oa be STAT es ae Ee Oats D- ee eeeeee eee Batt ea! 1.8, TREASURY. DEPARTMENT HEHE Hi COAST GUARD Hy Bt THE MARION AND a i GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS _ ti | TO. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR Sha UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928- 1931-1933 1934-1935 _ SCIENTIFIC RESULTS PART: 2°) >(*: - PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 6 ERNE EN eRe eRe Ss Te Teor eEe ee Tas eS if STRTLEFTECSLSS Pe BCR yee ole eesseeaes ot oe oe Of Oe ot oe Se oe a oe oe oe OT io oe ee eo ees ghesou Toeo U wc HM\/18lN U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT COAST GUARD Bulletin No. 19 THE MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS TO DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928-1931-1933-1934-1935 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS — PART 2 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY EDWARD H. SMITH FLOYD M. SOULE OLAV MOSBY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1937 SE ee a eel For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. - - - - - - - Price 75 cents CONTENTS Page MERIC bl Olle sees Seen ee a eM ye aw ey a 2 See Sate TUS Vv CuHaApTER [| The northwestern North Atlantic: DEanitionandigeneral descriptione.. 2-2 — = ee ee ee 1 istonyoL oceanographic explorationes 2220-2 o 9 =— sa een eee eee 3 Cuapter II AMatnaMmMentsrandimethOdsem sc te ears peers anal ee ee 13 CuHaptTer III Mhe circulatory system and types of water_.......-..--..---...=----- 25 The West Greenland sector: CuapTer IV sbeRsUTlACCECULReN Use aetna See ae eee She ey eee. 8 ea eee eS 28 Seen seetionsror tue Clinrentse» 222 320. 0 Sse a2 feces ee Soe 30 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity_______________-_ 37 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity_________.__--_--- 42 PANSTTNT TOA eve Eh GEO INS tee a entre, ean Spe ye RN A a EY IS etl 50 PREMEESTING VC LEMS Bite et Ss aL a et ae Se ee 62 Maplevormvolumeofcurrents= 22 2&5 So SSeS 2. ee ees 65 The Davis Strait sector: CuarTer V sMeRSUTPACCKe UITCTIESEe seh. Seal enlha) OI wes ules ons ahs Se ee a eee Be 66 MEP SSIRCCLIONS OLstNe CUFTENtS=s 2-2 se Se ee Se oe Se 69 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity___..__________- al Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity____._._.._.-____--- 73 The American sector: Cuarrer VI NCEA Uni ACCICUTTENGS at sees ss ce eee ae Yo Ee le 80 Gross sections Of the currents... 22 -. 52-22-4562 seo ce seen 83 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity___________---_-- 90 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity_____..______------ 99 os SETS TEDL NPS ES HOTS ec a, dag en a 102 Jcacsrn tl eared ee Ne eo 123 lero VGluIme mr Clrrentse = 0 2 8285 8802 fee os ee Ce 127 The Grand Banks sector: Carter VII SL erSUTfACeRCUIentse mesa == ee ee ee Soe 129 G#asa cections Gr the currents. =. 5.-—. 2-2-2282 a2es2eeL2--2se-4-- 133 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity__.._____-------- 135 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity____._.__.____-_---- 136 Pe HIV ET CGlTIn eee, Fane es ee A oe Le BY ( PRC cee eee ae Nr See ee bb ooe oe 140 MEM On wolmine GiMmeurrentes. 5.52 05... 2s5 225.2 5i.-4-seces-4ane 143 1V CONTENTS Cuapter VIII he deep water----=-----+-=---"----=-"--57 1" "> 7 = The bottom water-2-=-------------=-=-"7"-5" > - = e an Mummery... -=---+--2=2------=¢-- =" 0-2 ee Bibliography _.---------------------"-+"""="">>, Station maps and station table data_.=+----2+°==-"-=- 4755 ne Page 167 170 173 173 173 175 179 180 184 186 187 192 195 201 | 7 Lin -* "7 eee - | | . We ea 4 oie toi das meme OS ' aa p : Ca 4 fone Fy atm te Wala et al » atwutes witha we hdinn: dimieniven + va tmcanp st 20° SO 70 60 SO 40 30) 90 100° Map oF THE NORTHWESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC METRIC 1.— BATH FIGURE INTRODUCTION The appearance of this publication completes the series of United States Coast Guard Bulletin 19.1 The report is based on the observations of the Marion expedition, 1928, and amplified by the cruises of the General Greene to the Labrador Sea, 1931 and 1933 to 1935. In view of the similarity and intermixture between the waters north of Newfoundland and those around the Grand Banks, it has been deemed advisable to add an exposition of the latter based upon the researches of the International Ice Patrol, the observations of which are published in Coast Guard Bulletins 1-25. The Coast Guard’s material consists of temperature and salinity observations from surface and subsurface; the treatment centering on a portrayal of the distribution and correlation of these two physi- cal characteristics and their dependent variables in vertical and hori- zontal planes. A few oxygen observations have also been made in order to examine the vertical motion in the deeper water of the Labrador Sea. The prevailing circulation, as indicated by the dynamic topogra- phic maps, the velocity profiles, and the velocities of the currents have been computed in accordance with generally accepted methods of present-day dynamic oceanography. Calculations of the volumes of the discharge, the cooling and warming effect of given water masses, and other influences have been recorded. The repetition of observations in many places, moreover, during a series of months and a series of years, affords opportunity to discuss variations and cycles. In this respect the Grand Banks region has been investi- gated in more detail than has the area north of Newfoundland, but even from the Grand Banks there are insufficient observations to de- scribe accurately the annual cycle. The three collaborators have been at one time or another asso- ciated with, or in active charge of, the scientific work which the United States Coast Guard has maintained in connection with the International Ice Observation and Ice Patrol.’ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, as chair- man of the International Ice Patrol Board, as well as the other members, has through an appreciation of the scientific aspects of the ice-patrol work, afforded us the time to prepare this bulletin. The appearance of the report is largely due to the efforts of Prof. Henry B. Bigelow, director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. We wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge particularly Dr. 1 Contribution No. 107 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2Those interested in a description of the methods employed to protect trans-Atlantic shipping from the ice menace are referred to Smith (1931). Vv VI INTRODUCTION Bigelow’s interest in behalf of our work and also his unfailing coun- sel and advice. Commander Eigil Riis-Carstensen, Royal Danish Navy, leader of the Godthaab expedition 1928, has extended a helpful spirit of cooperation in order that a clear exposition of the physical oceanography of the Labrador Sea be attained. Officials of the In- stitut fiir Meereskunde have generously permitted us to make use of the results of the wintertime observations of the Meteor in the Irminger and Labrador Seas. Acknowledgments are also made to Mr. C. O’D. Iselin for reading parts of the manuscript; to Dr. W. L. G. Joerg for advice and counsel on bulletin, part 3, of this series; and to members of the United States Coast Guard who have assisted with the actual work of preparing the paper. Institutions which have cooperated include the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; the American Geo- graphic Society; the Institut fiir Meereskunde; and the Geophysical Institute, Bergen, Norway. Cuapter I THE NORTHWESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC DEFINITION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The northwestern North Atlantic, as it is discussed here, is that portion of the western Atlantic Ocean embraced by the normal drift of Arctic ice; and, so defined, includes the waters around and on the Grand Banks, and northward, between North America and Green- land to the seventieth parallel of latitude. Observations in the areas closer to the sources of Arctic ice have not been undertaken by the Coast Guard. Information, therefore, on the oceanography of Baffin Bay and other tributaries as they affect our own investigations, has been drawn from previously published works. The bathymetric features of the northwestern North Atlantic are shown on the frontispiece (fig. 1). The depth contours have been drawn from information contained on various navigational charts and from several other sources, such as Ricketts and Trask (19382) ; Defant (1931) ; Stocks and Wist (1935), and Soule (1936). Northwestward from the Newfoundland Basin to the sixty-third parallel the bottom rises gradually (more than 2,000 meters below the surface) to form, between Greenland and Labrador, the Labrador Basin. Continuing northward the basin grades upward more abruptly to depths slightly less than 700 meters in the region of Davis Strait Ridge where the slope is reversed, the bottom receding to form the Baffin Bay Basin with depths greater than 2,000 meters. The sides of the Labrador Basin present an interesting contrast. Along the Greenland slope the basin rises steeply to a narrow con- tinental shelf, while on the Labrador side a well-defined continental edge and wide coastal margin prevails. Greenland’s shelf from a narrow continental ledge along its south- western coast broadens to the latitude of Davis Strait, where in places the 400-meter contour lies 80 miles offshore. This forma- tion (Nielsen, 1928) is divided into three principal shoals, south to north—Fylla, Little Hellefiske, and Great Hellefiske Banks. The entrance to Baffin Bay places the deepest part of the channel through Davis Strait nearer the Baffin Land than the Greenland shore. The American shelf as bounded by the 400-meter contour broadens from a width of 70 miles off northern Labrador to a width of 180 miles off Newfoundland and thence southward, as the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap, it becomes one of the broadest of continental shelves. The northeasterly extension of the 2,000-meter isobath (see frontis- piece) between the Greenland slope and Reykjanes Ridge creates an eastern appendage and a heart-shaped form to the Labrador Basin. This eastern arm falls necessarily without the limits of our station observations, and is, therefore, referred to only as its waters (the Irminger Sea) affect our own regions under investigation. 1 2 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The waters of the northwestern arm of the Labrador Basin usually referred to as Davis Strait, has often raised a doubt as to the extent of this body of water. Some maps, for example, print the legend Davis Strait from the southern entrance of Baffin Bay to a line from Cape Farewell to Newfoundland. The majority of car- tographers, however, on recent maps, confine the name to the waters on the submarine ridge between Greenland and Baffin Land. The United States Geogr aphic Board is also of the opinion that, strictly speaking, the raters of Davis Strait refer only to the narrowest part of the above waterway. If this definition be observed, and such appears to be best practice, there remains a relatively ‘large sea expanse, bounded on the northeast by Greenland and on the southwest by Labrador and Newfoundland, for which no name pre- vails. The suggestion that this body of water be called the Labrador Sea appears both logical and of good precedent, and so this usage has been followed throughout the present paper. Nearby waters to which occasional references are made include: Irminger Sea, Denmark Strait, and Greenland Sea. The prevailing circulation of the waters also requires frequent reference to the Irminger Current, East Greenland Current, West Greenland Cur- rent, Baffin Land Current, Labrador Current, Gulf Stream, and At- lantic Current. The fanning out of the Gulf Stream on reaching the longitude of the Grand Banks has necessitated another designation for the flow east of the fiftieth meridian—Atlantic Current. Knowledge regarding the submarine configuration of the north- western North Atlantic in its deepest parts, especially where it con- nects through the Labrador and Newfoundland Basins with the North American Basin, helps to explain broad questions of deep- water and bottom- water circulation. As a result of the echo sound- ings obtained by the Meteor, 1929-83, it was found that Reykjanes Ridge (Defant, 1931) extends much farther to the southwest of Iceland than had previously been believed. The configuration, as shown by the trend of the 4,000-meter isobath in the lower right- hand side of the frontispiece, suggests a topographic connection between Reykjanes Ridge and Flemish Cap. Wiist (1935), for one, was of the opinion that the deep water of the Labrador Basin was partially barred from the Newfoundland Basin and the North Amer- ican Basin by a Newfoundland Ridge (i. e., a connection between the Reykjanes Ridge and Flemish Cap) at a depth of about 3,600 meters The Meteor, however, which in February and March 1935 ran a line of soundings from Cape Farewell southward to the fiftieth parallel as stated in a preliminary report by Dr. Bohnecke dated April 8, 1935, found only one isolated sounding of about 3,800 meters near the position of the suspected ridge. In the summer of 1935 Soule (1936) on the United States Coast Guard cutter General Greene collected a total of 2,036 sonic sound- ings from the Labrador Basin and in the region of the Newfound- land Ridge hypothesized by Wiist (1933). A ‘bathymetric map based upon all available soundings has been published by Soule (1936) and *His assumption of a Newfoundland Ridge was based on a difference in temperature of the bottom water as shown by the two following observations: British ship Cambria, latitude 51°34’ N., longitude 41°43’30’’ W., depth 4,234 meters; ts 1.83° C., tp 1.46° C.; and an unnamed ship, from the records of the British “Admiralty, latitude 49°49’ N., longi: tude 38°00’ W.; depth 4,005 meters; ts 2.22° C., tp 1.85° C., (where ts is the temperature in situ and tp is the potential temperature). DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 5 the important contours from this map in the questionable region have been incorporated in our frontispiece. As a result of “the General Greene’s survey it now can be definitely stated that there is no Newfoundland Ridge in the vicinity of the fiftieth parallel, but Reykjanes Ridge and “Flemish Cap are separated by a tortuous channel deeper than 4,500 meters. This depression which hes closer to the American side of the Labrador Sea than the Greenland side can be followed with decreasing depths in a northwesterly direction for a considerable distance. Although there is no bar to the deeper circulation of the Labrador Sea, as formerly suspected, the winding and narrow features of the entering channel, however, may con- siderably restrict the freer mov ement of the bottom water and par- tially explain the temperature gradient recorded in footnote 3 (p. 2). Secondary bathymetric features which have an important bearing on some of the subjects under discussion, and to which brief atten- tion should be called, include a trough-like embayment across the American slope in the latitude of Hudson Strait, the 600-meter con- tour penetrating to within a few miles of Resolution Island. An- other topographic feature is an elliptical depression about 60 miles long by 15 miles wide, its deepest parts more than 200 meters below the surrounding shoal, in latitude 56 N., longitude 59 W. (See frontispiece. ) A larger and more irregularly shaped depression, but not so deep a scarp, is found farther south, about 120 miles north- east of Newfoundland. The Grand Banks, as bounded by the 100- meter contour, are separated from St. Pierre Bank, Green Bank, and Newfoundland by an equal number of channels, the one between Cape Race and the Grand Banks cutting to a depth of 100 meters below the main block of the Banks themselves. In practically every one of the seven sections across the Labrador shelf (figs. 50 and 51) the presence of a longitudinal depression is indicated. HISTORY OF OCEANOGRAPHIC EXPLORATION The northwestern North Atlantic witnessed the voyages of the Norse Vikings colonizing Greenland and reaching North American ( Vinland) shores as early as 1000 A. D. Existing written accounts of the sea in the northwestern North Atlantic date from 1266, when a Norse expedition sailed northward in west Greenland waters to the region of Smith Sound. The first recorded crossing of the Labrador Sea was made by Martin Frobisher in 1576. Surface temperature data from the northwestern North Atlantic, as material incidental to exploration, fisheries, and trade, together with accounts of ice, were made the subject of an oceanographic paper by Petermann (1867). He found evidence of a warm current from the Atlantic that reached even the headwaters of Baffin Bay. In 1872 Bessels, a scientist on board the Polaris of the United States North Polar Expedition, recorded the first sub-surface tem- peratures in the northwestern North Atlantic. Bessels’ (1876) ob- servations from depths of several meters in Kane Basin, north of Baffin Bay, refuted the popular theory of Petermann of a warm Atlantic current. In 1875 Moss, staff surgeon with Nares on H. M.S. Alert of the British North Polar Expedition, carried out a program of tempera- 4 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ture observations at winter quarters and later in the nearby region of Smith Sound. Also in August of the same year H. M. 8. Valorous returning home from Disko Island, Greenland, occupied three sta- tions in the Labrador Sea, at which serial temperatures were secured, surface to bottom. Carpenter (1887) found evidence of the follow- ing: (a) A superheated surface layer in the Labrador Sea moving in a northward direction; (6) a neutral intermediate layer 1,000 fathoms in thickness; and (¢) a cold bottom water of northern origin. Carpenter’s bottom temperatures of 1.44° C., and 1.11° C., are ap- proximately a degree too low, which, no doubt overemphasized his views of an Arctic influence. Baron Nordenskiold’s expedition in the Sofia to Greenland in the summer of 1883 afforded Dr. Axel Hamberg (1884) opportunity to take a series of oceanographic stations along the west coast of Greenland as far north as Cape York. Miller-Casella and Negretti and Zambra thermometers recorded temperatures in tenths. Ham- berg reported the presence of a north flowing current off west Green- land and also pointed out that the Baffin Bay water column is divided into three strata—a surface layer of polar water; a mid- depth warm stratum; and, beneath, water with minimum tempera- ture. Hamburg’s survey, both from the accuracy of measurements and scope, was the most important oceanographic investigation of the northwestern North Atlantic up to that time. In the summers of 1884, 1886, and 1889 Lt. C. F. Wandel (later Admiral) of the Royal Danish Navy, commanding the /'ylla, car- ried out in connection with fisheries investigations in west Green- land waters a hydrographical survey. Six sections, extending out across the shelf distances of 30-75 miles, were made along a front from Godthaab to just north of Disko Island. A résumé of the Fylla’s survey indicated (a) the Labrador current flowing southward contributes Arctic water to the Labrador Sea; (db) the East Green- land Current mixes with a current from the Atlantic along the west coast of Greenland and gives off branches into the Labrador Sea; (c) the West Greenland Current continues northward as far as the observations extended. In the light of subsequent investigations Wandel’s description of Arctic and Atlantic water entering the Labrador Sea along the southwest coast of Greenland are surpris- ingly true to prevailing fact. The Danish naval schooner /ngolf, during an oceanographic expe- dition in command of Captain Wandel (later Admiral) of the /y/la, ae visited the region of Davis Strait June 26 to July 26, 1895. Dr. Martin Knudsen, in charge of the hydrographic work, took a total of 15 stations of serial temperatures and salinities. Knudsen found (a) the warm subsurface water mass in the Labrador Sea is brought there by an extension of the Irminger Current which curves northward around Cape Farewell; (0) the subsurface waters of the Labrador Sea are colder than those of the same latitude in the Denmark Sea because of the chilling effect of the Labrador Current. Knudsen’s observations of temperatures and salinities were much more accurate than previous records, but the temperatures from below 2,000 meters are in most cases about a degree too low, a fact which has been noted by Helland-Hansen (1930). The salinity of the water of the Labrador Sea below 3,000 meters averages close DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 5 to 34.92%0 whereas Knudsen at stations 38 and 37 obtained 34.60 and 34.63%o0, respectively. At Knudsen’s station no. 22, however, in the bottom water southwest of Cape Farewell, 34.96%o appears fairly accurate. Based upon ships’ log book records filed at the Deutsche Seewarte, Schott (1897) published an exposition of the waters of the Grand Banks and surroundings. In spite of the fact that the basic data were necessarily confined to observations that could be made from passing ships, Schott’s paper is noteworthy, as it marks the beginning of oceanographic literature on this particularly interesting area. During the summers of 1908 and 1909 the Greenland Trading Co.’s brig Zjalfe carried out fishery and hydrograpical work in west Greenland waters between the sixty-third and seventy-first parallels of latitude. The results of the physical observations, considered with data from other sources, have been reported by the 7yalfe’s hydro- grapher, Dr. J. N. Nielsen (1928). This is the most detailed and complete oceanographic paper yet published on the northwestern North Atlantic, The following conclusions are put forward. (a) The Labrador and Denmark Seas, in mid-depths, are essentially of the same physical character; (0) the West Greenland Current, with a velocity of approximately 8 miles per day, leaves the coast in the latitude of Godthaab to join the Labrador Current; (c) the tidal flood current increases the velocity of the West Greenland Current, the ebb decreases the same; (@) the velocity of the surface currents around Greenland are greatly affected by the winds; (e) the extension of the Kast Greenland Current undergoes seasonal variation and along the southwest coast of Greenland disappears during autumn; (/) the effects of winter chilling of the surface layers of the Labrador Sea probably extends all the way to bottom, producing there the greater part of the bottom water of the North Atlantic; (7) the eastern part of Baffin Bay, beneath the surface, is filled with warm water that has come across Davis Strait Ridge from the Atlantic and this layer is thickest where it is pressed, by earth rotation, against the Green- land slope; (i) the surface layers of Davis Strait are negative in temperature throughout the year, and the warm water underneath can have no direct effect, therefore, to melt the ice which is super- ficial in draft. Our own observations in 1928 and subsequent years support with specific evidence many of the early conclusions and theories advanced as above by Nielsen. In 1910 the waters of the northwestern North Atlantic in their southern and eastern sectors were explored by the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition. Prof. B. Helland-Hansen (1930) was in charge of the physical work. The Michael Sars approached north- ward toward the Gaaad Banks running a line of stations near the fiftieth meridian toward St. John’s, Newfoundland, and thence east- ward in that latitude across the Atlantic. Serial observations of tem- perature and salinity taken surface to 3,000 meters portray in both sections the abrupt transitions that prevail along the North American slope. The large scale maps, as Helland-Hansen points out, will require many corrections as more and more detailed observations are compiled. This in fact has been proved as will be shown by our own contributions herein. One of the most important questions dealt with by Helland-Hansen is the source of supply of the North Atlantic + 6 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS bottom water. Helland-Hansen believes Arctic contributions are indicated in what few observations there are recorded from the deeper parts of the northwestern North Atlantic. In 1913 the Grand Banks and Atlantic waters adjacent to New- foundland received their first systematic study. Dr. D. J. Matthews (1914), on the steamship Scotia, carried out these investigations in connection with a service providing better protection for trans-At- lantic steamers against the menace of Arctic ice. Some of the main results of Matthew’s summary are (a) the Labrador Current has salinities on the surface between 32.5 and 33.5%Q, which increase with depth, while a temperature minimum as low as —1.8° C., is to be found at depths of 50-75 meters; (6) the Labrador Current splits into three parts on the northern edge of the Grand Banks; (1) the westerly branch flows around Cape Race; (2) the middle and most important arm follows the eastern edge of the Grand Banks, prob- ably diving under the Gulf Stream; and (3) the eastern arm flows eastward to the north of Flemish Cap; (c) the Grand Banks is dominated by no single definite current, the general tendency of the circulation appearing to be that of a great eddy with.a slow southeastward drift; and finally (d) the velocities of the Labrador Current are as a rule relatively weak. April 14, 1914, the United States Coast Guard in conjunction with its International Ice Observation and Ice Patrol service, inau- gurated subsurface observations of temperature and salinity in the Grand Banks sector. The program except for the World War years, 1917 and 1918, has been continuous and gradually amplified. The observations prior to 1922 were taken at unrelated positions and often separated by considerable intervals of time. During the ice season of 1922, and subsequently, the stations for observations have been located, for the most part, along lines normal to the Grand Banks slopes and as synoptic as the duties of the ice patrol ship permitted. The current maps constructed by means of these observations were found to be of such practical value both in fol- lowing the movement of the icebergs and in providing a higher degree of protection for the transatlantic steamships (see Smith 1931, p. 175) that in 1931 the ice patrol cutter was relieved of the task of collecting subsurface observations by the addition of a third vessel to the service. Under the present program the oceanographic vessel occupies between 100 and 200 stations for observations during the normal ice season which constitute the data for three or four maps of the circulation around the Grand Banks. The selection of the particular sea area surveyed depends mostly upon the dis- tribution of the icebergs at the time, but it usually embraces the slope waters and ranges in latitude from the vicinity of Flemish Cap to the Tail of the Grand Banks or even as far south as the fortieth parallel. The size of the area mapped and the extent of the deepest observation depends upon the urgency of the informa- tion; prior to 1931 the oceanographic work was much curtailed below what it is now on account of the necessary scouting duties of the ice patrol cutter itself. Since the assignment of an oceanographic vessel observations have been made to 1,000 meters depth and every second or third station in the deeper water is extended to 1,500 meters. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA | At the expiration of the 1935 ice season, Soule (1936), on the United States Coast Guard cutter General Greene (the oceanographic vessel of the International Ice Patrol), made a cruise to the southern part of the Labrador Sea and eastward as far as the fortieth merid- ian. Temperatures and salinities surface to bottom were collected from a large number of stations, and also oxygen determinations from a few, thus filling in a “blind spot” in the northwestern North Atlantic from the Marion expedition’s survey on the west to the Meteor’s on the east. The station table data and scientific results of the above Inter- national Ice Patrol oceanographic work have all been published in the series of annual reports of the International Ice Patrol. (See Coast Guard bulletins 1-26.) In 1914-15 Dr. Johan Hjort, in charge of a Canadian fisheries expedition, made a careful and methodical study of the shelf waters of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Sandstrom and Bjerkan (1916) have reported on the dynamics and physical character of the water. There are only a few features of direct importance to the present discussion. In 1916 from July to November Dr. Thorild Wulff in charge of the hydrographical work of the II Thule Expedition took a total of 27 stations along the west Greenland slope from Disko Island to Wolstenholme Fjord in Smith Sound. The table data have been published in a short report by Martin Knudsen (1923). For a number of years, especially since 1924, the French Govern- ment has carried out extensive studies in connection with the fishery industry of the Grand Banks and west Greenland banks. Le Danois (1924) in an exposition of his theory of “transgressions”, sum- marizes the results of French investigations of the Grand Banks. The general distribution of temperature and salinity as shown in the one profile, page 42, is similar to that which has been later obtained in nearby localities by the Ice Patrol. Doubt has previously been raised, however, regarding Le Danois’ temperature values of ~2° to —4° C. obtained between Green and St. Pierre Banks. Sub- sequent observations both by ourselves and others indicate this to be an error; the lowest temperature reading ever obtained by the Ice Patrol in the coldest of the Arctic water being So Os Captain L. Beaugé of the French Naval Reserve, in command of the French hospital : ships Jeanne d’Are and Ville d’¥s has carried on the work of Le Danois and reported in a number of the issues of les Revues des Travaux’ (Beaugé 1928 to 1933 inclusive) the results of as many annual investigations on the hydrology of the Gr and Banks. The undulations in the boundary of “cod water” (3.5° C, and 33%0), caused by Atlantic intrusions over the southwest alone of the Grand Banks, are continually referred to, traced, and empha- sized by Beaugé. Le Danois’ theory of oceanic transgressions across continental slopes i is applied and described as found annually for the Grand Banks region. So practicable may it be, Beaugé recommends the use of subsurface thermometers to fishermen so that they may locate the best places in which to fish. These papers contain many interesting remarks on other Grand | Banks hydrological features. For example an increase in the Arctic character of the bottom water, paradoxically, is attributed to a de- 8 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ficiency of Arctic water south of Newfoundland. The density wall, normally offshore in deep water, in this scheme is held to migrate in on to the bank itself, where cabbeling is free to supply an ab- normal quantity of cold water directly to the bottom. An intensi- fied Labrador Current, on the other hand, bars cabbeling and makes for unusually warm water and poor fishing on the Grand Banks. The Ice Patrol’s observations, taken in spring and early summer and our own interpretations of the hydrology, differ materially from those of Beaugé’s as will be discussed in subsequent pages. In this connection we have been unable to find station table data in concise and complete form accompanying Beaugé’s text and figures. This makes comparisons much more difficult. In each of the summers of 1929, 1930, 1931, and 1932, Beaugé’s Grand Banks studies were sup- plemented with a cruise to the west Greenland banks. Sections through the Labrador Sea have been made from the Strait of Belle Isle to the offing of Godthaab and to a depth of 300 meters. A com- parison between 1929 and 1931 (the only 2 years for which both temperature and salinity profiles are shown) indicates that in 1931 a decrease in the Arctic water had taken place while Atlantic water >35%o0 had appeared in surprising volume. These observations re- garding the volume and salinity of Atlantic water do not agree with our own taken at about the same time and place across the Labrador Sea by the General Greene. The subject will be discussed further in the appropriate section. In 1924 the Norwegian Government vessel Michael Sars, conduct- ing a scientific study of whale population and fishing in the North Atlantic, carried out hydrographical investigations in Davis Strait. Martens (1929) reported the results of the observations made at 75 stations, about half of which were taken in west Greenland and Davis Strait waters. Martens concludes from a study of the sections between Iceland and Greenland and that across Davis Strait (a) Atlantic water of 6° C and >35%o0 was a branch of the Irminger Current which flowed around Cape Farewell and into Davis Strait as far northward as the ridge and (6) an under current of warm water, 200 to 500 meters deep, flowed northward across Davis Strait Ridge, while above 200 meters cold water flowed in the opposite direction. In June and July 1925 the Danish fisheries vessel Dana, carried out hydrographical investigations between Iceland and Greenland and also along the west coast of Greenland. Baggesgaard-Rasmus- sen and Jacobsen (1930) reported (a) the presence along the west coast of Greenland at 50 meters depth of water of —0.24° C. and 33.42%0 which was believed to be a mixture of east Greenland and Davis Strait waters; (6) farther north in west Greenland in latitude 65° to 68°30’, a temperature of —0.7° C. and 34.12%, at 100 meters, indicated a mixture involving water from Baffin Bay; (ce) the outer stations, 50-75 miles off the coast of west Greenland, with temperatures of 4° C and salinity 34.95%0, indicated the influence of the Irminger Current. In July and August 1926 the auxiliary schooner yacht Chance carried out a brief but important oceanographic reconnaissance of the practically unknown subsurface waters of Labrador. Iselin (1930), leader of the expedition, has published an exposition based not only on the Chance’s two sections across the Labrador shelf but DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 9 including both a consideration of the Michael Sars section across Davis Strait and one taken northeast of Newfoundland by the Scotia in 1913. Some of Iselin’s findings are (a) the Labrador Current is narrower than popularly supposed and is confined mostly to the continental edge; (6) an abrupt change from water of —1.5° C. and 33.5%0 to 4° C. and 34.5%o0 occurred at the outer edge of the Labrador Current; (c) the margin of the Labrador Sea, where entered, had little indicated movement; (d) the slope current, fairly constant in character and volume, averaged 10 miles per day; (e) the Labrador Current, beneath the surface and throughout its length, remains surprisingly constant in temperature. | The supposed position and general characteristics of the Labrador Current and several other tentative opinions of Iselin, based on the two sections, have been borne out in several instances by our more detailed observations. The same year of the Marion expedition, 1928, the Danish Gov- ernment steam barkentine Godthaab carried out an oceanographic survey of Baffin Bay as well as the Labrador Sea. Commander Eigil Riis-Carstensen (1931) of the Royal Danish Navy, leader of the expedition, has written the narrative account, and the Conseil Permanent International (1929) carried the table data of stations, temperatures, and salinities. The hydrographical report of this expedition, the only thorough and systematic study of Baffin Bay, has not yet been published. The Godthaab and Marion expeditions prior to departure, and while cruising in the northwestern North Atlantic, were frequently in communication with each other regard- ing cooperation of their programs. The same good spirit of co- operation has been extended by the commander of the Godthaab expedition, for the purposes of interpreting our own results and questions which depend on factors in adjoining areas and he has given generous permission to use the station data contained in Bulletin Hydrographique (1929). The summer of 1928 witnessed the entrance of still another oceanographic expedition, that of the nonmagnetic vessel Carnegie of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Insti- tution of Washington, D. C. This expedition took five stations en route across the northwestern North Atlantic. Like the Godthaab’s the report of this survey has not yet been published, but reference to the station table data has been made through the permission of the director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Washington, D. C. The only station comparable with those of the Marion, Car- negie’s station no. 12, is in good agreement with those nearby of the Marion. During the summers of 1928 to 1930, inclusive, and in February, March, and the summer of 1933, the German research vessel Meteor carried out oceanographic work in the Denmark Sea as far as 500 miles southeast of Cape Farewell. Béhnecke (1930, 1931), Defant (1931, 1933), and Schulz (1934), have given preliminary accounts of surface water conditions and other hydrographical features. No report on the results of the February-March 1933 investigations has yet appeared. Bohnecke (1931) has also employed the 7—S corre- lation to interpret other parts of the data. Some of the important findings have been (a) the Reykjanes Ridge, as bounded by the 2,000 10 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS meter isobath, extends farther southwest of Iceland than heretofore supposed (approximately 900 miles) ; (0) Atlantic water (the Irminger Current) extended closer toward Cape Farewell and in ereater volume in 1928 than in 1930; (¢) the Arctic water appar- ently was subject to greater variations during these years than was Atlantic water: (d) Arctic and Atlantic water mix along the outer edge of the East Greenland Current called the polar front; (e) sub- Arctic waters composed of Atlantic mixed water, mixed water from the polar front, and water from the Labrador Current all mix with Atlantic water along the fifty-first parallel of latitude in a so-called secondary polar front; (d@) surface temperatures, salinities, and de- duced circulation in the region appear to agree with the early hypotheses of Nansen. The Newfoundland Fishery Research Laboratory located at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland, Harold Thompson, director, made two annual cruises with its research vessel during the period 1931 to 1935. The survey embraced the coastal waters from Hamilton Inlet southward to the Laurentian Channel including the off-lying Grand Banks to the continental edge. The oceanographic work consisted of tem- peratures and salinities collected surface to depths of 500 meters and the release of drift bottles. A record has thus been kept of the variation in Arctic water over the area during the period. (This information is contained in Newfoundland Fishery Research Labora- tory, Annual Reports, 1931 to 1934.) The new British hydrographical ship Challenger in 1932 took three hydrographical sections in the northwestern North Atlantic from surface to bottom. One was taken from the tail of the Grand Banks to St. John’s, Newfoundland, another from St. John’s east- ward along the fiftieth parallel, and the third near Cape Harrigan and normal to the Labrador coast from shore into deep water. Challenger station number 8, northwest of Flemish Cap, latitude 49°51", longitude 42°09’, with temperatures >10° C. and salinities >385%p_ at depths down to 385 meters, is of special interest to us. In September 1935 the Atlantis, oceanographic ketch of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, ran two sections south from the Tail (8 stations) to about the fortieth parallel and another section (8 stations) along the fortieth meridian from latitude 40° to 50° N. Temperatures and salinities were secured from the surface to bottom. The physical results are referred to by Iselin (1936). February and March 1935 witnessed another cruise of the German research vessel Meteor to the waters southwest of Iceland, the expedi- tion being of unusual interest since it collected wintertime observa- fions in a practically unknown region south of Cape Farewell long suspected of contributing at this time of year to the supply of bottom water of the North Atlantic. No published report of the scientific results has yet appeared, but through the courtesy of the director of the Institut fiir Meereskunde a copy of the temperature and salinity data has been placed at our disposal and is later discussed as it bears upon our data taken during summer only. _ The Danish Meteorological Institute in its annual publication, the State of the Ice in Arctic Seas (Publikationer fra Det Danske Meteorlogiske Institut 1926), has published a series of 12 monthly DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 1 mean surface temperature maps which embrace part of the north- western North Atlantic region. Although there are no observations available from the surface or subsurface west and northwest of Cape Farewell from January to March, isothermal maps are presented. It is presumed that they are based upon the indications and trend of the nine monthly maps for which there are observations. The 70.2 N60). SO.» AQ.) :30 20 FIGURE 2.—The extent of oceanographic exploration of the northwestern North Atlantic, Areas _A;, As, and As, in order, have been more thoroughly explored than areas B, to B;, or than areas C, to Cs, in similar order. Areas marked “D” have had little or no subsurface investigation. For oceanographic vessels and dates of surveys in the above areas see text (p. 12). results so obtained are, of course, questionable, especially in view of the Meteor’s March 1935 observations south of Cape Farewell. The Meteor’s station surface temperatures, except for one station located in East Greenland Arctic water near Cape Farewell, are higher than those indicated by the surface isothermal maps pub- lished by the Danish Meteorological Institute (1926). 79920—37——2 12 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS It can be seen from the foregoing history that the waters of the northwestern North Atlantic can be divided with reference to the degree of their exploration. A list of the research vessels with the dates during which they have made physical oceanographic sur- veys in the areas shown on figures 2 is as follows: Ax. Michael Sars, 1910; Scotia, 1913; United States Coast Guard (Inter- national Ice Patrol), 1914-35; French hospital ship, 1929-84; Cape Aguhlas, 1931-388 ; Canadian Fisheries, 1914-15: Carnegie, 1928; Challenger, 1932; At- Seri 1935. Sofia, 1883; Fylla, 1884-89; Ingolf, 1895, 19384; Tjalfe, 1908-9; Michael Bere 1924; Dana, 1925; Godthaab, 1928; Marion, 1928; General Greene, 1931, 1933, 1934; French hospital ship, 1929-30-31 34, As. Sofia, 1883; Ingolf, 1895; Tjalfe, 1908-9; Dana, 1925; Meteor, 1929-33-35 ; Carnegie, 1928; Polaris, 1932. Bi. Ingolf, 1895; Chance, 1926; Scotia, 1913; Godthaab, 1928; Carnegie, 1928; French hospital ship, 1929-81-34 ; Marion, 1928; General Greene, 1931-83-84-35 ; Challenger, 1982. Bo. Meteor, 1935; General Greene, 1935. Bs. Canadian Fisheries, 1914-15; United States Coast Guard (International Ice Patrol), 1921-238. B:. Sofia, 1883; Michael Sars, 1924; Gadthaab, 1928; Marion, 1928. B;. Atlantis, 1931; Michael Sars, 1910; Challenger, 1932; Scotia, 1913. C,. Atlantis, 1932. C2. Atlantis, 1931, 1935; Challenger, 1932. D. Challenger, 1932. Tt should be added there is no sector from which there are today sufficient subsurface observations to give accurately the prevailing annual cycle. Cuaprer II INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS A report of some of the oceanographic apparatus of the Marion Expedition 1928 is contained in the narrative of the cruise. (See Ricketts and Trask, 1932. The subsurface temperatures were taken with deep-sea _ther- mometers belonging to the International Ice Patrol and manufac- tured by Negretti & Zambra, Schmidt & Vossberg, and Richter & Wiese. Most of the instruments were of the Negretti & Zambra make with no auxiliary thermometer and graduated into two-tenths of a degree centigrade. The remainder of the supply were fitted with auxiliary thermometers, their main stems graduated in one-tenth of a degree centigrade. There were a sufficient number of these latter to pair with the former in each water bottle. ‘Test certificates were available for all thermometers, and readings were corrected to the nearest one one-hundredth of a degree centigrade from prepared correction graphs in the usual manner. The surface temperatures were taken with a dip bucket and a thermometer of known calibration, graduated into tenths of a degree eae The corrected temperatures are so shown in the station tables. As a result of the above-described methods, the record of tem- peratures contained in the 1928 station tables are considered accurate to within 0.03° C. An exception is to be noted, however, in the case of station 1016, the only deep-water station taken north of the Davis Strait Ridge. Proceeding downward at station 1016 the temperature dropped to a minimum at 60 meters and then immediately rose to a negative fraction which prevailed to bottom. Such a vertical distri- bution of temperature does not agree with that at several nearby stations taken by the Danish ship Godthaab (Conseil Permanent International, 1929) prior and subsequent to the date of station 1016. Nor do the Marion’s temperatures agree with those of the typical summer-time column in Baffin Bay which is characterized by a posi- tive temperatured mid-depth layer. The constant increase of salinity with depth at station 1016, on the other hand, precluded the most probable interpretation, that the water bottles may have tripped be- fore reaching the recorded depths. A comparison between the tem- peratures at Marion station 1016 and Michael Sars station 46 and Godthaab stations 162 and 163 has permitted corrections to be made to some of those of station 1016, and, so qualified, they have been allowed to enter the dynamic calculations. Water samples were stoppered in newly rubber-gasketed citrate bottles and all salinities were determined by means of electric con- ductivity. The two salinometers on board the Marion were con- structed and calibrated at the United States Bureau of Standards, 13 14 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Washington, D. C., a description of the instruments having been published by Wenner, Smith, and Soule (19380). The adjustment of the variables were checked at least every 4 days, and often once or twice daily by means of two or more tests with water of known salinity. Frequent duplicate determinations of the salinity of samples was performed where there was any reason to doubt the reliability of any determination; also duplicate determinations were made of nearly every sample from depths greater than 1,200 meters. The precision of the salinity values, therefore, shown in the 1928 tables is believed to be equal to 0.02%o. In addition to the temperature and salinity observations approxi- mately 50 samples of the bottom from the shelves and slopes of the Labrador Basin were secured by means of a home-made sampler. A report of the scientific findings regarding the bottom collections has been published by Ricketts & Trask (1932). The Marion was equipped with a fathometer, manufactured by the Submarine Signal Corporation, Boston, Mass., with which sound- ings were made at half-hour intervals and sometimes oftener. A description of the instrument and the methods employed in the bathymetrical survey have also been reported by Ricketts & Trask 1932). : The Greene-Bigelow water bottles gave us continual trouble and their unreliability necessitated unceasing vigilance to guard against errors entering the observations. The Marion received these instru- ments immediately on the expiration of Ice Patrol, where for the pre- vious 3 months they had received hard usage. No time was available to give them the much-needed attention of a machine shop. ‘The material, moreover, from which the bottles had been manufactured was entirely too soft and malleable to withstand the shocks and handling incident to field work. Despite continual repairs on board the bottles occasionally would fail to close after releasing the mes- sengers or would sometimes, during rough seas and lively motion of the ship, release a messenger prematurely, thus necessitating the en- tire retaking of the observations at a station. It was our practice, however, by pressing against the suspended wire, to feel and count the messengers as each one of the series tripped its respective bottle. If these did not check with the total number of bottles, then those depths not so recorded were retaken. In order to guard more carefully against faulty operation of the water bottles it was routine procedure for those responsible for the station observations to construct a temperature curve of the ther- mometer readings on cross-section paper before the ship was per- mitted to depart from the spot. If the temperature curve was found to contain any marked irregularities, those observations considered suspicious were immediately retaken and rechecked. No unprotected thermometers were included in the 1928 equip- ment, and because of this fact particular attention at stations was given to the elimination, as much as possible, of the wire angle. It was found possible to maintain a nearly vertical wire with the Marion even during a gale of wind by a kick ahead, first on one motor and then on the other, as she fell off either side of “the eye” of the wind. The fact that the Marion possessed twin screws made this possible and reduced this source of error to a minimum. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SBA 15 The customary practice of spacing the water bottles on the wire was followed, viz, bottles were placed at. shorter intervals, directly proportional to the depth of the most rapid change in the tem- perature and the salinity. The maximum depth of observation for the deeper stations was 3,100 meters, with 11 stations 2,000 meters or more, and 61 stations between 1,200 and 2,000 meters. The thermometers on board the General Greene for the 1931 expe- dition totaled 25 as follows: 2 Richter & Wiese and 4 Negretti & Zambra with scales graduated into two-tenths of a degree centi- grade. The remainder were of an older type divided into two-tenths of a degree and without auxiliary thermometers. The Greene-Bigelow water bottles contained two thermometers each, old and new thermometers being paired together, the correc- tions for the instruments having auxiliaries being applied also to those without same. A comparison of all corrected temperatures showed a difference less than one one-hundredth of a degree centi- grade in 34 percent of the observations. The average difference for all the temperature records was 0.03° C. The mean corrected tem- peratures of paired thermometers is shown in the 1931 station tables except where a difference greater than 0.04° C. occurred. In such cases only the corrected temperature from the thermometer equipped with the auxiliary has been printed. The surface temperatures were obtained with thermometers having a scale divided into 0.1 of a degree centigrade, the length of 1 degree being 10 millimeters. The surface water was brought on deck by means of a metal dip bucket. Salinities in 1931 were determined partly by means of the electric conductivity method on board or by means of titration. Faulty mechanical functioning of the electrical equipment necessitated re- course to titration of about 100 samples from stations 1220 to 1287 on board and titration of samples from stations 1288 to 1341 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on the return of the General Greene. Each sample was titrated twice, and if the differ- ence in salinity exceeded 0.02%o0 a third titration was made. Out of approximately 550 samples, stations 1220 to 1286, along the Labra- dor coast, 250 have been determined twice. At those stations where titrations have been made, the mean of the determinations by the salinometer and by titration, have been printed in the tables except where the difference exceeded 0.03%0, and in such cases titrated values only have been used. There are about 300 salinities, stations 1220 to 1287, which have been determined by the salinometer only once, and it is, of course, impossible to tell the accuracy of these determinations. Salinity curves for each station, however, have been carefully constructed, © and they do not show any marked irregularities in the deeper or bigher strata, the salinities apparently agreeing very well with the checked values. The values of the salinities from stations 1254 and 1255 are higher by 0.10%o0 to 0.15% than for stations 1253 and 1256. No extra samples unfortunately were retained from these sta- tions. The salinities are obviously incorrect, and they have, accord- ingly, been stricken from the tables. As in 1928 on the Marion the General Greene carried no unpro- tected thermometers in 1931. It was attempted, as far as possible, 16 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to eliminate the wire angle by maneuvering the vessel. There are only some few stations where the wire angle may have had any important influence on the observations. These stations are as follows: Station no. 1293.—Hstimated wire angle=15° (0-500 meters) and 25° (600- 1,400 meters). Station no. 1294.—Estimated wire angle=15° (0-500 meters) and 25° (800-— 1,600 meters). Station no. 1312.—Estimated wire angle about 30°. Station no. 1313.—Estimated wire angle about or more than 30°. Station no. 1314.—About 15° (0-600 meters) and about 10° (800-2,000 meters ). Station no. 1326.—About 10°. Station no. 1327.—About 10°. Station no. 1828.—About 10°-15°. The wire angle was taken into consideration for stations 1298, 1294, 1312, and 1313 and corrected in the sections of temperature, salinity, and velocity, and in the dynamic calculations for the current maps. This has been done simply by reducing the depths recorded by the meter wheel in proportion to the mean of the wire angles for the two first stations, and 30° for the two last-mentioned stations, the wire being considered as a straight line. Such a method is of course not accurate, but it seemed, by comparison between station curves, to give more reasonable values than the uncorrected observations. In the tables, however, for the four stations mentioned above, the values of temperature, salinity, density, and the result of the dynamic calculations are published for uncorrected depths, as measured by the meter wheels. Approximately 1,800 soundings were taken on the 1931 cruise mostly by use of the fathometer. When on the continental shelves wire soundings were used to control the sonic ones. A brief narrative of the General Greene’s 1931 cruise is contained in United States Coast Guard Bulletin No. 21. In 1933 Nansen water bottles and Richter & Wiese protected and unprotected reversing thermometers were used, all of the thermom- eters being equipped with auxiliary thermometers. Details of the methods employed in obaining and correcting observations are the same as for the 1983 season’s work described by Soule (1934) (pp. 30-85). A series of timed trials indicated that the messengers de- scended at a rate of about 150 meters per minute. No bottles were reversed until at least 10 minutes after they were in place. Time taken for the messengers to travel from the surface to the first bottle was estimated using a speed of 200 meters per minute, and the time allowed after release of the messenger from the suxface, before haul- ing in the bottles, was based on a messenger speed of 100 meters per minute. The titration results gave abnormally high salinities, the values in some cases being as great as 35.30%o0 with a small area southwest of Greenland having salinities of 35.20% or more from 200 to 2,000 meters. These values were so suspiciously high that several thorough attempts have been made to uncover some error. Copen- hagen standard water of the batch P;, was used every day in the standardization of the silver nitrate solution, the reduction of the burette reading to salinities have been checked, the burette and pipette used have been examined, the potassium chromate solution DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA ig used was checked by using it in other titrations, all with no explana- tion of the high salinities. The titrations were made within 24 hours after collection of the samples. The sample bottles were of the citrate of magnesia type and were well aged, having been used throughout the season and in most cases having been used the pre- ceding season. In filling the sample bottles from Nansen bottles the sample bottle was half filled, shaken, emptied, and again half filled and emptied before filling with the sample. New rubber washers had been placed on all sample bottles just prior to the cruise. The main valves, air valve, and petcocks of the Nansen bottles were repeatedly inspected, and, as the temperatures are about normal, the Nansen bottles have reversed at the proper level. As the vertical temperature gradient in the laboratory is considerable and the samples are ordi- narily stored on the deck, whereas the standard water is kept at a level about 3 feet above the deck, the thermal expansion effect was investigated by Mr. Alfred H. Woodcock of the Woods Hole Ocean- ographic Institution by experiment, standardizing the silver nitrate with Copenhagen water at room temperature and then measuring a refrigerated sample by titrating it several times as it warmed up to room temperature. As a result of this experiment it was concluded that the error due to this source was probably less than 0.05%o0 in salinity and certainly less than 0.10%o. A group of 42 samples, originally titrated immediately after col- lection in July 1933 and which had been brought back were then again titrated by Mr. Alfred H. Woodcock at Woods Hole in October. These results averaged 0.018%0 chlorine lower than the first results, 82 samples freshening, 9 samples being saltier, and 1 sample being the same. However, the samples were allowed to stand another 2 months and then were measured for a third time in De- cember. The December titrations averaged 0.014%o0 chlorine lower than the second measurements, 40 of the 42 samples being fresher and two being slightly saltier (0.001%0 and 0.002%0 chlorine) than found in October. We shall not discuss here the causes of this continued freshening which averaged more than 0.011% salinity per month for 5 months; but, whatever the causes, the second and third titrations, because of the relatively small salinity differences, throw no direct doubt upon the first titrations, or at least not upon the chlorine values found in the first titrations. The fact that during the fall of 1982 Wilson and Thompson (1933) found a strong influx of salty water from the Atlantic in the deeper layers on the Grand Banks indicates a flooding of the Gulf Stream and suggests that the high salinities found in 1933 in the Labrador Sea are not beyond the bounds of possibility. The axis of the highest salinity water off the Greenland coast, according to the 1933 results, coincides very well in location with the usual high salinity axis and erades off to small anomalies on the Labrador side, thus making it impossible to deduct a constant amount from all the measurements without making the salinities on the Labrador side abnormally low. This lends credence to the 1933 observations; but because the salini- ties are so unusually high, and because there is not a corresponding increase in temperature, the salinities have not been used except for the construction of a dynamic topographic chart, and are not pre- sented here in graphical form, but appear only in the tables. 18 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS In determining the depths of the observations in 1933 a combina- tion of meter-wheel readings and unprotected reversing thermometers was used. The deepest bottle of a series carried one protected and one unprotected thermometer. At stations where two series were necessary, unprotected thermometers were attached to the upper- most, deepest, and middle bottles of the deep series. The depths indicated by these unprotected thermometers were used in conjunc- tion with the meter-wheel readings to determine the depth of re- versal for all the bottles. Whenever conditions seemed favorable, that is when there was little wind and a small wire angle, oppor- tunity was taken to check the pressure coefficients of the unprotected thermometers. The pressure coefficients so obtained were based on the assumption of an accurate meter wheel and were consistently higher by about 8 percent than the coefficients given in the test certificates. These experimentally determined pressure coefficients were used in deriving the depths of reversal. However, it is probable that the pressure coefficients given in the test certificates are more accurate than the meter wheel. The listed depths of the observa- tions therefore are probably too shallow by about 3 percent. During July 1934 the General Greene ran two lines of oceano- graphic stations across the shelf northeast of Newfoundland and a complete traverse of the Labrador Sea from southern Labrador to Cape Farewell, Greenland. Nansen water bottles and Richter & Wiese reversing thermometers were again used. The same time in- tervals were allowed for the thermometers to attain temperature equilibrium, and the same messenger speeds of travel were used as in 1933. A brief description of the details of the methods employed has been given by Soule (1935) (pp. 49-58). Provision was made for the determination of salinities by either the silver nitrate titration method or the electrical conductivity method. A new model Wenner salinity bridge was received during the season and was calibrated with titrated samples as described by Soule (1935). This new model embodied many of the improvements in construction recommended by Wenner, Smith, and Soule (1930). All routine measurements of salinity were made with the new salinity bridge and each sample was so measured twice. During the season, and on the cruise under discussion, a total of 2,570 measurements were made of half that number of samples. No two measurements of the same sample differed by more than 0.015°/,..in salinity, so it was not necessary to measure any of them a third time. All measurements were re- ferred to Copenhagen standard water of the batch P,,;, the same batch being used throughout so that any variation in salt ratios which might possibly exist between different batches would not invalidate the calibration curve of the bridge. Copenhagen standard water was used for every series of measurements, and either Copen- hagen standard or a substandard water was used in each cell once every 10 or 12 measurements. ALI titrations and the routine bridge measurements were made by the oceanographer’s assistant. As a result of careful comparisons of the simultaneous measure- ment of samples by both titration and new model salinity bridge methods the conclusion has been reached that at least under condi- tions existing on board the General Greene at sea the titration DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 19 method is not sufficiently free from erratic results for the purposes of the International Ice Patrol and the new model bridge is looked upon as an essential instrument. From the deeper layers in the vicinity southwest of Green- land for which the unusually high salinities were found in 1933, double samples were taken and were measured by silver nitrate titra- tion in addition to the routine bridge measurements. Fourteen samples were so measured, each sample being titrated twice, the titration taking place within 48 hours after collection. In the case of 13 of the 14 samples no third titration was necessary and the titration values were consistently higher than the salinity bridge values, the differences ranging from 0.03%o0 to 0.065%o0 salinity with an average difference of 0.048% salinity. In the case of the remain- ing sample (Station 1764, 735 meters) the bridge gave 34.955%o0 on July 14, the first titration gave 35.05%0 on July 14, and the second titration gave 34.99%0 on July 14. As there was insufficient silver nitrate solution prepared to make a third titration that day, the sample was set aside and titrated again on July 16, when a value of 34,96%o0 was obtained. Not enough of the sample remained for a fourth titration. The consistent discrepancy is somewhat puzzling. The persistence of the difference, in magnitude and sign, makes it improbable that the precision of the measurements is at fault. There seem but two remaining explanations—(1) that the calibration of the bridge was faulty and (2) that the relation of conductivity to total halogens was different here than elsewhere. The fact that the same batch of Copenhagen standard water was used for the measurements as for the calibration of the bridge leaves no doubt but that the cali- bration curve was correct at the salinity of the standard water. Further, because the salinity of the 13 samples in’ question covered but a small range of salinities (34.88%0 to 34.93%0 with an aver- age of 34.912°/,.) very close to the salinity of the standard water (35.018%0) it does not seem possible that the calibration of the bridge was at fault. This leaves as probable only the possibilities that the conductivity varies among different tubes of the same batch of standard water or that the relation of conductivity to total halogens was different in this water than elsewhere. The depths of the observations in 1934 were determined by the use of unprotected thermometers. Five such instruments were used in conjunction with protected thermometers. The shallow series always carried an unprotected thermometer on its deepest bottle. At stations where two series were necessary the deep series usually consisted of seven bottles, the uppermost, deepest, and alternate intermediate bottles being equipped with unprotected thermometers. The pres- sure coefficients given in the Physikalish-Technische Reichsanstalt test certificates for the instruments were used as given. The dynamic computations for the stations occupied in 1928 and 1934 have been made by means of anomaly tables published by Sver- drup (1983); and for the years 1931 and 1933 after the manner de- scribed by Smith (1926). The dynamic heights for those stations shallower than the common reference depth have been computed by means of the method described by Helland-Hansen (1934) for all 4 years, GREENE EXPEDITIONS RAL ~ “ AND GEN MARION 20 O Ww = 2 3 SI 2 o xample of the method of construction of a velocity (current) profile. 