r .1- '4! # J i : Vol. 1939 No. 1 MEMOIRS of the Southern California Academy of Sciences Check List of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States of America PART II MICROLEPIDOPTERA by J. McDUNNOUGH, Ph.D, Los Angeles, California Issued July 15, 1939 Southern California Academy of Sciences T ▼ OFFICERS and DIRECTORS Dr. Carl S. Knopf - - - - Dr. Howard R. Hill - - - Dr. William A. Bryan - - - Dr. John A. Comstock - - - Dr. William A. Bryan Dr. Ford A. Carpenter Dr. John A. Comstock Mr. Samuel Moody Haskins Dr. Howard R. Hill Dr. Carl S. Knopf _______ President _ - - - Tirst Vice-President . - - Second Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer Mr. Theodore Payne Mr. Harry K. Sargent Mr. William A. Spalding Dr. R. H. Swift Mr. Fred E. Burlew T T advisory board Dr. Chester Stock T ▼ astronomical section Mr. Harry K. Sargent Mr. William A. Spalding BOTANICAL SECTION Mr. Theodore Payne, Secretary Dr. Carl ARCHEOLOGICAL SECTION S. Knopf Swift FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. William A. Spalding Mr. Samuel Moody Haskins PROGRAM COMMITTEE Dr. Howard R. Hill, Chairman Dr. John A. Comstock Dr. Carl S. Knopf ▼ T COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION Mr. William A. Spalding, Chairman Dr. John A. Comstock T ▼ Office of the Academy Los Angeles Museum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, Calif. ■T '• I i 7 ", ♦ ■f ^ '."a 1 CHECK LIST of the LEPIDOPTERA of Canada and the United States of America □ PART M MICROLEPIDOPTERA □ By J. McDUNNOUGH, Ph.D. Memoirs of the Southern California Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, No. 1, 1939 PRICE $2.50 INTRODUCTION JN this second and final portion of the "List”, deafing with the so-called "Microlepidoptera” practically no at- tempt has been made, as was done in Part I, to study the genitalia of the genotypes and base the arrangement of the species in the genera and the genera in the famifies or subfamilies on similarities found in these organs. The impossibility of securing suflEcient material for such a study and furthermore the lack of knowledge on the part of the writer of many of the groups, rendered such a course inadvisable. In the main, therefore, the latest revisions of the various groups have been pretty closely followed and in cases where no revision has been made since the publica- tion of the 1917 Check List the arrangement of genera and species remains much the same as in this list, although it is fully recognized that in certain families, notably in the Pyralidoidea, there is considerable need for revision. Every effort has been made, by a comprehensive study of the literature, to bring the sequence of families in ac- cord with the latest views on the subject and to include all species published to the end of 193 8; just how far this effort has been successful remains for the specialists to decide. A hst of corrections to Part I is inserted and it is hoped that any further errors discovered from time to time will be brought to the author’s attention. The general arrange- ment of the present Part follows that of the previous one. — 3 — > * • ■ -If' , f «- • V 'i. • A® ■ • T Superfamily ZYGAENOIDEA lilMACODIDAE Sibine H. S. 6230 stimulea Olem. ephippiatus Harr. Parasa Moore 5231 indetermina Bdv. vernata Pack. 5232 chloris H. 8. viridis Reak. fratema Grt. a huachuca Dyar Euclea Hbn. 5233 nanina Dyar tnana Dyar 5234 delphinii Bdv. strigata Bdv. quercicola H. S. tardigrada Clem. ferruginea Pack. argentatus Weth. form querceti H. S. bifida Pack. form interjecta Dyar form viridiclava Wile. monitor Pack. form ellioti Pears, form paenulata Clem, excisa Wlk. 5235 incisa Harv. mira Dyar 5236 flava B. d McD. 5237 dolliana Dyar a spadicis Grossb. Monoleuca G. & R. 5238 subdentosa Dyar 5239 angustilinea Dyar 5240 semifascia Wlk. a sulfurea Ort. 5241 obliqua Hy. Edw. 5242 erectifascia Dyar 5243 occidentalis B. & McD. 5244 fieldi B. & B. 5245 disconcolorata B. & B. Adoneta Clem. 5246 spinuloides H. 8. valuta Clem. ferrigera Wlk. ruptilinea Wlk. nebulosus Weth. form leucosigma Pack. 5247 bicaudata Dyar 5248 pygmaea O. & R. 5249 gemina Dyar Sisyrosea Grt. 5250 textula H. 8. inornata G. & R. 5251 schaefferana Dyar Natada Wlk. 5252 nasoni Grt. daona Druce rude Hy. Edw. 5253 nigripuncta B. d McD. Pbobetron Hbn. 5254 pithecium A. d 8. abbotana Hbn. nigricans Pack. hyalinus Walsh tetradactylus Walsh nondescriptus Weth. 5255 dyari B. d B. Isochaetes Dyar 5256 beutenmuelleri Hy. Edw. Cryptophobetron Dyar 5257 oropeso Barnes Alarodia Moesch. 5258 slossoniae Pack. Cnidocampa Dyar 5259 flavescens Wlk. Prolimacodes Schaus 5260 badia Hbn. scapha Harr. undifera Wlk. a argentimacula B. d 5261 trigona Hy. Edw. telligii Barnes filifera Dyar Limacodes Latr. 5262 biguttata Pack. tetraspilaris Wlk. 5263 rectilinea G. d R. a latomia Harv. 5264 y-inversa Pack, a parallela Hy. Edw. 5265 maxima Dyar Lithacodes Pack. 5266 fasciola H. 8. laticlavia Clem. divergens Wlk. a belfragei Dyar 5267 gracea Dyar 5268 fiskeana Dyar 5269 graefi Pack. Packardia G. & R. 5270 elegans Pack. nigripunctata Groodell a fusca Pack. 5271 ceanothi Dyar 5272 geminata Pack. 5273 albipunctata Pack. goodelli Grt. a ocellata Grt. Heterogenea Knock 5274 shurtleffi Pack. Kronaea Reak. 5275 minuta Reak. Slossonella Dj'^ar 5276 tenebrosa Dyar Tortricidia Pack. 5277 flexuosa Ort. form caesonia Qrt. 5278 pallida H. 8. a flavula H. 8. 5279 testacea Pack, a crypta Dyar Epiperola Dyar 5279, 1 perornata Dyar MEQAIjOPTGIDAE Norape Wlk. Megalopyge Hbn. 5280 ovina 8epp cretata Grt. 5283 opercularis A. d 8. lanuginosa Clem. suhcitrina Wlk. 5281 Virgo Butl. 5284 bissesa Dyar 5282 tener Druce. achriogelos Dyar 5285 lapena 8chaus a heteropuncta B. d McD. — 6 — 5288 pyxidifera A. (£ 8. 5289 immaculata Cass. Lagoa Harris 5286 crispata Pack. ab. grisea B. & McD. 5287 laceyi B. & McD. Trosia Hbn. 5290 obsolescens Dyar DALCEBIDAS Dalcerides N. & D. 5291 ingenita By. Edw. EPIPYBOPIDAE Epipyrops W estw. Oedonia Kirby 5292 barberiana Dyar 5292, 1 exigua By. Edw. ZYGAENIDAE Malthaca Clem. 5293 dimidiata B. 8. perlucidula Clem. 5294 centralis Wlk. notha Hy. Edw. 5295 rata By. Edw. 5296 fusca By. Edw. landia Druce 5297 marteni Frch. barnea Druce Tetraclonia Jordan 5298 latercula By. Edw. 5299 dyari Jord. tlaterculae Dyar Triprocris Grt. 5300 smithsonianus Clem. 5301 yampai Barnes Acoloithns Clem. 5302 falsarius Clem. sanborni Pack. ruficollis Druce 5303 novarius B. d McD. 5304 rectarlus Dyar Seryda Wlk. 5305 constans By. Edw. form sancta N. d D. 5306 basirei Druce Harrisina Pack. 5307 americana Ouer. a texana 8tretcJi b australis 8tretch 5308 metallica 8tretch 5309 coracina Clem, nigrina Graef 5310 brillians B. d McD. 5311 lustrans Beut. 5312 cyanea B. d McD. 5313 aversus By. Edw. Superfamily PYRALIDOIDEA THYETDIDAE Thyris Lasp. 5314 maculata Harris perspicua Wlk. 5315 lugubris Bdv. sepulchralis Bdv. margaritana Clem. nevadae Oberth. 5319 speculifera Sepp aequalis Wlk. 5320 flagrata Wlk. floridana Hist. Hexeris Grt. 5321 enhydris Ort. reticulina Beut. Dysodia Clem. 5316 vitrina Bdv. 5317 oculatana Clem. plena Wlk. fasciata G. & R. montana Hy. Bdw. aurea Pag. 5318 granulata Neum. a igualensis Dyar Belnoptera H. S. 5322 fratercula Pag. Meskea Grt. 5323 dyspteraria Ort. Thyridopyralis Dyar 5324 gallaerandialis Dyar PYEAUDAE GLAPHYRIINAE Glaphyria Hbn. 5325 glaphyralis Chi. stipatalis Wlk. alholineata G. & R. 5326 sesquistrialis Hl)n. dimotalis Wlk. 5327 invisalis On. lentiflualis Zell. 5328 psycbialis Hist. 5329 reluctalis Hist. form remellalis Druce 5330 fulminalls Led. 5331 peremptalis Ort. 5332 basiflavalis B. d McD. 5333 dualis B. d McD. 5334 periculosalis Dyar Scybalista Led. 5335 restionalis Led. Egesta Rag. Symphysa Hamp. 5336 reniculalis Zell. 5337 simplicialis Kft. 5338 eripalis Ort. a salutalis Hist, ochralis Haim. 5339 minutalis Walt. Lipocosma Led. 5340 sicalis Wlk. perfusalis Wlk. 5341 diabata Dyar 5342 fuliginosalis Fern. 5343 intermedialis B. d McD. 5344 adelalis Kft. Ercta Wlk. 5345 albibasalis B. d McD. 5358 ornatalis Dup. Chalcoela Zell. 5359 desmialis B. d McD kaeberalis Haim. 5346 iphitalis Wlk. aurifera Zell. Marasmia Led. Dicymolomia Zell. 5360 cochrusalis Wlk. azionalis Wlk. 5347 julianalis Wlk. ruptalis Wlk. decora Zell. 5361 trapezalis On. 5348 opuntialis Dyar creonalis Wlk. 5349 metalliferalis Pack. bifurcalis Snell. sauberi Hed. 5362 floridalis Fern. 5350 pegasalis Wlk. principalis Wlk. Anania Hbn. egressalis Wlk. 5363 florella Cram. roMnsoni Grt. PYRAUSTINAE Suf etula Wlk. 5351 diminutalis Wlk. dematrialis Druce 5352 philogelos Dyar Hymenia Hbn. 5353 perspectalis Hbn. 5354 fascialis Cram. recurvalis Fabr. Euirhyparodes Snell. 5364 lygdamis Druce Samea Gn. 5365 ecclesialis Chi. ca^tellalis Gn. luccusalis Wlk. disertalis Wlk. 5366 multiplicalis Chi. discessalis Wlk. nicaeusalis Wlk. Desmia West. 5355 funeralis Hbn. maculalis West. 9subdivisalis Grt. nominabilis Her. 5356 tages Cram. propinqualis Moesch. Synclera Led. 5357 traducalis Zell. jarbusalis Wlk. cottalis Wlk. Diastictis Hbn. 5367 argyralis Hbn. form ventralis G. . form albidorsana Kft. form mediostriana Kft. 7172 lindana Fern. 7150 cercocarpana Dyar 7173 trossulana Wlshm. 7151 bigemina Heinr. 7174 signiferana Heinr. 7152 bicordana Heinr. Anchylopera Steph. 7153 arctostaphylana Kft. 7175 nubeculana Clem. 7154 keiferana Lange 7176 subaequana Zell. 7155 unica Heinr. a kincaidiana Fern. 7156 infuscana Wlshm. 7177 lamiana Clem. 7157 timidella Clem. Xdiscigerana Auct. 7158 aceriella Clem. 7178 discigerana Wlk. signatana Clem. metamelana Wlk. variana Clem. discoferana Wlk. subnisana Zell. Xspireaefoliana Auct. 7159 nonana Kft. 7179 tenebrica Heinr. carphologa Meyr. 7180 semiovana Zell. 7181 angulifasciana Zell. intermediana Kft. 7182 maritima Dyar 7183 spireaefoliana Clem. 7184 burgessiana Zell. murtfeldtiana Riley a pruni Heinr. 7185 mira Heinr. 7186 furvescens Heinr. 7187 laciniana Zell. 7188 fuscociliana Clem. duhiana Clem. 7189 platanana Clem. marcidana Zell. 7190 pulchellana Clem. 7191 brauni Heinr. 7192 definitivana Heinr. Ancylis Hbn. 7193 comptana Froh. conflexana Wlk. a cometana Wlshm. 6 fragariae Walsh d Riley amhlygona Zell, c floridana Zell. 7194 divisana Wlk. 7195 apicana Wlk. 7196 muricana Wlshm. a cornifoliana Riley 7197 carbonana Heinr. Xuncana Auct. 7198 diminutana Haw. diminuatana Kft. 7199 goodelliana Fern. 7200 albafascia Heinr. 7201 unguicella Linn. plagosana Clem. 7202 pacificana Wlshm. 7203 mediofasciana Clem. 7204 torontana Kft. 7205 tineana Hbn. ocellana Clem. leucophaleratana Pack, 72«6 albacostana Kft. Hystricophora Wlshm. 7207 leonana Wlshm. a aurantiana Wlshm. 7208 paradisiae Heinr. 7209 stygiana Dyar a californiae Heinr. 7210 roessleri Zell. 7211 ostentatrix Heinr. 7212 asphodelana Kft. a seraphicana Heinr. 7213 taleana Grt. 7214 ochreicostana Wlshm. 7215 loricana Grt. 7216 decorosa Heinr. 7217 vestaliana Zell. LASPEYRESIINAE Goditha Heinr. 7218 bumeliana Heinr. Dichrorampha Gn. 7219 kana Busck planiloqua Meyr. 7220 capitana Busck 7221 britana Busck Xalpinana Fern. 7222 simulana Clem, aurisignana Zell. 7223 bittana Busck 7224 incanana Clem. nigromaculana Kft. — 52 — 7225 Vancouver ana McD. 7226 radicicolana Wlshm. 7227 banana Busck sordescens Meyr. 7228 piperana Busck 7229 sedatana Busck Xplumhana Fern. 7230 dan a Kft. aequorea Meyr. a bradorensis McD. 7231 leopardana Busck Satronia Heinr. 7232 tantilla Heinr. Ricula Heinr. 7233 maculana Fern. Talponia Heinr. 7224 plummeriana Busck Hemimene Hbn. 7235 ocliferia Heinr. 7236 felicitana Heinr. 7237 signifera Heinr. 7238 paula Heinr. 7239 bowmanana McD. Ethelgoda Heinr. 7240 texanana Wlshm. Sereda Heinr. 7241 lautana Clem. perfluana Zell. Grapholitha Treit. 7242 molesta Busck 7243 libertina Heinr. 7244 packardi Zell. pyricolana Murt. 7245 prunivora Walsh. 7246 angleseana Kft. 7247 caeruleana Wlshm. zana Kft. vana Kft. xanthospora Meyr. eoleuca Meyr. 7248 vitrana Wlshm. 7249 fana Kft. oenochroa Meyr, 7250 conversana Wlshm. wana Kft. cupida Meyr. 7251 imitativa Heinr. 7252 lunatana Wlshm. 7253 eclipsana Zell. 7254 interstinctana Clem, scitana Wlk. distema Grt. 7255 edwardsiana Kft. 7256 lana Kft. placer ana Kft, vancouverana Kft. chrysotypa Meyr. 7257 dyarana Kft. 7258 tristrigana Clem, saundersana Kft. Ofatulena Heinr. 7259 duodecemstriata Wlshm. 7260 luminosa Heinr. Laspeyresia Hbn. 7261 bracteatana Fern. pallidibasalis Heinr. a cornutana Dyar 7262 laricana Busck 7263 rana Forhes 7264 inopiosa Heinr. 7265 confusana McD. 7266 obnisa Heinr. — 53 — 7267 parmatana Clem. 7290 americana Wlshm. 7268 larimana Wlshm. 7291 flavicollis Wlshm. 7269 garacana Kft. 7292 ninana Dyar septicola Meyr. 7293 colorana Kft. 7270 membrosa Heinr. 7294 erotella Heinr. 7271 multilineana Kft. 7295 toreuta Ort. 7272 ingrata Heinr. 7296 ingens Heinr. 7273 albimaculana Fern, articulatana Kft. 7297 piperana Kft. 7298 miscitata Heinr. 7274 palmetum Heinr. 7275 populana Busch Hedulia Heinr. 7276 youngana Kft. 7299 injectiva Heinr. 7277 nigricana 8teph. dandana Kft. Melissopus Riley ratifera Meyr. 7300 latiferreanus Wlshm. novimundi Heinr. aurichalceana Riley 7278 candana Forbes inquilina Kft. 7279 grandicula Heinr. Carpocapsa Treit. 7280 caryana Fitch 7301 pomonella Linn. caryae Shimer pomonana Treit. 7281 fletcberana Kft. a simpsoni Busch 7282 tana Kft. cirrhas Meyr. Gynmandrosoma Dyar 7283 cupressana Kft. 7302 punctidiscanum Dyar 7284 prosperana Kft. %succedana Wlshm. 7303 desotanum Heinr. 7285 costastrigulana McD. Ecdytolopha Zell. 7304 insiticiana Zell. 7286 leucobasis Busch 7305 mana Kft. 7287 gallaesaliciana Riley thaliastis Meyr. 7288 lautiusciila Heinr. 7306 islandana Kft. 7289 flexiloqua Heinr. insulicola Meyr. TOETRICIDAE Coelostathma Clem. Adoxophyes Meyr. 7308 furcatana Wlh. 7307 discopunctana Clem. 7309 negundana McD. — 54 — Homona Wlk. 7331 cbambersana Eft. 7310 fervidana Wlk. 7332 cana Rob. rileyana Grt. 7333 irrorea Rob. 7311 patulana Wlk. audaculana Busck 7334 xanthoides Wlk. a breviornatana Clem. Amorbia Clem. 7335 flavibasana Fern. 7312 cuneana Wlshm. 7336 violaceana Rob. a adumbrana Wlshm. 7337 unifasciana Clem. 7313 synneurana B. & Bsk. puritana Rob. 7314 humerosana Clem. 7338 vocaridorsana Eft. 7315 essigana Busck 7339 machimiana B. & Bsk. 7340 hydeana Klots Synnoma Wlshm. 7341 inconditana Wlshm. 7316 lynosyrana Wlshm. 7342 rudana Wlshm. 7343 senecionana Wlshm. Sparganothis Hbn. 7344 umbrana B. <& Bsk. 7317 pettitana Roh. 7345 californiana Wlshm. 7318 groteana Fern. 7346 pilleriana Schiff. 7319 niveana Wlshm. luteolana Hbn. 7320 albicaudana Busck 7347 tunicana Wlshm. 7321 pulcherrimana Wlshm. 7348 caryae Rob. 7322 karacana Kft. 7349 sulfureana Clem. 7323 tempestiva Meyr, gratana Wlk. fulvoroseana Clem. reticulatana Clem. virginiana Clem. subauratana Wlk. gallivorana Clem. a mesospila Zell. gracilana Wlshm. 7324 ferreana Busck a belfrageana Zell. 7325 diluticostana Wlshm. 7350 euphronopa Meyr. quercana Fern. 7351 lycopodiana Eft. 7326 directana Wlk. 7352 taracana Kft. 7327 testulana Zell. procax Meyr. 7328 distincta Wlshm. 7353 yumana Kft. 7329 saracana Kft. 7354 striata Wlshm. austera Meyr. 7355 bistriata Eft. 7330 demissana Wlshm. 7356 tristriata Eft. — 55 — Platynota Clem. Phylacteritis Meyr. 7378 persicana Fitch hlandana Clem. fragariana Pack. 7357 flavedana \Clem. conigerana Zell. concursana Wlk. schreheriana Steph. laterana Rob. 7379 infumatana Zell. 7358 tinctana Wlk. 7380 brauniana Eft. 7359 semiustana Wlshm. 7381 obsoletana Wlk. 7360 labiosana Zell. rostrana Wlk. transiturana Wlk. vesperana Clem. 7361 sanhornana Rob. 7362 7363 nigrocervina Wlshm. wenzelana Haim. 7382 seminolana Eft. fervidana Clem. 7383 7864 metallicana Wlshm. paludana Rob. 7365 iridana B. & Bsk. 7384 cerasivorana Fitch 7366 viridana B. & Bsk. 7385 georgiana Wlk. 7367 stultana Wlshm. 7386 houstonana Ort. chiguitana B. & Bsk. retana Wlshm. 7368 exasperatana Zell. 7387 retiniana Wlshm. 7369 idaeusalis Wlk. 7388 argyrospila Wlk. sentana Clem. furvana Rob. dioptrica Meyr. v-signatana Pack. a vivid an a Dyar Pandemis Hbn. t) Columbiana McD. 7370 canadana Eft. 7389 mortuana Eft. 7371 pyrusana Eft. 7390 eleagnana McD. pyrana Meyr. 7372 albaniana Wlk. 7391 myricana McD. Xotliquana Kft. 7392 carnana B. & Bsk. 7373 limitata Rot). 7393 semiferana Wlk. 7374 lamprosana Rot>. flaccidana Rob. 7394 negundana Dyar Chrysoxena Meyr. 7395 lambertiana Busck 7375 auriferana Busck 7396 fractivittana Clem. fumosa Rob. Capua Steph. 7397 melaleucana Wlk. 7376 lentiginosana Wlshm. invexana Wlk. semifuscana Clem. Archips Hbn. ? hiustulana Steph. Cacoecia Hbn. 7398 rosana Linn. 7377 dissitana Ort. hewittana Bsk. — 56 — 7399 purpurana Clem, gurgitana Rob. 7424 glaucana Wlshm. lintneriana Grt. 7425 busckana Keif. 7400 magnoliana Fern. 7426 franciscana Wlshm. 7401 parallela Roh. 7427 triangulana Kft. 7402 zapulata Roh. 7428 wellingtoniana Kft. 7403 symphoricarpana Eft. 7429 gogana Eft. crepuscularis Meyr. 7404 arcticana Moesch. kukakana Kft. 7430 provana Kft. invidana B. & Bsk. 7405 rosaceana Harris vicariana Wlk. 7431 cockerellana Kft. gossypiana Pack. 7432 dorsalana Dyar 7406 striana Fern. 7433 fucana Wlshm. 7407 conflictana Wlk. 7434 semicirculana Fern. 7408 fumiferana Clem. 7435 peroneana B. d Bsk. 7436 musculana Hbn. nigridia Rob. Tortrix Linn, 7437 moeschleriana Wocke 7409 lata Rob. algidana Moesch. gelidana Moesch. 7410 pallorana Rob. 7438 grisea Rob. 7411 clemensiana Fe7*n. nervosana Kft. 7439 afflictana Wlk. fuscolineana Clem. 7412 dimorphana B. d Bsk. 7440 alberta McD. 7413 victoriana Bsk. 7414 citrana Fern. Batodes Gn. 7415 alleniana Fern, trentonana McD. 7441 angustiorana Haw. 7416 flavidana McD. Eulia Hbn. 7417 lomonana Kft. 7442 ministrana Linn. veneratrix Meyr. ferrugana Hbn. 7418 packardiana Fern. subfascianus iSteph. 7419 ivana Fern. 7420 peritana Clem. Argyrotaenia Hbn. inconclusana Wlk. 7443 velutinana Wlk. 7421 purata Meyr. triferana Wlk. incertana Clem. 7422 baboquavariana Kft. 7423 virescana Clem. 7444 lutosana Clem. sescuplana Zell. 7445 pinatubana Kft. — 57 — 7446 amatana Dyar 7469 albicomana Clem. 7447 coloradana Fern. 7470 semipurpurana Kft. form dorsipurpurana Kft. 7448 gloverana Wlshm. 7471 curvalana Kft. 7449 niscana Kft. camerata Meyr. Peronea Curt. 7450 mariana Fern. 7472 emargana Fabr. 7451 alisellana Rol). caudana Fabr. 7452 quercifoliana Fitch 7473 maccana Tr. trifurculana Zell. fishiana Fern. 7453 quadrifasciana Fern. 7474 ptychogrammos Zell. 7454 juglandana Fern. 7475 nigrolinea Rob. a ferruginiguttana Fern. Tortricodes Gn. 7476 maximana B. & B. 7455 horariana Wlshm. 7477 caliginosana Wlk. 7456 fragariana Bsk. 7478 latifasciana Haw. elapsa Meyr. Xshalleriana Auct. a comparana Hbn. Acroplectis Meyr. 7479 schalleriana Linn. 7457 haemanthes Meyr. Xlogiana Auct. vibumana Clem. Cnephasia Curt. famula Zell. 7458 7459 7460 osseana Scop, a niveosana Pack. argentana Cl. georgiella Hist. fernaldana Wlshm. 7480 7481 7482 7483 oxycoccana Pack. variana Fern, a angusana Fern. cbalybeana Fern. senescens Zell. 7461 arizonana Wlshm. 7484 bastiana Linn. 7462 ednana Kft. 7485 celiana Rob. 7463 listerana Kft. form albilineana Kft. 7464 tasiplagana Wlshm. 7486 pulverosana Wlk. 7465 indivisana Wlk. 7487 walkerana McD. 7466 oleraceana Gib. 7488 caryosphena Meyr. 7489 variegana Schiff. Argyrotoxa Steph. 7490 robinsoniana Forbes . 7467 chioccana Kft. Xflavivittana Rob. chiococcana Meyr. form clemensiana Kft. 7468 bergmanniana Linn. 7491 flavivittana Clem. rosana Hbn. form perspicuana Rob. — 58 — 7492 youngana McB. 7504 nivisellana Wlshm. 7493 brittania Kft. 7505 cervinana Fern. 7494 fragariana Eft. form americana Fern. 7495 inana Rot). 7506 comandrana Fern. 7496 busckana McD. 7507 subnivana Wlk. deflectana Rob. 7497 maculidorsana Clem. peculiana Zell. hypericana Ely.. 7508 braunana McD. 7498 scabrana D. & S. 7509 kearfottana McD. 7499 lipsiana D. & 8. 7500 hudsoniana Wlk. 7510 simpliciana Wlshm. ? implexana Wlk. 7511 forbesana McD. t)rewsteriana Rob. 7512 fuscana B. & Bsk. 7501 bowmanana McD. 7502 7513 ferrugana D. & 8. minuta Rob. vacciniivorana Pack. 7514 semiannula Rob. malivorana LeB. stadiana B. & Bsk. variolana Zell. 7515 gallicolana Clem. form Cinderella Riley form beindelana Fern. 7503 logiana Linn. 7516 cornana McD. niveana Fabr. placidana Rob. 7517 contaminana Hbn. form trisignana Rob. reticulata Pierce & Met. tripunctana Shel. 7518 foliana Wlshm. PHALONIIDAE Phalonia Hbn, 7530 deutscbiana Zett. 7519 floccosana Wlk. fuscostrigana Clem. confusana Rob. chalcana Pack. 7520 atomosana Busck. 7531 felix Wlshm. 7521 spartinana B. & McD. 7532 romonana Kft. officiosa Meyr. 7522 hospes Wlshm. 7533 louisiana Busck 7523 straminoides (Lrt. 7534 formonana Kft. 7524 zaracana Kft. myrinitis Meyr. 7525 scbwarziana Busck 7535 cephalanthana Heinr. 7536 rutilana Hbn. 7526 plummeriana Busck 7537 seriatana Zell. 7527 scissana Wlk. 7538 intactana Wlshm. 7528 smeathmanniana Fabr. 7539 angustana Clem. 7529 kindermannana Tr. dorsimaculana Rob. — 59 — 7540 promptana Rol). 7541 obliquana Eft. 7542 angulatana Rot). 7543 bomonana Eft. cyamitis Meyr. 7544 rana Busck fimesta Meyr. 7545 argentilimitana Rol>. 7546 labeculana Roh. 7547 parallelana Wlshm. 7548 transversana Wlshm. 7549 pimana Busck 7550 lepidana Clem. 7551 sublepidana Eft. 7552 biscana Eft. ixeuta Meyr. a giscana Eft. 7553 maiana Eft. 7554 gunniana Busck 7555 voxcana Eft. omphacitis Meyr. 7556 interruptofasciana Rob. 7557 aureana Busck 7558 bunteana Rob. 7559 hollandana Eft. 7560 viscana Eft. peganitis Meyr. 7561 aurorana Eft. 7562 marloffiana Busck nonlavana Kft. 7563 toxcana Eft. baryzela Meyr. 7564 lavana Busck 7565 punctadiscana Eft. 7566 zoxcana Eft. telifera Meyr. 7567 oenotherana Riley 7568 latipunctana Wlshm. 7569 dilutana Wlshm. 7570 nana Haio. carneana Gn. ochreoalbana Wlk. 7571 campicolana Wlshm. 7572 parvimaculana Wlshm 7573 vachelliana Eft. 7574 hubbardana Busck 7575 leguminana Busck 7576 glaucofuscana Zell. 7577 dorsistriatana Wlshm. 7578 edwardsiana Wlshm. 7579 fulvotinctana Wlshm. 7580 nomonana Eft. voluntaria Meyr. 7581 temerana Busck cincinnatana Kft. 7582 discana Eft. cricota Meyr. 7583 foxcana Eft. liquida Meyr. ♦7584 albidana Wlk. winniana Kft. 7586 grandis Busck 7587 yuccatana Busck 7588 ziscana Eft. fabicola Meyr. 7589 carmelana Eft. a obispoana Eft. 7590 wiscana Eft. acropeda Meyr. - 7591 elderana Eft. helonoma Meyr *No niimher 7585 — 60 — 7592 basiochreana Kft. Hysterosia Steph. 7593 hoffmanana Kft. 7610 fulviplacana Wlshm. aegrana Wlshm. Commophila Hbn. homonana Kft. 7594 macrocarpana Wlshm. refug a Meyr. homonana Kft. 7595 infernalis Heinr. fermentata Meyr. 7596 comes Wlshm. 7611 aureoalbida Wlshm. 7597 fuscodorsana Kft. 7612 canariana B. d Bsh. 7598 saxicolana Wlshm. 7613 waracana Kft. 7599 contrastana Kft. dicax Meyr. 7600 ha.nsL Kft. 7614 villana Busch rhodites Meyr. 7601 buachucana Kft. 7615 cartwrightana Kft. 7602 umbrabasana Kft. 7616 terminana Busch merrichana Kft. Pharmacis Hbn. 7617 perspicuana B. d Bsh. 7603 sartana Hhn. 7618 birdana Busch 7604 bimaculana Roh. 7619 riscana Kft. 7605 erigeronana Riley vincta Meyr. 7606 deceptana Busch 7620 pecosana Kft. 7607 mexicana Busch 7621 baracana Busch tiscana Kft. 7608 vitellinana Zell. vigilans Meyr. 7609 argyoplaca Meyr. 7622 CAEPOSmiDAE modestana Busch Bondia Newm. 7626 nicholsana Forbes 7623 fidelis Meyr. 7627 fernaldana Busch 7624 crescentella Wlshm. 7628 comonana Kft. euryleuca Meyr. Carposina H. S. Tesuquea Klots 7625 ottawana Kft. 7629 COSSIDAE hawleyana Klots Ingnromorpha Hy. Edw. 7631 arcifera Dyar Pomeria B. & McD. gabriel Dyar 7632 basalis Wlh. 7630 itzalana Sthr. — 61 — slossoni Hy. Edw. GiviraWlk. Fania B, & McD. 7633 mucida Hy. Edw. 7655 nanus Stkr. 7634 arbeloides Dyar a rufescens B. d McD. Heterocoma B. & McD. 7635 theodori Dyar 7656 albistriga B. d McD. 7636 kunzei Dyar durangona S chans Comadia B. & McD. 7657 engelhardti B. d B. 7637 carla Dyar 7658 dolli B. d B. 7638 Cornelia N. d D. caerulea Dalla T. 7659 stabilis B. d B. 7639 lucretia B. d McD. 7660 subterminata B. d B. 7640 ethela N. d D. 7661 bertholdi Grt. a fusca B. d B. 7641 anna Dyar h edwardi N. d D. 7642 marga B. d McD. 7662 intrusa B. d B. 7643 lotta B. d McD. 7663 polingi B. d B. 7644 francesca Dyar 7664 manfredi Neum. 7645 minuta B. d McD. 7665 henrici Grt. 7646 Cleopatra B. d McD. Acossns Dyar Hypopta Hbn. 7647 palmata B. <& McD. Zeuzera Latr. 7648 pyrina L. Hamilcara B. & McD . 7649 ramuscula Dyar 7650 atra B. & McD. 7651 gilensis B. d McD. Cossula Bailey 7652 magnifica Stkr. magnifica Bailey Toronia B. & McD. 7653 perplexa 27. d D. 7654 luzena Barnes 7666 centerensis Lint. 7667 populi Wlk. a angrezi Bailey & ore Stkr. generosa Dyar 7668 undosus Lint. hrucei Frcli. 7669 connectus B. d McD. Prionoxystus Grt. 7670 robiniae Peck 9 plagiatus Wlk. d crepera Harr. ah. 9,reticulatus Lint, ah. 9 quercus Ehrm. a zabolicus Stkr. h mixtus B. cC- B. c subnigrus B. d B. d flavotinctus B. d B. 7671 maemurtrei Quer. guerciperda Fitch — 62 — Siiperfamily GELECHIOIDEA COSMOPTERYGIDAE SynallagTna Busck 7672 busckiella Engel Chrysoclista KStaint. 7673 villella Busck Cosmopter^rx Hbn. 7674 pulcherrimella Cham. 7675 clemensella Staint. 7676 gemmiferella Clem. 7677 attenuatella Wlk. lespedezae Wlshm. 7678 ipomoeae Busck 7679 iinicolorella Wlshm. 7680 quadrilineella Cham. 7681 opiilenta Braun 7682 chalybaeella Wlshm. 