HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology ^^"^^:.^ {Sy ^ ^.^ l^^^^ a '^(y^^iS^T^t^it^^ /f^-'X^^^. Jt^ s 4(,,f,/-,, •«. •» ^•:3> V ;« - > t HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF TITE SKELETON OP A NEW SPERM WHiCl.E. ' / LATELY SET UP IN / THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM BY WILLIAM S. WALL, Curator; TOGETHER WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF SPEKM WHALES CALLED EUPHYSETES. TWO PLATES, 'H 'in MOi Kal icijTog kTnaatvy fi'eya Saifiojv 'E^ a\bg, old re iroWd rpl^ei kXvtoq 'AiJ.(piTpiTr}. JYDNEY: W. R, PIDDINGTON, BOOKSELLER, GEORGE STREET. PRINTED BY KEMP AND FAIRFAX. 185L ^ IZ^o^ NOTICE. As it is very desirable that the Collection in the Australian MirsETiM of the Whales, Dolphins, and Dugongs of the Southern Hemisphere, should be made as complete as possible, the Officers of whaling vessels and persons residing on the sea coast are earnestly requested to give notice to the Curator, Mr. W. S. Wall, of all specimens that are procurable, or of which the bones may have been discovered on the beach. Loose bones even are valuable, and particularly skulls. The Curator will also thankfully receive all Zoological or Geological specimens which the owners may feel disposed to present to the Museum. And the Museums of Great Britain and Foreign Countries may effect an exchange of duplicates, by address- ing a letter on the subject to the Secretary of the Australian Museum, Sydney. CONTENTS. PAGE. Chapter I. On the Catodon Australis 1 Chapter II. On the Euphysetes Grayii 37 Chapter III. Concluding Remarks , 59 CHAPTER I. ON THE CATODON AUSTRALIS. Whatever friendship or familicarity whales and dolphins may, according to ancient writers, have had with men in the olden time, it is very certain that the human species, with the exception of a few sailors, have very littie acquaintance with their "fat friends" in these days. Even whalers in general know little more of them than their oil. While a lion or a tiger has become quite a vulgar animal in our menageries, there are few persons who have seen a live cetacean in captivity, except Gesner, or rather Rondelet, (whom Gesner, in the passage alluded to, seems to be quoting,) who states, that in his day, his countrymen were in the habit of carrying live dolphins as far into the interior as Lyons ! It may indeed, happen, that the veracity of old Conrad's book, is as little to be trusted to in this story,* as in its pictorial representations of the whale tribe. At least, in the present railroad times, when a live hippopotamus is sporting in the midst of London, the most of the external aspect of a cetacean that any Cockney has yet seen, has been presented to his wondering gaze by some distorted skin. And this is one of the reasons why the figures of the sperm whale given by Beale and Frederic Cuvier are so widely different from each other, as to make it almost incredible that they should have b^een intended for the same species. By such misshapen masses of stuffing so little accurate information is afforded to the zoologist, that he is of necessity obliged to have recourse to the skeleton. But when he takes this step in search of knowledge, the naturalist finds the osteology of cetaceous animals to be a very difficult pursuit, not merely on account of the general * Hist. Anim., 1558, lib. iv. p. 387. B 2 unwieldiness of the skeletons^ but of the time and trouble necessary to extract the oil with which their bones are saturated, and which makes the preparation of them, as I can vouch, most offensive to the senses. Perfect skeletons of the order of Cetacea, or more correctly Cete, are, therefore, in fact, very rare in museums. Of animals said to be cachalots or sperm whales, perhaps the most perfect skeleton hitherto described, is the one said by Beale to belong to Sir Clif- ford Constable, Bart., of Burton Constable, in York- shire. Its carcass was cast ashore on the coast of that county in 1825, and was described in the same year by Dr. Alderson, in a paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Beale was the surgeon of a whaler, who having made some notes on the habits of the sperm whale of the Northern Pacific, determined on his return to England, in 1883, to give an account of its osteology. This, however, he appears to have studied for the first and only time, not in any of those numerous whales he had seen killed on the coast of Japan, but in Sir Clifford Constable's Yorkshire specimen, the skeleton of which had been set up apparently in a very creditable manner, by a Mr Wallis, of Hull, many years after the animal had been cast ashore. Now, this Yorkshire skeleton, we shall give good reasons for believing to be that of an animal different not merely from our Sydney sperm, but even from the true sperm whale of the coasts of Europe; nor is it likely to be the same as that of the sperm whale of Japan. Beale, was no doubt, led into his mistake by agreeing with most observers since the time of Cuvier, in considering Lacepede's three genera, Catodon, Pkysalus, and Physeter,^ and the * Physeter and Physalus are classical words to express the blowing of whales, and, therefore, are names applicable to all Cetacea. Catodon is a modern name invented by Artedi, and adopted by Linnaeus, to express what is more peculiar to sperm whales, namely, their possession of teeth only in the under jaw. The French name cachalot, is, according to Cuvier, derived from the Basque word cachau, signifying tooth. It may be here observed, that the Basques had a right to name the animal, as they appear to have been the first professional fishermen of the sperm whale, the valuable products of which were comparatively unknown to the ancients. several species said to belong to them, as all referable to one species, namely, the Physeter macrocephalus of Cuvier. But Cuvier himself was in doubt whether the cachalot of the Southern Pacific might not be specifically different from that of the Northern Atlantic. He says that it is for naturalists to judge whether the differences observed by him in the inferior jaw of an Antarctic cachalot, and the under jaw of a sperm whale cast ashore on the coast of France, result from a mere distinction in age or sex, or from a specific difference. And he says, further, that he does not imagine that naturalists will be able to decide this question until they shall have been in possession of a complete head of the Antarctic cachalot, to compare with that of the Northern Atlantic animal, or until they shall, at least, have been in possession of good drawings of the external figures of both these cetaceans. Mr. Gray, of the British Museum, in No. XIII. of the Zoology of the Antarctic Voyage of the Erebus and Terror, which was made under the command of Sir J. C. Ross, — a work that has more reference to the external appearance, than to the anatomy of whales — also says, in 1846, "I have no doubt, from the analogy of other whales, that when we shall have had the opportunity of accurately comparing the bones, and the various proportions of the parts of the northern and southern kinds of sperm, we shall find them distinct. Quoy gives an engraving of a drawing of a sperm whale which was given him by an English captain, and which is probably the southern whale. He calls