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S ge NS Lg : ; S = pip S WS Ss OD 7) wo ” DID UY hy \\ * : : g : 8 G5e BNR » 2 = z iE Zz Li fe YS . 2 S a = > a = . Me wa *~ 2 w 2 7) ® LSNI NVINOSHLIWS Saluvadia_ LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI = (7) z= BX. Ww 7 WW FP Ww = WS cx = a. ty Jp = a Z VA = e >) > WK = bE Wr ff’, is aN WN om Eid - Are f° qa = i= ae \ SS am x LSNI NWINOSHLINS SStY¥Vu¥aIT_ LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI ra g yy = ‘ g at 2 . go : , tS) yo = “20'NO = Vy; = . = &» © = ~ = ay Z, > = Kew = WGiipz “vx = KAM® 2 (Yo = S| ee. oh oo SMITHSONIAN. NVINOSHLINS S3IY¥VYdl Pea eats) 1m PRR A RA NOILNLILSNI xd SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NVINOSHLINS, SMITHSONIAN SMITHSONIAN NYINOSHLIWS | Saluvudly LIBRARIES Vip , Be SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIWS NVINOSHLIWS kre RmBRAaARmi Fr s SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI Cc RDrivuwreeoaen NVINOSHLIWS INIAN PEETTALO = cS S - sx Pad os oO = aes) ae = Ss 2) ies) i : =) x 5 2 Qe 5 z 5 | Fs 5 e 3 = 7 ay 4 : es sis - ro N ra = Wp 2) “n w m ks 4 : = as & Ws _ & w z= , NOILALILSNI LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN NOILOLILSNI NWIN ) za g S wee g z g = aa = i= : = < = < : ee S ; x YY, S = BD, Wa 5 . zo ‘5 : x : 9 Vy od O DY ip < Oo 2 Oo Ts : “yf E 2 iy = = E 2 E | A 5 i a 3 A 3 a LIBRARIES SMITI “LIBRARIES saruvugi SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NWINOSHLIWS = a "3 e 4 KY 2 = a. % i <: a FE = FE ‘ : 2 war 2 Ee .. eas - : Q ri SN w ” m wn” m ep) = w ae = w = w = SMIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI_ NWINOSHLINS Saiuvud!1_ LIBRARIES 3 AI NVINOSHLINS S3!1uVvagit i Z z Z Z Z Z 2 = 2 = Wy, 2 = S 2 o z = UM yy. 4 2 SING 2 wi A? ww pe : Z = 8 fl = E = wo OS = SB’ = = S NOILALILSNI_ NWINOSHLIWS S3tYVYGIT LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI_ NVIN " Z > a e ree : 4 8 g : : i : 2 SS 5 z 2 7. - SERN \s a a 5 = = o “oe 3) io ins 9 _j a = =! =) LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS & SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI_ NVII Saiuvyuai1t LIBRARIES SMP INSTITUTION CNS INSTITUTION s\ SS S3iuvddlt Vif NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS SAIYVYAIT_ LIBRARIES S3INVUSIT LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI INSTITUTION AN Y SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NWINOSHLIWS NVINOSHLIWS osalavaclt NVINOSHLINS S3iuvuglt SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIWS WS SG SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS 2 ~ ‘% SMITHSONIAN Salyvuai7 LIBRARIES SMI Zz oO m7) ba ite a 7) = 2) = 7) = Ww S 2) a) «W ca RXQQN n = a x. i= « = oN oe = ae + % + = “> ne a EEN FO Oe a COC ” = XS 7) Fa net # Ay ” = z a) ike z W 2 wn z nw LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31YvVYa!IT LIBRARIES SMI z : 2 Gilz z . Zz Z g fi z i 2 — = Wee 7y, = 0 Ni p= = Se ee. 3! te tat Mh he 2 Ay = M® 2 AC EF G2 4M 2 FGz NW if \w gM yx a Martini, and Chemnitz. N c H ¥ LIE N—-C A BiisN Second Edition. Index by -Monosraphs and Genera. ae y , ocr wh eos e hy As pas alt. . : } EH ise, dacRgedt & Wrage ma gt RB Acanthennea (see Ennea).Vol. I, part 12B, MOL SG Cc. | Acanthochites (see Chiton) VI, " Ag Acar (see Arca) aN Ge Oe a Acanthopleura (see Chiton) ‘-yI, M rs Achatina, Kuster (1850) Vol. I, " 13 pp. 289-370,pls. 22 Achatinella, " a a " i " 277-288, "2 Acirsa (see Scalariidae) " IT, Ne POS gs eer Aclis (see Pyramidellidae) Ty "* B28) ©" g07-215,- 02 Adeorbis, Philippi (1853) co, it 62.0 te ies. "oy Adula (see Lithophaga) Vol. VIII, " 3A, tO eles, "4 Aegista (see Helix) " ie " le Aesopus (see Columbella) " III, " 1D, Afrorhytida (see Rhytida)" | Tee. ate _GeB Agaronia (see Oliva) n Vi " 1 Agatha (see Pyramidellidae) I, m . 