3.—An @ FIGURE DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 21 The velocity of the current between any two points has been com- puted in the manner described by Smith (1926) (p. 31). The extensive use of velocity profiles as illustrations in this paper justifies a description of the method of construction and also refer- ence to the method of computing the volume of the current, or the transport, as it is often called, through any given vertical section. A velocity profile is a representation in vertical cross section of the distribution of the components of velocity of the horizontal cur- rents perpendicular to the plane of the section. Equal values of velocity are connected and expressed usually in terms of centimeters per second. As an example we have selected section A, figure 3, a section normal to the West Greenland Current taken off Cape Fare- well, Greenland, September 2-3, 1928. (See station tables, stations 1080 to 1086 (pp. 219-220).) It is assumed that the mean velocities between successive pairs of stations for a number of standard depths have been computed in accordance with the equation— (aS Be) U> Ba lL “sin where (#4—A#'s) denotes the average slope of the isobaric surfaces between stations A and B; o, the angular velocity of the earth; Z,the distance between the stations, and ¢, their mean latitude. These values of mean velocity are then plotted to scale against horizontal distance along the section and with regard to the direction of the component at right angles to the section, figure 3, as a series of parallel lines. A smooth curve representing the velocity at any point on any one of the given levels, stations 1080 to 1086, may be substituted for the series of mean velocity lines, provided that (a) the curve be drawn in such a manner between adjacent stations that equal areas are formed on either side of the previously fixed lines of mean velocity and (6) that the curve be drawn flattest near the margin, and near the axis, of each indicated band. Between stations 1080 and 1081, figure 3, for example, the velocity curve is drawn so that the area BEF equals area FAG; and between stations 1081 and 1082 DG@H and JCJ equal area P. The velocity curve WJ, figure 3, is thus continued to include the remaining stations of the section, and simi- lar curves are constructed for other levels. The final step is to project the curve J/N, and the curves for the other levels, on to their respective depths in a vertical plane and lastly to connect equal values of the same sign. The resulting illus- tration (see upper half of fig. 3) is referred to as a velocity profile. In order to test the accuracy of the above-described method, the dynamic height of a station located midway between stations 1081 and 1082 was computed on the basis of temperatures and salinities interpolated from the profiles of these variables. The values of the mean velocity were then computed and plotted and the velocity curve for the surface was drawn as described. It indicated that the axis of the current lay closer to station 1082 than previously drawn but its velocity of 48 centimeters per second differed only 4 centimeters per second from the earlier determined value. 22 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The question also arises as to how closely computed velocities agree with actual velocities where dynamic heights have been calculated to the nearest millimeter. From our experience it is doubtful whether the velocity lines on the profiles can claim a greater accuracy than 1 centimeter per second or, expressed in dynamic height for the mean latitude of the area investigated, this is equal to a slope of about 9 dynamic millimeters in a distance of 20 miles. The volume of current, or the transport, through a given vertical section may be found either graphically from the sum of the products of cross-sectional areas and their mean velocities or by numerical integration in accordance with a method described by Jakhelln 1936). Jakhelln’s method, briefly, takes advantage of the fact that in the development of the equation of the volume of the current (1. e., the transport), the value of the distance between two stations appearing in both numerator and denominator, is eliminated. where J is the net transport; 3 is the mean velocity, surface to a depth, z, where the current is assumed zero. Further— But— mak, (AH,—AEs3) _ 10 re OEY ain ar >see (3) where #' represents the anomaly of dynamic height. Substituting (3) in (1), results in the above-mentioned cancelation of Z and bie Lee 2 sin. [(az, — AE z)dz-..(4) or expressed in different form— Ga | it heietts |, AE yd: | a SRG where A=. —- (For values of A, see Smith 1926, table VI.) Since it is more convenient to deal with the values of the anomaly of specific volume AV than the anomaly of dynamic height, AZ, we can from (5) express the equation in final form— v=] \avaae— [faved] oo) The practical application of Jakhelln’s method to any two sta- tions, A and B, is, first, to find the station anomalies of specific volume in the usual manner and then integrate the same, for each station, from the assumed common motionless depth to the surface. The difference between the two station integrals when divided by Yo sin @ (see table VI, Smith 1926), gives the value of the net volume DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 23 of the current, or the net transport, normal to the plane of, and between, stations A and B. It has been the practice in the present paper first to construct velocity profiles and then to make planimeter measurements of the 60 90 40 60 Ticure 4.—An example of a transport map, each line representing a volume of current Mg ahah cubic meters per second. Based on General Greene’s survey July 4—August » LRT: volume of the separate bands of opposing flow as shown distributed on the particular profile. The net transport thus found has then been checked by employing the values at end stations, or between critical pairs of stations, of the section, in accordance with the above- 24 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS described method of Jakhelln (1936). The difference in the values thus found by the two methods seldom exceeded 15 percent of the net transport, and this figure was considered immaterial. The net volume of the current, figure 3, was 4.41 m°/sx10° by graphic method and 3.73 m*/sxX10° by Jakhelln’s method. It should of course be borne in mind that Jakhelln’s method (see also Werens- kiold, 1935) gives results in terms of net volume or transport, and this, for example where the two given stations span the boundary of op- posing currents, furnishes information in comparative terms only. Perhaps the best practice, although laborious, is, first, the construc- tion of a velocity profile as earlier described, and, second, the com- putation of the volume of the various currents by integrating to the zero velocity lines as shown on the profile in accordance with the Jakhelln method. The determination of the transport through the several sections in the Labrador Sea the summer of 1931 have been combined in a so-called transport map. (See fig. 4, p. 28.) Ekman (1929) and Thorade (1933) have published similar maps for other regions of the North Atlantic. It should be added that the construction of velocity profiles and the planimeter determination of velocity areas and volumes there- from is essential, wherever the average temperature of the separate bands of currents and the rate of heat transport are desired. The algebraic sum of the several products of velocity by cross-sectional area by temperature represents the net rate of heat transfer through — the section. The average temperature has been obtained by dividing this value for the rate of heat transfer by the net volume of flow. ‘The average temperature of the slope band of the West Greenland Current in the Cape Farewell section A, figure 3, was 5.5° C. The rate of heat transfer is expressed in million-cubic-meter-degrees, centigrade-per-second. In the case of the slope band of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell September 2-3, 1928, figure 3, the rate of heat transfer was 17.5° C. m°/sX 10°. In computing the volume of current (transport) from velocity profiles, it is important that the profiles be drawn as accurately as possible. The velocity profiles described and used in this report are considered justifiable, if on no other basis than that they provide a means of computing the average temperature of, and the rate of heat transported by, ocean currents. The salinity of the sea is, of course, free from many of the in- fluences that act upon the temperature. A quantitative determina- tion of the rate of salt transport similar to the above-described method of obtaining the rate of heat transport has been utilized as shown on p. 77. ¢ Cuaptrer IIT THE, CIRCULATORY SYSTEM AND TYPES OF WATER When our data collected during the summer of 1928 from the Labrador Sea were substituted in Bjerknes’ hydrodynamic formulae, a general cyclonic circulation of the upper water layers (the tropo- sphere) was revealed.* 60 50)... 40 FIGURE 5.—The system of circulation of the upper water layers (troposphere) in the northwestern North Atlantic. This consists of a northward flow along the Greenland slope, the West Greenland Current; a southward movement along the Ameri- can side, the Baffin Land Current and the Labrador Current (cf. Riis- Carstensen 1931, p. 5), and a northward set, the Atlantic Current in the southern part of the Labrador Sea (fig. 5). The more cen- *The circulation of the upper water layers has been determined by reference to the 1,500-decibar surface. This common depth best served the observational data, several stations offshore of the continental slopes not having been taken to greater depths than 1,500 meters. The computations indicated, however, that in certain regions, notably along the Greenland slope, appreciable motion prevailed even at 1,500 meters. It should be constantly borne in mind, therefore, that the Bjerknes’ methods express results in terms of comparative motion only. If the state of rest or motion on a selected datum plane be incorrectly assumed, an error is introduced and the results in terms of direction and velocity of the currents consequently will be incorrect. In an area such as the north- western North Atlantic, subject as it is to severe wintertime conditions and other equally important suspected influences, it is wise to challenge constantly the validity of assumptions required by the Bjerknes’ method. 25 oO 26 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS tral portions of the Labrador Sea partake of a slow cyclonic mo- tion. The West Greenland Current in this scheme is reall two flows in one—(a) the East Greenland Current and (6) the Irminger Cur- rent; ®° which in their extension around Cape Farewell become reen- ergized along the west coast of Greenland and are renamed for that region, The Labrador Current likewise is an extension of the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current. A vertical section of the Labrador Sea between points A and B, figure 5, shows that the greatest changes in physical character occur at the sides of the basin as represented by the line W/—\ (fig. 6). Three principal water types characterize the northwestern North Iliad YG ZL RRA | FiGuRE 6.—A schematic vertical cross section of the Labrador Sea, Belle Isle to Cape Farewell. Uddde, ©oastal water. Wy Arctic water. Atlantic water. {]j) Mixed Labrador Sea water. Atlantic, viz, coastal, Arctic, and Atlantic. Their mixture (dis- cussed in chap. VIII), with a remarkably small range of approxi- mately 1° C. temperature and 0.06%o salinity, fills approximately 90 percent of the Labrador Basin. In assigning names to water masses in the sea it should always be remembered that values are comparative only. Variations in the mixing processes, as regards time and place, constantly prevail. This fact precludes any possibility of assigning definite limits of tem- perature and salinity. An interpretation of the circulation, based solely upon the relative proportions and degree of purity of a par- ticular type of water present in a given mass, may often prove mis- leading. Detecting the presence of waters from known sources re- quires a thorough familiarity with the region investigated, particu- 5 For a description of the general position and behavior of the East Greenland Current and Irminger Current east of Cape Farewell prior to entering the Labrador Sea see Nielsen (1928). DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 27 larly as to the range and degree of thermal and saline character of the mass where and when observed. In this respect the employment of temperature-salinity correlation graphs has been found helpful. Atlantic water, for example, is found at certain times off the Tail of the Grand Banks with a temperature of 16° C., and a salinity of 36.00%. Atlantic water off Cape Farewell at the same time, how- ever, has, as might be expected, different criteria; a temperature of about 6° C., and a salinity of about 35.00%»). Vestiges of Atlantic water still farther north in the northern sector of the Labrador Sea can be traced where the temperature is only about 4° C., and a salinity of about 34.80%o. The word “Arctic” has been used mainly to designate water, the temperature of which is so low as to indicate a far northern source. In the present case, where the area extends beyond the Arctic Circle itself, the term Arctic water is intended to signify water which has originally flowed from a more northern point than where the ob- servation in question was made. Reflecting, therefore, the frigidity of its polar sources, Arctic water often has a minimum temperature as low as —1.7° C. Such water masses, when insulated by lighter layers, may be transported great distances without appreciable change in temperature, readings of —1.5° C. having often been ob- served in latitudes as low as 43° near the Tail of the Grand Banks, more than halfway from the Pole to the Equator. The salinity of Arctic water lies between that of Atlantic and coastal, and for that reason it is best identified by its temperature. Coastal water naturally is in the lowest brackets of salinity. The term is associated primarily with land drainage and river discharge and later as such water expands seaward over shelves or banks or is transported along coastal slopes. Identification, is most easily made during summer when coastal water from its lightness lies uppermost and thus absorbs greater quantities of solar radiation. Winter chill- ing, on the other hand, especially severe in the northwestern North Atlantic, may cool coastal water to temperatures approaching closely that of minimum Arctic character. 79920—37——3 CHAPTER LV THE WEST GREENLAND SECTOR THE SURFACE CURRENTS The more critically ocean currents are examined, the more neces- sary it becomes to subclassify them geographically; for example, the East Greenland Current on passing through Denmark Strait is joined by a significant branch of the Irminger Current (see Baggesgaard- Rasmussen and Jacobsen, 1930; also Bohnecke, 1931), both streams merging in one parallel flow which so rounds Cape Farewell. Off the southwest coast of Greenland this composite current is further augmented by streams converging from the Labrador Sea. By the 60° 50 40 FIGURE 7.—The west Greenland sector (1928). Sections are as follows: A, Cape Fare- well; B, Ivigtut: C, Fiskernaessett; D, Godthaab; HE, Holsteinsborg ; ¥, Egedesminde ; F,, Disko Bay; G, Disko Island. time it has reached Fylla Bank, west Greenland (as will be proved later by the Coast Guard’s observations), the original identifying character belonging to the East Greenland Arctic Current has been completely transformed to current of Atlantic character. It is ob- viously incorrect then to refer to the current throughout the west coast solely as an extension of the East Greenland Current. In order, therefore, to avoid confusion it seems best to designate the current from Cape Farewell northward as the West Greenland Current. A similar procedure has been followed in similar cases wherever the 28 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 29 original current becomes considerably changed by significant trib- utaries. West Greenland waters, at least south of Davis Strait, are dom- inated by this West Greenland Current. An exposition of the sector, 40 60 50 FIGURE 8.—The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 30—September 3, 1928. The velocities expressed in miles per day indicate the axis of maximum velocity. therefore, centers mainly on a full description of this important stream. During the period July 30 to September 3, 1928, the surface waters over and along the steepest part of the continental slope, Cape Fare- well to Little Hellefiske Bank (fig. 8), were in northwesterly move- 30 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ment at velocities of 6 to 33 miles per day in the axis of the current. The Cape Farewell section (A) just outside of the slope current intersects a slowly rotating anticyclonic vortex approximately 35 miles in diameter. Further offshore a secondary band of north- westerly current was entered. It is conjectural whether this outer band was part of the West Greenland Current, split in this locality by this eddy, or was an unrelated stream. It appears from the general trend and direction of the dynamic isobaths on figure 122, page 167, however, that this current shown on the extreme southwestern end of the Cape Farewell section was approaching from the south and west, in contrast to the main portion of the West Greenland Current, which hugged the continental slope, rounding Cape Farewell from the north and east. The source of this outer band of current, which it is believed may have considerable significance in the general scheme of circulation for the entire Labrador Sea, is discussed on page 32. Regardless of its origin, however, it joined the trunk of the west Greenland stream as the latter increased to its maximum velocity of 33 miles per day off Ivigtut. (See fig. 8.) Immediately north of Ivigtut the current began to throw off branches along its outer side, all of which turned westward into the Labrador Sea. As Fylla Bank was approached the rate of flow diminished. Just north of Fylla Bank the West Greenland Current experienced major westward branching, the bulk of its surface waters being deflected here, prob- ably by meeting the southern face of Little Hellefiske Bank. Inshore portions of the West Greenland Current continued north- ward hugging the slope and flowing at the much reduced rate of 6 miles per day. Narrow bands of current, probably continuations of the more vigorous parts of the system, were found along the slopes of Great Hellefiske Bank. Such streams (fig. 8) entered Disko Bay entrance on the south and discharged on the north. A weak but appreciable set of West Greenland Current, more clearly distin- guished in the Disko Island section (fig. 11) below the surface, flowed through Davis Strait Channel into Baffin Bay. CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS A total of seven hydrographic sections taken during the summer of 1928 (fig. 7) more or less normal to the coast, and more or less equally spaced between’ Cape Farewell and Disko Island, afford a means of studying the West Greenland Current below the sea surface and along its course northward to the entrance of Baffin Bay. The discussion in this and the following three chapters is lim- ited to the circulation of the upper water layers (sometimes re- ferred to as the troposphere), in the depth of which has been de- termined by reference to a common isobaric surface. It has been found for the west Greenland sector that motionless water (or nearly so) prevails usually between 1,500-2,000 meters. The 1,500- decibar level has served, therefore, for all practical purposes as the datum plane upon which the calculations of direction and velocity of the currents are based. Cape Farewell.—A cross section of the West Greenland Current,’ off Cape Farewell (fig. 9), shows, as does the surface map (fig. 8), cee description of the method employed in the construction of the velocity profiles see p. 21. 31 AND LABRADOR SEA STRAIT DAVIS B el = (eo) o 0 10 2030 27-28, 1928; —3, 1928; section B, August 2 A, September section C, July 29-31, 1928. The solid lines represent. northwesterly current and the broken lines south- Section easterly current. FIGURE Peme ie 2 2 profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. Se MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS that the main current hugged the continental slope and that an outer band was separated by a clockwise rotating eddy. The alternations in the directions of the flow as evidence throughout the section in- dicate the probable effect of the bottom configuration on the gradient current as it rounds Cape Farewell and is subsequently joined by other current from the Labrador Sea. The calculated volume of the trunk of the West Greenland Current which hugged the con- tinental edge at Cape Farewell (fig. 8) was 3.2 million cubic meters per second; the vortex contained approximately 1 million cubic meters per second; and the converging set at the outer end of the section totaled nearly 2 million cubic meters per second. Ivigtut—One hundred and fifty miles farther along the current, off Ivigtut, the West Greenland Current (fig. 9) was found, as at Cape Farewell, hugging the continental edge. It had, however, in- creased greatly both in cross-sectional area and velocity; the 5-centi- meter-per-second velocity curve here extended to a depth of nearly 1,200 meters. Offshore the section intersected a south-flowing band of 2.6 million cubic meters per second, evidently a branch of the slope current which had recurved southward and then westward into the Labrador Sea (cf. fig. 9 with fig. 8). The calculated volume of the slope band of the West Greenland Current off Ivigtut, August 27-28, 1928, was 7.4 million cubic meters per second, or approximately double the slope band observed a week later off Cape Farewell. Reference to the surface current ma (fig. 8) indicates that some of the discrepancy may be attributed to coastal current which flowed through the 10-mile gap between station 1080 and Cape Farewell. The fact that there is swift current here at times is confirmed by Soule who, in 1935, observed icebergs moving westward close under Egger Island, Cape Farewell, at an estimated rate of 4 knots per hour. Finally it was thought that the excess of transport off Ivigtut may have been partially due to current which entered from offshore between the two sections. A computation of the current there between stations 1070 and 1086, however, gave 2.7 million cubic meters per second but in a westerly direction away from the Greenland slope. Of course this does not preclude the pos- sibility of a current from below 1,500 meters intersecting the Ivigtut profile above 1,500 meters, but this is contrary to our conception of the general circulation. It seems more likely, in view of the above, that the discrepancy noted in the computed volumes of the current at Ivigtut and Cape Farewell resulted from errors incident to the method and its application there. Fiskernaessett.—This section (fig. 9, profile C) shows the slope band of the West Greenland Current as having a volume of 6.6 million cubic meters per second, or a reduction of about 15 percent from that at Ivigtut. The decrease in the volume of the current can safely be attributed to offshore branching which is clearly re- corded on the surface current map between Ivigtut and Fiskernaes- sett. The offshore part of the Fiskernaessett section records alter- nate southeast and northwest flow, which the dynamic topographic map (fig. 122, p. 167) indicates was one single band of current which moved out into the Labrador Sea. The volume of this band amounted to 1.8 million cubic meters per second, leaving 5.8 million cubic meters per second to continue northward. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 33 Godthaab.—The slope band of West Greenland Current which in- tersected this section was 5.3 million cubic meters per second, thus supporting previous computations, viz, that approximately 20 per- cent of the current branched offshore between Fiskernaessett and (zodthaab. An appreciable reduction in the draft of the West Green- land thse. also occurred between these two points along the slope (ef. figs. 9 and 10, profiles C and D). Additional westerly branch- ing of ie West Greenland Current is noted in the offshore énd of the Godthaab section, where 1.8 million cubic meters per second recurved southward between stations 975 and 973. The slope band which re- mained to continue northward was consequently reduced to 3.5 mil- lion cubic meters per second or about one-half the volume of current found off Ivigtut. i olsteinsborg ——The greatest and most striking decrease in volume of the slope band of the West Greenland Current took place between Godthaab and Holsteinsborg. (See fig. 10, p. 34.) The widening of the Greenland shelf and the continued shoaling of the bottom at the head of the Labrador Sea tended to deflect much of the West Greenland Current westward around the Labrador Basin. ‘Those portions of the West Greenland Current which remained to follow the contour of the banks northward were also further reduced in draft. Thus the Holsteinsborg profile shows the 5-centimeter-per- second velocity line at a depth of 200 meters, in contrast to the draft of this current, Cape Farewell, to Fiskernaessett, of 1,100 meters. The plane of the Holsteinsborg section intersected four separate bands of current, but reference to the surface current map (fig. 8) indicates that all these intersections belong to one and the same stream which, guided by the channel between Little Hellefiske and Great Hellefiske Banks, wound a northeasterly course. The net volume of the northerly current past Holsteinsborg was 1.25 million cubic meters per second, which, as can be seen, is only 25 percent of the transport which was found off Godthaab. This agrees, more- over with previous findings (p. 30) that major proportions of the slope current were deflected offshore between Godthaab and Hol- steinsborg, probably by the southern face of Little Hellefiske Bank. The volume of the West Greenland Current so turned toward Ameri- can shores was 1.95 million cubic meters per second, the bulk of the discharge being directed between stations 984 and 987. No more impressive evidence is needed than this series of five velocity eae figs. 9 and 10 (see also fig. 12) to demonstrate the manner in which the West Greenland Current is distributed north- ward from Cape Farewell, only 15 percent of its volume reaching the entrance of Davis Strait. Egedesminde——This section (fig. 10, profile F), with a northerly transport of 1.3 million cubic meters per second, showed a slight increase from that off Holsteinsborg and thus reversed the trend which characterized the West Greenland Current for most of the west coast. Reference to the dynamic topographic map (fig. 122, p. 167) attributes the larger volume of flow off Egedesminde not to any swelling of the West Greenland Current but to water contributed locally by a counterclockwise eddy formed in the deep basin which extends southwestward from the entrance of Disko Bay. The eddy 34 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS a igi o °2) ® OM | ia Se ae ea ee a! 10 1090.~=—s«O.:«*10. 20 30 60 (MILES) 5 2 | be ve] w -_ Oo = n mio comment ; Wd I 20 ie It | 10 loq eT 5 Mee 5 aa 11 Il ie i] Ly | revght 6 | | 0 0 eas 8 (ated \\. ve 10 \ { l2 15 FIGURE 10.—Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northwesterly current and the broken lines south- easterly current. Section D, August 1-3, 1928; section H, August 4--5, 1928; section I, August 7, 1928. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 35 O 10 2030 60 (MILES) FiGuRE 11.—Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northerly current and the broken lines southerly eurrent. Section F,, August 7, 1928; section G, August 13—14, 1928. received water from northward in Baffin Bay, and station 995, lo- cated at the outer end of the Egedesminde section, showed this cur- rent as additional to the West Greenland Current from the south. On the other hand it should be noted from the current map (fig. 8), that part of the West Greenland Current revealed on the Holsteins- borg section followed Davis Strait Channel directly into Baffin Bay. The distribution of the 1.3-million-cubic-meters-per-second trans- 36 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS port past the Egedesminde section is estimated as follows: One- third of the current entered Disko Bay as described in the next paragraph; about two-thirds of the remainder entered the aforemen- tioned eddy; and about 0.3 million cubic meters per second flowed northerly across the mouth of Disko Bay and joined the bay dis- charge there. Disko Ba y.—This section embraced a band of West Greenland Cur- rent, 0.44 million cubic meters per second, which had hugged Great Hellefiske Bank and entered Disko Bay along the southern shore. A discharge, approximately equal to the indraft, filled the northern half of the bay’s entrance. This band of westerly flowing current is of particular interest to the Ice Patrol because it transports many of the icebergs calved from Disko Bay glaciers out on the main pathways toward the North Atlantic. (See ; Smith 1931, p. 143). Disko Island:-—Our northernmost observations (except those in the Vaigat, not discussed here), section G (fig. 11), extended from the southwestern point of Disko Island diagonally out into Davis Strait. It was intended to make a complete traverse of Davis Strait, but, as related by Ricketts (1932), pack ice off Cape Dier, Baffin Land, stopped the Marion 30 miles short of the goal. If the bathymetric and station maps be consulted, they show that section G lies along the top of a ridge which juts out into Davis Strait. Stations 1014 to 1016 continue the section across the continental slope and into the deep water of the Baffin Bay Basin near its southern rim, Station 1016, with its deepest observation at 1,200 meters, most probably penetrated into sluggish bottom water and therefore. permits a fairly accurate calculation of the currents farther inshore as shown on the velocity profile. The alternation of direction of the components as shown by the successive areas bounded by the zero velocity lines on section G (fig. 11) when compared with the surface current map (fig. 8) indicates a band of winding current, probably the southern side of an eddy cen- tered farther north in Baffin Bay. The main channel of Davis Strait, stations 1014 to 1016 (fig. 11) was filled with weak northerly current which totaled 0.9 million cubic meters per second in volume. If the velocity profile be compared with the corresponding temperature and salinity profiles (figs. 20 and 21, pp. 45-46), this band of northerly current 1s quite definitely identified as West Greenland Current which penetrated directly into Baffin Bay. A résumé of the volume of flow (the transport) of the slope band of the West Greenland Current along the slope from Cape Farewell northward to Baffin Bay, expressed in millions of cubic meters per second for 1928, is contained in the following table: Section Violas of Section ~ Volmme of Cape Marewelli (A) == Sanne. eee 352) )|\| SECOIStemS bore: (Bs) mae 1.3 Ivigtut (B) ---_- pes Sars sel : 14 |) egedesmindel (ih) 22. se es eee 1.3 Wiskernnessett.(©) 215 1 eee 6:65) Disko Bay (h))==222 2 eee 0.4 iFodthaabi(D) A ee eee 6301 Disko slands(G) eee ne ees 0.9 It can be seen from the above table that a constant diminution in the current from south to north was interrupted at Ivigtut, DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA ag Egedesminde, and Disko Island. The increase in the current at Ivigtut was explained on page 32, as most probably due to contri- butions from the Labrador Sea. The volume of the West Greenland Current off Egedesminde, as previously explained, is misleading be- cause of a supply from a Davis Strait eddy. (See fig. 8.) The vol- ume of 0.9 million cubic meters per second recorded in the above table for the Disko Island section refers only to the band of West DISKO BAY EGEDESMINDE HOLSTEINSBORG GODTHAAB FISKERNAESSET IVIGTUT CAPE FAREWELL VOL. OF GURRENTIN M/SEC x 10 © FIGURP 12.—The distribution of the volume of the West Greenland Current along the Bescutal slope from Cape Farewell to the entrance of Baffin Bay, July 29—September 71928. Greenland Current which entered Baffin Bay between stations 1014— 1016. This branch, which was last measured by the Holsteinsborg section, evidently skirted the Egedesminde and Disko Bay sections and followed the deeper channels through Davis Strait. THE HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The dual physical character of the water composing the West Greenland Current (see p. 26) does not become revealed until one examines the distribution of temperature and salinity. 38 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS At the surface the coldest water in the west Greenland sector in the summer of 1928 was found in two small widely separated areas as bounded by the 4° isotherm on figure 13—one near Cape Farewell and the other in Davis Strait about 100 miles west of 60 50 70 60 60 50 PicURH 13.—Temperature at the surface July 30—September 3, 1928. Disko Bay. The fact that this water was colder than that adjacent to it is good evidence that it flowed there in a current. Reference to the surface current map (fig. 8) identifies both of these pools as Arctic in origin—the one transported around Cape Farewell by the East Greenland Current and the other brought directly from the DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 39 north by the Baffin Land Current. The degree of Arctic character, moreover, of the waters of the west Greenland sector at any given time of the year is determined directly by the extent and the magni- tude of the above two salients intruding from opposite directions. Baggesgaard-Rasmussen and Jacobsen (1930) have likewise pointed out the difference in the origin of the two regional cold-water areas along the west coast of Greenland. On the other hand the course of the 7° isotherm, near Godthaab, in 1928, appears to mark a central zone, freest from Arctic chilling of all the west coast. In truth the fairly large area off Godthaab with temperatures between 7 and 8 degrees, and which extended north- ward along the continental slope to the Holsteinsborg section, appears so warm as to suggest an Atlantic source. The warmest water region of all, however (9°), lay outside the more rapid currents, over the deeper water in the Labrador Sea. If the surface temperature map (fig. 13) be superimposed on the surface current map (fig. 8), it 1s found that the tongue of coldest water embraced by the 4°, 5°, and 6° isotherms coincides with the axis of the West Greenland Current, the water warming 2° along its path, Cape Farewell to Fylla Bank. There the cooling influence of the east Greenland Arctic water, at least on the surface, appears to have been spent. The tendency of the cool water to keep to the slope in contrast to branching westward as was noted for much of the West Greenland Current indicates that the east Greenland Arctic water constituted some of the lightest surface layers of the West Greenland Current and occupied the inshore band. Continuing northward, the temperature gradient on figure 13 re- versed, with cooler and cooler water being entered until the 4° iso- therm was reached on the border of the Baffin Land Current in Davis Strait. The position of the 5° isotherm, moreover, indicates that this Arctic influence made itself felt even as far south as Little Hellefiske Bank in the west Greenland sector. Both Little Hellefiske and Great Hellefiske Banks, in themselves, however, appear freer from Arctic intrusion, a condition previously remarked by Nielsen (1928), with solar radiation a more noticeable factor than along the deeper parts of the slope to the north and south. The warmest water, with the exception of the Labrador Sea (fig. 13) was found in Disko Bay. Both of these regions, it will be noted, are outside the main paths of gradient currents, and undisturbed, the surface layers absorb a maximum amount of heat from the summer’s sun. Figure 14 indicates a uniform distribution of the salinity in the west Greenland sector which increased from a minimum near the shore (30.44%0 off Ivigtut), to >34.50%0, a maximum, near the 1,000-meter isobath of the slope. Such a distribution supports previ- ous statements regarding the relative position of east Greenland, Arctic, and coastal water. Paralleling the tongue of east Greenland Arctic water but approxi- mately 20 miles offshore of it, we found at a depth of 100 meters, fig- ures 15 and 16, a tongue of water of 6° temperature and >35%o salin- ity—the warmest and saltest water of the entire region. Reference to the current map (fig. 8) unmistakably identifies this water as At- Jantic in origin, an extension of the Irminger Current around Cape 40 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Farewell. Comparison between figure 8 and the velocity profiles for the Godthaab and Holsteinsborg sections (fig. 10) shows that this warm and salty water, bounded by the 4° and 5° isotherms and the 34.50% 9 isohaline, extended northwestward to the southern slopes of Little Hellefiske Bank where it probably turned westward. 60 50 FIGURE 14.,—Salinity at the surface July 30—-September 3, 1928. Inshore against the slope of Fylla Bank at the 100-meter level (fig. 15) lay vestiges of east Greenland Arctic water as marked by the 2° isotherm. The temperatures and salinities contained on the Holsteinsborg section at 100 meters (fig. 15 and fig. 16) indicate an area entirely different in physical character, with cooling and fresh- ening which probably emanated from the Baffin Land Current. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 4] The remaining 1928 maps for the 200-, 400-, and 600-meter levels figs. 17-19) are particularly instructive in tracing the areas occu- pied by Atlantic water off the southwest coast of Greenland at these levels. Neither function alone, temperature nor salinity, can be accepted for all depths to mark the boundary of this water. It was 60 50 Figure 15.—Temperature at a depth of 100 meters July 30—-September 3, 1928, warmest (6°) at the 100-meter level, but saltiest, 35.10%0, on the 200-meter plane. For the same salinity (35%0) for an increase in draft from 100 meters to 400 meters the Irminger-Atlantic water cooled approximately 1.5° C., on its under side. The areas enclosed by the critical isotherms and isohalines (figs. 17 to 19) indicate the manner in which the Atlantic water flows 4? MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 60 50 70 60 60 50 Ficurp 16.—Salinity at a depth of 100 meters July 30—September 3, 1928. northwestward in the Greenland sector and spreads out into the Labrador Sea. THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 1928, in the seven hydrographical sections, Cape Farewell to Disko Island (figs. 20 and 21), emphasizes the evidence revealed on the horizontal pro- jections. The east Greenland Arctic water northward to Godthaab, and more pronounced from Ivigtut to Godthaab than at Cape Fare- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SIA 43 40 50 Figure 17.—Temperature and salinity at a depth of 200 meters July 80—September 3, 1928; 50 AO 40 FIGURE 18.—Temperature and salinity at a depth of 400 meters July 30—September 3, 1928. » ’ well, is clearly indicated in the coldest and freshest surface layers inshore. ‘The frigid layer which is to be seen on the three northern- most profiles E to G (figs. 20 and 21) as represented by the isotherms at about 100 meters depth, indicates Arctic water which has pene- trated to these points from a northern source, probably from Baffin Bay. 79920—37—4 44 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The positions of the isohalines representing the saltest water, on the other hand (fig. 20), indicated the Irminger-Atlantic water as it progressed from Cape Farewell to Godthaab, branched west- ward, and sank from the 150-meter level to about the 500-meter depth. It is estimated from these data that the axis of the Irminger- Atlantic water cooled approximately 114° C., and freshened about 0.20%. This process of mixing and sinking is discussed on page 175. The warmest and saltest water consistently found on the deeper parts of the shelf in the Holsteinsborg section, and north- ward, indicates Atlantic water much diluted from its passage into Davis Strait. The vertical position of such water in the northern sections when compared with the respective velocity profiles places it near the under side of the West Greenland Current. The distribu- 60 50 40 40 FicuRm 19.—Temperature and salinity at a depth of 600 meters July 380—September 3, 1928. tion of temperature and salinity in the Disko Island section, section G (figs. 20 and 21), like the other sections to the south, supports the evidence of the velocity profiles, viz, an appreciable amount of West Greenland Current entered Baffin Bay. The continuity and concentration of the Irminger-Atlantic water, as the subsurface illustrations generally reveal, was less pronounced off Cape Farewell at a point nearer its source than it was off Ivigtut. The east Greenland Arctic water was similarly distributed. The Godthaab’s observations agree with the Marion’s in this respect and thus indicate that the condition was not purely coincidental. The International Ice Patrol, similarly, has found lower tempera- tures on the southwest slope of the Grand Banks than upstream at the Tail of the Banks. The distribution of the Irminger-Atlantic water along the southwest slope of Greenland in 1931, however (figs. 32 and 33), was in accordance with the direction of the cur- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 45 2. 9.4..46 == Figure 20.—Temperature profiles across the continental shelf July 30—September 3, 1928 ; A, Cape Farewell; B, Ivigtut; C, Fiskernaessett; D, Godthaab; E. Holsteinsborg; F, Egedesminde ; F,, Disko Bay ; and G, Disko Island. rent, that is, more concentrated and in greater volume at Cape Fare- well than at Ivigtut. The fact that the thermal and haline gradients were less steep at Cape Farewell than at Ivigtut in 1928 (figs. 20 and 21) strongly suggests a more active mixing of the West Greenland Current at times in the former, than in the latter, region. 46 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 3094 3240 3361 33.38 33,22 32729-y © 30 60/(MILES) 33 34 100 ve 2 33.46 3146 5. 33 O-M \ 3455 O-M 30.44 FicurRE 21.—Salinity profiles across the continental shelf July 30—September 3, 1928. The turbulence noted at times off Cape Farewell appears most likely to be caused by the abrupt change in the direction of the continental slope and the consequent turning of the current to the right. Eddies apparently form (fig. 8) in this locality of rugged bottom topography and probably assist in splitting the West Green- land Current. At such times one branch hugs the slope and the other DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 47 branch is deflected southwestward offshore. A more active mixing in the Cape Farewell region may also be contributed by an intensi- fication of the offshore circulation, at which times a portion of the Atlantic current in the Labrador Sea may join the West Greenland Current setting northward toward Davis Strait. A comparison between the relative positions of the coldest water and the saltest water and the position of the strong slope current off Tvigtut (fig. 22) continues to substantiate previous. findings, OT OM ee We 100 “{\ 50 loT2 1073 1074 1075 1076 4 r3 \ 35 \) a) \ i \ \ 3495 % ‘ 30 4 4 20 6 10 fo) 8 5 ite) B 12 fe) Ficurp 22.—The Ivigtut profile August 28, 1928. The relative positions of east Green- land Arctic water and Irminger-Atlantic water in the West Greenland Current: are shown by the 3° C. isotherm and the isohalines greater than 84.95% , respectively. The velocity lines represent northwesterly current expressed in centimeters per second. namely that the West Greenland Current was composed of two types of water of opposite characteristics; (@) inshore in the surface layers as marked by temperatures <3.0° C., east Greenland Arctic water; and, (0), farther offshore and about 100 meters deeper, as embraced by salinities >34.95%o0, Irminger-Atlantic water. It will be noted that in none of the Coast Guard’s surveys has water as salt as 35.00%, been found west of Cape Farewell on the sea surface. The axis of greater than 35.00%0 water, wherever present, immediately north and west of Cape Farewell, has been concentrated 48 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS about 100 to 150 meters below the sea surface. If the Irminger- Atlantic water be traced upstream, however, the upper side as marked by the 35.00%o isohaline, often intersects the sea surface (see Bohnecke, 1931) east and north of Cape Farewell in the vicinity of the thirty-seventh meridian. This again strongly suggests the sinking of Irminger-Atlantic water. (See p. 175.) That two homogeneous bodies of water free from outside influences mix in ratio to their physical properties of temperature and salinity is well known. This correlation when plotted graphically forms a straight line between the points typical of the components of the 7 eM ae SE ReAS Ul art %E aN SAE eh ae FIGURE 23.—Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the West Greenland Current, Cape Farewell to Hosteinsborg, the summer of 1928. mixture. In all of our correlation graphs (figs. 23, 49, 65, 66, 76, and 100) the temperature-salinity data have been plotted by sections, the resulting curves representing, therefore, each the temperature- salinity correlation of the current at that particular cross section. The continuity of the curves is directly proportional to the distance between stations of the given section; the greater the number the stations the more accurate the temperature-salinity curve. The West Greenland current, for example, is illustrated by a series of curves on figure 23, the letter on each curve referring to the corre- sponding section as shown on figure 7. The lower left portion of the curves represents east Greenland Arctic water, and the upper DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 49 right Irminger-Atlantic water. The more vertical part of the curves from the upper inflection point downward is indicative of the deep- est water embraced in the observations. This lower point may be regarded as a third component of the West Greenland Current, the mixing between the Irminger-Atlantic water and this deep water being indicated by the curves. Corroboration of the loss of heat from the warm core of the West Greenland Current with northward pro- egress is furnished by the continually lower inflection points on the correlation curves, A to # (fig. 23). A similar progression of the curves at the point of greatest salinity indicates a continual freshening of the Irminger-Atlantic water. The resulting density as indicated by the inflection points representative of Irminger-Atlantic water, curves A to #' (fig. 23) increased approximately 0.04, Cape Farewell to Holsteinsborg. The mixing and cabbeling of the current as a whole is further discussed in chapter VIII, p. 175. As a final analysis of the slope band of the West Greenland Cur- rent, the average temperature and the rate of heat transfer at the eight sections, A to G, are given in the table below, and expressed in million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second. The method of obtaining these values is explained in chapter II, page 24. West Greenland Current Average Rate of heat Average Rate of heat Section tempera- Section tempera- ture (°C.) transfer fire CC.) transfer Cape Farewell (A)______- 5 H 17. 5 HolsteieDors © ig 3 a0 a Livan it @s) eo 6 44 gedesminde me Eee SS Fs ee (C)ae = 4.2 2d || DiskorBayeChi) pees een PA eal Godthaab’ (D)2=2---2 - =! 4.1 21.7 || Disko Island (G)_-._____- 0.5 0.5 The table shows that the average temperature progressively de- creased as the West Greenland Current flowed northward, except in the offing of Ivigtut and Disko Bay. The swelling of the current at Ivigtut, and the consequent increase in heat transfer, has been previously explained. The higher average temperature in the Disko Bay section is attributed directly to solar warming of that shallower- water locality. The marked reduction in the rate of heat transfer to be noted in the last four sections of the above table is attributed to the great proportion of the current which left the Greenland slope near God- thaab (see p. 33) and carried its heat toward American shores. The slope band of the West Greenland Current with a maximum of 44.4 million cubic meter degrees centigrade, per second at Ivigtut transported 0.5° C. m*/sX10° or only about 1 percent of its heat into Baffin Bay. The heat transported into Baffin Bay based on the Godthaab’s observations (p. 53) was 1.4 million cubic meter de- grees centigrade per second. This higher value is due to the higher average temperature, the Godthaab’s stations being located in deeper and warmer water than those of the Marion. An average tem- perature of 1.0° C. and a heat transport. of 1.0 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second is considered representative of the West Greenland Current entering Baffin Bay. 50 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS SO Figure 24.—The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 27—-August 2, 1931. Velocities expressed in miles per day. ANNUAL VARIATIONS The question whether or not the oceanographic conditions already described in this chapter as existing in west Greenland waters in 1928 prevail during most summers can be answered, at least for south- western Greenland, by the Coast Guard’s surveys repeated there in 1931, 1933, and 193 34, and also by further comparisons with other published observations. Currents.—The surface current maps for each of the Coast Guard’s surveys, when compared with the similar map for 1928 (fig. 8) imdi- cate that variations of considerable magnitude occur in the surface current off southwest Greenland. The branching of the West Green- land Current away from the slope at Cape Farwell in 1931, a feature which is more clearly revealed in the velocity profiles than in the surface current maps, represents an important departure from the other years. If the velocity profiles (figs. 27 to 29) be compared with the surface current maps (figs. 24 to 26) it will be noted that in 1931 the volume of slope band of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell was 3.98 million cubic meters per second, and this was separated from the slope itself by 0.3 million cubic meters per second of counter current. Off Ivigtut a few days earlier the slope band was calculated at 2.42 million cubic meters per second. Although the velocity at Ivigtut exceeded that at Cape Farewell a smaller transport resulted at the former place because of the current’s decrease in width and draft. In the summer of 1933 the slope band at Cape Farewell, amounting to 6.52 million cubic meters per second, was split by a subsurface counter current of 0.76 million cubic meters per second volume. Off Ivigtut, however, the West Greenland Current swelled to 12.1 million cubic me ters per ’ second : the largest transport recorded DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 51 50 Figure 25.—The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 2-14, 1933. Velocities expressed in miles per day: FiaurE 26.—The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 12-15, 1934. Velocities expressed in miles per day. 52 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 10 20 30 60 (MILES) FIGURE 27.—Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly current. Section A;, August 1—2, 1931; section Bi, July 28, 1931. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 53 0102030 60(MILES) FicuRE 28.—Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly eurrent. Section As, July 9, 1983; section Be, July 7-13, 1933. for the west Greenland sector. In 1934 the slope band at Cape Fare- well was 3.71 million cubic meters per second. In order to obtain further comparisons the volume of the West Greenland Current was computed from the observations of the Godthaab (see Conseil Per- manent International, 1929) ; the observations of the Meteor (unpub- lished) ; and the observations of the General Greené (see Soule, 1936). 54 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 0 10 2030 60 (MILES) FicuRB 29.—Velocity profile of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly current. Section As, July 12-13, 1934. The above data on the slope band of the west Greenland current may be summarized as follows: CAPE FAREWELL SECTION! Date Width Average velocity Velocity on axis Volume of flow (miles) May 1928) 2 3 se a |e oS se | en ee ee gr 4.0 m?/sec. X108, August-September 24 | 10.0 miles per day----- 15.0 miles per day_---_- 3.2 m3/sec. x 108. 1928. July-August 1931____ 95 | 2.8 miles per day_-_-_-_-- 7.2 miles per day------ 3.7 m3/sec. X 108. July-August 1933___- 80 | 4.8 miles per day-_--_-- 9.6 miles per day._---- 5.8 m3/sec. X108. July sis 36 | 10.8 miles per day----- 22.0 miles per day----- 3.7 m3/sec. X 108. Moareh 10352222 ce) eee ea Ss ee | eee ee a 7.5 m3/sec. x 108. August 1938552.22.522)| 42s a a a ee eee 8.5 m3/sec. X108. IVIGTUT SECTION ! August 1928-3. 2-2 | 40 | 19.0 miles per day----- 33.0 miles per day_-_--_- 7.4 m3/see. 105. October 1928 5.2.2... Set 3s SS eee ee es | eee eee eee 7.8 m3/sec. X 108. Duly isi ss ee 22 | 13.4 miles per day-_-_-__- 24.0 miles per day----- 2.4 m3/sec. X 108, Tniy19ses 22 66 | 12.0 miles per day----- 21.6 miles per day----- 12.1 m3/see. x 108. | See station maps, figs. 153 to 155 herein, and Conseil Permanent International, 1929, for difference in geographical positions of the sections. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA YS) It is seen from the above table that the width, velocity, and conse- quent transport of the West Greenland Current vary considerably from year to year. The close agreement between the Meteor’s and General Greene’s Cape Farewell observations March to August 1935, as well as the Godthaab’s and Marion’s Ivigtut observations, regard- ing the volume of current, August to October 1928, indicate that the variations in the transport of the West Greenland Current sometimes are of long periods. A doubling of the volume of the West Green- land Current along the southwest coast of Greenland is noted in 2 of the 3 years (1928 and 1933). It is also interesting to note from the table that the summer which recorded the deficiency in volume of current off Ivigtut, 1931, also marked a major branching of the cur- rent off Cape Farewell, as shown on the dynamic topographic map for that year (fig. 123, p. 167). The foregoing suggests that the sum- mers of 1928 and 1933, on the one hand, and the summer of 1931, on the other, represent two distinct types of the system of circulation off West Greenland. According to this view, the slope band in some summers increases in volume between Cape Farewell and Ivigtut, while in other summers the West Greenland Current may branch southwestward at Cape Farewell, as much as two-thirds of its volume mixing offshore in the Labrador Sea. Temperature and salinity—The relative positions of, and areas occupied by, Atlantic and Arctic water, and the values of the tem- perature and the salinity in the maps and sections for 1931, 1933, and 1934 (figs. 30 to 35) do not differ materially from those described for 1928. In order to compare one summer with another and also consecutive months of a single summer, the minimum temperatures of the east Greenland Arctic water and the maximum temperatures of the At- lantic water of the West Greenland Current have been arranged in table form: EAST GREENLAND ARCTIC WATER—CAPE FAREWELL (Average minimum summer temperature, 0.6°; average depth, 33 meters) Date Vessel Station os A ae Viv O28: - ste Godthaabass2t asc. 25 See ee see 3 75 —0. 25 O84 22 @erneraliGreenes.222225 tee kets ae asst 1767 24 —.13 eV ALOUh see See IDEN oe Oe ee ee ee VII 23 25 . 26 ANGUS 8) ARS a (eneraliGrepne ew se St hes eet Se ees 1311 0 05 Rpt ya Lodo meso 4 82 Lee Obese eee eet Peet ak Sey 1542 0 2. 02 September 1909_____- FSA iGeeee ree: Seed! 2 ee Eee ee 137 90 <1. 00 September 1928___-_- AVESTIOTIOS te eee es re eet ba AS ee 1080 20 1 4.30 1 Not included as conjectured to be outside East Greenland Arctic Water. EAST GREENLAND ARCTIC WATER—IVIGTUT (Average minimum summer temperature, 0.82°; average depth, 60 meters) TAIMeNOoRs 2 VCE ick ty ee ere fe ee ee, A 28 75 0. 20 Daily L031 22 22 Sasa General Greene__-__..-_------- ate a RE 1307 50 —.27 BV O25 ee lO Ya eee ee net ea el Se 2 ee VII 10 75 .09 iri hy ef 8 ys aie Be ee eTrleral ron Gn as one ee eee 1546 50 =.10 AUIPIISE 1LO28— = 3 Neat ae OS eS Sree a Se ee 1076 100 2. 30 October 1928______-_- (Guay OFS) OL eee oe ee pe 186 10 2.70 56 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ATLANTIC WATER—CAPE FAREWELL (Average maximum summer temperature, 5.85°; average depth, 130 meters) 7 . Depth Tempera- Date Vessel Station (meters) Gare IMay-1928.. 5-2 3255 6 50 5. 49 JuneI92) 2 ee D VI5 200 3. 96 July) 1933. ee Ae 1540 113 5. 39 JULY 19312 <- ees eee d Jes 1313 100 7.60 JULY 1934. oy Ee Ae 1765 147 6. 65 August 1928___.---_- i 1083 100 5.85 September 1909_____- 140 200 >6.00 ATLANTIC WATER—IVIGTUT (Average maximum summer temperature 5.70°; average depth, 135 meters) wunestO752s2 a ee 1D): 1 0: ee eee eee ee 2 VI6 300 4.03 Uy 193 ee ee General iGreene: 2955 ee ee 1303 100 5. 53 a pbibsea tes) Se) Bee ee eee G0: 25 JSS ee ee ee 1549 98 5. 39 August 192807... Marion gs 25- = 22 =) Sees 1074 100 6. 00 7. 58 October 1928__.___-_-- Godthasbe =) ss eee ee 183 75 The tables show that the Atlantic water, both in temperature and salinity, remains more constant, summer to summer, than does the temperature and salinity of the Arctic water. This fact was also noted by Béhencke (1931) for the same latitudes off the east coast of Greenland. The constancy of the maximum salinity of the At- lantic water off the southwest slope of Greenland was remarkable, it varying only 0.03% for the three summers, viz. 1928, 35.10%0; 1931, 35.07%0; and 1934, 35.07%. The saltest water reported from the west Greenland section by the Godthaab in 1928 was 35.07%o. That variations occur, however, in the average minimum and the average maximum temperatures of the West Greenland Current and also in its volume has been demonstrated. Helland-Hansen (1934) has found that similar important variations take place in the dis- charge of the Atlantic Current along the Norwegian coast and also that they correlate with certain climatic variations in Scandinavia as well as with the area of pack ice in the Barents Sea. In the case of the West Greenland Current, which is composed of both Arctic and Atlantic water, it is more instructive to include con- sideration of its average temperature and its rate of heat transfer than simply to compare volumes alone or to compare a series of isolated observations. We have, therefore, expanded the table on page 54 in accordance with the method described in chapter II. The average temperature and the rate of heat transfer of the slope band of the West Greenland Current, expressed in million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second, varied as follows: CAPE FAREWELL SECTION Average Rate of Date Volume of flow tempera- heat ture (°C.) transfer May. 28-30, 1928 ae es eee eee 4.0 m3/sec. X106_______-_- eee ene Ar 16.4 Sept: 2-3, 1926) 2-8. ee eS eae 312)? /SAC*SCLOSE. {Pesan ee 5.5 17.5 Alig. 1=2) 10g 2 ye oe aes en en 3.7,1n8/SOC SC 100E eS eee eee 5.3 19.6 July 3-0, 1933.2 2a ee eee 5:8: m2 /Sec: C10 eee ae ee 4.2 24.4 July 13-14,:1984... 222 2 ee SS Se 3.7 me/sec<106e ses ee es 5.1 18,9 Mar:'8; 1965... eee eee 720088 SOC ee oe ee 4.0 30.0 Aug; 19-20, 19355) ee ee 8.5:ms/sec: clOShe eee ee eee 5.0 42.5 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA IVIGTUT SECTION 57 Average Rate of Date Volume of flow tempera- heat ture (°C.) transfer DADS 94 RP 2e 8, NPAs ee wee es SO (eaeTTLe/ SCC aL O8e = oS eee 6.0 44.4 Vlve2S el Galeee sso tat ee Eye 8 i, DM STIR Os. <1 (0 Ee Ee eee ee ee 3.1 7.4 Uohy TG ach ee ae ee aoe eee Leela s/SOCh LOS s ao. 5 Fee E 4.2 50.8 (OY ry tot 0 Re Tae ee Sls eee ee AeOuaIS| SCH LOt se He Sao a 5.4 42.1 Figure 30.—Temperature and salinity at the surface, 100, 200, 400, and 600 meters July 27—August 4, 1931 58 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The above table shows that the West Greenland Current? trans- ported more heat per second past Cape Farewell in 1935 than in any other summer for which there is record. The additional heat was, moreover, due not to a higher mean temperature but to a more volu- minous current. At Tvigtut more heat was carried in 1933 than in any other year, but there are only data there from three summers with which to make comparisons. The greatest variation in the rate of heat transfer is noted sg the summer of 1931 at Ivigtut when it amounted to only about 25 percent of any of the other summers. This deficiency is described above (p. 54) as arising not from lower temperature of the current itself, as can be seen from the table of average temperatures, but to major branching at Cape Farewell. Ficurge 31.—Temperature at 100, 200, 400, and 600 meters July 9-14, 19338 Variations in the rate of heat transport of the West Greenland Cur- rent may have many far-reaching effects. That such variations do occur is proved by the quantitative observations included in the fore- going table, but as to the range of such variations and what corre- lations exist between them and related factors—climatic, biological, and glaciological—the data are yet scanty. It may be more than simply coincidental, for example, that contemporary with the deficit in 1931 of the rate of heat tr ansported northward into Davis Strait and toward blockaded iceberg glaciers (Smith, 1931) only 13 ice- bergs that spring were rec orded south of Newfoundland, In this connection it should be mentioned that the method of ice- berg forecasting developed by Smith (1931) and tested by the Coast 7 Bohnecke (1931) found the Irminger Current in Denmark Strait more voluminous in 1928 than 1930. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 59 Guard during the past several years is based solely on meteorological factors. From the beginning it was realized that there were other factors, and we suspect that two of these are (az) the rate of heat sup- ply of the West Greenland Current and (6) the degree of branching of the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea. The former may affect the icebergs near their source and the latter may affect them on their journey southward. te) ° 19 zo) 679 372780 250 ce 6 30 60 (MILES) 3.60 3.26 FIGURE 32.—Temperature profiles across the continental shelf, A,;, August 1-2, 1931; B;, July 28, 1931 In commenting on the East Greenland Polar Current along the west coast of Greenland Nielsen (1928) points out that, if negative tem- perature is to be accepted as the index of such water, then often in autumn the extension of the East Greenland Current northward of Cape Farewell along the west coast dwindles and disappears. Nat- urally during summer in sub-Arctic zones higher temperatures pre- vail in the upper water layers than at other times of the year. Ac- 79920—37—_5 60 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 34.44 34.67 346) 30 60 (MILES) FicurRp 33.—Salinity profiles across the continental shelf, A;, August 1-2, 1931; By, July 28, 1931 cordingly, the tongue of coldest water along the southwest coast of Greenland shown by our observations, even if positive in tempera- ture (see fig. 15), has been considered by us as representing the East Greenland Current, and, if so defined, it cannot be said to disappear from the west coast. According to this view east Greenland Arctic water suffers major diminution near Fylla Bank, and, while there is DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 61 a northerly set even to Disko Bay, the proportion of original con- stituents are probably very small. The designation of West Green- land Current for the northerly set along the west coast of Greenland avoids any opportunity for a misunderstanding on this point. Nielsen’s (1928) statement that the East Greenland Polar Current may carry ice as far north as Egedesminde is believed in error. The ice referred to was probably “vestis” (see Smith, 1931, p. 44), which in severe winters drifts eastward across Davis Strait and 60 (MILES) Ficurb 34.—Temperature profiles across the continental shelf, Az, July 9, 1933; Bz, July 7-138, 1933 has been reported on the Greenland coast even as far south as Holsteinsborg. The Dana’s and Godthaab’s sections of temperature extending from Godthaab out into the Labrador Sea (Baggesgaard-Rasmussen and Jacobsen, 1928) and (Conseil Permanent International, 1929), when compared with the corresponding section of the Marion (fig. 20, p. 45), reveals that east Gissntand Arctic water does not al ays hug the slope as might be inferred from the Marion’s observations but may often be present in one of the several branches of the West Greenland Current which turn westward into the Labrador Sea. 62 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS FiGURH 35.—Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf at Cape Fare- well, July 13-14, 1934 ANNUAL CYCLES While there are several years’ data with which to trace annual variations of temperature and salinity in the west Greenland sector for summer and early autumn there have been until recently very few surface or subsurface observations collected during other periods of the year essential to learn the annual cycle. The information available now is contained in a section running southward from Cape Farewell. The observations there have been collected at the following times: Meteor, March 1935; Godthaab, May 1928; and Marion, September 1928. A comparison of the vertical distribution of the temperature, salinity, and density off Cape Farewell at the end of winter, again the latter part of spring, and finally at the end of summer (fig. 36) indicates that throughout the year cold low-salinity water (east Greenland-Arctic) prevails in the surface layers next to the coast, while farther offshore at deeper levels persists warmer, saltier water (Irminger-Atlantic). The extent to which the system of circulation in the northwestern North Atlantic is affected by wintertime conditions has heretofore been speculative. That the West Greenland Current, however, pre- vails throughout the year is apparent from a comparison of the March to September profiles (fig. 36) one with another. The com- puted volume of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell in (zo "dava) LE—O0Z66L ‘SzGT Joquajdeg put Avy PUT GEGT WAVIT ‘“Tesaorvy adey 38 J9YS [B}UIUTJUOD ay} ssodov Sayoud aanjrsedMaTL—'9g WUNO1T Iles sSiies blle° WO" O3p 092 O88 068 B2EE IDE 2HvEe BEI2 BOLE POL 1012 NOJYVWN—YSEWIALdIAS —— WO'sso- eps SI9 Ibe = BSbE elve 9092 E6Elz Eble LELZ oy Vn Ld Ooo =A VY A L6°bE° Zeee Slve Serve ezge 8962 S162 epe@akanh~—H9o 4 VOW — a ee = i ee er = ie su 4 a — me ee ie y = ° > fe A 03 ale. _ - a . t~ « —_ ed 7 . = xs. = r — ‘ x: on ee | se : - — = > oe ae ~ M , - Ss ¥ ; ay —= — 7, 7 heal = ee -=4 a 2 . a ’ - b Et , > : = S602. coun m ay DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 63 March 1935 of 7.5 million cubic meters per second when compared with volumes found there in August 1935 and also during several other summers proves that the West Greenland Current is apparently not seasonal, or, if seasonal, that effect is masked by greater varia- tions noncyclic in character. The effects of winter chilling of the surface layers, and consequent convectional mixing, are, however, plainly visible (fig. 36), where the temperature and salinity g gradients of May and September were com- pletely erased by March. The sections furnish information on the annual temperature range of the surface layers outside the shelf off Cape Farewell. The temperature in the axis of the Inminger- Atlantic current probably rises from a minimum in February, of about 4° C. to a maximum of slightly over 8° C. in September. In the fresher water near the coast it probably ranges from —1.3° C. at the end of winter to around 3.0° C. or 4.0° C. at the end of summer. The May section of the Godthaab apparently recorded a point about midway of the annual cycle. The average temperature and the rate of heat transfer of the West Greenland Current off Cape Farewell at the three seasons was computed as follows: Annual thermal cycle of the West Greenland Current (Cape Farewell) Average Rate of Date neue of tempera- heat ture transfer WiaYiaSOdDE se = 2 eS 32! EE as ee ee See 7.5 4.0 30. 0 May 28-30, 1928_______- ohn EMS Ee ES og EE a SR OS 5 Sars 4.0 4.1 16.4 Chor ESS Ge ae ere eee fos |. eee 3 on2 4.4 Line Despite the winter chilling of the surface layers of the West Green- land Current, the table shows that in some winters, at least, the cur- rent transports more heat into the Labrador Sea than it does at other times of a year. The higher average temperature of the deeper parts of the cur- rent in March 1935 was also accompanied, according to the salinity profile (fig. 36), by a correspondingly higher salinity. Warm, salty water apparently mixed and sank to oreater depths off Cape "Fare- well in March 1935 than in any of the summers for which there is record. A more thorough internal mixing during winter below the fric- tional influence of the wind may have been due to convectional cur- rents, but an examination of the density profile reveals generally a fair stability. The stability of any column in the section, 0—1,500 meters, was greatest closest to Cape Farewell and decreased directly with the distance from the coast. Farthest out from the shore (Me- teor’s station 120, fig. 36) the density was uniformly 27.75, surface to 220 meters, but below there the density progressively increased with depth to 27.88 at 1 ,000 meters. The maximum depth, there- fore, to which convectional chilling was directly and actively pene- trating around Cape Farewell ‘March 7-8, 1935, was probably about 220 meters. Wintertime convectional currents are, however, believed 64 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to have assisted salty water downward to depths of 1.200 and 1,500 meters at J/eteor’s station 120, prior, however, to the time of, and upstream from the place of, the actual taking of the observations. The depth of vertical convection farther offshore is discussed in chapter VIII. No wintertime observations have ever been taken northward of Cape Farewell in the west Greenland sector, but an indication of the annual cycle is contained in the Ivigtut sections of the Marion and Godthaab. The Marion ran the Ivigtut section the last few days of August 1928, and the Godthaab repeated the survey the first week in October (fig. 37). The close proximity of the two sections in geographical position and the recorded constancy of the West Greenland Current during the interval of about 5 weeks lend accu- racy to a direct comparison between relative heat values as follows: Ivigtut section Average Rate of Date Volume of flow tempera- heat ture (°C.) transfer AD Cy 7 ayo Lt) Ee re ee ee pe ES || Cee ben OSC a 5. 96 44.1 Oct 8 -ON19 28323 aes 23 eee MR ONIILS SOC Gk ie eee ee 5. 40 42.1 The rate of heat transfer of the West Greenland Current August 28 to October 9, 1928, without appreciable change of the volume of flow diminished 2.0 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second in a period of about 5 weeks. This decline in the rate of heat supply is attributed directly to the seasonal cooling of the surface layers. A table recording in more detail the volume of the West Greenland Current, previously depicted on the velocity profiles, and described in this chapter is appended herewith. (¥9 ‘doaoug) LE—OzT66L OTPEIS ‘UOT ‘OST-TST suone B soyyoid oanjuiedmag—LE aAUnoO LT “STG ‘10qo}9O puB JsNnsny “ynjpspAT IT-OLOT 2 ay} Sse Ogee 86905 + an DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 65 Volume of West Greenland current [Millions cubic meters per second] 1928 1931 Section and position South North North South North North Section A: Section and position South North North South North North Section A: See ge eer a el ae ss bn pines Se rede SIO eee! Ne) } on 2----- -|----------|---------- 3.71 |---------- Ota eee 3 2 to ek 76 6. 52 5. 76 1. 55 4. 07 2352 Section B: SR ees a gee | Me | See RI Fe Ts SiG. CURR, 6 = an rnnenn ee ae } 12.57 |--------~-|----------|----------|---------- Io qe Ce ee ee ee eee . 48 12. 57 12.09) 2 22 eee eee ae ES 2 es eS ag ae CHAPTER V THE DAVIS SECTOR THE SURFACE CURRENTS The name, “Davis Strait”, is used here for the narrow part of the waterway which separates Greenland and Baffin Land (p. 2). The bathymetric map of this region (fig. 38) shows the two basins, Labrador and Baffin, connected by a winding channel, which, as marked by the 600 meters isobath, averages 40 miles in width and. with a threshold depth of 675 meters. Because all exchanges be- tween the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay necessarily have to pass across this sill, particular investigation has been devoted to the Davis Strait sector. Besides the Coast Guard’s data, the Godthaab expedi- tion’s observations, Riis-Carstensen (1936), and the Michael Sars’ observations, Martens (1929) have also been utilized. For the geo- graphical position of the stations see figure 38. In constructing the series of dynamic topographic maps shown in figure 39, Godthaab’s station number 162, latitude 67°48.5’ north, longitude 60°48’ west, was selected as the datum station for the surveyed area, except for Marion stations 986 to 994, which have been referred to Marion sta- tion 984, latitude 63°10’ north, longitude 56°32’ west. The dynamic heights for the above stations, similar to those of the Coast Guard, have been computed in accordance with the anomaly tables published by Sverdrup (1933) and the method referred to by Helland-Hansen (1934). It will be recalled from this theorem that if motionless water is correctly assumed at the selected level (usually a deep level between two deep-water stations), all motion is accounted for even at the bottom of the shoalest stations. An important step in the method, however, is the correct determination or portrayal of the distribution of the anomaly of specific volume along the bottom of the shoal water stations in the section. That errors in the dynamic height and the computed velocity at shoal water stations may result from the above source was demonstrated in our work when a common inshore sta- tion was approached along two converging sections. For example, the computed dynamic heights of station 45, based upon the distribu- tion of specific volume in a vertical plane passed through station 42 and another plane passed through station 46, were 1,454.874 dynamic meters and 1,454.900 dynamic meters, respectively. A similar discrepancy arose in the computed dynamic heights of sta- tion 168 which were 1,454.879 and 1,454.823 dynamic meters by different approaches. The difference in the first case when expresesd in terms of motion introduces an error of 1.7 centimeters per sec- ond, which is not great, but in the second case the difference repre- sents a current of 7.3 centimeters per second, which is relatively significant. When the dynamic values for each one of the stations in the Davis Strait sector were plotted, and a topographic map at- 66 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 67 ‘72 4173) ‘Ia 175 ip aS sfGre -HELLETISKE on ee ee 5S 54? FIGURE 38.—The Davis Strait sector: [1 Michael Sars stations, 1924; + Marion stations, 1928; © God- thaab stations, 1928. 68 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS tempted, it was immediately perceived, moreover, that the dynamic values of adjacent stations not in the same section exhibited undue irregularities. Similar conditions appearing at the 500 meter level (a depth beyond the seasonal influence in this type of water), indi- cated that errors were probably introduced by incorrect assumptions as to the distribution of anomaly of specific volume. It must be admitted, however, that the time embraced by the observations taken by three separate expenditions easily affords opportunity for both seasonal and secular changes of considerable magnitude, and it must be realized that in a waterway, such as Davis Strait, wide and rapid fluctuations are to be expected. Consequently the dynamic topographic maps shown here can present only the outstanding fea- tures of circulation through the strait. The most striking feature as shown on figure 39 is the vigorous south-flowing band which dominates the western side of the strait, penetrating downward there more than 500 meters—the so-called Baffin Land Current. This stream was widest and most rapid at the surface, showing a maximum calculated velocity of 26 centimeters per second (12.5 miles per day) over the slope between Cape Kater and Cape Dier. The velocity decreased inversely with the depth, a velocity of 6 centimeters per second (2.9 miles per day) being re- corded at the 500-meter level. The eastern side of Davis Strait, figure 39, shows a weak but widespread drift of water northward. From the surface down to the 200-meter level this movement was given continuity by narrow bands of more rapid current which reflected the outline of the west Green- land banks in this sector. The northerly set in the surface layers constituted importations to many coastal estuaries and to Disko Bay where the indraft along the Egedesminde shore partially compen- sated for the discharge past Godhavn. Below 200 meters (see 500 meters, fig. 39), northerly current filled the eastern half of the Davis Strait Channel and continued northward into Baffin Bay. The current at the 500-meter level with a mean velocity of approximately 3 centimeters per second (1.5 miles per day), according to figure 39, appeared stronger and more endur- ing than the similarly directed movement in the upper layers. The fact that this current at 500 meters was composed of water much warmer and more saline than its surroundings (see figs. 42 and 44) positively identifies it as that part of the West Greenland Current which had continued farthest northward along the Greenland slope. It is our conjecture that this current represents the main source of supply of the well-known warm intermediate layer of Baffin Bay and partially compensates for the discharge of the Baffin Land Current in the west. The eddies and swirls noted at every one of the levels of the Davis Strait Channel (fig. 39) are believed characteristic features of the circulation which continually develop as a result of the mixing along the margins of dissimilar types of water. Many Disko Bay icebergs (mostly from Jacobshavn and Torsuka- tak glaciers) as previously pointed out (p. 36) are borne out of the bay in the discharge which hugs the Disko Island slope. (See sur- face current map, fig. 39, and velocity profile F,, fig. 11.) The (s9"deovgq) LE—0%66L ‘aouyjns A[BUIOUB IBqMeP-OOG‘T 24} 9AOQE JYySIeq JIwWeUAp Jo sat[BMOU UT passaidxe ‘s1ajour 002 PUB ‘00ST ‘OOT ‘aBJANS dy} JS BVVALG STAB JO S19}VA OY} JO UOTJE[NIIJO eYLT—sE Aun91WT +s 9s ‘WoOSs o9 29 +S 9S 'W 002 09 29 oS 9S es Le) 2 $S 9s 8s o9 29 ‘WOO! Av4sUNS,, zo v9 vs os 8s 03 2 vs 9s 8S os 29 ~2NKEWCE ied - Oe wp cingaa' eae te at (? a 3 ts aH ears q DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 69 dynamic topographic map of Baffin Bay (fig. 126, p. 170) indicates that many of the Disko Bay icebergs are carried northward with the current through the Vaigat. Once outside the coastal estuaries and headlands, as indicated by the slope currents (fig. 126), the icebergs follow a generally cyclonic circuit of Baffin Bay. There is no evi- dence from the dynamic topographic maps that icebergs in the south- ern part of Baffin Bay drift directly across to the Baffin Land Cur- rent. The Marion on her track between Disko Island and Cape Dier sighted no icebergs out in the central part of Davis Strait. CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS The stations shown on figure 38 have been grouped into a total of five cross sections of the currents in the Davis Strait sector as shown on figure 40, All of the velocity profiles with little exception emphasize the main features of the circulation described in the horizontal projections. The Baffin Land Current with velocity lines ranging from 5 to 20 centimeters per second in the heart of the current appears on all the profiles, filling the western half of Davis Strait. The West Greenland Current, much weaker, with velocity lines varying from 1 to 5 centimeters per second, prevailed in the eastern half of the strait. A band of northbound Greenland coastal current is also to be noted in each one of the profiles. The southerly current, which appears at stations 161 to 159 on profile 4, and sta- tions 1014 to 1013, profile 5 (fig. 40), refers to the discharge from Disko Bay which the plane of the section intersected at an acute angle. ‘The successive areas of alternate northerly and southerly current recorded on the right side of profile 5 (fig. 40) probably refer to a single band of winding current which followed the trend of Disko Island Bank. The dynamic gradient resulting from the warmer and fresher waters in over the Greenland banks accounts for the northerly movement of the surface layers* on the east side of Davis Strait. It is quite certain after studying the distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Strait (see fig. 44) that the same dynamic factors extend down over the edge of the Greenland slope and re- sult in northerly motion of the deeper water there. The higher temperature and salinity of the band of current centered at 500 meters on the Greenland slope (see fig. 40, profiles 1, 2, and 5) has already been identified as Irminger-Atlantic portions of the West Greenland Current. Previous published statements have pointed out that this warm water is forced up over the Davis Strait Ridge as an undercurrent to Baffin Bay. The impression of an undercurrent has probably been much accentuated by the behavior of the Baffin Land Current, which, being the more vigorous and lighter, often floods eastward in the surface layers, overriding the West Green- land Current. This appears to be the most logical explanation at present for the position of the currents depicted in profile 1 (fig. 40), and also for the notion that Atlantic water penetrates northward into Baffin Bay as an undercurrent only. ® Nielsen (1928) identified surface water in Disko Bay which had been encovntered eeelier in a wide area over Great Hellefiske Bank more than a hundred miles south- ward. 70 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 O 10 20 30(MILES) is 168 1019 1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 loll 1009 1007 Te y 70 15~ Ficure 40.—Five velocity profiles across Davis Strait expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly current. (1) Michael Sars, August 16-18, 1924: (2) Godthaab, September 17—19, 1928; (3) Michael Sars, August 9-13, 1924; (4) Godthaab, September 12-14, 1928; (5) Marion, August 13-17, 1928. The velocity profiles are particularly valuable in revealing the volume of the exchanges across the Davis Strait Ridge. These are contained in the following table expressed in millions of cubic meters per second: DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA vial Volume of flow [Millions of cubic meters per second] West ss on Greenland (south) Current : (north) StF) Coys ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 1. 92 0. 61 SOCviOn 225.22. een er ee 5 bee ie a Ss ee oe eee 2. 68 1.12 Sechlon’ 3222 Sse Rae eee ee bg fee ee kee 1,78 ,|ee ee, BECtion( 4: 25 ewes ES aya ee Sa ee eee 4, 29 1. 87 Section. 5... - 22 SS re. | a 2c es ae eS EE ee eee 2. 55 . 93 ASV CLAY 6 Sean = Ree eS eS ee ne 2. 64 1.13 The table shows that the volume of flow of the Baffin Land Cur- rent through section 4 much exceeded that through any of the other sections. Reference to the station map (fig. 38) indicates that sec- tion 4 crossed the deep water in the southern end of Baffin Bay about 60 miles north of the shallowest part of Davis Strait Ridge. It is possible that the Baffin Land Current is subject to considerable fluctuation in volume, but the added fact that the three other cross sections of the Baffin Land Current taken over the ridge itself re- corded a volume of current that varied little from 2 million cubic meters per second supports the conjecture that the Baffin Land Current is notably constant in rate of transport. In view of the foregoing it seems most probable that significant under portions of the Baffin Land Current on meeting the rise of the bottom, at the south end of the bay, are deflected to the left following around the side of the basin. Making suitable allowances, therefore, for the larger volume of the Baffin Land Current recorded farther north- ward in the bay, the normal volume of the discharge across Davis Strait Ridge into the Labrador Sea is placed at 2 million cubic meters per second. The average rate of transport of the West Greenland Current through Davis Strait according to the table is 1.13 million cubic meters per second. Section 3, as can be seen from the station map (fig. 38), did not extend more than halfway across Davis Strait and therefore furnishes no information on the volume of the West Greenland Current. If the total volume of northward flow is about . equally divided between the inshore surface layers and the deeper slope band, it agrees well with previous computations made of the West Greenland Current at points farther south. (See p. 65.) It is concluded from the foregoing that the average rate of ex- change of the water between Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea is in the ratio of about 2 to 1, and the West Greenland Current through Davis Strait definitely fails, therefore, to maintain the renewal of Baffin Bay water. HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The distribution of temperature at 75 meters (fig. 41) reflects the courses of the two main currents through Davis Strait—the frigid Baffin Land Current, on the one hand, and the northward drift of the Greenland shelf waters on the other. The area of fz MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS warmest water recorded in the lower right-hand corner of figure 41 marks the upper layers of the West Greenland Current which have been further heated by the summer’s sun. Little or no indication of the penetration of the West Greenland Current into Baffin Bay is to be found on figure 41. This strengthens the conjecture pre- viously advanced that the more important inflow to Baffin Bay follows along the deeper part of the Greenland slope and joins the intermediate layers north of the ridge. The blanket-like layer of Ficurp 41.—The temperature at 75 meters. frigid water at 75 meters as marked by the —1.5° C. isotherm on figure 41 is spread completely across to the Disko Island slope. This suggests an eastward flooding of the Baffin Land Current which as interpreted by these observations overrode the warm current from the south. Such behavior of the surface currents in the Davis Strait sector are believed common, especially in winter when it is well known that pack ice is carried, partly by wind and partly by current, over to the Greenland coast. The strongest evidence that the previously described exchanges of water through Davis Strait are divisible longitudinally into a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 73 cold, fresh current on the west and a warmer, saltier one on the east is contained in the temperature and salinity maps for the 500-meter level (fig. 42). There is also a suggestion in the form and position of the isotherms and the isohalines near the 100-meter isobath at the southern end of Baffin Bay (fig. 15) that the Baffin Land Cur- rent at times spreads southeasterly in the surface layers toward Great Hellefiske Bank and may even dam temporarily the northward set of the Greenland waters. 62 60 58 = Bee ae ee 38 So 34 FigurE 42.—The temperature and salinity at 500 meters. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Martens (1929) has published cross sections of the temperature and salinity taken along the top of the ridge and has given a clear exposition of what are regarded as normal conditions. Two sections only of temperature and salinity, therefore, are presented here— Marion’s section 5 and Godthaab’s section 2, both of which illustrate interesting features of the above variables. Marion’s section 5 (fig. 43), following southwesterly along the edge of Disko Island Bank, intersected typical banks water. The intermediate and bottom water, with temperatures below 0° C., were probably reminiscent of winter chilling. The warmest and saltiest water, according to the profile, is noted at a depth of 400 meters on the Greenland slope. Arctic water with temperatures less than 0° C. from station 1015 southward filled the surface layers to a 74 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS depth of 250 meters. Below that, and most pronounced on the bot- tom, temperatures as high as 2° C., and salinities of 34.50% , indi- cate that even as far north as Marion’s station 1021, in latitude 65°- 37’, longitude 59°05’, west Greenland water sometimes is found under \ fla el ee! O 30 60 (MILES) 2986 3069 2939 30.94 32.40 33.61 Ficure 43.—The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Strait August 13-17, 1928, as shown by Marion’s stations 1007-1025. the Arctic water on the Baffin Land shelf. The negative tempera- tures and salinities about 34.50%, noted in section 5 (fig. 43), below depths of 800 meters, represent true Baffin Bay bottom water that 1s barred from the Labrador Sea by the Davis Strait Ridge. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 75 Section 2 (fig. 44), based on the Godthaab’s observations, follows the shoaler part of the ridge across Davis Strait. The temperature profile is the more interesting as it more clearly delineates the cur- rents. The water less than —1.0° C., which rested against the Baffin Land slope, represents the heart of the Baffin Land Current. The Ficurn 44.—The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Strait September 17-19, 1928, as shown by section 2, Godthaab’s stations 168-175. core of —1.0° water centered at 100 meters, station 172, however, when compared with velocity profile 2 (fig. 40) is found to have a northerly component. This apparent inconsistency is due to the presence of a cyclonic eddy previously described on page 71. The core of water warmer than 1.0° C., which filled the eastern side 79920376 76 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ot the channel around the 400-meter depth, marks Irminger-Atlan- tic water of the West Greenland Current. In its passage of 600 miles along the Greenland slope this water, solely through mixing, lost approximately 4° C. of its temperature and 0.50%p,) of its salinity in a period of 3 months after passing Cape Farewell. The salinity profile (fig. 44) records two reservoirs of fresh water, one on either side of Davis Strait, the larger of which hugged the American side. Solely on the basis of such a distribution, currents normal to the section are predicated for Davis Strait with the more voluminous flow on the Baffin Land side. A north-south temperature profile through Davis Strait (fig. 45) emphasizes the shearing action of the currents—a southerly com- —————). 01020 40 60 (MILEs) Ficur® 45.—The vertical distribution of temperature longitudinally through midchannel of Davis Strait. (For station identification, see fig. 38.) ponent dominated the upper layers to a depth of nearly 300 meters and a northerly component prevailed from there to the bottom. In this manner cold water spread southward in the surface layers and warmer water worked northward into Baffin Bay. Practically identical salinity but higher temperature of the channel stream across Davis Strait Ridge marked this branch of the West Green- Jand Current as an eventual supply of Baffin Bay. The extent of the production and propagation of the bottom water of Baffin Bay is of particular interest to us, inasmuch as such water may indirectly affect the deeper water of the Labrador Basin. That a great part of the bottom water of Baffin Bay is probably formed by the intermixture of Atlantic and Arctic masses in the northern part of the bay is the opinion of Commander Ruis- Carstensen expressed in a letter to one of us. The oxygen dis- tribution of Baffin Bay (fig. 148, p. 187) indicates that bottom water DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA ed is renewed at a very slow rate. Baffin Bay bottom water (as cold as —0.89° C. and with uniform salinity ca 34.49%, below the level of Davis Strait sill (figs. 142 and 143) is, of course, directly barred from the much warmer water of the Labrador Sea. The eventual displacement of even the deepest layers in Baffin Bay, however, most probably takes place through upwelling and mixing with lighter water in the bay itself and thus escapes as Baffin Land Current. A computation of the rate of heat transported by the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current across the Davis Strait Ridge through section 2 (fig. 40) has been made from the God- thaab’s observations, stations 167-175. Average Rate of heat tempera- Transfer ture @G)a), See TEaiit Lug) OWN Ge oe aia Sete ee ee eee ee See eee —0.6 —1.6 FAVORS? (Cie aval ae) aT Ee eee ae see ees 152 1.4 The fact that the Godthaab’s section 2 was taken in September 1928 only a short distance from section 1 (fig. 838) made by the Michael Sars in August 1924 affords a good opportunity also to learn what annual variations, if any, occur in the waters of Davis Strait. The sections to which reference is made have been published by Martens (1929) and Riis-Carstensen (1936). A comparison between the two profiles shows that the north and south currents occupied similar relative positions. It is surprising, therefore, to find on comparing summertime temperature profiles that the slope band of the West Greenland Current was much warmer and saltier in 1924 than in 1928. The actual figures taken in the heart of the current, at 500- meters depth on the Greenland slope, are— Year (OF 9/00 Sica Se ES tO ee eo Dk tess 4.08 34. 88 eee oe an nee oe A PU ce a a a a 1. 20 34. 48 The temperature and salinity of the Baffin Land Current for the two summers, on the other hand, was nearly constant. _ The transport of salt through Davis Strait based on the observa- tions of stations contained in section 2 (fig. 40) was— Rate of salt Dy eraee transport (960) (Kg./sec.) ‘ X10-5 IoPaii: asia Chimp sos 2h sie eee eer Oe eee nee ee ee 34. 01 91.1 WesmOrconianceCurrentememes 0 el A ee ee 34. 32 38. 4 ING REOLICHESHIUILT ATS DOLLS = a ie ye ee Ne ee ee 52.7 Although the West Greenland Current was of higher average salinity than the Baffin Land Current, the much greater volume of the latter resulted in more salt being transported out of Baffin Bay 78 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS across the Davis Strait Ridge than entered bier. A net south rate of salt transport of 52.0 million kilograms per second was obtained based on the observations of the Michael Sars as contained in section 1 (fig. 40). Assuming, therefore, a salt balance is being maintained in Ballin Bay, the above deficit indicated through Davis Strait must be compensated by an excess through Lancaster “Sound, Jones Sound, and Smith Sound. : It appears from the foregoing that the branch of the West Green- land Current through Davis Strait is subject to considerable varia- tion in temper ature e. Similar variations in temperature at muid- depths in the West Greenland Current farther south (p. 58) suggest they are related. The fact that the above differences are greatest at depths of 400 and 500 meters eliminates the wind and other surface elements as directly involved factors. Even the variations in the volume of the West Greenland Current noted around Cape Farewell are often probably reflected in excesses or deficits of heat imported to Baffin Bay. The abnormal scarcity of ice in Baffin Bay reported by Bartlett (1936) corresponds well with the excess in the rate of heat supply (p. 63) past Cape Farewell March to August 1935. It should be added in conclusion that the above “remarks apply to the behavior and character of the currents in summer. But it seems logical that the rate of exchanges and the circulation through Davis Strait might be less active in winter when most of the sea in this region is ice covered. Insofar as the West Greenland Cur- rent is concerned, however, evidence has been presented (p. 63) which refutes any apparent semblance of seasonal character. What actually happens in the 8 months outside of summer in the region of Davis Strait is wholly unknown. CuHaAPTerR VI THE AMERICAN SECTOR The American sector is the term applied here to the shelf and slope waters embraced by the U. 8S. Coast Guard’s surveys north of St. John’s, Newfoundland, during the years 1928, 1931, 1933, and 1934. The 1928 observations, upon which the discussion is based, were made along a series of sections, H to Q, as shown on figure 46. 60 50 CUMBERLAND GULF FicurE 46—The American sector, 1928. Sections are as follows: H. Cumberland Sound ; I, Frobisher Bay; J, Resolution Island; K, Nachvak Fjord; L, Cape Harrigan; M, Hamilton Inlet; N, Domino Island; O, Belle Isle; P, White Bay; and Q, St. John’s. The American sector embraces two principal slope currents—the Baffin Land Current and the Labrador Current. This division of the south flowing waters along the American continental slope, from El- lesmere Land to the Grand Banks, into two currents, differs mate- rially from the previous classifications. As a rule, the flow over this entire range is considered as pertaining to one current, the Labrador. 79 80 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS It will be demonstrated, however, that the Arctic current shortly after crossing Davis Strait Ridge is joined by a branch of the West Greenland Current of greater volume. The union of these two streams so fundamentally alters the physical character of the current south of this point that a new designation is necessitated. The june- tion of the Baffin Land and West Greenland Currents not far south of the Davis Strait Ridge may be said to represent, therefore, the source region of the Labrador Current. THE SURFACE CURRENTS The surface waters of the American sector, July 22 to September 11, 1928, were in southward motion at velocities ranging from 5 to 38 miles per day in the axis of the currents.° The surface current map (fig. 47) reveals that the inshore margin of the Labrador Cur- rent entered along the northern shores of the many bays and gulfs which indent the American coast line, but such circuitous arms ‘ sooner or later rejoined the trunk stream in the form of discharges out of the southern sides of the same estuaries. Especially noticeable are the major openings in the American littoral of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle. Considerable quantities of Labrador Current entered along the Baffin Land side of Hudson Strait by rounding Resolution Island and also by passing through Gabriel Strait. Icebergs, according to Smith (1931), have been carried by this inflow for a distance of 150 miles where, near Big Island, they nearly all recurve and drift out past Cape Chidley, Labrador. Continuing down the coast, the Labrador Current followed an easy sinuous course which exhibited two major bends—the one be-. tween Cape Harrigan and Cape Harrison, Labrador, and the other between Cape Bauld and Funk Island, Newfoundland. The Coast Guard’s observations in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas in- dicate that more bergs strand along the American coast opposite these bends than elsewhere. The Labrador Current also received continual contributions from the streams which in summer form copious discharges from the many lakes and fiords. This reservoir of fresh water along the inshore side of the current plus the water released by melting drift ice doubtless compensates for the continual salting which the current receives along its outer side. On meeting the northern face of the Grand Banks in the latitude of St. John’s the Labrador Current was split, and the slope band con- tinued down the east side of the Grand Banks, while an inshore branch followed the gully past Cape Race. It is the latter stream which is responsible for the icebergs (Smith 1931, p. 151) often reported in the vicinity of Cape Race. The offshore margin of the Baffin Land Current, as it emerged from Baffin Bay the summer of 1928, was bounded by cyclonic vortices as shown on figure 47. These were displaced, however, in the margin of the Labrador Current, Hudson Strait to Hamilton Inlet, by bands of current converging from the Labrador Sea. On the dynamic 8Tt will be noted that the velocity values shown on fig. 47 differ in most cases from those published by Smith (1931, fig. 96). The velocity values shown on the latter illustration represent the average velocity of a given band of current, while in fig. 47 the values represent the maximum velocities in the axis of the currents. The recalcu- lation of the dynamic heights in accordance with methods described on p. 19 has also modified the stream lines of the currents from those earlier recorded. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 81 60 5O 40 60 50 FigurRE 47.—The Labrador Current, July 22—September 11, 1928. The velocities shown in miles per day indicate the axis of maximum flow. 82 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS topographic map of the Labrador Sea (fig. 122, p. 167) these several tortuous streams are traced to the West Greenland Current, which, as emphasized in chapter LV, branched westward toward the American shore, the bulk of the West Greenland contribution in 1928, as indicated on figure 47, met the American slope between latitudes 68° and 65°, where the Corolian force steepened the dynamic gradient and accelerated the slope current. One of the most important branches of the West Greenland Current, described on page 33, as parting from the slope off Godthaab, is the same as that shown on figure 47, as joining the Baffin Land Current on the Baffin Land slope, in the vicinity of latitude 64°. Although relic traces of Irminger-Atlantic water were found as far north as 65° 387’ (p. 42), they apparently formed no continuous current and, therefore, the more southern position is held to have marked in 1928 the source region of the Labrador Current. The point of junction of the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current is probably subject to considerable fluctuation along the Baffin Land slope from the Davis Strait Ridge southward. The physical character and the distribu- tion of velocity of the currents before and after forming the Labra- dor Current are discussed further in vertical cross section, on page 83. : The farthest offshore observations, which are located in the lower right-hand part of figure 47, indicate the presence of a northerly countercurrent. Had the 1928 survey been extended a little farther offshore in this region, more definite statements regarding the circu- lation there could be made. In the light of subsequent Coast Guard observations (p. 170) it can be stated, however, that in 1928 outer por- tions of the Labrador Current in the vicinity of latitude 53°, longi- tude 50°, joined in an easterly set with a branch of the Atlantic Current. Two areas marking weak currents are noted near Hudson Strait on figure 47, the one due east of the strait and the other extended for about 150 miles southward of Hudson Strait along the coast. In the first case the continuation of the Hudson Strait trough across the continental shelf forms an embayment of deeper water around which, in 1928, the currents were turned cyclonically. The free area along the coast south of Hudson Strait is also attributed to the shelf contour; the bottom being flat and near the surface caused the more rapid currents to sweep out around the steepest inclination of the slope. A third region of weak circulation was located over a broad de- pression in the continental shelf southeast of Belle Isle, around which a cyclonic eddy was developed. An interesting feature of the Labrador Current in 1928 was the apparent tendency as revealed by the streamlines (fig. 47) to group themselves in two bands—the one over the inshore portion of the continental shelf and the other over the steepest part of the slope. The banding may have been due to (a) the bottom configuration, one of the chief features of the Labrador shelf being a series of longi- tudinal folds which are to be seen in many of the cross sections (figs. 48, 50 and 51); or (6) the separate sources of the Labrador Current; or (c) a combination of (a) and (6). The Baffin Land Current as described (p. 68) was a relatively shallow, frigid stream which, hold- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 83 ing to the shelf, deflected much of its waters into Hudson Strait. Those portions of the Baffin Land Current which continued directly down the Labrador coast (fig. 47) were joined by an outflow from the south side of Hudson Strait. This stream constituted the inshore band of the Labrador Current throughout the remainder of its length. The outer belt, on the other hand, impinging in about lati- tude 63° in 1928, prevailed along the continental edge as far south as the observations extended off St. John’s. This band of the Labrador Current, reflecting its West Greenland source as shown on page 45, was much warmer, deeper, and more rapid than the inshore one. The banding of the Labrador Current and its effect on the drift of icebergs has been discussed by Smith (1931). It will be noted that the velocities of the Labrador Current in 1928 were much greater south of Hudson Strait than north of that latitude. The acceleration of the current is attributed to the convergence of the West Greenland Current from the east as well as the discharge from Hudson Strait on the west. Land drainage from the Hudson Bay Basin alone indicates that the discharge through Hudson Strait probably exceeds the inflow. Tangible evidence of such contribu- tions is to be observed in the increase of the stream lines on the cur- rent map (fig. 47) just south of Hudson Strait. A computation of the volume of the currents through Hudson Strait, based on stations 1285-1287 taken by the General Greene in 1931, gave a net discharge of about 1.0 million cubic meters per second. The fact, however, that these stations did not completely span the strait on the north and also that the inflow through Gabriel Strait was unaccounted for. causes us to estimate the net discharge to have been 0.5 million cubic meters per second. In conclusion it may be stated that the surface waters of the Labrador Current are collected from the following principal sources: The West Greenland Current, the Baffin Land Current, Hudson Strait, and the Strait of Belle Isle. On the other hand, the Labrador Current discharges as follows: into Hudson Strait; into the Strait of Belle Isle; eastward into the Labrador Sea, south of the latitude of Hamilton Inlet; southward past Newfoundland; and throughout its length through cabbeling along its offshore side. (See p. 175.) CROSS SECTION OF THE CURRENTS In order to make a systematic study, the 1928 observations have been grouped in a series of ten vertical cross sections, H to Q (fig. 46), more or less equally spaced between Cumberland Gulf, Baffin Land, and St. John’s, Newfoundland. Cumberland Gulf—aA section of the Baffin Land Current in the offing of Cumberland Gulf on the point of being joined by a branch of the West Greenland Current is represented by H (fig. 48). The profile shows that below the surface the south-flowing current was divided into two bands by a wall of dead water. In the outer band the 5-centimeter-per-second-velocity line extended to a depth of ap- proximately 300 meters, but there was weak southerly current even down to 600 meters. This draft undoubtedly marks the depth of the sill of Davis Strait over which the current had recently passed. If the velocity lines on section H (fig. 48) be compared with those on other profiles taken farther south, it reveals the Baffin Land S84 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 0102030 60 120 (MILES) Ficurp 48.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly current. Section H, August 17-18, 1928; section I, August 18-19, 1928; section J, August 19— 20, 1928. Current as much shallower than the Labrador Current. The com- puted volume of the inner band was 1.0 million cubic meters per second and of the outer band 1.5 million cubic meters per second, the total volume corresponding quite closely to that recorded farther north through the Davis Strait sections. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 85 Frobisher Bay.—Section I (fig. 48) was taken 2 days following section H and at a point on the slope 50 miles farther south. t - yy Sovesties Sout Paes oar pupoae Jed SiajeuT}UeD Ul pesseidxe juslinD Jopeiqey ey} jo setyoad A}PVOTEA—'OG TANS | | | ———-—-——~—~_ -—_------- S / o¢ 02 O1 O / “4 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 87 the result of the bottom topography in this vicinity, but its effect on the Labrador Current was to split the stream which characteristi- cally hugs the steepest part of the slope and to reduce its draft mate- rially. In consequence only 2.4 million cubic meters per second was transported southward or about a 50 percent reduction of that found farther north for the Labrador current. The interruption in the constancy of transport of the Labrador Current in the offing of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle has also been remarked . 80). See Harrigan.—A characteristic banding but an appreciable in- crease in the velocity of the Labrador Current from that farther north is shown on section L (fig. 50). It should be remarked, how- ever, that the observations off Cape Harrigan were taken nearly a month prior to those of the adjacent northerly sections. The shelf band remained fairly constant in volume of flow but the slope band rose to 4.7 million cubic meters per second. This increase is attributed (fig. 47) to converging current (West Greenland Current ) from out in the Labrador Sea. Hamilton Inlet—Downstream again, approximately 60 miles, sec- tion M was taken 2 days prior to section L. Shelf and slope bands were computed as 0.6 and 4.2 million cubic meters per second, re- spectively. The draft of the slope band of about 1,200 meters, as recorded by the 1-centimeter-per-second-velocity line, suggests that along this section of the American slope the Labrador Current may penetrate to depths even greater than 1,500 meters. Domino Island—A reduction in the velocity but a widening of the Labrador Current was found 60 miles farther downstream at section N (fig. 50) taken off Domino Island July 22-23, 1928. The inner and outer current belts were computed as 1.0 and 4.1 million cubic meters per second, similar to the distribution found off Hamil- ton Inlet. Belle [sle-——Continuing southward another cross section of the Labrador Current section O (fig. 51) was made September 5-8, 1928. There was, therefore, an interval of about 6 weeks between the time of running the Domino Island and the Bell Isle sections. The net volume of flow of the Labrador Current off Belle Isle of 2.6 million cubic meters per second was about 50 percent less than that farther north off Domino Island. Examination of the surface current map (fig. 47) indicates that the decrease in the southward component of transport was partly due to countercurrent which pressed in against the slope between stations 1097 and 1098. This eddy, probably part of a backwash associated with the Atlantic Current farther offshore, apparently deflected much of the Labrador Current in toward Belle Isle as noted by the streamlines, on figure 47. A shallow but relatively large depression in the Newfoundland shelf located between sections O and P, around which the Labrador Current was turned cyclonically, is also believed to have contributed to a deficiency of southward transport. White Bay—tThe presence of the above-described eddy in the form of a northerly component is also to be noted between stations 1115 and 1117 on section P (fig. 51). The slope band of the Labrador Current was disrupted here off the Strait of Belle Isle in similar manner to that in which the slope band was split off Hudson Strait. 88 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The net volume of the Labrador Current southward through section P in consequence was reduced to 0.8 million cubic meters per second. St. John’s—Section Q (fig. 51) was the tenth and southernmost profile taken by the A/arion in the American sector in 1928. The slope band of the Labrador Current at this point had accelerated, deepened, and, with a computed volume of 4.4 million cubic meters per second, resumed its mid-Labrador proportions. The inshore belt of 0.8 million cubic meters per second discharged most of its contents through the gully between the Grand Banks and Cape Race. A résumé of the discharge of the Labrador Current in 1928 is shown by the following table: Volume flow (m3/s< 10-*) Volume flow (m3/s X 10-4) Section and current band eres Section and current band os ou oul South | North (net) South | North (net) Section H: Section M: SlOpe sss ne 1 | Pree (Cee GS Ae Slopes. ...-....5]'9 492) |222e Sees | eee Shelters eee THC Sel ede SESS eee SiCi rr 0.6 0: SS AM) £2] [aes Se 2.5 0 2. 5 “MiG: rrr 4.8 0.1 4.7 Section I: Section N: Slopess------2- eee Bee | eee eed ee Slopesees=- 2.25. 4, 1..|- 2 eee Shes sa eee Lai 163) | SS Sheliaees! 2... 1.0 Ont | = Total ss2 22 22 es 5.0 1.3 3.7 ANT) 82) | ee 5.1 0.1 5.0 Section J: Section O: Slope. s S-s24s- -25252 A 2 | pee | eee Blopeweee a= 2-2-2228 3::6)\|-o3222 = Eee Shelf es ee ae 0.6 OS35|-5- 22 Bhieliaeeet 2-2... 389 2.9 3.(03| eee Ali) cs) See oS a 4.8 0.3 4.5 UND) | ere ee 6.5 3.0 3.5 Section K: Section P: Slope. se PAN esters es [a 0) 2.12 cseeee |Soeeeeees feat) | ce SES ee 082 0:7) |2 eee Shelia =o... 2s 1.0 1:9) |saeeetee Ota ao oe 2.6 0.7 1.9 PRonale 22252. -2—8 3.1 1.9 1.2 Section L: Section Q: Slope sss) ee 2c Asa ae 2 ee (SOC: 4.4 ce eee Snelft = cess eee 1.4 O87 |Ee ae Snelfees | 2... 323 0.8 0:35 ae Motalae seas Ses 6.1 0.8 5.3 Motale=—---_.--228 §.2 0.3 4.9 The above table shows that the net mean discharge of the Labrador Current, not including the apparent deficit in the volume of the cur- rent at sections K and P, during the summer of 1928 was 4.3 million cubic meters per second. One of the most interesting features revealed by the velocity pro- files was the division of the Labrador Current generally into a slope band and a shelf band, although such a grouping was less positively suggested by the streamlines on the surface current map. The pro- portions of inner to outer band for the 10 sections, H to Q, was 1 to 3; or, in other words, approximately 75 percent of the water trans- ported by the Labrador Current was contained in the slope band. Consideration of the proportions of the banding and the previously described proportions of the components (p. 85) indicates that some Arctic water is embraced in the slope band. A shelf and slope band characteristic of the Labrador Current are underlying features which no doubt exert their influence on the drift of the Arctic ice. The much colder water inshore of the continental (gg "deovg) 28—06661 ‘g26t 'TI-OT aeqine;deg ‘6 wofjoes put !8z6T ‘6-8 Jequie}deg ‘q UO}eS !8Zé6T ‘8-G Jaqutajdeg ‘oO ttoyoag = ‘jterahd A[Ieq}AOU seuT, WeHOIq eq} So er qa JIS Jed s.laJIUIT}UID UL pesseidxe JUGIIND JOpBIgVT 9G} JO sajyoid A}POTaA—'TS aunoy “yjnos Jueserded SeuT] PT[OS EY, *Puo a ~~ | ( i - iB | | | | ! (sarim)09 of si 0 Pineters por SORE end southern | a and the pr i‘ uly indicates that Domne 5 abira de peer a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 89 FIGURP 52.—Temperature at surface July 19-September 11, 1928. edge largely relegates the drift of that pack ice which eventually gets south of Newfoundland, to the shelf band of the current. Ice- bergs, on the other hand, capable of surviving in relatively warm water for much longer periods than pack ice constitute a greater menace to the North Atlantic shipping lanes because of the velocity of the slope band of the Labrador Current. 90 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70 70 60 50 40 30 60 50 FIGURE 53.—Salinity at surface July 19—September 11, 1928. HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The distribution of temperature and salinity in the upper 600 meters of the American sector is best shown on the maps for Davis Strait and the Labrador Sea (figs. 52 to 61). The coldest area on the sea surface lay over the Baffin Land shelf and slope, where temperatures as low as 0° C., were found in August. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Q] 60 50 FIgurRE 54.—Temperature at 100 meters July 19—September 11, 1928. That this water was the result of melting sea ice encountered in that locality by the Marion is further supported by the salinity map (fig. 53), the freshest water coinciding with the minimum temperature. ‘The warmest surface water with temperatures of 12° C., and higher : is ; was found over the Newfoundland shelf in the lattude of St. John’s 79920—37 - ‘ 92 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 10.70 60 50 40 30 SO 60 50 FicurE 55.—Salinity at 100 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. This area was also relatively fresh, indicating quite plainly that an offshore expansion of the surface layers occurs here at times during summer. In this connection it should be noted that the observations south and east of the Strait of Belle Isle were made approximately 6 weeks subsequent to those immediately north of that region, and consequently due allowance must be made for that fact. Two other DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 93 50 Ficure 56.—Temperature at 200 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. warm areas, both.of which lay outside of the American slope, are revealed by the surface temperature map (fig. 52)—the one off southern Labrador and the other off middle Labrador. The former, undoubtedly, is a reflection of the Atlantic Current and the latter the result of solar warming in a locality free from active circulation. Q4 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 40 60 50 Figure 57.—Salinity at 200 meters July 19—September 11, 1928. A narrow strip of water colder than its surroundings is recorded over the continental edge on the surface temperature map extending from Hudson Strait to the Strait of Belle Isle. This, of course, is the reflection of the axis of the coldest subsurface ‘water of the Labrador Current. The w ein area off Nachvak Fiord, enclosed by 6° and 7° isotherms, coincides (fig. 47) with the shelf locality of weak currents. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 95 59 FIGURE 58.—Temperature at 400 meters July 19—September 11, 1928. At a depth of 100 meters water colder than —1.0° C. transported by the Labrador Current was found throughout the length of the American shelf except in the offing of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle. These interruptions in the otherwise uniform distribu- tion of the Arctic water north of the Grand Banks indicate a dis- ruptive effect of the warmer discharges from both of these openings. MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Ose 10, 60 50 Ficurre 59.—Salinity at 400 meters July 19—September 11, 1928. The failure of the subsurface isotherms in several places to coin- cide with the streamlines of the currents may well be due to the variation in the proportions in which the various tributaries of the Labrador Current mix. A partial damming of the Baffin Land Current, for example, by a southerly gale in the region of the Davis DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA O7 40 60 Ficurp 60.—Temperature at 600 meters July 19—September 11, 1928. Strait Ridge might be reflected later along the course in a corre- spondingly warmer and saltier Labrador Current. The presence of frigid water of —1.5° C., at a depth of 100 meters over the Newfoundland shelf in September clearly emphasizes the small interchange of heat of subsurface waters on journeys as great as 2,000 miles in length. 98 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70.170 40 60 50 Ficure 61.—Salinity at 600 meters July 19—-September 11, 1928. Attention is particularly invited to the position of a salient formed by both the 4° isothern and the 34.8%, isohaline (figs. 54 and 55) off southern Labrador in the vicinity of latitude 55° N., longi- tude 50° W. The distribution of temperature and salinity, corre- sponding to the circulation (fig. 47), indicates a convergence of cool, low-salinity surface layers from the Labrador slope with the inshore leate tii the Aw t -Thete ait, The crf Aaa 58 i - pai cor lind a} and slopéat de indersi nl abut. lan perature and sa oe rels ait recora ae NES 1k 2 4 otfsho wah | énd is chilled late Ppe water are oc tioried relics as f transpegtation a shelf; ar (5) a iCAL, DIS rhical distributid i Lo Q, £ ‘ly d ly ihe iigt maps af of frigid wal p continental edie ak bone by & } shelf~< Me slic! Sater! = 1 of the fi ; mperatures ies of car hi as to the # ~ Balin Lad ber north hear the Pb ¢ 7 yaa) om, ¢ r A e Mimjntan! aleny the ela ceotla mand ? | f the helf ara,{a) a lat, * 87 ithe uhelf bere i of +3v'99 TO EE : °o 8 q » © 2 2x i : P v Cree 7 kee @ as “ i] : ii ) . 2 /; ‘ ! a) 2 = (66‘°d2087) 1LE—O0766L ‘ des pus :Avgq Joys{qorg ‘[ Woes ‘3InH PuBjsroequiny : ‘H WORDS “SZ6T Oecd} asnsuy. adele bu Jrous "eywoupsto9 ey} sso10B solyord AjyuT[es pus oanjeieduieL—zZo AUT Stre SLEE DPLECE BILE 2BEE BLES PIE 260E §§ JW) Og Ob 02 9 PIOE 291€ COI€E DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 99 margin of the outer countercurrent. The combined set of this mixed water in 1928, easterly near the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude. cor- responds well with the surface circulation farther offshore as re- ported by Soule (1936). The temperature and salinity maps of the 200- and 400-meter levels (figs. 56 to 59) indicate the presence of water from the West Green- land Current near the American slope. This feature is especially pronounced in the 400-meter temperature map (fig. 58) in the offing of Hudson Strait. The drift of this water southward along the Amer- ican slope (figs. 58 and 60) is also indicated in the band of higher temperatures at 400 and 600 meters along the American slope than adjacently offshore in the Labrador Sea. A strong temperature and salinity gradient is to be noted along the Baffin Land slope at depths of 400 to 600 meters (figs. 58 to 61) where the underside of the Baffin Land current and the West Green- land Current abut. The temperature and salinity maps for the 200-, 400-, and 600- meter levels all record pools of water colder and saltier than their surroundings in the depressions of the Labrador shelf. This indi- cates that offshore water floods in over the shelf, where it becomes pocketed and is chilled later during winter. The fact that intrusions of the slope water are occasional is indicated in the survival of the above-mentioned relics as late as midsummer. The two most obvious means of transportation of the deeper slope water in over the con- tinental shelf are (a) a lateral bending of the current temporarily in over the shelf, or (6) a screwing of the current. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity in the 10 sections, H to Q, already discussed, is illustrated on figures 62 to 64. Probably the most impressive feature common to all the profiles is the shelf of frigid water which extended from near the coast out to the continental edge. Except for a thin, isolated surface film and an undercutting by the warmer isotherms on the continental edge, the shelf column is dominated by frigid water. The shallow- ness of the shelf waters in the American sector, and also their loca- tion north of the fiftieth parallel of latitude, might easily ascribe the low temperatures to local winter chilling. Reference, however, to the series of corresponding profiles of velocity (figs. 48, 50, and 51), as well as to the surface current map (fig. 47), conclusively estab- lishes most of the minimum temperatured water as a transport first of the Baffin Land Current and then of the Labrador Current from points farther north. An equally striking feature common to the profiles is the distri- bution of the salinity across the shelf, the isohalines sloping upward from inshore near the bottom to near the surface over the continental edge. This position of the isohalines portrays primarily a reservoir of river discharge and other land drainage which expands offshore across the shelf in the light surface layers. Melting sea ice, usually more abundant along the coast in these latitudes than farther out to sea, also probably augments the supply. On the other hand the 100 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS salinity profiles, H, J, and O, record water in on the bottom of the slope which is saltier than that shown on any of the other profiles. Where the depth of the shelf below the sea surface is as great as 600 meters as off Resolution Island, Baffin Land (section J, fig. 62), bottom water as salty as 34.7%, was found. When such evidence is compared with that contained on the horizontal projections, where relic pools of salty water were noted in many of the shelf depres- sions, it all strongly suggests that the removal of low-salinity surface water is more or less compensated by intrusions of West Greenland Current water over the bottom. ‘That such movements occur in the shelf column, with a component lateral to the main transport of the Labrador Current, appears reasonable, but the fact that such currents are not directly measurable, or revealed on the dynamic topographic maps, indicates that, if they do actually exist, they must be weak, irregular, and transitional. It must be realized, neverthe- less, that any picture of the circulation based solely upon the dis- tribution of the temperature and the salinity is not conclusive, and whether or not the Labrador Current at times has torsional as well as translatory motion, merits further investigation. During the summer of 1928 water colder than 2° C. extended to a depth of 500 meters on the Baffin Land slope as shown on sections H and I (fig. 62). As previously remarked in the discussion of the temperature charts, this is the under side of the Baffin Land Current. The further fact that water as cold as this was not found farther south off Hudson Strait, section J, at a depth greater than 250 meters indicates considerable mixing occurred at these levels on the Baffin Land slope between the Baffin Land Current and the warmer West Greenland Current. The fact that the core of coldest water in sec- tions J and K was warmer than the corresponding water shown in the sections both north and south indicates either more extensive warming there by the West Greenland Current or that the water in question came from sources other than the Baffin Land Current. Reference to the surface current may (fig. 122, p. 167) indicates that the higher temperatures off Resolution Island resulted from the West Greenland Current, while those off Nachvak Fiord were con- tributed from Hudson Strait. Much of the Baffin Land Current water at times apparently makes the circuit into Hudson Strait. Attention is particularly invited to the relatively warm, salty water found on the Baffin Land slope as shown by the temperatures higher than 4° C., and salinities of 34.86 to 34.89% ,, at the outer end of sections I, ‘if , and K (figs. 62 and 63). When these profiles are compared with corresponding velocity profiles and also with the temperature and salinity maps, the source of the warm salty water is traced toward Greenland. The water of the slope current, Frobisher Bay to mid-Labrador at depths below the seasonal influence, was found to be warmer than the slope current at similar levels farther south, an apparently paradoxi- cal fact that as the water in the slope band moves southward it cools. Incidentally this introduces a new conception of the Labrador Cur- rent which heretofore has been regarded primarily as an icy stream from the far north. TON (O00 deoug) Le8—0766L “puv[sy Ou;WOd ‘N WOTVS : Ja[UT UO}TTWIeA ‘WW WONoes ‘ uBsl11ey odeD ‘y uoT—es ! parol SRATOEN ‘I uoseg “gze6I ‘9s WNAny-Ze Ainge edojs puv Jfeys [e}UeUT}U0D 94} sSO1Dv se[yord AjJUYVS puL oinjBIedMay—eg gUOnDIA 02 Gy es go” . zi ere 2e¢ ol BB'VE* cype- 98'vE’ LE've Oe'ce ce'ee 60'PE CO'EE OBIE 96 O'9 Bb IS 6e're” Iee* (SaTIW) FA 09 0 6e're" SON (00T A 2BA) LE—0T66L ‘sugor “39 ‘O uorjoes puke ! Avg az14A\ ‘a TOTJDe8 $ aysy alea ‘O WoOHOEgG “SZET ‘TT-G 10quiojdeg odoys puv Jjoys [e}UeUTJUOD oy} BSOIDe se[yord AzUL[vs pue ainyeIeduear— Fg auADIT eorve L92e OLIE YDIE IElE ee pee ve ices OGee peze LOIE SLIC 68¢ve* BBE’ tg vprre Gere OLEE Wee LL2E a1 vol x > Se ee e- en 4 ee a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 101 If the temperature profiles of the Labrador Current for 1928 be superimposed on the velocity profiles and the average temperature of the current, Frobisher Bay to St. John’s, computed in accordance with the method described (p. 24) we obtain the following values: SETS tame ean Cerro ee ae oN ee ec ae eee 1.5 SGP NO ENNG ae a a ae pe a Te ea sey ed 4.0 5 haan nc ON Se ee os tel aay Uae a ad 33.00 34.00 35.00 SAIN ay, Ficurn 65.—Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the Labrador current, Resolution Island to Hamilton Inlet, the summer of 1928. If the proportions of shelf to slope band of 1 to 3 be accepted then an average temperature for the whole current was approximately 3.4° C. The average rate of heat transfer of the Labrador Current the summer of 1928 was 14.6 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second (see p. 173). Temperature-salinity correlation curves for the sections in the American sector, 1928 figs. (65 and 66), assist to identify the com- ponents which constitute the Labrador Current. Two inflection 102 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS points near the end portions of the curves are a common feature. The lower left inversion with an approximate value of temperature of —1.75° C., and 33.14%, salinity, represents typical Arctic water, and the upper right inversion is representative of west Greenland water. Along the straighter part of the curves fall the correlation points indicative of the Labrador Current. eee F. tf EoMeer Ee RA Too ROE os Rae Apelor viel 33.00 34.00 3500 Se | Ny Figure 66.—Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the Labrador Current, Domino Island to St. John’s, the summer of 1928. ANNUAL VARIATIONS The question whether or not the oceanographic conditions in the American sector already described in this chapter as existing in 1928 prevail during most summers can best be answered by the U. S. Coast Guard’s surveys made there in 1931, 1933, and 1934. In can be seen by comparing figures 67, 68, and 69 with figure 47 that the surface extent of the Labrador Current remains fairly con- stant summer to summer. The previously described sinuous form DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 103 of the Labrador Current, with inshore bends opposite Cape Harri- gan and White Bay, and also offshore salients opposite Nachvak Fiord and Domino Tsland, is established on all the surface current maps. The division of the Labrador Current into an inshore band over the continental shelf and an outer band over the continental edge is also portrayed on all the surface current maps but not so noticeably on the map for 1933. Attention is also called to the north flowing Atlantic Current which was found just outside the continental slope off the Strait 50 60 Figurp 67.—The Labrador Current on the surface the summer of 1931. Velocities expressed in miles per day in axis of current. of Belle Isle in both the summers of 1931 and 1934 (figs. 67 and 69) but not in 1938. The fact that this had a volume in its margin alone greater than the Labrador Current merits particular emphasis regarding its significance to the circulation of the Labrador Sea. The surface current maps show one point quite definitely, viz, that variations in the velocity occur throughout the length of the Labrador Current. Such a behavior of the ‘current is not especially surprising when one appreciates the many vagaries and fluctuating factors to which the surface layers are continually subjected. In order to obtain an idea representative of the velocity of the shelf and slope bands of the Labrador Current along its course, the 104 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50 60 FIGURE 68.