it Physeter 2^olycyphus, because its back appears to be broken into a series of humps, and Desmoulins re-names it Physeter AustraUsJ' Mr. Gray, moreover,, makes a family of *"' the toothed whales," under the name of Catodo?itidcs, and to this family he assigns three genera, viz., Catodon, Kogia, and Physeter — their types being, respectively, the Catodon macro- cephalus, or sperm whale of the Northern Atlantic ; the Kogia breviceps, or short-headed sperm whale of the Cape of Good Hope; and the Physeter Tursio, or Black -fish of the North Sea. Now the larger skeleton lately set up by me in the Sydney Museum clearly belongs to a species of the genus Cato- do7i ; and the problem to be solved is, whether it be identical or not, as a species, with the Catodon macroceplialus abovemen- tioned, which is an European whale. Of this species, C. macroce- plialus, the British Museum only possesses one upper jaw, and three under jaws. In the London College of Surgeons, there is, according to Gray, the head of a foetus ; and at Paris there is a nearly perfect skeleton ; — with this last, therefore, I would more particularly compare our Sydney skeleton, which has the great advantage of being also perfect, and the history of which is as follows : — It was announced in the Sydney Herald of the 5th Decem- ber, 1849, that the carcass of a sperm whale had been found at sea and had been towed by the schooner Thistle into the har- bour of Port Jackson. As the curator of the Australian Museum, I considered that the skeleton would form a valu- able addition to our collection ; so with the permission of the Museum Committee, I lost no time in proceeding to Neutral Bay, where the schooner then was at anchor, having a male whale alongside. Mr. Williamson, the master of the vessel, as soon as he w 00 CO CO C5 ■^ 05 Tfi kO »0 1— I ■ ■< 50 "CO ^ o o 10 o o «o c^ 0 lO t^ 00 -* ^ -fi O O C5 -^ O O 05 O CO --I l-H a oi 12; -- 10 — I o o o > a> • i=l o a u o Cm O ■ O • o • M * "Ji O ,^ -(-* o s , o +J o rQ • P.go • S ^ Ph -■p : -^ 2 ^ 2 S-^S '^ -^ 2 'S cs . ? -n o ,£3 .-^^ g e4-i • <4-i '-' C*H O '00)0 •*^ t/3 ■•^ ^Tn -*J bO S be "^ be H ^^ O) O o r— I "^ ■— ' "T^ r— I a> C o P o I-H O »— ' T^ I— ' o o o ^ o •^ r^ 1^ p'ft u «u ^ cS 111 ^ -H 2 ^ p a ■5 ^ ^3 (D ^ P a» O ,£3 o^-P.S 55 o 02 CO O b oa ^ -P ^00 P n3 'T3 (D o ii P P O) O Oj I — I 1^ o) M .if S § ^5 2 rtJ !3 +J ,P H pqPOW Q r— I f^ rd P ^ "3 5.2I2 fcD 0) rP P «5 a> 0) " ^ 5«.p P 2J be. C3 ;^_^ ^H (11 1— < . 0) o c3 M ," «* — 1 =x l/J ^-^ c3 S> O ci ^H 03 rj p +^ O bfiOS C! F M C o P CO 03 O rP " O O O) rP rP rP >, -M +- *^ ^^^ Cm C|H «+H 000 ^, rPrP - o p-S"^ be be bc P C fl CJ 0 O) • r; 1:2 ^ be c3 Tt— i(M eO-^iCCOlr-00 10 Now the head of Cuvicr's London skeleton was very nearly a foot longer than that of the Audierne one ; and with the ex- ception of the width of the occipital foramen in the two animals, which we find to be rather larger in the Audierne specimen, we observe the above relation in size to be well kept up throughout the dimensions of the respective parts of the head. So well kept up, indeed, as to incline us to adopt the idea that these two animals of the Paris Museum must have belonged to the same species. In Cuvier's London and Audierne skulls, as also in the heads deposited in the British and Sydney Museums, the whole length of the head is to the length of the snout always in the same proportion, viz., as 18 to 9. Nevertheless, the Sydney skull differs in a very im- portant point; for while the British Museum upper jaw appears to belong to the same species as the two Paris skulls, not only on account of the above proportion, but also on account of the width of the snout at the ante-orbital notches in all three being always less than one-third of the whole length, this width in the Sydney skull is considerably more than one- third of the whole length. Again, the width of the head between the orbits in the Yorkshire skeleton, Cuvier's London, and the Audierne skulls, is always less than one-half the length of the head. In the Sydney skull it is conside- rably more. In Cuvier's London, and the Audierne skulls, the height of the occipital part of the skull is nearly equal to one-third of the whole length. In the Yorkshire skeleton, according to Beale, it is considerably less ; and in the Sydney skull considerably more ; — so that, in general, the Sydney skeleton is further removed from the Yorkshire skeleton than from the three others. And if these last three be considered to belong to one species, viz., the Catodon macrocephalus of Gray, or Northern Atlantic sperm whale, we may infer that the Sydney skeleton belongs to another species of the same genus, which, whether identical or not with Quoy's Physeter polycyphus, that is, Desmoulins' P. AustraUs, is certainly nearer in structure to the true Atlantic sperm than to the Yorkshire skeleton. The Sydney 11 whale is assuredly not the Kogia hremceps of Gray, for this Cape of Good Hope whale is said to have the beak only as long as its width at the notches. Neither is the Sydney whale a species belonging to Gray's genus Physeter ; for this last has its blow hole opening on the middle of the top of the head, instead of opening at the upper termination of the snout, as in true sperm whales. Beale's Yorkshire skeleton has, as before mentioned, a skull eighteen feet and half an inch long, Avhile the extreme width of it was measured by him to be eight fe^t four inches. Now, according to this proportion, the Sydney skull, nine feet six inches long, ought to have a breadth of only four feet four and a-half inches, whereas its actual breadth is five feet four inches. In other words, in the Sydney animal, the head is nearly one-fifth its whole width broader than the Yorkshire cachalot, which at the same time, as was before shown, has proportionally a longer head. As might have been expected from the foregoing remarks, the Sydney skeleton has a pro- portionally shorter under jaw; for comparing the length of the Yorkshire skull with that of its under jaw, we find that the Sydney under jaw, ought, in like manner, to be eight feet ten inches long, whereas, it is only seven feet eight inches. In all the Catodontidce, or family of sperm whales, there is an early junction of the two sides of the under jaw ; so that from the articulating portion of the base of the skull, the two branches converge in nearly straight lines to a point where this junction takes place, and then both extend anteriorly, in the form of a subcylindrical symphysis. This structure is not common in Cetacea, but may be seen in the Soosoo, or Dolphin of the Ganges, the genus Platcmista of Cuvier, who, therefore, ascribes to such fresh water dolphins a certain affinity with sperm whales. Perhaps, however, this relation ought more correctly to be termed, an analogy. In the very learned introduction to Cuvier's Comparative Anatomy of the Sperm Whale, we find that Sir R. Sibbald, in 1689, described a specimen cast ashore on the coast of Scot- land, as having forty-two teeth. In 1723, Theodore Hasseus 12 described one caught, latitude seventy-seven degrees north, as having fifty-two teeth. Anderson, in 1746, described one with fifty teeth ; and two others afterwards with forty-two and fifty-one respectively. In 1770, E-obertson described one cast