indivisa : — a, a polypite, attached to the extremity of the ccenosarc, bearing clusters of reproductive bodies between the two series of tentacles ; b, one of these clus- ters consisting of several gonophores, borne on a long branching stalk ; c, a single gonophore, containing two young polypites, one of which has commenced to extricate itself; d, the same gono- phore, in a more advanced condition ; e, a young polypite, thirty- six hours after having escaped from the gonophore ; /, the younger polypite, shown within the gonophores c and d ; g, the polypite e, six weeks after extrication, (a is about thrice the natural size : the others are much magnified.) Tuhidaria, like Hydra, and, in all probability, many other Hydrozoa, possesses well-marked re- parative powers. When living specimens have £ 4 56 HTDROZOA. been kept for some days in vessels of sea-water, it often happens that the polypites drop from their stalks. Soon, however, new polypites are budded forth, each having usually a smaller number of tentacles than its predecessor. Similar are the results produced by artificial fission. In this manner, by section of a single stalk. Sir J. Gr. Dalyell obtained, in the course of 550 days, twenty- two successive polypites. Sertularidje. In most Corynidce, the course of development closely corresponds with that above Fiff. lo. Development of Campanulaeia : — a, Campanularia Lovem; h, oneof itsgonoblastidia from whose summit project two medusiform gonophores, one of which is giving exit to a ciliated embryo ; c, the same embryo, in its free swimming condition ; d and f, suc- cessive stages of the young ccenosarc developed therefrom ; /, medusiform zooid of Campamdaria dichotoma ; — ir, polypite; tt', hydrotheca ; p', gonoblastidium. (a and / are about twice the natm-al size; the others are much magnified.) described as taking place in Cordylophora. Of a similar character, in its more general features at HYDROZOA. 57 least, is the life history of the Sertularidce. The young Campanularia or Antennularia^ at first free, soon loses its cilia, fixes itself, and contracts into a circular disc, which exhibits a division into four lobes {fig. lo, c and cV). In the centre of the disc an opaque spot makes its appearance, and over this the surface becomes gradually elevated, until, finally, a young coenosarc is the result (^fig. 10, e). From this, by gemmation, the branching hydrosoma of the complete organism, with its crowded assemblage of polypites, is subsequently produced. Thus the young condition of a Sertularid would appear to differ from that of a Corynid in having a portion of its coenosarc more or less completely developed before distinct traces of a polypite can be observed. Such a conclusion accords Avell with the composite structure always assumed by the adult hydrosoma. And in this respect the Sertu- laridce, while departing from the Gorynidce, seem to agree with the oceanic orders, Calycophoridce and Physophoridce. Calycophoridje, Of the earlier embryonic changes in the Calycophoridce little is knoA\Ti. In Diphyes, according to Gegenbaur, the blasto- derm at first appears as an elevated protuberance, occupying only a portion of the segmented vitellus. Soon, this blastoderm forms a rudimentary necto- calyx, from which a short canal leads to the ciliated cavity of the yolk below. The nectocalyx then rapidly enlarges, while polypites are seen to arise between it and the appended yolk-mass. PhysophoriDjE, Our knowledge of the Qxa- hryologjoi the Physophoridce is confessedly scanty. 58 HTDROZOA. The youngest examples of the group seen as yet, Fig. II. Development of Physalia: — a, young Ph^salia, with a single polypite and tentacle ; b, the same, more advanced ; c, adult Phy- salia; d, a tentacle, with its basal sac; — o, pneumatophore ; a', pneumatocyst ; tt, polypite ; t, tentacle, (a and b are magnified ; c is reduced; d is about the natural size.) exhibit a well-defined pneumatophore, with a single polypite and tentacle (^fig. ii, a). HTDKOZOA. 59 In a Velelhif less than -1 of an inch long, ob- served by Mr. Huxley, " the horizontal disc of the adult was represented by a bell-shaped, mem- branous expansion, continued above into a broad crest, half as high as the whole depth of the animal. It was symmetrically disposed, and its superior edge, far from being pointed, was rather concave, and in the centre presented a curious thickening. The central polypite was already open at its distal extremit}^, and around its base were a few short, csecal processes, the rudiments of the gonoblastidia or of the tentacles. The margin of the disc was occupied by a single series of large, oval vesicles. The somatic cavity was divided by a series of vertical septa, which passed continuously over the pneumatocyst into the crest, near whose free edge they terminated abruptly, and between them other very short septa were interposed. The somatic cavity and its continuation into the crest were thus broken up into a series of parallel [ciliated] canals, united at their ends by two marginal canals at right angles with one another, one in the disc, the other in the crest. The pneumatocyst shone through the disc, and did not extend into the crest at all." It appeared "as an almost hemispherical body, convex above and flat below. On two of its sides, in a plane perpendicular to that of the crest, there was a double crescentic mark, caused by a depres- sion. The air did not completely distend the pneumatocyst, but appeared to be divided into seven or eight lobes below, so that, at first sight, the organ itself appeared to be lobed, but this was not really the case. It was, in fact, in the smallest specimens a simple vesicle, about '05 of 60 HYDROZOA. an inch in diameter, with strong and thin walls, w^hich, when it was burst and the air expelled, fell into sharp folds." Medusidm. — The development of the true Me- dusidce has yet to be effectively studied. From the observations of J. Miiller on jEginopsis, of Gregenbaur on Trachynema and Cunina, and of Fritz Miiller on Liriope, it seems highly probable that these genera proceed at once from the con- dition of the embryo to assume the aspect of the organism which gave them birth. Still more con- clusive on this point are the results of some recent researches of Claparede on a Medusid closely allied (if not belonging) to the genus Lizzia. Within the substance of the body- wall of the de- Fiff.v. Development of Lizzia: — a, adult Lizzia, the walls of whose polypite are seen to bear numerous ova ; b, supposed free-su-im- ming young of a, viewed from below ; c, the same, seen in pro- file, (a is slightly, h and c are very much, magnified.) pendent polypite were observed numbers of what seemed to be true ova, some furnished with germ- vesicle and germ-spot, others in a more advanced stage of development. These last resembled in HYDROZOA. 61 form and structure certain free floating bodies (fig. 12), each of which, though still enclosed in an outer covering, presented, on a reduced scale, distinct indications of various parts observed in the adult Medusid; four radiating canals, and eight tentacular enlargements, being especially notice- able. The full-grown Lizzia possessed twelve tentacles, four single, and eight others arranged in foiu alternating pairs. In the young form four of the rudimei^tary tentacles were much longer than the others, and it seems not improbable that each of them represented one of the four pairs of tentacles in the perfect Lizzia, No males of this species have been observed. It is worth adding that another form placed by zoologists in the same genus appears to be only the detached bud of one of the Corynidce. Yet, as Professor Huxley has said, "it is within the limits of logical possi- bilit}^ that the adult forms anatomically similar, should be genetically different ; that they should have arrived at a similar point by different roads." The observations of M^Crady on the direct development of an other Medusid, Cunina octo- naria, also deserve attention. This creature oc- curs as a parasite within the nectosacof a distantly allied form, Turritopsis nutricfula, from whose mouth, by means of a long proboscidiform poly- pite, the young Cunina obtains its food. At an early stage the Cunina appears as a clavate body, presenting a short, rudely globular proxi- mal, and a more attenuate, somewhat cylindrical, distal, region. From the sides of the posterior margin of the former, two long flexible tentacles soon sprout, while, at the same time, a nutrient 62 HTDROZOA. cavity is formed throughout the central portion of the mass. Even at this period the larva produces free buds from its proximal extremity, not more than two appearing to arise at the same time, though the process of gemmation may frequently be repeated. Next, the distal region elongates ; the nutrient cavity opens at its free extremity, forming a mouth ; and thus a young polypite is produced, while from the proximal margin two new tentacula soon make their appearance. From this region a rudimentary nectocalyx now arises, a fold, in which are developed marginal bodies, appearing, distally, in front of the tentacles, between which four other tubercular lobes are now seen to bud forth. The growth of the nec- tocalyx slowly proceeds; eight marginal bodies distinctly come into view ; the polypite diminishes in size, finally becoming inconspicuous ; and the animal attains the adult form characteristic of its family, save only that reproductive organs have not yet been observed. That instances of the above kind should be mul- tiplied and re-observed seems, for many reasons, very desirable, since, as already remarked, not a few of the forms known as Medusidm are but the free-swimming gonophores of various other Hy- drozoa. Thus, from the ovum of Ttirris, one of the so-called genera referred to this order, a poly- pite is produced, which sends forth a creeping coenosarc, giving rise to a hydrosoma, clearly seem to belong to the Corynidce {fig. 13). Dr. T. Strethill Wright has further proved that Bour/ain- tillea Britannica, a common form of Medusoid, is, in truth, the reproductive body of Atractylis ramosa, one of the Corynidce, Development of Turris : — a, oviim of the medusiform zooid {h) known as Turris ncghcta ; c, polypite, with creeping hydrorhiza, developed therefrom. (All magnified.) Certain medusiform gonophores, and, it may- be also, some true Medusids, possess the power of producing, by gemmation, free-swimming forms which directly resemble themselves. Such buds have been observed to start from the sides of the polypite in Sarsicc gemonifera and Lizzicc octo- pundata, from the reproductive region of the calycine canals in two species of Thaumantias, from the bases of the tentacles in Steenstrupia Oiuenii and Sarsia prolifera, and from the de- pendent portion of the tentacles themselves in Diplonema {fig. 14). Hence these medusoids ought, perhaps, to be regarded as free gonoblas- tidia. Here, also, it may be added, that multi- plication by fission has been observed by Kolliker in a species of Stomobrachium. Gemmation of MEDUsoros : — a, Diplonema Islandica, showing young Medusoids budding from the tentacles; b, Sarsiagemmifera, with Medusoids arising from the sides of the polypite; c, Sarsia proUfira, in which Medusoids are seen to sprout from the junc- tion of the tentacles with the marginal canal. (All magnified.) LucERNARiD^. Still more singular phenomena appear in the life-history of Lueernaridce, In Aurelia, Cyanea, and Chrysaora, the ova originate within the generative cavities of the gigantic repro- ductive bodies previously described. Thence they are transferred, in some unknown manner, to the peculiar pouches formed along the margins of the dependent lips of the polypite, and on their way to these pouches are, in all probability, fertilised by contact with the diffused spermatozoa. Segmenta- tion of the vitellus, and other primordial changes, are undergone by the young ovum while yet within the pouch, from which, about the close of the third day, it comes forth, to enjoy, for a brief period, an active, free-swimming existence. At first it appears as an oblong, flattened, ciliated body, or ' planula,' of very minute size, composed HTDROZOA. 65 of outer and inner layers, enclosing- a central cavity {fig- 15, c). Soon it assumes a somewhat pyriform fignre, enlarging at one extremity, in the centre of which a depression is observable. Next, the narrower end attaches itself to some sub- marine object, while the depression at the oppo- site extremity, becoming deeper and deeper, at length communicates with the interior cavity. Thus a mouth is formed, around which may be seen four small j^rotuberances, the rudiments of tentacula (ti). In the interspaces of these four new tentacles arise ; others, in quick succession, make their appearance, until a circlet of numerous filiform appendages, containing thread-cells, sur- rounds tlie distal margin of the " Hydra tuba," as the young organism, at this stage of its career, has been termed by Sir J. G-. Dalyell (e and/). The mouth, m the meantime, from being a mere quadrilateral orifice, grows and lengthens it?elf so as to constitute a true polypite, occupying the axis of the inverted umbrella, or disc, which supports the marginal tentacles. A continuous, wide, open space occupies the whole interior of the umbrella and polypite, whose relations to the rest of the organism, and, indeed, the whole structure of Hydra-tuba, closely resemble what may be seen in Lucernavla. Externally, it presents a delicate, translucent aspect, and in height averages some 3 of an inch. But though dissimilar to Hydra in organisation and want of locomotive capacity, the Hydra-tuba recalls to mind its fresh-water con- gener, first, in its remarkable reparative powers ; and, secondly, in the extent to which it multiplies by gemmation. Not merely do buds arise from the sides of the body, but, in addition, creeping r 66 HTDROZOA. tubes, or stolons, are sent forth, from which fresh gemmae spring up, it may be, to detach themselves, and so one or several large colonies become formed, all the produce of a single fertilised ovum. For years the hydrosoma may continue in this stage, undergoing no further development. But under certain conditions, similar, perhaps, to those which determine the formation of reproductive organs in the Hydra, a new and striking series of changes is inaugurated. First, each Hydra- tuba elongates, increasing somewhat in size. Then, from just below the tentacles to within a short distance of the proximal extremity, a succes- sion of transverse markings begin to appear, which quickly take on the aspect of circular con- strictions {g). When the organism was first dis- covered in this condition by Sars, he, thinking it a new animal, called it " Scyphistoma." The same naturalist, observing the Scyphistoma at a still later stage, with the constrictions more strongly marked, and the several segments included between them cleft and lobed around their margins, gave it, from its resemblance to an artichoke, the name of Strobila (/i). Still further do the constrictions deepen until the Strobila becomes not unlike a pile of cups or saucers. The marginal tentacles then disappear, but a new row arises in their stead from the summit of the short, undivided, proximal extremity (^). The disc-like segments above the tentacles gradually fall off, and, swimming freely by the contractions of the lobed margin which each presents, have been described by Eschscholtz as true Medusidcc, under the generic title of Ephyra {k). But each Ephyra soon acquires a nutritive system, lithocysts, tentacles, and genera- HYDROZOA. 67 tive organs ; thus eventually becoming similar to the huge reproductive body, from whose fertilised ovum the primitive Hydra- tuba was produced. This, and the stock which it developed, does not, however, perish, but ma}^ again, by growth and fission, give rise to fresh successions of generative bodies. Fig. 15. Development of Chrysaoea : — a, ova, with gelatinous invest- ment, from Chrysaora hysoscella ; h and c, free ova ; d, young Hydra-tuba, -with four marginal tentacles, developed therefrom ; e, the same, with eight tentacles ; /, Hydra tuba, in its ordinary condition ; g, another Hydra-tuba, marked with constrictions ; h, a more advanced form, with deeper constrictions ; i, a speci- men undergoing fission, in which the tentacles are seen to arise from below the constricted portion, while its upper segments separate, and become free-swimming zooids (k). Similar to the above appears the life -history of Cephea and Cassiopeia, notwithstanding the very different structure of the detached reproductive zooids which these genera present. On the de- velopment of Rhizostoma itself accurate observa- tions are wanting. In the Lucernariadce proper, no free zooids are produced, but the generative elements are formed bS HYDEOZOA. in longitudinal folds, which arise, opposite to each other, along the four inner angles of the polypite's digestive cavity. In Pelagia, a permanently free form of tho same order, the ova are developed directly int the likeness of the organism ^\dthin which they are evolved. The young Pelarjia, according to Krohn, presents a minute, semi-transparent, some- what cylindrical body, invested in a thin, whitish, ciliated, covering. By means of its cilia, the em- bryo swims rapidly, often turning round on its longitudinal axis. At one extremity, which is truncate, a very small mouth appears, leading into a distinct nutrient cavity, or stomach. This cavity quickly enlarges ; the mouth, also, becomes protruded, whilst at the same time, the hinder end of the body is developed into an umbrella. On the third day, traces of eight lobes indent the margin of the umbrella, an equal number of sacs arising from the sides of the stomach. The mar- ginal lobes lengthen, each becomes further in- dented, and soon rudimentary lithocysts can be distinguished. By this time the oral region is changed into a perceptible polypite, but. the or- ganism still moves chiefly by the aid of its cilia, the contractions of the umbrella being at first only occasionally repeated. Afterwards, the ciliated coat disappears ; thread-ceils are produced ; the lips of the polypite enlarge ; the umbrella shortens and assumes its proper function ; the crystalline contents of the lithocysts make their appearance. The stomachal sacs increase in number and take on the aspect which they present in the adult animal. Finally, marginal tentacles are acquired, four of these being equal in length to the diameter HTDROZOA. 