—The Labrador Current on the surface the summer of 1933. Velocities expressed in miles per day in axis of current. velocity over a common width of 20 miles, was measured near the axis of each band at several points. Surface velocity, Labrador Current [Miles per day] 1928 1931 1933 1934 | Shelf | Slope | Shelf | Slope | Shelf | Slope | Shelf | Slope BOLINIONN Koos a5 eae eee 6.0 12.0 1.3 16.1 0 Sectionniss wen eos eae a eee 7.2 17.5 4.9 10.3 0 BOCHIGHE Viens eet oe wees eee 8.4 10.0 4.2 9.6 0 PCT AG 106 tp eae ee eo eee eee eee 8.2 8.2 6.2 6. 2 0 BaeObioniO i. 2-222 eo sl eceeee pore Ser 12.4 Rap! 4.3 4.3 8. Seetion PA 28) 925 etre: wee tae Ter 11.0 5.4 8.9 6. BACH OMuGe= sans eas eee eee 3.4 10.0 2.3 7.0 2} Averages so) aseee aoe TAG 10.3 ‘4,1 8.8 | 5. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 105 Ficurp 69.—The Labrador Current on the surface the summer of 1934. Velocities : expressed in miles per day in axis of current. The table shows that the average surface velocity of the shelf band of the Labrador Current, for the summers recorded, ranged from 7.6 to 4.1 miles per day. And for the slope band the velocity ranged from 13.0 to 8.8 miles per day. The shelf band and the slope band, therefore, for all of the years, average 5.4 and 11.1 miles per day, or a final average of 8.2 miles per day for the Labrador Current as a whole.° The above figures agree well with the general knowledge regarding the drift of the icebergs from the dates of the breakup of the fast and pack ice in Baffin Bay and along the Labrador coast to the appear- ance of the ice south of Newfoundland. It is not difficult to trace the spring crop of bergs which constitute the danger to the North Atlantic steamship lanes. If not unduly hindered, they probably spent the previous winter in the vicinity of Cape Dyer, Baffin Land, and the second previous winter in Melville Bay and northern Baffin Bay.'! Their calving from the glacier the summer of that year checks well with our scanty knowledge of the currents in the far north and of the vicissitudes which the icebergs experience along their drifts. 10Tselin (1930) estimated the average surface velocity of the Labrador Current was 10 miles per day. 11The thousands of bergs observed by Bartlett (1935) off Devon Island, Aug. 20—25, 1934. probably were released from West Greenland ice-fiords the previous summer. The International Ice Patrol reported a total of 872 icebergs south of Newfoundland the season of 1935, a heavy ice year. 106 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 0 10 2030 60 (MILES) l'icurp 70.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent. southerly current and the broken lines northerly current. Section J;, July 24-26, 1931; section K,, July 17-18, 1931; section Iy, July 15-16, 1931; section M,, July 12-13, 1931; and section Ni, July 10-11, 1931. * Additional quantitative information as to normal conditions in the Labrador Current, and variations therefrom, is contained in a series of velocity profiles—8 for 1931, 7 for 1933, and 3 for 1934 (figs. 70 to 74). If the profiles shown on figures 70 to 74 be compared with DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 107 1238 1237 1236 -41235 1234 1233 1232 FES © b wo Ww v o a ss ” o 9) a) oO ” 8) ual ool bry eye o Oy OS Oly a ba) OM 0 102030 so(Miles) 0 it i t ‘ i! 4 iy Hi a O a | 1 1 | S bate apa ' i) Hel yews t 8 \y H ‘ He , at ll 1 Fiat a oO oO) \ 1 m a 2 8 ee I ! ! / Figure 71.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly cur- Aa inne 0,, August 7-8, 1931; section Pi, July 6-7, 1931; and section Qi, July the corresponding sections (figs. 48, 50, and 51) it will be found that they are nearly similar and support many of the statements which were based on the 1928 observations alone. For example, the divi- sion of the Labrador Current below the surface into a shelf and a 79920—37——_8 108 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS slope band is a characteristic feature of nearly all the profiles. The 1933 surface current map (fig. 68), it will be recalled, did not exhibit a banding of the current, but below the surface it Was SO divided, as figures 72 and 73 prove. Corroboration of the junction of West 0 102030 60 MILES Figure 72.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec ond. The solid lines represent southerly_current and the broken lines northerly cur- rent. Section Ks, July 18, 1933; section Le, July 19-20, 1933; section Ms, July 21-22, 1933; and section No, July 23-24, 1933. Greenland Current and Baffin Land Current to form Labrador Cur- rent is shown by the northernmost section in 1931 off Resolution Island. The west Greenland band of deep current, with relatively high temperature and salinity is shown at the offshore end of the profile (sec. Ji, fig. 70) as having already joined the southward flow in the American sector. The volumes of this band of the current for DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 109 1928 and 1931 of 4.8 and 4.5 million cubic meters per second agree well. : A comparison of corresponding velocity profiles for the summers available also reveals that the Labrador Current was probably deeper ad 0 10 2030 60 MILES Ficurp 73.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly cur- rent. Section Oo, June 30-July 2, 1933; section Ps, July 28-29, 1933, and section Qz, July 26-28, 1933. on the mid-Labrador slope than it was either north or south of this zone. This appears consistent, moreover, when it is recalled that it is the deepest section of the West Greenland Current in the offing of Ivigtut and Fiskernaessett which contributed water to the slope 110 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS O 10 20 30 60 MILES Ficurpe 74.—Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly cur- ponte eecuon Nz, July 10-11, 1934; section P;, July 9-10, 1934; and section Q;, July band of the Labrador Current at mid-Labrador. The West Green- land Current north of the latitude of Hudson Strait is shallower than farther south because of the lesser bottom depths there. A comparison of the average draft of the current as shown by the 1-centimeter-per-second-velocity lines on the several profiles indicates DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 111 that the Labrador Current was shallower in 1931 than in any of the other years. This agrees also with the variations noted for the above period off Cape Farewell and Ivigtut, when a deficit was recorded there in the volume of the West Greenland Current. The profiles for the few summers recorded indicate in general a decrease in the transport of the current near the latitude of Belle — f=) 2 °o oO w 1) a wW a 7) 4 Ww e Ww = °o oO =] o u °o _ 2 °o 4 a = — VOLUME OF FLOW FOTAL NET CURREN M N O ST Eee wt ie Oana Ss FicurE 75.—The volume of the shelf band, the slope band, and the total net southerly flow of ie Labrador Current, sections K to Q, expressed in millions of cubic meters per second. Isle. This is attributed partly to the influence of the Strait of Belle Isle and the uneven topography of the Newfoundland shelf and partly to countermovements associated with the Atlantic Cur- rent. The volume of the inshore margin of the Atlantic Current which intersected the offshore end of section O (fig. 71) in 1931 has been computed as 5.6 million cubic meters per second. The observa- 112 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS tions in 1933 did not extend out to the margin of the Atlantic Current but if section P,; (1934, fig. 74) had been drawn so as to have included station 1739, it would also have shown the margin of the Atlantic Current. The margin was computed to have contained 7.8 million cubic meters per second. This set, as earlier described on page 82, is a mixture of subtropical Atlantic water and returning water of the Labrador Current. . In some of the velocity profiles, especially those for 19383, a third band of current has been revealed somewhat offshore of the conti- nental slope. It is believed that. this represents a local, temporary condition only, in which a whorl in the Labrador Current intersected WW fe =) Ie < a Lu (als = LJ Re SA LIN Iaigy Ficurr 76.—Temperature-salinity correlation of the Labrador Current in the American sector the summer of 19381. the plane of the section. Such departures often reflecting an excess or deficit in the computed volume of the north-south components should, of course, be discounted, each case being judged on its particular merits at the time and place. A table, recording in more detail the volume of the bands of Labrador Current and intersected eddies, is appended at the end of this chapter. The Labrador Current (see table p. 127) averaged greatest volume in 1933 and smallest in 1931, varying from 5.4 million cubic meters per second to 3.4 million cubic meters per second. ‘The excess of current in 1933, as shown on figure 75, was mostly confined to the DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 113 slope band which from its derivation points to a swelling in the west Greenland portion of the Labrador Current rather than an increase in the Baffin Bay discharge. This is substantiated by the excess in volumes recorded in 1933 (p. 54) for the West Greenland Current off Cape Farewell and Ivigtut. The deficit of Labrador Current in 1931 along the American slope is corroborated also (p. 50) by the fact that much of the West Greenland Current off Cape Farewell branched out into the Labra- dor Sea and was thus lost that summer to the Labrador Current. Attention has already been called to the great scarcity of icebergs south of Newfoundland in 1931, a total of 13 compared with the average number of 420. As a further analysis of the components of the Labrador Current, temperature-salinity correlation curves have been drawn based upon all 1931 observations below a depth of 50 meters in the Labrador Current of the American sector. The two solid lines embrace the pattern of the temperature-salinity plots, the greater distance be- tween the two curves near the bottom of the graph signifies a con- sistent scattering of the correlation points in the cold low-salinity water and a concentration in the higher temperature and salinity brackets. The broken line is illustrative of the mean temperature- salinity correlation for all the sections in the American sector the summer of 1931. ‘lhe lower left-hand portion of this curve repre- sents the Baffin Land Current component and the upper right-hand the West Greenland Current component. A point about halfway along the broken line may be taken as representative of the division between the mixture. A computation of the average volumes of the current for the American sector in 1931 with reference to this boundary results in 2.1 million cubic meters per second for the West Greenland Current water and 1.4 million cubic meters per second for the Baffin Land Current water. These proportions of 3 to 2 cor- respond to previous estimates of the composition of the Labrador Current based on the observations of 1928. (See p. 85.) The horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity, surface to 600 meters, in the American sector during the summers of 1931, 1933, and 1934 is portrayed on figures 77 to 86. When these are compared with figures 52 to 61, the temperature and salinity maps for 1928, good agreement in the general form and position of the isotherms and isohalines is observed. The resemblance between the 1928 and 1931 surface isotherms and isohalines is especially striking, the 1928 temperatures in the American sector being gen- erally about 1° C. lower than those in 1931. A minimum tempera- ture about —1.5° C. was found on the American shelf in all of the summers. A feature common to all of the 400- and 600-meter temperature maps is a band of water warmer than its surroundings which extended southward along the American slope to the latitude of Belle Isle. This is undoubtedly the thermal influence of the west Greenland water in the slope band of the Labrador Current which, as remarked on page 100, was cooled as it progressed southward. Attention is especially called to the distribution of temperature and salinity at a depth of 100 meters in the latitude of Belle Isle just offshore of the continental edge (fig. 84). Temperatures of 114 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50 60 50 FIGURE 77.—Temperature and salinity at the surface July 4—August 8, 1931. 4 a 60 50 60 50 Ficure 78.—Temperature and salinity at 100 meters July 4—August 8, 1931. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 115 . 60 50 Figure 79.—Temperature and salinity at 200 meters July 4-August 8, 1931. 4 P| 60 50 60 50 Figure 80.—Temperature and salinity at 400 meters July 4—August 8, 1931. 116 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 7° C., and salinities of 34.90% ) were found in this locality, where on the current maps and the velocity profiles, north-flowing counter- current has previously been described. This region, therefore, is unmistakably associated with currents coming from farther south in the Atlantic. The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity for the summers of 1931, 1933, and 1934 is depicted on figures 87 to 92. The same outstanding features noted in the 1928 sections are seen here, viz, the shelf of frigid water and the upward inclination of the isohalines coast to continental edge. The 1931 profiles in both the northern and southern regions of the American sector, recording saltier water than the profiles in 50 50 FIGURE 81.—Temperature and salinity at 600 meters July 4~August 8, 1931. between, indicate first the influence of the West Greenland Current in the north and later the Atlantic Current in the south. The saltier water in 1931 than in any of the other summers, as revealed by a comparison of all of the salinity profiles, corroborates the surface current map (fig. 123, p. 167), viz, the West Greenland Current set more directly across the Labrador Sea the summer of 1931 than in any of the other summers. If the corresponding temperature and velocity profiles for the “N” sections be superimposed on each other and the average tempera- ture and the rate of fent transfer for the Labrador Current be computed in accordance with the methods explained (p. 24), these values afford a means of comparison between the summers investi- gated. DAVIS 60" Ficurp 82.—Temperature at the surface June 26—July 24, 1933. STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA BVA Average temperature and rate of heat transfer of Labrador Current Volume current Rate heat transfer (m3/sX 10-8) Average temperature (°em3/sX 10-8) Year South | North | South | South | North | South | South | North | South (net) (net) (net) (net) (net) (net) (net) (net) (net) RD 25 ee Ee a eh aes §. 11 0. 05 5. 06 3. 26 P04 s|Ree2 se 16.7 0.1 16.6 iOS yh ae ee eee 1. 62 SOL 1.31 1.51 (035 5, [a eee 2.4 0. 2 2.2 OR SG pees ee ene on 7. 93 . 33 7. 60 3. 27 BAO eee 25.9 1.0 24.9 LRT ee ae Sal . 28 5. 03 24 1S TE eS eS 4.5 —0.3 14.8 LICR igohs sa os SNe ee pe ah ene aes 4, 22 P87 ( vy | Ss Sie | eee 1116: |p 11.6 WAverages!. 2. c2ss<=522 4. 84 0.19 4. 64 2.7 0:89" |-2-- ace 14.2 0.2 14.0 The Labrador Current averaged highest in temperature, according to the above table, during the summers of 1933 and 1928, and lowest in temperature the summer of 1981. The greatest volume of the Labrador Current occurring in the year 1933 combined with the high temperature resulted in a rate of heat transfer that exceeded any of the other summers. 118 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS FIGURE 83.—Temperature at 100, 200, 400, and 600 meters June 26—July 24, 1933. It is instructive to note that the annual variations in the average temperature are of less magnitude in the Labrador Current, the tem- peratures of which are relatively low, than in the West Greenland Current, where they are relatively high. In order to establish more firmly in mind normal summertime con- ditions and to learn more of the degree of annual variations, refer- ence is made to subsurface observations other than the U. 8S. Coast Guard’s. These are practically all contained, as noted in chapter I, DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 119 viz, Matthews (1914) ; Iselin (1930) ; and Conseil Permanent Inter- national (1929) and (1933). In each one of the Scotia’s three slope stations, between Belle Isle and St. John’s, the water at mid-depths averaged about a half-degree Centigrade colder than similar slope stations taken at about the same time of the year in 1928, 1931, 1933, 50° 50° 100 METERS FIGURE 84.—Temperature and salinity at surface and 100 meters July 3-11, 1934. and 1934. Otherwise the Scotia’s and the Coast Guard’s data are in good general agreement. Iselin’s (1930) two cross sections of the Labrador Current, the one taken off Nachvak Fiord and the other off Sandwich Bay, are typical and similar to subsequent ones made by the Coast Guard and already fully described in this chapter. The more numerous and widely distributed observations now reported permit amplifications to be made particularly with regard to the 120 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50° 50° ' 400 METERS Ficurn 85.—Temperature and salinity at 200 and 400 meters July 3-11, 1934. Labrador Current itself. The smaller proportion of the total vol- ume of the Labrador Current, as reiterated, is frigid in character, the major quantities being none other than an extension of the West Greenland Current around the periphery of the Labrador Sea. The Godthaab’s observations in the American sector (Conseil Permanent International, 1929) support the general distribution of temperature and salinity described above. The net volume of the Labrador Current, according to the Godthaab’s observations, was computed as 3.5 million cubic meters per second off Resolution Island and 5.9 million cubic meters per second off Cape Harrigan. This corresponds with previously recorded figures of the U. S. Coast Guard of 4.6 and 4.1 million cubic meters per second off Resolution DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 1 50° 50° 50 50 "600 METERS FIGURE 86.—Temperature and salinity at 600 meters July 3-11, 1934. +34.32 +34.66 34.9 3492 34.78 FIGURE 87.—Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf and slope July 24-26, 1931. Section Ji, Resolution Island. Island, and 4.7, 2.8, and 4.9 million cubic meters per second off Cape Harrigan. The Challenger’s observations (Conseil Permanent International, 1933) show no departures of any consequence in the Labrador Cur- rent from those published and described herein. A computed trans- port of 4.9 million cubic meters per second off Cape Harrigan, sec- tion L (fig. 50), also agrees well with our results. 122 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 31.84 3.73 3155 3424 3437 GE ee! 0 20 40 60 80 100 (MILES) 63 34.89 30.0) 3207 3230 3379 43: FIGURE 88.—Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf and slope July 10-18, 1931. Section K,, Nachvak Fiord ; section I,, Cape Harrigan ; section M;, Hamil- ton Inlet; and section N,, Domino Island. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 12a 6.26565 52 55 53 80 87 3210 3234 3253 42 KA ie} (6) 35 — 100 34 (ie 345 487 ny LVI 34.92 0 20 40 60 80 100 (MILES) > 34.9 0, -34.98 o @ 3491 60 69 68 6770 63 6470 71 © -__2i:98 32.06 3272 3248 3272 3302 33.61 3 +3491 8 349 10 12 34.91 10699 83 71639 69 53 50 32.04 3220 3207 3273 3280 wae: OO 8 SSeS SS 100) no w \ n oa) 63.32 Ficure 89.—Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf and slope July el 8, 1931. Section O,, Belle Isle; section Pi, White Bay; and section Q,, St. ohn’s. ANNUAL CYCLE The Labrador Current has been referred to by some as an overflow from melting sea ‘ice and summer land drainage from the regions of Baffin Bay and the Arctic Archipelago. A point, however, well established by the present observations was the source of the two principal tributaries of the Labrador Current, viz, the West Greenland Current and the Baffin Land Current which joined in the ratio of about 3 to 2. The wintertime observations of the Meteor, 1935 (p. 10) when compared with the U. S. Coast Guard’s summertime surveys indicate that the West Greenland Current off 79920—37——_9 124 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS -046 495.2 70 en 0 20 40 60 80 100 (MILES) -0.6 1.91.6 7879 FicuRB 90.—Temperature profiles across the continental shelf and slope July 15-24, 1933. Section Ks, Nachvak Fiord; section Ls, Cape Harrigan; section M., Hamilton Inlet; and section Ns, Domino Island. Cape Farewell exhibited no apparent seasonal cycle. The smaller tributary across Davis Strait according to the Godthaab’s observa- tions (p. 71), as late in the year as September, was flowing with only slightly diminished volume. The Marion (p. 88) also found a nor- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 125 119 22 21629 213 218 4.47 655 7.07 725 = = S (= Leen fees een ora ee | 0 20 40 60 80 100 (MILES) 8 3.36 3.7 355 418444 4.43 395 392 625 567 8 FicuRE 91.—Temperature profiles across the continental shelf and slope June 26—July 2, 1933. Section Ov, Belle Isle; section P., White Bay; and section Qs, St. John’s. mal discharge of the Labrador Current off Resolution Island in late August and again off St. John’s in early September. No early spring or winter observations allowing cross sections of the Labrador Current there have ever been collected. There is no direct evidence, therefore, on the time, place, or extent of the current sufficient to construct a reliable picture of the annual cycle. Further remarks on the subject are contained in chapter VII, page 140. 126 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 27 299 3.06 5.28 Or aatl 328 _32.43 34.33 34.51 34,82 34.88 141 20 5.22 A 32.21 3271 3272 3444 0 20 40 60 (MILES) 62) 65 5.66. 468 48 345 4.58 0 31.4 31.77 3242 32.55 3270 3283 3345 3426 Ficurp 92.—Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf and slope July 3-11, 1934. Section Nz, Domino Island; section P3, White Bay; and section Qs, St. John’s. 127 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Volume of Labrador Current [Millions cubic meters per second] 1928 1931 Section and position See ee South South North (net) South North (net) Section H: Oitshorese ssa ee a eee een 2 ab etc eee ee eee oy GO ae ee Be a obs 2S ea a ee Ae OO meee eee | ee ee 2:52) 22 eee ee Shi aes Sa eee ee ee . 85 of Ct [eae es i . 22 A0is|\ =e Ay ee ee eee 5. 24 31 4.93 2.74 07 2. 67 PRVOUHO Ge Soke cas RO een ene J). | 2. eaoeeeeano tee oe Ae Bil | ee ness satel | ah ae Re 3.4 1 Margin of Atlantic current not included in averages. 128 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Volume of Labrador Current—Continued [Millions cubic meters per second] 1933 1934 Section and position South | North South South | North South (net) (net) Section K: Offshore..-.=. 2. 22S ee eee OER 5 Se ee | ee ree Slope. 52- == 3s ee eee S502 3 Serene ee Pee ee a be. 2... |...-..-. Shelf 222-2232 Seer ee ee Ree | Seen Seema io: |. eee Dotel.. 2ss-4 5325. 2= en a eee ee 8.02 38 fe64)|22252-5-..|...2. 2 a Section L: Offshore: <2. 2+ Ss ee ee 35 i Obleeereweee |b as |e Slope-=22-2-5<-) Seeee Ol peers eee e LS es __| Shel fss7 a ee eee (iG | eee een eee fe Jt. ..|.--.. ae otal’ 82-5. 2 ee 3. 88 1.79 22) | ea anno gees Ree Section M: Offshore:-222-= eee eee 13 POO Seeee ee |L- 2-2... .|s..2...25) SIODOs 2220822. ee ee BkO 76 | Saeeeeeee becee ens. = 2... |... Sheltie eee 35 (13) j|-4-3- 52 25 Se ee Totali:-.. 555-392-244: oS ae ae 6. 55 1. 62 AROS lene |) ee Section N: Offshore:--3= 5. san 2 ase ae | ee | eee Meee ert plopels--= as ee eee Pe al [eae ee a | ‘31 |... ee Shelfite 2 aus eee Se Se 48 £5} ||... 282s 0; 28. cee Totalenc ek. oe eee ee 7.93 33 7. 60 5. 31 28 5. 03 Section O: Ofishorels-2 ee = ee ee 4. 46 Sa pees ann 2S. |. ee Slope: s-t2-2 2 sone cee ae eee 1.62 104 SS ee eee ee eS Shelf -< 3-8 2 Pe ee 1225) | Ee eee See so 5 -- =. -|..-.__. SDOtal a 2 oes ee ee eee 7.31 30 (EAU) ee Rees |) Section P: Offshore ses oe 2 oe oo eee ee 4.70 CVO | oe 2 1 7978)|-=eee Blopetsses to eh Ge ee ee eee 1132p eee See eee ae 3.40 |. 2 S Heli e SSeS ae 2 eee ee eee 127 2. Ne aes Se 1. 26 14.) 2223S A oy 2) (Le ae ee NE Se ES 7.10 4. 54 2. 56 4. 66 14 4. 52 Section Q: Mfishoret-25. = 222220. = ee ee ee ene i | ee lope: =-25e-e oo 5. Oe ee 5390) ees eee es =. 3:81.\.....2.. 3 Shelfis 262682052 2 te ee ee OMG |Feeesetoes bos 52. .|.-.-.. 3 MROtAl Ss sees. ot ees = ae ee ee 5. 90 01 5. 89 0 i ae ee 3. 81 (AVGVASO! $235. 28 Soe eee eee TLC | eee eee 4.4 1 Margin of Atlantic current not included in averages. * a Re RLY ENS CuaptTer VII THE GRAND BANKS SECTOR The Grand Banks sector is defined as the region south and east of Newfoundland which embraces the Labrador Current. The dis- cussion refers particularly to the eastern slope of the Grand Banks along which the Labrador Current carries icebergs farthest south into the North Atlantic. A frigid branch of the Labrador Current often prevails between the Grand Banks and Cape Race and may extend southwestward to the continental edge. Also cold water from the Labrador Current continually spread in over the bottom of the Grand Banks for considerable distances where the configura- tion favors such incursions. The shallowness of the Grand Banks waters permits no satisfactory dynamic topographic maps, and the primary circulation is indicated mainly by the boundary surfaces of temperature and salinity. Illustrations of the distribution of temperature and salinity over the Grand Banks have not been in- cluded since they have already been published by Smith (1924). THE SURFACE CURRENTS The system of prevailing circulation of the surface layers in the Grand Banks sector is shown on the composite dynamic topographic map of the surface relative to 1,500 decibars (fig. 126, p. 70). When this chart is compared with the distribution of temperature and salinity, horizontal and vertical (figs. 96 to 99), it indicates that the Labrador Current flows southward along the eastern slope of the Grand Banks, to the vicinity of the Tail, where practically all of it turns eastward, joining the Atlantic Current. In this manner much of the Labrador Current water returns and may even complete a circuit of the Labrador Sea. Throughout the course of the Labrador Current in the Grand Banks sector, branches are turned back along the outer side and as in the American sector it loses water through cabbeling along its offshore side. Although this process contributes some northern water to the upper levels of the North Atlantic (see Iselin, 1936, fig. 57), the major compensating return to the system as a whole is concentrated at deeper levels and in the manner as explained in chapter VIII. The inshore margin of the Atlantic Current crossing the fifty- second meridian follows near the 4,000-meter isobath around the Grand Banks to the vicinity of the forty-fourth parallel, where the border of the current bends inshore across the forty-eighth meridian and then recurves south of Flemish Cap. Cyclonic eddies are often found along the boundary of the Lab- rador Current and the Atlantic Current, one particularly east of the Tail of the Grand Banks near latitude 42°-30’, longitude 49°00’, and the other west of the Tail in the vicinity of longitude 51°-30’. 129 130 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The development and position of these vortices in the mixing zone continually varies, but they may be easily recognized on many of the dynamic topographic maps (figs. 102 to 121), and are also reflected in the drifts of the icebergs. As the position of the two principal currents continually change according to the described system (fig. 126), so also does the surface velocity vary. The slope band of the Labrador Current over the 200-meter contour along the eastern slope of the Grand Banks often may become constricted to a width of 6 miles when velocities in the axis have attained 110 centimeters per second. In bands of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Current, only the borders of which he within the region of the Grand Banks sector, velocities more regularly reach 80 to 100 centimeters per second. The Labrador Current apparently is subject to greater fluctuations in the Grand Banks sector than farther north or than the Atlantic Current. The average surface velocity of the Labrador Current is estimated to differ little from that found farther north in the American sector, 8.2 miles per day (18 centimeters per second). A departure in the course of the surface currents from that de- scribed above, and which has particular significance for the Inter- national Ice Patrol, has been indicated during the period 1900-80 by the phenomenal drifts of icebergs in the western North Atlantic Ocean. (See Smith, 1931, pp. 160-166.) Such rare drifts appear to originate between longitudes 49° and 46°-50’ in the Grand Banks sector, aud thence proceed southerly and sometimes finally westerly. But if this track be plotted (fig. 93) it does not coincide with the streamlines of the Atlantic Current, south of the Grand Banks, nor with the southern branch of the Atlantic Current which is commonly believed to follow the trend of the 4,000-meter isobath (fig. 93) southeasterly to about latitude 38° longitude 43° between which position and the mid-Atlantic Ridge the current turns southwesterly. The Michael Sars observations, on the other hand, stations 64 to 70, June 24-30, 1910 (fig. 93), clearly indicate a southerly direction to the Atlantic Current south of the Grand Banks. The current was easterly between stations 70 and 68 with a volume of 40.3 million cubic meters per second, but between stations 68 and 64 it had westerly direction and a net volume of approximately 2 million cubic meters per second. Reference to the respective dynamic heights of the latter pair of stations shows that from the surface to a depth of about 550 meters the Atlantic Current ran westerly but below that easterly. It probably closely paralleled the plane of the stations. Reference to the back of the United States Hydrographic Office Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean for the month of July 1935 indicates the general course of the southward branch of the Atlantic Current on the sea surface, and the general trend and bounds have been plotted on our figure 93. It will be seen that southwesterly surface currents often prevail as far west as latitude 35° longitude 60°, the center of the great Atlantic eddy apparently lying north- west of this position. The remains of an iceberg from the Grand Banks was sighted by the steamer Baxtergate (and the report veri- fied) June 5, 1926, latitude 30°-20’, longitude 62°-32’, near Bermuda. The foregoing strongly suggests, therefore, that portions of the Atlantic Current to depths as great as 500 meters sometimes turn DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA tol southward in the North Atlantic as far west as the fiftieth meridian, and this band of current is traceable downstream even to the region of Bermuda. Rarely icebergs discharged at the southernmost turn- ing point of the Labrador Current may be caught in the above stream and carried great distances south and west in the North Atlantic Ocean. 65 60 55 50 45 55 50 45 FiGure 93.—The surface currents south of the Grand Banks. In this connection the marked branching of the Gulf Stream on reaching the longitude of the Grand Banks, and the further dis- tribution of its waters as Atlantic Current, has been computed from the few existing subsurface observations, as follows: Atlantic Current m’/s X 10-6 NeOLnerinbranchawhich enters Labrador Seas] 2-22 se 14. 4 Southern branch which turns along mid-Atlantic Ridge_____.____________ 15.8 Middle: branch which continues eastward. ---2-- 22 = 10.1 Volume of the Gulf Stream crossing fiftieth meridian______________ 40.3 132 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The primary circulation over the Grand Banks themselves as interpreted from the distribution of the temperature and salinity (fig. 94) is based mainly upon the United States Coast Guard’s surveys (Smith, 1924, pp. 10U-134) and that of the Scotia (Matthews, 1914, pp. 30-32). The above observ ations indicate that the Labra- dor Current fans out and loses draft on meeting the northern slope of the Grand Banks, the inshore branch of w hich, subject to con- siderable variation, turns back in the vicinity of the fifty-fifth sollte 55 54 53 S52 S| 50 49 48 Ficurb 94.—The primary circulation over the Grand Banks. meridian and joins with coastal water (most pronounced in the surface layers) in slow eastward progress. The colder, saltier Lab- rador water slides to the bottom while the coastal water spreads out in the surface layers. There are continual coastal contributions which accumulate in the more central parts of the Grand Banks at a maximum in summer, flooding that column surface to bottom and giving it low salinity character. although it is actually about 200 miles from the nearest land. This water mass normally centered near lati- tude 44°30’, longitude 50°—00’ (fig. 94) is intermittently cooled and ne aca go tidal Atter of 192°. ie: sm) Bat “ i negee } cicere Bb (sgt deoug) LE—0z66L ‘0z-GI Wdy ‘X Woyj008 puv i qz—Fe Avo “MA woy}0e8 !e@ Avw ‘A woyoes 'Zz Avy ‘NM woTI08 tae-0% Su ‘], woes ‘oz-6t ABW ‘§ UoWoes $eI-ZE eunr ‘yA UOTeg “AJeAyoadsea ‘SuOT}OeITP 4sv9 PUL ISOM 07 JOJoI keyg exoyA ‘x PUT M STOPS Uy Jdeoxe “YuerIND A[1eyj}ION Sout, Weyorq eg} PUL quedino A[1aqjNOs Jueseider seuT, POS Vy “puooes Jad siojemIpjWeD Uy posse pus FEET PUNE 0} [dy SsyUB_ puvIH oY} pUNOIE s}UsIINd oy} Jo setyoad A}POTeA—g6 BUA (saiw)o8 Or ozo 0 _———— ee o—————-—_——— bd eL91 2291 0291 0991 es9i = 989) wy 0s91 1s91 £591 $591 £891 (9891 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 133 salted by a flooding of the Labrador Current past Cape Race. An increase of the coastal supply accompanied by a dimunition in the Labrador Current renews the coastal character of the central Grand Banks reservoir. Another important movement of the waters over the Grand Banks occurs when the border of the Gulf Stream floods in toward the southwest slope bringing warm and salty water to the surface layers there. Superimposed on the above primary circulation are the rotary clockwise tidal currents and the annual temperature cycle, the range of the latter of which is great in the shallow banks’ column. (See Smith, 1922, stations 140-142, for subsurface winter temperatures on the Grand Banks; also Smith, 1924, p. 148.) The drift of icebergs in over the Grand Banks has been described by Smith (1931). CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS A total of seven velocity sections taken at fairly equal distances along the eastern and southern slopes of the Grand Banks from the forty-eighth parallel around to a point about 60 miles northwest of the Tail are shown on figure 95. The profiles are based on the syn- optic observations made from the United States Coast Guard cutter General Greene, May 17-25, 1934. In addition, section R was taken June 12-13 and section X, April 19-20. (For station table data, see Soule, 1935.) In the aggregate these velocity profiles may be compared with the map of the surface currents (fig. 117) and the corresponding vertical sections of temperature and salinity (figs. 98 and 99). A feature common to practically all of the velocity profiles (fig. 95) is their division each into two bands of alternately directed current. Reference to the horizontal and vertical sections of temperature and salinity, as well as to the maps of the surface currents (fig. 117), demonstrates conclusively that the inshore band represents Labrador Current and the offshore band Atlantic Current. Unlike the sections farther north, the Labrador Current is contained in a single band centered over the steepest part of the slope. Particular attention is called to the decrease in the volume of the Labrador Current between sections W and X, where on the latter profile, stations 1603 to 1602, the westbound current was very di- minutive. The vicinity of the Tail of the Banks represents, as stated previously, the terminus of the Labrador Current. The axis of the cold current was centered over the steepest part of the continental slope, and it had a mean draft of 950 meters. A marked decrease in the draft of the Labrador Current was noted upon its crossing the Flemish Cap Ridge, but subsequently it deep- ened (in places along the Grand Banks slope as great as 1,500 meters), yet not to the depths which it averaged upstream in the American sector. The depth of the Atlantic Current on the other hand was in inost places probably greater than 1,500 meters. Section F.—It will be recalled that the net average volume of the Labrador Current through the St. John’s section, July 3-7, 1934 (p. 128), was 3.8 million cubic meters per second. The northernmost profile in the Grand Banks section (sec. R, fig. 95), taken about 3 weeks prior to the St. John’s, and 120 miles south of it, recorded 134 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS a volume of 2.7 million cubic meters per second. Reference to the position of the two sections indicates that section R did not extend offshore so far as section Q, and it is probable, therefore, that a small portion of the southerly current was missed. This fact nor the difference in time fails to explain, however, the marked decrease of about 30 percent in the volume of the Labrador Current in the above passage. Section S.—Proceeding southward about 60 miles, two bands of alternately directed current intersected the section between the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap. The slope band represents the Labrador Current with a volume of 1.1 million cubic meters per second. The offshore band was Atlantic Current. Although the observations composing sections R and § were not synoptic, the decrease in the volume of the southbound current from 2.7 to 1.1 million cubic meters per second strongly suggests an east- ward branching. If the course of the current, St. John’s to Flemish Cap, as shown on figure 126, page 170, be compared with the velocity at Q, R, and S, it is estimated that the distribution of the Labrador pure on reaching the northern part of the Grand Banks was as follows: Labrador Current m/s X 10-6 Percent IPastiGape Races. 22 2 San Ss nee scanner eeee coe ane 0.4 10 Rastwara justnorun ot Miemish Cap: 22225552 =ss eee ot 2.0 45 Southward between Grand Banks and Flemish Cap__-_-----.-.---------------- 2.0 45 Volume of Labrador Current in American sector__........-.-------------- 4.4 100 The spreading and shallowing of the Labrador Current on meet- ing the Grand Banks’ promontory and the resulting distribution along the above routes is probably subject to considerable variation. The fluctuation in the Cape Race branch from 10 percent of the whole in 1928 to 20 percent in 1934 is quite illustrative of the behavior. Section T.—A volume of 1.5 million cubic meters per second indi- cates that little change had occurred in the Labrador Current between sections S and T. The margin of the Atlantic Current embraced by stations 1661 to 1664 had a volume of 8.4 million cubic meters per second. Section U.—Continuing only 40 miles southward the volume of the cold current increased to 2.2 million cubic meters per second. This flooding is explained on the surface current map (fig. 117) where Labrador Current from in on the bank recurved out into deep water. Section V.—About 60 miles downstream from section U, the vol- ume of the south-flowing band increased to a maximum of 4.1 mil- lion cubic meters per second. If reference be made to the corre- sponding temperature and salinity profiles (figs. 98 and 99), it will be perceived that the additional discharge was due to an indraft of the Atlantic Current. The Labrador Current alone is estimated to have been 2 million cubic meters per second in volume. Section W.—The Labrador Current at the Tail of the Grand Banks discharged at the rate of 1.6 million cubic meters per second. The EE = — TON (Get "daong) 1e—oz66L ‘OIGT ‘6S-LS eUNL ‘sung japydi yw, 94} Aq UHV} aad ory ‘uL~prreut qsay-A93y eg% Fuoje suoyMjS dary} ey} PUB 'OzGT ‘T AVW—-—OF TCV WoHUI oom OITA TUL of} MOIs ISvoyyNos SUOT}BIS Ag JO oul, Og} Jdooxe ‘FEGT ‘GZ-LT Av_ SyuRg PUBIF) oY} PUNOAY s1ojJoUE OOZ PUB OOT 4B A}aTVs puBw ainjVisduey—9G aANaAyIiyT SUSa-LAW O02 by ov Sv os 2S eZ ov 1% OS 2S SYALAW OO! 2s bb Ad Or BV 0S OV ly OS es 6 dbp 1 lb SON (Get ‘devvg) LEe—oz66L : “96 eInSy 10J UAOYS SB Se}Up oUTBS On} UO WayR} OTM SUOPJVAIESGO TONS ONT, ‘SIUVA PUBIH OG} PUNOAT sidJ0UT OOO PU OOF 38 Ayu[es pus sinyesreduey—y¢6 wano1g SUYALAW O09 vy 9b 8b os a6 bb 9b Sb os 2S SYALAW OOY by 4 214 OS es oc bt OF cig OS eS DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 135 inshore margin of the Atlantic Current had a volume of 9.6 million cubic meters per second. Section X.—This section, located normal to the southwest slope of the Grand Banks about 60 miles northwest of the Tail, illustrates the diminutive proportions to which the Labrador Current shrank, with a computed volume of only 0.12 million cubic meters per sec- ond. Practically all of the cold current, except that which sank below the depth of our observations, was turned back with the Atlantic Current in the vicinity of the Tail. The Atlantic Current recorded a volume of 6.6 million cubic meters per second. The foregoing set of seven velocity profiles (fig. 95) is believed to be quite representative quantitatively of the Labrador Current along the east side of the Grand Banks. Expressed in millions of cubic meters per second it was as follows: Grand Bank sections ici 2, Ty 1D eae Depe | WW Sees ee eee 1.6 Se ee Vee eo eee FS TNE a Dat, ee eee 0.1 4th ee re 1.5 The table shows that the average volume of the Labrador Current in the Grand Banks sector the spring of 1934 was approximately 2 million cubic meters per second. Earlier computations of the volume of the Labrador Current by Smith (1931) gave 3.2 million cubic meters per second, which is probably somewhat too large, but the above difference in no way alters the conclusions based upon such quantitative data. HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The distribution of temperature and salinity around the Grand Banks for the 100-, 200-, 400-, and 600-meter levels is represented on figures 96 and 97. The maps have been constructed from the United States Coast Guard’s station observations 1536 to 1681 taken May 17- 25, 1934. (See Soule, 1935.) In order to obtain a more accurate pic- ture of conditions southeast of the Tail, the observations from Coast Guard stations 571-576 taken April 30-May 1, 1926 (see Smith, 1926) have been utilized. Also in order to indicate the continuity of the temperature and the salinity in the borders of the Atlantic Current below the surface, the Michael Sars’ stations 67-69 (see Helland- Hansen, 1930), which are located along the fifty-first meridian, have been plotted. The similarity between the horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity and the map of the surface currents (fig. 117) is strik- ing. Frigid low-salinity water, less than —1.0° C., wrapped itself around the Grand Banks slope as far south as the Tail, while offshore at similar levels salty water warmer than 14° C., is traceable as far north as the forty-fifth parallel. Another feature common to both figures 96 and 97 is the rapid decrease in the thermal and saline gradi- ents with an increase in depth; 17 isotherms on the 100-meter projec- tion, for example, are replaced by only 2 on the 600-meter level. The small differences between the temperatures and the salinities of the farthest offshore observations of the Coast Guard and those farther south in the axis of the Atlantic Current is good evidence that this is 136 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS a similar type of water. The increase in the difference between the Coast Guard’s data and the Michael Sars’ data, with proportional in- crease in depth, on the other hand, testifies to the shoaling of the Atlantic Current with approach toward its borders. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The same foregoing stations, with the exception of those of the Michael Sars, have been utilized to construct the vertical sections. These temperature and salinity profiles correspond section for section to the velocity profiles already discussed (p. 1383). Labrador Current of low salinity and temperature hugged the Atlantic slope of the Grand Banks while adjacently offshore lay salty warm water of the Atlantic Current. The draft of the Labrador Current as indicated by the above sections agrees well with the average depth of 950 meters obtained from the velocity profiles. The presence of sub-Arctic intermediate water corresponding to that defined by Wiist (1935) and found by Iselin (1986, p. 47), is evident at depths of 400 to 600 meters as represented on the salinity sections T and U (fig. 99). Reference to the corresponding velocity profiles (fig. 95) establishes the motion of this water, with its prin- cipal component, as northerly. It is our view that this is mixed water formed by cabbeling along the boundaries of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current (see p. 183). The relatively small area of cool water on the southwest edge of the Grand Banks, as marked by the 3° and 4° isotherms (section X, fig. 98), is corroborative evidence of the very small proportions of sub-Arctic water which continue as far westward as this point from the Tail along the continental slope. The northern border of the Gulf Stream in the deep water between the Grand Banks and the Nova Scotian Banks often lies as far north as latitude 43°-30’ in the vicinity of the fifty-fourth meridian. (See Smith, 1928, stations 178 and 209; also Bjerkan, 1919, stations 16, 17, 74, and 75.) A cold, low-salinity discharge from the Laurentian Channel appar- ently displaces the Gulf Stream southward in longitudes 56° and 57°, and thus accentuates a warm salient in longitudes 53° and 54°. ‘This characteristic northward encroachment of the Gulf Stream appears to dam the westward flow of the Labrador Current. Small quanti- ties of Labrador Current from around the Tail may, at times, escape along the continental slope past the above barrier (Smith, 1924, stations 353 and 354) and join other small tributaries such as the occasional extensions of the Labrador Current across the shelf south- west of Cape Race (Smith, 1924, p. 92) or a more pronounced and constant tongue of cold water from the Laurentian Channel (Bjer- kan, 1919, station 12). Such intermittent contributions probably re- sult in cooling and freshening the surface layers in the slope water as they mix with the margin of the Gulf Stream system (see Iselin, 1936, fig. 57). No direct extension of the Labrador Current to the coast of the United States has been emphasized by Bigelow (1927, pp. 825-836). There is little evidence in the deepest temperature and salinity observations in the Grand Banks sector (figs. 98 and 99) of the cold water which was indicated on our Labrador Sea sections as draining out along the American slope (p. 184). This movement has prob- TON (98E deoug) LE—0766L ‘ger ‘ key, ‘m, uopoes {peer ‘ez SUM ‘A woLDOS !¥eer Se AEH A enoas pete ee on LEST eas ‘ oyj0es ¢ v, woy}Oe8 § FE ! Fe ‘ ‘ 1 ae se0T ‘Og 6T oN ‘§ wopoos Y Fe6T ‘SE-2T yao ‘q uopjeg ‘sedo[s syUBg PULIN 94} sSos0e so[youd oIN}VIEdMaT—gg axnoIg (S311) 021 09 Ob 02 O st ss y, uw vt a 2! | | } LN Sb 0 be Op vO S| A Iv Z°ON (OST ‘de0ug) LE—0666L "g6 o1nd3g Ios UAOYS BB S9}Up OBS 0G} TO HOYv} VIAM SUOPPEAIOSGO UO]}BIS ONL ‘sodo[s syueg PULA 94} Ssol0R sejgoid Ajuleg—G6 Tuna o'se+ S\ (sau) o2t 09 Ov 02 0 ee eee eee OG vet W9E bese LOEE LEE 6lee Eee BS2E UNV TONNOIM3N Olee LL2E BNE DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 137 ably been missed since the ice-scouting duties of the Ice Patrol have never afforded time to explore depths in the Grand Banks sector greater than 1,500 meters. Michael Sars stations 69 and 70 at the Tail of the Grand Banks (Helland-Hansen, 1930) do indicate, how- ever, the southerly continuation of the deep water described in chapter VIII. A striking feature of the profiles, best illustrated on sections T, U, and W (figs. 98 and 99) where the isotherms and isohalines surface to 300 meters on the scale of the drawings lie nearly vertical, is the abutment of Arctic and Atlantic water. A similar distribution of the temperature and the salinity, but not quite so well defined, has been noted in the Greenland sector, where two different types of water flank each other. These convergences illustrate cabbeling (p. 175), the angle being greatest in the zone of greatest changes in temperature and salinity. The temperature convergence, most clearly marked in the surface layers during the colder part of the year, is commonly known as the cold wall. (See 10° C., isotherm on profiles T, U, and W, fig. 98.) If the temperature profiles be com- pared with the corresponding ones of velocity (fig. 95), it will be found that the cold wall lay an average of 20 miles offshore of the boundary between the Labrador and Atlantic Currents. This con- dition is believed to be more apparent than real; observations taken at closer intervals across the two streams would probably reveal a coincidence between the distribution of temperature, salinity, and resulting motion. Along the boundary of the Atlantic and Labrador Currents, as shown by several of the intersecting sections of density (Smith, 1926, p. 30), relatively light water often collects in the surface layers to depths of 20 or 30 meters. Whether or not these shallow pools are the result of an indraft initiated by intense cabbeling along the density wall is a question which remains for future investigation. Temperature-salinity correlation curves for the sections in the Grand Banks sector (fig. 100) correspond in general features to those (figs. 65 and 66) for the American sector. The flatter part of the curve is again representative of the Labrador Current, while the end portions beyond points I and ITI are typical of the Labrador Current’s prin- cipal components. Point I, with an approximate temperature value of —1.5° C., and a salinity of about 33.32% (slightly warmer and saltier than typical Arctic water in the American sector) represents typical Arctic water in the Grand Banks sector. Continuation of the curves (fig. 100) upward and to the left is representative of the correlation in banks and coastal water. Continuation of the curves from point II upward to the right gives graphs which parallel those representative of the correlation found in Atlantic water. Naturally these given lines lie to the left of a curve representative of the axis of the Gulf Stream since the Grand Banks sector embraces only the northern margin of that current system. ANNUAL VARIATIONS In order to show the variation in the position of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current in the Grand Banks sector, a series of 20 dynamic topographic maps, 1000-0 decibars (figs. 102-121) are appended to this chapter. The station table data upon which they 138 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS are based are contained in the United States Coast Guard Ice Patrol Bulletins, 1922-36. In the earlier part of the period when the sub- surface observations did not extend to 1,000 meters, resort has been made to extrapolation. Smith (1931), in order to point out the paths along which icebergs most frequently drift, grouped the above maps (appended to this uJ oa = = j ' ' = rd at | - \ - / = y, rf vy Oo / - = 4 14 1 / o ‘ ie / ir — cael 46 \ a = 2 , Z ~ ’ 4 ry s a = = ry B s | x \ ' i Cor ‘ , = a hes we GRAND | BANKS ¥ Sv oN * i) - 30° a= = —— ————— ' : 53° 52 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° FIGURE 104.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 23-June 18, 1922. 150 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 48° ne oe | ~ — “VIRGIN ROCKS +, ‘| GRAND | BANKS & SS meee | — a — 39° 54° 53° Sze 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° FIGURE 105,—Dynamic topography 1,000-—0 decibar surface, October 21-26, 1923. 39° ls nyo DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 151 e 52° sI° 50° Ag° 48° 47° its Se = 49° ' bee ‘ 5 ¥ SS 4 \ : nee ~ yoo Ae nl 2 + H 48° | / & ees | / aa =) nh + a) al ( = Px) fm : ( i, x 1 H a —_ Lg. +4 a J ) ° = i “ps : , 46 ze * fr aT T 46 h7 c oe as i : = alter \ (~\| GRAND BANK Vs Sa ica Wee ! \ N x ; o 11 43 | | Hag | | | | — \ a0" 4 Tl 40 | ir 4 Meee | ee 54° 53° 52° sr SO 49° 48° 47° Ficurp 106.—Dynamic topography 1,000—0 decibar surface, April 29—May 5, 1926. 152 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 5r° 50° 49° 48° ae’ 46° : — eee oT Gh 7 ~ % F ~ z . | dy; t > Dyas {* sees — 48° =e < oy. ‘a ‘ \ NG 1 = [— re 47° — } \ ties J | A , J iF ) Me cr l ; | “25 T2.2/9 -1926 Sto 605-30 (25) —— = —_— ——— 54° 53° 52: Bll 50° 429° 48° Aw 46° Figure 107.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, June 25-29, 1926. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Lbs ag° 1S 3) } a +— 148° ~ bes X= a) y om = HA7° is 4 Ne / S \ \ ( 4 / / ; | Vie a 2 >) é os = 7 aa i oo * Pe elie ya ae RK CRAND BANK {f © a H ne 40° poe 440° 5 = 5S ye ~C«=S 50 ea: 48° 42° Figure 108.—Dynamic topography 1,000—0 decibar surface, April 6-10, 1927. 154 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE ‘EXPEDITIONS ait 250! 49° 48° aT i ' ys ie \= asl pall = (Gh ! ~,\ a es axes | ere. = 44} 7s < -T 2 é 4 ae a ae “ieee 43 fs 97 os | Le “ ( |@ | GCs ai’ = “\ ~S Hal’ . 77.20 ! 407, i ——o te 40° | 7 Aaa ae orca a} iy 54 53° 52° 5r 50 49° 48° 47° FicurE 109.—Dynamic topography 1,000—-0 decibar surface, April 21-25, 1927. 155 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 48° 4a’ 43° 42° 7\| GRAND | BANK aX. ie) SN a if | & ° ra) x rt) v Alls Ficgurp 110.—Dynamic topography 1,000—0 decibar surface, May 10-18, 1927. 11 79920—37. 156 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 143° 42 = | 2 a 51° 50° Ay 48° 47° 46° Ficurp 111.—Dynamic topography 1,000—0 decibar surface, May 29-June 3, 1927. 157 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA GRAND BANK ,000-0 decibar surface, June 9-21, 1927. Ficurg 112.—Dynamic topography 1 158 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS il GRAND \ WAAAY Way \ WRAY ee —— 1; : Ly I | = d | | : | | | | | | | ay | | | | | | | 39° ES hes 39° os =~=«<‘izHeCO”SC‘*’.:~=“‘<‘ia~TD Ficure 113.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 19-May 5, 1932. a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 159 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° ag° aa a a | a ~f 1 . L~ = ae | i ie + seen See 46° 45° same) 52 Segoe «40! Peat ay> | ee? Ao aa® Figure 114.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 21-29, 1932. 160 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ul 4 41° | | | 40 + —<———= yo" | | | | 39° Ee Se eee (ed deel 39° 54° 53 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° Figure 115.— Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, June 13-19, 1932. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 161 i | PLEMISH CaP - ec? g =. |e eM _.-/vircin Rocks + GRAND | BANKS a 52° 51° so ~*~*«aS 48° 47° 46° 45° FicurE 116.—Dynamic topography 1,000—-0 decibar surface, April 19-26, 1934. 162 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS aR ie Eee a RO = 455 as i | eLeMsH caP Ie Se ——— a at ee cep 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° Ficurp 117.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 17-25, 1934. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 163 5S: 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° if 46° amar!) ee v " oo === == === == = = == 149 ae & | od =e 6 o H 48% E | 48° | 4, E ¥ : | art \ Z FLEMISH CAP inal he ~ WN Len te sf ' ae elas iG Beet 25 ea | ma ~ | ae GRAND | BANKS Sesh 45" oe mh | IS ; | . > Sy Sea | hae 44%; — as 43° ee 42° | | | | 41 ! | | | | | | | 0, A a = 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° FicurE 118.—Dynamic topography 1,000—0 decibar surface, June 12-21, 1934. 164 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Qo 8 eee. ee Mii. .oe 4s, . ao age 46° ~~" 44° 4a epee Fiaurp 119.—Dynamic topography 1,000—-0 decibar surface, April 10-20, 19:35. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 165 GRAND | BANKS WF ia : 142° Sears 4a aT nn aas arden ry ae nae Ficurb 120.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 8-18, 1135, 166 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50° se a es a 51° 47° {| PLEMISH CAP — “VIRGIN ROCKS, ¢ 46% 46° GRAND | BANKS l'iGurp 121.—Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, June 4-10, 1935. +. | noe Ficuep 122—Dynamic topography 1,500-0, decibar surface, July 22-September 11, 1928. 79920—37 (Face p.167) No.1 ZON (L9T‘daoug) LE—0Z66L "TS6L ‘8 sNsINny-F Ang ‘aoujans 1eqpap 0-009'T AydviZ0do0} dpuvusq—'ezT TAO os Cuaprer VIII THE LABRADOR SEA The discussion in previous chapters has been devoted to the cir- culation and physical character of the waters in the shelf and slope regions and has been largely confined to the upper levels, the tropo- sphere. The present chapter treats the offshore waters between Greenland and Labrador and southward to the vicinity of the fiftieth parallel and with special attention to the deeper levels, the strato- sphere. SURFACE CIRCULATION In figure 122 is shown the dynamic topographic chart of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars based on the Marion observations taken in 1928. The more rapid currents immediately offshore of the Greenland and Labrador coasts and in the vicinity of Davis Strait have been illustrated and discussed in chapters IV, V, and VI. Figure 122 shows these currents and their interrelation as well as the more slowly moving current in the central part of the area. An area of weak current is shown southwestward of Cape Farewell and the northward and eastward flowing borders of the Atlantic Current is just discernible in about latitude 54° N., longitude 50° W. Immediately south of this is what is probably the northern end of the closed whorl between the Labrador Current, the Atlantic Cur- rent margin, and Flemish Cap. Regarding the drift of east Green- land bergs which reach Cape Farewell, reference is made to Smith (1931, pp. 74-78). Figure 123 represents the dynamic topographic map of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars resulting from the survey made by the General Greene in 1931. In this year the northwestern corner of the Atlantic Current margin extended farther to the north and west and was more pronounced than in 1928. The closed whorl found in 1928 between the Atlantic Current and the Labrador Cur- rent was not disclosed by the 1931 observations and probably was situated southeastward of the limits of the survey. A notable fea- ture in 1931 was the branching and eastward recurving of a portion of the Irminger Current south of Cape Farewell as indicated by the course of the 1,454.56 isobath in that locality. (See p. 51, ch. IV.) The dynamic topographic map of the surface with respect to 1,500 decibars obtained by the General Greene in 1933 is shown in figure 124. The high salinities observed in the central area (see ch. IT) account for the more rapid circulation offshore of the usual bound- aries of the Labrador Current. Neither the closed whorl between the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current nor the northwestern border of the Atlantic Current were present within the limits of the survey unless that portion of the map eastward of longitude 50° W. 167 168 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS southwest of Cape Farewell is to be interpreted as a direct contribu- tion of Atlantic Current water to the outer margins of the Irminger Current. 65° i : FIGURB 124.—Dynamic topography 1,500—0 decibar surface, June 26—-July 24, 1938. In figure 125 is shown the dynamic topographic map of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars resulting from the 1934 observa- tions obtained by the General Greene. Tt will be noted that the DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 169 measurements extend farther to the eastward between latitudes 50° 55° than in the earlier surveys. These easternmost stations disclose the borders of the Atlantic Current flowing in well-developed 65° 60° : 50 |} << ot: Figure 125.—Dynamic topography 1,500—0 decibar surface, July 3-15, 1934. strength. The closed whorl between the Atlantic and Labrador Currents is more elongated than in the previous maps and can be traced as far northward as about 58° N. This figure again brings up the possibility that in some years water from the margins of the 170 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Atlantic Current may be contributed directly to the offshore borders of the West Greenland Current. Figure 126 is a composite dynamic topographic map of the entire region from Smith Sound southward to the Tail of the Grand Banks. The Baffin Bay part is based on the observations of the Godthaab made in 1928. From Davis Strait to the line between Cape Farewell and Newfoundland the map is based upon the 1928 Marion observa- tions. From this line southeastward to Flemish Cap the observa- tions of the General Greene taken on the 1935 post-season cruise have been used and that part of the map in the vicinity of the Grand Banks is based upon observations taken during May 1935 by the General Greene. Blank strips separate the various areas de- scribed above. ‘The common reference level is the 1,500-decibar sur- face. It must be remembered that figure 126 is a composite combin- ing observations from different seasons and different years, not strictly comparable but with this reservation in mind it is useful in gaining a more complete picture of the current system as a whole and of the interrelation of the component parts of that system. Figures 127 and 128 are similarly constructed composite horizontal sections of temperature and salinity at a depth of 100 meters in summertime. The subsurface circulation obtaining in 1928 is illustrated in figures 129 and 130, which are dynamic topographic maps of the 600- and 1,000-decibar surfaces, respectively, referred to the 1,500- decibar surface. The major patterns of the surface circulation seen in figure 122 are reflected in the course of the dynamic isobaths at the 600-decibar surface. Most notable, perhaps, in figure 129 is the illustration of the contribution of the West Greenland Current to Baffin Bay over Davis Strait Ridge. Figure 130 demonstrates the weak but cyclonic character of the circulation in the intermediate water, with the center of the basin in less active circulation than the borders. SUMMARY OF SURFACE CIRCULATION The surface circulation of the Labrador Sea is summarized as fol- lows: The East Greenland Arctic Current and a western branch of the Irminger Current on rounding Cape Farewell are renamed the West Greenland Current which flows northwestward. The West Greenland Current branches, part crossing Davis Strait Ridge into Baffin Bay and a part flowing westward south of the Davis Strait Ridge and joining Arctic water flowing southward out of Baffin Bay to produce the Labrador Current. The Labrador Current, composed of about three parts west Greenland water to two parts of Baffin Bay water, flows southerly along Labrador and Newfoundland and the eastern edge of the Grand Banks, eventually turning in a general northeast- erly direction along the northwestern borders of the Atlantic Cur- rent. From the northern edge of the Grand Banks to the Tail of the Banks parts of the Labrador Current are turned back to the north- ward. The northernmost of these returned branches forms a closed whorl between the trunk of the Labrador Current, Flemish Cap, and mixed waters of the borders of the Atlantic Current which water flows northward and eastward extending as far as 55° north. TON (OLT“A20Bq) LE—0Z66L *(GE-8Z6T ‘ezSodu09) aovyans IvqMep Q-N0G‘T Aqdvis0do} o1meusG—gzI TuoDI Ce _. —— O6SbI O2vstris 4%.- ayy “02 Of OF OS 09 OL O08 06 ODI ¥ f © pea ra y aa . ‘ant hee ff >». - aot of the ener aE Ep me = —— ot * : 9 : = 5 ‘al in era g vhole. ames om wideh water Z ON (OLT “d vous) LE—0666L ‘ge-861 ‘HURIY WON Use}seMq}I0N SIOJOM OOT 38 aINjBIedMIAL—yZT ayaDIT 9 | y 02 Of ObOS 0901 08 O06 OO OF BA thn ASS i EN SON (OLT'deBq) LE—0Z66L "Q8-8Z6T ‘ONULHVY WON Us9}SeMyI10U S19}9UF OOT 7B AWUNVS—gzr AMOI 7 / =~ » 4 ' "Y i = “oO 0% Of OOS 09 OL O8 06 OO Tr — F 7 . ° a — aa . se 3 _—ASe ao . : 0a = L DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 171 60 Figure 129.—Dynamie topography 1,500-600 decibar surface, July 22—September 11, 1928. 79920—37 12 72 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50 500-1,000 decibar surface, July 22-September 11, 1928. Figure 130.—Dynamic topography 1 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 173 EXCHANGE OF WATER IN BAFFIN BAY The volumes of flow derived from velocity profiles and described in chapters IV, V, and VI are represented schematically in figure 181. These investigations require certain conclusions which not only sup- port the picture of the circulation which is represented here but offer opportunity of estimating the exchange of water in Baffin Bay. It was found that in 1928 about-1.0 million cubic meters per second was being contributed to Baffin Bay by the West Greenland Current at Davis Strait. The southward flow of the Baffin Land Current amounted to about 2.0 million cubic meters per second, thus indicat- ing that the net contribution to Baffin Bay through Smith, Jones, and Lancaster Sounds was about 1 million cubic meters per second subject to correction for precipitation and evaporation. EXCHANGE OF WATER, LABRADOR SEA Similarly the inflow to and outflow from the Labrador Sea may be balanced as follows: Inflow : m*/s X 10°° West Greenland Current (average Cape Farewell) __-____-__-_________ 5.0 Bathine land: Current — ees ee ek a ee 2 Hudsony Bay dischareem (net) 228222223 2 oe ee ee eee 0.5 NoOtle= =... ane Oo ee ee ee 7.5 Outflow : WiestaGreenland Cunnenth to. Battin (Says 1.0 Mabrador Currenta(ayerace South) Wolt 1d) 22 = ee 4. STNG tye Wee 2 ___. -. A OE ee eee 5.6 The fact that a part of the West Greenland Current is contributed to and included in the listed volume of the Labrador Current does not affect the above totals. Neglecting evaporation and precipitation, then, the above totals indicated an unbalanced excess of inflow over outflow of about 1.9 million cubic meters per second. The foregoing strongly suggests that about 1.9 million cubic meters per second of West Greenland Current sinks into depths below 1,500 meters (the reference surface of the dynamic computations) and eventually flows out of the Labrador Sea at deeper levels into the North Atlantic, thus maintaining a quantitatively balanced system of circulation. EXCHANGES OF HEAT IN LABRADOR SEA In the summer of 1928 the heat transported to the Labrador Sea by currents was as follows: °C m?