ashore at Leith, with forty-six teeth. But such early naturalists were not very accurate observers of specific dis- tinctions, and it is even supposed that more than one of them may have taken other Cetacea, particularly the genus Hyperoo- don, for true CatodontidcB, or sperm whales. However this may have been, Beale positively describes the Yorkshire sperm whale as having in the lower jaw forty-eight teeth, twenty- four on each side. Cuvier does not mention the number he found in his Audierne specimen, but on examining his figures we see that a supposed young cachalot, of which the under iaw is preserved in the Parisian Cabinet d' Anatomic Comparee, has twenty on each side. Cuvier himself, however, is inclined to think that this last jaw may have belonged to an adult animal distinct from the sperm whale, and he says that his London specimen of true cachalot — his typical Physeter macro- cephalus — has fifty-four teeth in the under jaw. Our Sydney specimen has only forty-two teeth, so that although we may, with the celebrated John Hunter, imagine it very possible that sperm whales, according to age and other circumstances, vary in the number of their teeth, we need not preclude our- selves from supposing that these remarkable difierences may also in some degree have their origin in the species being distinct. The Sydney Museum is in possession of two other under jaws of Pacific Ocean sperm whales, besides the one appertaining to the complete skeleton under examination. One of these is fifteen feet long, and to be in proportion with our whale, must have belonged to a skeleton sixty feet long, or more, without the intervertebral cartilages. This under jaw, as far as its dilapidated state will allow us to ascertain, had only forty -two teeth, and must, by the following proportions, have belonged to a species distinct both from Cuvier's London and from the Yorkshire whales. The other under jaw has 13 also forty-two teeth, and is thirteen feet two inches long. I subjoin a table of the proportions of these three under jaws assumed to belong to the same species, that is, Catodon Australis. Sydney Ske- leton. Under jaw from Twofold Bay, pre sensed by B. Boyd, Esq Under j iw presented by G. Blaxland, Esq. Length of lower jaw in straight line Length of symphysis Length of series of dcntary alveoles Distance between outer edges of the articular condyles Height of the mounting branches of the lower jaw . Ft. In. 7 8 4 0 4 8 4 5i 1 4 0 9 Ft. In. 13 2 7 11 8 9 6 0 2 3 1 3 Ft. In. 15 0 9 6 10 6 6 5 2 3 1 4 Width of jaw where the symphysis begins Number of teeth 42 42 42 or more According to Mr. Gray, who probably, with Beale, took John Hunter as his authority for the assertion, not only the number of teeth varies according to age, but the length of the lower jaw appears to increase in front, so that in the older specimens the symphysis is more, and in the younger ones less than one -half of the entire length of the under jaw. In our three Sydney under jaws there can be no doubt that the disproportion between the length of the symphysis and half length of the entire jaw goes on increasing according to the size of the animal ; but all three have their symphysis longer than half the length of the under jaw. It is also certain that the inspection of the greatest "under jaw in the Sydney Museum, may induce one to think it possible that, as Mr. Gray says, the symphysis increases with age in a greater proportion than the whole length of the lower jaw. By the way, I may remark, that this largest specimen also appears to exhibit more than forty-two dentary alveoles or sockets. We thus have John Hunter's position illustrated, that " the exact 14 number of teeth in any species of sjjerin tchale is uncertain y" since as the posterior part of the jaw becomes longer with age, the number of teeth in that part increases, and the sockets become shallower and shallower, until, in the end, there is only a slight depression to mark their place. Cuvier and others have thought that they could discover in their specimens of the upper jaw, a series of alveoles intended for the reception of the conical teeth of the under jaw. Indeed, Dr. Alderson expressly mentions the existence of such cavities in the upper jaw of Sir C. Constable's whale. Eeale, however, on his examination of the skeleton of this very same whale, came afterwards to the conclusion that there were no indications of sockets in the upper jaw. I imagine, therefore, that as Dr. Alderson was describing from the specimen when it was first cast ashore, the cavities of the upper jaw, into which he says, "the teeth of the lower jaw fitted when the mouth was closed," must have merely been cavities in the fleshy lining of the palate. We shall see that such cavities really exist in a new kind of sperm whale here- after to be described. I have also carefully examined this matter in the skeleton now before us ; and, as irregular and linear cavities may be discovered in the roof of the mouth, impressed along the roof of each maxillary in a line nearly parallel to its junction with the inter-maxillary, I have come to the conclusion that these cavities, although not exactly corresponding in situation or form to the teeth of the under jaw, may yet possibly mark the place of the bottoms of those sockets in the gums, with which all observers of the sperm whale in a fresh state, say the upper jaw is furnished for the purpose of receiving the teeth of the under jaw. The accounts given by old writers, of the voracity and fierceness of sperm whales, are completely contradicted by late observers, who have recorded that these vast animals are timid and inoffensive, as, indeed, might have been imagined from their having no teeth in the upper jaw. Beale asserts, and it is a fact in which we may have the greater confidence, from its having been ascertained by personal observation. 15 that the sperm whale of the Pacific feeds ahnost entirely on cephalopod mollnsca, or squid ; and, that when near land, it sometimes, though very rarely, devours small fishes. Books of Natural History, in general, make the grand characteristic of sperm whales to consist in the utter defi- ciency of teeth in the upper jaw.* It may be some excuse for this common mistake, that we find the deficiency of upper teeth mentioned by Cuvier in his ^''Hegne Animal^^ as, perhaps, the most palpable distinction. In truth, however, scarcely any character of sperm whales can be selected less peculiar than this, since the want of teeth in the upper jaw is very common among the dolphins. The ^enex2i Hyper ooclon, Lacep., ZijyJiius, Cuvier, and DelpJiinorhynclnis , Gray, have all no teeth in the upper jaw ; and even such typical genera of DelpJmiidce as Beluga, Gray, Globicephalus, Lesson, and Grampus, Gray, have them early deciduous. So far, there- fore, as concerns this character, the cachalots are nothing else than immense animals of the dolphin family. At least, there can be little doubt of the Catodontidce or sperm whales coming nearer to the dolphins, more particularly to the genus Hyperoodon, in structure, than to the toothless or true whales, forming Mr. Gray's family Balcenidce, One great distinction from all other Cetacea of the Catodontidce, is the vast concavity of the upper surface of their skull. Several kinds of dolphin have the skull concave, but none have the hollow of such capaciousness. This hollow, under the floor * Beale says, that some sperm whales have rudimentary teeth in the upper jaw ; but if so, such animals must belong to a very diiFerent species from, our Sydney whale, which has not even the vestige of alveoles. Nor has the skull of a very young sperm lately discovered on the beach near Botany. However, it is right to remind those persons who may have it in their power to investigate the matter, that Mr. F. D. Bennett says, that he found eight rudimentary teeth on each side of the upper jaw in two instances of sperm whales, which teeth " are not visible externally in the young cachalots, but may be seen upon the removal of the soft parts from the interior of the jaw." Tlie entire length of these teeth was about three inches ! Now, this story is not to be reconciled with the description of the upper jaw of the sperm whale given above, and, therefore, I suspect that Mr. Bennett must have taken some kind of dolphin for a young cachalot. 