MEMOIRS OP THE LITERAKY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY MANCHESTER fii.'S/.Aspt MEMOIRS n iul LITERARY PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY MANCHESTER. &econ& gexitB. VOLUME FOURTEENTH. LONDON: H. BATTJ.TERK, PUBLISHER, 219, REGI^T STREET, AND WO. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PARIS : J. BAILLIERE, LIBRAIRE, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE. 1867. / MANCHESTER ! PRINTED BY T. SuWLER AND B0N8, ST. ANN'S SQUARE. NOTE. The Authors of the several Papers contained in this Volume, are themselves accountable for all the statements and reasonings which they have offered. In these par- ticulars the Society must not be considered as in any way responsible. CONTENTS. Article: Pagb I. — On Lightning and Lightning Conductors. By the late Mr. William Sturgeon 1 II On some Peculiarities of the Thunderstorm which occurred in this neighbourhood on Tuesday, the 10th of July last. By the late Mr. William Sturgeon, Prestwich 23 ill On the Comparative Value of various kinds of Stone, as Exhibited by their Powers of Resisting Compression. By W. Fairbairn, F.R.S., &c I V.— On the Fusion of Metals by Voltaic Electricity. By J. P. Joule, F.R.S., &c 49 V. — A Short Account of the Life and Writings of the late Mr. William Sturgeon. By J. P. Joule, V.P., F.R.S., Hon. Mem. Phil. Soc. Cambridge, Corr. Mem. R.A. Turin, &c 53 VI. — On, the Solubility of Sulphate of Baryta in Acid Solutions. By F. Crace Calvert, F.C.S., M.R.A. Turin, &c 86 VII — Additional Observations on the Permian Beds of the North-west of EDgland. By E. W. Binney, V.P., F.R.S., F.G.S 101 VIII The Chemical Changes which Pig Iron undergoes during its con- version into Wrought Iron. By F. Crace Calvert, F.C.S., M.R.A. Turin, and Mr. Richard Johnson 121 IX On the 7-partitions of X. By the Rev. Thos. P. Kireman, A.M., Rector of Croft-with-Southworth, and Honorary Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 1 37 X. — Remarks on the Occultation of Jupiter and his Satellites by the Moon, January 2nd, 18ft7. By the Rev. Henry Halford Jones, F.R.A.S., &c 151 XI.— Some Peculiarites of the Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends. By Alfred Fryer w. 153 XII — On the Formation of Indigo-blue. Part II. By Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S 181 XIII — On the Occurrence of Indigo-blue in Urine. By Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R S 239 List of Donations i 2oi The Council of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 25S Alphabetical List of Members Honorary Members Corresponding Members , 260 MEMOIRS OF THE literary and iPfitlojsop&fcal Society of JWatu&e»ttr* I. — On Lightning and Lightning Conductors. By the late Mr. William Sturgeon. (Continued from Vol. IX. p. 79.) 52. My own experience, which has been extensive in electro-explorations of fogs, corresponds with that of all other observers. I have found them invariably electro-positive; and in many instances, especially in frosty mornings, the well- known odoriferous character of electricity is so remarkably well developed on the olfactories, that no electrician could mistake it. 53. Haze, also, which occurs during hot weather, and floats higher in the air, and is more attenuated than fogs, I have found to be still more pregnant with intense electro- positive action. In some cases the discharges, through an uninsulated wired kite string held in the hand, have been so copious and rapid, during a haze, that it was impossible to evade a multitude of shocks. They frequently occurred in absolute torrents or vollies. 54. Now, although there may be a difference in the magni- tude of the particles constituting fog, haze, and thunder-cloud, 2 THE LATE ME. WILLIAM STURGEON ON their aqueous character is precisely the same ; and it is only the elevated aerial locality and the rapidity with which the latter is formed, that gives it a superior electric tension, and enables it to discharge its electric element with violence in the shape of lightning. 55. With respect to aerial locality or altitude, I believe it is now pretty well understood that the higher regions are more densely charged with the electric element than those below. The experiments of MM. Gay Lussac and Biot, during their memorable balloon excursion in the year 1804, showed that the air, at a lower altitude, was negative to that in which the balloon was floating. The experiments which I have myself made with electric kites, at different altitudes at the same time, have invariably developed similar results: for in every case, during serene weather, the highest kite was positive to those beneath it, and the lowest negative to all those above it ; but still positive with respect to the ground on which I was standing. Hence, during serene weather, there appears to be a regular increase of electric charge in the atmosphere, from the ground upwards, as some function of the altitude ; and as aqueous vapour suspended in the air necessarily partakes of the same electric character, it is easy to understand that a rapid condensation of that situated at a high altitude would form cloud of a far superior electric in- tensity to any that could be formed nearer to the ground. Moreover, since in all cases the formation of cloud pre- cedes discharges of lightning, and thunder-storms are fre- quently attended with the most violent hail showers, even during the hottest weather, there can need no further indi- cation of a thunder-cloud's formation being the effect of a sudden depression of temperature ; and, consequently, all thunder-clouds, whatever change they may suffer afterwards, are originally electro-positive. No experiment, that I am acquainted with, can illustrate this fact more correctly than that first shown by Franklin himself, with his chain and can. LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 3 56. The principles of electric action enable us to under- stand that the presence of a highly charged cloud will disturb the previous electric condition of the vicinal air, as well as that of other clouds of lower intensity. In the latter case, the disturbed cloud becomes prepared for the reception of a discharge from that which disturbed it: hence one cause at least why flashes of lightning more frequently occur amongst the clouds themselves than between them and the earth. This tendency to aerial lightning is also enhanced by the abundance of aqueous vapour condensing in the region of the clouds, which affords a conducting medium more easily transpierced than the interposing dry air which separates clouds from the ground, and consequently it is but seldom that lightning strikes terrestrial objects previously to the intervening aerial resistance being in a great measure removed by copious showers of rain. 57. But, notwithstanding the facilities afforded by falling rain, terrestrial objects require a predisposition to receive lightning before it can assail them. This disposition is enforced by the presence of the cloud, which disturbs the normal electric state of the air beneath it, by a repellency of its fluid into the ground, which will allow of its intro- mission in proportion as its surface is prepared for its recep- tion. Now, allowing a plot of ground, or even an extensive tract of country, to be of an uniform conducting quality throughout, its reception for the electric fluid from the air would depend upon the character of its surface; if barren of vegetation, it could not receive the electric fluid with the same degree of facility as when luxuriously clothed with grass, corn, trees, &c, which would present myriads of conducting points and sharp edges in the best possible direction for the electric ingress, and the multitude of roots ramifying into the soil would facilitate its intromission and disposition below the surface. 58. But the electric force of a cloud capable of repelling 4 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON the fluid from the non-conducting air into the land, through the medium of its vegetable clothing, would necessarily move it still farther in this better conductor, which would neces- sarily become electro-negative throughout a much greater area than that presented by the lower surface of the cloud. Hence there appears but little difficulty in understanding why trees, which present multitudes of conducting points and sharp edges to the air, and stand more prominent than the ordinary level of the vegetation, should so frequently be the victims of lightning. It is, however, worthy of remark, that the tallest trees are but seldom selected ; and frequently lightning strikes objects closely situated to trees without touching the latter. The nature of the soil, with regard to its conduction, as well as the objects situated on it, has much to do with the reception of lightning, for no object can receive a discharge from a cloud unless it be susceptible of electro-negation by the cloud's repellent force; hence objects situated on wet lands or on the banks of rivers are frequently those which fall victims to lightning. Heavy rains, however, render all objects, as well as the sites on which they stand, conductors, and consequently susceptible of electro-polarisation by the repellent force of a thunder-cloud. 59. Wherever land is impervious to the electric fluid, that in the air above it becomes accumulated in a stratum on its surface on the approach of a disturbing thunder-cloud, and the repellent forces of the positive stratum, and those of the cloud, cause the latter to diverge from the direction of the wind, until it arrives at a locality suitable for the intro- gression of the disturbed electric fluid of the air. Hence it is obvious that the removal of the electrical resistance of the air is a necessary preliminary to lightning striking objects on the earth's surface, for the force that repels the cloud is that which counterchecks the tendency of lightning discharges. 60. But if a displacement of the electric fluid of the air be a necessary preliminary to strokes of lightning, and it LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 5 .cilitated by pointed vegetable conductors, the rule ap- plies to pointed metallic conductors also, and the tendency of lightning towards them will depend on their number and pro- icy, and the sharpness of their points. Hence those tall conductors which present several pointed branches to the air, are better adapted for facilitating lightning discharges than those that terminate with one point only. Hence also (57) several distinct pointed conductors, distributed over a com- paratively small area of ground, or attached to different parts of an extensive building, are more likely to cause strokes of lightning in the locality than one conductor only, though furnished with the same number of points. 61. With respect to the ocean, which is a better conductor than either wet land or lakes of fresh water, its natural elec- tric fluid would be easily displaced by the repellent force of a thunder-cloud, although not so well prepared for the reception of fluid from the air as wet land well clothed with vegetation. The presence of shipping, however, whose masts and rigging stand prominently above the surface of the water, tend much to facilitate those electric intromissions which qualify the air for the transport of lightning from a cloud to its destination ; and since every portion of metal in the rigging enhances the conduction, and thus increases the tendency of lightning dis- charges in the direction of the ship, there appears every reason to infer that those vessels which expose pointed con- ductors, more lofty even than the masts themselves, are more likely to experience strokes of lightning than any other. 62. The above inference (61) appears to be somewhat countenanced by the "return ordered to be laid before the House of Lords, by precept, dated 4th May, 1848," in which it is shown that sixteen men-of-war, fitted with pointed con- ductors in the masts, were struck by lightning between March, 1840, and January, 1848. One of these vessels, the Favorite, is reported to have been struck "several times," and the ird and Dido appear to have been struck twice each, O THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON which make the number of cases twenty, by allowing three for the Favorite, In addition to these, there appears from another report "prepared in compliance with a precept of the House of Lords," dated June, 1849, to have been five cases (within the same period) of lightning striking men-of-war furnished with wire-rope conductors, which make a total of twenty-five cases within a period of eight years. The Mindon was struck twice, so that there are twenty-six lightning strokes in the whole. 63. In the absence of official returns to show the effects of lightning, within the same period, on those ships of the royal navy which have not been furnished with conductors, a com- parison of the number of cases in which lightning has struck men-of-war, with and without conductors, may be approxi- mated by taking the mean of the latter class of cases for eight years, out of all those that have occurred within the twenty-four years previous to 1840, which, according to a statement in the Nautical Magazine for May, 1844, amount to fifty-two. This gives seventeen cases for each period of eight years, which is about two-thirds only of the number of cases that have occurred to those ships to which pointed con- ductors are attached, a result by no means favourable to that form of conductors being introduced into the navy. 64. But if pointed conductors tend to favour the approach of lightning towards those objects to which they are attached, oblique discharges may find other channels of conduction, amongst those objects over which they pass, the resistance of which, at certain points of the transits, would be more easily vanquished than that offered in a direct line to the conductor itself. For, although a tall pointed conductor might be the principal object in the locality for qualifying the air so as to allow of a discharge taking place, the elec- trical disturbance caused by the lightning subsequent to its departure from the cloud, and the consequent electro-nega- tions that it would enforce amongst objects within the range / LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 7 of its influence, might cause it to deviate considerably from the original direction in which it started, and to take a newly- created route to its destination. Hence the probability, at least, that tall pointed conductors are frequently instrumental in bringing down strokes of lightning on vicinal objects as well as on distant parts of those to which they are imme- diately attached. 65. By taking this view (64) of the operations of light- ning during its passage through the air, nothing seems more easy to understand than the cause of so much damage being caused by it close to the site of tall pointed conductors. Nor could anything more decisively discountenance the long- fostered idea that the path of lightning and the objects which it strikes are definitely marked out previously to its leaving the cloud. 66. If, therefore, it be allowable to lay to the charge of tall pointed conductors those cases of damage by lightning which have occurred to vicinal objects (19 — 25, &c), their reputation, as protectors to shipping, will appear less favour- able than from the estimate already made (63). For the cases of damage which would thus be attributed to them would, within a similar period, be more than double the number of those that have occurred in their entire absence, or where they could have no influence whatever. 67. Another important argument arises from the effects that lightning has been known to produce on pointed con- ductors. The most notable of these is the destruction of the points by fusion, in those cases where they have* received the discharge. Instances of this kind have been noticed from the earliest ' period of lightning conductors to the present time. Several have occurred to conductors attached to build- ings; and marine conductors have frequently met a similar In the report already alluded to (62), it is stated that in the case of H. M. ship Constance, " the main spindle was 8 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON fused, " and that " the conductors on the fore and main masts were fused in several places." 68. In the case of the Fisgard (41), the same report states that " the end of the vane spindle on the main-mast was fused, and the conductors aloft exhibited small spots of fusion. The copper plates were started from the mast for a few inches, about 13 feet above the deck." The report of Captain Duntze, who commanded the Fisgard at the time, is somewhat more minute, and states that the mast itself was "slightly singed" and splintered about the place where the conductor was started from it. (See 41, for further particulars.) 69. With respect to the effects below deck, Capt. Duntze states that, " The electrical current having passed down the main-mast, took the direction of the branches to the bolts through the side, — one leading through the boatswain's cabin, and the other through the midshipmen's berth. The branch conductors in this ship, instead of leading directly to the copper sheathing near the water's surface, as originally pro- posed, had been led out above it, to two bands of copper passing down externally over the ship's side; these bands were also started at the ends in contact with the termination of the through bolts ; the copper sheathing covering the other extremity of the band was bulged outwards. It appears fur- ther, by other reports, that at the point of contact with the branches and iron knees within the ship, the metal was blackened, as if a slight expansive action had occurred at these points ; this is said to have been more apparent in the boatswain's cabin, and may have arisen from an imperfect contact with the iron knee and through bolts."* 70. The statements in Captain Duntze's report are of an exceedingly interesting character, because of their furnishing the particulars of the several events which occurred during • Captain Duntze's Official Report. Harris's Remarkable Examples. LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 9 the transit of the lightning from the mast-head to the sea, some of which, to an electrician of the present day, would l to be sufficiently alarming to discountenance in toto particular plan of conductors, notwithstanding that they were originally projected by Mr. Henley, one of the ablest practical electricians of the last century,* who, no doubt, was led into the error from a want of more expe- rience than could possibly be afforded at the time he pro- posed them. In a paper, by this excellent electrician, which appears in the Transactions of the Royal Society, the author states that if instead of chain conductors " plates of copper rVin. thick and 2in. broad, with the edges neatly rounded off, were inserted in a groove and continued down the main-topgallant-mast, the main-topmast, and part of the main-mast, into the well-hole; a communication from the mast to the underside of one of the decks might be made with a plate of metal flattened at each end, and from that rod the conductor might be continued by plates of lead or copper on the underside of the deck and down both outer sides of the ship as low as the keel, if it be thought neces- sary; and this method, I should apprehend, would be pre- ferable to the chains, now in use. Particular care should be taken to have all the plates which form the conductor as nearly as possible in contact with each other, and to fix a sharp pointed slender rod of copper at its summit. And, for the purpose of connecting the plates inserted in the main- topgallant-mast, the main-topmast, and main-mast, if a hoop of copper were fixed in a groove of its own thickness at the top of the main-mast, and another such hoop at the upper end of the main-topmast, perhaps they might answer this end very conveniently." 71. It seems pretty clear, from Captain Duntze's official report alone, that explosions took place below deck as well • See Mr. Henley's paper on this subject, in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1774. C 10 THE LATE ME. WILLIAM STURGEON ON as on the mast above, for nothing less than a high degree of temperature, occasioned by an explosion, could blacken the metal at the junction of the iron knees with the branch con- ductors. And this view is still further supported by a letter (from an officer belonging to the ship) that appeared in the London Illustrated News for March, 1847, in which it is stated, that " on reaching the lower deck the discharge took the branches under the beams leading to the bands on the ship's sides ; these were started at the ends in contact with the copper bolts leading to the sea, and the copper sheet covering the joint was bulged upwards by the expansive force of the shock." 72. Nor is this a solitary case of explosions occurring below deck, by lightning traversing the branch conductors. In the case of H. M. ship Constance, already alluded to (67), it is officially reported, that besides the injury the conductor received on the mast, the lightning slightly tore "away part of the casing which covered the branch conductor in the boatswain's cabin, close to the side where it escaped." * H. M. ship Fox, 44 guns, was struck by lightning April 5 th, 1847. " Lightning passed down the chain conductor, passing visibly through midshipmen1 s berth and Commodore Steward's berth, and leaving a burnt mark."] H. M. ship Conway, 26 guns, was struck by lightning March 9th, 1846. The elec- tric fluid " traversed the branch or beam in the gunner's cabin, who experienced no ill-effect ; he saw it pass from the ship in a blaze of light. Mr. Lethbridge, officer of the watch, then on deck, describes the effect as if one or two of the main- deck guns had been fired up the hatchway T % 73. The effects thus described to have taken place below deck (67 — 70), are of a similar character to those observed on the masts above deck ; and from the same cause, viz., a want * Official Return, prepared in compliance with a precept of the House of Lords. Dated 11th June, 1849. t Ibid. \ Ibid. LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 1 1 of continuity in the metallic channel, which will always allow of explosion when lightning discharges traverse conductors made up of metallic plates. Hence the separation of " the plates of copper forming the conductor" of the main-mast ot the Fisgard (41), and of those also in the branch conductors as well as the starting of the copper bands from the exterior ends of the through bolts, and the bulging outwards of the copper sheathing (69), were results that might easily have been foreseen as some of the natural consequences of such explosions. 74. But if an ordinary discharge of lightning is capable of producing such fearful explosions within the ship, and ruptures in the conductors and copper sheathing, we have only to allow of a second discharge of lightning to strike the ship before the injured conductors were repaired, to form a picture in the mind of the serious consequences likely to ensue. Ruptures partially accomplished by the first discharge would be com- pleted by the second, and former breaches would be widened ; and many dangerous explosions, both above and below deck, would probably take place. 75. Should this plan of conductors be introduced to the merchant navy, there would be no predicting the evils that might arise, even from the first flash of lightning that tra- versed them, especially when the cargoes consisted of cotton- wool, hemp, flax, &c, close jambed against the branch conductors at those places most likely to experience explo- sions. And as it would be next to impossible to accomplish a minute inspection of these branch conductors when most necessary, the chances of avoiding danger from subsequent strokes of lightning would be much less than in men-of-war, where every facility for discovering breaches in the conduc- tors, and of repairing them by competent hands, is always afforded. 76. It appears, therefore, from a due consideration of all the facts that experience has hitherto furnished, that there 12 THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STURGEON ON are two fundamental errors, fraught with great danger, in this plan of conductors, the most palpable of which is that of leading the lightning into the hull of the ship, and then having to incur a heavy expense in endeavouring to get it out again. The other is. that of having the conductors com- pounded of many constituent pieces, although copper, of any required dimensions and form, is always procurable. 77. Although I am far from thinking that conductors let into the masts are the best situated for protecting ships from lightning, still, should that plan continue to be persevered in, they ought not, under any consideration whatever, to proceed downwards on the masts farther than the upper deck. With conductors thus applied, there could be no apprehensions entertained of explosions taking place below deck, nor of chronometers being injured by the magnetizing influence of lightning, which is also a consideration of importance. More- over, as each individual mast would have an uninterrupted conducting flat metallic rod throughout, there could be no explosions in the circuit excepting such as might occur at the juncture of the rods, at the heads of the lower and top-masts, or at those other places where lightning might strike the mast below the highest point. The examination of those parts, and their repairs, if necessary, would require neither much time nor skill to accomplish. 78. I am not aware of the manner in which the wire-rope conductors have been attached to the several men-of-war that have been fitted up with them ; but it appears, by the official report, that although they have answered the purpose exceed- ingly well in some cases, they have entirely failed in others. Commander Darley, of H. M. ship Electra, reports favour- ably of these conductors, having observed their efficiency in carrying off several discharges of lightning, whilst on the West India station, in the year 1842. But, on board the Hazard, where similar conductors were employed, they have failed to protect the ship on two occasions, viz., May 1st and LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. 1 3 June 12th, 1846. It is worthy of remark, however, that although the mast and some parts of the rigging suffered much from the lightning, it was safely conducted overboard on both occasions. The damage suffered by the Hazard, June 12th, 1846, is very likely to have arisen from these very circumstances. " Lightning struck the ship, splitting and carrying away main-topgallant and royal-mast, the whole of the main-topmast from the hounds to the lower cap, damag- ing the top, and sprung the after cross-tree, split and carried away starboard tressel-tree ; a splinter from main-topmast passing through the starboard side of the quarter-deck, the electric fluid escaping from the conductor by the main rigging overboard." In this case, nothing is said about injury to the wire-rope conductor, which, no doubt, was on the opposite side of the ship to that on which the lightning entered the rigging; and it is very likely that the lightning was very much attenuated amongst the masts and other parts which it destroyed or damaged, before any part of it arrived at the conductor. Indeed, the whole force of the discharge could never arrive at the conductor, because much of it would be carried off by the main-mast to the deck, and thence to the sea. 79. If the Hazard were fitted with conductors in the man- ner that Commander Darley describes those of the Electra, viz., one to each mast, they would be still more liable to entail danger on the rigging than conductors fitted into the masts ; because an approaching discharge from the other side of the ship, if it did not attack the conductor at the mast head, would have to pass through some part of the rigging before it could arrive at* it. This must always be the case where the rigging is protected on one side only. 80. But there are other serious objections to the wire-rope conductors, (unless very differently applied than on board the Electra,) which Commander Darley says " are composed of copper wire-rope, one to each mast ; they are passed through 14 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON the mast head, trucks, and caps, and lead down the back-stays through the channels, and are attached to a copper plate secured under the ship's copper." * 81. The principal defect in the present fashion of the wire- rope is the diminutive size of its strands, which are easily- fused individually, on that side especially which receives the lightning stroke; and if the discharge be very formidable, the whole of the strands might be blown to atoms, or torn asunder at the point which received it. Such seems to have been the case with the conductor of the Hazard* for on one of the occasions when the ship was struck by lightning, it " carried away the conductor at main-topgallant-head." f The wire-rope at present in use, besides the defects already pointed out, is twisted a great deal too much, for it requires a greater length for the strands than there is need for, and the more compact they are laid together (for they can never form one solid body) the more subject they are to be blown asunder by lightning. The only object for having wire-rope is to main- tain pliability, which is attainable to any required extent for marine conductors, by the employment of thicker strands, which would be easier laid or twisted together. 82. But as oblique discharges of lightning frequently strike conductors below the mast-head, wire-rope will always be liable to damage under these circumstances, because some of its strands are almost sure to suffer by every formidable dis- charge. The only danger, however, would be at the point of attack, which is more likely to be sustained by moderately thick wires than by thin ones ; but, in all cases, both sides of the rigging ought to be protected (76), and the conductor on each mast ought to be metallically connected at the cross- trees and at the tops, as well as at the topgallant-mast-heads. By these means, oblique flashes of lightning, from whatever * Return, &c, prepared in compliance with a precept of the House of Lords Dated 1 8th June, 1849. t Ibid. LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTOBS. 15 quarter they came, would meet with conductors without having to enter the rigging, and the conductors would act in concert, each branch carrying off a portion of the discharge ; and if to these, other conductors were to connect the several pairs of starboard and larboard conductors, either along the stays or otherwise, the whole system would act in concert, so that however formidable the attack might be on any one point, the distribution would be general throughout the system, and the discharge into the sea from each individual branch would be perfectly harmless. A want of metallic connection above the lower masts of the several conductors attached to the masts individually, is a serious error, whatever may be the cter of those conductors or the plan of fitting them up. For whilst they are insulated from each other, they act separately and independently, and derive no conducting as- sistance whatever from each other, each having to sustain the whole force of the lightning that strikes it, from the point of attack to the sea. 84. There is also an objection to the method of applying the rope conductor to the mast-head, as described for the Electra (77), because of the interruption that must neces- sarily occur betwen the rope and the pointed vane spindle. For, whenever lightning strikes the spindle, there will be an explosion between it and the rope which may be sufficiently formidable to destroy the rope at that place. It is even probable that this was the case when H. M. ship Hazard was struck, May 1st, 1846 (79), for the Report states that the lightning "carried away conductor at main-topgallant- head." 85. From the fact that the points of conductors are fre- quently fused by lightning, and the great probability, at least, that pointed conductors predispose their localities for the reception of lightning, and thus facilitate its discbarges in their own direction, there appears good reason for abandon- ing the employment of points altogether. For if they had 16 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON answered even any of the purposes for which they were first introduced, the first flash of lightning that any of them received would destroy it. Such an accident on board of ship might be but of little consequence, because the vane- spindle being accessible could easily be pointed anew; but a similar accident to the conductor of a tall factory chimney, would entail a heavy expense in scaffolding, &c, before the top of the conductor could be arrived at; so that the sup- posed virtues of points is an expensive treasure, in continual jeopardy. Moreover, as there has never yet been an instance known of pointed conductors abating the violence of light- ning discharges, there is not an attribute belonging to them, nor a recorded circumstance in their favour, that can justify a continuance of their employment in preference to conductors of other forms at their superior extremities ; whilst the grave charge of their being instrumental in facilitating strokes of lightning, almost imperatively demands their immediate and total discontinuance. 86. Notwithstanding the attempts that have been made to propagate the idea that balls, surmounting conductors, are virtually points, when compared to the immense surface 'of a thunder-cloud, and (by inference) act in a similar manner, the result of Franklin's experiment with the point and head of a pin alternately presented to the prime conductor of his machine would, independently of any other fact, be sufficient to show the fallacy of the hypothesis. But the inaptitude of polished bails in drawing off the electric fluid from vicinal bodies, or intromitting it from the air, is a fact too well established at the present day to admit of either equivocation or doubt. Hence such terminations to conductors are in- capable of qualifying the air beneath a thunder-cloud for the transmission of lightning; and consequently have no power in predisposing the locality for its reception. These negative qualifications, in connection with the certainty of their with- LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING CONDUCTOES. 17 standing any flash of lightning that may assail them, are strong recommendations for the employment of globular terminations to conductors. They offer precisely the same amount of protection as pointed conductors, should lightning come in their way, whether the discharges be vertical or oblique ; and as they can never be accessory to its approach, they possess important advantages over those of the usual form. 87. I know of no better general guide for the application of lightning-rods, than that embraced in the following motto : Offer no facilities for the approach of lightning ; but pre- pare for its reception in case it comes, 88. With respect to the practical application of conductors to buildings, no individual plan will answer for every fashion of edifice. The most simple systems of conductors are those that would be applicable to cottages, powder magazines, steeples, tall factory chimneys, &c, for which some general rules might be given ; but buildings with complicated irre- gular roofs, and decorated gables, chimneys, &c, would re- quire a peculiar plan of conductor for each fashion of house. But no building, however plain in its structure, can be rendered secure against lightning by one individual rod only. 89. I have devised the following system of conductors for powder magazines. It consists of three vertical arches of cylindrical copper rod, which are united by a horizontal rod of the same metal, and furnished with three balls. 90. Steeples, of the form of square towers, ought to have a vertical copper rod at each angle, united by a copper band at the top, or just above the uppermost weather mouldings. The vertical rods should reach to above the highest pinnacles, and be surmounted with copper balls; or the whole might unite in one ball directly over the axis of the steeple. 91. Spires may be protected by three copper rods united in a ball at the apex of the cone, and reaching downwards, 18 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON at equal distances from each other, to the base, where they should be again united by a copper band. From any "part of this band a single rod, reaching to the ground, would com- plete the conducting system. 92. Tall factory chimneys would require three rods from top to bottom. They should be united in a ball directly over the axis of the chimney, in the fashion of a bird-cage, and again by means of a copper band about half-way between the coping and the ground. 93. In all cases of applying conductors to buildings, the rods should be kept clear of the masonry, at least 3in. or 4in., which may easily be accomplished by allowing them to pass through oaken holdfasts built into the wall. There can be no reason shown for the employment of deep pits or wells, for the reception of the inferior extremities of conductors, where brooks, drains, or gutters are near at hand; for light- ning can be safely dismissed by continuing the rods hori- zontally, just beneath the surface of the ground, to a few yards from the building, and terminating them by a number of sharp metallic points in any of those channels, which are almost sure to be well supplied with water before any light- ning descends from the clouds. 94. By employing a system of conductors, instead of a single rod, protection is insured against oblique discharges, from whatever quarter they may proceed ; and the union of the several branches allows of a distribution of the force throughout the whole system. The spire turret of St. Chad's Church, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, which was much injured by lightning on the 23rd of May, 1850, has been furnished with a system of conductors, similar to that de- scribed (91), under my own superintendence. The main rod, which reaches from the base of the spire to the ground, is continued about 6 yards under ground, at right angles from the side of the tower, and is bent down into a water-drain. LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING C0NDUCT0B8. |Q 95. A circumstance of an exceedingly interesting character, and replete with valuable instruction, occurred when this church was struck by lightning. When the lightning left the injured turret, it sprang from one iron cramp to another, demolishing the elegant ornamental masonry on the parapet on its way to a leaden gutter, which conducted it to a cast iron water-pipe situated in one of the angles of the tower, and reaching from the top down to the roof of the church, round which are leaden gutters for conveying the rain-water to other cast iron pipes which reach the ground. Whilst on the top of the tower, examining the nature and extent of the damage, I had some difficulty in discovering the route of the lightning, until the sexton who was with me, informed me of the iron pipe inside of the tower. On returning to the bell-loft, I examined the water-pipe very minutely, under the expectation of finding it damaged by the lightning, but I could not discover the slightest breach; the sexton told me that a great quantity of water had fallen on the floor below (the floor of the ringing loft), but it was not known where it came from. We descended to the place, and I soon discovered that one of the pipes was broken and a large piece of it was missing. On looking on the floor at the opposite angle, we found several fragments of the pipe which had been blown from the injured part. At my request, the remaining portions of the cast iron pipe were examined, from the top of the steeple to the ground, and three or four of the lengths, at their junction with one another, were similarly damaged. The suspicion of some damage having been done to this water channel, arose from my knowing that the several lengths of which it is composed are insulated from one another by means of the cement (generally stiff white-lead paint) employed at the joints, for rendering those parts water- tight. These interruptions in the circuit will always be liable to lightning explosions ; and, of course, endanger the pipe at 20 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON every joint. Nor does a full flow of water through them appear to render sufficient assistance to prevent their being damaged, for, in this case, the rain was falling in torrents during the whole time that lightning was in the neighbour- hood of the church, and the pipe must have been conveying a copious stream at the time it was damaged. It is probable, indeed, that the presence of a stream of water would increase the danger ; because of a sudden production of steam by ex- plosions at the joinings of the lengths. It is worthy of remark, also, that this iron pipe is com- paratively new, for the church has not been finished more than about three years. I have some of the fragments in my possession at this time, and I find they are painted black outside, and are perfectly sound on the inner side. I observe, also, that the lengths have been painted before being fitted into each other ; so that they are insulated from one another by a coat or two of paint in addition to cement. This circumst nee is, I believe, the first of the kind that has been noticed, but it is too important to allow of its omission in this place. The rule which has, for a whole century, guided lightning-rod manufacturers, to avail them- selves of every portion of metal that may happen to be con- veniently attached to the building can no longer be depended on for protection ; for, unless every portion of metal thus employed, were securely and perfectly united, explosions might take place on the roof, or against the walls, which would be productive of serious damage. The spire, and other portions of St. Chad's Church (95), as has been the case with many others, suffered by explo- sions from metal to metal ; and if a second discharge of light- ning had passed along the broken water-pipe before the damage occasioned by the first had been repaired, the ex- plosions at these interruptions in the circuit would probably have displaced large portions of masonry from the tower, as LIGHTNING AND LIGHTNING C0NDUCT0E8. 2 1 well as from the side wall of the church, against which the pipe is placed. I should be exceedingly glad to hear that the description of this event, and the remarks I have made upon it, were the means of providing better security to her Majesty's palace at Osborne, than that afforded by cast iron water-pipes, eight or nine of which are now jeopardising the building, by being employed as portions of as many distinct light- ning conductors. 