ij i II UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LIBRARIES COLLEGE COLLECTION c^'P--^ ^^ iW./7^/ MEN OF THE TREES E w U 3 < r- ^ -^ -T3 C -*^ 3 <^ O i~. j=: i^ H h^ o MEN OF THE TREES IN THE MAHOGANY FORESTS OF KENYA AND NIGERIA RICHARD ST. BARBE BAKER Late Assistant Conservator of Forests in Kenya Colony and the Southern Provence of Nigeria With an Introduction by LOWELL THOMAS With photographs by The Author LINCOLN MAC VEAGH THE DIAL PRESS NEW YORK • MCMXXXI LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., TORONTO COPYRIGHT, 193 1, BY DIAL PRESS, INC. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE VAIL-BALLOU PRESS, INC., B I N G H A MT O N , N. Y. To WILLIAM LANCASTER JENKINS Formerly American Consul-General British East Africa In memory of many happy days camping in the Highlands of Kenya, and in grateful recognition of his friendly encourage- ment at a time when it was most needed THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGS Introduction xi I. How THE Sahara Happened 19 II. The Dance of the Trees 27 III. Riding the Bull 36 IV. JosiAH 41 V. Forest Folk 53 VI. The Man Hunters 60 VII. Katootero and His Honeybird 68 VIII. How the Cock Became King of the Birds . -/(» IX. Flogging a Shadow 84 X. The Bundi Speaks 91 XI. The Gateway to Kenya ^^ XII. The Lure of Coffee 107 XIII. MwiNiNYAGA, THE Great "White Spirit . 117 XIV. The Secret of the Kiama 129 XV. The Story of Munyai 145 XVI. Dancing on the Equator 150 XVII. Forest Magic 163 XVIII. Adventures in the Mahogany Forests . . .172 XIX. Growing Gold 182 XX. The Feast of the Trees 191 XXI. More African Friends of the Forest . . .201 XXII. Trekking in the Tropics 210 XXIII. A Lesson from the Elephants 218 XXIV. In the Aberdares 227 XXV. Some Forest Secrets 236 XXVI. Tree Heritage 249 XXVII. What Will the White Man Do Next? . . .270 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The First Dance of the Men of the Trees .... Frontispiece VACINQ PAQK Forest Burning by Nomadic Farmers 34 Chuka Girls 4* The First Nursery at Kikuyu 4^ Katootero and Carriers, with One of My Leopards .... 62 The Home of the Hunter 66 Pay Day 74 Trekking Along the Edge of the Forest 78 Some Camp Visitors 94 Little Friends of the Forest Scouts no African Walnut Tree 126 A Yam Farm .... 130 Fashioning a Dug-out Canoe 138 Many Willing Hands 142 Mahogany Raft Drifting to the Sea 158 A Young Teak Plantation 164 The Sacred Tree of Benin 168 The Forester's Hut at Sapoba 178 Belo and His Wives 186 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS rACINQ FAGE Calling the Sacred Crocodile 194 In the Bamboo Forests of Kenya 202 A Baby "Warrior in a Forest Squatter's Camp 206 Canoe Travel in Africa 222 The Men of the Trees Challenge Shield 228 African Boy with Ivory Bangles 232 Lumbwa Girls, in the Highlands of Kenya 238 Climbing for Cocoanuts 254 My Boy Momudu Saying His Prayers 258 Cotton Spinning 266 A Forest Mother Poses for the First Time 274 Okwen Tree in the Mahogany Forests 282 INTRODUCTION We were walking along the border of the Plain of Esdraelon, where Elijah girded up his loins and fled be- fore the finger of Jezebel, where the Crusader knights fought the hosts of Saladin. Around us were the ghosts of a hundred ancient armies — but we were not thinking of them because before our very eyes, more history was in the making. A few hundred yards away we could hear the tramp of a conquering army. Up the famous old road to Jerusalem marched Tommy Atkins and his pals: — Yeomen from the counties of England, Scots from the Highlands, Gurkhas from Nepal, giant Sikhs from the Punjab, Jodphur Lancers from Rajputana, and swart Pathans from Waziristan. Behind them came the Bikanir Camel Corps, and the swaggering horsemen of the Australian Tenth Light Horse. They were marching up the same road that had resounded to the armies of the Pharaohs, the Babylonians, the Canaanites, the Philis- tines, the Israelites, the Legions of Rome, and Napo- leon's grenadiers. For weeks I had been with Allenby's army on its con- quering sweep across the Holy Land. But what caught my eye and held my attention on the Plain of Esdraelon was something strangely removed from this pageant of modern war. Men were planting trees, the loafers and laborers of Arab villages industriously working under xi INTRODUCTION the direction of British non-coms. They dug Httle holes and into each they pressed the roots of a tiny tree. They were planting the quick growing Australian gum tree, the eucalyptus. And why? That was exceedingly inter- esting. Beside me strode Lord Allenby, tall and powerful, mustached, grizzled, figure of a soldier, figure of a cav- alryman, figure of a British general. Allenby was much given to taking long walks among the scenes of the Holy Land. Often, if you were with him on one of these ram- bles, he would talk of birds. He was an enthusiastic student of bird life, and even during the heat of cam- paign he spent a little time nearly every day and would snatch a few minutes from his war maps and staff con- ferences to slip off to study the migratory birds that linger in the Holy Land as they wing their way North and South. The conqueror of the Turks had a Yorkshire sergeant who was his companion and co-worker in ornithology. In the hours when the commander-in-chief might be oc- cupied with the anxieties of the plans of forced marches and strategic moves in the region between Dan and Beersheba, the sergeant from the north of England would be stationed at some waterhole. And if some rare species arrived he would report to the commander-in- chief who would come down and watch the bird for a while before returning to his work of planning the over- throw of the Ottoman Empire. But when I was walking along the edge of the Plain of xii INTRODUCTION Esdraelon with Lord Allenby that day, he did not speak of birds. He spoke of trees. He told me that this country, which was now so bare and waterless had once blossomed like the richest valley in Spain, indeed had once been the Biblical land of milk and honey instead of brown and parched and baked as we saw it. "Why?" I asked. To which Allenby replied: "Trees!" meaning — the absence of trees. Man is ever wasteful of the rich green life of the forest. He destroys the trees with a prodigal hand. Then often Nature takes her vengeance. Man destroys the trees to make farm land for himself. Then, after a while that farm land lapses into desert. For the trees hold the soil and the soil holds the moisture of the land. When man destroys the leafy woods the rain washes the soil away and the bare, stony expanse remains. In Palestine the hand of man long ago swept away the forests. Century after century passed. Army after army swept over this ancient corridor. The rains came in their season, and each year the floods ran more quickly from the bare surface of the hills and slopes, with the result that today when the dry season comes the land is swiftly converted into blis- tering desert . Lord Allenby explained this to me in a few brief words, and then told me that if the land were to be re- stored to its ancient fertile state it must be done by refor- estation. Trees must be planted so that forests will grow up again and hold the humus and make soft earth which xiii INTRODUCTION will catch the rains and hold them and freshen the whole country with the influence of deep, rich woodlands. It was characteristic of the giant Allenby that he had turned from idea to quick practice and, as a flash of whim and poesy, had initiated a campaign of tree plant- ing along with the rigors of war. This is a recollection that during the years that had elapsed, had passed back into the dimness of memory. It was brought to clear reminiscence by a man and a book, by Captain Richard St. Barbe Baker and his present work, **Men of the Trees." In his person and in his turn of mind Captain Baker reminds me of dozens of similar British officers whom I have met in many parts of the world, a soldier devoted to some scholarly and scientific idealism. He is in all respects the blue eyed, ruddy faced, red mustached, British soldier type. The Britisher most often displays the characteristic British reserve in all matters, including his pet enthusiasm. Captain Baker, though, cannot hold himself to the often somewhat wooden British restraint, where the subject of trees is concerned. In his love for forestry he wears his heart on his sleeve. His manner becomes animated. His eyes widen. He speaks with a rushing enthusiasm — the won- der of trees — the necessity of forest conservation and reforestation — how fair fields will turn into desert if they keep destroying the trees — how arid wastes will bloom with the greenness of life and the colors of the flowers, if they will reforest. You feel the passion and the earnestness of the man who has given his life to a great xiv INTRODUCTION devotion. You sense the singular turn of poetry and ex- ultation in the man who is in love with trees. I always feel, in the case of a man and his book, that all I need to tell you is a word or two about the man. As for this book, it is thrilling, full of strange lore, strange lands, and the primitive peoples of the tropic forests. But it is for you yourself to read. Lowell Thomas. XV MEN OF THE TREES chapter I HOW THE SAHARA HAPPENED Who are The Men of the Trees? They are not as some might suppose Sons of Tarzan or those little pigmy men who swing themselves from bough to bough in the tall trees of the forest, but they are a band of African War- riors who have pledged themselves before N'gai — the High God — to save their forests from destruction and plant trees everywhere. The life and prosperity of the tribes of Equatorial Africa are inseparably bound up with the splendid for- ests which are the ancient heritage of their people. Lofty and dense, these forests have for countless centuries af- forded shelter, food and fuel to the wandering inhabit- ants of these vast tracts of country. It is difficult for city dwellers in Western civilization to realize the tremen- dous influence of the primeval forests of Africa upon the lives of those peoples, who, from time immemorial, have dwelt beneath their shade. The very soul of the forest has entered into their folk songs and legends, and deep within their primal hearts is a feeling of awe and devo- tion for its vast solitudes and everchanging tropical beauties. Everybody knows that trees, apart from their direct economic value, exert a beneficial influence affecting cli- 19 MEN OF THE TREES mate, agriculture, and even the very existence of man. This can be more clearly demonstrated in Africa where vast areas are drying up and are becoming depopulated as the direct result of forest destruction. Recent scien- tific research has shown that the Sahara has not always been desert. Remains of trees have been found on the banks of vanished rivers and on the shores of dried-up lakes. At the time of Mohammed it is estimated that about a million Arabs invaded parts that are now desert. They cut the forests to make their farms, moving on to repeat the same process of destruction as soon as they had reaped their crops. They brought with them vast herds of goats. It is probable that each Arab possessed about a hundred goats. Now a hundred million goats following in the train of a million nomadic farmers would not al- low of much tree-growth, for the goat is the bete noir of the forest. To the north of the Gold Coast, in a territory under the French sphere of influence, vast areas are drying up and becoming depopulated as the direct result of forest destruction. In certain tribes the chiefs have forbidden marriage and their women refuse to bear children, be- cause they see the end of the forest in sight and they will not raise sons and daughters to starvation. They have been trapped in a wedge of the forest with desert right and left of them and desiccation travelling fast in their wake, while the shifting sand buries their poor crops, driving them into the point of the wedge for their pres- ent cultivations. 20 HOW THE SAHARA HAPPENED This graphically shows what may be the result of neg- lecting to form forest barriers when primitive methods of shifting agriculture are in vogue. In the wake of a destroyed forest large sandy wastes rapidly spread, and the planting of trees is the only effective remedy for holding up the shifting sands, and restoring the fertility of the land. When, as a forest officer, I went into the Highlands of East Africa I came across a tribe of Bantu origin, who had earned for themselves the name of "Forest Destroy- ers" because of their shifting methods of agriculture. Their chief occupation was farming, but of an ex- tremely elementary sort. Theirs is a system still common throughout tropical Africa, namely the clearing of a small patch of forest by matchet and fire, followed by a short period of cropping, and then its abandonment in order to continue the process elsewhere. These African people were childlike, simple and im- petuous. Their immediate concern was to make farms. Little did they dream of the value of the timber that they were destroying. These primitive agriculturists had no knowledge of the use of fertilizers, natural or artificial. All they and their forefathers knew, was that, if they wanted a plot of fresh soil capable of producing a crop of food, they would find it in the heart of the virgin for- est. Naturally, therefore, whenever the seasons came round for sowing fresh grain and planting their sweet potatoes, they would go into the thick forest, cut down and burn the trees, even the priceless pencil cedar and 21 MEN OF THE TREES olive; and after harvesting two crops, would abandon their spoilt land to move deeper and deeper into the for- est, leaving always behind them a trail of destruction. Hence the tribesmen earned for themselves the name of "Forest Destroyers." This devastation of the countryside may seem like wanton destruction, yet the tribesmen did not act in any spirit of mischief. They were merely ignorant of the consequences of their recklessness. They did not realize that, by destroying the forests at this rapid pace, they would one day leave themselves without fuel to cook their food or building material for their huts and grana- ries. Some of the chiefs and elders of the tribe may have felt vaguely uneasy about it, but the younger men were quite unconcerned, caring little whether their women- folk had to go two hours or two days' journey to fetch fuel, so long as they got their meals. When I arrived in their country, I pitched my tent on a hill known as Muguga, which means, a treeless place, an apt description, for it commanded a view of a coun- tryside once lovely with sub-tropical woodlands, now bleak and bare save for the scattered hamlets and a few distant Katinga, or sacred groves. It was here, on the hill of Muguga that I held my Barazas, or meetings of Chiefs and Elders, and endeav- oured to impress upon them the urgent importance of tree planting. Day after day, these Heads of the Tribe journeyed to my camp to hear what I had to say; and 22 HOW THE SAHARA HAPPENED night after night they went away fully determined that something must be done to remedy things, but not knowing how to begin. Their spirit was willing, but, said they, "We are old men and the work that you would have us do would require an army of Morans." The Morans, or young warriors, for their part, lived their happy-go-lucky lives, not worrying themselves at all as to what became of their forests. If one talked to them of the importance of tree-planting, they would re- ply: "That is Shauri ya Mungu," God's business. It did not occur to them that if all Mungu's seed trees were re- moved, Mungu could scarcely be asked or expected to replace a great forest. One could not punish them, for they were too many; and how could one punish wrong- doers totally unconscious of their crime? "Sufficient unto the day" was their motto. It did not strike these young men that the destruction of the forests had any- thing to do with the decreasing rainfall, although their fathers told them that in the old days, when their land was covered with high forest, there was rain in plenty, and that what few crops they grew in those days were better than they were nowadays. Whenever there was talk about this tree-planting, everybody agreed that it was a very good thing, but the problem was to persuade them to plant trees without paym-ent or compulsion. I had given long talks in many meetings with the na- tives, but apparently the seed had not rooted and no ac- tion had resulted, yet I would not lose hope for I felt ^3 MEN OF THE TREES there must be a way to do this work, and that I must find it. Something had to be done, and done quickly to stem the tide of destruction. I went about my ordinary routine work, as assistant conservator of forests, and after some days the inspira- tion came. I had been watching ceremonial dances and had learnt that in these parts of Africa there was a dif- ferent dance for every season of the year. There was a special dance when the beans were planted and another when the corn was reaped. When they were going out for a lion hunt these tribesmen worked up their courage by a special dance before sallying forth to slay their enemy. Even when there was nothing particular to do, again they would dance. Suddenly the idea came to me — why not a ceremonial tree-planting dance? Everywhere these young African warriors were pouring a vast amount of life and energy into their warlike skirmishes, forest burnings and dancing. I was convinced that such an im- pulsive body of stalwart young fighters could be in- fluenced for good instead of being left to continue in old habits of destructiveness through sheer ignorance of bet- ter uses for their energy. I had thought of applying the principles of Boy Scout movement, but, when on a visit to Nairobi, I ventured to discuss the matter with brother officers, the idea of putting "natives" upon their honour was condemned as wildly impracticable and quite im- possible. I was considered a visionary and but for the en- couragement received from the American Consul Gen- eral, a Roman Catholic priest from the Italian Mission, a ^4 HOW THE SAHARA HAPPENED medical missionary, and a British settler, I might not have persisted. As it was the height of the dancing season it came to me that here might be the opportunity for introducing this tree-planting dance, and in so doing reach the young blood of the tribe, for all the young men were passion- ately fond of dancing. First of all I sent for the senior captains of the various N'gomas, or dancers, and when they came to my camp I said to them, "It is true, is it not, that you have a dance when the beans are planted, and another when the corn is reaped? Why not a dance of the trees?" "N'goma, ya Miti?" — dance of the trees — said they. "Trees are Shauri ya Mungu" — God's business. — "Why so?" I said. "If you cut down all God's seed trees, how can you expect Him to make young ones grow? If you kill all the women in the land, you won't get children. Don't you see, it is the same with the trees?" Their surprise showed me that they had not considered the matter in this light and slowly it seemed to dawn upon them what I was driving at. "Lis- ten," I said, "in three weeks' time you shall have a great dance at my camp." This new dance, I expounded, was to be the Dance of the Trees, and I promised a prize of a fatted ox for the best turned out Moran, and, as their women could not possibly be left out on this auspicious occasion, a necklace of their favourite beads for the most beautiful damsel. The winning Moran was to be chosen by myself, assisted by a Committee of Chiefs, and the damsel was to be elected by the popular vote of a Com- 25 MEN OF THE TREES mittee of Morans presided over by my prize-winner. The captains of the dances excitedly expressed their pleasure at this new idea and hastened to their various towns and villages to spread the news. 26 chapter II THE DANCE OF THE TREES At length the day of the great dance arrived. It was one of those perfectly fine days of glorious sun and crisp air to which one becomes almost accustomed in the delec- table highlands of Kenya. As I dressed, I felt that at least the elements were with me, for the sun was already rising over the distant mountains; and when the early mists cleared, the snow-capped peak of Kenya caught the morning sunlight, while her sister Kilimanjaro, a hun- dred miles away, looked like a giant's breakfast table spread with a snowy white cloth hanging over its square top. It was hard to imagine that one was on the equator, for in spite of the sun as I sat down to breakfast I was heartily thankful for the roaring fire which Ramazini, my Arab boy, had kindled beside me. I noticed that Ramazini was burning Mutarakwa chips. They made an aromatic fire, but it seemed a great waste to be burning this wood which I had recently found would make excellent pencils. Not many weeks before I had been walking through the forest and came across a fallen tree of this wood which some native women had been cutting up for fire-wood or to make slabs for the walls of their huts. I had picked up a chip 27 MEN OF THE TREES and smelled it and at once recognized the scent as being identical to that of the wood from which cedar pencils were made. I bit it and it tasted just like the pencils one had chewed at school when a small boy. I next whittled it and found that it had the usual whittling quality re- quired by the pencil makers. I next sent samples to the School of Forestry at Cambridge where it was favour- ably reported upon by the wood technologists, with the result that a market was established for it. For it proved to be juniperous procera. Pleasant as the scent was when it burned I warned Ramazini in future to find other fuel, explaining to him that mutarakwa was too valuable for that purpose. Early as it was, the excitement had begun, for soon runners arrived to say that their tribesmen were ap- proaching in thousands. Three hours later these eager young warriors were massing in a great column between two hills, about a mile from my camp, where they were sorting themselves out and putting the finishing touches to their elaborate make-up, so that they might be ready for a big march past. This was to be a great day. It re- called to them the happy days when, in this same hollow, they prepared to sally forth to raid the camps of their hereditary enemies the Masai. War for them had no ter- rors. It possessed none of the horrors of modern "civ- ilized" warfare. In the old days it had been little more than a pastime and the older men had been comrades in arms, so this indeed was a notable reunion. As was their custom they had formed themselves into their respective 28 THE DANCE OF THE TREES irika, or clans. The Aldruru and the Achewa were there, the Adjui headed by the sons of old Chief N'duni, the Agachiku and the Ambui, each clan with their separate divisions and blood-ties. They came from widely sep- arated villages, for although men joined the clan of their fathers their habitation was not restricted to any par- ticular geographical area. All these were now falling into order, clan by clan and becoming impatient to present themselves for the judg- ing and the dance. Runners frequently arrived at my camp and anxiously inquired from my forest guards whether the white master was now ready to receive them. The message was brought to me where I was enter- taining my friend the American Consul General at luncheon. I explained that they must wait a little while, for they were much in advance of time. Finally, as coffee was served I gave a signal to one of my forest guards and the great throng started to advance. They came on rank upon rank, carrying their spears and shields. As each clan of warriors arrived in front of my veranda they halted, faced about and proudly presented themselves for inspection. The discipline was good, for the captains of the dances had marshalled them in splen- did order. On they came in a constant stream, prepared as if for battle, yet on the spear points was the ball of ostrich feathers to signify that they came in peace. With great dignity they marched past the raised platform which had been erected for the occasion and then, halted by their captains, they formed orderly ranks to listen to 29 MEN OF THE TREES the address awaiting them. For this occasion I had chosen Chief Josiah to be my interpreter. He was one of the younger chiefs and I had already received able assistance from him at previous times, for he was a brilliant orator and most popular with the people. Silence was called for, as I mounted the dais, which had been previously con- structed and in Ki-swahili I bid them welcome. "Men and Warriors," I said, *'I have asked you here to dance, and it is my wish that you should enjoy your- selves, but there is something I would first like to tell you, something very important that you should know, for it is the business of everybody. A reproach hangs over your heads. The Masai are calling you "Forest Destroyers." At the very mention of the name of their hereditary enemy — the Masai — there was a great stir through the ranks and three thousand spears flashed in the sunlight. If I had said, "follow me, we will raid the Masai, we will punish them," every warrior would have followed me then and there. They were properly worked up to do something. Nothing would have pleased them so well at this moment as to have gone on a foraging raid. But they were doomed to disappointment for I continued, "I agree with the Masai — you are 'Forest Destroyers.' " Josiah thought he had misunderstood me and asked me if I really meant to say that. I replied that I did and he literally interpreted. To my dying day I shall never for- get the next few seconds that followed. The reaction of my words was intense. At one moment these warriors had been prepared to die with me — brothers in arms — 