16 of which the brain is lodged, is formed by an extension of the maxillaries, which are so developed, as, together with other bones, to form a semicircular wall, which in the Sydney skele- ton has less of the horseshoe shape than the head figured by Cuvier, in his " Ossemens Fossiles.^' The immense snout of our Sydney whale, like that of the dolphins, is formed of the vomer on the middle line, with the intermaxillaries on each side ; and again having the maxillaries on the outside of all. The vomer is thicker at the base in the Sydney whale than in the one figured by Cuvier, and moreover is best distinguished in the middle line of the roof of the mouth. The extension of the intermaxillaries beyond the maxillaries forms the point of the snout. The nostrils are pierced in the middle of the semicircular cavity mentioned above, at the root of the vomer, and between the bases of the two intermaxillaries. The nostril on the right side is scarcely one-fifth of the width of the left nostril. The direction of both is oblique, and also their position with reference to the line of the vomer. The base of each intermaxillary rises with a curvature on each side of the nostrils, so as to form part of the bottom of that vast semicircular cavity on the back of the head, where is the principal deposit of spermaceti. But the intermaxillary of the right side reaches considerably further back than the left intermaxillary. Indeed, a want of symmetry in the Catodontida generally, is singularly conspicuous ; and in our whale, an organ on one side scarcely ever agrees in size with its corresponding organ on the other side. The left eye, for instance, as Cuvier says, is smaller than the right one ; — indeed, so small, as in Cuvier's specimen, to have almost escaped his observation. He says, moreover, that fisher- men are well aware of the advantage they possess in attacking a sperm whale on its blind side. In like manner, on my first inspection of the carcass in Neutral Bay, I could not discover the left eye in our Sydney whale. This disappearance of the left eye would appear to result from the extreme development of the left nostril, for 17 the purpose of forming the blow-hole from which the animal spouts.f I have before said that at the back of the head or occiput, there rises a sort of semicircular wall, almost perpendicularly. This is formed by the right bone of the nose, the base of the t There is every reason to believe that the Scotch whale, described by Sir R. Sibbald, with forty-two teeth in the under jaw, was the Black fish, or Physeter Tursio of Linnaeus, and it is also, perhaps, although I confess I have great doubts, the species of which Beale saw the skeleton in the possession of Sir Clifford Constable, in Yorkshire. Unfortunately, I am not able to refer to Dr. Alderson's paper. According to Sibbald, in the Black fish, a little above the middle of the rostrum, " there is a lobe which is called the lune, having two entrances covered with one operculum, called the Jlap^ Now, from the relation which the position of the nostrils in the skull bears to that of their single external opening, or Mow-hole, at the front of the snout in the genus Catodon, we may infer that a blow-hole placed nearer the middle of the head, as in the Black fish, would not so much distort the general appearance of the head. And here, by the way, I may observe, that the words "spiracle" and "blow-hole" appear to be better names than *'spouter" for that external orifice by which the canal from the nostrils opens to the atmosphere ; particularly if Beale be correct, who asserts that these animals never eject water from their nostrils, but only vapour. No better external characteristic of the true sperm whales, or genus Catodon^ has yet been given than the position of their single blow-hole at the summit of their snout — the " fistula in rostro" of the old naturalists. It is as good a character as theu- fat quadrangular snout itself. And were it not that the Black fish, or genus Physeter, is said to have the blow -hole at the middle of the snout, as another cetacean of the same family, hereafter to be described, most certainly has likewise, all the CatodonUdi ) 13 with y bones attached. Caudal , . ^1 > q , • i ) o termmal. Making a total of vertebrae. . 45, if the cervical vertebrae be counted as one. £ 50 TABLE OP THE DIMENSIONS OF THE VBRTEBRvE OF EUPHYSETES GRAYII, IN INCHES. Width Length Width of between No. Total width. Total Height. Total Length. Width o: spinal Height of vertical cf trans- verse the dila- tation of trans- the two upper points of R/C marks foramen . apophyse apophyse verse apophyse the trans- verse 1 apophyse 5 5-8 4 1-2 2 1-8 2 I 3-4 Compound cervical vertebra. 2 4 1-2 4 1 1-4 1 3-4 3-4 1 1-2 First dorsal vertebra . 3 5 5 1-2 1 1-4 1 1-2 2 1-2 17-10 . / In this vertebra the transverse apophyse begins to dilate 4 5 6 1-8 1 7-10 1 3-4 3 2 • < horizontally and to extend over the upper branches of the 5 4 7-10 6 3-5 14-5 14 5 3 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-2 . transverse apophyse of the preceding vertebra. 6 43-10 6 7-10 1 9-10 14-5 3 1-2 1 1 2 14-5 > Hei-e first the emargination of 7 4 1-10 71-5 2 1 1-2 3 1-2 1 1-2 2 the transverse apophyse be- comes visible. 8 4 7 1-5 2 1 1-5 4 1-5 1 1-2 2 1-5 9 4 2-5 7 1-2 2 1 1-5 4 1-2 17-10 3 1 i-10 10 5 7 1-2 2 1 4 1-2 2 3 1-2 9-10 11 6 7 1-2 2 1-5 1 4 4-5 2 1-5 4 9-10 12 6 1-2 8 2 3-10 1 49-10 3 5 9-10 13 7 8 1-5 2 1-2 1 5 3 1-5 5 9-10 14 7 1-2 8 1-2 2 1-2 1 5 3 2-5 0 1-5 9-10 15 8 3-5 8 1-2 2 1-2 1 5 3 3-5 5 1-2 9-10 Last of the dorsal vertebrfe. 16 8 4-5 8 9-10 2 1-2 1 5 1-5 3 1-2 5 3-5 4-5 First lumbar vertebra, where 17 8 4-5 9 1-5 2 4-5 1 5 2-5 3 1-2 5 3-5 4-5 the inferior carina first be- comes emarghiate. 18 8 3-5 9 1-5 2 4-5 1 5 1-5 3 5 1-2 7-10 19 8 1-5 9 2 4-5 1 4 4-5 3 5 2-5 7-10 20 8 8 1-2 2 4-5 7-10 4 3 5 2-5 3-5 Here the inferior carina is long- est, the horn of the lime being I J inch long 21 7 1-2 8 2 4-5 6-10 3 1-2 2 1-2 5 2-5 3-5 Last of tlie lumbar vertebrae, 22 7 6 3-5 2 4-5 1-2 3 1-5 2 1-5 5 2-5 3-5 wliere inferior carina ceases to be emarghiate, and also 23 6 1-2 5 4-5 2 3-5 1-2 2 1-2 2 1-5 5 3-5 first appearance of articu- lating siu'face for V bones 24 5 3-5 5 2 2-5 1-2 2 1 1-2 4 1-2 3-5 25 5 1-2 4 4-5 2 2-5 1-2 1 1-2 12-5 4 1-5 Last vestige of bifurcation of 26 4 1-2 4 2 1-5 1-2 1 1-5 1 1-5 3 1-2 superior branch of transverse apopliyse. 27 3 4-5 4 2 1-5 1-2 1 4-5 3 1-5 28 3 2-5 31-2 2 1-2 4-5 3-5 3 29 2 4-5 3 2-5 14-5 2-5 1-2 2-5 2 1-2 30 2 2-5 3 1 4-5 2 5 2-5 1-5 2 31 2 2 4-5 1 3-5 2-5 2-5 Trans- 32 14-5 2 1-2 1 1-2 2-5 2-5 . . verse apophyse 33 13-5 2 1-5 1 1-2 3-10 1-5 here alto- 34 1 3-5 14-5 12-5 1-5 • 1 gether becomes Here medullary foramen fi/sl 35 1 2-5 12-5 1 1 5 indistinct opens, and tlie last of the \ bones occurs. 36 1 2-5 11-5 1 1-5 , 37 12-5 1 4-5 . [* 38 1 2-5 4-5 4-5 • • 39 11-5 3-5 4-5 • ■ • • 40 1 3 5 3-5 • 41 9-10 3-5 3-5 • ) • • 42 4-5 1-2 1-2 43 3-5 2-5 2-5 ^ , • 1 ., • • 44 1-2 2-5 2-5 ^ This globular joini is deficient, 45 2-5 2-5 2-5 • « * • • :( but its place is marked out in the part of tail that was 1 found. 51 To judge from the articulating surfaces, there are about thirteen V bones in this animal. Of these, however, only- seven have been found, the first of which belongs to the twenty-fifth vertebra. The following table will express their dimensions, and also the particular vertebrae to which they were attached by cartilaginous ligaments : — No. of the vertebra. Breadth of the V bones found. Height of the V bones found. Inches. Inches. 25 2 2-5 2 1-5 29 12-5 n-2 30 12-5 12-5 31 1 1-5 1 32 1 1-5 3-5 33 4-5 1-2 34 1-2 2-5 OF THE REBS. The ribs are not very round as in Catodon, but flattish and often somewhat angular. The animal is thus more com- pressed, that is, narrower and deeper in proportion than Catodon. Instead of ten pair of ribs, as in the true sperm whale, the Euphysetes has no less than fourteen pairs, of which the last pair are merely minute rudimentary bones floating in the side of the animal and entirely disjoined from the vertebral axis. The first rib, which is broad and flat, is bent in the middle almost at right angles, and has but one articulating surface ; that is, to the transverse process of the first dorsal vertebra. The seven following pairs have each two articu- lating surfaces for each consecutive two of the first seven vertebrae, and the next five pairs have only one articulating surface for each rib. All the ribs are more or less arched, 52 but become rapidly straighter and shorter until the fourteenth, which is only about one inch and a-half long, and has the slightest possible curvature. The length of the ribs are as follows — but it must be recollected on the view of these dimensions that, except the first, we possess no rib of the left side. Possibly the ribs of left side, if known, would prove smaller than their corresponding ribs. Thus the right trans- verse apophyse of the ninth vertebra is perforated on the side, but not the left one, although there is an open groove in it for the passage of the left tendon. In the same way the thirteenth and fourteenth vertical apophyses are perforated on the right side of the emargination, but on the left side these holes are open as usual, and only grooves. Rib. Inches. Rib. Inches. 1st 15 8th.. 9th .. 10th .. ... 22 , These ribs have 2Q ( a longitudmal ( groove in their . . . 18 / middle. 2nd 3rd 20 24 4th 25 11th... ...16 5th 24^ 12th .. .. 14^ 6th 24 13th . . . 14th... ... lU ... n 7th 23 OF THE STERNUM. Only one of the pieces of the sternum was at first found, and this would appear to be the middle one. It is composed of two bones confluent at one of their sides, as is made evident by a longitudinal medial furrow on the outside. The shape of this piece is unsymmetrical, but quadrilateral, the right component bone being somewhat larger than the left one. The dimensions of the entire bone are as follows : 58 Length of medial line Width at top Width at bottom Inches. 1| 2 If Very lately, however, by sifting the sand, another and smaller bone has been detected, which appears to be one of the component bones of the terminal or third piece of the sternum. What is most worthy of notice in it is, that it shows the sternum of 'Eupliysetes to have been terminated by two distinct flat triangular bones, almost exactly as in the Sydney Catodon. This terminating bone has the points of the triangle blunt or rounded off; the base of it is rather more than three-quarters of an inch long, and the sides are each about one and a- fifth inches long. OF THE PECTORAL FINS. It will be seen from the following description of the hands, fore extremities, or pectoral fins of the Euphysetes, that it possesses in these organs no strength in proportion to that which exists in the fins of the true sperm whale. Indeed in all the Cetacea the pectoral fins can, from their feeble struc- ture, be of little use as organs of locomotion, and probably are principally of service in supporting their young. In our animal the scapula is a remarkably thin, flat, smooth bone, with scarcely any convexity. Indeed the little con- vexity which exists in this broad subtriangular plate is towards its fore edge, where this convexity is turned towards the ribs. The upper edge of this scapula forms nearly the quadrant of a circle. Its posterior edge is concave, and the anterior edge sinuated somewhat in the shape of any. The outer crest of the base of this scapula gives rise to the acro- mion, which is also a thin subtriangular plate, and from the 54 inner ridge a thicker and more solid coracoid apophyse projects in the shape of a parallelogram. DIMENSIONS OF THE SCAPULA. Greatest length Width of convex side Ditto concave side Ditto anterior side Breadth of neck Projection of the acromion Greatest height of ditto Projection of coracoid apophyse , Height of ditto at the extremity With respect to the humerus, that apophyse on the front edge of it which is so conspicuous in true sperm whales, and which represents the deltoidal crest, is here very little promi- nent, but in length it occupies more than one-half of the front edge. The humerus itself is flatter than in Catodon, very concave behind, and in front presenting a waved edge. Total length of humerus Greatest width of ditto Semi- diameter of hemispherical head. Inches. 4 2 1-5 2 The cubitus or ulna is not confluent or soldered to any other bone, but perfectly a distinct piece, like the radius. The thin posterior edge of the cubitus is waved, and the olecranian apophyse projects so very little as to make its base not wider than the other end of it. The radius is in shape and dimen- sions very like the cubitus, only it is thicker and more solid. The width of radius at top and bottom is nearly the same, only in the middle it is constricted and flattish as well as the 55 ulna. The latter however has a small convexity in the middle of its outer margin under the semicircular olecranian process — Length of cubitus ... . Width at base, including olecranian apophyse. Width at neck . Length of the radius , Width at top Width in the middle ... Inches. 