7683 delicatella Wlshm. 7684 minutella Beut. 7685 fernaldella Wlshm. floridanella Beut. nigrapunctella Busck 7686 montisella Cham. 7687 riitens Wlshm. 7688 clandestinella Busck 7689 bermodora Meyr. 7690 magophila Tanygona Braun 7691 lignicolorella Braun 7692 albalineella Cham. Periploca Braun 7693 purpuriella Braun Teladoma Busck 7694 helianthi Busck Batrachedra Staint. Aetia Cbam. 7695 bipunctella Cham. 7696 praeangusta striolata Zell. pulvella Cham. clemensella Cham. 7697 concurs Meyr. 7698 concitata Meyr. 7699 enormis Meyr. 7700 salicipomonella Clem. 7701 trichella Busck 7702 placendiella Busck 7703 mathesoni Busck 7704 knabi Wlshm. Blastodacna Wocke 7705 curvilineella Cham. Mcristatella Cham. Clirysopeleia Cham. 7706 ostryaeella Cham. 7707 purpuriella Cham. Amaurogramma Braun 7708 quadricristatella Cham. 7709 extensa Braun Cystioecetes Braun 7710 nimbosus Braun Ithome Cham. XEriphia Cham. 7711 unimaculella Cham. — 63 — 7712 concolorella Cham. 7713 nigrilineella Cham. Stagmatophora H. S. 7714 ceanothiella Cosens 7715 iridella Busck 7716 sexnotella Cham. 7717 wyattBlla B. d B. 7718 niphochrysa Meyr. 7719 gleditschiaeella Cham. 7737 sabalella Cham. Cyphophora H. S. 7738 tricristatella Cham. grandisella Cham. suMridescens Wlshm. 7739 passerella Busck 7740 eloisella Clem. magnatella Zell. oenotheraeella Cham. lyonetiella Cham. Stilbosis Clem. Perimede Cham. 7720 erransella Cham. 7721 particornella Busck 7722 falcata Braun Pyroderces H. S. 7723 rileyi Wlshm. Psacaphora H. S. 7724 cambiella Busck 7725 purpuriella Busck 7726 edithella B. & B. 7727 terminella Westw. engelella Busck 7728 deceptella Braun 7729 sexstrigella Braun 7730 annulata Braun 7731 difficilis Braun 7732 communis Braun 7733 argentimaculella Murt. 7734 luciferella Clem. 7735 cephalanthiella Cham. Homaledra Busck 7736 heptathalama Busck 7741 tesquella Clem. quinquecristatella Cham. Colonophora Meyr. 7742 sublustris Meyr. Walshia Clem. 7743 amorphella 'Clem. miscecalonella Cham. Lynmaecia Staint. 7744 phragmitella Staint. Mompha Hbn. 7745 albella Cham. 7746 albopalpella Cham.. 7747 bifasciella Cham. 7748 brevivittella Clem. oenotherivorella Cham. oenotheraeseminella Cham. 7749 stellella Busck 7750 circumscriptella Zell. 7751 pecosella Busck 7752 coloradella Cham. 7753 definitella Zell. unicristatella Cham. 7754 ignobilisella Cham. 64 — 7755 claudiella Kft. 71169 rufocristatella Cham. 7756 minimella Cham. 7760 punctiferella Busck 7757 murtfeldtella Cham. alhocapitella Cham. 7761 nuptialis Meyr. grissaeella Cham. obscurusella Cham. 7762 conturbatella Hhn. parvicristatella Cham. Ohaetocampa Busck 7758 unifasciella Cham. 7763 crotonella Bott. EPERMENIIDAE Epemienia Hbn. 7770 infracta Braun 7764 ramapoella Kft. 7771 bidentata Braun 7765 albapunetella Busck 7766 canicinctella Clem. 7772 imperialella Busck 7767 pimpinella Murt. 7773 metrothetis Meyr. 7768 cicutaella Kft. Acanthedra Meyr. 7769 alameda Braun 7774 GELECHIIDAE stolidota Meyr. Nealyda Dietz 7783 pallidistrigella Cham. 7775 pisoniae Busck 7784 magnella Busck 7776 kinzelella Busck 7785 cilialineella Cham. 7777 bifidella Dietz 7786 pennella Busck Neodactylota Busck 7787 dietziella Busck 7778 snellenella Cham. 7788 canicostella Wlshm. 7779 barberella Busck 7789 actiella B. A Bsk. 7790 occidentalis Braun Metzueria Zell. 7780 lappella Linn. 7791 actinopa Meyr. 7792 anteliella Busck Megacraspedas Zell. 7793 sabulella Wlshm. Autoneda Busck 7794 similiella Cham. 7781 plutella Cham. Xsolaniella Cham. piscipellis Zell. Isophrictis Meyr. 7795 rudbeckiella Bott. 7782 tanacetella 8chr. form denotata Bott. striatella Hbn. 7796 tophella Wlshm. — 65 — 7797 pallidella Cham. 7798 modesta Wlshm. Stereomita Braun 7799 andropogonis Brawn Ptycerata Ely 7800 busckella Ely Sitotroga Heinr. 7801 cerealella OUv. Aristotelia Hbn. 7802 perterrita Meyr 7803 monactis Meyr. 7804 placidella Zell, natalella Busck 7805 disconotella Cham. 7806 angustipennella Clem, hearfottella Busck 7807 gilvolineella Cham. 7808 harrisonella Busch 7809 discriminata Meyr. 7810 robusta Braun 7811 pullusella Cham, minimella Cham. 7812 melanaphra Meyr. 7818 fragariae Busch 7814 absconditella Wlh. palpiannulella Cham, 7815 physaliella Cham. 7816 palpialbella Cham. ' 7817 quinquepunctella Busch 7818 rubidella Clem, cassella Wlk. 7819 calens Meyr. 7820 callirrhoda Meyr. 7821 lespedezae Braun 7822 salicifungiella Clem. 7823 fungivorella Clem. 7824 planitia Braun 7825 ivae BuscJc 7826 molestella Zell. 7827 pudibundella Zell. 7828 intermediella Cham. ruhensella Cham. 7829 urbaurea Keif. 7830 rbamnina Keif. 7831 adenostomae Keif. 7832 eldorado Keif. 7833 eumeris Meyr. 7834 roseosuffusella Clem. hellela Wlk. 7835 devexella Braun 7836 psoraleae Braun 7837 rhoisella Busch 7838 adceanotha Keif. 7839 amelancbierella Braun 7840 bifasciella Busch 7841 lindanella B. B. 7842 aquosa Meyr. Xsuffusella Ckam. 7843 cockerella Busch 7844 elegantella Cham. superhella Cbam. 7845 monilella B. tf- Bsh. 7846 argentifera Busch 7847 primipilana Meyr. 7848 ochroxysta Meyr. 7849 hexacopa Meyr. 7850 iospora Meyr. 66 — 7851 isopelta Meyr. 7852 nigrobasiella Clarke 7853 atacta Meyer. Chrysopora Clem. 7854 lingulacella Clem. Xhermannella Cham. armeniella F. & B. 7855 hermannella Fair. 7856 versicolorella Kft. Enchrysa Zell. 7857 dissectella Zell. youngella Kft. Numata Busck 7858 bipunctella Busck Glance Cham. 7859 pectenalaeella Cham. Leuce Cham. 7860 fuscocristatella Cham. helfragesella Cham. Helice Cham. Theisoa Cham. 7861 pallidochrella Cham. gleditschiaeella Cham. permolestella Busck 7862 constrictella Zell. Mfasciella Cham. 7863 multifasciella Cham. Tosca Heinr. 7864 plutonella Heinr. 7865 pollostella Busck 7866 elachistella Busck Evippe Cham.- 7867 prunifoliella Cham. 7868 leuconota Zell. plutella Cham. 7869 abdita Braun Agmippe Cham. 7870 biscolorella Cham. 7871 fuscopulvella Cham. 7872 evippeella Busck 7873 crinella Keif. Argyrolacia Keif. 7874 bifida Keif. Recurvaria Haw. 7875 obliquistrigella Cham. 7876 juniperella K/f. 7877 robiniella Fitch fuscopallidella Cham. roMniaefoliella Cham. 7878 argentialbella Cham. 7879 variella Cham. 7880 apicitripunctella Clem. atritella Wlk. ahietisella Pack. 7881 eryngiella Bott. 7882 colubrinae Busck 7883 cristatella Cham. 7884 citriella Cham. 7885 moreonella Heinr. 7886 milleri Busck 7887 thujaella Kft. 7888 coniferella Kft. 7889 stanfordia Keif. 7890 pinella Busck 7891 condignella Busck 7892 piceaella Kft. form obscurella Kft. Xnigra Kft. — 67 — 7893 gibsonella Kft. 7894 alnifructella Busck 7895 dorsivittella Zell, vagatioella Cham. 7896 quercivorella Cham, gilviscopella Zell. 7897 invictella Busck 7898 nanella Hbn. crataegella Busck 7899 ceanothiella Braun 7900 francisca Keif. 7901 nigra Busck 7902 consimilis Braun 7903 graphicella Busck 7904 bacchariella Keif. 7905 stibomorpha Meyr. 7906 vestigata Meyr. 7907 taphiopis Meyr. Eucordylea Dietz 7908 atrupictella Dietz 7909 gallicola Busck 7910 elucidella B. d B. 7911 mackiei Keif. 7912 huntella Keif. Exoteleia Wlgn. Paralechia Busck 7913 pinifoliella Cham. 7914 californica Busck 7915 burkei Keif. 7916 dodecella Linn. Trypanisma Clem. 7917 prudens Clem. quinqueannulella Cbam. 7918 fagella Busck Besciva Busck 7919 longitudinella Busck Epithectis Meyr. 7920 citrinella B. & B. 7921 saundersella Cham. 7922 gallaegenitella Clem. geminella Riley 7923 attributella Wlk. difficilisella Cham. 7924 sylvicolella Busck 7925 bicostomaculella Cham. thoracella Wlshm. 7926 osteosema Meyr. 7927 oxymeris Meyr. Leucogonia Meyr. 7928 subsimella Clem. 7929 californica Keif. 7930 distincta Keif. Arogalea Wlshm. 7931 cristifasciella Cham. inscripta Wlshm. Telphusa Cham. 7932 aethiops Westw. quinquecristatella Cham. 7933 sedulitella Busck agrifolia Braun 7934 basifasciella Zell. 7935 glandiferella Zell. sella Cham. 7936 betulella Busck 7937 belangerella Cham. oronella Wlshm. 68 — 7938 palliderosacella Cham. 7963 ceanothiella Busck 7939 basistrigella Zell. marinensis Keif. 7940 caryaevorella Pack. 7964 paralogella Busck 7941 quercinigracella Cham, fragmentella Zell. 7965 trialbamaculella Cham, epigaeella Cham. 7942 querciella Cham. 7966 minimaculella Cham. 7943 fasciella Cham. 7967 argentipunctella Ely 7944 lophosella Busck 7968 thoracealbella Cham. 7945 sequax Haw. 7969 leucanieella Busck 7946 baldiana B. d Bsk. 7970 paraplutella Busck 7947 fuscopunctella Clem. 7971 cercerisella Cham, olympiadella Zell. 7948 amelanchierella Braun 7972 quinella Zell. 7949 praefixa Braun 7973 arizonella Busck 7950 acaciella Busck 7974 lipatiella Busck 7951 longifasciella Clem, curvistrigella Cham. obliquifasciella Cham. lutraula Meyr. 7975 bimaculella Cham, ternariella Zell. sylvaecolella Cham. 7952 latifasciella Cham. 7976 coloradensis Busck 7953 alexandriaeella Cham. 7977 viduella Fabr. labradoriella Clem. 7954 bicostomaculella Cham, quercifoliella Cham. 7978 fulmenella Busck prorepta Meyr. 7955 mariona Heinr. 7979 albilorella Zell. Xenolechia Meyr. trifasciella Cham. 7956 velatella Busck 7980 lugubrella Fabr. 7957 querciphaga Keif. 7981 dentella Busck 7958 ontariensis Keif. 7982 sistrella Busck 7983 abdominella Busck Cremona Busck 7984 xanthophilella B. d Bsk. 7959 cotoneastri Busck 7985 coticola Busck Gelechia Hbn. 7986 depuratella Busck 7960 branella Busck 7987 dromicella Busck 7961 metallica Braun 7988 triangulella Busck 7962 clandestina Meyr. 7989 packardella Cham. — 69 — 7990 unifasciella Busck 7991 paulella Busck 7992 kincaidella Busck 7993 catalinella Busck 7994 panella Busck 7995 aristella Busck 7996 morenella Busck 7997 ribesella Cham. 7998 mandella Busck 7999 nanodella Busck 8000 dyariella Busck 8001 albisparsella Cham. platanella Cham. 8002 periculella Busck 8003 neotrophella Heinr. 8004 trophella Busck 8005 continuella Zell. trimaculella Pack. aWomaculella Cham, 8006 unistrigella Cham. 8007 chloroschema Meyr. 8008 fructuaria Braun 8009 discostrigella Cham. 8010 trachycosma Meyr. 8011 biforella Busck 8012 pseudofondella Busck 8013 fondella Busck 8014 terminimaculella Kft. 8015 clistrodoma Meyr. 8016 inaequalis Busck 8017 benitella B. & Bsk. 8018 malindella Busck 8019 lindenella Busck 8020 mediofuscella Clem. vagella Wlk. fuscoochrella Cham. liturosella Zell. rhedaria Meyr. 8021 walsinghami Dietz 8022 pennsylvanica Dietz 8023 longicornis Curt. alternatella Kft. 8024 arenella Forhes 8025 petulans Braun 8026 abella Busck 8027 fuscotaeniaella Cham. 8028 texanella Cham. chamhersella Dyar 8029 invariabilis Kft. 8030 barnesiella Busck 8031 puertella Busck 8032 variabilis Busck 8033 diversella Busck 8034 striatella Busck 8035 rectistrigella B. £ Bsk. 8036 figurella Busck 8037 bigella Busck 8038 bispiculata Meyr. 8039 bistrigella Cham. 8040 xyloglypta Meyr. 8041 flavicorporella Wlshm. 8042 desiliens Meyr. 8043 ochreosuffusella Cham. depressostrigella Cham. 8044 ocherfuscella Cham. 8045 ochreostrigella Cham. 8046 mimella Clem. 8047 spilosella B. & Bsk. — 70 — 8048 hibiscella Busck 8049 wacoella Cham. 8050 cockerelli Busck 8051 discoocellella Cham. violaceofusca Zell. 8052 capiteochrella Cham. 8053 pravinominella Cham. tQuadrimaculella Cham. 8054 inquilinella Busck 8055 retiniella B. d Bsk. langei Keif. 8056 decemmaculella Cham. 8057 rileyella Cham. 8058 pallidegrisseella Cham. 8059 glycyrrhizaeella Cham. 8060 fuscoluteella Cham. 8061 nundinella Zell. beneficentella Murt. 8062 monumentella Cham. 8063 obscurosuffusella Cham. ? canopulvella Cham. 8064 conspersa Braun 8065 versutella Zell. 8066 lynceella Zell. 8067 obscuroocelella Cham. 8068 occidentella Cham. 8069 vanduzeei Keif. *8071 chrysopyla Keif. 8072 eriogonella Clarke 8073 rigidae Clarke 8074 eldorada Keif. 8075 luteogeminata Clarke 8076 dammersi Keif. *No number 8010 8077 negundella Heinr. 8078 nigrimaculella Busck 8079 flexurella Clem. 8080 maculimarginella Cham. 8081 gilvomaculella Clem. himinimaculella Cham 8082 serotinella Busck 8083 monotaeniella Bott. 8084 pseudoacaciella Cham. caecella Zell. 8085 thoraceochrella Cham. ohscurella Cham. perobscurella Wlshm. 8086 thoracestrigella Cham. 8087 obscurusella Cham. fuscopulvella Cham. 8088 fuscomaculella Cham. 8089 vernella Murt. tformosella Murt. 8090 brumella Clem. 8091 trilineella Cham. 8092 natalis Heinr. 8093 trichostola Meyr. 8094 acrina Keif. 8095 ornatifimbriella Clem. unctulella Zell. 8096 seculaella Clarke 8097 aulaea Clarke 8098 abactella Clarke 8099 braunella Keif, a arborei Keif. 8100 caudatae Clarke 8101 lepidotae Clarke 8102 amorphaeella Cham. 8103 abradescens Braun ■71 — 8104 psiloptera B. £ BsTc. 8136 catacrossa Meyr. 810& persicaeella Murt. 8137 chlorocrana Meyr. confusella Cham. 8138 hipposaris Meyr. 8106 fluvialella Busck. 8139 acharnaea Meyr. 8107 scabrella Busck 8140 rivulata Meyr. 8108 arbutina Keif. 8141 collinearis Meyr. 8109 manzanitae Keif. 8142 asbolodes Meyr. 8110 badiomaculella €ham. 8143 agriodes Meyr. 8111 griseaella Cham. 8144 halycopa Meyr. 8112 griseochrella Cham. 8145 gomphopis Meyr. 8113 liturella Wlk. 8146 mono pa Meyr. 8114 maculatusella Cham. 8147 epigypsa Meyr. •8116 demissae Keif. 8117 saliciphaga Keif. Steg'asta Meyr. 8118 frugalis Braun 8148 bosqueella Cham. basqueella Cham. (laps. 8119 8120 prognosticata Braun nigrobarbata Braun cal.) costipunctella Moesch. 8121 occlusa Braun Gnorimoschema Busck 8122 permacta Braun 8149 serratipalpella Cham. 8123 albifemorella Clarke 8150 dudiella Busck 8124 sarcochlora Meyr. 8151 septentrionella Fyles 8125 helicosticta Meyr. 8152 gibsoniella Busck 8126 fuliginea Meyr. 8153 gallaesolidaginis Riley 8127 notochlora Meyr. 8154 salinaris Busck 8128 pinguicula Meyr. 8155 laguna Busck 8129 speculifera Meyr. 8156 gallaeasteriella Kell. 8130 camptogramma Meyr. caesiella Brodie 8131 promonitrix Meyr. 8157 gallaediplopappi Fyles 8132 hemicrossa Meyr. 8158 washingtoniella Busck 8133 isocrossa Meyr. 8159 baccharisella Biisck 8134 xanthuris Meyr. 8160 petrella Busck 8135 normifera Meyr. 8161 neopetrella Keif. *2^0 number 8115 8162 subterranea Busck 72 — 8163 8164 coquillettella Busck ericameriae Keif. 8194 detersella Clem. brackenridgella Busck 8165 basckiella Eft. 8195 scutellariaeella Cham. 8166 8167 8168 8169 chiquitella Busck tetradymiella Busck miscitatella Clarke alaricella Busck 8196 8197 8198 lavernella Cham. physalivorella Cham. ambrosiaeella Cham. artemisiella Kft. axenopsis Meyr. 8170 banksiella Busck 8199 polemoniella Braun 8171 contraria Braun 8200 sacculicola Braun 8172 alblmarginella Cham. 8201 lutescella Clarke 8173 semicyclionella Busck 8202 consueta Braun 8174 terracottella Busck 8203 compsomorpha Meyr. 8175 pedmontella Cham. 8204 sporomachla Meyr. 8176 faustella Busck 8205 lectulifera Meyr. 8177 collinusella Cham. 8206 fercularia Meyr. 8178 atriplex Busck 8207 semirosea Meyr. 8179 pallidochrella Cham, f versicolorella Cham. 8208 eucausta Meyr. 8180 8181 8182 ochreostrigella Cham, henshawiella Busck potentella Keif. triocellella Cham. Phthorimaea Meyr. 8209 subtractella Wlk. 8210 inexperta Meyr. Xsimpliciella Cham, 8183 albangulata Braun 8211 striatella Murt. 8184 octomaculella Cham. 8212 minor Busck 8185 8186 8187 princeps Busck radiatella Busck saphirinella Cham. 8213 glochinella Zell, solaniella Cham. cinerella Murt. inconspicuella Murt. 8188 8189 splendoriferella Busck florella Busck 8214 operculella Zell, solanella Bdv. tabacella Rag, 8190 vastifica Braun 8215 lycopersicella Busck 8191 batanella Busck 8216 elmorei Keif. 8192 macromaculata Braun 8217 plaesiosema Turn. 8193 erigeronella Braun 8218 altisolani Keif. — 73 8219 chenopodiella Busck 8220 obsoletella Roesl. 8221 emancipata Meyr. Xmarmorella Cham. 8222 discomaculella Cham, aurimaculella Cham. 8223 laudatella Wlshm. 8224 grisella Cham. 8225 milleriella Cham. 8226 ochroschista Meyr. 8227 charcoti Meyr. Nothris Hbn. 8228 nephanthes Meyr. 8229 thymiata Meyr. 8230 tephrinopa Meyr. 8231 melanchlora Meyr. 8232 diaconalis Meyr. 8233 gracula Meyr. 8234 mundata Meyr. 8235 sahinella Zell. bianulella Cham. ocellella Cham. 8236 notandella Busck 8237 anarsiella Cham. 8238 monella Busck Polyhymno Cham. 8239 luteostrigella Cham. fuscostrigella Cham. 8240 acaciella Busck 8241 sexstrigella Cham. Calliprora Meyr. 8242 thermogramma Meyr. Sophronia Hbn. 8243 primella Busck 8244 roseicrinella Busck 8245 teretracma Meyr. Stomopteryx Hein. Aproaerema Durr. 8246 anthyllidella Hhn. palpilineella Busck (nec. Cham. 8247 nigrella Cham. 8248 palpilineella Cham. 8249 adversa Braun 8250 crotalariella Busck 8251 iobapta Meyr. 8252 metadesma Meyr. Untomia Busck 8253 untomiella Busck 8254 albistrigella Cham. Duvita Busck 8255 vittella Busck 8256 pasadenae Keif. 8257 cyclella Busck 8258 nigratomella Clem. apicilinella Clem. apicistrigella Cham. concinusella Cham. 8259 tahavusella Forhes Compsolechia Meyr. 8260 coverdalella Kft. 8261 paltodoriella Busck 8262 levipedella Clem. 8263 fullonella Zell. rufusella Cham. suhruherella Cham. rubescens Wlshm. — 74 — 8264 lagunculariella Busck 8265 lupinella Busck 8266 fragariella Busck 8267 psoraliella B. & Bsk. 8268 crescentifasciella Cham. 8269 rhoifructella Clem, consonella Zell. quadrimaculella Cham. ochreocostella Cham. 8270 lacteusochrella Cham. 8271 argyrothamniella Busck 8272 niveopulvella Cham. 8273 nonstrigella Busck 8274 tristrigella Wlshm. 8275 agrimoniella Clem, aduncella Zell. aderusella Riley 8276 kearfottella Busck 8277 sacramenta Keif. 8278 comparanda Meyr. Anacampsis Curt. 8279 conclusella Wlk. tephriasella Cham. grissefasciella Cham. 8280 innocuella Zell. Strobisia Clem. 8281 irridipennella Clem, aphroditella Cham. 8282 proserpinella F. d B. Hoplophysis Wlshm. 8283 emblemella €lem. venustella Cham. Onebala Wlk. 8284 alacella Clem. oehripalpella Zell. goodellella Cham. Thelyasceta Meyr. 8285 nonstrigella Cham. purpureofusca Wlshm. Prostomeus Busck 8286 brunneus Busck Acompsia Hbn. 8287 labradorica Moesch. Anarsia Zell. 8288 lineatella Zell. pruniella Clem. Hypatima Hbn. Chelaria Haw. 8289 zesticopa Meyr. Telephila Meyr. 8290 vacciniella Busck 8291 delotella Busck Dichomeris Hbn. 8292 trimaculella Cham. touceyella Busck 8293 rustica Wlshm. 8294 citrifoliella Cham. 8295 hirculella Busck 8296 ligulella Hhn. contuhernatella Fitch malifoliella Fitch flavivittella Clem. quercipomonella Cham. form pometella Harr, pauciguttella Clem. reedella Cham. 8297 trinotella Cog. 8298 ventrella Fitch unicipunctella Clem. quercicella Cham. 8299 marginella Fahr. — 75 — 8300 caryaefoliella Cham. 8301 suffusella Cham. 8302 mollis B. Bsk. 8303 georgiella Wlk. roseocostella Wlshm. 8304 punctidiscella Clem. stramineella Cham. 8305 punctipennella Clem. gracilella Cham. 8306 bipunctella Wlshm. 8307 deflecta Busck 8308 bimaculella Cham. Deoclona Busck 8309 yuccasella Busck Epicorthylis Zell. 8310 inversella Zell. Trichotaphe Clem. 8311 griseella Cham. 8312 bidiscomaculella Cham. 8313 trimaculella Cham. 8314 fernaldella Busck 8315 serrativitella Zell. plutella Cham. 8316 barnesiella Busck 8317 simpliciella Busck 8318 inserrata Wlshm. 8319 flavocostella Clem. 8320 eupatoriella Cham. dolahella Zell. 8321 hemiclina Meyr. 8322 setosella Clem. costolutella Cham. Mlohella Zell. 8323 stipendiaria Braun 8324 costarufoella Cham. 8325 washingtoniella Busck 8326 condaliavorella Busck 8327 melantherella Busck 8328 trinotella Busck 8329 leuconotella Busck 8330 juncidella Clem. pallipalpis Wlk. duhitella Cham. 8331 levisella Fyles Oegoconia S taint. 8332 quadripuncta Haw. novimundi Busck Mnesistega Meyr. 8333 telemacha Meyr. Brachmia Hbn. 8334 hystricella Braun 8335 subalbusella Cham. parvipulvella Cham. chamhersella Hurt. inaequepulvella Cham 8336 badia Braun 8337 discoannulella Cham. 8338 pullifimbriella Cham. 8339 casca Braun 8340 melanocarpa Meyr. Sceptia Wlshm. 8341 aberratella Busck Glyphidacera Wlshm. 8342 lactiflosella Cham. 8343 dimorphella Busck 8344 meyrickella Busck — 76 — 8345 speratella Busck 8349 isonephes Meyr. 8346 septentrionella Busck 8350 democratica Meyr. 8347 aequepulvella Cham. 8351 barythyma Meyr. 8348 floridanella Busck 8352 lithodoxa Meyr. Dasycera Steph. 8353 newmanella Clem. OECOPHORIDAE Paratheta Meyr. 8368, 1 astigmatica Meyr. Triclonella Busck 8354 pergandeella Busck, 8355 determinate! la Zell. australisella Cham. Fabiola Busck 8356 shaleriella Cham. 8357 tecta Braun Decantha Busck 8358 borkhauseni Zell. boreasella Cham. SchiffermiLlleria Hbn. Epicallima Dyar 8359 lucidella Busck 8360 amplicincta Braun 8361 argenticinctella Clem. 8382 edithella Busck 8363 antidectis Meyr. 8364 dimidiella Wlshm. 8365 quadrimaculella Cham. 8366 rostrigera Meyr. 8367 coloradella Wlshm. Endrosis Hbn. 8368 lacteella Schiff. kennicottella Clem. Borkhausenia Hbn. Chamhersia Riley 8369 ascriptella Busck 8370 haydenella Cham. 8371 episcia Wlshm. 8372 conia Wlshm. 8373 diveni Heinr. 8374 fasciata Wlshm. 8375 orites Wlshm. 8376 pseudospretella Staint. 8377 longa Meyr. 8378 leucoritis Meyr. 8379 aciculata Meyr. Martyringa Busck 8380 latipennis Wlshm. Machimia Clem. 8381 huachucella Busck 8382 canariella Busck 8383 tentoriferella Clem, confertella Wlk. fernaldella Cham. 8384 ciliella Busck 8385 obscuromaculella Cham. 8386 concolorella Beut. 8387 humata Meyr. — 77 8388 cretacea Zell. 8410 costosa Haw. dryadoxena Meyr. Pleurota Hbn. blackmori Busck 8389 albastrigulella Kft. 8411 posticella Wlshm. Eumeyrickia Busck 8412 sabulella Wlshm. 8390 trimaculella Fitch 8413 argillacea Wlshm. alhapulvella Cham. 8414 arnicella Wlshm. haustellata Wlshm. 8415 clarkei Keif. Eido Cham. 8416 arenella Schiff. 8391 albapalpella Cham. 8417 pergandiella Busck 8418 pallidella Busck Carcina Hbn. 8392 quercana Fair. terinella B. & Bsk, serrae Clarke S419 nivalis Braun Depressaria Haw. 8393 alienella Busch 8420 flavicomella Engel 8394 multifidae Clarke 8421 callosella B. c(- Bsk. 8395 dracunculi Clarke 8422 blacella B. ct Bsk. 8396 leptotaeniae Clarke 8423 senicionella Busck 8397 togata Wlshm,. 8424 canadensis Busck 8398 nymphidia Meyr. 8425 amissella Busck 8399 juliella Busck 8426 pteleae B. Bsk. 840C nervosa Haio. 8427 amyrisella Busck 8401 barberella Busck 8428 novimundi Wlshm. 8402 artemisiella McD. 8429 endrydpa Meyr. 8403 corystopa Meyr. 8430 clemensella Cham. 8404 heracliana De Geer ontariella Beth. 8431 rosaciliella Busck 8405 groteella Rob. 8432 latipalpella B. . 8822 nymphaeella Hist. 6360 nymphidia Meyr. 8398 nymphocoma Meyr. 8888 Nymphula nympbulalis Haim. 5407 Nymphulinae nyssaecolella Dyar 6174 nyssaefoliella Cham. 9752 nyssaefoliella Clem. 8985 obertburalis Fern. 5484 oberthuriella Rag. 6217 obfuscana Dyar 7030 obispalis Dyar 5747 obispoana Eft. 7589 50 74 67 18 18 obiterella Busck 8600 oblectalis Hist. 5715 obliqua Hy. Edio. 5241 obliqualis Grt. 5435 obliquana Eft. (Pandemis) 7372 obliquana Eft. (Pbalonia) 7541 obliquata Hy. Edw. 5789 obliquella Dietz 9596 obliquella Wlk. 5989 obliquifasciella Cham. 7951 obliquistrigella Cham. 7875 obliteralis Wlk. (Loxostege) 5464 obliteralis Wlk. (Nymphula) 5686 obliterana Wlshm. 6861 obliterella Dietz 9341 oblongata Wlshm. 8579 oblunalis Led. 5546 obnigralis Hist. 5607 obnigrana Heinr. 7072 obnisa Heinr. 7266 obnupsella Hist. 6063 Obrussa obrutella Zell. 9782 obscuralis B. cC- McD. 5441 obscuralis Grt. 5682 obscuralis Led. 5401 obscuralis Moesch. 5686 obscurella Beut. 8616 obscurella Braun 9737 obscurella Cham. 8085 obscurella Dietz (Homosetia) 9706 obscurella Dietz (Pigritia) 8563 obscurella Eft. 7892 obscuricostella Clem. 9177 obscuripennella F. d B. 9381 obscurofasciella Cham. (Buccula- trix) 9440 obscurofasciella Cham. (Tinagma) 9004 obscuromaculata Braun 9804 obscuromaculella Cham. 8385 obscuroocelella Cham. 8067 obscurostrigella Cham. 9642 obscurosuffusella Cham. 8063 obscurusella Cham. (Gelecbia) 8087 obscurusella Cham. (Mompha) 7757 obsipella Hist. 6229 obsolescens Dyar 5290 obsoleta F. c£- B. 9210 obsoletana Wlk. 7381 obsoletella Roesl. 8220 obsoletella Zell. 8471 obstrictella Clem. 9261 obtusangulella Bag. 6396 obtusilobae F. d B. 9243 obumbratalis Led. 5596 Ocala 34 occidens Busck 9551 Occidentalia 25 occidentalis B. d B. 5779 occidentalis B. d McD. 5243 occidentalis Braun 7790 — 150 — occidentalis Grt. 5854 occidentalis Haim. 5392 occidentalis Heinr. 6829 occidentalis Hist. 5765 occidentalis Pack. 5471 occidentalis Wlshm. 6523 occidentella Cham. (Gelechia) 8068 occidentella Cham. (Tinea) 9656 occidentella Dietz (Dryoperia) 8565 occidentella Dietz (Myrmecozela) 9595 occidentella Dyar 8666 occidentis Zell. 9096 occipitana Zell. 6949 occitanica F. d B. 9212 occlusa Braun 8121 occulta Braun 9324 ocellana Clem. 7205 ocellana D. d 8. 6768 ocellata Grt. 5273 ocellea Auct. 5952 ocellella Cham. 8235 ocherfuscella Cham. 8044 ochosalis Dyar 5625 ochracealis Wlk. 5803 ochraceana Fern. 7020 ochralis Haim. 5338 ochreana Clem. 7004 ochreella Clem. 8573 ochrefasciella Cham. 9788 ochreicostalis B. d McD. 5572 ochreicostana Wlshm. 7214 ochrella B. d McD. 6357 ochrella Cham. (Cerostoma) 8853 ochrella Cham. (Coleophora) 9076 ochreoalbana Wlk. 7570 ochreocostella Cham. 8269 ochreomaculella Cham. 9050 ochreostrigella Cham. (Gelechia) 8045 ochreostrigella Cham. (Gnorimos- chema) 8180 ochreosuffusella Cham. 8043 ochrifrontella Zell. 6318 ochrimaculella Rag. 6343 ochripalpella Zell. 8284 ochripunctella Dyar 6202 ochristriata Wlshm. 8956 ochristrigella Braun 9464 ochrocephala Dietz 8506 ochrocephala Wlshm. 