3d II. — On some Peculiarities of the Thunderstorm which occurred in this neighbourhood on Tuesday > the 16 th of July last. By the late Mr. William Sturgeon, Prestwich. — (Com- municated by Mr. Joule.) {Read March 4M, 1856.] The principal characteristics, of this storm, that I have to notice in this communication, are, unusual displays of light- ning, and the effects of electrical disturbances caused by it at a distance from the primitive discharge. This storm, which commenced in the afternoon, was ex- perienced on every side of Manchester at nearly the same time. On the road near to Bury, the lightning killed a young man and the horse he was riding on. It was exceed- ingly violent over Bolton and Blackburn ; also at Liverpool and Northwich. As the principal part of the storm never reached this place, I had an opportunity of exploring the atmosphere, by means of an electric kite, without apprehen- sion of danger, although many thunder-clouds passed slowly over during the time. I got the kite afloat, with 300 yards of string out, a little before six in the evening, and kept it up till nearly eight. During this time the storm was raging over Bolton. The lightning was very frequent and brilliant, notwithstanding the bright daylight it had to contrast with. The discharges from the kite-string were occasionally both frequent and powerful, and at other times, but seldom and feeble ; which is frequently the case in the vicinity of thunder- storms. But in all cases, whether the sparks were large or 24 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON small, they were invariably positive; showing that the air, in this instance, retained its normal electric character (its electric state during severe weather), though much disturbed by neighbouring clouds and distant lightning. With respect to the disturbance from the latter cause, it was very marked on the present occasion, and its effects, in some of the in- stances I have to mention, although not often observed, are such as are always to be dreaded from vicinal flashes of lightning. During my experiments at the kite-string, I had the com- pany of the Rev. W. W. Johnson, who assisted me in carrying them on. After ascertaining the electric state of the air and its vacillating intensity, my attention was drawn to the distant lightning, which was now very fine; and its disturbing in- fluence was soon discovered to extend to the place of observa- tion. The wire connected with the ground was placed at a certain distance from the conductor of the string, and the frequency of the sparks observed. At times no sparks were transmitted, at other times an abundance of them were dis- charged through the interval within a few moments. On comparing these fluctuations with the intervals between the lightning flashes, we each took a separate part in the observa- tions. I looked out for the lightning, and announced each flash by the word "when;" whilst Mr. Johnson kept his eye on the apparatus. Whilst I was silent, scarcely any sparks appeared; but a shower of them were discharged from the kite-string whenever I announced a flash of lightning : thus showing by the concurrence of the events, that there existed a rigid connection between the primitive and secondary dis- charges. Phenomena of this class are by no means of recent dis- covery, though not often shown in this manner; and have generally been considered as primitive rather than secondary events. The easiest way of ascertaining an electric disturb- ance, by the influence of a distant flash of lightning, is by SOME PECULIARITIES OF A THUNDERSTORM. 25 holding the base q{ an electroscope in the hand, and elevating it in the air above the head during a thunderstorm ; every flash of lightning will produce a sudden divergency of the gold leaves. When the lightning is near, the disturbance is too powerful for a delicate electroscope to withstand. Ou the day following that of the storm, I had information of a cotton mill being set on fire by the lightning, at Bolton. I immediately proceeded to the place, for the purpose of ex- amining the effects of the lightning on the mill, which I found to belong to Messrs. Boiling and Co., and situated in Bradshaw-gate. By the kindness of the foreman I soon gained admittance, and had every attention paid to my in- quiries. I was shown that part of the machinery which had been on fire, but no indication could be found of lightning having entered the building. The damage was very trifling, being limited to a carding machine and a few boards of the floor above, which were charred by the fire. This limitation of the damage, how- ever, was owing to an incidental circumstance which fortu- nately occurred, otherwise it is probable that the whole of the premises would have been destroyed. The rule observed at the mills is to turn off the steam -power at half-past five daily, and the people leave the place at six. On this occasion, however, the rain was so unusually heavy, and the lightning and thunder so terrific at six o'clock, that no one would venture out. Shortly after six, a terrific flash of lightning took place, attended by a crash of thunder ; and immediately an alarm was given that the mill was on fire. Water buckets were immediately served out, and all who could assist were employed in extinguishing the fire, which was accomplished within a few minutes, and before it had time to spread far from where it began. The very natural conclusion was that the mill had been struck by the lightning, though no breach could be discovered in the roof or walls, nor was a pane of glass disturbed. I 26 THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON ON made very particular inquiry about everv^ circumstance that occurred that I considered of importance ; all hands thought the mill was struck, but nobody could find the place. Some thought the whole building was on fire for a moment, and those in the rooms thought the lightning struck every part of the machinery. The fact is, the lightning never entered the building at all ; and it is obvious, from all the circumstances of the case, that the fire originated from a disturbance of the electric element naturally belonging to the machinery ; pro- bably by the influence of the individual flash of lightning already alluded to. Such a disturbance amongst the metallic parts of the machinery would probably give rise to multitudes of sparks, each of which would be sufficient to ignite cotton, wool, or other inflammable material, that happened to be in the way; and, as in this case, the fire originated amongst some loose cotton attached to the carding machine, it is easy to understand how its ignition occurred. I was particularly anxious to ascertain the initial point of ignition, and from the information I received respecting the burning cotton, and the communication of the fire to the floor above, the lower surface of which being that only which had suffered, there appeared no difficulty in understanding where the fire originated. In addition to the indications already noticed, I had direct evidence of the existence of sparks by their effects on a roller closely situated to the site of the fire, but not in immediate connection with it. This roller is of wood, about 4 in. long, and l£in. diameter; its hollow axis is filled with lead, and its surface covered with flannel. (I am not aware of the name of this roller, but I send it with the paper for inspection.) The several singed spots on the flannel covering are so many evidences of local fires on the roller's surface, which could not be produced by any ordinary mode of ignition. Nor can it be supposed for a moment that the fire originated from friction, because the machinery had been at rest for more than half an hour ; besides which the parts ignited on this roller are not SOME PECULIARITIES OF A THUNDERSTORM. 27 such as would be likely to be produced by friction, if even it had been in motion. Moreover, the motion of this part of the machine being slow, and its surface not very inflammable, its ignition from friction seems quite out of the question. From this mill I was directed to another, situated in Hal li well-street, and belonging to Mr. Thomas Cross, which I was told had been set on fire by the lightning. As the people were leaving work when I arrived, my only guide in the mill was the porter, who, after a barrier of prejudice and prudent caution had been removed from between us, became exceedingly polite and communicative. The occurrence here seemed to be simultaneous with that at the other mill. I was first shown a broken window at the landing to the uppermost floor of that part of the mill, and also a rupture of the plas- tering in the corner close to the ceiling. Only a small portion of plaster was displaced, but the stones* which it had covered were partially shattered. This damage was directly over the burner of a thin leaden gas-pipe, and about two feet from it. As no other damage could be discovered, it appeared obvious that an explosion had taken place between the wall and the gas-pipe; and as no mark of fusion could be dis- covered on the metal, the quantity of electric fluid transmitted was not great. The explosion, however, would produce a momentary expansion of the air, which would be sufficiently violent to break the window. My guide, however, insisted that the lightning had come through the window, and had melted the glass into smoke, for not a single fragment of it could be found. I told him to look outside on the window-sill, and perhaps he might find some, which he soon discovered to be true ; but what astonished him most was, how I, who had never been in the mill before, should know where to find the broken glass. After allowing him to exercise his imagination for a minute or two, I relieved him by pointing out the cause. * It it a stone building. 28 THE LATE Mil. WILLIAM STURGEON ON He became quite delighted with this piece of information, and immediately took me to another part of the mill where a quantity of cotton had been set on fire on the drums of two carding machines. This accident occurred close to a window which had suffered no damage whatever, nor was there to be found any trace of the direct action of lightning. The two drums on which the cotton was ignited are distant about forty yards from the gas-pipe already mentioned, and as the fluid that struck the burner would follow the pipe to the ground, which was in a direct line downwards to the metre on the ground floor, and thus to the underground main, it would be impossible to imagine that any direct action from that flash of lightning on those distant carding machines could take place ; and, as not the slightest damage was done to any part of the mill beyond that already mentioned, at the distance of forty yards, there appears no other mode of accounting for the fire than that arising from a consideration of the effects of electrical disturbances by vicinal flashes of lightning. These effects of electrical disturbance are in direct corre- spondence with many others, of the same class, that have been observed, but hardly ever clearly accounted for. Such are deaths from lightning where no external marks of violence appear on the subjects ; the singeing of garments without injury to the wearer, beyond that of a momentary shock, &c. In many cases, however, the expansion of the air and the sudden conversion of fluids into steam and gases are pro- ductive of much damage, and even of death. Every flash of lightning necessarily disturbs all the electric fluid around it, and thus produces an electrical wave, which, in some instances, reaches to great distances, causing a sudden increase of pressure, and a consequent intromission of fluid to the ground through the conducting vegetable points and sharp edges with which it is covered. Now, we have only to imagine a tree, which exposes a large area of foliage from its branches, to be situated near to the track of a heavy flash SOME PECULIARITIES OF A THUNDERSTORM. 29 of lightning, to form an idea why the trunk should be decor- ticated and split to shivers, whilst no mark of violence appears on the leaves and branches ; for the suddenly disturbed electric element in the vicinity of the tree would find an easy ingress through the medium of the foliage, which, in consequence of each leaf and point introducing but a small portion of the whole that entered the tree, would not suffer by the trans- mission from the air ; but as the whole of these portions would arrive at the trunk at the same moment, they would form a formidable mass of the electric element, sufficient to convert the sap into steam, with an expanding power that would accomplish the tree's destruction in a moment. But to return to the Prestwich observations. After leaving the ground where the kite experiments were made, the light- ning appeared so unusually fine that I was induced to observe it for a long time ; and as the flashes, or rather streams, of electric fluid were each of longer duration than any I had previously seen, I stept into the house for a pendulum to ascertain the time which each discharge occupied, and found that, in some cases, the electric fluid was visible during a second and a half. Most of the discharges seemed to be at great altitudes amongst the clouds, and had a fiery red appearance ; and as several appeared to shoot upwards, they, according to the rules of perspective, proceeded towards the place where I was standing. Many discharges, however, took a horizontal direction at right angles to the former, and others were seen to shoot obliquely in various directions. The streams of electric fluid were of unusually large diameter, and seemed like streams of liquid fire ; and in some instances they looked like sky-rockets, with a burst of multitudes of stars. Upon the whole, this was the most singular display of light- ning I ever beheld. 31 III. — On the Comparative Value of various kinds of Stone, as Exhibited by their Powers of Resisting Compression, By W. Fairbairn, F.R.S., &c. [ Rfd April 1st, 1856.] Our knowledge of the properties of stone, viewed as a building material, is very imperfect, and our architects and stonemasons have yet much to learn concerning the difference between one kind of stone and another, both as regards their chemical constitution, their durability, and their powers of resisting compression. On this subject we have the experiments of Gauthey, Rondelet and Rennie, which to some extent sup- ply the deficiency and furnish data for the resistance to a crushing force of a considerable variety of stone. These are, however, to some extent inapplicable to the purposes for which such data are required, and not finding them in exact accordance with the results of some experiments recently made, I have endeavoured to inquire into the causes of the discrepancy, and to account for the difference. Stone is found in various forms and conditions, embedded in and stratified under the earth's surface. That portion of it which is used for building purposes, is a dense coherent brittle substance, sometimes of a granulated, at others, of a laminated structure. These qualities varying according to its chemical constitution and the mode in which it has been deposited. Sometimes the laminated and granular rocks alternate with each other; at others, a rock of a mixed form 32 MR. W. FAIRBAIRN ON THE prevails, partaking of the characteristics of both structures. Independent of these properties is its power of resistance to compression, which depends chiefly upon its chemical combi- nations and the pressure to which it has been subjected whilst under the earth's surface from the weight of superincumbent materials. The granite also, and other igneous rocks, owe their hardness to their having crystallized more or less rapidly from a fused mass. In attempting to ascertain the ultimate powers of resist- ance of rocks which have been deposited by the action of water, it is necessary to observe the direction in which the pressure is applied, whether in the line of cleavage, or at right angles to it. In nearly all of the following experiments this precaution was attended to, and it will be seen that the strength is far greater when the force is exerted perpendicu- larly to the laminated surface, than when it is applied in the direction of the cleavage. In building with such stone, it is also important that it should be laid in the same position as that in which it is found in the quarry, as the action of rain and frost rapidly splits off the laminae of the stone when it is placed otherwise. The strength of the igneous, or crystal- line rocks, is the same in every direction, owing to the ar- rangement of the particles of which they are composed. It might have been advantageous to have ascertained, by analysis, the chemical composition of the substances experi- mented on ; but as this varies in almost every locality, and that in accordance with the superincumbent and surrounding strata, this is of less consequence in practice than a know- ledge of absolute facts in connexion with the properties of the material. Deductions from direct experiment are of no small importance to the architect and builder, as he should not only be acquainted with the strengths and other proper- ties of the material on which he works, but also with the changes of those qualities under the varied forms of stratified, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. COMPABATIVE VALUE OF VABIOUS KINDS OF 8TONE. 33 On the durability of the specimens, I have made no further inquiry than in regard to their power of resistance to strain. Any addition would require a separate investigation into the chemical constituents of the different specimens, and into those changes to which stone of almost every description is subjected when exposed to the action of the atmosphere. In omitting this branch of the investigation I have not forgotten its importance, but have very properly left its development to abler hands. Before giving the results of the inquiry, I may observe that a portion of the experiments were undertaken at the request of Mr. E. W. Shaw, the surveyor of the borough of Bradford, in Yorkshire, in order to ascertain the best and strongest qualities of stone for paving the streets of that town. The following tables give the result of the experi- ments on fifteen specimens of Yorkshire sandstone, and on some specimens from Wales and other places, as follow. Experiments to determine the force necessary to fracture, and subsequently to crush, 2in. cubes of sandstone from the Shipley quarries, Bradford. The pressure applied in the direction of the cleavage. No. of Expt Weights laid on in lbs. Remarks. No. of Expt Weights laid on in lbs. Remarks. No. of Expt Weights laid on in lbs. Remarks. Specimen No. 1. Shipley. Specimen No. 2. Ilea ton. Specimen No. 3. Heat on Park. 12 18 10 83524 38900 fractured crushed I] 12 16 urn 33524 40602 fractured crushed 8 9 10 11 26356 28148 29940 81732 fractured crushed Specimen No. 4. Specimen No. 9. Old Whatley. Specimen No. 10. Manningham-lane. This specimen was defective and crashed as the first weight, 2*148 lbs., was laid on 11 12 13 33524 & crushed fractured suddenly. 8 9 14 :56 28148 fractured 6 crushed 34 MR. W. FAIRBAIRN ON THE The results of the experiments 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, fractured and crushed in the line of cleavage, are given in the following table. No. of Specimen Locality. Size. Weight at which it fractured. Weight at which it crushed. 1 2 3 9 10 Shipley, Brndford. Heaton 2in. cube >> 33524 3:5524 29940 35310 28148 38000 40692 31732 35316 37108 Heaton Park Old Whatley Manningham-lane.. Mean. 32090 36749 Experiments to determine the force required to fracture, and subsequently to crush, 2in. cubes of sandstone from the Shipley and other quarries, near Bradford. Pressure being applied at right angles to the cleavage. No. of Expt Weights laid on in lbs. Remarks. No. of Expt Weights laid on in lbs. Remarks. Specimen No. 5. Idle Quarry. Specimen No. 6. Jegrum's-lane. 15 16 17 18 38900 40692 43380 fractured, crushed. 18 19 22 44276 45172 47860 fractured. crushed. Specimen No. 7. Spinkwell. Specimen No. 8. Coppy Quarry. 10 11 14 29940 31732 37108 fractured. 14 16 18 37108 39796 41588 first fracture.. second fracture. crushed. crushed. Specimen No. 11 failed. COMPARATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS KINDS OF STONE. 35 Results of experiments on specimens 5, 6, 7, 8, fractured and crushed at right angles to the cleavage. No. of Specimen Locality. Size. 2in. cube. n »» »» Weight at which it fractured. Woieht with which it crushed. 5 6 7 8 Idle Quarry, Brad- | 42484 45 17 % 811 37108 180 47860 108 41588 1 a*a»lant Coppy Quarry Mean. 39124 42484 By the foregoing experiment it will be observed that the resisting powers of stone to compression, are greatest when the pressure is applied perpendicularly upon the bed or laminated surface, and that in the ratio of 100 : 82 in the force required to fracture, and 100 : 86 in the force required to crush this description of stone. Hence, as already observed, the powers of resistance of every description of laminated stone, are most effective when the beds are placed horizontally or perpendicularly to the direction of the pressure, and this position is the more important when the stone is exposed to the atmosphere, as it partially prevents the absorption of moisture, which in winter tends to destroy the material by the contraction of the stone and the expansion of the water at low temperatures. Experiments to determine the force required to fracture and crush h'w., l£in., and 2in. cubes of stones from Scotland, Wales, and other places. No. of Kxpt Weight laid on in lbs. Remarks. No. Weight of laid on Exptj in lbs. Remarks. Specimen No. 12. Grauwacke. Penmaeumawr, Wales. 2in. cube. Specimen No. 14. Granite. Mount Sorrel. 2in. cube. 16 29 30 81 40692 slight fracture, second fracture, crushed. 19 20 21 22 46068 47860 49052 51444 fractured, and after a slight rest crushed. 65780 67572 36 MR. W. PAIEBAIRN ON THE No. of L\\pt Weight laid on S in lbs. Remarks. No. of Expt Weight laid on in lbs. Remarks. Specimen No. 15. Grauwacke. Ingleton. 2in. cube. Specimen No. 16. Granite. Aberdeen. 2in. cube. 13 20 25 35316 first fracture. 8 9 10 11 26356 27546 28148 28340 fractured, not crushed. 47860 second fracture. 53236 not crushed. Specimen No. 17. Syenite. Mount Sorrel. 2in. cube. Specimen No. 18. Granite. Bonaw. ljin. cube. 17 18 19 20 42484 44276 46068 47284 crushed. 2 3 7 15604 17396 fractur'd in 2 nearly eq. pte. crushed. 24564 Specimen No. 19. Furnace Granite. Inverary. l£in. cube. Specimen No. 20. Granite. A. ljin. cube. 4 5 6 7 19188 20980 22772 24564 crushed. 4 5 6 7 19188 20980 22772 24564 fractured, crushed. Specimen No. 21. Limestone. B. ljin. cube. Specimen No. 22. Limestone. C. l|in. cube. 1 2 3 4 13812 15604 17396 19188 fractured, crushed. 2 3 4 5 15604 17396 18292 19188 fractured, crushed. SpecimenNo. 23. MagnesianLimestone. Anston. lin. cube. Specimen No. 24. Magnesian Limestone. Worksop, lin. cube. 1 2 io 1258 2154 8050 fractured, crushed. 13 14 88 3834 3946 7098 fractured. crushed. Specimen No. 25. Sandstone, lin. cube. Specimen No. 26. Sandstone. 2in. cube. 8 9 13 2938 3050 3498 fractured. 11 12 20 9770 10218 12228 fractured. crushed. crushed. COMPABATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS KINDS OF STONE. 37 Results of experiments on stone from North Wales and other places. Specimens Nos. 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26. Weight with Weight with Pressure No. of Description rtquktl Speci- Locality. Sue. which it which it to crush a men. Stone. fractured, in lbs. crushed, in lbs. 2in. cube, in lbs. Grauwacke. Penmaenmawr ... 2in.cube. 40692 (57572 67572 14 Granite Mount Sorrel 01144 51444 51444 17 Syenite »» » »» 47284 47284 47284 18 Granite Bonaw, Inverary.. ljin.cube 17396 24564 11619 19 „ Furnace, „ ,, 24564 18649 20 M (A) „ 22772 24064 43669 21 Limestone.. 22 N 17396 19188 34112 22 „ (C) 18292 19188 84111 n Anaton lin. cube. 2104 3050 12200 24 Worksop 3946 7098 28392 18909 25 Sandstone. . »»' 3000 3498 26 >» 2in. cube. 10218 12228 12228 The Welsh specimen of grauwacke, from Penmaenmawr, exhibits great powers of resistance, nearly double that of some of the Yorkshire sandstones, and about one-third in excess of the granites, excepting only the granite from Mount Sorrel, which is to the Welsh grauwacke, as *757 : 1. Some others, such as the Ingleton grauwacke, supported more than the granites, but are deficient when compared with that from Penmaenmawr. The specimen No. 23 is the stone of which the Houses of Parliament are built. Specimens Nos. 25 and 25 were broken to show experimentally the ratio of the powers of resistance as the size is changed. The results are sufficiently near to prove that the crushing weights are as the areas of the surface subjected to pressure. The specific gravity and porosity of the different kinds of rock vary greatly, and Mr. Shaw, in his desire to obtain the best quality of Yorkshire paving stone, had those from the neighbourhood of Bradford carefully tested in regard to their powers of absorption ; the experiments, which were conducted with great precision, gave the following results. 38 MR. W. FAIRBAIRN ON THE Experiments to ascertain the amount of water absorbed by various kinds of stone. •J Description Stone. Sandstone. Grauwacke Granite Grauwacke Locality. Weight before im- mersion. lbs. Shipley 5.4687 Heaton 5.2578 Heaton Park 5.1718 Spinkwell ..... ... 5-2908 Idle Quarry 5.7178 Jegrum's-lane 5.5976 5-6757 Coppy Quarry 5 5703 Old Whatley 5.4720 Manningliam-lane . 5.4882 5.6289 Wales 0.410] 5.6875 Mount Sorrel >> >» 5.8007 Ingleton 5.75 00 Weight after im- mersion for 48 hours. DifTrence of Weight. Proportion absorbed. 5.5546 .0859 1 in 63.6 5.3632 .1054 1 in 49.8 5.2896 .1171 1 in 44.1 5.4726 .1758 1 in 30.1 5.8203 .1016 1 in 56.3 5.7187 .1211 1 in 40.2 5.7801 .1094 1 in 53.8 5.6914 .1211 1 in 46.0 5.6132 .1406 l in 38.9 5.6093 .1211 1 in 40.3 5.7539 .1250 1 in 45.0 6.4140 .0039 1 in 1041.0 5.6992 .0117 1 in 485.0 5.8124 .0117 1 in 495.0 5.7539 .0039 3 in 1962.6 From the above table it will be observed that specimen No. 15, the Ingleton grauwacke, is the least absorbent, and No. 12, the Welsh grauwacke, absorbs almost as little, while Nos. 9 and 14 of the sandstones absorb most. The granites, though closely granulated, take up much more water than the grauwackes, but less than the sandstones. The resistance of the grauwacke specimens to the admission of water is four times that of the granite, and thirty-six times that of sand- stone, such as is found in the Yorkshire quarries. COMPARATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS KINDS OF STONE. 39 I Pres- 1 i're* Pres- sure Ratios 1 Spool sure to sure per Cubic of 1 Description flo fnic- sonars feet power* CO of Looility. Size. gra- crurh iuoh in a o Stone. vity. SpfCl- S[*Ci- tocrunh ton. a> »»rp e mcn. min. S|M>Cl- tion. B men. mJm lbs. lbs. lbs. lin 1 Sandstone . Shipley* 2.452 33524 19000 9725 14.616 63.6 2 „ IHeaton* i) 2.420 8862 1 10609 10173 14.809 49.8 8 „ >nPark» .. i) 2 385 29940 31732 1 44.1 4 ,, SpiokweU >j 2.829 defective. .... 15.388 80.1 5 Idle Quarry t.... t% 2.464 42484 43380 10845 56.3 6 , , u egrutn s- lanet . • '_'. ,00 45172 47860 11965 14.933 46.2 7 „ Spinkwellf »> 2.466 31732 37108 9277J 14.592 53.8 8 ., 'vQuarryf.. j» 2.408 37108 41588 9 „ W iKitley*. .. ff 2.11.'. 35316 35316 ■ 10 „ Manning' m-lane* >) 2.401 28148 37108 ! 14.927 46.3 11 !» 2.421 f ii led. .... 14.804 46.0 12 Grauwacke Penmaenmawr . . »> •-'.748 40692 67572 16893 13.0421641.0 13 Granite .. Mount Sorrel . . . »» 2.6*7 .... ! .... .... 186.9 14 ' »» it • . . if 2.675 61444 61444 12861 13.398 I9&0 15 Grauwackejlngleton .7 D 2.787 35316 (532M> not crd 12.866 1962.6 16 Granite . . Aberdeen ii — 27546 (28340: not crd — — 17 Syenite . .Mount Sorrell . . . — 47284 47284 11821 __ — 18 19 Granite .. Bonaw liin ii — 17396 24564 10917 24564 24564J 10917 — _ Furnace 20 A ii — 22772 24561 101)17 — — 21 Limestone. B ii — 17396 19188 8528 . — — 22 C j. per square Inch. No. I. — 9in. cube of cemented brickwork (Nowell and Co.), No. I (or best quality) weighing 54 lbs., set between deal boards. Crushed with 19 tons 18 cwt. 2 qrs. 22 lbs = 551.3 No. 2. — 9in. cube of brickwork, No. 1 weighing 53 lbs., set in cement. Crushed with 22 tons 3 cwt. 0 qr. 17 lbs = 612.7 No. 3. — 9in. cube of brickwork, No. 3 weighing 52 lbs., set in cement. Crushed with 16 tons 8 cwt. 2 qrs. 8 lbs = 454.3 No. 4. — 9Jin. brickwork, No. 4 weighing 55£ lbs., set in cement. Crushed with 21 tons 14 cwt. 1 qr. 17 lbs = 568.5 No. 5. — 9in. brickwork, No. 4 weighing 54J lbs., set between boards. Crushed with 15 tons 2 cwt. 0 qr. 12 lbs = 417. Mean 521. Note. — The last three cubes of common brick continued to support the weight, although cracked in all directions; they fell to pieces when the load was removed. All the brickwork began to show irregular cracks a considerable time before it gave way. The average weight supported by these bricks was 33.5 42 MR. W. FAIRBAIRN ON THE tons per square foot, equal to a column 583.69 feet high, of such brickwork. Sandstone. fibs, per square inch. No. 6. — 3in. cube red sandstone, weighing 1 lb. 14g oz., set between boards (made quite dry by being kept in an inhabited room). Crushed with 8 tons 4 cwt. 0 qr. 19 lbs = 2043. No. 7. — 3in. cube sandstone, weighing 1 lb. 14 ozs., set in cement (moderately damp). Crushed with 5 tons 3 cwt. 1 qr. i lb = 1285. No. 8. — 3in. sandstone, weighing 1 lb. 15 J ozs., set in cement (made very wet). Crushed with 4 tons 7 cwt. 0 qr. 21 lbs = 1085. No. 9. — 6in. cube sandstone, weighing 18 lbs., set in cement. Crushed with 63 tons 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 6 lbs =3924.8 No. 10. — 9 Jin. cube sandstone, weighing 58 J lbs., set in cement (7 7 \ tons were placed upon this without effect, = 2042 lbs. per square inch, which was as much as the machine would carry) Mean 2185. All the sandstones gave way suddenly, and without any revious cracking or warning. The 3in. cubes appeared of ordinary description; the 6in. was fine grained, and appeared tough and of superior quality. After fracture the upper part generally retained the form of an inverted square pyramid about 2 Jin. high and very symmetrical, the sides bulging away in pieces all round. The average weight of this mate- rial was 130 lbs. 10 ozs. per cube foot, or 17 feet per ton. The average weight required to crush this sandstone is 134 tons per square foot, equal to a column 2351 feet high of such sandstone. COMPARATIVE VALUE OP VABIOUS KINDS OF STONE. 43 Limestone. !b«. peraqnar* inch. No. 11. — 3in. cube Anglesea limestone, weighing 2 lbs. 10 ozs., set between boards. Crushed with 26 tons 1 1 cwt. 3 qrs. 9 lbs = 6618. This stone formed numerous cracks and splinters all round, and was considered crushed ; but on removing the weight about two-thirds of its area were found uninjured. No. 12. — 3in. limestone, weighing 2 lbs. 9 ozs., set between deal boards. Crushed with 32 tons 6 cwt. 0 qr. I lb = 8039. This stone also began to splinter externally with 25 tons (or 6220 lbs. per square inch), but ultimately bore as above. No. 13 3in. limestone, weighing 2 lbs. 9 ozs., set in deal boards. Crushed with 30 tons 18 cwt. 3 qrs. 24 lbs = 7702.6 No. 14. — Three separate lin. cubes limestone, weighing 2 lbs. 9 ozs., set in deal boards. Crushed with 9 tons 7 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs = 6995.3 All crushed simultaneously. Mean 7579. All the limestones formed perpendicular cracks and splin- ters a long time before they crushed. Weight of the material from above =165 lbs. 5 ozs. per cubic foot, or 13 J feet per ton. The weight required to crush this limestone is 471.15 tons per square foot, equal to a column 6433 feet high of such material." Previously to the experiments just recorded, it was deemed advisable not to trust to the resisting powers of the material of which the towers of either bridge were composed ; and, to make security doubly sure, it was ultimately arranged to rest 44 MR. W. FAIRBAIRN ON THE the tubes upon horizontal and transverse beams of great strength, and by increasing the area subject to compression, the splitting or crushing of the masonry might be prevented. This was done with great care, and the result is the present stability of those important structures. In conclusion, I have now to submit to the consideration of the society and the practical builder the following general summary of results, obtained from various materials, showing their respective powers of resistance to forces tending to crush them. GENERAL SUMMARY OF RESULTS ON COMPRESSION. Crushing force Description of Material. in lbs. Authority. per square inch. / Cast steel Blister steel Iron \ Cast iron (white, derived ] 214816 \ Fairbaim's Experi- arid < from 14 meltings) .... j j ments on the Mechani- Steel. I Ditto (from 12 meltings). . 163744 \ cal Properties of Metals. t-v... >/, ]. ° i > I — .Transactions of the Ditto (from ordinary cast- ] g96()() \ British Association, ings) j / 1854. Porphyry 40416 Gauthey. Grauwacke, Penmaenmawr 16893 Exprmts. No. 12. Granite, mean of 3 11565 Do. Nos. 14,18,19. Sandstone, Yorkshire .... 6127 Rennie. Ditto, mean of 9 exprts. . 9824 Exprmts. 1 to 10. / Ditto, Runcorn 2185 Clark. ^ Limestone 8528 Exprmts. 21, 22. Ditto, Anglesey 7579 Clark. Ditto, Magnesian — mean. . 5074 Exprmts. 23, 24. Brick, hard 1888 Rennie. Ditto, red 805 „ Ditto, mean of 4 exprts. . . 1424 Clark. (Box 9771 English Oak (dried) 9509 Ash (ditto) 9363 Plumtree (ditto) 8241 v > Beech 6402 > Hodgkinson. / Red Deal 5748 Cedar 5674 \ Yellow Pine 5375 COMPARATIVE VALUE OF VARIOUS KINDS OF STONE. 45 It is observed by Professor Hodgkinson, in his experiments on timber, that great discrepancies occurred when the woods were in different degrees of dryness ; wet timber, though felled for a considerable time, bearing in some instances less than one-half what it bore when dry. Professor Hodgkinson has also experimented on round and square columns of sandstone from Ped Delph, Littleborougb, Lancashire, a much harder stone than that found on the banks of the Aire. With regard to these experiments, it appears " that there is a falling off in strength in all columns from the shortest to the longest, but that the diminution is so small, when the height of the column is not greater than about twelve times the side of its square, that the strength may be considered uniform, the mean being 10,000 lbs. per square inch or upwards. "From the experiments on the columns lin. square, it appears that when the height is fifteen times the side of the square, the strength is slightly reduced ; when the height is twenty-four times the height of the base, the falling off is from 138 to 96 nearly; when it is thirty times the base, the strength is reduced from 138 to 75 ; and when it is forty times the base, the strength is reduced to 52, or to little more than one-third. These numbers will be modified to some extent by experiments now in progress. " As long columns always give way first at the ends, showing that part to be ^weakest, we might economize the material by making the areas of the ends greater than that of the middle, increasing the strength from the middle both ways towards the ends. If the areas of the ends be to the area of the middle, as the strength of a short column is to that of a long one, we should have for a column, whose height was twenty-four times the breadth, the areas of the ends and middle as 13766 to 9595 nearly. . however, would make the ends somewhat too strong, 46 MR. W. FAIRBAIEN ON THE since the weakness of the long columns arises from their flexure. " Another mode of increasing the strength would be that of preventing flexure, by increasing the dimensions of the middle. " From the experiments it would appear that the Grecian columns, which seldom had their length more than about ten times the diameter, were nearly of the form capable of bearing the greatest weight when their shafts were uniform, and that columns tapering from the bottom to the top were only capable of bearing weights due to the smallest part of their section, though the larger end might serve to prevent lateral thrusts. This latter remark applies, too, to the Egyptian columns, the strength of the column being only that of the smallest part of the section. " From the two series of experiments, it appeared that the strength of a short column was nearly in proportion to the area of the section, though the strength of a larger one is somewhat less than in that proportion." I give these extracts from Mr. Hodgkinson's paper, to show the advantages to be derived from proper attention to the construction of columns, not only as regards their resistance to a crushing force, but as to the propriety of enlarging the ends to increase their powers of resistance. Experimental data cannot always be applied in architec- tural constructions ; but it is, nevertheless, essential that the architect and builder should be cognizant of the facts, in order that they may prepare their plans, as far as possible, in accordance with them, and effect the greatest amount of work with the least waste of material. The accompanying plate exhibits the appearance of some of the fractured specimens ; in all, it will be observed, that there is a tendency to give way by one or more wedges forcing out from the sides in all directions. COMPARATIVE VALUE OP VARIOUS KINDS OP STONE. 47 The plate shows the fractured appearance of, Sandstone, Shipley, Bradford. ., Heaton, Bradford. „ Heaton Park, Bradford. „ Idle Quarry. „ Spinkwell. Grauwacke, Penmaenmawr, Wales. Granite, Mount Sorrel. A. Limestone, B. c. „ Anston. Sandstone, D. E. The other specimens operated upon were not sufficiently defined in the line of fracture to admit of their form being sketched; most of them having been crushed almost to powder. Specimen No. 1. >* 2. >» 3. M 5. >1 7. >» 12. >J 14. J> 20. 5> 21. >> 22. » 23. >> 25. •a 26. 49 IV On the Fusion of Metals by Voltaic Electricity. By J. P. Joule, F.R.S., &c. [Read March 4th, 1856.] The attention of practical scientific men has of late been much occupied with the question, how far it is possible to forge large masses of iron, without destroying the tenacity and other valuable qualities of the metal^ employed. In welding iron, the metal is raised to the high temperature at which it assumes a soft and incipient viscid consistency. Two pieces of iron in this condition will adhere together slightly, if merely placed in contact with one another. That a firm junction cannot be made in this way is simply owing to the fact that few particles are brought into contact, and that the metallic continuity is only established at those points. The hammer is, therefore, employed to cause the entire surfaces to meet together. The same end has also been attained by the employment of great pressure ; and probably we shall ultimately see large masses of forged iron formed by simply subjecting a bundle of smaller pieces, raised to the welding temperature, to the operation of great pressure. To succeed in the latter process, it would however be requisite to press clean unoxidized surfaces together. Indeed the im- portance of presenting clean surfaces together in ordinary welding cannot be too strongly insisted on ; for, if oxide of iron be present, a portion of it will not fail to remain at, or in H 50 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE the neighbourhood of, the juncture, and seriously impair the quality of the iron at those points. It occurred to me some months ago that it might be possi- ble to employ the calorific agency of the electric current in the working of metals. By the use of a voltaic battery there appeared to be no doubt but that small pieces of metal could be fused into one lump. If so, it was obvious that by em- ploying a battery of adequate size the largest masses of wrought iron could be produced, the question resolving itself simply into one of cost. It was not before the last month that I had an opportunity of witnessing an experiment on a small scale. It was performed in the laboratory of Professor Thomson. He surrounded a bundle of iron wires with char- coal, and, after transmitting a powerful current through it for some time, the wires were found in one part to be completely fused together. More recently I have made several experiments in which the wires were placed in glass tubes, surrounded with char- coal, &c. With a battery of six Daniell's cells I have thus succeeded in fusing several steel wires into one, uniting steel wires with brass, platina with iron, &c. I doubt not but that in many instances the process would advantageously supersede that of soldering, especially when, for thermo-electric or other purposes, it is desirable to join metals of difficult fusibility without the intervention of another metal which melts at a lower temperature. Having demonstrated the possibility of obtaining perfect junctions by means of the voltaic current, let us inquire what expenditure of battery materials would be necessarily in- volved. In the outset it may be remarked that were not heat continually removed, by conduction, convection, and radia- tion, from a wire carrying a current of however low a degree of intensity, the wire would ultimately attain an excessively high temperature on account of the continuous augmentation FUSION OF METALS BY VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. 5 1 of heat within it. Now the escape of heat may be largely prevented by means of non-conducting substances, and will be nearly proportional to the surfaces, so that by employing sufficiently large masses of metal, and surrounding them with non-conducting materials, it may be reduced to almost any extent. The quantity of zinc required to fuse a large mass of iron may therefore be estimated as follows. — I have shown in a paper already communicated to the Society, that the quantity of heat due to the intensity of a Daniell's cell is 6°. 129 per pound of water for every 33 grains of zinc dissolved.* In working with a voltaio battery, it is generally an advantageous arrangement to make the resistance of the battery one-half that of the entire circuit. Hence, as the quantity of heat evolved in any part of the circuit is proportional to its resistance, we may take half the above, or 3°.064 per pound of water, as the heat which may be advan- tageously produced outside a Daniell's battery by the dissolution of 33 grains of zinc. Calling the temperature of incipient fusion of iron 4,000° above the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere and the specific heat of iron 0.11, we find 4,740 grains of zinc to be the quantity consumed in the voltaic battery, in order to raise one pound of iron to the temperature of fusion. But as a considerable quantity of heat will be rendered " latent," 5,000 grains may be taken as the estimate of minimum consumption of zinc, in a Daniell's battery, in order to effect the fusion of one pound of iron. The same effect is due to the heat evolved by the combus- tion of 500 grains of coal, but on account of the large quantity of heat which must necessarily escape up the chimney of a hot furnace, we may estimate the minimum actual consumption at 1,000 grains. The quantity of zinc consumed in the voltaic process is there- fore nearly equal to that of the iron to be melted, but it would * Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society, Vol. vii., p. 94. 52 MR. J. P. JOULE OK THE, ETC. be possible to effect the same object in a more economical manner, by availing ourselves of the use of the magneto- electrical machine. This machine enables us to obtain heat from ordinary mechanical force, which mechanical force may again be derived from the conversion of heat, as in the steam engine. In a steam engine it is practically possible to convert at least one-fifth of the heat due to the combustion of coal into force, and one-half of this force applied to work a magneto- electrical machine may be evolved in the shape of heat. Hence then it is possible to arrange machinery so as to pro- duce currents of electricity which shall evolve one-tenth of the quantity of heat due to the combustion of the coal employed. So that 5,000 grains of coal used in this way would suffice for the fusion of one pound of iron. 53 V. — A Short Account of the Life and Writings of the late Mr. William Sturgeon. By J. P. Joule, V.P., F.R.S., Hon. Mem. Phil. Soc. Cambridge, Corr. Mem. R.A. Turin, &c. [Read October 7 th, IR06.] A pardonable vanity of our human nature makes us seek into the past, in order to connect the names of those we respect and love, with the great and good of ancient times. In so doing we award to our contemporaries a portion of the praise and admiration which are due to their eminent fore- fathers. But the search is often unprofitable, and many of our greatest men, descended from an obscure or unknown parentage, have been the first to render the family name illustrious. Of such was the subject of the present memoir, who was born in 1783, at Whittington, a village in the county of Lancaster, near the border which divides it from Westmoreland. His father was John Sturgeon, a shoemaker, who came from the neighbourhood of Dumfries, and married Betsy Adcock, daughter of a small shopkeeper in Whit- tington. The offspring of this marriage were William, Margaret, and Mary. Of these, Mary died in infancy ; and Margaret married John Coates, and died the mother of a numerous family.* John Sturgeon appears to have been a man who paid more attention to fishing for salmon in the river Lune, a pursuit in " The youngest of these, Ellen, who was only a few weeks old at the time of her mother's death, was on that event kindly taken into the family of her uncle, William Sturgeon, and ever afterwards treated as his own daughter. 54 ME. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WHITINGS which he gained much local celebrity, than to his legitimate business. Young William at a tender age was nightly com- pelled, with a torch in his hand, to wade up to his middle in the water, while his father stood ready to spear such fish as were attracted by the glare. The treatment he experienced during the day was equally harsh, and he was liable to severe chastisement whenever his strength proved unequal to labours which would have been unsuited to a child of double his age. It argues strongly for his domestic virtues and filial piety that in after years the happiness of this parent, to whom he owed so little, was the object of his constant solicitude. Nor were these efforts lost. His father's old age bore the fruits of virtue and religion. At ten he had the misfortune to lose his mother, an estimable woman, upon whom, in consequence of the habits of his father, the support of the family mainly depended. Apprenticed, at the age of thirteen, to a shoemaker at Old Hutton, a village near Kirby Lonsdale, he was doomed to be even more cruelly treated than at home. The ill usage of apprentices was very common at that time, and the per- petrators of it too frequently escaped with impunity. Not content with exacting a slavish drudgery on the week day, this man compelled Sturgeon on the Sunday to carry game cocks from one part of the country to another, so as, in the language of that ancient but detestable sport, to change their walks. He also used much violence, and starved his apprentices to such a degree that they were obliged to make free with the hares and rabbits of the neighbourhood in order to supply their hunger. So long as Sturgeon was a mere child he patiently submitted to this tyranny, but when at the age of sixteen he felt strong enough to resist force by force, be apprised his master of that circum- stance, who, with the low cunning and cowardice suitable to such a character, ever afterwards observed a more conciliatory deportment. OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STURGEON. 55 It seems almost incredible that, amid such hardships and surrounded by such vicious examples, Sturgeon could have acquired anything valuable beyond mere proficiency in his trade, or that he could even have resisted the temptation to follow evil courses so constantly held out. But it, neverthe- less, appears that he contrived to acquire some proficiency in music, and the knowledge of several mechanical arts. His ability in the exercise of one of the latter may be judged by the following anecdote, which will illustrate at the same time the energy of character which became so conspicuous in after life. One of the celebrations of the Guild at Preston took place during his apprenticeship, and William Sturgeon and his fellow-apprentice having heard much talk about it, deter- mined to go and see it. Their master they well knew would not give his consent, but this difficulty they got over by the simple expedient of starting on their trip without asking it. Another and more serious difficulty arose from the awkward circumstance of neither of them possessing any money. Sturgeon, who had shown some talent in cleaning clocks and watches during his residence at Hutton, contrived not only to support himself and fellow-apprentice during their journey to and from Preston by what he obtained from clock clean- ing by the way, but even to arrive at home with money in pocket. On their return from satisfying their curiosity at Preston Guild, the apprentices had to undergo the ordeal of a sound thrashing from their brutal master. Dissatisfied with his position as a journeyman shoemaker, and seeing little prospect of improving his condition at Kirby Lonsdale, he, in 1802, enlisted in the Westmoreland Militia, and two years afterwards volunteered as a private into the 2nd Battalion of Royal Artillery. Soon after entering this corps he married Mary Hutton, a widow, who kept a shoe shop at Woolwich. The issue of this marriage was two daughters and a son, namely, John and Elizabeth, twins, and Ann, all of whom died in their infancy. After the death of 56 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS his first wife he married, in 1829, Mary Bromley, of Shrews- bury, by whom he had a daughter, who died in infancy. Being called into foreign service soon after his marriage with his first wife, he made the first systematic efforts for the improvement of his mind. While in Newfoundland he was first directed to the contemplation of electrical phenomena, on the occasion of a terrific thunderstorm. His interest in the works of nature being thus excited, he prepared himself for their study, by teaching himself reading and writing and the elements of grammar. A sergeant in the artillery possessed a tolerable library of books, to which the generous owner gave him constant access. It was his practice when he came off guard at night to take from his knapsack the book and candle he generally carried there, and to spend that time in reading which by the other soldiers was devoted to repose. He was thus able to devote a considerable time to mathe- matics, and to the study of the dead and living languages. To these he added optics, and various other branches of natural philosophy. He also found time to acquire various mechanical arts, such as that of lithography, in which he attained afterwards considerable proficiency. Notwithstanding his love of these pursuits he did not ne- glect, while in the army, his trade as a shoemaker, and the excellence of his workmanship caused him to be employed in this capacity by most of the officers of the corps. After leaving the army he followed this avocation in Lancaster, until, at the instance of his wife, whose relations resided at Woolwich, he returned thither, and began to prosecute with renewed assiduity his favourite intellectual studies. The difficulties he encountered in his strivings after scientific truth at this time, will be best understood by quoting his own words from a manuscript I have by me. He says : — " After leaving the service of the Royal Artillery in 1 820, and as my slender finances presented opportunities, I turned my attention to scientific inquiries, and to the construction of some of those OP THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON. 57 philosophical apparatus which, from my boyhood, I hud been an admirer of, but which, during my services at least, a military profession precluded all further knowledge of than that which was to be derived from books of science ; a species of com- modity at that time exceedingly rare in the army, even in the distinguished branch to which I bad the honor to belong. Fortunately for the service, every encouragement is now given for mental improvement both in the army and navy. Having spent the prime of life in the service, during a period of the most rigorous military discipline that ever occurred to the British army, I can vouch from experience that the value of a soldier is not likely to be deteriorated by mental cultiva- tion; nor do I think it possible that any soldier could be more devoted to his profession, than he who improves his mind by scientific studies. The more science is cultivated in the service the more efficient will be its members in the per- formance of their respective duties, and consequently the more formidable will they be found when those duties are required against a well disciplined army." " My first step towards constructing apparatus was the purchase of an old lathe, and a few tools to work with. My stock of tools, however, was very limited, from a want of means to purchase more ; so that many rude substitutes had frequently to be brought into requisition. And as I had no practice either at the lathe or the vice, my first essays in apparatus making were necessarily deficient of those elegan- cies of structure and refinements of workmanship, which always characterize the productions of regular-bred instru- ment makers." " Notwithstanding these disadvantages, however, hope and perseverance surmounted every difficulty that was met with, and I soon found myself capable of constructing such pieces of apparatus as I immediately wanted for my own purpose ; and it was not long before I found purchasers for others, even amongst the first-rate instrument makers in London. I am I 58 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS not aware that my progress was due to any particular genius that I possessed, although I never had even a moment's instruction from any person; and I record these particulars with no other view than that of encouraging others to per- severe, who may have similar disadvantages to encounter." " Having become acquainted with Mr. Thomas Rose, a gentleman of considerable scientific attainments, and at that time (1823) residing in Woolwich, I had the good fortune to become possessed of an electrical machine, much earlier than I had expected. Mr. Rose being about to construct a machine of this kind for his own use, presented me with the materials he had prepared for it as soon as he became aware that I was in want of one. By the liberality of this gentleman, I had thus placed in my hands a glass cylinder ten inches in diameter, and an excellent mahogany frame for its support. Both parts were quite new, but the cylinder was not mounted, nor was it furnished with caps at its necks. Although the fitting up of this machine and its appendages cost a considerable portion of time, I was amply rewarded by its happening to be an excellent working apparatus, which I used in my lectures and investigations for several years afterwards." As above intimated, Mr. Sturgeon procured his discharge from military duty in 1820, his conduct while a soldier having been, according to the testimony of his commanding officer, Major Jones, "altogether unimpeachable," and was thus enabled to devote himself with greater assiduity to the pur- suit of his favorite studies. At that period scientific research had just received a great impulse from the discovery by Oersted, that a current of voltaic electricity passing through a conducting wire, is capable of deflecting a poized magnetic needle from its position in the magnetic meridian of the earth. This most remarkable discovery, by which the sciences of electricity and magnetism were permanently allied, created an intense interest, and accordingly we find that the most eminent natural philosophers of the day immediately entered upon the OP THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON. 59 new field of investigation thereby opened. Davy and Arago magnetized steel needles, by placing them in the vicinity of a wire carrying a voltaic current. Ampere found that two parallel wires conveying currents in the same direction attracted one another, but that they repelled one another if the elec- tricity travelled in contrary directions ; and Faraday produced the revolution of a magnetic bar round a conducting wire, as well as the reverse phenomenon of the revolution of a con- ducting wire round one of the poles of a magnet. Mr. Sturgeon followed in the same track, and the mechanical skill he possessed enabled him to construct and improve the beautiful revolving apparatus, which had been devised by Faraday, Barlow, Ampere, and others. The rotations are in all cases owing to the action of a wire carrying a current of electricity, upon either a permanent magnet or another electro- dynamic wire, and may in every case be traced to Oersted's law. Considerable instruction may, however, be derived from their study, and it would appear that they were the object of Mr. Sturgeon's earliest scientific efforts. We accordingly find in the London Philosophic&l Magazine for September, 1823, an account of his modification of Ampere's rotating cylinders. This contrivance is succinctly described by Mr. Jones, optician, as " consisting of two sets of revolving cylinders, one suspended on each pole of an inverted horse-shoe magnet. Upon the insertion of dilute nitric acid the two sets of cylinders simulta- neously enter into rotations, in a very interesting and striking manner." The effect, adds the same authority, is the most pleasing I have ever seen. In 1824 Mr. Sturgeon published four papers on thermo- electricity, in which he succeeded in giving a fresh proof of the complete analogy which subsists between thermo-electric and voltaic currents. In 1825 he presented to the Society of Arts the complete set of novel electro-magnetic apparatus, which is described in their transactions. The great merit of this collection con- 60 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS sisted in the improved adaptation of the batteries, magnets, &c. to one another, by means of which he was enabled to perform with a galvanic arrangement, no larger than a pint pot, experiments which had previously required the use of a cumbrous and costly battery. A principal improvement was effected by increasing the size and power of the magnet, Mr. Sturgeon having had the sagacity to observe that the intensity of the action was more advantageously augmented by an increase of the magnetic force, than by an enlargement of the size of the conductors of electricity, whereby the friction on the pivots of the revolving apparatus would have been made too sensible. The Society of Arts testified its sense of the importance of this contribution, by awarding to its author its large silver medal, with a purse of thirty guineas. The most important piece of apparatus in the above collec- tion was a bent bar of iron, surrounded with a coil of conducting wire. It was the earliest contrivance for showing the extra- ordinary and instantaneous inductive effect of a voltaic current on soft iron. I have already adverted to the magnetization of steel needles by Arago and Davy, but it appears that Mr. Sturgeon was the first who observed the wonderful facility with which soft iron can be made intensely magnetic by the galvanic current, as well as the extreme rapidity of the action. Mr. Sturgeon appears to have discovered the soft iron electro- magnet, and to have constructed it both in the straight and horse-shoe shape as early as 1823. The soft iron electro- magnet has been since introduced into most electric tele. graphs. A paper published in the Philosophical Magazine for June, 1826, contains a discussion of the cause of difficulty of firing gunpowder by electrical discharges. Mr. Sturgeon showed that in order to succeed, it was necessary to place a body of low conductive power in the circuit, such as a piece of wet thread. The violence of the discharge was by this means so much diminished, that the electric fluid from eight feet of OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STUfiGEON. 61 coated glass produced no sensible shock when passed through the body, a burning sensation only being experienced. He remarks, that " by employing either a moistened thread, or narrow tube of water, gunpowder may be ignited at several interruptions of the same circuit. I have frequently passed the fluid through my own body and fired six guns by one discharge of a jar, and so instantaneous is the ignition at the several guns, that their united reports appear like the report of one gun only." In 1830, Mr. Sturgeon published a pamphlet, entitled, " Experimental Researches in Electro- Magnetism, Galvan- ism," &c, embracing an extensive series of experiments, chiefly in relation to the structure and action of galvanic batteries and the dry electric column.* It contains the record of a variety of observations, proving that the strongest chemical action on the positive plates was not always accom- panied by the transmission of the most powerful currents of electricity. Mr. Sturgeon considered these experiments to militate against the chemical theory of galvanism; but a more searching investigation would have convinced him that, in the adduced instances, the chemical action was in a great measure occasioned by minute local circuits on the plates. It was reserved for Dr. Faraday, a year afterwards, to esta- blish the chemical theory in an unassailable position, by his great discovery of the definite chemical action of electrical currents. There are, however, some facts in this pamphlet which have led to practical results of very great importance. I allude, first, to the remarkable change produced in the elec- trical powers of a metal by roughening its surface, such roughening being shown by Sturgeon to render zinc less electro-positive, so much so, that voltaic batteries constructed of no other metals than rolled zinc and cast zinc are " suffi- • This work is unfortunately only a fragment. The printer died shortly after a portion was finished, leaving his affairs in a disordered stale. The MS. of the remainder was consequently lost. 62 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS cient for the exhibition of most electro-magnetic experiments." Mr. Sturgeon was prepared to meet with this remarkable fact, having early in 1827 constructed several dry electric columns, in which zinc roughened on one side was the only metal em- ployed. The importance of employing rolled instead of cast zinc for voltaic batteries was thus made evident. The second fact to which I shall allude, as developed in this pamphlet, is the great advantage to be derived from amalgamating the zinc plates of a voltaic battery. Sir Humphrey Davy, in his Bakerian Lecture for 1826, an- nounced that amalgamated zinc is positive relatively to pure zinc, without, however, drawing any conclusion regarding the construction of voltaic batteries. Mr. Kemp, in 1828, published in Professor Jameson's Journal, the account of a battery in which the positive metal consisted of liquid amal- gam of zinc. Mr. Sturgeon appears, however, to have been the first person who introduced the use of amalgamated plates of zinc. After pointing out the method of amalgamating the plates, by first dipping them in a solution of sulphuric acid, and then immersing them in mercury, or spreading mercury over them with a piece of rag, he says, " were it not on account of the brittleness and other inconveniences occasioned by the incorporation of the mercury with the zinc, amalgama- tion of the surfaces of the zinc plates in galvanic batteries would become an important improvement; for the metal would last much longer, and remain bright for a considerable time, even for several successive hours, — essential consider- ations in the employment of this apparatus. Notwithstanding the inconveniences, however, the improvement afforded by amalgamating the surfaces of zinc plates becomes available in many experiments ; for the violent and intense chemical action which is exercised on zinc by a solution of sulphuric or muriatic acid, with the consequent evolution of heat, and annoying liberation of hydrogen, have no place when the plates are amalgamated ; the action is tranquil and uniform, OF THE LATE MR. WILLIAM STURGEON. 63 and the disengagement of gas, which is trifling, occurs only when the circuit is complete, and at the surface of the copper plate. The electric powers are highly exalted, and continue in play much longer than with pure zinc ; and the only care of the experimenter is to prevent the copper, or whatever metal be substituted, from becoming amalgamated." From the earlier portion of the above extract, it has been alleged that Mr. Sturgeon did not fully perceive the practical superiority of amalgamated, over ordinary zinc plates; but generous and even candid criticism will attribute his reserve to his praiseworthy aim to place before the reader the pro- bable disadvantages as well as the real ascertained advantages of his invention. How much the latter predominated over the former, in Mr. Sturgeon's mind, will be obvious to any one who reads the whole passage. I need hardly remark, that amalgamated zinc plates are at the present day em- ployed in Grove's, Daniell's, and, in short, every form of improved battery. 1 next notice a memoir on the thermo-magnetism of homo- geneous metals, published in the Philosophical Magazine for 1831, which contains a very laborious investigation of the effect of local heat on simple metals, by which he con- firms Yelin's observation, that currents are produced in any metal by an unequal application of heat, and shows that these currents have a particular reference to the crystalline structure of the metal ; bismuth, antimony, and zinc, which in a pure state exhibit the phenomena in an eminent degree, losing it nearly altogether when their crystalline condition has been destroyed by alliage with a small portion of tin or lead. Professor Thomson has recently discovered that strain, whether arising from crystalline structure or any other cause, produces, according to certain laws, an alteration both in the thermo-electric character of metals, and their power to conduct electrical currents. In the year 1825 Arago announced his remarkable dis- 64 ME. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WHITINGS co very of the magnetism of rotation. He showed that a magnetic needle was deflected when a disc, composed of any- kind of substance, was revolved near it. This very interesting phenomenon immediately occupied the attention of the most distinguished physicists, among whom the names of Seebeck, Herschel, Babbage, Christie, and Barlow, may be particularly mentioned. Herschel and Babbage remarked that a slit in the revolving plate materially diminished its action on the needle. Mr. Sturgeon took up the subject in 1832, and after much labour came to the conclusion that the effects were pro- bably owing to a disturbance of the electric fluid by magnetic action. The words he uses are, " It would, however, be no great stretch of the imagination to suppose a disturbance of the electric fluid by magnetic action, as it would be only a kind of re-action to that which takes place in electro-magnet- ism." From the above extract there can be little doubt that Mr. Sturgeon would presently have arrived at the dis- covery of magnetic electricity, had he not been anticipated by Dr. Faraday, who, in November, 1831, communicated to the Royal Society his paper, " On the Evolution of Electricity from Magnetism," which forms the 2nd section of the first of that inimitable series of experimental researches, which has contributed so greatly to the scientific renown of Britain. Van Marum and others had shown that a voltaic battery is able to charge coated glass. After repeating their experi- ments, Mr. Sturgeon constructed an apparatus, by means of which a leyden battery in connection with a series of Cruick- shank's voltaic plates is repeatedly charged and discharged, by means of the revolution of a toothed wheel. In this way " the discbarges can be made in such rapid succession as to prevent the sensation of distinct shocks, the effect on the animal economy being similar to that produced by a voltaic battery charged with acid and water. No shock was produced independently of the glass battery." OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM 8TUBG1 65 In 1836 Mr. Sturgeon communicated a paper to the Royal Society, which, however, being denied insertion in the Philo- sophical Transactions, received publication in the Annals of Electricity, entitled, " Researches in Electro-Dynamics." It contains the description of a machine, in which a coil of wire made to revolve between the poles of a horse-shoe magnet becomes the source of copious electrical currents. Another machine is also described, in which the revolving coil is fur- nished with a core of iron. Magneto-electrical coil machines had been constructed previously, the most celebrated being those of Pixii and Saxton. In these machines the current reciprocated at every half revolution of the coil, or a stronger current being forced in one direction than in another, the difference only could be utilized. Therefore, though able to bit some interesting phenomena, such as the spark and shock, they were almost powerless to produce deflections of the magnetic needle or electro-chemical decompositions. Mr. Sturgeon, by means of a very beautiful arrangement of four semi-wheels, mounted on the axis of his machine, united the entire energies of the opposing currents in one direction. This admirable invention received at his hands a still further improvement, by the introduction of springs pressing against the revolving discs, and the use of oil as a lubricating agent ; mercury, which presents many very serious inconveniences, being thus superseded. In fact, the magneto-electrical machine received from Mr. Sturgeon's hands an improvement even more essential than that which the steam engine received from the genius of Watt, and henceforth it could be employed for telegraphic communication, chemical decomposition, and in short all the purposes for which a voltaic battery is available. An opinion is expressed by Mr. Sturgeon that the magneto- electrical machine thus improved, would ultimately entirely supersede the use of the voltaic battery, and I cannot but concur in it for reasons which I have stated fourteen years ago. The argument is simply this. It has been shown by K 66 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS Liebig, and also demonstrated by my own experiments, that the production of force by the oxidation of zinc, is at least one hundred times as expensive as that derived from the com- bustion of coal in the steam engine. Therefore, admitting that half the effect is wasted during the conversion of ordinary force into that of current electricity, and also that half the useful effect is wasted in the production of force by the voltaic battery, we arrive at the conclusion that the zinc requisite to produce a current of given intensity is at least twenty-five times as expensive as the coal which, consumed in a steam engine working a Sturgeon's magneto -electrical machine, would be able to effect the same result. In an inquiry on the " Attributes of the Galvanometer," he found that a voltaic pair, enfeebled by a long continued action, is able to produce a powerful temporary current after a few minutes rest. I have since been able to show that the strong initial current which takes place on the first immersion of a pair of zinc and copper plates into dilute acid is owing to the presence of oxygen on the surface of the negative plate. In 1832 Mr. Sturgeon constructed an electro-magnetic engine for turning machinery, which was the first contrivance by means of which any considerable mechanical force was developed by the voltaic current. Since that time, engines of various forms have been constructed by Jacobi, Davidson, and others ; but, as I have already observed, the hopes once entertained of superseding steam as a motive force were found to be fallacious. Professor Henry appears to have been the first who ob- served a spark on the disruption of a voltaic circuit in which a long wire or coil was included. This phenomenon he justly attributed to the dynamical induction discovered by Dr. Faraday. Mr. Jenkin observed that on placing a bar of iron within the coil, the intensity of the electrical action on the breaking of the circuit is sufficient to produce a shock. Henry and Faraday extended the subject still further, by OP THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STUBGEON. 67 papers published almost simultaneously in the beginning of 1835. In 1837 Mr. Sturgeon produced his electro -magnetic coil machine, consisting of a coil of thick wire surrounded by a helix of thin wire. The coil of thick wire was in connection with a pair of galvanic plates : an arrangement being made for rapidly making and breaking the circuit. The ends of the helix of thin wire were employed to communicate the shock, which is further enhanced by the insertion into the axis of the coil of a bundle of iron wires, or a scroll of thin sheet iron. This apparatus is the most efficient ever em- ployed by medical practitioners, and its power is such that "a strong shock and bright spark are produced when the battery employed consists of a copper and zinc wire (No. 1 5) immersed one-tenth of an inch deep in dilute nitrous acid." Mr. Dancer has made a capital improvement on this instru- ment, by supplying a self-acting apparatus, consisting of a piece of iron attached to a spring, by the intermittent attrac- tion of which the use of a toothed wheel is dispensed with. A research concerning the fracture of leyden jars by elec- trical explosions conducted Mr. Sturgeon to the discovery of the means of preventing such accidents, by connecting the inner coating of the jar with the rod which supports the ball by means of strips of tinfoil. So effectual did Mr. Sturgeon find this simple contrivance to be, that during twelve years he did not break a single jar, although during that period he discharged a battery of twelve jars some hundreds of times from the most intense electrization. In the autumn of 1838, a series of experiments was per- formed at the house of Mr. Gassiott, of Clapham-common, with a voltaic battery which was the joint property of Mr. Gassiott and Mr. Mason. These experiments appear to have been conducted by Messrs. Gassiott, Mason, Sturgeon, and Walker. After various interesting results had been ob- tained, Mr. Sturgeon, who had been previously requested to provide a catalogue of the experiments which it would be 68 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS desirable to make, had the opportunity of observing, for the first time, a highly important fact, which he describes in the following words: — " The battery was in series of one hundred and sixty pairs. I brought the tip ends of the polar wires (copper wire, one-tenth of an inch diameter) into contact, end to end, then withdrew them gently and very gradually from each other, keeping the flame in full play between them, till they were separated about one-fourth of an inch. In a few minutes the positive wire got red hot for half an inch, but the negative wire never became red. I repeated this several times in order to be convinced of the fact. I next laid the wires across one another, and bronght them into contact about an inch from- the extremities, and separated them as before. In a short time the whole of that part of the positive wire from the point of crossing to the extremity became very red hot, but the negative end never got even to a dull redness ; it was certainly very hot, but never higher than a black heat. I next increased the length of the ends of the wires exterior to the circuit, and eventually heated two inches of the positive wire to a bright redness, but no such heat took place on the other wire. Thus satisfying myself that I was not mistaken, I called Mr. Mason to come and look at it ; and, after satisfying that gentleman by an experiment or two, we called Mr. Gassiott and Mr. Walker to come and witness the novel phenomenon," Mr. Sturgeon considered that the heat was driven along bodily by the electric current, so as to accumu- late at the point whence the discharge across the air takes place, an hypothesis which cannot be entertained at the present day. The true explanation of the phenomenon is most probably that advanced by Professor Thomson, viz., that in thermo-electric arrangement air stands in the same ratio to copper as bismuth does to antimony. Whence heat is evolved by electricity passing from copper to air, but cold by the reverse action. Porrett had discovered a disturbance of the hydrostatic OF THE LATE MB. WILLUM STUEGJ 69 level by voltaic action. In his experiments, a glass vessel divided into two compartments, by a bladder partition, had one of the partitions filled with water. By sending a voltaic current through the diaphragm the water was carried along with it until nearly the whole of it was driven into the other compartment, Mr. Porrett employed a battery of eighty cells, but Mr. Sturgeon succeeded in obtaining a striking result, of a similar nature, by the use of a simple Daniell's cell, the copper and zinc plates of which were couuected together by a conducting wire; after a few days action the solution of sul- phate of copper was found to be four inches higher than the level of the liquid in contact with the zinc plate. Xhere is some reason to believe, that in Mr. Sturgeon's experiment, the ordinary phenomenon of endosmose and exosmose, so ably discussed by Professor Graham, had some place. Indeed, Mr. Porrett's experiment is, probably, only a peculiar in- stance of the mutual action of two dissimilar fluids in a porous material, the one fluid positively electrified, and the other negatively electrified water. In investigating the action of heat on the poles of a magnet, Mr. Sturgeon found that an alteration of attraction for a suspended needle was thereby produced, which altera- tion subsided to a considerable extent as the magnet became restored to its original temperature. Mr. Sturgeon drew from his observations the conclusion that the magnetic poles move from the point where the heat is applied. Subse- quently, on repeating the experiment by which Barlow found that the magnetic virtue of iron disappeared at a white heat, he found that a full red heat was capable of effecting the same result. Hjs paper, entitled " Some Peculiarities in the Magnetism of Ferruginous Bodies," published in the seventh volume of the Society's Memoirs, contains an able discussion of this interesting subject ; results of a very striking charac- ter being obtained with bars magnetized either by electric currents or the inductive action of the earth. Mr. Sturgeon 70 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS found that on heating one part of a bar to a full red heat, the remainder acted just as if the heated portion had been removed altogether. Mr. Sturgeon had shown, in his " Experimental Researches in Electro- Magnetism and Galvanism," published in 1830, that when two similar plates of iron are placed, one in each of two strong solutions of nitric acid of different degrees of strength, having a bladder partition between them, they form an active voltaic pair : a battery of ten such pairs enabled him to decompose water and to ignite metals. At the same time he showed the high rank held by iron as an electro-negative element, when associated with amalgamated zinc. In 1836 Daniell observed that iron is sometimes more efficient than platinum, in association with amalgamated zinc; and about the same time Roberts and Fyfe recommended the employment of iron in the construction of voltaic batteries. In 1839 Mr. Sturgeon constructed a battery, consisting of twelve iron gas tubes, furnished with strips of amalgamated zinc, which proved very efficient. Afterwards, in 1840, he fitted up ten cylin- drical jars of cast iron, each eight inches high and three inches and a-half in diameter, with the same number of amalgamated zinc cylinders of about two inches diameter. Although the electro-motive force of an iron zinc pair is only about one-half that of a Daniell's cell, Mr. Sturgeon's cast iron battery may be advantageously employed in many cases, owing to its great simplicity and cheapness. In an experimental investigation of the " Magnetic Characters of Simple Metals, Metallic Alloys, and Salts," published in the seventh volume of the Transactions of this Society, Mr. Sturgeon showed that several metallic alloys became endued with magnetic properties, although their con- stituents separately showed no such action. On the other hand, nickel and iron became almost entirely inert to magnetic action when combined with other metals. An alloy of iron OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STUBGEON. 7 1 and zinc, in the proportion of 1 to 7, was found to be quite destitute of magnetic action. In 1839 he published a memoir " On Marine Lightning Conductors," comprising an examination of the effects of lightning on shipping, with remarks on Mr. Harris's plan; and the description of a new system of conductors. Mr. (now Sir W. Snow) Harris, following Mr. Henley, placed a strip of copper into a groove let into each mast. An elec- trical discharge striking the top of the mast was thus to be conducted by the copper strip through the keel into the water. In the system recommended by Mr. Sturgeon, cop- per rods or metallic ropes are placed aft the shrouds of each mast. The upper extremities of these conductors are at- tached to the fore, main, and mizen tops, as distant from the masts as circumstances will allow. The lower ends are con- nected with the chains belonging to the aft shrouds of each mast, and continued by broad and stout straps of copper to the sheathing of the ship. The top and top-gallant masts are protected in a similar manner, their conductors being connected with those of the lower masts. If, therefore, light- ning strike the top-gallant, it will descend in two streams on either side of the mast, and then over the sides into the sea. Lastly, in order to distribute the discharge as completely as possible, and thus still further to lessen its danger, he proposed to unite the conductors of the fore, main, and mizen, by means of copper rods or metallic ropes in the position of stays. Little attention seems to have been paid to the above system, which, nevertheless, secures many highly important advan- tages, of which the following may be enumerated. 1st. The conductors being for the most part entirely removed from any combustible material, and combined so as to divide amongst them any stroke of lightning, the danger of fire in consequence of lateral discharge is less to be apprehended. 2nd. The electric fluid is carried over the side of the vessel, which 72 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS obviates the great risk which might arise from lateral explosion near the combustible or explosive materials of a cargo, and particularly should any accident have occasioned any interrup- tion of the complete continuity of a conductor passing through the hull. 3rd. The magnetizing effects on chronometers are diminished. And 4th. The labour and expense of the fitting a ship with conductors are considerably lessened. I have said that Mr. Sturgeon's system, however excellent, did not receive much attention from the existing authorities. In addition to this disappointment, he found himself involved in a dispute with Mr. Harris, who had been largely successful in introducing Mr. Henley's plan into the navy. The advancement of science is seldom facilitated by warm controversy, and in this instance it must be allowed that Mr. Sturgeon suffered himself to be betrayed into stronger language than was suitable to the occasion. But with respect to the scientific portion of the argument, I cannot but be of opinion that he had a decided advantage over his opponent. The chief subject of dispute was whether a vertical conductor communicating by its lower end with the earth will, when struck by lightning, produce strong electric disturbance to vicinal conducting bodies not in metallic connexion with the earth. Mr. Harris insists that the spark which is observed to pass between an insulated discharging rod and an insulated conductor very near it, is owing to an excess of electricity on one coating of the ley den jar, as com- pared with that on the other ; so that complete neutralization not taking place, the discharging rod receives a charge which it is able to communicate to neighbouring bodies. This hypo- thesis is, however, entirely at variance with Dr. Priestley's investigation of the phenomenon, as well as the experiments of Weekes, and many others. But there can be no doubt that even admitting Mr. Harris's hypothesis, the lateral explosion must exist pre-eminently in a thunderstorm, the circumstances of which render it almost impossible to conceive that the total electricity of a cloud is just equal in amount to OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STURGEON. 73 the electricity induced by it on the earth's, surface. But even were the lateral explosion disproved, it could not be denied that any electrical current must at its rise and fall tend to produce currents of induction, according to the laws dis- covered by Faraday and Henry. Such induced currents must, in the case of a lightning stroke, be excessive, and only estimable by direct experiments on conductors in the neighbourhood of one struck by lightning. It must also be remarked that any discharge will, according to the established laws of conduction of electric currents, distribute itself among all bodies in contact with the lightning conductor, in propor- tion to their conducting powers. The portion thus conveyed might indeed be numerically insignificant as compared with the main stream, but yet sufficient to create sparks, at disrup- tions of such weak conductors, capable of igniting combustible materials. For the above reasons, whatever good fortune may have hitherto attended the conductors at present used in the navy, I cannot but prefer Mr. Sturgeon's system, which re- moves the conductors as far as possible from contact with any portion of the ship or its cargo. Atmospheric electricity was a subject to which Mr. Sturgeon devoted a great deal of attention, from the commencement of his scientific career. He was in the habit of raising a kite, the string of which, insulated at the lower end, had a fine wire laid in it. In all seasons and weathers, on high and low ground, in every hour of both day and night, did he pursue this interesting but somewhat hazardous* course of investiga- tion. By the result of more than five hundred kite observations he confirmed the important fact, first discovered by Kinnersley and Beccaria, that the atmosphere in serene weather is uni- formly positive with regard to the earth. He also proved that the higher we ascend the more positive does it become ; " See his " Caution to Experimenters with the Electrical Kite," which he published in consequence of having been nearly killed by a discharge from only one hundred yards of wired string, though no thunder was heard. L 74 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS so that if the #strata in which the kites are immersed are at altitudes corresponding to the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, their relative charges of positive electricity would be conveniently repre- sented by those numbers. He also revived copper and silver from their solutions, and decomposed water by atmospheric electricity. I cannot forbear describing, in his own words, one of the many extraordinary electrical displays, of which Mr. Sturgeon was a witness. On June 14th, 1834, he writes : M The rain fell so heavily that it was with some difficulty I got the kite afloat; and when up, its greatest altitude did not exceed fifty yards. The silken cord also, which had been intended for the insulator, soon became so completely wet that it was no insulator at all. Notwithstanding all these impedi- ments, I was much gratified with the display of the electric matter issuing from the end of the string to a wire, one end of which was laid on the ground and the other attached to the silk, at about four inches distance from the reel of the kite string. An uninterrupted play of the fluid was seen over the four inches of wet silken cord, not in sparks, but in a bundle of quivering purple ramifications, producing a noise similar to that produced by springing a watchman's rattle. The display was beautiful beyond description. The reel was occasionally enveloped in a blaze of purple arborized electrical fire, whose numberless branches ramified over the silken cord, and through the air to the blades of grass, which also became luminous on their points and edges, over a surface of some yards in cir- cumference. We also saw a complete globe of fire pass over the silken cord between the wire and reel of the kite string. It was exceedingly brilliant, and about the size of a musket ball." Having on another occasion elevated an electrical kite during a thunderstorm, he noticed that a shower of sparks was discharged from the string at the moment of each flash of lightning, a phenomenon which he accounted for by sup- posing that every flash of lightning disturbs all the electric OF TELE LATE ME. WILLIAM STURGEON. 75 fluid around it, and thus produces an electrical wave which, in some instances, reaches to great distances. Mr. Sturgeon noticed that thunderstorms are the most violent when they occur over wet ground or water, owing to the facility with which such a surface can he charged by the inductive influence of electrified clouds; and also that elec- trical storms generally travel in the direction of rivers or along narrow tracts of wet ground. In his description of the thunderstorm which occurred near Manchester on the 16th July, 1850, he made an observation which was probably more remarkable than any that had been previously made in at- mospheric electricity. This consisted in the determination of the time of a lightning discharge by means of the vibrations of a pendulum ; the streams of electric fluid being visible in some cases as long as a second and a-half. Mr. Clare and others, including myself, who witnessed the same pheno- menon from different points of view, coincided in remarking that these streams of electric fluid took up a very sensible time, and that the motion of electricity along them was ap- parent. This extraordinary and magnificent spectacle seems to have been owing to the great elevation at which the light- ning was playing, where the rarefaction of the air would pro- bably cause it to assume some of the characteristics of the aurora borealis. Mr. Sturgeon does not appear to have embraced any theory of the cause of thunderstorms. I may, however, remark, that after the discovery by Faraday that the enormous evolution of electricity in Armstrong's hydro-electrical apparatus is owing to the friction of particles of water and air, it is pro- bable that the electricity of the thunder-cloud arises from the friction of the particles of water or ice of which it is com- posed, or which are falling from it, against the cold non- conducting air which exists at a high altitude. The aurora borealis was a phenomenon in which Mr. Stur- geon took a great deal of interest. His observations of this 76 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS meteor extended over a period of more than twenty years. Its cause he attributes to a sudden change of temperature in the upper regions of the atmosphere, giving rise to a corre- sponding disturbance of the electric fluid. The attenuated air is, he conceives, illuminated by these extensive movements of electricity, which at the same time agitate the magnetic needle in conformity with the laws of electro-magnetic action. I think it must be allowed that a more intimate connexion subsists between the magnetism of the earth and the aurora than he seems disposed to admit, although few will, probably, embrace the very artificial hypothesis of Dal ton. Mr. Stur- geon shows an excellent example of the spirit with which all mere hypothesis ought to be enunciated, in the concluding sentence of his " Observations on the Aurora Borealis," in which he says with much modesty, " It is possible, however, that the theoretical views which I have here advanced may be open to objections that I do not myself perceive, and may require the corrections of a more diligent observer, and a sounder reasoner on the facts observed." The last contribution I shall notice is one on a subject of great scientific interest and practical importance, " the electro-culture of farm crops." Many philosophers of emi- nence had made the observation that plants grow more vigorously when they are electrified or galvanized ; but the experiments of Dr. Forster, in 1845, appear to have been the earliest in which the atmosphere was employed as the elec- trifying agent. He suspended a wire in the air communi- cating metallically with a wire buried three inches deep and surrounding the plot experimented on. He found the yield of the ground, so electrified, to be considerably greater than that of the rest of the field. The experiments of Dr. Forster, variously modified, were repeated by Mr. Sturgeon with re- sults sufficiently successful to encourage further investigation. I do not know whether any further trials have been made, but when we reflect upon the enormous quantity of electricity OF THE LATE MR. WILLIAM 8TUBGEON. 77 almost* constantly descending from the air through the leaves and roots of plants, it is impossible not to allow that great influence on vegetation is exercised by it, and it must be reasonable to infer that such influence may be increased or modified by collecting and distributing it by artificial means. Having completed a rapid survey of Mr. Sturgeon's prin- cipal scientific researches and discoveries, it will be proper now to notice his career in the several capacities of editor, lecturer, and professor. Soon after leaving the army he was appointed Lecturer on Experimental Philosophy to the Hon. East India Company's Military Seminary at Addiscombe, and he continued to hold that position, with credit to himself, until, in the year 1838, he accepted the office of Superintendent of the Royal Victoria Gallery of Practical Science, an institu- tion which was founded in this city by a few public spirited gentlemen, in the hope that by means of popular scientific discourses, illustrated by experiments with apparatus of a size and completeness unattainable by a private lecturer, interest would be excited and scientific education largely promoted. This expectation was, however, unhappily disappointed. The indifference to pursuits of an elevated character, which too frequently marks wealthy trading communities, destroyed this, as it has many other useful institutions. Undismayed by this failure, Mr. Sturgeon made strenuous efforts to establish another institution of a similar character, but which failed from the same cause which ruined its predecessor. After this he had no further connexion with any other educational establishment, and relied for support on the precarious emo- luments arising from the courses of lectures he delivered in various parts of the country. As a lecturer he was distinguished by his power of im- pressing the truths of science clearly and accurately on the minds of his auditory, and especially by the uniform success of his experimental illustrations. The following quotation, from one of his unpublished lectures, illustrating at once his 78 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WHITINGS style of composition and his comprehensive view of the elec- trical agent, will be read with interest. — " Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I have, as far as this short course of lectures would admit, endeavoured to illustrate the principles of mag- netism, and their connexion with electricity. I have shown you by a series of selected experiments, that there is not only a reciprocal action exercised by those mysterious powers upon each other ; but, by their agency, some of the most wonder- ful and important phenomena of nature are produced. " The electric fluid is so universally diffused throughout every part of nature's productions, that every particle of cre- ated matter, both animate and inanimate, which has hitherto been contemplated by the philosopher, is full of this surpriz- ingly animated elemental fire. " In regions far above the surface of the earth, where the air is much attenuated and so far thinned, near to the utmost verge of the atmosphere, as to become a conducting medium, the electric element plays its quivering streamers and spark- ling corruscations in the beautiful aurora of the north. Some- times this rare — this fascinating phenomenon is exhibited in a steady glowing arch of light ; whilst at others, it expands its dancing network in transient display over the whole concave of the visible heavens. " At altitudes less elevated than those which form the grand theatre for the display of the aurora borealis, the elec- tric discharges become more compact, and shoot slanting downwards, on bright serene evenings, those beautiful gleam- ing orbs of meteoric light, which, from ancient custom, are still called falling stars. w Still less elevated in the atmosphere the big black clouds swell with the electrical element, until bursting from its aerial walls it discharges itself into space, in all those grand, magni- ficent, and splendid forms of lightning, with their tremendous peals of thunder, so frequently displayed in most countries during the transient rage of a majestic summer's storm. OP THE LATE MB. WILLIAM 8TURG1. 79 " Descending to the earth we trace its circumfluent streams polarizing this vast ball of matter, on which we are destined to live and perform all our actions, and insinuating its resist- less influence in all the silent, mysterious, attractions of the magnet. " Trace it to the laboratory of the chemist, and we find it the most active and vigorous agent in accomplishing all those astonishing changes which give new forms, and new qualities, to passive, obedient matter. " Besides all these important operations of nature, accom- plished by the agency of electricity, it is capable of restoring the dormant muscular and nervous powers of man, which have been prostrated by accident or disease ; and of giving new life, and new vigor, to parts which have bid defiance to every other mode of medical treatment. " In plants also, as well as in animals, it is said to facilitate their growth, and to give health, vigor, and beauty to their general appearance. " Indeed, so universally does the electric fluid appear to be employed in most, if not all, the grand processes of nature, that there is not, perhaps, a plant that grows, nor a limb that moves, but is, in some measure, influenced by its powers. u Nay, it is, perhaps, this astonishing, this most gigantic of physical agents, which is employed by the Great Creator to spin the earth and planets on their axes, to sweep them through the heavens in their regular periods of revolutions, and to keep in uniform motion all those massy orbs of matter which compose the counties* systems of the universe. " Brief and imperfect as is the outline which I have thus portrayed of one individual branch of science, perhaps we may venture to ask, who is there, then, who knows the ad- vantages, the beauties, nay, the pleasures of scientific know- ledge, who would think his time misspent, or his labours useless, in the accomplishment of so noble an acquisition ? "It is by the cultivation of the mind that one man be- 80 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS comes superior to, and has an absolute advantage over, another; and, by the study of science, the minutest process, and the most stupendous operation of nature, become alike delightful and familiar. The mind is thus led to explore the beautiful, the harmonious, the wondrous works of creation, and to admire and adore Creation's God." In the year 1836 Mr. Sturgeon established a new scientific periodical, entitled the " Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry, and Guardian of Experimental Science," which he in the first instance published quarterly, but after- wards monthly. He conducted it with great ability, industry, and perseverance through ten octavo volumes. This work became the medium of the communication of much valuable information ; and we are told that it gave rise to a similar publication, edited by Professor De la Rive, of Geneva. Subscribers to it were not sufficiently numerous to enable Mr. Sturgeon to continue it ; but, nevertheless, after an in- terval of six months he made another attempt, which resulted in the appearance of the "Annals of Philosophical Discovery," which, however, he gave up after publishing six monthly numbers. Few, unhappily, care to read what it takes the slightest effort to understand ; hence, with certain special ex- ceptions, the sale of a publication may almost be said to be inversely proportional to the cultivation that may be expected from its perusal. Thus an inferior periodical literature is most generally read, while so little regard is paid to the phenomena of nature, or the theories of the philosopher, that a scientific magazine is nearly always a bad speculation, in a pecuniary point of view. Mr. Sturgeon published several useful elementary works, of which the principal are : — " Lectures on Electricity, deli- vered in the Royal Victoria Gallery in 1841-42 ;" "A Course of Twelve Elementary Lectures on Galvanism;" and "A Familiar Explication of the Theory and Practice of Electro- gilding and Electro-silvering." He also prepared a transla- OP THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STURGEON. 81 tion of Jacobi's " Whole Galvanoplastic Art," and a new edition of Barlow's " Treatise on Magnetism." His last work, which was completed only a few weeks before his death, was a compilation, in one large quarto volume, of the whole of his published scientific papers, systematically arranged, preceded by an able historical sketch of electro- magnetism, from its commencement until the year 1823. That a man, whose whole life was spent in hard labour, both mental and bodily, and in the anxieties and depriva- tions incident to slender pecuniary resources, should have attained to the age of even 67 years, is somewhat remark- able, and shows, what other similar cases testify, how in- timate a connexion subsists between the strength of the mind and the stamina of the constitution. Or, rather, does it not teach that the brain being kept under steady discipline, and in constant active employment, reacts on the body so as to produce a corresponding vigor in the functions by which life is sustained? Mr. Sturgeon continued, with little in- termission, in a course of assiduous industry until ten days before his death, which took place at Prestwich, on Sunday, December 8th, 1851. In considering the moral and intellectual qualities of this eminent man, it is needful to recollect that from his birth to 1820, an interval of 37 years elapsed, during which the circumstances of his position precluded almost entirely the cultivation of the higher faculties of the mind. Thus, to were wanting all those advantages which belong so eminently to early study ; such as the stimulus of first ideas ; freshness and pliability of imagination ; the vigour and hope- fulness of a mind unsoured with disappointment, and un- clogged with the infirmities which begin to settle upon it when the meridian of life is scarcely attained. That Mr. Sturgeon succeeded at all with such a fundamental disad- vantage, can only be attributed to the amazing elasticity and sanguineness of his temperament. This quality, so essential 82 MR. J. P. JOULE ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS to his position, and without which he would probably never have attained even mediocrity, must, nevertheless, be reck- oned as the source of many of his embarrassments. On the one hand it made him look beyond and aim further than the mere acquisition of personal comfort ; on the other hand it led him to embark in projects which entailed upon him trouble and loss. So true it is, that even the best qualities of the mind are to a certain extent, so to speak, double handed, and affect a man's happiness injuriously or bene- ficially according to the character of the individual, and the circumstances in which he is placed. To see a man labouring hard for the good of society and the advancement of science without the possession of suitable means, is a spectacle which calls forth the liveliest sympathies of our nature. However noble the motives of such exertion, it is certain that a man is frequently placed in circumstances which render it a duty and virtue to deny himself the grati- fication of intellectual pursuits. If a family is dependent upon his labour for their daily bread, — if the claims of credi- tors are to be met, — then it may be his bounden duty to pursue the ordinary employment of society rather than his favourite researches, however important, if they are not ac- companied by a steady and adequate remuneration. Fre- quently, however, it is difficult, or even impossible, for a man disappointed in his hopes of realizing an income by intellectual labour, to turn his attention successfully to ordinary business, and thus paralysed in all his efforts he becomes involved in crushing and hopeless penury. The sum which would be necessary to succour the needy man of science, and so to ena- ble him to continue his researches, would appear trifling indeed if regard were had to the important objects to be realized. But he appeals not to his country as a pauper. He asks it to discharge the debt it owes for labours which have contributed to the common weal, a debt which cannot honourably be left unpaid. OF THE LATE MB. WILLIAM STURGEON. 83 In the case of Mr. Sturgeon, Government was induced, through the untiring exertions of my friend, E. W. Binney, F.R.S., &c. (to whom science owes so much for his kind assistance to its humble cultivators), to award a sum of £200., and afterwards a pension of £50., which, on Mr. Sturgeon's death, a year afterwards, was continued to his widow. These sums, along with the private efforts of his friends, alone saved him from being reduced to a state of destitution, which had it occurred would have reflected deep discredit upon the community. Mr. Sturgeon was of a tall and well built frame of body ; his forehead was high, and his features were strongly marked. His address was animated ; and his conversation, as it gene- rally is when the mind is stored with knowledge, pleasing and instructive. His style of writing was at once vigorous, lucid, and graceful. In friendship he was warm and steady ; in domestic life affectionate and exemplary. He had a noble mind and a generous heart. In politics he was a conserva- tive ; in religion a member of the Church of England. He was a close and sagacious rea3oner, and an unsparing exposer of error. He detested quackery and false pretension, sought diligently for truth, and loved it for its own sake. A diligent accumulator and observer of facts ; eager in the pursuit of information, of whatever kind, and in communicating his stores to others ; under more fortunate circumstances he would, probably, have left a name unsurpassed in the scientific history of his time ; as it is, he will always be remembered as a distinguished cultivator of natural knowledge. 83 VI. — On the Solubility of Sulphate of Baryta in Acid Solutions. By F. Crace Calvert, F.C.S., M.R.A. Turin, &c. [Read December 2nd, 1856.] There are few substances more frequently met with and which require to be determined with greater precaution than sulphur and its compounds, it is therefore of the highest importance to possess exact means of knowing their pro- portions. Up to the present time it has been admitted that sulphate of baryta was so insoluble that it was sufficient to add a soluble salt of baryta to a solution containing a sulphate, with an excess of acid, either nitric or hydrochloric (so as to avoid the precipitation of other acids by the baryta), in order that the sulphuric acid existing in a liquor should be exactly determined. My researches have convinced me that sulphate of baryta is soluble in acids. I have succeeded, as will be seen further on, in dissolving two grains of sulphate of baryta in 1,000 grains of nitric acid of a specific gravity of 1.167; whilst it requires 140,000 grains of water to dissolve one grain of sulphate of baryta ; and what is not less interest- ing is, that very weak nitric acid influences the solubility of sulphate of baryta; it is therefore essential not to acidify liquors with nitric acid. This fact seemed to me so important for analytical chemis- try, that I made a great number of researches in order to 86 MR. F. C. CALVERT ON THE SOLUBILITY OF know all the circumstances which influence the solubility of sulphate of baryta ; and, although I have made several hun- dred experiments, I shall only give here the most striking, and those which tend to demonstrate the influence exercised by masses of matter, upon their chemical affinity. I hope that these last facts will offer the more interest, as we only possess few researches demonstrating, that Berthollet ex- pressed a correct opinion, when he asserted that the quantity of matter present exercised an influence upon chemical affinity. However, since I have commenced these researches, in 1851, several works supporting these views have appeared, those of Messrs. Bunsen, Gladstone, Henry Deville, &c. The first idea of these researches was suggested to me by an inquiry which I had undertaken to determine the quantity of sulphur in cast and malleable irons. As the quantity of sulphur to be determined only varied between the limits of 0.1 and 0.3, it was indispensable that I should take the greatest precautions ; but, notwithstanding, I still found it impossible, in making two comparative analyses of the same iron, to obtain two sulphates of baryta having corresponding weights. Desiring to know the cause of error I made several experir ments, and discovered, to my great surprise, that sulphate of baryta was freely soluble in acids, and then the error in my analyses was explained. Some quantitative analyses of water, which I had to make at the same time, led me to the same result ; for having followed the ordinary process which consists in adding, in the case of a water which contains car- bonates and sulphates, nitric acid to the residue left by the evaporation of a known quantity of water, I determined the quantity of sulphuric acid, and was again struck by the divergence of my results. If I had contented myself by taking the mean of the results obtained, I should have been obliged, in calculating the relation of the bases to the acids, to admit, as some chemists have done, that there were silicates SULPHATE OF BABYTA IN ACID SOLUTIONS. 87 of magnesia and lime in the water, whilst by avoiding the solution of the sulphate of baryta, I arrived at the conclusion that the bases existed as sulphates and that the silica was free, or combined in small quantity with potash or soda. Before giving the results of my experiments, which demon- strate the solubility of sulphate of baryta in acid solutions of different degrees of concentration, and the influence exercised by multiple volumes of nitric acid of specific gravity 1.167 on the same solubility, I shall give the method of operating which I followed. Having placed in ten jars, of the same size, known quan- tities of perfectly pure sulphate of potash, I added to them a given bulk of nitric acid of sp. gr. 1.305, and a quantity of distilled water, such as when added to that which was em- ployed to dissolve the nitrate of baryta, made a known total, which was in each successive jar a multiple of the quantity of water put in the preceding jar. When, instead of employing acids decreasing in strength, I wished to study the influence of increased volumes of the same acid, that used was of the sp. gr. 1.167 at 60°, or equal to 27.27 of anhydrous nitric acid and 72.73 of water per cent. This strength of acid was employed in preference to any other, because it was that which gave the maximum of solubility to the sulphate of baryta. I also took the precaution to use new jars, in order to avoid scratches, which influence the solubility of the sul- phate of baryta; and equally avoided agitating the intimate mixture of the two salts, in order to be always, as far as possible, placed in the same, circumstances, so that the results might be comparative. I will give, first, several series of results which demon- strate the solubility of the sulphate of baryta; and afterwards will examine the facts which have special relation to chemical affinity. 88 MR. F. C. CALVERT ON THE SOLUBILITY OF SOLUBILITY OF SULPHATE OP BABYTA IN MULTIPLE VOLUMES OF NITBIC ACID. The first series of experiments was made by placing in each jar a quantity of sulphate of potash, capable of pro- ducing l.OOgr. of sulphate of baryta, and adding successively in each jar, multiple volumes of nitric acid having a sp. gr. of 1.167 at 60°, and on the sulphate being dissolved, pouring into it an equivalent quantity of nitrate of baryta, previously dissolved in a known volume of water. TABLE No. 1. Number of Divisions of tbe Alkali- meter. Corre- Quantity Quantity Weight Order sponding of of of Time of Weight of Sulphate Nitrate 8ulphate when a precipitate Jars. Acid. of of of appeared. 1.167 Potash. Baryta. Baryta. 1 40 466.8 0.735 gr. 1.121 0.999 Only in No. 1 did 2 80 933.6 a cloud appear after 3 120 140O.4 12 hours, and even 4 160 1867.2 after 24 hours the i 5 200 2334.0 precipitate was very 6 240 2S00.8 faint. 7 280 3267.6 No precipitate in 8 320 3734.4 the other nine jars. 9 360 4201.2 10 400 4668.0 On examining the above results, it will be observed that one grain of sulphate of baryta was almost entirely dissolved in 40 volumes of acid, or in 466.8 grs. of nitric acid, and entirely so in 933.6 grs. of the same acid, and that no precipitate was formed in the other eight jars, even after standing forty-eight hours. There was therefore more than 1 gr. of sulphate of baryta dissolved in 1 000 grs. of acid. Desiring to obtain a precipitate in all the ten jars, I employed 4J times the above quantity of nitrate of baryta and sulphate of potash, and obtained the following results. 8ULPHATE OF BARYTA IN ACID SOLUTIONS. 89 TABLE No. 2. Order of Jars. Nuiu>»or of DriWoei of tho Alknli- meter. Co ire- spmnlinR Acid. 1.187 Quantity of Sulphate of Potash. Quantity of Nitrate of Baryta. Weight Sulphate of B*ry«a. 'iim^ when a precipitate appeared. 4 6 7 8 9 10 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 400 146.8 983.6 1400.4 1867.2 2334.0 2800.8 32 BaOBOs a precipitate appeared. a precipitate appeared. 40 440 - 1.033 0.00 instantly. 10.00 instantly. 1 80 II minutes. 6 minutes. a 120 2hrs.30min. 30 minutes. 4 160 1867.2 7 hours. 1 h. 10 min. 0 200 2834.0 ■•urs. 0 h. 80 min. 8 2800.8 no precipitate 7 h. 30 min. 7 3267.6 ditto 24 hours. 8 320 3734 4 ditto no precipitate- 9 860 4201.2 ditto ditto 400 4668.0 ditto ditto I also made several series of experiments, dissolving first the nitrate of baryta in the nitric acid, and then pouring into it the sulphate of potash ; but this mode of operating did not 94 MK. F. C. CALVERT ON THE SOLUBILITY OF produce any alteration in the results obtained. During this series of experiments, I determined the solubility of nitrate of baryta in nitric acid sp. gr. 1.167 at a temperature of- 60°. 1 grain of nitrate of baryta requires 250.2 2.5 „ „ „ 446.8 5.0 „ „ „ 933.8 6.5 „ „ „ 1334 8.0 „ „ „ 2800 10.0 „ „ „ 3267 ON THE INFLUENCE EXERCISED BY DIFFERENT DEGREES OF CONCENTRATION OF NITRIC ACID ON THE FORMATION OF SULPHATE OF BARYTA. In the following series of experiments I operated in an entirely different manner; the same quantity of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.305, was put into each jar, and to each was added multiple volumes of water ; therefore, each solution decreased in density; and after having dissolved the quantity of sul- phate of potash which I intended to employ, I poured in the solution of nitrate of baryta. On comparing the experiments contained in the following table, it will be seen that I have obtained results very different from the preceding, for instead of 4.46 of sulphate of baryta remaining in solution in the last five jars, as was the case when I employed the same quantities of salt in multiple volumes of the same acid, precipitates were found in all the jars, and that in the space of three minutes ; therefore, mul- tiple volumes of acid, decreasing in strength, do not exert the same influence as the increase of volume of the same acid. This table also presents a fact important for chemical analysis, viz., that the solubility of sulphate of baryta is affected even by the weakest acid, since 2200 grs. of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.032, are capable of dissolving 0.08 of sulphate of baryta; this solubility, though slight, is still five times greater than it would be in distilled water. 8ULPHATE OF BARYTA IN ACID SOLUTION8. 95 TABLE No. 9. Number Divisions of the Altall rm'cr • f NlirloAoid 8i>. ur. 1.305. ■J Vumbf-r of Divisions of tbe Allcli- mrt«T of W.U.T IKIJ..I to the Acid. Bp. RT. of the Add. KM, of IMasIi «!U- Nltrate of ■olved Barylu. In the Acid. |Q> Quantity 4.46. Quantity of Sulphate of Har/ti < i-- Dived. 20 20 20 N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 100 180 2rd r Of Table. Quantity of Acid employed. VMM Sulphate of Potash. Weight of Nitrate of Baryta. Weight of Sulphate of Baryta. Time when a Precipitate appeared. 1 2 4 466.8 933.6 0.753 0.753 3.34 3.34 5.12 5.12 1.121 1.121 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 LOO 1.00 4.46 4.46 7.13 7.13 12 hours, none, instantly. •-J hours, instantly. 2 minutes. The differences observed above can only be owing to the fact that, for the same quantity of fluid, increasing proportions of nitrate of baryta and sulphate of potash were employed ; for it cannot be explained by admitting that it is owing to there not being a sufficient quantity of nitric acid to hold a greater quantity of sulphate of barytes in solution ; for if we calculate how much sulphate of baryta remains dissolved in 1000 grs. of acid, it will be seen that the quantities are the same in each of the three tables. Order Order of Jars. Quantities of Quantities Weight of of Acid employed. of Fluid Sulphate of Paryta Table. represented by. dfasolred. 1 1 166.8 1000 2.141 4 1867.2 2880 5 23'( : 1.911 « \ 7 3267.6 0.161 8 3734.4 1.909 98 MK. F. C. CALVERT ON THE SOLUBILITY OF Neither can it be admitted that the difference observed is owing to the formation of a precipitate, for I have shown above that the presence of a precipitate has not any influence on the degree of solubility or non-formation of sulphate of baryta. 2. The increased solubility of sulphate of baryta, arising from the presence of quantities of matter, can only be explained by admitting that this solubility is influenced by the increased quantities of salt employed, since the volume of acid is the same in every case, and all other circumstances are equal. Order of Table. Order of Jar. Quantity of Acid employed. Quantity of Sulphate of Baryta dissolved. Quantity of Sulphate of Baryta dissolved per lOOOgrs. Increased ratio of solubility per lOOOgrs. of Acid. 1 2 4 2 6 9 933. 6 2800.8 4201.2 1.00 4.46 713 1.072 1.522 1.912 .450 .390 I will again introduce the figures given above, as they show in a striking manner the rapid increase of the solubility of sulphate of baryta, for 1000 grs. of acid, in three successive jars of the same series. Order of Table. Order of Jar. Number of Divisions of the Alkalimeter. Correspond- ing Weight of Acid Sp. gr. 1.167. Weight of Sulphate of Baryta precipitated. Weight of Sulphate of Baryta dissolved. Weight of Sulphate of Barxta dissolved per lOOOgrs. 1 1 2 3 4 40 80 120 160 466 8 933.6 1400.4 1867.2 4.44 3.17 2.02 0.80 0.02 1.29 2.34 3.66 0.043 1.382 1.670 1.957 Therefore it appears to me that we must admit that the dif- ference observed is due to the quantities of matter "put in presence." I would also, in conclusion, call attention to the enormous differences between the effects of multiple volumes of an acid, compared with volumes of the same acid decreasing in density. :. OF J1ABYTA IN ACID SOU r ON THE SOLUBILITY OF SULPHATE OF BABYTA IN HYDBO- ILOEIC ACID. I thought it advisable to repeat some of the above series, substituting hydrochloric acid for nitric acid, and it will be seen that although sulphate of baryta is less soluble in this acid than in nitric acid, still it is sufficiently so, to cause chemists to avoid its use in excess in delicate analyses. The following table shows the results obtained by employ- ing multiple volumes of hydrochloric acid, of sp. gr. 1.0775, with quantities of nitrate of baryta and sulphate of potash, capable of producing 1 gr. of sulphate of baryta. TABLE No. 12. Divisions of Weight of Sulphate of Weight Weight of of Nitrate Sulphte, of | of Baryta. Baryta. Weight of Sulphate of Harya obtained Weight of Time Order of the Alkali- meter of Sulphate of Baryta when a Precipitate Jar. Aoid 1. C775 Potash. iMtttd of 1.00 tfajjoftfesl appeared. ] 40 0.735 1.121 1.00 .96 .C4 if ruinate. 80 .85 .15 0 minutes. 3 120 .S3 .17 50 minutes. 4 100 .66 .34 3} hoars. 5 200 .48 .52 10 hours. 6 240 .22 .78 24 hours. 7 280 do precip. 1.00 no precipitate. 8 820 9 360 10 400 On comparing the results contained in this table with those of No. 1 Table of the nitric acid series, it will be seen that instead of the non-formation of a precipitate in jar No. 2, one was produced in the first six jars; sulphate of baryta, t! fore, is less soluble in hydrochloric acid than in nitric acid, and still if we calculate, taking for term of comparison the results obtained in jar No. 7 of hydrochloric acid, it will be Grand that its solubility is equal to one part of sulphate of baryta in 2800 parts of hydrochloric acid ; and consequently the solubility of sulphate of baryta in hydrochloric acid, sp. gr. 1.0775, is fifty times greater than in distilled water. 100 MR. F. C. CALVERT ON THE SOLUBILITY, &c. I have also made a series, employing the same quantities of salt of potash and of baryta, as in series No. 2 of nitric acid. TABLE No. 13. Divisions Weight of of Weight Weight of Weight of Sulphate Weight of Time Number the Alkali- of Sul- Sulphate of Baryta Sulphate of Baryta when s of meter of phate ol Nitrate of obtained Precipitate Jar. Aoid Potash. of Baryta. instead of dissolved. appeared. 1.0775 Baryta. 4.46 4.46. 4.35 1 40 3.34 5.00 .11 instantly. 2 80 4.34 .12 instantly. 3 120 4.24 .22 20 seconds. 4 160 4.20 .26 1 j minute. 5 200 4.14 .32 2 minutes. 6 240 4.14 .32 3§ minutes. 7 280 4.17 .29 6 minutes. 8 320 3.94 .52 9 minutes. 9 360 3.98 .48 13 minutes. 10 400 3.96 .50 18 minutes. I have also made a series of experiments, employing no longer multiple volumes of the same acid of a constant strength, but multiple volumes of acid decreasing in strength, and it will be observed that the results in this last table are comparable with those of Table No. 7 of the nitric acid series. TABLE No. 14. Divisions Weight a of the Alkali- Divi- sions of Weight of Sul- Weight Weight of Sul- of Sul- phate of Weight of Sulphate of Time when a o i meter of Acid Water added. phate of Potash. Nitrate of Baryta. phate of Baryta. Baryta obtained instead Baryta dissolved. Precipitate appeared. 1.1425 of 4.46. i 20 20 3.34 5.00 4.46 4.31 Average instantly. 2 20 40 quantity dis- instantly. 3 20 60 ... ... solved equal instantly. 4 20 80 ... 4.31 to 0.15. 15 seconds. 0 20 100 ... ... ... ditto 6 20 120 ... ,. 4.32 ditto 7 20 140 ... 20 seconds. 8 20 160 ... ... ditto 9 20 180 ... ditto 10 20 200 ... 1 4.35 ditto lol VII Additional Observations on the Permian Beds of the North-west of England. By E. W. Binnet, V.P.; F.R.S., F.G.S. [Read 2ith February, 1807.] In a former communication made to this society on the per- mian beds of the north-west of England, and printed in vol. XII. (new series) of its Memoirs, I have alluded to the fragmentary condition in which our knowledge on this subject was. 1 then published what information I had obtained as an ie, trusting that other parties better qualified for the task would fill up the vast gaps that I had passed over. Since that time I have collected some further information on the subject at Seedley and AsUey, near Manchester ; Irby Hall, near Kirby-in- Lonsdale, and Howrigg, Shawk and Westward, near Wigton, Cumberland. This I now hasten to lay before ociety, in the hope that it may probably induce other labourers to work on the permian deposits of this and the neighbouring districts. 102 MR. E. W. BINNEY ON THE PERMIAN BEDS Seedley Section. N.N. Middle and Upper Coal Field. a and b. Mr. Fitzgerald's old and new coal pita. c. Seedley bore hole. 6. Trias. 7. Red marls and limestones. 8. Conglomerate. At page 231, in the paper before alluded to, under the head of " Pendleton," there was given a section of the strata lying between Oatbank, on the Eccles New Road, and Kersal Moor, both well known places in the immediate vicinity of Manchester, and lying to the north and west of the city. In that section, the upper new red sandstone, the lowest member of the trias, was laid down; but the permian deposits, although supposed to lie under the drift between Oatbank and the Bolton New Road, north-west of Pendleton, were not put in, no direct evidence of their occurrence in that part having been then obtained. Mr. Appleby, of the Seedley Printing Company, has lately made a bore hole at their works in Seedley, for the purpose of increasing the supply of water there. In the spring of 1856 he called upon me for the purpose of ascertaining the cha- racter of the deposits lying under the upper new red sandstone, in which rock he had already several bore holes. I informed him that it was pretty certain that the upper permian beds, namely, the red marls with thin beds of limestone, would be about 130 feet in thickness ; but the inferior portion, namely, the conglomerate and lower new red sandstone, were rocks of so variable a nature that it was impossible to say how thick they might be — whether 6 feet or 600 feet. Mr. Appleby has since OF THE NORTH-WEST OF EN<- L03 favoured me with a copy of the bore, and samples of the strata gone through. The hole was 15 inches in diameter, and was made by Messers. Mather and Piatt, of Salford, with their new apparatus for boring. On the whole work the workmen, I am informed, averaged from eight to nine feet a day, and during their passage through the upper new red sandstone, they generally went three feet per hour ;— certainly a very extraordinary speed- for such a bore. The following is a list of the beds gone through : — Ft. In. Till 61 0 Soft red sandstone with a few small rounded quartz pebbles in it 139 0 Very tenacious red clay 8 0 Hard red raddle, very close in texture 0 6 Bed clay and red gritty sandstone 1 6 Red clay, red gritty sandstone, and whitish gray rock, the latter soft ... 6 Red clay and beds of stone 16 Ditto 28 Red clay 4 Hard white rock ... 2 Red clay with thin beds of stone 4 Ditto 59 White rock Red sandstone with .beds of raddle 11 Bluish-white stone, rather soft 0 Clay with shale containing coal plants 30 0 Carboniferous Drift. Trias. :1 Red marls and thin beds of limestone Conglome- rate. 378 0 Now, in the above section the upper permian beds, namely, red clays (marls) with thin beds of limestone, are 128 feet in thickness—just about what was expected ; but the lower beds, which, when last seen at Collyhurst, two miles and a-half to the south-east, were 350 feet in thickness, and at Patricroft, on the west, within one mile and a-half of Seedley, were 21 feet, only proved to be 12 feet 6 inches thick. These beds bear no resemblance to the soft crumbling sandstone at Heaton Mersey, Beet Bank Bridge, and Collyhurst, but are 104 MR. E. W. BINNEY ON THE PERMIAN BEDS like the conglomerates of Cheetham weirhole and Patricroft ; and I am, therefore, inclined to class them as such. They are, I believe, as stated in my former paper, at page 266, often unconformable to the underlying lower new red sand- stone upon which they rest. The clay, with beds of shale, 30 feet in thickness, was good coal measures, as the lighter coloured beds were full of the rootlets of Stigmaria jicoides. The occurrence of coal measures at this place is of con- siderable importance, as they were met with at a depth of only 115 yards from the surface, and if a good seam of coal could be found the field is of tolerable extent, and, from its position, would certainly command a first-rate market. The strata which I examined afforded no evidence of what part of the coal-field they belonged to; but, from the position of the Pendleton seams on the north-east, and the Patricroft ones on the west, they probably belong to the upper coal-field. The most likely seam to be found is the Openshaw coal, formerly worked near the Water Works Reservoir, in Beswick, near Manchester, and occupying a geological position near to the Slack Lane coal, formerly worked by Messrs. Lancaster at Monton. Astley Section. At pages 235 and 268 of my former paper, I gave par- ticulars of a bore hole made by G. P. Ken worthy, Esq., in a field called the Horse Pasture, in Astley. In the upper permian beds there, fifty -five beds of limestone had been met with in a distance of 230 feet 6 inches. Many of these contained fossils of the genera Schizodus, Bakevellia, and Tragos. By the kindness of my friend, H. Mere Ormerod, Esq., I am enabled to add the following additional particulars, which carry the section through the lower permian beds into the coal measures. OF THE NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 10! Brown rock with water Ditto Ditto l)ii to bun Ditto soft Ditto hard Whitish rock Brown-red rock Hard burr White sandstone Irony burr Brown-red rock Red metal Brown-red rock Hard burr Soft bed Hard burr Brown-red rock White or gray rock Brown and red rock burr Ditto Ditto Bright red rock Burr Bright red rock . Ditto very hard Red ironstone burr Bright red rock Red burr Red rock or linsey... Red rack with clay Red burr. Red rock. Red raddle Red rock Blue metal Black shale Red metal Black shale Linsey Blue metal White rock Black shale with ironstone bands. Rocky warrant Red and blue metal . Black shale Ft. In.1 10 0| 8 >>; 5 4J 1 oi 0 10$ 10 8 l 4 5 1 1* 4 11 o a a 7 0 b\ 34 6* 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 7 2 1 3 0 7 10* 11 ftj 0 10$ 3 0 * 4 0 6 0 0 2 8 2 4 5 2 0 9 0 11 3 0 1 4 7 0 0 10 0 7 3 1* 0 7 3 7 4 L 4 4 J 06 MR. E. W. BINNEY ON THE PERMIAN BEDS Ft. In. Blue metal 9 b\ "White rock 0 5 Blue metal 1 1| Strong white rock 0 9 Blue metal 1 0 Whiterock 0 5 Blue metal 1 3 Whiterock 3 0$ Dark blue metal 5 8 Strong white rock 1 8 Blue metal 1 1 Whiterock 0 4 Blue metal 6 2 Whitish blue metal 7 i;£ Black bass 0 2| Smut of coal 0 1£ Warrant 3 11 Whiterock 7 2£ Linsey 6 1 Whiterock 7 5 Bluemetal 4 0 Black shale 0 3£ White rocky warrant 5 2 Hard white burry rock 0 6 Light gray metal 0 8 Light blue metal 10 5 Blackshale 0 8 Light gray metal 4 0 Gray linsey 1 9 Light blue metal 4 4 Graylinsey 3 11 Strong white rock 0 11 Graylinsey 0 10 Whiterock 2 5 Gray metal or linsey 0 3 Whiterock 2 10 Gray burr, very hard 2 1 Whiterock I 1£ Burr 0 11| Parting of blue metal 0 3 Whiterock 0 84- t& 8 r-£ E NORTH-WEST OF ENGLAND. 1<>7 This section gives a thickness of 150 feet 2} inches for the lower permian beds.* The coal measures appear to belong to the upper field, and although 153 feet 7 inches were 1 d, no seam of coal was met with. By the further kindness of Mr. H. Mere Ormerod I have been furnished with a copy of the strata met with by Messrs. Sam Jackson and Co., in sinking their new pit down to the Four Feet seam of coal at Bedford Lodge. This working lies a little to the south of the places where the permian beds described by Mr. G. Wareing Ormerod, M.A., F.G.S.,f were met with, and not a great distance on the rise from Mr. Kenworthy's bore hole, previously alluded to in this paper. The dip of the strata is slightly east of south, at an angle of 9°; and as this is one of the best sections of the per- mian beds ever met with in Lancashire, I shall give it at length : — 8oil Yellow clay and marl Dry lum and gravel . Fine sand, very wet Lum and gravel, very wet. . Gravel, wet 8and, wet Fine gravel, wet . Soft red rock ... Soft red rock band and gray rock Soft red rock with gray band* .... Yellow rock Soft red metal. Red metal, rather stronger Fine light blue metal White gritty rock like bone or a bed of magnesia Soft red metal... Soft white rock Red metal Yds. Ft. In. 0 0 10 0 I 1 0 1 I I * This it about the thickness of the rock at Edge Green See page 243 of the author's former paper. t Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, VoL VIL, page S«S. 108 MR. E. W. BINNEY ON THE PEBMIAN BEDS Yds. Ft. In. Soft red metal 0 2 6 Soft gray rock 0 0 8 Redmetal 0 1 10 Gray rock 0 0 10 Redmetal 2 2 6 Soft blue metal 0 0 2 Hard bastard limestone .. , 0 0 3 Soft red metal 118 Red metal, rather stronger 0 2 4 Red stone bind or floor 10 6 Red stone bind, softer 12 2 Light blue metal 0 0 1 Soft red metal 10 7 Light blue metal 0 0 1 Red metal flooring 0 2 2 Redmetal 0 1 ©£ Light blue metal 0 0 2 Redmetal 0 1 8£ Stony blue rock 0 0 5 Redmetal 2 14 Blue metal 0 0 2 Redmetal 0 0 6 Blueditto 0 0 2 Red ditto 0 0 2 Blueditto 0 0 2 Red ditto 0 0 4 Top band of limestone 0 0 5 Redmetal 0 0 4 Blue metal 0 0 1 Red ditto with streaks of blue 0 14 Blueditto with streaks of red 0 0 5 Red ditto 0 0 4 Blueditto 0 0 2 Mainband limestone 0 0 U£ Redmetal 0 0 2j Limestone 0 0 7 Blue metal 0 0 1 Red ditto 0 0 l£ Blueditto o 0 1£ Red ditto 0 0 2 Limestone , 0 0 1£ Redmetal 0 0 lj Limestone 0 0 2 Blue metal 0 0 1 Red ditto 0 0 1 Blueditto 0 0 0£ OF IBM NORTH-WEST OP ENGLAND. 109 Red metal Yds. Ft. In. .004] ..001 ..001 .004 .000} . 0 0 S| . 0 0 8} .000} .001 .001 .006 .004 .004 .000} .001} .002} .001} .004} .004 .001 .001 .002 .008 .001 .004} .008 .300 .001 .007 .001 .007 .001 .006 .001 0 0 6 0 0 2 Blueditto Red ditto Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Blue metal Red ditto Limestone . Red metal Limestone Blue metal Red ditto Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Limestone Red metal Bottom limestone band Blue metal Red metal with blue streaks Red metal Bastard limestone band Red metal Bastard limestone band Red metal . Bastard limestone band Red metal Bastard limestone band Red metal Limestone balls . 1 1 I 1 1 a 110 MR. E. W. BINNEY ON THE PERMIiN BEDS Yds. Ft. In. Red metal 0 0 8 Limestone 0 0 1 Red metal with limestone balls 1 0 10 Red ditto ditto 0 2 6 Red ditto 3 16 Blueditto 0 0 2£- Soft blue rock 0 0 2£ Soft red rock 1 l 5 Ditto 12 0 Red metal 0 0 3 Light blue ditto 0 0 0) Red metal 0 0 1 Red rock 0 0 1 Red metal 0 0 If Red rock 0 0 5 Soft red metal 0 0 6$ Red rock 0 0 l£ Red rock with streaks of metal 0 1 4 White rock 0 0 llf Red metals 0 0 3£ Gray rock, sandy, full of joints, yields much water 3 2 7 Soft gray rock, mixed with bands of dark gray metals 0 19^ Gray sandy rock floor or parting 2 1 0 Ditto ditto 115 Dark gray sandy rock, mixed with white hard pebbles and red raddle balls 5 1 10 Hard sandy rock 1 2 10 Dark brown metals 12 8 Metals or linsey, mixed with rock bands... 10 5 Ditto ditto ... 1 1 9 . •Red metals 6 2 6" Black bass or shale 3 0 10 Floor or warrant, hard Ill Gray bass or shale 0 2 0 Black bass or shale . .. 0 1 11 Brown metals, mixed with ironstone balls.. 0 2 5 Ditto mixed with gray rock, soft.. Ill Soft gray metals 0 14 Linstey, mixed with rock bands 3 0 6 Blue metals, soft 2 0 jO Dark metals, blackish cast 0 13 Metals, lightish colour 0 2 3 Black shah and bastard coal 0 18 Warrant, dark colour 8 I % OF THB NOETH-WEST OP ENGLAND. Ill Yds. Ft. Linstey, mixed with rock bands 2 0 Soft flaggy rock =rf,,+rfAfl+ ... to 6 terms, *+ Fx+Qx ; for evidently no power above the 6th can disappear by the above subtraction. Then (B) is +E (x«_(x-7)') +P(^-(*-7)) = (7^0)' j 6('-1)a-r-l35(*~l)«+760(a;-l)»-5046(^l) j ] 42 "I KEY. T. P. KIEKMAN ON THE In this subtraction the constant Gx must vanish of course, if it be an ordinary constant ; and if it be a circulator, it can depend only on the 7 values of c in equation (A) ; that is, it must be of the form A#7^+Gt-#7#^+ . . . +G0-*?,, so that Gjp=Gx_7, and can have only seven values. Equating the co-efficients of powers of x, we have 42A !_ . a- l • -1572A+35B= \l~0,.-.B= ^ 280 80 20-73A-10-7!B+4-7C= j^, .;. C= lw ; -15-7«A+10-73B-6-7JC+3-7D= - 1-||2S, .-. D= ~~5 ; H-7'A-5-7'B+4-7'CU3-72D+27E=— ^g, .-. E= - ^gpj _7.A+7»B-7'C+7»D-rE+7F=^, .-. F= - ggj. Wherefore ^7 x) 7-7202"1"7202"t'7202"t" 7-7202 2-7202 14'7202+ *' The value of the constant Gx is obtained from the equation, (putting #=7(l— l)+c) (7PC)=(7Pc-7)+[&Pc-1]=[ttP,-1], for 7PX_7 has no terms at all on the right of equation (A'), if #Z8 ; i.e., (7P^7)=0. This constant therefore will be a cir- culator of the form SG/.?^. The value of G7 is readily found by the equation (7Po)=(7Po-7)+[eP^i]=0=G7 ; for #=0, which requires e=0, c=7, makes every term on the right of equation (A) vanish. The remaining six values, or all the seven, are obtained by putting for c its successive values in (7P,)=[6Po-i], 7-PAKTITION8 01 143 which is f 6.C5 80c4 2185.C3 1361c8 55899c 7.720a+720~2+ 7202+ 7.720a 2.7202 14.7202+Ge =^0* f 6(^-l)6+135(c-iy+760(c-l)«-5046(c-l) ) . Let now (7PX)' stand for the sum of the circulating terms in x on the right of equation A; and ["«P,_i]' for the like terras of ePj;-! . Then evidently (7P,)M,P^y=[.P^.i]'+[J^.J+ • • • +C.P-J'; (C) for if we put in (A) x — 42 for x9 and subtract the result from (A), the remainder on the right must be the terms here pre- sented. And it is plain that no power of x higher than the third can have disappeared on the right of (C) by the sub- traction. Let (7P,y=«^+^+c*+rf, ; (c) then (C) becomes o^— (*— 42)8)-fo(*2— x— 42)2)-fc(*— (>— 42)) = -Lf | (-1350(^1 )*-5400(*-l))2x_2+(-1350(:r-8)2 —5400(a?— 8))2_ + (— 1350(«— 15)a— 5400(«— 15))2_„+(— 1350(x— 22)3 — 5400(*— 22))2^3 + (— 1350(*— 29)2— 5400(#— 29))2r_ao-r-(— 1350(x—36)» — 5400(a>— 36))2.^ +(*_ l)(+7926-6^!— 84246^ *— 16746_ ,+1176-6_ 4 — 1674-6^ r-8424-6^,,) + '— 8)(— 8424-6^,4- 7926-6^. 8— 84246^ ^1674-6^,0 + 1176-6^— 16746^) +(*— 15)(— 1674-6_19— 8424-6^ao+7926-6^ir- 8424'6^w --1674-6^7+1176 6^_18) +(*— 22)(+1176-6-^M— 1674-6^(r-8424-6JP_a7+7926-6^_a — 8424-6^ar-1674-6^M) +(*— 29)(— 1674 6^+1 176'6^— 1674-6^—8424 6^ +7926*6^*— 8424 6_*, +(*_36)(— 8424 6^,— 1674 6,^+1176 -6^— 16746^ -842 If., u +7926-6^,)} 144 REV. T. P. KIRKMAN ON THE The constant dx must disappear in this subtraction (C); for if it be a circulator, it can depend only on the value of c in equation (A) combined with the circulators in [6Pjr]'; that is, it can have only 42 values, and dx must be the same with The circulators 2^2, 2_1) +w((1+15+29)2*+(8+22+36)2'-1) 5-I(— 7926+8.8424+15.1674— 22.1176+29.1674+36.8424) 7201 +.|g±2(8424— 8.7926+15.8424+22.1674— 29.1176+36.1674) ^-£-^(1674+8.8424— 15.7926+22.8424+29.1674— 36.1176) +%±(— 1176+8.1674+15.8424— 22.7926+29.8424+36.1674) +^£=»2(1674— 8.1176+15.1674+22.8424— 29.7926+36.8424) +Jk.2(8424+8.1674— 15.1176+22.1674+29.8424— 36.7926). 7-rABTITTONS OF X. 145 Putting 6^+6^2+6,^ for 2X9 and e^+e^+e*. for 2^i, and l=6x+6x.1+64r.84-6„3+6^+6^5, we readily obtain c=- * | — 409860*6,+255840-*6_1— 275460*6^, — 12960-*6,^— 141060'*6^+121440-*6._J Therefore (7P*),=42^ | "~135° ^-<37947-28350 #2-i)*3 — *6„-409860:r+*6_1-255840*— *6_4-275460* — ♦6^-12960j>— *6^_4141060j;+*6^-121440z | +<*.. The value of the constant d That of dA2 is ob- tained immediately by putting x=0 in (C) which requires /=0, 7=42 ; so that (C) becomes , by (c) , (7P0)'=0+^=0, or The remaining 41 values of */ of the form ^~2X>fg*§Qx-g> of which, for a given value of x, only one has value, viz. one of the sixty already given, p. 140. We know that (7P,)"-(7P^2o)"=[eP^i]"+[6P^]"+[6P^M]"4- . . 4-[6P_41J". (D) If we write z=420m4-60(n— I) + 04- 1 , we have, for 0=0, x— 1=60^4-0, a— 8=60^4-53, x— 15=60^4-46, &c, so that the right member of this equation is —^ {y5 +./m +J& 4-J& 4- ... to 60 terms J , that is, it is always the sum of the 60 num- bers ,/J, the co-efficients of the circulating constant in 6P*. 7-PAKTITION8 OF X. 147 Let now The equation D is for the constant fix, depending only on the seven values of c and the circulating constant in 0PX, can have only 420 values, and /3«=/3*-49o, which therefore disappears in D. Wherefore as has been already proved, and — _ 2?243 a~ 42.7203' The constant j3* is given by putting x=.x'> ^420; which requires (7P,0"=[eP«'-i]"+C«P/-«]"+ • • +[«Po-i]W, U -i+f>+*+ • • • to/.U inclusive), A==S353> { 27243*'+42(/^+Afl+ • • to/.U) j J This being added to (7Px)+(7P*y found before, completes the expression of 7P* . We have then finally, writing x=420m+a?' =420*f>+42(*— l)+7 =420m+42(»— l)+7(*— l)+c ; (•70, Z7), (c70,Z8), (770, Z43), (*70, Z420), 7P^[iTw{2(^-^+84(+^^)+1120^W)+437^W) — -9527(*>— c8)— 55899(*—c) } ""42^ ( 1350(«»-73)+(37947-28350 *2^1)(*,-7*) +2724S(*— *') 148 REV. T. P. KIRKMAN ON THE +(*— 7)(*6x-409860— *6*_1255840+*6_2275460 +*6x_^12960+*6.e_4-141060— *6^-121440)} +_*_ | 6(c— l)6+136(c— l)*+760(o-l)3— 5046(e— 1) -_1350((7~l)2+(7-15)2+(7-29)2)*2;e — 1350((7— 8)2+(7— 22)2+(7— 36)2)*2^ —.5400(7—1 +7— 1 5+7— 29)*2, —5400(7— 8+7— 22+7— 36)*2;_1 , (taking and squaring only as many of these six remainders as are positive J + {(C-_l)+(c+6)+(c+13) i terms} multiplied singly in order by the 0th, (c-\-\)tht (c~\-2)th ...ofthe co-efficients (7926,— 8424,— 1674,+1176,— 1674,— 8424) of which the e<* is the (e+6/A, +(/*-i+/c+e+/*+i3+ ... to (6(n— 1)+0 terms) | J , where fp : 7202 is the co-efficient of P*60x_p in 6PX , and In the above expression the portion ^*=7202{ 4<^ + (/*-i+/*+«+/c+i3+ ' ' t0 7"~~Cterms)} may be disregarded. For it is &M -^(/-+/^+--+/e.) + (/c_1+/^+ . . t0 ^±_=? terms) j; that is, it is always the*sum of h terms fc„l9 fc+6, &c, begin- ning with one of the 7 f0 fx f2 f3 fA f5 f6 , diminished by about h times the mean value of the whole 60 numbers fv . When x' is small, jS* is the sum or difference of two small numbers. When x' is larger, it is seen by inspection of the table of these quantities fv that no considerable number of them can be taken as fe-i+fc+69 &c, that shall not have a negative sum, and shall not with +| • 60 - make the nume- rator of (5X very far less than 259200=-i7202. 7-PAKTITION8 OF X. 149 This proves that the value of 7P* is always the integer nearest, above or below, to the sum of the terms in x, c, y ; af, andyj_i, &c., being neglected; and I suspect, from the look of the expression, that c and y may be neglected also. The terms free from x in 7PX can be reduced to a cir- culating constant of 420 terms. The shape in which I leave it has at least the advantage of occupying less room, and of showing more of the structure of the function. I am content to lay before the reader a definite expression of these 7-par- titions of x, and am convinced that 8P* can be deduced from it with ease by the method here given ; and I think this can be done without the labour of writing out at length this tedious constant in 7PX . The portions (gP*) and (gP*)' of 8P* are very easily ob- tained from the equations (8Pzy-(eP^)'=[7P^]'4-[7P^9]'+[7P_16]', by a process exactly like that employed to find (7PX) and (7P*)'. The sum (8P*)" of the circulating constants in 7Px_i-r-7Px_9 4- ... is to be found from (8P,)"-»(sP^o)"=[7P^i]"H-[rP^]"+ • . • +[A-»]\ the right side of which is the sum of 105 out of the 420 elements of the constant in 7P, . Hence the sum (8P*)" of all these will be of the form and can be found easily before the constant in 7FX is fully written out. But I hope that a still more expeditious mode of determining S will be discovered. In like manner the 9-partitions, 10-partitions, &c. of x may be deduced, each almost by simple transcription from the last preceding, if the constant of this be written out from the formula arising in the process. 151 X. — Remarks on the Occultation of Jupiter and his Satellites by the Moon, January 2nd, 1857. By the Rev. Henry Halvord Jones, F.R.A.S., &c. [Read 2Uh March, 1857] The following observations were made at the Rusholme-road Cemetery, Manchester. GRBETVnCH MEAN TIME. h. m. s. The fourth Satellite disappeared 4 47 36 The third ditto ditto 4 54 38 First contact of Jupiter with the Moon 5 0 58 Total immersion of Jupiter 5 2 41 The first Satellite disappeared 5 3 21 The second ditto ditto 5 4 27 Last contact of Jupiter with the Moon 5 55 50 The time elapsed between the first contact of Jupiter and his total disappearance was 1 minute and 43 seconds. And the time between the beginning and end of the occultation of the planet, 54 minutes and 52 seconds. In the earlier part of the evening and during the time in which the several occultations took place, the weather was very fine, and all the objects were beautifully distinct. Not only was the disc of the planet well defined, but his belts and satellites were seen without the slightest difficulty. Not long after the last satellite had disappeared, but more particularly about the time of the planet's reappearance, flying clouds began to interpose, and thus rendered the emersion of the satellites invisible, and the last observed contact of Jupiter with the Moon indistinct and doubtful in time to the extent 152 REV. H. H. JONES ON THE OCCULTATION OF JUPITER. of several seconds. In a few minutes afterwards the sky became quite obscure, and a heavy shower of rain began to fall. The observations were made with a seven-inch Newtonian reflector, and all the phenomena watched with as much vigilance as could be commanded on the occasion, but no perceptible distortion of the planet or the limb of the Moon was observed to take place. Nor did there appear to be any greater difference in the colour of the discs of either Jupiter or the Moon than what might naturally have been expected. During the process of the immersion of the planet, there certainly did seem to be a rather darkly shaded line of demarcation between Jupiter and that part of the Moon's limb projected on the planet's disc. The same phenomenon occurred during the emersion of the planet; but I have a strong impression that this was nothing more than an ocular illusion, occasioned by the juxtaposition and contrast of two objects reflecting differently coloured light, and also differing widely in the intensity of their illumination. Astronomically considered, the whole phenomena were extremely interesting, and, viewed with a contemplative eye, presented a scene of surpassing beauty and sublimity, calculated to awaken in the reflective mind feelings of unusual and intense admiration. 153 XL — Some Peculiarities of the Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends. By Alfred Fryer. [Read April 1th, 1857.] It is now universally acknowledged that the amount of suffer- ing and death caused by the breaking of certain well-known sanitary laws, renders the yearly preventible mortality of our towns greater than that of the most bloody campaign ; the number of deaths annually in this country, traceable to causes within our control, is five times as great as the total number of killed, wounded, and missing of the allied army at Water- loo,— thus filth and miasma are more terrible than the sword and the bullet. The mortality of the people in the town is 27 per ce"nt. greater than those in the country districts ; any- thing bearing upon this subject becomes therefore important. The population of towns, and especially manufacturing towns, comprehends so large a proportion of the poorer classes, that any statistics covering the whole, fail to indicate the amount of mortality due to the vitiated atmosphere and other pernicious effects of densely peopled districts, as they include an excess of deaths due to the occupations, habits, and privations of the poor. It then becomes an important question : Is there any dif- ice in the average duration of life of two portions of a class of individuals, one living in towns and the other in the country, and both provided with sufficient of the neces< 154 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME I U1TIE8 OF THE of life ? If there is any difference, Low much ? And, if so, at what time of life is the poison of towns most fatal? Little is known of the average duration of life of the same class of people for successive generations. To endeavour to throw some light on the above questions is the object of this paper; nevertheless several other subjects are included, some presenting features of novelty, others cor- roborative of facts already known to the statistician. In comparing the average duration of life in different times and places, it has appeared difficult to obtain any community whose general circumstances did not allow of changes suf- ficient to disturb the calculation. The Society of Friends offers itself as the most promising ; their habits have changed less than those of any well-marked class, and they have kept the same relative position in the wealth and industry of the country. It is pretty well known that the average duration of life in the Society of Friends greatly exceeds that of the people of England generally. The fact has been recorded in the first " report of the commissioners for inquiring into the state of large towns and populous districts ; " and is also pointed out in the last edition of Johnstone's Physical Atlas, in the letter- press appended to the map of "health and disease." This low rate of mortality has been usually attributed to the following circumstances : — 1st. Great attention is paid to cleanliness in their persons and houses. 2nd. They rarely drink to excess or indulge in other in- temperance. 3rd. Their children receive careful instruction, and the Society takes charge of the education of the poor among them. 4th. None of their members suffer from the want of suit- able food or adequate clothing, as the Society maintains its own poor. i AL STATISTICS OF T1IK SOU I 11IENDS. 1 55 5th. The worn* «>t often employed in other than domestic labour, and mothers can devote time and attention to the bringing up of their children. Besides here are other causes which tend to keep up if average duration of life, viz. : — 1st. There are few early marriages, and the number of births does not more than replace the deaths; thus, as there are fewer children, the number of deaths of children must be relatively smaller than in the country at large. 2nd. The Society of Friends contains an unusually large proportion of females, and as women live longer than men, the average age at death is thus slightly increased. 3rd. The relative number of Friends following unhealthy or laborious occupations is considerably less than in the country at large. But, on the other hand, Friends are not distributed over country in the proportion of the population, an undue proportion of them live in large and unhealthy towns, such as Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, and Bradford, whilst there is a deficiency in the rural districts. On this account, there- fore, the average duration of life is less than it would be if Friends were distributed as favourably as the population of the country at large. The records of births, marriages, and deaths in the Society of Friends have been kept with great accuracy for a long % period ; and a small publication, " The Annual Monitor," is regularly issued, containing the names, ages, and residences of all the members who die in Great Britain and Ireland each year. The names of children, however, who die under one year are not inserted separately, but a summary of them is appended. This little book is not official ; but the informa- tion contained is supplied to the editors by all the different -trars. The tables appended to this paper, embracing the years 1842-55 inc re compiled from "The Annual 1 56 ALFRED FRYEK ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE The average age of death is not generally much to be relied on as an indication of the rate of mortality, being so much influenced by the relative number of births and deaths; yet, where these are nearly equal, and there is little fluctua- tion of numbers from emigration or other causes, the average age at death is trustworthy. The only really correct method of obtaining the rate of mortality is by comparing the annual number of deaths at each age with the number living at the same ages. An enumeration of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland was made 6th Month 30th, 1847, when there were found to be 18,733 persons living. The average number of deaths per annum for the last fourteen years is 357, therefore 19 per 1,000; or 1 in 51, died annually. The average deaths per 1,000 living, for the whole country, is 22, or 1 in 45 ; but were the number of births and deaths equal it would be 1 in 41, or rather more than 24 deaths to 1,000 persons living. The high rate of mortality in Manchester, Liverpool, and most of the large and densely populated towns, might be re- garded as owing chiefly to the overwhelming preponderance of the lower classes. Many of these live in small and ill-ventilated houses, some in closed courts, and others live in cellars ; and the greater number are employed at unwholesome or laborious occupations. Their lives are further shortened by addiction to intoxicating drink, by consuming badly-cooked food, by want of cleanliness, and by various privations; the employ- ment of mothers in other than domestic duties, to the neglect of their offspring, tells seriously upon the mortality of children. Taking these things into consideration, it might be supposed that by attention to sanitary laws, the middle classes at any rate might attain as great an age in the town as in the country. To throw some light on this question, nineteen towns, containing a comparatively large number of Friends, have been selected, the age at death of each who died at one year VITAL STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 157 and upwards during the fourteen years \£42-5£ recorded, and the average age at death of these is contrasted with the deaths of Friends in the remainder of Great Britain and Ireland during the same period. The number of children dying under one year has been divided in the proportion of the recorded deaths between one and five years; still the chance of inaccuracy on this ground is small, and cannot seriously affect the results. Table I shows the deaths of males at various ages in the 19 selected towns — London, Bristol, Birmingham, Manches- ter, Liverpool, Leeds, Preston, Bradford, Newcastle, Sunder- land, North and South Shields, Darlington, Hull, Belfast, Clonmel, Cork, Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford — total deaths, 726. Not a single death is recorded at 95 or up- wards. Table 2 shows the deaths of females in the same towns — total 933. Three women died at 95 and upwards. Table 3 shows the deaths of men in Great Britain, and Table 5 in Ireland, exclusive of the nineteen towns before enumerated; showing, respectively, 1,240 and 62 deaths. Three men died at 95 and upwards. Tables 4 and 6 show the deaths, as above, of females; being 744 in England, 191 in Ireland. Nine women died at 95 or above. It would thus appear that town life is unfitted for very old persons, and that there are more aged women than men ; but as those who attain so great an age as ninety-five are very few, and the Society of Friends is small, not much reliance can be placed upon these deductions. Tables 8 and 9 are summaries of the deaths of Friends, males and females, in the whole country, and present the following peculiarities. For every 100 boys and 100 girls born there died 14 boys and 8 girls under five years, the deaths of boys thus greatly preponderating. From the ages of 5 to 14 the deaths are nearly equal ; from 15 to 24 there is 158 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE a greater f stair ty among men; from 25 to 54 'ai'ucr.g 'Yemen? from 55 to 64 among men ; from 65 to 74 it is about equal, and from 74 and upwards there being more aged women than men their deaths preponderate. In tables 10 and 11 we see the contrast between the town and country, which is unfavourable to the former in every particular; and, as tender and young plants are soonest in- jured by ungenial influences, so we must expect to see the unhealthiness of towns prove especially fatal to children. We accordingly find that up to five years the deaths in towns are double those in the country. It must, however, here be borne in mind that the deaths under one year, though correct for the whole, are divided between the town and country in the proportion of the mortality of the subsequent four years. But, allowing a large margin for the chance of inaccuracy, the fatality of town life to children is excessive. Until the age of 54, when half of the town-born have died (while about two-thirds of the country-born are living), the mortality of the towns is in excess. After that age, as there are a greater number of survivors among the country population the deaths among them are more numerous, so that they appear at first sight to have a lower degree of health, but in the town these same individuals, whose deaths are enumerated, would have already died before that age. An examination of this table is conclusive that something more is wanted for suc- cessfully rearing children than suitable food, clothing, and shelter ; plenty of pure air cannot with impunity be replaced by a polluted atmosphere, and no amount of nursing and medicine can compensate for the change. Table 7 is an analysis of the deaths of children under one year, and the preponderance of the deaths of boys over girls is shown throughout. The deaths of boys under one month were 31 in excess of the girls; from one to three months, 8 in excess; from three to six, 14 in excess; six to twelve, 7 in This is the more worthy of notice as the number of females annually dying in the Society is greatly in excess of males. Table 13 shows the number of deaths and aggregate of years attained by those dying in the nineteen specified towns and elsewhere, also the average age at death; excluding children under one year. London, Birmingham, Cork, and Darlington appear to be healthy towns; the number dying in some of the other towns is too small to enable us to judge of their respective healthiness except in the aggregate. Table 14 shows the average length of life in males and dee, town and country. It appears that members of the Society of Friends, including both sexes, live on the average to the age of 51 years i month, which exceeds by 10 years the average of the people of England generally. The women however live longer than the men — the age of men ; 48 years 1 month, and that of women 53 years 4 months. The difference between town and country is remarkably great, and of course in favour of the country. The average length of life in towns is 44 years 8 months, in the country 54 years 3£ months ; so that the life of a person in the country is ten years longer or one-fourth more than that of one in a town, that is to say, if 100 persons were born in the town and 100 in the country, for each hour the former live the latter will live an hour and a quarter. When it is considered that the 1,659 persons whose deaths have been recorded in the towns, were as cleanly and temperate, as well fed and as warmly clad as their mote fortunately situated friends who lived on the average ten years longer than they, attention is immediately turned to the polluted air of towns, to the effluvia and noxious gases arising from decaying animal and vegetable refuse, sewers, graveyards, and cesspools, to the sulphurous acid, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and carbon emanating from inineys of our manufactories, and to imperfect ventila- id around our houses. 1 60 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE It is a serious thing to know that we, in towns, inhale with each breath a poison which is sapping our health and strength, and that though we may exercise the greatest care, we and our families are inevitably defrauded of one-fifth of our lives on the most favourable computation. When we further con- sider that in the nineteen enumerated towns the average duration of life is raised by several peculiarly healthy towns being included, as well as outskirts of towns, which are gene- rally more healthy ; and when we further remember that the list containing the remainder of deaths does not consist entirely of country districts, but includes Friends living in every un- healthy spot in the country, not computed in the nineteen enumerated towns, we cannot but conclude that the difference between town and country life is much greater than here shown. If we contrast the worst towns — Liverpool, with its unenviable notoriety of being the most unhealthy place in the kingdom, with 36 in the 1000 dying annually, Manchester with 33 in the 1000, Leeds 30, Bristol 29, Wigan 28, Bolton and Wolverhampton 27, &c, on the one hand, and the rural districts on the other, we cannot doubt that the difference would be at least 15 to 20 years, however attentive the inhabitants of the former might be with regard to their health. The mortality of the Society of Friends, as before stated, contrasts very favourably with that of England generally. In the diagram the two are contrasted, the lines relating to the former being constructed on tables 10, 11, and 12, and the latter from the deaths of the people of England registered in the seven years 1838 to 1844, extracted from the Registrar- General's 8 th Report. The most marked peculiarity consists in the difference between the deaths of young children, the number dying under one year, being of Friends 6.2, in Eng- land generally 22, or 3J times more than in the Society of Friends. Under five years the deaths of Friends are only one-third of the average of England. The number of deaths VITAL STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY OF FBIENDB. 16 1 1 8 8 £ 8 3 3 3 a 1 62 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE [To prevent confusion in the diagram, the figures relating to deaths under one year are inserted separately in the following table.] INFANT MORTALITY. Friend* Friends friends England Manchester _ Country. Average. Towns. Average. Average. Out of 100 Children ) born, the Number} 1 year 95*6 93.8 90.3 78.0 74.8 Surviving at.... ) 2 „ 94.0 91.8 87.6 70.0 61.0 3 „ 92.8 90.5 86.1 65.6 55.1 4 „ 92.1 89.7 84.9 62.7 51.3 5 „ 91.6 89.0 83.8 60.6 48.6 of Friends at 65 and upwards is 44 out of each 100 born; in England it is only 19£. In England generally, out of a given number born, one-half die before they attain 20 years; in Man- chester one-half die before they attain 5 years. In the Society of Friends, 60 years must elapse before one-half die. At ex- treme old age, 95 and upwards, there would appear to be but little difference between the proportion dying among Friends and others; but as previously stated, the number attaining so great an age is very small, and not sufficient to warrant us in coming to any conclusion. As the Society of Friends does not increase in population the number of births is not in excess of the deaths, and the proportion of children is less than in England generally. This gives a somewhat fictitious increase to the average length of life, and also a correspond- ing diminution of infant deaths. Nevertheless this effect is small, and need scarcely enter into the calculation. Another question naturally arises : Are unhealthy towns deteriorating or improving ; have we in Manchester a greater or less expectancy of life than our fathers and grandfathers ; is Manchester more or less healthy than it was half a century or a century ago, at least for such portion of the community as live in the most favourable manner, whether the locality is healthy or not ? A very laborious transcription and classi- fication of the records of the deaths of all persons interred PAL STATISTICS OP THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS, Ki3 in the burial grounds of Friends within the limits of the Lancashire Quarterly Meeting, from the commencement of 1777 to the end of 1837, affords some interesting information on this subject. There is no reason to believe that the Society of Friends eighty years ago had fewer personal comforts, were more harrassed by the cares of business, were less cleanly, orderly, or temperate than at the present day, so we must not look to changes in these respects to account for any variation in the duration of life ; they probably stood in the same relation to the community as they do now. It should be remarked that the list includes a few persons who died previous to 1777. Table 15 gives a summary of this investigation. It will be observed throughout that the women live longer than the men, and on the average nearly two years. The proportion of women to men has steadily increased. To each 100 men who died in the twenty years ending 1797, there died 102 women; in the next twenty years 110; in the third twenty years 120. This great increase in the number of women arises from various causes, one of which may be, that more men leave the Society by disownment than women. Still this will only account in part for the remarkable increase of women, and the subject is worthy of investigation. It must be observed that Table 15, containing the deaths of all persons interred in the burial grounds, includes a num- ber of persons not in membership, but who were connected with Friends and attended their religious meetings ; this re- duces the average age of death. In Manchester the age at death of Friends only, for the twenty years ending 1856, was 41 ; for all interred in their burial grounds for the same time, 38. Thus we may add three years to each of the ages to form an idea of the age of Friends only. Lancaster appears to have been a very healthy town, the average duration of life eighty years ago was greater than of Manchester at the present time. The duration of 164 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE life there has rapidly increased each twenty years. First twenty years, 39 ; second, 45 ; third, 49. The women who died in Lancaster during the last twenty years attained the age of 53 f, and adding 3 for the correction it would be 56^ ; but one circumstance, affecting the duration of life of Friends in Lancaster, must be borne in mind, namely, that the number of Friends there has steadily decreased, this will tend to make the average age appear greater. Preston. The number living in this town was so small that no safe comparison can be made of the relative duration of life at different periods ; but if we take the total deaths in sixty years, we find the average duration of life 30 years, which must be considered low. More interments of those not members than the average took place in the graveyard of Friends at Preston; this will cause the average duration of life there to appear less. In Liverpool the records present a very singular appear- ance; they show for the first twenty years, duration of life 25 years; second, 41; third, 34 J. This may, in part, be accounted for on the supposition that the number of Friends decreased after the first twenty years, and after the second twenty increased again. The number of deaths recorded would bear out this supposition, and thus the latter number would a little exceed the correct amount, and the former be a little less. Still this does not fully account for the difference. It would be hazardous and unsafe on this authority alone to assume that the sanitary condition of Liverpool improved up to a certain date; after which, that the extension of docks, the free immigration of the Irish with their habits, the rapid extension of the town without an efficient system of sewers, together with other causes, caused it to deteriorate. Bad as the statistics of mortality make Manchester appear when compared with other towns, it is cheering to see a progressive and steady increase in the duration of life, not retarded by the increase of the population, nor checked by the yearly increasing smoke and sulphur which we are told are so deadly in their effects. No doubt these are bad enough, but it is pleasant to turn to the brighter side and VITAL STATISTICS OF THE 80CIE1T OF FRIENDS. 165 to know that we are mending. The result for those interred in the burial grounds of Friends is as follows : — 20 years ending 1797, average duration of life, 25 years. » >> 1817, „ ,, 28£ ,, „ ,, 1837, ii ,, 31£ ,, ,, ,, 1856, ,, ,, 38 ,, How marked is the step in the last twenty years, being as much as in the previous forty years ! New wide streets, plenty of good water, the removal of old cottage property in the heart of he town, clean streets, good sewers, and extra-mural interments have had their share, no doubt, in og the average; and are, it is to be expected, destined to improve it still more. The following lines show at a glance by their length the average duration of life of some of the classes under con- sideration : — H r» o» r^ r^ 00 I CO I * ~ I oc ce UJ 00 _l m UJ h UJ < 00 00 ■ UJ I O UJ of Ul X z z UJ I o < UJ h o z I O z < a z 3 Ul < 2 I O z 1 o z < 1 UJ 1 66+ ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE The deaths in other parts of Lancashire, not included in the four towns enumerated, present, at the first sight, a strange appearance. The average age steadily falls — from 43 to 37 and from 37 to 34 J — yet this is perfectly consistent, and is one other striking proof of the unhealthy influences in our towns. Eighty to one hundred years ago many of our unhealthy smoky towns were then comparatively healthy hamlets, and at that time nearly all the people who were not included in the largest towns, were living in the country ; but now, Wigan, Bolton, Prescot, Warrington, Oldham, and others, have become densely peopled. Thus we cannot assume that the rural district is more unhealthy, but being partly converted into a town district the variation is accounted for. In the whole of Lancashire there seems but little change in the duration of life in the last sixty years. The deleterious results arising from the increasing density of the population, and the extension of the cotton manufacture, accompanied with the combustion of so much coal, seem to have been nearly counteracted by the increased knowledge of the laws of health. A careful examination of the tables will suggest many other points of interest besides those here briefly indicated, but even a cursory glance will show that life may be much prolonged by temperance and care. It will be equally evident that towns are unfavorable to long life, and especially unfitted for young children, whose life is always precarious and who are so easily affected by injurious influences. Still we find that it is quite possible for a town to increase in healthiness whilst it in- creases in size, so we may hope that by a further knowledge of the laws of health, and more especially by further atten- tion to their requirements, the time will come when the " Health of Towns" may be a reality, not a name. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY OF FE1ENDS 167 1 P-H •» o ^ < &M J * O ^ I •5 sS a * r~ ,-< • cm *h cm ~ CM . •-■ • • 0«500)HT|<«(N •«5^»W«0'0 • •** HOO^OOO«5f^eO«W(NCON • «0 t^- CM «-■ 00 i-< OH 3 a O •CM'*^' • CO -« ^ rH «o »-* *- cm »o *<- CM WCO^'f «5 W -CO • •-pH^-t»-iC0CN^t^«O OWWWJtOHHNCO 50N^»Tf-iht)< CO ! 00 tO CO rj< 00 SO * t» • . « t-- H < M £ coco^^r^co :(NiNTjOCOC^ 35 CO CO O 03 o « ............ • to • . : 2 : *3 * c c — j 1 J PC .?- i S £ | 1 c ! 1 I i- PC Newcastle Sunderland N. and S. S Darlington 'Hull * i PC I 5 i 1 3 E 2 VITAL STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 169 l OS « Q K H §> * i ° I w i o m M w 1 so 1 © — — --■ — T t 1» ." >o K3 '■- C »0 0000000000000000000000000000 : : :- :::::: :^ i : CM 1 8 Oiusw^eo^oot^ojv^Tf^^oo CO i 5 ?1 < cooo»o»oooto«oo«oooeo 00 i I— < $ coco~«'<*© — CMCOrfO 0000000000000000000000000000 170 ALFRED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE m ft fc W O I* H W O a? x -— < I i to h < Q b ■ a < 0000000000000000000000000000 Si ir* 2 *"; f* : H j «■* j : J ; ** : 00 4 ©oiiMascooDait-^oocoooo©.-* an £ CO^COt^C£> (NCO(NM(NCOCOiNW(N(NWfOeO 4 CO toooco^coaoooco^otNtficNCO CO W5 *0 F-0«0rH(j|t^Q0O0>-<^ CO & i— « .— 1 i-H i— « o aa & lMO0itN«^'-"O5t*t>»O(M00»OlN co g N05O«0r*^OQ0H^^Otflifl t— 1 05 8 o I— 1 m -^ ^(OCONCOtO : i ■ a ■ tf 1 1 ^^ ^ ^ >o •« ^ "^ ^ ^ acaOQOQbGOaoaOQOcoQOooooQOoo 4 :••:••:: - i »* : — »— m *-* : 00 • ^rt*co-• '-, : : : I—* * _H_cO'- ;•■*■•■« : w h :»-i(Ni-» i— < 10 2 1 2 5 7 1 1 8 2 185 54 H 42 55 125 23 26 28 48 174 ALFKED FEYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE - r— 1 00 00 t^ a> lO CO r^ 1— < • . as t^ «o ^S 5 CO V3 *a 2 »o cc^ 4 co as 00 CO CO Si <-* ■ r-l CO CO 00 r- OS 0 06 * 1— < 3 3 I O CO fH »o as CO «1 '"", — « 9 •|w - - CO t^ H$ W * o co r-H "tf • (M r- • N m r~ ^ CO co t>; ^ _ "<* - CO •— i CO 1—4 >-* TP CO ,_ ia 00 r- O r—l OS CO r—t i— ^ A r» CO V5 OS 0 P ^ i— 1 ■al CO CO OS 00 co 8 0 s 0 r~ 00 HP r—l 2 v «J o ® £ IS § .S S *s * ^ * VITAL STATISTICS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. 175 I I i w 1 _ o «5 O H« h a o .$ ° I I pa o 3 © * u BE ** : * * CO °? S=r • © 85 5 CJ D q 5 ^f 1 £| 2 c ^ ■• C * i o c 5 C > *} © v ^ »f 5 »o — . — • _£ * i oo r \c j <*2 00 c > c ri — i 3? t 5 3 »>- > — r 01 5 ** »o t> C i r* DC i 8 CO pi < t^ . q 4 rt* t> * r^ Q »A co a ) ^ n *t H r^cc > T " 00 CO 1 © CO c ) C > 3 o > 9 CN V > »f > CO "E" -• ^ 00 Cf ^ o. i ?: 4 a ) r; o c > c > * > *? ** - » o J — - B* ? s > ** CN 00 ^ OXC > C£ 1 ** ~- *i 89 1 O 1 * ; cc • sp ! a |1 \i ■ 1 « 1 5 • a. 2"? co ai cn "t *| o i «N o r^ f? oo r^ o r* CN £ 00 c 0 ^ , q A t 1 c "i CN oi - * t CN i PM c< 5 X N ^ r-* « - 00 ri c > « ? — 4 CO^ ►* C > <=> CT>C ^ c ^ CN — C « "«! i — i CO CI 5 « > ^r O tf d tf 5 t^ ^1 _ ■• C? 1 i co a 0 ^ p *9 CO - i a 3 V3 s H »o r»a 3 V > ^ < co e* 5 C > CO M a C 1 M3 COC£ o c 5 S ? 5 CO 1 CI O i 1 O co r e* 5 ^ rH CN t1 < r CN «< 4 CNC£ > (X ) ■* CO Tj « t> CM ^ S^: o « oc 1 ^ ) 00 ^u-o —• — o 1 oo c > a > g • o ^ c > Tj . *5 • o 1 o — o 5 C > ^ CN - Tt < i-^ i-« SIC 4 IT r^ — a > ^ 00 cc T) " Tj« " 3| §s ; S j 1 ** a » C ~ Hj2 C*1 CO i 9 c CO 1 i 1 176 ALFKED FRYER ON SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE | « 4? • m k ft S SO fc *13 H i— i •4 rt ^3 H PB| M i PM P4 .■S r P o «i fe < i* 4 ^ H g H W «o i-5 »-H 3* • 00 O" (N 8 •* «i u r— 00 r—t I «3 *C *3 •O c< (N CC (—< 4 1> oc co I xide of lead the relative proportions of the other constituents are expressed by the following numbers: t. ii. m. iv. Carbon 50.15 48.36 47.80 5.05 5.31 5.26 Nitrogen 1 2.27 2.06 1.89 Oxygen 12.87 05 100 100.00 These numbers conduct, as will be seen, to two different formulae. The numbers of the first two determinations lead to the formula C52 H31 N034, those of the last two to the formula C^ H33 N Ox as a comparison of the numbers found by experiment with those required by the respective formulae will show : Eqs. Calculated. Eqs. Calculated. ... 52 312 49.60 52 312 48.22 Hydrogen. . 31 31 4.92 33 33 5.10 Nitrogen . . 1 14 2.22 1 14 2.16 Oxygen ... 34 272 43.26 36 288 44.52 629 100.00 647 100.00 The first analyses which I made of the lead compounds of indican, and the results of which are recorded in the first part of ; >aper, led to the formula? Cag H^ N O^ and CM H^ N O40, but I stated at the same time that neither of these could be considered as the true formula, since the compounds then analysed seemed no longer to contain unchanged indican. However the compounds, the analyses of which have just been given, even after having. been completely dried, and decom- posed with cold dilute sulphuric acid yielded solutions which, after having been filtered from the sulphate of lead and boiled, deposited flocks consisting almost entirely of indigo-blue and indirubine, products indicating with cer- ty the presence of unchanged indican. Since indican exhibits a tendency, as I have before observed, to take up suc- cessively a number of equivalents of water, it is probable that 190 lOt. E. SCHUNCK ON THE of the two formulae given above, the first, viz., C52 H3l N034 approaches nearest to, if it is not a correct representation of its true composition. The formula C52 H^ NO^ may then represent a mixture of indican with a small quantity of what may be called its hydrate, or it may show the composition of indican in the first stage of its hydration before it has lost the property of yielding indigo-blue by decomposition. As far as regards the explanation of the different processes of decomposition which the substance undergoes, it is of course immaterial which formula is adopted. Action of Acids on Indican. In the first part of this memoir I have given a general description of the process of decomposition which indican undergoes by the action of acids and of the products thereby formed. I shall now proceed to give an account of the results obtained in a more minute investigation of this process, per- formed with larger quantities of material than had previously been at my disposal. Sulphuric and muriatic acids are not the only acids capable of effecting the decomposition of indican. If to a watery solution of the latter a small quantity of nitric acid be added, the quantity of the acid not being large enough to enable it to exert any oxidising action on the indican, the solution im- mediately becomes green and turbid, and on standing it deposits flocks of a dark colour, while the surface becomes covered with a blue pellicle. The deposit is found to consist principally of indigo-blue with a little indirubine and a trace of other products of decomposition. The filtered liquid on being boiled becomes muddy and deposits some brown flocks, which contain no indigo-blue. The quantity of indigo-blue formed by the action of nitric acid seems indeed to be compara- tively larger than when sulphuric or muriatic acid is employed. It is hardly necessary to add, that if this be really the case, it cannot be ascribed to any oxidising effect produced by the 'IMATION OF INDIGO-BU 191 A watery solution of indican on being mixed with oxalic or tartaric acid and left to stand yields a dark blue or purple deposit, consisting of indigo-blue and indirubine, which ii oxalic acid is employed, are remarkably free from other acts of decomposition. The liquid filtered from tin-, depo- in either case when boiled a few more flocks, ifter being filtered, mixed with sulphuric acid and boiled i, it gives an additional quantity. These flocks contain indirabine and iudirctiue but no indigo-blue. Even acetic acid produces a slight effect on indican. On adding that acid to a watery solution of the latter, the mixture deposits on standing some dark flocks, consisting of indigo-blue and in- dirubine, but their quantity is trifling. A more minute examination of this process of decomposition el that it was more complicated and that the products formed by it were more numerous than I had at first imagined. products of decomposition which I have observed are of three kinds. The first are insoluble in water and are deposited in the shape of powder or flocks from the acid liquid, the second remain dissolved in the latter, the third are volatile and are obtained by distilling the liquid either whilst the action of the acid is proceeding or after it has ceased. For the pur- pose of preparing these various products I found it to be pessary to obtain indican in a state of absolute purity by successive solution in alcohol, water and ether, for though some indican is always decomposed when its watery solution is evaporated, the substances into which it is* thereby converted afford by decomposition with acids, products which do not differ in their nature, but only in their relative proportions from those which are formed, when perfectly pure indican is employed. I therefore contented myself with extracting the dry leaves of the woad plant with cold alcohol, evaporating the extract in the apparatus above described, adding water to the residue and filtering. The ion of indican thus obtained was mixed with a considerable 192 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE quantity of sulphuric acid, and the green fatty matter precipi- tated by the acid was separated by filtration. The action of the acid passed, as I invariably observed, through two distinct stages, and I found it convenient to collect and treat the products formed at each stage of the action separately. The filtered liquid, though clear at first, soon became opalescent and muddy and deposited dark flocks, while the surface became covered with a blue pellicle. After the liquid had stood in the cold for about twenty-four hours, this deposit usually ceased to be formed, and the action then entered on its second stage, which was manifested by the separation from the filtered liquid of a brown powder the quantity of which was much increased by heating. This powder contained little or no indigo-blue, but some indirubine and a large quantity of other products of decomposition. I think it probable that the first deposit owed its origin to the pure indican contained in the solution, while the second was formed from indican that had undergone a change by the action of water. The matter insoluble in water formed by the action of acid having been collected on a filter, the acid liquid was employed for the preparation of the other products of decomposition in a manner to be hereafter described. The portion of the products in- soluble in water was also obtained by another method, still more expeditious than the one just described. The leaves of the plant having been finely chopped, boiling water was poured over them, and the mixture having been well stirred the liquid was strained through calico and mixed with sugar of lead. This produced a pale green precipitate which was separated by filtration, and the liquid having been mixed with an excess of sulphuric acid was filtered from the sulphate of lead and heated for some time, when it produced a deposit containing the same products as before. Instead of sulphuric acid I sometimes employed nitric acid, avoiding however in this case the use of heat. More indigo-blue and less of the other pro- FORMATION 19i ducts of decomposition seemed to be formed, when nitric acid was used. [a whatever manner the products insoluble in water were obtained, I always adopted the same method of treatment for turpose of separating them from one another, a method indeed essentially the same as that employed by Berzelius for the separation of the constituents of crude indigo. The whole of the acid used in the process having been care- fully removed by means of cold water, the mass left on the filter was treated with dilute caustic soda. This dissolved a great portion forming a dark brown opaque liquid, which was filtered ,*rom the insoluble matter. The latter was treated again with caustic soda, the action being now assisted by heat, and the process was repeated until nothing more was dissolved. The liquid on being mixed with an excess of muriatic acid let B voluminous flocculent precipitate of a brown colour, which being collected on a filter and washed with water was ith a boiling mixture of alcohol and ammonia. This sometimes dissolved the whole of it, sometimes only a part. The insoluble portion, wThcn there was any present, had the appearance of a dark brown powder, and consisted of the body to which I have given the name of Indihumine, After having been treated repeatedly with alcohol and ammonia, until nothing more was dissolved and then with muriatic acid, and lastly washed with water, it was considered pure. The alcoholic liquid filtered from it was dark brown. On adding an excess of acetic acid, an abundant dark brown deposit was formed, consisting of a substance which 1 h*».d not pre- viously observed, and to which I propose to apply the term Indifuscine. It was collected on a filter, washed first with alcol hot water until all the acetate of ammonia and acetic acid were removed, and lastly agitated with a little cold alcohol, filtered off and dried, when it had the appearance of a dark brown or reddish-brown powder. By repeating the process of solution in alcohol and ammonia and precipitation 2 c J94 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE with acid, its further purification was effected. The alcoholic liquid filtered from the indifuscine was mixed with an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, when an additional quantity of the same substance was precipitated in combination with oxide of lead in brown flocks. The filtered liquid, containing an excess of sugar of lead was mixed with ammonia, which gave a brownish-yellow precipitate, consisting chiefly of indiretine in combination with oxide of lead. This precipitate after being filtered off was treated with dilute acetic acid, which removed a considerable quantity of oxide of lead, and after being again filtered off and washed, it was completely decomposed with boiling dilute muriatic acid. The indiretine which was separated collected in the boiling liquid in the form of brown half fused masses, which were separated by filtration while the liquid boiled, washed with boiling water and then treated with a small quantity of cold alcohol. The alcohol acquired a dark brown colour, and after being filtered from a little undissolved indifuscine was evaporated to dryness, when it left the indiretine in the shape of a brittle resinous residue, which was purified by being again dissolved in cold alcohol. That part of the product of the action of acids insoluble in caustic soda was usually of a dark bluish-purple colour. It was treated with boiling alcohol until nothing more dissolved. The alcoholic liquid, which had a dark brownish-purple colour, was filtered boiling hot from the insoluble portion, consisting chiefly of indigo-blue, and then mixed with ammonia and an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, which gave a brown pre- cipitate consisting of oxide of lead in combination with indi- fuscine, and such other products as had not been completely extracted by the caustic soda. After being filtered from this precipitate the liquid appeared of a beautiful purple colour. It was mixed with an excess of acetic acid and distilled or evaporated to about one quarter of its original volume, and then mixed with a large quantity of water, which precipitated the whole of the matter dissolved in it in the shape of dirty FOBMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 195 purple flocks. These flocks were collected on a filter, well washed with water and then treated with dilute caustic soda, which generally however only dissolved a minute portion of them. After being again filtered off and well washed they were dried and treated with a small quantity of cold alcohol. The alcohol dissolved a portion forming a solution of a deep reddish-yellow colour, which was filtered and evaporated, when it left a shining resinous substance of the same colour, which as it possesses characteristic properties and a peculiar composition, I shall call Indt/ulvine. By dissolving it in weak spirits of wine it was separated from a little impurity,, which remained undissolved in the shape of a brown powder. The matter left undissolved by the cold alcohol consisted chiefly of indirubine. For the purpose of purifying this body I availed myself of the property which it possesses in common with indigo-blue of dissolving in caustic alkalies in the presence of bodies which easily take up oxygen. On treating the mixture containing indirubine with a solution of protoxide of tin in caustic soda and boiling, I obtained a solution, which after being rapidly filtered deposited in- dirubine on exposure to the air in the shape of a reddish- purple pellicle covering its surface. This pellicle on being broken fell to the bottom in thick flakes and was succeeded by another. As soon as the whole of the indirubine contained in it had been again oxidised and deposited, it was filtered off, wol! washed with water and dissolved in boiling alcohol. The alcoholic solution which had a beautiful purple colour generally OB evaporation a dark brown amorphous residue consisting of indirubine in as high a state of purity as I have been able to obtain it when formed by the decomposition of indican. A brown powder was left undissolved by the alkaline solu- tion of protoxide of tin, which after being again treated a fresh quantity of the same solution, in order to he all the indirubine which might be contained in it, was washed with water, then with acid, washed again with 196 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE water, dried and treated with cold alcohol. The latter dis- solved a second portion of indifulvine, which seemed to have escaped the solvent action of the alcohol in the first instance in consequence of its having been so intimately mixed with and enveloped by particles of indirubine as not to be reached by the alcohol. The alcohol still left undissolved a quantity of brown powder, which did not seem to be any peculiar substance but an intimate mixture of indifulvine and indirubine. The indigo-blue left undissolved by the boiling alcohol was purified by treating it according to Fritzsche's method with a warm solution of grape sugar in alcohol to which caustic soda was added, and allowing the mixture to stand in a warm place until the indigo-blue was dissolved. The yellow solution having been drawn off with a syphon and allowed to stand exposed to the air became first red, then purple, and then deposited the indigo-blue in the shape of small crystalline scales, which were collected on a filter and washed first with alcohol, afterwards with boiling water, then digested with muriatic acid, well washed with water and dried. The bodies insoluble in water formed by the action of acids on indican are therefore six in number. I shall now give an account of their properties and composition. Indigo-blue. The indigo-blue obtained by this process has all the pro- perties usually ascribed to that substance. It is insoluble in alkaline liquids, but dissolves easily when a deoxidising sub- stance, such as a salt of protoxide of tin or protoxide of iron, or grape sugar is added at the same time, the solution exhibit- ing the usual appearance of an indigo vat, such as the yellow colour, and the blue pellicle on the surface. It is only slightly soluble in boiling alcohol, to which it communicates a blue tinge, but easily and completely soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid, forming a blue solution from which nothing is precipitated on the addition of water. By the action of FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 197 ug nitric acid it yields indigotic acid, and when treated ;i strong boiling solution of caustic soda it is converted having the properties of anthranilic acid. Its tity with indigo-blue is however placed beyond doubt by following results: — I. 0.3365 grm. dried at 100° C. and burnt with oxide of nd chlorate of potash gave 0.8955 grm. carbonic and 0.1305 water. 0.5 175 grm. burnt with soda-lime gave 0.3775 grm. plati- AMD0.* II. 0.3605 grm. gave 0.9605 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1350 water. 0.5230 grm. gave 46 CC. of moist nitrogen at a tempera- i »f 1 2° C. and a pressure of 736.8m m- equivalent to 42.7 CC. of dry nitrogen at 0° C. and a pressure of 760mm or 0.0534 grm. Hence was deduced the following composition : — Eqs. Calculated. I. II. Carbon . 16 96 73.28 72.57 72.66 Hydrogen . . . 5 5 3.81 4.30 4.16 Nitron . 1 14 10.68 10.36 10.22 Oxygen .... . 2 16 131 12.23 L00. 12.77 12.96 100.00 100.00 * The double chloride which yielded this amount of platinum was washed according to Hofmnnn's directions with ether, to which a little alcohol was added instead of with the usual mixture of alcohol and ether. It weighed 0.fK)9*> grm., which if it had consisted of the double chloride of platinum and ammonium alone, would hare corresponded to 0.0571 grm. of nitrogen or 11.03 per cent. The apparent excess arose without doubt from the presence of aniline. f The analyses above given lead to a composition more nearly approaching -■oretical one than apy previously on record, with the exception of those given by Laurent (Ann. de Chim. et de Pbys. Ser. III., T. which were made with sublimed indigo-blue. To the use of the latter for this pur. pose, however, objections may be raised on account of the difficulty of separating n particles of carbon and traces of oily and resinous matters formed by the sublimation. Dumas in his last memoir on the composition of indigo. blue (Ann. de. Chim. et de Phys. Ser. III,. T. 2, p. 207) proved that the excess of carbon in the previous analyses of the substance was only apparent, being caused by the admixture of a little sulphur derived from the sulphate of iron which is generally used for its purification. Having carefully removed this 198 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON TBM Indirubine. This substance when obtained by the process above de- scribed usually appears in the form of a dark brown amor- phous mass. On one occasion, when very pure indican had been employed in its preparation, it was deposited from the boiling alcoholic solution on cooling in long crystalline needles, which were red by transmitted light. The alcoholic solution has a fine purple colour. It is perfectly insoluble in alkaline liquids, but if it be treated with a boiling solution of caustic soda, to which some deoxidising substance, such as pro to- chloride of tin or grape sugar is added, it dissolves with ease, just as indigo-blue does under the same circumstances, form- ing a solution from which it is again deposited in purple flakes by the action of the atmospheric oxygen. It dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid in the cold, forming a purple solution, which on the addition of water gives a dark precipi- tate, the supernatant liquid remaining of a fine purple colour. It is decomposed by boiling nitric acid. On being heated sulphur, he obtained in three analyses 72.90, 72.84, and 72.97 per cent, of carbon, which correspond apparently with the theoretical composition. These amounts are, however, calculated according to the old atomic weight of carbon. If corrected in accordance with the new atomic weight of carbon, which was established by Dumas a short time previously, they become respectively 71-89, 75.77, and 71.92, the great excess in the second determination being probably due to some misprint. On analysing some specimens of the indigo-blue re- maining from his previous investigation, which he himself had proved to be impure, and calculating the results according to the new atomic weight of carbon, Dumas obtained in four analyses 73.3, 73.5, 72.7, and 73.3 per cent, of carbon. The coincidence between these and the previous annlyses is of course only apparent. I have myself always found a deficiency in the amount of carbon, unless care was taken to wash the precipitated indigo-blue for a considerable time. I ascribe this circumstance to the indigo -blue like all porous bodies combining with certain substances and removing them from their solutions in consequence of an attraction of surface exerted by it. If, for instance, grape sugar is employed in its purification, a certain quantity of it is carried down by the indigo-blue and can only be removed by continuous washing with hot water, followed by treatment with muriatic acid and renewed washing with water. Each portion of water is found to leave on evaporation a small quantity of syrup, and this does not cease until the washing has been ontinued for several days. • FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 1 99 between two watch-glasses, it produces on the upper glass a sublimate consisting of beautiful purple needles which dis- in boiling alcohol forming a line purple solution which on cooling deposits crystalline needles. This sublimate seems to consist, not of any product of decomposition formed by heat, but of the substance itself, which when freed from all impurities possesses the property of crystallising. The quantity of indirubine which I obtained, even when operating on large quantities of indican, was so exceedingly I, that I was unable to apply any means for effecting its further purification. I was however enabled by chance to procure from another source a sufficient quantity of the substance for an examina- of its properties and composition. Some time before commencing my investigation of the woad plant I had ob- tained from India a quantity of the dried leaves of the Indigofera tinctoria for the purpose of ascertaining the state in which the colouring matter is contained in them. Though the leaves reached me as soon as possible after having been gathered and dried, their examination led to no definite results, the process of fermentation by which the colouring matter is formed having probably been already completed, and I there- fore laid them aside. Their peculiar greenish-purple colour and the glaucous appearance of their surface which resembled that of glazed green tea, showed however that they must con- . ready formed, some peculiar species of colouring matter. I was therefore induced to examine them again, and this ex- amination led to the conclusion that their colour was caused by a thin coating of a substance, which was, there could be doubt, identical with indirubine. This substance was isolated by the following process. Having prepared a liquid containing protochloride of tin dissolved iu an excess of caustic soda, the leaves were im- led in it while boiling. The boiling was continued until tin* leaves had lost their purple tinge and become pale green. 200 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE The green muddy liquid was then strained as quickly as pos- sible through canvas, and left to stand exposed to the air in a shallow vessel. The surface of the liquid soon became covered with a purple pellicle, which was carefully skimmed off and was succeeded by another, which was in its turn removed, the process being repeated as long as anything formed on the surface. The purple matter was then dissolved a second time in an alkaline solution of protoxide of tin and the solution was again left exposed to the atmosphere. The pellicle which was formed by the action of the oxygen was removed this time by means of blotting paper, to which it adhered without much of the liquid underneath being removed with it. The substance was separated from the paper by agitation in water, collected on a filter, treated with boiling caustic soda to dissolve a little adhering fatty matter, filtered off again, washed with acid, then with water, and lastly dissolved in boiling alcohol. The alcohol acquired a splendid purple colour and on cooling deposited a quantity of crystalline needles, consisting, as I believe, of indirubine in a state of purity. When thus prepared it is found to have the follow- ing properties. It crystallises from its alcoholic solution in small needles forming when dry a silky mass of a colour between purple and chocolate, which on being rubbed with a hard body shows a slight metallic lustre, resembling that of bronze. When heated on platinum foil it emits red vapours, then melts and burns with a yellow smoky flame leaving some charcoal. WThen carefully heated between two watch-glasses it gives a yellowish-red vapour, resembling that of bromine, which condenses on the upper glass in the form of beautiful long crystalline needles. These needles are plum or garnet- coloured, they possess a somewhat metallic lustre, which is however much inferior to that of sublimed indigo-blue, and seem to consist simply of the original substance, which has been volatilised without change. When the process of sub- FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 201 is carefully conducted only a trace of carbonaceous t. It dissolves completely in concentrated sul- phuric acid in the cold, forming a solution of a beautiful de colour. This solution when heated does not become black, but on the contrary rather paler and evolves only a trace of sulphurous acid. When mixed with water it gives bo precipitate and retains its fine purple colour, which does not disappear or become weakened when the acid is neutralised carbonate of soda, but soon vanishes entirely when an excess of caustic soda or ammonia is added. The solution in sulphuric acid after dilution with water imparts a fine purple colour to cotton, wool, and silk. When treated with nitric acid of ordinary strength indirubine begins to dissolve even in the cold and to a greater extent on the application of heat, forming a purple solution, which on being further heated becomes red and on boiling yellow. The whole of the substance is dissolved without leaving any resinous resi- due, such is always left when indigo-blue is treated with nitric acid, forming a clear yellow solution. This solu- tion leaves on evaporation a residue which dissolves only partially in hot water. A brown resinous substance is left ^solved by the latter, and the liquid filtered from this is bright yellow and very bitter and yields when mixed carbonate of potash and evaporated, crystals, apparently i crate of potash, which detonate when heated. Very dilut acid also decomposes and dissolves it on boil- ing, but its decomposition is effected with far more difficulty that of indigo-blue by the same means. In like manner a boiling solution of bichromate of potash, mixed sulphuric acid, which easily decomposes indigo-blue, seems to have very little effect on it even when the boiling is continued for a considerable time. When suspended in water and exposed to the action of a stream of chlorine gas it loses its colour very slowly and is changed into a sinous substance containing chlorine which i 202 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE in boiling water and is easily soluble in alcohol, but does not crystallise when the solution is evaporated. Like the indirubine from indican it is quite insoluble in alkaline liquids, but dissolves easily when a deoxidising agent, such as grape sugar or a protosalt of iron or tin, is added at the same time. If it be treated for instance with a solution of protoxide of tin in an excess of caustic soda it dissolves rapidly, forming a yellow solution, the surface of which on exposure to the air instantly becomes covered with a film of regenerated indirubine, the appearance being exactly like that of an indigo vat, except that the film floating on the sur- face is purple instead of blue. If a piece of calico be dipped into the solution and then exposed to the air it acquires a purple colour, which is not removed either by acids or soap. This colour has no great intensity, but by working on a larger scale it is probable that shades of purple equal in depth to those produced by indigo-blue might be obtained. When the solution is mixed with an excess of muriatic acid it gives a dirty yellow precipitate, which after filtration and exposure to the air slowly becomes purple. By long con- tinued exposure of the solution to the atmosphere the whole of the indirubine dissolved in it is again deposited as a purple mass, which is sometimes found to consist of small crystalline needles. When heated in a tube with soda-lime the substance emits fumes having a smell like that of benzol and an alkaline reaction, which condense on the colder parts of the tube to a sublimate, consisting partly of oil and partly of crystalline needles. It is not precipitated from its alcoholic solution by acetate of lead, even when ammonia is added at the same time. These reactions seem to me to prove the identity of this body with the indirubine from indican, which if it could be entirely freed from all impurities would no doubt exhibit the same property of crystallising and of volatilising without residue. * • When dry woad leaves are extracted with cold alcohol, the sides of the glass vessel containing the extract generally become covered with patches of FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 203 The behaviour of indirubine towards concentrated sulphuric acid and towards alkaline solutions of deoxidising substances so much resembles that of indigo-blue towards the same re- agents as to lead one to expect a great similarity in the com- position of the two bodies, even if the fact of their being formed from the same parent substance by the same process of decomposition were unknown. The quantity of pure indi- rubine, which I obtained from the leaves of the Indigofera, was only sufficient for a general examination of its properties and for one analysis, which showed however, if it be permitted to draw a positive conclusion from one determination, that it has exactly the same elementary composition as indigo-blue, that the two substances are isomeric, rhe following are the num- bers yielded by the analysis : — 0.3185 grm. dried at 100°C and burnt with oxide of copper and chlorate of potash gave 0.8500 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1195 water. 0.2021 grm. gave 49.3 CC. of nitrogen at a temperature of 10.5°'C. and a pressure of 269.5mm equivalent to 16.81 CC. at 0° C. and a pressure of 760mm or 0.2122 grm.* In 100 parts in contained therefore Carbon 72.78 Hydrogen . 4.16 Nitrogen ... 10.50 Oxygen 12.56 .00 Indifulvinb. This substance is obtained on the evaporation of its alco- holic solution in the form of a deep reddish-yellow, transparent, amorphous resin, which when dry is brittle and may easily be reduced to powder. It is perfectly insoluble in caustic alkalies, small red crystals, which seem to consist of pure indirubine. They are insoluble in caustic alkalies, but soluble in boiling alcohol, the solution depositing on cooling, crystals exactly like those abore described. ' I owe this determination to Professor Frankland, who had the kindness to perform it according to bis own method of analysis. 20 i Mil. E. SCHtltfCK ON THE" a property by which it may be at once distinguished from fn- diretine, which it resembles in its outward appearance. Even when grape sugar or protochloride of tin is added to the alkaline liquids not a trace of it dissolves even on boiling, and in this respect it differs widely from indirubine. When it is treated with strong caustic soda lye only a trace of ammonia is given off, but on heating the dry substance with soda-lime there is a very perceptible evolution of ammonia. When heated on platinum it melts and then burns with a bright flame, leaving much charcoal which burns away with difficulty. On being heated in a tube it melts and gives off fumes having a strong smell resembling that of crude indigo when heated. These fumes condense on the colder parts of the tube to a brown oil which on cooling becomes almost solid without exhibiting a trace of anything crystalline. It dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid in the cold forming a solution of a greenish-brown colour, which when heated becomes black and disengages sulphurous acid. It is not much affected by nitric acid of ordinary strength even on boiling, but fuming nitric acid dissolves it readily, even in the cold, giving a dark reddish-yellow solution, which on the addition of water deposits orange-coloured flocks. If the solution in fuming nitric acid be boiled it gives off nitrous acid, and on evaporation it leaves a reddish-yellow resinous mass, the greatest part of which on being treated with boil- ing water remains undissolved in the shape of a yellowish-red resin, resembling indifulvine itself in appearance, but differ- ing from it in being easily soluble in alkaline liquids and soluble with difficulty in boiling alcohol. The watery liquid filtered from this resin yields on evaporation white needle- shaped crystals which are not oxalic acid. A boiling solution of bichromate of potash to which sulphuric acid is added de- composes indifulvine very slowly, the solution becoming green from the reduction of the chromic acid. Chlorine converts indifulvine when suspended in water into a body which does FORMATION Of INDIGO-BIT 205 not much differ from it in appearance but is ftolable in alkalies. Indifulvine is not precipitated from its alcoholic solution by acetate of lead even on the addition of ammonia, as indeed might be inferred from its method of preparation. Notwithstanding that I worked with tolerable large quan- of the mixed products of decomposition of indican I obtained only on two occasions, a sufficient quantity of pure indifulvine for analysis. The composition on these two occa- sions was not the same, so that, if the substance was in each case pure, there are, strictly speaking, two bodies having the general properties of indifulvine. Nevertheless the formula? of the two bodies stand in a definite relation to one another and to that of indican, so that in either case the formation of the substance may easily be explained. I. 0.3695 grm. dried at 100°C. gave 0.9945 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1795 water. 0.3605 grm. gave 0.4665 grm. chloride of platinum and ionium. These numbers lead to the following composition : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 22 132 73.33 73.40 Hydrogen 10 10 5.55 5.39 Nitrogen 1 14 7.77 8.12 Oxygen 3 24 13.35 13.09 180 100.00 100.00 The second analysis afforded the following data : II. 0.3125 grm. gave 0.8975 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1635 fcer. 0.3400 grm. gave 0.4635 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. Hence may be deduced the following composition : — Eqi. Calculated. Found. Carbon 264 78.80 78.32 Hydrogen 19 5.67 5.81 Nitrogen 2 8.35 8.56 M8 7.81 100.00 >.00 206 Mil. E. SCHUNCK ON THE If the first formula be doubled it gives C44 Hgo N2 06, and if from this be deducted 1 equivalent of water and 2 equiva- lents of oxygen it gives the second formula C44 H19 N2 03. For the sake of distinction I think it may be of advantage to apply to the first of these modifications of indifulvine, the term a indifulvine and to the second that of b indifulvine. The manner in which these bodies are derived from indican can only be understood after all the products of decomposi- tion have been treated of. Indihumine. This substance has the appearance of a sepia-brown powder, which is insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in alkaline liquids forming brown solutions, from which it is re-precipitated by acids in brown flocks. When heated on platinum it burns without melting leaving some charcoal which easily burns away. Boiling nitric acid decomposes it easily, forming a yellow solution which on evaporation leaves an orange- coloured residue insoluble in water. Indihumine is not always formed in any great quantity in the decomposition of indican by acids. Sometimes indeed it cannot be detected among the products of decomposition, and usually it is present only in minute quantities. What are the circum- stances which determine its formation in particular cases I am unable to say. On the only occasion on which I obtained a sufficient quantity for analysis it was procured from an alcoholic extract of woad by evaporating, adding water to the residue and filtering, then adding sulphuric acid to the watery solution containing indican, filtering again, allowing the solution to stand for twenty-four hours, filtering off the indigo-blue and other products which had separated, boiling the liquid, collecting the brown powder which was deposited during the ebullition on a filter, washing it with water and then treating it with a boiling mixture of alcohol and ammonia until nothing more dissolved. The insoluble OF INDIGO-BLUE. 207 ie consisting of indihumine was analysed, when the following numbers were obtained : — 0.3065 grm. dried at 100°C. gave 0.7065 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1300 water. 0.3285 grm. gave 0.3765 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. From these numbers it may be inferred that the compo- sition is as follows : — Eqg. Calculated. Found. Carbon 20 J20 62.82 62.86 Hydrogen 9 9 4.71 4.71 Nitrogen 1 14 7.33 7.19 Oxygen 6 48 25.14 25.24 191 100.00 100.00 Indifuscine. This body so much resembles the preceding in its outward appearance and most of its properties, that the two might easily be confounded. Indifuscine is always obtained in the shape of a dark brown powder, exhibiting sometimes a red- dish tinge. It is insoluble in boiling water and only slightly soluble in boiling alcohol, the solution being light brown and depositing a great part of the substance on cooling in brown flocks. It is easily soluble in a mixture of alcohol and am- monia. The solution is dark brown and opaque, and when it is mixed with an excess of muriatic or acetic acid the greatest part of the indifuscine is deposited in the form of a brown powder, while the supernatant liquid retains a brown colour, which is rather darker than that of the solution of the substance itself in boiling alcohol. It is also soluble in watery solutions of caustic and carbonated alkalies, forming brown solutions, from which it is precipitated again by adds in brown flocks. The amnion iacal solution gives brown pre- cipitates with salts of baryta, lime, magnesia, alumina, iron, zinc, copper, lead, mercury, and silver, the whole of the in- 208 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE difuscine being precipitated in combination with the respective bases. When indifuscine is heated in a platinum crucible the whole mass begins to heave and is kept in a state of agitation for a few moments, in consequence probably of an evolution of gas at the points of contact with the metal, whereupon it burns but without melting and leaves a considerable quantity of charcoal, which burns away with difficulty without leaving any ash. When heated in a tube it gives fumes having a smell like that of burning turf besides a little oily sublimate, unmixed with anything crystalline. Concentrated sulphuric acid dissolves indifuscine forming a brown solution, which on being heated evolves sulphurous acid. A boiling solution of bichromate of potash to which sulphuric acid is added dis- solves and decomposes it rapidly with an evolution of gas, the chromic acid being reduced to oxide of chromium. On being treated with boiling dilute nitric acid indifuscine is decomposed with a disengagement of nitrous acid, giving a yellow liquid which on evaporation yields crystals of oxalic acid. The mother liquor of these crystals on being neutral- ised with carbonate of potash and evaporated gives brownish - yellow crystals, which detonate when heated and give with acetate of lead, nitrate of silver, and sulphate of iron, reac- tions showing them to consist of picrate of potash. When finely powdered indifuscine is suspended in water and sub- jected to the action of chlorine it is converted into a yellow flocculent substance containing chlorine, which is insoluble in boiling water, but dissolves easily in boiling alcohol forming a brown solution, which on spontaneous evaporation leaves a light brown amorphous residue. When the indican submitted to decomposition with acids has not been purified, the quantity of indifuscine formed far exceeds that of the other products of decomposition, which with the exception of indigo-blue are always produced in com- paratively small quantities. In this case a great part of the indifuscine owes its origin to the action of the acid on a body FORMATION OP INDIGO-BLUE. 209 formed by the influence of water and oxygen on indican. Nevertheless, even when perfectly pure indican is employed, a certain quantity of indifuscine is always produced, especially if the quantity of material used is considerable. When submitted to analysis indifuscine prepared on different occasions is found to exhibit considerable variation in its composition. The analyses, the results of which I am about to give, were made with specimens, derived from different sources, which notwithstanding the difference in their com- ;on showed no difference in their properties. I. 0.3135 grm. indifuscine, obtained from the deposit formed on mixing a watery solution of indican with sulphuric acid and allowing the mixture to stand in the cold, dried at 100°C. and burnt with oxide of copper and chlorate of potash, gave 0.6830 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1305 water. II. 0.3930 grm. obtained by adding sulphuric acid to a watery solution of indican, allowing the mixture to stand for some time in the cold, filtering, and then employing the de- posit produced on heating the filtered liquid, gave 0.8720 grm. carbonic acid and &1625 water. 0.5675 grm. gave 0.5230 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. III. 0.3435 grm. derived from the deposit formed on mix- ing a decoction of woad leaves with muriatic acid and boiling, gave 0.7635 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1510 water. 0.4550 grm. gave 0.4365 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. I V. 0.3675 grm. obtained by extracting fiuely chopped woad leaves with warm water, adding sugar of lead to the extract, ing from the green precipitate, removing the excess of lead with sulphuric acid, filtering, adding more acid, and treat- ing the flocculent deposit which was formed in the usual manner, gave 0.8950 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1635 war 0.5715 grm. gave 0.5855 grm. chloride of platinum and 210 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE V. 0.3640 grm. prepared in a similar manner to the last, gave 0.9020 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1640 water. 0.4470 grm. gave 0.5070 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. These numbers correspond in 100 parts to — i. ii, in. iv. v. Carbon 59.41 60.51 60.61 66.41 67.58 Hydrogen... 4.62 4.59 4.88 4.94 5.00 Nitrogen 5.78 6.02 6.43 7.12 Oxygen 29.12 28.49 22.22 20.()3 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 In passing the eye along these numbers it will be seen that the amount of oxygen decreases progressively from II. to V., while that of the other constituents increases. These two analyses represent in my opinion the composition of the two extreme members of a series, the intermediate members of which consist of mixtures or compounds of the two. A number of other analyses which I made gave results which can only be explained on the supposition that there are two bodies having the same general properties which I have ascribed to indifu- scine, but a different composition. Of the above analyses the two first agree tolerably well with the formula C24 H10 N09, whereas the last leads to the formula C22 H10 N05, as the following calculation will show : — Eqs. Calculated. Eqs. Calculated. Carbon 24 144 60.00 22 132 67.34 Hydrogen. . 10 10 4.16 10 10 5.10 Nitrogen . . 1 14 5.83 1 14 7.14 Oxygen ... 9 72 30.01 5 40 20.42 240 100.00 196 100.00 It will be seen that the two formulae differ from one another by 2 equivalents of carbonic acid, and hence the name of Indifuscone might not be inappropriate for the body whose composition is expressed by the second formula C22 H10 N05. FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUB. 2 1 1 Though this is the only way in which I am able to explain these discrepancies, still I failed in all my efforts to separate any specimen of the substance having an intermediate com- position into two distinct constituents, as every such specimen behaved towards all reagents as if it were one single sub- stance. By treating however a specimen of this kind with a boiling solution of caustic soda for a length of time, the percentage of carbon was increased by about 2.5, showing that the body whose formula is C24 H10 N 09 has a tendency to lose carbonic acid and be converted into the one whose composition is expressed by the formula CM H10 NO«. The substance used in this experiment was that employed for the analysis No. III. It was dissolved in caustic soda, the solu- tion was boiled for some time and then mixed with an excess of muriatic acid. The precipitate produced by the acid was dissolved in alcohol and ammonia, and the solution having been mixed with an excess of acid deposited a brown powder, which after being collected on a filter, washed and dried was analysed, when it was found to contain 63.22 per cent, of carbon. Indiretine. This body, the most striking properties of which have been already mentioned in the first part of this paper, appears on evaporation of its alcoholic solution in the form of a dark brown, shining resin, which is transparent only in very thin layers. It resembles indifulvine in appearance but is dis- tinguished from the latter by its being easily soluble in all alkaline liquids. When heated on platinum foil it melts, swells up very much and burns with a yellow smoky flame, leaving some charcoal which slowly burns away. When heated in a tube it swells up and gives strong smelling fumes together with an oily sublimate, resembling that obtained from indifulvine, which when cool becomes half solid. Con- 212 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE centrated sulphuric acid dissolves it in the cold, forming a brown solution, which when boiled becomes black and dis- engages sulphurous acid. Boiling nitric acid decomposes it with an evolution of nitrous acid, giving a yellow solution, which on evaporation leaves a brown residue consisting of a resinous substance insoluble in water and a little picric acid. When it is treated with boiling caustic soda lye only a trace of ammonia is given off, but when heated with soda-lime there is a much stronger evolution of ammonia. A boiling solution of bichromate of potash to which sulphuric acid has been added slowly decomposes it with an evolution of gas while the liquid becomes green. The solution in ammonia is brown and gives brown precipitates with the chlorides of barium and calcium and with nitrate of silver, while the liquid in each case becomes colourless. The alcoholic solu- tion gives with acetate of lead a brown precipitate, which dissolves entirely on the addition of acetic acid, and with acetate of copper it gives a slight brown precipitate, the filtered liquid being still dark brown. In the first part of this paper I have given for indiretine the formula C36 H20 NO]3. The analyses, which I have made with fresh preparations of this body, lead to the formula Cag Hi7 NO10, as will be seen from the following details. I. 0.3955 grm. dried at 100° C. and burnt with oxide of copper and chlorate of potash gave 0.9565 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1995 water. 0.5215 grm. burnt with soda-lime gave 0.1400 grm. pla- tinum. II. 0.4250 grm. of the same preparation heated to 190° C. and then kept for several hours at 100° C. gave 1.0300 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2090 water. 0.5065 grm. gave 0.1370 grm. platinum. III. 0.4210grm. of a different preparation gave 1 .0200grm. carbonic acid and 0.2140 water. FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 213 The theoretical composition as compared with that derived from these numbers is as follows : — Eqs. Calculated. I. n. in. Carbon. . . . 36 216 66.05 65.96 66.09 66.07 Hydrogen. , 17 17 5.19 5.60 5.46 5.64 Nitrogen . . 1 14 4.28 3.81 3.84 ... . Oxygen . . . 10 80 ^27 24.48 100.00 24.63 24.61 100.00 100.00 I think it is improbable that the discrepancy between the two formulae, which differ from one another merely by 3 HO, proceeds from any impurity in either case, or that it is to be attributed to the substance having been more carefully dried at one time than at another. Indiretine appears to furnish one of those instances, of which I have met with several during the investigation of this series, of a body exhibiting when prepared on different occasions the same properties but having at one time a composition differing by the elements of water from that which it has at others. Having described the several products of decomposition formed by the action of acids on indican, which are insoluble in water, I shall now proceed to the consideration of those which are soluble in water. In order to obtain these I found it advisable to employ sulphuric acid for the decomposition of the indican. After the process was completed the insoluble matter deposited wa3 separated by filtration, the sulphuric acid was removed by means of carbonate of lead, and the I having been filtered, sulphuretted hydrogen was passed through it in order to precipitate a little lead contained in ir, and after being again filtered it was evaporated by means of a current of air in the same apparatus as that employed in the evaporation of solutions of indican. After the evapora- was completed there was left a light brown syrup, ? on being treated with alcohol was usually entirely dissolved. The alcoholic solution was filtered if necessary, and then 214 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE mixed with about twice its volume of ether, which imme- diately turned it milky and produced a deposit consisting of a brown syrup. This syrup was allowed to settle and the whole was left to stand for twenty-four hours. The surface of the syrup and the sides of the glass vessel were then found to be covered with a quantity of small, almost white crystals. These crystals are the same as those referred to above as being obtained in the preparation of indican, when ether is added to the alcoholic solution of the latter. I was at first inclined to suppose that they consisted of a substance which was contained as such in the plant, but I soon discovered that they were a product of decomposition of indican, as they were also obtained from perfectly pure indican, which had been prepared by successive solution in alcohol, water and ether, in the last of which the crystals are insoluble. Indeed no product of decomposition of indican seems to be so easily formed as this. By shaking the liquid from which they were deposited the crystals were easily detached from the sides of the vessel and the surface of the syrup. They were collected on a filter, washed with ether, and then pressed between folds of blotting-paper in order to absorb any of the syrup which might be mixed with them. They were then dissolved in boiling water, and the solution having been decolorised with animal charcoal was filtered and evaporated, when it left a crystalline mass, which was again pressed between blotting-paper and dissolved in a small quantity of boiling alcohol. The alcoholic solution on cooling deposited a mass of small crystals, which had the properties and composition of Leucine. It crystallised from the alcoholic solution in small flat tables having a pearly lustre, which repelled cold water like a fatty acid but were readily soluble in boiling water. It was insoluble FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 215 in ether. When heated in a tube it was completely volatilised without melting, forming a sublimate on the colder parts of the tube in the form of a light mass like cotton. It was easily soluble even in the cold in sulphuric, muriatic and nitric acids. The solution in nitric acid gave off no nitrous fumes on being boiled and left on evaporation a colourless syrup, which on standing was changed into a crystalline mass. The solution in muriatic acid left on evaporation a crystalline residue. It was easily soluble in caustic soda, and the solution evolved no ammonia on being boiled, but when the dry substance was heated with soda-lime it gave off a strong smell of ammonia accompanied by a peculiar penetrating odour. The watery solution was neutral to test paper and had no perceptible taste. When mixed with freshly precipitated oxide of copper and boiled, the watery solution became sky-blue ; the filtered liquid gave no precipitate with caustic soda, and on being evaporated left a residue consisting of bright blue crystals. The watery solution gave no precipitate with nitrate of silver, but on the addition of a little ammonia there was deposited almost immediately a quantity of small crystalline scales, which blackened slightly on exposure to the light, and were not easily soluble in an excess of ammonia. The watery solution gave no precipitate with acetate of lead, and even on adding ammonia there was only a slight precipitate, but on allowing the ammoniacal liquid to stand for some hours there was formed a crystalline mass of a pearly lustre consisting of needles arranged in star-shaped masses. The analysis of the substance gave the following results: 0.3430 grm. dried at 100°C. and burnt with chromate of lead gave 0.6820 grm. carbonic acid and 0.3125 water. 0.2550 grm. gave 0.4125 grin, chloride of platinum and ammonium. The composition in 100 parts agrees tolerably well with required by the formula of leucine C12 H|S N04, as will 216 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE be seen from the following comparison of the calculated com- position with that found by experiment : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 12 72 54.96 54.22 Hydrogen 13 13 9.92 10.12 Nitrogen 1 14 10.68 10.16 Oxygen 4 32 24.44 25.50 131 100.00 100.00 However strange the fact of leucine, a substance hitherto supposed to be a product of decomposition peculiar to animal matters, being obtained from the decomposition of a vegetable substance, may have appeared at a former period, it will no longer excite surprise at the present time, when so many dif- ferent bodies have been found to be common to both classes of organisms. It is a fact however which seems to imply some connection, hitherto unsuspected, between leucine and indigo-blue. The brown syrup precipitated together with leucine by the addition of ether to the alcoholic solution consisted chiefly of the peculiar kind of sugar produced by the decomposition of indican, and to which as having a composition differing from that of most other species of sugar I propose to give the name of Indiglucine. In order to purify it, the brown syrup after the crystals of leucine had been separated by decantation, was dissolved in water and acetate of lead was added to the solution. A slight precipitate was thereby produced, which was separated by filtration, and on adding ammonia to the liquid, a bulky yel- lowish precipitate fell, consisting chiefly of the lead compound of indiglucine. This was filtered off, completely washed with water and decomposed with sulphuretted hydrogen. The filtered liquid was agitated with animal charcoal until it had FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 217 quite lost the yellowish tinge which it showed at first and until a portion of it on being mixed with acetate of lead and ammonia gave a perfectly white precipitate. It was then filtered again and evaporated either in the apparatus above described by means of a current of air or over sulphuric acid. The syrup left after evaporation was dissolved in alcohol and the solution was mixed with twice its volume of ether, when the indiglucine was precipitated as a pale yellow syrup, having a sweetish taste. To the description formerly given of this substance I have only a few particulars to add. Baryta water gives no pre- cipitate in the watery solution, but on adding alcohol a slight flocculent yellow precipitate is produced. The watery solu- tion after being mixed with milk of lime and filtered is found to have become strongly alkaline and on being boiled becomes quite thick in consequence of the separation of a bulky yellow mass of flocks, which on the liquid cooling is completely re- dissolved forming a clear yellow solution as before, an experi- ment which may be repeated any number of times. The solution of the lime compound when mixed with an excess of alcohol gives a bulky yellowish precipitate, after which the liquid appears almost colourless. When treated with boiling nitric acid indiglucine is decomposed and yields oxalic acid. When a watery solution of indiglucine is mixed with yeast and left to stand in a warm place no disengagement of gas is observed nor is any sign of fermentation taking place manifested. After some days however the solution begins to acquire a strongly acid taste and reaction, showing that it has entered into a state of acetous fermentation without having passed through the intermediate stage of the alco- holic fermentation. The new analyses which I have made of the lead compound confirm the conclusion at which I arrived at an early period of the investigation, viz. that when in combination with oxide 2 F 218 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE of lead the composition of indiglucine is expressed by the formula C12 H9 On, and that hence its formula when in an uncombined state is probably C12 H10 012. An analysis of the lead compound, prepared by adding acetate of lead and ammonia to a watery solution of indi- glucine, filtering, washing and drying in vacuo, gave the following results: — 0.5640 grm. burnt with chromate of lead gave 0.2430 grm. carbonic acid and 0.0845 water. 0.2495 grm. gave 0.2445 grm. sulphate of lead. These numbers lead like those of the former analyses to the formula C]2 H9 On +4 Pb O, as will be seen by com- paring the numbers required by theory with those deduced from the analysis. Eqs Calculated. Found. Carbon 12 72 11.69 11.75 Hydrogen 9 9 1.46 1.66 Oxygen 11 88 14.30 14.49 Oxide of Lead 4 446.8 72.55 72.10 615.8 100.00 100.00 There still remain some products of the action of acids on indican to be treated of. These products are volatile. In order to ascertain their nature I took a solution of indican, mixed it with sulphuric acid and boiled it in a retort, the tube of which passed through a cork into a receiver from which a tube led into a bottle with lime water, the joinings being all air-tight. After the liquid had entered into a state of ebul- lition and the air had been expelled from the apparatus, bub- bles of gas were seen now and then to pass through the lime water, which became milky and deposited a quantity of car- bonate of lime. After a great part of the solution had been distilled, the receiver was removed and the liquid contained in it, which was yellowish and had an acid reaction, was mixed UMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 219 an excess of carbonate of soda and evaporated to dry- The saline residue was mixed with an excess of dilute sulphuric acid and the liquid was distilled. The distillate was now colourless. It contained formic acid, for after being neu- tralised and mixed with nitrate of silver, metallic silver was soon deposited even in the cold. The whole of it was boiled with carbonate of lead, and the filtered liquid was evaporated, when it yielded some shining crystalline needles surrounded by a thick syrup. By means of a little cold water the syrup removed, the needles being left undissolved. The latter had the properties of formiate of lead. 0.3450 grm. of these needles dried at 100° C. and heated with sulphuric acid gave 0.3505 grm. sulphate of lead, equi- valent to 0.2579 oxide of lead or 74.75 per cent. In 100 parts of formiate of lead there are contained by calculation 75.11 parts of oxide of lead. The liquid poured off from these crystals was mixed with an excess of sulphuric acid, filtered from the sulphate of lead and distilled. The distilled liquid was boiled with peroxide of mercury, in order to decompose any formic acid which it might contain, and filtered, and after sulphuretted hydrogen had been passed through it, it was again filtered from the precipitated sulphuret of mercury. The excess of sulphu- d hydrogen was removed by agitation with carbonate of lead, and the filtered liquid was mixed with an excess of sul- phuric acid, filtered again from the sulphate of lead and dis- tilled. The distillation was repeated and the distillate was then boiled with carbonate of silver, filtered and evaporated in vacuo. A residue was left consisting of small white crys- talline grains, which repelled water just as if they contained fatty matter. When a portion of this residue was mixed with alcohol and sulphuric acid and the mixture was boiled, a smell that of butyric ether was given off. The quantity ob- tained was just sufficient for one analysis, the results of which were as follows : — 220 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE 0.4420 grm. gave 0.2370 grm. carbonic acid and 0.0925 water. 0.0990 grm. gave 0.0835 grm. chloride of silver. These numbers correspond in 100 parts to Carbon 14.62 Hydrogen 2.32 Oxygen 14.87 Oxide of Silver 68.19 100.00 This composition approximates, as will be seen, to that of acetate of silver, which consists in 100 parts of Carbon 14.37 Hydrogen 1.79 Oxygen 14.38 Oxide of Silver 69.46 100.00 The excess in the amount of carbon and hydrogen and the deficiency in that of the oxide of silver show however that it must have contained a small quantity of the silver salt of another acid belonging to the same series as formic and acetic acids, a series having the general formula Cn Hn 04. This acid was probably propionic acid, an acid, the formation of which must indeed be assumed, in order to explain how one of the other products of decomposition of indican takes its rise. The quantity of this acid however contained in the silver salt the analysis of which has just been given was very small, since as may be inferred from the composition of the salt, it was to that of the acetic acid in the proportion of 1 equivalent of the former to 23 equivalents of the latter. Having described all the products to which the decomposi- tion of indican with acids gives rise, it will now be possible to give an account of the manner in which these various products are formed and of the relation in which they stand to one another. FORMATION OP INDIGO-BLUE. 221 The decomposition of indican, after taking up several equi- valents of water, into 1 equivalent of indigo-blue or indirubine and 3 equivalents of indiglucine will be evident at once from a comparison of the formulae of these bodies. The formation of leucine will also be easily understood when it is considered that indigo-blue and 10 equivalents of water, contain the elements of 1 equivalent of leucine, 1 equivalent of formic acid, and 2 equivalents of carbonic acid, as the following equation will show: — ( Cu Hw N04 1 eq. Leucine. 1 eq. Indigo-blue Clfl H5 NO, j = C, H, O, 1 eq. Formic acid 10 eqs. Water H10 O10 ) p n o n i -a * V Ca 04 2 eqs. Carb. acid. Cl'Hl6N°12 CuHuNO,, Such a decomposition as this can of course only take place before the elements of indican have arranged themselves in such a manner as to form indigo-blue, which is a body of far too stable a nature to undergo any decomposition by the action of dilute acids. In order to explain the formation of indifulvine it is neces- sary to take into consideration the simultaneous formation of formic acid. Indican m&y be supposed, after taking up 5 alents of water, to split up into 1 equivalent of a indi- fulvine, 2 equivalents of indiglucine, and 3 equivalents of formic acid, as will be seen from the following equation : Indican C„ H* NO* j ( C«H">N03 * eq. a Indifulvine. Water H, O, j = °» H*> °* 2 ^8' ^diglucine. n „ " V C, H« 0„ 3 eqs. Formic acid. C.H..NO,. The following equation shows how the other modification of indifulvine may be supposed to take its rise : — iC* Hlt N, O, 1 eq. b Indifulvine. C« H40 O* 4 eqs. Indiglucine. 0,0 H10 Ow5eqs. Formica C. 0^2 eqs. Carb. m Cio« h„ n, 0:a 222 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE It may further be assumed that 1 equivalent of indican after taking up 4 equivalents of water, is decomposed into 1 equivalent of indihumine, 2 equivalents of indiglucine, 1 equivalent of propionic acid, and 2 equivalents of carbonic acid, as follows: — GjoHg N06 1 eq. Indihumine. C24 H20 Om 2 eqs. Indiglucine. 4 eqs. Water H4 04 ) ~ ) c6 H6 04 1 eq. Propionic acid. 1 eq. Indican C62 H31 NCX* \ _ } c24 U^ 021 2 eqs. Indiglucine. H4 O J ~ C52 Hw NO^ V Q 04 2 eqs. Carbonic acid. The formation of indifuscone is quite analogous to that of indihumine, the propionic acid in the preceding equation being simply replaced by acetic acid, for / C22 H10 NOfi 1 eq. Indifuscone. 1 eq. Indican C62 H31 NO^ |_|CM H^ 024 2 eqs. Indiglucine. 3 eqs. Water H3 03 j ~~ ) C4 H4 04 1 eq. Acetic acid. C H NO ^ ^a ®* ^ e^8, Carbonic acid. CWH*N0r The manner in which indifuscine takes its rise from indican needs no explanation, since a comparison of its formula C24 H10 N09 with that of indifuscone shows that its com- position differs from that of the latter by containing in addition the elements of 2 equivalents of carbonic acid. In its conversion into indiretine, indican splits up into 1 equivalent of the latter body, I equivalent of indiglucine, and 4 equivalents of carbonic acid. Here however the anomaly presents itself of a copulated body like indican losing water instead of taking it up during its decomposition into simpler compounds, as will be seen from the following equation : — Cgs H17 NO10 1 eq. Indiretine. 1 eq. Indican CM H31 NO^ = C12 H10 012 1 eq. Indiglucine. c4 08 4 eqs. Carbonic acid. H4 04 4 oqs. Water. C52 H31 N03 UK. 223 It will be observed that when indican is converted into indirubine it yields at the same time 3 equi- lts of indiglucine, whereas the formation of the other products of decomposition is accompanied by the elimination of no more than I or 2 equivalents of that substance. Hence it may be inferred that the appearance of these other products is due to a part of the indiglucine undergoing a further de- composition from the action of the acid, its elements together with the residual portion of the indican affording the materials out of which the other products are formed. In fact we may easily suppose indiglucine, or perhaps more strictly speaking -roup of atoms contained in indican which goes to form indiglucine, to split up into 1 equivalent of propionic acid, I equivalent of acetic acid, and 2 equivalents of carbonic acid, for C« H10 012 = C6 H6 04 + C4 H4 04 + 2 C (X Each of these subordinate groups of atoms or any two of them may then be supposed to enter into combination with that portion of the indican which goes to form indigo-blue or indirubine and which may be called its central nucleus. When for instance indihumine is formed, 2 equivalents of lucine are produced from the indican, whereas the third ralenft splits up into acetic acid, propionic acid, and car- acid. The two latter are set at liberty and may be I among the volatile products of decomposition but the elements of the acetic acid unite with the indigo-blue group of atoms yielding by the combination indihumine. In the case of indifuscone the acetic and carbonic acids derived from the third equivalent of indiglucine are set at liberty, whereas the propionic acid combines with the indigo-blue molecule con- stituting indifuscone. Indifuscine again may be supposed to st of indigo-blue, propionic acid and carbonic acid, acetic acid alone being in this case disengaged. In the process of decomposition which leads to the formation of indiretine, only livalent < icine is eliminated, and 4 equivalents of 224 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE carbonic acid are disengaged, while the 2 equivalents of pro- pionic acid as well as the 2 equivalents of acetic acid derived from the other two equivalents of indiglucine unite with the indigo-blue nucleus to produce indiretine. When a indiful- vine is formed it must be assumed that 1 equivalent of indi- glucine after taking up 2 equivalents of water, splits up into 3 equivalents of formic acid and a body represented by the formula C6 H6 02, as follows: — Cu Hio 013 + 2 H O = 3 C2 H2 04 + C6 H6 02 . Now the last is the formula belonging to the aldehyde of propionic acid and by adding to this formula that of indigo- blue the sum will represent the composition of a indifulvine. The more complicated formula given above for b indifulvine, viz. C44 H19 N2 03 represents a compound of 2 equivalents of indigo-blue with a body whose formula is Ci2 H12 02 and which is therefore homologous with propylic aldehyde, its origin being due to 2 equivalents of indiglucine being decomposed in such a manner as to give rise to formic acid and carbonic acid in accordance with the following equation : — 2 C H10 012 + 2 H 0 = 5 C2 H2 04 + 2 C 02 -f C12 H12 02. It will be observed in all these cases, with one exception, viz. that of indihumine, that in the assumed combination of the elements of indigo -blue with those of these various acids &c, one or more equivalents of water must be supposed to be eliminated, as will be seen by a glance at the following equations : — Indihumine. Indigo-blue. Acetic acid. CM H, N06 = C16 H5 N02 + C4 H4 04 Indifuscone. Indigo-blue. Propionic acid. H»H10NO, = Cl6H6N02 + CflH604 — HO Indifuscine. Indigo-blue. Propionic acid. CMH10NO9 = C16H5N02 + C6H604 + 2C02 — HO a Indifulvine. Indigo- blue. Propylic aldehyde. CKH10NO3 = C16H5N02 + C6H602 — HO FOBMATION OF INDIGO-BIXE. 225 b Indifulvine. Indigo-blue. C« H19 Na 03 = 2 Qe H, NO, + Clt HI3 03 — 3 H 0 Indiretinc. Indigo-blue. Acetic acid. Propionic acid. CM H17 NOl0 = C16 H4 N03 + 2 C4 H4 04 + 2 C.H, 0< — 8 H O It must not for a moment be supposed that these bodies really are compounds of indigo-blue, or that the latter is in any shape contained in them or may be obtained by their decomposition. Indeed all my experiments lead to the con- on that the elements are arranged in a manner very dif- ferent from what might be inferred from the above equations. If the nitrogenous substances formed from indican together with indigo-blue were copulated bodies containing the latter, it would be possible to obtain from them either indigo-blue itself or its products of decomposition. With the small quan- tities of these substances which were at my disposal I was unable to make many experiments to decide this point. A tolerably large quantity of indifuscine was however subjected to the action of a strong caustic soda lye, the liquid being boiled until it left a thick mass which was heated still further, a small portion of it no longer dissolved in water with a dark brown colour. I was unable however to discover among the products of decomposition a trace of anthranilic acid, which would probably have been present, if indifuscine con- tained the elements of inctigo-blue. Some advantage may nevertheless arise from looking at these compounds from the point of view just presented, as their relation to one another, to indigo-blue and to indican is thereby more vividly impressed on the memory. This method of con- sidering them may also serve to show that these compounds are all produced at the expense of indigo-blue, that the ele- - contained in indican which have formed a certain portion of indifulvine, indihumine, &c, might under certain unknown circumstances have produced equivalent quantities of indigo- blue, and that the latter cannot therefore be said in any sense to pre-exist in indican. 2G 226 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE Action of Alkalies on Indican. In the first part of this paper I have described in general terms the effect produced on indican by alkalies. I shall now proceed to give a more detailed account of this process of decomposition and of the products, to which it gives rise. When a watery solution of indican is mixed with caustic soda it turns of a dark yellow colour, but no further apparent change takes place. If however, after the mixture has been left to stand for several days, a portion of it be mixed with an excess of sulphuric acid and boiled, it deposits dark flocks, which after being collected on a filter and washed are found to contain no indigo-blue and to be entirely soluble in boiling alcohol. The alcoholic solution has a fine purple colour and gives only a slight precipitate with acetate of lead. Hence it follows that by the action of the alkali indican is converted into a body which by decomposition with acids yields indiru- bine. This body may be prepared in the following manner. A watery solution of indican having been mixed with baryta water is left to stand, until a portion of it on being boiled with an excess of muriatic acid no longer yields indigo-blue but only indirubine. The baryta is then precipitated with sulphuric acid, the excess of the latter is removed by means of carbonate of lead, the liquid is filtered and after sulphu- retted hydrogen has been passed through it, it is filtered again from the precipitated sulphuret of lead and then eva- porated by means of a current of air in the apparatus above described. The dark yellow syrup left after evaporation is treated with alcohol in which a great part dissolves, and the alcoholic solution is then mixed with twice its volume of ether, which causes a milkiness and produces a syrupy de- posit consisting chiefly of indiglucine. The liquid after it has become clear is evaporated spontaneously when it leaves a yellow transparent glutinous residue, having a bitter taste, which cannot be distinguished in outward appearance from indican itself. This residue when dissolved in water and FORMATION OP INDIGO-BLUE. 22/ treated with acid still gives indirubine, in a state of tolerable purity. On attempting however to prepare stance on a somewhat larger scale I found it difficult to arrest the pro- cess at this stage. As soon as the solution ceased to give indigo-blue with acids, it began to yield with acids a mixture of indirubine and indiretine, and at length it gave indiretine only, after which no further change took place. By allowing a watery solution of indican mixed with baryta water to stand until the decomposition had arrived at its last stage and then treating the solution in the way just described, a substance resembling the preceding was obtained, in the form of a brown syrup, to which I propose to give the name of Indicanine. This substance has the following properties. Its taste is bitter like that of indican. When heated on platinum it swells up very much and burns leaving a bulky carbona- ceous residue. When heated in a tube it gives fumes, con- densing to a brown liquid, which after some time becomes filled with a quantity of white crystalline needles. It is perfectly soluble in alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solu- tion gives with an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead a bright sulphur-yellow precipitate which dissolves when more acetate of lead is added and the liquid is boiled, forming a yellow solution, in which ammonia again produces a yellow precipitate like the first. The watery solution gives only a slight precipitate with acetate of lead, but the filtered liquid yields a copious yellow precipitate on the addition of ammonia. When the watery solution is mixed with sulphuric acid and boiled it slowly deposits a quantity of brown resinous particles, which are entirely soluble in caustic soda and consist of indiretine and a little indifuscine. On tig caustic soda to a watery solution of indicanine it be- m dark yellow and on being boiled disengages ammonia, 228 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE but exhibits no further change. The analysis of the lead compound, prepared by adding acetate of lead to the alco- holic solution, filtering and washing with alcohol, yielded the following results: — 0.7840 grm. dried first in vacuo and then at 100° C. burnt with oxide of copper and chlorate of potash gave 0.6115 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1480 water. 1.0350 grm. gave 0.2225 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. 0.3785 grm. gave 0.3010 grm. sulphate of lead. Hence was deduced the fc .lowing composition : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 40 240 21.06 21.27 Hydrogen 23 23 2.01 2.09 Nitrogen 1 14 1.22 1.35 Oxygen 24 192 16.88 16.78 Oxide of Lead 6 670.2 58.83 58.51 1139.2 100.00 100.00 After deducting the oxide of lead the amount of the other constituents in 100 parts as compared with the calculated composition is as follows : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 40 240 51.17 51.26 Hydrogen 23 23 4.90 5.03 Nitrogen 1 14 2.98 3.25 Oxygen 24 192 40.95 40.46 469 100.00 100.00 In the first part of this paper I gave an analysis of the lead compound of a substance having the formula C40 H^ N027 which differed therefore in composition from this merely by containing the elements of 3 equivalents more of water. As it was impossible to analyse these substances in an uncom- bined state, there were no means of ascertaining whether in that state they had the same composition, as was most pro- bably the case. FORMATION OP INDIGO-BLUE. 229 Indicanine is formed from indican simply by the latter taking Bp water and losing 1 equivalent of indiglucine, as will be seen from the following equation : — 1 eq. Indican CM H3i NOM | __ ( C£ Un NO* 1 eq. Indicanine. 2 eqs. Water Ha Oa ) "" I Cla H10 Ou 1 eq. Indiglucine. C„ H„ NO. CMH„NO„ The indiglucine formed in the process is contained in the brown syrupy deposit which falls on adding ether to the alco- holic solution of the indicanine. Some of this deposit, after the liquid had been poured off, was dissolved again in alcohol, the solution was mixed with an excess of alcoholic solution of acetate of lead, which produced a brown glutinous precipitate, and to the filtered liquid was added an excess of ammonia, which gave a bulky sulphur-yellow precipitate. This pre- cipitate was collected on a filter, washed with water and de- composed with sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtered liquid was agitated with animal charcoal until it had lost the yellow- ish tint which it possessed at first. The liquid having been again filtered was mixed with acetate of lead and ammonia, which produced a milk-white precipitate. This precipitate after being filtered off was redissolved in a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid, and by the addition of a small quantity of ammonia a white precipitate was again produced, which was filtered off and washed with alcohol. 1.0230 grm. of this precipitate dried in vacuo gave 0.4780 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1510 water. 0.6095 grm. gave 0.5780 grm. sulphate of lead. In 100 parts it contained therefore Carbon 12.74 Hydrogen 1.64 Oxygen 15.85 Oxide of Lead. . 69.77 100.00 If the oxide of lead, the amount of which stands in no 230 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE simple relation to that of the other constituents, be deducted, the composition of the body combined with it will be repre- sented by the formula C12 H9 On, which is that of anhydrous indiglucine, as will be seen from the following calculation : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 12 72 42.60 42.14 Hydrogen 9 9 5.32 5.42 Oxygen 11 88 52.08 52.44 169 100.00 100.00 The manner in which indiretine and indifuscine are formed from indicanine needs no explanation, since the composition of the latter ditfers from that of indican merely by the ele- ments of 1 equivalent of indiglucine. It is however difficult to explain why indicanine by decomposition with acids should yield only these products and no indigo-blue, indirubine, or indifulvine, which might, as far as their composition is con- cerned, be produced at the same time, and I am quite unable to assign any cause for this phenomenon. It seems to me very probable that the indiretine and indifuscine which are formed when pure indican in large quantities is decomposed with acids owe their origin to the conversion of a portion of the indican into indicanine, before the acid has had time to effect the more complete decomposition of this portion into indigo-blue or indirubine and indiglucine. Indican is decomposed when its watery solution is heated for a length of time, in exactly the same manner as by means of alkalies. After the solution has been heated for some time it no longer gives any indigo-blue when a portion of it is boiled with sulphuric acid. If it be now evaporated in the same apparatus as that used for evaporation of solutions of indican it leaves a brown syrup, a great part of which dis- solves in alcohol. On adding ether to the alcoholic solution a syrupy deposit of indiglucine is produced followed by the separation of crystals of leucine. If the liquid be filtered and evaporated it leaves a brown glutinous residue having FOBMATION OP IND1QO-BLUE. 231 the properties of indicanine. The lead compound which was obtained in the form of a sulphur-yellow precipitate by adding acetate of lead to the alcoholic solution, was after being filtered off and washed with alcohol submitted to analysis when it gave the following results: — 1.2580 grm. dried first in vacuo and then in the waterbath, gave 0.8320 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2040 water. 1.5655 grm. gave 0.2740 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. 0.7620 grm. gave 0.6610 grm. sulphate of lead. These numbers correspond in 100 parts to Carbon 18.03 Hydrogen 1.80 Nitrogen 1.09 Oxygen 15.26 Oxide of Lead 63.82 100.00 The oxide of lead being deducted, the substance combined with it was found to have a composition agreeing with the formula Cio HM NO*;, as will be seen by a comparison of the calculated composition with that found by experiment : — Eqs. Calculated. Found. Carbon 40 240 50.20 85 Hydrogen 24 24 5.02 4.98 Nitrogen 1 14 2.92 3.01 Oxygen 25 200 41.86 42.16 478 100.00 100.00 When a watery solution of indican or indicanine is evapo- rated in contact with the air, either spontaneously or with issistance of heat a portion of it is always converted into a substance which is insoluble not only in ether but also in alcohol. That the formation of this substance is due to the action of oxygen on indicanine is proved by analysis. formation moreover is promoted by heating the solution of indicanine with peroxide of lead, the filtered liquid after 232 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE the dissolved lead has been removed with sulphuretted hydro- gen leaving on evaporation a residue which is insoluble in alcohol. It differs however in composition according as the solution of indican has been evaporated spontaneously or with the assistance of heat. The body which is formed when a watery solution of indican is spontaneously evaporated in contact with the air, I propose to call OXINDICANINE. So much of this body is produced during the preparation of indican, that I found it unnecessary to prepare it purposely. When the residue left after the evaporation of the watery solution of indican by means of a current of air, as described above, is treated with cold alcohol, the greatest part of the oxindicanine formed during the process remains undissolved. It may be purified simply by dissolving it in a little water and precipitating again with a large quantity of alcohol. Its appearance is that of a brown glutinous substance, which on being left to stand over sulphuric acid becomes almost dry and assumes the appearance of gum. It is insoluble in abso- lute alcohol and only slightly soluble in dilute alcohol. When heated on platinum it swells up very much and burns leaving a considerable carbonaceous residue. It yields when heated in a tube strong smelling fumes but only a slight trace of crystalline sublimate. Its taste is nauseous but not bitter. Its watery solution gives with acetate of lead a copious dirty yellow precipitate, and the filtered liquid gives a pale prim- rose-yellow precipitate on the addition of ammonia or of a large excess of alcohol. When the watery solution is mixed with sulphuric acid and boiled it slowly deposits brown flocks, which have the properties of indifuscine, while the liquid con- tains indiglucine. For the purpose of determining its com- position I employed the lead compound, prepared by adding acetate of lead to the watery solution, filtering and washing with water. FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 233 I. 0.8515 grm. of this precipitate dried first in vacuo and then at 100° C. gave 0.7310 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1735 water. 1.1640 grm. gave 0.2575 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. 0.5 185 grm. gave 0.3460 grm. sulphate of lead. II. 1.2640 grm. of another preparation gave 1.0495 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2430 water. 1.5500 grm. gave 0.2505 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. 0.7730 grm. gave 0.5250 grm. sulphate of lead. Hence the composition in 100 parts was as follows: — I. H. Carbon 23.41 22.64 Hydrogen 2.26 2.13 Nitrogen 1.38 1.01 Oxygen 23.85 24.25 Oxide of Lead 49.10 49.97 100.00 100.00 After deducting the oxide of lead the first analysis gives a composition agreeing with the formula C40 Hw N031, whereas the second leads to the formula C40 H23 NO32, as is shown by a comparison of the calculated numbers with those deduced from the above analyses. Eqa. Calculated. I. Eqs. Calculated. £1. Carbon . . 40 240 45.80 45.99 40 240 45.02 45.25 Hydrogen 22 22 4.19 4.44 23 23 4.31 4.25 Nitrogen.. 1 14 2.67 2.71 1 14 2.62 2.01 Oxygen.. 31 248 47.34 46.86 32 256 48.05 48.49 524 100.00 100.00 533 100.00 100.00 If the second formula be adopted as the correct one it fol- lows that indicanine is simply converted into oxindicanine by taking up 8 equivalents of oxygen. The formation of in- difuscine from oxindicanine takes place in consequence of the separation from the latter of I equivalent of indiglucine, 4 2H 234 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE equivalents of carbonic acid, and 3 equivalents of water, in accordance with the following equation : — / Cu H10 N09 1 eq. Indifuscine. i r\ • j- • n tr Am ) C12 HJ0 012 1 eq. Indiglucine. leq.OxindicanineC40H23NO32= < u ^ * . ■ il4 U8 4 eqs. Carbonic acid. V H3 03 3 eqs. Water. *-"40 "23 NO32 The acetic acid which is produced when indifuscine is formed from indicanine does not make its appearance in this case. Indeed the 8 equivalents of oxygen which indicanine absorbs in its conversion into oxindicanine is just sufficient when added to the oxygen already contained in 1 equivalent of acetic acid to convert the carbon and hydrogen of the latter into carbonic acid and water. When a solution of indican is evaporated in contact with the air with the assistance of heat, and the residue which remains is treated with strong alcohol there is left undis- solved a brown glutinous substance, which has the properties of oxindicanine but a different composition. The lead com- pound of this substance was prepared by dissolving the latter in water adding acetate of lead, decomposing the precipitate with sulphuretted hydrogen, adding a little acetate of lead to the filtered liquid, filtering again and precipitating completely with sugar of lead. The precipitate which was of a dirty yellow colour was filtered off, and washed first with water and then with alcohol. I. 1.3345 grm. dried first in vacuo and then at 100° C. gave 0.9875 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2370 water. 1 .5825 grm. gave 0.4305 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. 0.8960 grm. gave 0.6630 grm. sulphate of lead. II. 1.3675 grm. of another preparation gave 1.0485 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2470 water. 1 .5955 grm. gave 0.4325 grm. chloride of platinum and ammonium. FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 235 0.8895 grm. gave 0.6485 grm. sulphate of lead. These numbers lead to the following composition :— Eqt. Calculated. I II. Carbon 28 168 20.27 20.1* 20.91 Hydrogen... 16 16 1.93 1.97 2.00 Nitrogen .... 1 14 1.68 1.70 1.70 Oxygen 23 184 22.22 21.71 22.35 Oxide of Lead 4 446.8 53.90 54.44 53.04 828.8 100.00 100.00 100.00 The following table shows the composition of the substance after deducting the oxide of lead as compared with that re- quired by theory : — Eqs. Calculated. I. II. Carbon 28 168 43.97 44.29 44.52 Hydrogen ... 16 16 4.18 4.32 4.25 Nitrogen 1 14 3.66 3.73 3.62 Oxygen 23 184 48.19 47.66 47.61 382 100.00 100.00 100.00 This body may for the sake of distinction be called Oxin- dicasine. It is formed from oxindicanine by the latter taking up water and losing 1 equivalent of indiglucine, since 1 eq. Oxindicanine C^ H.^ NO*, \ __ ( Cw Hl6 NO^ 1 eq. Oxindicasine 3 eqs. Water H3 O, i ~~ ( CiaH10 On 1 eq. Indiglucine. C4oH»NOM C^H^NO* It is possible that there may exist a body which bears to oxindicasine the same relation that indicanine does to oxin- dicanine. This body would be Indicasine, and would differ from indicanine by containing the element of 1 equivalent of indiglucine less. The following analyses of a lead compound which was obtained a* a pale yellow precipitate when a large quantity of alcohol was added to the liquid filtered from the lead compound of oxindicasine, seem to countenance the idea that such a body really exists. I. 0.9705 grm. of this precipitate, alter being completely washed with alcohol and then dried, at first in vacuo and then 236 MR. E. SCHTJNCK ON THE at 100° C. gave 0.5740 grm. carbonic acid and 0.1645 water. 1.2145 grm. gave 0.1210 grm. platinum. 0.6325 grm. gave 0.5420 grm. sulphate of lead. II. 1.3280 grm. of another preparation gave 0.7795 grm. carbonic acid and 0.2145 water. 1.5600 grm. gave 0.1435 grm. platinum. 0.8965 grm. gave 0.7715 grm. sulphate of lead. Hence was deduced the following composition : — Eqs. Calculated. I. II. Carbon...... 28 168 15.90 16.13 16.00 Hydrogen ... 20 20 1.89 1.88 1.79 Nitrogen 1 14 1.32 1.41 1.30 Oxygen 23 184 17.44 17.53 17.59 Oxide of Lead 6 670.2 63.45 63.05 63.32 1056.2 100.00 100.00 100.00 After deducting the oxide of lead the composition in 100 parts as compared with the theoretical composition is as follows : — Eqs. Calculated. I. H. Carbon 28 168 43.52 43.65 43.62 Hydrogen 20 20 5.18 5.08 4.88 Nitrogen 1 14 3.62 3.81 3.54 Oxygen 23 184 47.68 47.46 47.96 386 100.00 100.00 100.00 Now if the formula of this substance be doubled and the formula of oxindicasine be deducted the remainder will be the formula C^ H24 NO23, since CK Hw N2 O^ = C28 H16 NOM + CM H^ NO^ The body represented by the last formula and 1 equivalent of indiglucine contain together the elements of indicanine and water, for CM Ku NO^ + CI2 H10 012 = Qo H* NO^ +11HO. It has therefore the composition which theory would assign to indicasine, and the substance represented by the formula FORMATION OF INDIGO-BLUE. 237 CM H90 N023 is probably a mixture in equal proportions of indicasine and oxindicasine. By decomposition of the lead compound with sulphuretted hydrogen and evaporation of the filtered liquid this substance is obtained in the form of a brown syrup, which cannot be distinguished in appearance or properties from oxindicanine or oxindicasine. I did not enter into a more minute examination of these bodies, since their formation from indican is the only point of interest in their history. XIII. — On the Occurrence of Indigo-blue in Urine. By Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S. [Read Aprillth, 1857.] The occurrence of urine exhibiting various peculiar and abnormal colours is a phenomenon which has frequently attracted the attention and excited the curiosity of patho- logists. Of these variously tinted urines the most remark- able and striking are the black and the blue, but they are at the same time so rare, that it has been deemed of im- portance to record minutely the symptoms exhibited in each case as well as the chemical and physical properties shown by the urine itself. These urines have been observed in diseases of the most different kinds, as well as in cases in a the general health seemed not to be in the least degree affected. The pigments themselves, to which the colours are due, have not until lately been subjected to any chemical examination, and great doubts still prevail regarding their true nature. The blue pigment, to which I propose to con- fine myself on the present occasion, has been discovered in two states. In some cases it has been found ready formed so as to impart to the urine a blue colour, but merely in a state of suspension and therefore easily separated by simple filtra- tion, whereas in other cases it has only made its appearance when the urine was left to stand or was subjected to the action 240 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE of various reagents. In the cases described by Janus Plancus,* Prout,f Braconnot, J and Simon, || it existed in the former state. Hassall developed the blue colour by means of putre- faction, in urines exhibiting the usual appearance, while Neubauer found the same effect to be produced by the ad- dition of acids to the urine. As regards its chemical nature, the blue colouring matter seems to have been of three kinds, as far as can be ascertained from the descriptions given by the observers, which are not always very precise. In some cases, such as those described by Julia-Fontenelle, § and Cantu,^ the colour was evidently caused by Prussian blue, the iron of which appears to have been derived in one case from a quan- tity of ink which the person had swallowed. The second kind of colouring matter has been minutely described by Braconnot, who obtained it simply by filtering the urine from the blue deposit found suspended in it. It was a dark blue powder, insoluble in water and alkalies, only slightly soluble in alcohol and yielding no crystalline sublimate when heated. From its dissolving in acids and its being reprecipi- tated by alkalies and other bases, Braconnot inferred that it consisted essentially of an organic base, to which he gave the name of cyanourine. If the substance which he examined was pure, it seems certainly to have been of a peculiar nature. Nevertheless no one has since then observed any colouring matter which could be with certainty pronounced identical with it, though instances have been met with in which the blue colour not being caused, as it seemed, by any well- known body, has been attributed to the presence of cyanourine. In the third class of cases the blue colour was produced by a * Commentarii Instituti Bononiensis, ad Ann. 1767. f On Stomach and Renal Diseases. 5th ed. p. &67. % Annales de Chimie et de Physique. T. XXIX. p. 252. || Simon's Animal Chemistry, translated by Day. Vol. II. p. 327. § Archives generates de Medecine. T. II. p. 104. % Journal de Chimie medicale. T. IX. p. 104. OCCURRENCE OF INDIGO-BLUE IN URINE. 241 substance, which on examination of its properties and reac- tions was found to be indigo-blue. Prout and Simon each I ion a case in which indigo-blue was deposited from urine on standing, in the shape of a blue sediment. Neubauer* observed that the urine of a young man of 18, apparently in good health, when mixed with strong acids became first purple, then , and deposited a blue powder, which however he could not with positive certainty identify as indigo-blue. Hassall t was the first to point out that the occurrence of indigo-blue in urine was by no means so rare a phenomenon as had previously been supposed. The specimens of urine in which 1 [assail discovered it were mostly of a pale straw colour and acid. On standing they became thick and turbid and changed in colour from yellow to brown then to bluish-green, while the surface became covered with a blue scum or pellicle, which was found to consist of impure indigo-blue. Hassall con- rid< n that the exposure of the urine to the oxygen of the atmosphere is essential for the formation of the colouring matter, however I shall show that this exposure is by no means necessary. He also maintains that indigo-blue does not occur in healthy urine, that its presence is accompanied with strongly-marked symptoms of deranged health, and that •rmation in urine must be regarded as a strictly patho- logical phenomenon, conclusions which are, as will be seen, quite at variance with the results of my experiments. Such in a few words is the present state of our knowledge on this rather obscure subject. In my paper " On the Formation of Indigo-blue," J I have shown that the colouring matter exists in plants in a very different state to what had hitherto been supposed, that it does * Anleitung zur Analyse des Harris. S. IP. f Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. VI. p. 827 ; and Philosophical Transactions for 1*54, p. 297. X Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, Vol. p. 177 ; and M On the Formation of Indigo-blue," in the present Vol. 2 I 242 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE not exist in them ready formed nor as reduced indigo, and that the presence of oxygen is not essential to its formation, but that it owes its origin to the presence of a peculiar substance, soluble in water, alcohol and ether which by the action of acids is decomposed into indigo-blue, to which I have given the name of Indican, also a peculiar kind of sugar and a small quantity of other products. After having investigated the properties of this substance and its products of decom- position, I conceived it to be a matter of great interest to ascertain in what state indigo-blue exists in those urines, in which its presence is not indicated by the external appearance but is only made manifest by treatment with various reagents. That such urines should contain a body resembling indican seemed indeed exceedingly probable, since the same reagents which produce indigo-blue from indican lead in most cases to, the development of the blue colour in particular kinds of urine* The extreme rarity however of these kinds of urine appeared to present an insuperable obstacle to the further investigation of the subject, and I therefore resolved to astertain whether any conclusions could be arrived at from an examination of ordinary healthy urine. When muriatic or sulphuric acid is added to urine, the mixture on being heated becomes brown and begins to deposit dark brown flocks, which increase in quantity when the heat- ing is continued. When these flocks are filtered off, washed and dried, they form a compact dark brown mass, from which cold alcohol extracts a resinous matter, leaving undissolved a brown powder, which dissolves however in a boiling mixture of alcohol and ammonia. This powder contains nitrogen and so much resembles indifuscine, one of the products of the decomposition of indican, as almost to lead one to suspect their identity. Its composition however, though it stands, as I have ascertained, in a certain relation to that of indigo-blue, is quite different from that of indifuscine. Now if the liquid filtered from these flocks be mixed with a salt of oxide of OCCURRENCE OF INDIGO-BLUE IN URINE. 243 topper and an excess of caustic soda, it becomes greenish, and if after being filtered it be heated for some time it gradually deposits a tolerably large quantity of suboxide of copper, which is a proof of the presence of sugar. That the latter has been formed during the process and did not pre-exist, may be ascertained by previously heating a portion of the urine with a salt of copper and caustic soda, before treating the remainder of it with acid. Samples of urine, which, when tried in this way, afforded very doubtful or no indications of their containing sugar, were found after being boiled with acid, then filtered and made alkaline, to reduce oxide of copper in a very marked manner. This reaction, which is so simple that it is only surprising it should never before have been observed, seems to me to prove that there is contained in urine some body, which by decomposition with acids yields sugar, the brown flocks precipitated at the same time being probably the substance with which the sugar was originally associated in the form of a copulated compound. From various con- siderations, which I need not detail, I was led to infer that this body could be no other than the very imperfectly known, so- called extractive matter of urine, and I accordingly commenced an investigation of this substance, which has led to conclusions of considerable interest. On discovering that the composition of the brown flocks formed by the action of strong acids on urine is expressed by the formula Cu H7 N04, which is also that of anthranilic acid, a product of the decomposition of indigo-blue, no further considerations were necessary to induce me to proceed with the investigation, notwithstanding the difficulties which I found attending it. Into the details of this investigation I shall at present only enter so far as they relate to the occurrence of indigo-blue in urine. When acetate of lead is added to urine it produces a cream- coloured precipitate, which consists of chloride, sulphate, phosphate, and urate of lead, and contains also a little of the •extractive matter of urine, which is, as it were, merely attached 244 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE to some of these lead compounds, since it is not precipitated from its watery solution by acetate of lead, when in a state of purity. The filtered liquid which is much paler in colour than it was before the addition of acetate of lead, gives with basic acetate of lead a second precipitate of a pale cream-colour, which consists of the lead compound of the extractive matter mixed with some basic chloride of lead. Both this and the first precipitate give when treated with sulphuric or muriatic acid yellow liquids, which after being filtered from the sulphate or chloride of lead and boiled, yield brown flocks exactly like those obtained from urine itself. The liquid filtered from the precipitate with basic acetate of lead is almost colourless. It gives, however, on the addition of ammonia an almost white precipitate, the quantity of which is much less than that of either of the two other precipitates. Now this precipitate exhibits a very remarkable peculiarity. It contains in most instances in combination with oxide of lead, a small quantity of a substance which by decomposition with acids yields indigo-blue. The first time that I treated this precipitate with acid I was surprised to observe that the liquid became immediately of a purplish-blue colour, and deposited after filtering and standing a small quantity of a substance, which on examination was found to consist chiefly of indigo-blue. This phenomenon was observed on so many occasions that I came to the conclusion that the occurrence in urine of an indigo-producing body similar to indican, was by no means an unusual circumstance. In order to ascertain whether this body is present, I adopt the following method. The urine having been mixed with basic acetate of lead until no more precipitate is produced is filtered, and after the precipitate has been washed with water the liquid is mixed with an excess of ammonia, which always produces more or less of a white or yellowish-white precipitate. This precipitate is collected on a filter, slightly washed with water and then treated with dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid OCCURRENCE OF INDIGO-BLUE IN URINE. 245 in the cold. After the whole of the oxide of lead has combined with the acid employed, the liquid is filtered. When there is much of the indigo-producing body present the filter acquires a blue tinge, small particles of blue pigment are seen dotting the surface of the sulphate or chloride of lead, and the surface of the liquid, which is of a brownish-purple colour, in a very short time becomes covered with a thin pellicle, which is blue by transmitted and copper-coloured by reflected light, particles of the same blue substance being at the same time found attached to the sides of the vessel. When there is less of the indigo-producing body present, this pellicle only appears after some time, sometimes not until the next day. After twenty- four hours however the action of the acid is always completed, so that if no indigo-blue then appears or can be detected on examination of the deposit, the total absence of the indigo- producing body may be inferred. On the succeeding day, however large the quantity of blue deposit formed may be, the liquid no longer appears purplish, but brown, and after being filtered and boiled deposits a dark brown powder, having exactly the same appearance as that produced by the action of acids on the ordinary extractive matter of urine. The matter left on the filter after being washed is treated with caustic soda, which dissolves a portion acquiring thereby a brown colour. The portion which remains undissolved after being again collected on a filter and washed, is treated with boiling alcohol. In most cases the alcohol acquires thereby a bright blue colour. When however the quantity of deposit formed is tolerably large, the boiling alcohol first dissolves another substance, which imparts to it a fine purple colour, and which I consider to be identical with indirubine.* That which the boiling alcohol leaves undissolvd is a bright blue powder having the properties of indigo-blue. * It it very probable that Heller's urrhodine, as well as Golding Bird's purpurine are also identical with indirubine, which, as I have shown, has the same composition as indigo-blue 246 ur. e. schunck on the It dissolves in an alkaline solution of protoxide of tin, and the solution on exposure to the air becomes covered with a blue film. It is soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid forming a blue solution, which remains blue even after dilution with water. It imparts to boiling alcohol a bright blue colour, and the solution on cooling and standing deposits blue flocks. When heated in a tube it gives a purple vapour which forms on the colder parts of the tube a blue sublimate. Provided with this test I proceeded to examine the urine of a number of individuals, and I succeeded in obtaining indigo- "blue in so great a number of instances, that I have no hesita- tion in saying that the indigo-producing body, if not exactly one of the normal constituents of urine, occurs more frequently than any other of the abnormal ones. The urines containing it exhibit no remarkable or peculiar appearance whatever; they are acid, clear, and of the usual colour. Its occurrence, at least if its quantity is moderate, is not to be considered as a pathological phenomenon. 1 can at all events state from my own experience, that its presence is not attended by any symptoms of ill health or feelings of discomfort, and that neither from the state of the health nor the appearance of the urine can any conclusions be drawn as to its presence or absence. The small number of samples of morbid urine, which I had an opportunity of examining, yielded, with one exception, no more indigo-blue than the generality of healthy urines. Nevertheless, there are no doubt diseases in which the quantity of the indigo-producing body may become so large as to constitute a truly morbid symptom, and it may therefore become a matter of importance and interest for the medical man to have a ready means of detecting it. The delicacy of the test which I have described, as well as the small quantity of the substance usually present, may be judged of from the fact that by working for several weeks on the urine of two individuals, which contained a comparatively large quantity, I obtained one grain of indigo-blue. Even OCCUBRHNOE OF INDIGO-BLUE IN URINE. 24? when the amount of indigo-blue formed was very small I always found that 16 fluid ounces of urine yielded an appre- ciable quantity of it. The urine of forty different individuals, all of whom were apparently in a good state of health, yielded, with one excep- tion only, more or less indigo-blue, when examined in the manner just described. These individuals belonged to both sexes, and they were of ages varying from 7 to 55. The ma- jority were persons of the working classes. The largest quan- tity of indigo-blue was obtained from the urine of a man above the age of 50, a publican by trade. The urine of a young man, aged 32, a servant in my employment, yielded almost as large a quantity. Among the rest, the urine of a young man, aged 25, an engraver, that of a clerk, aged 23, and that of a girl, aged 12, who had been a cripple from infancy, were alone remarkable for the amount of indigo-blue which they yielded, In all these cases the indigo-blue was accompanied by the substance imparting to alcohol a purple colour, and which I suppose to be indirubine. The other specimens afforded much less, sometimes mere traces. In all cases however in which the urine of the same individual was examined at different times, the amount of indigo-blue obtained from it was found to vary exceedingly, it being sometimes considerable and occa- sionally dwindling down to a mere trace. It was only very rarely however that none was found. In the case of the individual first referred to, the urine gave on one occasion not a trace, and this took place when he was engaged in perform- ing labour, unusual for him both in its nature and amount. In my own case, as well as that of my assistant, the amount varied most capriciously from a tolerable quantity to a mere trace, occasionally even none at all being obtained. I performed several experiments with different kinds of diet in order to ascertain the effect on the amount of indigo-blue yielded by the urine. Only one experiment, however, led tQ any decisive result. Having selected an occasion, when the 248 MR. E. SCHUNCK ON THE night urine gave no indigo-blue, I took on the next night, before going to bed, a mixture of treacle and arrowroot boiled with water in as large a quantity as the stomach could bear, and the effect was that the urine of the following night gave a large quantity of indigo-blue. As, however, the same phe- nomenon was repeated for several succeeding nights without any additional quantity of food having been taken, it remained uncertain to what cause it was to be attributed, though a re- petition of the experiment on a second occasion gave the same result. I have hitherto not had an opportunity of examining many specimens of urine in disease. Of two samples of urine from patients with albuminaria one gave a small quantity of indigo- blue, the other not a trace. Several specimens of diabetic urine yielded it. One of these, which I owed to the kind- ness of Dr. Browne of Manchester, gave a much larger quan- tity than I obtained from any other specimen of human urine. The urine of the horse and the cow when tried in the same way as human urine gave comparatively very large quantities of indigo-blue, especially that of the horse. I think it is highly improbable that the indigo-blue ob- tained in Hassall's experiments was produced, as he supposes, by the action of oxygen on the urine. Its formation was without doubt due to the decomposition of the indigo-pro- ducing body induced by the fermentation of the urine, the indigo-blue at the moment of its formation dissolving in the fermenting alkaline liquid and producing a true indigo vat, from which it was gradually deposited by the action of the atmospheric oxygen. When small quantities of indigo-blue only are formed in any specimen of urine, fermentation is not in my opinion to be recommended as a means of detecting it. The occurrence of the indigo-producing body as an excre- tion seems to me to be due to a disproportion between the oxygen absorbed by the system and the matter to be acted on by it, which again may be caused either by an excessive N URINE. 249 waste of the tissues or by an obstruction of the organs con- ig oxygen, as the lungs and skin, or, as is probably the case in the majority of instances, by an excess of food being taken over and above the requirements of the system. As regards the constitution of this body, I think there can be no doubt that it contains the elements of indigo-blue and sugar, and that by oxidation within the system it is converted into the ordinary extractive matter of urine, which contains, as I have ascertained, the elements of sugar and of the black sub- stance which is formed by the action of strong acids on urine, and which may be considered as a product of the oxidation of indigo-blue. Having prepared the extractive matter of urine in a state of purity, ascertained its composition, and examined its products of decomposition, I think it is probable that the indigo-producing body will be found, as regards its formation and composition, to occupy a place between the substance of the tissues and the ordinary extractive matter of urine. The very minute quantities of it ordinarily occurring in urine, and the difficulty of separating it from the extractive matter, make it, however, impossible to ascertain whether this is the case or not. My object in making known this portion of the inves- tigation in its present fragmentary state, is to induce medical men, who have an opportunity of examining many varieties of urine, to endeavour to discover among these varieties some containing a sufficiently large quantity of this body to enable the chemist to ascertain its properties and composition. The formation of a substance containing the elements of indigo-blue in the animal system is a fact which may lead to important conclusions regarding the chemical composition of the complex bodies of which the blood and tissues consist. 2K 251 SESSION 1856-1857. DONATIONS RECEIVED SINCE THE 29th APRIL, 1856. (Exclusive of Donations already entered in the List appended to Volume XIII. of the Society' ■ Memoirs.) FBOM SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. BiKXWQR AM... Institution of Me- chanical Engineers : Proceedings of the Institution, 1806, July; and 17-18, Sept. Part 1. 8to. Dublin The Royal Irish Academy: Transactions of the Academy. Vol. XXIII. Parti. 4to. Proceedings of the Academy. Vol. VI. Part 8. 8vo. Liverpool Literary and Philo- sophical Society : Proceedings of the Society. No. X. 8vo. London Chemical Society: Quarterly Journal of the Society. Vol. IX. Parts 3 and 4. Vol. X. Part 1. 8vo. Geological Society : Quarterly Journal of the Society. Vol. XII. Part 4. Vol. XIII. Part 1. 8vo. Linnean Society : Journal of the Proceedings of the Society. Vol. I. Parts 3 and 4. 8vo. Royal Agricultural ' Society of England : Journal of the Society. Vol. XVII. Part 2. 8vo. Royal Society : Proceedings of the Society. Vol. VIII. Nos. 22, 23, and 24. 8ro. Society for the En- couragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce : Journal of the Society from April 29th, 1956, to April 21st, 1857, in Weekly Numbers. 8vo. Zoological Society ; Proceedings of the Society. Nos. CCCX.— CCCXIII. 8vo. 252 DONATIONS RECEIVED SINCE LAST PUBLICATION, Manchesier... Photographic Society : Photographic Illustrations. No. I. Newcastle- upon-Tyne. .North of England Institute of Mining Engineers : Transactions of the Institute. Vols. I. IV. 8vo. FROM FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. A l x E n B urg ... Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Osterlandes : Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Band II— XII. and XIII. 1. 8vo- Amsterdam ...De Koninklyke Aka- demie van Weten- : schappen : Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van het Kon. Institut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. Derde Reek. Deel. I — V. 4to. Verhandelingen d. Kon. Akad. van Wetenschappen. Deel. I — III. 4to. Verslagen en Mededeelingen d. Kon. Akad : Afdeeling Natuurkunde. I. — IV. V. 1. 8vo. Afdeeling Letterkunde. I. — II. 1. 8vo. Lycidas Ecloga. 8vo. -Catalogus der Bookery van d. Kon. I Akad. Aflevering I. 8vo. Bologna Accademia delle Sci- enze delV Istituto di Bologna : Memorie della Accademia. Terza Serie. Tomo VI. , 4to. Rendi Conto delle Sessione della Acca- demia. Anno Accad. 1854-1855. 4to. Della Instituzione de Pompieri ; del Cav. F. del Guidice. Bologna, 1852. 4to. Universita dei Mezzi di Previdenza, Difesa e Salvezza per le Calamita degl' Incendi; del Cav. F. del Guidice. Bo- logna, 1848. 4to. WITH A 253 Bresla u DieKaiserl. Leopoldi- nisch- Carol inische Ahademie der Wa- turfortcher : Verbandlungen der Akademie. XXVten Bandes 2* Abth. 4to. Caen L' Academie Imperi- al de$ Sciences, Arts, et Belies Lettret de Caen i Memoires de 1' Academie, pour les An- nees, 1851, 1852, 1850, 1856. 4 vols. 8vo. Cherbourg ...La SocUte ImpSriale des Sciences Natu- rellesde Cherbourg: Memoires de la Socielt. Vol. III. 8vo. Copenhagen. .Det Kongel. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab : Selskabets Skrifter. Femte Raskke : Hist, og Math. Afd. 2det Binds 1« Hefte. 4to. Naturv. og Math. Afd. 4® Binds ie Hefte. 4to. Oversigt over Selskabets Forhandlinger. Aaren. 1842-1855. 14 vols. 8vo. Det Kongel. Nor- diske Oldskrift Selskab : Memoires de la Soci§te Royale des Anti- quaires du Nord. 1840.184a 2 vols. 8vo. Antiquarisk Tids skrift. 1846-1854. 8 vols. 8vo. D a N zic Die Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig . Neueste Schriften der Gesellschaft V^n Bandes. 4*© Heft. 4to. Programm. Lebenszeichen vorweltlicher im Bernstein eingescblossener Thiere. 4to. Leipzig . . Die Koniglich Sack - tische Gesellschajl derWissentchaJlen. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft. Ill* bd. (Philol. Hist. Clam II* bd) 6« and 7» Heft, royal 8vo. 254 DONATIONS RECEIVED SINCE LAST PUBLICATION, Leipzig Die Koniglich S'deh- sische GeseUschq/l derWissenschq/ien: IV* bd. (Math. Phys. CI. Ilrbd.) 2» Heft, royal 8vo. Vr bd. (Math. Phys. CI. IIP bd.) 2*-5* Heft, royal 8vo. Bericht iiber die Verhandl. der Gesellsch. Math. Phys. CI. 1855, II. 1858, I. 8yo. Philol. Hist. CI. 1855, III— IV. 1856, I— II. 8vo. Metz L' Academie Imperi- al de Metz: Memoires de 1' Academie, 2ifeme Serie 4ieme Annee. 8vo. Munich Die Kon. JBayerische Akad. der Wissen- schqften: Abhandl, der Akad : Mathem. Phys. Classe ; VII., Bandes 2*e Abth. 4to. F. W. J. von Schelling : Denkrede von Dr. H. Becker. 4to. Naples Accademia delle Sci- enze della Societa Heale Borbonica : Malattia delle Vite. 4to. Paris L'Academie des Sci- ■ ences de VInstitut Imperial de France: Memoires de 1' Academie. Tome XXVII. l^re Partie. 4to. Memoires presenters par Divers Savants ; Sciences Mathem, et Physiques. Tome XIV. 4to. Supplement aux Comptes Rendus des Seances de 1' Academie. Tome 1. 4 to. L'Ecole Imperiale des Mines : Annales des Mines, 5ifime Sene. Tome VIII. 4—6. Tome IX. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia (U.S.) The American Phi- losophical Society : Proceedings of the Society, Vol. VI., Nos. 53, 54. 8vo. Vienna Die Kaiserl. Akade- mie der Wissen- schqften: Sitzungs-Berichte der Akademie; Ma- them Naturw. Classe. B*- XVIII XX. und XXI. 1 & 2 Heft. 8vo. WITH A LIST OF THE DONORS. 255 Vienna Die Kaiserl. Akade- mie der Wissen- schaflen : Register 2u B<* XI — XX. der Siir. Ber. 8to. Almanach der Akademie, 1856. 8yo. Washington (U. S.) The Smithsonian In- stitution : Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge. Vol. VIII. Ho. List of Foreign Correspondents of the Institution (corrected to May, 1856). Zoeich Die Allgemeine Schweizerische Ge- sellschaft fur die gesammten Natur- wissenschqften . Neue Denkschriften der Gesellschaft. 2*«- Decade, B<*. 1.— IV. 4to. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft (Actes de la Soci6t6 Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles) 1847—1855. 9 vole. 8vo. Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Ge- sellschaft in Bern. 1855- Noe. 331 — 359. 8to. FROM OTHER DONORS. The Geological Survey Office, Calcutta : Memoirs of the Geological Surrey of India, Vol. I. Part I. The Government Patent Office (U.S.): Report of the Commissioners of Patents for the year 1854. Arts and Manufactures, Vol. II. 8ro. Agriculture. 8vo. The Corporation of Man- chester : Criminal and Miscellaneous Statistical Returns of the Manchester Police from Jan. to Sept , 1856. 8ro. 256 DONATIONS RECEIVED SINCE LAST PUBLICATION, F. C Calvert, Esq, M. A. T.: Notes pour servir a l'Etude du Lait; par M. I. Girabdin. 8vo. Rapport sur les Viandes Salees de 1* Amerique ; par Ie meme. 8vo. Rapport sur les travaux de l'Academie de Rouen, pendant l'Annee, 1854 — 1855, par le meme. 8vo. Notice Biographique sur E. Adam, par le meme. 8vo. Des Mares dans nos Campagnes ; par le meme 12mo. Moyens d'utiliser le Marc des Pommes; par le meme. 12mo. Resume des Conferences Agricoles sur lesFumiers ; par le meme et A. J. Moriere. 12mo. W. Fairbairn, Esq., F.R.S., fyc: "Iron" Article, by the Donor, in the Encycl. Brit. 4to. Report, by the Donor, on Machinery in General at the Paris Universal Exhibition. 8vo. Jno. S. Hart, Esq, LL.D.: The Relations of the English Language to the Teutonic and Celtic Branches of the Indo- European Family of Languages. By the Donor. 8vo. Ecv.H. H.Jones, FRA. S.: The Philosophy of Education. By the Donor. New Edition. Manchester, 1857. 8vo. E. J. Lowe, Esq., F.R.A.S. frc. : Natural History of Ferns. By the Donor. Parts. 21—30. 8vo. Messrs. C. Macintosh and Co. : Personal Narrative of the Origin and Progress of the India Rubber Manufacture in England. By T. Hancock. London, 1857. 8vo. Le General d'Artillerie A. Morin : Lecons de Mecanique Pratique : Resistance des Materiaux; par le Gen. A. Morin. 2e Ed. Paris, 1857. 8vo. WITH A LIST OF THE DONORS. 257 T. H. Ramadge, M.D. : The Curability of Consumption. By the Donor. 4th Edition. London, 18.14- 12mo. D. Treadwell, Esq., Vice- Pre*, of the American Academy : On the Practicability of Constructing Cannon of Great Caliber. By the Donor. Cambridge (U.S.), 1856. 8to. T. T. Wilkinson, Esq., F.R.A.S. i History of the Parochial Church of Burnley. By the Donor. Burnley, 1856. 4 to. Transactions of the Dublin Philosophical Society. Vol. VI. 8vo. Anonymous t The Great Law of the Human Mind. 2 L THE COUNCIL ®t* Penttj anfo f pm^ital Sonets of ftoj^ter. 1856-7. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, F.R.S., Inst. Nat. 8c. Par. Coeresp., &o. «Utce=$te0ftieitte. JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE, F.E.S., &c. JOSEPH CHEESEBOROUGH DYER. THOMAS HOPKINS. ALEXANDER J. SCOTT, M.A. Sbtctttme*. EDWARD SCHUNCK, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE, M.A. Cteaautet. HENRY MERE ORMEROD. Eibvarxan. CHARLES FREDRIK EKMAN. ©f tf)e Counrfl. PETER SPENCE. REV. HENRY HALFORD JONES, F.R.A.S. ROBERT ANGUS SMITH, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S. JAMES WOOLLEY. EDWARD WILLIAM BINNEY, F.R.S., F.G.S. EDWARD FRANKLAND, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S. 259 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS Wfjt P*ras anb Ipsjrpfeital Sonets 0f $ltafttstar. JULY 21st, 1857. DATE OP ELECTION. Henry Morell Acton, B. A January 27th, 1867 Joseph Adshead April 29th, 1866 Ralph F. Ainsworth, M.D April 30th, 1839 James Allan, Ph.D., M.A January 24tb, 1864 W. H. Ash April 17th, 1849 Thomas Ashton, Hyde August 11th, 1887 John Atkinson January 27th, 1846 Robert Barbour January 23rd, 1824 Henry Bernoulli Barlow January 27th, 1852 Joseph Barratt April 19th, 1842 Rer. R. Bassnett, A.M April 17th, 1849 John F. Bateman, M.Inst. C.E., F.G.S., &c January 21st, 1840 Thomas Bazley January 26th, 1847 Thomas Sebastian Bazley, B.A April 19th, 1853 William Bell January 26th, 1847 Edward T. Bellhouse April 21st, 185T James Beran January 28rd, 1844 Charles Beyer ... January 24th, 1854 Edward William Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S January 25tb, 1842 Richard Birley April 18th, 1834 John Blackwall, F.L.S January 26th, 1821 260 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. Eddowes Bowman, MA January 23rd, 1855 Henry Bowman October 29th, 1839 John Brock April 21st, 1857 William Brockbank April 17th, 1855 Edward Brooke April 30th, 1824 W. C. Brooks, M.A January 23rd, 1844 Frederick Broughton April 17th, 1855 Henry Browne, M.B January 27th, 1846 Laurence Buchan November 1st, 1810 John Burd January 27th, 1846 Henry Bury April 19th, 1853 William Callender, jun % January 24th, 1854 Frederick Crace Calvert, M.R.A.T., F.C.S January 26th, 1847 John Young Caw, F.S.A., F.R.S.L April 15th, 1841 Charles E. Cawley, C.E January 23rd, 1855 Henry Charlewood .7 January 24th, 1832 David Chadwick April 20th, 1852 George Cheetham Churchill April 21st, 1857 Richard Copley Christie, M.A., Owens College April 18th, 1854 Charles Clay, M.D April 15th, 1841 Charles Cleminshaw April 29th, 1851 Samuel Clift, F.C.S April 19th, 1853 Thomas Cooke April 12th, 1838 Edward Corbett January 25th, 1853 Samuel Cottam January 25th, 1853 Samuel Crompton April 29th, 1851 James Crossley January 22nd, 1839 Joseph S. Crowther January 25th, 1848 Richard S. Culley, C.E January 24th, 1854 Matthew Curtis April 18th, 1843 John Dale February 7th, 1854 John Benjamin Dancer, F.R.A.S April 19th, 1842 Robert Dukinfield Darbishire April 19th, 1853 David Reynolds Davies January 24th, 1854 James Joseph Dean November 15th, 1842 William L. Dickinson January 23rd, 1855 Frederick Nathaniel Dyer April 30th, 1850 Joseph Cheeseborough Dyer April 24th, 1818 IE MEMBERS. 26 1 DATS OF KUtCTION. C. F. Ekman ... April 29tb, 1856 CharlesEMs ...January 24th, 1854 George Fairbairn January 25th, 1853 Thomas Fairbairn April 30th, 1850 W. Fairbairn, F.R.S., Inst.Nat.Sc., Par. Corresp October 29th, 1824 W. A. Fairbairn October 80th, 1849 David Gibson Fleming January 25th, 1852 Richard Flint October 81st, 1818 H.R.Forrest April 29th, 1856 Thomas Barham Foster ; April 21st, 1857 Benjamin Fothergill '..January 23rd, 1855 E. Frankland, Ph.D., F.R.S., Owens College April 29th, 1851 Alfred Fryer January 24th, 1854 Rev. William Gaskell, M.A January 21st, 1840 Samuel Giles April 20th, 1836 John Gould April 20th, 1847 John Graham August 11th, 1837 Robert Hyde Greg, F.G.S January 24th, 1817 Robert Philips Greg, F.G.S October 30th, 1849 John Clowes Grundy January 25th, 1848 Richard Hampson January 23rd, 1844 John Hawkshaw, F.R.S., F.G.S., M.Inst.CE January 22nd, 1839 William Charles Henry, M.D., F.R.S October 31st, 1828 John Hetherington January 24th, 1854 Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart., F.R.S January -27th James Heywood, F.R.S., F.G.S April 26th, 1833 James Higgin April 29th, 1851 James Higgins April 29th, 1845 Peter Higson October 31st, 1848 John Hobson January 22nd, 1889 E. Hodgkinson, F.R.S., M R.I.A., F.G.S., &c January 21st, 1820 George Holcroft January 24th, 1854 Isaac Holden January 23rd, 1855 James Piatt Holden January 27th, 1848 Thomas Hopkins January 18th, 1828 Henry Houldsworth January 23rd, 1824 262 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS. DATE OV ELECTION. William Jenniogs Hoyle February 7th, 1854 Edward Hunt, B.A., F.C.S January 27th, 1857 George Jackson January 27th, 1857 John Jesse, F.R.S., R.A.S., and L.S January 24th, 1823 Richard Johnson April 30th, 1850 William Johnson January 22nd, 1856 Rev. Henry Halford Jones, F.R.A.S April 21st, 1846 Joseph Jordan October 19th, 1821 B. St J. B. Joule April 18th, 1848 James Prescott Joule, F.R.S., &c January 25th, 1842 William Joynson January 27 th, 1846 Samuel Kay January 24th, 1843 John Lawson Kennedy January 27th, 1852 James Kershaw, jun January 24th, 1854 Richard Lane April 26th, 1822 William Langton April 30th, 1830 Joseph Leese, jun April 30tb, 1850 Thomas Taylor Lingard January 22nd, 1856 Thomas Littler January 27th, 1825 Joseph Lockett October 29th, 1839 Isaac Waithman Long, F.R.A.S January 27th, 1852 R. B. Longridge January 27th, 1857 Benjamin Love April !9th, 1842 George Cliffe Lowe January 24th, 1854 Edward Lund April 30th, 1850 George T. Lund January 23rd, 1855 William Tudor Mabley October 30th, 1855 James M'Connel October 30th, 1829 William M'Connel April 17th, 1838 Alexander M'Dougall April 30th, 1844 John Macfarlane January 24th, 1823 The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester, D.D., F.R.S., F.G.S April 17th, 1849 Thomas Mellor January 25th, 1842 William Mellor January 27th, 1837 David Morris January 23rd, 1849 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS. 263 DATB OF BLBCT10X. AlfredNeild ...January 25th, 1848 William Neild April 26th, 1822 James Emanuel Nelson January 27th, 1852 Thomas Henry Nevill February 7 th, 1854 John Ashton Nicholls, F.R.A.S January 21st, 1645 William Nicholson January 26th, 1827 Edward Byron Noden October 31st, 1854 Henry Mere Ormerod April 30th, 1844 George Parr April 30th, 1844 John Parry , April 26th, 1883 George Peel, M.Inst.C.E April 15th, 1841 William Wilkinson Piatt April 21st, 1857 Henry Davis Pochin January 24th, 1854 Rev. T. E. Poynting January 27th 1857 John Ramsbottom February 7th, 1854 Joseph Atkinson Ransome, F.R.C.S April 29th, 1886 Thomas Ransome January 26th, 1847 Richard Roberts, M.Inst.C.E January 18th, 1823 Samuel Robinson January 25 th, 1822 Alan Roy le January 25th, 1842 Samuel Salt April 18th, 1848 Alex. J. Scott, M.A., Owens College February 7th, 1854 Archibald Sandeman, M.A., Owens College April 29th, 1851 Michael Sa'terthwaite, M.D January 26th, 1847 Edward 8chunck, Ph.D., F.R.S. January 25th, 1842 Edmund Hamilton Sharp January 23rd, 1855 John Shuttleworth October 30th, 1835 Joseph Sidebotham April20th, 1852 George S. Fereday Smith, M.A., F.G.S January 26th, 1838 Robert Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S April 29th, 1845 Peter Spence April 29th, 1851 Thomas Standring January 27th, 1852 Edward Stephens, M.D January 24th, 1834 James Stephens April 20th, 1847 Robert Stuart January 21st, 1814 John Edward Taylor January 22nd, 1856 264 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS. DATE OF ELECTION. David Thorn April 20th, 1852 James Thompson April 18th, 1854 James Aspinall Turner, M.P April 29th, 1836 Thomas Turner, F.R.C.S April 19th, 1821 Robert Walker, M.D January 27th, 1857 Absalom Watkin January 24th, 1823 Thomas George Webb January 27th, 1857 Joseph Whitworth January 22nd, 1832 Samuel Walker Williamson April 19th, 1853 William Crawford Williamson, F.R.S., Owens College April 29th, 1861 George Bancroft Withington January21st, 1851 William Rayner Wood January 22nd, 1839 Alonza B. Woodcock October 30th, 1855 George Woodhead April 21st, 1846 Edward Woods April 30th, 1839 James Woolley November 15th, 1842 Robert Worthington, F.R.A.S April 28th, 1840 265 HONORARY MEMBERS. Rev. William Turner, Manchester. Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., Rolleston Hall. Rev. Adam Sedgwick, M.A., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., &c, Cambridge. General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, Bart., F.R. S., Hon. M.R.I. A., Instit. Nat. Sc, Paris. Corresp., &c, Makerstoun, Kelso. Rev. William Venables Vernon Harcourt, M.A., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I. A., F.G.S., York. Rev. William Whewell, B.D., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., F.R.A.S., &c, Cambridge. Sir William Hamilton, Bart, Dublin. Baron Von Liebig, Munchen. Eilert Mitscherlich, Berlin. Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S. L. Sc E., &c, &c, Instit. Nat. Sc, Paris Corresp. Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L, F.R.S., Hon. Mem. R.S. Ed., Instit. Nat. Sc. Paris. Socius. George Biddell Airy, Esq., M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., 4c, Ac, Royal Observatory. Sir David Brewster, F.R.S. L. & E., Instit. Sc Paris. Socius, Hon. M.R.I. A., F.G.S., F.R.A.S., &c, St. Andrew's. Very Rev. George Peacock, D.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S., Ely. Baron Alexander Von Humboldt, Berlin. Peter Barlow, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Hon. M.C.P.S., Instit. Nat. Sc, Paris Corresp., Woolwich. Rev. Henry Moteley, M.A., F.R.S., Wandsworth. Louis Agassiz, Cambridge, Massachussets. Major-General Edward Sabine, R.A., F.R.S.V.P., F.R.A.S., Ac Jean Baptiste Dumas, Parts. Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, G.C., Sc S., M.A., F.G.S, Hon. M.R.S. Ed.. R.I.A., &c, &c 2M 266 HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Richard Owen, Esq., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.S. Ed., Instit. Nat Sc, Paris. Corresp , &c, &c. John Couch Adams, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., &c, Cambridge. W. J. J. Le Verrier, Paris. J. R. Hind, Esq., Regent's Park. Rev. Joseph Bosworth, LL.D., F.S.A., F.R.S., &c. Robert Rawson, Esq., Portsmouth. Bennet Woodcroft, Professor, Patent Office. William Thomson, Professor, University, Glasgow. Lyon Playfair, C.B., F.R.S., &c, Department of Science and Art, Kensington. George Gabriel Stokes, M. A., &c, &c, Cambridge. Rev. Thomas Penynton Kirkman, M.A., F.R.S., &c, Croft Rectory, near Warrington. William Hopkins, Esq., F.R.S., Pres. Geo. Soc, &c, Cambridge. John Hartnup, F.R.A.S., Observatory, Liverpool. General M. A. Morin, Mem. Instit. France, &c, Paris. Rev. John James Tayler, B.A., Principal of Manchester New College, London. General Poncelet, Mem. Instit. France, &c, Paris. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Rev. John Kenrick, M.A., York. Benjamin Dockray, Esq., Lancaster. Rev. Robert Harley, Brighouse, near Huddersfield. William Thaddeus Harris, Esq., Cambridge, Massachussets. Peter Pincofts, M.D., Dresden. Henry Hough Watson, Esq., Bolton. John Mercer, F.R.S., Oakenshaw. M. Girardin, Rouen. T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S., &c, Burnley. E. J. Lowe, F.R.A.S., Nottingham. T. SOWLBR AND SONS, PRINTERS, MANCHESTER. J%ea£m l°3 ^Ucrgin * !° !*!# 3oo& t Hue*- y Q^ytee&Trzszrt SyS¥ '2JA^ ?/ \\ ^ %KX7??S?>?? °£? '/ -/"■ Z° 3? /,.,. >/ ,/sy///r*5£e&< // U-