HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 13 fiVa MEMOIES OF THE , I 1. MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. VOL. XXII. (ATLAS.) CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. "•■1896. University Press : John Wilson and Son. Caiikridge, U. S. A. ■^\'^ CONTENTS. REPORTS ON THE RESULTS OF DREDGING, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, IN THE GULF OF MEXICO (1877-78), IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA (1878-79), AND ALONG THE ATLANTIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATES (1880), by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," Lieut.-Com. C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., ami Cora. J. R. Bartlett. U. S. N , Commanding. Published by Permission of C.\rlile P. Patterson and W. W. Duffield, Superintend- ents of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. XXXVI. OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, A TREATISE ON THE DEEP SEA AND PELAGIC FISHES OF THE WORLD, BASED CHIEFLY UPON THE COLLECTIONS MADE BY THE STEAMERS " BLAKE," " ALBATROSS," AND " FISHHAWK," IN THE NORTHWESTERN ATLANTIC, with an Atlas containing 417 Figures. By George Bro\vn Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. Published in Connection with the National Museum and the Smithsonian Institution. (ATLAS.) Memoirs of the i^uscum of Companitibc >^oulogg AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XXII. (ATLAS.) K E P 0 R T S ON THE R E S U L T S OF D K E D G I N G, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, IN THE GULF OF MEXICO (1877-7S), IX THE CARIBBE.VX SEA (1878-79). AXD ALONG THE ATLANTIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATES (1880), BY THE U. S. COAST SURVEY STEAMER "BLAKE," Lieut. Com. C. 1). Sigsbee, U. S. N., .ixD Com. J. R. B.vutlett, U. S. N., Com.manding. [I'ublislied Ijy pcnnission of Caklile P. Patterson ami W. W. Duffieu), Superiuteiidents of the U. S. Coast aud Geodetic Survey. ] XXXVL OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, A TUi:.\TISE OX TlIK UKKP Si:.\ AXD PEL.\(;IC FISHES OF THE WOUl.H. BASED CHIEFLY UPON THE COEEECTIOX.S MADE BY THE STEAMERS "BLAKE," "ALBATROSS," AXD 'FISHUAWK," IN THE NORTHWESTERN ATLANTIC, WITH AX ATLAS CONTAINING 417 FIGURES. BY GEORGE BROWN GOODE AND TARLETON H. BEAN. Published in Connection with the National Museum and the Smithsonian Institution. CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A.: Pvtntcti for tljf fHiisntm. September, IS'.iG. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Names of genera and species. Introduction Table of Contknts List op the New Genera and SrEtiES with Etymologies . List of Plates Marsipobrancuii. Hyperotreta : Myxinidie — Myxine, L. — M. glutiiiosa, L austrulis, Jenyiis Htperoartia : Petrorayzontida! — Petromyzon, Artedi — P. marinus, L Bathymvzon, Gill — B. Bairdii, Gill Elasmobranchii. Tectospondyli : SoymnorhinidfB — Scymnorbiniis, Cuv. — S. lichia, Bonn Somniosns, Le S. — S. microcephalns, (Schn.) •. rostratus, (Kisso) Echinorhinus, Bl. — E. spinosus, Gm EtmopteridiE — Etiiiopterus, Raf. — E. spinax, L pusilliis, (Lowe) granulosus, Gtlir Paracentioscylliuni, Ale. — P. ornatuni, Ale Centrosuvlliuui, M. & H. — C. Fabrioii, (Rhdt.) granulatuni, Gthr Scymnodon, B. & C. — S. ringens, B. & C Ceutropborus, M. & H. — C. uyatus, (Raf.) lusitanifus, B. «fcC crepidater, li. & C equamosns, Ginel Duuierilii, (.Johnson) calceus, Lowo Bquaraulosus. Gthr foliaceus, (jthr Centroscyninus. B. & C. — C. ctelolepis, B. «& C oljscnrus, V Oxynotus, Raf. — O. centrina, (L.) ASTEROSroNDYLI ; ScylliorhiuiiliE — Scylliorhinus, Bl. — S. ret i for, Garman prolundorum, 6. & B hispidus, Ale canescens, Gthr Galeidse — Mustelus — M. hinnulne, Bl Psendotriacis, Capello — r. luicrodon, Capello Pristiurus, Bon. — P. uiel.i,stiinius. ( l»af.) atlauticus, V Plate and figure. Page. 1,1 1,2 111,8 111,9 V, 18 11,5 11,7 IV, 12 III, 11 IV, 13 VI, 21 IV, 14, 15 V, 16 V. 17 III, 10 VI, 20 III IX XXXI I* 10 10 10 507 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 508 508 14, 508 15 15 16, 508 17 508 508 18, 508 20, 508 21 III IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. Names of genera and species. ASTEHOSrONDYLI — C'ontiiiucil. Alopiidit — Alopias — A. vulpes, L Carchariida! — Carcliarias — C. glaucus, L Cetorliiiiid:p — t'etoi'liimis, Bl. — C. iiiaxiniUR. rinnner OriSTHAUTHIil: Clilaniydoselachid.'p — Chlamydoselachiis. Garman — C. anguiueus, Garuiau Raim : Kaiidpp — £aia. L. — K. radiata, Don Ackleyi, (iariuan Ackleyi, iiriiata, Ganiiaii.. phitunia, Gariuau circularis, Conch eriuacea, Mitobill hyperborea, Collctt Isevis, Mitchill graiiulata, G ill batis, L fullonica, L vomer, Fries Tiidrosieusis, Collet t mamillideus, Ale isotiachys, Gthr liiitea, Fries Jlossada, Kisso seuta aleutica trachura abyssicola Trygonidie — Urolopbus karanns Goodei HOLOCKPHAI.I : Chimaeridae — Chimiera, L. — C. monstrosa, L atSuis, Capello Callorhynchua, (Gronov.) — C. antarcticus, (Lac.) , Hydrolagns, Gill^ H. Colliei, (Bennett) Harriotta, G. & B.— H. Ealeighana, G. & B Malacopterygii : Alepocephalids! — Alejioeepbalus, Risso^ A. rostratus, Risso Agassizii, G. &, B productus, Gill niger, Gtbr Bairdii, G. & B Blanfordii, Ale bicolor, Ale edentulns, Ale tenebrosus Conocara, G. & B. — C. MacDonaldi, G. & B macroptera, (V.), G. & B . Batbytroctes, Gtbr. — B. macrolepis, Gthr stomias, Gill) rostratus, Gthr mierolepis, (itbr melanocephalns, V attritus, V sqiiamosus, Alo Talismania, G. & B.— T. homoptera, (V.), G. & B . antillarnm, G. A- B seiiuatoris, G. & B Plate and figure. V,li) VI, 22 IX, 27 VII, 23 VIII, 26 VIII, 25 IX, 28 IX, 29 IX, 30 X, 31 X, 32-35 X,36 XI, 37-40 XII, 41 XIII, 45 XIII, 46 XIV, 52 XIII, 47 XIIT,48 XII, 43 XII, 44 XIV. 49 XIV, 50 Page. 21 22, 508 25 25 26 27 27, 508 28 28, 509 28 29 29, 509 29, 509 29, 509 29, 590 508 508 508 508 508 509 509 509 509 31, 509 31, 509 32 32 33 36 37 37 38 38, 510 36, 509 36,509 36,510 510 39 39 41 510 41 42, 510 ■13 45 40, 510 43 U 44 TABLE OP CONTENTS. Names of genera and species. ]i .... & 13. J.& E.). Mai.acopterygii — Continued. Alepoccpbalidie — Continued. Nartetes, Ale. — N. eremilas, Ale Plat.vtroctes, Gthr. — P. apus, Gthr Xenodermiulithys, Gthr.- X. iiodnlosna. Gthr . . Aleposonius, Gill — A. Copei.Gill socialis, (V.), G, & Giintlieri, (Ale.), G. Leptodernia, V. — L. niacrops, V Anonialopterus, V. — A. pinijuis, V Aulastomatomorplia, Ale. — A. phosphorops, Ale Pterothrissida* (=]!atbytbii8sidae, Gthr.) — PterotlirisBiia, Hilg.— P. gissu, Hilg Argeutinidae — Argentina, Art. — A. spli.vnena, L silus, (Asc.), Nils striata, G. & H elongata, Huttou 81 alia, Gilliert L.eurogloaeu8, Gilb. — L. stilbius, Gilb MicrostomidfB — Mieroatoma, Cuv. — M. rotundatiim, (Ris.), Gthr grcEnlandicuni, Kbdt (=Nanacuiagr(rnIaudica Bathylagidaj — Batliylagns, Gthr.^ li. atlanticus, Gthr eury ops, G. & B Benedicti, G. &B antarcticus, Gtbr pacificus, Gilb ■ Synodontidaf — Synodus, (Gr.), Scop. — S. aannis, (L.) atlanticuB, .Johns intermedins, .Spix kaianus, Gtbr Bathylaco, G. & B. — 15. nigricans, G. &B Batbyaaunia, Gtbr. — B. ferox, Gtbr. (=B. Agassizii, G. & B.) mollis, Gthr obtusiriatris (Vaillaut) Harpodon, Lea. — H. macrocbir, Gtbr squamosus, .\lc AnlopidiE — Chlorophthalrnns, Bon. — C. Agassizii, Boii clialybeiua, Goode product na, Gtbr rigripinuis, Gtbr truculentna, G. & 15 gracilis, Gthr eorniger, Ale BenthosauridiE — Bentboaaunia, G. & B. — B. grallator, G. & B Batbypteroida", — Batbypteroia, Gtbr. — B. longifilia, Gthr dubiua, V qiiadrifilia, Gtbr G.iutheri, Ale inanlarum, .\lc l^ngipea, Gtbr longicauda, Gtbr Ipnopidie — Ipnops, Gthr. — I. Murray i, Gtbr Plate and figure. Page. XV, 53 XVI, F.7 XIV, 51 XVI, 58 XV, 51 XV, 55 XVII. 61 XVII, 62 XVI, 59 XVII, 6:5 XVII, 64 XVIII, 69 XVIII, 6.5, 66 XVI, 60 XIX, 70 XIX, 71 XIX, XIX, 73 XX, 74 XX, 75 XX, 76 45, 510 40 46, 510 47 48 48 49 49 50,510 51 51 52 52 52 510 510 53 63, 510 54 55 55 55 510 57 57 57 57 57 58,510 59 510 59 59, 510 60 60, 510 61 61 61 511 511 62 64 64 65 64,511 64, 511 66,511 64 XVIII, 67,08 67 Vl TABLK OP CONTENTS. Names of genera and species. MAi.Aroi'TERYGii — Continued. Koudeletiidse — Rondeletia, G. & B.— K. bicolor,G. &B Cetomimidie — Cetomimua, 6. & B. — C. Gillii.G. it B Stored, G. & B Myctophidie — ilyctophnm, Raf. — M. punctatum, Eaf afiine, (Ltitken), G. & B opalinum, G. & B pheugodes, (Liitken), G. & B... Humboldti, (Risso) gracile, (Liitken), G. i& B Benoiti, (Cocco), G. & B Eeinhardtii, (Liitken) remiger, G. &B Hygomii, (Liitken), G. & B Veranyi, (Moreau) Heideri, (Stalling) pterotus californiensa arcticum To wnsendi Benthosoraa, G. & B. — B. Millleri, (Gmel.), G. & B arcticum, (Liitken), G. «fe B Colletti, (Lutken), G. &B Lampanyctus, Bon. — li. crocodilus, (Rieso), G. & B alatus, G.&B Giintheri, G. & B Warmingii, (Liitken), G. & B .. gemmifer, G.&B Gemellarii, (Cocco), G. &. B coeruleus, (Klun.), G. & B lacerta, G. &B Ceratoscopelus, Gthr. — C. maderensis, (Lowe) Notosciipelus, Gthr. — N. resplendeus, (Richardson) quercinus, G.&B margaritiferus, G. &B castaneus, G.&B caudispinosus, (Johnson) Lampadena, G. & B. — L. speculigera, G. &B pyrsobola .^thoprora, G. & B. — A. metopoclanipa, (Cocco), G. & B. lucida, G. & B effulgens, G. & B Collettia, G. & B.— C. Rafinestjuei, (Cocco), G. & B nocturna, (Poey), J. & E Piaphus, Eigenmann — D. theta, Eigenmann engraulis, (Gthr.), Eigenmann cceruleus, Klunzinger Tarletonbeania, Eigenmann — T. tenua (Eigenmann) crenulare EhinoscopeluB, Liitken — K. Coccoi, (Cocco), G. &B Andreae, (Liitken), G. & B rarus, (Liitken), G. & B antarcticus Electrona, G. & B. — E. Rissoi, (Cocco), G. & B Daayscopelus, Gthr. — D. asper, (Richardson) spinosns, ( Steindachner) subasper, (Gthr.) Neoscopelus, Johns. — K. muciolepidotus, Johns Plate and figure. XXI, 77 XXI, 78 XXI, 79 XXII, 80 XXII, 81 XXII, 82 XXII, 83 XXII, 84 XXII, 83 XXIII, 8fi XXIV, 92 XXIV, 90 XXIII, 88 XXIII, 87 XXIV, 89 XXIV, 91 XXV, 94 XXVI, 97 XXVI, 98 XXV, 95 XXV, 96 XXVI, 99 XXVII, 101 XXVII, 102 XXVII, 103 XXVI, 100 XXIV, 93 XXVIII, 105 XXVIII, 104 XXVIII, 107 XXVIII, 106 Page. XXIX, 108, 109 68 69 69 71 72 72. 511 72 73 74 74 74 75 75 77 77 511 511 511 512 76 78 78 79 79 79 80. 512 80 80 81 81 82 83 83. 512 84 84 84 85 512 86 87 87 88 512 89 512 512 89 512 90 90 91, 512 512 91 92 92 92 93, 512 TABLE OF CONTENTS. VII Names of genera and species. Malacopterygii — Coutiniied. MyctopliidiB — Coutiiuu'd. Scopelengys, Ale. — S. tiistis, Ale Nannobracliiiun, Gtlir. — N. SlacDonaldi,G.&B Scopelosaurus nigrum, (itlir leucopRaruni Manrolicidoe — Iclithyococcns, Bon. (^ Coccia, Gtbr.) — I. ovatns, (Coc.), Bon ■- .. Opisthoproctus, V O. soleatus Maiiroliciis, Coceo — M. borealis, (Nils.), G tlir ametbystinopnuetatus, C'licu'o Poweria), Coeco Peunanti australis. Hector Vincignerria, J . & E V. atteunata, (C'occo), J. & E Valencienellus, J.&E V. tripuuctulatua ChauIiodontidiE — Cbauliodus, Scbn — C. Sloani, Schn Macouui, Bean GonostomidiB — Gonostoma — G. denudatum,Raf brevideus, K. ifcS Cyclotbone, G. & B. C. miciodon, (Gtbr.), G. & B. I=C. lusca, G. & B.) batbypbibi, (V.), G. & B quadriociilatum, V. (f) elongata (Gtbr.), G. & B. (= Sigmops stigmaticus, Gill) . . gracilis, Gtbr Bonapartia, G. & B. — li. pedaliota, 6. & B Yarrella, 6. & B.— Y. Blackfordi, G. & B Diplopbos, Gtbr. — D. tienia, Gtbr pacificus, Gthr Pboticbtbys, Huttou — P. argentous, Hntton Mauducus, G. & B. — M. niaderensls, (Jobns.), G. & B AstronestbidiB — Astronestbes, Rich. — A. niger, Rich gemmifer, (J. & H Richardsoni, Pocy Stoniiatidse — btouiias, Cnv. — S. ferox, Rhdt boa, ( Kisso), Cuv affinis,- Gtbr nebnlosus, Ale elougatus, Ale Ecbiostoma, Lowe — E. baibatuin, Lowe margarita, G. bis, Kaup — P. cruentiler, G. & B.. Myrus, Kaup — M. pacbyrhynchus, (V.) Nettnstomidie — Nettastoma, Eaf. — N. melanurum, Raf brevirostris, Fac parviceps, Gtbr tasniola, Wood-Masou .... Venefiea, J. & D. — V. procera, (G. & B.), J. & D. proboscidea, (V.), J. & D . Chlopsis, Raf.— 0. bicolor, Raf equatorialis, Gilb Nemichtbyidte, Gill — Nemicbtbys, Ricb. — N. seolopaceus, Rich avocetta Labiehthys, Gill and Ryder — L. cariuatus, (iill and Ryder, elongatus, Gill and Ryder. Gillii,Bean infans, (Gtbr.), G. and B . . Cyema, Gtbr. — C. atrum, Gtbr Spinivomer, Gill and Ryder — S. Goodei, Gill and Ryder ... Serrivomer, Gill and Ryder — S. Beani, Gill and Kyiler Kicbardii, (V. ), (i'. & B Gavialiceps, Wood-Masou — G. inicrops, Ale Investigator. G. & B. 1. acautbuuotus (.\lc.) Plate and figure. XLII, 160 XLII, 159 XLIII, 161 XLIII, 162 XLIV, 164 XLIV, 165 XLIII, 163 XLIV, 166 XLV, 167 XLV, 168 XL VI. 170 XLVI, 171 XLVI, 172 XLVII, 173 XLVIII, 176 XLVII, 175 Page. 517 138, 517 138 138, 517 138 517 517 517 138 139, 517 139,517 139 141 143, 517 144 144 145,517 145 146 517 146 146, 517 147 148 149, 517 149 148 512 149 150 150 150 152 153 153 1.53 153 153 154 155 155 155 156, 517 518 TABLE OP CONTENTS. Names of geuera and species. Lyomeri : SaccopharyngidsB — Saccopharynx, Mitchill — S. flagellum, MitcUill Eurypharyugidifi — Eurypharynx, V. — E. peleoanoidcs, V Gastrostoraus, Gill and Rvdpr^ G. Baiidii, Gill and Ryder Dysoiiima, Ale. — D. buceplialiis, Ale Dysomniopsis, Ale. — D. mucipaius, Ale Carenchkli: DeiielithvidiB — Deiichthys, Gill— D. seipeiitinus, Gill Heteromi: NotacanthidiB — Notacautlius — N. nasus, Bloch aualis, Gill Bonapartii, Risso sexspiuis, Rich phasgauorus, Goode Gigliolia, G. & B.— G. Moseleyi, G. & B Polyacanthonotus, Blk. — P. Rissoanus, (F. & V.), Gtlir Macdonaldia, G. & B.