265 “pos Geos) holon Agnatha I, Moll. & Kobelt (1905)" " 12B> " 1-362, " 42 ae 7 " (1906)" ©" 2B " 1-96, "16 (See "Rhytididae” "Enneidee" and "Streptaxidae") Akera (see Bullidae) Vo I, part 6, pp. 94-99,pls. 2 Alasmodonta (see Margaritana)IX, pts 1 & 2, Alcira (see Columbelia) Aletes (see Vermetus) Vol. VI, part 6, Alexia (see Auriculacea L ) i, i 164 page 127. Alia (see Columbelila) Alicula (see Atys) Vode. el: " 6 Alvania (see Rissoa) ul " a 22 Amaurelle (see Pyramidellidae)" " 28, pp. 199-200,pls.1 i ee Fi ¢" tt t " + eh af Ki gt t ; o on 4 , } ; , : yy Pip tty ©; ce a an a r,s) oY or ge OP dias t ite males ie 5 = } om ue % Stage : . I + a . : ' { (t ° ta’ 2 . ad t ! ; ei * Pre din bi ¥ i i ; ‘i a ‘ i # oye ; : ri : it a iG i ; : , ad y yan, Fee a ' Cy" a ord eg! pes iG x =a th ms rv ent ad ole Sey i“ : f oy : Mg re" as oy ; ' pitas Woe i nl ; a i : ae pec aa nl eee oS i ¥ % rae —" ; me Tgp Pa a Ch 7 4 » od : is aah ic ' t 7 1 44 y é Es 5 " ty ety iy, AUG f ton a f rs " - i we y ZI : : brs * eal r rr. ale \. wer Oey hea “en abel tiie ek en any t r 4 aha oe me nee it, et “fh Pe | Der Uny 4 Amicula (see Chiton ) Ampelita (see Helix ) Vol Amphineplea(see Limmaecea )* * Amphiscovus (see Buliminus)" "® Amphisphyra (see Bullidae) z Ampullaria, Philippi (1653)" 1" Amussium (see Pecten) Anachis ( see Columbella ) Anadara (see Arca) Ancillaria, Weinkauff (1878) V, Ancylinen, Clessin (1882) I, Ancylus, Clessin (18389) " Aneulus( see Tellinidae) ZK; Anodonta, Clessin (1836-'76) IX, Anomalocardia (see Arca ) Anoatoms (see Helix I, ) nae Antalis (see Dentaliidae) Vi, Aphastus (see Placostylus) Avheanistylus (see Gerithium ) Aplustrim (see Bullidze) Ly Aplysia (see Apliysiidae ) " Aplysitdes Cleseiv (1899) Aracea, Kobelt (1891) Viti, Arca, Kobelt (1691) " Arcopazia (sce Tellinidae) x Argina (see Arca) ia n 4-74, ie ea ae * 4-80, 11-72 & 74- 1-288 2 ~30 & D 130-132, 18 " 2 pt Ries. ad OS Argonauta, Kuster (1868) Vol. VI (7?) Hot in set. ke 5 Coa ae] Fats eS } Arionta( see Helix T) a Tr; Ariopheanta (see Nanina ) > Artemon (see Streptaxidae) e e 12B pp. 40-47,pl1s. Aspergillum, Clessin (1595) XI, " 4A pp. 25-45 pls, 5 Atilia (see Columbella) Astyris( see Columbella) Atopocochlis, Kobelt (1895) i, : 10, " 2-4, | Atys (see Rullidae) s ‘i 6, Pp. 15-32 re eS : A a bas ue 162-165 Auriculacea I,, Kuster (1863) " " 25, 7 1-76 nm 14 Auriculacea IT. ,Kobelt (1901) ® a ee 77-316 " oo Auricula( see Auriculacea Lo & IIT)’ pp, 128-58 & 77-95 pls whit. Auriculastre (see Auriculaces, IZ) Vol. I, pt 16 begins p, 95 Auriculina( see Auricula) Austenia (see Nanina) Austrodiaphana (see Eullidae) Vol. I, part 6, pp. 7o-71, 1 Austrosalenites (see Scolodonta) Autonce (see Melampus) Avicula, Sunker (1672-1806) " VII, " 3, pp 1-84 pls, 27 Avecn, Kuster (1850) " tT, “13+"371-374 " 2 7k * oe git ed oa wan: ago yetens voor " yak so, °° * ‘ (830) yetothy: Gut ‘osontngtah a eT Fe ee (FOSS scone ay aseeinit | 7h . vy te a any. =! ‘ 1 aR iy © tr ‘ : ye f y es ee eo lh Soar) le. Rt ag a + ye ay ¥ rr yt ea a i j eo a ee j at moan) We ne aed chee a er on le aa ? 4 Pas Kenai a POUT aah neh sta sabi ca oe) s nse Ne eM pe EK aA a co i 7 " oe ” ae vA Ag g 2 By gh ara . ; a ait! — m ti : oh pe ap pe 7 ey a vin ie ee Fees ete ne OH, heh ee wi bE ip hk i hy We Te in £ Che ' be Ai W “ Gj pe ee MY. oo) gh eon 5 rs et : ‘ ‘ : : ue nepcrree gh oe eT age tome ny teed oun a wy . 5 Pe: : 7 . y a a ; v ai veh a ax e ts tii Ns rp ae ite Fi q 7 1 * i " Res, Balea, Kuster (1852) Vol, I, part 15, pp. 142-145,pl 1 Bankivia, Philipp? (1853) " If, n 5 n 33-34 pls, 1 Barbartia( sce Arca) wMAie, 2 Barlecia (see Rissuina) " I, " 28, " 98-100, " 3 ef > > Bavayi (see Placostylug) Bathyarca (see Arca) Batissa (sce Cyclades) +. ky = Oy PP. 206-223 &263"1 ; ‘ 2 Beddomea (see Buliminus) “ IT, "1S ea) Bela (see Fleuretomidae) " 4 : 3, * 187-167 pls. Berthella (see Aplysiidae)* I, n 8, " 47-46, " 7 Bivonia (sce Vermetidee) * VI, " 6 * 37-45, " 2 Blauneria (gee Auriculacea II, ) Yol. I, pt 16, begin at p, 26 Leshicemencatnati et scettanaallan sin ana in xy Wali + 5 Bostryvx {see Hel Be. Ly ) Voi. Ly pars 12 2 Bothriembryon (see Buliminidee) I, " 13” pp. 763-761, pl 4 zs 4 ‘ rf Come ig bears Bouvierta (see Berthealis) w CE Us OL Le ey ne nn «ee, a ee sayeits ae ra . . Hoysia (eee Felix 4. } VoL, I, nart 12-— viarme 6, pis, 1 ee Fey pat oe ay tes 18) P oy ae i : Brachytoma (see Pleurotoma) Heelies Nh olin Brephulus (sce ulin hes " " — BMC PuiuLus SUS Bulininus ) aS 6 er oe eee Brondelia (see Ancylinen) " " 6, vp 6-8 pls. 1 Buccinum, | Kuster (1858) Tike ~* 1A, w 61-90, " 15 Kobelt (1883) . " e aC. ¥ 1-93, j" B36 Buceinopsis (see Buccinum) " " * 40, ®§ 99-103 * 1 Bucconia (see Scaphander) pa Bulbus (see FEyrulea) * * n 3B nh 14-15, " a ere % | oe pee 8 Lee) rye ve ea Fone eat Er ay for fe oh . Sai hghet tag iif Reels a | eee) sbiegon oe it a ‘ae bd i teed app id oa) ae some Wi (eonc se tedose) Buliminidse, Kobelt (1902) Vol. I, pt 13° pp. 397-1062,pls 63 Buliwinus (see BPuliminidaes) " ne 4 ee 2) 8) * 37-55 