6785 ochrocomella Clem. 8564 ochrodactylus Fish 6460 ochroleucana Hhn. 6707 ochromediana Kft. 6713 ochroplagiata Braun 8928 ochroschista Meyr. 8226 ochrostriata Wlshm. 9149 ochrosuffusanum Heinr. 6687 ochroterminana Kft. 6787 ochroxysta Meyr. 7848 ocliferia Heinr. 7235 Ocnerostoma 90 octagonella Wlshm. 9158 octomaculalis Fern. 5719 octomaculata Linn. 5647 octomaculella Cham. 8184 octonalis Zell. 5654 octopunctana Wlshm. 6842 octosignalis Hist. 5604 oculana Harr. 6768 oculatana Clem. 5317 oculiferalis Rag. 6010 odiosella Hist. 6219 odyneripennis Wlk. 8684 Oecophoridae 77 oedipodalis Gn. 5567 Oedonia 7 Oegoconia 75 oenochroa Meyr. 7249 Oenoe 107 oenotheraeella Cham. 7740 oenotheraeseminella Cham. 7748 oenotherana Riley 7567 oenotherivorella Cham. 7748 Ofatulena ofellusalis Wlk. 5392 offectalis Ckll. 6746 offectalis Hist. 6861 officiosa Meyr. 7532 offumalis Hist. 5480 ohioensis Zell. 8663 Oidaematophorus Oiketicus Oinophilidae olbiella Hist. 6339 olealis Feld. 5414 olealis Rag. 5787 oleraceana Gih. 7466 Olethreutes Olethreutidae Olethreutinae olinalis Gn. 5774 olivaceana Riley 6854 olivaceanum Fern. 6662 olivacella Dyar 6337 olivaeformis Braun 9183 olivalis Grt. 5797 olivalis Hist. 6014 olivella Grt. 5846 olivella Hist. 6410 oliviella Busck 8850 53 38 102 102 42 39 39 Ollia olliusalis Wlk. 5392 Olycella olympiadella Zell. 7971 olympica Braun 8638 omissa Braun 0500 omissa Wlshm. 8872 Ommatopteryx Ommatospila omphacitis Meyr. 7555* Omphalocera onagella Dietz 9595 36 32 24 11 20 — 151 — Onebala Oneida onosmodiella Busck 9304 ontariella Beth. 8404 ontariensis Keif. 7958 Ontario McD. 6465 onustana Wlk. 8663 onythesalis Wlk. 5615 opacella Hist. 6413 opalescalis Hist. 5848 opalescellum Hist. 6375 opalescens Hy. Edw. 8692 opercularis A. & S. 5283 operculella Zell. 8214 operosella Zell. 9606 ophionalis Wlk. 5492 ophionana McD. 6889 ophrionella Dietz 9666 opinionellus Dyar 5974 oporedestella Dyar 6065 Opostega Opostegidae oppilalis Grt. 5562 optimana Dyar 6880 opulenta Braun 7681 opulifoliella Braun 9744 opuntialis Dyar 5348 opuntiella Busck 9281 oraculella Kft. 5839 orasusalis Wlk. 5598 oratalis Hist. 5512 orbimaculella Cham. 8932 ore Stkr. 7667 ordinalis Meyr. 8842 ordinatella Wlk. 8931 oreadella Hist. 6409 oreasella Clem. 8893 oregonana Wlshm. 7078 oregonella B. <£ McD. 6179 oregonella Busck 9671 oregonella Wlshm. 9791 oregonensis Heinr. 6793 oregonensis Wlshm. 9223 oregonicus Ort. 5907 Orenaia orestella Busck 9009 orichalcella Clem. 9019 75 26 100 100 14 Orinympha orites Wlshm. 8375 orleansella Cham. 9646 ornatalis Dup. 5358 ornatella Cham. 9218 ornatella Dietz (Homosetia) 9713 ornatella Dietz (Pigritia) 8558 ornatifimbriella Clem. 8095 ornatula Heinr. 6808 orobancbella Dyar 6307 oronella Wlshm. 7937 oropeso Barnes 5257 orphisalis Wlk. 5623 orphnealis Wlk. 5396 orthocarpi Hy. Edw. 8746 orthocarpi Wlshm. 6495 Ortholepis oryzaeellus Riley 5976 oscitalis Ort. 5563 oslarellum Dyar 6373 oslarellus Haim. 5865 osmundana Fern. 6713 osseana Scop. 7458 osseella Wlshm. 8587 ostensackenella Fitch 9218 ostentatrix Heinr. 7211 osteosema Meyr. 7926 ostreella Rag. 6428 ostreonalis Grt. 5421 ostricolorella Hist. 6319 ostrinella Clem. 6396 ostryae Clem. 9086 ostryaeella Cham. (Chrysopeleia) 7706 ostryaeella Cham. (Gracillaria) 9366 ostryaefoliella Clem. (Coptodisca) 8996 ostryaefoliella Clem. (Lithocolletis) 9178 ostryaefoliella Clem. (Nepticula) 9738 ostryarella Cham. 9264 ostryella Ely 6084 otiosana Clem. 7044 ottawana Kft. 7625 ovalis Pack. 6163 ovata Braun 9816 ovina Sepp. 5280 oviplagalis Wlk. 5784 ovulalis Gn. 5378 oxycoccana Pack. 7480 oxydactylus Wlk. 6460 oxydalis Gn. 5583 Oxyelophila 18 oxyleuca Meyr. 7052 oxymeris Meyr. 7927 oxypleca Meyr. 8971 Oxyptilus Ozamia pacalis Grt. 5691 pachystimella Busck 9410 Pachyzancia 12 pacifica Hy. Edw. 8689 pacifica McD. 8954 pacifica Riley 8692 pacificalis Dyar 5747 pacificana Wlshm. 7202 packar della Cham. (Bucculatrix) 9439 packardella Cham. (Gelechia) <989 packardella Cham. (.Gracillaria) 9369 packardella Clem. 8459 packardella Rag. 6305 packardi Zell. 7244 Packardia ' packardiana Clem. 7130 packardiana Fern. 7418 152 — padella Linn. 8936 paenulata Clem. 5234 paganellus McD. 5906 palabundana Heinr. 6932 Palatka 3 paleaceus Zell. 6565 palindialis Gn. 5450 pallicornella Rag. 6057 pallida Braun 9777 pallida Comst. 6328 pallida H. 8. 5278 pallidactyla Haw. 6476 pallidalis B. d B. 6026 pallidarcis Heinr. 6832 pallidegrisseella Cham. 8058 pallidella Braun 8916 pallidella Busck 8418 pallidella Cham. 7797 pallidella Dyar 6273 palliderosacella Cham. 7938 pallidibasalis Heinr. 7261 pallidicostana Wlshm. 6836 pallidipalpana Kft. 6912 pallidipennella Hist. 6306 pallidistrigella Cham. 7783 pallidocbrella Cham. (Gnorimos- chema) 8179 pallidocbrella Cham. (Helice) 786lJ pallidotinctella Dietz 8564 pallidovenata Grossh. 9519, 1 palliolana McD. 6609 palliolella Rag. 6082 pallipalpis Wlk. 8330 pallipennis McD. 6763 pallistriga B. d McD. 6509 palloralis Dyar 5747 pallorana Roh. 7410 palloricostella Walt. 6344 pallulella Hist. 6317 pallulellus B. d McD. 5829 palmalis B. d McD. 5663 palmata B. d McD. 7647 palmetum Heinr. 7274 palmi Beut. 8774 palmi Hy. Edw. 8799 palmi Neum. 8785 Palmia gg paimiana dalla T. 8785 palousana Eft. 6993 palpana Wlshm. 6954 palpialbella Cham. 7816 palpiannulella Cham. 7814 palpilineella Busck 8246 palpilineella Cham. 8248 paltodoriella Busck 8261 paludana Rob. 7383 paludicola Braun 9740 palustriella Braun 9378 pamponerella Dyar 6417 pan B. d L. 6548 panalope Dyar 5983 pandana Eft. 6983 Pandemis 56 pandoralis B. d McD. 5665 pandurella Dietz 9592 panella Busck 7994 panicifoliella Clem. 8811 Pantographa panurgella Heinr. 8548 parabates Dyar 6279 Parachma Paraclemensia paradisiae Heinr. 7208 Paradosis paradoxa F. d B. 9397 paradoxa Riley 9837 paradoxella Dietz 9609 paradoxica Cham. 9823 paraglypta Meyr. 6909 Paralechia Paraleucoptera Paralipsa parallela Hy. Edw. 5264 parallela Eft. 5969 parallela Rob. 7401 parallelana Wlshm. 7547 paralogella Busck 7964 Paraneura Paranthrene Paraplesia paraplutella Busck 7*970 Parasa Paratheta ] pardella Wlshm.. 9855 Parectopa Parharmonia pariana Cl. 8644 parkerella Schaus 6250 parmatana Clem. 7267 Parornix Parramatta parryana Curt. 7060 parthenialis Dyar 5814 participialis Grt. 5809 particornella Busck 7721 parva Wlshm. 6506 parvana Wlshm. 6820 parvella Dyar 6426 parvicristatella Cham. 7757 parvimaculana Wlshm. 7572 parvipicta B. d McD. 5495 parvipulvella Cham. (Bracbmia) 8335 parvipulvella Cham. (Elacbista) 9020 parvula Hy. Edw. 8944 parvulalis B. d McD. 6011 parvulella B. d McD. 6355 parvulella Ely 6386 parvulus B. d L. 6459 pasadamia Dyar 6189 pasadenae Eeif. 8256 pasadenana Eft. 6747 pasadenensis Grin. 6473 pascuellus Linn. 5857 10 21 109 11 68 100 25 104 87 104 5 77 98 86 98 35 — 153 — Passadena 30 passerana Wlshm. 7000 passerella Busck 7739 pastigiata Heinr. 6853 Patissa 21 patriodoxa Meyr. 9045 patulana Wlk. 7311 pauciguttella Clem. 8296 paula Heinr. 7238 paulella Busck 7991 pavonacella Clem. 8648 pecosana Kft. 7620 pecosella Busck 7751 pectenalaeella Cham. 7859 pectinalis B. & McD. 6012 pectinatella Hamp. 6281 pectinfer Zell. 5946 Pectinigeria 35 peculiana Zell. 7507 pedmontella Cham. ( Argyresthia) 8908 pedmontella Cham. (Gnorimos- chema) 8175 peganitis Meyr. 7560 pegasalis Wlk. 5350 Pelates pelina Meyr. 7021 pellioneila Linn. 9653 pelviculella Hist. 6396 penitalis Grt. 5594 pennella Busck 7786 pennsylvaniana Kft. 7098 pennsylvanica Dietz 8022 pennsylvaniella Eng. 9320 Penthesilea 21 penumbralis Dyar 5734 penumbralis Grt. 5398 Peoria peplifera Dyar 6106 pepsidiformis Hhn. 8691 pepsioides Engelh. 8687 perangustana Wlshm. 6837 percnodactyla Wlshm. 6478 perdita Dyar 9859 perditus B. <€ L. 6579 perdricana Wlshm. 6913 perdubiella Dyar 6299 perductana Wlk. 6655 peremptalis Grt. 5331 perfluana Zell. 7241 perfusalis Wlk. 5340 perfuscalis Hist. (Pilocrosis) 5371 perfuscalis Hist. (Sarata) 6269 perfuscana Heinr. 6788 pergandeana Fern. 6894 pergandeella Busck 8354 pergandiella Busck 8417 pergilvalis Hist. 5461 pergracilidactylus Back. 6588 pergratialis Hist. 6141 pericbalca Meyr. 8823 periculella Busck 8002 periculosalis Dyar 5334 periculosana Heinr. 7036 Perimede Periploca periscelidactylus Fitch 6464 Perispasta peristicta Meyr. 7119 peritana Clem. 7420 periusalis Wlk. 5456 perlepidella Hist. 6458 perlucida Busck 8803 perlucidula Clem. 5293 perluteella Dyar 6337 permacta Braun 8122 permolestella Busck 7861 permundanum Clem. 6696 pernivalis Braun (Choreutis) 8652 pernivalis Braun (Litbocolletis) 9170 perobscurella Wlshm. 8085 perornata Dyar 5279, 1 Peronea peroneana B. d Bsk. 7435 perplexa Hy. Edw. 8697 perplexa N. d D. 7653 perplexalis Fern. 5473 perplexana Fern. 7113 perplexus Grossb. 6522 perpropinqua Heinr. 6951 perrubralis Back. 5612 perseae Busck 9354 perseella B. d McD. 6020 persica Thom. 8691 persicaeella Murt. 8105 persicana Fitch 7378 persimplex Dyar 9541 persolita Heinr. 6942 perspectalis Hbn. 5353 perspicelella Wlshm. 8958 perspicua Wlk. 5314 perspicuana B. d Bsk. 7617 perspicuana Rob. 7491 perstrialis Hbn. 5818 perstructana Wlk. 7081 pertenuis Braun 9478 perterrita Meyr. 7802 pertextalis Led. 5576 petalonota Meyr. 7007 petrella Busck 8160 petrellus Zell. 6229 petrodactyla Wlk. 6502 Petrova pettitana Rob. 7317 petulans Braun 8025 pexellus Zell. 5934 phaceliae McD. 6531 Phaecasiophora phaeopteralis Gn. 5459 Phaeoses phaerusalis Wlk. 5393 Phalonia Phaloniidae phantasmalis Gn. 5413 Pharmacis 58 43 41 102 59 59 61 — 154 — phasma Dyar 5657 phidilealis Wlk. 5424 philogelos Dyar 5352 Philonome philopatris Meyr. 9046 phlaeodes Meyr. 6982 phleophaga BuscJc 9785 Phlyctaenia Phobetron phoebus B. d L. 6549 phoenicealis Hhn. 5613 phoenicis Dyar 6285 phoezalis Dyar 5767 pholas Meyr. 7003 phragmitella Staint. 7744 Phryganeopsis Phthinolophus Phthorimaea Phycitinae phycitinalis Dyar 5746 Phycitopsis Phylacteritis phyllisalis WZfc. 5427 Phyllocnistis physaliella Cham. 7815 physalivorella Cham. 8196 piazzella Dyar 6061 pica Wlshm. 6485 piceae Busch 6630 piceae Dyar 8764 piceaella Kft. 7892 piceafoliana Kft. 7161 picicolana Dyar 6765 pictipennalis B. d McD. 5543 pictipennis Grin. 6588 pictipes G. d R. 8720 picturatella Braun 9257 piger Dyar 9579 Pigritia pilalis Hist. 5586 pilatealis B. d McD. 5569 pilatella Braun 8918 Piletocera pilleriana Schiff. 7346 Pilocrocis pilosella Zell. 8963 pimalis B. d B. 5406 pimana Busch 7549 pimella Dyar 6421 pimpinella Murt. 7767 pinatubana Kft. 7445 pinella Busch 7890 pinguicula Meyr. 8128 pini Kellie. 8763 piniariella Zell. 8926 pinicolana Zell. 7075 pinifoliella Cham. 7913 Pinipestis pinorum Behrens 8766 piperana Busch 7228 piperana Kft. 7297 piperata Braun 9106 piperatella Rag. 6434 100 14 5 109 43 73 27 28 56 98 81 19 9 28 piperatella Zell. 8599 piperella Busch (Cboreutis) 8659 piperella Busch (Lampronia) 9800 piperella Dyar 6258 piratica Meyr. 8973 piscipellis Zell. 7794 pisoniae Busch 7775 pisoniella Busch 8812 pitbecium A. d 8. 5254 pitbopoera Dyar 9533 placendiella Busch 7702 placerana Kft. 7256 placidana Rob. 7503 placidella B. d McD. 6415 placidella Dyar 6314 placidella Haim. 5966 placidella Zell. 7804 plaesiosema Turn. 8217 plagalis Haim. 5622 plagiatella Dietz 8515 plagiatus Wlh. 7670 plagosana Clem. 7201 plana Grt. 5476 planalis Grt. 5765 planiloqua Meyr. 7219 planitia Braun 7824 plantaginisella Cham. 9321 platanana Clem. 7189 platanella Cham. 8001 platanella Clem. (Nepticula) 9760 platanella Clem. (Tetralopba) 6040 platanella Grossb. 6359 platanoidiella Braun 9251 platea Clem. 9781 Platoeceticus 102 Platynota 55 Platyptilia 37 Platytes ’ 25 plausipennella Cham. 8965 plebeiana Zell. 7101 pleciaeformis Wlh. 8684 plectilis G. d R. 5564 plejadellus Zinch. 5976 plena Wlh. 5317 plenilinealis Grt. 5681 Pleurota plevie Dyar 5712 plicipunctella Wlshm. 8906 Pliniaca Plodia Ploiophora plumbana Fern. 7229 plumbeella Beut. 8622 plumbicostalis Grt. 5373 plumbifimbriellus Dyar 5893 plumbolineana Kft. 7166 plumbosignalis Fern. 5501 plumifrontellus Clem. 9556 plumigerella Hist. 6120 plummerella Busch 8454 plummerella Dietz 8480 plummeriana Busch (Pbalonia) — 155 — plummeriana Busck (Talponia) 7234 Plutella plutella Cham. (Evippe) 7868 plutella Cham. (Megacraspedas) 7781 plutella Cham. (Trichotaphe) 8315 Plutellidae ^ plutonella Heinr. 7864 pneumatella Hist. 6332 poana Zell. 6728 Podiasa 9 Podosesia ^ polemoniella Braun (Coleophora) 9126 polemoniella Braun (Gnorimos- chema) 8199 polingalis B. <£• B. 5790 polingella Dyar 6312 polingi B. & B. (Comadia) 7663 polingi B. & B. (Eurukuttarus) 9531 polingi Kft. 5891 Polingia polistiformis Harr. 8796 polita Wlshm. 8828 politella Wlshm. 9802 polle Dyar 5651 pollinalis Schiff. 5530 Polloccia pollostella Busck 7865 pollux B. cC- L. 6538 polluxana McD. 6730 Polopeustis polyactinellus Zell. 5897 Polychrosis polygoni Hy. Edw. 8749 Polygrammodes Polyhymno polypkemella Rag. 6259 Pomeria pometella Harr. 8296 pomifoliella Clem. 9448 pomiliella Clem. 9696 pomivorella Pack. 9764 pomonana Treit. 7301 pomonella Busck 9284 pomonella Linn. 7301 pomonella Pack. 9448 ponda Dyar 6002 ponderosae Dyar 6130 ponderosella B. cC- McD. 6284 popana Kft. 6943 popeanellus Clem. 9570 populana Busck 7275 populella Busck 9783 populetorum F. <& B. 9775 populi Wlk. 7667 populiella Cham. (Gracillaria) 9376 14 21 29 40 12 74 61 populiella Cham. (Lithocolletis) 9206 populiella Cham. (Phyllocnistis; 9308 porphyretica Braun 9373 porphyria Braun 9639 Porphyrosela porrectella Linn. 8870 portulacae Ckll. 9159 posticata G. & R. 5471 posticella Wlshm. 8411 postremella Dyar 6406 postrubralis Hamp. 5612 potentalis B. cC- McD. 5592 potentella Keif. 8181 potentillae Hy. Edw. 8784 Poujadia poulella Busck 8871 praeangusta Haw. 7696 praecedens Hy. Edw. 8767 praefectellus Zinck. 5863 praefixa Braun 7949 praeia Dyar 5655 praelineata Braun 9038 praematurella Clem. 9021 praescripta Meyr. 7084 praesinospila Meyr. 7069 praestans Hy. Edw. 8745 praesumptiosa Heinr. 7018 pratella Hhn. 5871 prattiella Busck 8632 pravatella Busck 9620 pravella Ort. 6184 pravinominella Cham. 8053 praxialis Druce 5415 preciosella Dietz 9332 prepostera Braun 9138 priapeia Heinr. 6599 primariana Wlk. 6736 primella Busck 8243 primipilana Meyr. 7847 primordialis Dyar 5718 primulana Wlshm. 6966 princeps Busck 8185 principalis Led. 5409 principalis Wlk. 5350 Prionapteryx Prionoxystus Probolacma procax Meyr. 7352 procellariana WZ7c. 6227 proceralis Led. 5616 Prochalia procrastinella Braun 9739 prodenialis Wlk. 6277 Prodoxidae Prodoxus profana Meyr. 7049 profundalis Pack. 5547 prognosticata Braun 8119 Progona prolatella Grt. 5976 Proleucoptera Prolimacodes 97 36 22 62 84 103 109 109 106 100 6 156 — promonitrix Meyr. 8131 promptana Roh. 7540 Promylea 29 Pronuba 109 propinqualis Moesch. 5356 propinquinella Braun 9204 propinquus Wlshm. 9567 proprialis Fern. 5686 propriella Wlk. 6341 prorepta Meyr. 7978 prosenes Dyar 5968 proserpinella F. d B. 8282 prosopis Hy. Edw. 8737 prosperana Kft. 7284 Prostomeus Proteoteras Protolithocolletis protypica Meyr. 8499 provana Kft. 7430 provoella B. d B. 6045 proxima Hy. Edw. 8723 proximalis Fern. 5535 prudens Clem. 7917 pruni Heinr. 7184 pruniella Clem. (Anarsia) 8288 pruniella Clem. (Coleophora) 9102 pruniella Clem. (Coptodisca) 8998 prunifoliella Cham. 7867 prunifoliella Clem. 9725 pruniramiella Clem. 9626 prunivora Walsh 7245 prunivorella Cham. 9344 Psacaphora 64 Psammia 3l psammitis Zell. 8941 Pselnophorus 33 pseudacaciella Fitch 9191 pseudoacaciella Cham. 8084 pseudofondella Busek 8012 Pseudogalleria 43 Pseudopigritia 81 pseudoranalis B. d McD. 559i Pseudoschoenobius 22 pseudospretella Staint. 8376 pseudotsugana Kft. 7075 Psilocorsis 79 psiloptera B. d Bsk. 8104 psoraleae Braun 7836 psoraliella B. d Bsk. 8267 psoraliella Wlshm. 8449 Psorosina 33 psychialis Hist. 5328 Psychidae IO2 psychotriella Busek 9422 pteleae B. d Bsk. 8426 pteliaeella Cham. 9721 pterodactyla Linn. 6507 Pterophoridae 37 Pterophorus 37 ptilodactyla Hbn. 6507 Ptycerata 66 ptychogrammos Zell. 7474 pudibundella Rag. 6208 pudibundella Zell. 7827 puertalis B. d McD. 5662 puertella Busek 8031 pulcharalis B. d B. 5669 pulchella Cham. 9391 pulcbella Dietz 8496 pulchella Wlk. 5957 pulchellana Clem. 7190 pulchellus Zell. 5861 pulcher Grt. 9866 pulcherrimana Wlshm. 7321 pulcherrimella Cham. 7674 pulchripictalis Hamp. 5565 pullata Braun 9292 75 pullatella Rag. 6260 49 pullifimbriella Cham. 8338 97 pullusella Cham. 7811 pulsatillana Dyar 7111 pulvella Cham. (Batrachedra) 7696 pulvella Cham. (Tischeria) 9497 pulveralis Warr. 5656 pulveratana Wlshm. 6988 pulverilinea Braun 9006 pulverosana Wlk. 7486 pulverulentus Riley 9829 pulvipennella Clem. 8440 pumilella Rag. 6190 pumilio Zell. 6504 punctadiscana Kft. 7565 punctanum Wlshm. 6670 punctellus Busek 9543 puncticostana Wlk. 6723 punctidactyla Haw. 6484 punctidiscanum Dyar 7302 punctidiscella Clem. 8304 punctiferella Busek 7760 punctiferella Clem. 8540 punctiferella Wlshm. (Adela) 9846 punctiferella Wlshm. (Greya) 9810 punctilimbella Rag. 6454 punctilineella B. d McD. 5980 punctipennella Clem. 8305 punctulata Braun 9769 pupula Hhn. (Eustixia) 5653 pupula Hhn. (Lactura) 8940 purata Meyr. 7421 purgatoria Dyar 6304 puricostella Rag. 6455 purinosella Cham. 9490 puritana Roh. 7337 puritellus Kft. 5973 purpurana Clem. 7399 purpurascens Pack. 9859 purpuratella Braun 9735 purpurea Wlk. 9844 purpurella Dietz 8554 purpurella Hist. 6225 purpureofusca Wlshm. 8285 purpuriciliana Wlshm. 7164 purpuriella Braun 7693 purpuriella Busek 7725 purpuriella Cham. (Chrysopeleia) 7707 — 157 — purpuriella Cham. (Gracillaria) 9375 purpurissatana Heinr. 7034 purpurocomella Clem. 8505 pusilla Dietz 8544 pusilla F. d B. 9022 pusillifoliella F. cC- B. 9215 pusionellus Zell. 5885 pussillalis Hhn. 5958 pustuliferalis Led. 5449 pygmaea B. <& McD. 9534 pygmaea G. & R. 5248 pygmaeella Hhn. 8891 pygmaeella Rag. 6136 pygmaeus Wlshm. 6462 Pyla pyloalis Wlk. 5412 Pyralidae 2 pyralidifonnis Wlk. 8755 Pyralidoidea 2 Pyralinae 19 Pyralis 19 pyramellus B. d McD. 9549 pyramidalis Wlk. 8789 Pyramidobela 23 pyrana Meyr. 7371 Pyrausta 1^ pyraustalis Dyar 5516 Pyraustinae 9 pyri Harr. 8729 pyricolana Murt. 7244 pyrifoliana Clem. 6768 pyrina L. 7648 Pyroderces pyrusana Kft. 7371 pythialis B. d McD. 5617 pyxidifera A. d S. 5288 quadragintapimctata Dyar 8675 quadrellus B. d McD. 9584 quadricolorella Dyar 6422 quadricristatella Cham. 7708 quadrifasciana Fern. 7453 quadrifidura Zell. 6678 quadrigemina Braun 9476 quadriguttatus Grt. 9860 quadrilineella Cham. (Coleophora) 9121 quadrilineella Cham. (Cosmop- teryx) 7680 quadrimaculella Cham. (Compso- lechia) 8269 quadrimaculella Cham. (Gelechia) 8053 quadrimaculella Cham. (Scliiflei- mulleria) 8365 quadrinotata Braun 9722 quadripuncta Haw. 8332 quadripunctella Clem. 9345 quadripunctellus Dyar 9555 quadristigmalis Gn. 5419 quadristrigalis Fern. 5520 quadristrigella Busck 9071 quadristrigella Cham. 9404 quadristrigella Zell. 8879 quaestoralis B. d McD. 5544 quaintancella Dietz 8490 quantulella Hist. 6385 quebecense Heinr. 6698 quercana Fabr. 8392 quercana Fern. 7325 querceti H. 8. 5234 quercetorum F. d B. 9164 querci Hy. Edw. 8736 quercialbella Fitch 9168 quercicastanella Cham. 9776 quercicella Cham. 8298 quercicella Cle7n. 8473 quercicola H. 8. 5234 quercicolella Braun 9003 quercicolella Cham. 8886 quercicolella Rag. 6199 querciella Busck (Abebaea) 8835 querciella Busck (Stenoma) 8586 querciella B. d McD. 6039 querciella Cham. 7942 querciella Clem. 9062 quercifoliana Fitch 7452 quercifoliella Cham. (Neurobatha) 9306 quercifoliella Cham-. (Telphusa) 7954 quercifoliella Fitch 9164 quercinigracella Cham. 7941 quercinigrella Ely 9384 querciperda Fitch 7671 querciphaga Keif. 7957 quercipomonella Cham. 8296 quercipulchella Cham. 9168 quercipulchrella Cham. 9745 quercitella Clem. 9489 quercivorella Cham. (Lithocolletis) 9246 quercivorella Cham,. (Recurvaria) 7896 quercivorella Cham. (Tischeria) 9489 quercus Ehrm. 7670 querula Dyar 6009 quieta Braun 9795 quietalis Wlk. 5395 quinella Zell. 7972 quinquareatus Zell. 5853 quinqueannulella Cham. 7917 quinquecaudata Ridings 8765 quinquecristata Braun 8633 quinquecristatella Cham. ( S'til- bosis) 7741 quinquecristatella Cham. (Tel- phusa) 7932 quinqueferella Wlshm. 8676 quinquelinealis Grt. 5578 quinquemaculana Rob. 6864 quinquenotella Cham. (Buccula- trix) 9445 quinquenotella Cham. (Lithocol- letis) 9249 158 — quinquenotella Cham. (Marmara) 9283 quinquepunctella Busck 7817 quinquepunctella Ort. 6205 quinquepunctelliis Cham. 9823 quinquestrigella Cham. 9298 quintana Zell. 6865 quisqueliella Zell. 8511 radiantella Braun 9033 radiatana Wlshm. 6770 radiatella Busck 8186 radiatella Don. 8853 radicana Wlshm. 7097 radicicolana Wlshm. 7226 radiosalis Moesch. 5558 ragonoti Wlshm. 6887 Ragonotia 35 rainierella Dyar 6243 ramapoella Eft. 7764 ramburialis Dup. 5498 ramentalis Led. 5371 ramuscula Dyar 7649 rana Busck 7544 rana Forbes 7263 ranalis Gn. 5392 randana Eft. 6909 randiella Busck 9291 rantalis Gn. 5471 Raphiptera 22 raptor Meyr. 6469 raracana Eft. 6786 rata Hy. Edw. 5295 ratifera Meyr. 7277 ratzeburgiana Ratz. 7074 reconditalis Wlk. 5719 rectarius Dyar 5304 rectilinea G. & R. 5263 rectilinea Zell. 5730 rectiplicana Wlshm. 7128 rectistrigella B. & Bsk. 8035 rectistrigella Dyar 6203 rectistrigella Rag. 6070 rectus Hy. Edw. 9874 recurvalis Fabr. 5354 Recurvaria 67 redtenbacheri Led. 5379 reducta Braun 8960 reductella Dietz 8520 reductella Wlk. 6180 reedella Cham. 8296 reflexella Clem. 8467 refotalis Hist. 5927 refuga Meyr. 7610 refugalis Hist. 5730 refiilgens Hy. Edw. 8703 refusana Wlk. 6782 regalis Wlshm. 8637 rehamalis Dyar 5389 reliquellum Dyar 6372 reluctalis Hist. 5329 remellalis Druce 5329 removana Eft. 6652 removana McD. 7136 reniculalis Zell. 5336 reniculella Grt. 6131 repandus Grt. 5942 repartella Dietz 8495 repetitalis Grt. 5458 repletalis Wlk. 5621 repugnatalis Wlk. 5819 rescissoriana Heinr. 6927 resoluta Meyr. 7082 respersa Meyr. 9600 resplendens Hy. Edw. 8694 resplendensella Cham. 9733 restionalis Led. 5335 resumptana Wlk. 7010 retana Wlshm. 7386 retectella Zell. 8492 reticulata Braun 9389 reticulata Pierce d Met. 7517 reticulatana Clem. 7323 reticulatus Lint. 7670 reticulatus Riley 9827 reticulina Beut. 5321 reticulosa Braun 8867 Retinia 43 retiniana Wlshm. 7387 retiniella B. £ Bsk. 8055 reversalis Gn. 5515 reversana Eft. 6950 rhamnella Braun 9728 rhamnicola Braun 9728 rhamnina Eeif. 7830 rhea Druce 5670 rhedaria Meyr. 8020 rheumapterella Dietz 9828 rhodites Meyr. 7600 rhodocentra Meyr. 8942 rhododactyla D. d 8. 6472 rhododendrella Braun 9207 rhododendri Beut. 8730 Rhodophaea 27 rhodophaea Meyr. 6926 rhoiella Dyar 6267 rhoifoliella Braun 9730 rhoifoliella Cham. 9379 rhoifructana Eft. 6605 rhoifructella Clem. 8269 rhoisella Busck 7837 rhombiferella F. d B. 9299 Rhopobota 50 Rhyacionia 43 rhynchosiae Dyar 6505 rhypodella Hist. 6165 ribesella Braun 9001 ribesella Busck 8921 ribesella Cham. (Gelechia) 7997 ribesella Cham. (Gracillaria ) 9401 Ricula 53 ridingsana Rob. 6870 ridingsella Clem. 9839 rigidae Clarke 8073 rigidalis B. d McD. 5733 rigidana Fern. 6751 159 — rigidus McB. 6584 rileiella BmcTc 8907 rileyana Grt. 7310 rileyana Hy. Edw. 8696 rileyella Cham. (Gelechia) 8057 rileyella Cham. (Lithocolletis) 9180 rileyella Dyar 5956 rileyella Rag. 6400 rileyi Dietz 9672 rileyi F. d B. 9446 rileyi Fern. 6534 rileyi Heyl. 9536 rileyi Wlshm. 7723 rimosalis On. 5442 riscana Eft. 7619 rivulalis Hamp. 5407 rivulata Meyr. 8140 robiniae Hy. Edw. 8794 robiniae Peck 7670 robiniaefoliella Cham. 7877 robiniella Braun 9411 robiniella Clem. (Lithocolletis) 9191 robiniella Clem. (Parectopa) 9319 robiniella Fitch 7877 robiniella Pack. 8448 robinsonana Grt. 6865 robinsoni Grt. 5350 robinsoniana Forhes 7490 roburella Dietz 9670 robusta Braun 7810 robustella Dyar 6211 robustella Zell. 6031 roessleri Zell. 7210 rogatalis Hist. 5423 romonana Eft. 7532 rorana Eft. 6998 rosa Druce 5632 rosaceana Harris 7405 rosacella Clem. 9080 rosaciliella Busck 8431 rosaefoliella Clem. (Coleophora) 9057 rosaefoliella Clem. (Nepticula) 9754 rosana Hhn. 7468 rosana Linn. 7398 rosaochreana Eft. 6636 roscidellus Dyar 5832 roseatella Pack. 6439 roseicaput E. d D. 9865 roseicrinella Busck 8244 roseiterminalis B. d McD. 5476 roseocostella Wlshm. 8303 roseopennalis Hist. 5503 roseopennella Hist. 6412 roseosuffusella Clem. 7834 roseoterminana Eft. 6776 roseotinctella Rag. 6452 roseticola F. c£ B. 9510 rostrana Wlk. 7361 rostrella Ra.g. 6430 rostrigera Meyr. 8366 rubensella Cham. 7828 rubescens Wlshm. 8263 rubescentella Hist. 6173 rubi Riley 8684 rubidella Clem. 7818 rubifoliella Clem. 9750 rubigalis Gn. 5546 rubiginella Wlk. 6229 rubipunctana Eft. 6622 rubralis B. d McD. 5783 rubralis Warr. 5521 rubrella Dyar 8847 rubrescens Hist. 8789 rubribasella Hist. 6274 rubricalis Hhn. 5619 rubricincta Beut. 8717 rubrifasciella Pack. 6103 rubrisparsella Rag. 6169 rubristigma Eell. 8735 rubrithoracella B. d McD. 6264 rubrofascia Hy. Edw. 8715 rudana Wlshm. 7342 rudbeckiella Bott. 7795 rude Hy. Edw. 5252 ruderella Rag. 6249 ruderella Zell. 9606 rufescens B. d McD. 7634 rufibasella Rag. 6169 ruficollis Druce 5302 ruficornis Hy. Edw. 8757 rufidiscalis Hamp. 5447 rufifimbrialis Grt. 5616 rufinalis Wlk. (Crambus) 5904 rufinalis Wlk. (Elasmopalpus) 6229 rufisignella Zell. 5958 rufistrigalis B. A* * • ;" ♦»?. 