— M. rostrata, (Coll.), G. & B Challengeri, (V.), G. & B LipogeuyidiB — Lipogeiiys, G. & B. — L. Gillii, G. &B Teleocephaij : BerycidiB — lieiyx, Ciiv. — B. decadactyliis, C. gletiun8, (L.), Gill Brachy gadus — B. minutus, (L.), Gill Gadiculus, Giiicli. — G. argenteus, Guich Microniesistius, Gill — M. poutassou, (Kisso), Gill... Merlangus — M. vulgaris Phycis, Schn. — P. luediteiraneua, Delaroclio . Eailii, G. & B bleunioides, (Br.), Schn... regius, (Walb.), J. & B... ciiratus, G. & ii cbuss, (\V;ilb.) Gill tenuis, (Mitch.), DeKay... Cbcstori, G, & B Laimonema, Gtbr. — L. Yanellii, (Lowe), Gtbr.. .. robustuni, Gtbr barbatula, G. & B melanurum, G. & B Molva, Nils. — M. vulgaris, Flem byrkelango, Walb elongata, (Otto), Gtbr Pbysipulus, Kaup — P. Dalwigkii, Kaup Kan pi, Poey peregriuus, Gtbr fulvus, Beau rastrelliger, Gilb nematopus, Gilb roseus. Ale argy ropastus, Ale Uraleptus, Costa — V. Maraldi, (Risso), Costa... near Maraldi Lotella, Kaup — L. maxillaris, Bean Mora, Eiseo — M. mediterranea, Eisso Lepidion, Sw. — L Rissoi, Sw Giiutberi, (Gigl.), G. & B. . eques, (Gtbr.), G. & B ensiferus, (Gthr.), G. & B . inosimse, Gtbr Salilota — S. austral is, Gtbr Autiniora, (itbr. — A. viola, (G. & B.), Jordan .. rostrata, Gtbr microlepis. Bean Halargyreus, Gthr. — H. brevipes, V , Johnsouii, Gthr near Johnsouii Eretniopborus, Gigl. — E. Kleiuenhergi, Gigl Hypsirbyncbus, Fae. — H. bepaticus, Fao Strinsia, Kaf. — 8. tinea, Raf Meliiuonns, Gthr. — M. gracilis, Gtbr Plato aud figure. CXV, .389 CXV, 3'JO LX XX VIII. 309 LXXX VIII, 310 LXXXVIII,3ll LXXXIX,312 LXXXIX, 313 XC.315 XC, 316 XC,317 XCI, 318 "xci'sia' XCI, 320 XCII, 321 XCII, 322 XCII, 323 XCIII, 324 XCIII, 325 XCIII, 326 Page. 319 350 351 354 354, 530 355, 530 355. 530 530 356 356 357. 530 357 358 359 359 360 362 362 362 363 364 365 365 366,531 366 366 366 530 530 530 530 367 368 368 369. 531 370, 531 370 371 371, 531 531 531 372 375 531 375 376, 531 376 377 380 380 380 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX Names of geuera aud spocies. AXACANTHINI — C'olltiuilCll. Gadiilic— Continued. Ono8, Risso — O. ensis, (IJhdt.), Gill raacroiibthahinis, (Ulir bisoayoiisis. Cull Keinliardtii, ( Ki.), Coll tiicirratiis, (BlocU*, G. & I! Ebinouemiis, (iill — K. cimbi'ius, (L.), G. & B Brosniius, Cuv. — 13. biosme, (Mlill.), Gtbr lirosniioiilns, V. — B. inibeibis, V MerliK'iida' — Mei'liu'iiis, Raf. — M. biliuearis, (Mitfb.), Gill siiiiridus, (Raf.), G. & IJ BregmacerotidtE — Bregmacerns, Thompson — B. atlautiius, G. & 11 MacClellanilii, Tbompsun JIacruri(l;e — iJacruiiis, Blocb — M. beiylax, Lac selerorbjncbus, Val smiliophorus, Vaill , a>r|uali.s, (Gtlir.), G. & 15 seriatus, Lowo Bairdii.G. tV B holotracbvB, Gtbr zaniapboiiis, V. (uear bolot''a(;by8, V.) rndis, (itbv asper, Gtbr Bti'lgidolcpis, Gilb , cariuatus, Gtbr investigatori.s, Ale seniiquiucunciatiis, Ale , Hoskynii, Ale Hextii, Ale Wood-Masoui, Ale Peterson i i, Ale brevirostris, Ale macrolopbns, Ale lophotes. Ale polylepis, Ale nasutiis, Gtbr serrnlatus, Gtbr bis]iidns, Ale pnmiheeps, Ale Ccclorbyiicbns, Giorna — C. atlantieiis, (Lowe), G. & B carminatiis, (Goode), G. & B occa, G. & B japnnieus, (V.), (uearoeea) ja]i(inicn8, Sebl earibbaus, ti. iSr B faseiatus,\Gtbr.), G. & B parallel lis, Gtbr austral is, Gtbr quadrieristatiis, Ale flavellispinis, Ale Corypbienoides, Cinuuer— C. rupestris, Gunner suleatns, G. & B carajiinns, G. &. B altipinni«. Gtbr serratus, Lowe Il_\ njenoeepbalns, Gigl. — H. italieiis, (Jigl (ioodei, (Gtbr.), Bean eaveruosus, G. &. B heterolcpis, Ale l.ionnrns. Gtbr. — L. lilieauda, Gtbr .' Ti'aebounrns, (Jtbr. — G. suleatns, G. & B villobus, Gthr Plato aud iigure. XCIV,327 XCIV XCIV, 328 329 XCV, 330 XCV,331 XCVI, 334 XCVI, 335 Page. 381 382 382 383, 531 383 384, 531 385 385 386 388 388 389, 531 391 391 392 392 392 393 396 397 390 390 391 391 390, 531, .'532 390, .531, 532 390, .53 1,532 390, 531, 532 390,531,532 390, .531, 532 390,531,532 390,531,532 390,531,532 390, 532 390 390 531 532 XCVI, 336 XCV, 332, 333, 337 XC VII, 338 XC VII, 339 .\CV1I.3I0 X(V11,341 XCVin,342 XCV11I,343 397, 533 398 400 400 400, 533 401 402 532 532, 533 532, 533 533 402 403, 533 404 402 525 406 407 408 533 409 410 409 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. Nainoa of geuora and species. Anacantiiini — Continued, ilacniiidit — Continued. Cetonurus, Gtbr. — C. gloijiceps, V crassiceps, Gtbr Clialiniira, G. &. B. — C. siumla, G. & B brovibaibis, G. & B occidentalis, (i. & B leptolepis, Gthr fcruandeziauus, Gtbr lioi'epbala, Gtbr Mnrrayi, (itlir Bcrrula, Bean hispida, Ale mediterranea, Gigl Optounrus, Gtbr. — O. dentioulatiis, Gthr Malacocepbalus, Gtbr. — M. luivis, (Lowe), Gtbr occidentalis, G. & B subbevis, (V.) , Nematonnrus, Gthr. — N. arniatiis, ( Hector) gigas, (V.), G. & B , aliinis, (Gtbr.) Moseleya, G. & B. — M.'longifilis, (Gthr.), G. & B Abyssicola, G. & B. — A. macrochlr, (Gthr.), G. & B Trachyrhynchus, Giorna — T. scabrus, (Raf.), G. & B Murrayi, Gtbr longirostris, Gthr , Macruronus, Gthr. — M. novae-zelandise, (Hector), (.'ilir ... Steiudachneria, G. & B. — S. argon tea, G. &B Batbygadus, Gthr. — • B. lavosus, G. & B arcuatiis, G.& B longifilis, G. »&B near longifilis. Ale , dispar, (V.), G. & B macrops, G. & B melauobraueliiis, V cottoides, Gtbr , multifilie, Gtbr furvescens. Ale Lyconidae — Lyconus, Gtbr. — L. piunatus, Gthr HF.TF.noSOMATA : PleuronectidsB — Lepidopsetta — L. niaculata, Gthr Chascanoi)Betta, Ale. — C. lugubris. Ale Poocilopsetta, Gtbr. — P. maculosa, Alo , Limanda, Gottscbe — • L. vulgaris, Gottsche microstoma, Gthr ferruginea, (Storer), G. & B Beanii, Goode (Jlyptocephahis, Gottsche — G. cynoglossus, (L.), Gill Hippoglossus, Cuv. — H. vulgaris, Flem Platysoraatichthys, Blkr. — P. hippoglossoides, (Walb.), G. & B Paralichthys, Girard — P. oblongus, (Mitch.), J Uectoris, Gthr boops. Hector ocellatus, Gthr Notosema, G. & B. — N. dilecta, G. & B Plate and figure. XCVIII, 344 XCVni,315 XCIX, 345 XCIX, 347 C,348 C,349 CI, 350 CI, 351 CI. 352 CII, 355 CII, 356 CV, 363 CV, 364 CIV,3tiL'; C VI, 305 Page. 411 411 412 413 413 414 412 412 412 412 412 533 414 415 415 535 416 416 416 417 417 417, 534 418 417,534 418, 534 419 420 421 422 423 423 423 424 420 420 535 425 535 535 535 427 427 427 428 430 434 435 436 436 436 436 437 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXi Names of geuera and species. IIetebosomata — Contimied. Pleuronectulie — Coutiuued. Hippoglossoides, Gottsche — H. platessoides, (Fab.), Gill Lepidorhombus, Gtbr. — L. megastoma, (Don.), Gthr Boscii, (Risso) Scianectes, Ale. — S. lopboi)tera, Ale inacro])lithalma, Ale Trlchopsetta, Gill — T. ventralis, (G. & B.), Gill Arnoglossus — A. Grobmanni, Bon Platophrys, Sw. — P. nebulaiis, J. & G cornutus, Gtbr Citbaricbtbys, Blkr. — C. arctifrons, Goode unicornis, Goode microstomus, (iill spilopteriis, (Jtbr diuoceros, G . iV B pajtulus, (G. & B.), J. c'c (! Etropus, J. & G. — E. rimosus, G. & B Cyclopsetta, Gill — C. linibriata, G. & B Monolene, (ioode — M. sessilicauda, Goode atriniaua, G. ifcB SuleidiB— Solea, Cnv. — S. vulgaris, Qnensol Greeni, (itbr umbralitoa, Ale Microcbirus, Bou. — M. variegatns, (Don.), M profundicolus, (V.), (i. & 1! Apboristia, Kaup — A. nebulosa, G. «& B septemstriata, Ale niarginata, O. & B - pigra, G. &B diomedeaiia, G. & B pusilla, G. & B tri fascia ta Ammopleurops, Gthr. — A. lacteus (Bou.), Gtbr Arelia, Kaup — A. Carpenteri, (Ale.) Cbaniomi : Triglidae, Risso — Trigla, Art. — T. cuculus, L gurnardus, L lyra, L leptaeanlba, Gtlir Bpilopter.a, Gtbr hemisticta, Sebl mil vus, Bp corax, Bp cavillone Lepidotrigla, Gtbr. — L. cavillone, (Lae. ) Priouotua, Lac. — P. militaris, G. & B egretta, G. & B Stearnsii, J. & S abitus, G. & B palmipes, (Mitcb.), Ptorer Beanii, Goode (wrongly n.inicd in ))late /'. li-iiiU Drawing from Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, PI. 141. 22. Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garman 22 Outline from Day, Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, PI. CLXXiv. PLATE VII. 23. Raia Ackleyi, Garman 25 Drawing by J. C. Van Hook, from No. 43726, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer BJakc ou Yucatan Banks, Gulf of Mexico. 24. Raia Ackleyi ornata, Garman 2() Drawing by ,J. C. Van Hook, from No. 43727, U. S. N. M., from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, collected at a depth of 138-142 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged.) ' PLATE VIII. 25. Raia circularis, Couch 27 Outline from Day, Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, PI. CLXXiv. 26. Raia plutonia, G.arman 27 Outline by ,T. C. Van Hook, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake, in about N. lat. 32°, W. Ion. 78°, at a depth of 229-334 fathoms. •' PLATE IX. 27. Raia radiata, Donovan 25 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23514, U. S. N. M., collected by the U. S. Fish Commission oft" Proviucetowu, Mass. (About four-sevenths natural size.) 28. Raia hyperborea, Collett 28 Outline from Collett, Fishes Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, PI. ix. 29. Raia Ijevis, Mi tchill 28 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21577, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Finh Hawk at Statiou 771, in Narragansett Bay, at a depth of 8i fathoms. 30. Raia granulata, Gill 29 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from the type specimen, collected by Capt. .Josei)h W. Collins, of the Gloucester fishing fleet, on Le Have Bank. (Al)out one-fourteenth natural size.) LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 3* PLATE X. Text iia|;r. ;>1. Chimaera monstrosa, Liunseus ■*! Outline froiii ]5(inaparte, Fauna Italica, PI. 130. 32. Chimera afEiiis, Ciipello 31 Drawiiij; by H. L. Todd, fmiu a specimen collected on the southeastern portion of Le llavo Bank, in N. lat. 42° 40', AV. Ion. 63° 23'. (About one-seventh natural size.) 33-35. Chimsera affinis, Capello 31 Drawings by S. F. Denton, from a specimen collected by the schooner Cenleniiial, Capt. 1>. ('. Murphy, off Banquereiux, in N. lat. 43=- 46', W. Ion. 59'^ 19'. (Natural size.) 36. Callorhyiichus aiitarcticus, (Linnieus) 32 Outline from Zoology of Beechey's Voyage, PI. xxiii. PLATE XI. 37, 3S. Harriotta Raleighaiia, Goode and Bean 33 Drawiug.s by il. M. Smith, from No. 35631, U. S. N. SI., collected by the steamer Albalro^s at Station 2235, in N. lat. 39° 12' 00", W. Ion. 72° 03' 30", at a depth of 707 fathoms. 39, 40. Harriotta Raleighana, Goode and Bean 33 Drawings by 8. F. Denton, from No. 3.5520, IJ. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Jlbatroas, at Station 2210, in N. lat. 39' 37' 45", W. Ion. 71° 18' 45", at a depth of 901 fathoms. (About one and three-fourths natural size.) PLATE XII. 41. Alepocephalus rostratus, Kisso 36 Outline from Cuvier and Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle de8 Poissons de la France, PI. 566. 42. Alepocephalus uiger, Giinther 38 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. i.vi. 43. Conooara macroptera, (Vaillant), Goode and Bean 39 Outline from A'aillant, Expeditious Scieutiliques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xi, Fig. 2. 41. Bathytroctes macrolepis, Giinther 41 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. i.vii, Fig. A. PLATE XIII. l."i. Alepocephalus Agassizii, Goode and Beun 37 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 33056, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Sta- tion 2030, in N. lat. 39° 29' 45", \V. Ion. 71^ 43', at a depth of 588 fathoms. 46. Alepocephalus productus, Gill 37 Drawing liy H. I>. Todd, from type No. 33341, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2035, in N. lat. 39° 26' 16", W. Ion. 70° 02' 37 , at a depth of 1,362 fathoms. 47. Alepocephalus Bairdii, Goode and Bean 38 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 22468, U. S. N. M. (Gloucester Donation No. 305), col- lected by Christian Johnson, of the schooner IVilliam Thompson, on the Grand Banks, in 200 fathoms. (About one- fourth natural size.) 48. Conocara McDonaldi, Goode and Bean 39 Drawing by s. F. Denton, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake at Station CLXXii, in N. lat. 24° 36', W. Ion. 84° 05', at a age. 52. Pterothiissus gissu, llilgiiuldi f 51 t)utliiio from (iiiiithLT, Cballeugcr Report, Vol. xxil, I'l. i.vi. Fig. A. (.Vboiit oiie-lialf natural size.; PLATE XV. 5S. Platytroctes apns, Giiiither 46 ( lutliuc from ( Jiiiitbcr, Clialleuger Report, A'ol. xxii, I'l. l\ in. Fig. A. 54. Anomalopterus pinguis, Vaillant 49 ( Hitlinc from Vaillant, Expeditions Scieutiti(|ues ilu Travaillcur et ne-luilf natural size.) 50. Leptoderma luacrops, Vaillant 49 Outline from N'aillant, Expeditions .Scieutiliciues du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xii, Fig. 2. ■ PLATE XVI. 57. Xenodermichthys iiodulosus, 0 iinther 46 Outline from Giiutiher, Challenger Rejiort, Vol. xxii, PI. LVlii, Fig. C. 58. Aleposomus socialis, ( Vaillant), Goode and Bean 48 Outline from Vaillant, Expeditions Seientifiqnes du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xiii, Fig. 1. 59. Microstoma rotundatum, (Risso), Gijnther 53 Outline from Cuvier and Valenciennes, llistoire Naturelle des Poissons de la Franee, \ol. x\ in, PI. 544. 60. Harpodou macrochir, Giintlier ,59 Outline from Giintber, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. .XLVii, Fig. A. ■PLATE XVII. 61. Argentina silus, (Ascanius), Nilsson 52 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 37801, U. S. N. M., collected by E. II. Bunker, Fletchers Neck Life-Saving Station, Biddeford, Me. (About one-half natural size.) 62. Argentina striata, ( ioode and Bean 52 I'rawing by A. 11. Baldwin, from type No. 43858, LT. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2402, in N. lat. 28° 36', W. Ion. 85° 33' 30", at a depth of 111 fathoms. 63. Bathylagus euryops, Goode and Bean 55 Drawing liy A. H. Baldwin, from 31861, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross iu N, lat. 39- 52', AV. Ion. 70° 30', at a depth of about 600 fathoms. 64. Bathylagus Benedicti, Goode aud Bean 55 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer .Ulniiross at Station 2711, iu N. lat. 38° 59', W, lun, 70° 07', at a depth of 1,344 fathoms. PLATE XVIII, 65,66. Bathysaurus ferox, Giinther 58 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from a specimen obtained by the steamer Blake at Station CCC'XLI, in N. lat. 39° 38' 20", W. Ion. 70° 56', at a depth of 1,241 fathoms. 67, 68. Ipnops Murrayi, Giinther 67 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake at Station cc.xxxni, in N. lat. 24° 36', W. Ion. 84° 05', at a depth of 955 fathoms. (No. 67, three times natural size; No. 68, one and a half times.) 69. Bathylaco nigricans, Goode and Bean 57 Drawing liy A. H. Baldwin, from the type sijecimeu collected by the steamer Bhikc at Station xxxi.x, ofi' Santa Cruz, iu 2,393 fathoms. - PLATE XIX. 70. Chlorophthalmus Agassizii, Bonaparte 60 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen ccdlected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2314, in N. lat, 32° 43', Vf. Ion. 77° 51', at a depth of 159 fathoms. 