/s &K 10-6 pvess Greenland Currentgoit Cape Harewelleee 2-9 9-2 ee 17.5 Rathin eands Curren trae ayAS: Streit eee een ee = 2 Eivdsoneiay, discharcvem@ney)) =. en. eee ot eC eee 0.5 Mo talon =»... SE 8 Oe ee ee eee 16.8 while the current-borne heat leaving the Labrador Sea was— West Greenland Current to Baffin Bay_________ PS Bey ee SEW se) th , Babi ee 0.5 Labrador Current 174 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 60° 50° Ficur® 131.—Volume of the currents in the upper water layers (tropoepher expressed in millions of cubic meters per second, July 22—September 11, 1928 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 175 This gives an excess of heat entering amounting to 1.7 billion kilo- gram calories per second. If the average temperature of the water sinking below the 1,500 meter level is assumed to be 3.2° C., the cor- responding outflow of heat was about 6.1 billion kilogram calories per second on the basis of the current balance tabulated on page 178. This figure of 6.1 compared with the above excess of current- borne heat entering above 1,500 meters of 1.7 billion kilogram calories per second leaves an excess of departing current-borne heat of 4.4 billion kilogram calories per second. It seems reasonable that this represents the order of magnitude of the average summer rate of absorption of insolation for it is estimated 7° that, during the sum- mertime, the insolation reaching the surface of the sea in this area amounts to about 20 billion kilogram calories per second of which perhaps more than 40 percent is lost, as far as the sea is concerned, through reflection. If this figure for reflection is accepted, 12 billion kilogram calories per second remain to account for radiation, evapora- tion, and absorption. As radiation is probably small, approximately two-thirds of the solar heat not reflected from the surface goes for evaporation and only one-third is absorbed. This proportion of absorption is probably too low because no account has been taken of land drainage, compensating sinking, and consequent transport of heat to depths below 1,500 meters. CABBELING The indicated sinking of approximately 1.9 million cubic meters per second volume of current below the 1,500-meter level and also, proportional quantities of heat, is substantiated by the position of the axis of saltest water along the southwest coast of Greenland for the summer of 1928. These data when plotted against depth (fig. 182) show that the Irminger-Atlantic water sank from the 200- meter level off Cape Farewell to about the 500-meter level off God- thaab. The temperature-salinity curves representative of the West Greenland Current (fig. 23, p. 48), if interpreted in terms of density, also indicate the progressive increase of density along its course. This sinking of the Irminger-Atlantic water is verified by the obser- vations of Baggesgaard-Rasmussen and Jacobsen (1930) and those of Riis-Carstensen (Conseil Permanent International, 1929) some of the results of which are shown on figures 183 and 134, respectively. The Dana’s observations taken June to July, 1925 when plotted on figure 133 show that the core of warmest water (Irminger-Atlantic Current) sank from a depth of about 200 meters to a depth of about According to Davis (1899, p. 18) the rate at which unobstructed insolation is received on the earth with the sun at the zenith is 75,000 thousand kilogram calorigs per minute per square mile or 54 billion kilogram calories per 12 hours. If the length of sunshine per day at the equator on March 20 be taken at 12 hours and the average rate of insolation during that period be taken as 2 times the maximum then the daily rate would be about 34.3 billion kilogram calories per square mile. Davis (1899, p. an gives the daily inci- dent radiation in latitude 60° on June 21 and September 22 as 1.09 and 0.50 times the above, respectively. A conservative estimate for July—August then is taken as 0.8, whence estimating the area in question to be 310,000 square miles the average summer rate of insolation would be 84.3X0.8X310,000 6, approximately 100 billion kilogram calories per second. 4 According to Milhorn (1929, p. 41) about 60 percent is transmitted and of this about two-thirds is absorbed by the atmosphere so that about 20 billion kilogram calories per second reaches the ocean surface. MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 984 ois 1074 1079 1085 FicurRp 132.—The position of saltest water July 22-September 11, 1928. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Www 5 wT es) wo i = = =| | FiGuRB 133.—The position of warmest water as shown by the Dana’s observations, May 5-20, 1925. 178 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 700 meters in traversing the West Greenland sector. Also the God- thaab’s observations in the summer of 1928 reveal that the Inminger- Atlantic water sank along its pathway north of Cape Farewell. Thus the observations of the Dana, Godthaab, and Marion all are in agree- ment in demonstrating the manner and rate of sinking of the 179 27 184 6 O FicurE 134.—The position of saltest water as shown by the Godthaab’s observations, May 29-—October 8, 1928. Irminger-Atlantic water as it enters and pursues its course in the Labrador Sea. This sinking of the water as it mixes in the West Greenland Current is an illustration of what the authors consider to be cabbeling. Although this phenomenon has been indicated by the observations from several parts of the northwestern North At- lantic (pp. 44, 48, and 136) its exposition has been reserved for the j AVES | q b Wet Green! (urna Of @abbeling was fire i apon the nonlinear rele 7 my of sca Wal: Beca Stally lines native -£iwo waters ¢ (Hig) den: 4 Co ty \ Wik hag ne — aan a meget rare I that, 8g ba horigent >i very neat densi! is Wiffering tamp. | < with it ts att WMIARL JCP BASt nae Oa ¢ of the mixtures to an i i fursher sinfcing poss! b : waser of dk * Dero ag of the presence oF Ri ea = pos tion IS fii | , Beni ae ned ret iis. Thelintermixtate 3 Bd mag beaided ot and he & | © affepted by (1! noBonly nep resplt CoOMSpon of gabbelin} a tic 1 com p 4 8 Lab i = of rh by onvectip she for ba may He Irafinger-Abl pote front v logy) may} | sérsbéd in this pul, to subs: © * : 4 Ay ee nce Shes Speogray A. statisti he 1935 no ry yarture aners | “sf oS 5 gees for 500 meccr depth j fi sweet ae orebabl y water. On the aeeim t tonles . ater velo if "f H Island to Fiskernac« Wolf Island to Cape Vg © 2 (GLI “d 2081) ‘QDDYIPOD “H pus Souaatp w.ivuayn “OH Suowny ‘W “deut woye}g—eerl auooy Ov C 09 \ 8261999 541023 a 6661990 2961998 gaeig: 26619 0002994 02 Of Ob os 09 @ og o6 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 179 West Greenland Current as it enters the Labrador Sea. The idea of cabbeling was first published by Witte (1910) and depends upon the nonlinear relation between the temperature and the den- sity of sea water. Because of this nonlinear relation and the prac- tically linear salinity-density relation an adiabatic mixture of two waters of equal density but of differing temperature and salin- ity will have a greater density than its components. It is evident that, in nature, horizontally adjacent bodies of water will have very nearly equal densities. When such adjacent waters are of differing temperature and salinity characteristics their intermixture, with its attendant increase in density, will result in a partial sinking of the mixture to an equilibrium density level from which level further sinking is possible through further mixture with adjacent water of dissimilar temperature and salinity characteristics. ‘The fact of the presence of two water masses of dissimilar types in juxta- position is in itself an indication of the presence of horizontal cur- rents. The intermixture of two such water masses along their border may be aided at and near the surface by wave action but will be effected by the horizontal motion which transported the water there, not only near the surface but in deeper water as well. As a natural result, then, there will be a decided and even preponderant horizontal component to this mixed water as it sinks. Such is our conception of cabbeling as it occurs in the regions under discussion. The ver- tical component of motion as initiated by cabbeling is in many parts of the Labrador Sea during the colder months of the year accelerated by convectional chilling, but the latter factor is quite independent of the former. It may be noted here that areas such as the boundaries of the Irminger-Atlantic Current and the Labrador Current have been called polar fronts by some authors. This term, borrowed from meteor- ology, may be considered synonomous with the mixing zones de- scribed in this paper if it is applied not enly to surface phenomena but to subsurface current margins as well. STATION DATA In the following paragraphs the vertical distribution of the velocity of the currents, the temperature, and salinity, will be discussed with reference to two transverse and three longitudinal vertical sections, the geographical locations of which are shown on figure 135. VELOCITY PROFILES OF THE STRATOSPHERE A statistical investigation of the dynamic height computations for the 1935 post-season cruise of the General Greene, where all stations were occupied to near the bottom, indicated from a consideration of departures of differences of anomalies of dynamic heights from aver- ages for 500-meter depth intervals, that in the Labrador Sea the 2,000 meter surface is probably close to the surface of most nearly motion- less water. On the assumption that 2,000 meters represents the depth of motionless water velocity profiles for the complete sections, Reso- lution Island to Fiskernaessett (Godthaab stations 18 to 28) and South Wolf Island to Cape Farewell (General Greene stations 2026 180 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to 2047) have been prepared and are shown in figures 136 and 187, respectively. Because of the small density gradients involved, be- cause of the possibility that no absolutely motionless surface exists and because of the probably undulatory character of such a surface if it does exist, no great reliance is placed upon the absolute values of velocity thus derived. However, the indicated directions of flow are believed to be reliable and are instructive regarding the circula- tion of the deeper water. These two velocity profiles clearly show the cyclonic nature of the circulation in the deep water (p. 186) of the Labrador Sea and at the same time permit the southward outflow, ISIS 20),.21 20,. 26) 2h 928 H ee 1 S062 = SS Soins Figure 136.—Velocity profile Resolution Island to Fiskernaessett, June 11-16, 1928 expressed in centimeters per second (from the Godthaab’s observations). The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly current. along the American side, of deep water and bottom water (p. 187) to the North Atlantic necessitated by the sinking of water from higher levels. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Resolution Island—Fiskernaessett.—The transverse sections of tem- perature and salinity shown in figure 138 represent summer con- ditions in 1928 between Resolution Island and Fiskernaessett based on the Godthaab stations 18 to 28. In the upper levels the more rapid currents can be recognized, the northward-flowing West Greenland Current on the right and the southward-flowing Labrador Current on the left. The central part of the section from about 500 meters to about 2,000 meters is occupied by intermediate water (p. 184), the deeper limit of which is characterized by a temperature of about 3° C. and a salinity of about 34.90%. This intermediate water is con- sidered to lie below the surface water and offshore of the more rapid 181 vA STRAIT AND LABRADOR SI DAVIS *‘JudIINd A[AIqYIAOU Sout “pUOdas Jed S19} 0UII] Ue UT possaidxo ‘GegT [ UoeyOrg oq} ‘JUIN A[AIYINOS JUISeIded SOUT, PITOS oT, —6T JSUSNY ‘T[OMoIRT dB) 0} PUBIST JIOM WINOY o[yoad AJOTeA—) ET aun ) OS 182 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS currents. The intermediate water is in slow cyclonic circulation and its core is seen in the temperature minimum, which will be considered later, and in the salinity minimum of about 34.88%. 013 050 0.41 teriGuZzOral: ~e22 25) es 2) 6©262iaze 3295 3294 33043322 3388 34.61 34.58 34.05 3431 3230 30.87 OM T 33.0—" T Fe T ST aq —— 35.00 500 10 15 2 25 Ficure 138.—Temperature and salinity profile Resolution Island to Fiskernaessett, June 11-16, 1928 (from the Godthaab’s observations). Below the intermediate water is to be seen the deep water charac- terized by lower temperatures than the intermediate water and by salinity maxima. Here again the circulation is cyclonic and weak. The center of the salinity maximum shown in figure 188 is located on the Labrador side. On the Greenland side at intermediate depths TON (est ‘deoug) 1g—0766L “CEGI ‘ET-6T ISNSNY ‘[edorv J edUD 0} PULIST FIOM WINS ‘youd Azruyes puv oinjerodwagt— GET aut eave 2O've : 1OS- e | ie Pan | sm ee A a ~— BASIN ee te 7 wo 99-6921} - - = 99 -££00 a 99-8102 isu 99-6002 % 99-02 6In 99-1261 99-2618 -0.05 = eam FO ee wo = = a AY B BAF FIN BASIN EAB RAD O'R Ficurn 140.—Temperature profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite 1928-35). No, 2 (Face p. 183) 79920—37 : i | J 2ole-se | e ig iti aia oF | ay wien YA winaaa~ POR BAGIN ° n ee xn wn a = : badd 3470 3455 34.60 34.54 34.56 34.64 34643488 i “ r H i i i . 30.30 1972-66 1971-66 1970-GG 1969-66 41968-GG o a = ow a 9 ol oa Ae . 34.78 DAVIS STRAIT RIDGE sens 34.48 BAFFIN BAY BASIN LABRADOR BASIN Ficurn 141.—Salinity profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite 1928-35). 79920—37 (Face p.183) No.3 ( - t : 5 o , > 4 g 4 ) , 3 7 . : Y a, 2 er ee at = , Oo 8 y ne £6 & 38 Suh @2& ao Bs a 2 Se InO-hBO" TE IBTES*S° 3608.20 0) 6 aah (os ic9OmKsD S30 + M-O ea eer le . a , > _ ‘ee '-" “ ’ 8 - 3 , a? apt ee, i = re 2 2 ) . ‘ ——— “ By tabla Bice C. bg ‘ bm » Ve at iY} ., - - / f * ™ . \a . j . x \ \ > [haO6 u\ : Ce fees es VS f0Cm BS int\": 2 ime. 4 ae ar Ven Gee P | as rhe AG Ag yp ABS ag ff y # A Yok i | pore ' . p LLP SA 7 1.9% > At ft tft st a d wal ey “ thf . tT ‘ Ne . oa - i 4 oor 6 oe 1 Dee dS8-8eEiatteogmody: Yaa ai, 79920—37 oO °o 7 © © er cy 12.70 10.049.14 1047 (Face p. 183) No. 4 A, DAVIS STRAIT RIDGE BAFFIN 6 100 200 (MILES) Ficurr 142.—Temperature profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite 1928-35). ie a on 376 -054- oo “1.0— BAY * a oe ; | No We AS YAS wITIAaL 2450 ie ) \) uae 4 b a5 fail ' 22 ¢ ie } aS la Fomine ‘ . M, : P. » he LK ite Re a nag ae ly a) ae a * ee See ba a * j ‘ © (e341) 008 i o 9° Oo oo Oo ° oO oO © 29 9 92 9 oO 9 @ ° a A ea Mics o © ° ie ki tego @k 8 ft, oh g a BoB aera es = ow ? c © SO ae 3 eo 6" 28, 882 & S|, Oe pce ¢ @ 4 0 = 28 35.78 3557 3465 _3457___—-3460 3458 3479 3464 33.96 3347 3280 3174 3095 2976 24.74 3185 3266 31.66 oy = —F a Q —.. . : : : ne aa = ‘i \ 500 Gi 10 DAVIS STRAIT = . 1S RIDGE 34.49 3491 ‘ 345 20 34.47 25 34.90 BAFFIN BAY BASIN iC” See 0 50 100 200 (MILES) 34.92 LABRADOR’ BASIN Ficurn 143.—Salinity profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite 1928-35). 79920—37 (Facep.183) No.5 jAce 2 hee , Gis = 1273-GG wo o a 1960-66 = 1953-66 3 1272-66 o - fe eee M te} ©@170-G © = oO 88 820 5.20 2.00 Bete pre = 4.03 DAVIS STRAIT RIDGE BAFFIN BAY BASIN EA BR A DOR BASIN 65° 70 Ficure 144.—Teiperature profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite, 1928-35). 79920--87 (Face p.188) No.6 Ona, ‘of Lewy oe: bi ead ware ; val ; ti ge the er depth Not galinity peatetie of ha ROG TOTS bie don water; % 0 peracur: 1 ther th ipection., r ea 189, the a Hane : miniar i: |e i hig hee Le 440 tb 5 Preanis in ot a tity of ty c BASIN a A fa PeGeee 145 halite Yet E oon tytn Yagi eb 2000-GG 1273-GG 1064-M N 3464 3462 3428 3452 fA i 34.51 3461 33.62 3: T ae YDAVIS STRAIT. BAFFIN BAY BASIN 3491 3430 EA Bak Ay DEO R BASIN Se ee ie a ee 60° Ficure 145.—Salinity profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite, 1928-35). 79920—37 (Facep.183) No.7 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 183 below the West Greenland Current is seen high salinity water which will eventually become deep water through cabbeling as it progres- sively sinks along its cyclonic path around the northern end of the Labrador Basin. Below the deep water is to be seen a small amount of bottom water with temperatures of less than 2° C. This bottom water is in very slow cyclonic circulation with a general southerly direction. — South Wolf Island—Cape Farewell.—F igure 139 represents verti- cal sections of temperature and salinity between South Wolf Island, Labrador, and Cape Farewell, Greenland, based on the 1935 observa- tions of the General Greene, stations 2026 to 2047. As in figure 138, the more rapid currents in the upper levels are recognizable at the sides of the sections. In the intermediate water the isohaline of 34.90% again serves to bound the lower surface at about 2,000 meters, although the temperature at this level is about 3.2 C., some- what warmer than the lower surface of the intermediate water in the more northerly section of figure 138. The temperature minimum is again shown at about 1,500 meters. The deep-water salinity maximum is shown more clearly than in figure 138, possibly because the greater depth here permits a better development of downward decrease of salinity below the maximum and possibly because since the formation of these maxima is intermittent figure 139 may have approached more nearly a horizontal maximum than did figure 138. The bottom water, with temperatures lower than about 2° C., has lower temperatures than those of the bottom water in the more northerly section. This is probably explained by the greater depths in figure 139, the greater thickness of deep water, and the better chance of minimum temperatures surviving mixture with warmer water from higher levels. Figures 140 to 145, inclusive, represent longitudinal vertical sec- tions of temperature and salinity along eastern, middle, and western courses through the Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, and Baffin Bay from south of 50° N. latitude to Smith Sound. Attention is called to the fact that these are composite sections based on observations of the Godthaab, Marion, and General Greene made during the summer months in 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934, and 1935. The location and identity of the stations upon which these sections are based are shown in figure 135. In examining these sections, the direction of the horizontal currents should be borne in mind. In the upper levels, at least, the sections are not along the axis of the major currents and in some parts (for instance, just south of Davis Strait Ridge) are nearly at right angles to the direction of flow. Con- sidering the non-synoptic character of the sections, they demonstrate very well the division between the intermediate water and the deep water of the Labrador Sea as did the transverse sections, figures 138 and 139. At the southern end of the midlongitudinal section (fig. 143), in a depth of about 800 meters, there is shown a salinity mini- mum typical of what Wiist (1935) has considered to be North Atlantic intermediate water having a major meridional component south- ward. An examination of the dynamic heights shows this water to be moving northward. It is the view of the authors that this is mixed water formed by cabbeling along the boundaries of the Labrador and Atlantic Currents and moving in a direction similar 184 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to that of the parent currents. This is borne out by the fact that such water has been found from the Tail of the Grand Banks to the northern limit of the Atlantic Current and its direction of motion verified by dynamic heights (page 136). Confirmation of this view is to be found in the shape of the isohalines in similar latitudes in the east and west longitudinal sections, which may be looked upon as the result of mixing but which do not indicate the intermediate water of Wiist. The difference between the intermediate water of the Labrador Sea as designated in this paper and the North Atlantic imtermediate water of Wiist is threefold, embodying thickness, direction and origin. The salinity maxima in the deep water is to be seen in all three of the longitudinal sections. Below the deep water the bottom water of minimum temperature is found. The bottom water is in slow southward motion, hugging the American side of the Labrador Basin, where bottom irregularities do not interfere, and following the deeper channels in a tortuous path at levels above which bottom formations project. THE INTERMEDIATE WATER It has been defined as occupying the more central parts of the Labrador Sea below the surface water and above the deep water. As might be expected, the intermediate water is a mixture, the salty component of which is the deep water from below. The fact that the salinity of the intermediate water is much lower than that of the deep water points to fresh components around the sides of the Labrador Basin and in the surface layers. The salinity gradient, in the more central surface layers of the Labrador Sea is steepened during summer by the addition of fresh water from melting ice, land drainage, and precipitation. This surface water becomes rela- tively light as it absorbs heat from the sun and therefore mixes little with the intermediate water. But upon being cooled in winter practically all of the summertime surface water in the region of convection mixes and thereby freshens the intermediate water. — 23 Ps ves aVE “i ahd ( RES evans ee een eS ee vray Se figube oe ° a. Oa Sha uh = mete “a f Mar apprgnohes r 3 ; pruadg & iy Piaget whic. , a Ta . a Pd ie +) ie : F é , tah Vations by pisas. Te _ (@3siMo0s, 001 BASIN MS "es —69— DAVIS STRAIT RIDGE 406 6.63 BAFFIN BAY Sl ee 100 200 (MILES) LABRADOR BASIN Ficure 148.—Oxygen profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite, 1928-35). 79920—37 (Face p. 187) DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 187 tion of salinity which gives the water below 2,000 meters and above the bottom water its character. This particular water is best typified by salinity maxima, the presence of which has already been pointed out on several of the vertical sections of the Labrador Sea. The temperature-salinity correlation in the heart of such masses is repre- sented by the diamond-shaped symbols plotted on figure 146, page 185. Their position with respect to the broken line on the figure supports our previous statement, namely, that this which is called deep water 2° is a mixture of bottom water and Irminger-Atlantic water. The saltiest of the deep water, which typifies it, is formed during the colder months of the year when cabbeling is assisted directly by convectional cooling. Outside of the region of convectional sinking to bottom, the deep water is found adjacently above the bottom water throughout the year. Within the area of bottom-water formation in winter the deep water becomes mixed with the intermediate water and surface water from above. Following a resumption of positive stability of the water column, the deep water re-forms in position similar to that which prevailed prior to convection, THE BOTTOM WATER As shown by the temperature sections (figs. 140-145) it is not possible that the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is supplied across Davis Strait Ridge in summer. Examination of the transverse sec- tions, figures 138 and 139, also show that in summer the cold parts of the West Greenland and Labrador Currents are separated from the bottom water by intervening water of higher temperature. The low temperature of the bottom water, therefore, is either a result of win- tertime conditions or is a relic of conditions which no longer exist. That the latter is not true is demonstrated by figure 148, a vertical longitudinal section showing the oxygen distribution from south of 50° N. latitude to Smith Sound. This section is a composite based upon observations made on the Godthaab in 1928 and on the General Greene in 1935. The location and identity of the stations upon which it is based are shown on figure 135 where the course of the section is indicated by the broken line. It will be noted that the Godthaab’s oxygen values (that is, those for stations north of the break in the profile lines) are consistently higher than those of the General Greene by about 0.4 cubic centimeter per liter. It is evident from the con- centration of dissolved oxygen that the Labrador Basin is an area of active mixing and that there is no water in it but what has been at the surface comparatively recently. It is logical, therefore, that if the activity of the water were different in different years even the deeper observations might give different results in different years. The relative values, however, are instructive and if the oxygen profile is superimposed on the temperature and salinity profiles it is found that the General Greene’s oxygen values of greater than 6.2 and the Godthaab’s oxygen values of greater than 6.7 cubic centimeters per liter embrace what has been designated as the intermediate water of the Labrador Sea. The shape of the 6.0 line in the southern part of the section and the lines in the region 16Qur deep water, which eventually drains out of the Labrador Basin into the North Atlantic; eave ces what Wiist (1935) has designated as North Atlantic deep water. 79920—37. 13 188 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS northward of Cape Farewell up to Davis Strait indicate that the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is formed in the latter area and moves southward. The low oxygen values in the upper layers at the southern end of the section correspond to the northern border of the Atlantic Current. The rapid downward decrease of oxygen in Baffin Bay arises from the pocketing of water there by 600 to 700 meter thresholds. As has been demonstrated by consideration of the distribution of oxygen the cold bottom water of the Labrador Sea is the result of wintertime chilling which affects the bottom water through vertical convection. The salinity of the water in the region where vertical convection may take place, however, is lower than that of the bottom water actually observed in the summertime. The bottom water must therefore be a mixture with saltier water, which water is typified by the Irminger-Atlantic Current. In figure 146, page 185, the temperature-salinity relation of the Irminger-Atlantic water, based on summertime observations off Cape Farewell, has been drawn as a solid line. The upper part of this line grades away from the core into insolated surface water and the lower part grades off into the colder water below the axis of the Irminger Current. The apex has been taken as most characteristic of Irminger-Atlantic water. If this is one of the components of the bottom water, the other component will lie along a line through the characteristics of the bottom water and Irminger -Atlantic water. Such a line has been drawn on figure 146, page 185. In selecting the characteristic point for the bottom water the lowest bottom temperature indicated by our observation (1.57° C. at General Greene station 2033) has been selected as having been least modified since formation, and the potential temperature has been used in order to translate the mixture into terms of shallow water phenomena. The other component then must lie along the broken line in the salinities lower than 34.91%b. If vertical ‘convection, arising from winter chilling, accounts for one of the components of the bottom water, it must take place off- shore from the more rapidly moving Labrador and West Greenland Currents. Also, the density gradient prior to the beginning of winter must not be so great as to require water temperatures lower than about —1.8° C. to establish vertical convection. If complete hori- zontal stagnation is assumed, the maximum temperature at which vertical convection to bottom can occur may be found from the average salinity of the water column and the density of the bottom water observed in summer. Such computations of the maximum temperature to which the water must be cooled in order to estab- lish vertical convection from the surface down to successively deeper levels have been made for a number of stations. The maximum temperature values have been plotted for the Godthaab’s section from Resolution Island to Fiskernaessett and are shown in figure 149. As has been mentioned above, the upper limit of salinity of the bottom-water component produced through vertical convection is 34.91%0. The broken line shown in figure 149 connects points, the average salinity of the column of the water above which is 34.91% A similar line is shown for 34.81%0 average salinity of the super- posed column of water, since 34.81%0 is the approximate salinity DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 189 corresponding to the minimum practically attainable temperature of the bottom-water component shown on figure 146. Thus from figure 146 it will be seen that if there is no horizontal motion, verti- cal convection to bottom may be established at stations 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 when the water columns have been cooled by winter chilling to temperatures of 2.65°, 1.35°, 1.75°, 1.60°, and 2.80° C., respectively. However, the rapid horizontal circulation in the upper levels at stations 22 and 26 eliminate the possibility of vertical convection there, and, of the remaining three stations, 25 is close enough to the West Greenland Current to make it uncertain whether or not deep vertical convection is possible. Attention is called to the fact le9 20 .2igece 25. 24), 25.7 2602 25 3.06 488 45.38 531 583 4.00 447 0.13 0500.41 O75 5O MILES FicurE 149.—Maximum temperature to establish vertical convection, surface to bottom, Resolution Island to Fiskernaesett. (From the Godthaab’s observations taken June 11— 16, 1928.) Inset shows area in which bottom water is formed in the wintertime according to the authors’ views. that the average salinity of the water columns at stations 23, 24, and 25 lie between 34.81 and 34.91%, the range within which the bottom- water component must fall. This indicates that a small central part of this section lies in the area where the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is formed. That this section passes close to the north- ern boundary of the area of bottom-water formation is evident when one remembers the horizontal components of the westward branch- ing of the West Greenland Current south of Davis Strait. From similar computations of the average salinity and maximum tem- perature for vertical convection to bottom in the region of Davis Strait Ridge two conclusions were reached—(qa) that even if there were no horizontal currents vertical convection to bottom could be produced only at temperatures very close to the freezing point and 190 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS (6) that even if vertical convection were established the average salinity of the water is so low as to require an impossibly low temperature to become a bottom-water constituent as defined by figure 146. In figure 150 is shown the temperature and salinity distribution at Davis Strait leading to these conclusions. A longi- BESSA FiGuRE 150.—Temperature and salinity profile across Davis Strait just south of Davis Strait Ridge August 4-18, 1928. tudinal section, on which have been plotted maximum temperatures for vertical convection of the superposed water column, is shown in figure 151. Here again the average salinity lines of 34.81 and 34.91%0 have been drawn. All of the section from Marion station 984 just south of Davis Strait Ridge to General Greene station 1936 in the Atlantic Current border falls within the salinity limits of $ $88 33 83 33 , tae “ ¢ “es 8 eS ~ aa ee es ee 7 a e® 82 6° er | A ; 5 a es a Ba22©02° $8 282° ao on 6 7 $ : cd = a6 1490 12.70 9.15 10.66 9509.80 1050 620 8.80, ‘ee 8.05 5.30 SS: 0O 2.05 ee, 3.70 0.00 O-M Ay ; =~ : ee > : ; 5 i : : 500 ; LESS THAN MINUS TWO DEGREES . . L 10 YDAVIS STRAIT / i : . . RIDGE . . 15 q = 20 BAFFIN BAY BASIN 25 1.75 . 30 35 1.90 LABRADOR BASIN Ficurn 151.—Maximum temperature to establish convection, surface to bottom, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (from the observations made by the United States Coast Guard and the Godthaab, 1928-3! 79920—37 (Face p. 190) ibe xo. imponelbly re a5 LOTTE a . “opaicatore atid selinaaay © ognetisions.” Aenea > puree a a ye + Sh ee =< me ae ee = Ve ERE a ee aS , an is - ae Oats Par: | rir Cedapere ateteolion, le shoe fity, Nines of O48) ae ioftt from Morten 2a rs Wreene, } nev ¢ a ay ’ Hey T vet af the area iy abuts. 14 out wabyhtly Clise: age thairte Mu reof Ai fo} ai “e Wu 9, bie dhs ma) i are me tol opre | radbr Sex is 1 fm ares whoo size wi! b will ce thiply be~ Siti What larg@ than the ¥ A@h pease in the ch “from ick formatiol is c ee nei as has been a B09} pnd Mosby (ita ‘als North Atiantic® hich we have: ns fe Sea.to Sriginate, and thet ut P38 consi Bye (] mis OTS CTE ee a to ont aren MS the wah ed east, are ‘ % to conan usa 79920—387 (Face p. 191) Ficurn 152.—Temperature profile south of Cape Farewell March 7-11, 1935 (from the Meteor’s observations, stations 118-125). FAREWELL Ww a < o DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 191 the bottom-water constituent. As has been mentioned, the northern limit of the area in which vertical convection to bottom probably occurs is only slightly north of Godthaab station 24 and is probably closer to it than to Marion station 984 (fig. 135). A southern limit at about 55° N. latitude might be postulated from a consideration of the horizontal motion of the Atlantic Current border. However, be- cause of the tempering effect of the more southerly latitude on the severity of the winter, the southern limit of the area of vertical convection to bottom lies more to the north and is estimated to be between General Greene station 2035 and Godthaab station 10 (fig. 135). Such limits would seem to be borne out by a consideration of the midlongitudinal salinity section (fig. 143) and the longitudinal oxygen section (fig. 148). The area in question is shown shaded on the small inset on figure 149. This shaded area is considered by the authors to represent the region in which the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is most probably formed in the wintertime. It is an area whose size will vary from winter to winter and in some years will certainly be smaller and in other years may possibly be some- what larger than the area shown on figure 149. An increase in the density through an increase in salinity resulting from ice formation is a factor which assists wintertime convectional sinking as has been pointed out by Helland-Hansen and Nansen (1909) and Mosby (1934). The areas of ice formation in the north- western North Atlantic, however, are largely non-coincident with the area in which we have assumed the bottom water of the Labrador Sea to originate, and therefore this phenomenon of salt concentration is considered inconsequential there. Adjacent to our area of bottom-water production, particularly to the north and east, are areas in which vertical convection probably penetrates to considerable depths. Figure 152 shows the temperature distribution found by the Meteor in March 1935 along a section ex- tending southward from Cape Farewell, the data for which were kindly supphed by the director of the Institut fiir Meereskunde an der Universtait von Berlin. An inspection of the section indicates that stations 121 and 122 are in the comparatively quiet water north of the Atlantic Current and south of the Irminger Current past Cape Farewell. These stations then should be expected to be most favor- able for the establishment of vertical convection in the wintertime. Furthermore, as the date of the observations was probably only shghtly past the coldest part of the winter, one might expect to find evidence of vertical convection at stations 121 and 122 if it occurs in this region. Such evidence seems to be present, for at station 121 between about 725 meters and about 1,650 meters and at station 122 between about 1,100 meters and about 1,850 meters, the tempera- tures actually observed were slightly lower than the maximum tem- perature necessary to produce vertical convection to those depths on the assumption of no horizontal motion and on the basis of average cbserved salinities and densities. The observed densities at stations 121 and 122 showed a very weak stability, the change in o, from surface to 2,000 meters being but 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. =22 5. 50 32.16 25. 39 20 MOLOrSa—= seen s 3.17 32. 38 25. 80 BO nipterss eee —1. 34 32. 40 26. 08 75 meters.._--.--.- —1.34 (32. 61) 26, 25 100 meters_-------- —1.45 32. 80 26. 40 150:meters=? 3 2-3- —1.06 33. 53 26. 99 200 meters_--_----- .14 34. 00 27. 31 250 meters__------- 73 34. 14 27. 40 Station 941; July 22; depth 165 meters; lat. 53°56’ a long. 54°52’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.787 meters Oineter a2 45 =. <2. 5. 20 32. 21 25. 47 25 meters. --.------- 4.79 32. 27 eat bOlmeterss-.-=.---. —1.33 33. 03 26. 58 100 meters. 2-=.-.=- —1.24 33. 46 26. 93 150 meters._.------ —.24 33. 82 27,18 Temper- 4 Depth ature Pans ot ce ce) 0) Olmeters=2=e--5s- 5. 00 32. 28 25. 55 20'meters=..=--=-=- 4.60 32. 33 25. 62 45 meters__--._...- —. 62 32. 97 26, 51 85 meters.--.------ —1.33 33. 37 26, 87 125 meters-_-_-.-._-- —. 93 33. 65 27. 08 160;meters-=5.==—- —. 34 (33. 79) 27. 20 165;meterss— 2222-5 —. 24 33. 92 27. 26 Station 943; July 23; depth 210 meters; lat. 54°17 A long. 54°03’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.753 meters Onmeteras-22223 25 4.90 32. 40 25. 65 2opMeters=. 2 asee. =< 2. 49 32,71 26. 12 DOMMSLORSS--2-sss5— —1.02 33. 28 26. 78 JOO meters. 2--=--=- —1.03 33. 59 27. 03 150 meters_-_----_-- —.44 33. 76 27.14 190 meters_-------- . 36 34. 02 27.31 Station 944; July 23; depth 235 meters; lat. 54°26’ N., long. 53°38’ W.; dynamie height, 1,454.734 meters Olmeterzs2-22------ 7.00 32. 64 25. 59 Isimeterss.2---=--- 5. 20 32. 74 25. 88 s0'meterss2.====-.- 4.59 32. 97 26. 13 80 meters._..-.---- ie alyé 33. 87 27.14 130imeters===2-—--s pays 34. 11 27. 34 180 meters-_---_---- 2.16 34. 46 27. 55 190 meters_-------- 2. 36 (34. 47) 27. 55 230) meters:--=2--== 3.05 34. 58 27. 57 Station 945; July 23; depth 415 meters; lat. 54°33’ N., long. 53°22’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.664 meters OQ: meter? ==-=2-—=-<= 7. 00 33. 18 26. 01 Q5rmeterss-s==----- 3.79 33. 71 26. 80 50meterss-=- --.--- 2.39 34. 10 27. 24 100 meters. ---.---- 2. 78 34. 51 27. 53 200 meters.---.---- 3.47 34. 72 27. 64 2a0imeters--2=--.-- 3.47 (34. 76) 27. 66 300 meters_--_------ 3. 46 34. 78 27. 68 400 meters_-------- 3. 46 34. 79 27. 69 Station 946; July 23; depth 868 meters; lat. 54°40’ N., long. 53°00’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.648 meters 0) moeter-=— 2222-2 7.10 33. 58 26. 31 20 meters.--------- 4.90 33. 91 26. 85 60) Meters_2_-=-=--=- 1.88 34. 32 27. 46 100 meters_-__---_-- 3.39 34. 60 27. 55 150 meters_-------- 3.39 34. 71 27. 63 200 meters__------- 3.48 34. 73 27. 65 300 meters..------- 3. 48 34. 79 27. 69 400 meters_-------- 3.47 (34. 82) Peril 500 meters-_-------- 3. 57 34. 81 27. 70 800 meters_-_------- 3. 67 34. 85 27.72 205 206 Station 947; July 23; depth 2,535 meters; lat. 55°20’ N., long. 53°30’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.561 meters Temper- Salinity a fe) | «060)' Osneter == =22-—- =? 9. 50 34. 03 26. 29 20) meters=2s5 == o2 6. 88 34, 48 27. 05 -60 meters_-_----_--- 4. 37 34.71 27. 53 LOOimeters!- = 3. 86 34. 87 27.71 150 meters. -_------ 3. 56 34. 87 27. 74 200umeterssao=2 5 — 3. 35 34. 87 27. 76 B00 meters: ooh a= 3.25 34. 86 PATI 500 meters.-_...--- SoS 34. 86 27.78 800 mleters==-22=—= 3. 05 34. 86 27.79 1,000 meters ______- 3. 14 34. 87 27.79 1,200 meters __--__-_- 3. 04 34. 87 27.80 1,400 meters - -----_- 2. 93 34. 88 27. 82 1,800 meters___--_- 2. 93 34. 90 27. 83 Station 948; July 24; depth 2,997 meters; lat. 55°51’ N., long. 54°00’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.591 meters Onnetent 2222558 8.70 34. 37 26. 70 20 meters- 2 =---=_=- 8. 00 34. 38 26. 81 SOimeterse==- 9 ==. 4, 57 34. 68 27. 49 100 meters_-_-_--_- 4. 06 (34. 83) 27. 66 150 meters---._---.- 3. 56 34. 86 27.73 200)meters: 222 22-5- 3. 45 34. 86 2115 300 meters_-----_-- 3.35 34, 87 27.76 500 meters____.-__- 3. 24 34. 86 PET 800 meters_-__--_-- 3. 03 34. 86 27.79 1,000 meters. _ ____- 3.13 34. 87 27.79 1,200 meters__-_-__- 3.13 34. 88 27. 80 Station 249; July 24; depth 2,745 meters; lat. 55°40’ N., long 54°42’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.582 meters Onmeters2225-42—22= 9. 00 34. 33 26. 62 20 meters._..-....- 7. 39 34. 39 26. 91 50 meters.-_-------- 4, 27 34. 88 27. 68 100 meters_-------- 3.76 34. 87 27.72 L5Okmeters= 22-252" 3. 55 34. 86 27. 74 200 meters__--__.-- 3. 45 34. 86 27. 75 300 meters__-_-_-_- 3. 54 34. 87 27.76 500 meters_____.--. 3. 53 34. 88 27. 76 800 meters-_-..--_-_- 3.23 34. 88 27.79 1,000 meters - ____-_- 3, 12 34. 88 27.79 Station 950; July 24; depth, 2,013 meters; lat. 55°22’ N., long. 55°13’ W.; dynamic height,. 1,454.663 meters Ojmetern oe oe 8. 20 33. 96 26. 44 20 meters__-_._- Be 7.18 34. 05 26. 66 o0meters= oe 4. 36 34. 28 27. 20 100 meters_________ 3.35 34. 41 27.40 15Oimmeters==2— 222 - 3. 36 (34. 56) 27. 52 200 meters____.____ 3. 36 (34. 69) 27. 62 300 meters________- 3.35 (34. 79) 27.70 500 meters___--___. 3. 44 (34. 86) 27. 74 SOOaneters==- = 2 - 3. 43 (34. 89) 21.00 1,000 meters_______ 3. 43 (34. 89) 27.78 1,200 meters. __-__- 3. 32 34. 90 27.79 Station 951; July 24; depth, 271 meters; lat. 55°16’ ne long. 55°21’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.743 meters Otmeter 22 2 dace 5. 50 32. 50 25. 66 20/meters=.=22. 2-2 —. 84 33. 04 26. 58 60 meters___ —1.05 33. 43 26. 90 110 meters__ —. 654 33. 73 27.12 160: meters___.--.__ —. 04 33. 90 27. 20 210 meters_________ 1.14 34, 21 27. 43 260 meters_-...-__. (3. 50) 34. 63 27. 56 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 952; July 24; depth, 265 meters; lat. 55°07’ aa long. 55°42’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.778 meters Salinity el eo, | (60) | Qanoeter.. 222 23eeee 5. 60 32. 30 25. 49 20smeters. 222 ee 1.37 32. 71 26. 20 60)mmeters_---====22 —1.15 33. 27 26. 78 110 meters________- —1.05 33. 53 26. 98 160)meters2=—= 22s —.44 33. 74 27.13 210 meters__-._-__- 16 34. 00 27.31 260)meters: 22. 2225 1.96 34. 32 27. 46 Station 953; July 25; depth, 353 meters; lat. 55°02’ ae long. 56°07’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.776 meters Oimeterz ee 6. 00 32. 43 25. 54 20 metersae se eee 3.58 32. 83 26. 12 S0imeters. =e assee2 —1. 25 33. 18 26. 71 100};meters= eee —1.04 33. 46 26. 94 150 meters_________ —. 24 33. 69 27.08 200nimetersss= === . 56 34. 02 27.30 250 meters. —=-2---- 1. 67 34. 33 27. 48 260 meters=== seen 1.87 (34. 36) 27. 49 300 meterseae-assee 2.37 34. 52 27. 58 350 meters_-____-.__ PIU 34. 63 27. 63 Station 954; July 25; depth, 159 meters; lat. 54°56’ N., long. 56°34’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.821 meters Oimeteross see 5. 70 32. 38 25. 54 25 meters 3. 38 32. 60 25. 96 50 meters —. 84 32. 92 26. 48 70 meters —.43 (33. 08) 26. 59 100 meters ——ai0e 33. 27 26. 73 150meters.---<---- 1.17 33. 56 26. 90 Station 955; July 25; depth, 80 meters; lat. 54°45’ N., long. 56°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.844 meters Onmeters= 222222 == 6. 00 32. 22 25. 38 20) moeters2223222 5" . 46 32. 23 25. 87 50 meters.----4=--- —.75 32. 71 26. 31 “Oumeters=ae= se —1.05 32. 77 26. 36 Station 956; July 25; depth, 50 meters; lat. 55°40’ N., long. 59°34’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.966 meters Ohmeter:. 2203-2255 5. 10 31. 86 25. 20 10jmeters- 2. ----e— 4.79 31.92 25. 29 20'meters.so==2 === 2. 68 31. 90 25. 46 30) meters-2 2 sees 1. 87 31. 96 25. 57 AQ; Meters. =~ = sees 1, 87 32.11 25. 69 Station 957; July 26; depth, 600 meters; lat. 55°56’ N., long. 59°14’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.888 meters Oumeter-_-- ee 5. 20 32. 61 25.78 20\meters_-22===--= 3.19 32. 80 26. 14 AQimeters_ ses ee 2. 78 (32. 92) 26. 27 SOmnetersa= 2. eae (1. 30) 32. 93 26. 38 100 meters_-_------ fe . 56 33. 04 26. 52 1b0lmeters23---=-—— . 96 33.18 26. 61 200 meters====-se— = . 65 33.35 26. 76 300 meters_-__---.-- . 96 34. 04 27. 29 400)meterseasnessse 2. 26 (34. 50) 27. 57 450 meters_-------- 2.76 34. 63 27. 63 600 meters_-------- 2. 96 34. 71 27. 68 | . | DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 958; July 26; depth, 425 meters; lat. 56°13’ N., long. 59°09’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.864 meters Temper + Depth ature arin ot (eh) 700 Demeter. oJ ===. 4.80 32: 57 25. 79 Ponmeters=-o.- === = 2. 47 32. 66 26. 08 50 meters____-_---_- —. 86 33.15 26. 67 100 meters_______-_- —1.15 33. 27 26.78 150 meters_-_------ —1.05 33. 37 26. 86 180 meters____.___- —1.15 (33. 45) 26. 93 200 meters_.._____- —1. 25 33. 50 26. 97 300 meters______--_- —.85 33. 81 27. 20 400 meters________- (—. 20) 34. 03 27.35 Station 959; July 26; depth, 195 meters; lat. 56°20’ N., long. 58°49’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.781 meters (106 (= | F2) ys re eee es 5. 10 33. 03 26. 12 10 meters... ._---_. 5. 00 33.05 26. 15 BINOLOrS= === === == 3.07 33. 10 26. 38 S0/meters: =... -_. . 76 33. 21 26. 64 SO mpters2 = === —.94 33. 46 26. 91 130 meters________- . 36 33. 83 Oielo 180;meters_—=----=_ . 56 34. 02 27. 30 Station 960; July 26; depth, 238 meters; lat. 56°27’ N., long. 58°24’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.783 meters Owmeters2 22. 6. 00 33. 10 26. 07 ibimieters: 22-2 =". 5.49 33.15 26.17 30)meters--- =.=... 3. 58 33. 24 26. 45 60 meters_-_..-.-.-. 2.37 33. 42 26. 70 100 meters___..___- .76 33. 60 26. 96 150 meters_-------- .76 34. 00 27. 27 180 meters_-___----_- . 95 (34. 06) 27. 29 225 meters_-____--. 1.35 34. 08 27. 30 Station 961; July 26; depth, 1,759 meters; lat. 56°34’ N zs long. 58°03’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.612 meters Oimeter-===22 <1. = 7. 20 34.15 26. 74 20; moterss2- 22 = 5s=- 6.79 34. 36 26. 97 SO0smeters.- 22-2... 3.95 34. 42 27.35 100: meters. =...-... 3.65 34. 58 27. 50 150 meters_-_-__-_-- 3. 64 34. 80 27. 68 200 meters_______-- 3. 64 34. 85 27.72 225 meters__._.-.-- 3. 64 (34. 85) 27. 72 300) meters_-2_--_ = 3. 64 34. 85 27. te 500 meters_____-__- 3. 63 34. 85 27.72 800 meters...-....- 3. 53 34. 86 27.74 1,000 meters. ___-__ 3. 43 34. 86 27. 75 1,200 meters_-_____- 3, 23 34. 86 27.77 Station 962; July 26; depth, 2,233 meters; lat. 56°57’ SN long. 57°28’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.618 meters 207 Station 963; July 27; depth, 1,550 meters; lat. 57°22’ N., long. 57°02’ W., dynamic height, 1,454.602 meters Temper- | a.1;_; Depth ature faery ot °C.) (700) Oimeversse.e=- eo 10. 10 34. 11 26. 26 20 meters...._..-.. 8.78 34. 48 26.77 50 meters___.______ 4. 63 34. 58 27. 40 100 meters______... 4, 22 34. 76 27. 59 150 meters________- 3. 72 34. 80 27. 68 Z200imeters® =. <= 3.51 34, 83 27.71 300 meters________- 3.31 34. 85 27. 75 600)meters-.--..... 3. 10 34. 85 27.77 800 meters________- 3. 10 34. 85 27.77 1,000 meters_______ 3.00 34. 86 27.79 1,200 meters. ___.__ 2.90 34, 87 27, 81 Station 964; July 27; depth, 3,276 meters; lat. 57°56’ N., long. 55°40’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.635 meters Ojnreterz2 == 222 -. 3- 10. 00 34. 51 26. 59 ZONE LETS as 2S - 8.47 34. 72 27. 00 OO NMmOeters: 7s Daan, 34. 80 27.47 100/meters: = -_-- 4. 54 34. 86 27. 62 150;meters=---22=—~ 4.33 34. 86 27. 65 200) meterss__-.—-=- 4.33 34. 86 27. 65 300 meters..=_.__-- 4.13 34. 86 27. 67 HOO MMetErS 22522 = = 3. 62 34. 86 27.73 800 meters________- 3. 62 34. 86 27.73 1,000 meters_ __-___ 3} Ul 34. 87 27.79 1;200'meters: - = 3.01 34. 87 27. 80 Station 965; July 27; depth, 3,386 meters; lat. 58°04’ N., long. 54°39’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.603 meters Omoter= = 220-45 9. 70 34. 45 26. 61 20; Meterss.22=- 22-2 7.98 34. 55 26. 94 50 meters_-_____-_-_- 6. 06 34. 72 27.34 100 meters_.+...--- 4. 23 34. 80 27. 62 150/mneters=.2-22-- 3. 93 34. 82 27. 66 200 meters-_.._-_=- 3. 53 34, 83 27. 71 300 meters-_-_____--- SEB P, 34. 83 27. 73 500 meters._.---.-- 3.12 34. 84 27.76 800 meters_______-_- 3.01 34. 84 PLETE 1,000 meters______- = 3.01 34. 87 27.79 1,200 meters... .--- 2.91 34, 88 27.81 1,600 meters. _____- 2.91 34. 89 27. 82 2,200 meters... ----- 2. 81 34. 90 27. 83 Station 966; July 27; depth, 3,459 meters; lat. 58°38’ N., long. 54°06’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.631 meters Binieterse. 3 222 2 2s. 9. 60 34.09 26. 33 eulmeters. 2. 2. 8. 88 34. 64 26. 87 SP/aneters. = --=--=- 4. 24 34. 76 27. 59 100 meters______._- 3.93 34. 84 27. 68 150 meters______._. 3. 93 34. 84 27. 68 A Meters... ==. 3.73 34. 85 2.7 300 meters_-_.___..- 3. 52 34. 85 27.73 500 meters_________ 3.41 34. 85 27.74 800 meters________- 3.41 34. 88 27.77 1,000 meters_______ 3. 21 34. 87 27.79 1,200 meters- --_--_- 3. 11 34. 87 27.79 Otmeter:#2322--- 2 9. 30 34. 89 27.00 HOWMeters = - => 2-~ 7. 68 34. 62 27.04 100 meters_______-- 55385 34. 77 27.47 150 meters______--- 4.34 34. 85 27. 64 200'meters_-2=_==-* 4.14 34. 85 27. 67 300 meters____----- 3.73 34. 86 27. 72 500 meters. _------- 3. 63 34. 86 27. 73 800 meters________- 3082 34. 87 27.77 1,000 meters---__-- 3. 22 34. 88 27.79 1,200 meters__-___-- 2.92 34. 88 27. 81 if 500imeterse-- 2 — 2.92 34. 89 27. 82 208 Station 967; July 28; depth, 3,386 meters; lat. 59°18’ Ne long. 54°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.602 meters MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station oth uly 29; depth, 2,745 meters; lat. 61°31’ Temper- | salinit y Bae a) | (960) a Oumeters 2 2-2 > 9.30 34. 50 26. 69 20)moeterss=_2- sees 8.38 34. 58 26. 91 SOIMeters= eee = 5. 96 34. 72 27. 36 100 meters__..-_--- 4.34 34. 85 27. 64 150 meters___- 3 4.14 34. 86 27. 68 200 meters____----- 4.03 34. 87 27.70 300 meters.._-.---- 3. 83 34. 87 27.71 500 meters___-.--_- 3. 32 34. 87 27.77 800 meters__._...-- 3. 32 34. 87 20.070 S00imetersas enone 3.12 34, 87 27.79 15000) meters2= =.=. 3.12 34. 89 27. 80 1,200 meters_.-____- 3.02 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters_--__._- 3. 02 34. 89 27. 81 Station 958; July 29; depth, 3,340 meters; lat. 58°58’ N., long. 54°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.576 meters O:meter: —2 =. -=..--- 9. 90 34. 80 26. 83 20 meters_ poe 9.19 34. 84 26. 98 GO0/imoters 2225 = 5.77 34. 84 27.47 100 meters____.-_-- 4. 54 34. 86 27. 63 150);meters2=26-.223 4.34 34. 87 27. 66 200 meters._..=...- 4.13 34. 88 27.69 300 meters.______-- 3.73 34. 88 27.73 500 meters__._____- 3. 53 34. 89 27.77 S00 metersse 2222 ee 3.12 34.90 | ~ 27.82 1,000 meters__.__.- 3. 12 34. 90 £27. 82 1,200 meters__-_-_. oS 2.92 34. 90 27. 83 1,500 meters_.._.-- 2. 92 34. 90 27. 83 Station 959; July 29; depth, 3,065 meters; lat. 60°37’ N., long. 54°44’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.660 meters Oinieters+=- <5. 52-2 9. 80 34. 40 26. 55 20;meters=-2 22.2.2 9. 40 34. 41 | 26. 62 5Oihmeters>.222. 2. _ 4. 86 34. 55 27.35 100 meters____.---- 4. 54 34. 70 27. 50 150 meters-____._.-- 4, 54 34. 80 27. 58 200 meters__...--_- 4. 54 34. 87 27. 64 300 meters__..-__-- 4.13 34. 87 27. 69 500 meters_____---- 3. 93 34. 88 Pi BLP? 800 meters -_.-.-_.. 3. 63 34. 88 27. 74 1,000 meters__._--- 3. 32 34. 88 27.77 1,200 meters_-_._--- 3.2 34. 90 27.81 1,500 meters. -__---- 3. 02 34. 90 27.82 Station 970; July 29; depth, 2,983 meters; lat. 60°57’ N., long. 55°02’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.648 meters Onmeterss- so 9. 40 34. 46 26. 66 20 meters. . =.=... 7.98 34, 42 26. 88 SOlmoeterss222-2 83 5. 96 34. 65 27. 30 100 meters________- 5.35 34. 82 27. 51 150 meters_.._..__- 4,94 34. 88 27. 60 20 meterss2 225 se 4.74 34. 93 27. 68 300 meters__._._._- 4. 53 34. 94 27.70 500 meters___.___-- 3. 93 34. 90 27.73 800 meters__...__-- SnDZ 34. 89 27.76 1,000 meters_--_____ 3. 32 34. 89 27.78 1,200 meters____-__ 3. 22 34. 89 27.79 1,500 meters_..___- 3. 02 34. 89 27.81 1,800 meters_..____ 3. 02 34. 90 27. 82 N., long. 55°02’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.630 meters Temper- ws Depth ature Brae ct Cony ey, 9. 80 34. 37 26. 51 8.78 34. 35 26. 56 4.13 34. 55 27. 43 4.03 34. 80 27. 63 150 meters......__- 4.13 34. 88 27. 69 200 meters__-____._ 4. 33 34.91 27.70 S00}meterssanaeeeee 4.13 34. 92 27.72 500 meters...______ 3.93 34. 90 27. 73 800 meters..______- 3. 52 34, 89 27. 76 1,000 meters_______ 3. 32 34. 89 27.78 1,200 meters. .___.- 3.12 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters.._____ 3. 02 34. 89 27. 81 Station 972; July 30; depth, 2,882 meters; lat. 61°55’ N., long. 54°40’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.650 meters 0)meter-=2—-=ss55-— 9. 50 34. 35 26. 55 20imetersose) sae 8. 59 34. 37 26. 71 50 meters_........- 5.05 34. 57 27. 35 100:meters: 2s 4.84 34, 82 27. 57 150 meterss22=2.2= 4.74 34. 88 27. 63 200 meters._______- 4, 63 34. 91 27. 66 300 meters____..._- 4.33 34. 92 27.70 500 meters..__-__._ 3.93 34. 90 27. 73 800 meters__.__--.. 3.73 34. 89 27.74 1,000 meters 3. 62 34. 89 27.77 1,200 meters 3.42 34, 89 27.80 1,500 meters. .....- 2.92 34. 89 27. 82 Station 973; July 30; depth, 2,791 meters; lat. 62°08’ N., long. 54°07’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.642 meters Olmeter:—22-s2--= 9. 60 34. 46 26. 62 20;metersi2ae see 8. 59 34. 44 26.77 50imeters22222" 52 6. 36 34. 72 27. 30 100 meters.________ 4.74 34. 82 27. 58 160imeters2-22---—— 4. 33 34. 83 27. 63 200 meters____.._-- 4. 33 34. 88 27. 67 300 meters___.-.-_- 4.13 34. 89 27.70 400 meters___.._--- 3. 93 34. 90 27.73 800 meters_____.._- 3. 52 34. 89 27.77 1,000 meters__.____ 3. 52 34. 89 27.77 1;200;meters = 222-2 3.12 34. 88 27. 80 1,500 meters_-__.-_- 3.02 34. 88 27.81 Station 974; July 30; depth, 2,755 meters; lat. 62°12’ N., long. 53°22’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.664 meters Ojmeter--.-2 oes 8. 50 33. 65 26. 16 20 meters__..._.-_- 7. 57 34, 24 26. 76 HOhmeters2— = seen 4.95 34. 69 27. 45 100): meters-—222=-— 4. 64 34. 81 27. 57 150mmeterse. soa 4.74 34. 87 27. 62 200 meters_______-- 4.74 34. 89 27. 64 300 meters_.-..___- 4. 53 34. 93 27. 69 500 meters.__.____- 4. 53 34. 92 27. 69 800 meters._____--- 3. 73 34. 89 27.75 1,000 meters______- 3. 42 34. 87 27. 76 1,200 meters. .___-- 3.32 34. 87 27. 78 1,500 meters. _.-.-- 3.12 34. 88 27. 80 OE DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 975; July 30; depth, 2,745 meters; lat. 62°24” a long. 52°47’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.675 meters 209 Station 980; Aug. 2; depth, 819 meters; lat. 63°50’ wee long. 53°15’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.797 meters Temper : Salinity ep Co) | (960) gs Oimeter:--2 205.2 7.30 33. 49 26. 21 AUANCLErS==-2--22=- 5. 67 33. 96 26. 79 60imoeters=..--....- 4.35 34. 47 27.33 100 meters_____-.-- 5. 36 34. 82 27. 51 150 meters___..---- 5.15 34. 88 27. 58 200: meters.=-....=- 5.15 34. 93 27. 62 300 meters......... 5.05 34.95 27. 65 500 meters__._.___- 4.54 34. 93 27. 69 800 meters__._.-_--- 3.73 34. 92 27. 76 1,000 meters_-_-__-_-- 3. 42 34. 90 27.78 1,200 meters. -_--_--- 3.32 34. 89 27.79 1,500 meters. ___.-- 3.12 34. 89 27. 80 Station 976; July 30; depth, 2,150 meters; lat. 62°37’ N a long. 52°12’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.804 meters Ojmeter-—-----==--- 5.70 33. 04 26. 06 20imeters==-_-- _-- 2.76 33. 04 26. 37 BOlmeterss--- 222-2 2.16 33. 30 26. 62 LOOlmeters:=--2-2 = 2. 96 34. 20 27. 27 150 meters__...---. 4. 37 34. 59 27. 44 200 meters__-..---- 4.89 24. 72 27.49 ALO 0) cents eh ce 4.99 34. 83 25. 57 500 meters-__-__...-- 4, 88 34. 91 27. 64 800 meters_-___.---- 4. 37 34. 93 27. 71 1,000 meters____--- 3.97 34. 91 27.74 1,200 meters__-_-_--- PTE 34.90 27.75 1,500 meters-_--_-.-- 3. 26 34. 89 27.79 Station 977; July 31; depth, 329 meters; lat. 62°45’ Ne long. 51°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.869 meters Opmoeter==+ 2. =-== 2. 5.80 32. 42 25. 56 lbiameters! 222-225... 4.79 32. 47 25. 71 S0;metars-—=--5--= 3.79 32. 88 26.15 60;meterss_-=-=-=52 2. 38 33. 46 26. 73 100 meters_-___.-..- 3.18 33. 85 26. 97 150 meters___-_---- 2. 78 34. 11 PAL 922 200 meters_ 3. 38 34. 34 27. 34 230 meters: ==... -. 3.18 34. 45 27.45 300 meters___-.-.-- 4. 38 34. 67 27. 50 Station 978; July 31; depth, 275 meters; lat. 62°54’ Nes long. 51°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.926 meters Owuelerc=--=2-=->55 7. 70 32. 08 25. 04 PG MeLErSs! 42 --- 22> 3. 97 32.15 25. 54 a0meters-=.- 2225-6 2.96 32. 25 25. 71 50 meters........-- 1.76 32. 43 25. 95 SO meters=- 22-5 2 22 1555 33. 02 26. 43 100 meters_ a 1. 65 33. 30 26. 65 130 meters_ = 2. 55 33. 76 26. 95 180 meters__..-_--- 3. 55 34. 29 27. 28 230 meters_-.-.---- 3.35 34. 45 27. 44 Station 979; Aug. 1; depth, 111 meters; lat. 64°01’ A Me 52°25’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.949 meters Oaaeters: 82255502 2. 7. 30 30. 75 24. 07 Lbneters.2=- == 2=-- 4.78 32.07 25. 39 30 meters._-___----- 4.07 32. 83 26. 08 60 meters___-__---- 3.45 33. 08 26. 34 100 meters_-_-..---- 1.74 33. 25 26. 60 Temper ria Depth ature acyl ot (C C. ) 0 Oimeter: =. 2-22. <- 7.00 32.47 25. 45 20 meters_........- 3. 56 33. 04 26. 29 50 meters_____..._- 2.35 33. 65 26. 88 100imoters-2 2223-28 2. 64 34.15 27. 26 200 meters_..._-___ 3. 54 34. 64 27. 56 300 meters_-__-__-_-- 4. 54 34. 79 27. 58 500 meters_____-_-- 4.94 34. 90 27. 62 750 meters__....-.- 4, 54 34. 92 27. 68 Station 981; Aug. 2; depth, 1,336 meters; lat. 63°41’ Ne long. 53°53’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.700 meters Ojmeters== see 7. 50 33. 68 26. 33 20 meters..._..._-- 7. 00 33. 73 26.45 pOmmeters:-2=— 2. -22 6. 38 34. 43 27.07 100 meters_____-__-- 4, 84 34. 61 27, 40 150 meters________- 4.13 34. 70 27. 55 200 meters___-_-_-- 4.13 34. 76 27. 60 300 meters__.__---- 4, 33 34. 88 27. 67 500 meters_.--...-- 4.33 34. 94 Pap? oonmeters= =. 2-—- 4.13 34. 94 27. 74 800 meters_-__....-.- 4.03 34. 94 27. 75 1,000 meters- ------ 3. 63 34. 91 27.77 1,200 meters. __---- 3. 33 34. 88 27. 78 Station 982; Aug. 2; depth, 1,335 meters; lat. 63°34’ Ne long. 54°36’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.705 meters Oimoeter---==52=-=2- 7.70 33. 41 26. 09 20imieters=se.- -= 22 4.65 33. 42 26. 48 50 meters__.....--- 4, 43 33. 98 26. 95 100 meters-........ 4. 53 34. 54 27. 38 150 meters_- aS 4. 54 34. 70 27. 50 200 meters_ 4, 43 34, 77 27. 57 300 meters_ 4.33 34. 86 27. 66 500 meters- -- 4.03 34. 90 27.72 800 meters__..--.-- 3. 73 34. 91 27. 76 1,000 meters_-..---- 3. 23 34. 88 27. 78 Station 983; Aug. 2; depth, 1,446 meters; lat. 63°25 N., long. 55°28’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.754 meters Ommeters==--"-. 22-2 7. 60 33. 42 26.11 20bmetersse.=-—2——— 6. 39 33. 44 26. 30 oOliMeterss2s2=- 2 S- 5. 67 33. 88 26. 73 100 meters_-_------- 4.76 34. 43 27. 27 150imeters:-=—--2-— 4.14 34. 63 27.49 200 meters-_-------- 4.14 34. 71 27. 55 300 meters_-------- 4.44 34. 83 27. 62 500 meters_-------- 4. 54 34. 93 27. 69 800 meters_-__------ 4.03 34, 92 27.73 1,000 meters---_---- 3.73 34. 91 27. 76 1,200 meters_------ 3. 43 34. 90 27. 78 Station 984; Aug. 3; depth, 2,253 meters; lat. 63°10’ N., long. 56°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.669 meters Ometer: === 8.00 33. 47 26. 09 20'meters==2 25-225 6. 26 33. 50 26. 36 50)meters--==5-=--- 3. 84 34. 16 27.15 100 meters_-..----- 3.13 34. 65 27. 54 150 meters_--_------ 3. 73 34. 75 27. 62 200 meters...--.--- 3.93 34. 82 27. 66 300 meters.......-- 4. 33 34, 90 27. 69 500 meters._.....--.- 4. 33 34, 95 27.73 800 meters_._.----- 3. 73 34, 94 27.77 1,000 meters. --.---- 3. 63 34. 92 27. 78 1,200 meters: - .-_--- 3. 42 34, 91 27.79 1,500 meters_.----- 3.12 34, 91 27. 82 210 Station 985; Aug. 3; depth, 2,187 meters; lat. 62°56’ N., long. 57°34’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.688 meters Temper- Salinity aie way | (960) As Ohmeter. 472 Sees 8. 20 33. 62 26.18 2HimMeLers=s nee 7.79 33. 63 26. 24 50 meters_-.-_.--_--- 3.43 34, 21 27. 23 100 meters________- 3. 33 34. 59 27. 54 150 meters. --__----_- 3. 53 34. 71 27. 62 200 meters_______-__ ale: 34. 75 27. 63 300 meters_______-_- 3. 93 34. 82 27. 66 500 meters__-______- 4.03 34. 89 27. 71 800 meters________- 3.83 34. 92 27. 76 1,000 meters______- 3. 62 34. 91 27.77 1,200 meters_____-_- 3. 32 34. 90 27.79 1,500 meters_______ 33527) 34. 89 27. 80 Station 986; Aug. 3; depth, 1,280 meters; lat. 63°48’ N., long. 57°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.747 meters Oumnoter®s = ss 8. 50 33. 53 26. 07 20hmeterss ee se 5, 98 33. 54 26. 42 50;meters) +2222 == leas 33. 79 27. 08 100 meters__-_____-- 3. 03 34. 18 P4683) L50h;meterssos-=—- —— M5783 34. 47 27.45 200/meters._2- ==. .- 3.43 34. 58 27. 53 300 meters-_--_______ 3. 73 34. 69, 27. 59 500!meters:=- ===. 4.13 34. 83 27. 65 600 meters________- 4.03 34. 85 27. 68 800 meters_____-__- 3. 82 34. 90 27.74 1,000 meters______- 3. 62 34. 90 27. 76 1,200 meters______- 3. 22 34. 88 27.78 Station 987; Aug. 4; depth, 641 meters; lat. 64°34’ N., long 57°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.770 meters Oimeter.o-- ets 8. 50 33. 68 26.18 20) meters_2_= === 2. 8. 30 33. 76 26. 27 SOMMBLEIS! 5 2—— == =~ 6. 78 33. 91 26. 61 100 meters________- 4.74 34. 08 27. 00 150 meters... ..-_--- 3.13 34, 21 27.27 200 meters.-.------ 2.52 34. 35 27. 43 300 meters_________ 3. 12 34. 62 27. 59 400ameters=-- ==. = Bhay4 34.75 27. 67 500 meters_--_-_-_-_-- 3.12 34. 81 27. 74 600 ‘meters: -----_ =- 3. 12 34. 81 27. 74 Station 988; Aug. 4; depth, 659 meters; lat. 65°17’ N., long. 57°27/ W.; dynamic height, 1, 454.754 meters. Onneterz222—2=-—-- 4. 20 32. 35 25. 67 CUIMCLOLS 22 sean = 5. 20 33, 28 26. 31 SOnmeters 2 soe 1. 36 33. 68 26. 98 100 meters_-___.--- —.25 34. 00 27. 33 L5Oimeters. 2222 . 05 34. 16 27. 44 200 meters________-_ 1.05 34. 33 27. 53 300 meters_________ 2.16 34. 53 27. 60 4200 meters, 225222" 2.46 34. 59 27. 62 500 meters________- 2. 46 34. 59 27. 62 600 meters________- 2.46 | 34. 60 27. 63 Station 989; Aug. 4; depth 650 meters; lat. 65°27’ N., long. 56°55" Wes dynamic height, 1,454.741 meters MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 990; Aug. 4; depth 630 meters; lat. 65°43’ N. ie) long. 56°29’ W.; - dynamic height, 1 454, 746 meters Temper- Depth ature Sra ot (2G.) 7 0) Onmeter 2-2 asa 7.00 33. 25 26. 06 20 ITGCerS =e 6. 38 33. 63 26. 45 oQumeters.: eee 3. 57 33.95 27.01 100imeters. =.= 1.46 34. 23 27. 42 150 meters________- 1. 56 34. 37 27. 52 Ove TCTs! = sae 2.46 34. 48 27. 54 200 hmeters: asus 2.76 34. 52 27. 55 300 meters_________ 3. 56 34. 68 27. 59 400 meters________- 3. 96 34. 76 27. 61 500 meters_________ 3. 96 34. 76 27.61 600 meters_________ 4.06 34. 78 27. 62 Station 991; Aug. 4; depth, 206 meters; lat. 65°59’ N., long. 55°40! W:: dynamic height, 1, 454.765 meters Olmeters-—= sae 4. 80 33. 46 26. 50 loimieterss) sees 4.49 33. 42 26. 50 BOMMeLErS=. =e 2. 98 33. 45 26. 68 60ineters2= 1.97 33. 67 26. 93 100imeters= 2255s LS ee 33. 95 Qian’, i20imeterss= =e 1. 97 34. 08 27. 26 150 meters________- Pay | 34. 27 27. 36 i/DsMeters=— =e 2. 87 34. 37 27, 42 Station 992; Aug. 5; depth, 200 meters; lat. 66°13/30/’ long. 55°05’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.750 meters Ouneter2222- ese 5.10 33. 59 26. 57 LowMelersee oe eee 5.10 33. 62 26. 59 S0imeterse=-- 2a 4.18 33. 73 26. 78 50)meterste 2-222 (3. 32) 33. 90 26. 99 60ameters: 2 === 2. 56 33. 92 27. 08 100 meters________- 1.86 34. 09 27. 27 ZO IMEtErS sane 1. 96 34.18 27. 34 150 meters_________ 1. 76 34. 23 27. 40 L7Ganeterssese 1.76 34, 28 27. 44 Station 993; Aug. 5; depth, 55 meters; lat. 66°20’ N. long. 54°15! W.; dynamic height, 1 454. 810 meters * Ometeres See 5. 70 31. 46 24.71 1O:meterss 2-322 5. 70 31. 52 24, 86 20‘mMeLerss se ee 5.39 32. 53 25: 69 30)meters{2- 222 => 3. 98 33. 05 26. 27 420 meters’ ss. ees 3.17 33, 28 26. 52 OO MEterss222—2- 2. 87 33. 38 26. 63 Station 994; Aug. 5; depth, 20 meters; lat. 66°22’ N., long. 53°50’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.803 meters Olmeters. =. 2222222 4. 80 31.99 25. 34 OuMeters s S-- == 4.70 32.07 25. 41 1Okmeters: == 2223 4. 40 32. 35 25. 66 USimeters’ S254 4. 30 32. 40 25. 71 ZO0MOTELS: == 282-22 4.19 32.41 25. 73 Station 995; Aug. 7; depth, 461 meters; lat. 68°19’ N., Osmoters= See 5. 30 32. 80 25. 92 20;amoeters: 2. ==... 5. 20 33. 36 26. 38 o0smeters. 22 ee) 2.09 33. 94 27.14 100 meters! = 22. 1.48 34. 21 27.41 150 meters______._- 1.89 34, 35 27.49 200 meters_________ 2.49 34. 49 27. 54 300 meters________- 3, 29 34. 65 27. 60 400 meters_________ 3.79 34. 76 27. 63 500 meters____.___- 3.79 34. 76 27. 63 600 meters_________ 3.89 34. 79 27. 64 long. 55°14’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454. 685 meters Omnieter==: --- Ss 4. 90 33. 22 26. 30 20 neers! _ =) sess 4.79 33. 27 26. 35 bOlMeters=22 ese" —.25 33. 55 26. 97 100 meters________- —.25 34. 01 27. 34 150 meters_____-__- . 66 34. 22 27. 46 200 meters________- 1, 37 34, 33 27. 50 300 meters_________ 2.07 34. 42 27. 52 400 meters: 23 22 2. 57 34, 47 27. 52 430 )meters. 2s 2. 67 34. 48 27. 52 450 meters________- 2. 67 (34. 48) 27. 52 DAVIS Station 996; Aug. 7; depth, 500 meters; lat. 68°25’ N., long. 54°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454,728 meters Temper- quake Depth ature Soret ot (Cc )) %%o) MMO LORee es. oS 5.10 33. 14 26, 22 15 meters...-.=.--- 5. 20 33. 18 26. 24 30 meters....-..--- 4,89 33. 30 26. 37 40 meters.._-_-_--- 2.76 33. 30 26. 58 GOimeters=- 2 —=--=- —.24 33. 61 27.01 100 meters____-___- .95 33. 92 27. 20 TeOmmeterst a= 2== == 95 34. 10 27.30 200)meters._-.=..-- .95 34. 20 27. 43 300 meters-__-_----- 1. 56 34. 28 27.44 Ad50imeters:-—-.=- -- 1. 66 (34. 29) 27. 45 475 meters__-_.-.-.- 1.86 34, 32 27. 45 Station 997; Aug. 7; depth, 316 meters; lat. 68°30’ N., long. 53°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.781 meters Olmeters-=-=-.=---= 4. 60 32. 72 25. 93 lowmeters=—-2+ 2-2 =. 4. 80 33.19 26. 29 30)meters_-.--...-- 4.19 33. 28 26. 41 GOimoeters== ==2—--=- 3.18 33. 47 26. 67 LOOimeterst: _——- = 2. 28 33. 68 26. 91 150}meters2_2=- --=- ee 33. 90 27.13 200) moters:-—------- 1.47 34. 08 27. 29 BOOWNELETS22=2S_ = -< 1.57 34.18 27. 36 Station 998; Aug. 7; depth, 799 meters; lat. 68°55’ N., long. 53°25’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.756 meters Gimeter-- == 222-2. = 7.40 32. 