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HJtzstfi^ J5 / .S" / *m — ti / ^ > jsi’S f j/ £*/t 1st* y* /V ^ , /l4 sae^C'U.S J^ ^ ^ ^ J>&±/ £V7-~$3l~k Up. f^pttfr t^>ttr>^ aC ft-arE^ / cd C~OiA~*\{^ cl &1&V SLZjU&6 6~xJ +U4. >*\l /..<-$ wcf'-C ■LX tc uLJ yUi/cjt' ifr f (\u,iy fa ZOjc ffay ~ rc.-Lfa L&dcL\ r'eirrA.X’ Sit- L*j&~-C. j/fasiLi - J (ni!'* ~t# 2-3*# La^JtU/ ia^t^ 4-L-tlt^c r~^(^\nJjiJ( £\^ ts\ // * £ &03L& J* /us* /-yOti c / s A-UCO-Ci Ja*~^ /£> (A^( J &-C 4T>-» 5 w/ 7j^ ^ <^i r**4S&S, eZ-fc.* IjLV-el- 0t '~ c^yj>n%T *^ / £ 7 £*-W >n?~%- la~*r-Q~l/ cf (!££**,p J>£Zs JP j /b+*%x,du 't^xrd Cs C**t*~j* 4.j* ^ b V* U*^l dc L, rd£, u SeJ-f 'tb. Id^J L~> btl, C^o~v^t*s m 3s«» <3 C^i^yj, i/L b Jot/ "^v<. J~^C d.tfiller*' &y 'fa.** {Ja. j}c*, trU* KSi^Jti A re-*~£ t’dA-ct- i*y/i&cC' ^^&facJU * nr • &0 < 7/>3 & < 14 J 5 e. c^er ttis s 7 x ;> %L'zfZ ~(*-r t M.S ’SCM'- C*J, lu-f 6>l,qi-(;L —i >vut, AU_ U, zi<- C, 'y' S-ervj7 ^-'/ /W.J t *Ia —cf , j^ler^J &”•*, -yi^ bbrjt*. -k- (spy 5^, t> . 7 T ' J-OA C^liA' WY> £ j €^V^r n T~&^r A-X/& CUsTd* Sf P' ^ rz^^J :'> ^trn-fb Cjs^~^srz^l ArtoL U,L j ts Zee^i'ysJ* ~k> Co-VZ.'C' S^SsTjf L-dbsze^ tb»- yrA£S-&& -tht L J d bc ^ 4 by O-T'/^try Ccx/^sy^, cask, ^y Jjl., T/x^e-/ /, e (/ «< 5 o tu>fi, /^~~cbcy?< 3 ^ o b 2 £*r~t/ijcd C&+« b-C. (Un* X/JtlA uud // C^Jc-QcrC t 7 ^ 7 ^ 7 n V'^r' 4 s.l rzCtfL-* CT-’S / i ^ c m^t f'tArS JL t btA.j” pi*JL!Plf\. \ s. 1 h 5 ea-b /, /"/ 14 -/ seY&rzd ) 2, c*i iJ Le-tflc J o^Lrd~ re^Atns sb M- J*d 1 , 4 % «~J< -?. 1 /Jm&~ drtjlbri Le*~d. &Kt^rurJJ c^L, R l~ Q. , Ml? d &o y /* ^ ^ *(/* c \JjL* 4 ~ ~fcz.l rtjtjL*& A. iPtO^S , -££-/$, ^ < /> 'j^L^.cJ^ bjf' S fuz 1 st* <~l£*t-J CKSXZr 2. 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Cx> (jSr^y f~J lUoJ Scu^^y U.S jC't** 6 ft- ~£*JtZ^+ % h - ^tC*t (K't ZL'ZSO \aLcI^. - ul aJifrr'yj ^acd Jo tl&x~j-^^ t 1 *t <‘' s~&.~jJj2-& l t A* d ; 4 <> KFB t fBFB, < 2.6 C&t* (csJri <£*Uc<.{sJi -*h«rxy,£, ~£o ( rt ^' ^‘' ^ *** '* tiLno-y^ . “ 'J&oliJ 1 l^t>n>b y (e*~y £e**~~y»(o.» 0 ^ u>e*^<— ~7^ b-A*i k&u£‘ *-F~ ^OL-i "f' '*■•■<_ /V < *F 1—^ xl£^ v £ i^-iX.-Lj C-^ • (h*~ CvtLx-r- h^clx, $ , C\f ( 43t/tjh x *'-**3tT > y f /?«L e 111* r CW rux V Cm u4,S f 0[£ ?^j, x a He “) t!^' * br* 4 ^, ' f^/e 4 do lor-**y 1 d— 7 /5 ^"-' ^ £^-i £t*.