Coclatura ( a " a it -~12= Colina (see Cerithium) Columba (see Anodonta) Vol, Ix, "™ 1, " 289-255 & 3 Columbarium (see Pleurotomidae) IV, 3, ae noe Colunbella (see Columbellidae) III," ID, no 41-829 0" 44 Columbellidae, Kobelt (1897) * n " no 1-544 " 44 Solumbellina (see Golumbella) Concholepas( see Buccinum) Conidea (see Colunbella) Conus, Weinkauff (1875)- Vol. Iv, " Na alse Bae 7/2 Conopleura ( see Pleurotoma Constantia (see Pyranidellidae) ft, * 3, pase 320, " 21 Corbicula (see Cycladea) Vol, XI, " Oy pe. {129 Conulinus (see Buliminus) Coxia (see Rhytididse) : : Oe igB, " 65-86, ee se ee es Crassatella, Kobelt (1854) KX, *® WA, *" 4-42 ho 9 Crassispira (see Fleurotoma) Crenatula, Clessin (1891) vVItI, " l, # 45-51, "4 Crenella (see Mytilidae) " a S " 349-154 " 2 Cristigibba (see Helix I, ) I, " ast Crossea (see Pyramidellidue) " 238, " B62, m4 Cryptaxis (see Cylichna) . f ky de i sete saree eR dh due r My é TE: ie iy : o i Me ot Wr aah, : Per e a # iy | ’ Py : gORy ae " es ¥ f ¢ i as ma by ¥ ; a i i A ieee \ oe ry oe 2 = : P iM F gee h 4 ran } yy we bee) eae e oy eg .s ut fl Bs a eee ne ¥ 2 Bs ait ota i ; A ius f / Acca ge a Pera gen ny Jae , Ee ja rah fovmime ted SOD) SA SA ges ake Ey sh fg vtlate hs “oy - . wt 7 T) ony j os oT wlio i "DT ieee ae " 4 er | (stoma Se i iis cia a anak ndgh Gultellus (see Solensces) aL, er te ee eee eee SSS Ivaleade: Staeatin (1859) sents Cyaladea, Ciéssin (1669) Ade y ot gy i SF ak rey fy pe j ; TT Cyelina (see Bnera eit Bee 5 tink coos atane eeseenionnon Ps a ree ae, eT Sa a en ee ee mA Fra ) " Cyc Be O jah GIy Seer Tee { 1546< ut I 3 ne . TF ‘ # oa a Cylichna (sec Bullideas) - Cylichnelila (see Cylichna) Ae) fe a > Yo MM “Ta } " Cyiindropulla Bullidae is ee It ~~ 2 & # oo x a) 2] Cyiindrotis (ses Aurisulace St te ont eee ome eee saan ace Veep, fay ye oe | Sone Gurpiun( see Volutaces) ¥, Pia 9D Uy 7 RY AO An Ak en eee Syetis Weadeleng, 2S (UT a Cc YOCLE Geos WO STL % 1862) a ee ieee Sayre re) oh eae Cyprina (see Veneracea yaa cS heen a oR Roy ot erry " ee 8 n Cytherea Ai aaa aye f sft Sar Ve Cyrene (e6ée Vyscs JE 4.) Las ve »” EP ty 6 it ot a | mln x t r 1-400, if vf ti y sa w ms eee i Lali He yoy oy aye! : Peity Pu ; Dach Daudeburdia, Preiffers fiesaj" fi, Philipp (1653) Yeiphinula, Dendropoma (see Siphonium) . Nendrotrochug (see Nanina) Senvadiidae, Glessan (1696) VI, Nentalium (see Dentallidae) " Dentipecten (see Pecten) “ \ BR 21) Lave Lys} y Pee tae te tenement! Netracia (see Melampus) Diabaphus (see Pleurctoridsae) IV, Diavhora (see Ennea) Ninia ( Dione (see Veneracea) Vol. XI Se ee et, Niplomphalus( see Ravtididse) I Divlothyra (sse Pholadea) AI, Diveas, Kuster 1848) LX, Discartenon (see Streptaxidae) Diechides (nee Dentaliidse) VI, Dolabella (see Aplysiidee) q, Delabrifera, ") i ) " (1657) Vol, Doliunm, Kuster Tid, Romer Donacidse, (ig69) " By Donax (see Dongcidae) " " ) " Doryssa ray (ces Me rianidae ES 83 " ridium( see Mytilidae) Vol. VIII, pt 3, 4 : ry D4 pp. 155-156, pas.2 ff ai ~3 g u Ab HW 1-28, SS 7) 1-48, ae bhi 5 pm tg 2 st = dear a vt 83, n 305-506 re 55 | 3 TS whem ney a vd ne eel Be abel, 2S aeons y soepelt Dosina (see Veneracea) Vol, XI Dosinia " 4 ) H i Drillia (see Pleurotomidae) IV, ——— Dunkeris, (see Pyremidellidae) I, {index} p, Eatoniella( see Rissoa) Vol. I, x Eburna, Kuster (1857) " IE a yt. & “9, ° da The 4 2 ar, ay 7 Fdentulina( see Enneidnae) Ly SS prnne el Sea lint Ey") a4 eres wae, ) we ¥ whe Cc VUILS cs : , REA ere Blusa (see Pyranidellidee) seereNheioneconste nano intr MaRIMEMA A hilt oO Mn -aoeer mn OS sO re a Bn a (see Buliminus) e . ee eR RRO HET Engina (see Columbella) Ennea (see Enneidae)Vol. . pt 12B, pp. Enneastrum (see Ennea) Bnneidae, Moll. & Kobelt (1905)1, x Entodine (see Systrophia) Bpiphracmophora( see Helix Erato, Weinkauff (1879) Vis «a Enoplochiton (see Chiton) ts > Eremia (see Helix I. ) Bulime (see EHulimidae) : Hulimidae, Clessin (1962) tt Bulimella (see Fyramidellidae)" Eulota (se¢ Helix I, ) Vol’ fT, ma xe tee Eatin cient } L2L BP Lecta See Laninae ) hited Evales (sse OAostomia) en ne oe Everettia (see Vanins) 3 —_— \ Fucisa (see Frnnes) rs tt ee, PP S fu in a 3B y "ty sd ~ @rs Fm QO rs . 