4k '■I '» .1- V ■' \ 4n.iA « * ■'-ri'i .n-'< #•''■ *-* ^ if' . " t- 1 » ' * liiBN ■* ** *«/ r.s. l’ ft ■• 4 t 1 *■%, *'■< 4irV.-«ii^. * t , 4 ^ ;*;J. X- I "'^v s **• I • . T '. (H* -v ■•'•?' i . . 'I **1. < i *4^ • ■ ^ - ' tiCT-'N-^' , .*i .J'-ttC* . • •»?* . i . . ^ ■ 'V*-f : t •• • ■ * ® V i'.’ i ■. i ■. i .K6- » I ft. ,1 «. i f ft ii* i i s Vol. II 1 944 No. 2 MEMOIRS oF the Southern CaliFornia Academy of Sciences Revision of the North American Genera and Species of the Phaiaenid Subfamily Plusiinae (Lepidoptera) by J. McDUNNOUGH, Ph.D. Los Angeles, California Issued May 1, 1944 Southern California Academy of Sciences A A OFFICERS and DIRECTORS , t Dr. W. Dwight Pierce - -- -- -- -- - President Dr. H. J. Andrews - -- -- -- - First Yice-Fresident Dr. William L. Lxoyd ------- Second Yice-Fresident Dr. John A. Comstock Secretary and Treasurer Dr. H. J. Andrews Dr. a. Wier Bell Mr, Fred E. Burlew Dr. John A. Comstock Mr. Samuel Moody Haskins Mr. R. S. Dr. Howard R. Hill Dr. William L. Lloyd Mr. Theodore Payne Dr. W. Dwight Pierce Dr. Robert L. Rutherford Woglum A A ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Chester Stock Dr. R. H. Swift A A BOTANICAL SECTION Mr. Theodore Payne, Secretary ARCHEOLOGICAL SECTION Dr. R. H. Swift FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Fred E. Burlew, Chairman Mr. Samuel Moody Haskins PROGRAM COMMITTEE Dr. Robert L. Rutherford, Chairman Dr. Howard R. Hill A A t COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION Dr. John A. Comstock, Chairman Dr. Chester Stock Dr. William L. Lloyd A A Office of the Academy Los Angeles County Museum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles 7, Calif. p?>' •:' rt- ■ ■' ‘ ’■. 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In both the 1917 and the 1938 Check Lists the arrangement of the Phalaenid subfamily Plusiinae followed more or less along the lines of Hampson’s revision (1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 401-594). .Some minor changes in nomenclature, due to Hampson’s unorthodox method of fixing genotyjies, were made as noted (1916, Ent. News, XXVII, 400), but it was recognized at the time that, until a careful study of the group with special reference to genitalia could be undertaken, it was probably as well to follow the latest revision. Not until very recently has it been possible for me to find the time available for such a revision. The results of a careful study of structural characters, notably genitalia, show the neces- sity for considerable changes in generic terms and also for a shifting of species under the various headings in order to better emphasize their relationship. The present paper is intended to incorporate these results. It should be noted that the literature cited forms by no means a complete bibliography but merely represents some of the more important references. The subfamily is a compact one and has been sufficiently well characterized by Hampson (as Phytowietvincie^ ; further definition on my part is, therefore, unnecessary. Our North American species fall quite naturally into three categories, based on the character of the clavus in the male genitalia, as follows : — A. Clavus a short, slightly setose knob arising from a broad base. B. Clavus a long, thin rod, variably setose. C. Clavus not definitely defined. The bulk of the species are contained in the first two sec- tions ; the clavus is obscure only in the small genus Pseudeva Hamp. and the species albavitta Ottol. Section A comprises all the species (except sansoni Dod) with yellow hindwings and also the species of the rectangula-interrogationis group; it is further characterized by the presence of readily recognizable tibial spines, ♦ Contribution No. 2240, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. 175 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 mostly confined to the portions of the hind tibiae between the spurs, but occasionally found on all tibiae. Section B includes the balance of the species. The tendency in this section to break up into small groups of species is much more marked than in the . former one. In general it may be said that tibial spining is lack- ing; one or two small groups (to be discussed later) still show a recognizable spining, and individual specimens may frequently be found which show a weak spine or two on a tibia, usually a hind one, if the covering vestiture be carefully removed; such cases, however, are quite common throughout the Phalaenidae in species normally spineless, and I do not consider the presence of these single spines sufficient to warrant the term “spined tibiae , especially as they are very difficult to locate. In Section A considerable confusion has existed regarding the identity of a number of the species and for this reason I have discussed at some length each individual species and have in- cluded specific keys based on genitalic characters. In the other sections the species are better known and have been adequately figured ; I have, therefore, confined my remarks, on the whole, to genera rather than species, in an attempt to place these on a sounder footing. The closely related genera Abrostola Ochs, and Mouralia Wlk. are not considered in the present paper as they show no particularly close relationship to the so-called Pliisia group and, in any case, require no revision. The drawings of genitalic structures have been made, under my supervision, by Miss Margaret MacKay of our Forest Insect Survey; her excellent and accurate work adds greatly to the value of the present paper. SECTION A Genus CALOPLUSIA Sm. 1884, Smith, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., VII, 68 (no species mentioned). 1891, Smith, List Lep. Bor. Am., 52 (includes devergens Hbn. & hochenwarthi Hochenw.) 1893, Smith, Bull. 44 U.S.NM., 258 (adds alticola Wlk. to other two). 1895, Grote, Abh. Naturw. Verein Bremen (List N. Am. Eupterotidae, etc.), 62 (sinks to Syngrapha Hbn.). 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 82 (sinks to Syn- grapha). 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 405 (designates hochenwarthi as genotype). 1916, McDunnough, Ent. News, XXVII, 400 (sinks erron- eously to Syngrapha). 176 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Palpi upturned, second joint fringed with long hairs in front, third joint free, rather long and pointed, rough-scaled. Eyes rather small and elliptical. Thorax with divided crest and abdomen crested on basal segments dorsally. Tibiae all spined; foretibia with row of spines along inner side ; mid- and hind-tibiae strongly spined throughout. Male Genitalia. Similar in general type to that of the fol- lowing genus, Syngrapha Hbn. The juxta is armed with a strong, apical spine ; the aedeagus is rather long, slightly bulbous at base and strongly shagreened apically; the armature of the vesica consists of a small, basal spine and a short, hollow, cylindev of chitin, thickly covered with short spines, situated apically. The eighth abdominal segment has a pair of hair-pencils, at times weak, arising from the cephalic margin. Female Genitalia. Ovipositor and ninth segment partially telescoped into the eighth segment. There is no genital plate, the ostium consisting of a membranous opening leading into a short chitinized funnel ; it is partially protected by the over- lapping caudal margin of the eighth abdominal segment ; the ventral side of the funnel may project caudad for a short distance, forming two rounded lobes, giving additional protection to the ostium. Beyond the funnel the ductus bursae is short, of same width as end of funnel and weakly granulose and strigate, some- what expanding as it enters the bursa at a point on the right side, slightly below the apex of the bursa. Bursa a large oval, mem- branous sac, the proximal end (apex) of which is produced caudad along the left side of the ductus to form a short auxiliary sac ; this sac is strongly shagreened or granulose and from its rounded apex the ductus seminalis arises as a very fine tube. Genotype. Phalaena hochenwarthi Hochenw. (Lectotype, 1913) I believe there is justification for the use of Caloplusia Sm. for hochenwarthi and its North American ally, ignea Grt. on the strength of the much stronger tibial spining. Hampson, with probably insufficient material before him, rather confused the issue by placing devergens Hbn., the genotype of Syngrapha, in Caloplusia along with hochenwarthi, which led to the sinking in my Check Lists of Caloplusia to Syngrapha; other authors appar- ently had fallen into a similar error. Neither in European speci- mens of devergens nor in our good series of specimens of its North American representative, alticola WIk., can I find spining comparable to that of hochenwarthi. The spining, with the ex- ception of odd, unimportant, weak spines occurring most fre- quently on the mid-tibiae and generally quite concealed in the 177 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 vestiture, is restricted to the area on the hind-tibiae between the two pairs of spurs. In consequence devergens falls into line in this respect with the other yellow-winged species. Caloplusia hochenwarthi Hochenw. There seem to be enough genitalic differences in both sexes between European and North American specimens to warrant the supposition that typical hochenwarthi does not occur in North America. I had at first supposed that the form, smaller and paler than ignea Grt., found in Labrador and subarctic regions, could be placed under this name, but find the genitalia do not match, although the general appearance is extremely similar. In the male genitalia of specimens from the Tyrolese Alps the harpe, which is well-developed with outcurved and pointed apex, is considerably broader than in North American specimens ; the apical spine on the juxta is in general not so long and the spines of the short, chitinized cylinder in the vesica are more numerous; the width of the clasper is somewhat variable in character. In the female genitalia the chitinized funnel-like portion of the ostium is definitely longer than in our North American forms, with distinct bilobed, caudad projection, entirely lacking in the others. The apex of the bursa, caudad of the entrance of the ductus, is considerably narrowed and forms a single convolution] this convolution is not found in North American specimens. It is a matter of opinion as to whether our North American representative is a distinct species or merely a well-defined race , in view of the definite genitalic differences, particularly in the female, I am following Hampson and treating ignea Grt. as specifically distinct from hochenwarthi of the European Alps. Caloplusia ignea Grt. Plate I, fig. 1 ; IV, fig. 1. Plusia ignea Grt. 1863, Proc. Ent. Soc, Phila., II, 274. Caloplusia ignea Smith, 1893, Bull. 44, U.S.N.M., 258 (as syn. alticola) ; Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 409, PI. 236, fig. 3. Syngrapha ignea Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 76; Wolley-Dod, 1906, Can. Ent., XXXVII, 46; id. 1913, op. cit., XLIV, 241. The large size and bright orange hind-wings distinguish the species superficially from its European ally. The type material came from Colorado, probably in the vicinity of Denver; the species, however, occurs at higher altitudes all through the Rocky 178 Memoirs, iSo. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Mts. and is not uncommon on most of the Albertan peaks; it also occurs in the Cascade and Coast ranges and is recorded as far north as Atlin, B. C. by Blackmore in his B. C. Check List (1927). In the male genitalia the apical spine of the juxta is very strongly developed ; the harpe, while of the same length and shape as that of hochcnwavthi, is considcTCihly thinncv \ the spines on the chitinous piece of the vesica are fewer but somewhat longer and stouter. In the female genitalia, as already indicated, the ventral, caudad projections of the funnel-like portion of the ductus are lacking, leaving the ostium protected solely by the over- lapping eighth segment; the chitinized funnel is shorter than in hochenwarthi. The bursa is not so attenuated as in the European species and the portion which extends caudad of the inception of the ductus is shorter and broader, without a convolution and more heavily shagreened on its ventral surface. C. IGNEA var siMULANS var. nov. Plusia hochenwarthi Moeschler, 1874, Stett Ent. Zeitschr., 160; id. 1884, Verb. z. b. Gesell. Wien, 296. For the form of ignea which occurs on the east coast of Labrador and adjacent regions and which has generally gone under the name hochenwarthi, a new varietal name seems neces- sary. This race is smaller and paler than ignea, the yellow color of the hindwings being even paler than in hochenwarthi with the smoky basal suffusion extending more strongly along the inner margin. The forewings are practically similar to those of hochenwarthi but the silver mark seems on the whole to be nar- rower and less extended toward the t. p. line; this feature, how- ever, IS probably variable, as in all Plusias. In genitalia there are only minor differences from those of ignea. Holotype — ^ , Rocky Bay, Quebec Labrador Julv 7, 1915 (P. A. Taverner). No. 5391 in Canadian National Collection. Allotype 5 , Labrador, (R.W. 76). Purchased by Wolley- Dod from Staudinger and Bang-Haas, Dresden and probably a specimen from the Moeschler Collection. Paratypes 1 ^ , Labrador, (ex. Coll. Bang-Haas) ; 1 9 Little Charlton Is. James Bay, July 14 (J. M. Macoun). There is also a male specimen in the collection from Klondike River, Yukon Terr, which appears to belong here; the silver mark IS, however, greatly reduced. Morrison’s record of hochenwarthi from the White Mts. N. H. (1875, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y. XI, 99) needs verifica- tion. It may refer to the species from the same locality named monticola by Packard. 179 Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Genus SYNGRAPHA Hbn. 1821, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., 250 (includes ain Hbn., divergens Fabr. and devergens Hbn.). 1895, Grote, op. cit., 62 (designates devergens Hbn. as genotype ) . 1902, Dyar, op. cit., 82 (designates divergens Fdhr.=hochen- worthi Hochenw. as genotype, ultra vires^. 191 X Hampson, op. cit. 412 (designates ain Hbn. as geno- type, Palpi and vestiture similar to that of Caloplusia Sm. Eyes elliptical, varying considerably in size from small to moderately large. Fore and mid-tibiae unspined (or practically so) ; hind- tibiae with spines only between the two pairs of spurs. Male Genitalia. Tegumen of moderate height with the vinculum rather short and either bluntly pointed or rounded api- cally. Uncus thin, simple, in some cases {int err ogaUoms group) compressed laterally towards apex, terminating in a small, sharp spine. Clasper of moderate length and of more or less even width throughout, at times slightly expanded costo-apically, with rounded apex and slightly sinuate costal margin; no differentia- tion of cucullus which remains unspined ; in a few instances the costa either shows a preapical spine {octoscnpta, epigaea) or is produced into a sharp spine, projecting slightly beyond the rounded apex of clasper (variana, selecta). Sacculus not greatly expanded at base, giving rise on its costo-basal margin to the short, chim y clavus ; it extends as a narrow neck to the base of the harpe which is usually situated well before the middle of the clasper and ex- tends transversely across same ; this harpe consists of a chitinous spine or rod, frequently curved, and of very variable length and breadth in the different species. Juxta a large rounded or shield- shaped plate, often with a short, sharp apical spine. Aedeagus variable in size; in some species {devergens, alticola, diasema, etc.) it is short and chunky ; in the majority of cases it is narrower and moderatelv long with either finely spiculate^ or shagreened apical section; the vesica may be unarmed {parilis, devergens) but generallv shows a strong, terminal, straight or curved spine to which in some instances {orophila, celsa, angulidens) a weaker basal spine is added. In all species examined except the genotype, devergens, the eighth abdominal segment is provided with a pair of large ventral hair-pencils, situated in deep pockets ; in devergens and its close ally alticola, these are greatly reduced. Female Genitalia. In general quite similar to those of Caloplusia. The ostium may be a simple opening, unprotected (parilis, sackeni) or may be partially covered by a chitinous plat^ projecting backward from the caudal margin of the funnel, and either entire and ventral (interrogationis group) or bifid with latero-ventral arms (alticola, orophila). The chitinized funnel 180 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 varies greatly in length in the various species, quite short in devergens and parilis, very long in the interrogationis group, thus reducing the length of the remainder of the ductus. The entrance of the granulose and strigate portion of the ductus into the bursa is always below its apex but it may enter almost ventrally {parilis) or on the right side {devergens and the rectangida-celsa group) or on the left side as in most of the yellow-winged species {micro- gamma, orophila, diasema) , the interrogationis-octoscripta group and epigaea. The apex of the bursa, from which the ductus seminalis arises, shows a variable degree of shagreening; the bursa, in general, forms a long membranous sac. Genotype, Noctua devergens Hbn, (Lectotype, 1895) The present usage of this generic term conforms more or less to that^ of Hampson ; I cannot, however, agree to Hampson’s separation of parilis Hbn. into a separate genus {Autographa in err.) on the strength of the small eyes. The size of the eyes seems more or less regulated by the size of the insect and all manner of intergrades between small and large exist in the group. In all species, however, the shape of the eye appears to me to be decidedly elliptical and scarcely justifies the term “round” as applied by Harnpson in his generic definition. identity of most of the species included in the genus as been adequately established by Ottolengui in his two papers J- 57-82. Pis. VI-IX; 1919, op. cit., 117 125, PI. XV). In a few instances, however, due to close similarity of maculation or to rather blurred illustrations, certain names seem to have been misplaced; I shall comment on these in more detail later. Generally speaking, as noted by Ottolengui, the genitalia, oth male and female, furnish excellent characters for differen- tiation of the various species, and in the keys at the end of the text portion I have endeavored to bring out some of the salient features exhibited by those organs. Syngrapha parilis Hbn. parilis Moeschler, 1884, Verb. z. b. Gesell, Wien, Aurivillius, 1890, Bih. k. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., AV (4) 17, PI. I, fig. 6; Hampson, 1908, Can. Ent., XL, 106. Syngrapha parilis Ottolengui, 1902, Tour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 77, PI. VHI, fig. 15. Autographa parilis Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus. XHI, 404. Apart from the record from the far North on which Walker’s synonym, quadriplaga, was based, Moeschler records the species from Labrador, and Hampson from the Alberta Rockies. A few specimens from this latter locality {ex. Coll. Wolley-Dod) are in our collection and are the only ones I have been able to ex- 181 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 amine ; the abdomens of these have, unfortunately been crushed very flat and, in consequence, it has been impossible to get a very accurate idea of the exact position of the various parts of the female genitalia. In both sexes the genitalia show marked similarity to those of devergens and alticola; in the male genitalia the lack of the prominent spine at apex of juxta is probably ths most noticeable character; in the female genitalia the differentiating character I have used may not hold when better material can be examined ; there are some slight differences in the size and shape of the initial, chitinized section of the ductus. Syngrapha devergens Hbn. With only a single pair of devergens from the Swiss Alps available for study I am in doubt as to whether our North Ameri- can alticola can be considered a good species or merely a variety of devergens. In the male genitalia there is practically no charac- ter on which a separation could be made ; in the female genitalia devergens appears to lack the pair of sublateral, chitinous append- ages at the sides of' the ostium which in some specimens of alticola are very well defined ; as, however, the degree of chitinization is rather variable in the different specimens I have examined, I am uncertain whether the character is a specific one. Moeschler (1884, op. cit.) records the species from Labra- dor; I have seen no material from this region, but judging by the comparison made by Moeschler between Labrador and Kuropean specimens, believe such specimens will fall under alticola. Winn’s record of the species in his List of Quebec Lepidoptera (p. 47) from the Gomin Swamp near Quebec City needs checking ; it may very likely refer to montana Pack, which occurs around Ottawa in similar localities. Syngrapha alticola Wlk. Plate I, fig. 2; IV, fig. 2. Plusia alticola Hampson, 1908, Can. Ent., XL, 106. Caloplusia alticola Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 407, pi. 236, fig. 2. Syngrapha alticola Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 241. For the present and pending further study I am treating alticola as a species distinct from the European devergens, fol- lowing Hampson. Besides specimens collected by Mrs. Nicholl in the Alberta Rockies as noted by Hampson, others are before me from Banff, Nordegg and Laggan in Alberta ; Mt. Apex and Jesmond in British Columbia; Churchill, Manitoba; Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake, N. W. T. and a pair taken by myself on July 25, 1928 182 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 on the northern slopes of Mt. Washburn, Yellowstone Park, Wyo., the female being very large and pale, especially in the subterminal area. Male Genitalia. Characteristics are found in the sharp, apical spine on the broad, shield-shaped juxta; the short, chunky aedeagus without armature ; the broad, well-developed harpe, slightly outwardly oblique, projecting at times over costa, termin- ated by a sharp spine and with its inner side forming a slight ridge. The twin hair-pencils of the eighth segment are reduced to small tufts of hair. Female Genitalia. Ostium flanked by a couple of pockets, formed by invaginations of the eighth abdominal segment and connected by irregularly ridged membrane ; ostium itself circular, protected not only by the overlapping membrane of the eighth abdominal segment but also by a pair of sublateral crinkly, chiti- nous projections (wings) of irregular shape and variable ’in the intensity of their chitinization. The initial portion of the ductus seminalis (funnel) is short, more or less quadrate and rather weakly chitinized with the exception of a narrow, medio-dorsal, membranous strip; beyond the funnel the ductus narrows slightly and forms a short, largely membranous tube, weakly granulose and, prior to its entrance into the bursa, showing numerous fine chitinous striations. The entrance to the membranous bursa is distinctly on the right side, the rounded apex of the bursa project- ing caudad of the opening for a short distance; this area is finely granulose and at its extremity gives rise to the very fine ductus seminalis ; the remainder of the large sac-like bursa is clear, mem- branous. Syngrapha microgamma Hbn. Plate I, fig. 3. Syngrapha microgamma Wolley-Dod, 1910, Rep Ent Soc. Ont., 1909, 118; id., 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 240. Autographa microgamma Barnes & Benjamin 1923 Can Ent., L,V, 212. Besides the specimens mentioned by Dod, I have before me single males from Behrens Riv., Man., Harlan, Sask., and Jes- mond, B. C. These agree in maculation and genitalia with a specimen from Esthonia, Europe and confirm Dod’s determina- tion. Male Genitalia. Juxta with well-developed apical spine. Aedeagus moderately long and very slightly bulbous at base, strongly spiculate apically, armed with a short, stout, slightly curved, apical spine, arising from a broadened base, and a very minute basal one, situated in the bulbous portion. Clasper rather narrow, rounded apically, with a long, thin, upright, tapering harpe, projecting well over costal edge. 183 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Female Genitalia. (Based on a Euroi^an specimOT). Ostium with traces of the lateral pockets found in alttcola ihe opening itself is unprotected but flanked by two lateral sub- tr^ngular pieces of chitin. Ductus a broad tube chitmized lightly for practically its entire length, slightly expanded on nght side at 2/3 and with membranous thickening on this same side ; bend- tag soLwhat to left below bulge. The entrance to the bursa is on the left side and shows numerous fine chitmous strigae with a certain amount of granulation. The apex of the bursa is rounds and projects caudad for a short distance on right side of ductus beyond entrance ; it is strongly shagreened and shows a brownish coloration; the remainder of the sac-hke bursa is c smoothly membranous. S. MICROGAMMA var. MONTANA Pack. Plusia MONTANA Packard, 1874, Guide Stud. Ins., 313. Autographa MONTANA Bames & Benjamin, 1923, Can. Ent., LV, 212. Packard’s name, based on material from the White Mts , N. H. (probably Mt. Washington) had been overlooked by all previous authors until resurrected by Benjamin who referred the name to microgamma. I have two specimens before me from Mt. Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. and another one taken m early June at the Mer Bleue, a peat bog near Ottawa, which seem to match Packard’s brief description and certainly justify Benjamins ret- erencc. In two features of the male genitalia montana differs from microgamma of Europe and western Canada; the apical spme of the juxta is lacking and the spine at apex of the aedeagus is co siderably larger and more curved. As compared with gamma in maculation of forewings my eastern specimens show a stronger incurve of the t. p. line in the submedian fold followed by a slight outward angle on vein 1 ; the s. t. line is more strong y inarked and the tail of the silver mark seems less drawn out. More material will be needed to determine whether these differ- ences are of specific value; for the present I treat montana as an eastern race of micro gamma. Syngrapha orophila Hamp. Plate I, fig. 5; IV, fig. 3. Autographa diasema Ottolengui {ncc Bdv.), 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. X, PI. VIII, fig. 6. Plusia orophila Hampson, 1908, Can. Ent., XL, 105 , id., 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 416, PI. 236, fig. 5. Autographa orophila Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 239. 184 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 This species was confused by earlier authors with diasema Bdv. until the error was rectified by Hampson. It occurs all through the Alberta Rockies and we also have specimens from Mt. Apex, near Hedley, B. C. Male Genitalia. Juxta without apical spine. Aedeagus rather short and lightly shagreened apically, characterized by the armature which consists of a thin, fairly long, basal spine and a strong, tapering, apical one, the point of which (in my slide at least) is directed cephalad. Harpe strongly outcurved, decumbent, with pointed apex. Female Genitalia, Ostium characteristically protected by two sublateral, pointed projections (wings), arising from the heavily chitinized and strongly strigate ductus-funnel, which is quite long and rather broadly membranous on dorsal side. The continuation of the ductus shows an initial, small, membranous bulge to the right and then is strongly strigate with thin, chitinous strigae, which continue for some distance down the left side of the bursa, beyond the entrance; the right side is almost entirely chitinous. The apex of the bursa bulges caudad only slightly and is covered with a brown chitinous plate, extending down the right side of bursa for some length ; remainder of bursa clear and membranous, very feebly granulose. Syngrapha diasema Bdv. Plate I, fig. 6; IV, fig. 4. Plusia diasema Aurivillius, 1890, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., XV, (4), 18. Syngrapha diasema Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 416, PI. 236, fig. 6. Syngrapha diasema borea McDunnough (nec Auriv.) 1921, Can. Ent., LIII, 85. Autographa diasema McDunnough, 1922, Can. Ent., LIV, 139. Besides a series of 1 d' > 5 $ , from Hopedale, Labr. our col- lection contains single males from Nordegg, Alta, and Gt. Bear Lake, N. W. T, Hampson records it from St. Martin’s Falls, Albany Riv., N. Ont., and figures a female ; in this the seconda- ries are much too yellow for diasema and the determination will need careful checking. All our specimens agree in maculation and male genitalia with a European specimen from Lule, Lapp- mark, {ex Coll, Dod). Male Genitalia. Apex of aedeagus and the anellus very heavily spiculate, no apical spine on juxta. Aedeagus wide and chunky, armed with a broad dagger-shaped, transversely-placed, apical spine. Harpe upright, thin, pointed, almost reaching to costa of clasper. 185 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Female Genitalia. Ostium considerably broader than in orophila; the two sublateral wings project caudad but their apices are broadly rounded and not pointed. The ductus-funnel is strongly chitinized and strigate, gradually tapering, and noticeably longer than in oro phila. The continuation of the ductus bends to the left and is short and broad, less heavily strigate and chiti- nized than in orophila, the strigae continued for only a very short distance along the left side of the bursa, below the entrance. The bursa consists of the usual large, membranous sac; the rounded apex projects caudad along the right side of the ductus for a greater distance than in orophila and shows none of the chitinization found in this species, being merely finely granulate ; the membrane of the remainder of the bursa is smooth. Syngrapha LULA Strand Plate IV, fig. 5. Autographa sackeni Wolley-Dod (nee Grote), 1906, Can. Ent., XXXVIII, 45. Syngrapha snovi Hampson (nec Hy. Edw.), 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 418, PI. 236, fig. 8. Syngrapha snowi ab. lula Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Natur- _ gesch.. A, (2), 47. Autographa diversigna Ottolengui, 1919, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVII, 121, PI. XV, fig. 2; McDunnough, 1921, Can. Ent., LIII, 85; id. 1922, Can. Ent., LIV, 139. Autographa lula Barnes & Benjamin, 1923, Can. Ent., LV, 212. A good series is before me from various localities in the Alberta Rockies. It is unfortunate that the name diversigna cannot be used for the species ; until, however, some authoritative ruling on the status of aberrational names can be secured from a committee on Entomological Nomenclature, I follow Benjamin in raising Strand’s aberrational name to specific rank. Male Genitalia. Apex of aedeagus and anellus heavily spiculate, no apical spine on juxta. Aedeagus longer and narrower than in diasema; the apical spine is smaller, obliquely-placed and arises from one end of a lengthened base. Harpe much as in diasema but showing a slight ridge below the pointed apex. Female Genitalia. Sublateral chitinous wings of orophila and diasema undeveloped. Ductus-funnel much shorter than in those two species, less heavily chitinized and strigate and more goblet-shaped ; its dorsal surface is largely membranous and the right side shows a membranous thickening. The continuation beyond the funnel is short and broad, bent somewhat to left at inception and rather irregular, with the usual chitinous strigations, heaviest on the right side but, on the whole, weaker than in the other two species. Bursa smooth, membranous, very slightly granulose on the surface of the rather broadly rounded apex. 186 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Syngrapha borea Auriv. Plate I, fig. 4. Plusia diasema var borea Aurivillius, 1890, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., XV, (4), 17', PL I, fig. 8. Autographa sackeni ? Gibson, 1920, Rep. Can. Arct. Exp., Ill, (I), 37, PI. Ill, fig. 14. Aurivillius considered borea, based on Greenland specimens, as a variety of diasema; he characterized it as smaller, with a more V-shaped silver mark but more especially laid stress on the yellower hind wings with narrower dark border. Besides the specimen from Mayo Lake, Yukon, doubtfully referred by Gibson to sackeni, 1 , 4 5 , are before me from Daw- son, Yukon Terr. These all match Aurivillius’s description and figure of borea excellently and I believe I am correct in placing them under this name. The genitalia in both sexes show, how- ever, that borea is a good species, quite distinct from diasema and more closely allied to hda and sackeni. From sackeni this species is distinguished by the lack of any yellow patch on pri- maries near base of costa. Male Genitalia. Juxta and aedeagus much as in lula. The harpe is of moderate width throughout with truncate apex from the underside of which a minute spine projects; this trun- cate apex at once distinguishes borea from both diasema and lula in which the harpes taper to sharp points. Female Genitalia. Very similar to those of lula but with definite suggestions of weakly chitinized wings extending caudad from ostium-margin. Ductus-funnel weakly chitinous and stri- gate, except for a strip on left side which shows stronger chitini- zation; the base of the funnel is membranous and projects as a short sac below and to the right of the continuation of the ductus; this continuation as well as the bursa are much as in hda. Syngrapha .sackeni Grt. Autographa sackeni Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 75, PI. VIII, fig. 17; id., 1919, op. cit., XXVII, 121, PI. XV, fig. 1. This Colorado species is excellently illustrated in Ottolen- gui s 1919 paper and any confusion which formerly existed as to its identity should now be eliminated. The species is known to me from Colorado (Hall Valley) and from the Bozeman region of Montana. I have had no males available from which to make genitalic slides. Female Genitalia. Very similar to those of borea. The ductus-funnel is much the same shape but slightly better chitinized and more strigate ; the terminal membranous sac on right side found in borea seems to be lacking; the distal portion of the ductus bends to the left as in lula and is strigate much as in this species. 187 Memoirs, So. C.vlif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 The apex of the bursa is tinged with brown, due to a very definite shagreening, not found in the allied species mentioned. Syngrapha snowii Hy. Edw. Autographa snowii Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. X, 75, PI. VIII, fig. 16; id. 1919, op. cit., XXVII, 121, PI. XV, figs. 2, 3. This species is unknown to me. Syngrapha rectangula Kby. Plate I, fig. 7 ; IV, fig. 6. Syngrapha rectangula Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 423, PI. 236, fig. 14. Autographa rectangula ab. demaculata Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Naturgesch. A. (2), 47. Autographa rectangula race nargenta Ottolengui, 1919, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVII, 122, PI. XV, fig. 8. By the figures given by Hampson and Ottolengui the species is readily identified. The names mortuorum Gn. and demaculata Strand are based on variations in the silver mark ; as such varia- tions are almost countless throughout the group, it seenis of little value to retain the names, even for individual aberrations. Nar- genta Ottol. applies to the so-called race from British Columbia in which the silver suffusion of primaries is reduced; this feature, however, occurs also among our eastern specimens and some before rne can only be separated from western forms by the local- ity label. The species is common in eastern Canada and we have bred specimens from larvae beaten from hemlock. Brown and McGuffin record the larva (1942, Can. Ent., LXXIV, 56) as feeding also on spruce and balsam fir. I have seen no specimens from the prairie Provinces although Brodie in his Manitoba List records it from eastern Manitoba. Male Genitalia. Juxta a large, sub rectangular plate, with- out apical spine. Aedeagus long with slightly bulbous base, strongly spiculate apically and armed with a stout, curved, pointed spine, arising from an expanded base. Clasper broadened some- what apically with costa curving gently dorsad ; harpe short and chunky, with rounded apex bearing a small spine on inner side ; base of sacculus flat. Eemale Genitalia. Ostium unprotected. Ductus-funnel goblet-shaped, moderately strongly chitinized and strigate (or crinkled) ; caudal margin irregular and well excavated medio- ventrallv. On ventral side the broadly rounded base of the funnel overlaps shortly a following tubular portion of the ductus, which is lightly chitinized, more strongly on dorsal side where it projects well into the funnel ; on the right side apically this tube expands into a small membranous sac. The terminal portion of the ductus 188 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 is short, sinuate, expanded as it enters the bursa on the right side, and granulose and strongly strigate. The bursa is a broad, mem- branous sac, less elongate than in the preceding species ; the apex is broadly rounded and is finely granulose, the granulations ex- tending to the entrance of the ductus bursae. Syngrapha alias Ottol. Plate I, fig. 8. Autographa alias Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent Soc., X, 69, PI. VIII, fig. U-,id. 1919, op. cit., XXVII, PL XV, fig. 6; Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 191. Autographa interalia Ottolengui 1919, Tour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVII, 122, PI. XV, fig. 5. This species is very closely related to rectangula; the larva is also a feeder on spruce and according to Brown and McGuffin (op. cit.) cannot be distinguished from that of rectangula. How- ever, as there appears to be a good character in the male genitalia I treat alias as a distinct species. Interalia, described as a new species ffom two females from Nordegg, Alta., bears the same relationship to alias that nargenta does to rectangula, but is even more poorly defined as a race. In a topotypical series from Nordegg before me (including a female compared with Bowman’s paratype), I find considerable variation in the amount of silvery suffusion on primaries and the same is true of eastern specimens. The species ranges across the entire Dominion of Canada and a couple of specimens are before me from as far north as Dawson, Yukon Territory. Male Genitalia. Very similar to those of rectangula; the harpe is reduced, however, to a mere small knob and the costo- basal edge of the sacculus shows a strong, raised projection, not found in rectangida. Female Genitalia. Scarcely distinguishable from that of rectangula. The tubular, mid-section of the ductus is somewhat shorter and the lateral projection terminally on the right side is stronger and rather better chitinized. The entrance of the ductus into the bursa seems further down the right side and in conse- quence the rather narrower apex projects further caudad along the ductus. These differences are quite slight and may not be en- tirely constant. Syngrapha celsa Hy. Edw. Plate I, fig. 9; IV, fig. 7. Autographa celsa Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Sog., X, 72, PI. 8, fig. 4; id. 1919, op. cit., XXVII, 123, PI. XV, figs. 9, 14. Autographa excelsa Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 237, (partim). 189 Memoibs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Syngrapha altera Hampson (nee Ottolengui), 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 429, PI. 236, fig. 22. Syngrapha altera ab alterana Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Naturgesch., A. (2), 47. Autographa celsa race sierrae Ottolengui, 1919, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVII, 123, PI. XV, fig. 10. As indicated by Ottolengui the species is a rather variable one, especially in the amount of dark suffusion in the inner median area; it appears to be widespread throughout the south- central area of British Columbia and on Vancouver Island. I have seen no Oregon specimens but accept Ottolengui s reference as correct. From the two preceding species celsa is best separated by the much yellower basal 2/3 of the hindwings. Alterana Strand, another of Strand’s names based on variation in the^ silver-mark, can be consigned to the synonymy without loss. Sierrae Ottol., of which I have only one male before me from Placer County, Calif., seems a good Californian race, characterized by the gen- erally paler color of primaries; a few females, however, from Vancouver Island match my specimen pretty closely and when plenty of Oregon material can be studied it may be found that the two intergrade. Male Genitalia. Juxta without apical spine. Aedeagus rather broad, heavily spiculate apically, base scarcely bulbous, with distinct small spine; apical spine very large and curved, much longer than in the two preceding species. Clasper of nearly even width throughout with rounded apex at costa ; harpe short, stubby and triangular, terminated by a sharp spine at the base of which is sometimes a small wart on outer side. Female Genitalia. Ostium flanked by small, weakly chitinized, lateral pockets. Ductus-funnel long, carrot-shaped, heavily chitinized, especially in lower half ; the caudal margin projects ventrally only slightly over the ostium, is somewhat crinkly, with a broad, shallow, median excavation ; the base of the funnel bends backward to the right and terminates in a narrew membranous sac. The continuation of the ductus aiises on t e dorsal side of the funnel, just above the bend, and consists of a straight tube, about the width of the funnel-base and longer than usual, being somewhat longer than the funnel ; it is very heavi y strigate with fine chitinous strigae and enters the bursa on the right side, somewhat above the middle. The apex of the bursa extends caudad, along the left side of the ductus, for a consider- able distance, is very heavily shagreened and of a brownish color, gradually deepening to almost black at extreme apex ; the ductus seminalis arises on the right side just below apex. The lower half of the sac-like bursa is weakly granulose. t 190 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Syngrapha angulidens Sm. Autographa angulidens Ottolen gui, 1902, Tour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 71, PI. VIII, fig. 5. Syngrapha angulidens ab. plusioides Strand, 1916, Arch, f. Naturgesch., A. (2), 47. < The identity of this species has never been in doubt. Strand’s name, based on a specimen without the white dot beyond the silver stigma, belongs in the synonymy. The species occurs in Colorado and adjoining states (Utah, Arizona). Male Genitalia. Allied to those of celsa but the juxta shows a weak apical spine; the spiculation of the apical area of aedeagus is much finer, more granulose; the apical spine, while fully as long, is somewhat slimmer. The harpe is considerably huger and extends almost to costa with the pointed apex weakly incurved. Female Genitalia. Differ principally from those of celsa in that the membranous appendage at the base of the ductus- funnel projects at right angles on the right side and is not re- curved. The funnel is scarcely as long as in celsa and the entrance to bursa somewhat nearer apex of same. S. ANGULIDENS Var. EXCELSA Ottol. Plate I, fig. 10. Autographa excelsa Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 71, PI. VI, fig. 3; Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 236. Syngrapha excelsa ab excelsana Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Naturgesch. A., (2), 47. Autographa alta Ottolengui, 1919, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVII, 125 (nom. nov.). Autographa excelsana Barnes & Benjamin, 1923, Can. Ent., LV, 213. Autographa excelsa Ottolengui is not a primary homonym of Plusia excelsa Kretschmar, and, as 1 disagree with Benjamin’s ideas on secondary homonyms, I see no reason for the non-employ- ment of Ottolengui’s name as originally used. Excelsana is an- other of Strand’s names that is not worth retaining. E.vcelsa was based primarily on material from Jefferson, N. H. but the author mentions other specimens from the Lake Louise region of Alberta which he considered similar. We have a long series from various points in the Alberta Rockies and from South-central British Columbia but I have been unable to examine any^ eastern specimens. I can find no differences between the genitalia of angididens and those of western excelsa sufficiently 191 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 great to be considered as of specific value, in spite of Ottolengui’s claim* I treat, therefore, excelsa as the northern race ot an gu lidens, somewhat smaller in size and darker in coloration of fore- wings. The following group, which I have termed the interroga- tionis-octoscripta group, is one of the most difficult in the genus. Primarily the species may be distinguished from those ot the preceding rectangida-celsa group by the nature of the t. p. me of primaries ; in the present group this line is finely and evenly crenulate, especially in the costal half, whereas in the other group the line is irregularly wavy or sinuate, without any finer crenu- lations. The species in the group are all very similar in general ap- pearance and distinctly northern or even subarctic in distribution. The lack of adequate material, the difficulty in correctly identify- ing older existing names and the doubt existing concerning several names proposed by Ottolengui and based generally on single speci- mens have all added to the confusion ; then, too, the not inconsid- erable variation in coloration of the forewings in individual speci- mens of the species involved has made it difficult to judge as to whether we are dealing with good species, races or merely forms. Hampson for instance, sinks practically all of Ottolengui’s names as “aberrations” of one species and has been more or less followed in this treatment in our existing Check Lists. With fairly ade- quate material before me I have made numerous slides of the genitalia of both sexes and have found,_ in certain instances, excel- lent characters for separation; these, in the case of the females, can generally be noted by removing a few hairs and scales from the ventral end of the abdomen. I have further been greatly assisted by a careful study of certain of Ottolengui s types, made available to me through the courtesy and co-operation of the authorities of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City. Syngrapha u-aureum Gn, Plate I, fig. 11; IV, fig. 8. Plusia arctica Moeschler, 1884, Verh. z. b. Gesell. Wien, XXXIV, 296. Plusia u-aureum Aurivillius, 1890, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., XV, (4), 16, PI. I, fig. 7. Plusia u-aureum Smith, 1893, Bull. 44, U. S. N. M., 254. Autographa u-aureum Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 68. Autographa u-aureum Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 238. 