^ t ^tTl\ / ( f e> f *\ e, l**2A *<« > /t* G 7" ,-:jLd'ti- £~>> £ z*. feJre/, 31~*- 3(=3 t m y /^crjJt 7 ay-A i-t /vt /- *. r^w, £r <£-u / $e-Aj-e^r* <-6 5> <^Vi / erf' V^£j C&i L- ~X (LeU^ L t'- (t k*_ ^*/ nf-iuta. $ Va- r ecjC Llo^Ll? /* 7 / / Uriu+d i C r/“/M ft? £5/7* 4- fA i tr/ / £** £&pV^I 3 )’ he* c/ ^ 6 17 / l/£ i* her $ 1 £ /tA. V" r I / A / / v A M^ /» / ^ -2. //* 3 / ^ tJ e *~ ) /£A ^ «A»/w/ i) v ~7^«-vCc ***// Lf~Js / /. C^S &*/S f CtJS*~-r J T^y f/y t *J / /. t*Jt /l ®~/ *^//y <-JL^y 4^ i *buJ / * "*"* — ^/ ^ ^ yWv* UJfn*} 'j^ r ? *_ y» 1 ' Q /L. L^^Jl •stT/C *' , /**^f «4./t/rv^y ^L^J-'fy I^Lrv* thy L-*. f/* /U /. +L* 7U **+A ** 9$ £h, j fb- *t~J Jnv'-C-^9_ 1/lliH^ (>VV»^^L l//f <>y^rlx^eft X*. r/5^ a . 1 5 . J>^rh * cj r*iy — 4 £ £ U>s-&'1 T C. **•* 65 C^vt*. . /J*>i — 6 Wh^v, a_«, (? i S o-r p* f R (^e^-U > -J^br~jc ^=> IxA^C' t lfs fjk. ^'-v/ / 6/ i Sistejt- Cl*ndt ! I i , tit? (^ 'Pu-ffjtuA.S * 5 £lLu vJ&iaj— **&+ vfrU^Lii/ C^Z/^ ’'I' J^ ~A x ~ -~"V ^>— «■•■-». L+~uJ/ , 4*c7 A^y'cr'^e* At, f~$T t L*rz+ -X, A /a Ml h +J £*/***. t A#/ fj *+f ^ t/ f ~ ^- 4««. r^* i^Lk 2 * ^ ^f* yO^J%A^ V ^ / / v '-^ti (T &&*** 4 . a ^ K^:'^»^ t >5* ^ ^ o^t< y .5 ir~U* / 0 / 0 -/$ 7 ^ r ■ A a. rylfJi**,* s <**~ jf t'n f 4 LX-£>^ Jt&*-L -<~*J C*s^Ju& t 3 oOch fy iS/ h y &^u Ac-t>~f **^cL *< A /$(j 0 ^ 0 ^ j> Za . f^/y 5^*-. Us//" ^2 « ( $> vl rx>.s d!/ n^-ft, 2 >f M >X^J '/«-S ^ ^n^iJ j Lc-*~-€*- ^ ' Fli Ac a cX>y • C*&lcnny /fytt-a t ZjCxr o Itrt/j nxrd*-^ d>tr*-CZr jL-C. *■*■£-+- fy'^\ Lruj^ * *'Jt s&sLr-t^l * e/ 3 -e^ uo-A(A / JC>. ^ ybs*-** — b /cJ L, flit? fi-Dci / /Actkbd (^ Pt&redcv 'JlkcJ«fL£ci‘.*±ji.) 2 <2 ^ H l/l/^Lt-tfi *4UC*~ vjf ^sKst -M.rz\ jl++c/~ Ci. 6.\ A c /H * V *-4 f(!>Y // t ^]*~f~ /big JdrcJ tZ *L M,/^ ir*~r- To s /;?&/ pa* / 2 J> ^cde^r n. v I >* <* / 1 // 5 0 . 7 < 2 jgg,>y is*\ a^UZ. l/- 6 +* ■U xf / Vo^£a[ ^ko fur. 'A. G *' n* 4 C rf > 6+01 ^■C^'brtJ .u*n h&l / <*•» && bcrr-Jj^T ■&%* jT> / •rod/ f bb-e-b 1 /uJc / A 'UT^ Y> 6 -f v i+s~u+^& $ jL&Mx > 7 / L +*6 U %/4 6s s'lLU 'ar t a* Jt#vc 7 ^* c?*H*- 0 «-/ iltj> J/y /*» ' h /tjlJ ■*■ ^'*y ^ r ,J, d*■>*.! t*+*■/+<■<. ~J -VI IkU Z' /ft* j)l to*- - J> J ! . '&LESX- / //a+vb w/ J-sU—J, Oo<-- (uju( V SO (Cal. lL 7 J h / K 4 j \ f a (A-v ^ ^ 5 UiqL U* l*t£££- >T-^5 U^. Swe^xJ dLtcJzS U^r^. 5«£_~. 7^/ fiz de*.,ri.