7 ‘ ‘ , 4 5 i; ' Z “ ‘ iy : ‘ . ed 7 ¥ ' we fw 7. , { / Gd ves! aan, eta % 4 m p - 7 4 ns ws Gn r i % " i . it ‘ rs 4 AN ory v Lon ai « vn Dove hs 1 Se Pane SW nee feapecreveny nrereeni NG re al ‘ “ 9 en Hdiid “SR & a ‘ i aa ‘ \ m ; ) gy ' sy « F } { . a 4 ‘ , Lee t ae : on vis io Vite s (see Rigeoina) Pascicolaria, Kobelt (1876) Vol. IIT, Fasticielle (see Cerithium) ec Reine oc Paunus( see Melanidae) : oe oe Ficula (see Pyruia) 2 tit Yimoria (see Venerecea) " ee i Pinella (see Eulimidae) " : ne (1395) Clessin Pistulana, Fosgarine u Fossarus, 2 FPremblya (see Chiten) Frutictcola (see Helix I. ) " Fusue, Kobelt (1652) Le a “RY it i25~153pls. u a] 19 ta Len 9 (see Dentalitdese) Vol, ee (see Venerucea) ”" AL " Galates ig Wo ore oe ent TH , ~ <> ” Gastrane (see Tellinidas)" Ky : Pisa ReaB acs Maoatachalirctairtane aos ‘ny A a0 eo aes een Alley om ~ Ges tro cneane, ( wee CE ss Ero chaenidea 6) hy Piri relate ead ibd Nin alrite Gastrochaenidae, Glessin (1895) a Gerania (see Kulimidae) " " : Gemmula (see Pleurotoima) Sibbulina (see Enneldae) " SEP Sa RTD Gipous { n n rs " 7 ; 3 BAR aes are neat = Glebuluc, Philipnl (1653)" ry, " Giveymeris (see Gastrochaenidae) XI, PESTO ATER CEI Oe OAD A oa Gonaxis (see Streptaxidae) i, " Gonidomis (gee Gibbulina) 0 ot mete: ene seer Gonospira ( ° ff } n 4 | f + 4 mat ota cA ak Gee f Guestieria | gee Strentaxidae)l, 2 ps ™ f . - Guilella isee Ennew) ~ Gundlachia (see Ancylinen) e ft Geotrochus (see Helix) Vol. " ‘ pert - 5, PP. a F " i fh § Sor.y % bs] 28, 7 12B, " W n Li 4 ‘ sf 35-36, tw bi an Ww + ye a ian he fi * ff Pe ae phone | ae tah fae? | (euosouasd ane oimame aig at , 2 ~ pr Pi ese'gn aeN : @ ae nies cy i vier i i eae ) isd sadam H| faa)! abienin ve éoa) “automa | “a bi # od Harvinea (see Rullidae) ee er te etn ee See Hanleya (see Chiton) ene ner nanan mene Havpia ( " Scolodonta) et er a we nt ee Heeuba (see Donax) Helicogena (see Helix I. ) Helicarion (see Neninidae) Helicidae, Kobelt (1905) Helicinacea, Pfeiffer (1646) W a i uv wW f a rt " ve w ¥ " Rr Hemicivpta (see Nanina) Hemiplecta( see KNaninidae) (B oe] = Oo a par pis ute Cs © re ~— Hemisinue (see Hindsia (see Purpuracea) Hinnites (see Fecten) Tit, " $ " if " Vv "i W af W W f cil " nN i " Ri bi W bi w 4 Lit 1-388, " 85-104, " 39-305, " 1-75 s 291-524," 523-86 544-946, 1-305, " jez S7 "66 ae ' . yee ni ‘ Be) lw i oe hs Wh ok ics ER a ae ae | ; a i a) Week wet Bis tal alive ee ond tol | ie q : / ms fie a ae " wo i i Ce. ca en " ti wm ‘ ‘| ' : : abet ee inh Na 3 b eae Pee wi Ps " aan h Ody Meee a 2 om 7 i {2 tie Sal haste fe iy a 4 oI 24 wy aN © roils hte ft a ny } ae pad mn ii i & i ie 3 Be Oe Se BR Re Pk} NG Hh ai # ee Pr A Wh a. th CON i e . a beat, Reis ad eh bh ae r 4 a: 4 iv 4 4 qw a oy # ~ rs } a si i nie TS 5] be a." “ ; . a s voenn FSi, \ re f Hi re) #4 Pe - ah” 4 emi 0 hs | (antaet eda) atqy take Gb ita (OBR 2 ae SS ie 7 Ee i I vive py, a : if mM v { iyre 58, i fie hi . ae Lead hy i ; ~ % f eal 4 Rohe 5 ' - % aelive dah ua nay Hippopus, Kuester (1968) Vol, VIII, Holesuchen (see Buliminus (see Tellinidae) * Homorug,Kobelt (1895) i Hyalina (see Helicidse) * A iM Ts 7] a . Hydatina ( " Bullidae) TWardecy no ana K a tate LeS2 ry dy OCS, US oz LOwes Avria, ee (1848) ‘ Huttonella (see Fnnes) is % beng v Ll ibd 179-182, "4 87-115, 920-922, “ 2 132-136, "5 ra 3° - 3 hid wepnivoaines’ ree md oui Ou de Pe lusts ai § de an ay pt ee ~*, ~ Straptuxidus) ATMA Aes \ Fw $htes J ee RPirentinea |} ix &, FE mila fs ’ see Helix I. ) a ee eo ee Lgaurica ischnochiton (see Chiton) Igidora, Kuester (1862) Vol, (gee i ortie B I) a 4 Snare ae earl Jacosta Cs eg relax i, } VO oe eg contacter 4 fy Bei ee sit lat \ Jaminisa, (see Airiculaces Ti; % Sctcachcamdaattinenaeataniieatte chen entienetiaii aie hk need ah Vc Jetfreysia Jole ( : ) Jouannetia a wv a Eb yam et Ww pP- i ! W 110-118, " 69~Tey " Ny Valet y fea POLITE Ly re a ! “ Py i : g 7 ; [ ve ir , 2 i y ny ' “my 2 — ay yee a ra , ie ‘. : : ra ty Pa OF v ’ : : 1 : hot H Fi : Ver Dp ea fey 7 rH os if a Li “ ea , : “ ? Creo . we ‘ 4 ) ‘ % 2 " . Y ; » i V « On f. Asap Seabee ey , PNY ened! (Yo er , f Hh * oie : ¢ 5, 's ; ; P ' ce tee re Re a ik f ten vical ; A 7 ‘ PP at Sa me j ex lgeey i % : ane Woy hy * . z i eee ra : “tis A RO ae eset, f as ee ba) me ae t we g Peet ty Pi an a "+ Kuvhus (see Fnoladea) ¥OLs Labyrinthus (see bar ia * if “oe Lacuna, Phili ppt (1553) a if. ~ - Laimodonts (see Melampus) Lomellicer (see Gonaxig) Cerithium), Lampanie ( 2 ) Lamprocystis( see Nenine) Lanx (see Ancylinen) Vol, Lotona (sce Dornax) Ancyi inen) " mranvoasirrilons Lemintina (see Tivlacodes) Tawsd 7 a) 7 , TA aes Levidochiton (see Chiton) — EO Pie ee , 43 / \ Lepidopleurs ( i] " \ ve 4 Leptochiton ( " ae Leucoecut Leucochroua, Kobelt (1905) Leuconia (see Auriculacea T, ) Levantina (see Helix i.) Limicolaria, Kobelt (2895) Helix I. )Vol. loides (see SulLimiaus) i, et v ej Laas | u n w “TS a ee eee o5-52, pls. ; " 68-20, 7 " $36-42 id : ve & p. 263 i= 1206 begins at p. " (924-944 2 226 DD. 2-32, pla. t 48-84, 9 i ew) cH ra +e 136 real ; Feed Pay wae eA, Miata sea uh a Ae inp paeme sg Wl : . oh : i Beet |, aikoes | ; ay none J a Pe Lue ei = af ¢ we, : ee | / ‘ Dimers - o ae fj | : retailed ck wl emaiicle wh 2 if nt ys ath pia Ful ie aN cay 7 oat SANG phal ii 1 il ir rf 1 ah hid hierdie an) Bia Lepattie ‘ rm ry ‘ ; qe’ 'f re : . FOOCLY #heee Rt km OF om | o ( ay LF oda Cao Ce nh = a oon iain st Of gh Hs Pe is ct ¢ : fan ih ‘ wh : Ge ae) a t : . ai er a ty on Bthiy! ¥, in 6 ed 4 Limnaecea, Oleesin (1556)Vol, TF, vart Limnueus (see t Limsecea) " : a " Kuster (1562) " a o remit i Liecerithium (sce Cerithium) Licconchse, (see Veneracea) Ke " Ticstome (see Odostomia) Lissaerea (see Arca) Litharca ( " Bs} Lithodomugs (sce Lithophaga) Lithophaga, Dunker (1882) Vile, * Thi in Litorina, Weinkenuff (1862) Livinheacia, Kobelt (1895) q; " Lovhauchen (age Bua iminus) cc t Lophyrus (see Chiton} Lorica ( * is ) Loripes Venerucea) AL " Lueina ( * ft } " ’ Lucinopsis® n ) ' a Lucidella, Kuster (1663) Ey ‘ Lysince (see Helix 1.) " i a9 1-450 rls 375~404, " an FR u 1-58, 245-252, " > 55 (index) p. 296 oT Fa hes ci f-120 9 " : i} y f rr yt f i t* mf 4. } I she e* 7 oD t Wi oe Pas ' : bi a be nM - \ i Lahti a Ww f " ’ ” ee 4 ss MH Ne br An vs » che F : soa (ROL) ee ce SEB L SE ‘stent sa anon ie “CaEL) OLedow: alow yin SAUER tbe t) seitosanato , | SSS deed eiciesteod) | Pa ta HAE Atal ea Bcc! ay . cess, ee fis ; a i : : a Meats 7 actos A : Ne re ast i fis! neh” ay ean “alone (Raul) negewe: otbaptout: Mebpilielin (see Homorus) LOMO TUS Be che om ae € a SO lenucea) Vol, aE 0 } ak By po. 0) 7-53, pie Macheerodonux (sce Donax) Macoma {see Tellinidas) " KX; y 4, ; " —_.. ¥ ‘ = roe Mer tates ae | . ” “y S c me "Ty HMacroahd LBILY S (soe Nanizuidae) i, ies % LOLI-~L041, " Se ee Se Macrocycloldes (see Rhytida) a? we —-— ~ met nw ne = A Macrodon (see Arca) heen netnmnes Macrophragma (sce Vermetug) " rt) v¥) 3 ¥ Re ‘ ey 3D ee y 3 % if % von b= as co ws. ~~ 5 = on Me tw e eri a7 me ae = Ny = ss ji i es b3 = ~~ €A Malleug (see Mallcacea) Hy ft a Mf on woe s Margaritana, Kuster (1548) EX, Pts 1 & 2 a fs Nites we cy 4 4% ry ap of recy) a fj 4 Marginelise, Weinkauff (1879) VY, 5 4s " d-144, “2 Ton se Sn An rae hae tS ns ls ea ra bs Nay ges Bam ps she oe 3 Merinule (see Auriculecea I. ) M 6, becins at page 2 TL ry ee ee | Sa oo Sol Sine, } sa ae a y tb Meu a Martes ia( gsse Pholade &} oil: 5 is ae DP. SOu4AT 5 4 Ne ets uy Ne Cy Wat aye 7, my ‘Tey 2 fas Bilpiaey i fe a” ~ rz Mes LOLdeS ( BES HULAILAUS F by ww SF ES A Oe ORR Kt Mast bus { i v \ 'f ? it j t Certo, q HA g7y A 1 " lg a hr hr “2b g _ ff 74 _— ole tt . f 2 * Lie Aeg { a *¥ } " " it Wegaspira, Kuster (1552) He " LS, " 159-144," a OF in Or ee. ae} ~ ne "G ih 2LOCEeras ( Ss €@ yermeciagse } VI r e Oo 9 ie om ms $ " Melampus (see Auriculacea I.) I, ” 16, begins at page 186 Ch Oo On witha! oe Wass alt Pe: amaee 4 4 npg wt “Balin tt aca a a pirwlaeat * | Gober. bi ae " ,TTiv- *ipeen3 abnga it acerca feat rot Fi] y 6 ” ; { a i Bkcooe ze t +h { : mS a is TE ee ; (step ae plod we “a erat ‘ ; Pikes whet totter : ; 1 ea il Rise & Ob eon A ‘ai ret sat f } * # bs s be fe ip ' eae 2 : . eared iM (apelo d LN 9 aie) eae wee i 4 ; Ome woh oy “ein t a nissan teste me) an ; A OF ' : f ey So , \ " M we los aw: 4 ar % ry 4 pre Re Wy, . ” ie rue ‘ , bit ? oe ee ra A NA (UORL ) seta hs Bias i. yin lle cals Het LOR ate eR eKe biel “4 spe) fT) 0h onde, y Mopalia (see Chiton) Mucronalia (see Pyraridellidee) Vol. I, pt 26, pp. 244-246 Murex (see Purpuracee) Vol, III, part 2, pp. 1-122,pls. Musculus (see Tellinidae)" ee i 4, rk 1-10, Mutela (see Anodonta) " Ix, ” I, " 191-198," Mycetopus (see ES aes " 4s " * 198-208," Mytilidae, Clessin (1889)" VIII, " 3, . " 4-170, ° Mytilue (see Mytilidae) * " ? “ 30-90, * at oe en 1] " fh ” ye pe Ot Nite pp. 947-1201, pils'DF op. 525,559-541 & 549 Nanina (see Naninidae) Vol. , I, part 12 ( Also in part 12 , se6 ied Naninidae( see Helicidae) Vol.l, part 12> pp. 947-1225,pls 5 . » » ye D Tapaeugs (see Ruliminus) : a : 13= Natalina( see Rhytididae) " , ? LEB " v-24, " 2 Natica, Philippi (1652) " it, “ An " 1-164, " 20 Naticina (see Sigaretus) Nautilus (see Arsonauta) " VI (?)