30 THE DANCE OF THE TREES against their much hated foes, but now a sudden change passed over their ranks. It seemed as though they had re- leased the grip on their spears and then tightened it again. I sensed bitter disappointment, estrangement and ani- mosity, then, rapidly turning to hostility. But I repeated, "I agree with the Masai, you are in truth Torest Destroy- ers.' Too long have you cut down and burned the old forests to make your farms, and as you have advanced you have left a trail of ruin behind you. You have de- stroyed the forests that were your heritage, the forests that you should pass on to your sons. If you continue in your present ways they will not even last your own life- time. You must all know that this tree destruction can- not go on for ever. Already your women have to go two or three days' journey to fetch fuel with which to cook your food. Soon there will be no more trees left." A great silence had fallen upon the assembled throng. As I paused for a moment one could only hear a gentle breeze moving the leaves of the great solitary tree in the centre of the arena. Instinctively I dropped my voice as I continued: "Since the coming of the white man many of you have learned how to build better huts and for better huts you will want more wood. The white man has brought the gari-ya-moshi, the steam engine and train, and you no longer have to walk when you want to go to distant towns to market your produce. But the gari-ya-moshi needs fuel which is got from the forests. The white man as you know is here to help you, and you have already 31 MEN OF THE TREES benefited from his instruction. Now the white man wants you also to help yourselves. He wants you to learn to protect the trees. In the past you have been forest de- stroyers, in the future you must become forest planters. "Why is it that whenever you want a good farm you go into the forest to find it? Listen well to my words, and I will tell you. It is because trees improve the soil; the leaves of the trees fall on the land and make it good. If you wish to find good soil you must plant trees on your old farms before you forsake them altogether, so that when all the virgin forest is finished, you and your sons will be able to return and find new forests which you have planted and fresh soil in which to grow your crops. "Listen well to my words, I am going to help you to remove the reproach that hangs over you, for today I am going to call for volunteers from amongst you, for men who will promise before N'gai, the High God, to plant trees each year and take care of trees everywhere. Thus the reproach against your tribe will be removed. No longer will men call you 'Forest Destroyers,' but rather they will look to you to lead the way and show other tribes how to plant trees and so perpetuate those great forests whose well-being is bound up with your own." Up to this moment the tension had been great and all listened in breathless silence to Chief Josiah's brilliantly eloquent interpretation. I had been talking quite quietly while he had hurled out a marvellous flow of language, containing all the little idioms used in their native 32 THE DANCE OF THE TREES tongue. From the very outset this able young chief had entered into the spirit of the occasion, and was putting the full force of his oratory and personality into his task. His last words seemed to raise a great weight from the mind of the assembled throng and they relaxed as I continued. "As you all know, the spot upon which we stand to- day is known as Muguga. It is well named Muguga for save a solitary tree, here and three, the whole country, which was once beautiful with woodlands, now lies broken and bare. I call on you then for volunteers, for men who will join together and become Watu wa Miti, Men of the Trees, and who instead of destroying the for- ests will plant and protect trees everywhere." I had finished speaking, but there was no applause. The only verbal comment was a chorus of "Namwega" coming from the old men, chiefs and elders. I leant back upon the table in front of which I had been standing and waited for a moment to see what the outcome would be. The captains of N'gomas were in earnest conversation with their clansmen, and little groups of friends were discussing something in which they were deeply inter- ested. In a few moments there was a general hum of con- versation. Slowly, deliberately, these war-clad warriors were making up their minds as to what to do. The cap- tains drew together and again separated, returning to their clansmen. A brief pause, and then the senior cap- tains called for order. Conversation died down and the first volunteers came forward. 33 MEN OF THE TREES There was no lack of response, and the foremost were from amongst the Akiruru, or Ethiga clan, whose asso- ciation with the forest is hereditary. I had often talked to them of their Katinga, or sacred groves, and one war- rior had confided to me that not many moons before he had been summoned to the death bed of his father to hear the old man's parting instructions which had been handed down to him in turn by his father. These instruc- tions had been given under penalty of a curse devolving upon all those who failed in their performance of the duties contained in the warnings of a dying man. The old man had said, "Guard well the trees that stand on yonder Mirima (hill) for there N'gai communes with the spirits of great men and trees." It was not surprising therefore, that the Akiruru, the clan bound by traditional duty to preserve the woodland shrine where chiefs were buried, should be amongst the first to respond when volunteers were called for to re- move the reproach of the name "Forest Destroyers" from their tribe. That day five hundred warriors came forward. I no- ticed that they did not all step forward with the same degree of animation and I suspected that many of them had been detailed for the task by their dance captains. So, acting upon my intuition, I intervened. Looking them over I exclaimed, "that's too many, all I shall re- quire today is fifty. I am glad to see so many of you have expressed your wish to become Men of the Trees, but as there are so many of you, there is nothing left for me to 34 o (SO 8 cq THE DANCE OF THE TREES do but to pick fifty." And this I did with the assistance of Josiah and other chiefs. Splendid, stalwart, upstanding fellows all of them were, many of them sons of Chiefs or Head men and all of yeoman stock. These fifty stepped forward and hold- ing their right hand toward the snowcapped mountains of Kenya took a solemn oath before N'gai, the High God, to plant trees and protect them everywhere. A badge of office was there and then tied upon their left wrist to re- mind them of their vow — a small brass disc bearing an emblem of the tree and the words "Watu wa Miti." The badge was fastened with a kinyatta, a narrow leather band, worked with green and white beads. Before this simple ceremony was over every warrior present was wishing that he had been one of the favoured fifty. It was plain that a new rivalry had been started. These fifty were men apart from the rest, as it were, a privileged clan belonging to a new order. 35 chapter 111 RIDING THE BULL Hard by the platform in a corral to my left was a fine young bull which was to be my present for the best turned out Moran, and all were by this time interested to know the result of the competition. It was no easy task for me even with the assistance of the chiefs to pick out the best looking warrior. A double circle had been formed and we first reviewed the front rank. Those that were in the run- ning were motioned forward and gradually by a process of elimination we reduced the competitors to ten. Now the real diflSculty of the task presented itself and it was here that the chiefs came to my assistance. After long and serious deliberation finally the winning warrior was selected. This Herculean Adonis, now quite unabashed, set him- self the task of choosing the most beautiful damsel. With great expedition and little or no hesitation he selected ten of the thousand competitors for the beauty contest. It was of interest to notice their facial beauty was not by any manner of means regarded as being the most im- portant factor. As far as I could judge this Moran was considering the tout ensemble. At this stage some of the old chiefs could not refrain 36 RIDING THE BULL from rendering assistance. One even went so far as to raise the goat skin skirt of one fair damsel to observe more closely the line of her limbs. Finally two were left and then ensued a heated discus- sion as to the comparative merits of their respective charms. One was coy and modestly demure — too shy for words — and the other was full of prepossession, fully conscious of her beauty. It was a problem which was obviously too difficult for the warriors to decide. In other words, as far as the girls were concerned, it was a dead heat. It was here that my American friend came to the rescue and promised a duplicate necklace of their favourite beads for the second damsel. When this news was broadcasted there was great excitement and all agreed that this was a splendid idea. I later heard that they were both betrothed on the following day. All this time the young bull was becoming more and more restive. The corral was only a temporary contriv- ance and an extra butt was too much for it. Suddenly it gave way, and the next moment the impatient steer was running amok, driving the crowd in every direction. Quick as lightning the Moran of the day sprinted in his direction. Rodeo wasn't in it. With a terrific leap he sprang on the neck of the beast, grasping its horns in his hands and rode it to earth. That scene will always live in my memory as one of the finest competitions between man and beast that it has ever been my privilege to wit- ness. This was the signal for the great dance to begin. First 37 MEN OF THE TREES of all the men lined up in opposite ranks and began a rhythmic dance to song, without moving their positions. As the lilt of the song became more lively and the tempo increased each rank began to advance toward the other, until they were within a pace. Spontaneously at this point they reversed, going backward three paces, then forward two, until they had returned to the starting point. This was repeated many times and ended in a grand finale, when from sheer exhaustion they had to stop for a moment's rest. To me it seemed like a glorified game of "Here we come gathering nuts in May," and reminded me of my childhood days when we had picnic parties on our holidays from school. The women, for their part, had spontaneously im- provised a new dance, all on their own; for in the day- light it is not customary for the sexes to participate in the same dance. As the afternoon wore on the song and dance became livelier and at a given signal all began to wend their way homewards. As the younger members of the party dispersed in groups the older men and women began dancing on their own account. It was evident that the Dance of the Trees had caught on and all were anxious to participate in it. Two days later I was sitting in my office busy with the ordinary routine work of a forester, issuing permits, for felling trees, interviewing fuel contractors for the Uganda Railway, signing on forest squatters to assist in the work of reafforesting the cut-over areas, when one of my forest guards reported to me that many Morans 38 RIDING THE BULL wished to see me. There was already a queue of people waiting to be interviewed, and I indicated that these new- comers should wait until I was disengaged. My work in the office kept me till lunch time and when I went in the direction of my bungalow I found a number of Morans lined up. Approaching them I demanded, "What do you want?" One of their number stepped forward and point- ing to his wrist said, "Bwona nataka saa," meaning "Master, I want a watch." I abruptly retorted, "I don't know what you are talking about." Turning to my forest guard, I said "Drive these foolish men." He thereupon dismissed them while I proceeded to lunch. These young warriors returned to their respective vil- lages and immediately went to their chiefs and said, "Why was that Master kali with us?" "Why did he drive us?" "What did you say?" replied their chiefs. "We only asked him for a *saa,' " ^ said they. "Ah, that is not a *saa,' that is a badge, and you only get that badge when you promise to be his men, and plant trees and protect the forests." So back they came from their distant villages, many of them having travelled sixty or seventy miles, and again they presented themselves at my camp. Again I was busily engaged in a heavy day's work in the office, but at lunch time I went to them and said, "What do you want?" One lad stepped out from the rest and replied, "Bwana, we want a badge, because we want to be your men. We want to protect the forests and plant trees everywhere." "Splendid," I replied. "Next week you may present your- 1 Saa — watch. 39 MEN OF THE TREES selves for the initiation ceremony," and indicated the hour and day. I must explain that a few days following the in- auguration of the Dance of the Trees, two of the orig- inal members of the Watu wa Miti had come to my camp and informed me that they had lost their badges. I was unable to decide whether this had been actually the case or if it was merely a ruse to obtain two more for friends. It was obvious that the organization must be safe- guarded. I only wanted to enlist those who had the abihty to perform their promises and so I said, "This is a serious matter. Suppose those badges have been picked up by men who have not taken the promise. If that is the case, something must be done to protect our brother- hood." I immediately sent for Chief Josiah and consulted with him as to the best move to take. We eventually de- cided that it was necessary to immediately call a meeting of the original members and give them a secret sign and a pass-word. Gradually, there came into being a simple initiation ceremony, which was intended to express the spirit which characterized the movement. 40 Chapter W JOSIAH I WILL now tell you of one of these impressively simple and yet, to me, inspiring gatherings. Here is a clear space in front of a solitary sacred tree upon whose great trunk has been tied the colours of The Men of the Trees, a white flag emblazoned with a green tree. In front of the tree in a hollow square, stand the original members under the leadership of the Forest Guides. Hard by the great tree, and close to the colours, stands the Master of Ceremonies who calls upon all members to prove their membership by holding forth their left hands bearing the insignia of office — the badge of The Men of the Trees. This same movement is the recognized salute of greeting amongst members. To make doubly certain that no outsiders are present, the Forest Guides are asked, "Are all present true members?" They make a rapid survey of the ranks and after a short pause reply, *'A11 present are true members." The Master of Ceremonies then puts the direct ques- tion, "Are the hearts of all men present Safi?" meaning clean. Each Forest Guide replies for his own men, "Every man's heart is Safi." Any member with an unfulfilled obligation, tree-planting or otherwise, cannot be said to have a Safi heart, and is not allowed to be present at such a ceremony. 41 MEN OF THE TREES The recruits who desire initiation are then introduced and warned of the consequences of Hghtly making prom- ises which they may be unable to perform. After this solemn warning it has often been found that candidates will waver and fall out. Only those who continue in their desire to become members are allowed to repeat the three- fold promise: "I promise before N'gai, the High God, to do at least one good deed each day, to plant ten trees each year, and to take care of trees everywhere." Next the attention of the candidates is drawn to the colours of The Men of the Trees. At this stage in the pro- ceedings each candidate has a sponsor both in front and behind him and the Master of Ceremonies proceeds, in a clear voice, "They are green to remind you of your obligation to plant trees and white because your heart must be 'Safi.' " Upon the word Safi, the sponsor in front gives the candidate a sharp slap on the heart, sufficiently hard to knock him back into the arms of his second sponsor, who immediately pushes him forward, and upon recovering the candidate's eyes open to view the emblem of the green tree blazoned on the white background and tied on the ceremonial tree. All that now remains is to give the newly initiated member the secret sign and password. The secret sign is a particular handshake which symbolizes the threefold promise. While the password, namely, Twahamwe, means "pull together," or as is sometimes translated, "we are all pulling together as one man." This word, Twa- 4^ JOSIAH hamwe, is whispered into the right ear during the shaking of hands and thus impHes unity of purpose. The whole ceremony has a tremendous effect upon the simple and impetuous heart of the African warrior, and while it is true that at first he did not quite grasp the significance of doing one good deed each day, he did ap- pear to be genuinely troubled should he fail to fulfil this part of his promise. The idea of performing one unselfish act every day in the service of others was entirely new to the thoughtless pleasure loving warrior, and he did not quickly under- stand the idea underlying this pledge. This was evidenced when, some days after the first big initiation ceremony had taken place, a number of the new initiates came to my camp. I had been out all day in the saddle, riding round forest reserves, and had just returned, and very tired, was enjoying afternoon tea when Ramazini, my head boy, came to announce that a number of Morans were wanting to see me. Too weary to attend to further business I dismissed the matter, as I thought, when I told my boy "Kesho," meaning to-morrow. I was, there- fore, somewhat surprised on going out into my com- pound after tea to find thirty or forty of the Watu wa Miti still waiting. ""What do you want?" I demanded. "Were you not told to come to-morrow? No more shauris ^ to-day." One stalwart spoke up for the rest with winning frank- ness. "Bwana, we have come to ask you to help us to ^ Shauris — business. 43 MEN OF THE TREES think of a good deed. In two hours the sun will go down and so far we have been unable to think of a good deed to do. Please help us." I was nonplussed. The sincerity and genuine belief of those whom I had set on the way, demanded encourage- ment; they were intent upon doing something very def- inite there and then before sunset to help the cause for which they had volunteered. Some months previous to this I had been carrying out extensive experiments with a view to discovering how that most valuable species, Muturakwa, juniperous pro- cera, could be germinated. It appeared that there were few pure forests growing gregariously over any extensive area. I had given considerable time and thought to the solution of the problem of perpetuating this valuable tree. For many years my department had endeavoured to regenerate this species but so far their repeated efforts had met with almost complete failure. When sown in the nursery, not more than five percent of the seed had germinated. After three months' research in the forests, during which time I accumulated a vast amount of data, I had noticed places where clusters of Muturakwa seed- lings were springing up thickly around the brown olive trees. At times I would find an old olive tree from whose roots had sprung a fine Muturakwa. Then it was I noticed that pigeons were feeding on the fruit of the Muturakwa and perching at night on the branches of the olive trees. Probably the branches of the Muturakwa were too rough for their little feet. It seemed that they 44 JOSIAH preferred the soft stem of the oHve. After close investiga- tion I discovered that the seeds that had passed through the guts of the pigeon germinated. It became obvious to me that this was nature's way of perpetuating this most valuable species. I had already created a demand for this wood which provided pencil cedar and this demand was rapidly increasing. I was now confronted with the prob- lem of providing sufficient supplies of this wood to meet the growing call for it. I did not catch pigeons and keep them in the nursery to feed them upon the fruit of the Juniper, but I endeavoured to devise a process which would subject the seed to similar conditions to those ac- quired naturally. After the seeds were collected I soaked them in hot water to which I had added a diluted solu- tion of sulphuric acid. After some hours of treatment, the seeds were partially dried and rubbed on zebra skins. Again they were soaked and partially dried and this process was repeated several times. When the seeds were sown ninety-five percent germinated. The most convenient place for my nursery was hard by the platform of the railway station at Kikuyu, where I could obtain an ample supply of water for the railway hydrant. This was where the west bound trains stopped to take on water, while the passengers generally availed themselves of refreshments which were supplied at a tea store on the station platform. My millions of young Muturakwa delighted the Settlers, who had long sought the secret of growing what they realized was the most valuable tree in their country. 45 MEN OF THE TREES Within six months of the time of sowing, these seed- Hngs were ready to be planted out, but I had not the funds available for completing this work. Every time the up-country train stopped at Kikuyu there were interested visitors to my nurseries and keen interest was shown in the results of my experiment, but now I feared that owing to shortage of labor and lack of departmental funds, many of these valuable seedlings would be wasted unless they were planted out before the end of the season. When these young warriors came to my camp wanting to fulfil their tree-planting obligations, it occurred to me that here was the answer and the solution of my problem, so I suggested that those who really wanted to do something to help might plant out fifty of these seedlings in a box. It was the nursery practice to prick out the seedlings in boxes and grow them on for two or three months and as soon as suitable days for planting occurred, the young trees were taken up to the planting site in the boxes, so that their roots should not be disturbed or subjected to drying winds. Gladly, then, did these young warriors respond, and day after day, when they could not think of anything better to do, they would turn up in the late afternoon to carry out their self-imposed task. The very simplicity of a good deed, just a simple serv- ice rendered to someone else, was too much for the im- mediate understanding of a warlike race who could more easily have fathomed the "good" of destroying a man- eating lion or performing some doughty deed like that of St. George and the Dragon. 46 ^ ■^ ^ ^ B^ JOSIAH It did not, however, take The Men of the Trees very long to learn what was really meant by a good deed. One of them very soon distinguished himself by his brav- ery during a fire, though he was a raw Shenzi, or bush- man, on his first visit to Nairobi. This young lad, proudly wearing the new uniform of the "Watu wa Miti," was in the fore, rushing up cans of water when and where they were most needed, and by his courage and example to others prevented what might have been a very serious disaster. The news of his bravery was blazoned through- out the countryside as an example of what was meant by a good deed, and ever since then many daring deeds have been done in the endeavour to emulate this lad's action. But perhaps more important still The Men of the Trees are learning to perform little acts of kindness and to cul- tivate the elementary principles of chivalry in the true spirit of the movement. But away on that hill of Muguga those young war- riors stuck to their task of tree-planting. Some fetched water and sprinkled the newly planted seedlings; others erected shades to protect them from the sun; and in this first nursery they raised over eighty thousand young trees. The time came for me to depart on leave of absence. I spent the next three months carrying out further re- search in the Cedar forests of the Mau Escarpment, en- deavouring to find fresh supplies, while at the same time studying more closely the natural methods of perpetuat- ing these valuable forests. At the end of this time I re- 47 MEN OF THE TREES turned to the old neighborhood of my camp and visited a friendly Settler. The first day, Chief Josiah came to me in great distress. After the usual salutation and exchange of greetings, he blurted out "Bwana, shamba ya sanduka na harabika," meaning, "the farm of the boxes is broken." At first I failed to understand him and then it dawned upon me that he was referring to the nursery of The Men of the Trees, where these lads had carried out their voluntary tree-planting. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I do not understand." "Are you telling me that our nursery is destroyed?" "Kwale, Bwana — truly sir," he replied. "Bwana, piga m'pra* — the masters hit the rubber." He was trying to convey that a tennis court had been erected on the site of our nursery. At first I was dumbfounded at this news. I could not believe that any of my brother officers in government service could have been respon- sible for this foolish act, and I said, "Josiah, I cannot be- lieve you." His simple response was, "Master come and see." I immediately jumped on a pony and galloped up to the site of the nursery and there I found a perfectly good tennis court on the same ground where I had left a flourishing nursery of eighty thousand young trees. Real- izing what the consequence of this official blunder might mean to the tribesmen I could have wept at the sight which now presented itself. There was no sign of a young tree in view. I sat down and waited for Josiah who ar- rived on foot a little later. 