2 1-2 1 4-5 1 3 10 2 1-2 1 3-5 1 1-2 The carpal bones are in the E/iphysetes not so far sepa- rated from each other by cartilage as in the Catodon. They are seven in number ; viz. : two linear transverse bones and five of a flat, round, irregular shape, a small hexagonal one of which is placed between one of the transverse bones and the metarcarpal bone of the thumb. This trans- verse carpal bone is sub-triangular, and placed at the termina- tion of the radius. The remaining thin transverse bone is trapezoidal and situated between the base of the ulna and the two outer carpal bones. The forefinger has also two large flat carpal bones, placed between the corner of the radius and the metacarpal bone of the fore-finger. Of these two carpal bones the one nearest the radius is pentagonal, and the other hexa- gonal. From one side of the hexagonal bone proceeds the metacarpal bone of the third finger. The largest carpal bone, which is subpentagonal, lies between the trapezoidal transverse carpal and the metacarpal bone of the fourth finger, while a small subquadrangular carpal bone joins the outer edge of the linear trapezoidal carpal with tha metacarpal bone of the little finger. This position of the carpal bones among themselves, so widely different from the disposition of them in the pectoral fin of the true sperm whale, is nevertheless certain; but the way in which they are connected with the metacarpal bones is not so certain, as only the bones of the thumb and fore-finger, part of the right fin, were found in situ. Almost all the smaller bones 56 of the fins were detected by sifting the sand on the beach, and those of the left fin remain still imperfect. As in the true sperm whale, the metacarpal bones appear as the first joints of the five fingers, that of the thumb being the most dilated at the carpal end. The phalanges appear gradually to diminish towards the points of the digits, and the right fin is so perfect that we may account the thumb to contain two phalanges, the index six, the middle finger six, the fourth finger four, and little finger three, perhaps only two. OF THE PELVIS. The pelvis in the Euphysetes, as in Catodon, is composed of four bones suspended in the flesh, but they are of very different form. The two middle ones are quadrangular, each longer than broad, flattish on one side and triquetral or pris- matic at the end where it articulates with the second kind of pelvic bone ; this second kind is a broad subquadrangular bone, thickest at the middle point of its inner side where it articulates with the former, and from that articulation it flattens out into an oval suspended obliquely in the flesh. A suspicion here arises in the mind of any person conversant with Beale's description of the pelvis in his Yorkshire whale, that as his words will so accurately suit the two exterior bones of our Euphysetes, it may be possible that the two middle ones of that specimen were lost, or at least not detected. Indeed these bones, from lying insulated in the flesh of the belly, are difficult to find, and in consequence it is very rare that the few skeletons of Cetacea in museums are provided with them. The dimensions of the bones of the pelvis in the right side oi Euphysetes are as follow — 57 Middle Bone — Longest side Opposite side to same . . . Shortest or triquetral side Opposite side to same . . . . Exterior Bone —Articulating side Longest side Curved side Shortest side We have thus passed in review the several parts of a cetacean whose bony structure comes very near that of the common sperm whale. Nevertheless, its external form demonstrates how little importance is to be attached to most of those characters which have been hitherto considered by Lacepede, Cuvier, and other great zoologists, to be ordinate. Here, for instance, we have a sperm whale, with a short moderately sized head, and a depressed snout like that of a dolphin, with a dolphin's falcate dorsal fin, and single blow- hole situated in the middle of the head, at the base of the snout. As for the want of teeth in the upper jaw, it has already been shown to be common among dolphins. The discovery of the Euphysetes Grayii is useful in many respects. It shows the error of the two brothers Cuvier in discrediting the existence of the black fish of the northern hemisphere ; it shows the mistake of Professor Bell in assigning the black fish of our whalers to the same genus as the common sperm whale ; it shows, at the same time, the accuracy of the ancient descriptions of the black fish by Sir Robert Sibbald and Otho Fabricius*; and finally, the shrewdness of Mr. Gray, in eliciting from such a mass of confusion so much correct information respecting an animal * It is very possible, nay, probable, that th*> black fish of Otho Fabricius is a different species from that of Sir R. Sibbald, particularly if it be true that the former has only 22 teeth in all; for the latter has 21 teeth on each side of under jaw, making 42 in all. 58 which he only knew by Sir Robert Sibbald's figure. The truth is, that the Ewphysetes comes much closer in external appearance to the black fish than to the sperm whale. It in a manner proves the existence, now or formerly, of such a species as Sibbald and Fabricius described from the northern part of the German Ocean. Like the Euphysetes, the black fish is said to have a round head with a depressed and truncated snout; it had also a dorsal fin, and its bloAvhole was situated on the middle of the head. Now, as the skeleton of the Euphysetes comes so near to that of Catodon, it is impossible that Mr. Gray can be wrong in considering the black fish (the Physeter Tursio of Linnseus) to belong truly to the family of sperm whales. The known genera that belong to the family of Catodontidce may by their external appearance be shortly characterized as follows, viz. : — No dorsal fin, but only a hump instead. Blow- hole at the extremity of snout. Dorsal fin. Blow- hole on middle of head. 1. Catodon. 2. KOGIA? 3. Euphysetes. 4. Physeter. Head between a third and fourth of the whole length. Head moderate, tri- angular, and pointed in front ? Head moderate, like that of a dolphin, and truncated in front. Head half length of rest of skeleton ? Blow- hole covered by an operculum or flap ? But of anatomical characters by which we may separate the Euphysetes from all other described genera of the sperm whale family, there is none so striking as that ridge of bone which divides the back part of the spermacetic cavity into two lesser cavities nearly equal in size. CHAPTER III. CONCLUDING REMARKS. In this short chapter I propose to discuss, first, the osteolo- gical affinities of the Catodontidce , or family of sperm whales ; secondly, the true characters which distinguish that family, — and thirdly, the causes of their rarity. The first of these questions regards the animals to which the sperm whale family, in the structure of their skeleton, come the nearest. I have already, in a multitude of points, shown their close affinity to the dolphin family, and the fol- lowing series of DelpMnidxB is arranged very nearly in the manner that Mr. Gray has, in his late work on Cetacean con- sidered to be the natural disposition of these animals. DELPHINID^. Normal Group^ FLUYIATILE. Symphysis of , a. Iniina, Gray. under jaw more than half length of jaw, and much com- pressed. Aberrant Group. MARINE. b. Platanistina, Gray. 'c. Hyperoodontina, Gray. Symphysis of Tit'i J'T^. ""^^^ d. MoNOCEBATiNA, Gray. halt length of ^ jaw. e. Delphinina, Gray. Maxillary bones horizontal. Maxillary bones rising vertically on edge, so as to form a crest over the nos- trils. Upper jaw tooth- less, ilaxillary bones raised verti- cally on edge, so as to form a crest over the nostrils. Upper jaw with few teeth. Maxil- lary bones sub-hori- zontal, and rather plane. Upper jaw with many teeth. Max- illary bones sub -ho- rizontal and plane. 