69 of the swimming organ, while the four other ten- tacles, and the lips of the polypite, are as yet slightly developed. The development of the various appendages which arise along the coenosarc of the composite Hydrozoa now requires to be noticed. The same hydrosoma often exhibits these in different stages of evolution, so that their formation admits of being studied, with more or less hope of success, in specimens which may seem to have reached the adult condition. All the lateral appendages, except the hydro- theca?, appear first as simple processes of the two layers of the body, and in outAvard form are won- derfully similar, the characteristic aspect of each manifesting itself as groAvth advances. In the hydrophyllia and nectocalyces the ectoderm en- larges to a much greater extent than the endoderm ; in most other appendages, the relations of these layers are not so disproportionate. As above remarked, there is but slight differ- ence between hydrocysts and polypites at certain stages of their development. But while the hydrocysts remain closed, an opening is formed at the distal extremity of each polypite, villi and distinct regions soon becoming visible in its endo- dermal lining. The tentacles, as already shown, differ as to the degree of vacuolation undergone by their endo- derm. The lateral threads of branched tentacles "appear successively as close-set buds on one side of the proximal end of the tentacle, the younger buds being ahvaj^s developed on the proximal side F 3 70 HTDROZOA. branch is complex, consisting of two or three distinct portions, these are gradually produced as each of the bud-like processes elongates. "The involucrum is formed as a process of the ectoderm of the distal end of the peduncle. In Physophora, the distal end of the peduncle itself undergoes a singular dilatation, and helps to form the envelope for the sacculus." The development of the gonophores has, in the account given of their structure, been sufficiently described. That of the nectocalyces is, at first, precisely similar, but the central mass does not, in these, give rise to a manubrium, while the cen- tral cavity, into which the longitudinal canals open, remains very much larger. The hydrothecae of the Sertularidce are formed by the gradual separation from the body of each pol3rpite of the outer layer, or polypary, excreted by its ectoderm, which, opening distally, displays the cup-shaped cavity, characteristic of different species. The relative succession of the appendages also demands attention. In the fixed Hydrozoa the distal polypites are first developed, whereas the proximal appendages are the youngest in the Physojphor'idoe and Galycojphoridce. But this rule does not appear to govern the nectocalyces in the last-mentioned group, their precise order of deve- lopment still remaining involved in some com- plexity. The phenomena indicated in the preceding brief detail of the life-history of the Hydrozoa have, in addition to their special value, a wider interest for the philosophic student of zoology, HTDROZOA. 7 1 from their bearing on the subject of animal deve- lopment in general. A few words of explanation may therefore, in this place, not appear unneces- sary. The life of every animal species may, from a certain point of view, be regarded as consisting in the alternate performance of two distinct series of acts; the one of reproduction, the other of development. Each act of reproduction consists essentially in this, that two dissimilar bodies, an ovum and a spermatozoon, are brought into mutual contact. In some cases the spermatozoon penetrates the coats of the ovum, or even enters it by a proper aper- ture, known as the * micropyle.' Thus defined, the process of reproduction is the same in all animals, though in some its simplicity is masked by the occurrence of a variety of other phenomena, all, however, of secondary importance. It must also be borne in mind that the evolu- tion of ova and spermatozoa, obviously necessary as a prelude to the reproductive function, cannot be considered as forming a part of it. An ovum or spermatozoon is, in truth, nothing more than a highly differentiated portion of the parent or- ganism, the result of a process of development. But no sooner has the act of reproduction been duly effected, than that of development forthwith begins. The fertilised ovum gives rise to an embryo, which tends to evolve itself into the like- ness of its parent. This embryo, together with all the structures subsequently developed there- from, is said to constitute, in the zoological sense of the term, an animal individual. Should the resulting organism develop an F 4 < *Z IIYDROZOA. ovum in its turn, then, that ovum, if fertilised, forms the hiisis of a new individual ; and so on for every additional ovinn concerned in a genera- tive act. So that each performance of the repro- ductive process is, as it were, the natural boundary between two successive individuals, or, in other words, between two distinct cycles of development. Thus, while the individual perishes, the species, by reproduction, is constantly renewed. Much also, might be said on the analogy which exists between the different individuals of the same species, on the one hand, and the constituent parts of each individual, on the other. Again, fission and gemmation are not, as many writers incorrectly state, modifications of the re- productive process, but rather, acts of development. For, as already shown, every ovum is at first a bud, which at length, by fission, becomes separated from the body of the parent. All this takes place quite independently of its fecundation. So that an unfertilised ovum is no more entitled to be considered an individual, than a wart or any other excrescence. The antagonism between development and re- production, or even between development in general and those particular stages of the vital process by which reproduction is preceded, is sometimes shown by the fact that certain external conditions which seem to favour the one exert an oj^posite influence on the other. Thus, on the approach of cold weather, the Hycha is prone to develop organs of true reproduction, while, if kept in a warm room, it still, as in summer time, continues the formation of ordinary buds. It is, therefore, the object of the reproductive HYDIIOZOA. 73 fimction to confer individuality upon that which previously was but a detached part of the parent organism. Howsoever complex the body of an adult animal may seem, it was once an ovum, whose extreme simplicity of structure might al- most be said to verge upon homogeneity. What inaugurated the wonderful series of changes by which the ovum fashioned itself into the likeness of its parent ? Contact with spermatozoa, or, in one word, reproduction. To say, then, that sper- matozoa possess a peculiar individualising in- fluence can scarcely be viewed as a metaphorical form of expression. Hoio they are capable of exerting this influence is, however, a problem to which, as yet, science has furnished no definite solution. Bischofif has compared their action to that of a ferment, such as the yeast of beer ; but this hypothesis, as Claparede truly observes, only removes the present difficulty a single step back- wards. The zoological individual being, therefore, de- fined as the entire product of the developmental changes of a single fertilised ovum, we have now to consider the principal modifications which the cycle of development presents. If all the parts of an individual remain mutu- ally connected, its development is said to be ' continuous ' ; if any of them separate as inde- pendent beings, it is ^discontinuous'. Continuous development may manifest itself imder the three principal modes of * growth,' 'metamorphosis,' and 'gemmation without fis- sion.' In metamorphosis, growth alternates with certain well-marked changes of form. In gem- mation without fission, a tendency to vegetative 74 HTDROZOA. repetition is more or less distinctly marked. An example of the first of these methods is presented by Felagia; of the second, by jEginopsis ; of the third, by Cordylophora or Sertularia. In discontinuous development the detached portions of the individual are termed 'zooids,' that which is first formed being distinguished as the * producing,' that which separates from it, the 'produced' zooid. If there be more than two successive series of zooids, the terms ' protozooid,' ' deuterozooid,' and ' tritozooid,' may then be re- spectively applied to them. Thus, the medusoids budded by Sarsia are, probably, tritozooids. The term zooid is also extended to the several parts of a connected structure which increases by vegeta- tive repetition ; for example, to the polypites, and other appendages of the composite Hydrozoa. The producing zooid may either possess or want generative organs. In the latter case the pro- duced zooid may take on the performance of the reproductive function, as in so many orders of Hydrozoa. In this class we have seen that the produced zooid may resemble the producing zooid, as in Hydra, or be dissimilar to it, as shown by the free-swimming gonophores of the Corynidce and SertuJaridce. The first case affords an illustration of simple ' gemmation with fission ' ; the latter, of the process known as * metagenesis.' If the pro- ducing zooid possess sexual organs, and the pro- duced zooid present the morphological, but not the physiological, characters of an ovum, then the process is one of 'parthenogenesis.' All these varieties of discontinuous development are col- lectively denominated ' agamogenesis,' as distin- HTDROZOA. 75 guished from ' gamogenesis,' in -which the ovum, to be developed, must first be brought into con- tact with spermatozoa. But such modifications are, in nature, less distinct from one another than the systematic definitions just given might appear to imply. Furthermore, recent investigations on the de- velopment of Insects and Crustaceans have tended alike to confuse our old-established notions of animal individuality and of the true nature of the generative process. For certain Insect ova have been observed to undergo development in the ordinary manner, though no previous contact with spermatozoa had taken place. And in un- impregnated female Vertehrata ovarian tumours are said sometimes to occur, which contain traces of hair, teeth, bone, nerves, and other tissues pro- per to the adult organism. If, therefore, cases exist in which the influence of a male element seems rather accessor)^ than essential to the normal evolution of the germ ; nay, can even be dispensed with, there are others in which, without such influence, no proper individuality is manifested, though development, to a certain extent, must as- suredly be considered to have taken place. For the present we have preferred to advocate the views entertained on these disputed points by Professors Huxley and Carpenter, while, to avoid needless ambiguity, we have thought it better to employ the precise terminology which the former naturalist has suggested. But other attempts have been made to explain the phenomena in question. Steenstrup, followed in Britain by the late Professor E. Forbes, and a host of minor investigators, proposed to consider 76 HYDROZOA. both the free zooids of the Hydrozoa and the organisms from which they sprung as alike en- titled to the rank of individual beings, belonging to allied groups, and mutually reproducing each other by a process of '* alternate generation." But, in addition to the more general objection whicli may be raised against this hypothesis, confounding, as it does, true generation with gemmation or fission, the one, an act of reproduction, the other, of development, it is sufficient to show that, in the present instance, its application is based on a very superficial examination of the facts to be explained. The gradual series of transitional homologous forms, so surely connecting the com- plex free gonophores of certain Hydrozoa with the simple reproductive processes of Hydra or Hydr actinia, could not have been very familiar to the minds of those who would have hesitated, if called upon, in accordance with Steenstrup's theory, to impute individuality to the latter. Professor K. Leuckart, however, consistently does this, and would regard as true individuals the independent polymorphic buds of the same com- posite Hydrozoon. And Mr. Lubbock has justly remarked that, "whether we retain the old nomen- clature, or dropping the idea of unit}^ in the term ' individual,^ adopt the system proposed by Pro- fessor Huxley, we shall be met by great difficulties and inconsistencies." It behoves us, therefore, to follow that explanation which embodies in the simplest manner all the observed phenomena, and which is, at the same time, least characterised by inconsistency. Recently, Professor Agassiz has proposed a modification of Leuckart's theory, and suggests HYDROZOA. 77 the distinction of four kinds of individuality in the anim.il kingdom. First, hereditary indi- viduality, when from a single e>gg a single inde- pendent being is produced. Secondly, derivative or consecutive individuality, or " that kind of independence resulting from an individualisation of j^arts of the product of a single egg ; " as in many Lucernaridce, Corynidce, and Gamjjanu- lariadcc. Thirdly, secondai^ individuality, where the product of one egg multiplies by continuous gemmation, giving rise to an immoveable com- munity ; as in the Sertulariadcc. Lastly, there is coraiolex individuality, w^here a similar but move- able community is formed; as seen in the Cahj- coj)horidce and Physophoridcc. In this case, he adds, " the individuals of the community are not only connected together, but, under given cir- cnmstances, they act together as if they were one individual, while at the same time each individual may perform acts of its own." Others were for regarding the gonophores of the fixed Hydrozoa as the perfect or adult stages of the forms by which they were produced, the whole process being viewed as one of ordinary meta- morphosis. The particular objection just stated applies also to the opinion under consideration, which has, nevertheless, found its advocates in a few writers of distinction. There is, no doubt, some degree of plausibility in a view which consi- ders the fixed Cor}Tiid or Campanularid as the young condition of the more complex Medusoid to which, by gemmation, it gives rise. It is now, however, certain not only that the Ccdyeophoridcv and Physojohoridce agree closely in structure with the Hydrozoa just named, but likewise, that they 78 HYDROZOA. bear the same morphological relation to their reproductive bodies. Extend the case to these; let Veldla, for example, be henceforth the larva of its free medusiform gonophores, and the doc- trine which we have contested is at once seen to become untenable. Another explanation emanated from Professur Owen. His ingenious theory of " parthenogenesis " supposed that the primitive result of each genera- tive act retains within its body unchanged a cer- tain portion of the germ-mass from which it was first evolved, together "with so much of the spermatic force inherited by the retained germ- cells from the parent-cell or germ-vesicle as suffices to set on foot and maintain the same series of formative actions as those which consti- tuted the individual containing them." So that *' every successive generation, or series of sponta- neous fissions, of the primary impregnated germ- cell, must weaken the spermatic force transmitted to such successive generations of cells." Or, to confine ourselves to the class under consideration, that a Corynid produced, as the resultants of the germ-cells and spermatic force stored up within it, successions of free or fixed gonophores, until the generative force became exhausted. But here, at least, it can be proved, that the unchanged germ- masses alluded to have no objective existence, while the more subjective spermatic force, in these, as in all other, animals, has hitherto suc- ceeded in escaping the ken of the anatomist. HTDROZOA. 79 Section HI. CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROZOA. I. Classification. — 2. Order i: Hydridae. — 3. Order 2: Corynidae. — 4. Order 3 : Sertularidae. — 5. Order 4 : Calytophoridae. — 6. Order 5 : Physophoridae. — 7. Order 6 : Medusidae. — 8. Order 7 : Lucernaridae. I. ClassiHcatioiB. — The seven orders into which the class Hydrozoa is divided may be defined as follows: 1. Hydridce. — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma con- sists of a single locomotive polypite, wdth tentacles, hydrorhiza, and reproductive organs which appear as simple processes of the body- wall. 2. Corynidce, — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma is fixed by an hydrorhiza, and consists either of one polypite, or of several connected by a coenosarc, which usually developes a firm outer layer. Eeproductive organs in the form of gonophores, which vary much in structure, and arise from the sides of the polypites, from the coenosarc, or from gono- blastidia. 3. Sertularidce. — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma is fixed by an hydrorhiza, and consists of several polypites, protected by hydrothecse, and connected by a coenosarc, which is usually branched, and invested with a very firm outer layer. Eeproductive organs as gonophores, arising from the coenosarc, or from gonoblas- tidia. 80 HTDROZOA. 4. Calycophoridce, — Hydrozoa, whose liydrosoma is free and oceanic, consisting- of several polypites connected by a flexible, contractile, unbranched coenosarc, the proximal extremity of which is furnished with nectocalyces, and dilated to form a somatocyst. Eeproductive organs as medusiform gonophores, budded from the peduncles of the polypites. 5. Physophoridtv. — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma is free and oceanic, consisting of several polypites connected by a flexible, contractile, seldom slightly branched, coenosarc, the proximal extremity of which expands into a pneumatophore, and is sometimes provided with nectocalyces. Eeproductive organs, more or less complex in structure, developed upon gonoblastidia. 6. Medusidce. — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma is free and oceanic, consisting of a single poly- pite suspended from the roof of a nectocalyx, furnished with a system of canals. Eepro- ductive organs as processes either of the sides of the pol3^ite, or of the nectocalycine canals. 7. Liwernaridcc, — Hydrozoa, whose hydrosoma has its base developed into an umbrella in the walls of which the reproductive organs are produced. The characteristics of these orders are indicated more briefly in the subjoined analytical table. 2. Order i : Hydridso The order Hydridce contains but a single genus, Hydra, distinguished from the few marine Hydrozoa which it approaches in physiognomy by its peculiar habit and locomo- HYDROZOA. 81 Class HYDROZOA. I / No umbrella. An umbrella. r An hydrorliiza. No hydrorbiza. Oceanic. Locomotive. Inhabiting fresh-water. Order I. Hydride. Fixed. No hydrothecse. Order II. CORTNTD^. Hydrothecse. Order III. Sebtularid^. r Polypites free from nectocalyces. Polypite sus- pended from the roof of a nectocalj'x. No pneumatophore, Nectocalyces. A Somatocyst. Order IV. CALYCOPHORIDiE. A pneumatophore. Nectocalyces present or absent. Order V. Physophobidje. Order VI. MEDUSmiB. a Order VII. LUCERNAEIDJI. 82 HTDROZOA. live powers. Several species of Hydra have been described under such names as H. viridis, H. rubra, IT. vulgaris and H. fusca. These differ in size, colour, the form of the body, or in the relative proportions of the polypite and tentacles. The polypite of H. vulgaris is cylindrical, its colour variable, but usually orange-brown, and its tentacles of moderate length. H. viridis has a polypite of a grass-green tint, furnished with comparatively short tentacula. H. fusca is larger than either of these, its colour is deep brown, and its tentacles very long and extensile ; the proximal extremity of the polypite becoming suddenly attenuated for about a third of its length. When living Plydrse are removed from the water, they appear to the eye as minute specks of jelly, which quickly, however, recover their true form on re- immersion. In confinement they readily thrive, seeking the light and feeding voraciously. Spe- cimens of the Hydra may be kept in glass vessels, and their singular habits observed by the student, with little difficulty. 3. Wrder 2 : Coryniilje. — In Corymorjjha, Vorticlava, and Myriothela, the hydrosoma, like that of Hydra, presents only a single polypite, but, in the greater number of Corynidw, it is composite, exhibiting numerous polypites con- nected by a coenosarc, which may be either erect and branching, as in Cordylophora, or reduced to a delicate creeping tube, as in Clava and Tri- cliydra. A hydrosoma of this kind may be com- pared to a Hydra in the act of budding, while as yet the young zooids remain in connection with the primitive polypite, by the hydrorhiza of which HYDROZOA. 