\ cr^e^~ <*/ T&- Lady Au^^yd -/<• 9~cr+'-5 yo-d do _ ^ B - Arfi(5c S v&drt cse-& fys-Or*- IAJ>ied cJ •'Vt-J*■ 'G'-ds On^ cd.i£-dz ab^asT/gd) La ^~€. ~«<*r Pc-lC$ idvtl A M^l/nyS 4''“*’^ & t^sdjZtf • ' • b m ■ - i^Atn/ys a/(Jw^" //a. j>i^Py ^/ 2^/1 i^> i> of>fnpye. yds u*A+J t Le^-esd^c,, fdjZ4.dt >a a ediebsf &A4 ~fc~ bi (ds ^,7a/ a^/' h- dddy u^gedLGd t'ha-tr' b*2J*d>5 ls4i> die- din>4s */ //x cLt&/ti . (X^ e-A^-fd' ^jJ &-+-t—>L- //m^X- , V”f oLjajea^r^b 1 dL*A~ ?vx ya. i r~ y*--*A Adds b <4 ra^Lty HOl cU^iCstc* L^toiLZ o 4 /cujJhJ d'tfireu^/y ^ai’ sdii&~ lA^rcd yb / 6be-*-- ms »rovo^ 1 V ^ f^£/4: ^T^) / j£ J _/iu: / ^ &ces^ A d>£-*~c~\/~eJ J^/Le.sru.3 .. ^T 4 ^rC ~t/2-cY l*' ^>y J re^L , dLU$ g^ ~ bn nz> J>t h ^ */+ &fty ~ &^n*%-J^\ &Ljl. C. 5 jfd/ £^jLs~i d~n~ **£• *h , Avc ^y// Jy Ocjt <*.Lui f*. tsl d ^ | r^i 2. Ms i^^TC M> J^ 1 Jc /Jftr , ft*//^ y X^l-6 r *^' */l £ /a~ ! } b hs*A~ ~/'/e »-> f"" K p ro *< Vha^ / (j/j+uftcJ coyL / y^A^( (y^usctzb) he*J — Jbr/c £ctrt*r>\, tilde , i<^j?j>Z*~ J i^/ jy-aiA^ri c-ei }>nc?iM~*i ^ 4^ (b*ti<7.rwn>\ bib j c*y^ j<£ Cyo&bnU^i*) J*£'by — / y — yree+i/y l — y-fc/^ tfW", /jif ttyf. $ i*>cli>J*4 Li nJs $ lyhr iy — ’bLx^ yu-&*j fib ft 4 Jc*,/i <^*r» jjC^s v* rf>oy ✓ *✓ ■—- r JJf r " — —>■ »^ wt^f y o*-*-^ ^iry^tsai€iJ a/ s'c^ociftcft tju^x,/' sf/e+%~s, s-. d / W . / / ^ft/rr j?A~ic) , / va.x/mmi*’ c?y ftj’ft/l ^ utW 7^z>; $0v*-£ a C 4./5 £-eJ t> ’» ^ >y / /i v>v< S /a (ftj&v^Usr* J l4^\ b—tf / ic^ricftcJuiS cfl&CSlted- Si^.rj0ic.-es, w/ /n.ft /* fdeJ/d 5, i^rv» l?ot>by J j JeA*. Iccdid i&r~ o? 04 lc+~>J, fine h+'n /imc/i/4. yj {/JUJjL- /> £+d / C$ bi~Jl f ) 3 >n/m 2 cLrC^ J>/rd$ i> (~&-*~rvi itJ^r ^Oci / J- ■ ■ ^ ^re^ — \*~c^£ i>t*i/c i~s-L.tl\ b/zs~~d~e^ blende t-»» 7^r -»- f»f < i£-/ ^ or&.,«.*<_ j Ir-e .5 — 1x6k bbudx. ch^-tt^ l , jn+'bt ■*y +jf p /m ctis&d/ j/e.< Cjr^y—J> L<~-u- J/jt+ieb-J c^rUt ^>n^./c, rfnn ^f CAf-i iJ^r £*, g __ s^-4Ltb~-i &~T s€b£&~ Zs f - d / * A O^-j* &-~y-, r t S A?** C* f'Cn^y /£o ± ’,~Jt {Z*Jj iA*£~i/ zf/^ 1r ~^ f ‘WjC.5 i c . . 7 O ^ A^*C, */ <»**€ 5~GQsi* j r~c>£>*'bd H-* l±\ tcJZ t&~ Unites **4X*~ cd\ ■ &J <&. 'tre **} —J Xs. ^ . Oc <&. Tr-e e'S ovv 3t?C>cL d'hrtfbv^**? jL-in*.*^, Lt&scd Ua /ke ~hr&~&£ -&A*f~f Sfd*— ^ island &rf~ su/ttt> ^rs, >♦» r-v A-- /f -LltL- J, A/*//, ’Jq-cr/i^ L' J < 'du./'J ^ (i /~" ^ -£<~*^ ///F J*y*s/r*. &/' A noii Jo ~iJ^. ^ cSJx^f- d>’ £+\~»]d ^ i-J- >^i 5 Ji '. ru.t/ »-'*-^> Ju.