71. Chlorophthalmus chalybeius, Goode 60 Drawing by II, L, Todd, from No, 26092, U, S, N, M,, collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at Stations 876-878, oil' Marthas Vineyard, iu 120-1424 fathoms, (About one and a half times natural size.) LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 5* Text page. 72. Chlorophthalmus truculentus, (ionde ami IJean 61 Urawinj;' by M. M. Smith, fioiii the type specimen collected by the steamer Blake at Station i.ii, oft" Barbados, in 21S fathoms. 7;!. Benthosaurus grallator, Goode and lican G2 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a speiimen collected by tin- steamer JIUilc ui. Station ci.xxix, in N. lat. 21-' 23', W. Ion. 84 ■ 2;S', at a depth of 1,850 fathoms. PLATE XX. 74. Bathypterois dubius, Vaillant (il Outline from \'aillant, Expeditions Scientlfuiues du Travailleiir et du Talisman, I'l. ix. 7."). Bathypterois quadrifilis, Giintber 6.5 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Jllake at Station ,\cvni, off' St. Vincent. 711. Bathypterois loiigipes, Giinther 66 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from No. 3563.5, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Jlliatniss .-it Station 2225, in N. lat. 36 05 30", W. Ion. 69 ' 51' 45", at a depth 'of 2,512 fathoms. PLATE XXI. 77. Rondeletia bicolor, Goode and Bean 68 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from type No. 38202, XL S. N. JI., collected by the steamer JIhulruioi at Station 2724, in N. lat. 36 47', W. Ion. 73- 25', at a depth of 1,641 fathoms. (Enlarged one- half, ) 78. Cetomimus Gillii, Goode and Bean 69 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from type No. 35529, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Allialron-'i at Station 2206, in N. lat. 39'^ 35', W. Ion. 71'-' 24' 30", at a depth of 1,043 fathoms. 79. Cetomimus Storeri, Goode and Bean 69 Drawing ))y M. M. Smith, from type No. 35634, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatrum at Station 2222, in N. lat. 39" 03' 15", W. Ion. 70 ' 50' 45", at a depth of 1,535 fathoms. PLATE XXII. 80. Myctophum. punctatum, Rafmesitue 71 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23369, II. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Matt. Kyan and crew. Gloucester fishing fleet, on the Grand Bank. 81 . Myctophum opaliuum, Goode and Bean '. 72 Drawing by J. (!. Van Hook, from No. 43798, U. S. N. M., collected by the sti^anier Alhatruis at Station 2585, in N. lat. 39^ 08' 30", W. Ion. 72^ 17', at a depth of 542 fathoms. (Natural size.) 82. Myctophum Humboldtii, (Eisso), Goode and Bean 73 Drawing by ,1. C. Van Hook, from No. 43772, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer .llliiilrom at Station 2727, in N. lat. 36^ 35', W. Ion. 74 ' 03' 30", at a depth of 1,239 fatlioms. 83. Myctophum Beuoiti, (Cocco), Goode and Bean 74 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected at Messina, Italy, by Prof. H. II. Giglioli. 81 . Myctophum remiger, Goode and Bean 75 Drawing by J. C. Van Hook, from type No. 4.3792, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alhairosn at Station 257.i, in N. lat. 40-^ 34' 18", W. Ion. 66 09' 00", at a depth of 1,712 fathoms. 85. Benthosema Miilleri, Goode and Beau 76 Drawing by A. II. Baldwin, from No. 28839, U. S. N. M., i-ollectcd by the steamer Fish Ifiin'l: at Station 953, in N. lat. 39" 52' 30", W. Ion. 70 17' 30", at a depth of 724 fathoms. '^LATE XXIII. 86. Lampanyctus crocodilus, (Risso), Goode and Bean 7!( Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected at Nice, ami olitained tliroiigh tin- Royal Zoological Museum at Florence, Italy. 87. Lampanyctus Gemellarii, (Cocco), Goode and Beau KO Drawing liy A. H. Baldwin, from No. 44170, l'. S. N. M., olitained from Messina by Prol. 11.11. Giglioli, director of the Royal Zoologi(^al Museum, Florence, Italy. 88. Lampanyctus gemmifer, Goode and Bean SO Drawing by A. II. Baldwin, from type No. 3.5()04, tl. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albairosti at Station 2201, in N. lat. 39 39' 45 \ \V. Ion. 71 35' 15", at a depth of .53S fathoms. 6* DEEP-SEA FISHKS OF 'I'HR ATLANTIC rsASIN. 'plate XXIV. Text paj^e. 89. Lampanyctus lacerta, Goode and Bean si Unnviug by A. H. Baldwin, from tj'pe No. 4377X, I'. S. N. M., colleeted by tliesteaiiiev Alhalrais at Station 2401, in N. lat. 28^ 38' 30", W. Ion. 8.5^ 52' 30", at a depth of 112 fathoms. 90. Lampanyctus Guntheri, Goode and Bean 7!l Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 43777, U. S. N. M., (Gloucester Donation No. 199), collected by the schooner John Smith, Capt. Peter Johnson, on Georges Bank, in 45 fathoms. 91. Ceratoscopelus maderensis, (Lowe), Goode and Bean 82 Drawing l>y .T. ('. Van Hook, from No. 43776, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2528, in N. lat. 41° 47', W. Ion. 65° 37' 30", at a depth of 677 fathoms. (Nearly twice natural size.) 92. Lampanyctus alatus, Goode and Bean 79 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 43769, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- tross at Station 2393, in N. lat. 28° 43', W. Ion. 87° 14' 30", at a depth of 525 fathoms. 93. Diaphus theta, Eigeumaun and Eigenmann 89 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from the type specimen taken at moderate depth ott" Point Loma, near San Diego, Cal. '' PLATE XXV. 94. Notoscopelus resplendens, (Richardson), Goode and Bean 83 Copied by A. H. Baldwin, from Richardson, Voyageof the Erebus and Terror, PI. xxvil. Fig. 16. 95. Notoscopelus castaneus, Goode and Beau X\ Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 31706, U. S.N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at Station 1113, in N. lat. 39° 57', W. Ion. 70° 37', at a depth of 192 fathoms. 96. Notoscopelus caudispinosus, (Johnson), Goode and Bean 84 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 43768, U. 8. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2569, in N. lat. 39° 26', W. Ion. 68° 03' 30", at a depth of 1,782 fathoms. TLATE XXVI. 97. Notoscopelus querciuus, Goode and Bean 83 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 43789, U. S. N. M., (Gloucester Donaticm No. 822), collected by Capt. Frank Carroll and crew, of the schooner Polar TVave, oft' St. Peter's and Banqnereux. 98. Notoscopelus margaritiferus, Goode and Bean S4 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 43774, U. S. N. M., (Gloucester Donation 404), collected by Capt. G. H. Curtis and crew, of the schooner Conductor, in N. lat. 44° 10', W. Ion. 58°, at a depth of 300 fathoms. 99. Lampadena speculigera, Goode and Bean 85 Drawing by J. C. Van Hook, from type No. 43797, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at Station 797, oS' Newport, R. I., at a depth of 16i fathoms. 100. CoUettia Rafinesquei, (Cocco), Goode and Bean 88 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 33350, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2099, in N. lat. 37° 12' 20", W. Ion. 69° 39' 00", at a deptli of 2,949 fathoms. ''plate xxvii. 101. .Sithoprora metopoclampa, (Cocco), Goode and Beau 86 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the ateameT Albatross at Station, 2127, in N. lat. 19° 45', W. Ion. 75° 04' 00", at a depth of 1,639 fathoms; and a specimen from Mes- sina, obtained from Prof. H. H. Giglioli, director of the Royal Zoological Museum, Florence, Italy. 102. iEthoprora lucida, Goode and Bean 87 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 44084, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2127, in N. lat. 19° 45', W. Ion. 75° 04' 00", at a depth of 1,639 fathoms. 103. .SSthoprora effulgens, Goode and Bean 87 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 43770, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Cuddy and crew of the schooner Joseph 0., on Brown's Bank. LIST OF PLATES AND FIGUKES. 7 * ^LATE XXVIII. Text pa<;e. 101. Rhmoscopelus Coccoi, (Cocco), Goode and Bean 90 Drawing by J. C. Van Hook, from Xo. 43822, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, in a towing net, in N. lat. 3SP, W. Ion. 72^. (About twice natural size.) 105. Tarletoubeaula tenua, Eigenuiauu and Eigenmann ?^ 09' 40", W. Ion. 66° 02' 20", at a depth of 1,255 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) 118. Cyclothone bathyphila, (Vaillant), Goode and Bean 100 Drawing by X. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2534, in N. lat. 40° 01', W. lou. 67° 29' 15", at a depth of 1,234 fathoms. . PLATE XXXII. 119. Cyclothone elongata. (Giinther), Goode and Bean 101 Drawing by A. II. Baldwin, from Xo. 3.3291, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatros-, at Station 2039, in N. lat. 38° 19' 26", W. Ion. 68° 20' 20", at a depth of 2,369 fathoms. (Naarly twice natural size.) 120. Bouapartia pedaliota, Goode and Bean 102 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from the type specimens, collected by the steamer Albatross, at Sta- tion 2642, in N. lat. 25° 20' 30", W. Ion. 79° 58', at a depth of 217 fathoms. (Enlarged about one-half.) 8* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. Text paye. 121. Yarrella Blackfordii, Goode and Beau 103 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from typo No. 41242, U. S. N. 11., collected by the steamer AUia- trosK, at Statiou2376, iuN. lat. 29° 03' 15", W. lou. 88° 16", at a depth of 324 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) 122. Photichthys argenteus, Huttou 104 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. XLV. (Aboutoue-half natural size.) ^PLATE XXXIII. 123. Astrouesthes niger, Richardson 105 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 34538, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Field, on a voyage from Mogador to New York, and presented to the National Museum by Mr. E. G. Blackford. 124. Antronesthes gemniifer. Goode and Bean 105 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 24645, U. S. N. M., obtained by the schooner Polar Wave from the stomacli of a halibut, in N. lat. 44° 25', W. Ion. 53° 12', at a depth of 300 fathoms. 125. Astronesthes Richardsonii, Poey 100 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from No. 35510, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2202, in N. lat. 39° 38' 00 ', W. Ion. 71° 39' 45", at a depth of 515 fathoms. • PLATE XXXIV. 126. Diplophos taenia, Giinther 104 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. .xxil, PI. iv., (Enlarged nearly live times.) 127. Stomias ferox, Reinhardt 107 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23360, U. S. N. M. (Gloucester donation No. 490), collected by Capt. David Cammel and crew, of the Gloucester fishing fleet, at East Banqnereux. (Three-fifths natural size.) 128. Stomias boa, (Risso), Cuvier lOS Drawing from Cuvier and Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Poissous, Vol. xviii, PI. 545. 129. Stonuas affinis, Giinther 108 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. liv, Fig. A. ■ PLATE XXXV. 130. Echiostoma barbatum, Lowe 109 Drawing by S. F. Deutou, from No. 35624, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2236, in N. lat.'394 11' 00", W. Ion. 72^ 08' 30", at a deptli of 636 fathoms. (Enlarged one-third.) 131. Echiostoma margarita, Goode and Bean 109 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 39282, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- Irons, at Station 2394, iu N. lat. 28° 38' 30", W. Ion. 87° 02', at a depth of 420 fathoms. 132. Opostomias micripnus, Giinther - 110 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. x.xii, PI. Llll, Fig. A. (About one-half natural size.) 133. Grammatostomias dentatus, Goode and Bean 110 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from typo No. 37370, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Station 2565, in N. lat. 38'^ 19' 20", W. Ion. 69° 02' 30", at a depth of 2,069 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged.) VlATE XXXVI. 134. Pachystomias microdon Giinther Ill Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. Liii. 135. Eustomias obscurus, Vaillant HI Outline from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientiticiues du Travaillcur et du Talisman, I'l. viii. Fig. 3. 136. Bathophilus uigerrimus, Giglioli HI Outline from Giglioli, "Pclagos." (Enlarged one-third. ) 137. Photonectes gracilis, Goode and Bean 1 12 Drawing by M. M. Smitli, from the type specimen collected by the steamer Blake at Station x«, off Martinique, in 472 fathoms. -PLATE XXXVII. 138. Malacosteus niger. Ay res 1 14 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 32169 U. S. N. M. (Gloucester Donation, No. 797). collected liy Capt. Charles Anderson and crew of the schooner Alice G. JVoiisoii, on the northeastern edge of Georges Bank, iu 125 fathoms. (Enlarged two-thirds.) LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 9* Text page. 139. Malacosteus choristodactylus. Vaillaiit 114 Drawing from Vaillaut, Expeditious 8i-icntili(iiies dii Travailleur et du Talisman, V\. via. ( Slightly enlarged.) 140. Photostomias Guernei, Collett 115 Outline from Liitkeu, Spolia Atlautica, \>. 281. (Three and a half times natural size.) 141. Thaumatostomias atrox, Aleock 115 Drawing from Alcock, Auuals and Magazine of Natural History, Vol. vi, PI. viii, Fig. 7. PLATE XXXVIII. 142. Alepisaurus ferox, Lowe 117 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 20,593 U. S. N. M., olitaiued in a New York market by E. G. lilaekford. 143. Paralepis borealis, (Reiuhardt), .lordan and Gilbert 119 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Montreal, Canada. 143A. Paralepis coregonoides, Risso 119 Outline from Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, PI. xxvii. 144. Sudis hyalina, Ralliuesque 121 Outline from Bon.aparte, Fauna Italica, PI. xxvii. 145. Odoutostomus hyaliuus, Cocco 121 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, Pi. Lii, Fig. A. •PLATE XXXIX. 146. Stemoptyx diaphaua, Lowe 124 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen obtained by the steamer [Hnkf at Station cccxvi, in N. lat. 32° 07', \V. Ion. 78-- 37' 30", at a depth of 229 fathoms. 