83 the entire fabric continues to attach itself And, since gemmation may take place in many different ways, so, in like manner, result the great variety of forms due to modifications of what is essentially the same process of growth. In the flower-like Tubular i a indlvisa, the coenosarc consists of several simple tubes, intertwined one with another near their attached extremities, and sometimes rising to a height of ten or twelve inches {fig. i6). From the distal ends of these tubes, which are of a vStraw-yellow colour, the polypites, tinged with a bright scarlet, conspicuously project. The hydro- soma of Euclendrium rameum, though seldom more than six inches in height, bears a singularly close resemblance to a forest-tree in miniature, its surface being studded with minute reddish poly- pites, not less than a thousand of which may crowd the branches of a single specimen. Such arborescent structures strikingly contrast with the slender mossy threads which compose the con- necting stem of smaller species. In HyclTactinia, the meshes of the very intricate creeping coenosarc are aggregated so as to form a compact lamina or crust, investing the surfaces of univalve shells, which, by a coincidence hitherto unexplained, usually atibrd shelter to the Hermit-Crab. The living coating of Hydractinia presents to the naked eye the appearance of a rather coarse fioc- calent nap, pale grey or milk-white in tint, the polypites, w^hen fully expanded, attaining a height of nearly half an inch, and waving to and fro wdth every agitation of the shell ( fig. 1 7, c.) In other genera the colour of the coenosarc is usually yellowish-brown. All the preceding forms have the hydrosoma rooted, or attached to other objects, G 2 84 HTDROZOA. and in no Corynid hitherto observed does it appear to be altogether free, unless, indeed, an exception Fig. 1 6. Morpjiology of Tubula^iud-^; : — a, Corymorpha nutans; b, tuft of gqpophores from Corymbogoniumcapillarc; o, Tuhidaria in- divisa ; d, distal extremity of its ccenosarc ; e, transverse section of the same, {a fii^d c are of tjae natural size ; b, d, and e, are magnified.) be made in favour of the doubtful genus Ne- mojpsis. HYDROZOA. 85 The firm horny layer, or polypary, which the coenosarc excretes in Tubular ia and its allies, remains in a comparatively rudimentary condition among most other Corynidce. In few, however, is it absent altogether. In Hydractinia, it be- comes elevated at intervals to form numerous rough processes or spines, while over the general surface of the ectoderm its presence is almost im- perceptible. A very different modification is pre- sented by the genus Bimeria. Here the polypary is not, as in other members of the order, restricted to the coenosarc, but extends itself so as to clothe the entire body of each polypite, leaving bare only the mouth and tips of the tentacles. The chief differences which prevail among the polypites of the Corynidce have reference either to size or the disposition of their tentacula. The comparatively gigantic polypite of CoryTnorpha nutans, which attains a leng-th of 4*5 inches, is described by Forbes and Goodsir as presenting the appearance of a beautiful flower, nodding gracefully upon its stem (Jig. 16, a). Another species of the same genus, C. nana, does not exceed '5 of an inch in length, though this, in its turn, is double the size of the tiny Vorticlava humilis (fig. 17, a). Still more minute are the delicate polypites of some species oi Eudendrium. In most members of the present group the general form of the polypite is more or less clavate. The tentacles exhibit several distinct modes of arrangement. In Tubularia and Gorymorpha a fringe of short appendages immediately surrounds the mouth of the polypite, from the base of which, close to the distal extremity of the coenosarc, arises a second circlet of much longer filiform tentacula, G 3 86 HYDROZOA. fewer in number than those of the upper row {fig. 9, a). Vorticlava, also, possesses a twofold series of tentacles, but here, those of the lower circlet are twice as numerous as the upper, which are five in number, short, stout, and capitate {fig. 1 7, 6). In Clava, Cordylophora {fig. 5,c), and GoTyne{fig. 1 7, Fig. 17. Various forms of Coeyniad^: — a and i, Vorticlava humilis ; c, four polypites of Hydractinia echinata, growing on a piece of shell; d, portion of 8yncoryne Sarsii, with medusiform zooids (p) budding from between the tentacles (t) of the polypite (0). (All, except a, magnified.) d\ the tentacles appear irregularly scattered along the sides of each polypite, though most abundantly towards its distal extremity. In Coryne the mouth is highly flexible, possessing the power of bending towards that tentacle which has seized the prey, and of converting itself, upon occasion, into a kind HTDROZOA. 87 of sucking disc. The polypites of the allied genus Stauridia are distinguished by the possession of two or more cycles of dissimilar tentacles, separated from one another by a considerable interval, each cycle including four tentacles ; the lower row fili- form, the upper whorl, or whorls, capitate, and placed at right angles to one another and the polypite. In Peiuiaria, there is a basal circlet like that of Tubularia, between which and the mouth of the polypite lie scattered numbers of shorter tentacles, resembling those of VoHiclava, In Myriothela, multitudes of wart-like tentacles crowd the whole surface of the- club-shaped, soli- tary, polypite. Similar to these are the tentacles of Acaulis, which exhibits, in addition, a basal series of long prehensile appendages. These, how- ever, disappear as the organism approaches ma- turity, so that this form may possibly be but a young condition of Myvioihela, A single series of rather long tentacles, inserted as in the fresh- water Hydra, arises at a short distance below the mouth in Trichydra, Clavatella, Peiigonimics, Bhneria, and Eudendrium. Some species of these genera seem to foreshadow an arrangement of the tentacles which in Hydradinia becomes sufficiently conspicuous. Around the mouths of the digestive zooids in this genus two rows of al- ternating tentacles are placed, so close to each other that they appear, at first sight, to constitute a single series ; the lower tentacula, which are shorter, projecting at right angles to the body of the polypite, from the axis of which the upper tentacles very slightly diverge. These, however, have no direct connection with the lonof tentacular appendages, arising directly from the coenosarc, to G 4 88 HYDROZOA. which allusion has already been made. Lastly, in Lav, each polypite supports but two tentacles, above which the mouth is furnished with a pair of wide projecting lobes, capable of being approxi- mated closely to each other, and serving, doubt- less, as efficient organs of prehension. The gonophores of the Corynidce vary not a little both in structure and mode of attachment. In Cordylophora, Perigonimus, Garveia, Bimeria, and some forms of Eudendrium and Atracfylis, they spring directly from the stem or branches of the coenosarc. In other species of the two last- mentioned genera they are seated either beneath the tentacles of the polypites, or on the summits of special branches, arising from the proximal region of the hydrosoma (fig. i6, b). In Myrio- thela, Acaulis, and Clavatella, the gonophores have their origin on the polypite, not far from its attached extremity: in Coryne and Stauridia, they are produced between the tentacles {fig. 1 7, d). In Co'iymorpha and some species of Tuhularia, they are supported on long branching gonoblas- tidia, inserted immediately within the basal circlet of tentacula {fig. 9, h) : in other Tuhidarice, T. calaiiiaris and T. Dumortierii, as also in the genus Fennaria, these long stalks appear to be absent. The arrangement of the reproductive bodies in Clava and Hydractinia has already been pointed out. In the closely allied genera, Dicoryne and Fodocoryne, they originate, in a somewhat simi- lar manner, on proper gonoblastidia, never on the ordinary polypites. But the proliferous stalks of Fodocoryne are furnished, each, with a mouth, and differ little from true polypites save in their smaller size and the possession of fewer tentacula. HTDROZOA. 89 Transitional forms of this kind should not, however, surprise us, when we consider the common bond, community of descent, which connects the two kinds of appendages in question. In the genera Ferigoninius, Atractylis, Pen' naria, Corymoiyha,Acaulis, Stauridiaf and some forms of Coryne, Tubular ia, and Eudendrium, the gonophores assume the aspect of free-swimming medusoids. In most other Corynidce they are fixed, exhibiting many remarkable gradations of structure. An intermediate condition is presented by the curious reproductive zooids of Clavatella, which, though locomotive, scarcely merit the ap- pellation of medusiform. They are described by ilr. Hincks as free polypoid buds, furnished with six forked processes, set round the margin of a central hemispherical disc, one limb of each fork being capitate, like the tentacles of the polypite itself, the other terminating in a peculiar sucker- like enlargement. By means of these organs the zooid, when detached, moves freely about, until finally it proceeds to mature its generative pro- ducts. The gonophores of Trichydra, Vorticlava, and Lav have hitherto remained unknown. Two families of Corynidce have been distin- guished, though the character employed to sepa- rate them appears to be somewhat artificial. Order COEYNID^. Family i. Coryniad^. Polypary absent, or rudimentary. Family 2. Tubulariad^. Polyjpainj well developed. 90 HTDROZOA. The entire order is sometimes denominated Tubularidcc, and agrees with the group Tubu- larina of Ehrenberg. 4. Order 3 : §ertularidap. — Like the mem- bers of the preceding order, all the Sertularidce, after the expiration of their embryonic condition, become permanently fixed by means of the hydro- rhiza which forms the proximal extremity of the coenosarc {fg. 4, c). In this group the tendency to increase by gemmation is even greater than among the Gorynidce, for no example of a Sertu- larid has yet been recorded in which the hydro- soma exhibits but a single polypite. The coenosarc is plant-like and, frequently, much branched, the main stem either losing itself in its own ramifica- tions or remaining distinct throughout the entire length of the arborescent mass. A good example of the latter mode of growth is afforded by the Sea-Fir, Sertidaria cupresslna, the hydrosoma of which may attain a height of two, or even three, feet, and bear on its branches so many as 100,000 distinct polypites. In contrast with this, the largest of our native species, may be mentioned the delicate Sertularia tenella, the length of whose slender creeping hydrosoma scarcely reaches one inch. The waving fronds of Oar-weed on various parts of the coast afford a suitable habitat to the anastomosing thread-like coenosarc of another char- acteristic species, Gampanularia geniculata fVfhich sends up at intervals its peculiar zig-zag branches, from the angles of which the polypite stalks arise. Other Sertularidce attach themselves to stones or shells, and not a few of the smaller forms occur parasitically on the stems of more conspic- HTDROZOA. 91 uous Species. Examples of this habit are afforded Fig. 1 8. i Morphology of Sertltlaeiad^ : — a, dried hydrosoma of Sertu- laria tricuspidata ; b, portion of the same ; c, fragment of the ccenosarc from a dead specimen of Halecium kalecinum ; d, gono- blastidium of H. Beanii ; e, three gonoblastidia of Sertularia argentca ; — ir', hydrotheca; k, ccenosarc; p\ gonoblastidium, (All, except a, magnified.) by the genera Coppinia and Reticularia, and by several of the true Sertularice, 92 HYDROZOA. The coenosarc, in all cases, excretes a very firm I chitinous polypary, usually of a pale horny colour, | which may either remain throughout in close conti- I guity with the ectoderm, or become separated from it at regular intervals, so as to impart an elegant ringed appearance to portions of the tree-like structure (y?(/. 19,6). This semi-transparent, horny, sheath persists long after the destruction of the soft parts of the organism, so that, among the larger species of Sertularidce, the peculiar form of the hydrosoma is sufficiently well seen in dried specimens. Here, therefore, the polypary differs from that of the Gorynidce in its firmer texture, but the most important distinctive feature of the present order is found in the occurrence of the hydrothecse ; organs which do not exist in any other group oi Hydrozoa {jig. 18, 6). The nature of these appendages has already been explained. Their numerous, often beautiful, diversities of form and mode of arrangement afford aids to the definition of the minor types of structure which occur within the limits of this circumscribed group. In CaTupanularia fastigiata the distal end of the hydrotheca forms, according to Mr. Alder, a sort of " operculum, which, when closed, slopes down on each side like the roof of a house, the two opposite angles forming the gables. When the operculum is fully open, the folds disappear, and the edges unite into a continuous rim round the top of the cell." The polypites of the Sertularidce, more minute than those of the Gorynidce, differ little from one another, either in form or the general arrangement of their tentacles. In Sertulariadce proper the polypites are sessile, while in the Campanulariadce IIYDROZOA. 93 each is elevated on a conspicuous stalk. An intermediate condition is presented by the genus Haleclum, the polypites of which are 'sub-ses- sile,' each hydrotheca being jointed to a short procef!s of the coenosarc {fig. 1 8, c). The tentacles, though apparently disposed. Hydra-like, in a single row below the mouth, are found, on close examination, to exhibit an indis- tinct alternate arrangement ; shght differences in length and position distinguishing those of the two series. The peculiar rough appearance which each tentacle presents resolves itself under the microscope, into rows of minute elevations, or * palpocils,' witliin which numbers of thread-cells are lodged. The tentacles are filiform, tapering gradually towards their free extremities. In Camjpanidina a delicate web-like extension from the body of the polypite unites these appendages for about a sixth of their entire length. Allusion has elsewhere been made to the nema- tophores, or characteristic organs of offence, noticed by ^Ir. Eusk in the genus Plumulai^ia, and one or two of its immediate allies. These singular appendages are well deserving of minute investi- gation. Their offensive nature seems proved by the abundance of thread-cells in their interior, coupled with the fact that certain species of Plu- mularia have been observed to sting wdth some severity. In Plumularia proper one of these organs arises on either side of each hydrotheca, while in Halicornaria they are situated, between the pol3^pites, on the general surface of the coenosarc. The reproductive organs vary, perhaps, less than those of the Corynida\ and are usually sup- 94 HTDROZOA. ported on the curiously modified gonoblastidia, whose structure has previously been described. Among the Campanulariadce they frequently assume the form of free-swimming medusoids; Fiff. 19. Morphology of Canpanxjlaeiadje : —a, Laomedea neglecta ; b, portion of the same; c, gonoblastidium of Camiyanularia voliobi- lis ; d, gonoblastidium of C. Jolmstoni ; e, gonoblastidium of C. syringa ; f, the same in an earlier stage ; g, upper portion of c, slightly compressed. (All, except a, magnified.) but in the Sertulariadoi seldom, if ever, become detached. In some Plumularioi the gonophores appear to be naked. In P. cristata the branch bearing these o-rgans undergoes a" curious metamorphosis IITDROZOA. 95 by the development from its opposite sides of alternate leaflets, which eventually arch over, and unite with one another, forming a basket-like receptacle, or ' corbula,' within which the repro- ductive bodies are lodged. In Sertularia pobjzonias and some other spe- cies only one gonophore, consisting of a simple closed sac, arises from the gonoblastidial column, and, by the protrusion of this sac beyond the orifice of the urn, an external capsule, or ' acro- cyst,' is formed, into which the ova are trans- ferred at a certain period of their development {Jig. 19, e,/, and^). In Camioanularia Loveni the ripe gonoblas- tidium displays at its summit the medusa-like gonophores already alluded to, whose form is, in many respects, so peculiar that Professor Allman has proposed to designate them by a distinct name, *meconidia' {Jig. 10). The reproductive elements of this species are developed, as in the Goi'ynidcv, between the ectoderm and endoderm of the manubrial wall, while in other Sertularidce, with medusa-like gonophores, they arise in the course of the calycine canals. The order Sertidaridce includes two families. Order SERTULARID^. Family i. Sertulariad^. Hydrothecce, and polypit^s, sessile. Family 2. Campanulariad^. Hydrothecoe, and polypites, stalked. A more extended acquaintance with the posi- tion of the nematophores may perhaps afford grounds for modifying this arrangement. 96 HTDEOZOA. 5. Or€ler4: Calyeophoricliip. — The members of the next order, Calycophoridcc, appear, at first sight, very dissimilar in aspect to the fixed Hy^ drozoa, which, nevertheless, in all essential cha- racteristics, they closely resemble, Diphyes, the type of the group, presents a delicate filiform ccenosarc, to the proximal extremity of which are attached two large, firm, mitrate, nectocalyces [fig. 20, a). To these appendages, which differ slightly in form, the distinctive terms of * proxi- mal ' and ' distal ' have been assigned. The former, as its name imports, precisely terminal in position, is furnished with a conical cavity running parallel with, but distinct from, its nectosac. Into this cavity is fitted the apex of the distal nectocalyx, along the inner surface of which it prolongs itself as a lengthened groove, with its sides arched over in such a manner as to form a more or less per- fectly closed canal. The cosnosarc, with its nu- merous appendages, freely glides up and down the peculiar chamber, or ' hydroecium,' thus produced, into which it can, upon occasion, be completely retracted. The ccenosarc itself dilates slightly towards its proximal extremity into a small ciliated chamber, which, narrowing above, becomes con- tinuous with a sac of larger size, termed the ' soma- tocyst.' This, too, is ciliated, its cavity appearing in most cases almost obliterated through excessive vacuolation of the endoderm. The somatocyst is firmly embedded in that portion of the prox- imal nectocalyx which forms the upper boundary of the hydroecium, while from the smaller ciliated chamber two ducts are given off, one to the distal, the other to the proximal nectocalyx, where each communicates with the small cavity common HTDROZOA. 