76 25. 62 20smeters=- == =~. 3. 97 33. 08 26. 29 Ol meters= 2 --<-~--- 1.35 33. 32 26. 69 100 meters -------- 64 33. 66 27.01 200 meters-__------- «74 34. 08 27. 34 240 meters____-_--_- 1.45 34. 22 27. 40 300 meters__------_- 15 34. 24 27. 44 400 meters_-_--_----- 1.55 34. 32 27.47 600 meters__-----_- 1.85 34. 35 27. 48 Woo meters. -.-=.=.- 1.95 34. 36 27. 48 Station 999; Aug. 7; depth, 250 meters; lat. 69°09’ N., long. 53°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.781 meters Ouarietens 2 25-25 8. 20 32. 70 25. 46 W5imeterss == 2==-=- = 3.97 33. 00 26. 23 30 meters---------- 3. 46 33.25 26. 45 GOumeters: 22 - oe 1.32 33. 55 26. 88 100 meters_-_------- . 92 33. 88 27.17 150 meters. -.=----- wf2 34. 06 27. 32 180 meters_-_._---_- (. 70) 34. 08 27. 34 240 meters__--_---_- . 92 34. 14 27. 38 Station 1000; Aug. 8; depth, 557 meters; lat. 69°12’ N., long. 52°49’ W. 7.30 31. 53 24. 67 3.96 33. 13 26. 32 215 33. 42 26. 72 34 33. 71 27. 06 —.07 33. 89 27.23 13 34. 01 27. 32 1.14 34.15 27. 37 94 34.17 27.41 1. 44 34. 23 27. 42 1.74 34. 29 27. 45 450 meters_-_-_------ 1, 84 34. 30 27. 45 ZO Meters. _....... 1.94 34. 33 27.47 STRAIT AND LABRADOR 211 Station 1001; Aug. 8; depth, 492 meters; lat. SEA 69°12! N., long. 52°13’ W, Temper- | gyn; Depth ature aire ot (°C.) %%0) O Meter eee 9. 60 32. 45 25. 05 20 meters_______- =i 3. 54 33. 22 26. 43 60 :meterss- =. == 5 = uh 33. 61 27. 00 100 meters________- —.09 33. 85 27. 20 150 meters_-___-_-_- Sal 34. 00 27.31 200 meters_____--__ avi! 34. 13 27.38 300 meters________- 1, 52 34. 26 27. 44 400 meters.________ 1. 82 34. 31 27.46 450 meters._______- 1.92 34. 33 27. 48 Station 1002; Aug. 8; depth, 410 meters; lat. 69°11’ N., long. 51°42’ W. Omneterzao. eee 9. 60 32. 45 25. 05 1b;meters== <==. =- = 6.77 33. 41 26. 35 HOMMELCTS2. os 2-2 —.07 33. 83 27.18 100meters=_.-2--.- .42 34. 02 27.31 150imeters==--=---= apy? 34. 14 27.35 200 meters-_----_-- - 1.72 34. 20 27. 38 250’ meters_._...--_- 1. 62 34, 22 27. 40 300)meters—=—- == =-. 1,42 34, 23 27.41 350: meters_-_.-_--_- 1. 62 34. 26 27. 42 400moeterss 2. =! 425. 1.72 34, 28 27. 43 Station 1003; Aug. 8; depth, 250 meters; lat. 69°12’ N., long. 51°10’ W. Oimeters= =o 1.00 32. 29 25. 89 15 meters_,-------- —.22 32. 52 26. 14 BOhmeters2s2---s2- - —.02 32. 94 26.47 60 meters_-_-_--_----- 1.19 33. 44 26. 81 90imeters==-=--.--= 2.19 33. 71 26.95 140 meters________- 2.19 33. 93 27.11 190 meters____----- 2. 08 34. 04 27. 21 240)imeters: —=-====-= .79 34.15 27. 40 2o0)meters===2.-=-- wit 34.15 27. 40 Station 1004; Aug. 11; depth, 131 meters; lat. 7 0°14’ N., long. 52°42’ W. Opmeters= set 3. 60 31.03 24. 60 V6smeters-2----=--= 1.98 32. 20 25.75 aometers==— == ==— 1.08 32. 79 26. 28 50 meters_--__------ «Ot 33. 16 26. 61 VDRO LOLSe =e 37 33. 43 26. 84 100 meters____----- 17 33. 66 27. 04 125 meters_------ = 17 33. 83 27.17 Station 1005; Aug. 11; depth, 500 meters; lat. 70°12’ N., long. FP Myf Owmneter.2=2—2 2-222" 3. 20 31. 08 24. 67 Di Meterss- ses) == 3. 10 31.49 25. 00 60/moeters-2-..-==- - 2.18 32. 50 25. 98 100 meters=2===-=—- . 67 33. 61 26. 97 150 meters.-=222 2. = —.04 33. 83 27.18 200 meters--------- —. 04 33. 97 27. 29 300 meters-__-------- .47 34. 13 27.40 400 meters_-------- . 67 34, 21 27. 46 475 meters-<._-=--= oda 34, 22 27. 46 Station 1006; Aug. 11; depth, 150 meters.; lat. 70°09! N., long. 52°55’ W. Oimeter 222-2-===- > 3. 80 32. 35 25. 72 15 smeters=2-2-————- 3. 30 32. 68 26. 03 B0MmMetersh=—=-=25-— 1. 39 33. 20 26. 59 bOLMeterS sea . 98 33. 55 26.91 (OMELEES: = === === aly 33, 69 27. 06 100 meters________- .07 33. 77 27.13 125 meters__._=--- —.03 33. 83 27.18 150 \meterss-=s= ==. —.03 (33. 87) 27.21 212 Station 1007; Aug.13; depth, 60 meters; lat. 69°20’ N., long. 54°08’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.737 meters Temper- aos Depth ature crap ct °C.) 0) Opmeter 22-22 5. 30 33. 22 26. 25 10:meters= 222" == — 5. 40 33. 36 26. 36 25umetersas= 22225") 4.79 33. 41 26. 46 40 meters_-2._.-..- 3.98 33. 50 26. 62 OO;meters= 255222555 2. 97 33. 61 26. 79 55 meters_-._..---- 1. 86 33. 66 26. 93 6Oimetersta = ess 1. 66 (33. 73) 27.00 Station 1008; Aug. 13; depth, 127 meters; lat. 69°12’ N., long. 54°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.720 meters Ormeters:222- 2522 e 5. 50 33. 38 26. 35 20imMeLETS=-_.--- ==. 5. 70 33. 45 26. 38 A40;moters: 22225. —= 1.75 33. 61 26. 89 6Oimetersss-222 2 —. 56 33. 75 27. 14 80 meters_.-._----- —. 66 33. 81 27.19 LO0imetersta-=== = —.26 33. 90 27. 25 HH5metersz=2---——— —.16 33. 92 27. 26 Station 1009; Aug. 13; depth, 187 meters; lat. 69°05’ N., long. 55°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.722 meters O:meter..-==2--.-==: 5. 20 33. 46 26. 46 20imoters=--22-2-.-- 5. 60 33. 49 26. 43 A0'imoeters2s. 52-2... 1. 54 33. 58 26. 88 60) meters_..._-.... —.37 33. 68 27.07 100/meterss2222---- —.47 33. 83 27, 20 15imeters=)- 2. so-— —.37 (33. 85) PUPAL 140 meters__...---- —.27 33. 88 27. 24 i Onnetersseneon nee —.17 33. 90 27. 25 180 meters_....---- —.07 33. 91 Ze 25 Station 1010; Aug. 13; depth, 177 meters; lat. 68°56’ N., long. 56°10’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.716 meters Oimeter:22=-2-522-- 5.10 33. 61 26, 59 20imoeters2-225---2 5. 20 33, 62 26. 58 40 meters___..-.--- 2.97 33, 67 26. 85 60 meters__..------ —.47 33. 74 20,12 90; meters..-.=-.--- —.37 33. 86 222 130 meters-__.-.---- —.07 33. 91 27.20 VOhmeterss.2222--— . 24 33. 94 27. 26 Station 1011; Aug. 14; depth, 205 meters; lat. 68°49’ N., long. 57°07’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.712 meters Oimeter.-_-______ . 96 34. 13 27. 37 200 meters--_--._._- 1.76 34. 24 27. 40 Station 1014; Aug. 14; depth, 495 meters; lat. 67°58’ Ns long. 58°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.74 meters Oimeter.2 2 -- = 4.30 32. 40 25. 72 15jimetersi-seease 4. 30 32. 87 26. 09 30 meters_.__---.-- 4.10 33. 18 26, 35 50) metersi-- ease 2.97 33. 50 26. 71 100 meters_-_-____--_ 1.07 33. 91 27.19 150 meters______-_- 1.96 34. 16 27.39 200 meters____.___- i ayy 34, 28 27. 44 300 meters______-_- 2.17 34. 42 27. 51 375 meters._.._..-- 2.37 34, 47 27. 53 Station 1015; Aug. 14; depth, 659 meters; lat. 67°31’ N ms long. 58°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.743 meters Onmeter=22 =-a2 ee 2. 00 30. 79 26. 23 20 meters_-_-----_- . 08 32. 66 26, 24 40'metersa. 222 seee= —1. 64 33. 40 26. 89 60imeters222ese- == —1.74 33. 60 27. 06 100’ meters=_--=---=- —1.44 33. 80 27. 21 150 meters__...._-- —.73 33. 99 27. 34 200;metersie2s--e-= —.12 34. 11 27.41 300 meters_-_-_-.--.--- . 59 34, 28 27. 51 SD MMOTeISsae—— nee” . 69 (34. 33) 27. 56 400 meters___.--.-- 79 34. 36 27. 57 500 meters__.------ (. 00) 34. 38 27. 62 625imetersseeee ea (. 30) 34. 44 27. 65 Station 1016; Aug. 15; depth, 1,270 meters; lat. 67°13’ ae long. 59°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.725 meters O'meter--=--22-222- 1.50 30. 94 24. 68 ZOnnSters ses) see 1.10 32. 57 26. 11 40 meters___....--- —.81 33. 31 26. 80 60nnetersiae == —1. 22 33. 64 27. 08 100 meters___--.--- —1.21 33. 86 27. 25 150 meters_-.-..----- —.61 34. 00 27. 35 200 meters__----..- . 61 34, 12 27. 38 3800 meters_._....-_ 83 34. 30 27. 52 400 meters_-------- Abii) 34. 39 27. 62 500 meters____---._ - 45 34, 45 27. 66 800sneters==------- 30 34. 49 27.70 1,000 meters--_---- —.10 34. 49 27. 72 1,200 meters- ------ —.21 34. 49 27. 73 Station 1017; Aug. 15; depth, 935 meters; lat. 66°49 ’ N., long. 59°31’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.788 meters Onneter*< eee 1.50 29. 50 23. 52 20mieters:= 222222823 29 31. 60 25, 29 40 meters_-_--.----- -.71 32. 00 25. 73 60imeters-os2-=2-—= —1.82 33. 40 26. 90 100 meters--_------ —1.82 33. 65 27.11 150) meters ---=-=- —1. 62 33. 84 27, 25 200 meters--------- —1.32 33. 96 27. 34 300 meters.-------- —.81 34, 20 27.51 500 meters_-....---- -18 34. 42 27. 65 700 meters--------- .O1 (34. 47) 27. 70 900 meters---.----- —.20 (34. 49) 27. 72 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1018; Aug. 15; depth, 750 meters; lat. 66°36’ N., long. 59°34’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.839 213 Station 1023; Aug. 17; depth, 450 meters; lat. 65°01’ N e long. 59°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.760 meters meters Temper- Salinit y Benth oy | (960) e Ohmeter: 2 22.22-5- —0. 20 29. 39 23. 50 20imeters:=2.-5--=. —1.81 31. 60 25. 32 40 motersis22-_.. 25 —1.81 (32. 67) 26. 31 G0nmeters=sses 222 =5 —1.81 33. 22 26. 75 100 meters-_--....-- —1.81 33. 48 26. 96 150 meters_....-.-- —1.01 33. 68 27.12 200 meters_-.-.----- —.40 33. 86 Qie25 300 meters_-__...--- —.40 34. 08 27. 38 400;meters==- 22-5 . 00 34, 24 27. 50 BOO hmMeterss= 2 e—* . 40 34, 35 27. 58 700 meters......--- . 40 34. 41 27. 63 Station 1019; Aug. 16; depth, 530 meters; lat. 66°12’ N., long. 59°47’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.870 meters Oimneter== =e 22 === —0.10 29.19 23. 36 20; meterss=t=-2. 22. —1.21 31.97 25. 72 40imeters: = 2252-2 —1.61 32. 60 26. 24 60imeters=-=--2__=- —1.71 32. 92 26. 49 L0Ohmeters=222..-.— —1.81 33. 27 26. 79 150 meters__.-----_ —1.81 33. 57 27. 04 200 meters.-.------ —1.61 33. 76 27.19 300 meters_--...--- —1.01 34. 00 27. 36 400 meters_-_--_---- —.50 34. 16 27.47 500 meters...-.--.- —.10 34, 26 27. 53 Station 1020; Aug. 16; depth, 570 meters; lat. 65°54’ N., long. 59°26’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.889 meters Ometers2..5 22255. 0. 20 29. 36 23. 41 PU 00s] 1) ee —1.11 31.72 25. 43 40 ;meters- 2s 225-5 —1.51 32. 70 26. 32 GOimeters=. 2822-52 —1.71 33. 03 26. 60 TOO{meters==- ===. —1.81 33. 33 26. 84 T50;meters: 22222. —1.81 33. 58 27. 04 200 meters_-___.--_ —1.61 33. 76 27.19 300 meters_-._._..-- —.80 33.99 27. 35 400 meters_-__-..--- —.60 34. 15 27. 47 425 meters_-__..--_ —.50 (34. 20) 27. 48 500 meters_......-- —.30 34, 25 27. 54 Station 1021; Aug. 16; depth, 448 meters; lat. 65°37’ Bh gone 59°05’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.759 meters Oimeters25- 222 22--- 3. 40 31.85 25. 27 20 meters. = 22222 3. 70 32. 72 26. 02 40 meters___....--- . 58 33. 30 26. 72 60 meters__ —.83 33. 54 26. 98 100 meters_ —.93 33.77 27.17 150 meters_ —.32 33. 96 27. 30 200 meters_--___._ —.22 34, 09 27. 38 250 meters__.....__ .,79 34. 23 27. 46 300 meters__......- 1,40 34, 34 27.52 400 meters___.____- 1.70 (34, 54) 27. 64 425 meters_...----- 2.00 34. 58 27. 65 Station 1022; Aug. 16; depth, 425 meters; lat. 65°23’ Ne, long. 59°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.845 meters Onmneters- 2. 52.32. 2. 00 30. 69 24. 45 20 meters....._---- 2.90 31. 49 25. 02 40 meters__......__ .70 33, 11 26. 56 60: meters 2 2... —.93 33. 44 26. 90 100 meters_....-... —1.13 33. 72 27.14 50 meters: 5s.235-- —.83 33. 85 27. 23 200 meters__..._--- —.52 33. 95 27.30 250 meters__._.._-- —.22 34. 03 27. 36 300 meters__......- .19 34. 10 27.39 425 meters__..._..- . 69 34, 24 27. 47 Temper- | galinit y. agi oy | (60) | 0 meter-___- 2.70 30. 99 24. 68 20 meters-_- 2. 30 32. 49 25. 96 40 meters —.52 33. 35 26. 82 60 meters —1. 23 33. 57 27. 02 100 meters —1.33 33.77 27.19 150 meters__....--- —.93 33. 92 27. 32 200 meters__.___.-- —.21 34. 09 27. 40 300 meters__._..-.- . 98 34. 26 27.47 400 meters__..____- 2. 20 (34. 45) 27. 54 425 meters_......_- 2.60 34, 53 27. 57 Station 1024; Aug. 17; depth, 510 meters; lat. 64°35’ N aA long. 59°03’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.663 meters Otmeter=_2 3.2.2 0. 30 25. 86 23. 88 20'meters_.--.....- —1.42 33. 00 26. 56 40 meters_._._..._- —1.72 33. 56 27. 02 60)meters. = =. 2.- —1.72 33. 70 27.14 100 meters_..____-- —1.83 33. 90 27.31 150 meters_......-- —1.11 34. 09 27. 44 200 meters__...--_- —.40 34. 23 27. 52 300 meters___...--- 90 34. 42 27. 61 425 meters________- 90 (34. 50) 27. 68 450 meters__....--- 90 34, 53 27. 70 Station 1025; Aug. 17; depth, 625 meters; lat. 64°07’ N., long. 59°06’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.701 mneters Ommeter:-2<5-5-<:- 5. 20 32. 61 25. 68 20 meters_._-..---- 6. 12 33. 43 26. 32 40 meters_....--.-- —.35 Soe tlh 27.15 60 meters_....-.--- —.25 33. 93 27. 28 VOOmmetersi 22-2. - = . 45 34. 14 27. 40 150 meters__.....-- 2.76 34. 34 27. 47 200 meters__......- 2. 86 34. 49 27. 51 300 meters_-___.-.-- 3. 27 34. 62 27. 58 400 meters__-_--.-- 2.96 34, 65 27. 63 450 meters__-....--- 2. 56 (34. 66) 27. 66 600 meters__.....-- 1. 86 34. 67 27. 73 Station 1026; Aug. 17; depth, 407 meters; lat. 64°01’ N., long. 60°02’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.779 meters Ouneter=s2-- 2-22.22 2.90 30. 64 24. 34 20 meters__ 1. 06 32. 66 26. 18 40 meters_. —.84 33, 24 26. 74 60 meters_- —1. 45 33. 44 26. 93 100 meters_ —1. 65 33. 66 27.11 150 meters —1.75 33. 86 27.27 200 meters! sos 2-2 —.34 34. 06 27. 38 ZO MOLOrs a aneseee 1. 06 (34. 20) 27. 42 300 meters_-_-_-.-.-- 1. 36 34. 35 27. 52 400 meters_.-.----- 2. 36 34. 54 27. 58 Station 1027; Aug. 17; depth, 290 meters; lat. 63°56’ N., long. 60°46 W.; dynamic height, 1,454.826 meters 3.00 30. 41 24.15 20); Meterss. 2 s-== 4.80 32. 07 25. 40 40 meters___..___-- —1.15 32. 80 26. 39 60)meters==22- = —1. 25 33. 37 26. 86 100 meters__....._. —. 24 33. 63 27. 03 150 meters_.___.___ . 88 33. 87 27.17 200 meters_-.__..... 1, 28 34. 06 27. 29 270 meters__._._- - 1.78 34, 24 27. 41 214 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1028; Aug. 17; depth, 210 meters; lat. 63°52’ N., long. 61°25’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.827 meters Depth 60 meters-_ 80 meters_ 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters Station 1033; Aug. 18; depth, 263 meters; lat. 63°17’ N., long. 62°05’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.850 meters Salinity (960) Temper- | gajinit y meet ajare |" ao) | Olmeter: <2 =e 2.90 30. 98 24. 68 20 meters_____.-_-- 1.79 31. 58 25. 27 AQ)meters:- 2. 22e-— —1.13 32. 80 26. 40 60:meters2- 222 —1. 63 32.95 26. 53 LOOaneterss 2-22 = —1.73 33.19 26. 73 150 meters___-_.-.-- —1. 53. 33. 47 26. 96 LV DEMNOLELS= 2 == eee —1.33 (33. 63) 27.07 200 meters_____---- —1.13 33. 76 27.17 250 meters_-_--.----- . 38 34. 04 27. 33 Station 1029; Aug. 17; depth, 210 meters; lat. 63°48’ N., long. 62°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.856 meters Ouneterses- = 22 see 2.30 30. 18 24, 02 2OsMOeLers-oesee sce = 2.40 al. OL 25.17 40;moterss=5s2 2s 2 1. 68 32. 70 26.17 60nnetersS\ === —. 64 33. 16 26. 67 SOkmeters=e222- 20 —1. 26 33. 28 26.79 1O0immeters=22 2 2. == —1. 26 33. 39 26. 89 150meters: - 2. == —1.16 33. 62 27. 06 200 meters... ----- —1.06 33.79 27.19 Station 1030; Aug. 17; depth, 250 meters; lat. 63°44’ N., long. 62°44’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.871 meters OQumeteris.-=2- 3. 10 31.03 24. 70 Z0smeters= 2222" -- =e 1. 58 31. 65 25. 34 40imeters=2-2=2=- = —1. 25 32.75 26. 36 60)meters--=.----=- —1. 67 32. 81 26. 41 SOlmeterss- Sess. <= —1.77 33. 12 26. 67 100 meters____--___ —1.77 33. 26 26. 78 L25meters22- 2. —1. 67 33. 34 26. 85 L7owmeterss 22-2... —1. 46 33. 47 26. 95 2A00imeters==—* 32=_ 2 —1. 26 (33. 52) 26. 99 225 meters.__---.-- —1.16 33. 59 27. 03 Station 1031; Aug. 18; depth, 200 meters; lat. 63°41’ N., long. 63°21’ W.; dynamig height, 1,454.937 meters Qimeterss eee 3. 50 29. 90 23. 78 PAV 00) (2) foe ee 2. 38 31. 06 24.71 40) meters--— —.74 32. 36 26. 04 60 meters___ oe —1. 64 32. 90 26. 49 100 meters_-_ ae —1.85 32. 96 26. 54 125 meters___.....- —1.75 32. 97 26. 54 150 meters__- .-~._- —1.44 32. 98 26. 55 jsrMmeters=-- 2) —1. 24 32. 98 26. 54 Station 1032; Aug. 18; depth, 201 meters; lat. 63°29’ N., long. 62°43’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.908 meters 30. 92 31. 02 32. 07 32. 79 33. 06 33. 18 33. 28 33. 37 24. 57 24. 76 25. 81 26. 40 26. 62 26. 71 26. 80 26. 87 Station 1034; Aug. 18; depth, 302 meters; lat. 63°05’ N., long. 61°35’ W. dynamic height, 1,454.799 meters Oimeteree sss 3. 60 31. 24 24. 85 20) elersa=3 ae 2.78 31. 50 25. 13 40) meters: -=2-2 ee atte 33. 00 26. 47 60)\meters== 222 —1.03 33. 24 26. 75 80 meters) 52-22 —1.44 33. 28 26. 88 100 meters________- —1.44 33. 53 27.00 150 meters== = —1. 24 33. 87 27. 26 200 meters_____---- —1. 04 34. 16 27. 51 250'meters_22-2e--— —.93 (34. 36) 27. 65 300 meters_______-- —.83 34. 53 27.78 Station 1035; Aug. 18; depth, 650 meters; lat. 62°48’ N., long. 61°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.777 meters O;meter!==-=-25- 5. 60 32. 09 25, 26 20!meterse_ 22 = == 5.39 32, 44 25. 63 40: meters=-=---==— 3.78 33. 15 26. 36 60)moeters2-2-2- see 1.16 33. 51 26. 86 100 meters______--- 200 33. 83 27.15 150imetersssee==- = .85 34, 11 27. 36 200 meters_--_----- 1.16 34, 32 27.51 300 meters-_---_----- 5 34. 58 27. 67 400 meters_-_-_----- 2.16 34. 69 27. 73 600 meters_-..----- 2. 66 34. 74 27.72 Station 1036; Aug. 18; depth, 1025 meters; lat. 62°32’ N., long. 60°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.756 meters Oimeters= 24. sn2- se 8. 40 33. 78 26. 27 ZOIMetEIShae ee ee 8.10 33. 74 26. 29 40 meters_--_------- 2. 33 33. 80 27. 00 6Oimeters!= == il, 72 33. 89 27.12 LOOfmeterse === == 2. 23 34. 09 27. 24 200 meters--------- 3. 23 34, 59 27. 55 soonmeterss222=——— 3. 93 34. 77 27. 63 600 meters_--..-~-- 4. 03 34. 83 27. 67 700'metérs: =——-o.= = 3. 83 34. 85 Papi 900 meters__-_---_- 3.13 34. 86 27. 72 1,000 meters_-__--_--- 3. 63 34. 87 27. 74 Station 1037; Aug. 18; depth, 1,500 meters; lat. 62°19 N., long. 59°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.742 meters Oumeter- 4-5-2222 8. 40 33. 95 26. 40 20imeters=. 2 2==- == 8. 30 33. 97 26. 44 SOmMeters=——.--.-=- 7.69 34.15 26. 67 100 meters-_.-------- 3.74 34. 44 27.39 150 meters-_---.----- 3. 53 34, 63 27.55 200 meters-__------- 3.73 34. 74 27. 62 300 meters__-.----- 4. 04 34. 82 27. 66 500 meters_-------- 4. 04 34, 85 27. 68 800 meters_-------- 3. 84 34. 87 27.72 1,000 meters-- -_--- 3. 63 34, 87 27.74 1,200 meters- - - ---- 3. 43 34. 88 PLE 1,500 meters. - - ---- 3. 23 34, 88 27.79 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1038; Aug. 19; depth, 2,377 meters; lat. 62°07’ N. fe 58°41’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.677 meters Temper- eine Salinity Bepee way | (960) se Oineter-25. 52-22-22 8. 70 33. 82 26. 26 URMOLELS2 2522525 <6 8.70 34. 18 26. 54 DOMNELELS2 =e 2. - = (4. 70) 34. 43 27.10 1O0;moeters-=2- ==... - 3. 72 34. 65 27. 56 150 meters.-----+-- 3.72 34. 75 27. 63 200 meters-_-------- 3. 92 34. 81 27. 67 300 meters. -.------ 4,12 34. 86 27. 68 500!meters.-..- =... 3. 92 34. 87 27.72 800 meters_--_----- 3. 62 34. 88 27. 75 1,000 meters-_-.---- 3. 42 34. 89 27. 78 1,200 meters- --_--- 3. 32 34. 89 27.78 Station 1039; Aug. 19; depth, 2,377 meters; lat. 61°55’ N., long. 57°58’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.673 meters Oimeter:22 <2) >. - 9. 30 34. 41 26. 64 20\meters=_ ....-.-- 9.10 34. 41 26. 67 DO MOLEKS 5. aos >= 6. 57 34. 49 27.10 100 meters---.----.-- 3. 94 34. 67 27. 55 150 meters__------- 3. 52 34.75 27. 65 200'meters_....-... 3. 72 34. 80 27. 67 300 meters_-------.- 3. 93 34. 84 27. 68 500 meters_-_--_--_--- 3.72 34. 86 Qinda 800) meters. ._—- ==- 3. 52 34. 87 PAIS Ch: 1,000 meters_-___-_- 3. 42 34. 88 27.77 1,200 meters______. 3. 32 34. 88 PERMITS 1,500 meters_ ___-_- 3. 22 34. 89 27.78 Station 1040; Aug. 19; depth, 2,277 meters; lat. 61°23’ N., long. 58°49’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.657 meters Onneter: >= 2-2 - 9. 10 34. 38 26. 64 ZO RNGLOYS: 525-0 o 2 9. 00 34. 37 26. 65 50) meters: ._-_.__.- 7. 07 34. 41 26. 96 100 meters. = ----- = - 3. 93 34. 64 27. 52 L50hmierers: —----=- 3. 72 34. 77 27. 64 200 meters__-_----- 3. 82 34. 83 27. 68 300 meters__-----_- 3. 93 34. 88 peti 500 meters. ___----- 3.72 34. 89 27. 74 800 meters__--_--_--- 3. 42 34. 89 PBSC 1,000 meters_. -_-_-_- 3. 32 34. 89 27. 78 1,200 meters- -_-_-_- 3. 22 34. 89 27.79 Station 1041; Aug. 19; depth, 2,300 meters; lat. 61° 26’ N., long. 59°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.688 meters O;moeters= 45-2 2_+ =. 9.10 34.17 26. 48 OD MELOTS see 2 = 9. 00 34. 18 26. 50 BOumMeterss koe s--2 7. 28 34. 35 26. 89 100 meters-____-_._- 3. 93 34. 66 27. 54 150 meters________- 3. 72 34.77 27. 65 200 meters__--.__-- 3.72 34. 81 27. 68 300 meters_________ 4.04 34. 87 27. 69 500 meters-__._-____ 3. 93 34. 88 27. 72 800 meters-________- 3. 62 34. 89 27.75 1,000 meters_______ 3. 42 34. 89 PEM 1,200 meters_--_.--_ 3. 32 34. 88 27.78 Station 1042; Aug. 19; depth, 950 meters; lat. 61° orale long. 60°26’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.759 meters Gamieter. i. = 3252 8.10 33. 75 26. 30 POMS LEeVS—— =. +2 8.00 33. 74 26. 31 40 meters__________ 7.38 33. 90 26. 52 60:meters._..-.=-- 6. 57 34. 20 26. 87 100 meters_______-_- 3.33 34, 44 27. 28 150 meters________- 3.13 34. 60 27. 57 200 meters________- 3. 33 34. 70 27. 63 300 meters_____--_- 3.93 34, 82 27. 66 500 meters__.___.__ 3.93 34. 85 27. 69 800 meters__._.-.-- 3. 83 34. 85 27.70 215 Station 1043; Aug. 20; depth, 574 meters; lat. 61° 30’ N., long. 61°17’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.727 meters Temper- Pa Depth ature ety ot °C.) %%}0) Ojmeters-22-2 6. 20 33. 71 26. 53 20'meterss 5. 88 33. 79 26. 62 40;meters22 2 4. 34 33.90 26. 89 60'meters22-25 2.33 34. 03 27.18 100 meters________- 1. 93 34. 35 27. 48 150!meéters= 29s 3. 24 34. 61 27. 57 200 meters.________ 3. 54 34. 73 27. 63 300 meters__.______ 3. 74 34. 79 27. 66 500 meters____--.-_ 3. 74 34. 82 27. 69 Station 1044; Aug. 20; depth, 600 meters; lat. 61° 31’ N., long. 62°00’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.749 meters Oimeer.=- 2a 2. 4. 90 33. 34 26. 39 20sneters= == 2+ 4.59 33. 32 26. 41 40imotersa2- 2222-2 3. 37 33. 42 26. 61 60 meters_____-___- . 96 33. 60 26. 94 1OO\meters._- ==. -- . 36 34. 00 27. 30 150meters: == 222 --- . 46 34. 35 27. 58 200 meters__2---_.. ieee 34. 53 27. 63 300 meters_______-- 3. 27 34. 72 27. 66 500 meters._-__-_-_- 3.47 34.79 27. 69 Station 1045; Aug. 20; depth, 635 meters; lat. 61° 35’ N., long. 62°45’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.735 meters Olmeter-= +S 222» 7. 30 33. 74 26. 41 Ay Nevers == = 6.78 33. 72 26. 46 40hmMeters == = 4.07 33. 79 26. 83 60tmoeters_=2 >... 2. Deas 33. 94 27. 20 80 meters___-___- vA - 93 34. 12 27. 36 1OGimeterse--e=-.- 1, 24 34. 27 27. 47 1b0smmeters= = 22. 2. 64 34. 53 27. 56 200hmMeters-~ 2 —= = 3. 04 34. 64 27. 61 300 meters-_.-____- 3. 44 34. 72 27. 64 400hmeters 2. 3. 54 34.77 27. 67 500 meters_______-- 3. 64 (34. 80) 27. 68 600 meters____-_--- 3. 64 34. 80 27. 68 Station 1046; Aug. 20; depth, 535 meters; lat. 61° 39’ N., long. 63°18’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.744 meters Omneters!222---—— 6. 20 33. 69 26. 51 20 meters=-----=--- 5. 89 33. 67 26. 54 40 meters_____---_- 4.97 33. 67 26. 64 GOkmeters==4s2ss-— 1, 24 33. 79 27.07 100 meters___------ . 64 34. 18 27. 43 150imetersl_ 22> === 2.35 34. 49 27. 56 200 meters__------- 3.15 34. 62 27. 59 BOO meters: =_=-=- =. 3. 55 34. 73 27. 63 SOO MOetErS= == 3. 55 34.75 27. 64 500 meters__-_-_-_- 3. 65 34. 81 27. 69 Station 1047; Aug. 20; depth, 365 meters; lat. 61°39’ N., long. 63°58’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.772 meters Oimneters sas eee 5. 30 31.72 25. 06 20; meters). 2.2222. 3. 38 32. 75 26. 07 40 meters_-=--=-..- 2.05 33. 45 26. 75 60 meters: 222 =: . 44 33.71 27. 06 100 meters____-_--- —.17 34. 02 27. 34 150ihmeters==== === 1.15 34. 30 27. 50 200imeters: 32- 2-2 2. 65 34. 52 27. 55 250 meters______-__ 2. 85 34. 58 27. 58 300 meters_____---- 3.05 34. 66 27. 62 350 meters____----- 2. 55 34. 67 27. 68 216 Station 1048; Aug. 21; depth, 262 meters; lat. 61°17’ N., long. 64°39’ W. Temper- ees Depth ature Seliaty, ot (XO) 0. Oimoter:= 26> s222-.- 0.90 32. 63 26. 16 20imeters222=3 22-22 38 32. 83 26. 35 40'meters2o25==-2-- 28 32.95 26. 46 60 meters___._.---- 29 33. 05 26. 54 100 meters. -..-.-.- -29 33. 22 26. 67 150 meters____-.--- 23 33. 40 26. 83 200 meters_--_.----- a3 33. 47 26. 89 200 moeters=s—-e2 ee 19 33. 53 26. 93 Station 1049; Aug. 21; depth, 360 meters; lat. 61°04’ N., long. 64°46’ W. Qumeter--25 22.2222 1.00 32. 37 25. 96 20'meterss-22225--2 80 32. 31 25. 92 AQ;meters: = s-s-- = 38 32. 66 26. 22 60)meters==_=- =-5—— —.12 32. 88 26. 42 80 meters.....--.-- —.43 33. 04 26. 56 TOOnmeterssas-s= =o —.73 33. 18 26. 69 150 meters__...---- —.73 33. 51 26. 96 200 meters_.....--- .18 33. 77 27.12 250)meters-.-..-..- 18 33.95 27. 26 300 meters___..---. 38 34. 10 27. 38 325 meters_.--===.- 48 34.13 27. 40 Station 1050; Aug. 21; depth, 575 meters; lat. 60°53’ N., long. 64°43’ W. Oimeter===--2- one 1.90 32. 40 25. 92 ZONMNeELerS==n sense 1.79 32. 39 25. 92 40\meters-==-=2-_- 1.38 32. 55 26. 07 60 meters_.....--_- ~97 32.77 26. 28 100imeters! = 2222252 -16 33. 09 26. 58 150'meters---=-.==- —.34 33. 45 26. 89 200 meters_.....--- —. 24 33. 69 27.08 300 meters____.---- —. 24 33. 97 27.30 400 meters__._.---- - 36 34. 05 27. 34 475 meters____----- -36 34. 06 27.35 Station 1051; Aug. 24; depth, 65 meters; lat. 59°40’ N., long. 63°52’ W. O'meter2-25-222=-.22 3. 90 32. 02 25. 45 1OWmeterss= 2222 3. 69 "32.05 25. 50 20)meters--===-=.- 3.08 32. 10 25. 58 sOmeters=s22-2 e255 2.47 32.17 25. 69 40 meters_____----- 1.56 32. 42 25. 95 60'meters_2-----25— —.54 32. 88 26. 43 60 meters__-.-.--_- —1. 84 33. 36 26. 87 Station 1052; Aug. 24; depth, 43 meters; lat. 59°43’ N., long. 63°38’ W. O'meter_.----2-.2-. 2. 80 32. 30 25. 77 10'moters2s-—2 2235 2. 29 32. 33 25. 83 ZONMeters ese 2.18 32. 47 25. 95 BO;Mmeters.-=---—- <2 2.08 33. 00 26. 38 35:meters..--....-- 1.98 33. 40 26. 72 Station 1053; Aug. 24; depth, 152 meters; lat. 59°38’ N., long. 63°09’ W. O:meter:252-25-2--— 3. 30 32. 34 25. 76 2) meters? =2oss-5-- 1. 90 32. 37 25. 90 AQimeters. 2252225. . 76 32. 51 26. 08 60 meters Sin! -05 32. 75 26. 31 80 meters_- onan —.55 32. 87 26. 43 100 meters__-.----- —.85 32.91 26. 47 125 meters_.....--- —.95 32. 91 26. 48 150 meters....._-.- —.95 32. 92 26. 49 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1054; Aug. 25; depth, 102 meters; lat.5 8°52’ a long. 62°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.882 meters Temper- Salinity Depth roy (960) ot Quneters 2. 2 Ses 3. 20 32. 29 25. 73 10mmetersis 22a 2. 68 32. 27 25. 76 20imeters=- 2.22225 1. 86 32.35 25. 88 SOMTIOLEIS == aaa 1.45 32.45 25. 99 40;meters_.=-ssssee - 96 32. 50 26. 06 60imeters:2225 ee Ati 32. 55 26. 11 90\nieters- sesso . 55 32. 56 26. 13 Station 1055; Aug. 25; depth, 195 meters; lat. 58°53’ ae long. 62°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.917 meters 31. 93 O'tmeter2.2 2sceeeee 7. 60 24. 95 20;meterss= eee 4.96 31. 96 25. 30 S0;meterss.a sess 2. 45 82.05 25. 60 40;metersi2--s-=-e= eta 32. 14 25. 79 60 meters_.__------ —.08 32. 44 26. 07 80imeterssocee ee —.48 32. 63 26. 23 90 meters) 22-2 o —.58 (32. 71) 26. 30 100 meters._--.-_-- —.68 32. 78 26. 36 125 meters. =.=... —.68 32. 93 26. 48 150 meters...--____ —. 68 33. 08 26. 60 180 meters_....---- —.68 33. 10 26. 62 Station 1056; Aug. 25; depth, 149 meters; lat. 58°53’ No, long. 61°54’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.881 meters Osneters=—-= 5. 40 31.99 25. 26 20 INCLEIS2fsceneoe 4.88 32. 01 25. 33 AQ Meters sass see 2.34 32. 38 25. 87 60 meters__-_-...__ 34 32. 64 26. 20 SOmeterssas eee —.37 32. 82 26. 39 100 meters_...-.-._ —.77 33.00 26. 54 125 meters._._....= —.87 33. 03 26. 57 Station 1057; Aug. 25; depth, 150 meters; lat. 58°54’ aes long. 61°27’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.889 meters O:moeters-.-.£.-.2=2 6.00 32. 09 25. 28 20)Meterssane see ne= 5.39 32. 01 25. 29 40 meters-__- 2.33 32. 28 25.79 60 meters_-_ .13 32. 51 26. 11 80 meters_- —.37 BPP Al 26. 29 100 meters__ —.57 32. 88 26, 44 125 meters:o=.-.22- —. 67 33. 08 26. 60 140 meters__--...__ —.67 33. 14 26. 65 Station 1058; Aug. 25; depth, 190 meters; lat. 58°55’ N pA long. 60°54’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.840 meters Oimeter-.2-s5255-- 4. 80 32.05 25. 38 20imeters=--f 2-2-6 3.47 32.19 25. 63 40 moetersss-=2525-2 1.14 32. 62 26. 14 60 meters__.._..--- 34 32. 83 26. 36 S80)meters..2-3--2 5 14 32. 94 26. 47 125 meters.-_..----- . 04 33. 18 26. 65 140) meters. 22 2 a= . 04 RB wal s 26. 68 175 meters. —-==---- .14 33. 37 26. 81 Station 1059; Aug. 25; depth, 475 meters; lat. 59°09’ a long. 60°18’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.732 meters Quneter-=.29 22.52 3. 00 32. 78 26. 14 20:meters.ou-osssee 3.00 32. 91 26. 24 40 meters......-.-. 2.49 33.11 26. 44 60 meters........-. 1.18 33. 36 26. 74 100 meters__-..---- (—. 50) 33. 83 27. 20 150i metersis.22s..- 1.18 34. 29 27.49 175 metersi222 os 1.98 (34. 41) 27. 62 200 meters....-...- 2. 28 34. 48 27. 55 300 meters..-....-- 2. 98 34. 66 27. 64 450 meters._..--.-- 3. 38 34. 73 27. 65 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA * Station 1060; Aug. 25; depth, 1,650 meters; lat. 59°27’ N., long. 59°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.717 meters Temper | salinit y Depth eo) | (960) a Oumeter:.>.25-55--- 6.30 33. 93 26. 69 ZOUMNeLCrS=.-----<—— 6. 30 33. 99 26. 74 50 meters....---.-- 6.09 34. 15 26. 89 100 meters_.-.-.--- 5, 28 (34. 39) 27.18 150 meters...-....- 4.91 34. 63 27.41 200 meters-.----.--- 4. 66 34.72 27. 51 200meters:....--.- 4.36 34. 78 27. 58 500 meters.__.----- 3. 85 34. 86 27.71 700 meters._...---- 3. 55 34. 89 27.76 1,000 meters...-.-- 3.35 34. 89 27. 78 1,200 meters----..-- 3. 25 34. 89 27.79 1,300 meters------- 3.15 34. 89 27. 80 » Station 1061; Aug. 25; depth, 1,350 meters; lat. 59°44’ A sone: 59°21’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.718 meters Onmeter{--< ==. =: 9.30 34. 50 26. 71 20imeters:.=s.2--.- 9. 00 34. 54 26. 77 40 meters.--------- 8.38 34. 56 26. 89 60sneters==22-2---- 7.85 34. 58 27. 04 100 meters_-------- 6. 34 34. 64 27. 24 150:‘meters..-.-=--- 5. 63 34. 71 27. 38 200 meters-_-.-.---- 5.13 34.77 27. 49 300 meters_-------- 4.52 34. 83 27. 61 450'meters._---=--- 4.12 34. 87 27. 68 500 meters-_-------- 4. 02 34. 87 27. 69 600 meters_-------- 3. 82 34. 89 27.73 800 meters_-------- 3. 52 34. 89 27. 78 1,000 meters... ---_-- 3. 32 34. 89 27. 78 1,200 meters--.----- 3.12 34. 89 27.80 Station 1062; Aug. 26; depth, 2,150 meters; lat. 60°03’ Ny lone. 58°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.640 meters Quneter: = 2 s=s- 8. 60 34. 48 26. 80 ZO MGLCISss<25-==5 7. 68 34. 50 26.95 40 meters_-----.--- 5. 57 34. 58 27.29 6Ometers==2522=-.- 4.97 34. 63 27.81 100 meters..--_---- 4.58 34. 73 27. 54 150 meters_-.------ 4.32 34. 80 27.61 200 meters_----.--- 4,12 34. 85 27. 67 300 meters_-------- 3. 92 34. 86 27.70 500 meters==-—--.-- 3. 62 34. 87 27.73 800 meters_-------- 3.32 34. 88 27.77 1,000 meters_------ 3. 22 34.89 27.79 1,200 meters... -.-.- 3.12 34. 88 27.79 Station 1063; Aug. 26; depth, 2,745 meters; lat. 60°21’ meee 58°24’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.683 ineters O!meterz:=.-..5 5 9. 00 34. 50 26. 74 20 meters---_.----- 9.10 34. 49 26. 73 40 meters_-_-------- 7. 36 35. 53 27. 02 60 metersze= 2... 5.13 34. 56 27.33 100'meters__......- 4.62 34. 64 27. 45 150'meters__......- 4. 42 34. 73 27. 54 200 meters_...-.... 4.32 34. 78 27. 59 300 meters_.------- 4,12 34. 82 27. 65 500 meters_...----- 3. 86 34. 86 27.70 800 meters_--.----- 3. 56 34. 88 27. 75 1,000 meters. -..--- 3. 36 34. 89 27. 78 1,200 meters_.-_---- 3. 21 34. 89 27.79 1,500 meters. .----- 3. 06 34. 89 27. 81 217 Station 1064; Aug. 26; depth, 2,964 meters; lat. 60°14’ N “ long. 57°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.649 meters Temper- ee Depth ature arr ot (°C.) 0 Oimeterz.--- 2.22.22 9. 40 34. 51 26. 68 20 meters.-..-...--- 9. 20 34. 47 26. 70 40 meters_---.----- 7. 57 34, 53 26. 98 GOnmetersss52-2—--—- 5. 74 34. 64 27.32 100 meters_.....--.- 4,82 34. 74 27. 50 150 meters. .-.--.-.- 4.52 34. 81 27. 59 200 meters_--.---_- 4, 37 34. 85 27. 64 300 meters_-_-.--..- 3.92 34. 86 27.70 500 meters-_--....-- 3. 61 34. 86 27. 73 800 meters_-_-_-_--- 3.41 34. 87 27.75 1,000 meters------_- 3. 26 34. 88 27.79 1,200 meters. - -__-- 3.11 34. 88 27.80 1,400 meters--_-__- 3. 06 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters_-_-__-- 3. 01 34. 90 27. 82 1,700 meters--_-._-- 2.91 34. 90 27. 83 1,900 meters---__--- 2. 96 34. 90 27. 83 2,000 meters. -__--- 2.91 34. 91 27. 84 2,100 meters-_____- 2.70 34. 91 27. 85 2. 50 34. 91 27. 87 2,400 meters_._-_-_.. Station 1065; Aug. 26; depth, 3,248 meters; lat. 60°06’ N . long. 56°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.663 meters Onieter-=s. === 2==- 9.90 34. 46 26. 59 20 meters_.---..--- 9. 49 34. 44 26. 64 40 meters___-_----- 9. 38 34. 53 26.70 60)meters==2- <=. —2 6. 03 34. 62 27. 27 LOO:meterss=---=-=- 5. 02 34. 72 27. 46 150 meters-_-_-_---_-- 4.72 34. 78 27. 55 200 meters_-------- 4. 52 34, 84 27. 62 300 meters__..----- 4.16 34. 86 27. 67 500 meters_-_------- 3.71 34. 87 27.73 800 meters_-------- 3.31 34. 87 27.77 1,000 meters------- 3. 21 34. 88 27.79 1,200 meters. ---_--- Bae at 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters- ------ 3. 06 34. 89 27.81 Station 1066; Aug. 26; depth, 3,430 meters; lat. 59°57’ N., long. 55°14’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.623 meters Oimeter=-.==.==~=- 8.80 34. 64 26. 88 20'metersss2=2.===- 8.90 34. 58 26. 82 AQ;meters=——..-..=- 7.78 34. 54 26. 96 60smeters=-2.-=—- =. 5. 96 34. 62 27. 26 100 meters-____..--- 4.61 34. 72 27.61 150 meters__.--.--- 4,21 34. 81 27. 62 200 meters-_..-.--- 4.01 34. 85 27.69 800 meters__-_----- 3.70 34. 85 27.71 500 meters.......-- 3. 26 34. 85 eis 800 meters-.-..----- 3.11 34. 86 27.78 1,000 meters 3. 06 34. 89 27.81 1,200 meters- ------ 3. 06 34.89 27.81 1,500 meters------- 3.01 34. 89 27.81 1,800 meters-_------ 2.96 34. 90 27. 82 2,400 meters_-.-.--- 2.91 34.91 27.83 3,000 meters------- 2. 26 34. 92 27.91 Station 1067; Aug. 27; depth, 3,431 meters; lat. 60°00’ N., long. 54°15’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.605 meters 9. 20 34. 56 26. 76 9.10 34, 56 26.77 8. 38 34. 60 26. 92 7.04 34. 78 27. 26 5.72 34. 90 27.53 4.92 34. 94 27. 66 4.51 34.95 27.72 4,11 34. 92 27.73 3. 56 34. 91 27.78 800 meters-_-_-.----- 3. 21 34. 90 27.80 1,000 meters_-_----- 3.11 34. 90 27.81 1,200 meters...---.- 3.11 34. 91 27. 82 1,500 meters--....- 3.06 34. 90 27.82 218 Station 1068; Aug. 27; depth, 3,200 meters; lat. 60°07’ N., long. 53°17’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.564 ineters MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1072; Aug. 28; depth, 3,120 meters; lat. 60°34’ N., long. 50°26’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.579 meters Depth 500 meters______-___ S00imetersc2 3 1,000 .neters_______ 1,200 meters_______ 1,500 meters_______ 1,800 meters .______ 2,400 meters_______ 3,000 meters_-______ Salinity (90) DINININ 89/09/09 /00 10 09 the Gu 1'00 6 ASOOGODOSOHWRHOAMIDYW SFASESHPEENNNARSS Station 1069; Aug. 27; depth, 3,248 meters; lat. 60°10’ N., long. 52°06’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.682 meters Ojmeter ass 8.40 34. 52 26. 85 20 meters_____.___- 7.78 34. 55 26. 97 40 meters._________ 5. 95 34. 68 27. 32 60 meters_________- 5.43 34, 82 27. 49 100 meters_________ 4.93 34. 88 27.61 150 meters___._____ 5.03 34. 92 27. 63 200 meters_________ 4,92 34. 94 27. 65 300 meters________- 4.77 34. 94 27. 67 OOO MmMOeterse se oe 4.47 34. 92 27. 69 S00)meterse =) = 4.02 34. 92 27.72 1,000 meters_-______ 3.77 34.91 27.75 1,200 meters_______ 3. 62 34. 91 21.0 1,500 meters_______ 3. 32 34. 90 27.79 Station 1070; Aug. 27; depth, 3,376 meters; lat. 60°13’ N., 1,454.610 meters 40)meterss—--—— ~~ G0lmeters_- 22-222 150 meters_________ 200 meters____.___- 300 meters________- 500 meters____-____ 800 meters_________ 1,000 meters_______ 1,200 meters_______ 1,500 meters_______ 1,800 meters_______ 2,400 meters_______ 3,000 meters_______ CS a ah ete te dete) oo a 3. 21 long. 51°14’ W.; dynamic height, 34. 55 34. 53 34. 55 34.74 34, 91 34. 96 34. 96 34. 94 34, 92 34. 92 34. 92 34. 91 34. 91 34. 91 34. 90 34. 90 26. 76 26. 97 27. 22 27. 43 27. 60 27. 67 27. 69 27.71 27. 74 27.79 27.81 27. 81 27, 82 27. 83 27. 83 27. 85 Station 1071; Aug. 27; depth, 3,230 meters; lat. 60°23’ N., long. 50°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.575 meters. 500 meters____-_-_- 800 meters______-__ 1,000 meters________ 1,200 meters--_-_-_-_-- 1,500 meters_.____- $9.09 C0 09 09 I RB or 2 100 sO COOK WANE ANWWOWOhd HDD TOSI ND OOS 34. 67 34. 68 34. 73 34. 88 34. 99 35. O1 35. 00 34. 98 34. 94 34. 91 34. 90 34. 90 34. 90 26, 85 26. 95 27.17 27. 47 27. 64 27. 71 27.75 27.77 27. 78 27. 80 27. 81 27. 82 27. 83 Salinity Deute fo) | (60) a Owmeter._- eee 9. 20 34. 61 26. 81 ZU METCLS a. see 8.98 34. 68 26. 89 40 meters__________ 8. 28 34. 90 20. ed 60imeters> ae 7. 67 34. 99 27. 34 100)meters- 222 ee 5. 71 35. 04 27. 63 150 meters_________ 5. 21 35. 04 27. 70 200 meters=o=- sees 4.91 35. 03 27.73 300/meters=s2) ee 4.41 34. 99 27.75 500 meters__-_____- 3. 61 34. 94 27.78 S800meters: 3.41 34. 93 27. 80 1,000 meters_______ 3. 21 34.91 27. 81 1,200 meters_-______ 3.11 34. 92 27. 82 1,500 meters_-_-__-___ 3.01 34.91 27. 83 Station 1073; Aug. 28; depth, 2,972 meters; lat. 60°45’ N., long. 50°10’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.577 meters O;meter eens 9. 40 34. 68 26. 82 20: MeLers2 eae 9.19 34. 78 26. 93 40 meters: eee 8. 66 34. 88 27.10 60;meters:=2 =o seae 6. 74 34. 89 27.38 LOOime ferseaeees 5.03 34. 89 27. 60 150 meterse 22s 4.21 34. 90 27. 70 200 meters_________ 3.91 34. 90 27.73 S00imeterseae =a 3. 61 34, 91 Qt 500 meters_________ 3.41 34. 90 27.79 800 meters_________ 3.10 34. 90 27. 81 1,000 meters_______ 3. 00 34. 89 27. 82 1,200 meters_______ 2.95 34. 89 27. 82 1,500 meters_-_-_____ 2. 90 34. 89 27. 82 Station 1074; Aug. 28; depth, 2,818 meters; lat. 60°57’ N., long. 49°45’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.620 meters Otmeters2s2seeeeues 8.70 34. 68 26. 94 20 meters_-_...___. 8.70 34. 70 26. 95 40 meters__-______- 8. 59 34. 73 26. 99 60)meterss= ase ses 8.08 34. 78 27.11 100};meterssessses= 6.15 34.91 27. 48 150 meters________- 5. 29 34. 98 27. 64 200 metersea== sane 4. 93 35. 01 2a 300 meters_________ 4.53 34. 99 27.74 500/meters__--- 22 -- 3.91 34. 94 27. 76 800 meters_______-_- 3. 51 34. 92 27.79 1,000 meters______- 3. 31 34.91 27. 80 1,200) metersa=s=2-= 3. 18 34. 90 27.81 1,500 meters_- _---_- 3. 11 34. 90 27.81 Station 1075; Aug. 28; depth, 316 meters; lat. 61°11’ N., long. 49°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.840 meters Ometer=-= == a 4. 60 31. 73 25.138 2OMeTers 222 see 4.40 32. 30 25. 62 40 meters: =-2- ss 2.76 32. 97 26. 31 60\ameters- 22-22 e 3. 40 33. 59 26. 74 JO0imeters=22 2 4.50 34. 35 27. 24 150 mieters=ss-52.-— 5. 30 34. 55 27. 30 200 meters___-.___- 5.45 34. 64 27. 36 ZO MetCIs=-- eee 5. 50 34. 69 27. 39 300 meters-_--_-__-_- 5. 50 (34. 69) 27. 39 Station 1076; Aug. 28; depth, 120 meters; lat. 61°15’ long. 49°08’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.925 meters Omnieter=-. Sess 6. 30 30. 44 24. 07 20 Ie lers==se ee 5. 37 31.01 24. 47 40 meters. -_______- 3.15 31. 63 25.19 60! meters-=-=-=--=2 2. 45 32. 33 25.81 Soimetersa- eS 2.35 32. 84 26, 24 100'meters=22222-2- 2.30 33. 14 26. 47 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1077; Sept. 1; depth, 165 meters; lat. 60°39’ ., long. 48°39’ W. Temper- Salinity ode CO) | (960) a Oitrieten--- toe. 4.10 31.47 24. 98 20'meters:....-.-.. 3.49 32. 51 25. 88 40 meters-_--------- 3. 29 33. 28 26. 51 GOlimeters: 2. ---=.- 3. 28 33. 62 26. 78 80 meters: .-----.-- 3. 38 33. 72 26. 85 100s meters. 2... = 3.38 33. 82 26. 93 P2aemeters==<2- 25 3. 90 34. 02 27. 04 150 meters_.....--- 4, 20 34. 06 27. 04 Station 1078; Sept. 1; depth, 249 meters; lat. 60°24’ N., long. 48°23’ W. Oimeter-. =. =.- 5 4.10 33. 25 26. 41 20\meters:..---=.-< 3. 50 33. 45 26. 62 40 meters_-_-------- 3. 60 33. 88 26. 96 60 meters-_----_----- 4.70 34, 23 27.12 80 meters_ co 5.00 34, 45 27. 26 100 meters_-_ = 5.20 34. 50 27. 28 150 meters___------ 5. 40 34. 59 27. 32 22s MeteIrss.-s==--- 5. 50 34. 64 27. 35 Station 1079; Sept. 2; depth, 2,972 meters; lat. 60°08’ N., long. 48°04’ W. O'meter:<-=22-=--.- 8.90 34. 94 27.10 20 meters. ._------- 8. 60 34. 97 27. 18 4Q'meters=2=--==2-- 8.19 35. 00 27. 27 6Oimeters= 225222. == 7.78 35. 02 27. 34 100}meters=:=>.=-.- 6. 26 35. 06 27. 51 150 meters__-.----- 6.05 35. 09 27. 63 200 meters._------- 5.74 35. 10 27. 68 2p Meters=_- 522.5 5. 63 (35. 10) 27. 69 300 meters_-_-_------ Daze 35. 06 27.71 500 meters_-_------- 4,12 34. 93 27. 73 800 meters__-_.----- 3.71 34. 91 27.76 1,000 meters._.---. 3. 51 34. 91 27. 78 1,200 meters-_-__--_-- 3. 41 34. 92 27. 80 1,500 meters_-_--_--- 3. 31 34. 93 27. 81 Station 1080; Sept. 2; depth, 175 meters; lat. 59°40’ Ne long. 44°20’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.707 meters 4. 60 33. 28 26. 38 4. 30 33. 61 26. 67 4.35 34. 03 27.00 4.70 34, 22 27.12 5. 00 34, 42 27. 24 5. 10 34, 52 27.31 5.15 34. 70 27. 43 5. 20 34. 73 27. 46 Station 1081; Sept. 2; depth, 462 meters; lat. 59°32’ aus tOe: 44°50’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.671 meters Omieters2-22—=----2 7.10 34.77 27. 25 20 meters_ 7. 20 34. 79 27. 25 40 meters 7. 20 34. 81 27. 26 60 meters 6. 93 34. 83 27. 31 100 meters 6.18 34. 84 27. 42 150 meters 5.37 34. 83 27. 51 200 meters 5.17 34. 82 27. 53 300 meters_____---- 5.17 34. 86 27. 56 425 meters..____-_- 3 YA 34. 93 27. 62 79920—37——15 219 Station 1082; Sept. 2; depth, 2,150 meters; lat. 59°22’ a long. 45°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.601 meters Temper- sas Depth ature erent ot (°C) 700) Oimeter=.2s2--- 5-2 7. 60 34. 65 27. 08 a0rmoetersise oasis 7. 20 34. 81 27. 26 40 meters_.._._-._- 6.98 34. 84 27. 32 60imeters=s22 2-2 - = 6.16 34. 87 27. 44 100 meters._______- 5. 45 34. 91 27. 57 150 meters-__-_-__-__-- 5.05 34. 93 27. 63 200 meters... __--- 4.70 34. 91 27. 65 300 meters__.._.--_- 4.24 34. 91 27. 70 425 meters_-_._-.-__ 3. 94 34. 90 27.73 oooimeters= 2. ===: - 3. 63 34. 89 27. 75 800 meters______-_- 3. 23 34. 88 27.79 1,000 meters-_-____- 3.13 34. 89 27. 80 1,200 meters- -_-_-__-- 3.13 34. 90 27. 81 1,500 meters-_-_.____ 3.13 34. 91 27. 82 Station 1083; Sept. 3; depth, 2,251 meters; lat. 59°12’ N., long. 45°37’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.636 meters Ometerzes-2- > 2-—= 8. 70 34. 61 26. 89 20imeters: =. 52 22 -- 8. 80 34. 67 26.91 AD mMeterss.s-5--- 2 8. 59 34. 79 27. 04 GO0lmetersie-=-2=2- 8. 08 34. 89 27. 20 100 meters___------ 5. 85 34. 95 27. 55 150)meters.._=.---- 5. 23 34. 96 27. 63 200 meters_-------- 4.93 34. 94 27. 65 300 meters_.-______- 4.33 34. 92 27.70 500 meters_--_----- 3. 72 34. 88 27. 73 800 meters_--__---_- 3.31 34. 88 27.77 1,000 meters_-_--_-__ 3. 11 34. 89 27.79 1,200 meters----____ 3.11 34. 90 27.81 1,500 meters-_------ 3. 11 34. 90 27.81 Station 1084; Sept. 3; depth, 2,562 meters; lat. 58°57’ ee long. 46°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.615 meters Oimeter=os.- =.= -.= 8.80 34. 83 27. 04 Zo;moters._=- s=-—— 2 8.80 (34. 83) 27.04 40> meters=-=- 2-=_-- 8. 58 34. 81 27.05 60imeters= 2-2-2 2-- 7.45 34. 89 27. 28 100’ meters:-.-----. 5. 53 34. 94 27. 58 150 meters__.------ 4,93 34. 95 27. 66 200 meters-.---_----- 4. 57 34. 93 27. 69 300 meters_-_- 4.02 34. 91 27. 72 500 meters_-_ 3.51 34. 89 27.76 800 meters-__.----- 3. 31 34. 90 27.79 1,000 meters----_--- 3p 1t 34. 90 27.81 1,200 meters-_------ 3.01 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters----_--- 3.01 34. 89 27.81 Station 1085; Sept. 3; depth, 2,791 meters; lat. 58°36’ N., long. 46°44’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.614, meters Onmoter=—=- 22-222 8.70 34.75 26. 98 20 meters__..------ 8.80 34. 75 26. 98 40 meters_--------- 8. 58 34.75 27.01 60:meters=s---==--- Cet 34. 84 27. 20 100 meters--_-_------ 5. 64 34.99 27. 61 150 meters.._-_----- 5.03 35. 02 27.70 200 meters-. 4.73 34. 99 27.71 300 meters_-_ 4, 22 34. 94 27.73 500 meters-.- 3.71 34. 89 27.74 800 meters_.-_----- 3.31 34. 89 27.78 1,000 meters__--..- 3.11 34. 89 27.80 1,200 meters_-_-.-.- 3.01 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters.. -..- 3.01 34. 91 27. 83 220 Station 1086; Sept. 3; depth, 3,431 meters; lat. 58°12’ N., long. 47°16’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.582 meters Temper- ws Depth ature Say a+ (°C.) ane 8.90 34, 82 27. 01 8. 80 34.79 27.01 8. 39 34. 78 27. 06 6.95 34. 83 27.31 5.13 34. 94 27. 63 4.72 35. 01 27.73 200 meters--------- 4. 52 35. 02 27.77 300 meters_.-----_- 4. 27 35. 01 27. 78 HOO meters=22=- == —— 3. 61 34. 93 27.79 800 meters__------- 3. 26 34.90 27. 80 1,000 meters------- 3. 11 34. 89 27. 80 1,200 meters. ------ 3.11 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters-_------ 3.11 34. 90 27. 81 2,000 meters-.----- 3. 01 34. 91 27. 83 Station 1087; Sept. 3; depth, 3,493 meters; lat. 57°50’ N., long. 47°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.584 metets Oumneter.22-2----.=- 9. 50 34. 73 26. 84 20 MNelErSea==-=a-—— 9. 10 34. 71 26. 89 40'moeters==-=--==-- 8.99 34.75 26. 94 60 meters_----.---- 6. 03 34. 81 27.41 100 meters__.------ 4.92 34. 91 27. 63 T5O0imeterse==-- = --= 4. 41 34. 95 20. (2 200 meters_-------- 4,21 34. 94 27.73 300 meters_-_.------ 3. 81 34. 93 27. 76 500 meters--2-=2--- 3. 40 34. 91 27.79 800 meters__------- 3.10 34. 88 27. 80 1,000 meters__.---. 3. 10 34, 89 27. 80 1,200 meters_-.-.---. 3. 10 34. 89 27.81 1,500 meters-_-..-_- 3. 00 34. 90 27. 82 Station 1088; Sept. 4; depth, 3,566 meters; lat. 57°27’ N., long. 48°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454,572 meters Olmeter 222-2222" 9. 40 34. 75 26. 87 2ometerss2s2- | 9. 10 34. 73 26. 91 AQsmeters2--5------ 8. 28 34. 75 27.05 60)meters=.----=--- 5. 32 34. 83 27. 51 100 meters 4.11 34.91 PETES 150 meters 4.01 34. 93 27. 75 200 meters- 3. 71 34. 92 PLETE 300 meters- 3. 50 34. 90 PIBLUCE 500 meters 3. 30 34. 89 27. 78 800 meters 3. 10 34. 88 27. 80 1,000 meters-_------ 3.05 34. 88 27. 80 1,200 meters_..-.--- 3. 00 34. 89 27. 81 1,500 meters_..---- 3. 00 34. 90 27. 82 Station 1089; Sept. 4; depth, 3,721 meters; lat. 56°55’ N., long. 48°54’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.606 meters O;méters---2 32-2. 9.70 34. 64 26. 73 20 meters !asoea=- == 9. 60 34, 63 26. 74 40'moeters=.------—- 9. 29 34, 64 26. 80 60 meters__-.------ 7. 56 34. 82 27. 21 100 meters__.._-.-. 4.31 34. 90 27. 68 150imeterss2os42=- = 3.75 34. 86 27.72 200 meters__------- 3. 50 34. 84 27,73 S00imeterssi-=2-2<5 3. 30 34. 83 27. 74 poOnmeters ees 3. 10 34. 83 27. 76 800'meters...-=----. 3.05 34. 86 27.79 1,000 meters-_-.-_.-- 3. 00 34. 88 27.81 1,200 meters----.--- 2.95 (34. 88) 27.81 1,500 meters_-.._--- 2.90 34. 88 27.81 2,000 meters------- 2.80 34. 90 27. 84 2,400 meters....._- 2.70 34. 91 27. 85 3,000 meters._--... 2.14 34. 92 27.91 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1090; Sept. 4; depth, 3,840 meters; lat. 56°22’ Ns long. 48°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.565 meters. Temper- Salinity Depih Ey | (960) a Okmeter=.- 2. 9.90 34. 63 26. 70 20 meters2as2--s-—— 9.90 34. 63 26. 70 40 meters.---_----- 8.98 34. 68 26. 88 60 meters.--------- 5.12 34. 80 27. 52 100 meters--------- 3.91 34. 87 27.71 150smeters-see-=-—— 3. 60 34. 89 27.76 200 meters--------- 3.35 34. 88 27.77 300 meters-_- 3. 20 34. 88 27.79 500 meters-_-- 3. 04 34. 88 27. 80 800 meters-_- -- 2.99 34, 88 27.81 1,000 meters____---- 2.99 34. 88 27.81 1,200 meters___----- 2.99 34. 88 27.81 1,500 meters___-_---- 2.89 34. 88 27. 82 2,000 meters__-_-_--- 2.79 34. 90 27. 84 Station 1091; Sept. 4; depth, 3,800 meters; lat. 55°47’ a long. 48°53’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.586 meters. O:meter:-52---s--- 10. 60 34. 66 26. 59 20;meterse- 22 ose e 10. 40 34. 66 26. 63 AQ Metersaooe] a 10. 20 34. 68 26. 68 60smeterszas= see 5.42 34. 76 27.45 100smneters===--= == 3.89 34, 85 27. 69 150hmeters=2----——— 3. 63 34. 89 27.75 200 meters--------- 3. 48 34. 89 27.76 300 meters-----.--- 3. 28 34. 88 27.77 500 meters--------- 3.18 34. 88 27.79 800 moeters= === s=-— 3. 08 34. 87 27.80 1,000 meters- ------ 3.03 34. 88 27. 81 1,200 meters- ------ 3. 03 34, 89 27.81 1,500 meters- ------ 3.03 34. 88 27.81 2,000 meters--.---- 2.98 34. 89 27. 82 2,050 meters- ------ 2.98 34. 90 27. 82 2,550 meters- ------ 2.88 34.91 27.83 3,100 meters- - - ---- 2.78 34, 92 27. 86 Station 1092; Sept. 5; depth, 3,800 meters; lat. 55°13’ N., long. 49°06’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.599 meters. Oimoeter:-===----—-- 10. 20 34, 47 26. 54 20imeters=se- aes 10. 10 34. 47 26. 56 40 meters---------- 9.78 34. 50 26. 64 60 meters---------- 6.12 34. 68 27.42 100 meters--------- 3. 80 34. 83 27.69 150 meters_-_------- 3. 69 34. 87 27.73 3. 49 34. 88 27.75 3. 29 34. 87 27.76 3.19 34. 88 27.79 3.09 34. 88 27.80 1,000 meters__------ 2.99 34. 89 27. 81 1,200 meters_------ 2.99 34. 89 27. 81 1,500 meters- ------ 3.09 34. 89 27. 82 Station 1093; Sept. 5; depth, 3,724 meters; lat. 54°37’ N., long. 49°16’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.595 meters. OQmeters--.- 2 ee 10. 30 34, 55 26. 57 20;meters:——-----< =— 10. 20 34. 58 26. 60 40nmeters=-s-- oe == 9. 68 34. 66 26. 69 60 metersi:=-2.2--2 7. 55 34. 72 27.14 100 meters--------- 4.14 34. 80 27. 63 150;meterss22---2== 3. 49 34. 83 27. 72 200 meters--------- 3. 39 34. 85 27.75 300 meters--------- 3. 29 34. 87 27.77 500 meters--------- Sle 34. 88 27.79 S800imetersas------— 2. 98 34. 88 27.81 1,000 meters_------ 3.08 34. 87 27. 80 1,200 meters- ------ 2.98 34. 88 27.81 1,500 meters___----- 2. 88 34. 89 27. 82 1,900 meters_____--- 2.88 34, 89 27.82 2,400 meters__-_----- 2. 83 34. 90 27.83 3,000 meters. -.---- 2. 68 34. 91 27.85 - DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1094; Sept. 5; depth, 3,340 meters; lat. 54°00’ aes long. 49°26’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.627 meters. Temper- ee Depth ature Sime ot GG) 60) Qrmeter. =.=. 2 =< =: 10. 40 34. 38 26. 43 a0imeters=-<--=- === 10. 10 34. 39 26. 49 A0inmeterse== ----- == 9.77 34. 47 26. 62 60moeters==-=5----- 5.93 34, 72 27. 35 100 meters-__-------_- 4.91 34. 81 27.55 150 meters------__- 4.00 34. 84 27. 67 200 meters... ------- 3. 69 34. 86 27.72 300 meters-----.... 3.49 34. 87 27.76 500 meters-----__-- 3.49 34. 87 27. 76 800 meters-----___- 3. 29 34. 87 27.78 1,000 meters____---- 3.19 34. 88 27.79 1,200 meters_____--- 3.09 34. 88 27. 80 1,500 meters------- 2.99 34. 89 27. 82 Station 1095; Sept. 5; depth, 3,639 meters; lat. 53°27’ es, long. 49°38’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.626 meters. Qureter:-— 25 --2---- 11. 20 34, 44 26. 32 20nmeters-22.--- 222 11.00 34. 47 26. 38 40;meters:= == --.--_- 9. 65 34. 65 26. 53 60)meters-.---.-..- 5. 82 34. 78 27.41 100 meters=2= - === 4,92 34. 83 PAY | 150 meters. ------- 4. 20 34, 85 27. 66 200 meters------.-- 4.00 34. 86 27. 69 300 meters--------- 3. 69 34. 88 27.15 500 meters--------- 3. 28 34. 88 PGT 800 meters--------- 3.17 34, 88 27.79 1,000 meters- - - ---- 3.07 34. 88 27. 80 1,200 meters_------ 3. 07 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters-_------ 3. 02 34. 89 27. 81 2,000 meters- ------ 2.97 34. 90 27. 82 Station 1096; Sept. 6; depth, 3,474 meters; lat. 53°15’ N., long. 50°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.643 meters Oimeters= = e- --- 10. 20 34. 29 26. 38 20MeLersesos-- 2 e 9.79 34. 30 26. 46 40-meters-_-_-------- 6.12 34. 35 27. 04 60'meters..2=.-...- 4.51 34. 56 27. 40 100:meters---.----- 3.81 34. 75 27. 62 150 meters. .------- 3. 70 34. 84 27. 70 200 meters... -.----- 3. 60 34. 85 27.72 300 meters.....--.- 3. 60 34, 87 27.75 500 meters_---.---- 3. 50 34. 87 27. 76 800 meters_--_----_-- 3.30 34. 87 27. 78 1,000 meters. - _--_- 3. 24 34. 87 27. 78 1,200 meters__----- 3.19 34. 87 27.79 1,500 meters_-_-_--__ 3.09 34. 88 27.80 2,000 meters--.-.--- 2.89 34. 89 27. 83 Station 1097; Sept. 6; depth, 2,115 meters; lat. 53°07’ N., long. 51°14’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.657 meters Ometerss-- 22 22--- 10. 40 34. 18 26. 26 20 moterss-==----25 10. 30 34. 20 26. 29 A40Q'meters <=> 2 6. 73 34. 25 26. 88 60 meters-_--------- 5.10 34. 51 27.29 LOO meterss 2. ——— = 3.89 34. 74 27. 60 150 meters_-_-----_- 3. 68 34. 81 27. 68 200 meters..-.----- 3. 68 34. 82 27. 69 300 meters. -------- 3. 68 34, 85 27.71 500 meters_.._----- 3. 68 34. 86 27. 72 800 meters. _--_---. 3.48 34. 87 27. 75 1,000 meters. ------ 3.18 34. 87 27. 78 1,200 meters- - ----_- 3. 08 34. 87 27. 79 1,500 meters.- _.---- 2. 88 34. 88 27. 81 2,000 meters-----_-- 2. 88 34. 89 27. 82 221 Station 1098; Sept. 6; depth, 855 meters; lat. 52°55’ N., long. 51°36’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.648 meters Temper- Salinity gas Cay | (60) | 7,00 33. 70 26. 42 7. 20 33. 82 26. 48 7.00 33. 97 26. 64 4.15 34. 05 27.03 3.17 34, 46 27. 46 3.12 34. 59 27. 56 3. 52 34. 74 27.65 3. 67 34. 81 27. 68 3. 72 34. 85 27.71 3. 62 34. 86 27.73 3. 52 34.87 27.75 0. 42 84, 88 27.77 Station 1099; Sept. 6; depth, 300 meters; lat. 52°43’ N., long. 52°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.685 meters Oimetere sens. 7 6. 80 33. 13 26. 00 20)moetersi=.-—-4--- 6.19 33. 28 26.19 40 meters. -.-------- —.19 33. 52 26. 94 60 meters__-------- —.39 33. 66 27. 06 100 meters. - 4. --1.- 1. 02 34. 04 27. 29 150 meters_.---.--. 2.12 34. 38 27. 48 200'meters2---- =... - 2.72 34. 58 27. 59 225 meters. o-- ==. 2. 93 34, 67 27. 60 215, Meters: -==---- 3.13 34. 67 27. 62 300 meters_....---- 3.13 (34. 69) 27. 65 Station 1100; Sept. 7; depth, 243 meters; lat. 52°30’ N., long. 52°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.679 meters Osmeter-.22---" == 7. 80 33. 11 25. 84 ZO NeLeLses: 2 ==. 7. 58 33. 09 25. 86 40 meters_-_-------- 3. 64 33. 76 26. 85 60 meters------.--- —.07 33. 80 27.16 100 meters-__-------- . 93 34. 11 27.35 150 meters. -------- 1.83 34, 44 27. 55 200 meters_-----_--- 2. 63 34. 61 27. 63 22D MOLters2=525- == (2. 85) 34. 70 27. 68 Station 1101; Sept. 7; depth, 250 meters; lat. 52°20’ N., long. 53°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.714 meters Oimeter=22-- =. =* 8. 20 32. 76 25. 51 20meterss>_=-2- === 7. 98 32. 85 25. 61 AOImMeters==--=-=-~=- . 82 33. 22 26. 64 60imeters=====---= —.69 33. 56 26. 99 100 meters---_----_-- -.19 33. 90 27. 25 150 meters..-----.-- 1.12 34. 24 27. 44 200 meters_-_------- 2. 42 34. 44 27. 52 225 Metersa==—-— = 2. 62 34. 50 27. 53 Station 1102; Sept. 7; depth, 260 meters; lat. 52°12’ N., long. 54°07’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.771 meters O:smeters= 2 2 Ses: 9.90 32. 77 25. 25 20 meters_--------- 9. 28 32. 80 25. 37 40: meters. ----=- 2. 7.15 33. 00 25. 84 60imetersis222-=--- 5. 54 33. 30 26. 29 100 meters_-------- 3. 10 33. 62 26. 79 150 meters- -------- . 89 33. 91 27. 20 200imeters==——-—-—— —.91 34. 22 27. 53 Q25;metersies=---=— —1.11 (34. 31) 27. 62 240 meters-_-------- —1, 21 34. 39 27. 69 222 Station 1103; Sept. 7; depth, 380 meters; lat. 52°15’ N., long. 53°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.759 meters MARION AND GENERAL Temper cae Depth ature 8 ara ot (°C.) 0 Oimoter-s2ee= 9.70 32.77 25. 28 2 meters. 2-2-2 __- 7.14 32. 78 25. 66 40'meterssaeee = = 3.92 32. 87 26. 12 60!meterss=2-32_"=— . 90 33. 09 26. 53 100 meters______--- —. 21 33. 49 26. 91 150 meters_--_----- —.3l1 33. 85 27. 21 200 meters.______-- —.02 34, 15 27. 43 240 meters.__-_-_-- . 59 34. 37 27. 55 250 meters__...---- .79 34. 43 27. 57 300 meters_._--_--- 2. 30 34, 64 27. 67 350 meters__.___-__- 3.00 34. 80 27. 74 Station 1104; Sept.8; depth, 152 meters; lat. 52°05’ N., long. 54°38’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.718 meters Osmoter.24 23-2 --2 6. 80 32. 42 25. 43 20 meters______---- 4.96 32. 76 25. 92 40 meters ____------ —.09 33. 00 26. 51 60)imeterss2=-3=-=.— —.89 33. 30 26. 79 SOsmeters22222 2-2 = —.79 33. 45 26. 90 100 meters______--- —.59 33. 52 27.00 120 meters__------- —.39 33. 75 Zils TaOmmeterssete se = 01 (33. 85) 27. 20 140 meters ——— —.09 33. 93 27. 27 150 meters._-_-_-_--- —.08 (34. 00) Qioe Station 1105: Sept.8; depth, 145 meters; lat. 51°57’ N., long. 55°08’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.824 meters Oimeter:2. = =2- == 6. 40 31. 40 24. 66 2imeters=-2222255~ 5. 47 32. 00 25. 25 AD. Mmetersssaenenc=> 3. 62 32. 45 25. 81 COimetersea==---——— -61 32. 68 26. 21 80 meters___------- —. 28 32. 83 26. 39 100) meterss--—--- =.= —.59 32. 86 26. 42 120)meters2os5---—— —.69 32. 90 26. 46 130 meters_--..---- —.69 32. 94 26, 49 Station 1106; Sept. 8; depth, 139 meters; lat. 51°46’ N., long. 55°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.816 meters Oimetersa=- 522. 3 7.00 31. 30 24. 52 a0 ;meters2=2s--5.—- 6.35 31. 62 24. 84 40;metérso=. 2.=-2-= 3.12 32. 40 25. 81 60imoeters=24-405-=- —.29 32. 61 26. 21 80) meters. —.=--=.-- —.69 32. 73 26. 32 100 meters_-_------- —.89 32. 81 26. 39 125 ;meters—2=- === —.89 32. 88 26.45 130 meters-.---_--_- —.89 (32. 89) 26.46 Station 1107; Sept. 8; depth, 130 meters; lat. 51°38’ N., long. 55°16’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.928 meters O'meter-222..5- 22 10. 00 31.16 23. 88 2:moeters_2=2-.5—- = 9. 58 31. 20 24. 06 4) meters_-_--._---- 8.16 31. 41 24. 43 60imeéterss+252- =. 6. 74 31. 62 24. 79 80 meters____-._-_- 4.91 32.03 25. 34 100 meters._._.__.- 3. 60 32. 49 25. 84 125 meters_.__-._-- 1, 58 32. 65 26.13 GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1108; Sept. 8; depth, 175 meters; lat. 50°47’ N., long. 55°23’ W. Temper- i Depth ature acre y ot G Cc ) 0 Oj;meter:7--=-e2==" = 9. 80 31. 28 24, 10 2aneters=—- asses = 8.97 31. 57 24. 44 AQhmeters- 22st! 6.35 32. 48 25. 53 60 meters__-.._-__- 2.70 32. 96 26. 30 SO:meters:22. 22 —.31 33. 17 26. 66 100 meters_________ —1,31 33. 30 26. 80 125 meters__.--__.- —1.21 33. 44 26. 91 160 meters_________ .09 33. 55 26. 93 Station 1109; Sept..8; depth, 272 meters; lat. 50°17’ N., long, 54°58’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.795 meters Oimeters==se-s=—— a 8. 90 31.75 24. 61 PU ieatz} fs) wpe 7. 97 31, 87 24. 86 40 mneters__..______ 1. 50 32. 80 26. 26 60:meters_-=.-----= —.70 33. 01 26. 55 SO;meters==ssesee —1,21 33. 09 26. 63 100 meters______-__ —1.51 33. 17 26.71 150 meters___-.-__- —1.30 33. 33 26. 83 160 meters.________ —1. 20 (33. 45) 26. 93 200 meters_____-_-- .70 33. 57 26. 94 250)meterssas ste 30 (33. 68) 27. 04 260 meters.._..---.. 20 33. 79 27.18 Station 1110; Sept. 8; depth, 272 meters; lat. 50°25’ Bis, long. 54°22’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.719 meters O!meter=2-2222----- 9. 30 32. 03 24.7 20imeters=s2=2=s 3 8. 68 32.07 24. 8 40 meters-_--------- 1.90 33. 05 26. 44 60imeters2===-=- == —.20 33. 26 26. 73 80 meters_-_-------- —.81 33. 42 26. 88 100imeters==--2---- —.92 33. 57 27.00 150'metersl2222.-=- — 21 33. 88 27. 24 200 meters.-------- . 59 34. 09 27. 36 250) meterss-.—-— === 1.39 34. 31 27. 48 Station 1111; Sept. 9; depth. 283 meters; lat. 50°35’ N., long. 53°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.731 meters Oimeter:==--s--=5-— 9.00 31.07 24. 05 20 meters-.-------- 8.18 31.91 24. 83 40 meters-_--------- —.11 33. 03 26. 54 60'meters_--------- —1.12 33. 24 26. 75 100 meters__------- —1.42 33. 45 26. 93 150) meters-.-25--2- —.82 33.75 27.18 200 meters_-------- . 28 34. 04 27. 33 250 meters_-------- 1. 40 34. 30 27. 47 Station 1112; Sept. 9; depth, 423 meters; lat. 50°45’ Nes, long. 53°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.730 meters 9.10 32. 36 25.05 8.18 32. 44 25. 25 —.12 32. 95 26. 48 60 meters--=2-=---- —1.21 33. 18 26. 70 100 meters_-------- —1.21 33. 43 26. 90 L50imeters2-3---—- = —.71 33.73 27.13 200 meters_-------- 79 34. 00 27. 27 250) metersie-2e- == 1.70 34, 22 27. 40 300 meters--------- 1.80 34. 37 27.49 375 meters-_-------- 2.10 34, 45 27. 54 ee Se a ee ee ee an DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1113; Sept. 9; depth, 270 meters; lat. 50°49’ pate long. 52°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.751 meters 223 Station 1118; Sept. 10; depth, 2,900 meters; lat. Salinity nen fo) | (960) | 32. 24 24. 83 32. 30 24. 96 32. 68 25. 65 33. 26 26. 52 33. 39 26. 83 33. 48 26. 94 33. 75 27. 15 33. 99 27. 30 34, 20 27.41 Station 1114; Sept. 9; depth, 230 meters; lat. 50°45’ N i long. 51°49’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.721 meters Quneterto--—- 22-2 10. 00 32.18 24,77 20 meters_.....---- 9. 68 32. 29 24. 90 40imeters: —-.-2==.- 2.91 33. 00 26. 32 60imeters=s5--222-_ —.52 33. 26 26. 74 100 meters_-------- —.72 33. 55 26. 98 150 meters__.__---- —.82 33. 87 27. 25 200 meters_-------- —.22 34. 16 27. 45 215 meters. -------- —.02 34. 20 27.47 Station 1115; Sept. 9; depth, 275 meters; lat. 50°34’ at long. 51°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.628 meters Oimneters====- 25 = 9. 80 32. 90 25. 37 20;meters---=-..-=- 8. 48 33. 09 25. 72 40 meters-_-_-----.-- 2.70 33. 68 26. 87 60 meters_-----.--- 1.49 33. 89 27.13 100 meters_-------- 1.09 34. 16 27. 38 150 meters_-_-.---.-- 1.09 34. 45 27. 62 200 meters_-------- 1.09 34. 58 27. 72 250 meters_---.-.-- 1,29 34. 68 27.78 Station 1116; Sept. 9; depth, 810 meters; lat. 50°33’ he) long. 50°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.603 meters Ojmieterce se ee 8. 80 33. 65 26. 11 20 meters.-+..-=-.< 8. 40 33. 77 26. 27 40 meters__._-.-.-- 6.05 34. 29 27.08 60'meters22 42-25. 4, 23 34. 62 27.47 100 meters___....-- 3. 60 34. 82 27.70 150 meters_- 3. 50 34, 85 27.73 200 meters_ 3.45 34. 86 27.75 250 meters___ 3.40 (34. 86) 27.75 300 meters___..._-- 3.40 34. 86 27. 76 600 meters_._..-.-- 3.30 34. 87 27.77 800 meters......... 3. 20 34, 87 27.78 Station 1117; Sept. 9; depth, 1,284 meters; lat. 50°28” ay long. 49°54’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.617 meters Gnricter.— ==. >5 =< 9. 00 33. 71 26. 13 20 meters__......-. 8.79 33. 75 26.19 40 meters.......--- 6.35 34. 36 27.01 60imeters=.-.2=- 4,43 34. 72 2.08 100 meters__.__.__- 3. 50 34. 82 27.71 150 meters_-22 =. - ..- 3.45 34. 84 27.73 200 meters_..._---- 3.40 34. 84 27.73 300 meters___-...-- 3.35 34. 85 27.75 500 meters__...._-- 3.30 34. 86 27. 76 800 meters_..-._---- 3.30 34. 87 27.77 1,000 meters___-_-_-- 3. 20 34. 88 27.79 1,200 meters- --_-_--.- 3.10 34, 88 27. 80 50°24’ N., long. 49°16’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.617 meters. Temper- | gajinit nf Depth roy (960) ot Oimeter- 2 sees = 10. 20 34. 16 26. 29 20\meters=- 222 9.79 34. 21 26, 38 40 meters____..__-- 8.48 34.31 26. 68 60)\meterss = 5.12 34. 53 27.31 100 meters_._._._-- 4.00 34. 81 27. 65 150 meters_____.__- 3.59 34. 86 27.73 200 meters________- 3.39 34. 86 27.75 300 meters____...-. 3. 28 34. 86 27.76 400 meters___....-- 3. 23 34. 86 27.76 500 meters-_-_-__..-. 3.18 34. 87 27.78 800 meters_______-- 3. 08 34. 87 27. 80 1,000 meters___-_-_-- 3. 08 34. 88 27.80 1,200 meters-_ . __-_-- 3. 08 34. 88 27. 80 1,500 meters_-___.-- 3. 08 34. 88 27. 80 Station 1119; Sept. 10; depth, 1,500 meters; lat. 49°45’ N., long. 49°19’ W.; dynamic height, ‘1,454.623 meters Onmeters===522—_-—- 10. 20 34. 08 26. 22 20 moters.2-2--==-- 9.79 34. 26 26. 44 40 meters......---- 8. 88 34. 44 26. 72 60 meters__..-.---- 6.12 34, 59 27-23 100 meters___-_---- 4. 50 34, 82 27. 60 200 meters-_.-.-.--.-- 3. 89 34, 86 27.70 300 meters-_-------- 3. 58 34, 86 27.73 400 meters_-____-_-- 3. 28 34. 87 27.77 500 meters-_-_-_ x 3.18 34. 88 27.79 800 meters_--_-_---- 3. 08 34, 87 27. 80 1,000 meters_ -_---- 3. 08 34. 88 27.80 1,200 meters. - _---- 3. 08 34. 88 27. 80 Station 1120; Sept. 10; depth, 560 meters; lat. 49°25’ N., long. 49°47’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.641 meters Ovmeterss---2-=- == 10. 20 33. 95 26. 11 20eme tensa saeesn 9. 68 33. 96 26. 21 40hmetersaas ces ces 8.17 34. 10 26. 56 G0lmeLersas eee 6. 72 34. 65 27.33 100 meters__...-.-- 4.61 34, 83 27. 60 PHOIMeLerSaoe scene 4, 20 34. 84 27.65 200imeters=. 2-2 = 3-2 3. 90 34, 85 27. 69 260 meters___-.---- (3. 74) (34. 85) 27. 71 300 meters_._-.---- 3. 59 34, 86 27.73 500 meters.......-- 3. 28 34, 86 27.76 Station 1121; Sept. 10; depth, 274 meters; lat. 49°06’ N., long. 50°14’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.774 meters Ouneters- <2 2eee225 8. 80 32. 67 25. 36 20 meters.=-=-----= 8.38 32.72 25.45 40;meters---=- 2522 . 58 33. 13 26. 59 60 meters......---- —1. 62 33. 36 26. 87 80 meters_.-.------ —1, 52 33. 48 26. 95 . 100 meters__-—.2--- —1, 22 33. 59 27.04 150 meters_..-.---- —.12 33. 80 27.16 200 meters_....---- 1. 40 34. 00 27. 23 250 meters=—2+--==- 2. 40 (34. 10) 27. 24 260 meters....----- 2.80 34.19 27. 28 224 Station 1122; Sept. 10; depth, 210 meters; lat. 48°51’ Ne long. 50°36’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.814 meters Salinity Depth o> | (60) | % Otmeter2-22 2a 11.00 32. 97 25. 18 20imeters= =) 10. 39 32. 99 25. 33 40imeters=22-- ee —. 83 33. 02 26. 56 60 meters____-____- —1.13 33. 14 26. 67 SOlmoters== 22-2 es —1. 63 33. 22 26. 75 100 meters____.._-- —1.73 33. 29 26. 81 150) moeterss= sss = —1.73 33. 44 26. 94 160 meters_______-- —1.73 (33. 46) 26. 95 200 meters_____--_- —1.53 33. 55 27. 02 Station 1123; Sept. 11; depth, 168 meters; lat. 48°37’ aps long. 51°00’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.852 meters Osmoeterz222-eeoc=== 11. 20 31.70 24. 19 20 meters-_-_--.._--- 10. 58 31.77 24. 35 40;meters222----- = 1.08 32. 92 26. 44 60 meters__._-.---- S515} 33. 17 26. 69 80 meters___------- —1.53 33. 20 26. 73 100 meters-__-_--..- —1. 68 33. 29 26. 81 125 meters__.--_--- —1. 43 33. 31 26. 82 140 meters__._-._-- —1, 43 (33. 35) 26. 85 160 meters_---+-.-- —1.33 33. 37 26. 87 Station 1124; Sept. 11; depth, 155 meters; lat. 48°22’ We long. 51°21’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.848 meters Oymeters2. 2282 12. 00 31.78 24.11 20 meters.___..-_-. 11. 58 31. 83 24, 25 40 meters.__..___-- . 36 32. 93 26. 44 60imeters:222 >: 22 - —1.14 33. 24 26. 76 S8Olmeters= 225422 2- —1. 54 33. 30 26. 81 100 meters. __-_-__-. —1. 64 33. 34 26. 85 125 meters___.._.-- —1. 64 33. 38 26. 88 140 meters____.__.- —1.54 33. 41 26. 91 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1125; Sept. 11; depth, 170 meters; lat. 48°07’ N., long. 51°44’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.851 meters Temper- Salinity Depts ee) | (60) Be Onmeter:= Sse 12. 10 31. 66 23. 99 20)meters! =a 11. 59 31.72 24.13 40 meters__________ 2. 88 32. 94 26. 28 60:meterss=2a eee —.34 33. 05 26. 58 SOimeters-=s22-S=—— —1.34 33. 25 26.77 100 meters_-__-___-- —1. 64 33. 31 26. 83 125 meters--------- —1.74 33. 33 26. 85 140tmetersios- —1.74 (33. 35) 26. 85 150)meterss= =e —1. 64 33.35 26. 86 Station 1126; Sept. 11; depth, 180 meters; lat. 47°52’ N oe long. 52°06’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.899 meters O\meter:- = Ss 11. 60 31.33 23. 90 20;meters== === 10. 90 31.38 23. 99 40 meters: -2 eee 3. 50 32. 20 25. 63 60 meters____-_-_-- . 46 32. 81 26. 33 SOimeters!= 222 —. 54 33. 00 26. 53 100 meters —.94 33. 10 26. 63 130 meters —1.14 33.15 26. 68 140 meters —1.34 (838. 15) 26. 68 I7Ohnmetersese- sees —1. 34 33. 17 26. 70 Station 1127; Sept. 11; depth, 142 meters; lat. 47°36’ N., long. 52°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.900 meters Olmeter. 2 252s 12. 40 31.36 23.79 20metersh== eee 12.10 31.38 23. 84 40'meters==_ =~ #22 3. 50 32. 