192 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Autographa arctica McDunnbugh, 1921, Can. Ent. LIII 84. Autographa u-aureum Benjamin, 1933, Pan Pac. Ent. IX 61. The status of u-aureum has long been a bugbear to North American entomologists. In the first place it was ostensibly based on material from Dalecarlia, Sweden; later investigation, however, (vide Wolley-Dod, op. cit.) led European workers to believe that the original specimens came from Labrador. I con- sider, therefore, that the synonymy as given by Aurivillius is correct and followed it in my recent Check List. The so-called type (a female) of u-aureum is now in the U. S. National Museum (ex Colls. Oberthur and Barnes) ; I examined it carefully several years ago and found that it matched Labrador specimens in the same collection; since then Mr. C. Heinrich has kindly made a slide of the genitalia and states that they agree with those of certain Labrador specimens which I sent to him. With a very long series from Labrador before me, and after a study of nu- merous genitalic slides, I have reached the still somewhat doubtful conclusion that u-aureum must be held as a distinct species and not as a race of interrogationis ; this latter species, or at least a race of it, also occurs sparingly in Labrador. All the older authors (Guenee, Moeschler, Staudinger, Aurivillius) mention as the dis- tinctive characters of u-aureum (groenlandica, aretica), as com- pared with the European interrogationis, the smaller size, greyer color of primaries and, more particularly, the strongly zvhite- checkered fringes ; these characters hold in general in my Labrador series and have enabled me to separate out a small number of larger specimens which I consider as representing interrogationis in this region. In the male genitalia I could find no thoroughly satisfactory characters for separation from interrogationis but in the females the condition of the chitinized ventral plate, which partially protects the ostium, seemed to offer a better character; in u-aureum this plate is normally weak and does not jut out caudad beyond the posterior margin of the eighth abdominal seg- ment which also acts as a partial cover to the ostium ; in interroga- tionis it projects distinctly for a moderate distance, and is much more expanded laterally in its terminal portion than is the case in u-aureum. Such conditions can generally be observed by sim- ply removing a few hairs from the ventral sides of the female abdomens ; in interrogationis the end of the plate may then be seen projecting over the hollow which represents the initial por- tion of the ostium ; in u-aureum the plate is seldom visible at all ; only in those specimens where the rear segments are less tele- scoped than usual can it be observed beneath the integument of the eighth segment, the posterior margins of the two practically co- inciding. I must admit, however, that a few specimens have given trouble when examined in this superficial manner; while 193 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 everything in the way of coloration and maculation pointed to ii-aiireum, the ventral plate was distinctly projecting; in such doubtful cases slides are essential. There is considerable variation in the coloration of the pri- maries, especially in the amount of dark suffusion in the inner median area; this may be very considerable at times and in one specimen covers almost the entire wing. The silver-mark nor- mally consists of a V followed by a dot; in rare cases this dot may be lacking or may be joined to the V, either at the base or along the outer arm. Besides a long series from Hopedale, Labr. there is a single worn specimen from Churchill, Man. before me which, while lacking fringes, appears to belong here on size and general appearance. Male Genitalia. Juxta rather weakly chitinized, narrow- ing apically from a broad base and terminated by a weak pro- tuberance with rounded apex. Aedeagus long and with slightly bulbous base, weakly spiculate apically, armed with an apical spine, distinctly short and chunky, arising at one end of an irregu- larly broadened, chitinous base. Clasper of moderate width, costa slightly upturned at apex and terminating in a sharp point but not produced into a spine ; harpe rather variable apparently, generally of moderate length, reaching nearly to costa, with broad base and pointed apex, somewhat incurved; at times of more even width throughout, and again longer and extending over costa; clavus also of variable length and apparently very unstable. Female Genitalia. Ostium partially protected by the in- tegument of the eighth abdominal segment which is moderately invaginated, forming the usual pockets at the sides of the ostium. The ductus bursae consists of an initial, long, broad, chitinous tube, extending almost to the bursa and connected with it by the very short membranous section with its usual granulations and chitinous strigations; this distal section is bent sharply to the right and enters the bursa well down on the left side. The proxi- mal half of the chitinous tube gradually expands toward the ostium, but not strongly so, and is feebly strigate. It is produced on the ventral side for a short distance caudad, forming the ventral plate which partly protects the ostium. This plate is nar- rower than in allied species, being scarcely more than half the width of the caudal margin of the ductus; it is normally _ also # shorter and is entirely covered by the into gument of the eighth abdominal segment ; it shows considerable variation in size, being at times almost vestigial, and its caudal margin may be either straight or with a broadly V-shaped median excavation, giving it a bilobed appearance. The bursa is a moderate-sized membranous sac, which normally, when containing a spermaphore, is sinuate or shaped like a question-mark , due to the fact that the apical portion 194 Memoies, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 bends to the left behind (dorsad of) the ductus and then curves cephalad ; the whole apex is distinctly granulose ; the fine ductus seminahs arises at the extreme apex and, curving backward, runs caudad along the side of the bent portion of the bursa. S.u-AUREUM van pallida Ottol. Autographa pallida Ottolengui. 1902 Tour N Y Fnt Soc., X, 71, PI. VI, fig. 7. After a study of the type, a female from Salmonier, New- foundland, there seems little doubt that pallida has been wrongly placed as a race of octosc^'ipta and that the name should be trans- ferred to u-aureum.^ The type is an old, worn specimen of Thax- ter s collecting, which accounts for the pale nature of the basal w 3 of the hindwings in Ottolengui’s figure; when in good condi- tion these wings would undoubtedly show the same smoky suf- fusion in this area as is found in u-aureum. Whether the shape of the silver mark, with the dot considerably enlarged and joined to the V-mark, is a normal one I have no means of knowing, as I have seen no other Newfoundland material; such a condition occurs, however, rarely in my Labrador series. For the present I am giving pallida racial status until such time as topotypical series can be examined. S. U-AUREUM var. vaccinii Hy. Edw. Plusia vaccinii Smith, 1893, Bull. 44, U. S. N. M., 254. Autographa vaccinii Ottolengui, 1902. Tour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 71, PI. VIII, fig. 3. Autogr.apha arctica var. vaccinii McDunnough, 1921, Can. Ent., LIII, 85. Ottolengui’s figure is a good one of this so-called race from the higher regions of the Presidential range, N. H., more particu- larly from the Alpine Garden of Mt. Washington. It has been recorded from the Adirondacks but Forbes in the “List of the Insects of New York” page 627, states that such references may be based on specimens of alias', the record needs verification. It is quite within probability, however, that the species occurs on the higher peaks of the Gaspe region (Mt. Albert) or of the state There is no difference in genitalia from those of u-aiircum. Syngrapha interrogationis Linn. Plate IV, fig. 9. Syngrapha interrogationis Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 430. 195 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Autographa interrogationis Benjamin, 1933, Pan. Pac. Ent., IX, 61. I have a small series of European interrogationis irom Scot- land before me for comparison with the Labrador series of 3 d' 6 9 which I picked out, as already mentioned, from the u-aureum series on the strength of the larger size, the lack of pure white checkering in the fringes and the more pronounced purple-gray tinges in the pale areas of forewing. The two series appear to agree in the genitalia of both sexes and I am therefore placing the Labrador specimens as interrogationis. Eventually, possibly, a racial name may be required but at the present time it seems inadvisable. As already stated the male genitalia {vide Pierce, 1909, Genit. Brit. Noct., PI. XXIX) show no very marked differences from those of ii-aureum ; the apical portion of the harpe, in those slides examined, seemed to be more bent inwards, and the apical spine in the aedeagus somewhat longer and slightly curved. Whether these characters are definitely of specific value remains to be seen when more material is available for examination. In the female genitalia the mouth of the ostium and the beginning of the chitinous ductus seem definitely broader than in u-aureum and the lateral edges are turned downward (cephalad) to form the inner sides of the invaginated pockets; the ventral plate is longer and broader with either a straight or sinuate caudal margin, being at times weakly crinkly. The apical section of the bursa, when a spermaphore is present, is bent to the left below the ductus but not curved cephalad, the bursa, in consequence, being more L-shaped than S-shaped. In certain specimens where the bursa contained no spermaphore and was, in consequence, less inflated, the apex of the bursa projected caudad on the right side of the ductus without any bend to the left. S. INTERROGATIONIS Var. HERSCHELENSIS Benj. Autographa altera ? Gibson, 1920, Rep. Can. Arct. Exp. Ill, I, 37, PI. Ill, fig. 13. Autographa interrogationis herschelensis Benjamin, 1933, Pan. Pac. Ent., IX, 61. Benjamin based his name on a single male taken by Owen Bryant at Herschel Island, Yukon Terr. I saw this specimen several years ago and matched it pretty well with a male in our Collection from East Main River, James Bay, Que. Judging by the locality and genitalia the worn specimen mentioned doubtfully by Gibson as altera will also fall here. Besides these two males there are single large females before me from Dawson, \. T., Churchill, Man., and Nordegg, Alta, which show a type of geni- talia similar to those of Labrador interrogationis. It seems rather 196 4 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 presumptuous to base a racial name on a single specimen especially in a species of known variability, so the exact status of herschel- ensis must remain doubtful until much more material from northern localities is available j for the present I am employing the term to cover all our scanty material from the north-western section of Canada. Syngrapha altera Ottol. Plate I, fig. 12; IV, fig. 10. Autographa altera Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N Y Ent Soc X, 69, PI. VIII, fig. 9. ’ Autographa variana Ottolengui, 1902, Tour N Y Ent Soc., X, 70, PL VI, fig. 10. Both altera and variana have been generally misidentified, the former name being applied to specimens of interrogationis, whilst the latter was confused with octoscripta. A study of the t)'pe material and genitalia shows that both names apply to slightly different forms possibly races — of a single distinct species, closely allied to octoscripta. Altera was based on a female specimen from Nipigon, Ont., and a cotype from the Adirondacks, N. Y. ; I have been able to match the holotype with a female from Larder Lake, Ont., both in maculation and genitalia. The species is a small one, consid- erably smaller than octoscripta as noted by Ottolengui whose description and figure are quite good. It might be added that on the primaries altera shows traces of the ruddy suffusion in the submedian fold, interior to the t. p. line, which is quite character- istic and better developed in octoscripta and scarcely ever found in interrogationis and u-aureuin. The darker basal area of the hindwings in altera at once separates it from octoscripta where the basal 2/3 is largely pale grayish-ochreous. Variana was based on a female specimen from St. John, N. B. and I have matched it very closely with a pair of specimens in our collection from White Pt. Beach, N. S. The abdomen of the type is glued on and I have doubts as to its authenticity; in consequence I have made no genitalic slide. However, my Nova Scotia female is such a good match for the type and agrees in genitalia so exactly with my altera female that I have no hesitation as regards the relationship of the two names. Variana, as far as is known, would appear to be a sea-coast form and has the pale areas of the primaries more extended and accentuated than in the type form; this difference, however, is not as great, when the actual type specimens are seen side by side, as^ one would be led to believe from the figured photographs. Still it is probable that the name variana may be used in a racial sense. 197 Memoibs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Male Genitalia. ( from a variana specimen) Juxta a bulb- shaped plate, terminating apically in a weak, blunted projection. Aedeagus long and moderately broad, strongly spiculate apically and armed with a thin, long, apical spine with weak base. Llas^r narrow costa terminating in a distinct, short, spine projecting be- yond the rounded apical margin of cucullus ; harpe sickle -shaped, tapering from a broader base. Female Genitalia. Ostium well protected by the over- lapping integument of the eighth abdominal segment and by a strongly projected, ventral plate, the sides of which are parallel and its caudal margin well-excavated centrally. Initial section of ductus heavily chitinized and well strigate in proximal half, broader than usual, and with rounded, chitinous projection, almost as broad as the ductus-tube, extending beyond the origin of the short, terminal, membranous section. This section is heavily strigate, arises ventrally from the chitinous section, bending slightly to the right and entering the bursa on the left side. Bursa rather small and narrow (all specimens examined without sperma- phore), with the more strongly granulose apex projecting caudad on right side of ductus. Syngrapha octoscripta Grt. Plate I, fig. 13; IV, fig. 11. Autographa octoscripta Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 70, PI. VIII, fig. 14. Autographa octoscripta Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 425, PI. 236, fig. 17. (partim). Autographa octoscripta Wolley-Dod, 1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 191; id. 1915, op. cit., XLVII, 130. Autographa octoscripta ab beta Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Naturgesch. A. 2, 47. Grote, since he attributed the species to Sanborn, apparently made no type designation. No specimens of Sanborns exist in the Cambridge Museum, according to Dr. Banks, so I imagine the female specimen from the Grote Collection in the British Museum with Grote’s blue-bordered name-label attached, as men- tioned by Dod (op. cit.), will have to be considered as the holotype. Ottolengui’s figure, apart from being somewhat blurred, gives a fair idea of the species; Hanipson’s figure is distinctly poor, with much too yellow secondaries. The species^ may e distinguished from the other members of the group by its larger size, the square exsertion of the s. t. line below the aj>ex of pri maries, along with a ruddy suffusion on the inside of the t. p. line below the cell, and by the paler color of the basal 2/3 of the secondaries. The genitalia are quite characteristic. Octoscripta is transcontinental in distribution, is quite com- mon in certain sections of the Maritime provinces and extends 198 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 northward to Labrador and Churchill, Man. The species has been bred at Ottawa from a larva on Vaccinium. Male Genitalia. Characterized by a strong, preapical spine on costa of clasper, projecting at right angles to the plane of the rounded cucullus ; harpe also characteristic, being broadly triangu- lar, with sharply pointed apex projecting beyond costa of clasper. Aedeagus slightly expanded at 2/3 and then contracted to form the heavily spiculate apical section ; armed with a straight spine of moderate size with slightly expanded base. Female Genitalia. Ostium with well-developed, invagi- nated, lateral pockets. Anal plate very strongly projected caudad, with rounded sides, often considerably fluted and strigate; caudal margin rounded or with a small V-shaped, median excision; the terminal portion of the plate is joined to the chitinized ductus by a narrower bar of chitin, the whole appearing somewhat paddle- shaped. The strongly chitinized ductus is similar to that of altera but narrower and with the terminal projection confined to the right side and only half the width of the ductus; the strongly strigate and membranous portion of the ductus is very short and enters the bursa on left side just below the apex. Bursa much as in altera. S. OCTOSCRIPTA var. epsilon Ottol. Autographa epsilon Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 70, PI. VI, fig. 8. This so-called species was based on a male, collected by the Harriman Alaska Expedition at Kodiak, Alaska, and now in the United States National Museum. Mr. C. Heinrich informs me that a slide of the genitalia shows that the apical portions of the claspers had been broken off and that in consequence the charac- teristic structural details could not be determined. However, basing my conclusion on other minor genitalic characters and on Ottolengui ’s excellent figure, I am of the opinion that epsilon has been correctly placed as a pale race of octoscripta. S. OCTOSCRIPTA var. magnifica Ottol. Autographa magnifica Ottolengui, 1919, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVH, 124, PI. XV, fig. 13. There seems little doubt that magnifica, the female type of which from Ucluelet, Vancouver Is. B. C. is before me, is a pale race of octoscripta; there is also a male from the same locality in our collection which shows to a somewhat lesser degree the characteristic pale suffusion of primaries which I would term a light lavender-gray rather than the “creamy white” mentioned by Ottolengui. Magnifica would seem to be a coastal form, bearing the same relationship to octoscripta that variana does to altera. 199 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Syngrapha zeta Ottol. Autographa zeta Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 70, PI. VI, fig. 1. The type is a female, bearing one of Neunioegen’s old labels “Calgary, N. W. T.”, which, as has already been several times pointed out, is a very ambiguous locality. I have carefully examined the specimen and find that the figure given is excellent. Very characteristic are the deep brown- ish color (not black-brown) of the median area below the silver mark and the pale, almost whitish, terminal area ; the shape, too, of the silver mark is curious but this is probably not constant. The deep brown color of the hindwings precludes reference to octoscripta and I have been unable to match the type with any- thing in our collection. The abdomen has been glued in two places and its authenticity may be doubted, especially as it originally was obtained from Jacob Doll, whom Dyar once termed a notori- ous mender of specimens”. A superficial examination shows a strongly protruding anal plate which would throw seta into the octoscripta group if the abdomen belongs. For the present seta must be placed as a good species following octoscripta. Syngrapha surena Grt. Plate I, fig. 14. Autographa surena Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 73, PI. VIII, fig. 10. This rare species is adequately figured by Ottolengui. Besides a couple of specimens from Hopedale, Labrador, we have m our collection one from Rimouski, Que. and two from Smoky Falls, near Kapuskasing, Northern Ontario. Male Genitalia. Juxta with small rounded apical pro- tuberance. Aedeagus long and fairly bulbous at base, weakly spiculate apically, armed with a long, straight, sharply pointed, apical spine. Harpe well-developed, of nearly even width through- out bent inward at apex and terminating in two short spines. ’ I have been unable, from lack of material, to examine the female genitalia. Syngrapha epigaea Grt. Plate I, fig. 16; IV, fig. 12. Autographa epigaea Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 73, PI. VII, fig. 16. Autographa epigaea Wolley-Dod, 1905, Can. Ent., XXXVII, 252. Syngrapha epigaea ab. epigaeella Strand, 1916, Arch. f. Naturgesch., A, (2), 47. 200 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 This well-known species is easily determinable by Ottolengui’s figure. Strand’s aberration is based on a specimen in which the tail of the silver mark is almost lacking. The larva is a Vaccinium- feeder and is not uncommon in peat-bogs around Ottawa. It is transcontinental in distribution. Male Genitalia. Juxta without apical spine. Aedeagus broad and long, faintly spiculate apically, armed with a long, bluntly pointed bar of chitin, extending from base to well beyond middle of the organ. Clasper with a strong, costal, preapical spine and rounded apex ; harpe long, thin, and tapering to a point. Female Genitalia. Very characteristic. The long, strong- ly chitinized, proximal 2/3 of the ductus is extended caudad over the ostium as two large asymmetrical, rounded lobes. The distal portion of the ductus is narrow and membranous in its initial portion but quickly broadens and becomes heavily strigate, enter- ing the bursa obliquely on the left side in a broad opening that occupies the whole central portion of this side, the caudal edge of the ductus at the point of entrance, as well as an adjoining section of the bursa, being chitinized. The fundus of the bursa is a smallish, bulbous sac, the bursa narrowing opposite the ductus- opening and expanding in the apical half, with a large chitinous plate and some membranous thickening on the right side. The fine ductus seminalis is given off on the left (inner) side of this section, just below the apex. Syngrapha selecta Wlk. Plate I, fig. 15. Autographa selecta Ottolengui, 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 72, PI. IX, fig. 7. Syngrapha selecta Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 421, PI. 236, fig. 11. Autographa selecta Wolley-Dod, 1915, Can. Ent. XLVII, 130. Another well-known species with transcontinental distribu- tion, and extending into the far north ; specimens are before me from Churchill, Man. and Whitehorse and Dawson, Yukon Terr. The stigma is very variable, both in shape and coloration. Male Genitalia. Juxta without apical spine. Aedeagus long and broad, heavily spiculate apically, armed with a long, thin spine at base and a curved piece of tapering chitin in the median section, the point directed toward base. Clasper long and narrow, costa terminating in a small, sharp spine ; harpe small, outwardly oblique, bluntly pointed. 201 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Female Genitalia. Ductus bursae entirely membranous or extremely weakly chitinized \ the funnel is represented, by a short, broad section with sinuous caudaDmargin and broad, U- shaped base which slightly overlaps the following section on the ventral side. This is followed by a short, moderately broad, faint- ly granulose section which, after sending a large sac-like projec- tion to the right, broadens enormously to over twice its previous width and continues thus to the bursa-entrance on the left side where it bends inward and narrows slightly. The bursa is a curved, membranous sac, the narrowed apical section bending to the left beneath (dorsad of) the ductus; the apex is heavily shagreened and of a black-brown color. The ductus seminalis arises on the left side, considerably below the extreme apex. Genus ANAGRAPHA gen. nov. Plate II, fig. 1 ; V, fig. 1. Similar in vestiture and tibial spining to Syngrapha. The male genitalia, however, show a marked degree of specialization. Tegumen much more elongate than in Syngrapha, terminating in a long, thin uncus; vinculum broadly rounded terminally, clasper broadening gradually toward apex, the costal margin thickly clothed with fine hair which extends inward to middle of clasper in the apical half; attached to the ventral margin is a closely appressed series of long thick hairs, almost spinelike in character , the costa terminates in a small spine and below this the apical margin is abruptly and irregularly cut off and entirely free of hair. Sacculus rather broader at base than_ in Syngrapha with short, knobbed clavus ; it is joined by a thin, upright band of chitin to the harpe which is a long, recurved hook, slightly bulbous at extremity, arising from the basal half of the clasper. ^ Juxta a rather weakly chitinized plate with a rounded apical projection. Aedeagus rathei long, gradually narrowing from base to apex and finely granulate around the apex; vesica strongly spiculate through its entire length and with a single, large basal spine. Female Genitalia. Telescoping of ninth segment and ovi- positor feeble. Ostium unprotected, circular, leading into a short, chitinized, quadrate, initial portion of the ductus bursae ; beyond this the ductus narrows to a short sinuate, strongly chitinized and strigate tube which leads into a moderate-sized, chitinized and spiculate sac, situated on the right side of the ductus and probably representing the apical portion of the bursa. From the base (cephalic end) of this sac the ductus seminalis arises as a fine tube, curving immediately caudad and running parallel to the ductus bursae. The bursa proper is a large, membranous sac, projecting to the left at right angles to the chitinized aj^ex and semilunate in shape. 