14615. Sternoptyx diaphana, Lowe 124 Drawing by II. L. Todd, fromaspecimeu collected by thtsteamer /j'/atc at Station cccx.Kiii, in N. Int. 33- 19', \V. Ion. 70^= 12' 30", at a depth of 457 fathoms. 147. Argyropelecua hemigymnus, Cocco 126 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Alhatroxn at Station 2117, in N. lat. 15'-" 24' 40 ", W. Ion. 63= 31' 30 ", at a depth of 683 fathoms. 148. 148A. Argyropelecua Olfersii, (Cuvier), Cuvier and Valenciennes 126 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 33393 U. S. N. M., collected at Station 2075. in N. lat 41- 40' 30", \V. Ion. 65^ 35' 00", at a dejith of 855 fathoms. (Natural size.) 149. Polyipnus spiiiosus, Giinther '. 128 l>rawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 37860 IT. S. N. M., collected by the steamer AUialnjss at Station 2393, in N. lat. 28^ 43' 00", W. lou. 87- 14' 30", at a depth of 525 fathoms. (Twice natural size.) •^PLATE XL. 150. Omosudis Lowei, Giinther 122 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. .\xii. Pi. Lii. 151. Idiacauthus ferox, Giinther 129 Outline from Ganther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. lii. Fig. D. 1.52. Halosaurus Owr,eui, .lohnson 130 Drawii'g by A. II. Baldwin, from No. 34418 U. S. N. M., colh^cted by the ste:imor Alhulriisx at station 2181, in N. lat. 39- 29', \V. Ion. 71^ 46', at a depth of 693 fathoms. 153. Halosaurus Johnsouiauus, Vaillant 131 Drawing from Vaillaut, ExpeiUlious Scientiliques du TravaiUeiir ct dii Talisuian, I'l. xv, Fig. 2. 'PLATE XLI. 154. Aldrovandria rostrata, (Giinther), Goode and Bean 132 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxil, I'l. i.ix. 155. 155A. Aldrovandia macrochira, (Giinther), Goode and Bean 133 Drawings by II. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer lilukv .at .Station i.iii, oil Havana, in 242 fathoms. 1,56. Aldrovandia phalacrus, ( Vaillantl, Goode ,ind Bean 134 Drawiug from \'aillaut, Expc;ditions .Scientiliiiues du Travailleur el dn I'alisman, I'l. xvi. 10* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. ■ PLATE XLII. Text pago. 157. Aldrovandia gracilis, Goode and Beau Kll JJrawiug by S. F. Denton, from a specimen collected by the stciimer Illakr at Station i.xx, off Guadalupe, at a depth of 769 fathoms. (About one-half natural size.) 158. Aldrovandia pallida, Goode and Bean 13.") Drawing liy I[. L. Todd, from the type specimen collected by the Steamer Blake at Station CLXxiii, in N. lat. L'4= 3{i', W. Ion. 84° 05', at a depth of 955 fathoms. (About seven-twelftlis natural size.) 159. Congermurjeua flava, Goode and Bean i'^X Dra-sving by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatrosa at Stations 2121 and 2122, between N. lat. 10° 37' 40 ", W. Ion 61° 42' 40", and N. lat. 10-" 37' 00", W. Ion. 61° 44' 22", at a depth of 31 to 34 fathoms. (Five-sevenths natural size.) 160. Uroconger viciuus, Vaillant 138 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer J /6rt(ro«.v at Station 2161, in N. lat. 23° 10' 36", W. Ion. 82° 20' 28", at a depth of 146 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) ' PLATE XLIII. 161. Simenchelys paiasiticus, Gill 139 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21673, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. N. McPheo, of the Gloucester iishing fleet, near Sable Island Bank. (Seven-tenths natural size.) 162. Ilyophis brumieus, Gilbert 141 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 44403, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- tross, off the Galapagos Islands. 163. Hoplunnis Diomedianus, Goode and Bean ;,. 146 Drawing by J. C. Van Hook, from type No. 44240, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer AWa- iross at Station 2402, in N. lat. 28° 36', W. Ion. 86° 50', at a depth of 111 fathoms. ■ PL.ATE XLIV. 164. Synaphobranchus pinnatus, (Gronovius), Giinther 143 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21681, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Olsen, of the Gloucester tisliing fleet, on Le Have Bank. (Three-fifths natural size.) 165. Histiobranchxis infernalis, Gill 145 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 38205, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alhatrnss at Sta- tion 2727, in N. lat. 36° 35', W. Ion. 74° 03' 30", at a depth of 1239 fathoms. 166. Pisoodonophis cruentifer, Goode and Bean 117 Drawing by A. H.Baldwin, from No. 28938, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Huick at Station 1035, in N. lat. 39° 57', W. Ion. 69° 28', at a depth of 120 fathoms. (Slightly re- duced.) 167. Myrus pachyrhynchus, Vaillant 148 Drawing from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifiques du TravaiUeur et du Talisman. PI. v. Fig. 1. (About one-half natural size.) 168. Venefica procera, (Goode and Bean), Jordan and Davis 149 Drawing by H.L.Todd, from a specimen collected by the Blake at Station ci.iii, in N. lat. 16° 43' 45", W. Ion. 62° 16' 12", at a depth of 303 fathoms. (Seven-twelfths natural size.) 169, 169A, B. Derichthys serpentinus. Gill 161 Drawings liy H. L. Todd, from type No. 33.523, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2094, in N. lat. 39° 44' 30", W. Ion. 71° 04', at a depth of 1,022 fathoms. PLATE XLVI. 170. Nemlchthys scolopaceus. Richardson 152 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by William Parsons, on East Georges Bank. 171. Labichthys carinatus, Gill and Kyder 1.53 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 33369, II. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- tross, at station 2076, in N. lat. 41° 13', \V. Ion. 65° 33' .30", at a depth of 906 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) 172. Labichthys elongatus, (!ill and Ryder. . . : 153 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 33.577, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- tross, at station 2100, in N. lat. 39° 22', W. Ion. 68° 34' 30", at a depth of 1,628 fathoms. LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 1 1 * /PLATE XLVII. Text page. 17:1. Labichthys infans, (Giinther), Gonde aud Bean 153 Drawiuf; by A. 1[. Baklwiii, from type No. 41239, U. S. N. M , collected by the stenmer Alba- tross, at .station 2859, in N. lat. 55'^ 20', W. Ion. 136=- 20', at a depth of 1,.569 fathoms. (Ahout o7ie-half natural size.) 174. Labichthys infaas (after Giinther) 1.54 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxil, PI. LXiii. 175. Serrivomei Beanii, Gill and Ryder 155 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 33383, (J. S. N. M., collected l>y the steamer .■Ubiilrims, at station 2075, in N. lat. 41° 40' 30", \V. Ion. 6.5° 28' 30", at a depth of 855 fathoms. (About one and two-thirds natural size.) PLATE XLA'III. 17f>. Cyema atrum, Giinther 154 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. x.xii, PI. i,iv, Fig. D. (About natural size.) 177. Eurypharyiix pelecanoides, Vaillant 159 Drawing from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Tali.sman, PI. xvii. (About one-half natural size.) 178. Saccopharynx flagellum, Mitchill 157 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. L.xvi. (Enlarged about one-half.) ^ PLATE XLIX. 179,180. Saccopharynx flagellum, Mitchill 157 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 37988, U. S. N. M., collected by the .steamer Albatross, at station 2717, in N. lat. 38= 24', W. Ion. 71° 13', at a dei>th of ],615 fathoms. (No. 179, one- tliii-d natural size; No. 180, one-half.) 181, 182. Gastrostomus Bairdii, Gill and Ryder 1.59 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 33386, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at sta- tion 2074, in N. lat. 41° 43', W. Ion. G5° 21' 50", at a depth of 1,309 fathoms. ■^LATE L. 183. Notacanthus nasus, Bloch 164 Drawing from Cuvier and Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons de la France, PI. 241. 184. Notacanthus aualis, Gill 165 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37856, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2677, in N. lat. 32° 39', W. Ion. 76° 50' 30", at a depth of 478 fathoms. (About one- half natural size.) 185. Notacanthus Bonapartii, Risso 166 Drawing from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifir|ues du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xxvii, Fig. 2. (Reduced about one-third.) ^ 186. Notacanthus phasganorus, Goode 167 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 25972, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Briggs Gilpatrick, of the schooner Gollierer, from the stomach of a Ground-shark, on the Grand Bank of Newfound- land. (One-fourth natural size.) .^ PLATE LI. 187. Gigliolia Moseleyi, Goode and Bean 169 Drawing from Giinther, Chiillenger l\('pi)ri. Vol. xxii, PI. L.xi, Fig. C. (One-half natural size.) 188. Polyacanthonotus Rissoanus (De Filippi and Verany), Giinther 170 Drawing from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et clu Talisman, PI. xxvii. 189. Macdonaldia rostrata, (CoUett), (Joode and Bean 171 Drawing by M. M. .Smith, from type No. 3.5601, U.S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2216, in N. lat. 39° 47', W. Ion. 70° 30' 30", at a depth of 963 fatlionis. 190. Lipogenys G-illii, fJoode aud Bean 173 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 39212, U. S. N. M., collected by the ateanier Albatross, at sta- tion 2742, in N. lat. 37° 46' 30", W. ion 73° 56' 30", at a depth of 865 fathoms. (About one- half natural size.) 12* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. r PLATE LII. Text page. 191A, B. Notacanthus analis, Gill 165 Diawiiirrs by A. H. Haldwin, from No. 37856, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alhatross, at statiou 2t)77, in N. lat. n'J :W, \V. Ion. 76° 50' 30", a,t a depth of 478 fathoms. 192A, B. Notacanthus sexspinis, liicliardson 11'3 Drawings from GUnther, Challenger Eeport, Vol. xxii, PI. i.xi. Fig. a. 193. Gigliolia Moseleyi, Goode and Bean 16*' Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Keport, Vol. x.\ii. PI. i,xi, Fig. C. 194A, B. Polyacanthonotus Rissoanus, (De Filippi and Verany), Giinther 170 Drawings from (iiinther, (challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. i.xi. 195A, B. Macdonaldia rostrata, (Collett), Goode and Bean l"! Drawings bv A. H. Baldwin, from Nos. 35601-2, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albntrons, at station 2216, in N. lat. 39-^ 47', W. Ion. 70° 30' 30", at a depth of 963 fathoms. 196A, B. Lipogenys Gillii, Goode and Beau 173 Drawings by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 39212, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alhatross, at station 2742, in N. lat. 37^ 40' 30 ", W. lou. 73^ 56' 30", at a depth of 865 'fathoms. PLATE Lin. 197. Beryx splendens, Lowe 176 Drawing by JI. M. Smith, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2415, in N. lat. 30^ 44', W. Ion. 79" 26', at a depth of 440 fathoms. 198. Melamphaes typhlops, (Lowe), Giinther 177 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Eeport, Vol. xxil, PI. v, Fig. A. 199. Scopelogadus codes, Vailhant 182 Drawing from Vaillaut, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xxvi. (Slightly reduced.) 200. Poromitra capito, Goode and Beau 183 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a .specimen collected by the steamer llhilcc, at station cccxxviii, iu N. lat. 34° 28' 45", W. lou. 75° 22' 50", at a depth of 1,632 fathoms. (Two and two- sevenths natural size.) 200A. Plectromus crasaiceps, (Giiuther), Goode and Bean 180 Drawing from GUnther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. V'lll, Fig. li. PLATE LIV. 201. Plectromus suborbitalis, Gill 179 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 33271, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alltatross, at statiou 2036, in N. lat. 38° 52' 40", W. Ion. 69° 24' 40", at a depth of 1,735 fathoms. (One and three-fifths natural size.) 202. Plectromus Beanii, (GUnther), Goode and Beau 179 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 33378, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2075, in N. lat. 41" 40' 30", W. Ion. 65° 35', at a depth of 855 fathoms. 203. Anoplogaster cornutus, (Cuvier and Valenciennes), Giinther 184 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 33559, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2101, iu N. lat. 39^ 18' 30", W. Ion. 68° 24', at a depth of 1,680 fathoms. PLATE LV. .^04, 204A. Caulolepis longidens, Gill 185 Drawings by II. L. Todd, from No. 33270, IT. S. N. M., collected by tlie steamer Albatruis at station 2034, in N. lat. 39° 27' 10", VV. Ion. 69° 56' 20", at a depth of 1,346 fathoms. 205. Stephanoberyx Monae, (iill 180 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from Xo. 33115 U. S. N. M., collected liy the steamer .llbcitn>s.'< at statiou 2077, in N. lat. 40- 09' 40", W. Ion. 66- 02' 20 ", at a depth of 1,255 fathoms. (About three times natural size.) i'LATE LVI. 206. Stephanoberyx Gillii, Goode and Beau 1>!7 Drawing by 11. L. Todd, from type No. 3.3555, U. S. \. M.. collicted l>y the steamer .Ubiilro!u8 (old male) 209 Dra wiug by H. L. Todd, from No. 16482, U. S. N. M., obtained in Fulton Market, New York City, by E. G. Blackford. 220. Coryphaena Uippui-us, Linnanis (young) 209 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 16484, U. S. N. M., obtained in the Fultou Market, New York City, by E. O. Blacklbrd. 220. A, B. Coryphasna hippurus, Linnaius 209 Sketches from Liitken, Spolia Atlantica, I, p. 486. ' PLATE LXI. 221. Grammicolepis brachiusculus, Poey 218 Coi)ied from a drawing by Shufeldt, Journal of Morphology, Vol. ii. (One-third natural size.) 1-4* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. Text pajje. 222. Centrolophua pompilus, (Gineliu), Cuvier and Valeucieuues 214 Drawing by S. F. Dentuii, from a specimen obtained at Dennis, Mass., by Viual N. Edwards. (About two-thirds natural size.) 223. Schedophilus medusophagus, Cocco 214 Drawing from Uiiutlier, Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. xi. PI. LX vii. 'PLATE LXII. 224. Icosteus enigmaticus, Lockington 21,5 Drawing by GUnther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxil, PI. XLiv. (Slightly reduced.) 