} ( Not in set ) Navea (see Pholadea . + a . 4, pp. 57-58, pls, 1 Navicella, Martens (1889)" came " LOA "1-56, abe: Neobuccinum (see Buceinum) Feptunea (see Pyrula) i iio (oe ae (34,2208 " 24 : ser! 2O6~ 234 Nerita, Martens (1869) " iI, " all, =” 2-130, "16 Neritina, Martens (1579) *" a ‘4 20, " 4-504, " 24 Neritopsis (see Nerita) Sg I48g 8 a = 2 a Load ~~ Nettastomella( see Fholadea) XI, . 4, « 69-9750" a Kieritelle (see Helix I. ) I, " agt Nitidella (see Columbella) Wiso (see Eulimideae) Vol, : "£6, " 45-46, " d Noemia (see Pyramidellidae) id i " Ho 232 Noetia (see Arca) on Notarchus (see Aplysiidae) ’ y Bry " 48-50, * Nummulina (see Helix I. ) " tt 12 b* a a” (peer): Be are eA SERES © i Caio an oe) eothena roo. a ie rn nade (sub Cis pe) naan nt APE + lel as i mre } ai oan oko iaam, f ee eos) mealvoaaeny | cprvacvler dy edna bi a alee’ S ab the Mat nails sey ey MAM Oy pert 4 a | stivat 9 i ete laa Pipa 2 Jatzenotmotealt ¢ Pil Opba {see Helix I, ) Vol, Obbina " " ) " " Obeliseus (see Pyramidellidae)" ec et ech see tna | ee ete Odontartemon (see Streptaxidae) Odentura (see Helix. £..) _ Odostomia " ‘ ) n Oliva, Weinkauff (1676) Vv; Olivella (see Oliva) Olivancillaria (see Oliva) Omphnaloconus (see Buliminus) I, Oniscia (see Cessis) (Od, - Lids Onithochiton (see Chiton Onobe, (see Rissoa) Ophicardelus (see Melampus) Orbis, Philippi (1853) ii, Oscanius (see Aplysiidae) Lj Oscilia (see Helix I. } " Otesia (see Nanina) Ouagapia( see Rnytida) Ovella (see Buliminus) Vol, un, <7 Ovule (see Cyproea) % Vy Oxytes (seeNanina) Bb | ue bs Y 4 "i " " ? i 4% ly Pr. a «¢ r 4 ; < 3 y , ! WH % r t + a " 0 f. ~ rp i f " ey art Ch Pb cg os ee Sages ® Yam + 3 . . "ts * Blk ‘ ou " d " 4 nt i mF 7 ’ t ‘ ; r ' ” ” ¢ ¥ ee » yr i ¥ hi : &. nul i Ta, 8 / ye aes 1 , i 5 1 aie ee ave) ot scoala eee ‘goes! fF au). -oiioa0, | i. me (avian) mn ay Mi ai aa: (ont fp ona}: cory fui) oe) wi yektromeukgg” a pene 4 er a ee no ROW, Cased ae 90a) - Pachnodes (see Buliminus)Vol. I, part 13> Pachyatu 3 n " ) n ” tt i Paludine, Kueter (1852) " " " 81, pf, 1+79, ple, 13 Paludinella, " i a a 2 Paludomus, Brot (1860) " " w BS, e 24-52, % § Panda( see Bulininidse) " . " " is pepe 792, " 2 Fanopaea (see Gastrochaenidae)KI, " 4A, pp. 45-58, " 7 Parallelepipedum (see Arca) Papuina (see Helix) . a. tt is+ Parapholas( see Pholedea) KI, " 4, " 49-55, " 6 Pavagtrouhial see Vermetidae) is Vis ae t 34-35 Parthenia (see Pyramidellidee)I, "™ 28, #™ 4175-192," 6 Partula (see Bulimus) Vol, " " 43+ " 62-297," 7 Bago ante (see Rhytididae) fn a 128, ™" 10+18 "2 Passameella( see Buliminidae) . : 13> 8 616-622," 2 Paucidentina (see Ennea) Pecten, Kuster & Kobelt(16A6" VII, * e. n 25-296, " 62 Pectunenlue (see Veneracea) IX, . 1, (index ) D. 297 Pedipes (see Auriculacea I.) I, " le, becing at p, 25 Perideris, Kobelt (1895) : " 10, ph. 24-48, "14 Peringiella (see Rissoa) Perna Wailer sis Voi, Vill, * is e 26-45, "11 Peronaea (see Tellinidse " x, m 4, " 109-124," 5 Peronaeoderma " . a o am 8 uM 36+106, "3 2 Persa (see Melampus) Fetaloconchus (see Vermetus) ‘ » : uae i ts : ih rs omy ¢ pe Ry ta ta At Ce t v y oid D fas! rey as" Re ef an a ' ' i a 5 ih \ : fr i Ne t mua oe Pe ; j i. * “rc amt 4 VoL @ 1 of vr MPa Bake me we ONS: ¥ er " me PT oe a \ a ? a 2) r n f / de f t PE Nl ae i ‘ o Z f ee: ee Chiu ede 4 i bre & 1 i i ~) é tet ae toe Bag OCH ; ‘ abn iy im ¢ r un “2 vi ry th TX fab ina ansoont ; bd fous pa saree aa wd 8A Whe 3 Sdde coisas ain L : nya | oop ie ; ; Tavoe oe ys: ge) oe ae a9 nif KT fas Sees ad 29e v ou Debio nBR: ie ats oy M (4080) re a fag mas. A ve ay Petraeocerustus. (see Buliminus) Vol. Petracomastus ( e e ) Petraeus ( 8 : } Phania (see Helix) Vol, (4, Pharella: (see Solenacea) * Aly hilina (see Helix) Vol iI, Phiiiine (see Eullidae) 3 " Philopotamis (see Paludomis) " Pholadea, Glessin (1693 Xi Pholadidea (see Fholsdea) a Pholas (see " ) " Phylloda (see Tellinidae) By Physa, Clessin (1866) Vol. I, Physopsis, Kuster (1662) " " Pinna’ (see Mallcacea) ae. i He he Pirenellea (see Cerithium) Pirenotsis (see Melanidze) I, Pisidium (see Cycladea) Vol, IX, Placostylus, Kobelt (1891) a) (See Bulimus "Neue Folce") Plagiodon (Unio_)) Vol, IX, Planispira (see Helix)" # " aE renee ~ Planorbis (see Limnaecea) i‘- Plaxiphora (see Chiton) if m op 2 part 137 tt % 51-52, " 2 1-32, t 5 6-28, Mt 9 162-164,7 