97 to the nectocalycine canals. Along the sides of the coenosarc are placed the several appendages, con- Fig. 20. w Morphology of Caxycophobid* : — a, Diphyes appendiculata ; b, Vogtia pentacantha ; — v, proximal nectocalyx of DipAyes ; e', its posterior contour ; 6, its nectosac ; v", distal nectocalyx ; c", its nectosac ; |, somatocyst ; i, proximal portion of hydrcecium ; f, proximal extremity of coenosarc ; k, its distal extremity ; ir, polypite, with its tentacle ; v, v, nectocalyces of Vogtia ; ir, it, its polypites ; t, t, their tentacles ; 6, androphore ; w, gynophore. (Natural size.) sisting chiefly of polypites, tentacles, hydrophyllia, and organs of reproduction. Large specimens of II 98 HYDROZOA. Diphyes attain, when fully extended, a length of several inches, their coenosarc giving support to at least fifty distinct polypites. Of the great beauty of these, and other oceanic Hydrozoa, no description can adequately treat. So transparent, in many cases, is the delicate coenosarc, that its course upon distant inspection is revealed only by the bright tints of some of its appendages. A touch is often sufficient to separate it from the nectocalyces, which, from their size and firm consistence, con- stitute the most conspicuous portions of the or- ganism. Hence the origin of the generic name, Diphyes, devised by Cuvier, who regarded the two swimming organs as distinct animals, imperfectly united with one another. An unbranched, filiform, coenosarc occurs in all Calycophoridcc. In Hippopodias its proximal extremity lolds inwards to form a loop, so that the true position of the nectocalyces is thereby some- what confused. Of the many appendages to the coenosarc by far the most remarkable are those just mentioned. In accordance with the relative number, structure, and arrangement of these organs, the few genera of the order hitherto carefully examined may readily be identified and separated from one ano- ther ; as shown in the accompanying table. Artificial Arrangemext of CALYCOPHORIDiE. f Nectocalyces two in number ..... i Nectocalyces numerous, similar 4 A single, proximal, spheroidal, nectocalyx . Sphozronectcs. r Nectocalyces unlike in size and form .... 3 |_ Nectocalyces similar ..... Praya. i Proximal nectocalyx equal to, or larger than, 3 < the distal one ..... Diphyes. [ Proximal ncetocalj'x shorter than the distal Ahyla. HYBROZOA. 99 Nectocalyces horse-shoe shaped . . . Hipj^opodin.s. Nectocalyces concave externally, " and pro- duced into five points of which the three upper are much longer and stronger than the two lower." Vogtia. Pray a, Ilippopodkis, and Vogtia have * in- complete' hydroecia, the nectocalycine groove along which the coenosarc glides not forming, in these genera, a closed canal. In Praya, however, the two, nearly symmetrical, terminal nectocalyces have their open grooves so applied to each other as to form, by their apposition, a short tube (^fig. 4-, d). The polypifes and tentacles of the several genera of Calycoph.rldce present no very striking differ- ences of structure. Xot so, however, the hydrophyllia. Ahyla, the genus most closely allied to Biphyes, is distin- guished from tliat form not merely by its necto- calyces, but also in having thick, facetted, hydro- phyllia, the edges of which do not overlap one another. In Diphyes the hydrophyllia are folia- ceous, smooth externally, slightly convex, and folded so that their edges freely overlap. In Praya, " each hydrophyllium is a thick, gelatinous, and reniform body, bent upon itself, rounded and solid at one extremity, and divided at the other into a median thick and two lateral lamellar lobes. The phyllocyst is prolonged into four ca3cal processes." But in Vogtia, Hippopjo- dius, and, perhaps also, Sphceroiiedes, these or- gans are absent altogether {fig. 20, h). The reproductive bodies of the Calycophovidce are always medusiform, and attached to the pe- duncles of their respective polypites. In Vogtia and Hippopodms the manubrium attains a large H 2 100 HYDROZOA. size, extending far beyond the margin of the short gonocalyx. In other genera the reverse is usually the case, the manubrium being shorter than the swimming cup within which it is suspended. Each gynophore, when fully developed, appears to con- tain several ova. In most Calycojphoridce, except Diphyes itself, both male and female reproductive appendages appear on the same hydrosoma. Four families of Ccdycophoridce have been de- fined by Professor Huxley. Their characters we subjoin. Order CALYCOPHOKID^, Family i. Diphyd^. Galycophoridce with not more than two, polygonal, nectocalyces. Proximal hydroeoium complete. Hydrophyllia. Family 2. Spu^ronectid^. I Galycophoridce with probably not more than two nectocalyces; the proximal one being spheroidal, with a complete hydroecium. No hydrophyllia? Family 3. Prayidjs. .Galycophoridce with only two nectocalyces, whose hydrcBcia are both incomplete. Hy- drophyllia, > Family 4. Hippopodiid^. ■ Galycophoridce with many nectocalyces, )vhose hydroecia are incomplete. No hydro- phyllia,, The same naturalist has proposed the distinctive term of ^Diphyozooids' for those singular detached reproductive portions of adult Galycophoridce which received the name of '* monogastric Diphy- HTDROZOA. 101 cZoe" from earlier observers. Their true nature was first demonstrated by R. Leuckart, who several times witnessed the separation of these bodies from a well-known species of Ahyla. Groups of organs became detached from the cceno- sarc, each group consisting of a hydrophyllium, polypites, tentacles, and gonophores, with a small portion of the coenosarc itself. More frequently, however, the actual detachment of the Diphyozooid has not yet been observed, so that the precise origin of many still presents a subject for inquiry. Pend- ing further investigation, it seems right to designate such forms by provisional generic and specific names, of which not a few have already been con- ferred. 6. Order 5: Physophoridae. — The Physo- phoridce differ much more among themselves than do the members of the order just mentioned. All, however, agree in having the proximal end of the coenosarc modified to form the pneumatophore, or float, which presents so characteristic a feature in the physiognomy of these animals. The cavity of this pneumatophore is a simple enlargement of that of the coenosarc, the walls of both being directly continuous. To the apex of the cavity is attached a firm, elastic, apparently chitinous sac, known as the ' pneumatocyst,' containing a greater or less proportion of air. A layer of endoderm, reflected from the pneumatophore, invests the whole outer surface of its contained pneumatocyst, which is thus completely cut off from the somatic cavity below. The lower extremity of the pneumatocyst is usually, if not always, entire. Its apex, though most fre- quently closed, is open in Pkysalia and Rhizophysa, H 3 102 HYDBOZOA. and, the free extremity of the pneumatophore being likewise perforate, a communication exists, in these genera, between the cavity of the pneuma- tocyst and the surrounding medium. In Rhizo- jjliysa, moreover, peculiar long branched processes freely depend from the distal surface of the pneu- matocyst. Each process consists of a layer of the investing endoderm containing in its axis clear cel- l^form bodies, -02 of an inch long, each of which includes an opaque oval endoplast, about -i-th of these dimensions, and this, in its turn, a more mi- nute particle or nucleolus, oval or circular in form, and 'OOoSth of an inch in diameter. In Agahna and Forshalia radiating membranous partitions connect the walls of the pneumatophore with those of the pneumatocyst, below which each terminates in a free arcuated edge. In Velelia and Forpita the pneumatocyst is furnished with several open- ings, or stigmata, communicating with the exterior, while to its distal surfa^ce are attached a number of long slender processes enclosing air, and hence termed the ^ pneumatic filaments.' Excepting the presence of the pneumatophore and the absence of a somatocyst, the general plan of structure in these Hydrozoa differs little from that of the Calycophoridw. In Apolemia, as in Dipliyes, the numerous groups of appendages are supported at intervals along a slender, unbranched, connecting stem. Physophora, the type of the order, has a filiform, but comparatively short, coe- nosarc, terminated proximally by a pneumato- phore of moderate size, below which the greater portion of its length is occupied by a double series of nectocalyces, each alternating with its successor on the opposite side, and deeply grooved HTDROZOA. 103 on its inner face for attachment to the coenosarc, [jir). 22, h). The distal extremity of the latter forms an expanded bulb, above which are disposed, in a spiral or circular manner, the various appen- dages; consisting of polypites, tentacles, hydrocysts, and organs of reproduction. Of these the hydro- C3'sts are uppermost, or external; next come the polypites, with a tentacle at the base of each, between, or above, which the gonophores, of both sexes, are arranged. The usual length of Fhyso- phora is about two inches. The typical genus just described may advan- tageously be contrasted, on the one hand, with such forms as Apolemia or Halistemma, on the other, with the mdely different, though equally aberrant, genera, Porpita and Velella. In Halistemma ruhrum the appendages are attached to a thread-like stem, nearly forty inches in length, having a float of only three or four lines in its longest diameter, close beneath which the swimming-bells, about sixty in number, extend in two parallel rows for a distance of six or seven inches. The remainder of the coenosarc is occupied by the polypites, tentacles, hydrocysts, bracts, and reproductive buds, all associated in one continuous series. Especially conspicuous, from their bright vermilion hue, appear the complex ten- tacular sacculi, while fainter longitudinal bands of the same colour mark the hepatic striae of the polypites, whose size, in this genus, is considerable. The general aspect of this most i)eautiful, yet withal, extraordinary being, has been compared by Vogt, its discoverer, to that of a delicate, trans- parent garland of flowers, endowed, in a marvel- lous manner, with life and activity. 104 HYDROZOA. Far different is the physiognomy of Velella, whose coenosarc appears almost wholly lost in the horizontal, or slightly convex, rhomboidal pneu- matophore, which distinguishes this singular genus. The proximal surface of the pneumatophore is traversed diagonally, from one of its angles to the other, by an upright, triangular crest, which, in common with the horizontal disc, consists of a soft Fig, 21. <^m Morphology of Velella : — a, Vclclla spirans, somewhat en- larged ; h, one of its smaller polypites, much magnified ; — u, crest ; A, liver ; o, mouth of polypite ; 8, its digestive cavity ; tp, rounded elevations, containing tliread-eells ; p, medusiform zoiiids. marginal membrane, or " limb," bounding the "firm part," or central portion {fig. 2i, a). To the distal surface of the firm part of the disc are attached the several appendages; including (i) a IITDIIOZOA. 105 single large polypite, nearly central in position ; (2), numerous small gonoblastidia, which resemble polypites, and are termed ' phyogemmaria ' ; and, (3), the reproductive bodies to which these last give rise (6). The tentacles are attached, quite independently of the polypites, in a single series along the line where the firm part and limb of the disc unite. There are no hydrocysts, necto- calyces, or hydrophyllia. The average length of Velella may be estimated at two inches, its heicfht at one inch and a half. The entire or- ganism is semi-transparent and tinged with an ultramarine blue, which changes to a deeper shade in the tentacles and limb of the disc. On closer examination the firm part is seen to enclose a hard, shell-like, pneumatocyst, con- sisting of a horizontal division, included within the disc, and continuous with the simple solid vertical plate, which gives support to the sail or crest. The upper surface of the pneumatocyst is crossed at right angles to the direction of the crest by a linear diagonal groove, indicated on its under surface by a slightly elevated ridge, " while a longitudinal depression, increasing in depth from the margins to the centre, corresponds with the attachment of the crest. The horizontal division of the pneumatocyst consists of two thin laminse, passing into one another at their free edges, and united by a number of concentric vertical septa, between which are corresponding chambers filled w^ith air. All these chambers communicate toge- ther by means of apertures in the septa. Of these each septum presents two, placed at opposite points of its circumference, and all nearly in the middle line of the pneumatocyst. Kolliker made 1 06 HTDROZOA, the interesting discovery that many of the cham- bers have an additional opening, by which they communicate directly with the exterior. These apertures are situated in the proximal or upper wall of the chambers, along a line about midway between that of the openings just described and that of the vertical plate of the pneumatocyst. Of the thirteen apertures observed by Kolliker, six lay on one side of the vertical plate and seven on the other; one aperture lies in the wall of the central chamber, the other six at tolerably even intervals between this and the margin. Conse- quently, as there are more than six concentric chambers, some of them must communicate with these stigmata only indirectly." To the under surface of the five or six innermost chambers are attached from ten to fifteen elongated hollow pro- cesses containing air, the pneumatic filaments already mentioned. But complicated as the pneumatocyst of Velella may seem, not less so is its curiously modified so- matic cavity. On all sides the limb is traversed by an anastomosing system of canals, which are ciliated, and communicate with the cavities of the phyogemmaria and large central polypite. Within the roof of the latter, close beneath the pneuma- tocyst, is lodged a peculiar brownish mass, the so- called liver. This, also, is furnished with a canal system of its own, which eventually becomes con- tinuous with the sinuses of the limb. In addition to the preceding organs Velella pos- sesses certain large " glandular sacs," for the dis- covery of which we are indebted to Vogt. He describes them as presenting a very curious minute structure, and as arranged in a single series around HTDROZOA. 107 the margin of the limb, to open on its dorsal sur- face, where they secrete a clear, viscid, mucus. The true nature of this mucus, whether excretory or lubricative, is still very imperfectly known. Thus the most striking modifications of the common plan of the Physo'phorldw depend on differences in the relative size and shape of the coenosarc and pneumatophore. Athorybia and PhysaUa have, like Velella and Porpita, a dispro- portionately large pneumatophore; but, in these ge- nera, it is globular or pear-shaped, not, as in those, discoidal. In PhysaUa, the true Portuguese Man- of-war of sailors, often wrongly regarded as the type of the present group, the float sometimes attains a long: diameter of eio:ht or nine inches; tentacles, several feet in length, being attached directly to the coenosarc along its under surface {jig. II, c). But, more frequently, the coenosarc is filiform, with a small pneumatophore ; and, ex- cept in the case of Rhizophysa, swimming-bells are also present. Xectocalyces and hydrophyllia are alike absent in Porpita, Velella^ Physalia, and Rhizopjliysa. Athorybia has hydrophyllia, without nectocalyces ; Physophora nectocalyces, but no hydrophyllia. All other genera possess these two kinds of appendages. The swimming-bells of the Physophoridce, when present, are more numerous than in the Galycopho- ridce, and, among the different genera, vary much in size, shape, and mode of attachment, as also in the relative proportions of the nectosac. Each fre- quently has its surface marked with grooves and ridges, and may send forth processes which serve to embrace the coenosarc, and connect it with its fellow of the opposite side. In some genera, more 108 HTDEOZOA. particularly Physophora itself, two of the necto- calycine canals, which coincide with what may be termed the medial plane of the coenosarc, remain, as usual, straight, while the two other, or lateral, vessels become convoluted in a most complicated manner before reaching the circular canal. As in the Calycophoridce, the common cavity of each nectocalyx is connected with that of the coenosarc by means of a tubular pedicle. The hydrophyllia present variations both in their structure, mode of attachment, and relations to the other appendages. They may be either foliaceous (Athorybia), or clavate {Apolemia), or thick and wedge-like, or even pyramidal (Agal- TYia) ; while their surface is liable to be diversi- fied with excavations and ridges, having smooth or serrate lateral margins. Their arrangement is, in general, more or less whorled. In Apolemia they are proximal to all the other appendages, in each separate group, and here, as in Halistemma and Stephanomia, they become connected with the coenosarc by more or less distinct peduLcles. In Agalma, the attached apex of each is pierced by a duct which terminates in a caecal phyllocyst, about the middle of the hydrophyllium, while its opposite end opens into the somatic cavity. In Forskalia the hydrophyllia are attached directly to the peduncles of the polypites. The graceful Athoryhia rosacea possesses from twenty to forty of these organs, inserted, in two or three circlets, immediately below the pneumatocyst, and above a much smaller number of polypites (fig. 22, a). In all other PhysophoiHdce with hydrophyllia, nectocalyces also are present ; but Athoryhia, though destitute of the latter appendages, has the HTDROZOA. 109 power of alternately raising and depressing its hydrophyllia, so as to render them agents of pro- pulsion. Fig. 22. Morphology of Physophobid^: — a, AthoryUa rosacea; b, Physophora Pkilippii; o, pneumatophore ; v, nectocalyx; v\ rudi- mentary nectooalyx ; apical canal ; x, paragastric canal. The numerals i and 2 indicate the first and second bifurcations of the radial canals. being obliquely opposite one another, though placed on different sides of the body. Two other canals, the ' paragastric canals,' assume an upward course, parallel to and not far from the flattened sides of the digestive sac, but terminate csecally before quite reaching its oral extremity. A third pair of canals, much wider and shorter than those just mentioned, radiate from the funnel in a 146 A.CTINOZOA. horizontal or sligMly oblique direction, proceeding towards the bases of the pits in which the tentacles are lodged. Before gaining these, however, each ' radial canal ' divides into two branches, the secondary radial canals; each of these again into two others, and, thus, eight tertiary radial canals are formed, which run towards the equatorial region of the body, where they open at right angles into an equal number of longitudinal vessels, the ' ctenophoral canals,' whose course coincides with that of the eight locomotive bands. These canals end csecally both at their oral and apical extremities. If, now, a comparison be made between this nutrient system and that of Actinia, the digestive sacs of the two organisms are clearly seen to cor- respond ; in -form, in relative size, and mode of communication with the somatic cavity. The funnel and apical canals of Pleurobrackia, though more distinctly marked out, are the homologues of those parts of the general cavity which in Actinia are central in position and underlie the free end of the digestive sac. So, also, the para- gastric and radial canals may be likened to those lateral portions of the somatic cavity of Actinia w^hich are not included between the mesenteries. Lastly, the ctenophoral canals of Pleurobrackia ?ind the somatic chambers of Actinia appear to be truly homologous, the chief difference between the two forms being that while in the latter the body chambers are wide and separated by very thin partitions, they are in Pleurobrackia reduced to the condition of tubes ; the mesenteries which intervene becoming very thick and gelatinous, so as to constitute, indeed, the principal bulk of the ACTINOZOA. 147 body. lu both, the nutrient system is lined by a ciliated endoderm, the vibratory action of which serves to maintain a circulatory motion of the included fluid. The contractile tissues of the ectoderm may further assist such movements. And in Pleurobrachia, whose bilateral symmetry is more strongly marked than that oi Actinia, the nutrient fluid, as Agassiz has shown, is at times alternately impelled between the right and left sides of the somatic cavity. Very many curious modifications are presented by the canal system among the different genera of CfenopJiora, to some of W'hich reference will be made in the more particular account to be given of that order. Xo manducatory apparatus exists in the Acti- nozoa. The oral margin may, however, be some- what thicker and firmer than the surroundinof parts, or otherwise become altered in a23pearance ; and the cilia of the digestive sac may also differ from those which occur on other regions of the body. As in Actinia, one part of the digestive cavity may undergo some amount of modification, coloured granular masses appearing in its walls which have been supposed to indicate a liver. Such coloured cells in the Ctenoj^hora usually arrange themselves as vertical ridges which surround the innermost, or stomachal, division of the otherwise transparent digestive sac. ^lilne Edwards has also shown the existence in Cestum of another structure whose function is probably secretive. Between certain of the cili- ated bands and their corresponding ctenophoral canals; parallel to, and in close connection with L 2 148 ACTINOZOA. the latter, runs a tube occupied by a number of granular bodies, and giving off, at right angles to itself, a series of short vertical branches, which open along the line of the locomotive fringes to communicate with the surrounding medium. 4. Prehensile apparatus. — The tentacles of the Adinozoaf like those of the Hydvozoa, appear usually, if not always, as hollow appendages, in immediate connection with the somatic cavity, their walls being richly provided with thread-cells and consisting throughout of two layers, an ecto- derm and an endoderm. Among the Zoantharia, the tentacles vary ex- ceedingly in size and external form. Viewed from without, they are seen to arise, save in Eumenides, from the distal extremities of the polypes, between the mouth and the outer margin of the disc {figs. 33 — -35). Dissection shows them to be hollow processes in free communication with the somatic chambers, each of which is furnished with one or more of these appejidages. Their most usual form is that of a slightly curved, more or less tapering, cone, as in many species of the genus Actinia itself. But from this typical aspect there are very many aberrant modifications, Among the Alcyonaria, the tentacles are com- paratively short, closely arranged in a single cycle of eight around the mouth of each polype, their margins being produced into a number of lateral pinnas {fig. 26, a). These last, according to Dana, are perforate at their free ends, the extremity of the tentacle itself being csecal ; but this statement is denied by Milne Edwards and others, who more correctly view the pinnae, in some genera at least, ACTINOZOA. 149 as destitute of distal orifices. The pinnae are very contractile, so as to vary in form from mere lobes or tubercles to long filiform fringes. But little diversity is exhibited by the tentacles of this order. Except in the distinctive characters just mentioned, they agree essentially with those of Actinia. The tentacles of the Ctenojphova are best des- cribed in connection with the general survey of the characters of that order. 5. Tesiinientary Or«;ans. — In but few Acti- nozoa do the tentacles appear to be processes of the ectoderm only. This layer, as we have seen in J. c^/?iia, exhibits a tendency to differentiate into two diverse planes of growth, which, with Professor Huxley, we may designate the ' ecderon ' and the ' enderon', respectively. Sometimes, however, this distinction is not observable. The ectoderm is usually ciliated, and in the Ctenophora becomes very thick and gelatinous, presenting a structure somewhat similar to that which occurs in the oceanic Hydrozoa. Gregenbaur describes the re- ticulating threads which traverse the periplastic mass as tubular in young Ctenophora, but, as groT\i:h advances, tending to become solid. Other minor histological modifications have been ob- served. The general surface of the body, smooth in most Ctenophora, is in Chiajea and a few other genera diversified at intervals by the elevation of numer- ous simple papilloe. And, in some Sea- anemones, it exhibits a number of clear warts or vesicles, each of which, according to M. Hollard, possesses a muscu- lar arrangement of its own, in connection with a sort of two-lipped mouth; so that a needle, or L 3 150 ACTINOZOA. other small foreign body, introduced into the vesicle, is quickly and tenaciously secured. In their natural situations these creatures are often completely covered by fragments of shell, gravel, or sand, attached to their bodies by a peculiar viscid secretion, in the production of which these warts are, perhaps, concerned. Or, the epidermic secretion may give rise to a distinct membranoid coat, protecting the integu- ment of the animal, from which it is at times cast off by what may be termed a process of sloughing. Such a membrane in Cerianthiis Mr. G-osse states to be " wholly composed " of altered cnidae, which intertwine one with another to form a wide tube, investing the entire surface of the column. Here the connection of the tube is so loose that it can at any time be removed without much inconvenience to the animal, but, in other genera, a more adherent covering may be found. In Adamsia the base excretes a delicate, somewhat chitinous membrane, which, upon occasion, may continue its growth beyond the attached outline of its possessor, and even form an artificial extension of the peculiar surface which this genus is wont to choose for its abode. The thread-cells of the Zoantharia have been studied with great care by Mr. Gosse, who dis- tinguishes four principal kinds of these bodies by the titles of ' chambered,' * spiral,' ^ tangled ' and ' globate cnidae.' The chambered cnidae (which are the most common) are of a long oval form, the ecthoroeum, which varies greatly in length, presenting in all cases, thecomplex armature characteristic of these minute weapons ; a number of delicate barbs, or ' pterygia ', being attached to I I ACTINOZOA. 151 a thickened band, the 'strebia', twisted in a screw-like manner around the basal portion of the thread. The tangled cnidse are relatively broader then the preceding, having a very long ecthorseum, loosely rolled up into a confused bundle. The spiral cnida3 present a much elongated, fusiform chamber, within which the thread lies coiled in a close regular spiral. Lastly, the so-called globate cnidse have been seen to push out at each end a cy- lindrical protuberance, sometimes equal in length to the cnida itself, which does not contain any thread. On the urticating organs of the Alcyonaria less attention has been bestowed. In general, they are of minute size and seem to resemble the tangled cnidse of the Zoantharia. In Sarco- dictyon they are aggregated on the tentacular pinnae in minute rounded swellings, homologous with the palpocils of the fixed Hydvozoa. The thread-cells of the Ctenophora present a peculiar structure. Each, in Pleurobrachia, ac- cording to Professor H. J. Clark, appears of a rounded or slightly napiform figure, and is covered externally by a single, dense, layer of very minute granules. From the summit of a broad conical projection on the inner surface of its otherwise uniformly thick, but rather delicate, wall, arises, in a very oblique direction, the simple thread, which, after making not more than seven or eight, equi-distant, spiral turns, set very far apart, ter- minates suddenly in what seems to be a free ending, precisely opposite its point of attachment. The thread is cylindrical, smooth, apparently solid, of firm consistence, and about eight or nine times the length of its envelope, from which it is set L 4 152 ACTINOZOA. free by the gapiug of the cell itself, around the thread's distal extremity. On the whole it seems safe to say that among the Actinozoa the thread-cells exhibit a greater ten- dency to become collected in particular organs than has been shown to be the case with the Hydrozoa ; though we by no means wish to forget the tentacles or nematophores of the latter. The mesenteric cords of the Sea-anemones strikingly illustrate this, and, in the CtenopJiora, the urticating organs form a well marked layer on the outer surface of the tentacles and their lateral fringes. Parallel to, and agreeing in position with, these last, the twoi tentacles in Hoimiijpliora are furnished, as Gegen- baur has proved, with a number of very peculiar, bright yellow, appendages, one between from about every ten to fifteen of the ordinary side filaments. Each of these bodies, which serve as special recep- tacles for the thread-cells, is hollow, of a flattened fusiform, or lancet-shaped, form, with a short stalk of attachment, above which it is prolonged later- ally into several pairs of tubular processes, which gradually diminish in length, and finally vanish altogether, before reaching its free, simply taper- ing, extremity. Pigment-masses, irregularly scattered in some Actinozoa, are in others combined so as to form more or less definite layers, which may readily be examined in the commoner species of Sea- anemones. In the substance of the body-wall and tentacles, outside the muscles of the mesen- teries, or even in the digestive tube itself, such interrupted layers of colouring-matter have been observed. The exquisite roseate tint of some Ctenophora ACTINOZOA. 153 is due to the presence of pigment-streaks or less regular stellate masses, in various parts of the ectoderm. 6. Coralliim or S»keleton. — Intimately con- nected with the tegumentary organs of these animals, under which head, indeed, it might with- out impropriety be described, is the so-called skeleton, or ' corallum ', with which so many of them are furnished. The term coral, or corallum, is properly re- stricted, in zoology, to the hard structures deposited in the tissues, or by the tissues, of the Actinozoa. Any form of this class which possesses such a framework is called a ' Coral '. All Actinozoa are not coralligenous. The Cteno- phora and several species of Zoantharia deposit no corallum. On the other hand, the order Rugosa is kno^vn only from the remains of extinct Corals. Of coral structures there are two principal kinds, which must be carefully distinguished from one another. First, the ' sclerobasic ' corallum, a true tegumentary excretion, formed by the conversion of successive growths from the outer surface of the ecderon. Secondly, the * sclero- dermic ' corallum, which better merits the name of skeleton, deposited, as it is, within the tissues of the animal, and, in all probability, by the en- deron. The sclerobasic corallum is by Mr. Dana termed " foot secretion " ; the sclerodermic, " tissue se- cretion ". Let us first notice the sclerobasic corallum, which is found only in certain budding composite 154 ACTINOZOA. Actinozoa, Most frequently its texture is simply corneous, but in Corallium proper and a few other forms, it becomes calcareous by deposition ; and in Hyalonema and Hyalopathes, if these be true Actinozoa, it is siliceous. In Isis and Mojpsea it consists of alternately disposed calca- reous and horny segments, thus, as it were, com- bining strength with a yielding pliancy. In Isis branches are developed from the calcareous, in Mopsea from the horny segments of the sclero- basis. Melitcea presents a like structure, save that, in it, the corneous segments are replaced by others which assume a porous and suberous as- pect. Section of a sclerobasis shows it to be, in some cases, solid or nearly so; in others, distinctly resolvable into concentric layers, which serve, also, to illustrate the manner in which it has been produced; while, more rarely, it is composed of an aggregation of separate fibres. Two principal modifications of form distinguish the sclerobasis. In some Actinozoa it constitutes a free axis, virgate or pinnately divided, and varying much in composition and thickness. In others it is attached, simple or branched, and often singularly plant-like in physiognomy, as in those Gorgonidce to which the name of Sea-shrubs has been applied. The relations of such structures to the soft parts of the animal are, with little difficulty, discerned. The sclerobasic corallum is, in fact, outside the bases of the polypes and their con- necting coenosarc, which, at the same time, receive support from the hard axis which they serve to conceal. Thus the coenosarc of these corals ap- ACTINOZOA. 155 pears as a soft, fleshy covering, from which the several polypes arise, their somatic cavities freely communicating one with another. Far different in its nature is the sclerodermic corallum, deposited, as above stated, within the bodies of polypes, which, in some cases, remain separate, but, in others, multiply by continuous gemmation. And, just as the whole body of an Actinozoon is made up either of one polype or of several united by a coenosarc, so, too, may the fully developed sclerodermic corallum consist of a single ' corallite ' or of several connected by a * coenenchyma '. The parts of a typical corallite are these {jig. 28). First, an outer wall, or 'theca', somewhat cylindrical in form, terminating distally in a cup-like excavation, or * calice ', and having its central axis traversed by a ' columella '. The space between this and the theca is divided into ' loculi ', or chambers, by a number of radiating vertical partitions, the ' septa '. These do not, in certain instances, quite reach the columella, but are broken up into upright pillars, or * pali ', arranged in one, two, or three circular rows, termed ' coronets '. All the preceding parts are best brought into view by transverse section. Longitudinal division of a corallite shows, fre- quently, the existence of imperfect transverse partitions, or 'dissepiments', which, growing from the sides of the septa, interfere, to a greater or less extent, with the perfect continuity of the loculi. Sometimes the septa have their "sides covered with styliform or echinulate processes, which, in general, meet so as to constitute nume- rous ' synapticulge ', or transverse props, extending 156 ACTINOZOA. across the loculi like the bars of a grate." In other cases, the dissepiments are replaced by the development of successive horizontal floors, or * tabulae ', which do not grow from the septa^, but Fig, 28. I Morphology of Zganthajiia sclerodeemata : — A diagram- matic section of a living corallite. A, digestive cavity ; B, its com- munication with the somatic cavity ; r, intermesenteric chamber ; r', mesentery ; A, tentacle ; E, mouth ; Z, ectoderm ; H, endo- derm ; 0, epitheca ; I, sclerobase ; K, theca ; A, septa ; M, palu- lus ; N, columella ; O, dissepiments ; n, tabulae ; P, ccEnenchyma. (The septa should be seen between the dissepiments, but are left out for distinctness' sake.) extend, without interruption, across the entire space bounded by the theca. On the outer surface of the latter may occur 'costse', or vertical lines, corresponding in position to the septa within; ' exothecae ', which arise from the sides of the ACTINOZOA. 157 costoe, thus representing the dissepiments ; and a continuous layer, or ' epitheca ', consisting of the coalesced, external, indications of tabulae. It needs scarcely to be stated that an organism producing such a structure as the foregoing must closely have resembled, in every essential respect, the Actinia^ or typical polype, previously de- scribed. The relations of the septa and pali to the mesenteries, of the theca to the column wall, of the columella to that part of the enderon which forms the floor of the somatic cavity below the digestive sac, are, indeed, sufficiently obvious. The septa, too, like the mesenteries, are primary, secondary, and tertiary, according to their degree of approximation to the columella ; the primary septa alone being in direct contact therewith. All these parts are, in the living animal, completely concealed by the soft integuments : the digestive sac, and much of the somatic cavity, especially its upper portion, performing, as in the soft-bodied species, their proper nutrient and reproductive functions (Jifj. 33). In a similar manner is the coenench3^ma de- posited within the coenosarc {fig. 28). It may be united with the corallites at their bases only, thus forming a creeping expansion or stalk, or become connected with them throughout the greater por- tion of their height. There are even cases in which the corallites appear sunk amid a very abundant coenenchyma, while, in others, the same structure is but sparingly developed. The relative distance of the corallites from one another is also subject to much variation. But the typical structure of the coral lite above described does not admit of being studied in any 158 ACTINOZOA. single species. Its, nearest approach, as Milne Edwards has stated, is found in the genus Acervu- laria, which wants, however, synapticulse and columella, the pali, also, being rudimentary. This genus is a member of the extinct order Ru-gosa, in which the sclerodermic corallum may, per- haps, be said to attain its most remarkable deve- lopment. Both septa and tabulae here occur in the same corallite, the former being always ar- ranged in multiples of four. Fig. 29. COLTJMNAEIA FrANKLINTI. Portion of corallum, of the natural size. Among the sclerodermic Zoanthavia tabulae and septa are scarcely known to co-exist, a special section of this group, Tabulata, being distin- guished by the nearly exclusive possession of the former (^fig. 29). In two other large divisions, the Aporosa and Perforata, including several families, septa, in sets of five or six, normally occur, and in some are associated with dissepiments, more rarely with synapticulse. In a fourth section, ACTINOZOA. 159 Tubulosa, the septa are indicated by mere streaks ( fig. 36, c). And in the Tubiporidw, a family of Alci/oimria, sei^tii are absent; each corallite be- ing a simple tube, connected with the thecse around it "by horizontal plates, which represent the inner transverse floors of the Tabulata {fig.30). Fig. 30. TUBIPORA MUSICA* Fragment of corallum, of the natural size. From the Tubijooridcc to other Alcyonaria in which the corallum, though sclerodermic, soon ceases to present traces of thecae, a transition, not very abrupt, may be effected. Such intermediate stages, though not of much value to the sys- tematic zoologist, are of great interest in a mor- phological point of view, since they show well the manner in which the complete sclerodermic co- rallum has been formed ; thus at once illustrating its minute structure and the several stages of its development. In Telestho, the corallum is made 160 ACTINOZOA. up of a number of branching tubes, which are not, as in all the preceding forms, perfectly calcareous. In Cornularia and its allies a corallum, never wholly tubular or of a firm calcareous consistence, has yet been detected ; and in Sarcodictyon masses of spicules only can be observed. In some species of Alcyonidce proper, the spicules attain a com- paratively large size, and become aggregated into definite nodular masses. These ' dermosclerites ', as Milne Edwards has shown, are of two principal kinds, the fusiform, and the irregular. The for- mer are somewhat cartilaginous in consistence, and have their surface studded with slight asperi- ties. The irregular nodules are stronger and more decidedly calcareous, presenting six faces, each, in general, furnished with a tubercular enlargement, which sometimes prolongs itself into a number of spines, bearing on their sides other secondary tubercles. By the coalescence of such masses and the deposition of more minute particles among their interstices, a thecal corallum, in other Acti- nozoa, at length comes to be formed. In Alcy- onium itself the spicules, though numerous, are not of large size, and are most conspicuous in the column wall below the margin of the disc. Re- turning to the Zoantharia we find, in the genus Zoanthus, a spicular corallum still more feebly developed than that of Alcyonium. In many of the Sea-anemones no spicules have been observed, though traces of a corallum are not, even in these, absolutely lost. Finally among the Ctenophora we in vain search for the faintest indications of its existence. From what has been said it were easy to infer that but little minute structure would be presented ACTINOZOA. 