225. Acrotus Willoughbyi, Bean 217 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 39340, U. S. N. M., collected off the coast of Washington, by Charles Willoughby. (About one-ninth natural size.) 226. Icichthys Lockingtonii, .Jdrdan and Gilbert 216 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 27397, U. S. N. M., collected off the coast of Washington, (Slightly reduced.) PLATE LXIII. 227. Noineus Grouovii, (Gmelin), Giinther I'lHi Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatrosn at station 2647, in N. lat. 25-^ 48' 00", W, Ion. 80'^ 04' 00", at a depth of 85 fathoms. (Enlarged one-third.) 228. Psenes pellucidus, Liitken 221 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from No. 3.541.5, U.S.N, M,, collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2171, in N, lat, 37° 59' 30", W, Ion, 73" 48' 40", at a depth of 444 fathoms, 229. Pseiies maculatus, Liitken 221 Drawing liy H. L. Todd, from No. 39329, U. S. N. M,, collected by the steamer Albatrou at sta tion 2628, in N, lat, 32° 24', W. Ion. 76° 55' 30", at a depth of 528 fathoms. (Nearly twice natural size,) ■ PLATE LXIV. 230. Luvarus imperialis, Kafinesque 222 Outline from Day, Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, PL XLiii. 231. Glossamia pandioiiis, Goode and Bean 231 Drawn l)y H, L. Todd, from type No, 26628, U, S. N. M,, collected by the steamer Fish Hank at station 897, in N. lat. 37° 25', W. Ion. 74° 18', at a depth of 1571 fathoms. (Enlarged about one-fourth.) 232. Verilus sordidus, Poey 240 Drawing by A, H, Baldwin, from No. 12.56.5, U. S. N. M., collected by Prof. Felipe Pocy, off Cuba. (Slightly less than one-half natural size.) "plate lxv. 233,233A, B. Cyttus hololepis, Goode and Bean 225 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from type No. 39296, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2358, in N. lat. 20° 19', W. Ion. 87° 03' .30", at a depth of 220 fathoms. (.Enlarged nearly one-half.) 234, Diretmus argeuteus, Johnson 21i Drawing from Johnson, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, PI. xxx\i. 235, Antigonia capros, Lowe 229 Drawings from Temminck and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, PI, XLii. ' PLATE LXVI, 236, Epigonus occideutalis, Goode and Bean 233 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from the type specimen, collected by the steamer Blake at station Liv, off Barbadoes, in 2.37 fathoms, (Natural size,) 237, Hypoolydoiiia bella, Goode and Bean 236 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 39338, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2426, in N. l.at. 36° 01' 30", W. Ion. 74° 47' 30", at a depth of 93 fathoms. (About one and two-thirds natural size.) 238, Polyprion americanum, (Schneider), Jordan 238 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the U. S. Fish Commission, on the Grand Bank. LIST OF PLATES A.ND FIGURES. !•) Toxi i)ag»' 239,240. Pseudopriacanthus altus, Gill 242 Drawings by H. L. Toilil, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2606, in N. lat. 34° 35' 15", W. Ion, 75° 52' 00", at a fleptli of 25 fiUb.mis. (No. 239, fight times natural size; No. 240, four times.) PLATE LXVII. 241. Polymixla nobilis, Lowe 243 Drawing from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxil, PI. I, Fig. B. 242. Scorpaena cristulata, Goode and Bean 246 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 39326, U. S.N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2415, in N. lat. 30° 44', \V, Ion. 79° 26, at a depth of 440 fathoms. 243. Scorpaena Agassizii, Goode and Bean 247 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from the type specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station ccn.\, in N. lat. 23° 13', W. Ion. 74° 52', at a depth of 80 fathoms. •PLATE LXVIII. 244. Helicolenus maderensis, Goode and Bean 2£0 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 26627, U. S. N. JI., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at sta- tion 897, in N, lat. 37° 25', W. Ion. 74° 18', at a depth of 157J fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) 245. Pontinus Rathbuni, Goode and Bean 255 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 39526, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2298, in N. lat. 35° 39', W. Ion. 74° 52', at a depth of 80 fathoms. 246. Pontinus longispiuis, Goode and Bean 258 Drawing by K. L. Todd, from type No. 39322, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2402, in N. lat. 28° 36', W. Ion. 85° 33' 30", at a depth of 111 fathoms. . PLATE LXIX. 247. Pontinus macrolepis, Goode and Bean 257 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station civ, oft' Barbadoes, at a depth of 300 fathoms. 248. Sebastes marinus, (Linnasus), White 260 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10442, U. S. N. M., collected at Eastport, Me. . PLATE LXX. 249. Setarches parmatus, Goode , 264 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 26084, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Ilawk at station 876, oft" Martha's Vineyard, in N. lat. 39° 57' 00", W. Ion. 70° 56' 00", at a depth of 120 fathoms. (Twice natural size.) 250. Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Miiller), GiU 272 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected oft' Half Way Rock, Salem, Mass., at a depth of 35 fathoms. (About three times natural size.) 251, 251A, B. Careproctus rauula, (ioode and Bean 275 Drawings by H. L. Toihl, from No. 22310, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer S})eedwell at sta- tion 117, oft' the mouth of Halifax Harbor. (Little less than twice natural size.) 252. Mouomitra liparina, Goode 27!^ Drawn by H. l.. Todd, from type No. 26184, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at station 891, in N. lat. 39° 46', W. Ion. 71° 10', at a depth of 480 fathoms. ■TLATE LXXI. 253. Paraliparis Copei, Goode and Bean 279 drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 35637, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at sta- tion 2232, in N. lat. 39° 12' 17", W. Ion. 72° 09' 30", at a depth of 520 fathoms. (Slightly re- duced.) 254. Gymnolycodes Edwardsi, Vaillant 281 Drawing from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xxvi. 255. Artediellus uncinatus, (Reinhardt), .Jordan 267 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2477, in N. lat. 44° 29' 30", W. Ion. .57° 11' 15", at a depth of 114 fathoms. (About two-and-a-half times natural size.) 16* DEEl'-SEA Flt^HES OF THE ATLA.NTIC BASIN. Tfxt i)age. 25t). TriglopsPingelii, Koinlianlt 269 Dniwiiig by H. L. Tudd, from ;i speciiueu collucted by the .steamer Spcoilwell at »tatiun 117, 8 milea oft' Cliebucto, at a depth of 52 fathoms. (Enlarged about oue-half.) PLATE EX.\II. 257. Cottunculus microps, Colktt 26!1 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 26087, II. S. N. M., collected by tho steamer Fish Jlnwlc at station 880, in N. lat. 38° 48' 30", \V. lou. 70"^ 54', at a depth of 252J fathoms. (Natural size.) 258. Cottunculus Thomsonii, Giinther 270 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 37386, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at .sta- tion 2.584, in N. lat. 39^ 05' 30", W. lun. 72° 23' 20", at a depth of 541 fathoms. (Seven-twelfths natural size.) 259. Podothecus decagonus, (.Schneider), , Jordan 282 Drawing from (.'ollett, Xursk. Nordhavs Expedition, PI. II, Fig. 11. 260. Aspidophoroides monopterygius, (Bloch), Goode and Bean 283 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21761, U. S. N. M., collected by tho steamer Speedwell at Sandwich Point, Halifax, in 18 fatlioms. (Enlarged about oue-half.) 'PLATE LXXIII. 261A. B. Cottunculus microps, Collett 269 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 26087, U. .S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at station 880, in N. lat. 38' 48' 30", W. Ion. 70^^54', at a depth of 252i fathoms. (Natural size.) 262A, B. Cottunculus Thomsonii, Giinther 270 Drawings by II. L. Todd, from No. 37386, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer J /6« ()■((.« at station 2584, in N. lat. 39" 05' 30", W. lou. 72" 23' 20", at a depth of 541 fathoms. (Natural size.) ''plate LXXIV. 263. 263A, B. Hypsicometes gobioides, Goode 290 Drawings by A. 11. Baldwin, from a specimen collected bj' the steamer AlhalrimH at station 2377, in N. lat. 29" 07' 30' , W. lou. 88" 08', at a depth of 210 fathoms. 264. 264 A. Chiasmodon uiger, Johuson 292 Drawings by II. L. Todd, from No. 25633, IT. S. N. M., collected at the surface by Cai>t. Thomr.s F. Hodgdon of the schooner Bessie W. Somes, on Le Have Bank. ' PLATE LXXV. 265. Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Goode and Bean 284 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 22899, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Kirby, SO miles south by east of No Man's Land. ■ PLATE LXXVI. 266. Pseudoscopelus scriptus, Liitken 292 Drawing from Liitken, 8polia Atlantica, PI. I, Fig. 3. (About three times natural size.) 267. Porichthys porosissimus, (Cuvier and Valenciennes), Giinther 294 Outline by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by tlie stuainer Allxtlruss at station 2121, in N. lat. 10" 37' 40", W. Ion. 61 ' 42' 40" at a depth of 31 fathoms. 268. 268A, B. CalUouymus himautophorus, Goode and Bean 296 Drawings by II. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer lihikc at station x.\.\, oft' Barbados, in 209 (athoms. (Natural size.) ■ PLATE LXXVIl. 269. Anarrhichas lupus, Liuua'us .. 299 Drawing by II. L. Tudd, from No. 21846, U. S. N. M., collected liy Capt. John Gourville, of the Gloucester fishing fleet, on Georges Bank. 270. Anarrhichas minor, Olafsen 301 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 21618, U. .S. N. M., collected by Capt. K. II. llurlbert, in N. lat. 42" 27', W. Ion. 64" 20'. LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 17* Test pajjf. 271. Auarrhichas latifrons, Stpoustrup and Hallgrimssou 301 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from No. 21373, U. S. N. M., collected Ijy Caitt. Josejili W. Collins, of the schooner Marion, inN. lat. 43"^ 56', W. Ion. 59° 04'. (About one-fourth natural size.) "tLATE LXXVIII. 272. Lycodes Esmarkii, Collett 303 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21991, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Z. Hawkins and crew, of the schooner Qioendolen, on Le Have Bank, in 400 fathoms. (About two-sevenths natural size.) 273. Lycodes reticulatus, Eeinhardt 305 Drawing by H. L. Todd, collected by Capt. R. Markuson and crew, of the Gloucester fishing fleet, southwest of Bauquereux, in 300 fathoms. 274. Lycodes frigidus, Collett 305 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 32995, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at sta- tion 2018, in N. lat. 37'^ 12' 22", W. Ion, 74° 20' 04", at a depth of 788 fathoms. (About two- fifths natural size.) 275. Lycodes mucosus, Richardson 306 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 16930, U. S. N. M., collected iu Cumberland Gulf, by W. A. Mintzer. (About two-fifths natural size.) . PLATE LXXIX. 276. Lycodes zoarchus, Ooode and Bean 308 Drawing by S. P. Denton, from type No. 39298, U. S. N. M., collected by steamer Albatross, off Nova Scotia in N. lat. 44° 46' 30", W. Ion. 59° 55' 45", at a depth of 130 fathoms. 276A. Lycodes zoarchus, Goode and Bean 308 Drawing by S. F. Deutou, from No. 39299, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2486, in N. lat. 44° 26', W. Ion. 57° 11' 15", at a depth of 190 fathoms. 277. 277A. Lycenchelys VerrillU.Goodi) and Bean 309 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 21015, U. S. N. M., collected by the U. S. Fish Commission, 27 miles southwest of Chebucto. - PLATE LXXX. 278. Lycodes perspicillum, Kroyer 307 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 39336, U. S.N. M., collected by steamer Albatross a,t station 2456, iu N. lat. 47^ 29', W. Ion. 52° 18', at a depth of 86 fathoms. (Twice natural size.) 278A. Lycodes perspicillum, Kroyer 307 Drawing liy S. F. Denton, from No. 39337, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at sta- tion 2491, iu N. lat. 45° 25' 30", W, Ion. 58° 35' 15", at a depth of 59 fathoms. (Nearly four times natural size.) 279. Lycenchelys paxillus, Goode and Bean 311 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22177, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Joseph Collins, of the Gloucester fishing fleet, in N. lat. 42° 48', W. Ion. 63° 07'. (About one-half natural size.) 279A. Lycenchelys paxillus, Goode and Bean 311 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station CCCIX, iu N. lat. 40° li' 40", W. Ion. 68° 22', at depth of 304 fathoms. 280. Lycodonus mirabilis, Goode and Bean 312 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 39207, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2742, iu N. lat. 37° 46' 30", W. Ion. 73° 56' 30", at a depth of 805 fathoms. ' PLATE LXXXI. 281A, B. Lycodes reticulatus, Reinh.Trdt 305 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by Capt. K. Markuson, southwest of Ban- quereux, in 300 fathoms. (One-half natural size.) 282. Lycenchelys paxillus, Goode and Bean 311 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22177, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. .lo.seph W. Collins of the Gloucester fishing fleet, iu N. lat. 42° 48', W. Ion. 63° 07'. (Natural size.) 18* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. Text page. 283A, U. Lycodes muooaus, Richardson 306 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 1G930, U. S. N. M., collected by W. A. Miutztr, iu Cumber- laud Gulf. (Three-fourths natural size.) 283C'. Lycodes zoarchus, Goode and Bean 308 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from typo No. 39298, U. S. N. M., collected by tho steamer Alhatrosa, off Nova Scotia, in N. lat. U° 46' 30', W. Ion. 59° 55' 45", at a depth of 130 fathoms. "plate lxxxii. 284. Melanostigma gelatinoaum, Giintlior 314 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 28853, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer FUh Hawk at station 952, in N. lat. 39° 55', W. Ion. 70° 28', at a depth of 396 fathoms. (Enlarged one- half.) 285. Dicromita Agassizii, Goode and Beau 319 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station xciu, oflf Granada, in 291 fathoms. 285A, B. Dicromita Agassizii, Goode aud Bean 319 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from type No. 26023, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fhh Hawk at station 869, iu N. lat. 40° 02' 18", W. Ion. 70° 23' 06", at a depth ot 192 fathoms. 286. BasBozetuB catena, Goode and Bean 323 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from type No. 37341, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2379, in N. lat. 28° 00' 15", W. lou. 87° 42', at a depth of 1,467 fathoms. (About seven-ninths natural size.) 287. Bassozetus normalis. Gill 322 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 49416, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatruss at station 2380, in N. lat. 28° 02' 30", W. Ion. 87° 43' 45", at a depth of 1,430 fathoms. (About seven-tenths natural size.) 288. Benthocometes robustus, Goode and Bean 827 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from No. 29057, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk at station 1043.- iu N. lat. 38° 39', W. lou. 73° 11', at a depth of 130 fathoms. (One and three- tifths natural .size.) PLATE LXXXIII. 289. Neobythites Gillii, Goode and Beau 325 Drawiug by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 37340, V. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2402, iu N. lat. 28° 36', W. Ion. 85° 33', at a depth of 111 fathoms. (About twice natural size.) 290. Neobythites marginatuB. Goode and Bean 326 Driiwiug by H. L. Todd, from the the type specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station Lxxix, off Barbadoes, in 209 fatlioms. (One and three-fifths luitural size.) 291. Bassogigas Gillii, Goode and Beau 328 Drawiug by A. H. Baldwin, from No. 39417, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2684, otf Cape Henlopeu, Delaware, iuN. lat. 39° 35', W. lou. 70° 54', at a depth of 1,106 fathoms. (Slightly more than one-third natural size.) 292. Porogadus miles, Goode aud Bean 334 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 35625, U. S. N M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2230, iu N. lat. 38° 27', W. Ion. 73° 02', at a depth of 1,168 tathoms. (Enlarged about one-half.) PLATE LXXXIV. 293. Penopus Macdoualdi, Goode and Bean 336 Drawiug by S. F. Denton, from type No. 39433, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at Station 2716, in N. lat. 38° 29' 30", W. Ion. 70° 57', at a depth of 1,631 fathoms. 294. BarathrodemuB manatinus, Goode aud Bean 332 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from tlie type specimen collected by the steamer Blake at station cccxxv, in N. lat. 33° 35' 20", W. lou. 76°, at a depthof 647 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged.) LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 19* Text page. 295. Nematonus pectoralia, (Goode and Bean), Gunther 333 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from type No. 37342, U.S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2380, in N. lat. 28 • 02' 30", W. Ion. 87° 43' 45", at a depth of 1,430 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) 296A. MixonuB laticeps, Giinther 339 Drawing from Giintjer, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. xxv. Fig. B. (Five and a half times natural eize.) 296B. Tauredopbidium Hextii, Alcock 336 Outline from Alcock. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., S. 6, Vol. vi, PI. viii. Fig. 1. (Nearly twice natural size.) "t-LATE LXXXV. 297,297A, B. Dicrolene intronigra, Goode and Bean 338 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake in the Gulf Stream. (No. 297, three-fourths natural size; Nos. 297A, B, natural size.) 298. Barathronus bicolor, Goode and Bean 341 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from the type specimen collected by the steamer Blale, at station Lxxi, ott' Guadeloupe, in 769 fathoms. 299. Aphyouis moUis, Goode and Beau.... 342 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from the type specimen, collected by the steamer Blake at station CCXXI, in N. lat. 24° 36', W. Ion. 84° 05', at a depth of 955 fathoms. ■ PLATE LSXXVI. 300. Alezeterion parfaiti, Vaillant 343 Outline from VaiUant, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. xxv (en- larged). (Four times natural size.) 301. Hephthocara simum, Alcock 344 ". Outline from Alcock, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1892, PI. xviii. Fig. 1. (Nat- ural size.) 302. liamprogrammus iiiger, Alcock 344 Drawiug from Alcock, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1891, viii. Fig. 2. (One-half natural size.) 303. Rhodichthys regina, Collett 342 Outline from Collett, Norsk. Nordhavs Exped. Fiske, PI. v. • PLATE LXXXVIL 304. Ptilichthys Goodei, Bean 302 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 26619, U. S. N. M., collected by Dall and Bean at the entrance to Port Levasheff, Unalaska, in 10 fathoms. (About twice natural size.) 305. Otophidium omostigma, Jordan 345 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 29670, U. S. N. M., taken from the stomach of a red snapper at Pensacola, Fla. (Nearly twice natural size.) 306. Iieptophidium cervinum, Goode and Bean 346 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 28764, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fhh Hawk at station 941, in N. lat. 40° 01', \V. Ion. 69° 56', at a depth of 76 fathoms. (About four-fifths natural size.) 307. Leptophidium profundorum, Gill 347 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross at station 2042, in N. lat. 39° 33', W. Ion. 68° 26' 45", at a depth of 1,555 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged.; 308. Leptophidium marmoratum, Goode and Bean 348 Drawing by M. M. Hildebrant, from type No. 37237, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alba- tross, at station 2350, in N. lat. 23° 10' 39", W, Ion. 82° 20' 21 ", at a depth of 213 fathoms. (Slightly reduced.) ^ PLATE LXXXVin. 309. Phycis regius, (\Valb.aum), Jordan .and Gilbert 357 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 20923, U. S. N. M., obtained in New York City, by E. G. Blackford. (Two-thirds natural size.) 20* DEEP-SEA PISHES OP THE ATLANTIC BASIN. Text page. 310. Phycis cirratus, Goode and Bean 358 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 39059, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2376, in N. lat. 29^^ 03' 15", W. Ion. 88° 16', at a depth of 324 fathoms. 311. Phycis chuss, (Walbaum), Gill 359 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 28707, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fixh Hawk, at station 918, iu N. lat. 40° 20" 24", W. ion. 70^ 41' 30", at a depth of 245 lathom „ PLATE LXXXIX. 312. Phycis tenuis, (Mitchill), De Kay 359 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21029, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Speedwell, at stations 73 and 74, iu Halifax Harbor. 313. Phycis Chester!, Goode .and Bean 360 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21840, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Speedwell, at station 174, ofl" Capo Ann, iu 140 fathoms. (About two- thirds natural size.) 314. Aprion macrophthalmus, (Miiller), Jordan and Swain 239 Drawing by M. M. Smith, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake, at station CCLXI, iu N. lat. 23^ 13', W. Ion. 89° 10', at a depth of 84 fathoms. ''PLATE XC. 315. Laemonema barbatula, Goode and Bean 362 Drawing by W. S. Haines, from No. 38331, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Jlhalross, at station 2397, in N. lat. 28^ 42', W. Ion. 86^ 36', at a depth of 280 fathoms. 315A. L^monema barbatula, Goode and Bean 362 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 29046, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Bawk, at station 1045, in N. lat. 38° 35', W. Ion. 73° 13', at a depth of 312 fathoms. 316. Laemonema melanurum, Goode and Bean 363 Drawing by W. S. Haines, from type No. 38270, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer ^Ziafross at station 2415, in N. lat. 30° 44', W. Ion. 79° 26', at a depth of 440 fathoms. 317. Molva vulgaris, Fleming 364 Outline from Day, Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, PI. Lxxxvi. '/'PLATE XCI. 318. Physiculus Kaupi, Poey 366 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxn, PI. xvii. 319. Physiculus fulvus. Bean 366 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 28766, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hawk, at station 941, iu N. lat. 40° 01', W. Ion. 69° 56', at a depth of 59 fathoms. 320. Uraleptus Maraldi (Eisso), Costa 367 Drawing by H. L. Totld, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake, at station LXXXI, otf Neris. (Nearly twice natural size.) ■' PLATE XCU. 321. Lotella maxillaris. Bean 368 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from typo No. 29832, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer FishHawk, at station 952, in N. lat. 39° 55', W. Ion. 70° 28', at a depth of 396 fathoms. (Nearly three times uatur.il size.) 322. Mora mediterranea, Eisso 369 Outline from Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, A'ol. Ill, PI. 107. 323. Lepidiou Rissoi, Swainson 370 Outline from Vinciguerra, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoa, Vol. xviii, PI. iii. PLATE XCIII. 324. Antimora viola (Goode and Bean), Jordan 372 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from type No. 21837, U. S. N. M., collected by Capt. Joseph W. Collin.s, of the schooner Marion, on the edge of Le Have Bank. (Three-eighths natural size.) IIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 21* Test pafie. 325. Halargyreus brevipes, Vaillant 375 Drawing from Vaillaut, Expeditious Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. XXV. (About oae-tbird natural size.) 326. Strinsia tinea, Rafinesque 380 Outliue from Bonaparte, Fauna Italica, \o\. Ill, PI. 107. ^ PLATE XCIV. 327. Onosensis, (Reinhardt), Gill 381 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 39321, U. S. N. M., collected by tbe steamer ^(JaJross, at station 2550, in N. lat. 39° 44 ' 30", W. Ion. 70° 30' 45", at a deptli of 1,081 fathoms. 328. Rhiuouemus cimbrius, (Liuua-us), Goodeaud Bean 384 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 2,721 U. S. N. M., collected in Chaleur Bay, by Edward Brown. (About three times natural size.) 329. Brosmius brosme, (Miiller), Guntlier 385 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 29967, U. S. N. M., obtained in a Boston market, by W. A. Wilcox. - PLATE XCV. 330. Merlucius bilinearis, (Mitchill), GUI 386 Drawing l)y H. L. Todd, from No. 21016, U. S. N. M., obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission in a Halifax market. 331. Bregmaceros atlanticus, Goode and Bean 388 Drawing by 11. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Blake, at station cxiil, ofif Neris, in 305 fathoms. (Three and a half times natural size.) 332. 333. Coelorhynchus occa, Goode and Beau 400 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37334 IT. S. N. M., collected by the steamer ^JZin(ros«, at station 2396, in N. lat. 28° 34', W. Ion. 86° 48', at a depth of 335 fathoms. (One-half natural size.) PLATE XCVI, 334. Macmrus berglax, Lac^p^de 391 Drawiug Ijy H. L. Todd, from No. 15608, U. S. N. M. (Gloucester donation 490), collected on the eastern part of Banquereux, at .a depth of 200 fathoms, by Capt. David Campbell and crew of the schooner J(fmi)rt^ (One-fourth natural size.) 335. Macrurua Bairdii, Goode and Bean 393 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from No. 21014, U. S. N. M., taken 40 miles east of Thatcher's Island, at a depth of 160 fathoms. (About two-tliirds natural size.) 336. Caelorhynchus carminatus, Goode 398 Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from No. 26187, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fkh Hawk, at sta- tion 893, oft" JIarthas Vineyard, in 372 fathoms. (Seven-twelfths natural size.) 337. Coelorhynchus occa, Goode and Bean 400 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37334, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2396, in N. lat. 28° 34', W. Ion. 86° 48', at a depth of 335 fathoms. (Seven-twelfths natural size.) ''plate xcvii. 338. CcElorhynchus caribbaeus, Goode and Bean 401 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37333, U. S. N. M, collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2377, in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico, in N. lat. 29° 07' 30", W. Ion. 88° 08', at a depth of 210 fathoms. (About two-thirds natural size.) 339. Corypheenoides carapinus, Goode and Bean 404 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer Illake, at station ccnlii, in N. lat. 39° 43', W. Ion. 70° 55' 25", at a depth of 1,002 fathoms. 340. Hyinenoce(>halus Goodei, (Giinther), Bean ■l*^^ Drawiug by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the steamer JUuke, at station 56, in N. lat. 23° 09', W. Ion. 82° 21' 30", at a depth of 175 fathoms. (Four-fifths natural size.) 341. Hymeuocephalus cavemosus, Goode and Bean '*''° Drawing by S. F. J )cnt<)n, from type No. 37337, IT. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2398, in N. lat. 28° 45', W. Ion. 86° 26', at a depth of 227 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged. ) 22* DEEP-SEA FISHES OF THE ATLANTIC BASIN. " PLATE XCVIII. Text page. 342. Lionurus fUicauda, Giinther 409 Outlint^ from Giinther, ChaUenger Report, Vi>I. xxii, PI. xxxiv. 343. Trachonurus sulcatus, Goode and Bean 410 Drawing by A. H. Baldwin, from type No. 37335, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2394, in N. lat. 28° 38' 30", W. Ion. 87° 02', at a depth of 420 fathoms. (Slightly enlarged.) 344. Cetonunis globiceps, A'aillant 411 t)utline from Vaillant, Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, PI. XX, Fig. 1. 345. Cbalinuras iniula, Goode and Bean 412 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 39152 U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at sta- tion 2095, in N. lat. 39° 29', W. Ion. 70° 58' 40", at a depth of 1,342 fathoms. PLATE XCIX. 345A. Chalinura mediterranea, Giglioli 525 Outline by Prof. H. H. Giglioli, from a specimen in thl^ Central Collection of Italian Verte- brata, Royal Zoological Museum, Florence, Italy. (Slightly reduced.) 346. Nematonurus gigas, (Vaillant), Goode and Beau 416 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. i.x. 347. Moseleya longifilis, (GUnther), Goode and Bean 417 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. xxxv. ■ PLATE C. 348. Abyssicola macrochira, (Giinther), Goode and Bean 417 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. xxix, Fig. B. 349. Trachyrhynchus scabrus, (Rafinesque), Goode and Bean 417 Outline from Giinther, Challenger Report, Vid. xxii, PI. xli. Fig. C. 349A. Macrurus loiigifilia, Giinther 417 Outline from GUnther, Challenger Report, Vol. xxii, PI. xxxv. PLATE CI. 350. Macrurus NoVce.zelaiidiae, (Hector), Giinther 418 Outline from Hector. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, Vol. in, PI. xviii. 351. Steindachneria argentea, Goode and Bean 4 19 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37350, IT. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2378, in N. lat. 39° 14' 30", W. Ion. 88° 09' 30", at a depth of 68 fathoms. (About four-fifths natural size.) 3.52. Bathygadus favosuB, Goode and Bean 420 Drawing by II. Ij. Todd, from the type specimen collected by the steamer lilnl-e, at station Lxxx, otf Martinique, in 472 fathoms. (About one-half natural size.) 353, 354. Coelorhynchus carminatus, Goode 398 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 26187, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Hati-k, at station 893, off Marthas Vineyard, in 372 fathoms. (Natural size.) PLATE CII. 355A, B. Limauda Beauii, Goode 428 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from No. 26102, 11. S. N. M., collected by the the steamer i-'is/i Hawk, at stations 875, 876, olf Marthao Vineyard, in 120 to 126 fathoms. (About four-fifths natu- ral size.) 3.">,' C, D. Limanda Beanii, Goode 428 Drawings by H. L. Todd, from a specimen collected by the atearaer Albatross, at station 2401, in N. lat. 28° 38' 30", W. Ion. 85° 52' 30", at a depth of 142 fathoms. (Enlarged about one- half.) 356A. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Linuipus), (iill 430 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from No. 39487, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Alhatrnss, at station 2.5.52, in N. lat. 39° 47' 07", W. Ion. 70° 35', at a depth of 721 fathoms. (Natural size.) 3,56B. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Linn;eus), Gill 430 Drawing by S. F. Denton, from a specimen collected by the steamer Albatross, at station 2343, in N. lat. 39° 58' 15", W. Ion. 70° 42' 30", at a depth of 166 fathoms. (Natural size.) LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES. 23* ' PLATE cm. Text page. S.">7A, 15. Monoleue sessilicauda, (ioodo 452 Uniwiiigs by II. L. Todd, Iroui No. 26120, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Fish Bawk, oft' Nowport, R. I. (About five-Beventbs natural size.) 35«. Monoleue atrimaua, Goodo and Beau 455 Dr:iwiiig by H. I^. Todd, iriiiii the type specimen collected by the steamer Blake, at station XVI, off I'.arbiidos, iu 288 fathoms, (.\bout four-lifths natural size ) 3.=>ll. Mouoleue atrimaua, Goode and Hi'au 4.55 Drawing by H. L. Todd, t'luiii No. 26()0.''>, IT. S. N. M., collected by the .steamer Fi«h Hawk, at stations 871 and 872, off Marthas Vineyard, in 86 to 115 fathoms. (Natural size.) PLATE CIV. 360. Etropus rimosus, (ioode and Beau 450 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from type No. 37332, U. S. N. M., collected by the steamer Albatross, at Btatiou 2408, iu N. lat. 28° 28', W. Ion. 84° 25', at a depth of 21 fathoms. (Enlarged about one-half.) 361. Etropus rimosus, Cioodo and Bean 450 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from .i 8pN MAnixrs. (p. 4.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE ^j^WWrf. V €' I \ \ V- / ^ r >:'V.^S;i^ ■Sff' I. ScYMNoinilMN I.ICIUA. (]!.".) (i. Sc > i.i.ioi;iiiM> i.-miFKU. (|i. Mi.) 5. ExMOPTKitrs I'l -II I IS. (]i. 1(1.) 7. t'ENTROSCVLI.l I .M I'Al.lMrll. (|i. U.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE III. .:?f''>2S?^*^ ?"7=.'JT) S. SdMNlDSrs MICUDVEPIlAI.rs. (p. 7.) 10. I'lMsTirm s Mi'-.i.As-i'dMi's. (|i. 'M.) 9. ECHINORHINUS SPINOSUS. (p. S.) 11. OENTRonioni-s (iii.vxi-i.osfs. (p. 12.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE IV. ■^»-^ ji^'.. ^M^^^m ■v?-i3^. ^' 15 12. SCYMNODON RINOENS. (p. ]1.) 18. CENTROSt'YMNlS I'OF.LOLEPIS. (p. 14.) 14. I."). S( YI.l.K IRHI.NTS KETIFER. (p. 14.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE V. 9i^smmM'.mm ai*i«iii«ha.«iiihttisfcSiSiiii'iM'»«'^"~^^^^^^ 19 .,^ 10.) 17. PSEUDOTHI.iCIS MK'HOIXiN. (]). 18.) 19. CETORHINUS MAXI.MUS. (Jl. :21.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE VI. •.'(). ['lilSTIIUrs .\TI.ANT1( IS. I|i. Jl.l -,'1. OXYXinrsiEXTRINA. (p. I.">.) •». CHI.AMYDnSKI. ACICUS AN-fiUIXEUR. (11.22.) GOODE AND BEAN,— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE VII 33. R.^IA ACKLEYI. (p. 3.').) 24. R.\IA ArKI.F.YI OltNATA. !\>. 26.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE VIM 2.5. RaIA CIKCL'LAlilS. {p. '2~.) 26. Raia plutonia. {p. 27.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE IX. X. O .■>*' \ X •il. Raia radiata. (p. 25.) 29. Raia l.^evis. (p. 28.) 28. Raia hypereorea. (p. 28.) 30. Raia (iKAXULATA. d). 29.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE X. :^1. CllIM.ERA MONSTROSA. {p. .Tl.) 32-35. CHIM.ERA AFFINIS. (p. 31.) :!(!. ( ALI.ORHYNCHUS ANTARCTICUS. (p. 32.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XI. r^S^' 40 :!7-l(i. IIakrkitta Raleiohaxa. (p. 3:1) GOODE AND BEAN-OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE Xn. 41. ALEPOCEPHALUS ROSTR\TUR. (p. 36.') 43. CONOCARA IIACROPTERA. (]). ;59.) 43. ALEPOCEPHAI.rS NIGER. (p. 38.) 44. BaTHYTROCTES .MACROLEPIS. (p. 41.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XIII. ._: . M,iJSi»i-'= A uSt-fc, 46 47 ..^v^-^--^^:'^^^^ 48 45. Alepocephalus Aiiassizii. (]). .S7.) 47. Alepocephat.is Haihdii. (p. HS ) 46. ALEPOCEPHAI.rS PRODlTTrS. ()>. 87.) 48. Co.NOCARA IKDoNAi.Di. (p. :i9.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XIV, ®f!iii W?3s?WS5?5fe>»?«s^PB^ ^_£;&^-E Wh i$s %\ ; 3 ^V 67 GO ^ id/y/r/-^^^ 69 65. RO. BaTHYSAI-RI-.-; FEROX. (J). .iS.) n?, OS. IPXOPS MURRAYI. (p. or. I 69. BaTHYLACO NIOEICAXS. (p. •">?.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE XIX. 70. Chlorophthalmus AriAssizii. (]>. 00.) 72. CHLOROPHTHALMUS TRUCULENT! S. (|l. (il.) 71. ("HLOROPHTHALMUS UHALYBEIUS. (1). 60.) 73. BENTHOSAURUS GRALLATOR. ([l. (i'J.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XX !r.T?t???7^7%'v^''%'^^j5?^^?''^ -<^V,l'^w ■"~-«^^, ^■^ '"'*^ ■>:.■ ■\ ri. RaTIIYPTEROIS DCHllS. (|i. (M.) Tij. BaTHYPTEROIS LONIilPES. (n. (id.) 75. B.vniYPTKKoi-; i.ifADRiFiLis. (\i. V>: GOODE AND BEAN,— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXI. 5^ 79 77. RONDELETIA BICOLOR. (p. OS.) ?(:*. C'ETOMuas GlI.Lll. (p. 0!).) 79. Cetoiiimis STOKEUI. (]>. (!9.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE XXII. ':>'■. ■ \ ^ gE3 XX r. e- Dh 5 OCX E- E- £ .'-' i-' Z ■^ -^ td Vmi^tmmil .■!^<: H Z; a r- c a f- K 3 K g S U & D S K W b Ph 04 ?* ?■ ? I^ >■ r^ GOODE AND BEAN. -OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY PLATE XXIII 86. LaMPAN-YCTUS (ROCODII.l-S. (p. T9.) S". Lampanyctus Gemellarii. (!■. .sii.) H8. Lampanyctus gejimifek. (p. SO.) GOODE AND BEAN,— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXIV. - -y \ V n >/ 1 fcfKi -< J a 55 « a « o o o o H a: « & H E- O --; _; ^ -li CK Cfi & H H O O >* > y^ Z ^ -^ C c < --• J J GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY PLATE XXV. 94. NOTOSCOPELUS RESPLEXDEXS. (p. 83.) 95. NOTOSCOPELUS CASTANEUS. (p. 84.) 96. NOTOSCOPELCS CAUDISPINOSUS. (p. 84.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXVI. -^ .^^i^^^-^^r^^^^-^""*^' ' 0. :■.■.^''^^0*:<>'l--'»'■*»^^- !)T. NOTOSCOPELUS QUERCINUS. (p. 8.'!.) 'jy. L.\MPADENA SPECULIGERA. ([). S3.) 98. NOTOSCOPELUS MARGARITIFERrS. (p. 84.) 100. COLLETTIA RaFINESQUEI. (j). 88.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXVM. 1C3 101. .^THOPROR.V MKTOPOCLAMPA. (p. 8fl.) 103. .^THOPRORA EFFULGEKS. (p. 87.) 102. j9<;thoprora LUCinA. fp. 87.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXVIll 101. IvIilXO.SCDl'KLUS Coccol. (p. 90.) 106. Dasyscopelus aspkr. (p. 92.) 10.=). TARLETOXliEAXrA lEXIA. (]1. Hi).) 107. Electrona Eissoi. (J). 91.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXIX. 108 109 ,#^' 108, 109. Neoscopelus macrolepidotus. (p. 93.) 110. Nannobrachium MacDoxaldi. (\>. 91.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXX. P-a rA (^ P H . ■< y. W O 1-1 O y, " MS ii Pk >. 06 BS o o o M O =« fc [:> n 3 a §^ ■JOT GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE XXXI. llo. Chauliodus Sloaxii. (j). 90.) IIT. GONOSTOMA BREVIDENS. (p. 9S, (p. 9S.) 116. GoNOSTOMA DENUnATUM. (p. 98.) 118. Cyclothoxe bathyphila. yi. 100.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXII. 120 121 'f^'^^P^n^ff'!^SC^£^'-' 4bs-* ._ . -.->.^,.^^.;g^,i^4^j4g^ ,&^--^'^"''^^«^=^ii^5^i;^ ^'^*^'- 119. CVCI.OTIIOXE KI,OXi;.VT.\. (p. 101.) 121. YaUKELL.V Bl-ALKl-'OKDI. (p. 103.) 120. BlIXAI'.VHTIA PKDAI.IOTA. (p. 102.) 122. I'HOTICIITHVS AUGKNTEIS. Q). 104.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXIII. '^'5S^'"«^5SI«^KS^e-5es>^ ■=-'4=v« -, *^(R?»T#^^«.^, ^a>5 133. ASTRONESTHE.S NIGER, (l). 105.) 134. AsTKONESTHES GEMMIFEK. (p. lO.").) 135. ASTRONESTHES RlCHARDSONII. (p. 106. GOODE AND BEAN -OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY r-LATE XXXIV, ^^i^^^j^^^sm^^s^^^^^ lac ^'^Wm bl£^M,i>,kii(^.iii^^Js:jJ>L!: 1'-?fi. DiPLOPHOS T.ENIA. (p. 101.) 128. Stomias boa. (J). 108.) 127. Stomias ferox. (p. lOT.) 139. ST0.M1.\S AFI'I.NIS. (p. 108.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXV. ir!!^!i»>^.ii.i^^,ij>)VgMM'!i''#l^.^V»5A'a^.'» 130 |J^^^^^ 131 :;ggp;j^grg^^w^--^|j)l^/F.M't>^v,'jwu<^yv^"*jr'.^''^J'r?'?0?^t^?^. ls£.i3ibi^£AalU^il^^iU 133 <^Si^ "'5?5?«5!S^!'^?9W55„^.s, ►i^- .. f 130. ECHIOSTOMA BARB.VTUM. (]). 109.) 132. OPDSTOJIIAS MICRIPNIS. (p. 110.) 131. ECIIIOSTOMA MARGARITA. (]1. 109.) 133. GRAMMATO8T0.MIAS L>EXTATtS. (p. 110.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXVI. ''^^"^^^■^'-'^''''^'^'^^''^'"'•'^^"'''''''^^'^"'"^''^^ VM. Pachystomias microdon. (p. 111.) 13(>. BaTHOPHIUS XKiEKKIMUS. {p. 111.) 135. EUSTOMIAS OBSCURUS. (p. 111.) 13T. Photo.nectes gracilis, (p. 113.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE XXXVII 139 o oo»«»ooa >oaaffoooao a ^ «C;_o.a^ 0 • „"." AXit&e' ^oa^oooj! 'T^l ""^ 5*^ i:iS. Mai.acostkis XICKR. (I'- 11^-) lln. I'llOTOSTOMlAS GUliHNlCI. (11.115.) ISO. MAi.ACosTF.r* ciiorusTiinAcTvi.rs. (i>. 114.) 111. l llArMATUSKIMIAS AllCOX. (|i. 115.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXVIII. .;^.ff^!S!i^ 1.12. A,.EP,SAURUS FEROX. (p. 117.) ^ l^^^^^l^^t Y^{ ^'"'^ 143«. PaRALEPIS COREGON-OIDES. (p. lUI.) 144 Si DI=, m .^LINA. (p. 1-1.) 14."). OlKlNTOSTllMlS HYAI.l.NI-S. (p.l-'l.) GOODE AND BEAN —OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XXXIX, 1466 r-. .H t.'F<'"'^'l'-'^-'''^'/'V'^'-'-''.'.|.'.'.'-'.'.'-'j MSo 14(). l4(i/<. Steknoptyx DIAPHANA. (p. Vii.) 14b. POI.YIPNUS SPINOSUS. ()). I'^'S.) 149. PaRALEPIS CORECiONOIDES. (|l. ll'J.) 147. AROYRrPELECUS HEMIGY'MNUS. (p. 136.1 U8f/. Argy-ropelecus Olfkrsh. (p. 126.) GOODE AND BEAN —OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XL. n'^'^f?^^'^'y?:ws^r>^F7^^My)'h'?^''':-''':^r.^ :,4iii«ii;^=*^*.'«' 163 150. OjiosuDis Lowii. (p. 122.) 152. H.vLOS.wuis OwENi. (p. i:iO.) 151. Idi.\c.\nthus ferox. (p. 129.) 15;j. HaLOSAURIS .loilXSOXIANUS. (p. i:!!.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLI. 154 ^^-^ ^=>- \'A. .\l.lil:uVA.M;IA KOSTliATA. (p. 1:W.) ].-,.j, 15.-,,,. ALI>KUVANI>IA M.\C1«)C11II!A. (J). 133.) l.JU. Aldkovandia iiiAi.Acias. (p. 1;J4.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY^ PLATE XLII. '!!'^^^^^^^^^^WM^^W^!''''' ' "^ '"''!'!'!^W;'!^^;!:f'!>'^]^!':m^^^^^ ■ r".-. Jj'l /A.,.y ,..^. .il ■! il i '■ ''^ll'>'^^^--^-^ -. ~ • -- ■^OJ^^VJO. ''''>^, Nif cS^ 157 ^>jO^-. s *»■ ■ ^ yt'.V'JM^.W ,>.i^.«.' .'JWj'- 159 160 157. Al.DKOVANmA (IKACILIS. {\<. 184.) l.")9. ('(INOEHMUU-ENA FLAVA. (p. KiW.) l.")8. .\LDROVANDIA PALLIDA. (p. 135.) 160. Uitoco.NdEK viciNUs. (p. 1;?8.) GOODE AND BEAN —OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLIII. ..^^-^:~-^yr/r,'^y/--7Z""'Z''"?^y^^^'^''^'^^'^^ ^^jr y-^.'-' .^fci.;^.^.^.^'.v-;^^-^A^.-, ^S5§^ ^^^^^,,,^--;,yy>w;!ga!asg:ai^^ . ..„. „. , , . .,, ,, ■■■■^ Ssilll^SJ^***''^**^'' "~'«*«SSa^,r ^^^"^^^W^jvr-.^ _,^ ' "'"■««>9f»iia?^x:v«»i.***'^^ Ifil. SIMF.M'HF.I.YS PAHASlTirX-S. (p. 130.) Ifi2. Il.VOIMlIS P.RUNNEDS. (p. 141.) 1(!3. HOPLUXMS nioMEMAXlS. (p. IKi.l GOODE AND BEAN— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLIV. ^^^^^'^^'P^f^i^^iitf^r ■ A I P^^^^:;5r=^ss rs^^T^^^^r::^:^^^^ n":!?*;^:;..; ,*#^ ;# 1G5 #SR;»jfW>y«'''sw^--':'?^-'»'>^''S«'-r»'^^ !aiia£iiaitogatoiar>.fe^^»v,,ii^v-,^.;;;;^:AjA;;.v-J^^^^ KU. SYNAPHlll'.UANim-S PINNATrs. (|>. 14:'..) 1(1.5. HlSTlnltHANlHns INFERXAI.IS. (p. I4r,.) KlCi. I'lSddlHiNnfllls cru'ENTIFKR. (|.. 117.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLV 1fi7. Myrts PAfHYnm'xrHrf;. (p. I4S.) 16S. Venefica i-kuckua. (p. UO.) Ui9. l(i!l((./<. DerICHTIIYS S13UPENT1NUS. (p. Hil.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLVI. -V fc, ^ i-tfi*^ 1 ly^K,- ^^r^ B^' s»*^Ns^■-*^<^:S?SS*^«^^^\v'^^~^N v~''*'^-t.- v. TTYi*-':^ "*TM:^i»»=ra^- ■: r^='y?5^\'ni¥^^^2?BW»^^ ' • v^' '^''^/■^•^^•x •'''^'^y^yy/^y^yy^ a^«F^ -hTOiT*^ ^/, H^vt.- ? 171 ""9'5?^;^>i^'^?%>^i*.>*^rtrts^.. ^„ X >^*'' ;i^W«i<^^^>^^>y>i^^a^^^>^ii^^ z>^^ ' -•y y>»-^-^'^'^»'«m' ■»" :;.UJW^l'-*^)itagi|j>».«,-:^ ji ^ 4 ► liJi 172 170. NEMICHTHYS SCOLOPACEI-S. (p. 1.52.) m. LaBICHTHYS CARINATIS. (p. 153.) 172. Laiuc'HTHYs ulonoatus. (p. 153.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLVII, ^■gtr'^V^r^''^^'^*''''^''-^'-^ 173 174 173. Labkhthys infans. (p. M3.) 