2 ss Lm 5 BeG—3740™" BB ZOUG-410 pe ware w f een] Ds 1 1 o te oe LOZ, " OL a 405=—=409," 1 9 Ta) CORBET rat xt a uh cu Kee aie S rae restthet iy { ja RA aha Pe iat ey Lon Men Dari tite ee » Peyak ey | mittee f % ite nn i a he Pesci f ig PEN : i <0 OGLs rbaww lO meV oy i ic a iB OW Je anne el 4 ip Fs. in oa Veil ey A yh nee a rie ; al upeteretoen sem oman pe EL i Si, cree Eee pate Mate eheeae D odes se> ten areca Re ew lhe harm RV (pk ton He oon) x i RR ee Osea MASE Ne Ten nag RAP Ra de ri We Dy) Plecotrema (see Auriculacez I. )Vol. I, pt 16, begins at p. 23 Plectropis (see Helix) Vol, I, part 12+ Pleurobranchae (see Aplysiidae) " é, "43-44, % JY Pleurobranchus . s ) : : Rn Dom tag 7 oe Pleurotoma (see Pleurotomidee)IV, " Dy 1 i $36. " 39 errr eee Oe 245 Pleurotomidue, Weinkauff (1567) " . i a Plicadomus (see Gibbuline) Plictropis (see Nanina) Poeyisa (see Ancylinen) Vol I, a Gy " 6 vee Dearne Hts anagem Ward - big Ww ” a £ IIAAQACLA (see Phy he al Se ar fe } 12 Pompholvx (see Limnaecea)" a " Lvs * 230-231," 2 Fotemidea (see Cerithium) = = f Cand . Prazis (see Tichosonia) ee : - : ges es oles Priodiseus (see Streptaxidse) I, h J2B—- 8 28-27, * FT Pristochiton (see Chiton) >) x ~ 4 Pad sy ts 1 nd Prosperpina (see Helix) n : 1g> 8 20-16, Pups, Kuster (1852) Vol I, ”™ 15, ® {1-138 * 20 157-194 Sg ey . epics : ee: Pupinidius (see Buliminug)* " ue. be Pupopsis ( 4 Lan tt " ve Pupoides ( " Bulimmids) " i e * 917-930," 4 Purpuracea, Kuster & Kobelt (1578)III, 2, "1-356 7 CES Purpure, Kuster ( (853) aVer. IIT, part LA, * 91-201, " 18 4 dt “ J ao >; Stee os 5 s x ‘ Pana iat Putillea (see Pyranidellidae) I, ss 28, R 2S0+25a5.7) en renin ip ante tnt Coane ROOD CT T - VWs 4 rs Aa - ; i erty 4 ' 91 t ay " TZ wd Psedachatina, Kobel# (1575) | us 10, " 6-255 a © Pseudelma (see Hnnea) epee Se Pseudobbs (see Meliz) Vol, T, niet i 2 t f : 2A ty Lariam Cielo ho" M Bada i han ce cea) ohne cal tug oe ene aera tes ian paste ye panty ~ ) habs ) J : a ) u re ai ‘ : " ee We Na ‘ ; a bag ut Me mie 7 me es mu) arts RAYS he Bh (eth i f Ah sae Peeudoclesrula (see Nomorus) Pseudolampus (see Auriculecea I.) Vol. I, pt 16, begins p, 204 aa Se, ee Ps Onapaeu eee Bulirinus) u SR SO Ta Pseudopetracus (see . } “ 4 Pherocera (see Strombea)Vol. IV, vart 1; pp. 78-92,pls, LL Ptychorhytids (see Riytida) Ptychotrema (see Bnnea) Pyramidellidee, Clessin (1902) I,." 28, ” 47-874, " 31 Pyramidella (see Pyremidellidae) 0 n " {66-73 * 2 peace cesar ip. B47 Pyrazus (see Cerithium ) Pyrene (see Columbella) Ler ae Pyrula, Kobelt (1881) Vol, III, * ZA, " 21-46 Pythia (see Auriculacea I. ) Ly a LG, begins at p. 139 ’ Pyxipoma (see res), op ae th atte tf Rachis( see Buliminus) Vol, Raffraya (see Ennea) Ranelia (see Purpuracea )" Ratnadvipia (see Nanine) Reclugia, Kuster (1658) " Retinella (see Helicidae) * Buliminus)* Rhenea (see Rhvtididse) Yol Ruysota (see Nanina) Rhytida (see Rhytididee) t, % Rhytididae, Moll. & Kobelt Ricinula, Kuster (1662-'69) Riebeckia, Kobelt (1595) Risella, Philippi (1655) Rissoa, Weinkauff (1585)Vol, Rissoina, " ee we Rostellaria (see Strombea) sateen hitetnesinnamanionteall Rupeliaria (see Venerupis) qT, tli part 13 9 ti " 2 Pe vy 123-158, pls 9 iad. 2 260-268," 2 25-85, " 10 1-91, " 14 1-04, "8 93-100, " 3 tr (¢ ales ai: ; a OF C te %. (gables Beem ea) athuobdts ute * o ‘ fu j ree ili Bon ees alah $e - ; * ey he } - i 4 gubbe nM E gt : Wieser: Pee ites sy vp are wD | . | “oo bape gies i : S : : paraere: ‘ita scp Metall, en a ‘ Sor? » ‘ae te { 7 Uniti aay 7 aay i «fi . ey rT) wy f AY, Pd My © hes rena = » wer zig sh ee si dee : i" ; wa oe id 4 fil 4 4 es yy ee » bet ae i CEOOL i Dee Te . fa F ; Pd - ia} ¢ x, Bile AR Ie all ek ert eel eas 4" nile ke ha y q ae se er x(a ¢ ‘ == o * nh, et! Here as 7 at 4 ake | * a ime gs ful + a | ais? +) M My eh ls nk ee hg ee .* .