60 But if such be the series of natural affinity among the true dolphins^ it must be confessed that it is very difficult to discover good characters, founded on the skeleton, by which sperm whales can be excluded from the group. It is very clear that our two Sydney whales described in the preceding chapters touch the above series at some point between Platanistina and Hyperoodontina ; for they have the toothless upper jaw of the latter tribe of dolphins, and that long symphysis of the under jaw which is so remarkable in the fresh water dolphins, while a crest is formed by the elevation of the maxillary bones in all the three groups. The difference is that in all the dolphins of the above series the base of the maxillary is extended laterally over the frontal, whereas the base of the maxillary in sperm whales is extended more behind for the purpose of aiding to form the spermacetic cavity. In all dolphins the nostrils approach to equality and symmetry, whereas in the family of sperm whales the nostrils are exceedingly unequal and unsymmetrical — and thus have a peculiar location in respect to the distorted and dislocated nasal bones. In the Catodontidce also, the frontal bone is very conspicuous over the orbit, while in true dolphins it is comparatively covered by the lateral dilatation of the maxillary bones. Again a very remarkable distinction is this, that the toothed edges of the upper and under jaws in all dolphins are parallel, whereas in sperm whales the sides of the under jaw are linear and laterally compressed from where the symphysis takes place ; and the tapering upper jaw is thus very much broader than the under. Although such are perhaps the most valid characters by which sperm whales can be separated from marine dolphins, it is to be observed that if the Catodontidce form a group of value equivalent to that of Delphinidce, the sperm whales, and parti- cularly the EtiphyseteSy can be only aberrant forms connecting the first -mentioned group with the dolphin family. It musi^ be granted also on this hypothesis that the researches of naturalists have not as yet made us acquainted with the normal form of Catodontidce, nor yet with those species of the group that pass off to the Balcenidce or family of right whales. 61 If I may be permitted to express my own opinion on a subject of considerable difficulty, and which certainly admits of much doubt — although the difficulty proceeds entirely from the paucity of species known, — I confess that I think the affinities of carnivorous Cetacea among themselves would be still better expressed by placing all the living species that are known in the two following groups : Balcenidce and Del- phinidce. We may then make the sperm whales — animals, which, as we have shown, diffigr in no important particular from dolphins — fall into the series of Delphinidce. But in order to understand this matter more clearly, we had better consider the place which the order of Cetacea holds in the class of Mammalia, This order is distinguished neatly from all other mammals by the absence of hinder feet j and the typical Cetacea are evidently those, which, in other respects differ the most in structure from the other orders of Mammalia. Now, one of the characters most prevalent in these other orders is the possession of molar teeth implanted in the maxillaries. Incisors ©r intermaxillary teeth are often wanting, but, except in a few Edentata, which are destitute of all teeth, the maxillary bones are always provided with molars. Let us ask ourselves, then, what Cetacea are least oceanic in general structure, and, at the same time, in the possession of molars? The answer at once will be^ the herbivorous group. The existing herbivorous Cetacea, together with the extinct genus Zeuglodon, and perhaps another fossil genus, form, without doubt, the aberrant group of the order, and are all distinguished by the possession of molar teeth with double roots, as distinct from their incisors. The remaining Cetacea, forming the normal group of the order, have no such molar teeth. ^ These may be divided into 1st, true whales, Balcenidce, or those Cetacea which have no teeth, but more or less baleen instead : and, 2ndly, dolphins, or Delphinidce, which have only conical teeth with single roots, and more or less hollow, like those of crocodiles. Now, this last group, or the family Delphinidce, may be divided into sub-families, as foUows; the genus Inia of 62 D'Orbigny, serving Delphinina. to connect the Platanistina with the A. Maxillary bones sub-hori- zontal and plane B. Maxillary bones at their base rising ver- tically on their edge. Delphinina. monocerotina. Hyperoodontina. Catodontina. Platanistina. Teeth in both jaws. No teeth in under jaw. Noteeth in upper jaw. Under jaw with short symphysis. No teeth in upper jaw. Under jaw with long symphysis. Nos- trils very unequal in size. Teeth in both jaws. Under jaw with long symphysis. Of the many characters which I have before given as separating the sperm whale tribe from other dolphins, it is rather singular that Mr. Gray should not have noticed one. The definition given by him of his family of Caiodontidce or toothed whales, is as follows : — "Head large, upper jaw toothless, lower jaw with conical teeth fitting into cavities in the edge of upper jaw. Blowers united together by a lunate opening." Now in the first place no sperm whales have cavities in the edge of upper jaw, while there are dolphins in possession of every one of Mr. Gray's other characters. The assertion of Mr. Bennet that rudiments of teeth are to be found in the upper jaw of young sperm whales, may be doubted; but Mr. Gray himself has stated that the genus Physeter or blaclc-fish, which he makes to belong to the group, has the blowholes separated The least objectionable part of the above definition consists perhaps in the vague words " head large," and yet Mr. Gray assigns his genus Kogia to the family Avith the contrary character of "head moderate." No doubt the large size of the head in proportion to the body is a very striking characteristic of the genera Ca- todon and Phijseter ; but this is not particularly remarkable in EupJiysetes, which has a head in external form very like to that of some dolphins, and not in proportion larger. * Is this correct ? 63 Premising that I am in Mr. Gray's and M. Cuvier'scase of never having seen a black-fish or even any part of one, I shall now venture to offer my own definition of the group of Cato- dontina as more accurate than that given by my predecessors as the character of the Family CATODONTIDiE. Upper surface of massive skull concave for the reception of spermaceti. Nostrils enormously disproportionate in size, the left one being the largest, and the nasal bones as well as those of the face generally, being thereby unsymmetrical and distorted. Blowhole externally single. (In all ?) Branches of the toothed lower jaw united in front by a long symphysis, which is always considerably narrower than the toothless upper jaw. Teeth of under jaw conical, hollow like those of a crocodile, and fitting into cavities formed in the gum of the upper jaw. It has been more hastily conceded than truly said, that the age of large animals has passed away — that In those prec-Ada- mite eras of time which form the principal subject of geological study, the vis creatrix acted if not more complexly, at least on a larger scale than at present — that the Megalosaurus, for instance, was larger than the Mastodon, and the Mastodon again, larger than any animal production of our own dege- nerate time. Many enthusiastic admirers of the world's infancy, therefore, appear to have overlooked the actual existence of an order of mammals which, according to geolo- gical evidence appeared first on the face of our globe so lately as since the cretacean period. Yet1:his order now is apparently as numerous in species as in any previous sera, and con- tains in it the living great northern rorqual ( Balcenoi^tera physalus of Gray) an animal larger than any extinct geologi- cal species known, and probably the very " Baloena Britan- nica^^ which Juvenal fixed on as his standard of cetacean hugeness. 64 If our earth be trodden at present by no mammal so large as the Mastodon of North America, nor by any bird so huge as the Deinornis or moa of New Zealand, their dis- appearance is obviously so recent, that there is little difficulty in supposing that the extirpation of such species may be owing to the hand of man. Indeed the various species of the animal kingdom seem to be in danger of violent extinction in direct proportion to their size. The increase of this renders them in general less ferocious compared with other species. A porpoise, that is, the least of known Cetacea, is exceedingly voracious; but a sperm whale (whether Catodon or JEuphysetes) which is nearly, as we have seen, the same as a porpoise in all the essentials of its structure, is rendered comparatively harmless by the want of teeth in the upper jaw. This defi- ciency perhaps was necessary to aid its bulky stores of spermaceti in balancing the specific gravity of its massive skull. Kight whales are in like manner rendered mild and timid by an entire want of teeth, although the weight of of their skull is also relieved by the peculiar way in which the quantity of bone in it is reduced.* Thus it is that immense size is not ordinarily the characteristic of a beast of prey, and that the largest Cetacea feed only on minute mollusca. As for the immense size of Cetacea, it evidently proceeds from their buoyancy in the medium in which they live, and their being enabled thus to counteract the force of gravity. Sperm whales are found to inhabit warmer seas than true whales, and are brought more within the reach of those persons whose love of destruction is attracted by their size and timidity, and whose love of money is excited by the value of their oil. Many whalers of late have declared that the number of young sperm calves annually killed is so great as to threaten the speedy annihilation of this kind of whale. With less motives for killing off the species, thus certainly within our own times has man wantonly extinguished the Nestor pro- * It is for a similar reason that so many dolphins and other Cetacea have the branches of their under jaw hollow, while the symphysis is very short. 65 ductus of Phillip Island, and probably, at an earlier date, occasioned the similar fate of the singular Dodo. But while we may regret the premature extinction of a harmless and useful species of animal by the destructiveness of another one, there can be no doubt that the Creator has imposed a natural limit to the duration of every species on the surface of this globe. Just as individuals are born into the world, live, and, after an appointed period, die ; so we are taught by geology, that the time of the natural existence of every species is also limited. "We observe the first appearance of a species of animal in one stratum, we view it flourishing, as it were, in another, then we trace it languishing, and its numbers rapidly decreasing in a later stratum, until, at last, it appears utterly extinct. We see other limited durations appointed for the existence of genera, families, and orders, so that analogy would make us infer that it must be the same — for all groups of which in geological strata we have, in a manner, witnessed the commencement. It thus may be that classes, nay, the two kingdoms of animal and vegetable nature themselves, — for these, after all, are but groups of greater dimensions — as they have had in geological strata a visible beginning, so must they also in process of time have their due end. Nor need speculation cease here ; since it would surely be the height of presumption to suppose that when all that organization of matter which is dependent for existence on atmospheric air, shall, with that gas, have passed away, other kinds of organic beings may not remain, where atmospheric air has never existed, or even where it may have ceased to exist. Nevertheless, it is true that there is no vestige of material life having ever existed^ on this terrestrial globe, except in connexion in some way with the atmosphere, and dependent on it. Nay, it would appear from observation, that the order of the creation of species — aye, and perhaps the order of their extinction too — has been carried on in point of time, with reference to the successive conditions of the circumambient air. Thus, aquatic beings have preceded F 66 terrestrial. But there is an exception, which, as usual proves the rule ; and, pursuing the consequences legitimately to be deduced from the above facts, we may, perhaps, be able to arrive at the true reason for marine animals, warm-hlooded^ like whales, having been called into existence so late, when their proper food, Mollusca and Crustacea, had, for ages before the earliest tertiary period, abounded in the waters which then covered a great part of the face of the earth. Kemp and Fairfax, Printers, Lower George-street, Sydney. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. — Fig. 1. Skeleton of Catodon Australis as set up. Fig. 2. Six bones wliich compose the sternum of same. Fig. 3. Os hyoides, where the dotted lines denote the cartilage that connects it with the styloidean processes. Fig. 4. Bones of the pelvis, as found in the carcass of another sperm whale, cast up between Botany Bay and Port Hacking. PLATE II. — Fig. I. Skeleton oi Euphysetes Grayii, as set up. Fig. 2. Upper side of skull of same. Fig. 3. Under side of skull of same. Fig. 4. Occipital view of skiill of same. Fig. 5. Under jaw of same. Fig. 6. Pelvis of same. ERRATA. Vago 8, last line — For "rocorded" read recorded. Page 9, No. II — For " owipitoZ /ojuwien" read occipitalbone. 9 G S 7 0 80 J^«»/l an, J7j„^ ly I*'- J"- ^'^^ 0 ccto^07v tAttstr.^€clis Fxx/X.. ScaZe. o:C f. ,nc^ to a.Tooh. Tx^ 3 Sca.le- of l incX to aTooi. rUf 4 SccUe. Of 2 inohes To cc Fool Plajei: Uravn. n» .Stofciv M' S WoZl SupJiy.setes Grayii . Fig I ScaZe of /^ tncfies 2o olFoo^ T^aZ Scale- or 2 -inches- ^o aToot Ti.ffS- -Scale of 2 inches So a. Fool f\.ff 4- ■i cole, n/- 2 vnch.e,s to a.Foui -F>^.9 Jcccle ofZ inches *" a, Fool Fzy£ JfctUr S-ixe. . JAUanJ-'thoc/^ DATE DUE DEMCO, INC. 38-2931 vi J uJ,, IN lb/, JUN2 51984 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET CHARLESTOWN, MASS^ 3 2044 072 190 697