174. Labkhthys infa.ns (after GuntherI iji. I"i3.: I7."i. Skkkivomek Beanii. (p. I")").) GOODE AND BEAN — OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLVIII. 176 X^^?^-;, ^t^ 1T(). Cyema atkum. (p. 154.) 177. Eurypharvnx pelecanoides. (p. I.")7.) 178. iSalvuphauynx flagellum. (p. 159.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XLIX 179. 180. Saccophaeyn'x flagellum. (j). I.-jT.) 181, 183. Gastrostomus Bairdii. (p. l.-)9.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE L. "•' (*; *i^' f . <-tx-^' ^»«^^ '"-^".jWiiuifciisiii-iv^.K^^i^aui^ W^M'-.^^'f^f,'.'!^.- ' ■^'!'''W"i. ...-^ ...:.;^i.^.-^/;a-- 1S7. nillLIOUA MOSELEYI. (j). Ifiit.) 1S9. JFacdonaldia KOSTKATA. (|i. 171.) 1!^S. POLYACANTHONOTUS KISSOANUP. (p. 170.) Ii)(l. LlPOGENYS GlLLII. (p. \~'A.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE Lll. 191n. y^y^'. _^.j^''>^ -sj?" VSih. 103 ]9:3.) l!»4i/. /(. POLYACANTHOXOTUS KISSOANfK. (p. 170.) llltid, b. LlP(,)CiENYS GlLLII. (p. 173.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE Llll. 200a 197. Beryx splendens. (p. 1T6.) 199. SfOPELOUADUS C'OCLES. (p. 1H2. ) 20(l((. Pl.KCTROMUS CR.\SSICEPS. (p. ISO.) 198. Melajiph.es TYPHLOPS. (p. Vi 200. POROMITRA CAPITO. (p. 1S3.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LIV. 201. Pl.KCTROMIS STBORHITAI.IS. (p. 179.) 202. PLECTROMIS BE.\NII. (p. 179.) 2li:!. ANOPl.cXiASTER CDRNl'Tl'S. (p. 1S4.I GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICH i HYOLOGY. PLATE LV. :#" \v\X^ ■204 V: • .^^vm^^l^^^'^^^^' '^' • :Jv*<-e-v^'Vtf'«r*^ 20 1, 2fl4a. Caulolepi:; lonoidens. (p. 185.) 205. Stephanoberyx mon^. (p. 186.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE LVI .<=^ ^^^M-'^-^'K^'^^'': 20r,. StephaNdhkkvx GiLLil. ip. 1S7.) 20T. TK.uHlrHTHVs Darwimi. (p. 188.) 2(18. Hon.dSTF.THlS MEDTTERRANECS. (p. 189.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LVII. £SsL£&i 211) V 209. ThYRSITOPS VIOLACErS. (p. 195 ) 211. Epinnula maqistralis. (p. 198.) 210. RUVETTrS PRETIOSUS. (p. 196.) 212. DiCROTUS PAR\nPINSIS. (p. 201.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LVIII. 213. Lepidopus OArDATi's. (p. 203.') ' 214. Evoxymetopon t.kni.\tis. (p. 204.) 215. Benthodesmus atlanticvs. (p. 205.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LIX. 217 216. Aphanopus carbo. (p. 307.) 217. Trichiurus lepturus. (p. 208.) 218. Ptekaclis carolinus. (p. 212.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LX -,.^^ ^-"; ■^^ '.S-S 219. Cmsvrn-'EX.v hippurus (old malo). (p. 209.) 220. CORYPHylENA HiPPrRl'S (youns;). (p. 209.) 220fr, 6. CoRYPH.EXA HIPPURUS. (p. 209.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXI 221. Grammicolepis brachicsculus. (p. 218.) 222. Centkoi.opiius pompilus. (p. 214.1 22a. SCHEDOPUILUS MEDUSOPHAGUS. (p. 214.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXII. 336 224. IcosTEUS ENIGMATICUS. (p. 21.').) 22.'). AcuoTVS V\"iLi.orr;nEYl. (|i. 217.) 226. IciciiTiivs LocKlxiiToMi. (p. 21G.) GOOuE AND bEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXIII. tm^ 228 227. NoMEus Gronovii. ()>. 220.) 228. Psenes PELLUcmrs. (p. 221.) 229. Psenes macul.\tus. (p. 221.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXIV. \^>7 i< aro //-'' ^m'^-; ,:::MM^i>&^^M:d. 230. LrvARrs uii-EniALis. (p 233.) 231. Glossami.v pa.ndionis. (p. 331. 232. Vekilus sokdidus. ^>. 240.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXV C « ft. < >^ C a E- E- o e CO GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXVI .^rl 236. Epigonus occidextalis. (p. 233.) 238. POLYPRION AMERICAXIM. (p. 23S.) 237. Hypoclydoxia hkli.a. (p. 23fi.) 239, 240. PSKUDOPIUACAXTHUS ALTUS. (p. 242.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXVIL \ \ _\ '.- Xvvv:> ^ 843 241. I''''**'^i»^''i^> "•^^»w X, " ^*>- ^' *< -^ V i 252 249. Setarches pakmatus. (]). 204.) 2.")!, 251a, h. C.\KEPHOctus ranula. (p. 275.) 250. EUMICROTREMUS SPIXOSUS. (p. 272.) 252. JIONOMITRA I.IPAUINA. (]). 2T8.) GOODE AND BEAN -OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXI. 1) ^; ^:5^^^ li'Xii^i^.i'A.-vJ- '- 239 v^^:\ 257. ('OTir\(T'LlIS MICROPS. (p. 2G9. ) 259. PuDuTHECUS DEC.YGOXUS. (p. 282.) 25S. CoTTfNrrLrs Thomsoxii. (p. 270.) 260. .\SVIDOPHOU01DES MOXOPTERYUIUS. (p. 283.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY PLATE LXXI M.' YsS'i aula ' VJ.-r ' :A 361ff, h. roTTUNrfLUS MliRdrs. (p. 209.) 2fi2r(, /). roTTUNcn.us Thojisoxii. tp. 270.; GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXIV. 2(W. •J(;:!if. h. 1 [ypSICOMETES GOBIOIDES. (p. 200. 264. 2(i4a. ("Hi.vsMonoN nigkr. {p. 292.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXV. ■^- i^*'' ut 2fi5. T,OPHOI..VTTT.T-S CltAM.F.r.F.ONTirEPf;. C|i. SS^.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXVI. 260. PSEUDOSCOPELUS SCRIPTUS. (p. 292.) 267. PoKICHTHYS POROSISSIMUS. (|>. 294.) 268, 368rt, b. Cai.i.ionymus himantuphouus. (]>. 296.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXVI 5:s^ «^' , ^\^< '■^l ;^vi^^;; .i!^" 269. Anarrhichas lupus, (p. L'iiu.) 2Tii. Ax.vrkhiciias minor, (p. ;!0l.) 371. ANAltRHICHAS LATIFRONS. (p. oOl.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXVIII ^^ ^^- - / - ? ■ '■. ■ ■ ■ e . --'-J&Kii^LiJt^k^iiL^: 's>i^^-if£::'^-'iiTi;M 273 iS!>S^^^ ;s.^-^s; 272. Lycodes Esmarkii. (p. 303.) 274. Lycodes friuidus. Qj. 30.5.) 273. Lycodes reticul.\ti-s. (p. 30.5.) 275. Lycodes mucosls. (p. 300.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXIX. ^^ **> k 276 /j^^.v^vtvi.^??'.: *%s^ -% ^ i"^ /- — ws. b ^ 276, 276o. Lycodes zoarchus. (p. 308.) 277. 377o. Lycenchelys Verrii.lii. (p. 309.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXX. ^' %^ L ^^ %/ %/ %j w Z!8a 'r-,*j:.^J^K trnTi^SS^Sj^^?^^ 279 279a :>»0 278, 278n. Lycodes PERsririi.LiM. (p. 307.) 270. 279a. Lycenchelys paxilhs. (p. 311.) 280. LYCODONUS MIRABIUS. (p. 313.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXI A %W^ » 2816 /^^rr^ i V f ■ V-. ■; V^ !( ■ >S Mm 283c 2H3a 2836 2Wli(, li. LVCoriES RETK ULATUS. (|l. '■)()'}.) 283t(, 6. Lycodes MUfosus. (p. SO(i. ) 282. I.YC'ENCHELYS I'AXILLrS. (p. 311.) 283c. Lycodes zuahciivs. (p. 30S.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXII -s^S»i= "i^Bis^i^tx^iiji^K;.'.;*...; 284 '^'^^'''^''^''''^'^'=^^''^^^>=^..^^. ^, ...............Mm*^^ ■>i-:--:^JS. '^ -^'^•^■^•^^^ 2S4. Melanostiomv (iELATiNosuM. (iL :114.) 28o. DifKOMiT.\ Aci.\ssizii. (p. :iin.-) 28G. Bassozetis catena, (p. 323.) 287. Bassozetis nokmalis. (p. 322.) 288. Bextiiocometes KOBUSTUS. (p. 327.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXIII ...^f^.'^^s^^^^mm^^mmssmi:^^^-.. ^01 ^^^^P^r^^^^jr^^''^^'^^.-^}>-^j%'^.?;m^^.^^ '*°3^A-w>,, "■'^Sa, '^m^^'^'^^'^' j^-Ji"Vi«^ ■< "* £j. "■-"'^^■^ ,-r'iS'^ 2.S!). Neorythites On.i.u. (p. 325. 2!ll. Bassoukjas Gillii. (p. ;528.) 290. NkOBYTHITES MAROINATrs. (p. :i2fi.) 292. POROGADUS MILES. (p. :!34.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXIV. ^^^^f^^Sijss^icSSS \N> ^^^..,,r^zP7^^y?y^/' 293. PENOPUS MaCDONALDI. (p. 336.) 294. liAUATHRODEJa-S iL\N.A.TIXUS. (p. .332.) 29."). NeJI.VTOXI-S PECTOR.iLIS. (p. 333.) 29(i(/. .\IlXOXUS LATICKPS. (11. 330.) 29G&. T.\.TjREDOi'iiii)iuM Hkxtii. tp. 33(i.; GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXV <^^i**> jSS3§!SS«<***' ■ :fss>: -^j^ag.T'^'^iii^P^^.. t! '=*u, '^'^'^dMMlMM^ 2d7a 2976 297. -MITa, /). DlCRdl.ENK IXTlInNKiK.V. (p. 338.) 2!'S. P..\l;\THRONrS BICOLOU. (p. 3-11.) ■J!)'J. ArUYONUS .MOLLIS. (J). 313.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXVI. 300 .^> ~^ 302 300. ALEXETERION PARF.VITI. fp. ?A'A.) 302. T , A MPROGR^UmUS NIGER. (]>. 344.) 301. Hephthoc-\r.\ snrrM. (p. 344.') 303. Rhodichthvs regin.\. (p. 342.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE LXXXVII. 304. r'Tn.KillllVS ClOODKI. (p. ;i02.) SOo. OTOPIIIDlr.M OJIdSTKi.MA (p. 'S4.).) 3UG. LlClTorillDllM CEKVIXU.V. fp- ?'"'-^ '"'T. LePTOPHIDUM PliOl-UNDORUM. (p. 347.) 3118. LEPTliPIUnil M .MAK.MciK.VTl.M. (p. 34b.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHVuLGGY. PLATE LXXXVIII. -.l5S5f^'^' 309 ,.,„«'p.'J7wvw-'f ,,--^''^^^^5^%^sS5:5i-:?-?>-;y-5_^ &iS»ii>-^ 'tS5?b=s>,, 301). PUYCIS EEGIUS. (p. 357.) 310. Phycis cirratus. (p. 3.J8.) 311. Phycis chuss. (p. 359.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE LXXXIX ^^^ 312. PHYCIS TENVIS. (p. a.")!).) ;;i:".. I'llVClS CHESTERI. (].. 360.) ;!14. AlMMoN MA( ItdlMITHAI.MCS. (p. iSi).) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE XC. '1^yyyjy^::^^^mi !l.->. ;il.')((. L.-EMOXEMA BAUBATCLA. fp. :W-,'.) -.WfS. L.EMONEMA MELAXrUfM. 317. Moi.vA vrujAitis. ip. 364.) (p. 3fi3.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY PLATE XCI fe.:.. ^=%,. ''""^mk.^...... ;f^s^?5-g_,^ 318. Physictlus Kaupi. (p. :3GG.) ;n'.). rnYsicuLVs fulvvs. (j). 306.) 3;2U. Uraleptus M.^raldi. (p. 367.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCII. *' iSiStsa^— ■* ..•>l^^ ^Jjx^i*:--^'-- "^SSi^^ 321. LoTELL.^ M.wii.L.^Kis. (p. :3f>«.) 322. JIor.v meuitkkr.\ne.\. (|>. 3(i!).) 323. Lei'IDHix Rissm. (p. 3TU.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCIII. 3'ii. AnTIMORA viola. (j). 372.) 32.5. HALARfJYREUS BREVIPES. (p. 375.) ;!2(j. STRIXSIA TIXCA. (p. 380.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOCY- PLATE XCIV. ..* 327 / 328 :)27. Onos ensis. (p. oSl.) 3is. KniNoNEMUS ciMBKius. (p. ;-j84.) 3i9. Brosmius bkosjie. (p, 385.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCV. ^:B 330 ,-Si&>^ #• -■'??» s« £,-. ;i33 330. Mermt'IUs i;imxf,.\ris. (p. 386.) 331. Bregm.\ceror .\TL.\XTirrs. fp. 3SS.) 332,333. CCELOUHYNCmS OCCA. (p. 400.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCVI ^?%^?>?>^^, >^^>^-^ ::-mmmm^s^i, ^^^:m^m^^^^'^^-^- ^<<^<^'''^i::^^yK- .5$> -1*— ■v.* --^ — - '^' ^ "^i^^^j^2ip --i:5s^*i«- 337 334. MACRURrrs berglax. (p. 301.) 336. ClELORHYXCHUS CARMIXATrS. (p. 398.) 3*5. Macrurus Bairdii. (p. 393.) 337. CtELORHYNCHUS OCCA. f]1. 400.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCVII. ascK—w^ — ::5li^ ^ ^^i^^^' 338 '■'-"■^^ISS ^^^i^^i000fyfff!;:i:.r^^ ge^s^^ses *#*s. ^35555 ;y%:S^55S« A m 339 •TTT^T;-,...,,^ ^^^Si■.'•-■'* X-y 342. LlONURUS FILICAUDA. (p. 409.) 344. CETONURUS GLOBICErS. (p. 411.) 343. TR.\CHOXnRUS Sl'LCATUS. (p. 410.) »4."). CHALIXrUA SIMULA. (p. 412.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE XCIX. 345a. C'HALlNLU.i. MEDITERR.\NEA. (p. .52.1.) 346. NEMATONURUS UIGAS. (p. 410.) 347. MOSEI.EYA LONOIFILIS. (]). 417.) GOODE AND BEAN,— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE C. 348. Abyssicola macrochira. (p. 417.) 349. Trachyrhynchus scabrus. (p. 417.) 349a. JIacrurus longifilis. (p. 417.) GOODE AND BEAN.-OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY, PLATE CI. ■s^ 9<^ , "•'<:^ #, 353 IWO. Macruronus nov.-e-zelandi.t:. (p. 418.') :&2. BaTHYOADUS FAVOSIS. (p. 4'J0.> 353 351. Steindac'hneria aroentf.a. (p. 419.) 3.53, 'ATA. ( '(EI,UHHYNC'HL-S CARMINATUS. (p. 398.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CM M l!*1«'viSf .#:■■ .1 •^0 \ \^ \ >~ .Jill f'mt. "l '% ■:^, / t ^g; A. ^/t A' J \^^ -# te;: N ;.' \ '^ / / W .V mm \l(lllti' 35r)a-(7. LiMANDA Bf.anii. (p. 428.) JinOa, ;*. tjllAl'TOCEPUALUS t'YNOGLOSSUS. (p. 4:».) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE cm. ^0k -sg.- f ^ 1 1^ li f m ''/--','' '''h ^ '^'li 'Hm> -•"^ # I ^' I: I?' ^.-. I !# r% ■// ./ V ■/ / ■/ , • / V, ■/ V ■ / ,1 » A I r- 374. APHORISTIA FASCI.\TA. (p. 458.) 377. APHORISTIA PIGKA. (p. 460.) 37.5. APHORISTIA XEBULOSA. (p.458.) 376. APHORISTIA MARGINATA. (p. 459.) 378. APHORISTIA DIOMEDIASA. (p. 460.) 379. APHORISTIA PUSILLA. (p. 461.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXI 380. Peioxotus militaris. (p. 464.) 381. PRiONOTfs egretta. (p. 465.) 382. Prionotts .u.atus. (p. 467.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXII. 383h 3, 3836. Peioxotus trixitatis. (p. 46S.) 384. Prioxotus militaris. (p. 464.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXIII „•#■ -:r:4. iC'-\ ■V- x^VV 385 hi 1 KM 5i ■%. llilf "' y. If 'i' . ., / ^ i ''^'& ■' : ". ;■: - 'J --■■ : -'^\ 3ti5u 3856 385,3850,6. Peristedion mixi.\tum. (j). 470.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXIV. 386. Peristediox longispatha. (p. 479.) 387. Peristedion rracile. fp. 473.) assn./). Peristedion platycephalum. (p. 474.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXV. <^. ^W^A 3sn. I,oPHOTF,s Cepedianus, (p. 349.) 390. Lophotes C.ai'EI.i.ei. (p. n.il.) 3i)I. Th.^^chypterus iris. (p. '477.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXVI. 392. TR.\(HYrTF.urs ARfTicrs. (p. 479.) H93. 394. Stylephoiu's chord.\tus. (p. 482.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXVIl. ^i^^mm!!ii^0. iiiiVi^^&ii^2is&«-si« *«-^ ^■i^' ,fg1^' '^^^Wl .>^ *"'~"""'!^-^''-"^-"';''-n*«--..o<,j,,.,.-. --■'■"^ >c 39"). REIiAI.ELlS (iLESXK. (l).4»).l 390. M.\CRORH.\MPHOSUS SCOLOP.VX. (p. 4H3.) 397. Ari.OSTOM.^ I.ONGIPES. (p. 484.) 398. Chaunax pictls. (j). 487.) 399. Cekatias IIoibiilli. (p. 489.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXVIII. '■~'''~'Ta»» Mi m 400 "■?*?* 100. 400r/. ?i. T,(ii'iin-s pisc'AT(>Rn:s. (p. 485.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEAN IC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXIX. 401. Mancalias Shcfeldtii. (J). 490.) 403. Halieut-ea stellata. (p. i'J'J.) 402. Cryptopsar.\s CorESii. (p. 491.) 404. Paroneirodes olomerosus. ip. 493.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY PLATE CXX. 405. CORYNOLOPHCS ReINHARDTII. (pli'^l 400. MeLANOCETCS JOHNSONII. (p. 494.) 407. LlOCETls JtVRRAYI. (p. 495.) GOODE AND BEAN.— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXXI 40S. LlNOPFIUYXK LITIFER. (p. -lOfi.) 410. Halieut^a coccinea. (p. 500.) 409. C'Al-LOPHUYKE SETOSUP. (]>. 496.) 411. Malthofsis LCTEUS. (p. 529.) GOODE AND BtAN —OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXXII. w., T^ \- V ^ ,.5v^A_ ■>> ■^ 'jW^jI' .'V 414a ^S^\« M "HrHC*- 4146 \\ia,h. Halieutella lappa, h'- "''^'^-t 413. Dibranchus atlanticus. (p. 501.) 4U((, 6. Halieutichthys aculeatus. (p. 50-1.) GOODE AND BEAN— OCEANIC ICHTHYOLOGY. PLATE CXXIII mm^m^- -:4 >w? iif^^iiiiijSSi' -^-sr^ 415. Batiiyclupea AnoENTEA. (p. 190.) 41G. Schedophilopsis snxosrs. (p. 21G.) 417. Tetkagonirls Clvieki. (p. 2;J0.) Hatvard MCZ Library li il \\l ll I ll 3 2044 066 301 1 nliiiil 0