202 i Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Genotype. Plusia falcifera Kby. The marked difference in genitalia between falcifera and the species included in Syngrapha would seem to justify a new gen- eric term ; falcifera is probably a highly specialized offshoot from this genus. After an examination of the type of simplicima Ottol. a worn female simply labelled “Oregon”, I incline to agree with Dod (1913, Can. Ent., XLV, 239) who maintains that it merely repre- sents a small aberrant form of falcifera. The type specimen has the coloration of the primaries of the brown simplex form and the broad tail to the silver mark is entirely missing; the Dod collection contains a specimen of typical gray falcifera with similar reduction of this tail and there is also a specimen before me of simplex from Aweme, Man. with reduced tail but with the reduction scarcely carried to such an extent as in simplicima. All other maculation of simplicima is identical with that of falcifera. SECTIONS B AND C Genus AUTOPLUSIA gen. nov. Plate II, fig. 2; V, fig. 5. Wings long and narrow with slight emargination of termen •u- Syngrapha with light spining on hind- tibiae between the spurs. Donsal and abdominal tufting as usual. Male Genitalia. Tegumen, vinculum and uncus much as m Syngrapha. Clavus long and thread-like ; sacculus rather broadly expanded in basal portion, the clasper, in consequence ap- pearing to be much narrowed in medial area ; shortly before apex the costa forms a rounded or pointed protuberance , opposite which a strong, curved spine projects over the ventral marc/in (possibly representing the harpe or pollex) ; cucullus weakly chitinized, rounded and covered with fine hair. Aedeagus long, somewhat sinuate, with slightly bulbous base, and a weak, latero-apical thickening of chitin, bearing a few weak spines ; vesica armed with a long band of fine spines, and a very strong, pointed apical spine arising from a broad base. Female Genitalia. With considerable similarity to those of Syngrapha. The semicircular ostium is well protected ventrally by the projecting integument of the eighth abdominal segment and by a broad, chitinous, tricorn plate. The ductus is broad, strongly chitinized for its entire length, and enters the bursa well down on the left side. The rather narrow, elongate, membranous bursa bends apically to the left below (dorsad of) the ductus bursae, the extreme apex being finely granulose and giving rise to the ductus seminalis. Genotype. Plusia egena Gn. AMng with egena Gn., my characterization of which is based on specimens from San Diego, Calif., olivacea Skin, must obvi- 203 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 ously be included; this species is represented in ^r collection by three specimens from Strontia Spgs., Colo., and Half Moon Bay, Calif, and looks to a casual glance like a very dark egena. ihere is just a possibility that egenoides Strand, based on Hampson s “Ab 1 Much Darker.” may take precedence over ohvacea but as Strand’s type would probably be a Central or South American specimen I prefer, pending further information, to coi^mue the usage of olivacea for our North American species. Ihe male genitalia are quite distinct from those of egena, showing the saccu- lus drawn out to a long, fine, ventral point and the subapical pro- jections on both sides of the clasper stronger and more pointed. Genus TRICHOPLUSIA gen. nov. Plate II, fig. 3; V, fig. 6. Similar in abdominal squammation and lack of tibial spining to Ar gyro gramma Hbn. Wings narrower and more elongate. Strikingly different in genitalia, especially those of the female. Male Genitalia. Clasper (typically) much broader than in Argyrogramma with broadly rounded cucullus, thickly covered with spine-like hairs, arising from small tuberculate bases ; harpe situated (typically) halfway between base and apex of clasper, strong, bent at right angles' the tapering apex projected slightly over costal margin ; sacculus weak with moderately long, finger- like clavus. Tegumen long and narrow; vinculum well-produced, but not nearly so abnormally long as in Argyrogramma, apex bluntly pointed. Aedeagus much as in Argyrogramma. Female Genitalia. Characterized by the_ extraordinary development of the ductus bursae which is tape-like and weakly chitinized, extending to the cephalic end of the abdomen, then bending back almost to its point of inception and again recurved to about the central section of the abdomen where it enters the small membranous bursa, slightly expanded, on what appears to be the right, ventral side. The fine ductus seminalis arises from the narrowed apex of the bursa. Ostium unprotected, goblet shaped, weakly chitinized, connected by a very short membranous section with the slightly enlarged, bulbous initial section of the ductus bursae. Genotype. Plusia ni var. brassicae Riley. I can find no difference in male genitalia between a Sicilian specimen of ni Hbn. and our North American brassicae; at the best it would seem only possible to retain the name brassicae as a doubtful North American race of the almost cosmopolitan m, characterized by the somewhat darker color of the primaries, i include oxygramnia Geyer in this genus as it shows the long tufts of hair on the abdomen and possesses the same attenuatea tape-like type of ductus in the female genitalia. It lacks the comb of spines on the basal half of the first joint of the male tibia an 204 Memoirs, So. Caxif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 the male genitalia vary in several details from those of m. While the tegumen, uncus, vinculum, clavus and aedeagus are more or less in agreement, the clasper is very small and narrow, with a curious row of specialized, frond-like hairs along the ventral edge ; the cucullus is spined but the harpe is an inconspicuous, fine* chitinous finger, situated near base of clasper. When more Cen- tral and South American material can be studied a further sub- division may be necessary. Ahvotd Druce, a species unknoMui to me, I am including here temporarily on account of the abdominal tufting. Genus ARGYROGRAMMA Hbn. Plate II, fig. 4; V, fig. 2. 1823, Hiibner, Zutraege z. Samml. exot. Schmett., II, 29 (in- cludes omega Hbn. and questionis Fabr.). In general characters similar to Autographa Hbn. (Phyto- metra Hamp.) but abdomen of male with lateral tufts of long hair on posterior segments. All tibiae unspined; on first joint of hind tarsus of male a comb of long, fine spines on inner side of basal half may be present or absent. Eighth abdominal tergites and sternites modified and strengthened with chitin and with specialized tufts of hair and hair-pencils. Male Genitalia. Very small for the size of the insect. Tegumen long and narrow; uncus thin, long, and terminating bluntly; vinculum produced to an abnormal extent and either broadened to a large plate (typical) or narrower and rounded apically. Claspers small and very narrow ; slightly expanded api- cally; cucullus rounded apically and covered with fine spines, arising from small tubercules; clavus a thin rod, arising from costo-basal angle of the weak sacculus ; harpe a short, oblique rod, arising near base of clasper. Juxta a weakly chitinized plate of varying shape, attached to a long, tube-like, highly spiculate anellus. Aedeagus very long and narrow, with moderately bulbous base; it is partially supported by a chitinized strip on the ventral side which expands apically, forming a half-ring; the dorsal side projects beyond this, forming a weakly chitinized, truncate pro- jection, feebly spiculate at its base. There are one or two thin, long spines in the bulbous basal portion. Female Genitalia. Ostium unprotected and membranous, leading into a weakly chitinized and spiculate, goblet-shaped, initial section of the ductus bursae. The mid-section of the ductus is a short, narrow membranous tube (forming the stem of the goblet) ; this, in turn, leads into a longer, chitinized and at times strigate, terminal section which enters the bursa on the dorsal side below apex. The membranous bursa is variable in size but tapers to a bluntly pointed fundus from which the long, fine ductus semi- nalis arises, bending backward along the left side of the bursa. 205 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Genotype - Argyrogramma omega Hbn, — verruca Fabr. Hiibner’s generic term has not been heretofore employed but becomes available for certain North American species of pre- sumable southern origin. It was based on the fPf f Georgia, figured in the “Zutraege (figs. 373/4) and in the text Hiibner also mentions questionis Fabr. (i'lc) which, judging y the data in the “Verzeichniss”, he was inclined to confuse with 00 Cram. ; in this same work he proposed the new name omtcron for Cramer’s fig. F of PI. 311 which he rightly considered to repre- sent a different species from fig. E, to which the name oo ts now restricted. O micron (1821) would apparently have priority over omega but both are placed by Smith & Hampson in the synonymy of verruca Fabr., an action which I am presuming to be correct. To avoid anv confusion regarding the genotype of Argyrogramma 1 designate ^omega Hbn. as such genotype. QuaesHoms¥d.br., a synonymy of chalcytes Esp., falls, in any case, into t e genus Chrysodeixis Hbn. of which the European chalcytes is the geno- type. This genus is evidently closely allied to Argyrogramma but in the male genitalia (the only sex examined) the harpe is entirely lacking. Along with verruca Fabr. I am including in the genus basi- aera Wlk. ; both species occur in the southern section of our f^nal area and can be readilv recognized by Ottolengui’s figures. They agree in general characters of squammation, etc. but basigera lacks the comb of fine spines on the first joint of the hind tarsi found in verruca. The genitalia, while showing a number ot dit- ferences which can be presumed to be merely specific, are, on the whole, of the same general type. I am emphasizing particularly the rather curious point of origin of the ductus seminahs in the female genitalia; this would seem to show very satisfactorily a close relationship of the two species. It is probable that ol^er Mexican or Central and South American species can be include here when opportunity for study occurs. Genus PSEUDOPLUSIA gen. nov. Plate H, fig. 6; V, fig. 4. Similar to Autographa in squammation, tufting and lack of tibial spining. Differs, however, very considerably in genitalia. Male Genitalia. Tegumen narrow and elongate, giving rise at its lateral bases to two lobes, weakly chitinized, which nearly meet in the median line dorsally. Uncus thin and loug> terminating in a small spine ; vinculum produced to a long, fine point. Clasper of normal size, slightly broadened apically, the rounded cucullus being thickly covered with fine spines; harpe very long and thread-like, arising from the extreme base of the clasper ; sacculus very weak with long, thin clavus, slightly thicker 206 Memoibs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 than the harpe. Transtilla strong and beak-like apically. Juxta weak, terminating in a sharp spine. Aedeagus long, with bulbous base ; central section much narrowed, spiculate in proximal section and partially chitinized; apical half again expanded and then tapering and conical, weakly chitinized and strongly spiculate : a transverse row of short, blunt spines occurs at the extreme base and two thin, longer spines are found at the neck of the bulbous section. The hair-pencils of the eighth abdominal segments are considerably reduced. Female Genitalia. Ostium broad, bowl-shaped, well-spicu- late and with the base folded and wrinkled. The ductus bursae originates in a narrow, raised central area attached to the margin of the bowl and is a narrow, membranous tube, somewhat ex- panded in the proximal half, then narrowed and feebly strigate and spiculate; it enters the bursa on the dorsal side just below • the apex. The bursa is rather broad and chunky, the fundus drawn out to a long tube which curves back along the left side of the bursa almost to apex and gives rise to the thread-like ductus seminalis. Genotype. Phalaena oo Cram . (fig. E, not F.). The very divergent genitalia seem to warrant the erection of a new generic term for oo Cram. The genus is probably most closely related to Argyrogramma Hbn. but the lateral tuf tings of hair on the abdomen are lacking, aside from the different genitalia. Oo is a distinctly southern species but recently a few speci- mens have been received from points in Quebec Province. Genus RACHIPLUSIA Hamp. Plate II, fig. 5 ; V, fig. 3. 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 410 (in- cludes nu Gn. and pedalis Grt. (=om Gn.) The genus is characterized by the presence of spines on all the tibiae. I have been unable to examine specimens of the geno- type nu Gn. and base my characterization on our series of ou Gn. which Hampson wrongly included in his genus Phytometra, al- though the ab. pedalis Grt. was correctly placed. In ou the foretibiae show two terminal spines on the inner side ; the mid- and hind-tibiae are moderately spined. Male Genitalia. Tegumen short and broad ; uncus thin, pointed ; vinculum with broadly truncate apex, the terminal margin gently excavated. Clasper broadening toward apex which is rather squarely cut off, the cucullus being without spines or hairs; harpe absent; sacculus weak; clavus extremely long and thread- like. Juxta broad and weakly chitinized ; anellus forming a conical sheath. Aedeagus rather thin and curved, with faintly bulbous 207 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 base ; apex weakly shagreened ; vesica with traces of a basal spine- cluster and with two small median clusters of short spines, 3- in a cluster. Hair-pencils well-developed. Female Genitalia. Ostium partially protected ventrally by a bilohed plate with square-cut, median excavation of caudal margin j this plate projects from a weakly chitinized and faintly strigate, initial, barrel-shaped section of the ductus. The con- tinuation of the ductus forms a straight, rather narrow tube, at first membranous, then weakly chitinized and finally, for the great- er part of its length, membranous and strigate, the strigations in- creasing in intensity towards the bursa-entrance. The entrance to the large sac-like bursa is ventrally in the median area of the bursa, just distad of a narrow invagination of the right-side which extends inward for half the width of the bursa and partially separates it into two subequal sections. The ductus seminalis * arises at the upper end of this invagination, just to the right of the ductus bursae, and is directed caudad across the ventral sur- face of the bursa. Genus CHRYSASPIDIA Hbn . Plate II, fig. 7; V, fig. 8. 1821, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., 252 (includes bractea Schiff., aemula Schiff., and festucae Linn.). 1896, Grote, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. (1895), XXXIV, 3A, 417 (designates festucae Linn, as genotype). 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 452. (designates bractea Schiff. as genotype, ultra vires). Euchalcia Dvar {nee Hiibner), 1902, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 81. Phytometra Hampson {nee Haworth), 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XHI, 452, (partim). Palaeoplusia Hampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XHI, 581 (genotype venusta Wlk.)*. Characterized chiefly by the lack of any tooth at the tornus of primaries and by the great reduction of the dorsal abdominal tuftings, especially on the third segment. As a rule there are one or two spines on the hind tibiae between the spurs. iilALE Genitalia. Very similar to those of Autographa Hbn. {vide Pierce, 1SK)9, Genit. Brit. Noct., PI. XXIX, for fig. of festucae). Clasper shorter and broader, less expanded apically; harpe placed considerably further basad and rather stronger. Juxta with weak apical projection. Tegumen broader and chunkier; vinculum forming a long V. Aedeagus of moderate length, only slightly constricted medially, armed with a single short spine and with apical area weakly spiculate. 208 Vol. 2, Part 2,. 1944 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Female Genitalia. Ostium broad and largely unprotected, leading into a short, broad, chitinous pocket, the caudal margin of which is sinuate and weakly spiculate, the whole pocket being feebly granulose. The ductus bursae arises from the rounded base of the pocket as a narrow membranous tube, slightly sinuate and comparatively short and enters the bursa practically at its apex. The bursa forms a long leg-like sac, expanded somewhat at fundus to form the foot and at times strengthened over a good portion of the left side by a chitinous bar. The ductus seminalis arises from the apex of the bursa, dorsad of the entrance of the ductus bursae. Genotype. Phalaena festucae Linn. Grote p designation of festucae Linn, as the genotype is the first type fixation I have found and must be adhered to; Palaeo- plusia Hamp., based on venusta Wlk., will fall as a synonym, both species being congeneric. This was recognized by Dyar in 1902 who, however, employed the wrong generic term for the group. Hampson’s designation of festucae as the type of Phyto- metra is erroneous. The included North American species are venusta Wlk., putnami, Grt., nichollae Hamp. and contexta Grt. Genus AUTOGRAPHA Hbn. Plate III, fig. 1; V, fig. 9; VI, fig. 1. 1821, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett. 251 (13 species including parilis Hbn., circumflexa Hbn., and gamma Linn.). 1895, Grote, Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen, XIV, (1), 61 (cites gamma Linn, as genotype). 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 81 (designates circum- flexa Hbn. = gutta Gn. as genotype, ultra vires). 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XHI, 404 (wrong usage with parilis Hbn. as genotype, ultra vires). 1916, McDunnough, Ent. News, XXVH, 400. Phytometra Hampson {nec Haworth), 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XHI, 452, {partim). The genus is characterized by the. strong dorsal tufting on thorax and abdomen, the lack of lateral hair-tufts on the abdomen and by the practical lack of tibial spining, although individual specimens occur in which one or two spines are present between the hind-tibial spurs. The genitalia run, in both sexes, very true to type, with one or two slight exceptions. Male Genitalia, (vide Pierce’s figures, Genit. Brit. Noct., PI. XXVHI). Tegumen narrow and high; uncus simple, long. 209 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 thin terminating in a short spine ; vinculum forming a long V, usually with two small, opposed projections on inner edges near apex. Juxta weak; apical spine present typically but generally lacking in our North American species. Clasper long and mod- erately broad, ventral margin slightly sinuate, cucullus expanding somewhat costo-apically but not differentiated and clothed merely with long hair ; harpe a straight or outcurved thin rod, arising in median section of clasper; sacculus narrow and weak with thin, long clavus, arising costo-basally. Aedeagus long, with bulbous base usually containing a short spine, a much constricted median area, partially strengthened by chitin, and a more or less expanded apical section, weakly chitinized and spiculate. Hair- pencils well-developed. Female Genitalia. Ostium largely unprotected, broad, leading into a short, chitinous, goblet- or mitten-shaped, weakly qranulose , initial section from the base of which the rope-like ductus bursae arises. This ductus is variable in length, generally somewhat twisted, brown in color, and strigate and granulose ; it enters the bursa just below the apex on the right side, (rarely on the left side). The bursa is variable in shape, depending partially on the number of sinuate spermaphores it contains ; in general it is attenuate with rounded apex and frequently some membranous thickening in the region of the ductus-entr^nce, at times partially encircling this section. The ductus seminalis arises from the apex of the bursa. Genotype. Phalaena gamma Linn. The bulk of the species in they are as* follows :- bonaerensis Berg biloba Steph. precationis Gn. ottolenguii Dyar ampla Wlk. v-alba Ottol. corusca Stkr. speciosa Ottol. labrosa Grt. Section B belong in this, genus ; pasiphaeia Grt. sansoni Dod rubida Ottol. himaculata Steph. map pa G. & R. pseudogamma Grt. calif ornica Speyer metallica Grt. flagellum Wlk. Of the above species bonaerensis Berg, and ottolenguii Dyar have not been examined. Biloba Steph. shows in genitalia > fig. 9) considerable resemblance to species of Chrysaspidia and i it had not been for the well-developed dorsal abdominal tufting I should have been inclined to place it in this genus ; the aedeagus is unarmed. Precationis Gn. (PI. Ill, fig. 1 ; VI, fig. 1.) is also somewhat aberrant and tends toward the Argyrogramma group, the clasjier is long and thin with the harpe more basad than is 210 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 typical for AutogTdphci ^ the cucullus is covered with minute tuber- cles which, however, do not give rise to definite spines ; the ventral margin is clothed with specialized scale-like hair; the aedeagus has a very bulbous spiculate base and a strongly contracted median section. The remaining species fall into two minor groups on male genitalic characters. The listed species from ampla to pasiphaeia show a shorter and broader clasper. In the second group the clasper is long and narrow with considerable costo-apical widen- ing; the harpe is generally thinner and the aedeagus noticeably longer and more contracted medially. In the female genitalia the entrance of the ductus bursae is normally on the right side of the bursa ; only in calif ornica does the ductus- entrance appear to be on the left side. Metallica Grt. (which is closely allied to the European bractea Schiff.) is some- what aberrant ; the ductus bursae is longer than usual, much twisted, and with a small appendage near its origin. The bursa is shaped like a French horn, the main portion being disk-shaped, the tubular apical region arising on the left side near the middle and curving caudad closely appressed to the side of the bursa; the ductus bursae enters this tubular portion on the right side just below the apex. Genus CHRYSANYMPHA Grt. Plate III, fig. 4; VI, fig. 2. 1896, Grote, Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. (1895), XXXIV, 3A, 417 (monotypical genus for formosa Grt.). Scarcely separable from Autographa and with similar type of male and female genitalia. Third palpal joint longer and thinner than in Autographa and the squammation of the second joint more appressed with scarcely a trace of any long ventral hairs. Apex of forewing well-rounded and outer margin strongly convex and oblique with strong tornal tooth. In view of the dissimilarity of formosa Grt. in general ap- pearance to the species included in Autographa I retain Grote’s generic term. Hampson’s placement of formosa in Abrostola is quite erroneous. Genus EOSPHOROPTERYX Dyar Plate III, fig. 8; VI, fig. 3. 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 80 (monotypical genus for thyatyr aides Gn.), 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 446. Similar to Chrysanympha in length of third palpal joint; second joint more heavily scaled beneath. Forewings much nar- rower and more pointed than in either Chrysanympha or Auto- grapha. The genitalia seem to warrant the generic separation. 211 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Male Genitalia. Tegumen chunkier and vinculum longer than in Autographa, Clasper with a very strong medio-ventral bulge, narrowing rapidly to a rather pointed and well-haired apical section ; harpe a small, finger-like projection, situated medially , sacculus weak, with long, thin clavus. Aedeagus long, thin, un- armed except for a convolute and spiculate section of the vesica. Female Genitalia. Ostium represented by a broad lunate plate moderately spiculate, which leads into a rectangular, chiti- nised section of the ductus, twice as long as broad. The short terminal section of the ductus is sinuous and strigate, entering the bursa on the left side below the rounded and narrowed apex which is directed dorsad and fairly heavily granulose. The bursa is short and broad, tapering somewhat toward the fundus. The ductus seminalis arises from the dorsal side of the apex of the bursa. Genus POLYCHRYSIA Hbn. Plate VI, fig. 6. 1821, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., 251 (monotypical genus for moneta Fab.). 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent, Soc., X, 80, Chrysoptera Latreille, 1825, Fam. Nat., 476; Flampson, 1913, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 439. Deva Smith {nec Walker^ 1893, Bull. 44, U. S. N. M., 246 (partim). This genus is characterized by the long recurved palpi with fringes of hair on the knife-like third joint in front. It is evi- dently allied to Autographa as the genitalia only differ m minor particulars. In the male genitalia the clasper is shorter and broader more as in Chrysaspidia; the harpe is longer and projects well over the costal margin; the clavus is somewhat reduced, ihe aedeagus is shorter and less constricted rnedially, being weakly spiculate apically and armed with a short spine. The female geni- talia closely resemble those of Autographa, the short ductus bursae entering the bursa on the left side below apex. Our North American form of moneta, for which Smith pro- posed the name trabea, (based on a specimen from Calgary, Alta.) has generally gone under the name, esmeralda Oberth., a name proposed for the Siberian and Asiatic paler race of moneta. While there is no doubt that the two forms are closely allied, ju by a single “Sajan” specimen of esmeralda before me, I t in that, in view of the great distance between the type localities and the modern tendency to split into races on minor character^ it would be well to resurrect Smith’s name. Along with trabea Sm. morigera Ply. Edw., a species I have not examined, will be in- cluded in the genus. 212 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Scienc&s Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Genus PSEUDEVA Hamp. Plate III, fig. 2; VI, fig. 4. 