*) 2n + - % aad » ; ; p ima a wy yey ‘ : Re: Prd uf oe im ‘ aie 7h ‘vn mn ? we tous ry oo sob baa dents (sankaLdad or) 1 id = seed, ue i ov et 7 1 o " ' Be “ts th Eng a a H " it (nabbinyt ig - ah PRA i nt Tachea (see Helix) VGly 25 Tacheocampylea " a iN Taselus({ see Solenacea). " + ae Tonalia (see Paludomus) " T Tapés {see Veneruces) A es Taranis (se¢ Pleurotomidae) Iv, Telescopium (see Cerithium) Tellinidae, Romer (1871-'73 ¢ 3 oy {see Wet Lda 8ellina fellinides " * ) Tellinglia " . ) Tellidora " y } Tollinungula . ) Tenazodus (see Vernetidac) Terebra (see Volutacea) aininiaipiis beatae rineet Teredo( see Pholadea) a Tharsia (see Naninidae) " HEM Thylacodes (see Vermetidzae) Taiberia (see Pyramidellidae Tichogonia (see Mytilidae) Tivela (see Veneraecea) Tomigerus (see Helix) i Tonicia (see Chiton) Yorculea (see Turritella) Tornatellina (see Pupa) V Tridacna, Kus ster (1868) " Vol Vou. ) x,y 4 ah e) I, dhs ty af * “ cd Lig at . & part La ws " w " " v W it nw " a n 69-83, | 1419 i . ad cc 5 nOy DGB 168-169," beaut — ! ~2 = 295-200, " 266-270," > it Lo i Oh) cl 79, 1125 " A. SE t ~~ _ 9) 3 Ae x } do 398 146-156, " L~7 _ Les ras 3 2 i alan Yn aa, steal ’ “aE on renteig oy yh dh gts wilt ‘Whe he x ; me mish > ea At f : has ye | * hid . : erin ree ft an aa | SFANOL) oe hy: nN , + . i as ' i ; rw ; Hh, =, { 1% ; i tt ( pb : i s i oh ar: Wh oat ae e Te hs : we 7 " se i i ro Ma " if re ( h V4 i oh : ; ii f ‘ © iE 54 nr ¥ ‘ F: : ' PUR oy me a bee Meas a i ‘iq , hy ig qe OD | ; - 2 j $s ; i wig waged iesetptailey ions adr ed. : hy ti “4 , a \ . $ en Sh i % yi : ‘ , 4 i cf i ‘ Ny a a: ar f {2 ' y eg Hi go wih i @ re A #4 a | ; ae y eh ¥ , o e steep Ne ail uy ke j i Ween Retr DP ete Fay OITA Fiery iN ga “aye | | . : Seoauipeooaty ne, i ' et Ae i ri % - ‘ ni : " 1 “ . 7 . fi) Ve i 4 | fis SF 4a.) uae : ne aa ei imag Laie po) ' a 7 S ae es bs 89 aun “ i 1 r ‘ 4 sidan a stslon Pan ; ‘hy | : Napa: 5 ite i : if iu t a a eee f Pa i a ih) “ Wa Teton tu Ht 8 ‘ is of * Raden opal huh LPL f Anes ee : phat a j in MA RPM Oe ote 5 j i * \ i ean i y Be : * Pr ADy Conn " " on J il saa ' ' ed de sy BM © Ste AL ot ar ii net i a. ; 7a O26 Triton (see Purpuracea) Vol. TII, part &, PR. $158 5198 pls $2 Tritonium (see Triton) Trochatella (see Helicidae) ‘i " 18, " 4-9 pls. 3 Trochomorpha " % ) : . 12° " 655-640," & Trochus, Philipsi (1646-'51) IT, " hs nm 3-541, " 46 Trophon (see F R By " 274-8185". 6 Truncatella, Kuster (16555) Ls " nes ” "8 Tudicla (see Pyruia) Woda, :-1rk, * SA, " » 8 Turbinella (see Purpurgeea) " e x n 24 EEE Turbo, Philippi (1846) Vol, Il, “ 2, ° Turbonilla (see Pyremidellidue) I, " 26, " * id Turricula (see Helix) ¥ol, 4, %* iz+* Turcitella, Kobelt (1697)" " "27," fin67 ® 20 {OrOo-nw Turritey orsis {see Turritelia) 7) t " a 7-Th, " SY fylodina, Kuster (1862) Vol, ts : Ty Pals ame Tymphanotonus (see Cerithium) a Pb a Tyvhiomancelia (see | Pleurotomidac er iv, Divs, = 2724 scene emer sy Lov (neoa ae an. Shee : a sen — i, ual i Ss sel Be ‘his ave allods * Lala i 4: : | eee re oa, 4 7 a ; f a pa rt 1 f eng ks ain oes r Peri nd pHi Aa tte PO Sop einen ms petra iv meaty ay" uh a9 i : f Wty aS r POEs id = PY Arie ponaet Sink AAP ele Avs eT TET ON, Umbrella, Kuster (1862) Vol tev Pare, Ye PRs A-B, Pls, ak ad i ee OTR S G Unio, " . J h Ty, . # a, 1 fie ~291 "9 96 ~ Soe (ee ees i . ects Pe Ay os ‘ Uniplicata (see Sunes) Vaivata, Kuster (1652) Vol, i, part 21, pp 64-96,pls, 2 Velorita (see Cyclades) " tx, : Sy N Be4—-226,% 2 etree ome Veneraces, Pfeiffer (1869-'72) KI, " by HW 1-502, " 42 Venerupis (see Von races) Vol | 9% " * 245-251," 28 Venus ( oD rr ) oo" " n " " 420-241," 25 Vermetidae, Clhessin (1904)" VI, i G, w d-12e4, " gS Vermetus (see Vermetidac) * . ; : # (S9~80 wee SS 2 pe 116 Vermiculus * a By 7 a ) ee " 3 Yertagus (see Cerithium) Vertizo (see Pupa) Vol fT, " 16, # (index) p. 174+ Vitrina, Pfeiffer (1854) * " ‘ LO, " 6-27, pls. 4 Vitrinoconus (see Vaninidae) ¥ 3 2a 2 * 1044-1060" eet ik ee acneeetnemianietdienoed eens Vola (see Pecten) OT rer Volutacea, Kuster (1641) " Vy f 2, " tes " Voluta (see Volutaced) " 8 " " m 151-204," 23 Voluthserpa (see Buccinum)" gy iC, n 694-96, ." @ ay eri aren Volvatella (see Bullidae)" ue “ 6, H# 184-127," 2 Eee sagem Vulselle (see Malleacea) " VIII, " is v 16-25, "1 ” na gale ; rane rival een a ey KS "4 me) it : Papciniadealin orth ss pale \ ec ith bs hi bor th hate ty 37 Watsonis, (see Vermetidae)Vol. Weinksuffla (see Atys) Keroluca (see Helix TI.) "Y 6x yh Als fo " } AGYOP: Lem Of AE gts (¢ S8&e N carl tna) Xeosting * it ) Zafra (see Columbel la) Zaria (see Turritella) febinella (see Rissoina Zebrinus (see Buliminus ORR Ne ome eR Zirphaea (see Pholades) | - a5 4 ue S Zonites (sea Helix) Led rs, Tas + Fishy th ‘oem Zootecue (see Bulirinue Xerocerastus (see Buliminus) be ) Wolk e Zospeum {see Auriculacea)" ” a)" X41, part % " ft " ity wv PPp- 29-6 35% pie, " 7 cd tn Aw 4 cp A GoL~ eo 1 LE0G6-1L209 pegins p. 103 veg ey cea hie) a bed ie ep Pas gy! 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