// so^l ilud fa d \ cX 4t (a.j ■/ -/L. #vty4 - jtfc. < 9 ^ CfJ~ 9 // 9 Ca/ 9 crJ-^J —• t d y Kflr /lv<. O-JJJ QF I V ■f* ■■&>'-■< ■!L V jfvc *■/ i+j r /V “ / 2~ J ^l<_ s J~ * rX / 4 C Jx r$ Z ^ ~/r Zc **J Ijp #* 4 /»*/^ l*'/ u> cfa^*iL/ *Z *-*>20 £r$, I #* ///s' Or JL Oc* /< /' a i +^S f i c 7^ (fedi£ Jo+i-e&i ' ' it* £ }* ^Ot J Lz ~d f~ 5 ( ^fLZfj r (^-V t iftci (f ^—^ (flu^ t *.w/ l U. by Irts, L-i^ry~T~iry by t ft J>C^l-j i/yf aCff\ f'J ~i(*~ /lc*- —>^i_C*-J' ) ^CrA J' u -iLc Vi^jL& Lt^f -€*>'< f rr> fx~A~+K f~ti>S I+St frt^ foLj iii$ C-*J T^Tfc^w^C"/ Ls*’'^-C<~ . /*■&-"%*-X— Ji * 2 .*. v. { /f M &61 $luu uJf UiSC»^» 6 iZCr*^ CTi^ irLtC, JtZAx^f er-^ -P£s>^_ tff* crj^ 1*>L.Z*+~J . \/ C4L*-^-~biuy^sly U~*% -tfe^y br& -t ^ rt-c.n . -W . r> , 1 it f i ''**> t »q- *i«iL y ^ c f ACrfrC cj SZyf , lAJCU^C /y J>k^cjc 4 f 4C^^US^eJ L'ltSl P ^cz'-e ^jifr Z6±rO Lr-f m d)*^ ( f /(/ C"f fC^yJcf ^\rf *0f cr^~^ LcUrfe dfff c /f y>ry t \A. J{ l £ ^ f <^r>o XL ftffyy <^ **l off & hr^A~ ^ ^ td &U tsisiOL -»-v 1 | & *?P & b/ c /d' 2 *+-h ~£f ^ jYci r**d. •I f X, h~Pf O/Pff- Yy Z, /£/ C u - - ----- A^ 'COtJo^Cc ^ C^h lr\c tJ £** 'i-f(J‘ If Z&y'ilf\ ^0ct f\j^ jLiStdOv'CL u -C <,pi c ,W> J 1Pe.'Ji>KA~^ ff f'-'SV ~£*> 0^.S& coiso or porpolco-like whale) washed ashore on the Northeast Beach, Green Island, Kura Atoll. It wag found by U.S. Coast Guard porsonnol at about 1300 fcrs. Description is as follows: 1 1 TOTAL LENGTH = 4260 m* length of gapo = 230 an, distance blow hoi© from anterior point of upper aanSible =* 4$>0 uaa. distance eye (ant. edge) fron anterior pt. of upper manible = 553 no* distance ant. edge of pectoral fin (base) frcra ant. pt. of lower zaanible = 1050 ma. distance ant. edge (base) of dorsal fin to posterior end of vertebrae = 1660 ESS* distance post, end of genital pore to post, end of vertebrae = 1415 on. distance post, end of anal pore (anus) to post, end of vertebrae = 1155 no. # length or pectoral fin = 435 eh. width of pectoral fin = 137 m. •width of blow hole (transver dally oriented) * 110 mm. length of genital pora = 170 am. length of anal pora = 100 cm. length of lateral, posterior pores (ono each side of the genital pore) = 35 rara. (each) length of fluke (tail from conter of spine to distal pt.) » 520 cm. width of fluke (tail) at •widest pt. » 265 xsa. greatest circumference * 2480 osu dull grayish white (photographod in color) CONDITION OF BODY aprredmtely- dead for;24 hrs. or more with large chunks of flesh nisdng (shark bites) on half the tail and on the head with most all of the dorsal fin missing HAIEBIALjTAKEH noasursconts photographs (color) stomach sample (frozen) skull Data collected by B* Maze and T.J. Lewis. Haze