161 by the perfect scl-erodermic corallum. Its decalcifi- cation, liowever, reveals delicate shreds of the periplastic substance by which it had been de- posited, usually exhibiting an irregular reticulating arrangement. The * sclerenchyma/ or coral tissue, presents every gradation between this nearly solid condition and the spicular stage permanently ex- emplified in Ah'i/onium. Thus, in the Aporosa, it is iirm and compact; in the Perforata, porous and granular, or even spongy and reticulate. In the accompanpng table the chief modifica- tions of the corallum, from an artificial point of ■y;iew, are systematically exhibited. It must not, however, be supposed that the presence of a sclerobasis renders the deposition of tissue secretions wholly impossible, for, among the GorcjonidcB it is certain that, in addition to the basal corallum, true sclerodermic spicules appear, within the substance of the investing mass. When such a Gorgonia is dried, and the soft parts washed away, a thin layer of calcareous sjDicules will be found gently adhering to the brown, horny sclerobasis below. i\i. Valenciennes has proposed to distinguish five kinds of these spicules, or *sclerites,' by the names of capitate, fusiform, massive, stellate, and squamous, respectively. KEY TO MODIFICATIONS OF COEALLUM. Corallum wholly sclerodermic. Corallum thecal, calcareous. Tabulae present. Septa in X of 4 Eugosa. Septa in x of 5 or 6, rudimentary or absent Tabulata. Tabulae absent. Septa weU marked, in x of 5 or 6. SclerenchjTna porous. . . . Perforata. M 162 ACTINOZOA. Sclerench}Tna imperforate. . Apobosa. Septa indicated by mere streaks. The- cse pear-shaped, in some connected by a basal, creeping coenenchyma. . Tubulosa.. Septa absent, Thecse crowded, cylin- drical, united at various heights by distinct, horizontal epithecae. . TuBiPORiDa^ Corallum spicular or, if thecal, corneous or sub-calcareous. Spicules numerous, in some replaced, either wholly or in part, by an imper- fect, tubular corallum. . . . Axcyonidje. Spicules scanty, or replaced by particles of sand Zoanthid^. Corallum sclerobasic. Sclerobasis spinulous or smooth. . . Z. Sclerobasica. Sclerobasis sidcate. Sclerobasis attached proximally. . Gorgonid^. Sclerobasis free Pennatuledje. 7. IVInseular ISysteni and Or@;ans of liOCO- mction. — Reference has already been made to the muscular system of Actinia. A like apparatus, presenting, however, some differences of detail, appears to become differen- tiated from the general periplastic substance in most other Zoantharia and Alcyonaria. But the power of altering the position of the body by the slow alternate contractions of a normally attached base is possessed only by those Zoantharia to which the name of Sea-anemones is usually applied. Their non-adherent allies, such as Ediuardsia and Cerianthus, have a highly contractile column- wall, capable of greatly varying its length, and of executing movements, for the most part, of a feeble worm-like character. The Alcyonidas and ACTINOZOA. 163 Gorgon'idce are permanently fixed, as are also many of the higher coralligenous Actinozoa, es- pecially those which multiply by continuous gem- mntiou. Others, however, and these chiefly the simpler forms, are free, but, like the unattached Pennatuliihc, not truly locomotive. Yet in the greater number of the Actinozoa each polype, though fixed, is contractile to some extent, shrink- ing down under irritation, and again unfolding itself at pleasure, while, among the Alcyonaria^ with a few exceptions, it is also retractile into the fleshy substance of the coenosarc. Even this, too, has its own share of contractility, most evident in those sj^ecies which possess an elastic sclerobasis. Thus, on the South American coast, Mr. Darwin observed a Sea-pen which, on being touched, forcibly drew back into the sand some inches of its compound, polj'pe-covered, mass. All the Ctenophora are free-swimming animals, but doubt yet hangs over the nature of certain exceptional Zoantharla, reputed to be of similar habit. The apical extremity of the genus Minyas and its allies is represented by Lesueur and Lesson as dilated into a large air-sac, excavated beneath the floor of the somatic cavity, and furnished be- low with an opening into the surrounding medium. By means of this sac the creature is said to float without effort, its oral disc being turned down- wards; but further observations on its structure are much wanting. Again, the Arachnactis albida of Sars, possesses, according to Professor E. Forbes, not merely the power of smmming like a Medusid, but " it can convert its posterior extremity into a suctorial disc, and fix itself to bodies in the man- ner of an Acilicia.''' But the aspect of the tentacles 164 ACTINOZOA. in this organism strongly suggests the possibility of its being an immature form, nor is the suspicion weakened by the discovery of Haime, that the young of Ceriaiithus, while resembling AracJt- nadis in physiognomy, enjoys a similar oceanic mode of life. The muscular fibres of the Actinozoa are in- teresting to the histologist, as wanting, among many forms, those distinct transverse striie, which, elsewhere, they so frequently present. Such strisB are not, however, always absent. In the body- substance of this class we have, in truth, obvious transitions from a simple contractile periplast to muscular fibres, Vv^hich in no essential respect differ from those of various invertebrate animals. In the typical Ctenophora, the contractile tissues appear to be disposed in two principal sets; a transverse or circular, and a longitudinal. Some Zoantharia employ their tentacles as aids to locomotion, though neither in these nor in the Alcyonaria can it rightly be said that special motile organs exist. Of this nature, however, are the ' ctenophores,' or ciliated bands, which constitute so obvious a feature in the physiognomy of the Ctenophora. The normal number of these bands would seem to V>e eight, though in Gestmn, and one or two other forms, their typical structure and arrangement is somewhat modified. Each ctenophore is of a much elongated ovate form, widest at the equa- torial region of the body, and tapering gradually to end in a point at some distance from the oral and apical poles ; slight differences in degree of approximation to these parts, and such-like minor characters, distinguishing the ctenophores of the ACTINOZOA. 165 several genera. The surface of the ctenophore is transversely elevated at intervals throughout the greater portion of its length into a number of successive ridges, to each of which a row of strong cilia is attached in such a manner as to form a paddle-like plate, or comb, the free extremities of the cilia remaining separate. The cilia are not all of equal length, those of the middle portion of the comb usually having the advantage in this re- spect, while the cilia on either side symmetrically correspond ; their degree of elongation varying so as to impart to the edge of the entire comb a gently curved outline, when seen at rest. This is, indeed, seldom the case during the life of the animal, throughout which the combs manifest an astonishing amount both of simultaneous and successive activity. Nay, even after death, de- tached portions of these creatures, bearing frag- ments of the ctenophores, exhibit for many hours no apparent diminution of their ordinary vibratile efficiency. 8. Nervous System and Or$irans of lienf^e. — In no Actinozoa, save the Gtenophora, has good evidence of the presence of a nervous system or organs of sense yet been obtained. Nor should this appear surprising, for the sensitivity which, in more highly differentiated organisms, has its course restricted to definite tracks, is here diffused, in a less appreciable manner, through the more general and comparatively ill-developed tissues of the body. The white or blue marginal sacs of some Actiniae, and the body-warts in allied species, have, it is true, been regarded as sensitive in function, and the former have even been dignified M 3 166 ACTINOZOA. by the title of rudimentary eyes. The radiating system of ganglia and nerve-fibres which Spix described as existing within the base of Actinia has not come under the notice of other observers. But in the Ctenophora occurs a well-marked sense-organ, the 'ctenocyst,' upon whose precise function, whether oculiform or auditory, naturalists are far from being agreed. Such differences of opinion are in truth based on the prejudices which most anatomists acquire from a too exclusive attention to the structural peculiarities which the higher animals present. The ctenocyst, in all probability, neither sees nor hears, but would seem to be the localised recipient of those obscure general impressions to which its lowly-organised possessor is capable of responding. The ctenocyst occupies a central position amid the soft substance of the ectoderm, immediately within the apical pole of the body. In form it is ovate or spherical, smooth externally, but, in some cases, invested with an adventitious layer of pig- ment granules. Its wall appears to be very firm and elastic, so as quickly to recover its proper figure, should this be changed in accordance with the ordinary contractions of the body. Within, the ctenocyst is hollow, and apparently distended with a fluid. In the midst of this fluid lie a number of rounded or polyhedral concretions, semitransparent, colourless or somewhat tinted, occasionally coa- lesced into a single mass, and composed, probably, of carbonate of lime. Each granule is little more than '0003 of an inch in diameter. The concre- tions appear subject to a peculiar vibratory move- ment, but some observers have disputed the fact of its occurrence. ACTINOZOA. 167 The nervous system of the Ctenophora consists either of a single ganglion or of a pair of ganglia closely approximated, giving origin to a number of delicate nerve-like cords. The ganglion lies deeply seated within the pyramidal mass of ecto- derm included between the apical canals, towards the narrow extremity of which its apex is directed, while its base rests upon the surface of the cteno- cyst. In form it is sub-pyriform or bluntly conical : anatomically, it seems resolvable into a thin tran- sparent w^all, enclosing granular contents ; in colour, it is most frequently pale 3^ellow. From this central mass issue two principal series of nervous cords, one of which arches inwards towards the walls of the digestive cavity, and, in some cases, separates into four sets or bundles to supply the principal regions of the body. The nerves of the second series, usually eight in number, are distributed along the rows of swimming combs so as to lie between the latter and their corresponding canals. These cords appear dilated at intervals into numerous minute ganglionic enlargements, giving off secondary filaments, one for each of the ciliated plates ; an arrangement, which, if corrobo- rated by subsequent investigations, would go far to throw some light upon the singular and quasi- independent movements which these combs per- form in the living animal. There is still, however, much diversity of opinion as to the true interpre- tation of the parts just described. Kolliker, while recognising in Chiajea the presence of delicate cords extending from comb to comb, expresses himself, nevertheless, as very doubtful of the ex- istence of a nervous system in any of the Cteno- phora which he had himself investigated. Agassiz M 4 168 ACTINOZOA. is equally sceptical. On the other hand, the careful observations of Will, Milne Edwards and, more recently, of Gegenbaur, point to an opposite con- clusion. Somewhat similar are the views of Frey and Leuckart. All the preceding writers are un- animous in rejecting the prior account of the nervous system of Fleurobrachia given by Grant, who describes a double nervous ring surrounding the mouth, in the course of which he thought he could detect eight ganglia, each giving off on either side two fibres and a fifth larger filament, traceable onwards beyond the middle of the body. Yet this description, when carefully considered, is less irreconcileable with the views expressed on the same subject by other observers than seems to be usually supposed. Certain curious appendages, which possess, per- haps, a tactile function, have been observed by E. Wagoner in two genera of Ctenophova, Beroe and Pleurohrachia. These organs appear as long hair-like threads, which arise from either side of the ctenophores along their whole length, and form around each pole of the body a sort of wreath, composed of several concentric rings. The threads have not been seen to exhibit any inde- pendent movements. Each swells once or twice in the course of its length into a smooth or angular, rounded or flattened, expansion, the entire surface of which is abundantly beset with minute stalked knobs. In some threads smaller swellings, want- ing the capitate stalks, take the place of those just noticed. Occasionally the threads branch and, instead of ending in points, terminate in dilatations of a like nature to those which inter- rupt their filiform axes. ACTINOZOA. 169 9. ]fepro«1uetive Organs. — The reproduc- tive organs, in most Alcyonaria and Zoantharia^ agree, both as to position and striictiire, with the same parts in Actinia; each spermarium or ova- rium consisting of a prolongation of the peritoneal membrane which clothes the sides of the mesen- teries, and forms along their free edges a double band, within which true generative elements are produced {Jiiv ovaL elongated, without oral lobes. Tentadts al:»>ent. Here ^e Lave slightly modifei :if "t-_- 15 :f G-egenbaur, at the same ri^r ii- : _ 1 : appears to be the most iianir.il s-r .7_ t : :_t several femilies. The gronp OiUi :_::-- f :r the present be c>jusiderai as merelj j : — , _ _ . Tne four other divisions of C'.erv'r^-:'^? 'L:.~r ':rr- :r?ently elevated by Agassiz t. " - . : - - : rdersj and the entire numc«er 0: :_: _ . . t v . to ten. This arrangement, however. rT-r-ir _ advantaore over the more sini^lf :.:: " -^ - : 1 ; ..r a^i opted by G-egenbanr. wLiL. i_ . . . i_.:^- be regarded as an iniprc"r ; :.._-...:.:_ .: -Jif prior elassidcation of Eschs:^ .::. Si-m-K IT. I Relations^ to Phy^ieal Elements. — All the A:::-.::- :ire niAriLf, 2. Bathyxuetrical Disitribotion — I'r.n-he whole it Diay be sci:l -:. ;: -le .^ ^rr ^vr- abimdant between tide-iiiirks. -u:.i :-j-ciir mdee^ier 232 ACTINOZOA. waters, than the Zoantharia. Alcyonium has been met with at seventy fathoms, but, like Pennatula, is common in much shallower seas. From so great a depth as 240 fathoms a species of Virgu- laria, V. Fhimarchica, was dredged at Oxfjord by M. Sars, who also obtained, in the same locality, the widely different Briavemn grandiflorum, a low creeping Alcyonid, allied to Sarcodictyon. The Gorgonidce, in like manner, seem to prefer deep seas, Corallmm having been found at 120, and Gorgonia itself at nearly 200 fathoms. Though depths equal to or even exceeding those just mentioned have yielded many species of Zoantharia, Ulocyathus, for example, frequenting water of 200 fathoms, yet, in general, the members of this order are most abundant in seas of not more than 50 to 100 fathoms deep. The Actinidai and Madreporidw include those species which are most prone to descend below this limit. j\Iany of the Actinidw, it is well known, are numerous between tide-marks, the common Sea-anemone tending to encroach upon the line of high water. The shallow vertical rans^e of the reef-buildino: Actmozoa has already been sufficiently explained. Certain species are chiefly restricted to particular parts of the reef; Astvoeidce and Seriatoporidce choosing its more submerged portions, below the outer exposed edge, upon which Porites and its allies flourish. On the surface of the reef both Astroeidw and Fungidw may readily be distin- guished, the lab3ri'inthic form of Moeandrina, among other genera, being here especially con- spicuous. The soft-bodied non-adherent Zoantharia usually occur on muddy or sandy banks, at or ACTINOZOA. 233 near the level of low water. A few appear to be oceanic. Phllomedusa, a minute form, from the Brazilian seas, habitually seeks shelter beneath the swimmiuQ-oro^an of various Medusidce and Lucemarlda'. The bathymetrical distribution of the Cteno- phora, by reason of their oceanic habit, is scarcely amenable to observation. Some species, during the storms of winter, appear to seek considerable depths, on the return of spring again approaching to the surface. 3. Crcograiilascal Uistrilmtiois. — The Cfe- nopliova, Alcyonaria, and soft-bodied Zoantharia appear to be about equally abundant in tropical and temperate seas, many forms extending their rano^e to bio-h latitudes. Of corallio-enous Zoan- tharla two families, Tiivhlnolidce and Madrejjo- ridce, are not without northern and even arctic representatives, yet by far the majority of other sclerodermic species are seldom found to occur be3"ond the limits of the tropics. The reef-build- ing Corals, according to Dana, will not flourish in water wherein the mean winter temjDerature is lower than 66° F. So that on either side of the equator a zone of water sufficiently heated for the gro^\i:h of these Corals extends, the boundary lines of which have of necessity a somewhat contorted, irregular course, by reason of the varied com- binations of circumstances influencing the local distribution of heat. Even within these limits other external conditions, not less essential than a high temperature to the welfare of reef-build- ing Corals, are often absent. But when once the nature of these conditions has been carefully 234 ACTINOZOA. understood, the many apparent anomalies in the distribution of Coral-reefs, far from being, as some have stated, unaccountable, become in each case susceptible of their appropriate physical explanation. In the British seas about ten species of sclero- dermic Zoantliaria occur. The number of Medi- terranean Corals is much greater, though these, with few exceptions, are specifically distinct from those observed by Ehrenberg in the Eed Sea. The Mediterranean also yields two or three forms of sclerobasic Zoantliaria, a group apparently unknown in more northern seas. Corallium rubrum, the Eed Coral of commerce, would seem to be restricted to the same region, though other species of its genus have from time to time been dredged off Madeira and the Sandwich Isles. Of Actinozoa, which occur beyond the limits of the Mediterranean and North Atlantic Seas, our knowledge still remains very imperfect, save only in the case of the reef-building Corals and the more conspicuous forms of Ctenophora. The genera Cestum, Callianira, Galyminnaf Chlajeaf and Leu- cothea may be cited as examples of this order cha- racteristic of the tropical and warmer temperate zones. Ocyroe, an obscure but interesting Cteno- phorid, distinguished by the possession of two antero-posterior lobes, prolonged outwards at right angles to the true axis of the body, and which, when better known, may prove to be the imma- ture condition of some apparently dissimilar form, has a range not wider than the equatorial regions of the Atlantic. In high latitudes several Actinidce, a few Tiir- binolidcB and Madreporidw, together with various ACTINOZOA. 235 Alcyonaria and Ctenophora, of which one genus, Mertensia, is said to be exclusively arctic, chiefly represent the class. The Pennatulidce appear more numerous than other Alcyonaria around the northern colder temperate shores, seven spe- cies being named in the Norwegian fauna of Sars, while but three have yet been recorded as British. Umbel ltd aria, a very aberrant member of this family, which presents a rod-like coenosarc six feet in length, crowned with a spreading tuft of polypes at its summit, is only known from the published descriptions of two specimens, dredged from a depth of 236 fathoms, off the coast of Greenland, about the middle of the last century. Among genera of Actinozoa which enjoy a wide distribution. Actinia, Alcyonium, Zoanthus, and Gorgonia are perhaps best worthy of men- tion. To this list should be added the names of several forms of Ctenophora, than which few ma- rine animals appeared so well adapted to thrive under every variety of climatal conditions. Two genera in particular, Beroe and Pleurobrachia, are remarkable for their unbounded geographical area. With less confidence can the names of such Actinozoa as are restricted in their range be, at present, insisted on. Eenewed observations show that the number of extra-tropical genera, once thought to be peculiar to certain regions, must undergo considerable diminution. Of specific forms, however, not a few seem to characterise the various seas and shores to which they are confined. The existence of natural barriers, whether of land or deep water, exercises a marked influence on the distribution of the Actinozoa. The differ- 236 ACTINOZOA. ences between the East and "West Indian species of Corals, or between the several Atlantic and Pacific forms of the class, often curiously resem- bling one another under similar conditions of depth and temperature, but, in a large number of cases, specifically distinct, may thus be easily accounted for. Many genera of fixed Actinozoa, abundant in one hemisphere, are found wholly wanting in the other. To a less extent is this observation true of the soft-bodied or free-swim- ming species. Section V. RELATIONS OF ACTINOZOA TO TIME. 1. General History of Actinozoa. — 2. Historj' of Zoantharia. — 3. History of Kugosa. — 4. History of Alcyonaria. — 5, Silurian Corals. — 6. Devonian Corals. — 7. Carboniferous Corals. — 8. Per- mian Corals. — 9. Triassic Corals. — 10. Jurassic Corals. — 11. Cretaceous Corals. — 12. Tertiary Corals. — 13. Recent Actinozoa. I, Greneral IS istory of Actinozoa. — Acti- nozoa appear to have been numerous during each of the greater artificial geologic epochs. The hard parts of the coralligenous species only have been preserved. Hence the expressions "fossil Corals" and " fossil Actinozoa " may be used as syno- nymous. One order, Ctenophora, has no fossil represen- tatives. The Rtigosa, on the other hand, are wholly extinct. The accompanying table exhibits, from a general point of view, the relations to time of the prin- cipal groups of Actinozoa. Lists are appended of those orenera of Corals which rano,e through more than one geological period. ACTIXOZOA. 237 Chkonologicax Areangemext of ACTINOZOA. Names of Groups. Names of Periods. c 3 O u o CO >> c « •S .2 1 1 0. • 2 3 ! 1 c i Actinozoa Zoautharia — — — — — Malacodermata Sclerodermata — — Aporosa 1 — — — Turbinolidae Dasmidffi Oculinid?e Stylophoridae — — Astrseidce . — Echinnporidge Merulinidie Fungidge . — __ — — Perforata . Madreporidse — — — Poritidae . — — — — Tubulosa . . ? — Auloporidge ? — — Tabulata . — — — — Thecidse . Seriatoporidse — — — FaTositidffi — — — — — INIilleporidse — — — — _. — — — Sclerobasica . Antipathidffi — Eugosa — Cystiphyllidfe — _ Cyathophyllida ' — — — Cyathaxouidai — — Stavu-idfe . — Alcyonaria . ? Alcyonidffi II Tubiporidfe Ponnatulidse . 9 __ Gorgonidse i ? Ctenophora ! — 238 ACTINOZOA. PALEOZOIC COE.ALS, ^V^HICH OCCUE IN MORE THAJf OKE GeOLOGICAI- PeEIOD. , Names of Periods. Names of Genera arranged in order of their appearance. 1 J 1 i 3 0. 'S 1 Cystiphyllum — Syringophyllura Eridophylium Ptycliophyllura Aulacophyllum Heliolites . — — Psammopora Aulopora Cyathaxonia ? — Clisiophyllum Propora Cyathophyllum Zaphrentis . — — — Syringopora ., Favosites z — — Emmonsia , — Alveolites . __ Ch»tetes — Philippsastrea Lithostrotion — — Campophyllum Amplexus . Lophophyllum Beaumontia . — — Miehelinia . Fistulipora . — — ACTINOZOA. 239 MESOZOIC, CAINOZOIC, and RECENT CORALS, "WHICH OCCXJK IN MORE THAN ONE GEOLOGICAL PeRIOD. 1 Names of Periods. Names of Genera o . S^ arranged in order of their "s s i cS c appearance. .2 3 ►-5 i I Hyboeoenia . . _^ __ G-oniocora . Rbabdophvllia — : CladophyUia — — — Isastrea . — Montlivaultia — — Euiymeandra — — Thamnastrea . __ Enallohselia Coelosmilia __ Pachygyra — Rhipidopfyra Stylosmilia Stylina Cyathopliora Calamophyllia — Haplophyllia Adelastrsea Pleiiroccenia ___ Trochocyathus — Trochosmilia — Astrocoenia — Stephanocoenia — Thecosmilia __ Oroseris . — Mseandrina _ __ Favia ^ — — Heliastrpea — Ulophyllia . — . — — Pleras'traea . __ — . _ Millepora , — — 240 ACTIXOZOA. MESOZOIC, CAINOZOIC, and EECENT COEALS, ^^hich OCCUR IN MOEE THAN ont; Geoi-ogical Period — Continued. 1 Names of Periods, Names of Genera C ' "^ arranged in order of their •i "Z o b *i appearance. <« £ o .2 c .2 x. u 3 H »-5 O H Barysmilia Stylocsenia — Centrocsenia — . Phyllocsenia Brachyphyllia Ehizangia . Cyclolithus Stephanopliyllia Eatliycyathus Lopliosmilia — _™ Diploria . . Leptoria . Groniastrsea C}-phastrgea — — Pavonaria . Caryophyllia Mycetophyllia * Hydnophora . Cladocora . , Cycloseris . Corallium . . , Isis . , Acanthocyathus Paracyathus Sphenotrochus Desmophylluni Oculina Lophoha-lia Stylophora ___ Euphyllia . __ Galaxea . — Lithophyllia ___ Dasyphyllia — — ACTINOZOA. 241 MESOZOIC, CAINOZOIC, and EECENT CORALS, avhich OCCUR IN MORE THAN ONE GEOLOGICAL Peeiod — Continued. Names of Periods. Names of Genera arranged in order of their 6 u 3 £• *: appearance. S S s .2 c 1 1 1 Sjmpliyllia _ _ Plesiastrpea _ Solenastrsea __ Astrsea __ Prionastrgea __ __ Astrangia . — — Phyllangia — — Eupsamnia — Endopachys — _ Ealanopliyllia — Dendrophyllia — — Maclrepora — — Turbinaria Astraeopora — Porites — — Rhodarsea . Yirgularia Mopsea — — Hyalopathes — — Choetetes passes up into the Trias. With this exception no genus of Corals survives the Paleozoic epoch except, perhaps, lisis, of which doubtful in- dications have been met with in rocks of very- ancient date. No Triassic genus of Corals has recent represen- tatives. Of genera which occur in the Jurassic series seven still survive. Fourteen recent genera R 242 ACTINOZOA. first appear in the Chalk, while very many are common to the Tertiary and Eecent periods. But few Recent species of Corals occur in a fossil state. It appears also from the preceding tables that six genera of Corals range through four periods, thirty-four through three, and sixty-eight through two. Some genera, however, arise in one forma- tion, are apparently absent from the next, but again present themselves at a subsequent period. Of this seeming anomaly Mlllepora furnishes an ex- ample. Such instances must always be received with suspicion, since they are probably due to defective observation. 2. History of Zoantfiaria. — All extinct Zoantharia belong to the group of Sclei'odeimata, with the exception of a few slight indications of Antipathidce which appear in the Tertiary period. The Malacodemicda are wholl}' recent. On the other hand, the small group of Tuhulosa does not survive the Paleozoic epoch. But two families of Zoantharia, Thecidce and Aidoporidce, have altogether disappeared. On the whole it may be said that Tabulata prevail in the Paleozoic deposits, Aporosa and Perforata in those which succeed. Tabulata are comparatively scarce in strata anterior to the Carboniferous, though no geological period is without some representative of this division, and in modern seas four genera have been observed. A single genus, Pakeocijdiis, which occurs in the Silurian period, is the only known representative of Aporosa in strata older than the Trias. The Perforata are represented in the Paleozoic rocks by two genera, Ivut, excepting these, no other forms of the group ACTINOZOA, 243 have been met with in deposits of earlier date than the Jurassic. 3. History of Rugosa. — All RuOBiiferoiis Corals. — In addition to the genus Pyrgia, the Coral fauna the Carboniferous rocks seems to be wholly ACTINOZOA. 245 made up of Rurjosa and Tabulata. Three families, Auloporidce, Cijathophyllidce, and Cyathaxonidce, do not outlive this period. The following genera are restricted to the Carboniferous deposits : AUXOPORID-B. Seriatopoeid^. Bhabdopora. CYATHOPHYLLIDiE. Axophyllum, Cyathophyllid^ ; Lonsdaleia. Stylaxis, Chonaxis. Aidophyllum, Menophyllum. Trochophyllum. 8. Persnian Corals. — The few Permian Corals hitherto found belong to the Rugosa and Tabulata. The genus Poly- coelia, of the family Stauridce, is peculiar to this period. 9. Triassic Corals Fossil remains of Corals are scarce in the Trias. The family Astrceidce, so abundantly represented in all subsequent formations, now first makes its appearance. To this group most of the Triassic Corals have been referred. The Favositidce are represented by the old genus Choetetes. It can scarcely be said that any genera of Corals are characteristic of this formation. 10. tFurassic Corals. — There are no Rugosa in Jurassic rocks, and Millepora, a recent genus, is the sole representa- tive of the Tabulata, The greater number of Jurassic Corals belong to the Aporosa, and cer- tain beds of this series have received the name of Coral-Eag from the great abundance of Astrceidce which they contain. The genera Stylina and B 3 246 ACTINOZOA. MontlivauUia are especially rich in species. Two generic forms represent the Perforata. The families Titrbinolidce and Oculinidce now appear for the first time. The following genera are exclusively Jurassic : TuRBINOLIDvE. Biscocyatlnis, Thecocyathus. OCULINID^. Euhdia. ASTR^ID^. Axos7mIia. Haplosmilia. Pkytogyra. ASTR^ID^ : PlacosphyUia. AngeastrcBa. Protoseris. Comoseris. POEITIDJE. Microsolena. Anomophyllum. II. Cretaceous Corals. — The Corals of the Chalk are very numerous, belonging chiefly to the Ajporosa and Perforata. Here also undoubted indications of Alcyonaria present themselves. The Tahulata are repre- sented by two genera. For the last time the order Pugosa makes its appearance, a single genus, Holocystis, being its representative. The families MadreporidcB, Pennatulidce (?), and Gor- f/onidoi (?) now first appear. The following genera are peculiar to this period : TURBINOLIDJE. Brachycyathtts Cyclocyathus. Stylocyathus. Smilotrochus. OCULINID^. Synhclia. Baryhclia. ASTR/EID^. Placosmilia. Dipfoctenium. ParasDiilia. Pej)losmilia. AsruMTDM : Holocmnia. Acanthoccenia. Placocoenia. Elas7noc(xnia. Pentacoenia. Heterocoenia. Leptophyllia. Bactylosmilia. Hymenophyllia. Aspidiscus. Stelloria. Meandrastrcea. ACTINOZOA AsTR^rDiE : Madreporid^. DimorphastrcBa. Actinacis. Fleurocora. Faa'ositid^. FUXGID^. Koninckia. Micrabacia. MlLLEPORIDiE. Anabacia. Polytremads. Genabada. SxAURID.li. Holocystis. 247 12. Tertiary Corals. — The Tertiary formations are abundantly sup- plied with Corals, chiefly belonging to the Ajpo- rosa and Perforata. The Tabulata are repre- sented by a single genus. There are distinct traces of Alcyonaria. The Sclerobasic Zoan- tharia now first present themselves. Here, too, appear for the first time the Dasniidce and Stylo- phoridw, whose claim to the rank of distinct families is somewhat doubtful. The Dasniidce do not survive the period. The following genera are restricted to the Tertiary deposits ; TUBBINOLID^. Conocyathiis. Dcltocyathus. Leptocyathus. Ecmesus. Turbmolia ? Piatytrochus. Ceratotrochiis. Discotrochus. Dasmid.b. Dasmia. OCUHNID^. Diplohdia. Astrohelia. Stylophorid^. Aroeacis. AsTRiEID^. Cydosmilia. JJendrosmilia, Haplocoenia. Circophyllia. Tichastrcea. Mctastrma. Cryptangia. Cladangia. FUNGID^. Trochoseris. Cyathoseris. Madreporidje. Lobopsamnia. Stcreopsa vmia, Dendrads. PORTTID^. Litharoea. MlLLEPORID^. Axopora. Pennatulid^. Graphularia. &4 248 ACTINOZOA. 13. Recent Actinozoa. — Except the Rugosa, Tubulosa and Thecidce, all the orders and families of the sub-kingdom Coelenterata have living representatives. The names of the recent genera are too numerous to be here mentioned. Many of them have already been indicated in those parts of the work devoted to the study of their classification. The systematic form under which we have sought to exhibit the above selection of facts touching the general relations to time of the several groups of Corals must not lead the student to repose too much trust in a record confessedly so imperfect, or regard it as aught else than, in the strictest sense, provisional. In particular it would appear from certain investigations, not yet fully published, that the supposed line of demar- cation between the Paleozoic and Neozoic Coral forms does not really exist. The entire subject, like many others discussed in the preceding pages, still offers a wide and richly promising field for future inquiry. 249 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CIELENTERATA. (i.) Frey und Leuckart.— * Beitrage zur Kenntniss Wirbelloser Thiere,' 1847. (pp. 1—40.) (2.) Leucicvrt. — ' Ueber die Morphologie der Wirbellosen Thiere,' 1848. (pp. 13—31.) (3.) Leydig. — ' Lehrbuch der Histologic,' 1857. (passim.) (4.) Carus, J. v.— 'Icones Zootomies,' 1857. (Taf. II.— IV.) (5.) Gegexbaur. — ' Grundzuge der Vergleichenden Anatomie,' 1859. (Zweiter Abschnitt, pp. 67 — 103.) (6.) Bronx. — ' Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs,' 1859-60. (Zweiter Band, Lief. 1 — 6.) Also, the systematic worlo of Cuvier, Regne Animal (ed. with plates, by his pupils) ; Lamarck, Hist. Nat. des Animaux s. Vertebres (2nd ed. by Deshayes and Milne Edwards) ; De Blainville, Manuel d'Actinologie, 1834; Johnston, History of British Zoophytes, 1847, 2nd ed. ; Cavolini, Memorie per servire alia storia de' Polipi marini, 1785; Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, 1802; Esper, Die Pflanzen- Thiere, 1806 ; Pallas, Elenclius Zoophytorum, 1766, Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787; and the following, among other, miscellaneous treatises : (7.) BoHADSCH. — 'De quibusdam Animalibus marinis,' 1761. (8.) BuscH. — ' Beobachtungen iiber Anatomie und Entwickelung einiger Wirbellosen Seethiere,' 1851. (9.) Dalyell. — ' Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland,' 1847-8. (10.) Delle Chlwe. — * Descrizione e Notomia degli Animali inver- tebrati della Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-30,' 1841-44. (11.) Forbes and Goodsir. — 'On some remarkable Marine Inver- tebratu new to tlie British Seas,' Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. 1851. 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY (l2.) FoRSKAL. — ♦ Descriptiones Animalium,' 1775. (13.) . — ' Icones Keruin naturaliuin,' 1776. (14.) GossE. — 'A Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast,* 1853. (15.) Laukent. — ' Zoophytologie ' (in Vaillant's Voyage de la Bonite), 1844. (16.) Lesson. — 'Centurie Zoologique,' 1830. (17.) Leuckart. — ' Ueber den Polymorphismus der Individuen,' 1851. (18.) MiJLLER, 0. F.— ' Zoblogia Danica,' 1788-1806. (19.) QuoY et Gaimard. — * Zoblogie ' (in Voyage de I'Uranie, sous Freycinet), 1824. (20.) . — ' Zoblogie ' (in Voyage de I'Astrolabe, sous Dumont d'Urville), 1830-4. (21.) Sars. — ' Beskrivelser og Jagttagelser, &c.' 1835. (22 ) . — * Bidrag til Kundskaben om Middlehavets Littoral- Fauna,' 1857, (23.) , KoREN et Danielssen. — ' Fauna littoralis Norvegise,* 1846 and 1856. (24.) Steenstrup. — ' On the Alternation of Generations' (Eng. Trans, by Busk), 1845. (25.) Stimfson. — ' Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan' (sep. and in Smith. Cont.), 1853. It is unnecessary any longer to prolong the above list, since a complete enumeration of the various memoirs on Coelenterata may be found in the 'Bibliotheca Zoologica' of Carus and Engelmann (Leipzig, 1861), pp. 320 — ^45. In the ' Natural History Review ' (London, 1861 et seq.), continuations of this catalogue will from time to time appear. The Reports fur- nished each year by Leuckart to Wiegmann's Archiv. fur Na- turgeschichte may also be consulted with advantage. Of the more select memoirs which treat of particular groups of Coelenterata we have here attempted to subjoin the names: HYDROZOA. a. Hydrid^e. (26.) Trembley. — ' Me'moires pour servir k I'histoire d'un genre de Polypes d'eau douce, a bras en forme de comes,' 1744. (27.) Hancock. — 'Notes on a species of Hydra found in the North- umberland Lakes,' A. N. H. 1850. OF THE CCELENTERATA. 251 (a8.) Thomson', At.len. — *0n the Co-existence of Ovigerous and Spermatic Capsules on the same individuals of the Hydra viridis,' Phil. Journ. 1847. (29.) EcKER. — 'Zui' Lehre von Bau und Leben der contractilenSub- stanz der niedersten Thiere,' Z. W. Z. 1849 (or Trans, by Busk in Q.J, M. S. 1854). (30.) Jager. — ' Ueber das spontane Zerfallen der SUsswasserpolypen nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber Generationswechsel,' Vien. Sitz. i860: and other memoirs cited in Bib. Zool., especially those of Allman, Cokda, Laurent, Leydig, and Rouget. The British species of Hydra are described by Johnston (op. s. cit.), and Lewes, A. N. H. i860. b. CORYNID.E AND SeRTULARID^. (31.) Loven. — 'Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattungen Campanu- lariaund Syncoryne,' Wiegm. Arch. 1837. (Abstract in Steen- strup) (24). (32.) Beneden, Van. — ' Memoire sur les Campanulaires de la cote d'Ostende, conside'res sous le rapport physiologique, embryo- genique et zoologique.' Bruss. Mem. 1843. (33.) , . — 'Recherches sur I'embryogenie des Tubulaires et I'histoire naturelle des diffe'rents genres de cette famille qui habitent la cote d'Ostende,' Bruss. Mem. 1844. (34.) ScHULTZE, Max.—' Ueber die mannlichen Geschlechtstheile der Campanularia geniculata,' Arch. Anat. 1850 (or Trans, in Q. J. M. S. 1855). (35.) Mummery.— ' On the Development of Tubularia indivisa,' Q. J. M. S. 1853. (36.) Allmax.— ' On the Anatomy and Physiology of Cordylophora,' Phil. Trans. 1853. (37.) . — ' On the Structure of the Reproductive Organs in certain Hydroid Polypes,' R. S. E. Proc. 1857-8; and 'Ad- ditional Observations on the Morphology of the Reproduc- tive Organs in the Hydroid Polypes,' ibid. 1858, (38.) — 'Notes on the Hydroid Zoophytes,' A. N. H. 1859 et seq. Other memoirs on the reproductive organs and development of these orders are those of Dujardin, Ann. S. N. 1843 ^^^ 45 '» Desor, Ann. S. N. 1849; Forbes, A. N. H. 1844; Lister, Phil. Trans. 1834; Koli.ikkr, Z. W. Z. 1853; and Krohn, Arch. Anat 1843 and 53, Wiegm. Arch. 1851. Also, the 252 BIBLIOGRAPHY works of Sars (21), (22), (23); Steenstrup (24); and Gegenbaur (47). Xo complete monograph of the genera of CorynidjB and Sertularidaj has yet appeared. For descriptions and figures of the Britisli species see the works of Dalyell (9); GossE (14), and Linn. Trans. 1857; Ellis, 'Essay towards a Natural History of Corallines,' 1755, and Johnston (op. s. cit.) ; together Avith the papers of Allman ; Alder, A, N. H. 1856 et seq. ; HixcKs, A. N. H. 1851 et seq. ; Stret- HiLL Wright, Phil. Journ, 1857-8-9; and WY\nLLE Thomp- son, A. N. H. 1853. American forms have been described by Ayres, Bost. N. H. S. 1852 and 5; Desor, Bost. N. H. S. 1848-9; M'Crady (49); Murray, A. N. H. i860; and Sti.mpson (25): Southern species by Busk, B. Ass. Rep. 1850, in Q. J. M. S. passim, and in supplement to Vol. I. of Voyage of Rattlesnake; ' and Hincks, A. N. H. 1861, c. Calycophorid,« and Physophorid^. (39.) Huxley. — 'The Oceanic Hydrozoa — A Description of the CalycophoridEe and Physophoridse observed during the voyage ofH. M. S. " Rattlesnake " in the years 1846-50. With a General Introduction,' 1859: and the writings of Milne Edwards, Gegenbaur, Kolliker, Leuckart and Vogt, cited in the bibliography appended to the same work. Other memoirs by Gegenbaur, Nov. Act. i860; Glaus, Z. W. Z. i860; and Keferstein und Eulers (Abstract in Wiegm. Arch, i860), have since appeared. d. Medusid.e and Lucernarid^. (40.) Eschscholtz. — ' System der Acalephen,' 1829. (41.) Ehrenberg. — 'Die Akalephen des rothen Meeres und der Organismus dei Medusen der Ostsee,' 1836. (42.) Wagner. — ' Ueber den Bau der Pelagia noctiluca, und die Organisation der Medusen,' 1841. (43.) Lesson. — ' Acalephes,' Nouvelles Suites k Buflfon, 1843. (44.) Forbes.—' A Monograph of the British Naked-eved Medusae,' 1848. (45.) Agassiz.— 'On the Naked-eyed Medusa of the Shores of Massachusetts, in their Perfect State of Development,' Trans. Amer. Acad. 1849. (46.) Huxley.—' On the Anatomy and Affinities of the Family of the Medusae,' Phil, Trans. 1849. OF THE C(ELE>'TERATA. 253 (47.) Gegenbaur. — 'Zur Lehre vom Generationswechsel und der Fortpflaiizung bei Medusen und Polypen,' 1854. (48.) . — ' Versuch eines Systemes der Medusen, mit Beschreibung neuer oder wenig gekannter Formen,' Z. W. Z. 1857. (49,) M'Crady. — ' Gymnophihalniata of Charleston Harbor,' Ell. Soc. Proc. 1857: and the syste;natic papers of Peron et Lesueur, Ann. d. Mus. 1809-10; Brandt, Petersb. Mem. 1833 and 38; and LuTKEN, Videns. Med. 1850 ; with other memoirs by Allman (Structure of Lucernariadaj), Q. J. M. S. 1860^ Milne Edwards (Structure of yEquorea) (67), and (Circu- lation in Lucernaridae), A. S.N. 1845; Derises (Hermaphro- ditism of Chrysaora), Ann. S. N. 1850; KoLLiKER (Medusidae of Messina), Z. W. Z. 1853; Leuckart (Medusidae of Nice), Wiegm. Arch. 1856; Fritz Muller (Gastric filaments of Lucernaridaj), Z. W. Z. 1858; Eysenharut (Rhizostoma) Nov. Act. 1821 ; and Tilesius (Cassiopeia), Nov. Act. 1831. On Structure of Marginal Bodies see especially Gegenbaur, Arch. Anat. 1856 (or English abstract in Q.J. M. S. 1858). On Minute Structure of Medusidae and Lucernaridae, vid. Busk, Mic. Trans. 1852; Schultze, Arch. Anat. 1856; and Hux- ley (46). On Structure of Charybdeidae : Milne Edwards (Charybdea), Ann. S. N. 1833 ; and Fritz Muller (Tamoya), Halle Abh. 1859. On Development of Medusidae; J. Muller (.^ginopsis). Arch. Anat. 1851 ; Gegenbaur (Cunina and Trachynema), (47); Fritz Muller (Liriope), Wiegm. Arch. 1859; M'Crady (Cunina), Ell. Soc. Proc. 1856; and CLAPARt;DE, Z. W. Z. i860. On Development of Lucernaridae: Sars (21), Tsis, 1833, and Wiegm. Arch. 1837-41 and 1857; Siebold, Beitrage znr Naturgeschichte der VVirbellosen Thiere, 1839 ; Steenstrup (24); Dalyell (9); Desor, Ann. S. N. 1849; and Reid, *Physiolo:,ncal, Pathological, and Anatomical Researches,' or A. N. H. 1848. These writers treat chiefly of Aurelia, Cyanea, and Chrysaora. For the development of other genera see Gegenbaur (Cassiopeia), (47) ; Frantzius (Cephea), Z.W.Z. 1853; and Krohn (Pelagia), Arch. Anat. 1855 (or English abstract in A. N. H. 1856). 254 BIBLIOGRAniT The British species of Medusidae (and Medu^oids) are ilUistrated by Forbes (44), and Zool. Proc. 1851; FoitBEa and Good SIR (11); GossE (14); Greene, Nat. Hist. Rev. 1857-8; CoBBoLD, Q.J. M.S. 1858; Patterson, D. U. Z. B.A. 1859; and Stketiiill Wright, Phil. Journ. 1859. The Lucernariadse are described by Johnston (op. s. cit.) ; Owen, B. Ass. Ivep. 1849; GossE, A.N. H. i860; and Allman, op. s. cit. and A. N. H. i860. Brief descriptions, without figures, of the pelagic Lucernaridae are given by Forbes (44), but most of the species are figured in the other works mentioned above. ACTINOZOA. a. ZOANTHARIA. (50.) DiCQUEMARE. — * Essay towards elucidating the history of the Sea-Anemones,' Phil. Trans. 1773. *A second essay on the natural history of the Sea-Anemones,' ibid. 1775, and a third essay in ditto, 1777. (51.) Ellis and Solander. — ' The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes,' 1786. (52.) Rapp. — ' Ueber die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Actinien insbesondere,' 1829. (53.) Ehrenbkrg. — 'Beitrage zur physiologischen Kenntniss der Corallenthiere im Allgemeinen, und besonders des rothen Meeres,' and ' Ueber die Natur und Bildung der Coralleninseln und Corallenbanke im rothen Meere,' Berl. Abh. 1834. (54.) Quatrefages. — 'Me'moire sur les Edwarddes,' Ann. S. N, 1842. (55.) Dana. — 'Report on Zoophytes,' and 'Atlas of Zoophytes,* (U. S. Exploring Expedition), 1849. The introductory part of this Report (which is now out of print) has been jjublished under the title of " Structure and Classification of Zoophytes." A " Synopsis " of the Report itself has since appeared. (56.) Edwards et H aime.— ' Recherches sur les Polypiers,' Ann. S. N. 1848—52. (57.) . — ' Histoire Naturelle des Coralliaires ou Polypes proprement dits,' 1857 — 60. (58.) Hollard. — ' IMonograpbie anatomique du genre Actinia de Linne, conside're comnie type du groupe g^ndral des Polypes Zoanthaires,' Ann. S. N. 1851. OF THE C(ELENTERATA. 255 (59.) Haime. — 'Memoire sur le C^rianthe,' Ann. S. N. 1854. (60.) GossE. — 'Actinologia Britannica : A History of the British Sea-anemones and Madrepores,' i860. See also various memoirs by Milne Edwards, Hollard, and GossE, cited in Bib. Zool., in addition to those of Spix ; KoLLiKER ; Lewes, ' Sea-side Studies ; ' Lacaze du Thiers ; Rathke ; Erdl ; and others. On the structure of Actinia see especially Hollard (58) ; GossE (60); Haime, C. rend. 1854; Fkey und Leuckart (i); Teale, Trans. Leeds Soc. 1837, and B. Ass. Rep. 1838; and CoBBOLD, A. N. H. 1853. On the Sclerobasic Zoantharia, vid. Brandt,' Symbolse ad Polypos Hyalochaetides spectantes, 1859 ; ' and Schultze, C. rend. i860. Dana (55) describes the polypes of Antipathes. (57) is a complete monograph of the orders Zoantharia, Alcy- onaria, and Kugosa. For collections of figures the works of Esper, Ellis, Dana, and the French voyagers must be chiefly consulted. The British Zoantharia are described and figurtd by Gosse (60). On Coral reefs and islands see Darwin, 'The Structure and Distribution of Coral Keefs,' 1842 (now forming part of the .same author's " Geological Observations ") ; and Dana, * On Coral Keefs and Islands,' 1853. h. Alcyonaria. (61.) Rapp. — * Untersuchungen uber den Bau einiger Polypen des Mittelandischen Meeres,' Nov. Act. 1829. (62.) Edwards, Milne. — 'Me'moire sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Alcyoniens,' and 'Observations sur les Alcyons proprement dits,' in Recherches sur les Polypes, 1838, or Ann. S. N. 1838. (63.) Agassiz. — ' On the Structure of the Halcyonoid Polypes,' Am. Ass. Rep. 1850. Also: Milne Edwards, in Regne Ani- mal, and several of the works which treat of Zoantharia. Johnston, op. s. cit., describes and figures the British Alcj'o- naria. c. Rugosa and Fossil Corals. C64.) Edwards et Haime. — 'A Monograph of the British Fossil Corals' (published by the Palajontographical Society), 1850 -55- 256 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CCELENTERATA. (65.) Edwards et Haime. — ' Monograpliie des Polypiers Fossiles des Terrains Paleozoiques,' Arch. d. Mus. 1851. And many other palasontological works, most of which are quoted by Edwards et Haime (57). d. Ctenophora. (66.) Mertens. — *Beobachtungen Uber die Beroeartigen Acale- phen,' Petersb. Mem. 1833. (67.) Edwards, Milne. — ' Observations sur divers Acalfepbes,' Ann. S.N. 1841. (68.) . — * Note sur I'appareil Gastrovasculaire de quelques Acalephes Ctenophores, Ann. S. N. 1857. (69.) Will. — ' Horse Tergestinai, oder Beschreibung und Anatomic der im Herbste 1843, bei Triest beobachteten Akalephea,' 1844. (70.) Agassiz. — * On the Beroid Medusae of the Shores of Massa- chusetts, in their Perfect State of Development,' Amer. Acad. ♦ Trans. 1849. (71.) . — 'Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America,' — Part II. of Second Monograph, i860. (72.) Gegenbaur. — ' Studien iiber Organisation und Systematik der Ctenophoren,' Wiegm. Arch. 1856: and the papers of Grant, Z. Trans. 1833; Kolliker, Z. W. Z. 1853; Lesson, Ann. S.N. 1836; Quoy et Gaimard, Ann. S.N. 1825; Kang, Bourd. Soc. Lin. 1826, and Isis, 1832: and Wagner, Arch. Anat. 1847. The systematic works of Eschscholtz (40) ; De Blainville, op. s. cit. ; and Lesson (43) may also be consulted. On Development of Ctenophora see the papers of M'Crady, (Beroe and Boiina), Ell. Soc. Proc. 1859; Price (Pleurobrachia), B. Ass. Rep. 1846; Semper (Eucharis), Z. W. Z. 1858 ; and Strethill Wright (Pleurobrachia), Phil. Journ. 1856. The British Ctenophora are described by Forbes and Goodsir, B. Ass. Rep. 1840-1 ; and Patterson, R. I. A. Trans. 1839-40. *^* The abbreviations above used to indicate the titles of periodi- cal journals are explained in the Bibliography of ' Natural History Review,' 1861. 257 QUESTIONS ON THE CffiLENTERATA, 1. By what structural features are Coelenterata separated from other primary divisions of the animal kingdom ? 2. Contrast the two sub-kingdoms, Protozoa and Coelenterata. 3. Describe the typical structure of a thread-cell. 4. Compare the classes, HyUrozoa and Actinozoa. 5. Describe the structure of Hydra. How does the ' polypite ' of this genus diflfer from that of the non- budding forms of the Corynidge ? 6. Define the terms, a. ' hydrotheca ' ; 6. * hydrophyllium * ; c. 'hydrocyst.' 7. In what order of Hydrozoa do ' nematophores ' occur? Describe the structure and position of these appendages. 8. Describe the structure of a ' nectocalyx.' How does this organ differ from an ' umbrella ' ? 9. Describe the structure and relations of the nectocalyces in Diphyes, and state how the same parts are modified in Praya. 10. In what Physophoridse are nectocalyces absent? 11. Briefly describe the modifications of the coenosarc, and relative attachment of its appendages, in the following genera of Physophoridse ; a. Physophora; h. Stephanomia; c. Apolemia; d. Athorybia; c. Velella. S 258 QUESTIONS ON THE CCELENTERATA. 12. Compare the structure of the tentacles in a. Physalia; h. Forskalia; c. Apoleraia. 13. What is the position of the tentacles in the following genera of Hydrozoa : a. Tuhularia; b. Hydractinia ; c. Diphyes; d. Porpita; e. Pelagia? 14. Describe the * pneumatocyst ' of any of the Physophoridse, and the principal modifications which it presents among other genera of the same order. 15. Describe, as to structure and position, a. the marginal ' vesicle ' of Geryonia ; h. the 'lithocyst' of a free Lucernarid. 16. How are the 'gonophores' situated in the following genera of Corynidae : a. Tubularia; 6. Hydi'actinia ; c. Clavatella; d. Cordylophora? 17. Compare the structural relations of the reproductive organs m a. Lucernaria; b. Aurelia; c. Rhizostoma. 18. What are 'gonoblastidia'? Explain the modifications which these structures present among the Sertularidae. 19. In what genera of Lucernaridai do free reproductive zobids occur? Trace the development of any of these forms. 20. Describe the development of a medusiform gonophore. 21. Give some account of the early stages of development in a. Cordylophora lacustris ; b. Campanularia Loveni ; c. Cunina octonaria. 22. What rule seems to govern the successive development of the appendages among the Phy sophoridae ? a3. Define the orders : a. Sertularidae; b. Calycophoridae ; c. Lucernaridae. QUESTIONS ON THE C(ELENTERATA. 259 14. What genera of CoDlenterata are known to inhabit fresh water? 25. Give some account of the geographical distribution of the iSertu- 1 arid IB. 26. Describe the minute structure of the bodj'-wall in Actinia. 27. What law appears to determine the number of parts among the several orders of Actinozoa? 28. What is the number and structure of the tentacles in the Alcyonaria? 29. Describe the structure of a typical ' corallite.' 30. Define the order Kuiijosa. 31. Explain the formation of the gyrate corallum of Moeandrina. 32. How does a ' sclerobasis ' differ from a true corallum? 33 Compare the nutrient system in o. Actinia and Pleurobrachia. b. Pleurobrachia and Beroe. 34. Describe the structural relations of the tentacles in a. Actinia; b. Cestum ; c. Pleurobrachia. 35. What characters distinguish the thread-cells of the Cteno- phora? 36. Describe the structure and position of the ' ctenocyst.' 37. Give some account of the nervous system of the Ctenophora. 38. What peculiarity of position distinguishes the reproductive organs of Tubipora? 39. Define precisely the position of the male and female organs in the Ctenophora. 40. What, according to Haime, is the number and succession of the tentacles in the common Sea-anemone? 41. Give some account of the development of the canal system in Beroe. 42. What numerical law governs the development of the * septa ' in a Zoantharian corallite? 43. Distinguish three principal modes of gemmation among the co- ralligenous Actinozoa. 44. Describe the structure of a Fringing-reef, 45. How has Mr. Darwin explained the true nature of Barrier-reefs and Atolls ? S2 260 QUESTIONS ON THE CCELENTERATA. 46. Define the characters of the famil}- Beroidae, with reference to the subjoined categories : a. form of body ; I. mouth ; c. canal system ; d. tentacles. 47. Give some account of the distribution, bathy metrical and geo- graphical, of the reef- building Corals. 48. What families of Zoantharia seem wholly extinct ? 49. In what deposits does the family of Astraeidae first make its ap- pearance ? 50. Name those groups of Corals which are most abundantly repre- sented in the Paleozoic series. 261 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page 4 15 1. Urticating organs of Ccelenterata, after Gosse 2. DeTelopment of Ccelenterata 3. JMorphology of Hydra, after Hancock, Johnston, and Allen Thomson 4. IMorphology of Hydrozoa 5. Morphology of Cordylophora, after Allman 6. Reproductive processes of Hydrozoa, after Gegenbaur 7. Oceanic forms of Lucemaridcs, after Gosse . 8. Development of Cordylophora, after Allman 9. Development of Tubularia indivisa, after Mummery . ro. Development of Campanularia, after Loven 1 1. Development of Physalia, after Huxley 12. Development of Lizzia, after Claparfede 13. Development of TMrm, after Gosse .... 14. Gemmation of Medusoids, after Forbes and the Author 15. Development of C/trysaora, after Dalyell . 16. Morphology of Ttibulariadce, after Alder, Forbes, and Stret- hill Wright . . 84 17. Various forms of Coryniadce, after Alder, Forbes, and Sars 86 18. Morphology of Sertulariadce, after Alder, Dalyell, Forbes, and Johnston 19. Morphology of Campanulariadae, after Alder and Hincks ao. Morphology of Calycophoridce, after Kolliker 21. ]\Iorphology of Veldla, after Kolliker 22. Morphology of Physophoridoe, after Kolliker 23. ]Morphology of Medusidce .... 24. Various forms of 3Iedusid(B .... 25. Luccr/iarUi, after Johnston .... s 3 91 94 97 104 109 116 117 122 262 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page 26. Morphology of ^c99'i of thyso- phoriilce 45, iii. Gonotheca, 47. Gorgonia, 161. 232, 235. Gorgonidce, general characters of, 163, 210, 214 ; somatic cavity of, 141 ; sclerobasis of, 154, 162 ; spicules of, 161; develoiment of, 185; distribu- tion of, 232; relations of, to time, 237,246. Graphularia, 247. Graptolires, 130 Gymnophthalmata, 120, Gynophore, 45. Hadrophyllum, 244. Haimeia\ 208. Haleciutn, 93. Halicornnria. 93. Halistevinia, 103, 108, ill, IIZ. I INDEX. 267 Hallia, 244. llulysiUs, Z44. Hnplucania, 247. Hnplophyllia, 2J9. Haplosmilia, 240. Heliastrcea, 259. Hcliolites, 238. Heliophyllum, 244. Hcteractis, zcxi. Heterocccnin, 246. Hippopodiidte, 100. Hippopbdiiis, 45, 98, 99. History, ol Ui/ilrozoii, ip; of ^c^?- nozort, 2}6; ol Zcirtw/Art?va, 242 ; of liugosa, 243; of Alcyonaria, 24 j. Hoenial region, 17. Holvcoenia, 246. Holocystis, 214, 247. Hortniphora, 152. Jlyalochcetidce, 201, 206. Hyalonema, 154. liyolopathes, 154, 241. Hybocania, 239. Hydiiof hura. 2 p. Hydra, morphology and physiology of 20— s; development of, 51; amoe- boid condition ol, 11, 52 ; s.pecies of, 82; distribution of, 126, 127. H>dra-tiil)a, 65—7, 124. Hydractinia, tentacles of, 32, 87 ; coe- nosarc of, 83; polypary of 85; gono- phores ol, 41, 45 ; gouoblasudia of, 46. Hydrides, 51, 79, 80. H>dri)cysts, of Physopkoridce, 40. no. Hydr2ecium, of Calycuphoridce, 96, 99. Hydrophyliia, 35 ; of Cali/cophoridte, 99; of P/iysopfiondiP, 108. Hydrorhiza, 26. Hydrosoma, 25. Hydrothecae, of SertularidcE, 27, 70, 92. Hydroxoa, type of, 20 ; general cha- racters ot, 19, 20; development of, 51; classification of, 79; distribution of, 126 ; relations ol, to time, 130. HymenophyUia, 246. Ilyanthus, 198. Indefinite gemmation, 184. Individuality, of animals, 13, 71. Inner layer, of blastoderm, 16. Integument, of Coelenteratn, 10 ; of Hydroxoa, 34 ; of Actmuxoa, 149. Intermediate layer, 16. Involucrum, 34. Irregular gemmation, 184. Isastrcea, 239, Isis, 154, 210, 240, 241. Jelly-fishes, 13, 127. Jurassic Corals, 245. Koninrkia, 247. K^p/U'dclcmuon, 212 Lahfcheia, 244. Lagoon, 192. Lamellar corallum, 187. Lappets, of Beroida:, 218, 7>ar, 88. Layers, of Coelenterata, j, 10. Lrptocyathns, 247. Leptophyllia, 246. Leplorid, 240. LeSueuria, canals of, 222, 223; tenta- cles of, 228. I.rucothea, tentacles of, 228. Lite, duration of, in Actinozoa, i8z. Life history, of Hydroxoa, 51 ; of AC' tinoxoa, 170. Limb, of Fdella, 104. Lineolaria, gonophores of, 128. I.iriope, 60, 115. Litharoea, 247. Lithocysts, oi Lucernarida, 38, 124. Lithophyllia, 240. Lithostrotion, 238. Liver, of Hydroxoa, 31, ic6; o{ Acti- niixoa, 137, 147. Lixxia, development of, 60, 63. Lobupsamnia, 247. Locomotive organs, of Hydroxoa, j6; of Actinoxoa, 164. Loculi, 155. Lonsda/eia, 245. LophohcBlia, 240. LopUophyUuin, 23O. Lovhosmilia, 240. Lncernaria, 40, 121, 124, 125. Lucernariadii, 67, 120, 122—5. Lucernaiidcc, general characters of, 80, 120 — 5 J unibi ella of, 27, 37, 124; lithocysts of, 38, 124; canal system of, 48, 124; gastric filaments of, 124; reproduciive zodids of, 47; develop- ment of, 64, 123 ; families ol, 125 ; distribution of, 127, 128. Lucernaroids, 123. Lyellia, 244. Madrepora, 241. Madreporidec, 203, 207, 232—4, 237, 246, 247. Malacodermata, 201, 205, 237. Manubrium, 43. Marginal bodies, of Medusidte, 37 ; of Luceniartdie, 38, 124 ; of Actinia, 165. Massive corallum, 187. Meconidia, of Campanularia Loveni, 95- Medusidce, general characters of, 80, 114—20; nectocalyx of, 36, 116; marginal bcdies of 37 ; polypite of, Ii5i tentacles of, 117; reproductive organs of, 118 ; development of, 60, 118; families ot, 119; distribution of, 128; phosphorescrnce of, 129. Mfdusiform gonophores, 45. Medusoids, 43, 45, 62, 118. 268 INDEX. Meli/cea. 154, 210. Membrana intermedia, 16. Mennphyllum, 145. Mertensia, ijj. Merulina, zo8. Merulinidts, 208, 237. Mesenteries, oi Actinoxoa, ill — 4, 137, 146, 172. Metagenesis, 74. Metamorpiiosis, 73. MeCastrcea, 247. Michelinia, 2j8. Micrabacia, 247. Micropyle, of animal ovum, 71. Micrusolena, 246. Millepora, 259. Millepondce, 205, 206, 237, 244, 247. Mini/as, 16 j. M^andrastrcea, 246. Mceandrina, I4Z, 187, 199, 20J,2J2, 239. Monoecious forms, of Hydrozoa, 50, 112: 01' Aclinoxoa, 169, 209. Montlivaultia, 259. Mopsea, 154, 210. 241. Mouth, of Hydrozoa, 29, 86, 88; of ^c^jwozoa, i}i,i4i; of Ctenophora, 218. Movements, of Hydrozoa, 2;, 27, j6; of Actinoxoa, ij8, 162, 210 ; of CYe- nophora, 229. Mucous layer, of blastoderm, 16. Mulberry-mass, 16. Muscular system, of Hydrozoa, j6 ; of Actinozoa, 162. . MycetophyUia, 240. Myriotheia, 82, 87. Nectocalyces, 27, j6, 70 ; of Calyco- p/ioridce, 96—9 ; of PkysophoridtB, 107; of MedusidcB,\\(>. Nectocalycine canals, 37. Nectosac, 36. Nematophores, of Sertularidce, 34, 93. Ncmopsis, 84. Nervous system, of Medusidcs, 39 ; of Actinia, 166 ; of Ctenophora, 167. Neural region, 17. Nutritive organs, of Hydrozoa, 28 ; of Actinozoa, 141. Oceania turrita, marginal bodies of, OceanidiP, 119. Ocelli, 38. Oculinn, 240. Oculinid