43 25. 81 60imeterss-2==- === . 96 32. 80 26. 30 SOnneters--2 es 96 33. 01 26. 47 100 meters_______-. 96 33. 07 26. 52 130 meters___-___-_- 1.06 33. 13 26, 56 GENERAL GREENE, 1931 Station 1220; July 4; depth, 168 meters; lat. 47°40’ N., Station 1222; July 4; depth 192 meters; lat. 48°15’ long. 52°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.817 N., long. 51°54’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.789 meters meters Temper auc Temper- ss Depth ature eon ot Depth ature Bir ot °C.) 2 (°C.) ae Onmeter®..-- 2222-5 10. 60 32. 04 24.56. | O'meter__.--.--- ee 8. 29 32. 20 25. 06 25 meters___-.._--.- 3. 22 32. 23 25,68) ||) 2oameters-2- == 5.37 32. 54 25.71 oOimeters=, S225. ss -45 32. 69 26524. ||| SOlmeters2 222 = —1.07 32. 94 26. 505 TOUMeLerS == ae se —1.30 32. 91 26.47 | 75 meters__-_-.---. —1.49 33. 04 26. 595 100 meters___._-_-- —1, 22 32. 98 26,54 5] 100lmeters!*2-s2 = —1. 48 33. 12 26. 66 150 meters_.-__..--- —.75 33. 17 26.68 | 150 meters_______-- —.99 33. 36 26. 85 Station 1221; July 4; depth, 185 meters; lat. 47°56’ N., long. 52°13’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.801 meters Station 1223; July 5; depth, 170 meters; lat. 48°29’ N., long. 51°39’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.795 meters Onneler:=- soe. ea 9. 90 31. 83 24. 51 25)meters=_.22) S22 2. 23 32.45 25. 93 50 meters._.___---.. —.68 32. 93 26. 485 TOTNCLCrS=) eee ee —1.14 32. 94 26. 51 100 meters_____-._- —1.20 32. 98 26. 54 150 meters__-_..-.-- —1.02 33. 26 26.77 O:meter:.<-- == 8. 30 32. 20 25. 06 25MeteMs= senses 5. 12 32. 55 25. 74 HOimeterssoses aaa = —.22 32. 99 26. 51 7o5aueLers= eee —1.10 33. 03 26. 58 100 meters_____._-- —1.02 33. 07 26. 61 150;meterss=--2—- = —.96 33. 23 26. 74 a ee DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1224; July 5; depth, 247 meters; lat. 48°44’ N., long. 51°21’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.782 meters 225 Station 1229; July 6; depth, 1,792 meters; lat. 50°42’ N., long. 49°21’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.562 meters Temper ss Temper- rae Depth ature Evans ot Depth ature Saye ot (COS) 700 (EGS) 700 Oimeter:. = -2.=--.=- 7.10 32. 07 25. 12 O\meter2-2.=524.-2= 7.10 33. 61 26. 33 Z25meters. 2c. = - 51 32, 50 26.085 | 25 meters__.__.-..- 4.81 34.18 27.07 oOi meters: .-...-_. —1.02 32. 88 26. 46 50) metersss 22222 3.16 34. 47 27. 47 MOMMIOLCTS= ==. — 2. —1.33 32. 89 26. 47 100; meters=2-22s = 35-23 34. 79 Zod 100 meters_________ —].,41 33. 03 26. 59 200 meters________- 3.41 34. 90 27.78 LaQinetersi= 2-3 = —1. 36 33. 26 26. 78 300 meters___.____- 3. 41 34. 91 27.79 ZO0rmeters-===—- == =) EX fil (ee ee ene | |e eo 400 meters___...__- 3.39 34. 91 27.79 600 meters________- 3.35 34. 91 27. 80 ee eee se Be 3. 34 (34, 91) 27. 80 Station 1225; July 5; depth, 321 meters; lat. 49°00’ | 1,000 meters_______ 3,32 34. 91 27. 80 N., long. 51°05’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.760 | 1,200 meters_______ 3. 32 34. 91 27. 80 meters 1,400 meters______- Bi be een 1,500 meters______- 3459]) | Saeeeeee ci 1,600 meters_______ 34. 91) |o22 aaa Ofmeter= Ss 6. 90 32. 02 25. 11 ApUMeLErSo= 222 2 4. 96 32507 25. 465 DOWMOterS=-= 2. = —1. 29 32. 86 26. 45 OMB LOrS\ ose —1.65 33. 20 26. 73 Station 1230; July 6; depth, 1,189 meters; lat. 50°40’ 100 meters___.____- —1.31 3a. 22 26. 74 N., long. 50°00’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.569 150);meters_.-_....- —.07 33. 37 26. 82 meters 200 meters......._- . 92 34. 11 27. 355 Station 1226; July 5; depth, 320 meters; lat. 49°24’ N,, long. 50°45’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.676 meters Osmeters 2 6. 90 32. 13 25. 665 25;meters2—-5-..=+ 6.18 32. 93 25. 91 50) meters: —-__ =... —.41 33. 27 26.75 MOLMeLerS see a (4. 47) 33. 58 26. 99 1O00smeters's=2 22 == - . 04 33. 61 27.005 L5O0imeters2 so. 2_- 79 34. 19 27. 435 200'meterss__ 2 1. 83 34. 37 27. 505 300 meters_________ 2.78 34. 82 27.77 Station 1227; July 5; depth, 497 meters; lat. 49°38’ N., long. 50°25’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.628 meters Onneterta2 ess = = 5, 32) 32. 82 25. 93 Zo metersss---= 2 ~~. 3. 06 32. 91 26. 235 50 meters.._.______ —.39 33. 83 27. 195 MORINIOLELS 3 o oe .79 34. 04 27. 305 100\meters-=)-— = _. - 1. 67 34. 13 PABGY? 160;meters == 5s. 2. 51 34. 39 27. 46 200 meters._._..-.. 2. 80 34. 58 27. 60 300 meters________- 3. 20 34. 86 27.77 400 meters_______._ 2. 88 34. 89 27. 82 Station 1228; July 5; depth, 997 meters; lat. 49°58’ N., long. 50°00’ W.; dynamic height 1,454.600 meters Olmeters 245-2 5. 02 32. 80 25. 95 Zoumeters=— 2-2 - — 2.72 33. 36 26. 63 oOumbeters2.-==5--2- . 68 34. 05 27.32 100 meters_____-___- 1. 87 34. 45 27. 565 USO }meters:) 5 ese 2. 67 34. 56 27. 58 200 mMeters-— 22 = 3. 11 34. 72 27. 67 300 meters_.-_.__.- 3.41 (34. 90) 27.78 400 meters_____.._- (3. 38) 34. 90 27.79 600) mieters-—. == - 22 3. 36 34. 91 27. 80 700 meters <== _ 3. 36 34. 91 27. 80 800 meters_________ 3. 32 34. 91 27. 80 900 meters_________ 3.32 34. 91 27. 80 Ownetert22—. 2322 7.00 33. 26 26. 07 25'moeters-=-- 2. ==. 3.41 33. 79 26. 90 S0mmeters= 2220 = 3. 25 34. 58 27. 54 100) meterss=2-——-— 3.38 34. 88 PACS 150 meters____..__- 3.37 34. 90 27.78 200 meters____..._- 3.41 34. 90 27. 78 300 meters_-_.___.. 3. 50 34. 90 27.78 400 meters_______-- 3. 44 34. 90 27.78 500 meters_____._- 3.43 34. 90 27.78 600 meters___.___- 3. 38 34. 90 27.78 700:;meters_==- --=-- 3. 39 34. 90 27.78 800 meters_._...__- 3.39 34. 90 27. 78 900 meters_______.- 3. 40 34. 90 27.78 Station 1231; July 6; depth, 951 meters; lat. 50°41’ N., long. 50°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.595 meters O;meters estes. 2 6. 42 33. 02 25. 95 ZOMMeLCIS: seo 28. 4.99 33. 63 26. 61 SO0;meters------ =. 3.01 34. 58 27. 57 LOO meters] = =_ = 3.39 34. 80 27.70 150 meters____.____ 3. 42 34. 81 27.71 200 meters_______-- 3. 42 34, 82 27. 725 300/)meters-2= 522-2: 3. 47 34. 86 27. 745 400 meters_________ 3.45 34. 87 27. 755 500 meters________- 3. 44 34. 90 27.78 600 meters______--- 3. 43 (34. 90) 27.78 700 meters________- 3.42 34.91 27.79 800 meters__....--- 3.42 (34. 91) 27.79 900 meters_......-- 3.40 34. 91 27.79 Station 1232; July 6; depth, 268 meters; lat. 50°37” N., long. 51°12’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.727 meters : O;meters=== 222222 6. 30 32. 72 25. 735 25; meters=2 22 2 == 4.01 32. 72 25. 995 50!metersi. === - 4. 40 32. 07 25. 44 DaeMieLersae ===. = 2 —.11 32. 74 26. 31 50 ameters...- -----. —1.36 33. 42 26. 905 7D Mevers.2= 42... —1.34 33. 48 26. 955 100 meters__----..-- —1.08 33. 72 27.14 i2bmeters=- 22225. —.73 33. 90 27. 26 150 meters_......-- 82 34. 43 27. 62 Station 1250; July 10; depth, 207 meters; lat. 54°19’ is long. 53°57’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.716 meters Oimeter!_--=22.=-—= Bal 32. 30 25. 69 BING LOrs === 22-5 2_ 207, 32. 60 26. 14 bOumeters:. ==... —1.36 32. 87 26. 455 daMebers= =~ 5-255 —1. 29 33, 34 26. 84 100/mHeters=—-2===_= —1.25 33. 65 27.09 25 meters:.2s22:—= —.88 33. 79 27. 185 150 meters____.---- —.51 33. 87 27. 23 Station 1251; July 11; depth, 284 meters; lat. 54°33’ N., long. 53°31’ W.; dynamic heights, 97.374 meters, 970.929 meters, 1,454.673 meters. Oumneter: sobs 3.05 32. 26 25. 72 25 IMELOIS2 co. cc2-<— - 10 33. 05 26. 545 HOimMefers 2-228 —1.19 33. 27 26.78 75 meters. ...----<= —.72 33. 69 27.10 100 meters_..__---- —.24 34. 00 27. 33 150: meters. 222... DL 34. 21 27. 465 200 meters_._..---- 1.36 34. 47 27. 62 Station 1253; July 11; depth, 2,231 meters; lat. 54°58’ ae long. 52°48’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.573 meters Onneteras=2 t= = 6. 30 34. 33 27.01 25, Meters 4—- 22 == 5.39 34, 32 27.115 S0imeters>—:-.-- == 3. 61 34. 66 27. 57 100 meters__._._--- 3. 50 34.77 27. 67 200 meters______--- 3.55 (34. 86) 27. 735 300 meters______--- 3. 59 34. 86 27. 735 ANQsmeters= =e. 3. 57 34. 87 27. 745. 600 meters__.__...- 3.43 34. 87 27. 755 800 meters_.._...-- (3. 34) 34. 88 27.775 1,000 meters_-_-__._- 3. 26 34. 88 27.78 1,200 meters_-_-_.-- 3. 21 34. 88 27. 785 1,400 meters_-_____- 3.21 34. 88 27. 785 1,500 meters_______ (3. 13) (34. 89) (27. 80) 1,800 meters__.__-_- 3.06 34. 89 27. 81 Station 1254; July 11; depth, 2,680 meters; lat.55°24’ N., long. 53°38’ W. 200 meters 400 meters 800 meters____..--- 1,000 meters-_-.---- 1,200 meters_--.---- 1,400 meters____--- 1,600 meters_--__--- 2,000 meters--. ---- ® cot ® 5 a 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 \ OCHNONWWWaATaAhORN ASNSOawnowsnntSses Station 1255; July 11-12; depth, ; 2,980 meters lat. 55°52’ N., long. 54°26’ W. Guncter 716s | 25) meters: ===" §. 96.) 0=222-555 eeeee 60: meters:_-=—====- 4.14 )\223250 22 | eee 100 meters--------- 33:06 || otos~ Sack Ee eae 200 mieters2-=-—--—-— Pay de ee ees eee ee 400 meters_-------- 35:68; || =5- 52s |e eee 600 meters-_-------- 354, (.5-25 3222 oes eee 800 meters_-------- 36460 | 2 2 Se | ee 1,000 meters-__-_---- Be 8 ee eee eee 1,200 meters------- 3.0) |e eee 1,400 meters-_------ 3024 o ee ee 1,500 meters-__ oy) i eee Ba ass 1,600 meters-_- 3.18 |-- = 2,000 meters--_----- Sh10) |S eee eee 228 Station 1256; July 12; depth, 2,652 meters; lat. 56°16’ N., long. 55°17’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.587 meters Temper aot Depth ature Seay ot (CG) 700 O!meterz22-- 422832 8. 10 34. 02 26. 52 25 aNeLers==2- see 6. 36 34. 51 27. 14 S0imeters- ose 3. 59 34. 72 27. 62 100 meters__.-_..-- 3. 62 34.77 27. 65 200 meters_-_._-_-_- 3. 67 34. 87 27. 735 400 meters_____-_-_- 3. 67 34, 88 27. 74 600 meters_---_--_- 3. 57 34. 89 27. 76 800 meters- --_._--- 3. 33 34. 89 27.78 1,000 meters _ _----- 3. 28 34. 89 27. 79 1,200 meters - _____- 3.19 34. 89 27. 80 1,400 meters. _._--- 3.18 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters - -._.-- (3. 18) (34. 89) (27. 80) 1,600 meters_______ 3. 18 34. 89 27. 80 2,000 meters --..--_- 3. 08 34. 89 27. 81 Station 1257; July 12; depth, 2,362 meters; lat. 55°55’ N., long. 55°51’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.585 meters Ounleter==-22-e === 7.70 34. 36 26. 84 2OaNCLOLS= fae ee = 5.49 34, 48 27. 23 50. meters_...--.--- 3. 57 34. 70 27. 61 100 meters____--__- 3. 54 34. 79 27. 69 200 meters._-_-__-- 3. 59 34. 86 27. 73 400 meters________- 3. 56 34. 87 27.74 ~ 600 meters_---_----- 3. 55 34. 88 27. 76 800 meters_-.__--_- 3. 38 34. 88 PYG (UE 1,000 meters ___--_- 3. 29 34. 89 27.79 15200)meters= 22 =—-- 3. 30 34. 89 27. 795 1,400 meters_-___-__- 3.15 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters_-_____- (3. 15) (34. 89) (27. 80) 1,600 meters _____- 3.15 34. 89 27. 80 2,000 meters- __--_- 2. 84 34. 89 27. 825 Station 1258; July 12; depth, 2,150 meters; lat. 55°44’ N., long. 56°10’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.603 meters O;moters=—- ===. = = 7.70 34. 48 26. 94 25 1meters=-==*=--=— 4. 60 34. 51 27. 35 5@:meters_..._- 4: 4.42 34. 54 27. 39 200'mMeters-.--_.._-. 3. 42 34. 66 27. 59 200 meters-_---_---- 3. 59 34. 83 27. 71 400 meters___-___-- 3. 62 34. 87 27.74 600 meters 3. 62 34. 88 27. 75 800 meters 3.45 34. 88 27. 76 1,000 meters____--- 3.38 34. 89 27.78 1,200 meters __---.- 3. 23 34. 89 27.79 1,400 meters _ -_---- 3.18 34. 89 27. 80 1,500 meters ______- (3. 18) (34. 89) (27. 80) 1,600 meters _-_---- 3.18 34. 89 27. 80 1,800 meterS: ----=-]---------- 34589) |i 52-22 ee Station 1259; July 12; depth, 800 meters; lat. 55 °34 N., long. 56°31’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.706 meters Olmeter ee 4. 60 32. 79 25. 99 25 meters. _..=..=-=- —. 20 33. 32 26. 78 5OAmoeters- 3-5-2 .73 33. 85 27.15 100\meterss-. == 2.2 1.57 34. 37 27. 525 150 meters_--_----- 2.11 34. 49 27. 575 200 ‘meters_-.-....- 2.73 34. 56 27. 575 300 meters_-_______- 3. 48 34.77 27. 67 400 meters_________ 3. 55 34. 79 27. 68 500 meters_-_____-_- 3. 68 34. 84 27. 71 600 meters____.---- 3. 65 34. 87 27. 735 700 meters__-.--__- 3. 60 34. 88 27.75 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1260; July 12; depth, 137 meters; lat. 55°25’ N “4 long. 56°50’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.767 meters Salinity Depth eto (%o) ot 4.90 32. 01 25. 34 4.75 32. 07 25. 405 1. 68 32. 51 26. 025 SUS ye 32. 79 26, 39 —1, 22 33. 05 26. 60 100jmeters2-==22-== 3 7(0 33. 58 27.02 Station 1261; July 13; depth, 190 meters; lat. 55°18’ N., long. 57°05’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.812 meters Olmeter2.---2 eee 4.10 31. 83 25. 28 2bumnetersse esa ee 87 32. 52 26. 08 50 meters_-__.------ 47 32. 69 26. 24 75ameters= = se sess —1. 27 32. 79 26. 39 100 meters._...---- —1.30 33. 08 26. 62 150 meters__-.--_-- —. 88 33. 37 26. 85 Station 1262; July 13; depth, 259 meters; lat. 55°11’ N., long. 57°19’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.839 meters Oimeter:--—-2 4. 30 31. 92 25. 33 25 meters_..------- 1.03 32. 33 25. 92 DO Meters= 2-4 —.82 32. 57 26. 20 OMeLEDS=o=2e eee —1.31 32.77 26. 38 100 meters_-_-----.- —1.27 32. 92 26. 495 150smeterssseee ase —.88 33.15 26. 67 200 meters--------- —.66 33. 36 26. 835 Station 1263; July 13; depth 267 meters; lat. 55°05’ N., long. 57°34’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.851 meters Ometer:.=--25 55 4. 30 31. 66 25. 12 25)meters= ==. ss2=-- -o2 32. 34 25. 96 S0:meters-=22=-22=- —1.39 32. 55 26. 20 (OWHeCtOrs==-2-—2-e- —1.37 32. 61 26. 25 100};metenss===s2ee= —1.15 32. 95 26. 515 150 meters-=-—-2=-* —1.05 33. 11 26. 64 200 meters--------- —.87 33. 21 26. 72 Station. 1264; July 15; depth 110 meters; lat. 57°07’ N., long. 60°39 W.; dynamic height, 1,454.778 meters ~~ Oimeter: 22-2 22-2 4.10 31.75 25. 22 LOhmetersas-s-—- 45 2.01 31.81 25. 44 ZDIMIOLOLS =sse eee —.49 32. 25 25. 93 60 meters_...==..-- —1.08 32. 28 25. 975 TOMMGLETS=2- = <= —1.19 32. 44 26. 105 Station 1265; July 15; lat. 57°12’ N., long. 60°18’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.765 meters Oimeter=—-==22-55-~ 4.00 31. 98 25. 41 PADIS) eee eee 1,72 32. 53 26. 035 50)meters==--=s._- —.25 32. 62 26, 22 100: meters_--.--_.- —1.16 32. 89 26. 47 Sil 33. 67 27. 10 Oe ee a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1266; July 15; depth 130 meters; lat. 57°17’ N., long. 59°47’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.750 meters 229 Station 1271; July 16; depth, 3,610 meters; lat. 57°41’ N., long. 57°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.565 meters Temper- | gaiinit y Bent Co) | (960) Ah Qaneter-=-—=2-=.--= 3. 80 31. 96 25. 42 ZoNmMeters:2==2=225- .07 32. 63 26. 215 DOMMOLETS= 25-225 —.63 32. 77 26. 355 commeterss=..+-+--== —.93 32. 98 26. 53 100 meters-_-------- —1.01 33. 02 26. 57 188 meters; lat. Station 1267; July 15; depth, i dynamic height, Broz’ Ney longs 59°20° Wi: 1,454.723 meters Omnreter== === 3. 70 31.88 25. 36 25: Meters. ..2.-.==-- 1.32 32.89 26. 35 650imeters:=:=-=-=-= —. 54 33. 20 26. 70 @ORMELOLS =. -=-- === —.52 33. 21 26. 705 160'meters.-—_:-.-- —.05 33. 48 26. 905 P50) meters: == --.. = 1.35 34. 23 27. 43 Station 1268; July 15; depth, 57226" Ni, Jong. 58°57’ W..; 914 meters; lat. dynamic height, 1,454.617 meters Gianiebert]- 222 a2" - = 3. 90 32. 94 26.18 25;meters..===-==== 2. 57 34. 05 27.18 BOMnTeLOrss2-=2-—2-= 2. 58 34. 35 27. 41 100 meters_-_------- 2.79 34. 55 27. 565 150 meters-_---_----- 3.19 (34. 67) (27. 62) 200 meters-_-------- 3. 58 34. 79 27. 68 300 meters-_-------- 3. 84 34. 89 27. 73 400 meters_-------- 3. 74 34. 88 Zits 500 meters-_-------- 3. 82 34. 90 27. 74 600 meters-_-------- 3.72 34.91 27. 76 700hmeters22=--===- 3.71 34. 92 Dike 800 meters--------- 3.71 34. 92 27.77 Station 1269; July 16; depth 1,920 meters; lat. 57°29’ N., long. 58°32’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.609 meters Ogneleriess- 22.5.3 6. 30 33. 92 26. 67 25uHOTeIS..2.-2==- 5. 40 34.15 26. 975 SO0hmepters==-2-=-=-+ 3. 92 34. 52 27. 43 100\meters: —..=---- 3. 41 34. 78 27. 68 200 meters------_-- 3. 62 34. 84 27. 71 400 meters__------- 3266 34. 89 27. 74 600 meters_---_-.-- 3. 68 34. 90 27. 75 800 meters_-------- 3.61 34. 90 27.76 1,000 meters--.----- 3. 46 34. 90 27. 78 1;200;meters-_<-== 3.34 34. 90 27.79 1,400 meters_-_.---- 3. 29 34, 92 27. 81 1,500 meters-.-_---- (3. 24) (34, 92) (27. 81) 1,600 meters- ------ 3.19 34. 92 27. 82 Station 1270; July 16; depth, 2,560 meters; lat. 57°35’ as long. 57°58’ W., dynamic height, 1,454.608 meters Oimeter=25- 6. 50 34. 32 26. 98 Zo; meters_22-2_.=-2 5. 36 34, 44 27. 21 ‘50 meters: = ys = 3: 3.99 34. 54 27. 44 100 meters___-___-. 3. 53 34. 72 27. 625 200 meters_-__.___-. 3.45 34. 87 27. 75 400 meters_________ 3. 58 34. 89 27.76 600 meters________- 3. 60 34. 90 27. 765 800 meters_________ 3.47 34. 90 27.775 1,000 meters_______ 3. 39 34. 90 27.78 1,200 meters______- 3. 26 34. 91 27. 805 1,400 meters_______ 3.19 34. 91 27. 81 1,500 meters_______ (3. 17) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters_-__-_-- 3.15 34. 91 27. 815 Temper ss Depth ature acrid ot °C.) ” O\meters- 23-2. 6. 90 34.45 27. 03 25: meters. .-...==.=- 6. 33 34, 52 27.15 50imeterso—- 23227 _ 5 3. 52 34. 73 27. 63 100 meters_-_______- 3.42 34. 81 27.71 200 meters____.___- 3.59 34. 90 27.76 400 meters_...._._- 3. 63 34. 90 27.76 600 meters___._____ 3. 59 34. 90 27. 765 800 meters____. a 3.49 34. 90 27.775 1,000 meters. _____. 3.47 34. 90 27. 78 1,200 meters____..- 3. 30 34, 92 27. 81 1,400 meters__-_-___- 3. 22 34. 92 27. 82 1,500 meters. ______ (3. 22) (34. 92) (27. 82) 1,600 meters__.__-_- 3. 22 34. 92 27. 82 2,000 meters__-____- 2. 97 34. 92 27. 84 Station 1272; July 16; depth, 2,634 meters; lat. 58°34’ Ne long. 57°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.589 meters O;meter:*.==---=.-. 7.00 34. 48 27.01 25 meters__-.-.-._. 5. 80 34. 48 27.19 OO}MeLErS 23222. - 3.48 34. 62 27. 55 100 meters____._.-- 3. 42 34. 82 27.715 200 meters____.-.-- 3. 60 34. 88 27.75 400 meters____...-- 3. 66 34. 89 27.75 600hmeters=2=2) 3. 62 34. 90 27. 76 800 meters____.---- 3. 52 34. 90 20.77 1,000 meters____._- 3. OL 34. 90 PAfat lll 1,200 meters_-_____- (3. 40) (34. 90) (27. 78) 1,400 meters_______ 3. 28 34. 90 27.795 1,500 meters_-_-_-_-_-- (3. 25) (34. 90) (27. 80) 1,600 meters____.__ By Al 34. 90 27. 80 2,000 meters___-__-_- 3. 06 34. 90 27. 82 Station 1273; July 17; depth, 2,630 meters; lat. 59°26’ Ne long. 58°28’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.580 meters Olmetert-oee- 22 8. 00 34. 37 26. 805 20 TneOverS wee oe ay fail 34. 37 27.14 50 meters_-_-___ 3. 52 34. 67 27. 585 100 meters____ 3.44 34. 76 27. 665 200 meters 3. 72 34. 82 27. 685 400 meters_-_____-_-- 3.71 (34. 91) 27.76 600 meters________- 3. 65 34. 91 27. 765 S00)meters2_- 22: == 3.49 34. 91 27.78 1,000 meters__--_---_- 3. 40 34. 91 27.79 1,200 meters_-_-____- 3. 22 (34. 91) 27. 81 1,400 meters. ____-_- 3. 20 (34. 91) 27. 81 1,500 meters. __-.-- (3. 19) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters__-___. 3.19 34. 91 27. 81 2,000 meters---_-_--- 2.97 34. 91 27. 83 Station 1274; July 17; depth, 2,240 meters; lat. 59°20’ N., long. 59°10’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.604 meters Oiumeter=s. 25-2522 8. 27 34. 48 26. 85 25 meters____- 5. 42 34, 48 27. 23 50 meters__- 4.13 34. 55 27. 43 100 meters_- 3. 59 34. 68 27. 59 200 meters_____.--_- 3.70 34. 80 27. 67 400 meters__.__._-- 3.70 34. 88 27.74 600 meters__......- 3. 65 34. 91 ra ear led 800 meters__...-.-_ 3. 58 34. 91 27.77 1,000 meters_____-. 3. 50 34. 90 27.77 1,200 meters-_-_-__.-- 3. 27 34. 91 27. 805 1,400 meters---_---- 3.17 34. 90 27. 805 1,500 meters_-_____- (3. 13) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters_-_-_..-- 3.10 34. 91 27. 81 2,000 meters... .... 2,88 eonscccaeslSo2eene5se 230 Station 1275; July 17; depth, 1,400 meters; lat. 59°16’ | N., long. 59°51’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.646 meters. MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1281; July 18; depth, 137 meters; lat. 59°12’ EA long. 62°53’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454,896 meters Temper- | sajinit My Depth tok (960) ct O\moter:2- -47 33. 79 27.12 150 '‘meters-= 222 22-- 1, 44 34, 03 27. 315 200 meters_._...._- 2.18 34. 33 27. 45 Station 1277; July 18; depth, 201 meters; lat. 59°13’ N a long. 60°58’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.880 meters Olmeters2=. 3224 2-8 3. 10 31.55 25. 15 25 meters... ==_5.-- —.22 31.88 25. 575 50 meters_........- —.79 32. 22 25. 915 ouneters: 222252. —1.05 32. 74 26. 345 100 meters__.....-- —.62 32. 76 26. 345 150 meters__..-.--- —.32 33. 47 26. 88 Station 1278; July 18; depth, 173 meters; lat. 59°13’ tong. 61°30? W.; dynamic height, 1,454.896 meters Oimeter- === 2 3.80 31. 26 24, 86 25 Meters =.. 2s55- = —.32 31.77 25. 495 50\meters.—-22---.- —.58 32. 22 25. 91 Zo onetersh-e eee en —.57 32. 64 26, 25 100 meters__....-_- —.61 32. 79 26. 37 150) meters: =2<-=_=2 —.47 33. 20 26. 695 Station 1279; July 18; depth, 144 meters; lat. 59°13’ F a a 62°00’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.878 meters Oimeter:2s2252224=2 4.15 31.73 25. 195 QO MNGLOES¢ sess sees 33 32. 00 25. 70 50imeterss.—s 22 -2=- —.70 32. 55 26. 18 75 meters. ._..-_..- —.90 32. 72 26. 325 100 meters___-_--__- —1. 06 32.85 26. 435 125 Metersee soe soak —.75 32. 99 26. 535 Station 1280; July 18; depth, 123 meters; lat. 59°14’ N., long. 62°29’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.872 meters Oimoeterste_-242-3<2 4, 23 31. 93 25. 35 10 meters. -......... 3. 20 31.90 25. 42 25) meters. .--....- . 29 32.12 25. 795 50 meters___.._.-- —1.44 32. 62 26, 25 75 meters.-..------ —1.45 32. 72 26. 34 Temper se Depth ature aire ot (@C.) 0 Ouneter:. 5. 20 31. 64 25. 01 25 meters.....-_-.- 90 31. 87 25. 565 60meters-=--2 225-2 —.31 32, 22 25. 90 Wometers:2-2esee= —1.08 32. 51 26. 16 1O0jmeters_ 22825 —1.18 32. 75 26. 355 Station 1282; July 23; depth, 154 meters; lat. 59°54’ ne long. 63°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.890 meters Oimeter2-c25 3. 50 31.74 25. 265 26: Meters ==. eens -78 31. 99 25. 67 50 meters._--..-... —.48 32, 23 25. 91 (diypaolsyrs) he —.71 32. 62 26. 235 100 meters_-_--.- je —.82 32. 64 26. 26 125 meters_-_.-- eee —.70 32. 68 26. 285 Station 1283; July,23; depth 139 meters; lat 59°55’ N., ‘long. 63°28’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.892 meters O meter: 7-25 se 2.30 31.74 25. 325 25 meters....i_....- 1. 08 31. 82 25. 515 50 meters__...-...- —. 49 32, 35 26. 01 76Meters_—= =. sen —.75 32. 61 26. 23 100 meters___-_-_-_ —.82 32. 71 26, 315 125 meters__._-_-.- —.70 32. 72 26. 315 Station 1284; July 23; depth, 113 meters, lat. 60°07’ N., long. 63°48’ W. dynamic height, 1,454.899 meters Oimeter-22.222.5222 1.50 31. 94 25. 58 25;meters22sseese- .78 31. 86 25. 56 50\meters>-- 52252=- —.09 32. 32 25. 97 VOMMGtOISs-=-ecee == —.14 32. 40 26. 04 100 meters........- —.20 32. 46 26. 09 Station 1285; July 24; depth, 274 meters; lat. 60°46’ N., long. 64°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1, 454.925 meters Qiameters 22222 =e 1.95 31. 22 24. 98 25 meters..--.....- . 94 31.81 25. 51 60lmeterss2. =. ses —. 03 32. 10 25. 795 TOMMGtOrS=aes ne ee ae —.67 32. 66 26. 27 125imeters: 2-2-2 —.71 33. 36 26. 84 T/bimietersse. see o= —. 28 33. 58 26. 995 200 MetErS=acce ese —. 93 34. 02 27. 28 Station 1286; July 24; depth, 485 meters; lat. 60°58’ N., long. 64°46 W.; dynamic height, 1,454.879 meters Onmneter=2-..-----2- 0.80 32. 49 26. 06 PIRSUOG) ee eee nee . 43 32. 63 26. 195 50 meters.-_....--- . 06 32.74 26. 30 100 meters___.----- —.20 33. 32 26. 785 200 meters__-..---- . 38 33. 78 27. 115 Ss00lmetersssscoss2 1.31 33. 98 27. 22 400 meters__..--_-- 1. 52 34.15 27. 35 Station 1287; July 24; depth, 320 meters; lat. 61°08’ ae long. 64°45’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454,901 meters Oimeter: 22-25-22 1.50 32. 49 26. 02 25 meters..--.-=--- 1.51 32. 67 26. 16 bOinmeters==== == 13 32. 73 26. 29 100 meters_-_------- —.40 33. 07 26. 585 150 meters_-_..-..-- —.85 33. 41 26. 88 200 meters-_-_-..---- . 49 34. 02 27.31 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1288; July 24; depth, 402 meters; lat. 61°00’ a long. 64°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.805 meters Temper- nar Depth ature Byres ot (°C.) auc, 2. 00 31.77 25. 41 76 32. 83 26, 34 32 33. 07 26. 55 —.16 33. 34 26. 80 - 36 33. 81 27.14 1, 92 34, 26 27. 41 2. 06 34. 32 27. 45 Station 1289; July 24; depth, 503 meters; lat. 60°57’ a long. 63°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.861 meters Onneter:<2-2. 222. 1.90 31. 20 24, 97 25 meters.-...--=-- . 03 32, 44 26. 06 50 meters. =....-=.- —.23 32,77 26. 34 100 meters_-------- —.13 32. 95 26. 48 200 meters____----- —.52 33. 78 27. 16 300 meters_-_-.--.-. 3. 12 34. 55 27. 53 400 meters: =. so 55 tse5oc25-== 34: (Onl sae soceccs Station 1290; July 25; depth, 595 meters; lat. 60°55’ i long. 62°42’ W.: dynamic height, 1,454.809 meters Oimeter2+ 22222 =< 1.10 31. 66 25. 38 ZO MGLOISe> --— ease . 44 32. 49 26. 075 BO meterss2: 2=2--- .32 32.90 26. 42 100 meters_-_------- . 50 33. 44 26. 845 200 meters_....-_-- 1.79 34. 21 27.30 S00 meters:=.-2=-=2 3.39 34. 63 27. 57 500 meters__------- 3. 82 (34. 78) (27. 64) Station 1291; July 25; depth, 604 meters; lat. 60° 50’ Ns long. 62°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.705 meters OMmeter = 22s... 1,45 33. 41 26. 76 QUNMOLOIS - = =asace 1.10 33. 46 26. 83 HO0nmeters!_25=--.2-. - 26 33. 71 27. 07 100 meters_-.------ - 55 34. 00 27. 285 200 meters_-_------- 2.41 34. 37 27. 46 300 meters____-_--- 3.49 34. 66 27. 58 500 meters_----.--- 3.91 34. 79 27. 64 Station 1292; July 25; depth, 572 meters; lat. 60°51’ HS, long. 61°25’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.662 meters Oimmeter= 20 2<=-S2= 4,31 33. 48 26. 57 ZOMMOLOIS 22 S325 3. 83 33. 87 26. 92 bOMMe ters: 2--205.— 3. 45 33. 87 26. 955 100 meters_---.--.- 1, 44 34. 02 27. 235 200 meters_---.---- 3.37 34. 74 27. 66 300 meters____.---- 3. 74 34. 86 27.72 600 meters. .....-.- 3. 82 (34.88)]} (27.725) Station 1293; July 25; depth, 1,509 meters; lat. 60°56’ N., long. 60°43’ W. SISSIES Go SN = DWOODOSOOO SSPSSSSLRSes o> “100 231 Station 1294; July 25; depth, 2,103 meters; lat. 61°02’ ls long. 59°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.606 meters Tem per- wee Depth ature Baton ot (°C.) %0) Olmoeter.2. 2.225222 7.40 33. 98 26. 57 25 mMeterss-sesen ase 7.27 34. 29 26. 85 50 meters__._--...- 3. 54 34. 58 27. 515 100 meters_.-.-...- 3. 12 34. 66 27.62 200 meters__._-_._- 3.85 34. 89 27.73 400 meters__---_-_- 3. 83 34. 91 27.745 600 meters__-_-_-_- 3. 83 34, 93 27. 765 800 meters__-_-_-_- 3. 84 34. 93 27. 765 1,000 meters_-_-____- 3. 66 34, 92 27. 775 1,200 meters_-.-___- 3. 48 34, 92 27.79 1,400 meters_-____- 3. 33 34. 91 27.80 1,500 meters_--___-- (3. 31) (34. 91) (27. 80) 1,600 meters----__-_- 3.30 34. 91 27. 80 Station 1295; July 26; depth, 2,405 meters; lat. 61°08’ Dee long. 58°51’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.572 meters Oimleters2ass-s25-—— 8. 85 34. 43 26.72 6. 24 34. 57 27. 20 3. 73 34. 70 27. 59 3. 51 34. 83 27.71 3.79 34. 90 27.75 3. 83 34. 92 27.76 3. 82 34, 92 27.76 3. 59 34, 93 27.79 3. 53 34, 93 27.79 3.31 34, 92 27. 81 3. 23 34, 91 27.81 1,500 meters- ------ (3. 23) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters_------ 3. 23 34. 91 27.81 Station 1296; July 26; depth, 2,580 meters; lat. 61°13’ N., long. 58°03’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.615 meters Osmeter-=. 22-2253. 8. 30 34.15 26. 58 20 IMOLOMS == s-— == 4.71 34. 48 27. 32 HOlmoeters=2 = 22. = 4.13 34. 73 27. 57 LOO mmeterss2-—==— == 4, 36 34. 79 27. 595 200 meters--------- 4. 46 34. 97 27.73 400 meters.-------- 4,31 34. 96 27. 74 600 meters__._----- 4.11 (34. 94) 27. 74 800 meters____----- 3. 96 34. 92 27. 745 1,000 meters-_---_--- BAA! 34. 91 27. 76 1,200 meters- - --__-- 3. 41 34. 91 27.79 1,400 meters. --_--- 3. 28 34.91 27. 80 1,500 meters. .----- (3. 25) (34. 91) (27. 80) 1,600 meters. --_-_-- 3. 21 34. 91 27. 81 2,000 meters_------ 2. 84 34. 90 27. 835 Station 1297; July 26; depth, 2,700 meters; lat. 61°11’ N., long. 57°11’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.583 meters Owneters-2 == 2225-- 8.99 34, 26 26. 56 25 metersscosseoee 6. 10 34. 33 27. 04 50 meters__-------- 3. 30 34. 59 27. 55 100 meters-__-_------ 3. 53 34. 78 27. 67 200 meters_-__-_----- 3. 82 34. 88 27. 725 400 meters___------ 3. 78 34. 91 27. 755 600}meters===-2—-- Baris 34. 94 27.78 800 meters___------ 3. 72 34. 93 27.78 1,000 meters- --___- 3. 63 34. 94 27. 795 1,200 meters_-.-__-- 3. 40 34. 92 27. 80 1,400 meters ----_--- 3. 26 34. 92 27. 815 1,500 meters. -__--- (3. 24) (34.93)| (27. 825) 1,600 meters-_-_-_--- 3.21 34. 94 27. 835 2,000 meters_--_.-- 2. 98 34. 92 27. 84 232 Station 1298; July 26; depth, 2,790 meters; lat. 61°05’ aes long. 56°03’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.650 meters MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1302; July 28; depth, 3,109 meters; lat. 60°40’ Ne long. 51°47’ W., dynamic height, 1,454.596 meters Temper ier Depth ature Facae ot (°C.) zoe Oimoeter_- 22222525 7. 20 34, 22 26. 80 25 meters___...-__- 3. 40 34. 36 27. 36 SO} MOtersea se eee 3. 78 34. 62 27. 52 100 meters________- 4.02 34. 75 27. 60 200 meters________- 4, 23 34. 90 27.70 400 meters_________ 4. 53 34. 94 27. 705 600 meters____.____ 4.31 34. 94 Zits 800 meters... _._..- 4. 24 34. 94 27. 73 1,000 meters. -.-___- 4.05 34. 93 27. 74 1,200 meters__-____ 3. 69 34. 91 27. 765 1,400 meters__.____ 3. 42 34. 91 27.79 1,500 meters_-_____- (3. 34) (34. 91) (27. 80) 1,600 meters_-_____- 3. 26 34. 90 27. 80 2,000 meters. ._____ 3. 13 34. 90 27. 81 Station 1299; July 27; depth, 2,800 meters; lat. 60°56’ N., long. 54°57’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.610 meters Osmeter=.< 2.22. 8. 21 34, 29 26. 71 25umeters== ssa". = 5. 26 34. 43 27. 215 50 meters_-___.--__- 4.35 34. 64 27. 48 100'meters__---_._. 3.14 34, 68 27. 63 200 meters___-__.__ 3. 86 34. 88 27.72 400 meters________- 4.05 34. 94 Qt 600 meters_______-. 4.07 34, 94 27.75 800 meters________- 3. 78 34, 92 27.76 1,000 meters_______ 3. 61 34. 90 27.76 1,200 meters_______ 3. 39 34. 90 27. 785 1,400 meters_-_____ 3. 29 34. 90 27.79 1,500 meters______- (3. 25) (34. 90) (27. 80) 1,600 meters_______ 3. 22 34. 91 27. 81 Z, O00MMeterSsoeenee|beasn eae 345915). ae es Station 1300; July 27; depth, 2,950 meters; lat. 60°46’ ee 53°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.599 meters. Olmeter2-=2- 22-222 8.00 34. 51 26. 91 ZosNeCLOLS == sae ona. 6. 48 34. 49 27. 11 50 meters.........- 5. 33 34. 71 27. 42 100):meters==2 22-2 3. 61 34. 72 27. 62 200 meters-___.____- 4, 25 34. 92 27.71 400 meters____.____ 4. 04 34. 94 27.75 600 meters-_________ 3. 93. 34. 95 27.77 800 meters____-_-_- 3. 74 34. 93 27.775 1,000 meters-_..__-- 3. 51 34, 92 27.79 1,200 meters 3. 30 34. 90 27.79 1,400 meters 3. 28 34. 92 27.81 1,500 meters. -____-- (3. 23) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters__.____ 3. 18 34. 90 27. 81 ZOO meters= s+ s=) 4 |eaee ee ay) gl eee ee Station 1301; July 27; depth, 3,018 meters; lat. 60°40’ N., long. 52°40’ W., dynamic height, 1,454.639 meters Oj\meters-2. =. 222-7 - 6.95 34, 27 26. 88 25 NCLEIS= soe nee 5. 93 34. 52 27. 20 50: meters.-.......- 4. 82 34. 61 27. 40 100 meters___..-_-- 4.94 34. 76 27. 505 200 meters_-.....-- 4. 66 34. 95 27. 695 400 meters_____..-. 4,34 34. 97 27.74 600 meters_- (4, 18) 34. 96 27.75 800 meters____.__-_ 4.02 34. 94 27.75 1,000 meters_____-- 3.72 34.91 27.76 1,200 meters_ -_-.-_-- 3. 59 34. 89 27.76 1,400 meters___-_.- 3.32 34. 90 27.79 1,500 meters___-_-- (8. 25) (34. 90) (27. 80) 1,600 meters_-_--_-_- 3.19 34.91 27. 81 2,000 meters. _.-..- 3.16 34, 91 27. 815 Temper + Depth ature Seen ot (EXOD) 700 Ojmeter:.. 2. == 6.79 34. 44 27.03 Zo NeCLCIS= == see 4.70 34. 60 27.41 OO MeterSease see 3. 87 34. 80 27. 655 1L00}meters==- 2222 3. 98 34. 84 27. 68 200 meters_-__.._-_- 4.19 34. 96 27.75 400 meters______.-- 4.14 34. 95 27.75 600 meters___-____. 4.04 34. 94 27.75 800 meters_-_____-- 3. 79 34. 91 27.75 1,000 meters_ _ ____- 3. 60 34. 89 27.755 1,200 meters_ __-.-- 3.48 (34. 90) 27.775 1,400 meters. ___.-- 3. 29 34. 88 27.78 1,500 meters___-__- (3. 26) (34. 89) (27. 79) 1,600 meters- ____-_- 3. 23 34. 90 27. 80 2,000 meters. ______ S21 |\2222.56..| Station 1303; July 28; depth, 3,000 meters; lat. 60°41’ N., long. 50°56’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.639 meters Oimeter:2.2422-<2=— 3.72 32. 94 26. 19 25;meterss-=2-- = 4.35 34. 49 27. 36 50'meters: 225 222-—— 4. 96 34. 73 27. 48 100 meters__..____- 5. 53 34. 98 27. 61 200 meters_______-- 5. 06 35. 00 27. 69 400 meters___._____ 4. 58 34. 96 27.71 600 meters_......-- 4.41 34. 96 27. 73 800 meters_-___._-- 4.19 34. 95 27. 745 1,000 meters- -__-_-_ 3. 89 34. 94 27.77 1,200 meters. __._-- 3. 56 34. 92 27. 785 1,400 meters___-_._ 3.30 34. 91 27. 80 1500 mtersseenee = (3. 29) (34. 91) (27. 80) 1,600 meters_____-- 3. 25 34. 90 27. 80 2,000 meters-_.-__._- 3. 06 34. 90 27. 82 Station 1304; July 28; depth, 2,900 meters; lat. 60°44’ N., Jong. 50°15’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.629 meters Osmeter=.-. 53 === 7. 80 34. 67 27. 06 25: moterssseeaees 7. 08 34. 60 27.11 50:meters_ .2252=.22 5. 50 34.71 27.40 100 meters..._....- 5. 23 35. 00 27. 665 200 meters.__.-.--- (5. 02) (34. 98)} (27.675) 400 meters__---.--- (4. 70 34.95 27.69 600 meters-_.---.--- (4. 21) 34. 92 27.715 800}metersisoe252 = 3. 69 34. 91 27.765 1,000 meters- _.-_-- 3, 55 34. 91 27.78 1,200 meters-_ --...- 3.41 34, 91 27.79 1,400 meters. -._._-- 3. 28 34. 89 27.79 1,500 meters (3. 22) (34.91)} (27.81) 3.17 34, 92 27. 82 2. 92 34. 90 27. 83 Station 1305; July 28; depth, 2,697 meters; lat. 60°51’ N., long. 49°42’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.622 meters Olmeterzs=-25-- 2-2 7.10 34. 61 27.11 25;metersss--es 6. 43 34. 61 27. 205 60)meters-=--- —--=2 6. 30 34. 66 27, 26 100 meters____-_--- 5. 52 34. 80 27.47 200 meters..-.....- 4. 66 34.99 27. 725 400;meters222s-s-=— 4.33 34. 96 27. 74 600 meters--- 4. 30 34. 96 27.74 800 meters-_- 3. 94 34. 94 27.76 1,000 meters 3.71 34. 93 27.78 1,200 meters_-_...-- 3.45 34. 93 27. 805 1,400 meters-_ __---- 3. 29 34, 91 27.81 1,500 meters_-__---- (3. 26) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters_-_-_---- 3. 23 34, 92 27. 815 2,000 meters. ...... 3. 00 34, 90 27. 82 a ee 2 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Station 1306; July 28; depth, 503 meters; lat. 60°58’ N., long. 49°29’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.706 meters 233 Station 1312; Aug. 1; depth, 1,737 meters; lat. 59°28’ N., long. 44°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.614 meters Temper nc Temper Paar Depth ature saree ot Depth ature | Salinity ot CC.) 700 (°C.) (0) Opmeter =2-- 2 2. 50 31.80 25. 40 O;meter: = 6. 90 34, 84 27.31 25: meters... .-.--- . 76 33. 58 26. 94 25 meters_ 6.91 34. 81 27. 295 5O0\meters..=------ 1. 90 33. 93 27. 14 50 meters..._..._.: 6. 86 34. 81 27. 305 100 meters Ze 3. 24 34. 30 27. 33 100: meters_....._.. 6, 82 34. 88 27.365 300 meters_____-_.- 4.96 34. 93 27. 64 200imMeterses ss - == 5. 67 34. 94 27. 565 500 meters___-____- 5. 03 34. 97 27.665 | 400 meters__..____. 5. 61 35. 07 27. 69 600 meters________- 5. 26 35. 03 27.69 peters ee 4.54 35.05 27.79 . A j 6 ones il meters! ==-=- 3. 80 34. 96 27.79 Station 1307; July 28; depth, 136 meters; lat. 61°06’ N., ene ee oem Ba. OF lca long. 49°09’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.808 meters Ouneters.-- >= 22 = 3.30 31. 67 25, 22 ZosMOters: =-22= 222 - . 28 32. 38 26. 00 SOMMELETS| ==. 2-22 —.27 32. 74 26. 315 ZOLMOLEIS==>-5-2 ese . 65 33. 41 26. 81 100 meters-_---.---- ait 33. 61 26. 965 Station 1308; July 31; depth, 132 meters; lat. 60°35’ N., long. 48°47’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.729 meters Olmoeter-o=2----- 2 1. 60 31. 47 25, 19 25 meters__--..---- 29 32. 39 26. 01 50 meters___...-... - 60 33. 27 26. 70 100 meters_-__----- 4.32 34, 26 27. 50 Station 1309; July 31; depth, 613 meters; lat. 60°20’ Ns long. 48°46’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.656 meters Osmneter-2<=26= See 4.49 34. 16 27.09 25 moters-..-...... 3. 62 34, 14 27.16 oO: meters. —=...--- 3. 80 34. 34 27. 31 1OOimpters= <2 o.- -== 5. 03 34. 72 27. 465 300 meters_-.....-- 4.85 34. 93 27. 655 500 meters_..-....- 5.03 35. 02 27. 705 Station 1310; July 31; depth, 2,798 meters; lat. 59°58’ N., long. 48°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.626 meters Oimeterss-> - Fs5 5). 7.30 34. 78 27.22 DOMME ga aes 7.05 34.77 27. 245 HO MMOteTS= 2225-25. 7.45 34. 87 27. 265 100 meters_--___..- 6.73 34. 96 27. 44 200 meters-_---.-..- 5.11 35. 05 2.2 400 meters_____---. 4.51 34, 98 27.73 600 meters.._-_-_-. 4, 50 34. 98 27.73 800 meters__.__-__- 3.91 34.95 27.77 1,000 meters___-___- 3. 61 34. 93 27.79 1,200 meters. -__-_-- 3.41 34. 92 27. 80 1,400 meters. - -___- 3. 28 34, 89 27.80 DOO IRELEr Sea aos eee ee | he (27. 80) Station 1311; Aug. 1; depth, 200 meters; lat. 59°37’ a long. 44°16’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.698 meters Osmeter: S352. - 0.75 31. 59 25. 34 25 meters.........- 21 32.38 26. 005 650i meters. 5... =... 1.02 33.45 26. 82 7o.meters- 2s 25 =) 1.31 33. 80 27.075 100 meters_.....__- 2.14 34.17 27. 32 200 meters.......__ 3.79 34. 80 27. 665 Station 1313; Aug. 2; depth, 2,150 meters; lat. 59°18’ Ne, long. 45°37’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.600 meters Seeaueessses 7.60 34. 93 27. 29 Meeseese 7. 69 34. 93 27. 28 DiS noo 7.71 34. 90 » 27.25 ees 7. 60 34. 95 27.31 eae 5. 41 35. 65 27. 685 400;meters----_---- 4.72 35.03 27.75 = (4. 60) 35. 05 27.78 weccose 4. 02 34. 99 27.79 1,000 meters___-__. 3. 91 34, 97 27.79 1,200 meters-- --_--- 3. 58 34, 95 27. 81 Station 1314; Aug. 2; depth, 2,423 meters; lat. 59°08’ N., long. 46°04’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.578 meters Oimeterss--- 5-2-2 7. 29 34.78 Dien 25 IMCLOISSa2 se eS 7.19 34. 73 27.19 50imeters2222—-- 2 7.18 34.75 27.21 100 meters_...-..=- 5. 11 34, 91 27.61 200 meters_______-- 4,61 35. 02 27. 755 400 meters_.__.._-- 4.18 34. 97 27.76 600 meters_-__-_---- 3. 86 34. 97 37. 795 800 meters_._-_-_-- 3. 60 34, 94 27.795 1,000 meters___-__-- 3.47 34. 93 27. 80 1,200 meters__-_-__-_ 3.30 34. 91 27. 80 1,400 meters_-____-- 3. 28 34. 90 27. 80 1,500 meters______. (3. 25) (34. 90) (27. 80) 1,600 meters. __-_-- 3. 22 34. 90 27. 80 2,000 meters_ -__--_-- 2. 88 34. 93 27. 85 Station 1315; Aug. 2; depth, 2,652 meters; lat. 58°48’ N., long. 46°40’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.557 meters Ovmoters-222--825-2 7. 50 34. 75 27.16 25 moeters-=-----==4 7. 16 34. 76 27. 22 HBOimeterss--2- === 7.17 34. 76 27. 22 100 meters_-------- 4,31 34. 93 27.71 200 meters--------- 4, 20 34. 98 Ql. 400 meters__.-.--..- 4. 08 34. 97 27.77 600 meters_-__._-_-- 3. 67 34. 95 27.80 800 meters_---_---- 3. 57 34, 94 27. 80 1,000 meters_.__--- 3.35 34, 92 27. 805 1,200 meters-_ -_---- 3. 22 34. 91 27.81 1,400 meters_-____-- 3. 14 34. 90 27.81 1,500 meters_-_-__--- (3. 13) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters__._--_- 3.11 34. 91 27. 82 2,000 meters_----_- 2.74 34. 93 27. 82 234. Station 1316; Aug. 2; depth 3,201 meters; lat. 58°22’ N., long. 47°08’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.566 meters MARION Temper ss Depth ature aa ot (Es) 700 Ometer: 2-2 =- 7.45 34. 63 27. 08 25-meters.22---2~5- 6. 62 34. 68 27. 23 50: meters === 324 325 6. 06 34. 71 27.33 100 meters..------- 4.14 34. 88 27.69 200 meters-_-_-_---_-- 3. 92 34. 95 27.77 400 meters-_-_----_-- 3. 94 34. 96 27 78 600 meters_-------- 3. 72 34. 93 27.78 800 meters--------- 3. 60 34. 92 27.78 1,000 meters- ------ 3.37 34. 92 27.80 1,200 meters- ------ 3.32 34. 92 27.81 1,400 meters------- 3. 21 34. 91 27.81 1,500 meters_-..---- (3. 20) (34. 91) (27. 81) 1,600 meters- --_---- 3. 20 34. 91 27.81 2,000 meters. --.---- 2. 92 34. 91 27. 825 Station 1317; Aug. 2; depth 3,484 meters; lat. 57°53’ N., long. 47°52’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.573 meters Ormeter. 252232222. 7.15 34. 64 27.13 25 meters-_....-.--- 6.76 34. 69 27. 22 50 meters.-.-------- 5.71 34. 74 27. 40 100 meters-_---.---- 3.95 34. 88 27.71 200 meters._-2.--—- 3.88 34. 94 27.77 400 meters-_--.----- 3.89 34. 96 27.78 600 meters_-_------- 3. 68 34. 93 27.78 800 meters_-_------- Shia 34. 91 2.8: | 1,000 meters--_- 3. 36 34. 90 27.79 1,200 meters--- 3.31 34. 90 27.79 1,400 meters-_--.---- 3. 22 34. 89 27.79 1,500 meters-_-.---- (8. 21) (34. 90) (27. 80) 1,600 meters. .----- 3. 20 34. 90 27.80 2,000 meters. ------ 3. 09 34. 89 27.81 Station 1318; Aug. 3; lat. 58°24’ N., long. 49°00’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.570 meters. OQuneter=-<=2 ==. - 7.19 (34.64)} 27.12 25 meters_.-..----- 6. 97 34. 66 27.17 BO)mMeters=s=-s-cs—5 5.79 34. 69 27. 35 100 meters-_----.--- 3. 90 34. 86 27.70 200 meters_..------ 3. 86 34. 93 27. 765 400 meters_-------- 3. 74 34. 94 27.78 600 meters_-------- 3. 59 34, 92 27.78 800 meters_-------- 3. 42 34. 91 27. 79 1,000 meters------- 3. 31 34. 90 27.79 1,200 meters. .-_--- 3. 25 34. 90 27.79 1,400 meters. ------ 3. 21 34, 90 27. 805 1,500 meters___-_-- (3. 20) (34.90)} (27. 805) 1,600 meters-_------ 3. 20 34. 90 27. 805 2,000 meters- - ----- 3. 11 34. 90 27, 81 Station 1319; Aug. 3; depth, 3,383 meters; lat. 58°55’ Ne long. 50°01’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.587 meters Onneters:—<2- = + 3.70 34. 81 27. 68 200 meters__-_-__-_-- 3. 61 34. 91 PEM 400 meters______--- 3.49 34. 91 27. 78 600 meters_--_-__-.-- 3.40 34. 90 27. 785 800 meters__.-_---- 3.38 34. 91 27.79 1,000 meters 3. 28 34. 90 27. 795 1,200 meters- --__-- 3. 26 34. 90 27. 795 1,400 meters__-._--- 3. 21 34. 91 27. 81 1,500 meters______- (3. 18) (34.90)) (27. 81) 1,600 meters _--__-_- 3.16 34. 90 27. 81 2,000 meters------- 3.10 34. 91 27. 82 Station 1331; Aug. 7; depth, 3,270 meters; lat. 54°05’ N., long., 49°41’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.585 meters O:meter_.--- = 9. 55 34. 41 26. 60 Zo mMeterse.2==eeee 8.99 34. 40 26. 68 OOUMCLEIS=. acess 5. 58 34. 58 27. 29 100 meters-_-_------- 3.47 34. 78 27. 68 200 meters_-__------ 3. 46 34. 88 27.76 400 meters_--_--_--- 3. 46 34. 89 27.77 600 meters. --_--... 3. 34 34. 90 27.79 800 meters_-_------ 3. 28 34. 90 27. 795 1,000 meters... --.- 3. 28 34. 90 27. 795 1,200 meters_ __--_- 3. 26 34. 90 27.795 1,400 meters_-____- (3. 25) 34. 88 27. 795 1,500) meterse__-- (3. 24) (34. 89)| (27.795) 1,600 meters___-_--_- 3. 23 34. 89 27. 795 236 Station 1332; Aug. 7; ee 3,590 meters; lat. 53°32’ N., long. "49°36" ; dynamic height, 1,454.691 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1336; Aug. 8; depth, 273 meters; lat. 52°53’ meters Temper- ees Depth ature Sa ot °C.) c O:meter-22¢ 222522 11. 25 34. 63 26. 46 25 eNEterS) === =e == 10. 32 34. 63 26. 625 OO Meters: fesse 9.48 34. 67 26. 79 100)meters:_-..--_- 5. 04 34. 68 27. 43 200meters222-- 3 3.98 34. 78 27. 63 400 meters_-__-...-_- 3. 65 34. 87 27. 735 600 meters__-.-_--- 3. 56 34. 88 27.75 800 meters_-_....--- 3. 56 34. 88 27.75 1,000 meters. -____-- 3. 51 34. 88 27. 755 1,200 meters------- 3.45 34. 88 27.76 1,400 meters-_.-.-- 3. 26 34. 87 27.77 1,500/meters=-.-<--- (3. 26) (34, 88)} (27.78) 1,600 meters__-..-- 3. 25 34. 88 27. 78 2,000 meters_-__--_-- 3.14 34. 89 27. 80 Station 1333; Aug. 7; depth, 3,440 meters; lat. 53°19’ N., long. 50°30’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.574 meters Ouneterts-3- 3222 -= 8.70 34. 41 26. 73 25 meters..-------. Wo teh 34. 42 26. 88 50'meters: = 25-=— = One 34. 61 27. 36 100 meters-__-_------ 3. 56 34. 81 27. 695 200 meters_-------_ 3. 43 34. 87 27. 755 400 meters___--._-- 3.41 34. 88 27.77 600 meters__-_---_--- 3.37 34. 90 27.79 SO0imeters=22s2--—— 3.33 34. 91 27. 80 1,000 meters----.--- 3. 28 34. 91 27. 80 1,200 meters... ----- 3.16 34. 91 27. 815 1,400 meters_.__._- 3.14 34. 91 27. 815 1,500 meters---.---- (3. 12) (34.91)| (27.815) 1,600 meters---_---- 3.11 34. 91 27. 82 Station 1334; Aug. 7-8; depth, 2,900 meters; lat. 53°11’ N., long, 51°01’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.563 meters O:metersesees oe as28 8.00 34. 42 26. 85 25 metersss_...=--=- 6. 52 34. 48 27.09 50 umeterse2-2 2. -- = 4.32 34. 48 27. 36 100'meters?_-=-- = =~ 3. 58 34. 83 27. 71 20Ometerss2c2 5222! 3. 53 34. 88 27. 75 400 meters_-----_-- Ray 34. 92 27.79 600 meters__------- 3.51 34. 92 27. 79 800 meters__----__- 3. 50 34. 92 27.79 1,000 meters_--_-_-- 3.34 34. 91 27. 80 1,200 meters_-_----- 3.32 34.91 27. 80 1,400 meters_-_-_--- 3. 30 34. 94 27. 83 1,500 meters_------ (3. 20) (34. 95) (27. 84) 1,600 meters-_---.-- 3.10 34. 96 27. 86 Station 1335; Aug. 8; depth, 1,006 meters; lat. 53°00’ N., long. 51°40’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.603 meters Olmeter2e-s--e—e—— 6.18 33. 34 26. 24 Diya ci) eae See 5. 34 34.15 26. 98 bOwmeters-2=-2-2—-5 3. 58 (34. 53) 27. 48 100 meters....--_-- 3. 37 34. 70 27. 625 AO ANGLES sence == 3. 63 34. 86 27. 73 400 meters_.-..-_-- 3. 63 34. 87 27. 735 600 meters__..-.--- 3. 63 34. 90 27.76 800) meters-.22-2--— 3. 52 34. 88 27. 76 » long. 52°05’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.654 meters Temper- ets Depth ature BCA 1 (°C.) it} Oimeters=-.see-aee = 5.35 32. 53 25. 70 10)meters222 = Salo 32. 73 25. 88 25 meters-_.-....... 1. 50 33. 63 26. 93 DOANBLELS == -99 33. 89 27.19 100) meters: .-2--.-< 1.12 34. 23 27. 44 L50)metersi 222-225. 2.13 (34. 46) (27. 55) 250 meters.....-... 2.71 34. 63 27. 63 Station 1337; Aug. 8; depth, 216 meters; lat. 52°45’ N., long. 52°38’ W. O;meter222S=22 ees 5.00) | coke. aees|eee oe 25 meters: =-235-=—- —.71 33. 28 26.775 SO0imMeters=s22 ee —.94 33. 41 26. 89 100 meters_______-- —.28 33. 72 27.105 125 meters. .-...-._ Pi al eer geese || os 175 meters. ___.-_-- 167 |t.2..2. eee Station 1338; Aug. 8; depth, 317 meters; lat. 52°32’ long. 53°17’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.714 meters Olmeter: 223 2. -e2s 5.19 32. 61 25. 78 25) Meterss=-- see eee . 86 32. 84 26. 34 50 meters........-- —.73 33. 31 26. 80 LOOimeters?=22--2-— —.39 33. 61 27.025 200 meters__...._-- 1. 56 34. 33 27. 495 Station 1339; Aug. 8; depth, 194 meters; lat. 52°23’ N., long. 53°56’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.710 meters Oimeter-22--22 22-5 6. 51 32. 34 25. 42 2 INCLCIS sess —.25 32. 96 26. 49 50 meters..---=...- —1.01 33. 28 26. 78 100 meters...._._-- -07 33. 68 27. 06 1T50;meters2- == s2o2= . 67 34. 10 27. 36 Station 1340; Aug. 8; depth, 232 meters; lat. 52°14’ N., long. 54°23’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.740 meters Oimeterse. b= 225. 6. 50 32. 40 25. 46 25imeterssssnnaeee. 3. 29 32. 58 25. 95 5Olumetersa=-=-2---- —.88 33. 20 26. 71 100 meters__..--_-- —.09 33. 62 27. 02 200 meters._-.----- - 56 34. 07 27. 345 Station 1341; Aug. 8; depth, 209 meters; lat. 52°06’ N., long. 54°50’ W.; dynamic height, 1,454.768 meters Oumeter:_- 2222s 6. 20 32. 10 25. 26 OAenG eee 4.27 32. 49 25. 785 SOMMeLErS! 222 sseeee —1.10 33. 06 26. 60 (OuMeLers== == se= ae =], 15 33, 28 26, 785 100 meters__-_----- —1. 20 33. 38 26. 87 150ameterss222222=- —0. 84 33. 60 27. 035 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 237 GENERAL GREENE, 1933 Observed values Scaled values Tem- - Tem- + Salinity Salinity Depth eae (960) Depth peo (960) % Station 1487; June 26; lat. 47°40’ N., long. 52°33’ W.; depth, 165 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.693 meters Ohimelers = -mee= = etree 8. 64 Olbaa | MOMMmeters =o. -2--5— 525.22 8. 64 31. 53 24. 48 GMM OLELS=2222-c 2225 = = 22 —.61 325200 eo MeLers:...--=-=--=- -= —.60 32. 26 25. 94 BAMEOrs=-s-=25s=-S=Se= =. —1.12 2700) OO INCLOISs-<.5-~=-5255—— —1.05 32. 52 26.17 MORI O LOLS? o-oo a ee —1.36 B2Ae MC OMMOLELS=-=— =. == 2. 22_ S- —1.35 32. 72 26. 34 LGssmeters: <3 ee sek —1.58 325800|)100)meters..2._-2-.-2...- —1.55 32, 84 26. 44 Og MeLEIS2 oo nee eee —1.31 doe) |) Loo; meters. -.-.--=.-"..-- —1.40 33. 08 26. 63 Station 1488; June 26; lat. 47°58’ N., long. 52°16’ W.; depth, 190 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.677 meters ORMISLen- 5 see ee 8. 08 SOON PONmMeters ==. 2-5: --2222. 8. 08 31. 06 24.19 WASITIGLOTS) 225 tee = —.93 249i) 20 Meters: =~. 255+ 2225-5 —.98 32. 50 26.15 ASIMOLOIS coe ee 35 Sa —.85 324821) OOMMeters-=.-=-==-=--=-.- —.85 32. 83 26. 41 —1.61 32.86 | 75 meters-_- —1.65 32. 86 26. 46 —1.65 32.94 | 100 meters. —1.65 32. 96 26. 54 —1.42 Sol 2a PloO MeELOLs==2-- == =--3=-=- —1.40 33. 14 26. 68 Onneteryatcocses 2 sees 7.65 OlTsASOun terse s = 2-52 7. 65 31. 48 24, 58 225) THTG) el ee ee . 59 O2OA0 | MeOUNELeNS2o—— 22 = SS . 60 32. 39 26. 00 Bee OLOLS ee = = — == se 2 —.95 32.400 | MOU MMOLEISs 22222 555-52.5- —.90 32. 71 26. 32 MORMIOLOLS: 8S = Son See ke —1.47 SZNSON PM OMMOLEIS=-=-<6 2225.25. - —1.45 32. 85 26. 44 WOAMOLOIS==~- 22 2-2-5 —1,49 32.:98)))) 100)meters-..-.-...2=-==- —1.50 32. 96 26. 54 LD MaHUGLEUS 4. 5-=- =. =o <2 —.72 Sduoz tl, 150); meters- =.= ===. --- —.85 33. 28 26.77 Station 1490; June 27; lat. 48°30’ N., long. 51°41’ W.; depth, 192 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.646 meters OMITSUBRE | a2 =— 2 ee es 6. 47 SIS OSuIMONMOLOR se o—=—— = See 6.47 31. 58 24. 82 BUT i ee .81 OZn0LeleepeMeOterss 22 =--o= = a- 2 . 85 32.45 26. 04 DOMELELENS see ee cae eae ose 1. 20 32. 90))|-00, meters: ..=-- ~-.. =. -- 1. 20 32. 92 26. 38 SaumMeters#= = eso o oo —1.17 BRAC || {ii ke —.80 32. 97 26. 52 WOGHMOGLOIS+2-22..-—-sossc5- —1.35 soe iea OOMeLers=22_— 32-222 —1.35 33. 16 26. 70 Uli) ie rr —.46 BB AfOn Loo Meters=s== ee —.70 33. 67 27.09 (200): meters eee— == —.20 33. 87 27. 23 Station 1491; June 27; lat. 48°47’ N., long. 51°24’ W.; depth, 210 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.636 meters Ouotencasose2 2-2-5. =. 5.49 al Son| Oumeters— ==. 22-2225 5.49 31.86 25.16 Pfaneterse ss. - .2--52=-- —.58 OeNes) |pooumeters®==252 5 8 ose —.55 32. 74 26. 33 Da WIGLOUS== seo". 2 5-s2o= —.65 32586: \\5O0'meters:-.-=—--.5-2.- = —.65 32. 86 26. 33 (Git Gi a —1.14 SoNOUN Ecos MIOLETS === a= Se —1.05 32. 99 26. 55 iAmneters S22 25-52.) 222. - —1.32 Sota OO mMeterss. 2) 3. = ae —1.35 33. 09 26. 64 ibyeters-2223s-~. 2. 5. —.74 Boose oO mMmeters= 2. = se ee —.90 33. 56 27. 01 AU UINOLOLS=ese—— a= 2 Se 1.48 BAe D4 ZOO INOLOrSs 225 2a 1.10 34. 28 27. 48 6. 14 32.05 6. 14 32. 05 25. 23 1.47 32. 80 1.45 32. 81 26. 29 —.13 32. 89 —.45 32. 93 26. 48 —1.42 33.11 —1.40 33.19 26. 72 —.76 33. 38 —.65 33. 47 26. 93 ISGyHOLArs==.252~ S-= 2-52 . OL 33. 79 . 30 33. 97 27. 28 UST MMOlers:=5-2-==-- 2225-5 .97 34. 16 1.25 “34. 27 27.47 PG PI) 9 2.47 $4.60 | (300)! meters___..._..--.- 2. 25 34. 69 27.72 238 MARION AND GHNERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Depth erature | Salinity Depth Tony | Salinity) oo 3 Pec) | (60) : PC) | (960) : Station 1493; June 27; lat. 49°27’ N., long. 50°42’ W.; depth, 326 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.562 meters Olmeter-=2e 2 Seas 26o c= 4.07 OZ sa AOMMelenosaet s2a22 fees 4.07 32. 73 26. 00 D2MEveTS ss 4 ae a ea 1. 58 33:06) zo MOLOMs2s=5-—- — 22-2 -o—= 1. 50 33. 06 26. 47 a4meters 2-2 oe Se . 56 33;108))| ("50 meters. 2-22 2- == 2-2e=—— . 00 33. 09 26. 58 G6:meters. 22s eee —1.07 33296, || WO MMOLELS==2 522-2. 225 —.80 33. 53 26. 97 SSymeters: sesso eee —.26 30.40). OOhmotersea--o os ee 15 33. 84 27.18 VBS ameterss—--= 6 28. e se 1.07 34.16 |’ 150'meters-22=-=---==222: 1.60 34. 30 27.46 7 eINOLONS se 2 oe eae 2. 24 34,50 |) 200;meters:_2--_.---2--== 2. 50 34. 58 27.61 2Bovmeters sees sae e es 2. 87 34.69)!" (800)meters-__ == -22_ 2-2 2.95 34. 72 27. 69 O:meter{ 2 2-825--< es 4.33 33:085|"O0)meters.2--/--<--5_2 == 4.33 33. 03 26. 20 ZONNeCLEIS ase ee eee 7. 60 33.48 | 25 meters_- 7.60 33. 53 26. 20 HO meters! 5 ae 4.35 SoeYe || Gibreate pe ee 4.35 33. 87 26. 87 ONIN ten seseewee en a ere 1.00 SA OIMOLerS eee eee 1.00 34.17 27.40 Sdimeterss-ts2 542 = Soe aes 1. 94 34.38 || 100iameters:) oe == eee 1.95 34. 38 27. 50 149! meters oe 2. tke 2. 46 34:53", |sl50imetersi] 28b 2 = nee 2.45 34. 54 27. 58 199imetersea=ss---- 2822 es 2.94 odie 200 aneterse=ss—- eee 2. 95 34. 72 27. 69 208 Meterss-s5-sesa-6 =~ Bkul7/ 34.84 | 300:meters--.-.---.---2 =. 3.15 34. 84 27. 76 Station 1495; June 27-28; lat. 50°17’ N., long. 49°50’ W.; depth, 960 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.408 meters Oimeter-2. 42. = 22 = 5.31 33,09. | Osmeterss 22 sae ee eee 5.31 33. 69 26. 62 2A IMOLCTS= esse a es eee 3. 20 34) 64.25 meterss-------- sae 3. 20 33. 64 27.60 Ad: MOterS eee 2.93 345/70) (50lmeters=2-22s2 222 5- = 2.95 34. 71 27. 68 yAummeterss<*-=—= 22-252 22 3. 09 S45707- |) Wosmeters 2232-2 ae 3.10 34. 78 27.72 QbsNeLETS ee =) 2a ee 3.18 34.84 | 100 meters-.----...=2-=-- 3. 20 34. 84 27. 76 14 OMMeLerSss te o- 222s kee 3. 28 34:87 || 160 meterss222=2-e---25=— 3. 30 34. 87 27. 78 LO7pmeters-corss— =. 22 2 3. 26 3458911200: meterss.22-4-———- === 3. 25 34. 89 27.79 JOG; MeLOTSe k= a= Sea 3. 28 35.\00) || 300\meters---2------ === = 3. 25 35. 00 27. 88 eetmetersissese=22 222 - S2U 35. 00 | 400 meters___-----.---_-- 3. 25 35. 00 27. 88 OPI GLEISsess soa ea = 3. 22 34599 |i, GOOtmeters:-- 22 aaa 3. 25 35. 00 27. 88 (SSvINCLCLS=- 2. 2--- s< 2 5 3. 23 36,02: 800imeters=-.-22--=="=>2- 3. 25 35. 02 27.90 Station 1496; June 28; lat. 50°40’ N., long. 49°24’ W.; depth, 1,326 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.380 meters Oimeterias--- =" = 26. 222522 5. 67 34782) |) Ometerca=-2-"- 2. o oe aeee 5. 67 34, 32 27. 08 ZASIMIGLEYS = 92 ee 4.69 34789) {2o; Meters: a=, oe e a ee 4. 70 34. 40 27. 25 S7MELCTS an eee Hace east 3. 39 34,00 | OO MOLEISsoase ose eee 3.35 34. 78 27. 69 qlsmipters®=. 282282 2 speek 3. 28 34,83) | eDuMeberssa-0 a2 o- eee 3. 30 34, 84 Zino S4imeters*s c= 52-8 3. 24 34.89 | 100 meters 3. 25 34. 89 27.79 14s;meterstas ees oe 3. 24 34.90 | 150 meters-_--- 3. 25 34. 91 27.81 TO anetersss-8—— se 3. 25 34.95 | 200 meters-- 3. 25 34. 95 27. 84 DAS INGOTS <2 ee 3. 25 34.96 | 300 meters__-_ 3. 20 34. 99 27. 88 SoOMMeLONS ses. eae" = see 3.19 35.00 | 400 meters 3. 20 34. 99 27. 88 DOS MeLCLS= 2aese—— = 8 Sees 3. 22 34.98 | 600 meters 3. 25 35. 01 27. 89 688!meters-_ "2222-25 2225 3. 23 35.06 | 800 meters 3. 25 35. 08 27. 94 SiieMEters=es—se = ao nae eee 3, 23 35. 09 |(1,000) meters. -_-..---.---- 3. 25 35. 09 27. 95 Station 1497; June 28; lat. 50°39’ N., long. 49°57’ W.; depth, 1,207 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.454 meters 6. 25 SSs90n NOlnmeter=sneos- sate aa 6. 25 33. 90 26. 71 5. 36 3404 1|)25imoeterszass 2-2 ae ee 4. 60 34. 11 27. 04 3. 03 345650 | MOU MMOLGNS aaa aoa 2.95 34. 74 27.70 2. 96 84.780 || 7ometersacesos-— sess e eos 3.00 34. 80 27. 75 3. 04 34.80 | 100 meters BBall 34. 84 27. 76 POM eters: eee 3. 20 34.87 | 150 meters-- 3. 25 34. 88 27.78 L6SINeLerss= a5 oe 3, 26 34.89 | 200 meters-- 3, 25 34. 96 27. 85 WOmneters2o2 seas ee eos 3. 25 34.95 | 300 meters 3. 25 34. 96 27. 85 PS PAN NOTs) 1) tc pa ne ae 3. 27 34.96 | 400 meters 3. 25 34. 96 27. 85 366 Mebersac2ec a= =~ se an- 3. 26 34.96 | 600 meters 3. 25 34. 98 27. 86 OLS INOCLOMSs=seae oe ose ae 3. 26 35.00 | (800) meters.__..-------- 3. 25 34. 97 27. 86 670imeters.cee-2~- 2252S 3. 23 34.97 | (1,000) meters_.....-__-- 3. 25 34. 98 27. 86 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Observed values Tem- perature Depth (°C.) Station 1498; June 28; lat. 50°37’ N., long. 50°32’ W.; depth, 923 meters; d Olmeters=--- = - se =2 3. 92 Ben OLONS= 282 eee aoes == 4. 58 OOmevers= 2. 22 Set=) 22S 3. 82 foi bs01 (2) ts) ee en a 3. 48 SN SLeNS:.= #2 =: ee he oe 3. 29 16Quneters.-2e25 32 223 =~ 3. 30 UZimeterse.-=. 46-5. 532 == 3. 27 PIASIMOLOIS=-~ 2-90 a BABS: Sa DIGLEIs- =~ 22 = EL 3. 33 GPT Gl pee ee ee 3. 33 SOSimeters: = 2s5.-222--2~2 3. 28 Station 1499; June 28; lat. 50°35’ N., long. 51°09’ Station 1500; June 29; lat. 50°33’ N., long. 51°44’ Oieter sono =e oS 4. 43 QOMUOVCIS Ser ee wee ce sean. ial SPmMeters2=- 2252S 22S = —.45 UMIReLCTS=- ao. 2 > —.60 1OAmeters:—2.—_ = sae . 23 ut OLOrs = eee Sa se ee Se rial DOA MNOLEIS 2S =e oS eee 2.17 Station 1501; June 29; lat. 50°31’ N., long. 52°20’ DiNGLCh serene oe 4, 44 ZINOLCES 22 n= == 5-8 1. 28 biarieterse teen * Se ee —.14 WOMMELCLS=- 2-22 - =. 5-55-25 - —.97 iOameters=- =. --- 22-222. —.41 USL SGa1e) 2) nee 1. 26 AOU THOLCTS aos >=. oso 2. 38 Salinity (960) 33. 61 34. 81 34, 91 34, 94 34. 98 34. 97 34, 98 35. 03 35. 04 35. 10 35, 11 32. 94 33. 28 33. 81 33. 91 34. 24 34. 54 34, 82 32. 82 33. 15 33. 52 33. 80 33. 97 34, 34 34. 68 32. 62 33. 04 33. 25 33. 67 33. 96 34. 33 34. 70 Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Oumeters< s+ 2-ces08 3 ate, 25 meters- 50 meters _- 600mmneterso-2 223522 - = S00smeters2=s--22.525- 22. $8 29 02 G2 C9 C0 0 C0 tm 1 9 WWWWWNWROMD SAASSAASAGN Salinity (960) 239 ynamic height, 1,454.367 meters 33. 61 34. 63 34. 90 34, 93 34. 96 34, 97 35. 00 35. 03 35. 04 35. 10 35. 11 75 meters LOOMeterss-2- 22-2255 see LSa0imeters=s2=-—— =. 52 255 200:meters=.=-2.22-= 2-5-2 32. 94 33. 17 33. 61 33. 87 34. 05 34. 37 34, 59 26. 72 27. 45 27. 72 27.79 27. 84 27. 86 27. 88 27. 90 27. 90 27. 95 27. 97 26. 17 26. 62 27. 01 27. 22 27. 35 27. 55 27. 66 W.; depth, 238 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.489 meters 32. 82 33. 14 33. 48 33. 80 33. 95 34, 31 34. 65 26. 03 26. 57 26. 92 27. 18 27. 27 27. 51 27. 70 W.; depth, 214 meters; dynamic height, 1,454,497 meters 32. 62 33. 04 33. 25 33. 67 33. 96 34, 32 34, 69 25. 87 26, 48 26. 72 27.10 27. 31 27. 51 27. 72 Station 1502; June 29; lat. 50°30’ N.;.long. 52°58’ W.; depth, 274 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.488 meters meter. = oe 2--55---25 toes 4.18 PASI TG) 1) he ee eee ah! AQRNOUOIS = =2 550550055 5— —1.10 GAVHIGLODS soe 5 eee —.65 O9mneters tia. 22S LS —.14 Vasimreters 225 << 25 22 . 95 IGSUHOLCES. oes se 1.75 32. 75 33. 18 33. 28 33. 76 34. 04 34. 34 34. 60 32. 75 33. 18 33. 29 33. 76 34. 06 34, 34 34. 60 26. 00 26. 62 26. 78 27. 16 27, 37 27. 53 27. 69 Station 1503; June 29; lat. 50°28’ N., long. 53°39’ W.; depth, 348 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.494 meters (immerse 5522 See ee 3. 55 PP IIOUBINS S52 nS new = -21 EHIOLGES 2222 se- Seer 2 a —.99 ((i)00003| oes ee —.69 RUZ STOLORS oe Ss —.21 ND a HOLET Sao soe. | = 2 . 93 203 meters---_____ ae ee 1, 84 O05; Meterses--2.--26---3- 2. 76 32. 74 33. 08 33. 40 33. 78 33. 98 34, 32 34. 56 34. 86 Oumetere=-=25s- Set ose 2o-Metersiot-=-2-5325524> SO Meterses=52 3222 -ee {OMCLETS--2 =e L00imeters-22s. 2 = = 150 Meterss28 2. so ease 5 200'meterss-- 222 5-5-2-22- SOO mMeterSs222 25.222 32. 74 33. 08 33. 40 33. 78 33. 97 34. 31 34. 55 34. 85 26. 06 26. 57 26. 88 27.17 27. 31 27. 52 27.65 27.81 240 Observed values Tem- perature Depth (°C.) Salinity (960) MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (960) Station 1504; June 29; lat. 50°26’ N., long 54°21’ W.; depth, 274 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.530 meters Ouneter:c222. 2 =2-=--2.-2 3. 68 26irmetersss-es- se ee 1.78 S2eneters==2 sew fee ee —1.04 7Simeters:.2-.4-*2. 2S. —1.03 105} meters:==so5- =~ ee —0. 49 156:metersia-s = soe aes 0. 41 ASimeters-. 22-525 22-2-55) 1.04 32. 72 33. 08 33. 17 33. 54 33. 78 34, 21 34. 35 OOlmeters-2.52_ <2 _ 2 S55 “OMMOLCIS=2 2b sosscss-cece 300) meters22-- 5-2-2 2222 150;meters=-2--=2. tee A000 Meters: -A--5-=2-s52e— 32. 72 33. 07 33. 16 33. 51 33. 75 34. 16 34. 33 26. 03 26. 46 26. 68 26. 97 27.14 27. 43 27. 52 Station 1505; June 29; lat. 50°25’ N., long. 55°00’ W.; depth, 229 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.581 meters 32. 30 32. 68 32. 97 33. 13 33. 40 33. 76 34. 06 20; Meters-222<-0 2-c25-554 50) meters-2-5 s* Seo see 32. 30 32, 68 32. 96 33. 13 33. 40 33.77 34. 06 25. 72 26. 26 26. 52 26. 67 26. 89 27.16 27.35 31. 45 32. 55 32. 72 32. 92 33. 10 33, 40 75 meters__ ee L00imeters=2sen= soa 150) meterss2 so —2 cee cee 31. 45 32. 54 32. 69 32. 90 33. 09 33. 38 25. 12 26.18 26. 26 26. 48 26. 64 26, 87 Station 1507; June 30; lat. 51°41’ N., long. 55°24’ W.; depth, 82 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.646 meters 30. 91 O!meter--- 2-322 s2ss5-t = 31.26 | 25 meters_ we 31.99 | 50 meters___ 32. 38 (ib) imeters== 2 0. 68 30. 91 31.31 32. 05 32. 50 24.81 25.17 25. 78 26.15 Station 1508; June 30; lat. 51°47’ N., long. 55°22’30’’ W.; depth, 96 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.629 meters Ofmetern=2 ee tole 1. 93 14 meters... any AQMPLOIS=-o2 -a2-- ee sce e —1.02 68anelers=: sees eee —1, 23 30. 71 31.58 | 25 meters_ 32. 21 Oimoterts 2. 222s 50 meters_ 2708) | COMMOLOTSssenea erase ane me 24, 57 25. 57 26. 03 26. 32 Station 1509; June 30; lat. 51°52’ N., long. 55°22’ W.; depth, 86 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.621 meters O'meter=2-25.255.-.2------ 1.14 26 meters. = . 60 53 meters. —1.08 30.08) |\"O:mpter eee 2 oe 31.84 | 25 meters_ 32.56 | 50 meters___ (Ga) Feely ee eR 1.14 - 60 —.80 —1. 25 30. 98 31. 80 32. 45 32. 90 24. 82 25. 52 26. 10 26. 48 Station 1510; June 30; lat. 52°06’ N., long. 55°36’ W.; depth, 78 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.600 meters —1.41 31535) || Ohmoetensa—-=-22- oo sooo 32. 10 32. 67 32. 90 DOMMELONS ae = Soe (75) meters 0. 53 —1. 25 31.35 32. 40 25. 16 26, 08 26. 44 26. 59 Station 1511; June 30; lat. 52°04’ N., long. 55°27’ W.; depth, 183 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.618 meters 31.78 31. 84 32. 60 32. 87 33. 02 33. 24 —0. 04 31.78 31. 85 32. 62 32. 88 33. 03 33, 26 25. 53 25. 60 26, 26 26. 47 26. 59 26. 77 i ii ieee AAAs DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 241 Observed values Scaled values Tem- ss Tem- ant Salinity Salinity Depth PO. (%o) Depth aaah (960) ot Station 1512; June 30; lat. 52°02’ N., long. 55°18’ W.; depth, 119 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.646 meters CIIGLOD AS 2. eh Pee 1.41 30:86: |NO;meter= ===. _25-.-22.2 1.41 30. 86 24. 72 SMGtOLS!. 2-222 = 22552 1.13 20,08) 2b meters:_<22-225 82-2 . 50 31.40 25, 21 BtOORLEIS=. 222.22 5 f2 82 —.48 DleiSu OOMMOLETS 22 - be. Po 88 —1.15 32. 32 26. 03 BiMeters: 26 Sse: See —1.21 32.38 | (75) meters_._...____.__- —1.45 32. 80 26. 40 (100) meters=2e: : = 92. 2252 —1.40 33. 00 26. 56 Station 1513; June 30; lat. 52°05’ N., long. 55°00’ W.; depth, 183 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.629 meters Onneter =... eee 1.19 Blof |POlmetenrs=-- 2-5. =- 2225. 1.19 31.05 24, 88 26 meters__.___ Oe 94 Sioa Pao NeveIs-a. ooo. 2222 2 . 95 31.13 24. 96 H2NNGLCISS === aes aaeee es Oe —1.31 Sar INOU AUOLCIS #2265 con sscce —1. 20 32. 70 26. 32 (fs) ON Ee a Se ee ee —1.41 32,9441 (5 meters.._.-..-._.-__.- —1.40 32.91 26. 49 Lesimeters = 2. hse sea —1. 29 3as145]; 100 meters. 225222 2-2-2 —1.30 33. 09 26. 64 L5Gmetersis-- 2252422425 —.38 donoon|eLOOMeLerss2=_2=--2- 22522 —.45 33. 75 27.14 Station 1514; June 30; lat. 52°14’ N., long. 54°25’ W.; depth, 192 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.541 meters Gymeters]os=- = 2:23.22. 2. 20 327420 | ROMNOLODS = <2 5-222-=-5cc55 2. 20 32. 42 25.91 ZS MMOLLSs sacs 5 2s552e02=—2 1.80 32,48) | -2ometersics--__.-2-.-..- 1. 85 32. 46 25. 97 BORGO LCT See aeeets soe Se —.88 Oa. 45 OOMMObOrs= 252 28. == —.85 33. 35 26. 82 Sa UeLCrS = = Awe a ae 2S Re —.47 SpeGlo| VO AMeLerSeassec= -—-— see —.75 33. 56 27. 00 UIE TMO COTS: Bees eae Se —.02 30490 100) meters=-=- === 2. == —.25 33. 72 27.11 RGOWGLEIS= 22-52. = = 22252 2 . 54 345130), loo mnetersss2-2. =... 552- -40 34. 09 27. 37 (200) imieters® 22222 25> 2-2 . 85 34. 20 27. 43 Cnuoter®se.= Sa 2.16 32/50°}-Olmeter_=— = ..-.--_-.-.- 2.16 32. 50 25. 98 BOMMOLOS 22: ste a ee 1.62 S2205) 2oINELOYs.--2 26 2 oe = 1.70 32. 75 26. 22 2TIOLOES=;- 2-155 ee ae —.74 dancon| OO MeOLerss-—-—-—--5-=--- 2 —.50 33. 17 26. 67 (Se nHeLerseaee so soso ae —. 93 od.105) | Cometersese_ = 2220 So —.90 33. 51 26. 97 LOPaigtors 2 25 shes —.55 32-80) | 100/ameters_--.2-----..-2- —. 65 33. 76 27. 16 WSTZTNOLOTS 225282 2. 252 . 93 34. 28 | 150 meters__-....-...=-.- By (3) 34. 22 27. 46 DOO AHOLOIS=— 522225) won es = 1.75 34.49 | (200) meters_........_-- * 1.65 34. 46 27. 59 ea) ee 2.90 325954 OMMOLGl-- 2. -2=-s2e2-556 2.90 32. 93 26, 27 MOPMNIGLOIS 23 sas o6 ooo aces 2. 76 3a, 0* | ZomeLlerse 2-25-22 2. 80 33. 04 26. 38 MANHOLOISS so 22 5 soca Fs —.45 aoa) | POO MNGLOrS=- 20 - ae soso lena —.465 33. 65 27. 06 77 meters._.._- . 09 34.04 | 75 meters___- .10 34. 03 27.33 103 meters_ . 66 34. 26 | 100 meters . 60 34. 23 27. 46 Ppa aIPLCIS sees 22 <5 =s5e 1. 88 34. 54 | 150 meters_____ é 1.75 34, 51 27. 62 (200): ‘meters_.-=...=3-.-. 2. 60 34. 75 27.74 Station 1517; July 1; lat. 52°39’ N., long. 52°36’ W.; depth, 229 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.472 meters ise GG) eS ee ee ee 2,73 21500 | Ounetersess=22a5— ae eee 2.73 32. 80 26. 18 26 meters pe 12 33.23 | 25 meters-_- . 80 33. 22 26. 65 DATHELOES 22 = - =< 2 es 34:99)4||1oOhmeterss-- 3-2 = 22 Ses ehe 30: USm|) 200 MMeterS-2- 2-5 sas 35.08 | 300 meters__..--...-.---- 35.04 | 400 meters___.--.--_----- 30507; (GOO moeters222 2. = 22s 307085] SGUMMlOLerSaaoe- ane) Seca 35.11 | 1,000 meters £9 29 09 99 G9 GO 99 G9 G9 00 Ye Www. PP ov or SSaRSa5 Annee 34. 43 34. 65 34. 91 34. 93 34. 96 34. 99 35. 04 35. 05 35. 06 35. 07 35. 08 35. 10 40 meters 22. esses See LoMelers-s2e se ese SO IMCCOISs == === nese eee @6:meters=s-- 222 S225 bao LGamMeters= as ee ee 197 meterss 22 3=-—- = eee 433 Metersi=sss+co-o- = ees 652:meters: oe. s=-- = ee $2 99 29 0 99 En GEN ED HONwwwoaanhdyaos Sow Or ser wo S7suneters: =. Soe te Se bee SS bo go 99 CO bho Nao 34:73) | (Oumeters- = = -= 5 -- see 34) (00 25 meterss=. ss seen cee 3470.1] 50 MOobters- 2s 2-seeseeeee 3427 VOUMOteCrSis.-- 2 a=sccaees2 34;/60)1| LOO MMeLerszee seen ee eee ee 34,89") Lo0'meters2a2 == nee 34.94 | 200 meters__.___.--___--- 35..00)|)/ 800/imeters-22 222525. oes 35. 08) | ;800)meters=.2-22 222225 35.06 | 1,000 meters 35.08 | 1,500 meters BO 99 29 29 22 0 0 G0 99 29 G9 E> ob [el eee) on slo (2,000) meters Station 1521; July 2; lat. 58°22’ N., long. 27. 30 27. 44 27.75 27.79 27. 83 27. 86 27. 90 27.91 27. 92 27. 93 27. 93 27. 95 27, 28 27. 37 27. 58 27.75 27. 81 27. 85 27. 88 27. 88 27. 88 27. 94 27.94 27. 95 27.95 27. 97 50°08’ W.; depth, 3,246 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.325 meters Ometeiee74.=..- 5222-28. 26) MOelerses-son-a—cs--cese Slmeters 3. =e 22-22 ose diimoeters 3. S-5"—- 222.25 LOUMmelers ees ae ea sone Jb3 smoeters:—2 <2 8-22. Ss PUSAMOLEIS ee ee ease eee BOD MMELONS sae ees 2 ee S49 INGtErS=- sats =o. esl ee H26/MEtCIS22 2-2 a- See (Ame Lers 22-2 ee O28 IMeterss2- se soa ae se= 140 Meters 222 255 5-52c6- 15833 Meterss.=s52-25-se- WWWHWOWWWWHO RP RONN NWWWRAUIMNOHWREO NVSRUBDHSHSORROT See WOume teres eae eee 34, Slel@2oimeters’. = se eae ae 34.89 | 50 meters_- 34.91 | 75 meters__ 34.94 | 100 meters 35.00 | 150 meters 35.02 | 200 meters 35.09 | 300 meters 35.11 | 400 meters 35.13 | 600 meters 35.12 | 800 meters 35. 16 | 1,000 meters 35.15 | 1,500 meters 35.16 | (2,000) meters aceon DES ES ESP Sic ae Ss Sons orcrer cn ESTES C2 CSCS C2 CES Cae OUST ST 34. 77 34, 81 34. 89 34. 91 34. 94 35. 00 35. 02 35. 09 35. 12 35. 13 35. 13 35. 16 35. 15 35. 16 27. 25 27. 28 27. 52 27.70 27. 74 Station 1522; July 2; lat. 53°35’ N., long. 49°30’ W.; depth, 3,658? meters; dynamic height, 1,454.340 meters 54Meters:-= 255-2 ---=-s5- Siimetoers! = 2s ss ssee LASINELOLS 2-525 ea. ee ZUG Meters = =2- ee Peo Ry i yh ot0:) £2) fo ee ot ne ee AM MOLOTS*- 222222 5—25ee" 641 meters: <.202-- sae S77 )Meterss S222 2-2 TPZ Meters 5 = ee ee 1 (2s 1CLers Aes 2, GDS CLOTS a= teen eee $2 9 09 09 09 09 CO Lm NIN SCNHwkanoepPpOaH wD ARAIDSHDSOSWARBDRNAA 34:91° | \Oimeter*ss2e>-29..22332522 34, 88 | 25 meters_.-..-.........- 34:90 || S50\meters_ 2. =.=. 2 2ss2 34:94) 7b meters_---..-2----222 34,95 || 100imeters==------- - 2-2 =— 34:94) 160/moeters. 2222-22 22-255 34,99) ||)'200 mmeters:ce-—-- = 352095) 800 mMeLersie- o--=2---- === 30.08) |) 400!meters.-- 2552-2 === BOLL, | LOOOKNGLOLS Seo = oe 30. L7/4| SOO MMOLOrSHce= = sso eaee 35.16 | 1,000 meters 35. 20 | 1,500 meters 35. 22 | (2,000) meters Oran © bo ore OD GO Ww $9 29 90 99 OO DO GOR NOD INI nw. SSESRSERSRGRER 34. 86 34. 88 34. 90 34. 93 34. 95 34. 94 34. 97 35. 08 35. 08 35. 16 35. 17 35. 17 35. 18 35. 21 . DAVIS STRAIT. AND LABRADOR SEA 243 Observed values Scaled values Depth ao. Salinity Danth fee Salinity “ ; PEC.) | (260) 2 POO | (960) Station 1523; July 3; lat. 54°15’ N., long. 49°14’ W.; depth, 3,658 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.278 meters 6. 80 aansonl Oumeter=-- 2h2222_ = 22-2 6. 80 34. 85 27.35 6. 80 BAN Soni peoWMeters. 22. 2... 6. 80 34. 86 27. 36 4.77 BsT OO OOMMeLONS=2-2-2— 5022 5. 10 34. 93 27. 62 4.13 DPLOsS MAD YMOUCES= 222 oo =2---5-5 4.35 35. 02 27.79 3. 74 30505)/|5100imeters-—.--.. --=. 22-2 3.95 35. 05 27.85 Bheal 30,08" el 50) meters: --.--22--.-5- 3. 45 35. 07 27. 92 3.30 BODO M200 MMICLALS2o< 2.2 === Soe 3. 30 35. 08 27. 94 3. 34 SO10Sm| PsOURMeLers=-- = -- = 22 3. 30 35. 08 27. 94 3. 38 SD wL5n E400 umeters=_.-=- --- =. S22 3. 35 35. 13 27.97 3. 40 abet3 | eB00smeters’..=-~- ----= 22 3. 40 35. 13 27.97 3. 30 aol 6o|;800mmeters=--- 2-2... ~2-- 3.35 35.15 27.99 ihtio4é meters: se: 22-4585 3. 26 35.16 | 1,000 meters_.-..----..-- 3. 30 35. 16 28. 01 Wit@imeterss- 2-22 3-25-% 3. 23 30:19);/e1 500 meters: -.-2.--.-5=- 3. 25 35. 18 28. 02 2 saG MOLES; —225=>---=22-— 3.05 35. 18 | 2,000 meters_._-.-.---.-- 3.15 35. 19 28. 04 Station 1524; July 3; lat. 54°58’ N., long. 48°56’ W.; depth, 3,790 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.270 meters 6.85 esol OMWMeELOGS = e222 2-220 = 6.85 34. 91 27. 39 6.73 34.92 | 25 meters..----..-..-.- Za. 6.75 34, 92 27.41 4.92 34597) |50smeters.----o-==-—2---- 5. 40 34. 96 27. 62 4. 50 34,98) |\\7S:meters-..-.----=-=---- 4. 60 34, 98 Zinie 4.19 BOs OLnieO0imeters=---s2--- = 2-25 4.25 35. 01 27.79 3.95 soT02 nel oOlmeterss-2--e=—=-c-.-- 4.00 35. 02 27. 83 3. 74 SOLO fe ee0ONeterS==——- 22-25 3. 80 35. 06 27. 88 3.5L 30:09) |; 300! meterss22.-2- =. 5 3.55 35. 08 27.91 3.45 30515) ||) 400smoters:s-- ==. == 3. 45 35. 15 27. 98 3. 38 DOs MI GOUMME LENS pees oese oe ee 3. 40 35. 17 28. O1 3.27 35.18 | 800 meters__.....-.---.-- 3. 30 35. 18 28. 02 3. 24 35. 18:,|| 1,000 meters: .-..-------- 3. 25 35. 18 28. 02 3. 24 Boek ly 50OnmMeLOTS= 255-2526 —5— = 3. 25 35. 20 28. 04 3.15 35:\20) |/2,;000)meters........2---- 3. 20 35. 21 28. 06 Station 1525; July 3; lat. 55°40’ N., long. 48°42’ W.; depth, 3,612 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.285 meters Ohneter 22:2 s5.2°. 254. 6. 30 345805, Oumoter=--+-5-5 ~~... 22 6. 30 34. 80 27. 38 BGT C/G) fee ee 6. 23 34,80) || 25 meters.....3.--1---=-- 6. 25 34. 80 27. 38 HiPMICLCLS. -c24-22-5--225=5 4. 40 SAN) PHO MMCLOES=-- oe a 2= ee 4.65 34. 89 27. 65 Siimetersse. 25) S22 25-2 ae. 3. 92 BASOO WO MANOLEIS=-=— 2 852 ee 4.05 34. 94 27.75 PUYMELErs-.-6 2-2-2. cs 3. 74 35508) || L00:meters: .--=-~- 2-5-5 - 3. 80 35. 02 27.85 WieIMOLOLS. = 2 === 22> 3. 88 35. 10) 150) meters_2<-22- 2-222 3. 85 35. 09 27. 89 229 meters...22.5.-.----<-- 3. 66 SOUL 200imeterssssoe == 5-- = aa5 2 3.75 35. 10 27. 91 DAO MDLOLOLS esas 2s ese 3. 52 BOs LIS RSOOHNOLOrS 42-225" So ee 3. 55 35. 11 27. 94 BSMINOLCES == 2 so Lee 3.43 SDaL2.\| 400imeters.2.- 2252-22252 3. 40 35. 12 27. 97 DOMMOeteYs:.+...2=--=) =.= 3. 29 BOs). GOO) INGtErS==2-2=— ones oe = 3. 30 35. 13 27. 98 SLVPMOLOIS.. 228-—- 2-248. = 3. 23 3551451; 800;meters=-2_ 2-22-22 825 3. 25 35, 14 27. 99 i O49laneters:2--=---.==-. = 3. 22 30-1511, 000meterss.22.-—----2- 3. 25 35. 15 28. 00 G20 3NSLeIS: =.= 5-.2=--2-— Sane 3001 6F DOO MeLErSu2 = -=-—55= 3. 20 35. 15 28.01 epeAOMCLOTS a=: 222-5 soe 3.13 35.240 | 2;000'meters= <= += ---=- 3.15 35. 15 28.01 Station 1526; July 4; lat. 56°20’ N., long. 48°40’ W.; depth, 2,834 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.341 meters Oinieferrirs 22a 5232555. 6. 27 34. 82 6. 27 34, 82 27. 40 fil TG Gia ee ee 6.04 34. 81 6. 10 34. 81 27.41 Olemoeters=s ess. 2 S252. 4.10 34. 90 4.95 34. 86 27. 59 QZ THOLCISss sees 22> 22-5: 3. 65 34. 98 3.85 34. 94 Pes 122 meters 3. 52 34. 99 3. 60 34. 98 27. 83 183 meters 3. 34 35. 02 3. 40 35. 00 27. 87 244 meters__- 3. 45 35. 05 3. 35 35. 03 27. 89 366 meters__- 3. 34 35. 06 3. 40 35. 05 27.91 456 meters 3. 32 35. 08 3.35 35. 07 27. 93 691 meters 3. 24 35.08 |} 600 meters.....---------- 3. 30 35. 08 27.94 S29 metersasss asco. Loe 3. 25 30; O04; SO0uMeLerS= ses ann eee 3. 25 35. 08 27.94 tiO) meters. 3-2 --2 05 252- 3. 22 35. 10 | 1,000 meters.....--.-...- 3. 25 35. 09 27. 95 ITB NOLCIS ese eee 3, 23 30; 11 b00umeterss.2--- === == = 5 3. 25 35. 11 27.97 2;407/ moeterss2.52-==-=-5-- 3. 16 35.12 | 2,000 meters_---.-------- 3. 20 35. 11 27. 98 I44 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Tem- nee Tem- oon Salinity Salinity Depth ai (%o) Depth Peo (960) ot Station 1527; July 4; lat. 56°56’ N., long. 48°36’ W.; depth, 3,610 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.304 meters O'meter=-=2222228: . =e 6. 06 345793) MOMMOLED= eos se foe ee 6. 06 34. 78 27.39 ol meters: 4223 Sees = 5. 74 34,78. | MZoMeLOrs:-25 2. 2 2 ee 5. 85 34. 78 27.41 62:mieters: sakes oe 3.92 34589) 11) 0;meters:22-=2--2--- === 4.45 34. 85 27. 64 93:meters-2.85 #8562205. 3. 65 34593 MOMMELEIS: 222) oho eee 3. 80 34. 90 27.75 L24meters-2232- 2-2 2225) 3. 40 345,9(s| MLOOMMEbETSse2=- 55 = = eae 3. 55 34. 93 27.79 186;meters:~22222---=i2-<= 3. 57 35.08) b0lmeterssee = =< a eee 3.45 35. 03 27. 88 743 meters cose ee S222 3.61 30.10) #200hmetersses-- = -- a= ea 3. 60 35. 09 27. 92 3é2; meters’) 2-5 -- a4 =, 3. 45 36:1) | -300hmeters_.--2- =. 22222 3. 60 35. 10 27. 93 458;metenrsiat = ate = - 2 3. 30 35.12 | 400 meters.....-----.---- 3.40 35. 11 27. 96 694*metersi-2e 4-222 See 3. 26 S30.) | R60Ometerss-2 2-2-2 3. 30 35. 11 27.97 933 MOLL Sas eee aas ee 3,23 30; 10 | ;800mmeters= 22252. ---4-2— 3. 25 35. 11 27.97 LAI Ssnieberss= nas ao 3. 20 Boulonl el OOOnmeters 2-5-2 see 3. 20 35. 11 27. 98 1/90)meters=22-—---—- 2222 3. 22 3b: Lon | O00 mMeLens=—- === == eee 3. 20 35. 14 28. 00 242imoterse2 2232 2-6 3.10 35. 14 | 2,000 meters__----------- 3. 20 35. 15 28.01 Station 1528; July 4; lat. 56°57’ N., long. 50°10’ W.; depth, 3,475 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.295 meters Ojmeter-2)-=532 ee ee 5. 96 34283 || Oimeter2=--2—- se = eee 5. 96 34, 83 27.44 30:meaters= 222s e- 2 S 4.90 34:86) |-2bameters=--2-2s- 5 eee 5. 10 34. 84 27. 56 HOWMMOLCLS=- es ee ee eee ee 3. 91 34596))|-60meters=== sees o= =n oeee 4. 20 34. 95 27.75 GOimeterses2se"4 ones Pee 3.47 34.97, ||; 7osmeters== 2-2. . ee 3. 65 34. 96 27. 81 120smeterss eas 3. 30 35.00) | 100hmeterss==2==-—- oe 3. 40 34. 98 27. 85 L7GamMeLerss see eee ee 3.37 30.02; 1b0hneterss=s= esse 3. 30 35. 01 27. 89 239'metersi:.222-2 222-525 3. 53 36,06) 200hmeters=2o-- = -—- =e 3.45 35. 04 27. 89 BOS MNELELS.-22—- =—— 2 52 ee 3. 32 35.\09) | 300)meterss-s--- == 522 5-2= 3. 50 35. 08 27.92 A250 meters: 22-252—- == 25 3. 28 35.08 | 400 meters._..-.--------- 3. 30 35. 09 27.95 684emoetersi222=25-2.-2--<- 3. 23 30,19 1 600meberss=s-2- 2 ao eae 3. 25 35. 11 27. 97 Q23nmeterssos- teense aoe 3. 22 QOS GOO MMO LErS=s== 2 aeee aaa 3. 20 35. 13 27.99 ISt6shmMeterseeo==—=--s45-— 3. 21 36:12)" 000tmeterse== 2) == ae 3. 20 35.13 27.99 IeiOnneterseeaces---==2 == 3. 22 35; 13: |; 1; 500meters=.-2----s---— 3. 20 35. 13 27.99 2 S1OMNOtCLS sa se=— = ao 3.17 30.12))|)-2/000)metersmeaa=--— eee == 3. 20 35.13 27.99 Station 1529; July 5; lat. 57°00’ N., long. 52°30’ W.; depth, 3,292 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.293 meters Osme@ter--2252-85.522. 2262 6. 04 34.84: | Ohmoterio222 sss) 22. see 6. 04 34. 84 27.44 Siimoeterg to s2 22-253 5. 49 34.79) |; 25imeterss--2-2 5-2-4 a 5. 65 34. 79 27.45 GOimeters# 2222) = 2S 4.06 35;,00.| (50)meters=.- 2.2... -.22-22 4.40 34, 92 27.70 QIMIMCtOES: 2,;000meters==-=s2-s- ee 3. 20 35. 10 27.97 ——— DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 245 Observed values Scaled values Tem- - f Tem- At Salinity Salinity Depth PeoOj. (960) Depth peo (960) ot Station 1531; July 6; lat. 57°56’ N., long. 54°23’ W.; depth, 3,319 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.341 meters 5. 90 34-8571) Ouneten: = 2) 22. 22222. - 5. 90 34. 83 27.45 5. 62 34.831) 25meters: 22 2-2. .<- 5. 75 34. 83 27. 47 3. 66 S401) |WoOOMmeters. 22 =2..-.-..2 4.00 34. 87 27.71 3. 51 342,98 | /7oymeters. 2-2 .--_= 2c 3. 60 34.95 27.81 3, 52 3459811) 100 meters: 2225-..--.2-2. 3. 55 34. 98 27. 83 3. 44 BONCON LOO MMOLCIS2=2..—-=5-o- 22-552 3. 36 30: 14> 8200) moterseesso2—- 22205. 3.45 35, 14 27.97 BUEMUGLOTS sooo = 258s 3. 29 Boson PoOOMNBTenS seasons == ae 3.35 35.14 27.98 518 meters__- a 3. 23 35.16 | 400 meters_........-.---.- 3.30 35. 13 27. 98 778 meters_-_- 3. 20 35.14 | 600 meters___-. 3. 20 35. 14 28. 00 1,039 meters_._ 3.18 35.14 | 800 meters__.__- 3. 20 35. 14 28.00 1,299 meters_______ 3. 20 35.13 | 1,000 meters_._.__-- 3.15 35. 14 28. 00 195Vianeters2 22> >= =. 8 3. 25 35.16)! 1;500)meters: 222 2ss2222=- 3. 20 35. 14 28. 00 ZBOOMMOLELS2.22s-<—-5---- 2.93 35.16 || 2;000)meters.=.-..=.-=--- 3. 25 35. 16 28. 01 Station 1533; July 6; lat. 59°00’ N., long. 53°00’ W.; depth, 3,603 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.355 meters Opmetertot. 2252-55 sesk5 6. 83 34. 61 6. 83 34. 61 27.15 BaMUGLOUS = see esse oo soos 3. 24 34. 63 3.30 34. 63 27. 58 Gpmeterssaoteess so 3. 52 34. 84 3.35 34. 71 27. 64 OSiMeterss2225-ssececccecs 3.94 35. 00 3.70 34. 90 27.76 Pe MmMeters= 2 25 soos. oe 4,11 35.05 4.00 35. 00 27.81 196 meters__- 4.06 35. 04 4.15 35. 05 27. 83 261 meters_ 3.95 35. 08 4.05 35. 04 27. 83 392 meters_ 3. 57 35. 10 3.85 35. 09 27.89 Slammetoerss-222252_--22e22 3.45 35. 08 3. 55 35. 10 27.93 facagmeterssse 222022 3k. 3.31 35. 08 3. 40 35. 08 27. 93 » CSUR Ss00]?:) oe a 3.24 35. 08 3. 30 35. 08 27. 94 Ts05aneters/2<_-. _.-_-2.- 3. 20 30, 11s PL: O00imeterse: ome eae 3. 25 35. 08 27. 94 MOOSMMeLeIS=o52----scac=- 3. 27 35212) ebo0nmoterse. nos soeee 3. 25 35. 12 27. 98 PAPLOFHE LETS sees eae a. 2.91 35;:12)\|) 2:000:meters!- 22-2. - 552. 3. 25 35. 12 27. 98 Station 1534; July 6-7; lat. 58°58’ N., long. 51°30’ W.; depth, 3,521 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.296 meters \JaniG\ rite Hee eee 6.01 34. 61 6.01 34. 61 27. 27 OUMMOLEESEe se sees ee. 4.41 34. 64 4.75 34. 62 27. 43 DOMIGLOLS oss Gee 3. 66 34. 86 3.75 34. 79 27. 66 SUnueterss se awe 2 ee 3. 85 35. 00 3.70 34. 94 27.79 119 meters aes 4.22 35. 11 4.00 35. 05 27. 85 178 meters Spal 4.08 35.14 4. 20 35.13 27. 88 QS(MGtOlS oo sscecence awe. 3.93 35.14 4.00 35.14 27. 92 BAe TAG (2) es ee a, a 3. 70 35. 15 3. 80 35. 14 27.94 AGG meters: esse Ste 3. 68 35. 15 3. 70 35.15 27. 96 (lari) ees ee ee 3. 34 35. 14 3. 50 35. 14 27.97 LB da}n28 (2) 72) 9: oe an a a 3. 33 35. 16 3.35 35. 14 27. 98 WW 2MNeters 2s. oe 3. 48 35. 14 3. 30 35. 15 28. 00 TOT MBOLCISS = ates ecce eee 3. 25 35.15 3. 25 35. 15 28. 00 DASHNGLBIS © sa 45— 250225" 3.06 35. 16 3. 20 35.15 28. 02 IAG MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Depth Salinity (90) Scaled values Depth Salinity (960) ot Station 1535; July 7; lat. 58°57’ N., long. 50°16’ W.; depth, 3,429 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.265 meters ol7‘meterse-. 222 ee 400;metersss-2- 5-2" 608:meters-- 2 ee S2a:;meters:22 522 22s ee 1,044 meters-= -2=2--2 = 322 1619metors= os = =e PA PG 0AVs) 2) ps ee eee ne ye Station 1536; July 8; lat. 57°26’ N., long. 47°40’ Oo: meters. 2252822. Ac eee 127:moters= 20 =- oe 189) moeters:.2-- 2222" 2s 252 MOterssc28=se=- ese ee S7Oumetersicze5- 2-2 6 oe 45g .melerss_2-- <-->" 2s 687smMoeterss=3-25-—- aes O25\moterszce=o2 25. eS - 15168 meters. 22222-22222 15780;meters-22 2 = 5-222 5 2,406 meters... 2-252 -2=2 RS i) 29 £9 £9 40 G9 G9 G2 G0 99 48 G9 HE E> NNW NNWHRMODO Ws Her OO Orr CO A Oe ROSR IGS C010 Os te He tence DWN NWWPRISWWADOWD SNISHEBIRIDHNSSOK 34, 72 34. 73 34. 86 34. 92 34. 98 35. 07 35. 13 35. 16 35. 15 35. 16 35. 14 35. 16 35, 15 35. 17 S00 uMeLETS-..- 22. ee 400) meters......-..----.- 600hmeters- 2: 2-2 222 SOOsmeters-22 22s eee HO0Ohmeters===22- 5) saa 1,500imeters_- 25-222 2,000) meters: -----.---222 ee Se COS SeuG) NWNWHHPAMUOGSHOIWANWWO SSAARASOUOAAAAS 34. 72 34, 73 34. 85 34. 91 34. 97 35. 06 35. 12 35. 16 35. 15 35. 16 35. 14 35, 15 35. 15 35. 17 27. 36 27. 37 27. 59 27.76 27. 81 27. 88 27.91 27.97 27.97 27.99 27.99 28. 00 28. 01 28. 03 W.; depth, 3,200 meters; dynamic height 1,454.324 meters Z200meters2== 4 s00hmeters-==--22--- 400imeters=2-22-2 ee 600'meters.--2 2-8 - S00 moetersss= See aes J-000'meters2.2 4. - == a2 15OOMMEtErS2= a= = ee 2,000) meterss2se.= == 9 99 69 C9 CS CO Ym HR He HR He Co > SD DWNWWWMONWHKAWHOH SMOKOaAIananaaaaid © Station 1537; July 8; Jat. 57°45’ N., long. 47°13’ W.; depth, 3,500 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.394 meters e62171elers2 22s) ee oe 409) meters2-2. ve == Se 625 moeters= 22525-45223 S49 moterss 82 2-2 V080imeters-=22=-- 2-2-2. - 1676:meters*. 325. 2-252 2,306 meters_-__..._------- ONAN PN PDO ROD SOTCS IES. 60 0 HES pe CCT Oa Out SCRORLBRAHOSCOSIO 25 meters-..2+ J222_. 8252 bO0:meterss22u. 22 = se 7DMoterss2see2 eee ee LOO'meters-=2-. 2225S 5eee— 150!meters=2=- == << eee 200:meters: 22 2-25 s00imeters:=2 22-2 400smetersts22 22 =2- 600) moeters=22225- 32a ee 800;meters:=-=3- 2 2 L000'meterss 252-22 5-c.— 15500) meters=. 2-252 - 2,000 meters-_-..-...----- 21001096002) i Ou GUS uc BRP RRAWSSORENO SSoscooour ound or 35. 00 35. 00 35. 08 35. 09 35. 10 35. 12 35. 11 35. 12 35. 10 35. 10 35. 08 35. 08 35. 08 35. 09 27. 58 27. 60 27. 62 27.72 27.78 Station 1538; July 9; lat. 58°07’ N., long. 46°35’ W.; depth, 3,063 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.302 meters 65 meters._______--- Eston OS meterss- 228 5 3 Isimoelerss sss Be WSimeters--2o- S224 2 ZOO TNELEIS 3: 3 es. Se SOL; HOLEISS = oe ae GLOUNGLETS 225 ee (ODUneters eee aes ae 020 meters. 22 3 s=" = 22 Be P27 O\MeGLerss ~- 2= 5 SSeuo2 ae OZ Iemeters2o es a= 22a. 20,0 NCtOIS2. ee ee TaN IPOH 00.00 CO COIR IR oe aS EE Re ea COIR Sac PWR ORE OR 34. 91 34. 93 35. 00 35. 03 35. 08 35. 11 35. 14 35. 16 35. 13 35. 14 35. 12 35. 15 35. 12 35. 13 Oimeters= 22.2 ees see ZDUIMNCLOLS sae = oe = See bOhmeterss 2. 22 2—. ee (PMOLETS= 52 == 2— L00;meters=22. 22.2 sss S00moters- 22325222. 2. 523 1, 000'metersea sos eese 1500 meters o=- ae 2;000meterss22ao- =. 2-225 29 28 20 GO C9 G0 HR CO He a BR or Or SOrRae OO SSS8SSSSSS8SSES rProNwwf 34, 91 34, 92 34, 97 35. O1 35. 03 35, 09 35. 11 35. 15 35. 15 35. 14 35. 13 35. 12 35, 14 35. 12 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 247 Observed values Tem- Depth perature (°C.) Salinity (960) Sealed values Tem- wae Salinity Depth perature (%0) ot °C.) Station 1539; July 9; lat. 58°26’ N., long. 46°05’ W.; depth 2,424 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.251 meters BIMMICLOES = 2052s sacoue iiishmeters: 5.22 _ 22-2222. _ MP} T GS ee DAMIGLOLS: =~ = 2524-45S5 = BeGNNELETS.-2 2-2. 2225-2 5.5 BAGNNIELENS! = 2 2 ee B,Onnelers=—. 22> seeee ee USUS TO EVS) 1) ce a ee jnbatemeters: == 2-2. hs iGasmeterss=——. 2-5 2-255 ZeommMeters=——-—= 22-204 B99 08 G8 SO Co He i ee He cn ot WONWADORADDOMOwW BR BRANDANDSHDID 35. 00 Station 1540; July 9; lat. 58°50’ N., long. 45°22’ W.; depth 2,488 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.368 meters WwO Or > DRCMMOLONS == 22 2-522 MnOIMeLorse == 25 soe Gy7emeters:--_3--.--s.+-.- Shommeters22: 25-2. 2s. SHG) i) eRIOLOTS 9 2 Wate IMOLvers: 22... 3... 909 OR RR TR OD SaStBRSSRSLSERR He re Or D> NO I 00 34, 52 34. 52 34. 89 35. 02 35, 22 35. 26 35. 26 35. 24 35. 23 35. 20 35. 17 35. 10 35. 13 35. 15 Station 1541; July 9; lat. 59°17’ N., long. 44°49’ UG) 5a 6. 31 2 ON ee 5. 75 HASINBLOALS==—- = 2 = = 2 5.41 RII DOTS ees ee 5. 76 IGSANCLETS.2=- = 62-2 2 = =. 5. 70 TGmne ters == eee fo 5. 87 Zlmnelersa=)=)- == 2 ==. - = 5. 33 BOD AMELCES eee 2s 5.19 420) meters=9 2 222 5. 02 Wl reals eo) Se a SE ee 4.76 BOOUIMNOLERSssce eee. - 5 iN 4.14 1,070 meters 3. 70 1,610 meters 3. 38 34. 67 Oimeteracs-esena=s4-52-5 6. 36 35. 00 27. 53 ZOWNCLEIS. «ne oe Sea. 6. 00 35. 06 27. 61 HOmMebersse2ss2e> 2 22 - 5.70 35. 05 27. 65 WOIICUBIS =a. = == Meee 2 4. 90 35. 20 27. 87 LO0imeters=-=-2--- 22 4. 80 35. 25 27. 92 UbO}moeterss—.- S22 4.70 35. 26 27.94 200imeters=- 22-2 Le 4.45 35. 27 27. 98 BOOMMOeteIS*— =. S22. eo 4, 25 35. 25 27. 98 400 mMoeters=2= 225-2. 282 4.00 SDn2L 27. 98 BO00imetersss-- 8 i=. = a8 3.70 35. 18 27. 98 S800 mieters.-- 3. 40 35. 16 28. 00 L000nmeterss =. = 520 3.30 35. 16 28. 01 lyH0Omneters? 423) = 3.10 35.19 28. 05 2,000 meters: 2-22. = 2 2.70 35. 20 28. 09 Olristenae —Ss25-5 32 2 6. 05 34. 52 27.19 BOMMNGLONS Ae sere oe 5. 25 34. 52 27. 29 OORNeLEIS= ss. et 4.80 34. 80 27. 56 TOMMOLOLES sae tee 2 4.85 34. 99 27.70 LOO mMeterse— ess Se 5. 20 35. 16 27. 80 LBORMOELErS te tees a! 5. 40 35. 25 27. 84 200 meterss2==2 te == ts 5. 30 35. 26 27. 87 S00imeterss-= 222 eS 5. 00 35. 25 27. 89 400 moters=)-- - 22 5-2 4.75 35. 24 27.91 G00;metersi2 te 4. 50 35. 21 27. 92 SO0;moeterse 3. 85 35. 18 27. 96 HOO00lmeters-222>- 22 5 3. 60 35. 14 27. 96 T5OO meters: S22 2 9. 3. 30 35, 12 27. 98 2,000)meterss.-- 24 S= 2.75 35. 14 28. 04 W.; depth, 1,692 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.378 meters Onmelerese ee eee 6.31 34. 67 27. 28 ZONMCLOIS 222 325% 5. 80 34. 68 27. 34 SO meters! =-6 ee 5. 40 34. 69 27. 40 WONMCLOIS = note aoe ne 5.05 34. 90 27. 53 LOO IMeLeTS ee es 5.70 35. 13 27.71 THO Meters tee ee ee 5. 85 35. 3C 27. 83 ZOO INGtCTS eos = ole 5. 55 35. 26 27. 83 300 meters-_-_-_---- BEE oaes 5. 20 35. 29 27. 90 400M ers: ee ES 5.05 35. 27 27. 90 600:metersi=2552- eh 4. 85 35. 25 27.91 BODMOGtErS=2s-255 2 == == 4.30 35, 24 27.96 OOO meters)... 4822. = 3. 80 35. 18 27.97 500; meters-2..---s42- 2 3. 40 35. 16 28. 00 Station 1542; July 9; lat. 59°25’ N., long. 44°35’ W.; depth, 153 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.416 meters DING Ol seae es 2. 02 ANIC PpT Saas = re ey 2. 67 AS MIPtORS 22553) 22-22 o 2. 69 epHIOLOL Geese as ee ee 2.95 Uist: a 2.99 TAO INBEOLS 222 = 2c! Veh 4.44 33. 31 33. 94 34. O1 34. 38 34. 66 35. 00 O:meterzs 22s 2. 25-8 2. 02 33. 31 26. 64 20 Meters: 242s soso see 2. 65 33. 90 27.06 60:meters= =): 32522-5.=22 2.70 34. 01 27.14 75 metersss--=5===52 2422. 2.95 34. 39 27. 42 TOO ;moeterss=..2- > 524 5==" 3. 00 34. 68 27. 65 (50) "meters:--- = 5. 15 35. 13 27.78 Station 1543; July 10; lat. 59°55’ N., long. 50°10’ W.; depth, 3,182 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.292 meters Oinieter----2--=2--- 5 5 4. 50 DO MMOLOIS 225 Jose 2 set 4,74 Gbiimeters=---:2 2 = 5. 07 ORIN GtOrss- 24. 8 2 Ss ee 5.18 TRRICLONS see 252 2 ee 5. 02 VO 0G) 1) 9: oe a 5.14 PUPINOLOIS <5 522-2225 4. 69 aut aneLers.o2- 2 =~ = ==-2 4-4 4. 26 DOGIMOLEYS=.~-= 22225322". 5 4,21 “ZOLmoeters*-=. - =. 2.22 - 3. 86 LOl/moeters... 222. 322-2 3. 56 TP 272 MMeLerss..-..25-~--5 3. 42 1,919 meters......2 ° 2. 82. 3. 02 DSO RICA.) eee a 2. 54 34. 04 34. 62 34. 94 Oimeter-2-2ss5- 4. 50 34. 04 26. 99 25'Meters:=- 22. = se 4. 60 34. 48 27.32 50 ‘meterss2-. ss Ses ee 4.90 34. 80 27. 55 GOUNCLEISA 22 820 ee Ee 5.10 34. 99 27. 67 LOO meters==2 2 ee 5.15 35. 09 27.75 50 IC LOrs eter Sse 5. 05 35, 28 27. 90 200imeters:s.2-- 2-2 2s" 5,15 35. 31 27. 92 SOOMOEteES os ees = 4.50 35. 24 27. 94 400) meters.) 92-2 4,25 35. 23 27. 96 600 'metersstee=)- See 4.05 35. 23 27. 98 S0Oimeterss == 22 ee 3. 80 35, 21 28. 00 O00 moters!- =: * 7a 3. 55 35. 21 28. 02 L600) moterse= 2202s 2 3.30 35. 23 28. 06 2,000 meters=-=- -—..- 2=-= 2.95 35. 19 28. 06 IAS MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Tem- «os Tem- fat Depth perature Salinity Depth perature Salinity ot (°C.) (%lo0) (G5) (%0) Station 1544; July 11; lat. 60°32’ N., long. 49°34’ W.; depth, 1,811 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.450 meters Oumeter- 225252232 ee 3. 50 33.46) ||| O!meter=:-+---—-—---- === 3. 50 33. 46 26. 63 29 metersees see 4. 48 34750))\s25meters-s---- =~ 2 ee 4.40 34. 30 27. 21 JSuINCLOIS2=_222e-se- eee 5.10 O4./08|OOMMeleDS= ==) 5-— === aa 5. 05 34. 72 27.47 S7imoeters=e-22 sae 5. 22 34.95" |e7oOuMmeters-—..-------- nea 5. 20 34. 89 27. 58 115 meters 5. 22 35,015 | 00imeterss--=---- oe ee 5. 20 34. 98 27. 65 173 meters 5. 01 35. 12 5.10 35. 07 27.74 232 meters 5. 03 35. 20 5. 00 35. 18 27. 84 347 meters 4. 56 35. 13 4.80 35. 16 27. 85 463 meters 4. 33 35. 08 4.40 35. 11 27. 85 693;metersss2ace- oa ee 4.01 35. 13 4.15 Shay 1h 27. 88 923 «meters:-.2-=---2---- 22 3. 71 35. 08 3. 85 35. 11 27.91 IIS ZANeCLCrS= eee eee 3. 50 3009) O00lmeterse=-2- 2s 3. 60 35. 08 27.91 Ie724meterssesee ose ee 3. 25 35.108) |) 1,500meters---=--2-- === 3. 35 35. 08 27. 93 Station 1545; July 11; lat. 60°50’ N., long. 49°20’ W.; depth, 91 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.560 meters O:meter=-.22-.5.22 4.79 35. 02 4.95 34. 96 27. 67 Leeimoeters_-22 222.2 -< 2-2 5.10 35. 05 4.85 35. 02 21.13 PAGINOELETS 22224 22 4.48 35. 07 5. 05 35. 05 27.73 Detemetersacc2 oes ose ss 4.27 35. 07 4.35 35. 07 27. 83 DLairetors- 2285s ek SS. 4.33 35. 08 4.30 35. 07 27.83 WUMDOLORS: 222 = 2 ee 3. 92 36.,083|) 600/meters:-2-.--.--=_=-- 4.20 35. 08 27.85 1030!meters;.--=-.-=- ==-- 3. 60 30:04, 800 meters-.--.---=-.-.--- 3.90 35. 06 27. 87 1292 meters-==2=-22--=—-- 3.37 35:03) |) 1,000 meters-—.-_.------- 3. 65 35. 04 27. 87 1-948 -meters!=222=-- 2222.2 3. 20 ooO2ulyoOOnmeterss=s- | -'. - =. ~ 3. 30 35. 03 27. 90 (2:000)) meters:-------=-- 3.15 35. 02 27.91 Station 1551; July 14; lat. 61°30’ N., long. 53°17’ W.; depth, 2,935 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.456 meters Olmelerss2: See Se els 7. 24 os. 80h WOnMmeLer =: s== 22220222522 7. 24 33. 80 26. 46 32 meters 3. 66 a4730uipep Meters: 2. -2 <5... 3.75 34. 20 27. 20 64 meters. 4.82 34.86 | 50 meters- 4.60 34. 60 27. 42 97 meters 4.81 35:,00))|5smetersi == 12S) == -22 =. 4.85 34. 92 27.65 129 meters 4. 83 35.05 | 100 meters 4.80 35. 00 27.72 193 meters 5.10 3On1Su|eLoOlmetersse--2--+=---==- 4.95 35. 08 21.40 257 meters 4.94 35.145 ie200imeterss2s— = == -- 2 5. 10 Bhp 27. 78 519 meters 4.42 Bool 2h eoouumeters=-2-2=-2<~ == = 4.85 35. 14 27. 83 781 meters. 3.91 35.08 | 400:moters-....--.-..---- 4.70 35. 13 27. 83 MOs¢Stmeterse= 2°22. ==. 3. 60 35.09 | 600 meters-...------------ 4.30 35. 11 27. 86 s0gnmeters: +... -—~ 2% 2. 3. 39 Bost 2a ROUGNNELELS == oe e 3.90 35. 08 27. 88 1O64>meters===22..-.222. - 3. 21 Ooo elgOUOMmeterss2oe= 22 == 3. 65 35. 09 27.91 JeHOOANGLEES 22-2 === 2 3. 30 35. 12 27. 98 (2:000)imeters:2--- =. =*_- 3.15 35. 13 27. 99 Station 1552; July 14-15; lat. 61°29’ N., long. 54°05’ W.; depth, 2,853 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.502 meters OMmeterc.5=- s+ = 22-552: 6. 90 SoG OmmeLerea= eset aa ae 6. 90 33. 66 26. 40 MOMMOLCES:= = aemes a te) 3.48 SA, OL |e 2bymeterss-.--=_ == | Se 3. 60 34.10 27.13 Gapnreters =: 2525-2. 2. 2. 4. 08 S45 (SH oO MeLersi2-- Se 2 Sse se ee 3. 75 34. 58 27.49 DGITIDLENS 2a 225 2 eo ot 4. 62 341900 eo OLerISaseeeee == = aoe 4. 30 34. 86 27. 66 semeters! cee 2 2 oa es 4.67 351045 mL OOmmeters=- == + eee 4.65 34. 97 27.72 ROT SmIeLerS= eS = = 2 4. 57 SONOS Hel DOrmeters= 2222s. = Pe 4.60 35. 06 27.79 QOLINOLErS 2-2 2. === 4. 69 30209!) 200 mmeters--- = = =- =) eS 4. 60 35. 08 27. 80 SenMOLeCrs- = s- =~. = 52 4.46 SD LOM POUUMNELEIS=2-=—5 -=- 22s 4.60 35. 09 27.81 DUS HIG LETS. oes ae 4. 34 SOwLO) | E400mmeters aes == Ss 4.45 35.10 27. 84 We TeINGLOTS= 8 eee ot ae 3. 86 SOs UG OUGAMOLETSaoe=. = aes ee 4.15 35. 09 27. 86 Otmeterss= 22%. 22. 2.) 3. 51 Bo. OLa | Heo MMeterss== 5-225 2 23 3. 80 35. 04 27. 86 i 26Gsmieterss=2-=.-.-+=-—= 3.36 34597)|"1,000!meters2--2- =- 2 2 = 3. 55 35. O1 27. 86 1}905,;meters.2-2=--=------ 3.20 35:059| 3500 )meters=--=.---- = 3. 30 34. 99 27. 87 (2/000) meters=2-=<=- === 3.10 35. 05 27.94 Station 1553; July 15; lat. 61°28’ N., long. 54°49’ W.; depth, 2,798 meters; dynamic height,1,454.510 meters Opmeter 22 =" 5-822 2--. 23ce 7.05 BOOBs ROMMeLODss=-6 == =e = eee 7. 05 33. 96 26. 61 WIPIMOLOIS=s2s S22 52-2 22===- 3.91 Bas 4 lola op MOLeLSe=s= ena = =. Se 4. 00 34. 30 27. 25 GUsITIOLOrS=— 24a 4.19 34:42 50 metersi 2 62 o=-eee 4.00 34. 61 27. 50 S2INMOLCIS!. ata on Se ee 4. 66 34,93) || WOuNeLErS eee = seeee- 4.45 34. 84 27. 63 ZS meters=22525- -2-.- 22 4.80 34799100 meterssces == == eee 4.70 34. 95 27. 69 USEINOLOTS-- Sse! S25 So 5. 00 Bola |p oOuneters=sses=)=— = 4.90 35. 00 27.71 ZADVINOLETS. = 2 3545< 2 5. -= 222 4.89 35:06) (200 meters 2-2-2522 229 5. 00 35. 03 27.02 MULAN OLOrS os ke Ses oe 4. 34 30 OGs OO Meters- 2225 6 ens 4.75 35. 06 PHU MOS ANBLEIS= 22 S43. cose oso 3.91 BO: Ove RADU IOLEL Sa) 22 ees 4.60 35. 06 27.79 HOzbamoters== 5. 2-22-- "= 3. 60 30. 04,|\600imeters-22-—2 == 255 4. 20 35. 06 27. 83 F282 meters: = 52. = 22-2 3. 38 35: O1 .|:800)meters---.-=-_--- ==. 3.90 35. 07 27. 88 1920 meters= 2552-52802 3.11 So 02m, OoOmmeters2-2=-5—-= a 3. 60 35. 04 27. 88 1500); meterse =]. 222 ees 3.30 35. O01 27. 89 (2,000) meters. __-.------ 3. 05 35. 02 27. 92 250 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Tem- Depth perature °C.) Scaled values Salinity (960) oe Salinity (960) Station 1554; J uly 15; lat. 61°27’ N., long. 55°35’ W.; depth, 2,808 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.515 meters OQimneters== e222 22s es 7.05 olemMeters: 252805 soak Se 4.41 Gismeters't2s- ee oe 4.53 O92 meterst=22s_ a. = Re 5.07 L2S IM Cbers se se 8 4.74 Jeaimeters=-o.52. 0 Lae 4,84 ZA MeCLErS2 2 ase ose 4,65 BOS mMeterss Sie beth fae 4.19 ASRimotersecs es 1 SSE Ze 4.32 G66;meterssseee = = ee 3.76 90 metersse 2. 2 es 3.55 1142; meters== 2-2 3.45 1,752 meters=- 2-2 4222-22 3. 23 25392, NOLEIS=a- ae = 2 ee 2. 63 305,92) \Onmeters. <2." nae 34,240 ¢25;meters:_ 2-222 34,91" || 50 meters: =-222=— == 23s 345,96) oimeters!s-=_=2..5- eee 35.00 | 100 meters_--..-.-.._-_-- SoA00N PLO meters:2-22 52 = Sask" 30.01 1/200 meters2-- 22222224 30: 00)uPs00imeters--2_c2=- 22242 1352.00) |/400meters-2s2- 2 = ee JO, 00M AGOO Meters =) es See eee 35, OL, |800lmeters:-2--= = 2 30. OL4)) L000/imeterse=-=----0 30..02)/1;500 ameters2===-=5=2=>-— 30.02) 2;000 meters=. 5422 2=2-= prided ooro AmMOoooansanedac DOCSTERS CSCO Hs es Um Eee eS 02 OD OO Station 1555; July 15; lat. 61°26’ N., long. 56°20’ W.; depth, 2,817 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.494 meters Ouneters25- 3-4 ee Sa INOLOIS2 2-2) == == eae 65:meters=2-525-4 22-2222) LOG Meters se—= eee ee 26E meters._2 =. 22 =__ pee ak s02emneters--2 255 =.= 22225 {siaygaats) t) defame ee wee Beak od CUSSNOLOTSE. = = A MOsismeters2 222]. - se 1289 metershs == 5-42 sere 1935) meters. = 2522-5. 2S 2 DSL Meters!= 25S -eo DDO COC Co Co ee CO 0 COR WH WIP IOOMOONISOO SRRaAN IBDN BAN ENS 33..96),| Olmetens=--seee eee oe 34:00) Zoe Lenssen 34;,70))|;60;meters= 2s eee 34::88))|P ZONMCtOrsi =e eee aes 34.94 | 100 meters_-_--......---- 34.95) || “LoOimetersses -sae-o ee 35.02); 200aneterss2-2 = ee 34..96:)|-300)meters=-_—== 2-22 35.00 | 400 meters_--_---.-_----- 35; 01) | 5600imeterssea == 35. 02'| 800 meters.--.---.------- 35300) 1; 000imeters22 === 35: 00se1 GO0Mmeterss = 5 35.00 | 2,000 meters-_--.-.-..---- Station 1556; July 15; lat. 61°27’ N., long. o2 WeLers. =o. o se 2 eae 62imetens®=2teas25) 5 2 eS O4simetersssase ase as IB RNGLCrSr2 es eee ee TSSomelerssaee ne se ee Zo0 meters eee se 3/6,melers-=s ee se 499 meters’ eon s=s2 = = (bz: Meters22 ees eee 1,005 meters___ 1,261 meters___ 1,901 meters 2,548 meters BOD 09.00 C0 ee Pe ee a PHONY PRON FWWWWORr RE DOBRDONNWOORAT SRC) 09/03 2 (Sire Hie CCE RO 9/2 ENanNooroonworod OCOMnSoCoononoanaaae 33. 96 34.19 34. 51 57°05’ W.; depth, 2,835 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.518 meters 33.945 ||(Olmeters see =see ee ae 34.25," 2brmeters_-) s2o- ee Basti. \eOOMeters-see = = = ee 345945) 7b umelerssaes eee ane 34.955 100smeterss-25--- see 35.00) | 150:meters-------.--.__-- 35. Ol |-200)moeters=--2=" --- === == 35.02) s00mmeterssee= eee ee 35.01, | 400 meters--=-22=-- = == 35.00 | 600 meters_----.-----__-- 34.98 | 800 meters__---.._.--_--- 34.96 | 1,000 meters_-_ 34.98 | 1,500 meters_-_-_- 35.00 | 2,000 meters._--.-----.-- Ww rhe ha s)he | Sie Ss Si eo. omoococoonmooconons 33. 94 34.14 34. 55 34. 88 34.94 34,97 35. 00 35.02 35.02 35. 01 35.00 34.98 34. 96 34. 98 26. 58 26.97 97.41 27. 68 27.72 27.75 27.77 27.78 27.80 27. 83 27.85 27. 85 27. 85 27. 87 Station 1557; July 15; lat. 61925’ N., long. 57°43 Owneter*: 2-2 ee as 32 meters-__-_- Ci See oa 63;meters-222- 2.2 ee Obimetersisessas ae L27; meters eee ees ee TOU meters 2s eee 204 MCters wet st te a8limeters. 232-3 se 503 meters-__ 756 meters_- 1,010 meters 1 26o;meterss- 202 22225 LO0tmeters 2288) 228 2,540 meters___.....------ HEROD TOO ONIWIWS MWOBHBDARSISH ART S401 45 OnmMelenea-ae o> 34.1 |SemmeLersa=.5 250 2.22 see 84554) 250m etersiosese-. 2 2 eer d4.io ule couMeters=.—2 S052 = Sze 34:87 |/100;meters-_-- 2.2. -_222 34.915 b0imeterse-= 32-5 eee 34.95: | 200imleters-- =.= -—---=-=22 30.01 | 800:meters_--.--------=-- 35.02 | 400 meters...---------.-- 35.02 | 600 meters_- 35.05 | 800 meters---- 35..04 | 1 000imeterss22 5 === 5 -= 30,03) |e; 500 meters--2--2 2 se =a 35.-00' | 2,000 meters. _.-......--- Se et S| KH WOIPraIwWsoowWdL Or PO SSSSonssossosoan 34, 14 34.14 34. 33 34, 61 34. 76 34. 88 34. 91 34. 98 35. OL 35. 02 35, 02 35. 05 35. 03 35. 02 ’ W.; depth, 2,633 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.486 meters 26. 75 26. 96 27.36 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 251 Observed values Scaled values Tem- eee Tem- | rae Depth perature | Salinity , Salinity I I (EO) | (960) Deprh poy (%60) on Station 1558; July 16; lat. 61°24’ N., long. 58°22’ W.; depth, 2,551 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.531 meters (0) RANG UG they oe ea ee pe 6. 20 33.87 | Omieter......_-.- ee ae 6. 20 33. 87 26. 66 Sul wei a cle Oe FUSse2ometersl ee. oe 1.00 34.00 27. 26 (si) eC 1.91 34.24 | 50 meters...__.____--.___ 1.55 34.18 27. 36 OTIS LOY Shenae ae = nS 2. 81 Beco) | oMMevense.- sees sae so 2.40 34. 35 27. 44 PeemMeters: - = + = -=-2-= 3. 28 34705) LOO MNeterS <2) coe 2. 95 34, 59 27. 58 182 meters.-__----- Be SS 3. 57 34.87 | 150 meters___________ vapee 3.40 34. 78 27. 69 PAM OApONS exes == 5 2= 3. 89 Deeson |eZ0OMMOLCLS=- 2-2 se ee 3.65 34. 89 27.75 BOAMIMEUCTS.—-.5-2=a555 =5=- 4.07 Oar ole OOO MISUCLSS =o = Sen an ee 4.00 34. 96 27.78 MET OUOL Sse he Se 3.99 34.96 | 400 meters_______________ 4.05 34.97 27.78 713 meters__---- ae eee 3.00 oeoo OOOumeters. === -- = 1 3. 85 34. 96 27.79 ObagmMelors =e Boe 3. 68 30.03 | 800 meters___.__.___- ase 3. 70 34. 99 27. 83 Telezaneters==- = -<--<==- 3.52 oor 02) el O0Oimeters==---- 5-2 == 3. 60 35. 03 | 27. 87 1,794 meters____...+-.---- 3.18 35.05 | 1,500 meters_______ ae 3.35 35. 04 | 27.90 DEB OOMTIGLOLS: a a= 25 4S - 2.35 35.05 | 2,000 meters__----._.___- 3.00 35. 05 | 27.95 ! Station 1559; July 16; lat. 61°23’ N., long. 59°00’ W.; depth, 2,423 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.513 meters Oishi ee 5. 80 SOAG On MO WMOLOTE enews ees 5. 80 33.95 26. 77 PSV Te0 (GLE) see 4.72 S406) 2oumMelerse-=s = =a Le 4.70 34. 07 27. 00 ail TD OR eee ae 2. 08 Sonora | OONMe [ENS<-- == ee se ae 2. 05 34. 34 27. 46 7 Wa ee 2.58 35704 lino Melers=-—-— =) eee 2. 55 34. 53 27.47 NQipimeenses se eee 3. 02 34.65 | 100 meters_____ an 3.00 34. 64 27. 62 ROSEIGLONS see Sane 3. 66 34506) || LoOmeterss =-9 22-2 82-5 3. 65 34. 85 — 27.72 DOANE LEISL=—2 == === === 3.92 Os. 91 200) metersses == a eS 3.90 34. 91 Pet G5 BUG MmMetEES-=-2-==------_.. 4.27 do. 02 | 300) meters__-____--__-- = 4,25 35. 02 27. 80 BOT INOLOES!. 25 =2=--- 2. =- 4.07 35.01 | 400 meters_______ a eee 4.05 35. O1 27.81 GiGmmeters-2=- <= --= eee 3. 87 SovOOh OOUhmetenSa eae = 3. 85 35. 00 27. 82 BOGmeters*-~ 1. 2.2---2-..- 3. 71 BOSS n MOOUMMCLENSs== ens ae eee 3.70 35. 03 27. 86 Wei remSiers eas = a= a=} a2 4 2 BosOs) | OO0hmetenss === ss == 3. 60 35. 03 27. 87 ipolemMebersaa—- == =e =-- == 3. 25 Boe leoUOMMeLCrS= se = == 3.30 35. 02 27.90 2etQpemepers= === --2.=2=- 1. Dhey aane Seeks (2!000))meterse=== === 22 se 2. 85 35. 02 27. 94 Station 1560; July 16; lat. 61°22’ N., long. 59°48’ W.; depth, 2,423 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.477 meters Oimpterea.8 22-3255. 2 §. 91 BonOOs LOMMOLET == s=ee a= ee 5. 91 33. 90 26. 72 PASIMOLEES! - 22205 5--=55-5=4 5. 21 Bo LO) S2onMeLOLS 25 eee == 5. 20 34. 10 26. 96 CM) 109 GLY See eee ee 3.49 Stasi | MOUMNOLET Sas soo! Se ek 3. 50 34. 38 27.36 Of) TERT Cae ee ee 2.57 DA846) | HO MMeLOLS-o 22 = 2 So 2eDD 34. 47 PYAR: SRemerens-2 = ese 2. 68 Bs00n LOU AMeLerss=-—— 3 — = 2.70 34. 66 27. 66 Lehi) S002 1) tS ae ee 3. 54 34.89 | [50/meters:s---=...=.22 = Bat 34. 89 27.76 MOPRMOLETS= 2225-2 --0-4-.2 3. 84 34.94" | 200tmetters- =.= = -25.2 5-2 3.85. 34. 94 Ziadie PUASIMELOUS == sae ese 4. 02 3o.00;) || 800meters=- =.= 2-2. 2 se — 4.00 35. 00 27.81 SNe) TOO 2) eee ee 3. 86 oos02¢ | 400 ameters: 2-52 ese 3.85 35. 02 27. 84 HUSMMBLOES 2 == 22 oS 28 3.68 BovO2 | COU MeTCES=--=2 sao ee 3.65 35. 02 27.86 HOSSINOUGTS 222 ones 252 3. 59 BOWS | SOOMMeTOrs=s- 3 s— aan ee 3.55 35. 04 27.88 OaSimetens=_..--22-22=--- 3.49 onOon | , OOUmmehersssee = ae 3.45 35. 05 27.90 (eas 2uMeLers= == 222-2} 3. 22 p04. sl 500 mreterss 28 22-522 2 3. 20 35. 04 27. 92 MO2SyMIOLSIS. = == .5=--=22 2.68 35. 04.| (2,000) meters_-__-------- 2.55 35. 04 27.98 Station 1561; July 16; lat. 61°20’ N., long. 60°41’ W.; depth, 960 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.435 meters 0 meter_---~-- 2 eee 4.62 BokOn COmMeters ss 2S = e2 4.62 33.19 26. 31 PORCH EUSS: 22= So SL! Ee 1.49 Onl ee XC LOLS se = epee ee 1.70 33. 80 27.05 HMC . 88 3431) OOWuMeteIS=s= 92 ae ees .85 34, 24 27. 46 CESSeT Gifts Sees Se or rr 1.95 34: 48u)|) (oO MeLCIS:=- = =--— == 1.60 34. 42 27. 56 MlGsnapters S92 2-2 i 2. 39 o2500) | LOOimeters.25 9-2) == 2.10 34. 53 27. 60 Wi OLCIS= 3-2 oe 3.46 34:85) || oO meters-_=-= = 5 -sS22-- 3. 05 34. 77 27. 72 CAC iret) a Bato 34.91.|| 200 ineters-=5-5- = a= = 3. 60 34. 88 20.75 BAG PIOLCUS =a =e 52S 4. 26 35506:1| 200smeters2=5- == 2 4.10 34.99 27.79 ABO TUCUCIS=< 2055522 2. 4.17 Son0” |) 400nmeters=.5= == - 2s 4. 25 35. 06 27. 83 CU rt Gy a rr BEAL 35. Lt | 600!meters-=-===— AE xe 3. 80 35. 10 27.91 ds) 500 Gi) (es at 7) 25: 10) |||800) meters=.-= 22. ==22>— == 3. 70 35. 11 27. 93 79920—37——_17 252 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values | Tem- Salinity Salinity Depth De. (G0) Depth | Siena (60) ot Station 1562; July 16; lat. 61°20’ N., long. 61°31’ W.; depth, 549 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.445 meters Oirieiene see eee 3.90 Se O44 Osmeter. £22252 eee 3.90 34. 04 27. 05 SOMO LOIS: = o> ae See 2. 56 34,05) || P2biMeters= =>. eo eee 2. 50 34. 04 27.18 6zumeters! sso 22 ee 1.97 4: LON OOMMeters: === =) = eee 25: 34.11 PU exe OTT GLIG) See ees ae 2.11 SAUL EO eLOOCOLS == === Sonam 1.95 34. 29 27. 43 Ib amelers:§ sees a hl S45 070, LOU MIC TCTS: -— as ee 2.20 34. 53 27. 60 TSS ANClOIS eee 3. 46 34-80))|el50imeters2=-=2- 2 oo eee 3. 10 34. 73 27. 68 AYRE LOLS == seen Se eee 3. 67 34.90 | 200 meters____-_---_-___- 3. 50 34. 82 Zita BieMNe tenses = es =) See 3.77 4,90) |p SOOMNIGLETS 22-2 ae 3.70 34. 93 27. 78 BOLAMBUGEST® ote ye eS 3.81 35. 02) | 400imeters: 2922-22 = 3. 75 34. 97 27.81 Station 1563; July 17; lat. 61°19’ N., long. 62°20’ W.; depth, 549 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.497 meters Ounieter2= sede s os ea SZ HMC LOESS oa ee es Pers 62 meters-_---_- eA Aes 94:mieters-2- 22-5 22-2222 2p wneters: --~ =e ISTAIMEtOnSS 2-22 aa a ZHURMOLOLS= =e ee Bi DMMOLOrS ss = = =a a 499imeters: == =e 3. 03 2. 49 1.76 . 96 1. 28 2. 28 3. 29 3. 57 3. 58 . 20 . 44 . 84 165 35 . 9 Quneters.22355see5 Fe ee Zo Meera = See oa eee oOsmeters=225_ 4s ee TonMetersa2 see LOOimeters. = eee TSOhmTeLers=aa: === =e ZOOMMeETCTS! ee ee ae B00hmMeterss.2=_ = = ees 400 meters_____- Pee a8 33. 20 33. 37 33. 68 33. 99 34. 18 34. 46 34. 64 34. 87 34. 93 26. 47 26. 64 26. 93 27. 23 27. 40 27.59 27. 66 27.76 27.79 Station 1564; July 17; lat. 61°21’ N., long. 63°07’ W.; depth, 594 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.551 meters Okmeter? St sae 2 ee ia) 00(c\ Hs) Gee eee eee ee 66)meters:= 22-22 =s--2 25 SOWMELELS 25 =5<2eee= oe TZ MeLOTS 22 == Pe OS iMMISbEIS2 42 -o oeene— ThesMEters. = see so See oe A BOOIMELERS === 22-2 a eas OZ PIMCLEIS== = = 23S === 1. 64 - 46 at =; ta! —.33 1.37 2. 82 3. 50 3. 59 32. 04 33. 34 33. 46 33. 92 33. 97 34. 36 34. 62 34. 92 34. 98 OWMCLeR = an. eee ZO MOUS = ee 2p ee SOHMETORSS = eas ee (OSMMOLOLS == 2 Lee eee LOOMMETErSS! oe eee eee 5O0'meters 22-5 ae ee 200M ClelSs== a ae SO0meters= 2 take ee 400m eters! 52 snes (600) sneters= aes see 32. 04 32. 95 33. 41 33. 60 33. 92 34. 04 34. 37 34. 72 34. 92 34. 99 25. 66 26. 44 26. 86 27. 02 27. 28 27.34 27. 53 27. 67 27. 80 27. 84 Station 1565; July 17; lat. 60°21’ N., long. 60°27’ W.; depth, 1,829 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.478 me ters Ofmeteneto- == = ras 5. 30 3409). Onmeten= ==. es. 2 =e 5. 30 34. 09 26. 94 RO MMEURES 22S eae ee 4.40 D422) |eOmOeLeTSaee= === ae ae 4. 50 34.19 Dalal DRM OLOLS = 9-= - e e 3.37 34543" 50 ON CLOESe= = ee oe 3. 60 34. 37 27.35 BUSI LEI Ss eee ee 3. 22 3402/5 OL eCbeLS===s nee = seen 3. 20 34. 48 27.47 lil6imetersss 3. 5222. -3e ss 3. 63 34:88 | LOOimeters2s= se: 2a 3.40 34. 63 Dy paye 7a: meters == REE SS 4. 00 347960 LoOhmetensie 22s 2 = eee 3. 90 34. 94 QI DaIMMOLerS= 5 8 ae 3. 97 34597, | 200 IMeLerS=ee. one see 4. 00 34. 97 27.79 SA7moters. see 3.91 34:98" | 300)meters= === —- ===. 2 3. 95 34. 97 27.79 Chr (Veaats} 3) cee SOS Se 8 ee 3. 76 35:04, \'400)meters:—=<-5 22 6 3. 85 35. 00 27. 82 707 meters:-_-—--— 5 ae ee 3. 58 35:03) )| "600smeters== 9222-0 eee 3. 65 35. 04 27. 87 Oa hametensh = 224 Sone ase Ss 3. 52 SD ODN SOOMMeTCRS Senet Sees 3.55 35. 03 27. 87 Pelssimetersess=-—- sees 3. 44 30:06 |) 1:COOmeterss-e! == 22 ee 3. 50 35. 05 27. 90 (1500) meters: === se 3.40 | . 35.06 27. 92 Station 1566; July 18; lat. 59°28’ N., long. 58°40’ W.; depth, 2,560 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.456 meters OnMnetenc.- 2 -2- se see 7. 04 34,284 MORMe ter == 52 ==sae ee 7. 04 34. 28 26. 86 BONIMECEDS. Ho ee een 4. 44 84.24.20 MM CtCrSsa= ee = ee 4. 60 34. 27 27.17 59 matears_-____ ofee lehe bts Sia 3. 88 34537 POOMetERS = fees ee ee 4. 05 34. 33 27. 27 OOgmeters 22 ewe as ae 3. 20 SE AGP AN 7toyiaatsyeyqsigs 4, oe EE 3.40 34. 48 27.45 LUGameters’= 2a es 3. 50 34,914) sOOhmeters22_ 22 2 ee | 3. 20 34. 74 27. 68 178 maters__-_.- ee see tee 3. 98 Os 95: | LOO MMOUCTS= <- = eee ees 3. 80 34. 96 27. 80 ER og 08 Gt No) pee ee ene ae 4. 02 35:.00)|- 200 metersi= = 222 =e 4.05 35. 00 27. 80 A OVMIELOUS Sea ee eee 3. 82 BoO2s| s00;meters=—- = = eee 3. 95 35. O1 27. 82 47 4M1CLerSs. ssn ease 3. 84 35:.04"|' 400 ameterse == ae aes 3. 80 35. 03 27.85 (Alfa aah ti yack pee ot eg 3. 58 3p) 05a\ 600 meters seas = aaa 3. 70 35. 05 27.88 OFS MerOnsee oe 3. 39 pH 03" S00 MIOtens=es == eee 3. 50 35. 05 27. 90 TOS UIMBLOES <5 eas eee ee 3. 28 35,.00))|| L/000;meterss.- =. 2-2 ee 3.35 35. 04 27.90 ISO MmetetS a> =>-—e- oes 2.92 35.05) Ee 500meters: 22-205 seee 3.10 35. 02 27.92 DEAT THIMGEOY Sit = 2.18 35. 04 02; 000meterss2. 5-2 2. 80 35. 05 27. 96 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Observed values Scaled values Depth Salinity (00) Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (%G0) a Station 1567; July 18; lat. 59°22’ N., 1 ong. 59°10! W.; depth, 2,716 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.454 meters (0) 12915 11S Cap a oe ee MOREDO LORS ove oe aoe sae a GUINTO LOTS == ae we L SAmevers--.252-—--—-.-=. - TIME LEDS eo aeons = = USS eMELeTS=. woe. 25-5 - PAASINIGLOIS]~= 02 2222552 ~ - - BUGINIOTOLS ke so: L. = . ADO WMELENS ee oe es oa = - Us CCORS- 8. asec SpenMelensace == s-Se ssc St PAS IMCLOLS = oe an = = fe Sean eteLse. =a". = — Puen ObCNS es es tae 2 IO 1D Go 02 G9 G9 G9 Go DOK DOLD Go En Oume ters =" eae = eee PO INOEUCTS= 3 sees we eS 6O0lmetens: =a. oe ee 75 meters____- REL As LOOMMELErS seen. = ae ee LDOYMmeters2 3 sb s2le ee ree AUUKMET CIS! as- oe BOONMELETS 2-5 soe — = ae =e 400 sneters.a2 > aes G00 mistersse: 222 es SOOhmeters: 225 es Te | OOO meberss 222s — = ee I DOORMETEESes = = 24522 5 2,000 vmeters=.-.2=5- 22% Ps S oo 0 wa =i) 34. OL 26. 89 34.19 27. 20 34, 27 27. 33 34. 40 27. 43 34, 59 |” 27. 56 34. 90 27. 7 35. 00 27. 82 35. O1 27. 82 35. 02 27. 84 39. 06 7. 88 30. 06 27. 90 35. 05 7. 90 35. O7 27. 95 35. O7 27.98 Station 1568; July 18; lat. 59°16’ N., long. 59°40’ W., depth, 1,792 meters; d ynamic height, 1,454.544 meters BUM LELS=. Sane se YALU eee ee eee MOTI LOIS a ee ee AGREE TRTS\) eee ee 2 S.8 MO SRMLeLETS: Fk. we tL MINE LOLS es 2 Soe s DEIMOLEES= 2625 - J-e ANAIMeters 2... 2222 PLORNIGEerSs. >, se et SPE) 8 Ne) a ee Opa mepense. =." <2 o=" PSP MNOUCrS. == i Se2e_- SO MMetenS 32-2 Se ee (Oyo) See ee ee LOO uMeters Sse se = sear LOOMMelers sess =e ZOOMNeteIS Soe ee ee ee = SNOmMmetens ee eee ee ee 400 smMeTerse=-42- = 22 sso S00hmeters= S- te SOOM CYA TS eee = oe ee 1 OOOkmMeteEss=-— os 5s. ee as 1 DOUNmteterssea. = see 22 09 09 8 yO 90 OO NN EN BPOWOHORORe PDO SCoanmoncoono 33. 58 26. 5 33. 97 27. 14 34. 04 27. 26 34. 43 27. 52 34. 55 27. 60 34. 74 27. 70 34. 80 27.70 34. 86 2th 34, 97 27.77 34. 97 27. 80 34. 99 27.82 35. 04 27. 88 35. 04 27.90 Station 1569; July 18; lat. 59°14’ N., long. 60°14’ W.; depth, 686 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.638 meters erene Te sees aes be PRMTICROUS= 29. ee, ane PpUatehers-— <2. 22 ee. SS ii) ele) eh s Oe eee eee MEMO LOLS: eo oe 1 == HeRMIOLenS= 225.525. 2. A PED IMNGUCIS os 2o ed at ae OOTETIELETS eet To eon! BOUMTIBUCIS2 52 =s=—-2-o==- 5 HR OFTLOLONS. sgeer ee ae eS 31. 26 33. 01 33. 68 33. 90 34. 14 34, 27 34. 72 34. 84 34, 96 34. 97 TOMOIOLCES=2 9-2 eee LOOLmetersss-2—— = 3208 be HOMME LEDS} = a kao 200 TMeters 22 = we ee BOOMNTCLETS =.2- N22 5 2-3 ADUMMEUETSE 25-252 eee = (600): meters:_- > --2.-- 25 31. 26 25. 07 32. 7 26. 23 33. 55 26. 98 33. 85 27. 21 34. 05 27.35 34. 24 27.45 34. 57 27. 63 34. 85 27. 72 34. 96 27.78 34. 97 27.79 Station 1570; July 18; lat. long. 60°46 ’W.; depth, 198 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.786 meters Wineter=’s -° seas oe 22k LOMMeTerS = 2 se Sas 2S 35 Meters-_----- 5 OO er ae 60 meters----- nee e ee ae AMM TORSs ve ee Fes ISG INeters. = 2" 2-2-2 MSI TACIGUS) pia ap eee a 30. 93 31. 76 32. 49 32. 93 33. 18 33. 26 33. 43 DOMNOeleRsis ie Sh Se TomMMe terse a= 4 |e es: JOO mMeters#s 2526. 22 TSOUNETENS 2.2 een ee (200) ametersi.s-- = 2S —0, 46 —1. 50 —1. 50 eds ao) —.80 ==4 ((V) 30. 93 24. 87 32. 20 25. 92 32. 75 26. 37 33. 08 26. 62 33. 21 26. 73 33. 30 26. 78 33. 48 26. 93 Station 1571; July 19; lat. 58°26’ N., long. 58°55’ W.; depth, 1,865 meters: dynamic height, 1,454.491 meters 0) ea A) ee ee ae ep PCUELS: ee one Ha) GS a Ea ee BOLING LCIS So Sree 53 Mp TMeterss eee Sie 2 oF 72 mMeters-2.554-6 2225 soe PAO MTIGUCDSS 2x4 aap =e wee = BAL INICLELS Hote re ee BELINeLers 25. 2 se5 2 See e BHULINICLOLS §< 35 sateen see WADI OLELS ae one eee LerlimMeters= 2" pe Lek TeTOAIMeLOrs: 2: = oo ee ae se RO G2 2 Go G9 G9 OF 9 IO IO Oe CONRAN WNREWUDnRne BOOM OO OW AIA) “10 34. 33 34, 50 34. 52 34. 50 34. 57 Oimeter.. 22s PUN EGLONS + oe se Le HOlin eters. ced 9. vee et ea* WEMIMeLETS es ee HOOumetersuss= = sae aoe oORMetens= se ae BOM inteterst<-2 ees se = Su0 Ie lenssas se sea 4200! IGtErS=- 2252 oan eee G00 metens. 252-2 Set S00 meters==9ss- 5 ee THOOOInIebersas- 2 TeB00 METERS! =<. oe Sse ~I =] bo wo a 34. 33 26. 91 34. 48 27. 29 34. 52 27. 43 34. 50 27. 44 34. 53 27. 48 34. 65 27.61 34.74 27. 68 34. 88 27.77 34. 98 27. 84 35. O1 27. 86 35. 02 27. 88 35. 02 27.89 35. 02 27. 92 254 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Tem- Ae Tem- asco Salinity Salinity Depth py (%o) Depth pear (060) ot Station 1572; July 19-20; lat. 57°47’ N., long 57°35’ W.; depth, 2,562 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.469 meters Qumeten = -2- eee 7.90 S4C38 hi WORM Lens kt eas sees 7.90 34. 38 26. 82 Si meters): 26 2a: = eee 5. 87 B4, 44 |) 2b.meters= === 52+ 2=) see 6. 80 34. 42 27.01 Gl. meters= 2 ee 3. 21 34. 63> wo IMeGbErS: 2-2 2-= == ee 3.45 34. 52 27.48 .: O2MGterss ae 3. 43 O4: on MOMMelOLSeet n= teas aes 3.25 34. 68 27. 62 23 un elers same oe ae 3783 34590700 meters-=- = =.= == ees 3. 50 34. 77 27. 68 ASS aMetersse ees a 3. 86 34; 965) Lo0ameters=---- 22 -55— =e 3. 80 34. 93 PAL DAGHNeterS™ = = ae Eee 3. 87 So. OM e200;metersss--2--- sea 3. 85 34. 97 27.80 Sb ONMIetEES a= sa 3. 70 30504 |e00imeters==2--5-— == 3. 80 35. 03 27. 85 ASGameters: sees. - Se 3. 60 30.03) | 400)meters-—---22-- 2S 3 3. 65 35. 04 27. 87 Te2mmeterse.8 ses —"-- ee 3. 48 BosO2 MOU MeETETSe=2- mee a eee BAoD 35. 02 27. 87 ORismeters: ==-— = eee 3. 38 SovOLs | Re00smelers=- === == see 3.45 35. 02 27. 88 1A283,smeterss--=3-522=— 3. 27 BoOl02) |e OUOmmeters= === a= = =e 3. 40 35. 01 27. 88 1,846 IMmebers==-5=2 42 ee 3.09 30;,00))|) 1 500hmeters=== 2-3 sear 3. 20 35. 01 27.90 2 bs oeIMeteLs-. 2222- ee 1.99 32, OF a) 2,000 ameterse t= 22 22 eee 3. 00 34. 99 27. £0 Station 1573; July 20; lat. 57°41’ N., long. 58°00’ W.; depth, 2,240 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.476 meters Oinmieten: Sas a ee 7.85 34550 || OMMeCtEr See eee 7.85 34.50 | 26.92 PSM elErS i. sas eek eee 5. 54 34/52) | ZOMOLCTS 28 ees = eee 5. 80 34. 52 PY Ey? S4meterss < -_St 3. 61 34,047 MOON CLONS see ona eee 3. 85 34. 54 27. 45 S2AMNCLErS == ress oe 3. 21 34. (75), | whose lelS 224-2 = = eee 3. 25 34. 65 27. 60 LOSameierss:. ae ee 3.27 O45 2on| LOOM MMC TCLS ssa = eee 3. 25 34.77 27.70 lGsimeterse span. ree 3. 40 345844 SOORMETOIS 5 ee ae 3. 40 34, 82 PY AGB} ATES LOLS: = ees: 2 eens 3. 61 34:95", 200hmetersse = = ee 3. 60 34. 94 27. 80 D2 ORL UCTS ee ee ee 3. 67 34.965) BOO ;meters=s===. === eee South 34. 96 27.81 S9Simeters==s es nk 2 3. 61 34.96) || 400;metersse= = eee 3. 65 34. 96 27.81 60ilsmoterst == sa2ese eae 3. 54 34:96; 600 meters=-=5- see ae == 3. 55 34. 96 27. 82 SlOnmeterses = es ee 3.48 BO OM SO00hmetens=tssees =.= ees 3. 45 35. 00 27. 86 1 OZlemeters——! 22 3. 39 35:04,)| 1; 000)meters_—- == -=-= 2222 3. 40 35. 04 7. 90 Tb4SpMetersse == se es 3.14 30204) ||) 1 500imetersa-ne = 9: ee oe 3. 20 35. 04 27. 92 BOSTIMetverseLes-<- sees 2. 58 Son O72 000lmetensee= see saan 2. 70 35, 07 27. 99 Station 1574; July 20; lat. 57°32’ N., long. 58°33’ W.; depth, 2.057 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.454 meters Oemetenseae-- 2. a oe 5. 74 By tstetilh (aaa eee so ae ee eS 5. 74 33. 88 QE Te DAMINELGLS 2 a= see JIE E 5. 60 S4548n 20 CUer Sess ene eee 5. 60 34. 48 PY eA ASKMIphensse =e ws oe 3.95 BAND Dal oOO MIN LC Se ee sae ae ees 3. 95 34. 55 27.45 (PAOGIG Ree eee ee Tats 3. 55 34.163ir| CouMme tensa a= = oe 3. 50 34. 64 27.57 QGumietensme sons oo 3. 32 34-78) | 100smetersgas2- == == eee 3. 30 34.79 Die l4pametorss-.22 532-82 - 2 3. 43 34,86) || L50imeterse— = 92-2 ee 3.45 34. 87 27. 76 LOBmmi eters ss 5 Ae 3. 66 34.93) he200mmeters. =e 5 ae 3. 60 34. 94 27. 80 QBORIAE BES Hea eae ee 3. 74 34.960 S0OhMeterss == == ae ae 3.75 34. 97 27.81 DEPINOUENS == tee ene ens 3. 70 35202); 400)meters_ = = fe 38. 65 35. 02 27. 86 O2AMIMeCT SS = eee oe 3. 58 35103 | G00hme ters aa = a ee 3.00 35. 02 27. 87 VOSaMOLONSHe= ssa =e eee 3. 08 Sos0 | SOOgmeterse= 2-2-2 bas 3. 50 35. 03 27. 88 SS8Ommieiers t= 6 Ae eee 3. 46 35805) OUOmmetensa= == aaa = 3. 40 35. 05 27.91 iShtemeverse. se ee B22 302045 a sQOlmetersaa-. == = Sys 1S 35. 04 27.92 PSavaMneters=—2------ ee. - 4 2. 69 35. 05) | ((2;000) meters-—- _------- 2.35 35. 05 28. 00 Station 1575; July 20; lat. 57°24’ N., long. 59°00’ W.; depth, 1,143 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.506 meters i { ! Qonetert2 ee 3. 06 33.43) |(Ome tense sae ee ee 3. 06 33. 43 26. 65 2 TNCVCISs ae aes a . 99 Dosen) ZONE LETS see = ee 1.15 33. 69 27. 00 ODMMBLOLS eae =e Se ees . 46 30. 9a POUMMe LCI Sas ae a eee . 45 33. 95 27. 25 7Oimeters==- a> so Se 1.76 J4c02) || TOM eters oss ee asso 1.65 34. 25 27. 42 LOnemnelersseae = se ee 1. 96 34, 42) 100lmeterss=—===se= ene 1.90 34. 39 27.51 V5SiMelersss ase * ee 3. 04 34.70) | eo Meters =" eaan ees 2.95 34. 72 27. 69 Zi ismMeerseeas = ae ae ae 3. 52 34.83) 200 mMeterSS==see- .5=— eee 3.45 34, 82 27.72 DLOMMBUSESS= =e ee Ont 34.84 E30 0mMeberses= = see ee 3. tO 34. 86 Pi lool sip meerss=)-5 eels 3. 86 BD O7e|"400mmietersas= eee ee 3.85 35. 02 27. 84 Biheller Sete. ee eee 3. 89 OZ OOUNNObeT Sasa = ae eee 3. 90 35. 02 27. 84 ROLRDVOEOES: =. 32265 oe = = 8. 86 BO, 06s nSOOMMeverSaa== sees =e ee ee 3.85 35. 06 27. 87 O92 meters-2---s2s22-2202- 3. 69 3540 fel| de OOOmMeters=a= = eens 3. 70 35. 07 27. 90 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 209 Observed values Sealed values Tem- ea yeecee. Tem- pear as Depth perature acre Depth perature are ot (°C.) 700 (°C.) 700) Station 1576; July 20; lat. 57°19’ N., long. 59°33’ W.; depth, 200 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.597 meters UiTGtON. 23 ose oe = 1. 57 S2500F|| Ohmeter: 22-2 canes lay / 32. 00 25. 62 INO VOLS sone eae —. 68 32:,7)))|| Zo Meters. =2- =~. =e ewe —.90 33. 00 26. 56 DANIO UOIS=—s— eae sn en Boss. MOU MUCUCIS ~o ace see eee —.85 33. 54 26. 98 Gimme lenSs- sso eae ss == —. 68 SONOS. |W HOMOLELS=o= 22-3 ee —.55 33. 74 27.13 (Sapa 002) (2) ae eee —. 50 Boro || LOOMeTerSs--— = - S25 es —.25 33. 90 27. 25 ieee lerS ana e aes aoe = 12, 34,20) | Loommeters= =. 2 228 2s eats) 34. 25 27. 45 TROMMETErSeee- eS 1.02 34,30) ((200))meters:--2--=- 229 1.00 34. 32 27. 52 Station 1577; July 20; lat. 57°13’ N., long. 60°05’ W.; depth, 137 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.615 meters Ommeter: <2 2 sa wees 1.92 Slo oou|, Olmeteri ==>. 522 oe 1.92 31. 59 25. 27 MORIMEURT SH = A622 Sees os . 64 Bo 09s |; 2oumeters-ss2= 22-5 2 ae . 65 33. 00 26. 48 BANC LOLS! =o he 5 Fae . 55 33.51 | 50 meters_-..._---- ee 55 33. 48 26. 87 Wises = ae See yy) BBalon |e CLES == ae a pass . 30 33. 70 27. 06 A@srmeters-—..---. 2 ate —.44 BojOL 1 LOOMMetenrss==2.-=-225_--5 5) 33. 80 He lyf Station 1578; July 20; lat. 57°03’ N., long. 60°3 5’ W.; depth, 238 meters; dynamic height, 1,454. 671 meters 1.76 —. 93 —1. 42 —1. 14 == Ih 5 14)5) —.46 30. 71 32. 74 33. 03 33. 18 33. 25 33. 58 33. 82 Ojmieten=2e3 See 1.76 2 WNCLELS 4 es eS as —.95 MHOMMOLEES 2 +-- oo--t === —1.40 AO WNeLETS=-—— === ees —1.15 1OOumetersta=2-2=2-h. 7 2 —1.30 5Ohmetersas- = 3 — = eRe —. 90 DOOM ECRNS sss 5 eee —.40 30. 71 24. 58 32.75 26. 36 33. 04 26. 60 33. 18 26. 71 33. 25 26. 76 33. 60 27. 04 33. 83 27. 20 Station 1579; July 20; lat. 57°01’ N., long. 60°45’ W.; depth, 151 meters; dynamic height, 1.454.715 meters 0 meter 26 meters Awe pers-=—- === ===>. === (if 2) pps Tee 103 meters Station 1580; July 21; lat . 55°00’ N. 29. 17 32.33 33. 02 33. 19 33. 26 Oimebersssea 222 e252 ok —(. 60 ZOVNCLEESS- os a ooo ee 20 HO-MISUCTS == eee —1.45 TOMMCUCIS os es se — 30 LOOMMeerS=.- === 8 = ake 3 = 125 G50) ;meters= === = 16 3X8) 29. 17 23. 46 31. 90 25. 62 33. OL 26. 57 33. 18 26. 71 33. 25 26. 76 33. 33 26. 82 , long. 57°47’ W.; depth, 110 meters; dynamic height, 1,454. 772 meters (003031 22) Fees ee Se Ge ee 52 meters 77 meters 103 meters 7.53 28. 89 32. 11 32. 58 32. 66 32. 76 Oinieter.e-= = =e ee (613 PDUMGCISS 25- aoe eae at Sa =. 10 HO WMeELELSE 2-2 —1. 40 OMe Lelsese seas aa ee —1.40 LO0Mmeters==2=2 == —1. 30 22. 57 28. 89 31.70 25. 50 32. 55 26. 20 32. 65 26. 28 32. 74 26. 35 Station 1581; July 21; lat. 55°09’ N., long. 57°20’ W.; depth, 238 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.717 meters 4.73 —.80 SEP —1.00 Sant —.34 30. 94 32.65 32. 84 33. 00 33. 40 33.78 Qumeters- 52 Pee ass 4.73 2D, PRObCES =< 2+ 22. = a —. 20) HOMMeterS2a2 2585 aa —1.20 (oumeberS--25 = = — LS, lPOrmMeLersa=-s s=2- ee =—1.00 L50 meters. =. 242-22 es —1.00 200Meterss 2-2-2522 = Fi) 30. 94 24. 52 32. 40 26. 04 32.79 26. 40 32. 91 26. 48 33. 05 26. 60 33. 40 26. 88 33. 71 27. 11 55°19’ N., long 56°55’ W.; depth, 176 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.700 meters 75 meters ROOMMETETS! 2 245-2 ke 150 meters 4, 23 1b a) = 1Pal 1 27 il. iIf/ —1.05 31. 84 32. 66 32. 85 33. 05 33. 12 33. 29 Onmneberées=3-22 sa 55- £ee 4. 23 ZS INOELISa=s se se > ss See —1.10 DO mefersse-a=-5.. 2-22 nes —1.21 DUEL OLORS a= 2 Sas ee —1, 27 OOMMELELS22-— == aes —1.17 150) meters-2222 ee —1.05 31. 84 25. 28 32. 66 26. 28 32. 85 26. 44 33. 05 26. 60 33. 12 26. 66 33. 29 26.78 256 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Sealed values Tem- - Tem- pe Salinity Salinity Depth ro | (00) Depth peo (960) | or Station 1583; July 22; lat. 55°28’ N., long. 56°33’ W.; depth, 1,353 to 1,463 meters; dynamic height 1,454.516 meters Onme tert 2s a ee 5. 30 SonSbu | WOMMCLeI ass == ee en ee 5. 30 33. 86 26. 76 DIN OLOrSee ey sete ee 3. 08 Bae Lape Mella a asa - oe eee 3. 60 34. 09 Dine, GlamMBeters==) eto ee ees 1. 44 od. 215 eo0imeterse..§ 2b en ae 1. 65 34. 18 27. 36 O2INEtOrS: ses et eee 2.12 345 44a fo meters = =222)4 ee 1. 60 34. 30 27. 46 AOA CLENS: eee ae ee ee 2.73 34:158 4 OO metersss- = =< 522 eee 2. 30 34. 48 Dinap SSO GLOnSHe es eee 3. 44 34.79) || Lo0meters::--- - =. =s 2. 3. 15 34. 69 27. 64 DAASINOUCTSS= see. 3. 64 D4 Soi e2OMNELETSE == 3 see See 3. 55 34. 82 ‘27.71 podtmetersees see) eae ee 3. 76 ODs000)| s00hme tenses) =s- = oea=ee 3. 70 34. 97 27. 82 AA SSI OLCTS Ane ee eee ee 3. 80 35.01 | 400'meters_---__..-----_- 3. 80 35. OL 27. 84 G6AIMeLeTS ee eee ee 3. 85 So802.)| HOU0MMeTeTSas 1a a= ae 3. 85 35. 02 27. 84 S78: Metverse22- eee 3. 83 BONUS | SOOMmMaATeTSE es es use 3. 85 35. 03 27. 84 LlOvsmeterssae 2 = ee 3. 55 30.05") 1,000/meters=--=22---- === 3. 70 35. 04 27. 87 Station 1584; July 22; lat. 55°38’ N., long. 56°08’ W.; depth, 2,241 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.462 meters | 0 meter___-__- EOE fa Saas 7.70 345347 40metense- = =e eae 7.70 34. 34 26. 82 ZUINGCCYS ae ne 4. 20 34, 42))| "25 meterseact se 4. 50 34. 40 27. 28 DORIC TCLS Se ae ee a ee 3: 23 345628 oO Unelers=--sassese een 3. 30 34. 57 27. 54 SUlmmetersa2e-= = Pae ee 3. 28 345705 tosmMebers=a= === 2 = eee 3. 20 34. 74 27. 68 1OpimMmeterss-2s- 2 ee eee 3. 43 34°82>|' 100meters'-_....--.2--- 3. 40 34. 80 27.71 Nin etersse= ea 3. 80 34.596, | Wh0imeters_={: 522: 2 5 3. 80 34. 93 PLN IE ZI PUNELEIS ssn kaos eee 3.73 84597 200 cme ters =.= 22 aes 3. 75 34. 97 27. 81 SLORMeLCTS=22= ees ee ee = 3. 64 3497 B00 meterses- =. n= 2s 3. 70 34. 97 27.82 AT SMINGLOUS 254, ae re ae 3. 58 352000 R400 Melerstass= = ee eee 3. 60 35. 00 27.85 Go4etnheLOnsee ee ee sore ee Si all 30: 0a L600) TMOLETSs=s= 2222 se sa 3. 55 35. 03 27. 87 OG OT Re ie Se eee ae 3. 48 35:,04> | 800 mmeters-= == se 3. 50 35. 03 27. 88 MeQ56MMeLerSa-- as 3. 43 SHAOLs OO Ommeters a= eee ane 3. 45 35. 02 27. 88 aSonmsIGtersae cs seea sees 3. 24 35:02) | 1,500 meters=2. 2-2. 22 2—— 3. 30 35. 02 27. 90 PW WAT ease) gs eee ae aD. 2. 65 30. 0ai a2, 000MMeterSasseees aaa 2. 80 35. 03 27. 94 Station 1585; July 22; lat. 55°50’ N., long. 55°47’ W.; depth, 2,607 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.422 meters OMMN@UR Te hae ae ae ae 8. LO 3445.) AOMMIS TORS se see a eee 8. 10 34. 45 26. 85 BUMMCUCKSEa fon eee eo nh 5. 42 34. G2" | Se 2orIMeOters. saet esha 5. 75 34. 60 27. 29 C0MMmelense-ene pe ee 2 3. 48 S482 | MOU MMObOISse ses eee 3. 80 34. 76 27. 64 GOMNGTCTS 62 n ee os 3. 68 34598" roe lerss se a es 3. 50 34. 85 27. 74 20h GLOLShes = 2 5 a 3. 78 347965) 1OO;meters=2 2222555 ace 3.75 34. 92 PASI EK ESOhMe terse sean Se 3.76 34:98) | Lo0)meters-= =. See =8 3. 80 34. 97 27.81 PAO MNEUCTS 825 = 32 ee Ee 3. 65 34.99);|e200 melersh == sae ae 3. 00 34.99 27. 82 SbURNeterSeeawes eee as 3. 49 3499s! S00 mmetenrsas3 5 eee ae 3. 55 34. 99 27. 84 486 mmelerseee soe ee 3. 45 BOTS | RAOOMMOLCIS- awe = ae eee 3. 50 35. 00 27. 86 TAUILGLOTSoeaee ee ee tee 3. 38 35202)| 600meters-—=- =e 3. 40 35. 03 27. 89 OO Leis eerne een tees Bee 30.04: |S800imeters += =. 22 ee 3. 35 35. 02 27.89 U1 8 NGters. .= == =u ee She 35205") 1;000smetars: =. --==2_2- = 20) 35. 04 27. 91 R27 MetCES=122=> - 3.13 35; 005 | el oUOMmeterS=-— == a2 === 3. 20 35. 06 27. 94 2,000 meters __-_- 1 oe eS 3. 10 35. 06 27.95 Station 1586; July 22; lat. 56°03’ N., long. 55°28’ W.; depth, 2,770 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.447 meters (, @imeteres so a eee 8. 44 34,03: || (Ommet6r 2-22-2222 2 8. 44 34. 53 26. 85 Do INehOLS see nes eee 6. 37 34,08) | PpennM@lenS=-e2—5-- ae. =e 7. 40 34. 56 27. 04 (MTA eC SLICeY dsl ee ey 5 eat 3. 72 B40 7100 | OOMIMOLCISE sans See 4. 60 34. 69 27.49 Qh A GDOLSHa ee 2 8 Soe SS 3. 63 34,182) | (7O MOLES. eee oe 3. 65 34. 79 27. 67 27 eN CLSrStee on eS 3. 50 34590 et00nmetersmee = =. ee eee 3. 60 34. 83 PA patil WETS OnStar = = Ses ae 3. 67 34. 96 | 150'meters_-_.--__- ce ee 3. 55 34. 93 27.79 pa ERO LS= = So 225 3. 61 34,97) ||, 200imeters-- 2 22-5. 22 3. 65 34. 96 27. 81 BRINMOLGES sasetes eee 3. 53 35) Ole BOOmMeterseees- == aes 3. 60 34. 98 27. 83 FeyILIRS oat i=) dcteot eee mee 3. 39 30,039 e400 meterssees= 2-2 ee 3. 50 35. 02 27. 88 TOM WUBbOTS eos fe sae 3. 31 51025 OOO me Lers== see aes 3. 40 35. 03 27. 89 1 O23 0M OTCTS2 ==) eee = wae 3. 24 BOAOZ a NSuOsMOLeLG eae aaa ee 3. 30 35. 02 27. 90 W280 AnOLeIsceese nee ee 3. 20 SHEE) IMA a) oaeleasiee = es ee 3. 30 35. 02 27. 90 1 O19smeters= ae Ee Bue) 35001 | 1s bO00/smeterses 2. ae 3. 20 35. 03 27. 90 2 aPOMMOLeISe 2-2 s2—552-555— 2. 44 30, 02=e2,000hmeterssasesa—.22 42 oe 3. 10 35. O1 27. 91 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 207 Observed values Scaled values Depth perature Tem- °C.) Salinity (0) Depth Tem- perature (4x ) Salinity | 0, (%%0) | | ot Station 1587; July 22; lat. 56°16’ N., long. 55°10’ W.; depth, 3,072 meters; dynamic he ight, 1,454.429 meters 33 meters__- 64 meters__- 97 meters__- 130 meters_- 194 meters-- 258 meters_- 388 meters-- 510 meters__ 767 meters__ 1,023 meters 1,279 meters 1,921 meters 2,560 meters 1D 08 20 09 98 Go BS G9 G8 Go GO Go He OO a ~I 34. 54 34. 78 34, 81 34, 88 2b) meters? =. 5. tesas-se" OOMMELETS 5-5 sac] fase OMMLOUCTS =225 = Se LOO NMetOrSi os eee 8 TSORMCLErSEs 2S ee see 2O0ime ters: =... 2 <2 SUOMI ELCIS=s2 sa eee AMO MeTEIS: sfa.2 sess G00;moeters=.- 4 fee SOOMMCTCTS soe eee 1 000jmretenss2 = 1-000} meters: = 2-2-2 <— | Z 000 meters... 2222-2 == G2 £9 20 09 90 G9 0 GO 90 GO 90 GO HE GO Station 1538; July 23; lat. 55°53’ N., long. 54°21’ W.; depth, 2,761 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.469 meters 97 meters__- 130 meters_- 195 meters__ 259 meters__ 390 meters_- 512 meters__ 768 meters__ 1,024 meters 1,280 meters 1,923 meters 2,565 meters rs e 34. 53 34.79 34. 80 34. 92 34. 93 34. 96 34. 96 34. 95 34. 96 34. 96 34. 96 34. 97 35. 00 35. O1 L00invetersea==== 52-52-52 = AOE TCLS soos AQOnMETErS#2-- ee = ae an aUOhmMeters=—- == === == | 4200 mmetenssss2-—- == s 4" --= GOOimeters a= 22a ee SOORMOLELS: 22a eee 1 OOUkmeterss=====--=- 3 | 1 SO0)metersoe---— = =e POO MNELEDS 222222 = SROFEID CA HAO EAON9 CA CHCA) C1 229 iTS OO 34. 53 34.72 | 34. 80 34. 85 34. 92 34. 94 34.95 | 34.95 | 34. 95 34. 96 34. 96 34. 96 34. 98 35. 00 Station 1589; July 23; lat. 55°30’ N., long. 53°36’ W.; depth 3,017 meters; dynamic he 90 meters__- 120 meters_- 179 meters__ 239 meters _- 359 meters_- 487 meters__ 734 meters__ 983 meters_- 1,236 meters 1,866 meters 2,503 meters > —_ bow SI to cof CIO GGT et We) cee, eae ea ip ten ta ZONOUCES= =o. e5 = esosee DOMMOLCLSH4 ee ae VONMmeLeISe soa ae eee TOOMMet ers! a2. = 2s S| l50imeters: 222 se eee 200 METCIS 9. Pease sees S00mmetenss a= sss = ee 400;metersee se = ae ee GOO MmMETErSE ose eee SO0meEeterssase O00 tneters! 2 ea Ie500Mmetenrs=-— —==—----—— 2 O00mmeters--=—- = 25 = sn 90 ow oo 34. 60 34.71 | 34. 79 | 34. 85 34. 89 | 34. 93 | 34.95 | 34. 99 34. 98 34. 98 34. 97 | 34. 97 34. 99 35. 00 Station 1590; July 23; lat. 55°09’ N., long. 52°50’ W.; depth, 2,917 meters; dynamic height, 1,454. 479 meters 93 meters___ 125 meters_- 187 meters__ 249 meters__ 374 meters__ 497 meters__ 749 meters __ 1,000 meters 1,255 meters 1,893 meters 2,540 meters 8. 65 5. 41 3. 61 3. 54 3. 68 3. 59 3. 53 3. 45 3. 36 3.33 3. 34 3. 25 3.18 2. 65 DB TMCURES -as2 = ae eee HOMNGLORS Sse ee TOmMeterSs =P ee eae ee 1OOtmetersss=-=-- ee LHOMMeETOUSE eee a ee 200hmelerss oe eae eee SOO MMeTCES apes = ee AMD Meters=- 2 eee, 600smeters:2222425 > = S00/lmeters-2se. ee OOO meterst= es ee = i DOO MMIETOLSe == eae 2 OOOMMETAISE. See s-ee ee 34. 32 34. 65 34. 76 26. 27. 27. 27. 27. 27. 27. 28. 27. 27. 27. 27. 27. 27. 258 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Sealed values Tem- ade Tem- a Salinity Salinity Depth pee (960) Depth Sane (960) ot Station 1591; July 23; lat. 55°00’ N., long..53°10’ W.; depth, 2,195 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.509 meters OimMeterss-o 322s ooo mace 8. 40 34545 |-.Onmeter. 2. = A= ae 8. 40 34. 45 26. 80 ZhnOtenSse se ee ee ee 5. 76 S460 Neb Melerses 2 =e ane eee vhs) 34. 60 27. 29 49 MNeleNS 53 et ee ot 4.03 B40. | OONNGtCLSS a2 ==> — = 2 oes oe 4.05 34.71 27. 57 EMG CORS Se eee ee 3. 63 3478 | OWMOLEIS= = — -4- > => ee 3. 65 34. 78 27. 66 O9immeterse. etn = see 3. 59 BaCSL a LOONTIG TORS S25 ee ee 3. 60 34. 81 27.70 (4S Me ErS eee sone ee 3. 62 S45 82 MLoOMMeTenSas 2) === sae 3. 65 34. 82 27.70 LOVimeterss MF a ee 3. 59 34:88) 200imetersiz--. === === 3. 60 34. 88 27.75 206 TNOLEISHes ye = 3.0L BATSO | BOOMMELCIS=- = sae aes 3. 50 34. 89 21.77 BONE LCL Sa eee te ee 3. 46 Se7955400 meters =~ = 22- See ee 3.45 34.95 27. 82 H9S mMeterss.e se ee eS Bey’ 34.95 | 600 meters_____---_- ae 3. 40 34. 95 27. 83 TSO Melersaees eee 3.27 4.96] OOMMETCESHee 2 8 eee 3. 25 34. 95 27, 84 OSS ag elenSa = eee eee ae Baer 34.94 | 1,000 meters___-_-------- 3.20 34. 95 27. 84 LEAT GNGUCTS ee eee 3. 21 345940) de 5OOmmeters= = se =o ae 3. 20 34. 94 27. 84 EG6S ameters-s2et = ao 3. 07 34.97 | (2,000) meters__----__--- 3. 05 34. 97 27.88 Station 1,592; July 23; lat. 54°50’ N., long. 53°30’ W.; depth, 686 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.658 meters Oimetere-s Ase > See 5. 06 S25 Sul MO RMOte Ree eee 5. 06 32.15 25. 43 ZOyNC LenS sve ee ee SUA 2.16 33:09) |ezo Me lense === 2,15 33. 59 26. 86 49nmeters* 2a. Se ae 2. 94 Ba o28 | OMIeLChS=se== = 2.95 34.32 27.37 (aimeters ea 25. | es 2.61 O40 45) OMMOLGRS === == eee 2. 60 34. 45 27. 50 GOnmieters seen te eek fe 2.79 34-600) LOGameters =9 a= =2 ee 2. 80 34. 60 27. 60 (4Simeterss ease eset eee 3.44 34700 oO mme tenses = er 3.45 34. 70 27. 62 TOBSTHGLCES=: soo ees 3. 74 834-7789 S200 MMe LenS = ea= ae ere 3. 75 34. 78 27. 65 ZO9 Me lenSee=s= eee ee 3, 82 34:80) | OOO MelerSa— == = ae oeten 3.85 34.85 27.70 agbimmetersse =: Jee eS 3. 83 346860 400hneterse see ae 3.85 34. 86 27.71 SPLEEN OG LORS ate ars ee 3.73 34.88 1/1(600) meters= 22225-2252 3.75 34. 88 27.73 Station 1593; July 24; lat. 54°40’ N., long. 53°52’ W.; depth, 252 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.727 meters 1) TONG eee ae ee 6, 22 Sohal Oameterses: eo. aoe 6. 22 32.15 25. 30 DSCWIBlClSs*= Sabo s see sae —(). 94 Bos PA en LETS sea =e —0. 90 33. 10 26. 63 DOWN ELENS saat eee —1. 03 So: o1 || e5Osmeterses sess cna —1.05 33. 28 26. 78 BahMeters= 4228 se —.90 3on444| ONTO LCrS a eee eae —.95 33. 40 26. 88 TORE BUOES eee] oe = —.73 Bo020| LOO NMIStORS] ae eee —.80 33. 48 26. 93 IG RTEN DSA s Ree aes Ss . 08 345005) 150smeters ==) = sees —.25 33. 80 20. 17 DIZ TNCLCES® =k cs whee A 2.10 S44 1a Pe 200K ELCs =: ee ae eee 1.15 34. 29 27. 48 Station 1594; July 24; lat. 54°30’ N., long. 54°13’ W.; depth, 229 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.708 meters Gimeterts2 oa 6. 50 SISbn | wOeme terns: oe eee 6. 50 31.85 25. 03 2 INCUEIS. © soem ae se —.03 Bolen zo MeLCrS=se= aes ees .30 32. 95 26. 46 HZANECELS se ne. Sa a ee —.7 So Oley OU Me LOLS= 5) A eee ae eee —.75 33. 47 26. 93 LONMECLCY Seas = =a ee —.61 Bort Om |. OmuelerS+sas= 4 -2— ass —.65 33. 68 27.09 104: meters2228 eae 2S Aes —.35 Boe Sn eLOOhmMeLenss2=- = =a ae —.45 33. 78 27.16 TH WIMCLELSE ss soso ee SF aif) OFn2) | SO Me Lersa sean ee ee . 40 34. 05 27.34 DOF MMMELCrSs 922 sa ee a= Iavo 84.42))| 200imeters: =) 2. = =~ ee 1. 60 34. 39 27. 53 Station 1595; July 24; lat. 54°19’ N., long. 54°33’ W.; depth, 192 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.713 meters Oiumleter =.= «6 - S22 sos see 6. 50 O21 OMmetet = a ae es 6. 60 32.12 25. 24 28 WICUORSS: 2. cea —.69 33800) |e 2DMM eG LORS sess a a re —.60 32. 90 26. 45 Soumebersi---eoo-e- eee —.96 Bs.o0 || POOMMETCI See sae eens ae pees —.95 33. 29 26. 78 Samepersee = eet ee —.89 38550) MDE CLOLSe ea aes oan eee —.95 33. 48 26. 94 LiImeters: = ose. foe —.42 Jo.08 || OONNelerSaese= a es —.75 33. 68 27.09 Lpvemeterseess-2= 5552) 1. 06 34,22)4) 150:meterssa22- = =e 65 34.10 27. 36 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA Observed values Scaled values Tem- Peat Tem- ot ies Salinity Salinity | Depth poate (960) Depth perature (960) or | (°C.) Station 1596; July 24; lat. 54°06’ N., long. 55°01’ W.; depth, 174 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.711 meters 7G) OG eae MA BTIOLErS esac ser See US 600s) Re) 31.88 32. 98 33. 32 33. 55 33.78 34. 26 Ohmeterd tes: = 2 tee ae 6.48 POMMOtCISio 2: seen eae J 25 HOMMETETS S62 * eee —.75 (OMMOTENS2oc. Seeee = Soe —.75 JOOlmMeters 2s Sees —.45 LOORMeletSsa2 eae aS 1.10 | 25. 06 26. 42 26.77 26. 96 27.12 27. 43 Station 1597; July 24; lat. 53°53’ N., long. 55°26’ W.; depth, 167 meters; d (0) S00) ICS) eee ese a ee eae 7.55) SEAS) Re ee ee lay) oaV U2) epee a MUMIO LOTS s=9— 955 oes se Mbrime Gers es ee WH2sINECCES S22 == = = 6. 00 —.83 Salt —1. 06 —.83 — 2 24. 31.56 32. 88 33. 10 33. 32 33. 56 33.78 Oumietere. seer sae 6.00 DORIMB EELS aaa Le ee SER Shs: —.83 SOMMeberSS=2=—- See see —.95 TOINCLCLS! Fee at Fe —1.05 NOOmmMeterss=< #22 -=S2e- ee —.85 W5OlMeT OTSA ee eee —.25 31.56 32. 88 | 33. 09 | 33. 29 33. 54 33.77 ynamie height, 1,454.741 meters 24. 86 26. 45 26. A2 26. 78 26. 98 27.15 Station 1598; July 24; lat. 53°43’ N., long. 55°45’ W.; depth. 144 meters: d ynamic height, 1,454.772 meters Gimtetetee oak ett GUeIMeLENS 2-25 3 _=5--.--- AUTH IG) Sees Se es QU Tile Cee SS eee See POO MMELeTS2 a8 te Ss 31.10 32. 69 33. 16 33.33 33.41 Ouneters=2-= ae 52> oe tee 6.75 Zonmeterss 2-2 os eae . 20 DO MmMetenrst ees seece ee —.90 VOxMOLCES kee eee ee —1.00 TOOmeters= 22-5 oe eee —1.05 (@50)lameters, 25 == = wes —.60 O 31.10 32. 30 33. 06 33. 24 33. 35 33. 48 24. 41 25. 94 26. 60 26. 75 26. 84 26. 92 i ie Riy a 4 ih ae et " 4 as ae ad 4 ve y 44 Ss. gute aie ‘> tia hes an +40 iy code i ae Satire copecro hue ae ee tees oe ete