48 JOSIAH _^_.=. **Josiah, tell me what happened," said I. He said, "Mas- ter, when you went away this thing happened and at first we were mystified. But when they realized that this had been done by the orders of the big master of Nairobi, my followers were furious, but what could they do? Said they, 'This is Shauri ya Escali' — the business of govern- ment, and as you had gone away, there was nobody to tell their trouble to. And now they have gone 'for bush' and they will not do another thing like this for love." All this time I had been thinking hard what to say, and how to meet this unexpected situation. I could not let down a brother oflEicer however short-sighted his action may have been and immediately replied, "Josiah, don't be foolish. Don't you see this is the right place for the tennis court? I ought to have made it before I went away. "It may have been all right for you to come here with the Watu wa Miti, when I was here, but this new master can't have you coming around every evening so near his camp." It was hard for me to control myself in the face of this bitter disappointment, for I acutely felt what it must have been for those simple folk, who, out of the goodness of their hearts, in response to my appeal had come round evening by evening to expend their labour of love in tree-planting. I was conscious that Josiah with that natural intuition so strongly developed in the primitive African, was reading me like a book and was sharing with me the same intense regret and remorse. Back of all this I felt a silent challenge coming from this fine young chief, who had willingly devoted so much 49 MEN OF THE TREES of his time and energy to furthering a movement which he beheved to be for the good of his people, whose well- being was paramount to him. I could not bear to remain here any longer, and leading my pony, I walked with Josiah in the direction of his country. After a few minutes silence I stopped and said : ''Josiah, you know that little stream that flows through your land? Down below your camp, hard by the stream is some fine black soil. That is a grand place for a nurs- ery. Your lads know now how to collect the tree seeds and prepare them so that they will grow. There is noth- ing to prevent you from making a nursery on that land and there you may plant as many trees as you desire." I did not labour the point, but bid him farewell. Such was his influence with his people that on his return to his village he called his followers together and told them that he had seen me and that everything was all right. I had explained to him that the old nursery was the right place for the tennis court, that the young trees had obviously not been wasted, but had been planted out in the government land and that now they might have their own nursery in their own village and raise their own seedlings where nobody would interfere with them. Quickly a new nursery was prepared and instead of a mere eighty thousand trees, over a million were raised by their fresh endeavours. This was not the end of the story, for eight other chiefs, fearing that I should love Josiah more than them, each competed with him in tree-planting and as the result of JO JOSIAH an apparent blunder it is estimated that over nine million trees were raised by the Watu wa Miti that first year. The Men of the Trees are organized throughout on a simple plan. The organization in the tribe is known as **the Forest"; the Forest is divided into "Districts" each taking its name from the most important tree found growing in that district; these again are divided into "Branches"; each Branch being in command of a local chief who holds the rank of "Forest Guide." Hence there are the Forest, the Trees, and the Branches. Although started in Kenya Colony the organization is rapidly growing into a tree-planting brotherhood, and the ideals of The Men of the Trees are penetrating into some of the most remote places of the great silent Con- tinent of Africa. In Great Britain and in other countries of western civilization youth finds relief in games and the like; but games apart from tests of individual skill and prowess are themselves the product of an advanced civilization and do not readily provide a common meeting ground for people to whom they are unfamiliar. In the first in- stance at least, the appeal must be made to the imagina- tion, and this was the appeal of The Men of the Trees movement. Again, the uneducated must be shown a definite ob- ject before they can be expected to devote themselves to any constructive purpose; and as I have previously ex- plained, the duty of The Men of the Trees is to guard and protect their woodlands and to ensure that when- 51 MEN OF THE TREES ever a tree is cut down or destroyed a new one is planted in its stead. This idea is sufficiently valuable in itself. But beneath it lie the foundations of a much wider ideal em- bodying the gradual uplifting of the public mind and leading ultimately to the highest standards of citizen- ship which are essential to the well-being of the world. 5^ Chapter V FOREST FOLK In the fastness of a little-known forest in Equatorial Africa dwell a shy and elusive folk; for ever on the alert, they disappear into the heart of the forest should they catch sight of a stranger. I had heard of them first from the Arabs and had often wondered if it would be my good fortune to make friends with them. But although I marched for hundreds of miles conscious that I was being secretly watched by these strange forest dwellers, many weeks passed before I was fortunate enough to come into contact with members of the tribe. My work for the Forestry Department frequently took me far off the beaten track and often for a month or two at a time I had been entirely cut off from other white men. Although I did not realize it at the time such ex- periences were not without their advantages. The worst thing I encountered in these forests were a particularly vicious breed of mosquitoes and greedy blood -sucking Tsetse flies, but my discovery of the forest dwellers proved to be adequate compensation for the discomfort caused by these pests. One day I was walking in the dense bush when my at- tention was arrested by a strange sound. I at once stopped 53 MEN OF THE TREES and beckoned my followers to keep still. We looked about us, yet there was nothing visible but the dense vege- tation. There were no fresh game tracks, nor were there signs of any human being having passed along the old game track upon which I was walking. Still looking in the direction from which the sound had come I listened intently, but all was now quiet. It was that time in the morning when the sun begins to make it- self felt. The birds and animals that had been foraging during the early morning, had already retired before the heat of the day. My forest guard recruited on the coast was never quite at ease in the bush; he was anxious to get on and, vainly endeavouring to disguise his fear, re- marked, "Si kitu Bwana — it's nothing." It was evident that he wanted to get away from this spot as quickly as possible. Only the night before, when I was giving him his orders, informing him that I in- tended to come in this direction, he had suddenly asked me for a day ofif so that he might go and see his sick brother forty miles away. He informed me that a messenger had arrived that very evening urging him to return home; and, as if to add emphasis to the urgency of the call, he informed me that he had heard that there was another messenger on the road bringing him the sad tidings of his brother's decease. This was so obviously a made-up story that I began to question him about his brother, and it was not many minutes before he admitted that no messenger had really arrived, that he had no brother in the village named, and that his only reason for longing to get away 54 FOREST FOLK was that he was very much frightened at the idea of go- ing into this particular bush. He then went on to tell me of all the people who had gone into this bush and who had never returned. He got so much excited and talked so fast that I could with difficulty follow him. He was trying to convince me of the truth of some fantastic story about a fierce troop of baboons, who shot men down with poisoned arrows. For a while I thought that the poor fellow had taken leave of his senses, but I managed to calm him down, and told him that whatever kind of monkey-man or man-monkey was in that bush, I in- tended to walk through it on the following day, and that he would have to come with me. Now that I was actually in the heart of the bush, I was beginning to wish that I had let the fellow go and see his imaginary brother. Again he repeated: "Si kitu Bwana," to which I abruptly replied: "Makalele!" — shut up. The next instant there was an unmistakable ripple of laughter as from a tiny child. The sound came from the dense bush, but could not have been twenty yards away. I quickly cut my way through the undergrowth, and came upon a small opening, where I saw an old man, sitting in a crazy booth, while near by were two small children, the elder not more than four years old. Upon closer examination I found that the old man was unable to move, for he appeared to be suffering from a damaged knee. He showed no signs of fear, and awkward though his position was, he possessed an air of dignity rarely met with amongst the natives in these parts. MEN OF THE TREES In a little while I found that I could converse with him through one of my carriers and I learnt that he had been lying there for two moons. I gathered also that his woman had gone out to fetch food. Very soon she returned carry- ing in one hand a large bow and dragging behind her a young antelope which she had shot for the pot. Hanging the result of the chase on a nearby tree she picked up her water pot, and apparently without noticing me went off to fetch water. The sun was by now very hot and was beating down on the little clearing. I ordered my carriers to make a stretcher, which they very quickly did, from strips of bark and staves, and we carefully lifted the old man on to it in spite of his protestations. In a little while the woman returned to find that the carriers were about to remove her man and she burst into a frenzy of rage. Like some wild creature trapped in a corner she sprang with one bound upon the carriers, who were about to shoulder their load, and quickly drove the four of them, stalwart fellows though they were, into the surrounding bush. She next returned to her man, bent down over the stretcher and, after caressingly running her hands over him from the soles of his feet to his shoulders, knelt by his side with one hand on each of his arms, fixed him with her shining eyes and burst into an impassioned musical speech. In a moment it was as though a spell had been cast upon him. He answered with his eyes but did not utter a word. She stopped speaking and half raising him 56 FOREST FOLK with her strong and supple arms embraced him fondly, caressingly, and laid him back comfortably to rest. She now rose quickly to her feet and swung round and with defiance in every line of her body faced me — the first white man she had ever seen in her life. I must admit that I had been deeply moved by this spontaneous display of affection for a helpless old man and as I looked at her, even as she was all trembling with rage, I loved her spirit. Spontaneous recognition of good will followed, and in an instant she was transformed. Such is the force of intuition in these children of nature that without my having spoken a word she instinctively knew my sympathy and felt that I was their friend and would not harm them. By this time the babies were quietly sobbing, with their little arms clasped tightly about her bare limbs. Her first instinct was to soothe them, which she quickly did, for now, completely relaxed, she squatted near by and drew her babies to her breast and gently rocked them to and fro, leaving me to talk to the old man. After the recent display I was convinced that more harm than good would be done by removing him, for said the old man, "If I leave this forest I shall surely die. My father and my father's father have lived here always." The woman joined in his entreaties that he should be left where he was. "For," said she, "have I not tended him well? Is he not my man? Who then can care for him better than I?" 57 MEN OF THE TREES Soon one of the carriers whom I had sent back to my camp came up with my medicine chest so I dressed the injured knee, and leaving a supply of bandages and iodine reluctantly passed on my way. Two months later I was again camping in those parts. The first evening, just before sunset, an old man crept up to my tent. I at once recognized my friend of the forest and welcomed him with keen delight. He was now able to walk quite well and he said he had come to return thanks. He brought with him a tall, fine looking young man of the same tribe, who carried on his shoulder a live antelope which had apparently been trapped that after- noon. This he said was a present for me. I examined my patient's knee which was now healed and after the ex- change of a few words he hurried off in the direction from which he had come. All the next day I was busy with work in the forest and returned to my camp in the evening, towards sun- set, to find the same old man again. This time he had brought with him two young men. The next day I moved my camp and pitched it twelve miles further on, and again at sunset the old man turned up, this time with four young men who after exchanging greetings would not be detained but quickly disappeared into the night. Thenceforth, night after night, as I journeyed through that forest region my old friend would appear just before sunset with two or three fresh followers, but never once did they accept my invitation to camp with my carriers. At length I discovered that my forest patient was none 58 FOREST FOLK other than the late chief of his tribe. At the time of his accident he had been succeeded by a younger man, for it is by only fit and able bodied men that the rank of chief can be retained. 59 Chapter Yl THE MAN HUNTERS One evening one of the young forest dwellers came to my tent with unaccustomed haste to tell me that his brother had just been killed by a buffalo. It appeared that several of them, armed merely with bows and ar- rows, had attempted to shoot the ''King" of a dangerous herd; for in every herd of buffalo there is a leader or King who is generally the strongest and fiercest of them all. This wild buffalo had charged at sight, knocked down his victim, and full of rage at having been hunted pro- ceeded to vent it upon this unfortunate man. The poor fellow was terribly smashed up and died a short while afterwards. The tragedy was recited to me in detail, and as I listened to the lurid story, a great feeling of pity came over me; added to that was a strong desire to exterminate the brute who had taken from me one of my forest friends, and in the hearing of all present I promised to hunt down the buffalo and have revenge. Turning to the boy I said, 'T have heard your story. You will sleep under my tent flap to be near at hand, and to-morrow very early we will start out together; and I will not rest until I have slain the buffalo which killed your brother." 60 THE MAN HUNTERS Dismissing the carriers who were standing round the camp fire I sent them to bed and quickly turned in my- self, while the tired boy curled himself up under the flap of my tent and was soon asleep. Next morning we were away long before dawn. Our route took us through the little camp where the boy had lived. His mother came out to meet us, and standing in the morning moonlight with hands outstretched she called upon the God of the Forest to give skill to the hunters. We first went to the scene of the tragedy and carefully noted the footmarks of the buffalo and from there set out along a well beaten game trail leading towards the drinking place — a water hole in the forest — which was frequented by the herd. Here my guide was confident that he would find the spoor of the buffalo. Carefully he walked round the water hole, every now and again stoop- ing close to the ground to make a more thorough inspec- tion of some hoof mark. Soon he measured with his closed hand the width of an exceptionally large impression made in the damp sand by the buffalo. I had been leaning against a tree close by, watching his investigations with interest, but for the moment taking no actual part in them. I could see now that he had found what he was looking for, and from this stage onwards there was no hesitation. At once he gave me the direction and in a few seconds we were following hard on the track of the savage beast which, not many minutes before, had been drinking at this very hole. 6i MEN OF THE TREES It was now dawn and easy, even for me, to see in which direction he had gone. Although there were other buffalo in the herd this lad had got the culprit properly marked down and no time was lost in following up the track. Now and again the tracker would stoop and pluck a blade of grass which had been recently bruised by the foot of the animal in passing. Such is the skill of these sons of the forest that they can readily tell by examina- tion of such a blade how long ago the game had passed. As we proceeded the bush became more and more dense, and although we were following in the trail of the buffalo, at times we had to crawl on our hands and knees to get through the entanglement of scrub. We fol- lowed with the greatest care and precaution, fearful lest the sound of a breaking twig should betray our presence, for we knew full well that if the buffalo scented us first there would probably be another tragedy; a charge by the infuriated buffalo, a short sharp shock, and all would be over with one or both of us. While I was leading the way, with great caution fol- lowing stealthily the now well defined track, my follower suddenly caught at my shirt sleeve bringing me to an abrupt standstill. With every muscle tense he silently drew himself close up to me. I could feel his heart beat- ing as, intently peering over my shoulder, he raised his chin slightly protruding his lips to indicate the direc- tion of the quarry. There, not ten paces away, stood the King of the herd — the man-killer. Although we were so close to him my view was obscured by the dense scrub 62 THE MAN HUNTERS and all I could clearly see were his nose and the tips of his horns which indicated that they were enormous. For the rest, all that was visible was the merest outline of his huge body. The instinct of self-preservation caused me involun- tarily to look around for a tree behind which to shelter, but a glance showed that there was nothing of the kind in the immediate vicinity. It was indeed a tight cover. In my endeavour to get a shoulder shot a twig snapped and our lives hung in the balance for the next few mo- ments. There was a terrific snort and for a terrible two seconds it seemed as though the whole herd were charg- ing down upon us, but what actually happened was that they most unexpectedly cleared off in the opposite di- rection. I got up from my crouching position and measured ten paces from where I had been to the foot marks of the front feet of the buffalo. Apparently his cow had been lying in front of him and the remainder of the herd on the other two points of their triangle. It is a well known fact that in these forests buffalo, when they lie up for the day, always make this formation, one of them taking turn to stand and be on guard at his point of the triangle until relieved by another, so that from whichever way an enemy may approach he will be observed by one of the three standing animals and the alarm will be given. I was unwilHng to return to camp after having been so close to the quarry without having fired a shot. How- ever, the brother of the dead boy protested that it would 63 MEN OF THE TREES be impossible to get another chance of coming close to the herd again that day, so I decided to return to camp. The bereaved mother came to welcome me as a victor and it was hard to have to confess myself defeated. Some- how I felt I had failed her, and I determined then and there that I would not return a second time without hav- ing made the buffalo pay the penalty for the killing of her son. That night I could not sleep, and the next morning the hunt started even earlier than before. It was an easy matter to reach the water-hole and pick up the new spoor from there and follow up the buffalo into the forest. This time I had made up my mind that I would shoot if only I saw so much as a square inch of him at which to aim. After a wonderful exhibition of tracking on the part of my guide we eventually came upon the herd, and this time good fortune was on my side, for my bullet found its mark. As we followed up, after a few minutes' pause, we came upon the blood spoor which proved that al- though the herd had vanished the buffalo had been wounded. I continued in hot pursuit for about an hour, though fully conscious that I was taking big risks, for a wounded buffalo is prone to circle round and hunt the hunter. By this time the sun was high in the heavens and soon we were tracking in great discomfort owing to the in- tensity of the heat. It was now several hours' journey from water, and in a part of the forest which was quite un- known to me. 64 THE MAN HUNTERS "^ "^ ^"y y Anxious lest I should get hurt, four of my men had taken upon themselves to follow me at a distance, and as we were slackening our pace these men came up to me and at once suggested that it was high time to give up the chase and return to camp. In the circumstances it seemed foolish to continue the pursuit, but I would not listen to them, for I was determined to get the buflfalo. We had now come to a small opening made by a wind- felled tree, and here we sat down to rest for a few min- utes, all the time with ears strained for any sound of breaking twigs which might indicate the whereabouts of the buffalo. Just then a little bird burst into song. It seemed to me that he was singing "Embali kidogo, Em- bali kidogo" (a little farther on, a little farther on) . Turning to my followers I whispered, "Do you hear what the little bird says? Embali kidogo, Embali kidogo. Shall we continue or return?" These good fellows just looked hard at each other and, after a slight pause, by general consent decided to con- tinue the chase. Once more we pushed on along the same old trail, with the sun all the time getting hotter and hotter. Another hour passed and although I felt that we must now be very close to our prey my followers again began to talk of camp, one of them reminding me that we were travelling all the time in the opposite direction. For the second time we sat down to rest, and I quietly told them that whatever happened, for my part I was determined 65 MEN OF THE TREES to catch up with the wounded buffalo and finish him off. Secretly I was in a quandary, for I knew that unless I could persuade them to continue with me there would be very little chance of my ever being able to get back to camp. On the other hand, what seemed to me more important than anything else at the moment was suc- cess, for if I had returned unsuccessful, I felt that I should have lost my chance of making good with my friends, the forest dwellers. Not knowing the country, I reahzed my entire dependence upon the knowledge of these four bushmen, and yet I hardly dared to give them a direct order to continue when it might be a question of life or death for them. While I was turning over the situation in my mind one of them picked up something from the ground, and I said, "What is that?" It was a tiny tick. The boy knew that it had been brushed off the buffalo's back by an overhanging branch. I placed it on the open palm of my hand and in a flash I had an inspiration. Looking into their faces I said, "Let the tick decide. If, when I place it on the ground, it walks in the direction of camp we will return but if it walks in the direction of the buffalo we will continue." With brightened faces all agreed that this was a very good idea, for it was "Shauri ya Mungo" (God's business) to decide. I put the tick on the ground and all eyes were turned upon the oracle. The insect remained motionless for a moment and then, in the intense silence, it seemed that he deliberately made off in the direction taken by the 66 t^ THE MAN HUNTERS buffalo. Without another word each man rose to his feet and the chase was continued. We had not gone very far when we reaUzed that we were close upon our quarry. In the distance I heard a breaking twig and simultaneously a gentle pull at my sleeve made me look round cautiously. My hunter friend was staring back on our track where there was an ominous crashing of bush as the buffalo, who had circled round, suddenly turned and charged down upon us. Dropping on my knee I fired just in time. The shot staggered him, he swerved from his course and fell, but was instantly on his feet and with lowered head again dashed onwards towards me. There was not a moment to be lost for he was now almost on top of me. I had no time to take care- ful aim, but as good fortune would have it my shot found its mark and the great "King" of the herd lay dead at our feet. The news of the kill spread far and wide in the mys- terious wilderness way, and the forest dwellers hastened from their remotest fastnesses to meet the returning hunters. For my part I hastened back by the forest track and found the bereaved mother reclining with her back against the trunk of a giant tree, her hands folded in front of her in quiet contentment; with eyes glistening with tears of joy she welcomed us back from the chase. No mere words were spoken, but her "Thank you" was none the less eloquent for all that. 67 Chapter VII KATOOTERO AND HIS HONEYBIRD I HAVE related this adventure at length because the shoot- ing of this buffalo was the means of finally establishing my friendship with these proud and elusive tribesmen. I gradually got to know them as intimately as any white men can know a black, and some of my happiest and most profitable days in forest work were spent with them. These people are natural scouts; the most skilful man among them in the use of the bow and hunting is voted Chief. They are, generally speaking, very healthy people and have no recourse to medicines or witchcraft. They keep themselves fit by regulating their diet and taking strenuous exercise, which they get quite naturally in the course of their hunting. They do not cultivate the ground, but manage to vary their diet alternatively, by using meat and green food, wild fruits and nuts, tree seeds, roots of plants, wild yams, and a certain number of forest weeds which take the place of vegetables. Sting- ing nettles, when they can be found, are valued as a food. They are first boiled lightly and afterwards pounded to pulp. Honey takes the place of most sweets. This they collect from the hollow trees, of which a number are 68 KATOOTERO AND HIS HONEYBIRD allotted to each family. No family would think of tres- passing on another's honey preserve. They prefer the honey in the comb, while the unhatched grubs at a cer- tain stage of incubation are considered a great delicacy. These forest folk live so close to nature that they make even the birds their allies. I have seen a honey bird lead a hunter to a hollow tree in which there is honey ready to be taken. It was fascinating to watch one of these little birds trying to get the attention of Katootero, the lad who used to hunt with me sometimes. We had been out for a hunt in the early morning and he was now resting, and I was taking this opportunity of discussing the prospect of an expedition that I was planning. Pres- ently one of these tiny honey birds came up close to him and perched on the bough of a nearby tree, and started chirping noisily. He told me that this was one of his honey birds that was anxious to show him some hollow tree with honey for the taking. To me it seemed perfectly ridiculous that this tiny bird should make such a fuss and be so insistent on Ka- tootero following him. I later discovered that the honey birds know well to whom to go, for it is the unwritten law of the forest that each dweller has his own territory. Now that the honey bird had got the lad's attention, it flitted from bough to bough in the direction of the hol- low tree, returning every now and again and perching quite close to the lad as if to make quite sure that he was following. On leaving camp Katootero had picked up a piece of 69 MEN OF THE TREES burning wood and when next we encountered an old fallen tree that had rotted he collected several pieces of touch-wood and tied them round the smouldering stick with a small creeper cut from the forest. This delay seemed at first to agitate the little bird who made more fuss than ever. But once the hunter was ready again for the trail the honey bird flew on ahead. We did not have to go very far along the game track that we were fol- lowing, for soon the little bird stopped and then flew into the denser part of the forest. About two hundred yards from the trail there was a clearing where a giant tree had fallen, thus letting in the sunlight through the canopy of the forest. To the north side of the clearing was a tall tree and looking upwards Katootero's sharp eyes immediately spotted a small hole from which bees were flying. They must have been from ninety to a hun- dred feet up, and to this height the boll of the tree went up clean, without a branch. For my part, I could only just see the position of the hole and it was only when the light caught the wings of the bees, as they flashed in and out of the hollow, that they were obvious to me. It looked as though it was impossible to climb this tall tree and I waited to see what Katootero would do. He was looking around, and at the same time, every now and again, blowing on the touch-wood to get it well ahght. Another way he had of getting a good smoke going was to swing it backwards and forwards. Suddenly it seemed as though he had an inspiration. About twenty-five feet away from the big tree was a tall thin one which could 70 KATOOTERO AND HIS HONEYBIRD ■'r V fr w w ^ ■r w-r t ^ ^ f' w ■r ^ w 9 ■w ^ -r ■r WT T ^ -r' w ■WW w ^ -r ^ -r ^ w V w ^ ^ wr ■r y"*^ be climbed. It was slender and whippy, and not more than twelve inches in diameter at breast height. Produc- ing a long leather strap, or mukwa, Katootero rapidly climbed to the top, and when the tree started to sway with his weight, he swung it over in the direction of the big tree and seemed to be rapidly falling, but, with a quick motion, caught the main stem, held onto it, swung his mukwa around it and bound the two trees together. He now mounted higher and presently reached a posi- tion just below the hole from which the bees were swarm- ing. He next blew some smoke into the hollow, using the same means of subduing these insects as the modern bee- keeper. The only difference being that he hadn't bellows. He just puffed the smoke in with his breath. In a few minutes he plunged his hand into the hole and brought out a supply of honey in the comb, which he deposited in a leather bag swung from his shoulder. Having got as much as he wanted he cautiously climbed down to where he had tied the thinner tree and with great care released it. I held my breath when he kicked off from the big tree and slid down the slim one. It had been a remarkable per- formance, and I was glad that he came down without being damaged. All this time the little bird had been waiting patiently, and now he rewarded it with a liberal supply of grubs in the comb. It is one of the fascinating facts of the forest, that these small honey birds live in symbiosis with the forest dwellers. In regard to marriage customs my friends of the forest 71 MEN OF THE TREES are content with one wife. The usual dowry paid at the time of marriage is a pair of elephant tusks, which are not so much appreciated for their intrinsic value, but rather because they are a proof of the skill and bravery of the bridegroom. If a maiden is beautiful and skilful she will command a very large pair of tusks, and the young man who is fortunate enough to win her may have to hunt many months before he can find ivories worthy of her. The girls and women wear their hair long and plaited. They are well set up, with boyish figures. They carry themselves gracefully when walking, and yet have the stride of a man. The woman is far more the comrade of her husband; she is treated as an equal and will often hunt with him, or take her turn to hunt alone, while the man will stay at home and mind the baby. It is even quite a common thing to find a brother and sister hunting to- gether, for at an early age the equality of the sexes, both as regards responsibility and usefulness, is recognized, and the young lad of seventeen or eighteen does not re- gard it as infra dig to be seen about with his sister, whom he will often take with him on a long hunting trip. When hunting together, the forest dwellers have a code of signs and sounds which closely resemble the notes of birds or the noises made by animals common in their particular part of the jungle. Their imitation of birds and animals in the forest is so accurate that it deceives the animal that they are tracking, and yet can be recognized by their clansmen. Once, for my special entertainment, 72 KATOOTERO AND HIS HONEYBIRD a forest dweller imitated the call of distress such as might be made by a female baboon so realistically that the "Old Man" of the troop rushed out into the clearing, right in front of us, prepared to defend his mate. When he real- ized that the cry had come from a mere man he gave grunts of anger which quickly changed to sounds of al- most human laughter when the suspense was broken, and then he trundled oflf back into the bush. These forest folk do not live in villages nor do they make permanent buildings. I have never seen more than four or five booths together in one place and these would belong to the same families. There is no defined path leading up to such a camp. A stranger might pass quite close to a group of shelters without realizing their exist- ence, for great care is taken to obliterate any apparent road of access. It is usual for these shy forest people to return to their camps by different routes, so that they shall not betray their presence to strangers by leaving worn trails. They live their lives with proud reserve in the great solitudes of the forest strictly secluded. They are highly intelligent, and while shy yet in the face of personal danger they are absolutely fearless. The hunters have been the friends of the forest for their wants were meagre and easily satisfied without the necessity for tree destruction for making farms. A few dead sticks gathered from wind- fallen branches provide sufficient fuel. Within the spell of the forest they guard their own domain from all intruders, for no rival would 73 MEN OF THE TREES risk their poisoned arrows. Just as the honey preserves are defined, so in the jungle each dweller has his own territory. To the white man the origin and observance of this law are inexplicable except as the survival of the past, but to its power is due the preservation of many of the existing virgin forests. These then are my friends the forest dwellers, and as I came to know them better they began to render me valuable assistance in forestry work; for a bond between us had been established and with a very little training I was able to use them as forest scouts. They entered en- thusiastically into the work of collecting tree seeds, or any other useful work which I might suggest. It is true that these primitive folk were not conscious at the time of the far reaching results of their work, but were merely doing what I asked in order to please me. To them it seemed just a whim of mine which, however, they were delighted to gratify. They could see no more profit for themselves in collecting seeds than in climb- ing a tree for a botanical specimen; but nevertheless in time they became some of the most enthusiastic Men of the Trees. By reason of their close association with nature they were well adapted to render me valuable assistance. They had an intimate knowledge of the forest and I was able to reach even the most inaccessible parts under their guidance and thus to carry out valuable survey work. This was not all, I was able through them to obtain many botanical specimens which were of considerable value, being used for identifying timbers of economic im- 74 KATOOTERO AND HIS HONEYBIRD portance. They were natural forest protectors and it was their great concern that the forest had already been in- vaded by neighbouring tribes and whole areas cut down and burnt. I was anxious, if possible, to prevent this de- struction, and my forest friends were only too willing, on their part, to co-operate with me. Without their assist- ance it would have been impossible to have started many of the forest nurseries or to have raised the trees with which to plant abandoned farms. Their voluntary service was of particular value at the time because my depart- ment was sadly under-staflfed and the demand for forest seeds was far beyond the supply available. When the time came for me to leave their forests, I parted from them with real regret, a feeling which evi- dently was reciprocated by them as, for the first time in their lives, a number of them accompanied me on my way, leaving the shelter of their forest homes to bid me farewell. Looking back upon the time spent with these children of nature, and having with deep interest entered into their joys and sorrows, I am convinced that in spite of their precarious existence in the jungle, they have managed to arrive at and retain many of the joys which we hold dear. For there in the heart of the forest they live their care-free lives and enjoy each other's comrade- ship, with sufficient food and shelter, even though their home may be but a primitive bower of leaves and branches. 75 Chapter VIII HOW THE COCK BECAME KING OF THE BIRDS Many a night I have sat by my camp-fire to be enter- tained by old chiefs and head men. When I got to know their language it was a continual source of delight to me to listen to their folk-lore and nature stories. I always found that there was a subtle sense of humour underlying their presentation. They reminded me of my experiences with those delightful peasants of France, who live in the moun- tain villages along the Riviera. They invariably had a jest which they were always ready to share with their camp-fire friends. Some of the stories they told to me took as long as five nights to recite, for we always ad- journed our gatherings before midnight, so as to turn in and be ready for an early start on the following day. "How the cock became king of the birds," lasted for five nights. It started like this as most stories do. "Once upon a time all the birds of the forest quarrelled amongst themselves as to who should be the greatest. At length it was suggested that they should present themselves before the lord of the forest, whose special title I have now for- gotten, to ask him to decide. This he agreed to do. First of all the eagle came and the lord of the forest said to the eagle, 'What have you got to say for yourself?' And 76 HOW THE COCK BECAME KING OF THE BIRDS the eagle replied, *I can fly higher and see farther than all the other birds. Surely I should be king of the birds.' And so the lord of the forest replied, *I hear what you say. Stand to one side. Call your wife.' And so Mrs. Eagle came, and she spoke in the same language. And the lord of the forest replied, *I hear what you say. Stand to one side.' Next came the Bird of Paradise, who said, 'I am more beautiful than all the other birds, surely I should be king of all.' Again the lord of the forest spoke as be- fore, 'Stand to one side, call your wife.' And so the fe- male Bird of Paradise presented herself and spoke in the same manner." I must explain that the reason why the story took five nights to relate, is because my African friends paraded every known bird for judgment. Often I failed to recog- nize the bird about which they were speaking and then I would have to stop them, for I would not let them continue until it had been made clear to me about which bird they were speaking. Finally, on the fifth night we came to the end of the story. "At last the cock came to the lord of the forest and he said, 'Cock-a-doo-del-do.' And the lord of the forest replied, *I hear what you have said, stand to one side, call your wife.' And so the hen came, and she said, *Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk.' And the lord of the forest turned to the cock and addressed him, as fol- lows, 'My friend, you have won the day. You are more clever than all the other birds of the forest, because you have taught your wife a different language from your 77 MEN OF THE TREES own. And, moreover, now that I have decided that you are king of the birds, by reason of this, all the birds of the forest will be your enemies and so you had better stay right here with me.' That is why it is, cocks and hens always stay with men." At times I suspected that their stories subtly alluded to the relation of the black and white races. There were many inferences regarding the strong and the weak, or the strong and the cunning. Such was the story told of the fox and the wolf. At this length of time and writing from a different continent, I cannot recall how the quar- rel started or why the wolf began chasing the fox. I only remember the story took a whole evening to relate be- cause all the country through which they passed was described in minute detail. But the story ended like this. "At last the fox rushed into a great cavern where there was an overhanging rock. He was dead beat and put his front paws up against the rock and called, *help, help, the rock is falling.' And the wolf, who was hard behind him, afraid of being crushed by what he thought was a falling rock, stood up on his hind legs and pressed against the rock with his fore feet as hard as he could, when the little fox doubled back and escaped, leaving the wolf expend- ing all his energy in a futile task." Again, there was a story of the elephant and the canary. It was never clear to me why they fell out or became such rivals. But it seemed that the canary generally got the better of the elephant and although the greatest animal of the jungle challenged the little bird on many an occa- 78 bo 1 HO\r THE COCK BECAME KING OF THE BIRDS sion he was generally defeated in the end. Once the ele- phant said to the canary, "Look here, we must once and for all decide as to who is the greater," and so the canary agreed to submit to any suggestion which would prove the superiority of either of them. The elephant there- upon took the canary to the seashore, and said, "Which- ever of us can drink the most water will be chief once and for all." And the canary agreed to compete in the contest and abide by the result. Just then the tide was coming in and the canary said to the elephant, "As you are the bigger you may begin to drink." So the elephant put his trunk into the water and started drinking for all he was worth. Presently he had to stop from sheer ex- haustion for he felt that he must burst. The canary sang his praises and congratulated him for his marvellous per- formance and the elephant was carried away with pride. When the tide was about to turn the canary went to the water to drink, dipped his beak into the sea and went sip, sip and waited. Again he walked forward and went sip, sip, and waited. And the elephant was perfectly amazed, and presently it seemed that the canary had been responsible for reducing the volume of water. When the tide had gone right out, the canary flew back to the elephant and said, "See, what I have done." And the elephant had to agree that the canary had won the contest. Such stories made me think of the destiny of Europeans in Africa and it was through these proverbs that I be- gan to get back of the black man's mind. Whatever may 79 MEN OF THE TREES have been the animating impulses which led to European colonization in Equatorial Africa, whether right or wrong, it cannot be questioned that the contact of West- ern civilization with the primitive methods of compara- tive savagery, has resulted in a state of flux and change for which the white man is responsible. East Africa, and in fact the whole of the tropical area surrounding the Equator, may in time and with wise guidance, become capable of self-government; but that time has not yet come, and we who have aroused the tremors of what was once a nation, cannot hold our- selves guiltless until and unless, we have satisfied our own consciences and wisely assisted to their legitimate end, the aspirations of a people who are in the early stages of a great awakening. That great Social Anthropologist, Professor Bronislaw Malinowski, has said, "The clash of Western culture with the older civilizations of mankind is the greatest drama that history has ever chronicled." Improved means of transportation and the advance of medical science have opened up vast opportunities for development. Many countries have been invaded by the white men in the past, to the detriment of the aborigines, but here in Africa the new invasion should result in a considerable increase of the population by reason of the advancement of medi- cal science. Whereas in the past there was sufficient virgin soil in the forests to suffice for the sparse and shifting population, this is no longer the case, and the little that remains of the original forest must be conserved both in 80 HOW THE COCK BECAME KING OF THE BIRDS the interests of agriculture and of climate. With the in- troduction of improved methods of agriculture, living in fixed localities will become possible, and village life will develop and and become better suited to modern conditions. Africa is at last awakening from an age-long inertia, and there is a slow but sure movement in which one can already recognize the beginnings of a race consciousness amongst millions of people who have up till now been regarded as the most backward of mankind. But a closer study will show that these peoples, cut off from the rest of the world, have evolved a social system and moral code which is well suited to their requirements. The tendency with those of us of Western Civilization has been to re- gard them all as savages, because their attitude towards life has differed from our own. We have frequently been inclined to pity or patronize them, and have often en- deavoured to impose upon them our brand of civiliza- tion without stopping to think for a moment whether it suited them in such a different environment, or it would alleviate their lot or make their life the happier for them. These countries have been invaded first by the explorer, then by the trader and missionary, followed in rapid succession by the administrator, and in some cases the settler, and we have taken upon ourselves great responsibilities which we like to call "the white man's burden." All this has been accomplished so quickly that we have not had time to get to know or understand the African 8i MEN OF THE TREES point of view. Moreover, just as we were flattering our- selves that with our advent inter-tribal warfare had van- ished, the European war obtruded itself into the heart of Africa and showed the Africans that what they had be- fore regarded as war, was, in comparison, merely child's play. If we stop to think seriously and take this — the war factor — into consideration, we might find it difficult to decide whether from the African point of view the ad- vantages of our presence have not up till now been out- weighed by the disadvantages. It is even open to argu- ment whether the many privileges of Western civilization justify our replacing simplicity by complexity, or en- deavouring to substitute an industrial system which when all is said and done, is not always effective. A return to slavery would have less horrors for the African native than the treadmill routine of factory wage-slaves who, having sunk their individuality in a number or a letter, ring on and off as if they were merely cogs in the wheel of a great heartless machine. It is difficult to estimate the damage to European pres- tige resulting from the Great War, in which many thou- sands of Africans came into conflict with each other. The exigencies of warfare necessitated the recruiting of carriers from the African Highlands, who were taken from their natural haunts and transplanted hundreds of miles away, where they fought in low-lying lands for which they were constitutionally unfitted. Again, sol- diers were recruited from the tropical coast and subjected 82 HOW THE COCK BECAME KING OF THE BIRDS to exposure in the cold Highlands ; in both instances caus- ing colossal loss of man power. If the war had to be so far as Europe was concerned, it adds to the tragedy that it should not have been kept out of Africa; however, what has happened, has hap- pened, and we must in consequence face profound and disturbing changes. No one can tell what the outcome may be. The fact is that Africa is awakening — but to what? 83 chapter IX FLOGGING A SHADOW To understand we must first learn and this is ever true in relation to the dealings of the white man with the African. The success of The Men of the Trees may be largely attributed to the fact that this movement is based upon an idea which could be understood by the people. In the heart of Africa today, wherever its ideals have penetrated, it affords a valuable means of training in ini- tiative and responsibility. As life in Equatorial Africa becomes more settled, villages will spring up and village life become the order of the day. If we can only succeed in giving the African a new interest in home and village life, first perhaps in arousing liis interest in tree-planting, we shall lead him to sink his old individual interests in the new ones which will soon become too precious to be jeopardized when- ever his inclination turns to the old improvident ways. He will be industrious in spite of himself, as he recognizes himself as a part of the new order unfolded before him. Docs not the solution of African problems lie in first aiding the African to adjust himself to this new order, beginning with home life, which must ever be the most important factor in the growth of any nation? The ideal picture of the African future is that of the native who 84 FLOGGING A SHADOW has created a home of which he is proud, combining with his fellows to improve the conditions of their small vil- lage. He will profit by the lectures and advice of trained farmers of his own race, who will cultivate demonstra- tion crops in little groups of allotments throughout the reserves, and plant forest belts which will assure a con- tinuous supply of wood for all purposes while protecting his harvests. The Men of the Trees are paving the way for new methods of development, especially needed where tribal practice has become ineffective as is often the case where the contact with Europan civilization has been sudden. In many cases tribal uses have been broken down, and the African has had little time in which to adjust his vision to the changing order of things. His reaction has been something akin to that of a man, who, after being confined for a long time in a dark room, is suddenly brought out into the full glare of the mid-day sun where he is dazzled and blinded, and in consequence is bewild- ered. Dark as the room may have been, at any rate he was able to find his way about in it with little or no difficulty, by reason of being accustomed to that environment. The change is a devastating revolution in his domestic, social and spiritual life in that he leaves his home and tribal life to take a new religion. To him it is entirely destructive of everything that he has held near and dear. It is difficult for us to realize what a colossal upheaval it has been for him in every sphere of life. But whether we realize it or not, it still remains a fact that, through the centuries he 85 MEN OF THE TREES had evolved a social system which he regarded as being suited to his requirements. From what I have gathered in the course of conversation with many of the chiefs and elders, they have a sense of being hustled. They accept the idea that a change in the order of their life must come about, but at the same time they are reluctant to surrender everything connected with the past at once, and cling tenaciously to many old ideas. The popular attitude of the thinking men in the tribe was vividly brought before me on one occasion when I had invited a missionary to address a meeting of elders at my camp. It was their custom on certain days to come and con- sult me regarding current affairs concerning the wel- fare of their people. Thus they came together this Sun- day morning in the same spirit, prepared to consider seriously whatever matters were brought before them. In a few words I introduced the missionary, telling them that he had come to bring a good message for them all. The missionary, who could speak the local dia- lect fluently, then addressed his audience for about twenty minutes, ending up with an earnest appeal to them to send their sons and daughters to the Mission School. Immediately he had finished speaking, the eldest of the chiefs rose to his feet and said most courteously, "We thank you for your good words to which we have listened carefully. If you will excuse us we should like to withdraw and go into council on these very impor- tant matters." So saying, he bowed low in salute, and walked out, followed by the whole gathering. In a few 86 FLOGGING A SHADOW minutes they returned and again took their places, sit- ting down as before. Again the old chief rose to his feet and addressed the missionary and myself as follows, "Sirs, your words are good, this we do not doubt. But we are old men and would ask you to have patience with us. You are going too fast for us, old men as we are. Behold, what you say may be good for our sons, but not for us. For ourselves we will follow the beliefs of our fathers. What was good for them and for their fathers, must be good for us. As for our sons, it is for them to choose what they will do. If you wish them to go to your Missionary School and that is their desire, we will not hold them back, but one thing we pray you, spare us our daughters. If you take them away from us you break up our family life; when they have gone, there is nobody to tend the young children. We beg you to listen well to this request which we make, and of your mercy grant it." That speech both sums up the attitude of the passing generation and opens before us the pressing problems of today. In the case of the Arabs the great change that has come to them is the abolition of slavery. If the invasion of Western ideas amongst the Highland tribes of Africa created amazingly difficult problems, it came as a catas- trophe to the coast Arabs who in many ways are the greatest sufferers from the new ideas and conditions. The Arabs were the aristocrats, dependent upon their slaves, without whom they were helpless. Although 87 MEN OF THE TREES many old slaves refused to forsake their masters, the temptation was too great for the majority who were attracted by the high wages paid in the rapidly develop- ing Port of Mombasa. This growing centre of com- merce drained dry almost all the labour from along the coast. The change came about so quickly that the Arabs were incapable of adapting themselves to the new sys- tem of labour whereby slaves were being replaced by wage earners. Their fields and gardens became dereHct and in many cases all that remained to them were a few palms which sufficed for a bare existence. In the town of Lamu on the East Coast, I have seen an old Arab liv- ing in the corner of one room in the ruin of his ances- tral home, protected from the glare of the sun or tropi- cal downpour only by a makouti mat made of palm leaves. Although on account of his inability to adapt him- self, the coast Arab is unable to retain his old position in the new order of affairs, his philosophical nature seems to stand him in good stead and prevent him from becoming embittered. He modestly retires from public life and lives quietly, usually spending much time in de- votions, for they are devout followers of the Prophet. On looking back on my days spent on the Coast, I consider myself fortunate in having had the privilege of knowing intimately some of these older Arabs. They have much charm, and are always courteous and hos- pitable, even though all they may have to give the trav- 88 FLOGGING A SHADOW eller in the shape of hospitaUty is a M'dafu, or cocoanut. Indeed, on a hot day after a long tramp in the sun, nothing could be more acceptable than a long drink from a young cocoanut. In spite of all that they have suffered in recent years, they seem to harbour little or no resentment, and even if they feel it, they do not show it. It is only by their proverbs or stories that one can get a glimpse into the thoughts at the back of their mind. As an example of a story with proverbial significance, I will endeavour to recite one told to me at Mambrui. The following is a literal translation as nearly as I can render it. "Once upon a time there lived a rich man and a poor man in the same village. The rich man was very, very rich, and the poor man was very, very poor. It was the custom of the rich man to partake of his meals on the verandah of his house, and the poor man having noth- ing to eat, would come and sit on the side of the rich man's table some distance away, but near enough to be able to inhale the scent of the viands. He enjoyed the aroma and, not having a morsel to eat, drew in his girdle, returned to his poor abode, feeling as though he had partaken of the sumptuous repast. This continued for several days, but finally the rich man became en- raged and took the poor man before the Judge, asking him to administer suitable punishment. The Judge held court and tried the poor man and found him guilty of having stolen the aroma of the viands wafted by the 89 MEN OF THE TREES breeze from the rich man's table. And the Judge called for his tallest and strongest askari and ordered him to make ready the great whip with many tails, and take the prisoner before the Court House and to flog it with twenty-five mighty strokes when the sun cast the pris- oner's shadow on the ground. "The same day, towards four o'clock, a crowd gath- ered before the Court House, and in front of all was the rich man who was greedy to see the punishment in- flicted. Exactly at four o'clock the prisoner was brought forth, followed by the askari carrying the great whip with many tails, and as the prisoner stood, the sun cast his shadow on the ground and the askari raised his mighty whip with the many thongs in the air, and brought it down with a crash on the ground by the side of the poor man. Again he raised his whip, and again he brought it down with equal strength, and so he did twenty-five times. The rich man, standing near by the poor man, was choked with the dust raised from the ground by the crashing thongs, and he went off to the Judge in a great rage, choking all the time with the dust which he had swallowed, and said to him, *See here, I called you to punish this man and you are making a fool of me; your askari is merely beating the ground and making a great dust.' And the Judge said to the rich man, 'Did this poor man steal your food?' The rich man replied, *No, but he stole the scent of my food.' And the Judge said, 'Very well. I do not flog him. I flog his shadow.' " 90 chapter X THE BUNDI SPEAKS In my experience I have found that the uncomplain- ing poverty is the result of their philosophy. I have never once found them embittered in spite of the hard times with which they have had to contend. I came across an Arab town on the borders of Tanganyika Ter- ritory, which, during the war, was completely destroyed by the two invading armies. On the side of this Arab village there had been many a battle. At one time it had been occupied by the British, then it was captured by the Germans. Counter attacks there were and many a ding-dong battle razed this town to the ground. After the war it was impossible to gather sufficient material out of the debris to build new houses. As the result of the war, over two hundred and fifty inhabitants were homeless. Being penniless for three years, they lived as best they could, amidst the ruins of their town, all the time seeking to obtain sanction to cut forest material for the rebuilding of their homes. Their helplessness in this delay was a test even of their great philosophy. But before the strain reached the breaking point and dis- affection spread, the forestry officer in this district was fortunate in hearing from the Provincial Commissioner 91 MEN OF THE TREES the facts of their distress. It was important to act im- mediately not only for human relief, but for the es- tablishment of better understanding. There was no shortage in the neighbourhood, for everyone knew that quantities of wood were being cut from their mangrove swamps and exported to India. It seemed only natural that the urgent needs of those in the adjacent towns should be first supplied. He in- vestigated the case of each family and issued permits according to their requirements, and thus a condition of growing despair among these helpless war victims was changed into hopeful activity. The vital importance of a capacity for perception of local requirements and the power for immediate action on the part of the man on the spot cannot be overes- timated. Side by side with the Arabs, just back of the coast line of East Africa, is the Nika, or desert country. To the inhabitants of this territory before the advent of the white man, life was a continual struggle for exist- ence. While the women tilled the fields, the men played their part in foraging raids, for their time was continu- ously occupied in war or hunting. Under the new re- gime the tribes are practically immune from the attack of hostile neighbours, and it is no longer the necessity to spend time in sharpening spears and making shields. There is a serious attempt being made today to substi- tute the plough for the spear and it is good that this should be done, however dull the process may seem to 92 TPiE BUNDI SPEAKS young warriors. But the common round and daily task in actual practice does not furnish all they ask. What the African can use is vocational training. He needs the knowledge that Western civilization can give him to enable him to turn to full account the marvellous po- tential wealth of his land. In the past the women tilled the soil under the pro- tection of their men folk who were generally there ex- cept when they were engaged in counter raids upon their neighbours. But today, slowly the warrior class, born to fighting and members of a military caste are being led to adapt themselves to modern agriculture. A new spirit is being created by practical training and their natural gifts are being developed in a constructive direction. This problem of adjustment is not as difficult as it seems, for they can soon be taught that the successful agriculturist of the new order is truly a warrior who fights daily. He must learn to apply the tactics of war to defeat the enemies of his crops. He must marshal his forces to save his harvests; he must gather ammunition for the seeding of his farm; he must collect an armoury of tools to develop his possessions to advantage; he must fortify himself against the besieging drought. He must again prepare outlets for attacks by flood, sharpen his ploughshares in place of his spears, and shield his prod- uce at all seasons of the year. Though the transition from the warrior to the agri- culturist has not yet been completely established, on 93 MEN OF THE TREES account of lack of local training, the change is as vital a necessity for the welfare of the indigenous tribesmen as for that of the incoming settler. From superficial knowledge of the problem, it would appear that some form of compulsion by means of tax- ation is necessary before such a race could be induced to labour productively and provide the necessary quota of raw material for the world markets. But a more thor- ough examination of the question will, I am convinced, reveal the fact that the present system by means of which labour is recruited must be modified, rather than intensified, if we are to get lasting results. The African is very loyal and easily led by those who win his confidence. He is prepared to work, but we must be equally prepared to give him a fair share of the profits of his labour. If we deal honestly with him — if we give him what we should — the scientific knowl- edge that we have been fortunate enough to gain and he has not — if we teach him certain systems of organi- zation which he badly needs, there will certainly be en- couraging results. In his life on the land lies the basis of his sound development and we must show him, by the rotation of crops, the use of manures and other methods, how he can increase his resources abundantly and economically. If he does this with our assistance, he will be very glad to share with us the wealth pro- duced, in exchange for the services we render. Co-operation for mutual benefit, and, over and above that, the spirit of willing service for the public good 94 THE BUNDI SPEAKS and the good of posterity, are conceptions to which the African is quick to respond if they are put before him in the right way, that is, in a way which he can under- stand. One day, while I was camping on the edge of the Nika desert, I held a Baraza. Chiefs came from distant villages, because I wanted to talk to them about tree- planting and show them how they could build a forest barrier and thus stop the desiccation and the advance of the desert. When evening came and they had had their meal, they wanted to hear more. As I was sitting in front of my tent they appeared out of the darkness, one by one, and gathered about my camp fire. For a long time no word was spoken beyond the ordinary greeting, and as I finished my coffee, I passed around the native snuff which I kept for their harmless delectation. The snuflF box was in the form of an ebony owl, and having gone the round of all the chiefs it was returned to its usual place on my table. This little ebony owl had come to be regarded as my camp mascot, and there he sat looking out towards the night shadows and my audi- ence. "Do you know who that is?" I questioned, placing my finger on the head of the owl. They at once assented. Of course, they all knew the Bundi, the wise old bird of the forest. "Do you know why he is so wise?" I next enquired. "It is because he has big eyes and can see all that is happening; he has big ears and can hear all that 95 MEN OF THE TREES is going on around him, and only a little mouth so that he need not speak foolishness." I translated for them the rhyme about the owl Kuluikua fta n'dege m'zee Aliyeka katiga tegaa Kwa zuidee aliona Kwa upungufu alisema Kwa zuidee alisema Kwa upungufu alisikize Huyu twa mafanu na huyu n'dege merevu m^zee This is my best Kinika for "There was an old bird who sat in an oaky The more he saw the less he spoke, The less he spoke the more he heard, So take a tip from the wise old bird." I went on to tell them if they would take a lesson from the wise old bird they would see and hear more and keep silent. This caused great merriment and much nudging of elbows. Just then a gentle breeze sprung up and began to rustle the leaves of two large trees in front of my tent and I said, "Listen, do you hear those two trees? They are talking to each other. If the wise old bird could only speak now, he would be able to tell us what they are saying. He might inform us that the 96 THE BUNDI SPEAKS w WW » yy-yy^^ Wembi^ was saying to the M'gandi,^ "What a fine tree am I. See how I sheltered the Wazee^ from the KiU^ sun, and kept them cool under the shade of my branches." "Ah, that's nothing," replied the M'Gandi. "Didn't you see whom I was protecting from the Kali sun? It was no other than the Bwan ya Miti M'kubwe." ^ "All honour be to you," said the Wembi, "but all the time he was sitting under the shade of your branches he was telling the Wazee to plant Wembi, for," said he, 'Wembi's heart is good for timber. Wembi's arms are good for charcoal. Wembi's fruit is good for food. Plant Wembi. Plant Wembi." "Yes," said the M'gandi. "That's true, but you are only a stranger in this land; you came here but yester- day. You were only brought here by the Arabs, whereas I've been here from very long ago." "True," said the Wembi, "But I was brought here be- cause I was of use to man; because my heart was good for timber; because my arms were good for charcoal and because my fruit was good for food, whereas you are but a parasite; you climb up other good trees and hug them to death, and you are neither good for timber, fruit nor food." "Softly, softly," said the M'gandi. "Remember, my young friend, that in the old days before the coming ^ Wembi — ^mango. 2 M'gandi — parasitic fig. 3 Wazee — elders. ■* Kali — fierce. * fiuan ya Miti M'kubwe — Great white chief of the forest. 97. MEN OF THE TREES of the white man, when the people of this village fought with the people of that village yonder, when- ever peace was made, it was made under the shade of my branches." At this point the Chiefs looked up from the ebony owl and eagerly questioned me. "Does the Bundi really tell you all that? For all you say is true. Tell us more." Because I was speaking what they knew to be true I won their confidence and was enabled at this stage to continue my forest instruction and drive home the lesson. We talked long into the night, for they seemed loath to part and ever anxious to hear more. Months later I returned to find how well the story of the Bundi had been learned, for without further supervision they had voluntarily planted many Wembis in the abandoned farms with lasting benefit to their country. 98 chapter XI THE GATEWAY TO KENYA When I left the Nika country I came down the Coast by dhow and encountered a terrific storm. Our cockle- shell of a boat was driven before the wind and in spite of the efforts of my able Arab seamen, we were driven far off our course. For two days and nights we battled with the elements and I shall always recall with what delight and genuine relief I arrived at Mombasa, the gateway to Kenya. It must not be imagined that Mombasa was a small village on a mud flat with no history. On the contrary, it was a port of repute with a record then dating back for more than four hundred years. It had a walled fort, which frequently changed hands, and had been subject to the attacks of many invaders. There had already been super-class and secondly a Portuguese domination. The constant clash between these had left the island a vivid history of revolt and carnage. In spite of this there had been an enormous trade in slaves running into many millions of dollars, chiefly by dhow, with the Persian Gulf and the Malabar Coast which was materially re- stricted by the abolition of this traffic. The history of the coast of East Africa goes back long 99 MEN OF TPiE TREES before the Christian era, though Uttle was known of the interior until well into the Nineteenth Century. Vasco da Gama visited Mozambique, Mombasa and Milindini in 1498, being the first European to sail in those waters, after which a long period of strife ensued between Portuguese and Arabs. The British first appeared on the scene in 1798 fol- lowed by Americans, who arranged a friendly commer- cial treaty with the ruler of Zanzibar in 1833. The hoisting of the British Flag at Mombasa, just over a century ago, affords an attractive story by reason of the fact that it was first flown by the inhabitants with- out permission from the British Government, surely a very rare circumstance in the history of any nation. In 1833 there was published a narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar, performed in His Majesty's ships "Levan" and "Barra- couta" under the direction of Captain Alexander T. E. Vidal, and W. Fitzwilliam Owen. In this interesting publication were extracts of the diary of Lieutenant Boteler of the "Barracouta." With the kind assistance of the Admiralty Librarian in London and the Master of the Rolls, I have been able to look up the story as told in this old diary. As I saw the musty looking bundle be- ing unwound, I was conscious of a sudden thrill of emo- tion. Carefully the knots were untied and the outer wrappings removed, and then in the centre of the bun- dle was disclosed the actual log of the Master of the "Barracouta." It was with keen interest that I turned 100 THE GATEWAY TO KENYA over the pages until I came to an entry recording the arrival of the "Barracouta" at Mombasa on 3rd Decem- ber 1823. At 3.^0 abreast of Mombasa. Hauled to the wind, sent a boat in to sound . . . at 4 brought up in 11 fathoms. Showed our colours . . . was anstuered by the fort on shore. They hoisted a red flag; came off a boat from the shore and sent two boats to examine close in shore. As the boats returned up and down Royal yards and struck the masts. 4th December 1823. Light airs with lightning at daylight — sent the Ramsden and Portia with Lieut. Boteler to survey the reefs. Later came on board, some of the grandees from the Town, bringing with them^ some fruit and two sheep. "British prestige had already reached Mombasa," says Lieut. Boteler in his diary, and the inhabitants welcomed the white men who "although differing so widely in religion and customs yet ever protected the oppressed and respected the shrines of liberty." The probability is that when Lieut. Boteler was sent on shore by his Captain he so endeared himself to the natives by his straightforwardness and uprightness of character, that when he departed they said, "This is a good man, his flag must be a good flag; we must hoist lOI MEN OF THE TREES it." Before the British ships departed the Sheikh, or Sul- tan, begged Captain Vidal to authorize them to hoist the British Flag and place the town and territory in the hands of his Britannic Majesty. For some unknown rea- son this request was not granted, and on the 7th Decem- ber 1823, the two ships sailed away. Whether some of the local inhabitants persuaded the crew to sell them a flag, or whether they made one or stole it, is unknown, but, mystery of mysteries, on the return voyage the British colours were found to be flying on the Fort of Mombasa. Captain Owen went on shore and the Arabs acknowledged having hoisted the British colours without authority, but unanimously craved permission to place the whole country under the protection of the British Nation. It is said that Captain Owen informed them that provided they would assent to the abolition of the Slave Trade, he would transmit their proposal to his Government for their decision, and that he would have no objection to holding the place in the meantime. "To these conditions," states the historian, "they read- ily assented, and made a formal cession of their island Pamba, and the country reaching from Malindi to Pan- gani." The Third Lieutenant, Mr. John James Reitz, was made Commandant of Mombasa. Such is the story, as we may be tolerably certain that no sooner had His Majesty's Ships "Barracouta" and "Levan" sailed from the Port of Mombasa on 7th De- cember 1823 than the British Flag was hoisted. There was a notable gathering inspired by a suggestion 102 THE GATEWAY TO KENYA from His Excellency, the late Sir Robert Coryndon, to celebrate the centenary of this voluntary hoisting of the Flag on 1 2th December 1923. Over sixty people, rep- resenting every interest in the Colony, met in London at luncheon in a quiet little restaurant in Jermyn Street. The occasion is memorable for the fact that this was probably the first time in the history of the Colony that so large a number of people representing widely varying interests, forgetting politics and their differences of opinion, came together in a disinterested way to com- memorate a purely historical occasion. But to return to the history of Mombasa. It was not for another fifty years that the British India Steam Navigation Company established regular communica- tion with these parts. In 1887 the Sheikh Sayyid Bargash granted to the Imperial British East Africa Association, a concession of his mainland possessions between Imba and Kipini. This Company, whose Chairman was Wil- liam MacKinnon, was largely animated by humane mo- tives and a desire to enforce the law against slave trading. This Company also started industrial missions, built roads and administered justice, and in 1894 surrendered its charter to the Imperial Government who assumed the Protectorate when Sir Arthur Hardinge was appointed Commissioner and Consul General. There was steady progress in the development of gov- ernment at Mombasa and in 1896 the construction of the Uganda Railway was started. Four years later Sir Charles ElHot succeeded Sir. A. Hardinge as Commis- 103 MEN OF THE TREES sioner. The close of the South African War brought a large influx of settlers, and in 1903 the Planters' and Farmers' Association was formed. This organization represented all the settlers, who had at that time no voice in the administration. On I St April 1905 the administration of the Protec- torate was transferred from the Foreign OflSce to the Colonial Office, and settlement steadily progressed. On his death, Sir Donald Stewart was succeeded by Sir J. Hayes Sadler, and two years later a Legislative Council was constituted on which the settlers were rep- resented by nomination, though the Government still retained a permanent working majority of officials, and the Commissioner was henceforth styled Governor. The first to assume this position was Sir Percy Girouard, under whose regime the Protectorate showed decided in- dication of increased prosperity. In 19 10 Lord Delamere, a prominent settler, co- ordinated the settlers' interests in the Convention of Associations. This body, to which all local Associations send delegates, meets twice a year. To the next Governor, Sir Henry Belfield, fell the difficult period of the War, and during this time there was a general set-back to farming. The Armistice was the starting point of a new era of reconstruction, and to Sir Charles Bowering, when Act- ing Governor, fell the task of dealing with the difficulty which had arisen over the currency. It was under the rule of Sir Edward Northey that the Highland area was 104 THE GATEWAY TO KENYA formally annexed and proclaimed a Colony, and the official designation of the whole Territory became Kenya Colony and Protectorate. In August 1922 Sir Robert Coryndon was appointed Governor of Kenya Colony and High Commissioner of the Zanzibar Protectorate in succession to Sir Edward Northey. His task in Kenya was not an easy one, for he was immediately confronted with the serious problem of the conflicting Indian and European claims, while having to keep in mind all the time the interests of the Native African on whose behalf he was constantly ex- erting himself. Besides being an exceptionally able of- ficial, especially in native administration, he was a keen sportsman and a beautiful rifle shot. His wide experience in different parts of East and South Africa had well equipped him for his arduous task. His sudden death in 1925 was a great loss to the Colony. He was mourned by every section of the community who well knew that he always put their interests before his own. He was succeeded by Sir Edward Grigg. Even according to present day standards Mombasa is regarded as one of the most marvellous harbours of the world. The Island is only just over 3,000 acres in extent, but is the neck of the bottle through which everything must pass which is required by the hinterland of some 500,000 square miles, with a native population of per- haps 10,000,000 and is today served by a railway system of about 1,250 miles together with a system of lake vessels numbering about a dozen craft of various sizes. 105 MEN OF THE TREES It would be difficult to find another port in the whole of British territory which is the sole link with the out- side world of a hinterland as fertile, populous and po- tentially wealthy as our sphere of influence in Eastern Africa. Added to all this it is famous for its own natural resources, depth of water, freedom from contrary winds, and, though land-locked, it is nevertheless accessible at all periods of the tide. This, then, is the Gateway to Kenya, and the outlet of all the trade for the countries that surround the Vic- toria and Albert Lakes and the headwaters of the Nile. The commerce to and from the races that inhabit these countries and that must pass through the Port of Mom- basa, is obviously impossible to foretell. Those of us who live in the old world, are becoming more and more de- pendent upon the wonderful land of Africa for our many wants and at the same time the inhabitants of these vast tracts are developing an increasing need for more imports from the old world. In proportion to the increase of trade so will the Port develop, a challenge to industry and adventure. 106 chapter XII THE LURE OF COFFEE To the man or woman who dreams of a Ufe in the open, unfettered by the many drawbacks of modern civiKza- tion, Kenya unfolds herself as a veritable fairyland. How can I describe this country to those who have never seen it? — to those who look at things through eyes accustomed only to Northern scenery? Try to conjure up in your imagination the scene which opens out be- fore you as the train wends its leisurely way from Mom- basa ever upwards towards the delectable highlands of this last and best land of promise. The gari ya moshi, steam engine, has at length arrived at the crest of the table-lands and with half a dozen long drawn out puffs the train, with one great effort, straightens itself out to speed across the Athi Plains on the last lap to Nairobi. If in your mind you would con- trive to paint this ideal picture you must think of the largest and most beautiful pleasure park you have ever seen, magnify it an hundredfold and populate it with every kind of wild animal life you can imagine. Those who have been so fortunate as to see Major Dugmore's "Wonderland of Big Game" or Mr. Martin 107 MEN OF THE TREES Johnson's delightful films of hunting in Kenya, may have gained a very good impression of what big game looks like close up. These hunters with the camera have made thousands of folk on five continents intimate with these fascinating people of the plains. Those who have seen them on their way to drink or grazing in some shady nook unconscious of the camera man behind his blind ^ and those familiar with these remarkable film pro- ductions have already a very good notion of the animals and their ways. But the picture is incomplete without its setting. One must sense the very atmosphere of the plains, with African sunrise and sunset. To complete it all one must take in the whole perspective, — the dis- tant forest and the lone mountain, with its foothills shrouded in mist, while high about the cloudy film the great white snow cap of Mount Kenya glistens in the sun. Forgetting the noisy, shaking train, let your eyes wan- der over this great expanse and then return to the near view — the "close-up" wild life — bunches of plump zebras with shining coats tautly sleek; hundreds of "Tommy," those delightful little gazelles who, forever on the alert, never stop wagging their tiny tails. A little farther on you will see herds of kongoni, loping along in their comical "dot-and-carry-one" gait, while every now and again an old buck will stop to stare laconically at the, by now, familiar train. Is he suspiciously spotting ^ N. B. "Blind," a screen of bushes beliind which the cincmatographer hides himself and camera for the purpose of recording "close-ups." io8 THE LURE OF COFFEE the old-time "Sportsman" with guns on rack? If for- tunate you may see some hons on the hunt slowly stalk- ing or a cheetah perhaps standing agaze while a stately giraffe is nibbling the top of a thorn bush, and aloof from the rest, the ostriches strut about in dignified de- tachment. Other things too numerous to mention will compel your attention for one brief moment and then pass out of sight. You will be fascinated, spellbound, and perhaps a great longing will come over you to become better acquainted with all this wonderful wild life. You will begin to dream of days of "Safari" — of the camera hunts and the sport that awaits you, when suddenly you are rudely awakened from your day dreams, for the train is jolting into a station and before you have time to realize it you have arrived at Nairobi, the capital city of the country of your dreams. But Kenya is not merely a pioneer's hunting ground. It has important towns and district centres. Nairobi, the capital, is a busy commercial centre, with a widespread residential area. The early explorers of East Africa little dreamt of a colony on the Equator where the European could settle and engage in profitable agricultural pur- suits, and at the same time enjoy the ordinary amenities of English country life. Kenya is to-day an established Colonial settlement in the fullest sense of the word. Im- proved means of communication have opened up a ter- ritory potentially wealthy, with a vast native population who are generally amenable to reason, and readily take to the ways of the white men. Side by side with the white 109 MEN OF THE TREES man's development of the country there has been a considerable advance in the productivity of the native reserves, which come within the well known Highlands, surrounded by the mountain groups of Kenya, Kiliman- jaro and Elgon. The basis of white settlement is agriculture. Kenya's soils are among the richest in the world; its coffee is now world-renowned, being used on every continent. The would-be settler has a varied choice of agricultural operations, but he will find that coffee planting, by reason of its perpetual interest, stands out as one of the most attractive and entrancing of enterprises. The cult of coffee is an ancient one, and in origin is African. The story is told of a religious order which, about the fourth century, fleeing from persecution in Egypt, settled in Southern Abyssinia. There, in the High- lands, they carried on their good work, introducing better methods of agriculture, and demonstrating by their practical industry the fruits of the gospel which they preached. One day, while herding a flock of goats, one of the brethren was somewhat surprised and alarmed to find a number of his charges frisking about in a man- ner which was abnormal even for goats. With visions of devil-possession, and many other dire calamities, he crossed himself and tried the efficacy of prayer, assuredly believing that before nightfall the bewitched flock would recover. By evensong, however, the goats were, if anything, even more lively, refusing to go to rest in their fold. For days the untoward behaviour of the monk's no o THE LURE OF COFFEE charges occasioned much perturbation of spirit in spite of prayer and exorcisms. The Prior, who had attained the position of head of the community not only as the resuh of his wisdom and godhness, but by reason of his practical ability, hearing of their behaviour from the perturbed brother, determined, at last, to herd the goats himself. Observing carefully the herbage on which they fed, he finally sus- pected that their liveliness and sleeplessness might be due to the consumption of the leaves of a beautiful green bush. Taking some of the berries of this shrub, he chewed them himself, ascertaining as a result of his experiment, that their properties conveyed a sense of exhilaration and well-being. Not only so, but during the long night watches of his religious exercises, he found himself much more capable of keeping awake, and with a clearer mental vision than usual. Thus was the use of coffee made known to mankind by the alluring attrac- tion that it had for goats. The coffee plant is indigenous to Africa. I have often found it growing in the forest, between the altitudes of five and six thousand feet. It has been found that the cultivated coffee grows best at from four to six thou- sand feet where the nights are always cool and the days are never unpleasantly hot. At such altitudes the white man can go about his daily work clad in ordinary clothes all the year round. For the man who loves open life there is perhaps no profession more attractive than the cult of coffee. Ill MEN OF THE TREES Kenya coflfee is shipped to America, Asia, Australia and Europe, and the annual export has grown from a few hundredweight to many thousand tons. It fetches a higher price on the market than any other, owing to its superiority of flavour. Little is sold unadulterated, for it is mostly used to blend with other varieties. In the trade it is known as a liqueur coffee. The present price of land in Kenya compares favor- ably with that of similar quality and capacity in other parts of the world. Anyone who feels drawn to Hving in Kenya Colony and can afford an experimental visit, would find that a year could be spent very advan- tageously with a coffee planter acquiring practical knowledge of the conditions before launching out to plant on his own account. I have estimated that the minimum amount of capital required to engage in coffee planting with a reasonable hope of success is about $25,000. From this investment, after five years, a man who is prepared to settle on his estate and look after its development, might anticipate a net income of about $5,000 per annum. The coffee planter must always remember that it is essential to be able to afford to wait. The man with $25,000 to invest should have, at the very least, an in- come of, say, $2,000 per annum, to cover living expenses during the years in which the plantation is being brought into profitable bearing. If the plantation is within twenty miles of a railway, catch crops such as maize, can be grown to help to tide over the early years. 112 THE LURE OF COFFEE Reputed cofifee land, in Its virgin state, in districts remote from the railway can be bought in the open market for twenty-five dollars per acre. It might be found a better investment to pay a little more for the land and keep nearer the railway because distance from the railway does not materially affect coffee. This crop is so valuable that it can stand the expense of transporta- tion over a long distance and a small estate man with a capital of $25,000 who does not mind going oflF "into the blue" reaps many advantages by so doing, which are not always apparent on the surface. In the first place, he can procure cheaper labour, therefore his clearing and planting will not cost him so much; that fact may compensate him for the extra cost of transport. Besides, he can live on his gun and dispense with his butcher's bill, and, taken all round, his expenses will be much lower than if he were living within ten miles of the Nairobi clubs. Let us suppose that the settler buys one hundred and fifty acres at twenty-five dollars an acre, provides him- self with some stock, a cultivator, cart, plough, imple- ments and tools, clears and plants twenty acres, and constructs temporary buildings; by the end of the first year he will have invested about seventy-five hundred dollars. In the second year he will plant another twenty acres and in other ways spend about one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars on the estate. In the third year he will again plant twenty acres, carry out repairs and renewals in the Plantation, and begin to sec the fruits of 113 MEN OF THE TREES his labours in about a ton of coffee from the first twenty acres planted. His expenses will again be about the same. In the fourth year he will plant twenty acres, pur- chase and erect a pulper and vats, provide himself with trays and mats, prepare and transport about four-and-a- half tons of coffee, and in all spend about twenty-five hundred dollars. In the fifth year again twenty new acres will be planted, and it may be found necessary to purchase another wagon and extra oxen, and more implements and tools. He may now erect a small permanent house in the slack season. He will transport and market about fifteen tons of coffee, and his expenses this year will be about forty-seven hundred. From the sixth year onwards he will reasonably expect to make a steadily increasing income, up to, say, five thousand dollars, when the one hundred acres of coffee will have come to full bearing. The value of such an estate at the beginning of the sixth year would be about thirty-five thousand. For my part I have found the country full of fascina- tion and variety. It is fertile in the extreme, capable of producing all kinds of fruit. In one garden I counted thirty different kinds of fruit, fifteen of which were bearing simultaneously. The policy of past governments has been to encourage white settlement and accordingly certain areas have been set aside entirely for white occupation. Today many Americans and Europeans are availing themselves 114 THE LURE OF COFFEE of this land. Such land is quite distinct from the native reserves. There is no reason why the interests of the white settler should conflict in any way with those of the indigenous population; indeed the prosperity of the one largely depends upon the other. Every farm which is developed whether in the white or native areas is for the good of the whole community. The newcomers who have made the Highlands their home are determined to develop this new country along the lines of the best colonization. Generally speaking there is little difficulty in obtain- ing sufficient native labour. I would always advocate that careful study be made of the local dialects, although Ki-swahili is the lingua franca of the country and will generally suffice to see one through. When shortage of labour is experienced it is generally due to misun- derstanding and ignorance of local dialects. All have not the same gift for dealing with natives. To under- stand the natives we must first learn their language. Those who fail to do so are undoubtedly greatly handi- capped in the labour market. This country always seems to exercise a tremendous attraction for those who have taken part in its life. If occasion arises to return to the homeland, one leaves with regret, and is always glad to return to this land of sunshine. Kenya welcomes those who go out prepared to co-operate with the early settlers who, as the result 115 MEN OF THE TREES of a long struggle, are at last beginning to reap their reward, having built the foundations of a colony which in their dreams fulfils all their desire of what a home may be without many of the increasing disadvantages of life in Western civilization. ij6 chapter XIII MWININYAGA, THE GREAT WHITE SPIRIT The old conception of Africa as the great dark Con- tinent peopled with savages "dwelling in the shadow of death" is an extravagantly false conception. Never- theless it is a conception which too often still exists. It may be that in the past we have failed to understand because we have not taken pains to study things from the African point of view. We have had too many Stan- leys and too few Livingstones; too many men of the dashing explorer type ready to cater for a sensational public, and too few quietly observant scientists and practical students, intent upon knowing the country, its people, and their religious and social outlook upon hfe. The simple inhabitants of the Highlands of Kenya, some of whose religious beliefs I will now tell you, live very close to nature, and if you want to understand them it is absolutely necessary to put yourself in their place and try to regard things from their point of view. Little is known to us of the origin of these peoples and still less of the source of their religious beliefs, and since invasion of Western ideas it is difficult for the student to separate the indigenous beliefs from the ex- 117 MEN OF THE TREES otic. In recent years thousands of white men have settled in their midst, bringing with them an entirely different brand of civilization. A few decades ago they were liv- ing in primitive simplicity, when suddenly Western civ- ilization burst upon them. The consequent change of affairs has been so rapid that they have not had time to adjust their vision. There was no intervening half- light but the dawn of Western ideas burst as suddenly as their own tropic sunrise. Quickly a condition of af- fairs was thrust upon them which speeded up their ev- olution very rapidly. It is only the casual observer who would fail to see that the change is only on the surface. Side by side with the new state of affairs, old tribal customs and beliefs still hold sway. The coming of the automobile has not usurped the authority of the witch doctor. Sacred trees and a belief in ancestral spirits still play a very great part in their lives. They attribute the existence of the world to the great spirit god N'gai, and him they wor- ship. But their religion is very simple and matter-of- fact, and probably there is a tendency for those of us who have been brought up in countries where the teach- ing of religion has been elaborated, to read into cere- monies as practiced by these people possible meanings which actually do not exist. We must not forget that these are extremely primitive people, with a very simple and practical outlook upon life. They have no literature, but stories of the past have been handed down from father to son, and form a rich store of folk lore. ii8 MWININYAGA, THE GREAT WHITE SPIRIT Often when the day's work is done, the old men will call their sons together round the camp fire and relate tales of the past in story or song. Most of the stories would appear to be purely secular, but they often have a hidden meaning and are intended to convey a moral lesson. This mixture of the secular and the religious is so prevalent that it is not easy to say where one begins and the other ends. It is equally difficult for us to dis- criminate between their religious and social customs, so closely are these interwoven. The ceremony of Ko- chi-a-ru-o-ke-ri, meaning literally "being born again," sounds as if it might have purely a religious significance and might be thus easily misinterpreted, but, in reality, it is a secular custom which consists in killing a goat and going through a certain ceremonial that entitles the participant to be admitted into the family. I will now describe what happens at the ceremony. When the children become old enough to mind the goats, which they do at a very early age, perhaps four or five years, this ceremony takes place. The mother sitting on the ground sets her child between her knees, imitating the sounds of distress which a woman might make when giving birth to a child, whereupon the child is handed forth and is presented with symbolic ornaments, and henceforth has become a member of the family. With- out being born again, the young Kikuyu is not in a position to be admitted to the later ceremony of cir- cumcision, which is the outward sign of admittance to the tribe. Great stress is laid on this ceremony also, 119 MEN OF THE TREES and both male and female are operated upon some time between the ages of ten and fifteen. Such later cere- monies are not only of secular but religious significance. Indeed a close knowledge of the A-Kikuyu people shows that they are deeply religious. They believe, as I have shown, in the existence of N'gal — the Great White Spirit who dwells beyond the snows of Mount Kenya. Towering over their country this lofty moun- tain which in that clear atmosphere is visible from a great distance is the Great Controller of their destinies. Enshrined in its heights is the Great White Spirit God, which always has been and ever will be, sees, hears and knows all. He is addressed in solemn sacrifice as "Mwinln- yaga" or Possessor of Whiteness, while the mountain where he dwells is called "Kirinyaga," meaning Place of Whiteness. The sun, the rain, and lightning are all mani- festations of him and they are sometimes worshipped as such. There are also sacred trees under which prayers are offered up and sacrifices made, for they have no tem- ples other than clearings in the forests, with the blue sky above. This makes their devotions none the less sincere, and to be present and witness a solemn gather- ing is an experience which could not fall to Impress the most skeptical of persons. On one occasion I was lecturing before an American audience, when I referred to the fact that I was deeply impressed by their belief in prayer. Strange to relate, I found that in certain quarters I had deeply offended 1 20 M^O^NINYAGA, THE GREAT WHITE SPIRIT some people who regarded belief in prayer as the monop- oly of Christians. It has been my privilege to witness many religious rites while in equatorial Africa, and as a member of the Kiama, whose functions I will later describe, I was gen- erally accepted wherever I went. It was obvious to me that they took it for granted that even while they were praying, their prayer was already answered. The A-Kikuyu have no cringing fear of God, but ask frankly for what they desire. To them, God is a God of Love, though he punishes those who disobey him by disease or even death. In time of national distress, such as famine or drought, sacrifice is reverently offered up for divine acceptance. Nothing but good comes from God, say they. But how, it may be asked, is it that some people are suffering and in distress? This has been a problem for less prim- itive peoples than the A-Kikuyu. How is it that there is so much that is unpleasant in the world? One tribe explained it to me in this way. They said that although God is good and wishes good for everybody, unfortu- nately he has a half-witted brother who is always in- terfering with what he does. This half-witted brother keeps on obtruding himself and does not give God a chance. The A-Kikuyu ascribe the ordinary ills of life to the bad spirits of the departed, but after all, these ills are not without their remedy. 121 MEN OF THE TREES I have said that sacrifices are offered to God, but it must not be imagined that the A-Kikuyu do this for the purpose of propitiating the Supreme Being. They have no sense of sin, but they offer up sacrifice as a present to God, in order to win his future favour. I have already mentioned that these people show no cringing fear of God, and I cannot too strongly emphasize this. He is not angry, therefore does not need to be pro- pitiated, but, like all of us, he does love presents. When a sacrifice is made to N'gai, the best is given. If a man has not a very good sheep or goat, and he wants to offer a sacrifice, he will sell two or three of his goats and buy a perfect one from a neighbour, "one without blemish." Such a present makes it possible for him to ask for something really worth while in return — "O God, you who have many things, give me some, please. Listen. I want goats; I want sheep; I want children. Listen, I want plenty of them, O my father, that I may be rich. Do you hear, O God, my father?" There is some- thing delightfully frank and open about this prayer, which is quite typical. Those who officiate at the solemn sacrifice are hered- itary chiefs or elders who hold tribal office. Here again we see that the religious and secular institutions blend into one — the Church and State are identical. In addi- tion to this there is a body of medicine men — a kind of medical profession — who are credited with being en- dowed with special power from God. However, these latter are practitioners rather than instructors, as the 122 MWININYAGA, THE GREAT \gTilTE SPIRIT work of religious instruction is left to the elders and fathers of the tribe. The sacrifice to N'gai is most impressive and is cal- culated to convey an awe-inspiring sense of the near- ness of the Creator. This ceremony is performed in the open under a sacred tree, which, so far as I have ob- served, is generally a Mugumu, or Parasitic Fig. The Kikuyu sacrifices remind one very much of the Hebraic sacrifices described in the Old Testament. The meat offering and drink offering both enter into it, and often take place at the same time, prayer invariably being offered to N'gai, the High God. The drinking of N'johi, or native beer, made from the sugar cane, follows the sacrifice two days later, one day being given up to the brewing and preparation of this drink. It is of interest to note that only the old men take part in this religious rite, which is far more like a parochial prayer meeting than anything else I have seen. The participants sit round in a circle in the se- clusion of a hut, and each in turn offers up prayer, while at intervals all the company respond "N'gana, N'gana" (Amen, Amen) . The N'johi is passed round in a cup which is replenished from a large calabash. The prayers offered on such occasions have a very close re- semblance to certain of the Psalms. For instance, a com- mon form of request runs thus: — "That our flocks and herds may be increased, that our wives may be fruitful, and our children be healthy and that we may become rich in the land." That they may have children is a very 123 MEN OF THE TREES common request. To them children spell prosperity. A male child is wished for in order that he may be able to lay the ghost of his father when his time comes to de- part this life, but amongst the agricultural tribes that I have come across, after the birth of one son, female children are more popular. This is readily understood, as each girl at marriage brings a dowry of about thirty goats. I think people generally have a false impression of the position of African women. They imagine that the African woman is merely a slave and treated as one of the many goods and chattels. This idea may result from the fact that women are responsible for the cultivation of the crops, and that they fetch wood and water for the household. In truth, the position of these African women is relatively higher than that of a woman in other countries, by reason of the fact that she is head of her family. Once I happened to interpret a conversation between a Kikuyu woman and the wife of a District Commis- sioner. In discussing her position, the native woman had taken pains to show the white woman that her position in tribal life was superior to that of the white woman. Because a man has two or more wives, he does not necessarily think less of them. Each wife is head of her own family and has her own establishment, and her children depend on her much more than upon their father. It is considered a great honour to be the first wife, but there is no jealousy when the others enter the 124 M^^ININYAGA, THE GREAT ^HITE SPIRIT establishment. The second and subsequent wives are al- ways acquired at the primary suggestion of the first wife. A man may be married for a year, and his wife will go to him and say, "My man, I think it is about time you married again. Do you not realize that I have a lot to do?" The husband may protest, "I am perfectly content, and I do not want anyone but you." Besides he may add, "I really can't afford it." If she persists the husband may ask her if she has anyone in view for him, and she will perhaps remember a friend who had cultivated the next shamba or garden to her own before she was married. After considerable persuasion on the part of the wife and if there are a sufficient number of goats — that is to say, if funds permit — the husband will ask her to see the girl's father and arrange the marriage. Later on, the original wife may again approach her husband, pointing out that the fields are increasing in size and the herds and flocks are multiplying, and she must have still further help. Again she is instructed to make an application. There is no jealousy, for they all live in tranquillity in their own houses, and they each have their own tasks. As their respective families grow up, the girls assist them in the fields, while the boys herd the cattle and sheep. I do not wish to give the impression that the A-Kikuyu love for offspring is merely economic. They have the same love for ancestors. Ajnong the people who live in the Nika or Desert country, a tribe on the coast, there is an interesting custom. At the death of his parent 125 MEN OF THE TREES the son carves an effigy on a post varying from three to six feet in height, and plants it in the neighbour- hood of his hut. This is called a Kikango. Once a month it is his religious duty to sleep outside the hut hard by this post. If a stranger were to ask him why he did it, his only explanation would be that it was "Dasturi," or the conventional thing to do. After being some time amongst these people, and gaining their confidence, I learnt from them that this was a ceremony of deep significance, for they assured me that when they slept by that shrine of their departed ancestor, he came back and spoke to them and was able to give them help to carry on their life. In other words, they gained inspira- tion in their communion with the departed. This raises the much discussed question as to whether these people believe in life after death. To me, the foregoing is sufficient evidence to conclude that they do believe in a future existence. The A-Kikuyu talk of good spirits and bad spirits. They say that if a man has done evil in life, he is liable to continue doing harm after death, and as I have already explained, such evil spirits are blamed for many of the maladies which af- flict the living. Judged from our point of view, these Africans pre- sent a very curious mingling of qualities, both good and bad, but, unhappily, it must be admitted that hitherto contact with the white man has tended to develop more their weak points than to strengthen 126 African Walnut Tree M^^NINYAGA, THE GREAT ^^?^liITE SPIRIT the good of their character. They are naturally self- indulgent and improvident, for they live in the pres- ent without taking careful thought for the morrow. And yet, strange to say, regarding them from the ma- terial standpoint, wealth per head of population is far greater than it is in any of the countries of Europe. They are superstitious and credulous, but eager to un- derstand and quick to copy the ways of the white man, which do not always benefit them. In the matter of things supernatural, they show a vivid imagination. Kind and hospitable to each other, they will share the little lux- uries as well as the necessities of life. If a man has two corn cobs and meets another who has none, he will give him one. Lovable and trustful, yet unstable of char- acter, they are naturally inclined to be lazy, but when once given a taste for work, they Hke it. But to be in a position to help them, it is necessary to have, first, a thorough knowledge of their spiritual and mental attitude towards life. These peoples do not need our pity. They want our understanding. To un- derstand them we must divest ourselves of our preju- dices. We must realize that in their present state they are comparable with other peoples at the same stage of development. Because their mode of life is different from ours, it is not necessarily unsuitable for them. "We must eliminate that smugness which is too often a characteristic of our attitude towards African races. We must be prepared to go with them into the forest, 127 MEN OF THE TREES and in its tropical depth amongst its ever changing beauties, learn what is for them, as for us, the secret of life, the love of "Mwininyaga," The Great White Spirit. 128 chapter XIV THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA Alone on Safari, travelling from place to place, often pitching one's tent on a new site from night to night, one naturally gets to know a people and their country. For those who are not familiar with the term, I must explain that Safari, means a journey — it is the East African expression for the West Coast word trekking. You have but to say the word over to yourself two or three times. Safari, Safari, Safari, to appreciate its beauty, and life on Safari in the Highlands of Kenya offers many attractions. In the old days journeys were always made on foot and in the course of my work in the forests other means of transport was generally im- practicable. Thirty or forty porters carried my loads and sufficient food for everybody. I liked to set out at dawn and halt for breakfast after two or three hours on the trail, afterwards continuing until lunch time, which was a variable meal, but generally speaking by two o'clock my tent was pitched on the new site. In the choice of my camp proximity of water was a first consideration and I preferred to pitch my tent on high ground on the outskirts of a forest facing the direc- tion of my next day's journey so that I might look over 129 MEN OF THE TREES the country which I intended to travel on the following day. Within half an hour of reaching the new site of a camp, the tent was pitched and a meal prepared. After lunch a siesta was welcome and at three-thirty I was ready for some fruit or tea. At four o'clock I usually started off with my camera and gun to make pictures and shoot for the pot. On Safari one is dependent on the gun for meat and the carriers would not be happy unless their ration of posho ^ was supplemented. At sun- down or just after dark it is a welcome sight that greets one on return to camp; a blazing camp-fire with a hot bath is always a pleasure and after the evening meal it is then one is imbued with a sense of contentment. Then it is that dark forms appear from the night and creep up to the blaze, squatting in a friendly circle to relate the doings of the day. Sometimes there is a professional story teller who is the cause of mirth. At other times the camp singer will recite in song what hap- pened in the chase. I found it always paid to have a fool in the party, — a buflFoon who would prompt a laugh when the carriers were tired. Such an one was Tumbu Impera, which lit- erally means, Rubber Belly. He always seemed to enjoy being the centre of a joke. How he got his name was this. One evening he came to me with a complaint that one of the other boys had got more food than he had. I remembered a story I had heard as a child of my ^ Posho — maize meal, which is the principal of these carriers when on Safari. 130 tin THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA grandfather, who was Honorary Chaplain of a Work House. When one of the inmates had complained sim- ilarly that another had gotten more than he, he was told to divide the portions as he considered fair. The complain- ing man piled all the choice morsels on his own plate, leaving little for the other. When he had finished he was asked, "Are you quite sure that the food is now fairly divided?" and upon acquiescing the plates were exchanged. I think that this must have been back of my mind when I told the greedy carrier to divide the posho as he saw fit, whereupon he delightedly heaped up his kababa ^ leaving the others very much depleted. In the same way I asked him if he was quite sure that the portions were equal and when he protested that they were, I changed the measures and gave the other fellow the heaped portion. Thereupon ensued violent protests from the greedy man. He was a huge fellow, with an abnormally large stomach. I wanted to teach him a lesson so my only reply was, "Run away Tumba Impera.*' From then on he was known by this name amongst all the carriers who considered him a good joke. On one occasion we had tramped over twenty miles on a very hot day and at four o'clock in the afternoon the carriers set down their loads and told the head man that they were not going any farther. This was a serious matter for we were five miles from water. I made no comment but just walked along the line closely inspect- ing each man to see if they were really fatigued or 2 Kababa — measure. 131 MEN OF THE TREES just in a bad humour. They had had a very heavy meat meal the evening before and I decided that their be- haviour was the outcome of excess. As I approached the buffoon of the party he rose to his feet and asked me to give him an advance on his pay. I asked him why he wanted this and he repHed, "To buy food." My re- tort was, "You're always thinking about your tummy, Tumbu Impera," whereupon everybody laughed and the carriers who had apparently been so tired a few min- utes before, without another word picked up their loads and gaily finished their journey to the lilt of a merry song. Once, doing a three months' Safari, I had thirty-six different camps and travelled over twelve hundred miles, but the most strenuous journey covered two weeks when I made a new camp every night, travelling over three hundred miles. But it was at Kikuyu that I had some of my most pleasant experiences when the day's work was done. Chiefs and headmen would gather around the friendly fire for they love to recite the history of the past which had been handed down to them by their fathers. On one such an occasion I was becoming more than ever interested, when, suddenly, the recitation stopped. I said, "Go on, I want to hear more." The story teller had mentioned something about an ancient kingdom in the heart of Equatorial Africa. My curiosity had been greatly aroused and I wanted to hear more. A venerable chief at this stage interposed this remark, "Shauri ya 132 THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA Kiama." I gathered from this that what the man had been saying was to do with the Kiama. I then queried, "What is the Kiama?" and gathered that it was a secret. After a httle persuasion I was informed in confidence that it was a society to which only the oldest and wisest members of the tribe belonged. That night I gathered little further information, but on the following day I saw one of the headmen who had been present and pri- vately asked him to tell me more about it. Previous to this there had been occasion upon which my keen in- terest had been aroused by reason of the fact that often when talking freely and frankly they would suddenly become conscious of my presence and lapse into silence. I felt there was a barrier which must be overcome be- fore I could enter intimately into the history of the past. I had known this headman for a long time and he was greatly respected by the other chiefs and elders. I said to him, "May I not join your Kiama? I should like to know all about what happened in the old days before the coming of the white man." I could plainly see that my friend was greatly perturbed. He was en- countering a situation for which he was completely un- prepared. For several moments he did not speak and I continued asking him what was the difficulty. I said, "Am I not your friend, do you not trust me?" And every moment he seemed to become more and more embarrassed. Finally, looking me straight in the eyes he said, "Bwana, no white man has ever become a mem- 133 MEN OF THE TREES ber of the Kiama. It is very old. It began in the days when all our people were as one." He went on to tell me that he could not answer my question, but that he must consult with the older chiefs. Three days later he returned to say that my request had been granted and indicated that my initiation would take place three days later if I still desired it. I was to provide the usual initiation fee in the form of two sheep and one goat and when the day arrived I sent on two of my men ahead of me with the fee and later rode over to the scene of the ceremony. When I arrived at the appointed place I found a clear space in the forest and a gathering of two or three hundred Chiefs and Elders. It was evident to me that this was a very special re-union. Many of the members had come from dis- tances of two or three days and there was much for them to talk about. I was, of course, known to most of those present, for I had travelled through their villages within the previous year or so. There seemed to be no hurry to proceed with the ceremony and as I was due in Nairobi for lunch I indicated that I was ready for them to begin. My headman who had made this possible was about to take charge of the proceedings but a mur- mur of dissent arose so he quickly retired into the back- ground. Next the paramount chief came forward, for surely he was the obvious person to take charge on this occasion. Again there was dissent from the gathering. It was then that the oldest man present rose to his feet. He seemed to be bent double with age, but as soon as 134 THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA the staff of oflSce was handed to him a transformation came over him. He straightened up and rising to his full height, presented an air of dignity, seeming fully ahve to the spirit of the moment. He was next handed a bunch of Muchoraway leaves which he raised above his head. This was a sign to all to attend to the busi- ness in hand. Before this there had been a hum of con- versation but now in an instant all was silent. The only sounds to be heard were the twittering of the birds in trees and the distant bleating of the lambs. A sense of solemnity at once pervaded the gathering and as this oldest father of the tribe raised the bunch of Muchoraway leaves above his head I felt that all were engaging in silent prayer. He now called upon N'gai, the High God, to assist him in the ceremony that he was about to perform. The whole company remained seated, all save the solitary veteran who had been chosen High Priest for the day. In a clear voice he invoked the deity to witness that the white man before him was a fit and proper person to be admitted into the Kiama. At the end of each sentence he brought the bunch of leaves down in front of him and everyone present re- plied, "Thai," meaning. Hear, or. So let it be. A series of short invocations followed. "That he may have long life." "Thai." "That he may live long with us." "Thai." He then continued, "I call you all to wit- ness that in time of war his voice shall be heard and there will be peace." "Thai," replied the three hundred elders. "I call you all to witness that the staff of office 135 MEN OF THE TREES which I now give him will be his passport and that he will be received by all other Kiamas. "Thai," repeated the three hundred. "I call you all to witness that the Matati Stick wants him." "Thai, Thai, Thai," said the elders. Upon this the staff of office was handed to me. The whole ceremony was deeply impressive. I had gone prepared to be interested, but I was now deeply moved by the general feeling of good will, concentrated upon me. I stood there in their midst holding the staff of office and the bunch of Muchoraway leaves, while the oldest veterans gathered around to salute me accord- ing to the tradition of the Kiama. I did not wait for the after sacrifice as I had an important engagement in Nairobi, but bidding them farewell until another day I stepped into my car which was now waiting for me and drove the remaining seven- teen miles to the capital town. Upon my arrival at the Hotel where I was lunching with friends I found an interested crowd had gathered. The news of my initia- tion had gone ahead of me and interested tribesmen had gathered to greet me. At the entrance of the hotel four or five hundred had lined up on either side of the steps and again I experienced a renewed feeling of good will which from then onwards, wherever I travelled in Equatorical Africa, accompanied me, for such is the power of the Kiama. The Kiama is actually an ancient inter-tribal insti- tution which closely guards the secrets of the past handed down by word of mouth through its members 136 The secret of The kiama for many generations. The order represents the com- bined intelhgence of the wisest native Africans. It would seem to be the remnant of a "League of Nations" in East- ern and Central Equatorial Africa. Even when shorn of its executive power, nevertheless it continues to be a re- pository of information. These peoples have no written history of the past which we can study, and the only means of gaining an insight into their ancient records is to become one of them and sit with the fathers of the tribe and listen to their recitations. This is what I did and although at the time I was subjected to much criticism, from the official powers that were, I have never once regretted the action that I took, and time has now justified it, so that my severest critics in the past have modified their view to the extent of supporting me. It is now generally regarded that a man in govern- ment service should be fully trained in the knowledge of native custom, mentality and social organization and since my initiation into the Kiama I am glad to see a much more sympathetic attitude towards the so-called "subject races." It is a deplorable fact that the invasion of Western civilization and European methods of education are threatening to extinguish local tradition, and in a few years if such methods continue, the romantic story of the past will be entirely lost, for the young African is at the present moment so intoxicated by the new West- ern learning that he has come to discredit the old men and their traditions. 137 MEN OF THE TREES The Africans possess certain fine national traits which, in the interest of the future well-being of the people, should be handed on. The young African of today too often has the idea that to be successful he must make a clean cut with the past. There is no doubt that our present system of education in Africa is very largely to be blamed for this, for we are forcing upon them the European curriculum, which, by the way, has not proved itself to be an unqualified success even in the countries of its origin. This curriculum we are imposing ready made, with all its defects, upon the African peoples, without sufficiently attempting to modify or adapt it to their requirements, with the result too often that the young African scholar begins to discredit everything that belonged to his fathers. In his enthusiasm for the new he is apt to forget the old, and often fails to re- alize that there are things in his own past worthy of remembrance. I am confident, however, that this state of affairs will quickly change when the young enthusiast has pursued his studies a little farther. But it is im- portant that in the interim the secret of the past should not be lost. Now that I am writing for the first time of my ex- perience of the Kiama, I find myself in a quandary. I am torn between two ideals; on the one hand I am loath to betray any secrets entrusted to me for keep- ing, and on the other hand for the future welfare of the race and a better understanding of their customs and beliefs I feel myself compelled to speak. Undoubtedly 138 s I Q 'a bo THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA many of the blunders and mistakes which we made in the past could have been avoided by a better acquaint- ance with the history of the race as handed down through the Kiama. My sincere desire is that what I reveal may reach those who are in sympathy with my ideals or who are prepared seriously to study the secret of the past in the ever growing interest of Africa and humanity as a whole. It is believed that the ancient Kingdom of Equatorial Africa comprised a territory, which was, as nearly as I can discover, more than half the size of the United States. Some romanticists might conclude that the con- ception of this ancient kingdom is founded on the preaching and teaching of Prester John. Be that as it may, the idea almost universally persists, although the Kiama is all that remains today of its pristine glory. In the past the functions of the Kiama have been many. Not only has it safeguarded tribal history and acted as a standing court of justice, but it has exerted didactic functions, it has taught the people. It has even been to them their Bible, and here we find African versions of the stories of the flood and the building of the Tower of Babel. It was with keen interest that I listened to an ancient sage unfolding the story of what must surely be the African version of the story of the Tower. The following is a literal translation of the tale as told to me. Once upon a time there was a king, and he called all his chiefs together, and spoke to them as follows, 139 MEN OF THE TREES "Lo! I am a great king, past all the other kings that came before me, and I want to build a great palace very high, past all the palaces of all the kings that came be- fore me." And the great men answered the king and said, "What the king says shall be done." So all the peo- ple were brought together from every part of the king- dom, from the North, from the East, from the South and from the West, and the King arranged to give them a "Kdbaba ^ of corn every day. And they worked all of them together for many days cutting down great trees and dragging them to the building and they all worked very hard. Many moons passed by, and the palace was built, and the high part of it mounted higher and higher. But the people began to complain that the "Kababa" had be- come very small, and that they were hungry, for there was not much food in that country. All the people worked on the building and ceased to make new farms. But the king shut his ears to their complaints. After many moons the people began to make a great tumult, complaining yet again that the "Kibaba" of corn was very small, and they said "We must return to our own country and to our farms, for in this place there is not enough food to fill our bellies." But all the time the king was deaf to their words, and every day he urged them to build the palace and to make it very high. And he be- gan to be angry when the people complained, and called ^ Kibaba — a measure, about a pound and a half in weight. 140 THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA for his askaris ^ and commanded them to beat all those who murmured, for a great madness had seized him. But one day one of the great men came near to the king and spoke to him softly, softly, and said, "Do you not see that the people are very tired, for they have worked many years and are all becoming old men at the work? You said, "Make a great palace. Behold and see with your eyes that it is truly a great one and is higher than any palace that man has made." But the king was very angry and drove him away, saying all the time, "Make it very high, very, very high." Not many days afterwards, he again called all the people together and said, "Look! do you see yonder mountain?" And all the people looked towards the mountain, at whose top was Mwininyaga, the Great White Spirit. For this reason it was a holy mountain, and all the people loved to pray to Mwininyaga who lived even in the highest place. And the king drew himself up in his pride, and spoke many words, saying, "I want a place like that; I want a high place, even higher than that mountain, where you say dwells your god." And the king walked up and down laughing to himself at his own fine speech, but the people knew that the king was mad, but they were afraid, and worked on for many more moons, the king urging them every day, and saying, "Get on with it, get on with it." But the people were exhausted and were losing cour- * Askaris — native police. 141 MEN OF THE TREES age because there was little food, and by this time the forest whence they cut the trees for the work of build- ing was far away, for all the trees that were near had been cut down for the purpose of building the palace. But still the king kept on saying, "Get on with it, get on with it." And he said to all the people, "Listen. I want a throne so that I may sit on top of the high place and be greater than the God you call Mwininyaga. And there came a great famine in the land and many of those who worked died, and those who remained were now too feeble and old to go to the forest. Yet all the time the king kept on saying, "Make haste, be quick." And those that were alive and remained on the work spoke amongst themselves and said, "Surely the king is mad; let us not be mad also. If we go to the for- est to carry wood to make the throne we shall surely die before we can return, for the forest is now distant many days. Behold! here is much wood underneath the building, and the beams are very strong; let us not go then to the forest, but let us take just a little bit of wood here and there underneath, for no man will see us." And they all agreed that this would be a very good way. And they consented among themselves to keep their plan secret. After many days they arose very early before it was light, and took the wood which they had cut from un- derneath the foundations of the palace, and carried it out a little way. And when the king, as was his custom, came to see the work and to enquire if his throne was 142 t>0 ?s THE SECRET OF THE KIAMA finished, they made as though they had just come from the forest after many days' journey. Their bodies were covered with dust and they fell down at the feet of the king under their burdens, saying, "Behold, see the wood that we have cut down this last that remained." And the king said, "It is good. There is enough for my throne." And he said to the craftsman, "Make me a throne very quickly and set it on top of the high place." And the craftsman made a throne on the highest point of the palace which was so high that a man stand- ing on the ground could not see it. And all the time the king was urging them on till it was finished. Then the king said, "See now my throne is very high, even as the mountain and throne of God." So he called all his great men and people together, and there was a vast multitude of people and he went alone to sit on the new throne that the craftsman had made. And the mul- titude of people looked, but the king could not be seen, for he had gone up beyond their sight. And they began to say, one man to another, "Surely he is great, even as God." Only the workmen were not deceived, for they remembered his harsh words and actions, and remem- bered their brothers who had died at the work of mak- ing the high place and the new throne. Only the multitude gathered by the order of the king began to worship before the high place. Suddenly a very great storm arose, and the wind beat upon the high place, and the sand blinded their eyes, so that they could not see. And all the time the wind blew harder and 143 MEN OF THE TREES harder and some said, "Look, look, the high place is broken below. It falls, it falls!" And they ran from the place quickly but the sand blinded their eyes, and while they were running into each other, the high place fell upon them with a great noise, and killed many. And those that remained alive were speechless, and fled, each man his own way by himself, not knowing whither he went. 144 Chapter XV THE STORY OF MUNYAI Besides recording the story of the past, the Kiama cherishes prophecies which have been uttered by its members. It is to this organization that the early British pioneers owed the friendly welcome they generally re- ceived at the hands of tribal Chieftains. Although at the time they may not have been aware of the fact, it is true that these people, whom they regarded as bar- barians, had been prepared from their youth to look for the coming of the White Man. Indeed few realize how much the Kiama has assisted British colonization in East and Central Africa. To understand why the early British explorers were welcomed and taken right into the hearts of the people, one must have access to the prophetic teachings of the Kiama. More than two centuries ago according to their seers coming of the White Men was foretold. Such prophecies have been handed down in story and song until they were rooted deeply in the minds of the peo- ple. There is that of Munyai which is one of the many that particularly bears upon the subject. A long time ago there lived a wise and honoured member of the Kiama, whose name was Munyai. He had 145 MEN OF TPiE TREES been given credit by the people for successfully combin- ing the offices of physician, detective, priest and rain bringer. One day, after a prolonged drought, when all the streams were dried up and food was very short, the Elders and Chiefs of the people came to Munyai to re- quest him to use his power to bring rain. Munyai lis- tened to their request, and agreed to pray for rain and ordered the sacrifice to be brought. The fatted ox was slain and Munyai stood with hands outstretched towards the great mountain and prayed to N'gai. Soon dark clouds gathered and even while the sacrifice to N'gai was being made, the heavens opened and the rain came down in torrents. Thereupon Munyai dismissed the Chiefs and Elders and ordered them to return at once to their homes. This they did, in spite of the torrential downpour. After they had all departed Munyai again prayed and then slept. In the middle of the night he had a dream which so moved him that in the early morning, before it was light, he arose and sent messengers to fetch back his visitors of the previous day. About noon they started to arrive and he took them on to a little hill under the shade of a great tree, and when they had all seated themselves on their stools in a circle around him, he began to talk and said as follows. "You all know me well, for I am an old man now. Was I not also known to your fathers before you? If any man present has anything against me, let him speak 146 THE STORY OF MUNYAI when I have finished talking. Listen all of you well to my words and answer me. Have I not served you well as a member of your ancient council? Not only so, but when you have brought your sick to me, have I not healed them? When evil-doers have stolen your cattle and sheep have I not sought out the culprits and brought them to justice?" And to all his words, the Chiefs and Elders answered "Namega," meaning good. And Munyai went on to say, "Yesterday you came to me to ask me to pray to N'gai for rain, and rain has come. Last night after you had returned to your homes I prayed and slept, and in the middle of the night N'gai appeared to me in a vision and he spoke to me and he said, 'Munyai, your days are far spent, and very soon you will pass on to sleep with your fathers. But after- wards there will come into your land a strange people, a people luith pink cheeks and pink ears, and when they come the Kiama must listen well to their words, for they are a wise people and will bring you good.' " Soon after delivering this prophecy Munyai died, and was buried in the Katinga, a sacred grove, a little way above his farm, and was granted all the honourable rites due to his office. An unceasing pilgrimage was made to the grove of his burial place, and his dying words were treasured in the hearts of the people for they all loved Munyai and believed in his teaching. Years afterward, when Sir Samuel Baker and Speke, the first British Explorers, arrived in the country, the H7 MEN OF THE TREES members of the Klama met, and when they had con- ferred together, they agreed that these were the very people referred to in the prophecy of Munyai. It was such prophecies, as these handed down by word of mouth, through the members of the Kiama, that paved the way for the coming of the white man. Im- bued with the teaching of the past, they look back upon a golden age, and have a profound belief that the British are the chosen means to assist them in their ultimate re- turn to prosperity. It can be readily understood why it was that our early explorers made such a good impres- sion upon the indigenous tribes. Did they not represent a great white sovereign over the seas who stood for order and justice? In their vivid imagination the Af- ricans began to conjure up pictures of a great future. Here was something akin to their own ancient throne surrounded with all its regal power. Herein, I venture to suggest, lies the secret which enabled Great Britain to establish a reign of peace among these tribes which for a time had apparently lapsed into barbarity. But what of the Kiama today? To the casual observer it would appear that the Kiama had ceased to function in any but local, civil and religious duties. Its members settle boundary disputes, try cases of murder, theft, se- duction, and officiate at the sacrifices to "Mwininyaga" the Great White Spirit. In spite of the fact that the Kiama is represented today by many of the sons or descendants of the very seers who, by their favourable prophecies, prepared the way for the coming of the 148 THE STORY OF MUNYAI white man, it is, however, often discredited by those who have not penetrated its secret. But there are already in- dications that a more reasonable attitude is being adopted towards native usages, and it may well be that in the near future, this ancient Institution will be turned to better account under future administrations. It is to certain members of the Kiama that I owe much of my opportunity for making friends for the Forestry Service and the planting and care of trees. Al- though many of their tribesmen had become Forest Destroyers, yet by reason of their traditions they were at heart lovers of trees which they regarded as animate beings rather than inanimate things and to which they always referred as persons. Their sympathy for trees is proved by the fact that whenever they cut down a forest to make a farm, one tree is left in each area to collect the spirits of the others trees that had been felled, so that they might not feel uneasy or go wandering about without a home. Although the young men were not allowed to enter into the secret of the Kiama, the instruction given to them by its members must of necessity have been af- fected by its sacred law. It was the elders of the Kiama who first responded to my appeal and made it possible for me to inaugurate The Men of the Trees, and it was their influence in the first instance which led the youth of their tribe to cooperate in voluntary forest protection and tree-planting. 149 Chapter XVI DANCING ON THE EQUATOR To the millions living on the Equator dancing is not only a most important national pastime, but it should be recognized by all those who seek to do constructive work in Africa, that this ready exposition of rhythm is an infallible indication of the thoughts and moods of the people. The sense of rhythm so pulsates through the African that he is incapable of effectively doing anything with- out it. For example the simple act of picking up a weed from the ground among certain tribesmen will call for a little song and dance in preparation for the physical effort. As in small things this rule applies also in the case of movements of far reaching importance. The trend of these rhythmic records of current actions are always signs of the mental attitude of the actors in the drama of everyday life, and are as easily read by one who knows how to observe, as a fever chart would be by a skilled physician. For instance, the dance which indicates such a thing as an impending strike is very diflferent to the dance that is performed before renewed or increased effort, such as in a lion hunt, a tribal raid, or the initia- IJO DANCING ON THE EQUATOR tion of a new movement — as was the case in the Dance of the Trees. Dancing not only takes the place of sport, but it is the great means whereby expression is given to the emo- tions. Throughout Equatorial Africa from East to "West all along that imaginary line we call the Equator, danc- ing has its votaries. It is indulged in by everybody capa- ble of movement, whether they be tiny tots or quite old men and women; each and all have their own particular forms of dancing for every period of life and for every possible occasion, reUgious or secular, for funerals or weddings. To the baseball fan or the golfing enthusiast it may seem strange that dancing should take the place of sports, but on the East Coast of Africa amongst the Swahili in the sword dances it becomes a really lively sport. These strenuous duels are swayed by rhythm. During recent years sticks have been substituted for swords but the same actions of parrying and thrusting are carried out to the lilt of the rhythm. It is a great sight to witness such duels. The Swahilis in their long white flowing robes, or "Kansu," enter the circle of dancers and challenge anybody who may be prepared to encounter them. Trained from youth in the art of fencing, the standard is very high. The object of each opponent is to tear the Kansu of the other while protecting his own garment. Such duels may always be seen at wedding dances. All the time that the duel is in progress a kind of orchestra is provided on a raised dais, 151 MEN OF THE TREES by a company of girls, who sing and beat together buf- falo horns, raising and lowering their heads and bodies in rhythmic ecstasy. Among the absolutely illiterate peoples who live only with fellow natives in the jungle, I can see the most elaborate methods of self-expression embodied in their dancing. But the dancing of those who for generations have come under European influence seems to me to be little more than a shuffle and I fail to detect purposeful expression in their movements. It is interesting to ob- serve that as the African becomes book-sawy his power of expression in dancing deteriorates. Generally speaking, the African bush native is the most cheerful person. He is inherently light-hearted, in- consequent and happy. He seems to be bubbling over with the joy of life, and this national exuberance is ex- pressed in his dancing which plays such an important, if not the most important, part in the lives of these care- free children of nature. I shall always remember with keen delight many of the dances held at my camps in the Highlands of British East Africa. Many of these were given to entertain the white man, but it seemed as though no excuse is too triv- ial for a dance. They dance in the day-time, beginning about noon and proceed until sundown, then they retire for their evening meal. Two hours later, they are freshly decked out with new war paint for the evening performance. A different dance is provided for each season of the 152 DANCING ON THE EQUATOR year. They would not dream of dancing their equivalent of the fox trot in the summer, if it was recognized as a springtime dance. They do not vary their program as we do ringing changes on the waltz, fox trot, one step and tango, but are faithful to the same dance through- out its proper season. Sometimes the men dance alone, and at others they join the damsels in a kind of Highland Reel. There are more intimate dances which only take place in the se- clusion of their villages. There are, of course, ceremonial dances which are closely connected with religious festi- vals, in these even the old men and Chiefs participate and many a time I have watched them become rejuve- nated and intoxicated with the sheer thrill of it. On such occasions they often break away, forming small groups, and perform a little dance by themselves. In Kenya, whatever the dance may be, it is always called N'goma; indeed N'goma is a word which can be applied also to any form of amusement — a musical in- strument, a drum, or a toy for a child. It might even mean a jazz band, for these are not unknown amongst Westernized Africans nowadays. So strong is the fas- cination of new instruments that young men have been known to sell all their most treasured belongings to ac- quire them. The night N'goma of the A-Kikuyu, which I shall describe, is known as the "M'goiyu," and is by far the most fascinating dance it has yet been my pleasure to witness. This dance is peculiar to the Highlands of 153 MEN OF THE TREES Kenya, where thousands of Europeans have settled, but it generally takes place far away in a secluded village out of sight, if not out of hearing, of the white man. At the beginning of the season this dance starts in a small way in one of the Kikuyu villages, and on the first night there may not be more than fifteen or twenty couples taking part; but after the performance, notice is given of the next meetings, with the result that the number of the attendance may be doubled. As the M'goiyu progresses from village to village, the company of dancers contin- ues to increase. This accession of dancers was the method of the Morris dancers so well known in olden time in England. Whereas most of the dances are for men only or women only, the M'goiyu is a mixed dance, and early in the evening, often before dark, one may see arriving, parties of shy maidens who, if it so happens that they have no male escort, squat in groups at a distance from the village. Here they anxiously await the arrival of their partners, who may be coming from an opposite di- rection. The men make elaborate preparations for the dance, smearing their bodies with a mixture of animal fat or oil and red earth, and decking themselves out in fan- tastic designs, which give them the appearance of being tattooed. As a distinguishing mark, the older Morans, or fighting men, wear ostrich feathers on their heads. This is a warrior's emblem of which they are naturally very proud. A narrow beaded strap is tied tightly below 154 DANCING ON THE EQUATOR the breast, or round the waist, and sometimes bells are worn on the ankles. Much time and care is devoted to decorating their persons before the dance takes place. The older a Moran, the more care he takes over his ap- pearance, and in consequence he generally arrives some- what later than the younger members of the party. As for the women, their costume is exactly the same as that which they wear at their work. The relationship of dress represents the same priority to dance partnership as with us but it belongs to the opposite sex. The male is as highly decorated as the tropical bird while the woman is content with her workaday goat skins. On the day previous to the M'goiyu dance, the women folk collect a huge pile of firewood. These are generally chips which have been formed when cleaving slabs of Mutarakwa for the walls of their huts. This fuel pro- vides warmth, light, protection and incense. The wood is stacked in the centre of the village and as soon as it is dark a circle of camp fires is lit. This is always in pro- portion to the number of people who have assembled. In the middle of the M'goiyu season, a huge circle of camp fires — perhaps twenty in all — is often kindled. Five hundred couples may take part in this dance. First the younger men form a circle round the camp fires, while the girls walk round and come to a standstill in front of the partners of their choice. The woman chooses her partner, the highly decorated male seeking to make himself as attractive as possible to the opposite 155 MEN OF THE TREES sex. The Master of the Ceremonies and Leader of Song begins to chant. The song is first sung alone by the solo- ist, and then it is repeated in chorus by all the dancers. Such songs are generally quite short, and are repeated over and over again. Often they sing of the doings of the day, or of the prowess of a favourite chief, or of their white master in the hunting field. If such songs relate to the white man they generally contain the most exaggerated forms of flattery, which in many cases are as insincere as they are extravagant. They are particu- larly fond of singing of Englishmen and of England. England is to them a romantic country, representing all the greatest and best ideas that can be conjured up in their imaginations. For instance, there is a popular song about England which they never tire of singing, and it runs something like this: - In England the rupees are as stones upon the grotind In England the rupees are as stones upon the ground Such words may be repeated twenty or thirty times, and to those who have never heard Africans chant, it would seem that a song like this must get monotonous, but in practice, however, the variations of time and rhythm are so many that although the same words may be sung for half an hour or more, the interest is always maintained. As the evening proceeds the older Morans arrive on the scene, bringing with them their partners, often their 156 DANCING ON THE EQUATOR wives, who take their places in the ever widening circle, while they themselves inspect, with critical eyes, the as- sembled throng. At first the arrival of the senior dancers is marked by a wave of formality, all the couples sud- denly putting on their best behaviour. After the inspec- tion is completed, they join their partners in the dance, leaving the senior Captains and Master of Ceremonies in charge. In the Highlands of Kenya, amongst the A-Kikuyu, in the dance which I am now describing, there is no foot motion. Each man stands perfectly still, the lower limbs are kept rigid, and the feet are not moved from the ground, but the dancing is performed by a sinuous movement of the shoulders. Each man stands with his back to the fires, while his partner stands on his feet, and clasps her hands round his waist. Like other customs in Africa, there is an un- derlying reason which is obviously practical to the inter- ested observer. The men, in spite of their many decora- tions, wear no clothes, hence their naked backs are turned towards the fires, while their partners who are more warmly dressed in skins, protect them from the cold night air. In turn, the men keep their partners' feet warm by allowing them to stand on their insteps. In the dance the men place their hands on the shoulders of their partners and the only movement is a weird rhyth- mic motion of the shoulders, which keeps time to the song. There is no progression and the position of each couple in the circle does not change. The girls, for their ^^7 MEN OF THE TREES part, join in the song, but are otherwise passive. From my description of this dance the reader may be led to imagine that it is purely sensuous, and it may be so, but throughout all I always observed that there was a strict sense of propriety and etiquette, which is not always found in the ballrooms of our much vaunted Civiliza- tion. I am here reminded of a story that was told of two old dowagers in London just before the War. They had heard of the modern dances and the Englishwoman was anxious that her Austrian friend should see them; espe- cially the fox-trot, which in those days was an innova- tion. After watching one of the dances for some time the Austrian remarked, "My dear, I see nothing very modern about this, only when I was a girl we waited until we went to bed." Before I left the Highlands of Kenya, a M'goiyu dance was held in my honour. It was the end of that particular dancing season, and as the tribesmen had de- cided to pay me a visit, I suggested that the final dance should be held at my camp. Volunteers had collected a pile of Mutarakwa chips, and when night came a huge circle of fires was kindled and before long the dance was in full swing. A general feeling of goodwill pervaded the atmosphere, and everybody was in a festive mood. Songs had been chosen which were thought to be ap- propriate for the occasion. This night, in their desire to make me happy, they were singing songs of the forest and tree-planting. This was an innovation, for not many 158 "3 C/3 £>0 Q