J /_ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE MICROGRAPHIC DICTIONARY; A GUIDE TO THE EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND NATURE OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. BY .1. W. GRIFFITH, M.D., F.L.S. &c., MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ; AND ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S. &c., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. ILLUSTRATED BY FORTY-ONE PLATES AND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN WOODCUTS. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. C- ^VIA/ MDCCCLVI. 91008 tedj lasi giodJirA 9dJ ^inodfil lisif^ lo noigiflonoo 9dl is 30171118 Vl( doidw oJ toto adJ iol ^•redhogduS arft oi 90b t90filq ;te*i& 9dt ni tai yjgofoq »9ifiajii89 Isoigho 9d;t baov^d BagBdioni ngsd esri 89gjsq irs/lj lo isdaurii a*i assd 9YBif gtoifiiqaioo oa isdJ gailfiie lo 9iir889lq sdi jayswod t nsiiw t«0oiioa0[fli gaotfe ^isitaob sdi no ,ijjd Jutod aid^ ao madt ol g^imil ^'mi^id'ifi 'lo grroiJeisbieaoD on wolls oJ^b^onjsvfcB Isdwsunog aew ^iow 9£ i9^Bf adl labnir gnilffii 8lof)[dn8 sift 03 snob gniad 9oii?.ir[ iBirp9 toYaaq ( PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, o fcreto 8f» MON COURT' KI-EET STRw-)if?o 'to yjlif lio insmdgTjsIaa adj oi bal y^ftQida g^d doidw aoaatefni/oiio &d$ tedl bna tta383i dioiad 'ioaaiom iasifil sdt te aaloihfi adt lo noigivat 9dj ^femso ^omlov 9£ Jfinoaoa oinc ns^Bi ylnb nsad aed ^aastq o* niadi -gfli^j bus eiDDJdo t'i9^aftiBda sdJ ,tto baxo^o 9d ^nx anoitfivmado wa^ s .^IbnooaB oidqjgigoiaiM * sd) jjsdJ ^uia^qgoi^ sifi ni bsteia s^w il ^iiovf ddi lo 898 bus sinJanilg Qifi lo Qgbalwon^f 11/0 oi X9bai us «B baia^io SBW * o* aujio9V giodtoA sdT oaqoogoioiM sjrfi >(d b9f&9Y9i ssibod lo aai ^liohia 9god^ bnopd 89MBHp Maau Y0fim ^aagsoq YBBJ iiow ii9d;t tedi sqo .noiiiaitgb 97ods 9d^ ni 9d^ noqn ifowb 9YBd b9daiIdD-q oJi9diid aihow 9dJ lo 9flon 10 9di moil gio9do lo 9ij[ftemJg 9di lo 9 Jdim 8TJvi9gdo doidw ai bus ^toflm-iteai 9di lo eiifiq iBoiiqo Bus toinajobaia 9di lo iJBflifflBX9 tol etodjdo gnnjgqaiq lo abo^ra gdi lo ^ msdt gaiail lo IBY ot wod ^H9b0i8 9dt ^D9iib iliw doidw iiow on aieix9 3i9di toff -•? as o« b'Jficfflsxg 8)D>(ffo 3dl lo 0oiiBiB9i lo abo PREFACE. UN arriving at the conclusion of their labours, the Authors feel that some apology is, in the first place, due to the Subscribers, for the extent to which the number of their pages has been increased beyond the original estimate. They have, however, the pleasure of stating that no complaints have been addressed to them on this head, but, on the contrary, strong injunctions, when the work was somewhat advanced, to allow no considerations of arbitrary limits to prevent equal justice being done to the subjects falling under the later letters of the alphabet. They feel therefore that due allowance has been made for the difficulty of calculating beforehand the extent of a work like the present, and that the circumstance which has chiefly led to the enlargement of the volume, namely, the revision of the articles at the latest moment before committing them to press, has been duly taken into account. Secondly, a few observations may be offered on the character, objects and uses of the work. It was stated in the Prospectus, that the ' Micrographic Dictionary ' was offered as an index to our knowledge of the structure and properties of bodies revealed by the Microscope. The Authors venture to hope that their work may possess many useful qualities beyond those strictly implied in the above definition. Few or none of the works hitherto published have dwelt upon the manner in which observers might judge of the structure of objects from the appearances presented under the microscope. There are works treating of the construction of the mechanical and optical parts of the instrument, and the manner of using them ; of the methods of preparing objects for examination ; and to these are usually appended lists of objects presenting interesting appear- ances. But there exists no work which will direct the Student how to vary the methods of preparation of the objects examined, so as to elicit their true structure. r-=o/? o/i no iv PREFACE. An Introduction has been prefixed to the 'Dictionary/ affording instruc- tions for the selection of a Microscope and the accessory apparatus, explaining the manner of using these, and particularly the precautions requisite with the less perfect, but more economical foreign glasses ; and lastly, entering minutely into what may be called microscopical manipulation and the special education of the eye. i-d aoiJBYi Many valuable contributions to our knowledge of the structure or functions of microscopic organisms are probably lost, through the inability of microscopic observers to ascertain readily the name and position in Nature of objects which fall under their notice. It is hoped that the very numerous illustrations to this work will form a valuable guide in such cases, and render the descriptions of microscopic animals and plants, of minute structures, tissues, &c., which form the main body of the volume, a real Dictionary of objects. At the same time it is not unreasonable to expect that much advan- tage may be derived, from the attention that has been paid to directing observers to subjects and disputed points on which • new information is desirable. To the lovers of Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, or of the Natural History of the microscopic members of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, the Authors have endeavoured to furnish, without departing from the principal purpose of the work, something more than a mere descriptive catalogue of objects, and the means of examining them. Numerous articles on various subjects have been written with a view to enable readers, by the help of the system adopted, and references printed in SMALL CAPITALS, to acquire a general knowledge of particular departments of science. Thus, taking a departure from the article ANIMAL KINGDOM (or VEGETABLE KINGDOM), the reader may proceed to the Classes and Orders there enumerated ; under the latter will be found a general description of these (where the microscope is much required in their investigation), followed by a reference to the Genera, under which is given more or less extensive information on the Species, according to the state of knowledge, or as the subject has seemed to require. Proceeding from the article TISSUES, in like manner, the details may be gradually collected by tracing them through the subdivisions by means of the references. Many other general articles are given, with such headings as the names of well- known organs or substances, of vital or other phenomena, &c., under which could be conveniently collected references to a variety of miscellaneous infor- PREFACE. v mation scattered through the alphabetical arrangement. Those who use the volume in this way will probably derive the greatest amount of advantage from it ; they will, it is true, most clearly perceive the deficiencies inevitable in a great measure to a work having such an extensive field, and at the same time so limited a compass. The results of a large amount of independent observation have been con- signed to these pages, and, as the bibliographical references show, recourse has been had, as far as possible, to original sources for trustworthy and reliable information published at home and abroad. In connexion with this, some account may be given of the Illustrations. In the Plates, a large number of the figures are original, drawn from the objects either by the authors or by Mr. TufFen West ; in many cases, however, figures of species have been design- edly taken from original plates, especially when the verbal characters were doubtful. The Authors feel bound to express their thanks to Mr. West for the manner in which he has applied his well-known skill and accuracy to those en- gravings which were entrusted to him ; many of them, indeed, appear at first sight somewhat crowded and on a small scale ; but they will be found in most cases to display very clearly the parts of objects on which systematic or structural characters depend, the chief design of all the illustrations of this work. With regard to the engravings in the text, a portion have been selected, after comparison with the objects themselves, from the excellent illustrations of the Mikroskopische Anatomie of Kolliker. Most of the woodcuts of plants are careful reproductions of drawings contained in original works and memoirs by Kiitzing, Corda, Tulasne, Bischoff, Bruch and Schimper, and others, prepared for Payer's Botanique Cryptogamique, to which, as to almost every illustration in this volume, the magnifying power used has been added. Had not these beau- tiful woodcuts been accessible to the publisher, it would have been impossible to have provided this work so richly with illustrations. The Authors have much pleasure in acknowledging their obligations to the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Messrs. Westwood, W. S. Dallas, Sollitt, and Tuffen West, for the loan of authentic specimens, or for information kindly afforded on various subjects, and to Dr. William Francis, for constant advice and assistance during the printing of the work. •^i JOHN WILLIAM GRIFFITH. ARTHUR HENFREY. London, December 1855,^ R 91031? to ? whim 99ii <<$ ; ggluoglora ,» .gtydo 9dJ to stasragia .£ 9fCIB8 O .P. isqoiq ,» i gjjfiiofid •«* .nos^iq aril moil $ 89«oo LOB illmfl .\ wM-wO) (biid) f9q99r> nomiaoo orfi lo *gyo oiJBjnmqB .\8 ,0 .A .68 sttwio^MoVttoO . xm^rwft. .24* .(Jl1 ,31 '.moolssA") PLATE 41.— Various Objects. Figure 1 . Chlorogonium euchlorum, E., undergoing oblique division. 2. Elements of the chyle, a, molecules ; b, free nuclei ; c, chyle-corpuscles ; prl fn rnprp Aneimia mandioccana. duced to mere Group of sporanges bursting to dis- riDS. charge the spores. Magnified. ANELLIDA. See ANNULATA. ANEURA, Du- mortier. — A genus of frondose Liver- worts (see Pellieae), growing in wet places, containing three British spe- cies : 1. A. pinguis, L. Frond irregu- larly branched, margins sinuate, calyptra smooth, whole plant brown- ish - green. = J. pinguis, Hooker, Br. Jungerm. t. 46 (fig. 13). Fig. 13. Aneura pinguis. 2. A. multifida, Bursting sporanges. Nat. size. L. Frond bipinnately divided, calyptra tu- berculate. = J. multifida, Hooker, Br. Jun- germ. t. 45 (figs. 14 and 15). Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Aneura multifida. Fig. 14. Portion of a frond with young perichsetes, mag- nified 20 diameters. Fig. 15. A perichsete, more magnified, cut open to show the archegonia. 3. A. palmata, Nees. — Frond palmate, calyptra tuberculate. = J. multifida, var. palmata, Hooker. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Jungermannia. ANGIOPTERIS, Hoffmann.— A genus of Marattiaceous Ferns. Exotic. ANGUILLULA, Miiller (Rhabditis, Duj.). — A genus of animals, formerly placed among the Infusoria, but arranged in the order Nematoidea of the class Entozoa by modern zoologists. The popularly known " eels " in vinegar and paste, belong to this genus. Char. Body filiform, narrowed at the ends ; mouth terminal, round, naked ; anus subterminal ; tail of the male either naked or furnished with a membrane (winged) ; a double spiculum ; tail of the female conical, acute. The mouth is succeeded by an oblong cavity (pharynx), which is furnished with two or three longitudinal bacilli and is distinct from the oesophagus, which is muscular and fusiform or cylindrical ; stomach top-shaped or spherical, furnished with a kind of dental armature. The tail of the female is frequently prolonged into a fine point. The uterus is bifid, and the vulva situated near the poste- rior third of the body. These animals are especially remarkable and interesting on account of their great tenacity of life ; resembling in this respect the Tardigrada and Rotatoria. Thus, Aug. fluviatilis, when existing in places exposed to the heat of the sun, will dry up and become hard and brittle. But as soon as remoistened by rain, it revives, swells up, becomes soft, takes food and exercises its reproductive functions as before. The same faculty is possessed to an extra- ordinary degree by Ang. tritici, which will revive after having been kept in a dry state for more than five years. Nor are they destroyed by being frozen. Dujardin admits three species : — 1. Ang. Jluviatilis (?) (Ang. terrestris, Duj.) (P1.16.fig>.4). White,about fifteen times as long as broad ; oesophagus fusiform, expanded posteriorly so as to become conti- nuous with the much larger stomach; length of male 1-50 to 1-J2". Found in wet moss and moist earth, whence it gets washed into rivers and ditches; sometimes also in the intestinal canal of snails, frogs, fishes, worms and insects. 2. Ang. aceti (PI. 16. fig. 5). From 30 to 45 times as long as broad, narrowed poste- riorly and terminated by a drawn-out point ; oesophagus cylindrical; tail conical, pointed; length 1-30 to 1-17". This species was formerly very common in vinegar, and the "eels in vinegar" were favourite popular microscopic objects. To the freedom of our vinegar from mucilage, and the addition of oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid) allowed by law, must be attributed their absence in the present day. ANGULAR APERTURE. [ 35 ] ANGULAR APERTURE. 3. Aug. tritici (PL 16. fig. 6). 20 times as long as broad in the adult state; length 1-42 to 1-4". Found in blighted wheat. 4. Ang.glutinis(¥\. 16. fig. 7). About 20 times as long as broad, terminating posteri- orly in a fine elongated point; length 1-15". Found in sour paste. Other Anguillulce are found in the same situations as A.fluviatilis; but whether they are distinct species, or merely varieties, has not been determined. It is almost impossible to dissect these minute beings in the ordinary manner ; the best method of proceeding is to wound the body, and gently press out the contents under water. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1826, ix. ; Bauer, Phil. Trans. 1823 ; Ehrenberg, Sym- bol(B Physica (Phyt. Polypi) ; Dujardin, Hist. d. Helminthes. ANGULAR APERTURE.— The angular aperture of an object-glass is the angle measured by the arc of a circle, the centre of which is formed by the focal point of the object-glass, the radii being formed by the most extreme lateral rays which the object- glass admits. Thus let fig. 16 represent a perpendicular section of the lowest combination of an ob- ject-glass of small aperture ; Fig. 16. Fig. 17. a is the angle of aperture, and /, e the most oblique rays which the object-glass will admit ; the angle is measured by the dotted arc b. In the object-glass of larger aperture, fig. 17, the arc b which measures the angle is much larger, and the radii representing the extreme lateral rays are much more oblique. Hence it is evident that the object- glass of larger aperture admits all those rays admitted by that of less aperture and a certain number of other rays, these being more oblique. Measurement of the angle of aperture. — It is of the utmost importance to know the angle of aperture of the object-glasses used in investigations; because the appearances presented by objects frequently vary accord- ing to the magnitude of this angle, and this variation must always be taken into account in determining the structure of an object from its appearance. A particular piece of Fig. 18. E.ratus is requisite for this purpose 18), which may easily be constructed as ws. A rectangular piece of board must be procured, the shortest sides of which are about 2 inches longer than the body of the microscope, and the longer sides twice this length. A small hole must then be made opposite the middle of one of the long sides, at about half an inch from its margin, and from this, as a centre, a semicircle must be traced upon the board, and the semicircular line divided into 180°; the portions outside the semicircle being cut away. The wooden plate of this form is shown in perspective in the woodcut. A flat thin piece of wood (a) rather broader than the body of the microscope, a little longer than the radius of the semicircle and pointed at one end, is then placed upon the board in such manner that the pointed end corresponds with the graduated margin, whilst the other end is transfixed by a pin (b) which below is driven into the board. Thus we have a rotating arm or radius of the semicircle, which may be compared to the hand of a watch or clock, the pin forming the centre of rotation. To the upper surface of this arm are glued two thin pieces of wood, excavated in the middle, so as to form supports for the body of the microscope; the excavations should be tri- angular, the apex being directed downwards. When used, the object-glass to be tested is screwed to the end of the body next the pin, and so adjusted that its focal point is as nearly as possible perpendicularly over the pin. A lamp is placed 2 or 3 yards from the D 2 ANGULAR APERTURE. [ 36 ] ANGULAR APERTURE. board and upon exactly the same level as the axis of the body of the microscope, the straight side of the board being next the lamp, and when the arm has been so adjusted that the pointed end is opposite 90°, the lamp is so placed that the flame is seen through the body of the microscope. The eyepiece is next put into the other end. The arm supporting the body of the micro- scope is then moved on one side, the body looked through in the usual manner, until the field is seen to be divided into two parts, a dark and a luminous half; the degree which the pointed end of the arm coincides with is then noted, and the arm is moved in the other direction until the division of the field is again seen ; the number of degrees included in the arc, thus traversed, measures the angle of aperture. It has been objected, that this method does not afford an exact estimate of the angle of aperture. But it is questionable whether the objection made to it is real ; for it is a fact that an object-glass, which, according to the above method, is of larger aperture than another, will display markings which the one of less aperture will not. As an object-glass of large aperture admits a greater number of oblique rays than one of less aperture, the central rays being in nowise interfered with, so the total number of rays admitted is greater, and objects will thereby be more brilliantly illuminated. This is one of the advantages gained by the use of an object-glass of large aperture; and the explanation applies especially to its use in the examination of opake objects, in regard to which it can be readily understood that a greater number of the rays reflected from all parts of an object being admitted, will render it more luminous and distinct. In this case the same effect would be produced by con- densing an additional amount of light upon the object. But strictly speaking, large angular aper- ture in an object-glass used in the examina- tion of opake objects is disadvantageous; for although objects thus viewed appear very luminous, brilliant and beautiful, yet a number of the rays which cannot enter an object-glass of small aperture from their obliquity, and which thus map out as it were the form and structural appearances of the object, are admitted by an object-glass of large aperture, and thus the contrast by which the various parts are rendered visible will be destroyed. This applies especially to un- coloured objects; for those which are coloured are best seen under a glass of larger aperture, the difference between the tints of colour reflected being sufficient to render each part distinct. There is, however, another far more im- portant use of large angular aperture in an object-glass. It was first found by Dr. Go- ring that longitudinal and transverse lines upon the scales of Lepidopterous and other insects could be seen under certain object- glasses, but not under others ; and that the power of displaying these, or the penetrating power of the object-glass, as it is called, depended upon the magnitude of the an- gular aperture. The same has since been found the case with the markings upon the valves of the Diatomaceae. 1. If the prepared valve of a Gyrosigma be examined under an object-glass of 1-4 or 1-8 of an inch focus, and an angular aperture of 60° or 70°, as illuminated by the ordinary light of the mirror, nothing more is seen than the more or less coloured valve with a distinct outline, the central line and the nodules ; and no change is produced in the appearances, however intensely the object may be illuminated. But if an object-glass of larger angular aperture be used, a number of fine dark parallel lines are seen traversing the valve. Hence the object-glass of larger aperture possesses a particular power of ren- dering indications of structure evident, wrhich is not possessed by the one of less aperture. 2. If, in the same experiment, the mirror be brought towards one side of the stage, and the light be then thrown upon the object, the lines will become more distinct if pre- viously visible, and frequently visible when not so before. 3. Placing a central stop in the object- glass will also, to a certain extent, produce the same effect as using the object-glass of larger aperture. 4. Placing a stop in the condensing lenses of the achromatic condenser will increase the distinctness with which the markings are seen, if already visible, and will frequently render them visible when not so before. These experiments show, that using an object-glass of large aperture in the exami- nation of an object, bringing the mirror to one side, and placing a central stop in the object-glass and the condenser, or in both, produce the same effect, viz. that of render- ing the markings upon an object visible when not so previously, or of rendering them more distinct if previously visible. And it is evident that the alterations of the conditions ANGULAR APERTURE. [ under which the object is examined in the above experiments, involve simply the view- ing of the object when illuminated entirely or more completely by oblique light. For an object-glass of large aperture admits more oblique rays than one of less aperture, the central rays being in nowise interfered with ; inclining the mirror to one side, causes all the rays which are reflected from it to become oblique; and the use of central stops excludes all the central rays, so that only the oblique rays are admitted. Hence the visibility or greater distinctness of the markings upon an object depends upon its illumination by oblique light. Experiment also shows us, that the degree of obliquity of the light requisite, varies with the delicacy or fineness of the markings, being greater as these are more delicate ; so that the most delicate markings require the most oblique light which can possibly be obtained, to render them evident, and the angular aperture of the object-glass must necessarily be proportionatelylarge, otherwise none of these oblique rays could enter it. It has never yet been satisfactorily ex- plained why transparent objects, which require penetrating power in an object-glass, are best shown, or can only be shown under the microscope by oblique light. In entering upon this question, we may take the opportunity of examining somewhat minutely the reason why objects become visible to us under various circumstances. The ordinary cause of objects becoming visible to us under the microscope, is that a certain number of the rays of light trans- mitted through or incident upon them or their parts, either become absorbed, refracted or reflected. Thus the parts at which these phenomena occur, may become either co- loured or dark, whilst the parts which transmit or reflect the light, become lumi- nous. We shall leave the cases of absorption and reflexion out of the question at present, and consider only those of refraction. If the parts which refract the light are large in proportion to the power of the object- glass and of irregular form, they will refract a certain number of rays so that these cannot enter the object-glass, and they will hence become dark, and will map out, as it were, in the image formed of the object, the structural peculiarities of the object. But if the parts are minute, of a curved form and approximatively symmetrical, they will act upon the light transmitted through them in the manner of lenses, and their luminous or ] ANGULAR APERTURE. dark appearance will vary according to the relation of the foci of these to that of the object-glass. Thus, the parts of an object may appear dark and defined, from the refraction of the light from the field of the microscope ; also, from the concentration or dispersion of portions of the light by these parts, all the rays being admitted by the object-glass, or entering the field. In speak- ing of the parts being small or large, it must be understood that the refractive powers of the objects are assumed to be the same ; for if the object be large and the substance of which it is composed have a low refractive power, the same effect may be produced as if the object were small and of high refractive power, the form being also the same. Another condition, rather physiological than optical, is concerned in the question of the distinctness with which an object is seen, nay, even of its absolute visibility. It con- sists in the relation which the luminousness or darkness of an object bears to that of the field or back-ground upon which it is appa- rently situated; and all objects, even those seen with the naked eye, may be regarded as viewed upon a back-ground or field, compa- rably to an object viewed in the field of the microscope. The familiar instance of the visibility of the stars by day from the bottom of a coal-pit, whilst invisible from the surface of the earth, may serve to illustrate this point. The same phenomenon is constantly met with in microscopic investigations; thus it is well known that parts of structure which are visible most clearly by the light of a lamp in a dark room, cannot be distinguished when the room is illuminated by ordinary daylight; and luminous objects are best seen on a black ground, and dark objects on a light ground. The refraction of the light out of the field of the microscope or beyond the angle of aperture of the object-glass, is the ordinary cause of the outlines of objects becoming visible; and in these cases an increase of the angular aperture of the object-glass will impair their distinctness, because it will allow of the admission of those rays which would otherwise have been refracted from the field, and the margins will become more luminous and less contrasted with the luminous field. All that is required here is that the object- glass shall be achromatic, and that the mar- ginal rays shall not be decomposed, so that any of the coloured rays should enter the field; in which case, the margins of the objects would appear coloured instead of ANGULAR APERTURE. [ black, and thus the contrast requisite for distinctness would be lost. The cause of the distinctness of an object by refraction, all or nearly all the rays enter- ing the field of the microscope, may be inves- tigated in a drop of oil immersed in water, or in a drop of milk, as illuminated by light reflected from an ordinary mirror. The refractive power of the globules is so great and their form such, that each exerts the action of a minute spherical lens; and the parts within the margin will appear light or dark according to the relation of the focus of the little lens to that of the object-glass. Under an object-glass of small aperture and moderate power, the outline will always appear black, because the marginal rays do not enter the object-glass. If the object- glass be of sufficient aperture to admit these marginal rays, the black margin will disappear, and the little lens will only be distinguish- able by the above focal relation. Its appear- ance under oblique light (thrown from all sides, as when the condenser and a central stop are used) will vary; but taking the case of extreme obliquity of the rays, the lens will only be visible by a luminous margin from reflexion, giving it a very beautiful annular ap- pearance. Hence it is more distinct by direct, or slightly oblique, than by very oblique light. But in certain objects, the irregularities of structure are of such extreme minuteness, or the difference of the refractive power of the various portions of the structure is so slight, that the course of the rays is but little altered by refraction on passing through them; and under ordinary illumination, all the rays will enter the object-glass ; neither are the rays accumulated into little cones or parcels, of sufficient intensity to map out the little light or dark spots in the field of the microscope according to the relation of their foci with that of the object-glass. Let us take the instance of an object with minute depressions on the surface, as the valve of a Gyro- sigma. These are so mi- nute, that when the light reflected from the ordi- nary mirror is used, the rays passing through the depressed and the unde- pressed portions are not sufficiently refracted to cause either set to be ex- cluded from the object- glass, consequently both Fig. 19. ] ANGULAR APERTURE. sets will enter it. This may be supposed to be represented in fig. 19, where the slightly oblique and converging rays passing through a portion of the valve become sepa- rated into two sets, one passing through the thinner depressed portions, the other through the thicker and undepressed portions ; both sets enter the object-glass. But on trans- mitting oblique light through the object, as represented in fig. 20, one set of the rays will be refracted so as not to enter the object- glass, whilst the other set will gain admis- sion ; thus the two parts, which have differ- ently refracted the rays, will become distinct. If the markings were more delicate, or the difference between the refractive power of the two portions of the valve were less than that represented in fig. 20, both sets would enter the object-glass. But on rendering the light still more oblique, one set would be again excluded, from being refracted out of the field. Hence it is evident why the angular aperture of the object-glass must be larger, as the markings are finer, or the difference between the refractive power of the two portions of tissue is less ; because the obliquity of the light requisite to cause the exclusion of one set of the rays will be very great, and the other set will be too oblique to enter the object-glass, unless it be of correspondingly large aperture. This is the simple explanation of the necessity for oblique light to render evident the markings upon objects. No explanation of any peculiar agency by which objects become more distinctly visible when illuminated by oblique than direct light is requisite, because it is not a fact that such exists. The distinctness with which objects or their parts are seen, always varies according to the contrast they form with the ground upon which they are viewed ; and in ANGULAR APERTURE. ANGULAR APERTURE. the illumination of objects by oblique light under the microscope, the manner in which the rays are refracted or reflected by their various parts, will always afford a satisfactory explanation of the appearances they present in accordance with the laws of refraction or reflexion. The most difficult point to explain, has been how it is that an object-glass of large angular aperture will render markings evident which were not visible under an object-glass of smaller aperture ; because it would naturally be imagined that the larger aperture would admit both sets of rays (fig. 20), one of which was excluded by the object-glass of smaller aperture. "The difficulty vanishes when it is recollected that the additional rays admitted by the object-glass of larger aperture are more oblique; hence one set of these rays will be refracted from the field of the micro- scope, whilst the other set will enter the object-glass and will illuminate the more highly refractive parts of the object; thus the two kinds of differently refractive struc- ture become distinctly separated, one appear- ing dark, the other luminous ; and thus we illuminate one part of the object, whilst the illumination of the other is not increased. Or, to simplify this very important point, the object may be regarded as illuminated by two sets of rays, one corresponding to those admitted by the object-glass of small aper- ture ; the other set corresponding to these plus those admitted by the excess of angular aperture of the second object-glass over the first; the first set of rays not being suffi- ciently oblique to allow of a portion of them being refracted beyond the angular aperture of the first object-glass, whilst the second set are so. Hence under the object-glass of larger aperture, the distinctness of the mark- ings is impaired by the admission of the first set of rays. Now this always occurs when objects are examined under an object-glass of large aperture; although the more oblique rays render the markings visible, by their illuminating one part of the object and not the other, the less obhque rays render them indistinct by illuminating both parts, unless the central stop be used, which totally inter- cepts all but the very oblique rays, and allows the markings to be seen in perfection, as illuminated by the more oblique rays alone. Refraction of the rays of fight has alone been considered thus far; the action of oblique light and angular aperture in relation to colour and reflexion has been neglected. The question of colour is easily answered. Neither oblique light nor large angular aper- ture possesses any power of rendering co- loured transparent objects more distinct; and markings, when arising from the presence of pigment, are perfectly visible under an object- glass of small aperture, and the ordinary light of the mirror. It has been assumed that the oblique light requisite for the display of the markings upon objects is separated into two sets of rays by refraction; but it might be ques- tioned whether these are not separated by reflexion. There can be no doubt that the latter is not generally the case ; perhaps the most important reason which maybe assigned for this is, the considerable comparative breadth of the luminous portions, of the valve of the Gyrosigma for instance. On transmitting unilateral light obliquely through the valve of an Isthmia, in which the depressions are very large, in such manner that part of it is reflected by portions of them, it is easily seen how small the amount of reflected light is; and this because the surface of the depressions is curved, and thus the portions inclined at the requisite angle for reflexion are also very small. As the amount of light reflected is so small in this case, it would be inappreciable in that of the Gyrosigma, in which the depressions are so exceedingly minute. In fact, attention to this point affords a ready means of distin- guishing whether an object is illuminated by reflexion or refraction. The illumination of the sides of globules of oil by reflexion, has been already noticed at p. 38. The same phenomenon may be seen in the instance of minute globules of metallic mercury. It might be questioned whether the luminous ring surrounding the globules in both cases did not arise from diflraction. It is, however, far too defined for this ; and it cannot arise from refraction in the latter case, because the globules of mercury are opake. It has been shown, that the efficacy of large angular aperture depends upon the illumination of the objects by oblique light ; and that the action of oblique light depends upon one set of rays being refracted from the field. Let us now attempt to trace the relation of the penetrating power of an object-glass to its defining power. It has been stated, that penetrating power depends upon angular aperture ; and as angular aperture owes its efficacy to oblique tight, the relation of oblique light to penetration is evident. Is there any essential difference between penetrating and defining power? ANGULAR APERTURE. ANIMAL KINGDOM. This question will be best answered by ex- periment. If we take a fragment of the valve of an Isthmia, and examine it under a high power of small aperture, all the parts are very distinctly seen by the ordinary light of the mirror ; and the various depths of shadow of the different parts of the depres- sions and the undepressed portions render these also clearly distinguishable (PL 13. fig.2c); and when an object-glass of very large aperture is used, the distinctness is rather impaired than improved. But if we examine a fragment of the valve of a Gyrosigma, and this requires an object-glass of large aperture to render the markings visible, no distinction of the various parts of the depressions and the undepressed portions is visible ; all we see is, that the depressions, as a whole, are dark and the undepressed portions are lumi- nous (PL 11. figs. 39, 40, 48). Hence the Isthmia requires defining power, whilst the Gyrosiyma requires penetrating power and large angle of aperture, to exhibit the mark- ings ; yet the structures differ only in size. And there can be no doubt that if we could examine the valve of the Gyrosigma under a power as high relatively to the size of the depressions, as that under which we can examine the Isthmia, the same relations being preserved between the angle of aper- ture of the object-glass and the angular in- clination of the refracted rays, the various parts of the depressions and the undepressed portions would be equally recognizable in both cases. The same relation applies to fine lines scratched or etched upon glass. It was noticed by Dr. Goring, that although the lines on the scales of insects required an object-glass of comparatively large aperture to show them, yet those existing upon glass micrometers did not so. But this statement is only partially correct; for although the coarser lines upon micrometers are well seen under an object-glass of small aperture with good defining power and direct light, yet the finest lines upon Nobert's test-slide require penetrating power in the object-glass, and oblique light. Hence it is evident that large angular aperture or penetrating power in an object- glass is a substitute, and a very imperfect one, for defining power. This most import- ant point has not hitherto been noticed; and it is to be hoped that our object-glass makers will direct their earnest attention to it, and endeavour to supply those who are engaged in microscopic researches with that, to the production of a very imperfect substi- tute for which, all their energy appears at present devoted. In conclusion, it may be noticed that these remarks have been principally confined to one class of objects requiring penetrating power, viz. the valves of the Diatomacea3. This has been done advisedly, because the scales of Insects, which may be regarded as forming the type of the other class, involve consi- derations of a mixed kind, which would have tended to confuse the subject. The longi- tudinal ridges upon the scales of Insects, in regard to their relation to penetration, may be viewed in the same light as the unde- pressed portions of the valves of the Diato- macese; and the same explanation will apply to the visibility of the one as to the other, under the various conditions. The transverse lines seen upon the scales of insects, will be noticed under SCALES OF INSECTS. The structure of the valves of the DIATOMACE^E is discussed under that head; see also INTRODUCTION, p. 33, /. We have thought it better to refer the angular apertures of the various object- glasses to the article OBJECT-GLASSES. The above article consists principally of an abstract from a paper read before the Royal Society of London on the 1 1th May, BIBL. Wenham, Trans. Micr. Soc. iii. p. 83, April 1850 and April 1854; Rainey, ibid., Oct. 1853 and Jan. 1854; Gillett, Proceedings of Royal Society, vii. 16. March 1854; Lister, Phil. Trans, cxxi.; Goring, Micrographia ; Select Works ; Jour- nal of the Royal Institution, xxii. ; Pritchard, Microscopic Cabinet ; Griffith, Proceedings of Royal Society, vii. 60. May 1854. ANIMAL. The definition of an animal in reference to the distinction from vege- tables is discussed in the article VEGE- TABLES. ANIMALCULE. — A little animal ; a term usually applied to the species of Infu- soria, Rotatoria, &c. It was formerly applied also to many of the lower Algae. The Latin term animalculum (with the plural animal- cula) is frequently met with. ANIMAL KINGDOM.— In accordance with our plan, as laid down in the Preface, we give here a tabular view of the animal kingdom, so that the position of the various classes and orders alluded to in various parts of this work, may be readily found. Those classes, orders, families and genera to which particular interest is attached, in relation to ANIMAL KINGDOM. ANIMAL KINGDOM. structure or other qualities, which the micro- scope is required to investigate, are specially treated of under their respective heads. Kingdom. ANIMALIA. Subkingdom. VERTEBRATA. Class I. MAMMALIA. Order 1. BIMANA. Homo, man. Order 2. QUADRUMANA. Simla, ape ; Cercopithecus, common monkey; Semnopithecus, Indian mon- key. Order 3. CHEIROPTERA. Vespertilio, bat. Order 4. INSECTIVORA. Erinaceus, hedgehog ; Talpa, mole. Order 5. CARNIVORA. Canis, dog and wolf; Ursus, bear; Felis, lion ; Phoca, seal ; Nasua, coati- mondi. Order 6. CETACEA. Balcena, whale ; Phocana, porpoise. Order 7- PACHYDERMATA. Equus, horse ; Elephas, elephant ; Ha- licore, dugong ; Sus, hog ; Hippopota- mus; Cheiropotamus. Order 8. RUMINANTIA. Bos, ox; Camelus, camel; Cervus, deer ; Capra, goat ; Ovis, sheep. Order 9. EDENTATA. Dasypus, armadillo; Brady pus, sloth. Order 10. RODENTIA. Cavia, guinea-pig ; Lepus, hare ; Sorex, shrew ; Mus, mouse and rat ; Sciurus, squirrel ; Castor, beaver and musk- quash; Chinchilla. Order 11. MARSUPIALIA. Macropus, kangaroo ; Didelphys, opos- sum. Order 12. MONOTREMATA. Ornithorhynchus, duck-billed platypus. Class II. AVES, birds. Order 1. ACCIPITRES. Aquila, eagle ; Strix, owl. Order 2. PASSERINA. Fringilla, finch ; Hirundo, swallow ; Turdus, thrush, blackbird. Order 3. SCANSORES. Cuculus, cuckoo ; Psittacus, parrot. Order 4. GALLINA. Gallus, fowl ; Columba, pigeon. Order 5. GRALL^E. Struthio, ostrich ; Grus, crane. Order 6. PALMIPEDES. Larus, gull; Anas, duck; Anser, goose. Class III. REPTILIA. Order 1. PERENNIBRANCHIATA. Siren. Order 2. CHELONIA. Testudo, tortoise. Order 3. SAURIA. Crocodilus, crocodile ; Lacerta, lizard. Order 4. OPHIDIA. Boa ; Coluber, snake. Order 5. BATRACHIA. Rana, frog ; Bufo, toad ; Triton, water- salamander; Menopoma. Class 4. PISCES. Order 1. GANOIDEA. Lepidosteus, bony pike ; Sturio, stur- Order 2. PLACOIDEA. Squalus, shark ; Raia, ray. Order 3. CTENOIDEA. Perca, perch. Order 4. CYCLOIDEA. Salmo, salmon ; Clupea, herring ; Cy- prinus, carp. Subkingdom. INVERTEBRATA. Class I. MOLLUSCA. Order 1*. TUNICATA. Ascidia, Salpa. Order 2*. BRACHIOPODA. Terebratula. Order 3*. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Ostrea, oyster; Mytilus, mussel. Order 4f. PTEROPODA. Clio. Order 5f. GASTEROPODA. Helix, snail ; Limasc, slug. Order 6. CEPHALOPODA. Sepia, cuttle-fish. *** These three orders form the Acephala of some authors. ft These orders form the Cephalophora. Class II. CRUSTACEA. Order 1. PCECILOPODA. liimulus, king-crab. Order 2. SIPHONOSTOMA (Ichthyo- phthira). Lerncea, Argulus. Order 3f. OSTRACODA. Cypris. Order 4f. COPEPODA. Cyclops. Order 5. CIRRIPEDIA (Cirrhopoda). Balanus, acorn-shell ; Anatifer. ANIMAL KINGDOM. ANISONEMA. Order 6f. CLADOCERA. Daphnia. Order 7t- PHYLLOPODA. Branchipus, Artemia. Order 8. ISOPODA. Oniscus, wood-louse. Order 9. AMPHIPODA. Gammarus. Order 10. STOMAPODA. Squilla. Order 11. DECAPODA. Cancer, crab ; Astacus, lobster and cray-fish. tttt These four orders form the Entomo- straca of some authors. Class III. ARACHNIDA. Order 1. PYCNOGONIDA (Polygonopoda}. Pycnogonum. Order 2. TARDiGRADA(CoZq/)0£?a) (water- bears). Milnesium, Macrobiotus. Order 3. ACARINA. Icarus, mites. Order 4. PHALANGITA. Phalangium, harvest-spider. Order 5. PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Chelifer. Order 6. SOLIFUGA. Galeodes. Order 7. PEDIPALPI. Scorpio, scorpion. Order 8. ARANEIDA. Aranea, house-spider. Class IV. INSECTA. Order 1. MYRIAPODA. lulus. Order 2. THYSANOURA. Lepisma, Podura. Order 3. ANOPLURA (Parasitica). Pediculus, louse. Order 4. APHANIPTERA (Siphonaptera or Suctorid). Pulex, flea. Order 5. STREPSIPTERA. Stylops. Order 6. DIPTERA. (Estrus ; Musca, fly. Order 7. HYMENOPTERA. Apis, bee ; Vespa, wasp ; Formica, ant. Order 8. LEPIDOPTERA. Butterflies and moths. Order 9. NEUROPTERA. Ephemera; Libellula, dragon-fly. Order 10. HEMIPTERA. Cimex, bug. Order 11. ORTHOPTERA. Blatta, cockroach ; Acheta, cricket. Order 12. COLEOPTERA. Beetles. Class V. ANNUL ATA (Annelida or Anellidd). Order 1. TURBELLARIA. Planaria. Order 2. SUCTORIA. Hirudo, leech. Order 3. SETIGERA. Lumbricus, earthworm; Nais. Class VI. ROTATORIA (Rotifera). Order 1. ROTATORIA. Class VII. ENTOZOA. Order 1. STERELMINTHA. 1 Intestinal Order 2. CCELELMINTHA. / worms. ClaSS VIII. ECHINODERMATA. Order 1 . PEDICELLATA. Asteria, star-fish; Echinus, sea-hedge- hog. Order 2. APODA. Sipunculus. Class IX. ACALEPKLE. Order 1. SIPHONOPHORA. Physalia, Portuguese man-of-war. Order 2. CTENOPHORA. Beroe. Order 3. DISCOPHORA. Rhizostoma, Cyancea. Class X. POLYPI (Zoophytes}. Order 1. ANTHOZOA. Hydra, Gorgonia, Actinia. Order 2. BRYOZOA (Polyzoa}. Flustra, Cellularia. Class XI. PROTOZOA. Order 1. FORAMINIFERA. Order 2. POLYCYSTINA. Order 3. SPONGI^E. Order 4. LAGEN^B. Order 5. INFUSORIA. BIBL. Rymer Jones, Animal Kingdom ; the various zoological articles in Todd's Cycl. of Anat. and Phys. ; Siebold and Stannius, Lehrbuch d. Vergleich. Anat. ; V. d. Hoeven, Handbuch der Zoologie; Owen, Hunterian Lectures ; Carpenter, Comparative Physiology; Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, by Blyth, Mudie, Johnstone, Carpenter and Westwood; also the new French edition of the Regne Animal. ANISONEMA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, belonging to the family Thecamonadina. ANKISTRODESMUS. [ Char. Body colourless, oblong, more or less depressed, covered with a resisting tegu- ment, from an aperture in which two filaments emanate ; one flagelliform and directed for- wards ; the other thicker, trailing and retract- ing the body of the animal; movement slow. 2 species : — 1. A. acinus. Movement directly forwards, colourless, aquatic; length 1-1280 to 1-810". 2. A. sulcata (PI. 23. f. 12). Movement vacillating in a circle ; colourless, aquatic ; length 1-1100". Dujardin suggests that the Bodo grandis of Ehrenberg is referable to one of these species, ac also to the genus Heteromita, Duj. BIBL. Dujardin, Infusoires, p. 345. ANKISTRODESMUS, Corda.— A genus of Desmidiacea?. Char. Cells elongated, attenuated, entire, aggregated into faggot-like bundles. The cells only differ from those of Closte- rium in their aggregation. Species : — 1. A.falcatus, Corda (Rhaphidium fasci- culatum, Kiitz.). Cells numerous, crescent- shaped; aquatic; length 1-549"; breadth 1-7353"; common (PI. 10. fig. 47). 2. A.fusiformis, Corda. "I Carlsbad: nei- 3. A. convolutus, Corda. / ther of these species are admitted into Kiitzing's Spec. Alg. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit.Desmidiece,^. 179 and 222; Corda, Almanach de Carlsbad, 1835, p. 121 ; 1838, p. 199. ANNUAL RINGS.— The concentric lines seen in transverse sections of Dicotyledonous stems (fig. 21). Fig. 21. ] ANNULATA. Cross section of a Dicotyledonous stem with annual rings. These markings depend on the difference of the character or condition of the tissues produced at different seasons. Ordinarily there are a number of ducts grouped near the inner part of each concentric layer of wood, as in the Oak. In the Sumach a layer of cellular tissue occurs at the boundary of each ring. In the Conifers the markings result from the greater thickness of the secondary deposits on the walls of the cells in the outer part of each layer, no ducts Fig. 22. Magnified cross-section of stem of Pinus exhibiting parts of three annual rings, 1, 2, 3. existing in their wood (fig. 22). Many modifications occur in tropical trees. It seems that these rings cannot be taken strictly as annual rings in all trees, especially in those of equable climate, since they seem to depend upon external influences affecting the activity of vegetation ; and thus, even in temperate climates, a great loss of foliage in the summer, followed by recovery, may produce two rings in one year ; in moist tropical climates, where the leaves reappear almost continuously, therings probably answer to periods of great renewal of foliage. ANNULATA, Anellida or Annelida.— The class of red-blooded worms. Char. Elongated animals, living in water or moist earth, not parasitically within other animals ; body usually jointed ; feet not jointed, and frequently replaced by bristles or retractile setigerous tubercles. Respira- tion effected either by external branchiae or by internal vesicles, or by the skin itself. Distinct organs of circulation present, con- tractile vessels replacing a heart. Nervous system consisting of a single or double ventral cord, furnished with ganglia at inter- vals, and encircling the resophagus above. The skin consists of a very delicate struc- tureless and transparent epidermis, beneath which (in Hcemocharis (Piscicola), Clepsine and Nephelis), there is a layer of cells, which, in the adult animals, presents the appearance of a fenestrated membrane (PI. 40. fig. 16). The cells (PL 40. fig. 16 b) leave spaces between them which appear like holes ; but the addition of acetic acid brings to light ANNULATA. [ • in each space a distinct nucleus (PI. 40. fig. 16 c), and in very young animals the clear spaces are distinct cells, distinguishable from the surrounding cells by their size and containing numerous clear vesicles as well as a nucleus. The smaller cells contain a nucleus and numerous nuclear granules. Beneath this cellular layer are numerous large fat-cells, pigment cells and connective tissue, the latter consisting of a transparent, homogeneous, semisolid mass. A layer of fine but firm fibres, crossing each obliquely, is said to be sometimes met with beneath the epidermis and forming a corium or true skin. In the Turbellaria, the outermost cuta- neous layer consists of ciliated epithelium. The opalescent and often beautifully coloured skin of many of the Annulata does not gene- rally owe its tints to distinct pigment, but to iridescence produced by the fibres. The rings of the body are usually furnished with bristles or hairs, sometimes arranged in tufts, at others covering the greater part of the surface of the body. Sometimes foli- aceous appendages cover the body like scales. Most of the Annulata are covered with a kind of mucus, secreted by the cutaneous glands ; some live in leathery tubes or sheaths, in others a case is made by the con- solidation of the secretion from some part of the skin with fragments of shells, grains of sand, &c. ; in others, again, the calcareous tubes appear to be wholly secreted by a portion of the cutaneous surface. The muscular system is usually well deve- loped. The muscular fibres are in some arranged in three layers, an outer consisting of annular, an inner of longitudinal, and an intermediate of oblique fibres; in others there is an outer layer of oblique fibres, an inner of longitudinal, with annular fibres at the two ends of the body. The muscular fibres consist of cylinders, the transverse section of which is rounded (PI. 40. fig. 17«), flattened or incurvated (PL 40. fig. 17 b]. They are covered externally by a delicate sheath or sarcolemma (PL 40. fig. 18 b}. The cylinders themselves consist of a clear, ho- mogeneous, cortical substance (P1.40. fig. 18a), and an internal cavity (c), the latter being filled with a finely granular substance, in which scattered nuclei are imbedded (PL 40. fig. 17 c}. At the two ends of the body, the muscular fibres branch dichotomously (PL 40. fig. 19 c). The fibres are usually smooth, but sometimes longitudinally or transversely striated ; this appearance arising either from \ ] ANNULATA. folds in the sarcolemma or proper sheath, or from the granules being arranged in linear series. In the Turbellaria, the muscular system is but slightly developed, the tissue beneath the skin consisting of globular masses resembling the general parenchyma of the body ; and in this, peculiar cellular bodies are often im- bedded, resembling the urticating organs of the polypes. These enclose six, eight, or more rod-shaped bodies, which are sometimes parallel with each other, sometimes somewhat spirally curved. The cell-membrane of these bodies subsequently disappears, and they frequently project beyond the skin. Ley dig figures similar rod-shaped bodies as occurring in the nuclei of the fat-cells situated beneath the skin. In many of the Annulata, the muscular fibres are grouped into distinct bundles, serving to move the bristles, parts of the mouth, &c. Beneath the skin at the ends of, or all over the body, a number of peculiar glands exist ; these consist at the closed end of a nucleated cell (PL 40. fig. 19 b, d), and a long, somewhat coiled duct opening at the surface of the body. The nervous system consists of a longitu- dinal, single or double series of ventral ganglia, connected by longitudinal cords ; the uppermost ganglion lies above the osso- phagus, and the two cords which connect it with the second ganglion encircle this organ. In some, the ventral ganglia are absent. The uppermost ganglion is enveloped in a neurilemma consisting of longitudinal and transverse fibres, and not unfrequently pecu- liar pigment cells. The cords and filaments are composed of extremely delicate primitive fibres, between which, in the ganglia, gan- glion-globules are situated. The filaments distributed to the body arise principally from the ganglia. Many of the Annulata are furnished with eyes; these are usually denoted by the brown, black or red spots seen upon various parts of the body. If, is a disputed point whether all these represent true eyes or not; but M. Quatrefages has described a lens, trans- parent cornea and vitreous humour in some of them, and he has no doubt that the red points found at the sides of each ring in several species of Nais are true eyes. In some Annulata, no distinct head is present ; in others this is distinguishable by its form, and is furnished with eyes and one ANNULATA. ANOPLURA. or more filaments, which are regarded as antennae. In those in which the head is not distinct, the mouth is situated at the anterior end of the body ; in the others the mouth is on the ventral surface, and is furnished with a muscular proboscis. The mouth is usually surrounded by turgid lips, and sometimes possesses a distinct dental armature (see HIRUDO). The oral aperture is frequently surrounded by a number of erectile tentacles or cirrhi. The intestinal canal is usually straight, and furnished with lateral appendages, or constricted at intervals; sometimes a distinct oesophagus, stomach and intestine are distin- guishable.' The inner, and sometimes the outer surface of the alimentary tube is covered with ciliated epithelium. A yellow or brown glandular layer surrounding the alimentary canal represents the liver. The general arrangement of the circulatory system is, that two main vascular trunks, one dorsal, the other ventral, traverse the body longitudinally; and it appears that the blood moves hi the dorsal vessel from behind forwards, whilst in the abdominal vessel it moves from before backwards ; these trunks are connected by transverse vessels or meshes of them. The anterior portion of the dorsal vessel is usually broader, and appears to form the rudiments of a heart. The respiration of the Annulata is effected either by the skin ; by external gills in the form of filaments or tufts, sometimes ciliated; by internal ciliated canals or water-vessels ; by ciliated depressions, or by vesicles at the sides of the body. In many instances, a transparent colourless liquid occupies the interstices between the skin and the organs of the body ; this contains colourless (rarely coloured) corpuscles much resembling the colourless corpuscles of the Vertebrata ; and in this lie coils of vessels containing the coloured blood. The colourless liquid is the " chylaqueous fluid " of Dr. Williams. The Annulata are propagated by transverse division, and by means of sexual organs. See the articles APHRODITA, H^EMO- CHARIS, H^MOPIS, HIRUDO, NAIS, NE- PHELIS and PLANARIA. BIBL. V. d. Hoeven, Handbuch der Zoo- logie, vol. i.; Siebold, Lehrb. d. Vergl. Anat. pt. 1; Todd's Cycl. of Anat. fy Phys., vol.i. (Milne-Edwards) ; Quatrefages, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 3rd ser. vols. viii., ix., x. and xii. ; Leydig (on Heemocharis (Piscicola}}, Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitschr.f. Wissens. Zoolog. vol. i. ; Johnston's Index to British An- nelida, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1845, xvi. p. 433. ANOMALOCERA, Temp.— A genus of Entomostraca, of the order ^Copepoda and family Diaptomidae. Char. Head distinguishable from the body, with a bifid beak and a hooked spine at the base on each side; thorax with six, abdomen with four segments ; foot-jaws three pairs ; last pair of legs differing from the others ; eyes single, pedunculated in the male ; right superior antenna with a swollen hinge-joint (in the male) ; inferior antennae not branched, three-jointed, basal joint with a slender twig. 1 species : — A. Patersonii (PI. 14. fig. 6, the male). Marine. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 229; Templeton, Trans. Entom.Soc.vol.ii. 1837. ANOMODON, Hook, and Taylor. — A genus of Mosses. See NECK ERA and HYPNUM. ANOPLURA. — An order of Insects ; sometimes termed Parasitica or Epizoa. Char. Feet six ; wings none ; parasitic, and not undergoing metamorphosis; eyes two, simple, or none. These insects are parasitic upon mammals and birds, and are commonly known as lice. The order is thus subdivided : — Suborder I. HAUSTELLATA or RHYNCHOTA. Mouth with a tubular, very short haustellum. Fam. 1. Pediculidce. a. Legs of two kinds, anterior ambulatory, posterior scan- sorial Phthirius. b. Legs all scansorial Pediculus. Hcematnpinus. Suborder II. MALLOPHAGA or MANDIBULATA. Mouth with two horny mandibles. Fam. 2. Philopterid^e. Antennas filiform, maxillary palpi wanting. a. Antennae five-jointed, tarsi two-jointed (i. e. two claws) . Philopterus. b. Antennse three-jointed, tarsi one-jointed Trichodectes, Fam. 3. Liotheidce. Antennae clavate, maxillary palpi conspicuous. a. Tarsi two-jointed Liotheum. b. Tarsi one-jointed Gyropus. It appears that although the Anoplura do not undergo metamorphosis as in the more perfect insects, consisting of larva, pupa and ANOURELLA. [ 46 J ANTENNARIA. imago, widely differing from each other in general appearance, habits and functions, yet a series of semitransformations takes place in the shedding of the skin a definite number of times, by which the individual acquires a greater symmetry of form, and most probably a greater perfection of parts or organs. BIBL. Nitzsch, Germar and Zincken's Magazin der Entomol. iii. ; Burmeister, Gen. Insect. ; Leach, Zoological Miscellany, iii.; Gurlt, Mag.f. die Gesammte Thierheil- kunde, viii. ; Denny, Monograph. Anoplur. Britann. ; Walckenaer, Hist. d. Insect, xiii. ANOURELLA, Bory and DUJ. = ANU- R.EA, Ehr. ANTENNA, of Insects.— The two move- able-jointed organs situated on the head, near the eyes (PL 26, figs. I a, 3 a, 24 a, and figs. 7 to 21 inclusive). The form, number of joints, &c. of the antennae are used as characters for distin- guishing the genera and species of Insects. Three parts are generally distinguishable in the antennae : I, the scapus or basal joint (figs. 10, 18 and 19 a}, is often very long, and is connected with the torulus, or part upon which it moves, by a ball and socket articulation ; 2, the pedicella or second joint (the same figs, b], which is mostly minute and nearly spherical, allowing of the freest motion, and supporting the remaining portion of the antenna, which forms, 3, the clavola (figs. 10 and 18 c). The principal terms applied to the antennae according to the form and arrangement of the joints of the clavola are these : — Theyare called setaceous when the success- ive joints gradually diminish in size from the base to the apex, as in the families Achetidae, Blattidse and Gryllidae (fig. 7); ensiform when the successively diminishing joints are angular at the sides, forming a sword-like organ, as in some of the Locust- idae (fig. 8) ; filiform when all the joints of the clavola are of uniform thickness, as in the Carabidae (fig. 9) ; moniliform when the joints are spherical or rounded, as in the Tenebrionidse and Blapsidae (fig. 10) ; ser- rated when the joints appear like inverted triangles, with the inner margin more pro- duced than the outer, as in some of the Elateridae (fig. 11); imbricated when the acute base of each joint is inserted into the middle of the broad apex of the joint behind it, as in the Prionidse (fig. 12) ; pectinated when each joint is developed on one side into a process or spine, as in the Lampyridae (fig. 13) ; bipectinated when a process or spine exists on each side of the joints, as in the Bombycidae (fig. 14) ; flabellate when each of the processes is flattened, and nearly as long as the whole of the succeeding joints taken together, as in some of the Elateridae (fig. 15) ; clavate when the clavola ends in a gradually formed knob (fig. 16), or capitate when the knob is suddenly formed (fig. 17), as in the Pentamerous Coleoptera ; plumose when one or more minutely pectinated branches arises from the joints, as in some of the Muscidse (fig. 20), or when tufts of capillary filaments arise from the joints, as in the Culicidae (fig. 21) ; lamellate, as in the lamellicorn Coleoptera, when the knob is composed of a number of lamellae or plates (fig. ISd), and perfoliate when the joints of the knob are separated slightly from each other by a minute foot-stalk. There are many curious variations in the structure of the antennas ; thus, in some of the Muscidse, the filamentous portion represents the true clavola, while the larger lobe is simply an appendage (fig. 20) ; in Globaria Leachii the pedicella is not a small rounded joint, but is elongated like the scapus (fig. 19 b], whilst the clavola (c) ends in a large capitu- lum, attached laterally to the base of the fifth joint, and directed backwards. The use of the antennae is not agreed upon by entomologists : Mr. Newport believed that the primary function is that of hearing or feeling the vibrations of the atmosphere, an additional function in many insects being that of common feeling or touch. BIBL. Kirby and Spence, Introduction to Entomology; Burmeister's Manual, fyc., translated by Shuckard; Newport, Art. Insects, Todd's Cycl. Anat. and Phys. ii. ; Westwood's Introduction fyc. ANTENNARIA, Link.— A genus of An- tennariei (Physomycetous Fungi). They are byssoid products growing upon dead or living structures, or sometimes in cellars. The my- celium consists of a densely interwoven mass of filaments, generally of dark colour, some- times of very great extent. Species : — 1. Antennaria cellaris, Fries. Mycelium very thick and abundant, lax, composed of septate filaments, olive-black; perithecia glo- bose, seated on the mycelium, and supported by simple filaments. On casks, bottles, &c., often hanging down a foot or more from the roof, in almost all close cellars. Racodium cellare, Pers. ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Flora, t. 259. — Fibrillaria vinaria, Sowerb., t. 432, 387, fig. 3. ANTENNARIEI. ANTHER. 2. A. semiovata, Berk and Br. Barren filaments creeping, often united into an ir- regular membrane. Fertile filaments erect, generally slightly branched, sometimes sub- dichotomous; pycnidia semiovate, sporanges curved, acuminated. Clothing leaves of Lastr&a Filix-mas with dense matted felt. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vol. xiii. p. 468. See CAPNODIUM. Antennaria leevigata, of which we give Fig. 23. Antennaria laevigata (highly magnified). Corda's figure (fig. 23), is found upon the bark of the birch in Germany. Diameter of its spores about 5-2000". ANTENNARIEI.— A tribe of Physomy- cetous Fungi, consisting of diffuse plants, forming flocculent or byssoid patches upon leaves or bark, or upon walls in cellars. The many-spored large sporange sessile on the sides of erect, or in the midst of radiating filaments, at once distinguishes these plants from the Mucorini, where the microscopic sporanges are supported at the tips of simple or branched filaments. Synopsis of British Genera. I. Antennaria. Sporange membranous, at first closed, then open, borne on a persist- ent radiating mycelium composed of septate filaments. II. Pleuropyxis. Sporanges adnate to the sides of simple, septate ascending fila- ments, opening by a longitudinal slit. III. Pisomyxa. Sporange membranous, ostiolate, innate, on a persistent, radiating mycelium, composed of septate filaments. ANTHER.— The essential part of the male or fertilizing organ of Flowering Plants, supported on a longer or shorter stalk or filament, and constituting with it the stamen. The microscopic examination of anthers turns in two distinct, both very interesting directions, namely, study of the development and characters of the pollen produced in the anthers, and examination of the cellular structure of the walls of the perfect anther. For the former, see POLLEN. The walls of the anthers of almost all plants exhibit deposits of a more or less fibrous cha- racter, varying much in the patterns accord- ing to which the fibres are placed, and the extent to which they are developed; and these are elegant microscopic objects. The anther is clothed with a very delicate epidermis, sometimes provided with stomates; this epidermis usually remains unaltered, but in some cases (l/upinus) the walls acquire Fig. 24. fibrous thickening. Be- neath this epidermis ordi- narily lies one or more layers of cells which form the spiral-fibrous tissue C - (fig. 24) . This may extend all round the anther, or be Section of wall wanting at certain points, c^dermal cells, especially over the con- E. Fibrous tissue. nective, before and behind; Magnified 250 diams. sometimes all the cellular tissue of the con- nective itself assumes the same character (with the exception of its vascular bundle). Purkinje has furnished a most extensive notice of the conditions of these fibrous cells in the different families of Flowering Plants. The following plants are selected as affording considerable diversity of forms : — a. Spiral fibres. Narcissus poeticus, Po- pulus alba, Lonicera tatarica, Hyoscyamus orientalis, Datura Stramonium, Cheiranthus Cheiri (PI. 32. fig. 1). b. Annular fibres. Iris Jlorentina, Hya- cinthus orientalis, Bunias orientalis, Chei- ranthus Cheiri, Convallaria. c. Reticulated fibres. Fritillaria imperi- alis (on the internal face), Tulipa Gesneriana (ditto), Viola odor at a (ditto), Saxifraga umbrosa (PL 32. fig. 2). d. Fibres arched (founed on three sides of the walls, the fourth being free). Nuphar lutea, Bryonia dioica, Cynoglossum, Pulmo- naria, Primula sinensis, Passiflora ccerulea, Ligustrum vulgare, Cucurbita, Pyrus, Lupi- nus (PI. 32. fig. 3). e. Fibres short and straight, pieces upon the walls standing vertically to the epidermis. Arum, Calla athiopica, Calceolaria, Del- phinium, Anemone. f. Like d, but converging towards the centre of the upper wall of the cell, some- times forming a star. Corydalis lutea, Im- patiens, Fumaria, Cactus (PI. 32. fig. 4), Polygonum, Tropaolum majus, Veronica perfoliata, Polygala Chamabuxus, Rubia tinctorum, Armeria. g. Fibres vertical, very short, numerous and close, like teeth on the walls. Grasses, ANTHERIDIA. 48 ] ANTHINA. Casuarina, Myosotis, Phlomis fruticosa, Robinia, Adonis vernalis, Glaucium luteum, Chelidonium majus, Magnolia, Liriodendron, Dahlia, Leontodon, Solidago, Bellis perennis (PI. 32. fig. 5), Geranium, Pelargonium, Pinus, Cupressus, Juniperus. h. The walls simply thickened like wood- cells. Zamia. Other intermediate modifications exist, and it is necessary to observe that the character of the markings often differs in different parts of the wall of the anther. The side of the cell-wall next the cavity is that generally most marked; the outer-wall lying next under the epidermis is often smooth and unmarked. A similar structure is found on the walls of the sporanges of many of the Hepaticae, such as Marchantia (PI. 32. fig. 35), Junger- mannia, &c. (see HEPATIC^B). Also on the walls of the sporanges of Equisetum (see EQUISETACE^E). For further particulars respecting the relations of these cells to other spiral-fibrous tissues, see SPIRAL STRUC- TURES. BIBL. Purkinje, De cellulis antherarum fibrosis, Wratislaviae, 1830. ANTHERIDIA.— The general name ap- plied to all the various structures in which, certainly or probably, the fertilizing function of reproduction resides in Flowerless Plants, and which consequently correspond physio- logically to the anthers of the Flowering Plants. They all agree in one point, namely, in the character of the final products, which are extremely minute bodies, endowed with spontaneous motion when placed in water. The antheridia of the higher Flowerless Plants, those with leaf and stem, produce active filaments, coiled more or less in a spi- ral form, and the motion is here connected with the presence of cilia upon the spiral fila- ments. With regard to those of the Thallo- phytes, the antheridia are not so well under- stood. Their existence is clearly ascertained in the Fucacege, and the active bodies are ciliated : this is not yet fully ascertained of those of the Florideae, and the observations relating to them in the Confervoideae are as yet in a doubtful state. In the Fungi and Lichens the antheridia seem to be repre- sented by a different kind of structure, which produces free minute stick-shaped bodies, apparently endowed with spontane- ous motion. The moving bodies from the antheridia are called spermatozoids, anther ozoids, or sper- matic filaments in the higher Cryptogamia. Fig. 26. The active bodies of the Fungi and Lichens have been provisionally named spermatia. The antheridia of the Rhizocarpese are re- presented by the smaller form of spore pro- duced in the sporanges (see RHIZO CAR- PED). This is also the case in regard to the Lycopodales so far as Selaginella and Isoetes are concerned (see LYCOPODALES). In the Ferns and Equisetaceae the antheridia are produced along with the archegonia on the prothal- lium or cellular frond re- sulting from the germina- tion of the spore (see FERNS and EQUISETA- CE.E). In the Mosses and leafy Liverworts, the an- theridia are produced in terminal or axillary buds, associated with or separate from the archegonia (fig. 25). In the frondose Liver- worts, they are imbedded Bartramia fontana. in the frond, or more Or less Male inflorescence with raised from it on special S^^&ffS receptacles (see MOSSES diameters. and HEPATICAE). The supposed antheridial organs of the Lichens are called spermagonia, and will be found described under LICHENS, and the analogous structures found in certain Fungi called by the same name, are described un- der CONIOMYCETOUS FUNGI, also under the heads of certain genera of that family. The antheridia of the Algae are best known in the Fucaceae, and are described under that head, and more particularly under Fucus. For those of the FLORIDE^E see that heading, and for the statements in regard to the Confer- voidese, see OSCILLATORIE^E, CONFERVA- CE,E, also MICROGONIDIA and SPERMATO- ZOIDS. See also CHARA. BIBL. See under the special heads re- ferred to. ANTHEROZOIDS.— The term applied by the French authors to the moving bodies of antheridia. See SPERMATOZOIDS. ANTHINA, Fries. — A genus of Isariacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), composed of mi- nute fibrous plants, often of bright colours, growing upon dead leaves, &c. in autumn. One British species is recorded. A.flammea, Fr. Attenuated downwards, smooth, crimson- saffron, dilated upwards, feathery, yellow. Clavaria miniata, Purton. A beautifully coloured Fungus, varying as to the degree of ramification, scarcely 1-2'" thick at the base j thickened upwards, as also ANTHOCEROS. ANTHOPHORA. are the branches; fibrous and feather}7 at the summit; solitary; from 1-2" to l"high; turn- ing blackish when dried. The spores sepa- rate very readily when the specimens are placed in water for examination. BIBL. Purton, iii. t. 18; Nees and Henry, System der Pilze, 1837, t. 6. ANTHOCEROS, Mich.— A genus of An- thoceroteae (Hepaticaceae). Fruits scattered. Perichaete produced by the thrusting-up of the substance of the frond, truncate or some- what lobed round the mouth ; -pi*. 26 perigonenoiie; epigone conic- al, bursting below, fugacious ; sporange "pod-shaped, two- valved, pedicellate, with a central, persistent, filiform column; elaters with spiral fibre absent or rudimentary; antherids surrounded by a toothed, cup- shaped peri- chaete. The forms found in Britain are regarded by Hooker as varieties of one species. By the continental botanists they are divided into two : A.punc- tatus, with the frond dotted and divided at the margin; and A. l&vis, with the frond smooth (fig. 26). These plants are found in very moist situ- ations, at the sides of ditches, &c., fruiting in spring. The ovate-oblong fronds are from £ to f of an inch long, lying flat, and often forming round patches, overlapping one another, radiating from a centre, and more or less divided at the margin. The texture is between membranaceous and fleshy, inclining to the latter; the colour deep green, lighter at the margins. The antheridia and archegonia are usually abundant on the same individual. The antheridia are spherical, with short stalks, of a yellowish-orange co- lour, included in cup-shaped, deeply toothed receptacles on the upper face of the fronds. The young archegonia differ from those of any other Hepaticaceae in their structure, since, instead of free, flask-like cases, they are tubular cavities running down from the upper face of the frond, with an embryonal cell at the bottom, which increases by de- grees into a conical body, and finally emerges on the surface, surrounded by a perichaete continuous with the epidermis of the frond. The conical body by degrees grows up into the narrow pod-like sporange, which attains a length of about 2 inches, and is supported Anthoceros Isevis. Nat. size. on a short pedicle, 2 to 3 lines high, almost concealed in the perichaete. The sporange splits down the middle into two valves, which become slightly twisted, and leave in the centre a thread-like column, to which adhere for a time many of the spores and elaters. The spores, — the development of which has been a subject of much study, and is very instructive, — from the long sporange con- taining specimens of successively older form- ation from one extremity to the other,— are of the ordinary character of these tribes, having a reticulated outer coat, marked by ridges indicating the mutual pressure of the four spores formed in each parent-cell. The elaters are much simpler than usual, consist- ing merely of membranous tubes, not very long, but sometimes irregularly curved or branched, without any spiral fibre in their interior. Gemmae also occur on the frond of Anthoceros. BIBL. Dev. of the Fruit generally: Hof- meister, Vergleich. Unters. Hohern Krypto- gamen, Leipsic, 1851 ; Schacht, Entw. die Frucht und Spore von Anthoceros lavis, Bo- tanische Zeitung, 1850. Spores : Mohl, Lin- n probably an early stage of Bact. termo, for it is always found with and prior to it in decomposing liquids, in addi- tion to the molecular granules found in all animal liquids. This fungus appears to arise in the same manner as other analogous fungi, as those in kept organic liquids, in urine, &c.; the spores are probably always floating in the air and dropping from it upon all the exposed parts of the body ; and wherever they find a pro- per nidus, there they grow. In diseases accompanying or preceding aphtha, the re- generation of the oral epithelium is probably to a great extent checked, the secretion of the saliva also, which would wash away these organisms ; why they occur so fre- quently in infants, is probably owing to the saccharine nature of the diet, which is espe- cially favourable to their development. See OIDIUM. BIBL. C. Robin, Histoire Naturelle des Vegetaux Parasites, 2nd ed., Paris, 1853, p. 488, where many other works are men- tioned. APIOCYSTIS, Nageli.— A genus of Pal- mellacese (Confer void Algae). Aquatic plants parasitical upon Confervse, consisting of pear-shaped or clavate vesicles, from 1-50" to 1-20" high, and about half as thick, at- tached by the narrow extremity, and con- taining numerous green primordial cells about 1-2500" to 1-3500" in diameter. Young sacs contain regularly 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, &c., and in large ones the number amounts to 300 to 1600. At first they lie irregularly in the cavity, afterwards they lie upon the wall in one or more layers ; sometimes they are attached to the wall in groups of eight. At a certain stage, the primordial cells become again free in the cavity, move actively, and finally escape by the rupture of the sac, swarm as biciliated zoospores for a time, then settle down and germinate. A. Brauniana and the doubtful species A. linearis represent this genus; they have not been recorded in this country, having been discovered at Zurich by Nageli. BIBL. Nageli, Einzelligen Algen, p. 67. t. 2. A. figs. 1 and 2. APIS, L. — A genus of Hymenopterous insects. A. mellifica, the honey-bee, presents some interesting points of structure. The proboscis (PI. 26. fig. 25) agrees essentially with that of Anthophora. The " tongue " (labium*) is a very beautiful and favourite microscopic object; its minute structure requires a higher power than that used in making our sketch, to render distinct the elegant transverse ridges or folds and the terminal hairy lobe. The legs are peculiarly formed for the special purpose of collecting and carrying the pollen of flowers. The tibiae of the hind legs are dilated, smooth on the outside in the neuter or working bees, and hollowed into a shining plate (PL 27. fig. 4 b), whilst the basal joint of the tarsi is hooked at its outer superior angle and dilated into an oblong or somewhat triangular plate (PL 27. fig. 4 a), which is furnished with transverse rows of hairs, forming pollen-brushes. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, &c.; Cur- tis, Brit. Entom. 769. APOTHECIUM.— The name applied to the spore-fruits of the Lichens, sometimes restricted to those of the open-fruited genera (Gymnocarpi), the term perithecium being applied to those of the closed-fruited (An- giocarpi). Several special names have been Fig. 28. Dirina Ceratonise. applied to the apothecia, namely, pelta, scutella, patella, scyphus, orbiculus, lirella, and verruca, indicating the forms occurring in particular genera. They are shield- shaped, flat, cup- shaped, globular, papilliform bodies or linear ridges, upon the upper APTOGONUM. ARACHNIDA. surface of the thallus, either immersed, super- ficial or elevated on peduncles. They con- tain the thecae or spore-cases. For the structure, see LICHENS. Fig. 28, Dirina Ceratonia, natural size. Fig. 29, several apothecia magnified about 5 diameters. Fig. 30, part of a vertical section through an apothecium, showing theca with spores, together with barren thecae or paraphyses, magnified 200 diameters. APTOGONUM, Ralfs.— A genus of Des- midiaceae. Char. Filament elongated, triangular or flattened ; joints bicrenate at the free mar- gins ; an oval foramen between the joints. Kiitzing and others place this organism in the genus Desmidium, where it might very well have remained. 1. A. Desmidium. Joints in front view quadrangular, broader than long. a. Filaments triangular, regularly twisted, crenatures rounded; length of jointsl-1500", breadth 1-1000" (PI. 10, fig. 55, front view; fig. 52, side view). /3. Filaments flattened; crenatures shal- lower and slightly angular. 2. A. Bailey i. Filaments not crenate ; joints about equal in length and breadth. American. The latter cannot be retained in this genus, unless the characters be altered, on account of the absence of the crenatures. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. pp. 63, 208. APUS, Scop. — A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Phyllopoda, and family Aspide- phara. Char. Head, body and greater part of the abdomen covered by a shield-like carapace, which is deeply notched behind ; eyes two, sessile and approximate ; a single pair of minute, short, styliform and 2-jointed antennas ; feet, sixty pairs, the first pair furnished with three long, jointed branches, extending beyond the carapace, the rest branchial ; body composed of numerous rings ; two long-jointed caudal appendages. 1. A. cancriformis. Aquatic; brownish- yellow ; length 2^ inches. 2. A. productus. Not British; an elon- gated oval lamina between the two caudal appendages. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 18. AQUATIC,— This term is used through- out this work to signify an inhabitant of fresh water as opposed to marine, inhabiting the sea. ARACHNIDA.— A class of animals, con- taining the spiders, scorpions, &c. Char. Head united with the thorax, forming a cephalothorax ; antennae none; eyes simple (ocelli) ; legs eight, jointed. The integument of the Arachnida is usually soft and leathery, rarely horny or brittle, and consists principally of chitine. Two layers may usually be distinguished, an outermost or cuticle, which is the firmest and strongest, and not unfrequently exhibits a cellular appearance in the extremities and the cepha- lothorax. The cuticle of the abdomen of the Araneae, Acarina, &c., presents very beautiful wavy or undulating lines, some- times surrounding the roots of the hairs, &c. concentrically, and arising, in some cases at least, from the existence of folds (PL 2. fig. 4 6 5). The cuticle of the Arachnida is fre- quently covered with warty and bulbous excrescences, bristles and simple or feathery hairs, and sometimes with scales. The innermost cutaneous layer consists of a very delicate and almost colourless mem- brane, of a finely granular or fibrous appear- ance; closely beneath which is situated a layer of pigment granules and cells, which are visible through the general integument, and to which the beautiful colours of many of the Arachnida are owing. The organs surrounding the mouth vary in structure in the different families. In the Spiders, two mandibles are situated at the front of the head. These consist of two joints, a basal very thick one (PL 2. fig. 6 a & 7 «), and a terminal curved and sharply pointed one (fig. 6 b & 7 b). The latter is traversed by a canal terminating at its apex, through which the secretion of a poison- gland passes into any body transfixed by the claw. These mandibles are perhaps, strictly, modified antennas. Next come two maxillary palpi (fig. 7 c), which do not diifer in struc- ture from the legs, except in their tarsi being composed of a single joint, generally terminated in the females by a small hook, but in the males of more complicated struc- ture: the basal joints of these palpi are enlarged and project forward, forming the maxillae (fig. 7 d) ; in the scorpions, the mandibles and maxillary palpi terminate in pincers or forceps ; lastly a labium, situated between the maxillae (fig. 7 e), and consisting of a single piece. The mouth in the other famines is de- cribed under the respective heads. The eyes are simple (ocelli, stemmata), but they are absent in the parasitic Acarina ; they consist of a simple arched cornea; a spherical lens and a concavo-convex vitreous ARACHNIDA. [ 56 ARACHNIDA. body, with a cup-shaped retina, and a layer of pigment corresponding to the choroid. The cephalothorax is usually separated from the abdomen by a well-marked constriction. The legs of the Arachnida do not coincide exactly with those of insects. They usually consist of seven segments tapering towards the end, so that the tarsi are less distinct from the other parts than in insects. If we suppose that the two last joints belong to the tarsus, the tibia then consists of two joints, of which, in some (the scorpion and Phrynus] the first, in others the second is the longest. The preceding long joint is the femur, to which comes next an annular or inverted conical joint, corresponding to the trochanter of the six-footed insects. The first, broad, usually inversely conical joint, which is adherent to the cephalothorax, corresponds to the coxa of insects. The last joint of the tarsus usually supports three curved hooks or claws (PI. 2. fig. 8), which are frequently toothed on the concave margin, and in some, a membranous vesicular or hairy cushion (pulvillus) on its under side. The most cha- racteristic feature of the Arachnida consists in the division of the tibia into two unequal pieces. The alimentary canal is mostly short and straight. In the Araneae the oesophagus enlarges into a prismatic muscular expansion just before its termination in the stomach; the stomach splits just behind the above apparatus into two branches which curve forwards and form a ring, from which five pairs of diverticula pass to the roots of the legs and palpi. Salivary glands are present, consisting in the Araneae of a transparent glandular mass situated in a cavity above the palate. Also a hepatic apparatus, in the form of a compact mass, consisting of a number of ramified and closely-crowded caeca, containing the hepatic cells and opening at about the middle of the alimentary canal in four short ducts. This hepatic apparatus was formerly mistaken for the fat-body. In the Tardigrada, Acarina and some others, the liver is represented by the granule-cells, usually brownish-yellow, of the walls of the diverticula of the stomach. The poison-glands of the Aranese consist of two long, sometimes slightly curved blind sacs, the walls of which are surrounded by a simple spiral layer of muscular fibres. Circulatory System. — In the lower Arach- nida, as the Tardigrada, Acarina, &c., there is neither dorsal vessel nor blood-vessels. Hence in these there is no regular circulation of blood, but the nutritive fluid or the blood is distributed free in the interstices of the body, and is irregularly moved backwards and forwards, propelled in the cavity of the body, and into the extremities, by muscular movements and the contractions of the in- testinal canal. In the Araneae there is a dorsal vessel, consisting of a spindle-shaped tube lying principally in the abdomen, constricted at intervals and furnished with lateral apertures and valves. This heart sends off lateral and terminal arterial branches, which gradually become lost. There are no veins, but the further course of the blood takes the form of lacunal currents, which re-enter the heart at the valvular orifices. In the scorpions, there are veins as well as arteries. Respiratory System. — In the Tardigrada and some parasitic Arachnida, Demodex, Sarcoptes, Acarus, &c., no tracheae or other respiratory organs have yet been discovered ; hence the respiration must be cutaneous. The higher Arachnida breathe either by tracheae (many Acarina), or lungs and tracheae together. The tracheae of the Acarina are remarkably delicate, so that the spiral fibre is with great difficulty distinguishable. They arise usually in an unramified bundle from two stigmata, which are sometimes situated anteriorly be- tween the front legs, as in the Hydrachnea, and much concealed, at others, at the sides of the body above the third pair of feet, as in the Gamaseae, or behind the last pair, as in the Ixodeae. In the Hydrachnea, which live in the wa- ter, and do not rise to the surface to respire, the tracheae must possess the power of ab- sorbing the air from the water. In the Araneae, the lungs consist of rounded sacs situated at the anterior part of the under surface of the abdomen, and open externally by a transverse slit. At the outer convex surface of each lung-sac there are a number of thin but firm triangular or rhomboidal plates, like the leaves of a book, closed to- gether (PI. 2. fig. 9). When examined by reflected light, they reflect a silvery lustre ; whilst by transmitted light they appear dark violet, or almost black. Each of these plates consists of a fold of the skin, between which the air of the sac is widely distributed : they contain no blood-vessels, hence probably the blood brought by the arteries is poured out around the lungs, and so bathes the lung- plates. The position of the lung-sacs is in- dicated externally by a triangular and horny ARACHNIDA. I 57 ] ARACHNIDA. cutaneous plate, at the posterior margin of which the respiratory fissure exists. Behind these fissures there are two other openings, the orifices of a tracheary system which does not differ materially from that of such as have tracheae only. Nervous System. — Varies indegree of com- plexity. In its simplest form, it exists as a single oesophageal ganglion, sending off ra- diating branches; and in its most compound forms, it presents a large cephalo-thoracic bi- lobed ganglion, and one or two ventral gan- glial chains or cords. The primitive nervous fibres and ganglion- cells are very small and delicate. Spinning organs. — These organs, by means of which the Araneidse form their webs, are of great interest. The external organs con- sist of three or rarely two pairs of cones or conical papillae, or spinnerets, placed at the end of the abdomen, below the anus : they are somewhat flattened at the summit, and, usually, the middle pair consists of two joints and the anterior and posterior pairs of three joints. The sides of the cones are covered with hairs, and on the summits are a number of delicate horny spinning tubes, at first sight closely resembling hairs; these form con- tinuations of the spinning vessels. Some- times, however, the lower portions of the sides of the cones are furnished with spinning- tubes, the remainder being covered with hairs. Each spinning-tube consists of two parts: a thicker basal portion, and a thin terminal portion, from the orifice of which the substance of the fibre exudes (PL 2. fig. 10, 10 a, a separate tube). The number of these spinning-tubes varies according to the species, the sex, and the age of the spiders. In some there are more than 1000, in others 400, 300, 100, &c., and in others still fewer. The glands which secrete the tenacious tran- sparent secretion are very variable in num- ber, form, and arrangement, and occupy the interstices of the other abdominal viscera, consist of sacs and tubes, lined with nucleated cells, and either simple or variously ramified, terminating in ducts which open at the roots of the spinning-tubes. The filaments of which the webs of many spiders are composed are not all alike. The radiating filaments are but little elastic, and are composed simply of one or more threads ; whilst the more numerous filaments con- necting these are covered at tolerably regular intervals with minute spherical masses of glutinous matter (PI 2. fig. 11), the filaments themselves being highly elastic. These masses give the fibres an elegant beaded appearance under low powers of the microscope. The viscid masses cause the more ready adhesion of the filaments to insects which may acci- dentally become entangled in them, and render the spider more sure of holding his prey. Propagation. — The Arachnida generally are propagated by sexes, but an exception is formed by the Tardigrada, which are her- maphrodite, and do not possess copulating sexual organs. The sexual apparatus con- sists of two ovarian or seminal sacs, some- times fused together in the middle line ; they are situated in the abdomen, and terminate in two excretory ducts, which usually open at a common orifice placed at the base of the abdomen, or below the cephalothorax. A penis is not generally present ; the seminal fluid is applied to the vulva of the female by the maxillary palpi of the male. Spiders are oviparous, and the eggs are enveloped in a cocoon. The Arachnida may be thus subdivided : SECTION I. Cephalothorax divided into four segments ; neither stigmata nor distinct respiratory organs present. Order 1. PYCNOGONIDA (Polygonopoda). Legs as long as or longer than the body ; abdomen rudimentary (small and conical). Genera. — Pycnogonum, Phoxichilus, Phoxichilidium, Pallene, Parib&a, Nym- phon, Endeis, Ammothea. Sluggish marine animals, living on the sea-shore under stones or upon marine plants. Order 2. TARDIGRADA (Colopoda). Legs rudimentary, very short, conical, indi- stinctly three- jointed, and with three orfour claws; abdomen not distinct from the thorax; (aquatic). Gen. Emydium, Macrobiotus, Milne- sium. SECTION 2. Cephalothorax undivided; respiratory organs usually distinct, internal (but sometimes absent), with two or more abdominal stigmata. OrderS. ACARINA. Abdomen not jointed, fused with the cephalothorax; palpi simple; mouth in many forming a rostrum ; (respi- ratory organs consisting of tracheae or none) . Fam.l. Acarea. Head terminated in front by an emarginate labium, or single bifid process ; palpi adnate or adherent to the labium, difficultly distinguished; mandi- bles chelate; no distinct ocelli; feet ge- ARACHNIDA. [ 58 ] ARACHNOID MEMBRANE. nerally terminated by a vesicle or adhesive acetabulum and claws. Gen. Acarus (Tyroglyphus) , Trichodac- tylus, Psoroptes, Sarcoptes, Demodex. Fam. 2. Oribatea (Notaspidea). Body covered by a hard horny envelope ; man- dibles chelate; palpi fusiform, five-jointed; feet furnished with claws, but no vesicle nor acetabulum, Gen. Oribata (Notaspis), Hopophora, Damans, Zetes, Pelops. Most of the species live in mosses at the roots of trees ; in some the body is sur- rounded by a projecting lamella on each side. Fam. 3. Ixodea. Gen. Ixodes. Fam. 4. Gamasea. Palpi free, filiform; mandibles chelate ; feet with two claws and a caruncle, or a lobed membranous appendage ; ocelli none or indistinct. (Generally parasitic.) Gen. Dermanyssus, Uropoda, Caris, Gamosus. Fam. 5. Hydrachnea. Palpi with the last joint unguiculate or spinous ; two or four distinct ocelli ; coxae broad, legs ge- nerally ciliated, natatory, the posterior longest. (Aquatic.) Gen. Limnochares, Eyldis, Hydrachna, At ax, Arrenurus, Diplodontus. Fam. 6. Bdellea. Palpi antenniform ; mandibles terminating in claws or pincers; rostrum resembling an elongated head; body generally divided between the second and third pairs of feet by a transverse fur- row or stricture ; (abdomen many-jointed). Gen. Bdella. The species consist of minute animals, more or less soft, variously coloured, and living in damp places beneath moss, upon sand of caves, &c. Fam. 7. Trombidina. Palpi with the last joint obtuse, the second joint very large; the last but one (penultimate) resembling an incurvated claw ; feet cur- sorial, terminated by two claws. Gen. Anystis, Cheyletus, Tetranychus, Megamerus, Pachygnathus, Raphignathus, Smaris, Erythrceus, Trombidium(Leptus). Order 4. PHALANGiTA(Opilionina). Cepha- lothorax conjoined with the abdomen ; abdomen annulate or transversely plicate ; palpi simple, filiform; mandibles didac- tyle ; feet elongate, terminated by a single claw. Gen. Trogulus, Phalangium, Eusarcus, Gonyleptes. Order 5. PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Cephalo- thorax conjoined with abdomen; abdomen annulate ; palpi large, chelate. Gen. Obisium, Chelifer. Order 6. SOLIFUG^E. Cephalothorax distinct from the abdomen ; abdomen annulate ; palpi filiform, extended, equalling the feet in length. Gen. Galeodes. Order 1. PEDIPALPI. Abdomen jointed, di- stinct from cephalothorax; palpi large, resembling feet, chelate at the apex ; pul- monary sacs, but no tracheae; stigmata four or eight. Gen. Thelyphonus, Phrynus, Scorpio, An- droctonus, Buthus. Order 8. ARANEIDA. Abdomen not jointed, nor cephalothorax separated by a constric- tion ; respiratory organs consisting of tra- cheae and pulmonary sacs. Gen. Aranea ( Tegenaria), Epeira, &c. BIBL. Treviranus, Ueber den inner. Ban der Arachniden ; id. Vermisckte Schriften, Sec. Bd. 1, 1816; Dufpur, Ann. d. Sc. phy- siq. de Bruxelles, iv.-vi.; Walckenaer, Hist, nat. d. Ins. Apt., i.-iii. ; Van der Hoeven, Handb. der Zoologie, i.; Siebold & Stannius, Lehrb. d. Vergleich. Anat. i.; Owen, Hunter. Lectures, i.; Blackwall, Ann. N. Hist. xv. Apr. 1845, and Linn. Trans, xvi ; Blanchard, Ann. N. H. 1850, vi. 67 ; and 1852, x. 150; New- port, Phil. Trans. 1843; Koch, Deutschlands Crustac. fyc. ARACHNOID MEMBRANE (Tunica arachnoidea) — Is a delicate transparent mem- brane, lying between the cranial dura mater and the brain, and extending between the spinal cord and its dura mater so as to enve- lope these nervous centres. It does not dip between the convolutions of the brain, but enters and lines its ventricles. Its outer sur- face is covered by a delicate epithelial layer; its inner surface is smooth, but not covered with epithelium. It is reflected upon the surface of the dura mater as an epithelial layer only. It consists principally of reticu- lated bundles of areolar (cellular) tissue, with fibres of elastic tissue coiling around or pur- suing a rectilinear course through them. In some parts the fibrillae of the former run par- allel without forming bundles, and contain, as do the bundles, round, " elongated, or spindle-shaped nuclei. In others, areolar tissue of a rather homogeneous appearance here and there forms a coat to the bundles, or is situated between them. Fig. 31 represents two bundles of the areo- lar tissue of the human arachnoid, after the ARACHNOIDISCUS. [ 59 ] ARCELLA. addition of acetic acid, showing the fibres of elastic tissue. Fig. 31. Areolar and elastic tissue of arachnoid, after treatment with acetic acid. Magnified 350 diameters. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anatomic, ii.; Henle, Allgemeine Anat. ARACHNOIDISCUS, Bailey.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules disk-shaped, single, ad- herent ; valves circular, flat, or very slightly convex, exhibiting (even under a low power) concentric and radiating lines, with appa- rently cellular markings occupying the inter- spaces, and a central clear space (pseudo- nodule). The cellular appearance arises from the existence of the ordinary depressions. Ehren- berg mentions imperfect septa. This genus corresponds to the Hemiptychus of Ehrenberg, who observes that as the term Hemiptycha has been previously applied to a genus of Hemiptera, that of Arachnoidiscus will be preferable. A . Ehrenbergii, Bail. Pseudo-nodule sur- rounded by an inner ring of linear radiating and an outer ring of circular or angular markings (depressions) ; marine ; breadth 1-200 to 1-60"; occurs also in guano (PI. 12. figs. 12 & 13, side view). A. ornatus, Ehr. South America. BIBL. Ehr. Eer. d. Eerl. Akad. 1848 & 1849; Smith, Brit. Diat.-, Shadbolt, Trans. Micr. Soc. iii. ARANEA, Latr. (Tegenaria, Walcken.)— A genus of Arachnida, of the Order Araneidea. A. civilis and domestica, house-spiders; readily accessible for examining the struc- tural peculiarities of spiders, the organs of the mouth, maxillary palpi, spinnerets, legs, &c. See PL 2. BIBL. Walcken. Apteres, i. ; Koch, Die Arachn. viii. ; Treviranus, Ueb. d. inn. Bau d. Arachn. ARAUCARIA, Jussieu.— A genus of Co- niferae (Gymnospermous Flowering Plants), remarkable for the character of the markings on the walls of the cells of the wood, where the disks or bordered pores appear in two or more parallel rows (PL 39. fig. 5). Arau- caria (Eutassa] excelsa is the Norfolk Island Pine, which grows to an immense size, as do also A. brasttiensis, A. imbricata, &c. The reservoirs of turpentine seem to be in the bark and not in the wood. See CONIFERS, WOOD, and SECONDARY LAYERS. ARAUCARITES, Goeppert (Dadoxylon, Endlicher ; Pinites, Lindl. and Hutt.). — A genus of Fossil Conifers (Gymnospermous Flow. Plants), characterized by the many rows of disks on the walls of the wood-cells. Mostly occurring in the carboniferous forma- tions. See CONIFERS. BIBL. Witham, Internal Structure of Fos- sil Vegetables, p. 72, pi. 4-11, Edinb. 1833; Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, 1. t. 2, 3. ARCELLA, Ehr. — A genus of Infusoria, of the family Arcellina. Char. Animals contained in a carapace, from an orifice in which one or more variable flattened expansions are protruded ; carapace discoid or hemispherical, with the orifice upon the flat surface. The Arcellae correspond to Amoebae contained in a carapace. In some species, the carapace is membranous and uniform ; in others, it is siliceous and exhibits fine stria3, depressions, or granules (?) spirally arranged. Not un- frequently it contains particles of sand, mi- nute Diatomaceae, &c., imbedded in its sub- stance. The gastric cells and contractile vesicle of the Infusoria have been observed. Dujardin places this genus among the RHIZOPODA. The species (?) are numerous ; the most common are — 1. A. vulgaris (PL 23. fig. 14 a). Carapace brownish-yellow, plano-convex, or hemi- spherical, covered with depressions. These markings or depressions are very beautiful ARCELLINA. [ 60 ARCYRIA. arid interesting. They agree exactly with those upon the valves of the Diatomaceae in regard to the requirements for their display; with unilateral oblique light, lines only are visible. Their true structure resembles that in PI. 11. fig. 48, or PI. 13. fig. 29, except that the rows are somewhat wavy or even spiral. Aquatic; breadth 1-500 to 1-200". In the young state it is very transparent and pale, and the markings are with difficulty distin- guished. PI. 25. fig. 24. represents the ani- mal with its processes protruding from the carapace. We have seen two of these animals con- jugating and so firmly united by the soft in- ternal substance, that they were not separable by rolling them over between two plates of glass. 2. A. aculeata (PI. 23. fig. 14 b). Carapace brownish, discoidal, convex above, with one or more irregular spinous prolongations at the margin ; aquatic; breadth 1-200" without the spines. 3. A. dentata (PI. 23. fig. 14 c). Hemi- spherical, anguloso - polygonal ; carapace membranous, homogeneous, yellowish or greenish ; aquatic ; breadth 1-560 to 1-200". 4. A. aureola (Cyphidium aureolum, Ehr.). (PI. 23. f. 38). Carapace yellow, angular, with numerous tubercles, four of which are larger and more projecting; a single expan- sion of varied size ; breadth 1-560 to 1-420 "5 aquatic. Fig. 38 a represents the carapace viewed from above, b the same supported upon one angle, and the single expan- sion. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infusionsth.-, Dujardin, Infusoires. ARCELLINA, Ehr.— A family of Infu- soria. Char. Animals contained in a univalve carapace, of an urceolate or shield- like form, with a single orifice from which one or more irregular and variable expansions are pro- truded, which form the organs of locomo- tion. The substance of the body resembles that of an Amoeba. Dujardin places this family among the Rhizopoda. Genera : Arcella (including Cyphidium, Ehr.) and Difflugia (including Trinema, Din.). See SPIRILLINA. ARCHEGOT^IUM. Also called pistilli- dium. The rudimentary organ representing the ovule in the higher Flowerless Plants, such as Mosses, Ferns, &c. (excluding the Thallophytes). These organs are more mi- nutely described under the heads of the va- rious Classes, in speaking of their reproduc- tion. In the Mosses and Liverworts they are flask-like cellular bodies, found in terminal or axillary buds on the leafy stems (figs. 32 Fig. 32. Fig. 33. Archegonia of Mosses. Magnified 50 diameters. & 33). In the Ferns and Equiseta they are produced on the prothallium, after the ger- mination of the spores. In the Lycopodiaceae and Marsileacere they are produced upon the cellular plate, representing a prothallium, de- veloped in the large spores when these be- gin to germinate. The corpuscula of the Coniferae are analogous bodies to the last. See HEPATICACE^E, MUSCACE.E, FILICA- CE^E, EftUISETACE^E, LYCOPODIACE^, MARSILEACE^E, also CONIFERS and CHA- RACE.E. ARCHIDIUM, Brid.— A genus of Bru- chiaceae (Acrocarpous Mosses), including some of the Phasca of Linnaeus, &c. A. phascoides, Brid.= Phascum alternifo- lium, Hook, and Taylor. ARCYRIA, Hill.— A genus of Myxogas- tres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), growing on rotten wood, with bright-coloured spores and filaments. The elastic filaments of the capillitium have no spiral fibres, but are a little tuberculated. Species : 1. A. punicea, Pers. Common; spores and capillitium purplish vermilion. Grev., Sc. Crypt. Flora, t. 130. 2. A. incarnata, Pers. Not uncommon ; smaller, with a shorter stipe and with flesh- coloured spores and capillitium. 3. A. cinerea, Bull. Spores and capil- litium cinereous. 4. A. nutans, Bull. Spores and capil- litium dirty-yellow ; capillitium nodding. Trichia nutans, Sowerby, t. 260; Arcyria flava, Grev., Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 30.9. 5. A. umbrina, Schum. Spores and ARECA. ARROW-ROOT. eapillitium ochraceous, capillitium erect ; peridium ovate. 6. A. ochroleuca, Fr. Spores and capil- litium pale-ochraceous, peridium globose, evanescent ; smaller than the preceding ; 1-12" high. ARECA, L. — A genus of flowering plants (Fam. Palmaceae). The albumen of the seed of the Areca catechu, the Areca nut as it is called, affords a good instance of horny con- sistence produced by secondary layers upon the cell-walls (PI. 38. figs. 21 & 22). See ALBUMEN (of seeds). AREGMA, Fries. See PHRAGMIDIUM. AREOLAR TISSUE of animals. See CELLULAR TISSUE. ARGAS, Walck.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina and family Gamasea. Char. Rostrum inferior, concealed, as also the palpi, beneath a projection of the anterior part of the body; under part of body granular, not scaly, and consisting of a single piece ; first joint of the palpi longest ; legs approximate at their insertion, feet terminated by two claws, but no vesicle. These animals are frequently parasitic upon pigeons, fowls, &c. ; some live in gardens. A. reflexus (Rhynchoprion Columbce, Herm.). Body marked with tortuous fur- rows and depressions, yellowish or violet after food. On pigeons, especially when young. A. persicus. Blood-red colour, back co- vered with scattered elevated white spots. The venomous bug of Persia ; said to cause death in the human subject. There are other species. BIBL. Walcken., Apteres, iii. (Gervais). ARGULU S,Mull.-A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma and family Argulidse. Char. Carapace membranous, covering the cephalothorax like a shield; antennae four, short, concealed beneath the carapace ; anterior two-jointed, terminal joint hooked, posterior four-jointed ; rostrum acuminate ; five pairs of legs, the place of the first (6th) pair being occupied by two suckers ; second pair short, five-jointed, the two basal joints spinous, the last joint with two small hooks ; the last four pairs of legs two-cleft, and fur- nished writh ciliated filiform processes. A.foliaceus (PL 15. fig. 1). Parasitic on the stickle-back (Gasterosteus) and other fishes ; carapace greenish. BIBL. V. d. Hoeven, Handb. d. Zool. ; Baird, Brit. Entomostraca. ARPACTICUS, Baird.— A genus of Ento- mostraca, of the order Copepoda and family Cyclopidae. Char. Head undistinguishable from thorax; foot-jaws two pairs, forming strong cheliform hands; antennae in male furnished with a swollen hinge-like joint; antennules (infe- rior antennae) simple; legs five pairs, the fifth pair rudimentary ; eye single ; ovary single. 2 species : — A. chelifer and A. nobilis. Marine, closely resembling Cyclops. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. ARRENURUS,Duges.— A geuusof Arach- nida, of the order Acarina and family Hydrachnea. It contains those species in which the posterior part of the body of the male is narrowed and produced into a truncate or cylindrical appendage. The body of the female is truncated posteriorly. The prolon- gation is terminated by two angles and a sinuous intervening margin. At the middle of the latter is situated the penis; above which are two hooks. In both sexes the back is hard, crustaceous, as if shagreened, or spinous. In some species the thicker layer of the skin is furnished with a number of conical apertures (PI. 2. fig. 12). The eyes are two, distant, blackish. The intes- tinal caeca are distinguishable through the skin. The mouth is round and surrounded by a kind of hood (PL 2. fig. 13 e). Arrenurus viridis, Duges' typical species (PL 2. fig. 13), has the palpi short and clavate (a) ; the fourth joint longest and largest, the fifthfalcate and the mandiblesunguiculate (b). The species are very numerous and of almost all colours, red, green, yellow, grey, purple. BIBL. Walcken. Apteres, iii. ; Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat., 2 ser. i. ; Koch, Ueber- sicht des Arachnidensystems. ARROW-ROOT.— A name given to va- rious kinds of starch, derived from the plant Mar ant a arundinacea, and other species. True West India arrow root is from this (PL 36. fig. 18) and M. Allonga and M. nobilis (N. O. Marantaceae). East India arrow-root is obtained from species of Cur- cuma (N. O. Zingiberaceae) (PL 36. fig. 19), but Maranta arundinacea is also grown there, as its fecula is brought from Singa- pore. Tahitan arrow-root (PL 36. fig. 22) is obtained from the plant called Tacca pin- natifida (N. O. Taccaceae), and the substance called Portland arrow-root (PL 36. fig. 11), is extracted from the Arum maculatum (N. O. Araceae), a common hedge-weed in this country. In all these cases the fecula consists of starch- grains, which are produced in great quantity before the season of rest, in ARSENIC. ARTERIES. the succulent root-stocks or rhizomes of the plants ; the arrow-root is extracted from the grated root-stocks by washing, to separate the cellular tissue and remove the often acrid juices. See STARCH. ARSENIC.— The common term for arse- nious acid. Arsenious acid assumes two crystalline forms and occurs also in an amorphous state. The most common form is the octohedral or tetrahedral. The second (right rhombic) is less common, and is only obtained by sub- limation. Attention to the form of the crystals is important, because it is used as a means of identifying arsenic in cases of poisoning. It must, however, be borne in mind that protoxide of antimony (Sb O3) yields crystals by sublimation of exactly the same form as those of arsenious acid (PL 6. fig. 3). Solution of arsenious acid is sometimes used as a preservative liquid for animal pre- parations. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. ARTEMIA, Leach.— A genus of Ento- mostraca, of the order Phyllopoda and family Branchiopoda. Char. Abdomen prolonged in the form of a tail, composed of nine segments or joints, the end joint simply divided into two lobes ; superior antennae slender and filiform in both sexes; inferior antennae in the male large, flat, curved downwards and two- jointed, resembling horns ; in the female short, pointed and slightly curved; basal joint of male inferior, antennae provided with a short conical process. A. salina. The Lymington shrimp or brine-worm. Found in the salt-pans at Lymington. Length about 1-2". Each segment of the thorax shortly bilobed at the apex, and with a pair of branchial feet ; each lobe of the end joint of abdomen giving off several short setae. Agrees gene- rally in structure with Branchipus. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. ; Rackett, Trans. Linncean Soc. xi. ARTERIES.— These are the tubes or vessels which convey the blood from the heart to the various parts of the body. The structure of the arteries is very complicated and difficult of investigation, and the coats or tunics of which they consist are so inti- mately connected as to be by no means easily separable. In the larger arteries, three coats are usually distinguishable, an outer or adven- titious coat, a middle and an inner coat. Their composition and thickness varies in arteries of different sizes. The middle coat is usually thick and strong, consisting of several layers, and its elements run transversely. In the largest arteries it is yellow, very elastic and of great strength; as the vessels become smaller, it di- minishes in thickness, becoming redder and more contractile ; and near the capillaries it is very thin, finally disappearing. The inner coat is always thin, yet thickest in the large vessels ; whilst the outer coat is absolutely thinner in these than in those of a moderate size, in which it equals or even exceeds the middle coat. In the smaller arteries the inner coat con- sists of pale, flattened, fusiform cells with longish, oval nuclei ; these possess no slight resemblance, on the one hand, to the fusi- form cells of pathologists (as also to the formative cells of elastic and areolar tissue), and on the other to contractile (smooth muscular) fibre-cells; yet they differ from the former in the less acumination of their ends and their paleness, and from the latter, in their rigidity, the form of their nuclei and their chemical reactions. An elastic layer is expanded beneath the epithelial layer in the living vessels, whilst in these, when empty, it exhibits numerous transverse or longitudinal folds. It forms Fig. 34. Magnified 350 diameters. Muscular fibre-cells from human arteries. 1, from the popliteal : a, before, b, after the addition of acetic acid; 2, from a twig of the anterior tibial artery : a, nuclei. what is called a fenestrated membrane, gene- rally exhibiting more or less distinct reticu- lated fibres and usually small elongated ARTERIES. [ openings ; more rarely a very dense network of principally longitudinal elastic fibres, with narrow elongated fissures. The middle coat of the smaller arteries is purely muscular. The fibres or fibre-cells, which are connected into layers, may be isolated by dissection, or by maceration and boiling in a mixture of nitric acid with four parts of water. The outer coat consists of areolar tissue with elongated nuclei and fine elastic fibres, and is nearly as thick as, or even thicker than the middle coat. Magnified 350 Diameters. A small artery (a) and vein (6) (about 1-180" in diameter) from the me- sentery of a child, after the addition of acetic acid : a, external coat, with elongated nuclei ; /3, nuclei of the muscular fibres of the middle coat, partly seen from the surface, partly the sectional view ; y, nuclei of the epithelial cells ; $, fibrous layer of elastic tissue . In the smallest arteries, the outer coat gradually ceases to contain elastic tissue, consisting merely of areolar tissue and the nu- clei ; this gradually loses its fibrous character, next becoming homogeneous, and finally, a thin perfectly structureless membrane, and disappearing. In the same manner the mid- dle coat gradually loses its layers of muscular fibres, until these and the fibres themselves ultimately vanish. On tracing the smaller arteries downwards, the inner coat is first found to lose its elastic fibres, and at last the epithelial cells cease to be isolable, all that canbe distinguished consisting of their closely aggregated nuclei. ] ARTERIES. In moderate-sized arteries the middle coat increases in thickness, but in addition to a larger number of muscular layers, fine elastic fibres in open networks are added, at first run- ning somewhat irregularly through the muscu- lar elements, and in the larger vessels of this category mixed with areolar tissue, and here and there forming layers alternating with those of the muscular fibres. The inner coat sometimes contains between its elastic layer and the epithelium several other layers, form- ing with fine networks of elastic tissue more externally situated in homogeneous granu- lar or fibrillar areolar tissue, a strong middle layer, the elements of which are longitudinal. The outer coat in these vessels contains more elastic tissue, in the form of laminae. In the largest arteries, the epithelial cells of the inner coat are not so elongated, and the inner coat consists principally of layers of a ho- mogeneous, striated, or even distinctly fibrillar substance, agreeing with areolar tissue, traversed by finer and coarser longitudinal networks of elas- tic tissue. Immediately be- neath the epithelium the net- works of elastic fibres are either very fine, or are re- placed by one or more striated layers, which when nucleated, often appear as if composed of fused epithelial cells, and when homogeneous, resemble pale elastic membranes. The middle coat contains, as a new element, elastic mem- branes or plates, as many as 50 or 60, which, except in their transverse direction, resemble the elas- tic inner coat, sometimes forming the densest networks of elastic fibres, at others fenes- trated membranes. These layers alternate with those of the muscular fibres traversed by areolar tissue and networks of elastic tissue. The muscular layer of the middle coat is less developed, its cells smaller and less regularly and perfectly formed. The outer coat is relatively and absolutely thinner than that of the smaller; but the structure is the same, except that its inner elastic layer is much less developed. In some of the larger arteries of man, as the axillary and popliteal, and the mesenteric ARTIIONIA. ARTHROCLADIA. arteries of other mammals, the internal coat contains unstriped muscular fibres. This is Fig. 36. Magnified 30 diameters. Transverse section of the human aorta below the superior mesenteric artery, after acetic acid. 1. Inner coat: a, epithelium; b, striated layers; e, elastic layers. 2. Middle coat : d, its elastic layers; e, the muscular and areolar tis- sues ; 3, outer coat with its network of elastic tissue. kind of velvety surface ; spores numerous, angular, or like a double cone, attached in whorls at the joints of the filaments. BIBL. Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 436 ; Torula Eriophori, Berk. English Flora, v. p. 2. 35.9. ARTHROBOTRYS, — Corda. — A genus of Mu- cedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi) bearing elegant no- dular groups of septate spores. No species is yet recorded in Britain. Corda describes one species, A. superba (fig. 37) ; in this the spores are about 1 - 1 500" long. Fresenius describes the case also with the outer coat of the larger arteries in animals, but not in man. All except the smallest arteries are fur- nished with nutrient blood-vessels, the vasa vasorum-, these ramify principally in the outer coat, in the larger ones extending into the middle coat. They also receive branches of the sympathetic and spinal nerves. The most important pathological changes to which the arteries are subject, consist of the deposition of fat in their substance — fatty degeneration, — and of atheromatous matter. These will be noticed under the heads FATTY DEGENERATION and ATHE- ROMA. See also VESSELS. BIBL. Henle, Allgemeine Anatomie ; K61- liker, Handbuch der Gewebelehre ; Wedl, Grundzuge der pathol. Histol. ; Rokitansky, Ueber einige d. wichtig. Krankh. d. Arterien. ARTHONIA, Acharius.— A genus of Gra- phideae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), distin- guished by the small roundish or irregular apothecia, scattered over the thallus, devoid of an excipulum. Mr. Leigh ton describes eight British species, growing on the bark of trees, some of which have been described by others as species of Opegrapha, &c. BIBL. Leighton, Ann. of Nat. Hist. Ser. 2, vol. xiii. p. 436. pi. 7. 8. 1854. ARTHRINEUM, Kze.— A genus of De- matiei( Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which one species has been found in Britain, growing upon dead leaves of Eriophorum angustifo- lium. A.Puccinoides, Kze. Filaments elongated, tufted, often not more than 1-50" long, but frequently confluent in a linear form, with a Fig. 37. Fig. 38. Arthrobotrys superba. 37. A fertile filament with many groups of spores. Magnified 200 diameters. 38. A fertile articulation of ditto, with most of the spores detached from the spine-like pro- cesses on which they are borne. Magnified 600 diameters. another, A. oligospora, perhaps not distinct, which has the erect filaments about 1-50" high, solitary, not in tufts, and mostly with only one group of spores ; these are pear- shaped, 1-700' long, and have the septum below the middle : it was found on damp wood, fruit and earth, in a fungus-bed. See FUNGUS-BED. BIBL. Corda, Prachfl. eur. Schimmelb. p. 43. t. 21 ; Fresenius, Beitr. zur Mycologie, Hefti.p.18. pi. 3. figs. 1-8. ARTHROCLADIA, Duby.— A genus of Sporochnaceae (Fucoid Algae). A. villosa, Huds., is a rather rare British annual sub- marine species, growing in 4 to 5 fathoms ARTHRODESMUS. ASCOMYCETES. water ; bearing a curious pod-like nucleated fruit. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Marine Alga, 2d ed. p. 24. pi. 5 C.; Phyc. Brit. t. Ixiv.; Eng. Bot. t. 546 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 33. figs. 18-20. ARTHRODESMUS, Ehr.— A genus of Desmidiaceae. Char. Cells single, compressed, constricted in the middle ; segments entire, with a single spine on each side. Species : 1. A.convergens. Segments elliptic (PI. 10. fig. 27); length 1-598 to 1-539". 2. A. inous, Kiitz. Segments with trun- cated ends; length 1-1103". 3. A. minutus, Kiitz. 4. A. truncatus, Ehr. 5. A. subulatus. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. pp. 117, 200; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 1/6; Ehrenberg, Infu- sionsth. p. 158. ARTHROMITUS, Leidy.— Described as a genus of the Leptothriceae of Kiitzing (Algae Confervoideae). Two species, A. cris- tatus and A. nitidus, were found in the in- testinal canal of lulus marginatus, a kind of millipede. These objects appear to have been imperfect forms of some filamentous Fun- gus. See PARASITIC FUNGI. BIBL. Leidy, On thepresence ofEntophyta in healthy Living Animals, Proc. Acad. of Philadelphia, iv. p. 225. 1849, extracted in Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. v. p. 71« ARTHRONEMA, Hassall.— A genus of Oscillatorieae (Confervoid Algae) growing in fresh water, consisting of widely spreading olive-coloured or brown tufts of floating fila- ments, with close and conspicuous cross stria?; the coloured tubes lie singly, in lengths of 1-2 to 1", in a gelatinous sheath, the ends of contiguous lengths overlapping obliquely. A. cirrhosum, Hass. Brit. Freshw. Algce, p. 238. pi. 78. fig. 7; Scytonema cirrhosum, Carmich, Hook, Br. Fl. (PI. 4. fig. 20). ARTHROSTPHON, Kiitzing. See PE- TALONEMA. ARTOTROGUS, Mont.— A genus of Se- pedoniei (Hyphomycetous Fungi) containing one species growing and fructifying in the intercellular passages of germinating pota- toes. A. hydnosporus, Mont. Berkeley, Journal of the Horticultural Society, vol. i. p. 3. pi. 4. figs. 27-29. ARUM, L. — A genus of Araceae (Flow. P. ants). Arum maculatum, the common Cuckoo-pint, has a tuberous rhizome in which is produced much starch. This starch is extracted in the same way as Arrowroot starch is from the rhizomes of Marantaceas, &c., and is called Portland Arrowroot. (PI. 36. fig. 11.) See STARCH. ASCARIS.— A genus of Entozoa, of the order Ccelelmintha and family Nematoidea. Char. Body cylindrical, narrowed at each end ; head furnished with three tubercles or valves; mouth terminal, situated between the three tubercles; male with one or two spicula. The species are very numerous, occurring in all the classes of the Vertebrata and doubt- fully in Insects. They are most commonly found in the alimentary canal. We shall only notice the two species met with in man. 1. A. lumbricoides. The common round worm. Inhabits the human small intestine ; sometimes found also in that of the ass, wild-boar, pig and ox. Varies in length from 3 to 15"; is of a whitish colour; the head distinct, with the three valves (PI. 16. fig. 9) finely denticulated on their inner border, and each furnished near the summit with a slightly projecting papilla. Female larger and more common than the male. Spicula two. 2. A. vermicularis (Oxyuris verm.). The human thread-worm. Found usually in the rectum. White ; head frequently appearing winged, or exhibiting two lateral vesicular expansions (PL 16. fig. 8 a), produced by en- dosmosis. Mouth round when contracted, exhibiting the three lobes when expanded. CEsophagus (e) containing a triquetrous canal, and separated by a constriction from the spherical stomach (d). Length, female 3 to 4-10ths of an inch ; male shorter, with the tail spirally coiled, much more rarely met with. Anus (g) about 1 -8th from the end of the body; spiculum single, with an appen- dage. Uterus consisting of two lobes (h) (ovaries), oviduct (k) opening externally near the middle of the body. BIBL. Dujardin, Hist. d. Helminthes ; Blanchard, Ann. d. Sc. nat., Zool., 3 ser. x. ; Cloquet, Anat. d. Vers. Int. ASCLEPIADACE^E.— A family of Dico- tyledonous flowering-plants, presenting some remarkable characters in the pollen (see POLLEN). The stems of some of these plants contain very tenacious fibres, which have been used for ceconomical purposes (see FIBRES, vegetable). ASCOMYCETES.-A.il order of Fungi characterized by producing the spores in tubular sacs (asci or thecce), frequently inter- mixed with empty filiform sacs (paraphyses) ASCOMYCETES. [ (fig. 40), and hence bearing a near relation to the Lichens, which, indeed, are included Fig. 39. Fig. 40, Spathulea flavida. Fig. 39. Entire plant (reduced). Fig. 40. Highly magnified section of fructification, showing asci and paraphyses arising from the hymenium. under this order by some botanists; but the existence of green colouring matter in the cells, and of gonidia or brood-cells, in the Lichens, forbid such an association. The Ascomycetes differ much in external form, and approach in this particular several tribes belonging to the other orders; thus the Tuberacei are very much like many of the Gasteromycetes, the Helvellacei, like some Hymenomycetes, &c., differing chiefly in the mode of the production of the spores (figs. 39-42). Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Leotia geoglossoides. Fig. 41. Group of plants (reduced). Fig. 42. Highly magnified asci with spores. The Onygenei are little Fungi growing on dead animal substances, feathers, horn, &c., and have a flocculent mycelium, bearing little | ASCOMYCETES. columnar bodies terminating in a thickened head, the sporange, which is a kind of hood falling off at maturity. The sporiferous struc- ture, loosely filling up the hood, is composed of interlacing branched filaments, bearing at their free ends globular cells (asci or thecce] filled with spores. The Perisporacei are like- wise very simple,consisting of parasitical Fungi growing upon the leaves of trees or herbaceous plants. They have a flocculent mycelium, often radiating from a centre, where is found a membranous, sac-like, globular sporange, containing sometimes a definite, sometimes an indefinite number of clavate sacs or asci, alone or mingled with paraphyses, and con- taining ovate spores. The sporange bursts either regularly or irregularly at the summit. The Sphaeriacei have the conceptacles more developed, either single, or associated on a common receptacle, and consisting of a firm capsular structure, lined with asci, and open- ing at the apex by a regular pore in the form of a papilla or beak when mature. The Phacidiacei differ chiefly in the dehiscence by slits, either single and longitudinal, or several and parallel or stellate, or circular so as to detach a lid; most of these have the sporanges collected on a common receptacle, either of horny or fleshy consistence. These two tribes are but imperfectly understood, since it is in this portion of the Ascomycetes that Coniomycetous forms of spore are found upon the same receptacle, either contempo- raneously or at different stages of develop- ment. Attention is directed to this subject under the head of that order, and more will be found under SPH^ERIA, TYMPANIS, RHYTISMA, DOTHIDEA, CORDICEPS, &c. The Tuberacei are Ascomycetous repre- sentatives of the Hypogseous Gasteromycetes, being subterraneous, solid, globular or lobed bodies, of fleshy consistence, the Truffle being a well-known example. The organ- ization of the Tuberacei is analogous in all cases, but the structures differently arranged. They all have an inconspicuous flocculent mycelium, from which arises the solid spo- range. The sporange exhibits, when cut across, an outer tough coat (peridium}, enclo- sing a fleshy structure, excavated with sinuous cavities giving it a marbled appearance. These sinuous cavities are produced by the convolutions of the spore-bearing layer, which is folded and reflected backwards and forwards, leaving interstices which are lined with the asci or spore-sacs containing four or eight spores. The degree of complexity of the lacunose mass differs in different genera, ASCOMYCETES. ASELLUS. being sometimes simple, in others very com- plicated. The sporanges of the Helvellacei vary much in form, the simpler resembling closely some of the Phacidiacei; some kinds are minute fleshy cups lined with asci forming a superficial layer, as in Propolis, or they are large fleshy cups raised often on a stalk (Peziza), these cups being closed at first, but opening widely afterwards. In the Helvellce, the cup is converted into a stalked mitre- shaped body clothed above with asci. Others are of columnar form, thickened at the sum- mit, which is clothed with the asci, as if a cup-shaped receptacle had been turned down over it (Spathulea, fig. 39), this thickened head becoming more considerable and exca- vated into little pits in Morchella. These plants are mostly found on the ground or decaying vegetable substances, in damp places, and are frequently of gelatinous con- sistence. If a Peziza, Morchella, a Rhytisma aceri- num, or similar Fungus, in its last stage of development, is kept shut up in a bottle for several hours, and then gently taken out, the contact of the external air causes an immediate and abundant explosion of spores, which may be collected on slips of glass for microscopic examination. If care is taken in the experiment, it will be found that a considerable quantity of a colourless liquid is expelled with the spores, which liquid con- tains minute molecules, and evaporates very rapidly, leaving more or less apparent spots on the glass. Synopsis of the tribes : 1. HELVELLACEI. Sporange fleshy, of va- rious forms, ultimately expanded, clavate, ca- pitate, stalked, mitre-shaped, cup-shaped or bell-shaped, the upper surface clothed by elon- gated sacs (asci), each containing eight simple or septate spores. 2. TUBERACEI. Sporange (subterraneous) globular, with an adherent peridium; solid and fleshy within, and excavated sinuously into numerous cavities clothed by asci containing four or eight spores ; the internal mass drying up or becoming pulverulent or floccose when mature. 3. PHACIDIACEI. Sporange fleshy, sim- ple or branched, more or less cup-shaped in the sporiferous region, which opens widely or by a slit when mature, and exposes a cavity lined with elongated asci mixed with para- physes. 4. SPH^ERIACEI. Sporanges usually col- lected on a common, usually horny, receptacle, opening by a terminal pore into a cavity lined with asci. 5. PERISPORACEI. Common receptacle floccose, radiating from a centre, bearing a globular sessile conceptacle, opening by a terminal pore, and irregularly lined with asci filled with simple ovate spores. 6. ONYGENEI. Mycelium floccose, bearing capitate, stalked sporanges, which open by a circular slit at the base, causing the upper part to fall off like a cap ; exposing a spori- ferous structure composed of interlacing branched filaments, bearing globular asci at the free extremities of the branches. BIBL. See under the heads of the Tribes. ASCOPHORA, Tode. See MUCOR. ASCOTRICHA, Berk.— A genus of Peri- sporacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing one species. A. chart arum, a kind of mildew growing on paper, forming a brownish, angularly and dichotomously branched mycelium, from which arise globose, black hairy peridia con- taining linear asci, each containing a single row of chocolate-coloured spores. Peridia from 1-20" to 1-30" in diameter. BIBL. Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 257. pi. 7. fig. 8. ASCUS.— The term applied to the cylin- drical or clavate tubular sac forming the pa- rent cell of the spores in the Ascomycetous or Thecasporous Fungi. It is frequently called a theca also (figs. 40 and 42). See ASCOMYCETES. ASELLUS, Geoftroy (the aquatic wood- louse). — A genus of Crustacea, of the family Isopoda. Char. Antennae four, outer much longer than the inner ones ; legs shorter than the body, the first pair terminated by a minute subcheliform hand, the others by a simple hook or claw; two abdominal jointed append- ages, each terminated by two elongate and jointed filaments. A. vulgaris. Length 1-4 to 1-2" or more. This animal is particularly interesting to the microscopist, on account of its forming the most readily procurable object for examining the dorsal vessel and circulating liquid in motion. It is found in almost all stagnant waters. The two currents of the circulating liquid, with the colourless corpuscles, are readily seen streaming through every part of the body. Beneath the large scutiform joint of the body (the abdomen), are three flattened branchial false legs or gills on each side, each protected by a gill-cover; these are in constant motion during life. F2 ASPERGILLUS. ASPEROCOCCUS. Fig. 43. BIBL. Desmarest, Consid. General, s. I. Crustaces ; Treviranus, Vermischte Sckrif- ten, i. ; M.-Edwards, Crustaces, iii. (Suites a Buff on). ASPERGILLUS, Micheli.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi) forming common moulds, such as the blue mould of cheese, A. glaucus. The chains of spores arise from a more or less globular head at the apex of the fertile fila- ments (fig. 43). It is gene- rally stated that the heads of spores are originally en- closed in a peridium ; according to our observa- tions this is not the case ; the spores bud out from the capitular cell, which enlarges very much during the formation of the head of spores, and when these have been detached, the head is left bare, but covered with short spiny processes (the points of attachment of the chains Aspergiiius glaucus. Of spores), and then looks A fertile filament r,i . ' V1 with chains of spores something like a young on a giobuiar head. peridium of MuCOr. Brit. Magnified 50 diame- species : ters< * Fertile filaments simple. 1. A. glaucus, Link. Sporidia globose, variable, white to glaucous, close (A. can- didus, Link) or lax. Heads about 1-100" in diameter when mature. On cheese, lard, bread, &c., very common. It has been found also in the lungs and air cavities of birds (fig. 43). Mucor glaucus, L. 2. A. roseus, Lk. Sporidia globose, very small, rose-red ; fertile filaments not septate. On damp paper, lint, carpet, &c. 3. A. aureus, Berk. Sporidia large, ellip- tical, thinly scattered, golden-yellow ; fertile filaments without septa. On bark. 4. A. aurantiacus, Berk. Sporidia oval, the lowest of the chain much larger, myce- lium rusty-orange, the heads often prolife- rous, so as to produce a complicated mass. On bark. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 436. pi. xiii. 22. Nematogonium aurantiacum, Desmaz. Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2 ser. ii. p. 69. pi. 2. fig. 1. ** Fertile filaments branched. 5. A. maximus, Lk. Sporidia very large, at length yellow brown, mycelium a fleecy mass of the same colour; fertile filaments dichotomous, clavate above. On decaying Fungi. 6. A. mollis, Berk. Sporidia large, sub- globose, white, mycelium white ; fertile fila- ments dichotomous, standing in minute, scattered white bundles. 7. A. virens, Lk. Sporidia, like the fila- ments, greenish ; tufts of fertile filaments rather dense, entangled, suberect. On de- caying fungi and other bodies. 8. A. alternatus, Berk. Sporidia grey- black, subtruncate ; fertile plants branched alternately in a zigzag manner, erect or decumbent, forming extremely minute orbi- cular patches on damp paper. Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 262. pi. 8. f. 11. 9. A. dubius, Corda, would appear to differ generically from the above. Mr. Ber- keley states that its capitular cells bear linear processes, each surmounted by four steriginata, on which are attached the chains of spores. On dung. Corda, Icones, ii. 1. 11. fig. 77. BIBL. Berkeley, in Hooker's Br. Flora, vol. ii. part 2. p. 339; Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 262. vi. 436. 2nd ser. vii. 100; Fries, Sy- stema Mycologicum, iii. 383 ; Corda, Icones Fungorum; Robin, Veg. Parasites, p. 515. ASPEROCOCCUS, Lamour. — A genus Fig. 44. Fig. 45. Fig. 46. Asperococcus Turneri, Dillw. Fig. 44. Fronds reduced to l-3rd. Fig. 45. Fragment of ditto, magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 46. A section at right angles to fig. 45, showing the sporanges and paraphyses, magnified 50 diameters. of Dictyotacese (Fucoid Algse), of which three species are found on the British coast. The fructification consists of groups of spo- ranges (commonly called spores), intermixed with paraphyses, scattered over the whole surface of the frond. When mature these sporanges discharge zoospores. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Marine Algce, 2nd ed. p. 42. pi. 8 C. ; Phyc. Brit. t. xi., Ixxii. and cxciv. ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 3 ser. ASPIDULE. ASPLENIEJS. xiv. p. 238; Derbes and Solier, ibid, p. 268. pi. 33. fig. 11. ASPIDIE^E.— A subtribe of Polypods-eous Ferns, with indusiate sori. I. Cyclodium. Sori globose. Indusium orbiculate, peltate. Veins anastomosing into six-sided spots. II. Sagenia. Sori globose. Indusium orbiculate, peltate. Veins anastomosing,, with free venules. III. Aspidium. Sori globose. Indusium orbiculate, peltate. Veins pinnate. BIBL. See FILICACE^E. ASPIDISCA, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Aspidiscina. Char. Those of the family. ^ 1. A. lynceus (P1.23. fig. 15 a, under view). Carapace suborbicular, truncated posteriorly, uncinate anteriorly; aquatic, among Con- ferva, &c. ; length 1-1 100 to 1-560". 2. A.denticulata (P1.23.fig. 15£, side view). Carapace suborbicular, rounded at the ends, truncate and denticulate on the left side ; aquatic ; length 1-560". BIBL. Ehrenb.j , In/us. ; Duj., Infusoires-, Stein, Infusionsthiere &c. ASPIDISCINA, Ehr.— A family of Infu- soria. Char. A carapace present in the form of a transparent flattened shield, projecting beyond the mouth in front ; flexible bristles on the ventral surface of the body, with delicate oral cilia. Ehrenberg describes an alimentary canal, the inferior orifice of which is alone terminal. Hence they correspond to Euplotes with the excrementitial orifice terminal. Dujardin places them among his Coccudinee. The setae, styles or cirrhi serve for climb- ing, whilst by the cilia the animals are enabled to swim. This family should not be retained, but the single genus of which it is constituted, Aspidisca, referred to the Euplota. ASPIDIUM, Schott.— A genus of Aspi- Fig. 47. Aspidium trifoliatum. dieac (Polypodaeoui Ferns), in its old sense including many of our native species, broken up into subdivisions, now raised to Fig. 48. Aspidium trifoliatum. Fig. 47. An indusium covering a sorus. Fig. 48. Side view of the same, cut through perpendi- cularly. Magnified 25 diameters. the rank of genera ; as restricted here it is synonymous with Polystichum. ASPLANCHNA, Gosse.— A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Hydatinsea. Char. Foot, intestine and anus absent; eye-spots (1 to 3) and mandibles present ; sexes separate. 1. A. Brightwellii (Notommata Syrinx, Ehr. ?). Female : jaws with a single tooth ; eye-spot single ; tremulous bodies attached to an extended filament; aquatic; length 1-24". Male : jaws, pharynx and stomach absent; body truncate ; length 1-40". 2. A. priodonta (PL 34. fig. 7, female). 3 eye-spots ; tremulous bodies attached to a tortuous filament ; aquatic ; length — female 1-48", male 1-110"; jaws of female serrated (7 b). BIBL. Brightwell, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. ii. p. 153. pi. 6; Dalrymple, Trans. Royal Soc. 1849, and Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. iii. p. 518; Gosse, Ann. N. H. ser. 2. vi. p. 18, viii. p. 197. ASPLENIEJE.— A subtribe of Polypo- daeous Ferns with indusiate sori. The fol- lowing genera are indigenous or readily met with cultivated. A. Veins pinnate. I. Asplenium. Sori not marginal, elon- gated ; indusium elongated, arising from the nerve, free within. II. Adiantum. Sori marginal, linear; in- dusium marginal, linear or semilunar, free within. III. Cassebeera. Sori marginal, two under each emarginate tooth of the leaf; in- dusium roundish, marginal, covering the pair of sori. B. Veins anastomosing. IV. Lonchitis. Sori in the incisions of the lobes of the leaf, linear, semilunate ; in- dusium marginal, semilunar, free within. V. Doodia. Sori in one or two rows, lunulate or linear, parallel with the rib ; in- ASPLENIUM. [ 70 ] ASTASI^A. dusium arising from the anastomosing branch of the vein. Veins parallel, anastomosing here and there. VI. Woodwardia. Sori in a single row, lunular or linear, parallel with the rib, im- mersed ; indusium arising from the anasto- mosing branch of the vein, flat, free within. Anastomoses of the veins forming hexagonal BIBL. See FILICACE^E. ASPLENIUM, Presl., Spleen-wort.— A well-known genus of Aspleniese (Polypodae- ous Ferns), containing a number of indi- genous species. ASTASIA, Ehr. — A genus of Infusoria, of the family Astasieea. Char. Unattached, no eye-spot. Ehren- berg adds, a longer or shorter tail. Du- jardin says, with a flagelliform filament, which is not expanded at the base, but arises suddenly from the anterior part of the body, or from a more or less deep notch in it. Dujardin forms an unnecessary genus, Peranema, to contain those species in which the filament arises from the gradually nar- rowed anterior extremity of the body. 1. A.Jiamatodes, E. (PI. 23. fig. 16). Fusi- form, tail very short ; at first green, then red; length 1-380". The flagelliform filament was absent in the specimens represented in the figure. The substance of the body was insoluble in cau- stic potash, even when heated to boiling, merely becoming swollen. It exhibited nu- merous vacuoles, which in some of the or- ganisms were filled with green grains of chlorophylle. The colour arose from di- stinct granules of pigment, scattered through the colourless substance ; when treated with solution of iodine and then sulphuric acid, the AstasifB became spherical, and were co- loured blue, bluish-green and purplish-blue, the purple tint apparently indicating the pre- sence of cellulose. It was, however, after- wards found that these colours were produced by the acid alone (see PI. 25. fig. 25). This curious organism colours the water of ponds, &c. blood-red. 2. A. limpida, D. (PL 23. fig; 17). Fusi- form, colourless; length 1-550". There are other species, but they are ill- defined. A. nivalis, Shuttleworth, found in red snow, would appear to be an active form of Protococcus nivalis. BIBL. See ASTASI^BA ; also Shuttleworth, Biblioth. de Geneve, Feb. 1840. ASTASLEA, Ehr.— A family of Infusoria. Char. Body of spontaneously variable form, mostly with one or more flagelliform fila- ments. (Insoluble in solution of caustic potash.) This family corresponds nearly to the Eu- glenia of Dujardin, who asserts the existence of a contractile integument. The form of the body is variable, sometimes becoming spherical, at others cylindrical, fusiform, &c., and exhibiting a head- or tail-like process, or both. In two genera, Colacium and Di- stigma, the presence of the filament is doubt- ful. The Astasiaea are distinguished from the Amceba3a by the absence of the irregular foot-like process sent out by the latter from all parts of the body. The forms included under the family thus characterized are still very imperfectly un- derstood, and it is probable that some of them, separated genetically by Ehrenberg,are only transitional conditions of others. Infu- soria exactly resembling Astasia hcematodes and Euglena viridis occur without the flagel- liform filaments; Euglena also occurs in a resting form, surrounded by a gelatinous en- velope, like Chlamidomonas, and undergoes division into 4, 8, 16 or more new indivi- duals in this state, so as to form irregular, floating Algoid patches; the green bodies make their escape from the gelatinous enve- lopes under certain circumstances, just in the same way as the zoospores escape from the cells of the Confervoid Algae. This resting form also exhibits another character, espe- cially in winter ; the gelatinous envelope ac- quires a firm dense membranous coat over its periphery, like the resting spores of the Confervoids, and in some cases this coat is polygonal and marked with ridges, &c. It is probable that the colour of the species is not constant, since it seems to depend upon similar substances to that of the Palmellaceae, which are known positively to change from green to red, and vice versa, and even to fade into an almost colourless state when kept in the dark. These organisms still require much careful examination, not of isolated speci- mens, but by watching their developmental history constantly for extended periods and through different seasons. More is said on this subject under PROTOCOCCUS. The following table gives the genera of Ehrenberg and Dujardin : — Attached Colacium, Ehr. Unattached. No flagelliform filaments, 2 eye-spots Distigma, Ehr. One flagelliform filament. One eye-spot. With a tail-like process Euglena, Ehr. Without „ Amblyophis, Ehr. No PVP .6. rrnmnuKmn vi octAii, m»gi*A.uvv» showing the cortical tubes. Fig. 123. A section of ditto, magnified 30 diam. Fig. 124. Branch with nucule and globule, 10 diam. CHARACE.E. [ 134 ] CHEESE-MOULD. composed of eight triangular plates, each composed of a number of long wedge-shaped cells radiating from a central cell. The plates have dentate margins, by which they fit into one another (fig. 125). The cells contain a red colouring matter. In the centre of each plate, inside, rises an oblong cell, running in toward the centre, where it meets its fellows from the other plates, and they are united Fig. 125. Fig. 125. A globule, magnified 50 diam., showing the triangular valves. Fig. 126. A globule cut in half, to show the oblong cells and the septate filaments in the centre, 50 diam. Fig. 127. Portion of a septate filament, 200 diam., with two biciliated spermatozoids, 400 diam. Fig, 128. Chara translucens, showing its simple tubes and nucules grouped in threes under the terminal glo- bule. Fig. 129, Diagram representing the course of the cir- culation in the main tube and branches of Chara. by a little collection of spherical cells; a ninth cell, of similar form but larger size, comes to join these in the centre, it being the pedicle of the globule, arising from the branch upon which it is seated, and entering the globule between the lower four valves. At the point where these nine cells meet in the centre, a number of long septate filaments arise (fig. 126). These are composed, when ma- ture, of a large number of cells placed end to end (figs. 126 & 127), each of which finally discharges a ciliated spiral filament (spermatozoid), which swims actively in the water. The globule bursts, by the separation of its triangular valves, when mature, and it is after this that the spermatozoids are emitted. The form of these spermatozoids is very like that of those found in the Mosses, and different from what is seen in the Ferns, Lycopodiacea3, &c. (PI. 32. figs. 31-34). 'The nucule of the Charaj (figs. 124 & 128), which is regarded by some authors as a pis- tillidium, is an oval body coated by five cells wound spirally around a central tough sac, the five cells terminating above in five or ten smaller cells, which project like teeth from the summit, forming a kind of crown. The cells of the crown separate from each other at a particular period, leaving a canal leading down to the central cell, which contains protoplasm, oil, and starch-globules. Ulti- mately the nucule falls off, germinates, and becomes developed into a new plant. The Chares also multiply by gemmae, pro- duced at the articulations of the stem. BIBL. Corti, Osservazioni, fyc. sulla Cir- culazione, fyc. Lucca, 1774; Amici, Osserva- zioni sulla Circulazione, fyc., Mem. di Societa italiana, viii. vol. ii. Modena, 1818; Ann. des Sc.nat. 1824; Dutrochet, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 2. x. 349 ; Meyen, Pflanzen-physiologie, ii. 206 ; Varley, Trans. Soc. of Arts. xlix. 1 833 ; Trans. Microscop. Soc. ii. 93. 1849 ; Slack, Trans. Soc. of Arts. xlix. ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 2. xiv. 65 ; ser. 3. xvi. 18 ; Treviranus, Physiologic der Gewachse, i. 1 839 ; Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis, 313; C. Miiller, Botanische Zeitung, 1845, transl. in Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 254 et seq. ; Goppert and Cohn, Botanische Zeit. vii. 665 et seq. 1849; Al. Braun, Bericht Berlin. Akad. 1852-3; Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. xii. 297. CHARACIUM, Al. Braun.— Apparently the germinating gonidium of an GEdogonium at once producing zoospores. CHEESE-MITES. See ACARUS DO- MESTICUS. CHEESE-MOULD. See ASPERGILLUS. CHEILOSCYPHUS. [ 135 ] CHILODON. CHEILOSCYPHUS, Corda.— A genus of Jungermanniese (Hepaticacece), founded upon Jungermannia polyanthus, L., which is not unfrequent in wet places. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Jungerm. pi. 62; Corda, in Sturm, Dtshl. Flor. ii. 19, 20. p. 35. pi. 9. CHEIROCEPHALUS. See BRANCHI- PUS. CHEIROSPORA, Fries.— A genus of Melanconiei (Coniomycetous Fungi), grow- ing upon the twigs of the beech. The myce- lium spreads under the epidermis, and bursts through in rounded or irregular, conical, black pustules, 1-20" in diameter, which are composed of a large number of fine filaments, unequal in length and waved, each termina- ting in a bunch of spores. The heads are formed of chains of spores like a Penicillium, when young, but crowded together more densely as they become more fully developed into a globular or oval head, about 1-700"; the spores about 1-4000". This genus cor- responds to Stilbospora, Montague, Myrio- cephalum. De Notaris, and, apparently, Hy- peromyxa, Corda, but the latter is said to have a mucous vesicle enclosing the head. C. botryospora, Fr. On dead beech twigs. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. 455. (Fresenius finds a variety on the horn- beam.) BIBL. Cheirospora, Fries, Summa Veget. 508 ; Stilbospora, Fries, Syst. Mycolog. iii. 448 ; Montague, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. vi. 338. pi. 18. fig. 5 ; Hyperomyxa, Corda, Icones Fung. iii. fig. 78 ; Montague, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xx. 378 ; Myriocephalum, De Notaris, Mem. Acad. di Torino, ser. 2. vii. ; Fresenius, Beitr. zur Mykologie, p. 39. pi. 5. figs. 1-9 (2te Heft). CHELIDONIUM, L.— A genus of Papa- veraceous plants, remarkable for the yellow juice contained inthelaticiferous canals. See LATEX. CHEMICAL REACTIONS. — INTRO- DUCTION, p. xxxvii. CH EMISTRY.— The following works may be consulted when a more detailed account of the chemical properties of substances is required than that for which we have space in this work. General works ; large. — Berzelius, Lehrb. d. Chem. ; Gmelin, Handbuch der Chemie (translated in part by the Cavendish Society) ; Brande, Manual, fyc. ; Graham, Manual, fyc. ; Mitscherlich's Chemie. Small. — Gregory, Outlines, <^c.; Lehmann, Taschenbuch d. Theoret. Chem. ; quite ele- mentary, Stockhardt, Experimental Analysis (Bohn's series). Fresenius, Aril, z, Chem. Analys. (translated by Bullock) ; Will, Anl. z. Ch. An. (translated by Hofmann) ; Rose, Analyt. Chem. Organic chemistry in general. — Mulder, Versuch, Sfc. (translated by Johnston) ; Lowig, Chem. d. Organ. Verb. ; also the above general works- Animal chemistry. — Simon, Anthropo- chemie (Sydenham Society) ; Lehmann, Physiol. Chem. (Sydenham Society) ; Robin and Verdeil, Traite d. Chim. Anat. et Phys. ; Vogel, Anleit. z. Gebrauche d. Mikrosk.; Heintz, Lehrbuch d. Zoochemie; Scherer, Chem. und Mikrosk. Untersuch. fyc. ; Hofle, Chem. und Mikrosk. am Krankenbette ; Gorup- Besanez, Zoochem. Analyse; Schmidt, Ent- wurf ein. allg. Untersuchungsmethode, 8fC. ; Funke, Atlas d. Phys. Chemie. Vegetable chemistry is treated in the general works. The progress of chemistry is reported in the Chemical Gazette. CHEYLETUS, Latr.— A genus of Arach- nida, of the order Acarina, doubtfully referred to the family Trombidina. Char. Palpi thick, resembling arms, and falciform at the ends ; antennal forceps (mandibles ?) didactylous. C. eruditus. Found in books and museums. Acarus eruditus, Schrank, Enum. Insect. Austria, no. 1058 ; Latreille, Hist. nat. Crust, et Ins. viii. 54. C. marginatus. Koch, Deutschl. Crust., Myriap. and Ins., copied by Guerin, Iconogr. Regn. Anim., Arach. pi. 5. f. 8. BIBL. Ut supra and Cuvier, Regne Animal, the dateless edition (1853?); Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. CHILODON, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Trachelina. Char. Body covered with cilia; mouth with teeth arranged in the form of a tube ; fore part of the head produced into a broad membranous or ear-like lip. The cilia form longitudinal rows. C. cucullulus (PI. 23. fig. 27 a). Depressed, oblong, colourless, rounded at the ends, slightly auriculate or beaked anteriorly on the right side ; aquatic and marine ; length 1-1 120 to 1-140". ( PI. 23. fig. 27 b, side view.) Contains a red globule (eye-spot ?). C. uncinatus. Depressed, oblong, rounded at the ends, colourless; narrowed and curved anteriorly so as to appear hooked ; aquatic ; length 1-430". C. aureus. Ovato-conical, turgid, golden- CHILOMONAS. [ 136 J CHLOROCOCCUM. yellow, anterior end curved so as to form an obtuse beak, posterior end narrowed; aquatic; length 1-140". C. ornatus. Ovato-cylindrical, golden- yellow, ends rounded, a violet spot at the neck; aquatic and marine ; length 1-174". Dujardin admits only the first species ; referring the others to the genus Nassula. BIBL. Ehi*. Infusionsth. p. 336; Duj. Infus. p. 490; Stein, In/us, fyc. CHILOMONAS, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Monadina. Char. No tail nor eye-spot; mouth oblique or lateral, and surmounted by a lip; either anterior cilia or one or two (?) very delicate flagelliform filaments present. C. volvox. Oval, narrowed and notched in front, colourless and transparent, lip long ; aquatic; length 1-1400". C. paramecium. Oblong, keeled, trilateral, colourless and opake, sometimes aggregated; aquatic; length 1-1020". C. destruens. Oblong, variable in form from its softness, colourless or yellowish ; aquatic and marine ; length 1-860". Dujardin gives different characters : body ovoid-oblong, obliquely notched in front, with a very delicate filament arising from the bottom of the notch. Movement by the body revolving upon its centre from before backwards, C. granulosa (PI. 23. fig. 28). Oblong, broader in front, colourless, filled with granules which appear to project on the sur- face ; length 1 -840". In an infusion of mosses. C. obliqua. Ovoid or pyriform, nodular, colourless, variable in form; length 1-2700". BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. p. 30; Duj. Inf. p. 295. CHIODECTON, Fee.— A genus of Endo- carpeae (Angiocarpous Lichens), of which one species, C. (Syncesia) albida, has been found in Ireland. BIBL. Leigh ton, Monogr. Br. Any. Li' is, p. 24. pi. 8. fig. 4. 9. fig. 1 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xviii. pi. 10. CHIOGRAPHA, Leight.— A genus of Graphideae (Gymnocarpous Lichens) sepa- rated from Opegrapha. C. Lyellii=O. Ly- ellii, Sm. BIBL. Leighton, Ann. Nat, Hist. 2 ser. xiii. 388. pi. 7. fig. 24. CHIONYPHE, Thienem.— A genus of Mucorini (Hyphomycetous Fungi), found growing upon melting snow. BIBL. Thieneman, Nova ActaA.L. C. C. xi. 1839 ; Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xiv. 63. CHITINE is the horny substance which gives firmness to the tegumentary system and other parts of the Crustacea, Arachnida, and Insects ; probably also the lorica of the Rotatoria consists of it. It is left when the above structures are exhausted success- ively with alcohol, aether, water, acetic acid and alkalies, retaining the original form of the texture. Itisdissolvedby concentrated mineral acids without the production of colour. It is not dissolved by solution of potash, even when boiling. Neither does it give the characteristic reactions with Millon's or Schultze's tests. It contains nitrogen. BIBL. Odier, Mem. d. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. i. p. 35 ; Lassaigne, Compt. Rend. xvi. p. 1087; Schmidt, Zur Vergl. Phys. d. Wir- bellos. Thiere (Taylor's Sclent. Mem. v. p. 1); Payen, Compt. Rend. xvii. p. 227. CHLAMIDOCOCCUS. See PROTO- coccus. CHLAMIDODON, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota. Char. Furnished with cilia and a cylinder of teeth, but neither styles nor hooks. (Oxy- tricha with a lorica and teeth.) C. Mnemosyne (PI. 23. fig. 29). Elliptical, or the anterior end broader, hence ovate; green or colourless, and containing rose-red vesicles ; lorica projecting beyond the body ; length 1-570 to 1-240"; marine. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 376. CHLAMIDOMONAS (PI. 23. fig. 30, «, b, c, d, e). See PROTOCOCCUS. CHLORASTER, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Monadina. Char. Single, mouth (?) terminal, a single frontal eye-spot, no tail, middle of the body with radiate warty processes. Allied to the genera Glenomorum and Phacelomonas. Does not admit coloured particles. C. gyrans. Green, fusiform, acute at the ends ; radiate processes in a whorl of four, at first obtuse, then subacute ; flagelliform filaments 4-5; length 1-1630"; aquatic. It revolves rapidly upon its axis, and undergoes spontaneous division. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1848. p. 236. CHLORATE OF POTASH. See POTASH. CHLORIDES. See the bases. CHLOROCOCCUM, Grev.— A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae). We have assigned to this the common green pulverulent stratum which is found upon every old trunk, on all old palings and other exposed woodwork, &c. If this proves to be really a distinct plant, and not an accumulation of germinating gonidia of CHLOROGONIUM. [ 137 ] CHLOROPHYLL. Lichens (Lepraria), it will still differ from the plants we have assembled under the name of Protococcus, in its general habit, especially in the absence of zoospores. This point is, however, still open to inquiry, since from recent investigations it appears that the gonidia of the Lichens do divide into two, four and eight, to form a pulverulent stra- tum, which exactly represents Chlorococcum and Protococcus. Chi. vulgare, Grev. (PI. 3. fig. 1). A collection of extremely minute cells, multi- plying by division into twos and fours, no gelatinous substratum, no zoospores. Dia- meter of single cells 1-3000 to 1-4000" (Protococcus viridis, l-200()to 1-3000"). Old dry palings, bark of trees, &c., every- where. Calculating from the known size of the cells and the wide distribution, this, if a species, would appear to be the most fecund Alga in existence. There are 300 millions of individuals on a square inch, in a layer 1-100" thick, and such layers clothe almost every piece of unpainted timber and old trunk we meet with in the country. C. murorum, Gr. is perhaps a Palmoglcea, Kiitz. BIBL. Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 262; Hassall, Br. Fr. Alga, pi. 81. fig. 5. CHLOROGONIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Astasiaea. Char. A red eye-spot, a tail, and two anterior filaments. (Not attached by a fixed pedicle.) C. euchlorum (PI. 23. fig. 31). Spindle- shaped, acute at each end, tail short ; length 1 - 1 1 50 to 1 -280 ''. Found in enormous numbers in pools and puddles ; frequently as many as 10,000 in a single drop. These organisms do not admit colouring matter or foreign bodies ; hence they are probably not Infusoria, but Algae. They often adhere to each other in groups by the so-called tails (PL 23. fig. 31, upper figure) ; sometimes to foreign bodies (PI. 23. fig. 31, lower figure, which exhibit them adhering to a dead Vorticelld). They undergo oblique spontaneous divi- sion (PI. 41. fig. 1) ; this commences in the internal substance, which is constricted before the outer portion. They also propagate by a process of swarming, which takes place thus : the internal substance first separates somewhat from the transparent wall, subsequently becoming irregularly constricted at various parts. The constrictions deepening, the con- stricted portions separate from each other as independent vesicles (?), and the internal substance acquires the appearance of a black- berry or bunch of grapes; consisting of a fusiform aggregation of uniform longish oval granules. Up to this period, the parent organism continues its movements; subse- quently these cease. The granules have now acquired independent vitality, and their fila- ments become developed. The envelope then breaks near its middle, and the swarm of young ones escapes. In their somewhat more developed stage they form Glenomorum tingens, Ehr. See PROTOCOCCUS. BIBL. Ehr. In/us, p. 113; Weise, Wieg- mann's Archivf. Naturgesch. 1848. i. p. 65; Stein, Die In/us, p. 188 et seq. CHLOROPHYLL (leaf-green). — The name applied to the green colouring matter of plants. The nature of the bodies which are understood under this term is still somewhat questionable. It is ordinarily stated that chlorophyll exists commonly under the form of globules or granules, and oc- casionally as an amorphous granular substance, in either case more or less adherent to, or imbedded in the primordial utricle of the cell. It is, however, a contested point whether the chlorophyll-corpuscles are semi- solid, homogeneous globules, or vesicles composed of a delicate membrane enclosing a green liquid. Chlorophyll presents itself in the form of distinct corpuscles (granules of authors), in the cells of the flowering plants generally, particularly the parenchyma of leaves and the subepidermal parenchyma of green stems and shoots. The granules are especially large and distinct in certain water- plants, and may be well seen lying scattered, singly, imbedded in the circulating protoplasm of the cells of the leaves of Vallisneria and other water-plants. The corpuscles are very clear in the cells of the prothallia of Ferns, in the leaves of Selaginella, of Mosses and Liverworts ; also in Chara, where they are very abundant, and form a continuous layer, or else numerous rows, imbedded in a gelatinous stratum, between the cell-wall and the circulating mass of protoplasm. In the Confervoids the chlorophyll often appears both formless and corpuscular in one and the same cell, but usually more or less formless in young cells, and more completely con- verted into granules in the full-grown, as in Vaucheria. In the Confervacese, such as Cla- dophora, (Edogonium, it presents itself in a granular stratum with numerous larger bright corpuscles, and in Spirogyra, Zygnema, &c., the chlorophyll takes the form of the spiral or annular band, to which it is adherent, CHLOROPHYLL. [ 138 ] CHLOROPHYLL. without large granulations in the general mass, but with a number of distinct, large, bright-looking corpuscles at intervals (PI. 5. tig. 18). In Protococcus, in zoospores, and in the individual ciliated bodies of the Volvo- cinese, the chlorophyll appears to tinge the general mass of granular protoplasm, leaving the conical apex (beak) uncoloured (Plates 3 & 5), while more or less distinct corpuscles or granules are scattered through the mass, varying in number and size at different periods. When any of these forms of chloro- phyll are treated with aether or alcohol, the colour is abstracted, while the organized forms, the corpuscles, &c., remain, so that the true chlorophyll is really only a soluble substance, dyeing thebodies called chlorophyll- granules, &c. It becomes a question then whether these are homogeneous, semi-solid corpus- cles, or vesicles containing the colouring matter in sacs, from which it is extracted by the a3ther, &c. Nageli and others assert the vesicular character of the chlorophyll-cor- puscles, and the appearances are sometimes much in favour of this view, but in the many cases in which we have obtained the appear- ance of a double line around them, under high magnifying powers, we have never been able to divest ourselves of the impression that this was an optical deception. Nageli asserts that the corpuscles multiply by divi- sion, which is probable, but does not prove that they are vesicular structures. The observation of Goppert and Cohn, of a chlo- rophyll-corpuscle swelling up and bursting through endosmose, may be explained with- out supposing a regularly organized coat. We are inclined to believe that the bodies bearing the green colouring matter are struc- tures belonging to the protoplasm, the green colour being only an additional character, produced by the action of light, superadded to the ordinary character of the granular structures occurring in the protoplasm or nitrogenous cell-contents. See PROTOPLASM. A very important point connected with chlorophyll is its relation to starch. Thebodies called starch-granules occur very commonly with chlorophyll-corpuscles in the cells of green parts of plants, and they become sub- stituted for each other under varying circum- stances. Some authors have imagined that chlorophyll is produced by a chemical decomposition of starch, while others think that starch is developed from chlorophyll. The chief ground for the latter view is the fact, that starch-granules, one, or a group of many, are often found in the centre of chlo- rophyll-corpuscles, like a kind of nucleus. We have traced, in Hepaticacese, the gradual formation of a group of starch-granules in the interior of a chlorophyll-corpuscle (where they are readily detected by the application of iodine), and this goes on in certain cases until almost all the green colour is lost. Starch occurs universally at a certain period in the bright distinct chlorophyll-corpuscles of Chara and of the Confervacese, Spirogyra, &c., so that these are coloured blue by iodine, although green before its application. But this starch may disappear again in the course of nature, for it always vanishes from these corpuscles when they are about to become organized into zoospores. In fact the green chlorophyll is predominant during active vegetation, and starch in periods of rest or in full-grown structures. Moreover, while chlorophyll may appear independently in young cells, without being preceded by starch, in green tissues, starch makes its appearance without previous existence of chlorophyll-corpuscles in subterraneous struc- tures, as for example in the potato and other tubers. The truth of the matter therefore appears to be, that the chlorophyll struc- tures, as above stated, are granular structures belonging to the general protoplasm or nitro- genous cell-contents ; that they become coloured green in the light by a chemical change connected with the vital processes ; that in undergoing this change they do not lose the power, which the or dinary protoplasm possesses, of secreting starch, and decompo- sing it again when required for the nutrition of the plant. Starch-granules, when free and uncoloured, appear to be produced ori- ginally from granular or vesicular proto- plasmic structures, only differing by absence of colour from chlorophyll structures. For example, the granular protoplasm around the cell-nucleus in the cells of herbaceous Monocotyledons (such as the Lily, Trades- cantia, &c.) will sometimes become converted into chlorophyll-granules (in superficial cells), inside which starch may be subsequently developed; but (in deeper-seated cells) the granular protoplasm may give rise at once to starch-granules (PI. 36. fig. 28 a) without the previous existence of the green modifi- cation of the protoplasm, i. e. chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is turned yellow-brown by tincture of iodine ; sulphuric acid gives it a more or less deep blue colour; aether and alcohol discharge the green tint. Prepara- tions put up in chloride of calcium lose their green colour ; those preserved in water will CHOLERA. sometimes preserve it a long time. The green colouring matter extracted by alcohol is a complex substance, containing a kind of wax and a matter allied to indigo. BIBL. Von Mohl, Vegetable Cell (London Transl. 1852), p. 41 ; Vermischte Schriften, p. 349; Nageli, Zeitschrift fur Wiss.Bot.iii. 110; Ray Soc. Vol. 184.9. p. 176; Mulder, Physiological Chemistry, Edinb. Transl. p. 266 ; Goppert and Cohn, Bot. Zeitung, vii. 665 (1849); Schleiden, Grunzuge der Wiss. Bot. 3rd ed. 196 ; Al. Braun, Verjun- gung, (Ray Soc. Vol. 1853. p. 195); Morot, Rech. sur la coloration des Vegetaux, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiii. 1 60. A long list of the older authors is given by Von Mohl, I. c. CHOLERA.— The attempt has often been made to discover some animalcule or minute vegetable organism in the air, water, and the intestinal and other animal liquids, during the existence of cholera, which might explain the origin of this fearful diseaaefc-; and state- ments have been published announcing success. None of these have, however, stood the test of rigid investigation. When the cholera prevailed at Berlin in 1832, the renowned Professor Ehrenberg, who had then been engaged in the study of microsco- pic organisms for many years, declared after special and careful examination, that neither the air nor the water from various localities, contained anything unusual. Repeated ex- aminations of the air and water of in- fected localities, made in 1849, and during the more recent accessions of the cholera, have afforded also conclusive negative evidence. The view is no less unsupported by rea- soning than by fact. Great reproductive power is a general character of the more minute organisms ; hence whenever they are present, they are easily recognized. If we examine a silk - worm affected with muscardine, a fly with what may be termed the muscardine of the fly (MuscA), a portion of the crust of Favus, or a fragment of an aphthous patch, the parts of the Fungi are present in thousands; there is no need to look for them twice. If they, or their ana- logues, were present in cholera, the same would surely be the case. There is, further, no reason to believe that Fungi, when growing in animal bodies, ever produce anything more than a mechanical eifect, resulting from their large numbers. The methods of examining the air in regard to this point, are described under AIR ; and they are far superior to that of simply exposing slides to the atmosphere. The use of glycerine in 9 ] CHONDRACANTHUS. these experiments must be carefully avoided, on account of its rendering minute and delicate objects so transparent. In regard to the supposed cholera-fungus of 1849, one point requires special notice. It was announced at the Microscopical Society, that certain of the bodies detected (globular), were spores of a true fungus (Uredo). It is but justice, however, to Dr. Swayne to state that this is incorrect ; although it has been repeated in all works which have since alluded to the subject. BIBL. Swayne, Evacuations in Cholera, fyc., Lancet, 1849, 368, 398; Obs. on College Report, fyc., Lancet, 1849, 530; Brittan and Budd, Medical Gazette, Sept. 1849 : Baly and Gull, Rep. of Cholera Subcommittee, fyc. of Roy. Coll. ofPhys., London, 1849 (Lancet, 1849, p. 493); Griffith, Medical Gazette, Dec. 1849 ; Bennett and Robertson, Edinb. Monthly Journal, Nov. 1849; Berkeley, Medical Gazette, 1849. p .1035; Quain, Let- ter, fyc., Lancet, Oct. 1849 ; Anonymous, Cryptogamic Theory of Cholera, London Jour- nal of Medicine, 1849, i. 1048-9; Robin, Vegt- taux Parasites, ^c.,2nded. 1853. Appendice, p. 676. CHOLERA-FLY. See MUSCA. BIBL. Knox, Lancet, 1853, ii. p. 479. CHOLESTERINE, sometimes, but im- properly termed, Cholestearine. This substance exists naturally in most animal liquids in a state of solution, also in many animal solids ; as in the blood, the bile, the meconium, the brain and spinal cord. As an abnormal product, it occurs in the crystalline form in the bile, biliary calculi, various dropsical eflfusions, the contents of cysts, pus, old tubercles, malignant tumours, the excrements, expectoration of phthisis, &c. It does not occur in the vegetable kingdom. The crystals form thin pearly rhombic plates (PL 9. fig. 21). The acute angles are =79° 30', the obtuse =1 00° 30'. Sometimes the angles are truncated. Cholesterine is insoluble in water and solution of potash, even when boiling ; but soluble in aether and boiling alcohol, crystal- lizing on cooling. It is most easily procured from a gallstone by boiling in alcohol; it falls on cooling. The crystals thus obtained are usually thicker than the natural plates. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, Animal. CHONDRACANTHUS.— A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Lernaeopoda. C. Zei. Found upon the gills of Zeus CHONDRIA. [ 140 ] CHORDA DORSALIS. (the common Dory). The body is covered with short reflexed spines. Length 4-5". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 327. CHONDRIA, Ag. See LAURENCIA. CHONDRINE.— The gelatinous matter of the permanent true cartilages. Its solution differs from that of the gelatine of bones, &c., in being precipitated by acetic acid, acetate of lead, and alum. The acetic precipitate is insoluble in excess. It is coloured red by Millori's test ; but is unaffected by that of Pettenkofer. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, Animal. CHONDRUS, L.— A genus of Cryptone- miaceae (Florideous Algae), composed of car- tilaginous sea- weeds with flat, dichotomously- divided fronds, the cellular structure of which exhibits three layers ; a central of longitu- dinal filaments, an intermediate of small roundish cells, and an outer of vertical, coloured and beaded rows of cells, the whole imbedded in a tough " intercellular " matrix. See INTERCELLULAR SUBSTANCE. Fructification : spores contained in favel- lidia immersed in the frond ; tetraspores collected in imbedded sori,and "nemathecia," tubercles composed of radiating filaments (antheridia ?). C. crispus becomes horny when dry, and is the Irish moss or Carrigeen of the shops. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 17 D. ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 63 & 187 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 15. CHORDA, Stackh. — A genus of Lamina- - riacese (Fucoid Algae), with fronds of a pecu- liar, simple, cylindrical form ; two species, C.filum and C. lomentaria, are found between tide-marks on British coasts ; the former grows from 1 to 20 or even 40 feet long, with a greatest diameter at half its length of 1-4" to 1-2". The cord-like frond is tubular, but has at intervals thin diaphragms, formed by interwoven transparent filaments. The wall of the tube is composed of a number of layers of very regular six-sided cells, upon which are implanted little erect clavate cells which coat the entire surface of the frond. These present two forms, apparently constituting oosporanges (spores, Harvey, paranemata, Ag.) and trichosporanges (antheridia, Harvey, spores, Ag.). The first are single sacs pro- ducing a number of zoospores, the second are filaments composed of about five joints, each of which give birth to a zoospore. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. 31. pi. 3 B. ; Phyc. Brit. p. 107, &c. ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 240. pi. 29. figs. 5-10 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. 268. pi. 33. figs. 7-10; Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis, pis. 28 & 29. CHORDA DORSALIS.— The embryonic representative of the spinal column of the Vertebrata ; the permanent spinal column of the Cartilaginous Fishes. It sometimes forms a spindle-shaped, transparent, gelatinous- looking cord, with the broadest part near the tail; at others it is cylindrical or conical, rounded anteriorly and tapering posteriorly. It usually consists of an outer compara- tively thick and firm structureless membrane, forming a sheath, and of pale nucleated cells, which fill the sheath (fig. 130). In some Fig. 130. Magnified 350 diameters. Portion of the chorda dorsalis of the embryo of a sheep, rather more than 1-2" in length, a, sheath ; b, cells. instances, however, its structure is fibrous, and that of the sheath fibro-membranous. The cells are mostly angular or polyhedral, and closely crowded. Their size varies ; in the embryo of a sheep rather more than 1-2" in length, they measured about 1-1800". The walls of the cells readily dissolve in solu- tion of potash; but they yield neither gelatine nor chondrine on boiling. The liquid within the cells is not coagulated by boiling, but the chorda itself becomes cloudy and granular. In its earliest stage of development, the chorda consists simply of alongitudinal band of ordinary formative or embryonic cells ; the sheath is subsequently formed. It appears that the spinal column is not developed from the chorda itself, but from a blastema secreted by its component cells and effused around them. The chorda is most readily examined in the larvae of frogs (tadpoles), of Tritons, or of Fishes ; and may be separated by macerating the dead animals for twenty-four hours in CHORD ARIA. CHYLAQUEOUS. water. On cutting off the tail, it may then be pressed out by gently scraping along its course from the end of the tail, or from the head towards the wound. It is a beautifully delicate structure, and closely resembles in appearance a piece of vegetable cellular tissue. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. p. 346; Schwann, Ueber die Einstim., fyc. (Sydenh. Soc.} ; Stannius, Vergl. Anat. CHORDARIA, Ag.— A genus of Chorda- riacese (Fucoid Algae), remarkable for the solidity of the cellular texture of their fili- form fronds. The axis and branches are composed of a central mass of longitudinal cells, upon which stand horizontal clavate filaments, formed of a row of beaded cells, constituting a distinct peripheral layer, which gives a velvety texture and slimy character to the surface. The so-called spores attached to the horizontal filaments are oosporanges, and discharge zoospores when mature ; tri- chosporanges have not yet been observed. C. flagelliformis, Mull., is common on rocks and stones between tide-marks. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 10 A.; Phyc. Brit. pi. Ill; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. 237. CHORDARIACE^.— A family of Fucoid Algae. Olive-coloured sea-weeds with a gelatinous or cartilaginous, branching frond, composed of vertical and horizontal filaments interlaced together; the oosporanges andtri- chosporanges attached to the filaments forming the superficial layers of the frond. Br. genera : 1. Chordaria. Axis cartilaginous, dense ; filaments of the circumference unbrauched. 2. Mesogloia. Axis gelatinous, loose ; filaments of the circumference branching. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Marine Alga-, Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 5, &c. See also the genera. CHOROID MEMBRANE. See EYE. CHROMATE OF LEAD (neutral).— Is one of the best materials for colouring size in injections. See INJECTION. CHROMIC ACID.— May be prepared b\ adding gradually from 120 to 150 parts, by volume, of pure concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 parts of a cold saturated solution of bichromate of potash. The crystals of the acid separate as the solution cools. The mother-liquor should be poured off, and the crystals dried upon a tile ; they may be purified by re-crystallization from solution in water. Or, by adding two parts of concen- trated sulphuric acid to about one of dry chromate of lead, and setting aside the thin paste for twelve hours. On the addition of water, the insoluble sulphate of lead subsides. The supernatant liquid is poured off and boiled down in a retort until the acid sepa- rates on cooling. The crystals should be dried on a tile and further purified as above. Chromic acid is readily decomposed by organic matter, as dust, &c., and should therefore be preserved in a well-stoppered bottle. Its aqueous solution, which should be of a pale yellow colour, is used for hardening and preserving nervous and mus- cular tissues, &c. It should be prepared when required. CHROOCOCCUS, Nag. See PROTO- coccus. CHRYSIMENIA, J. Ag.— A genus of Laurenciaceae (Florideous Algae). C. clavellosa is a rare sea- weed 3 to 12" high, forming a feathery frond, composed of a branched, tubular, long, not constricted or chambered cellular structure, filled with a watery juice. The spores are angular, and are contained in dense tufts in ceramidia borne on the sides of the branchlets. The tetraspores are 3-partite and immersed in the brauchlets. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 13 A. ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 114. CHTHONOBLASTUS, Kiitz. See Mi- CROCOLEUS. CHYDORUS, Leach (Lynceus, Milll., in part). A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Lynceidse. Char. Nearly spherical; beak very long and sharp, curved downwards and forwards ; inferior antennae very short. C.spha>ricus(Pl.l5.fig. 7). Shell smooth ; olive-green. Found in ponds and ditches. C. globosus. Shell more rounded than in the last, and nearly six times larger ; ante- riorly reddish, with circular strife and nume- rous black spots; aquatic; less common than the former. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 125. CHYLAQUEOUS or chylo-aqueous liquid and system. In the Invertebrata, two distinct kinds of nutrient liquids exist. In some classes of this subkingdom, these two liquids coexist in the same organism, though contained in distinct systems of conduits; while in others they become united into one. Dr. T. Wil- liams distinguishes these two kinds of liquid as the blood proper or true blood, and the chylaqueous liquid. The former is always contained in definitely organized (walled) blood - vessels, and has a determinate CHYLE. C circulatory movement. The latter, with equal constancy, in chambers, irregular cavities and cells communicating invariably with the peritoneal cavity; not having a determinate circulation, but a to-and-fro movement, maintained by muscular and ciliary agency. The true-blood system does not exist under any form, even the most rudimentary, below the Echinodermata; in other words, the true-blood system begins at the Echinodermata. Below the Echinoder- mata, viz. in the Polypi and Acalephse, the digestive and circulatory systems are identi- fied, consequently the external medium is admitted directly into the nutrient vessels. This circumstance constitutes a fundamental distinction between the chylaqueous system and that of the true-blood; into which, under no conditions, is the external inorganic element directly introduced. In every class in which the chylaqueous liquid exists, it is charged more or less abundantly with organized corpuscles. These corpuscles are marked by distinctive charac- ters, not in different classes and genera only, but in different species, entitling these bodies to great consideration in the establishment of species. In those classes, as in the Echi- nodermata, the Entozoa and Annelida, in which, in the adult animal, these two orders of liquids coexist, though distinct, in the same individual, an inverse proportion prevails between them, as respects their magnitude or development. The system of the chylaqueous liquid does not exist in the adult, but only in the larval state of the higher members of the articulated series, as the Myriapoda, Insecta and the Crusta- cea. BIBL. Williams, Trans, and Proceed, of Royal Society, 1852 (the former contains figures of the corpuscles) ; id. Ann. Nat. Hist., passim after 1852. CHYLE.— The chyle consists of a liquid which coagulates when removed from the vessels, containing in suspension molecules, nuclei, colourless corpuscles, and coloured blood-corpuscles. The molecules (PI. 41. fig. 12 a) are very numerous, and probably consist of fatty matter surrounded by a coat of a proteine- compound ; to them is owing the milky appearance which the chyle possesses during active digestion. They form the molecular base of Gulliver. The free nuclei (PI. 41. fig. 26) have a somewhat homogeneous aspect; they are not numerous, about 1-11,000 to 1-5600" in diameter, frequently appearing 2 ] CIBOTIUM. cell-like and granular after the addition of water. They are only met with at the origins of the lacteals, in the mesentery, and in the vasa efferentia of the mesenteric glands, but never in the thoracic duct. The chyle- corpuscles '(PI. 41. fig. 2 c), which are identical with those of the lymph, are pale round nucleated cells,l-4500 to l-2000"in diameter; their contents become turbid when water is added, and they are rendered very transparent by the addition of acetic acid, the granular nucleus becoming at the same tim e very distinct . Sometimes they exhibit a number of Amoeba- like processes (PI. 41. fig. 2 d). At the origins of the lacteals the chyle-corpuscles are few in number, or even absent ; near the mesen- teric glands, they are met with undergoing division. The coloured blood-corpuscles are probably derived from without. Chemi- cally, the chyle consists of a saline liquid, containing albumen and fibrine in solution; the latter when coagulated forming a soft and loose clot. BIBL. Kolliker, MikrosJc. Anat. ii. 561 ; Wagner. Handwort. art. Chylus; ibid, Elem. of Phys., by Willis; Gulliver, ibid, and Gerber's Anat. ; Bennett, Edinb. Month. Journ. 1852, 204; and the Bibl. of CHE- MISTRY, Animal. CHYLOCLADIA, Grev.— A genus of Laurenciacese (Florideous Algae), containing a few British species, with fronds of small size, composed of a branched, cylindrical and tubular structure, cut off into chambers within by diaphragms at intervals, and filled with a watery juice. The walls are com- posed of small polygonal cells. Nageli has given the minute anatomy of C. (Lomentaria) kaliformis. The spores are wedge-shaped, contained in tufts in ceramidia borne on the branchlets. The tetraspores (3-partite) are immersed in the branchlets. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 13 B.; Phyc. Brit. pi. 145, &c.; Grev. Alg. Brit. pi. 14; Nageli, Algen. Systeme, 246. pi. x. figs. 13-21. CHYTRIDIUM, A.Br.— Probably a form analogous to CHARACIUM. It is described as a balloon -shaped cell, attached by a root- like base upon (Edogonia; the contents be- come converted into ciliated zoospores, which escape through dehiscence by a lid. It is doubtless the spore of CEdogonium de- scribed by Pringsheim. BIBL. Al. Braun, Verjungung, fyc., Ray Society's Translation, 1853. p. 185 ; Prings- heim, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. xi. p. 297. pi. 9. CIBOTIUM, Kaulfuss.— A genus of Cya- CILIA. CILIA. thaese (Polypodiaceous Ferns), valve indusium. Exotic. Fig. 131. With a bi- " Cibotium macrocarpum. A pinnule with sori. Magnified 10 diameters. CILIA (plural of cilium) of ANIMALS. — These are microscopic filaments attached by one end to the surfaces of various parts of animals, and exhibiting a vibratory or rota- tory motion. They are usually rounded and broadest at the base, tapering towards the free end; sometimes they are flattened. Their length is very variable, having been estimated at 1-50,000 to 1-500"; probably 1-15,000 to 1-500" would include most of them. The latter large size is attained by the cilia existing on the point or angle of the gills or branchial laminae of the whelk (Buccinum undatum). Numerous examples of animals furnished with cilia, showing their appearance when at rest, are figured in PI. 23, 24, 25, 34, & 35. During life, and for some time after death, they are usually in constant motion, giving the parts of the field of the microscope in which they are situated a tremulous appear- ance when their motion is very rapid and the cilia are very minute. When they are large, as on the gills of the common sea-mussel (MYTILUS), especially when their motion is slackening, they are seen waving to and fro, or lashing the water, and producing in it strong currents, rendered visible by the mo- tion of minute particles accidentally con- tained in the water. The motion is mostly uniform, or in one direction; occasionally, however, it has been observed to cease for a moment, and then to assume an opposite direction to that previously exhibited. Du- ring the motion, the whole filament is usually more or less curved ; but in some instances among the Infusoria, the basal portion of the cilia remains rigid, whilst the terminal por- tion vibrates ; under these circumstances, the cilia are distinguished as flagelliform filaments. Sometimes the cilia move around an imaginary perpendicular axis, in a rotating direction. Cilia are found in all the Vertebrata and the Invertebrata, excluding the Crustacea, Arachnida, and Insecta. In Man, they spring from epithelial cells; the localities in which they are found are stated under EPITHELIUM. The uses of the cilia are of two kinds : when the body to which they are attached is of no great bulk or specific gravity, compared with that of the medium in which they re- side, the cilia become organs of locomotion, as in the Rotatoria, Infusoria, the young Acalephae, the ovum, &c. But if the inertia of the body be too great to be overcome by the feeble power of the cilia, they produce motion in the surrounding medium, as on gills of fishes, of young reptiles, and of the Mollusca, the gill-tufts of the Annulata, and the various mucous surfaces of the Vertebrata upon which they exist, in which theyfavour re- spiration and excretion. By the same agency they also bring particles of food suspended in the medium towards the mouth. It need scarcely be remarked, that the motion of cilia must be stronger in one direction than the other, otherwise there could be no current. The cause of the motion of cilia has long formed a subject for discussion; it is un- known. In some instances, as in the Infu- soria, it appears to be voluntary. In some cases it might be attributed to the action of a contractile amorphous tissue, "such as that composing the Am&bce. It would naturally be attributed to muscular agency. But no muscular tissue can be detected; in fact, cilia are quite structureless. Moreover, they are often of less breadth than the ultimate fibrillae of muscle. Neither the most power- ful poisons, as strychnine, prussic acid, opium and belladonna, nor electricity, produce any effect upon ciliary motion, provided the structure upon which the cilia are situated be not injured. It also lasts a long time after death, having been observed in the lower animals nineteen days after this occur- rence, and when putrefaction was far ad- vanced. The question has however lost its interest in regard to its necessary dependence upon muscular action, because cilia are com- mon among the lower plants, where this is out of the question. The cilia and their motion may readily be observed in the common Rotatoria and Infu- soria, in a thin piece cut from the margin of the gills of the oyster, or still better, the sea-mussel ; in the latter, they form a most beautiful and interesting object. Fresh- water almost immediately arrests the motion of the cilia in marine animals. In some cases, CILIA. CIMEX. solution of potash excites the movement of animal cilia after it has become languid. The detection of the cilia is frequently of great importance, as the characters of Infu- soria, &c. are often based upon their num- ber and arrangement. The means are either indirect, as by the addition of moistened particles of colouring matters, as indigo, &c. to the living organism, and watching for the movements of the particles ; or direct, by examining the structures after the addition of solution of iodine or bichloride of mercury, or drying them at a gentle heat. Both me- thods should be adopted to check each other, for molecular movement has some resem- blance to ciliary motion when feeble, although there is absence of a definite current; and fine hair-like Algae or Fungi attached to aqua- tic organisms often resemble cilia, but are deficient in the motion. See INFUSORIA, MEMBRANES, UNDU- LATING, and MOLECULAR MOTION. BIBL. Purkiuje & Valentin, Comm. Phys. fyc.-, Sharpey, Todd's Cycl. ofAnat. fy Phys. i. 606 ; Valentin, Wagner' sHandw. d. Phys. Sfc. i. 484 ; Virchow, ArcUv, vi. p. 133. CILIA of VEGETABLES. — These minute vibratile threads, apparently of the same (unknown) nature as those of animals, are in all cases met with in connexion with the protoplasmic or nitrogenous structures of plants, the structure bearing the closest re- lation to animal organization. Cilia have as yet been found only in Flowerless Plants, viz. in all the higher or stem-forming Cryp- togams, and in the Algae among the Thallo- phytes. In the Marsileaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Ferns, Equisetaceae, Mosses, Hepaticaceae, and Characeae, they are found upon the ac- tive filaments (spermatozoids) discharged from the antheridia. In the Algae they oc- cur upon the zoospores or active gonidia, and on the fully-developed plants of the fa- mily Volvocineae. They have been stated to occur in certain other complete organisms, as in Closterium, but this statement requires further confirmation. Rigid filaments bearing some resemblance to cilia occur occasionally upon Diatomaceae and Oscillatoriae, but these are not vibratile organs. The mode of ar- rangement, &c. varies considerably among the cases above cited. In spermatozoids of the Marsileaceae, Lycopodiaceae, Ferns, and Equisetaceae, they are set in considerable number along a filament spirally or heliacally coiled (PL 32. fig. 34). In the Muscaceae, Hepaticacese, and Characeae, a pair of very long cilia are attached at one end of the fila- ment(fig.l27.p.!34). In zoospores they occur in either a pair at the apex, as in Protococcus, Conferva, Cladophora, Codium, &c., or there are four in the same situation, as in Ulothrix, Chcctophora, Ulva, &c.; while the large zoo- spores of CEdogonium bear a crown of vibra- tile cilia, and the great elliptical zoospore of Vaucheria is clothed with them over its whole surface. In the Volvocineae, there is a pair of cilia attached, just like those of zoospores, to each member of the family of which the compound organism is made up, and these project through orifices in the common envelope, so as to render the per- fect plant locomotive; while the cilia of ordinary zoospores disappear when they be- come encysted in a cellulose coat, prepara- tory to germination. In the Fucaceae, as in Fucus, Eciocarpus, Laminaria, &c., the zoospores produced in the trichosporangia, have a different arrangement of the cilia; there are always two, but they are attached on a reddish point on the side of the zoo- spore, not at its apex, and one of the cilia is directedforwards from the apex or beak, while the other trails behind like a kind of rudder. The mode in which these transitory cilia are lost is variously stated; some authors think they are retracted into the protoplasm ; from what we have seen, we believe they are thrown off entire. The cilia have the same chemical reactions as the protoplasmic sub- stances generally, and are apparently pro- cesses of it; they are stained brown by iodine, which also stops their motion and renders them partly solid. The mode of detecting and observing cilia is given in the preceding article. Further particulars of individual cases will be found under the heads of the families and genera named above. BIBL. Thuret, Rech. sur les Zoospores des Algues, fye., Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vols. xiv. & xvi.; Note sur les Antheridies des Fougeres, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xi. 5; Hofmeister, Vergleichenden Untersuchungen, fyc. Leipsic, 1851 ; Unger, Die Pflanze in Moment e der Thierwerdung, p. 34. Vienna, 1843; Al. Braun, Verjungung, Sfc. (Rejuvenescence Sfc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853) ; Cohn, Protococcus pluvialis, Nova Acta A. L. C. C. xxii. 735 (Ray Soc.Vol. 1853. p. 352 etseq.} ; on Ste- phanosphara, Siebold & Kolliker's Zeitschr. iv. 77, transl. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. x. 321 et seq.; Henfrey, On Ferns, Linn. Trans, xxi.; Focke, Physiologische Studien. CILIARY PROCESSES. See EYE. CIMEX, Linn. (Bug). — A genus of Insects, of the order Hemiptera (Hete- CINCHONINE. [ 145 ] CIRRIPEDIA. roptera, Latr., Westw.), and family Cimi- cidae. Char. Antennae 4-jointed; labium 3- jointed, the basal joint the longest ; thorax sublunate, not transversely divided; abdo- men much depressed, and more or less orbi- cular; elytra reduced to a pair of short, transverse, scale-like pieces; wings none; legs moderately long and slender ; tarsi 3-jointed. C. lectularius (the bed-bug). Ferruginous- ochre ; thorax deeply emarginate, its sides reflexed; abdomen suborbiculate, acute at the apex, third joint of antennae longer than the fourth ; rostrum inflected beneath the thorax; labrum short, broad, subovate, tri- gonate and ciliated. The common bug appears to have only three setae, one stouter than the rest, and not toothed or serrated (PI. 26. fig. 27 a), and two others extremely slender and very finely serrated near the ends (PI. 26. fig. 27 b] ; they are about 1-20,000" in breadth at the serrated portion (hence about the l-20th part of the breadth of the lancets of the flea). The female is larger and more elongated than the male. The eggs (PL 31. fig. 20) are white, elongate-oval, elegantly pitted, and terminated by a lid, which breaks off when the young escape. The latter are very small, white and transparent, and have a much broader head, with shorter and thicker antennae than the mature insect. They are eleven weeks in attaining their full size. C. columbarius (Bug of the pigeon). Fer- ruginous-ochre; thorax deeply emarginate, sides reflexed; abdomen orbicular, subacute at the apex ; third joint of antennae slightly longer than the fourth; length about 1-5". C. hirundinis (Bug of the swallow). Fus- co -ferruginous ; thorax slightly emarginate; sides flat; abdomen ovate, subacute at apex; antennae short, third and fourth joints nearly equal; length about 1-7". Found in swal- lows' nests. C.pipistreUi (Bug of the bat). Ferrugi- nous-ochre, shining ; thorax deeply emargi- nate, sides slightly reflexed ; abdomen ovate, posteriorly attenuate ; third joint of antennae longer than the fourth; length 1-6". On the common bat. BIBL. De Geer, Mem. iii.; Dumeril, Cons, gen. s. I. Ins.; Westwood, Introduction, Sfc.i id. Brit. Cycl. Nat. Hist. i. 640; Jenyns, Ann. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839. 241; Curtis, Brit. Entom. xii. 569. CINCHONINE. See ALKALOIDS. Cin- chonine is insoluble in aether. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. CINCLIDIUM, Swartz.— A genus of Mniaceae (operculate Mosses arranged among the Acrocarpi from prevailing habit), con- taining two European species not yet re- corded in Britain. CIRCULAR CRYSTALS.— This term has been applied to the flattened groups of radiating crystalline needles formed by many salts and other crystalline substances. The term is, however, objectionable, as tending to obscure their true nature. They form beautiful polarizing objects. Among the most interesting may be mentioned, boracic acid, oxalurate of ammonia, salicine, and sulphate of cadmium. They are further no- ticed under their respective heads. Some of them are figured in PI. 31. figs. 9-12. See AMMONIA, OXALURATE OF, and POLARIZATION. BIBL. Brewster, Treatise on Optics, 1853. p. 269. CIRCULATION in ANIMALS. — The movement in a temporarily or permanently definite to-and-fro direction, of the nutritive liquids of animals. We can only enumerate here the articles in which will be found a notice of the circulation, whether true or spurious, as occurring in the most easily ac- cessible or interesting organisms ; suffice it to say, that circulation is produced either by the agency of muscular or other contractile tissue, or by the action of cilia. ASEL- LUS, ARACHNIDA, ENTOMOSTRACA, IN- FUSORIA, INSECTS (COCCINELLA, EPHE- MERA, LARVAE, LIBELLULID^E), RANA, TRITON. CIRCULATION in PLANTS. See RO- TATION and LATEX. CIRRIPEDIA or CIRRHOPODA.— An order of Crustacea. The barnacles or acorn-shells. Char. Marine animals, in the adult state attached to other bodies ; enclosed in a mul- tivalved shell or in a coriaceous involucre furnished with calcareous points, the rudi- ments of a shell; eyes none in the adult state ; six pairs of feet, each with a short fleshy peduncle, and two many-jointed horny cirrhi ; mouth furnished with membranoso- corneous mandibles and maxillae ; tail terete, acuminate, reflexed between the legs ; body not divided into segments, although there are indications of them in the form of trans- verse furrows on the dorsal surface. The six pairs of arms or feet which are situated on the ventral surface have each, supported on a short peduncle, two long thin incurved filaments, consisting of numerous joints, and CLADOBOTRYUM. [ 146 ] CLADOSPOR1UM. covered with hairs. The animals protrude these filaments incessantly from the orifice of the shell, and retract them, whereby wa- ter for respiration, and, with the water, food is brought into the shell. Cirripeds are hermaphrodite . The young Cirripeds, after leaving the ovum, resemble some of the Entomostraca (Cyclops, Cypris). They are unattached, and possess eyes. BIBL. Cuvier, Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. ii. 1815; Saint-Ange, Mem. s. I. Cirrip.-, Coldstream, Todd's Cycl. Anat. and Phys., art. Cirrhopoda ; Burmeister, Beit. z. Gesch. d. Rankenfusser ; J. V. Thompson, Zool. Researches, and Phil Trans. 1835, p. 355 ; Darwin, Monograph of the Cirripedia, Ray Society's Publ. 1851 and 1853; Bibl. of ANIMAL KINGDOM. CLADOBOTRYUM, Nees. See DAC- TYLIUM. CLADONIA, Fee.— A genus of Lecidineee (Gymnocarpous Lichens), with a somewhat shrubby thallus, abundant on moors and heaths. The Rein-deer Moss ( C. ranaiferina) is common in such localities. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1. 238; Engl. Bot. pi. 173, 174, &c. CLADOPHORA, Kiitz. — A genus of Confervaceae(ConfervoidAlg8e),distmguished by the branched habit of the attached fila- ments. The Cladophorfe are interesting in many respects, in particular for the thick, laminated structure of the cell-wall, the spe- cial projecting orifice in this by which the zoospores are discharged, the large number of the zoospores, and, lastly, by the favour- able opportunity they afford of observing cell-division in the growth of the branched filaments. The filaments are composed of cylindrical cells attached end to end, from which the branches arise by the gradual pro- trusion of a cylindrical pouch near the upper end, which pouch, becoming shut off by a septum, forms the first cell of the branch. The cellulose wall acquires repeated layers of thickening with age, and longitudinal and transverse striae may be detected in these by careful management. (See SPIRAL STRUC- TURES.) The cellulose wall is lined by a layer of protoplasm (primordial utricle), upon the inside of which lies the chlorophyll, not, however, really imbedded in it, as it is often seen retracted from it in the centre of the cell. At certain periods, numerous starch- granules occur in the mass of chlorophyll, but these disappear when the latter is about to subdivide into zoospores. When this takes place, the whole mass of chlorophyll is contracted from the wall, and becomes broken up, by a kind of segmentation, into a very large number of 2-ciliated zoospores (these sometimes occur in pairs, through imperfect division). The zoospores, which are pro- duced in all the cells, are discharged through a special papilliform orifice in the cell-wall (PI. 5. fig. 13); they have a distinct red spot. Numerous supposed species inhabit fresh, brackish, or sea-water in Britain; some are very common and abundant ; but it is difficult to draw out differential charac- ters, as the habit appears to be very variable. They are Conferva of older authors. 1. C. glomerata, Dillw., is 'of a dark green colour, and grows commonly, in long drawn- out skeins, in pure running water; but it seems to be identical with the rarer C. cega- gropila, L., which forms dense balls 2 to 4" in diameter, in lakes, while there is also a marine variety. 2. C. crispata, Sm., is perhaps not di- stinct; it forms yellowish or dull green strata, everywhere common in fresh water ; frequent in" brackish water. It is the same as C.flavescens, Roth. C.fracta, Fl. Dan., is probably a form of this. The commonest marine species, which are often found in large quantities on the sea- shore, remarkable by their bright green tint, are C. rupestris, L., Icetevirens, Dillw., al- bida, Huds., lanosa, Roth., arcta, Dillw., and glaucescens, Griff. ; but some of these, and of the rarer, appear doubtful. The species require a careful study of fresh specimens in all stages. Kiitzing (Sp. Alg.} has made an inextricable mass of confusion of his species. BIBL. Hassall, Br. Fr. Alga, p. 213. pi. 65-67; Harvey, Br. Mar. Alga, p. 199. pi. 24 D ; Thuret, Rech. sur les Zoospores, fyc., Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vol. xiv. p. 10. pi. 16; Al. Braun, Verjungung, Sfc.(Rejuv. in Nature, Ray Soc. Vol. 1853) passim-, Mohl, Vermischte Schriften, p. 362. pi. 13. CLADOPHYTUM, Leidy.— Probably the mycelium of a fungus. Found in the intes- tine of an lulus. BIBL. See ARTHROMITUS. CLADOSPORIUM, Link.— A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi). The species C. herbarum is one of the commonest moulds upon decaying substances of all sorts; in this the mycelium spreads over the surface as a dense or loose web of confluent tufts of microscopic filaments, straight or curved, more or less varicose, simple or branched ; from these arise chains of spores, simple or CLADOSTEPHUS. CLAVICEPS. with one or more septa, round, oval or long- ish according to age, and finally becoming detached from one another. •1. Cl.herbarum, Lk. Tufts effused, at first green, then black; spores olive, very variable in habit. Everywhere common on decaying substances. Corda, Ic. Fung. iii. pi. 1. fig. 24 ; Fresenius, Beitr. zur Myk. pi. 3. fig. 29; Dematium articulatum, Sowerby, t. 400. fig. 8. 2. CL dendriticum, Wallr. On leaves of pear-trees and hawthorn. C. pyrorum, Berk. Gardn. Chronicle,} 848. 398. Helminthospo- rium pyrorum, Desmaz. No. 1051. C. orbi- culatum, Desm. Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. p. 2/5. 3. CL depressum, Berk. & Br. On living leaves of Angelica. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser, vii. 97. pi. 5. fig, 8. 4. CL brachormium, Berk. & Br. On leaves of Fumitory. Ibid. 5. CL lignicolum, Corda. On dead wood. Corda, Icon. Fung. i. pi. 3. fig. 206. 6. CL nodulosum, Corda. On stems of herbs. Corda, Icon. Fung. i. pi. 4. fig. 212. CLADOSTEPHUS, Ag.— A genus of Ec- tocarpaca3 (Fucoid Algae), containing two common British species, C. verticlllatus and C. sponyiosus, which grow on rocks and stones, and form olive tufts a few inches high, composed of rigid irregularly branched cellular axes, clothed by whorls of short, mostly simple, articulated branches. Harvey states that the summer branches contain dark grains in their withered tips, and are deciduous, being replaced in winter by others which bear numerous lateral stalked spores. It is probable these represent respectively the trichosporangia and oosporangia found inEctocarpus, and that the so-called 'spores' emit zoospores. See ECTOCARPUS. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 9 A; 130 Phyc. Brit. pi. 33 and 138. CLADOTRICHUM, Corda. — A genus of De- matiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), forming dark floc- culent points, or confluent into powdery strata, on dead stumps, &c. The mycelium consists of rigid, much - branched, septate filaments, the upper joints swollen; the spores in chains together at the ends of branches, and 2-, 3-sep- tate, constricted in the middle. Cladotrichum polysporum. Magn. 200 diam. 1. CL triseptatum, Berk, and Broome. Spores oblong, very obtuse, with three septa, and constricted opposite the middle sep- tum. Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vii. p. 98. pi. 5. fig. 7- On a dead stump. 2. C. polysporum, Corda (fig. 132). Spores 2-septate. Corda, Icon. Fung. iv. pi. 6. fig. 83; Prachtflora Eur. Schimmelbild. (Polythrincium, Fries, Summ. Veg.) CLAVARIA, Vaill.— A genus of Clavati (Hymenomycetous Fungi), consisting of va- riously branched fleshy fungi, growing mostly on the ground, bearing their basidiosporous fructification on the surface of the more or less club-shaped branches. Some species 1" high, others 1 foot. BIBL. Hooker, Br. Flora, vol. ii. part 2. p. 173. CLAVATI.— A family of Hymenomyce- tous Fungi, characterized by bearing basidio- spores covering the tip and sides of branched or simple club-shaped receptacles. See BASIDIOSPORES, HYMENOMYCETES. CLAVICEPS, Tulasne. — A genus of Sphaeriacei (?) (Ascomycetous Fungi), con- taining the plants which produce the ergot of rye and other grasses. These plants have recently been extricated from great confusion by Tulasne, who appears to have placed their history on a satisfactory basis. The first sign of the attack upon the flower of a grass is the appearance of the sphacelia upon the outside of the nascent pistil; it then enters into the outer part of the sub- stance of the wall of the ovary, growing with this until it forms a fungoid mass of the same shape as an ovary, but obliterating the cavity of the latter. At this time it is soft, white, grooved on the. surface, and excavated by irregular .cavities, which are connected with the external folds or grooves ; the sur- faces of these are all covered with parallel linear cells, like a hymenium, and from the extremities of these arise elongated, ellipsoid or oval cells, about 1-5000" in length. These become detached, and when they are placed in water, germinate and emit filaments. These bodies are spermatia, stylospores, or perhaps conidia ; they exhibit no motion in water, although they resemble the spermatia of some other fungi. At this time Tulasne calls the structure a spermagonium. At a certain epoch a viscid fluid exudes from the sphacelia, flowing over it and carrying about multitudes of the spermatia or stylospores ; but previously to this, a solid body, of a vio- let colour on the surface and white within, has originated at the base of the spermago- L 2 CLEISTOGARPI. [ 148 ] CLOSTERIUM. nium, and it gradually grows and rises out of palese of the flowers, forming the spur or ergot. This is not a metamorphosed seed resulting from diseased conditions, but a real new fungoid structure, the Sclerotium of D.C. and others. When this ergot is sown in the earth like a seed, it produces a num- ber of little pedicles surmounted by thickened heads, representing stalked Spharice (PI. 20. fig. 18), and on these heads are ultimately found fine points., which indicate the ostioles of little conceptacles (fig. 19). The walls of these conceptacles are lined with asci of elongated clavate form (figs. 20, 21), with linear, slightly clavate paraphyses. These bodies are the Sphceria purpurea of Fries, System. Myc. Our space does not admit of our entering further into detail; but it must be noted that very varied opinions have hitherto pre- vailed as to the nature of Ergot. Smith and E. Quekett, as also Leveille, Phoebus, Mougeot, and Fee, regarded the ergot as a mere diseased form of the seed, associated with a parasitic Fungus (Sphacelia, Lev., Fee, Ergotcetia, Quekett). The Sphacelia is often accompanied by a Mucedinous fungus which is certainly not the result of germination of the stylospores, as might be imagined, but a distinct plant. Tulasne describes three species : 1. C. purpurea, Tul. The ergot of grasses —Sphceria entomorrhiza, Schum.; Sphceria ( Cordy ceps] purpurea, Fries; Kentrosporium mitratum, Wallr.; Sphceropusfungorum,Gm- bourt; Cordyceps purpurea, Fr. ; Cordyliceps purpurea, Tulasne. On the flowers of Grasses, such as rye, wheat, oats, and nu- merous pasture grasses. 2. C. microcephala, Tul. Kentrosporium microcephalum, Wallr. ; Sphceria microce- phala, Wallr.; Sphceria Acus, Trog. ; Cordy- ceps purpurea, var. Acus, Desm. On Phrag- mites communis and Molinia ccerulea. 3. C. nigricans, Tul. On species of Scirpus. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xx. p. 5-53. pi. 1-4, where all the other literature is reviewed. CLEISTOCARPI (Closed-fruited, i. e. inoperculate). — An artificial division of the Mosses. See MUSCACE^E. CLENODON, Ehr.— A subgenus of No- tommata, containing those species which have only a single tooth in each jaw. See NOTOMMATA. CLIMACOSPHENIA, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules cuneate, divided into lo- culi by transverse septa; valves obovato- lanceolate, with moniliform vittse in the front view. Marine. C. australis. Very shortly stipitate ; sides of the valves not (very faintly ?) striated. On Algae from New Holland and South Africa. C. moniligera (PI. 19. fig. 9). Stipitate (?) ; sides of the valves transversely striated (a, front view ; b, side view). In the Gulf of Mexico. The nature of the stria? has not been de- termined. BIBL. Ehrenb. Abh. d. Eerl. Akad. 1841, 401 ; id. Bericht, 1843; Kiitzing, Eacillar. 123, and Sp.Alg. 114. CLONOSTACHYS, Corda.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), appa- rently not distinct fromBotrytis. See B.vera. BIBL. Corda, Prachtfl. europ. Schimmel- bild. pi. 15.' CLOSTERIUM, Nitzsch.— A genus of Desmidiacese (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cells single, elongated, attenuated towards each end, entire ; mostly curved lu- nately or arcuate ; junction of the segments marked by a pale transverse band. Endo- chrome green. This beautiful genus is of great interest to the scientific microscopic observer. Many of the species are very common, so that scarcely a drop can betaken from the bot- tom of a clear pool without some of them being contained in it. Each cell is composed of two equal por- tions, uniting at a transverse line occupying the centre of the cell. The endochrome ex- hibits longitudinal bands (PI. 10. fig. 40), the number varying in different species, of a darker green than the rest of the endochrome (PL 10. fig. 40, 41, 43). Towards each end of the cell is seen, in some, a circular space (fig. 40), in which are a number of moving molecules. In others, these mole- cules appear to exist outside the endochrome, or between it and the end of the cell. A circulation is also visible between the cell- wall and the surface of the endochrome ; the motion of the liquid is irregular, but distinct currents may be seen taking various direc- tions. This circulation is quite distinct from the molecular motion. It requires a high power (400 diameters) to see it distinctly, Focke attributes it to the action of cilia, which he states to exist upon the internal surface of the cell-wall ; the Rev. Mr. Osborne has also recently described cilia upon CLOSTERHM. CLOSTERIUM. the internal membrane. A number of trans- parent vesicles are frequently visible in the endochrome, sometimes scattered irregularly, at others arranged in longitudinal series (PI. 10. fig. 43). The eudochrome consists of protoplasmic substance coloured green (chlorophyll), and at certain stages, starch is produced in this as in the rest of the Algae. (See CHLORO- PHYLL.) The Closteria are reproduced in various ways. The individuals divide, like the rest of the Desmidiaeese, the separation taking place transversely in the situation of the transpa- rent space, where two new half-cells become developed, subsequently separating. As these new ' halves ' are often very small at the epoch of separation, specimens occur with the two portions very unequal. An- other mode of reproduction is by conju- gation. In this, a pair of individuals become united somewhat in the same way as in the Zygnemacese. Ordinarily, the individuals conjugate by the convex side. The process is described as follows: — The outer mem- branes of the parents split circularly in the situation of the central transverse space ; a delicate internal membrane is protruded from each, as a sac, and these meet and coalesce. Sometimes the sacs are in pairs from each parent-cell. (See CONJUGATION.) When the cross process is complete, the contents of both parent- cells pass into it and become collected into a globular or squarish cell (PI. 10. fig. 42 & 46). Different statements are made with regard to the ultimate history of this, and it is probably variable. Morren states that it becomes a moving gonidium ; while most authors state that it becomes a resting spore with firm membranous coats. Again, Morren describes the segmentation of the green contents of this spore or gonidium into a number of portions, each of which becomes a perfect individual. Focke gives a figure which seems to bear out this state- ment, and it would find an analogy in the mode of reproduction by active gonidia in Pediastrum, described by Caspary and Al. Braun. (See PEDIASTRUM.) Focke also figures a condition of Closterium Lunula in which the whole of the green contents of an individual cell had become retracted from the walls, and converted into a number of green globular bodies, with proper coats, resem- bling the resting spores found in many fila- mentous Algae under certain conditions. (See (EDOGONIUM and SPIROGYRA.) The Closteria are capable of fixing them- selves by one extremity to foreign bodies, and Ehrenberg asserted the existence of a footlike organ; but no such structure seems to exist. The individuals also possess a power of moving in water, but the nature of this is inexplicable at present. The seg- ments of the outer membrane separate from each other when their contents decay, and when they are dried. The membrane is co- loured blue by sulphuric acid and iodine (cellulose); in its natural condition it often has a reddish tint, especially towards the ends. Analysis of species (British) : — fCell suddenly narrowed at the ends r attenuatum, l.<| into a conical point \ 1.1-57". I Cell not suddenly narrowed 2 Cell striated, tapering into a beak at ends, lower margin prominent at middle 3 2. Cell very minute, beaked, straight,not f Griffithii*, striated, nor lower margin promi- < 1. i-300 to nent at middle I 1-450". Cell not beaked; if striated, lower margin not prominent at middle .. 6 f Beaks setaceous, as long as or longer 3. « than body 4 I Beaks linear, much shorter than body 5 f Beaks much longer than body { ^L^I Jgt/ 4> \Beaks about as long as body {'if^JR f Cells much inflated at middle, rapidly r Ralfsii, I tapering at ends I 1. 1-79". 5'| Cell slightly inflated at middle, gra- f lineatum, I dually tapering at ends 1 1. 1-48". fCell minute, acicular; sporangium fi ) cruciform 7 ' 1 Cell not acicular ; sporangium orbi- L cular 8 'Ends obtuse {"hTuO". ("Cell semilunate or semilanceolate, lower margin inclined upwards at _ ) ends 9 **1 Cell with either truncate ends, or lower margin inclined downwards I at ends 12 g J Vesicles numerous, scattered { j i^GO" L Vesicles in a longitudinal row 10 f Ends of cell slightly curved upwards ; f turgidum, 10. J longitudinal striae distinct \ 1. 1-39". | Ends of cell straight , striae none or I indistinct 11 f Cell linear-lanceolate ; ends conical, ( acerosum §, llJ obtuse il.l-70tol-58" *-Cell semilanceolate; ends subacute -j a?Cf°g"//W7n' f Cell not striated, crescent- shaped . . 13 12. < Cell either not orescent- shaped, or I. else distinctly striated 17 r Vesicles numerous, scattered { j ''i!^'^"' 13. i Vesicles in longitudinal row 14 v Empty cell colourless, ends rounded 15 14. Empty cell usually reddish, ends subacute 16 * PI. 10. figs. 57 & 58. t PI. 10. figs. 45 & 46 (Conjugation). J PI. 10. fig. 40. $ PI. 10. figs. 41 & 42 (Conjugation). COAL. [ 150 ] COAL. 15. f Lower margin of cell inflated at middle { ff V. l«l-/ \ Cell not inflated at middle { Je™ ^8 16. f Cell inflated at middle \l-90tol-l6o". um, 1 Cell slender, not inflated at middle .. { ^"f J Lower margin of cell inclined up- wards at truncate ends ; longitudi- f didymotocum i/ . , nal striae-none or indistinct ...... I 1. l-65"f. I Ends of cell inclined downwards ; ) , a I strise distinct .................. J 8 f Longitudinal strise 3 to 7, prominent 1 9 • 1 Longitudinal striae numerous, fine. . 20 f Cell semilunar or crescent-shaped . . { co ^"l«ni! \, Cell hnear 20> C Cell narrowly linear, nearly straight {'ft \ Cell tapering, curved .............. 21 {Longitudinal striae crowded, sutures r striolntum, 1 to 3 .......................... U.l-80tol-68". Longitudinal strise not crowded, su- i intermedium tures usually more than 3 ........ U.l-77tol-54//. * PI. 10. fig. 43. t PL 10- fig. 44. BIBL. Meneghini, Syn. Desmid. Linnaa, xiv. 201 (1840); Lobarzewski, ibid. p. 2/8; Ehrenb. Infus.-, Ralfs, Brit. Desmidiete-, Dalrymple, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1840. v. 415 ; Smith, ibid. 1850. v. 1 ; Meyen, Pflanzen- physiologie, iii. 436, Sec.; Brebisson, Alg. Falais.; Kiitzing, Spec. Alg. 163; Berkeley, Ann. N. Hist. 2 ser. xiii. 256 ; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853. 289, 292 ; Morren, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. v. 257 ; Focke, Physiologische Studien, 1 Heft, 1847; Osborne, Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. iii. 54. COAL. — This substance, although classed from its mode of occurrence in nature in the mineral kingdom, is in all cases of vege- table origin. The degree, however, in which traces of organic structure may be detected in it vary extremely. Coal may be either tolerably pure, containing but slight admix- ture of earthy matters, or it may contain large quantities of earthy substance, and pass gradually into a carbonaceous impreg- nation of an earthy basis, as in the various modifications of bituminous shales. In the next place the degree of metamorphosis of the vegetable matter may be equally varied, so that we have it still retaining its structure very evidently, as in lignites, &c., or with the structure greatly destroyed, or alto- gether lost, as in much ordinary coal and anthracite, which however are apparently of somewhat different origin from the more recent lignites. The old coal beds appear to have been formed from deposits analogous to our peat-bogs, and hence naturally consist in great part of vegetables whose remains soon became indistinguishable; but that arbo- rescent vegetation was also present and contributed to form the coal, seems proved by the detection of woody structure like that of the Coniferse in certain specimens of coal. Sometimes the woody structure is even evident to the naked eye in a charcoal-like appearance of the fractured surface of coal. In many lignites the coal consists of trunks of trees converted into coal without much alteration of the appearance of texture of the wood, and in these the structure is very readily made out by means of the micro- scope. It would be out of place here to enter upon the geological and chemical questions connected with coal; the object of applying the microscope to it is to ascertain the existence or absence of organic structure. For this purpose various methods are em- ployed. That most in use is the preparation of exceedingly thin slices in the manner usually adopted for fossil structures, but the brittle and opaque character of coal opposes great difficulties here. Traces of structure may be made out in some cases by grinding coal to fine powder and examining the fragments, but this plan is very unsatisfac- tory. A third method is to burn the coal to a white ash, and examine this under the microscope; it often exhibits perfect skele- tons of vegetable cells, but these are very fragile and require great care in their management. By imbuing them very cau- tiously with turpentine and Canada balsam, and placing on the covering glass wrhen the latter has become rather firm, permanent preparations may be often obtained. Schulze recommends boiling in nitric acid before incinerating the coal. The method which has been attended with most success in our hands is as follows. The coal is macerated for about a week in a solution of carbonate of potash ; at the end of that time it is possible to cut tolerably thin slices with a razor. These slices are then placed in a watch-glass with strong nitric acid, covered and gently heated; they soon turn brownish, then yellow, when the process must be arrested by dropping the whole into a saucer of cold water, or else the coal would be dissolved. The slices thus treated appear of a darkish amber colour, very transparent, and exhibit the structure, when existing, most clearly. We have obtained longitudinal and transverse sections of Coniferous wood from various coals in this way. The specimens are best preserved in glycerine, in cells ; we find that spirit renders them opaque, and even Canada balsam has the same defect. COILEA. [ 151 ] COCCONEIS. The proper identification of vegetable structures in coal must of course depend upon a sufficient knowledge of the characters of vegetable tissues and organisms being possessed by the observer. BIBL. Witham, Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables, Edinb. 1833; Link, Ueb. den Ursprung der Steinkohlen, fyc., Abhandl. Berlin Akadem. 1838. p. 34; Goppert, Preisschrift ueber Steinkohlen, Leiden, 1848; Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora; Schleiden and Schmidt, Geognost. Verhdltn. des Saal- thales, Leipzig, 1846; Ehrenberg and Schulz, Ber. Berlin Acad. Oct. 1844, Annals Nat. Hist. xvi. p. 69 ; Bailey on Anthracite Coal, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. p. 67 ; Unger, Genera et Species Plant. Foss. 1850. COB^EA, Cuv. — A climbing Dicotyledo- nous plant, of the Nat. Order Polemoniaceae, common in cultivation, remarkable for the curious pyriform cells upon its seeds, con- taining a spiral fibre (PI. 21. fig. 20). See SPIRAL STRUCTURES. COCCIDIUM.— A form of fructification in the FLORIDE^E. COCCINELLA, Linn. (Lady-bird). A genus of Insects, of the order Coleoptera, and family Coccinellidae. C. septempunctata, the common lady-bird. This insect exhibits the circulation through the elytra. If one of these is separated from the body without being detached, and arranged in such manner that it may be viewed as a transparent object, slow and uniform continuous currents, one ascending and the other descending, will be seen between the laminae of which the elytrura consists. On dividing the latter, an amber transparent liquid containing colourless globules escapes. BIBL. Nicolet, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3rd ser. 7 ? ; Westwood, Introduction, SfC. ; Curtis, Brit. Ent. 208 ; Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Entom. ; Herrich-Schseffer, Synops. gen. Coccinell., Deutschl. Ins. hft. 128. COCCOCARPEJE. See CRYPTONEMI- ACE^E. COCCOCHLORIS, Sprengel (Palmo- glcea, Kiitz.).— A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae), consisting of green mi- croscopic cells, oval or globular, imbedded in a gelatinous matrix, which is at first definite in form(thus differing from Palmella}, and subsequently effused and shapeless. The green cells are vesicles, filled with granular colouring matter (chlorophyll) when in active vegetation. They multiply by division, and besides this, some of them grow much larger than the rest, and have their contents con- verted into a number of cells ; these large cells become free from the general frond and lay the foundation of a new one, originally of definite form, which increases in size by the division of the individuals within a per- sistent gelatinous investment. Brebisson, Ralfs and Al. Braun describe a process of conjugation in C. Brebissonii. Two ordinary cells come into contact, and their membranes become fused ; the intermingled contents then undergo a metamorphosis, brownish oil-globules replacing the chlorophyll, and the ' spore-cell ' thus produced passes through a period of rest before resuming its vegeta- tive development. Ralfs states that the slender filamentous bodies sometimes found in the frond are part of the organization of the plant. We think there must be some error here (see PALMELLACEAE). Several British species are described : 1. C. protuberans, Spreng. Frond green, irregularly lobed, spreading on the ground, cells elliptical, about 1-3000", enlarged vesi- cles 1-500 to 1-1000". Hassall, Br. Fr. Alga, pi. 76. fig. 7, pi. 82. figs. 6-10 ; Pal- mella protuberans, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 243. fig. 1. 2. C. muscicola, Meneghini. Hassall, I. c. pi. 78. figs. 3 a, 3 b. 3. C. hyalina, Menegh. Aquatic. Hass. 1. c. pi. 78. figs. 2a,2b. 4. C. depressa, Menegh. Hass. 1. c. pi. 78. 4 a, 4 b. 5. C. Mooreana. Hass. I. c. pi. 78. \a,\b. 6. C. rivularis. Hass. I, c. pi. 78. 6 a, b. 7. C. Grevillei, Hass. Frond minute, densely crowded, globose or somewhat lobed, green. In heathy moist situations, frequent. Hass. /. c. pi. 78. figs. 7 a, b and 8 ; Palmella botryoides, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 243. fig. 2. The plants are not yet satisfactorily under- stood ; the relations to Palmella and Glceo- capsa are confused. BIBL. As above; also Meneghini, Monogr. Nostochinearum ; Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis-, Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853 (as Palmogleed) ; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vol. ii. p. 312 (as Palmella) ; Nageli, Einzell. Algen. Zurich, 1849. COCCONEIS, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, depressed, adnate ; valves elliptical, one of them with a median line and central nodule. The valves are mostly covered with dots (minute depressions), appearing like lines under a low power. COCCONEMA. [ 152 ] CODIUM. The upper valve differs from the adnate one in not being furnished with the central no- dule; under a low power it appears to have a median line, as well as the adnate valve, but this appearance, in some at least, arises from the dots or markings at this part being more closely in contact than elsewhere. C. pediculus (PL 12. fig. 17). Frustules very slightly arched (front view) ; valves elliptical, striae longitudinal, faint ; length 1-1200 to 1-700"; aquatic. C. placentula. Frustules flat; valves elliptical; strise longitudinal, faint; length 1-760"; aquatic, common. C. scuteUum (PL 12. fig. 18). Frustules dorsally convex; valves ovato-elliptical, strise transverse or slightly curved; length 1-700"; marine. /3. Nodule dilated into a stauros. C. Thwaitesii (Achnanthidium flexellum, Brebiss., Kiitz.). Ends of valves slightly produced; aquatic; length 1-900". C. Gremllii ~\ ,& -,1.x -»/r • mith* Marme> . Many other foreign species. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. ; Kiitzing, BacilL and Sp Alg. p. 50; Smith, Brit. Diat. p. 21. COCCONEMA, Ehr. - A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. .Frustules stipitate, navicular, somewhat arched (side view) ; valves with a submedian line, with central and terminal nodules (= stipitate Cymbellai). Aquatic (British). The valves are transversely striated, the striae being resolvable into dots (depressions). C. lanceolatum (PL 12. figs. 19 & 20). Front view of frustules lanceolate, truncate at the ends ; valves semilanceolate, very slightly inflated at the centre of the concave margin; length 1-150''. Common. Stipes dichotomous, jointed. C. cymbiforme. Scarcely distinct from the last (Sm.); stipites filiform, obsolete, interwoven into a gelatinous mass; length 1-330". C. cistula. Front view elliptic-oblong, obtuse ; valves inflated on concave margin ; stipes elongate, filiform, simple or subra- mose; length 1-450"; common. C. parvum (Sm.). Several other foreign species. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. ; Smith, Brit. Diat.', Kiitz. BacilL and Sp. Alg. 59. COCCUDINA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Plaesconina. Char. Body oval, depressed or almost discoid, often slightly sinuous at the margin; convex, furrowed or granular and glabrous above ; concave beneath, and furnished with vibratile cilia and cirrhi or corniculate appendages, serving as feet ; no mouth. The species of this genus known to Ehrenberg, are arranged among his Oxy- trichina and Euplota. C. costata (PL 41. fig. 3). Body obliquely narrowed and sinuous in front, convex and furrowed above, or with from five to six very projecting tubercular ribs ; appendages grouped at the two ends ; the anterior more slender and vibratile; length 1-950"; in marsh-water. Three other species. Dujardin remarks that Ehrenberg's genus Aspidisca belongs here. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 445. COCK-CHAFFER. See MELOLONTHA. COCK-ROACH. See BLATTA. COCOA-NUT. The seed of the Cocoa-nut Palm, Cocos nucifera (Monocotyledon). Sec- tions of the remarkably hard shell of this nut afford good specimens of very greatly consoli- dated woody tissue, while the fleshy contents form an example of oily albumen, the soft, thick-w7alled cells containing abundance of drops of oil in their cavities. The husk of the nut is composed of fibres analogous in their structure to liber, and used for similar purposes. See FIBROUS STRUCTURES. CODIUM, Stackh .— A genus of Siphona- ce8e(CoiifervoidAlgse). Marine. The species have dark green spongy fronds of cylindrical, flat, globular or crust-like form, composed of interlacing continuous filaments devoid of septa, terminating in radiant club-shaped filaments at the surface (fig. 133). The spo- Fig. 133. Codium tomentosum. Saccate cells arising from the filaments at the surface. Magnified 10 diameters. ranges (spores), are produced in lateral branches from the clavate cells, forming long elliptical sacs, the contents of which are converted into a vast number of biciliated zoospores, discharged when mature. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. pi. 24 A; Phyc. Brit. pi. 93. 35 B. ; and Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. 232. pi. 23. figs. 1 5, CCELOCYSTIS. COLEOCILETE. CCELOCYSTIS, Kiitz. Probably a resting form of EUGLENA. CCELOSPFLERIUM, Nag. Probably the same as COCCOCHLORIS. CCENURUS, Rudolph!. — A supposed genus of Entozoa, placed in the order Ste- relmintha, and family Cystica. Char. A simple vesicle, filled with an albuminous liquid, upon the outer surface of which a number of soft, short, retractile, cylin- drical and rugose, rather than jointed bodies are situated. The head of each resembles that of a T'enia, having four disks and a crown of hooks. Recent researches have shown that the single supposed species, C. cerebralis(P\.\6. fig. 10), is the larva of a new species of Teenia, allied to T. marginata. It occurs in the brain of sheep, producing the " staggers ; " sometimes also in that of the Horse, the Ox and the Rabbit. The vesi- cle is as large as the egg of a hen or a pigeon. The bodies when extended are about the 1-5 or 1-6" in length. When retracted they appear to the naked eye as opake white specks. BIBL. Dujardin, Hist. nat. d'Helminthes, p. 636; Kiichenmeister, Cosmos, iv. p. 388. COFFEE.— The "berries," as they are vulgarly called, of coffee, are the seeds of Coffcea arabica, a Dicotyledonous plant, of the Nat. Order Cinchonaceae. The bodies consist chiefly of the hard homy albumen (see ALBUMEN of plants), and this being com- posed wholly of cellular tissue, it is possible to ascertain the presence of adulterations in ground coffee in many instances. Thus chicory, parsnips, carrots and similar sub- stances roasted and ground up with coffee, may be detected by the presence of fragments of the ducts and vessels of various characters which occur in these roots. COIR. — The term coir-rope is applied to cordage manufactured from the fibrous tissue of the husk of the cocoa-nut. See FIBROUS SUBSTANCES. COLACIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Astasiaea. Char. Not clearly determined. A single eye-spot (sometimes absent) ; body fixed by a pedicle, which is either simple or branched. Parasitic upon Entomostraca and Rota- toria. A vibratory organ is present in front, but whether consisting of a flagelliform filament or a number of cilia is unknown. C. vesiculosum (PI. 23. fig. 32). Ovato- fusiform, variable, internal vesicles distinct, pedicel very short, rarely branched ; bright green; length 1-860". C. stentorium. Cylindrical, conical or fun- nel-shaped, variable, internal vesicles less distinct, pedicel generally ramose; bright green; length 1-1150". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 115. COLEOCILETE, De Brebiss.— A genus of Chaetophoracese (Confervoid Algae), of which one species, C. scutata, is apparently pretty common in freshwater pools, forming minute green disks (fig. 134 ) adhering to Fig. 134. Fig. 136. Coleochaete scutata. Fig. 134. A perfect plant. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 135. Propagula from the back of the frond. Mag- nified 50 diameters. Fig. 136. Commencement of the development of a frond from a propagulum. Magnified 10 diameters. leaves, to the larger Confervae, sticks, &c., also to the sides of glass vessels in which aquatic plants are kept growing. The disks are formed of a number of dichotomous fila- ments radiating from a central cell and cohering laterally, the whole being closely applied on the surface of support, so that the discoid form is occasionally modified by this (we have seen it forming a kind of cup and irregular fan-like lobes, on the ends of the articulations of Hydrodictyori). In cer- tain cases the filaments are more or less free from their lateral union. The contents of the cells are as usual in this family ; Ralfs was in error in stating that they are collected in the centre; this is only the case when about to be converted into zoospores, or when dried. From the back of many of the cells projects a long tubular process (fig. 134), with a bulbous base ; this is at first closed, but afterwards open and slightly everted at the mouth, from whence emerges a very slender bristle. The nature of this structure COLEOSPORIUM. [ 154 ] COLEPINA. is very obscure; it is best seen by drying the specimens. The plants are reproduced by zoospores and by spores. The former are produced singly in the cells, from the whole contents, bear two cilia, and break out at the back of the cell in C. scutata, from the side in C. pulvinata. The (resting) spores are formed in cells near the margin, in penultimate cells of the radiating filaments, on the back, therefore, in C. scutata, at the ends of the branches in C. pulvinata. A curious process is described by Al. Braun, as occurring in connexion with this in C. pul- vinata : the cell about to become a sporange enlarges, and while its contents become converted into 5 to 8 resting spores,it acquires a kind of cellular coat, through growth of cellular branchletsfrom the preceding and the surrounding cells, which branchlets meet and enclose it. The bodies figured in the cut (fig. 135) occur on the backs of the fronds, according to De Brebisson, but he does not state how they originate, perhaps they are germinating zoospores which have come to rest in this situation ; the young plant (fig. 136) appears to be formed from these by cell-division. C. scutata, De Breb. (Phyllactidium, Kiitz., Phyc. gen.) (fig. 134). Fronds dis- coid, sporanges on the back. On aquatic plants, &c., common (?). A variety, /3 soluta, occurs with the radiating filaments more or less free. C. pulvinata, A. Braun. Fronds com- posed of tufted-branched, radiant, free fila- ments, sporanges globose, at the ends of the filaments. Chcetophora tuberculata, C. Mull, according to Kiitzing. (This has not yet been detected in Britain.) BIBL. De Brebisson, Ann.des Sc.nat. 3ser. 1. p. 29. pi. 2; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. p. 309. pi. pi. 77; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, Ray Soc. 10; Hass. Brit. Fr. Alg. 217- Vol. 1853, passim; Kiitzing, Species Alg. 424 ; Miiller, Regensb. " Flora," xxv. B. ii. p. 513. pi. 3. 1842. COLEOSPORIUM, Leveille'.— A genus of Caeomacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), sepa- rated by some authors from Uredo, but at present not clearly shown to be distinct and independentplants(seeUBEDo). Thesefungi, which may be well observed in C. Senecionis, Schlecht., and other common species, appear as yellow, reddish or brownish pulveru- lent spots upon the leaves of living plants. Their mycelium, creeping in the intercellular tissues of the plants upon which they are parasitic, consists or delicate branched fila- ments, which collect together at certain points, become interwoven, at the same time acquiring orange or yellow cell-contents, so as to form a flat cushion-like body (clinode or stroma}. From this arise vertical or radiating, branched, club-shaped, sac-like prolongations of some of the filaments, which club-shaped sacs or tubes become the spo- rangia ; the oldest are found in the centre, the youngest at the circumference of the group. The club-shaped sporanges, filled with yellow or brown contents, become firmly coherent laterally (at this stage they consti- tute Uredo tremellosa). The first spore is formed near the summit of the clavate spo- range, leaving a little clear space at the tip ; then a second spore below the first, and so on to a third and fourth, occasionally to a fifth; these increase in size so as to conceal the existence of the sac in which they are contained ; only the tips of all the laterally coherent sacs or sporanges, left empty in the spore-formation, form by their union a transparent layer, presenting, when seen from above, somewhat the appearance of the corneae of the compound eye of an insect. This lamella is burst open, with the epider- mis of the infected plant, and the spores, which grow into oval and globular forms, become detached from one another and lie loose, forming the yellow, red or brown pulverulent spots above alluded to. The spores have a granular cuticle and their coat is double. British species (we cannot find distinctive characters) : 1. C. synantherarum, Fries. On Colt's- foot, &c., common. Ur. compransor, Schlecht, (in part) ; U. tussilaginis, Pers. 2. C. senecionis, Fr. On Groundsel, com- mon. U. senecionis, Schlecht. 3. C. campanulacearum, Lev. On Cam- panula. U. campanula, Pers. 4. C. rhinanthacearum, Lev. On Eu- phrasia, &c. U. rhinanthacearum, D.C. 5. C. pulsatillarum, Fr. U. pulsatillarum, Strauss. 6. C. pinguis, Lev. On leaves, &c. of roses, common. U. effusa, Strauss; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 19. BIBL. Leveille, Ann. des Sc-. nat. 3 ser. viii. 369; De Bary, Brandpilze, Berlin, 1853, p. 24. pi. 2; Fries, Summa Veget. p. 512; Berk, in Hook. Br. Fl. ii. pt. 2. 377-9, &c. COLEPINA, Ehr.— A family of Infusoria. Char. Carapace barrel-shaped, traversed longitudinally or transversely, or both, by furrows, between which are situated minute vibratile cilia ; truncate, and either smooth COLEPS. or dentate in front; posteriorly terminated by from two to five points or teeth; aquatic. Ehrenberg states that the oral and anal orifices exist at the opposite ends of the body. Tbe gastric sacculi are readily filled with colouring matter. Motion that of revo- lution upon the longitudinal axis. A single genus : Coleps, COLEPS, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Colepina. Char. Those of the family. These animals are very voracious, and feed freely upon the portions of the body of crushed Entomostraca, which attract them as much as sugar attracts flies. C. hirtus (PL 23. fig. 33 a, Ehr.; fig. 33 b, Duj.). Oval, white, carapace tabulate, furrows transverse and longitudinal ; poste- rior teeth three (two, Duj.) ; length 1-5/0 to 1-430". /3 elongatus. Cylindrical, elongate, length as in the last. C. viridis. Ovate, furrows transverse and longitudinal, green, posterior teeth three; length 1-960 to 1-570". C. amphacanthus. Ovate, carapace divided by transverse furrows only, anterior teeth unequal; posterior teeth three, large; length 1-280". C. incurvus. Oblong, nearly cylindrical, slightly curved, white, posterior teeth five ; length 1-430". BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 317 ; Duj. Infus. 365. COLLEMA, Ach.— A genus of Colle- maceee (Gymnocarpous Lichens), contain- ing a number of indigenous species, remark- able for the peculiar gelatinous character of the frond and the beaded arrangement of the gonidia, mostly growing on the ground or among Mosses in damp places. Tulasne has shown that they produce spermagonia, with spermatia, which are generally imbedded in the substance of the frond, opening by a terminal pore (PL 29. fig. 13). The fronds are mostly dark olive or blackish-green. BIBL. "Hook. Brit. Flora, v. p. 1. 211. See also under COLLEMACE.E. COLLEMACE.E.— A family of Gymno- carpous Lichens, known by the gelatinous character of the (fresh) thallus, which is com- posed of two kinds of filaments (see Li- CHENES), some branched and cylindrical, others (gonidial) moniliform (PL 26. fig. 13), the former gradually combined into the ex- cipula supporting the thecae and paraphyses, constituting the apothecia. The spermagonia are formed in a similar manner. Some authors have imagined that the Nostochacese are L 155 1 COLLOID MATTER. early conditions of Collema, but this assump- tion does not seem to be warranted. British genus : Collema. Thallus of uniform texture, gelatinous when fresh, when dry generally becoming hard and cartilaginous, polymor- phous, granulated, foliaceous, lobed, lacini- ated or branched. Apothecia circular, sessile, rarely slightly elevated, bordered, formed of the substance of the thallus, the disk some- times coloured. BIBL. Tulasne, Mem. sur les Lichens, Ann. des Sc, nat. 3 ser. xvii. 29 & 202. pi. 6 & 7 ; Fries, Summa Veget. 175; Itzigsohn, Botan. Zeit. xii. p. 521. 1854. COLLENCHYMA.— A peculiar kind of thickening of cellular tissue in the subepi- dermal layers of many herbaceous stems, such as Rumex, Beta, Chenopodium, &c., which some have regarded as intercellular substance, while others, more correctly, have stated it to consist of metamorphosed second- ary layers inside the cells. See for the dis- cussion, INTERCELLULAR SUBSTANCE. COLLETONEMA, Brebisson.— A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules navicular, connate, ar- ranged in rows, and immersed in a gelatinous amorphous mucus, forming a filiform frond. Aquatic. C. viridulum. Frustules crowded and spi- rally arranged ; front view linear-oblong, truncate, slightly and gradually attenuate towards the ends; valves lanceolate, obtusish, not striated (?) ; length of frustules 1-610"; breadth of frond 1-670 to 1-450". Doubtful species : C. (?) amphioxys (Naunema amp., E.). Mexico. C. (?) americanum (Naun. amer., E.). Hudson's River. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 105. COLLOID MATTER, EXUDATION and CORPUSCLES (animal). The term colloid matter or exudation is applied to a transparent, viscid, yellowish, structureless or slightly granular matter, resembling liquid gelatine. In a state of greater consistence, it sometimes forms flakes or irregular masses, which occasionally pos- sess a laminated structure. In a third form it constitutes spherical, rounded or oval, sometims flattened micro- scopic corpuscles — simple masses of sarcode (PL 30. fig. 22 a). These are either homoge- neous, or exhibit numerous laminae (concen- tric colloid corpuscles) (PL 30. fig. 22 b) ; sometimes a kind of nuclear body is present COLLOMIA. [ 156 ] COLOURING MATTERS. (fig. 22 c), at others they contain carbonate and phosphate of lime (fig. 22 d). Sometimes they exhibit a radiate appearance (fig. 22 e). In the liquid form, colloid exudation is found within cysts in the thymus and thyroid glands, the ovary, &c. ; and within the enlarged areolse of areolar tissue around these organs, &c. It is found in a free state upon the surface of inflamed serous membranes. The colloid corpuscles are met with in the hypertrophied heart, in the prostate (both male and female), the thyroid and the thymus glands, in the choroid membrane, in the brain and spinal cord, and in the (waxy) spleen, &c. The liquid colloid matter generally consists of a proteine- compound ; it becomes of a gelatinous consistence, retaining its trans- parency, or turbid and opake, by heat. The colloid corpuscles do not, however, appear to be uniform in composition; sometimes they consist of a proteine-compound ; at others, probably, of cellulose or amyloid, as in the brain (true CORPORA AMYLACEA). These bodies are further noticed under the heads of the tissues and organs in which they occur. See also TUMOURS (Colloid cancer}. BIBL. Rokitansky, Handb. d. Path.Anat. bd. 1. p. 304; Wedl, Grundzuge d. Path. Histol. ; Forster, Hand. d. Spec. Path. ; Virchow, Arch. f. Path. Anat. v. ; Hassall, Micr. Anat. &c. COLLOMIA, Nutt.— A genus of Polemo- niacese (Dicotyledons) remarkable for the spiral structures produced in the epidermis of the seeds (PI. 21. fig. 22) (see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). The gummy substance in which fibre is imbedded is soluble in water and not in spirit, therefore the best way to observe the elastic opening of the spiral fibres is to make fine sections of the coat of the seed and place them in a little spirit of wine, upon a slider, with a covering glass : to adjust the focus, and then to add water carefully at the side of the covering glass so as to wash away or dilute the spirit. COLOSTRUM.— The first liquid secreted by the mammary glands. See MILK. COLOUR. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxix. COLOURING MATTER, OF ANIMALS. See PIGMENT. COLOURING MATTERS, OF PLANTS. The green colour of vegetables depends upon the presence of CHLOROPHYLL, and is spoken of under that head. The red and yellow colours assumed by leaves and herba- ceous shoots in autumn, depend upon a chemical metamorphosis of the chlorophyll, or on its absorption and the discoloration of the cellular tissue. The red colour presented by many of the lower Algae, such as some of the Palmellacese, appear also to depend upon a metamorphosis of the chlorophyll, con- nected with the vital processes ; it is met with also in the contents of the resting spores of many of the filamentous Confer- voids. We have found the protoplasm assu- ming a reddish colour in the punctum vegetationis of the buds of Monocotyledons in the autumn, which probably depends upon a similar cause. The bright colours of flowers and other parts of the inflorescence of plants, as also of the lower surface of many leaves (Begonia, Victoria, &c.) and herbaceous shoots, arises from the presence of matters of a different kind, almost always dissolved in the watery cell-sap. The colour of petals is ordinarily found to depend upon a certain number of the cells subjacent to the epidermal layer being filled with a coloured fluid ; and the depth of the colour is proportionate to the number of superim- posed layers of such cells, which act like so many layers of a pigment. Each cell is usually filled with one colour when fully developed, but adjacent cells are often seen, in variegated petals, to contain distinct colours, the line of demarcation being accu- rately fixed by the cell-walls, through which the colours do not transude, unless the cells are injured by pressure. In young tissues the colour often has a granular appearance in the cells, but this is a deception arising from the mode in which the colour is deve- loped. The colourless protoplasm originally filling the cells becomes excavated, as it were, by water bubbles, and the watery contents of the excavations become coloured; they gradually enlarge, as the protoplasm applies itself more completely to the walls of the cell, until they become confluent and the coloured liquid fills the whole cell-cavity. We have observed this pseudo-granular appearance in the cells of the flowers of Orchis Mono, in the cells of the lower surface of the leaf of Victoria, and other cases. In some cases the liquid colouring matters of flowers have been found to contain solid corpuscles; the red colour-cells of Salvia splendens, and the blue ones of Strelitzia regina, contain globules, and according to von Mohl, this is still more commonly the case with the yellow colours ; in the yellow COLPODA. [ 1*7 ] CONCRETIONS. perigonial leaves of Strelitzia regina the yellow colour is said to depend upon the presence of crescentic and curled filaments floating in the cell-sap. The white patches upon variegated and spotted leaves, such as those of Aucuba, Holly, variegated Mint, Begonia argyrostig- ma, &c., &c., arise from the absence of chlorophyll in the cells subjacent to the epidermis at those parts, which produces the same effect as we see in leaves mined by caterpillars. COLPODA, Schrank, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Colpodea. Char. No eye-spot, tongue-like process present, ventral surface ciliated, dorsal not. Dujardin says : " Body sinuous or notched on one side, sometimes reniform, surface reticulated or marked with nodular obliquely interlacing striae ; mouth lateral, situated at the bottom of the notch, and furnished with a projecting lip. C. cucullus (PI. 24. fig. 25). Turgid, slightly compressed, reniform, often nar- rowed "in front; length 1-1720 to 1-280". Common in vegetable infusions. Ecdysis has been observed in this animalcule. Stein describes the encysting process and reproduction from spores as occurring in this infusorium. There can be little question, however, that his observations apply to Paramecium chrysalis, E. (Pleuronema chr., Dm.)- C. ? ren. Ovato-cylindrical, reniform, rounded at the ends; aquatic; length 1-280". C. ? cucullio (Loxodes cue., Duj.). Com- pressed, flat, elliptical, slightly sinuous in front; aquatic; length 1-900''. BIBL. Ehr. In/us. 347; Duj. Infus. 478; Stein, Infusionsth. 15, &c. COLPODEA,Ehr.— A family of Infusoria. Char. Gastric sacculi present; no cara- pace ; oral and anal orifices distinct, neither at the ends of the body. Body usually covered with longitudinal rows of cilia. The sacculi can be filled with colouring matter. Genera : No eye-spot. A tongue-like process. No cilia on the dorsal surface . . Colpoda. Cilia on every part Paramecium. No tongue-like process. Body narrowed and prolonged in front(proboscis,E.),tailpresent Amphileptus. Proboscis absent, tail present . . Uraglenu. An eye-spot Ophryoglena. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. 345. COLURELLA, Bory, Duj. = Colurus, Ehr. COLURUS, Ehr. — A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Two frontal eye-spots ; tail-like foot forked ; carapace cylindrical or compressed. Carapace openbeneath; cervical appendage curved; jaws with 2 or 3 teeth each. C. deflexus (PL 34. fig. 12, dorsal view; 13, ventral view; 14, teeth). Carapace ovate, compressed, its posterior points long and directed downwards ; terminal points of foot (toes, E.) shorter than the foot itself; length of carapace 1-240". Aquatic. C. caudatus. Carapace ovate, compressed, posterior points of carapace distinct, points of foot longer than the foot itself; aquatic and marine ; length 1-240". C.? uncinatus and bicuspidatus are doubt- ful species. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. 475. COMPRESSOR. INTRODUCTION, p.xx. CONCEPTACLE.— A form of fructifica- tion in the FLORIDE^E and FUCOIDE^E. Also applied to the fructification of some Fungi. CONCRETIONSandCALCULL— These terms are rather indefinite. A hard body of considerable comparative size, formed within an animal organism, would be called a calculus; whilst a body of considerable comparative size in which hardness was not a marked feature, or a hard body of small or microscopic dimensions, would be called a concretion. Under the latter term, the no- tion of a compound structure is usually implied. Calculi generally consist of various organic and inorganic substances entering into the composition of tke secretions of the body, which are precipitated from various causes. Those found in the intestinal canal are mostly composed of undigested vegetable tissues derived from the food. Most, if not all, calculi and concretions are mixed with animal matter (proteine-compounds) derived from the mucous cavities in which they are contained, or simultaneously precipitated, with their characteristic components, from the secretions in the midst of which they are formed. Hence when the proper calculous matter is dissolved by a reagent which exerts little or no action upon the animal matter, a mass is left which exhibits the form of the original body. Calculi and concretions enlarge by the deposition of new matter upon their outer surface ; and as this deposition is not uni- form and uninterrupted, either in regard to CONDENSER. [ 158 ] CONFERVOIDE.E. the nature or proportion of the respective constituents, they mostly exhibit a laminated structure. This is visible to the naked eye in the larger ones, and evidenced in those which are microscopic by the appearance of concentric rings, and of a nucleus or nuclei. These concentric rings and nuclei are dis- tinguishable equally in concretions formed artificially and in those occurring naturally. It has been imagined that urinary concre- tions and calculi owe their origin to a process of cell-secretion. We believe this view to be untenable. BIBL. Taylor, Hunterian Catalogue, Cal- culi-, Quekett,Mec?. Times, 1851. xxiv.p.551; Griffith,Med. Times and Gaz.1852. xxv. p. 272; and the Bibl. of CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. CONDENSER, ACHROMATIC.— IN- TRODUCTION, p. xvi. We omitted to no- tice that the "new condenser" mentioned at p. xvii. is called after the inventor, "Gillett's Condenser." CONDENSER, BULL'S-EYE, &c., for opake objects. INTRODUCTION, p. xviii. CONFERVA, Plin.— A genus of Confer- vaceae(Confervoid Algae), which, as restricted here, contains chiefly marine species ; but we have thought it advisable to retain in it the species separated by Kiitzing as Chteto- morpha and Thuret as Microspora, so that our Conferva corresponds to Hassall's pro- posed genus Aplonema. The plants consist of unbranched filaments, composed of cylin- drical cells, the length and diameter of which have a very variable relation in different spe- cies. They are reproduced by zoospores formed from the cell-contents. Al. Braun says that C. bombycina produces four in a cell. According to Thuret, C. area produces large numbers, which escape by a lateral orifice, while the species he describes as Mi- crospora Jloccosa forms a number which escape by a circular dehiscence breaking up the filaments. The zoospores are 2-ciliated in general, but sometimes bear four. The spores have not been observed ; and hence Kiitzing has suggested that C. bombycina, and the other species of Conferva he ad- mits, may be young states of (Edogonium, but the true (Edogonia produce solitary zoo- spores with a crown of cilia. British spe- cies: Freshwater. 1. C. bombycina, Ag. Filaments 1-360 to 1-180" in diameter, four or five times as long, forming a yellow-green cloudy stratum. Common in stagnant water. Dillw. Con- fence, pi. 60. 2. C. jloccosa, Ag. (PI. 5. fig. 116). More robust; articulations once or twice longer than broad. Microspora jloccosa, Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. pi. 17. fig. 6, 7. Marine. Thirteen species are described by Harvey (Brit. Marine Algce), of which C. area, Dillw. is one of the commonest, remarkable for the large size of the tufted filaments, as thick as hog's-bristles, growing 3 to 12" long, of a yellow-green colour. C. Melagonium, Web. and Mohr, has erect tufted filaments equally thick, while C. Linum, Roth, has entangled filaments twice as thick, deep glossy green, and many feet long. The cell- walls of these large marine species present a curious striated appearance when treated with acids, which has led J. Agardh, apparently erroneously, to suppose they are composed of spiral filaments. (See SPIRAL STRUCTURES.) BIBL. Harvey, loc. cit. Phyc. Britan. ; Thuret, loc. cit.', Kiitzing, Species Alg.-, Hassall, Brit. Freshw. Alg. 213 ; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853. p. 184. CONFERVACE^E.— A family of Confer- voideae. Marine or freshwater Algae ; com- posed of articulated filaments, simple or branched, without enveloping gelatine ; cells cylindrical, shortish, not conjugating. Re- production by zoospores and globular spores produced from the cell-contents. Synopsis of the British Genera. 1. Cladophora. Filaments tufted, much branched. Sea and freshwater. Zoospores minute, many in a cell. 2. Rhizoclonium. Filaments decumbent, with small root-like branches. Zoospores minute, numerous. Sea, brackish, and fresh- water. 3. Conferva. Filaments unbranched. Zoospores minute, numerous in the cells. Sea, brackish, and freshwater. 4. (Edogonium. Filaments simple, with very thick walls and mostly short joints, often swollen to produce a spore or a zoo- spore, and with annular striae near the cross septa. Zoospores single, large, composed of the entire contents of a cell, crowned with a wreath of cilia. Freshwater. BIBL. See the genera. CONFERVOIDE^E or CHLOROPO- RE^.— An order of Algae. The Chloro- spores or Confervoids, the lowest order of the Algse, display a preponderating number of truly microscopical plants, and constitute CONFERVOIDE.E. [ 159 ] CONFERVOIDE.E. one of the favourite and most instructive fields of microscopic research. As yet, how- ever, the minute history of development is wanting in a very large number, while the facts already disclosed are so varied, that it becomes a matter of difficulty to draw up a sketch of their characteristics in a brief space. The classification of the tribes standing on the boundaries between the Coufervoids and the Fucoids is in an unsettled condition, and the real nature of the fructification of the Lemanieae and Batrachospermeae may be considered open to doubt. The detection by Thuret of zoospores in so many of the true Fucoids, takes away the ground on which these two families have been included in that order; and at present we prefer to leave them among the Confervoids, where, however, it is true they stand in rather an isolated posi- tion ; but the forms of reproduction are so varied here, that this seems of the less consequence. Among the Palmellaceae we find some of the simplest forms of vegetable life, where the organization is reduced to the condition of a single microscopic membranous vesicle, enclosing nitrogenous contents, ordinarily tinged with chlorophyll, and containing starch. Such we have in Chlorococcum vul- gare, which forms the dryish green powder upon palings, trunks of trees, &c. This form appears to multiply only by the subdi- visions of its cells into two or four new ones, which separate and repeat the process. It is a somewhat doubtful plant, but if a di- stinct organism, it is the lowest of the Algae. Advancing a step, we come to a number of genera not yet well defined, in which the mem- branes of the parent-cells soften into a kind of gelatine, during the process of subdivision, and hold the new cells together in groups of definite or indefinite form ; among these are Palmella, Glceocapsa, and others of like na- ture, in which at present no zoospores have been discovered. In Coccochloris a process of conjugation occurs. Side by side with Chlorococcum,^ regards organization, stands the genus Protococcus, in which, in addition to the vegetative growth by subdivision going on in damp air (the cells being held together more or less firmly into a gelatinous crust), the contents of the individual cells are set free by solution of the membranes when placed in water, and emerge as ciliated zoospores, endowed with active motion. These genera also exhibit a resting form, characterized by the increased thickness of the membrane of the cell, and a change of the green contents into a brownish, reddish, or even crimson colour. The Ulvaceas are not widely separated from the Palmellacese, but the conjunc- tion of the cells into a definite membrane indicates a higher organization. In other respects, however, they hardly differ more from some of the more perfect genera of Palmellaceae than those do from Protococcus ; and therefore, although more conspicuous and extensively developed than the Nosto- chaceae and Desmidiaceae, it seems natural to place the Ulvaceae near the Palmellaceae, espe- cially as the reproduction by cell-division and by zoospores is analogous in all respects to what is seen in Protococcus, of which they would appear to be the permanently aquatic representatives. Prasiola and Schizogonium, however, differ from the other Ulvaceae in the absence of zoospores, the contents (homo- geneous, not granular) of the cells being discharged as motionless spore-like bodies, from which new fronds grow up. Some authors separate these genera, but we are hardly in a position to determine the exact place of these plants at present. The Nostochaceae exhibit but a slight advance in the organization over the Palmel- laceae. They are composed of linear series of cells, mostly inflated, so as to give the fila- ments a beaded appearance ; the linear series increase in length by transverse division, and also in some stages subdivide laterally ; larger globular (spermatic) cells occur at intervals in the lines, with others devoid of en- dochrome (vesicular cells, Thwaites). During the increase, the older external membranes soften into a gelatinous coat. In Nostoc, where the filaments accumulate in large quan- tity, they lie elegantly curled and entwined in masses of this jelly, which exhibit a more or less definite, lobed, external form, appear- ing to the naked eye as gelatinous crusts or globular masses, as they lie upon damp ground or among mosses. No other mode of increase but by subdivision has yet been observed here, but it is not improbable that some different kind may be detected hereafter. Nearly allied to Protococcus stand a family which until recently have been re- garded by most authors as animals, namely the Volvocineae, which consist essentially of groups of organisms identical with the cili- ated zoospores, held together in a definite form by a common membranous envelope, through which the cilia penetrate, so that the entire full-grown plant moves freely in CONFERVOIDE^l. [ 160 ] CONFERVOIDE^. the water, as in Volvox, Gonium, Syncrypta, &c. The vegetable nature of these seems beyond doubt. The Desmidiaceae form another tribe of very simple organization, where the indivi- dual plant is composed of a single cell ; but here the coat or enclosing membrane is pe- culiarly characterized by the assumption of remarkable forms unlike any other vegetable structures, presenting angular and escalloped outlines or elegant processes projecting from the wall, but always so as to exhibit a bilateral symmetry. Thesecells areisolated,orarranged in linear series or beautiful, complicated star- like groups, enclosed at first in a common gelatinous envelope, but readily breaking up into isolated frustules. They are further remarkable for exhibiting the process of conjugation with great distinctness, resulting in the production of peculiarly formed bodies with rigid external membranes, which are generally regarded, probably correctly, as sporanges. They are also reproduced by zoospores. The Diatomaceae are nearly related in many respects to the Desmidiaceae, but, on the other hand, diverge from the ordinary characters of plants so much in other re- spects, that some authors place them in the animal kingdom. Like the Desmidiaceae, they are microscopic simple cells, isolated or coherent in groups, and either free or im- bedded in a definitely or indefinitely formed mucous nidus. They differ, however, from the Desmidiacese by possessing when free a more active power of locomotion, and also by being often attached by a kind of foot, and this either singly or in large polypiform families. Their great distinctive character is the presence of a siliceous coat to the cell, which preserves the form of the organism when the soft parts are removed by fire or acids. The cell-contents of the Diatomaceae are usually of a dirty yellow colour, and this appears to depend upon a modification of chlorophyll. The reproduction is by division and by conjugation, analogous to that of the Desmidiaceae. The Oscillatoriaceae are truly filamentous plants, the component parts of which, though readily separating under external influences, are organically combined into complex cells in their normal state. The filaments of this group are mostly very minute, and ex- hibit transverse markings, which in some cases are so delicate that they cannot be re- garded as actual divisions of the cell-contents by septa; yet the filaments break readily across in these places, and the fragments go on growing. In the larger forms the articu- lations of the cell-contents are more distinct, but even here the filaments look like rows of individual masses of cell-contents contained in a common tube. The tube is often large and gelatinous, forming a kind of sheath, and in some genera the filaments are con- tained in bundles in these sheaths. The most remarkable point about this tribe is the occurrence of the peculiar kind of motion in the typical genus Oscillatoria, whence they derive their name ; the filaments wave backwards and forwards, and the broken fragments oscillate like the beam of a ba- lance, from what cause or by what means is still unknown. The Oscillatoriaceae are also curious from the rapidity of their growth, which may be readily traced under the mi- croscope. The Siphonaceae are plants of larger dimen- sions and higher organization than any of the preceding, and, indeed, they are placed among the lower Fucoids by some authors. They seem to us to be more in place here. They are composed of tubular cells of much larger size than those of any other Confer- voids, the entire plant often consisting of one undivided tube, while in other cases the branches arise from true articulations. In Botrydium a very curious structure is exhibited: the plant consists of a tough membranous globule, filled with green mat- ter, rising from a branched, colourless, root- like portion spreading in the damp ground, the whole consisting only of one very large undivided cell. In Vaucheria and Bryopsis the tubular cell grows into a long filament, more or less branched, but not divided. In Hydrodictyon, which from its general struc- ture appears referable here, the plant is a large net with meshes half an inch broad, the net itself being composed of large tubes rounded at both ends, articulated at the in- tersections of the meshes. In Codium, the filaments are closely combined into a spongy mass. The fructification of these genera is very varied, so that the group appears scarcely natural ; but the plants are all more or less anomalous, and have affinities with very different tribes, while the comparatively enormous cells of which they are composed are peculiar to them among the filamentous Confer voids. Vaucheria is reproduced by very large oval spores covered with innumer- able vibratile cilia, by means of which they swim actively in water ; the spores are de- veloped from the contents of the ends of the CONFERVOIDE.E. [ 161 ] CONFERVO1DE.E. filaments ; another mode of reproduction is also stated to exist, in which a process of conjugation is said to occur ; this is spoken of elsewhere. In Hydrodictyon the repro- duction takes place by the conversion of the contents of the cells into numerous zoo- spores, which * swarm' inside the cell, and, never escaping, arrange themselves on the walls in the form of a network, acquire mem- branes, and, by the solution of the cell-wall, emerge as new, perfect, net-like fronds, like the parent. In Bryopsis the contents of the ends of the filaments are developed into nu- merous small zoospores,with two or four cilia, like those of the Confervaceae ; these escape and germinate, and produce filaments. In C odium, the ovoid lateral sacs, ordinarily re- garded as spores, also produce numerous zoospores with two cilia, which escape and germinate in like manner. In the anomalous genus Achlya, which, from the colourless condition of the contents and the parasitic habit, is almost like a Fungus, the reproduc- tion resembles that of Bryopsis, zoospores being developed and emitted from the ends of the tubes, germinating and growing into filaments with great rapidity. The Confervaceae and Zygnemacese are in- teresting families of this order, known as the Silk-weeds so abundant in ponds, ditches, and running fresh water, and also occurring in brackish water and the sea. They are simple plants, composed of cylindrical cells, flattened at the top and bottom, of variable length in proportion to their diameter, ar- ranged in lines so as to form long threads, which are simple or give off lateral branches of like structure. They are not very evi- dently gelatinous, but they are often slip- pery to the touch, and the microscope mostly detects a delicate gelatinous coat investing the filaments, which consists in reality of the softened older external walls in course of solution. The cells or joints are filled with contents, usually of green, but occasionally of brown or purple colour, either lining the walls equally or arranged in various patterns, such as spiral coils, reticulations, &c. upon them. They are reproduced by spores and by zoospores, and in the production of the former a very curious process takes place in the Zygnemaceae; in Zygnema (fig. 137, page 166) and others the filaments become coupled by cross tubes, produced by the inosculation of branches sent from two cells of adjacent filaments; the contents then become inter- mixed and produce a spore, which acquires a thick coat, and remains at rest for some time, then germinates, and forms a new fila- ment. In CEdogonium, spores are formed in certain stages from the entire contents of joints, apparently without conjugation ; these sometimes acquire a red colour. The zoo- spores vary in different genera; in CEdogo- nium they are very large, being formed from the entire contents of the cell, and instead of a pair of cilia, or four, they bear a crown of cilia at the apex. In most cases, however, they are produced in large numbers in each cell, and are small, pear-shaped, and furnished with two cilia, as in Cladophora, Conferva, Chcetomorpha, &c. They certainly occur in some cases in the Zygnernaceae, and from what is seen in CEdogonium, it seems probable that they are normal there. They escape either by orifices formed in the cell- wall (Chcetomorpha], by an annular dehis- cence of this ((Edoaonium), or by the fila- ments breaking up entirely (Conferva). The Chaetophoraceae differ from the Con- fervaceae principally in their habit and mode of branching. They occur in the sea and in fresh water, and are characterized by the presence of a jelly enveloping the filaments, or branched, round, or shapeless masses composed of filaments ; by the cells consti- tuting the joints of the filaments bearing slender bristle-like branches ; and frequently by the collection of the green contents in the middle of the cells. They are repro- duced by zoospores, either numerous or soli- tary in the cells, bearing four cilia. The Batrachospermeae exhibit a greater complexity of structure, consisting of jointed moniliform filaments, composed of rows of cells, branched and bearing whorls of ramuli; the filaments of the whorls dense, dichoto- mous, and beaded, some of them growing down over the central filament, and forming a sheath round it. The fructification con- sists of spore-like bodies borne on the fila- ments of the whorls, but their true nature has not yet been investigated. The plants are brownish-green or purplish, and occur in fresh water. The Lemaneeae are freshwater Algae, by some supposed to bear a close relation to the lower Fucoids, occurring in rapid rivers, attached to stones. The fronds are branched and of leathery texture, consisting of tubes composed of cellular tissue, the superficial layers small, polygonal, and firmly conjoined, the deeper layers bounding the cavity of the tubes lax and spherical. The fructification consists of beaded filaments arising from the internal cells, and growing out freely in the M CONFERVOIDE.E. cavity of the tube, finally breaking up into the component bead-like cells (spores), which reproduce the plant. The genus Lemanea deserves further investigation. Synopsis of the Families. 1. LEMANEE.E. Frond filamentous, in- articulate, cartilaginous-leathery, hollow, furnished at irregular distances with whorls of warts, or necklace-shaped. Fructification : tufted, simple or branched, necklace-shaped filaments, attached to the inner surface of the tubular frond, and finally breaking up into elliptical spores. Growing in fresh uater. 2. BATRACHOSPERME^. Plants fila- mentous, articulated, invested with gelatine. Frond composed of aggregated, articulate, longitudinal cells, whorled at intervals with short, horizontal, cylindrical, or beaded, jointed ramuli. Fructification : ovate spores attached to the lateral ramuli, which consist of minute, radiating, dichotomous, beaded filaments. Freshwater plants. 3. CH^TOPHORACE^E. Plants growing in the sea or fresh water, coated by gelati- nous substance, either filiform, or (a number of filaments being collected together) formed into gelatinous, branched, definitely formed or shapeless fronds or masses. Filaments jointed ; articulations colourless at each end, coloured in the middle. Fructification : zoospores produced from the cell-contents of the filaments. 4. CONFERVACE^E. Plants growing in the sea or in fresh water, filamentous, jointed, without evident gelatine (forming merely a delicate coat around the separate filaments). Filaments very variable in appearance, simple or branched ; the cells constituting the arti- culations of the filaments more or less filled with green or very rarely brown or purple granular matter, sometimes arranged in peculiar patterns on the walls, and con- vertible into spores or zoospores. Not con- jugating. 5. ZYGNEMACE^E. Freshwater filamen- tous plants, without evident gelatine, com- posed of series of cylindrical cells, straight or curved. Cell-contents often arranged in elegant patterns on the walls. "Reproduction resulting from conjugation, followed by the development of a true spore, in some genera dividing into four sporules before germina- tion. Zoospores have been observed. 6. SIPHONACE^E. Plants found in the sea, fresh water, or on damp ground ; of a membranous or horny, hyaline substance, filled with green granular matter. Fronds [ 162 1 CONFERVOIDE.E. consisting of continuous tubular filaments, either free or collected into spongy masses of various shapes, either crustaceous, globular, cylindrical or flat. Fructification'. (1) vesicles (coniocysts) external, often stalked, giving birth to large spores or numbers of zoospores; (2) ciliated spores produced from the con- tents of the apex of the tubes; (3) conversion of the whole contents into spores or zoospores. 7. OSCILLATORIACE^E. Plants growing either in the sea, in fresh water, or on damp ground, of a gelatinous substance and fila- mentous structure. Filaments very slender, tubular, continuous, filled with coloured, granular, transversely striate substance ; seldom branched, though often cohering to- gether so as to appear branched, usually massed together in broad, floating, or sessile strata, of very gelatinous nature ; occasion- ally erect and tufted, and still more rarely collected into radiating series bound together by firm gelatine, and then forming globose, lobed or flat crustaceous fronds. Fructifica- tion (where known to exist) : the internal mass, or " contents," divided by transverse septa, finally separating into roundish or lenticular spores (?). 8. NOSTOCHACE.E. Gelatinous plants growing in fresh water or in damp situations among mosses, &c.; of soft or almost leathery substance, consisting of variously curled or twisted necklace-shaped filaments, colourless or green, composed of simple (or in some stages double) rows of cells, contained in a gelatinous matrix of definite form, or heaped together without order in a gelatinous mass. Some of the cells enlarged, and then form- ing either vesicular empty cells or densely filled spermatic cells. Reproduction : only the breaking up of the filaments known. The enlarged spermatic cells regarded as sporanges. 9. ULVACE^B. Marine or freshwater Algre, consisting of membranous, flat and expanded, tubular or saccate fronds composed of poly- gonal cells firmly conjoined by their sides. Reproduced by zoospores formed from the cell-contents and breaking out from the sur- face, or by motionless spores formed from the whole contents of a cell. 10. PALMELLACE^E. Plants forming ge- latinous or pulverulent crusts on damp sur- faces of stone, wood, &c., or more or less regular masses of gelatinous substance, or delicate pseudo-membranous expansions or fronds, of flat, globular, or tubular form, in fresh water or on damp ground; composed of one or many, sometimes innumerable CONFERVOIDE^E. [ 163 ] CONIFERS. cells with green, red, or yellowish contents, spherical or elliptical form; the simplest being isolated cells (found in groups of two, four, eight, &c. in course of multiplication) ; others permanently formed of some multiple of four ; the highest of compact, numerous, more or less closely conjoined cells. In- creased by division, or by zoospores bearing two cilia, formed from the coloured cell- contents, set free by the solution of the jelly in water. The zoospores devoid of a mem- brane, at first moving actively, then coming to rest, and acquiring a membranous coat. Some species green and red in different stages. 11. DESMIDIACE.E. Microscopic, gela- tinous plants, of a green colour, growing in fresh water, composed of cells, devoid of a siliceous coat, of peculiar forms, such as oval, crescentic, shortly cylindrical, or cylin- dric-oblong, &c., with variously-formed rays or lobes, giving a more or less stellate form, presenting a bi-lateral symmetry, the junc- tion of the halves being marked by a division of the green contents; the individual cells either free, or arranged in linear series, col- lected into faggot-like bundles, or in elegant star-like groups, which are imbedded in a common gelatinous coat. Multiplied by division and by spores produced in sporangia formed after the conjugation of two cells and union of their contents, and by zoo- spores. 12. DIATOMACE^. Microscopic cellular bodies, growing in fresh, brackish, and sea water ; free or attached, single or imbedded in gelatinous tubes, the individual cells (frustuks) with yellowish or brownish con- tents, and provided with a siliceous coat (lorica) composed of two usually symmetrical valves, variously marked, with a connecting band or hoop at the suture. Multiplied by division and by the formation of new larger individuals out of the contents of conjugated cells ; perhaps also by spores and zoospores. 13. VOLVOCINE^E. Microscopic, cellular, freshwater plants, composed of groups of bodies resembling zoospores, connected into a definite form by their enveloping membranes. The plants (families) areformed either of assemblages of coated zoospores united in a definite form by the cohesion of their membranes, or of assemblages of naked zoospores enclosed in a large common invest- ing membrane. The individual, zoospore- like bodies with two cilia throughout life, perforating the membranous coats, and by their conjoined action, causing a free move- ment of the entire group. Reproduction : by direct division or by spores, which are thin-coated and active, or thick-coated and motionless, according to external condi- tions. BIBL. See under the Families. CONIDIA.— The name applied by Fries to the stalked spores or reproductive cells produced directly from the mycelium of many Fungi : characteristic of the Coniomy- cetes. Late discoveries have rendered the term of somewhat equivocal value, and it is not yet sufficiently distinguished from the organs called STYLOSPORES and SPERMA- TIA. Physiologically, they are regarded as equivalent to the gonidia of Lichens. CONIFER^.— A class of Gymnosper- mous plants, so called from the peculiar form of the female inflorescence, in which the flowers are collected into imbricated cones ; this is the case at least in the Abie- tineae and Cupressineae ; in the Taxinese, which are separated by some authors, the female flowers are solitary. These plants are remarkable in many respects. The pro- cesses occurring in the fertilization of the ovules are quite different from those in the Angiospermous flowering plants, and form a link with the conditions in the higher Flowerless plants. (See GYMNOSPERMIA.) The pollen is of a remarkable form in the Abietineae. The most striking point, how- ever, in relation to the microscopic structure, is the condition of the stems of these plants. The wood is entirely composed of prosen- chymatous cells, of large size, without inter- mixture of ducts or vessels, and those walls of the cells parallel with the medullary rays (very rarely those at right angles) are marked with one or more rows of the peculiar bor- dered pits, which have been wrongly called glands (PL 1. fig. 4). The structure of these is explained under the head of PITTED STRUCTURES. It must be understood, however, that the peculiarity of Coniferous wood does not depend on the presence of these, which are common, but on the simul- taneous absence of ducts. The wood of the Yew presents in addition a spiral fibre, be- tween the coils of which the pits lie. (See TAXUS.) These peculiar conditions of the wood render it possible to identify it in mi- croscopic sections in a recent, and, if toler- ably well preserved, even in a fossil state ; the Coniferous structure may be readily de- tected in silicified wood, in which almost all trace of organic matter is lost, the silica forming complete casts of the microscopic M 2 CONIFERS. [ 164 ] CONIOMYCETES. structures. This is beautifully seen in some silicified wood which has been brought from Australia by Dr. Hooker, parts of which are so friable, that microscopic sections may be obtained by splitting it with a knife (PL 19. fig. 33). With solid silicified wood, sections made by the lapidary are required. We have also readily detected the structure in COAL by the process we have given under that head. The only case of a structure approaching near enough to that of the Coniferous wood to lead to misconception, appears to be that of the wood of certain Magnoliaceae, such as Drimys,Sph(Erostema, and Tasmannia, where there is likewise absence of ducts and ves- sels, while the prosenchymatous cells have bordered pits: but the wood differs consider ably in the character of the medullary rays, and in the number and arrangement of the pits on the walls of the cells. (See WIN- TERED ) The wood of many of the Conifers is tra- versed by turpentine-canals, which are large intercellular passages bounded by thin-walled cells ; in others these occur only in the bark, while in Taxus and Torrega both are devoid of them; where none occur in the wood, there are generally isolated rows of cells filled with secretions, but not even these occur in the wood of Abies pectinata. The following analysis of the structure of the wood of some of the most important, is modified slightty from Hartig : — A. Cells of the pith with thin walls. a. Liber-cells in cross-section broad"} and mostly short, isolated, in scat- I . tered groups, or in bands of several f AI rows, or wanting .............. J *Wood with turpentine-canals. fMedullary rays with varying pits . . Pinu-s. ffMedullary rays with uniform pits. J Cords of secretion- cells at the outer limit of the annual rings § Outer wood-cells of the annual ) n , rings smooth within ........ f Learus- §§ Outer wood-cells of the annual T rings with an obscure spiral > Larix. fibre ...................... J it Wood without isolated rows of ) D. secretion-cells .............. }Picen. **Wood without turpentine-canals. fMedullary rays with distant pits. J Wood-cells with distant pits, 1 or\ ,,. 0 2 rows in pairs .............. / AOte*' JJWood-cells with crowded pits, 1 — 5 rows, in spiral arrange- * Cunninghamia. tfMedullary rays with crowded pits Dammara. b. Liber-cells with square or oblong~\ cross-section, in concentric rows, I TAXINEJE and alternating with parenchymatous \ PODOCARPE^. cells .......................... J *Pith with thick-coated liber-cells .... Sallsburia. **Pith without thick-coated liber-cells. t Wood-cells with openly - coiled \ „, spiral fibre ........ ..... ....... / Taxus. tfWood-cells smooth within. fLiber-layers with thick-coated \ D , cells .. ...................... } Podocarpus. JJ Liber - layers without thick- \ „ coated cells .............. / Dacrydium. B. Cells of the pith with thick walls, \ liber-cells square / *Liber-cells without pit-canals. fPith with a roundish cross-section, 1 „, bark without turpentine-canals . . / Taxodmm. ft Pith with quadrangular cross-sec- 1 ™, tion, bark with turpentine-canals / TfluJa- **Liber-cells with pit-canals. fWood-cells smooth inside. JPith 3-angled ........... Juninerus ttPith 2- or 4-angled ............ Cup?e™'. BIBL. Goppert, De Coniferarum Struc- tura, Vratisl. 1841; Anat. Magnoliac. Lin- nsea, xvi. p. 135, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xviii.; Hartig, EotanischeZeitung, vi. p. 123 1848; Schacht, Die Pjlanzenzelle, Berlin, 1852, p. 435. CONIOCARPON, B.C. (Spiloma, Hook. Br. F/.).— A genus of Graphideae (Gymno- carpous Lichens) closely related to Arthonia, but distinguished by the upper surface of the apothecia breaking up into powder. BIBL. Leighton, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser xiii. 443. pi. 8. CONIOMYCETES.— An order of Fungi composed of microscopic forms, for the most part parasitical upon plants, growing beneath the epidermis, or overgrowing decaying ve- getables, and then more or less imbedded in the matrix. The fructification consists of groups of sessile or stalked spores (conidia, Fries, and stylospores, Tulasne) arising from the filamentous mycelium. In the simplest forms the mycelium consists of short fila- ments, which are more or less completely converted into spores ; or it forms an irre- gular flocculent patch in decaying matter or under the epidermis of plants, in which the spores are found intermingled, breaking out on the surface of the epidermis in the para- sites; but in the more complete forms the mycelium becomes organized into firm struc- tures of definite form (conceptacles) which are hollow, the walls being lined with short filaments terminatirg in spores. These conceptacles are either produced on the CONIOMYCETES. [ 165 ] CONIOPHYTUM. surface of the epidermis of the plant infested, or they are formed internally, and are exposed by breaking their way through to the surface of the epidermal structures in which they are imbedded. We must not omit, in giving a description of this order as it stands in systematic works, to notice that recent observations go to prove that it rests upon a very insecure basis, and that certain supposed genera belonging to it appear to be merely forms of genera which exhibit at other stages of growth, or even at the same time, asciferous structures which have formed the bases of Ascomycetous genera. These cases are referred to in the introductory notice of the Fungi, and a few of the instances must be mentioned here, and also under the head of the Ascomycetes, as guides to the directions in which much new investigation is requisite. M. Tulasne has found that the forms repre- senting the genera Septoria and Cytispora (Sphaeronemei), are produced in the earlier stages of the growth of species of Sphceria ; that the majority of the Tubercularice are the stromas of species of Sphceria; that some species of Sphceria (S. Laburni) exhibit three forms of spores, namely thecaspores, others like a Sporocadus, and others repre- senting a Cytispora. Dothidea Ribesii has spores like the Xylarice, and others like the Septoriee. Mr. Berkeley has found Asteroma Ulmi a precursor to Dothidea Ulmi, Stilbo- spora macrosperma growing on the same stroma or conceptacle as Sphceria inquinans, &c. Further observations will be found under SPH.ERONEMEI, MELANCONIEI, and other heads there referred to. Again, the heterogeneous assemblage of genera collected under the heads of Puc- CINEI and C^EOMACEI (which we associate under the latter title), seem really to be As- comycetous Fungi, and some of the Pucci- neous and Caeomaceous genera to be even merely representatives of dimorphous species. Certain Uredines, for example, being only different stages or forms of certain Puccinice. (See UREDO.) JEcidium, with Rozstelia again, are closely related to those forms scattered between Coniomycetes and Asco- mycetes, which have both asciferous spo- ranges and spermagonia. (See Synopsis of the Tribes. 1. SPH^ERONEMEI. Conceptacles rising from microscopic mycelium growing on the surface of leaves, bark, stems, &c., contain- ing a chamber lined with filaments bearing single, often septate spores, and bursting by a pore at the summit to emit the elongated spores, in a gelatinous ball. (Many are spermagon ous form s of Ascomycetous genera. ) 2. MELANCONIEI. Conceptacles as in the preceding, but bursting irregularly at the summit, and often ultimately wart-like ; spores elongated. (Many are spermagonous forms of Ascomycetous genera.) 3. PHRAGMOTRICHACE. claws, or * .1 Head distinct .... Discocephalus. hooks < JJJJb J No ^ti^rt head ' ' Himantophorus. nortyta LMouth with teeth Chlamidodon. Cilia, claws, and styles present Euplotes. Dujardin includes this family in his Plces- conina. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. p. 374; Dujard. Infus. p. 429. EUPLOTES. [ 248 ] EUROTIUM. EUPLOTES, Ehr. (Plasconia, Duj. for the most part). — A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota, E. Char. Furnished with cilia, styles, and hooks ; teeth absent. The species are very numerous. E. patella, E. (Plcesconiapat., D.) (PI. 24. fig. 5; a, under view; b, side view). Cara- pace a testa, oval or suhorhicular, slightly truncated in front, margins extending be- yond the depressed body ; dorsum raised or bossed with fine radiating striae ; cilia form- ing a curvilinear series. Aquatic; length 1-288 to 1-216". E. cimex, E. (Coccudina cimex, D.). E. charon, E. (Plcesconia charon, D.). E. vannus, E. (PL vannus, D.) (PI. 24. fig. 6). E. monostyla, E. (Ervilia legumen, D.) (PI. 23. fig. 52). BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. p. 377; Duj. In/us. p. 435 ; Stein, Infus. p. 158. EUPODISCUS, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, disk-shaped, cir- cular, without internal septa; valves fur- nished with tubular or spiniform processes. Marine and fossil. The processes are so easily broken off, that the apertures corresponding to the points of attachment are generally alone seen. The valves appear either distinctly areolar, the depressions being large ; granu- lar, from their being minute ; or striated. Two groups are recognizable : a. Eupodiscus proper. Valves areolar. E. argus (PL 12. fig. 30; a, side view; b, front view). Valves slightly convex ; processes three; diameter 1-156". E. sculptus, Sm. (PI. 12. fig. 31). Valves striated, central striae forming a quatrefoil ; processes two; diameter 1-770 to 1-400". b. Aulacodiscus, E. Valves granular ; processes very short, their bases connected with the centre of the valve by a furrow. BIBL. Ehrenb. Abh. d. Berl. Akad. 1839, id. Bericht. 1844. p. 73, 1845. p. 361; Smith, Brit. Diat. i. p. 24 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg, p. 134. EUPOTIUM. — A genus of Marattiaceous Ferns. Exotic. EUROTIUM, Lk.— A genus of Mucorini (Hyphomycetous Fungi), on the distinct nature of which great doubt is thrown by the recent observations of De Bary. E. her- bariorum of authors is a mildew, common upon preserved fruits, forming a whitish or yellow crust, composed of interwoven myce- lium filaments, which are delicate when young, but become thickened and often co- loured with age. Upon these are produced globular conceptacles or peridia, from 1-15 to 1-20"' in diameter, composed of a dis- tinctly cellular membrane, enclosing little sacs or asci containing several minute spores. According to De Bary, these conceptacles are produced upon the mycelium of Asper- gillus, under certain unknown conditions, and the ordinary fructification of Aspergillus is only a basidiosporous form of the same plant which produces an ascophorous form in the Eurotium fruit. He states that he not only found them growing upon the con- tinuations of the same branched mycelium filament, but that he has raised Aspergillus, which fruited, from the spores both of As- pergillus fruits and of Eurotium. He was unable to obtain Eurotium from Aspergillus spores. The connexion between these forms is regarded by him as analogous to that be- tween Oidium and Erysiphe, but the con- ceptacles of Eurotium do not originate in the same way as those of Erysiphe from the mycelium filaments. According to his ela- borate account, the production of the fruit of Eurotium takes place in a most remark- able manner. The ends of the branches of the mycelium coil up like a cork-screw, be- coming more closely approximated, until at length they come into contact, and form a cylindrical or conical mass, marked exter- nally by the spiral lines of conjunction of the turns of the filament. The mode of transformation into the cellular conceptacle could not be traced in its minute details, but all possible stages were found upon the same mycelium, between the loose spiral coil and the globular sac, composed of a distinctly cellular membrane, in the cavity of which became developed the asci or parent- cells of the spores. The ripe spores often exhibit a curious form, like little cylinders with a concavo-convex cap applied over each end ; these appear to be the two halves of the dehiscent outer membrane (exospore), for in the germination of perfectly globular forms the mycelium filaments break through the outer tough coat, like a pollen-tube from the inner coat of a pollen-grain. The spores are about 1-350"' in diameter, and of a light yellow colour in mass. The dimensions, &c. of Eurotium, like those of Aspergillus, seem to vary with the external conditions. The above curious phsenomena deserve EURYCERCUS. [ 249 ] EXPECTORATION. more investigation, which may readily be made by a practised microscopist, since the materials are everywhere at hand, on decay- ing fruits, mildewed preserves, or plants imperfectly dried for herbaria, &c. Eurotium Rosarum, Greville (Sc. Crypt. Fl.)=Erysiphe pannosa. BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 333; Greville, Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 164. fig. 1 ; Sowerby (Farinaria), pi. 379. fig. 3 ; De Bary, Eot. Zeit. xii. p. 425 (1854) ; Riess, ibid. xi. p. 134, and Fresenius, p. 474 (1853). EURYCERCUS, Baird (Lynceus, in part, Mull.). — A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Lynceidse. Char. Subquadrangular (in side view) ; abdomen very broad, flattened, densely ser- rated; beak blunt, slightly curved down- wards. Aquatic. E. lamellatus (PI. 15. fig. 39). Shell olive, ciliated on the anterior ventricose margin, arched behind ; beak rather blunt and short; superior antennae terminated in six short spines, each with a fine seta or bristle ; an- terior branch of inferior antennae with five long filaments, one from the end of the first and second joints, three from the third, as also a small spine; posterior branch with three long filaments at the end of the last joint, the first and second each with a short spine only. It generally lives at the bottom of the vessel in which it is kept. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 123. EVADNE, Loven.— A genus of Entomo- straca, of the order Cladocera, and family Polyphemidae. Char. Abdomen short, scarcely projecting from the shell ; head not distinct from the body; marine. E.Nordmanni (PL 14. fig. 30). Colourless, excepting the eye. Forms part of the food of the herring. BIBL. Loven, Wiegmann's Archiv, 1838. Bd. i. p. 143; M.-Edwards, Hist. Nat. d. Crustac. iii. 390; Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 114. EVERNIA, Ach. (Physcia, Schserer).— A genus of Parmeliaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), containing one species (E.prunas- tri), common on trees, but not often found in fruit. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 228; Schserer, Enumeratio Crit. p. 11. EXCIPULA, Fr.— A genus of Phragmo- trichacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), forming horny tubercles on dead stems and leaves, finally opening by an entire orbicular aperture. The stylospores are elongated, lanceolate or fusiform, and long hair-like processes are sometimes mixed with the sporophores which line the disk. Four British species are re- corded : E. Rubi and E. striaosa of Fries, and E. macrotricha and E. ch&tostroma of Berk, and Br. Perhaps related to some Ascomycetous form. (See CONIOMYCETES.) BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Br. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 296 ; Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. 456. pi. 11. fig. 2. EXIDIA, Fr.—A genus of Tremellini (Hymenomycetous Fungi), forming gelati- nous, flat, or sometimes undulated and ear- like coloured expansions on the trunks and branches of trees. Common in autumn and winter. Tulasne has lately published some interesting observations on the structure of the hymenium which clothes the upper face. This is composed of a densish layer of very slender filaments, which bear at their free Fig. 211. Fig. 212. Exidia recisa. Fig. 211. Upper surface. Fig. 212. Lower surface. Natural size. surface globular cells (basidia) divided verti- cally into two or four chambers ; from each of these arises a slender process (sterigma), at the end of which is developed a stylospore. In E.spiculosa, spermatia were also observed in young specimens, at the ends of very slender filaments passing through the muci- laginous layer overlying the layer of basidia. (See DACRYMYCES and other genera of TREMELLINI.) BIBL. Berk, in Hook. Brit. FL ii. pt. 2. p. 217; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xix. p. 202. pi. 11 &12. EXOCOCCUS, Nageli.— Probably a Pro- tococcus or Palmella. BIBL. Nageli, Neuer Algensyst. p. 169. EXOGEN. See DICOTYLEDON. EXOSMOSE. See ENDOSMOSE. EXPECTORATION. — The various ob- jects which may be found in the expectora- tion are noticed under their respective heads, or those of the tissues from which they are derived ; a list only need be given here. Mucous corpuscles, i. e. young epithelial EXUDATION. [ 250 ] EYE. cells; mature epithelial cells, of the pave- ment, cylinder, or ciliated forms ; exudation globules, or granule - cells ; pus and pyoid corpuscles ; coloured corpuscles of the blood; pseudo-membranous flakes of fibrine ; tuber- cule ; fatty matter in the form of globules, rarely of crystals; earthy matters, amorphous or crystalline; various substances derived from the food, as muscular fibre, starch- granules, cellular tissue, &c. ; entozoa, or fragments of them, as portions of the cysts or hooks of Echinococcus ; infusoria and algae, as Monads, Bacteria, Sarcina, &c.; carbon and true pigment, either in the free Fig. 213. Section of the membranes of the eye, near the ciliary processes. ScL, sclerotica; C, cornea; Pr. oil,, ciliary process ; Ca, anterior chamber ; Cp, posterior chamber; Cv, vitreous humour; C.P., canal of Petit; L, lens ; 7, iris ; a, conjunctiva of the cornea, — epithelial layer ; b, subjacent elastic layer ; c, fibrous layer of the cornea ; d, membrane of the aqueous humour ; e, its epi- thelium ; /, end of the membrane and its fusion with the fibres g, which pass to the iris at i, forming the pectinate ligament ; h, venous canal ; k, ciliary liga- ment or muscle arising from the inner wall I of the venous canal ; m, pigment- layer of ciliary processes ; n, that of iris ; o, fibrous layer of iris ; p, its epithe- lium ; q, anterior wall of capsule of lens; s, epithelium of capsule ; t, anterior thickened portion of hyaloid membrane; u, zonule of Zinn, or anterior lamina of hyaloid membrane ; v, posterior lamina of the same ; w, colourless epithelium of the ciliary processes ; w', anterior end of this epithelium ; x, conjunctiva of sclerotica ; x, posterior wall of the capsule of the lens. Magnified 12 diameters. state or contained within epithelial cells ; and fragments of pulmonary tissue. The aid of the microscope in the examina- tion of the expectoration will occasionally throw an unexpected light upon the dia- gnosis of disease. EXUDATION, and EXUDATION COR- PUSCLES. See INFLAMMATION. EXUVIUM (exuvia ; or exuviae, plur.). — The cast or shed skin of animals. The exu- vium of many minute animals exhibits the form and structure of the skin, and the parts upon which it is moulded, better than these can be discerned in the living animals, on account of its transparence. The exuvium of the TRI- TON (PI. 40. fig. 11) exhi- bits the cellular structure of the epidermis very beau- tifully. EYE. — From want of space, we are compelled to assume that the reader pos- sesses a knowledge of the component parts of the eye and their relative position, as far as can be obtained without the use of magni- fying glasses. These parts are described in all works upon anatomy, and in most of those upon optics. The outer fibrous coat of the eye is commonlyregarded as consisting of two parts : one anterior, smaller and transparent, — the cornea ; the other, posterior, larger and opaque, — the sclero- tica. The history of the development and the mi- nute structure of these, proves that they must be considered as forming a sin- gle continuous membrane. The sclerotica (fig. 213. Scl.}, or tunica albuginea, covers the posterior four- fifths of the ball of the eye; it is a milk-white, very firm, fibrous mem- brane, continuous poste- riorly with the sheath of the optic nerve, becoming gradually thinner in front, except at its termination, where the tendons of the recti muscles become fused EYE. I 251 ] EYE. with it. It consists of areolar tissue, the bundles of which are mostly straight, in- timately united as in the tendons, forming alternating, longitudinal and transverse layers of various breadth and thickness. Mingled with the areolar tissue are nume- rous fine elastic fibres, in the form of a network, with thickenings which indicate the remains of the nuclei of the formative cells; these, in the inner portions, contain pigment. During life, the elements of this network, in parts, appear to involve canals with liquid contents; so that when dried, they contain air. The cornea may be regarded as consisting of three-layers : — 1, the corneal conjunctiva ; 2, the true cornea ; and 3, the membrane of the aqueous humour. The true cornea (fig. 213 c), which forms the principal part of the membrane, consists of a substance nearly allied to areolar tissue. Its elements are pale bundles, from 1-6000 to 1-3000" in diameter, with still finer fibrillse, united to form larger flat bundles, the sur- faces of which are parallel to that of the cornea ; these are connected with the bun- dles before and behind, so as to form a coarse reticular tissue. Between the bundles are a large number of anastomosing, fusiform, and stellate nucleated cells of imperfectly-deve- loped elastic tissue. The cells undergo fatty degeneration, partly forming the arcus seni- lis ; and they sometimes contain pigment. The corneal conjunctiva (fig. 213 a b] con- sists of laminated soft epithelium ; the under layer of cells elongated and placed perpen- dicularly to the surface, the middle cells rounded, those in the upper layer forming softer nucleated plates. Many of the latter are furnished with larger or smaller depres- sions, arising from mutual pressure, so as to appear stellate in the side view. Beneath the epithelium is a structureless layer, — the anterior elastic membrane, consisting of the remains of the formerly vascular layer of the corneal conjunctiva. The membrane of the aqueous humour (fig. 213 d) consists of an elastic, perfectly struc- tureless membrane, somewhat loosely con- nected with the cornea, and an inner epithe- lial lining. Towards the circumference of the cornea, the membrane of the aqueous humour merges into a peculiar system of fibres, which commence near the margin of the cornea, at the anterior surface of the aqueous membrane (fig. 213 g) as an extended network of fine fibres, resembling elastic fibrillse; this increases in thickness, and at the very margin of the cornea the aqueous membrane becomes lost in a tolerably dense network of these coarse fibres, which curve around the margin of the iris (fig. 213 «), some passing through the anterior chamber, and become fused with the anterior surface of this membrane and the ciliary ligament (or muscle). These fibres form foe. pectinate ligament of the iris, which is much more distinct in some animals (as the dog) than in man. The epithelium of the aqueous membrane consists of a single layer of polygonal cells. These become smaller near the margin of the cornea, where the membrane terminates as a continuous layer ; but isolated portions of elongated or spindle-shaped cells are con- tinued over the pectinate ligament to the anterior surface of the iris. The cornea yields chondrine on boiling, and not gelatine. The choroid membrane contains a large number of blood-vessels, and abounds in pigment. Its anterior, smaller, and trans- verse portion forms the iris. The posterior portion, or proper choroid membrane, is from 1-360 to 1-180" in thick- ness, and extends from the entrance of the optic nerve to near the anterior margin of the sclerotica, where it becomes thicker, forming the ciliary body, whence it is con- tinued into the iris. It is connected with the sclerotica by vessels and nerves, and by some of the pigment-cells of its outer layer being continued into the areolar tissue of the sclerotica. The lamina fusca of authors is constituted by a portion of the membrane thus left adherent, when attempts are made to separate it from the sclerotica. The choroid consists essentially of two parts, an outer vascular and thicker layer, — the proper choroid; and an inner deeply coloured layer, — the pigmentum nigrum* The former may again be separated into three parts, although these are not really distinct : — 1, an outer, brown, soft layer, which supports the ciliary nerves and long ciliary vessels, and contains anteriorly the ciliary ligament, — the outer pigment layer ; 2, a less highly coloured proper vascular layer, with the larger arteries and veins ; and 3, a colourless delicate inner layer, contain- ing an extremely copious capillary network, — the choro- capillary membrane, which does not extend anteriorly beyond the margin of the retina. The stroma of the choroid pro- per consists of elastic tissue, in the form of very irregular spindle-shaped or stellate EYE. [ 252 ] EYE. 1-600(T in length, Fig. 214. cells, from 1-1500 to either paler,or contain- ing a large quantity of pigment, and anasto- mosing by numerous long and very slen- der processes (fig.2 14). These cells are most distinct in the outer layer ; whilst more internally, and espe- cially in the choro- capillary membrane, they gradually pass into a homogeneous Or slightly striated Cells from the stroma of the nucleated tissue, either ^oroid-. a, containing ?ig- i -j.A j went ; o, fusiform cells with- COntammg little and Out pigment ;c, anastomosis ultimately no pig- of the former, ment. Magn. 350 diams. In some animals the choroid membrane contains muscular fibres. Between the stro- ma and the pigmentum nigrum, is a very thin elastic layer ; this is either structure- less, granular or finely reticulated, and is comparable to a basement membrane. The ciliary ligament, or, properly, ciliary muscle, — tensor choroida (fig. 213 &), — is composed of a tolerably thick layer of radiating unstriated muscular fibres : these, intermixed with pigment-cells of the choroid, pass from the anterior margin of the sclero- tica to the ciliary body, and lose themselves in its anterior half, opposite the base of the ciliary processes. The fibre-cells are 1-600" in length, broader than most fibre-cells, and not easily isolated in man. The ciliary processes consist of the same stroma as the choroid, but the stellate cells are more delicate and fewer ; and with the exception of those at their base, do not contain pigment; nor are they furnished with the elastic lamina. The pigmentum nigrum (fig. 213, m) lines Fig. 215. Cells of the human pigmentum nigrum: a, surface view; b, side view; c, pigment- granules. Magnified 350 diameters. the inner surface of the choroid, and as far as the termination of the retina consists of a single layer of beautiful, regularly six-sided cells (fig. 215, a, 6), from 1-2000 to 1-1500" in diameter ; they contain abundance of pig- ment. Beyond the margin of the retina, the cells form mostly two layers, and become rounded and more loaded with pigment. The granules of pigment are very minute, rounded, from 1-20,000 to 1-30,000" in diameter, and exhibit molecular motion. In the eyes of albinos, and in the region of the tapetum of animals, the cells contain no pig- ment. The iris (fig. 213, I) consists of three layers: an anterior epithelial layer, a pos- terior layer of pigment, called the uvea, and continued from the inner pigment layer of the choroid, and a middle, the thickest or fibrous layer. The fibrous layer differs from the choroid, in containing areolar tissue, forming delicate loose bundles, some of which pursue a radia- ting, others a circular course, and interlacing variously; in this tissue are a number of spindle-shaped or stellate cells, containing pigments, corresponding to those of the choroid; and in addition to numerous blood- vessels and nerves, two sets of muscular fibres ; the latter in some animals are trans- versely striated, but in man they resemble the ordinary unstriped fibre-cells, and are 1-600 to 1-400" in length. One set forms a sphincter for closing the pupil, its fibres taking a circular direction; the other set consists of bundles of radiating fibre-cells, traversing the stroma of the iris. The pig- ment layer or uvea consists of the same elements as those of the corresponding layer of the choroid. The anterior coat consists of a single layer of rounded, flattened, epithelial cells. The blood-vessels of the choroid membrane and ciliary processes are easily injected (e. g. in the sheep or ox) from the ciliary arteries, and form a magnificent object. Retina. — The structure of the retina is so extremely complicated, that we have not space to give more than a sketch of its com- ponent elements. Eight layers are apparently present in a transverse section of the retina (fig. 216), excluding the hyaloid membrane, a ; viz. 1, the layer of bacilli and cones (fig. 216, k, i) ; 2, an outer (A) ; 3, an intermediate (g}, and 4, an inner (/) granular layer ; 5, a layer of nerve-cells (e); 6, the expansion of the optic nerve (d) ; 7, the inner ends of the radial fibres (c) ; and 8, the limiting membrane (&). EYE. [ 253 ] EYE. The limiting membrane (5) is an extremely Fig. 216. Perpendicular section of a piece of the posterior part of the human retina. a, hyaloid membrane with nuclei ; b, limiting mem- brane ; c, ends of the radiating fibres, so altered as to present a cellular appearance ; d, expansion of the optic nerve ; e, layer of nerve-cells ; /, inner granular layer ; g, intermediate or finely granular layer, in which the radia- ting fibres are more distinct than elsewhere ; h, outer granular layer ; i, inner division of the layer of bacilli with the cones ; k, outer division, with the processes of the cones and the true bacilli. Magnified 250 diameters. delicate structureless film, covering the inner surface of the retina, including the entrance of the optic nerve, and the punctum aureum. The expansion of the optic nerves forms a membranous layer of extremely delicate transversely radiating fibrils (fig. 217, 3), from 1-24,000 to 1-12,000" in diameter, and mostly exhibiting varicosities. They contain no nuclei in their course, nor do they appear to contain axial fibres. They are aggregated into flattened bundles, which either run parallel or anastomose with each other. They appear to terminate in, or rather to arise from the nerve-cells of the retina ; and are absent, or at least as a coherent layer, oppo- site the punctum aureum. The layer of nerve-cells (e) consists of ordinary nerve-cells, pyriform, roundish or angular, with pale processes ; they vary in diameter from 1-3000 to 1-750". The remainder of the retina is com- posed of a very large number of parallel, very slender (1-60,000 to 1-20,000" dia- meter), highly refractive, radiating fibres or tubes, with their axes at right angles to the surface of the choroid upon which their outer end rests, whilst their inner triangular or branched extremities are in contact with the limiting membrane. They produce the striated appearance presented by a section of the retina (fig. 216). They are furnished at certain parts of their course with expansions containing each a nucleus ; and the fibres are very numerous. These Fig. 217. z. Elements of the human retina. 1 . Radial fibres with bacilli; k, bacillus connected with the fibre (r) by its inner acute end ; h, nucleated expansion (cell), appearing in the outer granular layer ; /, expanded end of the fibre resting upon the limiting membrane m ; k1, a bacillus connected with a cone i ; r1, fibre running from the cone to the cell /of the inner granular layer ; », branched ter- mination of a radial fibre often present. 2. Bacilli sepa- rated from the fibres, broken and curved, &c. 3. Fibrils from the expansion of the human optic nerve ; a a, larger, b, smaller fibrils with varicosities ; c, undulating pale fibres belonging probably to the proper radiating system. 4. Two cones connected with bacilli, and fragments of the fibres remaining : a, bacillus ; b, cone ; c, nucleus of cone. Magnified 350 diameters. nucleated expansions being opposite each other, or in the same planes, give rise to the appearance of distinct granular layers men- tioned above. The more internal nucleated expansions are connected with the nerve- cells of the retina by minute nerve-tubes. Their outer portions have been distin- guished as the bacilli and cones, but the whole probably forms one continuous system of nerve-cells and tubes. The bacilli, regarded (fig. 217, 1 &, &', 2) as distinct bodies, are cylindrical, narrow and elongated; of the same breadth throughout; truncated externally, and terminating inter- nally in a more slender portion of the fibre; they are from 1-430 to 1-330" in length and 1-15,000" in breadth; near the point of attachment to the fibre is a transverse line. They are extremely delicate, and easily EYE. [ 254 ] EYE. broken or deformed. The cones(fig.217,l«,4i) are bacilli with a conical or pyriform body ; and are also very easily injured. A slight constriction divides each cone into two parts, the innermost of which (fig. 217, 4 c) contains a nucleus. .The cones are from 1-6000 to 1-4000" in diameter. In most parts of the retina the cones are surrounded by several bacilli ; opposite the punctum aureum, they alone form a continuous layer ; whilst at its margins, single bacilli intervene between the Fig. 218. End view of the rows of bacilli and cones from the out- side. 1, opposite the punctum aureum (cones only) : 2, at its margins ; 3, at the middle of the retina, a, cones or spaces corresponding to them ; b, bacilli of the cones, the ends of which are often situated somewhat beneath the level of those of the true bacilli, c. Magnified 350 diameters. cones (fig. 21 8). Opposite the entrance of the optic nerve, both bacilli and cones are absent. These curious bodies are more distinctly seen in many animals than in man (PL 41. fig. 5). The radial system of fibres pass between the nerve-cells of the retina and the meshes of the optic nerve to reach the limiting membrane. The inner ends of the fibres next the latter membrane, when overlapping each other, and especially when swollen by the action of water, present the appearance of a number of rounded or angular cells (fig. 216, c); for which they were once mis- taken. It is thus evident, that, excepting the layer of nerve-cells and that of the fibres of the optic nerves, the retina cannot truly be con- sidered as composed of layers. The series of bacilli and cones when torn from their connexion with the radial fibres, form the so-called Jacob's membrane. We cannot enter into the physiology of these radial fibres, which have been shown to be the percipients of light. Crystalline lens, or, simply, crystalline. The crystalline lens is contained in a capsule (fig. 213, q. 3), consisting of a perfectly structure- less, very elastic membrane, the anterior half of which is lined with a single layer of very transparent, polygonal, epithelial cells (fig. 213, s), from 1-2000 to 1-1200" in diameter. The lens itself consists of long, transparent, six-sided, flattened fibres (fig. 219), from Fibres or tubes of the lens of the ox. Magnified 350 diameters. 1-4800 to 1-2400" in breadth and 1-8500 to 1-1300" in thickness ; these are tubular, at least in the outer portions of the lens, and contain a tenacious sarcodic substance, which escapes from the ends of the broken fibres in irregular globules, The form of the fibres is best seen in a transverse section (fig. 220). Fig. 220. Transverse section of the fibres or tubes of the human lens. Magnified 350 diameters. The fibres are firmer, narrower, and more highly refractive towards the centre of the lens. Their general arrangement is such, EYE. [ 255 ] EYE. that their broad surfaces are parallel with the surface of the lens ; and that they follow a direction from the middle of the anterior to that of the posterior surface, curving laterally in their course ; not, however, exactly from the middle, but from the arms of a star-shaped kind of centre : at which parts (figs. 221, 222) the fibres are replaced by a homogeneous Fig. 221. Anterior view of human crystalline lens (adult) ; show- ing the stars and the direction of the fibres. Magnified 5 diameters. or finely granular matter. The arms of the star present upon the surfaces, are the extre- mities of planes extending through the substance of the lens, from which the inner fibres take their origin. The arms Fig. 222. Posterior view of lens. Magnified 5 diameters. of the anterior and posterior stars are not parallel with each other, nor are the fibres arising from any part of the arm of one cross, inserted into the correspon- ding part of the arm of the opposite cross. Great variety exists in different animals in the structure and arrangement of these stars and planes. Thus, in the human foetus, the star has three arms or planes ; whilst in the adult, there are from nine to sixteen, of which three are frequently more distinct than the others. In some animals they are replaced by a pole, from which the fibres radiate like meridians ; as in the cod, the Triton, and Salamandra ; in others, there is a single plane, as in some fishes, the frog, the hare, the rabbit, and the dolphin; whilst in most of the mammalia there are three, and in the whale, the bear, and the elephant there are four. The edges and marginal surfaces of the fibres of the lens are uneven or toothed, so that their lateral connexion becomes more inti- mate ; hence the lens separates more readily into parallel laminae in the direction of the surface, than in the opposite direction. In many animals, especially fishes, as the cod, the roach, &c., the irregularities of the fibres of the lens are replaced by beautiful teeth (PI. 41, fig. 6). Vitreous humour, or body, is enclosed in a membrane, the hyaloid membrane, which behind the dentate margin of the retina is extremely thin and delicate ; anterior to this it becomes firmer (fig. 213, t) and passes, forming the zonule of Zinn to fuse with the capsule of the lens. In thus doing, it sepa- rates into two layers, a posterior (v), which becomes consolidated with the capsule of the lens, somewhat behind its margin; and an anterior (u), connected with the ciliary processes, which becomes attached to the capsule of the lens a little in front of its cir- cumference ; between these two is the canal of Petit ( C.P.). The structure of the vitreous body is still obscure. The structure of the eye is very difficult of examination, the parts being so delicate and easily injured. Many of them can be made out by dissecting the eye under water, but the more delicate structures should be immersed in the liquid of the anterior chamber ; solution of chromic acid is useful for hardening the parts to allow of sections being made with a Valentin's knife. The lens should be hardened by maceration, either in solution of chromic acid, or by drying. The fibres may be well preserved in the dry state. The structure of the eyes of the lower animals is briefly noticed under the classes, &c. In the mammalia generally, it is essen- tially the same as in man, and the eye of the ox or sheep may be selected for examination. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anat. bd. ii; Todd and Bowman's Physiol. of Man. EYLAIS. [ 256 ] FAVELLIDIUM. EYLAIS, Latr. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Hydrach- nea. Char. Palpi longish, fourth joint longest, the fifth obtuse, somewhat tumid, spinous ; mandibles imguiculate ; rostrum very short, mouth round ; body depressed ; two approxi- mate pairs of eyes ; coxae comparatively nar- row, the fourth only in contact with the third at its base. E. extendens (PI. 2. fig. 28). Skin soft, furrowed, with the ramified alimentary canal visible through its substance. Between the two anterior coxae (d) is seen the bilobed labium (a), the posterior portion containing the round and ciliated mouth, the anterior portion forming a kind of hood; palpi (b) with the three first joints very short; mandible consisting of a long thick joint, with a thick mobile claw (c). Fig. 28 d, under surface of body, exhibiting from before backwards: the mouth, with the hood, and the palpi; next two groups of anterior coxae ; the vulva and two stigmata ; the four posterior coxae ; and lastly, the anus in the middle, with a stigma on each side. The larvae are hexapod, reddish, pellucid, with the eyes four, wide apart. BIBL. Duges, Ann. des Sc. not. 2 ser. i. p. 156; Gervais, Walcken. Arachnid, iii. p. 207 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. F. FADYENIA, Hook.— A genus of Nephro- dieae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. FAECES.— We shall not dwell upon the nature of the objects contained in the foeces; suffice it to say, that they may consist of, — the elements of the various secretions poured into the intestinal canal; the products of inflammation; undigested remains of arti- cles of food, or bodies taken with the food or drink ; and entozoa. Some of these re- semble others very closely to the naked eye. The use of chemical reagents should never be omitted in their examination. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, Animal. FASCIAE.— The fasciae consist of the same elements as AREOLAR TISSUE, and present all the varieties of arrangement intermediate between it and TENDON. FATTY DEGENERATION. See DE- GENERATION, FATTY. FATTY TISSUE, or ADIPOSE TISSUE.— This is formed of colourless cells, with a very delicate, transparent, structureless cell- wall, enclosing, in the normal state, globules of yellowish fat (PL 40. fig. 41). The cells generally occur in groups, surrounded by or imbedded in areolar tissue. They are rounded when isolated, or polygonal when aggregated, and from 1-800 to 1-300" in diameter; and the fat so fills them, that neither the nucleus which they contain, nor the cell-wall, is visi- ble. The fat may be removed by drying them, and digesting with aether, when the cells appear contracted and wrinkled. In emaciated and dropsical subjects, each cell contains a number of small globules of fat, frequently of a reddish colour (PI. 30. fig. 3), together with serum, and the nucleus is very distinct. Sometimes in these cases the cells are somewhat spindle-shaped or stellate. The fat contained in the cells is ordinarily in a liquid state, but sometimes the margarine separates in the crystalline form (PI. /. fig. 16 a). In the mammalia generally the fatty tissue occurs in the same localities, and has the same structure as in man. In fishes, the fatty matter is deposited principally in the liver. In reptiles, it occurs chiefly in the abdomen; thus in the frog and toad it forms long ap- pendages occupying the sides of the spine. In birds, it exists chiefly between the peri- toneum and the abdominal muscles, and in some of the bones. In many of the lower animals it appears to exist in the state of solution only. Fatty matter maybe deposited in cells of all kinds, as in FATTY DEGENERATION. During the development of cells, it exists in solu- tion. The action of solution of potash is often of service in distinguishing globules of sarcode, which have a high refractive power, and much resemble those of fat from this substance, as it dissolves the former, but not the latter. BIBL. Todd and Bowman, Phys. of Man', Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anat. 1. FAVELLA. — A form of the conceptacular fruit of the Florideous Algae, where the spores are collected in spherical masses, si- tuated wholly upon the external surface of the frond, as in Ceramium and Callitham- nion. FAVELLIDIUM.— A form of the concep- tacular fruit of the Florideous Algae, when the spores are collected in spherical masses, attached to the wall of the frond or imbedded in its substance, as in Halymenia and Du- montia. The term is usually extended to similar fruits not perfectly immersed, e. g. those of Gigartina, Gelidium, &c., where FAVUS. [ 257 ] FEGATELLA. they form tubercles upon the branches. Sometimes these tubercles open by a pore on the surface, when mature, to emit the spores. FAVUS (Porrigo in part, Willan and Bateman). — A disease of the skin, charac- terized by the presence of cup-shaped iso- lated or aggregated crusts, consisting of a Fungus. (See ACHORION and PUCCINIA.) FEATHERS, OF BIRDS.— Feathers agree in all essential points of structure with the hairs of other animals. Each feather is composed of a quill, con- taining the pith, a shaft, and a vane or beard, with its barbs. The whole consists of a number of epidermic cells, often containing pigment, but in most parts so consolidated or fused together as to be imperceptible. In the quill, the cells are flattened, elon- gated, and arranged with their long axis in the direction of that of the feather, and their nuclei have the same form as those of the corresponding part (cortex) of the human hair. The cells of the pith are often undis- tinguishable in old feathers, whilst in the younger ones they are very distinct, rounded or polygonal, and contain air. The shaft and the barbs exhibit the same cortical and medullary structure ; the latter is often beau- tifully distinct (PI. 17. figs. 14 & 15 c), and causes them to resemble closely the hairs of some Rodents. The barbs are sometimes furnished with secondary barbs, or processes, resembling them in form, but differing mostly in the absence of the pith. Feathers are developed in a capsule, and from a pulp or matrix, as in the case of hairs . Hence a feather may be regarded simply as a large, doubly or triply pinnate hair. During development, the cell structure is very distinct; but in the mature feathers, digestion with solution of caustic potash is requisite to render this visible, and frequently even under these circumstances, the nuclei alone can be detected. The barbs of some feathers resemble the shafts, being rounded or angular, and free or unattached (figs. 17 & 18); but in others they are flattened, and linked together in a re- markable manner, much resembling that met with in the wings of Hymenopterous and other Insects (PL 27. figs. 1 1 & 13), and which has been so often adduced as one of the many wonderful instances of design in the creation. Thus, the upper or outer margin of each barb is fringed on both sides with hair-like elongated processes or pinnae (PI. 17. fig. 15 a, b), which differ in structure on the two sides. On one, and this always the same side of each barb (fig. 15 b}, the pinna3 are toothed on one edge (fig. 16 b*), whilst the pinnae arising from the other side (fig. 15 c) exhibit, beyond the middle, a number of curved hooks (fig. 16 «), which clasp around the first kind existing upon the adjacent barb, so as to retain a firm hold upon them, this being aided by the teeth, which prevent them from slipping. If the relative position of the two sets of pinnae which spring from two adjacent barbs be examined, it will be seen that they cross each other at a consider- able angle, so that any pinna from one barb crosses several of those belonging to the next barb. Hence each pinna is connected by its hooks with several of those which it crosses ; for the pinnae with hooks are situ- ated outside or above those not furnished with these appendages. The under or inner margin of each barb is simply membranous, and curved so as to overlap that of the next. The free barbs of feathers are often met with in the examination of liquids, &c., left exposed to the air (figs. 17 & 18). BIBL. Schwann, Mikrosk. Untersuch. ; Reclam, De Plumar. Evolut. fyc. FEET.— In descriptions, &c. of the Arti- culata, especially of Insects, the word/ occurring in infusions, chemical solutions and the like, are Fungi, and not Algae, as FUNGI. [ 281 ] Botrytis (figs. 79, 80, 267), the tips of the Fig. 267. Botrytis vulgaris. Fertile filaments. Magnified 200 diams, fertile filaments are branched and clothed with heaps of spores arising from short pe- dicels. In Penicillium (PL 20. fig. 15), the filament which rises up forks at the end, each branch forking again, and so on, until a close, tufted pencil of branches is formed, each branch bearing a bead-like row of spores, which drop off separately. Innumerable modifications of this mode of fructification are met with in the microscopic Fungi, and the same plan also forms the basis of the fructification of some of the highest forms. The way in which the greater complexity arises is by an increased development of the structures supporting the layer of tissue (hy- menium) upon which the spores are borne. Thus in the leathery Fungi growing over damp trunks of trees and dead wood, such as the Hydna, Thelephoree, Hexagonia (figs. 268, 269), the conspicuous fungous mass Fig. 268. Hexagonia glabra. Upper surface. Nat. size. (which is all that ordinary observers notice) developed from a flocculent mycelium im- bedded in the matrix on which the plant grows, is a fruit, composed of dense cellular FUNGI. Fig. 269. Hexagonia glabra. Nat. size. Lower surface, with orifices of the hymenium. tissue, and possessing pits, channels, cavi- ties, or the like, the walls of which are clothed with papillose cells, each bearing four free sporules, which drop off singly to reproduce the plant. The Mushroom, as gathered and brought to table, is merely the 'fruit' of the Fungus (Agaricus], and similar cells bearing four sporules are found clothing the flat sides of the paper-like plates or * gills' which radiate on the under side of the flat ' cap' of the Fungus. (See BASJDIOSPORES.) Another mode of fructification is met with in the Fungi, and by this they in some cases come exceedingly close to the Lichens. The simplest form of the second kind of fructifi- cation is seen in the ' Mildews ' (Eurotium, Mucor, &c.), where the upright filament arising from the flocculent mycelium does not bear free spores, as in Penicillium, Botry- tis, &c., but a comparatively large sac, filled with minute sporules; and these sporules are scattered by the bursting of the sac. In the Helvella, Pezizce, Spathulea (fig. 40), Leotia (fig. 42), &c., structures of a fleshy or leathery character, growing upon damp wood, &c., we have counterparts to the Hydna, Thelephoree, &c., since they have fruits arising from a flocculent mycelium, but their spore-bearing cells appear as definite groups of vesicles or sacs of elongated form,producing sporules (usually eight) in their cavities. In the Truffles (Tuber, Elaphomyces, fig. 187), &c. the spores are found in fours or eights, in sacs in the internal convoluted substance (while in the Puff-balls, where the internal mass finally breaks up into powder, the spores are developed free, as in the Agarics, &c.). More minute accounts of these structures will be found under THECASPORES and the various genera. It was long imagined that these two modes of producing the spores afforded a firm basis for the classification of the Fungi, but recent discoveries seem to indicate that characters FUNGI. [ 282 ] FURCULARIA. derived from the fructification are as unsafe here as in the Algae in the present state of our knowledge. Thus the division of the Fungi into Basidiosporous and Thecaspo- rous, according as the spores grow upon free points (basidia) or in the interior of sacs (thecee or «sc«),must be given up, since Messrs. Tulasne, Berkeley and Broome have shown that both kinds of structure occur in the same species of Fungi at different epochs of their growth. Tulasne has also pointed out a peculiar structure analogous to the so- called spermatozoids of the Lichens, namely very minute cylindrical bodies growing upon free points from the fructifying surfaces of the Fungi ; these bodies, quite distinct from the basidiospores and thecaspores, are called spermatia (PL 20. figs. 3, 4, 17, s). The physiological relations of these various structures are as yet quite obscure, and they are dwelt upon but slightly here, from the absence of definite generalizations on the subject ; they present a field for most desi- rable observations. The minutiae of the structure of the Fungi will be treated most satisfactorily under the heads of the orders (ASCOMYCETES, CONIOMYCETES), since the elements are very similar in all, while the modes of com- bination are very varied, and in most cases peculiar to the families. The Fungi are divided by Mr. Berkeley into six orders, and as the facts which have lately come to light, throwing doubt on the validity of some of the divisions, are not yet sufficiently numerous to allow of satisfactory general conclusions, we adopt these orders as practically convenient, reserving the remarks on this subject to the description of certain fa- milies. (See SPH^ERONEMEI, SPH^RIACEI.) 1. HYMENOMYCETES or AGARICOIDE^E (Mushrooms, &c.). Mycelium floccose, in- conspicuous, bearing conspicuous fleshy fruits of various forms, which expand when perfect so as to expose the hymenium or sporiferous membrane to the air. Spores generally borne in fours on short pedicels arising from cells of the hymenium. 2. GASTEROMYCETES or LYCOPERDOI- DE.E (Puff-balls, &c.). Mycelium floccose, inconspicuous, bearing usually globular or oval leathery fruits, which are at first solid, with internal convolutions clothed by the hymenium, bearing the spores in fours on distinct pedicels, the internal convoluted portions finally breaking up and constituting a pulverulent or gelatinous mass enclosed in a leathery membrane (peridium). 3. CONIOMYCETES or UREDOIDE.E (Smuts, fyc.}. Mycelium filamentous, para- sitical, bearing usually sessile masses of (microscopic) fructification, consisting of groups of sessile or stalked spores, some- times septate. 4. HYPHOMYCETES or BOTRYTOIDE^S (Mildews, fyc.) (Microscopic). Mycelium filamentous, epiphytic, producing erect fila- ments bearing terminal, free, single, simple or septate spores. 5. ASCOMYCETES or HELVELLOIDE^B (Truffles, Morells, &c.). Mycelium inconspi- cuous, bearing fleshy, leathery, horny or gelatinous, lobed or wart-like fructifications, containing internally or on the surface groups of elongated sacs (asci or thecce), in the in- terior of which the spores (generally eight) are developed. 6. PHYSOMYCETES or MUCOROIDEJE (Moulds}. Mycelium (microscopic) filamen- tous, bearing stalked sacs containing nume- rous exceedingly minute sporules. BIBL. Berkeley, Fungales, in Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom; Fungi, in Hooker's British Flora ; also numerous papers in the Ann. Nat. Hist. ; Montague, Organographic and Physiologic Sketch of the class Fungi, translated by Berkeley in Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. ix. ; Corda, Icones Fungorum, Prague, 1837-40; Greville, Scottish Cryptogamic Flora. See also the references given under the heads of the families. FUNGUS-BED.— Mycologists find this very useful for growing the microscopic Fungi. It is best made of a small wooden box half-filled with damp bog-earth, and covered with a plate of glass. In winter it should be kept in a warm room. FURCELLARIA, Lamx. — A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), con- taining one common British species, growing on rocks and stones between tide-marks, consisting of a fastigiate, dichotomously- divided frond, 6 to 12" high, of a brownish- purple colour, and somewhat cartilaginous texture. The tetraspores, which are linearlv arranged, are imbedded in the periphery of the swollen pod-like extremities of the branches. Conceptacular fruit as yet unknown. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. p. 147. pi. 18 C., Phyc. Brit. pi. 94 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 11, Eng. Bot. pi. 894. FURCULARIA, Lam.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye single, frontal; tail-like foot forked. Several species; all aquatic but one, which is marine. FUSARIUM. [ 283 ] GAMMARUS. F. Reinhardtii, E. (PL 34. fig. 34 ; fig. 33, teeth). Body fusiform, truncated in front ; foot elongate, cylindrical ; toes two, short ; length 1-120". Found creeping upon Laomedea geniculata. F. gibba. Body oblong, slightly com- pressed, dorsally convex, ventrally flat; toes styliform, half as long as the body; length 1-96". Aquatic. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. p. 41.9 ; Dujardin, In/us, p. 648; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 199. FUSARIUM, Lk.- A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), not very satis- factorily distinguished from FUSISPORIUM, but having a firm cellular, pulvinate, fleshy stroma, upon which the spores are borne on distinct sporophores, glued together into an erumpent discoid stratum. F. tremelloides is common, forming roundish orange-red spots on decaying nettle-stems. F. roseum forms little gregarious red dots on the stems of beans, Jerusalem artichokes, and other plants. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 355 ; Fries, System. Myc. iii. 469, Summa Veg. 472 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Flora, pi. 20; Fresenius, Beitr. zur Mycologie, Heft 1. p. 35. FUSIDIUM, Lk. See FUSISPORIUM. FUSISPORIUM, Lk.— A genus of Sepe- doniei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing upon vegetable substances, often when de- caying, forming either a kind of mildew or subsequently an extensive gelatinous stra- tum, bearing spindle-shaped spores (fig. 2/0). The myce- lium is composed of very de- licate filaments, which are generally evanescent, and partially dissolve so as to glue the fallen spores into a mass upon a tremelloid ma- trix. Several species are of a rose-colour. The genus Fu- sidium, Lk., is separated by some authors, and placed among the Mucedines, on account of its evanescent mycelium and the absence of a stroma, from Fusisporium, Lk., in which the mycelium is converted into an effused gelatinous stratum; but the distinction ap- pears unimportant. Numerous species are recorded as British. F. atrovirens is a de- structive mildew on onions. F. griseum is common on dead leaves. F. fosni is remark- able for forming large orange -red patches, many feet in width. The genus FUSARIUM Fig. 270. Fusisporium. Spores. Magn. 400 diams. differs from this in the presence of a discoid stroma. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. }. pi. 14. fig. 28, z ser. vii. p. 1/8 ; rries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 442, Summa Veget. p. 473 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Flora, pi. 102. figs. 1 & 2. -i_j j. u j-i • jLrvsj.iv* .AAisi/rv* A*9 99t J. v\Ji u-j 11. I p. 251, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 438. pi fig. 28, 2 ser. vii. p. 178 ; Fries, Syst. J G. GALLIONELLA, Bory. = MELOSIRA, Agardh . Gall. ferruginea= Didymohelixfer. GALLS. — These are abnormal growths, tumours as they might be called, produced upon or in vegetables by the action of ani- mals, especially insects of the family Hyme- noptera. They are supposed to arise from the irritation caused by a poisonous liquid dis- charged into the orifice made by the insect for the introduction of its egg. At all events a convergence of the nutritive juices towards the wound takes place, whence results a kind of hypertrophy of the tissues, and frequentlv the accumulation of such substances as starch in the cells. The forms may be regular or irregular; most of them are characteristic, as for example, the well-known nut-gall, the oak-apple, the bedeguar of the rose, &c. Both cellular and vascular structures contri- bute to form the substance of galls. We cannot enter into their minute structure here, but refer to an elaborate paper by Dr. Lacaze-Duthiers. BIBL. Lacaze-Duthiers, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xix. 2/3, where also the earlier litera- ture is given. GALUMNA, Heyden, Gervais.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and fa- mily Oribatea. Char. Abdomen subglobular, depressed ; sides of the pseudo-thorax forming a salient or wing-like angle; legs of moderate length. This genus approximates to Belba. The three species, the bodies of which are of a blackish, blackish-chestnut, or ash- colour, are found on mosses. BIBL. Walckenaer, Arachnid. (Gervais); Hermann, Mem. Apter. p. 91 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. &c. GAMMARUS, Latr.— A genus of Crus- tacea, of the order Amphipoda, and family Gammarina. The searcher for the freshwater Diatoma- cese will surely meet with Gammarus pulex, the freshwater shrimp, in muddy brooks and streams. It attains a length of about 1-2", and moves its curved body through the water by means of its caudal appendages, fre- GANGLION-GLOBULES. [ 284 ] GASTEROMYCETES. quently lying on its back or side during the process. Gervais distinguishes G.fluviatilis from G. pulex, by the former having a dorsal spine at each abdominal joint, whilst in the latter this is absent. There are twenty-three species of Gam- marus, many of them marine. Talitrus sal- tator, the sand-hopper, found burrowing in and hopping upon the sand of the sea-shore, also belongs to the family Gammarina. BIBL. Desmarest, Consid. general, s. I. Crustac.', M. -Edwards, Crustac. iii. ; Ger- vais, Ann. des Sc. nat. 1835. 2 ser. iv.; West- wood, Phil. Trans. 1835. GANGLION - GLOBULES, or NERVE- CELLS. See NERVES. GASTEROMYCETES. — An order of Fungi, characterized by the production of their free spores upon basidia seated on a sporiferous structure forming convolutions in the interior of an excavated fruit, which ultimately bursts to allow the sporiferous structure to expand and scatter its spores. The fruit of the Gasteromycetes is ordinarily a globular, elliptical, or shapeless mass, varying in size from microscopic minuteness to the dimensions of large leather balls, often stalked, arising from an inconspicuous floc- culent mycelium. This external body con- sists of a leathery or membranous, simple or double sac (peridium}, which bursts in va- rious ways at maturity. When examined young, these Fungi appear solid; but as they advance, various structures become gradu- ally marked out in their interior, and appear more and more distinct until mature. IntheNidulariacei little concept acles are de- veloped in the interior of the sac-like peridium ; and when the latter is mature, it opens like a cup or vase at its summit, exhibiting the conceptacles within, lying like eggs in a nest. These conceptacles are hollow, and lined with basidia bearing free spores. The Myxo- gastres are minute Fungi growing upon wood, leaves, &c., and looking at first to the naked eye like patches of froth. They are stated by authors to offer originally no trace of organization, but to present, after a time, floating spores, the mucilaginous mass finally drying and dividing into a number of con- ceptacles. This account is evidently crude and imperfect, the mycelium threads being overlooked. At certain stages, however, the conceptacles do appear imbedded in mucila- ginous matter, cementing them more or less together, and they become free and isolated after the mucilage has dried up. At matu- rity, the conceptacles, which are sacs, and con- sist of a double peridium, burst and emit the sporiferous structure, which often rises from the conceptacle and expands in various forms. The sporiferous structure is called the capil- litium, and consists of a collection of simple or anastomosing filaments, either attached to the peridium, and forming a kind of net- work, from between the meshes of which (probably the seat of their development) the spores fall out ; or free and discharged with the spores. The free filaments of several genera are marked with striae, which in TRICHIA may be clearly seen to arise from a spiral fibrous structure like that of the elaters of the Hepaticacese. The Trichogastres exhibit in most cases the appearance of a leather ball, arising from an inconspicuous flocculent mycelium, but in Broomeia the sporanges are imbedded in large numbers in a common fleshy matrix. The internal structure differs to a consider- able extent in its earlier stages. The peri- dium is either single or double, the inner being often quite free, and becoming everted at the time of dehiscence. The interior of Polysaccum (fig. 271) and Scleroderma (fig. 274) consists in the early state of a mass of structure formed by the production of the pe- ridium, in the form of septa, in all directions into the interior, so as to divide it into cham- bers, each of which contains a nucleus of Fig. 271. Fig. 272. Polysaccum crassipes. Fig. 271. Natural size. Fig. 272. Section from ditto, showing the loculi. filamentous, cellular substance, or concepta- cle, hollow in the centre, into which project the ends of the filaments, bearing basidia with two to six spores. At the epoch of maturity all the internal structure has va- nished, except the spores and detached par- ticles of the filaments on which they were developed, and these escape on the bursting GASTEROMYCETES. Fig. 273. [ 285 ] Polysaccum crassipes. Cells of the hymenium, with basidia and spores. Magn. 400 diams. Fig. 274. Fig. 275. Scleroderma vulgare. Fig. 274. Portion of the internal mass, diams. Magn. 200 Fig. 2/5. Cells of the hymenium, with basidia and spores. Magn. 400 diams. of the now bag-like peridium, as a fine pow- der. In Lycoperdon, &c., it is not the peri- dium which is continued inwards to form chambers ; it forms a single or double sac, containing a fleshy substance (gleba), hol- lowed out into sinuous cavities clothed with basidia. In course of ripening, the spongy mass disappears, leaving only a collection of minute spores and filamentous fragments, which are emitted by the bursting of the pe- ridium, a process exhibiting many curious peculiarities in this group. The Phalloidei are roundish or ovoid fleshy balls in their earlier stages, but when opened exhibit a distinct peridium and a central lacimose, sporiferous structure. The GASTEROMYCETES. Fig. 276. Lycoperdon cepaeforme. Section of the gleba, showing the loculi, on the walls of which the spores are produced. Magn. 200 diams. peridium consists of two layers, an inner and an outer, united by firm gelatinous tis- sue traversed by transverse membranous septa, and exhibits a tendency to split, like an orange, into quarters. When the peri- dium bursts, which it usually does at the apex, the central sporiferous structure emerges, under various forms. In Phallus it is a capitate or clavate co- lumn ; in Clathrus (fig. 277), an elegant, globular,, fleshy trellis; in Aseroe, a column with a stellate head, &c. In all cases, the spores, which are developed on convolutions of the fleshy sporiferous mass (gleba}, on basidia, are found detached and confluent into a wet, viscid mass adhering to the sporiferous surface, at the time this has emerged from the pe- The sporiferous ridium and expanded to its full frame - work size. This fluid condition of Fig. 277. the mature sporiferous layer is peridium. distinctive between the Phal- i-6th nat. size. loidei and the Hymenomycetes, to which they bear many relations. The Hypogaei receive their name from their subterraneous habit of growth, in which they resemble Truffles, a tribe of Ascomy- cetes bearing much external similarity to these plants (see TUBERACEI). The ge- neral character is that of globular or de- pressed balls, growing underground, sessile on a flocculent mycelium. They exhibit a peridium enclosing a fleshy gleba, excavated into sinuous cavities lined by a membrane bearing basidiospores. These fruits do not GASTEROMYCETES. [ 286 GELIDIUM. burst, but set free their spores by decaying. Lastly, the Podaxinei bear much resemblance to the Trichogastres, but they always contain a central fleshy column, called the hymeno- phore. The young plants exhibit a peridium passing internally into a fleshy mass hollowed into labyrinthiform cavities (fig. 279), with a solid column in the centre of all. The cavi- ties are lined by a membrane bearing basi- diospores (fig. 281). The gleba sometimes Fig. 278. Fig. 279. Fig. 280. Fig. 281, Secotium erythrocephalum. Fig. 278. Natural size. Fig. 279. Vertical section. Fig. 280. Vertical section through the head, showing the labyrinthiform cavities. Fig. 281. Portion of a septum dividing the loculi, bear- ing basidia. Magnified 400 diameters. breaks up into a pulverulent mass of spores and filaments ; sometimes it is permanent. The internal structure of this order presents many points of great morphological interest, but rather as regards the mode of arrange- ment and composition of the tissues than the character of the ultimate elements them- selves, which consist of the ordinary filamen- tous interwoven tissue of Fungi in the general mass of the structure, and of globular loosely packed cells in the sporiferous regions. Synopsis of the Families. 1. PODAXINEI. Peridium dehiscent, en- closing a sinuously excavated, fleshy, spori- ferous mass, falling to powder or permanent when mature, with a central solid column. 2. HYPOG^I. Peridium indehiscent, coating a fleshy, sporiferous mass. Subter- raneous, at first distended with jelly. 3. PHALLOIDEI. Peridium dehiscent, enclosing a fleshy, sporiferous mass, which emerges from the burst peridium as a club- shaped or capitate column, or a globular network of wrinkled fleshy processes, coated on the sporiferous surfaces with a dark- coloured foul-smelling slime (composed of minute spores imbedded in mucus). 4. TRICHOGASTRES. Peridium double, more or less distinct, dehiscent, enclosing a multilocular, fleshy, sporiferous mass, which finally breaks up into dust, without a central column. 5. MYXOGASTRES. Peridium at first developed from a mucilaginous matrix, sac- like, dehiscent, emitting a reticulated fila- mentous structure bearing the spores. (Mi- nute, almost microscopic Fungi.) 6. NIDULARIACEI. Peridium dehiscent and then forming a cup or nest, containing either one or many globose oval or discoid conceptacles, lined with filaments bearing spores. BIBL. See the Families. GASTROCHJ3TA, Duj.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Enchelia (Duj.). Char. Body oval, with one side convex, the other being traversed by a longitudinal furrow, which is furnished with vibratile cilia principally at the ends. G.fissa (PI. 24. fig. 7). Body semitrans parent, colourless, oval, truncated in front, with a very minute, blunt point at the middle of the posterior margin, convex and smooth above. Aquatic; length 1-400". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 385. GELATINE.— This chemical proximate principle constitutes the basis of the various forms of white fibrous tissue, as existing in the true skin, areolar tissue, tendon, ligaments, the swimming-bladder of fishes (isinglass),&c. It possesses no microscopic characters; it forms a most valuable vehicle for the co- louring matters of liquids for injection. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. GELIDIUM, Lamx.— A genus of Cry- ptonemiacese (Florideous Algae), of which one species (G. corneum) is very common on our shores. It has a red, pinnated, horny frond, from two to six or eight inches high ; very GEMM.E. GENERATIONS. variable in the appearance of its pinnate subdivisions; both spores and tetraspores are found on the ramules, the former in favel- lidia immersed in swollen ramules. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 137. pi. 17 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 53. GEMMAE.— This term is applied to those cellular structures formed in Flowerless Plants, which become detached, and repro- duce the individual independently of the spores. They correspond to the buds of the Flowering Plants and the gonidia of the Thallophytes. They present themselves in various forms, generally either as minute green bodies or as bulbils. The gemmae are especially remarkable in MARCHANTIA. They occur more commonly in the Mosses and Hepaticae than in the Ferns and higher Cryptogamia. GENERATIONS, ALTERNATION OF. — The general plan upon which the repro- duction of animals is effected, viz. that of sexes, involving the action of the spermatic secretion upon the ova, and the subsequent series of changes ultimately giving rise to new individuals resembling the parents, is in some instances departed from, and the em- bryos of certain animals after their escape from the ova, do not become directly deve- loped into individuals resembling the parents, but produce a new, larval kind of being, which produces generations of the same larval or other kinds, the last of which re- semble the original parents. While, therefore, in animals reproduced by the ordinary sexual process, the new individuals resemble each other, or differ only in sex ; in those which produce these alternate or intermediate generations, the new individuals differ from the parents and even from each other, until the last of the series returns to the state of the first parents. This mode of reproduction has received the above name, from the alternation of the lar- val generations with the ordinary sexual form. Many instances of this process are men- tioned under the heads of the Classes, &c. in which they occur ; as under ACALEPH^E, APHIS, ENTOZOA, T^ENIA, &c. Thus, for instance, in the Acalephae, the ciliated embryo (PI. 40. fig. 6) produced by the ordinary sexual process, becomes fixed (fig. 7) and passes into the state of an asexual polype (fig. 8) ; it then reproduces new individuals from gemmae and stolons (fig. 9), ultimately becoming segmented (fig. 10), and produ- cing new individuals which resemble the sexual parents. The intermediate or nurse forms are those represented in figs. 7-10. Again, in Tcenia, the Cysticercus or Echino- coccus forms the nurse, producing new indi- viduals by gemmation ; these when reaching the alimentary canal becoming transformed into Tcenice with sexual organs. But the alternation of generations, or a modification of it, also occurs in animals in which sexes are not known to exist, as in some Infusoria. In these, the ordinary plan of reproduction by division and gemmation is departed from, and an animal differing from the parent or a nurse form, resembling or identical with Acineta and Actinophrys, is produced, which give rise to embryos subse- quently growing into the parent form. But in these instances the nurse form is the result of a kind of metamorphosis, rather than of generation. The phaenomena designated by the phrase alternation of generations are also strikingly exemplified in the vegetable kingdom ; but the conditions are very complicated, and the analogies with those occurring in animals somewhat difficult to trace. The Mosses, Hepaticacese and Ferns afford very clear analogies to the Medusae, and others admit of being made out; but it appears to us that Steenstrup and others have confounded various distinct points in the parallel drawn between the alternation of generations of animals and the metamorphoses (commonly so-called) of plants. We will endeavour to give a summary of the general facts con- nected with the doctrine. 1. All animals and plants reproduced by a sexual process (and there is reason to believe that this will ultimately be found universal), originate from a simple cell, and undergo a series of changes, in the course of their development to the complete form endowed with sexual organs, in which they assume forms analogous to animals (or plants) belonging to classes of lower (simpler) organization. 2. In the highest animals, the metamor- phoses are intra-uterine, as in most of the Mam- malia ; in the lower animals these metamor- phoses are in part or wholly extra-uterine. In thehigher plants the changes are partlyinfra- uterine (i. e. the embryo has already become a leafy axis within the ovary, but it becomes perfected into the sexual form subsequently), in the lower partly or wholly extra-uterine. 3. The lower animals and all plants are capable of an asexual or vegetative repro- duction, by the isolation and separation of a portion of their substance. GENERATION. [ 288 J GEORGIA. 4. Many animals and all plants are capable of being multiplied by this vegetative reproduction in their intermediate stages of extra-uterine development, and in such cases the reproduction, fissiparous, gemmiparous, or other, assumes the character peculiar to the class to which the intermediary form is analogous (ex. gr. the polypiform reproduc- tion of the Acalephae, the confervoid growth and multiplication of the proembryo of the Mosses). .The product of the vegetative reproduction is either like or unlike the body which produces it ; in the former case the vegetative reproduction will be re- peated, but in the latter case the product is usually provided with sexual organs, and the cycle of development is completed by the reproduction of a fertilized ovum. In the latter case we have what is called an alterna- tion of generations. It will be evident that we here exclude from consideration the metamorphoses within the sphere of the individual shoot on plants, that is, the metamorphosis of the leaf, the morphological element of the higher plant. It appears to us that these are not to be taken as parallels to the metamorphoses of animals comprehended by Steenstrup under the name of alternation of generations, which would rather be found in the cases where bulbs, bulbils, tubers, &c. appear in the place of shoots, as the product of branch-buds. The analogy would hold also with the gemmce of the Mosses, &c., and with the gonidia of the Thallophytes. Our space does not admit of a more minute examina- tion of the subject. Illustrations of the phenomena in vegetables will be found under FERNS, MOSSES, CONFERVOIDS, LICHENS, certain Fungi, e. g. ERYSIPHE, PENICILLIUM, &c. BIBL. Steenstrup, Alternation of Gene- rations, Trans, by Ray Soc. 1845; Owen, Parthenogenesis and Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. ii. 59 ; Allen Thomson, Cycl. Anat. iv. Supplem.; Huxley, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 1, Brit, and For. Med. Rev. 1854. i. 204 ; A. Braun, Rejuvenescence in Nature, Transl. by Ray Society, 1853. GENERATION, SPONTANEOUS ; some- times called equivocal generation, or epige- nesis. The doctrine of spontaneous generation may now be said to have become a matter of history. We have noticed under AIR (p. 20), the experiment which negatived the idea that microscopic plants and animals derive their origin from the direct transformation of decaying animal and vegetable remains. We have also there stated the modes by which the lower forms of organic life, most commonly found in decomposing infusions, propagate with extraordinary rapidity. The other two principal instances which were supposed to favour the doctrine of sponta- neous generation, were the production of the Spermatozoa and of the Entozoa. It need scarcely be remarked that the Sper- matozoa cannot be regarded as animals; they are products of the metamorphosis of the con- tents of cells (SPERMATOZOA, SPERM ATO- ZOIDS); and the only ground for considering them as animals was based upon their power of motion, which we now know to be no ex- clusive character of animality. The supposed occurrence of particular species of Entozoa within the bodies of other animals, not to be found in any other situations, would natu- rally appear to find a ready explanation in the doctrine in question. Recent investiga- tions have, however, proved that these sup- posed species are larval or other forms of true species of this Class, which do not attain their perfect development on account of their not existing in a suitable locality. See GENERATIONS, ALTERNATION OF. BIBL. Schultz, Poggend. Annal. xli. p. 184 ; Helmholtz, Journ. f. Prak. Chem. xxxi. 429; Gross, Sieb. and Kollik. Zeitschr. iii. p. 68 ; Reissek, JBer. d. Akad. z. Wien. 1851 ; Pineau, Ann. des Sc. nat., Zool. 1845. 1848. GEOPONUS. See FORAMINIFERA. GEORGIA, Ehrh.— A Fi 282. genus of Mniaceous Moss- es, called from the four teeth of the peristome, Tetraphis and Tetradon- tium, but these names are of later date than Ehrhart's (1780). G. Mnemosyne presents, besides its male and female inflorescence, a peculiar form of terminal leafy bud (fig. 282), which produces stalked gemmae in the interior. In the figure numerous arche- gonia are also shown. Georgia Browniana, C. Mull. = Tetraphis Browniana, Grev. G. Mnemosyne, Ehrh. Georgia Mnemosyne. rr, . -,. y ' jj .j A shoot with two = TetraphlS pelludda, terminal leafy buds. Hedw. Magn. 15 diameters. GERANIUM. [ 289 ] GILLS. GERANIUM. — In this genus, and appa- rently in the rest of the Nat. Ord. Gera- niaceae, the sepals are remarkable for the cells containing numerous raphides regularly arranged. They may be observed in the common G. Robertianum and in the garden Pelargonia. The sepals of the common wild Gerania form pleasing objects when dried and mounted in Canada balsam. BIBL. Quekett, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. p. 82. GERMINAL VESICLE OF ANIMALS. See OVUM. GERMINAL VESICLE, OF PLANTS. — This structure, the existence of which is denied by Schleiden and Schaeht, but affirmed by Amici, Mohl, Miiller, Henfrey, Hofmeister, Tulasne, &c., is the germ of the future plant, formed before impregnation (Tulasne is doubtful whether before) in the embryo-sac of Flowering Plants. In most cases three are originally produced, as in Orchis (PL 38. fig. 4), and in rare instances two of these are fertilized, and two embryos produced in one seed ; sometimes only one exists, and ordinarily only one is ferti- lized. This becomes at first elongated into a cellular filament called the suspensor, which is cut off by septa into several cells, the last of which ordinarily becomes the embryonal-vesicle or embryo-cell, which be- comes developed into by the embryo (fig. 195. page 225). GERMINATION.— The act of develop- ment of a seed or spore into a new plant. The phsenomena attending the germination of all the Cryptogamic plants require the aid of the microscope for their investigation, and are in most instances highly interesting and important in a physiological point of view. For particulars, see under the classes of Flow- erless Plants. GERRIS, Latr. — A genus of Hemipterous (Heteropterous) Insects. Gerris lacustris is everywhere seen skim- ming the surface of water. It has the basal joint of the antennae longest, the four hind legs very long, and at a great di- stance from the fore-legs. The legs do not possess any special structure by which they are enabled to repel the water, beyond a number of short hairs. Celia rivulorum, with the basal joint of the antennas longest, the legs of moderate length and equally apart, and Hydrometra stagnorum, with the first and second joints of the antennae short, the third being the longest, are allied members of the same family, and are commonly met with on the surface of pools, &c. In the anterior tarsi of Celia, minute mem- branous retractile lobes have been described. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, 8fc. GIGARTINA, Lamx.— A genus of Cry- ptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), with cartila- ginous, irregularly-divided fronds, the internal substance of which is composed of rather lax tissue, the outer of dichotomous filaments perpendicular to the surface, strongly united by their moniliform terminations (fig. 283). Fig. 283. Gigartina pistillate. Transverse section of the frond. Magnified 50 diameters. Four British species are known, growing from 2 to 6 inches high, of a dull purple colour. Reproduced by spores (in favellidia) and tetraspores scattered among the peri- pheral filaments. BIBL. Harvey, British Marine Algee, 139. pi. 17 C; Greville, Alg. Brit. pp. 146, 147. pi. 16. GILLETTS CONDENSER. See CON- DENSER. GILLS OF FISHES. — These organs form beautiful and favourite injected objects. They must be injected from the heart, or from the branchial artery, which ascends from the heart much in the same manner as the pulmonary artery ascends from the heart of the higher animals. It may be remarked that the heart of fishes is situated much nearer to the anterior end of the body than in the Mammalia. BIBL. Stannius, Lehrb. d. Vergl. Anat.', Lereboullet, Anat. Compar. de VAppar. Respir. ; Hyrtl, Med. Jahrbuch. d. (Ester. St. bd. 24 ; Owen, Hunterian Lect. ii. GILLS OF INSECTS, or branchiae. — U GINANNIA. f 290 ] GLANDS. These are hair- or leaf-like processes (PI. 28. figs. 2g, 15, 19, 31) projecting from the surface of the body, and containing one or more tracheae and their ramifications, which communicate with those of the body gene- rally. Insects furnished with gills or bran- chiae have no occasion to rise to the surface of the water in which they live, the diifusion by which the respiratory process is effected taking place between the gaseous contents of the tracheae and those of the water. GINANNIA, Montague. — A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), contain- ing one British species, G. furcellata, a rare, pinky-red sea-weed about 2 to 6 inches long, with a dichotomous, terete, membra- naceo-gelatinous frond, the divisions of which have a kind of fibrous axis. The spores are produced in spherical concep- tacles imbedded just beneath the surface of the frond. . BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 148. pi. 19 C; E. Botany, y\. 1881. GLANDS, OF ANIMALS. — Glands are organs, the general function of which is to separate from the blood certain compounds destined to perform some special office in the economy. They are divided into true or secernent glands ; and vascular glands. The secernent glands, the secretions from which escape either by rupture, or through ducts, are thus arranged : 1. Glands consisting of closed vesicles which dehisce laterally : the Graafian vesicles of the ovary, and the follicles (Nabothian) of the cervix uteri. 2. Glands composed of cells reticularly united : the liver. 3. Racemose or aggregated glands, in which aggregations of roundish or elongated glandular vesicles occur at the ends of the excretory ducts. These are either : a, sim- ple, with one or but few lobules, comprising the mucous glands, the sebaceous and the Meibomian follicles ; b, compound, with many lobules, the, lacrymal and salivary glands, the pancreas, the prostate, Cowper's and the mammary glands ; in this category must also be placed the lungs. 4. Tubular glands, in which the secreting elements have a more or less tubular form. These are either : a, simple, consisting of one or but few caecal tubes ; including the tubular gastric and intestinal (Lieberkuhn's), the uterine, sudoriparous and ceruminous glands ; b, compound, consisting of nume- rous reticular or ramified glandular canals ; comprising the testis and the kidney. The vascular glands, which have no ducts and the contents of which escape by trans- udation, are subdivided into : 1 . Those composed of larger and smaller cells imbedded in a stroma of areolar tissue ; comprising the supra-renal capsules, and the anterior lobules of the pineal gland. 2. The closed follicles which consist of a basement-membrane, with an epithelial lining and transparent contents, forming the thyroid gland. 3. The closed follicles, with a capsule of areolar tissue and contents consisting of nuclei, cells and liquid, to which belong : a, the solitary follicles of the stomach and intestines ; b, the aggregated follicles of the small intestines or Peyer's glands, in animals also those of the stomach and large intes- tines ; c, the glandular follicles of the root of the tongue, and of the pharynx and the tonsils ; d, the lymphatic glands. 4. Here belongs the spleen, consisting of a cellular parenchyma containing numerous closed follicles. 5. The thymus gland, in which aggre- gated glandular vesicles open into a common closed canal or wide space. The glands are further noticed under their respective heads. BIBL. Kolliker, MikrosJc. Anat. and Ge- webelehre, fyc. ; Henle, Ally em. Anat. ; Wagner, Handwb'rterb. d. Phys. ; Todd and Bowman, Phys. Anat. of Man ; Paget, Med. Chir. Rev. 1842. xiv. GLANDS, OF PLANTS.— The glands of plants are special structures, formed of cel- lular tissue, in which are produced secretions of various kinds, such as oils, resins, &c. They are ordinarily more or less closely con- nected with the epidermal tissues, but not in all cases, the latter instances forming a kind of transition to the receptacles of special secre- tions, turpentine-reservoirs, &c. found in the interior of the stems of many plants. Glands may be conveniently divided into external and internal; the former are sessile, or stalked (when they present the character of glandular hairs, of various forms), while the latter are generally visible externally as trans- parent dots scattered over an organ, such as a leaf, giving it the appearance of having been pricked all over with a pin ; when of more considerable dimensions, and with thicker walls, they produce tuberculation of the surface, as on the rind of the orange, &c. External glands. These maybe subdivided into simple and compound. GLANDS. [ 291 ] GLEICHENIE.E. Simple external glands are either sessile vesicles or hairs, composed of a single vesi- cular or elongated epidermal cell filled with secretion ; or they are hairs composed of a simple row of cells, one or more of which are filled with secretion. Examples of this may be found in the epidermis of Primula sinensis, Gilia tricolor, Erodium cicutarium, Achimenes (PI. 21. fig. 32), Stachys, Marru- bium, Digitalis purpurea (PL 21. fig. 33), Antirrhinum majus (P1.21 . fig. 34), (Enothera, Helleborus fcetidus, Scrophularia nodosa, (PL 21. fig. 41), Sempervivum, Salvia, Thy- mus, Melissa, Mesembryanthemum, Garden Chrysanthemum (PL 21. fig. 30), &c. The stings of the nettles are to be placed here ; they consist of very long, tapering, single hairs, with an obtuse point, and a bulb- like expansion at the base imbedded in a dense layer of epidermal tissue (PL 21. fig. 8). The hair is filled with the poisonous secretion. When the point touches the skin, it breaks off and allows the escape of the fluid contents, which are squeezed out by the pressure, and probably by the tension of the tissue around the bulb. Compound external glands differ from the simple only in the fact that they are com- posed of a greater or smaller number of cells combined into a mass, usually of spherical or allied form. They may be sessile, or stalked upon a simple or compound hair. Examples of sessile form occur in Dictamnus albus (PL 21. figs. 38, 39), Robinia viscosa, the leaf of the Mulberry and the HOP (PL 21 . fig. 14), and the stipular glands of Cinchona, Galium, &c. ; of the stalked, in the Rose (PL 21. fig. 46), species of Rubus, Drosera, and on many aromatic or viscid plants. Internal glands. These consist of cavities in the sub-epidermal tissue, of variable size, bounded by a firm layer of cells, and filled with oily or resinous "secretions. They ap- pear to be formed either of one cell, when small, or, when large, of a definite mass of cells, which, after the production of the se- cretion, have their walls obliterated so as to form a large chamber; possibly, however, they may be intercellular spaces into which the secretion is poured out. Examples of moderate dimensions are found in the leaves of Dictamnus, Magnolia (PL 21. fig. 12), Hypericum perforatum, and other species, Myrtacece, Ruta graveolens (PL 21. fig. 11), &c. Very large glands of this kind contain the oil in the rind of the orange (fig. 284) and other species of Citrus. The nectaries of flowers have their tissue metamorphosed into a condition resembling that of the secreting part of glands, and the hairs of the stigma of Flowering Plants pro- Section of the rind of an orange, showing the internal glands, R, KI Magn. 50 diams. duce a secretion at the period of impregna- tion. Brongniart has lately pointed out the existence of internal glands in the dissepi- ments of the ovaries of the petaloid Mono- cotyledons. These structures form a trans- ition to the turpentine-canals, &c. of the Coniferae. (See SECRETING ORGANS, of Plants). The gummi-keulen of Meyen (cysto- lithes of Weddell) are also related to glands. (See RAPHIDES.) BIBL. Meyen, Secretionsorgane der Pflan- zen. Berlin, 1837; Manuals of Vegetable Ana- tomy; Brongniart, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. ii. p. 5 ; Lawson, Ann. Nat, Hist. 2 ser. xiv. p. 161. GLAUCOMA, Ehr.— A genus of Infuso- ria, of the family Trachelina, E. Char. Body ciliated all over ; mouth lon- gitudinal, oval, without teeth, placed late- rally near the anterior third or fourth of the body, and furnished with one or two tremu- lous laminae or lips. Stein describes the encysting process as occurring hi one species. G. scintillans, E. (PL 24. fig. 8). Body colourless, slightly depressed, elliptical or ovate; sacculi large ; length 1-290''. Aqua- tic, and in infusions (of hay, &c.). G. viridis, D. Body green, oval ; mouth large, nearer the middle than the anterior end of the body; length 1-630". In putrid rain-water collected in an empty wine-cask coated with cream of tartar. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us, p. 334 ; Dujardin, Infus. 475 ; Stein, In/us. 250. GLEICHENIE.E.— A tribe of Polypodia- ceous Ferns, distinguished by then* obliquely annulated sporangia arranged in fours (fig. 286). Genera : I. GLEICHENIA. Sporangia collected in roundish sori. Indusium absent. Leaves forking. Exotic (figs. 285 & 286). GLENODINIUM. Fig. 285. [ 292 ] GLCEOCAPSA. Fig. 286. Gleichenia. Fig. 285. Fertile pinnules with sori. Magn. 5 diams. Fig. 286. Sorus composed of four crucially arranged capsules. Magn. 40 diams. IL PLATYZOMA. Sporanges collected in point-like sori. Indusium spurious, formed by the revolute margin of the leaf. Leaves undivided. GLENODINIUM, Ehr.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Peridinaea. Char. Carapace membranous, rounded or oblong, with one or more distinct furrows furnished with vibratile cilia ; an elongated or horse-shoe-shaped red (eye-) spot pre- sent ; no horn-like processes. These organisms are doubtful Infusoria. They are common in pools and bog-water. G. cinctum (PL 24. fig. 10, a, b). Ovate or subglobose, ends obtuse, yellow; carapace smooth; eye-spot large, transverse and semi- lunar; length 1-576'°. G. apiculatum (PL 24. fig. 10 c). Oval, ends obtuse, greenish - yellow ; carapace smooth; eye-spot oblong; length 1-480". G. tabulatum. Oval, greenish-yellow ; ca- rapace granular, reticulated with prominent lines ; ends acute or denticulate ; eye-spot oblong; length 1-480". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 257 ; Dujar- din, Infus. p. 373. GLENOMORUM, Ehr.— The Glenomo- rum tingens of Ehrenberg (PL 24. fig. 14), which consists of aggregated revolving groups of green bodies, with two anterior cilia, and a red (eye-)spot, has been shown by Weise and Stein to form the young state of CHLO- ROGONIUM, which itself appears probably to be a stage of development of PROTOCOCCUS. GLENOPHORA, Ehr.— A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Free; eyes two, frontal; rotatory organ circular and frontal; tail truncated, without toes. G. trochus (PL 34, fig. 36). Body ovato- conical, colourless, the turgid front and the narrowed foot truncated; eyes blackish; length 1-576"; aquatic. BIBL. Ehrenb. Infus. p. 391. GLOBULINA, Turp. = GLCEOCAPSA. GLOBULINE. — An animal substance nearly allied to albumen, existing within the coloured corpuscles of the blood and the crystalline lens. It is amorphous. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. GLCEOCAPSA, Kutz.— A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae), instituted by Kiitzing to receive certain forms, distributed among Heematococcus, Microcystis, Soro- spora, &c. by various authors. As we have adopted it, it is distinguished from Palmella by the persistence of the coats of the parent- cells as envelopes enclosing their progeny of several generations, to the number of 4, 16, 64, or more generations, the membranes becoming confluent subsequently, however, by solution, into a gelatinous mass. From Coccochloris the chief distinction seems to be in the persistence of the lamellae of the parent- cells in the membranous condition, and the globular instead of cylindrical or elliptical form of the cells ; while the habit is to form rather flat, irregular strata than globose or papillose masses. From Proto- coccus it is distinguished by the persistent gelatinous investment. We give such of Kiitzing's species as are British, with the synonyms as stated by him; but they require further investiga- tion. 1. G. confluens. Stratum gelatinous, green. Diam. of cell-contents, 1-1200 to I-6(W".=.H(ematococcus minutissimus, Has- sall? 2. G.montana. Stratum gelatinous, green; vesicles concentrically striated; cell-con- tents 1-1000 to 1-500"' in diam.=H.mero- sporus, Hass. 3. G. granosa. Stratum green, firm; vesicles concentrically striated; cell-con- tents 1-300"' in diam. = H. granosus, 4. G. polydermatica (PL 3. fig. 4). Stra- tum hardish, olivaceous, somewhat compact or granular; concentric lamellae evident, thick ; cell-contents 1-800 to 1-500'" in diam. =H. rupestris, Hass. 5. G. ceruginosa. Stratum gray-aeruginous, granular-crustaceous ; vesicles large (1-100 to 1-60'"), irregular; cell-contents 1-1000 to 1-600'".= #. (Bruginosus, Hass. 6. G. limda. Stratum dirty olive or black- GLCEONEMA. [ 293 ] GNETACEJ3. ish, soft, but tubercular ; cell-contents seru- ginous; 1-/00'". //. lividus, Hass. 7- G. Magma. Stratum purplish-black, crustaceous, granular; cell-contents 1-500'" to 1-320"'. Sorospora montana, Hass. 8. G. sanguinea. Stratum black ; internal cells deep blood-red ; cell-contents 1-600 to 1-400'". = Hcematococcus sanguineus, Ag., Hass. 9. G. Shuttleworthiana. Stratum dirty red ; internal cells orange ; cell- contents 1-1000 to 1-900'". 10. G. Ralfsiana. Stratum dirty purple ; internal cells rosy - purple ; cell-contents 1-750 to 1-400'".= Sorospora Ralfsii, Hass. In PI. 3. fig. 13 is represented a form we have met with among freshwater Algae, which appears to agree with Kiitzing's G. ampla. Those resting forms of Euglena where the encysted groups are devoid of a firm outer coat, bear considerable resemblance to a large Glaocapsa. BIBL. Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis, p. 173, Sp. Alg. 216, Tab. Phyc. pis. 19 et seq.; Hassall, Brit. Freshwater Algce, pi. 79, &c. GLCEONEMA, Ag. \— Names of Diato- GLOIONEMA, Ag. J maceous genera no longer retained. See ENCYONEMA. GLGEOSPORIUM, Moutagne.— A genus of Sphaeronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi) de- veloped beneath the surface of leaves, and bursting through, forming a kind of rust on the surface. 1. G. paradoxum (Myxosporium para- doxum, De Notar.) occurs on ivy. 2. G. Lobes. Aster oma lobes, Berk. Brit. Fungi. 3. G. concentricum (CyUndrosporum con- centricum, Grev. Sc. Crypt. Flor. pi. 27) forms a white rust upon cabbage-leaves. BIBL. Berk. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 455 ; Berkeley, Hort. Trans, vi. p. 121. GLOIOSIPHONIA, Carm.— A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), the sin- gle British representative of which is a rare, feathery, red sea-weed, 3-12 inches high, with a semi-gelatinous tubular frond. The spores are in dense masses, scattered among the radiating jointed filaments which clothe the periphery of the branches. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 152. pi. 21 A, Eng. Bot. pi. 1219. GLYCERINE— Is the sweet principle of thefats. It may be prepared by boiling any fat, as tallow, butter, olive oil, &c., with oxide of lead and water, the water being from time to time removed, and replaced by fresh. The aqueous solutions are freed from the lead by sulphuretted hydrogen, the filtered liquid evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, and finally in vacua over sulphuric acid. Glycerine, when pure, is a colourless, highly refractive, syrupy liquid, of a sweet taste ; it mixes in all proportions with alco- hol and water, but it is insoluble in aether. The property possessed by glycerine of con- stituting a liquid which does not become dry, and mixes with water, has caused it to be used for the preservation of microscopic ob- jects, especially those which will not permit of being dried. It renders objects as trans- parent as Canada balsam. We prefer solution of chloride of calcium for all preparations except those of insects ; as the larvae, &c. and starch. GLYCIPHAGUS, Hering.— A subgenus of Acarus. We omitted in the art. ACARUS to add the heads under which certain species of Acarus, Latr. are noticed. Thus, Acarus scabiei = Sarcoptes scabiei ; Acarus equi = Psoroptes eq.; Ac.folliculorum = Demodex foil. GLYPHOMITRIUM, Bridel.— A genus of Orthotrichaceous Mosses, deriving its name from the grooved calyptra. Glypho- Fig. 287. Glyphomitrium Daviesii. Teeth of the peristome. Magnified 150 diams. mitrium Daviesii, Brid. is found in Wales and Ireland on rocks, mostly near the sea. It is peculiar to Great Britain and Ireland. GNAT. See CULEX and CULICID^E. GNETACE^E.— A family of Gymnosper- mous Flowering Plants remarkable for their jointed stems, composed of wood marked with circular disks. (See WOOD.) The flowers of these plants are also very remark- able, the male consisting merely of a calyx containing one-celled anthers united by their filaments; the female, of a naked ovule with two involucral scales, originally with two coats, but subsequently with a third which GOMPHONEMA. [ 294 ] GONATORRHODON. grows up between the inner of the first two and the nucleus, and after fertilization pro- jects out of the exostome as a tubular pro- cess with a fimbriated extremity. BIBL. Lindley, Vegetable Kingdom, art. GnetacecB. GOMPHONEMA, Ag.— A genus of Dia- tomacese. Char. Frustules mostly single or binate, attached by a filiform stipes, wedge-shaped in front view ; valves with a median line and a nodule at the centre and at each end, and striated with transverse or slightly radiating lines resolvable into dots. Aquatic and fossil. Conjugation has been observed in several species. Kiitzing describes thirty-eight species, Smith admits twelve as British. The form of the frustule is subject to great variety, and the specific characters are probably of little value. The most common species are : G. acuminatum (PL 12. fig. 34, a, b, c). Frustules in front view simply cuneate, or inflated in the middle ; valves attenuated at the base, ventricose in the middle, beyond which they are again expanded; ends acumi- nate, or truncate with an acuminate pro- longation; striae distinct; length of frustules 1-360". (San Fiore deposit.) G. geminatum. Valves ventricose in the middle, constricted and rotundo-truncate towards each end; striae distinct; stalks long, thick, densely interwoven; length of frustules 1-216 to 1-180". G. olivaceum. Densely crowded, forming a mucous mass; frustules broadly cuneate (fr. v.) ; valves obovato-lanceolate ; striae distinct; length of frustules 1-1020". G. curvatum. Frustules curved; valves obovato-lanceolate; striae faint; length 1-720". BIBL. Ehr. In/us, p. 215; Kiitzing, Ba- cill. p. 84, and Sp. Alg. p. 63 ; Smith, Brit. Diatom, p. 77; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xvi. p. 459. GONIDIUM.— The name applied to cells which in the Thallophytes perform an office analogous to that of the GEMMAE of the higher Cryptogams, and the separating bud- structures, such as bulbils, stolons, &c. of the Flowering Plants ; being cells developed from the vegetative tissues, ultimately thrown off, and capable of propagating the indivi- dual. The gonidia of the Lichens are glo- bular cells with green contents developed in the central layers of the thallus, afterwards set free by the destruction of the cortical layer ; they appear capable of multiplication by subdivision before growing out into the filaments which form the foundation of the new thallus (see LICHENS). The gonidia of the Fungi are usually termed CONIDIA (see that article, and FUNGI). The gonidia of the Algae are best known in the CONFER- VOIDS, where they are formed from the cell- contents, and generally present themselves ciliated, as ZOOSPORES. The tetraspores of the Florideae are probably the homologues of gonidia. GONATOBOTRYS, Corda.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), the fer- tile filaments of which present at intervals swollen articulations, on which are attached simple ovate spores (figs. 288, 289). BIBL. Corda, Fig. 288. Fig. 289. Gonatobotrys simplex. Fig. 288. A fertile filament. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 289. A sporiferous joint, with most of the spores removed. Magn. 600 diams. GONATORRHO- Fig. 290. DON, Corda. — A genus of Mucedines ( Hyphomycetous Fungi), the fertile filaments of which have at intervals swollen articulations, whence arise monili- form chains of spores (fig. 290). BIBL. Corda, Prachtfl. Europ. ScMmmelb. pi. 3. Gonatorrhodon speciosum. Fertile filaments with swollen joints bearing chains of spores. Magn. 100 diams. GONIOTHECIUM. [ 295 ] GORGONIA. GONIOTHECIUM, Ehr.— A genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules geminate, terete, with a median (longitudinal) constriction (suddenly attenuate and truncate at the ends, hence appearing angular). Corresponding to Pyxi- dicula, constricted in the middle, and trun- cate at the ends. Found in America. The characters of the nine or ten species, as well as in fact those of the genus, have been very imperfectly described. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abhandl. d. Eerl. Akad. 1841. p. 401, and Ber. d. Eerl. Akad. 1844. p. 82; Kiitzing, BacilL p. 51, and Sp. Ala. p. 23. GONIUM, Miiller.— A genus of Volvo- cineae (Confervoid Algae) forming microsco- pic, square, flat fronds, either ciliated and endowed with a power of motion, or devoid of cilia and motionless ; it is possible that these two conditions are only stages of deve- lopment in species active at one time and resting at another. The perfect fronds are composed of usually sixteen cells enclosed in wide, colourless coats (young fronds but four cells, some kinds have more than six- teen), united together into flat, square masses by adherence at various points of their cir- cumference; a light vacuole in the sub- stance of the cell-contents may often be ob- served to exhibit a rhythmical contraction and expansion, as mVolvox; the cells of the active forms having each a pair of vibratile cilia, which run out from the central protoplasmic mass, through the hyaline envelope, and project as free processes, rowing the frond about in the water. They are commonly observed to increase by division, a frond composed of sixteen cells breaking up into four fronds, each composed of four cells, &c.j but it is probable that other kinds of deve- lopment exist, and that the motionless forms are resting states of active species. Gonium pectorale is an exceedingly interesting micro- scopic object, not uncommon in freshwater pools. Ehrenberg, who regards them as Infusoria, describes the following species. 1. G. pectorale (PI. 3. fig. 11). Frond square, composed of sixteen bright green cell-masses, enclosed in hyaline envelopes, each with a pair of cilia ; size of green masses 1-1960 to 1-1150"; frond not exceeding 1-280". In clear water, salt and fresh, near the surface. 2. G. punctatum. Cells sixteen; cell- masses green, with black granules; diam. 1-4600"; frond of sixteen, 1-576". 3. G. tranquillum (PL 3. fig. 12). Cells sixteen; cell-masses green, diam. 1-2880"; frond of sixteen, 1-144 to 1-288", sometimes twice as broad as long; the cell-masses found in division (binate or quaternate), motionless. (Possibly not a Gonium, but a Palmellacean) (Tetraspora?). 4. G. hyaUnum. Cell-masses hyaline, diam. 1-3000"; frond of twenty or twenty- five, 1-600". In stagnant water. 5. G. glaucum. Cell-masses bluish-green, from four to sixty-four in a frond, diam. 1-7000 to 1-4200", ditto of frond not ex- ceeding 1-570". In sea-water. The remarkable organism SARCINA re- sembles the motionless Gonia in structure, but its peculiar habit would rather lead to its being placed among the Fungi. The genus TETRASPORA among the Palmellaceae is closely related here. MERISMOPJEDIA seems to be an unnecessary genus, as the species may fall under one or other of these. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infusionsth. p. 55 ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxiii. p. 169. pi. 18. GORDIUS, Linn. — A genus of Entozoa. Char. Body very long and slender, fili- form ; alimentary canal with a single orifice; sexes distinct. G. aquations, the common hair-worm, is from 7 to 10" in length and about 1-25 to 1-20" in breadth, of a brown or blackish co- lour, and is found in water or damp places. The mouth is very indistinct ; the tail of the male is bifid, that of the female simple and rounded. The ova, agglutinated in long strings, are deposited in water, and being devoured by insects, undergo development within their bodies. These animals frequently coil themselves into a knot-like form, whence the name. See MERMIS. BIBL. Dujardin, Hist. nat. d. Helminth. p. 296, and Ann. des Sc. nat. 1842. xviii. p. 142; Siebold, Lehrb. d. VeryL Anat., Entomol. Zeitung, 1842-43, and Erich son's Archiv, 1 843. ii. p. 302 ; Berthold, Ueber den Ban d. Wasserkalbes, 1842. GORGONIA, Linn.— A genus of Polypi, of the order Anthozoa. Char. Polypidom attached by a kind of root, consisting of a central, branched, horny and sometimes anastomosing flexible axis, coated with a soft andfleshy polypiferous crust . The species, of which there are four Bri- tish, are popularly known as sea-fans ; they are not microscopic, often attaining very considerable dimensions. GOSSYPIUM. [ 296 ] GRAMMONEMA. The polypidom, as well as the crust, con- tain spicula of various forms imbedded in them, a specimen of which is exhibited in PI. 33. fig. 27. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zoophyt. p. 166. GOSSYPIUM. See COTTON. GOUT-STONES. See CHALK-STONES. GRACILARIA, Grev.— A genus of Rho- dymeniaceae (Florideous Algae), with feathery fleshy-cartilaginous fronds, 6 to 12" or more long, of a red or purplish colour, the central substance of which is composed of large cells, the cortical of closely-packed hori- zontal filaments. The spores are formed in tubercles consisting of a thick coat com- posed of radiating filaments, containing a mass of minute spores on a central placenta. The tetraspores are imbedded in the cells of the surface. G. confervoides is the only common species; it grows from 3 to 20" long, and as thick as small twine. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 128. pi. 16 C, Engl. Bot. pi. 1668. GRAMMATONEMA, Ag.— A genus of microscopic plants, sometimes placed among the Diatomaceae, either as distinct or included under Fragilaria. But the membrane is scarcely siliceous, and does not withstand heat or acids. Kiitzing places it among the Desmidiaceae. Char. Cells quadrangular, very narrow, closely conjoined into an elongated fila- ment. G. striatulum, K. ( Grammonema Jurgensii, Ralfs) is slender, yellowish -brown; the cells three to eight times longer than broad, slightly attenuated to each end, and sepa- rated at the angles. It does not change colour in drying ; its variety, /3. diatomoides, turns green in drying. Marine. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 187 ; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. p. 457. pi. 14. fig. 5. GRAMMATOPHORA, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules in front view rectangular, at first adnate, but afterwards forming zig- zag chains ; vittae two, longitudinal, inter- rupted in the middle and more or less curved. Marine. Valves furnished with transverse striae, in most invisible by ordinary illumi- nation, and in a few so difficult of detection that the valves have been regarded as TEST OBJECTS. Kiitzing describes thirteen species. G. marina (PL 1. fig. 14; PI. 12. fig. 35 ; PL 14. fig. 37). Striae invisible by ordinary illumination; vittae near the middle semi- circularly curved outwards; valves linear, gradually attenuated towards the obtuse ends; length 1-108 to 1-420". The form and structure of the frustules and valves appears greatly to vary. Some- times the frustules are nearly square, at others six times as long as broad. In some specimens the valves are suddenly, at others uniformly inflated at the middle (PL 1. fig. 14 b; PL 12. fig. 35 c), some have the ends capitate. Again, in some valves there is a median line and a small central nodule (PL 12. fig. 35 c), in others there is neither median line nor nodule, but a large internal ring (PL l.fig. 14 b). Lastly, in some valves the striae extend over the whole of the valves, while in others they are deficient at their ends. Some of these variations have formed the basis of distinct species, but probably with little reason. A variety, G. subtilissima, Bail. (PL 14. fig. 38 a, b), has been pointed out by Prof. Bailey, in which the form of the frustules and valves agrees with the above characters, but in which the transverse striae are ex- tremely difficult of detection when mounted in balsam. G, serpentina. Striae distinct; vittae large, serpentine, with the end curved inwards to form a kind of hook ; length 1-200". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1839. p. 126, and Ber. ejusd. 1840, &c.; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 120; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xi. p. 449; Bailey, Silliman's Journal, vii. GRAMMITIDE^E.— A sub-tribe of Poly- podaeous Ferns, with naked sori, containing three genera : I. GRAMMITIS. Sori linear or roundish, seated on certain arms of the veins. Veins simple or forked, scarcely anastomosing. II. SELLIGN^SA. Sori linear or roundish, seated on certain arms of the veins. Veins very much branched, anastomosing in more or less regular meshes, without free veins. III. SYNAMMIA. Sori oblong, seated on the back of the lowest venule. Veins branched, anastomosing into more or less regular meshes, with free venules. GRAMMITIS, Swartz.— A genus of Grammitideae (Polypodaeous Ferns), synony- mous with Ceterach. Grammitis ceterach, or Ceterach ojficinarum,is an indigenous species; the back of the fronds is densely clothed with chaffy scales and hairs, composed of cellular tissue. GRAMMONEMA, Ag. = GRAMMATO- GRANTIA. [ 297 ] GRAPHIS. GRANTIA,Fleming. — Agenus of Sponges. Char. Form variable; firmish and inelastic, usually white, with a close but porous tex- ture, and composed of a gelatinous base, with imbedded calcareous spicula; orifices distinct. Marine. Spicula simple, radiate or stellate, com- posed of carbonate of lime ; hence easily distinguished from the siliceous spicula of other sponges by their dissolving with effer- vescence in a dilute acid. The organic basis is stated not to be fibrous as in most other sponges. The seven British species are found grow- ing upon or from rocks, sea-weeds, shell-fish and zoophytes, between tide-marks. They vary in size from about the 1-10 to 3 or 4". Gemmules have not been found in them. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Sponges, Sfc. p. 172; Grant, Outlines of Compar. Anat. and Edin. New Phil. Journ. i. and ii. GRANULE-CELLS. — This term has been applied to cells found in animal solids and liquids, containing a number of globules of fat or oil (PL 30. figs. 7, 16a, 17 c). They are of variable size, perhaps the average may be placed at 1-2000"; and are easily recog- nized by the dark margins and light centres of the globules, which are insoluble in acetic acid and solution of potash. The cells some- times contain a nucleus, at others not. The term granule-cells should properly be limited to cells of new formation, as those found in inflammation, cancer, &c. ; but it has been so generally applied to cells of whatever kind, containing fatty globules, that it has no pathological signification. See DEGENERATION, FATTY, and IN- FLAMMATION. GRAPE-FUNGUS.— See OIDIUM. GRAPHIDE^E.— A family of Gymnocar- pous or open-fruited Lichens, characterized by irregularly-formed, mostly elongated apothecia, with the margins closed in, or the disk covered with a veil in the earliest state. The excipulum either special or formed by the thallus. Synopsis of British Genera. I. OPEGRAPHA, Ach. Thallus crusta- ceous or membranous. Apothecia (lirellce] elongated, simple, or branched, sessile ; ex- cipulum carbonaceous, entire or surrounding the sides and base. The disk chink-like or channelled with a proper border. II. GRAPHIS, Ach. Thallus crustaceous or membranous. Apothecia lirellseform, im- mersed ; excipulum carbonaceous, halved or confined to the side, the base being naked; disk channelled, surrounded by a proper border and an accessory one from the thallus. III. HYMENODECTON, Leighton. Thal- lus crustaceous or membranous. Apothecia lirellseform, immersed; excipulum a very thin, black, cartilaginous membrane, entire or sur- rounding the sides and base; disk broad, plane, smooth, surrounded with a very slender proper border and an accessory one derived from the thallus. IV. CHiOGRAPHA,Leight. Thallus mem- branaceous. Apothecia lirellseform or sub- discoid, sessile; excipulum carbonaceous, entire or surrounding the sides and base ; disk plane, broad, surrounded by a proper border and an accessory derived from the thallus. V. AULOCOGRAPHA, Leighton. Thallus membranaceous. Apothecia lirellseform, subimmersed, prominent ; excipulum carbo- naceous, halved or confined to the sides, palmatifid, the base naked ; disk chink-like, closed, surrounded with a proper longitudi- nally-furrowed border, and an accessory one derived from the thallus. VI. LECANACTIS, Eschweiler. Thallus crustaceous. Apothecia lirellseform or sub- discoid, immersed ; excipulum carbonaceous, entire or surrounding the sides and base; disk plane, open, pruinose, surrounded with a proper border. VII. PLATYGRAMMA, Leight. Thallus crustaceous. Apothecia lirellseform, almost simple or radiate; excipulum none; spori- ferous layer free ; disk plane, open, naked, without any margin. VIII. ARTHONiA,Ach. Thallus cartila- gineo-membranous. Apothecia roundish or difformed, tumid, innately sessile, covered with a subcartilaginous membrane, subgela- tinous within, containing immediately under the surface a series of pear-shaped thecse ; no excipulum ; disk nearly plane, without a border, black and rough. IX. CONIOCARPON, D.C. Thallus crus- taceous. Apothecia appressed, roundish- deformed or elongated, covered with a sub- cartilaginous membrane, which ultimately breaks up into a fine powder, subgelatinous within, containing a series of pear-shaped thecse ; no perithecium ; disk flat, depressed, without a border, pruinose. BIBL. Leighton, Monoar. of Brit. Gra- phidete, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vol. xiii. 1854. GRAPHIS, Ach.— A genus of Graphideae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), containing several GRASSES. [ 298 ] GRIFFITHSIA. British species very variable in their appear- ance ; mostly whitish or yellow, papery ex- pansions on bark, beset with irregular black markings like writing. BIBL. Leighton, Ann. N. H. 2 ser. iii. 264. GRASSES.— A family of Monocotyledo- nous Flowering Plants remarkable in many respects for their microscopic structures, especially the siliceous EPIDERMIS and the STARCH grains in the ENDOSPERM, for which see thpse heads. GRATELOUPIA, Ag.— A genus of Cry- ptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), represented by a very rare British species, G. filicina, rarely growing more than 2 inches high with us. Fructification minute, immersed, favellidia opening by a pore, and cruciate tetraspores vertically placed among the fila- ments of the periphery. BIBL. Harv. Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 137. pi. 17 A; Grev. Alg. Brit. pi. 16. GREGARINA, Dufour. — The curious organisms of which this genus consists, are placed provisionally among the Entozoa; they have as yet been insufficiently examined, and authors are not agreed as to their struc- ture and nature. They exist as parasites within the bodies of animals, and inhabit the intestinal canal, or the cavity of the abdomen. Most fre- quently they are met with in insects, espe- cially their larvae; but sometimes also in Annelida, both aquatic and marine (Lumbri- cus, &c.), in the Crustacea and Mollusca. They are microscopic and colourless ; mostly round, oval, fusiform or cylindrical (PL 16. figs. 25, 28, 34) ; and consist of a smooth transparent cell-wall, enclosing a granular, more or less liquid mass, with one or more nuclei and nucleoli. Sometimes they exhibit a constriction in the middle, or are divided by a transverse septum. In some a process resembling a head is situated at one end ; this may be short, round and obtuse or pointed, or more elongated and furnished with reflexed hook-like processes. The Gregarina are capable of motion, which is either that of slow progression, ensuing without contraction of the body, or produced by irregular contraction of the membrane or substance of the body. Vibratile cilia have been detected both upon the outer and the inner surface of the membrane, and the internal granules often exhibit molecular motion, especially after the addition of water. One or more long motionless filaments sometimes arise from the outer surface. The membrane and its contents, except the nucleus, are soluble in acetic acid. Their method of propagation, if such it be, represents a form of conjugation, and takes place as follows. Two individuals coming into contact by corresponding portions of the body (PI. 16. fig. 34), become shortened and firmly united. A transparent capsule is next formed around the two individuals, which encloses them in a cyst (figs. 26, 30), the adjacent portions of the cell-membranes are absorbed, and the substance of the two bodies becomes intimately fused. Globules or cells are then formed in the contents of the cell, which subsequently assume the form of Naviculee, and have been called pseudo- naviculae (erroneously navicellce] (figs. 31, 32, 33) ; these are supposed to represent the germs of new Gregarince, which become liberated by the bursting of the cell ; their further development has not been traced. It has been supposed that the pseudo- naviculae might really represent Naviculce, and that the cysts containing them were sporangia ; but this view does not appear probable, neither do the pseudo-naviculae possess a coat of silex. In some cases it appears that the contents of the two cells in conjugation remain di- stinct until the pseudo-naviculse are formed ; but it is not certain whether each single cell in these instances has not arisen from the fusion of two others. A very large number, more than eighty species, of Gregarina have been described and arranged in numerous genera, &c., as is so usual where little more than the form of the organisms is known. BIBL. Dufour, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 1837. vii.; Stein, Miiller's ArcUv, 1848, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850. v., and Infus.; Frantzius, Obser- vationes de Gregarinis, 1846 ; Henle, Mul- lets Archiv, 1835. 1845 ; Siebold, Beitr. z. Naturg. d. wirbellos. Thiere, 1839 ; Kolliker, Siebold fy Kolliker' s Zeitschr., 1848 & 1849. GRIFFITHSIA, Ag.— A genus of Cera- miaceae (Florideous Algae), with feathery fronds 3 to 6" long, composed of delicate dichotomously-branched filaments consisting of a single row of cells, the branchlets often whorled ; colour crimson or rosy red. The fructification consists of spores, antheridia and tetraspores, all produced in similar situ- ations, namely, at the articulations, where they are surrounded by a kind of involucre formed of short ramelli, to which the tetra- spores and antheridia are attached. The antheridia consist of a kind of shrubby tuft GRIMMIA. [ 299 ] GUEMBELIA. of extremely minute filaments arising from an axial filament which arises from a ramellus of the involucre. Fig. 291 represents a branch terminating in an involucre of whorled ramelli bearing tetraspores; the lowerfigure is Fig. 291. Griffithsia spluerica. Fig. 291. Fragment of a frond bearing an involucre with tetraspores. Magn. 20 diams. Detached ramellus of the involucre, showing the attach- ment of the tetraspores. Magn. 40 diams. a portion of a ramellus, showing the mode of attachment of the tetraspores. In the an- theridial involucres, the plumose antheridial structure is attached in exactly the same way. Seven British species are recorded, of which one or two are not uncommon. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 167. pi. 23 B ; Decaisne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xvii. p. 353. pi. 16 ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3rd ser. xvi. p. 16. pi. 5 ; Derbes and Solier, ibid. xiv. p. 276. pi. 36 ; Enol. Bot. pi. 1479 & 1689. GRIMMIA, Ehrhart.— A genus of Ortho- Fig. 292. Grimmia. Teeth of peristome. Magnified 150 diameters. trichaceous Mosses, containing numerous British species. Many of the species of Trichostomum of Hedwig and Schwa3grichen are placed here by Bruch and Schimper and C. Miiller. GROMIA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria. Char. Carapace brownish-yellow, mem- branous, soft, globular or oval, with a small round orifice, from which very long, filiform, branched expansions with very delicate ex- tremities protrude. Dujardin places this genus in the Rhizo- poda; Ehrenberg among the Foraminifera. It belongs properly to the Arcellina. G. oviformis. Carapace globular, with a short neck; marine; size 1-25 to 1-12". Found among marine plants. G. fiuviatilis (PL 24. fig. 15). Carapace globular or ovoid, without a neck ; aquatic ; breadth 1-280 to 1-100". Found upon Ce- ratophyllum. Schlumberger describes an aquatic Gromia (hyalina), differing from the last in size (1-860 to 1-520"), and in the carapace being colourless ; hence it probably represents the young state of G. fiuviatilis. BIBL. Dujardin, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 1835. iv. In/us, p. 252 ; Schlumberger, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 1845. iii. p. 255. GUANO. — As is well known, guano is imported into this country in large quantities as a manure. It consists principally of the excrement of birds, in a more or less decom- posed state. It affords the microscopist a means of procuring the foreign marine Dia- tomacea3, the frustules and valves of which are often contained in it in large numbers. The Diatomacea3 may be obtained from guano as recommended at page 202. GUEMBELIA, Hmp.— A genus of Or- Fig. 293. Fig. 294. Fig. 295. Guembelia fontinaloides. Fig. 293. A fertile shoot. Fig. 294. Capsule with calyptra. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 295. Teeth from the peristome. Magn. 150 diams. thotrichaceous Mosses, including various species, separated from Grimmia on account of the peculiar calyptra, and also the Cincli- dote of P. Beauvais. GUM. [ 300 ] GYRINUS. G. orbicularis, Hmpe.= Gnwmm orbicu- laris, Br. Eur. G. riparia= Cinclidotus riparia, Wils. G. fontinaloides (figs. 293-5) = Cincl. fontinaloides, P. B. GUM. — A name applied to various viscid (not oily) secretions of plants. Gums have no microscopic structure when pure and clean, but often exhibit under the microscope traces of structures, such as debris of cellular tissue, filamentous Fungi, &c., which have become imbedded in them while soft. Gum- arabic has been used sometimes for mounting objects, in the same way as Canada balsam, but it is not a satisfactory material. Sections of very soft tissues or very minute objects may be made by imbuing them with or immersing them in solution of gum and allowing the whole to dry up to a tough, semisolid mass, capable of being sliced with a razor. The slices are freed from gum by soaking in water. GUTTA-PERCHA.— A kind of gum-resin produced by the evaporation of the milky juice of the Isonandra gutta, one of the family of the Sapotaceae, a native of Sumatra and the neighbouring regions. Its relation to the microscope arises from its use in a solid form and as cement, in mounting mi- croscopic objects in cells. See CEMENTS and PREPARATIONS. GYGES, Bory.— Described by Ehrenberg as a genus of Volvocineae, having neither eye-spot, tail, nor flagelliform filament ; the carapace(cell-membrane) simple, subglobose. Motion very slow. He gives two species : G. granulum (PI. 41. fig. 14). Ovate or subglobose, internal granular mass dark green; diam. 1-1150". Aquatic. G. bipartitus. Nearly spherical, internal mass yellowish-green, frequently bipartite; diam. 1 -480". Aquatic. So far as appears from the descriptions and figures, these do not seem to differ from PROTOCOCCUS. (For G. sanguineus, Shuttleworth, see RED SNOW.) BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 51. GYMNOGONGRUS, Mart.— A genus of Cryptonemiacese (Florideous Algae), with horny branched fronds, the divisions cylin- drical or compressed, a few inches high, of a purplish-red colour. The substance of the branches presents three layers of closely- packed filamentous cells, the central longi- tudinal, the intermediate curved, and the peripherical horizontal and monilif orm . The spores have not been observed; the tetra- spores (cruciate) are arranged in monili- form rows, in wart-like thickenings of the branches. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 145. pi. 18 B ; Engl. Bot. pi. 1089 & 1926. GYMNOGRAMMA, Desv.— A genus of exotic Gymnogrammeae ( Poly pod aeousFerns ), some of the species of which are remarkable for a yellow or white pulverulent appearance on the back of the fronds, owing to the presence of abundance of microscopic cellu- lar hairs, ex. gr. G. Calomelanos, G. chryso- phvlla, ochracea, &c. GYMNOGRAMMEJE.— A. sub-tribe of Polypodaeous Ferns, containing several in- teresting exotic genera. I. GYMNOGRAMMA. Sori on the backs of all the veins and venules. Veins pinnate or forked, scarcely anastomosing. II. HEMIONITIS. Sori on the backs of all the veins and venules. Veins very much branched, anastomosing in more or less regular meshes. III. ANTROPHIUM. Sori imbedded in the back of all the veins and venules. Veins very much branched, anastomosing in more or less regular meshes. GYMNOMITRIUM, Corda.— A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticaceae), containing one British alpine species, the Jungermannia concinnata of the British Flora. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jungerm. pi. 3; Ekart, Synops. Jungerm. pi. 8. fig. 63; Engl. Bot. pi. 1022. GYMNOSPERMIA.— A division of the Flowering Plants (see VEGETABLE KING- DOM),includingtheCoNIFER^E,GNETACE^E, and CYCADACE^E ; deriving this name from the mode of development of the OVULES. GYMNOSPORANGIUM, D. C. — A genus of Cseomacei (Coniomycetous Fungi, see also UREDINEI). G. Juniperinum grows upon living branches of the common Juniper, appearing at first like an exanthema on the bark, which in wet weather swells up into an orange-coloured tremelloid, plicate mass, which readily dries up, however, and then is scarcely visible. Somewhat rare, but when present generally copious. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, vi. part 2. p. 361 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 505. GYMNOSTOMUM, Schwagr.—A genus of Mosses, now distributed into PYRAMI- DIUM, PHYSCOMITRIUM and other genera. BIBL. Miiller, Syn. Muscorum ; Bruch and Schimper, Bryologia Europeea. GYRINUS, Geoffr.— A genus of Coleo- pterous insects, of the family Gyrinidae. G. natator, one of the eight British spe- GYRINUS. [ 301 ] GYROSIGMA. cies of this genus, is very commonly seen in groups performing its gyrations upon the surface of pools or rivers, whence it has re- ceived the popular name of whirligig. The body is ovate, or elliptic and de- pressed, the elytra black and shining. The antennae are short and retractile within a cavity in front of the eyes ; the basal joint mi- nute, the second large, globular, and furnished externally with an ear-like joint fringed with colourless, flattened, hair-like processes ; the remaining seven joints form a clavate mass, being very short and closely united, the first commencing by a very narrow base or pe- dicle. The eyes are divided into two parts by a transverse septum, the upper of which serves for viewing objects in the air, the lat- ter those in water; by some authors these insects are described as possessing four di- stinct eyes. The terminal segment of the abdomen is furnished with two retractile ciliated lobes. The two fore-legs are long, and of the ordinary form, whilst the four hind legs (PI. 27. fig. 5), which are used as oars, are short, flat, and dilated ; the femur (d) and tibia (c) somewhat triangular, the tibia also fringed with short spines and long, flat- tened filaments ; in the middle pair of legs (e) the latter exist on both margins, whilst in the hind legs these are present only on the outer margin. The tarsi (a) are five-jointed, the three basal joints produced on the inside into long, flat, leaf-like lobes fringed with spines ; the fourth joint is of about the same size, and semicircular, the fifth being very short and attached to the fourth near the end, and both are fringed on their outer margin with flattened filaments resembling those upon the tibia; all the tarsi are fur- nished with two distinct claws. The anterior tarsi of the male differ from those of the female, as in Dytiscus. The circulating currents can be seen in the hind legs. The larva (PI. 28. fig. 19), which is aquatic, is of a dirty-white colour, long, narrow, and depressed, resembling a small centipede ; it consists of thirteen segments including the head. Its antennae are filiform and four- jointed ; the eyes numerous and tubercular, grouped on each side of the head. The three pairs of legs are attached to the eight anterior segments of the body ; the remain- ing segments are furnished on each side with a branchial filament, excepting the last, which has two of them, and four minute conical points, bent downwards, and used by the insect when in motion. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, fyc. i. p. 105. GYROPUS, Nitzsch.— A genus of mandi- bulate Anoplura (Insects), of the family Liotheidae. Char. Tarsi two-jointed, with a single claw. Mandibles without teeth ; maxillary palpi conical and four-jointed ; labial palpi none ; antennas four-jointed; thorax two-jointed; abdomen ten-jointed. G. ovalis (PI. 28. fig. 8). Head ferrugi- nous, transverse, with a lateral produced lobe on each side ; thorax and legs ferrugi- nous ; abdomen nearly orbicular, yellowish- white ; claws long, curved and strong ; length 1-48". Found upon the guinea-pig (Cavia co- bay a). G. gracilis. Head and thorax ferruginous ; abdomen elongate, segments with a transverse striated band at each suture ; ungues very short and minute ; length 1-36". Found also upon the guinea-pig. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monographia. GYROSIGMA, Hass. (Pleurosigma, Sm.). — A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules single, free, longer than broad; front view linear or linear-lanceolate; valves navicular, sigmoid, with a longitudinal line, and anodule in the centre and at each end. The group of species arranged in this ge- nus should properly form a subgenus of Navicula, inasmuch as the sigmoid form of the valves, upon which the distinguishing character is founded, does not exist in all the species of Gyrosigma to a greater extent than that in which it occurs in some species of Navicula ; in some, its only indication is a slight inequality in the two halves of the valves. The median line and nodules consist of an internal thickening of the valves at the corresponding parts, the line is best seen in the front view (PL 11. fig. 16) ; it is occasionally found in afractured valve, projecting as a solid highly refractive rod, the thinner adjacent portions of the valve being broken away ; for brevity, it may be called the keel. The valves exhibit spurious striae, arising from the existence of rows of dots (depres- sions), of which we have already treated under DIATOMACESE. These striae and dots are in most species very difficult to detect, requiring the use of oblique light, and the stops; the principles which should guide in the search for them have been explained under ANGULAR APERTURE ; the prelimi- nary preparation of the valves is also essen- tial (DlATOMACE^B, p. 202). GYROSIGMA. [ 302 ] GYROSIGMA. Most of the species are found in salt or brackish water; a few are aquatic. They often abound upon the surface of mud. Conjugation or the formation of sporangia has not been observed. The frustules are sometimes found enveloped in amorphous mucus, and those of one species have been found within gelatinous tubes. Many species have been described, of which those that have been used as TEST- OBJECTS will be enumerated. We must, however, express our belief that they cannot truly be regarded as distinct species, unless of microscopic objects, if the term may be permitted. The measurements are mostly those of the Rev. Mr. Smith and Mr. Beck, with which our own have coincided as nearly as could be expected. The species are arranged according to the fineness of the markings, which coincides withthe difficulty with which they are detected and resolved into dots ; and the appended figures express the number of striae or rows of dots in 1-1000". Stria oblique (dots alternate or quin- cuncial, PI. 11. fig. 40). G. formosum (PI. 11. fig. 25). Broadly linear, attenuated towards the ends; si^- moidure evident; keel oblique ; length 1-60'; striae 36. Marine. G. decorum (PI. 11. fig. 26). Rhomboid- linear; attenuated; sigmoidure very evident; keel oblique ; length 1-90"; striae 36. Marine. G. speciosum (fig. 28). Linear-lanceolate; sigmoidure resulting from the curvature of one margin of each half of the valve, the opposite margin of each respective half being nearly straight; keel in each half forming two curves, very oblique near the end; length 1-90"; marine; striae 44. The halves of the valves resemble the blade of a pocket- knife. G. strigosum (fig. 29). Linear-lanceolate, ends rather obtuse, sigmoidure slight ; keel nearly straight in the middle, curved near the ends; length 1-90"; striae 45. Marine. Fig. 40 represents the striae resolved into dots. G. quadratum (fig. 34). Rhomboidal, acuminate at the ends ; sigmoidure evident towards the ends ; keel curved, nearly me- dian; length 1-150"; marine; striae 45. G. elongatum(Pl. 11. fig. 31, and PI. 1. fig. 18). Linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; sigmoid- ure slight, uniform; keel median; length 1-80''; marine; striae 48. G. rigidum (fig. 30). Linear-lanceolate, obtuse at the ends ; sigmoidure slight ; keel nearly median; length 1-70"; marine; striae 48. G. angulatum (Navicula angulata) (PL 11. fig. 33). Rhomboid-lanceolate or angular- lanceolate ; sigmoidure evident ; keel nearly median; length 1-110"; marine; striae 52. PI. 1. fig. 16 represents a valve with the striae resolved into dots ; PI. 1 1 . fig. 41 represents the dots more highly magnified. PL 1 1 . fig. 33 a represents a specimen with the endochrome and nucleus. /3 (fig. 33 b). Simply and narrowly lan- ceolate, ends acute. y (fig. 33 c). Ends beaked, abruptly flexed. G. (Bstuarii (fig. 35). Lanceolate ; ends abruptly tapering, short and beak -like ; sig- moidure evident ; keel not median ; length 1-250"; marine; striae 54. G. intermedium (fig. 36). Narrowly linear - lanceolate, acute; sigmoidure none, or merely indicated by a slight inequality in the oppo- site margins of the valves; keel nearly straight and almost median; length 1-140"; marine ; striae 55. ft G. nubecula. Ends obtuse; slightly more lanceolate, and shorter ; marine ; striae 55. G. delicatulum (fig. 32). Very narrowly linear-lanceolate; sigmoidure evident; keel nearly central; marine; length 1-130"; striae 64. G. obscurum (fig. 27). Linear, attenuated near the ends ; sigmoidure slight, principally arising from the curvature of one margin of each half of the valve; keel not median, especially near the ends; marine; length 1-200"; striae 75. Strife longitudinal and transverse (dots opposite, PL 11. figs. 39, 42). In most of the following species or forms the dots are not equidistant in the longitu- dinal and transverse rows. G. strigilis (fig. 12). Linear-lanceolate ; sigmoidure evident; keel nearly median, flexure double ; marine ; length 1-75 ; striae : longitudinal 40, transverse 36. G. balticum (fig. 10). Broadly linear, narrowed at the ends ; sigmoidure apparent at the ends only, and produced principally by the curvature of one margin only ; keel not median, flexure double ; marine ; length 1-80" ; striae, both sets, 38. Fig. 39, piece of valve, showing dots. ^. Gradually tapering towards the ends ; striae obscure. H^MATINE. [ 303 ] H^EMATOIDINE. G. Hippocampus (fig. 13). Narrowly lanceolate, gradually attenuated towards the broad, very obtuse ends; sigmoidure evi- dent ; keel nearly median; marine or brackish water; length J-160"; striae: long. 32, tr. 40. G. attenuatum (fig. 15, PL 1. fig. 17). Linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends; sigmoid- ure slight ; keel nearly median ; marine and aquatic; length 1-120"; stria;: long. 30, tr.<40. G. lacustre (fig. 18). Linear-lanceolate, ends rather obtuse ; sigmoidure evident ; keel almost median ; aquatic; length 1-130"; striae, both sets, 48. G. tenuissimum (fig. 24). Narrowly linear, attenuate towards the ends ; sigmoidure evi- dent; keel nearly central; aquatic; length 1-180"; striae, both sets, 48. G. Spencerii (fig. 17). Linear-lanceolate ? sigmoidure evident ; keel nearly median ; aquatic; length 1-200"; striae: long. 55, tr. 50. G. littorale (fig. 19). Lanceolate, ends somewhat prolonged; sigmoidure evident; keel median; aquatic; length 1-180"; striae : long. 24, tr. 50. Fig. 42 represents the dots upon part of a valve. G. acuminatum (fig. 14). Linear-lanceo- late, acuminate; sigmoidure evident; keel median; aquatic; length 1-150"; striae: long. 40, tr. 52. G. fasciola (fig. 21). Linear-lanceolate, with linear beak-like ends ; sigmoidure evi- d$nt; marine; length 1-200; striae: long. (?), tr. 64. G. prolongatum (fig. 23). Very narrowly linear -lanceolate, acuminate, with linear beak-like ends; sigmoidure present in the ends only; keel nearly median; marine; length 1-200"; striae : long. (?), tr. 65. G. distortum (fig. 20). Lanceolate; ends slightly produced and beak-like ; sigmoidure evident; keel central ; marine ; length 1-300"; striae : long. 65, tr. 75. G. macrum (fig. 22). Very narrowly linear-lanceolate; ends produced into long beak-like processes; sigmoidure produced by the ends of the beaks only ; keel median ; length 1-100"; striae, long. (?), tr. 85. BIBL. Hassall, Freshwater Algce, p. 435; Smith, Brit. Diatom, i. p. 61; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. and Bacill. ; Rabenhorst, D. susswass. Diat. H. H^EMATINE.— The red colouring matter of the blood, in the globules of which it exists combined with globuline. It possesses no morphological characters. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. HLEMATOCOCCUS. See PROTOCOC- cus and GL^OCAPSA. ELEMATOIDINE.— This substance, to which Virchow first drew attention, is not unfrequently met with in masses of extrava- sated blood which have remained for some time in the living bodies of the Vertebrata, as in old apoplectic clots, sanguineous extrava- sations resultingfrom contusions and wounds, the effusions accompanying the rupture of the Graafian vesicles, &c. It occurs in the form of granules, globules, and distinct crystals. These are somewhat highly refractive, and mostly of a ruby-red or yellowish-red colour ; they are stated also to have been found colourless. The most common forms are represented in PL 9. fig. 16, and they appear to belong to two distinct systems, — the oblique rhombic prismatic, and the regular system. The properties of haematoidine are as in- constant as the crystalline form, and it is probable that several different substances have been ranged under the above title, or perhaps modifications of the same substance in different states of hydration ; for so insu- perable has been the difficulty of obtaining haematoidine in quantity and a state of purity, that its true nature has not been satisfactorily determined. It is mostly insoluble or difficultly soluble in water, alcohol, aether, acetic and dilute mineral acids, and solution of potash. Some- times it is soluble in acetic acid with a yellow colour, at others readily so in water. An amorphous, colourless proteine-sub- stance is sometimes separated from the cry- stals by the action of mineral acids. There seems to be but little doubt that haematoidine consists principally of the hae- matine of the blood in a crystalline form ; it is also related in composition to bilifulvine (see BILIFULVINE). Haematoidine may be artificially procured from various sources ; perhaps most readily from the blood of fishes by spontaneous evaporation. The blood of the spleen of the horse changes almost entirely into prismatic crystals of it in drying. In obtaining the crystals, the presence of the serum is preju- dicial, and it should be washed away with a small quantity of water. If recently dried blood be treated with a vegetable acid (acetic, oxalic acid, &c.), a drop of the solution be placed upon a slide, covered with thin glass, ILEMATOPINUS. [ 304 ] HAIR. and kept at a temperature of 80° to 100° F., the crystals may also be obtained. This re- action might be of use in judicial investiga- tions. The addition of water, and a little alcohol or aether to the blood, sometimes favours the separation of the crystals. Crystals of haematoidine have been found within the blood-globules prior to the addi- tion of reagents. Their preservation is difficult ; it is best effected by washing them with alcohol, or this liquid somewhat diluted with water, and drying them under the air-pump, or over sulphuric acid. BIBL. Virchow, Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm. 1851, June (Chem. Gaz. 1852); Funke, Zeitsch. f. rat. Med. 1851. i. p. 172, 1852. ii. pp. 199 & 288; Kunde, ibid. 1852. ii. p. 271 ; Lehmann, Journ.f. prakt. Chemie,lv. p. 65 (Chem. Gaz. 1852, x. p. 273) ; Ber. d. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. z. Leipzig, 1852. p. 78 (Chem. Gaz. 1853. xi. p. 442), and Physiol Chemie; Sanderson, Edinb. Monthly Journ. xiii. pp. 216. 521 ; Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat.; Teichmann, Zeitsch. f. rat. Med. 1853. iii. p. 375. H^MATOPINUS, Leach.— A genus of Insects, of the order Anoplura, and family Pediculidae. Char. Legs all formed for climbing ; tho- rax generally narrower than the abdomen, and distinctly separated from it ; abdomen composed of eight or nine segments. This genus contains several species, which live as parasites upon various animals, — the field-mouse, rat, dog, ox, horse, ass, calf, hog, rabbit, hare, squirrel, &c. H. suis (PI. 28. fig. 4; fig. 4*, anterior leg). Dusky ferruginous ; abdomen grey or ashy- yellow, flat and membranaceous, with a black horny excrescence surrounding each of the white spiracles ; legs long and thick ; femur transversely striped ; tibia very abruptly cla- vate, dark-coloured at the end ; tarsi with a large fleshy pulvillus. Found upon pigs out of condition ; length 1-10 to 1-6". BIBL. Denny, Monogr. Anopl. Brit. p. 24 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. 301. H^EMOCHARIS,Sav.(PwcicoZa,Blainv.). A genus of Annulata. H. piscium (Piscicola geometra) is a leech-like animal, found upon the carp, tench, roach, &c. Length 1 to 2", BIBL. Leo, Mutter's Archiv, 1835; Ley- dig, Siebold and Kb'lliker's Zeitschr. i. ; Brightwell, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1842. ix. 11. HJ3MOPIS, Sav.— A genus of Annulata. H. sanguisorba, the common horse-leech. In this animal the teeth are less numerous and more obtuse than in the medicinal leech (Hirudo ojficinalis). HAIL. — The microscopic structure of hail-stones does not appear to be uniform. In some a central nucleus surrounded by concentric layers has been noticed; in others the nucleus is enveloped by a radiating cry- stalline crust ; or again, the entire mass has been found to consist of little spheres of ice. When hail-stones liquefy, a copious evolution of gas takes place. Hail-stones may best be collected for examination in a blanket, which being a bad conductor of heat, retains them longest in the solid state. Connected with the structure and formation of hail-stones, is the composition of spherules of condensed vapour. These are generally believed to consist of films of water enclosing portions of air, but Dr. Waller's observations have led him to the conclusion that they are simply composed of water. If the former view were correct, those hail-stones which consist of aggregations of icy spherules, should contain air within them, which does not appear to be the case; but in deciding this question, attention must be paid to the principles laid down in the INTRODUCTION, p. xxxii, /., which will afford a simple means of deciding the point. In some liquefied hail-stones, the spores of fungi and algae, with infusoria, have been found. BIBL. Pouillet, Elemens de Physique, ii.; Waller, Phil. Trans. 1847. p. 23; id. Phil. Mag. 1846. xxix. p. 103 and 1847. xxx. p. 159 ; Harting. Skizzen aus d. Natur. HAIR, OP ANIMALS. — The structure of the hair of animals is very complicated, and requires careful manipulation for its investi- gation. We shall commence with the hair of man, in which it has been the most per- fectly examined. Human hair. When a hair is viewed under a low power, it appears black at the sides and light in the middle, so as to convey a notion of its being a tube ; such is not, however, the case, although this notion was long admitted. The hairs are secreted by the skin, and consist of modified epidermic formations. Each is implanted in a cutaneous depression, termed the hair-follicle (fig. 296), at the bottom of which it is fixed by a dilatation called the knob or bulb of the hair (c). The free portion, or that projecting beyond the skin, is the shaft or scape (a); and that above HAIR. [ 305 ] HAIR. the bulb but contained within the follicle, is Fig. 296. I Magnified 50 diameters. A hair of moderate size, contained in its follicle, a , shaft ; b, root ; c, bulb or knob ; d, cuticle of the hair ; e, inner sheath of the root ; /, outer sheath of the root ; g, structureless membrane of the hair-follicle ; h, transverse and longitudinal fibrous layer of the same ; i, papilla ; k, excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands or follicles, with their epithelial and fibrous layer ; I, cutis of the orifice of the hair-follicle ; m, rete mucosum ; n, cutaneous epi- dermis ; o, termination of the inner sheath of the root. the root (b). The bulb encloses or surrounds a conical or rounded body (i), the papilla or iree varieties of hair are met with upon different parts of the body : 1, consisting of long, soft hairs, from 1 to 3" and more in length; as the hair of the head ; 2, short, rigid and thicker hairs, from 1-4 to 1-2" in length, as in the eye-lashes; and 3, short, very slender hairs, from 1-12 to 1-6" in length, as in the down or woolly hairs of the face, the back and extremities. When the shaft of a hair is examined under the microscope by transmitted light, two structures are mostly distinguishable, a median, more or less black, somewhat irre- gularly granular and linear portion—the medulla or pith ; and an outer, fibrous- looking portion, mostly more or less coloured, according to the colour of the hair, the cortex, cortical or fibrous portion. The cortical portion is that upon which the firmness, elasticity, and colour of the hair depends, and constitutes the greater portion of its bulk. It exhibits numerous longitudinal stria?, or interrupted dark lines and dots. When acted upon by strong sul- Fig. 297. Magnified 350 diameters. Plates and cells of the cortical substance of a hair, after treatment with acetic acid. A, separated cells : 1, front view (three of them isolated, two united) ; 2, side view. B, a layer, composed of several cells. X HAIR. [ 306 ] HAIR. phuric or some other acid at a gentle heat, it becomes at first resolved into plates or fibres (fig. 297 B) of the most varied sizes, both as to length and breadth ; but if the action of the acid be continued, these fibres become separated into cells (fig. 297^). These cells present uneven surfaces, and a more or less elliptical outline, their true form being spindle-shaped ; but they are mostly flattened and angular, or curved from mutual pressure, resulting from their aggregation into the shaft of the hair. The cells are about 1-300 to 1-500" in length, and from 1-6000 to 1-2200" in breadth. They mostly contain elongated, dark-looking nuclei, 1-400 to 1-1 100" in length; these are well seen in a colourless hair, heated with soda or potash (fig. 298 Ab, and B) ; in coloured Fig. 298. Magnified 350 diameters. A, Portion of a white hair after treatment with soda. «, nucleated cells of medulla, free from air ; b, cortical substance with fibrillation and linear nuclei ; c, cuticle. B, three isolated nuclei from the cortex. hair they also contain pigment-granules, to which the colour of the hair is principally owing. The pigment-granules are exceed- ingly minute, about 1-50,000" in diameter, rounded, and as existing in the hair, are mostly arranged in linear groups, their colour and number varying with that of the hair. The pigment-granules are best sepa- rated by the action of caustic potash or soda, and they frequently exhibit molecular motion. The striated and dotted appearance of the shaft of hairs is not produced simply by the nuclei, nor by the pigment, but arises in part also from the unequal refraction of the light by the various parts of the cells, and from the presence of minute spaces filled with air. The nature of each can always be determined by attention to the principles laid down in the INTRODUCTION. Towards the bulb, the cells of the cortex are more distinct, less elongated, and as well as the nuclei more easily isolated when treated with acids (fig. 299) ; whilst in the Fig. 299. Fig. 300. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 299. Two striated cells from the cortex of the root close aboTe the bulb, with nuclei. Fig. 300. Cells from the deepest portions of the bulb : a, from a coloured bulb, with pigment- granules and partly concealed nuclei ; b, from a white hair, with distinct nuclei and a few granules. bulb itself they are round (fig. 300), 1-4000 to 1-1800" in diameter, closely crowded, and sometimes containing only a colourless nucleus, at others pigment-granules. The medulla, like the cortex, consists of a number of cells. Its structure is best ob- served in a hair which has been treated with soda or potash. The cells are then seen to be arranged in one or more linear series (fig. 298 a] ; they are angular or rounded, 1-2000 to 1-1000" in diameter; and if the action of the alkali has not been too long continued, they exhibit a nucleus ; they fre- quently also contain one or more granules or globules of fat (fig. 302). In the shaft and upper part of the root of the hair, these cells contain air, which gives them a dark or black appearance by transmitted light ; and it was the generally received opinion, until we pointed out the error several years ago, that this darkness or blackness arose from the presence of pigment. The contrary, however, may be easily proved by macerating the hair in oil of turpentine or any liquid, when the air escapes in bubbles and becomes HAIR. [ 307 ] Fig. 301. Magnified 250 diameters. Portion of the root of a dark hair, slightly acted upon by soda : a, medulla, the cells still containing air ; b, cortex with pigment ; c, inner cuticular layer ; d , outer cuticular layer ; e, inner layer of the inner root-sheath ; /, outer perforated layer of the same. HAIR. consisting of flat, imbricated, epi- thelial scales. In the natural state of the hair, the existence of these scales is only indicated by the Fig. 303. •Wtt Magnified 160 diams. A, surface of the shaft of a white hair, the curved lines indicating the free margins of the epidermic scales. B, scales isolated by the action of soda. displaced by the liquid ; moreover, on drying Fig. 302. Magnified 360 diameters. Medullary cells with pale nuclei and fatty granules, from a hair treated with soda. the hair, the air and black appearance return. PI. 22. fig. 1 represents a white hair, in which the medullary cells of the lower part are filled with Canada balsam, whilst those of the upper portion still contain air. Again, examination by reflected light is equally con- clusive, for under it the black medullary por- tions become white, which would not be the case did the blackness arise from pigment. PI. 22. fig. 9 illustrates this in the hair of the Lion ; where a represents the hair as seen by transmitted, and b, by reflected light. Cuticular coat. The shaft and root of the hair, above the termination of the inner root-sheath, are coated externally by a firmly adherent, thin, simple, membranous layer, presence of irregularly transverse and ana- stomosing lines seen upon the surface, or slight dentation of the margin (fig. 70 A). But when the hair has been treated with an acid or an alkali, the scales become sepa- rated. Their free margins are directed to- wards the unattached end of the hair. The scales are much more distinct without treat- ment in the hair of the newly-born infant (PI. 22. fig. 3). They are very transparent, somewhat quadrangular, flattened or curved cells (fig. 303 B), not containing a nucleus ; their margins or edges are often black, and as the other parts are transparent, they are apt to be overlooked. They are about 1-700 to 1-500" in length, and one-half or one-third of this in diameter. In the lower part of the root, below the termination of the root-sheath, the cuticular coat is double, or consists of two layers. The above-mentioned cuticle of the shaft and upper part of the root forms the con- tinuation of the innermost of these, which possesses nearly the same structure, except that the scales of which it consists are some- what longer, and directed more obliquely out- wards. These layers are best seen in a hair treated with an alkali, especially with the aid x2 HAIR. [ 3< of pressure; they then become separated (fig. 301 ), the inner, with the root of the hair, assuming an undulating form, and remaining firmly adherent (c); whilst the outer (d} re- mains attached to the inner root-sheath, its cells also being broad and without nuclei. At the bulb, both these layers become trans- formed into soft cells, broader than long, with transverse nuclei, finally becoming fused with the round cells of the bulb. The hair-follicles are pouches, about 1-10 to 1-4" in length, pretty closely surrounding the hairs, and extending in the short hairs into the substance of the upper layer of the cutis ; but in the long hairs, into its deepest portion, or even into the subcutaneous cel- lular tissue. They may be regarded as pro- longations of the skin, with its components, the cutis, basement-membrane, and epider- mis. Hence three parts are distinguishable in them : an external, fibrous, very vascular portion, the proper hair-follicle, a basement- membrane, and a non- vascular cellular coat, — the epidermis of the follicle, or, because it surrounds the root of the hair, the root- sheath. The fibrous portion of the follicle consists of two layers or membranes. The outer one (fig. 296 h) is the thicker, and contains ves- sels and nerves. Its inner surface is con- nected with the inner layer ; externally it is attached to the surrounding areolar tissue ; and above it is continuous with the outer layer of the cutis. It consists of common areolar tissue, the fibres of which are longi- tudinal, with elongated, spindle-shaped nu- clei. The inner layer (fig. 304 a) is much more delicate, and only extends from the base of the hair-follicle to the orifice of the sebaceous follicles. It consists of a single layer of transverse fibres, with long and nar- row nuclei, resembling unstriated muscular fibres. The third layer (fig. 304 6), or basement- membrane, is transparent and structureless, and extends from the base of the follicle, without apparently covering the papilla, as far as the inner root-sheath, and perhaps higher. It presents delicate transverse anastomos- ing lines, producing a fibrous appearance. The pulp or papilla of the hair (fig. 296 i) belongs to the follicle, and corresponds to a papilla of the skin. It is rounded or oval, 1-96 to 1-480" in length, is connected with the fibrous coat of the follicle by a kind of stalk, and consists of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue with nuclei and granules of fat, but contains no cells. Magnified 300 diameters. Portion of the inner fibrous coat and basement-mem- brane of a hair-follicle: a, inner coat with transverse fibres and elongated transverse nuclei ; d, basement- membrane, seen as it were in section ; r, its lacerated margins ; d, fine lines (fibres ?) on its inner surface. The two root-sheaths consist of the epi- dermic covering of the hair- follicle. The outer (fig. 296/) is the continuation of the rete mucosum of the skin, and lines the en- tire follicle. Its lower part is in contact externally with the basement membrane of the follicle; but above the termination of the inner transverse layer of the follicle, it is in direct contact with the outer or longitu- dinal layer. It consists of several layers of nucleated cells, resembling those of the rete mucosum of the skin, the outer having their long axis perpendicular to that of the hair ; the others, especially towards the bulb, being rounded. This outer root-sheath is most distinct in the follicles of the skin of the negro, from which it may be withdrawn with the epidermis after maceration. The inner root-sheath (fig. 301, e, /) forms a transparent, very firm and elastic, yellowish membrane, extending from near the base of the hair-follicle to near the mouths of the sebaceous follicles, where it terminates ab- HAIR. [ 309 ] HAIR. ruptly with a jagged margin. Externally it is connected with the outer root-sheath, in- ternally with the outer layer of the cuticle of the hair ; hence no interval exists natu- rally between it and the hair. At first sight it appears as a perfectly homogeneous mem- brane, but on closer examination it is seen to be distinctly cellular; it consists of two or three layers of polygonal, longish, trans- parent cells, with their long axis parallel to that of the hair. The outermost (Henle's) layer (figs. 301 /, 305 A] consists of long, Fig. 305. Magnified 350 diameters. Elements of the inner root-sheath. A, external layer : 1, isolated plates ; 2, the same in connexion, showing the interspaces (a) between the cells (b). B, cells of the inner non-perforated layer. C, nucleated cells of the lower part of the inner sheath, which consists of a single layer only. flattened, non-nucleated cells, from l-/00to 1-500'' in length, with fissures between them, forming a fenestrated layer. The innermost (Huxley's) layer (figs. 301 e, 305 B) consists of one or two layers of shorter and broader polygonal cells, from 1-1200 to 1-600" in length ; their nuclei, which exist in the lower part only of the coat, are often broader at the ends than in the middle, sometimes curved and pointed. At the base of the hair-follicle, the inner root-sheath consists of a single layer only of beautiful, polygonal, nucleated cells (fig. 305 c) ; these becoming soft, delicate and rounded, gradually pass into the outer layers of the round cells of the bulb. In regard to development, the rudiments of the hair appear as processes of the rete mucosum descending into the substance of the cutis. These are solid and consist of cells, the internal of which become horny and form first a small slender hair in the axis of the process, next an inner sheath surrounding the former, whilst the outer cells remain soft, and form the outer sheath and the cells of the bulb. After birth the foetal hair appears to be completely shed, new hairs being formed in the old follicles, which displace the first set, as shown in figs. 306, 307. Fig. 306. A. Fig. 307. Magnified 20 diameters. Eye-lashes of a child a year old. A exhibits a process (TO) of the bulb or outer root-sheath, in which the central cells are elongated, and form a cone distinct from the outer cells. B, one more advanced, in which the inner cone has become developed into a hair and an inner root- sheath : a, outer, b, inner root-sheath of the young hair ; c, pit for the pulp ; d, bulb ; e, shaft of the old hair ; f, bulb, g, shaft, A, summit of the young hair ; f, sebaceous follicles ; k, three sudoriparous ducts opening into the upper part of the hair-follicle. HAIR. [ 310 ] HAIR. The hairs sometimes found developed upon mucous membranes, and within encysted tumours and ovarian cysts, possess the nor- mal structure in every respect. Of the morbid states of the human hair, we need mention only the loss and change of colour, and the presence of fungi. When the colour entirely vanishes, and the hair becomes white or grey, the cells of the me- dulla contain abundance of air. This arises from a kind of degeneration or impaired nu- trition ; the liquid contents of the cells are not supplied in sufficient quantity; they therefore evaporate, and the cells being pre- vented from collapsing by their adhesion to each other and to the firm cortex, become filled with air, which replaces what would otherwise constitute a vacuum. Fungi are found in FAVUS upon the cortex of the hair, within the follicles, and even within the hair itself, as is stated. In Porrigo decalvans also, fungi are stated to occur in the hairs ; we can affirm positively that this is not correct, even when the disease has lasted for years. The principal differences between the hair of man and of animals, and that of animals from each other, relate to — 1, the size; 2, the relative proportions of the cortical and medullary structures ; 3, the locality of the pigment ; 4, the arrangement of the medul- lary cells; 5, the comparative amount of true hair, and woolly hair, down, or wool; and 6, the size and projection of the super- ficial cortical cells or scales, upon which the valuable property of felting depends. Of these we shall give a brief sketch (PL 1. figs. 1-3, and PL 22). The hair of the Mammalia generally is formed upon the same plan as that of man ; great variety, however, exists in its com- plexity of structure and the arrangement of the component parts. Quadrumana (PI. 22. figs. 4 & 5). In the monkey (Indian) (fig. 4), the hair presents much of the same structure as in man ; the pigment is confined to the cortex, but the air- cells of the medulla are larger and less crowded ; this is seen to a greater extent in the hair of the lemur (fig. 5). Cheiroptera. In the bats (PL 1. fig. 2; PL 22. figs. 6 & 7), a striking character is the peculiar development of the cortical scales of the surface. In the hair of the common bat (PL 1. fig. 2), which is one of the TEST-OBJECTS, and Australian bat (PL 22. fig. 7), this character is not so striking as in that of the Indian bat (PL 22. fig. 6), in which the scales are grouped in whorls at pretty regular intervals along the shaft, and project considerably beyond the surface. The pigment is principally confined to these whorled scales. In some of the white hairs of the bat, the individual scales are very beautifully seen (PL 1. fig. 2 c). Insectivora. The hair of the mole (fig. 8) bears some resemblance to that of the bats ; but the cells of the medulla are very distinct. (See SPINES). Carnivora (figs. 9-13). In this Class the structure of the hair varies considerably. In the lion (fig. 9) the cortical cells are distinct, but not projecting ; the medullary cells are very numerous, and the air-spaces mi- nute, but closely aggregated, as we often find them in the human hair. In the bear (fig. 10), the large hairs present much the same structure as in the lion ; the wool-hairs differ strikingly from these, however, in the distinctness of the cortical and medullary cells. Pachydermata (figs. 14-17). In this Class the hairs present a development correspond- ing with that of the skin ; being very thick and complex in structure. In the elephant (fig. 15, transverse section), each hair resem- bles a number of hairs fused together. Scattered through its substance are pale spots formed by cells containing little or no pig- ment, with an irregular perforation in each, probably arising from rupture of the cells. Surrounding these medullary centres are innumerable cortical cells loaded with pig- ment. In the pig (fig. 16), the distinction between the cortex and medulla is not well marked, and the cells assume a radial direc- tion, as indicated by those which contain most pigment. In the Cheiropotamus (fig. 17) the distinction is more evident. Ruminantia (figs. 18-22). In this Class the hair presents great variety. In the camel (fig. 18) and dromedary (fig. 19), the true hair exhibits much the same structure as that of the higher classes ; whilst in the deer (fig. 20, moose-deer; fig. 21, musk- deer) the medullary portion is enormously developed at the expense of the cortical portion ; in no hairs is the cellular structure more distinct than in the two latter, the medulla closely resembling a piece of vege- table cellular tissue. The wool-hair in this class presents the characteristic structure. That of the camel (fig. 18 b) agrees in struc- ture with the type of wool from the sheep (fig. 22) in its softness, flexibility and wavi- ness, and in the distinctness of the cortical cells. HAIR. [ 311 ] HAIR. Edentata (figs. 23 & 24). The difference between the hair of the three-toed sloth (fig. 23) and that of the armadillo (fig. 24) is well-marked. In the former , the cortical cells take a remarkably oblique or radiating course, whilst in the latter they run longitu- dinally. Rodentia (figs. 25-35). In this Class the pigment is met with sometimes in the me- dulla, at others in the cortex. The arrange- ment of the air-cells is often very beautiful, and has rendered these hairs favourite micro- scopic objects. Portions of a mouse-hair in various parts of its length are represented in fig. 27, a forming the free end. Fig. 28 dis- plays two portions of the same hair as ana- lysed by treatment with solution of potash. The cortical parts have not been resolved into their component cells ; whilst those of the medulla have assumed their rounded and natural form, and exhibit minute granules of pigment, with larger globules of fat. The arrangement of the medullary cells in two rows is seen in fig. 286. The pigment within the cells in situ is seen in fig. 31 b, from the rabbit. The wool presents its cha- racters in a marked degree ; the projection of the outer layer of cortical cells, and the distinctness of the medullary air-cells being very evident. Marsupialia (figs. 36 & 37). In this curious class the hair greatly resembles that of the rodents. That of the Kangaroo pre- sents very beautifully imbricated cortical cells (fig. 36). Monotremata. The structure of the hair of the Ornithorhynchus is as peculiar as that of the animal in general. It presents that of hair and wool combined (fig. 38). The basal portion resembles wool, and is very long and narrow ; the structure of two pieces in dif- ferent parts of its length is seen in fig. 38 c and d. At the end of this portion is attached the proper hair containing the pigment within the cortical substance (b) ; fig. 38 * represents the surface-view of the hair, showing the imbricated scales. In Birds the hair is replaced by FEATHERS. The hair of the Invertebrata does not present the same structure as that of the higher animals. Some physiologists have therefore limited the term hair to the filiform epidermic formations of the Mammalia; whilst others admit the occurrence of hair in all classes of the animal kingdom. At all events, the hairs of the Invertebrata are not usually composed wholly of epidermis. They consist of an outer cortical or epidermic layer, frequently coloured, and upon which their firmness depends ; lining this, is sometimes a prolongation of the cutis ; at others a colourless substance, which, when the hair is dried, presents an irregular cell- like appearance and contains air, so as to resemble the air-cells of the hair of the Mammalia. In other instances the hair is completely solid, but exhibits no trace what- ever of cell-structure. It remains to be shown whether the latter may represent the epidermis hardened in an amorphous state ; and whether those lined with cutis may be regarded as epidermic formations upon an exserted papilla of the skin; whilst those presenting the air-cells when dried correspond to an outer hardened epidermic layer, and an inner retaining its distinctly cellular state. In those lined with cutis, the circulation can sometimes be observed. We have only space to notice a few in- stances of variety of form, many of which occur, and have long rendered these hairs interesting and elegant microscopic objects. Thus, in some of the Arachnida they are feathery, giving off slender lateral branches, as in Lycosa (PI. 22. fig. 41), Epeira (PL 2. fig. 8 a), Acarus (PI. 2. fig.l b), &c.; in others these branches are directed forwards near the middle of the shaft, but recurved at the end, as in My gale (the bird-catching spider) (PL 22. fig. 4 1 ); or while the branches on the shaft resemble the above, the end of the hair is thickened, cylindrical and longitudinally stri- ated, with minute setae arising from the striae, as in fig. 42; again, some of them are simple, but furnished with spiral striae (Epeira,~PL2. tig. 86); in Trombidium they are sometimes very elegantly feathery. In Insects, Arachnida, &c., they often ap- pear to arise from a bulb at the base, but the bulb is annular, not solid, and bears no resemblance in structure to the bulb in the Mammalia; it consists of a thickening or fold of the epidermis of the skin, not of the hair, from which it is separated by a white ring, indicating thinness of this coat, and often corresponding to a joint; the hair arises from the base of a depression situated within the annular bulb. The hair of the larva of Dermestes is very beautiful, and is used as a TEST-OB j ECT. Two forms are met with : in one (PL 1 . fig. 1 c) the shaft is simply covered with densely aggregated, minute, spinous, secondary hairs; in the other (PL 1. fig. 1 a, b), the spines or scales upon the shaft are narrow, acute, and placed in pretty regular whorls ; in the uppermost whorl they are HATR. [ 312 ] HAIRS. broader, the spines remaining as midribs, whilst the margins are more developed, the whole resembling a flower with four or five petals ; but at the end of the hair, the scales are longer, narrower, and recurved, each midrib being terminated below by a little knob. The examination of the hair, and its dis- section can only be effected by the aid of chemical reagents, especially sulphuric acid, solution of potash or of soda. These should first be used cold, and if no separation of the components ensues, heat even to boiling must be applied ; the subsequent addition of water is sometimes advantageous. Sections of hair can be made with a razor, a bundle of hair being fixed between two flat pieces of cork, or between two cards. Transverse sections of the human hair can be obtained by shaving a second time, an hour or two after the first ; the sections should then be washed in water. The cortical cells are most beautifully seen in white hairs which have been thoroughly soaked in oil of turpentine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The air- cells of the medulla are best observed in hairs which have been mounted in balsam without the previous application of turpen- tine. The sheaths of the hair keep best in solution of chloride of calcium. Many of the structures of the hair of the Mammalia may be well observed in the large hairs or bristles (whiskers) of the ox, &c. ; in these also the pulp is seen to contain blood-vessels, which have not been detected with certainty in that of man. The hairs of some animals polarize light. An interesting object of this kind may be made by placing two series of the white hairs of a horse in balsam, so as to cross each other at an angle, and viewing them by polarized light (PI. 31. fig. 39). In regard to the discrimination of the hairs of one animal from those of another, we believe that the examination of individual hairs can in general be but little depended upon; whilst a comparison of their form, length and breadth, with the proportion of the true hair to that of the wool, conjoined with the consideration of the internal struc- ture, might sometimes enable an observer to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. i.; Eble, Die Lehre v. d. Haar. in d. gesammt. orga- nisch. Nature Henle, Allgem. Anat., and Fror. Notiz. 1840; Todd & Bowman, Phys. of Man; Erdl, Abh. d. Akad. in Miinchen, Bd. iii. ; Paget, Brit, and For. Med. Rev. 1842, &c.; Huxley, Med. Gaz. 1845; Grif- fith, Med. Gaz. 1848; Heusinger, System d. Histologies Gurlt, Mull. Archiv, 1836; Aikin, Arts and Manufactures; Donders, Mulder's Physiologische Chemie. HAIRS, OF PLANTS. — The term hair is applied in botany to filamentous productions upon the surface of the organs of plants, consisting of one or more cells arising out of and constituting part of the epidermal structure. Hairs of plants present a great variety of conditions ; in the simplest kind, those composed of a simple, cylindrical, co- nical, bifurcated or stellate cell, they may be varied inform by the peculiar shape of the constituent cell, in individual character by the presence or absence of special secretions in the cell-cavities, and in their collective character by the mode of arrangement on the epidermis, since they may be few and scattered, or so numerous as to form a vel- vety coat. Compound hairs, namely those composed of a number of cells, vary in like manner, and, moreover, in the examples where the cell-walls acquire considerable thickness, pass gradually from pure hairs into bristles, and thence into the structures called THORNS (distinguished from true spines by being appendages of the epider- mis). The stellate forms also present many variations intermediate between hairs proper, and SCALES. These structures are interesting to the microscopist on account of the variety and often extreme elegance or curiosity of their forms. They likewise strongly attract the attention of the physiologist from the sim- plicity of their organization and their free condition, allowing the phenomena pre- sented by the cell-contents to be readily ob- served under the microscope. In reference to their characters as microscopic objects, it will suffice to indicate their principal modi- fications, and state a certain number of ex- amples. For this purpose they may be classified as follows : — Simple hairs : unbranched. Cabbage-leaf (Brassica, fig. 308), (Enothera, Dictamnus (PL 21. fig. 39 a), Anchusa (PI. 21. fig. 17) ; bifurcated, Capsella (PI. 21. fig. 36), Draba (fig. 311); inflated or capitate, Antirrhinum (fig. 310 and PL 21. fig. 34), Salvia (fig. 309) ; Helleborus fcetidus ; branched, in many Cru- ciferae, as Sisymbrium Sophia (PL 21. fig. 35), Alternanthera axillaris (PL 21. fig. 37); stellate, Alyssum (fig. 312). Very often hairs composed of a single cell are supported upon a short cell, and then developed horizontally HAIRS. [ 313 ] HAIRS. in two directions, as in Grevillia lithido- phylla (PL 21. fig. 29); in several so as to form a star, as in Deutzia scabra (PL 21. fig-26); Alyssum (Pl.21.fig.28). Structures analogous to the last occur upon the septa of the air-cavities of the Nymphaeacese. such as Nuphar lutea (PI. 21. fig. 15), Victoria, &c. Fig. 308. Fig. 309. Fig. 310. Hairs of:— Brassica (leaf). Sal via (calyx). Antirrhinum (corolla). Fig. 311. Fig. 312. Draba (leaf). Alyssum (leaf). Magnified 100 diameters. Compound hairs. These exhibit a similar diversity of character, and often imitate, on a larger scale, the forms of the simple hairs ; they may be unbranched, as in the hairs of the garden Pelargonia (PL 21. fig. 18), and a large proportion of ordinary silky hairs upon the epidermis of plants. COTTON is a striking example, consisting of the hairs of the seeds of Gossypium (PL 21. fig. 1). Commonly these hairs are cylindrical, but not unfrequently one or more of the upper- most or all the component cells are expanded into a more or less globular form. Capitate, glandular, hairs often occur on corollas, and particularly on the inner scales of leaf-buds ; examples: the bulbils of Achimenes (PL 21. fig. 32), the corolla of Digitalis (PL 21. fig. 33), Lysimachia vulgaris (PL 21. fig. 40), Scrophularianodosa (PL 21. fig. 41), Bryonia alba (PL 21. fig. 42), the inner scales of the winter leaf-buds of the ash, &c. Or the hairs are torulose, as in Lamium album, the common white Dead-nettle; or moniliform or necklace-shaped, as on the stamens of Tradescantia (fig. 315), the Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis, fig. 313). The transition from these to the branched forms are presented commonly in the simpler forms of the pappus of the Composite, as in that of the Ground- sel, which has toothed hairs ; in other exam- ples the lateral teeth grow out into branches, as in the species of Hieracium and other Composite, presenting pinnate or plumose forms, according to the extent of ramifica- tion. Verbascum Lychnitis (PL 21. fig. 19) has compound hairs branched at the joints. Compound hairs likewise exhibit the hori- zontal development ; the hairs of the garden Chrysanthemum are horizontal, navicular cells, supported on a tall articulated pedicle (PL 21. fig. 30)j the stellate hairs of the Ivy (PL 21. fig. 27) are compound, and sup- ported on a short stalk-cell. The last form a transition to the scales of the Eleagnaceae and many ferns. Fig. 313. Fig. 314. Fig. 315. Hairs of : — Mirabilis. Antirrhinum (calyx). Tradescantia v stamen). Magnified 100 diameters. The hairs above noticed are mostly soli- tary. In the Malvaceae (Hibiscus] tufted or stellate groups of hairs are met with, and in the air-cells of Utricularia are seen curious groups of four hairs. Marrubium creticum is another example of this kind of structure (PL 21. fig. 47). Almost all of the above- described forms of hair may contain merely watery, colour- less or coloured contents ; or they may have one or more of the component cells filled with special, oily, resinous or saccharine secre- tion. In the latter condition they are termed glandular hairs. The character of these organs are spoken of under the head of GLANDS andSECRETiNcORGANS of Plants. It has not been thought worth while to sepa- rate them in this article. HAIRS. [ 314 ] HAIRS. Some of the hairs with watery cell-con- tents present favourable opportunities for ob- serving the ROTATION of the protoplasm; for example, the young hairs of the stamens of the Tradescantia (or spider-wort of gar- deners) before they have acquired their mo- niliform character and dark contents; the stinging hairs of nettles also show this when young, and probably it might be observed in all young hairs, where sufficiently trans- parent and uninjured. One precaution greatly facilitates the observation, namely, to dip the hairs into alcohol for an instant, and immediately plunge them in water; after this operation, the structure is readily wetted by water, and no longer obscured by the abundance of air-bubbles that remain entangled with and adherent to the surface of the fresh hairs. These young hairs like- wise exhibit at their apices the various con- ditions of the contents (nucleus, protoplasm, &c.) of cells multiplying by division (PL 38. figs. 8 & 9). The circulation takes place in the dark streaks represented as forming a network connected with the nuclei (ri). Stings, such as those of the Nettle (PI. 21. fig. 8), consist of simple cells having a bulbous base enclosed in a cellular case, formed by the growing-up of the epidermis round the base of the hair ; the latter tapers away upward to near the apex, where it again expands into a little globular head. The walls are rather thick and spirally stri- ated. The bulbous base is filled with the irritating liquid, which exudes when the knob-like head is broken off, through the tension of the cellular investment of the sac. The intimate structure of the hairs of plants presents many points of interest. The cells are of course composed of a cellulose wall, with contents varying according to age and other circumstances. When young, they are always densely filled with protoplasm (PL 38. figs. 8 & 9), which becomes gradu- ally excavated by vacuoles, and expanded so as to form a mere reticulation or a few streaks upon the wall, mostly connected with an evident nucleus. The cavity of the cell is then filled, in hairs proper, with watery cell-sap, sometimes coloured, as in the petals and stamens of many flowers, by the same liquid colouring matter as the cells beneath the epidermis ; stings are filled with acrid, watery juice ; glandular hairs with various secretions, which, like the watery juices, ap- pear at first in vacuoles, gradually occupying the place of the protoplasm, which follows the expanding cell- walls. Hairs, being epidermal structures, possess a more or less evident cuticular layer, which may be detached by the action of acids (fig. 203. p. 237) ; sulphuric acid often causes this to separate and expand as a kind of vesicle from the surface of the hair, as is shown in fig. 13. PL 21 (Siphocampylus) ; the cuticle of the full-grown moniliform hairs of Tra- descantia may be separated in like manner (see EPIDERMIS). This cuticle also exhi- bits in many cases the same markings which occur on the surface of the epidermis of cer- tain plants, as Helleborus, Cakile, &c. (PL 21. figs. 9 & 10), consisting of elevated spots, ridges, reticulations, &c., composed entirely of thickenings of the cuticular layer. This is well seen in the hairs of the Boraginaceae, e.g. Anchusa (PL 21. fig. 17), the Cruciferae, as of Farsetia, Cheiranthus, &c., or Delphi- nium (PL 21. fig. 16). The spiral strige on the sting of Urtica urens (PL 21. fig. 8) ap- pear to be of similar nature. Finally, it is necessary to mention the remarkable structure of the hairs upon the surface of the seeds and pericarps of certain plants among the Acanthaceae, Polemo- niaceae, Labiatae, Compositae, &c. Those of the ACANTHACE^E have been spoken of partly under that head and under ACANTHO- DIUM. They are hairs composed of cylin- drical cells, simple (Ruellia, PL 21. fig. 21), or conjoined into a compound and branched hair (Acanthodium, PL 21. fig. 24), the cell- walls of which receive when young a spiral (fig. 24) or annular (fig. 21) fibrous deposit, and subsequently become partially disor- ganized; so that if placed in water in the mature state, the primary cell-wall almost dissolves into a kind of jelly, and the spiral- fibrous structure expands with elasticity. The conditions are similar in Collomia ( PL 2 1 . fig. 22), and according to Schleiden, in Gilia, Ipomopsis, Polemonium, Cantua, &c. among the Polemoniaceae, and somewhat the same in many species of Salvia (PL 21. fig. 23), Ocy- mum, Dracocephalum moldavicum,&c. among the Labiatse. In Cobcea scandens, the spiral- fibrous hairs take rather the form of minute scales, and they do not spontaneously ex- pand elastically (PL 21. fig. 20). Among the Compositae, these spiral-fibrous hairs have been observed on the pericarp of Ruc- keria, some species of Trichocline, Euriops, Mesogramma, Doria Cluyticefolia, Oligothrix gracilis, and some species of Senecio. Spiral cells also occur on the seed of Hydrocharis. The best way to observe the elastically ex- panding hairs is to place a thin slice of the HALICHONDRIA. [ 315 ] HALYMENIA. skin of the seed on a slide, in a little alcohol, which does not soften the cell- wall; when the object is focused, the addition of a little water causes the gelatinous softening of the cell-walls, the spiral fibres fly out from the surface of the seed-coat, and show clearly the character of these beautiful objects. The primary membrane may be detected even in its gelatinous state, by adding sulphuric acid and iodine, which produce a purplish or violet colour. Further remarks on this head will be found under SPIRAL STRUC- TURES. The hairs on the stigma of Campanula are remarkable for the intussusception which is observed to take place in mature hairs. The filiform processes growing from the under surface of the frondose Hepaticacea3, the thallus of Lichens, the prothallium of Ferns, &c., are commonly called radicle hairs. In most cases they present no re- markable points of structure ; in Marchantia, however, peculiar spiral markings have been detected (see MARCHANTIA). BIBL. General Works on Structural Bo- tany; Meyen, Secretions-organe der Pflan- zen, Berlin, 1837, Pflanzen -physiologic ; Cohn, de Cuticula, Linncea, xxiii. 337, 1850 ; Schleiden, Beitriige zur Phytogenesis, Miil- ler's Archiv, 1838, Beitr. z. Botanik, Leip- sic, 1844, i. p. 121 (Transl. in Scientific Me- moirs) ; Decaisne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xii. 251. pi. 4; Leighton, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 257; Brongniart, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xii. p. 244. pi. 4. HALICHONDRIA, Flein.— A genus of SPONGES. HALIDRYS, Lyngb.— A genus of Fuca- cese (Fucoid Algae), containing one British species, H. siliquosa, common on rocks and stones somewhat above low-water mark. It is readily distinguished by its pod-like, sep- tate air-vessels. The fructification, which is terminal on the branches, much resembles that of Fucus, except that the interior of the receptacles is filled up with firm poly- gonal cellular tissue. The antheridia, more- over, are terminal on their pedicels, often in tufts, short in form, and intermixed with spore-sacs in the same conceptacle. BIBL. Harvey,JBr.M«r.^%.p.l5.pl.lC; Thuret, Recherches sur les Antheridies, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 8. pi. 3. HALIONYX, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single ; valves equal, or- bicular, surface radiate, a certain number of the rays not commencing at the umbilicus ; no internal septa ; umbilicus not reached by the rays. Marine. H. senarius. Rays six, the intervening spaces with shorter rays of equal length pa- rallel to the larger, and with transverse laxly cellular lines; umbilicus punctate, entire; diam. 1-720". H. duodenarius. Rays twelve. Probably forms of Arachnoidiscus. BIBL. Ehr. Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. p. 198. HALISERIS, Tozzetti. — A genus of Dic- tyotaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one Bri- tish species, with a brownish-olive, some- times forked frond, with a midrib, from 4" to 1' high, having a very powerful, offensive smell when fresh. The fructification is pro- duced in sori, arranged in lines on each side of the midrib, or scattered, containing large spores. (This requires further examination.) BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. p. 36. pt. 6 B. HALTERIA, Dujj.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Keronia. Char. Body almost spherical or top- shaped, surrounded by long, very delicate, retracting cilia, which, by becoming adherent to the slide, and suddenly contracting, cause it to change its place suddenly, as if by leap- ing. A row of oblique very large cilia situ- ated at the circumference of the body. H. grandinella (=Trichodina grandinella, Ehr.) (PI. 41. figs. 11, 12). It has two kinds of appendages on its surface : 1, straight, excessively delicate, radiating cilia, which appear to be the cause of its movements, which are so sudden, that, even with the utmost attention, it cannot be ascertained how they are produced ; 2, very large cilia, arranged obliquely at the circumference of the body. Aquatic. Greatest breadth. 1-850". Stein points out the resemblance of this animalcule to the swarm-germs of&nAcineta found upon Cyclops. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 414; Stein, Infus. p. 54. HALYMENIA, Ag.— A genus of Cry- ptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), containing one British species, found on the southern shores. It is a somewhat palmate, mem- branous, rose-coloured sea-weed, usually from 6 to 12" long, composed of a double membrane, the layers being separated by a loose network of jointed filaments. The fructification consists of favellidia buried in the frond, attached to the inner surface of the membranous laminae ; scattered all over HAPLARTA. [ 316 ] HELIOPELTA. the frond, appearing to the naked eye like red dots. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Ala. p. 148. pi. 19 D. HAPLARIA, Link.— See BOTRYTIS gri- sea. HAPLOMITRIUM, Nees.— A genus of Jungermannieae (leafy Hepaticacese), contain- ing one British species, H. (Jungermannia) Hookeri, an . Alpine plant, which has been carefully studied by Gottsche. It is remark- able for having leaves (without amphigastres) inserted on all sides of the stem. The ter- minal capsule emerges at length from a large oblong fleshy epigone (fig. 332). The an- theridia (fig. 327) occur in the axils of the leaves. They have a double coat, the inte- rior of which consists of reniform cells (fig. 326), which become isolated and more or less dissolved. The spermatozoids, produced in minute vesicles (fig. 328), resemble those of the Mosses. BIBL. Hooker, Brit.Jungermannite, pi. 54 ; Ekart. Synops. Jung. pi. 8. fig. 65 ; End- licher, Gen. Plant. No. 474-3; Gottsche, Nova Acta, xx. p. 265. pis. 13-20. HAPLOTRICHUM, Link.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomyce- p- tous Fungi), intermediate in structure between Bo- try tis and Aspergillus. The spores are developed from a capitate cell termi- nating the septate erect „ fertile filaments (fig. 482). /Q BIBL. Corda, Icon, y^f Fung.-, Nees,Syst.d.Pilze, pi. 4; Fries, SummaVeget. P- 470. Haplotrichum roseum. Magn. 200 diams. HARVEST-BUG. TROMBIDIUM au- tumnale. HASSALLIA, Berk.— See SIROSIPHON. HAVERSIAN CANALS. See BONE. HEART.— The muscular fibres of the heart present certain peculiarities. The primitive bundles are more slender than usual ; they frequently anastomose, and con- tain normally a few minute granules of fat ; the transverse striae are also often indistinct. In disease the fatty matter is often extremely abundant (PL 30. fig. 14 a), and the striae are more or less obliterated. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anat. ii. ; Forster, Handbuch d. path. Anat.; Wedl, Grundz. d. path. Histol. ; Quain, Med. Chi. Trans. 33; Rokitansky, Handb. d. path. Anat. Fig. 317. HEDWIGIA, Hook.— A genus of Mosses. See ZYGODON. HELICOMA, Corda.— A genus of De- matiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi) with the spores curled into a spiral. Mr. Berkeley considers the distinction between Helicoma and Helicosporium scarcely tenable, and Fries includes Helicoma Miilleri, Corda, under Helicosporium. This plant has been found on dead wood in this country. BIBL. Corda, Icon. Fung. i. pi. 4. fig. 219 ; Berkeley and Broome, Annals Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vii. 98 ; Fries, Summa Veget. p. 500. HELICOSPORIUM, Nees.— A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing on decayed wood, nearly related to Helicoma and Helicotrichum. Helicoma and Helico- sporium are described as having erect fertile filaments, Helicotrichum creeping branched filaments, but the distinctions are obscure, as also those between Helicoma and Helico - sporium, the first of which should have the spirals closed, the latter open. Fries and Berkeley both include Helicotrichum under Helicosporium. Br. species 1. H. pulvinatum, Fr. (fig.317). Formingablack- ish or olive pulvinate stra- tum over wood, with slen- der branched filaments, bearing yellowish- green strings of sporidia coiled up into a spiral of about three turns, very fugacious (Helicotrichum pulvina- tum, Nees). 2. H.vegetum,¥r. Wide- ly pulvinate-effused, sub- Helicosporium puM- olivaceous, at length black ; natum. fertile filaments erect, stiff, Maen; 20° diams- subulate ; spores coiled into a ring, 3-sep- tate, greyish green. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Fl. vol. ii. pt.2. p. 335 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. 434, 2nd ser. vii. p. 98 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 353, Summa Veg. 500 ; Corda, Sturm. Deutschl. Flora, 3 ser. ii. pi. 15 & 16; Nees, Nova Acta, ix. 246. pi. 5. fig. 15, Sy sterna My col. p. 68. fig. 69. HELICOTRICHUM, Nees. See HELI- COSPORIUM. HELIOPELTA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules single (?), orbicular in side view, internally furnished with imper- fect radiating septa, the alternate interme- diate portions of the valve being depressed ; valves angular and not furnished with mark- HELLEBORUS. [ 317 ] HEMIAULUS. ings in the centre, but with as many large submarginal apertures (?) as there are rays, and with numerous erect opposite submargi- nal spines on each side. The spines connect the pairs of young frustules ! H. metii. Frustules with six septa and rays, three of the intervals raised and coarsely cellular, the alternate ones impressed with fine decussating lines, the limb of the radiate margin broad ; marginal spines in the middle of each cellular interval one or three, in the others two or four ; umbilical star slightly angular; diameter 1-370". Bermuda. Three othev species, with a different num- ber of rays. The different appearances of the markings upon the elevated and depressed portions of the valves evidently arise from the existence of the ordinary depressions seen naturally by oblique and direct light. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. p. 262. HELLEBORUS, L.— A genus of Ranun- culaceae. The cuticular layer of the epider- mis of the leaves of H.fcetidus exhibits cu- rious waved ridges (PI. 21. fig. 9). See EPIDERMIS, of Plants. HELMINTHOSPORIUM, Link.— A ge- nus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi) growing on rotten wood, &c., of which nu- merous species are found in Britain. The mycelium is often somewhat gelatinous or indistinct ; on it arise (often aggregated) erect, rigid, septate filaments (fibres), on the summits of which stand large, often club- shaped septate spores. Br. species : 1. H. macrocarpum, Grev. (Grev. Sc. Crypt. FL pi. 148. fig. 1). 2. H. subulatum, Nees (Nees, Nova Ac- ta, ix. pi. 5. fig. 13). 3. H. Clavariarum, Desm. (Desmazieres, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. ii. pi. 2. fig. 2). (Grev. -Sc. Crypt. FL pi. 148. fig. 2). 4. H. velutinum, Link (< 5. H.fusisporium, Berk. (Br. F/ora,vol. ii. part 2. p. 336). 6. H. nanum, Nees (Nees, Nova Acta, ix. pi. 5. fig. 13 B ; System, fig. 65). 7. H. simplex, Kunze (Nees, I. c. fig. 11). 8. H. Tilite, Fr. (Berkeley, Annals Nat. Hist, vi.pl. 13. fig. 18). 9. H. folliculatum, Corda (Corda, Icon. Fung. i. pi. 3. fig. 180). 10. H. obovatum, Berk. (Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. pi. 13. fig. 19). 11. H. delicatulum, Berk. (I. c. fig. 20). 12. H. Smithii, Berk. & Broome (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vii. pi. 5. fig. 5). 13. H. turbinatum, Berk, and Br. (I. c. fig. 6). 14. H. Rousselianum, Montagne (Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xii. p. 300). 15. H. sticticum, Berk, and Br. ( Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xiii. pi. 15. fig. 10). BIBL. Berkeley, Brit. Flora, iii. pt. 2. p. 336 ; Fries, Systema, iii. p. 354, and Sum- ma Veget. p. 500, and the works above cited. HELMINTHOSTACHYS, Kaulf. — A genus of Ophioglossaceous Ferns, distin- guished by the complex spikes bearing crested sporanges. Fig. 318. Fig. 319. Helminthostachys zeylanica. Fig. 318. Fragment of a spike with sporanges. Magni- fied 10 diams. Fig. 31Q. A portion still more magnified (20 diams). HELVELLACEL— A family of Ascomy- cetous Fungi, approaching to the Hymeno- mycetes in outward form, but distinguished at once by their fructification. See Asco- MYCETES, SPATHULEA, LEOTIUM, STIC- TIS, PROPOLIS. HEMELYTRA. — The anterior pair of wings of the Heteropterous division of the Hemiptera. See INSECTS. HEMEROBIUS, Linn.— A genus of Neu- ropterous Insects. Hemerobius ( Chrysopa] perla, one of the lace- winged flies, has very thin, transparent, and beautifully netted iridescent wings, in which the circulation can be well observed ; the wings also exhibit well the tracheae in the veins. The larva feeds upon Aphides. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction &c. ; Bowerbank, Entom. Mag. iv. HEMIAULUS, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, compressed, sub- quadrate, with two tubular processes on each side, the ends of those (the shorter) on one side being open, the others closed ; not con- stricted at the sides. HEMIONITIS. [ 318 ] HEPATICACEJE. H. antarcticus (PL 19. fig. 3). The species (two) appear to consist of EiddulphicB, with the ends of two of the pro- cesses broken off. Ehrenberg remarks that in one specimen he could not detect the apertures, perhaps on account of the position not being suitable ! BIBL. Ehrenberg, Eer. d. Berl. Akad. 1844, p. 199. HEMIONITIS, Linn.— A genus of Gym- nogrammese (Polypodaeous Ferns) with a very elegant reticulated arrangement of the sori. HEMIPTERA.— An order of INSECTS. HEMIPTYCHUS, Ehr.— See ARACH- NOIDISCUS. HEMITELIA, Presl.— A genus of Cya- thaeous ferns. Exotic. HEMIZOSTER, Ehr.— A genus of sili- ceous fragments of some unknown substance or body ! BIBL. Ehrenberg, Eer. d. Eerl. Akad. 1844. p. 199. HEMP.— The ordinary name of the fibre of Cannabis sativa, consisting of the liber- fibres of this plant (PI. 21. fig. 6). It is ap- plied to some other substances used for the same purposes, e. g. Manilla-hemp (the fibre of MUSA) &c. See TEXTILE FIBRES and LIBER. HENDERSONIA, Berkeley (Sporoca- dus, Corda, in part). A genus of Sphaero- nemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), interesting as having furnished one of the earliest dis- covered examples of two forms of fructifica- tion, leading to the abolition of the distinc- tion between Coniomycetous and Ascomyce- tous Fungi (CONIOMYCETES). Mr. Berke- ley has seen two conditions of spores in H. mutabilis, and he states that Fries informs him of the observation of asci and septate naked spores conjointly in Hendersonia Sy- Fig. 320. Hendersonia. Spores on the perithecium. Magnified 200 diams. ringa. Several British species have been described. They form dark spots or patches on the stems of herbs or twigs of trees ; the dark matrix having a perithecium excavated in it, lined by a gelatinous stratum, on which stand stalked fusiform septate spores (fig, 320). 1. H. elegans, Berk. (Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. pi. xi. fig. 9). On the culms of reeds. 2. H. macrospora, Berk, and Broome (I. c. 2nd ser. v. p. 3/3). On dead twigs of Phi- ladelphus. 3. H. arcus, Berk, and Br. (I. c.). On Box twigs. 4. H. mutabilis, Berk, and Br. (I. c.). On dead twigs of Plane. 5. H. polycystis, Berk, and Br. (/. c.). On dead twigs of Birch. 6. H. macropus, Berk, and Br. (I. c.). On dead leaves of Carex. 7. H. typhoidearum, Desm. (Desmazieres, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3rd ser. xi. 344). On dead leaves of Typha, &c. 8. H. Stephensii, Berk, and Br. (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. viii. p. 95). On dead stems of Pteris aquilina. 9. H. fibriseta, Berk. (Hooker's Journal of Botany, iv. p. 43). On Birch planks. BIBL. Berkeley and Berk, and Broome, Annals Nat. Hist. 1. c. ; Hooker's Journal of Botany, iii. 319; Fries, Summa Veget. 416. HEPATICACE^E. — An order of the Muscales (Cryptogamous Plants), consisting of plants of "small size, varying much in structure, inhabiting damp spots on the ground, rocks, or trees, or floating on water. The vegetative structure of the lowest forms consists simply of a patch of green membrane, spreading over the ground, com- posed of a single (Anthoceros leevis) or dou- ble (Sphcerocarpus terrestris) layer of cells containing chlorophyll. In Marchantia (see MARCHANTIA) there is an advance; Fig. 321. Fig. 322. Fimbriaria fragrans. Fig. 321. Lobe of a frond. Nat. size. Fig. 322. Section of frond, showing two immersed antheridia. Magnified 40 diams. the frond not only exhibits more definitely characterized lobes, but also a considerable HEPATICACE.E. [ 319 ] HEPATICACE^. meet, if prolonged across the stem, in the form of a V (fig. 324). The leaves are very frequently imbricated, and they overlap in two ways : either each leaf covers with its lower edge a little of the leaf below it, or each leaf overlaps a little of the base of the leaf above it. In the first case, the leaves are called succubous (fig. 324), in the second, incubous (fig. 325). The leaves vary much in form, and are often deeply toothed or bilobed, and form exceed- Fig. 324. Fig. 325. thickness and a complexity of internal struc- ture, since it possesses an epidermis invest- ing both surfaces, and containing stomates on the upper (see STOMATES). The lower epidermis is also provided with numerous radical hairs (see HAIRS and SPIRAL STRUC- TURES). Fimbriaria (fig. 322), Lunularia (fig. 323), &c., likewise possess thick cellular fronds. In Riccia the frond also presents a reticulated upper face provided with sto- Fig. 323. *%* Lunularia vulgaris. A frond in fruit. Nat. size. mates, but the form of the entire frond is usually elongated and bifurcated, and a slight groove runs along the middle line, almost like a mid-nerve. This central line exhibits a difference in the internal cellular structure, since it is composed of elongated cells, while the surrounding green substance is composed of spherical cells, such as constitute the en- tire mass enclosed between the upper and lower epidermis of the frond of Marchantia. The groove on the upper face (of Riccia) corresponds to a rib on the lower face, from which arise most of the radical filaments, while they are scattered indiscriminately over the lower face of Marchantia; and from this line also arise the little bodies re- sembling minute leaves, called amphigastres. If we suppose the frond of Riccia elongated and the mid-nerve more strongly marked, we have the likeness of Bfytia Lyellii (fig. 63, p. 87) ; while if this latter were notched down to the rib at intervals along each side, we should have the stem with two parallel rows of leaves, as in the Jungennanniese. The line of insertion of the leaves is sel- dom exactly parallel with the axis of the plant, and very rarely at right angles. In most cases it is more or less oblique, and the obliquity is in reverse direction at the two sides of the stem, so that the lines of insertion of two succeeding leaves would Fig. 324. Radula complanata. Magn. 5 diams. Fig. 325. Plagiochila undulata. Magn. 5 diams. ingly elegant objects under the microscope. The leaves are accompanied in many cases, chiefly in the Jungermannieae, by stipule-like leaflets, called amphigastres, situated at the under side of the stem. These plants are reproduced by dust-like grains called spores, by minute cellular no- dules called gemmce, and by innovations, i. e. new lobes growing out from the margins of the old fronds, or buds in the axils of leaves, or on confervoid branches sent out from the stem. The gemmce of Marchantia polymorpha are produced in elegant membranous cups, with a toothed margin, growing on the upper surface of the frond, especially in very damp and imperfectly lighted situations ; they are little cellular nodules at first attached by a stalk, and at a certain period fall off and grow up into a new frond. (See MARCHAN- TIA.) The spores are produced in sporanges or capsules, the formation of which is preceded by special anatomical and physiological phae- nomena demonstrating the existence of di- stinct sexes in these plants. The organs HEPATICACE/E. [ 320 ] HEPATICACE^E. which represent the anthers of flowering plants are called antheridia, those which re- present the ovules, and produce the spore- cases, are called archegonia or pistillidia. The antheridia are small globular or oval bodies, more or less stalked, which in the Jungermanniese are composed of a double layer of cells forming a membranous sac, which, when ripe, bursts and discharges numerous minute globular cellules, each of which again bursts and discharges an ex- tremely small filament, which moves about actively in water (figs. 327 & 328). These Fig. 326. Fig. 327. Fig. 328. Haplomitrium Hookeri. Fig. 326. Axillary antheridia. Magn. 30 diams. Fig. 327. Fragment of wall of antheridia ; the reniform loose cells belong to the inner layer. Magu. 200 diams. Fig. 328. Spermatozoids from ditto. Magn. 200 diams. organs mostly occur in the same situations as the archegonia, and in some of the fron- dose forms, such as Anthoceros, Eiccia, Fimbriaria (fig. 322), &c., they are imbedded Fig. 329. Fig. 330. Fig. 331. Marchantia polymorpha. Archegonia in various stages. Magnified 100 diameters. in the substance of the frond ; in others, as in Marchantia, they are immersed in the upper part of special male stalked receptacles (see MARCHANTIA) ; in the leafy forms, they are free in the axils of the leaves (fig. 327). The archegonia or pistillidia are likewise developed in various places, indicated here- after in the tabular view of the families. They consist of a kind of flask-shaped cellu- lar case (figs. 329 to 331), enclosing at first a single cell (embryonal cell), which subse- quently grows into a sporange, apparently after one or more of the spiral filaments of the antherids have come in contact writh it, by passing into the neck of the flask-shaped sac (epigone). The embryonal cell becomes increased by cell-division into a globular cellular mass, which acquires various forms in the different genera and families. The epigone enlarges for a long time with the growing capsule, completely enclosing it (fig. 332), but after a time the latter bursts Fig. 332. Haplomitrium Hookeri. Young sporange enclosed in the epigone. Magnified 20 diameters. through the top of the epigone, which thus forms a kind of sheath round the base of the sporange or its stalk, and is called the vagi- nule. The epigone may tear irregularly, so as to form an irregular vaginule or calyx, or regularly, so as to present a circle of teeth ; or it may be slit horizontally in a circle, and half of it carried up by the sporange, which it thus surmounts as a hood or calyptra. This epigone is sometimes surrounded by another envelope called the perigone. This originates at a later period and in a different way, since it gradually springs up as a cir- cular sheath around the base of the epigone, and by continued growth comes to surround it as a kind of cup, like the corolla of a flower (fig. 324). In Marchantia, only one archegone is found in each perigone; the HEPATICACE^E. [ 321 ] HEPATICACE.E. perigones of Jungermanniese always enclose several, but only one is developed into a sporange. In some kinds, as Sarcoscyphus, there are always several archegones in a perigone, and two or three produce sporanges. Sometimes the archegones, with or without perigones, are solitary ; more frequently they are in groups. Whether solitary or grouped, they may have a further envelope composed of slightly modified leaves, free or confluent together; these are the pericheetial leaves, and constitute the perichcete. When both perichate and perigone exist, it is easy to determine which is which, but when only one exists, the history of development alone gives the key ; the perichaete is always de- veloped before the archegones it encloses, while the perigone, as already stated, grows up round the archegone during its develop- ment into a sporange, being absent at the time of the first appearance of that organ. In fig. 324 the base of the pedicel is seen to rise out of a toothed vaginule (calyx or epigone}, which is enclosed in a tubular perigone, out- side of which are two bilobed perichaetial leaves. The sporange developed from the embry- onal cell of the archegone varies much in its perfect condition. In Jungermanniese it is mostly an oval body borne on the extre- mity of a delicate thread-like stalk springing out of the vaginule (fig. 324). The oval body splits down from the summit, when ripe, into four valves, which spread open more or less in the form of a cross (figs. 324-5). The cells of these valves exhibit very elegant spiral-fibrous structure, like that of the walls of anthers (see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). This kind of sporange discharges minute spores (see SPORES) and elaters, slender tubular cells containing a spiral filament (PI. 32. fig. 38), both forming very interesting microscopic objects. In the different frondose forms the sporanges present very varied conditions. The arche- gones of ANTHOCEROS send up a filiform sporange, which is two-valved and contains a columella (fig. 26, p. 49). In TARGIONIA and some others the capsule is almost sessile, and bursts irregularly. In RICCIA, where the archegones are imbedded in the frond, the sporange is a sessile globose body, with the calyptra adherent, never bursting regu- larly, but emitting the spores by decay. In SPH^ROCARPUS, also, the calyptra is per- manent as a cellular sac, inside of which the sporange ripens into an indehiscent globular body, emitting the spores only by decay. In Marchantia, Fegatella, Lunularia, Gri- Fig. 333. Fig. 334. Lunularia vulgaris. Fig. 333. Section of a receptacle, unripe. Fig. 334. More advanced sporange, emerged from the epigone. Fig. 335. A burst sporange. Magnified 20 diameters. maldia, &c., the archegones are produced on fleshy receptacles elevated upon stalks, and Fig. 336. Fig. 337. |\ Grimaldia barbifrons. Fig. 336. Fertile plant. Magn. 2 diams. Fig. 337. Section of the receptacle, with an abortive archegone on the left side, and a half-ripe sporange still enclosed in the epigone on the right. Magn. 20 diams. Fig. 338. Fig. 339. Fimbriaria tenella. Fig. 338. Receptacles with closed epigones. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 33Q. Two perigones, one with the epigone closed, the other with the teeth of the epigone open, showing the bursting sporange. Magn. 20 diams. Y HEPATICACEJE. [ 322 ] HERCOTHECA. the sporanges are formed on the under side of these receptacles (fig. 223, p. 257, figs. 334, 337, 339), which are of varied forms, &c. The sporanges on these either burst by valves (fig. 335), or by circumscissile dehiscence throw off a lid, as in Fimbriaria (fig. 339). The frondose forms do not all produce elaters, and have not all the spiral fibres in the cells of their walls. The exceptions are the Riccieae, and the elaters of Anthoceros are rudimentary. In Marchantia the elaters are highly developed (PL 32. figs. 36, 37), also the spiral tissue of the valves of the capsules (PL 32. fig. 35). TARGIONIA has branched elaters. The spores mostly have a double coat, but not always (e. y. Marchantia) ; they germi- nate by protruding a pouch-like process, which becomes a filament, from which the new fronds or leafy stems arise. The peculiarities of the different groups above referred to will be better understood after reading the following characters. Synopsis of the Families. A. Vegetation frondose, i. e. leaf and stem confounded. 1. ANTHOCEROTE^B. The vegetative portion consists of a minute green membra- nous or slightly fleshy body, growing on damp ground, not exhibiting any distinct mid-nerve; it is at once known by its peculiar fruits or sporanges, consisting of slender stalk-like bodies springing up irregularly from the upper surface of the frond, which forms little sheaths (vaginule) around their bases. These stalk-like fruits burst when ripe, splitting down the middle from the tip, and display a central bristle-like column (columella), to which adhere the minute hair- like bodies (rudimentary elaters) which are mingled with the spores. 2. MARCHANTIE.E. The vegetative por- tion is here also a succulent leaf-like expan- sion, mostly exhibiting a more or less lobed form, and without any conspicuous mid- nerves in the lobes. The fruits are more complicated structures than those of Antho- ceroteae. From notches in the lobed frond arise slender stalks terminating at the top in an expanded structure (receptacle], resembling in some cases a conical cap, in others a star with a number of thick rays like the spokes of a wheel, &c. The spores are formed in membranous sacs attached on the under surface of the cap or star-like body, and they are accompanied by elaters of considerable size exhibiting highly developed spiral bands. The sporanges have no columella, and burst at the tip with more or less regular tooth- like valves. 3. RICCIE^I. Vegetative portion an ex- ceedingly delicate cellular leaf-like structure, more or less lobed, with an evident mid- nerve. The sporanges are either imbedded in the substance of the frond, or only ele- vated on a very short stalk, and surrounded by a membranous sheath derived from the upper surface of the frond. The sporanges have no columella and no elaters. 4. PELLIE^E. Vegetative portion a leaf- like frond, mostly with an evident mid-nerve, from which arise the sporanges, consisting of capsules, usually bursting by four valves, more or less elevated on a thread-like stalk. Sporange without a columella; spores ac- companied by elaters. B. Vegetation foliaceous, i. e. leaves and stem distinct. 5. JUNGERMANNIE.E. Vegetative portion a thread-like stem clothed with green mem- branous leaves more or less overlapping at their bases. Sporanges springing from the end of the stem, raised on more or less evident stalks, bursting by four valves and spreading in the form of a cross; spores with elaters, which often adhere to the valves of the sporange. The leafy stem of Junger- mannieae is generally readily distinguishable from that of the Mosses by the peculiar mode of insertion of the leaves which pro- duces a peculiar flattened arrangement. BIBL. Hooker, British Jungermanniee, 1816 ; G. W. Bischoff, Bemerk. uh. die Lebermoose, Nova Acta, xvii. p. 909. pi. 67- 71. 1835, Bemerk. zur Entwickl. der Leber- moose, Bot. Zeit. xi. 113, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xx. 57 ; Lindenberg, Monographic der Riccien, Nov. Acta, 1836, Synops. Hepa- ticarum, 1844 ; Nees ab Esenbeck, Natur- gesch. der Europ. Lebermoose, Berlin, 1836 ; Ekart, Synopsis Jungermanniarum, Coburg, 1832 ; Greenland, Memoire sur le germination de quelques Hepatiques, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. i. 5; Hofmeister, Vcrgleich. Unter- suchungen uber Kryptogamen, fyc., Leipsic, 1851. HERCOTHECA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules single, valves unequal, turgid ; connecting membrane of the valves continuous, not cellular, dividing beneath an integument which is mostly veined, or beneath free setae which occupy the place of the integument and are persistent. Hence HERPETIUM. [ 323 ] HIMANTHALIA. the corpuscles in the adjoining upper margin of each valve appear to be crowned or covered by setae or opposite membranes. These forms divide in the siliceous manner of the Melosiree, but not beneath a deciduous integument (hoop). H. mammillaris. Valves not striated, with about twenty simple opposite setae at the middle of the base, longer than the mammillae and inserted into their margin, obvallate ; diameter 1-810". Bermuda. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. BerL Akad. 1844, p. 262. HERPETIUM, Nees.— A genus of Jun- germannieae (leafy Hepaticaceae), distin- guished by the incubous bilobed leaves not being folded together, and by the obtusely three-angled perigone. Two Brit, species : 1. H. reptans (Lepidozia, Dumortier). Leaves squarish, acutely two or four-toothed at the end. Woods and shady places. Jun- germannia reptans, Hook. Brit. Jungerm. pi. 75, 2. H. trilobatum (Mastigobryum, Nees). Leaves ovate, three-toothed at the summit. Moist alpine spots. J. trilobatum, Hook. Brit. Jung. pi. 76. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Jungermannia, I. c. ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant, nos. 472-9; Ekart, Synops. Jungermann. pi. 3. figs. 21, 22. HETEROMITA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Monadina. Char. Body globular, ovoid, or oblong, with two filaments arising from the same point in front ; one, more delicate, and with an undulatory motion, causing progression ; the other thicker, and floating freely behind, or adhering here and there to the slide, so as to produce by its contraction sudden mo- tion backwards. Distinguished from Anisonema and Hete- ronema by the absence of a tegument, shown by the glutinous appearance of the entire mass of the body, the facility with which it adheres to other objects and becomes drawn out, and the presence internally of certain corpuscles which can only have entered by vacuolae formed on the surface. Found in both fresh and salt water. H. ovata = Bodo grandis, E. (PI. 23. fig. 18 a). H. granulosa. Body globular, surface granular; marine; length 1-2300". H. angusta. Body lanceolate, slightly sigmoid; aquatic; length 1-980". BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 297. HETERONEMA, Duj.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Euglenia. Char. Form variable, oblong, irregularly expanded posteriorly ; with a slender flagel- liform filament, and a thicker trailing, re- tracting filament. Tegument obliquely striated. Differs from Heteromita in the presence of a tegument, and from Anisonema in the tegu- ment being contractile. H. marina (PI. 24. fig. 17). Filaments longer than the body; length 1-4300". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 370. HEXAMITA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, belonging to the family Monadina. Char. Body oblong, rounded in front, constricted and bifid or indented behind; two or four flagelliform filaments arising separately from the anterior margin, the two posterior lobes being prolonged into flexuous filaments. H. nodulosa (PL 24. fig. 20). Oblong, with three or four longitudinal rows of no- dules; motion vacillating ; length 1-1800". In decomposing marsh-water. H. inflata. H. intestinalis. Fusiform, prolonged into a bifid tail; length 1-2100". In the intes- tines and peritoneal cavity of the Batrachia and Tritons. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 296. HILDENBRANDTIA, Zanardini. — A genus of Nulliporous Corallinaceae (Flori- deous Algae), containing one British species, H. sanguinea, Kiitz. (H. rubra, Meneghini) : common, in the form of a bright or dark red membranous crust, at first circular, after- wards spreading irregularly over smooth stones and pebbles. The frond is about 1-20" thick in the middle and thinner toward the edges, and composed of minute globose cells, partly vertically, partly horizontally arranged. It is not stony. It has immersed concep- tacles, pierced by a pore (fig. 254. p. 266), containing tetraspores and paraphyses. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 110. pi. 14 C, Phycolog. Britann. pi. 250, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiv. pi. 2. (as Rhododermis Drummondii) ; Kiitz. Phyc. generalis, pi. 78. fig. 5. HILUM.— This name is applied to the surface of attachment of the funiculus of seeds, which is seen as a kind of scar, more or less distinct. Sometimes it coincides with the chalaza or organic base of the seed, sometimes, where a raphe exists, it is near the micropyle. (See OVULE.) HIMANTHALIA, Lyngbye.— A genus of Fucacese (Fucoid Algae), remarkable for the peculiar forms of the frond and receptacle, HIMANTIDTUM. [ 324 J HOLOPHRYA. the latter consisting of a repeatedly forked, strap-shaped cord, from 2 to 10' long, springing from the top-shaped frond, which is about an inch high. The dark olive-green thong-like H. lorea is common on rocky sea- shores. The receptacle is pierced by nume- rous pores leading to immersed conceptacles resembling those of Fucus, containing either parietal spore-sacs or antheridia, the plants being dioecious. The centre of the receptacle is filled with mucous matter traversed by jointed filaments. The antheridial sacs of Himanthalia are double, and contain sper- matozoids of flattened, ovoid or spherical forms, with an orange granule and two cilia, like those of Pycnophycus and Halidrys. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 20. pi. 2 B ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 54 et seq. ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 3; Engl. Sot. pi. 569. HIMANTIDIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules resembling those of Eu- notia, connected by their sides into a fila- ment. Aquatic. Kiitzing describes thirteen species, some of which are fossil. H. pectinate (Fragilaria pect. Ralfs) (PL 12. fig. 36). Frustules in side view constricted at the curved and rounded ends ; one side slightly raised and flat, the other slightly excavated or flat; striae evident; length 1-180". /3. Convex margin of side view undulate or with two indentations (fig. 36, b}. Mr. Ralfs remarks a difference of form between the newly-forming and the parent frustules, the lateral margins of the former in the front view being rounded (fig. 36, c). H. arcus. Frustules rectangular in front view; valves linear-arcuate, ends rounded, subrecurved; striae evident; length 1-300 to 1-132". H. monodon (Eunotia mon. Ralfs). Frus- tules in side view subarcuate, convex on one side, concave on the other, ends broadly rounded ; striae evident ; length ? BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840 ; Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 36, Sp. Alg. p. 8 ; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. p. 107, xiii. p. 459. HIMANTOPHORUS, Fabricius. — A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euplota. Char. Head not distinct from the body ; hooks numerous; neither styles nor teeth present. Long curved hooks, almost in pairs, form a broad band on the ventral surface, and are the organs of locomotion; also a row of cilia extending from the mouth a considerable distance backwards. H. Charon (PI. 24. fig. 18, under view; fig. 19, side view). Body hyaline, plane, elliptical, anterior end somewhat obliquely truncate ; cilia small, hooks slender and long. Marine. Length 1-180". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 375. HIPPARCHIA, Fabr.— A genus of Lepi- dopterous Insects. Char. Wings more or less rounded, middlelongitudinal nerve of fore- wings giving off posteriorly four nerves ; antennae with an elongate, compressed and curved club ; head small. H. Janira, the meadow-brown butterfly, in which the wings are brown, and the ante- rior pair exhibit a blackish-brown round spot with a white eye or centre, is common in meadows. The scales (PI. 1. fig. 9) are sometimes used as TEST-OBJECTS. BIBL. West wood, Introduction, tyc., and British Butterflies. HIPPURIC ACID.— This acid occurs in small quantity in human urine, especially after a vegetable diet ; more largely in that of the horse and other herbivora, as the ox, the goat, the sheep, the hare, &c. ; also in that of some reptiles. It is readily soluble in boiling water and alcohol ; less so in cold water and in ether. It crystallizes in prisms or needles (PI. 7 '• fig. 18), belonging to the right rhombic prismatic system, some of which bear resem- blance to those of the ammonio-phosphate of magnesia, from which it is readily distin- guished by its solubility in potash or hot water. It" is sometimes obtained under the same circumstances as benzoic acid, from which it differs in its greater solubility in ether, and in the thickness and solidity of its prisms, those of benzoic acid being thin and plate-like. Its crystals are beautifully analytic ; which property is deficient in those of benzoic acid. It may best be procured from cow's urine, by boiling with slaked lime for some time, filtering and supersaturating with muriatic acid; and it may be purified by repeating the process and using animal charcoal. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. See IN- TRODUCTION, p. xxxvi. HISTOLOGY or HISTIOLOGY, is the doctrine of the structure of animal and vege- table tissues in relation to their development. HOLOPHRYA, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Enchelia. HOLOTHYRUS. [ 325 ] HORMOSPORA. Char. Body covered with vibratile cilia, oblong-ovate, cylindrical or globular, rounded or truncate in front; no lips nor teeth. Cilia arranged in longitudinal rows. Ehrenberg admits five aquatic species ; to these Dujardin, who places this genus in the family Paramecia, adds one marine. H. ovum, E. (PL 24. fig. 22). Body ovate, subcylindrical, ends subtruncate; internal substance green; length 1-576 to 1-216". H. brnnnea, D. (PL 24. fig. 21). Body brown, cylindrical, becoming globular when distended with food and then changing in colour; length 1-120''. The encysting process has been observed in two of the species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 314; Dujardin, Infus. p. 493 ; Cohn, Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitschr. iv. ; Stein, Infus. HOLOTHYRUS, Gerv. — A genus of Araclmida, of the order Acarina and family Gamasea. H. cocdnella is nearly as large as a lady- bird (Coccinella], and is found in the Isle of France. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. HOMCEOCLADIA, Ag.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules linear, elongate, arranged in tufts within gelatinous tubes, which form a filiform branched frond. Marine. The nature of the markings upon the valves is doubtful. Kiitzing admits the ex- istence of median and terminal apertures (nodules), and places the genus in the same family as Navicula, &c. ; but these are not represented in his figures ; neither are they mentioned bv Ralfs. H. Martiana, Ktz. (H. anglica, Ralfs) (PL 14. fig. 15; a, portion of frond; b, part of a filament containing two frustules ; c, front view of single frustules, with endochrome ; d, side view of empty frustule). Filaments tufted, polychotomous, setaceous, terminal branches corymboso-fastigiate, acute ; fasci- cles of frustules closely approximated ; frus- tules very long, narrowly linear, obtuse, transversely striated ; length 1-96 to 1-90" ; entire plant 1 to 2" high. H. anglica, Ktz. Filaments tufted, seta- ceous, di-trichotomous, branches equal and acute at the apex, fascicles of frustules closely approximated ; frustules very long, exactly linear, obtuse, transversely striated ; length 1-84"; entire plant 1" high. Six other species. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacillar. p. 110, and Sp. Alg. 97; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, xvi. 109. HOOF.— The hoofs of animals consist of the same structure as horn. HOOKERIA, Smith.— AgenusofHypnoid Mosses. Brit, species : 1. Hookeria late-virens, Hook, and Tayl. 2. Hookeria lucens, Sm. HOP.— The hop plant (Humulus Lsupulus) is remarkable for the glands containing the resinous secretion imparting the aromatic odour. These occur upon the lower face of the leaf, upon the calyx, and, above all, on the scales of the fruit and the seed-coat. They have been examined by Meyen and others, most recently by Personne. They are little stalked cups (PL- 21. fig. 14) com- posed of a single layer of cellular tissue, concave above at first, but as the secretion increases in quantity, the cuticle becomes detached in a plate from the upper surface, except at the rim of the cup, and is pushed up so as finally to form a convex papilla on the top, like the nut projecting from an acorn-cup. The secretion appears to be formed in the cells, and poured out beneath the cuticular pellicle, which is marked with lines corresponding to the side-walls of the cells. Solution of potash and alcohol clean away the resinous secretion and render the structure clear. When the fresh glands are placed in water, they swell and finally burst, the cuticular lid usually separating by a cir- cumscissile dehiscence. The hop is subject to a peculiar mildew, a minute fungus, for which see ERYSIPHE (Spharotheca}. BIBL. Meyen, Secretions - Or gane der Pflanzen, p. 38. pi. 5. figs. 17-21; Personne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. i. p. 299. pi. 17. HOPLOPHORA, Koch. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina and family Oribatea. Char. Body and general habit those of Galumna, but no wing-like appendages to the pseudo-thorax. Two species ; not British (?). BIBL. Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. fyc. ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. HORMOSPORA, Brebisson.— A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae), with a frond consisting of simple or branched gelatinous confervoid cords enclosing rows of oval or spherical cells; they appear to the naked eye like greenish filaments; found floating among Confervae or other aquatic plants. These plants do not appear to consist of septate filamentous tubes like the Conferva, HORN. [ 326 ] HYALOSIRA. but of rows of individual cells imbedded in a filiform gelatinous tube (fig. 340), analogous Fig. 340. Fig. 341. Hormospora transversalis. Fragments of gelatinous filaments, with the cells grouped in fours. Magnified 350 diameters. in its nature to the gelatinous coat investing the linear rows of cells of Hyalotheca, &c. The cells multiply by transverse division, the rows thus becoming elongated; these cells contain green contents arranged in a granular, lamellar, or radiating form. Bre- bisson describes obscurely another mode of increase, in which the "endochrome becomes concentrated and organized into vesicles or zoospores. The corpuscles then become larger, and the filament becoming as it were dislocated, the corpuscles group themselves in several rows, and without regular form " (fig. 341). In H. transversalis there is an especial tendency to a grouping of the cells in fours. Three species have been described; 1 and 3 are known as British. 1. H. mutabilis, Breb. Filaments simple; cells ovoid or subspherical ; cell-contents lamellar. Aquatic. Breb. Ann. des Sc. nat. 3ser. i. pl.l. fig. 1. 2. H. transversalis, BreT>. (figs. 340,341). Filaments simple; cells ovoid or fusiform, transverse; contents granular. Aquatic. Breb. I. c. fig. 2. 3. H. ramosa, Thwaites. Filaments branched ; cells oval or spherical ; contents radiated. In a pool to which salt water had access. Harvey, PJiyc. Brit. pi. 21 3. BIBL. Brebisson, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. 1; Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 235. pi. 27 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 213; mge^Einzell.Alg. p. 7. pi. 3. fig. B. HORN. — The horns of animals are of three kinds ; those composed of bone, those consisting of epidermic formations, and those in which both are present. The former, properly called antlers, agree in minute struc- ture with bone, and therefore require no special notice. The horn of the rhinoceros may be taken to represent the structure of the second kind. It consists of an aggrega- tion of horny fibres, each of which is made up of a series of concentric layers. These layers are composed of cells tangentially flat- tened, and sometimes containing pigment. The cells may be separated by macerating the horn in solution of potash. Cracks filled with air are frequently visible between the layers. The centres around which the laminae are arranged, probably correspond to papillae of the cutis. The horn of the buffalo agrees essentially in structure with that of the rhinoceros. The third kind of horn is exemplified by that of the cow. In its centre is a process of bone, surrounding and extending beyond which is the proper horn, consisting of con- centric layers, in the natural state composed of flattened, irregular, angular nucleated cells (PL 17. fig. 29 a), which assume their primi- tive forms under the action of potash (6) ; some of them contain pigment (c). Be- tween the laminae cracks containing air are also met with (f). Sections of horn made at various angles to the axis form very beautiful polarizing ob- jects; the gorgeous colours seen in those of rhinoceros's horn cannot be excelled, nor can drawings represent them faithfully (PI. 31. figs. 37, 38). The horn of the buffalo also forms an interesting object of the same kind. BIBL. Bonders, Mulder's Physiolog. Che- mie ; Owen, Brande's Diet., Art. Cornua. HORSE-LEECH. See H^MOPIS. HYALODISCUS, Ehr. = CvcLOTELLA, Kiitz. in part. H. Ifsvis = Cyclotella Itevis. H. patagonica = Cycl. patagon. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1845, pp. 78 & 155; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 20. HYALOSIRA, Kiitz.— A genus of Diato- maceee. Char. Frustules concatenate, rectangular, tabulate; with alternate vittae, interrupted in the middle, and connected with those of the opposite side by fine lines ; lowermost frustule attached by a stipes which is affixed to one angle. Marine. The fine lines at the end of the vittae give the latter a forked appearance. The frus- tules are often partly separated, so as to be connected with each other by one angle only. Four species, probably not really distinct. H. rectangula (PI. 13. fig. 1). Stipes short, frustules subconcatenate, in front view subquadrate, rectangular; length 1-1380". BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacillar. p. 125; Sp. Alg. p. 115. HYALOTHECA. [ 327 ] HYDRA. HYALOTHECA, Ehr.— A genus of Des- midiacese. Char. Cells united into an elongated, cy- lindrical filament, which is surrounded by a gelatinous sheath ; cells in front view slightly constricted, so as to give the margins a cre- nate appearance ; or having a grooved rim surrounding one end, and forming a biden- tate projection ; end view orbicular. The filaments are not twisted, and are always of the same apparent breadth. Spo- rangia orbicular, smooth. H. dissiliens (PL 10. fig. 1, front view of filament; 2, end view). Filament fragile, margins crenate; breadth of filament 1-1300 to 1-800". The transparent sheath of this beautiful object is so delicate as to be easily overlooked. Sporangia (figs. 3, 4) situated within the connecting tube. Not uncommon in clear boggy pools. H. mucosa. Filament scarcely fragile; joints not constricted, surrounded at one end by a minute furrowed rim, forming in the front view a bidentate projection; breadth of filament 1-1250 to 1-1100". The furrowed rim of each cell is on the same side as that of the contiguous cell. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. p. 51. HYDATlNA,Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinsea, Char. Eyes absent ; jaws two, teeth nu- merous, free ; foot forked. H. senta (PL 34. fig. 37; fig. 38, teeth). Body conical, hyaline ; margin of rotatory organ ciliated ; foot robust; aquatic; length 1-48 to 1-36". This animal forms a favourable subject for the examination of the typical struc- ture of the Rotatoria; and is that which Ehrenberg used as the basis of his investiga- tions upon their organization. H. brachydactyla. Segments of foot short; body suddenly narrowed at the base of the foot; aquatic; length 1-144". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 412. HYDATIN.EA.— A family of Rotatoria. Char. Neither carapace nor enveloping sheath present ; rotatory organ multiple, or more than bipartite. 18 genera. Eyes absent. No teeth Enteroplea. Teeth present. Jaws with numerous teeth Hydatina. „ with a single tooth Pleurotrocha. Eyes present. Eye single. Eye frontal Furcularia. ,, cervical. Foot styliform Monocerca. „ forked. Frontal cilia, no hooks nor styles Notommata. „ styles present . . Syncheeta. ,, hooks Scaridium. Foot absent ; with cirrhi or fins. . Polyarthra. Eyes two. Eyes frontal. Foot forked Diglena. „ styliform. With cirrhi Triarthra. Without cirrhi Rattulus. Eyes cervical Distemma. Eyes three. Eyes not stalked. Eyes cervical Triophthalmus. Two eyes frontal, one cervical . . Eosphora, Two frontal eyes stalked, one cervi- cal not stalked Otoglena. Eyes more than three in a single group Cycloglena. „ ,, two groups. . Theorus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 410. HYDNEL— A family of Hymenomyce- tous Fungi, characterized by bearing their basidiospores on tubercles or spine-like pro- cesses on the under side of a discoid, cup- shaped or funnel-shaped, stalked or sessile pileus. The basidiospores are seen by making cross sections of the spines, &c. See BASI- DIOSPORES, HYMENOMYCETES. BIBL. Berkeley, On the Fruct. of Hyme- nomycetous Fungi, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 81 ; Leveille, Sur I'Hymenium des Champignons, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. viii. 32. HYDRA, Linn. (Freshwater Polype).— A genus of Polypi, of the order Anthozoa and family Hydrina. Char. Locomotive, single, naked, gelati- nous, subcylindrical, but very contractile and variable in form ; the mouth surrounded by a single row of filiform tentacles. Propaga- tion by the formation of gemma3 and ova upon or within the substance of the body of the animal. 1. Hydra viridis (PI. 33. fig. 21, adhering to the radicles of duck-weed (Lemna) ). Body leaf-green, cylindrical or insensibly narrowed towards the base; tentacles 6 to 10, shorter than the body. Common in ponds and still waters. Ten- tacles narrowest at their origin. 2. H. vulgaris. Body orange-brown, yel- lowish or red, cylindrical ; tentacles 7 to 12, as long as or longer than the body. Tentacles tapering to the free ends. Found in weedy ponds and slowly running waters. 3. H. attenuata. Body pale olive-green, attenuated below ; tentacles pale, longer than the body. In ponds ; rare. 4. H. fusca. Body brown or greyish, HYDRA. [ 323 ] HYDRA. lower half suddenly attenuated; tentacles several times longer than the body. Still waters ; rare. The characteristic forms of the body can only be judged of when fully extended in search of prey ; for when the animals are touched, shaken, or in any way disturbed, the body assumes very variable forms, be- coming rounded, ovoid, &c. The structure of the body of Hydra has been much investigated and discussed. By some it has been regarded as consisting of three layers — an internal and external coat, and an intermediate muscular layer. The true structure, however, has been pointed out by Ecker. This author correctly regards the animal as consisting of the substance deno- minated sarcode by Dujardin, and neither furnished with an outer nor an inner coat. The transparent, gelatinous sarcodic sub- stance forms the entire mass of the body and tentacles ; on the surface it is frequently irregularly rounded or nodular, or exhibits spiral or other raised lines (PL 33. fig. 23 b); and within it contains numerous vacuoles. If a Hydra be crushed between glasses, portions of the sarcode will be separated, and assume a globular form, closely resem- bling that of cells; the vacuoles will also become greatly distended, just as occurs in the substance of the Infusoria, and these separated portions will often continue con- tracting like an Am&ba. Two of them are represented in PL 33. fig. 2.9 ; in a, a rather small vacuole is present, whilst in b, this is very large. Now in the latter instance, the globule, as regards structure, forms a true cell, consisting of a closed sac, with liquid contents. Physiologically speaking, however, it does not correspond to a cell, the entire substance representing cell-contents, around which a cell-wall has never been formed. A number of these vacuoles exist naturally dif- fused throughout the substance of the body. The intermediate stratum, which is not organically distinct, contains imbedded in it a number of very minute green or otherwise coloured granules ; these are of a rounded form, and present a double outline, as if composed of cells. In the uninjured Hydra., they exist in the inter-vacuolar substance, thus giving the tissue an elegantly reticular appearance. We believe that these granules consist of chlorophyll ; they are insoluble in potash ; they become coloured purplish red- brown by iodine and sulphuric acid, after treatment with potash ; and the green granules of Hydra vulgaris are rendered bluish-green by sulphuric acid, in the same manner as the chlorophyll of leaves. The colour of Hydra has been differently accounted for. Laurent states that he suc- ceeded in colouring them blue, white and red, by feeding them with indigo, chalk and carmine, — whilst Hancock has shown that the colouring is much affected by exposure to light ; those not exposed to light, from living under stones, &c., having the natural colour, whilst those exposed to the light became bleached. It is generally admitted, however, that the colour depends upon or is modified by the nature of the food ; but exact experiments are wanting to decide this question. Towards the inner surface of the body, the granules are brownish or blackish. Imbedded in the superficial portions of the substance of the Hydra are certain cu- rious bodies, termed the stinging organs (PI. 33. fig. 23 a). These are best seen upon the tentacles ; they consist of an oval, truncate, firm capsule (PL 33. fig. 226) of compara- tively considerable thickness, as indicated by its marked double outline. Within the cap- sule is contained a very long and slender filament, at the base of which are four minute spines. In the undisturbed state of the Hydra, the filament with the spines is coiled up in the capsule (fig. 22 a) ; but when the animal is touched, pressed or heated, the filament with the spines flies out with extra- ordinary rapidity, so that we have not been able to determine exactly how the spines are arranged within the capsule. Most probably the spines, while within the capsule, are directed forwards and in close contact, and then in assuming their recurved position, they are the means of projecting the filament forwards. A capsule, containing an unex- panded filament and spines enclosed within a detached globule of sarcode, is represented in fig. 22 d. When these capsules are heated with a solution of nitrate of silver, a portion of the silver is reduced to the metallic state. This action is a property of formic acid; hence when it is considered that these organs closely resemble in structure those of the Acalephse, which possess an urticating power like stinging-nettles, arising from the pre- sence of formic acid, and that in Hydra these filaments are driven into and wound the prey, it may appear probable that they secrete and contain formic acid. But as many other substances reduce salts of silver, and as the sarcode, from which it is perhaps impossible to separate these bodies, may produce this effect, the point must be con- HYDRA. [ 329 ] HYDRA. sidered as doubtful and requiring further in- vestigation. In addition to these stinging organs, we have found other very minute capsules (fig. 22 c), containing a filament curved even when emitted, the nature of which is obscure. A third kind of organ is said to have been met with also in the surface of the body, consisting of ovate capsules or bodies, from which a stout and short filament projects. These appear to resemble the organs of ad- hesion of the Acalephse ; but as their size is not stated, nor the diameters of the figures ex- pressed, we have been unable to identify them. The body and tentacles of Hydra are hol- low. The prey, which consists of Entomos- traca, small Annulata, &c., when caught by one or more of the tentacles extended for the purpose, is slowly brought to the mouth, and forced into the cavity of the body, in which it is digested ; the undigested portions being evacuated through the mouth. It is still a question whether a posterior outlet to the cavity of the body exists. The posterior part of the body is more or less dilated into a flattened disc, which, by its suctorial power, enables the animal to attach itself to various bodies. Hancock has seen excrementitious matter passing through the body at this part and the disc ; but most, if not all, pre- vious observers have denied the existence of a canal. The cavities of the tentacles have been described as containing a semifluid sub- stance, undergoing a kind of circulation; and the cavity of both the tentacles and the body have been stated to be lined with cilia. The extraordinary power which Hydra possesses of reproducing lost parts is truly wonderful. Thus, if the body be cut into two or more, or even forty parts, each con- tinues to live, and developes a perfect new animal. If the section be made lengthwise, so as to divide the body all but the end, the two portions become resoldered and form a perfect being ; if the pieces be kept asunder, each becomes a Hydra, the two possessing but one posterior end; if the section be made from the tail towards the head, the two bodies will be perfected and remain attached to the one head. If a tentacle be cut off, a new animal is formed from it. When one end of the body of a Hydra is introduced into the body of another, the two unite and form one. The head cut off one, may be engrafted upon the body of another which wants one. And when the body is turned inside out, the outer surface which has thus become the inner wrill perform the ordinary digestive functions, and the animal will continue to live. The ordinary mode of reproduction of Hydra is by gemmation ; a minute swelling forms upon some part of the surface of the body, this enlarges, and gradually assumes the form of the parent, while remaining attached to it. Sometimes several of these are formed upon a single individual at the same time, and so, remaining adherent, they give the animal a branched appearance (PI. 33. fig. 21). At certain seasons of the year, as at the end of summer or in the autumn, reproduc- tion takes place by the formation of sperma- tozoa and ova. The spermatozoa are formed within spermatic capsules. These arise as minute conical tubercles a little beneath the base of the tentacles, one on each side (PI. 33. fig. 24 a) ; and the spermatozoa are libe- rated from them by bursting. The sperma- tozoa in the figures resemble those of the Mammalia, except that the tails are undu- late. The ova are furnished with a thick coat, and are formed in the substance of the lower part of the body (fig. 24 i). They subsequently separate from the body, ana" appear to be capable of spontaneous motion, but whether from the presence of cilia or not is undecided. The sac of the ovum then becomes ruptured, and the new animal es- capes (fig. 25). Hydrce are very common. The best me- thod of procuring them is to collect a number of water-plants from any clear pool or slow stream, and bring them home in an india- rubber bag (sponge-bag). On placing the plants subsequently in a glass jar (con- fectioners' jar) containing water, they will be found at the end of some hours with the tentacles fully extended in search of prey, when they are easily recognized. They usually adhere to the sides of the glass, or to the stems or under sides of the leaves of the plants; but sometimes they are seen suspended from the surface of the water by the sucker, which is protruded just above it so as to become partly dry. A number of small Entomostraca should be added to the water, as they are very voracious. Some of the species of Hydra are occa- sionally covered with minute parasitic Infu- soria, viz. Kerona polyporum (PL 41. fig. 13), which is found upon H. vulgaris andfusca ; and Trichodina pediculus (PL 24. fig. 16), which occurs upon H. vulgaris and viridis. It is an interesting sight to see these running up and down the tentacles and surface of the HYDRACHNA. [ 330 ] HYDRODICTYON. body of the polypes, when we recollect that their surface is covered with the stinging organs. These lice are not, however, found upon perfectly healthy polypes ; impurity of the water and an unhealthy state being generally denoted by their presence. BIBL. Leeuwenhoeck, Phil Trans. 1703, xxiii.; Trembley,M in which its occurrence is common. It is also a com- ponent of otolithes, in which it exists either as granules or minute prisms, often with six sides and trilateral summits. From river- and spring-water it is usually deposited in irregular and imperfect forms (PI. 9. fig. 6), all of which consists of grouped needles. Sometimes it assumes the rbombohedral form, as in the shell of the oyster (PL 37. fig. 1 0), and frequently in chemical solutions. When treated with a dilute acid, after having been thoroughly washed in a watch-glass, it is dissolved with effervescence from the escape of carbonic acid gas. During the solution it first becomes more transparent, exhibiting the internal crystalline structure, and frequently a concentric or nuclear ap- pearance, which finally disappears. When derived from animal secretions, it leaves undissolved an organic cast of the original, provided the acid be not too strong, or its action too long continued. If the number and size of the minute bodies be relatively very small in proportion to the amount of water, on adding the acid, efferves- cence will not occur, the water holding in solution the carbonic acid evolved. The presence of the lime may be tested in the ordinary way, by the addition of oxalate of ammonia, when the precipitate is insoluble in acetic acid, or by adding dilute sulphuric acid, when crystalline needles of the sulphate of lime (PL 6. fig. 16) are formed. The spheres or disks naturally occurring in the urine, are closely imitated by those formed in urine to which chloride of calcium has been added, and which has been subse- quently kept for some time. Lactate of lime may be obtained by acting upon carbonate of lime with lactic acid. It is soluble in water and alcohol. The microscopic crystals consist of tufts of delicate radiating needles (PL 17. fig. 19). Oxalate of lime. This salt exists in solu- tion in the contents of many vegetable cells combined with a proteine-compound ; it is also probably a normal constituent of the human blood in small quantity, combined and dissolved as in vegetables. In the cells of plants it is very frequently deposited in a crystalline form, constituting RAWHIDES. From human blood it has been obtained in crystals by treating the alcoholic LIME. [ 396 ] LIMNOCHARES. extract with acetic acid. It is very commonly met with in the crystalline form in various se- cretions of animals, as the urine, the mucus of the gall-bladder, that of the surface of the pregnant uterus, the liquid of the allantois, the contents of the Malpighian vessels, and the so-called true renal vessels of insects, cysts, &c. Its most characteristic form is the square flattened octohedron (PL 9. fig. 9) ; but it also occurs in the form of the square prism terminated by quadrilateral facets, fine needles, in that of a flattened body with an ellipsoidal outline, frequently constricted so as to resemble a dumb-bell, or variously ex- cavated at parts of the surface (PL 9. figs. 11 & 12). It may be obtained artificially in most of these forms (PL 9. fig. 13), by dissolving artificial oxalate of lime in dilute nitric acid and evaporation; some of the forms thus obtained resemble those of car- bonate of lime. When obtained by mixing oxalate of ammonia with soluble salts of lime, as chloride of calcium, &c., the crystals are generally peculiar (PL 9. fig. 14), although sometimes the regular octohedra are ob- tained. It is insoluble in hot and cold water, acetic acid and ammonia, but is soluble in dilute mineral acids without effervescence. Phosphate of lime. This salt is most fre- quently deposited from animal liquids in an amorphous or granular state. It may be obtained in the crystalline form by mixing a solution of phosphate of soda with chloride of calcium. The crystals are mostly thin rhombic plates (PL 6. fig. 17). They are soluble in acetic and dilute mineral acids without effervescence, but not in potash or water. Some of the compound crystals resemble those of the ammonio- phosphate of magnesia, from which they may be distinguished by the addition of dilute sulphuric acid, which cause the formation of needles of sulphate of lime. Sulphate of lime. Well known as form- ing gypsum, alabaster, selenite, &c. It rarely or never occurs in the crystalline form in animal or vegetable products. When rapidly formed in chemical testing, the crystals consist of minute needles or prisms (PL 6. fig. 16); when more slowly formed, these are larger and mixed withrhombicplates. The crystals are but little soluble in water, and not in acetic or the dilute mineral acids. They are sometimes found in bottles con- taining spirit in which marine animals have been preserved. Medicinal precipitated sulphur is very commonly adulterated with sulphate of lime. The microscope at once enables the crystals of the salt to be recognized. Urate of lime. See URATES. See RAPHIDES and URINARY DEPOSITS. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. LIMNIAS, Schrank.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Floscularisea. Char. Eyes (when young) two, red; ur- ceoli or sheaths single ; rotatory organ with two lobes. Teeth forming a row in each jaw. L. ceratophylli (PL 34. fig. 45). Urceolus at first whitish, subsequently becoming brown or blackish, smooth, or in consequence of its viscidity covered with foreign bodies. Aquatic; length 1-24 to 1-18". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 401. LIMNOCHARES, Latr. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina and family Hydrachnea. Char. Palpi small and short, with the fifth joint small and forming a claw ; man- dibles with the last joint subulate ; rostrum cylindrical, elongate; eyes four, approximate; coxae concealed beneath the skin, the ante- rior larger than the posterior ; legs ambula- tory. L. aquatica (holosericea) (PL 2. fig. 27). The only species. It differs from all other water-spiders by its walking instead of swim- ming. Body very soft and often spontaneously variable in form ; epidermis covered with little conical granules (?) ; no hairs upon the body, and but few upon the legs ; eyes at- tached to a lanceolate scaly piece (d), and surrounded by hairs; rostrum partly con- cealed beneath the skin, the anterior ex- serted half (b) cylindrical and accompanied by the palps, the last joint of which is very slender and obtuse ; by pressure the broader base of the rostrum is made to protrude (f) ; tarsi (c) thickened at the end, with large claws; coxae of four posterior pairs of legs longer than the others, which is contrary to what occurs in Hydrachna, Atax, &c.; coxae of the anterior two pairs of legs closely approximate, as are also those of the two posterior pairs (e), but the two groups are widely separated. The larvae have six legs, a large head-like rostrum, with two large palps and two black latero-anterior eyes, and fix themselves upon or near the head of Germ lacustris; they sub- sequently detach themselves from this insect, fall into the water, and pass their nymph- stage under submersed stones, the perfect LIMNOCHLIDE. [ 397 ] LITHOFELLINIC ACID. animal making its appearance at the end of fifteen days. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2 ser. i. p. 159; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arachn. p. 208 ; Koch, Deutschlands Crust ac., fyc. LIMNOCHLIDE, Kiitz. See APHANI- ZOMENON. LINDIA, Duj.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea, E.(Furcularina, Duj.). Char. Body oblong, almost vermiform, with transverse folds, rounded in front, but no rotatory organ, cilia or eye; tail-like foot with two conical and short segments or toes; jaws very complicated (and imperfectly de- scribed). L. torulosa (PI. 34. fig. 40). Aquatic; length 1-75". BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 653. LINDSJEA, Dryander.— A genus of Lind- sseese ( Polypodaeous Ferns) . Exotic (fig. 408) . LINDS^EE^E.— A sub-tribe of Polypo- daeous Ferns with indusiate sori. SCHIZOLOMA. Sorus infra-marginal, li- near, continuous. Indusium linear, elon- gated, continuous, parallel with the margin of the leaf, free outside. Veins anastomo- sing in hexagonoid meshes. DICTYOXIPHIUM. Sorus infra-marginal, linear, continuous. Indusium linear, elon- gated, continuous, parallel to the margin of the leaf, free outside. Veins anastomosing, with free venules. LINDS^A. Sorus infra-marginal, linear, continuous. Indusium linear, elongated, Fig. 408. Lindsaea. A pinnule. Magn. 10 diams. continuous, parallel with the margin of the leaf,free outside. Veins dichotomous(fig.408). LINUM, L. See FLAX. LIOTHEUM, Nitzsch.— A genus of In- sects, of the order Anoplura, and family Liotheida3. Char. Antennae clavate or capitate ; max- illary palpi conspicuous ; mouth with strong mandibles ; tarsi with two claws. Antennae four-jointed; mandibles with two teeth; maxillary palpilong,filiform,4-jointed ; labial palpi very short, two-jointed. The genus has been subdivided into seven subgenera. The species are very numerous, and are parasitic upon birds. L. (Menopon) pallidum (PI. 28. fig. 7). Elongate, of a pale straw colour, shining and smooth ; head slightly sinuate on each side, with a dark pitchy spot before each eye. Length 1-24 to 1-16". Common upon the domestic fowl. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monographic*, p. 204. L[THIC ACID. See URIC ACID. LITHOBROCHYA, Presl.— A genus of Pterideae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. LITHOCYSTIS, Allm.— A genus of Co- rallinaceae (Florideous Algae), consisting of a single species, L. Allmanni, Hass., which has been found as an epiphyte, forming minute white dots upon Chrysimenia clavel- losa. The minute dots consist of one or more fan-shaped fronds composed of square cells. The plant is colourless, brittle, and effervesces in acid. The fan-shaped frond somewhat resembles in structure imperfect or segmental fronds of COLEOCH^ETE. BIBL. Hass. Brit. Mar. Ala. p. 111. pi. 14 B; Phyc.Brit.pl 166. LITHODESMIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules in side view triangular, united so as to form a prismatic filament. Marine. L. undulatum (PL 13. fig. 4 a, front view, 4 b, side view). Surface without markings, very pellucid, two of the sides undulate, the third plane and with two marginal notches ; angles obtuse; length of joints 1-480". This organism requires further examina- tion ; its Diatomaceous structure is very obscure. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abhandl. d. Eerl. Akad. 1840; Kiitzing, Bacill p. 135, and Sp. Alg. p. 133. LITHOFELLINIC ACID.— This sub- stance is a component of certain concretions called bezoars, and found in the alimentary canal of various kinds of goat in the East, as in Persia, &c. It is crystalline, insoluble in water, readily so in hot alcohol, but little in aether. The perfect crystals form six-sided prisms with truncated ends; but when somewhat LITHONEMA. [ 398 ] LIVER. rapidly deposited from an alcoholic solution, they are modified as represented in PL 7- fig. 14. BIBL. See CHEMISTRY. LITHONEMA, Hass. See AINACTIS. LITOSIPHON, Harv. — A genus of Punctariaceae (Fucoid Algae), with fronds composed of cartilaginous filiform unbranched filaments, at first solid, afterwards tubular, composed of several rows of cells ; epiphytic on Chorda filum (L. pusillus) and Alaria (L. laminarice), the former 2" to 6" inches long, the latter 1-4 to 1-2". The sporanges occur either solitary or aggregated, scattered on the surface of the filaments, which in L. pu- sillus are clothed with pellucid hairs, in L. laminarife smooth. BIBL. Harv. Brit. Mar. Aly.p. 43. pi. 8 D; Thuret, Ann. des. Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 14. LIVER.— It need scarcely be said that the liver is the glandular organ which secretes the bile. On examining the surface of the liver or a transverse section of that organ with the naked eye, it usually presents a mottled appearance, numerous spots of a dark or light red colour being surrounded by a Fig. 409. Magnified about 3 diameters. Portion of the liver of a pig, with divided branches of the vena cava : the lobules are visible upon the divided surfaces : a, large vein, no orifices of the intralobular veins being visible ; b, branches of the same, with distinct orifices of the intralobular veins, and the bases of the lobules seen through their walls. margin of a paler or darker colour. These spots correspond to the lobules of the liver. The lobules are rounded or polygonal and about 1-2 to 1'" in diameter (fig. 409). Between the lobules run branches of the vena portae, forming the interlobular veins (coloured red in PL 31. fig. 33); these throughout their course send off numerous smaller branches into the substance of the lobules, which terminate in the capillary plexus of the lobules. Fig. 410. Magnified about 4 diameters. Section of the liver of a pig through a branch of the vena portse, with accompanying branches of the hepatic artery and duct. On the right are seen two branches of the vena portse giving off the interlobular veins. The branches of the vena portae are accom- panied by branches of the hepatic duct and ramifications of the hepatic artery, the whole being surrounded by areolar tissue prolonged from Glisson's capsule. Hence in a section of the uninjected liver, those branches of the vena portae and of the vena cava which are visible to the naked eye are readily di- stinguishable from each other, by the orifices of the former collapsing, whilst those of the latter are kept open by their close contact with the lobules. In the centre of each lobule arises a branch of the vena cava, by the union of numerous smaller branches (coloured yellow in PL 31. fig. 33), which take their origin in the capil- lary plexus of the lobule ; these central branches form the intralobular veins. The capillaries of the lobules form a close LIVER. [ 399 ] LIVER. Fig. 411. Magnified 35 diameters. Section of a portion of the liver of a rabbit, showing the entire course of one of the intralobular veins, the roots only of the others. and elegant plexus between the branches of the inter- and intralobular veins, the rest of the lobules being filled up with the secreting epithelium (fig. 412). Fig. 412. outer coat of areolar tissue, the bundles of fibres of which are difficultly separable, and an internal epithelial layer. The areolar coat is most distinct in the larger branches, being almost absent in the terminal interlobular ducts ; it contains numerous nuclei and nuclear fibres. The epithelium of the larger ducts is cylindrical, that of the smaller of the pavement kind. In the hepatic duct, the outer coat contains scattered mus- cular fibre-cells. The ducts also contain small mucus-glands. The secreting cells of the lobules fill up the interspaces between the blood-vessels, forming a network with radiating meshes. They are very transparent, of a rounded or polygonal form, about 1-1000" in diameter, containing a nucleus or not unfre- quently two nuclei, with a number of gra- nules, and a few small globules of fat (fig. 163, page 190). Fig. 413. Magnified 350 diameters. Secreting cells and capillaries of the liver of a pig. [The spaces between the capillaries and the cells have been left through error of the draughtsman.] The branches of the biliary ducts accom- pany those of the vena portse as far as the interlobular spaces, where they do not enter the lobules, but terminate in caecal ex- tremities. The biliary ducts consist of an Magnified 350 diameters. Secreting cells and terminal interlpbular ducts ; human, a, ducts ; b, cells ; c, spaces occupied by blood-vessels. The division of the substance of the liver into lobules is rather apparent than real, being effected by the peculiar arrangement of the vessels, the lobules having no true coat or envelope. The areolar tissue which accompanies the vena port* and its branches, becomes less and less in quantity as the branches become smaller, and is lost in the interlobular spaces. It it much more abun- dant in animals, as the pig, than in man, LIVER. [ 400 ] LOPHIUM. rendering the lobular arrangement much more distinct. The branches of the hepatic artery are distributed to the portal vessels, the hepatic ducts, Glisson's capsule with its prolonga- tions, and the peritoneal coat. They are often elegantly tortuous. Among the more common morbid states of the liver, may be mentioned that called cirrhosis, in which the areolar tissue is ex- cessively developed and mixed with a large number of fibro -plastic corpuscles, produ- cing an atrophied state of the epithelial structure ; an increase in the amount of fatty matter in the cells (fig. 163, page 190); and the presence in these also of granules of the pigment of the bile, rarely with crystals of cholesterine and bilifulvine. The examination of the arrangement of the blood-vessels is best made in a liver which has been injected with two kinds of injection, as yellow (chromate of lead) and red (vermilion), or red and white (carbonate of lead) ; the yellow or white being injected into the hepatic vein. As the injection is being proceeded with, the surface of the liver should be examined with a lens to ascertain whether the intralobular veins are well filled, and the injection has reached the capillaries ; the red injection should then^be thrown into the portal vein until it is filled. The general vascular arrange- ment is best observed in an injection in which the capillaries themselves are not filled, but only the smaller portal and hepatic branches. To examine the ducts as to their course and termination, the portal vein should first be previously injected. If this be not done, the injection easily bursts through the walls of the terminal ducts, and escapes into the intralobular plexus; and thus the appearance of a plexus of vessels prolonged from the terminal ducts is produced. The structure of the hepatic cells is easily seen on scraping the surface of a section of the liver, and placing the portion thus ob- tained between two pieces of glass as usual. The general arrangement of the secreting cells is observed in sections made with Valentin's knife. In many animals, as fishes, the loading of the cells of the liver with fat, which in man represents the morbid state of fatty degene- ration, is normal, and renders it a matter of some difficulty to distinguish clearly the outlines of the cells, which are also very delicate. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anat. ii. ; Kiernan, Phil Trans. 1833 ; H. Jones, Phil. Trans. 1846 and 1849; Guillot, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3 ser. 1848 ; Leidy, Silliman's Journ. 1848. LOASACE^E.— A family of Dicotyledo- nous Flowering plants, with stinging hairs upon the epidermis. Loaza, Bartonia and Blumenbachia are often to be obtained in gardens. LOMARIA, Willd.— A genus of Pteridea?, separated by some authors from Pteris, to which it is closely related. Also confused with Blechnum. LONCHITIS, Presl.— A genus of Aspic- Fig. 414. Lonchites pubescens. A pinnule with sori. Magnified 10 diameters. nie8e(Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic(fig. 414). LOPHIUM, Fr.— A genus of Phacidiacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), remarkably distin- guished by the form of the perithecia resem- bling a bivalve shell with the valves in situ (figs. 415 & 416). The nucleus contained Fig. 415. Fig. 416. Fig. 417. Lophium mytilinum. Fig. 415. A perithecium, seen sidewise. Fig. 416. The same, seen endwise. Fig. 417. A perithecium cut open. Magn. 25 diams. within the carbonaceous perithecium consists of erect asci mixed with paraphyses, con- taining minute spores, and soon falling away into a powder. L. mytilinum, Pers. (figs. 415-7) occurs on the bark or naked wood of fir-trees. L. elatum, Carm. also occurs on fir- wood. These plants are known from LOPHOCOLEA. [ 401 ] LUNGS. allied genera by the remarkable form of the perithecia. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 280; Fries, Syst. Myc. ii. p. 533, Summa Veg. p. 401; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Flor. pi. 177- LOPHOCOLEA, Nees. — A genus of Jungermannieae(Hepaticaceae), including the J. bidentata, L. and J. heterophylla, Schrad., growing in moist situations, at the roots of trees, &c. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jungerm. pi. 30, 31, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 122. LORICA. See CARAPACE. LOUSE. See PEDICULUS and ANO- PLURA. LOXODES, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Trachelina. Char. Body covered with rows of cilia; no teeth ; anterior and upper portion of the body (lip) obliquely truncate, or bent towards one side (hatchet-shaped, E.), and with a row of large cilia. Ehrenberg describes four species. L. bursaria, E. (Paramecium bursaria, Focke) (PI. 24. fig. 41). Oblong, green, anterior end depressed and obliquely trun- cate, posterior end rounded and turgid; aquatic; length 1-288". The rotation of the contents of the body takes place in this infusorium. Repro- duction by the formation of swarm-germs, according to the process 2 b (p. 235), has also been observed. L. rostrum, E. (Pelecida rostrum, D.) (PL 24. fig. 39). White, lanceolate, anterior por- tion bent on one side ; aquatic ; length 1-144 to 1-60". Dujardin's genus Loxodes does not agree with that of Ehrenberg ; but, according to Stein, the observations upon which the dif- ferences are founded depend upon faulty observation. Thus L. cucullulus, D. and L. dentatus, D. (PL 24. fig. 40) are young states of Chilodon cucullulus, E. ; and L. reticulatus, D. is the same infusorium distended with alimentary matters. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 323; Dujar- din, Infus. p. 449 ; Stein, Infus. p. 238, &c. and the Bibl. LOXOPHYLLUM, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Paramecia. The species belong to the genera Amphi- leptus, E. and Trachelius, E. See PARA- MECIA. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 487. LOXSOMA, R. Brown.— A genus of Hy- menophyllaceous Ferns, distinguished by the projecting column bearing the sporangia (figs. 419, 420). Fig. 418. Fig. 419. Fig. 420. Loxsoma Cunningham!!. Fig. 418. A pinnule with marginal sori. Magn. 5diams. Fig. 41Q. A sorus opened. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 420. Columella with sporanges. Magn. 50 diams. LUNGS. — The internal respiratory sacs of animals. Under this head we shall notice also the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Larynx. — The cartilages of the larynx do not all possess the same minute structure. The thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid cartilages consist of true cartilage, the basis being homogeneous, and containing disseminated cartilage corpuscles. The walls of the cor- puscles are usually thick. The basis often becomes fibrous, and both corpuscles and basis encrusted with calcareous salts, or completely ossified. Their perichondrium is firm, and is composed of areolar tissue, with fine elastic fibres, vessels, and nerves. The epiglottis (PI. 40. fig. 40), and the appendices of the arytenoid consist of fibro- cartilage ; and the corpuscles are frequently more or less filled up by secondary deposit. The mucous membrane, as also the sub- mucous tissue of the larynx, consists of areolar tissue with networks of fine elastic fibres ; at the surface it becomes more ho- 2o LUNGS. [ 402 ] mogeneous, but does not form a separable basement layer or membrane. It contains a number of small racemose glands, the ve- sicles of which are lined with pavement-, the ducts with cylindrical epithelium. Its surface is covered with ciliated epithelium, agreeing in structure with that of the trachea. Trachea and larger bronchi. — The incom- plete cartilaginous rings of these tubes are surrounded and connected together by a firm, elastic, fibrous membrane, forming their perichondrium, which also covers the posterior part of the tubes as a somewhat thinner layer. The cartilage is of the true kind. At the posterior part of the tubes is a layer of unstriated muscular fibres, most of which form transverse, but a few longitu- dinal bundles. The elastic tissue of the mucous membrane is greatly developed, forming a distinct internal layer of princi- pally longitudinal anastomosing fibres. The epithelium is ciliated, and consists of several layers. Fig. 421. Epithelial cells of the trachea in situ ; human. «, lon- gitudinal elastic fibres ; b, homogeneous outer (basement) layer of the mucous membrane ; c, deep layers of round cells ; d, intermediate layers ; e, outer ciliated cells. Magnified 350 diameters. The deepest layers consist of roundish cells with distinct rounded nuclei, those succeeding being elongated, whilst those next the surface are still longer, greatly narrowed at the base, and with oval nuclei ; these forms are most distinct in the detached cells. Those of the last row are covered with vibratile cilia. The smaller bronchi differ somewhat in structure from the larger. Thus the carti- lage forms angularplates distributed through- out their circumference, while the elastic and areolar coats become thinner, and the transverse muscular fibres smaller and less closely placed ; the latter probably extend as LUNGS. Fig. 422. Isolated epithelial cells from the surface of the trachea; human. Magnified 350 diameters. far as the air-cells. The ciliated epithelium extends to the termination of the bronchi, forming, however, a single layer only of cells in the smaller ones. The walls of the pulmonary air-cells con- sist of two layers, a fibrous and an epithelial Fig. 423. Air-cells of a human lung, a, epithelium ; b, fibrous portion, where the walls of several air-cells are confluent ; c, thinner walls of air-cells. Magnified 350 diams. LUNGS. [ 403 ] LUNGS. layer. The former is composed of a basis of homogeneous areolar tissue, with nume- rous elastic fibres, vessels, and nerves. The elastic fibres surround the air-cells in the form of elegant wavy bundles and sepa- rate fibres, which anastomose and constitute a dense network, most obvious at those parts where several cells are in contact with each other ; whilst in other parts the areolar ele- ment supporting the numerous capillaries predominates, and the elastic elements are more sparing and slender. The epithelium is of the pavement kind, not ciliated, con- sisting of rounded or polygonal nucleated cells, about 1-2000" in diameter. The terminal bronchi do not end in sepa- rate air-cells, but in a group of them, and have no direct communication with each other, but open into a common cavity, with which the bronchus also communicates (fig. 424). These groups of air-cells form the Fig. 424. Fig. 425. Two pulmonary lobules, a, a, with the air-cells, b, b, and the terminations of the bronchi, c, c ; from an infant newly born, Magnified 25 diameters. lobules of the lungs, and are separated from each other by areolar tissue mixed with nuclear fibres, containing in adult ani- mals (fig. 425) black pigment in the form of distinct or isolated granules, sometimes also crystals. The lobules are best seen in the lungs of young animals. These smaller or primary lobules are ag- gregated to form larger secondary lobules — the lobules of descriptive anatomists, and the outlines of which in adults are principally mapped out by lines of pigment. Outer surface of the lung of a cow, the air-cells of which were injected with wax. a, a, a, air-cells ; b, b, boundaries of the (primary) lobules. Magnified 30 diameters. The lobular structure of the lungs is best shown in the lungs of foetal animals injected from the trachea or bronchi. The capillaries of the lungs are extremely minute and very difficult to inject fully ; and Fig. 426. Capillaries of the human lung. Magnified 60 diameters. the finest injection is required for the pur- pose. In the lower vertebrate animals, the structure of the lungs is much simpler than in the higher. Thus in the Triton each forms a simple tubular sac, whilst in the frog and toad (PL 31. fig. 34) each lung may be compared to a single lobule of a lung 2o2 LYCOGALA. [ 404 ] LYCOPODIACEvE. of the Mammalia, having a cavity in the centre, with which comparatively few large cells extending into the periphery communi- cate. The capillaries are also much larger, especially in the two animals last mentioned. The capillaries may often be well seen in thin sections of the inflated and dried organs. The altered structure of emphysematous lungs may also be best shown by this me- thod. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. ; Rai- ney, Med. Chi. Trans, xxviii. & xxxi. ; Stan- nius, Vergl. Anat. LYCOGALA, Mich. — A genus of Myxo- gastres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), consisting of somewhat globular bodies, verrucose on Fig. 427. Fig. 428. Lycopodium Gayanum. Fig. 427. Scale of spike with axillary sporange ; side view. Fig. 428. The same seen from the outside. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 430. Fig. 431. Selaginella apoda. Fig. 430. Scale with oosporange. Magn. 20 diams. Fig. 431. Scale with pollen-sporange. Magn. 20 diams. the outside, composed of a double papery peridium, containing capillitium and spores, growing on rotten wood, &c. L. epidendrum varies from the size of a pea to that of a nut, is globular when solitary, deformed when growing in groups, and of a red colour. L.parietinum is bluish black, and the peridia do not exceed 1-20" in diam. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 307, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 365 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 38 ; Fries, Syst. Mycol. iii. 79, Summ. Veg. p. 448. LYCOPODIACE^. — This order of Cormophytous Flowerless Plants, which derives its name from the Lycopodia or Club-mosses, is difficult to characterize in Fig. 429. Lycopodium complanatum. One-third the nat. size. Fig. 432. Fig. 432. Oosporange with four large spores. Magn. 20 diams. Fig. 433. Pollen-sporange burst, containing small spores. Magn. 20 diams. LYCOPODIACE.E. [ 405 ] LYCOPODIACE.E. general terms. The bifurcating branched stem, rooting at each fork by a slender thread-like adventitious root, and the ordi- narily small overlapping leaves, distinguish most of the species of Lycopodium; but there is considerable variation from this habit in the Psilotete, especially in Isoetes, and the nature of the fructification is the only mark generally applicable. The Lycopodiacese bear spores which are found in small dehis- cent cases at the bases of the leaves (figs. 427, 430 and 431), on the upper face or im- bedded in it, and these fertile leaves are either scattered all along the stem, or col- lected into spikes resembling, on a small scale, elongated Pine-cones (figs. 429, 439). The plants of the genus Lycopodium proper exhibit both these conditions, but in all these cases the spores are small and nume- rous. In Selaginella, to which belong the elegant creeping Club-mosses, with flattened leafy stems (often with a metallic lustre), now so much grown in Wardian cases (fig. 434), the capsular leaves are in spikes, which are found forming one arm of a bifur- cation of the stem, while the other continues the vegetative growth ; and in these spikes we find the capsules on the lo\nest scales (oosporanges) producing only four spores (figs. 430, 432), of much larger size than those contained in large number in the other spore-cases (pollen-sporanges] (figs. 431 , 433) . Fig. 434. Selaginella cernua. Half nat. size. In both of these genera thesporanges have but one cavity; in Tmesipteris the sporanges are two-celled, and in Psilotum three-celled. In Isoetes (fig. 380), where all the leaves are seated on a tuberous stem, and most of them fertile, the sporanges containing spores of each kind are many-celled, and immersed in the substance of the bases of the leaves. The anatomical structure of the stem of the Lycopodieae is not very complex. There is an outer thickish rind, composed of cellu- lar tissue, and on cutting across a stem, the ends of isolated fibro-vascular bundles are sometimes seen traversing this ; these iso- lated bundles are merely a portion of those forming a kind of cord running up the centre of the stem, whence they have been sent off to supply the leaves. The fibro-vascular bundles are composed of spiral-fibrous ducts surrounded by elongated cellular tissue (see FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLEs),which in large woody stems become lignified by secondary deposits. The roots have also a central fibro-vascular cord, connected with the central cord of the stem. The structure of the little-developed tuberous stem of Isoetes is very different, and exhibits a remarkable mode of growth, forming annual layers of woody structure (see ISOETES). The leaves are of very simple structure, LYCOPODIACE.E. [ 406 ] LYCOPODIACE^E. but their arrangement exhibits many curious peculiarities. In PSILOTUM, one of the simplest forms, where they are mere minute scales on a widely bifurcated stem, they are alternate; in some Lycopodia they are opposite, in others whorled. When the Fig. 435. leaves are in whorls, they vary in number, not only in different species, but often in the same species in different localities, or even in the same plant. Thus the arrangement is often different on the main stem and on the branches. Fig. 436. Fig. 437. Lycopodium phlegmaria. Fig. 435. Section of the stem. Magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 436. The centre of ditto. Magnified 150 diameters. Fig. 437. One of the isolated bundles of ditto. Magnified 200 diameters. When the leaves are opposite, those forming the pairs sometimes differ both in dimensions and form ; in Lycopodium complanatum (fig. 438), the pairs of opposite leaves cross alternately at right angles so as to form four rows up the stemj in two Fig. 438. Fig (opposite) rows the leaves are alike and flattened laterally; of the other two rows, one consists of leaves like the two just described, but flattened against the stem; and the fourth row (opposite the third) of minute, scale-like bodies. In other cases, in Selagi- 439. Fig. 440. Fig. 438. Lycopodium complanatum. Young shoot. Fig. 439. Lycopodium lucidulum. Spike of fruit. Magnified 3 diameters. Fig. 440. Selaginella apoda. Young shoot. Magnified 2 diameters. LYCOPODIACE^. [ 407 ] LYCOPODIACEJL nella apoda for example, the corresponding leaves of the pairs are unequal, and are so arranged that the smaller lie in two conti- guous vertical rows, on the front of the stem, very much resembling the amphigastria of Hypopterygium and some of the Junger- mannice. In most of the Lycopodiaceae the leaves are simple and almost sessile ; but in Tmesipteris they have a blade developed into two lobes, and borne on a long stalk ; and in Psilotum the short, scale-like leaf is also divided into two lobes and supported on a petiole. The leaves of Isoetes are again different, consisting of long, quill-like bodies of a delicate structure, composed of large cells ; these are aquatic plants with very pecu- liar habits and characters (see ISOETES). The reproduction of the Lycopodiaceae, upon which much light has recently been thrown, is very curious; it is only accurately understood as yet, however, in the genera Selaginella and Isoetes, in which, as above stated, two kinds of spores are known to exist. It is found that when both kinds of spore are sown, the results of their germina- tion are totally distinct. The small dust- like spores burst their outer coat after a time, and the delicate inner membrane, which is protruded, likewise bursts after a time and discharges extremely minute cel- lules, in each of which is developed an actively moving spiral filament (spermato- zoid)like those of the FERNS. This breaks out and swims about rapidly in the water when seen beneath the microscope. The large spore exhibits no external change for a period varying from a few weeks to a few months, but a section shows that a process of cell-formation has com- menced in its interior, which results in the production of a kind of disk of cellular tissue in the upper part, beneath that por- tion of the outer spore-coat which exhibits the three converging ridges produced by the pressure of the four spores in the parent-sac during their development. At this period the spore appears to have three coats, an outer tough, coloured coat, a second coat lining this, and a third which lines the second over the great cavity of the spore, but at the upper part invests the inside of the newly-formed disk of cellular tissue, which thus lies between the second and third coats. This disk of tissue is a pro- thallium analogous to the green body deve- loped from the free spores of the FERNS and EQUISETACE^E. On its upper surface are developed a number of archegones of very simple structure. A cell of the sub- stance of the prothallium taking on the function of an embryo-sac developes a free cell (embryo-cell) in its interior, and the cells between this and the surface become modi- fied, and part so as to leave an intercellular canal between the contiguous angles of four adjoining cells, leading down to the embryo- cell, the four cells growing up from the surface so as to form a kind of perforated cellular papilla, something like that of the archegone of the Ferns. At a certain stage of this development, the outer coat of the spore bursts at the converging ridges, and the angular flaps resulting turn back and expose the prothallium on the upper surface. One (sometimes two, but as an irregularity) of the embryo-cells is then fertilized by the spiral filaments produced by the small spores (pollinic spores], if these exist at the right stage of the development in the vici- nity. After this, the embryonal cell under- goes multiplication, first growing down as a cellular filament which breaks through into the great cavity of the spore, the lower end lying there then increasing until it acquires the form of a cellular nodule, which breaks out above and exhibits on its free portion the first adventitious root and the first pair of leaves ; the rootlet makes its way down- wards into the soil, and the leaves are gra- dually elevated on a thread-like stalk, and separate, displaying two terminal buds between them, whence the first bifurcation of the stem proceeds. This mode of reproduction allies the family very closely to the double-spored Marsi- leaceae, and separates them from the Ferns and Equisetaceae, in which the prothallium is formed outside the spores, from the single and only kind which these plants possess. But a difficulty still exists with regard to those species of Lycopodieae in which only the smaller kind of spore has been met with, such as our common Lycopodium clavatum, inundatum, &c. No one has yet been able to make these germinate ; and it is conjec- tured by Hofmeister that they may possibly produce a prothallium in their interior which may bear both archegones and antherids, like the extra-sporous prothallium of Ferns. The order Lycopodiaceae is divided into two families, in accordance with the struc- ture of the sporanges. Families. I. Lycopodiete. Sporanges simple, one- celled. LYCOPODIE.E. [ 408 ] LYMPHATIC GLANDS. II. Psilotece. Sporanges compound, many-celled. BIBL. Spring, Monograph, des Lycopo- diacees, Mem. Acad. Bruxell. xv. ; Miiller, Entw. der Lycopodiaceen, Bot. Zeit. iv. 1846 (Ann. Nat. Hist. xix. p. 27, &c.) ; Bischoff, Krypt. Gew. Niirnberg, 1828. p. 97; Hofmeister, Vergleich-. Untersuch. Leipsic, 1851. p. Ill, &c.; Mettenius, Beitr. zur Botanik. Heidelb. 1850. See also LYCOPODIE^E.— A family of Lycopo- diaceous plants, distinguished by their sim- ple one-celled sporanges. The existing kinds are all herbs, mostly creeping over the ground; but some of the fossil kinds, met with especially in the Coal-measures, were large trees. Genera. I. LYCOPODIUM, Linn. Sporanges all of one kind, containing numerous small spores resembling pollen-grains. II. SELAGINELLA, P. de Beauv. Spo- ranges of two kinds, the greater part resem- bling those of Lycopodium; one, situated at the base of the spikes, larger, often four-lobed, and containing only four large spores. LYCOPODIUM, Linn!— A genus of Ly- copodieae : this has already been sufficiently characterized under the head of Lycopodia- ceae. There are more than half-a-dozen British species, mostly alpine plants, but L. inundatum occurs on bogs in all parts of Britain. The species usually described as L. Selaginoides has oosporanges and anthe- ridial sporanges, and belongs to SELAGI- NELLA. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flora-, Babington, Man. Brit. Botany ; Francis, British Ferns and their Allies, 5th ed. See also under LYCOPODIACE^E. LYGODIUM, Swartz.— A genus of Schi- zseous Ferns, consisting of beautiful climbing plants, with conjugate, palmate, lobed or pinnate leaves, having the sessile sporanges Fig. 441. Lygodium reticulatum. Fig. 441. Portion of a leaf, with fertile pinnules. Nat. in double rows on the teeth of the pinnules Fig. 443. Lygodium reticulatum. Fig. 442. Tooth of a pinnule with overlapping indusia. Magn. 20 (li;iins. Fig. 443. The same, with the indusia removed to show the sporanges. Magn. 20 diams. (fig. 441), each having a hood-like special indusium (figs. 442, 443). LYMPHATIC or CONGLOBATE GLANDS.— The structure and functions of these organs are not agreed upon by physio- logists. Each is surrounded by a capsule, consist- ing of areolar tissue, with numerous scattered fine elastic fibres (nuclear-fibres), and, in animals, unstriated muscular fibres. The substance of the glands consists of a cortical and a medullary portion. The cortical portion, which in the larger glands forms a layer about 1-6 to 1-4" in thickness, exhibits a coarsely granular ap- pearance, visible externally through the cap- sule. This granular appearance arises from the presence of a large number of septa prolonged from the capsule into the sub- stance of the organ, and dividing it into alveoli; they are about 1-96 to 1-36" in diameter, and of a rounded or polygonal form. They are more distinct in animals than in man. The septa consist of areolar tissue with a few fine elastic fibres, and nu- merous delicate spindle-shaped bodies re- sembling fibro-plastic corpuscles, often ana- stomosing at their ends. The contents of the alveoli are greyish- white, pulpy, traversed by capillary blood- vessels, and by numerous delicate fibres and plates, composed of spindle-shaped and stellate cells, resembling those found in the septa, but forming a lacunar or spongy tissue. The soft substance consists of free nuclei and rounded cells, resembling those found in the lymph and chyle. The medullary portion exhibits no septa, LYMPHATICS. [ 409 ] MACROBIOTUS. but is composed of a plexus of lymphatic vessels closely connected with the efferent vessels, supported by areolar tissue, without elastic fibres, and containing a number of fat-cells. The afferent lymphatic vessels penetrate the capsule, pass through the septa between the alveoli, and open into their lacuna, which are not lined with epithelium. From these the lymphatics of the medullary plexus arise, to terminate in the efferent vessel or vessels. It is supposed by some physiologists that most of the chyle- and lymph-corpuscles are formed in the lymphatic glands, and from a formative blastema poured out by the capil- laries of the alveoli. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii., and the Bibl. therein; for the pathology, the works of Forster and Wedl. LYMPHATICS.— Absorbents or lymph- vessels. The structure of the lymphatics is much the same as that of the veins, but in some respects it is obscure. In regard to that of their capillaries, little positive is known. Lymphatics of interme- diate and large size consist of three coats. The internal is composed of somewhat elon- gated epithelial cells, and an elastic reticular layer of longitudinal fibres. The middle coat consists of transverse muscular fibres, with fine elastic fibres also transverse. The outer areolar coat is composed of longitu- dinal fibres, with a few reticular elastic fibres, and a larger or smaller number of oblique and longitudinal bundles of unstri- ated muscular fibres ; the latter form a good distinguishing character of lymphatics from small veins. The thoracic duct differs somewhat in structure from the lymphatics. Outside the epithelium are some striated layers, next to which is an elastic reticular layer, the fibres being longitudinal ; but the entire inner coat is thin. The middle coat consists of an inner very thin longitudinal layer of areolar tissue, with fine elastic fibres, and an outer transverse muscular layer, containing also fine elastic fibres. The outer coat contains longitudinal areolar tissue, with elastic fibres and scattered anastomosing longitudinal bundles of muscular fibres. The valves of the lymphatics agree in structure with those of the veins. LYNGBYA, Ag.— A genus of Oscillato- riaceae (Confervoid Algae), related to Calo- thrix and Oscillatoria, distinguished from the former by its stratified habit, from the latter by the long flexile filaments. It con- tains both freshwater and marine species. Hassall seems to have made strange errors with the plants included under Lyngbya in his work on Freshwater Algae, for Ulothrix and Sphceroplea belong to a totally distinct group. L. muralis (PI. 4. fig. 10) grows in damp places and in wrater. The specimen from which our drawing was made exhibited a remarkable motion, a snake-like advance and retreat, coiling round other Confervae, and waving also at the end like an OSCIL- LATORIA. L. copulata, Hass. probably be- longs to the genus. The rest of his species belong apparently to ULOTHRIX. Harvey describes five marine species, some of which are of purple colour. These plants appear to break up into lenticular gonidia, but their reproduction, like that of Oscillatoria, is very obscure. BIBL. Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 219. pi. 59. 60. 72; Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. ~. pi. 26 E.; Kiitz. Spec. Alg. p. 279, Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 86-90. 225. pi. 26 E. ; Kiitz. Spec. Alg. p. 27! 36-' LYSIGONIUM. See MELOSIRA. M. MACROBIOTUS, Schultze.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Colopoda, and family Tardigrada. Char. Head not furnished with append- ages ; mouth terminated by a sucker, without palps ; skin soft, with irregular rugae. M. Hufelandii (PI. 41. fig. 8). Body cy- lindrical, colourless ; head rounded in front, with minute coloured eye-spots ; sucker, pharyngeal tube and styles well developed ; cesophageal bulb supported by a solid frame- work of jointed pieces; legs equal; claws two, bifid, the point of each again bifid; movement tolerably quick ; size 1-85 to 1-35". The most common species; found upon mosses growing on walls, stones, at the foot of trees, &c. M. Oberhauseri. Dark brown ; colour dis- tributed unsymmetrically in spots, and form- ing five longitudinal bands ; no eye-spots ; claws three, one simple, terminal, and form- ing a short filament ; the two others hooked, the anterior one double or bifid, the posterior simple; movement very active; length 1-100 to 1-85". M.ursellus. Claws three, none filamentous. M. Dujardinii. Claws two, bifid. BIBL. Doyere, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2nd ser. xiv. xvii. and xviii. ; Dujardin, ibid. x. MACROGONIDIA. [ 410 ] MAGNESIA. MACROGONIDIA.— A name applied by the Germans to the larger form of ciliated zoospore, found in many Confervoid Algae, associated with a form much smaller, distin- guishedasMicROGONiDiA. SeeZoosFORES and HYDRODICTYON (p. 332). MACROSPORIUM, Fr.— A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing upon decaying vegetable matters, correspond- Fig. 444. Macrosporium bulbotrichum. Magnified 200 diams. ing to Septosporium, Corda, and Helmispo- rium, Duby. Several species are British. M. Cheiranthi, Fr., common on wallflowers and stocks ; M. Erassicce, Berk., on cabbage- leaves ; M. sarcinula on gourds; and M. concinnum, on rotting decorticated willow twigs. We have found one species among the OIDIUM of the vine-fungus. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 339, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 261. pi. 8. fig. 10, vi. p. 435. pi. 12. fig. 21 ; Fries, Summa Veget. S. 501, Syst. Mycol. iiii. p. 274; Corda, cones Fung. i. p. 175. 176. 188. MACROTHRIX, Baird.— A genus of En- tomostraca, of the order Cladocera and family Daphniadae. Char. Five pairs of legs ; beak directed forwards ; superior antennae of considerable size, one jointed, and pendulous from the beak ; inferior antennae two-branched, pos- terior branch four-, anterior three-jointed, and with a very long filament arising from the end of the first joint ; a black spot at the root of the superior antennae. M. laticornis (PL 14. fig. 25). Shell oval, smooth, anterior margin strongly ciliated ; eye areolar. Found in ponds. M. roseus. Eye without an areola; su- perior antennae longer and more slender than in the above. Fig. 445. Probably a variety of the last. Found in Scotland. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 103. MADOTHECA, Dumortier (Jungerman- nia, L.). — A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepa- ticaceae), containing two British species, one, M. platyphylla (fig. 445), common on walls, rocks and trees ; the other, M. Icevigata, found on alpine rocks. The sporange is borne on a short stalk, globose, and bursts by four convex valves, from which the elaters are quite free. The globose persistent epigone is seen in the figure inside the two-lipped perigone. BlBL. Endl, Gen. Madotheca platyphylla. Plant. Suppl. i. p. 1341 ; ****&' 5 diams- Hooker, Brit. Flora, ii. p. 125, Brit. Jun- germann. pi. 35.40, and Supp. pi. 3; Ekart, Synops. Jungermann. p. 52. pi. 3. fig. 24. pi. 6. fig. 44. MAGNESIA, SALTS OF. Ammonio-phosphate of magnesia or triple phosphate. This salt is frequently met with in animal secretions which have undergone decomposition, also in calculi. The most common forms are prismatic, and figured in the group a, PI. 9. fig. 1, but their varieties are endless. Those of the above group are frequent in decomposing urine, blood, faeces, &c. Those in group c are occasional in urine. Those of group d are found in the contents of the vesiculae seminales. The forms e and / are rare. Fig. 2 a, b repre- sents the so-called penniform crystals, or rather groups of crystals (prisms) occasion- ally found in urine. Fig. 3 represents the stellate form, occasionally found in urine ; sometimes the minute and imperfectly formed crystals of fig. 4 are met with in the same liquid. The crystals belong to the rhombic system. The prismatic crystals were formerly con- sidered as consisting of a neutral, and the feathery of a bibasic salt ; but the composi- tion of the two is the same, and the variation in form depends upon the conditions under which they are produced. The prismatic forms may be prepared artificially by allowing urine to decompose ; or by diluting this secretion with water, and gradually stirring in very dilute solution of MAGNIFYING POWER. MARATTIACE.E. ammonia in small quantities at a time ; the penniform crystals by adding excess of solu- tion of ammonia to very dilute solutions of the phosphate of ammonia and sulphate of magnesia ; and the feathery forms by adding excess of ammonia to urine. The prismatic crystals form a beautiful polarizing object. Sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salt). When crystallized upon a slide from an aqueous solution, the prisms of this salt mounted in balsam, form an interesting polarizing object; they are also analytic. Ur ate of magnesia. See URATES. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL, and Phil. Mag. 1852. iii. p. 373. MAGNIFYING POWER.— The method of determining the magnifying power of a microscope is given under MEASUREMENT. MAHOGANY.— The wood of various species of Swietenia (Nat. Ord. Cedrelaceae). Cross sections of this well-known wood form good objects for showing the structure of WOOD with low power. MAIZE. — Indian corn, Zea Mays, L. — One of the family of Grasses producing seeds used as corn. The seeds, or rather caryopses, are remarkably firm, being of a horny texture in the outer part of the sub- stance, while the central mass is more or less brittle and soft. The solidity of the grain results from the outer cells of the albumen being densely filled with starch-grains (PL 36. fig. 3), which, by pressure, assume a parenchymatous form and cohere together firmly. In the centre they are loosely packed in the cells, and then are of rounded forms (fig. 5). Figs. 1 to 4 represent suc- cessive stages of development of the starch- grains in the protoplasmic mass, originally filling the cells but finally almost wholly displaced. See STARCH. MALACOSTOMUM, Werneck. — A genus of Rotatoria. The (three) species correspond to Notom- matce without teeth, but require further exa- mination. BIBL. Werneck, Ber. d. Berl Akad. 1841. p. 377. MALPIGHIAN BODIES. See KIDNEY. MANDIOC or MANIHOT. See CAS- SAVA. MANILLA HEMP.— One of the most delicate of vegetable fibres used for textile fabrics, yielded by the liber of the fibro-vas- cular bundles of Musa textilis, a kind of banana common in the Philippine Islands (PI. 21. fig. 7). It is manufactured into " Manilla handkerchiefs " and " Manilla scarfs," consisting of a delicate muslin. These are often erroneously stated to be made of the fibre of some kind of Pine-apple. See TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. BIBL. Hooker's Journal of Botany, vol. i. 28. 1849. MARANTACE^E.— A family of Monoco- tyledonous Flowering plants, to which belong the true West Indian arrow-root plants (see ARROW ROOT), and the Tous-les-mois plants, species of CANNA. These sub- stances consist of the starch (PI. 36. figs. 18 & 25) obtained from the tuberous rhizomes of the plants (see STARCH). MARATTIA, Swartz.— The typical genus Fig. 446. Fig. 447. Marattia. Fig. 446. Side view of a sorus. Fig. 447. Indusium with the sorus removed. Magnified 12 diams. of Marattiaceous Ferns. Exotic (figs. 446 & 447). MARATTIACE^.— A family of Ferns, approaching the Polypodiaceae in general habit, but more resembling the Ophioglos- saceae in their sporanges, which are destitute of an annulus, and often so fused together as to look like a multilocular sac. Genera. I. Angiopteris. Sporangia in two rows near the apex of transverse veins, distinct, forming linear sori, opening by a slit on the outer side. No indusium. II. Kaulfussia. Sporangia placed on the anastomoses of the veins, radiately connate, forming roundish sori, opening by a slit at the apex. III. Marattia. Sporangia in two rows near the apex of transverse veins, connate, forming oblong sori, gaping transversely bv a vertical slit. Indusia connate with the sori (figs. 446, 447). IV. Eupotium. Sporangia as in Marattia, but pedicellate. V. Dancea. Sporangia in two rows, near the transverse veins, connate into linear sori, opening by a pore. Indusia superficial, en- circling the sori (fig. 159. page 188). MARCHANTIA. [ 412 ] MARCHANTIA. MARCHANTIA, Micheli.— A genus of Marchantieae(Hepaticace8e). The most com- mon species, M. polymorpha, may be taken as a type at once of this genus and of the family. It is a little plant, not uncommon between the stones of damp shady courtyards, the borders of springs, &c., extending itself in bright green thin lamellae of irregular lobed outline, attached to the soil by radical hairs arising on the lower surface. The frond presents an upper and lower epidermis with an intermediate parenchyma, and the lobes are traversed by a kind of midrib. The upper surface is marked by raised lines which cross each other very regularly, leaving be- tween them lozenge-shaped spaces (fig. 448), Fig. 448. Marchantia polymorpha. Lobe of a frond. Magnified 10 diameters. in the centre of each of which occurs a stomate, leading to an intercellular space in the parenchyma. The stomates of Mar- chantia are circular, and consist of sixteen cells, arranged so as to form four rings, one upon another, each ring being composed of four cells; they may be best explained by comparing them with a chimney composed of four courses of bricks, each consisting of four bricks laid together to enclose a square. The parenchyma is composed of several layers of cells, which contain much chloro- phyll. The inferior epidermis is clothed by radical hairs, which exhibit a remarkable spiral marking, arising from the projection of a spirally deposited secondary layer in the interior of the tube. The fronds do not readily produce spo- ranges in shady places, but when exposed to the light these are produced at the ends of the ribs, at the base of the terminal notches of the lobes. The male structures are pro- duced on different plants from the female, but both are borne on peculiar stalked receptacles. The first appearance of one of these recep- tacles is as a little green papilla, surrounded by reddish scales, at the end of one of the principal ribs. As it enlarges it pushes its way through the scales, and the rib on which it is borne elongates to form a pedicel, on which it is raised up perpendicularly above the surface of the frond, ultimately acquiring the form of an expanded cap, in the male receptacles with a sinuate margin (fig. 449), Fig. 449. Marchantia polymorpha. Plant with antheridial receptacles. Nat. size. in the female with the border developed into eight or nine thick cylindrical lobes (fig. 450). Fig. 450. Marchantia polymorpha. Plant with fertile receptacles. Nat. size. The male receptacle is concave above, with papillae consisting of the mouths of flask-shaped cavities, in each of which is formed an antheridium (fig. 451). These antheridia are oval cellular bodies lodged in the expansion of the cavity, with a long neck projecting forward through the mouth of the flask-shaped excavation. The cells of the interior of the lower part of the antheridia produce spermatozoids (PI. 32. fig. 32). The MARCHANTIA. Fig. 451. [ 413 ] MARCHANTIA. Marchantia polymorpha. Section through the antheridial receptacles, showing the flask-shaped cavities containing the antheridia. Magnified 25 diameters. lower surface of the receptacle is clothed by membranous processes and hairs. The female receptacles are somewhat con- vex above, and on the under surface of the base of each lobe are found delicate mem- branous processes with toothed margins. The membranes of each two adjoining lobes form a perichate (fig. 452) alternating with Fig. 452. Marchantia polymorpha. A sporangia! receptacle seen from below. Magnified 5 diameters. the lobes, concealing between them the ar- chegones, which are attached by their bases, and have their mouths pointing downwards. The archegones of Marchantia are flask- shaped sacs with a long neck (figs. 329-331, p. 320), containing in their cavity a cell (germ- cell), which after fertilization becomes deve- loped into an oval cellular body, the young sporange. In the course of the development of this, it soon fills the cavity of the arche- gone, which then begins to grow with it, and subsequently forms a loose sac around it, the epigone, finally ruptured at the point, so as to exhibit four or five teeth or valves, which become recurved (fig. 453). Mean- Fig. 453. Marchantia polymorpha. Vertical section of the same, showing sporanges in situ, bursting to discharge the spores and elaters. Magnified 10 diameters. while another envelope grows up around the epigone, appearing at first as a mere ring surrounding it (figs. 329-331, p. 320), but ultimately rising up so as to enclose it, re- maining open however at the summit ; this is the perigone. In its young stages the sporange is a mere oval mass of polygonal cells, but soon may be detected a distinction between a cortical or peripheral layer and the internal mass. The cells of the former remain firmly united into a membrane form- ing the wall of the sporange. These cells grow so as to assume an elongated form, and when mature exhibit internally a spiral- fibrous secondary deposit (PI. 32. fig. 35), analogous to that of the cells of the anthers of Flowering plants. The cells of the inter- nal mass present at an early period the ap- pearance of a large number of filaments radiating from the centre of the sporange to the wall. These soon become free from each other, and it may then be perceived that some are of very slender diameter, and others three or four times as thick. The slender ones are developed at once into the long elaters (PI. 32. fig. 36) characteristic of this genus, containing a double spiral fibre, the two fibres, however, coalescing into one at the ends (fig. 37). The thicker filaments become subdivided by cross partitions, and break up into squarish free cells, which are the parent-cells of the spores, four of which are produced in each (P1.38.figs.lO-13). The sporesof M^o/ymorp^ahavebuta single coat, and their contents are bright yellow when mature. When they germinate, the contents are converted into chlorophyll, and the growth commences by the production of a tubular process from one side of the spore. MARCHANTIA. [ 414 ] MARGARIC ACID. It has been mentioned that M.polymorpha does not fruit freely in the shade. Under these circumstances it produces gemmce, con- sisting of little, compressed, oblong masses of cells, of green colour, capable of repro- ducing the plant. These are found, when mature, in elegant cup-like structures, with toothed borders, sessile on the upper face of the frond (figs..450, 454). The cup seems to Fig. 454. Marchantia polymorpha. A collection of gemmae in their involucre. Magnified 25 diameters. be formed by a development of the superior epidermis, which is raised up and finally bursts and spreads out, laying bare the gem- mae, produced from the internal parenchyma. The gemmae consist at first of a single cell, which divides so as to present an upper and a lower (stalk) cell; the upper multiplies until it becomes a cellular mass (fig. 455). Fig. 455. Marchantia polymorpha. A vertical section of the same, with nascent gemmae. Magnified 50 diameters. The development of this structure presents much analogy to that of the sori of the Ferns with their indusia and sporanges. The Marchantia also increase by innova- tions, or lobes of the frond becoming de- tached from those on which they originate. These plants form most interesting objects of microscopic investigation, in all parts of their structure. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 105, Engl. Botany, pi. 110; Mirbel, Reck. anat. etphysiol. sur le Marchantia, Memoir es Acad. Roy. Paris, xiii. pp. 337. 375 ; Nageli, Wur- zel-haare du Marchantia, Linntea, xvi. 1842 ; Henfrey, Dev. of Spores and Elaters of Marchantia, Linn. Trans, xx. p. 103. pi. 11; Thuret, Rech. sur les Antheridies, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 72. pi. 12. figs. 1-5. MARCHANTIACE.E.— A tribe of Liver- worts or Hepaticaceae, having broadish lobed thalloid fronds, from the bifurcations of which arise stems bearing variously arranged sporanges containing spores mingled with elaters, but destitute of a columella. British Genera. I. Marchantia. The fructiferous head of the axis radiating. Perichaetes having from one to six archegonia, alternating with the rays of the fruit-head. Perigone 4-5-lobed. Epigone persistent. Sporange bursting with teeth, which are at length re volute. II. Fegatella. Fructiferous head scarcely thickened, umbonate. Perichaete absent. Perigones tubular, obliquely split at the apex, connate with each other and confused with the axis. Epigone persistent. Sporange bursting with 5 or 8 teeth, at length revo- lute. III. Rebouillia. Fructiferous head conical, somewhat 5-lobed. Perichaete wanting. Perigones bursting by a longitudinal slit, distinct, adnate to the axis. Epigone per- sistent. Sporange bursting irregularly at the apex. Nearly allied to these are several interest- ing foreign genera, noticed under HEPATI- CACE^, Grimaldia (figs. 336, 337), Fim- briaria(ftgs. 338, 339), Lunularia (figs. 333- 335). MARGARIC ACID and MARGARINE. — The former general ingredient of the fatty matters of both the animal and vegetable kingdom, when crystallized from hot alcohol, forms minute needles, either isolated or in groups (PL 7- fig. 16 a). The crystals differ from those of stearic acid, which form lan- ceolate, single or aggregated plates (PL 7- fig. 166). Margarine crystallizes from a hot alcoholic solution in fine needles, mostly grouped or branched, sometimes surrounding globules of oleine, or forming bulb-like aggregations of needles (PL 7- fig- 15). It is sometimes MARGINARIA. [ 415 ] MARSILEACE.E. found crystallized within the cells of fatty tissue (PI. 7. fig. 15 a). BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. MARGINARIA, Bory.— A genus of Po- ly podieae (Ferns), with the naked sori im- bedded deeply in the backs of the veins and venules. The sporanges are borne on long pedicels, and are intermixed with articulated paraphyses. MARGINULINA, Ehr.— A genus of Fo- RAMINIFERA (p. 270). MARSILEA, L.— A genus of Marsileacese (Flowerless Plants), growing in mud, by a creeping rhizome, from which arise erect filiform leaf-stalks, supporting a compound four-lobed blade ; at the bases of the leaf- stalks arise also stalked capsules, chambered in the interior, being divided by one perpen- dicular and many horizontal septa ; in these chambers are found sacs (sporanges) con- taining the spores. The spores are of two kinds, the larger representing ovules, the smaller pollen ; but while the former pro- duce a single archegone in germination, like those ofPilularia, the pollen-spores produce numerous vesicles in their interior, which become the parent-cells of sperinatozoids. The capsules of Marsilea have a regular de- hiscence when ripe, and the whole mass of the spore-sacs is extruded on a thick gela- tinous stalk-like process, produced from the interior. As these plants do not occur in this country, we do not enter very minutely into their characters, especially as in all essential respects they agree with PILU- LARIA. BIBL. See MARSILEACEJE. MARSILEACE.E.— A family of Flower- less plants possessing a distinct leafy stem, composed of a small number of plants, of minute dimensions, but of great interest in a physiological point of view. They are all aquatics, some growing in the mud in and around ponds, others floating on the surface of stagnant waters. Known perhaps only to the botanist, they are distinguished from the families to which their reproductive structures ally them most closely, by the much more perfect separation of these from the vegeta- tive structure. They all bear distinct spore- fruits or sporocarps, seated on a stalk arising from the stem. These contain sporanges or spore-sacs, differently arranged in the dif- ferent genera, but agreeing in this respect, that they contain spores of two kinds, ana- logous to the two kinds of spore in Lyco- podiacese, but differing in their mode of development. Pilularia globulifera is the only British representative of this family ; a description of its organization is given under the head of PILULARIA. It agrees with Marsilea, a genus occurring on the continent, in possess- ing only one kind of sporocarp, which con- tains spore-sacs, part of which contain ovu- lary spores, part pollen-spores ; the principal difference being that the sporocarps are of more complex structure in Marsilea. Sal- vinia, consisting of floating aquatic plants, possesses two kinds of sporocarp, which may be called male and female, and the same is the case with Azolla ; the development of the plants of the last genus, however, has not yet been thoroughly elucidated. The principal characteristics, in which all these plants agree, consist in the possession of free stalked sporocarps, quite distinct from the leaves, and the production of two kinds of spore, which agree in the history of de- velopment. The small spores produce sper- matozoids, formed in vesicles developed in chambers into which the spores become di- vided in germination. The large spores, which are more highly organized than those of LYCOPODIACE^E, produce in germination a prothallium, somewhat like that of Lyco- podiacese, inside the outer coat of the spore, on which is developed a single archegonium in Pilularia and Marsilea, several archegonia in Salvinia. The conditions in Azolla at this stage are unknown. The germ-cell of the archegonium, fertilized apparently by the spermatozoids, becomes developed in situ into the new leafy plant, which was thus formerly regarded as a product of the simple germination of the spore. More de- tailed particulars are given under the heads of the genera. The distinctive characters of the genera may be given as follows : Genera. * Stems creeping over mud, rooting ; sporo- carps of one kind, containing spore-sacs of each kind. I. Pilularia. Leaves filiform. Sporocarps globular, almost sessile, four-celled, contain- ing the two kinds of spores in distinct sacs. II. Marsilea. Leaves cruciately four- lobed; lobes obcordate. Sporocarps stalked, two-celled, the two cells divided transversely into many smaller cells. ** Plants floating like Duckweed; sporo- carps of two kinds. III. Salvinia. Leaves opposite, small, glandular, floating. Sporocarps on sub- MASTIGOBRYUM. [ 416 ] MEASUREMENT. merged, leafless branches, globular, with a double wall and a central sporophore, some containing racemosely-stalked sacs filled with barren spores, others many simple stalked sacs containing a solitary fertile spore. IV. Azolla. Leaves alternate, imbricated. Sporocarps submerged, unlike externally : — 1. Stalked membranous sacs, irregularly dehiscent, containing stalked sacs filled with barren spores; 2. sessile, solitary or twin cellular bodies, each consisting of a highly developed fertile spore, approximating to the condition of an ovule. BIBL. Bischoff, Krypt. Gewdchse, Nurem- berg, 1828, p. 63; Esprit Fabre, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 2. vii. p. 221. pi. 12 & 13; Nageli, Zeitschr. fur Wiss. Hot. Heft 1. p. 168, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. ix. p. 99. pi. 8 ; Mettenius, Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Rhizocar- pen, Frankfort, 1846, Ueb. Azolla, Linncea, xx. (1847), Ann. des Sc.nat. 3 ser. ix. p. Ill; Schleiden, Grundz. d. Wiss. Bot. 3 ed. p. 104 (transl. Principles, p. 203) ; Meyen, Beitr. z. Kenntn. der Azollen, Nova Acta, xviii. p. 507 ; Hofmeister, Vergleich. Unters. p. 103. pi. 21 & 22; W. Griffith, on Azolla, Cal- cutta Journal of Nat. History, July, 1844; R. Brown, on Azolla, Flinders' Voyage, Botany, 612. pi. x.; Henfrey, Trans. Brit. Ass. 1851, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. ix. p. 447. MASTIGOBRYUM. See HERPETIUM. MASTIGOCERCA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eye single and cervical; tail-like foot styliform; carapace prismatic, with a dorsal crest. M. carinata (PL 34. fig. 46, side view). Foot as long as the body ; aquatic ; entire length 1-72". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 460. MASTOGONIA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules single ; valves dissimilar, angular, mammiform, orbicular at the base, free from umbilical processes, not cellular, angles radiating. Fossil. The (eight) species are interesting from the structure of the two valves of the frus- tules differing. Thus in one, M. crux, the angles and rays are four in one valve, but seven in the other ; in M. actinoptychus the angles and rays are nine in one valve, and thirteen in the other, and so on. Diameter from 1-1600 to 1-360". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 25. MATONIA, R. Brown.— A genus of Cyathseous Ferns, with a curious stalked and imbricat^ basin-like indusium (figs. 457, 458). Exotic. Fig. 456. Matonia pectinata. Fig. 456. Part of a fertile pinna. Magn. 3 diams. Fig. 457. Indusium opened at the side, showing thecse in situ. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 458. The same with the thecse removed. Magn. 25 diams. MAURANDYA.— A genus of Scrophula- riaceae (Dicotyledonous Flowering Plants), the testa of the seed of which is composed of cells with spiral fibrous deposits, forming an elegant microscopic object. MEASUREMENT and MEASURES.— In this article we shall consider the method of measuring the magnifying power of a microscope, of ascertaining the dimensions of objects, and shall give a sketch of the standard measures in which the dimensions of objects are expressed. Measurement of the magnifying power of a microscope. — The apparent size which an object will appear to possess under a micro- scope will vary of course according to the power of the object-glass and of the eye- piece used, and the length of the body of the microscope ; and it is a good plan to determine the measurements once for all in the case of the various object-glasses and eye-pieces, keeping them written upon a card, so that they may be readily accessible. The apparatus requisite consists of a mi- crometer-slide graduated into thousandths of an inch, each tenth division being marked by a longer line; or two separate slides, one graduated into thousandths, the other into hundredths of an inch ; and an ivory MEASUREMENT. [ 417 ] MEASUREMENT. scale graduated into inches, tenths, and hundredths. The simplest method is that by double sight, as it is called. The micrometer slide is placed upon the stage, the lines brought into focus, and the image of one of the in- terspaces, as seen upon the stage with the open eye not used in looking through the microscope, is measured with compasses. By then dividing the measure of the image of the space by the known measure of the unmagnified space, the quotient is the re- quired magnifying power. Thus, if the space on the micrometer scale is equal to the 1- 100th of an inch, and the image of the magnified spact corresponds to 5-10ths of an inch, the space is magnified 50 times : A-s-T^rrSO. The same result may be obtained with the aid of the camera lucida, by placing the microscope horizontally, and its axis at a distance from the table equal to the distance between the focus of the eyepiece and the stage ; the breadth of the image of a division is then measured as before ; and this is the best and most certain method. The most important point in relation to this subject is, that the joint of the micro- scope shall be furnished with a stop or pin (!NTR. p. xiii), by which the body may be placed horizontally at once, so that all ob- jects which are drawn under the same object- glass and eyepiece may be magnified to the same extent ; and this" should be determined by the second of the above methods. The obvious use of being acquainted with the magnifying power of a microscope, is that objects under examination may be viewed by the same power as that with which figures of them have been made, so that the structure or appearance of the ob- jects in the two cases may be compared. We have elsewhere stated the importance of expressing the magnifying power with which figures of objects have been drawn (!NTR. p. xxxix). In the above estimation of the magnifying power, one dimension only is taken into account, viz. the breadth or diameter ; and this is the ordinary manner in which the magnifying power is taken ; objects are then said to be magnified so many diameters, or so many times linear. But objects are really as much magnified in the other dimension, or in their entire surface ; so that the true expression of the amplification would be given by multiplying that in one direction by that in the other, or by itself, i. e. squaring the linear magnifying power. This is called the superficial measurement. This proceeding, however, offers no advan- tage, and is not in accordance with custom, either in regard to the microscope or objects in general. It is therefore never used except for fraudulent purposes, to delude the un- wary in the purchase of an instrument ; thus supposing a microscope to magnify 40 dia- meters, 40 X 40 = 1600 would express the magnifying power in superficial measure. Measurement of the size of objects. — This is effected with the aid of a slide-micrometer passed through two slits in the eyepiece above the stop, and at the focus of the upper glass of the eyepiece. The breadth of the spaces between the lines must be such as to give an even and minute fraction of an inch. The value of the spaces will vary with the power of the object-glass and eyepiece, so that it must be determined in each case re- spectively, and recorded. For measuring small objects, the breadth of the spaces in the eyepiece micrometer may be such that twenty of them correspond to 1- 1000th of an inch in the stage-micrometer slide, so that the value of each division will be the 1 -20,000th part of an inch. It is seldom that we have to measure objects so small as this ; but the small size is of great advan- tage, because in most cases it will happen that the margins of the objects will coincide exactly with some of the fines, whereby the chance of error in computation will be avoided. For larger objects, the spaces of the eyepiece micrometer may be coarser. The method of measuring scarcely requires further explanation. Supposing, however, that the divisions of the stage-micrometer are equal to 1 -1000th of an inch, and those of the eyepiece micrometer equal to I -20,000th of an inch, i. e. twenty of them cover one space in the former, an object brought into focus and covering five of the spaces of the eyepiece micrometer, will be 1 -4000th of an inch in diameter ; and so for other dimensions. When the objects are large, the compasses and the ivory scale will suffice for their measurement; but sometimes this may be conveniently done under a low power, for the l-100ths of an inch are not very clearly discernible to all eyes. In measuring objects, they must be co- vered with thin glass, and not immersed in too much liquid. It is a matter of great difficulty, under high powers, to adjust accurately the divi- 2E MEASUREMENT. [ 418 ] MEASUREMENT. sions of the eyepiece micrometer to those of the stage-micrometer, or to the margins of objects, by means of the rnoveable stage; a very ingenious apparatus has been con- trived by Mr. Jackson to overcome the diffi- culty. It consists of a little brass frame, in which the eyepiece micrometer slides from side to side, the motion being commu- nicated by the end of a screw working against one end of the slide, and resisted at the other by a spring; and as the magnifying power with which the divisions of the eye- piece micrometer are viewed is small, the adjustment is easily and accurately effected. Other micrometers, as the ' cobweb-micro- meter/ are made ; but as they are very ex- pensive and not necessary, we shall pass them over. Some authors express the measurement of objects by means of a ruled scale appended to the figures or plates of them, the scale consisting of divisions of a stage-micrometer of known value traced off under the same power as the objects themselves ; or some- times the divisions are ruled over the figures. These methods are very objectionable, be- cause the size of the objects cannot be ascer- tained without measuring with compasses and calculation, which is almost as bad as the size being omitted altogether. Whenever figures of objects are given, the magnifying power with which they are drawn should always be expressed in numbers near the figures. Many or even most authors omit all notice of dimensions, so that whe- ther an object figured be as large as an ox or as small as a mite, is known only to them- selves and their friends; the student will find for himself this to be the greatest diffi- culty in identifying objects in the study of natural history, because the visible structure of objects varies according to the power under which these are seen. Other writers state the magnifying power in a note in the substance of the book, or in some obscure and inconvenient place. Measures. — The measures in which the dimensions of objects are expressed should consist of parts of an English inch, and not of a line. On the continent, fractions of a millimetre, of a Paris or French line, and of a Rhenish or Prussian line are used. When fractions of a millimetre are adopted, this is usually denoted by the addition of mm to the figure or figures. In France the mil- limetre and the Paris line are both used ; in Germany fractions of a line are expressed ; but whether this is the Paris line or the Prussian line, we have never seen stated in any of the works, although we believe the Paris line to be generally signified. The following data will be found useful in reducing the foreign to the English mea- sures : — A millimetre = 0-0393707 English inch ; or (roughly) rather less than l-25th of an English inch. A centimetre = 0-393707 Eng. inch ; or (roughly) rather more than I -3rd Eng. inch. A Paris line = 0-088815 Eng. inch; or rather more than 1-llth Eng. inch, to which vulgar fraction it is nearest. To convert a foreign into the English measure, the former must be multiplied by its unit value ; thus, 0'25ram (millimetre) X 0-0393707 = 0-0098326/5 Engl. inch. But in most cases a few decimal places only need be observed. In this way, however, we get a rather long sum, which may be avoided by the use of the following Table, in which the Table for conversion of foreign into English measures. Millimetres Old Paris lines Prussian lines into English inches. into English inches. into English inches. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •039370 •078741 •118112 •157483 •196853 •236224 •275595 •314966 •354337 •088815 •177630 •266445 •355260 •444075 •532890 •621705 •710520 799335 •085817 •171633 •25745 •343267 •429083 •51490 •600717 •686532 •77235 numbers in the first (or left-hand) column correspond to the denominations expressed in the uppermost (head) line of the three broader columns, while the fractions oppo- site these numbers denote their values in parts of the denominations of the lowermost (head) line. Thus, I™* = 0-039370 Eng. inch; 3mm= 0-118112; 2 Prussian lines =0-171633 Eng. inch, and so on. In using this table, the decimal fraction to be con- verted into parts of an English inch must be broken up into its decimal parts, and each valued separately from the table ; thus, to convert 0-/5mm into a fraction of an English inch — 0-7mm = 0-0275595 \ „ ^ . , , , 0-05mm = 0-00196853 j(b^ the table)t 0-75mm = 0-02952803 Eng. inch. MEDULLA. [ 419 ] MEDULLARY RAYS. The only circumstance which requires at- tention in the use of this table is the position of the decimal point. Thus, in the above measure of 0'75mm, which, when broken up, makes 07mm and 0'05mm, if the first value (0'7) had been 7'0, the value in Eng. inch would have been, according to the table, 0-275595 Eng. inch ; but this is 10 times too much, or = 7 whole millimetres ; hence the shifting of the decimal point, and so on. To express the mode of proceeding by rule, — the decimal point in the fraction of an English inch given by the table should be shifted to the left and as many cyphers added as there are decimal places in the foreign measure. BIBL. That in the INTRODUCTION, p.xl; Robertson, Edinb. Monthly Journ. 1852, p. 95 ; Harting, ibid. p. 453. MEDULLA OF PLANTS.— The name ap- plied by the older authors to the pith of Dico- tyledon (fig. 4 59 M), from a supposed analogy Fig. 459. Horizontal section of a yearling shoot of a Dicotyledon. M, medulla ; RM , medullary rays ; T, medullary sheath. Magnified 25 diameters. with the medulla spinalis of animals . It affords very excellent subjects for preparing sections of regular parenchymatous tissues, as in the elder, and in the tall annual stems of many of the larger perennial herba- ceous plants. It sometimes becomes curiously chambered as it grows older, as in the walnut and the jasmine, very frequently, however, it decays away after a time, leaving the centre of the stem hollow ; this same hollow con- dition occurs early in fistular stems, such as those of the Umbelliferae, from the pith being torn up by rapid expansion of the wood. The Mono- cotyledons do not generally possess a definite pith ; the cellular mass, in which the isolated FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES are imbedded, answers to a diffused pith, or rather to the pith and medullaryrayscollectively. It may be seen well in sections of the flowering-stem of lilies (fig. 460 M}. A more definite medulla occurs in the stem (and in the leaves) of the Fig. 460. Horizontal section of a flowering- stem of a lily. M, medulla ; F, fibro-vascular bundles. Magnified 5 diameters. rushes and sedges, where also the cells are often of most elegant radiating forms, leaving large air-canals between them (PL 38. fig. 18). The pith of a Dicotyledonous stem loses itself gradually in the terminal bud, where it is confounded with the nascent wood and cortical layers. In this stage its cells pos- sess an active vitality, which, however, is soon lost. BIBL. General Works on Structural Botany. MEDULLARY RAYS.— The processes of cellular tissue extending out from the pith between the fibro-vascular bundles of a Dicotyledonous stem in the first year of growth (fig. 459 R M), together with addi- tional interposed rays formed between the older in each succeeding annual layer of wood (fig. 461 1, 2, 3, 4). The tissue of these rays generally becomes much com- pressed during growth, but their size and Fig. 461. Section of a four- years' old shoot of the Cork oak. M, pith ; 1 , 2, 3, 4, medullary rays of successive years ; P. C, liber layers ; S, cork layers. Magnified 20 diameters. 2E2 MEDULLARY SHEATH. [ 420 ] MELANCONIEI. the degree of development differ much in different cases. In radial sections of Dico- tyledonous wood they often appear distinctly to the naked eye, from the direction of their cells being different from that of the woody fibre, and therefore reflecting light dif- ferently ; this causes the " silver grain " as it is called of oak-panels, &c. ; in tangental sections of the trunk, the ends of the me- dullary rays usually appear as short, more or less regular narrow streaks. MEDULLARY SHEATH.— The earliest layer of fibro-vascular tissue developed in a Dicotyledonous stem, consists ordinarily of spiral vessels, these forming the foundation of the wood-bundles (fig. 459 T). As the latter stand in a circle round the pith, their internal vascular layers of course form col- lectively a continuous cylindrical envelope to the pith ; this is called the medullary sheath. It is absent in some Dicotyledonous stems, for example in the Orobanchaceae. MEESIA,Hedw.— A genus of Bartramioid Mosses; one species, M.uliginosa(=Bryum trichodes), certainly British; another, M. longiseta, doubtful. MEESIACE^E.— A tribe of Bartrami- oid Mosses, containing two genera, of which there are but few British representatives : I. MEESIA. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome double. External, of sixteen very short, broad, obtuse teeth, with a median line or fissile. Internal : a short membrane produced into sixteen cartilaginous teeth with a median line, or split and perforated ; teeth often coherent with interposed, more or less perfect, mostly irregularly coherent appendiculiform cilia. Areolation of the leaf of one character. II. PALUDELLA. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome double, both of sixteen teeth, resembling that of Bryum, but the inner without cilia. Inflorescence dioecious. Areo- lation of the leaves dimorphous, lax and dense. MEGALOTROCHA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Megalotrochaea. Char. Eyes two, red, sometimes disap- pearing with age. Rotatory organ two-lobed or horse-shoe shaped ; teeth in rows. M. albo-flavicans, E. (PL 35. fig. 1). Co- lourless and unattached when young, yellow- ish and grouped in radiant clusters when old ; aquatic; length of individuals 1-36"; of the clusters 1-6". The ova remain some time attached to the parent by a cord. M. velata, Gosse. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 396 ; Gosse Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 198. MEGALO of Rotatoria. MEGALOTROCHAEA i. p. iy». , Ehr.— A family Char. Neither envelope nor carapace present ; rotatory organ simple, notched or sinuous at the margin. Three genera : Eyes none 1 . Cyphonautes. Eyes present. Eye one 2. Microcodon. Eyes two 3. Megalotrocha. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 394. MEGAMERUS, Duges.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Trombidina. Char. Palpi with a claw, long, free ; body constricted ; coxae distant ; legs ambulatory, femora, especially of the fourth pair, very large, seventh joint short; larvae hexapod, resembling the adults. Mandibles forcipate. Eight species. They live in damp, shady places, and move rapidly. T. celer (PI. 2. fig. 33 : a, labium ; b, palp). Minute; abdomen oblong; the sides narrowed posteriorly, covered with hairs and with three terminal setae ; labium bifid ; mandibles with a moveable, elongated, pointed and curved claw. PI. 2. fig. 33 c, mandible of M. roseus. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2 ser. ii. p. 50; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arachn. iii. 169. MELAMPSORA. See UREDO. MELANCONIEI.— A family of Conio- mycetous Fungi growing beneath the epi- dermis of leaves and bark. They are at first little tubercles on the surface of a white mycelium, without an orifice, subsequently they become hollow and fleshy, and the interior becomes coated with filaments, each terminating in a spore. The tubercles mean- time enlarge, raise up the epidermis, and appear there in groups with irregular orifices opening outwards. The conceptacles are closely crowded, and form blackish patches on the leaves or bark, and when mature the spores are expelled, mixed with filaments in a gelatinous condition, and in the form of threads or ribands. The spores differ in shape. The genera present forms which appear to belong in common to Ascomycetous genera, for example Cytispora is apparently a form of Sphceria, &c. (See ASCOMYCETES, Co- NIOMYCETES.) Synopsis of British Genera. I. MELANCONIUM. Conceptacle mem- MELANCONIUM. [ 421 ] MELOPHILA. branous, central heterogeneous column, branching irregularly at the summit ; spores ovate, simple. II. STILBOSPORA. Conceptacle mem- branous, without a central column, bursting irregularly at the summit ; spores oblong, transversely septate or cellular. III. DIDYMOSPORIUM. Like the prece- ding, but with didymous spores. IV. CYTISPORA. Conceptacle celluloso- multilocular, membranous, united above, bursting by a common elongated ostiole; spores simple, expelled in a gelatinous riband-like mass. V. CEUTHOSPORA. Conceptacle mem- branous, solitary, immersed in a common conceptacle, horny without, fleshy within ; ostiole simple ; spores ovate, simple. VI. NEMASPORA. Conceptacle mem- branous, immersed in a grumous common receptacle, encircling a heterogeneous colu- mella, conjoined at the apex, dehiscing in a common tube, hence with a solitary ostiole; spores spindle-shaped, simple. VII. CORYNEUM. Sporophores erect, closely crowded into a disk, breaking out upon the surface of the epidermis, bearing spindle-shaped multiseptate spores. VIII. BACTRIDIUM. Mycelium creeping, branched, closely septate; spores spindle- shaped, multiseptate, with transparent ends, filled in the middle with grumous matter. IX. ERIOSPORA. Stroma multicellular, cells (conceptacles) globose, expelling by a common pore very slender filiform spores, originally attached in fours to sporophores. X. CHEIROSPORA. Perithecia absent (?). Spores simple, naked, crowded in bunches at the apex of a simple filiform pedicel; normally in moniliforin rows. XL DISCELLA. Perithecium sub-simple, sometimes obsolete or altogether deficient above, hence excipuliform; spores elongated, simple or uniseptate, borne on sporophores. MELANCONIUM, Lk. — A genus of Melanconiei (Coniomycetous Fungi), so called from forming a kind of black rust on branches of trees, reeds, &c. Several spe- cies have been found in Britain. The com- monest is M. bicolor, Nees (Didymosporium elevatum, Br. Fl.), on twigs of birch. Fries places also Cryptosporium vulgare here. (See CRYPTOSPORIUM.) BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 357 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 438 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 508. MELASMIA, Lev. — A supposed genus of Sphajronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), but apparently only a stylosporous form of RHYTISMA. M. acerinum occurs on the leaves of the sycamore, forming black spots, sometimes as much as 1-2" in diameter. BIBL. Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. v. p. 456 ; Leveille, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. v. p. 2/6; Fries, Summa Veget. p. 423. MELICERTA, Schrank.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Flosculariaea. Char. Bodies each in an isolated tubular carapace or urceolus; rotatory organ four- lobed ; eyes two, at least when young. M. ring ens (PL 35. fig. 3 ; fig. 4, animal removed from the sheath ; fig. 6, jaws). Carapace conical or cylindrical, brownish, composed of numerous rounded or discoidal bodies agglutinated together; body colour- less. Aquatic; length of carapace 1-36 to Frequentlyfound attached to water-plants, especially Potamogeton crispus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 404; William- son, Micr. Journ. 1852. MELOLONTHA, Fabr. (Cock-chafer). — A genus of Coleopterous Insects, of the family Melolonthida3. The structure of M. vulgaris, the common cock-chafer, has been elaborately studied and described. BIBL. Suckow, Naturgeschichte des Mai- kdfers-, Straus Durckheim, Consider. general, s. V Anatomic comparee des Insectes ; West- wood, Introduction, fyc. MELOPHILA, Nitzsch (Melophagus, Latr.). — A genus of Dipterous Insects, of the family Hippoboscidse. Char. Head posteriorly received in an excavation of the thorax ; wings and halteres absent ; last joint of the tarsus largest. M. ovinus, the sheep-tick (PI. 28. fig. 23). Common upon sheep. Antennae small, sunk in an eye-like cavity of the head; eyes small, oval, resembling two groups of ocelli ; setae three, enclosed in two sheath-like, hairy, unjointed organs (labial palpi), resembling otherwise those of Pulex, and arising from the sides of a triangular labium. Legs robust ; tarsi with two stout serrated claws, each having at its base a blunt process; accompanying the claw is an elegant feathery tarsal brush ; and on the under side of the last tarsal joint is a bilobed pectinate organ. BIBL. Lyonet, Reck. s. V Anatomic et les metamorphoses, fyc. Paris, 1832 ; Gurlt, Ma- gaz.f. d.gesammte Thierheilkunde, 1843. ix.; Westwood, Introduction, fyc. ; Curtis, Brit. Entom. 142; Dufour, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 1845. iii. MELOSIRA. [ 422 ] MEMBRANES. MELOSIRA, Ag. (Gallionella, Ehr.).— A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules cylindrical, discoidal or subsphericaJ, united into jointed filaments. Hoops often very broad, to adapt themselves to the breadth of the new frustules. In some species a narrow projecting ridge or keel encircles the valves near their ends. Valves covered with depressions which are mostly very minute and invisible under ordinary illumination ; in the side view these some- times have a radiate arrangement. In some species the margins of the ends (side view) of the frustules have coarse and distinct radiating striae, their nature undetermined. This genus has been subdivided ; by Ehrenberg and Kiitzing into Lysigonium, in which the keel is present ; and Gallionella (proper), in which this is absent : again by Thwaites into Aulacosira, in which the frus- tules are cylindrical, surrounded transversely by two furrows, with rounded (convex) ends, but no line for division; Orthosira,in. which the frustules are exactly cylindrical (with flat ends), exhibit the transverse line of divi- sion, and have spherical or subspherical internal cavities ; and Melosira (proper), in which the frustules are convex at the ends, and have the central line for division ; inclu- ding also the varieties in the reproduction (DlATOMACE^S, p. 201). British species. * Marine. M. nummuloides, Kg. (PI. 13. fig. 5 a ; b, a frustule more magnified). Prepared frus- tules colourless, a distinct keel present; valves not striated by ordinary illumination ; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". This common species forms long, slightly curved chains, and on account of the great breadth of the frustules, shows well the various stages of subdivision. The filaments are sometimes stipitate. M. moniliformis, Ag. (M. Borreri, Grev.). Prepared frustules dark brown, ends rounded, entire surface punctate (ordin. ilium.), no striae nor keel present; breadth 1-850 to 1-500". M. Dickiei (Orthosira Dickiei, Thw.) (PI. 13. fig. 15 a, front view, b, side view). Filaments short, frustules nearly colourless, ends flat, no striae nor keel (ord. ilium.), valves thickened, so as to render the cavity of the frustules rounded; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". The remarkable formation of sporangia in this species (PL 6. fig. 9) is noticed under DIATOMACESE, p. 201. * Aquatic. M.varians (PL 13. fig. 6, front view ; a, side view, markings omitted). Frustules colour- less, ends slightly convex and striated at the margin (ord. ilium.), keel absent ; breadth 1-1500 to 1-1200". The end view of the frustules resembles that of Cyclotella. Formation of sporangia shown in PL 6. fig. 8 a, b, sporangial frustule. M. arenaria. Ends of frustules flat and striated at the margin (ord. ilium.), the striae appearing also in the front view ; keel absent ; frustules broader than long ; breadth 1-660 to 1-260". M. crenulata, Kg. (Aulacosira crenulata, Thw. ; M. orichalcea, Ralfs) (PL 6. fig. 7 « forming sporangia ; b, ,c, sporangial frustules). Differs from the last in its less diameter, and the frustules being two or three times as long as broad ; breadth 1-1400". See PODOSIRA. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 52; and Sp. Alg. p. 27; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xii. p. 346; Thwaites, ibid. 1848. i. p. 168. MEMBRANES, UNDULATING.— These are said to be simple membranous bands, one margin only of which is attached, the other being free, and exhibiting an undulatory mo- tion. They are allied to and answer the same purpose as cilia. They are described as occur- ring upon the spermatozoa of salamanders and tritons; as forming longitudinal pro- cesses in the water-vessels of some Annelida, as the Turbellaria; also as existing in some Infusoria, as Trichodina, and some Rotatoria. Some authors have regarded them as con- sisting of rows of cilia or a spiral fibre, and not membranes. They are most easily exa- mined in the spermatozoa of the triton, in which we believe the appearance of an un- dulating membrane arises from the existence of a fibre coiled around the spermatozoa (PL 41. fig. 17), and undulating throughout its length. This opinion is based upon the circumstance, that if the coiled fibre be de- tached from the proper filament of a sper- matozoon or spermatozoid, no margins of the (lacerated) membrane can be detected, other than that visible at first, and which really represents the coiled fibre. This is, however, an interesting subject for further investigation. Siebold, who has paid most attention to it, remarks that Try- panosoma, Gruby, a supposed entozoon found in the blood of frogs and fishes, is not an independent animal, but simply an undu- lating membrane swimming freely. MENISCIE.E. [ 423 ] MESOCARPUS. BIBL. Siebold, Sieb.u.Kolliker'sZeitschr. Bd. 2. p. 356, and the Bibl. therein. MENISCIEJL— A sub-tribe of Polypo- dseous Ferns, without an indusium, contain- ing the genus — MENISCIUM, Schreb.— Son reniform, seated on the backs of the transverse ve- nules. Veins pinnate, anastomosing. MENISPORA, Pers.— A genus of Muce- dines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), one species of which, M. lucida, Corda, is recorded as British, growing on decayed wood. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vii. p. 101 ; Corda, Icones, i. pi. 4. fig. 223. MENTHA, L.— The genus of Labiatae (Dicotyledonous Flowering Plants) to which belong the Peppermint, Pennyroyal, Spear- mint, and other mints. These owe their aromatic properties to GLANDULAR HAIRS upon the epidermis. MERENCHYMA.— A name applied by some authors to the form of vegetable cellu- lar tissue where the cells are of circular, ellipsoidal, or irregularly rounded outline; ordinarily known as " lax parenchyma." MERIDION, Leibl.— A genus of Diato- macea3. Char. Frustules (in front view) wedge- shaped, united laterally so as to form seg- ments of circles or spiral bands. Aquatic. Frustules in side view obovate, and fur- nished with coarse transverse striae visible under ordinary illumination, and which ex- tend into the front view. Kiitzing distinguishes Meridian, in which the frustules form a spiral (helical) band, from Eumeridion, in which they form a con- volute band. Meridian circulare, Ag. (PI. 13. fig. 7; a, front view; b, side view). Frustules in side view simply obovate, forming a spiral (helical) band or filament; length of frus- tules 1-600 to 1-375". Meridian constrictum, Kg. (PI. 12. fig. 28, filament flattened and frustules (front view) separated by drying ; a, convolute filament ; b, side view). Frustules in side view con- stricted near the broad end, attenuate to- wards the narrow end, and attached to a hemispherical stipes or cushion. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 41, and Sp. Alg. p. 10; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xii. p. 457. MERISMOP^DIA, Meyen. See SAR- CINA and GONIUM. MERMIS, Duj — A genus of Entozoa. M. nigrescens resembles Gordius, but dif- fers from it principally in the vulva of the female being transverse and situated near the anterior end of the body, whilst in Gor- dius this is placed at the posterior end. Eggs black. It is found in the newly dug-up damp earth of gardens, and in the intestines of insects. BIBL. Dujardin, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 se'r. xviii. p. 129, and Hist. nat. d. Helminthes, p. 294; Siebold, Entomolog. Zeitung, 1842. p. 146. MERULIUS, Hall.— A genus of Agaricini (Hymenomycetous Fungi), distinguished by the veiny or sinuously plicate folds of the hymenium, these folds not being distinct from the flesh of the pileus, and forming angular or serrated pores. M. lacrymans is the dry-rot fungus. The mycelium is composed of filaments creeping in the sub- stance of the infected wood, disorganizing and feeding on this as it decays. The fruit is at first white and cottony, forming an effused pileus from 1 to 8" broad, subse- quently ferruginous or deep orange. The irregular folds finally discharge a watery liquid, whence the name. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 129; Sowerby, Fungi, pi. 113. MESOCARPUS, Hassall (Spharocarpus, Kiitz.). — AgenusofZygnemace8e(Confervoid Algae), with evenly distributed cell-contents, producing in conjugation a cross branch, in which is formed a round spore. It often happens that all the successive members of a long series of cells conjugate with another similar series, so as to produce a ladder-like body, the "rounds" of which are formed of the transverse processes (trabecults, Kiitz.). The only kind of reproduction yet observed is that by the spores formed in the transverse branch from the conjoined contents of two cells, but it is probable that zoospores and encysted conditions of these occur, as in SPIROGYRA and MOUGEOTIA. The stellate encysted bodies found in most of the allied plants have been seen in M. scalaris by Thwaites. Thwaites also observed a division of the contents of the spore into four parts, such as occurs sometimes in (EDOGONIUM. 1. M. scalaris, Hass. (fig. 138. p. 166). Sterile filaments 1-1800 to 1-1440" in dia- meter, 6 times as long; sporanges oval or round. Hass. pi. 42. 2. M. depressus, Hass. Sterile filaments 1-2880 to 1-2400", 6to8 times as long; spores globose or elliptical. Hass. pi. 44. fig. 1. M. intricatus, Hassall, is apparently the MESOCENA. [ 424 ] METZGERTA. same as M. scalaris ; all the other forms may be brought under M. depressus. BIBL. Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 166. pi. 41-45; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 435, Tab. Phyc. v. (Sphcerocarpus] pi. 5-/; Thwaites, Ann. Nat. Hist. xvii. 262. MESOCENA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae, according to Ehrenberg and Kiitzing. The bodies referred to this title consist of single siliceous rings, oval or angular frame- works, without a centre, and mostly with external and sometimes internal spines ari- sing from them. They have no resemblance in structure to the frustules of the Diato- maceae; they are fossil (marine), and the organic portion is unknown. Several species are distinguished, which it can be of no interest to describe ; the cha- racters are founded upon the form, number of angles and spines. Whether they are spicula of Echinoder- mata or not, remains to be decided. Diame- ter from 1-750 to 1-400". M. octogona, Ehr., PI. 19. fig. 1. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840; Kutzing, Bacill. 139, and Sp. Alg. p. 142. MESOGLOIA, Ag.— A genus of Chorda- riaceae (Fucoid Algse), with filiform, much- branched fronds, of gelatinous character; the axis of the filaments composed of inter- lacing longitudinal cells, with gelatinous interposed matter; the periphery of radia- ting, dichotomous, coloured filaments. The fructification consists of oosporanges and trichosporanges ; the former are ovate sacs (fig. 462) occurring attached to the ramuli Fig. 462. Mesogloia vermicularis. Peripheral ramuli, with oosporanges and the filaments upon which the trichosporanges arise surrounding them. Magnified 50 diameters. of the periphery ; the trichosporanges are produced by ramifications of other ramuli surrounding them (fig. 462). Both kinds produce ciliated zoospores, which germinate. M. vermicularis (figs. 462, 463), an olive- Fig. 463. Mesogloia vermicularis. Portion of a filament. Magnified 10 diameters. green or yellowish frond, 6" high, is com- mon on rocks and stones between tide- marks. M. virescens, a smaller species, is not uncommon. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 47. pi. 10 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 31 & 83; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. not. 3 ser. xiv. p. 237. pi. 27. METAXYA, Presl.— A genus of Cyathre- ous Ferns. Exotic. METEORIC PAPER. See PAPER, METEORIC. METOPIDIA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotato- ria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes two, red, frontal ; foot forked ; carapace depressed or prismatic; anterior and upper part of head naked or uncinate ; no hood. =Lepadella with two frontal eyes. Lorica closed beneath. The characters are doubtful. In one species, the uncination appears (from Ehrenberg's figures) to arise from the so-called respiratory tube, and in another from the head being taper and curved (M. tripterd). M. triptera (PI. 35. fig. 7). Carapace ovate, acutely trilateral, crested on the back. Aquatic; length 1-288 to 1-144". Two other species, E., to which Gosse adds two. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 477 ; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 201. METZGERIA, Raddi.— A genus of Pel- liese (Hepaticaceae), comprehending Junger- manniafurcata, L.&ndJ.pubescens, Schrank, growing on trunks of trees, rocks, &c. in very moist places. The fronds of both are linear- MICA. [ 425 ] MICROGONIDIA. dichotomous, membranous, and ribbed. M. furcata is hairy beneath, and smooth above] M.pubescens hairy on both sides, and larger. In addition to the sporanges, these plants are increased by gemmae formed in patches on the attenuated lobes of sterile fronds. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. 131, Brit. Jungermann. pi. 55. 56 & 73; Endli- cher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. p. 1338; Hof- meister, Vergleich. Untersuch. p. 10. pi. 4. MICA. — This mineral substance, which is often erroneously called talc in the shops, was formerly used for covering mounted objects, but is now replaced by thin glass. It is, however, occasionally useful in apply- ing a red heat to objects, as Diatomaceae, &c., where it is required not to change the position of the object. It often contains crystalline and crystalloidal inorganic mineral substances, as metallic oxides, &c., of in- teresting appearance. MICRASTERIAS, Ag.— A genus of Des- midiacea3 (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cell single, lenticular, deeply divided into two lobed segments; lobes inciso-dentate (rarely only bidentate), and generally radia- ting. Sporangia spherical, with stout spines (PL 10. fig. 12). Thirteen British species (Ralfs). M. denticulata (PL 10. fig. 11, undergoing division ; fig. 12, sporangium). Cell cir- cular, surface smooth ; segments five-lobed ; lobes dichotomously divided, ultimate sub- divisions truncato-emarginate, with rounded angles. Length 1-113 . Common. M. rotata (PL 10. fig. 13). Cell circular, smooth; segments five-lobed; lobes dicho- tomously incised, ultimate subdivisions bi- dentate. Length 1-91". Common. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. p. 68. MIGROCLADIA, Grev.— A genus of Ceramiaceae (Florideous Algae), containing one rare British species, M. glandulosa, with a dichotomously branched, filiform, compressed frond 1 to 2" high, of a bright rose colour. Its fructification consists of ( 1 ) roundish, sessile involucrated favellse with spores, and (2) tetraspores (tetrahedrally arranged) imbedded in the ramules. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 160. pi. 22 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 29; Grev. Alg. Brit. t. xix. MICROCODON, Ehr.— A _ genus of Rota- toria, belonging to the family Megalotro- chaea. Char. Eye single ; no carapace ; foot sty- liform. Jaws two, each with a single tooth. M. Clams (PL 35. fig. 8). Body campa- nulate, foot equalling or exceeding the body in length. Aquatic. Length 1-288 to 1-216 . BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 395. MICROCOLEU S, Desmaz. ( Chthonoblas- tus, Kiitz.). — A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), with fronds forming strata on moist ground, paths, mud, &c. These plants may be described as bundles of Oscil- /atona-filaments enclosed in a common gelatinous sheath, which is simple or irregu- larly dichotomously branched, and forms twisted interwoven masses. The structure of the filaments appears to be identical with that occurring in OSCILLATORIA, described under that head; the filaments oscillate; the mode of origin of the enclosing sheath is obscure, but it would appear to be formed of the gelatinous half- dissolved outer mem- branes of the enclosed filaments. No for- mation of spores or gonidia has been de- scribed. M. repens, Harv. (PL 4. fig. 9 a, the open end of a sheath), is very common on damp paths, &c., its sheaths are branched; M. anguiformis, Harv., occurs on the mud of brackish pools ; its sheaths are said to be simple. M. gracilis, Hassall, said to be found in similar situations, has no character attached to it. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 227. pi. 26 D, Phyc. Brit. pi. 249 ; Hassall, Br. Freshw. Alg. p. 260. pi. 70; Kutz. Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 54-58. MICROCYSTIS, Kiitz.— A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae), but a doubtful object, and possibly merely a resting form of EUGLENA. BIBL. Kiitzing, Linncea, viii. p. 342; Spec. Alg. p. 208, Tab. Phyc. pis. 8, 9. MICROGLENA, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Monadina, E. Char. Tail absent; body truncated in front, with a single flagelliform filament ; a red eye-spot present. Probably the spores of Algae. M. punctifera (PL 24. fig. 43 a). Body yellow, ovate, subconical, attenuate poste- riorly,red eye-spot accompanied bya blackish frontal spot (in Ehrenberg's figures, some have one, some two red eye-spots). Aquatic; length 1-620". M. monadina (PL 24. fig. 43 b). Body ovate, equally rounded at both ends, bright green, eye-spot red and single. Aquatic; length 1-1150 to 1-620". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 25. MICROGONIDIA. — See MACROGO- NIDIA. MICROHALOA. [ 426 ] MILK. MICROHALOA, Kiitz.— A genus of Pal- mellacese (Confervoid Algae). — An obscure product. Kiitzing states that Hassall's Sorospora virescens belongs here. There does not seem to be any ground for separa- ting this from PALM EL LA. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 207, Tab. Phyc. pis. 6, 7 ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 326. pi. 78. fig. 8 a. MICROMEGA, Ag.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules arranged in longitudinal rows within gelatinous tubes or surrounded by slender curved or crisped fibres ; these being enclosed in other gelatinous tubes, forming filiform branched fronds; valves resembling those of Navicula. Marine. Kiitzing notices the occurrence of spo- rangia or sporange-like bodies (spermatia) filled with the frustules, within the substance of the sheaths, and formed " from the dila- tation of the naviculae " (frustules) ; but the exact nature of the process is not described nor understood. This formation of brood- sporangia, as they might be called, would appear to resemble that occurring in the Desmidiacese (PI. 6. fig. 3 Ac?). Kiitzing describes twenty-eight species, and divides them into two sections ; in one the filaments being slender and capillary, in the other rigid, cartilaginous and thicker. M.parasiticum (PI. 13. fig. 8; b, portion of a filament magnified ; c, side view, d, front view of frustule). Filaments slender, wavy, tufted, cartilagino-gelatinous, yellow- ish (sometimes brown), much branched, capillary ; frustules crowded ; length of frustules 1-1380". Parasitic upon larger marine algae. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 116, Sp. Alg. p. 105. MICROMETER. See INTRODUCTION, p. xxiv, and MEASUREMENT. MICROPERA, Lev.— A genus of Sphae- ronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), of which one species is described as British, M. dru- pacearum (Cenangium Cerasi, junior, Fr., Sphceria dubia, Pers.), growing on dead branches of the cherry-tree. It forms whitish tubercles which split the bark trans- versely, composed of somewhat cylindrical conceptacles, conjoined at the base, the white mealy ostiole projecting; the linear spores are yellowish and curved at the apex. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. 380; Leveille, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. v. p. 283 ; British Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 211. MICROSCOPE.— The first twenty-six pages of the INTRODUCTION consist of remarks upon the microscope and micro- scopic apparatus. MICROTHECA, Ehr.— A marine organ- ism of doubtful nature, placed by Ehren- berg first among the Rotatoria, and subse- quently with the Desmidiaceae, to neither of which does it seem to bear the least resem- blance. It consists of yellow, flattened, rectangular (side view) bodies, with four equidistant spines projecting from each end ; the colour arises from the contents ; no transverse line of division; entire length 1-216". Does it consist of the ovum of some marine animal ? BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 164. MIELICHHOFERIA, Hornsch. — A genus of Bryaceous Mosses, containing one British species, sometimes referred to Weissia (fig. 85, p. 100). Mielichhoferia nitida, Hsch. = Weissia Mielichhoferia, Schwag. MIGNONETTE.— Reseda odorata, be- longing to the Dicotyledonous order Rese- daceae. Its seeds are elegant opake objects under a low power. MILK. — This liquid consists of a solution of caseine and certain salts, holding in suspen- sion minute globules of fatty matter (butter). The fluid portion possesses no microscopic peculiarities. The globules are very numerous, round, and vary in size from mere molecules to 1-3000 or 1-2000" in diameter. Each is surrounded by a pellicle or coat of caseine, which prevents the globules from fusing into each other. If a portion of a drop of milk be placed upon a slide, and fhe thin glass cover be moved to and fro, the coat of caseine will be ruptured, the globules of oil will become confluent, and shreds of the coats will be visible. If acetic acid be added, the coats will be acted upon, and the con- fluence also produced. The same effect occurs naturally in sour milk; hence in this the globules are often much larger than the above dimensions, and irregular in form, frequently becoming elongated and united in twos, so as to bear some resemblance to the young state of a fungus. The milk first secreted after parturition, called the colostrum, differs considerably from the normal liquid. The fatty globules contained in it vary greatly in size, often being very large, and existing within isolated or aggregated epithelial cells, some of them resembling exudation-corpuscles. MILK-VESSELS. [ 427 ] MNIACEJS. Dr. Peddie's paper on the human milk in relation to medical practice, is well worthy of perusal. BIBL. Kolliker, MikrosJc.Anat. ii.; Donne, Cours de Microscopic-, Wagner, Handwor- terb. d. Physiologic, art. Milch ; Peddie, Ed. Monthly Journ. 1840, and the Bibl. of CHE- MISTRY, Animal. MILK- VESSELS. See LATICIFEROUS TISSUE. MILLON'S TEST, or TEST-LIQUID.— This, a strongly acid (nitric and nitrous) solution of proto- and pernitrate of mercury, gives an indication of the presence of proteine or allied compounds by the production of a more or less deep rose-red colour. The test-liquid is prepared by dissolving metallic mercury in an equal weight of strong nitric acid (sp.gr. 1'4). The acid is first poured upon the metal; gas is copiously evolved, and as soon as the evolution ceases, a gentle heat is applied until the whole of the metal is dissolved. After some hours, the liquid portion is poured off from the crystals which have formed and subsided, and must be kept in a stoppered bottle. In use, the substance to be tested is im- mersed in the liquid, either in a tube or upon a slide with a cover, and heat applied over a small flame of a spirit-lamp until boiling occurs. The substance then appears of a red colour if it answers to the action of the test. Great attention is required to the purity of the substance or body to be tested, other- wise, e.g., a cell-wall might appear to be coloured from the contents consisting of a proteine compound, &c. The following substances and tissues are coloured by the reagent : albumen, caseine, chondrine, crystalline, epidermis, feathers, fibrine, gelatine, gluten, horn, legumine, proteine, silk, wool. The following, when pure, are not coloured : cellulose, chitine, cotton, gum (arabic), linen and starch. BIBL. Millon, Comptes Rendus, 1849, or Chem. Gaz. 1849. vii. p. 87- MILNESIUM, Doyere. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Colopoda, and family Tardigrada. Char. Head with two very short palpiform appendages at its anterior and lateral part ; mouth terminated by a sucker surrounded by palps ; skin soft, transversely furrowed ; legs four pairs ; rings of the body divided into two segments. M. tardigradum (pi. 41. fig. 9). Mouth surrounded by six minute unequal palps, symmetrically arranged, diminishing in size from the upper to the lower part; head rounded in front when the mouth is retracted; eye- spots tolerably large and granular; pha- ryngeal tube much dilated, styles very small, bulb elongated and pyriform, without an internal framework; body transparent, at- tenuated at both ends, especially the poste- rior; skin pale brownish-yellow; three an- terior pairs of legs nearly equal, the fourth very short, resembling two tubercles, with scarcely a trace of annuliform division; claws four, two terminal, and in the form of elongated filaments hooked at the end, and each supported on a distinct tubercle ; two inferior and internal, the anterior divided into three strongly curved hooks, the poste- rior into two; hooks or terminal filaments of the fourth pair longer than those of the three first. Movement active. Length 1-50 to 1-40". BIBL. Doyere, Ann. des Sc. not. MIRROR OF SCEMMERING. See INTRODUCTION, p. xiv. MISLETOE. See VISCUM. MITES.— The animals usually included under this indefinite term are species of genera belonging to the family Acarina among the Arachnida. MNIACE.E.— A tribe of Mnioideaj (Mosses), of Bryoid habit, but with firm, rigid, and usually undulated leaves, mostly increasing in size toward the summit of the stem. British Genera. I. CINCLIDIUM. Calyptra conical, dimi- diate, small, fugaceous. Peristome double, the external sixteen, short and truncate; the internal composed of a cup-like mem- brane with sixteen folds, and sixteen fora- mina opposite the outer teeth, open at the summit. II. MNIUM. Calyptra as in Cinclidium. Peristome double ; exterior of sixteen lan- ceolate, cuspidate teeth, trabeculate exter- nally and with a longitudinal line, lamellar, fleshy inside, yellowish ; interior a membrane with keeled folds, produced into sixteen lanceolate, broad, keeled teeth, with large perforations, connivent like a cupola, sur- passing the outer teeth, with 2-4 intervening cilia. III. GEORGIA. Calyptra mitriform, plaited. Peristome simple, of four pyramidal cellular teeth. IV. TIMMIA. Calyptra dimidiate-hood- shaped, very fugaceous. Peristome double : MNIADELPHACE.E. [ 428 ] MOLECULAR MOTION. exterior of teeth like those ofMnium, scarcely lamellated, geniculately incurved when dry ; interior a hyaline membrane prolonged into numerous nodose filiform cilia, very much appendiculated or rugulose, at first anasto- mosing together, then free. MNIADELPHACE^E. — A family of Pleurocarpous Mosses, with the leaves ar- ranged in four or more series, and composed of parenchymatous cells, mostly equally hexagonal and Mnioid, very smooth, pellu- cid, destitute of a distinct primordial utricle, the lowest decurrent on the stem at the base, larger, spongy, lax, mostly beautifully dark- tinged, never single, slender. British Genus. DALTONIA. Calyptra mitre-shaped, bell- shaped, elegantly fringed at the base. Peristome double (Neckeroid). External sixteen narrow, subulate, trabeculate teeth, reflexed when moistened ; internal : an equal number of similar cilia, alternating with the teeth, devoid of a basilar mem- brane. MNIOIDEJ3. — A family of operculate Mosses, ordinarily of acrocarpous habit, but sometimes pleurocarpous, with broadly oval, spathulate, oval or lanceolate, flattish leaves, having a very prominent, thick dor- sal nerve. The base of the leaves composed of somewhat parallelogrammic cells, rounded- hexagonal or with equal walls towards the apex, very full of chlorophyll, or with the primordial utricle mostly very conspicuous, or much thickened, firm, rarely papillose. This family is divided into two tribes : 1. MNIACEJE. Leaves without appendi- cular lamellae, not sheathing at the base. Capsule oval, pyriform or cylindrical, with- out an annulus. 2. POLYTRICHACE^E. Leaves mostly sheathing at the base, the internal face mostly lamellated ; lamellae composed of a single layer of cells placed lengthwise on the nerve. Capsule closed by an epiphragm, without an annulus, mostly angular, apo- physate, unequal. MNIUM, Dill. — A genus of Mniaceous Mosses, of acrocarpous and pleurocarpous habit, including many Brya of the British Flora. Among the commonest is M . hornum = Bryum hornum, L. MOCHA STONES.— The varieties of chalcedony known under this name contain a number of bodies which have been inter- preted by authors to consist of plants, as portions of Chara, Hypnum, Conferva, Nostoc, Desmidiacea, &c. The evidence is however very unsatisfactory. Compare AGATE and FLINT. BIBL. K. Miiller, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843, xi. p. 415. MOHRIA, Swartz.— A genus of Schizre- ous Ferns. Exotic (fig. 464). Fig. 464. Mohria thurifraga. A pinnule with sporanges. Magn. 25 diams. MOINA, Baird.— A genus of Entomo- straca, of the order Cladocera, and family Daphniadae. Char. Head rounded and obtuse; superior antennae of considerable length, of one piece, and arising from the front of the head near the middle ; inferior antennae large, fleshy at the base, and two-branched, one branch three-jointed, the other four-jointed; legs five pairs. M. rectiroslris (PI. 14. fig. 26). Carapace almost straight or but slightly rounded be- hind. Aquatic. M. brachiata or branchiata. Carapace greatly rounded behind. Aquatic. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomos. p. 100. MOLECULAR MOTION.— When ex- tremely minute particles of any substance immersed in water or other liquid are exa- mined under the microscope, they are seen to be in a state of vivid motion. A little gamboge or Indian ink mixed with water will exhibit the phaenomenon distinctly enough. The minute particles or molecules are seen to move irregularly, to the right and left, backwards and forwards, as if re- pelled by each other, until the attraction of gravitation ultimately overcomes the force upon which their motion depends, when they sink to the surface of the slide. This applies to the molecules of those substances which are heavier than water. In the case of those which are lighter than water, or the liquid in which they are immersed, the mole- MOLLUSCA. [ 429 ] MONADINA. cules ultimately become adherent to the thin glass covering the slide. This motion is in no way connected with evaporation, for it takes place equally when this is completely prevented, just as when it is not. Neither light, electricity, magnetism nor chemical reagents exert any effect upon it. Heat is the only agent which affects it ; this causes the motion to become more rapid. Hence it might be attributed to the various impulses which each particle receives from the radiant heat emitted by those ad- jacent. Or, as it takes place when the tem- perature is uniform, may it not arise from the physical repulsion of the molecules, un- interfered with by gravitation, hence free to move ? The effect of heat would then be explicable, because this increases the natural repulsion of the particles of matter, as in the conversion of water into vapour. Molecular motion plays a part in some common phenomena. Thus, it prevents turbid water from becoming rapidly clear by repose ; by its agency also the disaggregated particles of animal or vegetable matter are diffused throughout the mass of the liquid. The microscopist should become acquaint- ed with the appearance of particles in mole- cular motion, as it might give rise to error. Thus particles under its influence might be mistaken for monads; or particles moved by cilia might be regarded as merely exhi- biting this molecular motion. Two circumstances appear most favour- able for its production and continuance, in addition to the augmentation of temperature, viz. a very finely divided state of the matter, and the specific gravity of the matter and the liquid in which it is suspended being as nearly as possible coincident. BIBL. R. Brown, On Active Molecules,fyc., Add. Observ. on the same, 8vo (privately printed}; Dujardin, Observateur au Micro- scope-, Griffith, Med. Gaz. 1843. MOLLUSCA. — Remarks upon certain interesting structures occurring in the Mol- lusca will be found under TONGUE, SHELL, SNAILS, WATER, MYTILUS, OSTREA and OVUM. The calcareous concretions, cry- stals and spicula met with in the integument or mantle of some mollusca are curious. BIBL. Siebold, Veryleich. Anat. and the copious BJBL. ; Vogt, Zoolog. Briefe ; Adams, Genera of recent Mollusca ; Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Mollusca ; Woodward on Shells ; R. Jones, Animal Kingdom, and the articles in the Cycl. of Anat. and Phys. MONADINA.— A family of Infusoria, according to Ehrenberg's system, but con- sisting of a heterogeneous group of imper- fectly examined bodies (see p. 347). Char. Carapace absent ; no expansions ; locomotive organs consisting of one or more flagelliform filaments or cilia at the anterior part of the body. Ehrenberg distinguishes nine genera : A. Tail none. a. No lips. a. Swimming. a. No eye-spot. 1. Single 1. Monas. 2. Grouped 2. Uvella. /3. Eye-spot present. 1. Single. * Flagelliform filaments, one or two 3. Microglena. ** Flagelliform filaments, four or five 4. Chloraster. *** Flagelliform filaments, numerous 5. Phacelomonas. 2. Grouped 6. Glenomorum , b. Rolling 7. Doxococcus. b. Lips present 8. Chilomonas. B. Tail present Q.Bodo. Dujardin's characters are (see p. 348) : animalcules without an integument, consist- ing of a glutinous, apparently homogeneous substance, susceptible of becoming aggluti- nated to other bodies and so drawn out and altered in form, with one or more flagelli- form filaments as locomotive organs, and sometimes lateral or tail-like appendages. Dujardin divides them thus : FA- MONADINA. roughout its whole length 1 1 . I arising obliquely from behind an anterior prolongation A second filament, {jsSor" :".: "":::::::: I:::;::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: Two equal filaments terminating the curved angles of the anterior end Four equal filaments in front, and two thicker ones behind A second filament arising from the same spot as the flagelliform filament, but thicker, trailing, and retracting .A filament and vibratile cilia 1. Monas. 2. Cyclidlum. 3. Chilomonas. 4. Amphimonas. 5. Cercomonas. 6. Trepomonas. 7. Hexamita. 8. Heteromita. 9. Trichomonas. Groups always free, revolving 10. Uvella, Groups originally fixed at the ends of a branched polypidom or stalk 11. Anthophysa. MONADS. [ 430 ] MONORMIA. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 1 ; Dujardin, Infus. p. 270. MONADS are species of Monas, or of other genera of the family Monadina (Infu- soria). MONAS, Mull.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Monadina. Char. See MONADTNA. Ehrenberg describes many species, con- sisting mostly of the zoospores or lower forms of Algae, and the young or swarm- germs of Infusoria. M. vinosd, E. Ovate, uniformly rounded at each end, of a red-wine colour, motion slow and tremulous. Length 1 -12,000 to 1-6000". Found upon the sides of glass vessels, in which decaying vegetable matter has been kept, on the side next the light. The characters of the genus given by Du- jardin are : No integument ; form rounded or oblong, variable ; no expansions ; flagelliform fila- ment single ; motion slightly vacillating. Dujardin describes ten species, which cannot be identified with those of Ehrenberg. M. lens, D. (PI. 24. fig. 44 a). Body rounded or discoidal and tubercular. Breadth 1-5200 to 1-1800". One of the most common organisms in animal and vegetable infusions. We have found one common in animal infusions (PI. 24. fig. 44 b), perhaps the same as the above, but it possesses usually two filaments ; on the left side is one without filaments, but with the body drawn out from adhesion to the slide. M. attenuate D. (PI. 24. fig. 44 c). Body ovoid, narrowed at the ends, nodular, un- equal; filament arising from the anterior narrowed portion. Length 1-1600". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 3 ; Dujardin, Infus. p. 279. MONILIA, Hill.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi). Under BRIAREA, Corda (fig. 82. p. 99), it is stated that a di- stinction exists between that genus and the present, but they are really synonymous, and the older name, that of Hill, should stand. Another species, M. racemosa, Pers., should be added to M. penicillata. MONOCERCA, Bory, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye red, single, cervical ; foot -like tail simply styliform. Gosse mentions a second eye situated in the breast of one (new) species. Ehrenberg describes three species, to which Gosse adds two. M. rattus, E. (PL 35. fig. 9). Body ovate- oblong ; forehead truncate, unarmed ; foot styliform, as long as the body. Aquatic. Length 1-120". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 422; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 199. MONOCOTYLEDONS. — One of the classes of Angiospermous Flowering Plants, so called from the structure of the embryo contained in the seed, which in a large number of cases is of microscopic dimensions, and always requires the use of the simple micro- scope for its dissection. Some of the fami- lies placed under this head have usually an acotyledonous embryo, as Orchidaceae, but these possess the character of the class Fig. 465. Reduced view of a stem of a Palm, showing the perpen- dicular and horizontal section in which the fibre-vascular bundles F. V are seen isolated in the medullary paren- chyma. in all other respects. Among the most important of their other characters is the isolated condition of the fibro-vascular bundles forming the woody structures (see TISSUES, VEGETABLE). This character, mostly very evident both in perpendicular and horizontal sections of the stems, is illus- trated by figs. 460 & 465. MONOLABIS, Ehr.-— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Philodinaea. Char. Eyes two, frontal, tail-like foot with two toes ; horns absent. Two species. M. gracilis (PI. 35. fig. 10). Body slender, no cervical process nor respiratory tube ; teeth two in each jaw. Aquatic. Length 1-240 to 1-144". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 497. MONORMIA, Berkeley.— A genus of Nostochaceae (Confervoid Algae), distin- MONOSTROMA. [ 431 ] MOSSES. guished by its definite, linear, convoluted frond, enclosing a single moniliform filament. It might readily be mistaken for a Nostoc if superficially observed, but its convoluted frond is devoid of the common membranous pellicle. The only known British species is Monormia intricata, Berk. This plant occurs in gelatinous masses, each about as large as a walnut and of a red- dish-brown colour, floating in slightly brackish ditches. When the spermatic cells are quite mature, the definite outline of the linear frond is almost lost, and there is little to distinguish the plant from Trichor- mus, except the peculiar convolutions of the moniliform filament; the frond then also assumes a greenish tint. BIB L. Berkeley ( Gleanings of Brit. Algce, t. 18) ; Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vol. v. pi. 8. fig. 1 ; Harvey, Phyc. Britann. t. 256 ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alga, t. 75. fig. 11. Nostoc intricatum, Meneghini; Anabaina intricata, Kiitzing, Tabula Phycologicce, vol. i. t. 94. fig. 1. MONOSTROMA, Thuret.— A genus of Ulvaceae (Confervoid Algae), of which M. bullosa (Ulva bullosa, Roth.) is the type, distinguished from Ulva by consisting only of a single layer of cells, and these being roundish (mostly grouped in fours), im- bedded in an apparently homogeneous gela- tinous membrane (PI. 5. fig. 1 a). This plant is reproduced by zoospores formed from the cell-contents, and discharged by bursting of the cell- wall (fig. 1 b, c). They have four cilia. BIBL. Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 225. pi. 21. figs. 1-4; Note sur les Ulvacees, Mem. de la Soc. Scient. de Cher- bourg, ii. p. 1 (1854). MONOSTYLA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eye single, cervical; tail-like foot simply styliform ; carapace depressed. Four species, three Ehrenberg, and one other, Gosse. M. quadridentata (PL 35. fig. 11). Cara- pace yellowish, fore-part of head deeply cleft into four horns. Aquatic. Length 1-120". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 459 ; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 200. MONOTOSPORA, Corda.— A genus of Sepedonei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which one species has been found in England, growing on dead bark of the yew. M. mega- lospora, Berk, and Br. Filaments erect, simple, straight, nearly equal, articulated. Spores terminal, obovate, even, '0014 to •00133" long. Fries regards this genus with doubt. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. xiii. p. 462. pi. 15. fig. 11; Fries, Summa Veget. 497. MONURA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes two, frontal; foot simply styliform. Carapace somewhat compressed and open beneath. Two species. M. dulcis (PL 35. fig. 12). Carapace ovate, obliquely truncate and acute behind ; eyes distant. Aquatic. Length of carapace 1-280". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 474. MORELS.— Species of Morchella, Dill. (Ascomycetous Fungi), having a pileiform receptacle, with a ribbed and lacunose hy- menium on the upper side, bearing asci. MORPHIA. See ALKALOIDS, p. 25. MORPHO, Fabr. — A genus of Exotic Lepidopterous Insects. M. Menelaus. The scales from the wings of this beautiful insect are sometimes used as TEST-OBJECTS. MOSSES, MUSCACE.E.— This order of flowerless plants is distinguished from the Hepaticaceae by the vegetative structure, or by the sporange. In one group alone (Hy- popterygiece) is the stem clothed with leaves, accompanied by amphigastria (stipule-like leaflets), in the manner of the foliaceous Hepa- ticaceae (fig. 359, p. 337); and here the sporange is a stalked urn-shaped body, with a deciduous lid, and like those of the Mosses generally; and this Jungermannia-like leafy stem is erect, and not procumbent, as in Junger- mannia itself. In all other Mosses the leaves clothing the stem are arranged in a spiral order around the stem, so as to give the vegetative structure a very characteristic aspect. The stem of the Mosses is a slender, thread-like or wiry structure, wholly com- posed of cellular tissue, without vessels, but the external layer has an epidermoid cha- racter, while the central portion is composed of elongated cells. In one section of the Mosses this stem terminates in a sporange, and these are called Acrocarpous Mosses ; in others the sporanges spring from lateral branches, and the terminal bud of the stem elongates the stem year after year; these latter are called Pleurocarpous Mosses. The leaves are of simple structure, usu- ally composed of a single layer of cells, the MOSSES. [ 432 ] MOSSES. forms of which are used as characters by systematic Muscologists. They are either 466. all alike in a leaf, and filled with chlorophyll, and in these cases may be either paren- chymatous (PL 38. fig. 19) or prosenchymatous (PI. 38. fig. 20), or several rows running up the centre are more elon- gated than the rest, and give the appearance of a mid-nerve. In other cases two sorts of cells occur arranged in a pe- culiar way ; some, smaller, containing chlorophyll, form a kind of network, the meshes of which are occupied by large uncoloured cells (see SPHAG- NUM and LEUCOBRYUM). The leaves often differ on different parts of the stem, and we hence have radical, MaSn- 50 diams> cauline, and perichcetial or involucral leaves, the last ordinarily forming a kind of rosette, in the midst of which the reproductive or- gans are produced. SCHISTOSTEGA exhibits two forms of stem, with two kinds of folia- ceous structure ; the stems which terminate in a sporange have leaves only at the upper part, and these arranged in eight rows stand- ing crosswise on the stem, like ordinary leaves ; the barren stems have two rows of leaflets arranged in one plane on the stem, like the leaflets of a compound leaf (such as that of the Acacias) of Flowering plants. The stem-leaves of many genera exhibit Fig. 467. Fig. 468. Leaf. Barbula chloronotus. Fig. 467. Leaf with cellular filaments at the tip. Magn. 30 diams. Fig. 468. Leaf with cellular filaments crowded on the midrib, with an arm-like prolongation. Magn. 20 diams. wing-like structures, hair-like appendages, or peculiar forms of curvature (figs. 255-50, FISSIDENS); others, like certain Barbulce (figs. 467-470), have collections of cellu- lar filaments on the upper side. Fig. 469. Fig. 470. Barbula chloronotus. Fig. 469. Cross-section of 467. Magn. 50 diams. Fig. 470. Cross-section of 468. Magn. 50 diams. The outer leaves surrounding the repro- ductive organs are called perichcetial, and sometimes they form the only envelopes; sometimes, however, a few small leaves, dif- fering very much from the above, form the immediate envelopes of the archegones, and these perigonial leaves, forming the peri- gone, are developed afterthe reproductive or- gans themselves (as is the case also with the perigone of the Hepaticacere). The perigo- nial leaves either overlap and cover in the reproductive organs, or they are keeled at the base and turned back above, so as to expose the organs of reproduction (POLY- TRICHUM). The young reproductive organs consist of antheridia and archegonia or pistillidia, which are found either together (fig. 471) in the Fig. 471. Fig. 472. Bryum nutans. Fig. 471. Inflorescence of antheridia and archegonia. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 472. Spermatozoids from antheridia. Magn. 600 diams. (The cilia omitted.) same perigone, or on different parts, or on different individuals of the same species. To these structures the term inflorescence is applied. The antherids occur either with the archegones in one perigone (fig. 471) or in the axils of the upper leaves of the stem, which terminates in a perigone containing archegones ; or they have a special perigone MOSSES. [ 433 ] (fig. 473), either on the same plant, or on a Fig. 473. Mnium arcticum. Antheridial inflorescence. Magn. 25 diams. different one from that which bears the archegones. The antherids are globular, oval (fig. 471), or elongate membranous sacs composed of cellular tissue, filled with mi- nute cellules, which escape by the bursting of the apex of the sac ; and these cellules exhibit a fibre coiled in their interior, which circulates rapidly, even before the expulsion from the antherid, and after a time breaks out of its cellule (fig. 472, and PI. 32. fig. 33), and moves rapidly round in the water under the microscope (see ANTHERIDIA). The antherids are generally accompanied by cel- lular filaments which have received the name of paraphyses ; no physiological office is attributed to these, but the antherids are regarded as male organs. The archegone of the Mosses (figs. 32, 33, p. 60, 471), like that of the Hepaticacea3 (excepting Anthoceros), is a flask-shaped cellular case, the epigone containing an em- bryonal cell at the bottom of its cavity. This embryonal cell becomes gradually developed by cell-division into a conical body elevated on a stalk, which at length tears away the walls of the flask- shaped epigone by a cir- cular fissure, and carries the upper part up- wards as a hood, while the lower part re- mains as a kind of collar round the base of the stalk (figs.474,476); the latter is termed the vaginule (fig. 477) ; the cap-like portion carried upwards on the sporange is called the calyptra (figs. 474-476). The sporange, elevated more or less by the development of its stalk (seta or peduncle], is gradually con- verted by internal changes into a hollow urn- like case, usually with a stalk-like column (CoLUMELLA)runningupitscentre(figs. 50, p. 72, 479), the space between the central column and the side walls becoming filled with free spores, which are minute cells with a double coat, the outer of which exhibits elegant markings (see SPORES). In some cases this hollow case does not burst natu- rally, but the spores escape by its decay MOSSES. Fig. 474. Fig. 475. Fig. 476. Fig. 477. Fig. 474. Coscinodon pulvinatus. Capsule enclosed in the calyptra, with the vaginule below. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 475. Orthotrichum Hutchinsii. Capsule covered by the calyptra, with vaginule below. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 476. Ditto. Calyptra. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 477. O. stramineum. Vaginule. Magn. 25 diams. (ASTOMUM, fig. 50). In the ANDR^EE^E (fig. 11, p. 33) the sporange bursts by four vertical slits, so as to be divided into four valves, like the Jungermannieae, and there is no column in the sporange here, but the valves do not separate at their summits, and the character of the leafy stem at once distin- guishes these Mosses from those Hepaticaceae. The ordinary course, however, in the Mosses is the formation of a horizontal slit near the top of the sporange, so that the upper part falls off like a lid (operculum, fig. 483). The sporange of the Mosses exhibits a very complex anatomical structure, which 2 F MOSSES. [ 4S4 ] MOSSES. we have not space to enter into very mi- nutely here ; it will suffice to state that the lower part next the peduncle is sometimes enlarged into a thickened mass, called the Fig. 478. Fig. 479. Fig. 478. Tayloria serrate. Dimidiate calyptra. Magn. 25 diams. Fig. 479. F. hygrometrica. Section of young capsule, showing the columella. Magn. 50 diams. apophysis ; sometimes the peduncle is very long, sometimes very short (Phascum, fig. 482), so that the sporange is hidden in the perichaete; finally, the mouth may either Fig. 480. Fig. 481. Fig. 480. Coscinodon pulvinatus. Fragment of peri- stome. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 481. Barbula flavipes. Fragment of peristome. Magn. 100 diams. exhibit a smooth edge (fig. 483), or a single (figs.480,481) or double (figs. 487, 488) fringe of very variously constructed teeth, which are of great service in discriminating the genera. When the mouth of the sporange is naked, Fig. 482. Fig. 483. Fig. 482. Phascum serratum. Sessile sporange en- closed by few leaves. Magn. 15 diams. Fig. 483. Pottia truncate. Operculum separating from the sporange. Magn. 10 diams. the Mosses are called gymnostomous, when furnished with only a single row of teeth aploperistomous, when with a double row diploperistomous. When a double peristome exists, the outer consists of teeth, the inner of processes or cilia (fig. 487) or of both (Brywri). The teeth sometimes arise di- rectly from the mouth of the sporange, Fig. 484. Cinclidium arcticum. Part of double peristome, the inner processes united into a plaited membrane in the centre. Magnified 100 diameters. sometimes are seated on a basal membrane, sometimes connected together irrregularly (FuN A RI A, fig. 263, p. 279), or by regular bars (GUEMBELIA, fig. 205, p. 299), or the whole of the inner circle may be conjoined entirely MOSSES. C 435 ] MOSSES. (BUXBAUMIA, fig. 97, p. 104) or at the tips (fig. 484) into a membrane, or by a number of cross-bars into an open trellis (fig. 488). The rows of teeth are continuations of the inner layers of tissue of the sporange (fig. 485), the outer wall of the sporange is, as it were,, continued by the operculum, but ordinarily these do not separate directly from each other when the lid falls off, since one or several layers of elastic cells forming a ring (annulus, fig. 486) round the mouth, split out from between the sporange and its lid, and cause the latter to fall off. Allusion has been made to the sexual import of the antherids and archegones, and attention must be directed to the peculiar phenomena exhibited in the reproduction of the Mosses. The embryo-cell of the archegone appears to be fertilized by the spiral filaments produced by the antherids ; the result here is not the production of a simple plant, but of a sporange or fruit which produces a number of spores, each of which may grow up into a new plant. Fig. 485. Fig. 486. Fig. 487. Fig. 485. Racomitrium fasciculate. Section of margin of sporange, with a tooth of the peristome. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 486. Bryum csespititium. Annulus. Magn. 100 diams. Fig. 487. Orthotrichum diaphanum. Portion of double peristome, the outer composed of teeth, the inner of cilia. Magn. 50 diams. The Mosses exhibit a variety of forms of vegetative multiplication. The lower part of the stem often sends out horizontal branches, which root and produce buds (fig. 489), from which arise new leafy stems, and in this way patches of moss frequently increase to a great size. They also produce confervoid filaments, which exhibit tuberous thickenings, a form of #erawwe (figs. 492, 493), which may be detached from each other like bulbels, so as to propagate the plants with- out any sexual reproductive organs. Gemmce or minute cellular tubercles, capable of development into new plants, are likewise met with, in other situations, as in the axils of leaves, on the surface, the margins (fig. 494), or at the tips (figs. 490, 491) of the leaves or the stems (fig. 495); these are formed of only a few cells at the time when they fall off, and illustrate well the independence of the individual cells forming Fig. 488. Neckera antipyretica. Double peristome, the inner composed of teeth united by cross bars, forming a trellis. Magnified 100 diameters. Fig. 489. Polytrichum undulatum. Creeping filaments with innovations. Magnified 5 diameters. the organs of these plants, where, under peculiar circumstances, a single cell of the tissue may be developed so as to lay the foundation of a new plant. 2r2 MOSSES. [ 436 ] MOSSES. In the following arrangement of the Mosses we follow C. Miiller, the ' Bryologia Britannica* having appeared too late for us to adopt its classification. The order Mus- caceae is first divided into two sub-orders according to the habit of growth : Fig. 490. Fig. 491.. Orthotrichum phyllanthum. Leaves with gemmae at the tips. Magnified 25 diameters. 1. ACROCARPI. Mosses with the fruit- stalk terminating the stem. Fig. 492. 2. PLEUROCARPI. Mosses with the fruit-stalk produced only from lateral buds. Synopsis of the Families. ACROCARPI. * Schistocarpi. Capsule without a lid (operculum), opening by longitudinal fissures. I. ANDR^BACE^;. Capsule splitting into four valves. ** Cleistocarpi. Capsule without a lid, bursting open irregularly. II. BRUCHIACE.E. Cells of the leaf (areolation) parenchymatous, looser at the base, not papillose, dense. III. PHASCACE^E. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, dense, filled with chlo- rophyll, more or less papillose. IV. EPHEMERE.E. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, everywhere lax, not papillose. * Stegocarpi. A. Acrocarpi. Capsule bursting by a lid. Fruit terminal, or lateral by subsequent budding at the sides. I. Distichophylla. Leaves arranged in two straight rows. Fig. 494. Fig. 495. Hedwigia ciliata. Creeping filaments with tuber-like gemmae. Fig. 492, magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 493, 20 diameters. Fig. 494. Orthotrichum Lyellii. Leaves with marginal gemmae. Magnified 50 diams. Fig. 495. Aulocomnium undulatum. Gemmae in the place of the capsule, Magn. 20 diams. MOSSES. [ 437 ] MOUGEOTIA. a. Leaves regularly vertical. V. SCHISTOSTEGE.E. b. Leaves regularly subvertical. VI. DREPANOPHYLLE.E. c. Leaves horizontal. VII. DISTICHIACE^E. Areolation of the leaves parenchymatous, minute ; leaves without appendicular laminae. VIII. FISSIDENTE^. Areolation of the leaves parenchymatous ; leaves produced into appendicular laminae at the back and point. II. Polystichophylla. Leaves arranged in three or more straight or alterna- ting rows. a. Leaves exhibiting narrow, green cells, forming a reticulation between larger diaphanous cells. IX. LEUCOBRYACE^E. Leaves composed of several layers of columnar, empty, paren- chymatous cells; the 'intercellular' green cells three- to four-angled, interposed be- tween the empty cells in a single curved row. X. SPHAGNACE^:. Leaves composed of a single stratum of empty prosenchymatous cells ; intercellular green cells interposed between all the empty cells. b. Leaves without ' intercellular ' cells. a. Leaves not papillose. 1 . Loosely areolated. XI. FUNARIOIDEJE. Areolation of the leaf parenchymatous, lax, containing much chlorophyll. XII. DISCELIACEJS. Areolation of the leaves rhomboid-prosenchymatous, destitute of chlorophyll, empty, fuscescent. XIII. BuxBAUMiACE^E. Areolation of the leaf hexagonal or polygonal, very minute, dark-coloured, destitute of chlorophyll. 2. Densely areolated. • XIV. MNIOIDE.E. Areolation of the leaf in parallelograms at the base, roundly hexagonally-parenchymatous towards the apex ; very full of chlorophyll or more fre- quently thickened (very rarely papillose). XV. BRYACE^:. Areolation of the leaf prosenchymatous, ordinarily rhomboidal, abounding with chlorophyll. XVI. DiCRANACE,E. Cells of the leaf prosenchymatous, very often intermixed with parenchymatous cells (rarely scabrously pa- pillose), alar basilar cells ordinarily crowded and ventricose, or flat and much more loosely reticulated than the upper cells. XVII. LEPTOTRICHACE.E. Cells of the leaf rhombic at the base, rectangular or both mixed further up, smooth, without proper alar cells. b. Leaves papillose, XVIII. BARTRAMIOIDE^B. Cells of the leaves parenchymatous, square, ordinarily nodulose or scabrous with papillae at the transversal sides, never opake. XIX. POTTIOIDE.E. Cells of the leaves parenchymatous, square, ordinarily covered on all sides with papillae above the base, but smooth and pellucid at the base. XX. DiPHYSciACEjE. Leaves of two kinds: the cauline with the cells densely hexagonally parenchymatous, abounding with chlorophyll, the perichaetial leaves with the cells destitute of chlorophyll and more loosely reticulated. PLEUROCARPI. 1 . Distichophylla. Leaves arranged in two opposite rows. XXI. PHYLLOGONIACE.E. 2. Tristichophylla. Leaves arranged in four rows, appearing like three, erect, of two forms. XXII. HYPOPTERYGIACE.E. Cells of the leaf everywhere prosenchymatous, equal. 3. Polystichophylla. Leaves arranged in four or more rows. XXIII. MNIADELPHACE.E. Cells of the leaf parenchymatous, Mnioid. XXIV. HYPNOIDE.E. Cells of the leaf prosenchymatous, rhombic or rounded. BIBL. Hooker, Taylor and Wilson, Bryo- logia Britannica ; Bruch and Schimper, Bryologia Europ&a ; Hedwig, Theoria gene- rationis; Bridel, Bryologia universa', Miiller, Synopsis Muscorum frondosorum ; Dillenius, Historia Muscorum ; Lanzius-Beninga, Nova Acta, xxii. p. 555 ; Hofmeister, Vergleich. Untersuch. Leipsic, 1837; Valentine, Lin- nean Transactions, xviii. p. 499. MOTH, CLOTHES. See TINEA. MOTHER-CELL, or PARENT-CELL, is the term commonly applied to the cell in the interior of which a new generation of cells is developed. MOTHER-OF-PEARL. See SHELL. MOUGEOTIA.— A genus of Zygnemaceae (Confervoid Algae), distinguished by the con- jugation of the filaments taking place with- out the formation of transverse processes, the conjugating filaments being geniculately bent. There is still obscurity as to the mode of reproduction of the plants of this genus. According to Vaucher, a spore is MOULDS. [ 438 ] MOUTH. formed in one of the conjugating cells, with- out transfer of contents, and this, germina- ting in situ, breaks out from the parent-cell. This account is probably correct as far as it goes, but does not explain fully the develop- ment of the spores. Hassall says the plants are reproduced by zoospores ; this has been confirmed by Kiitzing, who, together with Itzigsohn, has observed the formation of small rounded resting-spores in the joints, which underwent segmentation and deve- loped a number of smaller cells, the ultimate fate of which was not observed. All this tends to prove that the reproduction agrees with that of Spirogyra, where we have — 1. large conjugation-spores, sometimes germinating in situ, producing in some cases new fila- ments, in others zoospores ; 2. zoospores produced immediately from the contents; and 3. what appeared to be encysted forms of these (see SPIROGYRA). The only satisfactorily established British species of this genus seems to be M. genu- flexa, Ag. (fig. 139. p. 166). The cells are about 1-720" in diameter in large specimens (M. major, Hass.), and about three or four times as long ; in smaller specimens (M. ge- nuflexa, Hass., M. gracilis, Kiitz.) the dia- meter is about 1-1200", the length of the cells five or six times greater. The contents of the cells, like those of MESOCARPUS, are mostly evenly distributed. Mesocarpus notabilis, Hass. (Sirogonium notabile, Kiitz.) is an obscure plant, perhaps referable to this genus. BIBL. Vaucher, Conferees d'eau douce, p. 79. pi. 8; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 171. pi. 40 ; Kutzing, Sp. Alg. p. 43, Tab. Phyc. v. pi. 1-3, and 36 ; Itzigsohn, Bot. Zeit. xi. p. 681 (1853). MOULDS and MILDEWS. — :These names are generally applied indifferently to a multitude of Hyphomycetous, Physomy- cetous and Coniomycetous Fungi, but some of the more common ones are especially distinguished. Thus ordinary 'blue mould' of cheese, &c. is ASPERGILLUS glaucus -, another still more common blue or green mould is PENICILLIUM glaucum ; various species of OIDIUM and ERYSIPHE are known as the mildews of the Hop, Vine, Rose, &c. The mildew of wheat is PUCCINI A gra- minis. MOUNTING. See PRESERVATION. MOUSE, HAIR OF (PI. 1. fig. 3; PL 22. figs. 27, 28). See HAIR OF ANIMALS and TEST-OBJECTS. MOUTH.— The mucous membrane of the mouth, which becomes continuous with the skin at the lips, is furnished with very nume- rous conical or filamentous papillae resem- bling those of the skin, sometimes simple, at others branched, and a number of mucous glands. Its epithelium is of the pavement kind, consisting of several layers of delicate cells ; these are roundish in the deeper, flattened and polygonal in the superficial layers. Fig. 496. Epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the human mouth, a, large, b, smaller cells ; c, one with two nuclei. Magnified 350 diameters. • The glands, distinguished according to their situation, as the labial, the buccal, and the palatine glands, are rounded, about 1-36 to 1-6" in size, and open by short excretory ducts into the mouth. They consist of glandular lobules enveloped in areolar tissue with elastic fibres, the whole being sur- rounded by a firmer portion or capsule, and a branched duct. The lobules are composed of a number of convoluted canals or lobular ducts, with simple or compound caeca or glandular vesicles, each consisting of a base- ment membrane, and a single layer of angu- lar epithelial cells. The latter separate very readily, and then the caeca appear filled with a granular mass. MOUTH. [ 439 ] MUCEDINES. The ducts of the lobules have a coat of j form of exudation corpuscles, and this view .499. ^**^?_^ Human racemose mucous gland from the floor of the cavity of the mouth, a, areolar coat ; b, excretory duct ; c, glandular cseca ; d, lobular ducts. Magnified 50 diameters. areolar tissue, with networks of fine elastic Fig. 498. Diagram of two lobular ducts of a mucous gland, a, common duct ; b, lobular branch ; c, glandular vesicles in situ ; d, the same separated, and the ducts unfolded. Magnified 100 diameters. fibres, and a single layer of cylindrical, epi- thelial cells. The mucous liquid of the mouth contains, in addition to detached epithelial cells, very transparent corpuscles, about 1-2000 to 1-1500" in diameter, consisting of a deli- cate cell-wall, a nucleus, with a number of minute moving molecules. We have figured these among the TEST-OBJECTS (PL 1. fig. 5). They are called mucous or salivary corpuscles. Kolliker regards them as a Two glandular vesicles of a human racemose mucous gland, a, basement membrane ; b, epithelium, side view ; c, the same in surface view. Magnified 300 diameters. is probably correct, for they may occur in the secretion of any mucous surface, and have no special connexion with the salivary glands : we have found them in myriads in the urine. The secretion of the mouth generally con- tains also very slender filaments of a fungus (LEPTOTHRIX), with species of Monas, E. and of Vibrio. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ii. MUCEDINES.— A family of Hyphomy- cetous Fungi, forming moulds and mildews upon living or decaying animal or vegetable substances, and contributing to their de- composition, characterized by a flocculent mycelium bearing erect, continuous or septate, simple or branched, tubular, pellucid filaments, terminating in single spores or strings of spores, which soon separate from each other, and lie among the filaments of the mycelium. This tribe includes a number of the most interesting of the microscopic fungi, noted for their destructive influence upon organic bodies which they at- tack. The species of Botrytis, Oidium, &c. spread with won- derful rapidity as mildews over the herbaceous parts of vege- tables and moist vegetable sub- stances generally; in the former situations their spores enter the stomata, their mycelia ramifying among the subjacent cells, and carrying decomposition and decay into all the soft structures. They are most abundantly developed in a close, damp atmosphere. Themyceliaofotherkinds, as of PENICILLIUM, growing in liquids con- taining organic matter, or upon decaying vegetable substances, produce remarkable chemical decompositions, causing a fermen- tation of the medium in which they exist. Sec PENICILLIUM and FERMENTATION. MUCEDINES. [ 440 ] MUCEDINES. Synopsis of British and nearly allied Conti- nental Genera. A. Fertile filaments (pedicels) simple or branched, terminating in single spores or a very short row. t Spores simple. I. BOTRYTIS. Pedicels erect, septate, branched ; branches and branchlets septate ; spores solitary, on the tips of the branchlets. II. VERTICILLIUM. Pedicels erect, sep- tate, with whorled branches terminating in a solitary spore, or a short row of spores. III. ACREMONIUM. Pedicels creeping, septate, armed with subulate branches bear- ing spores. IV. OIDIUM. Pedicels simple, short, erect, clavate, septate, bearing usually one, sometimes two more or less oval spores. V. FUSIDIUM. Pedicels? Spores elon- gate, fusiform. VI. MENISPORA. Pedicels erect, septate, bearing fusiform or cylindrical spores, at first joined in bundles. VII. SCEPTROMYCES. Pedicels erect, geniculate, verticillately branched ; branches short, racemose; sporesin grape-like bunches. ** Spores septate. VIII. BRACHYCLADIUM. Pedicels branched above, septate, moniliform; branches and branchlets forming a sporiferous capitu- lum ; spores transversely septate. IX. PAPULASPORA. Pedicels erect, short, articulate, simple or slightly branched, each terminating in an oblong two- or four- partite spore. X. TRICHOTHECIUM. Pedicels inter- woven in tufts, the central erect, fertile; spores acrogenous, didymous, free, com- monly loosely heaped together. XI. CEPHALOTHECIUM. Pedicels sim- ple, continuous, bearing a terminal head of didymous spores. B. Erect filaments (pedicels) terminating in strings of spores. * Spores simple. XII. PENICILLIUM. Pedicels erect, sep- tate, penicillately branched above ; branches and branchlets septate; strings of spores attached to the tips of the branches. XIII. ASPERGILLUS. Pedicels conti- nuous, erect, simple filaments, inflated into a little head at the summit ; strings of spores crowded upon the head. XIV. SPOROTRICHUM. Pedicels erect, simple, or slightly branched, septate and articulate, articulations remote, inflated ; spores simple, usually found collected in heaps among the filaments. XV. RHODOCEPHALUS. Pedicels erect, continuous, not septate, divided at the sum- mit into simple branchlets forming a capitu- lum; strings of spores attached singly to the tips of the branchlets. XVI. GONATORHODUM. Pedicels erect, septate, nodulose, with minute sporomor- phous branchlets crowded in whorls, septate, affixed to the nodules, bearing chains of spores at the apex. XVII. MONILIA. Pedicels erect, sep- tate, crowded at the summit with chain- like branches composed of strings of spores soon falling apart. ** Spores septate. XVIII. DACTYLIUM. Pedicels erect, septate, unbranched; strings of spores at- tached in a bunch to the apex ; spores sep- tate. XIX. DENDRYPHIUM. Pedicels erect, septate, branched above ; strings of septate spores attached singly or in pairs to the apices of the branches. C. Fertile filaments (pedicels), inflated at the tips or at various points in their length, with projecting points or warts on the inflations bearing * Simple spores. XX. RHINOTRICHUM. Pedicels erect, septate, sometimes sparingly branched, the apices clavate, bearing scattered points sup- porting simple spores. XXI. STACHYLIDIUM. Pedicels erect, articulated, whorled-branched above ; branch- lets geniculate and articulate; spores sub- pedicellate, accumulated in little capituli- form heads inserted at the tips of the branches. XXII. GONATOBOTRYS. Pedicels erect, septate, nodulose; nodules distant, warty; warts spirally arranged, and bearing con- globated solitary spores. XXIII. ACMOSPORIUM. Pedicels erect, septate, branched above; branches and branchlets forming a cyme, thickened at the apex, and furnished with globular capitules covered all over with points ; spores simple, attached on the points of the capitules. XXIV. HAPLOTRICHUM. Pedicels erect, septate, terminating above in a continuous, MUCEDINES. [ 441 ] MUCOR. simple, solitary, sporiferous head; spores simple. XXV. ACTINOCLADIUM. Pedicels erect, septate, umbellately branched at the sum- mit ; spores simple, accumulated at the tips of the branches. XXVI. BOTRYOSPORIUM. Pedicels erect, septate, with short needle-shaped branchlets above ; branches spirally placed, articularly joined to papillae, bearing at the tips five sporiferous points, and quaternate or quinate heads of spores, resembling an elongated and dense raceme ; spores heaped together regularly in globules. ** Spores septate. XXVII. ARTHROBOTRYS. Pedicels sim- ple, septate, nodular; nodules glomerulife- rous, warty ; warts spirally arranged, sus- taining spores at first solitary, afterwards crowded into glomerules. Spores didymous. D. Fertile filaments conjoined into a com- pound pedicel. XXVIII. STYSANUS. Pedicel compound, fibrous or fleshy-cellular, erect, thickened at the summit, bearing a hemispherical or cylindrical warty capitulum ; spores in sim- ple strings attached singly to the sides of the capitulum (to the tips of the fibres com- posing the pedicel). XXIX. COREMIUM. Pedicel compound, erect, composed of a number of parallel conjoined branching filaments, forming a penicillate head at the summit; filaments septate, the fertile verticillately branched, mixed with sterile simple ones. [Excluded genera : — Briarea •=. Monilia ; Clonostachys = Botrytis (vera) ; Polyactis = Botrytis (vulgaris) ; Peronospora = Bo- trytis ; Cladobotryum = Dactylium.~\ MUCOR, Micheli. — A genus of Mucorini (Physomycetous Fungi), forming the com- mon moulds of paste, decaying fruits or other vegetable matters. The general cha- racter is that of an interwoven mass of hori- zontal branched filaments, sending down little root-like ramules and pushing up erect fertile filaments (not septate), which branch at the base in a stoloniferous manner, and thus form loosely grouped tufts. At the summit of the erect filaments, a globular vesicle is formed, which soon becomes cut off by a septum. Its contents become divided by segmentation in a large number of spores, and the septum at the base becomes mean- while pushed up or protruded into the centre of the vesicle so as to form a kind of " core," called the columella. After a time the vesicle (peridiole) bursts and discharges its spores; the pressure of the turgid columella appa- rently hastens the bursting. The dehiscence takes place either by a circular slit just above the base of the columella, leaving this alone, surroundedby a narrowragged collar(-Mwcor), Fig. 500. Fig. 501. Mucor Mucedo. (Ascophora-form.) Fig. 500. Nat. size, growing on a leaf. Fig. 501. Single fertile filaments, with the columella collapsed, and fallen like a cap over the end. Magn. 50 diams. or the peridiole bursts above and disappears by solution, and columella collapses upon the pedicel (Ascophora, fig. 501). The mem- brane of the peridiole of M. Mucedo (and perhaps of other species) is clothed with minute spines. The erect filament is some- times simple, sometimes branched. It ap- pears likely that the columella may become converted into a second peridiole, by being shut off by a septum which is converted into a new columella. It has been imagined that ACHLYA is only an aquatic form of Mucor, and this seems not improbable ; however, the experi- ments we have made on this point have hitherto given negative results. The species of Mucor described by authors are pretty numerous, but we think consider- able allowance for variation should always be made in this genus. RHIZOPUS, Ehr.= Mucor, when distinctly stoloniferous. It MUCOR. [ 442 ] MUCORINI. seems very doubtful whether HYDROPHORA should be separated from Mucor. * Fertile filaments simple. 1. M. mucedo, L. (figs. 500, 501). My- celium byssoid, peridiole and spores globose, at first white, ultimately blackish. (This includes Ascophora Mucedo, Tode). Ex- tremely common. Sowerby, Fungi, pi. 3/8. fig. 6 ; Greville (Ascophora), Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 269. 2. M. caninus, Pers. Mycelium byssoid, peridiole globose, ultimately yellow or ferru- ginous ; spore globose or elliptic. Very common on excrement of dogs and cats in wet weather. Grev. -Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 305. 3. M. fusiger, Lk. Mycelium byssoid. Peridiole globose, ultimately black; spores spindle-shaped. On decaying fungi. 4. M . clavatus, Lk. " Mycelium byssoid. Clavate apices of the fertile filaments simply penetrating the globose peridiole; spores globose, at first white, then brown, at length black." On rotten pears. (Possibly only a state of M . Mucedo or the following.) 5. M. amethysteus. Mycelium thick, white, closely interwoven. Peridiole at first white, then pale yellow, then crystalline and pure violet, finally violet -black or brownish ; " spore globose, filled with globose spori- dioles(?)." Fertile filament 1-40" high. On rotten pears with the foregoing. 6. M. delicatulus, Berk. Mycelium form- ing a thin velvety stratum. Very minute, fertile filaments short, peridioles globose, pale yellow; spores globose. On rotting gourds. 7. M. succosus, Berk. Mycelium forming small, pulvinate, yellow, spongy masses. Peridiole very minute, globose, yellow, at length olive ; columella minute. On dead shoots of Aucuba. Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. pi. 12. fig. 15. ** Fertile filaments branched. 8. M. ramosus, Bull. Mycelium woolly. Fertile filaments racemose. Peridioles glo- bose, yellow, then bluish-grey or reddish- brown. On rotting fungi. Bulliard, pi. 480. fig. 3. 9. M. subtilissimus, Berk. Mycelium creeping, filaments exceedingly slender. Fertile filaments branched, the short patent branches each terminating in a globose peridiole; spores oblong, elliptical. A mildew of onions. Berk. Hort. Journal, iii. p. 97- figs. 1-5. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 332, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 433, Hort. Journal, iii. p. 91 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 487, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 318; Fresenius,Be^r. z. Mycologie, 1 heft. p. 4 (1850). MUCORINI.— A family of microscopic Physomycetous Fungi, constituting the moulds, &c. common on moist decaying vegetable and animal substances, consisting of a filamentous mycelium, forming flocks and clouds in or on decaying matters, bearing vesicles (on erect pedicels or sessile) filled with minute sporules, discharged by the rupture of the vesicles (peridioles) . These plants correspond among the thecasporous Fungi to the Mucedines among the acrospo- rous or free-spored orders. The peridiole consists of the terminal cell of an erect filament, enlarged (like the head on a pin) into a globular vesicle. At first the cavity of this vesicle communicates with that of the pedicel, but a septum is soon formed; in some genera this septum is flat, in others projecting into the interior of the peridiole like the " punt " of a bottle, forming a hemi- spherical or cylindrical columella. While this columella rises in the peridiole, the latter becomes filled with spores, forming thus a polysporous sporange, and it bursts to let them escape. The manner of bursting of the sporange and the form of the central column vary much, and afford generic characters. " The- lactis" presents a remarkable peculiarity; each filament terminates in a sporange con- taining a great number of spores, while at its base it gives origin to whorls of branches, the terminal cells of which remain sterile. Sizygites is stated by Ehrenberg to exhibit a phenomenon of conjugation of its branches, like that of the Zygneinaceae among the Algae. (See SIZYGITES.) Some remarkable observations have been published lately by Be Bary, tending to show that the genus Eurotium only represents certain conditions of Aspergillus. (See EU- ROTIUM.) Synopsis of British and allied Continental Genera. I. PHYCOMYCES. Peridiole pear-shaped, separated from the apex of the erect pedicel by an even joint ; opening by an umbilicus. Spores oblong, very large. Filaments caes- pitose, tubular, continuous and shining. II. HYDROPHORA. Peridiole subglobose, membranous, dehiscent, at first crystalline, aqueous, then turbid and at length indurated, persistent. Columella absent; spores simple, conglobated. MUCOUS CORPUSCLES. [ 443 ] MUSCA. III. MUCOR. Peridiole subglobose, se- parating like a cap (leaving an annular fragment attached) from the erect, simple, continuous pedicel, or bursting irregu- larly ; columella cylindrical or ovate, spores simple. IV. EUROTIUM. Peridiole membranous, sessile, at length bursting irregularly; spores globose, very small, gelatinous, diffluent in water ; filaments of the mycelium radiating from the base of the peridiole. V. ^EGERITA. Peridiole spherical, very fugacious; sporidia soon scattered like white meal over the gruraous receptacle. VI. PILOBOLUS. Peridiole globular, separating Hke a cap from the short stalk composed of a single cell, attached on an unicellular ramified mycelium; columella conical; spores very numerous, free in the peridiole. VII. SIZYGITES. Filaments erect, sim- ple, very much branched above, branches and branchlets di- or tri-chotomous, fertile branches forcipate, bearing pairs of opposite internal, clavate branches, which subsequently coalesce. Excluded genera. Ascophora == Mucor ; Thelactis = Mucor ? ; Rhizopus = Mucor ; Acrostalagmus = Botrytis. MUCOUS CORPUSCLES. SeeMouTH. MUCOUS MEMBRANES.— Those in- ternal canals and cavities of the body which open externally, as the alimentary canal, bladder, &c., are bounded by what may be regarded as internal prolongations of the skin, called mucous membranes. They consist of four layers : — 1, an inner- most, or epithelial layer, corresponding to the cutaneous epidermis ; 2, a subjacent structureless basement membrane, which is not always separable and demonstrable ; next comes 3, a layer of variable thickness, consisting of areolar and elastic tissue, well supplied with blood-vessels and nerves, often containing numerous small glands, frequently furnished with conical or filiform processes, termed papillae or villi, and sometimes tra- versed by muscular fibres. These three layers form the proper mucous membrane j and are supported by 4, an outermost submucous layer or coat, composed of the same elements as the last, but much more lax in structure, and frequently containing fatty tissue. The mucous membranes are usually very vascular, and injected preparations of them are very beautiful, and to some extent cha- racteristic. The size and form of the epithelial cells are to a certain extent also characteristic, especially those of the uppermost layer ; and a knowledge of the peculiar structure in individual cases, is of use in determining the source of morbid mucous products mixed with epithelial cells. See the special articles. MUCUS. — Natural mucus contains no essential morphological elements. As ordi- narily met with, it often, however, exhibits some epithelial cells, mucous corpuscles and numerous granules; and the peculiar mucous matter has a striated or fibrous appearance, mostly produced artificially. The abnormal elements are principally those of inflammation . BIBL. See CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL. MUD. — The organisms found in mud are very numerous; they consist principally of Diatomaceae and other minute Algae. The surface of mud is often covered with yellow- ish or greenish layers, composed almost entirely of these organisms. The most beau- tiful and most numerous forms of Diatoma- ceae are found in the mud of sea-water, or that of tidal rivers. On exposing a bottle of mud and water to the light, they will rise to the surface of the mud, some adhering to the side of the bottle next the light, and can then be easily separated. The surface of freshwater mud frequently appears of a blood-red colour, from the presence of Tu- bifex rivulorum. MUREXIDE. See AMMONIA, PURPU- RATE OF, p. 29. MURIATE OF AMMONIA. See AM- MONIA, HYDROCHLORATE OF, p. 28. MUSA, Tournef.— A genus of Musaceae (Monocotyledonous Flowering Plants), com- prising the Bananas and Plantains. The fibro-vascular bundles of Musa afford ex- amples of spiral vessels with numerous spiral fibres (see SPIRAL-FIBROUS STRUC- TURES). Musa textilis affords the fibre called Manilla hemp (see PI. 21. fig. /). See TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. MUSCA, Linn. — A genus of Dipterous Insects, of the family Muscidae. It would be of little use to detail the cha- racters of this genus, as they vary so much according to different authors. Among the well-known species (all of which have been formed into new genera), we may mention : Musca domestica, L., common house-fly. Third joint of antennae thrice the length of the second; style plumose, eyes reddish- brown, front of head white, the rest black ; thorax blackish-gray with four longitudinal MUSCACEJE, [ 444 ] MUSCLE. black bands, abdomen blackish-brown above, with blackish elongated spots, pale yellow- ish-brown beneath. M. carnaria, L. (Sarcopliaga, Meigen), the flesh-fly. Antennae feathery ; head golden-yellow in front, eyes reddish ; thorax gray with black longitudinal lines, abdomen black, with four square white spots on each segment, all the body strewed with black hairs. Viviparous, 1-2" long. M. Ctesar, L. (Lttc*7ia,Donov.). No spots, abdomen green, with a metallic lustre. M. vomitoria, L. ( Calliphora, Donov.), blue- bottle or blow-fly. Head yellowish, golden or white, eyes brown ; thorax black ; abdo- men shining blue with black stripes and long black hairs. The larvae are known as gentles. The ova or larvae are deposited upon animal or vegetable substances, mostly in a state of decay, upon which they live. Several parts of the species of Musca are of general microscopic interest : — as the proboscis (PI. 26. fig. 29) with its two fleshy lobes (c), kept expanded by a beautiful and elastic framework of modified tracheae ; the setae or lancets (b], which are modified maxillae, sometimes rudimentary, with their palpi (a) at the base ; the remarkable an- tennae (PI. 26. fig. 20) ; the elegant tarsus (PI. 27. fig. 7 «), with its terminal spine, pulvilli (figs. 7, 8 & 9) and claws ; and the rudimentary wings (halteres, INSECTS, p. 358). Musca pumilionis (Chlorops, Meig.) de- posits its eggs in the young wheat-grain, which is consumed and destroyed by the larvae. Many other members of allied families of Diptera, commonly known also as flies, are of microscopic interest, on account of their oral setae or lancet-like organs. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, fyc.; Mac- quart, Hist. nat. d. Ins. Dipt.; Meigen, Syst. Beschr. d. bek. eur. zweiflug. Insect. ; Keller, Gesch. d. gemein. Stubenfliege ; MUSCACE.E. See MOSSES. MUSCLE. — Muscular tissue forms the greater portion of the flesh of animals. It occurs in two principal forms ; one of which is termed organic, unstriated, or un- striped muscle ; the other, voluntary, striated or striped muscle. Unstriated muscle. — This consists of more or less elongated, somewhat spindle-shaped, narrow fibres (p. 62, fig. 34), having the import of cells, and hence often called fibre- cells. They are, however, solid. Each contains an elongated nucleus, brought to light by the addition of acetic acid, but ex- hibiting no nucleolus. The fibres are of variable length, from about 1-580 to 1-250", and 1-5000 to 1-3500" in diameter. They sometimes exist singly in the midst of areolar tissue; at others they are united into rounded or flattened bundles, and surrounded by an imperfect kind of sarcolemma, composed of areolar tissue with elastic fibres. They occur most abundantly in the hollow viscera ; as the stomach, the intestines, the bladder and the uterus ; but they also exist in other situations, as the spleen, trachea and bronchi, the dartos, the arteries, veins, and lymphatics, the prostate gland, fallopian tubes, urethra, villi of the small intestines, the skin, iris, &c. Fig. 502. Unstriated muscular fibres from the oesophagus of a pig, after treatment with diluted nitric acid. Magnified 10 diameters. Striated muscle. —The structure of striated is more complex than that of unstriated muscular tissue. It consists of a num- ber of very slender fibres, called fibrillae, connected into bundles, termed primitive bundles or fasciculi, each of which is en- closed in a sheath or sarcolemma. The pri- mitive bundles are again united into second- ary and tertiary bundles, the whole being bound together by a connected mass of areolar and elastic tissue surrounding each of them, and forming the perimysium. This arrangement is best seen in a transverse sec- tion (fig. 503). The primitive bun dies are from about 1-1000 to 1-200" in diameter, and of a rounded or po- lygonal form (fig. 504). Their surfaces are marked by a number of transverse striae, which forms the most characteristic appear- ance of the tissue. They also exhibit irre- gular longitudinal striae, which are the indi- MUSCLE. Fig. 503. [ 445 Transverse section of a portion of the sterno-cleido- mastpideus. a, outer perimysium ; b, inner perimysium ; c, primitive and secondary muscular bundles. Magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 504. Transverse section of the muscular fibres or primitive bundles of the human gastrocnemius : a, sarcolemma and interstitial areolar tissue ; b, section of fibrillse and intermediate substance. Magnified 350 diameters. cations of the component fibrillse (PI. 17. fig. 35). The sheath or sarcolemma, when separated from the muscular substance by treatment with water, acetic acid, and alkalies, in which it is insoluble, forms a structureless, trans- parent and smooth membrane. It is perhaps most easily seen in the muscle of fishes by simple dissection (PI. 41. fig. 18). On its inner side are numerous spindle-shaped or lenticular nuclei (fig. 505). The ultimate or primitive fibrillse in man are about 1-20,000'' in diameter, and each exhibits numerous regularly alternating light and dark portions (PI. 17. fig. 36/); the relative positions of the two may, however, be made to change by altering the focus. The ends of the fibrillse are distinguishable in transverse sections of the primitive bun- MTTSCLE. Fig. 505. Portion of a primitive bundle treated with acetic acid. a, sarcolemma ; b, single nucleus ; c, twin nuclei sur- rounded by granules of fat. Magnified 450 diams, dies, and their lateral margins are perfectly straight. Different views have been taken of the structure of the fibrillae, and, in fact, of the general structure of muscle. Thus the ulti- mate fibrillge have been described as monili- form or beaded (PI. 17. fig. 36 c); this ap- pearance, however, arises from an optical illusion, connected either with imperfection in the object-glasses used, viewing the object in too much liquid, or the use of too low an object-glass, and too high an eye-piece. It often happens, especially when muscle has been kept in spirit, that it separates transversely into a number of flat disks (fig. 506) ; hence it has been viewed as consisting Fig. 506. A, a primitive bundle, magnified 350 diameters, partly separated into disks, side view. B, the same, rather more magnified, end view. MUSCLE. [ 446 ] MUSCLE. of these disks. Again, as under certain con- ditions it separates longitudinally into fibrillae and transversely into disks, it has been sup- posed to consist of * primitive particles ' or ' sarcous elements' united end to end as well as laterally. We admit the existence of the primitive fibrillae as original components of muscle, although there can be little doubt that the fibrillae are not homogeneous, and of uniform constitution either chemical or physical. On carefully examining them at different foci, it is seen that those portions of isolated fibrils which appear dark when the margins of the fibrils are best in focus, are more highly refractive than the interme- diate portions, as shown by the greater lu- minosity they acquire on altering the focus of the object-glass ; and that this focal effect does not arise from a lenticular form of the parts, is evident from the straight condition of the margins of the fibrils. Hence these more highly refractive parts probably con- stitute the proper muscular substance, con- nected in the direction of their length by a different kind of substance, which becomes brittle under the action of spirit, whilst the former does not so ; for the line of separa- tion into the disks occurs through the less highly refractive portions. And that these compound fibrils naturally exist is shown by their being distinguishable in a primitive bundle without the use of reagents, or even of mechanical means. It has also been supposed that the ulti- mate fibrils are composed of cells arranged end to end, and the appearance represented in PI. 17. fig. 36 a, which is sometimes met with, might countenance this notion. But whenever it is seen, there is imperfect defi- nition, from the presence of too much liquid, or some other cause ; for we have never ob- served it when the object was properly ar- ranged and examined. There are other appearances exhibited by the fibrillae which cannot at present be satis- factorily explained. Thus, sometimes each more highly refractive portion is divided by a dark line, indicating less refraction at that part (PI. 17. fig. 36 d, taken at the elevated focus); at others the same part appears bounded at each end by a transverse dark line (fig. 36 b], or both parts are traversed mesially by a transverse dark line. In some instances we have noticed a very delicate constriction, which would account for these appearances, but the indication of this we have failed to discover. The dark portions of the various fibrillae of the primitive bundles being opposite to each other, gives rise to the coarser dark striae seen under a low power. But it often happens that by pressure or manipulation this natural relation is destroyed, the direc- tion of the striae altered, and sometimes those of one bundle are made to alternate with those of the next. Hence arises an appearance of transverse or spiral fibres (PL I/, fig. 35), but none such really exist in muscle. The proper substance of muscle consists chemically of a proteine compound called syntonine, resembling fibrine in several of its properties, but differing from it in the greater action of dilute muriatic acid, &c. By pressing muscle, a liquid is obtained containing some peculiar organic substances. This liquid probably exists between the fibrillae. The unstriated and the striated muscular fibres have the same chemical composition. In regard to the development of muscle, in its earliest stage it consists of nucleated cells ; these become fusiform, arranged in rows, and uniting by their ends, form fibres. The proper muscular substance is then formed within them, as a secondary deposit, from the inner surface of the cells towards the centre, until the whole is solidified. The muscles are very vascular. The smaller branches of the vessels mostly run parallel to the primitive bundles in the peri- mysium, and anastomose by transverse or oblique branches. They are also well supplied with nerves ; these mostly terminate in a plexus of looped branches (fig. 507). Muscle undergoes important changes in disease. Wounds are filled up with areolar or tendinous tissue. In atrophy and fatty degeneration, the bundles become smaller, softer, more readily broken up, the trans- verse striae and fibrillae indistinct, or appa- rently absent, and contain yellowish or brown pigment-granules, with more or less nume- rous globules of fat (PL 30. fig. 14 a), and sometimes a large number of nuclei or small cells. The interfascicular areolar tissue is also sometimes increased in amount, and fatty tissue developed in it. Sometimes the mus- cular substance is partially absorbed, and the sarcolemma contracting, gives the bun- dles a moniliform appearance (PL 30. fig. 14 b}. In tetanus, the fibres become vari- cose and often ruptured, and the striae closer. The muscular tissue of the lower Verte- MUSCLE. Fig. 507. [ 447 ] MYRIAPODA. Termination of the branches of a nerve in a portion of the omohyoideus muscle, treated with caustic soda. a, meshes of the terminal plexus ; b, loops ; c, muscular fibres. Magnified 350 diameters. brata, and some of the Invertebrata, agrees essentially in structure with that of man ; but the sarcolemma is often much thicker, the fibrillse larger, and the nuclei contained within the substance of the bundles, and sometimes arranged in regular linear series. The margins of the bundles are also some- times uneven, and rounded at regular inter- vals (PI. 17- fig. 35), giving the appearance of their being surrounded by fibres. In many of the lower members of the In- vertebrata, although the substance of the body is voluntarily contractile, no trace of bundles or fibres can be detected. To obtain the separate fibrillae of striated muscle, the tissue should be macerated for about two hours in alcohol. This removes any fatty matter, and renders the fibrillae more easily separable, by dissection with mounted needles. The fibrillae are very minute, as we have stated; hence a very small portion of the tissue only should be taken for examination. That of fishes (the cod or the skate) or of reptiles (the frog) is the best for the purpose. The unstriated muscular fibres are best seen in muscle which has been treated with diluted nitric or muriatic acid (1 part acid to 4 water). This renders them more opaque, and often curiously tortuous or spiral (fig. 502). BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. and the Bibl. ; Henle, Allgem. Anat. ; Bowman, Todd's Cycl. iii. art. Muscle, and Phil. Trans. 1840—41 ; Donders, Mulder's Physiolog. Chem.-, and the Bibl. of CHE- MISTRY, ANIMAL. MUSHROOMS. See AGARICUS. MUSSEL. — The species of Mollusca commonly known as mussels are of interest to the microscopist, on account of their ali- mentary canal containing Diatomaceae ; the same probably applies also to other marine and aquatic Mollusca, as well as other ani- mals living upon these minute Algae. If it be required to obtain the valves only, the entire animal may be dissolved in hot nitric acid, and the residue washed as usual in preparing the Diatomaceae. The gills of the common marine mussel (Mytilus edulis) are well adapted for the examination of the cilia and ciliary motion. Mussels also frequently contain the * nurses' and larvae (Cercarice) of Distoma and other Trematoda (Entozoa). One of the Acarina, Hydrachna (?) con- charum (or Limnochares (?) anodontce), is found in the pallial cavity or beneath the outer lamella of the branchial plates of the Naia- deae (Unio, &c.). BIBL. Dickie, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1848. i. p. 322 ; Vogt, Ann. des So. nat. 3 ser. xii. ; and the Bibl. of MOLLUSCA. MYCOTHAMNION, Kiitz. — One of Kiitzing's genera of Leptomiteous Algae, composed of obscure byssoid productions growing in foul water. Probably the mycelia of fungi. MYOBIA, Heyd. See ACARINA, p. 4. MYRIAPODA.— An order of Insects. Char. Wings absent; legs numerous; thorax not separated from the abdomen. These animals are commonly known as centipedes or millipedes. The body is usually long, cylindrical or flattened, and consisting of numerous rings or joints. The head distinct, and the jointed legs arranged on each side of the body throughout its length. A few of them are broad, short, and flattened, somewhat resembling wood-lice. The head is furnished with a pair of antennae. Behind these are laterally placed the eyes, which in some are absent ; they consist of mostly a group of ocelli. MYRIOCEPHALUM. [ 448 J MYRIOTRICHIA. The structure of the trophi varies in the different genera. The labrum is small, and usually consolidated with the cephalic plate. The mandibles (PL 28. figs. 25, 26 6) are often large and powerful, somewhat resembling those of the spiders, and, like them, traversed by a canal, through which the duct of a poison-gland passes. The maxillae are smaller, softer, and furnished with two palpi. The labium (PL 28. fig. 26 c) is often deeply cleft, its anterior and inner margin elegantly toothed, and to it are attached the labial palpi (fig. 26 c). In some the labial palpi and mandibles are absent, the labium form- ing a kind of sheath or suctorial rostrum. One or two pairs of legs, with a single claw, are attached to each joint of the body. The internal structure resembles that of other insects. The sexes are separate. The embryo, on escaping from the ovum, has but few legs, sometimes three pairs, at others none, the number being augmented each time the skin is cast ; the same applies to the ocelli. The Myriapoda live in dark places, be- neath the bark of trees, under dead leaves, stones, &c. They form very interesting objects when properly prepared and mounted. The small ones, when slightly compressed between two glasses, dried in that position, subse- quently macerated in oil of turpentine, and mounted in balsam, become very transpa- rent, and show the structure beautifully ; the nervous ganglia and cords are often very distinctly seen in these specimens without dissection. The abdomen of the longer specimens should be slit up with fine scis- sors, and the viscera removed ; the integu- ment being gently compressed, and dried as above. BIBL. Newport, Linn. Trans, xix. ; id. Phil. Trans. 1841 ; Gervais, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. vii. ; Leach, Linn. Trans, xi. ; R. Jones, Todd's Cycl. Anat. and Phys. iii. MYRIOCEPHALUM, De Not. See CHEIROSPORA. MYRIONEMA, Grev.— A genus of Myri- onemaceae (Fucoid Algae), consisting of mi- nute epiphytic plants, forming patches of short, erect, simple, jointed filaments, spring- ing from a thin expanded layer of decum- bent cohering filaments. They are described as bearing oblong 'spores,' but these are probably oosporanges producing zoospores; and it is probable that they are accompanied by trichosporanges, as in Elachistea. 1 . M. strangulans, Grev. Patches convex, confluent ; erect filaments clavate ; ' spores on the decumbent filaments. Forming dark brown dot-like spots on Ulvce, or little rings round Enteromorpha. Grev. Sc. Crypt. Flor pi. 300. 2. M. Leclancherii, Chauv. Patches or- bicular; erect filaments cylindrical; 'spores on the decumbent filaments. Forming patches 1-12 to 1-4" in diameter (at first like a Coleochcete) on decaying fronds of Rhody- menia and Ulva. Harv. Phyc. Brit. pi. 41 A, 3. M. punctiforme, Lyngb. Patches glo- bose; filaments tapering to the base ; 'spores' fixed to the erect filaments near their bases ; ' spores > very narrow. Forming minute patches on Ceramia, Chylocladia. Harv. I. c. pl.41B. 4. M. clavatum, Carm. An obscure spe- cies. Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1. p. 391. BIBL. Op. cit. sup. ; Harvey, Brit. Mar. Ala. p. 51. pi. 10 E. MYRIONEMACE^.— A family of Fu- coideae. Olive-coloured sea-weeds, with a tuber-shaped or crustaceous spreading frond, sometimes minute and parasitical. Ovoid oosporanges and filamentous trichosporanges attached to the superficial filaments, and concealed among them. Synopsis of the British Genera. I. LEATHESIA. Frond tuber-shaped. II. RALFSIA. Frond crustaceous. III. ELACHISTEA. Frond parasitical, consisting of a tubercular base bearing pen- cilled erect filaments. IV. MYRIONEMA. Frond parasitical, forming a flat base bearing cushion-like tufts of decumbent filaments, MYRIOTRICHIA, Harv.— A genus ol Ectocarpaceae (Fucoid Algae), consisting oi minute epiphytic plants, forming tufts oi capillary filaments on larger Algae. The filaments are simple jointed tubes, set all over with minute, simple, spore-like ramules. which again are clothed with very slender, long, articulated filaments. The fructifica- tion consists of oval oosporanges on the side of the main axis, producing zoospores ; pro- bably also trichosporanges exist. 1. M. claviformis, Hook. Main filament with quadrifarious ramules, increasing in length upwards. Fronds 1-2" long, forming tufts on Chorda lomentaria. Harv. Phyc. Brit. pi. 101. 2. M. Jiliformis, Harv. Main filaments very long, often flexuous, set at irregular intervals with oblong clusters of minute pa • pilliform ramules. Frond 1" or more long. MYROTHECIUM. [ 449 ] MYXOGASTRES. On Chorda lomentaria and Asperococcus echinatus. Harv. Phyc. Brit. pi. 156. BIBL. L. c. sup. ; Harv. Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 63. pi. 9 D, Hook. Journ. Bot. i. p. 300. t. 138. MYROTHECIUM, Tode.—A genus of Onygenei(?) (Ascomycetous Fungi). M. roridum, Tode, a somewhat obscure plant, with a peridium formed of slender filaments, evanescent in the centre, and con- taining a gelatinous mass of cylindrical sporidia (?); grows on rotting plants, dried fungi, &c. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 323; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 448. MYXOGASTRES.— A family of minute Gasteromycetous Fungi, of curious and in- teresting structure, characterized by their development from a mucilaginous matrix, out of which arise sac-like dehiscent pe- ridia, emitting a very remarkable, often reticulated, filamentous structure, bearing the spores. The Myxogastres grow upon bark of trees, or decayed wood, or on leaves (especially under certain atmospheric conditions), or on the ground, and consist in infancy of a dif- fluent mucilage of varied form and colour. In proportion as this acquires consistence, there is formed a crust common to the whole mass, divided within into chambers, or a number of individuals appear separate from it and associated on a common thallus. In the first case a single peridium is formed, which may be regarded as a common peridium if we consider the inner cells as partial peridia soldered together, while in the second case each individual has its own peridium. This peridium, sessile or stalked, is composed of one or more membranous, papery or crusta- ceous coats; in some cases where there are two coats, the outer is crustaceous and persistent, or it is extremely thin and membranous, and breaks up into deciduous scales. The mode of dehiscence varies. Sometimes an irregular opening is formed at the summit, as in Phy- sarum ; sometimes the peridium opens like a little box, as in Craterium ; sometimes the upper half falls off, leaving a cup-shaped base, as in Arcyria ; or the membrane may be very delicate, and break up entirely into little scales, which fall off and leave the capillitium with its spores naked, as in Ste- monitis. The capillitium or sporiferous structure is formed of filaments, simple or branched, free and loose, or anastomosing so as to form a network ; in Trichia they have spiral markings, and resemble the elaters of Hepaticse (PL 32. fig. 39). The filaments are often elastic, and when the peridium bursts they rise from the bottom of it, forming a coloured, erect or drooping plume (Arcyria). In many species there is a stalk (columella or stylidium) in the centre of the capillitium. The spores appear to be produced upon these filaments by growing out from them in the manner of basidiospores. They are formed in vast numbers, and lie when com- plete on the branches and in the interstices of the capillitium. Synopsis of British Genera. * TRICHIACEI. Primary mucilage con- joining several distinct peridia. Fila- ments of the capillitium free, entwined, elastic, or almost absent. 1. LIC^EA. Peridium subpersistent, mem- branous, bursting irregularly. Spores in heaps, with scarcely any filaments. 2. PERICH^ENA. Peridium persistent, membranous, bursting by a circumscissile slit. Filaments few, free. 3. TRICHIA. Peridium simple, persist- ent, bursting irregularly at the summit. Filaments densely interwoven, elastic. 4. ARCYRIA. Peridium simple, membra- nous, splitting all round at the base, the upper part very fugacious. Filaments densely interwoven, elastic. ** STEMONITEI. Primary mucilage con- necting several distinct peridia. Fila- ments conjoined into a network, adnate or innate. 5. CRIBRARIA. Peridium simple, mem- branous, the upper part falling off. The filaments adherent in the interior, at length expanding into a free network above. 6. DICTYDIUM. Peridium simple, sub- globose, very delicately membranous, burst- ing indeterminately, leaving the filaments (innate) forming a cage-like, latticed capilli- tium. 7. STEMONITIS. Peridium simple, glo- bose or cylindrical, delicately membranous, finally evanescent. Filaments forming a determinate capillitium, attached to a bristle- like central columella, and forming a network around it. 8. DIACHEA. Peridium simple, ovate- oblong, membranous, detached in fragments, leaving a radiately reticulate capillitium, with a floccose-grumous, pulverulent axis. 9. ENERTHENEMA. Peridium simple, globose, membranous, at length evanescent, laying bare a conical columella with a cap at 2 G MYXORMIA. [ 450 ] NACCARIA, the summit, bearing underneath ascending entwined filaments. *** PHYSAREI. Primary mucilage spread- ing widely , passing into many peridia. Filaments adnate, straight, vague. Spores Hack. 10. CRATERIUM. Peridium simple, va- ried, papery, persistent, closed by a lid, which finally falls off. Capillitium some- what chambered, formed of crowded fila- ments, at length erect. 11. PHYSARUM. Peridium simple, va- riable, naked, membranous, bursting irregu- larly. Capillitium floccose ; filaments at first joined into a net or forked. 12. DIDYMIUM. Peridium double; the outer bark-like, breaking up into little fur- furaceous scales or mealy down, the inner membranous, bursting irregularly ; filaments vague, adnate to the peridium. 13. DIDERMA. Peridium double; outer crust-like, distinct, brittle, dehiscent, the inner very delicately membranous, evanes- cent ; filaments vague, adnate to the base. **** ^ETHALINEI. Primary mucilage pro- ducing one peridium. 14. SPUMARIA. Peridium indeterminate, crustaceous, divided into cells by regular ascending folds, and finally falling away. No internal filaments. 15. ^ETHALIUM. Peridium indetermi- nate, fragile, falling away, covered with a floccose bark externally, cellular internally by means of filaments conjoined into mem- branous layers. 16. RETICULARIA. Peridium indetermi- nate, simple, naked, fugacious, bursting irre- gularly, laying bare branched, reticulated adnate filaments. 17. LYCOGALA. Peridium determinate, composed of a double membrane, membra- nous, somewhat warty, persistent, bursting at the summit. Filaments adnate on all sides of the peridium. BIBL. See under the heads of these genera ; also, for the development of Myxo- gastres, Schmitz, Mycologische Beobach- tungen ; Linncea, xvi. 188. MYXORMIA, Berk, and Br.— A genus of Phragmotrichacei(?) (Coniomycetous Fungi), containing one species, M. atroviridis, form- ing minute cup-like bodies, on dead leaves of grass. It is allied to Excipula, but dif- fers in its concatenate spores being con- nected by a slender thread, which frequently breaks off with them ; spores very gelati- BIBL. Berk, and Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 457. pi. 2. fig. 9. MYXOTRICHUM, Kze. — A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing on rotten wood, paper, &c. Three species are described as British : M . ccesium, Fr. ; M. chartarum, Kze.; and M. defiescum, Berk. They form little tufts or downy balls, send- ing off radiating branched filaments. The spores are described as occurring collected in masses'about the base of the threads (?). BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 335 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 260. pi. 8. fig. 9; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 502, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 348. N. NACCARIA, Endl.— A genus of Crypto- nemiaceae (Florideous Algae), containing one rare British species, N. Wigghii, usually thrown up from deep water. Its rose-co- loured frond is 6 to 12" high, and consists of a branched filiform expansion, the central axis being about as thick as a crow-quill, the branchlets quadrifariously alternate and clothed with ramules about 1-12" long. The cells of the main axis and branches of the frond are large and empty in the centre, small and closely packed at the circumfe- rence; the ramules are composed of jointed dichotomous filaments having a whorled arrangement, surrounded by gelatinous mat- ter. The difference between the character of the axes and the ramules is shown in the Fig. 508. Naccaria Wigghii. Fragment of a branch with a fertile ramule. Magnified 10 diameters. figure (fig. 508). The spores are borne on branches of the filaments of the ramules, NAIDINA. [ 451 ] NAILS. the fertile ramules being swollen in the middle. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 152. pi. 20 D, Phyc. Brit. pi. 38; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 16. NAIDINA.— A family of Ammlata, of the order Setigera. Char. Body worm-like, distinctly seg- mented, without suckers or soft leg-like appendages ; segments furnished with par- tially retractile bristles or setae, excepting the three or four first ; head distinct from the body. Animals aquatic, living among aquatic plants, or burrowing in mud. Sexes di- stinct ; propagation by ova and by sponta- neous transverse division. The bristles are moved by muscles, and answer the purpose of legs. They are situated on the upper or under surface of the body, mostly in rows. Nais, Mull. Four anterior segments with- out upper bristles. 2V. Scotica, Johnst. Body cylindrical, ends obtuse, the anterior smooth and cylin- drical, the portion behind it provided with a double row of thin tufts of prickles, some of them composed of several bristles, shorter than the diameter of the body ; mouth and anus terminal ; no proboscis. Length 1". IV. serpentina (Serpentina quadristriata). Body cylindrical, not flattened in front; head snake-like, with a produced lower lip ; eyes two, upper bristles subulate, lower forked or uncinate. Length about 1£". The lower bristles have a globular swel- ling below the middle ; segments eighty to ninety; head with four dark transverse bands. N. proboscidea (Stylaria lacustris). Body cylindrical, flattened in front; first four segments divided by a stricture from the body, the first, or head, being prolonged into a filiform proboscis; eyes two; upper bristles simple, lower forked. Length about 1-2". Found on the roots of aquatic plants. Middle segments nearly twice as broad as long, regularly decreasing backwards ; upper bristles twice as long as the width of the body, the lower uncinate, with an incisure about the middle. Chatogaster, Baer. All the segments without upper bristles. C. vermicularis. Body cylindrical, trun- cate in front ; eyes none ; mouth terminal ; setae bifid. Length about 1". Found amongst Lemna, in ditches, and in the respiratory chamber of the Lymneidae. We may append a notice of a very com- mon setigerous Annelidan, which is perhaps Tubifex rivulorum ; if so, it has been incor- rectly described, and we cannot identify it. Body annular, but not divided into seg- ments, although an appearance of this is given by the existence of numerous trans- verse muscular septa, which suspend the alimentary canal. Head separated by a slight constriction, somewhat narrower than the body, and triangular (when viewed from above), the apex forwards ; eyes none ; body furnished with two kinds of bristles, mostly in tolerably equidistant groups, and these in four rows, but their arrangement is not constant ; two upper or dorsal rows of seta3 longest towards the head, rather longer than the width of body, consisting usually of three to five long setaceous, and two short bifid bristles, the two ventral groups with three short bifid bristles ; towards the posterior end of the body the bristles become shorter, the setaceous ones absent, and near the end the groups are represented each by one short bifid bristle. Blood red. Poste- rior end of body rounded ; anus terminal. This animal lives in mud, and when un- disturbed, protrudes about one-third of the anterior part of the body from the mud into the supernatant water, where it exercises a constant undulatory and to-and-fro motion. When in numbers, they give the surface of the mud a blood-red appearance, and if dis- turbed, instantly retract entirely into the mud. They sometimes crawl upon water- plants, Confervae, &c. Their length is very variable; from 1-5 to 3-4", or even more. They are transparent, and show well the alimentary canal, with its peristaltic actions, and the cilia lining it; the blood-vessels and their movements, with the loops bathed in the chylaqueous liquid, and the coiled water- (respiratory or renal) vessels with their cilia. BIBL. Schmidt, Mutter's Archiv, 1846. p. 406 ; Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2 ser. xv. p. 319 ; Johnston, Catal. of British Non- parasitical Worms. NAILS. — These organs, which consist of modified epidermic formations, are imbedded posteriorly and laterally in depressions, or are covered at these parts by a fold of the skin. The posterior depression (fig. 509 d) is much deeper than the lateral depressions (fig. 510 c). The nail itself consists of the root (fig. 509 I), the body (A;), and the free end (TO). The root extends over that part of the matrix 2c2 NAILS. Longitudinal section through the middle of the nail and its matrix, a, matrix and cutis of the back and point of the finger ; b, rete mucosum of the point of the finger; c, that of the nail ; d, that of the bottom of the root-fold; e, the same of the back of the finger; /, epidermis of the point of the finger; g, its origin beneath the margin of the nail ; h, epidermis of the back of the finger ; i, its termination at the upper surface of the root of the nail ; k body, / root, TO free end of the proper nail. Magnified 8 diameters. Transverse section of the nail and its matrix, a, matrix with its ridges (black) ; b, cutis of the lateral fold ; c, rete mucosum of the same ; d, rete mucosum of the nail with its ridges (white) ; e, epidermic layer of cutaneous fold ; /, proper substance of the nail, with short teeth on its under surface. Magnified 8 diameters. furnished with the ridges, and is either en- tirely lodged in the posterior depression of the cutis, or the crescentic portion of it is exposed. The body of the nail is uncovered except at the sides, which are overlapped by the lateral folds of the skin. The portion of the cutis (fig. 510 a) to which the under surface of the nail, except that of the anterior free portion, is attached, — the matrix or bed, — is covered with ridges (fig. 510 a), extending from the posterior part or root of the nail to the convex margin of the white crescentic portion called the lu- nule, where they become larger and higher, forming plates which run to the end of the matrix. The margins of the ridges and plates are covered with short papillae. The anterior portion of the matrix of the nail is very vascular. The under surface of the root and body of the nail is covered with depressions and ridges to adapt itself to those of the matrix. Two layers are distinguishable in the nails; an under soft layer (figs. 509 d, 510 c, 511 B), corresponding to and directly conti- nuous with the rete mucosum of the skin, and the upper horny layer forming the true nail (figs. 510/, 509 *," 511 C). The lower surface of the latter is furnished with small ridges (fig. 511 c), which occupy correspond- ing furrows in the mucous layer. In minute structure the soft layer resem- bles that of the cutaneous rete, except in the deeper layers of cells being elongated and arranged perpendicularly (fig. 511 b). The horny portion, or proper nail, con- sists of epidermic cells, flattened and aggre- gated into plates or laminae (fig. 511 C). In the natural state, these cells are undistin- guishable, except at the root and the under surface, where the nail is in contact with the mucous layer; the remainder merely exhibiting shorter or longer dark lines, re- presenting the flattened nuclei, or indicating the existence of the laminae. But if a sec- tion of nail be treated with solution of caustic potash or soda, the nucleated cells swell up, and resume their natural form and appear- ance. The cutaneous epidermis (fig. 510 e) ex- tends for a certain distance into the lateral and posterior depressions of the skin, covers NAILS. ' [ 453 ] NAVICULA. the anterior portion of the root, the poste- rior part of the body, and the lateral mar- gins of the nails, terminating in a fine layer, Fig. 511. Transverse section of the body of the nail. A, cutis of the matrix. B, rete mucosum of the nail. C, epidermis of the same, or proper nail, a, plates of the matrix ; b, plates of the rete mucosum of the nail ; c, ridges of the proper substance of the nail ; d, deeper perpendicular cells of the rete mucosum of the nail ; e, upper flattened cells of the same ; /, nuclei of the cells of the proper nail. Magnified 250 diameters. Laminae of a nail after boiling with solution of cau- stic soda or potash. A, side view. B, surface view, a, cell-membranes ; b, nuclei seen from above ; c, the same in side view. Magnified 350 diameters. which is, however, nowhere directly conti- nuous with the substance of the nail. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. and the Bibl. therein. NAIS, Mull. See NAIDINA. NARCOTINE. See ALKALOIDS, p. 25. NASSULA, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Trachelina. Char. Body covered with cilia arranged in longitudinal rows ; mouth surrounded by a cone of rod-like teeth ; no proboscis nor ear-like processes. The gastric sacculi of these animals fre- quently contain a violet-coloured liquid, de- rived from the solution of partly digested Oscillatorice. N. elegans (PL 24. fig. 45; 6, teeth). Body cylindrical or ovate, somewhat nar- rowed in front, very obtuse at the ends; white or greenish. Aquatic; length 1-144 to 1-120". N. aurea (PL 24. fig. 46). Body ovate- oblong, subcylindrical, golden-yellow, very obtuse at the ends. Aquatic; length 1-1 20". 2V. ornata. Brownish green. It is questionable how far this genus is different from Chilodon. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 338 ; Stein, In/us, p. 248. NAUNEMA, Ehr. — A genus of Diatoma- cese, no longer retained. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 233 ; Kiitzing, Bacill. and Sp. Alg. NAVICULA, Bory.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, free; valves ob- long, lanceolate or elliptical, sometimes with the ends narrowed and produced, rarely constricted in the middle, furnished with a longitudinal line or keel, and a nodule in the middle and at each end; surface of valves covered with depressions or dots ar- ranged in transverse or slightly radiating rows, producing an appearance of lines, although both dots and lines are often invi- sible by ordinary illumination. The valves are usually symmetrical, and the keel median, but in two species the keel is sigmoid and the valves inequilateral. Sometimes the keel is double. There is mostly a little space between the rows of dots (PL 11. fig. 8), so that these readily exhibit transverse lines or stria3 by unilateral oblique light ; but sometimes they are pretty uniformly distributed, as in many of the species belonging to the first section of Gy- rosigma. The species or forms are very numerous. NEBALIA. [ 454 ] NEMASPORA. Kiitzing describes 170, some of them, how- ever, belonging to Pinnularia, Gyrosigma, and other genera. Smith describes thirty- six British species. They may all have been derived from a frustule of a Schizonema or Colletonema which had escaped from its ge- latinous envelope ! The formation of sporangial frustules has been noticed by us in Navicula amphirhyn- chus, and they are contained in a siliceous sporangial sheath or case. The process is sufficiently illustrated by the figures (PI. 41. figs. 19-24) ; fig. 19, side view of the parent frustule ; fig. 20, front view of conjugating frustules, with young sporangial sheath; fig. 21, empty mature sheath; fig. 22, crushed empty sheath and parent frustules in situ ; fig. 23, sheath, one parent-frustule and spo- rangial frustule in front view ; fig. 24, spo- rangial frustule in side view. IV. cuspidata (PI. 11. fig. 6, side view; fig. 7? front view ; a, hoop). Valves lanceo- late, somewhat rhomboid, acuminate ; aqua- tic; length 1-350 to 1-200". Valves slightly iridescent, no striae by ord. ilium. IV. didyma (PI. 11. fig. 9). Valves elliptic- oblong, slightly constricted in the middle ; marine; length 1-600 to 1-300". Ends sometimes broadly rounded, and the con- striction very deep. N. rhomboides. Valves rhomboid-lanceo- late ; colourless and not striated by ordin. ilium.; aquatic; length 1-350". Striae 85 in 1-1000" (Sm.). Ar. amphirhynchus (PI. 41 . fig. 19, side view ; fig. 22, front view of conjugating frus- tules). Valves linear, or nearly so, suddenly contracted near the produced and obtuse ends; aquatic; length 1-500 to 1-250". BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diatom, i. 46 ; Kiit- zing, Bacill. p. 91, and Sp. Alg. p. 69. NEBALIA, Leach. — A genus of Entomo- straca, of the order Phyllopoda, and family Aspidephora. Char. Antennas two pairs, large and rami- form ; eyes two, stalked ; legs twelve pairs, eight branchial and four natatory ; carapace large, enclosing head, thorax, and part of abdomen. N. Upes (PI. 14. fig. 28). Marine; body yellowish ; length 3-8". BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 36. NECKERA, Hedwig.— A genus of Hy- pnoid Mosses. Elegant little perennial plants, growing on trunks of trees and shady rocks, having stems pinnately branched, bearing compla- nate leaves arranged in eight rows. IV. complanata, Ilu\m.=.Hypnum compla- natum, Hedw. IV. crispa, Dill., found in mountainous districts, is a large moss, with stems 4 or 6" long or more, growing horizontally from a creeping rhizome. NECTRIA, Fries.— A genus of Sphseriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), distinguished from true Sphcerice by the free, membranous, flac- cid, brightly-coloured perithecia, the pale pa- pilla, and the gelatinous pale nucleus expelled in the form of a drop or of white flocks ; the asci contain eight pellucid spores. The imperfect forms of these plants are described as distinct genera. Thus Tubercularia vul- garis, common on bark of dying or dead trunks, and on dead twigs of birch especially, ripens into IV. cinnabarina ; this we have ob- served, and it is probable that other Coniomy- cetous forms will require to be reduced in like manner. Nectria includes the following Sphesrice of the British Flora : cinnabarina, coccinea, ochracea, aurantia, rosella, citrina, Peziza, sanguinea, episphceria, &c., and se- veral new species are described by Messrs. Berkeley and Broome. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 387; Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. xiii. p. 467. NEMALEON, Targioni. — A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), contain- ing two British species, one, IV. multifidum, not uncommon on shells and stones near low-water mark. Its frond consists of a somewhat cartilaginous, simple or once or twice dichotomous cord, 3 to 6" high and 1 to 2'" in diameter, of a dull purple colour. The cord consists of a dense axis formed of interlaced longitudinal filaments, clothed with horizontal, dichotomously- branched filaments, moniliform and coloured towards the circumference of the cord. The fruit consists of — l.favellidia, consisting of glo- bular masses of " spores" attached singly to the filaments of the periphery (MM. Derbes and Solier say that the single cells arising from the filaments each discharge one spore from the interior, so that they are spore- sacs) ; and 2, of collections of antheridia, consisting of minute hyaline cells seated on the peripheral filaments, exactly correspond- ing to the spore-sacs, but discharging sper- matozoids. BIBL. Harv. Br. Mar. Alg. p. 153. pi. 21 B, Phyc. Brit. pi. 36 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. des Sc. nat.^ 3 ser. xiv. p. 274. pi. 35 ; Thuret, ibid. 4 ser. iii. p. 21 . NEMASPORA, Fries.— A genus of Me- NEMATHECIA. [ 455 ] NEPHROMA. lanconiei (Coniomycetous Fungi), the spe- cies of which present two forms, one bearing minute conidia (Nemaspord), the other spores (Libertella, Desmaz.), and which pro- bably also wall be found to exhibit an asci- ferous form. N. crocea, Pers. is common on beech-trees, N. Rosce on roses and lilacs. They are at first minute gelatinous masses of conidia,, coherent into a nucleus under the epidermis, devoid of a perithecium ; the spores finally exude as a gelatinous tendril ; the spores are curved and of an orange- colour. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 355 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 413; Desmaz. Ann. des Sc. nat. 1 ser. xix. p. 269. pi. 6. figs. 3-6. NEMATHECIA.— Wart-like collections of vertical filaments found on the surface of the fronds of the Cryptonemiacese (FLO- RIDE.E). NEOTTIOSPORA, Desmaz.— A genus of Sphseronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), re- markable from the fusiform spores being furnished with three or four terminal threads. N.Caricum grows upon dead leaves of sedges, bursting from beneath the epidermis by a circular black orifice, from which an orange- coloured (sometimes olive-coloured) gelati- nous mass of spores escapes in the form of a cirrhus. Diameter of conceptacles about 1-80". BIBL. Desmazieres, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xix. p. 346 ; Berk. & Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. xiii. p. 3/9. NEPA, Linn. — A genus of Hemipterous insects. N. cinerea, the common water-scorpion, is of a dirty brown colour, the body broad and flat, with two long terminal respiratory tubes, the anterior pair of legs stout and greatly elbowed, the posterior formed for crawling and not swimming. PL 26. fig. 26 represents the trophi. The labium (i) is three-jointed, with two small lobes between the second and third joints ; the four setae (mandibles and maxillae) are furnished with teeth, directed towards the free end (and not as shown in the figure) ; the lingua or tongue (*) is trifid at the apex. The lateral trachea? are dilated opposite the thorax to form two internal respiratory sacs. The eggs are oval, and surmounted by seven reflexed filaments. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, &c.; Du- four, Reck. s. 1. Hemipteres. NEPENTHES, L.— A genus of Nepen- thacea3 (Dicotyledonous Plants), in which the spiral vessels have four parallel fibres (see SPIRAL-FIBROUS STRUCTURES). NEPIIROCYTIUM, Nageli.— A genus of Unicellular Algre, perhaps merely decom- posing spores of Spirogyra. BIBL. Nageli, Einzellig. Algen. p. 79. pi. 3. fig. 2. NEPHRODIE^.— A subtribe of Poly- podaeous Ferns, with a cordate or reniform indusium. I. NEPHRODIUM. Sori reniform. Indu- sium cordate, deeply two-lobed at the base. Veins pinnate. II. FADYENIA. Sori reniform. Indu- sium cordate, deeply two-lobed at the base. Veins anastomosing, with free venules. NEPHRODIUM, Schott.— A genus of Nephrodieaa (Polypodaeous Ferns); some of the species are often placed in a distinct genus, as Lastrcea, and these made part of the old genus Aspidium. Several species are indigenous. Fig. 513. Nephrodium. A pinnule with indusiate son. Magnified 5 diameters. NEPHROMA, Ag.— A genus of Parme- Iiacea3 (Gymnocarpous Lichens). N. resu- pinata, Sch. occurs on trees and mossy rocks in subalpine districts. This genus differs from Peltigera in the situation of the kidney-shaped apothecia. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 220, Eng. Bot. pi. 305. NERIUM. J NERVES. NERIUM. See STOMATA and LIBER, p. 387. NERVES and NERVOUS CENTRES. — The nervous system is usually regarded as consisting of two parts : the nerves, which are divided into the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic; and the nervous centres, re- presented by the brain and spinal chord, with which must also be placed the ganglia. These parts are composed essentially of either nerve-tubes, nerve-cells, or of both these elements. The nerve-tubes or primitive nerve-fibres are most numerous in the white portion of the nervous centres and in the nerves. They are slender, soft, cylindrical filaments, vary- ing in diameter from 1-20,000 to 1-1100". When quite recent, they are transparent and apparently homogeneous (fig. 514, 1), but Fig. 514. Nerve- fibres. 1 . From nerves of the dog and rabbit, in the natural state : a, fine, b, moderate, c, large fibre. 2. From a frog, after the addition of serum: a, drop forced out by pressure ; b, part of the axial fibre contained in it. 3. From the human spinal marrow, treated with serum : a, sheath ; b, white substance with a double out- line; c, axial fibre. 4. Fibre with double outline, from the human fourth ventricle : a, axial fibre. 5. Two iso- lated axial fibres, with a portion of the white substance adherent to the right-hand one. Magnified 350 diameters. they really consist of three distinct parts, — an enveloping membrane or sheath, a tena- cious liquid, and a soft but elastic internal fibre. The sheath of the nerve-tubes is a very delicate, structureless and transparent mem- brane (fig. 515, la, 2, 3 a, 4 a) ; it is not demonstrable in the smallest fibres, although probably always present. Fig. 515. Nerve-tubes. 1. From a frog, after boiling with acetic acid and alcohol : a, sheath ; b, axial band ; c, crystals of fat. 2. Isolated sheath of a frog's nerve boiled with soda. 3. From the human fourth ventricle, after treatment with soda : a, sheath ; b, white substance exuding in drops : the axial band has been removed in the preparation. 4. Human, treated with soda : a, sheath ; b, white sub- stance ; the axial band not visible. Magnified 350 diameters. Within the sheath is a hollow cylinder or tube (%s. 514, 3 b, 515, 3, 4 b), called the white substance of Schwann. It is homo- geneous and tenacious in perfectly fresh nerves, but soon after death becomes coagu- lated, sometimes externally only, giving a double outline to the walls of the nerve- tubes (fig. 5 14, 2, 3, 4), or becoming granular externally, and remaining liquid internally. It is also easily altered by pressure, some- times escaping in globules or masses of va- rious form, from the ends or the broken sides of the tubes, at others accumulating at intervals in various parts of the tubes, giving them an elegant varicose appearance (fig. 516). The third structure exists within the last, in the form of a rounded or flattened, pale, elastic band or fibre, occupying the axis of the tube, and called the axial band (figs. 514, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 ; 515, 1 a). These three structures of nerve are some- what difficult of demonstration. The outer sheath may sometimes be shown by pressing NERVES. [ 457 ] NERVES. the nerve-tube, which forces out the white substance. Boiling the nerves in absolute Fig. 516. Human nerve-tubes, showing tubes of various sizes ; some with a single, others with a double outline ; some varicose, others with the white substance in a granular state. Magnified 350 diameters. alcohol, with the subsequent addition of caustic alkali, or in acetic acid, when cry- stals of fat separate from the white substance (fig. 515, 1), will answer the same purpose. Treatment with strong nitric acid, and after- wards with potash, causes the white sub- stance to exude, and the axial fibre being dissolved, the yellow sheath is left empty and very distinct. Solution of "corrosive sublimate has also been recommended. The axial band is best seen in nerves treated with strong acetic acid, cold absolute alcohol, aether, chromic acid, &c. Chemically the sheath and axial band consist of a proteine compound, and the white substance of a mixture or compound of fat with a proteine substance. Inthecerebro-spinal nerves, the nerve-tubes are aggregated into bundles, and surrounded by an envelope of areolar tissue, called the neurilemma, in which blood-vessels ramify, thus corresponding with the arrangement of the primitive fibrillae of muscle. Sometimes, towards the terminations of the nerves, the neurilemma appears as a homogeneous membrane with elongated nuclei. The nerves rarely branch; they usually terminate in loops. In the gray, sympathetic, or ganglionic nerves, the fibres of which are sometimes called gelatinous fibres, the nerve-tubes are smaller and paler than those of most of the cerebro-spinal nerves, and scattered through a more copious areolar sheath or neurilemma of mostly longitudinal fibres (Remak's fibres), containing numerous elongated nuclei (fig. 517). From the human sympathetic. A. Portion of a gray fibre treated with acetic acid : a, fine nerve-tubes ; b, nu- clei of Remak's fibres. B, Three ganglion- globules, one with a pale process. Magnified 350 diameters. Nerve- cells, nerve-corpuscles, or ganglion- globules are nucleated cells, most numerous in the cineritious or dark portions of the nervous centres, and in the ganglia, but sometimes met with in the trunks and termi- nal expansions of nerves, as the retina, &c. They are furnished with a delicate outer coat or membrane (fig. 518, la); this is easily seen in the cells of the ganglia, but with difficulty in those of the central organs. They are rounded, elongate, pyriform, or angular (fig. 518). Some of them are sim- ple, others furnished with one, two, or more simple or branched processes, by which they are connected with nerve-tubes ; hence they are described respectively as uni-, bi-, or multipolar. Their contents are a soft, tena- cious, and elastic mass (fig. 518, 3), consist- ing of a clear, homogeneous, proteine basis, and a number of larger and smaller granules, as well as a nucleus. In size they are very variable, from 1-5000 to 1-500". The granules are sometimes colourless, at others yellow, brown or black ; and occasionally these are aggregated to form a mass. Intermingled with the cells in the cineri- tious matter of the nervous centres, is a finely granular pale substance, resembling that within the cells, also aggregations of free nuclei. The ganglia consist of nerve-tubes either separate or united into bundles, intermingled NERVES NERVES. Nerve-cells and fibres from the auditory nerve. 1, Nerve-cell with the origin of a fibre, from the anastomosis between the facial and auditory nerve in the meatus auditorius externus of the ox : a, cell-membrane ; b, contents ; f, pigment ; d, nucleus ; e, prolongation of the sheath upon the nerve- tube ; /, nerve- tube. 2. Two nerve-cells with tubes from the auditory nerve of the ox : a, sheath with nuclei; b, cell-membrane ; c, nucleus ; d, origin of tube, with intents of a nerve-cell, with a nucleus and two nucleoli. nucleated sheath. 3. Separate cor Fig. 519. Magnified 350 diameters. Cells from the central gray nucleus of the human spinal marrow. Magnified 350 diameters, with nerve-cells, from which some of the nerve-tubes arise. The tubes and cells are imbedded in or supported by a stroma of areolar tissue, sometimes homogeneous, at others more or less distinctly fibrous, form- ing an apparent sheath to the ganglia, and ending in numerous septa ; rarely but occasionally forming a distinct envelope to the individual cells; sometimes it consists of elongated, triangular, or spindle-shaped nucleated cells, — in short, corresponding to areolar tissue in various stages of develop- ment. The nerves are developed from the ele- mentary embryonic cells, which at first ap- pear rounded, or slightly elongated, and somewhat flattened. In their further growth they either retain the primitive shape (fig. 522), or send out persistent lateral processes, so forming nerve-cells or ganglion-globules; or the processes of adjacent cells unite into nucleated fibres, much resembling those of the sympathetic system, in which the white substance and axial fibre of the nerve-tubes are formed as secondary deposits (fig. 523). In atrophy and degeneration of the ner- vous elements, the nerve-cells become loaded with fat and pigment, and the walls of the nerve-tubes thinner, brittle, and the white substance more or less replaced by granules of fat. BIBL. Kolliker, Mik. Anat. 2; Todd, CycL Anat. and Phys, iii.; Paget, Brit, and For. Med. Rev. 1842. xiv. NERVES. [ 459 ] Fig. 520. NERVES. Large cells from the gray cortical layer of the human cerebellum. Magnified 350 diameters Fig. 521. Fig. 522. Fig. 521. Sixth thoracic sympathetic ganglion of the left side of a rabbit, seen from behind, after treatment with soda. T. 2, trunk of sympathetic ; R.c, communicating branches, each bifurcating; Spl. splanchnic branch; S, gan- glial branch, with large and small branches probably going to vessels ; g, ganglion-globules and ganglial fibres. Magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 522. 1. Ganglion-globules from a spinal ganglion of a four-months' human foetus, a, nucleus in the pale process of the cell. 2. Nerve-tubes in development, from a two-months' human foetus. 3. Cells from the cineritious cerebral substance of the same fcetus. Fig. 523. l.Two nerve-fibres from the ischiatic nerve of a four-months' foetus. 2. Nerve-tubes from a newly-born rabbit ; «, sheath ; A, nucleus ; c, white substance. 3. Nerve-fibre from the tail of a tadpole : a, b, c, as above ; at d the fibre has still the embryonic character. NEW ZEALAND FLAX. [ 460 ] NIDULARIACEI. NEW ZEALAND FLAX. See PHOR- MIUM and TEXTILE SUBSTANCES. NICOTHOE, Aud. & Edw.— A genus of Crustacea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Ergasilidse. N. astaci (PL 14. fig. 36, fern.) is found upon the gills of the lobster. The sides of the body are extended into two remarkable lobes, containing the ovaries (a) and the intestinal canal. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 300; Van Beneden, Ann. des Sc. not. 3 ser. xiii. NIDULARIACEI.— A small family of Gasteromycetous Fungi, including the Ni- dularini or bird's-nest-like Fungi, and the Carpoboli which contain only one concep- tacle. They are small and inconspicuous Fungi, growing on the ground among de- caying sticks, dung, &c., bearing upon the flocculent mycelium yellow or dull-coloured fruits or receptacles (fig. 524). The external Fig. 524. Fig. 525. Cyathus vernicosus. Fig. 524. A ripe receptacle. Nat. size. Fig. 525. The same, opened vertically. part of the receptacle consists of a more or less globular or ovate peridium, which bursts when mature, in the Carpoboli by a lid or by more or less regular slits, in the Nidu- larini by an orifice which enlarges so that the mouth becomes turned out as a spread- ing lip around a cup-shaped cavity (fig. 524). The Carpoboli, containing only one concep- tacle, project this out with elasticity when ripe. The Nidularini contain many concep- tacles lying like eggs in a nest (figs. 524, 525), in Cyathus and Crucibulum (fig. 526), at- Fig. 526. Crucibulum vulgare. A conceptacle detached from the ^receptacle. Magnified 12 diameters. tached by a funiculus. The structure of the conceptacles is alike in all. The envelope of each is triple (fig. 527), and they form a Fig. 527. Cyathus vernicosus. A nearly ripe receptacle, cut open vertically, showing the two halves filled with conceptacles. Magnified 3 diameters. cavity lined by delicate filaments which con- verge towards the centre, where their extre- mities are expanded into basidia crowned by four spores (fig. 528), which are cylindri- Fig. 528. Cyathus striatus. Basidia and spores from the fertile layer of a conceptacle. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 529. Fig. 530. Fig. 531. Cyathus striatus. Fig. 529. Vertical section of a young receptacle. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 530. Another, more advanced. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 531. Another, still more advanced. Magn. 5 diams. cal and almost sessile. The filaments being of very unequal length, the basidia are inter- NIPHOBOLUS. [ 461 ] NITZSCHIA. mingled with them in the cavity of the con- ceptacle, not forming a definitely marked layer. Synopsis of British Genera. * CARPOBOLI. Peridium containing only one conceptacle. 1. ATRACTO BOLUS. Peridium simple, cup- shaped, sessile, closed at first by an umbonate lid. Conceptacle spindle-shaped, simple, indehiscent, projected when ripe from the bottom of the peridium. 2. THELEBOLUS. Peridium simple, ses- sile, roundish, urceolate-inflated ; mouth entire. Conceptacle globose, papilliform, protruded from the mouth. 3. SPH^EROBOLUS. Peridium double, each layer bursting in a stellate manner, the internal membrane at length turned inside out, and elastically projecting the globular conceptacle. ** NIDULARINI. Peridium with many conceptacles. 4. CRUCIBULUM. Peridium at first glo- bose-capitate, afterwards crucible-shaped, open at the mouth, exposing numerous disk- shaped smooth conceptacles, each with a glo- bular process on the under side prolonged into a long slender thread-like funiculus. 5. CYATHUS. Peridium at first obovate or fusiform, sessile or stalked, closed by a veil, afterwards widely open at the mouth, exposing ten to eighteen disk-shaped, thick, fleshy or horny conceptacles, umbilicate be- neath and attached to the walls of the peri- dium by a compound peduncle. 6. NIDULARIA. Peridium sessile, sub- globose, finally open (without evident veil). Conceptacles numerous, disk-shaped, nest- ling in copious gelatinous mucus, destitute of a funiculus. BIBL. Tulasne, L.-R. and C., Recherches sur les Nidulariees, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. i. 41 ; Schmitz, MycologischeBeobachtungen, Linncea, xvi. 141. NIPHOBOLUS, Kaulf.— A genus of Po- lypodieae (Ferns), with elegantly articulated veins and numerous naked sori at the tips of free branchlets. NITELLA. See CHARA. NITOPHYLLUM, Greville.— A genus of Delesseriaceae (Florideous Algae), containing about half-a-dozen British species, only two of which are commonly met with. Their fronds are membranaceous, of reticulated (parenchymatous) structure, mostly rosy red, without ribs, or with irregular ribs towards the base. The membranously expanded frond ofN.punctatum, 4 to 12" high, is either regularly dichotomously divided or parted into two or three principal lobes, which have a border of dichotomous wedge-shaped lobes. N. lacerum has the frond 2 to 10" high, much dichotomously divided and marked with flexuous veins, the segments mostly linear, waved or fringed at the margins. The fructification consists of spores, tetra- spores, and spermatozoids. 1. The spores are contained in coccidia, sessile on the frond, the spores arising from tufted filaments; 2. the tetraspores form distinct scattered spots on the frond; 3. the an- theridia are minute cellules standing per- pendicularly on the surface of the frond, collected into patches, only distinguishable by the help of the microscope. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 116. pi. 15 B, Phyc. Brit. pis. 202, 203, 247, &c.; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 12; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 22. NITRATE OF POTASH. See POTASH, NITRATE OF. NITRIC ACID,or Aquafortis, is usefulas a reagent (!NTR. p.xxxix, 6),andfor separating the organic matter of the Diatomaceae from the siliceous valves (p. 202), &c. NITZSCHrA, Denny. (Liotheum). — A genus of Anoplura. N. Burmeisteri is the louse of the common swift (Cypselus opus). BIBL. Denny, Anopl. Monogr. p. 230. NITZSCHIA.— A genus of Annulata. BIBL. Johnston, Non-parasitic Worms, 1855. NITZSCHIA, Hass.— A genus of Diato- maceae, the name of which must be cancelled. Char. Frustules free, depressed, usually elongate, straight, arched, or sigmoid, with a longitudinal, not median, external keel (?), and one or more longitudinal rows of puncta; suture in front view of frustules not median. The valves have no nodules ; we have not been able to satisfy ourselves of the presence of the external keel ; upon the portions of the valves forming the middle of the side view of the frustules, is one or two longitu- dinal rows of slightly elongate dots or puncta (PI. 13. fig. 10 d), often visible under ordi- nary ilium. ; surface of valves covered with smaller dots, mostly opposite (not quincun- cial) (fig. lOrf), invisible under ordin. ilium. The frustules and valves are either linear, lanceolate, or of intermediate forms, some- times constricted or beaked. NOCTILUCA. [ 462 ] NOSTOC. Smith describes twenty -three species, mostly removed from other genera in the systems of Ehrenberg and Kiitzing. N. sigmoidea (PL 13. fig. 9; a, side view; b, front view). Frustules (front view) linear, sigmoid, or arched, truncate, side view straight or nearly so, attenuate, acute ; aqua- tic; common; length 1-75". N. lanceolata (PL 13. fig. 10; a, front view of frustule ; b, front view of single valve; c, side view of frustule). Frustules (front view) straight, lanceolate, ends prolonged, somewhat obtuse ; side view narrowly linear- lanceolate, ends acute; marine; length 1-150". Fig. 10 a is too broad ; the form of the frustules is best represented by 10 b ; 10 d exhibits the two kinds of markings as seen with the stops, &c. N. longissima (N. birostrata, Sin.) (PL 13. fig. 11 ; a, side view; b, front view). Frus- tules straight, narrowly linear-lanceolate, ends produced into linear beaks, longer than the intermediate portion; marine; length 1-70". N. acicularis (PL 13. fig. 13, right-hand frustule). Frustules linear-lanceolate, some- times sigmoid, ends beaked and straight; aquatic, and brackish water; length 1-300". N. reversa (PL 13. fig. 12). Differs from the last in having the ends bent at an angle in opposite directions. N. gracilis (N. tania (?), Sm.) (PL 13. fig. 13, left hand). Linear or slightly lan- ceolate, with two spiral markings; ends somewhat suddenly produced ; brackish water; length 1-250". The spiral bands probably arise from the frustules being twisted, and correspond to the sutures; they are most distinct after a red heat. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diat. p. 37 ; Hassall, Freshwater Algce, p. 435. NOCTILUCA, Suriray.— A genus of ma- rine animals, the systematic position and structure of which is doubtful. N. miliaris is spherical or nearly so, with a tentacle-like, transversely striated, and curved process arising from it, and by means of which it propels itself through the water. The part to which the process is attached is plicate and depressed, so as to render the body somewhat bilobed; it has no carapace. The body has been described as of gelatinous consistence, and as surrounded by a smooth or wrinkled membrane ; again, as consisting of an air-bag. Its diameter has been esti- mated at 1-1000", and as lying between 1-50 to 1-30", the latter of which is probably correct. It is phosphorescent, rendering the sea luminous by night. BIBL. Suriray, Lesson's Acalephae ; Qua- trefages, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv.; Gosse, Naturalist's Rambles, <^c. ; Krohn, Wieg- mann'sArchiv, 1852 ; Huxley, Micr.Journ. 1855 ; Brightwell, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850. vi.; Pring, Phil. Mag. 1849. NOSTOC, Vaucher.— The typical genus of the Nostochaceac, distinguished from the allied genera by the definitely formed hard- ened pellicle or rind enclosing the fronds, which are composed of a gelatinous sub- stance (fig. 532), in which are imbedded Fig. 532. Nostoc commune. Nat. size. numerous more or less beaded filaments (fig. 533). The filaments are composed of Fig. 533. Nostoc cseruleum. Filaments. Magnified 200 diameters. rows of cells (PL 4. fig. 7), .which increase the length by repeated transverse subdivi- sion ; here and there appear larger cells (a, c) which appear brighter than the rest ; these seem to be what Kiitzing calls the spermatia or spermatic cells, but they more resemble the vesicular cells of the allied genera. The filaments break up after a time into short fragments, which by cell-division produce new filaments. Thuret has observed this process in N. verrucosum ; he states that the pellicle of the frond bursts, allowing the gelatinous mass to escape, and the filaments to spread abroad in the water; these are NOSTOC. [ 463 ] NOSTOC. Fig. 534. verrucosum. Filaments mul- seen, by the aid of the microscope, to consist of short, straightish pieces, which, as first observed by Vaucher, are endowed with the power of moving slowly along in the direc- tion of their length ; after a time they cease to move, and a new gelatinous envelope is formed around each piece, like a transparent sheath. They soon become enlarged considerably, and then divide in the direction of the length of the filament, to form two new ones (fig. 534). This process is repeated se- veral times, and the mass of new filaments becomes con- fused, until the development of a greater quantity of the gelatinous matter, when they become more distinct. The same process was observed in another species, which ap- peared to be N. commune i and Thuret considers it likely division that this mode of reproduction Magn.soodiams. extends to the other species. We find that the gelatinous fronds break up when kept in water, and the colourless cells become green. Nothing is known of the import of the enlarged, brighter cells. The resemblance of the Nostocs to the species of Collema (Lichens) has attracted much attention, and some authors even as- sert that they are only different forms of the same plants. We do not place much reliance on the statements of Itzigsohn, but the me- moir of Sachs on this subject is deserving of attention. The gelatinous fronds of the British spe- cies of this genus are found on damp ground, wet rocks, mosses, &c., and free or attached to stones in fresh water. * Frond globose or subglobose. 1. Nostoc minutissimum, Kiitzing. Frond globose, from 1-30 to 1-4'" ; filaments equal, deep ajruginous green, densely entangled ; periderm growing brown. Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 1. fig. 1. Kiitzing doubt- fully refers to the terrestrial form of this, Hassall's N. muscorum (Br. Fr. Algce, pi. 74. fig. 4), which grows on calcareous rocks, and among the mosses covering them. 2. N. lichenoides, Vaucher. Fronds from the size of a mustard-seed to that of a pea, aggregated and heaped together ; filaments equal, loosely entangled, aeruginous or oliva- ceous ; periderm pellucid, colourless, firm. £. vesicarium ; larger, soft, with a fuscous distinct periderm, mucous within, sometimes hollow. Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 2. iv. N. vesicarium, Hassall, Br. Fr. Algce, p. 290. Road-side near Perth. 3. N. sphcericum, Vaucher. Frond the size of a pea, firm, blackish aeruginous or somewhat olive-coloured, soft within ; fila- ments pale green, loosely entangled; peri- derm firm, colourless or fuscescent, sub- opaque. Vaucher, Hist, des Conferees, xvi. fig. 2 ; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 3. ii.; Hassall, Br. Fr. Alga, pi. 76. fig. 5. On stones in mountain rivulets. Meneghini states, that when dried and again moistened, it emits a pleasant odour like violets. Has- sall thinks it probably an immature form of N.foliaceum. 4. N. cceruleum, Lyngbye. Frond from the size of a pea to that of a sloe (rarely larger), very soft and slimy, pale aeruginous blue ; filaments unequal, loosely entwined, joints oblong-elliptical ; periderm colourless, pellucid, soft. Lyngbye, Hydrophytol. t. 68; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 3. iv. ; Has- sall, Br. Fr. Algce, pi. 74. fig. 1; 75. fig. 10; 76. fig. 11. Attached to mosses in flowing water or very moist places. 5. IV. pruniforme, Agardh. Frond the size of a large round plum, deep aeruginous green, very soft and watery within ; filaments unequal, bright aeruginous green, loosely entangled, joints subdepressed, dimidiate ; periderm leathery, crystalline. Berkeley, Gleanings, t. 19. 2; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 4. iv. ; Hassall, Br. Fr. Algae, pi. 76. 3-4 ; Lyngbye, Hydroph. t. 68 A. Fronds unattached, in freshwater pools or rivulets. ** Frond foliaceous, irregular, or vesicular. 6. N.foliaceum, Agardh. Frond terres- trial, membranous, erect, plaited, olive-green; filaments slender, copious. Hassall, Br. Fr. Algce, pi. 76. fig. 2. On clayey ground con- stantly moistened by oozing water. 7. N. commune, Vaucher (fig. 532 & PI. 4. fig.7). Frond terrestrial, gelatinous, subcoria- ceous, olivaceous or obscurely green, irregu- larly plaited; filaments nearly equal, flexuose, colourless or green, loosely entangled, the joints loosely conjoined, distant in one place, geminate in others, subspherical, depressed, marked with a central opaque spot ; peri- derm hyaline, growing brown. Vaucher, Hist, des Cow/, t. 16. fig. 1 ; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. ii. pi. 6. i.; Hassall, Br. Fr. Algce, pi. 74. 2. Tremella terrestris, Dillwyn, Br. Conferva, t. 10. fig. 14. Gravelly soils, NOSTOCHACE.E. [ 464 ] NOSTOCHACE^E. garden walks, rocks, barren pastures, &c. ; very common in autumn and winter. 8. IV. verrucosum, Vaucher. Frond blad- der-shaped, softly -leathery, fuscous-green ; filaments spiral, densely entangled, joints globose ; periderm gelatinous, soft, green or dirty brown. Vaucher, Hist, des Conf. t. 16. fig. 3 ; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. vol. xi. pi. 9. fig. 2 ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. vol. ii. pi. 9. figs. 1-4 ; Hassall, Br. Fr. Alg. pi. 75. fig. 1. On stones in streams. 9. N. variegatum, Moore. Frond terres- trial, expanded, gelatinous, livid, variable in shape; filaments rather distant ; joints oval and variable in size. Hassall, Br. Fr. Algae, pi. 74. fig. 3. On a moist bank in Ireland. A doubtful plant, perhaps referable to a different genus of the Nostochaceae. BIBL. The works above quoted; Itzig- sohn, Bot.Zeit. xii. p. 521. 1854; Sachs, Bot. Zeit. xiii. p. 1 (1855). NOSTOCHACE.E.— A family of Confer- voideae. A tribe of Algae, composed of plants forming gelatinous strata or definitely formed gelatinous balls or masses, either on damp ground, or floating at the bottom of water ; consisting of minute, unbranched, usually moniliform, microscopic filaments, tranquil or oscillating, imbedded in a mass of muci- laginous or sometimes firmish substance (the amorphous matrix is produced by the fusion of the special gelatinous sheaths of the individual filaments) ; filaments finally breaking up. Cells of the filaments of three kinds : — 1. ordinary cells ; 2. vesicular cells, usually large and without granular matter, frequently with erect hairs ; 3. sporangia or spermatic cells, produced by the enlarge- ment of the ordinary cells, globular, elliptical or cylindrical. [Some of the genera are de- scribed as without sheaths ; but this is very doubtful, and probably depends on imperfect observation.] Synopsis of British Genera. I. APHANIZOMENON. Filaments un- branched, cylindrical, oscillating, with evi- dent sheaths, cohering laterally into flat plu- mose lamellae, expanding in the middle into usually single, distinct spermatic cells, of unequal length, vesicular cells absent (?). Floating on stagnant pools. II. Tr ICHORMUS. Filaments moniliform, motionless, entangled in an indefinite mu- cous mass, without evident sheaths; the joints of cells filled with contents (hologo- nimic), here and there expanding into (inter- stitial) globular spermatic cells, which are separated from the vesicular cells by ordi- nary cells. III. SPH^ROZYGA. Filaments mostly moniliform, motionless, involved in an amor- phous mucous matrix; the cells hologonimic, here and there expanding into elliptical spermatic cells, in groups of two or more, connected by a vesicular cell ; sheaths (ap- parently) none. IV. CYLINDROSPERMUM. Filaments jointed, composed of hologonimic cells, and involved in a common mucous matrix, social, straight or curved, sometimes oscillating; spermatic cells cylindrical, rounded at both ends, granular, interposed between the ordi- nary cells and terminal vesicular cells. V. SPERM o si RA. Filaments articulated, cylindrical, oscillarioid, motionless, with an evident sheath ; ordinary cells discoid, at length swelling into concatenate moniliform spermatia, separated by ordinary cells from the vesicular cells, which are interstitial, single or two together. VI. DOLICHOSPERMUM. Filaments sim- ple, generally moniliform, without evident sheaths, aggregated into a gelatinous stra- tum ; spermatic cells interstitial, elongated, separated by the ordinary joints from the vesicular cells. VII. CONIOPHYTUM. Filaments simple, without evident sheaths, rarely spiral, curled and interwoven into a minute, distinct frond; vesicular cells interstitial, spermatic cells formed sometimes of the cells next the vesi- cular cells, sometimes from those distant from them. VIII. MONORMIA. Frond or phycoma definite, gelatinous, elongated, linear, spirally curled and convoluted, enclosing a single, continuous moniliform filament; vesicular cells interstitial; spermatic cells developed from joints most distant from the vesicular cells. IX. NOSTOC. Phycoma or general mass of the plant enclosed by a periderm formed by the condensation of the surface, determi- nate, globose or spread out, of variable form, gelatinous or mucous, coriaceous, soft or hard, elastic, slimy, containing moniliform, simple, curved and entangled filaments, composed of hologonimic cells, imbedded in a continuous amorphous gelatinous ma- trix, spermatic cells globose, interstitial, larger than the ordinary joints of the fila- ments. Exotic genus. TRICHODESMIUM. Fila- ments straight, short, unbranched, without evident sheaths, in simple separate bundles, NOTEUS. [ 465 ] NUCLEUS. involved in a matrix of mucus, social, swim- ming in masses. Marine. [Our knowledge of these plants is very unsatisfactory. Kiitzing enumerates a vast number of species, which would be probably reduced to a comparatively small number if the history of development were known. We cannot see any distinctive character in his genus HormosipJion ; the filaments of Nostoc have proper sheaths when first deve- loped. The nature and functions of the so- called spermatic and vesicular cells require further elucidation.] BIBL. Ralfs, on Nostochinece, Annals of Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vol. v. 321. pis. 8 & 9; Kiitzing, Tabula Phycologicce, B. i. p. 91- 100. Bd. ii. pi. 1-15 ; Thuret, on Nostoc verrucosum, Ann. des Sc. not. 2 ser. t. ii. ; Meneghini, Monographic, Nostochinearum italicarum, Mem. Turin Acad. ser. 2. v. 1843; Allman, Micr. Journal) 1855. NOTEUS, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Brachionaea. Char. Eyes absent; foot forked (= eye- less Brachionus). N. quadricornis (PI. 35. fig. 13). Cara- pace suborbicular, depressed, scabrous, areo- late, with four spines in front, and two be- hind; aquatic; length 1-120 to 1-70". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 502. NOTODELPHYS, Allm.— A genus of Entomostraca, of the order Copepoda. N. ascidicola (PI. 14. fig. 22) resembles Cyclops in general appearance. The external ovary is a single organ, lying across the back of the abdomen ; eye single. Marine. BIBL. Allman, Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. p. 1 ; Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 237. NOTOMMATA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Free ; eye single, cervical ; tail-like foot with two toes ; rotatory organ simply ciliated. In some the rotatory organ is extended laterally in an ear- or arm -like form. Ehrenberg describes twenty-three species, some of which are parasitic, N. petromyzon and parasita living within Volvox globator, and IV. Werneckii within the vesicles of Vaucheria ; and divides them into the sub- genera : Labidodon, jaws each with a single tooth; Ctenodon, jaws each with several teeth. Many of the species are large and well adapted for the study of the internal struc- ture. M. centrura (PI. 35. figs. 14 ; 15, jaws and teeth). Body attenuate at each end, foot small and hard ; cephalic auricles short ; no lateral setae ; aquatic ; length 1-36". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 424 ; Duiar- din, In/us, p. 646. NOTONECTA, L.— A genus of aquatic Hemipterous insects. N. glauca is common in pools. Its setae or lancets, and natatorial hind-legs form in- teresting microscopic objects. Fig. 535. Notonecta glauca. Magnified 3 diameters. NUCLEUS and NUCLEOLUS OF PLANTS. — The term nucleus is applied in botany to two very different things ; first to the central body of the young ovules of Flowering plants, and secondly to a peculiar structure met with in the interior of cells. The first will be described under the head of OVULE; the cell-nucleus and nucleolus, mentioned in the article CELL (Vegetable], will be discussed here. Few parts of the minute organization of plants are more obscure than the structure and function of nuclei ; some authors regard them as of the highest physiological import- ance, others consider their import altogether unknown. The nucleus may be observed most easily in the parenchymatous cells of the herbaceous structures and flowers of Monocotyledons (PI. 36. fig. 28 6), or in the young cells of the hairs of Flowering plants generally (PI. 38. figs. 8, 9 6), or in the em- bryo-sacs of unfertilized ovules (PI. 38. figs. 4-6) ; in such cases the characters are well defined and unmistakeable. It consists of a lenticular body formed of more or less gra- nular substance, apparently not diverse from the PROTOPLASM, with one or more well- or ill-defined bright points or cavities (nu- cleoli) in the interior. Wherever it appears throughout the higher plants, it seems to possess the same characters. Nageli indeed declares that it is a vesicle ; but we believe this to be an error, that real nuclei are ordi- narily solid, although bodies akin to them, 2 H NUCLEUS. [ 466 ] NUCLEUS. really hollow, do occasionally occur in the cell-contents. Nageli, who has investigated the subject of nuclei very extensively, states that they exist in every class of plants, and that in those cases where he failed to find them, there was a probability of their being concealed in the cell-contents. The nuclei of certain plants exhibit very remarkable peculiarities, especially in SPIBOGYRA and ZYGNEMA. Ordinarily, nuclei are found attached to the side of cells, being intimately connected with the PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE, or, when- ever this is partially absorbed, forming the centre of the radiating protoplasmic filaments this leaves behind (PL 38. fig. 9) ; some- times, however, the nucleus is suspended in the cavity of the cell by filamentous pro- cesses of protoplasm; in all such cases it forms a kind of centre for the circulation of the protoplasm, where this exhibits move- ment (ROTATION), and it is itself carried about to a certain extent by the currents. The nucleoli (PL 38. fig. 8 ») of these larger nuclei are apparently usually solid granules of a transparent substance, but sometimes they appear more like minute cavities. The nuclei and nucleoli of the lower plants are exceedingly obscure ; in a great many cases the so-called nuclei are little different from the nucleoli of the larger forms, occu- pying to the entire cell-contents the same relation as the nucleoli to large nuclei, for example, in the spores of Lichens (PL 29. fig. 7)j Fungi, &c. Indeed, from our own observations we are led to believe that the term nucleus is very loosely applied in the lower plants, to irregular granular structures which do not represent the nuclei of the Flowering plants, and we doubt the wide diffusion claimed for them by Nageli. In the lower Confervoid Algae the nucleus (or nucleolus) appears to be represented by the entire cell-contents (PL 3), in which one or more well-defined granules often occur, re- presenting nucleoli ; in certain stages, how- ever, a larger granule is met with, coloured -by chlorophyll, which some regard as a nucleus ; this disappears totally at particular epochs, and is replaced by starch-granules or oil-globules. The bright coloured point, or * eye-spot,' seen very generally in the ZOO- SPORES both of Confervoids and Fucoids, may represent a nucleolus. Nuclei originate in two ways. The sim- plest mode is found where they precede free cell-formation, as in the development of the germinal vesicles in the embryo-sacs of Flowering plants. Here the nuclei appear first as globular or lenticular masses, which become gradually defined in the substance of a collection of protoplasm accumulated at the upper end of the cell (PL 38. figs. 1-4). This is a spontaneous isolation of a portion of the protoplasm to become the foundation of a new cell. We may compare this with the segmentation of the entire mass of con- tents of the cells of Confervse in the forma- tion of Zoo SPORES, which may perhaps be regarded as at first free nuclei. In cells multiplying by division, a division of exist - ing nuclei has been observed to take place in certain cases, as in the hairs of Trades- cantia (PL 38. figs. 8 & 9), but in other similar cases of division no nuclei are ob- served (PL 38. figs. 10 & 11). In the case of Tradescantia, the oval parent-nucleus fills up the end of the growing cell, so that the division of the nucleus is almost syno- nymous with the division of the primordial utricle. But in this case, as in the develop- ment of cells from free nuclei, as indicated of the germinal vesicles, the cell-membrane in expanding draws away from the nucleus, which remains adherent to or suspended in connexion with a layer of protoplasm lining the cell-wall and forming its primordial utricle. In SPIROGYRA and Zygnema, a division of the free suspended nucleus pre- cedes the division of the large primordial utricle. Mohl describes a division of nuclei as oc- curring in Anthoceros, and most authors who have written on the development of pollen and spores lay great stress on the influence of the nuclei, which they describe; and it is curious that in our own researches we have failed to trace the dependence of the development of the new cells upon nuclei (PL 38. figs. 10-13). The import of nuclei in vegetable cells is certainly still a problem. Some believe they are the universal agents of production of new cells, others that they are not the agents of this in any case, but, when present, may be divided with the cells. Others imagine that they are merely the original " mould" of protoplasm on which the cellu- lose membrane of the nascent-cell is depo- sited, and which is left unaltered when this expands (the phenomena in Spirogyra are opposed to this). Some of those who deny their influence in cell-development believe them to be the vital centres of the cells in which they exist. NULLIPORES. [ 467 ] (ECISTES. They are best seen in very young cells in all cases ; in nascent tissues they almost or quite fill the cavity of the young cells. As the cells grow older, their history differs in different cases. Sometimes they persist until the decay of the organ in which they exist. This happens very generally in the cells of the flowers, stems, &c. of Monoco- tyledons; not unfrequently, in stems and leaves they become converted into starch or chlorophyll-granules. In other cases they have a more definite purpose, for in the vesicles in which are formed the SPERMA- TOZOIDS of Ferns, Mosses, Hepaticae, Characeae, &c., these structures appear to be produced by a metamorphosis of the nuclei. In examining supposed nuclei of plants, especially those of lower cellular organization, tincture of iodine should always be applied, to distinguish starch-granules, &c. from true nuclei, which are always coloured deep yel- low or brownish by that reagent, besides being coagulated, contracted and thereby ren- dered more distinct. The nuclei of plants require much more investigation. BIBL. R. Brown, on Orchidacete, Phil. Mag. Dec. 1831 ; Schleiden, Phytogenesis, Miiller's Archiv, 1838, transl. in Sc. Memoirs, ii. p. 281, Grundzuge, 3 ed. (Principles, p. 568); Nageli, Zeitschr. fur Wiss. Bot. (transl. in Ray Soc. Vols. 1845 & 1849) ; Mohl, Pflanzen-zelle (Vegetable Cell), pp. 36 & 51 ; Hofmeister, Entsteh. d. Embryo, Leipsic, 1849. p. 7 ; Al. Braun, Verjungung (Ray Soc. Vol. 1853. p. 175). NULLIPORES. See CORALLINACEJS. NYMPILEACE.E. See HAIRS (p. 313). O. OAT, Avena sativa (Nat. Order Grami- naceae, Flowering Plants). — The form of the starch-corpuscles of the oat is very unlike that of the other common corn plants, con- sisting of numerous small polygonal grains grouped together in roundish or oval masses (PI. 36. fig. 10). See STARCH. OCHLOCILETE, Thwaites.— A genus of Chaetophoraceae (Confervoid Algae), consist- ing of minute plants growing epiphytically on leaves of grasses, &c. O. hystrix occurs both in brackish and freshwater ditches. The minute, dot-like, discoid frond is formed of radiating branched filaments composed of cells, each bearing a very long tubular fila- ment on its back. Fructification unknown. We suspect this plant is closely connected with the lax forms of COLEOCH^ETE. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Ala. p. 211. pi. 25 E, Phyc. Brit. pi. 226. ODONTELLA, Ag.— This genus of Dia- tomaceae is united with BIDDULPHIA, Bid- dulphia (Odontella) aurita undergoing spon- taneous division, PL 14. fig. 9. ODONTHALIA, Lyngb.— A genus of Rhodomelaceae (Florideous Algae) containing one British species, O. dentata, which has an irregularly bipinnatifid frond, 3 to 12" long, the main axis and lobes being about 1-4" wide throughout; the colour is deep wine-red, darker when dried. The frond bears marginal, stalked, ostiolate, ovate ce- ramidia with spores; lanceolate stichidia, in which are contained two rows of ternate tetraspores ; and antheridia. BIBL. Harv. Brit. Alg. p. 77. pi. 11 A, Phyc. Brit. pi. 34 ; Greville, Alg. Br. pi. 13; Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis, p. 448. ODONTIDIUM, Kg.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules quadrangular, united to form an elongated biconvex filament ; linear in front view ; side view (valves) with trans- verse striae (visible under ordinary ilium.). Aquatic and marine. Differs from Denticula in the elongated filament, which sometimes, however, con- sists of only three or four frustules ! Kiitzing describes fifteen species, two doubtful. O. turgidulum (PI. 13. fig. 14 ; a, front view; b, side view). Valves lanceolate, ob- tusish ; striae on each valve six. Aquatic ; length of frustules 1-1720 to 1-570". BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 44, Sp. Alg. p. 12. ODONTODISCUS, Ehr.-A genus of Diatomacese. Char. Frustules single, lenticular ; valves circular, alike, without nodules or apertures, not areolar (under ordin. ilium.), but covered with puncta either arranged in radiating rows, or in excentrically curved lines, and with erect marginal teeth. The puncta are surely the ordinary de- pressions imperfectly examined. Three species. Fossil and in guano. Diameter from 1-860 to 1-240". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. p. 73 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 129. (ECISTES, Ehr. — A genus of Rotatoria, of the family (Ecistina. Char. Single ; rotatory organ single, with 2n2 (ECISTINA. [ 468 ] (EDOGONIUM. an entire margin; body attached to the bot- tom of a fixed cylindrical carapace; eyes two, frontal, red, disappearing in advanced age. O. crystallinus (PL 35. fig. 16). Carapace hyaline, viscid, covered with foreign bodies ; aquatic; entire length 1-36". Jaws each with three teeth. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 392. (ECISTINA, Ehr.— A family of Rotatoria. Char. Animals single or aggregate, at- tached to the bottom of a gelatinous cara- pace; rotatory organ single, with an entire margin. A distinct carapace for each animal l.CEcistes. Carapaces aggregated into a sphere Z.Conochilus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 391. CEDEMIUM, Fr.— A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi). (E. atrum, Corda, consists of dense tufts of brown erect fibres, scarcely branched, and without true septa. The roundish "spores" are sessile upon the sides of the erect filaments. BIBL. Corda, Sturm's DeutschL FL 6. pi. 9 ; Fries, Sy sterna Myc. 344 ; Berkeley and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vi. p. 466. (EDIPODIUM, Schwagr.— A genus of Splachnaceae (Acrocarpous, operculated Mosses), sometimes included under Gymno- stomum. CEdipodium Griffithianum, Schwag., the only species, is remarkable for the pecu- liarly thickened fruit-stalk, whence the name of the genus is derived. CEDOGONIUM,Link.(Pro^r«,Leclerc, Vesiculifera, Hass). — A genus of Conferva- cese (Confervoid Algae), which, from their peculiar mode of growth and reproduction, ought perhaps to form a distinct family. Some of the CEdogonia are among the com- monest and most abundant of freshwater Algae, occurring in every pond, ditch, or stream, and quickly making their appearance in tanks, aquaria, &c. They may generally be recognized at a glance by the dense and uniform green protoplasm, sometimes filling the cells, sometimes (after dividing) leaving half of the cell colourless and devoid of chlorophyll ; above all, by the annular striae occurring at the ends of many of the cells (PL 5. fig. 7 b, h}. The cells have each a large parietal nucleus (fig. 7 a). The large round interstitial sporangial cell (fig. 7 ff) is also a very distinctive character. The zoo- spores also are peculiar, consisting of the entire contents of a cell, therefore very large, and are crowned by a wreath of cilia (PL 5. fig. 7 c). The filaments are attached, when young, to stones, plants, &c., by root-like processes. These plants, on many grounds, deserve a somewhat close examination. The filaments are composed of rows of cylindrical cells, which multiply interstitially in a very curious manner. When a cell divides, the division of the primordial utricle first takes place (this division must be looked for in cells densely filled with contents), and two new cells are formed within the parent. At the same time an annular deposit of cellulose occurs around the upper part of the parent- cell. Next the wall of the parent-cell breaks, by a circumscissile dehiscence, just below the cellulose ring. The new cells elongate and remove the margins of the circular slit from each other, the upper piece of the parent-cell wall being pushed up as a kind of cap on the uppermost of the new cells. This is pushed up further and further by the elongation of the lower cell, until the upper end of the latter comes above the line of dehiscence, The annular deposit of gela- tinous cellulose has meanwhile become stretched or developed over the space left by the separation of the halves of the parent membrane, forming an outer coat to the new cell. After the growth of the lowrer cell is finished, the upper one begins to elongate, until it attains equal length ; it remains poor in protoplasm and chlorophyll while grow- ing, but becomes densely filled when it has attained its full dimensions. The margins or broken ends of the parent-cell wall form the annular striae seen on the filaments (PL 5. fig. 7 b, g, h) ; at first there is only one at the top of any given cell, but the next dehis- cence takes place just below this, giving rise to a second, and so on, until many suc- cessive rings are produced at one spot. The zoospores or ciliated gonidia (fig. 7 c) are formed from the entire contents of a cell, and exhibit a large round nucleus ; they escape by a circumscissile dehiscence of the wall of the parent-cell (b) ; the filament, however, does not generally become quite brokeninto two; theportions remain attached by a strip of the side-wall forming a kind of hinge. The zoospores are large, somewhat ovate in form, with a transparent region at one end, whence the numerous cilia arise. When expelled, they move for a time, and then come to rest, attaching themselves to foreign objects by the ciliated end, acquiring a membrane, sending out root-like processes below (e), and elongating and expanding above into a longish pear-shaped body. Sometimes the zoospores do not completely extricate themselves from the parent-cell, (EDOGONIUM. [ 469 ] OIDIUM. and then germinate in this way in situ, the root-like processes remaining engaged in the parent-cell. Very often they attach them- selves upon the parent filament to germinate. The next stage after germination presents two different classes of phenomena ; in the one the young plant elongates gradually into a jointed filament by extension and cell-division; in the other the contents of the unicellular or bicellular germinating plant become converted into minute globular bodies, which are discharged by an orifice formed at the summit of the filament by a circumscissile dehiscence of the cell-mem- brane (PL 5. fig. 7 /, t). The after-history of these globular bodies is not certainly known; the function of spermatic bodies has recently been attributed to them. We have seen bodies of similar appearance pro- duced in the ordinary cells of decaying fila- ments (fig. 7 A). The (Edogonia likewise produce large resting-spores (fig. 7 ff), which are formed from the entire contents of the upper of the two cells, developed as above described. It is stated by Pringsheim that a slight rupture of the parent-cell wall takes place at the side during the development of the spore ; from the small orifice thus formed a portion of the nascent spore bulges out, afterwards becoming retracted; and this author believes that the bulging portion of the spore-mass becomes fertilized through the agency of the little globular bodies above alluded to as produced by some of the germinating zoo- spores. Ultimately the spore, while increa- sing in size, retracts itself from the walls of its parent-cell, and lies free in the cavity, presenting a double coat, the outer of which is thick and tough ; its contents acquire a red colour as it ripens. The parent-cell of the spore mostly acquires a globular or ellip- tical form, appearing like a kind of nodule on the filament ; and the ripe spore, of glo- bular, elliptical, or depressed spherical form, is mostly of greater diameter than the ordi- nary cells. The ripe spore escapes by the decomposition or dehiscence of the parent- cell ; the history of its germination does not appear to have been traced. The systematic arrangement of the (Edo- gonia is at present in a very confused condi- tion. Hassall and Kiitzing have enumerated a number of species which rest on very in- sufficient grounds, for the length of the joints appears variable. The synonymy of the more distinct forms is also perplexed. We are compelled to content ourselves with selecting a limited number of species, which present tolerably satisfactory characters. 1. GE. vesicatum, Link. Filaments 1-2500 to 1-3000" in diameter, joints two to four times as long as broad ; spore-cells globose, swollen. [This appears to include (E. Rothii, Candollii, and ochroleucum.'] 2. (E. tumidulum, Kg. Filaments 1-1400 to 1-1800" in diameter, joints two to six times as long ; spore-cells oval, swollen. 3. (E. grande, Kg. Filaments 1-700 to 1-900" in diameter, joints one to four times as long ; spore-cells elliptical, swollen. [Pro- bably includes (E. giganteum, Ktz. and Vesi- culifera lacustris, Hass.] 4. CE. Landsborouahii, Hass. Filaments 1-500 to 1-700" in diameter, two to four times as long; spore-cells roundish-oval, swollen. 5. (E.capillaceum,K%. Filaments 1-1 200" long, one and a half to two times as long ; spore-cells elliptic-globose, slightly swollen. [Vesiculifera virescens, Hass.] 6. (E. crispa, Vauch. (PI. 5. fig. 7 a). Filaments 1-700 to 1-900" in diameter, equally or twice as long ; spore-cells slightly swollen, spores squarish. Filaments curled. Apparently Vesiculifera princeps, Hass., Conferva capillaris, Ag., Tiresias crispa, Bory, &c. It seems to us also that Thuret's (E. vesicatum (Ann. des Sc. not. 3 ser. xiv. pi. 19) belongs here. BIBL. Link, Hor. physic, berolin. (1820); Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 364, Tab. Phyc. Bd.iii. pi. 33, &c.; Hassall, Br. Fr. Ala. p. 195; Thuret, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 226; Pringsheim, Monatsber. Berl. AJcad. 1855, Ban und Bildung der Pflanzenzelle, Berlin, p. 33, 1854. OIDIUM, Link (Acrosporium and Sporo- trichum, Greville, Torula, Corda). — A sup- posed genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), but very probably consisting merely of imperfect conditions of plants of more complex nature. The Oidia have recently attracted great attention on account of the extraordinary development of the form called Oidium Tuckeri on the vines of Europe and the Atlantic islands. This, however, like O. leucoconium and others, appears to be only the conidiferous mycelium of an ERY- SIPHE or some allied plant; the particulars of its history are given more at length under VINE FUNGUS. Oidium lactis seems also referable to Torula, or to the mycelium of PENICILLIUM. O. abortifaciens, Lk. is an imperfect state of CLAVICEPS; O. albi- cans, C. Robin, the fungus of APHTHA, is OIL. [ 470 ] ONYGENEI. probably referable to some other genus when mature, as Achorion should perhaps also be included under Puccinia. The objects described as Oidia consist of delicate hori- zontal filaments, creeping over leaves, fruits or decaying vegetable and animal substances (0. lactis at the edges of sour milk, 0. albi- cans in the mouth of the human subject), forming an interlaced fleecy coat, the hori- zontal filaments giving origin to numerous erect (usually short), articulated pedicels, the uppermost cells of which (or several of the uppermost) become expanded into oval bodies (conidia) which become disarticulated, and falling upon the matrix, germinate and produce new filaments (PL 20. figs. 8, 9). Oidium leucoconium, Tuckeri, erysiphoides are white; 0. aureum, fulvum,fructigenum, and others subsequently become coloured. As we do not regard them as independent organisms, it seems unnecessary to give the characters of the supposed species. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 349; Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 263, vi. p. 438, 2 ser. vii. p. 178, xiii. p. 463; Fries, Summa Veg.494; Fresenius, Beitr.z.Mycologie,T:Left i. p. 23, ii. p. 76 ; Leveille, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3 ser. xv. p. 109 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 73 ; Ch. Robin, Vegetaux Parasites, 2nd ed. p. 488; and the Bibl. of VINE FUNGUS. OIL. — Oils of various kinds are most abundantly produced by a very large number of plants, and occur to some extent in almost all. For the microscopist, it is convenient to divide them into essential and fixed oils. The former are special secretions, and occur in the cells of the GLANDS and GLANDULAR HAIRS of the epidermis of those parts of plants exposed to the air and light. Fixed oils are found principally in the cells of tissues still physiologically active in the nu- trition of the plants, and they appear in many cases to have a close relation with and to form substitutes for starch. Thus fixed oils occur stored up in the cells of the peri- sperms or of the cotyledons of certain seeds in which little or no starch is produced, as in the Papaveracece, Crucifera, Linum, the almond, nut, &c. Oil may occur also in the pulp of fruits, as in the olive. SPORES of Cryptogamic plants and POL- LEN-grains are remarkable for the oil they exhibit in their mature condition. It ap- pears to serve as an indifferent or inert form of assimilated nutriment. Oil occurs in the cavity of cells in the form of minute drops, which may be distin- guished mostly, by the experienced micro- scopist, by simple inspection ; but it is often desirable to prove the nature of the globules, which may be done by removing them with aether, or, in the case of pollen, by viewing them in spirit of turpentine or oil of lemons. Potash does not act readily upon oil-globules in the cells of plants. In certain cases it is convenient to view objects in oil instead of water, in order to render them more transparent ; for this pur- pose oil of lemon is conveniently employed. OMPHALOPELTA, Ehr.— A genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Agrees with Actinoptychus, but the upper part of the margin of the valves has a few opposite erect spines. Four species. Fossil and marine. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. p. 263; Kiitzing, Sp. Ala. p. 132. ONCOSPHENIA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules single, cuneate in front view ; valves equal, uncinate at the apices ; neither vittae nor nodules present. 0. carpathica. Valves cuneate, laxly stri- ated (ord. ilium.), one end turgid, rounded, and straight, the other attenuate and unci- nate; aquatic; diameter 1-790". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1845. p. 72; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 11. ONION, Allium Cepa (Flowering Plants, Nat. Ord. Liliaceae). — The young bulb of the onion offers a very good and cheap subject for the investigation of the development of spiral vessels, to those who do not object to its odour ; other bulbs will do equally well. In the cells of the base of the bulb occur very elegant groups of prismatic crystals (see RAPHIDES). ONOCLEA, Linn.— A genus of Cystopte- rideae (Polypoda3ous Ferns). Indusium very thin, membranous and reticulated. The fer- tile pinnae are usually so rolled up as to look like little berries seated on a spike, filled with sporangia. Exotic. ONYGENEI.— A family of Ascomycetous Fungi, containing a few inconspicuous plants growing upon the feathers of dead birds, or upon cast-off horse-shoes. The flocculent spreading mycelium usually produces on its surface little white stalk-like bodies crowned by a globular perithecium. At first erect and thick, these supports become more slender as they elongate, and seem to bend under the weight of the light perithecium (fig. 536). In some species the perithecium is sessile. The perithecium is filled with branching filaments, arising from the walls of its inter- ONYGENEL [ 471 ] OPALINA. nal cavity, interlacing together and bearing at their free extremities globular cells (asci) containing the spores (figs. 538. 540). At Fig. 536. Fig. 537. Onygenei corvini. Fig. 536. Plants on a feather. Nat. size. Fig. 537. Single plant with the perithecium dehiscing. Magn. 10 diams. Fig. 538. Portion of the sporiferous layer, with asci. Magn. 350 diams. Fig. 539. Asci detached. Magn. 700 diams. Fig. 540. Spores. Magn. 700 diams. the epoch of maturity the perithecium, ori- ginally closed, bursts circularly towards the base, the upper part becoming detached un- der the form of a more or less regular cap (fig. 537), exposing the spores set free by a solution of the filaments. British Genus. O N Y G E N A . Perithecium capitate, at length slit round the base, and falling off as an im- perforate cap. Asci borne at the free ends of filaments forming an entangled mass in the perithecium, finally free and pulvera- ceous. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 322, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 432, 2nd ser. vii. p. 184 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. i. p. 367- pi. 17; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 343. OOLITE.— The substance of oolitic rocks consists principally of carbonate of lime, sometimes crystallized, at others granular, and usually abounding in organic remains, as shells, &c. It consists of two parts, one of which forms the matrix, is mostly colour- less, often crystalline, and exhibits a number of rounded or oval cavities, each of which contains a nodule, or mass of a correspond- ing form. These nodules give the stone somewhat the appearance of the roe of a fish, hence oolite is sometimes called roe-stone. The nodules possess rather a granular than a crystalline structure. They are sometimes coloured, hollow, and often exhibit concen- tric rings like those of calculi, and indicative of the successive deposition of layers. Some kinds of oolite contain grains of sand im- bedded in the matrix between the nodules. Polished sections of oolite form interest- ing objects; and where the nodules are co- loured and the matrix colourless, as in oolite from Bristol, in which the former are red, the beauty of the appearance is increased. BIBL. Works on geology (see the Bibl. of CHALK). OOMYCES, Berk, and Br.— A genus of Sphaeriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), founded on a minute plant growing upon the leaves of grasses. 0. carneo-albus (Spharia car- neo-alba, Libert.) has pale, flesh-coloured, tough receptacles 1-18 high, marked with the ostioles of 3-7 perithecia closely packed within it, bearing resemblance to the eggs of some insects. BIBL. Berk. & Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vii. p. 185. OOSPORANGES.— The name applied by Thuret to the organs (called ' spores' by most authors) producing the larger kinds of zoospores, in those tribes of Algae where zoospores of two sizes occur (see fig. 462, p. 424). These organs are usually ovate, or of some analogous form ; those containing the smaller zoospores are usually filiform, and are distinguished as trichosporanges. The term is also applied, together with oophoridium, to the sporanges containing the larger spores in SELAGINELLA and ISOETES. OPALINA, Purk. and Val.— The animals comprised under this title were formerly re- garded as Infusoria, among which they were placed, but later researches tend to show that they are imperfectly developed forms or intermediate stages of animals probably higher than the Infusoria. They are micro- scopic, oval or oblong, colourless, covered OPEGRAPHA. [ 472 ] OPHRYDINA. with vibratile cilia arranged in regular rows; they contain a so-called nucleus, and exhibit contractile vesicles, hut they do not admit colouring matters, nor have they a mouth. In one form, an adhesive suctorial disk has been observed, and in another a hook-appa- ratus, probably serving the same end. They are parasitic within the bodies and usually the intestinal canal of earth-worms, frogs, Planarice, Naides, beneath the gill-plates of Gammarus> &c. 0. (Bursaria, E.) ranarum, P. & V., is figured in PI. 24. fig. 47. Dujardin places some of them in his genus Leucophrys. BIBL. Purkinje and Valentin, De phen. mot. vibr.; Schutze, Beit. z. Naturg. d. Tur- bett.; Stein, Infus. p. 178, &c. OPEGRAPHA, Ach.— A genus of Gra- phideae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), growing on bark of trees, stones, &c. Besides their linear lirella, the fronds bear spermaaonia, in O. varia and 0. calcarea, forming black spots on the surface, communicating with little unilocular cavities lined with short, linear sterigmata bearing numerous spermatia. Mr. Leighton enumerates fourteen species and numerous varieties in his recent mono- graph. BIBL. Brit.Flor.ii. pt. 1. p. 147; Leigh- ton, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2ndser. xiii.; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 207. OPERCULARIA, Goldfuss.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Vorticellina. According to Ehrenberg's description, Opercularia resembles Epistylis in being furnished with a rigid (not contractile), branched stalk, but differs in the presence of two kinds of bodies, larger and smaller, attached to the branches, the former being usually situated in the axils. Stein regards the larger bodies as belonging to individuals of an older generation, which attach them- selves to the branches as to other foreign bodies, and there secrete a new polypidom. This author would distinguish Opercularia by the circular anterior margin or rim (peri- stome) of the body not being thickened and everted, by no cilia arising from it, and by the presence of a kind of lower lip, formed of a delicate everted fold. Adapted to the peristome in both genera is a conical plug-like retractile body, fringed with cilia, and flat or convex at the end. O. articulata, E. Found adherent to Hy- drophilus piceus and Dytiscus marginalia. PI. 25. fig. 25, Acineta-stage (INFUSO- RIA). 0. berberina, St. Found upon Noterus crassicornis, a water-beetle. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 286 ; Stein, Infus. passim. OPHIDOMONAS,Ehr.— A generic name applied to slender, filiform, spiral (helical), vibrio-like bodies, of a brown or red colour, withobtuse ends, and actively moving through the water by means of an anterior flagelliform filament. Ehrenberg places them among the Infusoria, in the family Cryptomonadina, and admits two species, characterized by the difference in colour. One was found in fresh, the other in brackish water. Length about 1-570", breadth 1-9000". In some the spire forms only half a turn, in others two and a half turns. Probably an Alga. Is it the young state of Spirulina ? BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 43, and Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840. OPHIOGLOSSACE^E. — A family of Ferns, distinguished from all others by the characters both of the vegetative and repro- ductive structures. The fronds are always divided into two parts, one foliaceous and sterile, and the other fertile, neither being ever rolled up in the form of a cross. The sporanges are destitute of any trace of an annulus, and always split very regularly to discharge the spores. Synopsis of Genera. 1. OPHIOGLOSSUM. Sporanges dehiscing transversely, connate on an undivided disti- chous spike. II. BOTRYCHIUM. Sporanges dehiscing transversely, arranged on a distichous, se- cond, bi-, tri-pinnate spike. III. HELMINTHOSTACHYS. Sporanges dehiscing externally, vertically from the base to the middle, collected in whorls, with crest-like appendages and stalked, arranged distichously on an elongated spike. OPHIOGLOSSUM, Linn.— The typical genus of Ophioglossaceous Ferns, repre- sented by the Adder's-tongue Fern, Ophio- glossum vulgatum. OPHRYDINA, Ehr.— A family of Infu- soria, corresponding to Vorticellina with a carapace (p. 348). Animals grouped in a gelatinous mass 1. Ophrydium. (Body attached to the bottom 1 „ „,. .. Animals] of the carapace by a stalk J single | Body not f Carapace stalked . . 3. Cothurnia. L stalked \Carapacesessile .. 4. Vaginicola. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 291. OPHRYDIUM. [ 473 ] ORTHOTRICHACE.E. OPHRYDIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Ophrydina. Char. Consists of a colourless, gelatinous, rounded mass, either adherent or free, con- taining numerous greenish Vorticella-like animals imbedded and somewhat radiately arranged within it. Aquatic. Length of extended bodies 1-100 ; size of entire mass from that of a pea to that of the fist, and even more. O. versatile (PL 24. fig. 49, portion near the surface; fig. 48, portion expanded by pressure; fig. 50, separate animal). The gelatinous mass or envelope has been de- scribed as consisting of separate portions or cells, and again as forming a homogeneous whole. It somewhat resembles and has been mistaken for frog's spawn. The bodies of the animals, when extended, are spindle- shaped, when contracted, oval, or nearly spherical ; they have a row or ring of cilia at the anterior margin of the peristome, also a lid with a fringe of cilia, as in Opercularia, &c. The body exhibits annular constrictions and longitudinal folds, and contains scat- tered chlorophyll-granules, and a long, nar- row, tortuous nucleus. A distinct narrow elongated oesophagus is present. Ehrenberg remarks, that at first the individual bodies are united in the centre by filaments, which subsequently disappear. The animals un- dergo the encysting process, and assume an Acineta-form. When they leave the jelly, a posterior ring of cilia is formed, as in Vor- ticella, and the animals swim with the tail first. This organism bears some resemblance to Coccochloris among the Palmellacese, yet it appears decidedly animal. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 292 ; Stein, In/us., passim. OPHRYOCERCINA, Ehr.— A family of Infusoria. It contains the single genus Trachelocerca, E., which corresponds to Lachrymaria with a tail. Dujardin unites these two genera, so that the former becomes unnecessary. If the family be retained, it should be called TRACHELOCERCINA. OPHRYOGLENA, Ehr.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Colpodea. Char. Body ciliated all over ; a frontal eye-spot present ; cilia arranged in longitu- dinal rows. Three species. Stein remarks, that on treating these animals with acetic acid, the cilia became converted into a dense network of curved and geniculate hairs, some as long as the body. 0. atra (PI. 24. fig. 53). Body ovate, com- pressed, black, acute posteriorly; eye-spot black, marginal; cilia whitish. Aquatic; length 1-180". O. acuminata, brown; eye-spot red; O.flavicans, yellowish; eye- spot red. Both aquatic. Dujardin places this genus in his family Bursarina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 360; Stein, In/us, p. 240; Dujardin, In/us, p. 506. ORBICULIN A, Lam.— A genus of Fora- minifera. 0. numismatis (PI. 18. fig. 11-15). Found in sea-sand. BIBL. That of FORAMINIFERA. ORIBATA, Latr.— This genus has been subdivided, and now constitutes the family Oribatea. The position of three species is, however, doubtful, viz. Acarus conferva, Schr., living in fresh water, and creeping upon Confervae, &c.; Oribata demersa,T)u]., aquatic, with a cervical eye, and found upon Hypnum inundatum ; and Oribata marina, a marine species. We have found one species doubtfully re- ferable to the above, agreeing with the cha- racters of the Oribatea (p. 58) : body brown, tarsi with a single claw, and no caruncle. The individuals were creeping upon broken stems of Ceratophyllum. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apt. iii. p. 251 ; Schrank, Ins. Austria, p. 511; Du- jardin, L'Institut, 1842. p. 316; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. &c.; Duges, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. ii. p. 46. ORTHODONTIUM, Schwagr.— A genus of Bryaceous Mosses, included under Bryum by some authors. Orthodontium gracile, Schwagr. = Bryum (Pohlia) gracile, Wils. BIBL. Wilson, Bryologia Britann. p. 218. ORTHOSIRA, Thw. See MELOSIRA. ORTHOTRICH ACE.E.— A tribe of Pot- tioid Mosses including several British genera. a. Papilla distinct, tuberculate, rarely obso- lete-, peristome mostly pale, rarely orange- coloured. 1. ZYGODON. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome wanting, simple (external or internal) or double ; external of thirty-two simple, Or- thotrichoid,twin or bigeminate-conglutinate, flat, pale, regular, rather fleshy teeth, formed of a single row of cells, spreading or reflexed on drying, and appressed to the capsule as in Orthotrichum ; internal : eight to sixteen linear, hyaline, more or less connivent, hori- ORTHOTRICHUM. [ 474 ] OSCILLATORIA. zontal cilia, or resembling the outer teeth. Capsule pyriform, grooved, more rarely gla- brous, without an annulus. II. ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedw. Calyptra campanulate, plaited. Peristome absent, simple or double. External of thirty-two geminate (sixteen) (fig. 487- p. 435), or bi- geminate (eight) (fig. 542) teeth, more rarely of sixteen entire, undivided teeth, granular, fleshy, or brittle, mostly pale, rarely orange- coloured, erect, afterwards reflexed, arising below the mouth of the capsule. Internal : eight or sixteen cilia, simple, hyaline, or (rarely) resembling the teeth. Vaginule ochraceous. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. Capsule without an annulus, more or less pyriform, grooved, rarely gla- brous; operculum capitate, conical. b. Papilla mostly obsolete, rarely distinct,, peristome always coloured, purple, red or orange. III. GLYPHOMITRIUM. Calyptra cam- panulate, large, totally enclosing the capsule, deeply laciniate, plaited. Peristome com- posed of sixteen short, lanceolate, densely trabeculate, entire teeth, with a central line, approximated in pairs, incurved, arising be- low the orifice, orange-coloured, smooth (fig. 287, p. 293). Inflorescence monoecious. IV. BRACHYSTELIUM. Calyptra as in the preceding, altogether or almost entirely covering the capsule, mitre-shaped, with long and repeated laciniations, slightly plaited. Peristome like that of Trichostomum, the teeth being split more or less down to the base, into two arms. Inflorescence monoe- cious. V. GUEMBELTA. Calyptra dimidiate, other- wise like the following (figs. 293-295, p. 299). VI. GRIMMIA. Calyptra mitre-shaped, laciniate, scarcely exceeding the operculum, and smooth, or else shorter. Peristome simple, teeth sixteen, lanceolate, with a me- dian line, trabeculate, often however fissile, hence very polymorphous, more or less split, as far as the middle, into two or four teeth, or into two arms down to the base (fig. 292, p. 299). ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedwig.— A genus of Orthotrichaceae (Pottioid Mosses), grow- ing in round tufts, fertile at the summit, on trees and stones, never on the earth. There are numerous British species, which are re- markable for the apophyses (sometimes having stomata) and for the varied character of the outer peristome, the thirty-two teeth of which are variously conjoined, so as to appear as thirty-two, sixteen, or eight. The calyptra is mostly covered with hair-like processes (fig. 476, p. 433). Fig. 541. Fig. 542. Fig. 541. Orthotrichum pulchellum. Magn. ISdiams. Fig. 542. Orthotrichum pollens. Fragment of peri- stome. Magn. 50 diams. BIBL. Wilson, EryologiaErit. p. 185; Hooker, Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1. p. 57. OSCILLATORIA, Vauch.— A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), distin- guished from the allied forms by the simple, rigid, elastic filaments, forming a stratum in a common gelatinous matrix. The filaments are enclosed singly in tubular cellulose sheaths, open at the ends, from which the fragments emerge when they are broken across (PL 4. fig. 8). The young filaments or growing extremities are continuous and scarcely striated, but by degrees transverse striae appear, sometimes very close together, sometimes distant, which striae indicate a constriction and final fission in the substance of the filament, which, when old, readily breaks at these places. The internal struc- ture of the filament is obscure ; it would seem to be composed wholly of protoplasmic substance, the joints not possessing special cellulose coats, but the substance of the filament, although apparently solid, seems sometimes less dense internally, since we have noticed a kind of hour-glass contraction intermediate between the striae after the ac- tion of thick syrup (by endosmose) and after desiccation. The curious rounding-off of the separated ends of dividing filaments (PI. 4. fig. 8, right-hand figures) seems to depend on some power of expansion of an outer thicker layer of the substance of the fila- ment. The motion of the filaments has OSCILLATORIA. [ 475 ] OSCILLATORIACE^. been described under OSCILLATORIACEJE. The filaments ultimately break up at the strise into distinct joints, which may be re- garded as gonidia. No formation of spores has been observed. A remarkable and un- explained appearance is occasionally observed at the growing ends of the filaments ; they appear crowned by a wreath of cilia, but these processes are rigid ; no motion of them has ever been seen. Kutzing has multiplied the species beyond all reason, and separated some without good grounds under the name of Phormidium. We follow Harvey in the enumeration of the commoner British species; but this genus, like its allies, requires a thorough study of recent specimens. They occur on damp ground, on stones, on mud, in fresh water, running or stagnant in springs and in brack- ish water ; a few are truly marine. In the following characters the colour of the strata is given as seen by the naked eye, that of the filaments as seen under the microscope. * In fresh water, or on damp earth, &c. a. Stratum teruginous or blue-green. 1. O. limosa, Ag. Stratum dark green, glossy, with long rays; filaments green, 1-3300 to 1-3600" in diameter; articulations shorter than the diameter. At the bottom of ditches and pools. 2. 0. tennis, Ag. Stratum dark green, thin, with short rays ; filaments pale green, 1-4200" in diameter; articulations equalling or half the diameter. In muddy ditches, &c. ; at first on the bottom, finally floating to the top. 3. O. muscorum, Ag. Stratum dark seru- ginous-green, 3 or 4" in extent, growing over mosses in rapid streams; filaments 'thickish,' pale blue-green. 4. O. turfosa, Carm. Stratum pale ver- digris-green, glaucous, I or H' in diameter, resting on an ochraceous substratum; fila- ments hyaline, 'very slender/ On floating sods in turf-pits. 5. O. decorticans, Grev. Stratum smooth, glaucous-green, membranous, peeling off in flakes ; filaments pale bluish - green, * very slender.' Damp walls, pumps, &c. ; com- mon. b. Stratum dull green, inclining to purple, black, or brown. 6. O. nigra, Vauch. Stratum blackish- green (bluish-black when dry), with long radii ; filaments pale bluish -green, 1-2800 to 1-3000" in diameter; joints equalling or a ittle shorter than the diameter. Ditches and ponds. Common. 7. 0. autumnalis, Ag. (PI. 4. fig. 8). Stra- tum purplish or greenish-black; filaments pale dirty bluish-green, 1-4000 to 1-5000" in iiameter ; joints shorter than the diameter. Damp ground, walls, &c. Common. 8. 0. contexta, Carm. Stratum glossy black, spreading three feet or more, appear- ing satiny and striated to the naked eye; filaments pale green, 1-3000" in diameter ; articulations largish. On mud ; apparently common. O. ochracea, Grev. is probably the same as Leptothrix ochracea. ** Marine, or in brackish water. 9. 0. littoralis, Carm. Stratum bright seruginous - green ; filaments deep green, * thicker than in 0. nigra;' joints one-third the diameter. Pools on the sea-shore. Other species are described, but without dimensions, so that they are obscure with- out the aid of figures. See also SYMPLOCA. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Alg. 1st ed. p. 161, Br.Mar.Alg.v.228,Phyc.Brit. pis. 105,251; Hassall, Br. Fr. Alg. p. 244. pi. 70-72; Kutzing, Sp. Alg. p. 237, Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pis. 38-44. OSCILLATORIACEJS. — A family of Confervoid Algae, containing organisms of considerable diversity and not very well cha- racterized at present, owing to the obscurity of the reproduction. The genus Oscillatoria, with its nearest allies, is composed of cylin- drical filaments of protoplasmic substance, invested by a continuous cellulose sheath or tubular cell-membrane. The internal (solid?) filament gradually becomes transversely striated as it increases in age, and subse- quently readily breaks across at the trans- verse lines, and the fragments readily escape from the sheaths, since no cross-walls of cellulose are produced (PI. 4. fig. 8). These kinds exhibit clearly the remarkable motion from which the family takes its name. They are mostly found upon damp ground, form- ing wide and irregular strata; Rivularia and the allied genera have the joints of the fila- ments more distinct, and the filaments are coherent into definite fronds, on which they stand erect or radiate from a centre (PI. 4. figs. 13. 16). The sheaths become compli- cated in many of these, from the internal multiplication and the persistence of the cellulose sheaths of several generations one within another (see PETALONEM A), often ge- latinously swollen up and sometimes decom- OSCILLATORIACE^. [ 476 ] OSCILLATORIACE.E. posed into spiral fibrous structures (PI. 4. fig. 15; see SPIRAL STRUCTURES). Some of the remaining forms, included here for the pre- sent, differ considerably from the above, and are imperfectly understood. Vibrio (PL 3. figs. 18-21) consists of moniliform filaments without an apparent sheath. Spirulina (PL 3. fig. 15) has the (solid?) filaments curled spirally, and in the strange plant Didymo- helix (PL 1. fig. 10) two spiral filaments oc- curred twined together. These last minute forms generally occur imbedded in a gelati- nous stratum, but their relation to this is not yet clearly ascertained. The structure of the Oscillatoriaceae, judging from Oscillatoria, Microcoleus, and Lyngbya, differs importantly from that of all other Confervoids. The filaments are not composed of rows of cells, but, in the earliest condition, of a cylindrical thread of protoplasm, coloured greyish, green, brown, or purple in different cases. The ends of growing filaments are narrower and devoid of striae, and have no perceptible cellulose sheath ; when a little older, cross striae ap- pear, consisting of double rows of granules or dots, and the tubular cellulose coat is evident ; finally, the striae become distinct lines (see PL 4. figs. 8-22). In this stage, external violence will cause the filament to break across at the striae, and the fragments then slide along inside the cellulose sheath, the broken ends always assuming a rounded form like that of the free extremities (PL 4. fig. 8 b}. When these fragments slide quite out of the sheaths, the latter appear as con- tinuous tubes (PL 4. fig. 8 a), seldom with any cross markings opposite the striae of the internal mass. InLyngbya the division seems to take place in a peculiar manner, accom- panied by an interstitial growth comparable to that of ZYGNEMA. In a well-developed filament, every eighth stria is strongest, the intermediate fourths rather lighter, every second one between them paler still, and the intermediates of these only just marked; while in Oscillatoria the striae seem to be gradually less definite towards the growing apex of a filament. The filaments appear solid as ordinarily viewed ; but the endos- mose resulting from placing them in syrup or gum-water causes them to contract be- tween the striae, or to break up into lenticular disks. The ultimate fate of all the filaments seems to be a separation into disks or glo- bular gonidia, by breaking across at the striae. In Microcoleus (PL 4. fig. 9) and many Rivularieae there would appear to be a trans- verse multiplication like that occurring oc- casionally in NOSTOC, as the filaments are found lying side by side in gelatinously de- composed outer (parent) sheaths. The fila- ments of the Rivularieae are seated on a large basal cell (PL 4. figs. 13. 16. 18), the nature of which is not understood. The remarkable spontaneous motion of many Oscillatoriaceae presents a considerable variety of conditions. In Oscillatoria and Microcoleus the ends of the filaments emerge from their sheaths, the young extremities being apparently devoid of this coat ; their ends wave backwards and forwards, some- what as the fore-part of the bodies of cer- tain caterpillars are waved when they stand on their pro-legs with the head reared up. The filaments also emerge from the tubes and break up, and the fragments then exhi- bit an oscillating movement like that of a balance, together with an advance in a lon- gitudinal direction. Lyngbya (PL 4. fig. 10) does not appear to oscillate, at all events when in long filaments; but it presents a curling snake-like or worm-like movement. Vibrio, Spirulina, and other forms, exhibit only a tremulous oscillation ; the same ap- pears to be the case with Bacterium, These last organisms were included by Ehrenberg among the Infusoria, but there is every rea- son to regard them as vegetables. Leptothrix and the allied genera are very imperfectly known, and are only included here from the absence of indications of closer affinities else- where; very likely they are mycelial fila- ments of Fungi. All these plants occur on damp ground, rocks or stones, and among Mosses and other Confervae on rocks, stones, &c., in fresh and salt water, and are allied in some respects to the NOSTOCHACE^E, but the articulations of the filaments of the latter are all perfect cells with a complete cellulose wall, multiplying by division in the same way as the Confervaceae. Synopsis of British Genera. A. Oscillatorieee. Filaments transversely striated or moniliform, sometimes spi- rally curled ; sheathed, or in the minute forms, without evident sheaths; exhi- biting spontaneous oscillating, creeping, or serpentine motion. Increased by transverse division. I. BACTERIUM (PL 3. fig. 17). Filaments extremely small, short, wand-shaped, or OSCILLATORIACE^. [ 477 ] OSCILLATORIACE.E. longish-oval, with two to four cross striae, exhibiting a vibratory motion. No sheaths evident. II. VIBRIO (PI. 3. figs. 18-20). Filaments extremely slender, moniliform, with an ac- tive serpentine motion. No sheath evident. III. SPIRULINA (PL 3. figs. 15. 22. 23). Filaments very slender, continuous or moni- liform, curled into a long spiral or screw-like form ; oscillating ; no sheaths evident, but often a common investing jelly. IV. DIDYMOHELIX (PL 1. fig. 10). Fila- ments very slender, continuous, curled spi- rally and twisted together in pairs. Motion?. No evident sheaths, but a common investing jelly. V. OSCILLATORIA (for this and the re- maining genera see PL 4). Filaments con- tinuous, transversely striated, readily break- ing across, with a proper cellulose sheath, oscillating ; collected in strata and imbedded in a common gelatinous matrix. VI. MICROCOLEUS. Filaments as in Oscillatoria, but collected in bundles in a common gelatinous tubular sheath, which is dichotomously branched; filaments oscil- lating. VII. SYMPLOCA. Filaments as in Oscil- latoria, but erect and tufted, coherent at their bases, bristling above. B. Lyngbyea. Filaments motionless (?), oscil- larioid, enclosed in a very distinct sheath, tufted, or forming strata, with or without an enveloping jelly. VIII. DASYGL^EA. Filaments unbranched, sheathed; older sheaths broad, coalescent outside into an amorphous gelatinous stra- tum. IX. LYNGBYA. Filaments elongated, distinctly articulated, unbranched, with di- stinct convoluted cellulose tube, but without a gelatinous matrix ; (motion creeping?) arti- culations very close. X. LEIBLEINIA. Filaments short, erect, tufted, unbranched, with distinct cellulose coat, free, without an investing jelly. C. Scytonemece. Filaments distinctly arti- culated, simple or branched, motionless, with distinct articulations and large in- terstitial (propagative ?) cells; sheaths at length softened and swollen, but with- out a common gelatinous matrix. XI. SCYTONEMA. Filaments caespitose, or more rarely fasciculate, with a double (lamellar) gelatinous sheath, (mostly) closed at the apex ; branches continuous by lateral growing out of the primary filaments, with a knee-like base. XII. ARTHRONEMA. Filaments distinctly articulated, simple, in short lengths, over- lapping at their ends within the gelatinous sheath. XIII. PETALONEMA. Filaments branched, with the outer sheaths of the single joints expanded upwards and outwards into fun- nel-shaped bodies, each partly overlapping its successor, forming a common obliquely lamellated and transversely barred gelatinous cylinder. XIV. CALOTHRIX. Filaments very closely articulated, tufted, with branches in apposi- tion for some distance, here and there co- hering laterally. Sheaths firm, often dark- coloured. XV. TOLYPOTHRIX. Filaments free, radiantly or fastigiately branched, most di- stinctly articulated at the bases of the branches ; branches continuously excurrent, not in apposition ; sheaths thin, hyaline. XVI. SIROSIPHON. Filaments single, double or triple, within a distinct common sheath, very distinctly articulated; branched by lateral budding, the branches divergent. XVII. SCHIZOTHRIX. Filaments branched by division ; sheaths lamellated, thick, rigid, curled, thickened below, finally longitudinally divided. XVIII. SYMPHYOSIPHON. Filaments erect or ascending, enclosed in lamellated, hard sheaths, concreted laterally at their bases, involved in jelly. D. Rivulariea. Filaments distinctly arti- culated, with an enlarged basal cell, mostly attenuated above, connected into definite or indefinite fronds ; motionless. XIX. SCHIZOSIPHON. Basal cells glo- bose, filaments simple, distinctly articulated, mostly attenuated to wards the apex, sheathed, sheaths connate into groups, hard, dark- coloured, open and expanded above, and overlapping so as to form a succession of pchrea3 which have the free borders slit up into filaments or fringes ; also displaying a spiral-fibrous structure in dissolution. XX. PHYSACTIS. Filaments whip- shaped, torulose at the base, sheathed, sheaths simple, gelatinous ; collected into a globose and solid, or subsequently a bullose- vesicular frond; in the globose fronds the filaments radiate from the centre; in the vesicular fronds from the internal (lower) surface of the gelatinous matrix. OSMUNDA. [ 478 ] OVARY. XXI. AINACTIS. Filaments branched, articulated, with thin sheaths, collected into a solid, pulvinate frond, which is concen- trically zoned by the dichotomous branching of the filaments. Sheaths more or less soli- dified by carbonate of lime ; sometimes ex- hibiting a spiral structure in dissolution. XXII. RIVULARIA. Filaments with an oval basal cell succeeded by one of cylindric- al form (manubrium), the remainder short, attenuated in diameter upwards (whip- shaped). Sheaths sometimes saccate below, open (not fringed) above ; forming a slippery gelatinous frond. XXIII. EUACTIS. Filaments whip- shaped, with repeated ochreate sheaths, forming fronds in which they radiate, and, by superposition of successive generations, form concentric layers. The ochreate sheaths are cartilaginous, lamellated, firmly united laterally, dilated upwards (funnel-shaped), decomposed into a fringe at the open edge. XXIV. INOMERIA. Filaments whip- shaped, vertical, parallel, with obscure sheaths, everywhere decomposed into very slender filaments; forming crustaceous fronds, becoming stony. E. Leptothricece. Doubtful Oscillatoriacese. XXV. LEPTOTHRIX. Filaments very slender, neither branched, articulated, con- creted, nor sheathed. XXVI. HYPHEOTHRIX. Filaments un- branched, inarticulate, sheathed, interwoven into a more or less compact stratum. XXVII. SYMPLOCA. Filaments un- branched, inarticulate, sheathed, concreted into branches, conjoined at their bases; sheath a simple hyaline membrane. Excluded Genera. Stigonema, Ag. See EPHEBE. — Arthro- siphon,Ktz.=Petalonema. — Chthonoblastus, Ktz. = Microcoleus. — Hassallia, Berk. = Sirosiphon. — Lithonema}l^.Si&s.=Amactis. — Phormidium, Ktz . = Oscillatoria. — Sympky- othrix, Ktz. = Oscillatoria. — Spirochceta, Ehr. = Spirulina. — Spirillum, ~Ehr.=Spiru- lina, and also SPERMATOZOIDS of Mosses and Characeae. — Spirodiscus, Ehr. ? BIBL. See the genera, especially OSCIL- LATORIA and RIVULARIA, and SPIRAL STRUCTURES. OSMUNDA, Linn. — A genus of Osmun- deaeous Ferns, represented in Britain by Osmunda regalis (figs. 226, 227, p. 260), the ' Royal or Flowering Fern,' as it is termed, a large and handsome plant, found in damp situations ; riot common. OSMUNDE^E.— A tribe of Polypodea- ceous Ferns, characterized by the broad im- perfect annulus on the back of the sporanges. Synopsis of Genera. I. OSMUNDA. Sporangia borne on meta- morphosed pinnules. II. TODEA. Sporangia placed on un- changed pinnules. OTOGLENA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotato- ria, of the family Hydatinsea. Char. Eyes three ; one sessile and cervi- cal, the two others stalked and frontal. Neither jaws nor teeth present. O. papillosa. Body campanulate, turgid, rough with papillae ; aquatic ; length 1-96". BIBL. Ehrenberg. Infus. p. 453. OVA, OF ANIMALS. — The germs secreted by the ovaries. When extruded from the body, they are generally termed eggs(EGGs). See OVUM. OVARY. — The organ in which the ova or germs of the future offspring are formed and temporarily contained. The ovary consists of an outer fibrous coat, and a parenchyma or stroma. The outer coat, or tunica albuginea, is firm, white, and intimately connected with the subjacent stroma; it consists of inter- lacing bundles of areolar tissue, with but few fibres of elastic tissue. The stroma (fig. 543 e) is composed of nucleated areolar tissue, in which the fibrillae are mostly indistinct, and in it are imbedded the Graafian vesicles or follicles (fig. 543 a). Transverse section of a human ovary at the fifth month of pregnancy, a, Graafian vesicle of the under, b, of the upper surface ; c, peritoneal layer continued from the broad ligament of the uterus to the ovary, and becoming fused with d, the tunica albuginea ; in the centre are two old corpora lutea ; e, stroma of the ovary. The vesicles vary greatly in number and size ; the largest are generally nearest the OVULE. [ 479 ] OVULE. surface, and project more or less, so as to give it a nodular aspect. They are round closed sacs (fig. 544). Each possesses two Fig. 544. Graafian vesicle of the pig. «, outer, b, inner layer of the fibrous coat ; c, membrana granulosa ; d, liquid con- tained in the vesicle ; e, proligerous disk ; /, ovum with the zona pellucida, yolk and germinal vesicle. Magnified 10 diameters. coats; the outer is a fibrous and vascular layer, connected with the stroma by some- what lax areolar tissue, and which some physiologists consider as consisting of two layers. It is composed of imperfectly deve- loped nucleated areolar tissue, with nume- rous, somewhat spindle-shaped, formative cells. Lining this is a basement-membrane, which is most distinct in the young vesicles; and within this again is a layer of epithelial cells, constituting the membrana granulosa (fig. 644 c). Next the surface of the ovary, this is thickened and projects inwards, form- ing the proligerous or granular disk, e. Its component cells form several rows; they are roundish -polygonal, about 1-3000" in diameter, with comparatively large nuclei, and frequently contain granules of fat. The ovum is imbedded in this proligerous disk, e. The cavity of the Graafian vesicle contains a liquid resembling the serum of the blood ; and in it are found granules, nuclei, and cells, arising from the disintegration of the membrana granulosa. When the vesicle bursts or is opened, the ovum escapes surrounded by the cells of the proligerous disk and the adjacent part of the epithelium. In those animals in which the amount of stroma present is small in proportion to the size of the vesicles, the ovaries have a race- mose appearance. In many of the lower animals, the ovaries are tubular, the ova lying closely packed within them. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ii.; Siebold, Vergleich. Anat. OVULE or OVULUM.— The name ap- plied to the rudiment of the seed of Flower- ing Plants, produced in the ovary or germen during the development of the flower, fer- tilized by the pollen-grains when complete, and afterwards converted into a SEED by the development of the EMBRYO and other secondary structures during the conversion of the ovary into the fruit. For the general conditions of the ovules in ovaries, reference must be made to botanical works. The ovules make their appearance upon the placenta as cellular papillae rising up from its surface, and at first are simple ; this first development, the main feature of the organ, is called the nucleus (figs. 645-547). In Fig. 545. Fig. 546. Fig. 547. End --P Atropous ovules. Fig. 545. Young ovule of Chelidonium. n, nucleus ; ch, chalaza. Fig. 546. Young ovule of misletoe, consisting of a nucleus only. Fig. 547. Young ovule of walnut, consisting of a nucleus, N, with a single coat, S; End, the endo- stome or micropyle. Fig. 548. Young ovule of Polygonum. F, funiculus ; P, primine (of Mirbel) ; S, secundine ; Ex, ezostome ; End, endostome. Magnified 40 diameters. rare cases this remains naked, but in most instances one or two coats are produced, arising as circular folds near the base, and gradually growing up over the nucleus (fig. 547), leaving only a small passage at the apex, leading down to the point of the nucleus. When two coats are formed (fig. 548), the inner appears first, the outer ori- ginates later and grows up over the inner, and it is generally thicker and more deve- loped. The inner is called the secundine by Mirbel, the outer the primine (figs. 548, 549. 552 S, P). The German writers reverse these names, resting on the true order of develop- OVULE. [ 480 ] OVULE. ment. Some term them the integumentum internum and externum. The inner is the tegmen, the outer the testa of R. Brown. The passage at the apex, leading to the nucleus, is called the micropyle ; sometimes the orifice in the outer coat is distinguished from that in the inner coat, and they are termed respectively exostome and endostome (fig. 552). While the nucleus and coats are becoming perfected, one of the cells situated near the apex of the nucleus takes on a pecu- liar character, becoming more developed than the rest, and often causing the absorption of part (or sometimes the whole) of the tissue of the nucleus ; it appears at length as a large sac occupying the centre of the ovule ; this is the embryo-sac (fig. 549). The base Fig. 549. Sections of atropous ovule of Polygonum. P, primine ; S, secundine ; N, nucleus ; SE, em- bryo-sac ; V. e, PI, nascent embryo. Magnified 20 diameters. of the ovule is pushed up from the surface of the placenta during its development so as to appear at length supported on a stalk of vari- able length, this is termed ihefuniculus (figs. 548 F, 552/) ; the point of attachment of this stalk to the body of the ovule (marked by a scar when the ripe seed separates) is called the hilum. That region of the interior where the lower parts of the coats are confluent 551. Section of campylitropous ovule of the wallflower. C, chalaza ; N, nucleus ; S, inner coat ; P, outer coat. Magnified 20 diameters. with the base of the nucleus, is called the chalaza (fig. 551 C). The form of ovules is much affected by excessive development of its constituent parts in special directions before the fertilization. If all parts grow equally, the complete ovule is erect on the placenta, with its hilum and also the chalaza turned towards the latter, and its micropyle at the opposite free end ; such an ovule is technically termed atropous or orthotropous (figs. 546-550). Very fre- Fig. 553. Fig. 554. Magnified 40 diameters. Fig. 555. Fig. 556, Magnified 20 diameters. Amphitropous ovule of Mallow in different stages. Fig. 556. Section. quently an excessive growth takes place at one side of the coats of the ovule, so that the chalaza is carried up and directed away from the placenta, the micropyle being at the same time turned down towards the latter ; but as the growth is in the coats of the ovule, the hilum remains at the base, near where the micropyle arrives ; such an ovule is termed anatropous (fig. 120, p. 131). The hilum is then connected with the chalaza by a ridge (a kind of adherent funiculus) called the raphe. In other cases the form becomes altered by the point of the ovule turning down, and the entire structure beco- OVULE. [ 481 ] OVULE. ming folded or bent upon itself, without disturbance of the relative positions of the hilum and chalaza, while micropyle is brought down, as in the anatropous ovule, to the vicinity of the hilum. This form is termed campylitropous (fig. 55 1) . Other conditions occur less frequently, among which is the amphitropous form (figs. 555 & 556). During these developments the embryo- sac also undergoes various changes. Some- times, as in the Orchidaceae, it expands so as to obliterate all the tissue of the nucleus, and appears like a simple sac enclosed by the coats ; in the Scrophulariaceae and other orders it produces peculiar lobes or pouches at various points ; in the Santalacese it grows out from the summit of the nucleus, as a free, naked, tubular process, &c. Up to this point the differences in ovules are such as may be termed secondary, but a primary distinction now comes into view, connected also with a difference in the external conditions, affording grounds for the division of the Flowering Plants into two great classes. In the Coniferae and Cyca- dacese the ovules are developed upon open carpels, and consequently the micropyle may receive the pollen-grains immediately, when expelled from the anthers. Plants exhibiting this condition are termed GYMNOSPERMS, or naked-seeded. In the Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons the carpels are always closed up into cases or ovaries, surmounted by a stigma, sessile or elevated upon a style, and the pollen, falling upon the stigma, produces there its pollen-tubes, which pass down through what is called the conducting tissue of the style and upper part of the ovary, on to the placentas, where they make their way to the micropyles of the ovules. Plants ex- hibiting these conditions are distinguished as ANGIOSPERMS or covered seeded. The next phenomena which characterize the development of the ovules of the Angio- sperms may be briefly given as follows. The formation of the embryo-sac has already been described. Shortly before the opening of the flower, in most cases this sac is more or less densely filled with granular proto- plasm, in which a variable number of nuclei may be seen (PL 38. figs. 1-7). About the time when the pollen-grains are discharged from the anthers, a number of minute free cells may be discovered in the embryo-sac, usually three, more rarely one, of these being crowded into the upper end of the embryo- sac and constituting what are called the germinal vesicles (PL 38. fig. 4). Others, which often occur in the embryo-sac, are generally collected near the bottom of the embryo-sac ; they are apparently character- istic of particular families only; in some plants they are very large, as in the Crocus. About this time the embryo-sac often exhi- bits asymmetrical growth, forming pouches or processes, sometimes at the summit, sometimes at the base. When the pollen -grains fall upon the stigma, they produce their pollen-tubes (See POLLEN), which pass down through the conducting tissue, and enter the micropyles of the ovules. When they reach the apex of the embryo-sac, they either stop, often swelling a little, or they pass down a short way over its side (PL 38. fig. 5). Not un- frequently two pollen-tubes are found engaged in the micropyle of the same ovule. It is not absolutely known whether the cavities of the pollen-tube and the embryo- sac become actually continuous by absorption of the walls at the point of attachment ; it is generally believed not, but we have recently had occasion to feel some doubt on this point. Soon after the pollen-tube has reached the point of the embryo-sac, one (rarely two, giving rise to POLYEMBRYONY) of the germinal vesicles becomes richer in protoplasm, and usually changes from a sphe- rical to an oval form, a transverse septum soon dividing it into two. Most frequently the elongation continues, with a successive formation of septa, until the nascent embryo appears as a rounded or oval cellule sus- pended at the base of a simple confervoid filament (suspensor) ; in other cases the for- mation of the first transverse septum is followed by the expansion into two globular cellules connected by a narrow neck, the upper, almost devoid of contents, constitu- ting the suspensor (Potamogeton, Zanni- chellia) ; in Orchis, the upper of the first two cells grows upwards and outwards, as a blind septate confervoid filament, through and beyond the micropyle of the ovule. In Tro- pcsolum and Zea, the suspensor becomes more complex, by formation of perpendicular septa. In all cases the end-cell (embryonal vesicle], at the point of the suspensor, which always appears densely filled with protoplasm, ultimately enlarges, and by segmentation is converted into the embryo (PL 38. fig. 6). During the early development of the embryo, the embryo-sac is often found more or less densely filled with free cells formed from its protoplasm (endosperm-cells). These are generally absorbed and disappear during 2i OVULE. [ 482 ] OVULE. the growth of the embryo, this ultimately filling the embryo-sac. In the Nymphse- acese, however, these cells remain, forming an inner ENDOSPERM or ALBUMEN, in addition to that formed from the body of the nucleus. In other cases (those of exalbumi- nous seeds) the embryo not only displaces these internal endosperm-cells, but in the course of its growth causes the absorption of the tissue of the nucleus, and ultimately constitutes the entire seed, enclosed only by the true integuments. The remaining cha- racters are given under ALBUMEN and EM- BRYO. We must not omit to notice the views entertained by Schleiden with regard to the origin of the embryo. This author believes that the embryonal vesicle is the swollen and subsequently detached end of the pollen-tube, which enters the embryo-sac, and progressing to a variable distance, there itself constitutes the suspensor. Only one author, Schacht, perseveres with Schleiden in maintaining this view. Tulasne, however, is in doubt whether the germinal vesicles exist before the pollen-tube enters the micro- pyle. We have certainly seen them before, but entertain great doubt whether they possess a cellulose coat before impregnation. Recent observations on the ovule ofSantalum album lead us to imagine that they receive the influence of the pollen while in the state of nucleated protoplasmic corpuscles, analo- gous to the unimpregnated spores of Fucus. In the Gymnospermous Flowering Plants (Coniferse, "&c.), the ovule, consisting of a cellular nucleus and a single coat, is placed upon an open carpel, and its widely-open micropyle receives the pollen-grain directly. At the period of impregnation, the embryo- sac is a cavity deeply seated in the tissue of the nucleus ; it is formed by the coalescence and expansion of several cells (in the Yew there are often at first three embryo-sacs). In the embryo-sac a number of free nuclei soon appear, and numerous free (endosperm-) cells are formed. In many of the Abietineae this goes on until the spring following the impregnation. Ultimately the embryo-sac is found to have increased to more than twenty times its original size, with the endo- sperm-cells applied in layers over the inside of its walls, increasing in number until the cavity is filled up. Then a certain number of cells (from three to eight in different genera), situated near the micropyle end, but each in the layer next but one to the wall of the embryo-sac, — become enlarged, and the cells intervening between these en- larged ones (secondary embryo-sacs) and the wall of the original embryo-sac, become divided by two perpendicular septa standing at right angles into four cells. A central intercellular passage then appears at the contiguous angles of these four cells. These new bodies, which closely resemble the archegonia of the LYCOPODIACE^E, were called corpuscula by Mr. Brown, who dis- covered them. Free cells are next formed in the secondary embryo-sacs of the corpuscula, several at the upper, one at the lower end. The pol- len-tubes now advance, breaking down the tissue of the nucleus, until their points reach the corpuscula, and one then makes its way down the intercellular canal of each, to reach its secondary embryo-sac; the free cell at the base of this (germinal vesicle) then be- comes divided into four collateral cells, these multiply again, and subsequently the cellular body (proembryo) so formed, breaks through the base of the secondary embryo-sac, and grows down in the substance of the lower part of the nucleus, which is now in a state of semi-solution. The proembryo then se- parates into four cords (corresponding to its four primary cells), and these filaments (sus- pensors) terminate in rounded cells, which divide into four, each of which is an em- bryonal vesicle ; so that there are now four times as many rudimentary embryos as there are corpuscula. Out of all these, only one ultimately remains and becomes perfectly developed ; the rest are absorbed during the ripening of the seed. In the latter, the per- fect embryo is found lying in a mass of albu- men formed of the nucleus, but its radicle, developed at the point of junction of the suspensor, never becomes very clearly defined at its extremity, but remains organically continuous with the albumen. It should be stated that Schleiden. and Schacht affirm here also that the proembryos are really formed from the extremities of the pollen- tubes which enter into the archegonia. Other points relating to the development of ovules will be found under POLYEM- BRYONY, SEEDS, and CELL-FORMATION. The methods of investigating the develop- ment of ovules are simple in their nature but rather difficult in practice. The ordi- nary plan is to place an ovule between the thumb and fore-finger of the left hand, and with a very sharp razor cut it into two un- equal pieces, in the direction of the axis. The larger of the two being then laid on its flat side on the finger (by the aid of a mounted OVUM. [ 483 ] OVUM. needle), another slice is made so as to leave a section preserving all the central part of the ovule. This adheres either to the finger or the razor, and a drop of water should be placed on it to free it ; then it may be trans- ferred to a slide with a very fine camel's- hair pencil. Examined under a low power (a half-inch), it will be probably found to require further dissection, with exceedingly fine needles, under a simple lens ; sometimes mere pressure is of service. For the minute details, the quarter and eighth object-glasses will require to be applied. We have found ovules which have been kept in spirit easier to dissect ; when fresh, the cell-membranes are excessively delicate. It need scarcely be added, that ovules require to be examined in all stages in order to understand their developmental characters; and the student must not be disheartened by the failure of a large proportion of his sections to afford satisfactory observations. BIBL. Works on Physiological Botany; Amici, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vii. p. 193; Mohl, ibid. ix. p. 24; Miiller, ibid. p. 33 (abstracted from the Botanische Zeitung, 1847); Hofmeister, DieEnstehung des Em- bryo, Leipsic,1849 (abstr. iuAnn. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xi. 375), Vergleich. Untersuch. Leipsic, 1841, Flora, 1851. p. 450, 1855. p. 257; Tulasne, Etudes, fyc., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. i. p. 49, ix. p. 442, Ann, des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xii. p. 21 ; Henfrey, Linnean Trans, xxi. p. 7; Schleiden, Enstek. d. Eichens, Nova Acta, xix. p. 29, Grilndzuae, 3rd ed. Bd. ii. p. 339 ; Schacht, Entwick. des Pflanzenemb. Verh. Nederlandsch. K. Inst. 1850 (abstr. Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xv. p. 80), Beitr. z. Anat. u. Phys. Berlin, 1854, Flora, 1855. p. 145; Criiger, Bot. Zeit. iv. p. 57 (1851); Mohl, Botan. Zeit. xiii. p. 385 (1855). OVUM, OF ANIMALS. — Several points in regard to the structure of the ovum, and the nature of the changes which it under- goes at different periods of its development, are in doubt and obscurity. The first perceptible trace of the ovum existing within the ovary is formed by a very minute granule or globule, not sur- rounded by a cell- wall. This gradually en- larges, and when it has attained a certain size, being still very minute, a smaller sphe- rical globule forms in its interior. The mi- nute internal globule is the germinal spot, and the external globule is the so-called ger- minal vesicle. It appears, however, that in some cases the germinal spot is formed first and the germinal vesicle subsequently. When these have still further grown, a cell- wall separated by a slight interspace forms around the ger- minal vesicle, and this interspace contains a transparent liquid. Minute granules then arise in the liquid, which becomes inspissated, and subsequently a number of globules of sarcode become perceptible in it. This mass forms the yolk. When this unimpregnated ovum has attained considerable development, it is found to consist of the following parts : an outer structureless coat, sometimes of considerable thickness, and then appearing under the microscope as a white ring (fig. 55 7«), the zona pellucida or chorion ; within Fig. 557. Human ovum from a Graafian vesicle of moderate size, a, vitelline membrane or zona pellucida ; b, outer boun- dary of the yolk and inner boundary of the zona ; c, ger- minal vesicle with the germinal spot, Magnified 250 diameters. this the vitellus or yolk, consisting of a more or less inspissated medium, and containing granules and globules of sarcode, or con- densed yolk-substance (b); the germinal ve- sicle (c), and the germinal spot. The glo- bules are sometimes transparent or slightly granular, at others they contain one or seve- ral vacuoles ; they are known as the yolk- cells or globules, and are frequently aggre- gated into little groups. The yolk, as it ap- proaches maturity, frequently becomes co- loured ; it is usually whitish or pale yellow in the mammalia, reptiles, and fishes; bright yellow or reddish in many birds ; and green, blue, violet, or red in the invertebrata. According to the cell-theory, viewing the ovum as a simple cell, the germinal spot re- presents the nucleolus, the germinal vesicle the nucleus, the zoiia pellucida the cell- wall, and the yolk the cell-contents. At a subsequent period the yolk becomes surrounded by a distinct, delicate, structure- less cell-membrane, lying within the chorion, and forming the vitelline membrane. The ovum of man and the mammalia dif- fers from that of the lower animals in its re- markably small size, which depends upon the extremely small quantity of yolk entering into its composition. The mature ovum of 2i2 OVUM. [ 484 ] OXYRRHIS. man and mammalia averages about 1-150 to 1-200" in diameter, being rarely 1-100". Another peculiarity consists in their ova, in- stead of being in immediate contact by means of their chorion or outer envelope, with the stroma of the ovary, or being loose within the cavity of the latter, as in other animals, are enclosed in distinct larger cells, — the Graafian vesicles. When the ovum of the mammalia leaves the ovary, a portion of the proligerous disk is seen to be adherent to it. In other ani- mals new layers are secreted upon the out- side of the ova by the oviduct or ovary, as in the eggs of birds, insects, &c. On the escape of the ovum from the ovary, the phenomena which ensue vary according to whether the ovum has been impregnated or not. In both cases the germinal vesicle and spot disappear; an interspace, filled with albuminous liquid, occurs between the yolk and the zona pellucida ; the ovum be- comes covered with cilia, and undergoes a regular motion of rotation, and certain move- ments and changes in form of the yolk-sub- stance, which forms Amceba-like processes, have been noticed. In the unimpregnated ovum, decay and decomposition subsequently take place. The essential part of the process of im- pregnation is the perforation of the vitelline membrane by the spermatozoa, and their entrance into the yolk, in which they subse- quently dissolve. In the impregnated ovum, the germinal vesicle soon disappears, the chorion becomes thinner, the ovum grows, and the yolk begins to undergo the process of segmentation ; but just before this process commences, one or two globules separate from the substance of the yolk, being apparently pressed out of it, and occupy the interspace between the yolk and the chorion ; these globules subse- quently dissolve in the liquid. The process of segmentation has been de- scribed under CELLS (p. 115); but according to another account, it takes place thus : — at first a notch or slight indentation appears on some part of the surface of the yolk ; this becomes deeper and deeper, so as to encircle the yolk with an annular depression. Soon after the commencement of this, a clear spot appears in the centre of each circumscribed portion of the yolk. The depression be- coming deeper, the yolk is divided into two distinct portions. The process is continued in the case of each of these in exactly the same manner, and in that of the segments arising from their subdivision also, each simultaneously acquiring a clear spot, until the yolk appears entirely composed of innu- merable small bodies, having the appearance of nucleated cells. Finally, these become very minute, and the yolk acquires much the appearance it had before impregnation. Cells then form in the yolk, as in an ordi- nary blastema, from without inwards, and from the spot originally occupied by the germinal vesicle as a centre, and from these the tissues of the embryo are formed. According to this description, which is most probably correct, the segmentation is not a process of cell-division or endogenous cell-formation, and the nuclear spots would correspond to portions of the yolk-substance from which the granules and globules of sarcode were absent. In unimpregnated ova, segmentation takes place to a certain extent, but irregularly and incompletely. In the impregnated ova of some animals, as in some of the Batrachia, most fishes and Cephalopods, the segmentation is only par- tial, a portion of the yolk remaining as at first. The study of ova and their changes is very difficult. The most favourable objects for the purpose exist perhaps in those of the aquatic Mollusca ; the ova of insects, as the large species of Musca, of species of Pulex, &c., are also easily accessible. Some import- ant results have been obtained with the ova of the frog (frog's spawn). BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr.Anat.ii.', Al. Thom- son, Cycl. Anat. fyc., art. Ovum ; Vogt, Phy- siol. Brief e ; Keber, De sperm, intr. in ovula; Bischoif, Widerlegung des v. Keber behaupt. Eindringens d. Sperm, in das Ei; id. Be- st'dtigung d. von Newport behaupt. Eindring. 8fc.y and numerous other memoirs; New- port, Phil. Trans. 1851 and 1853 ; Siebold, Vergleich.Anat.', Wagner, Elements of Phy- siology, by Willis ; V. Beneden, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 3 ser. xiii. OXALATES. See the bases. OXYGONIUM, Presl.— A genus of Di- plasieae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. OXYRRHIS, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, belonging to the family of Thecamonadina. Char. Body ovoid-oblong, rugose, ob- liquely notched in front and prolonged into a point ; several flagelliform filaments arising laterally from the bottom of the notch. O. marina (PL 24. fig. 54). Body colour- less, subcylindrical, rounded behind; marine; length 1-500". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 34/. OXYTRICHA. [ 485 ] PACINIAN CORPUSCLES. OXYTRICHA, Bory, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Oxytrichina. Char. Neither styles, hooks, nor horns present. Ehrenberg describes eight species; some are marine, others aquatic. O. pellionella, E. (PI. 24. fig. 52). Body whitish, smooth, slightly depressed, equally rounded at the ends, often somewhat broader in the middle ; head not distinct ; mouth ciliated ; tail with bristles. Aquatic ; length 1-720 to 1-280". 0. ffibba, E. (PI. 24. fig. 53). Body white, lanceolate, obtuse at each end, ventricose in the middle ; ventral surface flat, with a dou- ble row of seta3; mouth large, rounded. Aquatic; length 1-240". Dujardin places his genus Oxytricha among the Keronia, with the characters : body soft, flexible, oval or oblong, more or less de- pressed, with cirrhi or larger non-vibratile cilia in the form of bristles or styles, but without horns ; and describes nine species, mostly not corresponding to those of Ehren- ic whole requires revision. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 363; Dujar- din, In/us, p. 416. OXYTRICHINA, Ehr.— A family of In- fusoria. Char. Carapace absent; alimentary ori- fices two, neither terminal ; body furnished with vibratile cilia and bristles, non-vibratile styles or hooks. Body depressed ; locomotive organs prin- cipally situated upon the under surface. Propagation by longitudinal and transverse division, and by the periodical formation of egg-like granules. The five genera are thus distinguished : Cilia and bristles present, but no styles nor hooks. No anterior horns Oxytricha. Anterior horns present Ceratidium. Cilia present, with styles or hooks, or both. Hooks present, but no styles Kerona. Styles present, no hooks Urostyla. Both styles and hooks present Stylonichia. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 362. OXYURIS, Rud. See ASCARIS. OYSTER (Ostrea).—A genus of Lamelli- branchiate Mollusca. The gills of O. edulis, the common oyster, show the ciliary movement ; but it is not so easily seen in this as in the marine mussel. The shells of the fry or ' embryo-oysters ' exhibit the black cross and an imperfect set of coloured rings with polarized light. P. PACHNOCYBE, Berk.— A genus of Stil - bacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), somewhat confused at present withDor«£omyces,Corda, and Periconia, Nees. These plants have an erect filiform stem, composed of conjoined filaments, capitulate above, the head being pruinose (not flocculent), with crowded sim- ple spores. The pedicels are mostly brownish or blackish, the spores light-coloured ; the entire plants from 1-24 to 1-6" high. Seve- ral species occur on rotten wood, stems, &c. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 333, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 465; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 467. PACHYGNATHUS, Duges.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Trombidina. Char. Palpi conical, last joint scarcely forming a claw ; mandibles stout, chelate ; body entire, narrowed in front; coxae distant; legs gressorial, sixth joint very long, seventh very short; anterior legs longest and stoutest. P. velutinus (PI. 2. fig. 34), the only spe- cies. Found in autumn, under damp stones. The hairs covering the body are short, flat, and curved, giving it a velvety aspect. Body inflated, narrowed in front, the narrowed portion with two projecting brownish eyes. The insertions of the legs are in two groups, not far distant from each other nor from the median line ; second pair of legs shortest ; in all the sixth joint is very long, the seventh very short and narrow (6), as in Tetranychus, Megamerus, and Raphignathus ; claws two, large ; rostrum projecting ; palpi (a) short, about twice the length of the labium ; man- dibles chelate or like a lobster's claw, very large and stout at the base. Movement slow. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2nd ser. ii. p. 54 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apter. iii. p. 171. PACINIAN CORPUSCLES. — These curious organs are found as terminations of the spinal nerves in the skin and subcuta- neous tissue of the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot, the fingers and toes, in the sympathetic semilunar ganglia, the mesen- tery, &c. They are elliptical or pear-shaped, whitish, about 1-25 to l-6th in diameter. Each con- sists of from twenty to sixty concentric layers of areolar tissue (fig. 558), the inter- spaces between the outer being considerable, those between the inner being small, and PADINA. [ 486 ] PADINA. filled with a clear serous liquid, contained in largest quantity in the central cavity of the Fig. 558. A human Pacinian corpuscle, a, stalk ; b, nerve-fibre | within it ; c, outer, d, inner layers of the sheath ; e, pale nerve-fibre in the central cavity ; /, its branches and ter- mination. Magnified 350 diameters. innermost layers. Each is also furnished with a stalk, containing a slender branch of a nerve, which passes from the stalk into the central space, in the upper part of which it terminates frequently in two or three branches, each with a free granular tubercle. The nerve-fibre contains no white substance. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii., and the Bibl. therein. PADINA, Adanson. — A genus of Dictyo- lacese (Fucoid Algse), containing one species, P. Pavonia (fig. 559), found rarely in sum- mer and autumn on the south coast of Eng- land. The fan-shaped or reniform fronds grow in tufts, and are 2 to 5" high, sometimes entire, sometimes cleft (fig. 559). They are Fig. 559. Fadina Pavonia. Frond, one-third natural size. marked with concentric zones. The sub- stance is parenchymatous, the number of layers of cells diminishing with the thickness and solidity from the base to the edges. The back of the frond is covered by a layer of cells much smaller than the rest, forming a kind of epidermis, which ultimately ac- quires a thickish cuticular layer. The grow- ing edge of the frond is rolled backwards (circinate) and fringed. The fructification occurs in linear concentric sori, on the co- loured zones of the frond. The pear-shaped spore-sacs (fig. 560) originate from cells of Fig. 560. Vertical section of a frond at a concentric zone, made in a radial direction, cutting through the sorus of spore- sacs and a line of hairs. The indusial layer of cuticle has been omitted by the artist. Magnified 50 diameters. the epidermal layer, which take on special development, and in the course of their growth push up and finally burst through the loosened cuticular layer which originally clothed them, so that the latter form a kind of indusium like that of the Ferns. The spore-sacs produce each four spores, which separate after their escape from the sac. The zones of the sori alternate with zones composed of tufts of jointed hairs placed in PALMELLA. [ 487 ] PALMELLACEJE. corresponding lines (fig. 560). Thuret states that he has never found antheridia hitherto, and he believes that Agardh mistook the hairs or paranemata for them. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 37. pi. 6 C, Phyc. Brit. pi. 91 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 10; Agardh, Sp. Alg. i. p. 112; Nageli, Neuer. Algensyst. p. 180. pi. 5; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 12; Kiitz. Phyc. generalis, pi. 22; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc. (Ray Soc. Vol. 1853), p. 79. PALMELLA, Lyngbye. — A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae), of which the best-known example is the common P. cru- enta (PL 3. fig. 3 a). This plant, very com- mon on damp walls in shaded places, appears at first in the form of rosy gelatinous patches; these spread and become confluent until the mass extends sometimes over a great extent of surface, as a tough, gelatinous, irregular mass, of the colour and general appearance of coagulated venous blood; when dried up in this state, it forms a horny, somewhat crumb- ling stratum; if placed in water, portions float to the top in pellucid rosy masses of jelly. In its natural habitats its colour and general appearance become disguised when old by the admixture of Oscillatoriece, and other Confervoid growths. When placed under the microscope, the frond appears to be composed of a colourless homogeneous jelly, in which are imbedded globular cells, single or in pairs (from divi- sion), of a beautiful rose-colour (fig. 3 a, b} ; by the application of reagents, these may be shown to possess a proper membranous coat (c). The contents of the cells appear uniformly granular (b, c), and it would ap- pear that, besides increasing by division, the cells also burst and discharge their con- tents, since patches of minute granules occur imbedded in the jelly (lower figs, of b}, pro- bably destined to grow up into the ordinary cells. No zoospores, nor the remarkable phenomena generally that occur in Proto- coccus, have yet been observed in this, which appears to be a very distinct genus. The jelly of full-grown fronds (which appears to be derived from the gelatinous softening of the coats of the parent-cells of the successive generations of cells) is often over-grown and traversed by minute filamentous structures, which at first sight seem to belong to it ; but on the application of a high power are found to consist of a very minute Nostochaceous plant, apparently the Anabaina subtilissima of Kiitzing, or Vibrio Bacillus, Ehr. (PL 3. fig. 21), which we find to occur commonly among the Palmellaceous Algae. P. cruenta has received an extraordinary number of generic names : Tremella, Byssus, Thelephora, Sarcoderma, Phytoconis, Por- phyridium, Globulina, Coccochloris, and Chaos (I). From the examination of specimens of the true " red snow," brought home by Captain Parry (for which we are indebted to Mr. Brown), we incline to regard this as a Pal- mella, distinct generically from the Proto- coccus or Hcematococcus pluvialis of the German writers, with which it is commonly associated. Our specimens consist of a tough, colourless gelatinous substance, containing globular cells differing only in size (PL 3. fig. 3 d) from those of Palmella cruenta ; and in the jelly occur also abundance of the minute granules or cellules, which are the discharged contents of the larger cells. The red cells of the red-snow plant turn green when ex- posed to light, if kept moist. More par- ticulars are given on this subject under RED SNOW and RUBEFACTION OF WATER, and PROTOCOCCUS. Other species of Palmella are described, but most of them are too imperfectly known to allow of definite characters being given ; P. rosea is perhaps a good species. The forms with a definite frond formerly placed here, P. protuberans, botryoides, &c., will be found under COCCOCHLORIS. BIBL. Eng. Botany (as Tremella cruenta), pi. 1800; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Alg. pi. 205 ; Meneghini, Monogr. Nostoc. (Trans. Turin Acad. ser. 2. v.), pi. 6 ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. pi. 80; Nageli, Einzell. Alg. p. 66. pi. 4 D (as Porphyridium), p. 71. pi. 4 H; Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 211. See also under RED SNOW. PALMELLACE^.— A family of Coufer- void Algae, consisting of gelatinous or pul- verulent crusts, growing on damp surfaces, in fresh water or in the sea ; composed of globular or elliptical cells, either more or less adherent together into a definite or in- definite pseudo-membrane orfrond, or loosely aggregated within a definitely or indefinitely formed gelatinous matrix, or loosely coherent in the form of a pulverulent crust. Some authors have imagined that the cells of Coc- cochloris or Palmella are attached to fila- ments included in the gelatinous frond : this is an error (see PALMELLA). Yellowish or bluish-green, or red, often varying from green to red, and vice versa, during the course of development. Increased by cell-division PALMELLACE.E. [ 488 ] PALMBLLACE2E. into two or four, and by ciliated zoospores. Many exhibit three forms, — 1. active; 2. quietly vegetating by subdivision ; 3. resting form, with a tough membrane. Synopsis of British and some allied Conti- nental Genera. I. CHLOROCOCCUM, Ag. Frond pulveru- lent, scarcely existing, consisting of a dryish stratum; cells with a simple coat, loosely coherent, with little amorphous gelatinous matter. II. PROTOCOCCUS, Ag. Frond a slimy stratum composed of cells irregularly cohe- rent, with little mucus. Dissolving in water into free cells, dividing into two and four ciliated zoospores. III. PALMELLA, Lyngb. Frond a tough amorphous jelly ; cells with a simple indi- stinct coat, imbedded in abundant gelatinous matter, containing numerous very minute granules. IV. UROCOCCUS, Hass. Frond gelatinous, cells with a single coat imbedded in the ends of striated mucous tubes, which constitute the gelatinous mass of the frond. V. GLQEOCAPSA, Kiitz. Frond very mi- nute, gelatinous, composed of cells enclosed in wide gelatinous coats, these again en- closed in fours in a gelatinous mother-cell, the latter again encased in like manner, and so on, the older coats gradually becoming indistinct and mucous. VI. MERISMOP^EDIA, Meyen. Frond very minute, flat, squarish, floating, com- posed of cells coherent in fours and sixteens into a gelatinous plate (see SARCINA). VII. COCCOCHLORIS, Sprengel. Frond gelatinous, globose, composed of minute cells imbedded, scattered, or agglomerated in a continuous gelatinous substance. VIII. HORMOSPORA, Breb. Frond a ge- latinous, simple or branched tube, broad, soft and transparent, containing a single row of cells approximated in twos or fours. IX. HYDRURUS, Ag. Frond filiform, attached, slippery, simple or branched, com- posed of tough gelatinous material, contain- ing longitudinal rows of cells. X. TETRASPORA, Link. Frond more or less definite, foliaceous, gelatinous, contain- ing imbedded cells, arranged in distant groups of four, or occasionally of two. XI. BOTRYDINA, Breb. Frond very mi- nute, subglobose, consisting of a vesicle with the wall composed of a single layer of pa- renchymatous cells, containing free cells in the interior, finally discharged. XII. SCHIZOCHLAMYS, A. Br. Stratum gelatinous, composed of aggregated distinct cells, the contents of which divide into two or four portions, and escape by the regular fission of the cell-membrane into two or four segmental fragments. XIII. APIOCYSTIS, Nag. Frond very minute, bladder-shaped, attached, enclosing cells (gonidia) arranged in fours upon the wall, subsequently breaking out and swarm- ing. XIV. PALMODICTYON, Ktz. Frond ge- latinous, filiform, branched; branches reti- cularly divided and anastomosing, composed of large vesicular cells containing minute coloured cells, the minute cells escaping as zoospores. Doubtful organism. SARCINA, Goodsir. Fronds (?) flat, ex- tremely minute, squarish, tough, formed of coherent squarish cells, combined in quater- nate groups to the number of eight, sixteen or sixty-four. Found floating free in the liquid of the human stomach, &c. Excluded genera (doubtful). Htematococcus, Ag. = Protococcus. Polycoccus, Kiitz. = Protococcus. Exococcus, Nageli = ? Sorospora, Hass. = Glceocapsa or Proto- coccus. Characium, Al. Braun = apparently the germinating gonidium of an (Edogonium, producing zoospores. Microcystis, Kg. Probably a resting form of Euglena. Anacystis, Kg. Do. Caelocystis, Kg. Do. Polycystis, Kg. Do. Botryococcus, Kg. Do. Botryocystis, Kg. = Form of Volvox ? Cylindrocystis, Breb. =Palmoglcea, Kiitz. Microhaloa, Kg. = Protococcus and Pal- mella. Trichodictyon, Kg. = ? Trichocystis, Kg. = Actinophryst Palmophyllum, Kg. = Prasiola ? Gomphosphceria. Kg.=young ColeocJKete! Palmodictylon, Nag. = germinating spores of a moss ? Chroococcus, Nag. = Protococcus. Aphanocapsa, Nag. = Palmella. Calosphcerium, Nag. = Coccochloris. Synechococcus, Nag. = Protococcus. Glceothece, Nag. = Palmoglcea ? Aphanothece, Nag. = Palmella ? Pleurococcus, Menegh. = Protococcus. PALMODACTYLON. [ 489 ] PAPER. Gloeocystis, Nag. = Glaeocapsa. Porphyridium, Nag. = Palmella cruenta. Dictyosphcerium, Nag. = Palmella ? Stichococcus, Nag. = Protococcus. Nephrocytium, Nag. = decomposing spores of Spirogyra ? Cystococcus, Nag. = Protococcus. Dactylococcus, Nag. = Protococcus. Ophiocytium, Nag. = ? Chlamidomonas, Ehr. = Protococcus. Chlamidococcus, Al. Br. = Protococcus. GlcBococcus, A. Br. = Coccochloris! Chytridium, A. Br,= probably a form ana- logous to Characium, A. Br. (». sup.). PALMODACTYLON, Ktz. — Perhaps germinating spores of a Moss. PALMODICTYON, Ktz. — A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algae), described as possessing a frond which appears like a delicate network to the naked eye, of gelati- nous texture, and consisting of anastomosing branches, each composed (in P. viride) of a single or double row of large vesicular cells, 1-600 to 1-960" in diam. These contain a pair of elliptical green cellules, 1-3000" in diameter, which ultimately escape as active zoospores. This genus appears nearly re- lated to HYDRURUS and TETRASPORA. P. rufescens, Ktz., doubtfully referred here, is larger ; it occurs near Aberdeen. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Ala. p. 234, Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pi. 31. PALMOGLGEA, Kiitz. (Cylindrocystis, Menegh.). See COCCOCHLORIS. PALMOPHYLLUM, Ktz. — Perhaps a Prasiola. PALUDELLA, Ehr.— A genus of Meesia- cese, having only one representative, which occurs in Britain, P. squarrosa =. Bryum squarrosum, L. PALUDICELLA, Gervais.— A genus of Polypi, of the order Bryozoa, and family Paludicellaida3. Char. Polypidom fixed, filamentous, dif- fusely and irregularly branched, coriaceous, consisting of a single row of club-shaped cells arranged end to end ; apertures unila- teral, tubular, placed near the broad end of each cell; tentacular disk circular, with a single row of free tentacles. P. articulata. The only species ; olive- green ; polypes ascidian. Aquatic ; diameter of filaments about 1-30 to 1-20". BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 405; Allman, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. 331, and Proc. Irish Acad. 1843. PANDORINA, Bory.— A genus of Vol- vocineae (Confervoid Algae), the individuals of which consist of a globular hyaline vesicle enclosing a mulberry-like assemblage of green ciliated bodies, whose cilia project through the enveloping membrane, and effect a slow rotatory motion. The green bodies resemble those of Volvox and Gonium, and the solitary active forms of Protococcus. Ehrenberg says they have but one cilium ; this seems doubtful, and it is very possible that these objects are forms of Volvox. P. Morum is 1-120" in diameter, its green corpuscles 1-1150". (See VOLVOX.) BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 53; Dujardin, In/us, p. 317. PANOPHRYS, Duj.— A term proposed to designate certain Bursarice, E., in which the row of larger cilia leading to the mouth, characteristic of Bursaria, D., is absent. Dujardin's specific names are new, al- though the species are old ! P.farcta, D. = Bursaria vernalis, B. leu- cos, and B. flava of Ehrenberg. P. chrysalis (PI. 24. fig. 55). Marine. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 491. PANTOTRICHUM, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Cyclidina. Char. Body turgid, covered with vibratile cilia. Aquatic. P. lagenula, E. (PL 24. fig. 58). Body ovate, equally rounded at each end, yellow- ish ; tegument produced anteriorly in the form of a neck or truncate rostrum ; length 1-1080 to 1-580". P. volvox, E. Probably a young Para- mecium (Dujardin). P. enchelys, E. = Enchelys nodulosa, D. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 247; Dujar- din, Infus. p. 388. PAPER. — Only a few general observations can be made under this head. Ordinary paper, as is well known, is generally manu- factured from rags of linen or cotton fabrics, so that it consists of a kind of felt of the fibres of cotton or flax ; but other substances, such as straw, for instance, are now coming into use, from the growing scarcity of rags. The manipulation to which the material is subjected, together with the effect of fre- quent washing in the case of rags, affects the characters of the fibres to some extent, and the cellulose is in some cases already brought into that state in which iodine co- lours it blue. The addition of sulphuric acid and iodine always colours the fibres of paper blue ; and care must be taken on this account to avoid errors from the accidental presence of them, when blotting-paper is used to ab- sorb these reagents when applied to objects PAPER, METEORIC. [ 490 ] PARAMECIUM. on a slide. The determination of the nature of the filaments of which a paper is com- posed, by the aid of the microscope, would require a very thorough knowledge of the characters of vegetable fibres, and we should imagine could scarcely be very decisive in most cases, except so far as distinguishing between classes of substances, as between parenchymatous and filamentous or fibrous substances, &c. Rice-paper, as it is termed, is a totally different material, consisting of thin layers, cut by a peculiar operation, of the pith of Aralia papyri/era, a Chinese Araliaceous tree; this consists of parenchymatous cel- lulose tissue. Papyrus, consisting of pressed superposed laminse of the pith of Papyrus plant (Pa- pyrus antiquorum, a kind of Sedge), exhibits the lax parenchymatous structure character- istic of similar tissues, such as the pith of Rushes, &c. PAPER,METEORTC,andAEROPHYTES. The structure and origin of these substances are the same as that of the so-called natural flannel (FLANNEL). They were formerly regarded as of meteoric origin. They have been observed in some instances to fall from the air, having been wafted perhaps many miles from their place of formation by whirl- winds and hurricanes. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abhandl. d. Berl.Akad. 1838. PAPULASPORA, Preuss.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi) consist- ing of a decumbent articular mycelium, sending up erect pedicels, bearing a collec- tion of oblong erect spores, which spores are bi- or quadrilocular. P. sepedonioides has been found on rice- paste. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. xiii. p. 462. PAPYRUS.— The pith of the stems of the Papyrus antiquorum (modern papyrus from P. syriacus], cut into slices, which are laid upon one another and pressed so as to form a compact stratum. Sections display the parenchymatous tissue more or less deformed by pressure. PARAMECIA or PARAMECINA, Duj. — A family of Infusoria. Char. Body soft, flexible ; form variable, usually oblong and more or less depressed ; with a lax reticulate integument, through which numerous vibratile cilia pass in regular rows ; mouth present. The organisms included in this family belong to the Ophrycercina, Enchelia, Tra- chelina, and Colpodea of Ehrenberg. Dujardin distinguishes the genera thus : Mouth indistinct or doubtful Mouth lateral ("Body round, prolonged in the form of a neck, with an appearance of a mouth at I the end 1. LBody oval-oblong, depressed, with a broad lateral orifice, from which a bundle of filaments issues 2. fwith a lip-like flip longitudinal, vibratile ; body oval, depressed, broader behind. 3. appendage \ lip inferior, projecting ; body ovoid, sinuous or reniform 4. < oblong, compressed, with a longitudinal oblique bodv never ! fold 6< i h la \ fusiform, greatly elongate and narrowed in front 6. without an appendage c globular by contraction \ teeth absent 10. Mouth terminal ; body ovoid or oblong, becoming globular by con- / mouth with teeth 11. traction. I teeth absent 12. Lacrymaria. Pleuronema. Glaucoma. Colpoda. Paramecium. Amphileptus. Chilodon. Loxophyllum. Nassula. Panophrys, Prorodon. Holophrya. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 463. PARAMECIUM, Hill, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Colpodea. Char. Body covered with cilia ; no eye- spot ; a papilliform tongue-like process present. Ehrenberg describes eight species, two being doubtful. P. aurelia (PI. 24. figs. 56 and 57). Body cylindrical, ovate-oblong, rounded or obtuse at the ends, with an oblique longitudinal fold extending to the mouth. Aquatic; length 1-120 to 1-100". This common infusorium shows well the curious star-shaped contractile vesicles. Eh- renberg notices in it the periodical occur- rence of small black crystalline particles at the anterior end. The depressions on the surface of the integument (PI. 25. fig. 1) are distinctly seen in the dried animal. P. chrysalis, E. (Pleuronema crassa, D.) (PI. 25. fig. 37, undergoing division). Body oblong, cylindrical, oral cilia very long. Aquatic; length 1-240". P. Kolpoda, E.=the adult stage of Kolpoda cucullus, E. PARAPHYSES. [ 491 ] PARASITES. P. compressum, ~&.=.Playiotoma lumbrici, D. P. milium, E.=Enchelys nodulosa or tri- quetra, D. Dujardin places this genus with the family Paramecina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 349; Dujardin, Infus. p. 481 ; Stein, Inf us., passim. PARAPHYSES. — The name applied to more or less delicate-jointed, hair-like fila- ments which occur in small numbers around and between the antheridia and archegonia of Mosses and Hepaticaceae (fig. 25. p. 48, fig. 331, p. 320). The same term is applied to simple tubular, more or less clavate cells, occurring in large numbers among the spore- sacs (asci and theca] of the Ascomycetous Fungi and the Lichens (fig. 40. p. 66, fig. 402. p. 388, PL 29. figs. 6, 12). PARASITES. -Under this head are to be included a number of animals and plants infesting other animals and plants, nourished at the expense of their structures or juices. Of the animal parasites, the chief portion belong to the class CRUSTACEA, order Si- PHOSTOMA, class ARACHNIDA, family ACA- RINA ; the class Insecta, orders ANOPLURA and STREPSIPTERA; and the class EN- TOZOA. The Plants parasitic on animals chiefly belong to the class of Fungi, and they are tolerably numerous, but many of the forms which have been described and named are certainly not distinct plants. They will be most conveniently enumerated under the heads of classes of animals infested. 1. Man and Mammalia. On the Skin. — ACHORION Schoenleinii and PUCCINIA favus (the former probably an earlier stage of the latter), on the hair and in the follicles, in Favus. — TRICHOPHYTON tonsurans, on the hair in Plica polonica and Favus ; this appears to be a Torula- like growth, probably not a mature plant. Tr. ? sporuloides, C. Rob., occurs in Plica, and Tr.? ulcerina, C. Rob., in the pus of ulcers. — Microsporon Audouinii occurs in the hair-follicles in Porrigo decalvans ; M. mentagrophytes, on the beard, &c. ; M. furfur, on the skin of the chest, &c., in Pityriasis versicolor. — The occurrence of Mucor Mucedo on the skin, and of an Asper- gillus in the external conduit of the ear, must be regarded as accidental. On the mucous surfaces or in cavities. — SARCINA ventriculi in the stomach, &c., Torula cerevisice (?), ditto. Various species of LEPTOMITUS, which must be regarded as imperfect mycelial growths, found in almost all the cavities of the body. Oidium albicans, Ch. R., the fungus of " Aphtha," probably a peculiar condition of PENICILLIUM; Lep- tothrix buccalis, a filamentous growth con- stant in the tartar of the teeth, probably some allied mycelium. 2. Birds. Various species of ASPERGILLUS have been found in the lungs and air-sacs ; their introduction would appear to be accidental. In the eggs of the common fowl, DACTY- LIUM oogenum occurs not unfrequently, sometimes on the membrane of the yolk, sometimes on the outer membrane, just beneath the shell. — SPOROTRICHUM brun- neum, Schenk, in the white of eggs, convert- ing it into a brownish gelatinous mass. 3. Reptiles and Fishes. On the skin of Tritons, as of Fishes, ACHLYA is frequently extremely developed; other obscure forms are also enumerated by Ch. Robin. The same author describes the PSOROSPERMIA of J. Muller, as Algae allied to the Diatomaceae, but they appear to be pseudo-naviculae of GREGARIN.E. 4. Insects are subject to the invasion of various para- sitic fungi, among the most remarkable of which is the Muscardine of the Silk-worm, BOTRYTIS bassiana, which sometimes occa- sions enormous loss to the silk-cultivators. This fungus grows in or upon any part of the silk- worm, Bombyx mori, in its larva, chrysalis and imago forms. It is not fully developed until after the death of the insect, but if the spores penetrate the body of a living specimen and this is placed in a damp and confined atmosphere, the germination takes place, and a development of the fungus ensues which destroys the tissues and organs, finally causing death. It has been developed on many other Lepidoptera which have been inoculated with it, and even the larvae of certain Coleoptera take it. It is very common to find flies in autumn infested with a fungus, a kind of muscardine of flies ; this belongs to the genus SPORENDONEMA ; its mycelial filaments ramify in the interior of the body, and emerge at the articulations of the segments of the abdomen to bear fruit, killing the fly. A number of so- called genera of Fungi and Algae have been described by Robin and Leidy as occurring in the intes- PARASITES. [ 492 ] PARMELIACE/E. tines, &c. of insects ; these appear to us to be imperfect organisms (see ECCRINA, EN- TEROBRYUS, ARTHROMITUS, LEPTO- THRIX, CLADOPHYTUM). — Several species of Sphceria infest the larvae of insects, the mycelium ^destroy ing them and gradually completely displacing the internal organs, while the skin retains its shape and dries ; the fruit subsequently breaks out from the anterior or posterior extremity (see SPHCE- RIA). The species of ISARIA, sometimes described as parasites, appear to grow upon dead insects. 5. The microscopic parasites of Plants are very numerous, belonging all to the class of Fungi. Much confusion exists in many works between the true parasites and mere epiphytes, and it is sometimes very difficult to draw any line of demarcation. Among the undoubted parasites are all the genera and species of the family UREDINEI, together with a large portion of the other genera of Coniomycetes, and the Ascomyce- tous forms to which they mostly belong. Among the Hyphomycetes may especially be cited the genus BOTRYTIS, B. infestans being the potato-fungus. FUSISPORIUM, "OioiUM," &c., form destructive mildews, and among the PHYSOMYCETES, the ERY- SIPHES, and especially their mycelia (com- monly forming spurious Oidia), are well- known pests. Further particulars are given under POTATO-FUNGUS, VINE-FUNGUS and BLIGHT. BIBL. Ch. Rob. Hist. nat. des Vegetaux Parasites, 2nd ed. Paris, 1853 ; Baeren- sprung, Ann. Nat. Hist. xii. ; Siebold, Wag- ner's Handwort. d. Phys. ; Hannover, Mill- ler's Archiv, 1842, Bennett, Ed. Phil. Trans. xv. [We omitted GAMASUS, Latr.,in its proper place. It designates a genus of parasitic Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Gamasea. Char. Last joint of palpi smallest; labium trifid ; mandibles cheliform, denticulate ; body entire, with two dorsal plates; anterior legs generally longest. The species are mostly parasitic upon insects ; some are found running upon the ground ; others exist upon the higher animals. A. coleoptratorum (PI. 2. fig. 26). Found upon dung-beetles ( Geotrupes), &c. Anterior coxae attached at a little distance from those of the second pair ; tarsi (fig. 26 a) termi- nated by two claws and an elegant pulvillus ; palpi of moderate length, with a moveable seta like that of Dermanyssus; labium broad, terminated by a median point and two lateral hooks. G. marginatus. Found upon the human brain ! also upon a fly. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2nd ser. ii. p. 24 : Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. 215 ; Koch, Deutschl. Crustac. Mvriap. 4-c.] PARASITIC FUNGI. See PARASITES. PARENCHYMA. See TISSUES, VEGE- TABLE. PARKERIA, Hooker.— The typical genus of Parkerieaeous Ferns. Aquatic ; exotic. PARKERIE^.— A tribe of Exotic Poly- podiaceous Ferns, consisting of aquatic forms, in which the sporanges are not gathered in sori, and with a habit very dif- ferent from the majority of Ferns. Genera. I. CERATOPTERIS. Sporangia surrounded by a broad, complete, articulated annulus, placed upon longitudinal veins. Spores globose, trifariously streaked. II. PARKERIA. Sporangia with an almost obsolete basilar annulus, placed on longitu- dinal veins. Spores three-sided, concen- trically streaked. PARMELIA, Ach. — An extensive genus of Parmeliaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), characterized by their spreading, lobed, foli- aceous thallus, with orbicular apothecia fixed by a central point beneath, growing upon trees, palings, rocks, stones, walls, &c. About thirty British species exist ; P. parie- tina, the yellow wall-lichen, is one of the commonest plants of this family, and fur- nishes a ready means of observing the struc- ture both of the apothecia and the sperma- gonia (PL 29. figs. 1-3). BIBL. Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1 . p. 202 ; Engl. Bot. pi. 194, &c. ; Schaerer, Enum. Crit. Lich. Europ. Berne, 1850. p. 33 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. pp. 66, 137. PARMELIACE^.— A family of Gymno- carpous or open-fruited Lichens, bearing sessile shields, the borders of which are formed by the surface of the thallus. Synopsis of British Genera. I. USNEA. Thallus somewhat crusta- ceous, rounded, branched, generally pendu- lous, with a central thread. Apothecia cir- cular, terminal or processes of the thallus, peltate, nearly of the same colour, mostly PARMELIACE/E. [ 493 ] PEDIASTRUM. without a raised border, but ciliated at the margins. II. EVERNIA. Thallus somewhat crus- taceous, branched and laciniated, angled or compressed, cottony within. Apothecia cir- cular, shield-shaped, sessile, with the disk concave, coloured, and an inflexed border formed by the thallus. III. ALECTORIA. Thallus cartilaginous, somewhat thready, branched, prostrate or pendulous, somewhat fistulose and cottony within. Apothecia circular, thick, sessile, plane or convex, more or less bordered, entirely formed of the thallus, and of the same colour. IV. CORNICULARIA. Thallus cartilagi- nous, branched, subcylindrical, nearly solid and cottony within. Apothecia circular, terminal, obliquely peltate, entirely formed of the substance of the thallus, at length convex, more or less bordered and often toothed. V. RAMALINA. Thallus cartilaginous, generally branched and laciniated, somewhat shrubby, generally bearing powdery warts, cottony and compact within. Apothecia cir- cular, shield-shaped, stalked and peltate, flat, bordered, entirely formed of the substance of the thallus, and mostly of the same colour. "VI. ROCCELLA. Thallus cartilaginous, leathery, rounded or flat, branched or laci- niated. Apothecia circular, adnate to the thallus, the disk coloured, plano-convex, with a border, at length thickened and ele- vated, formed of the thallus, and covering a black powder concealed within the substance of the thallus. VII. CETRARIA. Thallus foliaceous, cartilagineo - membranous, ascending or spreading, lobed and laciniated, smooth and naked on both sides. Apothecia circular, obliquely adnate to the margin of the thallus, the lower portion being free (from the thallus) ; disk coloured, plano-concave, with an inflexed border formed of the thallus. VIII. NEPHROMA. Thallus foliaceous, leathery or membranous, spreading, lobed, naked or hairy beneath. Apothecia circular or reniform, adnate on the underside of the lobules of the thallus, with a border formed by the latter. IX. PELTIGERA. Thallus foliaceous, leathery or membranous, spreading, lobed, with woolly veins beneath. Apothecia some- what circular, adnate on the upper side of the lobules of the thallus, and having a border formed by this. X. STICTA. Thallus foliaceous, leathery- cartilaginous, spreading, lobed, free and downy beneath, with little cavities or hollow spots, often containing a powdery substance. Apothecia beneath formed of the thallus, to which they are appressed and fixed by a central point, the disk coloured, flat, sur- rounded by an elevated border formed of the thallus. XI. PARMELIA. Thallus foliaceous, mem- branous or leathery, spreading, lobed and stellated or laciniated, more or less fibrous beneath. Apothecia circular, formed by the thallus, fixed by a central point, disk con- cave, coloured with an inflexed margin from the thallus. XII. BORRERA. Thallus cartilaginous, branched and laciniated, the segments free, generally grooved beneath, the margins fre- quently ciliated. Apothecia circular, peltate, formed of the thallus, the disk coloured and surrounded by an inflexed margin derived from the thallus. XIII. LECANORA. Thallus crustaceous, spreading, flat, adnate and uniform. Apo- thecia circular, thick, sessile and adnate ; disk plano-convex, the border thickish, formed of the crust, and of the same colour. BIBL. See the genera. PASTE, EELS IN. See ANGUILLULA. PEARLS.— These well-known bodies are formed as secretions from the mantle of bivalve mollusks ; the best being obtained from the Ceylon pearl-oyster or mussel (Avicula margaritifera}. They occur natu- rally from the irritation produced by particles of sand accidentally confined between the mantle and the shell; and they are produced artificially by wounding the mantle with pieces of iron-wire, &c. Their structure agrees with that of the shell of the animal in which they are formed. Sometimes they consist entirely of nacre or pearly matter, arranged in close concentric layers ; at others, the interior exhibits the prismatic structure of shell. When acted upon by a dilute mineral acid, the lime-salt is removed from the organic cast of the original, which is left. See SHELL. PEDIASTRUM, Meyen.— A genus of Desmidiaceae (Confervoid Algae). Char. Cells aggregated into a usually circular, minute disk or flattened star, and generally arranged either in a single or in two or more concentric series; marginal cells bipartite on the outside. Ralfs describes eleven British species. PEDICELLARLE. [ 494 J FELLIES. Interstices of the cells usually hyaline, but in one species (P. selenaum) these are greenish. P. Boryanum (PL 10. fig. 48). Cells ar- ranged in one or more circles around one or two central ones; marginal cells gradually tapering into two long subulate points ; notch narrow. Diameter of outer cells 1-2730 to 1-2220". P. granulatum (PL 10. fig. 49). Cells six, granular or punctate on the surface ; lobes of marginal cells tapering. Diameter of outer cells 1-1850". The method of reproduction is noticed under DESMIDIACE.E, p. 196. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. p. 180; Cas- pary, Bot. Zeit. viii. p. 786, 1850; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853, passim, pis. 3 & 4. PEDICELLARLE. See ECHINODER- MATA, p. 219. PL 37. fig. 3 represents a pedicellaria from the common star-fish : the stalk is not figured. The bird's-head processes of the polypes (POLYPI) are probably analogous organs. PEDICULUS, L.— A genus of Ano- plurous Insects, of the family Pediculidae. Char. Legs all scansorial or prehensile; thorax large, not constricted from the abdo- men; abdomen with seven segments; an- tennae five-jointed; mouth with a fleshy rostrum. The species are human lice. Rostrum retractile, concealed beneath the head, forming a soft tubular sheath dilated at the end, where it is furnished with a double row of hooks, and containing a horny tube formed of four setae. P. capitis. Ashy-white, thorax elongate, quadrate, abdomen ovate, laterally lobed, segments blackish at the margin. Length of male, 1-16"; of female, 1-8 . P. vestimenti, body or clothes' louse (PL 28. fig. 3). Dirty white, elongato -ovate ; head much produced ; thorax contracted in front; abdomen with the segments indistinctly indicated. Length about 1-8". P. tabescentium, distemper-louse. Pale yellow ; head rounded ; antennae long ; thorax large and quadrate ; abdomen large, the segments intimately united. Doubtfully British. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monogr. PELARGONIUM. See POLLEN, RA- PHIDES, and HAIRS. PELECIDA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family of Trichodina. Char. Body flexible, contractile, oblong, compressed, rounded behind, recurved like a hatchet in front, ciliated all over, and fur- nished with a mouth, which is either visible, or shown to exist by the presence in the in- terior of various objects swallowed by the animals. P. rostrum (PL 24. fig. 39) = Loxodes rostrum, E., differs from the Paramecina, D,, by the absence of a contractile integument. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 403. PELLIA.— A genus of Pelliese (frondose Hepaticaceae). P. epiphylla (fig. 561) is not uncommon in damp shady places, by springs and wells, where it grows rapidly. Its pedi- cels are silvery-white, and the capsules pale brown, and when the valves are fully ex- panded, the elaters form an elegant tuft in the middle. The form of the frond varies somewhat according to the degree of moist- ure of the habitat. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Jung. pi. 47, Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 1. p. 130; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. i. No. 472-5; Ekart, Syn. Jung. p. 63. pi. 7 & 13. Fig. 561. Pellia epiphylla. Magnified 2 diameters. PELLIESE. — A tribe of Liverworts or Hepaticae, nearly allied to the Jungerman- nieae in the character of the fructification, but having a lobed thalloid frond, traversed by a mid-nerve, from which the fruit-stalks arise. British Genera. I. BLYTIA. Fructification emerging from the end of the rib below the apex of the frond, at length dorsal. Perichaete 4-5- FELLIES. [ 495 ] PENICILLIUM. parted; lobes torn. Perigone herbaceous, tubular, the mouth denticulated. Arche- gones eight to twenty. Epigone persistent, torn at the summit. Sporange 4-valved. Antheridia dorsal, placed on the rib, covered by dentate incumbent leaflets. II. FOSSOMBRONIA. Fructification emer- ging from the end of the rib below the apex of the frond, at length dorsal. Perichsete obconic-bell-shaped, the mouth crenate or dentate. Perigone wanting. Archegones few. Epigone persistent, torn at the sum- mit. Sporange circumscissile. Antheridia dorsal, situated on the rib, naked. III. METZGERIA. Fructification emer- ging from the ventral side of the midrib of the frond. Perichaete ventricose, at length bipartite. Perigone none. Archegones few. Epigone persistent, torn at the summit. Sporange four-valved. Antheridia ventral, placed on the rib, covered by incumbent, dentate leaflets. IV. ANEURA. Fructification emerging from the ventral side, near the margin of the frond. Perichaete short, lobed or torn. Perigone wanting. Archegones few. Epi- gone persistent, torn at the summit. Spo- range four-valved. Antheridia immersed in the back of special lobes of the frond. V. PELLIA. Fructification emerging from the dorsal side of the frond. Perichaete short, somewhat cup-shaped, the mouth lacero-dentate. Perigone wanting. Arche- gones several. Epigone membranous, ac- companied by a few sterile archegones, at first, at the lower part. Sporange four- valved. Antherids immersed in the surface of the frond. VI. BLASIA. Fructification at first im- mersed in the rib of the frond, then emer- ging from the apex. Perichsete and peri- gone wanting. Epigone membranous, with few sterile archegones, at first, scattered to- ward the lowest part. Sporange four-valved. Antherids immersed in the rib of the thallus, more prominent below, and covered by little dentate scales. VII. TARGIONIA. Fructification sessile, inferior, solitary and terminal to the frond. Perichaete two-valved, splitting vertically. Perigone wanting. Epigone delicate, per- sistent, investing the sporange until matu- rity, sometimes evanescent above. Spo- range bursting by an irregular slit, or into fragments. Antherids immersed in the rib of the frond below, covered by papillae. BIBL. See the genera, and HEPATI- CACE.E. PELOPS, Koch (Acarina}.— Is consoli- dated with GALUMNA. PELTIDEA, Ach.— A genus of Parme- liaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), charac- terized by a foliaceous, usually leathery thal- lus, with woolly veins beneath; the sub- orbicular, shield-like apothecia arising on the upper sides of the lobules. P. canina, a large Lichen, is extremely common on the ground among moss in woods. Two or three nearly allied species are separated from this by most authors, but with questionable propriety. Three or four others are subalpine. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 1. p. 218, Eng. Bot. 2229. PELTIGERA, Hoffm. = Species of PEL- TIDEA and STICTA. PENICILLIUM, Link.— A genus of Mu- cedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), of which the species P. glaucum is at once one of the most frequent and the most puzzling plants of the class. This fungus is the commonest of the constituents of the greenish or bluish mould formed on decaying vegetable sub- stances of all kinds, especially on semifluid or liquid matters. On the surface of liquids it forms a kind of dense pasty crust, slimy on the lower surface, and coloured and pul- verulent (bearing spores) above. When the upper fertile layer is examined under the microscope, it is found to consist of pedicels terminating in a repeatedly but "shortly bi- furcated pencil, each ultimate branch of which bears a moniliform row of spores (the ramification of the pedicels is not di- stinctly represented in fig. 562, but the ap- Fig. 562. Penicillium. A fertile plume with pencils of spores. Magnified 200 diameters. pearance of the spores is characteristic). The mode of attachment of the spores is PENICILLIUM. [ 496 ] PERACANTHA. shown in figs. 15 and 16 of PI. 20. The mycelium consists of interwoven articulated filaments, most extensively ramified. The spores appear whitish, yellowish, greenish, or bluish, according to age : under the mi- croscope, they appear opake when mature. So far there is little difficulty about the history of these plants, and if the spores of the above form are sown on a glass slide, kept moist with an organic liquid, they will germinate and ramify, and under favourable circumstances bear thin penicillate tufts of spores at points which emerge from the nutrient liquid. But this same fructification of P. glaucum presents itself invariably under certain circumstances associated with the vinegar-plant and the yeast-plant, toward the close of the ordinary development of these fungi. In common with most obser- vers, we find that the exhaustion of the sac- charine matrix of the vinegar-plant is fol- lowed in all cases by the appearance of crusts of Penicillium-moulA on the upper surface, whence it would appear that the vinegar-plant was only the mycelium of Penicillium. It was asserted, moreover, many years ago, by Turpin, that P. glaucum is the last term of the growth both of the true yeast-plant, Torula Cerevisice, and of the milk-yeast, Oidium lactis. We have found the gelatinous crusts of the vinegar- plant to contain structures which represent Torula and Oidium, and to grow like them ; and we have also observed, in repeated expe- riments, that beer allowed to stand until sour, at first appears clothed with a whitish mealy collection of minute vesicles, repre- senting the ultimate stage of Torula, and subsequently this gradually gave place to gelatinous matter, which at length covered the whole surface with a tough film, and fruited as Penicillium glaucum. Hence it would appear that the yeast-fungus also is merely a vegetative form of Penicillium developed under peculiar conditions. More is said on this point under VINEGAR-PLANT and YEAST. Several species are enumerated, and we have given under the separate head of COREMIUM a form which is now regarded as merely a confluent growth of Penicillium, producing a compound pedicel. 1. P. glaucum, Grev. Mycelial filaments form a crust-like web, spores green or bluish. Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 58. fig. 1. P. crust aceum, Fries. Extremely common. 2. P. candidum, Lk. Mycelial filaments woven together, spores white. (Distinct ?) 3. P. sparsum, Grev. Mycelium lax, spores white. -Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 58. fig. 2. Perhaps not different from the last. ^ . P. fasciculatum, Sommer. Mycelium scarcely developed, filaments all fertile, trifid at the apex, spores glaucescent. 5. P. subtile, Berk. Extremely minute, mycelium creeping, fertile filaments erect, simple or ternate ; chains of spores few, spores broadly elliptical. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. pi. 14. fig. 25. 6. P. roseum, Lk. Mycelium effused ; fertile filaments slightly branched, spores rose-colour. BIBL. Berk. Hook. Brit. FL ii. pt. 2. p. 344 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 262, vi. p. 437, ser. vii. p. 102; Greville, loc. cit.; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 407, Summa Vegetabilium, p. 489. See also under YEAST and VI- NEGAR-PLANT. PENIUM, Brelj.— A genus of Desmidi- acese. Char. Cells single, entire, elongated, straight, and slightly or not at all constricted in the middle. Sporangia round or quadrangular, smooth, not spinous. At each end of the cells is a rounded space containing moving molecules. Eight British species (Ralfs). P. Erebissonii (PI. 10. fig. 36). Cells smooth, cylindrical, ends rounded, transverse median band inconspicuous. Length 1-640 to 1-400". Common. Sporangium at first quadrate, but finally orbicular ; conjugating cells per- sistent, or remaining permanently attached to the sporangium. P. margaritactum (PI. 10. fig. 37. empty cell). Cells cylindrical or fusiform, with rounded-truncate ends, and covered with pearly granules in longitudinal rows. Length 1-160". BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. p. 148. PENTASTERIAS, Ehr. (Desmidiacese). — The two British species are referred to Staurastrum. PERACANTHA, Baird.— A genus of En- tomostraca, of the order Cladocera and family Lynceidae. Char. Side view of shell oval, the lower and posterior portion with an acute projec- tion directed backwards and upwards, and, as well as the upper extremity of the anterior margin, beset with strong hooked spines ; beak sharp, curved downwards. P. truncata (PI. 14. fig. 31). Superior antenna; conical ; inferior short, the anterior PERANEMA. [ 497 ] PERIDINIUM. branch with five setae, one from first, one from second, and three from last joint ; pos- terior branch with three setae from the last joint only; intestine convoluted, with one turn and a half; ova two. Aquatic. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entom. p. 136. PERANEMA, Duj .—A genus of Infusoria, of the family Euglenia. Char. Form variable, sometimes nearly globular, at others inflated posteriorly and narrowed in front, where it becomes pro- longed into a long flagelliform filament; movement slow, uniform, forwards. P. globulosa (PL 24. fig. 59). Body almost globular, more or less drawn out anteriorly, with oblique wrinkles on the surface ; aquatic; length 1-1400". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 353. PERICH^NA, Fr.— A genus of Tricho- gastres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), consisting of little rounded membranous sacs of brown- ish or yellowish colour, generally splitting all round (transversely), and discharging yellow spores and (few) free and elastic filaments. The commonest, P. populina, yellowish, and about as large as a mustard seed, occurs on fallen poplar trees ; two others occur in fir-plantations. BIBL. Berkeley, Hook. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 321; Fries, Syst. Myc. p. 190, Summa Veget. p. 459; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. p. 252. PERICONIA, Tode.— A genus of Stil- bacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), apparently nearly related to PACHNOCYBE, but with the stem fistular, and the capitulum vesicular. P. alaucocephala, Corda, has been found on rotten linen. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 168; Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 165. PERIDERM. See BARK. PERIDERMIUM, Lk.— A genus of Cas- omacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), distin- guished from JEciDiuM by the sac-like perithecium bursting irregularly, as if by a circumscissile dehiscence. The type of this genus is P. (jEcid.} Pini, found on the leaves and bark of Scotch Firs. The spores are covered with very numerous small tubercles. See UREDINEI. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flora, ii. pt. 2. p. 374; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. pi. 7 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. ii. p. 176. pi. 10; De Bary, Brandpihe, Berlin, 1853. p. 72. PERIDIN^A, Ehr.— A family of Infu- soria. Char. Body furnished with a membranous carapace, from which a long flagelliform filament issues, and which has one or more furrows occupied by vibratile cilia, or exhi- bits setae or minute spines upon the sur- face. These Infusoria live either in the sea, or in stagnant fresh water ; never being found in infusions or decomposing water. Five genera : Carapace with rigid setae or points, but no transverse f Eye-spot present 1 . Chtetoglena. furrow nor longitudinal crest I Eye-spot absent 2. Chcetotyphla. Carapace smooth or rough, and with a transverse ciliated f Eye-spot present 3. Glenodinium. furrow, but no crest \ Eye-spot absent 4. Peridinium. Carapace with an incomplete longitudinal crest 5. Dinophysis. Dujardin appends the genera Chatoglena and Cheetotyphla to his genus Trachelomonas as uncertain, and arranges the genera Gle- nodinium and Peridinium as stated under the latter head. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 249; Dujardin, Infus. p. 371. PERIDINIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Peridinaea. Char. Those of Glenodinium with the absence of the red (eye-) spot. A flagelliform filament is present as well as the cilia. Some species have horn-like processes. Eleven species; two (fossil) doubtful. Some of them are phosphorescent. P. cinctum (PL 24. fig. 9). Green ; not phosphoresent; carapace subglobose, smooth, subtrilobed; no horns. Aquatic; length 1-580". P. fuscum (PL 24. fig. 11). Brown; not luminous ; carapace ovate, slightly com- pressed, smooth, acute in front, rounded behind ; no horns. Aquatic ; length 1-430 to 1-290". P. tripos (PL 24. fig. 12). Yellowish ; splendidly phosphorescent ; carapace urceo- late, broadly concave, smooth, with three horns, two very long, frontal and recurved, the third posterior and straight. Marine ; length 1-140". P. uberrimum, Allman. Cilia distributed over the whole surface. Length 1-1000 to i-socr. Dujardin unites those species of the genera Glenodinium and Peridinium which have no 2K PERIOLA. [ 498 ] PERTUSARIA. horns, to form the single genus Peridinium, placing those with horns in a genus Cera- tium. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 252 ; Dujardin, Infus. p. 374 ; Allman, Micr. Journ. iii. 24. PERIOLA, Fries. P. tomentosa, Fr., described as a Sclerotioid Fungus, is an obscure, irregular, fleshy body, with a white villous surface, found growing on potatoes. It is probably the early form of some unas- certained species of fungus. PERIPTERA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single, compressed; valves circular, dissimilar, one being simply turgid, the other winged or furnished with horns ; horns sometimes branched and attached to the extreme margin. Fossil. Valves not areolar nor punctate under ordinary illumination. Four species. America and Bermuda. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. p. 263; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 25. PERISPORACEL— A family of Ascomy- cetous Fungi, mostly epiphytic and of small size, characterized by producing floccose common receptacles (mostly) radiating from a point, forming patches upon leaves, &c., in the centre of which are developed some- what globular perithecia, of obscure cellular structure, persistent, bursting at the summit, filled densely with subgelatinous, scarcely diffluent gelatine; sporidia produced in asci, subsequently often effused, simple, free, and mixed with the gelatine in the centre of the perithecium. The mycelia of these plants, bearing conidial structures, have been de- scribed as distinct fungi, for example those of Erysiphe, as Oidia, &c. See ERYSIPHE. Synopsis of British Genera. I. LASIOBOTRYS. Perithecium fleshy- horny, globular, naked, collapsing at the summit. II. ERYSIPHE. Perithecium membranous, closed at first, afterwards open, supported on a persistent radiating mycelium, formed of continuous filaments, bifid at their ends. Asci four or eight, paraphyses none ; spores continuous, ovate. III. PERTSPORIUM. Common receptacle floccose. Perithecium superficial, at length bursting irregularly. Asci club-shaped, not mixed with paraphyses. Spores simple, ovate. IV. CH.ETOMIUM. Common receptacle floccose. Perithecium superficial, finally open at the mouth, clothed externally with opake hairs. Asci clavate, mixed with para- physes. Spores simple, ovate. V. ASCOTRICHA. Perithecium thin, at length bursting, clothed with dark, subpel- lucid, even, obscurely-jointed hairs. Spores simple, contained in linear asci. Superficial, at length free or resting on the investing thallus, black. PERISPORIUM, Fr.— A genus of Peri- sporacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), consisting of minute, globular, free, punctiform sacs, with fleshy or waxy walls, seated on an obscure thallus, growing on leaves or stalks j finally Fig. 563. Fig. 564. Perisporium disseminatum. Magnified Fig. 564. An ascus detached. Magnified 300 diams. Fig. 563. A perithecium in vertical section 100 diameters. bursting and collapsing. The spores are produced in large numbers in swollen clavate asci (figs. 563, 564), which are accompanied by paraphyses. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 404, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 248 ; Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 432. PERITHECIUM.— The name applied to the special envelope, mostly of different structure from the rest of the thallus or the receptacle, enclosing the " nucleus " of the Angiocarpous Lichens and the Pyrenomyce- tous Fungi. PERITONEUM. See SEROUS MEM- BRANES. PERONOSPORA, Ung. See BOTRYTIS. PERTUSARIA, D.C.— A genus of En- docarpeae (Angiocarpous Lichens), having an adnate, uniform thallus, spreading over bark, rocks, &c., and bearing wart-like apothecia, finally exhibiting a depressed pore in their centre, leading to the one or several cells containing the theca?. P. communis is very common on trees. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 164 ; Engl. Botany, pi. 677 ; Leighton, Brit. Angioc. Lichens, p. 26. pis. 9-11. PETALONEMA. [ 499 ] PEZIZA. PETALONEMA, Berk. (Arthrosiphon, Kiitz.). — A genus of Oscillatoriaceae(Confer- void Algae), presenting a very remarkable mode of growth . The filaments are branched and cylindrical, with a very evident terete, gelatinous, duplicate sheath (PI. 4. fig. 21). The inner is thin and follows the filament, the outer presents oblique striae indicating the interposition of lengths of the outer sheaths, one inside another, like a series of nested funnels or conical cups. This appear- ance is produced by the bursting and expan- sion of each length of the sheath at the apex alone, to make room for the growth of the new cells of the filament formed at the apex. This structure is analogous to that occurring in UROCOCCUS, when each parent-cell mem- brane bursts at one side only to allow the new one to emerge, thus at length forming a jointed pedicel. The edges of the " fun- nels " of Petalonema sometimes become de- composed into curled filamentous processes. The filament of P. alatum is green and striated, about 1 -3000" in diameter, the inner sheath is yellowish, the outer colourless and 1-400" in diameter. It forms a brownish stratum on rocks and stones. BIBL. Berkeley, Gleanings, p. 23. pi. 7 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 222; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 237. pi. 68. fig. 6; Kiitzing, Spec. Alg. p. 311, Tab. Phyc. ii. 28; Al. Braun, Rejuvenescence, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853. p. 178. PETALS.— Thepetalsof Flowering Plants afford many interesting microscopic objects, in the epidermis, glandular and other hairs, the colour-cells and the veins composed of spiral vessels. Entire petals of small size and delicate character form good objects when dried and mounted in Canada balsam. Those of the smaller Caryophyllacese, the ligulate corollas of Compositae, Sec., are well suited for this. The larger kinds are studied by means of sections, like LEAVES. PETROBIUS, Leach.— A genus of In- sects, of the order Thysanura, and family Lepismenae. P. maritimus has a general resemblance to Lepisma saccharina; but it exercises a leap- ing movement. The antennas are longer than the body ; of the setae at the tail, the middle one is longest. The insect is of a blackish-brown colour, and is covered with scales; the legs are yellowish, and the caudal setae ringed with white ; the abdomen is furnished with gill-like processes. It is found upon the rocky sea-coast. The scales have been used as test-objects. BIBL. Gervais, Walckenaer's Apt. iii. p. 447 ; Guerin, Iconogr. Ins. pi. 2. fig. 1 /. and Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2 ser. v. p. 374. PETER'S GLANDS. See INTESTINES (p. 366). PEYSSONELIA, Dene.— A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), consist- ing of small plants with a depressed lobed thallus (fig. 565), growing over stones, Fig. 565. Frond. Nat. size. Fig. 566. Peyssonelia squamosa. Vertical section of a portion through two warts. Magnified 25 diameters. shells, &c., and attached by the whole under surface which produces jointed radical hairs (fig. 566), especially at the thin margins. The thallus is composed of several rows of com- pact parenchymatous cells, and bears on the concentrically-marked surface, warts composed of radiating rows of cells, among which occur crucially-divided tetraspores. P. Dubyi is not uncommon on British shores; it is 1 to 2" in diameter, roundish at first, ultimately irregularly lobed, colour dull brownish. Thuret has observed antheridia on distinct plants of P. squamosa, a Medi- terranean form ; they are jointed filaments collected into wart-like bodies, like those containing the tetraspores. The spores are not described. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 144. pi. 14 D ; Phyc. Brit. pi. 71 ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 23. pi. 4. PEZIZA, Dill.^-A genus of Helvellacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing numerous species, a large number of which grow upon 2K2 PHACELOMONAS. [ 500 ] PHACIDIUM. on the ground, among leaves, brightly coloured. They are at sacs, which burst at the summit, out to form a kind of cup con- and paraphyses. Thus they be- Discomycetes of some authors. Fig. 568. Fig. 569. dead wood, &c., many first closed and spread taining asci long to the Fig. 567. Peziza furfuracea. (Small variety.) Magnified 5 diameters. Tulasne has recently shown that some of the Pezizce have a secondary fructification consisting of stylospores ; these forms have been described as species of Dacrymyces, a genus of Tremellini. Other species also produce spermatia. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 186; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 348 ; Tulasne, Ann. des So. nat. 3 ser. xx. p. 167. PHACELOMONAS, Ehr.— A doubtful genus of Infusoria. Char. Tail-like process absent; a red (eye-) spot present ; mouth (?) terminal, truncate, furnished with eight to ten anterior long cilia or flagelliform filaments. P. pulvisculus. Body oblong, subconical, attenuate posteriorly, bright green ; aquatic; length 1-1150". Occurs in myriads in pools. Perhaps zoospores of CEDOGONIUM. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 28. PHACIDIACEI.— A family of small Asco- mycetous Fungi, mostly growingin large num- bers on the half-decayed woody parts of plants, or on the ground ; consisting usually of dark-coloured, indurated, or leathery bo- dies, solitary or connate, or seated on a common base, closed at first, and containing a soft nucleus ; the outer case (perithecium) subsequently opening widely, and presenting a cavity lined with asci containing spores. The history of development of these plants is still obscure, for many of them are con- nected with certain of the Coniomycetes as different stages of one and the same plant. We describe the genera according to the existing classifications, noting the new facts relating to these metamorphic phenomena in the articles on the particular genera. Synopsis of British Genera. * Perithecium open, margined, closed by a lid or veil. I. PATELLARIA. Perithecium patelli- form, margined, open, covered with a thin veil confluent with the nucleus. Disk at length pulverulent, the annulate asci break- ing out. II. TYMPANIS. Perithecium cup-shaped, margined, open, covered by a thin, evanes- cent veil. Disk fixed in the receptacle (pro- per stratum), at length dissolved. Asci fili- form, fixed. ** Perithecium (excipulum) at length open, connate with the floccose receptacle. Nucleus discoid, ascigerous, placed on the receptacle. III. CENANGIUM. Perithecium entire, leathery-horny, opening by a connivent mouth, distinct from the discigerous stra- tum. Asci filiform, persistent, expelling the separate spores with violence. *** Perithecium entire, dehiscing by closely connivent slits. IV. LOPHIUM. Perithecium subsessile, elongated, compressed, bursting by a longi- tudinal slit. Asci erect, fixed, cylindrical, persistent, sporidia simple, rounded. Thal- lus crustaceous or imperceptible. **** Perithecium somewhat dimidiate, at length open, nucleus naked. V. RHYTISMA. Perithecium innate, of irregular form, opening by fragments break- ing off into a flexuose slit; nucleus placenti- form, persistent. Asci erect, fixed; para- physes stalked. VI. PHACIDIUM. Perithecium roundish, simple, bursting with several teeth at the summit ; nucleus disk-shaped, in some de- gree persistent. Asci erect, fixed; para- physes stalked. VII. HYSTERIUM. Perithecium sessile, oval or elongated, with a longitudinal slit at first closed, afterwards gaping open; nu- cleus linear, somewhat persistent. Asci erect, fixed ; paraphyses stalked. VIII. LABRELLA. Perithecium innate, bursting by a longitudinal slit ; asci short, broad and obtuse above, attenuated below, mixed with short flexuous paraphyses; spores few, ovate-oblong, occasionally con- tracted or septate in the middle. PHACIDIUM, Fr.— A genus of Phacidi- acei (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing many species growing on dead leaves, branches, &c. Some of them are common, as P. den- tatum, on oak-leaves, and P. Lauro-cerasi on the cherry-laurel. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 291 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 369. PHACUS. [ 501 ] PHILODINA. PHACUS, Nitzsch, Duj.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Thecamonadina, D. (Cryptomonadina, E.). Char. Body flattened and leaf-like, usu- ally green, with an anterior red (eye-) spot, a single flagelliform filament, and covered with a resisting membranous integument, prolonged posteriorly like a tail. Dujardin distinguishes this genus from Euglena, E. by the constancy of the form of the body, which varies every moment in the latter genus. P. pleuronectes (PI. 24. fig. 62). Body oval, almost circular, green, with slightly marked longitudinal furrows, and a tail-like prolongation one-third or one-fourth of its length. Aquatic; length 1-630". P. longicauda (PI. 24. figs. 3 & 63) = Euglena longicauda, E. P. tripteris. Aquatic. P. triquetra = Euglena triquetra, E. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 334. PH^EONEME^, Kiitz.— Afamily found- ed on obscure byssoid structures occurring in foul water. PILEOSPOILE. — A name applied by Thuret to part of the Fucoideae. PHALLOIDEI.— A family of Gastero- mycetous Fungi, characterized by the pro- trusion of a large clavate, columnar, stellate body, or globular, hollow, latticed frame- work, from the summit of the burst peri- dium. The basidiospores must be observed early here, as they fall off and form a deli- quescent mass upon the hymenium when the sporange is mature. The fleshy struc- ture protruded from the dehiscent capsule is composed of spherical cells very loosely connected; the peridium, which is very tough, is composed of closely packed, very slender, filamentous cells. BIBL. Berkeley, On the Fructification of Lycoperdon, Phallus, fyc., Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. 155, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 226; Ross- mann, Bot. Zeit. xi. p. 185 (1853). PHASCACEJE. — A family of inopercu- late Acrocarpous (terminal-fruited) Mosses, of minute dimensions, gregarious or csespi- tose, with a simple or branched stem. Leaves oblong, oval, lanceolate or spathulate, con- cave, with a thick cylindrical nerve; the cells of the leaves parenchymatous, looser at the base, by degrees denser towards the summit, mostly papillose. Capsules mostly obliquely apiculate, with spores larger than in most Mosses, but not so large as in AR- CHIDIUM. Columella soon vanishing in the smaller species. British Genera. I. ACAULON. Plants very dwarf, grega- rious. Capsule contained in the closed peri- cha3te. Calyptra mitre-shaped, delLate. Inflorescence monoecious (antheridia on a distinct branch at the base of the stem), or dicecious (antheridia terminal on a distinct plant), bud-like. II. PHASCUM. Plants csespitose. Peri- chaete open. Capsule on a longish stalk, and mostly obliquely apiculate. Calyptra dimidiate. Inflorescence monoecious (anthe- ridia terminal in a bud on a distinct lateral branch, or naked and axillary on the fruit - bearing branch), or dioecious. PHASCUM, L.— A genus of Phascaceaj (Acrocarpous Mosses), which is now sub- divided variously by different authors. Wil- son separates the earlier Ph. alternifolium only, under the name of Archidium ; foreign authors further distinguish between PHAS- CUM, ACAULON, EPHEMERUM, and ASTO- M UM . Species retained : Ph. crispum, Hedw . ; cuspidatum, Schreb.; curvicollum, Hedw. ; rectum, Smith ; bryoides, Dicks. Ph. cuspi- datum is very common on banks, and espe- cially on a gravelly soil. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol.Brit. 32; Hooker, Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 1. p. 6. PHIALINA, Bory, Ehr.— -A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Trachelina. Char. Body not ciliated, having a kind of neck crowned with cilia; mouth lateral, without teeth. P. viridis (PI. 24. fig. 61). Body oval, flask-shaped, green, suddenly narrowed in front and gradually behind; neck short. Aquatic; length 1-290". P. vermicularis. White ; aquatic. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 333. PHILODINA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Philodinaea. Char. Eyes two, cervical; tail-like foot with horn-like lateral processes. Ehrenberg describes seven species; they are all aquatic, and in general structure and appearance closely resemble Rotifer. P. erythrophthalma (PI. 35. fig. 17). Co- lourless, smooth, eyes round, processes of foot short. Aquatic; length 1-120 to 1-50". P. roseola is reddish, and the eyes oval; P. collaris has a projecting cervical ring; P. citrina has the middle of the body yel- lowish ; P. macrostyla has oblong eyes, and the foot-processes very long; in P. megalo- trocha the eyes are oval, and the rotatory organs very large; and in P. aculeata the PHILODIN^A. [ 502 ] PHRAGMIDIUM. body is covered with soft setaceous pro- cesses. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 498. PHILODINJEA, Ehr.-A family of Ro- tatoria. Char. No sheath or carapace; rotatory organs two, simple, resembling two wheels when the cilia are in motion. The body is usually cylindrical, or some- what spindle-shaped, contractile even so as to form a ball. In certain states of exten- sion it sometimes appears pointed in front, from the presence of a proboscis ; in others the two ciliated rotatory organs are pro- truded. The animals are capable of swimming by means of the cilia, or of creeping like a leech, the ends of the body being alternately fixed. The tail-like foot is often furnished with horn-like lateral processes and terminal toes. Ehrenberg distinguishes seven genera. A. Eyes absent. a. Proboscis and horn-like lateral pro- \ . ^ /.-j- cess on the foot present J /3. Proboscis and horn-like processes! absent / a. Rotatory organ stalked 2. Hydrias. b. Rotatory organ not stalked 3. Typhlina. B. Eyes present. Eyes two, frontal. Foot with horn-like processes. Toes 2 4. Rotifer. Toes 3 5. Actinurus. Eyes two, cervical 7« Philodina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 481. PHILOPTERUS, Nitzsch.— A genus of Anoplurous Insects, of the family Philopte- ridse. Char. Antennae filiform, five-jointed; maxillary palpi none; mouth with strong toothed mandibles ; tarsi with two claws. The species are very numerous, and have been arranged in six subgenera : Docophorus, Nirmus, Goniocotes, Goniodes, Lipeurus and Ornithobius. In some of them there are two moveable organs (trabeculse) situated in front of the antennae. They are the external parasites of birds. P. (Docophorus) communis (PL 28. fig. 5). Chestnut-coloured, shining, with white hairs; head triangular, elongate, anterior portion much produced; trabeculae very large, curved; posterior femora much incrassated and toothed below. Length 1-16". Parasitic upon the Passerina or Insessores. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monoor. p. 62. PHLYCTJ2NA, Desmaz.— A genus of Sphaeronemei(Coniomycetous Fungi), nearly related to Septoria, differing in the absence of a proper perithecium. P. vagabunda has been found in Britain. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xiii. p. 460 ; Desmazieres, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. viii. p. 16. PHLYCT^NIA, Kg.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules those of Navicula, en- closed in gelatinous globular cells (masses?). Marine. P. minuta. Cells 1-720 to 1-240" in dia- meter ; length of frustules 1-1200 to 1-600". P. maritima (Frustulia mar., E.). BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 96; Ehren- berg, Infus. p. 232. PHLYCTIDIUM, Not. See DISCOSIA. PHOMA, Fr.— A genus of Sphseronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), which presents both conidiferous and ascigerous forms. There are numerous British species, forming small black or brown pustules upon dead leaves, twigs, &c. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 285, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 263, ser. 2. v. p. 368, xiii. p. 459; Fries, Summa Veg.-p. 421. PHORMIDIUM, Kiitz. See OSCILLA- TORIA. PHORMIUM, Forst.—P. tenax is the name of the plant yielding New Zealand Flax. It is a Monocotyledonous Flowering Plant belonging to the order Liliaceae. PHRAGMICOMA, Dumort.— A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticacese), containing one British species, P. MacJcaii (Jung. Mac- kaii, Hook.), occurring rarely on trees and rocks, especially on limestone. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Jung. p. 53 ; Ekart, Syn. Jung. p. 59. pi. 9. fig. 72; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Suppl. i. 472-9. PHRAGMIDIUM, Ua.(Aregma, Fr.).— A genus of Caeomacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), forming rusts very common on Rosaceous Fig. 570. Phragmidium bulbosum. Isolated basidium with four catenate spores. Magnified 100 diameters. plants. They appear upon living leaves, PHRAGMOTRICHACEI. [ 503 ] PHYCOMYCES. breaking through from beneath the epider- mis, and are chiefly distinguished from PUCCINIA by the number of spores, 2 to 12, which are formed on one basidium. P. bul- bosum is common on bramble-leaves (see UREDINEI). BIBL. Berk. (Aregma), Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 358; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Flor. pi. 15; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. not. 4 ser. ii. p. 180. pi. 9; De Bary, Brandpilze, Berlin, 1853. p. 49. pi. 4 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 507. PHRAGMOTRICHACEI.— A family of Coniomycetous Fungi, growing on bark of trees, stems, or more or less dry herbaceous stems and leaves. Their conceptacles are of horny texture, and are little globular or cup-shaped bodies, lined with filaments ter- minating in simple or septate spores. [In Excipula they are membranous.] The con- ceptacles burst either by a longitudinal slit, or by several radiating slits, or by a circular slit which detaches a lid. In Excipula the spores are extruded in a gelatinous mass, but not in the other genera. Synopsis of British Genera. I. ENDOTRICHUM. Conceptacle innate or immersed, bursting by a longitudinal slit ; spores globular, simple. II. SCHIZOTHECIUM. Conceptacle su- perficial, bursting laterally by a longitudinal slit; spores globular, simple. III. PILIDIUM. Conceptacle simple, sessile, rounded, bursting from the centre to the margin in several teeth (by a stellate fission) ; spores spindle-shaped, simple. IV. EXCIPULA. Conceptacle cup-shaped, membranous, sessile, naked ; spores spindle- shaped. V. DINEMASPORIUM. Conceptacle cup- shaped, membranous, sessile, closed by villi, and at length open ; sporigenous layer dis- coid, dissolving, covered with cylindrical, elongate, abruptly filiform spores. VI. MYXORMIA. Conceptacle thin, cup- shaped, open, formed of elongated cells. Pedicels of the spores delicate. Spores ob- long, chained together, at length free, in- volved in mucus. VII. CYSTOTRICHA. Conceptacle burst- ing by a longitudinal slit ; pedicels of the spores branched, articulated, somewhat beaded, forming here and there oblong mul- tiseptate spores. VIII. PHRAGMOTRICHUM. Conceptacle horny-carbonaceous, breaking out, closed at first, subsequently splitting by a longitudinal fissure; fertile filaments intermixed with inarticulate paraphyses; spores compound and chained in series. PHRAGMOTRICHUM, Kze.— A genus of Phragmotrichacei (Coniomycetous Fun- gi). The plants form little tubercles burst- ing out from beneath the epidermis, and containing filaments arising from a softish fibrous stroma. The filaments (basidia) are interrupted at intervals with cellular spores (fig. 573), which ultimately separate. Fig. 571. Fig. 573. Fig. 572. Phragmotrichum Chailletii. Fig. 571. Scale of a spruce- fir cone, with pustules. Half nat. size. Fig. 572. A pustule magnified 10 diameters. Fig. 573. Vertical section across a pustule, showing the chains of spores. Magnified 100 diams. P. Chailletii grows upon the scales of the cones of Abies excelsa. Other species grow on the poplar and maple. BIBL. Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 492, Summa Veg. p. 474; Kunze, Myc. Heft 2. p. 84. pi. 5. fig. 4. PHTHIRIUS, Leach.— Agenus of Insects, of the order Anoplura, and family Pediculida3. Char. Legs of two kinds, anterior pair formed for walking, posterior two pairs formed for climbing ; thorax large, not di- stinctly separated from the abdomen. One species, P. inguinalis (Pediculus pu- bis). Parasitic upon man. Length 1-10 to 1-20". The ova are firmly fastened to the hairs by a glutenous secretion ; they are urn- shaped, and furnished with a lid. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monogr. p. 8 ; Leach, Zool. Misc. iii. p. 65. PHYCOMYCES, Kze.— A genus of Mu- corini (Physomycetous Fungi), of which one species, P. nitens, has been found in Britain PHYLLOGONIACE.E. [ 504 ] PHYSCOMITRIUM. growing on the walls of oil-cellars. It is an olive-coloured mildew, distinguished from Mucor chiefly by the absence of a columella, the pyriform peridiole, and oblong spores ; but the entire plants are much larger and of more solid texture. The fertile filaments of P. splendens, the only other known spe- cies, are as thick as a horse-hair, and 3 to 4" high. BIBL. Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 309, Summa Veg. 488 ; Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 433. PHYLLOGONIACE.E. — A family of Pleurocarpous Mosses, distinguished by the peculiar character of the leaves and their arrangement. The leaves are either inserted horizontally or imbricated vertically, clasp- ing, and are composed of very narrow linear parenchymatous cells, appearing almost con- fluent into a homogeneous membrane, auri- cled at the base, with minute, parenchyma- tous, thickened, alar cells arranged orbicu- larly at the auricles, very smooth ; the leaves stand in two opposite rows. This family contains only the single small exotic genus PHYLLOGONIUM. PHYLLOPHORA, Grev.— A genus of Cryptonemiaceae (Florideous Algae), consist- ing of several species, with a red, rigidly membranous, stalked, leaf-like, often dicho- tomous thallus, the lobes of which are often proliferous ; from a few inches to a foot long, growing near low-water mark, or in the sea. The fructification consists of — l.favellidia, scattered over the thallus, containing minute spores ; 2. antheridia, wart-like bodies com- posed of radiating moniliform filaments found on distinct plants from the spores; and 3. tetraspores, collected into sori either towards the apex of the thallus or on proper lobes. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 142. pi. ISA, Phyc. Brit. pi. 191, &c.; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 15 ; Derbes and Solier, Ann. des Sc.nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 277. pi. 37; Thuret, ibid. 4 ser. iii. p. 18. PHYSACTIS, Kiitz.— A genus of Oscil- latoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), nearly related to Rivularia, perhaps improperly separated, consisting of aquatic and marine plants, growing on stones, &c., at first globose, and afterwards vesicular and lobed by peri- pheral growth, accompanied by gradual decay of the originally solid centre. Under this head are included — 1. P. (Rivularia) nitida. Deep olive- green, tufted and lobed, gregarious ; fronds from 1-12 to 1" in diameter. (R. bullata, Berk.) Marine. 2. P. (Riv.) plicata. Diam. 1-12 to 1-2" in diameter ; deep green. Marine. 3. P. (Riv.) pisum. Globose, dirty green, 1-12 to 1-2" in diameter. Aquatic. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 332, Tab. Phyc. Bd. i. pi. 58, &c. ; Hassall, Br. Fr. Alg. p. 262; Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. p. 222; Berk. Gleanings, pi. 2. fig. 1. PHYSARUM, Pers.— A genus of Myxo- gastres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), containing numerous species growing on rotten wood, bark, leaves, &c. They are nearly related to Didymium and Diderma, but have a simple membranous peridium ; the filaments are adnate to the peridium, but in some spores they are very few, approaching to the condi- tion of Licea. Some are sessile, others Fig. 576. Fig. 574. Fig. 575. Physarum bryophilum. Fig. 574. Plants growing on a Plagiochila. Magn. 2 diams. Fig. 575. A peridium burst. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 576. Filaments and spores from the same. Mag- nified 100 diameters. stipitate (fig. 574) ; the clustered forms (P. hyalinum and utriculatum) are removed to Berkeley's genus BADHAMIA. P. album is common. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 314, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 431, 2nd ser. xiii. p. 159 ; Fries, System. Myc. iii. p. 127, Summa Veg. p. 153 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 40. 310. PHYSCOMITRIUM, Bridel.— A genus of Funariaceae (Acrocarpous Mosses), inclu- ding many Qymnostoma of other authors. Physcomitrium pyriforme, Brid. = Gymno- stomum pyriforme, Hedw. Ph. sphcericum is remarkable as having been found only in one year in one locality in Britain. This species exhibits a pretty structure in a vertical section of the immature capsule, the mass of sporiferous tissue being sus- pended freely in the middle by cellular threads. PHYSIOTIUM. [ 505 ] PILOBOLUS. PHYSIOTIUM, Nees.— A genus of Jun- germannieae (Hepaticacese), containing one species, P. cochleariforme, a large plant, growing in purple tufts 4 to 6" long, on moors and among rocks in Ireland and the Scotch highlands. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 119, Br. Jung. p. 68, Engl. Bot. pi. 2500; Ekart, Synops. Jung. pi. 5. fig. 40; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Suppl. 1. nos. 472-18. PHYSOMYCETES.— An order of Fungi composed of microscopic plants of very simple organization, the mycelium being a byssoid or flocculent mass, bearing simple vesicular sporanges (peridiola), filled with minute spores. The nature of the membra- nous wall of the peridioles is not yet well ascertained in all the genera, some authors describing it as merely a veil, others as a perfect sac formed by the expansion of the terminal cell of the filament, which is cer- tainly true in Mucor. According to our own observations, the spores are formed by free- cell-formation in the peridiole which ulti- mately bursts to discharge the spores. The distinction between the two families seems to depend chiefly on the conditions of the peridioles. In the Antennariei, where they are firmer, they are sessile on radiating flocci, which sometimes send processes which grow up and surround them, or they are attached to the sides of erect filaments; these fila- ments form whitish or greyish patches, on the leaves of trees and herbs, bearing a close external resemblance to Erysiphe. The Mucorini are moulds growing on de- caying organic matter, the mycelium consti- tuting flocks floating in liquids or overgrow- ing damp substances, while the delicate spore- sacs or peridioles are borne at the apices of erect stalk-like, and often extremely branched filaments. The genus Sizygites exhibits a remarkable peculiarity, according to Ehren- berg, for he states that each spore-sac is formed by means of the conjugation of two branches of the ramified fructification (see SIZYGITES). Recent observations on some of the plants of this order seem to indicate that, as in most of the divisions of this class, much remains to be cleared up concerning the relations of the forms. See on this subject the article EUROTIUM, which genus, accord- ing to De Bary's researches, seems to be associated as merely one form of fructification, with ASPERGILLUS, upon the same myce- lium. Synopsis of the Families. 1. ANTENNARIEI. Mycelium filament- ous, radiating, or erect, bearing sessile, glo- bular, membranous sacs (peridioles), filled with ovate spores, discharged by the rupture of the sac at its apex. 2. MUCORINI. Mycelium filamentous, vague, giving off erect, simple or branched filaments terminating in vesicular cells (peri- dioles) filled with minute spores; often with a central column in the interior. BIBL. See the genera. PHYTELEPHAS, R. and P.— The ge- neric name of the Palm yielding the VEGE- TABLE IVORY nut. PHYTOCRENE, Wallich.— An Artocar- paceous tree with wood, of very remarkable structure. See WOOD. PIGGOTIA, Berk, and Broome. — A genus of Spheeronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), or perhaps the conidiferous form of Dothidea. P. astroidea occurs on the green leaves of the elm, forming irregular, round- ish, granulated or wrinkled jet-black patches (sometimes with a yellow border), on the upper surface of the leaf. Perithecia soon confluent, bursting by a lacerated fissure. BIBL. Berk, and Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vii. p. 95. pi. 5. fig. 1. PIGMENT. See INTRODUCTION, p.xxix. PILACRE, Fr.— A genus of Trichogas- tres (Gasteromycetous Fungi). BIBL. Berk, and Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. v. p. 365. pi. 11. PILOBOLUS, Tode.— A genus of Mu- corini (Physomycetous Fungi), consisting of little moulds growing upon dung; bearing some resemblance in their structure to Botrydium among the Algae. The plants have a stoloniferous creeping mycelium, from which arise fertile pedicels, each cut off from the mycelium by a septum ; the upper part of the pedicel expands into the vesicle, which also becomes shut off by a septum ; in the vesicle or peridiole spores are next developed by free cell-formation, and at the same time the septum becomes pushed up into its interior (as in MUCOR) to form a columella,, which ultimately causes the vesicular peri- diole to split off by a circumscissile dehis- cence just above the septum ; it is thrown off with elasticity, enclosing the spores. The development of P. crystallinus has been studied by Cohn. He finds the germinating spore to produce a creeping unicellular mycelial portion, and next a fruit-pedicel, which soon has the peridiole separated by a PILOTRICHUM. [ 506 ] PILULARIA. septum; thus, in its simplest form, this plant consists of only three cells ; subsequently it becomes complex by the root-cell or myce- lium producing numerous stolons. P. cry- stallinus is yellowish at first, the peridiole finally black. P. roridus, Bolt., a doubtful form, is smaller and more slender than the last, having an elongated filiform stem. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Fl. ii. pt. 2. p. 231 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 487 ; Cohn, Nova Acta, xxiii. p. 492. PILOTRICHUM, Pal. de Beauv. — A genus of Hypnoid Mosses, including some Fontinales of authors. 1. Pilotrichum antipyreticum, C. Miill.= Fontinalis antipyretica, L. 2. P. squamosum, C. Miill,=jP. squamosa, L. 3. P. ciliatum, C. Mull. = Ancectangium ciliatum, Brid., var.y. striatum= A. ciliatum, Wilson. 4. P. heteromallum, P. B.=Daltonia he- teromalla, H. and T. PILULARIA, L.— A genus of Marsile- aceous Plants, containing the only British representative of the order P. globulifera (fig. 579). This is an inconspicuous plant growing in mud at the edges of or in pools, having a filiform creeping stem, bearing erect filiform green leaves and delicate adven- titious roots, and producing shortly-stalked globular spore-fruits, about the size of a peppercorn. The anatomical structure of the stem and leaves is simple; they are clothed with an epidermis possessing sto- mates, and a cross-section both of the stem and the leaves exhibits a central vascular bundle (of spiral vessels), surrounded by a sheath of brownish cells, while in the delicate cel- lular tissue intervening between the central bundle and the epidermis stands a circle of air-passages, separated from each other by simple radiating cellular septa. Fig. 577. Fig. 578. Pilularia globulifera. Fig. 577. A vertical section of a spore-fruit. Magni- fied 5 diameters. Fig. 578. Transverse section of a spore-fruit. Magni- fied 5 diameters. The spore-fruits are hollow cases with an outer tough cellular coat, and an inner more delicate coat dipping in at four perpendicular lines, as far as the centre, so as to form dis- sepiments dividing the first into four chambers (figs. 5/7, 578) ; up the centre of the outer wall of each chamber runs a raised ridge (a kind of placenta), whence arise the sporanges or thecce (fig. 5/8). These are pear-shaped sacs composed of a very delicate cellular membrane. Those in the upper part of each chamber contain a number of minute globular bodies, resembling pollen- grains, immersed in a gelatinous liquid. The sacs in the lower part of the chamber contain only one body or spore, but this of very peculiar form; it nearly fills the theca, is somewhat oval in form, and possesses several coats. The development of the spores, as de- scribed by Valentine, is very curious ; the small spores are developed in the usual way, by the formation of parent-cells in the theca, which parent- cells subsequently each produce four spores. In the thecae which have the single large spore, a number of parent-cells are originally produced, and these become divided into four chambers by septa, but then all but one of these decay. This produces four spores, but out of these four only one attains to perfect development, the rest being subsequently dissolved and ab- sorbed to make room for the solitary large spore. This reminds us in some degree of the numerous germs formed in the Gymno- sperms (OVULE), and subsequently absorbed. The two kinds of spore in Pilularia corre- spond to the two forms in S EL A GIN ELL A and ISOETES, and to the pollen arid ovules of the Flowering Plants. They are set free by the dehiscence of the spore-fruit, and lie at first imbedded in the jelly poured out by the thecae. In this state the small spores exactly resemble pollen-grains, having an outer granular, and an inner delicately membra- nous coat ; the outer coat presenting ridges corresponding to the points of contact in the parent-cell. When set free, the spores soon burst at these ridges, and the inner coat is slightly protruded; this next bursts and dis- charges a number of lenticular cellules, from each of which escapes a ciliated spiral sper- matozoid. The mature large spores (fig. 580) are of oval form, and have a thick, outer gelati- nous coat composed of prismatic cells stand- ing perpendicularly on an inner glassy coat; the gelatinous coat is perforated at the PILULARIA. [ 507 ] PINNULARIA. summit by a funnel-shaped opening through which protrudes a pyramidal elevation of the second glassy coat; the last is lined by a delicate internal coat, containing protoplasm, Fig. 579. starch, oil- globules, &c. Soon after the expulsion of the spore, cell-formation takes place inside the pyramidal protrusion of the outer coat, from the cell-contents of the spore. Fig. 580. Fig. 583. Fig. 581. Fig. 582. Pilularia globulifera. Fig. 579. Natural size. Fig. 580. An ovule-spore. Magnified 25 diameters. Figs. 581 & 582. The same in germination. Magnified 25 diameters. Fig. 583. Germinating spore more advanced. Magnified 10 diameters. The glassy coat next splits at this point into four teeth, and exposes the cellular structure (prothallium), which increases in size, and acquires a green colour. An archegonium is next formed on this, consisting of a cell (embryo-sac) lying in the substance at the apex, with a canal bordered by four papillose cells leading to it. A spermatozoid fertilizes the free embryo-cell contained in the arche- gonium, and this becomes developed into a new plant, within the substance of the pro- thallium (fig. 582), sending out a leaf on one side and an adventitious root on the other, tangentally to the surface of the spore. In this stage (fig. 583) the young plant, with the remains of the spore, somewhat resembles a germinating Monocotyledonous seed. Finally, as the young plant increases in size, the remnants of the spore-coat are thrown off. BIBL. G. W. Bischoff, Krypt. Gewachse, Rhizocarpeen, Nuremberg, 1828. pi. 8; Va- lentine, Linnean Trans, xvii. ; Schleiden, Grundzuge, 3 ed. ii. p. 104 (Principles, p. 203); Nageli, Zeitschr.f. Wiss. Botanik. heft iii. & iv. p. 188 ( Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. ix. p. 99) ; Hofmeister, Vergleichend. Un- tersuch. Leipsic, 1851. p. 103. pis. 21, 22; Mettenius, Eeitr. z. Kenntn. des Rhizocarp. Frankfort, 1846 ; Henfrey, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. ix. p. 447, Trans. Brit. Assoc. 1851. p. 116. PINE-APPLE. See BROMELIACE.E. PINNULARIA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomacea3. Char. Frustules single, free, longer than broad ; front view linear or oblong ; valves navicular, elliptical, lanceolate or oblong (side view), with a median line and a nodule at the centre and at each end, surface exhibit- ing transverse or slightly radiating striae or furrows. This genus differs from Navicula in the stria3 not being resolvable into dots. They are mostly distinct under ordinary illumination. In some of the species they are absent in the middle, leaving a transverse clear space or band, resembling in appear- ance the stauros of Stauroneis. Twenty-four British species (Smith). PINUS. [ 508 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. P. nobilis (PI. 11. fig. 1, side view). Valves linear, dilated in the middle and at the rounded ends ; striae coarse. Aquatic and fossil; length 1-100 to 1-70". P. viridis (PI. 11. fig. 2, side view). Valves elliptical, somewhat turgid, ends obtuse. Aquatic; length 1-500 to 1-220". Common. /3. Striae parallel, absent from a transverse band. P. oblonga (PI. 11. fig. 3, side view). Valves linear- oblong, ends rounded. Aquatic and fossil; length 1-120". Common. P. radiosa (PL 11. fig. 4, side view; fig. 5, front view). Valves lanceolate, ends some- what obtuse. Aquatic ; length 1-500". Common. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diatom, i. p. 54. PINUS, L.— A genus of Coniferae (Gym- uospermous Flowering plants), presenting many interesting points of structure. The most familiar example is the Scotch Fir (P. Abies), but a great number of other species are cultivated in this country. For the mi- croscope they yield instructive objects in the wood (PI. 39. fig. 1), composed of pecu- liarly pitted vessels (see CONIFERAE) and tra- versed by turpentine reservoirs, in the BARK, which has a kind of false cork, in the deve- lopment of the Gymnospermous OVULES, and in the structure of the PoLLEN-grains. The wood of species of the genus Pinus frequently occurs in a fossil condition, both in coal and silicified (PI. 19. figs. 29-33). BIBL. See the articles above cited. PISOMYXA, Corda (Bryocladium, Kze.). — A genus of Antennarei (Physornycetous Fig. 584. Pisomyxa racodioides. Magnified 200 diameters . Fungi), growing upon leaves. Not British, as stated under the family. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 406 j Corda, Icones Fung. i. pi. 6. fig. 292. PITH. See MEDULLA. PITTED STRUCTURES, OF PLANTS. — The secondary deposits of cellulose which form the layers of thickening of the walls of vegetable cells are seldom uniform or homo- geneous in character. In most, if not in all cases, some special microscopic structure may be distinguished, either by mere inspec- tion or on the application of reagents. These layers, spoken of more particularly as to their nature under SECONDARY DEPO- SITS, may be divided into two classes, com- prehending pretty accurately all the varied conditions, namely, the Spiral deposits, where the secondary layers assume the aspect of fibres applied upon the inside of the cell- wall ; and Pitted, or as they are often termed, Porous deposits, where layers are applied over the whole internal surface of the cell, which layers present orifices of dif- ferent characters, leaving the primary mem- brane bare, and forming in this way a pit as viewed from the inside of the cell. When the secondary layers are comparatively thin, their presence is often overlooked, and the pits have thus often been mistaken for ori- fices or pores (figs. 585, 586) in the primary Fig. 585. Fig. 586. Pitted cells of elder pith. Magnified 250 diameters. membrane ; but such pores are never origi- nally present ; the closure of the pit by the layer of primary membrane may always be demonstrated in young structures ; and when orifices really do occur in cell-walls, these arise from the absorption of the primary cell-membrane converting the pit into a pore. The best way of demonstrating that young spotted cell-walls are only pitted and not perforated, is to apply sulphuric acid and iodine for the production of the blue colour in the primary cell-wall. Simple pits, of no great depth, occur on the slightly thickened walls of most perma- nent parenchymatous cells; they may be seen in the cells of herbaceous stems, in pith, bark, in the cells of the parenchyma of leaves, &c. (figs. 585, 586. PI. 38. fig. 14). In most prosenchymatous wood-cells, or liber-cells, and in the woody cells of the stones or shells of fruits and seeds, the pits are far more clearly evident, and become more and more distinct (PI. 39. fig. 3) as the layers of thickening increase in number, since by the successive application of these, PITTED STRUCTURES. [ 509 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. the pits are deepened (with the contraction of the cavity of the cell) until they become canals or tubular passages radiating from the central cavity (PI. 38. fig. 23). In these cases it is evidently seen that the pits of ad- jacent cells and ducts correspond to each other at their outer extremity ; and in old tissues, when the primary cell-walls have been absorbed, these coincident pits form tubular canals leading from one cell to another. It has been observed that two or more pits sometimes become confluent in the later in- ternal deposits, so that the internally simple orifice leads out to several branches corre- sponding to the original pits on the wall of the cell. In rare cases, simple pits occur on the outer walls of epidermal cells, as in Cycas (PL 38. fig. 28). Pits of the above kinds occur on the structures called ducts (see TISSUES, VEGE- TABLE), formed of cells applied end to end and confluent (fig. 184, page 216). These large pitted tubes, which occur abun- dantly in most woods, with the excep- tion of that of the Coniferae, are sometimes termed bothrenckyma, signifying pitted tis- sue ; but the character not being exclusively applicable to them, the name is bad. In many pitted ducts, and in the pitted Fig. 587. Fig. 588. '.-,: Fig. 587. Pitted ducts of Clematis. Magn. 100 diam. Fig. 588. Side wall of a cell of Pine, with bordered pits. Magnified 200 diameters. wood-cells of many plants, especially of the Coniferae, the pits present a greater degree of complication. The markings on the walls of the wood-cells of most of the Coniferae, for example, consist of pits surrounded by a broad rim (fig. 588. PL 39. figs. 1.4. 5); the Fig. 589. ... r.m c.i Section of Pine wood at right angles to the pitted walls. p. /, walls of a pitted cell ; c.f, cavity of a cell ; c. I, len- ticular cavity between two adjacent pits ; r. m, cells of a medullary ray ; the pits have no rim here. Magnified 400 diameters. portion within the rim projects somewhat into the cavity of the cell, and appears like a lenticular body attached on the wall ; hence the markings "were formerly termed the " glands" of Coniferous wood. In reality, however, while the pits themselves resemble ordinary pits, the broad rim, or rather the circular line outside the pit, depends on a condition of the cell-wall outside the mem- brane, and is merely the outline of a lenti- cular cavity existing between two adjacent cells, the boundary of which is visible through the wall on account of the transparency of the latter : the nature of this structure is very evident in sections made at right angles to those which show the bordered pits in face (fig. 589. PL 39. fig. 1 b). In most of the Coniferae the wood is exclusively com- posed of large elongated prosenchymatous cells, with bordered pits of this character on the side-walls, that is, on the wall standing radially or perpendicular to the bark ; the PITTED STRUCTURES. [ 510 ] PITTED STRUCTURES. pits, however, which lie on parts of the wall adjoining the cells of medullary rays, are generally devoid of the rim. Similar bordered pits occur very generally on the walls of the pitted ducts of Dicotyle- dons ; but as the wood is here of mixed com- position, and the ducts adjoin cells as well as other ducts, independently of the medullary rays, we often find a greater variety of con- ditions on the wall of the same duct, which may have bordered pits when adjoining an- other duct, and simple pits, or pits with a double outline, when adjoining cells. The pits with a double outline (PL 39. figs. 15 b, & 20) are of different nature from the bor- dered pits (PL 39. figs. 13, 14, 15 a, 16, 18), the double outline depending simply on the fact that the later or more internal layers of thickening do not reach the edge of the ori- fice in the earlier secondary deposits, so that the pit is conical, or rather, has sloping edges, the circumference at the primary membrane being rather less than that of the margin next the cell cavity. A peculiar modification of this unequal mode of deposit is seen in company with the true rim or border in many cases (PL 39. figs. 14. 16. 18), where the central spot or original pit appears in the middle of a slit running across the circle indicating the border; this slit indicates the alteration of the shape of the gap in the secondary deposits in the success- ive layers, and corresponds to the inner margin of the pit, where this has the form of an elongated groove or slit, gradually dimi- nishing to a small round hole towards the primary cell-membrane (PL 39. fig. 18 o). Sometimes (PL 39. fig. 18 a, b) the two or more slits formed in this way on contiguous pits become confluent. The last condition indicates a transition to the more sparing form of the secondary deposit where it ap- pears as a modification of a spiral fibre or fibres ; and the later secondary deposits of pitted ducts do sometimes actually assume this form, and produce a spiral fibrous layer of thickening inside the layers perforated by pits. This is the case in TAX us (PL 39. fig. 4), in the Lime (PL 39. fig. 13), and Mezereon (PL 39. fig. 19 b}, &c. For the guidance of microscopic observers we mav furnish a series of examples in addi- tion to" the CONIFERS (PL 39. figs. 1. 4. 5) of different kinds of marking on pitted ducts. A. Forms where there is no spiral-fibrous secondary deposit. a. Ducts with bordered pits uniformly distributed, without reference to adjacent structures : Eleaanus acuminatus, Clematis Vitalba (PL 39. fig. 18). b. Ducts where the bordered pits are fewer on the walls adjoining cells : Acacia lophantha, Sophorajaponica. c. Ducts with bordered pits where adjoin- ing ducts, while the walls adjoining wood- cells have few or no bordered pits, and those next the medullary rays have pits without a border : elder, beech, hazel, pop- lar, alder, plane, apple, &c. d. Ducts with bordered pits where adjoin- ing ducts, but with large pits devoid of a border where adjoining cells : Cassyta gla- bella (PL 39. fig. 14), Eombax pentandra (PL 39. fig. 15). e. Ducts presenting a modification of the last, where the bordered pits have the form of slits as wide as the ducts when adjoining ducts, while the walls adjoining cells have large pits without a border : Chilianthus arboreus (PL 39. fig. 17), the vine (in a less striking manner). Eryngium maritimum (PL 39. fig. 21) exhibits a condition ap- proaching this. B. Forms where a spiral-fibrous structure is added after the pits. f. All the ducts with bordered pits, but the larger ducts with smooth walls, the smaller with a spiral fibre : ClematisVitalba, Ulmus campestris, Morus alba. g. All the ducts closely pitted, with slen- der fibres between the rows of pits : Hakea oleifolia. h. The larger ducts with pits, the smaller without ; both kinds with spiral fibres on the internal surface : Daphne Mezereum (PL 39. fig. 19), Passerina filiformis, Genista cana- riensis. i. The walls adjacent to other ducts pitted, those next cells with very distant pits, or devoid of them ; all the walls with fibres : the lime, horse-chestnut, sycamore, cornel, holly, hawthorn, Prunus Padus, virainiana, &c. The last set of forms allies these struc- tures to those characterized peculiarly by the SPIRAL-FIBROUS structures, and, as will be indicated there and under SECOND- ARY DEPOSITS, the smooth layers of thick- ening, such as those between the pits of Pinus, may be made to show a spiral struc- ture by the action of reagents. For the micro-chemical conditions of these objects, their development, and relations, PLAGIOCHILA. [ 511 ] PLATINUM, see SECONDARY DEPOSITS, TISSUES, Ve- getable, and CELLS, Vegetable. BIBL. Works on Structural Botany; Mohl, Vegetable Cell, London, 1852. p. 10, and Vermischte Schrift. Tubingen, 1845. pp. 268. 272 (Linncea, xvi. p. 1. 1842), transl. in Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. p. 393, Abh. d. Acad. zu Munchen, i. 445, and the EM. of SPIRAL STRUCTURES. PLAGIOCHILA, Nees and Montagne.— A genus of Jungermannieae (Hepaticaceae), containing a number of British species, viz. P. (Jungermannia, Hook.) asplenoides, spinulosa, decipiens, resupinata, undulata, planifolia, nemorosa, and umbrosa, some of which, especially P. asplenoides (fig. 590), Fig. 590. Plagiochila asplenoides. Magnified 2 diameters. are among the most frequent and finest plants of the family, its stems growing from 3 to 5" long. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. Ill, &c., Brit. Jung. pi. 13, 14, &c.; Ekary Sy- nops. Jung. p. 6 et seq. pi. 1, &c.; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. No. 473-1. PLANARIA, Miill.— A genus of Annu- lata, of the order Turbellaria, and family Planarieae. Char. Body soft, flattened, oblong or oval, not jointed, covered with vibratile cilia; neither suckers, bristles, nor leg-like ap- pendages present. Some parts of the structure of these ani- mals have been noticed under ANNULATA in speaking of the Turbellaria. The mouth is situated on the under surface of the mid- dle of the body, at the end of a retractile proboscis ; there is no anus ; the mouth leads to a capacious stomach, giving off den- dritically branched caeca, somewhat as in one joint of a Tania (PI. 16. fig. 14). Their motion is continuous and gliding upon wa- ter plants, or the sides of glass jars. The anterior part of the body exhibits a curved row or a single pair of eyes, and sometimes ear-like projections. They multiply by divi- sion, and the formation of ova, which are enclosed in a coloured capsule. Some of the species are very common in pools, and resemble, at first sight, minute leeches. P. nigra, which is black, has a row of marginal anterior eyes, and two lateral and one mesial projections; length about 1-2". P. brunnea, dusky-brown, with a dark me- sial line ; eyes as above ; length rather less. P. lactea, cream-coloured, tinged with pale reddish brown, truncate in front, with two slight lateral auricles ; eyes two or four ; length 1-2 to 3-4". P. torva, grey or black; obtuse in front, angles rounded, centre pro- jecting; eyes two, with a white halo ; length 1-2". Of the other species some are marine. BIBL. Johnston, Non-parasitical Worms; Duges, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xv. and xxi. ; (Ersted, System. Eintheil. d. Plattwiirmer; Diesing, Syst. Helminth.; Dalyell, Powers of Creation, ii. ; Schultz, Naturg. Turbell. PLANARIOLA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria. Char. Body lamelliform, oblong, variously sinuous and folded at the margin, convex and glabrous above, concave and ciliated beneath. This genus is placed among the unsym- metrical Infusoria, and has been provision- ally founded to contain animals much resembling Planariee in aspect and consist- ence, but without a mouth or any other external orifice, and only ciliated on the under surface. P. rubra (PL 24. fig. 65). Red, granular, narrowed behind, enlarged in front, and with two ear-like folds. Aquatic, in decomposing vegetable matter ; length 1-250". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 568. PLANTAIN. See MUSA. PLANULINA. See FORAMINIFERA (p. 271). PLATINUM.— The sodio-chloride of pla- tinum crystallizes in prisms and plates which polarize light ; while the potassio-chloride of platinum yields several forms, which do not polarize light. This reaction of the soda-salt has been been proposed as a means of distinguishing soda from potash, or de- tecting minute quantities of the former. BIBL. Andrews, Chem. Gaz. 1852. x. 378. PLATYGRAMMA. PLEUROXUS. PLATYGRAMMA, Meyer.— A genus of Graphideae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), con- taining two British species. BIBL. Leighton, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. xiii. p. 393. PLATYZOMA, R. Brown.— A genus of Gleichenaeous Ferns. Exotic. PLEOPELTIS, Humb. and Bonpl.— An exotic genus of Polypeae, remarkable for the Fig. 591. Fig. 592. Pleopeltis nuda. Fig. 591. A sorus seen from above. Fig. 592. Vertical section of ditto. Magnified 25 diameters. presence of peculiarly formed so-called para- physes in the sori. These bodies are peltate, or like minute flat mushrooms or umbrellas expanded over and sheltering the sporanges (figs. 591, 592). PLEUROCOCCUS, Menegh.— A form of Protococcus. PLEURODESMIUM, Kg.— A genus of Diatomaceae, allied to Striatella, but the characters given are very obscure. Marine. Africa. BIBL. Kiitzing, Bot. Zeit. 1846. p. 248; Sp.Alg.p. 115. PLEUROGRAMMA, Presl.— A genus of Taenitideae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. PLEURONEMA, Duj.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Paramecina. Char. Body oblong- oval, depressed, with a broad lateral orifice, from which a bundle of long, curved, floating and contractile ciliary filaments issues. P. chrysalis (crassa], D. = Paramecium chrysalis, E. (PI. 24. fig. 66). Aquatic. P. marina, D. Has the body somewhat narrower than the last, and is pointed in front. Marine. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us, p. 473. PLEUROPYXIS, Corda.— A genus of Antennarei (Physomycetous Fungi), growing Fig. 593. Plcuropyxis microsperma. Magnified 200 diameters. upon leaves and stems. This and PISOMYX A are stated by mistake, under ANTENNAREI, to be British (fig. 593). BIBL. Corda, Icon. Fung. pi. 6. fig. 291. PLEUROSIGMA, Smith. See GYRO- SIGMA. PLEUROTROCHA, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes none ; a single tooth in each jaw : foot forked (=zHydatina with uniden- tate jaws). P. gibba (PI. 35. fig. 18). Body ovate- oblong, truncate in front; toes small, turgid. Aquatic ; length 1-216". Other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 418; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. 199. PLEUROXUS, Baird.— A genus of En- tomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Lynceidae. Char. Anterior part of shell prominent above, obliquely truncate below ; first pair of legs very large ; beak sharp, curved downwards. Aquatic. P. trigonellus (PI. 14. fig. 32). Beak long, sharp-pointed, slightly curved down- wards ; inferior antennae short and slender, anterior branch with four setae, one from the first joint, one from the second, and two from the last ; posterior branch with three setae all arising from the last joint. P. uncinatus. Beak curved upwards at the end ; three sharp spines at the anterior inferior angle of the shell ; inferior antennae as the last. P. hamatus. Beak blunt and strong, slightly curved downwards; first pair of legs PLOCAMIUM. [ 513 ] PODODISCUS. ?Male of with a curved claw at the end. of P. trigonellus. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 134. PLOCAMIUM, Lamouroux.— A genus of Delesseriaceae (Florideous Algae), contain- ing one species, P. coccineum, the common- est of our red sea- weeds, with delicate flat feathery thallus, from 2 to 12" high, growing in bushy tufts on rocks or other Algae. The fruit consists of — 1. Coccidia, spherical, stalked or sessile tubercles, at the sides or in the axils of the ramules, filled with angular spores; 2. antheridia, which occur in inconspicuous flat patches, composed of short erect cells, upon the surface of distinct plants ; and 3. stichidia, lateral or axillary, simple or branched pods containing a single or double row of linear (transversely parted) tetraspores. BIBL. Harvey, Br. Mar. Alg. p. 19. pi. 15 C; Phyc. Brit. pi. 44; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 12; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 19. PLCEOTIA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, belonging to the family Thecamonadina. Char. Body diaphanous, with several longitudinal ribs or keels projecting in the middle, and a rounded perfectly limpid margin. Two anterior locomotive filaments, one flagelliform, the other trailing. P. vitrea (PL 24. fig. 67). Body hyaline, with three or four projectinglongitudinal lines in the middle, and some internal granules. Marine ; length 1-1200". Movement slow. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 345. PLGESCONIA, Duj. (Infusoria) = Eu- plotes, Ehr. PLQESCONINA, Duj. (INFUSORIA).— This family consists of the family Euplota,E., united with the genus Loxodes, E. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 428. PLUMATELLA, Lam. — A genus of Polypi, of the order Bryozoa. Char. Polypidom fixed, coriaceous or membranous, confervoid, tubular, branched; polypes issuing from the ends of the branches ; tentacular disc crescentic ; ten- tacles numerous (about sixty), in a single row, invested at their origin by a membrane. Aquatic. Doubtfully distinct from Alcy- onella. P. repens. Polypidom adherent, the erect branches tubular, margins of apertures en- tire. Stem several inches long. P. emarginata. Apertures with a deep notch filled up by a transparent membrane. P.fruticosa. Branches suddenly dilated towards the entire apertures. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Zooph. p. 402; Allman, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1844. xiii. 330. PODAXINEL— A family of Gasteromy- cetous Fungi, none of which are found in Britain ; they are distinguished from all allied tribes by a solid column in the centre of the sporange. BIBL. Montagne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xx. 69 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. iv. 169; Montagne, translated in Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. ix. PODISOMA, Link.— A genus of Cseo- macei (Coniomycetous Fungi), growing upon Fig. 594. Fig. 595. Podisoma Juniperi. Fig. 594. Branch of Juniper with clavate fructification protruded from beneath the bark. Nat. size. Fig. 595. Vertical section through a fruit, showing the filaments terminating in bilocular spores. Magnified 50 diameters. the living leaves and branches of species of Juniper; the filamentous mycelium creep- ing beneath the epidermis, and sending up a fleshy, stalk-like, tremelloid body (fig. 594), composed of agglutinated filaments (fig. 595), terminating in bilocular spores (or two spores adherent together), each of the cells having two or four pores, through which the internal membrane is protruded in ger- mination. See UREDO. Four species are described as British, P. Juniperi-communis, P. Juniperi-Sabinte, P. foliicolium (on the leaves of J. communis), and P.fuscum ; the last occurring upon Pinus halepensis and J. Oxycedrus. BIBL. Berk.Br«V.F/or.ii.pt.2.p.362; Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. iii. 520; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xix. p. 205, 4 ser. ii. p. 186. pi. 10; Fries, Summa Veg. 474. PODOCYSTIS, Lev.=Melampsora. See UREDO. PODODISCUS, Kg.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules single or concatenate, with a marginal stalk ; valves circular, con- vex. Marine. 2L PODOPHRYA. [ 514 ] POLARIZATION. No markings visible under ordinary illu- mination. P. jamaicensis (PL 13. fig. 16). Stalk elongate, weak. Diameter 1-840". BIBL. Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 51 ; Sp. Alg. p. 26. PODOPHRYA, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Acinetina. P.fixa (PI. 23. fig. 5) is noticed under Actinophrys pedicellata (p. 12). It is doubtful whether this is a distinct organism, or whether it is not a stage of metamorphosis of Vorticella. Compare PI. 25. fig. 33. EIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 305; Dujardin, In/us, p. 266 ; Stein, Infus., passim. PODOSIRA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules concatenate, with a lateral stalk ; valves circular, convex. Marine. No markings visible by ordinary illumina- tion. Stalk attached to the centre of the valves. P. hormoides (PI. 14. fig. 34). Frustules depressed-spheroidal, connected by isthmi (stalks). Diameter 1-650". P. Montagnei (Melosira globifera, Ralfs). Frustules elliptical in front view (circular, R.), connected by short isthmi. Diameter 1-600". BIBL. Kutzing, Sp. Alg. p. 26. PODOSPHENIA, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules attached, sessile, wedge- shaped in front view ; ends indented so as to produce a black line (vitta) in the front view ; valves convex, obovate, with a longi- tudinal median line and transverse striae, but no nodules. Marine. The striae consist of rows of dots, some- times distinct by ordinary illumination, at others not so. P. Ehrenbergii (PI. 13. fig. 17). Frustules in front view, truncate at the end ; valves somewhat acute at the ends. Length 1-240". P. Lyngbyei. Frustules in front view, truncate at the end ; valves rounded at the free end. Length 1-350". Three other British species. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diat. i. p. 82 ; Kiitzing, Bacill p. 119; Sp. Alg. p. 110. PODOSPORIUM, Lev. = Melampsora. See UREDO. PODURA, L .— A genus of Insects, of the order Thysanura, and family Podurellse. This genus has been greatly subdivided. In its extended signification, the characters consist in the thorax being distinct from the Fig. 596. Podura. Magnified about 15 diameters. abdomen, and in the presence of a forked tail, bent under the abdomen when not in use, and enabling the animals to move by springing or jumping, whence the common name of spring-tails applied to them. They are of a leaden appearance, and found in shady damp places, as under flower- pots or stones, in cellars, &c., and are about 1-20 to 1-10" in length. They may be caught by placing a little flour upon a piece of paper in their haunts. The body is covered with scales (PI. 1. fig. 12), which are used as test-objects. Those of P. plumbea, the so-called common spring-tail, are usually recommended; but we believe that the most common Podura is not this species. This is, however, a matter of little importance, because the scales of several species, belonging to even different genera, are exactly similar, both in form and markings. See SCALES OF INSECTS and TEST- OBJECTS. BIBL. Gervais, WalcTcenaer' s Apteres, iii. and the Bibl. therein. POLARISCOPE.— A term employed to designate a polarizing apparatus, consisting of a polarizer and analyser. See INTRO- DUCTION, p. xviii. POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. — The phaenomena exhibited by microscopic objects, when viewed by polarized light, are perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of those connected with the use of the microscope. The extreme brilliancy, transparency and variety in the colours developed cannot be equalled, much less can they be represented by illustrations, although the figures in PL 31 may give some idea of the manner in which they are arranged in certain objects. The ordinary arrangement of the parts of the polarizing apparatus scarcely needs de- scription ; the polarizer being placed beneath the object and the analyser above it; the polarizer and analyser usually consisting of POLLEN. [ 515 ] POLLEN. two Nicol's prisms, or two plates of tourma- line. Some artificially prepared crystals exert a powerful polarizing action, and may be used either as polarizers or analysers, or as both ; among these the salt of QUININE occupies the first place. Others form in- teresting analysers, some of which have been noticed under ANALYTIC CRYSTALS and DICHROISM. Numerous salts and other crystalline bodies, which powerfully depolarize the already polarized light, and exhibit beautiful colours, are mentioned under their respective heads ; some of these may be enumerated here; as the oxalate of ammonia, of soda, and of chromium and ammonia; the oxalu- rate of ammonia, the acetate of copper, chlorate of potash, the prismatic form of the ammonio-phosphate of magnesia, the am- monio-phosphate of soda, the sulphates of cadmium and of magnesia, selenite, salicine, uric acid, &c. Many organic bodies and tissues also possess considerable depolarizing power ; as horse-hair, portions of feathers, sections of quill, of hoof, horn, &c. ; the siliceous cuticle of the Equiseta and various grasses, starch-grains, &c. The examination of objects by polarized light is often looked upon as a mere amuse- ment, and the polariscope as a toy, and to those who can perceive only the beautiful colours, such they are. Their use, however, consists in developing the optical properties of bodies, the cause of which may be deter- mined by histological analysis ( INT ROD. p. xxxvi.) ; and for this purpose they are invaluable and indispensable. Objects to be examined by polarized light should be immersed in turpentine or balsam, to render them as transparent as possible. BIBL. Herschel, EncycL MetropoL art. Light; Pereira, Lectures on Polarized Light, by B. Powell; Woodward, On Polarized Light ; Brewster, Optics ; Erlach, Mik. Beobacht. iib. organ. Element, bei Polar. Licht. Mutter's Archiv, 1847. POLLEN.— This name is applied to the coloured pulverulent substance familiar to every one as occurring scattered in the interior of full-blown flowers; it is produced in the anthers, the (usually) stalked club- shaped organs which stand in one or more circles between the floral envelopes and the pistils, and is discharged from them when ripe, in order to fertilize the ovules. When slightly magnified, the pollen of most flowers appears to consist of granules, of different size and colour in different plants; hence the individual particles are called pollen- grains or granules (PL 32). Examination under a sufficient magnifying power shows that the simple or typical forms of pollen- grains are single, free cells, filled with fluid matter ; more complex forms occur in many cases, which, however, may be simply cha- racterized as groups of simple pollen-grains, permanently coherent into definitely-formed groups. The pollen-grain may be examined as to the form and structure, its contents and its development. The forms of simple grains presented in different plants are tolerably varied, spherical (PL 32. figs. 8-10, 22, 23, 25) and elliptical (figs. 6, 11, 29), being perhaps those most common ; but besides these, numerous geo- metrical forms occur, such as tetrahedral (fig. 14), polygonal (figs. 16, 27, 28), cubic (fig. 19). But it must be noted here that the forms frequently vary according as the pollen is viewed dry or in fluid, since the elliptical and allied forms often expand into a spherical form, when they absorb liquid (figs. 18 & 20 a, b, c). The explanation of this will be given presently. The external appearance is further greatly influenced by minor peculiarities of form, such as ridges, spines and processes of different kinds; these, however, are referable to the structure of the outer coat. The ordinary structure of the coats or the cell-wall of the pollen-grain is that of a delicate internal cell-membrane, with an outer, thick and resisting layer, which may be regarded as the CUTICLE of the inner or proper membrane of the cell. In a few cases the inner membrane alone exists, as in the cylindrical pollen-cells of Zostera, and some other aquatic plants. In other cases, the outer or cuticular coat presents a more complex structure, and two or, it is said, even three layers may be distinguished in it ; these, however, seem to be merely a lamination of the outer coat. The conditions in some of the Coniferae are different from this, and will be alluded to presently. The inner membrane is exceedingly delicate and homogeneous, in ordinary spherical or oval grains it accurately lines the outer coat ; in some of those forms which present processes of various kinds, such as CEnothera, it seems to us that the inner coat does not extend into these processes in the mature pollen. The outer coat exhibits, as to surface, every variety of appearance from smooth, through 2L2 POLLEN. [ 516 ] POLLEN. granular and spiny, to pseudo-cellular arising from reticulated ridges ; in addition to this, the processes just alluded to give a very peculiar aspect to many kinds of pollen. Besides these, we find in all cases markings appearing like pores, or others like slits (which become furrows when dry), or both together, and these in varying number in different cases. The colour of the pollen presents great differences ; although usually yellow, it may be whitish, red ( Verbascum), blue (Epiloblum angustifolium), even black (tulip) ; this colour resides in the outer coat. The outer coat also exhibits, in the majority of cases, a secretion upon its sur- face, of a viscid character, usually described as oily, but apparently consisting of a viscid matter, not readily soluble in water, remain- ing from the dissolved parent-cells. It would seem to be this substance which holds together the pollen-grains in those cases where it consists of waxy masses, readily breaking up into small fragments ( Ophry deous Orchids). In the Onagraceae the pollen-grains are loosely connected by slender, viscid fila- ments, which appear to be derived from the same source. The more detailed explanation of the characters of the pores, &c., the projecting processes, and the compound conditions of pollen, will be understood better after a sketch of its development. The anther, in which the pollen is formed, consists in its younger stages of a minute, solid, cellular papilla or cylindrical body; at an early period a distinction becomes mani- fest in its cells ; a single vertical row, lying in the position of the axis of each pollen- chamber (or loculus), presents a different aspect, from its cells exceeding the surround- ing ones in size ; and these rows undergo a special development to produce the pollen- grains, while the surrounding layers are developed into the tissues forming the coat or wall of the anther, and its midrib or con- nective (see ANTHER). The cells of the pri- mary row multiply by cell-division, with the general increase in size of the anther (figs. 597-599), until at length they form relatively large masses of cellular tissue, composed of large squarish cells, filled with granular contents, well defined as constitu- ting a distinct tissue from the walls of the pollen-chambers. A new change then takes place; the contents of each cell secrete a layer of cellulose, which does not adhere to the wall of the parent-cell to form a layer of secondary deposit, but lies free against it, so that a new free cell is formed within each old one, nearly filling it. The walls of the Fig. 597. Fig. 598. c.i Fig. 599. CL Cl CM Vertical section of a cell of a young anther of the melon, showing the gradual separation of the regions. C E, epidermal cells ; C I, cells of the wall of the anther; C L, cells lining the loculi ; C M, cells from which the pollen is developed. Magnified 100 diameters. old cell (forming a connected parenchymatous tissue) then dissolve, so that the free cells become free, no longer merely in their parent- cells, but in a cavity which is to constitute the pollen- chamber or loculus of the anther. These free cells are the parent-cells of the pollen of authors. A new phenomenon soon occurs in these. These parent-cells divide into four by ordinary cell-division, either by one or by two successive partings by septa at right angles to each other, but both per- pendicular to an imaginary axis (as when an orange is quartered), or by simultaneously- formed septa, which cut off portions in such a manner that the new cells stand in the position of four cannon-balls piled into a pyramid (tetrahedrally). These new cells are the special parent-cells of the pollen, and in each of these the entire protoplasmic POLLEN. [ 517 ] POLLEN. contents secrete a series of layers, which, in the ordinary course, by the solution of the primary walls of the special parent-cells upon which they were applied, become the walls of free cells, which constitute the simple ordinary pollen-cells. These subsequently increase in size, and their outer coat assumes Fig. 600. Fig. 601. Fig. 602. Pollen-grain of the Melon in various stages of develop- ment. Magnified 100 diameters. its characteristic form and appearance, while free in the chamber of the anther (figs. 600, 601, 602). In referring the peculiarities of many kinds of pollen to circumstances connected with the development, it may be noted, in the first place, that the mode of division of the parent-cells into quarters often influences the ultimate form of the pollen-grain : thus when the division is by two planes at right angles, the original form of the pollen-grain will be elongated, and the ripe grain will probably be elliptical, while, when the divi- sion is " tetrahedral," the grains may retain the form thus produced, or be slightly modified and become polygonal, or, as is more common, they expand more readily than the others into a sphere. But there is no absolute rule here ; we find even the tetrahedral and the polar division occur together among the parent-cells of the same anther. In the next place, a compound con- dition of the pollen-grains (PL 32. figs. 7, 17) is readily explicable by referring it to an arrest of the process of subdivision, so that if the walls of the special parent-cell do not dissolve, the pollen-grains will be left in groups of four ; and if the parent-cells do not become singly detached in the antece- dent process of solution, the grains may be still developed in the same order and manner, and remain connected in greater or smaller masses or groups, each enclosed in its special parent-cell, itself connected with a number of others of the same generation by the persistence of the walls of the cells in which the parent-cells were developed. This ex- plains the compound pollen of the Acacias (PL 32. fig. 27), and in an excessive form, the waxy pollen-masses which occur in the Orchidaceae and Asclepiadacea?. It is some- times stated that the pollen-grains of these compound forms are merely connected toge- ther by the viscid substance remaining from the solution of the parent-cells, but this would render such cohesions indefinite in character, instead of being regular; at the same time it will be understood that the solution may have advanced so far that the grains merely hold together slightly, and may readily be separated. This is not the case, however, with the majority of compound pollen-grains. When the pollen-grains be- come free, their viscid secretions are pro- bably referable to the dissolved parent-cells. The metamorphoses of the outer coat or cuticle of the pollen-grain are very remark- able and not yet at all understood; the granulations (P1.32. figs. 11, 12), spines(figs. 8, 9, 22, 26), reticulations (figs. 13, 23, 27, 28), &c., characterizing mature grains, make their appearance in the interval between the solution of the special parent-cells and the bursting of the anther, while the pollen- grains lie free within the latter; their pro- duction is accompanied by a general growth and expansion of the pollen-gram. We have observed that the outer coat is often deposited as a very thick layer inside the special parent-cell, and that when the latter dissolves, the outer coat of the pollen-grain is also in a softened condition, and becomes stretched by the expanding inner coat, finally forming a comparatively thin layer on the ripe grain (ex. gr. hi Tradescantia). The mode of origin of the markings, like those on SPORES and on the cuticle of HELLE- BORUS, &c. (see EPIDERMIS), is altogether unknown ; probably all the cases are refer- able to one cause. It has been mentioned that the mature pollen-grain exhibits pores or slits. We believe they should rather be regarded as thinner places in the outer membrane. Their number and position varies much, as will be indicated presently on referring to some of the principal types of form of pollen. The slit-like markings are generally accompanied by a peculiar shrinking of the pollen when dry, the coat collapsing at the thin places, so that grains of this kind appear oval or angular, not clearly exhibiting the slits POLLEN. [ 518 ] POLLEN. (which then become furrows) when dry, but swell out, and display the latter clearly when placed in water or dilute acids (PI. 32. figs. 18 & 20). When the so-called pores exist, they are either like simple pores (PL 32. fig. 10), or they may be provided with little disk-like pieces or lids, which fall off and leave them bare when the pollen- tube is formed (figs. 13 & 22). In all cases, however, we believe that the outer coat is extended over the whole surface, and that the slits and dots are merely thinner places ; moreover, in certain cases (Leschenaultia, a quaternate pollen), we have seen the thick- ening layers of the young pollen- grain, inside the parent-cell, exhibit pits (exactly comparable to those of ordinary pitted cells) at the places corresponding to the future pores, and curiously enough, in some cases at least, the pits of adjacent pollen-cells cor- responded, although in the mature expanded compound grains they were far separated. Sometimes the lids are found at the end of short projecting processes (PI. 32. fig. 22). The pollen of (Enothera and allied genera exhibit remarkable conditions which have been mistakenly described. The form of the grain is that of a depressed sphere, with three large equidistant truncated cones, projecting pretty nearly in the same plane. The outer coat is thick, except at the ends of the conical masses, and two laminae are distin- guishable (PL 32. fig. 14). The outer coat thins off towards the end of each process. It appears to us that the inner coat or true pollen-membrane does not extend into the processes at all, but is globular ; and that a semifluid deposit occupies the space between the inner coat and the outer in the cavity of the tubular processes. Now supposing such a deposit to become hardened and pushed off as a plate by the advancing pollen-tube, instead of giving way and expanding, we should have the lid occurring in Cucurbita Pepo (PL 32. fig. 22) and other cases. In Mimulus moschatus (PL 32. fig. 24) the slits or furrows are curved, and in Nymphcea, Pinus, and other cases, still more complex. It has been stated that the pollen is the agent of fertilization of the ovules in the Flowering plants. When scattered from the anthers, that portion of the pollen which falls upon the stigma (and frequently other portions falling upon nectaries or secreting surfaces) swell slightly, and germinate, as it were, sending out a delicate tubular process from one or more of the so-called pores or slits (PL 32. fig. 30), which processes (the pollen-tubes) insinuate themselves between the loosely packed cells of the stigma, and, continually elongating, make their way down the style and along the conducting tissue to the ovules. In the Coniferae the pollen- grains fall directly upon the micropyle of the naked OVULE, and send their pollen- tubes into it. The pollen-tube is produced by the growth of the inner or proper coat of the pollen into a tubular filament. When pollen- grains are placed in dilute sulphuric acid or in syrup (sometimes in water), they absorb liquid, swell, and their contents partly exude from pores, &c., either to a slight ex- tent, as a little " hernia," as it were, of the inner membrane, or in large quantity in a worm-like, irregular mass ; in the latter case the coagulation of the surface often produces a pellicular coat. These exuded masses are of course distinct from the true pollen-tubes produced under natural conditions. The fluid contents of the pollen-grains consist of a granular viscid protoplasm, with minute starch-granules and (apparently) oil- drops, making together what has been called the fovilla, which increases in density as the pollen ripens. The starch-granules ex- hibit molecular motion in the pollen-tube, and especially when they escape by rupture. The granular contents of the pollen-cell, which are always rendered opaque by the action of water, are gradually transferred to the pollen-tube as it elongates. Connected with this point is the pecu- liarity exhibited by the pollen of the Coni- ferae. fn the Abietineae the form of the granules is very peculiar, elongated, curved, and with bulging ends; and, according to Schacht, a distinct internal cell exists, at- tached at one side in the cavity of the ordi- nary pollen-cell, this internal cell dividing and growing out as the pollen-tube when the pollen-grain comes upon the ovule. The pollen of the Cupressineas is spheroidal, but free cellules appear to be formed in the pollen-tubes during the fertilization. These conditions, which are not yet satisfactorily cleared up, indicate a relation to the sper- matozoid-producing spores of the Marsilea- cese, &c., analogous to that between the Gym- nospermous ovules and the ovule-spores of those Cryptogamic families. It has been imagined that the form and structure of the pollen-grains might have some relation to the general structure of the plants, and might serve as an indication of systematic position and affinities. But there appears to be no definite relation ; very va- POLLEN. ried pollen occurs within the limits of the same family, and very similar pollen-grains in families widely distant. There appears, however, to be a certain relation within the limits of genera. It may be perhaps gene- rally stated that the Monocotyledons have frequently one pore or furrow ; the Grasses often three pores, as is the case with many Dicotyledons, many of which have more, while a large number of the families of this division exhibit both pores and slits. As microscopic objects, it is most convenient to class the forms artificially, or according to structure ; and we give a brief list of the principal varieties arranged under this point of view. The pollen-grains of Zostera, Zanichellia, and other submerged aquatic plants, have no cuticle or outer coat; all other known forms possess one or more outer layers. A. Outer coat without furrows or pores. a. Outer coat granular : Strelitzia Regince, Calla palustris, Crocus sativus, fyc., Asarum europceum, Laurus nobilis, fyc., many Euphorbiacese. b. Outer coat granular : Canna indica. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Ruelliafprmosa(P\. 32. fig. 23), R. stre- pens, Tribulus terrestris. In Periploca grceca (PI. 32. fig. 15) and Apocynum Venetum\(fig. 7) grains of this kind are connected in fours in one plane ; in some Luzulce tetrahedrally.. B. Outer coat presenting longitudinal fur- rows (or folds). * One furrow (the form of most Mono- cotyledons). a. Outer coat slightly granular : common in Monocotyledons ; among the Dico- tyledons, in Myrica cerifera, Magnolia grandiflora, Liriodendron tulipiferum, &c. b. Outer coat coarsely granular or spiny : Nymphcea alba. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Hemerocallis fulva, and other Monoco- tyledons. d. Outer coat with irregular reticulations : Alstrcemeria Curtisiana. Among the Orchidese are found quater- nate grains belonging to this group. [ 519 ] POLLEN. ** Outer coat with two furrows : a rare form, occurring in species of Ponte- deria and Amaryllis, Tamus commu- nisanAelephantipes, Tigridia pavonia, Calycanthus fioridus, fyc. *** Outer coat with three longitudinal furrows. a. Outer coat granular. One of the com- monest forms : Quercus Robur, Viola odorata (PI. 32. fig. 6). b. Outer coat with short spines : Cactus Jlagelliformis, Viscum album. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Statice (PI. 32. fig. 29), various Cruci- ferae. **** Outer coat with more than three furrows. a. Four : very rare as normal, Houstonia ccerulea, Cedrela odorata; occasionally occurring where three is the normal number, as in Solanum tuberosum. b. Six : some of the Labiatae and Passi- floreae (PI. 32. fig. 20), Ephedra dista- chya, Heliotropium grandiflorum. c. A larger number of furrows : many Rubiaceae; e.g. Sherardia arvensis (PI. 32. fig. 18). ' The pollen of the Pines is related to this group, also that of Nymphcea Lotus, Victo- ria regia, and other plants, where the fur- rows or thin places occupy the greater part of the wall, and the outer coat forms only segmental pieces. In Mimulus moschatus (PI. 32. fig. 24) a very remarkable appear- ance arises from the furrows running in a curved or spiral direction, and analogous conditions are met with in Thunbergia alata. C. Outer coat with pores. * A single pore : Grasses, Sedges, Ty- pha angustifolia, Sparganium ra- mosum. ** Two pores : Colchicum, and a few other Monocotyledons; also Brous* sonetia. *** Three pores. a. Outer coat granular : Dipsacese, Urti- caceae, Onagraceae (here the pores form projecting processes (PI. 32. fig. 14) ;) and in Morina persica this is still more the case ; Cucumis sativus. b. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : many Passifloreae (with large lids, P. ccerulea (PI. 32. fig. 13), alata, &c.). POLLEN. [ 520 ] **** Four pores. a. Pores on the equator : Pistacia tere- binthus, Campanula rotundifolia, &c. b. Pores not equatorial : Passiflora ker- mesina, Impatiens Balsamina (PI. 32. fig. 21), Noli-me-tangere. ***** More than four pores, t Distributed regularly. a. On the equator : Alnus glutinosa, Ulmus campestris, Collomia linearis, Campa- nula Speculum. b. All over the grains : Basella alba (PI. 32. fig. 19). tt Scattered irregularly. a. Outer coat slightly granular : many Nyctagineae, Convolvulaceae, Chenopo- diaceae, Alsineae, Alisma Plantago (PI. 32. fig. 10), Plantago lanceolata, Ribes nigrum, Cactus Opuntia, &c. b. Outer coat granular and spiny : Cucur- bit a Pepo (with lids, PL 32. fig. 22), Malvaceae (PL 32. fig. 26). c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations : Polygonium amphibium, Persicaria, Cobcea scandens. Compound porous forms occur in some of the Onagraceae, in Drimys Winteri, where fourgrainsare conjoined tetrahedrally. In the Mimoseae groups of eight or sixteen (PL 32. fig. 25) occur in various forms. In Lesche- naultia formosa the grains are quaternate, lying in one plane. D. Outer coat with both furrows and pores. * Grains rounded or depressed, with three depressions, each with a pore : most Dipsaceae and Geraniaceae (sometimes only two occur, PL 32. fig. 22). ** Three furrows and three pores. a. Outer coat granular; a very common form among Dicotyledons. b. Outer coat spiny : most Compositae. c. Outer coat with cell-like reticulations ; rare : Syringa vulgaris, Ligustrum vul- gare, Grewia occidental, and other species. *** Outer coat with more than three furrows, each with a pore. Some- times abnormally, instead of three, but normally in most of the Boragi- naceae and Polygalaceae. POLYBOTRYA. **** Six to nine furrows, three con- taining a pore : Lythraceae, Melasto- maceae, Combretacese. ***** Three or four furrows, with six or eight papillae : Neurada procum- bens, &c. ****** Three furrows and three papillae not in the furrows : Carolinea cam- pestris, &c. Related compound forms occur in the Ericaceae and Epacridaceae, where the grains are tetrahedrally arranged (PL 32. fig. 17). Other aberrant forms occur in which the single grains are cubic or dodecahedral ; and in the Cichoraceae, polyhedral forms of com- plicated character are common (PL 32. figs. 16, 27, 28). Mature pollen-grains should be observed dry (as opake and transparent objects), and in water; in some cases, in oil; treatment with acids is also useful in making out struc- ture. In observing the development of pol- len, it is necessary to wet the object with a solution of sugar or gum, otherwise the ap- pearances are altogether changed through endosmotic action. BIBL. Mohl, Bau u. Form. d. Pollenkor- ner, Bern, 1834 (transl. in Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. iii.) ; Purkinje, De cellulis antheris, fyc., Vratislav. 1830; Fritzsche, Beitr. z. Kenntn. der Pollen, 1832; Hassall, Ann. Nat. Hist. viii. p. 92 ; ix. p. 93 and 544. Mohl's work contains an abstract of the literature up to his date; since that time notices on the development have been pub- lished by Nageli, Entwick. des Pollens, Zu- rich, 1842, and his papers on Cell-formation translated in Ray Society's Vols. for 1846 and 1847 ; Hoftneister, Botanische Zeitung, vi. 1848; Gieswald, Linneea, xxv. p. 81 (1852); Schacht (Coniferae), Beitrag. z. Botanik. Berlin, 1854. POLYACTIS. See BOTRYTIS. POLYARTHRA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eye single, cervical ; foot absent ; body with six cirrhi or fins on each side. Jaws each with a single tooth. P. platyptera (PL 35. fig. 19). Body ovato-subquadrate, fins ensiform serrate. Aquatic ; length 1-190". P. trigla. Fins setaceous. Aquatic ; length 1-190". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 440. POLYBOTRYA, Humb. — A genus of Acrosticheae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. POLYCOCCUS. [ 521 ] POLYEMBRYONY. POLYCOCCUS, Kutz.— Probably be- longs to Protococcus. POLYCYSTINA, Ehr.— A group of mi- croscopic animal bodies, regarding the nature of which little is known. They consist of shells of various forms (PL 31. figs. 23-31), rounded, conical, oval, radiate, star-shaped, &c., often furnished with spines and other processes, and sometimes constricted so as to give them a jointed appearance. The shells are siliceous, every where perforated by coarse, rounded or angular foramina; and at one end, sometimes at both, is a larger aperture. They are most abundant as fossils in the rocks of Bermuda; but have also been found in the chalk and marls of Sicily, at Oran in Africa, in Greece, in the tripoli of Richmond in Virginia. A very few have been found recent in mud at the bottom of the sea, near Cuxhaven in the North Sea, and near the South Pole. The recent shells were filled with an olive- brown organic matter. Forty-four genera and 282 species have been described. They appear to have most affinity with the Foraminifera, near which we have provisionally placed them; but nothing is known regarding the structure of the animal. They form beautiful microscopic objects, viewed by either reflected or transmitted light. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Taylor's Scientific Memoirs (pts. 10 & 11) and Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1846 & 1847 (Schomburgk, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1847. xx. 115). POLYCYSTIS, Kutz.— A genus of Pal- mellaceae (Confervoid Algae). This genus is excluded from our synopsis of the family, but since that article has been in print we have found the plant, which plainly corre- sponds to P. teruginosa of Kiitzing, a form separated by him from the genus Microhaloa of Biasoletto, also named in his Tab. Phycol. Microcystis ceruginosa. The plant in ques- tion occurred colouring large tracts of the lake in Kew Gardens, appearing to the naked eye like a coarse green insoluble powder suspended in the water near the surface, acquiring a verdigris colour when dried on the mud. It consists of little gelatinous fronds, varying in form, from 1-100 to 1-40" or more in diameter, the interior of which is densely crowded with separate green cells, not more than 1-6000" in diameter. The primary form of the gelatinous fronds appears to be globular or ovate ; as they expand they become hollow, forming gelatinous sacs, which sometimes burst laterally, but in normal cases seem to expand, until, the walls giving way in places, they form coarsely latticed sacs of irregular form, somewhat resembling on a small scale the hymenium of Clathrus cancellatus. These break up into irregular fragments which form new starting-points for a similar development. Besides this, the primary cells increase in number by division into two, so that the large fronds have the jelly almost as crowded as the small. We suspect that certain monad- like bodies found moving about the fronds were zoospores, but this point is not yet ascertained, neither is any true spore-forma- tion. BIBL. Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 210, Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 8; Meneghini, Monog. Nostoch. (Trans. Turin. Acad. 2 ser. v. p. 104). POLYCYSTIS, Leveille.— A genus of Ustilagines (Coniomycetous Fungi), inclu- ding several of the old species of Uredo ; P. colchici, P. parallela and P. Violce are British. See USTILAGINES. BIBL. Berk, and Broome, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. v. p. 464 ; Leveille, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. v. p. 269; Tulasne, id. vii. p. 217. POLYEMBRYONY.— This term is ap- plied to a phenomenon occurring sometimes regularly, sometimes abnormally in the deve- lopment of the ovules of Flowering Plants. In the Angiospermous plants it is usual to find several germinal vesicles in the unferti- lized embryo-sac (see OVULE), but ordinarily only one of these becomes impregnated and developed. Occasionally, however, more than one commences the course of develop- ment into an embryo, as in the Orchidaceae, and more especially in the genus Citrus ; in most cases all but one become subsequently obliterated, but in the orange this is not the case, and ripe seeds are met with con- taining more than one embryo. We have met with them in other cases. Another kind of polyembryony occurs in the Santalaceae. Viscum has two or three embryo-sacs ; these may all have their ger- minal vesicles fertilized, and the development of the embryos may go on to a certain point, until one takes the lead and the others dis- appear. In the Gymnospermia (Coniferae and Cy- cadaceae), as described in the article OVULE, there may be one or more (Taxus) primary embryo-sacs, in which are produced several corpuscula, with secondary embryo-sacs ; further, the germinal vesicles of these, after fertilization, produce suspensors, which POLYGASTRICA. [ 522 ] POLYPI. branch at their lower ends, and each produce four rudimentary embryos; all but one of them vanishing during the ripening of the seeds. Our space only admits of a brief notice of these interesting phenomena, on which much interesting information will be found in the works referred to below. BIBL. Meyen, On Impregnation and Poly- embryony (Berlin, 1840), transl. in Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, iii. p. 1 ; R. Brown, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. p. 368; Mirbel and Spach, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xx. p. 257 ; Criiger, Botanisch. Zeit. ix. p. 57 ; Gelesnoif, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 189, and the works of Hofmeister cited under OVULE. POLYGASTRICA.— According to Eh- renberg's system, the Infusoria are subdi- vided into the Polygastrica and the Rota- toria. The so-called Polygastrica correspond to our Infusoria; the Rotatoria form a distinct class. POLYIDES, Ag.— A genus of Crypto- nemiacese (Florideous Algae), containing one British species, P. rotundus, having a branched frond 4 to 6" high, consisting of repeatedly dichotomous, purplish-brown, solid fibres, about 1-20" in diameter. The fibres present a central layer of longitudi- nally arranged filamentous cells, and a cor- tical layer of perpendicular, dichotomous filaments, formed of elliptical cells internally, terminating at the surface in minute nionili- form rows. The fructification consists — 1 . of favellce bearing spores, contained in super- ficial wart-like bodies, composed of colourless articulate filaments ; 2. tetrahedrally divided tetraspores, imbedded in the peripheral fila- ments of the cortical layer of the frond. Antheridia have not yet been observed. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Ala. p. 146. pi. 18 D; Phyc.Brit. pi. 95; Greville, Ala. Brit. pi. 11. POLYOMMATUS, Latr.— A genus of Lepidopterous Insects, of the family Lycae- nidse. Char. Antennae terminated by a contracted knob; tarsal claws minute; wings not tailed. The (thirteen) species are small butterflies, the upper surface of the wings of a beautiful blue colour, the under side gray or brownish, and with numerous eye-like spots. The scales upon the under surface of the wings of P. argiolus and P. argus have been proposed as test-objects. They are of two kinds, one resembling in structure the ordinary scales of insects; the other of a battledore form (PI. 27. figs. 20 & 21). See SCALES OF INSECTS and TEST-OBJECTS. The species are figured in Westwood's British Butterflies. POLYPHEMUS, Mull.— A genus of En- tomostraca, of the order Cladocera, and family Polyphemidse. Char. Head distinct from the body ; ab- domen long, slender and projecting exter- nally from the shell. P. pediculus (PL 14. fig. 29). The only species. Aquatic. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. p. 111. POLYPI (Zoophytes).— A class of the Animal Kingdom. Char. Body rounded or elongate, with a distinct mouth, surrounded by retractile ten- tacles or radiating lobes ; individuals usually aggregate, and furnished with a horny or calcareous external or internal skeleton or polypidom ; gemmiparous and oviparous. The polypes are usually enveloped in an external (PL 33. figs. 4 6, 18 & 30), or sup- ported by an internal axial skeleton (PI. 33. fig. 6), called the polyparium or polypidom. This is either horny, leathery or calcareous. Most polypes are united into smaller or larger groups by the polypidom, which often possesses an elegant plant-like form. The tubular or bell-shaped processes or cavities, in which the body of the individual polypes is contained, form the polype-cells : they are sometimes furnished with a kind of lid ; in some of the softer polypidoms a number of spicula are present. The structure of the calcareous polypi- doms has not been satisfactorily determined. They are usually traversed by vascular canals, and appear in some cases at least to consist of spicula aggregated and fused together. The polypes are rarely free, or capable of fixing themselves by a disk at the base of the body, being usually fixed at the bottom of the polype-cells of the polypidoms ; the polypidoms being attached by a rooting base to some foreign body. A distinct transparent integument exists, which is frequently covered by ciliated epithelium, especially upon the tentacles. Imbedded in this are stinging organs (PI. 33. fig. 22), resembling in general those of the Acalephae. In many, distinct muscles are present; but the fibres are not striated, although fre- quently exhibiting transverse wrinkles. In some polypes the substance of the body consists entirely of sarcodic substance. In many, both the integument when present, and substance of the body contain scattered calcareous spicula (PL 33. figs. 7, 27 & 28). Curious appendages called birds'- head- POLYPI. [ 523 ] POLYPI. processes are found attached to various parts of the polypidoms of some polypes (PL 33. figs. 5 b * & 26). They consist of a body (fig. 26/), a hinge- or lower-jaw-like pro- cess (fig. 26 e), and a pedicle or stalk (/). They are attached by the pedicle to the in- terior of a round hollow process, projecting slightly from the surface of the polypidom (fig. 26 a). The body is divided by an ob- lique ridge (fig. 26 d] on its inner surface into two chambers. The hinge-process is articulated to the concave surface of the body by a hinge-joint and two articular pro- cesses, and is moved up and down by an elevator and a depressor muscle (fig. 26 c). The body of the processes is hollow, and its concave surface has three apertures. The motion of these processes continues long after the death of the polypes. They appear analogous to the pedicellarise of the Echinodermata. Three other structures (PL 33. figs. 5d, 5 c, c, a, b) are met with in some polypes, one of which resembles the above in regard to the movement. They exist at the upper and outer angle of the cells, behind the spines which exist there. The uppermost is a hollow process (fig. 5 d, b), with its upper end free and directed outwards and forwards, and with a notched aperture at the upper and lower edges, from which a curved filament (fig. 5 d, d) projects. The interior of the process is filled with a contractile substance which moves the filament upwards and down- wards. The second structure consists of a mucronate process, prolonged from the upper and outer angle of the polype-cell (figs. 5 c, b, 5 d, c) ', it is sometimes transformed into a spine. The third consists of a small rounded cavity with a circular aperture (fig. 5 d, d), situated between the bases of the two above- mentioned. The structure of the alimentary apparatus varies in the two orders of polypes. In the Anthozoa it consists of a mouth and a simple blind gastric sac, the food being admitted and the undigested portion rejected from the single aperture. In the Bryozoa an oral and excretory orifice are present, with an oesophagus, a kind of gizzard, sometimes with horny teeth, a stomach, small and large intestine (PL 33. fig. 18 d, e, f, g}. The anal orifice is situated near the mouth, but outside the row of tentacles. The oral orifice is usually surrounded by a ring of contractile arms or tentacles, which are hollow internally and communicate with the cavity of the abdomen. They are either simple or feathery, and arranged in one or more rows. The food is brought to the mouth either by the tentacles, or by currents induced by the action of their cilia. The simple gastric sac of the Anthozoa is usually separated from the cavity of the body; whereby a larger or smaller abdominal cavity is formed, which is almost always prolonged into the hollow arms, and in many polypes living hi colonies passes into the canals traversing the interior of the polypidom, so that the abdominal cavities of the individual polypes are all brought into connexion by these canals. Sometimes lon- gitudinal partitions run like a mesentery from the outer to the inner surface of the abdominal walls, thus dividing the abdominal cavity into chambers. The bottom of the gastric cavity in some, if not all Anthozoa, is provided with one or more spontaneously closeable openings, by which the gastric cavity communicates with the abdominal cavity. The gastric cavity appears covered with a very delicate ciliated epithelium, which is continued through the gastric apertures into the abdominal cavity, and here not only covers the outer surface of the stomach and the septa, but also the inner surface of the abdominal walls, the cavities of the arms, and the canals of the polypidom. The walls of the stomach are variously coloured white, yellow or brown, from the presence of aggregations of pigment-cells in the gastric walls (liver-cells), which most probably perform the function of a liver, as there is no glandular appendage correspond- ing to a liver present. In the Bryozoa, the inner surface of the digestive canal is covered with ciliated epi- thelium. A blood-vessel system has hitherto been found in but few polypes; when present (Alcyonidium, Alcyonium), it consists of lon- gitudinal and circular vessels existing in the abdominal walls, with intermediate capillary networks. The vessels have distinct walls. A peculiar circulation takes place in almost all polypes, by the to-and-fro motion of a nearly transparent liquid containing minute colourless corpuscles in the abdominal cavity. The liquid ascends thence to the apex of the hollow tentacles, whence it returns to the abdominal cavity. In the colonial polypes this circulation continues through the canals which traverse the polypidoms, from one abdominal cavity to the other. The motion is produced by very delicate ciliated epi- thelium lining the abdominal cavity, the POLYPI. [ 524 ] POLYPODIES. hollow tentacles and the canals of the poly- pidom. In the Bryozoa, the abdominal cavity of which is closed from the digestive cavity, the current runs continuously and regularly in one direction; whilst in the Anthozoa, its direction varies according to whether the liquid passes from the abdominal to the gastric cavity or from the latter to the former. The propagation of the polypes takes place in three ways : by spontaneous divi- sion, which is mostly longitudinal and rare ; by the formation of gemmae or buds, which is very common, the individuals either sepa- rating or remaining attached; and by the formation of ova. This probably takes place in all polypes, and requires the presence of a testis and ovary, which have been dis- covered in several polypes. These organs, or their representatives, are variously distri- buted. In some, both are present in a single individual (Hydra); whilst in others the sexes are separate (Actinia). In the colonial polypes the individuals are of distinct sexes, both kinds occurring either upon the same (Alcyonella], or upon distinct polypidoms (Alcyonium, &c.). Some polypes are always a- sexual, individuals of a totally dissimilar form arising from them and their polypi- doms by gemmation, in which sexual organs are afterwards formed (Coryne, Campanu- laria, &c.). In some, these individuals, which are mostly bell- or disk-shaped, sepa- rate from the polypidom before their sexual organs have acquired full development, and swim about like Acalephce, the mature deve- lopment subsequently ensuing (some Cam- panularice, &c.) ; in others, again, it takes place while they remain attached. The bodies in which the gemmules or ova are formed are usually called bulbules, ovi- gerous vesicles, or ovisacs. The ova of the polypes are surrounded by a more or less hard envelope, which in some is simple, in others possessing a peculiar structure, being covered with hooks, &c. (PL 33. fig. 10). The embryo of the polypes is usually more or less elongate-oval, coated with cilia, and moves about on its long axis like an infusorium; after a short time it fixes itself to some object, the cilia then disappear, and the tentacles of the polypes are protruded. Many of these polypes then increase by gemmation, thus forming new colonies. The formation of coral-reefs and islands by the skeletons of polypes is well known. The class Polypi is divided thus : Ord. 1. ANTHOZOA. Body contractile, symmetrical; a single external orifice only to the alimentary cavity; gemmiparous and oviparous. Ord. 2. BRYOZOA (Polyzoa). Body non- contractile, unsymmetrical; alimentary canal with an oral and anal orifice ; oviparous. BIBL. Johnston, British Zoophytes ; Siebold, Vergl. Anat. 25; Wagner, Icones Zootomicce; Farre, Phil. Trans. 1837; v. Beneden, Mem. s. les Campanulaires ; Vogt, Zool. Brief e; Owen, Hunterian Lectures, i.; Lister, Phil. Trans. 1834; Couch, Corn. Fauna; Hancock, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1850. v. 173; Desor, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3 ser. xii. ; Dana, Report on Zoophytes. POLYPODIACEjE.— A family of Ferns, divided into six tribes by the characters of the sporanges. Synopsis of the tribes. I. POLYPODIES. Sporanges numerous, united in sori, and divided into two equal parts by a vertical annulus. II. CYATKLEEZB. Sporanges numerous, united in sori on a salient axis, and divided into two equal parts by a vertical annulus. III. GLEICHENIES. Sporanges united in fours into sori, and surrounded by an oblique annulus, like a turban. IV. PARKERIES. Sporanges not united in sori, and divided into two equal parts by a more or less extensive vertical annulus. V. OSMUNDES. Sporanges united in sori, and covered on the back by a broad and imperfect annulus. VI. SCHIZJEEM. Sporanges united in sori, and crowned by an annulus that looks like a skull-cap with radiating streaks. POLYPODIEjE.— A subtribe of Polypo- dioid Ferns containing the following genera: * Veins pinnate. A. Margins of the fertile fronds not revolute. I. POLYPODIUM, L. Sori globose, seated on the apex or the back of veins or venules. II. MARGINARIA. Sori globose, im- mersed deeply in the backs of veins or venules. III. PLEOPELTIS. Sori globose, seated on the backs of veins and venules, with peltate paraphyses concealing the sporanges. B. Margins of the fertile fronds revolute. IV. STRUTHIOPTERIS. Sori globose, seated on the backs of veins and venules. ** Veins anastomosing, without free veins in the areolcs. V. DICTYOPTERIS. Sori globose, seated POLYPODIOIDE^E. [ 525 ] POLYSIPHONIA. on the anastomosing venules. Venules ana- stomosing in irregular hexagonal spots. *** Veins anastomosing, with free veins in the areolce. VI. NIPHOBOLUS. Sori globose, seated on the apex of the venules. Venules very much branched, forming transverse rhomboid spots; secondary venules arising from the transverse venules, and bearing the sori at their apices. VII. DRYOSTACHIUM. Sori quadran- gular, seated on the apex of the venules. Venules very much branched, forming some- what quadrangular meshes. Secondary venules very numerous, variously divergent, and bearing the sori at the apex. POLYPODIOIDE^E.— A tribe of Poly- podiaceous Ferns, of large extent, broken up into subtribes and genera, which are cha- racterized by peculiarities generally requiring a more or less powerful lens to distinguish them. In certain cases, where the venation of the leaves, and the relation of this to the fructifying points, are in question, it is found very convenient to scrape off the sori of pin- nules and place them in spirits of turpentine or oil, between two slips of glass, for exami- nation with a low power under the micro- scope by transmitted light. The general arrangement of the sori, with the indusium, in very minute forms, is best observed as an opaque object, with a low power, and a lieberkuhn or side condenser ; if held in the mounted forceps, the pinnule can be turned about and thoroughly examined. Synopsis of the sub-tribes. A. Sori without indusia. I. ACROSTICHE.E. Sori seated on all the veins, venules, and parenchyma. II. GYMNOGKAMME^E. Sori seated on the backs of all the veins and venules. III. POLYPODIES. Sori globose, only on certain arms of the veins. IV. MENISCIES. Sori kidney-shaped, seated only on certain arms of the veins. V. GRAMITIDE^E. Sori linear, seated only on certain arms of the veins. VI. TJENITIDE^E. Sori linear, in pairs on either side of the rib, parallel, continuous. B. Sori with indusia. VII. ASPIDIES. Indusium orbiculate, peltate. VIII. DIPLASIES. Indusium linear or oblong, fixed longitudinally in the middle. IX. NEPHRODIE.E. Indusium cordate, affixed at the notch. X. CYSTOPTERIDE.E. Indusium tongue- shaped, fixed by the lower point. XI. LINDSSE.E. Indusium linear, elongated, free outside. XII. ASPLENIE^B. Indusium elongated, fixed at the side, free within. XIII. PTERIDES. Indusium linear, fixed at the side, free within. XIV. SCOLOPENDRE^E. Indusium linear, flat, margins free, opposite. XV. DAVALLIES. Indusium somewhat urn-shaped, dehiscing externally at the apex. POLYPODIUM, Linn.— Agenus of Ferns with naked sori, of which there are several indigenous representatives ; P. vulgare, the Oak-Fern, being one of our commonest spe- cies. Exceedingly well adapted for examina- tion of the structure of sori and sporanges in this family. POLYPOREL— A family of Hymenomy- cetous Fungi, characterized by bearing basi- diospores clothing tubes, pores or pits, on the under side of a stalked or sessile pileus, or fleshy cap or disk. The basidiospores are seen by horizontal sections from the under- surface of the pileus. (See BASIDIOSPORES and HYMENOMYCETES.) BIBL. Berkeley, On the Fructification of Hymenomycetous Fungi, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. 81; Leveille, Sur I'Hymenium des Champi- gnons, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. viii. 324. POLYSELMIS, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Euglenia. Char. Oblong or variable in form, with several anterior nagelliform filaments, and a single red eye-spot. Probably the zoospore of a Confervoid Alga. P. viridis (PI. 24. fig. 68) resembles a Euglena of an oblong form with the ends rounded ; one of the filaments is longer than the three or four others which surround its base. Aquatic; length 1-650". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 370. POLYSIPHONIA, Grev.— An extensive genus of Rhodomelacese (Florideous Alga?), with cylindrical, more or less articulated fronds, the joints consisting of a circle of longitudinally arranged cells surrounding a central cell (like the wood-bundles of a young Dicotyledonous stem surrounding the pith), so that the transverse section presents the appearance of a rosette ; the number of peripheral cells varies among the 300 dif- ferent species of this genus, from four to twenty-five. The British forms have four POLYT^ENIUM. C 526 ] POLYTRICHUM. and six. In some of the species a kind of rind is formed subsequently, by a growth from the base of the joints analogous to that which occurs in BATRACHOSPERMUM and Callithamnion. The fructification consists of— 1. ceramidia, attached to the sides of branches, containing numerous pear-shaped spores; 2. tetraspores, on distinct plants, formed in the swollen central cell of distorted branches (fig. 603) ; and 3. antheridia, elon- Fig. 603. Polysiphonia nigrescens. Distorted ramuli containing imbedded tetraspores. Magnified 50 diameters. gated whitish sacs, collected in great num- bers at the summits of the branches, accom- panied by a dichotomous hair, and some- times prolonged into a hair-like process at the summit. Nageli described the sperma- tozoids as consisting of a spiral filament. Thuret disagrees with this, and states that they are merely hyaline globules, about 1-5000" in diameter. The British species are placed in two subgenera : Oligosiphonia, where there are but four or rarely five peri- pheral cells, and Polysiphonia, where there are six or more. Twenty-six species are de- scribed, many of which are common. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 82. pi. 12 A; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 16. pi. 6 ; Nageli, Zeitschr.f. wiss.Botan. Heft 3 and 4 (1846). p. 207. pi. 6 & 7. POLYT^NIUM, Desv.— A genus of Tsenitideae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. POLYTHALAMIA. See FORAMINI- FERA. POLYTOMA, Ehr.— A genus of Infuso- ria, of the family Monadina (Hydromorina). P. uvella (PI. 24. fig. 69, undergoing di- vision), the only species, is oblong or oval, obtuse at the ends, colourless, furnished with two flagelliform filaments; it has no cara- pace. Aquatic; length 1-2200 to 1-960"; size of body when the division is nearly complete, 1-400". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 24. POLYTRICHACE^.— A tribe of Mnioi- deae (operculate Mosses of usually Acrocar- pous habit). I. CATHARINEA. Calyptra narrowly hood-shaped, subscabrous at the apex, ra- ther hairy within. Peristome simple, com- posed of thirty-two teeth, arising from a narrow, cellular, basilar membrane, ligulate, membranous, white, with many percurrent, reddish, inarticulate filaments, somewhat incurved, scarcely hygroscopic, firm. Colu- mella dilated at the apex into a drum-like epiphragm. Capsule equal. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. II. POLYTRICHUM. Calyptra dimidiate, but appearing campanulate on account of a quantity of very close hairs descending from it as a long villous coat ; otherwise resem- bling the preceding genus. POLYTRICHUM, Dill.— A genus of Po- lytrichaceous Mosses, variously defined by different authors. In the British Flora, it Fig. 604. Polytrichum commune. Plants in fruit. One-half natural size. POLYTRICHUM. [ 527 ] POLYTRICHUM. includes the forms separated in this work underCATHARiNEA, which in the 'Bryologia Britannica' are divided between ATRICHUM and OLIGOTRICHUM. The species of Poly- trichum comprised in our definition are dis- tributed in the same work under Pogonatum (those with a round capsule and thirty-two teeth) and Polytrichum proper (those with a square or prismatic apophysate capsule (fig. 605 ), and usually twice as many teeth). Fig. 605. Fig. 606. Polytrichum commune. Capsule with operculum. Section of young capsule, Magnified 10 diameters. showing the plaited spo- rangia! membrane. P. commune is one of our finest Mosses, com- mon on heaths, moors, and mountain tracts, varying somewhat under the different phy- sical conditions. The stems are from 6" to Fig. 607. Fig. 608. Polytrichum commune. Fragment of peristome. Columella with section Mag . 100 diams. of the apophysis. Magn. 25 diams. 1' long, and the fruit-stalks 2 or 3". The stems are almost of woody texture, the leaves large and firm. The calyptra is densely co- vered with hairs. Wilson remarks that the true structure of the sporange and columella Fig. 609. Fig. 610. Polytrichum commune. Sterile inflorescence. Innovation from sterile One-half nat. size. inflorescence. Magn. 5 diams. of Mosses may be most easily learned from the study of this genus. The columella (figs. 606, 608) is seen to be separated from the spores by an inner layer of the spo- rangial membrane. The diaphragm attached to the apices of the teeth of the peristome is the dilated apex of the columella (fig. 608). The peristome (fig. 607) is composed of ligulate obtuse teeth, connected by a mem- brane at the base, continuous with the inner layer of the wall of the capsule. These plants are also exceedingly well adapted for the examination of the male inflorescence and spermatozoids. They are all dioecious, and the male plants (fig. 609) are readily distinguishable by the cup-shaped inflores- cence, composed of scale-like leaves and paraphyses surrounding a number of subu- late sacs constituting the antheridia. The male flowers of P. commune, juniperinum, &c., are found everywhere on heaths in spring. The antheridia may be readily extracted un- der a simple lens, and when placed in water under the compound microscope, soon (if ripe) burst at the summit and discharge the spermatozoids; these usually escape still enclosed in their parent-cells, which when first discharged cohere in a gelatinous mass, POMPHOLYX. [ 528 ] PORPHYRA. but the ciliated spermatozoids (PI. 32. fig. 33) escape and swim actively in the water. They require at least an eighth object-glass for examination, and the cilia are seen most clearly after drying the object, or treating with tincture of iodine. BIBL. Wilson, Bryol. Britann. p. 205 et seq. ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvi. p. 26. pi. 14. POMPHOLYX, Gosse.— A genus of Ro- tatoria, of the family Brachionaea. BIBL. Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. p. 203. PONTIA, Fabr.— A genus of Lepidopte- rous Insects, of the family Papilionidae. This genus contains some of the com- monest butterflies, as P. brassica, the large cabbage-butterfly ; P. rapes, the small cab- bage-butterfly; and P.napi, the green- veined white butterfly. The form and structure of certain scales existing upon the under side of the wings of the males are curious; and the markings were formerly found so difficult to render distinct, that the scales were used as test- objects. In the male P. brassicce the upper surface of the anterior wings is free from spots, whilst in the female there are two black spots in that situation. The peculiar scales are repre- sented in PI. 27. fig. 24 ; fig. 26 exhibits a portion of the wing with the ordinary scales. In P. rapce and P. napi the anterior wings of the males have a single spot upon the upper surface, whilst there are two upon each wing in the females. The peculiar scales bear considerable resemblance in the two species (PI. 27. fig. 23 a, scale of P. rapa; fig. 23 b, portion of wing, snowing the points of attachment of the two kinds of scales). The scales may be separated by gently pressing the under surface of the wings against a slide. See SCALES OF INSECTS and TEST- OBJECTS. BIBL. Westwood, Brit. Butterflies. POPPY. — The seeds of Poppies (Papaver, L., Nat. Order Papaveraceae) are elegant opaque objects under a low power, the testa being pitted so as to produce a reticulated surface (PI. 31. fig. 14). POROSITY OF BODIES.— That all bo- dies are porous to a greater or less degree, allowing vapours and gases to pass through their substance, is an established fact in physics and physiology. The passage of solid particles, also, as charcoal and sul- phur, through certain organic tissues in which no apertures have hitherto been detected, as the ^kin and mucous membranes, has re- cently been attested by several observers. M. Keber believes that he has detected the existence of pores in all bodies of what- ever kind ; these he finds in the dots, streaks and irregular markings, from 1-11,000 to 1-45,000" in diameter, visible in minute and thin scrapings and fragments of solids, as particles of dust, scrapings from a piece of bladder, &c. This view does not require a serious refutation. Of evidence that the markings are pores, there is none ; and on examining a thoroughly cleaned and thin piece of the membrane of a vegetable cell, we do not perceive anything corresponding to pores. If the true pores are ever detected by the microscope, there can be little ques- tion that they will exhibit a beautifully re- gular arrangement; whereas the so-called pores of the author are totally devoid of definite arrangement. BIBL. Keber, MikrosJc. untersuch. ub. die Porositat d. Korper, and Phil. Mag. 1854. pp. 287 and 370. POROUS STRUCTURES OF PLANTS. — What are ordinarily called porous tissues in vegetable anatomy are described in ac- cordance with their real nature under the head of PITTED STRUCTURES. True pores do, however, occur in the walls of vegetable cells, from secondary or ultimate changes in their character. They are seen in the cells of the leaves of Leucobryum and Sphagnum (see SPHAGNACE^E). Other regular orifices are produced in the walls of the cells of many of the zoospore-producing Confervas, as Conferva, Cladophora, Enteromorpha, &c. (see PI. 5). The wall of the sporangial cell of Achlya presents analogous openings, and according to Cohn, pores are produced in the spore-cells of SPH^ROPLEA to admit the spermatozoids. The pits and the inter- stices between reticulated fibrous secondary deposits are often changed into true holes in old cells, but this is a result of decay of the primary membrane ; it takes place very early, however, at the contiguous ends of SPIRAL-FIBROUS and PITTED CELLS, co- alescing to form ducts, changing the septum formed by the adjoining ends into a kind of grating or irregularly torn diaphragm. BIBL. See the heads referred to in this article. PORPHYRA, Ag.— A genus of Porphy- raceae (Florideous Algae), with an expanded, membranous, shortly-stalked frond, com- posed of a single layer of cells approximated PORPHYRACE.E. [ 529 ] POTTIACE.E. in fours, the contents of purple or red colour. Fructification consisting of — 1 . scattered sori of oval spores ; 2. tetraspores (crucial) immersed in the frond; and 3. antheridia, on the same or distinct plants. P. laciniata and vulgaris are common on our coasts. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 261. pi. 25 A ; Thuret, Memoires de la Societe de Cherbourg, ii. 1854, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 5 ; Derbes and Solier, Supplement aux Comptes Rendus, i. PORPHYRACE.E.— AtribeofFlorideous Algae (according to Thuret), of low organiza- tion, forming Ulvoid membranous fronds or strata of Confervoid filaments, of a purple or red colour. They are placed among the Ulvaceae by most authors, but differ in the absence of the zoospores and, according to Thuret, the presence of tetraspores and an- theridia. They are marine, Porphyra grow- ing on rocks and stones, Bangia the same, or parasitic upon Zostera, Algae, &c. Synopsis of British Genera. I. Porphyra. Frond plane, membranous, very thin, of a purple colour, with oval spores in sori, and tetraspores (square) scattered all over the frond. II. Bangia. Frond filiform, tubular, com- posed of numerous radiating cells in trans- verse rows, enclosed within a continuous hyaline sheath. PORPHYRIDIUM, Nag. = Palmella cruenta ? PORRIGO. See FAVUS. POTASH , AND ITS SALTS. Caustic Potash. — The strength of the solu- tion may be that of the Liq. Potassae of the Pharmacopoeia. But we prefer a stronger solution made with 1 drachm of th'e potassa fusa or stick-potash of the shops, and 1 liquid oz. of water. The solution should be allowed to settle, and the clear portion poured off into one of the test-bottles (!NTR. p. xxiii.). Some remarks are made upon the action of potash in the INTR. p. xxxviii., and others under the heads of the tissues, &c. On treating organic substances with this re- agent, the cystic-oxide-like crystals of the carbonate (PL 6. fig. 7*) will frequently be formed. Chromates of Potash. — The bichromate is used in the preparation of the chromate of lead for injection. Its crystals polarize well. The neutral chromate is also sometimes used for preparing injections. Nitrate of potash, nitre, or saltpetre. — This salt is dimorphous : it usually crystal- lizes in six-sided prisms with dihedral sum- mits, or in other forms belonging to the right rhombic prismatic system. But some- times it assumes the form of obtuse rhom- bohedra, resembling those of nitrate of soda, and referable to the rhombohedric system. The crystals exhibit very beautifully the phaenomena of ANALYTIC CRYSTALS. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. POTTIA, Ehr.— A genus of Pottiaceous Mosses, including some of the Gymnostoma and Weissife of Hedwig and others. Wilson separates as AnacalyptcB the species with a peristome (fig. 611). Fig. 611. Pottia csespitosa. Fragment of peristome. Magnified 50 diameters. POTTIACEJE.— A tribe of Pottioid Mosses. Synopsis of Genera. I. POTTIA. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome simple or wanting; if present, com- posed of lanceolate articulate teeth, simple or with a longitudinal line, rugulose and somewhat fleshy. II. TRICHOSTOMUM. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome simple, sixteen teeth split to the base into two cilia, or irregularly and there- fore into more than two, erect, stiff, and not twisted. III. BARBULA. Calyptra dimidiate-hood- shaped. Peristome simple, ciliiform; cilia thirty-two, solitary or approximated in pairs on a more or less exserted basilar membrane, split into two cilioles behind, very long, articulate-rugulose, twisted to the left, rarely to the right, in one or several spires, hygro- scopic. Cells of the operculum and calyptra twisted in the same way. IV. CERATODON. Calyptra dimidiate. Peristome simple ; teeth sixteen, connate at the base into a cellular membrane, split into two long, nodosely articulated, dark-coloured arms, paler on each side, densely trabecu- lated at the lower part. Capsule thick- skinned, shining, nodding, with a somewhat nodose collum ; annulate. V. WEISSIA. Calyptra dimidiate. Peri- stome simple or wanting ; if present, com- 2M POTTIOIDEJE. [ 530 ] PREPARATION. posed of sixteen lanceolate, or subulate, entire or cribrose equidistant teeth. POTTIOIDE^E.— A family of operculate Mosses belonging to the Acrocarpi, but sometimes Pleurocarpous by innovating branches. Leaves of very varied form, with a terete nerve ; cells parenchymatous, per- fectly hexagonal or squarish six-sided, always looser at the base, sometimes very lax, more or less pellucid, often exceedingly transpa- rent, large, fragile, rigid, foraminate, bearing on the upper side solitary papillae or several confluent papillae (hence often truncate and tuberculate at the apex), placed in the mid- dle of the cell ; cells mostly full of chloro- phyll, sometimes with a primordial utricle, often very small and thickened. Capsule erect, rarely inclined, oval, elliptic or pear- shaped oblong, smooth or striate, the oper- culum mostly conical or beaked. This family is divided into three tribes : 1. CALYMPERACE^E. Basilar cells of the leaves rigid, hyaline, often very brittle, more or less ample, empty, distinctly fora- minated. 2. POTTIACEJE. Basilar cells of the leaves soft, pellucid, longer, mostly empty, rarely containing a persistent primordial utricle. 3. ORTHOTRICHACE^E. Basilar cells of the leaves with only the very lowest soft, the upper mostly thickened, rarely pellucid and normal. PRASIOLA, Meneghini.— A genus of Ul- vaceae (Confervoid Algae), separated from Monostroma, Thuret, by the arrangement of the quadrigeminate cells of the frond in lines, with wide intercellular walls, from Ulva by the existence of only a single layer of cells, and from both by the absence (?) of a repro- duction by zoospores; from Schizogonium by the frond consisting of expanded plates. The species are included under Ulva (the terrestrial forms) in the Brit. Flora and Harvey's Algce, ed. I. They have recently been examined by Jessen, who finds the fronds proliferous at the margins; the ' spores' he describes as consisting of motionless cells formed of the entire contents of cells of the frond, set free by the solution of the parent- cell. The reproduction of this group seems to us to require further investigation. Jes- sen includes here the British species, P. ca- lophylla, crispa, furfuracea, and a form which he names P. stipitata, differing from the last chiefly in the narrowly wedge-shaped, stipitate character of the frond; probably the three last constitute only varieties of one species. BIBL. Jessen, Prasiolte Monograph. Kiliae, 1848; Harvey, Brit. Alg. ed. 1. p. 171 ; Hassall, Brit. Freshw. Alg. p. 297. pi. 77, 78; Kiitz. Sp.Alg.pM72. PREPARATION of microscopic objects for examination and preservation. — Some remarks on the former point will be found in the INTRODUCTION, p. xxviii. ; and under many of the general articles, such asD i ATO M A- CE.E, COAL, OVULE, See., special directions are given. A few general remarks may be offered in this place. The parts of bodies are separated by means of the mounted needles under a dissecting microscope, or by means of sections, according to the nature of the views which it is desired to obtain. With regard to the former operation, it need be observed merely that it is usually to be performed under water, in a watch-glass, glass cell, or other convenient holder. The preparation of sections is a more com- plicated process. Soft parts of animals are best sliced by means of a Valentin's knife ; but firmer structures, such as horn, may be cut with a sharp razor. Vegetable structures in general are sliced with a razor, which must be kept very sharp, and rubbed on a strop frequently while in use, and always before putting it away. Fresh stems, thick leaves, &c. may be simply held in the fin- gers; thin objects, such as leaves, petals, &c., are best placed in a split cork, the halves of which are kept together by inser- tion in the neck of a vial or a test-tube, which at the same time serves as a handle. Sometimes it is advantageous to immerse objects, especially soft or very small ones, in thick mucilage of gum-arabic, and to allow this to dry until tough enough to be cut by the razor ; the slices are freed from gum by immersion in water. Dry objects, such as wood, dried leaves, seeds, &c., must be soft- ened by soaking in water before slicing. Small firm objects, such as seeds, are most easily sliced when fixed in a bit of white wax or stearine, which may be done by placing them on the surface of the latter, and stirring them into the substance melted by the application of a hot wire. Most slices of vegetable objects are obscured by air- bubbles engaged in the intercellular pass- ages, &c. In old wood and similar objects the air is readily driven out by heat ; in fresh structures, where heat may coagulate or dis- solve matters, the air may be allowed to dissolve or escape by itself, which requires time, or may be removed by exhaustion. A substitute for a regular air-pump may prove PREPARATION. [ 531 ] PRESERVATION. useful to the microscopist, consisting of a piece of thick and stout glass tube, closed at one end, containing a tight-fitting piston, with a valve opening upwards; the object being placed in water (or other liquid) at the bottom, a single raising of the piston, or at all events, two pulls, will draw out all the air, and the water will take its place as the piston is lowered. This apparatus may be used also for saturating dry objects with oil of turpentine (for mounting in balsam), or with oil, to produce transparency. Sections of woods, &c. which are to be mounted in liquids, should be soaked for some little time in spirit or turpentine, to remove resins, &c. A special apparatus is made for slicing such objects, but this is not of much use except when large numbers of very perfect sections of the same kind are required for purposes of sale, &c. It need scarcely be said that sections re- quire to be made in various directions in studying objects by these means. Thus stems should be sliced horizontally, and per- pendicularly both parallel to the medullary rays and at right angles to them, &c. The structure of laminated shells, &c. may often be seen in fragments broken off by the point of a knife. But sections of shell, bone, &c. are best made by sawing off thin pieces with a frame-saw having a watch- spring blade, grinding them down upon a water-of-Ayr or some other stone, and po- lishing them upon a clean leather-hone or strop with putty-powder and water, finally upon a dry hone alone. Sections of very hard substances, as agate, &c., are so easily made by jewellers, that a description of the process is scarcely neces- sary. They are made by means of a circular iron plate, made to rotate by a lathe, its margins being coated with a mixture of oil and diamond dust. They are then ground upon a plate of metal with emery-powder and water, and polished upon a flat surface of pitch with putty-powder and water. In grinding and polishing sections of hard structures, it is often requisite to cement them to a slide with Canada balsam, heat being applied until the balsam has become so hard as to fix the section firmly to the slide. As soon as one side has been polished, the section is removed from the slide, the balsam being rendered soft by heat, the po- lished side cemented to the glass, and the other side polished. The balsam may after- wards be separated from the section by ma- ceration in oil of turpentine, aether, &c. PRESERVATION, of microscopic ob- jects.— Under this head we shall consider the arrangement of microscopic objects for permanent preservation, or the MOUNTING of them, as it is called, supposing that they have been prepared (PREPARATION) in such manner as to render this desirable. We shall first notice — Dry objects, or those which exhibit their structural peculiarities in the dry state. These are sometimes mounted alone, at others when immersed in some preservative compound. 1. In the dry and uncovered state, they are occasionally mounted upon disks of cork, leather, or pasteboard, the surface upon which the object is to be placed being black- ened by a coating of very fine lamp-black mixed with warm size or gum-water, or by a piece of dull black paper pasted upon it ; the simplest way of making the disks is to paste black paper upon thick soft leather, and cut out the disks with a punch, like gun- wads. The object is fastened to the disk with a little solution of marine glue in naph- tha or gum. The disks are sold in the shops. They are usually transfixed with a pin, by which they may be fixed in the forceps under the microscope, and may be fastened to the bottom of a box lined with sheet-cork when not in use. The advantage of this plan is its simplicity; its greater disadvantage, however, is that the objects are liable to in- jury, and become covered with dust. It answers very well for common objects, seeds, minute lichens, &c.; but when the objects are of value, they should be mounted in a cell. 2. The cell may be made of a square piece of card-board or pasteboard, of suitable thickness, with a hole punched in the mid- dle, fastened to a slide by marine glue or Canada balsam; the object being fixed to the slide by a little of either of the above cements, and a thin glass cover cemented to the card-board. Or the whole may be fast- ened together with paste : first a piece of black paper upon the middle of the slide, then the perforated square, next the object, and lastly the cover. The square of paste- board may be replaced by a glass ring, a perforated square of glass, or a piece of sheet gutta-percha. 3. When the objects are minute or very thin, the square of pasteboard may be dis- pensed with, and they may be mounted thus : they are to be laid upon a slide, and a cover of thin glass placed upon them ; a piece of 2M2 PRESERVATION. [ 532 ] PRESERVATION. paper larger than the cover, with a portion cut from the middle larger than the object, is then covered with paste, and a minute or two allowed to elapse, that the paper may become thoroughly imbued with it, the su- perfluous paste being removed with the paste- brush ; the paper with the pasted side down- wards is then laid upon the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide, and gently pressed with a cloth, that it may be accu- rately applied to the glass surfaces. The whole is then allowed to dry. The principal point in this process is the complete removal of the superfluous paste before the paper is applied. If this be not effected, it will be drawn by capillary attraction between the cover and the slide, and reaching the object, will spoil it. 4. A very secure method of mounting dry objects which are not altered by heat, con- sists in laying a ring or square of black japan upon a slide, the thickness of the layer being adapted to that of the object, and applying a pretty strong or long-continued heat until the cement becomes perfectly hard when cold. The object is next placed within the ring, a cover laid on, and heat applied until the cement becomes liquid. Gentle pressure then brings the cement and the margins of the cover into contact; and when the cement becomes cold, the cover is firmly fixed to the slide. 5. Another method of fastening the cover to the slide is by the use of electrical cement and balsam (CEMENTS, p. 125, 5 b) mixed with 1 or 2 parts of tallow. 6. Many dry objects can be well preserved by— Mounting in Canada Balsam. — When this is to be done, care must be taken that they are thoroughly dry, otherwise they will ac- quire a milky appearance from being sur- rounded by minute drops of water. Some objects in drying curl up or become deformed, although their minute structure may not be essentially changed; this may be prevented by confining them between two slides tied together with thread, or held together by india-rubber rings, sealing-wax applied at the two ends, or by a folded strip of brass with the ends riveted. If the objects be of tole- rable size, they are then soaked in oil of turpentine kept in an ointment-pot covered with a lid, for some hours, or even days, until the air is entirely displaced from them by the turpentine. The latter will often also remove the colouring matter from some ob- jects, as parts of insects, which may or may not be desirable ; hence the duration of the process must vary accordingly. A clean slide is then warmed over the flame of a spirit- lamp, or upon a stove, and some clear bal- sam placed in the middle of it, and rendered more liquid by further gentle heat ; the ob- ject is then carefully removed from the tur- pentine with forceps, drained, and laid upon the warm balsam. Some more balsam is then allowed to fall from the warmed wire (BALSAM) upon the object, and when this is well covered with it, a warmed cover is gently laid upon its surface. The superfluous bal- sam then escapes at the sides of the cover, and this should be aided by gentle pressure. The slide is next maintained at a gentle heat upon a warm mantelpiece, or a piece of tin- plate (!NTR. p. xxiv.), until, when allowed to cool, the balsam is perfectly hard. As soon as this is the case, the superfluous portions are cut away or scraped off with a knife, the surfaces of the glasses cleaned from any residue by a cloth wetted with oil of turpen- tine, and some sealing-wax varnish applied to the edges of the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide. 7. The success of the operation depends mainly upon two circumstances, viz. the object having been thoroughly dried, and the exclusion of air-bubbles. The former constitutes no difficulty, time being all that is required ; but the latter requires that the object shall previously have been thoroughly moistened with the turpentine, and that the balsam shall have been added to the object, when laid in the balsam upon the slide, be- fore so much of the turpentine has evapo- rated as will allow air to enter any minute cavities in the object. The heat applied should also be gentle; and if the direct flame of a spirit-lamp be used, its application should be made rather to some portion of the slide near that upon which the object is placed, than directly beneath the object. If much heat be applied, bubbles of the vapour of the turpentine will disfigure the object ; but these will mostly vanish if the object be kept for some time at a gentle heat. If air-bubbles have found their wray into the object, the slide must be macerated in oil of turpentine until the balsam is dissolved and the object liberated, and a fresh mount- ing made. 8. If the object be large, it must be mounted in a cell. A glass ring (sold in the shops) of suitable thickness must first be cemented to the slide by balsam; more bal- sam is then added until the cavity is filled, PRESERVATION. [ 533 ] PRESERVATION. the object next added, and the cover ap- plied. 9. If the object be minute, its removal for maceration in the turpentine is not requisite, and might entail the loss of the object. It must then be laid upon a slide, a drop or two of turpentine added, and the whole warmed until no air-bubbles are visible. The cover is then removed, most of the tur- pentine drained off, balsam added from the warmed wire, and the cover applied as be- fore. 10. If air-bubbles remain in parts of a minute object, a cover should be applied, turpentine added, and the slide held over a lamp until the turpentine boils, and the bubbles disappear on cooling. The cover is then removed, most of the turpentine al- lowed to evaporate, the balsam added, and the cover re-applied. 11. Mounting in liquid. — The structure of many objects is so altered by drying, that they require to be mounted in some preser- vative liquid. These, if of considerable size, must be mounted in glass cells. 12. The cells may consist of glass rings, i. e. portions cut transversely from pieces of glass tubes, of various sizes, according to the di- mensions of the objects. In using these, the ring is first warmed in the flame of a spirit-lamp, being held by steel forceps j one of the ground surfaces of the ring is then covered with marine glue or balsam pre- viously melted in the same flame ; the sur- face of the slide to which the ring is to be cemented is then heated in the flame, and whilst it is hot, the surface of the ring coated with the melted cement is applied to it, and the ring pressed firmly, so as to displace the superfluous portions. When cold, these are to be removed with the point of a knife ; sometimes a little solution of potash, oil of turpentine, or naphtha is required for this purpose. The cell is then complete, ex- cepting the lid or cover, which consists of a circular plate of thin glass, of slightly less diameter than that of the outer margin of the glass ring. The cell is now to be filled with the preservative liquid, the object placed in it, and the cover applied, being made to slide over the upper surface of the ring, so as to displace any excess of liquid, and prevent the admission of air-bubbles. If the quantity of liquid at first put into the cell be not sufficient, more must be added, until slight excess is present ; the superfluous portions may be removed by a piece of blot- ting-paper, and the margin of the cover and ring very carefully wiped clean with a silk handkerchief, so that the surfaces may be free from all traces of the preservative liquid. The exposed parts of the upper surface of the glass ring, and the adjacent margins of the cover, are then to be coated lightly with one of the liquid cements, by means of a camel's-hair pencil ; and when the first coat is dry, another must be laid on, so that the edges of the cover and the adjacent parts of the glass ring may be firmly cemented toge- ther, and the cell completely closed, so that no evaporation of the contained liquid can take place. The important points in this process are, that the heated cement used to fasten the ring to the slide must accurately coat every portion of the two surfaces in apposition, and that the surfaces to which the liquid cement is applied must be perfectly clean and dry, so that the cement may come into contact with the surfaces of the glass. 13. When the objects are very large, the rings may be conveniently replaced by cells constructed of slips of glass, arranged so as to constitute four sides of a box, the bottom of the box being formed by the slide, and the top by a plate of thin glass : the pieces should be cemented together by marine glue. 14. Smaller cells may be made with ma- rine glue, melted, dropped upon a slide, and flattened whilst warm with a piece of wetted glass, the superfluous portions and central portion cut away with a knife ; should the marine glue become loosened from the slide, it may be re-fastened by heat, and if the upper surface be not perfectly flat, it may be made so by grinding with emery-powder and water upon a plate of metal or upon a stone. Minute objects may be mounted in liquid in a variety of ways, the choice of which will vary according to the option of the microscopist. They are generally mounted in shallow cells, the sides of which are formed by varnish. 15. The old method consisted in placing the object upon a slide, adding a drop or two of the preservative liquid, applying the glass cover, adding more of the liquid, or removing excess with blotting-paper, until the space between the slide and cover is accurately filled, then applying to the mar- gin of the cover and the adjacent portions of the slide a coat of some liquid cement, as gold-size, black japan, &c. Objects thus mounted keep well for a time, but the ce- PRESERVATION. [ 534 ] PRESERVATION. ment soon apparently runs into the space between the cover and the slide, and the object becomes spoiled. It is often requisite, however., to mount an object in this way, which may be lying upon a slide, perhaps in some peculiar position which it is important for it to retain ; when this is the case, the electrical cement with balsam and tallow should be used, and there is no fear what- ever of change, provided spirit be not used as the preservative liquid. 16. Whenever it is possible, then, a cell- wall should be previously formed, by laying a ring or square of one of the liquid cements upon the slide with a camel's-hair pencil, and applying a continued heat until it be- comes thoroughly hard when cold. The cements generally used are — black japan; gold-size with which a little finely powdered litharge has been well mixed, immediately applied, as it soon hardens; sealing-wax varnish ; solution of marine glue in naphtha, or of Canada balsam in aether, or the balsam alone. If the upper surfaces of the rings or squares formed of these compounds, when thoroughly dry and hard, be not perfectly flat, they may be made so by grinding alone, or with emery and water, upon a piece of metal, marble, or a stone. The object is then placed in the cell, the preservative liquid added, and the cell closed as above described. The following are the most important preservative liquids and compounds : — Thwaites's liquid — Is thus prepared : to 16 parts of distilled water add 1 part of rectified spirit, and a few drops of creosote sufficient to saturate it ; stir in a small quan- tity of prepared chalk, and then filter. With this liquid mix an equal measure of camphor- water, and before using, strain through fine muslin. Recommended by Mr. Thwaites for preserving freshwater Algae, as having but little action upon the endochrome. Ralfs liquid. — Prepared with bay-salt and alum, of each a grain, distilled water 1 oz. ; dissolve. Recommended as a readily pre- pared substitute for the former, in the pre- servation of the Algae (Desmidiaceae). Acetate of alumina. — 1 part of the salt to 4 parts of distilled water. Mr. Topping finds this the best preservative for delicate vege- table colours. Distilled water. — Very often used for pre- serving Algae ; but perhaps camphor-water would be better. Camphor-water — Is prepared by digesting distilled water with a lump or two of cam- phor. Spirit and water. — Proof spirit may be prepared by mixing 5 measures of rectified spirit with 3 of water. It is frequently used for preserving animal structures, organs, injections, &c. Delicate preparations may be kept in a mixture of 1 part of spirit with 5 parts of water. Dilute spirit should never be used as a preservative, when it can possi- bly be avoided. Creosote water — Is prepared by filtering a saturated solution of creosote in 1 part of rectified spirit, after mixing it with 20 parts of water. It is recommended for preserving preparations of muscle, cellular tissue, ten- don, cartilage, &c. Arsenious acid. — A preservative liquid is made of this substance by boiling excess of the acid with water, filtering the solution, and adding 2 parts of water. It is a very good preservative of animal tissues. Corrosive sublimate. — Harting recom- mends a solution of this substance as the best preservative for the corpuscles of the blood, nerve, muscular fibre, &c.; the strength of the solution must vary from 1 part in 200 to 500 of water, according to the nature of the object. Thus, the blood-corpuscles of the frog require 1-400, those of birds 1-300, of mammals 1-200. Salt (chloride of sodium) and water, 5 gr. to the 1 oz. — Was long since recommended for the preservation of tissues, but is not much used, because fungi are apt to grow in it, which might, however, be prevented by saturating it with camphor by digestion. M. Corti has found "a tolerably concentrated solution" the best preservative for the deli- cate structures and nerve-cells of the inter- nal ear. Carbonate of potash. — 1 part dissolved in from 200 to 500 of distilled water, is a good preservative of the primitive nerve-tubes. Arsenite of potash. — 1 part dissolved in 160 of water has been found useful for pre- serving the primitive nerve'tubes. Glycerine — May be used in the same cases as chloride of calcium. If used in a diluted state, fungi are apt to grow in it. Canada balsam (See BALSAM, CANADA). — When rendered thinner by digestion with a little aether at a gentle heat, it forms a liquid cement. Gum-water (see CEMENTS, p. 126. § 14). — The solution should be very thick, so as to flow with difficulty from the end of a wire. It may be used like balsam, but with- out heat. The residue is very apt to crack when dry ; this may be prevented by apply- PRESERVATION. [ 535 ] PRESERVATION. ing a thick coating of varnish around its margins. Chloride of Calcium (CALCIUM, CHLO- RIDE OF). — Objects maybe mounted in this solution without closing the cell, by pasting two narrow strips of paper transversely upon a slide, leaving a greater interval than the breadth of the object ; the latter is then laid upon the slide, a small quantity of the solu- tion added, and a cover applied. The solu- tion must not touch the paper. The cover may be fixed to the paper on the slide by the electrical cement with balsam and tallow. It is best, however, to close the cell. Chloride of zinc. — This is perhaps the best preservative of animal tissues for micro- scopic examination known. It exerts a slight coagulating action, but this is not sufficient to impair seriously the peculiarities of the objects, and the large portions of all struc- tures which may require to be subsequently examined should be kept in it. The strength must vary according to the softness of the tissues. The best ordinary strength is in the proportion of 20 grains of the fused chloride to 1 oz. of water, or 400 grains to the pint. A lump of camphor should be kept floating upon the surface of the solution in the stock-bottle. Goadby's solutions. — These are of three kinds. The first is made with — bay-salt (coarse sea-salt) 4 oz., alum 2 oz., corrosive sublimate 2 grains, boiling water 1 quart. This is too strong for most purposes, and is only to be employed where great astringency is required to give form and support to deli- cate structures. The second is made with — bay-salt 4 oz., alum 2 oz., corrosive sublimate 4 grains, water 2 quarts. This is recommended for general use, and as best adapted for perma- nent preparations. Mr. Thwaites recom- mends it for marine Algae; but we have found chloride of calcium answer for this purpose, and it is much more secure. When carbonate of lime exists in the preparations, as in the Mollusca, the following should be used : — take of bay-salt 8 oz., corrosive sub- limate 2 grains, water 1 quart. Marine ani- mals require a stronger liquid of this kind, made by adding about 2 oz. more salt to the last. These liquids are mostly adapted for the preservation of large objects, in which the minute structure will not require to be exa- mined. If used otherwise, the corrosive sublimate should be omitted. Deane's compound. — This is made with — gelatine 1 oz., honey 5 ozs., water 5 ozs., rec- tified spirit £ oz., and 6 drops of creosote. The gelatine is soaked in the water until soft, and then added to the honey, which has been previously raised to a boiling-heat in another vessel ; then boil the mixture, and when it has cooled somewhat, add the creo- sote mixed with the spirit; lastly, filter through fine flannel. When about to be used, the compound must be slightly warmed, and the object placed in a drop upon a previously warmed slide. The cover is then to be breathed upon and applied, taking care to exclude air-bubbles; a coating of black japan or Brunswick black around the margin com- pletes the whole. Chromic acid. See p. 141. Remarks. — It may be well to make a few general remarks upon the selection and use of the preservative liquids, and the method of mounting objects. That preservative liquid should always be chosen which exerts least action upon the structure of the object which it is required to preserve. When drying the object does not destroy its peculiar structure, and the object is not very transparent, balsam should be used. If the structure be destroyed by drying, and the object be not impaired by endos- mosis, the chloride of calcium or glycerine is best. Other circumstances may render these preservatives desirable ; thus, the mi- nute parts of the mouth of the Acarina are best seen and preserved in balsam, whilst the general form of the body is best retained when the animals are immersed in chloride of calcium or glycerine. Objects to be mounted in a preservative liquid should be placed in a watch-glass ; if existing in water, as much of this as possible should be poured off, or removed with a pipette or blotting-paper, and the preserva- tive liquid added, and this operation repeated that the water may be entirely displaced. The use of spirit should always be avoided if possible, because, although slowly, yet surely, it will act upon the cement used to close the cell. If objects be mounted according to the method described in § 15, p. 533, the elec- trical cement and tallow compound should be used ; if black japan or gold size be made use of, the objects will certainly be spoiled. The liquid cements used to close the cell should be applied in several layers, each being allowed to dry before the next is applied. PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE. [ 536 ] PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE. The preservative liquid must not be capa- ble of exerting any action upon the cements used in making or closing the cell. If chloride of calcium or glycerine be used as the preservative liquid, when the first coat of liquid cement used to close the cell has become dry, the slide and cover should be washed gently with a sponge and distilled water, then dried with blotting-paper or a silk handkerchief, and the next coat of var- nish applied. The deeper the cell, the less the chance of the object being spoiled. As soon as objects are mounted, the slides should be labelled with a square or circular piece of paper pasted upon them, the name and other particulars being expressed in writing. The name, &c. may also be written upon slides with a diamond, but the paper labels should always be used, other- wise much time will be lost in searching for and distinguishing particular objects in the cabinet. BIBL. Treatises upon the Microscope; Harting, Het Mikroscop, Edinb. Monthly Journ. 1852, or Ann. Nat. Hist. 1852. x. 311; Reckitt, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845. xvi. 242; Berkeley, ibid. 1845. xvi. 104 ; Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. ; Smith, Brit. Diatom. ; Corti, Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitschr. iii. 134; Griffith, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xxi. 113; Tulk and Henfrey, Anatomical Manipula- tion, 1844. p. 128. PRIMORDIAL UTRICLE (utriculus primordialis, primordialschlauch). — This name has recently come into general use, at the suggestion of Mohl, to indicate a pecu- liar portion of the contents of the cellulose sac constituting a vegetable cell; by that author it is regarded as a distinct structure, by others its separate existence is doubted, while recently it has been proposed by Pringsheim to transfer the name to a struc- ture different in its nature from that which Mohl has described as his primordial utricle. As the formations comprehended under this name are of great importance in the deve- lopment of vegetable cells, a little detail must be entered into in explaining this sub- ject. If a cell of the pulp of any succulent fruit, a cell of yeast, or cells in sections taken from the delicate nascent tissues of any growing part of plants, are placed in water, the entire contents will soon be seen to retract from the cellulose wall, leaving a clear space, filled with transparent liquid, between the latter and a sharply-defined line bounding the contracted or coagulated con- tents (PL 38. figs. 1, 2, 10-12). The addition of tincture of iodine makes the conditions still more clear. If the parent-cells of pollen-grains or spores are treated thus, just before the development of the cellulose wall of the special parent-cells (see POLLEN), the four portions of the contents of the parent-cell contract and separate, and each portion, containing its own granular struc- tures and nucleus, appears bounded by a well-defined line (fig. 612). This well- Fig. 612. CM- Fig. 612. Parent- cells of pollen-grains just after the separation of the contents into four portions, treated with iodine. CM, the parent-cell. P, the protoplasmic por- tions, each with a nucleus and a well-defined outline at the surface of the primordial utricle. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 613. Cells of Protococcus multiplying. The green granular contents are bounded by the definite outline of the primordial utricle ; the primary and secondary cellu- lose parent-cell membranes are represented as separated from each other. Magnified 400 diameters. defined line presents in this condition the appearance of a delicate membrane or pellicle enclosing the entire contents. The action of acids, or spirit, and iodine, reveals the existence of a similar set of conditions in all actively vegetating cells, and in most cases a more or less thick viscous layer of the protoplasm is found lining the cellulose wall before the application of the reagents. Since the line indicating the boundary of the con- tents cannot be distinctly seen until the contents have retracted from the cellulose wall, and since the protoplasm is always coagulated by the action of the reagents, it is a subject of discussion whether the film forming the well- denned line on the surface of the contracted contents is a true structure, or only a pellicle produced by the coagula- tion of the surface of the protoplasm, just as a ous Ferns, with indusiate sori. Synopsis of the Genera. I. PTERIS. Sorus marginal, linear, con- tinuous. Indusium marginal, linear, free within. Veins pinnate. II. LITHOBROCHYA. Sorus marginal, linear, continuous. Indusium marginal, linear, free within. Veins anastomosing in hexagonoid spots. III. AMPHIBLISTRA. Sorus marginal, linear, continuous. Indusium marginal, li- near, free within. Veins very much branched with free venules. IV. BLECHNUM. Sori inserted on trans- verse venules connecting the veins, conti- guous or continuous by confluence, parallel with the rib, and more or less approximated. Indusium linear, the free margin looking towards the rib. Veins pinnate, anasto- mosing. PTERIS, Linn.— A genus of Pteridea? (Polypodaeous Ferns), represented by one indigenous species, Pteris aquilina, common Brake Fern. Fig. 617. Pteris. A pinnule with marginal indusiate sori. Magnified 10 diameters. PTERODINA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Brachionaea. Char. Eyes two, frontal ; foot simply sty- liform. At the end of the tail-like foot is a suctorial disk; jaws with the teeth either arranged in a row, or two teeth only in each. Three species; two aquatic, one marine. PTEROPTUS. [ 542 ] PUCCINIA. P. patina (PI. 35. fig. 20). Testula mem- branous, orbicular, crystalline, roughish near the broad margin ; a depression present between the rotatory lobes. Aquatic ; length 1-120". BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 516. PTEROPTUS, Dufour. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Gamasea. Char. Body depressed; last joint of palpi longest; legs stout, with short joints. P. vespertilionis (PI. 2. fig. 39). Found upon bats. Several species have been de- scribed, but the subject requires revision. BIBL. Gervais, JValckenaer's Apteres, iii. 227 ; Dufour, Ann. d. Sc. nat. xvi. 98 ; xxv. 9 ; Koch, Deutschlands Crustac. PTERYGONIUM, Sw.— A genus of Mosses. See NECKERA. PTILIDIUM, Nees.— A genus of Junger- mannieae (Hepaticaceae), containing one ele- gant British species, P. ciliaris, frequent on heaths and rocks in subalpine districts, but rarely found in fruit. BIBL. Hooker, Brit. Flor. ii. p. 126, Brit. Jung. pi. 65 ; Ekart, Synops. Jung. pi. 5. fig. 36. PTILOTA, Ag.— A genus of Ceramiaceaj (Florideous Algae), with flat feathery fronds a few inches high; of a deep red colour, growing on Laminarice or Fuci, or on rocks between tide-marks. The fructification con- sists of — 1. clustered roundish favellce con- taining spores, terminating the ultimate pinnules, and surrounded by an involucre of subulate ramuli, or naked; 2. tetrahedral tetraspores on short pedicels fringing the pinnules. Antheridia have not been ob- served. BTBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 159. pi. 22 A, Phyc. Brit. pi. 70 ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 16 ; Nageli, Neuer Algensysteme, pi. 6. fig. 38-42. PTYGURA, Ehr.—A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Ichthydina. Char. Eyes none; no hairs upon the body ; tail-like foot cylindrical, and simply truncate. Teeth three in each jaw; anus situated at the end of the tail-like foot. P. melicerta (PL 35. fig. 21). Body terete- clavate, turgid in front, hyaline ; mouth with two little hook-like horns ; cervical process single and smooth. Aquatic; length 1-144". Ehrenberg questions whether this is not a young form of another genus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 387- PUCCINIA, Persoon.— A genus of Caeo- macei (Coniomycetous Fungi) (see also UREDINES), containing numerous para- sitical species, growing upon the leaves and other herbaceous parts of the higher plants, forming " mildews," and, with their Uredinous forms, " rusts," &c. These Fungi have received considerable attention lately from Tulasne, De Bary, and others ; and it appears that the genera Uredo and others have no distinct existence, but are prepara- tory forms of Puccinia and other genera noticed under UREDINES. In the article ^EciDiUM we have described the twofold reproductive structures, namely the sperma- gonia and the perithecia (figs. 5 & 6, p. 15; PL 20. figs. 1-4), producing respectively the spermatia (supposed to have the office of spermatozoids) and the spores. In Puccinia three forms of reproductive organs occur : first, spermagonia, analogous to those of ^Ecidium ; then the forms called Uredines (chiefly of the supposed genus Trichobasis), producing globular unilocular bodies, shortly stalked, and with transparent walls, but with yellow or orange-coloured contents; and lastly, the true Puccinice, containing bilocu- lar spores borne on short stalks, and having a dark brown integument. The latter pre- sent remarkable phosnomena in germination, which may be best observed in those which sprout without becoming detached from the matrix, such as P. graminis, which however remain quiescent until the spring following its development, while P. Glechomce, Bund, Dianthi, and others, germinate in the same summer. The bilocular spores have each one pore (analogous to the pores of POLLEN- grains), from which extends a filamentous process, ultimately giving rise to four short processes, each terminating in a pointed pro- cess bearing a sporidium, of more or less curved elliptical form. About the time when these fall off, the filament bearing the four processes becomes divided by septa into four chambers, but then appears to die. The sporidia germinate and produce a filament, which, instead of becoming the basis of a mycelium, reproduces a sporidium smaller than the first. More is said respecting these remarkable organisms under the head of UREDINES. The PuccinicB present the following gene- ral characters : — The spermagonia rare, scat- tered on either face of the infested leaf, with an immersed, ostiolate peridiole, bearing long cilia at the mouth, pale, orange or blackish in colour. The Uredinous fruits are scattered or grouped in circles, devoid of PULEX. [ 543 ] PULEX. a proper peridium, but surrounded some- times by thickish cylindrical paraphyses, very rarely connected below into a mem- brane, forming a kind of ciliated peridium ; the stylospores are round and mostly spinu- lose, with three or four equidistant pores. The Puccineous fruits are also scattered or grouped in circles, sometimes containing only their proper spores, sometimes with Uredinous spores intermixed, destitute of a proper peridium, but, like the Uredines, having sometimes a false envelope formed of confluent paraphyses ; their spores, form- ing the chief distinctive character of the genus, are bilocular, oblong or globose, rounded-obtuse or acuminate at the apex, smooth or spinulose, the upper loculus with a pore at its summit, the lower with a pore at the upper end of one side (next the sep- tum). These plants occur commonly on the Grasses and many other herbaceous plants, often changing colour during the summer, being yellow or orange when the Uredinous spores are ripe, and afterwards blackish when the Puccineous form is mature. The species are very numerous, but some of those formerly included under this name are now removed to other genera, such as Uromyces, Triphraamium, &c. (See URE- DINES.) P. graminis is common on corn and other grasses (Mildew}-, among the other frequent species are P. Caricis, polygonorum, menthce, anemones, buxi, &c. Ch. Robin de- scribes a Puccinia, apparently on the author- ity of Ardsten, a Swedish physician, found upon the human head in FAVUS. From his description it appears to be a true Puc- cinia, and should hold its place (P. Favi, Ardst.) among the species. But what is more remarkable, it occurs together with Achorion Schanleinii, the latter presenting itself as a constituent of the cups or crusts, while the Puccinia occurs afterwards on the desquamations of the epidermis. This ap- pears to warrant (from what we know of the species parasitic on vegetables) the opinion that the ACHORION is merely the sperina- gonial form of the P. Favi. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 363, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 439, ibid. 2 ser. v. p. 462, xiii. p. 461 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vii. p. 12, ibid. 4 ser. ii. p. 77- 138 & 182 ; Leveille, ibid. 3 ser. yiii. p. 369; De Bary, Brandpilze, p. 36 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 513; Robin, Vegetaux parasit. 2nd ed. p. 613. pi. 14. fig. 13. PULEX, Linn. (Flea).— A genus of In- sects, of the order Siphonaptera (Suctoria or Aphaniptera), and family Pulicidae. Char. As there are only the single family and genus in the order, the characters of the latter are distinctive. Head small (PI. 28. fig. 9), compressed, rounded above, truncate in front, in some species with an inferior pectinate fringe of blackish-brown teeth; eyes one on each side, round, simple, smooth; behind each eye is a cavity or depression, at the bottom of which the antennae are attached; an- tennae (figs. 9 a, 12) four-jointed, their form varying in the different species, the third joint very minute, and forming the cup- shaped base of the terminal joint or piece, which in some species is furnished with nu- merous transverse incisions, representing as many distinct joints ; in some the antennae extend out of the depression, and are carried erect. Oral appendages (PL 28. fig. 9 e) composed of several parts : 1. (PI. 26. figs. 32 d, 33 d) The uppermost is single, and consists of a thin, flattened seta, coarsely toothed on the upper surface, and traversed throughout its entire length by a canal, upon the walls of which a very slender trachea runs, and from which very minute canals, terminating at the end of the little teeth, are given off. This is the suctorial organ, and perhaps cor- responds to the labrum, but is sometimes considered as the lingua or ligula. 2. (figs. 32 f, 33 f) Two quadrangular, narrow, and elongated plates, each furnished with longi- tudinal ribs, and with fine teeth ; these are the lancets or scalpella, and correspond to the mandibles. 3. (PL 26. fig. 32 g) Two somewhat triangular or leaf-like plates, the maxillae; to which are attached — 4. (PL 26. fig. 32 h ; PL 28. fig. 9 d) Two nearly cylin- drical four-jointed maxillary palpi. 5. (PL 26. fig. 32 k ; fig. 33 k) Two labial palpi, in the form of sheaths, four-jointed, thickened at the back and membranous at the margin; these palpi arise from near the apex of — 6. (PL 26. fig. 33 /) A small membranous labium, with the still smaller mentum (PL 26, fig. 33 m) at its base. Thorax composed of three segments, each consisting of an upper (PL 28, fig. 9 c) and a lower piece (//, that of the metathoracic seg- ment is not lettered) ; from the lower arise the corresponding legs. The two posterior segments of the thorax are each furnished with a pair of plates, the hindermost of which is longest, and nearly covers the sides of the first and part of the second abdominal seg- PULEX. [ 544 ] PULEX. ment (fig. 9, behind/,/); these represent rudimentary wings. The legs are large, especially the hinder ones, and adapted for leaping. The first joint or coxa (g) is very thick ; the second or trochanter (h) is very small ; next come the femur (i), the tibia (&), and lastly the five-jointed tarsus (I), which is terminated by two curved and denticulate claws, with a lobe or heel at the base. The abdomen of the female has nine distinct rings, the first seven of which are each furnished with a pair of stigmata (a), and consist of horny arches with membranous margins. The eighth arch, which has no membranous margin, is strengthened by a horny band furnished with fine hairs, to protect the orifice of the last stigma. The ninth and last segment, called the pygidium (fig. 9X and PI. 1. fig. 13), is somewhat kidney-shaped or two-lobed, folded on the dorsum, and exhibits twenty-five to twenty- eight stiff and longish bristles, implanted in the centre of as many disk-like areolae, each of which is ornamented with a ring of rectangular or somewhat cuneate rays. The portions of the pygidium between the areolae, are studded with minute spines. The end of the abdomen in the female (PI. 28. fig. 9) is more rounded or ovate than that of the male (fig. 13), which is somewhat turned upwards. In some species the segments of the thorax and abdomen are furnished with a posterior pectinate fringe. The alimentary canal is short and straight ; the stomach cylindrical ; the small intestine as long as the stomach, and the large intes- tine short. Four short and broad Mal- pighian vessels open into the lower orifice of the stomach, and the ducts of two round salivary vesicles unite to a single canal ascending in a coiled form on each side of the oesophagus towards the mouth. The eggs of the flea are white, elongated and viscid outside. The larvae have no legs; they are elongated, resembling minute worms and very active, coiling themselves into a circle or spiral, and serpentine in their movements. The head is scaly, without eyes, and supporting two very minute an- tennae; the body has thirteen segments, with small tufts of hairs, and at the end of the last are two little hooks. The species are numerous (twenty-five, Gervais), but their characters are not well defined. P. irritans, human flea. Pitch-brown; head shining, smooth, pectinate fringe absent ; legs pale ; femora of posterior legs with hairs inside ; second joint of the tarsi of the anterior pair of legs and first joint of posterior tarsi longest. Tarsal joints in respective order of greatest length : anterior, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4 ; posterior, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 (Bouche). We have never been able to find a flea with the above relative length of the joints of the anterior tarsi. P. felis, cat's flea (P. canis, Bouche ; P. irritans, Duges) (PI. 28. fig. 9). Pale pitch- brown ; head naked, shining, smooth, with delicate scattered dots; coxa3 and femora almost naked; fifth joint of anterior tarsi and first joint of posterior tarsi longest. Tarsal joints : anterior, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4 ; poste- rior, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4. P. canis, flea of dog and fox (PI. 28. fig. 10, head) (P. felis, Bouche). Pale pitch-brown ; head shining, smooth, punctate behind ; lower part of head and protothorax with a pectinate fringe; posterior tibiae much ex- panded at the end; fifth joint of anterior and first of posterior tarsi longest. Tarsi : anterior, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4; posterior, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4. P. gallince, fowl's flea. Pitch -brown, with shining, smooth, elongated head; proto- thorax with a pectinate fringe ; first joint of all the tarsi longest. Tarsi: anterior and posterior, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4. P. martis, flea of the marten and dog. Postero-inferior margin of head and proto- thorax with pectinate fringe ; tarsi as in P. canis. P. sciurorum, flea of the squirrel. Head naked; pectinate fringe on protothorax, none upon the abdomen. Tarsi : anterior, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 ; posterior, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4. P. erinacei, flea of hedgehog. Head naked, mesothorax with a fringe. Tarsi : anterior, 5, 2, 1,3,4; posterior, 1, 2, 5,3,4. P. talpcB, Curtis, flea of mole (PI. 28. fig. 24). P. columbcB, pigeon's flea. Protothorax with pectinate fringe, none upon the abdo- men ; antennae of male erect, those of the female lying in the depression. P. penetrans, the chigoe or jigger. The females burrow in the skin of the feet, and the ova, undergoing development, enlarge the abdomen to the size of a pea, causing severe inflammation, &c. Rostrum very long. Tropical. P. vespertilionis, flea of the bat (PL 28. fig. 11, head). BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, fyc., ii. PUNCTARIA. [ 545 ] PYOID CORPUSCLES. 489; Bouche, Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. 1835. xvii. 501 ; Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 1832. xxvii. p. 165 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apt. iii. 362; Denny, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xii. 315. PUNCTARIA, Greville.— A genus of Punctariaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing three (one doubtful) British species, P. lati- folia, plantaginea and tenuissima, growing on rocks and stones, consisting of membra- nous, olive or brown, ribless fronds, 4 to 12" long, 1 to 3" broad, having a shield-like organ of attachment at the base. The fruc- tification consists of sori scattered all over the frond in minute distinct dots, composed of roundish oosporanges (producing zoospores) intermixed with paraphyses ; these sporanges are called spores in most works. No other form of fructification has yet been observed. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 41. pi. 8 B, Phyc. Brit. pis. 8, 128, 148; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 9. PUNCTARIACE.ZE.— A family of Fu- coideae. Root a minute naked disk, frond cylindrical or flat, unbranched, cellular; with ovate oosporanges intermixed with jointed threads in groups on the surface. Synopsis of the British Genera. I. PUNCTARIA. Frond flat and leaf-like. Oosporanges scattered or in sori. II. ASPEROCOCCUS. Frond membranous, tubular, either cylindrical or compressed. Oosporanges in dot-like sori. III. LITOSIPHON. Frond cartilaginous, filiform, subsolid. Oosporanges scattered, almost solitary. PUS. — Popularly known as " matter." One of the products of inflammatory exuda- tion. Its general properties are too well known to require description. Pus consists of an albu- minous liquid, containing a number of minute corpuscles in suspension. These con- sist of molecules and granules, composed of proteine-compounds, fat or the earthy phos- phates; globules of fat of very various sizes; and the proper pus-corpuscles. Pus-cor- puscles (PI. 30. fig. 4) are spherical, from 1-2500 to 1-2000" in diameter; presenting a granular appearance on the surface, and containing a number of larger or smaller granules and a small quantity of liquid. The granular appearance of the surface arises from the internal granules pushing out, as it were, the cell-wall, for it disappears when the cell-wall is distended and separated from the granules by the action of water or very dilute solution of potash. When treated with acetic acid, the cell-wall and granules become excessively transparent and ulti- mately vanish (PI. 30. fig. 5), leaving from one to five, generally two or three, round or oval nuclei, which mostly present a dark margin and light centre, giving them a cupped appearance, indicating a diminution of refractive power in the centre, arising from either a depression on the surface or the existence of a vacuole. The cupped centre is sometimes seen in the nuclei without acetic acid, after the action of water only. In the pus of chronic abscesses, unhealthy ulcers, &c., the corpuscles are often few, deformed and mixed with numerous granules of proteine, fatty and calcareous matters, crystals of cholesterine, of the ammonio- phosphate of magnesia, and sometimes monads and vibrios; exudation-corpuscles are occasionally present also. Pyoid corpuscles. — Under this term, Lebert describes a modification of pus-cor- puscles, consisting of a tolerably transparent envelope, enclosing from eight to ten or more small globules (PI. 30. fig. 6). Acetic acid does not alter them, or at most only renders them slightly more transparent. The small globules are composed of a proteine - compound, for they are soluble in potash. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, ANIMAL ; and Lebert, Phys. Pathologique. PYCNIDIA.— A term applied by Tulasne to the receptacles enclosing stylospores in the LICHENS and FUNGI. PYCNOPHYCUS, Ktitz.— A genus of Fucaceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one British species, P. (Fucus) tuberculatus, removed from Fucus on account of its cylin- drical frond, the compact cellular substance of the receptacles and the ramified fibrous pseudo-root. The fructifications, formed at the ends of the dichotomous lobes of the frond, are of elongated form, cylindrical, more or less tuberculated, and exhibit numerous pores opening from conceptacles, containing spore-sacs and antheridia (to- gether), resembling in general those of Fucus. The spore-sacs are collected at the bottom of the conceptacles, the antheridia at the upper part. For the details respecting the spores and spermatozoids see Fucus. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 18. pi. 2 A, Phyc. Brit. p. 89; Decaisne and Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. iii. p. 5, &c., pi. 1 ; Thuret, ibid. xvi. p. 10. PYOID CORPUSCLES. See Pus. 2N PYRAMIDIUM. [ 546 ] QUININE. PYRAMIDIUM, Bridel.— A genus of Funariaceee (Acrocarpous Mosses), allied to Funaria in habit, but differing in important points. Pyramidium tetragonum, Brid. = Gymno- stomum tetragonum, Schwagr. PYRENOMYCETES.— That portion of the Ascomycetous and Coniomycetous Fungi having a closed, nuclear fruit ; standing opposed to the Discomycetes, with open fruits, like the Angiocarpous and Gymno- carpous Lichens. PYRENOTHEA, Fries.— A genus of Limboriese (Angiocarpous Lichens), contain- ing a number of species separated from Ver- rucaria, Ach., on account of the spores being free in the perithecia and not developed in thecae. The bodies taken for spores are, however, spermatia contained in sperma- gonia, the sporiferous perithecia being appa- rently unknown (see LICHENS). BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Aug. Lichens, p. 65; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii.p. 217- Q. QUILL.— The quill of feathers possesses considerable polarizing power ; the coloured bands are, however, so broad that they are better seen with the naked eye. See FEATHERS. QUININE. See ALKALOIDS, p. 26. lodo-disulpkate, sulphate of iodo-quinine, Herapathite. — This salt is prepared by dis- solving disulphate of quinine in strong acetic acid, warming the solution, dropping into it an alcoholic solution of iodine carefully in small quantities at a time, and placing the mixture aside for some hours, when the crystals separate. They dissolve in the heated mother-liquor, also in hot alcohol, being again deposited on cooling; but they are not soluble in cold alcohol or aether. They are so easily decomposed and altered that they are with difficulty mounted. This may, however, be effected by cautiously neutralizing the excess of acid in the mother- liquor by solution of ammonia, taking care not to precipitate the excess of the disulphate of quinine ; a portion of the liquid contain- ing the crystals is then transferred to a slide, the liquid removed with blotting-paper, and the crystals dried in a current of cold air. They are then mounted in Canada balsam rendered thin with aether, heat being avoided. The crystals are of a pale olive-green colour (PI. 7- fig. 17), and possess a more intense polarizing power than any other known substance. The play of colours pre- sented when they are rolling over each other whilst contained in a watch-glass, forms a very beautiful sight, the colours varying according to the relative positions of the crystals to each other ; and when the latter cross each other at a right angle, complete blackness is produced. Dr. Herapath, who discovered this beau- tiful salt, has also described a method of making crystals of sufficient size to replace tourmalines or Nicol's prisms. The ingre- dients are, — as pure disulphate of quinine as can be obtained, that from Messrs. Howard and Kent being best ; strong acetic acid, of sp. gr. 1'042; proof-spirit, composed of equal bulks of rectified spirit of sp. gr. "837 and distilled water; and tincture of iodine, made by dissolving 40 grains of iodine in 1 oz. of rectified spirit. The proportions are : Disulphate of quinine. ... 50 grains. Acetic acid 2 fluid ounces. Proof-spirit 2 fluid ounces . Tincture of iodine 50 drops. The disulphate of quinine is dissolved in the acetic acid mixed with the spirit ; the solu- tion heated to 130° F., and the tincture of iodine immediately added in drops, the mixture being constantly agitated. The compound should be prepared in a wide-mouthed Florence flask or matrass; and the temperature should be maintained for a little time after the addition of the iodine, so that the solution should become perfectly clear, and of a dark sherry colour. It should then be set aside to crystallize in a room of a uniform temperature of 45° to 50° F., and kept from vibration. The latter may be effected by suspending the flask by the neck with strong string, attaching this to a hori- zontal cord stretching across the room from one wall to the other; or placing the flask on a steady support, lying upon a pillow. The large crystalline plates form upon the surface of the liquid, where they are allowed to remain for twelve to twenty-four hours, until they have acquired sufficient thickness. The flask is then carefully removed without shaking, and rested upon a gallipot. A circular cover is then fastened by its edge to the end of a glass rod with a little wax or marine glue, and passed beneath one of the crystalline films, the adherent mother-liquor removed with blotting-paper, and the film allowed to dry in a room at a temperature of 45° to 50° F. The cover and film are then RACODIUM. [ 547 ] RAPHIDES. placed under a cupping-glass or small bell- glass, with a watch-glass containing a few drops of tincture of iodine. The time required for the iodizing may be about three hours at 50° F., or less if the temperature be higher. The film is then covered with a solution of Canada balsam in aether, saturated with iodine by warming with a few crystals of this substance, and allowing it to cool. Other films are removed and mounted in the same manner. Should the films not separate from the original liquid at the end of six hours, this must be heated with a spirit-lamp until the deposited crystals are dissolved, a little spirit and a few drops more tincture of iodine added, and the liquid again set aside. If the film appear black when removed on the cover, it is crossed by an adherent or interposed crystal, which must be carefully removed. These crystals are sold ready mounted, and may be purchased at a very small cost. Dr. Herapath proposes the production of the crystals of the quinine- salt as a very delicate test for the presence of quinine. A test-liquid is first made with 3 drachms of acetic acid, 1 drachm of rectified spirit, and 6 drops of dilute sulphuric acid. A drop of this is placed upon a slide and the alkaloid added, and when it is dissolved, a very minute quantity of tincture of iodine added ; after a time the salt separates in little rosettes. BIBL. Herapath, Phil. Mag. 1852. iii. 161, iv. 186, and 1853. vi. 171 & 346; Hai- dinger, ibid. 1853. 284. R. RACODIUM, Pers. See ANTENNARIA. RADULA, Dumort. — A genus of Junger- Fig. 618. Radula complanata. Leafy shoot with an immature and a burst capsule. Magnified 5 diameters. mannieae (Hepaticaceae), containing one British species, R. complanata (fig. 618), common upon the trunks of trees, every- where, forming orbicular pale-green patches closely appressed to the bark. BIBL. Hook, Brit. Jung. pi. 81, Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 120; Ekart, Syn.Jung. pi. 4. fig. 31 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. No. 472-13. RALFSIA, Berk.— A genus of Myrione- maceae (Fucoid Algae), containing one British species, R. verrucosa (R. deusta, Berk.), forming dark-brown, Lichen-like patches, 1 to 6" in diameter, on rocks between tide- marks. The fronds are at first orbicular and concentrically zoned ; they are composed of densely-packed, vertical, simple jointed fila- ments. The fruit is formed in wart-like patches, and consists of obovate oosporanges attached to the bases of vertical filaments. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 49. pi. 10 D. RAMALINA, Ach. — A genus of Parme- liaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), containing several British species, forms of shrubby habit, mostly growing upon the trunks of trees, bearing orbicular, peltate apothecia, nearly of the same colour as the thallus. R.fraxinea, fastigiata, and farinacea are common. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 228; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 192. pi. 2. figs. 13-15. RANA, Linn. See FROG. RAPHIDES.— This name was first applied to the minute needle-shaped crystals occur- ring in great abundance in the tissues of many plants ; but it is now used in general application to all the crystalline formations contained in vegetable cells. The crystals occur either solitary or grouped, and some- times the latter are formed on a peculiar stalked matrix projecting into the cavity of enlarged cells, forming the organs called cystolithes. There are few plants of the higher classes which do not contain raphides ; they are very abundant in the herbaceous structures of the Monocotyledons generally, and espe- cially those of the Araceae, Musaceae, Lilia- ceae, &c. ; they also abound in the Polygo- naceae, Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Urticacege, &c., among the Dicotyledons. They are usually found only in the interior of the ca- vities of cells, but in some cases they occur in the intercellular cavities, perhaps, how- ever, accidentally. They may occur in al- most any part, but are found most exten- 2N2 RAPHIDES. [ 548 ] RAPHIDES. sively in the stems of herbaceous plants (Monocotyledons in general and Cactaceae) ; they also occur in the bark and pith of many woody plants (lime, vine); leaves likewise frequently contain them in vast quantity (Araceae, Musaceae, Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Polygonaceae) ; also sepals (Orchidaceae, Geraniaceae) ; in the rhubarbs, and also in Umbelliferae, they occur extensively in the roots; and they abound in autumn in the base of the bulbs of the onion and other Liliacese. The form of the needle-shaped raphides is usually that of a square prism, with pyra- midal ends. These ordinarily occur lying parallel in bundles (fig. 619) ; another coin- Fig. 619. Fig. 620. Fig. 619. Parenchymatous cells of the stem of Rumex, containing bundles of raphides. Magnified 400 diams. Fig. 620. Parenchymatous cells of the stem of Beta, with groups of raphides. Magnified 400 diams. mon form is that of rectangular or rhombic prisms with oblique or pyramidal ends ; the smaller of these often present themselves in groups radiating from a centre (fig. 620). Prisms of similar or of six-sided forms, octo- hedra, rhombs, &c., also occur solitary or few together (PI. 39. fig. 28), the larger ones sometimes nearly filling the cavity of the cells in which they lie. The cells containing the bundles of acicular raphides in the Aracege also contain a viscid sap, which causes them to burst through endosmose when placed in water, and discharge the crystals. Turpin erroneously described these as organs of a special nature, under the name of Biforines. Raphides most frequently consist of oxa- late of lime, especially in the Cactacese, Polygonaceae, &c. ; carbonate of lime seems to stand next in the order of frequency, then sulphate and phosphate of lime. Their composition may be ascertained by the ap- propriate tests for these salts. It is some- times difficult to determine the form accu- rately, on account of the small size ; it is found advantageous to mount well-cleaned and partly crushed crystals in Canada balsam, also to view them rolling over in alcohol (INTRODUCTION, p. xxix). The peculiar crystalline structures called by Weddell cystolithes, occur most abun- dantly in the families of the Urticaceae (in- cluding Morese) and the Acanthaceae. They ordinarily consist of a stalked, clavate, and globose, or irregular linear body, suspended in a greatly enlarged cell, most frequently situated beneath the epidermis of the leaf (PI. 39. figs. 26, 27); but they also occur in deeper-seated regions. Their nature and development has been followed by several observers, and they are found to consist of a cellulose matrix with carbonate of lime cry- stallized in a kind of efflorescence upon the surface. They appear to originate by a little papilla or column of secondary deposit at the upper end of the cell, which increases by successive concentric layers of cellulose applied on the lower surface, leaving a short stalk-like portion, which remains uncovered and also free from the crystals which gradu- ally sprout out from the thickened head. The crystals may be removed by the action of acid, and then the matrix assumes a blue colour with sulphuric acid and iodine. Pay en imagined the thicker portion encrusted by the crystals to be composed of numerous cellules, each producing a crystal : this is erroneous. The cystolithes vary in form; the clavate kinds may be best observed in Ficus elastica (PL 39. fig. 27) and nicenteron(P\. 11. fig. 43). Valves lanceolate, gradually attenuated towards the somewhat obtuse ends; stauros reaching the margins of the valves; striae faint. Aquatic; common; length 1-170". S.pulchella (PL 11. figs. 44, 45). Valves oblong, ends obtuse; frustules in front view, broadly linear, constricted in the middle, and rounded-truncate at the ends; striae distinct; stauros not reaching the margins. Marine ; length 1-70". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl Akad. 1843 ; Kiitzing, Bacill. p. 104, and Sp. Alg. 89. STAUROPTERA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae, including those species of Stauro- neis in which Ehrenberg was enabled to detect the transverse striae ; it is no longer retained. STEARIC ACID.— The crystals of this fatty acid are represented in PL 7- fig- 166. BIBL. See that of CHEMISTRY. STEMONITIS, Gled.— A genus of Myxo- gastres (Gasteromycetous Fungi), consist- ing of little, somewhat stamen-shaped plants, either separate or fasciculated, growing on rotten wood, &c. They appear at first in the form of a mucilaginous flocculent expansion (fig. 700), from which the membranaceous Fig. 700. Stemonitis ferruginea. Mycelium overgrowing decaying pine-leaves. peridia grow up (fig. 701). Many of these remain abortive, others are raised upon stalks, ripen, and on the separation of the fugacious peridium, display themselves some- what in the form of DIACH^EA, but with a bristle-like columella and no remains of the peridium. The flat, cylindrical or globose Fig. 701. Stemonitis ferrug'mea. Immature (fasciculate) peridia arising from the myce- lium. reticulated capillitium is penetrated partly or through its whole length by a columella continuous with the peduncle; the spores are interspersed in the reticulations of the capillitium. Capillitium and spores mostly of blackish colour. There are numerous British species ; S. fusca is common. See ENERTHENEMA and DIACH^A. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 317, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 257, vi. p. 431. 2nd ser. v. 366; Greville, So. Crypt. Fl. pi. 170; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 455, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 156. STENOGRAMME, Harv.— A genus of Rhodymeniaceae (Florideous Algae), contain- ing one very rare British plant, 8. interrupt a, characterized by stalked, flat, fan-shaped fronds, more or less divided dichotomously into riband-like lobes, 3-5" high, of a clear, pinky-red colour. It is composed of a central layer of large, globular cells, with a kind of rind of small cells. The conceptacles form a sort of sorus or dark line resembling a rib up the centre of each fertile lobe. Tetra- spores and antheridia unknown. BIBL. Harv. Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 123. pi. 15 D. STENTOR, Oken.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Vorticellina. Char. Body conical or trumpet-shaped, free, or sessile and attached by the narrow base; covered with cilia; anterior portion widened and fringed with a marginal row of longer cilia, with a spiral row of cilia extend- ing from it to the mouth. Aquatic. These Infusoria are among the largest and the most beautiful in the class. The body is very contractile and liable to variation in form, often becoming ovate, oblong, or glo- bular. The so-called nucleus is moniliform or strap- shaped. The encysting process has been noticed in some of the species. S. Mullen (PL 25. fig. 3). Body colour- less unless from containing foreign coloured particles, with a fringe of cilia or a ciliated crest extending from the mouth to near the STEPHANOCEROS. [ 615 ] STEREOCAULON. middle of the body; nucleus moniliform. Length 1-24". Five other species. Dujardin places this genus in the family Urceolarina. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 261; Stein, Infus. passim. STEPHANOCEROS, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Flosculariaea. Char. Eyes single; rotatory organ divided into five tentacle-like lobes, furnished with whorls of vibratile cilia ; body attached by the base to a cylindrical hyaline carapace. S. Eichhornii (PL 35. fig. 25). The only species. Aquatic ; length 1-36". This beau- tiful animal uses the lobes of the rotating organ to catch its prey, in the manner of Hydra. At a (fig. 25) are seen the tremu- lous bodies, above which is a row of round- ish globules, called by Ehrenberg nervous ganglia. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 400. ' STEPHANOD1SCUS, Ehr.— A doubt- fully distinct genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules discoidal, single ; valves circular, alike, not areolar (under ordinary illumination), and with a fringe of minute marginal teeth. Aquatic. S. berolinensis has the valves finely radiate, with mostly thirty-two teeth, and is 1-1150'' in diameter; whilst in S. Niagara the centre of the valves is granular, the circumference radiate, the teeth sixty- four, and the diameter 1-430". These species should be referred to Cos- cinodiscus or Cyclotella. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1845. Ixxii.; Kiitzing, Sp. Ala. 21. STEPHANOGONIA, Ehr.— An obscure genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules resembling those of Mas- togonia, but with the apices of the valves truncate, angular, and spinous. Two species found in Bermuda and North America. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. 264 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Ala. 26. STEPHANOPS, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Euchlanidota. Char. Eyes two, frontal, foot forked ; carapace depressed or prismatic; anterior part of body expanded so as to form a frontal hood. Jaws each with a single tooth. S. cirrhatus (PL 35. fig. 28). Carapace with two posterior spines. Aquatic ; length L240". S. muticus has the carapace without spines posteriorly, and the eyes have not been recognized; whilst S. lamellatus has three posterior spines. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 478. STEPHANOPYXIS, Ehr. = Pyxidicula, a genus of Diatomaceae. S. diadema=Pyxidicula diadema. As Pyxidicula is passed over in its proper place, we may take the opportunity of inserting it here. Its characters are : Frustules single, free or sessile; valves circular, convex, hoop absent ! Twenty-two species have been described, one aquatic, one marine, the remainder fossil, found in America. Some of them do not appear to differ from Coscinodiscus, except in the greater convexity of the valves. P. major (PI. 19. fig. 13). Valves conical, regularly punctate. Diameter 1-420". Aqua- tic. P. adriatica. Frustules sessile ; valves almost hemispherical, free from markings (ordinary illumination). Upon marine algae, diameter 1-600". P. minor, K. Frustules spherical, with two median parallel furrows. This appears to be the P. operculata of Ehrenberg, which Kiitzing considers to be the same as his Cyclotella operculata. The bodies represented in PL 19. fig. 12, found in flint, have been described as P. glo- bator, Pritch. (not P. alobosus, E.) ; they do not appear, however, to belong to the Diatomaceae. See also XANTHIOPYXIS. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 165, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844 & 1845 ; Kiitzing, Bacill. 51, Sp. Ala. xxi. ; Pritchard, Infusoria, 432. STEPHANOSPILERA, Cohn.— A genus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algae), not yet observed in Britain. S. pluvialis is related to Volvox, consisting of a large hyaline globe with eight biciliated green cells, placed at equal distances on the equator. BIBL. Cohn, Sieb. fy Kollik. Zeitschr. iv. p. 77 (1852) (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. x. p. 321. pi. 6). STEREOCAULON, Ach.— A genus of Lecidineae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), so called from the solid character of the branched bushy thallus. S. paschale, the most distinct species, is abundant on rocks and stones on mountainous districts. The thallus is grayish and rough, the apothecia conglomerated, blackish-brown. The sper- inogonia occur in little brown heads, near the apothecia. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 237; STEREONEMA. C STIGMA. Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 197; Enffl Bot. pi. 282. STEREONEMA, Kiitz.— Probably the mycelium of a fungus. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 160. STERIGMATA.— The term applied by Tulasne to the filaments forming the pedicels of the spermatia in the FUNGI (PI. 20. figs. 2,3). STICHIDIA.— Pod-shaped processes of the fronds of Florideous Algae, containing the tetraspores imbedded in them (fig. 160, page 189). STICHOCOCCUS, Nageli=PROTococ- cus. STICTA, Ach.— A genus of Parmeliaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), with a tough, foli- aceous thallus, growing over rocks and trunks of trees, mostly in mountainous districts. S.pulmonaria forms large shaggy fronds of olive-green colour when fresh, pale- brown when dry, pitted and reticulated; the apothecia mostly marginal, red-brown. The spermogonia of this genus occur scattered on the upper surface, mostly near the ends of the lobes. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 208 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 169. pi. 1 ; Engl. Bot. pi. 572. STICTEI, Fries.— A group of Helvellacei Fig. 702. Fig. 704. I) Fig. 703. Sticta versicolor. Fig. 702. An open disk, emerged on the surface of ood, havin wood, having an irregular border. Fig. 703. Vertical section of the same. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 704. Asci and paraphyses from the last. Mafmi- fied 200 diameters. (Ascomycetous Fungi), containing several genera of plants, growing on wood, branches of trees, &c., bursting through from beneath the bark when mature. S. (Cryptomyces, ff. ' •• Berk.; Propolis, Fr., S. Veg.} versicolor (figs. 702-704), is common on wood; the upper surface of the open fruit is white, and at length mealy. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 214, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 359; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 372. STIGEOCLONIUM, Kiitz.— A genus of Chaetophoraceae (Confervoid Algae), growing mostly in brooks, and composed of delicate branched filaments, drawn out into delicate hyaline points ; attached to stones and form- ing masses of a sinuous or lubricous cha- racter. The jointed filaments are composed of short cells, possessing bright green con- tents ; the entire contents of a cell are con- verted into a single zoospore (with four cilia) and discharged (PI. 5. fig. 5), and the cell-wall is so delicate that it generally vanishes at the same time. Many species are described by Kiitzing, formerly regarded as members of the genus DRAPARNALDIA, which differs in the number of zoosporfis produced in each cell, and in possessing large primary filaments with lateral tufts of delicate ones, resembling those of Stigeo- clonium (fig. 182, p. 216). We select the most distinct of the British forms. 1. S.protensum (PL 5. fig. 5). Tufts of filaments 1-36 to 1-60" high, very much branched and elongated ; primary filaments 1-1800" in diameter, joints equal or three times as long (Drap. condensata, Hassall, pi. 11. fig. 1) 2. S. lubricum. Tufts about 1-36 to 1-72" high; primary filaments 1-2160" in diameter; torulose ; set above with nume- rous tufts of abbreviated branchlets (Drap. tennis, Hass. pi. 11. fig. 2). 3. S. elongatum. Filaments very slender ; primaries 1-2880" in diameter; branches erecto-patent, often opposite, subramulose, flagelliform; all the joints three or five times as long as broad (Drap. elongata, Hass. pi. 10. fig. 3). 4. S. nanum. " Filaments highly mucous, very slender, sparingly branched, branches acuminate, not usually ciliated (produced into a filiform end); cells rather broader than long" (Drap. nana, Hass. pi. 10. fig. 4). BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 352, Tab. Phyc. iii. pis. 1-11 ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. fig. 118; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 223. pi. 18. STIGMA.— The part of the pistil of An- giospermous Flowering plants, upon which the pollen rests to produce its pollen-tubes, and where the orifices exist leading to the STIGMATA. [ 617 ] STILBUM. cavity of the ovary. It is situated either at the summit of the style or its branches, or, when this is absent, it is sessile on the ovary. The surface of the stigma is clothed with papilliform or short tubular cells, from which a saccharine secretion exudes at the period when the ovules are prepared to receive the influence of the pollen-grains. In this fluid the pollen-grains produce their tubes, which make their way between the papillae to descend through the conducting tissue of the style to the placenta (PI. 32. fig. 30). These papillifcrm cells in a young state often form favourable subjects for the study of the protoplasmic cell-contents, and also of the fluid colouring matter. The forms of the stigma are exceedingly varied and sometimes very elegant. In the family of Composite, its characters are used for the systematic division of the numerous genera. STIGMATA, OF ANIMALS. See SPIRA- CLES. STIGMATEA, Fr. See DOTHIDEA. STIGONEMA, Ag.— A supposed genus of Scytonemeous Oscillatoriacese (Confer- void Algae), founded upon what has proved to be the thallus of a genus of Lichens. See EPHEBE. STILBACEL— A family of Hyphomyce- tous Fungi, growing upon decaying animal or vegetable matter, or on bark or -leathery leaves. Characterized by a wart-shaped receptacle, composed of conjoinedfilamentous or hexagonal cells and spores borne singly on the apices of free filaments. Some of the Fungi here included are heterogeneous and imperfectly studied, for example, Tubercu- laria and Fusarium are apparently only im- perfect states of other Fungi, while the more distinct genera appear to be referable to the family Dematiei. Synopsis of British Genera. I. STILBUM. Receptacle stalked at the base, clavate or capitate at the summit, com- posed of coalescent, densely crowded, parallel filaments; spores simple, arising singly at the apices of free filaments. II. PACHNOCYBE. Receptacle stipitate, clavate, floccose, the filaments twisted, the head finally pruinose, with simple spores. III. PERICONIA. Receptacle stalked at the base, clavate or capitate at the apex, composed of coalescent, densely crowded parallel filaments, or cellularly fleshy; spores simple, crowded on simple sporophores ari- sing at the summit (and on the stalk, Fries). IV. TUBERCULARIA. Receptacle wart- shaped, globular or stalked, fleshy, composed of continuous, sterile and thread-like, beaded, fertile filaments. Finally indurated, floccose, with the spores scattered over it, or falling into powder. V. PERIOLA. Receptacle cellular, ses- sile ; fertile filaments abbreviated, torulose, mixed with septate, lax, sterile filaments. VI. VOLUTELLA. Receptacle wart-like, cellular, compact, with long rigid bristles ; spores spindle-shaped, septate, on continu- ous short filaments, arising all over the receptacle. VII. FUSARIUM. Receptacle wart-like, cellular, gelatinous ; spores spindle-shaped, simple, somewhat curved, borne on simple filaments arising all over the receptacle, and forming a discoid stratum. VIII. ILLOSPORIUM. Receptacle wart- shaped, subgelatinous, diffluent ; spores simple, pellucid, generally with a hyaline envelope, borne on short filaments. IX. EPICOCCUM. Receptacle wart-shaped, cellular, for the most part seated on an effused patch ; spores four-sided, cellular, attached singly to very short, continuous filaments. STILBOSPORA, Pers. — A supposed genus of Melanconiei (Coniomycetous Fun- gi), but apparently only consisting of stylospo- rous fruits of Sphariae. These grow upon wood, Sticks, &C., breaking Stilbospora macrosperma. forth On the surface Group of conceptacles without any distinct breaking forth on a frag- . , J . . ment of woed ; nat size. penthecmm, Consisting The detached spores on of a nucleus composed t^6 right-hand magnified of agglutinated (sep- 15° diameters- tate) stylospores (see SPH^RIA). BIBL. Berk. Brit. J7or.ii.pt. 2. p. 356, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. 355, Hooker's London Journ. of Bot. iii. p. 322; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 508 ; Fresenius, Beitr. z. Myc. heftii. p. 63. STILBUM, Tode.— A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), containing a con- siderable number of species, forming little shining mildews, sometimes brightly co- loured, on decaying wood, herbaceous plants, Fungi, &c. The stalk-like stroma differs in character, being sometimes villous, some- times glabrous and rigid, sometimes pellucid and soft ; it is formed of conjoined filaments, the free ends of which bear the spores in a capitulum, which finally exhibits a gelati- nous character. Fig. 705. STILOPHORA. [ 618 ] STOMACH. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 330, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 432. pi. 12, ibid. 2nd ser. v. p. 465; Fries, Summa Veget. p. 469. STILOPHORA, J. Ag.— A genus of Spo- rochnaceae (Fucoid Algae), included by some authors among the Dictyotaceae. There are two British species, S. rhizodes and S. Lyng- byei, characterized by a branched, filiform, at first solid, afterwards tubular frond, the former 6 to 24", the latter 2 to 4" long, ari- sing from a small naked disk. The fructifi- cation consists of little wart-like bodies, scattered all over the frond, composed of tufts of moniliform filaments, at the bases of which are attached either pyriform oospo- ranges, or tubular, septate trichosporanges. Thuret states that the specimens of S. rhi- zodes found a certain distance above low water mark appear mostly to bear trichosporanges, those always under water oosporanges, and those in an intermediate position exhibit both. The plants of the first kind are of paler colour than those of the second. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 39. pi. 7 C ; Greville, Alg. Brit. pi. 6 ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 238. pi. 38. STING, OF INSECTS.— The well-known sting of the female or so-called neuters of Hymenopterous Insects, as the honey-bee, the humble-bee, the hornet, the wasp, &c., appears to the naked eye to be a single, needle-like organ; but when examined under the microscope, it is seen to consist of three pieces, a short, stout, cylindrico-conical outer piece or sheath (PI. 27. fig. 14 a), cleft throughout its length on the under surface and obtuse at the end, within which are partly contained two long elbowed setae or lancets (PL 27. fig. 15, one of them), thickened and furnished with teeth directed backwards near the end of one margin, the other margin sharp and cutting. These setae play within the sheath, being partially protrusile and retractile, as is the sheath itself. The poison-apparatus consists of two glandular elongated sacs, either simple (PI. 27. fig. 14 e,f), or branched as in the humble- bee, &c., and terminating by one (fig. 14 d) or two ducts, in a muscular reservoir (fig. 14 c), from which an excretory duct runs to the base of the sheath of the sting. The irritation produced by the sting of one of these insects needs no remark. It does not, however, serve a merely defensive purpose, but is used also to paralyse the prey, so that it may be kept in store for future use. The sting represents a modified ovipositor. BIBL. Lacaze-Duthiers, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 3 ser. xii. xiv. ; Westwood, Introduction,, <§-c. ; Siebold, Vergl. Anat. STINGS, OF PLANTS.— These are epider- mal structures, consisting of large Fig. 706. hairs, with a bulbous base more or less included in a cellular coat, and attenuated upwards. In the sting of the nettle the apex is expanded into a little bulb, which is broken off when the sting is lightly touched (PL 21. fig. 8). Young stings ex- hibit the ROTATION. Stings occur not only in the nettles (Urtica}, but in the cultivated Loasaceae t (Loasa,Bartonia, &c.), and of much larger size in some exotic Urticaceae haiir of and Euphorbiaceae. Magnified See HAIRS, page 314. 20diams. STOMACH.— The glands which secrete the gastric juice are tubular glands, perpen- dicularly placed beneath the surface of the mucous membrane, and extending as deeply as the muscular coat of the stomach. They vary in length from 1-60 to 1-12", are cylindrical, somewhat narrowed towards the closed end, which is rounded or some- what inflated. The lower third is wavy or Fig. 707. Fig. 707- Perpendicular section of the pyloric portion of the stomach of a pig. u, glands ; b, muscular layer of the proper mucous membrane ; c, submucous tissue with the orifices of divided vessels ; d, transverse mus- cular layer ; e, longitudinal ditto ; /, serous coat. Mag- nified 30 diameters. spiral, especially in the glands occupying the STOMACH. Fig. 708. [ 619 ] Fig. 709. • STOMATA. Fig. 710. Fig. 708. Gastric gland with cylinder-epithelium, from the pylorus of a dog. a, principal cavity ; b, tubular pro- cesses arising from it. Magnified 60 diameters. Fig. 709. Gastric gland from the middle of the stomach, a, principal cavity ; b, primary, and c, terminal branches arising from it. Magnified 60 diameters. Fig. 710. Portions of a terminal branch, the upper representing a longitudinal, the lower a transverse section, a, basement membrane ; b, large cells in close apposition with it ; c, smaller epithelial cells surrounding the cavity. Magnified 350 diameters. pylorus ; some of them also give off a caecal branch. The gastric glands consist of a delicate basement membrane, lined in the upper third with cylindrical epithelium, the lower portion being filled with large, pale, poly- gonal, finely granular cells, not arranged in a laminated form. In many animals the gastric glands are of more complicated structure than in man, and two distinct kinds exist, in one, secreting mucus, the tubes being lined with cylin- drical epithelium]; whilst in the other, which secretes gastric juice, rounded epithelial cells occur, and the walls are expanded at intervals. Closed follicles resembling the solitary glands of the small intestines are met with in the stomach ; they are, however, incon- stant and variable in number. The stomach is lined by cylindrical epi- thelium. BIBL. Kolliker, MiJcrosJc. Anat. ii. 137, and the Bibl. therein ; Todd and Bowman, Phys. Anat., fyc. STOMATA (plural of STOMA).— This name is applied to the structures which constitute the passages of communication, through the EPIDERMIS of plants, from the intercellular passages to the external air. They occur almost exclusively on the green parts of plants, and are absent from the epidermis of roots, also on the surface of all structures growing under water. The lowest classes which present them are the Liverworts and Mosses, where, however, they are limited to a few kinds, and in the former present a peculiar organization. In the Ferns they are distributed just as in the Flowering Plants, where they occur princi- pally upon the leaves (fig. 711), especially upon the lower face, but extend also over the green shoots, the parts of the flower STOMATA. [ 620 ] STOMATA. (fig. 204, page 239), and even into the interior of cavities, as on the epidermis of the replum of Crucifera3 (wallflower), and, still more remarkably, on the epidermis of seeds (skin of the walnut). In the Liverworts the stomata occur on the fronds and recep- tacles of certain ge- nera (Marchantia, Fegatella, &c., &c.). In Marchantia (fig. 451, page 413), they are somewhat circu- lar orifices in the epidermis, guarded by cells arranged in three or four tiers. In the Mosses they are met with on the apophyses or thick- ened summits of the setae bearing the cap- sules, as in Funaria (fig. 266, page 280). The structures here resemble those in the higher plants, as is surface). the case also with Magnified 100 diameters. those on the leaves of the Ferns. In the Flowering Plants the perfect sto- mata appear as roundish or sometimes squa- rish chasms in the epidermal layer, occurring regularly at the meeting angles or sides of four or more epidermal cells, the chasm forming an orifice leading down to a sub- epidermal, intercellular space, and guarded a little below the upper edge, more deeply, or even at the bottom, by (usually) two semilunar cells, applied together by their flat faces, but not coherent, their convex surfaces adhering firmly to the sides of the epidermal gap. According as the two sto- matal-cells or "pore-cells" or "guard-cells" are distended or collapsed, their flat faces approach or retreat from each other, in the latter case leaving a slit-like orifice leading from the outer passage into the subepidermal space. Sometimes the " guard-cells " are four in number, in which case they either form two tiers, as upper and lower (Prote- acea?, e. g. Hakea, Protea, &c.), or they are in the same line and parallel, forming inner and outer "guard-cells" (Ficus elastica). In certain coriaceous leaves the stomata are placed on the sides of pits excavated beneath the surface of the leaves, as in Dasylyrion oblongifolium and Nerium Oleander. A considerable difference exists between the appearances presented by vertical sec- tions of the epidermis of leaves made so as to pass through the stomata. In young leaves the guard-cells are little, if at all below the genera] level of the epidermis, and the same is the case with the perfect forms in various herbaceous plants in which the leaves are of membranous texture. In other cases, as in the Hyacinth, Iris, Narcissus, Equisetum, &c., the guard-cells are found at a very early period quite beneath the layer of epidermal cells, attached as it were under the passage communicating with the air. The same occurs very frequently in the stomata of coriaceous leaves, as in Aloe (PL 39. fig. 22), Ficus, Cycas, Hakea, Protea, &c. In other instances, also in leathery leaves, the "guard-cells" appear more or less elevated above the general level of the epidermal cells, as in some species of Leu- cadendron, Grevillca, &c. It is important to observe, that in the cases where the " guard- cells " are sunk in the orifice of the epi- dermis, the upper margin of the orifice, formed by the borders of the surrounding epidermal cells, sometimes becomes elevated and even converted into a kind of perforated dome (PI. 39. fig. 22), by development of the cuticular layers (see EPIDERMIS). This might be mistaken for the stomate itself. The same cuticular substance is often deve- loped in mature leaves, not only down over the walls of the stomatd passage, but over the guard-cells, and from thence more or less into contiguous intercellular passages. This may be observed in Euphorbia Caput- MeduscB, Helleborus niger and viridis, Betula alba, Asphodelus luteus, and Cereus, some Aloes, &c. Gasparrini obtained these con- nected processes of cuticular substance, in the form of an isolated coherent piece, by boiling epidermis in nitric acid, which dis- solved the adjoining cell-walls ; these he mistook for peculiar organs, and called them cistomes. Dr. Hooker has described a re- markable form of stomata in the parasitical plant Myzodendron. In those plants in which the epidermis becomes infiltrated with siliceous matter, the walls of the stomatal pore and the " guard- cells " become imbued with it, and a sili- ceous skeleton of the structure remains after the organic matter has been removed by nitric acid and burning (PL 39. fig. 29). This is readily seen in the Equisetaceae, especially E. hyemale, also in the Grasses. The mode of development of the stomata STOMATA. [ 621 ] STRIATELLA. appears to be uncertain. Mohl and other authors assert that the " guard-cells " origi- nate from one of the cells of the subepi- dermal tissue, which is pushed up into a vacancy formed by the separation of the epidermal cells at certain points. This cell is said to be next divided into two, which become free from each other in the line of the new partition then formed. Nageli and others assert that the guard-cells are origin- ally constituent cells of the epidermal layer which become subsequently displaced down- wards (or upwards), and undergo special development analogous to that just described. Dr. Garreau has recently described this mode of development as occurring in Tradescantia. We believe it is the correct view, at all events in some cases, but the appearances are certainly difficult to explain on this plan in the Iridaceae, Equisetaceae, and some other plants. The stomata are generally largest upon succulent leaves, smallest on hard and leathery kinds ; their form and number are most varied, both in different plants and on different parts of the same plant. They abound most on the lower face of leaves, but it has been mentioned that they are not found on submerged organs, and on floating leaves they occur only upon the upper face. The larger kinds are more scattered on a given surface, the smaller occur closer together (this depends, of course, on the general character of the epidermal and sub- jacent tissue). The numbers have been estimated upon the surfaces of many leaves, of which a few examples may be given ; thus a square inch contains in — Uppei Carnation 38 Garden Flag 11 House-leek 1( Tradescantia i Misletoe •• ...... •surfac !,500 ,572 ),7io >,000 200 0 0 0 0 e. Lower surface. 38,500 11,572 iwk«. 6,000 ;^.,.., 2,000 200 63,600 160,000 13,600 90,000 Holly Vine ••• Laurestinus t . BIBL. General Works on Struct. Botany ; Krocker, De Epidermide, Vratisvl. 1833; Mohl, Verm. Schrift. pp. 245, 252, Bot. Zeit. iii. p. 1 (Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. p. 217) ; Nageli, Linneea, xvi. p. 237. 1842; Mirbel, sur Marchantia, Mem. Acad. Roy. France, xiii. ; Gasparrini, Nuove ric. v. strutt. d. Cis- tomi, Naples, 1844 ; Garreau, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. i. p. 213 ; J. D. Hooker, Flora Antarct. i. p. 291 ; Golding Bird, Proc. Linn. Society, i. p. 290 ; Stocks, MS. STONES, OF FRUITS, such as cherries, plums, &c., afford excellent materials for sections, showing extreme development of the woody SECONDARY DEPOSITS of vege- table cells. STRIARIA, Grev.— A genus of Dictyo- siphonaceae, nearly related to Punctariaceae (Fucoid Algae), having a branched, filiform, tubular frond, arising from a shield-shaped, naked disk. The walls of the tube are mem- 712. i> ^aionabiqa ••30 d lull 11U11U, ailMUg 3d disk. The walls Fig. firfV/ grfj ><> >7/o(. *» ,cleru Fig. 713. gi 88 ,g.hi£lq r-xi^irf GZ\R W&'j 3(ft Fig. 714. Striaria attenuata. Fig. 712. Part of a frond. One-third of the nat. size. Fig. 713. A fragment of the sori. Magnified 5 diams. Fig. 714. Section of a fertile branch, with sori. Mag- nified 25 diameters. branous, and the cavity without septa. /S. attenuata (fig. 712) grows from 3 to 12" high. The branches are attenuated towards each end, and marked with rings consisting of clusters of oosporanges (" spores ") (fig. 713), sometimes accompanied by filaments (fig. 714). Colour pale olive. BIBL. Harv. Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 41. pi. 8 A ; Grev. Brit. Alg. fig. 9. STRIATELLA, Kutz.— A genus of Dia- tom aceae. Char. Frustules with a stipes attached to STRIGULA. [ 622 ] STYLOSPORES. one angle, depressed, tabulate ; with longi- tudinal, uninterrupted vittae, apparently thickened at each end. Marine. The vittae appear as dark lines ; no trans- verse striae are visible under ordinary illumi- nation. S. unipunctata (PL 13. fig. 20). Frustules in front view quadrangular, often broader than long, lateral margins subalate ; valves narrowly lanceolate ; stalk elongate, simple, filiform and thickish. Length of frustules 1-450 to 1-280". Compare the other genera enumerated under Striatelleee (DIATOMACE^E, p. 205). BIBL. Kiitzing, Eacill. 125, Sp. Alg. 114. STRIGULA, Fries.— A genus of Lim- borieae (Angiocarpous Lichens), containing one British species, S. Babingtonii, growing on the leaves of box and other evergreens ; the thallus is subepidermal, the asci contain eight, cymbiform, triseptate spores. BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Angioc. Lick. p. 70. pl.30. 4; Berkeley, Eng. .Bof.Supp. pi. 2957. STRONTIA OR STRONTIAN.— The cry- stals of the sulphate of this earthy base are figured in PL 6. fig. 18, to contrast with those of the sulphates of baryta and lime. STRUTHIOPTE- F- 71f- RIS,Willden.— Age- nus of Polypodieae (Ferns), with the margins of the fertile leaves rolled up so as to conceal the sori which are without a true indusium. Sir. germanica (fig. 715) is of large size, and the fertile fronds, di- stinct from the sterile, _ if cursorily examined, struthiopteris germanica. might lead to the re- Portion of a pinna wjth the ference of this plant unrolled margins covering to the OsmundacejB the sori. or"Flowering-ferns." Magnified 40 diameter8' STRYCHNINE, or STRYCHNIA. See ALKALOIDS, p. 25. STYLOBIBLIUM, Ehr.— A genus of fossil Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules circular, single, multi- valve ; valves contiguous, in a single row, like the leaves of a book, the inner ones with a large median aperture (?), the outer not being perforated, but sculptured. The structure of the frustules of this ge- nus requires careful examination, as does that of many other of Ehrenberg's genera of fos- sil Diatomaceae. It is uncertain whether the so-called inner valves are merely hoops, or the valves of imperfectly separated frustules; also whether they are perforated or not, for neither Ehrenberg nor Kiitzing can be relied on for distinguishing a perforation, as evidenced by their erroneous description of the struc- ture of the valves of Pinnularia, Gramma- tophora, and many other Diatomaceae. Three species are described, occurring in America and Siberia. The sculpturings upon the outer valves consist of radiating or ex- centric curved lines. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Eerl. Akad. 1845 ; id. Mikrogeologie, &c.\ Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 116. STYLONICHIA, Ehr.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Oxytrichina. Char. Body ciliated, and furnished with styles and hooks. In this genus, transverse and longitudinal division, gemmation, and the encysting pro- cess have been observed. /S. mytilus = Kerona mytilus, D. (PL 24. figs. 27, 28). Body white, hyaline at each end, flat, oblong, slightly constricted in the middle, dilated at the oblique fore-part. Aquatic; length 1-240 to 1-100". S. pustulata = Kerona pustul. D. (PL 24. fig. 26). Body white, turbid, oblong, with a median ventral band of hooks. Aquatic ; length 1-144". S. histrio (PL 24. fig. 29). Body white, elliptic-oblong, hooks aggregated into an anterior heap; no setae. Aquatic; length 1-290 to 1-220". S. lanceolata (PL 24. fig. 30). Body lan- ceolate, pale green, obtuse at the ends; ventral surface flat ; hooks acervate near the mouth ; styles none. Aquatic ; length 1-140 to 1-120". Two other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 370; Stein, Infus. 172. STYLOSPORES. — Stalked spores of Coniomycetous Fun- gi, usually compound or septate, then pro- bably consisting of a row of independent spores connected by an adherent parent- sac, thus, structural- ly, metamorphosed asci; they are some- times appendaged above (fig. 716) (see Stylospores of Pestalozzia. SPORES). Magnified 200 diameters. Fig. 716. STYSANUS. [ 623 ] SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS. STYSANUS, Corda, = CEPHALOTRI- CHUM. SUCCINIC ACID.— This acid, which occurs in amber, in all fermented liquids, and in the contents of Echinococcus cysts, is pretty soluble in water, readily in hot but with difficulty in cold alcohol, and but little in aether. The crystals belong to the oblique pris- matic system, and are represented in PI. 7« fig. 21. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. SUDORIPAROUS GLANDS. — These organs secrete the perspiration. Fig. 717. They are found in most parts of the skin, but in variable numbers in different locali- ties. Thus it has been estimated that 41 7 exist in a square inch of the skin of the back of the hand, 1093 in an inch of the outside, and 1123 in the inside of the fore-arm, and 2736 in an inch of the palm of the hand. Each gland consists of a long tube coiled into a knot near the closed end, which is situated in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and forms the gland proper, and a straight, undulate, or spiral duct, which traverses the skin perpendicularly, to terminate upon its surface between the papillae. Fig. 718. Fig. 717. A sudoriparous gland, with its blood-vessels, a, proper gland ; b, duct ; c, blood-vessels of a gland. Magnified 35 diameters. Fig. 718. Portion of the tube forming a sudoriparous gland from the hand, a, areolar coat; b, epithelium ; c, cavity. Magnified 350 diameters. In the glands of the axilla, the portion of the tube forming the gland proper is branched, and sometimes the branches ana- stomose. The coiled portion or proper gland is sur- rounded and permeated by an elegant plexus of capillaries; and some of them are sur- rounded by a capsule of areolar tissue with spindle-shaped cells. The tube of the glands exhibits two forms of structure. In one of these there is an outer coat of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue with elongated nuclei, sharply defined internally by probably a basement mem- brane, this being lined with one, two, or more layers of polygonal pavement-epithelial cells, mostly containing fat-globules and pigment-granules. In the other form, the fibrillation of the areolar coat is tolerably distinct, the fibres longitudinal, sometimes also with an inner Fig. 719. Portion of a tube with a muscular coat, from the scro- tum, a, areolar tissue ; b, muscular layer ; c, epithelial cells filling the tube, and containing yellow granules. Magnified 350 diameters. SUGAR. [ 624 ] SYNCH^TA. delicate transverse layer, and both contain- ing nuclear elastic fibres; and within this coat is a layer of longitudinal, unstriped muscular fibres. The portion of the ducts traversing the cuticle is spiral. It is by no means an easy matter to ob- tain the sudoriparous glands in the entire state. The skin of the palm of the hand or the paw of a dog is best for the purpose ; and before making sections with a Valen- tin's knife, the structure should be mace- rated in a mixture of 1 part nitric acid and 2 of water, or in solution of carbonate of potash. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii.; Todd and Bowman, Physiolog. Anat. fyc, SUGAR.— The crystals of sugar of milk are represented in PL 6. fig. 12, and those of diabetic sugar in PI. 6. fig. 13. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. SULPHUR. See LIME, sulphate of (p. 396). SURIRELLA, Turpin.— A genus of Dia- tomacese. Char. Frustules free, ovate, elliptical, ob- long, cuneate or broadly linear in front view; valves with a longitudinal median line or a clear space, the margins winged, and with transverse or slightly radiating canaliculi or tubular striae. It appears that in the valves the margins of the depressions are fused together to form tubular channels open at the ends. Kiitzing describes fifty-six species or forms, Smith twenty as British. S. bifrons (Ehr. 1833 = S. biseriata, Breb. and Smith) (PI. 13. fig. 22). Frustules in front view broadly linear, with rounded an- gles; valves elliptic-lanceolate, somewhat obtuse ; alse and canaliculi distinct. Aquatic; length 1-180 to 1-96". S. gemma (PI. 13. fig. 21). Frustules ovate ; valves elliptic-ovate ; canaliculi nar- row, inequidistant. Marine; length 1-240". S. splendida. Frustules ovato-cuneate, ends rounded ; valves ovato-lanceolate ; alse and canaliculi distinct. Aquatic; length 1-160". Compare TRYBLIONELLA, and see DIA- TOMACE^E (p. 201). BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diatom. i. 30; Kiitz. Bacill. 59, and Sp. Alg. 34. SWARMING.— This term has been ap- plied by the Germans, from comparison with the swarming of bees, to the remark- able oscillating crowding movements of the zoospores of Confervae, while free in the cavity of the parent-cell, and preparing to break forth. The zoospores are hence often called " swarming-spores." See HYDRO- DICTYON. SYMBOLOPHORA, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules single, disk-shaped, with incomplete septa radiating from the solid angular centre; valves not areolar (under ordinary illumination). Marine and fossil. -S. Trinitatis (PI. 18. fig. 6). Valves with a triangular umbilicus, the transparent mar- gins of which are crenulate, the rest of the disk covered with six bundles of very fine radiating lines. Diameter 1-220". America. Five other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Eerl. Akad. 1844. 74; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 131. SYMPHIOTHRIX, Kiitz. = OSCTLLA- TORIA. SYMPHYOSIPHON, Kiitz.— A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), growing on the ground, &c. S. (Scytonema, Lyngb.) Eangii grows among mosses ; it is of black- ish colour, tufted and bristling, the filaments from 1-9600 to 1-7200" in diameter. BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 324, Tab. Phyc. ii. pi. 44. 1. SYMPLOCA, Kiitz.— A genus of Oscilla- toriaceae (Coufervoid Algae), perhaps not distinct from Symphyosiphon. Kiitzing in- cludes here S. Ralfsiana = Osc. Friesii of British authors, S. lucifuga = Oscill. luci- fuga, Harv., and S. hydnoides = Calothrix hydnoides, Harvey. BIBL, Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 270, Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 74-76 ; Harvey, Brit. Alg. 1st ed. SYNAMMIA, Presl.— A genus of Gram- mitideae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. SYNAPTA, Eschsch.— A genus of vermi- form Echinodermata, of the order Apoda. The species of Synapta, which are not British, are of special microscopic interest, on account of the presence in their skin of remarkable anchor-shaped, calcareous spi- cula, the base of which plays in a perforated plate. These are situated upon minute pa- pillae of the skin, and serve to aid in loco- motion and adhesion. These bodies have been formed into ge- nera and species of Polygastric Infusoria by Ehrenberg, the perforated plate constituting a Dictyocha. BIBL. V. d. Hoeven, Zoologie, i. 150; Vogt, Zool. Brief e, i. 168 ; Quatrefages, Ann. d. Sc. nat. 2 ser. xvii. 19. SYNCH^TA, Ehr.— A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinsea. SYNCRYPTA. [ 625 ] SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES. Char. Eye single, cervical, rotatory organ furnished with styles ; foot forked. Jaws each with a single tooth. Some of the species are furnished with one or more so-called crests, which in some appear to correspond to the calcar. S. baltica (PL 35. fig. 26). Body ovate ; rotatory lobes four ; styles four ; a single median sessile crest. Marine ; length 1-108". Phosphorescent. Three other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us, p. 436. SYNCRYPTA, Ehr.— A doubtful genus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algae), composed of organisms consisting of a hyaline spherical membrane (" gelatinous envelope," Ehr.) enclosing a number of ovate green bodies placed at the periphery and sending out a pair of free vibratile cilia (only one, Ehr.) from the surface of the envelope. Green bodies not attenuated at the posterior extre- mity ; " no eye-spot." S. Volvox (PL 3. fig. 14 b), globe 1-576" in diameter, greed "ani- malcules " 1-2880" long; aquatic, not ma- rine. This object, which we have observed in company with those represented in figs. 14 a, 31 and 32 of the same plate, is most probably a Volvox in one of the stages of conversion of an encysted spore (fig. 34) into a perfect family-stock (fig. 24). See VOLVOX. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 60. SYNCYCLIA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules cymbelliform, united in circular bands, immersed in an amorphous gelatinous substance. Marine. The nodules appear to be the same as those of Cymbella. S. salpa (PL 14. fig. 14). Frustules semi- ovate, unstriated (ord. ilium.), commonly six together, united into a ring ; endochrome bright green. S. quaternaria. Frustules two or four together; endochrome yellow or reddish; length 1-860". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 233, Ber. d. BerL Akad. 1840. 32 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 61 . SYNDENDRIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules single, subquadrangular, destitute of a median umbilicus ; valves un- equal, slightly turgid, one smooth, the other with numerous spines or little horns branched at the ends situated upon the median flat portion, the margins being free from them. S. diadema. Frustules lanceolate ; spines five or six, bifurcate or tufted at the end, as long as the frustules are broad. Breadth 1-1 150''. Found in Peruvian guano. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. BerL Akad. 1845. 155; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 141. SYNEDRA, Ehr.— A genus of Diatoma- cea3. Char. Frustules prismatic, rectangular, or curved; at first attached to a gelatinous sometimes lobed cushion, subsequently often becoming free; valves linear or lan- ceolate. The valves usually exhibit a longitudinal line, with a dilated median and two terminal nodules; they are also generally covered with transverse striae ; in some species the median line and appearance of a median nodule correspond to a clear space, free from the transverse striae. Kiitzing describes seventy species ; Smith twenty-four as British. S. splendens, K. (S. radians, Sm.) (PL 13. fig. 23 a, b, c). Frustules elongated, in front view dilated and truncate at the ends; valves gradually attenuated from the middle to the obtuse ends. Aquatic; common; length 1-70". Frustules radiate upon the cushion. S.fulgens (Licmophora fulg . K.) (PL 13. fig. 24). Frustules linear ; valves slightly dilated in the middle and at the rounded ends, arranged in a fan-shaped manner upon the branched cushion. Marine; length 1-120". S. capitata (PL 13. fig. 25). Frustules linear, truncate, ends slightly dilated ; valves linear, ends dilated into a triangular head. Aquatic; length 1-60". BIBL. Smith, Brit.Diat.i. 69; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 40. SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES.— In minute structure these resemble serous mem- branes. They are sometimes furnished with appen- dages, some of which contain fatty tissue ; others abound in capillaries, and are met with forming fringes where the synovial membrane is attached to the articular carti- lages. The latter consist of a basis of indi- stinctly fibrous areolar tissue, covered by the synovial epithelium, with a few fat-cells, sometimes isolated cartilage-cells, and the capillaries. Attached to their margins are flattened, conical, stalked, smaller appendages (fig. 720), seldom containing blood-vessels, and composed of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue, with scattered cartilage-cells, and a thick epithelial layer; while some of the 2 s SYNURA. [ 626 ] SYZYGITES. smaller ones consist almost entirely of epi- thelial cells or of areolar tissue. Fig. 720. From the synovial membrane of a finger-joint. A. Two appendages of the synovial processes, a, areo- lar tissue in its axis ; b, epithelium of the free margin ; c, that continuous with the epithelium of the processes ; (I, cartilage-cells. Magnified 250 diameters. B. Four epithelial cells from the synovial membrane of the knee-joint, one of them with two nuclei. Magnified 350 diameters. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. i. 322. SYNURA, Ehr.— A supposed genus of Volvocineae (Confervoid Algae), described as consisting of a number of oblong corpuscles attached together by their prolonged filiform posterior extremities in the form of a globe, the whole enclosed in a gelatinous sphere (or a membrane ?) ; the corpuscles are said to have only one " flagelliform filament" (cilium), and no " eye-spot." In S. Uvella the cor- puscles are yellowish, the "tails" three times as long as the bodies. Diameter of globes 1-290 to 1-190". See VOLVOX. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 6. SYRINGIDIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomacese. Char. Frustules single, cylindrical; valves dissimilar, kept apart by a turgid ring (hoop?). Marine. /S. bicorne. Frustules oblong, smooth, not striated (ord. ilium.), turgid in the middle, one end attenuate, with two slight constric- tions, and acuminate, the other subglobose, turgid, and with two horns. Length 1-3/0". Coast of Africa. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1845. 365; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 32. SYSTEPHANIA, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules circular; valves alike, areolar, neither radiate nor septate, with a crown of spines or an erect membrane on the outer surface of each valve (not on the mar- gin). Fossil. Three species ; found in Bermuda. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1844. 264; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 126. SYZYGITES, Ehrenberg.— A. genus of Mucorini (Physomycetous Fungi), contain- ing one species, a kind of mould growing over decaying Agarics, remarkable among all the* class to which it belongs for the oc- currence of the phenomenon of conjugation of its branches as a preliminary to the for- mation of the spores. The only species is S. megalocarpus, in which the conjugation was discovered by Ehrenberg many years ago. The young filaments are simple, slen- Fig. 721. Syzygites megalocarpus. A branched filament, exhibiting the conjugation in various stages. Magnified 200 diameters. der, rather rigid, pellucid and straight, soon becoming forked, thickish, whitish-yellow (somewhat olive when dry). The rudiments of the peridioles spring out as papillae from the branches, becoming pear-shaped, and when two come in contact, they cohere, and become confluent into a fusiform body. The TABELLARIA. [ 627 ] T^NIA. contents of the filaments next ascend and accumulate in the peridiole, at length form- ing a black globule (sporange?). While this is ripening, the apices grow out into long simple filaments. BIBL. Ehrenb. Verhandl. Naturf. Freund. Berlin, i. p. 91; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p.329; Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 257. T. TABELLARIA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules tabular, attached, at first united into a filament, subsequently cohering only by the angles, with longitudi- nal vittae interrupted in the middle ; valves inflated in the middle and at each end. Aquatic. T.flocculosa (PL 13. fig. 27 a, b}. Vittse alternate, middle and ends of the valves equally inflated. Length 1-960 to 1-840". T. ventricosa. Vittae alternate, median inflation the largest. Length 1-960". T. fenestrata. Frustules oblong; vittae opposite; inflations equal. Length 1-600 to 1-290". Five fossil species. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 1 18. TABLE.— A table for the conversion of foreign into English measures, is given un- der MEASUREMENT (p. 418). TADPOLE. See FROG (p. 273). TJENIA (Tape-worm).— A genus of En- tozoa, belonging to the order Cestoidea. Char. Body elongate, compressed, jointed. Head mostly broader than the neck, with four suctorial depressions; and usually a median, imperforate, retractile rostellum, very frequently armed with one or two cir- cles of minute recurved hooks, especially in the young state. Genital orifices situated at the margins of the joints, either on one side only, or on both margins and on alternate joints. The Tcenia, of which the common tape- worm may be taken as the type, are found in vertebrate animals alone, and in these only in the alimentary canal. They are most common in birds, next in mammalia, then in fishes, and lastly in reptiles. The species are very numerous ; Rudolphi enumerates 146, of which 53 were considered doubtful. Dujardin admits 135 species. T *r *>/ ^"i'ii ^n'f Fig. 740. v\ Fig. 740. Surface of the enamel, with the ends of the enamel-fibres, from the tooth of a calf. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 741. Diagram showing the development of a milk-tooth, and the corresponding permanent tooth, a, furrow ; h, the same with the papilla ; c, the same closing, with the commencement of the reserve cavity ; d, the same, further closing ; e, follicle completely formed, with the reserve cavity ; /, the reserve cavity receding ; g, the same, with a tooth-germ ; h, the alveoli of both capsules formed, the milk-tooth being through the gum ; », the same, further advanced, the neck of the capsule forming a solid cord. TEETH. [ 634 ] TEETH. then formed, and approaching each other, Fig. 742. f Lower jaw of a human nine months' foetus, a, tongue, turned back ; b, right half of the lower lip turned aside ; b', left half of the lip cut off; c, outer wall of the gum ; d, inner wall of the gum ; e,f, g> h, papillae of the teeth ; i, fold where the sublingual duct subsequently opens. Magnified 9 diameters. enclose the papillae in distinct follicles, the margins of which gradually grow over the papillae, and uniting, convert them into closed sacs or capsules. The pulps then become moulded into the form of the future Fig. 743. Capsule of the second incisor tooth of an eight months' human foetus, a, capsule ; b, enamel-pulp ; c, enamel- membrane; d, enamel; /, ivory cells ; A, papilla of tooth or pulp ; i, free margin of enamel- organ. Magnified 7 diameters. teeth ; the bases of the pulps dividing into as many portions as the teeth have fangs, and as the capsules increase at this stage faster than the pulps, a space is left between them, in which a gelatinous-looking sub- stance is deposited from the wall of the capsule forming the enamel organ. The capsule (fig. 743 a) possesses an areolar coat with vessels and nerves, and from its base arises the tooth-germ or pulp (fig. 743 h}. The pulp consists of an outer non-vascular layer of elongated, nucleated cells, with filiform processes, in close appo- sition (fig. 744 a), covering the surface of Fig. 744. Surface of the pulp of a newly-born infant, a, wing- cells ; b, their appendages ; c, vascular part of the pulp. Magnified 300 diameters, the pulp, the ivory-membrane (fig. 743 /), not distinctly defined internally, but gradu- ally passing into the vascular parenchyma of the pulp. The inner part of the pulp con- sists of indistinctly fibrous areolar tissue with nuclei ; the vessels terminating in loops beneath the enamel membrane (fig. 744 c). The enamel organ (fig. 743 b} covers, byits inner concave surface, the pulp, its outside being in apposition with the capsule. It forms a spongy tissue, composed of anasto- mosing stellate cells or reticular areolar tissue; in its inside is the enamel membrane, consisting of cylindrical epithelium (fig. 743 c). Ossification commences by the deposition of calcareous matter in the cells of the ivory membrane at the summit of the pulp ; this is soon followed by similar deposition in the cells of the enamel membrane. By the TEMORA. [ 635 ] TEST-OBJECTS. further formation of new cells and fresh deposition, the structure of the teeth becomes more and more consolidated, the spongy tissue of the enamel gradually being ab- sorbed. When the entire enamel and a consider- able portion of the ivory have been formed in the capsules, these become too small to contain the teeth, which then rupture them, and continue to grow at the root, until the crown projects above the margin of the jaw. The remainder of the capsule then forms the periosteum of the alveoli, and by depo- sition from the side next the tooth, produces the cement. The permanent teeth are formed upon the same plan ; — the three last molars in the remains of the primitive dental groove ; the others in distinct sacs, called reserve sacs, and formed in the wall of the follicles of the milk-teeth. The teeth of animals present numerous interesting varieties, to which we can but briefly refer. Thus in the Mammalia, the enamel is often absent; the cement fre- quently extends over the crown ; the three component structures are folded ; the teeth are compound; the ivory contains Haversian canals, and the ivory-tubes enter the enamel. In reptiles the teeth are often anchylosed to the jaws. In fishes the teeth are often solid ; the ivory is furnished with Haversian canals, sometimes isolated, and each sur- rounded by a layer of ivory and cement, so that the teeth appear to consist of aggrega- tions of little teeth; the vessels often branch and anastomose freely ; the ivory tubes are often very large or absent, the ivory then consisting of a finely granular base with numerous vascular canals, true enamel ap- pearing to be absent. The method of making sections of teeth is described under PREPARATION. They should be very thin and preserved in the dry state. BIBL. Kb'lliker, Mikroskop. Anat. ii. 54 ; Owen,0dontography, and Todd's Cycl. Anat. fyc., iv. 864; Goodsir, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. 1839. i. ; Tomes, Lectures on Dental Surgery, fyc., and Phil. Trans. 1849, 1850; Nasmyth, Researches on the Teeth-, Retzius, Muller's Archiv, 1837. 486; Heusinger, Histologie. TEMORA, Baird.— A genus of Entomo- straca, of the order Copepoda, and family Diaptomidae. Char, Thorax composed of five, abdomen of three joints; lesser antenna two-branched; first four pairs of legs each giving off a two- jointed branch. T. finmarchica. Found on the coast of Ireland. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostr. 227. TENDON. See LIGAMENTS. TENTHREDO, Leach.— A genus of Hy- menopterous Insects, of the order Tenthre- dinidae (Saw-flies). The species of Tenthredo and of the other genera belonging to the family, both of which are very numerous, are interesting on account of the remarkable structure of the ovipositor, which consists of two flattened and curved saw-like plates. These are used to saw the leaves of plants, for the deposi- tion of the eggs. The insects are found upon gooseberry- bushes, rose-bushes, the white thorn, the willow, alder, poplar, the plum and other fruit-trees, cabbage, turnip, bramble, &c. The larvae are very destructive to agricul- tural crops. T.nassata is represented in fig. 367 (p. 362). BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, fyc. ii. 90, and the Bibl. therein. TERPSINOE, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules tabular, obsoletely stipitate, subsequently connected by isthmi, and with transverse, short, interrupted, capitate vittae; valves in side view with lateral inflations. T. musica (PI. 14. fig. 33, side view; PI. 19. fig. 10, front view). Frustules very faintly punctate, in front view rectangular oblong ; side view equally inflated in the middle and at the ends, in older specimens constricted in the middle, inflated beyond the middle towards both ends, the apices produced and obtuse, the nodules separated by septa. Length 1-180". T. indica (Anaulus ind., E.). BIBL. Ehrenberg, Abhand. d. Berl. Akad. 1841. 402; Kiitzing, Bacill. 128, Sp. Ala. 119. TESSELLA, Ehr.— A genus of Diato- maceae. Char. Frustules broadly tabular, not con- catenate, with crowded, longitudinal, alter- nate vittae, interrupted in the middle ; stipes absent (?). Marine. T. interrupta (PL 14. fig. 35). Length of frustules 1-580; breadth 1-560 to 1-120". Found with Striatella. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 202; Kutzing, Bacill. 125, Sp. Alg. 114. TEST-BOX. INTRODUCTION, p. xxiii. TEST-OBJECTS.— Test- objects are mi- TEST-OBJECTS. [ 636 ] TEST-OBJECTS. croscopic objects used to determine the value of object-glasses. We must presume that the reader has perused the remarks upon object-glasses in the Introduction (p. xiv) ; also the article ANGULAR APERTURE; otherwise the obser- vations made here will be unintelligible. The main points in which object-glasses differ from each other are four ; viz. 1. their magnifying power ; 2. their defining power ; 3. their penetrating power ; and 4. their cor- rective adaptations. 1. The magnifying or separating power scarcely requires notice ; it must be adapted to the size of the objects likely to come under examination. Usually, several object- glasses are kept, of different powers ; at all events, if scientific investigations are to be pursued, a power of 400 diameters must be accessible, and this without the use of the highest eyepiece. The magnifying power should be ascertained by MEASUREMENT, and not by judging from the focal length. 2. Good defining power is the most im- portant character of an object-glass ; and if good in respect to this, the dark boundary lines of the test-objects will appear clear, black, sharp, as if engraved, and quite free from colour. If this is ascertained to be the case, the higher eyepieces should be put on; and it must be observed, that although the sharpness of the outline is somewhat dimi- nished, all the parts are clearly distinguish- able as before. In this examination the light should be as direct as possible. 3. The power of displaying the minute structural peculiarities of objects, or the pe- netrating power, as it is called, depends upon two distinct circumstances ; the goodness of the defining power and the magnitude of the angular aperture of the object-glass : the degree of obliquity of the light is also of great importance in connexion with the latter. Thus, in examining the scale of a Podura (PI. 1. fig. 12 a, 6, c), the magnifying power being sufficiently high, if the defining power be good, the wedge-shaped bodies will be clearly and sharply displayed by direct light, and whether the angular aperture be large or small. Now, if we examine a valve of Gyrosigma (PI. 1. figs. 17 & 18) by direct light, the minute structure will be invisible, however small or large the angular aperture may be, or however perfect the defining power ; but if the light be thrown obliquely, and the aperture be sufficient, the striae will at once become evident. Hence there are two distinct kinds of penetrating power, one of which is the same as the defining power, the other depending upon a different cause, and hence the term penetration or penetra- ting power should be laid aside, as tending to cause confusion, the properties of object- glasses being reducible simply to their defi- ning power and their angular aperture. The defining power should be tested upon the different objects mentioned below in con- nexion with each object-glass, and the angular aperture should be determined by measure- ment (ANGULAR APERTURE), for judgment founded upon the examination of the valves of the Diatomaceae may be very fallacious to an unpractised observer, on account of the influence of the obliquity of the light, and of the correcting adjustment. If, however, an opinion is to be formed in this way, the valves should be examined by oblique light thrown from all sides, as with the central stop in the condenser, so that the dots may be viewed; for an object-glass may show the lines very fairly, but the dots very badly. 4. The correcting adjustment is of im- portance in examining very delicate objects or structures with the high powers; it should therefore always be present. We subjoin, in connexion with each object- glass, the magnitudes of the angle of aper- ture which they usually have in this country, and which may be regarded as standards for comparison; also those objects which will be found most suitable for the purpose of testing an object-glass. H or 2-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 20 diameters ; angular aperture 12 to 20°. Test-objects : the pygidium of the flea (PL 1. fig. 13 a), in which the general out- line and the hairs should be distinct ; the hair of the mouse (PI. 1. fig. 3). Also, as an opake object, a piece of an injected pre- paration (PL 31. figs. 33-35). \-inch or %rds-object-glass. Magnifying power 60 diameters ; angular aperture 22 to 27°. Tests: hair of Dermestes (PL 1. fig. 1) ; of the bat (PL 1. fig. 2); of the mouse (PL 1. fig. 3); the pygidium of the flea, the outline of the areolae being distinguishable under the high eyepiece (120 to 200 dia- meters), but not the rays. Also an injection, as a piece of lung. \-inch or -^ths-inch object-glass. Mag- nifying power 100 to 120 diameters ; angu- lar aperture 55°. TEST-OBJECTS. [ 637 ] TEST-OBJECTS. Tests : hairs (PI. 1. figs. 1, 2, 3) ; the disks on deal (PI. 1. fig. 4) ; the coarser scales of Lepisma (PI. 1. fig. 6 a); the pygidium of the flea (PI. 1. fig. 13 a, b}, the entire struc- ture visible under the high eyepiece; a dark scale of Podura (PI. 1. fig. 126). \-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 220 diameters ; angular aperture 75 to 140°. Tests : hair of Dermestes ; the disks of deal; the salivary corpuscles (PL 1. fig. 5), the moving molecules being clearly distinguish- able ; the smaller scales of Lepisma (PL 1. fig. 6 «, b) ; the scales of Podura ; the fila- ments of Didymohelix (PL 1. fig. 10 a) ; the pygidium of the flea, and the scales of Ponti'a brassiccB (PL 2/. fig. 24). %-inch object-glass. Magnifying power 420 to 450 diameters; angular aperture 110 to 150°. Tests : the paler scales of Podura', the pygi- dium of the flea ; the scales of Pontia brassi- c&\ the filaments of Didymohelix, showing the component fibres ; the salivary corpuscles. TVfA or ^-gth-inch object-glass. Magni- fying power 600 to 650 diameters ; angular aperture 80 to 120°. Tests : the paler scales of Podura ; the fila- ments of Didymohelix mounted in balsam ; and the primitive fibrillas of muscular fibre (PL 17. fig. 366, d). It will be observed that we have omitted the tests for angular aperture, which many of our microscopists look upon as the true tests of the value of an object-glass. Our reasons for this are given in the INTRODUC- TION (p. xv). Those, however, who wish for an interesting series of difficult objects in this respect, will find one in the valves of Gyrosigma, Grammatophora, Fragilaria, Rhipidophora, Amphipleura, some species of Nitzschia, as N. tcenia, and Eerkeleyia (see these articles). We regard large angular aperture in an object-glass as of little im- portance ; because it is only of service for showing the markings upon the valves of the Diatomaceae, and the time is probably near at hand when the presence and size of these will be shown to possess neither generic nor specific importance ; moreover, object-glasses of large aperture and high power approach so nearly to the object, that they are inapplicable to important physiolo- gical investigations. We shall now offer a few General remarks on the application of test-objects to the choice of an object-glass. A great difficulty presents itself in this ques- tion in the case of persons commencing the use of the microscope. For on viewing almost any object, they will see so much that was invisible before, that they are natu- rally led to regard an object-glass as good which may simply possess tolerable magni- fying power. There is also some difficulty to an un- practised eye in discriminating between a well-defined margin of an object, and one which is ill-defined. This may be overcome by purchasing one or two test-objects from those who mount objects for sale, and first viewing them under their microscopes ; or by examining some of the objects exhibited at the evening meetings of the learned societies. The objects themselves are also variable, some being much more delicate than others even of the same kind. The best plan in regard to this point is to select an object, as the scale of an insect or whatever it may be, in which the test-structure is not distin- guishable under the next highest power, and then to examine the same object under the power to be tested. The manner in which objects are mounted is also of importance, for if they be immersed in too much balsam or covered by too thick a cover, no object-glass will show them well, however good it may be. Hence the ne- cessity of purchasing the test-objects, in the case of an inexperienced observer. They may be obtained from Mr. Norman, Fountain Place, City Road ; Mr. Topping, New Win- chester Street, Pentonville; or of Messrs. Smith and Beck, Coleman Street, City. A few notes upon the test-objects them- selves may not be out of place here. Hairs of animals (PL 1. figs. 1-3). These should be mounted in Canada balsam. Many of those represented in PL 22 might be used with equal advantage. Disks of deal (PL 1. fig. 4). Form a good test-object on account of their freedom from colour, whence the colours from un- corrected chromatic aberration are easily seen with a bad object-glass. Salivary globules (PL 1. fig. 5 a, b, c). Obtained from the saliva. A good test-object for those engaged in physiological investi- gations ; the marginal granules and the moving molecules should be very distinct. Scales of insects (PL 1. figs. 6 a, b, c, 12 a, b, c; PL 27. fig. 24). These should be mounted dry. The scales of Tinea and many others have nothing to recommend them. Nor do we advise the use of those scales which exhibit the transverse striae by oblique TEST-OBJECTS. [ 638 ] TETRACYCLUS. light, as those of Morpho (PL 1. fig. 7), of Hipparchia (PL 1. fig. 9), &c. ; as they are easy tests even to inferior English object- glasses of the present day. The long scales of Pontia brassicte are, however, good. Didymohelix (PI. 1. fig. 10 a, b, c, d). The filaments should be mounted in solution of chloride of calcium, or in Canada balsam. It is very difficult to display the component fibres of this beautiful object when in balsam. It also forms a good test of magnifying power. Didymopriwn (PL 1. fig. 11). The lon- gitudinal lines upon the cells require con- siderable magnifying power. The pygidium of PULEX. An excel- lent test-object, mounted in as small a quantity of balsam as possible. Dujardin represents the rays upon the disks as round, like so many beads, whereas they are wedge- shaped with the bases outwards. The valves of the Diatomacece. It is a difficult matter to show the lines upon Grammatopkora marina with an object-glass of 110° of angular aperture, requiring ex- tremely oblique light. The ultimate fibrillee of muscular fibre. Mounted in liquid. Kolliker represents them as beaded (PL 17- fig. 36 c) ; they have also been represented as in a ; probably both these inaccuracies arise from imperfect ad- justment, and from their immersion in too much liquid. Their true structure is figured in b, d, f. Noberfs test-lines. These consist of from ten to fifteen parallel bands or groups of parallel lines scratched upon a slide with a diamond. The bands are of equal breadth, and the lines in each successive band are more numerous and consequently closer than those of the preceding. The breadth of the intervals between the lines in the two end bands is from 1-11,000 to 1-60,000". The resolution of these lines forms a test for angular aperture and oblique light; but it can be effected by a moderately good Eng- lish l-8th, and is much easier than that of the markings upon the valves of many Dia- tomaceae. We have omitted to notice several test- objects, as the scales of some insects, a minute globule of mercury, &c. ; and this advisedly, because the former have been so obscurely described that we are unable to comprehend in what the test-structure con- sists ; and the test-appearances presented by the latter viewed as an opaque object are inappreciable to one unaccustomed to the use of the microscope, by whom mainly are remarks upon test-objects required. Amici's test-object is Navicula gracilis, the display of the lines forming the test ; it is a test for angular aperture. Chevalier's test-object consists of the scales of Pontia brassicce (PL 27. fig. 24), the granules being rendered distinct ; this is a test for definition. Mohl recommends the scales of Hippar- chia janira for testing "penetrating" power; pollen-grains, the scaly elytra of the diamond beetle or bat's hair, for " definition." Schacht's test-object consists of the scales of Hipparchia janira (PL 1. fig. 9 c) (a test for moderate angular aperture and oblique light). BIBL. That of the INTRODUCTION (p. xl), and of ANGULAR APERTURE, and especially the works of Goring and Pritchard. TETHEA, Lam. — A genus of marine Sponges. BIBL. Johnston, Brit. Spong. fyc. 81. TETMEMORUS, Ralfs.— A genus of Desmidiaceae. Char. Cells single, simple, elongated, straight, cylindrical or fusiform, constricted in the middle ; segments emarginate at the ends. Sporangia square or round. T. granulatus (PL 10. figs. 33, 34). Cells fusiform both in front and side view, ends colourless and lip -like; dots irregular. Length 1-130". T. Icevis (PL 10. fig. 35, in conjugation). Cells in front view somewhat tapering, ends truncate ; side view fusiform ; dots none, or very indistinct (under ord. ilium.). Length 1-350". T. Brebissonii. Dots in longitudinal rows. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. 145. TETRAB^ENA, Duj.— Spores of a genus of Algae, undergoing division? BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. p. 330. TETRACYCLUS, Ralfs.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules aggregated into a fila- ment, in front view broadly tabular, with longitudinal uninterrupted vittae; valves broadly rounded at each end, and inflated on each side in the middle. Valves with coarse transverse striae. T. Thienemanni, Ehr. (lacustris, Ralfs) (PL 13. fig. 28). Length (?). The structure of the compound (?) frus- tules of this and many of the other tabel- lar Diatomaceae, requires careful investiga- tion, for the valves formed by division appear TETRAGRAMMA. [ 639 ] THECAMONADINA. to differ considerably in structure from the parent-valves. BIBL. Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1843. xii. 105; Kiitzing, Sp.Alg. 118. TETRAGRAMMA, Ehr. = Terpsinoe. TETRANYCHUS, Duf. — A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Trombidina. Char. Palpi incumbent upon the rostrum, stout, short and conical; mandibles and labium as in Raphignathus ', coxse inserted in two groups on each side, one for the two anterior, the other for the two posterior; anterior legs longest, third joint (femur) largest ; claws short and greatly curved. Several species. T.glaber (PL 2. fig. 32). Very minute; eyes two, whitish, upon the antero-lateral portion of the trunk. Under stones in damp places. T. lapidum (PI. 2. fig. 35). Legs slender, anterior very long; eyes three on each side; several rows of white points upon the back and margins of the body. Found under stones and upon plants. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. So. nat. 2 ser. i. 24, & ii. 55 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. 165; Dufour, Ann. des Sc. nat. 1 ser. xxv. 279 ; Koch, DeutschL Crustac. TETRAPHIS, Hedwig.— A genus of Mosses. See GEORGIA. TETRAPLOA, Berk, and Br.— A genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), com- prising at present a single species, T. aris- tata, a curious little fungus growing upon leaves of grass, forming an olive-coloured stratum composed of bodies consisting of four connate quadri-articulate spores, each terminated by a bristle. BIBL. Berk. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. v. p. 459. pi. 11. fig. 6. TETRAPLODON, Br.and Sch.— A genus of Splachnaceae (Acrocarpous operculate Mosses), containing some of the Splachna of authors. Tetraplodon angustatnm, Br. and Sch. == Splachnum angustatum, Linn. fil. T. mnioides, Br. and Sch. = Spl. mnioides, Linn. fil. TETRASPORA, Link.— A genus of Pal- mellacese (Confervoid Algae), nearly related to the Ulvacese ; indeed it is very difficult to draw any very distinct line of demarcation between Tetraspora and MONOSTROMA, the fronds of both of which are membranous strata formed of a single layer of cells ; the latter, however, has its constituent cells crowded, while in Tetraspora the green e cell- contents' lie scattered, mostly in groups of two or four, in the gelatinous frond. Thuret states that the primordial utricles of the cells possess long cilia in the stage when they are imbedded in a continuous frond ( PI . 3 . fig. 1 0) . The history of development of this genus is imperfectly known at present ; the ciliated cell-contents break out as swarming zoo- spores, but their next following changes have not been observed. Two recorded British species appear to be distinct, growing in stagnant pools (see MONOSTROMA, MERIS- MOP.EDIA, and SARCINA). 1. T. gelatinosa (PI. 3. fig. 10). Frond gelatinous, soft, of irregular shape and divi- sion, pale green; cells 1-10800 to 1-4200" in diameter (Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. i. p. 28). 2. T. lubrica. Frond green, elongated, mesentery-shaped, lobed and sinuated, lobes often anastomosing; cells angulo-globose, 1-3600" in diameter (Kiitzing, I. c. pi. 30). BIBL. Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 300. pi. 78 ; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 225, Tab. Phyc. i. ; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 248. pi. 21; Nageli, Einzett. Alg. p. 71. pi. 2. TEXTULARIA. See FORAMINIFERA (p. 271). THAMNOMYCES, Ehr.— A genus of Sphaeriacei (Ascomycetous Fungi). T. hip- potrichoides is referred by Fries to Rhizo- morpha. It appears to require further ex- amination. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 284 ; Fries, Summa Veg. 382. THECA. — A term used very loosely in the descriptions of Cryptogamic plants. In the case of the Lichens and Fungi it is syn- onymous with Ascus, a sac in which free spores are developed ; these are called theca- spores or ascospores in contrast with BASI- DIOSPORES or stylospores. In the higher Cryptogarnia, as Ferns, &c., it is used in the sense of sporangium. THECAMONADINA, Duj.— A family of Infusoria (= Cryptomonadina and some Astasiaea, E.). Char. Usually coloured ; covered with a non-contractile tegument, which is either hard and brittle, or membranous ; no other locomotive organs present than one or more flagelliform filaments. The organisms probably consist of Algae, or their spores. They are minute, usually green, but some are red ; and they often colour stagnant water from existing in vast numbers. They are mostly recognisable by their rigidity and the uniformity of their motion. THELACTIS. [ 640 ] THYRSOPTERIS. It is thus subdivided : — A single f Body ovoid or f Tegument hard and brittle 1 . Trachelomonas. fH pirf < globular I Tegument membranous 2. Cryptomonas. filament 1 Bodv dePressed or / with a tail-like prolongation 3. Phacus (Euglena, pt. E.). Lfoliaceous I without a prolongation 4. Crumenula. Two f ^wo 8im^ar filaments 5. Diselmis (Chlamidomonas, E.). fila t I <">ne fiaSe^orm filament, and /Body prismatic or boat-shaped 6. Pleeotia. tone trailing retractile filament I Body ovoid or pip-shaped 7. Anisonema. Several filaments /rrhis. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us. 323. THELACTIS, Mart.— A doubtful genus of Mucorini (Physomycetous Fungi), con- sisting apparently of a Mucor with one or more whorls of barren branches near the lower part of the erect fertile Hlaments. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 487. THELOTREMA, Ach.— A genus of En- docarpese (Angiocarpous Lichens), contain- ing two British species. BIBL. Leighton, Brit. Angioc. Lichens, p. 31. THEORUS, Ehr.— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinaea. Char. Eyes colourless, more than three, cervical, in two groups; foot forked; jaws each with a single tooth. T. vernalis (PL 35. fig. 32). Toes small, frontal hook absent. Aquatic; length 1-140 to 1-120". T. uncinatus. Toes long, frontal (or ra- ther cervical) region with hooks. Aquatic ; length 1-240". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 454. THOREA, Bory. — A genus of Batra- chospermeae (Confervoid Algae), of which one species (T. ramosissima} occurs in Bri- tain; its fronds are branched filaments, a foot or more long, about as thick as a crow- quill, with a villous surface, of olive-black Fig. 745. Thorea ramosissima. Horizontal section of a filament (halved). The semi- circular denser portion represents the axis, the loose spreading branches, the villi. Magnified 25 diameters. colour. The filaments are composed of ra- diating branched cells, closely compacted into a kind of solid axis, from which proceed lax, radiating ramuli (forming the villous surface). The spores (or sporangial cells) arise from these ramules (fig. 745). BIBL. Kiitzing, Phyc. generalis, pi. 16, Sp. Alff. p. 534, Eng. Bot. Supp. No. 2948 ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg.p.64. THUJA, L.— A genus of Conifers (Gym- nospermous Plants), to which belongs the arbor mice of gardens, Thuja occidentalism T. orientalis is placed by some authors under another genus, Biota. The characters of Coniferous wood, Gymnospermous ovules, &c., may be observed in these plants (see CONIFERS and OVULE). THYRSOPTERIS, Kuiize.— A genus of Cyathaeous Ferns, with a curious structure of the fertile fronds. Exotic (figs. 746-9). .folido s }o bmslg fc/o-r^riJ 3nJ moil >-r>PT'??/ \ Fig. 746. Fig. 747. Fig. 748. Thyrsopteris elegan Fig. 746. A fertile pinna. Fig. 747. A pinnule converted into a cup-like sorus. Magnified 20 diameters. Fig. 748. Vertical section of the same, with the spo- ranges removed from the columella. Fig. 749. Side view of a sporange. Magn. 100 diams. THYROID GLAND. [ 641 ] TINEA. THYROID GLAND.— The thyroid gland is one of the vascular glands, or glands with- out ducts. It consists of rounded, closed, glandular .-BftiMbVl ,9 bsqfu'' Fie. 750 5 ' pflioqaoiu [ihl B Ol£fi Glandular vesicles from the thyroid gland of a child. (i, intervening areolar tissue; b, basement membrane; c, epithelium. Magnified 250 diameters. vesicles (fig. 750), surrounded by or imbedded in a fibrous stroma (a), and aggregated into Fig. 751. Glandular vesicles with colloid matter. Magnified 50 diameters. roundish, elongate, or somewhat polygonal acini or minute lobules, these being grouped in secondary lobules, which unite to form lobes. The vesicles are from 1-600 to 1-240" in diameter, the acini from 1-50 to 1-24". The stroma is condensed around the lobules, to form a fibrous coat. The stroma consists of ordinary interlacing bundles of areolar tissue, with fine elastic fibres; at its outer surface containing fat- cells. The vesicles consist of a basement-mem- brane (fig. 750 b), lined by a single layer of polygonal epithelial cells (c), and containing a yellowish, tenacious, albuminous liquid. The capillaries form plexuses surrounding the vesicles. In goitre, the vesicles become greatly en- larged, and confluent, so as to form cysts containing colloid matter, with fat-globules and crystals of cholesterine. The same con- ditions, in a minor degree, are so frequently met with, that they can scarcely be regarded as abnormal. The epithelium is also often found loose in the vesicles (fig. 751). The minute arteries and capillaries are often found varicose, BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. 327 ; Forster, Pathol Anat. ii. 233. THYSANURA.— An order of Insects, to which Lepisma and Podura belong. See INSECTS (p. 362). TILLETIA, Tulasne.— A genus of Usti- laginei (Coniomycetous Fungi), forming the Bunt, a kind of blight of various corn grains, in which the ears are attacked, and the in- ternal substance of the grains is replaced by a foetid, black powder, consisting of the spores of the fungus. T. Caries ( Uredo Ca- ries, D.C.) attacks wheat and other grain. The interior of the ovaries of the corn is at first occupied by an interwoven mycelium, from which the globular spores arise on short stalks; as the latter grow, the ears become more or less deformed, the my- celium disappears, and the spores are set free as a pulverulent mass ; the spores have a reticulated surface, and their pedicel is often found attached. (See USTILAGINEI.) BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 375 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vii. p. 112. pi. 5, 4 ser. ii. p. 161. TIMMIA, Hedw.— A genus of Mniaceous mosses, containing one British species, Timmia austriaca, Hedw. (megapolitana, Hook, and Tayl.). TINEA, Fabr. — A genus of Lepidopterous Insects, of the family Tineidse. TINTINNUS. [ 642 ] TISSUES. The small scales from the under side of the wings of T. pellionella (or vestianella}, the common clothes' moth, have been pro- posed as test-objects ; but they can hardly be regarded as such for object-glasses of the present day. The longitudinal lines form the test- structure. BIBL. Westwood, Introduction, 8fc. TINTINNUS, Schrank. — A genus of Infusoria, of the family Ophrydina. Char. Single ; body contained in a cylin- drical, sessile, bellgshaped carapace, to the bottom of which it is attached by a stalk. Five species. In one, the carapace is co- vered with dots, and its orifice toothed. T. inquilinus (PI. 25. fig. 4). Body hya- line or yellowish ; carapace cylindrical, hya- line. Marine; length 1-240". Dujardin unites this genus with Vaainicola, where it properly belongs. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 294 ; id. Ber.d. Eerl. Akad. 1840; Dujardin, Infus. 561. TISSUE, FIBRO-PLASTIC. — A term ap- plied by Lebert to imperfectly developed abnormal areolar tissue. The separate ele- ments are often found diffused through those of normal tissues, or products of inflamma- tory exudation. They consist of rounded or oblong cells, from 1-2300 to 1-1600" in dia- meter ; in a more advanced stage becoming fusiform or angular, and finally forming di- stinct fibres ; hence resembling the elements of embryonic areolar tissue (PI. 40. fig. 43). In some instances the development is arrested at one of the early phases, so that the tissue consists almost exclusively of the rounded or the fusiform cells ; and in others, the cells enlarge and produce a number of nuclei or secondary cells (PL 30. fig. 10 c). Fibro-plastic tissue or its elements are met with in inflammatory effusions upon the serous and synovial membranes, but rarely ; in the interstitial effusions of pneumonia, especially when chronic ; in cirrhosis of the liver; in the products of suppurating sur- faces ; on the surface of chronic ulcers, and non-malignant fungoid vegetations; in the soft yellow vascular tissue occupying the cancelli of ulcerated bones; in certain tu- mours, &c. See TUMOURS. BIBL. Lebert, Physiol. patholog. ; Wedl, Patholog. Histolog. ; Forster, Patholog. Anat. i. TISSUES, ANIMAL.— The following syn~ optical arrangement of the principal animal tissues is intended to facilitate reference to the various articles scattered through the work. 3. Cellular 4. Blastemic and cellular .- A. Simple. 1. Blastemic or protoplastic. . Sarcode. 2. Membranous Basement membrane. C Fatty tissue ; nerve-cells ; < simple cartilage ; un- t striated muscular fibre. f Without secondary depo- J sit. True cartilage. ' | With secondary deposit. l_ Bone. f Areolar (cellular) tissue ; 5. Fibrous •< tendon ; ligament; elas- l. tic tissue ; muscle. 6. Fibrous and cellular Fibro-cartilage. f Without secondary depo- 7. Tubular ..^..;wlw.. j w^ J^ deposit. I Nerve-tubes. B. Compound. Glands ; mucous and serous membranes ; skin ; synovial membrane ; teeth. TISSUES, VEGETABLE. — The tissues composing the substance of vegetables are all comparatively slight modifications of one type, being composed of cellulose sacs, or "cells" par excellence, varying only in form and consistence and in their mode oi union. The tissues may be divided into groups on different principles; but for our purpose a very simple arrangement will suf- fice, based chiefly on the character of the compound tissues, leaving the secondary di- visions to be determined by the nature of the component cells. 1. Cambium tissue, occurring in the growing regions of all plants having stems, is com- posed of minute cells of variable form, closelj packed and densely filled with protoplasm it is a transitional structure, forming the first stage of all the rest. 2. Parenchyma, or " cellular tissue," is composed of cells in which the diameter is nol excessive in any one direction, and the walls are comparatively thin. This is divided bj authors into many sections, according to th( form of the cells, the laxity of their cohe- rence, &c. The only distinctions worth not( are between — a. Parenchyma proper, where the cell have polygonal forms. b. Merenchyma, where the cells are round oval, &c. c. Collenchyma, which is a form of cellula: tissue where the walls are greatly thick ened with softish secondary deposits it occurs beneath the epidermis of man;; herbaceous plants, in the fronds of thi larger Algae, of Lichens, &c. d. Sterenchyma. A name which might bi used to distinguish the bony cellula tissue of shells, stones of fruits, &c. 3. Prosenchyma. Cellular tissue, usuall; forming the mass of wood and various fibrou TMESIPTERIS. [ 643 ] TONGUE. airo TO , structures, where the cells are attenuated to a point at each end, the cells, " fibres/' being intercalated and applied side to side. 4. Tela context a. This name is used to indicate the interwoven tissue formed by the ramified, jointed filaments of the mycelium of Fungi and the cottony substance in the interior of the thallus of many Lichens. 5. Fibro-vascular tissue is composed of vessels, ducts, and prosenchymatous cells or "fibres" associated in various ways, forming fibrous or fibro-vascular bundles, which either remain distinct or cohere to form masses of wood. a. Fibrous bundles, occurring in liber, in the outer part of many Monocotyledo- nous stems, and in the stems of Mosses, consist of cords formed of prosenchy- matous cells, which are often of great length. b. Fibro-vascular bundles, composed of vessels and ducts together with prosen- chyma,form the "woody fibres" of every part (except the bark) of all plants above the Mosses. 6. Laticiferous tissue and Reservoirs for Secretion, composed either of intercellular passages lined by a proper coat, or of lines of cells fused at their ends, so as to form continuous branched canals ; they occur in the bark, wood, and pith of the Flowering Plants. 7. Epidermal tissue. Composed of cel- lular tissue, forming a continuous firm layer over the external surface of the higher plants. It is composed usually of a single layer of cells, and presents very varied appendages, such as HAIRS, GLANDS, &c., and is per- forated by STOMATES. Its outer surface is rendered dense by the deposit of CUTICLE. The epidermis is replaced, on stems, by the CORK or sebaceous layer of BARK. For further particulars see the various heads above named. BIBL. General Works on Botany. TMESIPTERIS.— A genus of Psilotese (Lycopodiaceae) (fig. f&2\ remarkable for Fig. 752. Tmesipteris tannensis. the peculiar habit and the bivalved sporanges bursting by a vertical crack. BIBL. See LYCOPODIACE^E. TODEA, Willdenow.— A genus of Osmun- daeous Ferns (fig. 753-5). Exotic. Fig. 753. Fig. 754. Fig. 755. Todea africana. Sporanges closed and bursting. Magnified 40 diameters. TOLYPOTHRIX, Kiitz.— A genus of Oscillatoriaceae (Confervoid Algae), appa- rently not very satisfactorily defined. Has- sall describes six species as British, of which T. distorta (PI. 4. fig. 14) is said to be com- mon, adhering to sticks, stems, &c. in stag- nant water, forming tufts from 1-2 to 1" in height, dark green when fresh, verdigris or blue-green when dry; primary filaments 1-1800 to 1-1440" in diameter; joints about as long as broad. BIBL. Kutz. Sp. Alg. p. 312, Tab. Phyc. ii. pis. 31-33; Hassall, Brit. Freshw. Alg. p. 240. pis. 68 & 69. TONGUE.— We have only space here to notice the structure of the beautiful papill&e of the human tongue. The filiform or conical papillae (fig. 760) are whitish, very numerous, and occupy the intervals between the fungiform papillae. The papilla of the mucous membrane at their bases (p,p) are conical, and covered either at the. end only, or all over the surface with a number of smaller or secondary pa- pillae ; the whole being coated by an epithe- lial investment (e}, terminating in a tuft of free filiform processes (/). The inner layers of the epithelium agree in structure with that of the mouth, whilst the outer layers, and especially the epithelium of the processes, resemble rather the scales of the epidermis, in their hardness, small size and considerable resistance to the action of alkalies and acids. The papillae themselves consist of areolar tissue, with a large number of undulating nuclear fibres, each containing a small ar- tery (a) and vein (b), with an intermediate plexus of looped capillaries, and numerous nerve-tubes. 2T2 . *o\. .? e-- TONGUE. Fig. 756. TONGUE. Fig. 758. Fig. 756. Fungiform papilla covered by the epithelium e on one side, and with the secondary or simple papillae p. Magnified 35 diameters. Fig. 757. The same, with the vessels ; the epithelium e represented in outline, a, artery ; v, vein ; d, capillary loops of the simple papilla ; e, capillaries in the simple papillae of the mucous membrane at the base of the fungiform papilla. Magnified 18 diameters. Fig. 758. Perpendicular section of a human circumvallate papilla. A, proper papilla ; B, wall ; a, epithelium ; b b, nerves of the papilla and wall ; c, secondary papillae. Magnified 10 diameters. Fig. 759. Follicular gland from the root of the human tongue, a, epithelium ; b, papillae of the mucous membrane ; c, areolar coat ; e, cavity ; /, epithelium lining it ; g g, follicles in the thick capsule. Magnified 30 diameters. The fungiform or clavate papillae (fig. 756) are reddish, distributed over the entire sur- face of the tongue, and are very nume- rous at its point. Each has at its base a club-shaped mucous papilla, and is covered all over with simple or secondary conical papillae (p p], and a simple epithelial layer (e), without filiform processes. The vessels are more numerous, but otherwise resemble those in the filiform papillae (fig. 757). The circumvallate or lenticular papillae (fig. 758) consist of a flattened central pa- pilla (A), surrounded by an elevated wall or ridge (B). The flat surface is furnished with crowded conical secondary papillae (c), the whole being covered with epithelium (a) free from processes. The wall appears as a simple fold of the mucous membrane, and also exhibits beneath its smooth epithelial coat numerous rows of simple, conical se- condary papillae. In other respects these papillae do not differ essentially in structure from the fungiform. In some of the papillae of the tongue axial bodies are found resembling those in the papillae of the skin. The epithelial processes of the filiform papillae are often covered by a fungus (Lep- tothrix}, the mycelium closely surrounding them, whilst some of the filaments project from the surface. The glands of the tongue consist of mucous and follicular glands. The mucous glands resemble those of the mouth (MOUTH). The follicular glands are most numerous between the epiglottis and the circumvallate papillae, and are so superficially situated as to form projections of the mucous membrane. They form lenticular or globular masses, from 1-24 to 1-6" in diameter, imbedded in the submucous tissue, and in the middle of the free surface is the orifice (759 d] of a co- nical cavity (e), formed by a depression of the mucous membrane. Each gland forms a thick-walled capsule, surrounded by a fibrous TONGUE. [ 645 ] TORULA. coat (c), continuous with the deeper portion of the mucous membrane, and lined in- Fig. 760. Two human filiform papillae, one with epithelium. p, p, papillae ; a, v, artery and vein, with the capillary loops ; e, epithelial covering ; /, its processes. Magnified 35 diameters, ternally by a prolongation of the mucous membrane with papillae and epithelium (a, b) ; and between the two are closed capsules or follicles (g), imbedded in a fibrous and vascular basis. The follicles are from 1-120 to 1-48" in diameter, rounded or somewhat elongate, whitish, composed of a coat of areolar tissue without elastic fibres, and with greyish white contents consisting of cells 1-6000 to 1-4000" in diameter and free nuclei. The tongues of the Mollusca have long formed interesting microscopic objects, on account of the elegant horny (or chitinous ?) teeth placed upon them in numerous rows, and in various patterns; the number and arrangement of which are also of importance in characterizing the families, genera, &c. They may be easily examined in the limpet (Patella), the whelk (Buccinum), or in the freshwater snails, Lymnceus, Planorbis, &c. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii.; Todd and Bowman, Physiol. Anat. &c. ; Mollusca : Woodward, On Shells ; Gray, Mic. Journal, 1853. p. 170; Siebold, Vergleich. Anat. TONSILS.— These organs may be re- garded as consisting of from ten to twenty follicular glands, resembling those found at the root of the tongue, surrounded by a common fibrous coat or capsule. The blood-vessels are numerous, forming elegant networks around the follicles. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikroskop. Anat. ii. TOPAZ.— The crystals of this mineral belong to the rhombic or right rhombic prismatic system. They consist principally of silicate of alumina, with the fluorides of aluminium and silicium. Sections of topaz exhibit remarkable microscopic cavities, often of most singular and elegant forms, frequently containing crystals and one or two non-miscible liquids ; the latter sometimes including bubbles of gas, vapour or vacuities. Sir David Brewster recommends the sphe- rical cavities as the best objects for exami- ning the aberrations of lenses, and as infi- nitely preferable to the globules of mercury. BIBL. Brewster, Edinb. Phil. Trans, x. & xvi., Treat, on the Microscope, 186. TORTOISE-SHELL. SeeSHELL(p.575). TORTULA, Hedw. A genus of Mosses. See BARBULA. TORULA, Pcrs.— A genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi). The plants ordi- narily referred here appear to be somewhat heterogeneous in their nature. In what may be considered as the true species, the chains of spores form the principal bulk of the plants, little or no filamentous mycelium existing. Other forms very generally in- cluded under this head agree in their cha- racters with OIDIUM, which itself is a doubtful genus, probably founded on the coni- diferous states of more perfect kinds. But in T. sacchari (or Cerevisice), the Yeast fungus, usually referred here, we find both forms presented; for when actively vegetating in fermenting liquids, it presents the characters shown in fig. 23. PL 20, while, when the liquid becomes exhausted, portions of the fungus float to the top, and produce a fila- mentous structure, terminating in chains of " spores," such as are represented in fig. 24 (PL 20), and in fig. 761. The simply beaded form is taken as the type of a genus Cryp- TORULA. [ 646 ] TORULACEI. tococcus by some authors, of whom a part consider it a Fungus, another part (Kiitzing Fig. 761. Torula sacchari (aerial form) . Magnified 200 diameters. especially) an Alga. The same varieties of form occur in the Vinegar plant, and in both cases Penicillium glaucum seems invariably to succeed to the preceding when kept at a moderate temperature. Thus between all these various forms, together with Oidium lactis, there appears to be a relation, not yet quite clearly made out, indicating that they probably represent different states of the same plant growing under different conditions of nutrition and temperature. Further remarks on this head are made under YEAST and VINEGAR PLANT. A growth similar to T. sacchari presents itself sometimes in decom- posing urine (PI. 20. fig. 7), from healthy subjects, and indeed scarcely any decompo- sing animal or vegetable fluid, in which there exist fermentable elements, remain long free from Tbrw/a-like growths, if left exposed to the air (see FERMENTATION). We find it impossible to give definite cha- racters for the species that have been enu- merated. T. herbarum may be named as a common form growing on decaying stems of plants ; it forms at first erect greenish tufts, which afterward become blackish, ramify and form a black crust, the spores readily separating. T. Sporendonema, a form grow- ing on decaying cheese, represents the Spo- rendonema casei of Desmazieres. T. Fumago is now separated with other forms under the genus CAPNODIUM. T. alternata also is the type of the genus ALTERNARIA. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 359, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 263, vi. p. 439. 2nd ser. v. p. 460, xiii. p. 460 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. 499, Summa Veget. 505; Fresenius, Beitr. z. Myc. 2nd heft. 58. pi. 6. fig. 55 ; Corda, Icones Fungorum. TORULACEI.— A family of Coniomyce- tous Fungi, forming moulds and mildews on decaying vegetable substances, or acting as ferments in decomposing vegetable and ani- mal fluids. They are compound microscopic, cylindrical or beaded filaments, simple or ramified, the joints of which (all or part) se- parate from each other to form the " spores". There is no definite receptacle here, the mycelium grows as a cottony web over or in the infected body, or forms clouds or flocks in liquids. Much obscurity prevails respect- ing most of the genera included below, and it is indeed doubtful whether most of them are independent productions. Some species of Torula, such as T. Cerevisia (the Yeast fungus), appear intimately connected with certain Hyphomycetous genera, perhaps merely representing their conidiferous forms (see TORULA). ACHORION again seems to be merely the spermogonous form of a Puc- cinia. Sporendonema is founded apparently on imperfect observation; S. muscce, the true characters of which are given under that head, has been renamed Empusa, and its proper position is as yet obscure, but it would appear to be referable to the Mucorini. Dic- tyosporium (fig. 175, page 208), Speira (fig. Fig. 762. Fig. 764. • < festn Fig. 763. Fig. 762. Speira toruloides. Magnified 200 diameters . Fig. 763. Gyrocerus ammonis. Magnified 200 diams. Fig. 764. Trimmatostroma salicis. Magnified 200 diameters. 762) and Trimmatosiroma (fig. 764) appear to consist merely of the spores of some other genera ; Gyrocerus (fig. 765) cannot be re- garded as a perfect form, and indeed all the TORULACEI. [ 647 ] TRACHEA. genera require a thorough examination in a fresh state. Synopsis of Genera. I. TORULA. Spores in beaded chains, simple, readily separating, placed on a short continuous or septate pedicel (fig. 761, PI. 20. figs. 7 & 23). II. BISPORA. Resembling the last, but the spores uni-septate (fig. 60, page 80). HI. SEPTONEMA. Resembling the pre- ceding, but having several transverse septa in the spores (fig. 645, page 574). IV. ALTERNARIA. Resembling the pre- ceding, but with cellular spores connected by a filiform isthmus (fig. 9, page 26). V. SPORIDESMIUM. Spores in tufts, straight, subclavate or fusiform, shortly stalked or sessile, transversely septate or cellular (fig. 695, page 608). VI. TETRAPLOA. Spores sessile, quadri- septate, coherent in bundles of four, each spore crowned with a bristle. VII. SPOROCHISMA. " Filaments erect, simple, external membrane inarticulate, cell- contents at length separating into spores, articulated in fours, emerging." VIII. CONIOTHECIUM. Spores without septa, collected in heaps, finally separating more or less into a powder. IX. ECHINOBOTRYUM. Spores rounded- apiculate, collected in fascicles, attached on simple erect, annulated filaments. X. SPILOC^EA. Spores globose, simple, adhering firmly together and to the matrix, forming spots laid bare by the separation of the epidermis of the subject infected. Doubtful and obscure Genera. SPORENDONEMA. Described as com- posed of erect filaments, containing single rows of spores in the interior. -S. musca (Empusa, Cohn) really consists of short, tufted, erect, simple filaments, terminating in a bell-shaped cell (spore or sporange ?), thrown off with elasticity when mature. ACH ORION. Mycelium somewhat ramose, articulated, joints terminating in round, oval or irregular spores (conidia ?). SPEIRA. Spores connate into concentric filaments, forming laminae resembling a horseshoe, finally separating. TRIMMATOSTROMA. Spores more or less curved, multiseptate, chained in beaded rows, finally separating. GYROCERUS. Spores connate into spi- rally coiled filaments, finally separating. DICTYOSPORIUM. Spores tongue-shaped, reticularly cellular (fig. 175, page 208). TOURMALINE.— Sections of the crystals of this mineral, cut parallel to the axis, were formerly used as polarizers or analysers. They are now mostly replaced by Nicol's prisms (!NTR. p. xviii); crystals of the quinine-salt (QUININE) form cheap substi- tutes for either. The crystals of tourmaline belong to the rhombohedric system. They consist principally of silica with alumina, also containing boracic acid, magnesia, iron, &c., but their composition is not constant. Good tourmalines are transparent, brown- ish or pinkish ; the colourless ones do not polarize. BIBL. Pereira, Lectures on Polarized Light-, Naumann, Mineralogie, 319. TOUS-LES-MO1S.— A kind of fecula consisting of the starch of species of Canna, remarkable for the large size, great transpa- rency and numerous striae of the granules (Pi. 36. fig. 25). The mixture of any of the common kinds of starch with Tous-les-mois is readily detected by the microscopic exami- nation. The granules are excellent subjects for studying the physical characters of starch, in particular the appearance with polarized light (PL 31. fig. 40), &c. See STARCH. TRACHEA. See LUNGS (p. 402). TRACHEAE, OF INSECTS, &c. The re- spiratory tubes of Insects and Arachnida (ARACHNIDA). Trachea (PI. 27. fig. 17; PI. 28. fig. 2 A) are cylindrical tubes containing air. They are broadest at their origin from the spira- cles, afterwards branching freely, the minute branches being distributed to all parts of the body. By reflected light they appear white, with a metallic lustre, or slightly iridescent ; by transmitted light the smaller ones are black, the larger usually of a violet tint. The tracheae consist of two coats, between which lies a spiral fibre (PL 27. fig. 17); in the larger trunks a second external envelope exists. The fibre becomes more slender and indistinct in the smaller trachea! branches, until it finally disappears. The outer mem- brane appears to arise from the confluence of cells, for in the tracheae of caterpillars and other larvae of insects, the remaining nuclei are visible (PL 28. fig. 17). The inner coat forms a pavement epithelium. The spiral fibre arises from the splitting up of a homogeneous membrane deposited in the space bounded by the confluent cells of the outer membrane. In many insects the tracheae are furnished TRACHE.E. [ 648 ] TREBIUS. with dilatations forming air-sacs, in which the spiral fibre is absent. An unsettled point in regard to the tra- cheae is the presence of a peritracheal circu- lation. When larvae are fed with indigo or carmine, or when the dorsal vessel is injected with colouring matter, the tracheae become coloured, which some authors believe to arise from the nutritive liquid circulating between the membranes of the tracheae; whilst by others this circulation, or the ex- istence of a space bet ween the tracheal mem- branes, is denied. BIBL. That of INSECTS ; Newport, Phil. Trans. 1836. 529; Platner, Miiller's Archiv, 1844. xxxviii. ; Stein, Vergleich. Anat. d. Insekten ; Agassi/, Ann. des Sc. not. 3 ser. xv.; Bassy, ibid.; Joly, ibid. xii. ; Blanchard, Comptes Rendus, 1851, or Ann. Nat. Hist. 1852. ix. 74 ; Dufour, Comptes Rendus, 1851 , or Ann. Nat. Hist. 1852. ix. 435; Meyer, Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitsch. i. 1 75. TRACHEAE, OF PLANTS.— This name was formerly applied to the unreliable SPI- RAL VESSELS of Plants, from their resem- blance to the tracheae of Insects. TRACHELINA, Ehr.— A family of Infu- soria. Char. Carapace absent ; alimentary canal with two distinct orifices, the anal only ter- minal. Locomotive organs consisting of cilia co- vering the body in longitudinal rows, but absent in Phialina ; those around the mouth longer. In two genera teeth are present. Mouth situated on the under surface of the body. Eight genera : Bursaria, Chilodon, Glau- coma, Loxodes, Nassula, Phialina, Spiro- stoma, Trachelius. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 319. TRACHELIUS, Schrank, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Trachelina. Char. Body covered with cilia; mouth not spiral, without teeth; upper lip much elongated in the form of a proboscis. In three species the cilia have not been detected ! T. lamella (PI. 25. fig. 5). Body depressed, lamellar, linear -lanceolate, often truncate in front, rounded behind. Aquatic; length 1-430 to 1-290". Eight other species (Ehr.). Dujardin places some of the species in the genera Loxophyllupn and Amphileptus, and adds three new ones. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 320, and Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840. 202 ; Dujardin, In/us. 398. TRACHELOCERCA, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Ophryocercina. Char. Those of the family (= caudate Lachrymarice}. Four species. T. olor (Lachrymaria olor, D.). Body fusifornijwhite ; neck very long, simple, very moveable, and the dilated end containing the ciliated mouth. Aquatic; length 1-36". T. mridis (PI. 24. fig. 33). Body green; neck as in the last. Aquatic; length 1-120". T. biceps. Neck bifid at the end. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 341, and Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840. 202. TRACHELOMONAS, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Cryptomonadina. Char. Body enclosed in a spherical or ovoid hard and brittle envelope, having a small aperture, from which a long flagelliform filament projects, but no neck (?) ; eye-spot present. T. volvocina (PI. 23. fig. 24 d, empty en- velope). Spherical, green, brownish, or red ; eye-spot red. Aquatic; length 1-865". T. nigricans. Ovate -globose, green, black- ish-brown or reddish; eye-spot brownish. Aquatic; length 1-1730". T. cylindrica. Oblong - subcylindrical ; bright green; eye-spot red. Aquatic; length 1-1000". The bodies represented in PI. 23. fig. 24 (btog}} and which are commonly found in bog-water, probably belong here, with the genera Chatoglena (a), Ch(Etotyphla (fig. 26), and Doxococcus (fig. 47). The margins of the red envelope appear as a bright red ring, on account of the greater thickness traversed by the light. They are probably spores of Algae. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 47. TRADESCANTIA, L.— A genus of Com- melynaceae ( Monocotyledons ), commonly cultivated in gardens under the name of * Spider-worts/ These plants are celebrated for having served as material for some of the most remarkable observations on the physio- logical processes of vegetables, as the ROTA- TION of the cell-contents, and the multipli- cation of the cells, so well seen in the hairs of the stamens when young (PI. 36. figs. 8 & 9). The stems, petioles, &c. afford beautiful spiral, annular, and reticulated vessels, &c. TREBIUS, Kroyer.— A genus of Crusta- cea, of the order Siphonostoma, and family Caligidae. Char. Head in the form of a large buckler, with the large frontal plates destitute of sucking disks ; thorax three-jointed, seg- TREMELLA. [ 649 ] TRICHIA. ments uncovered ; legs four pairs, with long plumose hairs, fourth pair slender, and two- branched; antennae small, flat, and two- jointed; second pair of foot-jaws two-jointed, and not in the form of a sucking disk. T. caudatus. Found upon the body of the skate. Male much smaller than the female. BIBL. Baird, Brit. Entomostraca, 280 ; Thompson, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1847. xx. 248. TREMELLA. See TREMELLINI. TREMELLINL— A family of Hymeno- mycetous Fungi, consisting of polymorphous, often convoluted or lobed, more or less ge- latinous masses, growing upon branches or stumps of trees, in crevices of the bark, or on the dead vrood. The hymenium extends over the whole of the upper exposed surface, and, from the recent researches of Tulasne, appears to present remarkable characters. The gelatinous substance of these Fungi is composed of ramified filaments, with more or less effused mucilage between them. In Tremella a portion of the filaments termi- nate at the surface at first in expanded glo- bular cells, which become divided by vertical septa into four somewhat pyriform cells (basidid)-, from each of these arises a slender filament (sterigma), which terminates in a slender point tipped with a globular spore (stylospore or basidiospore). Other filaments coming to the surface in like manner ramify extensively, with short divergent branches, finally bearing numerous minute globular bodies (spermatia), solitary or in groups of four, which, like the basidiospores, fall off and rest on the hymenial surface, involved in jelly, but, unlike those, do not germinate. The basidiospores are about 1-3000" in dia- meter, the spermatia about 1-12000". In Tremella mesenterica the surface coveredwith basidiospores assumes a whitish colour ; the layers of spermatia and the jelly are orange. In Exidia the production of the basidio- spores is similar, but the spores are reniform and unilocular, about 1-2500" long and 1-5000" in diameter. Spermatia have not been detected. In Dacrymyces the basidia are represented by simple clavate or bifurcated branches at the hymenial surface, these terminating in points bearing single reniform spores exhi- biting three septa (quadrilocular). In ger- mination some of these spores produce a long filament from each loculus; others behave differently, producing the spermatia of the plant, each loculus sending out a short pointed process bearing a globular cellule exactly resembling the spermatia of Tremella. Other examples of Dacrymyces bear a dif- ferent kind of reproductive body, apparently representing conidia. In these the peri- pheral filaments terminate in a mass of many-jointed Torula-like processes, which ultimately break up into the separate joints. (See DACRYMYCES and EXIDIA.) BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 215, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xiii. p. 406. pi. 15. fig. 4 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xix. p. 193. pis. 10-12. TREPOMONAS, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Monadina. Char. Body compressed, thicker, and rounded behind, twisted in front into two narrowed lobes, which are inflexed laterally, and each terminated by a nagelliform fila- ment, which produces a very lively rotatory and jerking motion. T. agilis (PL 25. fig. 6). Body granular, unequal. Length 1-1160". Found in de- composing marsh-water. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us. 294. .'IOA>I TRIARTHRA, Ehr.-A genus of Rota- toria, of the family Hydatinsea. Char. Eyes two, frontal ; foot simply sty- liform ; body with lateral cirrhi or fins. Movement jerking. Jaws two ; each bi- dentate. T. longiseta (PI. 35. fig. 30). Eyes distant, cirrhi and foot nearly three times as long as the body. Aquatic; length 1-216". T. mystacina. Eyes approximate ; cirrhi and foot scarcely twice as long as the body. T. breviseta (Gosse). Cirrhi much shorter than the body. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 446; Gosse, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851. viii. 200. TRICERATIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Dia- tomaceae. Char. Frustules free; valves triangular, areolar, each angle mostly with a minute tooth or short horn. Kiitzing describes fourteen species ; Smith admits three British. T.favus (PL 13. fig. 29). Valves plane or convex, angles obtuse, with horn-like pro- cesses ; areolae hexagonal. Marine ; diame- ter 1-240". T. alternans. Angles of valves slightly elevated ; areola3 circular. Marine. T. striolatum (?). Angles subacute ; areo- lation faint. Brackish water. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. Berl. Akad. 1840; Smith, Brit. Diatomacete, i. 26; Kiitzing, Bacill. 138, and Sp.Alg. 139. TRICHIA, Hall.— A genus of Myxogas- tres (Gasteromycetous Fungi) growing upon TRICHINA. [ 650 ] TRICHINA. Fig. 765. rotten wood,, &c., characterized by a stalked or sessile, simple, membranous peridium, which bursts at the summit, whence the densely interwoven free capillitium expands elasti- cally, carrying with it the spores. The ca- pillitium is composed of tubular filaments (elaters), containing spiral-fibrous secondary deposits, like the elaters of Marchantia (PI. 32. fig. 39). In some species the elaters bear numerous little spinulose processes. The genus is divisible into two groups. In the first (Hemiarcyria) the dehiscence of the peridium is obscurely circumscissile (fig. 765), the capillitium dense ; these are always stalked, usu- ally of reddish co- lour when young. Some species have the peridia fascicu- late on a compound peduncle (fig. 765), others separate. In the other division ( Goniospora), the dehiscence of the peridium is irregu- lar, the capillitium lax, the peduncle short or absent, the colour at first whi- tish, changing to yellow, and the spores rather angular. In T~ Serpula and reticulata the sessile peridia are irregular, flexuous, ser- pentine or annular bodies; in most of the other species the peridia are pyriform, tur- binate, or of some analogous form. The elaters (PL 32. figs. 39 & 40) are interesting objects, and form good tests for the defining power of the microscope under very high powers. They must be mounted in a very thin stratum of liquid. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 319, Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 432, ser. 2. v. p. 367; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 182, Summa Veg. 457 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 266, 281; Henfrey, Linnean Traws.xxi. p. 221 ; Currey, Microsc. Journ. iii. p. 15. TRICHINA, Owen.— A genus of Entozoa, of the order Coelelmintha and family Nema- toidea. T. spiralis (PL 16. figs. 16, 17, 18) inhabits the human body, forming opaque white specks, visible to the naked eye, in the vo- luntary muscles. The worms usually exist singly within a cyst situated between the muscular bundles (fig. 16). At each end of the cyst is a group of fat-cells resembling u/IqonA Trichia rubiformis. Magnified 25 diameters. those of ordinary fatty tissues. The cysts are about 1-50'' in length, elliptical or oval, usually narrowed and slightly produced at the obtuse ends, and consist of numerous structureless laminae, in which are frequently imbedded minute granules, consisting of fatty or calcareous matter. The worm is cylindrical, narrowed towards the anterior end, the posterior end being obtuse and rounded. The integument is transversely striated or annular, and exhibits an anterior and a posterior longitudinal muscular band. The mouth (fig. 17 a) is situated at the an- terior extremity, from which a small papilla is sometimes protruded. The first part of the alimentary canal is very narrow, and leads to a broader sacculated portion ; this behind the commencement of the posterior half of the body terminates in a funnel- shaped expansion (fig. 18 c), the remainder of the canal being narrow and lined with pavement-epithelium (fig. 18 d). The man- ner in which the posterior end of the alimen- tary canal terminates is doubtful, — whether directly continuous with the anal orifice, or free in the abdominal cavity. M. Luschka describes three valves as existing at the pos- terior end of the body. At the commence- ment of the funnel-shaped portion of the alimentary canal (fig. 16 b) are two rounded glandular sacs. The reproductive organs are not well known. Just below the funnel- shaped portion of the alimentary canal is the csecal origin of a tubular sac (figs. 17 & 18 c), containing a dark granular-looking body (fig. \7 d; fig. 18 e) near its commencement; this extends to the posterior end of the worm, where it either terminates in the anus or in the abdominal cavity. Luschka re- gards this as the male organ, and the dark- looking body as the testis ; but no sperma- tozoa have been detected. Some of the cysts and worms are found in a state of fatty degeneration, with granules or globules of fat, and calcareous matter. It appears that the Trichina is derived from the food; for M. Herbst found the muscles of two dogs, which had been fed upon parts of a badger containing the worms, to be loaded with them. Three or four other doubtful species have been described. BIBL. Owen, Trans. ofZool Soc. i. 315; Luschka, Siebold fy Kolliker's Zeitschr. iii. 69 ; Bristowe and Rainey, Trans. Path. Soc. v. 274 ; Dujardin, Hist. nat. d. Helminthes, 293 ; Herbst, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. xvii. Kobelt, Valentin's Repertorium, 1841. TR1CHOCEPHALUS. [ 651 ] TRICHODESMIUM. TRICHOCEPHALUS, Goeze— A genus of Entozoa, of the order Ccelelmintha, and family Nematoidea. Char. Body elongate, composed of two parts, the anterior longer and capillary ; the posterior becoming suddenly broader; spi- culum of male simple, long, and surrounded by a sheath. The (ten) species occur in the large intes- tine, principally the ca3cum of man and the mammalia. T. dispar (PI. 16. fig. 19, the male; fig. 21, the female, in which the narrowed por- tion is too short). Anterior portion of the body spiral in the male, containing the oesophagus only, or the first moniliform portion of the intestine; posterior portion containing the rest of the intestine and the reproductive organs. Anus situated at the posterior obtuse end of the body. Integument transversely striated, and with a longitudinal band studded with papillae (PL 16. fig. 20). Oviduct termi- nating at the point of junction of the two portions of the body ; ova (fig. 21 a) oblong, covered by a resistent shell, with a short neck at each end. BIBL. Dujardin, Helminthes, 30 ; Owen, Todd's Cycl. Anat. fy Phys., art. Entozoa ; Wedl, Pathol. Histolog. 787. TRICHOCOLEA, Nees. — A genus of Jungermannise(Hepaticace8e),containingone British species, T. (Jung.} tomentella, grow- ing in moist places in the west and north of England, Scotland, and Ireland. It is re- markable for the character of the leaves, which are cut up into compound capillary segments, giving the plant a spongy texture. Colour pale. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 127, Brit. Jung. pi. 36 ; Eckart, Synops. Jung. pi. 6. fig. 49 ; Endlicher, Gen. Plant. Supp. 1. No. 472, 15. TRICHODA, Miill., Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia. Char. Body free from hairs or cilia; teeth absent ; mouth obliquely truncated, ciliated, with a lip, but neck absent. The six species are colourless. T. pura. Body oblong, clavate, attenuate in front. Aquatic; length 1 -720''. A spe- cies of Dujardin' s genus Acomia. The other species have been very imper- fectly examined and illustrated. Dujardin's genus, which is placed in the family Trichodina, D., differs entirely from that of Ehrenberg. The characters are : — Body ovoid-oblong or pyriform, slightly flexible in front, with a row of cilia directed backwards, and appearing to indicate the presence of a mouth. T. angulata (PI. 25. fig. 7). Body oblong, obliquely and irregularly folded or angular, frequently with one or more superficial va- cuoles. Aquatic; length 1-900". T. pyrum, D. = Leucophrys carnium, E. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 306 ; Dujardin, In/us. 395. TRICHODACTYLUS,Dufour.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and fa- mily Acarea. Char. Rostrum short, with minute setae ; fourth pair of legs shorter than the rest, without claws, and terminated by a very long seta. T. osmicB. Glabrous, with two marginal setae on each side ; pale red ; legs and pos- terior part of the body darker. Length 1-50". P Found upon the thorax of an Osmia (a kind of mason-bee). BIBL. Dufour, Ann. des Sc.nat. 2 ser. xi. 276; Gervais, Walckenaer'sApteres, iii.266. TRICHODECTES, Nitzsch.— A genus of Anoplurous Insects, of the family Philopte- ridae. Char. Antennas filiform, three-jointed; maxillary palpi none or inconspicuous ; mandibles two-toothed ; tarsi with one claw. Ten species, parasitic upon quadrupeds, viz. the dog, cat, fox, weasel and stoat, ox, horse, sheep, the red and the fallow deer. T. latus (PL 28. fig. 6). Abdomen pale fulvous; head and thorax ferruginous yel- low ; head subquadrate, with two black spots in front, and a black lateral band on each side ; abdomen oval. Common upon dogs, especially puppies. BIBL. Denny, Anoplur. Monograph. 186. TRICHODERMA, Pers.— A genus of Fungi placed by Fries among the Onygenei (Ascomycetes), but apparently of doubtful place. The plants are characterized by a roundish peridium composed of interwoven, ramified septate filaments, evanescent at the summit ; the spores minute, heaped together, at first conglobated. T. viride, growing on fallen trees, has a white villous peridium, and dusky green globose spores. The peri- dia appear as scattered spots 1-20 to 1-8" or more in diameter. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 323; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 271; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 417. TRICHODESMIUM, Ehrenb.— A genus of microscopic Algae, apparently belonging TRICHODINA. [ 652 ] TRICHOMANES. to the Nostochacese, discovered by Ehrenberg to produce the red colour over large tracts in the Red Sea, and found also in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by Darwin and Hinds, and in the Chinese Sea. No vesicular cells or spermatic cells have been detected, hence the characters are as yet imperfect. Mon- tagne has separated the plant of Hinds from Ehrenberg's, and Kiitzing characterizes the two species in his Sp. Algarum, and figures them in his Tabula Phycologicce, but neither the figures nor the descriptions indicate any very marked differences. 1. Tr. Ehrenbergii, Montagne. Blood-red (at length becoming green) ; bundles widish, confluent; filaments 1-3000" in diameter, joints about twice as wide as long. Mon- tagne, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. vol. ii. p. 360. pi. 10; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc. i. pi. 9. fig. 3. Tr. erytkraum, Ehr., Pogg. Annalen, 1830. p. 506. Oscillaria erythraa, Ktitz. Phyc. oeneralis, 188. Found floating in vast strata in the Red Sea by Ehrenberg and Dupont, and in the Yellow Sea (China) by Mollien, Bellot, and others. 2. Tr. Hindsii, Montagne. Blood-red, with a strong odour ; bundles longish, slen- derish; filaments 1-3600 to 1-2760" in dia- meter, joints twice or thrice as broad as long, transversely granulated. Montagne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. ii. p. 360. pi. 10 ; Kiitzing, Tab. Phyc.i. pi. 91. iv. For further information on these species, and on the red coloration of the sea by plants, see Montague's papers iniheAnnales des Sc. naturelles, ser. 3. ii. p. 332, vi. p. 262; ser. 4. i. p. 81. TRICHODINA, Duj.—A family of Infu- soria. Char. Body soft, flexible, more or less variable in form, ciliated ; mouth either visible or simply indicated by a row or fringe of larger cilia ; no cirrhi (styles or hooks). Genera: Acineria; Dileptus; Pelecida; Trachelius ; Trichoda, D. (not E.). BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 392. TRICHODINA, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Vorticellina. Char. No tail, nor pedicle; cilia absent from the surface of the conical or discoidal body, but forming a frontal crown or a tuft; oral orifice not spiral. T. pediculus (Urceolaria stellina, D.) (PI. 24. fig. 16). Body discoidal, the under and upper surfaces, each with a crown of cilia. Parasitic upon Hydra vulgaris and viridis. Breadth 1-575 to 1-290". On the under surface is an annular undulatory membrane, and within and at the base of this is a horny ring, with an outer and inner row of teeth, forming an organ of adhesion. T. mitra. Parasitic upon Planaria torva. T. arandinella and T. vorax are swarm- germs or free gemmae of Vorticellina. T. tentaculata. Body discoidal, cilia large, forming a tuft; a styliform, tentacle-like process present. Aquatic ; diameter 1-290". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 265 ; Dujardin, Infus. 527; Siebold, Vergl. Anat. 12, Sie- bold and Kolliker's Zeitschr. ii. 361 ; Stein, Infus. 174. TRICHODISCUS, Ehr.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Acinetina, E. (Actino- phryina, D.). Char. Body depressed, stalkless; seta- ceous tentacles forming a simple row at the margin of the body. T. sol (PL 25. fig. 8). Body suborbicular, hyaline or yellowish, tentacles variable. Aquatic; diameter 1-432 to 1-216". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 304. TRICHOGASTRES (Puff-balls}.— A fa- mily of Gasteromycetous Fungi, character- ized by the contents of the leathery peridium breaking up when mature into a pulverulent mass of spores and filaments, without a central column, the whole being expelled by the bursting of the case (see GASTEROMY- CETES). BIBL. Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist.iv. 155; Tulasne, L. R. and C., Ann. des Sc. nat. s£r. 2. xvii. 1. TRICHOMANES,Lmn.— A genus of Hy- Fig. 766. riswoirii Fig. 767. Trichomanes alatum. Fig. 766. A pinnule. Magnified 6 diameters. Fig. 767. Section through a sorus, showing the vein prolonged as cplumella, and continued out beyond the border. Magnified 25 diameters. TRICHOMONAS. [ 653 ] TRICHOSPORANGE. menophyllaceous Ferns, of elegant and deli- cate habit. Fig. 768. ,syrt*m ,T 10 sr Fig. 768. A sporange, with horizontal annulus. Mag- nified 100 diameters. TRICHOMONAS, Duj.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Monadina. Char. Body ovoid or globular, becoming drawn out when adherent to the slide, hence sometimes exhibiting a tail-like prolonga- tion; an anterior flagelliform filament present, with a group or row of vibratile cilia. T. vaginalis (PL 25. fig. 9). Body glu- tinous, nodular, unequal, frequently becoming agglutinated to other objects ; movement va- cillating. Length 1-2500". Found in morbid vaginal mucus. T. limacis (PL 25. fig. 10). Body ovoid, smooth, pointed at each end; movement forwards, by revolution upon its axis. Length 1-1600". Found in the intestine of Limax agrestis. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us. 299. TRICHOPTERIS, Presl.— A genus of Cyathaeous Ferns. Exotic. TRICHORMUS (Anabaina, Bory, Bre- bisson, Kutzing. Montagne, &c.). — A genus of Nostochaceae (Confervoid Algae), growing on wet earth, or rising to the surface of lakes, brackish ditches, &c., forming an in- determinate stratum, at first nearly colour- less and transparent, with the filaments spa- ringly scattered through the mass ; the fila- ments afterwards increasing rapidly in number, causing the mass to become opake, deep bluish-green, and occasionally mottled with brown,especially beneath. The filaments are mostly short, moniliform, and frequently as much curved as in Nostoc. The cells are more or less globular, and the spermatic cells resemble the ordinary cells more in this than in the allied genera. The filaments closely resemble those of Nostoc, and some of the floating aquatic species can only be distinguished from that genus by the absence of definite form or size, and of the hardened periderm. It differs from Dolichospermum in the globular shape of its sporangia, and from Spharozyga and Cylindrospermum in the arrangement of its vesicular and sper- matic cells, which are here always separated by ordinary cells. Mr. Ralfs enumerates five British species. In PL 4. fig. 2, we have represented what appears to be a new species. 1. T. fios-aqucB (Lyngbye). Filaments flexuose or curved, moniliform ; cells orbi- cular, vesicular ones larger, terminal and interstitial. Ralfs, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vol. v. pi. 8. fig. 2. Anabaina flos-aqua, Kutzing, Spec. Algarum ; Trichormus incur- vatus, Allman, Ann. Nat. Hist. xi. 163. t. 5 (1843); Hassall, Brit. Freshw. Algts, t. 75. fig. 1. Rising to the surface of stag- nant pools or other still waters in gelatinous masses of considerable size, generally of a rich bluish-green colour. 2. T. (?) spiralis (Thompson). Filaments coiled or spiral ; ordinary cells subquadrate or orbicular; vesicular and spermatic cells orbicular.— Ralfs, I. c. pi. 8. fig. 3. (?) Ana- baina spiralis, Thompson, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. v. 81 ; Spirillum Thompsoni, Hassall, Br. Fr. Alga, t. Ixxv. 7- (See SPIRULINA.) 3. T. Thwaitesii (Harvey). Filaments moniliform, slightly flexuose ; ordinary cells globular or nearly so ; vesicular cells larger, globular when interstitial, ovate when ter- minal, ciliated ; sporangia oval, catenate. — Ralfs, I. c. pi. 8. fig. 4. Spharozyga Thwaitesii, Harvey, Phyc. Britannica, t. 1 13 B. Salt-marshes, forming thin, gelati- nous, dark green patches, either on damp soil, covered at spring-tides, or at the bottom of brackish ditches or pools, afterwards floating in large gelatinous masses, and then abounding in spermatic cells. 4. T. oscillarioides (Bory). Filaments elongated, flexuose; ordinary joints sub- quadrate, distinct ; vesicular cells barrel- shaped or elliptic, naked; spermatic cells oval, catenate. — Ralfs, 1. c. pi. 8. fig. 5. Anabaina oscillarioides, Bory, Diet. d'Hist. natur. ; Sphcerozyga oscillarioides, Kutzing, Tabula Phycologica, pi. 96. fig. 5. In brackish ditches, bluish-green. 5. T. rectus (Thwaites). Filaments bright green, straight, short, slightly tapering to- wards the extremities; ordinary cells sub- spherical, rather shorter than wide; vesicular cells oblong, smooth, scarcely wider than the ordinary cells, and never terminating the filament; spermatic cells spherical or oblong, numerous. — Ralfs, 1. c. pi. 8. fig. 6. Pools (near Bristol, Thwaites) ; of a beautiful green colour. BIBL. The works cited above. TRICHOSPORANGE.— A term used by Thuret in application to multiseptate fila- ments, occurring in some of the Fucoid Algae, producing ciliated zoospores in their TRICHOSPORIUM. [ 654 ] TRIPHRAGMIUM. Fig. 769. joints (see MESOGLOIA). In a recent paper, however, he has stated that the proper tri- chosporanges and oosporanges pass into one another by numerous intermediate forms, and he desires to dismiss the terms in favour of uni- and multi-locular sporanges. BIBL. Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. xiv. p. 235. ser. 4. iii. p. 15. TRICHOSPORIUM, Fr.— A genus of Mucedines (Hyphomycetous Fungi), nearly allied to BOTRYTIS, characterized by a caes- pitose mycelium, whence arise fertile, conti- nuous filaments, bearing solitary, simple, acrogenous spores. T. nigrum = Sporotri- chum nigrum, Fries (Syst. Myc.}, Botrytis nigra, Link. BIBL. Fries, Summa Veg. p. 492 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 274. TRICHOSTO- MUM, Hedw. — A genus of Pottiaceous Mosses, so called from thehair-likeperistome, resembling closely that of BARBULA (Tortu- la), but with the teeth straight instead of twisted; in T. rigidu- lum, however (fig. 769), there exists a slight cur- ling even in this genus. Mr. Wilson combines LEPTOTRICHUM with Trichostomum rigidulum. this. TheTrichostoma Fragment of the peristome grew on the ground with filiform teeth. and on stones. Magnified 100 diameters. TRICHOTHECIUM, Link. (Diplospori- um, Ej usd . ) . — A genus of Mucedines ( Hypho- mycetous Fungi), growing upon dead sticks, herbaceous parts of plants, &c., forming a caespitose, entangled mycelium, from which arise erect fertile filaments, bearing at the summit a few acrogenous, free, didymous spores. These plants are nearly allied to DACTYLIUM, under which Mr. Berkeley in- cludes them; but apparently they may be separated by the uniseptate, not multiseptate spores. From some observations recently published by Hoffmann, and confirmed by Bail, the spores of T. roseum, when they germinate, produce a mycelium whence arise fertile filaments of Verticillium ru- berrimum, the < spores ' of which they conse- quently consider as the spermatia of this plant. Several species are British, as T. roseum, obovatum (Dactylium, Berk.). BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 348 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. vi. p. 437. pi. 14; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 172; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 492 ; Hoffmann, Botan. Zeit. xii. p. 249. 1854 ; Bail, ibid, xiii. p. 673. 1855. TRIMMATOSTROMA, Corda (fig. 764. page 646). — An obscure genus of Torulacei (Coniomycetous Fungi), perhaps founded on thesporesof aspeciesof PHRAGMOTRICHUM. BIBL. Corda, Icon. Fung.; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 475. TRINEMA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Rhizopoda. Char. Carapace membranous, diaphanous, elongate-ovoid, narrower in front, with a large oblique lateral orifice ; expansions two or three, filiform, very slender, as long as the carapace. T. acinus=Difllugia enchelys, E. (PL 25. fig. 11, after Ehr. In Dujardin's figure the expansions are represented as much more slender). Aquatic. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 249. TRIOPHTHALMUS, Ehr— A genus of Rotatoria, of the family Hydatinsea. Char. Eyes three, red, cervical, in a trans- verse row ; foot forked. Jaws single-toothed. T. dorsualis (PL 35. fig. 31). Body cry- stalline, turgid, suddenly attenuated at the foot which is half the length of the body. Aquatic; length 1-48 to 1-36". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. p. 450. TRIPHRAGMIUM, Link.— A genus of Uredinei (Coniomycetous Fun- gi), distinguished by their tri- locular spores (fig. 770). T. ulmaria (Uredo ulmaria, Brit. Fl.), grow upon the leaves of Spircea ulmaria, forming orange, subsequently blackish, effused patches, bursting from beneath the epidermis. Tulasne has T"phragmiUm shown that it possesses all three A pe™c"nate forms of reproductive structure spore. of the Uredinei, viz. 1. spermo- Magnified 350 gonia with spermalia-, 2. Uredo- diameters- fruits, with ellipsoid or globose stylospores ; and 3, perfect fruit, arising either among the stylospores or in special sori, containing stipitate, three-lobed spores (fig. 7/0), each lobe of which is unilocular and exhibits a single pore in its black tubercular outer coat. The last germinate in the spring, and pro- duce from each pore a tubular filament which becomes divided into four or five chambers, from three or four of which arise single styliform processes (sterigmata), each bearing a small smooth spherical " spori- dium." The globular stylospores also ger- p- TRIPOSPORIUM. [ 655 ] TROMBIDIUM. minate (in the first summer), but produce only a long, filiform process, probably the rudiment of a newmycelium (see UREDINEI). BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 368 ; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 4. ii. p. 181. pi. 10; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 513. TRIPOSPORIUM, Corda.— A genus of Dematiei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), charac- terized by three lobed septate spores. T. Fig. 771. t wldo aj Triposporium elegans. Magnified 200 diameters. ctt/ aiiJ Wfirf gi doitf?/ iooi elegans (fig. 771) has been found in this country on bare oak trunks. Another spe- cies, T. Gardneri, forms a blight on the coffee plantations of Ceylon. BIBL. Berk. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. vii. p. 98 ; Hortic. Journal, iv. p. 8. TRITON, Laur.— A genus of Reptiles. If a male and female T. cristatus (fig. Fig. 772. 772), one of the common water-newts, be kept in a glass jar with healthy water-plants, they will lay their eggs upon them. The larvae are very beautiful microscopic objects, for showing the circulation in the gills and tail, the chorda dorsalis and the embryonic tissues; they should be kept in a vessel separate from the parents, otherwise these will devour them. The injected skin of T.palustris, the large warty newt, forms a beautiful opake object ; showing the loose capillary network, which contrasts well with the brilliantly mottled skin. BIBL. Bell, British Reptiles. TROCHILIA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Ervilina. Char. Body irregularly oval, narrower in front, where there are some vibratile cilia ; carapace obliquely furrowed, slightly twisted, and terminated behind by a moveable pedicle ; no distinct mouth. T. sigmoides (PI. 25. figs. 12 & 13). Body narrowed and sinuous in front; carapace with five or six rounded oblique ribs ; pedicle capable of adhering to the slide. Marine; length 1-630". Fig. 12 represents the animal undergoing transverse division. TROMBIDIUM, Latr. — A genus of Arachnida, of the family Trombidina. Char. Palpi large, free; mandibles un- guiculate ; body turgid, bearing the four posterior legs, and an anterior narrow moveable eminence, upon which the eyes, the four anterior legs and the mouth are situated ; anterior legs longest. The species are numerous and not well characterized. T. phalangii (PL 2. fig. 37). Body sub- triangular, angles obtuse ; of a velvety ap- pearance, from the presence of numerous plumose hairs ; eyes two, placed upon auri- cular appendages. An external parasite of Phalangium (the harvest-spider) and insects, at least in its early hexapodous stage. T. elongatum. Crimson ; eyes approxi- mate. Found under stones. T. cinereum (PI. 2. fig. 40), (Rhyncholo- phus ciner. Dug. Body with brown and greyish-white spots ; hairs spathulate ; eyes two on each side. Length 1-12". Found in ditches amongst plants and stones. T. autumnale (PL 2. fig. 38), (Leptus autumn.}. The harvest-bug. This well- known, but imperfectly examined arach- nidan insinuates itself into the human skin in autumn, causing troublesome irritation. It is found on plants and the stubble of corn- fields, and may easily be caught by tying a white pocket-handkerchief around the legs, and walking through stubble-fields. The young form with six legs is most frequently met with. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. ser. 2. i. 36; Gervais, Walckenaer's Apteres, iii. 178; Johnston, Transact, of Berwickshire Natu- ralists' Club, 1847. 221 ; Koch, Deutschl Crustac. Myriap. fyc. TRYBLIONELLA. [ 656 ] TUBERCLE. TRYBLIONELLA, Smith.— A genus of Diatomaceae. Char. Frustules free, linear or elliptical in front view ; valves plane, with parallel transverse (tubular ?) stria3, and submarginal or obsolete alae. In some a median line is present, in others not. The alae are not marginal, as in Suri- rella, but arise from the surface of the valves, as shown by the diagram of a transverse section in PI. 13. fig. 32. T. scutellum (PL 13. fig. 30). Valves elliptical, with a median longitudinal line ; alae very short ; striae faint. Marine ; length 1-140". T. gracilis (PL 13. fig. 31). Frustules linear, narrowed at the ends ; valves linear, acuminate, striae coarse; alae distinct. Fresh and brackish water ; length 1-200". Four other species. BIBL. Smith, Brit. Diat. i. 35. TUBER, Mich.— A genus of Tuberacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), to which belongs the common truffle (see TUBERACEI). TUBERACEI.— A family of Ascomyce- tous Fungi, growing underground or upon the surface, of more or less round form, and solid, fleshy texture, excavated with sinuous cavities, lined by asci, containing usually four or eight spores, elegantly reti- T? *"-') Fig. 7/3. r.tdo «wi Fig. 774. Fig. 775. Choiromyces Leonis. Fig. 773, A peridium. Nat. size. Fig. 774. An ascus with spores. Magnified 400 dia- meters. Fig. 775. Vertical section of a peridium. culated or spinulose (fig. 774). The internal substance either dries and grows hard, or falls into a flocculent powder with age. Tuber cibarium is the common truffle. Sections of the marbled internal substance show this to be composed of interlacing branched filaments, forming fleshy convolu- tions, between which serpentine cavities are alternately excavated ; branches of the fila- ments free at the surface of the lacunae bear spherical sacs (asci), each containing four globular spores of yellow-brown colour, having an elegantly reticulated outer coat. When the spores germinate, they produce a subterraneous cottony mycelium, which after a time presents villous nodules, in the inte- rior of which the peridia are developed ; as these advance, the villous coats gradually vanish, together with the mycelial structure, and the mature peridia appear free, either a little beneath (Tuber cibarium}, or upon the surface (T. album) of the soil (see also ELA- PHOMYCES). BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 227; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. not. ser. 2. xvi. p. 5, ser. 3. p. 348, Monog. Fungi Hypogcei, Paris 1851, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. viii. p. 19; Lespiault, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. ii. p. 316; Vittadini, Monog. Tuberacearum ; Monog. Lycopod., Mem. Turin Acad. 2nd ser. v. p. 145. TUBERCLE or TUBERCULAR MATTER. — This morbid deposit consists of three parts, the relative proportions of which are variable; viz. 1. an amorphous transparent basis, ren- dered pale by, and finally soluble in acetic acid; 2, minute granules and molecules, some of them consisting of proteine-com- pounds, others of fatty matter ; and 3. of a number of nuclei, or so-called tubercle-cor- puscles (PL 30. fig. 9 a), about 1-5000 to 1-4000" in size, of an oblong-angular form, containing irregular granules, and unaffected or simply rendered paler by acetic acid (PL 30. fig. 9 b). Tubercular matter is deposited in the sub- stance of the tissues or in the cavities of organs (PL 30. fig. 8). The corpuscles have been supposed to be peculiar to and charac- teristic of tubercle ; but late researches tend to the conclusion that they are the nuclei of normal cells, the development of which has been arrested. When softening occurs, the tuberculous matter usually undergoes fatty degeneration; the number of free fatty granules is much increased, and the tubercle becomes yel- lowish. TUBERCULARIA. [ 657 ] TUMORS. It sometimes becomes a question as to whether a morbid deposit consists of tubercle or not. The diagnosis must be founded mainly upon negative characters : the ab- sence of the elements of other abnormal pro- ducts, as those of inflammation, cancer, &c. In cretaceous tubercle, carbonate and phosphate of lime, usually in the amorphous state, are met with. BIBL. Works on Medicine; Lebert, Phys. Pathol.; Hasse,Patholog. Anatomy (Syden- ham Soc. Vol.) ; Vogel, Pathol. Anat. (by Day); Wedl, Path. Anat. 365; Forster, Path. Anat. i. 312, & ii. 156; Rokitansky, Path. Anat. i. & iii. TUBERCULARIA, Tode.— A supposed genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), but apparently only preparatory forms of Sphseriaceous Fungi. T. vulgaris is a state of Nectria (Sphteria) cinnabarina ; it is ex- tremely common, in autumn and winter, on dead sticks, damp wooden palings, stumps, &c., forming scarlet-orange rounded nodules or irregular masses of fleshy consistence, sometimes more or less stipitate, composed of parenchymatous tissue, the surface at a certain stiige exhibiting the ends of the filaments terminating in chains of cellules breaking up into a pulverulent substance. These cellules are probably the conidia of the Nectria. TUBULI URINIFERI. See KIDNEYS (p. 373). TUBULIPORA, Lam.— A genus of Po- lypi, of the order Bryozoa, and family Tubu- liporidae. Char. Polypidoms calcareous, depressed, orbicular, lobed, or divided dichotomously ; the cells suberect, aggregate, long and tubu- lar, with a round, unconstricted aperture; polypes with an uninterrupted circle of ci- liated tentacula. Marine. Nine British species. Some of them are common upon shells, sea-weeds, &c. PL 33. fig. 30 represents a species (not British). BIBL. Johnston, British Zoophytes, 266. TUBURCINIA, Fries.— An obscure genus of microscopic Fungi, referred by Fries to the Sepedonei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), growing in roots and tubers, or on leaves, forming 'scabs.' The evanescent mycelium creeps through the tissue of the infected organ, and produces solitary globular spores, of cellular texture (hollow), ultimately be- coming free. T. Scabies forms one kind of scab on potatoes (not that in the ordinary disease). BIBL. Berk. Hort. Journal, i. p. 33. pi. 4. figs. 30, 31, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. v. p. 464 ; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 497. TUMORS.— Under this head we shall make a few brief remarks upon some of the more interesting elements of certain tumors and other morbid growths. Cancer. — The most constantly present elements of a cancerous growth are, — 1 . or- ganic molecules and granules, with globules of fat ; 2. fibres ; and 3. cells in all stages of development. As occasional or accidental elements, are found, — 4. fibro-plastic cells ; 5. granule-cells; 6. pigment; 7- inorganic matters, in the form of molecules, granules, and crystals ; and 8. the products of inflam- mation. The cells only require distinct notice, the other elements resembling those usually met with in other healthy or morbid products. They are comparatively large, varying con- siderably in diameter, of a rounded ob- long or ovate form, usually arranged in no definite order in the intervals of the fibres (PL 30. figs. 11 & 12), although sometimes in the meshes formed by the aggregation of the fibres into loose bundles (fig. 17). Their most important feature is the indication of endogenous growth, shown by their usually containing numerous nuclei and nucleoli, or secondary and tertiary cells. In some of them a tendency to the formation of fibres is evidenced by the elongation of their ends (fig. 21). When acted upon by acetic acid, the primary cell becomes pale and transpa- rent, the nuclei or inner cells remaining di- stinct. The interspaces of the cells and fibres are occupied by a pale yellowish or colourless liquid ; and the cells are so loosely imbedded in the fibrous basis, that on scraping the surface of a section of a cancer, numerous cells are found in the juice thus obtained. The number of fibres present varies ac- cording to the form or stage of development of the cancer. In hard or schirrous cancer, they preponderate, the cells being few ; whilst in soft or medullary cancer they are scanty, the cells being very abundant ; glo- bules of fat usually also abound in the latter form. Other varieties of cancer have received special names. Thus, when the capillaries are very numerous and distended, extrava- sated blood being also frequently present, we have haematoid cancer, or fungus ha3ma- todes; when the fibres are grouped into bundles, forming marked areolae, we have areolar, colloid or gelatiniform cancer (PL 30. 2u TUMORS. [ 658 ] TYMPANIS. fig. 18) ; again, when the cancer-cells abound in pigment, we have melanotic cancer, &c. The diagnosis of a cancerous growth is of great importance, and cannot in general be regarded as a matter of difficulty. It can- not, as was formerly supposed, be based simply upon the characters of the cells ; for cells exhibiting a marked endogenous repro- duction, which is the most striking feature of cancer- cells, are also met with in normal tissues; but when these cells exhibit no tendency to the formation of a definite tis- sue, but retain their cell-form, and contain or are mixed with numerous fat-globules, the whole being loosely imbedded in a serous liquid, the cancerous nature of the morbid product may be considered as certain. In regard to cells generally, an insuperable difficulty is met with in discovering the ex- ponent of their power, as it might be termed ; thus, the embryonic cells or corpuscles in an early stage are undistinguishable from each other ; and yet some grow into areolar fibres, others into nerve-tubes, &c. Chemistry lends no aid here, and the difficulty will probably ever remain. Cancroid growths. — This term has been applied to certain kinds of tumors or growths which somewhat resemble cancerous growths in their course and tendency to recur, yet differ from them in the nature of their mor- phological elements. They consist generally of epithelial formations, or of some kind of fibrous development. As instances, may be mentioned so-called epithelial cancer, as of the lip, and certain forms of fibroid, fibro- plastic, or sarcomatous tumors. In epithelial cancer, the general arrange- ment of the elements is not strikingly altered, but the papillae of the skin are hypertrophied, the epithelial cells more numerous than na- tural, sometimes containing many nuclei or secondary cells, and the intercellular juice is more abundant. The flattened epithelial cells are often also arranged around the pa- pillae in the form of concentric rings, resem- bling fibres ; but the cell-structure is at once rendered evident by the addition of solution of potash. In the fibroid or fibro-plastic tumors, the arrest of development at the cell-stage is often well shown by the presence of nume- rous nuclei or secondary cells within the pri- mary ones (PL 30. fig. 10). These brood- cells are also met with in obstinate fungous granulations and vegetations. Enchondroma, cartilaginous growth or tu- mor.— In some kinds of this, the cartilage is indistinguishable from normal true carti- iage j in others it exhibits the formation of secondary deposits in the cells, as in imper- fectly formed bone (PI. 30. fig. 19), the cavities of the cartilage-cells being filled up with the exception of the irregularly stellate median portions. In the examination of tumors and other morbid growths, sections should be made with a Valentin's knife, the elements being first observed in water, and then in the na- tural fluid. The sections and elements are best preserved in water. BIBL. Paget, Lectures on Tumors (1851), and Surgical Pathology ; the Bibl. of TU- BERCLE ; Bennett, on Cancer, and Edinb. Monthly Journal. & viii.; Redfern, ibid, xi.; and the Trans, of Pathol. Soc., passim. TYMPANIS, Fr.— A genus of Phacidiacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), consisting of horny bodies growing on branches of trees, break- Fig. 776. Tympanis conspersa. Fig. 776. A collection of perithecia, more or less ma- ture, bursting through the bark. Magnified 1 0 diameters . ing out through the bark. T. conspersa (fig. 776) grows upon Rosaceous trees, T. s1-™" on the privet. In Y\V. 777. the former the perithe- cia are collected in tufts; they are first closed, afterwards opening into cups, the disk of which is \S / occupied by the hy- \ menium bearing long H£ ':j and broad asci, con- Vj$$| / taining numerous % spores, and, as has Vertical section through a Messrs. Berkeley and cup-like perithecia. Broome, sometimes Magnified 20 diameters. also septate stylospores simultaneously. In T. saligna the perithecia occur only two to four together. Tulasne has shown in addi- tion, that the plants have spermogonia, which are oblong or conical bodies, intermixed with the perithecia, perforated by a terminal pore (resembling perithecia of Sphceria] ; these are lined with delicate branched filaments TYNDARIDEA. [ 659 ] ULVA. bearing minute corpuscles (spermatia), which when mature escape from the pore in a ten- dril (as in Cytispora] if moistened or pressed (see also CENANGIUM). BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 210, Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vii. p. 185, Hook. Journ. of Botany, iii. p. 322 (1851); Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xx. p. 143. pi. 16. figs. 15, 16; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 399 ; Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 335. TYNDARIDEA, Bory. See ZYGNEMA. TYPHLINA, Ehr.— An imperfectly exa- mined genus of Rotatoria, of the family Philodinaea. T. viridis (PL 35. fig. 33). Found in Egypt. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 483. U. ULOTHRIX.— A genus of Confervoid Algae, perhaps referable to the Chaetophora- ceae, allied to Draparnaldia and Stigeoclo- nium. They consist of unbranched filaments adhering loosely together to form a mucous stratum, growing upon stones, &c. in fresh water. The filaments are composed of short hyaline cells (PI. 5. fig. 6), the green con- tents of which are at first granular, adhering to the walls (a), then contracted into trans- verse bands (b), and finally converted into two, four, or more zoospores, with four cilia (c). Hassall appears to have confused these plants with the Oscillatoriaceous genus Lyngbya ; his L. muralis is apparently the true plant, his L. copulata perhaps a Schizo- gonium ; the rest of his species belong here, since, according to Kiitzing, Berkeley's Sphceroplea crispa and punctalis belong to this genus. There appear to be several British species, but we give them with some doubt. 1. U. zonata. Filaments 1-960" in dia- meter, joints about as long (Lyngbya zonata, Hass. pi. 59. figs. 2, 3, 6). 2. U. pectinalis. Filaments 1-1800, 1-1200, 1-960" in diameter, joints one- half or one-fourth the length ; fertile cells swollen (L. zonata, Hass. pi. 60. figs. 1, 4,5). 3. U. crispa. Filaments very long, 1-600" in diameter, joints one-half or one-third as long (Cow/, bicolor, Eng. Bot. p. 2288). 4. U. floccosa. Filaments 1-2160 to 1-1800" in diameter, joints about as long (Lyngb. floccosa, Hass. pi. 60. figs. 1 & 2). 5. U. punctalis. Filaments 1-3000 to 1-2500" in diameter, regularly torulose; joints two and a half times as long as broad (Lyngb. punctalis, Hass. pi. 60. fig. 4; L. virescens, fig. 3, and L. vermicularis, Hass. fig. 5, are scarcely distinct from this). 6. U.speciosa. Filaments 1-780 to 1-420" in diameter, curled ; sterile joints one-half or one-third as long. BIBL. Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. p. 345, Tab. Phyc.ii.-, Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. p. 219; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 222. pi. 18. ULVA, Linn. — A genus of Ulvacese (Con- fervoid Algae), here taken in the sense of Thuret. The plants are all marine, consist- ing of broad, green, simple or lobed, mem- branous fronds, growing upon rocks and stones. They are distinguished from Mono- stroma by being composed of a double plate of cellular tissue, and from Enteromorpha by the two plates being permanently adhe- rent, and not separating so as to convert the flat plate into a sac. The cells are round- ed-angular (PI. 5. figs. 2 & 3), and are at first filled with amorphous green colouring matter, which subsequently becomes collected into masses (a), ultimately converted into numerous zoospores. Under the influence of light, these soon " swarm" and break out from the cells by a pore in the outer wall (fig. 3 b}. The emptied cells give a pale co- lour to the parts of the frond where they are situated. The zoospores appear in two forms, some large and bearing four cilia (fig. 3 c), others much smaller, and possessed of only two cilia (fig. 2 b). The fronds in which the latter occur are generally of a yellower colour. Thuret has seen both kinds germi- nate. As defined by that author, the British species stand as follows : — 1. U. Lactuca, L. Frond broadly ovate or oblong, 6 to 18" long, and several inches wide (Engl. Bot. pi. 1551; U. latissima, Harvey and Greville ; Phycoseris gigantea, Kiitz.). /3. latissima. Frond 3' or more long, 18" or more wide ; found in the muddy water at the entrance of harbours (Phycoseris Myrio- trema, Kiitz. Sp. Alg.}. 2. U. Lima, L. Frond linear-lanceolate, 6 to 24" long, 1-2 to 3-2" wide. (17. Lac- tuca, Greville, Sc. Crypt. Fl. pi. 313 ; Har- vey, Phyc. Brit. pi. 243 = Enteromorpha Grevillei, Thuret, olim). BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 216. pi. 25 B ; Thuret, Mem. de la Soc. de Cher- bourg, ii. (1854), Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 224. pi. 20; Greville, Harvey, Kiitzing, I. cit. supra. 2u2 ULVACE.E. [ 660 ] UREDINEI. ULVACE^.— A family of Confervoid Algae. Marine or freshwater Algae, consist- ing of membranous, expanded, saccate or tu- bular, sometimes filiform fronds, composed of spherical or polygonal cells, united together firmly into layers, either single or double. Reproduced by roundish spores formed from the whole contents of cells, or by ciliated zoospores formed in twos, fours, or many in each cell. British genera : I. ULVA. Frond plane, simple, or lobed, formed of a double layer of cells closely packed, producing zoospores. II. ENTEROMORPHA. Frond hollow, simple or branched, of a single layer of cells closely packed, forming a sac or tube ; with zoospores. III. MONOSTROMA. Frond flat or sac- cate, simple or lacerate-lobed, forming a single layer of cells, which are scattered in a homogeneous membrane ; with zoospores. IV. PRASIOLA. Fronds membranous, lacerate-lobed, formed of a single layer of cells arranged in simple or compound lines, or in groups multiple of four. Spores from the whole contents of cells, motionless. V. SCHIZOGONIUM. Fronds filiform, dilated here and there into flat ribands con- taining two or four rows of cells. Spores formed from the whole contents, motion- less. ULVINA, Kiitz. — A supposed genus of Algae, founded on the " mother" of Vinegar. (See VINEGAR PLANT). BIBL. Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 147- UMBILICARIA, Fe'e (Gyrophora, Ach.). — A genus of Lecidinese (Gymnocarpous Li- chens). U. pustulata grows on rocks in various parts of Britain. It is remarkable for the tubercles or hollow papillae occurring on its surface. The apothecia are flat, and at first black, at length tuberculate. Sper- mogonia also occur, in the form of little tubercles containing a nucleus of densely packed sterigmata, enclosed by a thin black rind. The species in which the disk of the apothecia is concentrically plicate form the proper Gyrophorce of Ach. ; they occur on mountain rocks. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pi. 1. p. 223; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 207. pi. 5. figs. 5-12 ; Schaerer, Enum. crit. p. 25. URATES. See URIC ACID and URATES. URCEOLARIA, Ach.— A genus of Par- meliaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), included under Parmelia by Fries, but agreeing in almost every particular with LECANORA. U. scruposo, the commonest species, grows on heaths, walls, and rocks. The disk of the apothecia is black, and the border crenated. The spores are cellular or multilocular (PI. 29. fig. 17). The spermogonia are scattered over the thallus, sometimes in the outer wall of the (thallodal) border of the apothecia ; they are very inconspicuous, on account of the light colour of their ostiole. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 175; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 172. pi. 4. figs. 5-14 ; Schaerer, Enum. crit. p. 85. URCEOLARIA, Duj.— A genus of Infu- soria, consisting of U. stellina, D. (= Tri- chodina pediculus, E.), and three doubtful species described by Miiller. BIBL. Dujardin, In/us. 525. URCEOLARINA, Duj.— A family of In- fusoria. Char. Body variable in form, alternately top-shaped or hemispherical, or globular, sometimes ciliated all over, furnished at the upper and anterior end with a marginal row of very large cilia, spirally arranged, and leading to the marginal mouth ; sometimes swimming, sometimes temporarily fixed by means of the cilia of the posterior end. This family includes the genera Ophrydia, Stentor, Urceolaria, and Urocentrum. BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 518. UREA. — This substance occurs normally in the urine of man and the carnivora, in small quantity in that of the herbivora ; also in the amniotic liquid, and the vitreous and aqueous humours of the eye. Pathologically, it is found in the blood, dropsical effusions, vomited liquids, and doubtfully in the saliva, the bile, and perspiration. When pure, it forms colourless four-sided prisms, sometimes longitudinally striated, and with one or two oblique terminal facets. The crystals are readily soluble in water and alcohol, but not in pure aether. When nitric or oxalic acid is added to a solution of urea, the nitrate or oxalate sepa- rates in the crystalline form. The nitrate of urea, when rapidly formed, consists of irregularly aggregated scaly cry- stals (PI. 9. fig. 18 c) ; when more slowly formed, rhombic or hexagonal plates, or di- stinct prisms (PL 9. fig. 18 «, 6). The cry- stals of the nitrate of soda (PI. 6. fig. 19) bear some resemblance to those of the urea salt. The crystals of the oxalate of urea somewhat resemble those of the nitrate, the rhombic form being evident. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal. UREDINEI.— Since the article Caeomacei UREDINEI. [ 661 ] UREDINEI. has been in print, Tulasne has published an elaborate memoir upon the Uredinei and Ustilaginei, which renders it necessary to devote considerable space to the present article, which, with that of USTILAGINEI, must be regarded as superseding what was stated under the head of C^BOMACEI. Under the head of Ustikginei are placed the various forms of bunt, caries, &c., which affect the ovaries and anthers of Flowering plants, growing in the interior of these or- gans, causing them to become more or less deformed, and finally occupying the whole of their interior as a pulverulent substance, commonly of a black colour, and sometimes with a foetid odour (see USTILAGINEI). The genus Uredo is shown by Tulasne to have no satisfactory claim to a distinct exist- ence, since the structures which have repre- sented it appear to be merely a form of the reproductive organs common to a number of plants, which, in their most perfect state, represent the genera Puccinia, Phragmidium, Uromyces, &c. Of the genus Phragmidium, P. bulbosum (Puccinia Rubi, Schaer.) is a species com- monly occurring on the leaves of brambles, forming reddish, then orange, and finally blackish rusty spots -pv 770 (fig. 778). The first signs of reproductive organs appear in the middle of the spots on the upper face of the leaf, consisting of a few minute unilocular cavities (spermogonia) exca- vated in the leaf, with a little flat os- tiole ; in these occur ovate spermatia (see J«!CIDIUM), which are accompanied by Leaf of bramble, with a yellowish mUCOUS "Uredo Ruborum." Half liquid, and are ex- the natl size' pelled with this in the form of drops. Sub- sequently to this, the t/recfo-fruits are de- veloped, mostly on the lower face of the leaf, at the back of the spermogonia, or more rarely on the upper face, in a circle around the latter. They are pulverulent patches (fig. 778), solitary or a few together j and a vertical section (fig. 779) shows them to consist of paraphyses (fig. 780), and simple or branched, short filaments bearing globose stylospores (fig. 781), which soon become detached, and in ripening acquire an echinate Fig. 779. Vertical section of the same Uredo-fruit, with para- physes and imperfect stylospores. magnified 460 diams. Fig. 780. Fig. 781. Fig. 780. Separate paraphyses. Fig. 781. Detached pedicels with stylospores. Magnified 460 diameters. outer coat with numerous pores. When these germinate, they produce merely a long slightly branched filament. Finally, the perfect fruits (spores) appear on the same or in distinct sori (on the lower face of the leaf), in the form represented in fig. 570 (p. 502). The loculi of these have each three or four pores in the upper part of the side-walls, whence emerge in germination (in spring) short tubular filaments, which soon divide into four cells, from each of which arises a minute " sporidium," borne on a pointed sterigmatous process. Puccinia Compositarum exhibits very si- milar phenomena ; its J7rec?o-fruit has been described as Uredo suaveolens. Fig. 782 Fig. 782. Vertical section of the sorus of " Uredo sua with immature stylospores. Magnified 460 diameters. UREDINEI. [ 662 ] UREDINEI. represents a vertical section through an im- mature sorus of this; fig. 783 some of the Fig. 783. Ripe stylospores of the same, germinating. Magnified 460 diameters. stylospores detached and germinating; the outer spinulose coat is here fully developed, Fig. 784. Fig. 785. Deformed stylospores, with the spinulose coat developed. Magnified 460 diameters. and the tubular filaments are seen emerging from the pores. The spores of the perfect fruits of this genus differ from those of Phragmidium in being only bilocular, or, by abortion, unilocular (see PUCCINIA). In JScioiuM, CYSTOPUS, and some other genera, only spermogonia and stylosporous fruits ( Uredo-fruits, Tulasne) have been ob- served. In Cronartium, spermogonia are unknown, but the Uredo-fruit exists. In Podisoma both spermogonia and Uredo-fruits are unknown ; in both of these genera the perfect-fruits are placed on a fleshy columella or ligula. We subjoin Tulasne's synopsis of the fa- mily ; but as his generic characters are far too long to transcribe, we can only cite the typical species. 1. Albuginei (white or pale yellow, hetero- sporous). I. CYSTOPUS, Lev. (Type, Uredo Candida, Pers.). 2. JEcidinei (with a peridium, homceospo- rous). II. C^JOMA, Tul. (Type, Uredo Euonymi, Mart.; U. pinguis, Duby). III. jEcioiuM, Lk. (Type, JEc. Cichora- cearum. D.C. ; JE. Tussilaginis, Pers. ; M. Violarum, D.C.). IV. RCESTELIA, Rebent, Fr. (Type, ^Ec. cancellation, Pers.). V. PERIDERMIUM, Lk. (Type, Per. Pini, Fries). 3. Melampsorei (solid, pulvinate, biform). VI. MELAMPSORA, Cast. (Type, Uredo populina, Pers.; U. Caprcearum, D.C.). VII. COLEOSPORIUM, Lev. (Type, Uredo Rhinanthacearum, D. C. ; U. Campanula > Pers.). 4. Phragmidiacei (pulverulent, biform, in- fuscate; centre of the family). VIII. PHRAGMIDIUM, Lk. (Types, Phragm. incrassatum, bulbosum, with Uredo Ruborum, B.C.; Puccinia Potentillce, Pers., with U. Potentillarum, D.C.). IX. TRTPHRAGMIUM, Lk. (Type, T. Ul- marice, Lk.). X. PUCCINIA, Lk. (Type, Puce. Compo- sitarum, Schl., with Ur. suaveolens, Pers. ; P. graminis, Pers., with Ur. linearis. Pers.). XI. UROMYCES, Lk. (Type, Uredo Fica- ricB, Alb. and Schw.). XII. PILEOLARIA, Cast. = Uromyces? which itself may consist of species of Pucci- nia with spores unilocular by abortion. 5. Pucciniei (fleshy, ligulate, or tremelliform, naked and uniform in the fruits; the largest plants of the family). XIII. PODISOMA, Lk., Fr. (Type, P. Ju- nip eri communis). XIV. GYMNOSPORANGIUM, Lk., Nees, Fr. (Type, G. Juniperinum, Fr.). 6. Cronartiei (peridiate, biform, ligulate ; perhaps the most highly organized of all the genera). XV. CRONARTIUM (Type, Cr. asclepia- deum, Fr., with Uredo Vincetoxici ; Cr. Peeo- nice, with Ur. Pceonice, Cast.). Genera cancelled by Tulasne : — Uredo, Epitea, Podocystis, Trichobasis, Lecythea, Physonema, Solenodonta. Genera of C^EOMACEI referred to USTI- LAGINEI : Ustilago, Tilletia, Thecaphora. Doubtful Ustilaginei : Protomyces, Poly- cystis, Testicularia. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. art. JEcid., Puce., Uredo, &c., Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 264; ser. 2. v. p. 463; Tulasne, Ann. UREDO. [ 663 ] URIC ACID. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. vii. p. 12; 4 ser. p. 77 ; Leveille, ibid. 3 ser. vhi. p. 369 ; De Bary, Brandpilze, Berlin, 1853; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 509; Unger, Exanthem. Plant.; and the works cited under the Genera. UREDO, Pers. See UREDINEI. URIC ACID and URATES, or lithic acid and lithates. — Uric acid may easily be pro- cured in small quantity from human urine, by adding a few drops of dilute muriatic acid, and setting the liquid aside for some hours, when it subsides in crystals. In larger quantity it may be obtained by heating the excrement of serpents with excess of dilute solution of potash, until the odour of ammo- nia has disappeared, and filtering the solution whilst hot into dilute muriatic acid, when it falls in a colourless state. Or the excrement may be digested, without heat, with excess of strong sulphuric acid, the mixture set aside that the impurities may subside, and subsequently poured gradually into a large quantity of distilled water. It exists also in the excrement of birds, in the urine of Mollusca and insects, and of all the Mammalia, excepting those which are herbivorous ; it has also been found in the human blood, of which it is probably a normal constituent in minute quantity, al- though mostly secreted with the urine as soon as formed. In the natural state of solution in the urine, uric acid exists combined with soda and ammonia, but it is frequently found as an abnormal deposit in the human urine, and is often precipitated after the secretion has been evacuated, from the occurrence of an acid fermentation. The crystals of the free acid are sometimes also met with in the urine or excrement of the lower animals, as Insects, &c, Uric acid is but little affected by water, alcohol, acetic or muriatic acid ; slowly so- luble in solution of ammonia, but readily in solution of potash, from which it is re-pre- cipitated by a dilute acid. The crystals belong to the right rhombic prismatic system. Their various forms are represented in PI. 8. figs. 1-10, and fig. 15. Those in fig. 1 are frequently met with as natural deposits from human urine ; although most of the same forms, with those in fig. 15, are also found in the artificially precipitated acid. The most common and characteristic form is the rhomb (a), the side view being linear or rectangular. When the urine is strongly acid, the crystals often appear stri- ated from the presence of linear fissures (c, d). Sometimes they are narrower and more elongate, with a prismatic form (e). They are frequently aggregated, and either fused into twin crystals (/, g\ or form aigrettes or tufts (k, I, m, n, o). The other forms are noticed in the description of the plate. The crystals forming a natural deposit are almost invariably coloured, from combining with the colouring matter of the urine; sometimes their colour is very brilliant (fig. 4); they may also be coloured artificially by precipitation from a solution of purpurate of ammonia (fig. 3), madder, &c. The test for uric acid is the production of the colour of purpurate of ammonia or mu- rexide, which may be effected by dissolving the crystals or suspected substance in a small quantity of dilute nitric acid, gently evapo- rating the solution to dryness, and adding a little ammonia to the residue, or exposing it to the vapour of ammonia, when the red colour becomes visible. But the rhombic form, when present, with the action of potash and dilute acid, would be sufficient to di- stinguish uric acid from most substances. The formation of the crystals of uric acid presents an interesting object for examina- tion. A drop or two of solution of uric acid in potash is first placed upon a slide and covered with thin glass; a little dilute muriatic acid is then applied to the edge of the liquid, or a drop of strong acetic acid placed near its edge, so that the vapour may be absorbed by the liquid. The latter soon becomes turbid from the formation of a pre- cipitate of numerous molecules and granules. If the turbid liquid be watched under the microscope, a minute crystal will presently be seen to form suddenly in some part of the field. The molecules and granules then slowly dissolve immediately around the cry- stal, leaving this in the middle of a clear space. The crystal now enlarges, and the surrounding molecules gradually disappear, until they at last entirely vanish from the field. By careful inspection it may easily be seen that the crystal is not formed by the conflux of the precipitated molecules, but is deposited from a state of solution. Some crystals of uric acid polarize light splendidly, and some of the feathery crystals (PI. 8. fig. 8 e) possess considerable analytic power. The forms of the crystals and crystalline groups of the urates are represented in PI. 8. figs. 11-14 ; they are not very characteristic, and the aid of chemistry is required for de- URINARY DEPOSITS. [ 664 ] UROCOCCUS. termining with certainty the composition of the respective crystals. The urate of ammonia may be prepared artificially by adding ammonia to a boiling mixture of uric acid and water ; the urate of lime by mixing urate of potash with chloride of calcium ; the urate of soda by dissolving uric acid in solution of soda ; and the urate of magnesia by mixing solutions of sulphate of magnesia and urate of potash. See URINARY DEPOSITS. BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal. URINARY DEPOSITS.— We shall give here a list of the deposits most commonly occurring in the human urine, with the refer- ences to the plates in which they are repre- sented, and the articles in which they are described. Since the publication of the important paper by Vigla (L' 'Experience, 1839), in which most of these deposits were first illus- trated, the use of the microscope has con- stantly been called in to aid in their detec- tion. In regard to the pathological indica- tions afforded by their presence, upon which we cannot enter, it may be remarked that most of the deposits are formed after the evacuation of the urine. Uric acid. PL 8. figs. 1, 2 ; and Urates, PL 8. figs. 11 c, d, e, 13 a, 14 a (URIC ACID and URATES). Oxalate of lime. PL 9. figs. 9, 10, 1 1 , 12 (LiME, SALTS OF). The concretionary forms of this salt (figs. 10, 11, 12) are more slowly acted upon by reagents than simple, crystals. Ammonio-phosphate of magnesia. PL 9. 1, 2, 3, 4 (MAGNESIA, SALTS OF). Carbonate of lime. PL 9. fig. 8 (LiME, SALTS OF). Cystic oxide. PL 9. fig. 5 (CYSTIC OXIDE). Blood-corpuscles. PL 40. fig. 21, espe- cially the form fig. 21 e (BLOOD). Mucous corpuscles. PL 1. fig. 5 (MOUTH, p. 439). Pus-corpuscles. PL 30. figs. 4, 5 (Pus). Spermatozoa. PL 41. fig. 25 (SPERMA- TOZOA). These are found in the urine of the female for several days after connexion, and we have detected them in the uterus more than a fortnight after the same. Sarcina. PL 3. fig. 5 (SARCINA). Fungi. Penicillium (fig. 562, page 495, PL 20. fig. 15) and Torula (PL 20. fig. 7). The spores of Penicillium form the so-called small organic globules. Casts of the tubuli uriniferi. The extreme diameter of these is rather less than that of the tubules, but they are often much more slender. They are cylindrical, generally wavy, sometimes hollow, at others solid. Some are very transparent, finely granular, and are composed of fibrine ; others consist entirely of, or contain imbedded in them renal epithelial cells, with or without glo- bules of fat, either free or within the cells ; they sometimes also contain mucous and pus- corpuscles, with blood-globules; some of the epithelial cells occasionally contain lithates. The epithelium of the bladder agrees essentially in structure with that of the pelvis of the kidney (KIDNEY, p. 375). BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY, Animal; Lehmann, Phys. Chem. ; Bird, Urinary Deposits; Schmidt, Versuch., SfC.; Griffith, Urinary Deposits, and Med. Gaz. 1843. UROCENTRUM, Nitzsch, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Vorticellina. Char. Free, no pedicle ; tail awl-shaped ; cilia absent from the body, but forming an anterior crown ; mouth not spiral. U. turbo (PL 25. fig. 14). Body hyaline, ovate, trilateral, tail one-third the length of the body. Aquatic ; length 1-430 to 1-290". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 268. UROCOCCUS, HassalL— A genus of Palmellaceae (Confervoid Algse), remarkable for the peduncular processes formed by the gelatinous coats of the cells. The cells are invested by a gelatinous coat or "membrane" (like that of GL.EOCAPSA), which is origin- ally simple, but new gelatinous layers are successively produced on the immediate sur- face of the cell-contents, and as each new one is formed, the preceding layer is rup- tured on one side and partially thrown off, the cell with its new layer lying in the pre- ceding layer as in a cup ; by the repetition of this process, the cup-like exuviae accumu- late, packed one within another so as to form a peduncle, the structure of which may be roughly compared to a pile of wooden washing-bowls or tea-cups standing one in another. When the cell-contents divide into two portions, the peduncles bifurcate (PL 3. fig. 7). The striae indicating the suc- cessively shed coats are more or less distinct in different species, and probably in different conditions of the same. Several species are named by Hassall, but no satisfactory di- stinctive characters are given. The cell-con- tents of four are blood-red. U. Hookerianus is represented in PL 3. fig. 7 ; U. insignis is very much larger; U. Allmanni and U. cry- ptophila are much alike, and neither present the striae. A green species is also described UROGLAUCINE. [ 665 ] USNEA. with the synonym (erroneous ?) of Chloro- coccum murale, Grev. The mode of reproduction is unknown. BIBL. Hassall, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 322. pi. 80 ; A. Braun, Verjungung, &c. ( Ray Soc. Vol. 1853, p. 178). UROGLAUCINE. — This substance, which was first detected by Heller, may be obtained by evaporating human urine with concentrated nitric acid (PI. 9. fig. 20). Its true nature is unknown, but it is probably a product of the decomposition of the colour- ing matter of the urine ; it has perhaps some relation with indigo. BIBL. Heller, Archiv f. phys. Chemie und Mikrosk. ; Lehmann, Physiolog. Chem. ; Funke, Atlas, &c. UROGLENA, Ehr.— A supposed genus of Volvocinese (Confervoid Algre), consisting of a family of zoospore-like individuals ar- ranged at the periphery of a membranous sphere, as in Volvox, but said to differ from that genus in having only one cilium, and also a basal prolongation or tail running toward the centre of the sphere. U. Volvox is described as a sphere, 1-95" in diameter, with yellowish corpuscles 1-1728" long, ex- clusive of the tail, which is three or four times as long. Inhabiting bog-pools. We very much doubt whether it is distinct from VOLVOX. BIBL. Ehrenb. In/us, p. 61. UROLEPTUS, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Colpodea. Char. Eye-spot absent ; no tongue-like process, nor proboscis ; a tail present. U. piscis (PL 25. fig. 15 a) = Oxytricha caudata, Duj. Body terete, subturbinate, gradually narrowed behind into a tail ; internal granules green. Aquatic; length 1-288 to 1-144". U. lamella (PI. 25. fig. 15 b). Body de- pressed, hyaline, linear-lanceolate, flat and very slender. Aquatic ; length 1-216". Three other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 358. UROMYCES, Lk.— A genus of Uredinei (Coniomycetous Fungi), perhaps not pro- perly separated from Puccinia, but distin- guished from the ordinary state of that genus by the unilocular spores of the perfect fruit (see UREDINEI and PUCCINIA). The Uromycetes are rusts occurring upon leaves, presenting at least two forms of fructifica- tion (spermogonia have not yet been ob- served), viz. 1. Uredo-fruits, consisting of stylospores unaccompanied by paraphyses, which have been described as species of Tri- chobasis, Lev., and, 2. the perfect fruit, resembling that of PUCCINIA, but with uni- locular spores, unaccompanied by paraphyses. Ur. Ficaria, Lev. (Uredo Ficariee, Alb. and Schw.) is not uncommon on Ranunculaceae, U. appendiculatus, Lk. (Uredo appendicu- losa, Berk.) on various Leguminosse. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. pp. 380, 382; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 4. ii. pp. 145 & 185; Leveille, ibid. ser. 3. viii. p. 370 ; De Bary, Brandpilze, p. 33. URONEMA, Duj.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Enchelia. Char. Body elongate, narrowed in front, slightly curved, surrounded with radiating cilia, and with a long straight cilium behind. U. marina (PI. 25. fig. 16). Body colour- less, semitransparent, nodular, and with four or five faint longitudinal ribs. Marine; length 1-570". BIBL. Dujardin, Infus. 392. UROPODA, Latr.— A genus of Arach- nida, of the order Acarina and family Ga- masea. Char. Palpi and rostrum inferior ; dorsal shield consisting of a single, broad, circular or oval piece ; legs nearly equal ; body fre- quently with a caducous anal peduncle. U. vegetans (PL 2. fig. 25). Sixth joint of legs longest. The peduncle forms a horny filament, secreted from the anus, and serving to attach the body to Coleopterous insects, of which this animal is the parasite, although it is sometimes found under stones. Four other species, most of them doubtful. BIBL. Duges, Ann. d. Sc. nat. ser. 2. ii. 29 ; Gervais, Walckenaer's Arachniden, iii. 220. UROSTYLA, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria, of the family Oxytricha. Char. Body ciliated ; styles present, but no hooks. On the under surface of the posterior part of the body is a small cleft with styles. U. grandis (PL 25. fig. 17). Semicylin- drical, subclavate, rounded at the ends, an- terior portion slightly thickened. Aquatic ; length 1-144 to 1-96". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 369. URTICA, L.— The botanical name of the genus to which the stinging-nettle belongs (see STINGS). The plants yielding the fibre of Chinese grass-cloth, and Puya, are placed by some authors under Urtica, by others under BOEHMERIA. USNEA, Ach.— A genus of Parmeliaceae (Gymnocarpous Lichens), with a somewhat crustaceous branched thallus, bearing peltate USTILAGINEI. [ 666 ] USTILAGO. apothecia, which often have a ciliated mar- gin. U. barbata is common on park-pales and old trees, U.jloridaanA plicata in simi- lar situations, mostly in mountainous regions; it is possible they are all forms of one spe- cies. The pendulous, fibrillous thallus and ciliated apothecia of U. barbata are very characteristic. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 230; Schaerer, Enum. Crit. p. 3. USTILAGINEI.— A family of Coniomy- cetous(?) Fungi related to the Uredinei, generally distinguished by their growing in the interior of the organs (especially the ovaries and anthers) of Flowering Plants, causing deformity, absorption of the internal tissue, and its replacement by a pulverulent substance consisting of the spores of the Fungi. In the earlier stages, the infected organ exhibits either a grumous mass, or an interwoven filamentous mycelium from which acrogenous spores arise; finally the myce- lium disappears, and a dark-coloured (often foetid) powder remains, composed entirely of the spores, which are simple or more rarely Fig. 786. Fig. 787. Fig. 788. Fig. 789. Thecaphora deformans. Compound spores, entire and broken up. Magnified 460 diameters. compound (figs. 789, 790), i. e. several co- herent within a common coat, at length free (figs. 786-788), smooth, or unequally echi- nate or reticulated. They are thus divided by Tulasne : — 1 . Ustilaginei veri : Stroma at first mucilaginous or grumous- mucous, entire, or soon broken up into variously conglomerated masses, afterwards divided into unappendaged spores; few or no filaments persistent. 1. USTILAGO. Spores simple. II. THECAPHORA. Spores compound. 2. Tilletiei. Stroma composed of inter- woven fragile filaments ; spores acrogenous on their ramules, hence often appendaged when free. III. TlLLETIA. Polycystis, Lev. and Testicularia^lotsch, are doubtful. PROTOMYCES, Unger, is ap- parently allied to Tilletia. The species of Ustilago are very numerous (see USTILAGO). The Thecaphora are fewer and more rare ; T. deformans is an Algerian plant, infesting Medicago tribuloides. Til- letia infests corn-grains and other grasses, T. Caries being the Uredo Caries, D.C. and U.fatida, Bauer, forming the foetid blight called Bunt, or pepper-brand, of corn (see TILLETIA). Tulasne has observed the germination of the spores in some Ustilagines and in Til- letia ; they produce filamentous processes, from which arise pedicels (basidia) bearing minute ' sporidia,' as in the Uredinei. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Fl. (art. Uredo); Tu- lasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. vii. p. 5; ser.4.ii. p. 157; DeBary, Brandpilze; Bauer and Banks in Curtis's Pract. Obs. on Brit. Grasses, London 1805; Unger, Exantliem. Plant. USTILAGO, Fries.— A genus of Ustila- ginei (Coniomycetous Fungi), forming smuts, infesting the ears of corn and other grasses, the ovaries and anthers of other Flowering Plants, and in some cases the leaves and stems of plants. The interior of the organ infested by them presents at first a grumous- Fig. 791. Fig. 792. I Fig. 791. Ustilago Carbo, on oats. Nat. size. Fig. 792. Ustilago Carbo, on barley. Nat. size. mucous, whitish mass, which grows at the USTILAGO. [ 667 ] UTERUS. expense of the tissue and juice of the infested organ, and is finally converted into a pulve- rulent mass of simple spores, mostly of deep colour, and with a smooth, spiny or reticu- lated surface. The species growing upon leaves and stems occur on grasses, e. g. U. longissima (Uredo longissima, Sow.), U. hypodytes (Ur. hypodytes) and U. grandis (or typhoides)-, they form linear patches, ultimately con- taining smooth black spores. The greater number, however, occur in the parts of flowers, especially of grasses; as Ust. Carbo (Uredo segetum, Pers.), form- ing the blight called smut of com, com- monly infesting wheat, oats (fig. 791), barley (fig. ^92) and other grasses, filling the ears with a black powder of smooth spores, about 1 -5000" in diameter in corn, sometimes about Fig. 793. / Portion of a spike of Maize infested with Ustilago Maidis. Some of the lower grains perfect and mature ; above these, female flowers with abortive ovaries. The projecting bodies are grains which have become deformed by the Ustilago developed within them. twice as large in the varieties attacking species of Bromus. The smut of maize ( U. Maidis, fig. 793) has minutely echinate spores, 1-2500" in diameter. Sedges are infested by Ust. urceolarum with dark brown, and Ust. olivacea with olive-coloured spores ( Uredines, Brit. Flor.). Ust. antherarum, growing in the anthers of Caryophyllaceae, has violet-coloured spores. Many other species are described by Tulasne, several of which have occurred in Britain. BIBL. Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. ser. 3. vii. p. 73; ser. 4. ii. p. 157; Berk. Brit. Flor. art. Uredo ; Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. v. p. 463. UTERUS.— The substance of the uterus consists of longitudinal, transverse, and oblique, unstriated muscular fibres, inter- woven with imperfectly developed areolar tissue, resembling that in the stroma of the ovary. Three layers of the muscular fibres are described, but they are intimately connected. Those in the cervix are principally trans- verse or circular ; and imme- diately beneath the mucous membrane at the mouth of the uterus, the transverse fibres form a sphincter. The muscular fibres are from 1-600 to MOO" in length, fusiform, with elon- gate oval nuclei, and very difficultly separable on ac- count of the large amount of areolar tissue intermingled with them. The epithelium is simple and ciliated. The mucous membrane of the body has no papillae, but here and there some folds, and contains nu- merous tubular or uterine glands resembling the Lie- berkuhn's glands of the in- testines, their csecal ends being simple, bifurcate, or spiral, and Consisting of a fibres, three weeks basement-membrane with cy- after parturition, linder-epithelmm. Sr^jOT, In the cervix are situated y, globules of fat. glandular depressions of the Magnified mucous membrane, which ^**^e*T secrete a transparent tenacious mucus ; some of these are closed, and form the ovules of Naboth. The lower third or half of the canal of the cervix contains papillae covered with ciliated epithelium. During pregnancy, the uterine elements, especially the muscular fibres, as also the vessels, and probably the nerves, become Uterine muscular UVELLA. [ 668 ] VASCULAR BUNDLES. enlarged and more numerous, from new- formation (fig. 795). All three of the coats of the veins of the pregnant uterus contain muscular fibres. After parturition, many of the muscular Fig. 795. Muscular elements from a uterus at five months' preg- nancy, a, formative cells; b, young, c, fully developed muscular fibres. Magnified 350 diameters. fibres undergo fatty degeneration, and be- come absorbed (fig. 794). BIBL. Kolliker, Mikr. Anat. ii. UVELLA, Bory, Ehr.— A genus of Infu- soria (Algae ?), of the family Monadina. Char. Corpuscles tailless, without an eye- spot, moving by means of one or two flagel- liform filaments, or an anterior circle of cilia, and aggregated into spherical revolving clusters. U. virescens (PI. 25. fig. 18). Corpuscles ovate, rounded at each end, bright green. Aquatic ; diameter of clusters 1 -288", length of corpuscles 1-2016". Five other species, one green, the rest colourless. Dujardin regards the presence of the fla- gelliform filament as a character of the genus. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 19; Dujardin, Infos. 300. V. VAGINICOLA, Lamarck, Ehr.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Ophrydina. Char. Solitary ; body ovoid or campanu- late, sessile, in a membranous, urceolate,' sessile sheath. Cilia forming an anterior circle. V. crystallina (PI. 25. fig. 19). Sheath crystalline, urceolate, straight, internal gra- nules green. Aquatic; length 1-216". Stein has observed the Acineta-form (Aci- neta mystacina] of this animal, and the sub- sequent development of swarm-germs within it. Several other species. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us. 295 ; Dujardin, Infus. 560 ; Stein, Infusoria, passim. VALLISNERIA, Mich.— An aquatic ge- nus of Angiospermous Flowering Plants, belonging to the family Hydrocharidacese. V. spiralis, a native of the South of Europe, occurring wild also in North America, India, &c., is commonly grown in jars for the sake of observing the ROTATION in the leaves. This plant is dioecious, and the specimens ordinarily found in cultivation are the pistil- late forms, which often produce flowers, but the seeds, remaining unfertilized, never ripen; the plant increases rapidly, however, by run- ners, if in a healthy condition. We find it thrive well in any situation indoors near a window and not exposed to frost, but it attains far larger size in water kept at a high temperature, as in Victoria-tanks in Botanic Gardens. It is necessary, when growing it in jars, not to keep too many or too large " snails " in the water, as they destroy the leaves. See ROTATION. VARIOLARIA, Pers. — A spurious genus of Lichens, founded upon imperfect forms of PERTUSARIA, &c. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 1. p. 172; Schaerer, Enum. Grit. p. 229. VASCULAR BUNDLES.— This title is applied to the fibrous cords which form the ribs, veins, &c., of the leaves, petioles and other appendicular organs of all plants rank- ing above the Mosses, and which by their confluence and more considerable develop- ment constitute the wood of stems and trunks. The vascular bundles of petioles (fig. 665, page 592), &c., running into leaves to form their ribs, and lying imbedded in parenchyma, resemble the bundles which form the rudiments of wood of the stem itself. The bundles remain isolated as fibrous cords in the stems of the herbaceous Monoco- VASCULAR BUNDLES. [ 669 ] VASCULAR BUNDLES. tyledons, or are only combined into a wood, in the Palms, &c., by the lignification of the cells of the parenchyma in which they are imbedded (fig. 465, p. 430). In the Dicoty- ledons, the rudimentary bundles are deve- loped in a circle surrounding the pith (tig. 459, p. 419), and soon unite to form a tube of wood, with an external cambium layer and a true bark, and the cambium layer is the seat of renewed development of the vascular bundle in each successive year. On such characters of growth, Schleiden founded a division of the vascular bundles into classes, which are convenient in reference to micro- scopical investigations, and affixed tolerably perfect systematic characters for the classes. In the higher Flowerless Plants, viz. Ferns, Equisetacese, &c., the vascular bun- dles are composed chiefly of ducts, sur- rounded by elongated tubular cells, almost devoid of secondary deposits, the whole enclosed by a layer of tolerably firm prosen- chymatous wood-cells, especially developed Fig. 796. l.f Monocotyledon. Transverse section of a fibro- vascular bundle of a Palm; the upper end is directed towards the centre of the stem. w, woody fibres resembling liber in structure ; s. v, spiral vessels ; c, cambium (vasa propria} ; d, ducts ; p, paren- chyma ; /, liber ; /. c, laticiferous canals. Magnified 150 diameters. in the Ferns. In the Ferns, the ducts are mostly of the kind called scalariform (fig. 669, page 593 ; PL 39. fig. 10), in the Equi- setacea3 annular (fig, 666, page 593), in the Lyeopodiacese spiral (fig. 664, page 592; PI. 39. figs. 11 & 12). They are variously arranged in the different orders, but agree in the mode of development, namely in grow- Fig. 797. Dicotyledon. Transverse section of a fibro-Tascular bundle of a Melon stem ; the upper end next the centre of the stem, p, pith ; s. v, spiral vessels ; m. r, medullary rays ; w, wood ; d, pitted ducts ; c, cambium ; /. liber ; /. c, laticiferous canals ; c. e, cellular envelope of the bark ; e, epidermis. Magnified 50 diameters. ing only at the end next the punctum vege- tationis, in proportion to the elongation of the stem and the evolution of leaves. Hence Schleiden calls them simultaneous bundles, their various elements, ducts, tubular and prosenchymatous cells, being formed simulta- neously. In the Monocotyledons, where the vas- cular bundles occur isolated, they originate in the punctum vegetationis, and are deve- loped with the growth of the stem outwards and upwards into the leaves, and outwards and downwards towards the permanent cir- cumference of the stem, old and new bundles crossing each other in a more or less com- plicated manner (fig. 465, page 430). Here (fig. 796) the first trace of the vascular bundle consists of spiral vessels, followed on the outer side by spiral, annular or reticulated ducts ; next comes a collection of elongated tubular cells, of delicate structure and in the outer part, at first a cambium region, which is gradually converted into prosenchymatous woody structure, having the character of LiBER-cells. In this case, the development is not only gradual from the punctum vege- tationis outward, but the inner side of each bundle is perfected first, and the conversion of the outer part into wood occupies a whole season of growth. Hence these are entitled VAUCHERIA. [ 670 ] VAUCHERIA. progressive bundles; but as no new develop- ment occurs in these in successive seasons, they are further distinguished as definite bundles from those of the Dicotyledons. The structure of the vascular bundles of Monoco- tyledons is very well seen in different charac- teristic conditions, in vertical and horizontal sections of the stems of the white lily, of the large grasses, rhizomes of sedges and rushes ; affording well- developed examples in herba- ceous structures ; of the bamboo (an arbo- rescent grass), of the common cane or the " partridge cane " (both species of Palms), where the bundles are connected by lignified parenchyma. In leaves of bulbous Monoco- tyledons, &c., the bundles consist chiefly of spiral vessels; in the palms, bananas, &c., the woody fibre extends also into the ribs of the foliaceous organs. In the Dicotyledons, the bundles of the stem appear first as a circle of cords com- posed of spiral vessels, around the pith, out- side which larger vessels and ducts, and sub- sequently woody fibre or wood-cells are developed, passing into the elongated pros- enchymatous liber (fig. 797). The develop- ment of the successive regions is progressive during the first season ; but here the cam- bium layer remains capable of renewed activity, and a new layer of wood (and of liber) is added on the outside of the bundle in each successive season ; hence these bun- dles are distinguished as indefinite. These may be observed in sections and young shoots of any common tree (figs. 459 & 461, page 419). Infinite variety of modification occurs in the character and arrangement of the vas- cular bundles within the limits above laid down, or very slightly overstepping them. A few remarkable cases may be mentioned here ; in the Orobanchacese (parasites) no spiral vessels occur in the vascular bundles forming the wood; in Victoria regia the isolated bundles are composed of spiral vessels without any prosenchymatous wood- cells ; other peculiarities, influencing more especially the characters of WOOD, are given under that article. (See also CAMBIUM and MEDULLA.) BIBL. Works on Structural Botany. VAUCHERIA, D.C.— A genus of Sipho- nacea3 (Confervoid Algae), consisting of green filamentous plants growing in fresh and salt water, and on damp ground, characterized by the continuity of the cavity throughout the branched tubular filament (sometimes several inches long) of which each plant is composed, and by the modes of reproduction, both by gonidia and by spores. Vaucherice may be gathered on damp borders in every garden, or by the sides of ditches, where they form fine silky green tufts; they are very variable in form and size, so that the specific distinctions heretofore laid down appear to be worth little. The ordinarily occurring species presents itself as a tubular cell, of comparatively gigantic dimensions, containing more or less protoplasm, coloured by chlorophyll, in the form of minute gra- nules, applied upon th,e wall, or occupying more or less of the cavity. The green gra- nules may be seen to lie imbedded in a colourless protoplasm at the inner surface of the cellulose wall; and it is curious to observe, when the filament is accidentally or intentionally ruptured, that the green granules which may escape are contained in a mucous investment which soon rounds itself into a globular body, of size propor- tionate to the quantity of green granules extruded; these globules even exhibit a slight rolling movement sometimes, but they appear ultimately to decay. Such globules sometimes occur inside the filaments, when the growth is unhealthy, and Itsigsohn calls them spermatospheres, stating that they pro- duce spermatozoids. This, like all this au- thor's observations, requires confirmation. If the Vaucheria filaments are gathered at a favourable epoch, or if they are cultivated in a vessel of water well exposed to light, the blind ends of the filaments (or rather of the ramifications of the filament) are found very densely filled with green contents, ap- pearing almost black ; and if these ends are watched early in the morning, a remarkable series of phenomena is observed in them. The ends of the filaments about to produce gonidia are found swollen into a slightly clavate form; the green contents of the "club" part from the general contents of the filament, leaving a transparent space (fig. 798) ; then, having as it were acquired a definite independence, the isolated mass returns so as to fill up the transverse light space, but does not again coalesce with the lower mass of contents. Next a light space is observed between the surface of the ter- minal body of contents and the cellulose wall surrounding it, and the latter soon gives way at the apex, forming a passage for the escape of the contents. This mass of contents is now clearly recognizable as the gonidium or zoospore; it gradually extri- cates itself from the tube, with a rotatory VAUCHERIA. [ 671 ] VAUCHERIA. motion around its own axis, and it exhibits a remarkable elasticity of structure, giving Fig. 798. Fig. 799. Vaucheria Ungeri. Fig. 798. End of a filament in which a gonidium is . idium escaping from the Magnified 50 diameters. being developed. Fig- 799- Gonidium escaping from the filament. way and altering its form (fig. 799) to squeeze through the narrow orifice of escape ; some- times it becomes "pinched" in this process into two independent gonidia of half the usual size. As soon as it has perfectly emerged, it assumes an elliptical form, in- creases much in size, and is seen to be co- vered with innumerable vibratile cilia (fig. 801), arising from its gelatinous (protoplas- mic) coat (these are rendered much more di- stinct by applying tincture of iodine) ; no cellulose membrane exists at this time, and the gonidium swims about actively in the water, revolving on its long axis. The large number of cilia existing on this gonidium Fig 800 "' ™" Vaucheria Ungeri. Fig. 800. End of the filament from which the gonidium has escaped. Magnified 50 diameters. Fig. 801 . Gonidium which has been treated with iodine and dried between two slips of glass, showing the cilia very clearly. Magnified 110 diameters. distinguish it remarkably from all others; but we are inclined to believe that there is a nearer relationship than appears at first sight. The green substance at the surface of the gonidium presents a peculiar granular or globular appearance ; and it appears not far- fetched to regard this body as composed of a densely combined family of ordinary two- or four-ciliated zoospores, such as would be formed by the swarming-spores of Hydro- dictyon if they remained in their primitive crowded condition. This, however, is a point requiring further examination. The end of the tube from which the gonidium has escaped appears as a hyaline sac (fig. 800), which soon decays down to the point where the contents parted, where a septum, now closing the tube, is developed. After swimming about for some time, from one to several hours (usually about two), the gonidium falls to the bottom of the vessel, its cilia disappear, and it assumes a spherical form, acquiring very soon a di- stinct cellulose coat; after this it soon ger- minates by pushing out one or more tubular processes (tig. 802), which grow up into Fig. 802. Fig. 803. Vaucheria Ungeri. Fig. 802. Gonidia germinating. Magnified about 15 diameters. Fig. 803. Filament with gonidia germinating in the parent tube ; the left-hand figure, half a divided goni- dium. Magnified 25 diameters. filaments like the parent. Sometimes the gonidium cannot make its escape, sometimes half of it escapes and becomes pinched off, the other half being left behind; in these cases, the arrested body, or the remaining portion of the divided one, germinates in situ (fig. 803). It should be mentioned, that the contents of the vegetative filaments have a remark- able tenacity of life ; for if the tube is slightly injured at any point, the primordial utricle commonly retracts from the wound, and secretes a cellulose layer on its surface, shutting off the injured part. Filaments are VAUCHERIA. [ 672 ] VEGETABLE KINGDOM. sometimes met with having several living re- gions of this kind, shooting out into branches, separated from each other by dead, empty lengths of the filament. Besides the vegetative reproduction above described, the Vaucherice are reproduced by spores formed by the concurrence of two distinct kinds of reproductive organs. Fila- ments growing on damp ground ordinarily exhibit lateral organs of two kinds, associated together, but variously grouped and collected in varying numbers at particular points, ap- parently according to external conditions. The larger kind of organ appears first as a pouch-like process, which expands into a squat flask-shaped body, stalked or sessile, the neck of which is gradually turned over in the development, until it projects at one side, the form then somewhat resembling that of a bird's head (or a chemist's glass retort cut off short at the neck). Near this on the main filament, or on a common pedi- cel with one or more of the bird's-head or- gans, is developed another organ, at first straight and tubular, but soon curving over into the form of a hook or scroll, without, however, expanding. The expanded part of the bird's-head organ (or sporangium) be- comes filled with dense green granular mat- ter, and cut off by a septum from the main filament. The upper part of the " hook" is likewise cut off by a septum, and the con- tents of the apical cell thus formed are of light colour, and soon lose most of the chlo- rophyll. From the association of these two kinds of organ, and the production of spores in the sporanges, it was supposed, as long ago as in Vaucher's time, that they repre- sented sexual organs. Vaucher thought the " hooks" discharged a kind of pollen to fertilize the sporanges. Other algologists, especially Nageli, supposed or asserted that a conjuga- tion took place between them (like that in Spi- rogyra), a view more or less favourably re- ceived until a few years since, when Karsten asserted that he had actually observed it in all its details. But Pringsheim has lately pub- lished a very complete and certainly more trustworthy account of the development of these structures, in which he denies the con- jugation, but asserts that the " hook " is an antheridium, and that when mature it bursts at the apex and discharges biciliated sper- matozoids resembling those of Fucus, which enter the simultaneously opened neck of the sporange and fertilize its granular contents. The contents become isolated from the wall, secrete a proper coat, and form a free cell (spore) lying in the sporange, its granule matter gradually losing the green colou and becoming brown. Two coats, at leasi are developed, and the spore ultimate!; escapes by the decay of the parent filamen and sporange. According to Pringsheim about three months elapse before germina tion, in which process the outer spore-coa splits, and the inner grows out into a tube forming the basis of a new ramification o the Fawc^ena-filament. In the systematic works on Algology, nu merous species of aquatic and land Vaucherit are described ; but we agree with Thuret ii believing that the characters by which mos of the forms are distinguished are unessential therefore we omit any synopsis of them Even V. racemosa, Decaisne, appears merel; an extreme of the kind of developmen producing V. geminata. Thuret propose the name V. Ungeri, to include all but V. ra cemosa ; Hassall suppresses the name V. da vat a, as indicating a form common to all tin species, of which he describes a large num ber. We do not find anything sufficiently distinctive in the characters of the marim species cited by Harvey. The admirable essay of Unger should bi consulted by those studying the gonidia reproduction. BIBL. Vaucher, Conferees d'eau douc* (Ectosperma) ; Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alg. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 195 ; Unger Nova Act a, xiii. p. 11, Die Pflanze im Mom der Thierwerdung, Vienna, 1843; Decaisne Ann. des Sc. nut. 2 ser. xvii. p. 430; Thuret ibid. xix. p. 266 ; Karsten, Bot. Zeitung, x p. 85 (1852) ; Pringsheim, Ber. Berlin Akad March 1855 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xv p. 346 ; Alex. Braun, Verjungung (Hay Soc Vol. 1853, passim}, Alg. unicell. (1855) p. 8, 105; Nageli, Neuer Algensyst. p. 175 pi. 4 ; Itzigsohn, Bot. Zeit. xi. p. 225 (1853) VEGETABLE IVORY.— This substanci consists of the seeds of the Palm calle( Pliytelepnas macrocarpa, composed of j large round mass of bony ALBUMEN, in whicl a small embryo is imbedded. Slices of thi: ivory-like albumen, placed under the micro scope, afford very beautiful examples of ve getable cells with the cavities almost oblite rated by SECONDARY DEPOSITS (PI. 38 fig. 23). VEGETABLE KINGDOM.— The larg< number of natural orders of Angiospermou! Flowering Plants and the subordinate cha racter of their diversities in microscopic structure, lead us to depart from the plan or VEGETABLE KINGDOM. [ 673 ] VEINS. AXOPHYTA OP CORMO- wliich the synopsis of the Animal Kingdom is given, and carry it into effect here only in reference to the Cryptogamous plants. For the microscopic phenomena in the Pha- nerogamia described in this work, reference should be made to the articles TISSUES. Kingdom. VEGETABILIA. 1. Subkingdom. PHYTA. Div. 1. Phanerogamia. Flowering Plants. Subdiv. 1. Angiospermia. Class I. DlCOTYLEDONES. Most common trees and herbs. Class II. MONOCOTYLEDONES. Grasses, rushes, most bulbous plants, palms, &c. Subdiv. 2. Gymnospermia. Class III. CONIFERS Firs, pines, yew. IV. CYCADACE^E. Cycas, Zamia. Div. 2. Cryptogamia. Flowerless with stems and leaves, /-•I T T Class I. LYCOPODIALES. Pilularia, Pill-wort. Order 2. LYCOPODIACEJS. (flioitaqgoJoS) ;^n8 .7971BH Club-mosses. Class II. FILICALES. Order 1. FILICACE.E. Ferns. Order 2. EQUISETACE^E. Horse- taiJs. Class III. MUSCALES. Order 1. MUSCACE^. Mosses. Order 2. HEPATICACE^E. Liverworts and Scale-mosses. (Order of uncertain place, CHARACE^E.) 2. Subkingdom. THALLOPHYTA. Class I. ALG^E. Order 1. FLORIDE.E. Red sea-weeds. Order 2. FUCOIDE^E. Olive sea-weeds. Order 3. CONFERVOIDEJE. Green silk-weeds, slime-weeds and brittle-weeds (Diatoma^eae). ; iAH Class II. LICHENES. Order 1. GYMNOCARPI. Order 2. ANGIOCARPI. Class III. FUNGI. Order I. HYMENOMYCETES. Mushrooms, toadstools, dry-rots. Order 2. GASTEROMYCETES. Puff-balls. Order 3. CONIOMYCETES. Blights, rusts. Order 4. HYPHOMYCETES. Mildews, moulds and blights. Order 5. ASCOMYCETES. Truffles, toadstools, rusts. Order 6. PHYSOMYCETES. n/r i i j -11 Moulds and mildews. BIBL. Lindley, Vegetable Kingdom ; End- licher, Gen. Plant. ; Hooker, British Flora -, Fries, Summ. Veget. Scan. ; Balfour, Class- book ; Henfrey, Sketch of Veg. Kingd. (with atlas) 1855 ; and General Works on Botany. VEINS, OF ANIMALS.— The walls of the veins are thinner than those of the arteries, which depends principally upon the less development of the contractile and elastic elements. The inner coat is less developed, but otherwise agrees with that of the arteries in structure. The middle coat is not yellow, Fie 804 'io Jiuq bof _ _ r* ===1______ '.:{ orft Longitudinal section of the vena cava inferior, near the liver, a, inner coat ; b, middle coat without muscular fibres ; c, inner layer of the outer coat ; a, its longitudinal muscles ; 0, its transverse areolar elements ; d, outer por- tion of the outer coat, without muscles. Magnified 30 diameters. but greyish-red, containing more areolar tissue and fewer elastic fibres and muscles ; 2x VEINS. [ 674 ] VESSELS. in addition to the transverse it has longitu- dinal layers. The outer coat is usually the thickest, agreeing in structure with that of the arteries, except that in many veins, especially those of the abdominal cavity, it contains well-developed longitudinal mus- cular fibres. The veins of the brain and some other parts contain no muscular fibres. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. VEINS, OF PLANTS.— The name com- monly applied to the ramifications of the VASCULAR BUNDLES, forming the ribs of leaves and similar organs. VERMICULARIA, Fr.— A genus of Sphseronemei (Coniomycetous Fungi), per- haps stylosporous states of Sphseriacei, most of the species being included under Sphceria in the British Flora. They grow on decaying stalks, leaves or wood. S. relicina, Dema- tium, culmifraga, trichella and others of the Br. Fl. belong here. Another species, V. atramentaria, is common on decaying potato- stems, forming black velvety patches. This is distinguished from V. Dematium by its straight spores. The erect black hairs of the perithecia are characteristic. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 274, &c., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. v. p. 378; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 419. VERMILION, or bisulphuret of mercury, is used as a pigment for injecting. It should be in a finely divided state, in which it is best obtained by levigation ; and should not exhibit any white crystalline particles when examined as an opake object. See INJECTION (p. 350). VERRUCARIA, Pers.— A genus of Ver- rucariae (Angiocarpous Lichens), containing numerous species, having a crustaceous or cartilagineo-membranous thallus growing upon and adherent to bark of trees or stones ; named from the wart-like processes corre- sponding to the perithecia, which open by a pore at the surface. The perithecia have a black rind, enclosing either the whole or the upper half of the nucleus. The spermo- gonia much resemble the perithecia, only they are much smaller; they occur either scattered among the perithecia, or collected towards the margins of the thallus. BIBL. Hook. Brit. Flor.ii. pt. 1. p. 152; Leighton, Brit. Angioc. Lich. p. 35; Schaerer, Enum. crit. p. 213; Tulasne, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xvii. p. 215. pi. 3. VERRUCARIEjE.— A family of Angio- carpous or closed-fruited Lichens, charac- terized by rounded apothecia, closed by & special perithecium, perforated by a conti- guous pore, and containing a somewhat hya- line, gelatinous, dissolving nucleus. Synopsis of British Genera. I. SEGESTRELLA. Thallus crustaceous, apothecia solitary; excipulum waxy-mem- branous (coloured) ; ostiole simple, somewhat papillate; nucleus gelatinous, somewhat hyaline. II. VERRUCARIA. Thallus crustaceous or cartilagineo-membranous, spreading, ad- nate, uniform. Apothecia hemispherical or subglobose, innate and immersed or sessile, excipulum horny, mostly black, with a simple, papillary or perforated ostiole; nucleus gela- tinous, fluid or deliquescent, subhyaline. VERTICILLIUM, Nees. Fig. 805. — A genus of Mucedines (Hy- phomycetous Fungi), distin- guished from Botrytis (under which it is included, with •* ,:*v< 7 Verticillium cylindrosporum. Magnified 200 diameters. by the verticillate arrangement of the sporiferous branches. A number of species are de- scribed ; but from the observa- tions of Hoffmann and Bail on the germination of Trichothe- cium, this genus represents only one form of the plants belonging to other genera; V. ruberrimum, Bonorden (Botrytis verticilloides, Corda, which HoflTmann regards as identical with Acrostatagmus parasitans and cinnabarinus), having been raised from the spores of Trichothecium roseum, and its "spores" being barren (see TRICHOTHE- CIUM). Berk, and Broome describe and figure several new species. BIBL. Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. vii. p. 101. pi. 7. figs. 15-18 ; Fries, Summa Veg. (Bo- trytis}, p. 491. See also TRICHOTHECIUM. VESPA, Linn. — Vespa vulgaris, the wasp, and V. crabro, the hornet, are readily ac- cessible insects for the examination of the sting (STING). VESSELS, OF PLANTS.— This name was applied by the earlier observers to various elongated tubular structures of vegetable tissues, from a mistaken idea that they cor- responded with the vessels of animals ; and the name is still retained. The spiral, an- nular, &c. vessels are described under SPIRAL STRUCTURES. The term vessel is now generally contrasted with DUCT, to VIBRIO. [ 675 ] VIBRIONIA. indicate a single, long, tubular cell, with spiral deposits, in contradistinction to a canal formed of a row of short cells of similar character, applied end to end and confluent. The LATICIFEROUS tubes are sometimes called laticiferous or milk vessels. VIBRIO, Miill.— A genus forming the type of the family VIBRIONIA, Infusoria of authors, but part of which we have provision- ally placed in the Oscillatoriacese(Confervoid Algae). Char. Filiform, more or less distinctly jointed from imperfect division, movement undulatory, like that of a serpent. These filamentous bodies are extremely minute ; theii simple structure is best seen when they are dried. V. subtilis (PI. 3. fig. 18). Filaments colourless, elongate, hyaline, straight, di- stinctly jointed, motile vibrations very slight and not perceptibly altering their form. Aquatic, in pools; length reaching 1-430" ; breadth 1-24000". Probably an Oscillatoria. V. rugula (PI. 3. fig. 19). Filaments hya- line, distinctly jointed, very tortuous when in motion. In decomposing infusions; breadth 1-12000". V. prolifer (PI. 3. fig. 20). Filaments short, hyaline, distinctly jointed, tortuous in their slow motion. In decomposing infu- sions; length 1-9200 to 1-1150"; breadth 1-9200". V. bacillus (PL 3. fig. 21). Filaments elongate, hyaline, joints sometimes distinct only after drying, flexuous in their slow motion; length 1-288"; breadth 1-1700". Probab]jAnabaina subtilissima, Kiitz., which seems not Nostochaceous, but Oscillatoria- ceous. Two or three other species ; one of them, V. ambiguus, is branched; they are still more evidently algae. BIBL Ehrenberg, Infus. 77 ', Dujardin, In/us. 216. VIBRIONIA.— A family of Infusoria, ac- cording to the classifications of Ehrenberg and Dujardin, but which appear at all events in part to be Algae (OSCILLATORIACEJS). Char. Active, filiform, extremely minute, colourless, jointed bodies, of obscure organi- zation, and without visible locomotive organs (except Bacterium ?) ; straight or spirally coiled, multiplied by division at the joints. These organisms form some of the most minute which the microscopist is called upon to examine, and it is with the greatest diffi- culty that their structure can be made out. But although in the ordinary method of exa- mination, structure is invisible, yet by allow- ing them to dry spontaneously on a slide, or adding solution of iodine to them in the wet state or when dried, it can be distinctly seen that they are composed of minute joints, resembling very minute, colourless Oscillato- riaceous Confervas. When treated with potash, they are unacted upon, although the minute monads with which they are invariably accompanied are burst and dissolved. Nor have we succeeded in colouring them by Millon's or Pettenkofer's test, although their minute size is such that the magnifying power used to render them visible would so dilute the colour, by diffusing it over a large surface, that it is difficult to speak positively upon this point. They are propagated by the formation of new joints, and subsequent separation at one of the articulations. They are almost invariably the first organisms found in decaying and putrefying organic matters, especially animal. When treated with iodine and then sulphuric acid, their jointed structure is rendered very distinct ; and it appears that they are composed of two parts, an outer portion which seems pale or but slightly coloured, and an inner which becomes very dark ; but the tints cannot be distinguished with certainty : they appear purplish, reddish-purple-brown, quite dif- ferent from the surrounding infusoria when thus treated. M. Pineau believes that animal matter is directly transformed into Infusoria and Algae ; but when tests are used in the proper manner, this view is rendered altogether im- probable. Some of the Vibriones probably are but the earlier stages of other algae, but what these algae are is unknown. The motion of these minute bodies would seem to indicate that some are furnished with cilia ; but in others it is evidently pro- duced by general contractility. M. Dujardin thinks, however, that he has sometimes seen a flagelliform filament analogous to that of the Monadina, or rather undulating helically, and Ehrenberg describes a cilium or flagel- liform filament in one Bacterium. Our own repeated observations, made in such manner (see CILIA) as will detect cilia with ease when present, or at least in any part where they have hitherto been found certainly, have failed to detect them in the Vibrionia (excluding Bacterium, which is doubtfully referred to this family). We have included the genera Bacterium and Vibrio among the OSCILLATORIACE^E, 2x2 VILLI. [ 676 ] VILLI. but the relations are still somewhat obscure, and this is even more the case with Spirillum and the rest, which are excluded there. We think it advisable, therefore, to add here a table of the genera according to the views of those who regard them as Infusoria, or at all events as a distinct family. More details are given under the respective heads. Filament f Inflexible 1 . Bacterium. straight. \ Flexible like a serpent 2. Vibrio. p;ia«,^f f Spi™1 helical 3. Spirillum Filament! (Spirochata) . :', [ Spiral flat, like a watch-spring 4 . Spirodiscus. They are best preserved by allowing them to dry spontaneously on the slide. For Vibrio tritici see ANGUILLULA tri- tici. BIBL. Ehr. Infus. p. 73 ; Dujardin, In/us. p. 209. VILLI. — These are minute folds or pro- longations of the mucous membrane of the small intestines. They are most numerous in the jejunum and ilium; in the former conical and flattened, sometimes plate-like, Fig. 806. cylindrical, club-shaped or filiform; whilst in the latter they are broader and flattened. The villi form solid processes of the mucous membrane, consisting of areolar tissue without elastic elements, but abound- ing in roundish nuclei ; containing also blood-vessels, lacteals and unstriated mus- cular fibres. Their surface is covered with a basement membrane, and a single layer of cylindrical epithelial cells. The villi are exceedingly vascular, and form beautiful microscopic objects when injected ; exhibiting a network of capillaries with rounded or elongate meshes. Each villus contains a lacteal, the origin of which commences either in a single ca3cal dilatation, or in a network of branches. The muscular fibres form a thin layer, not very distinct in man, surrounding the lacteals, and capable of greatly contracting or short- ening the villi. The epithelial cells are intimately con- nected with each other, but easily detached from the villi, often in groups or rows. Fig. 807. 6 Fig. 806. Intestinal villus of a kitten, free from epithelium, and after treatment with acetic acid, a, boundary of villus ; b, subjacent nuclei ; c, nuclei of the muscular fibres ; d, roundish nuclei in the middle of the villus. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 807- -A, magnified 75 diameters. Two villi with their epithelium, from a rabbit, a, epithelium ; b, parenchyma. B, magnified 300 diameters. A row of detached epithelial cells, a, membrane separated by water. C, magnified 350 diameters. Detached epithelial cells, a with, b without the separated membrane ; c, surface view of some epithelial ' ! VILLI. C 677 ] VINE FUNGUS. Fig. 808. Fig. 809. Fig. 808. Two villi from a calf without epithelium, and containing each a lacteal vessel ; after treatment with dilute solution of soda. Magnified 350 diameters. Fig. 809- Two contracted villi, from a cat. Magnified 60 diameters. ; • ..• /' fj i.«BTJBqj»e snffidortm ,» .«lia j When acted upon by water, the cell-membrane atthe surface is separated, leaving a clearspace between the granular cell-contents and the former. BIBL. Kolliker, Mikrosk. Anat. ii. VINCA, L. — The generic name of the garden plants called Periwinkles; interest- ing to microscopists on account of the stri- ated liber-fibres (PL 39. fig. 30). (See SPIRAL STRUCTURES, p. 594.) VINE FUNGUS. — The vine mildew, Oidium Tuckeri, Berk., which has in recent years caused such extensive destruction, has formed a subject of investigation for most of the principal mycologists ; and notwithstand- ing that its natural history is not yet wholly cleared up, many interesting points have been discovered. As it ordinarily appears, it forms a white and very delicate cottony layer upon the leaves, young shoots, and fruits of the vine, soon causing a production of brown spots upon the green structures, and subsequently a hardening and a destruc- tion of the vitality of the surface. Under the microscope, the white substance is seen to be composed of delicate ramified fila- ments, creeping horizontally over the surface, and when the plant is much developed, form- ing a dense interlacement. The horizontal filaments exhibit few septa, these occurring at the points of branching, and they do not penetrate into the interior of the epidermal layer; here and there, however, they are found fixed to the epidermis by a more or less developed organ of attachment, consist- ing of a disk or lobed expansion (comparable roughly to the so-called " root " of some of the Fucoid Algae), which adheres firmly to the cuticle, and when removed, leaves a brownish scar behind. The destructive effect of the Fungus seems to arise from its arrest- ing the development of the epidermis, by binding its structures together, and excluding the surface from the influence of the air, since when young berries are invaded, the internal development proceeds, and the sphacelated epidermis preventing the natural expansion, the grapes burst and rot. [In this case, species of Botrytis, &c. appear upon the decomposing pulp, as on all similar substances; and these must be distinguished from the proper mildew.] When full-grown leaves are affected to a moderate extent, the vitality is often only partially affected, causing a laxity of the tissue, and more or less fading of the green colour, without inevi- table decay. When the mildew is observed with a low magnifier, its surface exhibits a mealy ap- pearance, arising from minute bead-like or VINE FUNGUS. [ 678 ] VINE FUNGUS. pearly shining bodies of oval form ; and the application of sufficient power shows that the horizontal filaments bear numerous erect branches or pedicels, consisting of short- jointed filaments (PL 20. fig. 8), the terminal cells of which (or two last) are elliptical and expanded. These terminal cells are soon matured and then fall off; vast numbers of them are produced, and are found lying upon the surface among the creeping fila- ments, where they quickly germinate (PL 20. fig. 9), and produce new ramifications of mycelium. The fungus, as thus described, constitutes the Oidium proper, and the de- ciduous terminal cells form the so-called spores. But the history of the development of the mildew does not cease here. In the first place, the detached * spores ' do not always produce a filament as repre- sented in fig. 9; some of them present, while still attached, a kind of segmentation of the protoplasmic contents (fig. 10), and detached examples are found filled with minute 'sporules' of elongated elliptical form. These minute 'sporules5 are either discharged by a dehiscence of the * spore ' (fig. 11), and then germinate, or sometimes they germinate in situ, and send out slender filaments through the walls of the spore. We have found also that the large filaments produced by the simple large ' spore ' (fig. 9), do not always at once form a regular myce- lium, but give rise to slender pedicels, ter- minating in a point bearing minute solitary corpuscles of about the size and form of the ' sporules ' above described, and resembling the spermatia of many of the higher Fungi. In addition to this, we have sometimes observed those ' spores ' which produce the * sporules ' in their interior, with their outer membrane finely punctate, and in very rare cases, this form of fruit was composed, not of a single terminal cell, but presented indi- cations of cross septa, as if two or more cells of the summit of the pedicel were confluent into one sac; here the punctation of the surface was very strongly marked. Thus far we depend upon our own obser- vations, but Mohl, Tulasne and others de- scribe a still more highly developed fruit than that last noticed ; they have found the terminal body, producing ' sporules,' with a distinct cellular coat (PL 20. fig. 12), from which the sporules are discharged by a ter- minal dehiscence. Mohl found this body, very rarely, of spherical form. We have never seen this cellular coat; in the cases we have met with, the coat was certainly only punctate or tubercular; probably the structure was not mature, nevertheless the * sporules ' were distinctly evident. These phenomena, exhibited by the Vine fungus, clearly agree with those exhibited by the Oidia always accompanying certain ERYSIPHES, as described under that article ; and most of the authors who have written on this subject, therefore conclude that the Vine fungus is really an Erysiphe, of which the perfect, ascophorous fruit has not yet been discovered. A comparison of the figures marked 12 (PL 20), from the Vine, copied from Mohl, with those of the Hop Erysiphe under fig. 14, will show the agree- ment of structure between the two plants. It remains only to add a few remarks as to the interpretation or nomenclature of the different organs. Mohl, Tulasne, &c. have denominated the simple ' spores ' above de- scribed (figs. 8, 9) conidia ; but as we have stated, the cells are convertible into what may be called sporanges, producing * spo- rules ' (or true spores) without alteration of structure. When their walls become cellu- lar (fig. 12), the sporangia! character is more decided; but as the Erysiphes produce a more perfect sporange, in which asci are developed, the name of pycnidia is applied to them. This fruit it was which gave rise to the establishment of a supposed distinct genus, by Cesati, under the name of Ampe- lomyces ; while Ehrenberg, also regarding it as a distinct plant, made it the type of a genus called Cicinobolus, on account of the peculiar tendril-like extrusion of the * spo- rules' (fig. 12s). Mohl distinguishes it as the Cicinobolus-fmit, which he, like Tulasne, finds constantly associated with other (un- doubted) Erysiphes (fig. 14), in very slightly different and equally irregular forms. There can be no doubt whatever in the minds of those who have watched the deve- lopment and progress of the Vine Fungus, that it is the cause and not a consequence of the ' murrain ;' still there are various curious circumstances connected with it not at all understood ; it is probable that peculiar at- mospheric conditions induce predisposing states of the plants; but the phenomena are enigmatical; we have had it completely covering a vine in a small greenhouse, de- stroying all the fruit one year; and although no precautions were taken (as it was desired to study the disease), no sign of mildew ap- peared there the next year; while on an out-door trellis, a few yards off, the disease reappeared in a slight form in the second VINEGAR. [ 679 ] VINEGAR PLANT. season. The application of sulphur appears to arrest the growth. BIBL. Berkeley, Gardener's Chron. 1847, no. 48, &c. ; Journ. Hort. Soc. vi. p. 284, ix. p. 61 ; Mohl, Botan. Zeit. x. p. 9, xi. p. 585, xii. p. 137 (translated, Journ. Hort. Soc. vii. p. 132, ix. pp. 1 & 64), and Bibl. therein ; Montague, Butt. Soc. Centr. Agric. ser. 2. v.; Journ. Hort. Soc. ix. p. 112; Amici, Atti Giorgof. di Firenze, xxx. (Trans. Journ. Hort. Soc. viii. p. 231 ; Savi, ibid. 241); Tulasne, Bot. Zeit. xi. p. 257 (1853); Comptes rendus, xxxvii. (Oct. 1853) ; Visiani and Zanardini, Atti Instit. Veneto, fyc. ser. 2. iv.; Ehrenberg, Bot. Zeit. xi. p. 16; Cesati, Klotzsch. Herb. Viv. Myc. Cent. xvii. no. 1669 b ; Bot. Zeit. x. p. 301 (1852) ; LeveiUe, Revue horticole (June 1851). VINEGAR, EELS IN. SeeANGuiLLULA. VINEGAR PLANT.— Under this name is known a remarkable vegetable production formed in fluids rich in sugar, when under- going fermentation at ordinary temperatures and conversion into vinegar. As ordinarily met with, it forms a tough gelatinous mass floating on the surface of the liquid, its shape (superficially) defined by that of the vessel in which it is contained, extending itself so as to occupy the whole surface even in very large pans, — its depth or thickness depending on its age and the amount of nu- triment contained in the liquid. The gela- tinous substance decreases in density from above downwards, the lower part being very lax and flocculent, the inferior surface being in a state of continuous development. The general mass, however, displays remarkable tenacity, which, together with its lubricity, renders it diificult to tear ; but if the lower surface is examined, it is found possible to strip off layer after layer, each a few lines thick, to an extent depending on conditions of growth, the lower, less dense portion being thus distinctly stratified. When portions are placed beneath the mi- croscope, very varied forms of structure are discovered in the interior. The general mass of jelly appears structureless, as if formed by some exudation, or solution of the organized portion ; but the mode of origin of this jelly is not yet ascertained. Imbedded in the jelly are cellular structures, polymorphous indeed, but exhibiting transitions which ren- der it impossible to regard them as of distinct origin. In the middle portion often occur innumerable isolated masses of short rows of cells, resembling the cells of YEAST when coherent, except that they are generally el- liptical ; some of them have short cylindrical joints ; others short cylindrical portions ari- sing from long tubular filaments, and termi- nating in elliptical cells, so as to resemble exactly OIDIUM. The diameter of all these structures is most variable, from 1-4000 to 1-8000". In the upper part the elongated, branched filaments more abound, the length of the internodes and the diameter of the tubes still varying extremely. At the lower, laxer surface, the cellular structures are ac- companied by less of the tough gelatinous matrix. The lamination of the lower grow- ing surface is very curious, but perhaps may be accounted for by supposing that the infe- rior growing surface of the mass, which is certainly the mycelium of a fungus, periodi- cally produces a crop of conidia, which be- come detached and fall into the body of the liquid on which the mass floats; there quickly germinating they form a new entangled mass of filaments and chaplets of cells, which then acquires its gelatinous consistence, and, buoyed up by the liquid, applies itself against the lower surface of the parent-mass, with which it adheres more or less on account of the gelatinous condition. In the upper part of old and thick masses, the layers become inseparable, probably in some measure from the pressure of the floating force from be- low, together with the condensation arising from the evaporation of the liquid of the jelly at the upper surface. When a vinegar plant is left upon the so- lution after the saccharine matter is ex- hausted, we find it always display after a certain time patches of the ordinary fructifi- cation ofPENICILLI- as stated by Turpin and others, forming green, blue and yel- low " mould " upon the surface, also im- bedded in the upper strata, in which also heaps of the spores occur ; the vinegar sometimes ultimate- ly suffers more or less decomposition, so that the common "mother" of vine- gar, which by its growth destroys the Peniciliium. acidity, appears to Head of a fertile filament be another condition bearins strinss of sP°res- of this same organ- Magnified 250 diams. VINEGAR PLANT. [ 680 ] VOLUTELLA. ism. In some cases where we kept an ex- hausted liquid in the dark for some months, the acidity of the vinegar disappeared, the gelatinous layer became greatly condensed, and assumed a bright crimson tint ; and re- mained as a dull red membranous film, some- what like a smear of blood, when dried upon paper. From the above observations it would ap- pear that the vinegar plant consists of the mycelium of Penicillium glaucum, vegetating actively and increasing also by crops of co- nidia or gemmae. This opinion is enter- tained by Turpin, Berkeley and other ob- servers ; and the various genera and species founded on the different forms of structure occurring in it, cannot be entertained; among these are Ulvina, Kiitz., and species of Uygro- crocis, Leptomitus, &c. But the moniliform growth is at the same time scarcely distin- guishable from the Yeast plant by any satis- factory characters, and repeated observations strongly impress us with the idea, that these objects are all referable to one species ; the vinegar plant being the form of vegetative growth taking place at low or ordinary tempe- ratures in highly saccharine liquids, while the true Yeast plant or Torula is formed in the more rapid fermentation taking place at more elevated temperatures. Another cir- cumstance, mentioned under PENICILLIUM, is, that we have found stale beer-grounds kept at a rather low temperature, always ultimately acquire a gelatinous crust, on which Penicillium-fruit becomes developed. In connexion with this subject may be mentioned the objects called Cryptococcus glutinis, Fres., and the "blood on bread," which appear nearly related to the red-co- loured condition of the vinegar plant above mentioned. These are possibly merely forms of the same plant ; indeed we have observed on some flour paste partially covered with Penicillium glaucum, small circular patches of a crimson tint, which under the micro- scope were found to consist wholly of minute elliptical bodies, generally exhibiting two in- ternal granules or " nuclei," and exactly re- sembling the articulations of some of the moniliform structures of the vinegar plant, which readily separate into their component cells. All these phenomena require further investigation, to which long-continued and constant observation must be applied in order to ascertain with certainty the relation the different objects bear to each other. It is a kind of research occupying much time and demanding great care arid patience, but cal- culated to repay the trouble far better than the amassing of isolated characters of forms seen at different periods and under special conditions. Further particulars concerning various points treated in this article will be found under the heads FERMENTATION, OIDIUM, PENICILLIUM, TORULA and YEAST. BIBL. Turpin, Mem. de Vlnstitut, xvii. p. 135; Berkeley, Journ.Hort.Soc.iii. p. 91 ; Lindley's Medic, fy Econ. Bot. p. 17; Fre- senius, Beitr. z. Mycol. heft 2. p. 77- VITREOUS HUMOUR OR BODY.— See EYE (p. 255). VITT^E, of the valves of the Diato- maceae. These are internal projections or inflections of the valves, forming imperfect septa ; they appear as dark lines, visible under ordinary illumination. VITT^E.— See SECRETING ORGANS of plants. VOLUTELLA, Fr.— A genus of Stilbacei (Hyphomycetous Fungi), comprising several species of parasites which have been variously distributed. The plants consist of minute fleshy papillae (stromatd) of cellular struc- ture, the surface of which is clothed with elliptic, oblong or fusiform stylospores, from between which project long jointed hairs (fig. 811) traversing the stroma. It may be Fig. 811. Volutella Buxi. Magnified 20 diams. desirable to give the synonymy of these plants according to Berkeley and Broome. 1. V. ciliata, Fr. (Psilonia rosea,Br. Fl.). Whitish or rosy ; on potatoes. 2. V. Buxi, Berk, and Br. (Fusisporium Buxi, Br. Fl.,and ChcetostromaBusci,Cord&). White ; on dry box leaves (fig. 811). 3. V. setosa, B. and Br. (Psilonia setosa, Br. Fl., JEgerita setosa, Greville). White, on wood and herbaceous stems. 4. V. hyacinthorum, B. and Br. (PsiL hya- cinthorum, Br. Fl.). White, stipitate; on hyacinths grown in water. 5. V. melaloma, B. and Br. Orange, with black hairs ; on sedges. VOLVOCINE^E. [ 681 ] VOLVOCINE.E. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 352-3; Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. v. p. 466. pi. 11. fig. 3 ; Greville, Crypt. Fl. pi. 102. pi. 268. fig. 2 ; Corda, Icon. Fung. ii. pi. 13. fig. 107 ; Fries, Syst. Myc. iii. p. 447. VOLVOCINE.E.— A family of microsco- pic organisms which, in agreement with the majority of recent writers on Algology, we have included among the Confervoid Algae, although they have been included until lately among the Infusorial animalcules, among which they form one of Ehrenberg's families. The most striking general character of these objects is, their composition of individual ele- ments which exhibit in their mature and most perfect stage of existence the characters of the transitory ZOOSPORES of the other Confervoids. If we exclude from this family the genera Chlamidomonas and Gyges, which we regard as founded upon the zoospores of a plant quiescent in its typical form, the PROTOCOCCUS of this work, — the Volvoci- nese may be characterized as plants com- posed of a number of permanently active zoospore-like bodies associated together into families of definite form (a kind of " polypi- dom "), in which the members, connected or held together in various ways by cell-mem- branes, retain their distinct individuality for all physiological purposes of nutrition, growth, reproduction, &c., but represent only one being in relation to the surrounding objects. The best known and most beauti- ful example of this family is the genus Vol- vox (PI. 3. fig. 24), consisting when mature of a spherical membranous sac, at the peri- phery of which, within the membrane, are arranged a large number of zoospore-like bodies, each provided with a pair of cilia, which pass out through the enveloping mem- brane, and collectively form a coating all over the external surface, by their vibration causing a rotatory motion of the entire globe. The foreign genus STEPHANOSPH.ERA, Cohn, differs principally from Volvox in the fact that the ciliated bodies are only eight in number, and are placed in a circle at the equator of the spherical sac. With regard to Ehrenberg's genera Pandorina, Syn- crypta, Uroglena, Eudorina, and Spharo- sira, we much doubt whether they are not founded merely on stages of development or abnormal conditions of Volvox ; but even if really distinct, they are probably constructed on the same plan. Gonium however is very distinct, and resembles Volvox only in the essential character of the family above laid down. It is composed of a group of usually sixteen " zoospores," which are not enclosed in a common sac, but each possesses a thick gelatinous coat or membrane (appearing like a transparent limb or border to the green body, as in Glceocapsa, Coccochloris, &c.), and the individuals cohere together by a few points of the surface of this special coat or "cell-membrane" (PL 3. fig. 11). Ehrenberg's representation of a plate-like continuous coat is erroneous ; our drawing from nature exactly agrees with the older figures, and Cohn's (see GONIUM). The re- lations of the doubtful genera above named to Volvox are treated under the article VOL- VOX. It may be observed here that there is certainly a close resemblance between the objects termed Chlamidomonas and Gyges, and the constituent individuals of the "fa- mily-stocks " of Volvox, &c., and the nature of the latter is best comprehended by con- sidering them as representatives of the former. But as we have said above, the active Chlamidomonads appear to us to be only transitory stages of a quiescent Alga; for al- though they often propagate by division while active when placed in the sunshine, they ordinarily soon come to rest and grow by a vegetative cell-division if kept in a vessel with sloping borders, or if objects are placed in the water, upon which the film of quiescent Protococcus can gradually spread itself up above the edge of the liquid. It might be useful to observers to give the characters of all the above genera as laid down in Ehrenberg's work, in spite of our disbelief in their validity, but in so doing it would be necessary to describe them from his drawings, as his written characters are altogether useless, from being founded on false analogies. The red-eye spot is certainly found in Gonium, and probably in all ; we doubt the statements about a single " pro- boscis " (vibratile cilium) ; and the so-called tail, a posterior prolongation of the body, is an obscure character. The tabular ana- lysis which Ehrenberg gives would not en- able any one to distinguish the forms without the assistance of plates. We have therefore prepared a new table founded on his cha- racters and drawings, marking those genera which appear to us really distinct. Char. Permanently active zoospore-like bodies, ciliated (except Gyges), surrounded by a gelatinous coat (like COCCOCHLORIS), combined in definite groups (or solitary, Eh- renberg), with or without a common enve- loping membrane. Individuals pyriform, or with the body prolonged posteriorly. VOLVOX. [ 682 ] VOLVOX. Solitary. Without cilia Gyges. With a pair of cilia CMumidomonus f. Grouped. Forming a square layer, indivi- \ Pn „.„,.. > duals with two cilia / GoNIUM' Forming a spherical body. Cilium solitary. With a " tail." $ .&.J.V.V Uroglena *. Without a " tail." Without an eye-spot. Without special coats . Pandorina *. With special coats .... Svncrvnta *. With special coats. With an eye-spot. Individuals dividing \ Eudorina * into two .......... J __ Cilia twoT" Without an eye-spot. . . . Synura * . With an eye-spot. * Probably stages of development of VOLVOX. t Zoospores of PROTOCOCCUS? The names in small capitals are well-esta- blished genera. BIBL. See the genera. VOLVOX, L.— A genus of Volvocinese (Confervoid Algae), of which only one species, V. globator (PI. 3. fig. 24), seems satisfac- torily established. This organism, occurring not uncommonly and often in great abun- dance in clear pools on open commons, &c., appears to the naked eye as a minute pale green globule gently moving about in the water, its dimensions variable, but generally about 1-50" when full-grown. When placed under a low magnifying power it is found to be a spherical membranous sac, studded all over with green points, the entire body rolling over in the water with a motion which is readily discerned to be caused by innumera- ble cilia arranged upon the surface of the globe. In the interior of the sac are gene- rally seen dense globes, in summer mostly of green colour (PL 3. fig. 24); sometimes the cavity is wholly filled up by a number of membranous sacs exactly resembling the pa- rent, but deformed by mutual pressure (PL 3. fig. 25), and inside these are seen smaller green bodies, as in the former case. The parent envelope is also flexible, yielding to pressure and recovering its form, and in full- grown specimens is generally ruptured at one point, where the internal bodies escape, so that the number varies; usually, how- ever, the original number is eight. The application of higher powers is requi- site to discover the intimate structure of Volvox, which, by the researches of William- son and Busk, most of whose observations we have verified, has been pretty clearly made out. The outer envelope consists of a layer of cell-membrane, in all probability composed of a modification of cellulose, al- though we have never succeeded in producing more than a faint purple tinge with sulphuric acid and iodine. By the application of a sufficient magnifying power, the green cor- puscles at the periphery are found to consist of zoospore-like bodies (PL 3. fig. 28), which are seated inside the membranous envelope, each sending out its pair of vibratile cilia (figs. 24-30) through separate orifices in the external coat. The same investigation will reveal that the green corpuscles have radia- ting processes extending from their sides, and running from the different centres to meet each other in the light interspace, forming thus a kind of delicate network be- neath the membrane. The green corpus- cles are pyriform, have a transparent anterior end bearing a pair of cilia, and contain a reddish-brown eye-spot and a contractile vacuole, thus exactly resembling those of Gonium, and indeed the zoospores of Con- fervoids generally. The radiating processes resemble those found in particular stages of PROTOCOCCUS pluvialis, running through the gelatinous coat, and probably may be compared with the radiating filaments pro- ceeding from the nucleus of SPIROGYRA' (PL 5 fig. 26). There is somewhat more difficulty in determining the nature of the structure in which the green corpuscles are enclosed. There is a layer of soft consistence of some thickness within the external mem- brane ; the green corpuscles are wholly im- bedded in this, and their radiating processes and cilia traverse the substance of it. We are inclined to believe that this presents a firm membranous layer again at the internal surface, looking toward the general cavity of the sphere. The nature of the soft layer has been the subject of discussion ; we be- lieve Busk's view to be correct, that it is not formed by the collocation of distinct mem- branous cells, like those of ordinary paren- chymatous structures ; but by the close juxtaposition of gelatinous envelopes of the individual green bodies, resembling those of Coccochloris, Glceocapsa, &c. We could never detect a true line of demarcation half- way between neighbouring green corpus- cles; an appearance is indeed sometimes presented in preparations kept in chloride VOLVOX. [ 683 ] VOLVOX. of calcium, which might lead to an error on this point, for the outer membrane is then sometimes swollen into papillae opposite each corpuscle (PI. 3. fig. 30), the furrows between which, in certain foci, give an ap- pearance of a septum running round each corpuscle (PL 3. fig. 29). Similar prepara- tions also often show the green corpuscle contracted, and leaving an empty ring round it, separating it from the gelatinous coat which runs undistinguishably into those of the neighbouring corpuscles. But the strongest fact we have observed is, that by the application of solution of potash, the substance surrounding the corpuscles is so entirely dissolved, that the oily substance extracted from the green bodies will run freely about beneath the external membrane (apparently confined internally by another film), in sheets extending over considerable segments of the sphere, yet leaving the cor- puscles and their radiating processes intact, or at least only shrunk and discoloured. If a true cell-membrane existed around each corpuscle, forming septa dividing them, the above phenomenon could not display itself, since the potash would not so dissolve the structures. The modes of reproduction of Volvox have not yet been entirely elucidated. In certain conditions, some of the corpuscles appear larger than the rest, and as if under- going division (PI. 3. fig. 28); it is possible that some of the corpuscles, or of such grouped corpuscles, escape into the cavity, and there become developed into the large green bodies (PI. 3. fig. 24), which are rudi- mentary globes ; but Williams believes these are detached in an earlier stage: perhaps both modes of development take place. Forms with the grouped corpuscles (PI. 3. fig. 29) would appear to represent Ehren- berg's Spharosira. Ehrenberg's genus Uro- glena again would seem to be a Volvox either imperfectly developed or decaying. The deep green bodies (PI. 3. fig. 24) seen in the cavity of the spheres, are young Volvoces, and in an early stage they appear as spherical cells filled with granular green substance; the green substance divides by segmentation (PL 3. figs. 31, 32) until it forms a group of corpuscles, on each of which a pair of cilia appears ; the enclosing membrane expands, and they follow it and remove apart, until they form a perfect Vol- 0oa?-sphere, studded with the corpuscles. As above mentioned, a second generation is sometimes met with in the parent-sphere (PI. 3. fig. 25). We are uncertain whether to regard the objects represented in PL 3. fig. 14, as the young of Volvox ; they would seemingly equally represent the genus Pan- dorina, Syncrypta, or Eudorina, Ehr. Volvoces, examined in autumn and early winter, often either exhibit the green bodies with a thick coat (PL 3. fig. 33), or the inner globes are of an orange colour (PL 3. figs. 26 & 34), which appear to be successive stages of development of a resting -spore. When mature, this possesses at least two coats, one immediately surrounding the granular contents, another at some distance outside the former, transparent, colourless, and as it were glassy and brittle, breaking with sharp-angled cracks when pressed (PL 3. figs. 34 & 35). We cannot detect any in- termediate substance or layer, which would be required to complete the analogy with the resting-spore of SPIROGYRA, as described by Pringsheim (PL 5. fig. 21); perhaps it does not exist in either case. Sometimes the outer coat of the enclosed yellow globes is tuberculated or covered with conical ele- vations (PL 3. fig. 36). The form with the smooth yellow resting-spores (PL 3. figs. 26 & 34) represents Ehrenberg's Volvox aureus, and the form with the spines (PL 3. fig. 36) his V. stellatus. The germination of these spores does not appear to have been ob- served. A doubt remains as to the nature of the object described as Synura Uvella ; it may belong here, or, not improbably, to the genus Uvella (PL 25. fig. 18), which itself may be no more than a complex form of the PROTOCOCCUS or Chlamidomonas (PL 3. fig. 2; PL 23. fig. 30), which doubtless in- cludes also Chlorogonium (PL 23. fig. 31), Cryptoglena (PL 23. fig. 35), and Gyges (PL 41. fig. 14), if not more, supposed In- fusorial animalcules. When a pool contains Volvox, the indi- viduals are generally abundant, and may be readily seen by the naked eye, as pale green globules, in a phial of water held up to the light ; but we have never found them survive more than a week or two when kept for ob- servation. The cilia are best seen by drying them and wetting again, or by applying iodine. The character of the corpuscles alters a good deal in chloride of calcium. BIBL. Ehrenberg, In/us.; Pritchard, In- fus. ; Williamson, Trans. Phil. Soc. Man- chester, vol. ix.; Trans. Micr. Soc. 2 ser. i. p. 45 (1853); Busk, ibid. p. 31. See also STEPHANOSPH^RA. VORTICELLA. [ 684 ] WATER. VORTICELLA, Linn.— A genus of In- fusoria, of the family Vorticellina. Char. Body campanulate, with an ante- rior ring of cilia, stalked ; stalk simple, spi- rally contractile. These interesting Infusoria are very com- monly met with in decomposing vegetable infusions, as of hay, portions of dead flowers, &c. Their curious metamorphoses and modes of reproduction are noticed under INFUSORIA. Ehrenberg describes nine species. V. nebulifera (PL 25. fig. 21). Body conico-campanulate, colourless ; anterior margin dilated; body without rings when contracted. Length of body without the stalk 1-576 to 1-288". V. microstoma (PL 25. fig. 26, body with gemmae). Body ovate, narrowed at the ends, greenish white; anterior margin not dilated, nor body ringed when contracted. Length of body 1-2000 to 1-250". V. convallaria. Body ovato-conical, whitish hyaline, annulate; expanded ante- rior margin slightly prominent. Length of body 1-430 to l-240)r. Dujardin unites the genera Carchesium and Zoothamnium to his genus Vorticella. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 269 ; Dujardin, Infus. 546 ; Stein, Infus., passim. VORTICELLINA.— A family of Infu- soria. Char. Isolated and free, or fixed and aggregate; alimentary canal with two ori- fices, separate, but in the same groove; carapace none. The characters are very vague, and the family an unnatural one. The genera Stentor, Trichodina and Urocentrum have little affinity with the others. In the true genera, the bodies are stalked, the stalk usually branched, and the cilia form a ring at the anterior end of the body. .owifc ;iri «OaM'o*OOM •'8 odd oj TUTU isdJo dbso Body ciliated 1. Stentor. Body smooth, cilia anterior. ... 2. Trichodina. Tail present 3. Urocentrum. Stalk present. Bodies all uniform. Stalk spirally flexible. Stalk simple Genera: Stalk branched 5 Stalk inflexible 6 Bodies of two shapes. Stalk inflexible 7 Vorticella. Carchesium. is. Stalk spirally flexible 8 BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infusoria, 259. Opercularia. Zoothamnium. w. WASP.— See VESPA. WATER.— Under this head we might form a kind of index referring to a large proportion of the articles of which this vo- lume is composed, since water, existing under different circumstances, forms one of the most fertile sources of microscopic objects; but as our space and plan do not admit of such an enumeration, we must be content to dwell shortly upon two of the most im- portant questions in which the microscope is applied to the examination of the contents of water. Ordinary examination of water. — Here it appears merely necessary to point out that the mode of examining the contents of sam- ples of water, for the purpose of ascertaining the extent to which organic beings are con- tained in them, should be very different from that pursued by the microscopist who is engaged in collecting specimens. We make this remark in consequence of the gross mis- representations which are sometimes made respecting the " animalcules " in water, carried to their most absurd extreme in the so-called "drop" of water shown by oxy- hydrogen microscopes, where we often see the field covered with larvae of dragon-flies, of beetles, of gnats, &c., Entomostraca and worms of different kinds, not only per- ceptible without a microscope, but in the case of the larvae, perhaps really more than an inch long. Less violent exaggerations occur when water which appears cloudy is selected, allowed to stand for some time, and the sediment examined. Very false results must also be obtained when water is exposed to the air for any length of time before exami- nation, since infusoria and microscopic Algae always appear in a short time, even in di- stilled water, when exposed to the atmo- sphere ; and a rain-water butt will generally be found a very fertile source of microscopic objects. We regard the presence of most of those organisms which do not suffi- ciently affect the water to render its impu- rity discernible by the naked eye, as a mat- ter of little consequence. Large quantities of Entomostraca, certain Rotatoria and In- fusoria, and Oscillatoriaceous Algae, generally very perceptibly clouding or colouring the water, of course indicate the presence of much decomposing organic matter in the water, which, however, reveals itself very clearly in a short time, when the water is kept, by a fcetid odour. The presence of WATER. [ 685 ] WHALEBONE. green Confervoid Algae is by no means a sure sign of impurity (properly so called) in water; for some will only grow in very clear and pure water, while many of them may be regarded as agents of purification. The presence of Zygnemaceae, however, and Diatomaceae is particularly objectionable, as they become very foetid in decomposition, which generally takes place very soon when they are disturbed and injured. When large quantities of the minute Algae appear in water, discolouring it over extensive surfaces, the microscope will enable us to detect the nature of the object producing the appear- ance, but will scarcely be requisite to prove the impurity of the water. Coloration of Water. — Under this head we shall refer to those plants and animals which most commonly produce such appear- ances, premising that the commonest cases of coloration depend upon suspended mineral substances (mud), of different colours accord- ing to the soils washed by the water. 1 . Producing a general green colour, or a thick film on the surface. — PROTOCOCCUS (Chlamidomonas^hr., Diselmis, Duj.), very common in the spring ; and various Nosto- chaceous Algae, as TRICHORMUS, CONIO- PHYTON, &c. (see NOSTOCHACE^E ; many with a bluish tinge); POLYCYSTIS, Kiitz., forming a granular verdigris-green layer; various PALMELLACE^E ; EUGLENA viridis, &c. [The DESMIDIACE^J form greenish patches at the bottom of water or on plants, as do certain OSCILLATORIACE.E.] 2. Producing a red colour in fresh water. — ASTASIA Ji&matodes, Ehr., species of DAPHNIA. Some Naidina produce a red colour on the mud in shallow water. Red forms of species of PROTOCOCCUS (see also RED SNOW). — In salt water, DISELMIS Dunalii, Duj. ; TRICHODESMIUM. 3. A brown cloudy appearance often ap- pears in masses near the source of small springs of water flowing out of blue clay, or in pools on peat-bogs. This mostly consists of peroxide of iron ; but sometimes a similar brown appearance is produced in pools by collections of amorphous granular decaying organic matter, in which occur great abun- dance of certain OSCILLATORS, DIATO- MACE.E, INFUSORIA, and ROTATORIA. The obscure mycelioid structure called by Kiitzing LEPTOTHRIX ocliracea produces a yellowish-brown tint. Diatomaceae often form a yellowish-brown coat on mud at the bottom of water. Many Rotatoria and larger Infusoria (PARAMECIA, &c.), when abun- dant, give water a slightly milky appear- ance. The above list is undoubtedly very imper- fect, but may afford some useful hints. Microscopists who meet with such colora- tions will naturally examine them carefully ; they will find further information under the heads of the articles cited. WATER-BEARS. See TARDIGRADA. WEISSIA, Hedwig.— A genus of Pottia- ceous Mosses, variously defined by different authors, related to Gymnostomum. W. con- troversa, Hedw. (W. viridula, C. Mull.) is common. Wilson includes Blindia here, and separates Rhabdoweissia (W.fugax and denticulata). WELLS, DARK. See INTRODUCTION, p. xvi. WHALEBONE.— In whales the teeth are rudimentary ; and arising from a depres- sion in the upper jaw on each side are a number of parallel horny plates, many feet in length, which project downwards ; these plates, which are technically known as fins or blades, constitute whalebone, and through them the water containing the animals upon which the whale lives is strained, and the food thus obtained. These plates are situ- ated upon a vascular membrane, folds of which enter a cavity at their base, which is the portion connected with the jaw. Whalebone may be pretty easily divided into longitudinal laminae and fibres; but these are only secondary forms resulting from the aggregation of a number of cells, of which whalebone wholly consists. On examining a transverse section of a blade or plate of whalebone with the naked eye, or a lens, two structures are readily distinguishable; an inner porous-looking medullary portion, surrounded by an outer compact or cortical substance. A longitu- dinal section through the plate exhibits a number of dark lines or stripes, from about 1-100 to 1-150" in diameter, parallel to each other and to the axis of the plate, and corresponding to the pores seen in the trans- verse section. These stripes, which have been called whalebone canals, but which we shall denominate medullary lines, are seen to be surrounded by a paler substance. With a higher power (£ inch), the trans- verse section exhibits in the centre a number of rounded apertures or circles corresponding to the pores (PL 17. fig. 31), surrounded by very fine, concentric, interrupted dark lines; whilst towards the circumference these lines run parallel to the surface of the plate. In WHALEBONE. [ 686 ] WINTERED. the longitudinal section, viewed with this power, the medullary lines are seen to con- sist of a number of cells (PL 17. fig. 30), mostly arranged in single longitudinal series, and, in dried whalebone, having a very dark appearance by transmitted light, from the presence within them of a large quantity of pigment and air. These are the medullary cells. The substance between the lines of medullary cells exhibits very fine longitu- dinal striae, and in parts, the ends of divided laminae. On macerating whalebone for twenty-four hours in solution of caustic potash, it be- comes soft ; and on afterwards digesting it in water, the cortical portion resolves itself into numerous large transparent cells, from 1-230 to 1-310" in length, and from 1-500 to 1-330" in breadth (PI. 17- fig. 33). These contain a variable number of granules of pigment, of a deep brown colour, also some small globules of fat, which are especially numerous in those portions nearest the base of the plate. These cells in the natural whalebone are laterally compressed or flat- tened, and the transverse axes of those sur- rounding the medullary lines are arranged tangentially to the latter ; whilst in the cor- tical portions these axes are parallel to the surface of the plate. The concentric lines seen in a transverse section arise principally from the pigment-granules within those cells which surround the medullary cells becoming arranged in a linear series, by the flattening of the cells enclosing them. This may be shown by treating a transverse sec- tion of whalebone with caustic potash, and then adding water, and watching its resolu- tion into cells. As these expand, the inter- rupted lines are seen also to expand as it were, and to become resolved into a number of distinct pigment-granules existing within each cell. The lines seen in a longitudinal section arise from the unequal refraction of light by the laminae of compressed cells surrounding the medullary lines. The medullary cells contain a large quan- tity of pigment, as do also those compressed cells which immediately surround them ; in the former, these granules are frequently aggregated. In the common dry whalebone of commerce the medullary cells also con- tain air, which has been mistaken for fat, and hence the cells denominated fat-cells. The air is readily displaced by liquids. Be- tween the compressed cells minute cavities containing air, sometimes assuming a linear form, at others representing mere dots, are seen both in the transverse and longitudinal sections ; these are distinguished by the dis- placement of their contents. Hence ordi- nary whalebone closely resembles hair or horn in its structure, and the fibres which are seen projecting from the margin of the blades as found in commerce have a remark- able similarity to hair (PI. 17. fig. 32). Chemically, it consists of a proteine com- pound, and is therefore coloured by Millon's and Pettenkofer's test-liquids. Whalebone polarizes light like horn. BIBL. Donders, Mulder's Physiol. Che- mie; Lehmann, Phys. Chem.; Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1/87. WHEAT.— The STARCH of the grain of wheat (Triticum vulgare and other species and varieties) presents itself in the form of delicate little flattish lenticular bodies, very characteristic (PI. 36. fig. 8). Wheat is sub- ject to various BLIGHTS, which are referred to under that head, depending on the growth of parasitic Fungi, especially TILLETIA, attacking the ear, PUCCINIA attacking the straw, &c. In other cases the ear is found infested with a minute worm (ANGUILLULA tritici) remarkable for its tenacity of life. WINGS, OF INSECTS. — The arrangement of the veins or nerves of the anterior wings of the Hymenoptera is sometimes used to form the basis of systematic arrangement; and the several veins and interspaces have received distinct names, which may be illus- trated by means of PI. 27. fig. 11, represent- ing the anterior wing of the humble-bee (Bombus terrestris) (it must be remarked, however, that in our figure, the nerves, a, dt e, are not sufficiently distinguished) ; a, costal nerve ; b, cubital nerve ; c, posterior margin of wing, with the fold (n) for the attach- ment of the hooks ; d, post-costal nerve ; e, externo-medial ; /, anal ; the nerve be- tween 3 and 10, the transverso-medial ; h, the radial nerve ; k, the discoidal ; I, the sub- discoidal ; m, m,m, transverso-cubital nerves ; s, stigma; 1, costal cell; 2, medial cell; 3, interno-medial ; 4, anal; 5, marginal; 10, first discoidal cell; 11, second ditto; 12, third ditto ; 13, first apical cell. See INSECTS, wings. BIBL. That of INSECTS; Jurine, Nou- velleMethode,&c.', Shuckard, Trans. Entom. Soc. i. WINTERED.— A section of the Dicoty- ledonous family, Magnoliaceas (DRIMYS, TASMANNIA), remarkable for the character of the elementary structure of the wood, approaching closely to that of the Coniferae. WOOD. [ 687 ] WOOD. It consists, as in that family, wholly of pitted prosenchymatous cells without ducts, the cells having two or three rows of bordered pits, as in ARAUCARIA. A distinction exists however in the character of the medullary rays, which are very numerous in Wintereae, occurring both large and small, six or seven in the breadth of 1-12" in a vertical section at right angles to the rays ; some of them being thin, composed of one or two parallel layers of cells, extending to a vertical extent of about ten cells ; others much larger, ten or twelve cells thick (or broad), and of a vertical extent of eighty or a hundred cells ; the latter are very evident on the surface of the wood, when the bark is removed. The medullary rays here traverse all the annual layers of wood, which is not the case in the Coniferae. BTBL. Goeppert, Linnesa, xvi. p. 135 (1842), Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xviii. p. 317. WOOD.— The mode of origin of wood is explained in the articles CAMBIUM, ME- DULLA, MEDULLARY RAYS, and VASCU- LAR BUNDLES, while the characters of the elementary organs of which wood is com- posed are described under the heads of CELL, PITTED and SPIRAL -FIBROUS STRUC- TURES, FIBRES, and SECONDARY DEPO- SITS. Peculiar composition of the wood in certain classes, families, or genera of plants is also noticed under their especial heads, which will be referred to presently. In this article the principal kinds of modification of the wood (taken as a whole) occurring in these said cases, and in certain others, are to some extent classified, in order to indi- cate their relations, and to furnish a guide to microscopists seeking to observe the most remarkable varieties of structure occurring in this substance. The elements entering into the composi- tion of wood are, — 1. FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES, which in their most complete form contain SPIRAL and other VESSELS, PITTED DUCTS, PROSENCHYMATOUS cel- lular tissue with thickened walls (woody fibre) ; and in the Monocotyledons, * proper vessels,' as they are called by Mohl, viz. elongated tubular cells of membranous struc- ture occurring in the centre of the bundles, apparently corresponding to the CAMBIUM at the outer surface in Dicotyledons. — 2. MEDULLARY RAYS in the Dicotyledons, or a generally diffused medullary parenchyma in the Monocotyledons. — 3. Woody PA- RENCHYMA, which is found under different conditions and in different quantities in dif- ferent cases. The GYMNOSPERMS may be considered, in the above enumeration, as agreeing with the Dicotyledons. The less generally dif- fused structures connected with Secretion are here left out of view. In classifying the kinds of wood, we may commence with the less perfect forms. Monocotyledons. — In our native plants of this class the stem is mostly herbaceous, and the woody structure then occurs simply in the form of "fibres" (fibro-vascular bun- dles) (fig. 460, p. 419), the structure of which has been described elsewhere (fig. 7^6). The same kinds of elements are arranged in nearly the same way in most of the arbores- cent plants of this class, such as Palms, for example in the Cocoa-nut Palm, in the com- mon Cane ( Calamus), or the various striped solid canes (all Palms) used for walking- sticks, &c. The solid woody texture depends in these upon the interspace between the fibro-vascular bundles being filled up with woody parenchyma ; i. e. the general medul- lary substance, which in such stems as that of the White Lily is soft and spongy, in the Palms &c. becomes solidified by the great deposition of secondary layers upon the walls of the cells ; thus the bundles, at first "fibres," are bound together into a solid wood. The thick woody walls of the hollow Bamboo cane are constructed on the same plan, being highly-developed and lignified forms of the structure which is exhibited in a soft and herbaceous condition in our com- mon Grasses. Certain Monocotyledons present a struc- ture which differs from the above in the appearance presented by transverse sections. In the Smilacese, and some of the Diosco- reacese, the fibro-vascular bundles are ar- ranged in more definite order in one or two circles, but there is no distinction of pith, medullary rays, and bark here ; the bundles are bound together by woody parenchyma, and there is no cambium region be- neath the rind. The anomalous growth exhibited by the stems of other Monocoty- ledons, such as Draccena, Yucca, &c., can- not be regarded as depending on the forma- tion of wood in the proper sense ; in them, layers of fibrous structure are formed be- tween the central region of the stem (con- taining the original vascular bundles) and the rind, which take their origin from the ends of the vascular bundles at the periphery of the stem beneath the rind, and extend WOOD. [ 688 ] WOOD. down in a kind of false cambium layer be- neath the rind. Interesting objects illustrating the above structures are furnished by longitudinal and transverse sections of the trunks of large Palms and of the large woody leaf-stalks of these, of canes of different kind, of Bamboo- canes, the rhizome of Sarsaparilla-plants (Smilax), Ruscus, the harder parts of the stem often found attached to imported Pine- apples, &c. Sections of silicified fossil Palm-stems, prepared by the lapidary, can also be obtained from the dealers in objects. Dicotyledons. — In this class we meet with a remarkable diversity in the character of the wood, which moreover here exhibits, from the indefinite power of growth of the FIBRO-VASCULAR BUNDLES, a much more extensive and perfect development than in the Monocotyledons. In the articles ME- DULLA (fig. 459, p. 419), MEDULLARY RAYS (fig. 461, p. 419), and VASCULAR BUNDLES (fig. 797, p. 669) are described the conditions of ordinary Dicotyledonous stems in the first year of their growth ; it is stated in the account of the vascular bundles, that Fig. 812. Transverse and vertical section of a segment of a shoot of the Maple in the early part of the second year of its age. T, spiral vessels ; V P, pitted ducts ; F, woody fibre ; C, cambium ; PC, cortical parenchyma ; F, liber fibres ; PC, cellular envelope of the bark ; S, corky layer of ditto. Magnified 60 diameters. a new layer of wood is developed in the cambium layer in each succeeding season (fig. 461, p. 419). The nature of the ele- mentary structures in such cases is illustrated by the accompanying figures from the Maple (Acer campestns) (812 & 813), of which Fig. 813. Transverse section of a Maple-wood three years old. The figures 1, 2, 3, indicate the annual rings of wood, the rest is bark, m, medulla ; t, spiral vessels ; v, ducts, /, woody fibre ; c, cambium ; me, medullary parenchyma ; /, liber. Magnified 40 diameters. the former represents sections of a shoot at the beginning of its second year, when the cambium layer (c) is swelling ; the latter a shoot of three years' growth, the portions belonging to each year being indicated by the figures. The only difference between the structure developed in each succeeding season is the absence of a layer of spiral vessels (medullary sheath, in the first year) at the point where each year's growth com- mences. Here, as is seen, the body of the wood is composed chiefly of prosenchyma- tous cells (wood-cells or woody fibre) (/), with a few pitted ducts (v} near the com- mencement of each annual layer ; the me- dullary rays are narrow in this wood. In the Hornbeam (Carpinus Eetulus] the wood is of very similar composition; the wood- cells, however, are more thickened, and the ducts exhibit a spiral marking ; the annual layers are not very clearly defined in sections under the microscope. This is the case, again, with the excessively hard wood of the box (Buxus sempervirens)., which is of analo- gous composition. The Birch (Betula alba] has the same structure. Other common timber trees exhibit an additional structure in their wood, namely masses of woody parenchyma interspersed in various ways among the or- dinary prosenchymatous structure of the wood. A very small quantity of this occurs in scattered groups in the common oak WOOD. [ 689 ] WOOD. (Quercus pedunculata) ; here also the ducts are very large, appearing as open holes to the naked eye in cross sections ; the larger medullary rays are likewise very evident. In the beech (Faaus sylvaticd) there is a small quantity of woody parenchyma, but greatly thickened prosenchyma prevails ; the ducts are rather small, but the broader medullary rays are very evident, appearing as brown streaks to the naked eye in longi- tudinal sections. The Chestnut (Costarica vesca) differs from this chiefly in wanting the broader medullary rays. In the Elm ( Ulmus campestris] the prosenchyma is in- terposed between bands of woody parenchy- ma and wide ducts, which renders the di- stinction of the annual layers obscure. The Walnut tree has no woody parenchyma; the Apple and Pear trees have alternate bands of prosenchyma and woody parenchy- ma; these exist, but are narrower in the Plum and Cherry. In the wood of most of the Leguminosae (Robinia, Vlex, Genista, Gleditschia, &c.) the woody parenchyma appears in bands of considerable size, but the walls of its cells are less thickened than those of the prosenchymatous cells. Woody parenchyma occurs extensively in Ma- hogany and Rose-wood, producing a peculiar variation of colour in the wood ; the large holes are the orifices of the very wide ducts. The wood of the Poplars (Populus) and Willows (Salix] has the prosenchymatous cells little thickened. The Hazel ( Corylus Avellana) and the Alder (Alnus glutinosd) present a peculiarity : the wood appears to the naked eye to have broad medullary rays, but under the microscope these rays are found to be portions of the wood devoid of ducts, intervening between segments with closely-pitted ducts placed at particular points in the annual rings. The Lime ( Tilia) and the Horse-chestnut (&sculus] have wood of soft texture, the prosenchymatous cells being only slightly thickened; while the ducts are large and numerous (these exhibit a spiral band, very evident in the Lime). The wood of the Plane (Platanus occiden- talis] has strongly marked medullary rays ; the prosenchymatous cells are greatly thick- ened, and mingled with them are very nume- rous ducts, and a small quantity of woody parenchyma. The stem of the Vine ( Vitis mnifera) has likewise long and broad me- dullary rays ; the wood is composed of pros- enchymatous cells, with a spiral-fibrous deposit on their walls, while the cells of the woody parenchyma are devoid of this ; the ducts are very long, and exhibit every gra- dation of form, from spiral, reticulated, and scalariform to pitted ducts. The various species of Clematis have strongly marked medullary rays, and wood chiefly composed of pitted ducts, as is the case also in the common Rose. In many of the above trees the wood ac- quires a special peculiarity when it attains a certain age ; the prosenchymatous cells ge- nerally become more solid, year by year, through the filling-up of their cavities by the increasing thickness of the secondary deposits on their walls: in the lighter-co- loured and softer woods, such as the Lime, there is no distinct line of demarcation be- tween the older and younger part of the trunk, the alburnum or sap-wood and the duramen or heart-wood ; but in many cases, as in the Ebony (Diospyros), Lignum-vitse (Guaiacum), to a less extent in the Elm, Oak, &c., the duramen assumes a remarkable solidity and a deeper colour, so that after a certain time the colours of the duramen and alburnum are very different. This appears to arise from a chemical alteration of the substance of the secondary deposits of the prosenchymatous cells. A great degree of regularity and agree- ment of structure exists between the woods of the Dicotyledons above mentioned. It remains to direct attention to various kinds which depart more or less from the type thus selected. In the various parasitical Dicotyledons, such as Lathraa, Melampyrum, Cuscuta, &c., there is no layer of spiral vessels corre- sponding with the medullary sheath; and in the Misletoe (Viscum) only annular ducts occur in this situation; the wood in the latter is largely composed of woody paren- chyma, the cells of which are punctated, or possess spiral-fibrous layers (figs. 670, 67 1, page 594). The stem of Myzodendron also exhibits some remarkable anomalies. In the Bombaceae (Bombax, Carolinea, &c.) the mass of structure corresponding to the wood is chiefly composed of membranous parenchymatous cells, with scattered isolated prosenchymatous cells, and large pitted ducts. The wood of Avicennia is principally composed of large pitted ducts, with narrow interspaces filled up with small pitted par- enchymatous cells. The wood of the Cactaceae, Mammillaria, Melocactus, is composed of dotted ducts, together with a kind of cell, apparently re- ferable to parenchyma, the walls of which 2 Y WOOD. [ 690 ] WOOD. have a remarkably broad spiral-fibrous band (PI. 39. fig. 7). The wood of the Casuarinee exhibits a curious structure ; it is composed of long prosenchymatous cells, the walls of which, together with those of the numerous large ducts, have bordered pits (PI. 39. fig.2), while concentric lines of cellular tissue ap- pear at intervals in the cross section, con- sisting of plates of parenchyma extending from one medullary ray to the next, and connecting them. The stems of some of the Menispermacese have likewise concentric processes of parenchymatous tissue. In the WINTERED, a section of the Magnoliaceae, the wood is wholly composed (with the ex- ception of the medullary sheath) of pitted prosenchymatous cells resembling those of Araucaria (PI. 39. fig. 5), without any ducts. In certain families of Dicotyledons a re- markable appearance arises from the ar- rangement of the bundles in several circles, almost as in the Monocotyledons ; but this results in a very different kind of structure, on account of the unlimited growth of the cambium in Dicotyledons. Examples of this kind of wood occur in the Chenopodia- ceae, Nyctaginaceae, Piperacese, &c. In Pi- sonia, which has been supposedto grow in the same way, the result is a solid mass of wood, composed of prosenchymatous cells and ducts, with isolated perpendicular cords of parenchyma (exactly the reverse of what occurs in the Monocotyledonous stems). The woods of Phytocrene and Nepenthes may be further cited as offering remarkable pe- culiarities. It would exceed the space which we can allow to this article to enter into a descrip- tion of the anomalous Dicotyledonous stems of the tropical lianes or climbing trees, of the families Bignoniacece, Menispermacece, MalpigMacece, &c., the irregularities of the wood of which depend upon deviations from the normal type arising in the course of the growth of the steins, which, from the obser- vations of Treviranus, Criiger, and others, appear to be mostly regular when quite young. Isolation of one or more fibro-vas- cular bundles from the central cylinder of wood, producing distinct centres of develop- ment, is the most common cause of irregu- larity. The wood of Dicotyledons must be exa- mined by transverse sections and perpendi- cular sections parallel with and at right angles to the medullary rays. The same applies to the wood of Gymnosperms. The mode of cutting these sections is stated elsewhere. Sections of recent woods are best pre- served wet in chloride of calcium. Fossil wood, if silicified, is cut (in similar direc- tions) by the lapidary's wheel ; wood in the state of coal in like manner, or in the way stated under Coal (see PREPARATION, FOSSIL WOOD, and COAL). Gymnosperms. — In this division of the Flowering Plants we also meet with two types of structure. Conifera. — Here the character of the wood agrees in general with that of the typical Dicotyledons, with certain distinctions ; namely, although the medullary sheath of spiral vessels exists, no ducts or vessels oc- cur in the mass of wood external to this, which is wholly composed of prosenchyma- tous cells, with bordered pits, in single (PI. 39. fig. 6) (usually) or double or treble (Arau- caria) rows (PI. 39. fig. 5) ; in Taxus accom- panied in part by a spiral-fibrous band (PL 39. fig. 6). The particulars of these forms are given under CONIFERS. It may be mentioned, that the ' woody parenchyma' of Dicotyledons seems to be represented here by the cords of parenchymatous cells in some cases traversing the prosenchyma, ultimately filled with resinous deposits (" cords of se- cretion cells "). Cycadacece. — The earliest condition of the stems here appears to resemble that in Co- niferse, but no annual rings are formed. Concentric layers are produced at intervals, however, separated by parenchymatous lay- ers. The true mode of origin of these does not appear to be clearly made out. The wood is composed of pitted prosenchyma- tous cells (PI. 39. fig. 20), without vessels or ducts, excepting in the medullary sheath of spiral vessels. For further details on the markings of the ducts, &c., see PITTED and SPIRAL STRUC- TURES. The subject of the development of the wood of stems has been more discussed per- haps than any point in structural botany. We cannot enter upon it here, beyond the statement that the key to its comprehension lies in the thorough appreciation of Schlei- den's characters ofihejibro-vascular bundles in the different classes, and of the fact that the cambium region exists at the growing points and all over the outer surface of the wood in Dicotyledons ; in a conical mass at the summit alone, of Monocotyledons ; and in a still more limited region at the summit WOODSIA. [ 691 ] WRANGELIA. ofHhe stems of the Flowerless plants. The researches of Trecul have furnished the completing hand to the evidence against the doctrines of Gaudichaud and others, and the earlier views of the nature of cambium enjter- tained by Mirbel. BIBL. Lindley, Introd. to Botany, 4th ed. i. p. 198; Link, Elem. phys. hot. i. p. 257, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. v. p. 29 ; DeCandolle, Organographie, i. p. 161 ; Meyen, Pflanzen- phys. i. p. 331 ; Schleiden, Grundz. 3rd ed. i. p. 253 (Principles, p. 56), Wiegmann's Archiv. 1830. i. p. 220, Beitr. z. Bot. p. 29, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. 6 ser. iv. (1842); Treviranus, Bot. Zeit. v. p. 3/7 (1842), Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. i. p. 124 ; Mohl, Verm. Schrift. passim ; Miquel, Linntea, xvii. p. 465; xviii. p. 125, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xix. p. 164; 3 ser. v. p. 11; Goeppert, De Struct. Conifer. Vratislav, 1841, Linncea, xvi. p. 747; xvii. p. 135, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xviii. pp. 1 & 317 ; Brongniart, Veget. Fossiles, Paris, 1828, et seq., Ann. des Sc. nat. 1 ser. xvi. p. 589 ; Jussieu, Ann. des Sc. nat. 2 ser. xv. p. 234 ; Decaisne, ibid. xii. p. 92, 3 ser. v. p. 247 ; Hooker, J. D. Flor. Antarc., Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. v. 193 ; Gaudichaud, Recherches Anatom., fyc. Paris, and Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. passim,', Mene- ghini, Richerche sulla Strutt. Monoc. ; Schacht, Pflanzenzelle, p. 193, Das Baum. p. 94 ; Criiger, Bot. Zeit. viii. p. 99 ; x. p. 465; Trecul, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xviii., xix., xx. ; 4 ser. i., ii. iii. ; Milde, Beitr. z. Bot. Heidelb. 1850. Woodsia hyperborea. A sorus and indusium with a hair- like fringe. Magnified 50 diameters. WOODSIA, R. Brown.— A genus of Cya- thasous Ferns, represented by two rare indi- genous species. The indusia are of an open cup-shape, and bear long hairs on the mar- gin (fig. 814). WOODWARDIA, Smith.— A genus of Asplenieae (Polypodaeous Ferns). Exotic. (fig. 815). Fig. 815. 0 ^ri. £ oi9DfiiJoa^/>M -jAi 1 jottiu "io (iitfi'Mf* {JIB O'i fJ 4°l ui Woodwardia. A fertile pinnule. Magnified 5 diameters. WOOL, of ANIMALS. See HAIR (p. 310). The fibres of wool are coloured by the test- liquids of Millon and Schultze. WRANGELIA, Ag.— A genus of Cera- miacea3 (Florideous Algae), differing from Griffithsia chiefly in the scattered tetraspores. W. multifida, the only British species, has rose-red feathery fronds, an inch high, con- sisting of a main filament, about as thick as a bristle, composed of a single row of cells, bearing long, pinnately-arranged, patent branches, mostly branching in the same way again. At the articulations occur two oppo- site (or more rarely a whorl of) pinnato- multifid or sub-dichotomous ramelli 1-12 to to 1-6" long. The fructification consists of — \.favellce, borne on stalks at the joints, and surrounded by a whorl of ramelli ; and 2. elliptical tetraspores, opposite, secund or tufted, on the lower part of the ramelli. In some foreign species antheridia have been observed in similar situations to the tetraspores. BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar. Alg. p. 169. pi. 24 D., Phyc. Brit. pi. 27; Derbes and Solier, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 273 pi. 35 ; Thuret, ibid. 4 ser. iii. p. 38. 2v2 XANTHIDIA. X. [ 692 ] YEAST. XANTHTDIA. — The bodies found in flint, and thus called, are sporangia of Des- midiaceze (PI. 19. figs. 22-28). They have been distributed in genera and species, the description of the characters of which would be useless. XANTHIDIUM, Ehr.— A genus of Des- midiacese. Char. Cells single, constricted in the middle; segments compressed, entire, spi- nous, with a circular, usually tuberculated projection near the centre. Spines more than two to each segment. X. armatum (PL 10. fig. 23 ; fig. 24, empty cell, showing the projections). Segments broadest at the base; spines short, stout, tri- or multi-fid. Length 1-180". X.fasciculatum (PL 10. fig. 25). Segments with from four to six pairs of subulate mar- ginal spines; central projections minute, conical, and not beaded. Common. Length 1-400". Four other British species. BIBL. Ralfs, Brit. Desmid. 111. o XANTHIOPYXIS, Ehr. — A genus of fossil Diatomaceae, consolidated with PYXI- DICULA. It consisted of those species, the margins of the valves of which are fur- nished with a dentate membrane, or the surface covered with setae or hair-like pro- cesses. From Bermuda. BIBL. Ehrenberg, Ber. d. BerL Akad. 1844. 264; Kiitzing, Sp. Alg. 23. XENODOCHUS, Schlecht.— An obscure genus of Fungi, consisting of microscopic, short, curved, usually shortly stipitate fila- ments, attenuated at each end, composed of a moniliform row (five to fifteen) of globose cells filled with black granules ; formed in the Uredo-frmts ofPhragmidium inerassatum, /3 mucronatum, on Poterium. Placed among the Puccinaei by Berkeley ; near Torula by Fries. BIBL. Schlechtendahl, Linncea, i. p. 237. pi. 3. fig. 3; Fries, Summa Veg. p. 505; Berkeley, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. p. 263. XYLARIA, Schrank.— A genus of Sphas- riacei (Ascomycetous Fungi), several of which are common on rotten wood, stumps of trees, &c. They are branched, horny or fleshy bodies, with often clavate lobes, whitish and mealy when young, afterwards brown or black, with black, horny, immersed peri- thecia all over the branches, or with the tips barren; the perithecia have a black centre composed of asci, each containing eight (usually uniseptate) spores. BIBL. Berk. Brit. Flor. ii. pt. 2. p. 234 (Nos. 8 to 11); Fries, Summa Veg. p. 381. Y. YEAST (-PLANT) .—This well-known sub- stance, which possesses the remarkable pro- perty of resolving sugar in solution into alcohol and carbonic acid, consists of a mi- nute fungus, or rather of a particular condi- tion of development of a certain fungus. When yeast from an actively fermenting liquid is examined with the microscope, it is seen to consist of myriads of minute cells or vesicles, of about 1-3000 to 1-2400" (PL 20. fig. 23) in diameter, containing a nucleus and some granules. During the progress of the fermentation, these cells increase in number, by budding, until either the sugar or the nitrogenous matter of the fermenting liquid is exhausted, when the cells, especially those nearest the surface, become elongated, remaining connected end to end, until they reach the surface, where they produce their fructification. The growth of the yeast-plant has been carefully studied by several observers. We may describe some observations of our own, which confirm those of Mitscherlich and others. Some fresh wort, in which fermen- tation had commenced, was obtained from a brewery, and a drop of the liquid, containing yeast-globules, placed upon a slide, and co- vered with a piece of thin glass. After the removal of the extraneous liquid, the upper glass plate was cemented to the lower one ; the slide was then placed under the micro- scope, with the l-4th object-glass and the micrometer eyepiece, in such a manner, that several well-formed globules were visible, and these were drawn on ruled paper. At first the globules or cells enlarged until they had attained a certain size ; then there elapsed a short interval, during which no change was observable. Next there took place a projection of some point of the cell- wall, which first appeared as a little point- like bud, afterwards becoming larger and larger, until at last a new cell, of the size of the parent-cell, was formed. Within three hours, a cell was so far developed, that a new one was formed from it, and thus an independent individual perfectly developed. The rapidity of growth probably varies with the temperature and the nature of the process; in twenty-four hours, when the thermometer was at about 78° in the day, sixteen cells were developed from one ; after YEAST. [ 693 ] ZOOPHYTES. a time, the growth slackened, finally no fur- ther increase took place, undoubtedly be- cause all was removed from the liquid which could serve for their growth. Growing glo- bules from this experiment are figured in PI. 20. fig. 23. By the observations of numerous compe- tent investigators, it seems certain that the fermentation of beer, of wine, and in fact all vinous fermentation, is effected by the growth of this plant ; and after the evidence brought forward in the articles FERMENTATION, TORULA, and VINEGAR PLANT, there is little doubt that the Vinegar plant, the Oidium lactis, and other supposed distinct plants, are but forms of the Yeast-plant. Fig. 24 (PI. 20) exhibits the condition of the Yeast- plant on the surface of exhausted wort of malt, before the Vinegar-fungus appears ; fig. 761, page 646, the Torula-form at the margins of the surface of liquids. We cannot clearly make out any difference between the 'top-yeast' and * bottom-yeast' (ober-hefe and unter-hefe of the Germans). We do not believe the yeast-cells ever burst to discharge reproductive granules. The globular form is known by various names, as Mycoderma cerevisia, Desm., which agrees with Cryptococcus glutinis, Kiitz. ; the globular form in the Vinegar-plant is Kiitzing's Ulvina aceti; the filamentous form with simple monilifonn fruit (fig. 761) is Torula cerevisice, Turpin ; without fruit, species of Hygrocrocis or Leptomitus ; the final form being apparently Penicillium glau- cum. It is needless to repeat here the details given under FERMENTATION, but it may be added here that Turpin imagined that yeast was formed by metamorphosis of the starch- granules or similar bodies of vegetable cells; and Schleiden seems to believe still (what Kiitzing, Reissek, and others decidedly as- sert) that the globular cells, the earliest condition of yeast, quickly appearing in all saccharine vegetable juices, or solutions containing sugar and albuminous matters, are 'autochthonous/ or rather pseudo-organ- isms, formed by the abnormal and extra- ordinary development of organic matters separated from their natural position, and capable of advancing only to a certain degree of this false or diseased organization, when they perish. These views are scarcely worth notice after the numerous experiments which have proved that no such phaenomena occur when the germs of these certainly definitely organized species of plants are carefully excluded. The Yeast-plant is truly most ubiquitous, but so are the conditions for its growth, while its reproductive power is enor- mous, and its small size renders it liable to be scattered by imperceptible movements of the air. Aspergillus glaucus is almost as constant in its favourite nidus, cheese; Mucor mucedo on paste, &c. ; Botrytis vul- garis on dead leaves and stems in damp places, &c., and all these are certainly no pseudo-morphic productions ; and if, as we believe, yeast is but the conidial form of Penicillium glaucum, there has been no lack of the spores of the latter in the air, in any situation where we have ever exposed vege- table substances for any length of time to a damp atmosphere. BIBL. Turpin, Mem. de I'lnstitut, xvii. p. 93 (1840); Schleiden, Grundzuge der Botanik, 3rd ed. i. p. 235 (Principles, p. 32); and the Bibl. of FERMENTATION. YEW. See TAXUS. Z. ZAMIA, Lindl. See CYCADACEJE. ZETES, Koch.— A genus of Arachnida, of the order Acarina, and family Oribatea. It is consolidated with Galumna. ZINC. — The crystals of the lactate, as deposited from an aqueous solution, are re- presented in PI. 7. fig. 20 ; they belong to the right rhombic prismatic system. The chloride of zinc is useful as a preser- vative of animal tissues. (See PRESERVA- TION, p. 535.) BIBL. That of CHEMISTRY. ZONARIA, Harvey (Aglaozonia, Zanard, Kiitz.). — A genus of Dictyotaceae (Fucoid Algae), of which the British species, Z. par- vula, forms olive-green, membranous, fan- shaped fronds, 1 " or more in diameter, grow- ing over stones or corallines, to which it attaches itself by whitish fibres on the lower surface. It is scarcely marked with con- centric lines like PADINA. The fructification occurs in scattered sori on both surfaces, and is apparently analogous to that of PA- DINA, but requires further examination, since Thuret has shown that the true Dicty- otaceae have peculiar reproductive organs, spores, tetraspores, and antheridia, so that they stand between the Fucaceae and the Florideae; BIBL. Harvey, Brit. Mar.Alg. p. 38. pi. 6D.; Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 4 ser. iii. p. 25. ZOOPHYTES. See POLYPI. ZOOSPORES. [ 694 ] ZOOSPORES. ZOOSPORES.— The name given to the ciliated active gemmae or GONIDIA produced from the contents of ordinary or special cells of the Algae, apparently without any previous process of fertilization. These bodies are generally discharged from the parent-cell in the state of PRIMORDIAL UTRICLES, and acquire a cellulose coat subsequently, when they cease to move, and settle down to germinate and pro- duce a structure resembling the parent. In some cases (in HYDRODICTYON nor- mally, in many other Confervoids abnormally) they become encysted within the parent- cell ; and it appears most probable that the small cysts with dense (and often spinulose) coats, such as occur in Spirogyra (PI. 5. tigs. 24, 25) and other genera under certain circumstances are of similar origin, but intended to pass through a season of rest. [In the VOLVOCINE^E, zoospore-like bodies form the permanently active individuals of the families.] True zoospores occur pretty generally throughout the Confervoid Algas (with the exception of Oscillatoriaceae, Nostochaceae, and perhaps Diatomaceae), and are described under the heads of the families or genera. A brief review may be permitted here. The largest form is that produced in the apices of the filaments of VAUCHERIA (fig. 801) ; it is ciliated all over, and very unlike that of any other genus. In CEdogonium (PL 5. fig. 7 c & fig. 816) the zoospores are formed out of the whole contents of a cell, and have a crown of cilia around the transparent 'beak.' In other Confervaceae, as Clado- phora (PI. 5. fig. 13 c, d), Conferva (PI. 5. figs. 10 b, 11 c ) ; in Chsetophora- ceae, as in Cheetophora (PL 5. fig. 9), Draparnaldia (fig. 183, page 216), Stigeo- clonium (PL 5. fig. 5 c c); in Ulvaceae, Ulva (PL 5. figs. 2b,3c, d), Enteromorpha (Fl. 5. fig. 46), in Protococcus (PL 3. fig. 2 b), . Fig. 816. b Zoospores of CEdogonium. a have lost their cilia ; and in b germination is more or less advanced. Magnified 200 diameters. in ACHLYA, in Desmidiaceae (PL 6. fig. 11), &c., as in all other cases, they are formed either singly from the entire contents, or in small or large number by the segmentation of the entire contents, and mostly break out in various ways, as pyriform bodies with two or four cilia on the transparent beak, moving actively for a time, and then germinating to produce new plants. In HYDRODICTYON, as described under that article, their history is different, though the earlier conditions are analogous. It has been found that zoo- spores of two very different sizes are pro- duced in many Confervoids ; these are called macrogonidia and microgonidia by A. Braun (see HYDRODICTYON), and a different func- tion is supposed to be exercised by the lat- ter by some authors, who. believe they are fertilizing bodies (like SPERMATOZOIDS). Zoospores exist in a large proportion of the Algae usually included under the FUCOIDE^E, but which Thuret separates under the name of Phaeosporae, including all the families except the FUCACE.E, DICTYOTACE^E and Tilopterideae, which are (for the present?) distinguished by possessing antheridia and spores proper. The Phaeosporous families bear organs called OOSPORANGES and TRI- CHOSPORANGES according to their form, (usually described in Algological works as " spores "), from which are discharged zoo- spores, agreeing in all essential respects with those of the Confervoids, except that the two cilia are often arranged fore and aft, instead of being both in front. Examples of these are described under ECTOCARPUS, MYRIONEMA,CUTLERIA, LAMINARIA, &c. It remains to direct attention to the di- stinction between ZOOSPORES and SPER- MATOZOIDS, which are sometimes confused together. This confusion is rendered more imminent by the manner in which the forms pass one into another. The essential charac- ter of a zoospore is, that when separated from the parent it becomes encysted, and at once developed into a new individual resembling the parent (certain at present obscure excep- tions occur, where the zoospore, after germi- nating, at once discharges new ciliated bodies (zoospores or spermatozoids (?)). Spermatozoids are transitory structures; when discharged from the parent-cell, they either make their way to a germ-cell of a spore, fertilize it and disappear; or if de- barred from this, at once perish, without germination. As stated under SPERMATO- ZOIDS, these bodies vary much in form. In the higher Cryptogamia they are spiral fila- ZOOTHAMNIUM. [ 695 ] ZYGNEMA. ments (PI. 32. figs. 31-4). In the Fucacea? they are minute globular bodies with two cilia (fore and aft) closely resembling some zoospores ; in the Floridese they appear to be globules without cilia ; and those recently described as existing in VAUCHERIA, among the Confervoids, are also biciliated globules with the cilia fore and aft, while those in SPH^EROPLEA resemble the microgonidia of this family, and have then* pair of cilia on the beak. The latter observation is in favour of the microgonidia of Hydrodictyon, &c. being spermatozoids. BIBL. Thuret, Ann. des Sc. nat. 3 ser. xiv. p. 214, xvi. p. 5, 4 ser. ii. p. 197, iii. p. 5; A. Braun, Verjungung, fyc., Ray Soc. Vol. 1853, and under the articles above cited. ZOOTHAMNIUM, Bory.— A genus of Infusoria, of the family Vorticelhna. Char. Those of Carchesium, the stalked bodies being of two different kinds. According to Stein, the remarks made under OPERCULARIA in regard to the two kinds of bodies, apply equally here, so that the genus is untenable. Ehrenberg describes two species, Stein adds two more. Z. arbuscula (PL 25. fig. 22). Branches of polypidom racemose-umbellate, bodies white, stalks very thick. Aquatic ; length of polypidora, 1-4" ; of bodies, 1-430". BIBL. Ehrenberg, Infus. 288; Stein, Infus. passim. ZOSTERA, L.— A genus of Monocotyle- donous Flowering Plants (Nat. Ord. Zostera- ceae), growing in sea- water ; remarkable for the POLLEN, of which the grams are repre- sented by tubular filaments destitute of an outer coat and exhibiting ROTATION when fresh. ZYGNEMA, Agardh, in part (Tyndaridea, Bory, Hassall). — A genus of Zygnemacese (Confervoid Algae), consisting of filamentous plants, with the green contents of the cells arranged in twin, stellate or lobed masses in each joint (fig. 137, page 166). This stellate appearance arises from the presence of ra- diating threads, like those from the nucleus of SPIROGYRA; hence it cannot be well ob- served in dried specimens. Cell-division with previous division of the stellate masses may be well studied in this genus. Kiitzing separates from this genus all the forms in which the spore is formed in the cross branch produced in conjugation, associating them with Zygogonium. We prefer to follow Hassall's distribution of the forms, seeing that Zygogonium ericetorum is a plant of very different appearance. If the said character is constant, this genus might be divided into two. Spores in one of the parent-cells. 1. Z. cruciata (fig. 137. p. 166). Fila- ments 1-600" in diameter; joints equal or twice as long ; spores globose (Hassall, L c. infra, pi. 38. fig. 1 ; Kiitz. /. c. infra, v. pi. 17. fig. 4). Z.Dillwynii and stellina of Kiitzing appear to be only smaller states of this ; as also Tynd. lutescens, Hassall, and T. anomala, Ralfs. 2. Z. stagnalis. Filaments 1-2640" in diameter, joints three or four times as long, spores globose or oblong (Hassall, /. c. pi. 38. figs. 9, 10). Tynd. ovalis, Hass., is perhaps a larger form of this. 3. Z. insignis. Filaments 1-1800 to 1-1560" in diameter, joints twice as long; spores globose (Hass. /. c. pi. 38. figs. 6, 7; Kiitz. L c. v. pi. 17- fig. 1). 4. Z. bicornis. Filaments 1-440 to 1-200" hi diameter, joints twice as long ; spores globose (Hass. 1. c. pi. 38. fig. 5 ; Kiitz. L c. v. pi. 16. fig. 3). Spores in the cross branches. 5. Z. immersa. Filaments 1-1200" in diameter, joints about half as long again ; transverse processes very thick, filled by the large and globose spore (Hass. I. c. pi. 39. fig. 3 ; Kiitz. I. c. v. pi. 12. fig. 5). 6. Z. conspicua. Filaments 1-1440 to 1-1080" in diameter, joints equal or twice as long; transverse processes long, ventricose in the middle, where they enclose the ovate- flobose spore (Hass. I. c. pi. 39. figs. 1, ; Kiitz. 1. c. v. pi. 12. fig. 2). 7. Z. decussata. Filaments 1-1440" in diameter, joints three times (more rarely five times) as long; transverse processes short and filled by the globose spore (Hass. /. c. pi. 39. fig. 6; Kiitz. /. c. v. pi. 11. fig. 4). 8. Z.Ralfsii. Filamentsl-1920tol-1440" in diameter, joints three or four times as long ; transverse processes very much dilated in the middle, containing an elliptical spore, with the long axis at right angles (Hass. /. c. pi. 39. figs. 4, 5 ; Kiitz. /. c. v. pi. 11. fig. 2). 9. Z. pectinata. Filaments 1-660" in diameter, joints equal or a little shorter; cell- contents transversely bipartite, more fre- quently radiato-dentate, pectinate, dull green (Kiitz. /. c. v. pi. 14. fig. 4 ; Etig. Bot. pi. 1611?). Possibly this is only a state of ZYGNEMACE^E. [ 696 ] ZYGOSELMIS. Z. cruciata with the spores in the transverse processes ; if so, the subdivision above indi- cated cannot stand. Probably other species exist in Britain, but we cannot satisfactorily ascertain them. BIBL. Hassall, Brit. Fr. Alga, p. 160. pis. 38, 39 (Tyndarided) ; Kiitzing (Zygnema and Zygogonium, in part), Tab. Phyc. v. pis. 11-17, Spec. Alg. pp. 444, 445. ZYGNEMACE^ (PI. 5. figs. 16-28).— A family of Confervoid Algae, consisting of plants composed of articulated cylindrical filaments, the cells of which often have the green contents arranged in elegant patterns. The principal mode of reproduction, whence the family takes its name, is by CONJUGA- TION, followed by a mixture of the entire contents of the united cells, and their con- version into a spore. Other phenomena occur in some instances, such as the produc- tion of ciliated zoospores, and small spore- like bodies with a dense spinulose coat (asteridia), but these appearances are not yet thoroughly understood (see SPIROGYRA and MOUGEOTIA). . Mucus- (or salivary) corpuscles, seen under different powers. 6. Scales of Lepisma saccharina, dry. 7- Scale from the wing of Morpho menelaus, dry. ;$. Scale from under side of wing of common clothes-moth (Tinea vestianella), dry. P. Scales of Hipparchia janira. a, dry, and by oblique light; b, in balsam, by direct light ; c, dry, after Schacht. 10. Didymohelix ferruginea> under different powers ; 5, with imperfect correction or adjustment, c with perfect correction and adjustment ; d> separate fibres. 11. Didymoprium Grevillii, empty cells. 1 2. Scales of Podura plumbed, under different powers, dry ; a, 220 diameters. 13. Pygidium of flea. 14. Frustule of Grammatophora marina (diagram). «, front view ; b, side view. 15. Frustule of Grammatophora subtilissima (diagram). «, front view ; b, side view. 16. Gyrosigma angulatum ; dry valve showing the dots. 1 7. Gyrosigma attenuatum ; dry valve showing the lines. 18. Gyrosigma elongatum\ dry valve showing the lines. PLATE 2.— Arachnida. Figure 1. Acarus domesticus (cheese-mite), a, labium and mandibles; b, hair; g, labium ; i, end of leg. 2. Acarus longior. 3. Anystis ruricola. a, palp ; b, mandible. 4. Epidermis of Epeira diadema. 5. Epidermis of a Dermanyssus. 6. Mandibles of Epeira. 7. Mandibles, &c. of male Tegenaria. a, b, mandibles; c, palpi; d, maxillae; e, labium. 8. End of leg of Epeira. a, b, hairs of the same. 9. Lung-plates of Epeira. 10. Spinneret of Tegenaria domestica. a, two separate spinning- tubes, the right-hand one from Epeira, the left-hand one from Tegenaria. 11. Portion of cobweb of .Epemz. 12. Epidermis of Arrenurus. 13. Arrenurus viridis, female, dorsal view, a, palp ; c, under view of male, showing round mouth with hood and two first joints of palpi, the coxae, two stigmata and two gra- nular plates, anal orifice and penis. 14. Atax histrionicus. a, mandible ; 6, palp ; c, under view, with labium, coxae, and genital plates. 15. Hypopus muscarum. 16. Sarcoptes hominis, under view, female. 18. Psoroptes equi, under view. 19. Ixodes Dugesii, from above. 20. Ixodes Dugesii, anterior portion, from above, a, dorsal plate ; b, basilar piece of support of rostrum ; c, palpi, between which part of mandibles is visible. 21. Ixodes Dugesii, side view of palp. 22. Ixodes Dugesii, basilar piece from above, a, dotted lines indicating first joint of man- dibles (b) seen through support ; c, moveable toothed claw. 23. Ixodes Dugesii, sixth and seventh joints of leg, with claws and caruncle. 24. Dermanyssus avium, from beneath, a, labium of male, compressed, with palp (*) and mandible (t) ; b, mandible of female ; c, leg. 25. Uropoda vegetans. a, mandible; b, its end more magnified; c, sixth and seventh joint of leg in side view. 26. Gamasus coleoptratorum, from above, a, end of leg; 6, body from beneath; c, man- dible. See PARASITE. 27. Limnochares aquatica. a, under view of labium and palpi; b, side view of labium; c, tarsus ; d, scaly plate supporting eyes ; e, two posterior coxae of one side only ; /, rostrum protruded, with palpi and anterior coxae, trochanters and femora of one side only. 28. Eylais extendens. a, mouth with its hood, and first joint of palps ; b, palp ; c, end of mandible, with hook ; d, under view of body, showing mouth, hood, and one palp, two groups of anterior coxae with intervening genital orifice and two stigmata, posterior coxae, anal orifice and two other stigmata. 29. Hydrachna globula, a, under view, showing rostrum and palps, coxae, heart-shaped genital plate and anus ; b, mandible ; c, rostrum or labium, with a palp ; d, palp of larva ; e, end of leg ; /, nymphs adherent to Nepa. 30. Diplodontus scapularis. a, labium with palp seen from beneath ; b, mandible. 31. Bdella vulgaris. b, mandible; a, end more magnified; c, mandible of Bd. carulipes. 32. Tetranychus trombidii. a, end of leg, front view, b, side view ; c, palp ; d, mandible. 33. Megamerus celer. a, labium ; b, palp ; c, mandible of Megamerus roseus. 34. Pachygnathus velutinus. a, palp ; b, end of leg ; c, mandible. 35. Raphignathus lapidum (?). a, labium of R. ruberrimus with palp and mandibles in situ ; b, mandible of same. 36. Smaris papillosa, from above, a, mandible. 37. Trombidium phalangii. a, palpi ; b, mandible. 38. Trombidium (Leptus) autumnale, from above. 39. Pteroptus vespertilionis, from above. 40. Rhyncholophus cinereus. a, labium with a palp ; b, tarsus ; c, plume of the labium more magnified ; d, a mandible. 41. Scirus (Bdella} elaphus, side view, a, end of mandible. 42. Demodex folliculorum, from beneath. 43. Demodex folliculorum, anterior portion from above, a, palps ; b, maxillae; c, labrum ; d, tubercles. ARACHNIDA P1.2. Lcucto oorst 1&5S CONFERVOID&E. P1.3. Ionia. Jo"ha Van Voorst .18 55. PLATE 3.— Confervoideje. Figure 1 . Chlorococcum vulgare, Grev. 0, groups in natural condition ; b, an isolated cell showing the granular contents ; c, dividing cells treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 2. Protococcus viridis, nob. a, groups of cells, the upper one with eight in a linear series ; those to the right with the contents dividing into numerous gonidia (?) ; b, zoospores set free from the cells by the solution of the cellulose membrane ; c, an isolated cell dividing and about to set free its contents as two zoospores ; d, resting-cells with a thick coat and reddish contents ; e, a zoo- spore with the cilia cast off; /, a zoospore with imperfect or retracted cilia; g, remains of a zoospore left on a glass slide for twenty-four hours. 3. Palmella cruenta, R. Br. a, patch of the jelly with single cells, and dividing and divided pairs ; b, similar cells without the gelatinous layer, the smaller granules similar to those seen in the jelly of a ; c, cells treated with sulphuric acid and iodine, showing the cellulose coat and granular contents ; dy diagram indicating the relative dimensions of the cells of Palmella nivalis. 4. Glceocapsa polydermatica, Ktz. 5. a, b, Sarcina ventriculi, Goodsir. 6. Coccochloris Brebissonii, Ktz. a, group of cells, some dividing within their cell- coat ; 5, a linear group ; c, a pair of cells conjugating ; d, conjugated cells encysted and passing into the resting stage. 7. Urococcus HookerianuSy Berk. 8. ay 5, Hydrurus Deduzeliiy Ag. 9. Botrydina vulgaris, Ktz. a, by cy d, successive stages of growth. 10. Tetraspora gelatinosa, Ag. Four parent-cells producing bi-ciliated zoospores, imbedded in the gelatinous frond. 1 1 . Gonium pectorale. Mull. ay perfect frond ; b, the same seen edgewise ; c, a single zoospore. 12. Gonium tranquillum, Ehr. 13. Glceocapsa ampla, Ktz. 14. a, b, Volvox globatort, forms related to Syncrypta and Eudorina of Ehrenberg. 15. Spirulina oscillarioides (Turp. ?). 16. Spirulina Jenneri, Ktz. 17. a, Bacterium termo, Duj.; by B. catenula, D. ; cy B. punctum, Ehr. ; dy B. tri- locularey Ehr. 18. Vibrio subtilis, Ehr. 19. Vibrio rugulay Ehr, 20. Vibrio prolifery Ehr. 21. Vibrio bacillus^ Ehr., prob. Andbaina subtilissima, Kiitz. 22. Spirochceta plicatilis, Ehr. 23. Spirillum volutansy Ehr. 24-36. Volvox globator, L. 24. A perfect family. 25. "With fully developed young within. 26. With yellow encysted (resting) spores. 27. Portion of the outer wall, with zoospores, some dividing. 28. Ditto, showing the cilia of the zoospores. 29. Ditto, a fragment after keeping some time in chloride of calcium, the portions around each zoospore tumid. 30. The same seen obliquely, with the cilia. 31. Spore with the protoplasm dividing. 32. Ditto, more advanced. 33. An encysted spore with undivided contents. 34 . An encysted resting-spore, with yellow contents, probably a subsequent stage of 33 . 35. Ditto, ruptured by pressure. 36. A similar resting-spore with conical processes on the outer coat (characterizing the V. stellatus, Ehr.). PLATE 4,— Confervoidese. Figure 1 . Aphanizomenon Flos-aquce, Morr. a, ordinary filaments ; b, filaments with spermatic cells ; c, filament with a vesicular cell (heterocysf) . 2. Trichormus muscicola, n. sp. a, filament with vesicular cell ; b, ditto, with adjoining spermatic cells ; c and d, fragments treated with acid to render the membrane and contents distinct ; e and/, spermatic cells similarly treated. 3. Sphaerozyga elastica, Ag. 4. Cylindrospermum catenatum, Ralfs. 5. Spermosira littoralis, Harv. 6. Dolichospermum Ralfsii, Thwaites. 7. Nostoc commune, Vauch. a, ordinary filaments ; b> a single filament in its gelatinous sheath ; c and d, fragments with a vesicular cell. 8. Oseillatoria autumnalis, Ag. «, fragment escaped from a sheath b. 9. Microcoleus repens, Harv.; 5, fragments showing the single sheaths ; c,c?, frag- ments treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 10. a, by Lyngbya muralis, Ag. 11. Dasyglcea amorpha, Berk. 12. a, b, Hassallia ocellata, Berk. 13. Stfiizosiphon Warreniee, Caspary. a, tuft of filaments; b, c, fragments; d, e, decomposing sheaths. 14. Tolypothrix distorta, Kiitz. 15. a, Ainactis calcarea, Kiitz. ; by fragment showing the spiral sheath. 16. Euactis atra, Kiitz. 17. Schizothrix Creswellii, Harv. 18. Rivularia Boryana, Kiitz. 19. Scytonema Myochrous, Ag. 20. Arthronema cirrhosum, Hass. 21. Petalonema alatum, Berk. (Arthrosiphon Grevillii, Kiitz.). a, end of a filament ; b, cross section. 22. a, Calothrix mirabilis, Ag. ; b, junction of filaments. CONFERVOIDE^l. AOienfeej- del. loncLon: Jolm"VkrL Voorst, i855 . ERVOTDEJE /TT jiuiro Jijm Van Vocrst.18 hb PLATE 5.— Confervoidea. Figure 1 . Monostroma bullosa, Thuret. a, fragment of frond, with some cells empty , b, ciliated zoospores from the cells ; c, zoospore germinating. 2. Ulva Lactuca, L. 0, fragment of frond ; b, small ciliated zoospores from ditto. 3. Ditto, a, fragment of frond ; b, ditto, with the cells nearly empty, showing the orifices by which the zoospores escape ; c, large zoospore ; d, zoospores ger- minating. 4. Enteromorpha clathrata, Grev. «, fragment of frond ; b, zoospores from ditto; c, the same in germination. 5. Stiff eoclonium protensum, Kiitz. a and b, fragments of branched filaments, b emitting zoospores, c, c ; d, germinating zoospores. 6. Vlothrix mucosa, Thur. a, 5, fragments of filaments ; c, zoospores ; d, e, ditto germinating. 7. (Edogonium vesicatum, Link. «, fragment of a filament ; b, ditto, breaking up and emitting a zoospore ; c, zoospore with a crown of cilia ; d, e, germinating zoospores ; f, membrane of a zoospore which has burst by a lid and discharged small zoospores immediately after germination ; g, fragment of a filament with one cell containing a resting-spore ; h, fragment of a filament in an abnormal state, containing globular bodies ; it germinated zoospore containing similar globular bodies. 8. Chcetophora elegans, Ag. 9. A fragment of the same, emitting zoospores. 10. Conferva cerea, Dillw. «, fragment of filament, one cell of which has discharged its contents in the form of zoospores, b. 1 1 . Conferva floccosa, Thur. a, filament breaking up ; 6, fragment of growing filament ; c, zoospores. 12. Rhizoclonium obtusangulum, Kiitz. 13. Cladophora fflomerata, Kiitz. a, filament with one fertile branch; b, apex of a fertile branch discharging zoospores, c. 14. Spheeroplea annulina, Kiitz. a, growing filament ; b, filament with the con- tents converted into spores. 15. Codium tomentosum, Ag. a, apex of clavate branch, with fertile cell; b, zoo- spores. 16. Staurocarpus gracilis, Hass. ; conjugating filaments. 17-23. Spirogyra quinina, Kiitz.; 1 7, growing filament. 18. Conjugating filaments, with spores. 19. Ditto, with the spores germinating. 20. Half- decomposed cell, with the contents converted into almost colourless bi- ciliated zoospores. 21. Spore formed after conjugation. 22. The same shortly before germination. 23. A similar spore, with the contents converted into globular bodies. 24. a and b, Spirogyra ? with the contents converted into spiny globular bodies. 25. Spirogyra quinina, Kiitz. ; imperfectly conjugated cells, with the contents con- verted into globular bodies. 26. Spirogyra nitida; cell with nucleus, n. 27. Spirogyra pellucida, Kiitz.; cell with nucleus, n, and gelatinous outer coat, s. 28. Spirogyra nitida, Kiitz., half-decayed, the contents partly changed into globular masses. PLATE 6. — Confervoidese.— Crystals. Figure 1. Cosmarium margaritiferumy Turp. ; conjugating pair with imperfect sporange. 2. C. Botrytis, Bory ; conjugating pair with sporange, enveloped in jelly. 3. A. Closterium acerosum, Schrank. a, 5, c, different stages of conjugation d, frustules apparently produced from a sporange. 3. B. Closterium Lunula, Mull.; the contents converted into globular bodies. 4. Fragilaria penicillata, Lyngb. a and b> successive stages of conjugation. 5. A. Surirella bifrons, Ehr. ; conjugating pair, with intermediate large nev frustule. 5. B. Surirella bifrons, Ehr., with the contents converted into globular bodies. 6. Eunotia turgida, Ehr. a, b, c, d, e, successive stages of conjugation producinj pairs of new frustules. 7. Melosira (Aulacosira) crenulata, Thw. a, filament with two conjugating pair of cells and perfect sporangial frustules ; b and c, large filaments produce< by sporangial frustules. 8. Melosira varians, Ag. a, small filament producing sporangial frustules by con jugation ; b, large filament developed from sporangial frustules. 9. Orthosira Dickiei, Thw. Successive stages of production of sporangial frustule after conjugation. 10. Pinnularia viridis, W. Sm., with the contents converted into globular bodies. 11. Pediastrum granulatum, Ktz. «, a frond with most of the cells empty, thre full, and the contents of another swarming out as zoospores ; b, c, d, swarm o zoospores producing a new frond. 12. Crystals of sugar of milk. 13. „ diabetic sugar. 14. „ indigo, sublimed. 15. „ oxalate of soda. 16. „ sulphate of lime. 17. „ phosphate of lime. 18. „ sulphate of strontia. 1*. „ allantoin. 2*. „ antimoniate of soda. 3*. „ protoxide of antimony. 4*. „ butyrate of baryta, a, rapidly, b, slowly formed. 5*. „ hydrofluosilicate of baryta. 6*. „ sulphate of baryta, a, precipitated from concentrated, b, from ver dilute solution. 7*. „ carbonate of potash. CONFERVOIDEJE&.CRYSTALS P1.6. Trnj CRYSTALS * PI 7 * * /9 ^ L'mdon..John Vao Voorst. 1654. PLATE 7.— Crystals. Figure 1. 0, brucia; bt sulphocyanide of brucia. 2. Cinchonine. 3. Sulphocyanide of cinchonine. 4. Narcotine. 5. a, b, Strychnine. 6. Sulphocyanide of strychnine. 7. Morphia. 8. Sulphocyanide of quinine. 9. Muriate of ammonia. 10. Purpurate of ammonia (murexide). > Nitrate of potash (analytic crystals). 13. Benzoic acid. «, crystallized from water ; b, sublimed. 14. Lithofellinic acid. 15. Margarine. 16. 0, Margaric acid ; b, stearic acid. 1 7. lodo-disulphate of quinine. 18. Hippuric acid. 1 9. Lactate of lime. 20. Lactate of zinc. 21. Succinic acid crystallized from water. 22. Creatine. 23. Creatinine. 24. Compound of creatim'ne and chloride of zinc. PLATE 8.— Crystals from Animal Secretions, Figure 1 . Uric acid ; human, natural. a, rhombs, front view, b, side view ; c, d, striated ; e, rhombs with obtuse angles truncated ; ft twin crystals ; g, ditto ; h, hour- glass crystals ; », nucleated ditto ; ky lt m, n, o (and lower h), aigrettes ; p, large dumb-bell forms. 2. Uric acid; human, natural, a, front, 6, side view. 3. Uric acid, coloured artificially by murexide (these crystals should have been coloured pink instead of yellow). 4. Uric acid, natural, a, front, 5, side view ; c, aigrette. 5. Uric acid, precipitated from solution in sulphuric acid by water. 6. Uric acid, rhombs, slightly acted upon with potash, showing spurious nuclei. 7. Uric acid, precipitated from gout- stones. 8. Uric acid of Boa, artificially precipitated, a — d, from solution in sulphuric acid by water ; e — A, from solution in potash by muriatic acid. 9. Uric acid, precipitated from the excrement of the tortoise. 10. Uric acid, precipitated from the excrement of the clothes-moth. 1 1 . Urate of soda and ammonia. «, spheres with nuclei and concentric rings, arti- ficial ; b, surface covered with radiating needles ; c, d, e, natural forms ; /, g, artificial. 12. Urate of soda. «, artificial, deposited on cooling of an aqueous solution; £, natural, as composing the chalky matter around gouty joints. 13. a, b, Urate of lime. 14. a, 6, Urate of magnesia. 15. Uric acid, precipitated by an acid from human urine. CRYSTALS PI .8 TuffaiWest. sculp. lonSm . JoimTan V6orstB54 . CRYSTALS I'll PLATE 9.— Crystals from Animal Secretions. Figure 1 . Various prismatic forms of the ammonio-phosphate of magnesia (triple phos- phate), naturally formed in human secretions. 2. Feathery or penniform crystals of the same salt. 3. Stellate form of the same salt. 4. Minute imperfectly formed prisms of the same. 5. Cystic oxide. 6. Carbonate of lime deposited from water by standing. 7. Carbonate of lime from the urine of the horse ; natural. 8. Carbonate of lime from the urine of man; natural. 9. Octohedra of oxalate of lime, as seen in water. 10. Octohedra of oxalate of lime, as seen when dried. 1 1 . Ellipsoidal forms of oxalate of lime ; natural. 12. Ellipsoidal constricted, or dumb-bell forms of the same ; natural. 13. Crystals of oxalate of lime, prepared with acid. 14. Modified octohedra of the same salt, formed by double decomposition. 15. Crystals of bilifulvine ; natural, human. 16. Crystals of hsematoidine. 17. Crystals of urea. 18. Nitrate of urea. ay b, slowly, c, rapidly formed. 19. Oxalate of urea. 20. Uroglaucine. 21. Cholesterine. PLATE 10.— Desmidiacea. Figure 1. Hyalotheca dissiliens, front view. 2. Hyalotheca dissiliens, side or end view. 3 1 4* > Hyalotheca dissiliens, conjugating cells, with sporangia. 5. Didymoprium Grevillii, front view. 6. Didymoprium Grevillii, side view. 7. Desmidium Swartzii, front view. 8. Desmidium Swartzii, side view. 9. Sphcerozosma vertebratum, front view. 10. Sphcerozosma vertebratum, side view. 1 1 . Micrasterias denticulata, cell dividing. 12. Micrasterias denticulata, sporangium. 13. Micrasterias rotata. 14. Euastrum verrucosum. 15. Euastrum oblonaum. 16. Euastrum Didelta. 17. Euastrum didelta, cell free from contents. 18. Cosmarium pyramidatum. 19'. Cosmarium pyramidatum, empty cell 20. Cosmarium crenatum. 21. Cosmarium margaritiferum. 22. Cosmarium tetraophthalmum. 23. Xanthidium armatum. 24. Xanthidium armatum, empty cell. 25. Xanthidium fasciculatum. 26. Staurastrum dejectum. 27. Arthrodesmus convergens. 28. Staurastrum margaritaceum, front view. 29. Staurastrum margaritaceum, side view. 30. Staurastrum gracile, front view. 31. Staurastrum aracile, side view. 32. Didymocladon furcigerus, front view (fig. 56, side view). 33. Tetmemorus aranulatus. 34. Tetmemorus aranulatus, empty cell. 35. Tetmemorus Icevis, in conjugation. 36. Penium Brebissonii. 37. Penium margaritaceum, empty cell. 38. Docidium truncatum. 39. Docidium baculum. 40. Closterium lunula. 41. Closterium acerosum. 42. Closterium acerosum, in conjugation. 43. Closterium moniliferum. 44. Closterium didymotocum. 45. Closterium setaceum. 46. Closterium setaceum, in conjugation. 47. Ankistrodesmus falcatus. 48. Pediastrum Boryanum. 49. Pediastrum aranulatum, empty cell. 50. Scenedesmus quadricauda. 51. Scenedesmus obliquus. 52. Aptogonum desmidium, side view (fig. 55, front view). 53. Scenedesmus obtusus, just after division. 54. Scenedesmus obtusus, ordinary state. 55. Aptogonum desmidium, front view (fig. 52, side view). 56. Didymocladon furcigerus a, side view (fig. 32, front view). 57. Closterium Grijffithii. 58. LondoiL. Jon-n Yan ^"001-51, iSr>4 IBasire, DIATOMACE^E 200 dum? Lanim, John Van Voorst . 1854 PLATE 11.— Diatomacese. [The figures represent the prepared frustules or valves, except when otherwise stated.] 1. Pinnularia nobilis, side view. 2. Pinnularia viridis, side view, with endochrome. 3. Pinnularia oblong a, side view. 4. Pinnularia radiosa, side view. 5. Pinnularia radiosa, front view. 6. Navicula cuspidata, side view. 7. Navicula cuspidata, front view. 8. Portion of the valve of a Navicula, showing the transverse rows of dots. 9. Navicula didyma, side view. 10. Gyrosigma balticum, side view. 1 1 . Hoop of the same, side view. 12. Gyrosigma strigile, side view. 13. Gyrosigma hippocampus, side view. 14. Gyrosigma acuminatum, side view. 15. Gyrosigma attenuatum, side view. 16. Gyrosigma attenuatum, front view. 17. Gyrosigma Spencerii, side view. 18. Gyrosigma lacustre, side view. 19. Gyrosigma littorale, side view: 20. Gyrosigma distortum, side view. 21. Gyrosigma fasciola, side view. 22. Gyrosigma macrum, side view. 23. Gyrosigma prolongatum, side view. 24. Gyrosigma tenuissimum, side view. 25. Gyrosigma formosum, side view. 26. Gyrosigma decorum, side view. 27. Gyrosigma obscurum, side view. 28. Gyrosigma speciosum, side view. 29. Gyrosigma strigosum, side view. 30. Gyrosigma rigidum, side view. 31. Gyrosigma elongatum, side view. 32. Gyrosigma delicatulum, side view. 33. Gyrosigma angulatum, side view, a, with endochrome ; b, variety /3 ; c, variety y, end of. 34. Gyrosigma quadratum. 35. Gyrosigma cestuarii. 36. Gyrosigma intermedium. 37. Gyrosigma transversale. 38. Gyrosigma transversale. 39. Portion of valve of 6r. balticum. 40. Portion of valve of 6r. strigosum. 4 1 . Portion of valve of G. angulatum. 42. Portion of valve of G. littorale. 43. Stauroneis phcenicenteron, side view. 44 . Stauroneis pulchella, side view. 45. Stauroneis pulchella, front view. 46. Stauroneis pulchella, portion of valve. 47. (The fig. beneath fig. 41, erroneously numbered 43.) Portion of Isthmia enervis. 48. Portion of valve of Gyrosigma strigosum. PLATE 12.— Diatomacese. Figure 1 . Achnanthes longipes, the front view of the frustules is visible. 2. Achnanthes longipesy side view, upper valve. 3. Achnanthes longipesy side view, lower valve. 4. Achnanthes exilis. 5. Achnanthidium microcephalum, side and front views. 6. Achnanthidium flexellum, front and side views. 7. a, Amphipleura pelluciday side view of frustule; by Amphipleura pellucida, single valve ; c, Amphipleura sigmoidea. 8. Amphiprora alata. a, side view ; b, front view. 9. Amphitetras antediluviana. a, frustules united ; by side view ; c, front view ; d, perspective view. 10. Amphora ovalis, front view ; 100, transverse section. 11. Amphora membranacea ; front view of single valve. 12. Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergiiy side view. 13. Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii, portion of valve from the centre to the circumference. 14. Bacillaria paradoxa. ay front view of conjointed frustules; b, side view; c, front view of single frustule. 15. Biddulphia pulchella, front view. «, frustule dividing, front view. 16. Campylodiscus costatus, side view, b, front view. 1 7. Cocconeis pediculus. 18. Cocconeis scutellum, single valve (side view). 19. Cocconema lanceolatum. 20. Cocconema lanceolatum, single valve (side view). 21. Cyclotella operculata. a, side view; b, front view. 22. Cyclotella Kutzingianay front view. 23. Sphinctocystis solea. a, side view; b, front view. 24. Sphinctocystis ellipticay side view. 25. Denticula obtusa. b, front view ; c, side view of single frustule ; dy front view of the same. 26. Diatoma vulgarey connected frustules. ay side view; b, front view of single frustule. 27. Diadesmis confervacea. ay front view ; by side view. 28. Meridion constrictum. ay connected frustules forming a coil ; by front view of single frustule. 29. Doryphora amphiceros. ay side view of frustule with endochrome ; by front view ; c, prepared single valve. 30. Eupodiscus argus. ay side view ; b, front view. 31. Eupodiscus sculptusy side view. 32. Epithemia turgida. ay side view ; b, front view. 33. Fragilaria capucina; side view of frustule, front view of the same, and frustules united into a filament. 34. Gomphonema acuminatum. by side view; cy front view of frustule. 35. Grammatophora marina, connected frustules. b, single frustule, front view ; cy side view. 36. Himantidium pectinale, united frustules, front view, a, side view of single frus- tule ; b, side view of variety @ ; c, sporangial frustule. DIATOMACE^ PI. 12. PLATE 13.— DiatomacesB. Figure 1 . Hyalosira rectangula, front view of connected frustules. 2. Isthmia enervis, front view. 3. Licmophora splendida. b, side view ; c, front view of single frustule. 4. Lithodesmium undulatum. «, front view; b, side view. 5. Melosira nummuloides, front view. 6. Melosira varians, front view. «, side view. 7. Meridian circular e. 0, frustules united into a coil, front view ; b, side view of single frustule. 8. Micromega parasitica, natural size. 5, portion of a filament containing the frustules ; c, side view, d, front view of a frustule. 9. Nitzschia sigmoidea. «, side view ; b, front view. 10. Nitzschia lanceolata. a, front view; b, separate valve; e, side view of the same. 1 1 . Nitzschia longissima. a, side view ; b, front view. 12. Nitzschia reversa, front view of single valve. 13. Nitzschia acicularis, left-hand frustule; N. acicularisy right-hand frustule. 14. Odontidium turgidulum. a, frustules united, front view ; b, single valve, side view. 15. Orthosira Dickieii. a, front view; b, side view. 16. Pododiscusjamaicensis. a, side view ; b, front view. 17. Podosphenia Ehrenbergii. a, front view; b, side view of single frustule. 18. Rhabdonema arcuatum. a, united frustules, front view ; b, side view of single frustule. 19. Ehipidopteraparadoxa. b, front view of single frustule; c, side view of the same. 20. Striatella unipunctata. #, front view ; 5, the same ; c, side view. 21. Surirella gemma, a, side view ; b, front view. 22. Surirella bifrons. a, front view ; 6, side view. 23. Synedra splendens. a, attached frustules ; b, side view of prepared frustule ; c, front view of the same. 24. Synedra fulg ens. a, side view; 5, front view of a prepared frustule. 25. Synedra capitata, side view. 26. Sphenosira catena. «, united frustules, front view; b, side view of single frustule. 27. Tabellaria Jlocculosa. a, united frustules, front view ; 5, side view of single frustule. 28. Tetracyclus lacustris, united frustules, front view. «, side view. 29. Triceratiumfavus. a, side view ; 5, front view. 30. Tryblionella scutellum, side view. 31. Tryblionella gracilis, front view. 32. Tryblionella gracilis, diagram of transverse section. PLATE 14. — Diatomaceae and Entomostraca. Figure 1. Acroperus nanus. 2. Acroperus harpce. 3. Alteutha depressa. a, first pair of feet. 4. Alona reticulata. 5. Alona quadrangularis. 6. Anomalocera Patersoniiy male. 7. Anchorella uncinata. a, arms ; b, abdomen ; c, ovarian tubes. 8. Berkeley iafragilis. a, natural size ; b, portion of a branch containing frustules ; c, side view, d, front view of a single frustule. 9. Biddulphia aurita. Frustules undergoing division: a, hoop of original frustule to which two new halves (c) have been formed ; the hoop of the new frustules is seen at b ; the hoop of the parent has separated from the two frustules d d, which are perfectly formed, each with its new hoop. 10. Encyonema paradoxum. a, frustules contained in a gelatinous tube, side view ; b, front view ; c, separate frustules, side view. 1 1 . Raphidoglcea micans. ay natural size ; b, group of frustules ; c, single frustule, front view. 12. Schizonema Dillwynnii. a, natural size ; b, filaments containing frustules ; c, front view, d, side view of frustule. 13. Zygoceros rhombus, a, front view ; b, side view. 14. Syncyclia salpa ; frustules immersed in a gelatinous mass. 15. Homceocladia anglica. a, portion of the natural size ; b, part of a filament con- taining two frustules ; c, front view, d, side view of a prepared frustule. 16. Dickieia ulvoides. a, natural size ; b, portion of frond containing frustules ; c, d, f, prepared frustules, front view ; ey side view. 17. Frustulia saxonica ; frustules immersed in a gelatinous mass. 18. Cymbosira Agardhii. a, united frustules; b, front view, c, side view of pre- pared frustules. 19. Sphenella vulgaris. a, front view; b, side view. 20. Filaments found in a Cypris, noticed under OSTRACODA. 21. Cetochilus septentrionalis, dorsal view. 22. Notodelphys ascidicola, female. 23. Lepeophtheirus pectoralis, female. 24. Lerneonema spratta, female. 25. Macrothrix laticornis, female. 26. Moina rectirostris, female. 27. Sida crystallina. 28. Neb alia bipes. 29. Polyphemus pediculus. 30. Evadne Nordmanni. 31. Peracantha ovata. «, superior antenna. 32. Pleuroxus trigonellus. 33. Terpsinoe musica (front view, PI. 19. fig. 10). 34. Podosira hormoides, front view. 35. Tessella interrupta, front view. 36. Nicothoe astaci. a, ovaries. 37. Grammatophora marina, as seen by ordinary illumination, a, front view; b, side view. 38. Grammatophora subtilissima, as seen by ordinary illumination. «, front view ; bt side view. DIATOMACH/E & ENTOMOSTRACA. , 9 P114-. FadA.Hfe8t.Iop. Xaaim JofanWa Oboist .1355 . ENTOMOSTRACA. PI. 15. Tuffe^/fot, London, John Van Voorst, ]8&5. Fcrd {.. Vest, Imp. PLATE 15.— Entomostraca. Figure 1 . Argulus foliaceus, seen from beneath. 0, anterior, b, posterior antennae ; c, rostrum ; d, suckers, representing the first pair of legs ; ey second pair of legs ; /", four posterior pairs of legs. 2. Bosmina longirostris ; 2*, the same, natural size. 3. Branchipus stagnalis. 4. Camptocercus macrourus. 5. Candona reptans ; 5 0, inferior antenna. 6. Canthocamptus minutus ; 6 0, inferior antenna ; 6 b, first pair of foot-jaws ; 6 e, second pair of foot-jaws. 7. Chydorus sphcericus. 8. Cyclops quadricornis, male, 0, b, superior antennae. 9. Cyclops quadricornis, female, a, superior, b, inferior antennas ; c, external ovaries. 10. Cyclops quadricornis ; inferior antenna. 1 1 . Cyclops quadricornis ; mandible. 0, body ; 5, serrated seta ; c, filaments of palp. 12. Cyclops quadricornis; first pair of foot-jaws. 13. Cyclops quadricornis', second pair of foot-jaws; 130, internal portion; 136, external portion. 14. Cyclops quadricornis ; first pair of thoracic feet. 15. Cyclops quadricornis; fifth pair of legs. 16. Cyclops quadricornis ; recently hatched. 17. Cypris tristriata. 18. Cypris tristriata ; superior antenna. 19. Cypris tristriata ; inferior antenna. 20. Cypris tristriata ; mandible. 21. Cypris tristriata ; first pair of jaws. 0, basal plate ; 5, branchial lamina. 22. Cypris tristriata; second pair of jaws. 23. Cypris tristriata ; first pair of legs. 24. Cypris tristriata ; second pair of legs. 25. Cypris tristriata; lateral half of the abdomen. 26. Cy there inopinator. 27. Daphnella Wingii. 28. Daphnia pulex. ay superior antennae ; b, inferior antennae ; c, heart. 29. Daphnia pulex ; first pair of legs. 30. Daphnia pulex ; second pair of legs. 31. Daphnia pulex ; third pair of legs. 32. Daphnia pulex ; fourth pair of legs. 33. Daphnia pulex ; fifth pair of legs. 34. Daphnia pulex ; mandible. 35. Daphnia pulex ; lab rum. 36. Daphnia pulex ; jaw. 37. Daphnia reticulata. a, ephippium. 38. Diaptomus castor. 39. Eurycercus lamellatus. PLATE ]6.— Entozoa. Figure 1 . Echinococcus veterinorum (hominis) ; 1 a, in the contracted state ; 1 b, hooks ; 1 c, d, in the expanded state ; 1 e, imperfectly developed individual. 2. Echinococcus veterinorum (hominis) ; cyst reproducing by external gemmation. 3 a.Cysticercus cellulose, nat. size; 3 b, C.fasciolaris, head of. 4. Anguillula jluviatilis. 5. Anguillula aceti. 6. Anguillula tritici. a, b, ova ; c, mature individual ; d, e, imperfectly developed individuals. 7. Anguillula glutinis. 8. Ascaris vermicularis ; 8 a, head ; 8 b, body ; d, stomach ; e, oesophagus ; ff, anus ; h, ovaries ; k, oviduct. 90. Ascaris lumbricoides, front view of head ; 9 b, tail of male, with spicula ; 9 c, side view of head. 10. Ccenurus cerebralis ; portion of a cyst. 12. Tania solium, head of, side view; two of the suckers only are visible. 13. T&nia solium, head of, front view; all the four suckers are visible. 14. Tania solium ; a single joint, injected. a, gastric (?) canals ; b, vascular canals ; c, testicular capsule ; dy spermatic duct ; e, oviduct ; the dark ramified organ is the ovary. 15. Teenia solium, ovum of. 16. Trichina spiralis, lying within its cyst, imbedded in muscle. 17. Trichina spiralis, removed from its cyst. 18. Trichina spiralis ; internal organs. 19. Trichocephalus dispar, male. 20. Trichocephalus dispar ; portion of the neck. 21. Trichocephalus dispar, female; 21 a, ovum. 22. Ovum of Monostoma verrucosum. 23. Ovum of Tcenia variabilis. 25. Gregarina sipunculi. 26. Gregarina sipunculi, with two enclosed cells. 27. Caudate pseudo-navicula, from the abdominal cavity of Sipunculus nudus. 28. Gregarina Sieboldii. 29. Young pseudo-navicula-cyst of Gregarina scenuridis, from testis of Scenuris variegata ; consisting of two loosely connected ovate cells, without an outer envelope. 30. The same, with an outer envelope. 31. More advanced pseudo-navicula-cyst of the same Gregarina, with two cells containing rounded pseudo-naviculse. 32. The same, with elongated pseudo-naviculae ; the cyst has three cell-like bodies on its surface. 33. The same with a single cavity, containing elongated pseudo-naviculee. 34. Two Gregarince scenuridis, adherent by their ends. ENTOZOA. PL 16. t ; :'W^f^ TaffoiWeel.se ion&n. -Mm TfcaVooraLl3H> FISH SCALES PI. 17. TufR.T, West.. :,c. PLATE 17.— Fish-scales, etc. Figure 1 . Scale of sturgeon, perpendicular section, a, outer spongy portion ; b, inner laminated portion ; 1 c, transverse section of outer portion. 2. Skin of skate (Raia batis), viewed from above. 3. Large spine of skate, side view. 4. Portion of transverse section of large spine of skate (fig. 3 b). 5. Longitudinal section of tooth of a small spine of skate (fig. 2). 6. Scale of perch (Percaflumatilis). 7. Perch-scale, portion of (fig. 6 #), more magnified. 8. Perch-scale, portion of (fig. 6 6), more magnified. 9. Scale of sole (Solea vulgaris). 10. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus). 11. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus), portion of surface more highly magnified. 12. Scale of roach (Leuciscus rutilus), perpendicular section. 13. Scale of minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus) . 14. Feather of finch ; shaft with medullary cells. 15. Feather of goose (Anser cinereus). a, pinnae with hooks ; by pinnae with teeth ; c, harbs. 16. Separate pinnae, a, with hooks ; b, with teeth. ,' > Feather (downy), free barbs of. 10. J 19. Skin of eel (Anguilla vulgaris), with stellate pigment-cells, and indications of subjacent scales. 20. Scale of eel (Anguilla vulgaris). 20 a, portion more magnified. 21. Calcareous corpuscles from the same, left after red heat. 22. Scale of jack or pike (Esox lucius). 23. Scale of dace (Leuciscus vulgaris). 25. Leech (Hirudo medicinalis), anterior sucker of. 26. Leech, jaw of, side view, a b, teeth ; c, fibro-cartilaginous substance of jaw ; £?, pigment-cells. 27. Leech, jaw of, the free margin turned towards the observer. 28. Leech, teeth of. a, side view ; b, front view. 29. Horn of cow. a, section parallel to surface ; b, cells softened by potash, d con- taining pigment ; e, perpendicular section ; fy cracks between laminse ; g, edges of divided laminae. 30. Whalebone, longitudinal section. 31. Whalebone, transverse section. 32. Whalebone, longitudinal section of hair of. 33. Whalebone, cells of, resolved by potash. 34. Fish, crystals from scales of. 35. Muscular fibres of lobster (Astacus marinus). 36. Muscular fibrillae, various appearances presented by. 37. Large spine of skate, outer portion of. PLATE 18.— Foraminifera, etc. Figure 1. Rotalia Beccarii, shell of, from sea-sand. 2. Rotalia Beccarii, shell of, dorsal view. 3. Rotalia Beccarii, shell of, antero-lateral view. The oblique dark line indicates the part at which the anterior portion of the body protrudes. 4. Rotalia Beccarii, shell of, ventral surface. 5. Rotalia Beccarii, body freed from the shell. 6. Rotalia Beccarii, portion of shell. 7. Marginulina raphanus, shells, nat. size. 8. Marginulina raphanus, body freed from the shell. 9. Marginulina raphanus, shell, magnified. 10. Marginulina raphanus, shell, longitudinal section. 11. Orbiculina numismatis, shells, nat. size, from sea-sand. 12. Orbiculina numismatis, shell, side view. 13. Orbiculina numismatis, shell, front view, showing the apertures. 14. Orbiculina numismatis, portion of shell, with the foramina, and the numerous orifices corresponding to the individual animals (Ehr.). 15. Orbiculina numismatis; portion of anterior margin, with the oval holes for the protrusion of the expansions, and the transverse neck -like prolongations of the anterior part of the body. 16. Sorites orbiculus, shells, nat. size, side- and edge-views. 17. Sorites orbiculus, shell, side view; two of the cells are broken open, others are shown partly closed by dendritic calcareous particles. 18. Sorites orbiculus, shell, side view ; from one cell protrude eight expansions. 19. Geoponus Stella borealis, with the expansions issuing from the foramina. 20. Geoponus stella borealis, after removal of shell by acid. 21 . Rotalia perforata, living, side view. 22. Opercularia arabica, shell, side view, nat. size. 23. Opercularia arabica, shell, surface view, a, small, b, large papillae. 24. Opercularia arabica, spicula. 25. Opercularia arabica, vertical section of shell over the chambers, a, large, b, small papillae ; c, lines of growth ; d, vertical tubes. 26. Opercularia arabica; vertical section of septum, showing, — a, intraseptal vessel; b, septum ; c, grand channel of intercameral communication ; d, part of spicular cord. 27. Opercularia arabica ; horizontal section of three large chambers, showing — a, cham- bers ; b, septa ; c, intraseptal vessels ; d, branches to surfaces of septa ; e, branches to wall of shell, &c.; f, marginal plexus ; g, terminal branches on the surface ; h, spi- cular cord ; i, half-formed septum. 28. Opercularia arabica, perpendicular section, a, spicular cord; 'b, papillary tubes; c, truncated vessels of marginal plexus; d, small channels of intercameral commu- nication ; e, grand channel of the same ; f, septum. 29. Nummulites acuta, vertical section, a, spicular cord ; b, truncated vessels of marginal plexus; c, chambers of central plane; d, vertical intraseptal vessels; e, horizontal intraseptal vessels ; f, chambers on each side of central plane ; g, vertical tubes. 30. Eunotia tetraodon. a, side view; b, front view. 31. Cymbella Ehrenbergii. a, side view; b, front view. 32. Coscinodiscus radiatus. a, side view ; b, front view. 33. Rotalia perforata, from chalk, b, fragment. 34. Textularia striata. 35. Textularia globulosa. 36. Rosalina Icevigata, basal view. 37. Rosalina leevigata, side view. 38. Rotalia turgida, side view. 39. Textularia aspera, fragment. 40. Rotalia globulosa ; b, fragment. 41. Rotalia globulosa, chambers filled with air. 42. Lithocampe ?, fragment. 43. Actinocyclus undulatus. a, side view ; b, front view. 44. Campylodiscus ciypeus, side view. 45. Actinoptychus senarius. a, side view ; b, front view. 46. Dictyocha gracilis, a, oblique view ; b, side view ; c, front view. TORAMINIFERA 6 lonim. Join VaJiToorst.1854. FOSSILS. London. John Van Voorst. 185 4. PLATE ] 9.— Fossils. Figure 1 . Mesocena octogona. 2. Asteromphalus Hookerii, side view. 3. Hemiaulus antarcticus, front view. 4. Heliopelta Leeuwenhoeckii, side view. 5. Asterolampra marylandica, side view. 6. Symlolophora trinitatis, side view. 7. Coscinodiscus craspedodiscus, side view. 8. Coscinodiscus craspedodiscus, half a valve. 9. Climacosphenia moniligera. a, side view ; b, front view. 10. Terpsinoe musica, front view (side view, PL 14. fig. 33). 1 1 . Amphipentas alternans, side view. 12. Bodies found in flint, nature doubtful (see PYXIDICULA). 13. Pyxidicula major, front view. 14. Agate, a, a, fibres of sponge ; b, gemraules ; c, branched fibre ; d, spicula (all doubtful). 15. Crystalloids of chalk, a, simple rings; b, transversely striated rings; c, disks. 16. Lagena Icevis. b, section. 17. Lagena gracilis. 18. Lagena striata. 19. Entoselenia globosa. b, section. 20. Entoselenia squamosa, var. catenulata. 21. Entoselenia squamosa, var. hexagona. 22: 23. Fossil bodies from flint, so-called Xanthidia, but consisting of the sporangia of the Desmidiacese. 27. 28J 29. Vertical (radial) section of coal from Disco, consisting of Coniferous wood (Pinus). 30. Transverse section of the same coal. 31. Splinter of the same. 32. Vertical section of silicified wood (Pinus) from Virginia. 33. Vertical section of silicified wood (Araucaria ?) from Australia. PLATE 20.— Fungi. Figure 1 . Vertical section of a leaf of black currant, infested with JEcidium Grossularice. sp, spermagonia ; p, perithecia. 2. Sterigmata (st) and spermatia (sp) from the spermagonia of Mcidium Euphorbia. 3. Ditto, from Mcidium Berberidis. 4. Vertical section of a spermagonium of dEcidium Berberidis. 5. Botrytis infestansy young plants growing out from the stomate of a potato. 6. Full-grown plants of the same. 6 #, spore of ditto. 7. Torula ?, growing in urine (not diabetic). 8. Grape fungus, conidial form (Oidium Tuckeri) as commonly found on the leaves and fruits. 9-11. Conidia of the same, germinating. 12. Sporiferous form (Circinobolus) . 13. Spores from the same. 14. Hop-mildew, Erysyphe (Sphcerotheca) Castagnei. a, Oidial form ; b, b, form resembling Circinobolus ; c, d, Erysyphal form ; e, spores. 15. Fragment from the summit of a fertile filament of Penicillium glaucum. 16. Spores of ditto, a, two still united ; b, one detached. 17. Section of a conceptacle of Cenangium Fraxini, containing st, stylospores, and s, spermatia. 18. Ergot of rye, Cordyceps purpurea, Tulasne ; fruits sprouting from the ergot. 19. Vertical section of the head of one of the fruits bearing conceptacles in its periphery. 20. Vertical section of a conceptacle containing asci. 21. Asci removed from the same. 22. Spores from the interior of the asci. 23. Yeast fungus (Torula Cerevisiae), large form at the bottom of liquid. 24. Ditto, minute form, appearing as a white mealy substance on the surface of stale beer. 25. Sphceria inquinans (a) with Stilbospora macrosperma (b) in the bark of an elm- tree. 26. A portion of the common matrix separating the two, with the stylospores of Stilbospora (b) above, and the asci of Sphceria (a) below. 27. Spore of Stilbospora macrosperma. 28. Spore of Sphceria inquinans. PI. 20. London-: John-Van. Voorst ,18 64. J.Basire, sc. HAIRS. FIBRES, & GLANDS OF PLANTS. dd, TuffeaWest sc. London. John Van Voorst, 1655. Fori Ik Vfet, Imp. PLATE 21.— Hairs, Fibres, Glands, &c. of Plants. Figure 1. Cotton. 0, normal condition ; b, portion treated with sulphuric acid and iodine ; c, a fragment of gun-cotton. 2. Flax, a, normal fibre ; b, portion boiled with nitric acid ; c, treated with nitric acid, and afterwards with sulphuric acid and iodine. 3. Jute. a, normal fibre ; b, c, portions boiled with nitric acid. 4. Coir (Cocoa-nut fibre), bundle of fibres. 5. Ditto. a, by portions of fibres boiled with nitric acid. 6. Hemp. «, normal fibre ; 5, portions boiled with nitric acid. 7. Manilla hemp. «, normal fibres ; b, fragment boiled with nitric acid. 8. Sting of TJrtica urens. 9. Surface of the cuticle of Helleborusfcetidus. 10. Ditto of Cakile americana. 11. Imbedded gland of Ruta graveolens, vertical section. 12. Glands of Magnolia, seen from above. 13. Hair of Siphocampylus bicolor, the cuticle detached by sulphuric acid. 14. Glands of hop. a, side view ; b, from above. 15. Stellate body from the air-spaces in the leaf of Nuphar lutea. 16. Hair of Delphinium pinnattfidum. 17. Hair of Anchusa crispa. 18. Hair of Pelargonium. 19. Branched hair of Ferbascum Thapsus. 20. Scale-like hairs from the seed of Cobcea scandens. 21. Annulated hairs from the seed of Ruellia formosa, in water; 5, detached cell-wall. 22. Spiral-fibrous hairs from the seed of Collomia grandiflora, in water. 6, c, frag- ments showing the cell-wall and free fibre. 23. Hair from the seed of a Salvia. 24. Hair from the seed of Acanthodium spicatum. b, a fragment of a branch. 25. Chinese grass-cloth fibre, a, normal fibre ; 6, fragments boiled with nitric acid; c, afterwards treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 26. Puya fibre. «, normal fibre ; b, fragments boiled with nitric acid ; c, afterwards treated with sulphuric acid and iodine. 26*. Stellate hairs from the epidermis of Deutzia scabra. 27. Stellate hair of ivy-leaf. 28. Stellate hair of Alyssum. 29. Horizontal stalked hair of Grevillea lithidophylla. 30. T-shaped hair of garden Chrysanthemum. 31. Ramentum or scale from a germinating fern. 32. Hair from the bulbel of Achimenes. 33. Hair from the corolla of Digitalis purpurea. 34. Hair from the corolla of Antirrhinum majus, 35. Branched hair from the epidermis of Sisymbrium Sophia. 36. Forked hair from Capsella Bursa-pastoris. 37. Branched hair of Alternanthera axillaris. 38. Gland of Dictamnus Fraxinella. 39. Epidermis of Dictamnus Fraxinella. a, b, hairs ; c, gland vertically divided. 40. Glandular hair of Lysimachia vulgaris. 41. Glandular hair of Scrophularia nodosa. 42. Glandular hair of Bryonia alba. 43. Scale of Begonia platanifolia. 44. Glandular hair of Gilia tricolor. 45. Vertical section of papilla of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. 46. Seta of a rose. 47. Tufted hairs of Marrubium creticum. PLATE 22.— Hairs of Animals. Figure 1 . Human whisker, white ; air partly displaced from medulla. 2. Human hair, transverse sections. 3. Human hair, foetal, with imbricated scales. 4. Monkey, Indian (Semnopithecus). 5. Lemur. 6. Bat, Indian. 7. Bat, Australian. 8. Mole (Talpa europ&a). 9. Lion (Felis Leo) ; left-hand figure by transmitted, right by reflected light. 10. Bear (Ursus Arctos). 11. Wolf (Canis Lupus). 12. Coati mondi (Nasua). 13. Seal, Falkland Island (Phocana falklandica) . 14. Horse (Equus Caballus). 15. Elephant (Elephas indicus), segment of a transverse section. 16. Pig (Sus Scrofa). 17. Cheiropotamus. 18. Camel (Camelus bactrianus). 19. Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) . 20. Deer, moose- (Cervus Alces). 21. Deer, musk- (Moschus moschiferus) . 22. Wool, sheep (Ovis Aries). 23. Sloth (Brady pus didactylus). 24. Armadillo (Dasypus sexcinctus). 25. Beaver (Castor Fiber). 26. Shrew (Amphisorex rusticus). 27. Mouse (Mus musculus). 28. Ditto, treated with potash. 29. Guinea-pig (Cavia cobaya). 30. Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). 31. Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus). 32. Sable (Mustela zibellina). 33.. Mink-sable (Mustela lutreola). 34. Badger (Meles taxus). 35. Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera). 36. Kangaroo (Macropus). 37. Opossum (Didelphis virginiana). 38. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. «, entire hair ; b, c, d and 38 *, portions more magnified. 39. Crab (Cancer manas), from antenna of. 40. Spider (Lycosa saccata). 41. Spider (My gale). 42. Spider ( ?), from South America. HAIRS 3 PI. 22. London John Van Voorst 1854 I 'I &^»WMb«dg loaAsiJoTm \fcLVW 1854 PLATE 23.— Infusoria. Figure 1. Acineria incurvata, Duj. 2. Acineria acuta, D. 3. Acomia vitrea, D. 4. Acineta tuber osa, Ehr. ba.Podophryafixa, E. ; 5b, the same, or the Podophrya-stage of Vorticella? 6. Actinophrys viridis, E. 7a.Actinophrys Eichornii, E. ; 7 &, Actinophrys sol, E. 8. Alyscum saltans, D. 9. Amoeba diffluens, E. 9 a, expanded ; 9 6, contracted. 10. Amphileptus fasciola, E. 10 a, dorsal view ; 10 6, side view. 11. Amphimonas dispar, D. 12. Anisonema sulcata, D. 13. Anthophysa Miilleri, Bory, Duj. (Epistylis vegetans, E.) j 13 a, entire organism ; b, single body. l4a.Arcella vi'lgaris, E., dorsal view ; 14 b, Arcetta aculeata, E., under view ; 14 c, Arcella dentata, E., under view. \5a.Aspidisca lynceus, E., under view ; 15 b, Asp. denticulata, E., side view. 16. Astasia h&matodes, E. a, contracted; b, c, d, in different states of expansion. 17- Astasia limpida, D. (A. pusilla, E.). a, expanded; b, altered in shape. ISa.Bodo grandis, E. ; 18 b, c, Bodo socialis, E. 19. Bursaria vernalis, E., under surface. 20. Carchesium polypinum, E. 21. Carchesium polypinum, E., separate body. 22. Cercomonas acuminata, D. 23. Cercomonas crassicauda, D. 24. Various forms of Trachelomonas, arranged by Ehrenberg in the genera Trachelomonas, Cheetoglena and Doxococcus. See TRACHELOMONAS. 25a.ChfBtomonas globulus, E. ; 256, Ch. constrictus, E. 26. a, b, Chcetotyphla armata, E. ; c, Ch. aspera, E. 27. Chilodon cucullulus, E. a, under view; 6, side view. 28. Chilomonas granulosa, D. 29. Chlamidodon mnemosyne, E., ventral surface. 30. Chlamidomonas pulvisculus, E. (Diselmis viridis, D.), in various stages of development. 31. Chlorogonium euchlorum, E. (upper and lower figure), in different stages of development. 32. Colacium vesiculosum (left-hand fig.) ; C. stentorium, right-hand figure. 33. Coleps hirtus, E. (a, after Ehr., b, after Duj.). 34. Crumenula text a, D. 35a.Cryptoglena conica, E. ; 35 b, Cr. pigra, E. 36a.Cryptomonas ovata, E. ; b, C. lenticularis, E. ; c, C. fusca, E. ; d, C. globulus, D. ; e, C. incsqualis, D. 37a.Cyclidium distortum, D. ; b, C. abscissum, D. ; c and d, C. glaucoma, E. ; c, side view; d, dorsal view. 38. Cyphidium aureolum, E. a, dorsal view ; in b, the expansion is seen. 39. Difflugia proteiformis, E., a and 6. 40. Dileptus folium, D. 41. Dinobryon sertularia, E. 42. Dinobryon petiolatum, D. 43. Diophrys marina, D. a. under view ; 6, side view. 44. Discocephalus rotatorius, E. a, dorsal view; 6, side view. 45. Disoma vacillans, E. 46. a, Distigma proteus, E. ; 6, D. viride, E. 47. a, Doxococcus ruber, E. ; 6, D. pulvisculus, E. 48. Enchelys pupa, E. 49. Enchelys nodulosa, D. 50. Epipyxis utriculus, E. 51. a, Epistylis anastatica ; 6, single body of .E. grandis. 52. Ervilia legumen, D. (Euplotes monostylus, E.). a, under view ; 6, side view. 53. Euglypha tuberculata, D. 54. Euglypha alveolata, D. 55. Amblyophis viridis, E. PLATE 24.— Infusoria. Figure 1. Euglena pyrum, E. 2. Euglena viridis, E. a, b, in different states of contraction and extension. 3. Euglena longicauda, E. (Phacus longicauda, D.), with the body twisted. (Fig. 63, the same, after Duj.j the body flat.) 4. Euglena acus, E., undergoing longitudinal division. 5. Euplotes patella, D. a, under view; b, lateral view. 6. Euplotes vannus, E., under view. 7. Gastroch&tafissa, D. 8. Glaucoma scintillans, E. 9. Peridinium cinctum, E. 100, b. Glenodinium cinctum, E.; 10 c (between figs. 49 & 50), Glenodinium apiculatum, E. 11. Peridinium fuscum, E. 12. Peridinium tripos, E. 13. Peridinium fusus, E. 14. Glenomorum ting ens, E. 15. Gromia fluviatilis, D., with its expansions extended. 16. Trichodina pediculus, E. a, side view; Z>, under view. 17. Heteronema marina, D. 18. Himantophorus charon, E., under view. 19. Himantophorus charon, E., side view. 20. Hexamita nodulosa, D. 21. Holophrya brunnea, D. 22. Holophrya ovum, E. 23. Ichthydium podura, E. 24. Chcetonotus larus, E. 25. Colpoda cucullus, E. 26. Kerona pustulata, D. (Stylonichia p., E.). 27. Kerona mytilus, D. (Stylonichia m., E.), under view. 28. Kerona mytilus, D. (Stylonichia m., E.), side view. 29. Stylonichia histrio, E., under view. 30. Stylonichia lanceolata, E. a, under view ; 6, side view. 31. Kondylostoma patens, D., under view. 32. Kondylostoma patens, D., half side view. 33. Trachelocerca viridis, E. 34. Amphileptus papillosus, E. 35. Lagenella euchlora, E. 36. Cryptomonas (Lagenella, E.) inflata, D. 37. Leucophrys striata, D. 38. Leucophrys patula, E. a, dorsal, 6, ventral surface. 39. Loxodes rostrum, E. (Pelecida rostrum, D.) 40. Loxodes dentatus, D. 41. Loxodes bursaria, E., under view. 42. Loxophyllum (Amphileptus, E.) meleagris,D. a, dorsal view ; 6, anterior portion twisted. 43. a, Microglena punctifera, E. ; 6, M. monadina, E. 44. a, Monaslens, D.; Z>, the same (?) with two anterior cilia; c, Af. attenuata, D. 45. Nassula elegans, E.; 6, teeth. 46. Nassula aurea, E. 47. Opalina (Bursaria, E.) ranarum, Purk. and Val. 48. Ophrydium versatile, E. ; portion expanded by compression. 49. Ophrydium versatile, E. ; marginal portion, in the natural state. 50. Ophrydium versatile, E. ; isolated body. 51. Ophryoglena atra, E. 5'2. Oxytricha pellionella, D. 53. Oxytricha gibba, E., side view. 54. Oxyrrhis marina, D. 55. Panophrys chrysalis, D. 56. Paramecium aurelia, E., dorsal view. 57- Paramecium aurelia, E., side view. 58. Pantotrichum lagenula, E. 59. Peranema globulosa, D. 60. Phialina vermicularis, E. 61. Phialina viridis, E. 62. Phacus (Euglena, E.) pleuronectes, D. 63. Phacus (Euglena, E.) longicauda, D. 64. Plagiotoma lumbrici, D. 65. Planariola rubra, D. 66. Pleuronema chrysalis, D. 67. Plceotia vitrea, D. 68. Polyselmis viridis, D. 69. Polytoma uvella, E. 70. Prorocentrum micans, E. 71. Prorocentrum micans, E., side view. 72. Prorodon teres, E. 73. Prorodon teres, E., teeth. 74. Scyphidia rugosa, E. 75. Spathidium hyalinum, D. (Leucophrys spathula, E.) 76. Spathidium hyalinum, D. ; anterior part twisted. 77- Spirostomum ambiguum, E. 78. Spirostomum ambiguum, E.; posterior end more magnified. INFUSORIA. P124 ^m i im i^m^a^^^m m m ixn SORIA. ['I 25 Lcmdm. John Van Toorst . 185 4 . Forl^st.lam. PLATE 25.— Infusoria. Figure 1 . Tegument of Paramecium aurelia, dried, showing the depressions at different foci, &c. (!NTR. p. xxxii.) 2a. Paramecium aurelia, with globules of sarcode ; 2 b, free globule of sarcode, with numerous vacuoles. 3. Stentor Mulleri, E. 4. Tintinnus inquilinus, E. 5. Trachelius lamella, D., a and b. 6. Trepomonas agilis, D. 7. Trichoda angulata, D. 8. Trichodiscus sol, E. 9. Trichomonas vaginalis, D. 10. Trichomonas limacis, D. 1 1 . Trinema acinus, E. 12. Trochilia sigmoides, D., ventral view. 13. Trochilia sigmoides, D., dorsal view. 14. Urocentrum turbo, E. 15. a, Uroleptus piscis, E.; b, U. lamella, E. 16. Uronema marina, D. 1 7. Urostyla grandis, E. 18. Uvella virescens, E., « and 6. 19. Vaginicola crystallina, E. 20. Cothurnia imberbis, E. 21 a. Vorticella nebulifera, E. ; 215, body separated by division; 21 c, separate body, a, mouth ; b, nucleus (auct. testis, E.) ; c, contractile vesicle (vesic. seminal., E.). 22a.Zootkamnium arbuscula, E. ; 22 b, separate body. 23. Zygoselmis nebulosa, D. a, b, in different states of contraction. 24. Arcella vulgaris, E., half side view of young, with expansions extended. 25. Acineta-stage of Opercularia articulata, E. a, dendritic nucleus ; b, envelope ; c, tentacles ; d, vacuoles ; e, group of fat-granules ; f, enlarged stalk. 26. Vorticella microstoma, E., full-grown, a, O3sophagus ; b, peristome ; c, con- tractile vesicle ; d, nucleus ; e, gemma or bud ; f, mature bud. 27. Vorticella microstoma, E. (old), encysted upon its extended stalk, with its nucleus, contractile vesicle, and retracted cilia. 28. Vorticella microstoma, E. (young), encysted upon its contracted stalk. 29. Vorticella microstoma, E., encysted and stalkless. a, cyst ; c, contractile vesicle ; d, nucleus. 30. Isolated nucleus of an old Vorticella microstoma, 31 . Actinophrys-stage of Vorticella microstoma. The cyst is partly separated from its contents ; the nucleus and contractile vesicle are visible. 32. Two of the above in conjugation. 33. Two Podophrya-stages of Vorticella microstoma in conjugation. 34. Cyst of Vorticella microstoma discharging its brood of germs, a, gelatinous substance, containing b, the germs ; c, neck-like orifice of parent-vesicle ; d, cyst ; e, parent-vesicle. 35. Spirochona gemmipara, Stein, a, peristome with its funnel-shaped process ; b, nucleus ; c, gemma or bud. 36. Acineta-stage of the same, a, tentacles ; b, nucleus ; c, mature swarm -germ, 37. Paramecium chrysalis, E., undergoing longitudinal division. 38. Glaucoma scintillans, E., undergoing transverse division. PLATE 26.— Insects. Figure 1. Head of Blatta orientalis, from before, a, antennae, cut off; b, epicranium ; c, eyes; d, clypeus ; e, labrum ; g, maxillae ; h, maxillary palpi ; k, labial palpi. 2. Head of Blatta orientalis, under portion, g, stipes, h, palp of maxilla ; i, palpiger, k, palp, /, mentum, * paraglossa of labium ; m, submentum and gula ; X occiput. 3. Head of Hydrous piceus, under view, a, antennae ; c, eye ; e, labrum ; /, mandible ; g, maxilla ; h, maxillary palp ; i, ligula ; k, labial palp ; /, mentum ; m, submentum ; n, gula; X occiput. 4. Ocelli of Agrion fulvipes. 5. Portions of cornea of eye of Acheta domestica. a, with hexagonal, b, with quadran- gular facets. 6. Perpendicular section of part of eye of Libellula. c, cornea; b, anterior convex margin'; d, anterior chamber ; /, crystalline lens ; g, choroid. 7. Antenna, setaceous (Achetidae, &c.). 8. Antenna, ensiform (Locustidae). 9. Antenna, filiform (Carabidae). 10. Antenna, moniliform (Tenebrionidae, &c.). a, scapus; b, pedicella; c, clavola. 11. Antenna, serrated (Elateridae). 12. Antenna, imbricated (Prionidae). 13. Antenna, pectinated (Lampyridae). 14. Antenna, bipectinated (Bombycidae). 15. Antenna, flabellate (Elateridae). 16. Antenna, clavate (Coleoptera). 17. Antenna, capitate (Coleoptera). 18. Antenna, lamellate and perfoliate (Melolontha). a, scapus ; b, pedicella ; c, clavola ; d, lamellae. 19. Antenna of Globaria. a, scapus; b, pedicella; c, clavola; d, capitulum. 20. Antenna, plumose (Muscidae). 21. Antenna, plumose ( Culex pipiens, male). 22. Trophi of Blatta orientalis. a, labrum ; b b, mandibles ; c, maxillae (t lacinia, * galea) ; d, internal tongue ; e, labium. 23. Tongue of cricket (Acheta domestica). a, b, c, parts of a fibre more magnified. 24. Head of mason-bee (Anthophora retusa), front view, a, antenna; b, ocelli; c, eye; d, clypeus ; e, labrum ; /, mandible ; g, maxilla ; h, its palp ; i, palpiger or part of the ligula ; k, labial palp ; * ligula, commonly called the tongue ; x, paraglossae. 25. Maxillae and labium of honey-bee (Apis mellifica] ; g, maxilla ; h, its palp ; k, labial palp ; I, mentum ; * ligula, commonly called the tongue. 26. Trophi of water-scorpion (Nepa cinerea). * lingua; /, mandibles; g, maxilla; *, labium. 27. Trophi of bug (Cimex lectularius). a, mandibles united; b, maxillae; the median organ is the labium. 28. Antlia of red admirable butterfly (Vanessa atalanta). a, separate papilla; b, end of antlia extended ; c, transverse section of antlia near its root ; * % tracheae, t tube ; d, entire organ with two maxillae slightly separated at the end ; e, tooth ; f, section near the end, showing the position of the papillae *, and the canal X . 29. Proboscis of the blow-fly (Musca vomitoria). a, maxillary palpi ; c, lobes of labium ; 29 a, portion of margin more magnified. 30. Trophi of female gnat (Culex pipiens). a, antennae; e, labrum; //, mandibles; g g, maxillae ; d, tongue ; i, labium. 31. Setae of the same, more magnified, d, tongue ; e, labrum; f, mandible ; g, maxilla. 32. Trophi of flea (Pulex irritans). d, labrum;/, mandibles or lancets; g, maxilla; h, maxillary palpi ; k, sheaths corresponding to labial palpi. 33. Trophi of flea more magnified, d, labrum ; /, end of mandible ; k, sheath ; /, labium ; m, mentum. INSECTS. P1.26 lorli-West lay INSECTS 3 d. lonim. John T>&. vborst.i654. PLATE 27.— Insects. Figure 1 . Gizzard of cricket (Acheta domestica) . 20. Under membrane of elytrum of cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris) ; 2 b, se- parate hair or spiniform papilla (ELYTRA). 3. Scale of Lepisma saccharina, in liquid ; showing air-bubbles imprisoned by the longitudinal ridges. 4. Hind leg of neuter honey-bee (Apis mellifca), with pollen-brushes on the first joint of tarsus a ; c, tibia ; d, femur ; e, trochanter ; 4 b, outside of tibia hollowed out. 5. Leg of middle pair of Gyrinusnatator. a, tarsus; c, tibia; d, femur; e, trochanter. 6. Anterior leg of male Dytiscus marginalia, a, tarsus, the first three joints with the suckers ; b, one of the smaller ones more magnified ; c, tibia. 7. Leg of fly (Musca domestica) . a, tarsus ; c, tibia ; d, femur ; e, trochanter. 8. Tar sal pulvillus of blow-fly, with hair-like suckers. 9. One of the hair-like suckers of the same, more magnified. 10. Anterior wing of male cricket (Acheta domestica). a, drum; b, file (fig. 12, the file more magnified). 11. Anterior wing of humble-bee (Bombus terrestris). n, fold over which the hooks of the posterior wing play. (See INSECTS, wings, and WINGS.) 12. File of cricket (compare fig. 10 b). 13. Costal nerve of hind wing of humble-bee (Bombus terrestris), with the hooks. (See INSECTS, wings.) 14. Sting and poison apparatus of mason-bee (Anthophora retusa). a, b, sheath of sting ; c, reservoir ; d, duct ; e,f, secretory organs. 15. Single sting of wasp (Vespa vulgaris). 16. Spinning organs of silkworm (Bombyx mori). 1 7. Trachea of a caterpillar ; lower part of the branch containing air. 18. Internal reproductive organs of male mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) . a, testes; b, vasa deferentia ; c, c', prostate (blind tubes) ; d, root of penis, with caeca (Cowper's glands) at the upper part. 19. Female organs of the same, a, a, ovaries; b, b, oviducts; c, receptacle of semen (blind sac), the very slender tube of which c' opens into the vagina d. 20. Battledore scale of Polyommatus argiolus, dry ; 20 «, a portion immersed in water, and more magnified. 21. A scale of the same seen in Canada balsam. 22. Scale from the wing of the gnat (Culex pipiens). 23a. Scale from the wing of male Pontia rapce, dry; 23 b, portion of wing of the same, showing the attachments of the two kinds of scales, a and b. 24. Scale from wing of male Pontia brassicce, dry. 25. Scale from under side of wing of clothes-moth (Tinea vestianella) . 26. Portion of wing of Pontia brassicce, dry, showing the imbricated arrangement of the scales, and the wrinkling of the epidermis at their insertions. 27. Hair-like scales from clothes-moth, dry. 28«. Scale from wing of Lasiocampa quercus, dry; 286, upper portion of the same, more magnified, dry. 29. Scale from wing of Papilio Paris, dry. 30. Scale from larva of Attagenus pellio, dry. 31. Portion of the above, more magnified. 32. End of one of the posterior legs of the larva of a Sphinx. 33. Anterior leg of the same. 34. Spiracle of Dytiscus marginalis; the appended figure represents one of the marginal processes more magnified. 35. Portion of outer membrane of the ovum of the blow- fly (Musca vomitoria). PLATE 28.— Insects. Figure 1. Larva of gnat (Culex pipiens). 2. Organs of larva of Agrion puella. «, ocelli ; 6, oesophagus ; c, gizzard ; d, sto- mach ; e, Malpighian vessels truncated ; /, intestine and rectum ; g, caudal branchiae ; h, tracheae. 3. Clothes-louse (Pediculus vestimenti). 4. H&matopinus suis; 4*, leg more magnified. 5. Philopterus (Docophorus) communis. 6. Trichodectes latus ; 6*, labium and labial palpi. 7. Liotheum (Menopori) pallidum. 8. Gyropus ovalis. 9. Pulex felis (flea of cat), female. a, spiracles ; b, head ; cy thorax ; d, maxil- lary palpi ; e, setae ; /, epimera; g, coxae ; h, trochanter ; i, femur ; k, tibia ; I, tarsus ; x pygidium ; 9 a, separate antenna. 10. Part of Pulex canis (dog's flea), a, protothoracic setae; b, cephalic setae. 11. Head of flea from common bat (PULEX). 12. Antenna of flea from pigeon (PULEX). 13. Posterior end of abdomen of pigeon's flea; male (PULEX). 14. Head of larva of Dytiscus marginalia, a, eyes ; b, antennae ; c, mandibles ; d, maxillae ; e, maxillary palpi ; f, labial palpi. 15. Pupa of Ephemera vulgata. a, abdominal branchiae. 16. Larva of Acilius sulcatus (formerly Dytiscus sulc.). 17. Pupa of Agrion puella ; the ocelli are omitted (LIBELLULID^E) ; 17*, caudal branchial plate. 18. Lepisma saccharina. 19. Larva of Gyrinus natator. 20. Rectum of Mshna grandis ; 20*, portion more magnified (LJBELLULID.E). 21. Pupa of Calopteryx virgo. 22. End of abdomen of Libellula ferruginea. 23. Sheep-tick (Melophagus ovinus). 24. Flea from the mole (PULEX). 25. Head of a Scolopendra (one of the MYRIAPODA). 26. Head of a Lithobius (one of the MYRIAPODA). 27. Fibres of silk- worm's silk. 28. Three lobes of the fatty body of the larva (caterpillar) of Saturnia carpini. 29. End of abdomen of Mshna grandis. 30. (between 2 and 3), Epidermis of cricket (Acheta domestica). 31. Fat-body of Ichneumon-larva, developing from cells. 32. Egg of aquatic insect (?), common in bog-water. PI. 28. Lonim. Jotei Vac" .W st.lf 55 . LICHENS. PI 29. lord 2c West PLATE 29.— Lichens. Figure 1. Fragment of the thallus of Parmelia parietina, Ach., with young apothecia and spermagonia (near the edges of the lobes) . 2. Vertical section of one of the spermagonia and the part of the thallus in which it lies. This section shows the upper and lower cortical layers of the thallus, with the intermediate filamentous medulla and its globular gonidia. 3. Fragment from the wall of the above spermagonium, more magnified, to show the articulated filaments (spermatophores) which bear the spermatia. 4. Spores of the same, treated with iodine ; the dark portion represents the proto- plasmic contents. 5. A spore which has germinated. 6. Fragment of a vertical section through the apothecium of Parmelia stellaris, Fr. The upper part is the fertile layer, or thalamium, composed of thecce with spores and paraphyses ; this rests on the hypothecium, beneath which is a portion of the medullary layer, with gonidia. 7. Ripe spores of the same. 8. Ripe spores, germinated and not germinated, treated with sulphuric acid, and broken, showing the clear endospore inside the hard exospore. 9. Ripe spore of Verrucaria nitida, Fr. 10. Isolated spermatia from the spermagonia of ditto. 11. Ripe spores of Peltigera horizontal^, Hoffm. 12. Fragment of the thalamium of Sphcerophoron coralloides, Pers., with thecce in different stages of development, and free ripe spores. 13. Vertical section of a spermagonium of Collema Jacobecefolium, D.C., with sper- matia escaping. Imbedded in the thallus are seen the moniliform gonidial filaments. 14. Isolated articulated filaments from the same. 15. Isolated spermatia from these filaments. 16. Vertical section of a spermagonium of Cladonia rangiferina, Hoffm., with sper- matia escaping from its orifice. 17. Ripe spores of Urceolaria scruposa, Ach., seen in water. 18. Fully developed spores of Umbilicaria pustulata, Hoffm. 19. Ripe spores of Lecanora parella, Ach. PLATE 30.— Morbid products, human. Figure 1. Aphtha, a, spores of fungus (OIDIUM) ; b, fibres ; c and f. Bacterium termo ; d, e, epithelial scales ; gt early state of Bacterium. 2. Areolar tissue, with formative cells and homogeneous basis ; from a fibroid tumour of the upper jaw. 3. Cells of fatty tissue in degeneration, a, fat ; b, nucleus ; c, cell with thickened walls. 4. Corpuscles of pus. 5. Corpuscles of pus, treated with acetic acid. «, nuclei with object-glass slightly raised ; 5, the same when this is depressed. 6. Pyoid corpuscles, of Lebert. 7. Granule-cells and loose fat-globules ; some of the former with distinct cell- wall and nucleus, in the lowest these are absent ; from a cutaneous cancer. 8. Tubercle in lung ; showing pulmonary fibres, tubercle-corpuscles and fat-granules. 9. Tubercle-corpuscles more magnified. «, seen in water; b, treated with acetic acid. . 10. Fibro-plastic cells from a sarcomatous tumour of the thigh. «, loose secondary cells ; b, fusiform cells ; c, parent-cells ; d, cell forming fibres. 11. Cancerous tissue from a medullary cancer, containing but few and pale fibres. «, free nucleus ; 5, nucleus within a cell. 12. Cancerous tissue from a schirrhous cancer ; the fibres numerous, but delicate and not arranged in bundles. 13. Capillary vessel in a state of fatty degeneration ; showing the oblong nuclei, and the minute fat-globules in the substance of the wall of the vessel. 14. «, Fatty degeneration of the muscular bundles of the heart; the transverse striae are absent, and globules of fat are disseminated through the substance ; b, from muscle of the thigh, showing collapse of sarcolemma and partial absorp- tion of muscular substance, with globules of fat in the remainder. 15. Intercellular fatty degeneration of encysted cutaneous tumour (cholesteatoma). 16. Tissue of medullary cancer of ovary. «, granule-cells ; b, cancer-cells; the fibres are very few and slender. 17. Tissue of cancer of the oesophagus. «, cancer-cells ; b, their nuclei (secondary cells) ; c, nucleoli (tertiary cells) ; d, cancer-cells with highly developed nuclei ; e, granule-cells ; f, fibres and fusiform cells. 18. Colloid or alveolar cancer of the peritoneum, #, nuclei or secondary cells, the walls of the two parent-cells are seen at b ; c, nuclei of areolar tissue ; the contents of the cells are of gelatinous consistence. 19. Portion of an enchondroma, showing cells imbedded in a homogeneous basis. «, cell with nucleus (secondary cell) and nucleolus (tertiary cell) ; c, secondary cell with processes ; b, secondary cell from which the primary has disappeared. 20 1 ' > Cancer-cells from medullary cancer. 22. Colloid corpuscles. «, simple ; b, c, concentric or laminated corpuscles from hypertrophied heart ; d, f, laminated corpuscles from the prostate containing calcareous matter ; e, concentric corpuscle from a cyst in an atrophied kidney. MORBID PRODUCTS. 2 3 EL 30. Ionian. John 1?kn."V"oarst.l855 ORNQIIK ^POLARIZING OBJKOT.S PLATE 31. — Opake and Polarizing Objects. Figure 1 . Two rhombs of selenite as seen under different relative positions of the polarizer and analyser. 2. Crystals of acetate of copper (ACETIC ACID, DICHROISM). 3. Crystals of uric acid under polarized light, natural and artificial (compare PL 8). 4. Prisms of ammonio-phosphate of magnesia under polarized light. 5. Ellipsoidal-constricted, or dumb-bell crystals of oxalate of lime, under polarized light. 6. Crystals of oxalate of soda, under polarized light. 7. Crystals of oxalate of ammonia, under polarized light. 8. Crystals of oxalate of chromium and ammonia, under polarized light. 9. Crystal of salicine, under polarized light. 10. Crystals of sulphate of cadmium, under polarized light. 1 1 . Crystals of oxalurate of ammonia, under polarized light. 12. Crystal of oxalurate of ammonia, under polarized light, with a plate of selenite. 13. Elytrum of Curculio imperialis, as an opake object. 14. Seeds of white poppy (Papaver somniferum), opake object. 15. Seed of sweet-william (Dianthusfasciculatus), opake object. r' > Seeds of Silene gallica, opake objects. 18. Seeds of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), opake objects. 19. Egg of puss-moth (Cerura vinula), opake object. 20. Eggs of bug (Cimex lectularius), opake objects ; the lids are removed. 21. Eggs of Pontia rapa, opake objects. 22. Skin and scales of sole (Solea vulgaris), opake objects. 23. Rhopalocanium ornatum. 24. Stephanastrum rhombus. 25. Eucertydium ampulla, front view. 26. Eucertydium ampulla, under view. 27. Podocyrtis Schomburgkii. POLYCYSTINA. Opake objects. 28. Anthocyrtis mespilus. 29. Astromma Aristotelis. 30. Lychnocanium lucerna. 3 1 . Haliomma Humboldtii. 32. Eggs of Pontia brassicce, opake objects. 33. Portion of liver of cat ; the porta injected with red, the branches of the vena cava with yellow ; opake object. 34. Portion of lung of toad ; opake object. 35. Kidney of pig; arteries and Malpighian bodies red, urinary tubules white ; opake object. 36. Spiracle of Bombyx, opake object. 37 1 oo* > Sections of Rhinoceros's horn ; by polarized light. 39. White hairs of horse, interlaced; by polarized light. 40. Tous-les-mois starch, by polarized light, with plate of selenite. PLATE 32.— Pollen, etc. Figure 1 . a and b, spiral tissue of lining of anther from wallflower (Cheiranthus Cheiri). 2. Ditto, from London Pride (Saxifraga umbrosa). 3. Ditto, from Lupinus nanus. 4. Ditto, from a cactus (Cereus speciosus). a, side view; b, from above. 5. Ditto, from daisy (Bellis perennis) . 6. Pollen of Viola odorata. a, side view ; b, end view ; c, in water. 7. Pollen of Apocynum Fenetum. 8. Pollen of daisy (Bellis perennis). 9. Pollen of Mesembryanthemum. 10. Pollen of Alisma plantago. 1 1 . Pollen of Lupinus nanus. 12. Pollen of garden geranium (Pelargonium speciosum). a, front view ; b, side view. 13. Pollen of passion-flower (Passiflora ccerulea). a, perfect grain ; b, grain with the lid of a pore opening. 14. Pollen of Epilobium montanum. 15. Pollen of Periploca graeca. 16. Pollen of Scorzonera hispanica. 1 7. Pollen of Erica multiflora. 18. Pollen of Sherardia arvensis. a, side view ; b, end view ; c, ditto in water. 19. Pollen ofSasella alba. 20. Pollen ofPassiflora aguilegiaefolia. a, side view ; b, end view ; e, ditto in water. 21. Pollen of Impatiens noli me-tang ere. 22. Pollen of Cucurbita Pepo, in water. 23. Pollen of Ruellia formosa. 24. Pollen of musk-plant (Mimulus moschatus). 25. Compound pollen of Acacia laxa. 26. Pollen of Hibiscus Trionum. 27. Pollen of chicory (Cichorium Intybus). 28. Pollen of Sonchus palustris, side and end views. 29. Pollen of Statice linifolia, end and side view. 30. Pollen-grain with tube upon the stigmatic papillae, from Lathraa squamaria. 31. Spermatozoid from the globule of Charaf raff His. 32. Spermatozoids from the antheridium of Marchantia polymorpha. 33. Spermatozoids from the antheridium of Polytrichum commune. 34. Spermatozoids from the antheridium of a Fern (Gymnogramma). 35. Spiral fibrous cells of the sporange of Marchantia polymorpha. 36. Elater of Marchantia polymorpha. 37. Fragments of ditto. «, from the middle; 5, one end. 38. Elater of Frullania dilatata. 39. Elaters (a) and spores (b) of Trichia. 40. Fragment of the same elater showing the three internal spiral fibres. POLLED ETC. t 3 PL 32. London.: Jakn/Van "Voorst iS54. J.Busire sc. PLATE 34.— Rotatoria. Figure 1. Actinurus Neptunius, E., swimming, a, orifice of intestine. 2. Gizzard, with teeth of the same. 3. Head of the same, while crawling. 4. Albertia vermiculus, D. ; 40, teeth. 5. Anurcea curvicornis, E., dorsal view. 6. Anurcea curvicornis, E., half side view. 7. Asplanchna priodonta ; b, jaws and teeth. 8. Brachionus amphiceros. 9. Brachionus rubens, jaws of. 10. Callidina elegans. 1 1 . Callidina elegans, jaws. 12. Colurus defiexus, dorsal view. 13. Colurus deflexus, under view. 14. Colurus deflexus, teeth. i r s* T .T -il'l 15. Conochtlus volvox, isolated animal. 16. Conochilus volvox, spherical group. 17. Conochilus volvox, jaws of. 18. Cycloglena lupus. «, tremulous bodies; b, contractile sac. 19. Cyphonautes compressus, side view, a, pharynx; b, nervous ganglion ; dt intestine. 20. Cyphonautes compressust end view. 21. Diglena lacustris. 22. Diglena lacustris, jaws. 23. Dinocharis teiractis. r>A n- i • >j, ^ t 24. Dinocharis pocillum, teeth of. 25. Distemma forficula. 26. Distemma forficula, jaws of. 27. Enteroplea hydatina. 28. Eosphora digit at a. 29. Eosphora digit at a, jaws of. 30. Euchlanis triquetra. 31. Euchlanis triquetra, jaws of. 32. Floscularia ornata. _. _ 33. f losculana proboscidea, jaws ot. 34. Furcularia Reinhardtii. 35. Furcularia Reinhardtii, jaws of. 36. Glenophora trochus. 37. Hydatina senta. 38. Hydatina senta, jaws of. 39. flyrfriflw cornigera. 40. Lindia torulosa. T> -,. 7 1 41. Lindia torulosa, teeth of. 42. Plagiognatha hyptopus, D. (Notommata hyp., E.). 43. Lepadella emarginata. 44. Lepadella ovalis, jaws of. 45. Limnias ceratophylli. 46. Mastigocerca carinata. ROTATORIA. PI 34 7 a ROTATORLV MfenWest. sculp londoa. Join 7aa"%orrt 165 4. PLATE 35.— Rotatoria. Figure 1. Megalotrocha flavicans. 2. Megalotrocha Jlavicans, jaws. 3. Melicerta ringens. 4. Melicerta ringens, removed from its sheath, a, rotatory lobes; b, lips; c, accessory ciliated lobe ; d, tentacular processes ; e, pharynx or oesophagus and jaws ; f, g, upper and lower stomach ; h, anus ; k, ovary ; I, oviduct ; n, tail ; o, disk ; p, sarcodic globules ; q, ovum. 5. Melicerta ringens, tentacular process of. a, setae ; b, conical body ; c, muscle. 6. Melicerta ringens, jaws of. 7. Metopidia triptera. a, contractile sac. 8. Microcodon clavus. 9. Monocerca rattus. a, contractile sac ; b, muscle. 10. Monolabis gracilis. n *f j. j j - j j. j. 1 1 . Monostyla quadndentata. 9 2 12. Monura dulcis. 13. Noteus quadricornis. 14. Notommata centrura. 15. Notommata centrura, jaws of. 16. (Ecistes crystallinus. 17. Philodina erythrophthalma. i o r>7 j. i -n 18. Pleurotrocha gibba. -n , T , !° '• •&£ 1 9 . Polyarthra platyptera. 20. Pterodina patina. 21. Ptygura melicerta. 22. Rattulus lunaris. 23. Rotifer vulgaris. a, contractile sac. 24. Salpina redunca, dorsal view. 25. Stephanoceros Eichornii. a, tremulous bodies. <•»/? C* T. 11*- 26. bynchceta baltica. y 27. Scandium longicaudum. 28. Stephanops cirratus. 29. Squamella oblonga. 30. Triarthra longiseta. 31. Triophthalmus dorsualis. 32. Theorus vernalis. 33. Typhlina viridis. • PLATE 36.— Starch. 4 1 H Oft) Figure 1 . Section of a cell of the albumen of a young maize seed, showing the nascent starch-grains imbedded in protoplasm. 2. The same, somewhat older ; most of the starch-grains exhibit a central point or "hilum." 3. Section of a cell from the outer horny part of the albumen of maize ; the starch- grains completely fill the cell, and by their crowded condition have compressed each other into polygonal form. 4. Part of a similar section treated with iodine, a, starch-grain cut across (with a central cavity) ; b, intervening protoplasm. 5. Free starch-grains of maize from the cells of the centre of the seed. 6. Young starch-grains of ditto. 7. Compound starch-grains and separated granules, from the corm of the crocus. 8. Lenticular starch-grains of wheat. «, seen in face; 6, seen edgewise. 9. Biscuit-shaped starch-grains of barley, a a, front view ; b, edgewise. 10. Compound starch-grains and separated granules of oats. 11. Compound grains and separated granules of Portland arrow root (Arum maculatum) . 12. Part of a section of a cell of the grain of rice, exhibiting very minute starch- grains, firmly compacted as in maize. 13. A portion of the same, more magnified. 14. Starch-grains of Cassava (Jatropha Manihot)*. 15. Young starch-grains from the cells of the prothallium of a fern (Gymnogramma). 16. Compound starch-grains and separated granules of the bread-fruit (Artocarpus incisa)*. 17. Starch-grains of Cycas circinalis*. 18. Starch-grains of the arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea), from Singapore*. 19. Starch-grains of an East Indian arrow root obtained from a species of Curcuma*. 20. Cell of a potato, showing the loosely-packed starch-grains. 21. Isolated starch-grains of the potato. 22. Starch-grains of Tacca pinnatifida, from Tahiti*. 23. Starch-grains of sago (from a Sagusl)*. 24. Starch from plantain-meal (Musa). a, front view; b, edgewise*. 25. Starch of Tous-les-mois (Canna). a, front view ; b, edgewise*. 26. Section of a cell of the cotyledon of a haricot-bean, a, starch-grains ; b, the pitted secondary layers of amyloid upon the cell- wall. 27. An isolated starch-grain from the same. 28. Part of a cell of the stem of the white lily (Lilium candidum), showing nascent starch-grains. «, forming in cavities of the protoplasm c ; £, nucleus. * The figures to which this asterisk is appended, were taken from specimens with which we were favoured from the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew. . • 2G %il|Wl 24 < 4-.Hercfrey,aH not. If! London: John Van Vo gist, 18 64.. J.B afire, sc. SHELL London, Joip. Van "Voorst. 1855. Ford iWest, PLATE 37.— Shell, etc. Figure 1 . Calcareous corpuscles of common-star-fish (Asterias ( Uraster) rubens), a, b, c, d, e ; /, the same from an Ophiura ; g, calcareous disk from an Echinus ; h, i, k, I, m, from an Ophiura (ECHINODERMATA). 2*. Spine of an Ophiura ; 2, portion of the same more magnified. 3. A pedicellaria of the common star-fish (Asterias rubens) ; on the right hand is a portion of the margin more magnified to show the teeth. 4. Shell of Pinna, section parallel to the surface. 5. Shell of Pinna, section perpendicular to the surface. 6. Spine of an Echinus, transverse section. 6 a, segment of the same, more magnified. 7. Sections of shell of a Terebratula ; a, perpendicular to, b, parallel with the surface. 8. Portion of a sponge, with the spicula projecting from its surface. 9. Shell of oyster, a, b, sections parallel to surface. 10. Shell of oyster, showing the rhomboidal crystals of carbonate of lime, 1 1 . Shell of oyster, showing the cellular appearance ; a, parallel with, b, perpendicular to the surface. 12. Shell of hen's egg ; from a " soft " egg. 13. Shell of hen's egg, perfectly formed. 14. Shell of egg of ostrich ; section parallel to surface. 15. Shell of egg of ostrich ; section perpendicular to surface. 16. Shell of lobster ; section perpendicular to surface. 19. Anchor-shaped spicular hooks of Synapta (ECHINODERMATA). ™ . . r • m, • i V The remaining figures represent the spicula of sponges. a. Elongato-fusiform, tubercular. b. Acicular, acute at both ends. b*. Subulato-acicular, base trifid, rays shortly bifid. c. Subulato-acicular. d. Subulato-acicular, base swollen. e. Arcuato-acicular, acute at both ends. f. Shortly cylindrical, ends doubly trifid. g. Subulato-acicular, base turbinate. h. Subulato-acicular, base capitate. i. Subulato-fusiform. k. Elongato-subulate, base capitate. I. Terete, geniculate. m. Filiform, ends capitate. n. Acicular, ends bifurcate. o. Acicular, ends trifurcate. p. Subulato-acicular, base tnradiate. q. Acicular, base tri-retro-cuspid. r. Uncinato-filiform. s. Bacilliform, ends tri-retro-cuspid. t. Arcuate, ends uncinate. u. Stellato-triradiate. v. Geminate, arms subulato-filiform, geniculate. w. Stellato-quadriradiate. x. Stellato-quinquiradiate. y. Stellato-multiradiate, ends capitate. a. Subulate, tuberculate. /3. Arcuate, spinulose, ends clavate. y. Stellate, insequiradiate. 5. Bacilliform, spinulose, with dentate, discoid, rotate ends, e. Globular, with subulate spines. £. Oblong, with irregularly stellate ends, the rays capitate; * side view, X end view. rj. Bacilliform, with stellate, rotate ends. PLATE 38.— Vegetable Tissues. 1 J • 11 /• ^ 7 • 1. Embryo-sac and supporting cells, of Orchis mono. 2. The same, more advanced. 3. The same, with a germinal vesicle at its apex. 4. The same, with three germinal vesicles, just before impregnation. 5. The same, after the pollen-tube (p f) has reached it ; one of the germinal vesicles (e) already being developed to form the embryo. 6. The same, more advanced, showing the first cell of the suspensor (s) at the upper end. 7. Embryo-sac of Lathraa Squamaria before the origin of the germinal vesicles ; p, amorphous protoplasm ; e, protoplasm in course of development into endo- sperm-cells. 8. 9. Apices of very young hairs of the filaments of Tradescantia virginica ; n, n, nuclei, containing nucleoli ; p, protoplasm. 1 0. Cylindrical cell from which are formed the parent-cells of the spores of Marchantia polymorpha ; p, primordial utricles of the parent-cells. 11. The same, converted into a string of cells. 12. One of the parent-cells isolated, with four primordial utricles of the spores. 13. The four spores free. 14. Transverse section of pith and internal wood of elder ; e?, porous duct. 15. Epidermis of the leaf of the pine-apple, seen from above. 16. Vertical section of cork. 17. Transverse section of ditto. 18. Transverse section of stellate parenchyma of rush-pith, 19. Cellular tissue (parenchymatous) of the leaf of Orthotrichum pulchellum. 20. Cellular tissue (prosenchymatous) of the leaf of Hypnum decipiens. 21. Section of the albumen of the seed of Areca Catechu. 22. The same, after treatment with sulphuric acid and iodine. 23. Section of the bony albumen of vegetable ivory, a, cells and pits filled with air; c, cells filled up with Canada balsam. 24. Cell-membrane of Hydrodictyon utriculatum. m, the laminae of the cellulose coat ; p, protoplasm. 25. Vertical section of the epidermis of a misletoe-branch several years old. 26. The same, after boiling in solution of potash and treatment with iodine. 27. Transverse section of a liber-cell of the oak, after long boiling in nitric acid and treatment with iodine. 28. Vertical section of the upper face of the leaf of Cycas revoluta. a, cuticle, extending over the epidermal cells, which, like the deeper-seated cells, have pitted secondary deposits. j^ou&SLlo sloi •"OfdLcuj 'io Janb B 3 PI 38. VEGETABLE TISSUES. •" fe' 0 1 A • j> V C S^fei •^ 'f^^^i '•>. Jv_ x\ • \ ljv • ' v TjLtl yc «%,, 24. Epidermis of the petal ot the daffodil, from above. 25. Fragment of the leaf of Sphagnum cymbiforme. a> empty cells with spiral fibre; b, interstitial cells with chlorophyll. 26. Vertical section of the upper face of the leaf of Parietaria officinalis, with a cystolithe. Magnified 100 diameters. 27. A similar section from the leaf of Ficus elastica. Magnified 100 diameters. 28. a and b, Sections of the cellular tissue of onion-bulb, containing raphides. 29. Stomate and epidermis of Equisetum ; the siliceous coat remaining after the destruction of the organic matter. 30. End of a liber-fibre of the periwinkle (Vinca major), with fine spiral striae. 31. Branched liber-cell of the radicle of Rhizophora Mangle. 32. Siliceous cast of the inside of a duct of unknown fossil wood ; the peculiar con- centric concretions of the silica imitate to a certain extent the so-called glan- dular markings of Coniferse. PLATE 40.— Various Objects, Figure 1. Mixtures of oil and water (!NTR. p. xxxii). a, water in oil; b, c, oil in water. 2. Oceania cruciata (ACALEPH.E), epidermis of. 3. Oceania cruciata. a, b, stinging capsules with filament included ; c, d, with filament expelled. 4. Diphyes Kochii (ACALEPHJE) ; organs of adhesion upon tentacles. 5. Oceania cruciata, portion of margin of disk slightly magnified, a, ovary ; b, muscular bundles ; c, transverse vessel coming from the stomach ; d, mar- ginal vessel; e,f, tentacular filaments; g, auditory organs. Fig. 5* sperma- tozoa. 6. Infusorial embryos of Ac ALE PH^E. 7. 8, 9, 10. The same, further developed. 11. Epidermis of Triton cristatus (water-newt). 12. Ciliated epithelium from frog's throat. 13. apiculosa *") Alder's animalcules, considerably magnified (ALDERIA). 14. ovata j> This generic name being already in use, cannot be re- 15. pyriformisj tained. 16. Htemocharis, epidermis of. ~| 1 7. Hamocharis ; transverse section of muscular fibres. 18. Htemocharis, muscular fibre, showing the sarcolemma. >(ANNULATA.) 19. Hcemocharis ; margin of cephalic disk, with branching mus- cular fibres c ; and a, b, d, glands and ducts. 20. Aphrodita aculeata, hair of, treated with potash. 21. Blood-corpuscles, human. #, d, surface view at different foci ; c, side or edge view ; 6, colourless or lymph-corpuscle ; ey coloured corpuscles altered, either spontaneously or by mixture with foreign matters, as urine, &c. 22. Blood-corpuscles of the goat (Capra hircus). 23. „ „ whale (Balcena). 24. „ „ ostrich (Struthio). 25. „ „ pigeon (Columba). 26. „ „ stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). 27. „ „ loach (Cobitis fossilis) ; b, colourless corpuscle. 28. „ >, frog (Rana temporaria) ; 6, colourless corpuscle ; c, d, the same, altered by water. 29. „ „ triton (Triton cristatus) ; b, colourless corpuscle ; c, dy e, f3 altered coloured corpuscles. 30. „ Siren ; b, colourless corpuscle. crab (Carcinus). spider (Teaenaria domestica). cockroach (Blatta orientalis). worm (Lumbricus terrestris). a, corpuscle partly drawn 31. 32. 33. 34. out, as occurs with the bodies of some Infusoria. 35. „ „ garden-snail (Helix aspersa). 36. „ „ human, coloured, undergoing division. 37. Blood, human, in coagulation ; b, colourless corpuscle. 38. Cartilage of the ear of a mouse ; the fat is partly removed from the cells. 39. Cartilage of human rib. 40. Cartilage of human epiglottis. 41. Areolar tissue, human, with fat-cells. 43. Formation of areolar tissue from cells. VARIOUS OBJECTS. PI .40. d VARIOUS OBJECTS. '-' tf<± Jfc .,.,.,,_, 2X--1^ \ //-P SVV '£'? ^ ^W'- .^ " ;"M «" • * 3^^ ^ ^ « ' r *?*-•" ^^ lH^jf^^v zoo ^d ' v. • °' .- :'^~ '" y .•'- '- " l > -:'^v' * 'f^i^ '<*^:^ *f^J?v '^-L, ''^^ $$'.,'£'•*''•*. WJ& '&- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LItary This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MAR 61964 LD 21-50m-4,'63 (D6471slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley r ff