1913, Hampson, Cat. Lep. Phal. Brit. Mus., XIII, 447 (type designated as purpurigera Wlk.). Panchrysia Dyar (nec Hiibner), 1902, Tour N Y Ent Soc., X, 80. Separated from Polychrysia by the less recurved palpi and by the falcate external margin of the primaries. The eyes do not appear to be lashed. The genitalia appear to bear out the separa- tion. Male Genitalia. Obviously of the Autographa type but the davus is merely represented by a few hairs on a slight rounded prominence of the sacculus. The clasper is short and broad; the finger-like harpe well basad of the middle of clasper; the sacculus very weak. The aedeagus feebly constricted medially and with moderately bulbous base, weakly spiculate apically and armed with a single basal spine and a cluster of small spines somewhat as in C. hochenwarthi, placed more apically. The apical portion of the vinculum is long and narrow. Female Genitalia. Allied to those of Autographa species. Bursa short and broad (ham-shaped), tapering quickly to a rounded apex, just below which on the left side the entrance of the ductus bursae is situated. This ductus is short and rather broad, elbowed rectangularly just before bursa-entrance. Ostium bowl-shaped and feebly chitinized and spiculate. Ductus seminalis arises from apex of bursa. Besides purpurigera Wlk., the only species I have examined, the genus includes palligera Grt. and rubigera Hamp. Genus ADEVA gen. nov. Plate III, fig. 3; VI, fig. 9. Palpi much as in Autographa; second joint clothed with long hairs beneath, third joint moderate, rounded, rather closely scaled. Male antennae moniliform, female antennae less so. Eyes large, rounded, feebly lashed. Thoracic and abdominal tufting much as in Autographa but the patagia with better defined term- inal scaling, giving the appearance of tufts. Tibiae unspined. Forewing with pointed apex, well-rounded outer margin and no tornal scale-tooth. Male Genitalia. Tegumen short and chunky ; uncus long, thin; vinculum broadly V-shaped. Clasper short and broad, rounded apically; harpe long and outwardly oblique, finger- shaped; sacculus weak; clavus undeveloped. Juxta lengthily tri- angular, better chitinized than usual. Aedeagus short and broad, unarmed, slightly spiculate apically. 213 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Female Genitalia. Ostium broad, weakly membranous, shallowly bowl-shaped. Ductus bursae almost entirely mem- branous, short and rather broad, with indications of striations and granulations before entrance into bursa ; this entrance occurs on the dorsal side of the bursa just below the rounded apex. Bursa long and narrow, membranous. Ductus seminalis from apex of bursa. Genotype. Autographa albavitta Ottol. The genitalic differences between species under Autographa and albavitta would seem to warrant a generic separation, espe- cially as the whole appearance of the insect is distinctly non- Autographine. Typical albavitta from the coastal regions of California has a distinct pale brownish hue on the primaries ; in the desert race hutsonii Sm. (described as a Behrensia) this brownish coloration is replaced by smoky-gray. Genus PLUSIA Ochs. Plate III, figs. 6, 7; VI, figs. 7, 8. 1816, Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur., IV, 89 (cites 19 species including chrysitis Linn.). 1829, Duponchel, Hist. Nat. Lep. Fr., VII, (2), 72 (names chrysitis as genotype). 1893, Smith, Bull. 44 U. S. N. M., 247 (employs in an ex- tended sense). 1895, Grote, Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen, XIV, (1), 60 (cites same genotype and employs as subgenus for aerea, aeroides and balluca). 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 80 (employs similarly as genus but adds metallica). 1916, McDunnough, Ent. News XXVII, 400 (suggests same usage as Grote). Diachrysia Hbn. (Verz. 252) has been sunk by Dyar (op. cit.) to Plusia with genotype cited as orichalcea Fabr. I have had no opportunity of examining the genitalia of this European species but judging by Pierce’s figure (Gen. Brit. Noct., PI. XXIX) the male genitalia bear great resemblance to those of Autographa species. Dyachrysia Geyer (Zutr. IV, 22) is given by both Neave and Hemming as a valid genus. It was based primarily on balluca but in the text chrysitis is also mentioned, a species included by Hiibner in his genus Diachrysia. I imagine that Geyer s spelling is merely a mistake or a misprint for Diachrysia and was never intended for a new generic term. In any case it is doubtful whether the name would hold as “i” and “y” are regarded in the International Rules of Nomenclature as synonymous. 214 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 The three North American species at present included under Plusia do not show, according to genitalia, any close resemblance either to each other or to the genotype, chrysitis Linn. In this species (vide Pierce, op. cit.) the main genitalic differences from Autographa in the male appear to be the less elongate tegumen, the closer approximation of the harpe to the base of the clasper,’ the broader basal area of the sacculus, and the more even width and heavier chidnization of the aedeagus which is split apically into two dissimilar lobes, one of which is spiculate. In the fe- male the similarity to Autographa is also marked. The initial portion of the ductus is, however, elongate-rectangular and not goblet-shaped, the ductus-tube is more membranous and the bursa top-shaped, the ductus (in the single specimen examined) enter- ing ventrally in the middle of the upper, broad portion, and the ductus seminalis given off from a small finger-like projection immediately to the left of this entrance. I was unable to check as to whether such conditions were constant. On account of the great divergence of genitalia (especially in the male) from the above type, I am removing aerea Hbn.-^ for which, fortunately, a generic term is available — from the genus Plusia. For the present I am leaving aereoides Grt. and balluca Geyer as they stand; such action at least saves a well- known generic term for our North American lists. The male genitalia of aereoides approach closest to those of the genotype. Apart from the rounded apex of the clasper (pointed in chrysitis) which probably does not mean a great deal, the harpe is broad and knife-shaped, jutting obliquely over the costal edge. Other characters are similar. In the female genitalia the ostium is broad and unprotected, the initial chitinized portion of the ductus being broadly oval (not elongate-rectangular) ; the remainder of the ductus tube is more weakly membranous, narrowing distally and entering the bursa on the right side below apex. The bursa is more normal in shape, being elongate with the narrowed and rounded apex giving rise to the thread-like ductus seminalis. The above differences can easily be regarded as specific, in which case aereoides fits quite well into the genus Plusia. The wing shape, with the slightly falcate outer margin also agrees. Balluca shows more divergence in genitalia from the gen- eric type than does the previous species. In the male the claspers are shorter and broader with well rounded apex and less promi- nent sacculus; the harpe is a thin, upright rod, tapering and slightly incurved in its apical half ; it arises from before the middle of the clasper and is rather reminiscent of the type found in cer- tain species of Syngrapha. The vinculum is very much longer and drawn out to a blunt point. The shield-shaped juxta has two srnall raised chitinous flaps at base and a well-developed apical spine ; the anellus forms a narrow high collar, strongly spined apically. The aedeagus is more typical with the apical lobes well 215 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 defined, one being spiculate. In the female the two lateral invagi- nations of the eighth abdominal segment (pockets) are well- developed The ostium forms a shallow, chitinous, broadly K- shaped pocket, with sinuate caudal margin; from the dorsal (inner) side of this the short rope-like ductus (as m Autographa) arises, a large, oval spicidate sac being attached to its right side just before entrance into the bursa; this entrance is dorsal, slightly to the right, below the apex of the bursa. The bui^a is a long, narrow sac with granulate, rounded apex, from which t e ductus seminalis arises. Combining, as it does, genitalic characters of both the oyw- grapha and Autographa groups, it is possible that balluca is of very ancient origin, its close associations being lost in antiquity. Genus AGRAPHA Hbn. Plate III, fig. 5 ; VI, fig. 5. 1821, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., 250 (includes aerea Hbn. and ahcnia (glauca Cram.) ). 1895, Grote, Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen, XIV, (1), 60 (sinks to Plusia). 1902, Dyar, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., X, 81 (cites aerea as genotypie but sinks to P/w.yia). While other characters agree with those of the genus Plusia the genitalia of aerea are so divergent as to afford justification for the resurrection of Hiibner’s generic term. Hale Genitalia. Tegumen short and chunky, vinculum very long drawn-out, narrowed slightly apically, but rounded and not pointed; uncus thin, pointed apically. Clasper short and broad with strong broad sacculus with rounded costo-basal sec- tion and apex forming a scoop-shaped projection which extends over the ventral edge of clasper at middle ; harpe broad and flat, outcurved and arising from a large rectangular base Clavus long, terminating in a distinct, oval, slightly setose knob. Aedeagus long and thin ; in apical section strengthened laterally with chiti- nous bars, the left one showing a long series of small teeth or spines on its edge, the right one with a small cluster of 3 or spines at apex. Female Genitalia. Invaginations of eighth abdominal segment forming well-defined pockets, containing short tufts ot hair Ventral plate well-developed, spiculate, broadly rectangular with sinuate caudal margin. Initial portion of ductus mem- branous, broad, sac-like ; the short, bent, terminal section nar- rowed and strigate, entering the bursa ventrally, a little o e left side and almost apically, the apex of the rather short y elongate bursa forming a small rounded projection to the rig (or dorsad) of the ductus-entrance and giving rise to the ductus seminalis. 216 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OP SYl^GRAPHA BASED ON MALE GENITALIA 1. Costa of clasper with preapical spine Costa without preapical spine 2. Aedeagus with thick rod of chitin extending from base to beyond middle; harpe long, thin epigaea Grt Aedeagus with thin, straight, apical spine; harpe broadly tri- angular octoscripta Grt. 3. Costa produced apically into a distinct, small, sharp spine 4 Costa without apical spine; apex merely angled or rounded 5 4. Aedeagus with small basal and curved median spine; harpe small, outwardly oblique selecta Wlk. Aedeagus with only a thin, straight, apical spine; harpe mod- erate, sickle-shaped altera Ottol. variana Ottol. 5. Aedeagus unarmed, short, stout 6 Aedeagus armed with one or two spines: usually longer and thinner 7 6. Juxta with strong apical spine; harpe tapering from broad base and terminating in sharp spine alticola Wlk. Juxta with apical spine practically undeveloped; harpe nar- rower and without terminal spine parilis Hbn. 7. Aedeagus with both basal and apical spines 8 Aedeagus with basal spine lacking 11 8. Basal spine minute; harpe long and pointed, extending beyond costal margin microgamma Hbn. Basal spine well-developed, rod-like 9 9. Harpe long and strongly outcurved, decumbent; basal spine of aedeagus long; apical spine straight, pointed. .oroiiliiZa Hamp. Harpe not outcurved; basal spine of aedeagus shorter; apical spine strongly curved 10 10. Harpe of moderate length with broad base, tapering to a slightly incurved point angulidens Sm. excelsa Ottol. Harpe very short and chunky with broad base and short, terminal spine celsa Hy. Edw. 11. Aedeagus short and broad, of equal width throughout 12 Aedeagus rather thin, long, with slightly bulbous base 14 12. Aedeagus very broad with broad, transverse, dagger-shaped apical spine; harpe thin and pointed diasema Bdv. Aedeagus thinner with smaller and thinner, obliquely-placed spine with extended base 13 13. Harpe with truncate apex and very small terminal spine borea Auriv. Harpe tapering to a strong terminal spine lula Strand 14. Harpe terminated by a bifid spine; aedeagus with a long, straight, apical spine surena Grt. Harpe not bifid at extremity 15 15. Harpe short and tubercle-like 16 Harpe longer, thin, pointed, incurved apically 17 16. Harpe minute; sacculus with raised ridge at base; aedeagus with strong, curved, apical spine on broad base .... alias Ottol. Harpe somewhat larger, sacculus without raised ridge; aedeagus similar to preceding rectangula Kby. 17. Harpe moderately long, gently tapering to a point with weakly incurved apex; spine in aedeagus short and stubby (rose- thorn) u-aureum. Gn. vaccinii Hy. Edw, Harpe very simijar but with more strongly inbent apex; spine in aedeagus somewhat longer interrogationis L. Sackeni Grt. and snowi Hy Edw., which also belong in Syngrapha, have been omitted in the key, owing to lack of material. 217 Cs> CC Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OP 8YNGRAPHA BASED ON FEMALE GENITALIA I. Entrance of ductus bursae on right side of bursa, somewhat ^ Entrance of ductus bursae on left side of bursa, below apex .... 7 2 Ductus bursae with proximal, funnel-shaped portion, weakly chitinized; without appendage ':'‘y Ductus bursae with funnel generally more strongly chitimzed and with lateral membranous appendage on right side 4 3 Lateral chitinous flaps projecting caudad from ^f entrance of ductus definitely on r..ht si^e Ostium unprotected by chitinous flaps; entrance of ‘i^c^u^nto bursa subventral non. 4 Funnel of ductus short, broad, rounded at bottom erately chitinized; apex of bursa weakly granulate and ^ Funnef of ductus long, gradually tapering ’ r. apex of bursa strongly shagreened and darkened in color . . 6 5 Membranous portion of ductus shorter than chitinized section, appendage quite small and scarce_ly chitinized . . rectangula Khy. Very similar, but membranous portion of ductus longer than ^ "the cMtinized section and appendage slightly larger and better chitinized 6. Appendage of ductus-funnel recurved and running caudad Appendage shorter, not recurved but lotting out at ^ _y.ht Ottol. 7 Ductus bursae practically entirely membranous, distal section very broad, apex of bursa strongly shagreened and ^^own, curved to left • • • • • • •; • • • • -^e^ecfa wik. Ductus bursae with at least portions well chitinized 8. Chitinized portion of ductus long, extending as a straight, ' cylindrical tube almost to bursa-enti ance Chitinized portion of ductus shorter • 9. Caudad extension of ductus-funnel bifid, forming sublateral wings, partially enclosing ostiurn L’TCy’r,"io VonVVai Caudad extension of ductus entire, forming a simple ventra plate A I 10 Wings large, rounded apically, somewhat asymmetrical; ductus ftrongly chitinized; apex of bursa with large, Wings tliSt, " "subVriangular projections; ductus moderately chitinized ; apex of bursa merely granulate . . microgamma Hbn. II. Apex of bursa bent to left behind ductus-tube; projection of ventral plate over ostium weak or moderate .•••••• Apex of bursa upright, on right side of ductus-tube; projection of ventral plate strong V /Vi 12 Apex of bursa curved downward and pointing cephalad; ventral plate weak, usually not projecting beyond hind-margin of eighth abdominal segment u-aureum Gn. Apex of bursa not downcurved, merely pointing to left; ventral plate stronger and broader, projecting distinctly beyond margin of eighth segment interrogatioms Linn. 13. Chitinous projection at distal end of ductus-tube small, situated on right side and about half the width of the tube octoscripta Grt. Chitinous projection larger, as wide as the ductus-tube altera Ottol. variana Ottol. 218 Memoirs. So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 14. Apex of bursa with chitinous plate; ductus-funnel strongly chitmized and strigate, extended caudad as two sublateral pointed projections (wings) orophila Hamp Apex of bursa merely granulate or shagreened 15 15. Funnel portion of ductus long, tapering, strongly strigate, with two rounded, caudal projections (wings); distal portion of ductus wide, bulging to left from apex of funnel.... T7. ; diasema Bdv. lunnel shorter and broader, more weakly chitinized and with caudal projections barely indicated 16 16. Apex of bursa very weakly granulate and entirely hyaline 17 Apex of bursa strongly shagreened, giving it a brown tinge;' ductus with membranous bulge on left side below funnel 17. Base of funnel produced into a small, blind, membranous sac, situated on right side and projecting somewhat beyond continus-tion of ductus 1)otc(i Auriv Very similar but membranous sac seems to.be lacking’ . . Tula Strand Surena Grt. and snowi Hy Edw. have been omitted] owing to lack of material. SECTIONS B & C KEY TO GENERA 1. Spining on all three tibiae Rachiplusia Spining only on hind tibiae between the spurs Autoplusia No spining on tibiae 2 2. Abdomen of male with strong lateral tufts of hair 3 Abdomen of male without lateral tufts of haih 4 3. In female genitalia ductus seminalis arises from fundus of Argyrogramma In female genitalia ductus seminalis arises from apex of bursa; ductus bursae very long, sinuate and tape-like Trichoplusia 4. Cu’cullus in male genitalia spined; harpe long and thread-like, arising from extreme base of clasper Pseudoplusia Cucullus in male genitalia hairy; harpe short and finger-like, from near middle of clasper 5 5. Palpi long and recurved; third joint tufted with 'hair "in front Polychrysia Palpi not recurved, upright 6 6. Third joint of palpi long, acuminate 7 Third joint of palpi shorter, rounded 9 7. Forewings with outer margin excised below apex; third palpal’ joint hairy below Pseudeva Forewings with outer margin evenly rounded; third palpal joint smooth 8 8. Forewings short with rounded apex and strongly convex outer margin ChrysanympJia Forewings long and narrow; apex pointed; outer margin more oblique Eosphoropteryx 9. Dorsal abdominal tufting lacking or greatly vednced. .Chrysaspidia Dorsal abdominal tufting well-developed, especially on third segment 10 10. Clavus in male genitalia undeveloped; male antennae mon- iliform Adeva Clavus in male genitalia a long thin process; male antennae finely ciliate H 11. Forewing with well-developed metallic sign; outer margin rounded Autographa Forewing without metallic sign; outer margin slightly falcate . . 12 12. In male genitalia clavus with distinct apical knob; sacculus terminating in a scoop-shaped projection extending beyond ventral margin of clasper Agrapha In male genitalia clavus thin, finger-like; no projection of sacculus across ventral margin of clasper Plusia 219 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE I Male Genitalia of:- 1. Caloplusia ignea Grt 2. Syngrapha alticola Wlk Right Male Clasper of:- 3. Syngrapha microgamma Hbn. 4. Syngrapha horea Auriv 5. Syngrapha orophila Hamp. . . . 6. Syngrapha diasema Bdv 7. Syngrapha rectangula Kby. . . 8. Syngrapha alias Ottol 9. Syngrapha celsa Hy Edw. . . . 10. Syngrapha excelsa Ottol 11. Syngrapha u-aureum Gn 12. Syngrapha variana Ottol. . . . 13. Syngrapha octoscripta Grt. . . . 14. Syngrapha surena Grt 15. Syngrapha selecta Wlk 16. Syngrapha epigaea Grt Denver, Colo. Laggan, Alta. Harlan, Sask. . Dawson, Yukon Terr. Nordegg, Alta. Lapland, Europe Meacb Lake, Que. Gaspe, Que. Kaslo, B. C. Nordegg, Alta. . . . Hopedale, Labrador White Pt. Beach, N. S. Mer Bleue, Ottawa, Ont. Rimouski, Que. Wellington, B. C. Duncan, Vane. Is., B. C. 220 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE I 221 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE II Male Genitalia of:- 1. Anagrapha falcifera Kby Logan, Utah 2. Autoplusia egena Gn San Diego, Calif. 3. Trichoplusia ni v. brassicae Riley Chicago, 111. 4. Argyrogramma verruca Pabr Orlando, Fla. 5. Rachiphcsia ou Gn Georgetown, Tex. 6. Pseudoplusia oo Cram Hope, Ark. 7. Cbrysaspidia venusta Wlk Baddeck, N. S. 222 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE II 223 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE III Male Genitalia of:- 1. Autographa precationis Gn Trenton, Ont. 2. Pseudeva purpurigera Wlk Calgary, Alta. 3. Adeva albavitta Ottol Calif. 4. Chrysanympha formosa Grt Winnipeg, Man. 5. Agrapha aerea Ottawa, Can. 6. Plusia aeroides Grt Baddeck, N. S. 7. Plusia halluca Geyer Gracefield, Que. 8. Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides Gn Ottawa, Ont. 224 AW Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE III 225 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE IV Female Genitalia of:- 1. Caloplusia ignea Grt Banff, Alta. 2. Syngrapha alticola Wlk Nordegg, Alta. 3. Syngrapha orophila Hainp Kaslo, B. C. 4. Syngrapha cliasema Bdv Hopedale, Labr. 5. Syngrapha lula Strand Banff, Alta. 6. Syngrapha rectangula v. nargenta Ottol Seton Lake, B. C. 7. Syngrapha celsa Hy. Edw Duncan, Vane. Is., B. C. 8. Syngrapha u-aureum Gn Hopedale, Labr. 9. Syngrapha interrogationis Linn Hopedale, Labr. 10. Syngrapha altera Ottol Larder Lake, Out. 11. Syngrapha octoscripta Grt Bathurst, N. B. 12. Syngrapha epigaea Grt Trenton, Ont. 226 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE IV 227 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences VoI. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE V Female Genitalia of:- 1. Anagrapha falcifera Kby Ottawa, Ont. 2. Argyrogramma verruca Fabr Orlando, Fla. 3. RacMplusia ou Gn Georgetown, Tex. 4. Pseudoplusia oo Cram Knoxville, Tenn. 5. Autoplusia egena Gn San Diego, Calif. 6. Trichoplusia ni v. brassicae Riley Chicago, 111. 7. AutograpJia corusca Stkr Duncan, Vane. Is., B. C. 8. Chrysaspidia venusta Wlk Trenton, Ont. 9. Autographa biloba Steph Georgetown, Tex. Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of iSciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE VI Female Genitalia of:- 1. Autographa precationis Gn Ottawa, Ont. 2. Chrysanympha formosa Grt Laniel, Que. 3. EospUoropteryx thyatyroides Gn Ottawa, Ont. 4. Pseicdeva purpurigera Wlk Meach Lake, Que. 5. Agrapha aerea Hbn Bear, Mt., N. Y. 6. Polychrysia, moneta v. trahea Sm Calgary, Alta. 7. Plusia halluca Geyer Hastings, Co., Ont. 8. Plusia aereoides Grt Hymers, Ont. 9. Adeva albavitta v. hutsoni Stn Mojave Desert, Calif. 230 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 PLATE VI 231 Memoirs, So. Calif. Academy of Sciences Vol. 2, Part 2, 1944 INDEX Adeva McD 213, 219 aerea Hbn 215 aeroides Grt 215, 216 Agrapha Hbn 216, 219 ahenia 216 albavitta Ottol 214 alias Ottol 189, 217, 218 altera Ottol 197, 217, 218 altera ab. alterana Strand. ..190 altei’a variana Ottol 197 alticola Wlk 182, 217, 218 ampla Wlk 210 Anagbapha McD 202 angulidens Sm 191, 217, 218 angulidens v. excelsa Ottol. 191 Argyrogramma Hbn. ...205, 219 Autographa Hbn 209, 219 Autoplusia McD 203, 219 balluca Geyer 215 basigera Wlk 206 biloba Steph 210 bimaculata Steph 210 bonaerensis Berg 210 borea Auriv 187, 217, 219 brassicae Riley 204 californioa Speyer 210 Caloplusia Sm 176 celsa Hy. Bdw 189, 217, 218 Chrysanympha Grt. ...211, 219 Chrysaspidia Hbn 208 contexta Grt 209 corusca Stkr 210 devergens Hbn 182 diasema Bdv 185, 217, 219 egena Gn 203 Eospiioropteryx Dyar ..211, 219 epigaea Grt 200, 217, 218 epigaea ab. epigaeella Strand 201 epsilon Ottol 199 excelsa Ottol 191, 217, 218 falcifera Kby 202 festuca Linn 209 flagellum Wlk 210 formosa Grt 211 gamma Linn 210 herschelensis Benj 196 hochenwarthi Hoch. . . . 178 hutsonii Sm 214 ignea Grt 178 ignea v. simulans McD.. 179 interrogationis Linn. 195, 217,218 interrogationis v. herschelensis Benj. . . 196 labrosa Grt 210 lula Strand 186, 217, 219 magnifica Ottol 199 mappa G. & R 210 metallica Grt 210 microgamma Hbn. 183, 217, 218 microgamma v. montana Pack 184 montana Pack 184 morigera Hy. Edw 212 ni Hbn 204 ni V. brassicae Riley 204 nicollae Hamp 209 octoscripta Grt. ...198, 217, 218 octoscripta v. epsilon Ottol... 199 octoscripta v. magnifica Ottol. 199 olivacea Skin 205 omega Hbn 205 oo Cram 207 orophila Hamp 184, 217, 219 ottolenguii Dyar 210 pallida Ottol 195 palligera Grt 213 parilis Hbn 181, 217, 218 pasiphaeia Grt 210 pedalis Grt 207 Plusia Ochs 214, 219 POLYCHRYSIA HBN 212, 219 precationis Gn 210 PsEUDEVA Hamp 213, 219 pseudogamma Grt 210 PSEUDOPLUSIA McD 206, 219 purpurigera Wlk 213 putnami Grt 209 Rachiplusia Hamp, rectangula Kby. . . rubida Ottol rubigera Hamp. . . sackeni Grt sansoni Dod selecta Wlk. simulans McD. . . . snowii Hy. Edw. . speciosa Ottol. . . . surena Grt Syngrapha Hbn. . trabea Sm 207, 219 188, 217, 218 210 213 187, 219 210 201, 217, 218 179 188 210 200, 217 180 212 Trichoplusia McD 204, 219 u-aureum Gn 192, 217, 218 u-aureum v. pallida Ottol 195 u-aureum v.vaccinii Hy. Edw. 195 vaccinii Hy. Edw 195, 217 v-alba Ottol 210 variana Ottol 197, 217, 218 venusta Wlk 209 verruca Fabr 205 zeta Ottol 200 232 I i: