Ca VERSITYO? AND SJV" * .uRAL IMENT P BURLINGTON. BULLETIN NO. 167 JUNE, 1912 I ' 506479 — — I* . A- . So Qnp Burlington: Free Press Pki.vhno Co., L912. ROL ' i ATH . HILL-. P. A. RICH, Veterinarian. CASSIUS PECK, Farm Si C. H. JONES, Chemist. » F HAWES, (State Forester), Foresiei S, Horticulturist. Plant Pathologist. )tanist. i, Animal and Dairy Husbandman. P. A. ii£,i>^~--r, Assistant Chemist. JENNIE L. ROWELL, Assistant Chemist. W. B. DERBY, Assistant Chemist. G. C. CUNNINGHAM, Assistant Plant Pathologist. **■ *c LOMBARD, Assistant Horticulturist. C. W. U rpeNTER, Assistant Bacteriologist. W. J. LAMt^nuGH, Computer. W. F. HAMMOND Expert in Horse Breeding.* STANLEY HARGK^ ■• VES, Gardener. ADELLE ORTON, stenogu ^her. C. P. SMITH. Treasurer. fts*Copies of the reports an«*4 bulletins of free of charge to any address upon application. *3"Address xnmnnicarions nc^ the Ex^ Leal, horticultural at the head of Main str Glories are at Williams Science 1 aiy laboratories at 499 Main Street. ^i-m and buildings are on the Williston road, ad diversity grounds on the east. "la cooperation with Hu. An. Ind., U. B. Dept, Agr. BULLETIN 167: MICRO-ORGANISMS 01 MAPLE SAP. Part I. Micro-organisms Occurring in Maple Sap and their Influence on the Color, Flavor and Chemical ComposU tion of Sirup. By II. A. Edson Fart II. Discussion of Physical and Chemical Data Secured on Maple Sirups Obtained from Saps Inoculated with — Micro-organisms. By C. I J. Jones Part III. Technical Description of Certain Bacteria Occur= ring in Maple Sap. A. Description of Bacillus aceris (n. sp.). B. Brief Description of the Pink Cocci of Maple Sap. C. The Green Fluorescent Bacteria Occurring in Maple Sap. By H. A. Edson and C. W. Carpenter The completion of the studies reported in Tart I and in Part HI (A) of this bulletin was made possible through the courtesy of the Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. The author of those parts, the former station bacteriologist, when he withdrew from station employ to enter that of the Department, had not pursued the investigation far enough to warrant final publication. The Chief of the Bureau generously allowed him to continue his work after he had become connected with the Department dur- ing the succeeding sugar season, at intervals during the year, and for several months early in [912 while preparing the mat- ter for the press. Had it not been for this cordial cooperation, the matter could hardly have been brought to a successful issue ; and the Station gratefully acknowledges its obligation for the courtesy. J. L. Hills, Director. 324 Bulletin 167 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I. Micro-organisms Occurring in Maple Sap and their In- fluence on the Color, Flavor and Chemical Composi- tion of Sirup 333-418 Introduction 333 The relation of micro-organisms to spoiled maple sap 336 The number of micro-organisms in maple sap 338 Number of organisms in sour maple sap 339 Table 1. Organisms per cc. in sour maple sap 339 Number of organisms in sweet maple sap 340 Table 2. Organisms per cc. in sweet maple sap 340 Table 3. Organisms per cc. in sap obtained in sterilized containers 341 Bacteria] content of sap obtained under septic conditions as compared with aseptic conditions 341 Table 4. Organisms in sap from fresh and from sour tap- holes 341 Influence of tap-hole infection upon the flora of sap 342 • Table 5. Organisms from tap-hole and spout per cc. of maple sap 342 Influence of container on bacterial flora 343 General plan of field experiments 343 Method of sirup scoring :'>4~> Table 6. Amounts of ingredients to be used in preparing solutions for the color scale 348 Table 7. Values assigned to color grades 349 Table 8. Values assigned to flavor grades 349 Inoculation experiments in 1909 349 Detailed discussion of samples :;:>1 Series 1: Sirups 1 to G 35] Series 2: Sirups 7 to 12 353 Series 3 : Sirups 13 to 20 355 Sirups from last run sap in 1909 357 Inoculation experiments in 1910 359 Series 4: Sirups 27 to 40 361 Series 5: Sirups 41 to 48 3G5 Series G: Sirups 49 to 37 Series 7 : Sirups 58 to 65 370 Influence of container upon quality of sirup 372 Series 8 : Sirups G8 to 73 373 Series 9: Sirups 74 to 81 75 Micro-organisms of" Maple Sap 325 Sugar and sirup from sour sap :!77 Sirup from last run sap in 1910 :'.7'.t Inoculation experiments in 1911 3N0 Series 10: Sirups 89 to 9G 381 Series 11: Sirups 97 to 104 383 Series 12 : Sirups 1 05 to 11 2 385 Series 13: Sirups 113 to 120 386 Sirups from last run sap in 1911 :'.s1 Table 16. Maple sirup. Controls 422 Table 17. Minimum ash and malic acid values for pure maple sirup 423 Group 2. Incubator controls 425 Table IS. Maple sirup. Incubator controls 426 Group 3. Inoculated with non-fluorescent bacteria 427 Table 19. Maple sirup. Inoculated with non-fluorescent bacteria Us 326 Bulletin [()? Group 4. Inoculated with pink cocci 4 l!rt Table 20. Maple sirup. Inoculated with pink cocci 430 Group 5. Failures 431 Table 21. Maple sirup. Failures 432 Group 6. Inoculated with red yeasts 4:!:; Table 22. Maple sirup. Inoculated with red yeasts 434 Group 7. Inoculated with gray yeasts 435 Table 23. Maple sirup. Inoculated with gray yeasts.... 43G Group 8. Inoculated with fluorescent bacteria 437 Table 24. Maple sirup. Inoculated with fluorescent bac- teria 438 Group 9. Composites 440 Table 25. Maple sirup. Composites 441 Group 10. Inoculated with Bacillus aceris 442 Table 26. Maple sirup. Inoculated with Bacillus aceris. . 443 Group 11. Last run, sweet 444 Table 27. Maple sirup. Last run, sweet 445 Group 12. Inoculated with fluorescent and other organ- isms and with spore-bearers 446 Table 28. Maple sirup. Inoculated with fluorescent and other organisms and with spore-bearers 447 Group 13. Inoculated with green molds 448 Table 29. Maple sirup. Inoculated with green molds.... 449 Group 14. Tin vs. wooden buckets 150 Table 30. Maple sirup. Tin vs. wooden buckets 451 Group 15. Inoculated with pink yeast; burned control.. 452 Table 31. Maple sirup. Inoculated with pink yeast; burned control 453 Group 16. Last run, sour 454 Table 32. Maple sirup. Last run, sour 455 Group 17. Sour sap, kept 456 Table 33. Maple sirup. Sour sap, kept 457 Summary of averages secured on the sundry groups dis- cussed 458 Table 34. Average analyses of the maple sirup groups... 459 Invert sugar content of maple sirup 461 Table 35. Average invert sugar content of the different groups and maximum and minimum in indi- vidual samples 462 Discussion of the total and insoluble ash and malic acid values 463 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 321 Table 36. Sirups deficient in total ash, insoluble ash, or malic acid value 464 Table 37. Number of samples and percent below standard in total ash, insoluble ash and malic acid value 467 Table 38. Number and nature of deficiencies 4f,s Table 39. Deficiencies grouped according to sample num- oers 169 Table 40. Effect of diluting, boiling and filtering on con- centrated maple sirup compared with the original analyses of the same samples 471 Summary 473 Part III. Technical Description of Certain Bacteria Occurring in Maple Sap 475-602 A. Description of Bacillus aceris (n. sp.) 475-516 Summary of characters 475 Occurrence and character 475 Morphology 475 Cultural features 476 Physical and biochemical features 477 Detailed description 478 Occurrence 478 Form 479 Morphological characters 480 Dimensions 480 Cultures on agar hanging blocks 480 Fission 481 Grouping 4.81 Motility and flagella 481 Spores 482 Capsule 482 Involution forms 483 Staining reactions . . 483 Cultural characters 4N4 Methods 484 Agar stroke 484 Agar stab 484 Agar plates 485 Carbohydrate agars 4s.", Gelatin 486 Gelatin stroke 486 Bulletin 167 Gelatin stab 486 Gelatin colonies 4^7 Broth 4S7 Potato blocks 488 Milk 488 Acid production in milk 488 Table 41. Acid production in milk * . . . 489 Table 42. Average acid production in milk in cc. N/1 per liter 490 Litmus milk 491 Starch jelly 491 Cohn's solution 491 Uschinsky solution 491 Fermi's solution 492 Silicate jelly 492 Sodium chlorid in bouillon 492 Growth in bouillon over chloroform 492 Maple sap sterilized 492 Insterilized sap 493 Artificial maple sap 493 Physical and biochemical features 494 Gas production in milk 494 Carbohydrate broth 4^4 Table 43. Acid production in carbohydrate broths.... 49G Table 44. Gas production in carbohydrate broths 498 Table 45. Proportion of carbon dioxid to total gas.... 4'.'^ Fermentation of potato starch 499 Gas production in modified Uschinsky solution contain- ing carbohydrates 499 Ammonia production 500 Table 46. Ammonia produced in nutrient, broth 500 Nitrate reduction 500 Indol production 501 Production of phenol 501 Hydrogen sulphid production 502 Toleration of acids 502 Toleration of sodium hydroxid Optimum reaction 504 Temperature relations 505 Growth in carbon dioxid atmosphere 505 Desiccation Micro-organisms of Maple Sap :'-•-"., Insolation 507 Production of alcohol 507 Production of proteolytic enzyms 509 Production of diastatic ferments 510 Production of invertase 510 Effect of germicides 512 Formaldehyde 512 Phenol 513 Nitrogen requirements 514 Series A. Glycerin •". I :, Series B. Mannit r, 1 r. Series C. Dextrose 515 Table 47. Growth on nitrogen media 515 Name 516 B. Brief Description of the Pink Cocci of Maple Sap 516-521 Morphology 516 Cultural characters 517 Physical and biochemical features 519 Table 48. Acid production on carbohydrate broths.... 520 C. The Green Fluorescent Bacteria Occurring in Maple Sap. . . .521-602 Introduction 521 Preliminary studies upon 42 strains of green fluorescent sap bacteria 523 Isolation r>2:: Methods of work 525 Nutrient broth 526 Agar medium 526 Gelatin medium 526 Rejuvenation and stock 526 Detailed features of the forty-two strains 527 Morphology 527 1. Form 527 2. Grouping 527 3. Motility 527 4. Endospores 527 5. Capsules 52s 6. Stains 528 Aqueous anilin stains 528 Cultural features 52s 1. Agar stroke 528 2. Potato 528 330 Bulletin 167 3. Agar stab 528 4. Gelatin 528 5. Nutrient broth 529 6. Milk 529 7. Litmus milk 529 8. Gelatin colonies 530 9. Agar colonies 530 10. Cohn's nutrient solution * . . 530 1 1. Uschinsky solution 531 12. Nitrogen requirements 531 Physical and biochemical features 532 1. The action of the organisms upon dextrose, lactose, sucrose and glycerin 53J Table 49. Acid and alkali produced in sugar free nutri- ent bouillon 534 Table 50. Acid and alkali produced in 2% dextrose bouillon 535 Table 51. Acid and alkali produced in 2:; Morphology 553 1 . Vegetative cells 553 Table 59. Limits of size on hanging block 553 Table GO. Limits of size on hanging drops 553 Table 61. Limits of size on stained preparations 554 2. Endospores 554 3. Flagella 554 4. Capsules 555 5. Zoogloea ;,:,i; 6. Involution forms 556 7. Staining reactions 556 Cultural features 557 1 . Agar stroke 557 2. Potato slants \ 558 3. Loeffler's blood serum 558 4. Agar stab 558 "». Gelatin stab at 20° C 559 6. Nutrient broth 563 7. Milk 564 Table 62. Acid production in milk 564 8. Litmus milk ;,i;i; 9. Gelatin colonies 567 10. Agar colonies 568 1 1. Cohn's nutrient solution r>70 1 2. Uschinsky solution ,",71 Table 63. Uschinsky solution 572 Table 64. Modified Uschinsky solution 7.73 13. Nitrogen -.74 Table 65. Nitrogen requirements :,74 Table 66. Nitrogen requirements 7,7;, Physical and biochemical features 7,71; 1 . Sugar free medium 7,7c 332 Buixetin 167 Table 67. Percent normal acid or alkali produced in sugar free medium 577 2. Sugar media 577 Table 68. Percent normal acid or alkali produced on dextrose peptone; lactose peptone; sucrose pep- tone; ; glycerin peptone "77 3. Action on nitrates in nitrate broth 579 4. Indol 580 Table 69. Indol production in nutrient broth 580 Table 70. Indol production in Dunham's peptone 5S1 f>. Toleration of acids and alkalies 581 Table 71. Growth on acid and alkali media after 24 hours 582 Table 72. Growth on acid and alkali media after 3 days 583 6. Optimum reaction for growth in bouillon 583 Table 73. Optimum reaction 584 7. Vitality on culture media 584 8. Temperature relations; thermal death point 584 Table 74. Thermal death point 585 9. Drying ~'s" Table 75. Resistance to desiccation 586 10. Insolation 586 Table 76. Influence of insolation 587 Table 77. Influence of insolation 587 11. Acids produced 588 12. Alkalies produced 58S 13. Crystals 588 14. Diastasic action on potato starch 588 15. Anaerobiosis 588 Group number of the 13 strains 590 Species 590 New species, strain CXV 593 Brief description of Bacillus parallel us (n. sp.) 594 Morphological characters 594 Cultural features 594 Physical and biochemical features 596 Table 78. Brief characterization of the 12 strains of Ps. fluoresceins 598 Conclusions 59S Bibliography (Part III C) 600 Index (in:1, PART T MICRO-ORGANISMS OCCURRING IN MAPLE SAP AM) THEIR IN- FLUENCE ON THE COLOR, FLAYOH AM) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SMUT By H. A. Edson I NTRODUCTION A preliminary contribution upon the work presented in this paper appeared in bulletin 151 (1910). Only the more important facts reported at that time are restated in the present paper, but quotations and repetitions stripped of details are introduced when essential to a clear and complete presentation. The problem is most satisfactorily introduced, however, by a somewhat lengthy quotation from the former paper, in which, for the information of any who may not be familiar with them, are included brief descriptions of the main facts of sap flow and of sugar making" as practiced in Vermont. "Late in March, in this section, evidences of coming spring- appear. The nights are still cold and frosty but the days are genial and the temperature rises a few degrees above the freez- ing point. If, at this time, the trunk or limbs of certain species of the genus Acer are fresh wounded a sweet sap exudes. The In- dians were familiar with this phenomenon before white men came ; and had learned to collect, to concentrate and to make sugar from this sap. The early settlers1 learned from them the essential steps which, in modified form, constitute the procedure followed in the maple sugar industry today." "According to modern practice the tree is tapped by boring a half-inch hole 2 inches deep about 4 feet from the ground. A round, hollow spout or "spile" of wood or metal, upon which is suspended a bucket to catch the dripping sap, is driven into the hole. The sap flow is not continuous but is divided into short intermittent periods, technically termed 'runs.' It oc- curs only during the three or four weeks which immediately precede the unfolding of the leaf buds. Both its periodicity and 1 Garden and Forest 4, p. 171. 334 Bulletin 167 its duration depend upon weather conditions. The sap is more likely to flow in the daytime than at night; and the more im- portant runs are confined to what are spoken of as 'good sap days.' These occur only after the air temperature has remained below freezing for some time. If, following such a cold spell, the temperature rises materially above 320 F. a good run is like- ly to ensue. Excessive warmth and high winds check the flow. Freezing nights followed by moderately warm, cloudy days, and the absence of excessive sunshine and heavy winds, are the meteorological conditions which characterize the best sugar weather. So long as the air temperature remains essentially constant, whether warm or cold, little or no sap is obtained." "The buckets in which the sap is caught are made of wood, tin, or galvanized iron; and, in the better works, are covered to keep out rain, snow and other foreign material. The sap is col- lected after each day's run ai?d taken to the boiling house, tech- nically known as the sugar house where it is concentrated into sirup in large shallow pans over a n?.arui§' wood fire as rapidly as the capacity of the equipment will permit." "Maple sap is a sweet liquid containing a varying amount, averaging from 2 to 3%, of sucrose, and, usu^11^ traces of in- vert sugar. In addition to these carbohydrates it-- contains small amounts of proteids, of mineral matter, mainly lime\and Potasll> and of acids, mainly malic acid. The sap of the earliei" flows is water clear and transparent, and possesses a clean, sweet /avor- With the advance of the season, however, it undergoes a ma\Orked change. As the days grow warmer and night freezes are k°ss severe and less frequent, the sap gradually becomes cloudy am 1 discolored and unpleasant flavors develop. Such sap 'while usually containing only the normal amount of acid, is popularlv termed -sour.' It rapidly deteriorates when stored even for a few hours. Several types of sour sap are recognized by suw makers, to which the descriptive terms 'milky,' 'stringy ' 'red ' and. particularly, 'green" are commonly applied. Green' sap is almost always secured just before the close of the season, when M [< R0 ORGANISMS "1 M \n.i-. SAP the leaf buds are ready to open. It is popularly believed thai the swelling of the buds, associated with the renewal of vegeta- tive activity in the tissues of the tree, is accompanied by a change in the composition of the sap within the trunk ; and that the alteration in color and flavor are manifestations of this change. The term 'buddy' is universally used to descrihe this sort of sap." (See Plate V). "The sirup made from late runs is much inferior to that derived from the earlier flows. 'Last run' goods are often very dark in color and usually lack the delicate flavor possessed by the hest sirups. Moreover, the quality of sirup varies markedly from year to year and these variations are seldom local in distribution. Such widespread fluctuations in quality are not accidental but of necessity must be associated with some funda- mental cause or causes. It is conceivable that they may be re- lated to weather conditions, either during the preceding summer or during the progress of the sugar season. It is known, more- over, that inferior products result from carelessness and lack of cleanliness in collecting and handling maple sap. Such pro- cedures must occasion a great increase in the bacterial content of the sap, just as in dairying they entail serious bacterial con- tamination in milk. The proteid, carbohydrate and mineral con- tents of maple sap are sufficient to make it a fairly good medium for the development of bacterial life, provided suitable tempera- ture relations are maintained ; and the vital activities of large numbers of micro-organisms would presumably affect the flavor and quality of the sirup produced under such conditions." "Reflection upon these facts strongly suggests the pos- sibility that micro-organisms may be associated with the inferi- ority of the maple output in all the cases cited, or that, indeed, they may be the direct cause of the troubles. Inevitably they must be present in the sap and it is to be expected that they would be more abundant toward the close of the sugar season than earlier, because the warmer weather would favor their in- creasingly rapid development and multiplication. It is conceiv- 336 Bulletin 167 able that the 'off' seasons may prove to he those wherein con- ditions foster this microscopic life to an unusual degree. More favorahle temperature relations, or longer periods of incubation, or both, in 'off' years and in the latter part of the season, might reasonably be expected to promote the multiplication of organ- isms in the tap-hole, spout and bucket, thus producing heavy in- itial inoculation of the sap. Uncleanly methods would certainly result in this condition, and in any ease, storing, even for a short length of time, would serve to increase the troubles due to the vital activities of microscopic organisms, particularly if the temperature of the storage house was considerably above the freezing point, as is apt to be the case." The experimental work upon which a report is submitted in these pages was undertaken in an effort to determine as far as might be possible the answers to the following questions: What is the cause of the deterioration of maple sap? Is it due to changes in composition occurring within the tissues of the tree as a result of the resumption of protoplasmic activities and vegetative vigor? Is it due to the action of micro-organ- isms in the sap after it leaves the vascular bundles of the trunk? Or is it to be attributed to a combination of these causes? THE RELATION OF MICRO-ORGANISMS TO SPOILED MAPLE SAP The early studies, previously reported, have shown that maple sap while in the vascular bundles of the tree is sterile, and that when drawn without contamination and stored under aseptic conditions it keeps perfectly for years, even with free access of air. Hence the changes in sap known as souring are not t<> be attributed to the action of enzyms present as natural in- gredients or to other forms of auto-decomposition. Careful studies of the microscopic flora of spoiled sap have shown that micro-organisms are constantly associated with the process of souring. In certain types of spoiled sap specific groups of organisms are likely to predominate, while in other types several of the Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap :i:'>7 common forms may be found growing together in association. In addition to various common saprophytic bacteria, wild yeasts of several types, and green molds of the genera Penicillium and Knrotium arc frequently met with, particularly towards the cl< of the season when the temperature becomes more favorable for their development. Green sap. for example, is associated with the presence of a group of bacteria characterized by green fluorescence and does not appear to be caused by the swelling of the buds to which it is so frequently related in time, hi one type of stringy sap occasionally found, the only significant or- ganism was one described in this paper as Bacillus a ecu's { new Species), while in another type of stringy sap common at the close of the season, several species of bacteria, various wild yeasts, and molds of different genera occurred in association. Gray and red yeasts are commonly associated with bacteria in so-called red sap. Spore-bearing bacteria of the hay bacillus type were frequent in certain samples of milky sap examined. while the condition of other samples seemed attributable to the collective action of many different organisms. The conclusion stated in the preliminary publication, that there is a causal relation between micro-organisms and sour sap and the resulting poor sirup, has been confirmed by all the examinations made during the progress of the work, and by the inoculation experiments to be reported later. A sequence of species was noted during the season of 1909, and discussed on page 494 of bulletin 151 where the following sentences occur: "The predominating organisms found during the early days of the sugar season belong to the yeast-like group, while bacteria were relatively few in numbers. As the season advanced these conditions were reversed." Subsequent studies have not con- firmed this observation. For the past two years relatively few organisms of any kind have appeared on the plates early in the season, but as a rule bacteria have predominated, anjd in general yeast-like organisms have appeared in important num- bers only after the season was well advanced. 338 Bulletin 167 tup; number oe micro-organisms in maple SAr During the first two seasons covered by these studies (1907- and 1908) no attempt was made to determine the bacterial count in maple sap of different types. Attention was rather directed to determining the predominating forms of micro-organisms present, and to securing cultures to be employed as a basis for the morphological and biochemical studies and for inoculation work, which have constituted the major portion of the problem. In connection with the field studies of the past three years, how- over, some attention has been given to collecting data on the number as well as the character of the micro-organisms present. The time devoted to this feature of the work was limited and the data secured is consequently more or less fragmentary, but it appears of sufficient importance to warrant presentation. The material examined was secured from several sugar places and at various intervals during the season. For the purpose of enumeration the ordinary poured plate method with dilutions was employed. Two types of media were used. The first was ordinary nutrient agar ; the other, a synthetic agar, less well adapted to the cultivation of bacteria than is the ordinary agar but suited to the development of yeasts and molds. It had the following composition : Water 1000 parts Dextrose 100. Peptone 20. Ammonium nitrate 2.5 Magnesium sulphate 5. Potassium nitrate 2.5 Potassium phosphate 2.5 Calcium chlorid 0.1 Agar 15.0 " It should be understood that the figures given in the tables immediately succeeding are only approximate and that in most cases they are probably below the maximum because of the fact that the dilutions employed were usually insufficient to prevent serious crowding on the plates. The blank spaces in the column headed "synthetic agar'' may be taken as an indication that the sap in question was plated only on nutrient agar. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 339 NUMBER OF ORGANISMS IN SOUS MM'l.i. SAP The results obtained with various samples of sour sap plated at one or another time during the progress of the work are given below in tabular form. Some of the material plated was just beginning- to show signs of clouding while in other cases the process was well advanced. In general the degree of decom- position and the number of organisms found bore a direct re- lation to each other. As may be seen from the table the count obtained on nutrient agar varied from 320,000 to 141,420,000 per cc. Allowing an average size of 1 micron by 3 microns the organisms represent approximately one-third the volume of the most heavily infected sap. TABLE 1. ORGANISMS PER CC. IN SOUR MAPLE SAP NO.1 1 2 O O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 2G Nutrient agar 3,084,000 0,100,000 21,300,000 6,300,000 1,272,000 2,785,000 320,000 2,000,000 843,000 975,000 8,276,000 1,950,000 6,500,000 19,092,000 1,357,000 1,909,000 1,751,000 10,000,000 88,200,000 1,950,000 14,500,000 8,850,000 7,300,000 2,150,000 5,540,000 7,500,000 Synthetic agar 200,000 2,000 13,000 715, 000 30,000 200,000 175,000 20,000 1.300 500,000 3,000 254,500 2,450,000 10,000 500 30,000 17,500 No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Nutrient agar 14,000,000 5,667,000 4,225,000 19,500,000 23,000,000 9,750,000 325,000 4,875,000 10,400,000 43,875,00(1 11,275.01)0 56,250,000 2,250,000 1,625,000 12,350,000 3,262,500 23,400,000 29,250,000 11,700,000 9,480,000 14,670,000 6,500,000 73,125,000 65,000,000 13,000,000 141,420,000 Synthetic agar 9,546,000 51,000 15,000 37.00(1 10,500 407.000 60,000 65.000 646,300 ST, 75(), Oilii 100,000 3. 040. 000 •This series, 1-52, is entirely distinct from the similarly numbered series later discussed on pages 351 to 365. 341 1 Bulletin 167 NUMBER OL ORGANISMS IN SWEET MAPLE SAP Jn contrast to the figures in the preceding tahle the results obtained from plating several samples of normal sap are of in- terest. In some cases the sap to be analysed was gathered with unusual care in order to secure as light an infection as might be without special apparatus, while in other cases it was taken from the commercial supply and is representative of the ordinary sap of the orchard in which the work was done. These two classes of material are grouped in separate columns. The higher figures in the column headed "commercial sap'' were obtained late in the season from material which was developing an un- pleasant flavor and which clouded promptly when placed in st< >rage for a few hours. In one of these cases (11) the count obtained is higher than that from many of the sour saps reported above, and in the other four (4, 5, 10, 12) it is very high. TABLE 2. ORGANISMS PER CC. IN SWEET MAPLE SAP No. Carefully collected sap Nutrient Synthetic agar agar 1 120 140 2 KM) 45 :: 500 160 4 5 0 5 30 s <; 66 17 7 59 7 No. Commercial sap Nutrient Synthetic agar agar 1 1,300 16 2 ::,700 1,000 :: 3,800 700 4 :::>.:>oo 10.000 5 162,000 325,000 t; 900 610 7 1.000 500 8 140 140 9 220 220 10 66,600 44,000 11 1,000,000 1,100 12 200,000 13 2,600 2,700 14 9,290 7S4 The influence of cleanliness upon the number of organisms developing in maple sap may be seen in the results obtained in the following experiments. Several trees were tapped with care, precautions being taken to prevent the introduction of inert matter carrying micro- M [CRO-ORG W ISMS OF M Al'l.i-; S KT 341 organisms into the tap-hole. Sterile metal spouts and buckets were used and the covers employed were fastened to prevent blowing in the wind. The sap was gathered daily, and after each col- lection the buckets were thoroughly scalded in order to main- tain practical sterility. The plates poured from sap obtained on March 26 and April 6 appear in table 3. TABLE 3. ORGANISMS PEE CC. 1 N SAT OBTAINED l\ STERILIZED CONTAIN! BS Nutri- Syn- Nutri- Syn- ent thetic ent i aetic Date Tree agar agar Date Tree agar agar 3/26/11 A 3 4/6/11 A li 10 If B 6 a B 4 2 (t C 250 a C 3 G It D 0 •« D 4 2 E 30 it E 0 5 a F 2 tt F 2 32 BACTERIAL. CONTENT OF SAP OBTAINED UNDER SEPTIC CONDITIONS AS COMPARED WITH THAT OBTAINED UNDER ASEPTIC CONDITIONS Trees which were running sour sap were retapped about 4 inches to one side of the old tap-hole. Sterile spouts and buckets were hung at the fresh wounds, while the sour spouts and buckets were allowed to remain undisturbed except that the sap was emptied from the old bucket at the time the clean one was hung at the fresh tap-hole. The sap was allowed to run from each spout for a few hours, after which samples were collected and plated. The results are tabulated below in table 4. TABLE 4. ORGANISMS PER CC. IX SAP FROM FRESH AND FROM SOUR TAPHOL1 S Fresh tap Sour tap Nutrient Synthetic Nutrient Synthetic Tree agar agar agar agar G 5 0 73,125,000 87,750,000 H 8 4,875,000 I 70 9,750, J 12 3,250,000 K 10 1,:: oo.OOO 34-2 Bulletin 167 INFLUENCE OF TAP-HOLE INFECTION UPON THE FLORA OF SAP For the purpose of this series of experiments 6 trees were tapped with unusual precaution to avoid infection in the hole at the time of tapping. The spouts used were of galvanized iron and were thoroughly sterilized before using, but remained un- disturbed and without protection, other than the bucket cover, during the season. Bright tin buckets provided with covers were used. They were thoroughly washed and scalded at fre- quent intervals, usually daily, in order to prevent the accumu- lation of organisms, which otherwise occurs in the buckets as the season advances. There was, of course, the usual oppor- tunity for increasingly heavy contamination of the flowing sap by organisms developing in the tap-hole and spout. The in- terval between scalding the bucket and plating the sample varied somewhat with the temperature but was usually about five hours. The progress of infection is shown in table 5. It is interesting to note that most of the colonies developing in the sap from tree number 3 were of a single species. It seems probable that this organism was carried into the tap-hole at the time of tapping and became established there to the practical exclusion of other species. TABLE 5. ORGANISMS FROM TAP-HOLE AND SPOUT PFU CC. OF MAPLE SAP Nutri- Syn- Nutri- Syn- ent thetic ent thetic Date Tree agar agar Date Tree agar agar : 20/10 1 1 4 3/25/10 1 2 2 ** 2 4 0 tt 2 4 12 .. 3 940 680 tt 3 12600 12600 u 4 2 2 ti 4 2 6 .. 5 4 4 H 5 7 3 n 6 50 1 tt 6 11 10 5/22/10 1 2 2 4/4/10 1 1300 910 n 2 40 4 ti 2 400 0 .. 3 1170 1040 tt 292500 300000 u 4 6 1 (1 4 1300 0 ti 5 10 tt 5 100 tt it C 4 2 a 6 1000 16 The figures given above indicate that in most cases the infection in tap-hole and spout is slight during the early part ^^ Micro-organism 6i Maple Sap ;i; the season but that it becomes more serious as the spring ad- vances. In the case of tree number 3, however, there is a gradual, constant increase in the infection from the very first. INFLUENCE OF THE CONTAINER ON THE BACTERIAL FLORA The influence of the container upon the bacterial flora < f sap is strikingly illustrated by the following experiment. ( >n March 22, 1910, the sap which had flowed from the 6 trees men- tioned in the previous table during parts of March 21 and 22. was mixed together and plated. The number of organisms per cc. upon nutrient agar was 120, on synthetic agar, 140. Most of these were of the type characteristic of tree 3 as noted above On the morning- of March 23, old but sound wooden buckets previously used in the orchard were thoroughly washed and hung at the 6 trees. The sap was collected, mixed and plated on the afternoon of the next day. The counts on nutrient agar averaged 6,500,000, and on synthetic agar, 500,000. The temper- ature and general weather conditions during the four days covered by this experiment were essentially similar. That this increase of organisms was due to the buckets employed may be seen by reference to the bacterial count given in table 5 for March 25, when clean tin buckets were again employed. While the evidence goes to show that the initial infection from the tap- hole of tree 3 was greater on March 23 and 24 than on March 21 and 22, there is no indication that this was the case with the other trees. It should also be noted that the plates poured on March 24 contained no large proportion of colonies char- acteristic of the organism of tree 3, and that the quality of sirup obtained (number 67 page 272) was n°t characteristic of the organism in question: hence it would seem that the container must be regarded as the chief source of the increase. See Plates VI and VII. GENERAL PLAN OF FIELD EXPERIMENTS Having established the fact that large numbers of bacteria and other micro-organisms are constantly associated with spoiled 344 Bulletin 167 sap, it remained to determine the influence (if these agents upon the quality of sirup. Several hundred pure cultures of the pre- dominant organisms occurring in various types of spoiled sap were isolated and studied more or less critically. After their character had been roughly determined, certain ones were se- lected for the inoculation experiments to be described presentlv. The Orange county sugar orchard in which the field ex- periments were carried out is situated upon a western slope but is exposed to north winds. The soil of the greater part of the place is wet. and the orchard lias had the reputation of producing a grade of sirup of only medium standard both in flavor and color. See Plate I. The g'eneral plan followed during the first season was to secure sap as free from bacteria as was feasible without steriliza- tion, and to introduce a sufficiently heavy inoculation of the specific organism to produce an overgrowth of the introduced species. In some of the later series pasteurization was employed before inoculation, and during the last season fractional steriliza- tion was attempted. Following inoculation, after a period of incubation, the saps were concentrated to sirups under uniform conditions. The sirups were placed in glass jars, sterilized, sealed and shipped to the station bacteriological laboratory at Burlington, where they were stored in the dark for later scoring as to color and flavor, and subjected to a complete chemical analysis. As suggested above, the details of handling the sap before and during incubation varied somewhat from time to time. The details of these variations will lie explained with the discussion of the individual samples. In addition to the inoculation experiments referred to, which were usually confined to the early runs of the season, an attempt was made to procure late run sap relatively free from infection. in order to compare it with material drawn at the same time from the same trees under ordinary conditions. For this pur- pose trees which had begun to run sour were selected and. with- out disturbing the original tap-hole, spile or bucket, another spout Micro-organisms ob M \ri.i-: Sap ;,'b~> was introduced into the tree about 4 inches to one side of the original wound. Great care was observed to secure for this tap-hole as entire freedom from infection as was possible with- out special apparatus, and sterile spouts and buckets were em- ployed. At the time of retapping, the sap in the sour bucket was emptied but the receptacle was not washed. In this way two samples of sap were obtained from the same tree at the same time, one of which was relatively free from micro-organ- isms, while the other was heavily infected. These two saps were concentrated to sirup under practically identical conditions and submitted to the same subsequent treatment as were the other >irups. These experiments were intended to show whether the changes which have been demonstrated to occur in sap near the close of the season were due entirely to the action of foreign organisms, or whether thev should be ascribed in part or in en- tirety to physiological changes within the tree. METHOD OF SIRUP SCORING At the close of each season the sirups which had been made during the preceding weeks were scored for flavor by a com- mercial expert who was entirely unfamiliar with their history. A series of numbered beakers of uniform appearance were placed on a table and each received a few ounces of the sirup correspond- ing in number to that of the beaker. The expert tasted the sirups and assigned each to its respective grade. After the entire series had been scored, and a record made of the results, the samples were rearranged in such a way as to insure the loss of their identity, except by the small number on each beaker, and the judge was asked to regrade them. In cases of special im- portance the samples were repeatedly disarranged and passed back to be regraded. Incredible as it may seem they were in- variably placed in the grades originally assigned them and usually in the same relative position within the grades. Not a single instance of contradiction occurred among the entire 12S samples.3 'The Station is under obligation to Mr. Otto Ludwig 0!' Burling- ton for his invaluable and experl assistance. 346 Bulletin 167 Six grades of flavor were recognized, the last two of which were reserved for material possessing the characteristic flavor known to experienced sugar makers as "buddy.'' The term '"buddy" as employed in this bulletin should be understood to designate that peculiar flavor which occurs only in sirup made from late run sap drawn after the buds have begun to open. Much of the material popularly spoken of as "buddy" does not possess this distinctive character, which is difficult to describe but is instantly recognized by one who has become familiar with it. Number 1 sirups possess a very high degree of excellency. X umber 2 sirups are also excellent but are slightly inferior to number 1. X umber 3 sirups possess the characteristic maple flavor but, in addition, there is present an unpleasant taste which de- tracts from their value. Number 4 sirups lack maple flavor, possess an unpleasant foreign taste to a marked degree, and are to be regarded as of very poor quality. Number 5 applies to sirups which possess the "buddy" flavor but are otherwise excellent. Number 6 sirups combine the "buddy" flavor with the other foreign flavors previously mentioned. Sirups of grades 5 and 6 can be marketed only with diffi- culty, and cannot be added to higher grade sirups even in small amounts without rendering the entire mixture undesirable for table purposes. Number 4 sirup does not find a ready market for domestic use unless mixed with higher grade goods. The sirups were also graded carefully according to color. The method employed for color determination is that suggested by Bryan. The colors consist of a series of twenty standards for the preparation of which Bryan gives the following direc- tions.1 •U. S. Dvpt. Agr., Bu. Chem., Bui. 134, p. 15 (1911). Micro-organisms of Maple Sap :;ir "The materials used are (i) pure glycerin and (j) a cara- mel solution, which is prepared as follows: Heat 6 grams of pure sugar to 2120 C. for one-half hour in a flat bottomed aluminum dish and dissolve the caramel formed in boiling water, evaporate to a small volume, and make up to 200 cc. with glycerin. The oven for caramelizing the sugar (fig. 1) is constructed as follows: A and A' are heavy sheets of asbestos board iS cm. (7 inches) square, A' being perforated near one aV^c by a hole for a cork supporting the thermometer d: b is a sheet-iron cylinder 15 cm. (6 inches ) in diameter ; ; c is a tin can 9 cm. (3/^> inches) in diameter, which is filled with paraffin to within 1 cm. (l/2 inch) of the top. This can rests on the pipe- stem triangle e. The bath or oven is supported on a tripod and is heated by two burners. One burner is so ad- justed as to keep the bath at 2120 C. Bring the temperature of the oven up to 2120 C, using both burners. Then re- Pig, j. Apparatus for prepa- move the asbestos cover carrying the tion of standard caramel. J ° thermometer and place 6 grams of sugar in a flat-bottomed aluminum dish 7 cm. (2^4 inches) in diameter and 1.5 cm. (^ inch) deep, and put it in the can containing the paraffin. Replace the cover at once and as soon as the temperature reaches 2080 C. turn out one burner and keep the bath at 2120 C. by carefully ad- justing the other one. At the expiration of thirty minutes from the time the sugar was placed in the bath, dissolve in boiling wa ter, and make up as described. The aluminum dish should not be less than 1.5 cm. (^ inch) deep, since the sugar melts before caramelizing and runs to one side of the dish, which, if too shal- low, will tilt, fill with paraffin, and sink. With the ingredients thus prepared, the scale of colors is made up by mixing as indicated in the following table :" ra 348 TABLE G. Bulletin i6y AMOUNTS HI INGREDIENTS TO BE USED I .\ PREPARING SOLUTIONS FOB THE COLOR SCALE Color number Caramel solution, Glycerin, grams grams 1 0.00 35.00 2 0.25 34.75 3 0.50 34.50 4 0.75 34.25 5 1.00 34.00 G 1.50 33.50 7 2.50 32.50 8 3.50 31.50 9 1.50 30.50 Hi 5.50 29.50 II 7.0U 28.00 12 8.50 26.50 13 L1.00 24.00 1 1 14.00 21.00 ir. 17.00 18.00 16 20.00 15.00 17 23.50 11.50 18 27.00 8.00 19 31.00 4.00 20 35.00 0.00 The standard colors were placed in screw-capped vials of perfectly clear glass having the same internal diameter. The samples to be examined were placed in similar vials and the colors compared by transmitted light. For commercial purposes sirups are usually divided into three grades of color. The point of division between the stand- ards fluctuates somewhat according to the locality and season. In a good season and in a locality where light sirups are pro- duced, numbers up to and including 7 are regarded as first quality, while number 11 represents the dividing line between second quality and third. On the other hand in years or in localities characterized by dark sirup, the first eleven grades of color may be accepted as first quality, while number 15 becomes the dividing line between second and third qualities. Tn addition to the rating for color and flavor a numerical score card was prepared in which color and flavor were both considered. In scoring, number 1 was ranked as 100. number 2 as 95, and so on, subtracting 5 from the score for each fall of M [cro org \.\ tSMS 'ii; Maple S vf 349 i in grade. A number 20 sirup therefore received a value ol 5 and anything darker than jo a value of <>. A table "l" value- 1 given below. TABLE 7. VALUES ASSIGNED TO COLOR GRADES Color Value 1 100 2 95 3 90 4 85 5 SO 6 7.-, 7 70 8 65 !• 60 10 55 Color Value 11 50 12 45 13 40 14 35 15 30 If. 25 17 l!ii 18 15 19 10 20 5 20+ 0 In scoring- for flavor certain samples were found which clearly were not sufficientlv fine to he ranked as number 2 and at the same time were superior to number 3. Two fractional numbers were used to designate these groups. These were 21 and 2-. Similarly one group was introduced between 3 and 4, which is designated as 3*. In preparing the numerical score card the following table of values was employed: TABLE S. VALUES ASSIGNED TO FLAVOR GRADES Flavor Value Flavor Value Flavor Value 1 100 22 80 4 50 2 90 3 75 5 20 21 85 31 G5 6 0 The numerical score was obtained by multiplying by 5 die sum of the numerical values assigned for color and for flavor. The highest score theoretically possible is thus seen to he 1.000, hut as a matter of fact no maple sirup has the color of clear glycerin so that a sirup of number 1 color is not to be expected, and the highest attainable score becomes 975. [noculation Experiments ix 1900 The first inoculations were made in 1909 and were carried out at a farm house some distance from the sugar woods where 350 Bulletin 167 most of the field studies were conducted. The sap was collected in clean tin buckets provided with japanned covers. The spouts used were of galvanized iron. Care was exercised to keep the buckets clean and sweet in order to avoid an accumulation of micro-organisms in the sap. The sap was gathered in clean tin cans such as are usually employed for transporting milk, and carried to the farm house in which the temporary laboratory was then established. It was divided into portions of sixteen quarts each and placed in new tin buckets provided with covers. Certain portions were reserved as controls and the remainder were inoculated by adding 70 cc. of a young actively growing culture of the specific organism selected. The controls were treated with similar amounts of sterile culture media. The in- oculated samples were placed on a table and incubated for three days. The temperature variation during the respective incuba- tion periods is shown in the accompanying graphs taken from the tracings made by a self-recording thermometer placed near the samples. The actual temperature of the sap was of course much more constant than that of the air. After an incubation period the various portions were made into sirup, each of the several saps being evaporated in a bright sugaring-off pan on a kitchen stove until condensed to a volume of about one quart. It was then transferred to a white, agate-ware basin, and evap- orated as rapidly as possible until the proper concentration, as indicated by a thermometer, was reached. The process from cold sap to sirup, required about an hour and a half for its completion, except in the case of one sample when the time was intentionally prolonged. The samples made during the first season are those discussed in bulletin 151 as numbers 1 to 26 inclusive. The numbers used at that time, however, have not been retained in the present publication. Moreover the method of scoring employed in this article is not the one used in the former issue, a fact which explains any apparent lack of uni- formity. The numbers used in the present bulletin and in the former one are given below in tabular form : Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 351 New number Old number New number Old number (Bui. 167) (E tul. 151 ) (Bui. L67) ( Bui. L51) 1 1 11 18 2 7 L5 20 :: 8 L6 L9 4 9 17 21 5 10 IN 22 6 2 19 23 7 12 20 5 8 11 21 6 9 13 22 24 10 14 23 26 11 16 24 3 12 15 25 25 13 17 26 4 Since it was deemed important to conduct the inoculation experiments with sap from the first runs only, about ioo trees were tapped for experimental purposes as early as it seemed probable that any sap could be obtained. DETAILED DISCUSSION OP SAMPLES SERIES I : SIRUPS I TO 6 The sirups of this series were made from the first run of the season which occurred on March 24, 1909. It remained in the woods over night and was brought to the field laboraton the following- morning- and divided into six portions. Four <>i these were inoculated and two retained as controls. They were held for three days, the controls being kept at a temperature of from o° to +io° C. The incubation temperature of the inocu- lated samples is indicated in the temperature graph (fig. 2). J 3C J? Jrf* 33 9Z *5 ■«/ J S4 S? C 0 0 i «. 4» 7*. 7S 7 t ti « tr >• »/ 9i : 3 1 U- -1 '{ r, **t 1 J < u; n Si- 80 fS / V IS \ A 1 10 ) I > s N ', > es 7 i 1 v so y — 1 \ V \ -\j f ■■ 1 Fig. 2. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 1 ; saps 1 to G In- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi cute respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 852 Bulletin 167 The inoculated saps promptly developed a cloudy appearance and showed all the characteristics of so-called sour sap of the late runs. (See Plate V). The details of the various samples follow : i. Number 1 was a control used to determine the influ- ence of long boiling- upon the quality of the product. The sap was held between three and four days at a temperature only slightly above freezing. At the end of that time it appeared to be as fresh and sweet as when brought from the woods. It was evaporated to sirup over so slow a fire that six hours were re- quired to concentrate the 16 quarts of sap which constituted the sample. Calculated to a dry matter basis, the sirup contained 96.84$ sucrose and 1.07$ invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 1, and grade 850; depreciation from control. (No. 6) color 1. flavor o, and score 25. 2. Number 2 was inoculated with fluorescent organism XXXIIP. It developed a cloudy appearance with the greenish cast characteristic of the so-called g"reen sap. The sirup con- tained 96.79$ sucrose and 1-55% invert sugar. The color was 14. flavor 4, and score 425; depreciation from control, color 8, flavor 3, and score 450. 3. Number 3 was inoculated with fluorescent organism XXXVI. It developed the characteristic green type of sour- ing. The sirup contained 96.73% sucrose and 2.09$ invert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 2, and score 700; depreciation from control, color 5. flavor 1, and score 175. 4. Number 4 was inoculated with fluorescent organism L, and developed a green type of souring. The sirup contained 96.54$ sucrose and 1.56% invert sugar. Tbe color was 9, flavor 2, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 1 , and score 125. 5. Number 5 was inoculated with fluorescent organism LIII. It developed typical green souring. Tbe sirup contained 1 See Part III c. pages 521 to 599 for a description of the members 11! the fluorescent group employed in this and subsequent samples, finni- maries of statistical data occur on pages 550-551, 598-599, Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 353 97.169? sucrose and 1.44 °/t invert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 2, and score 700; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor I, and score 175. 0. Number 6 was a control having exactly tbe same history as number 1, except that it was concentrated over a brisk fire under conditions which required less than 2 hours to reduce it to sirup. The sirup contained 95.41% sucrose and 097% in- vert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 1, and score 875. SERIES 2: SIRUPS 7 TO 12 Following the run of March 24 no more sap was obtained until March 27, on which date a light run occurred and enough sap was secured for seven samples. Six of these were inocu- lated and handled under conditions similar to those described for series 1. The air temperature maintained during the incubation may be seen by referring to the graph (fig. 3). The seventh CO Si ■IS 10 r - ? 1 S 11 14 21 ■ 1? .si f.w *i 4 r-M ■' | A U ffl ' f Iffl 1 ■ f fl f • \ s , / »■ ■ — - _-■ s \ t / i \ -. Fig. .'5. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 2 ; saps 7 to 12 in- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the firs' sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. SI sample was reserved for a control, but, unfortunately, the glass jar containing the sirup was broken during sterilization and the sample was lost. From the notes made at the time of boiling it seems certain that the sirup was at least equal in quality to number 6 in the preceding series and probably slightly superior to it. The sirups of series 2 have therefore been referred to number 6 as a control. One of the saps of this series was titrated in cold solution against phenolphthalein with N/Too sodium hydroxid just before evaporation. The reaction is stated in per- cent of hundredth normal acid. 354 Bulletin 167 7. Number 7 was inoculated with fluorescent organism L\ I. It developed typical green souring. The sirup contained 96.16% sucrose and 1.64% invert -sugar. The color was 10, flavor 2, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor 1, and score 150. 8. Number 8 was inoculated with fluorescent organism 5. A typical green sour sap developed. The sirup contained 97.14' < sucrose and 1.15$ invert sugar. The color was 10, flavor 2, and score 725; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor 1, and score 150. 9. Number 9 was inoculated with non-fluorescent organism XNVf. It developed a milk}' type of souring. The sirup con- tained 95.61% sucrose and 0.78% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 2, and score 850. The color was 1 point higher than the control, with a depreciation in flavor of I, and in total score of 25. to. Number 10 was inoculated with non-fluorescent organ- ism XXX. It developed a very pronounced milky type of sour- ing, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The sirup contained 95.80', sucrose and o.j~'< invert sugar. The color was 6. flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color o, flavor 2, and score 125. ir. Number it was inoculated with Bacillus acrris, strain LXXXYTI, obtained from stringy sap. The sample developed a deep milky color and a yeasty odor and became stringy. The reaction was 170% N/100 acid. The vapor evolved during the concentration was extremely unpleasant, and was sufficiently noticeable to attract the attention of a sugar maker who was passing the house where the field laboratory was established. Although he was entirely unaware of the nature of the experi- ments, the steam borne to him through an open window elicited ilk' remark, "It smells like the last of sugaring.'* The sirup con- tained 96.12% sucrose and 1.72', invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from control, color 1. flavor 3, and score 275. Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap .;.,., [2. Number 12 was inoculated with non-fluorescen! organ ism I, obtained from stringy peas. A milky type of souring developed. The sirup contained 95.71^ sucrose and 2.23$ invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3. and score 750; depreci- ation from control, color o, flavor 2, and score 125. SERIES 3: sirups 13 To 20 The sap for this series was secured April 1 and handled in the manner described for the two preceding series. The temperature of incubation may be seen by referring to the graph (fig. 4). «i 1 ,' ' 1 : Lu£ 1« ; Y r\ \ \ v \ r> ■* ^ h r \ \ ■v ^ \ s. 4 1 1 Fig. 5. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 4 ; saps 27 to 40 in- clusive. The arrow hearts on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 2"j. Number 2j was the control kept outside the incubator at a temperature only slightly above its freezing point. Not- withstanding the low temperature it contained 10,000 organisms per cc. although there was no evidence of clouding at the time of evaporation. The sirup contained 96.19% sucrose and 0.30% invert sugar. The color was 4. flavor 2, and score 875. 28. Number 28 was inoculated with gray yeast 24. The sap became cloudy, at first greenish, then milky. The organism was recovered in mixed culture. The plates showed 437,000 colonies per cc. The sirup contained 82.83% sucrose and 12.15% invert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 4, and score 500; depreciation from control, color 7, flavor 2, and score 375. 29. Number 29 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CXXXIX. A green type of souring developed, the sap becom- ing cloudy within twelve hours. The organism was recovered in practically pure culture, the plates showing 12,330,000 per cc. The sirup contained 94.19% sucrose and 0.38% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 21, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 4. flavor o1, and score 125. 30. Number 30 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CLIX. It was recovered apparently in pure culture from the green sour sap which resulted. The plates showed 3,262,000 colonies per cc. The sirup contained 93.75% sucrose and 0.89% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 2. and score y~'? : depreciation from control, color 4, flavor o, and score 100. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 303 31. Number 31 was inoculated with gray yeast CXXI. The organism was not recovered, hut the plates showed a count of 5,667,000 colonics per cc. in which those of the fluorescent group greatly predominated. The sirup contained 96.62% suc- rose and 0.30' < invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 2 and score 825 ; depreciation from control, color 2, flavor o, and score 50. 32. Number 32 was inoculated with gray yeast CLXXX. The organism was not recovered. The plates showed a count of 5,600,000 colonies per cc, most of which were of the green fluorescent type. The sirup contained 95.91% sucrose and 0.46% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 2, and score 825 ; depreciation from control, color 2, flavor 0, and score 50. 33. Number 33 was inoculated with gray yeast CLXVIII. The organism was not recovered. The plates showed 1,950,000 colonies per cc. most of them characteristic of the fluorescent organisms. The sirup contained 95.61% sucrose and 0.23% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 2, and score 800, depre- ciation from control, color 3, flavor o, and score 75. 34. Number 34 was the control previously mentioned as having been heated to 400 C, and placed in the incubator. As would be expected the sap promptly clouded, developing a green type of souring. The plates showed a count of 7,312,000 or- ganisms per cc. Fluorescence was pronounced. The sirup con- tained 95.86% sucrose and 0.42% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 21, and score 800; depreciation from cold control, color 2, flavor o1, and score 75. 35. Number 35 was inoculated with red yeast CXI. Deep clouding developed and the organism was recovered in associa- tion with large numbers of fluorescent bacteria. The plates showed a count of 2,255,000 organisms per cc. The sirup con- tained 95.13% sucrose and 1.15% invert sugar. The color was 12, flavor 21, and score 650; depreciation from control, color 8, flavor o1, and score 225. 8f)4 Bulletin 167 36. Number 36 was inoculated with red yeast CII. The sap clouded promptly but only a very few colonies of the organ- ism were recovered. The plates showed a count of 7,312,000 in which the fluorescent group predominated. The sirup contained 96.16% sucrose and 0.61% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 21, and score 725; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor o1, and score 150. 37. Number 37 was inoculated with red yeast CLXXV. The organism w-as not recovered. The plates gave a count of 8,825,000 per cc. with pronounced fluorescence. The sirup con- tained 95.88% sucrose and 0.64% invert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 21, and score 675; depreciation from control, color 7, flavor o1, and score 200. 38. Number 38 was the control placed in the incubator af- ter heating to 8o° C. The plates showed a count of 162,500 colonies per cc. of which very few developed fluorescence. The sirup contained 94.80% sucrose and 0.48% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 21, and score 825 ; depreciation from cold control, color 1, flavor o1, and score 50. 39. Number 39 was inoculated with gray yeast C. Green souring developed and the organism was not recovered. The plates showed a count of 9,750,000 colonies per cc. with pro- nounced fluorescence. The sirup contained 96.18% sucrose and 0.26% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 2, and score 800; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor o, and score 75. 40. Number 40 was a control placed in the incubator with- out heating. Plates showed a count of 5,850,000 organisms with the fluorescent group in predominance. The sirup contained 95.05% sucrose and 0.64%^ invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 2, and score 750; depreciation from cold control, color 5, flavor o, and score 125. The results of this series confirmed the suspicion entertained from the inoculation trials of the previous season's work, that the yeasts did not develop readily in maple sap, but that the bac- teria normally present gained the ascendency. The changes in Micro-organisms of Maple Sap ::<;:, the sirups of this scries, with the exception of number 28, seemed to have been very largely produced by the tluorescent group of organisms. Even the cold control was apparently considerably injured both in color and flavor by the organisms developing in it during the incubation period, so that the depreciation in quality due to their action is probably greater than is indicated by the figures given above. That this supposition is well grounded is shown by the re- sults obtained in later series. SERIES 5 : SIRUPS 41 TO 48 Following the run obtained on March 7, there was a freeze and no considerable amount of sap was obtained again until March 14. The sap was gathered with a team and a sufficient quantity for 8 samples was withdrawn as soon as it reached the sugar house. Six of these were heated to boiling and placed in the incubating buckets while two were left unheated, their tem- perature being very near o° C. On the morning of March 15, five of the heated samples were inoculated and allowed to in- cubate for 3 days at temperatures indicated in the graph (figure 10 ti cc JS 50 15 r° L-j i-i : ! . . f . ?'" f ' u : •-. +-: 2-rf | a ! . I . _ . a ■ . f P f 1 a t . Z-2 .- i-5 ; ut . ^ U U ... -*- i— f - N "V / I \ J N V s \ \ 1 K \ /" ^ I \ L> 'I X J ' V N "n J \ k ■ Fig. 6. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 5 ; saps 41 to 48 in- clusiye. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the lirsi sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 6). Before evaporation the samples were titrated, plated, and sampled as described for the previous series. 41 Number 41 was a control left standing over night be- fore being made into sirup on the morning of March 15 when it contained 66 organisms per cc. and reacted i% N/100 acid. Sfifi Bulletin 167 The sirup contained 97.82% sucrose and 0.45% invert sugar. The color was 4, flavor 1, and score 925. 42. Number 42 was inoculated with red yeast CVII. A milky appearance developed and the organism was recovered in considerable quantity in association with bacteria producing non- llnorescent colonies. The plates gave a count of 13,650,000 colonies per cc. The reaction was 19% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.27% sucrose, and 2.14% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 2-, and score 800; depreciation from control, color 1, flavor i2, and score 125. 43. Number 43 was a control heated to boiling and incu- bated for 3 days. The material became cloudy the third day and the plates showed a development of 1,625.000 organisms per cc, mostly of the non-fluorescent type. The reaction was 6.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.19% sucrose and 2.64' ', invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 2, and score 800; deprecia- tion from cold control, color 3, flavor 1, and score 125. 44. Number 44 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CXLVIII. A greenish type of clouding developed and the or- ganism was recovered in numbers amounting to 9,000,000 per cc. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.039? sucrose and 1.40% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 3, and score 675; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor 2, and score 250. 45. Number 45 was a control incubated for 3 days in the cold. The sap remained perfectly clear. The plates revealed a bacterial content of 195,000 per cc. The reaction was 4.5% N 100 acid. The sirup contained 96.28%: sucrose and 0.51% invert sugar. The color was 4. flavor x. and score 925; depre- ciation from control (number 4O, color o. flavor o, and score o. • 46. Number 46 was inoculated with pink coccus (TV. Pronounced clouding of the milky type and a yeasty odor de- veloped. The plates showed a count of 14,300,000 organisms per cc. among which the introduced organism was predomin- ant. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained Mil kiih irg \.\ [SMS "!■' M M'i i. S \r 367 95.07^? sucrose and 1.05$ invert sugar. The color was 6, flavoi 2, and score 825; depreciation from control, color 2, flavor 1, and score 100. 47. Number 47 was inoculated with pink coccus IV. \ milky type of souring developed. The plates showed a count of 1,950,000 organisms per cc, the majority of which apparently were produced by the introduced organism. The reaction was i).')'. N/100 acid. The sirup contained 88.81% sucrose and 7.90% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 2, flavor 2, and score 175. 48. Number 48 was inoculated with gray yeast CLXXX. The sap became milky and developed a yeasty odor. The organ- ism was recovered in association with bacteria the colonies of which resembled those of the subtilis group. The plates gave a total count of 1,625,000 per cc. The reaction was 1(1.7'- N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.89'// sucrose and 2.35^ invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 22, and score 775 ; depre- ciation from control, color 2. flavor I2, and score 150. series 6: sirups 49 To 57 Series 6 was made from sap which flowed on March jo. A sufficient quantity was gathered at four o'clock for 9 samples and the material was thoroughly mixed to insure uniformity of chemical composition. Two of the samples were left untreated while the others were heated to boiling, cooled, and, with the ex- ception of one, inoculated. The air temperature maintained dur- ing the 3 days' incubation is shown in the accompanying graph (figure 7). c I / -■■ 34 37 3 l ' 1 6 39 + v 7 J IS 1 - 1 . £ ? ■ 7 IZC 1 to f\ 70 1 •ft " \ \ /' , \ \ eo \ v 1 k \ tr —■ ■- -■ / V \ x / F' 1 * t ■ Fig. 7. Graph of incubation temperatures Eor series 6 ; saps !'.» to 57 in elusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 868 Bulletin 167 49. Number 49 was a control evaporated immediately after gathering. A bacteriological analysis showed a count of only 100 organisms per cc. The reaction was 1% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.51% sucrose and 0.42% invert sugar. The color was 2, flavor 1, and score 975. This sirup was considered the best specimen obtained during the entire period covered by the work. 50. Number 50 was inoculated with pink coccus XLIX. Deep clouding resulted and the coccus was recovered in prac- tically pure culture. The plates showed a count of 1,950,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 8% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.83% sucrose and 2.20' '< invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 21, and score 800; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor i1 and score 175. 51. Number 51 was inoculated with pink coccus CVI. The sap became deeply clouded. The organism was recovered, the plates showing a count of 4,225,000 per cc. with the introduced species in predominance. The reaction was 3.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 97.30% sucrose and 0.65% invert sugar. The color was 4, flavor 2, and score 875 ; depreciation from con- trol, color 2, flavor 1, and score 100. 52. Number 52 was inoculated with gray yeast CLXII. A milky white clouding developed. The organism was recovered in mixed culture. The plates showed a count of 1,275,000 colonies per cc. About 30,000 of these were characteristic of the introduced organism, while most of the others were bac- terial colonies characteristic of the subtilis group. The sirup contained 96.84% sucrose and 1.21% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 2, and score 850; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 1, and score 125. 53. Number 53 was inoculated with gray yeast CLXXI. A milky type of souring developed. The organism was recovered in association with bacteria of the subtilis and fluorescent groups. The plates showed a count of 630,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 6% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 92.13% Micro-organisms oiJ Maple Sap 369 sucrose and 3.96^ invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor _\ and score 225. 54. Number 54 was inoculated with pink yeast ( WW I. A deep milky appearance developed to a pronounced degree and an unpleasant yeasty odor was noted. The organism was re- covered, the plates showing- a count of 1,300,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 8.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.11% sucrose, and 2.71 % invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 22, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor iJ. and score 225. 55. Number 55 was inoculated with a non-fluorescent or- ganism CVIII. A milky type of souring developed in which a brownish color was evident in strong light, and a peculiar bac- terial odor was noted. The organism was recovered in prac- tically pure culture. The plates showed a total count of 7,230,- 000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 6% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.76% sucrose and 2.38% invert sngar. The color was 5, flavor 2, and score 850; depreciation from control. color 3, flavor 1, and score 125. 56. Number 56 was the incubator control heated to boil- ing and placed in the incubator with the other samples without inoculation. It clouded slightly during the incubation period. The plates poured revealed a bacterial count of 320,000 per cc. The reaction was 3.1% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.029? sucrose and 1.35% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 2, and score 850; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 1, and score 125- 57. Number 57 was the control not heated and retained outside the incubator at low temperature during the incubation period. At the time of evaporation it had a temperature of io° C. The plates showed a development of 37,000 bacteria per cc. The reaction was 2.5% N/100 acid. The sirup con- tained 96.47% sucrose and o.6orr invert sugar. The color was 2, flavor 1, and score 975; depreciation from control (number 37(» Bulletin 167 49), color o, flavor u, and score o. While this sample was given the same score as number 49, it was considered by the expert who scored the samples to be vcr\ slightly its inferior. SERIES 7 : SIRUPS 58 TO 65 The sap for this series ran on March 21. It was collected with the general supply in a gathering- tub late in the evening, strained into buckets and allowed to remain over night in a cold place. ( )n the morning of the following day all but one of the samples was heated to boiling and cooled at once by placing the buckets in ice water. As soon as cool the material was placed in the incubator and cultures of organisms were added to the sample- designed for inoculation. The air temperature maintained dur- ing the incubation period appears on the accompanying graph (figure 8). ■ r° •— Li / : 11 Xi ;„ . ! Xi : ., . ; I | ' — ' 1 1 .• 1 ; < . . L . . . J . A J \ i \ / \ r- A , ^ . < > / K/ r\ ' Fig. 8. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 7 ; saps 5S to 65 111- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the' time of evaporation of the last sample. 58. Number 58 was a control evaporated on the morning of .March 22. The plates developed 380 colonies per cc, among which those of the fluorescent bacteria predominated. The reac- tion was 3', X/100 acid. The sirup contained 97.01% sucro>c and 0.43% invert sugar. The color was 3, flavor 1, and score 950. This sample was regarded by the judge as the third best sirup obtained during the entire series of experiments. 59. Number 59 was inoculated with red yeast CXXI1I. A brownish-white clouding resulted. The organism was recovered in association with spore-bearing bacteria apparently belonging to the subtilis group. The plate< showed a development of 325.000 colonies per cc. The reaction was 8< c N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.74'' sucrose and 2.03$ invert sugar. The color Micro-organisms oi- aI ai-i.i-: Sap 371 was 7, flavor 3, and score 725; depreciation Erom control, color ). flavor 2, and score 225. 60. Number (>o was inoculated with red yeasl CXIII. A milky brown souring developed. The organism was recovered in association with bacteria belonging to the fluorescenl and subtilis groups. The count showed 1,950,000 colonies per cc. The reac- tion was 8.4% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.44% sucrose and 1.76% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 2, and score 200. 61. Number 61 was inoculated with red yeast CX. A red- dish-brown clouding developed. The organism was recovered, the plates showing a count of 650,000 colonies per cc. among which those of the introduced organism predominated. The re- action was 5.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.80'. sucrose and 1.77% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 3, and score 675 ; depreciation from control, color 6, flavor 2, and score 275. 62. Number 62 was inoculated with red yeast 25. A reddish clouding developed accompanied by a sour yeasty odor. The organism was recovered in association with bacteria, 050.000 colonies per cc. being developed of which practically one- third were those of the introduced organism. The reaction was 9.5/r N/100 acid. The sirup contained 89.27^ sucrose and 7.30% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 4, and score 550; depreciation from control, color 6, flavor 3, and score 400. 63. Number 63 was inoculated with red yeast CXIV. The sap became cloudy with a reddish-brown hue. Out of the 975,000 colonies per cc. which developed on the plates, 175,000 were characteristic of the introduced organism. The reaction was 11% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 89.06^ sucrose and 7.O3CY invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 3, and score 700; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor 2, and score 250. 64. Number 64 was inoculated with red yeast CXX. A sour yeasty odor developed and the sap became deeply clouded with a reddish cast. The organism was recovered. The plates 372 Bulletin 167 showed a development of 97,500 colonies per cc., most of which were characteristic of the introduced organism. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 91.64% sucrose and 5.86% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 3, and score 700; depreciation from control; color 5, flavor 2, and score 250. 65. Number 65 was a control retained in the incubator. The sap clouded early and appeared like the inoculated samples. The plates showed a development of 1,950,000 colonies of vari- ous species. The reaction was 9% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 91.89% sucrose and 3.52% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 4, and score 625 ; depreciation from control (num- ber 58), color 3, flavor 3, and score 325. influence; of the container upon the quality of the sirup Under the above heading will be discussed the sirups made from the saps previously referred to in connection with the discussion of the influence of the container upon the bacterial content of the sap (page 343). It will be remembered that six trees were employed which had been tapped with special rare and upon which tin buckets were hung. For the purpose of a part of this experiment, they were replaced by wooden "ins. The tin buckets were kept free from the accumula- tion of micro-organisms by frequent washings and scaldings. 66. Number 66 was made from sap collected -March 21 and 22, in clean tin buckets. The composite sample from the 6 trees contained 140 organisms per cc, most of them of a single type previously mentioned as characteristic of tree 3 (Plate VI >. The reaction was 2% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.62% sucrose and 0.41^' invert sugar. The color was 3, flavor I, and score 950. 67. Number 67 was made from sap obtained from the same trees as was number 66 but it flowed two days later on March 23 and 24. The tin buckets were replaced by wooden buckets formerly employed in the sugar place where the work was done. They had been soaked out in the usual way and thoroughly Micro-organisms of Maple Sap washed before being" hung on the trees. That the crevices and interstices of the wood afforded ample lodging places for micro- organisms is readily seen from the fact that 6,500,000 colonies per cc. developed from the mixture of sap obtained, and only a few of them were characteristic of the organism from tree 3 (Plate VII). The reaction was 5.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 88.25% sucrose and 6.21% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 4, and score 550; depreciation from control (number 66), color 6, flavor 3, and score 400. series 8: sirups 68 to 73 The sap of this series ran on March 22, and was collected in the evening and stored over night in buckets, at a tempera- ture slightly above its freezing point. The following morning the samples were thoroughly mixed, and all but one were heated to boiling and allowed to cool in water. At 3 p. m., they were placed in the incubator and inoculated. The temperature main- tained during the three days' incubation period may be seen by reference to the graph (figure 9). to ts (0 J5 r' ' ? 1?. 4f 4A S i ,f* i 7i 1 1 1 1 [ L 1 71. 71 7« «l A 1 . 3 SI 33 i 2 tiS/q* 1 1 ■ 1 tl l is. ■ /I^jm r a. f \ '' (\ 1 \ j \ / \ J \ \ / \ J \ \ r \ 7 y \ KJ .-_ Z_ . Fig. 9. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 8 ; saps 68 to 73 in- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 68. Number 68 was a control boiled down on the morning of March 23. Just before evaporation it contained 500 organ- isms per cc. The reaction was 2.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.90% sucrose and 0.51% invert sugar. The color was 4, flavor I, and score 925. 69. Number 69 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CLIV. It was recovered in practically pure culture from the green sour sap which resulted. The plates showed a count of 374 Bulletin 167 19,500,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.87% sucrose and 1.59% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 3, and score 675 ; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor 2, and score 250. 70. Number 70 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CXXXIII. A greenish-brown souring developed prompt- ly and the organism was recovered in practically pure culture. The plates showed a count of 20,400,000 per cc. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.47% sucrose and 2.46' , invert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 4, and score 500; depreciation from control, color 7, flavor 3, and score 425. 71. Number 71 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CXI All. A greenish-white clouding appeared within a day. The plates showed a development of 23,400,000 organisms per cc, practically all of which were of a type characteristic of the introduced species. The reaction was 6.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 93.69% sucrose and 0.58% invert sugar. The color was 14, flavor 4, and score 425 ; depreciation from control, color 10, flavor 3, and score 500. 72. Number 72 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CLII. A green souring occurred. The plates showed a development of 29,250,000 colonies per cc, practically all of the fluorescent type. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.07%) sucrose and 0.87' < invert sugar. The color was 13, flavor 4, and score 450. Depreciation from con- trol, color g, flavor 3, score 475. /T,. Number 73 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CLVIII. The sap promptly clouded, becoming at firsl greenish and then milky. The plates showed a development of J3.400.000 colonies per cc with pronounced green fluorescence. The reaction was 2.$',', N/100 acid. The sirup contained 1)7.4; sucrose, and o.(>N', invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 2, and seme 825; depreciation from control, color 2, flavor 1, and score TOO. M [CR0-0RGA1N [SMS OP M \ri i; S VP si:k i i:s 9: sirups j.\ to 8] The sap for this series was gathered in pails and broughl to the laboratory about to p. m., March 24. It was carefully mixed and divided into 18-quart portions, all but one of which were heated to boiling. The following morning the samples which had been heated were placed in the incubator and inoculated. with the exception of one which was reserved as an incubator control. The air temperature maintained during the incu- bation period may be seen by referring to the accompanying graph (figure eo). ■ . > . LA 2 i-i P ' i . a 7.; 0 . 1 i . J I ■ - 1 . i . 1 : 1 1 t .r z j 1 '. ■ - . • 1 l(O.I ■ ■ I ' ' 7 lie Ik - . tc / s <\ '. / \ / s le f \ J v 1 {f r ■s ^ eo ■ \ J V / S V J ss S V f * t ■ Fig. 10. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 9 ; saps 74 to si in elusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from lefl to ri^'lii indl cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the firsl sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 74. Number 74 was the control which was not heated. It was evaporated on the morning of March 25. The sap contained 750 organisms per cc. The reaction was 3% N/100 acid. Un- fortunately the sirup was slightly burned in the pan so that its color and flavor were seriously impaired. For this reason the sirups of this series have been referred to number 68 as a con- trol. Sirup 74 contained 96.36% sucrose and 0.70' J invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 4, and score 550; depreciation from con- trol (number 68), color 5, flavor 3, and score 375. 75. Number 75 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CLXXIX. The plates showed a development of 10.400,000 colonies per cc. divided between those characteristic of the fluorescent group and those of another organism of the subtil is type. The reaction was 10% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 84.74% sucrose and 10.77% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 3. and score 675 ; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor 2. and score 250. 3'76 I'.ii.i.piTiN 167 76. Number 76 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CLV. The organism was recovered, but in association with great number of the spore-bearing bacteria noted in connection with the previous sample. The plates showed a count of 4,875,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 10.7% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 87.03% sucrose and 8.94% invert sugar. The color was 10, flavor 3, and score 650; depreciation from con- trol, color 6, flavor 2, and score 275. yy. Number yy was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CLXXVII. 11,700,000 colonies per cc. were obtained. These were divided between the two types of organisms men- tioned for the preceding samples of this series. The reaction was [0.1% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 88.13% sucrose and 8.24% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 3, and score 700; depreciation from control, color 4. flavor 2, and score 225. 78. Number 78 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism XXXVI. Here again two types of colonies were re- covered. The total count was 14,625,000 colonies per cc. The reaction was 1 1.2% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 83.86% sucrose and 10.84'; invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 4, and score 575 ; depreciation from control, color, 4, flavor 3, and score 350. 79. Number 79 was inoculated with non-fluorescent organ- ism CLXIII which itself belongs to the subtilis group. 6,500,000 colonies per cc. were recovered, practically all of which resem- bled those of the introduced organism. The reaction was 25.4' - N/100 acid. The sirup contained 78.78% sucrose and 15.25 invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; deprecia- tion from control, color 3, flavor 3, and score 325. 80. Number 80 was inoculated with pink yeast CLXVIII. The organism was not recovered. 9,750,000 colonies were ob- tained per cc, all of which were characteristic of the subtilis type. The sirup contained 79.20% sucrose and 16.13% invert sugar. Micro-organisms of M apu: Sap 377 The color was u>. flavor 4, and score 525; depreciation from control, color 6, flavor 3, and score 400. 81. Number 81 was a control heated to boiling and left in the incubator without inoculation. It developed 3,250,000 colo- nies per cc, typical of the subtilis group. The reaction was m', N/100 acid. The sirup contained 89.23% sucrose and 7.51s invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600 ; deprecia- tion from control (number 68), color 3, flavor 3, and score 325. It is evident that the sap used in the above series was heavily contaminated by some spore-bearing organism which apparently has the power of inverting sugar and which exercises a further detrimental influence upon the flavor of sirup. Refer- ence to the laboratory notes shows that after being heated the samples were placed without being covered on the top of instead of within the incubator to cool over night, in order that they might be ready for inoculation the following morning; but to prevent the entrance of falling dust a shelter of new clean paper was supported a few inches above the tops of the buckets. During the night there occurred a heavy wind storm. The ground was partially bare and it is possible that spore laden dust entered the laboratory through the rather large cracks which had opened in the single layer of boards constituting the floor, and that infection was produced in this way. Unfortunately the infection was not suspected until the results of the bacteriological and chemical analyses were known. Cultures of the organism were not secured so that its identity is uncertain, but the agar plate colonies were strikingly similar both in macroscopic and microscopic appearance to those of Bacillus subtilis and spore formation was apparent on unstained preparations from 4 days' agar colonies. SUGAR AND SIRUP FROM SOUR SAP The inoculation work of the season was completed with the preceding series, but a few experiments were made with natural sour sap. 378 Bulletin 167 82. Number 82 was made from sap collected March 29 from two trees located in a sheltered position which received an abundance of sunlight. The sap obtained from these trees naturally soured somewhat earlier than the average sap in the orchard as a whole and was just about ready to stop running- at the time this experiment was started. The sap had been allowed to remain without being collected since the first indications of serious souring, 2 or 3 days before. Neither titration nor bacteriological count was made. The sap was concentrated to sugar at once, to see whether it would grain properly, which it did. The sample was neither scored nor analyzed. 83. Number 83 was made from sap collected April 2 and represented all the sap that had flowed from the trees mentioned under 82, since March 29. At the time of collection these trees had apparently entirely ceased running. The sap contained 43,875,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 6% N/iooacid. Like the preceding sample this was evaporated at once to a sugar which grained readily. It was neither scored nor analyzed. 84. Number 84 was made April 4 from a part of the same sap from which 83 was made. The sirup contained 91.14' « sucrose and 2.83% invert sugar. The color was 20, flavor 3', and score 350. 85. Number 85 was made from sour sap collected April 2, but winch had been accumulating: in the buckets for several days. It contained 11,275,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 6' i N/lOO acid. The sirup contained 94.68$ sucrose and T.57' ! invert sugar. The color was darker than 20, flavor 31, and score 325- 86. Number 86 had exactly the same history as 85 except that when nearly evaporated to sirup it was allowed to cool to about 350 C, following which the beaten white of two eggs was added in order to test the clarifying power of this treatment. The boiling was then continued. The sirup contained 93.21$ sucrose and 1.23% invert sugar. The color was darker than Micro-organisms oj? Maple Sap ;'7'.» jo but not quite as dark as that of number 85. The flavor was 31, and score 325. SIRUP FROM LAST RUN SAP IN I9IO The plan pursued in the following experiments was exactl) the same as that described for similar experiments the previous year (page 357). The first trees were retapped April 3. Il was the intention to continue the experiments upon different trees until the flow of sap was so reduced that it was impossible to secure enough to make even a small sample of sirup. Unfor- tunately for the purpose of the work the weather became warm and night freezes ceased altogether, so that only a single experi- ment of this character was possihle. 87. Number 87 was secured from the fresh tap-hole of a tree which had yielded sour sap for a considerable number of days and upon which the leaf buds were already opened. The sap contained 5 organisms per cc. The reaction was 2.5'/ N/100 acid. The sirup contained 97.27% sucrose and 0.26% invert sugar. The color was 4, flavor 5, and score 525; depreciation from first run control, color o, flavor 3, score 250. 88. Number 88 was made from the same tree as number 87 but from the sap flowing from the old tap-hole. The plates gave a count of 73,125,000 organisms per cc. The reaction was 4% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.56% sucrose and r.79% in- vert sugar. The color was 11, flavor 6, and score 250; deprecia- tion from control (number 87), color 7, flavor 1, and score 275. .Depreciation from first run control, color 7, flavor 4, score 625. The results afforded by these two samples arc interesting and significant, for it will be ohserved that the flavor of the last inn material in 1910 was very seriously impaired, even when bac teria were excluded, the typical buddy flavor being present in an unmistakable degree, while the color remained light. Manifestly the poor flavor of No. 87 can not be attributed to the influence of the bacteria present for they were practically absent, but 5 per cc. being found. Its cause must be sought elsewhere ; and naturally 380 Bulletin 167 one suspects physiological changes occurring- within the tree. These results do not agree with those obtained in 1909, and cited in bulletin 151, as well as on pages 357-358 in this issue; but the contradiction may probably be explained by the divergen- cies in the prevailing weather conditions during the two sea- sons. The spring of 1910 was interrupted by periods of warm weather which started the trees into vegetative activity at least two or three weeks before the close of the sugar season, whereas the season of 1909 was short and exhibited no warm periods intervening with cold spells. The small amount of invert sugar present in No. 87 con- firms the suggestion obtained from the results of 1909, that the invert sugar content of a sap tends to decrease rather than in- crease as the season advances. Inoculation Experiments in 191 i The considerable number of instances in which the plates from incubated samples failed to return approximately pure cul- tures of the introduced organism in 1910, led to a modification of the procedure for 1911. The incubation buckets were dis- carded and a large number of 2 quart glass preserving jars were secured in which the sap was placed and subjected to fractional sterilization before inoculation. The covers were left on the jars but were not clamped down, so that the protection from in- fection was approximately the same as is afforded in Petri dish cultures. For purposes of sterilization, the jars were placed in a steam chamber and treated as is customary in sterilization with flowing steam at atmospheric pressure. Except in the last series of the season tbe sap was subjected to two sterilizations only. The last series was steamed on each of three consecutive days. This change was made because one of the jars of the control of the preceding series developed cloudiness, which was found upon examination to be due to spore-bearing organisms of the subtilis type. As in the preceding season, the success of the inoculation experiments was controlled by bacteriological examination in Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap 381 which the poured plate method was employed, but aliquots were not used and no count of the number of recovered organisms was obtained. The saps were mixed and titrated immediately before con- centration, plates were poured to determine the character of the infection, and a sample was removed and sterilized for the purpose of the experiment previously mentioned. The sirups were handled in all respects like those of the preceding year. series 10: sirups 89 to 96 The sap for this series flowed on March 22 and was gathered and given the first sterilization late in the afternoon of that day. The second sterilization followed after an interval of 24 hours. The samples were inoculated as soon as they were sufficiently cool, and were incubated for y/2 days. The air temperature maintained in the incubator is shown in the accompanying graph (figure 11). tea . I ■■ . < ., . 1 . f ■ ,. L; f ' / . - r 1, : 1 ", I .' . I 7 - 1 fl • - ' ' . ' ; ; — ■ : .. >s / s so 1 IS I \ V Pr> \ / \ 7S \ A' \ A ! V 10 \ \ \ r — - *~ -\ H| 1" 'N ts \ 1 \ V */ ■" 10 s J \ I \ 1 M F' . J Fig. 11. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 10; saps 89 to 90 in- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi- cate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 89. Number 89 was a control boiled down the day it was obtained from the trees. The reaction was 1.2% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.81% sucrose and 0.34^ invert sugar. The color was 3, flavor 2, and score 900. 90. Number 90 was inoculated with Bacillus aceris, a stringy sap organism, strain CCXVII. A very deep milky type of souring occurred and the material became quite stringy, though it was by no means as ropy as unsterilized sap inoculated with the same organism. An unpleasant yeasty odor was pro- 382 Bulletin 167 nounced. The reaction was 25.4% N/100 acid. The sirup con- tained 86.72% sucrose and 7.20% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor 2, and score 300. 91. Number 91 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CXL. A characteristic green type of souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 94.76% sucrose and 0.40% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 1 and score 150. 92. Number 92 was inoculated with fluorescent organism CXI I. A green type of souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.4' < N/100 acid. The simp contained 05.00', sucrose and 0.52$ invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 3, and score 725: depreciation from control, color 4, flavor 1, and score 175. 93. Number 93 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism LI. Typical green souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.2' < X/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.43$ sucrose and 0.43 invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 2, and score 825; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor o, and score 75. 94. Number 94 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism CXLI. Green souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.2% N/100 acid. The sirup con- tained 94.68%; sucrose and 0.52^ invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from control, color 4. flavor 2, and score 300. 95. Number 95 was inoculated with Bacillus aceris, a stringy sap organism, strain LXXXY1I. A milky type of sour- ing with slight stringiness developed. The organism was re- covered. The reaction was 27% N/100 acid. The sirup con- tained 90.85$ sucrose, and 5.04% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 3, and score 750; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor I, and score 150. Micro-organisms of AFait.k Sap 383 ')<>. Number 96 was the control sterilized and placed in the incubator without inoculation. The plates were sterile. The reaction was 0.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95-33^5 sucrose and 0.44', invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 2, and score 850; depreciation from control (number 89), color 2, flavor o. and score 50. series [i : sirups 97 to 104 The sap of this series was obtained on March 26, It was sterilized at once and again on March 2j, and inoculated in the evening- of the latter day and incubated for 3^ days. The temperature is shown in the accompanying graph (fig. 12). c JL J-l , , l_i u 1 u _J - ' i r . ■ L-. 1 1 , > ■ • ■ ■ 1 j U-fl j^ t \ I \ ' 1 fl \ ■1 1 V 1, -] / u es V -> J / i ! 7 Fig. 12. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 11 ; saps 97 to 104 in- clusive. The arrow heads on next to the bottom line from left to right indi eate respectively the time of inoculation, the time of evaporation of the first sample and the time of evaporation of the last sample. 97. Number 97 was a control evaporated March 26 im- mediately after gathering. The reaction was 0.5% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.04% sucrose and 0.19% invert sugar. The color was 3, flavor 1, and score 950. 98. Number 98 was inoculated with pink yeast CXXXII. A milky clouding developed accompanied by a very unpleasant odor. The organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.5', N/100 acid. The sirup contained 86.70^ sucrose and S.Oo' - invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 4. and score 550; de- preciation from control, color 6, flavor 3, and score 400. 99. Number 99 was inoculated with red yeast CX. A red- dish brown type of souring developed, accompanied by a yeast) odor, 'ldie organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.4', N/100 acid. The simp contained 94.82^? sucrose and 2.05', 384 Bulletin 167 invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600 ; depreci- ation from control, color 4, flavor 3, and score 350. 100. Number 100 was inoculated with fluorescent organ- ism CXLVIII. A green type of souring developed and the or- ganism was recovered. The reaction was 1.1% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.21% sucrose and 0.93% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 3, and score 725 ; depreciation from con- trol, color 4, flavor 2, and score 225. 101. Number 101 was inoculated with fluorescent organism 5. A characteristic type of souring appeared and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 1.2% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.45% sucrose and 0.94% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 3, and score 700; depreciation from control, color 5. flavor 2, and score 250. 102. Number 102 was inoculated with green fluorescent organism XXXIII. A green type of souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was 4.5'' X /Too acid. The sirup contained 95. 6j(A sucrose and 1.14'' invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from con- trol, color 4, flavor 3, and score 350. 103. Number 103 was inoculated with green fluorescent or- ganism XXXVI. A green type of souring developed and the organism was recovered. The reaction was i.4rr N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95. 38',' sucrose and 1.35'' invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from con- trol, color 4, flavor 3, and score 350. 104. Number 104 was a control sterilized and placed in the incubator without inoculation. The plates were sterile. The reaction was 0.6% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 97.0 sucrose and 0.41'- invert sugar. The color was 4. flavor 2. and score $J$\ depreciation from control (number 07), color t, flavor 1, and score 75. - I a; £ i Plate IV. — Incubator, i See pages 359-360). Micro-organisms of Maitm Sap 385 SERIES 12 : SIRUPS [05 l" I [2 The sap for this series was collected on March 27, given two sterilizations, inoculated on the morning of March 29, and incubated for 3 days at the temperatures indicated in the accom- panying graph (figure 13). O 3 f 3 'i. IS '« M 3f J7 XI 42 1S . « ) 1 .. * ■ ^ 1 ■ 1 : . 1 . J-i 7 ] ; iiuiii ^~ < — , _'_*_ .. — f \ A 1 N \ V -sj s \ \ /" s, 1 -/ I \ ,' \ *\ V 1 I ^ v /} / \ \ J ' A / \ / J r-\ *-» -' a 1 '7 -\< : \ f t /■ 4 r 1 t'A . 5.1- 1 >M ** ;.' / ^ (il -^ ~> ,-' ^ i N ^ ?« ^ \ /J Fig. 14. Graph of incubation temperatures for series 13 : saps 11:: in L20 inclusive. The arrow heads mi next 1" the bottom line from left \<> righl indi cate respectively the time o£ inoculation, the time <>f evaporation of the Brs1 sample ami the' time of evaporation of the last sample. 113. Number 113 was a control evaporated on the morning of March 31. The reaction was 2% X/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.97% sucrose and 0.61'. invert sugar. The color was 4. flavor 2, and score 875. 114. Number 114 was inoculated with red yeast LXII. A reddish type of clouding developed and the organism was re- covered in large numbers. The reaction was 5/, X 100 acid. The sirup contained 96.31 ''/< sucrose and i.oiA invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 3, and score J~$\ depreciation from con- trol, color 1, flavor 1, and score 100. 115. Number 115 was inoculated with gray yeast CXXI. A milky type of souring developed. The organism was re- covered. The reaction was 4.7'. X 100 acid. The sirup con- tained 95.14X sucrose and 1.52X invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor 2, and score 275. 116. Number 116 was a composite inoculated with red yeast LXII and fluorescent pseudomonas CXLV. A green type of souring developed. The fluorescent organisms appeared in large numbers on the plates, hut the yeast was not recovered. 388 Bulletin 167 The reaction was 3.7% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.62 sucrose and 0.68% invert sugar. The color was 8, flavor 4, and score 575 ; depreciation from control, color 4, flavor 2, and score 300. 117. Number 117 was inoculated with green mold CCCI belonging to the Eurotium genus. An excellent growth occurred. Some of the tufts of mycelium rose to the top and developed characteristic green spores. The reaction was 7.4% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 91.09% sucrose and 3.72% invert sugar. The color was 9, flavor 4, and score 550; depreciation from control, color 5, flavor 2, and score 325. 118. Number 118 was a composite inoculated with gray yeast CXXI and fluorescent pseudomonas CXLV. The bacteria were recovered in great numbers in association with a few yeast colonies. The type of souring was characteristic of the flu- orescent organism, but there was also evidence of the odor which is associated with the development of yeast. The reaction was 4.8% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.69% sucrose and 0.98% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 4, and score 600 ; depreciation from, control, color 3, flavor 2, and score 275. 1 19. Number 1 19 was a composite inoculated with Eurotium CCCI and fluorescent pseudomonas CXLV. The mold ap- parently made only very slight growth, while the bacteria de- veloped luxuriantly. The reaction was 4.2% N/100 acid. The sirup contained 96.27% sucrose and 0.81% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 2, and score 800; depreciation from control, color 3, flavor o, and score 75. 120. Number 120 was an incubator control, sterilized and held without inoculation. The reaction was 4.6%) N/100 acid. The sirup contained 95.02% sucrose and 0.57% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 3, and score 775; depreciation from control (number 113), color 1, flavor 1, and score 100. Micro-organisms oe Maple Sap 389 sirups from last run sap in i9ii As in two preceding years, as soon as the season was suf- ficiently advanced, trees which were running a sour sap were selected to be retapped in order to procure material from both fresh and sour tap-holes of the same tree at the same time. 121. Number 121 was made from sour sap obtained on April 21, after the buds were beginning to show considerable green. The sap was cloudy but not excessively so. The sirup contained 93.94% sucrose and 0.34% invert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 5, and score 450; depreciation from control (num- ber 122), color 2, flavor o, and score 50; depreciation from the first run control of the season (number 89), color 4. flavor 3. score 450. 122. Number 122 was made from sap obtained from the same tree as 121 and at the same time but from the fresh tap- hole. The sirup contained 95.80% sucrose and 0.07', invert sugar. The color was 5. flavor 5, and score 500; depreciation from first run control, color 2, flavor 3, and score 400. 123. Number 123 was made from sap obtained April 24 from a sour tap-hole. The sirup contained 95.33$ sucrose and 0.64% invert sugar. The color was n, flavor 6, and score 250; depreciation from control (number 124), color 6, flavor 1. and score 250; depreciation from first run control, color 8, flavor 4, and score 650. 124. Number 124 was made from sap obtained from the same tree and at the same time as that for 123, but from a fresh tap-hole. It contained 98.54% sucrose and 0.59% invert sugar. The color was 5, flavor 5, and score 500; depreciation from first run control, color 2, flavor 3, and score 400. 125. Number 125 was made from sour sap obtained from the tree April 24. It contained 93.88% sucrose and 0.53% in- vert sugar. The color was 7, flavor 5, and score 450; depreci- ation from control (number 126), color 1, flavor o. and score 25; depreciation from first run control, color 4, flavor 3, and score 45°- 390 Bulletin i6y 126. Number 126 was obtained from the same tree ami at the same time as number 125. but from a fresh tap-hole. The sirup contained 94.46% sucrose and 0.31% invert sugar. The color was 6, flavor 5. and score 475 : depreciation from first run control, color 3, flavor 3, and score 425. 127. Number 127 was made from sour sap obtained April 27. The sirup contained 87.41 '< sucrose and 4-59r^ invert sugar. The color was 15, flavor 6. and score 150: depreciation from control (number 128), color 11. flavor I, and score 375: depreciation from first run control, color 12, flavor 4, and score 750- 128. Number 128 was made from sap obtained from the same tree at the same time a- that for 127 but from a fresh tap-hole. The sirup contained 94.21' , sucrose and 0.31$ invert sugar. The color was 4. flavor 5. and score 525: depreciation from first run control, color 1. flavor 3, and score 375. 129. Number 129 was obtained from a fresh tap-hole April 28. It contained 95.34' < sucrose and 0.12', invert sugar. The color was 5. flavor 5. and -core 500: depreciation from first run control, color 2, flavor 3. and score 400. 130. Number 130 was made from sap obtained from the same tree and at the same time as that for 129, but from the sour tap-hole. It contained 93.80', sucrose and 1.34'' invert sugar. The color was 12, flavor 6, and score 225: depreciation from control (number 129), color 7, flavor 1. and score 2jy. depreciation from first run control, color g, flavor 4. and score The results of this series of experiments confirm those obtained the previous year, indicating that, accompanying the resumption of vegetative activity in the tree, there is a change in sap which makes it impossible thereafter to produce sirups of superior flavor. Micro-organisms of M ai'i.k Sap 391 Statistical Summary of Field Experiments For the sake of convenient reference a summary of the statis- tical data presented in the preceding pages is appended in tabular form and in numerical order (table 9). The number of the sample, the character of the organism employed or of the sample, tlie designation of the organism, the bacterial count per cc. of the sap, and the reaction of the sap in percent of N/100 aeid occupy the first five columns respectively. These are followed by the percentages of sucrose and invert sugar in the sirups, calculated to a dry matter basis. The numbers in the column headed "ratio" were obtained by dividing the percent of sucrose by the percent of invert sugar. A small ratio number, there- fore, indicates a relatively high proportion of invert sugar and a high number, a small proportion. The ratio numbers with their corresponding invert sugar values are shown below in tabular form : Invert sugar values above 15 ' - 15 ', 10 s>..', M..', - -I'..', 4V, - 2 ', 2 >;< "i ', 1 ', - >,.', ¥>% " v< below 1 1 ' , Ratio numbers 1 to 5 5 " 10 10 " 20 20 " 50 50 " 90 90 " 180 ISO " 400 above 400 Following the ratio column are given the values for color, flavor and score, assigned to the various sirups, and also the de- preciation in color, flavor and score of inoculated sirups from the corresponding value assigned to their respective controls. A date column completes the table. 392 Bulletin 167 TABLE 9. TABULAR SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL DATA No. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 1 Control, 96.84 2 Fluorescent, XXXIII 96.79 O Ditto, XXXVI 96.73 4 Ditto, L 96.54 5 Ditto, LIII 97.16 G Control, 95.41 7 Fluorescent, LVI 96.16 S Ditto, 5 97.14 9 Non-fluorescent, XXVI 95.61 10 Ditto, XXX 95.86 11 B. aceris, LXXXVII 170.0 96.12 12 Stringy peas, I 95.71 13 Gray yeast, 24 93.34 14 Red yeast, 25 9.0 95.30 15 Ditto, LXII 5.0 93.26 1G Penicillium, LXIV 8.2 95.73 17 Ditto, LXV 8.0 92.76 18 Red yeast, LXXIX 12.0 91.65 19 Composite, 5.0 93.2S 20 Control, 2.0 95.37 21 Last run, sweet, 95.19 22 Ditto, sour. 95.27 23 Ditto, sour 92.56 24 Ditto, sweet, 96.02 25 Ditto, sour, 94.05 26 Ditto, sweet, 96.42 27 Control, 10000 96.19 28 Gray yeast, 24 437000 82. S3 29 Fluorescent, CXXXIX 12350000 94.91 30 Ditto, CLIX 32G2000 93.75 *31 Gray yeast, CXXI 5667000 96.62 *32 Ditto, CLXXX 5600000 95.91 *33 Ditto, CLXVIII 1950000 95.61 34 Control, 40° 7312000 95.S6 35 Red yeast, CXL 2255000 95.13 *36 Ditto, CII 7312000 96.16 *37 Ditto, CLXXV 8825000 95.88 38 Control, 80° 162500 94.S0 *39 Gray yeast, C 9750000 96.18 40 Incubator control. 5850000 95.05 41 Control, 66 1.2 97.S2 42 Red yeast, CVII 13650000 19.0 93.27 43 Control, 100° 1625000 6.5 94.19 44 Fluorescent, CXLVIII 9000000 10.0 93.03 45 Incubator control, 195i mi 4.5 96.28 4G Pink coccus, CIV 14300000 10.0 95.07 "•'Infection failed. Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap 393 TABLE '.'. TABULAE MMMAKY 01 STATISTICAL DATA Ratio Color Flavor Score DEPRECIATION lnv. Sug. Color Flavor Score Date 1.07 90 7 1 850 1 0 25 3-24-09 1.55 62 14 4 425 8 3 450 it 2.09 46 11 2 700 5 1 175 i( 1.56 62 9 2 750 3 1 125 II 1.44 67 11 2 700 5 1 175 ft 0.97 98 6 1 S75 It 1.64 59 10 2 725 4 1 150 3-27-n:t 1.15 84 10 2 725 4 1 150 If 0.78 122 5 2 850 -1 1 25 ll 0.77 124 6 9 o 750 0 2 12.", it 1.72 56 7 4 600 1 •> o 275 it 2.23 43 6 o o 750 0 2 12^ it 2.53 37 7 2 soo 1 1 75 4- 1-09 3.01 32 10 2 725 4 1 L50 (1 2.98 31 8 2 775 2 1 100 f l 2.61 37 10 4 525 4 O 350 it 3.47 27 10 2 725 4 1 150 II 3.12 29 10 2 725 4 1 150 a 4.09 23 9 3 675 o 2 200 a 1.58 60 6 1 875 it 0.82 116 3 1 950 4-12-09 2.76 35 8 3 700 5 2 250 II 3.55 26 14 3 550 7 2 300 If 0.61 157 7 1 850 If 3.13 30 14 3 550 9 2 350 4-16-09 0.51 189 5 1 900 fi 0.30 321 4 2 875 3- 7-10 12.15 7 11 4 500 7 2 375 ii 0.38 250 8 21 750 4 01 125 f f 0.89 105 8 2 775 4 0 100 ft 0.30 322 6 2 825 2 0 50 ft 0.46 208 6 2 825 2 0 50 ll 0.23 416 7 2 800 o 0 75 ll 0.42 228 6 21 800 2 01 75 ll 1.15 83 12 21 650 8 01 225 ll 0.61 158 9 21 725 5 01 150 ll 0.64 150 11 21 675 7 01 200 ft 0.48 198 5 21 825 1 0" 50 ft 0.26 370 7 2 800 9 f > 0 75 ft 0.64 149 9 2 750 5 0 125 If 0.45 217 4 1 925 3-1 HO 2.14 44 5 22 800 1 1" L25 a 2.64 36 7 2 800 O 1 125 if 1.40 67 9 3 675 5 2 250 if 0.51 189 4 1 925 0 0 0 ft 1.05 91 6 2 825 2 1 100 ii 394 I'.ri.u'.TiN 167 table 9 — Continued Jo. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 47 Pink coccus, IV 1950000 9.6 88.81 4S Gray yeast, CLXXX 1625000 16.7 93.89 49 Control, 100 1.0 96.51 50 Pink coccus, XLIX 1950000 8.0 93.83 51 Ditto, CVI 4225000 3.5 97.30 52 Gray yeast, CLXII 1275000 6.0 96.84 53 Ditto, CLXXI 630000 6.0 92.13 54 Pink coccus, CXXVI 1300000 8.5 94.11 55 Non-fluorescent, CVI 1 1 27::oooo 6.0 94. 76 56 Control, 100 320000 3.1 96.(12 57 Incubator control. 370IMI 2.5 96. 17 58 Control, 380 3.0 97.01 59 Red yeast. CXXIII :; 25000 8.0 94.74 60 Ditto, CXI 1 1 L950000 s.4 95.44 61 Ditto, ex 650000 5.5 95.80 62 Ditto, 25 650000 9.5 89.27 63 Ditto, CXIV 975000 11.0 89.06 04 Ditto, exx 97500 10.0 91.64 65 Incubator control, 1950000 9.0 91.89 66 Tin buckets, 140 2.0 96.62 67 Wood buckets, 6500000 5.5 SS.25 68 Control 500 2.5 96.90 69 Fluorescent, CLIV 19500000 LO.O 93.87 70 Ditto, CXXXIII 20400000 10.0 93.47 71 Ditto. CXLVII L':',4oonoii 6.5 93.69 72 Ditto, CLIII 29250000 10.0 95.07 73 Ditto, CLVIII 2:1400000 2.3 97.47 *74 Control burned. 750 3.0 96.36 *75 Fluorescent, CLXXIX 10400000 10.0 84.74 *76 Ditto, CLV 4875000 10.7 87.03 *77 Ditto, CLXXVII 11700000 10.1 88.13 *78 Ditto, XXX VI 14625000 11.2 83.86 *79 Non-fluorescent, CLXIII 6500000 25,1 78.78 *80 Pink yeast, CLXXVIII 975 in 12.5 79.2(1 *S1 Incubator control, 3250000 10.0 89.23 t82 Sour sap, f83 Ditto, 1:1875000 6.0 84 Sour sap kept. 91.1 1 85 Ditto, L1275000 6.0 94.68 86 Ditto, 11275000 6.0 93.21 87 Last run, fresh, 5 2.5 97.27 88 Ditto, sour. 73125000 4.0 94.56 89 Control, 1.2 95.81 90 B. aceris, CCXVII 25.4 86 72 91 Fluorescent. CXL 1.5 94.7(1 *A spore bearing organism with inverting power was present in association with the introduced species. fS2 and 83, made into sugar. \l [CR( h iRG w [SMS ■J Ton 4 2 225 > ( 2.71 35 7 2J 750 5 l2 225 • . 2.38 40 5 2 S5i» 0 1 125 L35 71 5 2 850 •1» 1 125 •• ii.iiii 161 2 1 975 0 i) n ■■ 0.43 226 1 950 3-21-10 2.03 47 7 *> O 725 4 2 225 ■■ 1.76 54 6 •> •i 750 3 2 200 << 1.77 54 9 q 675 6 2 275 . . 7.30 12 9 4 550 6 3 1(10 • ■ 700 5 2 250 " 3.52 26 G 4 625 3 O 325 •• (1.41 236 1 950 3-22-10 6.91 13 9 4 550 6 ■> too 3-24-10 0.51 190 4 1 925 3-22-10 1.59 59 9 675 5 2 250 . > 2.46 38 11 4 500 7 •> • ) 425 • . ll.oS 162 14 4 425 10 •> 500 it 0.87 109 13 4 450 9 •> -> 475 it 0.68 143 6 2 SI' 5 2 1 100 a 0.70 138 9 4 550 5 •> o 3 75 3-24-1 n 10.77 8 9 675 5 2 250 8.94 10 in •> 650 6 2 275 . . 8.24 11 8 3 700 4 2 225 (( 10.4S 8 8 4 575 4 350 It 15.25 5 7 4 600 O Q 3 3 25 «( 16.13 5 10 4 525 G q 400 u 7.51 12 7 4 600 3 3 325 3-29-10 4- 2-ln 2.83 32 2ii 350 •• 1.57 60 20* •>1 O 325 i. 1.23 76 20* *-> 325 (< 0.26 374 4 5 525 4- 3,-1 n 1.7!) 53 11 6 250 — 1 275 •• 0.34 282 O •> 2 900 3-22-11 7.20 12 7 4 600 4 2 300 •• 0.40 237 6 o ■ I 750 1 L50 *A spore bearing organism with inverting power was preseni in association with the introduced species. 396 Bulletin 167 table 9 — Concluded No. Character of sample Organism or organism number 92 Fluorescent, CXII 93 Ditto, LI 94 Ditto, CXLI 95 B. aceris, LXXXVII 96 Incubator control, 97 Control, 98 Pink yeast, CXXXII 99 Red yeast, CX 100 Fluorescent, CXLVIII 101 Ditto, 5 102 Ditto, XXXIII 103 Ditto, XXXVI 104 Incubator control, 105 Control, $106 Red yeast, can 107 Pink coccus, CVI $108 Pink yeast, CLXXVIII 109 Gray yeast, 24 110 Ditto, CXXI 111 Eurotium, CCCI 112 Incubator control. 113 Control, 114 Red yeast, LXII 115 Gray yeast, CXXI 116 Composite, I LXII t CXLV 117 Eurotium, CCCI 118 Composite, f CXXI t CXLV 119 Composite, J CCCI I CXLV 120 Incubator control, 121 Last run sour 122 Ditto, sweet 123 Ditto, sour 124 Ditto, sweet 125 Ditto, sour 126 Ditto, sweet 127 Ditto, sour 128 Ditto, sweet 129 Ditto, sweet 130 Ditto, sour Count Reaction Sucrose 1.4 95.00 1.2 95.43 1.2 94.68 27.0 90.85 0.5 95.33 0.5 96.04 1.5 86.70 1.4 94.82 1.1 96.21 1.2 96.45 4.5 95.67 1.4 95.38 0.6 97.00 1.0 96.23 4.1 97.30 4.0 94.52 3.3 95.37 41.0 67.33 3.3 97.09 2.0 93.31 1.0 97.60 2.0 96.97 5.0 96.31 4.7 95.14 3.7 95.62 7.4 91.09 4.8 95.69 4.2 96.27 6.4 95.02 93.94 95.80 95.33 98.54 93.88 94.46 87.41 94.21 95.34 93. S6 $106 and 108, infection failed. Micro-organisms of M \ n.i; Sap 39' table 9 — ConeliHh >1 Ratio Color Flavor Score DEPRECIATION In v. Sug. Color Flavor Score Date 0.52 183 7 3 725 4 l it:, 3-22-11 0.43 222 6 2 825 3 0 75 tt 0.52 IV' 7 4 600 4 2 300 (1 5.04 IS 6 O 0 750 o 1 150 II 0.44 217 5 2 s;,,i 2 0 50 (( 0.19 505 3 1 950 3-26-1 1 8.G9 10 9 4 :,;,ii 6 3 400 tt 2.05 46 7 4 600 4 3 350 tt 0.93 103 7 3 725 4 2 225 " 0.94 103 8 3 700 5 2 250 ft 1.14 84 7 4 600 4 3 350 tt 1.35 71 7 4 600 4 3 350 a 0.41 237 4 2 875 1 1 75 it 0.24 403 6 2 900 3-27-11 0.6G 147 7 3 725 4 1 L75 " 0.G9 137 5 4 650 2 2 250 tt 0.90 106 4 3 800 1 1 100 tt 28.35 2 10 4 525 7 2 375 << 1.74 56 6 4 625 o O 2 275 it 4.39 21 7 4 600 4 2 300 tt 1.11 88 5 2 850 2 0 50 tt 0.61 159 4 2 875 3-30-11 1.01 95 5 3 775 1 1 100 a 1.52 63 7 4 600 3 2 275 tt 0.68 141 8 4 575 4 2 300 tt 3.72 25 9 4 550 5 2 325 a 0.98 98 7 4 600 3 2 275 0.81 119 7 2 800 O 0 75 tt 0.57 167 5 3 775 1 1 100 " * 0.34 276 7 5 450 2 0 50 4-21-11 0.67 143 5 5 500 tt 0.64 149 11 6 250 6 1 250 4-24-11 0.59 167 5 5 500 it 0.53 125 7 5 450 1 0 25 tt 0.31 305 6 5 475 tt 4.59 19 15 6 150 11 1 375 4-27-11 0.31 304 4 5 525 II 0.12 794 5 5 500 4-28-11 1.34 70 12 6 225 7 1 275 n 398 Bulletin 167 Discussion of Related Sirups in Groups A Mirvey of the preceding- table shows that the sirups natu- rally fall into different groups according to the character of the sap used or of the treatment accorded to it. For convenient study and discussion the tables have been re-arranged so as to bring similar samples together in groups. It appeared in the discussion of individual samples that the inoculation failed in certain instances. Such samples have been placed by themselves and are grouped together without regard to the character of the organisms with which inoculation was at- tempted. In one series a spore-bearing organism became at least equally as important as the bacteria which were artificially intro- duced, and this series has been treated as a unit in the re-arrange- ment. The samples inoculated with yeasts and molds showed a tendency to mixed infection in which the fluorescent organism^ naturally present played a more or less important part. With the other statistical data in the following tables, the average color, flavor and score for each group, as well as the average deprecia- tion of color, flavor and score, is recorded at the foot in the proper columns. Twenty-two sirups were made from sap successfully inocu- lated with one or another strain of fluorescent bacteria. The average color was 9, flavor 2.0. and score 605 ; the average depre- ciation from control, color 4.8, flavor 1.6, and score 242. Four samples were successfully inoculated with non-fluo- rescent bacteria. The average color was 5.5, flavor 2.5, and, score 800: the average depreciation from control, color 0.5, flavor JA. and score 100. Seven samples were influenced by the action of a spore- bearing organism of the subtilis type which appeared sponta- neously. Four of these were inoculated with fluorescent organ- isms, one with a non-fluorescent bacillus similar to the intruder, and one with a pink yeast which was not recovered, while the other was intended for an incubator control. It is evident that the quality of these sirups must lie attributed to the combined action of the two groups of organisms. The average color was Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 390 8.4, flavor 3.6, and score 618; the average depreciation from control, color 4.4, flavor 2.6, and score 307. Three sirups were made from sap successfully inoculated with Bacillus aceris, a stringy sap organism, of which two strains were employed. The average color was 6.7, flavor 3.7 and score 650; the average depreciation from control, color 2.7, flavor _\ and score 242. Six samples were inoculated with pink cocci belonging t« > the Micrococcus roscus type. The average color was 5.7. flavor 2.6, and score 775; the average depreciation from control, color 2.8, flavor 1 .f>, and score 171 . ( )nly one sample was successfully inoculated with pink yeast. Thirteen samples were inoculated with red yeast with at least partial success. The fluorescent bacteria developed in associa- tion with the introduced organisms in a considerable number of these samples, so that the quality of sirup secured must he assigned to the combined activities of the two species. The average color was 8, flavor 2.8, and score 703; the average de- preciation from control, color 4.1, flavor 1.7, and score 215. Eight samples were inoculated with gray yeast with partial or complete success. Here again the fluorescent bacteria some- times developed in association with the yeasts and the results must be regarded as the product of the activities of both clasps of organisms. The average color was 7.3, flavor 3.2, and score 078; the average depreciation from control, color 3.8, flavor 1.7. and score 234. Four samples were successfully inoculated witli green mold. In two instances Penicillium was employed and in the others, Eurotium. Fluorescent bacteria played a part as associated or- ganisms in certain of these samples. The average color was 9, flavor 3.5, and score 600; average depreciation from control. color 4.8, flavor 2.0, and score 281. Four sirups were made from saps inoculated with a mixture of organisms. The composite infection was undertaken to de- termine the influence of yeasts and molds upon the development of fluorescent bacteria. The results were not entirely satisfactory 400 Bulletin 167 but indicate that when these two groups of organisms are asso- ciated in the same sample of sap the fluorescent bacteria are likely to gain the ascendency. The appearance of the samples and the results of the plates indicated that the development of the fluorescent group was stimulated by the presence of yeasts and molds, with which they must compete. This may account for the considerable number of failures which resulted from attempts to inoculate unsterilized sap with cultures of yeasts and molds. The average figures for the composite samples follow : Color j.j, flavor 3, and score 663 ; the average depreciation from control, color 3.3, flavor 1.5, and score 213. In eight cases, attempts at infection failed or at least the introduced organism was not recovered. In a majority of these samples the fluorescent bacteria appeared sooner or later and exercised an influence upon the quality of the sirup. The average color was 7, flavor 2.3, and score JJ2 ; average depreciation from control, color 3.4, flavor 0.3. and score 103. Three sirups were made from natural sour sap, that is to say. sap which was allowed to remain in the buckets late in the season until it had seriously depreciated. One object of this procedure was to determine what proportion of invert sugar might be ex- pected in such material. Difficulty is often experienced in graining sugar made from the last run sirups. This trouble probably results from a large proportion of invert sugar, which of course might be formed in the sap by the action of micro-organisms. In the three sirups here reported, however, the proportion of invert sugar was low. Two other samples of similar material yielded sugar which grained readily The average figures for the three sirups follow: color 20+, flavor 31, and score 333; average de- preciation calculated on first run control, color 16-}-, flavor I1, and score 542. Thirteen samples were reserved for incubator controls. These were treated in different ways in different series. Some of them were so handled that they were only slightly inferior to the true control, while in other instances they were very nearly comparable to inoculated material. The greater part of the depreciation in Micro-organisms of M mm, Sap tOI these samples should be attributed to the fluorescent group of bacteria. The average color was 5.4, flavor 2, and seme 827; average depreciation, color 1.8, flavor 0.7, and score 87. Eleven samples were reserved as controls. Part of these were held in the cold during the incubation period and undoubt- edly underwent slight depreciation. The average color was 3.8, flavor 1.4, and score 911. Nine samples were made from last run sap obtained from tap-holes which had become sour, that is from which cloudy sap was running. The average color was 11, flavor 4.8, and score 397 ; average depreciation from the first run control of the same reason, color 6.9, flavor 3.1, and score 490. Nine samples were made from last run material obtained from the same trees and at the same time as the nine samples mentioned in the preceding paragraph, but from fresh tap-holes. It is important to notice that the first three samples of this char- acter which were made in 1909 possessed a flavor equal to that of the first run control, and that two of these same sirups were superior in color to their control. In the remaining six instances, however, the product of the two succeeding seasons, the sirups possessed the characteristic buddy flavor and were uniformly 3 grades inferior to the controls. The average color was 5, flavor 3.7, and score 636; average depreciation from first run control of the same season, color 0.8, flavor 2, and score 243. If the nine samples of sirups obtained from the sour sap of the last run arc compared with the nine samples obtained from the sweet sap of the last run, it is seen that the average deprecia- tion from souring is 6.1 in color, 1.1 in flavor, and 239 in score. One sirup was made from sap caught in tin buckets under cleanly conditions, and one was made from sap obtained the following days from the same tree but caught in wooden buckets. This latter sample showed a depreciation of 6 points in color, 3 in flavor, and 400 in score. In addition to the groups mentioned above one sirup origin- ally intended for a control was burned so that it was necessary to eliminate it from the comparison. The tabulated results follow: 4'»-_' Bulletin 167 TABLE 10. STATISTICAL TABLES SHOWING RELATED SAMPLES IH JUXTAPOSITION No. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 2 Fluorescent, XXXIII 96.79 102 Ditto, Ditto, 4.5 95.67 O Ditto. XXXVI 96.73 L03 Ditto, Ditto. 1.4 95.38 4 Ditto, L 96.54 5 Ditto, LI 1 1 97.16 7 Ditto, LVI 96.16 8 Ditto, 5 97.14 101 Ditto, 5 L.2 96.45 I'll Ditto, (XXXIX L2350000 94.91 30 Ditto, CLIX 3262 93.75 11 Ditto, CLXVII1 90 100 IO.11 93.03 LOO Ditto, Ditto, 1.1 96 21 69 Ditto, CLIV 195 mi 10.0 93.87 70 Ditto, (XXXIII 20400000 10.0 93.47 71 Ditto, CXLVII 234001 6.5 93.69 72 Ditto, CLIII 29250000 10.0 95.07 73 Ditto. CLVIII 123400000 2.3 97.47 91 Ditto, CXL 1.5 94.76 92 Ditto, CXII 1.4 95.00 it:; Ditto, LI 1.2 95.43 94 Ditto. Average, CXLI 1.2 94.6S 9 Non-fluorescent, XXVI 95.61 10 Ditto, XXX 95.86 12 Ditto, I 95.71 55 Ditto, Average, CVII I 2730000 6.0 94.76 75 Spore-bearer plus* CLXXIX 10400000 10.0 84.74 76 Ditto, CLV 1875000 10.7 87.03 77 Ditto, CLXXVII 11700000 10.1 88.13 78 Ditto, XXXVI 14625000 11.2 83.86 79 Ditto, CLXIII 6500000 :':..l 78.78 80 Ditto, CLXXVII I 9750000 12.5 79.20 81 Ditto, Average 3250000 10.0 11 B. aceris, LXXXVII 170.0 96.12 95 Ditto, Ditto, 27.0 90.85 90 Ditto, Average, CCXVII 25.4 86.72 *I. e., spore-bearing organisms associated with fluorescent and other organisms. (See pages 375 to :!77. ) Micro-organisms of M \pi.i- Sap 103 l LBLE 10. STATISTN A I. I ABLES SHOWING BELATED SAMPLES IN Jl XTAPOSITION Ratio Color Flavor Score in PR] (1 vi [ON Inv. Sug. Color Flavor Score Date 1.55 62 14 4 425 8 9 .J 450 3-2 1 09 1.1 1 M 7 4 600 1 9 350 3-26-1 1 2.09 46 11 2 700 5 1 175 3-24-09 1.35 71 7 4 600 4 •> >> 350 3-26-1 1 1.56 62 9 2 7 .Mi ■ » 1 125 3-2 1 09 1.44 67 11 2 Tun 5 1 L75 •• 1.G4 59 10 2 725 4 1 L50 3-27-09 1.15 84 Id 2 725 4 1 150 ■ . 0.94 103 8 ■ 1 700 5 2 250 3-26-11 0.38 250 8 2' 750 4 ii' L25 3- 7-10 0.89 105 8 2 775 4 0 100 1.40 67 9 675 5 2 250 3-14-10 0.93 103 — 0 725 4 2 225 3-26-11 1.59 59 9 6 675 5 2 250 3-22-Ki 2.46 38 11 4 500 7 •> 425 .. 0.58 162 14 4 425 10 3 500 ii 0.87 109 13 4 450 9 n ■ > 475 " 0.68 143 6 2 825 2 l 100 1 1 0.40 237 6 •> 750 o l 150 3-22-1 1 0.52 183 7 :; 725 4 l 175 0.43 222 6 2 825 o O 0 75 t < 0.52 182 7 4 600 4 2 300 " 9 2.9 665 4.S 1.6 242 0.78 122 5 2 850 — 1 1 25 3-27-09 0.77 124 6 750 0 2 125 2.23 43 6 •> o 750 0 2 L25 it 2.38 40 5 2 850 3 1 L25 3-20-10 5.5 2.5 800 0.5 1.5 100 Ki.77 8 9 o 675 5 2 250 3-24-10 8.94 10 10 ■ » •J 650 6 2 275 « 8.24 11 8 3 700 4 2 225 10.45 8 8 4 575 4 •> 350 .. 15.25 5 7 4 600 0 3 325 16.13 5 10 4 525 6 - > 40(i " 7.51 12 7 4 600 •> 3 325 a 8.4 3.6 618 4.4 2.6 307 1.72 56 7 4 600 1 9 •J 275 3-27-09 5.04 18 6 •i • > 750 ■> O 1 150 3-22-11 7.20 12 7 4 600 4 2 300 •• 6.7 3.7 650 2.7 2 242 4t>4 Bulletin 167 table 10- -Continued No. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 4G Pink coccus, CIV 11300000 10.0 95.07 47 Ditto, IV 1950000 9.6 88.81 50 Ditto, XLIX 1950000 8.0 93.83 51 Ditto, CVI 4225000 3.5 97.30 107 Ditto, Ditto, 4.0 94.52 54 Ditto, Average, CXXVI 1300000 8.5 94.11 98 Pink yeast, CXXXII 1.5 86.70 14 Red yeast, 25 9.0 95.30 62 Ditto, Ditto, 650000 9.5 89.27 15 Ditto. LXII 5.0 93.26 114 Ditto, Ditto, 5.0 96.31 18 Ditto, LXXIX 12.0 91.65 35 Ditto, CXI 2255000 95.13 42 Ditto, CVI I 13650000 19.0 93.27 59 Ditto, CXXIII 325000 8.0 94.74 GO Ditto, CXIII 1950000 8.4 95.44 01 Ditto, CX 650000 5.5 95.80 99 Ditto, Ditto, 1.4 94.82 63 Ditto, CXIV 975000 11.0 89.06 04 Ditto, Average, CXX 97500 10.0 91.64 13 Gray yeast. 24 93.34 28 Ditto, Ditto. 437000 82.83 109 Ditto, Ditto. 41.0 67.33 48 Ditto. CLXXX 1625000 16.7 93.89 52 Ditto, CLXII 1275000 6.0 96.84 53 Ditto, CLXXI 630000 6.0 92.13 110 Ditto, CXXI 3.3 97.09 115 Ditto, Average, Ditto 4.7 95.14 16 Green mold. LXIV 8.2 95.73 17 Ditto, LXV 8.0 92. 7f, 111 Ditto, CCCI 2.0 93.:n 117 Ditto, Average, Ditto, 7.4 91.09 19 Composite, 5.0 93.28 116 Ditto, 3.7 95.01' 118 Ditto, 4.8 95.69 119 Ditto, Average, 4.2 96.27 Micro-organisms of Maim,!'. Sap t(|"> fable in— Continued Ratio Color Flavor Score DEPRECIATION Inv. Sug. Color Flavor Score Date 1.05 91 6 2 NLT> 2 1 100 3-14-10 7.90 11 6 Q 750 2 2 ITT, CI 2.20 43 6 21 800 4 r 17.". 3-20-10 0.G5 150 4 2 875 2 l 100 C< 0.G9 137 5 4 650 2 2 250 3-27-11 2.71 35 7 2= 750 5 1-' 225 3-20-10 5.7 2.6 775 2.8 1.6 171 8.G9 10 9 4 550 6 400 3-26-11 3.01 32 10 2 725 4 1 150 4- 1-09 7.30 12 9 4 550 6 3 400 3-21-10 2.98 31 8 2 775 2 1 100 4- 1-09 1.01 95 5 O 775 1 1 100 3-30-11 3.12 29 10 725 4 1 150 4- 1-09 1.15 83 12 21 650 8 01 225 3- 7-10 2.14 44 5 22 800 1 r 125 3-14-10 2.03 47 7 3 725 4 2 225 3-21-10 1.76 54 6 O O 750 3 2 200 it 1.77 54 9 675 6 2 275 ti 2.05 46 7 4 600 4 3 350 3-26-11 7.63 12 8 3 700 5 2 250 3-21-10 5.86 16 8 3 700 5 2 250 CI 8 2.8 703 4.1 1.7 215 2.53 37 7 2 800 1 1 75 4- 1-09 12.15 7 11 4 500 7 2 375 3- 7-10 28.35 2 10 4 525 7 2 375 3-27-11 2.35 40 6 2= 775 2 1- 150 3-14-10 1.21 80 5 2 850 o 1 125 3-20-10 3.96 23 6 3 750 4 2 225 it 1.74 56 6 4 625 O 2 275 3-27-11 1.52 63 7 4 600 3 2 275 3-30-11 7.3 3.2 678 3.8 1.7 234 2.61 37 10 4 525 4 3 350 4- 1-09 3.47 27 10 2 725 4 1 150 it 4.39 21 7 4 600 4 2 300 3-27-11 3.72 25 9 4 550 5 2 325 3-30-11 9 3.5 600 4.3 2 281 4.09 23 9 3 675 3 2 200 4- 1-09 0.68 141 8 4 575 4 2 300 3-30-1 1 0.98 98 7 4 600 O O 2 275 a 0.81 119 7 2 800 3 0 75 1 1 7.7 o t> 663 3.3 1.5 213 4-1 m; Bulletin 167 tahle 10 — Continued No. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 31 Failure, :,';r,7000 96.G2 32 Ditto, r.iiuOOOO 95.91 DO £>0 Ditto, 1950000 95.G1 36 Ditto, 7::i2 9G.1G 37 Ditto, 8825000 95.88 39 Ditto, 9750 9G.18 L06 Ditto, 4.1 97.30 108 Ditto. Average, 3.3 95.37 84 Sour sap kept. 91.14 85 Ditto, 11275000 CO 94.68 86 Ditto, Average, 11275000 6.0 93.21 Depreciation on foregoing cal culated on fir st run control. 1 Incubator control. 96.84 34 Ditto, 7312000 95.86 38 Ditto, 162500 94.80 40 Ditto, 5850000 95.05 43 Ditto. 1625000 6.5 94.19 45 Ditto. 19500 4.5 9G.28 56 Ditto, 320000 3.1 96.02 ." Ditto, 37000 2.5 96.47 65 Ditto. L950000 9.0 91.89 96 Ditto. 0.5 95.33 mi Ditto, 0.6 97.00 112 Ditto. 1.0 97.i-.ii 120 Ditto, Average. 6.4 95.02 6 Control. 95.41 20 Ditto, 2.0 95.37 27 Ditto, 10000 96.19 41 Ditto, 66 1.2 97.82 49 Ditto. 100 1.0 96.51 58 Ditto, 380 3.0 97.01 68 Ditto, 500 2.5 96.90 89 Ditto, 1.2 95.81 97 Ditto, 0.5 96.04 L05 Ditto, 1.0 96.23 1 i:; Ditto, Average, 2.0 96.97 Micro-organisms oi' Maple Sap 401 table LO — Continued Ratio Color Flavor Score in i'i:i < i vi ion Inv. Sug. Color Flavor Score Dah' 0.30 322 6 2 825 2 0 50 :;- 7 L0 0.40 208 6 2 825 2 0 50 • • 0.23 416 7 2 800 •> 0 75 .. 0.6] 1 r,s 9 21 725 5 0l l.-,o " 0.64 150 11 21 ' 675 7 II' 200 " 0.26 370 7 2 800 3 0 7.'. 4 ( 0.66 147 7 •> o 725 4 1 175 3-27-1] 0.90 LOG 4 o 800 1 1 L00 CI 7 2.:\ 772 3.4 • > L03 2.83 32 20 01 U 350 16 r 525 4- 2-10 L.57 60 20+ •11 Q 325 16+ i1 550 .. L.23 76 20 + •M 32:, 16+ r 550 • • 20 31 ooo 16 r 542 1.07 90 7 1 850 1 0 25 3-24-09 0.42 228 6 21 800 2 01 75 3- 7-la 0.48 198 5 vi 825 1 0l 50 " 0.64 149 9 2 750 5 0 125 . . 2.64 36 n 1 2 800 o o 1 L25 3-14-10 0.51 189 4 1 925 0 0 0 " 1.35 71 5 2 850 • » 1 125 3-20-10 0.60 161 2 1 975 0 0 0 a 3.52 26 6 4 625 ■> o • > 325 3-21-10 0.44 217 5 2 850 2 0 50 3-22-1] 0.41 237 4 2 875 1 1 75 3-20-1 l 1.11 88 5 2 850 2 0 50 3-27-11 0.57 107 5 9 O 775 1 1 100 3-30-11 5.4 2 827 1.8 .7 87 0.97 98 6 1 875 3-24-09 1.58 60 6 1 ST.". 4- 1-09 0.30 321 1 2 875 3- 7-lo 0.45 217 1 1 92T. 3-1 llo 0.42 230 2 1 975 3-20-10 0.43 226 •> 1 950 3-21-10 0.51 190 1 1 925 3-22-10 0.34 282 2 900 3-22-11 0.19 505 O •> 1 950 3-26-11 0.24 403 3 2 900 3-27-1] 0.61 159 4 3.8 2 1.4 S75 911 3-30-11 408 Bulletin 167 table 10 — Concluded No. Character of sample Organism or organism number Count Reaction Sucrose 22 Last run sour, 95.27 23 Ditto, 92.56 25 Ditto, 95.05 88 Ditto, 73125000 4.0 94.56 121 Ditto, 93.94 123 Ditto, 95.33 125 Ditto, 93.88 127 Ditto, 87.41 130 Ditto, Aver, age, 93.86 Depreciation on foregoing calculated on first run control. 21 Last run sweet, 95.19 24 Ditto, 96.02 26 Ditto, 96.42 87 Ditto, 5 2.5 97.27 122 Ditto, 95.80 124 Ditto, 98.54 12G Ditto, 94.46 128 Ditto, 94.21 129 Ditto, 95.34 Average, Dej preciation on foregoing calculated on first run control. 22 Last run sour, 95.27 21 Ditto, sweet, 95.19 23 Ditto, sour. 92.56 24 Ditto, sweet, 96.02 25 Ditto, sour, 94.05 26 Ditto, sweet, 96.42 88 Ditto, sour, 73125000 4.0 94.56 87 Ditto, sweet, 5 2.5 97.27 121 Ditto, sour, 93.94 122 Ditto, sweet, 95.80 123 Ditto, sour, 95.33 124 Ditto, sweei . 98.54 125 Ditto, sour, 93.88 126 Ditto, sweet, 94.46 127 Ditto, sour. 87.41 128 Ditto, sweet, 94.21 130 Ditto, sour, 93.S6 129 Ditto, Avera sweet, ge depreciation of sour samples, 95.34 66 Tin bl icket, 140 2.0 96.62 67 Wood bucket, 6500000 5.5 88.25 74 Burned 1 control, 750 3.0 96.36 Micro-organisms of .\l\ru-: Sap 409 TABLE 10 — COHclinlfii Ratio Color Flavor Score DEPREI 1 \ HON Inv. Sug. Color Flavor Score Date 2.76 35 8 o o 700 2 2 175 4-12-09 3.55 26 14 3 550 8 2 325 " 3.13 30 14 3 550 8 2 325 4-16-09 1.79 53 11 6 250 7 4 625 4- 3-10 0.34 276 7 5 450 4 3 15(1 4-21-11 0.G4 149 11 6 250 8 4 650 4-24-11 0.53 125 7 5 450 4 O o 450 a 4.59 19 15 6 150 12 4 750 4-27-11 1.34 7(1 12 6 225 9 4 675 4-28-11 11 4.8 397 6.9 3.1 492 0.82 116 3 1 950 -3 0 -75 4-12-09 0.61 157 1 850 1 0 25 a 0.51 189 5 1 900 -1 0 -25 4-16-09 0.26 ' 374 4 5 525 0 o L'5(i 4- 3-10 0.67 143 5 5 500 2 o o 400 4-21-11 0.59 167 5 5 500 2 o ■ » 400 4-24-11 0.31 305 6 5 475 3 3 425 a 0.31 304 4 5 525 1 o o 1175 4-27-11 0.12 794 5 5 500 2 3 400 4-28-11 5 3.7 636 .8 2 243 2.76 35 8 O 700 5 2 250 4-12-09 0.82 116 o 1 950 ' I 3.55 26 14 o o 550 7 2 300 it 0.61 157 7 1 850 tt 3.13 30 14 o 550 9 2 350 4-16-09 0.51 189 5 1 900 it 1.79 53 11 6 250 7 1 275 4- 3-10 0.62 374 4 5 525 it 0.34 276 7 5 450 2 0 50 4-21-11 0.67 143 5 5 500 a 0.64 149 11 6 250 6 1 250 4-24-11 0.59 167 5 5 500 If 0.53 125 7 5 450 1 0 25 (( 0.31 305 6 5 475 II 4.59 19 15 6 150 II 1 375 4-27-11 0.31 304 4 5 525 <( 1.34 794 12 G 225 7 1 275 4-28-1 1 0.12 70 5 5 500 0.1 1.1 239 Pink cocci. G 93.94 • <; Failures, 8 96.13 7 Red yeasts, 13 93.54 8 Gray yeasts. 8 89.72 fi Fluorescent bacteria, 22 95.42 L0 Composites. 4 95.22 11 B. aceris, :; 91.16 12 Last run sweet. 9 95.92 l;; Fluorescein and spore-bearing bacteria, 7 84.42 14 Green molds. 4 93.21 15 Pink yeast, 1 86.70 1G Wooden buckets 1 88.25 17 Burned control. 1 96.36 IN Last run. sour, 9 93.41 L9 Sour sap kept, 3 93.00 Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap III rABLE II. sIMMAKV OF AVERAGES Ol RELATED GROUPS l\ ORDER OF SC0R1 HI l'l:i < 1 VI [OB Inv. Sug. Ratio Color Flavor Score Color Flavor Score 0.41 236 3.0 1.0 950 0.60 161 3.8 1.1 911 1.04 90 5.4 2.0 827 1.8 0.7 NT 1.52 62 5 . 5 2.5 800 0.5 L.5 1 Mil 2.45 37 5.7 2.6 77:. 2.8 1.6 171 0.5] 74 2.3 771' 3.4 0.3 in:; 3.18 29 8.0 2.8 703 1.1 1.7 2 1 5 G.86 L3 7.:; 3.2 678 3.8 1.7 23 1 1.09 88 9.0 2.9 665 4.8 L.6 242 1.64 58 7.7 3.0 663 1.5 213 4.70 20 6.7 3.7 650 2.7 2.0 2 12 0.47 .'ill 5.0 3.7 636 0.8 2.0 243 11.03 8 8.4 3.6 618 4.4 2.6 307 3.56 26 9.0 3.5 600 4.3 2.0 281 8.69 10 9.0 4.0 550 6.0 3.0 100 6.91 13 9.0 4.0 550 6.0 3.0 too 0.70 138 9.0 4.0 550 6.0 3.0 lllll 2.07 45 11.0 1.8 397 6.9 :;.i 492 L.88 49 20.0 .>■>.. L6.0 l1. 542 412 Bulletin 167 comparison oe sirups made from inoculated sap and from natural sour sap The reader with a practical turn of mind may well inquire how the quality of the sirups made from the inoculated saps compares with that of the sirups made from saps which have be- come sour from natural causes. It might seem that the artificial introduction of large numbers of bacteria into sap would result in the production of an abnormal sirup, far inferior to that secured from saps souring under natural, and perhaps unavoidable, con- ditions ; but such is not the fact. Much sirup and sugar are annually made from sap more seriously injured by natural souring than was most of that discussed in the foregoing pages. The organisms at work are the same in either case, but the conditions under which souring occurs in nature are as a rule more favorable to bacterial growth than were those maintained in the incubator. In nature, however, there is al- most always a mixed infection, in which the predominant forms are those most seriously injurying the color. In the incu- bator it was possible so to control conditions as to give the advantage to particular groups at will, so that in some cases the flavor of the sirup was more seriously injured than is likely to occur in nature unless the conditions are extremely bad. The writer, while unwilling to acknowledge himself a great offender, has personally made sirups for commercial sale from saps in- jured more seriously by natural souring than were most of those employed in these experiments. In fact only the most pains- taking care can prevent the occurrence of such injury towards the close of the season. The facts are brought out clearly by a study of the data already presented. Twelve of the sirups discussed were made from sap which had soured naturally. The average color was 8.3, flavor 4.3, and score 381 ; average depreciation from first run control, color 9.2, flavor 2.6, and score 504. Three of these samples, however, (Nos. 84. 85 and 86) were made from sour sap which had been allowed to stand two or three days in the buckets so that it was very poor indeed: and six (Nos. 88, 121, 123, 125. Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sac H3 127 and 130) were made from sour sap drawn very late in the season, so that it was not only sour but buddy. The three re- maining samples (Nos. 22, 23 and 25), however, were made from sour sap free from buddy flavor. Samples 22 and 25 were con centrated to sirup the same day they flowed, and at the time of evaporation the first drops to run had not hcen out of the \ cular tissue more than twelve hours. Sample 23 was evaporated thirty-six hours after it began to run. These sirups might he ex- pected to be at least as good as the ordinary material made from sour sap and probably superior to it. They are therefore used in the following comparison of depreciation values, which values in these cases are calculated from the average of all controls of the three seasons, instead of from the average of first run controls. The average color was 12, flavor 3, and score 600; average de- preciation from all controls, color 8.2, flavor 1.6, and score 311. DISCUSSION OF DEPRECIATION VALUES The specific influence of the various groups of organisms and of natural souring upon sirup is seen most clearly from a study of the depreciation values. If the groups are arranged ac- cording to the average amounts of depreciation in color they fall into the following order : TABLE 12. ORDER OF AVEBAGE DEPRECIATION IN COLOB Depreciation Group Color Flavor Score 1 Non-fluorescent bacteria, (».:» 1.:. 100 2 Incubator control, 1.8 0.7 87 0 0 B. aceris. 2.7 2.0 242 4 Pink coccus, 2.8 1.6 171 5 Composites, 3.8 1.5 213 6 Failures, 3.1 0.3 103 7 Gray yeast, 3.8 1.7 234 8 Red yeast, 4.1 1.7 215 9 Green mold. 1.3 2.0 281 10 Fluorescent bacteria plus spore ■bearers, 1.1 2.6 307 11 Fluorescent bacteria. l.s 1.6 242 12 Natural sour sap, 8.2 1.6 311 A glance at the foot of the table shows that the sirups mosl seriously injured in color were made from sap souring naturally. II I i'.ru.KTix H>7 The sirups showing the next most serious depreciation in color were those inoculated with green fluorescent hacteria. Then comes a group in which fluorescent organisms were employed in the inoculation and developed in association with such spore- bearers as were present. It has already been shown that the fluorescent bacteria exercised some influence on the sirups of the next five groups also, while in the remaining groups they were either absent or present in smaller numbers for a shorter time. If the depreciation figures are arranged according to flavor values a different order is secured, as follow-: TABLE 13. ORDEB OF AVERAGE DE1*RE< l.\TI<>\ IX FLAVOR Group 1 Failures, 2 [ncubator control. 3 Xon-fiuorescent bacteria, 4 Composites, 5 Pink coccus, 6 Fluorescent bacteria, ? Natural sour sap. 8 Gray yeast, !' Red yeast, 10 B. aceris, 11 Green molds. 12 Fluorescent bacteria plus sporedjearers. 4.4 Depreciation olor Flavor Sco 3.4 0.3 m:; 1.8 0.7 s7 0.5 i.:» 100 3.3 1..-, 213 1.6 171 4.8 1.0 2 4 2 8.2 /.<; .;// 3.8 1.7 23 i 4.1 1.7 215 2.: 2.0 242 4.:! 2.0 2S1 301 The spore-bearing bacteria, green molds. B. aceris, both groups of yeasts and the natural sour material, occupy positions in this table below the fluorescent group. The sirups of five of these six groups were influenced somewhat in quality by the fluores- cent bacteria, and it is probable that the contrasts in quality are not so great as they would have been had the fluorescent bacteria been entirely eliminated ; yet it still appears perfectly clear that tlie organisms which most seriousl) injure the flavor ^^i maple sirup are not those producing the darker grades of color. If the groups are re-arranged in the order of depreciation in -core, an idea may be gained of their relative commercial values. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 1 1 5 TABLE 14. OBDEB 01 AVERAGE DEPRECIATION l\ SCOB1 Depreciation Group Color Flavor Score 1 Incubator control. 1.8 0.7 ^7 •> Non-fluorescent bacteria, 0.5 1.5 1011 3 Failures, 3.4 0.3 103 4 Pink coccus. 2.8 L.6 171 5 Composites, 3.3 1.5 213 6 Red yeast, 4.1 1.7 215 7 Gray yeast. 3.8 1.7 •23 1 8 Fluorescent bacteria, 4.8 1.6 242 9 B. aceris, 2.7 2.0 l»Il» 10 Green molds, 4.;: 2.0 281 11 Fluorescein bacteria plus spore-bearers, 4.4 2.6 307 t2 Natural sour sap. ' j ... i.i; .;// DISCUSSION Hi- LAST RUN SIRUPS Examination of the statistical tables shows that the dark color of late run sirup is to be attributed to the action of micro- organisms, since the sirups made from last run material gathered without infection were always of a light hue. The average de- preciation in color as calculated upon the first run controls was 0.8 point. At first sight it would appear that the results as ap- plied to flavors lack uniformity. The sirups of the first sea- m suffered no depreciation in flavor while those of the last two seasons uniformly fell off three points; but, as has been already suggested, this result is accounted for by the meteorological di- vergencies of the several seasons (pages 328 and 380). IXFLUKXCE OF INERT EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL Before formulating answers to the questions propounded at the outset, attention is called to the fact that in these studies no attention has been paid to the influence upon the color and flavor of sirup of inert extraneous matter, such as colored rain water, bark, insects, caramel and the like. Everyone recognizes the importance of eliminating such material, but the following para- graph showing the intluence of caramel may be worthy of record. The commercial supply of sap from the sugar place where the inoculation experiments were carried out was concentrated 416 Bulletin 167 in a multiple pan evaporator in which the sirup was always drawn off from the rear pan. Of course the usual accumulation of the so-called niter (mainly malate of lime) occurred in the sirup pan. During the height of the season the capacity of the equip- ment was hardly sufficient for the number of buckets hung, so that in order to save time on one occasion the daily cleansing of the pan was omitted. A decided darkening was soon noted in the grade of sirup obtained and suspicion was directed towards the sirup pan. The fire was banked and the niter removed. An im- provement of several points in color of the sirup immediatelv resulted, showing that the sugar mechanically included in the niter was being caramelized and was exercising a detrimental influence. After this the color of the sirup was carefullv watched, and whenever a depreciation in color began to appear the niter was removed from the sirup pan and the former light light color of the sirup was restored. Conclusions Returning now to the questions these studies were inaugu- rated to answer, the work has shown that the depreciation in color and flavor of maple sirup which ordinarily occurs in the com- mercial sugar place as the season progresses is to be attributed t< 1 the action of micro-organisms. Certain groups exercise a more detrimental influence upon color than upon flavor, while with other groups the reverse is true. The influence of each group appears more or less specific and characteristic. The most common form of organisms present in maple sap, the fluorescent bacteria, in- jures the flavor much less than it does the color. Those organ- isms which most seriously affect the flavor of sirup, the non- fluorescent, spore-bearing bacteria, molds, and stringy sap organ- isms, do not seriously darken the color. They do. however, fre- quently render the sirup cloudy and so viscid that it does not clear perfectly, even if left undisturbed for months. In addition to the depreciation due to bacteria there may occur deterioration due to physiological changes in the tree itself. - - X I :: a z o _ I- _ r- - -- c — u « «2 - '- < E >. - x — - - _ > _ J M* c n ~ - C "r C - _ Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 417 In certain seasons these changes which produce the "buddy" flavor may not occur in Vermont until after the sap (low ceases. In ordinary years, however, the season is interrupted by periods of growing- weather, so that the vegetative activity of the tree is resumed some time before the final discontinuance of night freezes, and the influence of these physiological changes becomes manifest in the true "buddy" flavor which appears in the sirup. Formerly the opinion was commonly held that this depreciation was due to the presence of a relatively large proportion of invert sugar. An examination of the analytical data clearly demon- strates that this view is erroneous. There is a decline rather than an increase in the content of invert sugar as the season advances. The exact nature of the cause of the true buddy flavor is unknown. In this connection, attention is ag'ain directed to the statement on page 346, to the effect that frequently the s< ■- called buddy material is not buddy in the sense in which the term is employed in this bulletin. Much sirup popularly but errone- ously termed buddy possesses objectionable foreign flavors due solely to the action of micro-organisms. REMEDIAL MEASURES Practical remedial measures must be based upon efforts to minimize the contamination with micro-organisms and to restrict the period of their action to the shortest possible time. The lower their content and the shorter their period of growth, the better the product. As in dairying, cleanliness must be the watch- word of the producer of superior goods. Clean sponts, clean and covered buckets, and clean holders are necessities. The use of metal utensils is to be preferred to the employment of wooden ones, because the latter material affords organic matter upon which organisms may develop. Moreover wooden utensils are less readily cleaned. Covered buckets are preferable to open ones, not only because they keep out rain and- snow, but because they prevent the entrance of bits of falling bark, decayed wood, and other inert matter. Such material is always heavily charged 418 Bulletin 167 with bacteria and other organisms, so that in addition to the coloring matter carried in the refuse itself, agents are introduced which further discolor the product through their vital activities. The practice of storing sap is one to be avoided whenever possible. Modern evaporators not only make long periods of boiling unnecessary, but they make it possible to concentrate the runs day by day as they occur. They are doubtless important factors contributing to the improved quality of evaporator sirup as compared with that produced by older methods. When storage is resorted to, the temperature of the tank should be kept as low as possible, because the lower the temperature the slower the micro-organic development. Holders should be located without rather than within the boiling house, where the heat of the pans will not influence their temperature. The evidence obtained indicates that the sugar-maker cannot expect to produce a high quality of sirup at the close of the season in average years , because there is no known means by which the physiologically induced "buddy" flavor may be avoided. So long as the depreciation is caused solely by bacteria, cleanly methods will enable the producer to maintain a high standard of excellency in his product ; but if the physiological activity of the tree begins to be manifest, the producer will find himself unable to manufac- ture an article of high excellency as regards flavor. The light color can be maintained indefinitely, but the "buddy" flavor is so objectionable that the market value of the sirup is insufficient to render its production profitable. Micro-organisms op Maple Sap 419 PART II DISCUSSION OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA SECURED ON MAPLE SI HIPS OBTAINED FROM SAPS INOCULATED WITH MICRO-ORGANISMS. By C. H. Jones The analyses of maple sirup displayed in tables 15-37 (pages 420 to 457) were made on samples secured in the prosecu- tion of the work discussed in the preceding pages. They were obtained during three successive sugar seasons and include not only pure sirups made under the most favorable conditions pos- sible, but, also, those representing the extremes of both nat- ural and artificial inoculation with bacteria, yeasts and molds. The samples were sterilized at the time of manufacture and stored in the dark in sealed half-pint ''lightning" jars. All analyses were made immediately after opening the jars. Particular attention was paid to the sucrose and invert sugar contents, but, in addition, the moisture, ash, and malic acid value were secured in order to determine the effect of the treatment on the data usually employed in judging the purity of maple products. The analytical methods employed were those in ordinary use, as out- lined in bulletin 134 of the Bureau of Chemistry of the United States Department of Agriculture. It should be remembered that these samples were all pure maple sirups so far as admixture with cane or other sugars is considered. They were, however, either naturally or artificially inoculated with the types of micro-organisms normally present in maple sap. This inoculation, as will be shown, has a greater influence on color and flavor (physical characteristics) than on the chemical composition. A total of 128 samples were examined. The analytical re- sults are reported in groups, based mainly on the nature of the inoculating organisms employed. The sample numbers and groupings correspond to those outlined on pages 402 to 409. 42< I r.iu.ETiN [67 Before beginning a detailed discussion, attention should be called to a few general conditions obtaining in the manufacture and analysis of the sirups, which doubtless to some extent affected the chemical data. 1. All samples were secured from the same sugar orchard. 2. They were made during three successive sugar seasons. 3. The size of the sample and the manner of its evapora- tion made it difficult closely to control the end boiling point and. consequently, large individual and yearly variations were observed in the concentration of the sirups, as is shown below. TABLE 15. MOISTUKE CONTENTS OF SIBUP SAMPLES Number of Extreme samples yearly secured Year Average Maximum Minimum variation % '< % ''< 26 1909 33.67 29.44 9.44 GO 1910 38.01 47.60 32.46 15.14 42 1911 30.39 38.97 26.76 12.21 The average obtained in 1909 more nearly approaches the eleven-pound per gallon standard,1 which calls for a moisture content of from 34 to 35%, than do those secured in the two fol- lowing years. The 1910 samples were nearly all light weight goods, with an extreme variation of 15.14$ in moisture. The average for 191 1 indicates that most of the samples were con- siderably more concentrated than the eleven-pound standard1 re- quires. A thermometer was used to determine the density during manufacture, but, unfortunately, due allowance was not made for the boiling points of different grades of sirup. These figures will be referred to later during the discussion of the ash data (pages 464 and 465). No particular care was taken to remove the "niter" in the laboratory previous to the analysis of the 1909 samples, Nos. r-26. It was thoroughly removed from the 102 samples of the two succeeding seasons by sedimentation during a period of seven months. 'Vt. Sta. Bui. 26 (1891); Rut. 18, p. 334 (1905); U. S. Dept. Agr.. Bu. Chem., Bui. 134, pp. 74-75 (1910). Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap l_M EXPLANATION OE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA SHOWN IN TABLES 1 6 TO 34 The chemical analysis of each sample was preceded by a careful physical examination, for the details of which see pages 345 to 349. The color was determined after the standard of Bryan1 which comprises twenty grades. (See page 349). The first grade is never obtained in practical manufacture. As com- mercially rated for average crops, any grade helow 8 may be considered No. 1, from 8 to 11 inclusive No. 2, and from 12 to 15 inclusive No. 3. The sirups were grouped in 6 classes as regards flavor. No. 1 corresponding- to prime, 2 good. 3 medium, 4 poor, 5 buddy, and 6 buddy and rank. A certain few sirups grading good and medium, were designated 21 and 22, and similarly a few, falling between medium and poor, were rated 31. A flavor of 5 or 6 would immediately condemn the sample for commer- cial purposes. The scoring" system adopted for these sirups is based on the flavor and color as explained on pages 346 to 349. The column headed "undetermined" is obtained by sub- tracting the sum of the moisture, sucrose, invert sugar, ash and malic acid value from 100. It is, of course, affected by all the errors in the five determinations mentioned, and includes proteids, tannin, organic acids and other non-sugars. Group i. Controls. As the word "control" indicates, these ^samples were prepared from sap selected to serve as checks on experimental procedure. The first two lots, Nos. 6 and 20, were not boiled fresh, but were held in the cold for about 3 days during the incubation period. All the other saps in this group were strictly fresh when boiled. The resulting sirups were of fine flavor and light in color. No. 49 is credited with the highest score possible, 975, while 5 more of the 11 lots are hardly inferior to No. 49. They would all be classed as of the highest grade. 'U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Chem., Bui. 134, p. 15 (1910). 422 BUIXKTIN 167 TABLE 16. MAPLE SIRUP. CONTKOLS •— CD JO a 3 a o> 3 to .a m J3 0> 3 > ■a O a a •a a 0 U 0 > .2 • 0 3 a cd O E-i 0 0 3 O SQ a »— 1 rt a % of /O % % % % % % 6 6 1 875 33.99 62.98 0.64 0.62 0.27 0.35 0.61 1.16 20 G 1 875 33.54 63.38 1.05 0.83 0.25 0.58 1.04 0.16 27 4 2 875 34.46 63.04 0.20 0.49 0.34 0.15 0.48 1 QQ l.OO 41 4 1 925 39.78 58.46 0.62 0.46 0.22 0.24 0.53 0.15 40 2 1 975 38.39 59.46 0.26 0.50 0.24 0.26 0.51 0.88 58 0 0 1 950 36.30 61.80 0.28 0.47 0.28 0.19 0.53 0.62 68 4 1 925 37.33 60.73 0.32 0.42 0.28 0.14 0.51 0.69 89 0 2 900 29.96 67.11 0.24 0.43 0.22 0.21 0.73 1.53 97 O 1 950 30.36 66.88 0.13 0.47 0.30 0.17 0.51 1.65 105 2 900 30.53 66.85 0.17 0.55 0.38 0.17 0.42 1.48 113 4 2 875 29.99 67.89 0.43 0.53 0.35 0.18 0.51 0.65 Averagi -, 3.8 1.4 911 34.06 63.51 0.39 0.52 0.28 0.24 0.57 0.95 Max., 6 2 975 39.78 67.89 1.05 0.83 0.38 0.58 1.04 1.65 Min., 2 1 875 29.96 58.46 0.13 0.42 0.22 0.14 0.42 0.15 MAPLE SIRUP. COXTROLS Calculated to a moisture-free basis u o .0 a 3 a c. a cs 02 ALKALINITY 0 3 u a es •a > 0) 0) fed S3 CO CO c« .3 CS "O a 3 CS o> 53 0> 0 a a> o> J3 0> 43 C3 1 0 ~ XI *^ .a ej 0) c 3 82 > a CO O EH 3 O w O co 3 3 0 02 O 03 d "3 es G % % % % % % % 6 95.41 0.97 0.94 0.41 0.53 36 94 0.92 1.76 3-24-09 20 95.37 1.58 1.25 0.38 0.87 45 129 1.56 0.24 4- 1-09 27 96.19 0.30 0.75 0.53 0.22 58 71 0.73 2.03 3- 7-10 41 97.08 1.03 0.77 0.37 0.40 59 85 0.8S 0.24 3-14-10 49 96.51 0.42 0.81 0.39 0.42 52 85 0.83 1.43 3-20 10 58 97.01 0.43 0.73 0.43 0.30 58 113 0.83 1.00 3-21-10 68 96.90 0.51 0.68 0.45 0.23 54 56 0.81 1.10 3-22-10 89 95.81 0.34 0.61 0.32 0.29 44 53 1.01 2.23 3-22-11 97 96.04 0.19 0.68 0.43 0.25 56 49 0.73 2.36 3-26-11 105 96.23 0.24 0.79 0.54 0.25 58 48 0.61 2.13 3-27-11 113 96.97 0.61 0.75 0.50 0.25 62 58 0.73 0.94 3-30-11 Av'ge, 96.32 0.60 0.77 0.41 0.36 51 77 0 86 1.45 Max., 97 08 1.58 1.25 0.54 0.87 62 129 1.56 2.36 Min., 95.37 0.19 0.61 0.32 0.22 36 48 0.61 0.24 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 423 The average water content for the group is 34.06%. This figure is about normal, yet individual sirups vary from 39.78 to 29.96%. The sucrose shows the usual variations depending on the moisture content, ranging from 58.46 to 67.89, and averaging 63-5 1 %• When calculated to a dry matter basis these large variations are eliminated and the average sucrose content becomes 96.32%. The invert sugar varies from 0.13 to 1.05. averaging 0.39%. Investigation has shown that there are but very small amounts of invert sugar in the sap of the maple as it comes from the tree, and, consequently, if quickly and properly concentrated, flie resulting sirup should carry only a small amount. When the invert sugar in maple sirup calculated to a moisture free basis is less than 0.60%, it should not be attributed to excessive micro-organic infection. No. 20 was obtained about the middle of the season of 1909 from sap held 3 days in the cold ; and its invert sugar percentage, 1.05, would indicate that the sucrose had suffered a slight decomposition. The minimum ash and malic acid value figures estab- lished by the writer for pure Vermont maple sirup of standard weight and density, together with similar data obtained by Bryan for Vermont as well as for the United States-, arc shown in the following table : TABLE 17. MINIMUM ASH AND MALIC ACID VALUES FOB PURE MAPLE SIRUP Calculated to a moisture-free basis Jones (') Bryan (■) Bryan (2) Vermont Vermont United States samples samples samples Total ash, 0.77% 0.77% O.G8% Insoluble ash, 0.23% 0.23% 0.23% Malic acid value, 0.61% 0.58% 0.31% The agreement on the Vermont samples is very close. The Jones standard was secured on samples made in 1904 and the Bryan results on those obtained in 1909. Tn both cases they are based on about 50 samples representing all grades of pure lVt. Sta. Rpt. IS, p. 334 (1905). aU. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Chem., Bui. 134, pp. 74-75 (1010). -t2-t Bulletin 167 sirup. The United States minimum is based on 395 samples, representing all the important maple sugar producing sections. Attention is called to the fact that the minimum for insoluble ash for the entire United States is identical with the figure twice obtained by different investigators on Vermont samples. The ash and malic acid value data of the sirups in this and subsequent groups will be discussed primarily with a view of comparing the data with the standards just enumerated. It should be remembered that many of the samples discussed in the following groups are exceptional as to inoculation and manufacture. Such divergencies from the normal as were found will be noted and reasons assigned for the deficiencies. The average total and insoluble ash contents of the group on a moisture free basis are 0.77 and 0.36% respectively, with variations for total ash from 0.61 to 1.25 and for insoluble ash from 0.22 to 0.87%. "While the average of these 11 sirups is normal as regards standards, yet in six cases the total ash is be- low 0.77% (the Vermont standard) and in one case below the United States minimum. The insoluble ash runs 0.01% low in one instance, but in all others equals or exceeds the 0.23% figure. The malic acid value meets the standard in every instance, the average figure obtained being 0.86 ' \ , with extremes of 1.56 and O.61 '/< . Attention is here called to the fact that, excepting Xos. 27. 58 and 68, the samples showing a low total ash had a relatively small water content, and that in all cases the "niter"' had been thoroughly removed by a full seven months' sedimentation. The deficiencies occurring during 1910 and 191 1, if considered in con- nection with color, flavor, and the remaining ash and malic acid data, would not embarrass the analyst familiar with maple prod- ucts. The undetermined column shows variations from 0.24 to 2.36, averaging r.45%, which is about the usual amount found in the ordinary run of good grade maple sirups. Micro-organisms oe Maple Sap 1-25 GROUP 2. Incubator controls. The saps from which these sirups were made were kept during the incubation period, gen- erally not over 3 days, hefore being concentrated. They were in many cases probably slightly contaminated from natural sources and should, therefore, be considered only as of ordi- nary quality. Sample 43 remained clear for 2 days, hut showed a milk)- hacterial growth the third day hefore boiling. No. 65 likewise soured early and made a sirup of poor quality. All the samples graded well as to color and in only two cases was the flavor considered medium or poor. -L2ii Bulletin 167 TABLE 18. MAPLE SIBUP. INCUBATOB CONTBOLS u 0 3 fcc (_ *O0 ■3 — c 4) 3 00 « 0 V 0 O rt O 3 a V 0* 0Q 4-i s — ™ . 0 0 +J O tl — 3 0 i p* 0 a; i- O r: 3 0 ^ •a 2 "3 jS S "3 CJ > 3 •** 0 0 00 c Id •'/. ^ GO 5 C-t X a> d £Z a 00 a be d — 0> 3 O0 00 d a d 0 3 c 3 O _ £1 3 .q 3 0 w — O d 3 O 3 0 t) > 0 O 00 a © 00 a d 3 P m E-i ■f. r. ►— 1 A d Q % % % % % % % 1 96.84 1.07 0.99 0.39 0.60 55 120 1.06 0.04 3-24-09 34 95.36 0.42 1.41 0.59 0.82 69 153 1.42 1.39 3- 7-10 38 94.80 0.48 1.15 0.55 0.60 74 119 1.00 2.57 U 40 95.05 0.64 0.96 0.38 0.58 62 107 0.91 2.44 M 43 94.19 2.64 0.8S 0.41 0.47 58 88 0.88 1.41 3-14-1" 45 96.28 0.51 0.89 0.41 0.48 60 96 1.04 1.2S a 56 96.02 1.35 0.90 0.54 0.36 58 95 0.73 1.00 3-20-10 57 96.47 0.60 0.81 0.52 0.39 61 81 0.90 1.22 C4 65 91.89 3.52 1.03 0.43 0.60 60 122 1.09 2.47 3-21-10 96 95.33 0.44 0.71 0.46 0.25 55 49 0.65 2.87 3-22-11 104 97.00 0.41 0.69 0.47 0.22 62 42 0.60 1.30 3-26-11 112 97.60 1.11 0.71 0.50 0.21 59 47 0.44 0.14 3-27-11 120 95.12 0.57 0.71 0.45 0.26 66 75 0.72 L'>s 3-30-11 Average , 95.55 1.04 0.90 0.46 0.44 61 92 0.87 1.64 Max., 97.60 3.52 1.41 0.59 0.S2 74 153 1.42 2.87 Min., 91.89 0.41 0.69 0.38 0.21 55 42 0.44 0.04 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t27 The moisture content in these thirteen samples varies from 27.81 to 42.19 with an average of 36.78%. The sucrose ranges from 53.27 to 68.82 and averages 60.41%. No. 65, which contains the lowest sucrose figure, is in consequence high in both water and invert sugar. The invert sugar averages 0.65% with a miximum of 2.04 and a minimum of 0.27%. None of the samples, save Nos. 43 and 65, show marked evidences of souring previous to boiling. No. 1 was purposely evaporated at a slow rate, about 6 hours, or four times the usual interval, being taken. Its low invert sugar content, 0.66%, together with its satisfactory flavor and color, indicate that the time taken in boiling this fairly purr sap produced no marked inversion effect on the sucrose. Four of these samples, Nos. 96, 104, 112 and 120, when calculated to a moisture free basis, show a deficiency of total ash, two of which, Nos. 104 and 112, are just under the limit for insoluble ash, while one, Xo. 112, is low in malic acid value. In three of these four cases the concentration of the sirup was carried too far, the moisture content ranging from 27.81 to 31.34%. The malic acid value figure, 0.44%, is the lowest ever observed by the writer on pure Vermont goods. Group 3. Inoculated with non-fluorescent bacteria. These organisms are common in nature. When they occur in the sap and are allowed to develop, they injure the flavor more than they do the color of the resulting sirup. Two of the four samples were rated medium as to flavor, and two, good. The color of all four was exceptionally light, easily being classed No. 1 as com- mercially graded. 42S Bulletin 167 TABLE 19. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH NON-FLUOBESCENT BACTEKIA 0> a> ,0 — r. f— a £■. > O eS .a a rt a .Q C3 7" 00 . 0 — 0 »— t pC O a 0 0 0 0 > r. O a o3 a P % % % % % % '> % 9 5 2 850 33.26 G3.81 0.52 0.57 0.26 0.31 0.47 1.37 Hi G 750 32.21 G4.98 0.52 0.78 0.27 0.51 0.60 0.91 12 G •> O 750 3G.35 G0.92 1.42 0.76 0.27 0.49 0.73 —.18 55 5 2 850 36.97 59.73 1.50 0.63 0.26 0.37 0.48 0.69 Ave rag e, 5.5 2.5 800 34.70 62.36 0.99 0.69 0.27 0.42 0.57 0.69 Max., 6 q 0 850 36.97 64.98 1.50 0.78 0.27 0.51 0.73 1.37 Min., 5 2 750 32.21 59.73 0.52 0.57 0.26 0.31 0.47 —.IS MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH KTON-FLUOBESCENT BACTERIA Calculated to a moisture-free basis ALKALI X ITT a> a a fcJO a a 0) fit ei 01 o a a 0} .0 tt) X3 a 0 _ 1 A S A s 0 +j a 5 a 5Q a Q O O m O K3 c a 1— 1 "3 *5 a P . G % % ^O % % % % 9 95.61 0.78 0.85 0.39 0.46 51 117 0.70 2.06 3-27 09 10 95.86 0.77 1.15 0.40 0.75 35 145 0 88 1.34 •■ 12 95.71 2.23 1.19 0.42 0.77 41 145 1.14 —.27 •• 55 94.76 2.3S 1.00 0.40 0.60 57 123 0.75 1.11 3-20-11 Averag e, 95.50 1.52 1.06 0.42 0.64 46 132 0.87 1.05 Max., 95.86 2.38 1.19 0.42 0.77 57 145 1.14 2.06 Miu., 94. 7G 0.77 0.85 0.39 0.46 35 117 0.70 —.27 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t29 The moisture content of these samples was quite uniform, a variation of less than 5', being found. Its average was 3470%- The sucrose varied from 59.73 to 64.98, averaging 62.36^ ■ The invert sugar, while averaging higher than in the pre- viously mentioned controls, did not show such extremes. The average of 0.99% as analyzed, equivalent to 1.52% on a dry hasis, is clearly indicative of the fact that the organisms used were not active inverters of sucrose. The records show that the sap from which sirup 55 was made had a bacterial count of nearly 3.000,000. While apparently inactive as regards inversion they did, however, affect the flavor of the product, causing it to fall off 1.5 points from the control. The ash and malic acid value data in all cases exceed the usual standard. It should he noted, however, that the first three samples, Nos. 9, 10 and 12, were from the 1909 crop, and, as has been mentioned, no particular care was taken to remove all niter as was the case with No. 55. Group 4. Inoculated with pink cocci. The presence of these organisms in maple sap is decidedly detrimental to the pro- duction of a first class sirup. They seriousl) affect the flavor hut have no marked influence on the color. 430 Bulletin 167 TABLE 20. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH PINK COCCI u 0) 0 .a n cd *w a ■^ ta > o> 3 a 4) 03 CO 03 cd 0 ■a 0 c a v 0 4> 2 □3 0 *j 2 3 - a 03 SO 0 0 O fa O DQ 0 s H2 > a cd 0 Eh 3 0 CO 0 CO 0 1— ( 1 ■a a P % % % % % % % % 4G 6 2 825 38.42 58.55 0.65 0.63 0.27 0.36 0.60 1.15 47 6 O 750 40.64 52.72 4.69 0.60 0.27 0.33 0.52 0.83 50 0 21 800 40.03 56.17 1.32 0.50 0.23 0.27 0.50 1.48 51 4 2 875 37.65 60.67 0.41 0.51 0.31 0.20 0.49 0.27 107 b 4 GOO 27.90 68.15 0.50 0.51 0.36 0.15 0.42 2.52 54 7 22 750 38.30 58.07 1.67 0.51 0.27 0.24 0.44 1.01 Avcrag 0, 5.7 2.G 775 37.15 59.05 1.54 0.54 0.28 0.26 0.50 1.22 Max., 7 4 875 40.64 68.15 4.69 0.63 0.36 0.36 0.60 2.52 Min., 4 2 600 27.90 52.72 0.41 0.50 0.23 0.15 0.42 0.27 MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH PINK COCCI Calculated to a moisture-free basis u 0) CO p V 3 W cd CO > a .3 CO ed "3 0 H a CO cd CO 3 3 O 03 S3 CO cd 0) — 3 "o CO 3 1— t ALKALINITl CD 3 > 03 3 a 1 0 o> -a a P a 3 a a cd S3 CO ed 0) 3 3 "B xn a cd 3 3 0 CO a CD cd P 46 % 95.07 1.05 % 1.02 0.44 % 0.58 162 113 0.97 % 1.89 3-14-10 47 88.81 7.90 1.01 0.46 0.55 64 107 0.88 1.40 f( 50 93.83 2.20 0.83 0.38 0.45 62 95 0.S3 2.31 3-20-10 51 97.30 0.65 0.82 0.50 0.32 63 73 0.79 0.44 •• 107 94.52 0.69 0.71 0.50 0.21 57 34 0.58 3.50 3-27-11 54 94.11 2.71 0.82 0.43 0.39 56 75 0.71 1.65 3-20-10 Averag e, 93.94 2.45 0.86 0.45 0.41 61 83 0.79 3.96 Max., 97.30 7.90 1.02 0.50 0.58 G4 113 0.97 3.50 Min., 88.81 0.G5 0.71 0.38 0.21 56 34 0.5S 0.44 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 431 The moisture content of the six sirups averaged 37.15 with extremes of 40.64 to 27.90% . The minimum amount is found in No. 107, the only 191 1 sample in this series. The sucrose averages 59.05 and the extremes are 52.72 and 68.15%. The sample, No. 47, with the highest moisture con- tent carries the lowest sucrose percentage. The relatively large amount of invert sugar present is also a contributing fac- tor. The invert sugar shows a surprising variation of from 0.41 to 4.69 with an average of 1.54%. This maximum figure, in No. 47, when calculated to the moisture free basis is equivalent to 7.90''. This result may be attributed to the action on tin- sucrose of a certain strain of pink coccus. Other strains did not give as positive evidences of sucrose inversion. No. 107, as compared with standard, is slightly deficient in total and insoluble ash and in malic acid value. Group 5. Failures. The saps from which the sirups thus characterized were made, were variously inoculated, but the intro- duced organisms could not be recovered at the close of the in- cubation period. The natural infection may have suppressed their development or the inoculating organisms may have been killed by those normally present. Whatever the infection, it had no marked influence upon the results in the invert sugar column. The color averaged a little poorer in these samples than in those previously mentioned under the head "incubator control," while flavor showed a slight gain. / 432 Bulletin 167 TABLE 21. MAPLE SIRUP. FAILUKES MAPLE SIRUP. FAILURES Calculated to a moisture-free basis 0) D 3 £1 .3 rt -= g -- cs <*^ c; a O M X ■s. a a -C w g '-* 0> K O) £> CS B 0 OJ +-> _- 3 3 O 4-1 a cS 0 c 8j 0 '■J *o 3 0> > CS 0 O v. - c m 0 fe •Jl f<, •7. >-< H v. ~ r«5 — % % '< % % % % % 31 G 2 825 38.21 59.70 0.19 0.70 0.34 0.36 0.34 0.8G 32 G 2 825 37.37 60.07 0.29 0.71 0.25 0.46 0.65 (1.91 • >•» » > a 7 2 800 35.96 61.23 0.15 0.7G 0.34 0.42 0.64 1.2G 36 9 21 725 37.52 (111. OS 0.38 0.65 0.27 0.38 0.45 0.92 37 11 21 G75 34.43 62.87 0.41 0.73 0.24 0.49 0.65 0.91 39 7 2 800 36.34 61.23 0.17 0.71 0.22 0.49 0.62 0.93 1 OG 7 • > 725 30.48 67.G4 0.46 0.48 0.33 0.15 0.41 0.53 108 4 O 800 29.64 G7.10 0.63 0.46 0.32 0.14 0.35 1.82 Averag< ', 7.ii 2.3 772 34.99 62.48 0.:::: 0.65 0.29 0.36 0.52 1.03 Max., 11 *> 0 825 38.21 67.64 0.63 0.76 0.34 0.49 0.65 1.82 Min., G 2 675 29.64 59.70 0.15 0.46 0.22 0.14 0.34 11.:,:; ALKALINITY Cv £> a 3 a a cs w 0) O 02 cs s y. 03 7s 0 CS ■J. a QQ CS 3 .3 03 C3 0) 3 3 O f. a W CS 3 ~z m > CS 73 M a a 01 4) a CO - Q 31 9? 96.62 0.30 << 1.14 c1 70 0.55 '7c 0.59 62 1 Q9 1 ->. > 0.55 % 1.39 ;;- 7-1 « 32 95.91 0.4G 1.13 0.39 (1.74 54 102 1.(13 1.47 • »«» 95.61 0.23 1.18 0.52 0.66 62 151 0.99 1.99 36 96.16 0.G1 1.06 0.44 0.62 57 105 0.7:: 1.44 37 :t5.8S (1.04 1.11 0.36 0.75 51 79 0.99 1.38 39 96.18 0.2G 1.12 0.35 0.77 07 120 0.97 1.47 106 97.30 0.66 0.69 0.47 0.22 58 56 0.59 0.76 3-27-11 108 95.37 0.90 0.65 0.45 0.20 58 37 0.49 2.59 a Ave rag e, 96.13 0.51 1.00 0.45 0.55 59 98 0.80 1.50 Max., 97.30 0.90 L.18 0.55 0.77 07 151 1.03 2.59 Min., 95.37 0.23 0.65 0.35 0.20 51 37 0.49 0.76 M icro-org w tSMS OF M \ im.i-; Sap t33 The moisture in the sirups of this group varies from 29.64 to 38.21, and averages 34.99%. The sucrose averages 62.48^ . equivalent, on a moisture tree- basis, to 96.13' i . The invert sugar percentages were low, the average on a moisture free basis being 0.51%, the highest, 0.90, the lowest 0.23'/. This checks closely with the results shown in tables [6 and 18, with which the data secured with the samples of this group are comparable. The total and insoluble ash contents are low of standard in two of the eight samples and the malic acid value is deficient in three samples. Group 6. Inoculated ivith red yeasts. These organisms are quite common, particularly toward the close of the season. The evaporating sap and sirup containing them give off an offensive yeasty odor. They seriously impair the flavor and in many instances cause the color to grade several shades darker than it otherwise would ; and they also materially increase the invert sugfar content because of their action on the sucrose. •±34 Bulletin 167 TABLE 22. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH RED YEASTS u o> a a 0> S to co to .3 GO — 0) 3 "5 > £ a S 0> ti ~ 4) 09 -t-> a OJ 3 Ed 01 3. E-i 0 CD -t-^ O i-i ^^ 3 __ V 0 a O 3 > 0 0 "0 a > a a 0 3 O CO a "5 •— a oa 0 E VI re, vi t-H EH X *5 P % % % % % % % % 14 10 2 725 33.17 63.69 2.01 0.87 0.31 0.56 0.59 -0.33 62 9 4 550 40.18 53.40 4.37 0.51 0.22 0.29 0.49 1.05 15 8 2 750 38.88 57.00 1.82 0.77 0.26 0.51 0.92 0.G1 114 5 3 775 30.69 6G.75 0.70 0.49 0.34 0.15 0.39 0.98 IS 10 2 725 30.17 G4.00 2.18 0.72 0.27 0.45 0.72 2.21 35 Vi 21 650 32.6G G4.06 0.77 0.64 0.25 0.39 0.56 1.31 »i' 5 2- 800 41.31 54.74 1.26 0.69 0.36 0.33 0.72 1.2S 59 7 ■> 725 38.97 57.82 1.24 0.59 0.30 0.29 0.54 0.84 GO G 750 38.1G 59.02 1.09 0.52 0.33 0.19 0.67 0.54 61 9 'i O G75 35.92 61.39 1.13 0.54 0.30 0.24 0.47 0.55 99 7 4 600 28.11 G8.17 1.47 0.54 0.32 0.22 0.45 1.26 G3 8 •» 700 37.23 55.90 4.79 0.55 0.27 0.28 0.50 1.03 G4 8 700 35.88 58.76 3.76 0.51 0.27 0.24 0.46 0.63 Average i, 8 2.8 703 35.48 60.36 2.05 0.62 0.30 0.32 0.61 0.88 Max., 12 4 800 41.31 68.17 4.79 0.87 0.36 0.56 0.92 2.21 Min., 5 2 550 28.11 53.40 0.70 0.49 0.22 0.15 0.39 - -0.33 MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH RED VI AM Calculated to a moisture-free basis v. O 3 02 M to a .a m a "3 0 H ti CO ej 0> 3 0 .a CO 03 01 3 CO ALKALINITY 3 "5 > •a CJ Bj O "3 OJ a 1 OJ +j .2 ed a 3 a CD a vi CO 03 o> 3 3- O X ■3 CO ea £ 3 3 3 to a 14 95.30 % 3.01 1.30 % 0.46 % 0.84 33 144 % 0.88 - % —.49 4- 1-09 62 89.27 7.30 0.86 0.37 0.49 51 103 0.83 1.74 3-21-10 15 93.26 2.98 1.26 0.43 0.83 69 164 1.50 1.00 4- 1-09 114 96.31 1.01 0.71 0.49 0.22 61 52 0.56 1.41 3-30-11 18 91.65 3.12 1.03 0.39 0.64 49 112 1.03 3.17 4- 1-09 35 95.13 1.15 0.95 0.37 0.58 67 114 0.84 1.93 3- 7-10 42 93.27 2.14 1.18 0.61 0.57 58 122 1.23 2.18 3-14-10 59 94.74 2.03 0.97 0.49 0.48 65 99 0.88 1.38 3-21-10 60 95.44 1.76 0.85 0.53 3.32 58 91 1.08 0.S7 u 61 95.80 1.77 0.84 0.46 0.38 64 81 0.73 0.86 II 99 94.82 2.05 0.75 0.4 I 0.31 57 63 0.67 1.71 5-26-11 63 89.06 7.63 0.88 0.43 0.45 63 91 0.80 1.63 3-21-10 64 91.64 5.86 0.79 0.42 0.37 54 82 0.72 0.99 C< Avcrag< •, 93.54 3.18 0.96 0.47 0.49 58 101 0.91 1.41 Max., 96.31 7.63 1.30 0.61 0.84 69 164 1.50 3.17 Min., 89.06 1.01 0.71 0.37 1.22 33 52 0.56 -.49 Micro-orc.anisms of Maple Sap 435 The moisture shows the usual variations, averaging- 35.48%. The sucrose averages 60.36, with a maximum of 68.17 and a minimum of 53.40%. The invert sugar averages 2.05 and extremes range from 0.70 to 4.79%. This maximum is equivalent to 7.63% on a mois- ture free basis. The count secured on the plated sap previous to boiling seems to bear no direct relation to the amount of in- vert sugar. The count includes both bacterial and yeast colonies, however, so that the figures do not express the relative infection with yeasts. The variations in the invert sugar content may be assigned partly to differences in the individual strains employed and partly to the different degrees of infection secured. (See table 9, pages 392 to 395, Nos. 42, 63 and 64). The total ash in Nos. 114 and 99 is below standard and the insoluble ash in No. 114 is also 0.01% low. The malic acid value is likewise a few points shy in No. 114. Both these samples were quite concentrated, their water contents being 30.69 and 28.11% respectively. Group 7. Inoculated with gray yeasts. These organisms are closely associated with the red yeasts previously mentioned and, like them, are quite commonly found late in the sugar sea- son. Their action is detrimental to a good flavored sirup, four out of the eight samples being graded 4 in flavor, correspond- ing to poor. In two cases the color was considerably darkened, being classed 10 and 11, corresponding to a No. 2 commercial grade. The invert sugar was increased in every case and a maximum percentage of 19.15% was found in No. too. 436 Bulletin 167 TABLE 23. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH GRAY YEA8TS .0 s 2 0 Si r: m > c ^ at cl _ GQ H3 0> a Si s> "Z — 01 c .Q s 3 • 0 +J c i* 1 — .fl 0 0 — i. OS £ O t-j 0 cj 0 0 0 > O ri CD S od — ' & SO rs ■7. *- 1 H ■J. i»5 % % % % % % % % 13 7 2 800 36.05 59.69 1.62 0.79 0.30 0.49 0.92 0.93 28 ' 11 4 500 35.93 53.07 7.79 0.79 0.28 0.51 0.67 1.75 109 10 4 525 32.44 45.49 19.15 0.60 0.33 0.27 0.61 1.71 48 0 2= 775 38.49 r> 7 . 7 ."> 1.44 0.63 0.35 0.28 0.51 1.18 52 5 2 850 38.37 59.68 0.75 0.56 0.30 0.26 0.51 0.13 53 G 750 41.50 53.90 2.32 0.49 0.32 0.17 0.60 1.19 110 6 4 G25 30.94 67.05 1.20 0.46 0.30 0.16 0.46 —.11 115 7 4 GOO 31.04 65.61 1.05 0.50 0.35 0.15 0.43 1.37 Average •, 7.3 3.2 G78 35.60 57.78 4.42 0.60 0.32 0.28 0.59 1.01 Max., 11 4 850 41.50 67.05 19.15 0.79 0.35 0.51 0.92 1.75 Min., 5 2 500 30.94 45.49 0.75 0.46 0.28 0.15 0.43 —.11 MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH GRAY YEAST Calculated to a moisture-free basis .0 a a ALKALINITY U r. J3 > :. C2 a v. b£> ■/. A = c 0 A O J. a G M a -/. H CO h— X hH (*i H- 1 -; % % % % % % 13 93.34 2.53 1.24 0.47 0.77 56 141 1.44 1.45 4-10-09 28 .82.83 12.15 1.23 0.44 0.79 62 151 1.04 2.75 3- 7-10 109 67.33 28.35 0.88 0.49 0.39 50 102 0.90 2.54 3-27-11 48 93.89 2.35 1.03 II.5S 0.45 60 102 0.83 1.90 3-14-10 52 96.84 1.21 0.90 0.49 0.41 63 85 0.82 0.27 3-20-10 53 92.13 3.96 0.84 0.54 0.30 62 71 1.03 2.04 •• 110 97.09 1.74 0.67 0.44 0.23 58 52 0.65 --.15 3-27-11 115 95.14 1.52 0.72 0.51 0.21 61 53 0.62 2.00 ::-::T The moisture content varied from 30.94 to 41.50 and aver aged 35-6o%. The sucrose averaged 57.78% with extremes of 45.49 and 67.05%. The low figure which was obtained on No. 109 is due mainly to the high invert sugar content of [9.15%, equivaleni on the moisture free material to 28.35$ ■ This was the largest invert sugar percentage obtained with any of the samples ex- amined. Reference to the field notes shows that the inoculating organism multiplied rapidly and was an acid producer, a con- dition which doubtless served to hasten the sucrose inversion. The total ash on the moisture free basis shows a deficiency in two cases, Nos. no and 115. The insoluble ash is also low in No. 115. The malic acid value meets the standard in every case. Group 8. Inoculated with fluorescent bacteria. These or- ganisms occur more commonly in maple sap than do any of the others used in this work. They grow well at low temperatures and hence should be guarded against early in the season. They im- pair the flavor somewhat although not as seriously as several other groups. Nine of the 22 samples reported were graded as No. 2 in flavor, indicative of a good sirup, six as No. 3, a good medium sirup, while seven were classed as No. 4, corresponding to poor. The color was seriouly injured by this fluorescent group. They cause but little if any inversion of the sucrose and never produce the objectionable yeasty taste so characteris- tic of many contaminated sirups. 438 Bulletin 167 TABLE 24. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH FLUORESCENT BACTERIA CD .Q a a 0. a V2 0 "o 0 0 > s O O w 05 1 CO 0 s w be oo > s "Hi CS ;- 00 as s 5C A ID as 3 00 a 0 "3 > V a "3 a •a a 1 HI 3 "5 > -a IK Si a S3 3 aS si cd J3 09 ■3 a s 3 03 S3 09 OS 0) DQ 4) 'S i 1> 0> rt (U 2 a; S: cd ^ "c. 09 o +-> _ 3 3 3 3 V 4> a o 0) cd o 3 O m 3 3 o O CO c i ■a 3 01 cd w 03 I— < trl w >— i Ul >— i <-. P Q % % % % % % % 2 96.79 1.55 1.03 0.44 0.59 49 113 0.78 -0.15 3-24-09 102 95.67 1.14 0.S2 0.58 0.24 64 58 0.50 1.87 3-26-11 •i 96.73 2.09 1.18 0.47 0.71 52 113 ii. m; -0.86 3-24-09 103 95.38 1.35 0.73 0.45 0.28 56 65 0.60 1.94 3-26-1 1 4 96.54 1.56 1.02 0.48 o.r>4 52 110 0.93 0.05 3-24-09 5 97.16 1.44 0.89 0.41 0.48 48 99 0.67 -0.16 3 24 09 7 96.16 1.64 0.95 0.30 0.65 54 104 0.88 0.37 3-27-09 8 97.14 1.15 0.88 0.44 0.44 42 82 0.75 0.08 (1 101 96.45 0.94 0.71 0.44 0.27 60 56 0.53 1.37 3-26-11 29 94.91 0.38 1.07 0.39 0.68 61 131 0.87 2.77 3- 7-10 30 93.75 0.89 1.06 0.45 0.61 63 122 0.93 3.37 ft 44 93.03 1.40 1.06 0.41 0.65 61 122 1.15 3.36 3-14-10 100 96.21 0.93 0.79 0.54 0.25 61 50 0.55 1.52 3-26-11 69 93.87 1.59 1.21 0.38 0.83 69 153 1.26 2.07 3-22-10 70 93.47 2.46 1.26 0.53 0.73 62 176 1.10 1.71 ft 71 93.67 0.58 * * * *. * . 1.06 It 72 95.07 0.44 1.03 0.29 0.74 64 150 1.03 2.43 (1 73 97.47 0.68 0.83 0.48 0.35 70 66 0.71 0.31 tt 91 94.76 0.40 0.72 0.44 0.28 58 58 0.90 3.22 3-22-11 92 95.00 0.52 0.81 0.51 0.30 57 76 0.74 2.93 «( 93 95.43 0.43 0.83 0.56 0.27 70 54 0.54 2.77 ft 94 94.68 0.52 0.72 0.41 0.31 57 45 0.64 3.44 (I Averag e, 95.42 1.09 0.93 0.46 0.47 59 95 0.82 1.74 Max., 97.47 2.46 1.26 0.58 0.83 70 176 1.26 3.44 Min., 93.03 0.38 0.71 0.29 0.24 48 45 0.50 —.86 *Not determined through inadvertence. 440 Bulletin 167 The moisture ranged from 26.75 to 3&-72< averaging 32.23$ . The sucrose variations, inasmuch as the invert sugar is low, follow the water content quite closely. The minimum found was 57.01, the maximum 69.59 an(' tne average 64.79' < . The invert sugar variations of from 0.24 to 1.56, witli the average of 0.74%, indicate quite conclusively that the inoculating organisms were not invert sugar formers. The total ash as recorded in the moisture free basis table is below standard in Nos. 103, 10 r, 91 and 94. The insoluble ash meets all requirements in every case, while the malic acid value is low in four instances, Nos. 102, 101, 100 and 93. Group 9. Composites. The saps from which this group of sirups was made were severally inoculated with from two to six organisms, hence the results are the product of a mixed infec- tion. The object held in view in this procedure was to ascertain whether the presence in considerable numbers of two or more organisms would serve to stimulate or to reduce specific indi- vidual action. The flavor of all four samples was impaired, but the color was not as seriously affected. It is interesting to note that No. 19, inoculated with a mixture of fluorescent bac- teria, yeasts and molds, contained a high invert sugar percentage and that the gray yeast used for inoculation purposes was the same organism employed in the inoculation of Nos. 13, 28 and i<>0 (table 23). in which the highest invert sugar contents ob- tained in this investigation were found. Micro-organisms <>k Mai'i.h Sap HI TABLE !'">. MAPLE SIBUP. COMPOSITES - O) ■- .0 A 7; — s -~ •/. > <3J s tJC a T = 0) 9 0> •J. 0Q a> 4) 3 - ~ — O a) +-» ~— £l — * i) od o cd © *o O <1> > o "o a « — a /. O , fa 02 f^ B2 HH H 02 ^. — % % % % % % % % 19 9 G75 .32. 4G G3.00 2.7G 0.G9 0.23 0.46 0.86 0.23 116 8 4 575 29.S9 G7.04 0.4S 0.60 (1.4.-. 0.15 0.46 i.r.:: 118 7 4 000 29.30 G7.G6 0.G9 0.59 0.41 II. is 0.41 1.35 119 7 2 800 28.75 68.59 0.58 0.4G 0.30 0.16 0.42 L.20 Average ', 7.7 3 GG3 30.10 GG.57 1.13 0.59 0.35 0.24 0.53 L.08 Max., 9 4 800 32. 4G G8.59 2.7G 0.69 0.45 0.46 0.86 1.53 Min., 7 2 575 28.75 G3.00 0.48 0.46 0.23 0.15 0.41 0.23 MAPLE SIBUP. COMPOSITES Calculated to a moisture-free basis 19 in; lis 119 % 93.28 95.62 95.69 96.27 Average, 95.22 Max., 96.27 Min., 93.28 % 4.09 0.68 0.98 0.81 1.64 4.09 0.68 % 1.02 0.86 0.84 0.64 % 0.34 0.65 0.59 0.42 % 0.68 0.21 0.25 0.22 0.S4 0.50 0.34 1.02 0.65 0.68 0.64 0.34 0.21 50 54 64 59 57 64 .10 127 54 64 48 73 127 48 % L.27 0.65 0.58 0.59 % 0.34 2.19 1.91 1.69 0.77 1.:.:: 1.27 2.19 0.58 0.34 4- L-09 3-30-1 1 442 Bulletin 167 The moisture content of the four samples in this group is low, indicating a greater density than is called for in standard sirup. It averaged 30.10% with extremes varying less than 4%- The average sucrose content was 66.57%. The invert sugar ranges well within the limits for average sirup, the high figure of 2.76% in No. 19, as has hitherto been pointed out, being occasioned by the activity of a gray yeast which in this and other instances exerted a pronounced invert- ing action on the sucrose. The total ash is below standard in No. 119, the insoluble ash is low in Nos. 116 and 119, and the malic acid value just under the limit in Nos. 118 and 119. Group 10. Inoculated with Bacillus accris (new specie^ 1. This organism causes a distinct type of stringiness in maple sap. Tt produces acid, inverts sucrose and forms gas. Fortunately for the sugar maker it does not appear to be very common in the sugar orchards. It exerts a most injurious effect on the flavor, two of the three samples inoculated scoring 4 and the other, 3. The color, while showing a depreciation from the con- trol, does not appear to be affected to any great extent, for all three samples would have been commercially classed No. 1 in this particular. All the sirups had a cloudy appearance and the precipitated niter and other impurities settled out with difficulty. Previous to boiling the sap was quite stringy, but the resulting sirups were not especially viscid. Micro-organisms o£ Maple Sap 443 TABLE 26. MAPLE SERUP. INOCULATED WITH Bacillus (ICCris MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH BdvillUS (ICdis Calculated to a moisture-free basis u CD X> a u xi 0) 3 ■8 3 ■a od 3 a d) bo 3 xi CO O) a 4) tj eS o> XI od 4-» a h o 41 +J O b ~~ A o a © *© u > O o K O 3 02 > a i— i od o 3 O w O ED e 1— 1 ■a a P % % % % % % % % 11 7 4 600 32.56 64.82 1.16 0.57 0.29 0.28 0.48 0.41 95 6 3 750 27.91 65.49 3.63 0.66 0.34 0.32 0.51 1.80 90 7 4 600 29.31 61.30 5.09 0.87 0.37 0.50 0.75 2.68 Average i, G.7 3.7 650 29.93 63.87 3.29 0.70 0.33 0.37 0.58 1.63 Max., 7 4 750 32.56 65.49 5.09 0.87 0.37 0.50 0.75 2.68 Min., 6 3 600 27.91 61.30 1.16 0.57 0.29 0.28 0.48 0.41 b u xi ALKALINITY O) 3 3 > ■s Xi a XI 3 be .3 od X! ed •a a 3 to a a> od 4) •*H a 01 X a> XI Ed Ll C o b _ XI *^ Xl 3 o 4-1 a Ed V 09 > a od ^-< o 3 o a S o O 03 0 "3 d CO 50 t— i H K SQ US ^ — % % % % % % % 11 96.12 1.72 0.85 0.43 0.42 42 89 0.71 0.60 3-27-09 95 90.84 5.04 0.92 0.48 0.44 58 89 0.70 2.50 3-22-11 90 86.72 7.20 1.23 0.52 0.71 67 129 1.06 3.79 •■ Average :, 91.16 4.70 1.00 0.48 0.52 52 102 0.83 2.31 Max., 96.12 7.20 1.23 0.52 0.71 67 129 1.06 3.79 Min., 86.72 1.72 0.85 0.43 0.42 42 89 0.70 0.60 The moisture content of these sirups varied from 27.91 to 32.56 and averaged 29.93%. The sucrose showed relatively small variations, ranging from 61.30 to 65.49 and averaging 63.87^ . The invert sugars tend to run high, an average of 3.29' < being found with extremes of 1.16 to 5.09%. The fact that 444 Bulletin 167 all the saps were decidedly acid after inoculation with this or- ganism, would serve to explain the high invert sugar content. The ash and malic acid value figures are all well above the Vermont standard. Group ii. Last run, sweet. These samples were secured late in each of three sugar seasons, 3 in 1909, 1 in 1910 and 5 in 191 1. The trees were freshly tapped and clean spouts and pails used. The sap appeared bright and clear and, with one excep- tion, was boiled down immediately after collection. Hence the conditions under which these saps were secured may be deemed to be beyond criticism. The three samples taken in 1909 displayed exceptionally fine flavor and color, all grading 1 in flavor and 3. 7, and 5 in color and scoring 950. 850 and 900 respectively (pages 357-358). The single sample secured in 1910 and the five obtained in 191 1. however, while being extremely light colored, had a pronounced "buddy" flavor, which renders a sirup particularly obnoxious for food purposes. As maple sirup is usually purchased for its flavor rather than for its sweetening properties, sirup which is thus affected is desired by neither manufacturer, dealer, nor the purchasing public. "Buddy'' sirup is secured only when a freeze occurs after the true sugar season has ended and a few warm days have started the development of the leaf buds. Sap will run on suit- able days following such freezes, and if the trees are retapped and clean utensils used, the grade of goods now being considered will be secured. Should the old tap-holes, spouts and buckets be used, the material will possess a mixture of "buddy" and other objectionable flavors, due to the contamination of the spouts and pails1. This latter condition will be again referred to in table 32 on page 455 and in the appended discussion. 'In this connection note the statements made on pages 379 and 417 concerning "buddy" flavor and its probable origin, as well as the state- ment immediately succeeding table 27 on page 446. Micro-organisms 01? Maple Sac li;. TABLE 27. MAPLE SIE1 P. LAS! Bl IS BWEJ l I B t-4 - A Ed 01 - a a Oi CO CO od i CJ a — -*— « o 4-9 — , ja 3 •_ — 9 o o > o o "o o a o "3 O CO s cd - - r. "_ fe ■J2 s OS M — ■/. *5 <— % % '; % % % % % 21 6 1 950 34.31 62.53 0.54 0.54 0.33 0.21 0.73 1.3a 24 7 1 s:,(i 29.41 67.75 0.43 0.50 0.33 0.17 0.71 1.20 2G 5 1 900 32.67 64.92 0.34 0.54 0.31 0.23 0.67 0.86 NT 4 5 525 3S.12 60.19 ii. n; 0.49 0.26 0.23 0.61 0.43 122 5 5 500 32.55 64.61 0.45 0.49 0.30 0.19 0.52 1.38 124 :> 5 500 29.35 69.62 0.42 n..",2 0.36 0.16 0.43 0.34 126 6 ."i 475 32.71 63.56 0.21 * . * * 0.64 • • • • 128 4 5 525 31.81 64.23 0.21 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.56 2.7:i 129 5 :> 500 28.81 67.87 0.08 ii.:, I 0.36 0.18 0.44 2.26 Average \ 5 3.7 G36 32.20 65.03 0.32 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.58 1.37 Max., 7 5 950 38.12 69.i 2 ii.:, i 0.54 0.36 0.23 0.73 2.7!i Min., •i 1 475 28.81 60.19 0.08 0.40 0.20 0.16 0.43 .34 MAPLE SIRUP. LAST RUN SWEET Calculated to a moisture-free basis c = ALKALINITY 0) 3 ,<-] ad - w CO A >• 01 Cd cd oc a 49 CO O CO CO Cd CO C3 03 3 a> eg 4) 2 1 26 96.42 0.51 0.80 0.46 0.34 54 62 1.00 1.27 4-16-09 87 97.27 0.26 0.79 n.41 0.38 68 145 0.98 0.52 t -3-10 122 95.80 0.67 0.73 0.45 0.28 68 59 0.76 2.11 J 4-21-11 124 9S..-.4 0.59 0.74 0.52 0.22 56 47 0.61 0.48 12 1-11 126 94.46 0.31 * * . * * * 0.95 " 128 94.21 0.31 0.59 0.29 0.30 48 56 D.S2 1.07 1 27-11 129 95.37 0.12 0.75 0.51 0.24 59 4:, 0.61 3.15 1-28-11 Average 95.92 0.47 0.74 0.45 0.29 58 70 0.87 2.00 Max., 98.54 0.82 0.83 0.52 0.38 68 14.", 1.11 4. OTHEB ORGANISMS AND WITH SPORE-BEARERS Ed a; £> a cd i — a -* CO > a> 3 U) a CO cd _ a s i> ■j. Ctj a> ^ S — a cd O a> ■W o _ 3 3 CJ B cd o c3 o 2 V 0) > 03 O "o o CO a rt •a a SQ O fe BQ i«3 02 "-1 E-< 02 g M % % % % % % % % 75 9 o t> G75 40.32 50.57 6.43 0.78 0.26 0.52 0.73 1.17 7G 10 o G50 38.02 53.94 ...54 0.80 0.34 0.46 0.76 0.94 77 8 o d 700 39.G7 53.17 4.97 0.79 0.34 0.45 0.80 0.G0 78 8 4 575 39.98 50.33 6.29 0.74 0.24 0.50 0.71 L.95 79 7 4 GOO 47. GO 41.2S 7.99 0.67 0.19 0.48 0.74 1.72 80 ](i 4 525 45.03 43.54 8.81 0.72 0.24 0.48 0.73 1.17 81 7 4 600 38.72 54.68 4.60 0.09 0.34 0.35 0.66 0.65 Ave rag 3, 8.4 3.6 G18 41.33 49.64 6.38 0.74 0.27 0.47 0.73 1.18 Max., 10 4 700 47.G0 54.68 8.81 0.80 0.34 0.52 II. Ml 1.95 Min.. 7 3 525 38.02 41.28 4.G0 0.67 0.19 0.35 0.66 0.60 MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED WITH FLUOBESCENT BACTERIA AND OTHER ORGAN- ISMS AND WITH SPORE-BEARERS Calculated to a moisture-free basis Si a 2 B od a ALKALINITY O) "cd •a EO A r" o> od a eS CO 3 M a 00 cd OQ .3 cd >d — cd 3 o cd a O _ X! 3 3 CJ +j —< o> od ^r o p O l> o O to 3 © CO 3 03 0 m h-l H OS 03 r'. — od P 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 % S4.74 S7.03 88.13 83.86 78.78 79.20 89.23 % 10.77 8.94 8.24 10.4S 15.25 16.03 7.51 Average, 84.42 11.03 Max., 89.23 16.03 Min., 78.78 7.51 % 1.30 1.29 1.31 1.24 1.28 1.30 1.12 1.26 1.31 1.12 % 0.43 0.54 0.56 0.40 0.36 0.43 0.5G 0.46 0.56 0.36 Ye 0.87 0.75 0.75 0.84 0.92 0.87 0.5G 0.80 0.92 0.5G 71 59 G2 61 64 61 G2 63 71 59 118 70 86 169 184 175 50 122 184 50 % L.22 1.23 1.32 1.18 1.42 1.32 1.07 % 1.97 1.51 1.00 3.24 3.27 2.15 1.07 1.25 2.04 1.42 3.27 1.07 1.00 3-24-10 44s Bulletin T67 The entire lot of 7 samples were a li^lit weight sirup, the moisture content running- from 47.60 to 38.02 and averaging 41.339? • The sucrose is low owing to the high water and invert sugar content, averaging but 49.64, with extremes of 41.28 and 54.68%. The invert sugar runs uniformly high and without the extreme variations noted in some of the previous groups. The extremes are 4.60 and 8.81 with an average of 6.38^7 , which, on the moisture free basis, is equivalent to n.03%. The ash and malic acid value data are well above standard. Group 13. Inoculated with green molds. The organisms here used are the ordinary green molds frequently seen on stale bread. \\ "bile of common occurrence, they do not grow vigor- ously at low temperatures, hence they are of minor importance Si > far as maple sap is concerned ; but probably no other single group of organisms does so much damage to sirup after it^ manufacture. When introduced into the sap. they seriouslv impaired both the flavor and color of the resulting sirup. 3 out of the 4 samples grading 4 in flavor, corresponding to poor quality, while the color showed a depreciation of over 4 points from the control. The content of invert sugar was also noticea- bly increased. r. rt 1 — > - - ■ — Oj :f. t- *" ~ — d r £ p - — tc d - o — - :l s ~ 0-4 2 o X — >■ - - — w -. a w — ~ — ^ o - -_ > ~ ■ — r- c '*«*. 9 10 Plate VIII. — Bacillus aceris. Figures 1-5. Successive photographs of living organisms during fission. Figure G. Flagella preparations. Lowet's stain. Figure 7. Stained preparation, gentian violet. Figure 8. Living organisms showing chains in motion. Figures 9 and 10. Living organisms on agar, showing orientation. (See pages 480-482.) X1350. M [CRO ORGANISMS OF M Al'I.i- SAP I I'.' TABLE 29. MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED Willi GREEN MOLDS CU a - — a — -i > - a T. a a . M so to es ■- 2 = n . h 4> - SL « - - ; 01 ~ c u l-« .a CJ -.— s o 3 U > o u 03 o OS o > a ed c EH o X Z - cd — a - % % % % % % % % 10 10 4 525 32.8G 64.27 1.75 0.72 0.24 0.48 0.49 -0.09 17 10 2 725 34.08 61.15 2.29 0.72 0.20 0.52 0.95 0.81 111 7 i coo 28.29 GC.91 3.15 0.55 0.38 0.17 0.48 0.G2 117 9 4 550 30.70 G3.12 2.58 0.51 0.35 0.1G 0.42 2.G7 Average ', 9 3.5 000 31.48 63.8C 2.44 0.C3 0.30 0.33 0.58 1.01 Max., 10 4 725 34.08 GG.91 3.15 0.72 0.38 ii.r.2 0.95 2.67 Min.. 7 2 525 28.29 G1.15 1.75 0.51 0.20 0.1G 0.42 - 0.09 MAPLE SIRUP. INOCULATED Will! GREEN MOLDS Calculated to a moisture-free basis HI E cd f. ALKALINITY od — ,C3 > - be BO a a ■J. 00 c 00 -4^ DQ od cd o 3 3 3 3 3 ej od a — 4) = u > a cd 0 C so 0 O H "3 03 HH V. 03 — << — - 1G 17 111 117 % % 95.73 2.61 92.7G 3.47 93.31 4.39 % 1.07 1.09 0.77 % % 0.3G 0.71 0.30 0.79 0.53 0.24 91.09 .72 0.74 0.51 0.2J Average, 93.21 Max., 95.73 Mm.. 91.09 3.5G 4.39 2.G1 0.92 1.09 0.74 0.44 0.48 0.53 0.79 0.30 0.23 39 140 4G 1C1 Gl 57 G4 52 52 G4 39 % 0.72 1.44 0.67 0.G1 % -0.13 1.24 ii.s.; 3.84 103 n;i 52 0.86 1.45 1.44 3.84 0.G1 -0.13 4- 1-09 3-27-11 3-30 1 1 The moisture shows less variation than usual, the extremes being 34.08 and 28.29 and the average 31.48%. The sucrose averages 63.86, with a minimum of 61.15, and a maximum of 66.01'' . The invert sugar figures run fairly high, the extremes being 1.75 and 3.15 and the average 2.449? Three green mold organisms were used in the inoculation of these samples and 450 Bulletin 167 they all appear to exert a marked inverting action on sucrose. The total and insoluble ashes tog-ether with malic acid value are above standard in all cases. Group 14. Tin z's. wooden buckets. The sap from 6 trees was used in this phase of the work. All tap-holes, spouts and utensils were made strictly clean and the procedures were iden- tical in both cases. The sap was concentrated as soon as col- lected. That obtained in the tin buckets ran 2 days earlier than that gathered in the wooden buckets, but, as a check, in order to be certain that the two days' intermission exercised no in- fluence on the results, bacterial counts were made on sap ob- tained in tin buckets from the same trees and spouts after the close of the experiment. It was practically free from bacteria of any kind; (see page 343). The grade of sirup produced from the tin buckets (Xo. 66) was of the highest quality, rank- ing 1 in flavor and 3 in color, and scoring 950. That secured from the wooden buckets (No. 67), in marked contrast to that made when tin buckets were employed, ranked only 4 in flavor, 9 in color and scored but a total of 550 points out of a possible 975. Furthermore its invert sugar content was high, there be- ing seventeen times as much present in the sirup secured in the wooden buckets as was found in that made when tin buckets were used. This is doubtless to be attributed to the organisms al- ready existing in the wooden buckets since, although thoroughly cleansed, they were not new and were painted on the out side- only. Both sirups were light in weight containing respectively 37.78 and 38.33 perccnts of water. The sucrose is considerably higher in Xo. 00 than in Xo. 67, owing to its low invert sugar content. The standards for ash and malic acid value are fully met by both samples. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap I.M TABLE 30. MAPLE SIKUP. TIN VS. Woom;.\ BUCKETS .a a S «S DC ^ **■ ~ •^3 :i ^ ft 0) Gfl rt 4> '7" 0 7 o> — Pd . 3 V fcj o i_ ^-i ,■•*- ■_ c .* h — - r: ~ q o 5 o o a c E ~ /. _ E=l 50 <*. X — H -z M Hi a a) ~ £ a f* 1 -J. y. f. T -r a 1 — - 66 67 '< 96.62 SS.25 % % 0.41 0.78 6.91 1.01 % 0.49 0.55 % 0.29 0.46 65 % % 59 0.. 4 L.35 3-22-10 103 1.19 2.64 3-24-10 452 Bulletin 167 Group 15. Inoculated with pink yeast; burned control. These two samples, while grouped together, bear no relation to • each other. The pink yeasts are not as common as are the red and gray yeasts previously mentioned, but, like them, are en- countered late in the season. The effect on sirup made from sap inoculated with pink yeast is shown in No. 98, which may be considered a typical yeast sirup. Both flavor and color were impaired, particularly the former. The sirup ranked poor in quality and, while grading commercially as No. 2, showed a color depreciation of 6 points. This organism exerted a marked inverting action on the sucrose, but the other results, including those for ash and malic acid value, are normal in spite of the increased concentration, indicated by the low moisture content of 29.26%. The burned sample. No. 74, listed in this table, was a control on the fluorescent and spore-bearer series shown in table 12. Tt was slightly burned, so that the flavor and color were seri- ously affected. The burning had but little if any effect on the invert sugar percentage, as only 0.70$ calculated to the mois- ture free basis was found. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t53 rABLE 31. MAPLE SIIU1'. INOCULATED Willi PINK yeast; BUK2S 1 ii ( OB 1 BOL ty Xl a b X! to o 3 "5 > 5 rt a a 3 M CO •a .— a a> 3 to CO C3 OS 4) — o at a ij 3 CO -w — o 4J O i* ~— A ^h Ol a xa > fci "3 13 x> B 3 ^ A > 4> 60 xl id XI tt 13 a a 3 xi to cS V Sj 1> S tu sj o XI o> XI SS c_ to ■M O — XI ^ XI ^^ a> a a? cj 3 o o ^M ■O o ► to K a 3 a ^H 3 o 03 3 i— i a P Q % % % % % % % 9S 86.70 8.69 0.83 0.52 0.31 62 74 0.71 3.07 3-26-11 74 96.36 0.70 1.24 0.41 0.83 51 99 1.31 0.39 3-24-10 454 Bulletin 167 Group 16. Last run sour. The sirups thus listed were made from sap which was collected late in the season, and which was cloudy as it dripped from the spout. The tap-holes, spouts and buckets were contaminated. In every case but one the sap was evaporated on the same day it ran. Referring- to the column headed flavor in the following table, it will be noted that the three samples. Nos. 22, 23 and 25. secured late in the season of 1909, graded 3 in flavor, corre- sponding to medium quality, and 8, 14 and 14 respectively in color, indicating the second and third grades. No "buddy" sirup was obtained in t<;oo,. The sirups secured in 1910 and n;ir graded 5 or 6 in flavor indicating buddiness or worse than bud- diness. The color in all but Nos. 121 and 125 was seriousb affected, grading from 11 to 15. Micro-organisms of Maim.k Sap l :> ."• TABLE 32. MAPLE SIRUP. LAST RUN SOUR p c - ** a | ;_ ■/. T. z Cv a ad a ~* tl ^ v. T P $ GQ "7 re i ~ | d) '— i ad ■~ — T. - EL o ey s p -w — 3 *— -_ *Z E re /. S o - > ad 0 an If. z M 3 1. z a ad o p © CO a "3 a %• % % % % % % % 22 8 3 700 34.45 62.45 1.81 0.64 0.42 0.22 0.87 -0.22 23 14 0 550 34.73 60.41 2.32 0.74 0.40 0.34 0.58 L.22 25 14 3 550 38.68 57.67 1.92 0.86 0.26 0.60 1.15 0.28 88 11 6 250 35.57 60.93 1.15 0.80 0.35 0.45 0.83 0.72 121 7 5 450 35.85 60.26 0.22 0.59 0.25 0.35 0.69 0.39 123 11 6 250 34.01 62.82 0.42 0.54 0.28 0.26 (I.:,:, 1.66 125 7 5 450 35.67 60.39 0.34 0.53 0.27 0.26 0.58 2.49 127 15 6 150 OO.OD 58.25 3.06 0.80 0.32 0.48 ii.s:, 3.6S 130 12 6 225 33.41 62.50 0.89 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.65 1.87 Av'ge, 11 4.8 397 35.08 60.63 1.35 0.68 0.31 0.37 0.75 1.51 Max., 15 6 700 38. 6S 62.82 3.06 0.86 0.42 0.60 1.15 3.68 Min., 7 ♦ > 150 33.36 57.67 0.22 0.53 0.25 0.22 0.55 0.28 MAPLE SIRUP. LAST RUN SOUR Calculated to a moisture-free basis o ALKALINITY - X! M K _- S U y. -^ r* z od a m re — a c GQ 'r; re 3J re a T S 7 64 122 1.16 2.31 Max., 95.33 4.59 1.40 0.64 0.98 98 173 1.S7 5.52 Miu., 87.41 0.34 0.82 0.3S 0.34 52 73 0.84 0.45 4.~>fi Bulletin 167 The moisture content of these sirups showed less variation than has been noted in many of the groups. The average was 35.08, with extremes of 38.68 and 33.36^ . The sucrose averaged 60.63. with extremes of 57.67 and 62.82%. The invert sugar averaged 1.35%. Nos. 121, 123 and 125 contained but small amounts, which serves to show that in these cases the infecting organism did not act as an invert sugar former. The remaining samples, however, show quite a marked increase, the invert sugar content of No. 127 being 3.06%. The total and insoluble ash and malic acid value are well above the standard in ever}- case. Group 17. Sour sap, kept. The three samples thus listed were secured in 1910 just previous to the buddy sample No. 88 mentioned in table 32. They represent a composite of the small runs during several days toward the close of the season. Tap- holes, spouts and pails were contaminated through the ordinary natural sources, as was indicated by the cloudy appearance of the running sap. The flavor in each case was a poor medium. The color of No. 84 was darker than that of any other sample secured, with two exceptions grading 20, the extreme limit on the colorimetric scheme. Nos. 85 and 86 were even darker than No. 84 and defied grading. An attempt was made during the boiling process to clarify No. 86 by means of the usual white of egg treatment which, in this case at least, was ineffective. M [CRO ORGAN [SMS "!■' M.\ri.K, SAP i:.7 i'ai'.i.i. :::;. maple sirup, from soi b sap kept A cu «3 ■o a —* w ► O) .a cd a a a> 3 S3 CO cd V 2 CJ a — o o> 3 01 o 4-> cd 0) 3 3 cd ^ ■*-> a as m o o U cd o 09 3 w > a a O 3 O «2 O a "cd •a a P % % % % % % % % 84 20 31 350 33.G7 60.45 1.88 0.99 0.34 0.65 0.65 2.3G 85 20+ 31 325 3G.G7 59.96 0.99 0.89 0.23 0.G6 0.73 0.7G 8G 20+ 325 34.72 60.85 0.81 0.91 0.27 0.64 0.82 1.89 A.v'ge, 20 31 333 35.02 60.42 1.23 0.93 0.28 0.65 0.73 1.1'm .Max., 20+ 350 36.67 60.85 1.88 0.99 0.34 0.6G 0.82 2.3G Mill., 20 325 33.67 59.96 0.81 0.89 0.23 0.64 0.65 0.76 MAPLE SIRUP. FROM SOUR SAP KEPT Calculated to a moisture-free basis ED CO p cd U) 3 cs > a .3. to cd "3 o fcH GO cd o .a cd — 3 "o CO a ALKALINITY OJ 3 > cd CJ "3 *— » ■a a> a 1 -O a P a 3 ' a v a a cd m a 73 cd 3 3 O ft 73 cd 0) 3 3 © a 4) -4-1 84 91.14 2.83 1.50 0.51 0.99 75 122 0.98 3.55 4- 2-1C 85 94.68 1.57 1.41 0.37 1.04 63 130 1.15 1.19 II 86 93.21 1.23 1.40 0.42 0.99 65 137 1.26 2.90 II Averag* i, 93.00 1.88 1.44 0.43 1.01 68 130 1.13 2.55 Max., 94.68 2.83 1.50 0.51 1.04 75 137 1.26 3.55 Mill., 91.14 1.23 1.40 0.37 0.99 63 122 0.98 L.19 i58 Bulletin i<>~ The moisture content of the three sirups varied from 36.67 to 33.67, averaging 35.02%. The sucrose content was quite uniform and averaged 60.42' < . The invert sugar percentages were 1.88, 0.99 and 0.81. averaging i.239r. These figures are low enough to indicate that, although the contaminating organisms were very abundant, bacterial counts showing over 11,000,000 per cc. they were rela- tively inactive as producers of invert sugar from sucrose. As has been stated the color of the sirup was most seriously affected. Both the total and insoluble ash contents as well as the malic acid values were above standard. Summary of Averages Secured on the Sundry Groups Dis- cussed Table 34 displays the averages of the individual analyses of the several sirups examined, in the order previously discussed, together with the average for the 128 samples. The differences in physical characteristics and chemical composition are indicated in the original material and the moisture- free basis portions of the table. The color averages j.^. corresponding closely to first grade. The darkest color was obtained in the samples located in the "sour sap, kept" group. This group also showed the highest depreciation from the control as regards color. The lightest color was secured in samples grouped under the captions "tin buckets" and "control." The flavor averages 2.9, corresponding to a quality just be- low medium. The finest flavor was obtained in samples grouped under the term "tin buckets" and "control" rating as 1 and 1.4 respectively, the poorest sample in this respect was located in the group denominated "last run, sour," which included several buddy sirups. Excluding the samples rating- 5 and 6 in flavor (buddy) from the color and fla-or averages, the average color and flavor figures thus revised for the remaining 116 samples are 7.? and 2.6 respectively, equivalent to an average score of 719. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap -l.v.i |Mim(l.l.l|.l|Ml. 1 .iii|i:.\ pi.ii: - > 1 1 ' : 1 V l|Sl! .I|I|1I|(ISII| i[su <>i<|ii[<>s r. c l[Sl! IB|<»X jbSus j.ioaui aso.i»ns < U ■f CO 3Jll)s;(.iv 3JODg .IOAU[..>I jojoo O .uqmiiu dnojf) L" m ■* ffl W M 00 H C 00 CO t- OH i- ^ f l» M H I- CO JOlOaNOOOOOOSOiHOKtOHMlOtC t-h C I— I <3 I— I i— I O t— I r-5 I— I t— i— I r-l i— | O I— I CN O 1-5 1— " r-5 I- i,: t» o n h a w n oo oo k oo cm cc o t- w r? as •PBinmio loom wioiflioi-ieo t- mi>i-i- i - © © © ©' © © © © © o o" o © © © © o o o © TfOCNOONOONI't'CI': *g CM CM rf CM CO M W M N CO N ^f C " ©' o ©' ©'©'©©'©'©' © x y. r i -. i - i - m i- N «•) ■* M O CO --TZZ-ZZZ Z 0005t-000)ONHK3COOt-OH'*t-i<_,M OO >§INN(NNNMCOCOMCOCOINCOMMMIN„N ' o (80(cino»inoooo*ooisoio5o OOOOlflfllOOOMOMOMOOOOMOOooN V^O t>t-H«)'mN'*0© * tt v ^ ^i in IS N 6 si C 00 « ri IS w CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N CO ■* CO « CO N f CO CO Hf-OlONMOOlflMOIOOCOOOOOl-" HNOI>(-Ot-C!;iO CO i— I — i~. i - i 1 i .0 o. C0 »oooot-i>t'Oo»oo»o«minincoco 53 CO oo 00 CO '('OlOCMOOMfflCNt-OlOOOOOoOH i-J cm' cm cm cm' cm' co cm' m co co co «' h ■* -«i ■* Tf co oo cm oo ■* in i> o © eoot^i>o^;o©ooooo in co' in in in t- oo n ai t-i o in oo oi oo cfi ai oi ri ©' t~ I-H CM . 10 . f-l . 4> S-. : * 0) o : ja S- tj *> CO ■>-' +J O U 3 o a> T* > o, f o O CO ^j -w CO K rt, sj co to to o co „ O ^i -w 3 — C co CO M o . . CD W - O <3 CO O 3 i~ o ui ct v «j °oococdcpcp:>1cojo — buck den yea ted c run, sai) ox =c 3 CS .S3 t-' - C ti 5 A -^ — — ■"> o g •«~ -u o a o *■= r -^ "" < G o£c — 1r"3C O 91 - -.. 3 O 3 - 2 - o !; o« cs « -x c e T I «3 M qsB 3iqnp>sui qs« d[qii[(>s qsB eiqniosnj qsB 3 [q n i og qsB IBJOX .TBSllS JJ3AOI 3so.iong si .i.x|iuiin diio.i;) I'.rr.i.r.TiN 167 owe: y N i-1. CM. -f z - cr. 1 " ^ — 1— >— ~ . " : ^ CTf o q as li ■* io n in m o o ■* n c o w co lo H H ri i-i 1-1 ri ri H rl N CQ C-i rH h oi CO d M fi 1-1 C cot- a t-OM Ot-t-C. OHdNt-cot-LOO^Oi HHOH O t-H 1-1 -^O00OO0l>COfflq3Ot-0O(X) t- o t- n o a o t- « w co oicoifi 1-1 t-H i-lrHi-li-l t-1 rH 1-1 rlHCH«t»a~. Ot-NOOCONLOtDClH-fX 05000 LO O ^ 5D U5 LI LO 10 IO LO lO C ^ {j :- o IC C O UOOCO oO'*itiH100!'*t-"*C W r-l c^-i*; -*■ -f ■** -*1 1*1 L" ; 1* us 1* 1*1 •** ■**; tj< 10 us ^ -<*• u" 1* ts 1*1 © ©° © © © ©° © ©° © ©'©"©© ©° ©'©'©©' © 000 c.l-0(S(OOtC'*CO"ifO'i)l»N(»HCO'(,W"lf g;t;0>O00q51»0!00Ot-N0>t-O00NO'* ©©l-i©°i-5©©©©'r-5©i-5©©i-5©'i-5 CO ij" •<*« OS rf t- Or-iOrHi-li-l © r-5 © (.ortiNlOHOOCCl^Ct-COUHHCSOtiOO IrtCOiH ^1 Jg 0> LO -O" IfiHOOOOt-^OWnifflO^OM i*;Oi*; oHr5NOCo6riri*dHCOotooodc u a CD a> s- o — •j. <«■= V IC C id (j to rt £ ^ C cj ■^ r*» O C •— +J O ^Cd 2 C « m 3 ojai^^;o«c3-i to a to 1—4 -t-> O 0) cB a> £.s o u 4-3 a o CO o y. p cd o ^s to . c cS ^ CD »-" k, .h ^ 8 O § £ (D CS > cS •« HNci'X samples is 34.63%. This is practically the moisture percentage of a standard eleven-pound to the gallon sirup. The average sucrose figures 61.44%, ancl tne invert sugar percentage, l.6o%, agree quite closely with the averages, 62.649? and 1.49%, secured by Bryan in an examination of 395 samples from all parts of the United States where maple products are made. The average total ash figure on a moisture free basis is 0.93%, and extremes are 0.74 and 1.44%. The minimum figures occur in the "last run, sour" group and include considerable num- ber of buddy sap samples. The average insoluble ash percentage is well over the stand- ard in every group, the minimum being 0.29, the maximum 1.01, and the average 0.59%. The malic acid value is likewise above the standard limit, with a minimum of 0.71, a maximum of 1.21, and an average of 0.90%. The grand average for the 128 samples secured in the three sugar seasons is in every particular typical of pure maple sirup, and would of course more nearly represent the output of thai particular sugar orchard than would any single sample or minor group of samples. INVF.RT SUGAR CONTENT OF MAPLE SIRUP The invert sugar present in the sirups obtained in this in- vestigation shows extremes, calculated to a moisture-free basis, of 0.12 and 28.35%. Invert sugar results from the hydrolysis or inversion of sucrose, caused by yeasts, molds, bacteria, acids, etc. Thirty-two sirups, or a quarter part of the entire number of samples, carried less than 0.60% of invert sugar on a moisture- free basis, while 57 samples, or 45%, contained less than 1%. Hence it seems fair to conclude that an invert sugar content in maple sirup of much more than 1% can only be due to careless methods in handling or to delay in boiling the sap, or to the sub- sequent fermentation of the finished product. 462 Bulletin 167 The average invert sugar in the sirups examined, together with the maximum and minimum amounts found in the indi- vidual samples, are summarized in table 35 in the order of their magnitude. TAI5EE 35. AVEBAGE INVERT SUGAR CONTENT OF THE DIFFERENT GROUPS AMI MAXIMUM AM) MINIMUM IN INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES INVERT SUGAR Calculated to a Group Character of moisture-free basis number organism Average Maximum Minimum % % 14 Tin buckets 0.41 * * 11 Last run, sweet 0.47 0.82 0.12 5 Failures 0.51 0.90 0.23 1 Control 0.G0 1.58 0.19 15 Burned control 0.70 * * 2 Incubator control 1.04 3.52 0.41 8 Fluorescent 1.09 2.4G 0.38 3 Non-fluorescent 1.52 2.38 0.77 9 Composite 1.64 4.09 0.68 17 Sour sap, kept 1.88 2.83 1.23 16 Last run, sour 2.07 4.59 0.34 4 Pink cocci 2.45 7.90 0.65 6 Red yeasts 3.18 7.63 1.01 1 :: Green molds 3.56 4.39 2.61 10 Bacillus aceris 4.70 7.20 1.72 7 Gray yeasts 6.86 28.35 1 .21 14 Wooden buckets 6.91 * * 1 5 Pink yeasts 8.69 * * 12 Fluorescent bacteria and spore- bearers 1 1.03 16.03 7.51 * Single sample. It is readily seen that the average invert sugar figures show a fairly regular gradation from 0.41 to 11.03%, nut tnat tne maxi~ mum and minimum figures among the different groups exhibit wide variations. Thus the average for group 7, gray yeasts, is 6.869? • Dut u is obtained by averaging eight results, which var\ all the way from 1.21 to 28.35%. These differences in the maxi- mum and minimum figures found in the same group are doubt- less due to the fact that certain strains produced a more com- plete infection and were better inverters of sucrose than were others. Certain of the organisms used, notably those of the fluorescenl group, had but little effect on the sucrose. They Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t63 apparently feed mainly on the proteids and mineral salts and exert. a detrimental influence on color and flavor. Generally speaking, the yeasts and molds, which often but not always thrive well in a slightly aeid medium, together with the spore-bearing bac- teria, had the most pronounced inverting action on sucrose, either through the production of invertase, or by the formation of acid, or both. In many cases they likewise seriously affected color and flavor. Most of the remaining bacteria used in this work did not prove particularly active as invert sugar makers, but their harm- ful effect was in many instances manifested by the color ami flavor of the sirup. Discission op tiik Total and Insoluble Ash and Malic Acid Values A survey of the analytical data given in tables 16 to 34 shows that the ash and malic acid values of 34 of the samples examined were slightly below the standards used in determining the purity of maple products. These deficiencies have been noted in the discussion of the several groups. The question now arises whether these abnormalities, which in many cases are very slight, are due : (1) To the exceptional conditions obtaining in these ex- perimental trials of the manufacture of sirup from sap, e. g.. the small amounts of sap evaporated, the small number of trees contributing to the individual samples, and the variation in den- sit} of the resulting sirup. (2) To the treatment of the sirups after manufacture and previous to analysis. (3) To the effect of the inoculating organisms on the physical characteristics and chemical composition of the sirups. These considerations have been clearly explained in the preceding pages, but their connection with the analytical data under discussion has not been traced. For the purpose of easy reference and to assign, if possible. a definite reason for these failures, all samples showing deli- 464 Bulletin 167 ciencies in ash or malic acid values arc listed by groups in the following tabic. TABLE 36. SIRUPS DEFICIENT IN TOTAL ASH, INSOLUBLE ASH, OK MALIC ACID VALUE o> 3 o ^2 .a a X o ai 3 m > CALCULATED TO MOISTURE-FREE BASIS ja DS .^ m sl 0 cj a a> ,a 05 a) 3 od 0 H 0 — "3 -- a rt — es si "■ 1 Control, 27 58 G8 89 97 113 2 Inc. cont'l, 9G " " 104 112 " " 120 4 P'k cocci, 107 « « 31 5 Failures, 10G 108 G R. yeasts, 114 99 7 G. yeasts, 110 115 8 Flu. bac, 102 103 101 100 91 93 94 11G 118 119 9 Comp'te, 11 Last run, sweet, 13 24 122 124 128 129 117 G. molds, Average, Maximum, Minimum, 34. 4G 36.30 37.33 29.9G 30.3G 29.99 27.81 29. 4G 31.34 38.97 27.90 38.21 30.48 29. G4 30.G9 28.11 30.94 31.04 28.81 28.75 28.3G 27. 7G 26.75 28.06 28.51 29.89 29.30 28.75 29.41 32.55 29.35 31.81 28.81 30.70 30.62 38.97 26.75 63.04 61.80 G0.73 67.11 66.88 67.89 68.82 68.42 67.01 58.06 68.15 59.70 67.64 67.10 66.75 68.17 67.05 65.61 68.11 67.97 69.10 69.59 69.40 68.65 67.69 67.04 67.66 68.59 • 17.7.1 64.61 G9.G2 64.23 Im.ST 63.12 66.50 69.62 :,x.or, of /o 0.20 0.28 0.32 0.24 0.13 0.43 0.32 0.29 0.76 0.35 0.50 0.19 0.46 0.63 0.70 1.47 1.20 1.05 0.81 0.96 0.67 0.67 0.29 0.31 0.37 0.48 0.69 0.58 0.43 0.45 0.42 0.21 0.08 2.5S 0.57 2.58 0.08 % 0.75 0.73 0.68 0.61 0.68 0.75 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.71 0.71 1.14 0.69 0.C5 0.71 0.75 0.67 0.72 0.82 0.73 0.71 0.79 0.72 0.83 0.72 0.86 0.84 0.64 0.71 0.73 0.74 0.59 0.75 0.74 0.74 1.14 % 0.53 0.43 0.45 0.32 0.43 0.50 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.47 0.45 0.49 0.44 0.44 0.51 0.58 0.45 0.44 0.54 0.44 0.56 0.41 0.65 0.59 0.42 0.47 0.45 0.52 0.29 0.51 0.51 0.48 0.65 0.29 % 0.22 0.30 0.23 0.29 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.26 0.21 0.59 0.22 0.20 0.22 0.31 0.23 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.28 0.27 0.31 0.21 0.25 0.22 0.24 ,1.2s 0.22 0.30 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.59 0.20 % 0.73 0.83 0.81 1.01 0.73 0.73 0.65 0.60 0.44 0.72 0.58 0.55 0.59 0.49 0.56 0.67 0.65 0.62 0.50 0.60 0.53 0.55 0.90 0.54 0.64 0.65 0.58 0.59 1.01 0.76 0.61 0.82 0.61 0.61 0.66 1.01 0.44 Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap t65 This table, studied in conjunction with its predecessors, shows : (i) That the color averaged 6, with extremes of 3 and 9, indicating that in all cases the goods were of high grade. (2) That the flavor ranged from 1 to 5 with an average of 3, which corresponds to medium. Of the 34 samples listed, 4 scored 1 in flavor, 9 scored 2, 7 scored 3, 10 scored 4, and .| scored 5 (buddy). In other words 20 samples or 3 out of 5 •Traded medium or better than medium. (3) That 10 of the 34 samples were "controls," that 5 were "last run sap, sweet," that 1 was inoculated with green mold, '1 with yeasts, 8 with bacteria, and 3 with mixtures of yeasts and bacteria. Hence, 15, or 44% of the total number, were not artificially inoculated. (4) That invert sugar was not formed in excessive amounts. (5) That most of the samples contained far less water than the 35% which the standard 11 pounds to the gallon sirup carries. They were, consequently, considerably heavier than necessary. But 4 samples contained more than 35%' of water, while thirty carried from 26.75 to 34.46%, and twenty less than 30% of water. The standards of ash and malic acid used were predicated on an eleven-pound gallon, or 35% moisture, basis. It is quite evident that the over-concentration secured in these samples together with their thorough clarification before analysis, resulted in an increased precipitation and sedimentation of the "niter," greater than would have occurred had the sap sirup been con- centrated only to the standard density. This tended to lower the ash and malic acid contents of the sample as analysed. This is strikingly brought out by a comparison of the analyses of samples containing over 34% water with those containing less than this amount as shown on the next page. Bulletin i6y Calculated to a moisture-free basis Average, Average above 34% water, 84 Average below 34% water, 42 Average below 30% water, 25 In- Malic No. of Moist- Total Soluble soluble acid samples ure ash ash ash value 128 34.63 0.93 0.44 0.49 0.90 ;r, 84 36.86 1.02 0.45 0.57 1.00 ;r, 42 30.05 0.80 0.48 0.32 0.71 ;r, 25 28.74 0.77 0.49 0.28 0.66 A gradual drop in tiie total and insoluble ash contents and in malic acid value occurs as the concentration increases. If averages show this condition, it is to he expected that the individ- ual samples, which, in the instances under consideration, rep- resent the sap from but a few trees and not a composite from the orchard, would show similar variations, some of which must of necessity be below the standard of comparison, which, of course, is based on commercial samples and not on such extreme conditions as obtained in this investigation. In judging the purity of maple sirup, it is essential that the analyst should clearly understand the nature and significance of the data secured. The standard under consideration includes the total and insoluble ash contents and the malic acid value. They represent inorganic and organic constituents respectively. The slight departure of any one constituent from the standard should not in itself be interpreted too strictly, particularly if it be the total ash or malic acid value. The number of samples below the standard, and the average, maximum and minimum deficiencies are stated in the following table. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 4<;t TABLE 37. NUMBER OF SAMPLES AND PERCEN1 BELOW STANDARD l.\ TOTAL \sll. INSOLUBLE ASH ami MALIC ACID VAL1 I CALCULATED TO MOISTUBE-FUEE T.AS1S B«o Tola! ash Insoluble ash Malic acid pa 1'erceut be low Percent below IViv.-m Im / £ " 1- M ~ 1- 0) g E CI 01 a 0 — V a z 3 £3 fe it s — > to a : ~ X Q ~ •y. ,_ c •/>. .^ CS -— a < << ."-. X < rr. <, < <-. Control, Inc. con., Non-fluo., P'k cocci, Failures, R. yeasts, G. yeasts, Fluores't, Comp'te, B. aceris, Last run, sweet, 5 Fluor, bac. and spore- bearers, 0 G. molds, T. buck's W. buck's P. yeasts, Burned control, Last run, sour, Sour sap, kept. .07 .07 .06 .10 .04 .07 .05 .13 .03 16 OS 12 06 10 in; .is .02 .06 1 .02 08 2 .02 02 1 .01 05 1 .02 04 0 .02 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 o 0 II 0 I) Total, 28 0 ii 0 1] 01 01 III .01 02 03 02 .hi .01 .01 II • ■ • . . . 1 .16 . . . 0 ... 1 02 9 o 06 .11 .ill 1 04 • • • . . . 0 • . . . , . 4 1)7 .10 .05 2 01 .1)2 .in (1 , . • ■ ■ 0 II II II II II o ii 12 468 Bulletin 167 Twenty-eight samples were deficient in total ash in amounts varying from 0.02 to 0.18%. The deficiencies mainly occur among samples in the control groups. Eleven samples were low in insoluble ash, but the shortages were very slight, varying from 0.01 to 0.03%, the latter figure occurring but once. There were 12 deficiencies in malic acid values, many of them being very small and ranging from 0.01 to 0.16%. Inquiring still farther into these deficiencies, it will be found that in several cases but a single item of the three-fold standard is affected. Eliminating the groups exhibiting no de- partures from standard, the following table appears. TABLE 38. NUMBER AND XATUKE OF DEFICIENCIES a a CJ Character of organism c a> •a ■a a — 0 0 01 - 0 0 " v. n in insolubl li and mall id value "3 c -4-> 0 CO a a in malic lue — - So = 5o in total (1 malic lue b > ■ 1* Bj - - s = > C es 5 « > ' s a 0 O 0 £ 0 iJ ►J J ■J ►J J a — !z DO ii U e = es d . - — — — ** s S c o s - m"C- > e c « c 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 ;i 11 13 Control Incubator control Pink cocci Failures Red yeasts Gray yeasts Fluorescent Composite Last run, sweet . Green mold G 4 1 2 2 2 4 1 5 1 1 2 1 9 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II II 0 II Totals 28 11 12 Assuming that standard maintenance in two instances and a very close approach thereto in the third would suffice to pass a sample, a large share of the samples heretofore listed as below standard are eliminated and attention is fixed upon the 1 1 lots, listed in the last four columns, four of which are below in both total and insoluble ash, one low in both total ash and malic arid value, while six are low in all three items. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap h;:» The following table has been prepared as an aid in locating the samples that show these deficiencies. The sample numbers correspond to those hitherto employed pages 352 to 390, refer- ence to which will enable anyone interested to ascertain the en- tire history and chemical analysis of each lot. TABLE 39. DEFICIENCIES GROUPED ACCORDING TO SAMPLE NU.MBKKS OJ 0 a 0) "3 cd c a p OS ri OS a Z '* "5 "o c _ CS K - ^ — 0 H OJ to r S -■-= a c. B © 0 0 c a > "> "5 a £3 So DQ 1-2 •, a cs g es > > tn cj £ K rt O C XI OS 2o„E > C = 0: g-cs ► 6 t-^ t— 1 j j 1-1 j J i Control, \ 27, 28, 68 89, 97,113 27 27 2 Incubator \ 90,104, control, (112,120 104, 112 112 104 112 4 Pink cocci 107 107 107 107 5 Failures, 106,108 106,108 31,106 108 108, 100 G Red yeasts, 114, 99 114 114 , B , , 114 7 Gray yeasts 110, 115 115 . , 115 . . t , 8 Fluores- cent bac- j 103, 101 101,102 101 teria, \ 91, 94 100, 93 9 Composite, 119 119,116 119,118 , , . t 1 L9 11 Last run, S 24, 122, 124 124 , . 124 , . , B sweet, I 128, 129 . . , . . , , t Green molds , 117 Examining closely into the deficiencies of the n. samples previously mentioned, it appears that Nos. 27, 104, 115 and 124 were more concentrated than the standard requires ; yet, the de- ficiencies in total ash are but 0.02, 0.08, 0.05 and 0.03% re- spectively. In three cases the insoluble ash is but 0.01% and in the other but 0.02% below. They equal or exceed the standard in malic acid value. No. 101 contains 28.36% water and is 0.06% low in total ash and 0.07% low in malic acid value, while, on the other hand, it is 0.04% over standard in insoluble ash. The remaining six samples Nos. 112, 107, 106, 108, 114, and 119, fall short in all 47<> Bulletin 167 three items, the total ash ranging- from 0.06% to 0.13%, the in- soluble ash from 0.01% to 0.03% and malic acid value from 0.01% to 0.16% below standard requirements. Explanatory of the deficiencies enumerated above, atten- tion is now called to a procedure that was employed on 11 of the samples reported in table 36, in which are listed the samples below standard in any particular, and which, fortunately, included 5 of those now being considered. These 11 samples were selected at random before the previous compilations had been made and their choice, at that time, depended on the size of the sample available, together with the concentration as indicated by the moisture content. The treatment to which they were submitted is known as the "boiling and filtering process" first suggested by tbe writer in 1905. L This, as was then pointed out, is an important procedure in the certain determination of the purity of a maple product. Suitable portions of water were added and the samples con- taining both sirup and precipitated "niter" were mixed, heated in a water bath at 65 to 75 ° C. for an hour, and allowed to settle for two days. A portion was then decanted and boiled in a beaker, until a thermometer inserted in the sirup indicated 1040 C. The sirup was immediately filtered hot through double filter papers and the ash and malic acid value determined on the clear filtrate. The results obtained by this procedure are given in the following table together with tbose originally secured on the concentrated and clarified samples. 1 Vt. Sta. Rpt. IS, p. 328 (1905). Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 171 rABLE 40. EFFECT OF DILUTING, BOILING AND FILTERING OH CONCENTRATED MAPLE SIRUP COMPARED WITH THE ORIGINAL ANALYSES "I THE SAME SAMPLES i AM !t,ATED TO A MOISTURE FREE BASIS •— 1 4-9 OQ r'. i. a Q o r. a o .W.KAI.IMTY « . £ S3 3 '- 1 1*5 % '. '■> ' ■ Control, III.-, B. & F. * 39.21 0.81 o.5:; 0.28 62 05 0.63 " « Original 30.53 0.79 0.54 • 1.25 58 48 0.61 a 113 B. & F. 37.25 0.96 0.55 0.41 64 51 (•.75 a CI Original 29.99 0.75 0.50 0.25 02 58 0.7:: In. con 1 10 , 104 B. & F. 35. 40 0.77 0.4:: 0.34 02 59 0.74 " II Original 29.46 0.69 0.47 0.22 62 42 0.60 Pink cocci, 107 B. & F. 35.05 0.79 0.54 0.25 52 55 0.01 CI " Original 27.90 0.71 0.50 0.21 57 ::4 0.58 Failures, 108 B. & F. 33.27 0.75 0.52 0.2:: 54 12 H.52 II " Original 29.64 0.65 0.45 0.20 58 ::7 0.49 Red yeast* 3, 114 B. & F. 35. 7! '< 0.92 0.65 0.27 58 53 0.62 It II Original 30.69 0.71 0.49 0.22 01 52 0.50 Gray yeast 3, 110 B. & F. 35.62 0.81 0.56 0.25 56 59 0.01 II " Original 30.94 0.67 0.44 0.2:: 58 52 (.. 05 a 115 B. & F. 38.00 0.87 0.61 0.26 65 58 0.00 a tt Original 31.04 0.72 0.51 0.21 61 5:: 0.62 Flno. bac. 91 B. & F. 35.95 0.78 0.51 0.27 59 59 0.61 " it Original 26.75 0.72 0.44 0.28 58 58 0.90 Gr. molds. 111 B. & F. 39.40 0.86 0.60 0.26 59 74 0.00 " tt Original 28.29 0.77 0.5:: 0.24 01 57 0.67 a 117 B. & F. 35.75 o.S7 0.5:: 0.34 62 65 0.64 « " Original 30.70 0.74 0.51 0.2:: 64 52 o.Ol *Boile d and filtered. The tabic shows conclusively that by simply diluting ami boiling the entire sirup, including its niter, to its normal density, standards are met in every case. All the samples thus treated show an increased total ash content, sufficient to enable them \<> meet the standard requirement, save in the case of No. 108. the moisture content of which when boiled and filtered, was only 33.27%. The insoluble ash percentage has been increased in everv case sufficient to fullv meet the standard. 472 Bulletin 167 This treatment resulted in an increase in total ash for the 11 samples of 1.27%, averaging 0.115'/ for each sample, with extremes from 0.02 to 0.21%. The insoluble ash was increased 0.62%, averaging 0.056^, with extremes from — 0.01 to +0.16%. The soluble ash was increased 0.55%, averaging 0.05%, with extremes from ■ — 0.04 to -j-0.16%. The standard is met as far as the malic acid value is concerned in all but one sample (No. 108) and even in this case the deficiency is slight. This procedure seems to make it clear that the failure of several samples under discussion to meet standard require- ments in certain particulars is not due to the influence of the inoculating organism employed, but rather to the over-concen- tration of the sample which, during the long period of sedi- mentation, caused a larger amount of niter to form and to settle out than would have formed and settled had the concen- tration been less and nearer that of the eleven-pound gallon. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap IT- . Summary i. All inoculating- organisms used ( with a single ex- ception, sirup number 12) had previously been obtained from 'maple sap and the so-called natural infection due to carel< methods of gathering and handling may result in the introduction of any or all of the organisms employed in this investigation, with similar results as regards quality of product. 2. The conditions are more favorable to bacterial, yeast and mold contamination in the sap toward the close of the sugar season than earlier because of the higher temperatures, bare ground, rain, interrupted runs, less cleanly utensils, etc., which then obtain. 3. The relation of cleanliness in all operations and of promptness in collecting and boiling the sap to the maintenance of a high quality of product are strikingly shown by the results secured in this investigation. 4. The several forms of micro-organisms used in this study exerted apparently little or no effect on the ash content or the malic acid value of the sirups. 5. Slightly low ash contents and malic acid values were often obtained on individual samples of the better grades <>t sirup, which, however, represented the product from but a few trees. They occurred mainly when increased concentration be yond the eleven-pound gallon standard was followed by a pro longed sedimentation or thorough clarification. 6. The deficiencies noted in ash contents or malic acid values are not extreme and are due wholly to exceptional con- ditions of manufacture which would not obtain in commercial practice. 7. Standard maple syrup should weigh 11 pounds to the gallon, should carry between 34 and 35$ of water, should give a Baume reading of 35>4 to 36 at 6oG F., and should contain, calculated to a moisture-free basis, a total (maple syrup) ash of 0.77%, an insoluble ash of 0.23$ and a malic acid value ol 474 Bulletin 167 0.60'/ . These figures constitute the standard now in use for determining purity. They are none too low, should be con- sidered collectively, and, when properly interpreted, should enable certain differentiation between pure and adulterated maple products. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t75 PART 111 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA OCCURRING IN MAPLE SAP By II. A. Edson and C. W. Carpenter (A.) DESCRIPTION OF BACILLUS ACERIS (new species) Summary oe Characters I. Occurrence and Character The bacillus occurs as the causal organism in a certain type of stringy maple sap. in which it produces an acid reaction and milky appearance. It seriously affects the clearness and flavor of sirup and also causes an increase in the content of invert sugar. II. Morphology 1. Form. — A bacillus, with rounded ends, occurring- singl) or in chains. 2. Size: — .9 to 1 micron by 1.5 to 3 micron-. 3. Agar hanging block. — Organisms occur as single rods or in long chains according to the amount of moisture present. Orientation of chains either parallel or irregular. 4. Endospores. — Xot found. 5. Motility. — Very actively motile in liquid media and fre- quently also on solid media. Two to 7 peritrichiate flagella readily demonstrated by either Lowit's. Loefflers or the Pitfield method. 6. Capsule. — Slight capsulation when grown in maple sap, milk or on certain carbohydrate agars. 7. Involution forms. — Vacuolation occasionally observed on potato. 8. Staining reactions. — Organisms stained readily with [-10 watery fuchsin. gentian violet, carbol fuchsin, and Loeffler's al- kaline methylene blue. Not stained by Gram's method. 47<5 Bulletin 167 III. Cultural Features 1 . Agar. Stroke. — Moderate, filiform to echinulate. Stab. — Filiform, becoming- villous or plumose, surface growth abundant, often spreading Plate. — Colonies round or slightly irregular, smooth becom- ing radiate or striate, convex, edge entire, undulate or lobate ; in- ternal structure granular to grumose. 2. Gelatin. Stab. — Beaded, becoming villous and plumose. Liquefac- tion napiform, becoming infundibuliform, beginning in 18 days, complete in from 60 to 80 days. Plate.— Colonies round or irregular, convex, edge entire undulate or lobate. liquefaction absent. 3. Nutrient broth. — Strong transient clouding with pellicle formation. Sediment flaky or membranous, later viscid on agita- tion. 4. Cooked potato. — Moderate persistent growth, echinulate or spreading below, convex, glistening, contoured, slimy to buty- rous. Odor of alcohol. Medium grayed. 5. Milk. — Acid, coagulation delayed, beginning in from 4 to 6 days. Coagulum not peptonized. Litmus milk first red- dened, then reduced. 6. Starch jelly. — Growth copious, diastasic action feeble or absent. Reducing sugars not found, but alcohol formed. 7. Silicate jelly containing Fermi's solution. — Scanty growth. 8. Cohn's solution. — Xo growth. 9. Uschinsky solution. — Growth copious, the fluid becom- ing pronouncedly viscid. 10. Sodium chlorid in bouillon. — Growth in concentrations up to and including gc,c . but not in 10$ . 11. Bouillon over chloroform. — Growth unrestricted. 12. Nitrogen. — Obtained from peptone and asparagin. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 177 IV. Physical axd Biochemical Features i. Gas production. — Gas production in maple sap and in bouillon containing dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, mannit, and potato extract, but not in bouillon containing glycerin. Gas composed of carbon dioxid and hydrogen. 2. Growth in closed arm. — Occurred in fermentation tubes of bouillon containing dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, and mannit, and in tubes of potato extract, but not in tubes of bouill. >n containing glycerin. 3. Acid production. — Acid formed in maple sap, and in bouillon containing dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, glycerin and mannit. 4. Ammonia production. — Moderate in bouillon. 5. Nitrate reduction. — Nitrates reduced to nitrite-. 6. Indol and phenol production. — Feeble to moderate indol production in bouillon and in Dunham's solution. Phenol pro- duction negative. 7. Toleration of acids. — Medium growth in bouillon acidified with HC1 to -f-25 Fuller's scale and in bouillon acidified to -4- 20 with acetic acid. 8. Toleration of sodium hydroxid. — No growth in tubes of bouillon having a reaction more alkaline than — 5 Fuller's scale. The organism was not killed in tubes having an initial reaction of — 25, since, after twelve days, when the alkali was neutralized by atmospheric carbon dioxid, fair growth developed in such tubes. A more alkaline initial reaction invariably killed the organism. 9. Optimum reaction. — For growth in bouillon the opti- mum reaction was found to be +10 Fuller's scale. 10. Vitality on culture media. — Transfers from old cultures on various media, even when these had dried down, developed promptly. 11. 'Temperature relations. — Thermal death point in bouil- lon (10 minutes' exposure in water bath in thin walled tubes! 4:78 Bulletin 167 approximately 500 C. Optimum temperature 250 C. Maximum temperature 370 C. Minimum temperature not determined. Growth slow at io° C. 12. Desiccation. — Growth occurred after drying for nine days in some cases, but not after drying for 20 days. 13. Insolation. — Exposure on ice to direct sunlight at noon in August ion fifteen minutes killed 46.7^ of the organisms. 14. Acids produced. — Not identified. 15. Alkalies produced. — Ammonia. 16. Alcohols produced. — Ethyl alcohol. 17. Ferments produced — The organism digests gelatin slowly: yet notwithstanding all attempts to demonstrate pro- teolytic ferments by the milk serum method gave negative re- sults. Potato starch was evidently acted upon feebly, alcohol being produced, but diastatic ferments could not be demonstrated. Invertase formed in very small quantities. 18. Effect of germicides. — Formalin and phenol were tested in varying: amounts in bouillon. Phenol retarded growth in dilutions of 1-1000 and killed the bacillus in dilutions of 1-500. Formalin retarded growth in dilutions of 1-2750 and inhibited growth in dilutions of 1-2200. 19. Number. — According to the numerical classification of the Descriptive Chart of the Society of American Bacteriologists the organism is Bacillus 221. 11 13022. Detailed Descriptk in occurrence At various times during the progress of the study of the bacteria of maple sap. stringy or ropy specimens of the material were encountered. These were of two types. The more common form was usually observed only after the close of the commercial season and was associated with the presence of filamentous fungi, yeasts, and various bacteria growing together. This sap always presented a more or less lumpy appearance when poured from the bucket. The other type of stringy sap was of a more uniform Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 4 many segments, the elements usually showing parallel orienta tion bnl sometimes developing an irregular grouping. Plate IX. — Gelatin colonies of Barillas aceris. Figures 1. 2, 3, and i. Photograph of the same colony one. two. lour, and seven days old. Figure 5. Colony seven days old. showing transition stage from entire to lobate edge. (See page 4ST.) X 75. / Plate X. — Flagella preparations from 24-hour agar slants ( Loeffler's stain l. Figs. 1-4 show capsulation. (See Fig. 1. B. aceris Fig. 2. B. parallelus Fig. 3. B. parallelus Fig. 4. B. parallelus Fig. 5. Ps. fluoreseens, Fig. 6. Ps. fluoreseens, strain CXLV strain CXLV pages 483, 554-556.) X 1 500. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t81 FISSION The first indication of fission observed was a slight constric- tion at the center of organisms which were then 3 microns in length. The constrictions hecame gradually more pronounced and in the course of a few minutes two daughter cells each 1.5 microns in length were produced. These sometimes remained attached indefinitely while in other cases they separated almost at once. In the specimens observed the daughter cells showed no increase in length for a period varying from 20 minutes to 2 hours after division. There then occurred a period of rapid growth followed immediately by fission. The process of elonga- tion and division were observed to take place in periods of from 20 to 40 minutes. Fission was completed in from 5 to 8 minul after the first indication of its occurrence was observed. The active motility of this organism in abundant moisture made it impossible to carry out these studies under conditions of optimum humidity. The colonies under observation were so dry thai growth continued only a few generations, and it is fair to assume that the rate of growth observed is far below the maximum. ( Plate YIN, figures 1 to 5). GROUPIXG The formation of chains and filaments has been noted. Pseudo-zoogloea masses were observed in young cultures on broth, maple sap, and other liquid media. MOTILITY AND IXACKU.A Active motility occurred in young cultures in all liquid media employed. Colonies upon freshly poured plates of agar and gelatin exhibited internal motility under a Zeiss A objective and number 4 ocular. Motility became less marked in older culture- hut was seldom entirely absent even in preparations made from cultures several weeks old, whether from liquid or from solid media. Flagella stains were obtained by Lowit's, Loeftler's. and the Pitfield methods, in preparations made from diluted con densation writer of 24-hour old agar slant culture-. These 482 Bulletin 167 showed each rod to have from 2 to 7 peritrichiate flagella fre- quently developing a length of 15 microns. (Plate VIII, fig- ure 6). SPORES No indications of spores were observed although search was made both by microscopic methods and by means of thermal death point determinations in old cultures upon agar and upon cooked potato. CAPSULE Microscopic examination of the mucilaginous deposit found in cultures upon maple sap as described under "Cultural Char- acters" revealed an envelope of almost transparent material and about 1 micron in thickness covering the organism. In unstained preparations, it was most readily observed by first placing the organisms in perfect focus with the diaphragm slightly open, and then reducing the light, when the colorless envelope became faintly though distinctly visible, presenting a well defined periphery. Organisms from the surface growth of carbohydrate agars showed a similar capsulation when mounted without the use of water. Organisms from carbohydrate agar condensation water or from milk showed a similar phenomenon, but the envelope was less clearly defined and scarcely more than .5 micron in thickness. Stained preparations from maple sap and milk cultures were dis- appointing. Sap preparations left to dry in the air formed a gela- tinous mass about one-half the size of the original drop of culture placed on the cover slip, and the volume of this material could not be further reduced in drying with heat without charring the preparation. Richard Muir's capsule stain was tried repeat- edly upon these preparations, but washing in water after the first mordant almost instantly dissolved the gelatinous mass and left the cover slips without a film of organisms. This difficulty was partially obviated by fixing in glacial acetic acid before the mordant and substituting a 2'/< salt solution for water in the subsequent washing. The stain, carbol fuchsin, was inactive Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap ls;i upon the material even when used with heat for 20 I" 30 minuti while the blue counter stain acted upon the organisms faintly. Part of the bacilli <»n the films thus treated showed an unstained envelope lighter than cither the body of the organism or the field and from .5 to .75 micron in diameter. When Welch's capsule stain was employed the organisms from sap cultures appeared distinctly stained, surrounded by a transparent envelope .75 to 1 micron in thickness. Films from carbohydrate agar prepared by Welch's method showed a colorless envelope upon practically all organisms. Flagella preparations from 24 hour agar slants stained by Loeffler's method with anilin gentian violet often ex- hibited the capsule clearly stained. (Plate X. figure 1 ). INVOLUTION FORMS In a few cases oval refractive bodies suggestive of spores were seen in preparations from cooked potato cultures several weeks old. Transfers taken from such cultures were invariably killed by heating for 10 minutes at 55° C. and attempts to stain the bodies by the usual methods for spores gave negative results. These bodies were deemed to be vacuoles. STAINING REACTIONS Preparations made from 24 hour old cultures upon nutrient broth and nutrient agar were readily and deeply stained by cold watery solutions of the anilin dyes, by Ehrlich's anilin water gentian violet and by carbol fuchsin. Many of the rods stained by carbol fuchsin exhibited plasmolysis. It is an interesting fact that organisms from broth and agar cultures were deeply stained by exposure for 10 seconds to cold carbol fuchsin. while this stain used either cold or hot was totally ineffective with Richard Muir's method of capsule staining applied to organisms from sap cultures, as reported under the head "capsule." The organism was decolorized by the method of Gram. L84 Bulletin [67 Cultural Characters METHODS The culture media employ eel in this work were carefully pre- pared following closely the directions given in Smith's "Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases" and the publications of the Ameri- can Public Health Association. Distilled water of a high degree of purity was used unless otherwise stated. The formula em- ployed for preparing- nutrient broth was 10 grams Witte's pep- tone, 5 grams of Liebig's extract of beef, and one liter of distilled water. Sodium chlorid was used only when so stated. All agar media contained 1.5$ of agar flour. The reaction of media con- taining nutrient broth was +10 Fuller's scale unless otherwise noted. Titrations were made upon 5 cc. of medium diluted with distilled water to 50 cc. The reaction was determined in hot solution with N/20 sodium hydroxid against phenolphthalein. All transfers except those for determining spore formation were made from broth cultures 1 to 3 days old or from dilutions of the same in water or, for some special purposes, in liquid culture media. Transfers to fluid media were made with a 2 mm. plati- num-iridium loop, and those to solid media with a straight needle. Exceptions are noted in special cases as they occur. Agar stroke. — Cultures developed good growth within 24 hours, which was moderate in amount, varying from a filiform line to an cchinulately bordered, rather broad band. The eleva- tion varied from raised to broadly umbillicate, with a surface at first smooth but becoming faintly papillate and contoured in 4 or 5 days. Cultures 2 weeks or more old showed long villous or sometimes fleecy outgrowths into the substratum. The growth was translucent, accompanied by slight opalescence and a glisten- ing luster. The culture was of slimy or butyrous consistency without definite color, developing no discoloration of the medium. The tubes gave off a mild yeasty odor. Agar stab. — Young stab cultures in agar showed a growth which at first was uniform along the line of puncture, later be- Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap lv-"' coming better developed at the top, with a moderately spreading surface growth. Development along- the line of puncture was at first filiform and then echinulatc. Cultures 10 days old or more were often beset with scattered tufts of villous or plumose out- growths usually more pronounced in the upper part of the medium. Agar plates. — Colonies at 25 ° C. showed rapid growth. Those at the surface were at first round, sometimes becoming slightly irregular. In the early stages the surface was smooth, often becoming contoured and papillate or developing moderate stria- tions and concentric markings. These characters were not in- frequently combined in the same colony. The elevation was convex. The edge was at first entire or undulate, frequently becoming lobate. The internal structure of surface colonies showed all stages of variation from finely granular through coarsely granular to grumose and, less frequently, reticulated. The outer portion of many colonies was filamentous or curled. Young cultures often showed an even outer ring well differen- tiated from the body of the colony and consisting of motile chains through which were thickly scattered granules. The appearance suggested that which is often seen in very early stages of lique- faction on gelatin plates, but there was no sign of liquefaction in the agar. Young surface agar colonies 1 to 3 days old usually showed active motility within the colony. Buried colonies first appeared as brown lenticular bodies, often becoming irregular with the interior deeply reticulated. Carbohydrate agars. — Cultures were made in shaken agar tubes containing 2% lactose, dextrose and sucrose, respectively. Just previous to sterilization 1% of a solution of azolitmin (one gram of azolitmin to 16 cc. of distilled water) was added to the tubes. The sterilized melted agar was cooled to 400 C, inocu- lated with a 2 mm. loop of a 24 hour old culture, thoroughly mixed by shaking and incubated at 25 ° C. In lactose litmus agar good growth developed and acid pro- duction became evident during the first day. A heavy white film 1:86 Bulletin \(>y of surface growth developed and during the third day gas pro- duction began. This continued to increase in amount for a few- days and then ceased. The reaction remained acid and at no time was there evidence of reduction of the litmus. In dextrose litmus agar the growth was more rapid than in agar containing lactose. The acid production was more pro- nounced and the gas formation observed was greater than was the case with either lactose or sucrose. Signs of bleaching at the surface appeared on the fifth day and progressed rapidly till the entire contents of the tube assumed a pale yellowish hue. The f< nination of a layer of liquid above the surface film of growth was noted in most of the tubes under observation. In sucrose litmus agar tubes the organism developed ven much as in dextrose tubes except that the growth and the various characters were slightly less pronounced, or at best developed a little later. Gelatin. — All gelatin media contained 10% of Nelson's photographic gelatin No. I and was of such a consistency as to remain firm at 250 C. Gelatin cultures were incubated at 200 C. Gelatin stroke. — Gelatin slants showed a beaded growth along the line of inoculation, frequently becoming filiform or echinu- late, sometimes developing into a broad band with roundly dentate margins and spreading beneath into an arborescent growth. After a few days a fine filamentous outgrowth developed beneath the surface under the stroke and extended several mm. into the body of the gelatin. In some series this growth finally became arbo- rescent while in others this character failed to develop to an ap- preciable extent. Liquefaction of gelatin began on the eighteenth day, and proceeded very slowly thereafter, becoming complete in about three months. Gelatin stab. — Stab cultures in gelatin showed best growth at the top. The line of puncture was beaded, the beads soon united to form a grannlose mass with a villous border developing into long capillary fibers extending nearly to the walls of the tube. These fibers eventually developed fine lateral branches, Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 1v. thus producing- a cloudy appearance. A characteristic surface colony was formed. The medium remained unchanged until the eighteenth to twentieth day when the first signs of liquefaction were observed. The action was very feeble but persistent. Tubes were completely liquefied in from 60 to 80 days. The cultures 30 days old exhibited infundibuliform or slightly napiform areas of liquefaction extending from the surface down about 15 mm. A heavy sediment deposited at the base of the liquefied portion which was clear above and covered by a firm, dry layer which had to be broken with a needle or by violent shaking in order to allow the liquefied portion to run out when the tube was inverted. Gelatin colonics. — Growth upon gelatin plates developed rapidly at 200 C, producing colonies at first round and finally becoming deeply lobed under favorable moisture conditions. The elevation of growth was convex. During the early stages the colonies presented an entire edge becoming undulate the second • lay, and thereafter gradually becoming deeply lobate. The in- ternal structure was at first finely granular becoming deeply reticulate or alveolar and developing a great variety of markings during the transition. Colonies one week old were strikingly characteristic, having a dark alveolar center surrounded by an intermediate lighter zone bearing- finely reticulate markings, and verging into the outer zone consisting of deeply cut compact lobes composed of conglomerate aggregates, as if they had been formed by repeated expanding, bursting and reforming of an enveloping pseudomembrane. Liquefaction was not observed upon gelatin plates. (Plate IX). Broth. — Cultures showed rapid growth and became semi- opaque from clouding in 24 hours at 25 ° C. The clouding in- creased for several days and was accompanied by the formation of a flaky or somewhat membranous pellicle. The sediment at first viscid became flaky in from 2 to 5 days. Cultures 6 to 8 weeks old were free from clouding with no pellicle but contained a sediment which was viscid on agitation. The broth at this age 4vv Bulletin 167 took on a dark rich amber color and reacted distinctly alkaline to litmus. Potato blocks. — Cultures upon cooked potato blocks showed a persistent growth which was moderate in amount, echinulate. often spreading at the base ; convex with a glistening luster, con- toured surface, and slimy to butyrous consistency. The tubes gave off a characteristic odor suggestive of alcohol, and gas pro- duction was noted. The medium was grayed. Milk. — Tubes of fresh centrifuged milk inoculated with a 2 mm. loop of 24 to 48 hour old broth cultures held at 25 ° C. showed no visible change for 4 to 6 days. Thereafter coagula- tion occurred with gradual shrinking of the curd and extrusion of whey, accompanied by gas formation. The same changes were observed both at 20 and at 30° C, but the process was always slower at the lower temperature and more rapid at the higher. The coagulum was firm and leathery, becoming slightly yellowish by reflected light. Tubes held under observation for 2 months showed yellowish translucent spots which suggested slight pep- tonization, but they were believed to result merely from shrink- ing of the curd. (See production of proteolytic enzyms, pages 509)- Acid production in milk. — This was determined in the fol- lowing manner : Freshly drawn milk was centrifuged, then further freed from fat by filtering through several thicknesses of filter paper, carefully pipetted into tubes, 10 cc. in a tube, steril- ized by discontinuous steaming on 3 consecutive days, and in- oculated with a 2 mm. loop from young broth cultures. Titra- tions were made at the end of 1,2, 4, 10, and 20 days, respectively. For this purpose the content of the tube was added to 40 cc. of distilled water, the mixture boiled for 1 minute and at once titrated against phenolphthalein with N/20 sodium hydroxid. The acid production was calculated by subtracting from the reaction of the inoculated tube the average reaction of all check tubes in the same scries and averaging the differences thus obtained. Mil RO ORGANISMS OJ? MAI'LJJ SAP 489 TABLE 41. Arm PKODU< ikin i\ MILK Series 1, 20 0 C. Series 2, 20° C. Reaction in Acid Reaction in Acid Fuller's scale production Fuller's scale production Ag<' of inoculated in cc. N/1 inoculated in cc. N/1 culture tubes control per liter tubes control per liter 1 day, 19.7 12.0 15.0 14.6 3.0 1 day, 19.2 7.3 18.2 2 days, 28.3 9.9 25.0 L3.3 10.7 2 days, 25.6 12.5 14.6 23.6 ■1 days, 39.4 12.4 26.7 13.2 L3.7 4 days, 33.6 10.1 24.2 28.0 10 days, 46.6 13.0 36.7 14.0 25.8 10 days, 39.6 15.0 30.9 42.1 20 days, 49.1 11.4 lost 20 days, 41.4 of controls 12.9 33.0 lost Average 12.20 13.6 Series 3, 25 0 C. Series 4, 25° C. 1 day, 28.8 17.8 27.5 1 day, 27.8 17.8 9.6 27.8 18.4 8.5 2 days, 32.3 20.0 34.0 2 days, 32.6 20.5 13.3 30.5 18.8 13.1 4 days, 32.0 19.5 37.8 4 days, 32.0 19.8 12.8 Q8 Q t>o.o 20.0 18.9 10 days, 37.0 18.8 48.3 10 days, 37.0 19.0 17.8 46.3 19.6 28.1 20 days, 48.3 19.0 54.5 20 days, 46.8 of controls 19.4 28.4 52.0 19.2 34.1 Average 19.2 19.2 Series 5, 25 a C. Series 6, 25° C. 1 day, 18.7 10.2 20.0 13.7 8.0 1 day, 18.4 8.8 8.4 22.7 2 days, 27.1 9.1 28.0 12.5 13.7 2 days, 26.9 > • ■ . 16.8 26.0 4 days, 27.1 9.1 35.5 12.8 22.9 4 days, 27.1 8.5 16.9 37.0 10 days, 39.9 12.1 40.0 14.2 28.4 10 days, 38.3 .... 28.9 45.5 20 days, 45.4 12.1 48.0 20 days, 48.3 of controls 11.7 36.7 48.6 13.3 35.0 Average 10.2 13.3 490 Bulletin 167 acid production — Continued Series 7, 2. 3° C. Series 8, 30° C. Reaction in Acid Reaction in Acid Fullei 's scale production Fuller' s scale production Age of inoculated in cc. N/1 inoculated in cc. N/1 culture tubes control per lite r tubes control per liter 1 day, 23.9 12. G 10.6 26.2 10.0 13.8 1 day, 21.2 10.0 25.3 .... 2 days, 29.1 10.9 14.0 28.6 12.2 18.8 2 days, 22.9 12.3 32.9 12.8 4 days, 42.9 11.9 24.7 37.8 15.0 27.5 4 days, 30.4 12.7 41.1 10.6 10 days, 46.6 12.2 33.9 48.5 13.8 31.9 10 days, 45.0 . . • • 39.2 13.6 2(i days. 50.5 11.4 38.6 54.5 13.2 43.3 20 days, of controls, 12.9 56.0 15.9 Average 11.93 11.94 Series 9, 30 0 C. Age of Reaction in Fuller's scale Acid production culture inoculated tubes Controls in cc. N/1 per liter 1 day, 24.7 13.5 11.8 1 day, 26.2 2 days. 33.5 13.0 21.1 2 days, 36.0 4 days, 42.4 11.0 27.1 4 days. 39.0 10 days, 44.0 14.2 30.7 10 days, 44.7 20 days. 57.8 14.3 43.9 20 days, 58.6 Average of controls, 13.8 TABLE 42. AVERAGE ACID PRODUCTION IN MILE IN CC. N 1 PER LITER 20° C. 25° C 1 day, 5.15 9.02 2 days, 12.65 14.18 4 days, 18.95 19.24 10 days. 28.:::, 27.42 20 days, 33.00 34.56 30° C. 12.80 19.95 27.30 31.30 43.60 Micro-organisms of M aim.k Sap P.* I Litmus milk was prepared by adding- 0.10% of azolitmin 1" fresh centrifuged milk and filtering through several thicknesses m!" filter paper. Acid production became apparent within 24 hours at 20, 25 and 300 C. followed by gas production, coagulation, and extrusion of the whey, as reported under milk. Gradual hut complete reduction of the litmus was observed beginning at the top of the tube about the sixth day and becoming complete about the sixteenth day. No further change was observed in tubes held under observation for 3 months. Starch jelly was prepared according to the directions given by Smith. The nutrient material employed was the same author's modification of Uschinsky solution. Good growth occurred upon this within 24 hours. A broad band of raised growth, higher at the border than at the center, with a papillate surface, an echinu- late edge and a faint opalescence, resulted. Slight local lique- faction of the medium was noted on the sixth day accompanied by a change from opalescence to opaqueness with gas production in the medium. On the tenth day and at intervals thereafter for six weeks, tubes were examined by washing with distilled water. Portions of the starch jelly had been rendered soluble so that pockets were left in the surface. The wash- water and dissolved material was passed through filter paper and tested for sugar with Fehling's solution, with negative results. A portion of the filtrate was distilled and the distillate tested with sodium hydroxid and iodine as described under alcohol production. Iodoform was produced, indicating the presence of alcohol, aldehyde, or ketone. From the fact that Fehling's solution was not reduced the prob- ability is strongly in favor of the supposition that the body was an alcohol. Cohn's solution proved an unfavorable medium for the culti- vation of this organism. Cultures held under observation for 21 days failed to show growth. Uschinsky solution. — Cultures developed a copious growth appearing within 24 hours, accompanied by a pellicle formation which after about 3 days sank and deposited as a membranous 4Q2 Bulletin 167 sediment. The medium was slightly viscid at the end of 2 weeks. Fermi's solution inoculated with organisms developed a slight growth within 24 hours, followed by the formation of a thin pellicle which sank and formed a thin membranous sediment. The growth was transient, the tubes becoming almost clear in 3 days. Silicate jelly containing Fermi's solution showed a light growth, becoming apparent the second or third day as a thin, pearly white, surface development. The medium and growth thereafter remained unchanged. Sodium chlorid in bouillon. — Transfers were made to bouil- lon ( + 10 Fuller's scale) containing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, and 12%, respectively, of chemically pure sodium chlorid. Growth promptly appeared in the four weaker solutions, but was very slightly restricted in 5% sodium chlorid. It invariably ap- peared upon the 6% and 7% solutions within 4 days and upon the 8% and 9% ones in from 3 to 7 days. No growth occurred in 10%, 11%, or 12% sodium chlorid bouillon within 21 days. Transfers from these tubes into normal bouillon gave no growth. In no case was development entirely inhibited by less than 10% of sodium chlorid, but cultures in solutions containing from 5% to 9% were not characteristic. Microscopic examination showed organisms to be grouped together in chains in the 5% solution. No signs of motility were observed in this or stronger concentra- tions. In the broths containing in excess of 5% the growth was restricted to clustered colonies gathered on the sides of the tubes. In solutions up to 4% growth was apparently normal, the group- ing and motility being characteristic. Grozvth in bouillon over chloroform was unrestricted and characteristic. Maple sap sterilised by heating at 99 to ioo° C. on three consecutive days and inoculated with a 2 mm. loop of the organ- ism, developed a deep milky appearance within 24 hours. Growth was accompanied by the formation of mucilaginous gum on the walls of the flask in contact with the culture fluid. This layer Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 493 increased in amount for one or two days, but began to diminish on the fourth day and was entirely gone on the sixth daw Mean- time the milky appearance of the sap remained unchanged. A slimy consistency developed and the material sometimes became stringy, but the pronounced ropy character described under cultures in unsterilized sap did not appear. Unsterilized sap was employed in a large number of the inoculation experiments. Care was taken to procure this fresh from the trees and as slightly contaminated as possible by bits of dust, bark, and other extraneous matter, in order that the natural inoculations should be minimized. In the first series a young culture in beef broth was employed for the inoculations, about 5 cc. of culture being added to a liter of sap ; in other series vary- ing small amounts of broth culture were employed, and in still others pure cultures upon sterilized sap were used to produce the inoculations. The cultural characters were invariably the same, except that the heavier inoculations produced the results more quickly. The sap took on a deep milky appearance but developed no pellicle. A slime was deposited upon the walls of the con- taining vessel but the gummy consistency of the deposit described under sterilized sap was not observed. Moreover the liquid developed a ropy character which was very pronounced after 24 to 48 hours and persisted for the two weeks that the cultures were held under observation. The character of the culture produced by inoculation with the organism after it had been cultivated in the laboratory for one year was exactly similar to that observed in the original material from which the organism was isolated. The maximum reaction observed in unsterilized sap in which this organism was cultivated for three days was h:7 Fuller's scale. Before inoculation the reaction was +.3. Associated or ganisms, when introduced in maple sap in such quantities as (<> cause an overgrowth, produce a reaction of -f-.6 to -|-i. Artificial maple sap was prepared from maple sirup as fol- lows : 25 cc. of sirup, 475 cc. of water and 25 cc. of nutrient bouillon were mixed, heated to boiling, filtered through filter 494 Bulletin 167 paper and sterilized in flowing steam on each of three consecutive days. When inoculated this medium clouded promptly, becom- ing milky. Ten day old cultures were slightly opalescent and very milky, but neither pellicle nor sediment developed. The reaction as shown by titration against phenolphthalein was -J-.81 Fuller's scale. Fermentation tubes filled with this medium showed equally good growth in the open and closed arms, charac- terized by a deep milky appearance and moderate gas production. The material became viscid and sometimes a little stringy. From 5 to 15% of the closed arm was filled with gas consisting of carbon dioxid and hydrogen. Physical and Biochemical Features Gas production in milk. — Fermentation tubes containing milk inoculated with a 2 mm. loop of a young culture of the organism and plated at 200 C. showed a small bubble of gas in the closed arm at the end of two days ; otherwise the milk was unchanged in appearance. Held at 25 ° C, the tubes of the same age showed gas in 8% of the closed arm, while those held at 300 contained from 15 to 20(/o. On the third day at 200, 5% had developed, at 25 °, 15 to 20%, and at 30 °, 40 to 45%. The ap- pearance of the milk still remained unchanged. Cultures 10 days old showed varying amounts of gas up to 100% of the closed arm. The milk was coagulated and the firm coagulum usually remained in the closed arm attached to one side of the tube. About 70% of the gas produced was absorbed by sodium hy- droxid and the remainder gave a slight explosion upon ignition in air. Carbohydrate broth. — Fermentation tube cultures of nutrient bouillon containing dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, glycerin, and mannit were observed for gas production and acid produc- tion. Titrations were made at the end of the first, second, and fourth days, using 5 cc. of the culture in 45 cc. of boiling water against phenolphthalein. Dextrose tubes showed rapid develop- ment of the organism. At 200 the tubes became cloudy through- Micro-organisms of Man.k Sap t95 out within 15 hours after inoculation, while at 25 and 300 ^;is production was well under way. The growth in lactose and sucrose was similar to that in dextrose but less pronounced. Maltose was especially favorable for the development of the or- ganism and abundant gas production was obtained upon this sugar. Glycerin broth appeared a good medium for growth in the open arm, but only restricted growth occurred in the closed arm, and no gas was produced. Mannit gave good growth in both the open and closed arms accompanied by gas production. The tables showing acid production follow. 196 Bulletin 167 TABLE 13. ACID PKODUCTION 1 N CABBOHYDBATE B» ■ I 1 1 Reaction in Fuller's scale Acid Acid Acid Inocu- production Inocu- production Inocu- production Age of lated in cc. N/1 lated in cc. N/1 lated in cc. N/1 culture tubes per liter tubes per liter tubes per liter Series 1-3. Dextrose At 20° C.1 At 25° C. At 30° C. 1 day, 14.0 4.0 17.0 7.0 20.0 10.0 1 day, 15.0 5.0 18.0 8.0 20.0 10.0 2 days, 21.2 11.2 23.0 13.0 22.5 12.5 2 days, 21.2 11.2 24.5 14.5 24.0 14.0 4 days, 19.5 9.5 21.5 11.5 15.3 5.3 4 days, 19.5 9.5 21.2 11.2 16.0 6.0 Series 4-6. Sucrose At 20° C.2 At 25° C. At 30° C. day, day. days, days. days, 1 days, 1 1.5 14.5 16.2 17.2 17.5 18.5 5.0 16.5 7.0 19.5 10.0 5.0 17.0 7.5 19.5 10.0 6.7 20.0 10.5 19.5 10.0 7.7 19.0 9.5 10.3 10.8 8.0 16.5 7.0 16.8 7.3 9.0 16.5 7.0 17.7 8.2 Series 7-9. Lactose At 20° C.3 At 25° C. 1 Average : Average r Average of controls. 10.0. of controls, 9.5. of controls, 9.5. At 30° C. 1 day, 12.0 2.5 L6.5 7.0 20.0 10.5 1 day 11.0 1.5 17.5 8.0 20.0 10.5 2 days, L5.5 6.0 16.S 7.3 19.0 9.5 2 days, 15.5 6.0 16.7 7.2 18.0 8 5 4 days, 16.0 6.5 18.0 8.5 18.0 8.5 4 days. 17.0 7.5 19.0 9.5 18.5 9.0 Micro-organisms extrose, 35 43 45 44 45 55 Lactose, 25 20 40 30 48 35 Sucrose, 25 40 30 45 50 50 Series 2. Fourteen days old Dextrose, 29 62 56 50 48 45 Ditto, 39 59 63 44 45 57 Ditto. 40 60 51 58 . . Lactose, 37 75 48 58 36 72 Ditto, 40 72 35 63 41 61 Ditto, 40 70 55 60 :i 77 Sucrose, 26 50 49 53 48 . . Ditto, 25 48 27 70 34 62 Ditto, 26 54 57 49 41 53 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap t99 Fermentation tubes of nutrient broth containing -''< of mannit showed gas production in 24 hours at 25 ° C. but not at 200. At the end of two days 10% of gas had developed at 200 while at 300 25% had formed. Cultures six days old shown 1 a development of about 40% of gas, approximately one-half of which was absorbed by sodium hydroxid. Evidences of fermen- tation of maltose at 200 were pronounced in 15 hours, progress- ing rapidly till 40 to 50% of gas was formed, which was similar in composition to that produced upon other sugars. No gas was produced upon glycerin broth. Fermentation of potato starch. — Potato fermentation tubes were prepared by placing cylinders of potato in the closed arm and filling with distilled water. The tubes were sterilized by steaming on each of three consecutive days, and inoculated with a 2 mm. loop from young broth cultures. Gas production oc- curred within 15 hours after inoculation in tubes held at 300. At the end of three days tubes kept at 200 showed 25 to 35 per- cent of the closed arm filled with gas. The gas wras tested with sodium hydroxid and the flame test and found to contain carbon dioxid and hydrogen. Potato extract was prepared by boiling potatoes one-half hour in distilled water and decanting the liquid upon a filter. Fermentation tubes of the medium developed good growth. Gas consisting of carbon dioxid and hydrogen was produced by the second day. Tests for reducing sugars and for aldehydes made on the third day negative results. These ingredients were sought by the Fehling solution and ammoniacal silver nitrate methods, respectively. Potato extract to which 4% of sucrose was added, developed a remarkable growth. The fluid became milky and slightly stringy and developed a yeasty odor very much like that produced in sap. Gas production in modified Uschinsky solution containing carbohydrates. — To modified Uschinsky solution 2% of the fol- lowing carbohydrates were added, maltose, dextrose, sucrose, lactose and mannit. The media were placed in fermentation 500 Bulletin 167 tubes, sterilized by flowing steam on eacb of three consecutive days, and inoculated in the usual way. At the end of 8 days gas production in the closed arm was as follows: Maltose 22%, dextrose 15%, sucrose 12/0, lactose $'-/> , and mannit 14%. The composition of the gas was similar to that previously described. Gas production in maple sap and in starch jelly containing modi- fied Uschinsky solution has been mentioned under cultural char- acters. Ammonia production was determined in 100 cc. portions of nutrient broth in 500 cc. flasks inoculated with 1 cc. portions of young cultures and incubated at room temperatures, 20 to 23 ° C. Determinations were made at the end of 5, 10 and 12 days. For this purpose an excess of heavy magnesium oxid and 100 cc. of distilled water were added. The flask was connected with a Liebig condenser and distilled, the distillate being received in a flask containing a measured quantity of N/20 hydrochloric acid. The excess of acid was titrated against cochineal as an indicator and the ammonia production calculated. An equal volume of the same broth which had been kept under identical conditions was analyzed for ammonia at the same time. The results are recorded in the following table: TABLE 46. AMMONIA PRODUCED IN NUTRIENT BROTH cc. N/20HC1 cc. N/20NH neutralized produced Age Inoculated Control per 100 cc. broth 5 days, 11.80 — 2.00 = 9.80 10 days, 36.20 — 4.20 = 32.00 12 days, 33.15 — 4.75 = 28.40 12 days, 28.25 — 4.25 = 24.00 Nitrate reduction. — Nitrate broth was prepared according to the following formula: One liter distilled water, 3 grams Liebig' s extract of beef, 10 grams chemically pure potassium nitrate. The reaction was adjusted to zero with sodium hy- droxid. The organism made vigorous growth upon this medium as exhibited by the prompt clouding and production of sediment. There was a marked tendency towards clearing in the upper Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 501 portion of the medium. Cultures were grown al j<>. 25, and 300 C. and tested for nitrites at the cud of 3, 5, 10 and 25 days with prompt and positive reaction. The test was made with the fol- lowing solutions : (1) One gram of potato starch boiled in 100 cc. of distilled water. (2) One-tenth gram of potassium iodid in 25 cc. of dis- tilled water. (3) Two parts of chemically pure sulphuric acid and one part water. To the tubes to be tested 1 cc. of number 1, and 1 cc. of number 2, and, then, three drops of number 3 were added, the tubes being agitated after each addition. Indol production. — The tests for indol production were made in Dunham's peptone solution and in sugar free bouillon. Both media were well suited to the growth of the organism. The test was made by adding 10 drops of chemically pure sulphuric acid (two parts sulphuric acid to one part water). After allowing the tubes to stand for 20 minutes to determine the absence of reduc- ing bodies, 1 cc. of 0.02% sodium nitrite solution was added. Cultures 10 days old on Dunham's peptone solution gave a pink color in from 1 to 5 minutes after the addition of the nitrite. Cultures grown at 200 responded somewhat more slowly and with a fainter reaction than those which wrere held at higher tempera- tures. As a check upon the work, tubes of the same medium were inoculated with a strain of B. coli which produced indol vigorously, and held at 300 C. Taking the color obtained from these tubes as a standard, represented numerically by 10, cultures of the organism held at 300 produced a color of 5 within one minute. Cultures held at 20° produced a color of 1 after 15 or 20 minutes. A large number of cultures were tested in both Dunham's solution and in sugar free bouillon and positive, though sometimes faint, reaction was obtained in every case. Production of phenol. — Tests for the production of phenol were made upon 50 cc. portions of 10 day old broth cultures of the organism. The material was transferred to a distilling flask, 5 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid added, and about 20 cc. of distillate collected. This was divided into three portions. 502 Bulletin 167 One was treated with a few drops of Millon's reagent,1 another with two or three drops of dilute solution of ferric chlorid, and the third with a few drops of strong- bromine water.2 The results were negative. The reaction for phenol is sometimes obscured by the pres- ence of traces of indol. To eliminate this source of error 200 cc. cultures were distilled with 50 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The 70 cc. of distillate obtained was rendered alkaline with potassium hydroxid and again distilled. Indol should come over in the distillate while phenol remains in the residue. The residue was cooled, saturated with carbon dioxid and distilled. This final distillate was tested as before for phenol with negative results. Hydrogen sulphid production. — This was determined in bouillon tubes in the upper portion of which were suspended strips of filter paper moistened with lead acetate solution. The moisture was renewed with distilled water as was deemed neces- sary. No signs of hydrogen sulphid appeared until the fourth day, when traces of the black sulphid of lead appeared upon the moist paper. The reaction became more pronounced a? the age of the culture increased. Toleration of acids. — Ordinary beef bouillon having a reac- tion of o Fuller's scale was used in this work. Hydrochloric and acetic acids were tested. Sufficient normal acid was added to 100 cc. portions of bouillon to secure a reaction of +5, +10 and so on for every 5 degrees Fuller's scale up to +50. Good growth resulted within 24 hours in tubes containing hydrochloric acid up to and including +20. Growth was observed in tubes having a reaction of -j-25 at the end of 2 days, and in 2 of the 1 Prepared by heating one part of mercury with two parts of nitric acid, specific gravity 1.4, until the mercury was completely dissolved, and then diluting the solution obtained with twice its volume of dis- tilled water. Salkowski & Orndorff. Laboratory Manual of Physiologi- cal and Pathological Chemistry, p. 251 (1904). 2 Chester, F. D. Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, p. ?..) (1901). Salkowski & Orndorff, pp. 106 and 1G1. Micro-organisms oi? Man.k Sap .r>".': tubes having ;i reaction of +30 at the end of 4 days. No further change occurred thereafter during the [9 days the tubes were held under observation. Similar results were obtained upon the second series, growth being obtained upon 3 out of 5 tub having a reaction of +30. In the third series 4 out of 5 tubes having a reaction of +3° showed growth. The organism was less resistant to acetic than to hydrochloric acid. Feeble growth occurred in 2 out of 5 of the tubes having a reaction of f-20 Fuller's scale, and in the weaker solutions of acetic acid the growth was delayed and restricted. Toleration- of sodium hydroxid. — For this work 100 cc. por- tions of nutrient bouillon having a reaction of o Fuller's scale were measured out and to each was added the theoretical amount of N/i sodium hydroxid to produce reactions of — 5, — 10, etc., every 5 degrees of Fuller's scale up to — 45. The tubes were inoculated as soon as possible after sterilization under pressure, placed at room temperature, 20 to 240 C, and held under ob- servation. Growth was observed at the end of 24 hours in tubes calculated to have a reaction of — 5, and in one tube cal- culated to have a reaction of — 10. At the end of 4 days growtli was visible in all tubes calculated to have a reaction of — 15, and in 2 out of 4 tubes calculated to have a reaction of — 20. At the end of 7 days growth was observed in all tubes calculated for — 20. At the end of 12 days growth was observed in all tubes calculated to have a reaction of — 25. Thereafter no change oc- curred during the 19 days the tubes were held under observation. Transfers made from tubes which developed no growth after 19 days showed them to be sterile. Sterile control tubes of this broth calculated to have a reaction of — 25, — 30 and — 35 were titrated at the end of 20 days and found to have a reaction of from — 19 to — 14. This change in reaction is of course to be attributed to the formation of sodium carbonate from the carbon dioxid of the atmosphere. The results however show that the organism is killed when introduced to beef broth medium con- taining sufficient sodium hydroxid to give a reaction of some- 504 l'.mj.KTiN 167 thing less than — 30 Fuller's scale, and that growth is at least slightly restricted in broth containing sufficient sodium hydroxid to give a reaction of — 10. The second series of tubes was pre- pared in the same manner as those already described, inoculated, and placed in sealed glass jars containing a few cc. of 2% sodium hydroxid. At the end of 10 days the jars were opened and the tubes examined for growth. Those calculated to have a reaction of : — 5 all showed healthy development, but no growth was ob- served in tubes having a more alkaline reaction. Titration of a control tube of the — 5 broth showed that the reaction had not fallen below — 4 Fuller's scale. Tubes calculated to have a reac- tion of — 10 tested — 6.1 and — 6.8 and those calculated to be — 15 tested — 10 and — II. The third series was prepared in the same manner as the second, but was incubated in Novy jars filled with air from which the carbon dioxid had been removed by passing it through wash bottles containing sodium hydroxid and calcium hydroxid solutions respectively. The tubes were examined as well as could be, without opening the jars, at the end of 7 days and again at the end of 10 days. Growth was observed on both occasions in tubes having reaction of — 5 but in no others. At the end of 24 days the jars were opened and the tubes examined critically for growth. All those calculated to have a reaction of — 5 showed growth, but the stronger concentrations were in- hibitory in all cases. Check tubes calculated to have a reaction of — 5 were titrated and were found to react at from — 3 to — 5 Fuller's scale. Optimum reaction. — As a basis for determining optimum reaction, nutrient bouillon having a reaction of o Fuller's scale was employed. Portions of 100 cc. each were treated with the requisite amount of hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxid to give reactions at intervals of 5 points of Fuller's scale. Material was tubed, sterilized, and inoculated with a 2 mm. loop of broth cultures, and placed in the incubator at 250. The most vigorous early growth occurred in tubes having reactions of +10 and Micro-organisms of M mm k Sap 505 + 15 Fuller's scale. The general appearance of the cultures as regards turbidity, pellicle formation and rate of development indicated that the optimum reaction is very close to -f-10 Fuller's scale. Temperature relations. — The optimum temperature was determined in nutrient broth having reaction oi • i<> Fuller's scale. Cultures were incubated at 20, 25, 30 and 370 C. The best growth was obtained at 250 C. The maximum tempera- ture was not much above 370 C. and only very feeble transient growth was obtained at body heat. No attempt was made to determine the minimum temperature, but growth was slow at io° C. Thermal death point determinations were made upon a very large number of cultures. For this work thin walled test tubes as uniform as possible and containing 10 cc. of nutrient broth were used. Inoculations were made from 18 to 24 hour old broth cultures. Great care, was taken to avoid slopping the unheated inoculated broth upon the sides of the tubes above the level of the medium. Within an hour after inoculation the tubes were placed in a water bath so that the broth was well below the surface of the bath, and heated for exactly 10 min- utes. The temperature was kept constant within .1° C. 1>\ a sensitive temperature regulator and a mechanical agitator. After removal from the bath the tubes were cooled in air and placed in the incubator at 25 ° C. The results of thermal death point determinations were not absolutely uniform but in nearly every case the death point was found to fall between 49 and 500 C. A few tubes heated at 500 showed growth, and in some cases growth occurred after heating at a fraction of a degree above 50. In a large majority of the cases the death point fell between 49.5 and 500 C. In no case did death result from heating for 10 minutes at less than 48.90 C. Growth in carbon dio.vid atmosphere. — Tubes of nutrient broth were heated to drive out the dissolved oxygen, co tied by dipping in cold water, quickly inoculated, and placed with con- 506 Bulletin 167 trols in a Now jar, the cover of which was sealed with Darwin's wax mixture. Carbon dioxid prepared in a Kipp generator from boiled marble chips and chemically pure hydrochloric acid was passed successively through wash bottles containing 10% sodium carbonate, 10% potassium permanganate and boiled dis- tilled water respectively, and then through the Novy jar. The cotton plugs employed were as loose as was consistent with the safety of the cultures and the jar was exhausted with the vacuum apparatus several times to aid in removing all oxygen. After carbon dioxid had passed through the jar two hours and a half it was sealed and incubated at room temperature. After 20 days the jar was opened and the tubes examined for growth with negative results. Within 24 hours after air was admitted to the culture all except the controls developed characteristic growth. A second series of cultures was prepared in the same man- ner as the first except that a 2.' < dextrose nutrient broth was employed. Five days after inoculation fermentation became ap- parent in several tubes, as could be seen from the gas collecting in bubbles at the surface. After two weeks all inoculated tul>es showed fair growth. Pellicle and ring formation were absent. The growth was characterized by a tendency to granular forma- tion throughout the medium and the evolution of appreciable amounts of gas on agitation. When air was admitted to the cultures moderate clouding promptly developed and the usual aerobic characters appeared. Desiccation. — For desiccation tests small portions of 24 hour old broth cultures were transferred to sterile cover slips in sterile Petri dishes. Only a very small amount of material w as transferred and this was spread in a thin film on the cover slip. The preparations were allowed to dry at room tempera- ture, 20 to 240. Slips were transferred to tubes of nutrient broth with sterile forceps as soon as dry. and at the end of 3 hours. 17 hours. 24 hours. 4T hours, 50 hours, 6 days, 9 days, and 20 days. In no case was the organism killed by less than MiCRO-OFGANiSMS 0* M ah.k S.\r ."'"7 6 davs drying. In one of the 5 tests made no growth was ob tained in a tube inoculated with a cover slip dried for <> days. Growth occurred 2 days after inoculation with cover slips dried for i) days. No growth occurred in tubes inoculated with covel slips dried for 20 days. Tubes were held under observation for 10 days after the cover slips were introduced. Insolation. — Agar plates were sown with such dilutions as to produce from 100 to 200 colonies, and allowed to stand until thoroughly hardened. One-half of the plate was covered with an opaque screen, and the cultures exposed on ice to the influence of direct sunlight for 15 minutes. The exposure was made in the middle of the day on August 28. After exi><>sure the plates were returned to the incubator and allowed to remain at a temperature of 250 for 3 days. The colonies were then counted upon exposed and unexposed portions of the plate, with re- sults as follows: Exposed side 81 colonies 65 tt 58 a 16 n 20 a 5 a 13 tt Total. 258 a Difference, 226 tt Unexposed side 117 colonies 85 " 80 " 27 " 50 " 85 " 40 " 484 " Calculated percent killed, 46.7 Production of alcohol. — Four different media were em ployed in the determination of alcohol production, viz.: 2'', dextrose bouillon, 2% sucrose bouillon, potato broth, and maple sap. Inoculation was made in liter flasks in 500 cc. portions of media to which 10 gr. of calcium carbonate had been added im- mediately before sterilization. The cultures were held at room temperature, 20 to 240 C. After 10 days incubation the undis- solved calcium carbonate was removed by filtration, the cultures made slisrhtlv acid with hvdrochloric acid and then distinctly alkaline with sodium carbonate, the precipitated calcium car- 508 Bulletin 167 1 M.nate removed, the filtrate distilled, and about 75 cc. of the distillate collected. A portion of the distillate was tested for alcohol and allied bodies by adding 5 to 6 drops of a 10', S( dution of potassium hydroxid, bringing the solution to a temperature of 500 C, and, then, adding a saturated solution of iodin in potassium iodid drop by drop until the liquid had a permanent brown color. After thorough agitation, the potas- sium hydroxid solution was added drop by drop until the color disappeared. In every instance a copious formation of iodoform resulted. None of the controls gave the precipitate. This re- action is not peculiar to alcohol, but is produced also by ace- tone, aldehyde, isopropyl alcohol, propylic and butylic alcohols and aldehydes, various ethers, meconic, laevulic. and lactic acids. turpentine, sugar, etc. On the other hand it is not given by methyl or amyl alcohol, chloroform, chloral, glycerin or ether; nor by acetic, formic or oxalic acids.1 In general substances containing the group CH,C linked to oxygen answer to the iodoform test.2 The iodoform producing bodies likely to be present in this distillate were alcohol or bodies belonging to the aldehyde or ketone groups. In order to determine if possible whether the body present was an alcohol, aldehyde or ketone, or whether all three were present, portions of the distillate were subjected to the following tests : 1. A few drops of 10 percent sodium hydroxid were added to a few cc. No distinctive reaction occurred, but upon stand- ing a small amount of slimy or slightly resinous precipitate collected at the bottom of the tube. This was present, however. in only minute amounts. 2. A solution of Merck's phenol dissolved in excess of sulphuric acid when treated with a few cc. of the solution gave no characteristic scarlet color. 'Allen. Commercial Organic Analysis. 1, p. 91 (1903). 2Holleman, A. F. Textbook of Organic Chemistry, p. 173 (1903). M [CRO ORGANISMS OF M \ru; SAP 509 3. Hot Fehling's solution in excess was reduced by a por tion of the distillate, giving characteristic copper precipitate 4. A saturated cooled solution of acid sodium sulphite treated with a portion of the distillate gave no reaction. 5. The color of a solution of fuchsin, mixed with just sufficient sodium sulphite almost to decolorize it, was not re- stored by the addition of 5 cc. of the distillate, although in some cases there appeared to be a slight suggestion of return- ing color. 6. A 10% solution of silver nitrate was treated with an equal quantity of to'-' solution of potassium hydroxid ami am- monia was added until the precipitate just dissolved. A 1 lion of the distillate added to this reagent gave a metallic mirror after standing for half an hour, or within one or two minutes when the tube containing the mixture was gently heated over a flame. The indications were that while aldehyde or ketone or both might be present in small quantities, the greater part of the iodoform must have been produced from alcohol. As a further check upon this conclusion 50 cc. of the distillate produc- ing- iodoform were added to an excess of hot Fehling's solution and the containing flask immediately connected with a condenser and distilled. About 20 cc. of the distillate were collected. An examination of the residue in the Fehling's solution showed a reduction of copper. The distillate gave a copious precipita- tion of iodoform, but failed to react with ammoniacal silver nitrate or with decolorized fuchsin. Production of proteolytic ensyms. — The slow liquefaction of gelatin in old cultures and the suggestion of partial digestion observed in old milk cultures indicates that this organism pro- duces proteolytic enzyms only when forced to do so and then only in verv small quantities. In order to determine this point fresh centrifuged milk was passed through several thicknes of fine meshed filter paper, and finally freed from the last traces of fat, and at the same time rendered sterile, by passing it 510 Bulletin 167 through a Pasteur filter. Portions of 50 cc. each were removed to sterile flasks by means of sterile pipettes and inoculated with the organism. The cultures were held at 25 ° C. and tested for proteolytic action at intervals from 10 to 44 days, always with negative results. The test was made by adding- to the culture in the flask 75 grams of ammonium sulphate, heating in a water bath at 6o° C. for 30 minutes to precipitate all proteids except peptones and propeptones, filtering, rendering the filtrate strongly alkaline with potassium hydroxid and testing with a few drops of a 1% solution of copper sulphate.1 Production of diastolic ferments. — A thin starch paste to which was added 2' ", of sugar free thymol was prepared and added to equal parts of 10 day old broth cultures. After in- cubation at 250 for 6 to 8 hours the solution was filtered and tested for reducing sug"ar with Fchling's solution. The results were negative. Production of invertase. — A solution containing 2rr of cane sugar and 2% of phenol was prepared for the purposes of tin's test. Kqual quantities of 10 day old broth cultures of the organism and this solution were thoroughly mixed and left in the incubator over night. The unclarified solution when tested with Fehling's solution gave a pronounced change of color with a variable amount of copper precipitate, but the reaction was so far from characteristic that a check upon the work was desired. It is customary in analysis of solutions for invert sugars to clarify with some substance, such as neutral lead ace- tate or copper sulphate, before proceeding with the analysis. In the use of lead acetate it is important to avoid a large ex- cess and it is necessary to remove the slight excess used by pre- cipitation with calcium oxalate before proceeding with the Fehling test. In order to determine the influence of clarification of bacterial cultures before running the Fehling test the following solutions were prepared : 1 Salkowski and Orndorff, loc. cit., pp. 15 and 40. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 7,11 i. A solution containing- 2^ of phenol, 2% of sucrose, and ._•' , of dextrose. 2. A solution containing 2'/< of phenol, 2% of sucrose, and .2% of dextrose, together with an equal volume of sterile bouillon. 3. A solution containing- 2% of phenol, 2% of sucrose, .2' - of dextrose and an equal volume of a io day old broth culture of the organism. 4. A solution containing 2% of phenol, and 2r/< of sucrost 5. A solution containing 2% of phenol, and _>' , of sucrose, together with an equal volume of sterile bouillon. 6. A solution containing 2'.', of phenol. _>', of sucrose. together with an equal volume of a 10 day old broth culture of the organism. 7. A solution containing 2% of phenol. 8. A solution containing 2% of phenol, together with an equal volume of sterile bouillon. 9. A solution containing 2% phenol, together with an equal volume of a 10 day old broth culture of the organism. 10. A solution containing sterile bouillon. 11. A solution containing- a 10 day old broth culture of the organism. Three 10 cc. portions A. B, and C of each solution were taken. To the solutions A, 1 cc. of a strong solution of lead acetate wa^ added. They were filtered, the excess of lead acetate precipitated with potassium oxalate crystals, care being taken to avoid an excess of potassium oxalate. The lead oxalate was filtered off and the filtrate reserved for treatment with Fehling's solution. Portions B were treated with 1 cc. of copper sulphate solution used in connection with the Fehling's solution. Portions C were given no preliminary treatment before using the Fehling test. The precipitation was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks. By means of a pipette 10 cc. of the copper solution was placed in the flask, then 10 cc. of the tartrate, care being taken to avoid gather- ing undissolved precipitate on the walls. The two were mixed and heated t<» boiling. A 10 cc. portion of the solution to he 512 Bulletin 167 tested was added to the mixture which was again brought to a boil and maintained at gentle ebullition for 2 minutes. It was then removed from the hot plate and transferred to a porcelain evaporating dish and left to settle for a few minutes. The liquid was decanted and the bottom of the dish examined for precipitated copper. The following table shows the results obtained. The presence of precipitated copper is indicated by the sign -)-, and its absence by the sign — . Where only a very minute precipitate was obtained it is indicated by the word "trace." A B C Character of solution Prelim'y Lead Copper treatment acetate sulphate 1 + + + phenol, sucrose, dextrose. 2 + + + phenol, sucrose, dextrose, bouillon. 3 + + + phenol, sucrose, dextrose, culture. 4 — trace trace phenol, sucrose. 5 — — — phenol, sucrose, bouillon. G trace trace + phenol, sucrose, culture. 7 1 race 1 race — phenol. S — — — r phenol, bouillon. !) — — — phenol, culture. 10 — — — bouillon. 11 — — — culture. The reaction in scries A and B was in general characteristic. In series C, numbers 1 and 4 were characteristic, number 2 was nearly so, while numbers 3 and 6 gave a muddy solution with an uncharacteristic color and, in addition to the copper oxid, the pre- cipitate contained a brown, light weight, flocculent material. Cultures upon potato slants 4 days old were washed with distilled water, the washings were filtered and tested for reducing sugars with Fehling's solution with negative results. Effect of germicides.— The germicidal effect of formaldehyde and of phenol were tested in broth cultures of the organism by adding definite known quantities of these germicides to tubes of sterile medium and then inoculating with a 2 mm. loop of young broth culture. Formaldehyde. — As a basis r\.r this work a guaranteed 40 formaldehyde was employed. < me cc. of the solution was added J0 m Plate XI. — Ps. fluorescens var. non-liquifaciens, strain CXI.. Flagella preparations from 24-hour agar slant, (Loeffler's stain). (See page 555. ) X 1500. Plate XII. — Ps. fluoresce)!*. Types of gelatin colonies. Figures 1 and 2. Strain LIII (two day colony). Figures 3 and 4. Strains LVI ;in<] r. it^o days old showed growth in all tubes of the weakest dilution, in 3 of the 5 tubes containing t part formalin to 2750 of the medium, and a very slight growth in one of the tubes containing- 1 to 2200. ( )n the eleventh day the tubes had all cleared except one containing formalin in the proportion of 1 to 3300. This tube showed strong clouding. Phenol. — The phenol employed in this work was Merck's phenol, U. S. P. VII. This was melted by placing the container in warm water. To a portion was added 1 1 ' < of water h\ weight, thus obtaining a solution which remained liquid at ordin- ary temperatures. One cc. of this liquid phenol was added to 9, 49, 99, 149, and 199 cc. respectively of distilled water. One 514 BUIXKTIN l67 cc. portions of these various dilutions were added with sterile pipettes to tubes containing 9 cc. of sterile broth, thus making dilutions of 1-100, 1-500, 1-1000, 1-1500, and 1-2000 of liquid phenol in broth. As in the case of the formalin 5 tubes were inoculated and 3 retained as checks. Growth was observed at the end of a day in all tubes containing 1 part liquid phenol to 2000 parts of broth, and in those containing 1 part to 1500, while four of the five tubes containing 1 part of liquid phenol to 1000 parts of broth, showed slight clouding. Good growth eventually de- veloped in all tubes containing 1 part to 1000. No further change was observed in these tubes during the 2 weeks they were held under observation. Nitrogen requirements. — The water used in the study of the nitrogen requirements of the organism was re-distilled with potas- sium permanganate, after which a third distillation employing sulphuric acid was carried out. Only chemicals of known purity were employed, except in the case of glycerin which, while of a high grade of purity, was not free from traces of nitrogen. The following formulas were used : Sodium chlorid, 0 grams. Calcium chlorid. .10 gram. Magnesium sulphate, .35 gram. Di-potassium phos- phate, 2.2 grams. Glycerin (Merck's blue label), 35 grams. Water, 1000 cc. Sodium chlorid, 6 grams. Calcium chlorid, .10 gram. Magnesium sulphate. .35 gram. Di-potassium phos- phate, 2.2 grams. Mannit, 35 grams. Water, 1000 cc. C. Sodium chlorid, G grams. Calcium chlorid, .10 gram. Magnesium sulphate, .35 gram. Di-potassium phos- phate, 2.2 grams. Dextrose, 35 grams. Water, 1000 cc. Each of these solutions, A., B., and C., were divided into five portions, one of which in each case was reserved as a control. To the other four were added 1% of asparagin, urea, ammonium chlorid, and potassium nitrate respectively. The media were tubed and sterilized in the autoclave fur 15 minutes under 5 pounds of steam. M uk iG vnisms "i .M.\i'i,i;' Sap 515 Series A. Glycerin. — As would be expected, growth devel- oped in the control tubes of series A where glycerin was employed as a source of energy, since they were not nitrogen free. Growth became apparent the third day, but was slight and transient. The tubes containing- potassium nitrate appeared exactly like the con- trols. The asparagin tubes developed growth in six days which increased, becoming- very pronounced in two weeks. At no time did development occur in tubes containing urea or ammonium chloric!. Series B. Mannit. — No growth occurred in the controls or in tubes containing potassium nitrate. Very feeble growth was observed with ammonium chlorid and with urea. The asparagin tubes showed growth the sixth day which became very pro nounced. A dee]) milky color appeared, and a thick, tough, pel liclc formation and heavy sediment developed. Series C. Dextrose. — The controls gave no growth. Potas- sium nitrate, ammonium chlorid and urea all developed feeble growth, which was less transient in the case of ammonium chlorid than with potassium nitrate. Asparagin again gave a luxuriant growth after a period of delay. The development upon asparagin was better when dextrose was used than when either glycerin or mannit was employed. Moreover the organism seemed to be able to make slight development upon potassium nitrate in as ciation with dextrose but not when mannit was substituted, and apparently not when glycerin was substituted. Urea and ammo nium chlorid supported feeble growth with mannit and dextrose but rtot with urea. The results are summarized in the following table in which the sign — denotes no growth, + feeble growth. "J: abundant growth after delay, and ? transient growth probably attributable to nitrogen derived from the glycerin. TABLE 47. GEOWTH OX NITBOGENOl S MEDIA A. Glycer in B. Mannit ('. Dextrose Control, 9 — — Asparagin, •;- t t Urea, — + + Ammonium chlorid, — + + Potassium nitrate, 1 — + 516 Bulletin 167 NAME A careful comparison of the cultural and biochemical char- acters of this organism with those of bacteria previously de- scribed would seem to justify its recognition as a new species. The name Bacillus aceris (new species) is therefore suggested for it. B. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PINK COCCI OF MAPLE SAP1 Pink colonies were frequently found upon the plates poured from sour sap, particularly late in the season. Some of these were produced by yeasts or yeast-like organisms while others were composed of micrococci. Four strains were selected for further study from the cultures of pink micrococci isolated. These were CXXVI, CIV, XL'IX. and CVI. A brief description of the or- ganisms is given here for the purpose of record. All appear to belong to the type of Micrococcus roscus. They resemble each other closely and will be described as though identical, any varia- tions in behavior from the general type being noted as they occur. Morphology Vegetative cells. — The organisms art.' coccoid in form, occur- ring singly, in twos, fours, or irregular packets. Division is in two planes. The average diameter as determined on agar hang- ing1 block cultures was 1.2 microns. The smallest organisms ot>- served measured .8 micron and the largest 2. microns. Cultures in nutrient broth had a tendency to be somewhat smaller and to occur singly or in twos. Spores. — Evidences of spore formation were absent. Flagella.— -The organisms were non-motile and no indica- tions of flaij'ella were observed. 'The matter appearing on pages 516-521 is briefed from a thesis entitled "The Pink Micro-Organisms of Maple Sap." presented by N. R. Smith, B. S., of the class of 1911, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the baccalaureate degree in the College of Agriculture of the University of Vermont. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 517 Capsule. — There was a tendency to develop a slimy sediment in liquid cultures, but microscopic examination and staining methods failed to demonstrate a capsule. Zooglea. — Xo evidence of zooglea masses was observed. Involution forms. — Involution forms were not observed. Staining reactions. — The organisms stained readily in 1-10 cold watery fuchsin, gentian violet, Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue, and carbol fuchsin. The method of Gram gave negative or sometimes doubtful results. Cultural Characters Agar stroke. — Growth was moderate becoming visible two days after inoculation. It was raised, regular, slimy, and tinged with pink. Iridescence developed after 10 days, the growth hav- ing spread to a width of 4 to 5 mm. Agar stab. — Slight growth became visible after 24 hours. The second day a characteristic surface colony appeared. The growth in old cultures (6 to 8 weeks) became villous along the line of puncture. Colonies were first gray, and then became pink. When 7 days old they were from 2 to 4 mm. in diameter, raised, shiny, and pigmented. The edge was regular, thin and transparent, and the center opaque. Two percent sucrose litmus agar. — Growth was confined to the surface, and characterized by the production of pink pigment. Acid was produced but the litmus was not reduced. Two percent dextrose litmus agar. — Acid production became apparent the second day. Reduction of the litmus began after one week and progressed slowly until complete about the fourth week. Two percent lactose litmus agar. — Growth was slight, acid formation and litmus reduction 1x)th being absent. Five percent glycerin litmus agar. — The growth was slow and acid production absent. Feeble litmus reduction was noted on the fifth day. and thereafter progressed slowly, becoming com- plete after two weeks. 518 I'.PI.I.KTIN 167 Potato. — Organisms failed to develop visible growth upon cooked potato slants. Gelatin stab. — Growth was slow, moderate, at first beaded almig the line of puncture, becoming filiform above. Slight lique- faction began on the twenty-fourth day and continued slowly, becoming' stratiform in six weeks. The liquefied gelatin became pinkish, contained a compact pink sediment and was distinctly viscid. Gelatin plate.— Colonies appeared the third day, and attained a diameter of 2 mm. in 10 days. They were convex with round entire edges. The pigment upon gelatin was similar to that upon agar except that it was usually of a darker hue. Broth. — First evidences of growth consisted of a slight, com- pact, pinkish sediment appearing the second or third day, while clouding appeared in one wreek. The sediment was viscid on agitation. Milk. — The first evidence of growth consisted of a depositr m of pink sediment, becoming apparent within the first 10 days. In 3 weeks the medium was colored light pink while a watery ap- pearance developed the fourth week. This appeared to be as-- > ciated with feeble digestive action, although complete peptoniza- tion did not occur. Coagulation did not take place. Litmus milk. — The organisms studied developed considerable variation upon this medium. CXXVI showed acid formation after 14 days, with coagulation 2 or 3 days later, promptly fol- lowed by the reduction of the litmus in the lower part of the tube. Partial digestion of the curd occurred. The first evidences of peptonization appeared during the third week and progressed slowly until about the ninth week, when about half of the total curd had become dissolved. CIV exhibited no change in the medium until after 6 weeks, when it turned alkaline and curdled. Digestion did not occur. XLIX became alkaline the third week and developed a soft curd 3 or 4 days later. Litmus reduction occurred after 4 weeks. Partial liquefaction of the coagulum was observed in about half of the cultures vi this strain, but did not Micro-organisms os M\m Sap 519 occur in the remainder. CVI curdled milk after 5 weeks with reduction of litmus. The color was restored with au alkaline re- action in the upper half of the tube after 8 weeks. No digestion of casein was observed. The variations upon litmus milk were so great that the work was repeated several times and the purity of the cultures carefully verified, but without change in the character of the reaction. Cohn's solution. — A slow growth was noted which was char- acterized by the development of sediment which usually was granular and flaky, but sometimes slightly viscid. Uschinsky solution. — The growth was slow, at first moderate in amount, becoming abundant after 5 weeks, with copious sedi- ment. A portion of the culture immediately above the sediment exhibited clouding. Growth in bouillon over chloroform. — There was no growth 111 bouillon tubes to which 2 or 3 drops of chloroform were added. Physical and Biochemical Features Acid production. — Nutrient broths to which were added 2' , of various sugars and 5^? of glycerin respectively were tested for gas formation and acid production in fermentation tubes. In no case was there sufficient gas production to become apparent with the Smith tubes. Ten cc. portions were titrated in the usual way at the end of I, 2, 4, 10, and 28 days. The reaction of duplicate checks was subtracted from the average reaction of inoculated luplicates to determine the average acid or alkali production. The results expressed in percenl normal are shown in the follow- ing- table. f 1 * 520 I U I.I.I-TJX 167 TABLE 48. ACID PRODUCTION OX CARBOHYDRATE BROTHS Dextrose 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 28 days CXXVI, —.13 —.08 —.05 .11 .45 CIV, —.07 —.03 —.03 .22 .38 XLIX, —.10 —.03 .07 .10 .40 CVI, .10 .09 .00 .08 .39 Sucrose CXXVI, .06 .12 .03 .14 .50 CIV, .08 .08 .03 .32 .02 XLIX, .02 .05 .06 .07 .30 CVI, .05 .10 .04 .11 .68 Lactose CXXVI, —.09 —.05 —.11 —.08 .60 CIV, —.04 —.08 .06 —.10 .04 XLIX. — .00 —.10 .01 —.08 .02 CVI, —.03 —.04 —.08 —.08 .42 Glycerin 10 days 20 days CXXVI, —.05 .10 CIV, .05 .00 XLIX, .00 —.05 CVI, —.24 .25 Nitrate reduction. — Cultures grown in nitrate broth were tested for nitrites at the end of 5, to and 15 days, with uniformly positive reaction. Other cultures were tested with Nessler's re- agent for ammonia with negative results. Hydrogen sulphid. — Cultures on nutrient broth were tested for hydrogen sulphid production by means of moist filter paper, bearing lead acetate, suspended from the plug. No evidences of this gas were observed. Indol production. — Cultures on Dunham's solution and on peptone water were tested for indol production with negative results. Temperature relations. — The optimum temperature was from 20 to 250 C. The maximum was slightly above 400 C. Growth occurred at io° but not at 40 C. Thermal death point. — Thermal death point determinations were made by exposing young transfers in thin wall test tubes at various temperatures, in a constant water bath for ten minutes Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 523 XLIX failed to grow in tubes exposed at 44 C. or alx>ve, Cl\ al 460 C, and CXXIV and CVI at 480 C. Desiccation, — Sterile cover glasses were plaeed in Petri dishes and inoculated, each with a loop of media from a 12 day old broth culture, and allowed to dry for intervals varying from the first instant when the cover glasses were free from the film of moisture up to 30 days. Their viability was tested by transferring the cover slips to tubes of broth by means of sterile forceps. The cultures were held for two months but in every instance failed to show growth. Insolation. — Thinly sown agar plates were exposed on snow to direct sunlight for 30 minutes with one-half covered. After a period of incubation the colonies which developed on the exposed and unexposed portions of the plates were counted. There was practically no difference in the number of colonies developing. Pigment formation. — Pigment formation occurred only in the presence of oxygen and at ordinary temperatures. It failed entirely at 37° C. Upon solid media such as agar and gelatin each coccus had its peculiar tinge of pink. An attempt was made to refer these colors to the chart given by Winslow,1 as follows: CXXVI = Orange red III & IV. CIV — Orange red IV. XLIX m Orange yellow VI. CVI z^^ Orange red Ill & IV. The pigment was insoluble in water, dilute sulphuric acid, xylol, cold or hot alcohol, and chloroform. In dilute nitric acid the growth was disintegrated and the pigment dissolved slightly. C. THE GREEN FLUORESCENT BACTERIA OCCURRING IN MAPLE SAP Introduction Bacteriological literature contains descriptions of more than 50 species of bacteria which are capable of producing a green fluorescent pigment. Such bacteria were originally assigned to 1 Winslow. Systematic Relationships of the Coccaeea? (1908). 522 Bulletin 167 various widely separated groups, the early writers recognizing the ability to form the fluorescing pigment as a valuable diagnostic character, but apparently failing to consider a possible phylo- genetic relationship. In the light of the intimate relationship revealed by the more critical studies of the later investigators, all green fluorescent bacteria are now classified in the Pseudomonas group of Migula. Moreover it is now recognized that many of the described species are identical, while the characters of others grade into each other so imperceptibly that present bacteriological methods fail to demonstrate specific constant differences upon which differentiation may well he based. The members of the group are widely distributed. They are almost universally found in the presence of putrefying organic material, and are abundant in soil, water, and air. They are recognized as one of the most common types of water bacteria. vSchmelck (26:546) noted that the predominating organisms in glacial waters were of this sort, and Harrison (12) and Belli (2 \ observed B. fluorcscens liqucfaciens in hail. Jensen (13:613) states that the fluorescent organisms occur in butter, while Thdni (30:623) noted their presence in fifteen samples of lemonade which he analyzed. Griffon (11) claims that B. fluorescens lique- faciens and B. fluorescens putrida are capable of producing wet rots of certain vegetables. The former lias been reported as the causal organism in a carrot rot. while tobacco anthracnose is attributed to B. aeruginosas, which according to Griffon, is synonymous with B. fluorcscens putrida. Tomatoes grown under glass have also been attacked by a stem canker said to be due to B. fluorescens. Although the majority of fluorescent bac- teria are harmless, certain species are reported as pathogenic to animals. It is therefore evident that the bacteria of this group are capable of existing' under a variety of conditions. Fluorescent bacteria play a leading role in the deterioration of maple sap. Fresh drawn sap of the early "runs" is water clear and has a clean sweet flavor, but with the advent of warmer weather it becomes more or less cloudy and a disagreeable flavor Micro-organisms ok Maple Sap develops. Such sap is popularly called sour, and several typ arc recognized among which the most common is the so-called green sap. In all the samples of greenish or greenish-brown sap examined, the predominating organisms were of the fluoresced type, and inoculation experiments have repeatedly demonstrated their causal relationship to this type of spoiled sap. The initial infection of the sap is doubtless brought in from the hark of the tree, by wind, and by dripping rain and snow- water. Falling snow and rain also probably bring in some in i (ion from the air. Fluorescent bacteria were demonstrated on the tree bark as well as in the snow and surface water and in un- washed buckets and spouts from the previous season. Lai numbers of the organisms remain in the spout and buckets from season to season, unless these are thoroughly cleansed by boiling Such maple sap organisms of the fluorescent type as have been previously reported upon (4:492) were recognized as mem- bers of the Pseudomonas group of Migula and more or less closely related to Pseudomonas fluorescens. Both the liquefying and non-liquefying types were observed. On account of the prevalence of this type of bacteria in maple sap and their importance in the maple sirup industry, a critical study of the characters of the group was considered im portant. The discussion falls naturally under two heads: (1) A preliminary investigation with 42 strains of green fluorescent sap bacteria. (2) A more exhaustive comparative study of seven repre- sentative strains selected in the preliminary work and of six known species. PrELimin \ry Studies TIVon 42 Strains of" Green Fi,i ori i int Sap Bacteria isolation The 42 strains of green fluorescent sap bacteria were selected from several hundred cultures isolated from abnormal maple sap secured in different parts of Vermont during four successive :,i>4 l'-ri.LETlN 167 sugar seasons. The numbers of the strains selected, the dates of isolation and the sources are as follows : Strain Date of isolation CXII, 4/4/09 Randolph. CXV\ (( tt CXXVII, 4/5/09 tt CXXVIII, 4/12/09 » CXXIX, a tt CXXX, tl a CXXXIII, 4/12/09 i i CXXX IV, ( . tt cxxxv, it a CXXXVII, tt tt cxxxvin. a tt CXXXIX. a a CXL, 4/12/09 tt CXLI, " it CXLII. it tt CXLIII, tt a CXLV, a a CXLVI, tt tt CXLVII, tt tt CXLVIII, 4/13/09 tt OXLIX, " tt CL, it a CLI, a tt CLII. tt tt CLIII, it a CLIV, tt tt CLV, " tt CLVI, .. i< CLVIII, tt tt CLIX, tt it CLXXVII, tt tt CLXXIX, a it 5 4/27/07 E. Montpelier XVI. 2/1/08 Burlington XXXIII. 4/11/08 Bethel XXXVI, tt a XXXVIII. a " L, 4/18/08 Fairfax LI, Cf a LIII, it it LIV, 4/18/08 tt LVI, tt (i Source Sour tree, Orchard 1 Second sour tree, Orchard I. Third sour tree, Orchard I. Green sour sap employed in making sirup 24 (p. 358). Green sap, Orchard II. Milky sap, various orchards. Greenish-yellow sour sap from same tree as sirup 26 (page 358). Sour sap. Sour sap. Sour sap. Sour sap, Orchard I. Sour sap, Orchard II. 1 Doubtfully fluorescent. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 525 METHODS OP WORK Throughout the studies great care was exercised to secure uniformity of methods so that the results with the several strains might be comparable. In general the methods recommended in "Standard Methods of Water Analysis*' (1905) and in Smith's "Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases" (27) have been followed, but in certain respects it has been deemed wise to introduce varia- tions. The most important of these is the substitution of "Liebig-'s Extract of Meat" for beef infusion. Media prepared with meat extract has been used in this laboratory for several years and has always given satisfaction. It is believed that media prepared in this way is more uniform in composition than that from infusion and it also possesses the very decided advantage of being- free from muscle sugar. Actively fermenting strains of B. coli develop in it without producing- visible gas. The objec- tions usually advanced against meat extract that it frequently contains resistant spores, that it may have been treated with pre- servatives, or that it may contain injurious by-products of bacterial development, have not seemed to be well founded. In our ex- perience there is never more difficulty in sterilizing meat extract than in sterilizing- beef infusion and we have never been able to discover indications of preservatives or injurious decomposition products, the most sensitive organisms developing as readily upon one type of medium as upon the other. When cultures are to be employed in studying gas evolution or acid formation, muscle sugar introduces a complication. Jt is the general custom to remove this by cultivating an active fermenter in it for a few- hours. This is objectionable and is certain to introduce decom- position products to such an extent as to render the media quite unfit for the development of certain sensitive species. There is great need of synthetic substitutes for the beef media composed of synthesized chemicals, but until they are developed we believe the employment of a standard brand of meat extract has points of advantag-e over infusion. 526 Bulletin 167 The details necessary for duplication of our media are given below for the convenience of any one who may have occasion to review the results. Unless otherwise noted, media were pre- pared with a distilled water of high purity and adjusted against phenolphthalein to a reaction of +10 Fuller's scale. Sterilization was effected by exposing in the autoclave at 6 pounds pressure for 15 minutes, except with milk, potato, gelatin, and carbohy- drate and glycerin media which were steamed in the Arnold for 15 minutes on each of three successive days. Nutrient broth. — Ten grams of "Witte's Peptonum Siccum" and 5 grams of "Liebig's Extract of Meat" were added to one liter of distilled water and cooked in a double cooker until dis- solved (about 30 minutes), restored to volume, titrated and ad- justed in reaction to +10 Fuller's scale, cooked in double cooker 20 to 30 minutes, boiled 5 minutes over the open flame, titrated and adjusted in reaction if necessary, filtered and sterilized. Agar medium. — -This medium was prepared by adding 1.5', of Bausch and Lomb agar flour to the nutrient broth, with sub- sequent autoclaving, adjusting of reaction to +10 Fuller's scale, and clearing with either fresh white of egg or dried albumen. Gelatin medium. — Nutrient broth was stiffened with 12' i of "Nelson's Photographic Gelatin No. 1" unless otherwise speci- fied. The broth was heated, the gelatin added, steamed a few minutes in the Arnold, adjusted to +10 Fuller's scale, cooled, cleared with egg albumen, filtered, and sterilized by the inter- mittent method. REJUVENATION AND STOCK The organisms were rejuvenated as recommended by trans- ferring to nutrient broth, incubating 24 hours, transferring from the young culture to a second tube of broth, incubating 24 hours again, and so on for three days. Plates were poured from the third tube of broth to insure the purity of the strain and transfers from the colonies were made to tubes of agar and broth. The agar .and broth series was transferred monthlv M [CRO ORGAN tSMS 01? M Al'l.K SAP and from it, as a parent stuck, a sub stock was maintained. From the sub-stock an inoculation stock was rejuvenated occasionally and subjected to retransfer every 24 to 48 hours. Frequent replating assured the purity of the strains. Unless otherwise stated inoculations were made from 24 to 48 hour broth cultui and incubation was at 25 ° C. Gelatin media were incubated at 200 C. DETAILED FEATURES oi' Till'. FORTY-TWO STRAINS The immediate object of the preliminary studies was to separate the forty-two strains of fluorescent bacteria into groups, in order that type organisms might be selected for a more ex- haustive study. To this end attention was directed primarily toward the characteristics which are expressed by the group number, (Descriptive Card, Society of American Bacteriol- ogists) ; but considerable additional data was secured on the morphological, cultural, physical and biochemical characters of the organisms. Therefore the discussion of the preliminary work follows in a general way the detailed features as outlined in the Society Card. For the group numbers of the strains and the method of separating the series into groups, see pages 550-551. I. Morphology 1. Form. — The organisms are all motile rods. I 'reparations from 24 hour agar slant cultures of all -trains stained by Lowit's method for flagella showed that some strains typically have one. and others three or six, polar llagella, chains frequently exhibiting numerous long flagella in a polar tuft. Strain CXV also has lateral flagella (c. f., pp. 546, 555). 2. Grouping. — Short chains of two cells were typical but longer chains were not uncommon. A surface scum or pellicle was usually present on liquid media. 3. Motility. — Rapidly and quite persistently motile. 4. Bndospores. — None were demonstrated with stains or by thermal death point determinations. Several common spore 528 Bulletin 167 stains were applied on material from many media and, except for polar bodies, were without result. 5. Capsules. — Broth cultures of the three strains, XXXIII, CXY, and CXLA , were commonly stringy. Capsules were demon- strated on these strains, both by Welch's method and by Richard Muir's contrast stain. Attempts to demonstrate capsulation on some of the other strains were unsuccessful. 6. Stains. — All strains, except CXV, were Gram negative, though decolorization was not always complete, granulations in the rods and polar bodies being common. Strain CXV retained Gram's stain after 4 minutes in absolute alcohol. . Iqueous anilin stains. — Cells of all strains were easily stained, but gave up the dye readily on washing-. The rods often showed granulation or a bi-polar effect, certain portions seeming to have a greater affinity for the stain than others. II. Cultural Features 1. Agar stroke. — Growth abundant, filiform to echinulate, spreading below; raised, smooth, glistening and somewhat viscid or slimy. Medium more or less green fluorescent with ah strain-. Strain CXV showed at most only a doubtful fluorescence. 2. Potato. — Growth moderate with all strains. A rather narrow, smooth, filiform, light brown streak, becoming thick and spreading later. Medium sometimes greened but not invariably. Strain CXV often showed a dull rhizoid growth. 3. Agar stab. — Best development at top of puncture but considerable sub-surface growth later. Filiform, becoming vil- lous. Varying degrees of green fluorescence. Long crystals were common in old cultures: they occurred under the surface growth and about the puncture and were never detected in control tubes. Similar crystals are illustrated by Smith (27:66). Beau- tiful green fluorescence, varying somewhat in intensity with the various strain-. Strain CXY was doubtfully fluorescent. 4. Gelatin. — Nutrient broth, stiffened with 10. 12, and 15' > gelatin, was used. Several complete sets of the strains were Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 529 tested out at 200 C. with similar results. The growth was best a< the top with the puncture beaded to filiform. Restricted develop- ment occurred along the puncture below the liquid gelatin. Crateriform liquefaction becoming stratiform was typical of the group. The reaction began in from i(> hours to 3 to 5 months. Several weeks or longer was required to complete the liquefaction of 7 cc. of the medium. Fluorescence was not marked, old cul- tures showing it only faintly. One set of cultures in duplicate held under observation over eight months yielded noteworthy results. Seven strains began a typical liquefaction after from three to five months, but the time required for complete liquefaction of 7 cc. was not determined. At the end of S>y2 months control plates were poured and the organisms found to be present in pure culture. The organisms recovered were fluorescent and capable of producing hydrogen sulphid, the latter property being- peculiar to these seven strains 5. Nutrient broth. — A surface scum or a thin membranous pellicle, often wrinkled, was usually present. Clouding was strong at first, the medium becoming yellow-green fluorescent and clear- ing with a deposition of a more or less coherent sediment. 6. Milk. — Fresh centrifuged milk reacting +12 to -+14 Fuller's scale, and sterilized by the fractional method, was used. In from one to ten days a watery layer appeared at the surface with a jelly-like thickening and greenish discoloration of the substratum in all cultures except those of the following strains : CXL, CXLL CXLII, CX1J11. CXLVI, CXLYII. XVI, XXXYI, L, LI, and LIV. After 35 days- incubation, CXLVII, XVI, XXXYI. XXXVIII, LI, and LIV showed doubtful clear- ing. Strains CXL, CXLI, CXLII. CXI J II. CXLVI, and L in all trials remained unchanged for about 3 months, when a very slow digestion appeared. 7. Litmus milk. — Litmus milk was prepared by the addi- tion of 2c/r of a saturated solution of chemically pure litmus to fresh centrifuged milk and which was then sterilized by the inter- mittent method. 530 Bulletin 167 Without enumerating the details of the minor differences observed with the several strains the characteristics on this medium may be summarized as follows: Alkali production and more or less complete reduction of litmus occurred with all strains. With the exception of strains CXL, CXLL CXLII, CXLHI, CXLVI, XVI, XXXIII, XXXVIII, L, LI. and LIV, alkali was produced promptly in the surface layer which soon cleared, changed to acid and became more or less green in color. The alkali layer diffused slowly downward, several well defined strata often being differentiated. Digestion proceeded slowly with the enumerated strains, and the medium gradually became more and more blue, changing to purple at the time digestion became evident. 8. Gelatin colonics. — A rather superficial examination of the colonies of all strains on gelatin showed that they were very much alike. Liquefaction occurred quickly in all strains except CXL, CXLI, CXLII, CXL1II, CXLVI, CXLVIL XVI, XXX! 1 1. L, LI, and LIV. For complete description of the types of colo- nies, see detailed characteristics of individual strains, pages 567- 9. Agar colonies. — There were no essential differences between the agar colonies of the several strains. For descrip- tion of types, see detailed characteristics of individual strains pages 568-570. 10. Cohn's nutrient solution. — Tins medium was made ac- cording to the following formula: Distilled water, 1000. cc, Di-potassium phosphate, 5. gr. Magnesium sulphate, 5. " Ammonium tartrate, 10. Potassium chlorid, 0.5 " All strains were tried on this medium several times, but only two strains, LI and LIV, showed growth. These grew well with fluorescence, and the growth was accompanied by the formation of crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate. The development was gradual but persistent, fluorescence and crystals Micro-organisms of M\ru, Sap 531 appearing in from 15 to 23 days. Those strains showing no growth were transferred to broth after twenty (lavs. The trans fers developed normally becoming fluorescent in two days. 11. Uschinsky solution. — The medium was prepared as follows : Distilled water, 1000. cc. Glycerin (Merck's Blue Label), 10. " Sodium chlorid, 5. gr. Calcium chlorid, 0.1 " Magnesium sulphate, 0.4 " Di-potassium phosphate, 2.2 " Sodium asparaginate, 4. " All strains except CXV developed well <>n this medium, showing strong fluorescence, and a viscid pellicle and sediment. Transfers made from tubes of CXV on Uschinsky solution de veloped well in broth. 12. Nitrogen requirements. — For determining the nitrogen requirements, a modified Uschinsky solution prepared as follows was used as a basal medium. Distilled water, 1000. cc. Glycerin (Merck's Blue Label), 35. " Sodium chlorid, G. gr. Calcium chlorid, <».l " Magnesium sulphate, 0.35 " Di-potassium phosphate, 2. The mixture was warmed to secure complete solution and divided into three portions, one of which was reserved as a con- trol while the others were treated respectively with 0.5', of c. p. urea and 1% of asparagin. No growth, or only a slight trace, occurred in the contn DEXTBOSE BOUILLON Test tubes, 10 cc. Strain 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 dayy 20 days number Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk CXII, 0.41 0.44 0.89 1.76 3.13 cxv, 0.03 0.21 0.28 0.71 0.75 CXXVII, 0.41 0.46 0.71 1.06 0.22 CXXVIII, 0.43 0.78 1.05 1.22 1.24 CXXIX, 0.48 0.55 1.54 2.23 2.50 cxxx, 0.41 0.80 1.15 1.44 1.4S CXXXIII, 0.10 0.17 0.37, 1.06 CXXXIV, 0.07 0.38 0.69 0.80 0.77 cxxxv, 0:17 0.18 o.L':: 0.36 0.99 CXXXVII. 0.10 0.16 ii.L'!" LOS 1.16 CXXXVIII, 0.03 0.16 0.43 0.54 0.94 (XXXIX, 0.23 0.19 0.30 0.48 11. :,n CXL, 0.87 1.06 1.66 1.52 1.61 CXLI, 0.58 0.81 1.13 1.35 1.71 CXLII, 0.34 0.91 1.24 1.30 1.51 CXLIII, 0.93 1.47 1.60 1.62 1.53 CXLV, 0.24 0.51 0.54 0.73 1.35 CXLVI, 0.39 0.64 1.02 1.40 1.55 CXLVII, 0.24 0.76 1.20 0.88 1.41 CXLVIII, 0.36 0.62 1.40 3.26 6.06 CXLIX, 0.26 0.98 1.50 2.32 2.44 CL, 0.16 o.Tl 1.03 2.17 2.33 CLI, 0.08 0.14 0.44 0.58 11.7s CLII, 0.08 0.23 0.17 0.52 0.53 CLIII, 0.06 0.16 0.36 0.65 1.23 CLIV, 0.11 0.14 0.30 0.46 0.65 CLV, 0.00 0.19 0.29 0.46 1.91 CLVI. 0.00 0.18 0.2:. 0.55 0.83 CLVIII, 0.05 0.10 0.48 0.34 11. Ts CLIX, 0.05 0.30 0.54 0.96 0.98 CLXXVII, 0.05 0.16 0.39 0.42 0.71 CLXXIX, 0.04 0.31 0.:,;, 0.92 1.32 5, 0.19 0.85 1.14 0.95 1.63 XVI, 0.22 0.59 1.01 0.73 1.15 XXXIII, 0.06 0.33 0.45 0.67 1.17 XXXVI. 0.18 o.S7 0.79 1.10 1.71 XXXVIII, 0.20 0.30 1.35 1.25 L, 0.04 0.14 0.36 0.42 0.93 LI. 0.04 0.32 0.78 0.94 LIII, 0.17 0.11 0.29 0.86 1.43 LIV, 0.05 0.31 1.05 1.24 1.21 LVI. 0.23 0.41 0.55 1.17 1.61 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap ;':;. TABLE 52. ACID AM) ALKALI PRODUCED in -' - LACTOSE BOUILLON Fermentation tubes Strain 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 'lays number Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. CXII 0.30 0.66 0.38 0.28 0.18 CXv' l,,,s 0.04 0.06 0.70 0.13 CXXVII 0.42 0.42 0.28 0.04 0.12 CXXVIII, 0.40 0.34 0.33 0.4:, 0.49 CXXIX 0.34 0.49 0.23 0.04 0.17 CXXX 0.22 0.24 0.18 0.01 0.37 CXXx'lII, 0.40 0.32 0.24 0.1C 0.05 CXXXIV. 0.40 0.40 0.60 0.62 0.31 cxxxv, °-23 CXXXVII, li:;1 CXXXVIII. 0.42 CXXXIX, " ::" CXL, CXLI, 1-57 CXLII, " ■•■- CXLIII. 0.23 CXLV, 0.18 CXLVI, 0.32 CXLVII. 0.56 CXLVIII, 0.33 CXLIX, 0.54 CL, 0.46 CLI, 0.36 CLII, 0.42 CLIII. 0.36 CLIV. 0.34 CLV, 0.20 CLVI. 0.36 CLVIII, 0.50 CLIX, 0.45 CLXXVII, 0.29 CLXXIX, 0.14 5, 0.32 XVI, 0.11 XXXIII, 0.45 XXXVI, 0.25 XXXVIII, 0.19 L, 0.38 LI, 0.44 LIII, 0.34 LIV, n.fii' LVI, 0.75 538 Bulletin 167 TABLE 53. ACID AND ALKALI PRODUCED IN 2<2 3 LACTOSE BOUILLON Test tubes, 12 cc. 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 days Strain Acid Alk. Aci d Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk CXII, 0.12 0.27 0.35 0.12 cxv, 0.12 0.11 0.15 0.28 CXXVII, 0.25 0.30 0.11 0.18 CXXVIII. 0.18 0.11 0.01 0.03 CXXIX, 0.21 0.03 0.17 0.35 cxxx, 0.17 0.07 0.19 0.32 CXXXIII, 0.20 0.07 0.21 CXXIV, 0.26 0.31 0.03 (XXXV. 0.29 0.2S 0.21 CXXXVII, 0.2G 0.32 0.35 (XXXVIII, 0.34 0.35 II. IIS 0.22 CXXXIX, 0.22 0.1!) 0.16 0.20 CXL, 0.12 0.12 0.3G 0.50 CXLI, 0.14 0.23 0.40 0.43 CXLII, 0.22 0.31 0.39 0.43 CXLIII, 0.13 0.19 0.28 0.54 CXLV, 0.18 0.20 0.31 CXLVI, 0.11 0.13 11.:::, 0.32 CXLVII, 0.24 0.26 0.34 0.53 CXLVIII, 0.2] (Ml 0.11 0.29 M t< ri i i irg ^NISMS OiJ M \n.i-: S.\r CABLE 54. ACID AND ALKALI PRODUCED IN 29? SUCROSE BO! Ml<>\ Test tubes, in CC. 1 day o days 4 i lays III 1 lays 20 i [a j i SI rain A.i,| Alk. Aci (1 Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid All (XII, 0.12 0.40 0.18 ii. 2 I 0.31 I'XV. 0.1 G 0.00 0.34 0.80 0.79 CXXV 1 1 , 0.13 0.14 0.14 o.l 1 cxxvur, 0.04 0.21 0.03 0.06 CXXIX, 0.01 0.05 0.37 0.82 0.09 cxxx, 0.00 0.38 0.09 0.10 CXXXIII, 0.16 0.37 0.52 0.06 CXXXIV, 0.13 0.22 0.07 0.35 0.21 cxxxv, 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.33 0.19 (XXXVII, 0.19 O.IS 0.24 0.52 0.04 (XXXVIII, 0.28 0.30 o.l 1 ii L0 nil ( 'XXXIX, 0.26 0.22 o.2T 0.24 ('XL, 0.10 0.18 0.32 0.56 0. || CXLI, ii.ll 0.27 0.32 0.12 0.59 CXLII, 0.16 0.34 0.36 0.66 0.43 CXLIII, 0.16 0.18 0.29 0.59 0.59 CXLV. 0.23 0.2G 0.11 0.30 0.00 CXLVI, 0.04 0.21 0.48 0.52 n.72 CXLVII. 0.21 0.17 0.36 0.56 ii 67 CXLVI 1 1. 0.07 0.05 0.24 0.78 0.12 CXLIX, 0.11 0.05 0.12 0.14 o. I l CL, 0.13 0.07 0.07 CLI, 0.07 0.16 0.16 0.12 O.IS CLIL 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.03 0.08 CLIII, 0.09 0.09 0.15 0.24 0.18 CLIV, 0.08 0.01 0.03 0.44 CLV, 0.04 0.01 0.14 0.21 0.15 CLVI, 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.19 0.37 CLVIII, 0.13 0.14 0.31 0.07 0.06 CLIX, n. hi 0.09 0.12 0.60 CLXXVII, 0.17 0.21 0.28 0.58 o.7o CLXXIX, 0.07 0.08 0.23 0.58 0.19 5, 0.11 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.14 XVI, 0.07 0.26 0. 11 0.69 0.68 XXXIII, 0.10 0.16 0.26 0.31 0.37 XXXVI, 0.12 0.02 0.06 0.97 1.20 XXXVIII, 0.03 ii. 1 1 0.29 1. 2 I 1.17 L. 0.08 0.27 0.36 0.77 0.68 LI. O.OO o.oo 0.20 0.40 0.71 0.63 LIII, 0.07 o.iiT 0.40 0.79 0.13 LIV, 0.02 0.21 0.31 0.72 n.72 LVI, 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.27 0.35 540 Bulletin 167 TABLE 55. ACID AND ALKALI PRODUCED I.N 5% GLYCERIN BOUILLON Test tubes, 10 cc. 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 19 days Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. CXII, 0.00 0.25 1.35 1.56 CXV, 0.00 0.29 0.56 0.53 CXXVII, 0.06 0.00 0.62 0.94 CXXVIII, 0.13 0.04 0.47 0.26 CXXIX, 0.05 0.38 1.26 1.68 CXXX, 0.00 0.29 0.68 0.56 CXXXIII, 0.00 0.31 1.16 1.57 CXXXIV, 0.02 0.14 0.73 0.65 cxxxv, 0.15 0.07 0.39 1.10 CXXXVII, 0.12 0.18 0.90 1.36 CXXXVIII, 0.1 1 0.03 0.28 0.49 CXXXIX, o.oo 0.20 1.16 1.06 CXL, 0.21 0.45 0.37 0.42 CXLI, 0.26 0.39 0.29 0.14 CXLII, 0.24 0.37 0.46 0.55 CXLIII, It. 24 0.33 0.12 0.28 CXLV. 0.08 0.07 0.83 1.12 CXLVI. 0.27 0.44 0.52 0.23 CXLVII, 0.19 0.22 0.29 0.22 CXLVIII, 0.13 0.27 1.07 1.39 CXLIX, 0.00 0.26 1.39 2.08 CL, 0.03 0.54 1.43 1.05 CLI, 0.18 0.07 0.43 0.77 CLII, 0.13 0.04 0.19 0.33 CLIII, 0.02 0.34 0.88 1.31 CLIV, 0.00 0.16 0.70 0.96 CLV, 0.12 0.05 0.19 0.37 CLVI, 0.06 0.02 0.90 1.13 CLVIII, 0.12 0.11 0.49 0.67 CLIX, 0.18 0.26 0.98 1.69 CLXXVII, 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.34 CLXXIX, 0.14 0.60 1.00 1.35 5, 0.13 0.21 0.44 XVI, 0.27 0.17 0.00 XXXIII, 0.14 0.13 XXXVI, 0.15 II.IIS 0.26 XXXVIII, 0.20 0.51 0.52 L, 0.29 0.16 LI, 0.16 0.23 0.32 LIII. 0.28 0.95 1.06 LIV, 0.28 0.09 0.05 LVI, 0.27 1.38 1.81 Micro-organisms os Maple Sap .11 TABLE 5G. ACID AND ALKALI PRODUCED IN •">' ; GLYCERIN BOUILLON Duplicate trials Test tubes, 10 cc. 1 ( Jay 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 days Strain Arid Alk. Acid Alk. Aci 1 Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk CXII, 0.30 1.08 CXV, 0.25 0.54 CXXVII, 0.04 o.o:: CXXVIII, 0.06 0.34 CXXIX, 0.34 0.86 CXXX, 0.35 0.51 CXXX1II, 0.25 0.67 CXXXIV, 0.32 0.86 cxxxv, 0.16 0.17 CXXXVII, 0.14 0.44 CXXXVIII, 0.05 0.02 CXXXIX, 0.05 0.32 CXL, 0.37 0.62 CXLI, 0.45 0.62 CXLII, 0.58 0.62 CXLIII, 0.37 0.62 CXLV. 0.08 0.14 CXLVI, 0.45 0.57 CXLVII, 0.49 0.43 CXLVI 1 1, 0.00 0.48 CXLIX, 0.05 0.86 CL, 0.25 0.58 CLI, 0.20 0.37 CLII, 0.20 0.11 CLIII, 0.0J 0.33 CLIV, 0.26 0.26 CLV, 0.1)8 0.02 CLVI, 0.15 0.44 CLVIII, 0.09 0.13 CLIX, 0.18 0.47 CLXXVII, 0.19 0.16 CLXXIX, 0.30 0.89 5, 0.30 0.20 XVI, 0.43 0.56 XXXIII, 0.18 0.20 XXXVI, 0.19 0.08 XXXVIII, 0.18 0.17 L, (1.17 0.15 LI, 0.15 0.15 LIII, 0.14 0.59 LIV. 0.35 0.46 LVI, 0.60 1.23 542 Bulletin 107 2. Ammonia production. — Ammonia was produced by all strains on nutrient broth, which is in accord with the statements nf Thumm (31) (compare 20:754). The test was carried out as follows: For the first of the series 125 cc. portions of nutri- ent broth in Kjeldahl flasks were inoculated and incubated 10 days 111 the dark at room temperature (220 to 250 C). At the end of this time determinations were made. Table 57 shows the ammonia content of cultures and control in cc. of N/10 hydro- chloric acid equivalent for the 125 cc. and it is also calculated to a 100 cc. basis. TABLE 57. AMMONIA PRODI I lloN ( Irganisin number (XII. ('XV. CXXVII, ('XX VI II. CXXIX, exxx, CXXXIII, CXXXIV, CXXXV, CXXXVII, (XXXVIII, ("XXX IX. ('XL, CXLI. CXLII. Control, 1 KM equiva- cc. N/10 HC1 equiva :or 1 25 cc. lent for loo cc. on 11 26.4 :■::.:: 18.6 24.5 19.6 28.9 23.1 15.6 36.5 31.2 25.0 54.7 13.8 57.8 16.2 34.2 1^7.1 11.1 ...» 1 34.8 27.8 34.6 7.6 6.1 9.8 7.8 L0.6 8.5 3.0 2.4 For the remainder of the series cultures were treated as before except that i<><> cc. of media were used and the incuba- tion period was 12 days at 200 C. The medium was identical with that of the preceding series. Micro-organisms of Maw.f. Sap 543 TABLE 58. AM \ln\iA PBODT ( TION Organism cc. X LO I in equiva- Organism cc.N/lo IK'l equiva number l.'in for LOO cc. number lenl for LOO cc. CXLIII, 13.0 < '1. XX VII, CXLV, 43.8 CLXXIX, 1*;.:: CXLVI. 9.5 5, 33.3 CXLVII, 13.8 XVI, 11.6 CXLVI 1 1, 39.4 XXXIII, L7.2 CXLIX, 22.5 XXXVI, 14. 8 CL, 32.6 XXXVIII, L0.7 CLI, 22.2 L, 7.8 CLII, L4.2 LI, 7.7 CLIII, 48.1 LI 1 1, 49.0 CLIV, 44. G LIV, 9.8 CLV, 2G.0 LVI, G3.5 CLVI, 39.1 CXI I, 34.9 CLVIII, 44.7 cxv, 10.6 CLIX, 49.7 Control, 2.5 Control, 3.4 3. Action on nitrates. — Nitrates in nitrate broth were re- duced to nitrites by three strains, as indicated by the iodo starch reaction (27:63). All cultures showed ammonia with Nessler's reagent ; but this was thought to have been an end product of proteid decomposition rather than of nitrate reduc- tion. No gas was produced. Two formulas for nitrate broth were used with similar re- sults. I. Distilled water 1000. cc. Liebig's extract of meat ::. Witte's peptone 10. gr. Potassium nitrate :!. gr. II. Distilled water 1000. cc. Witte's peptone 1. gr. Potassium nitrate 2. gr. Cultures in media of the first type were tested at the end of 10 days and 30 days. Only strain LI responded with a posi- tive reaction at the first test, but strains LI, LIV, and XXXVI showed prompt blackening when tested after 30 days. The reaction was more rapid in media prepared by formula If and a positive reaction was obtained in 5 day old cultures of strains LI, LIV and XXXVI. Only these three strains showed the presence of nitrites at any time on either medium. The te I 544 Bulletin 167 were made repeatedly after incubation periods of various dura- tion. The diphenylamine test for nitrates (32:340) gave a positive reaction on cultures of all strains except XX X\ I. (Compare 19:152-154). 4. Indol. — Indol was not detected in broth cultures of any strain on the second or tenth day. The 10 cc. cultures were tested with ten drops of chemically pure sulphuric acid and one cc. of .02% sodium nitrite solution. Xo reaction appeared at the end of ten minutes or after warming. (3:33). 5. Temperature relations. — The optimum temperature for all strains was found to be in the neighborhood of 25 ° C. The thermal death point was approximately determined in the pre- liminary studies to lie between 490 and 550 C. The minimum temperature for growth was below 30 C. except for strain CX\ which did not develop below 50 C. This strain showed growth at 37° C. All others failed to develop at that temperature and eighteen days exposure was fatal to them. Luxwolda (18) states that B. fluorescens liquefaciens develops remarkably fast at low temperature (30 to 5° C). f>. Acids and alkalies. — A small amount of acid was pro- duced in dextrose nutrient broth and indications of acid were also observed in nutrient broth containing lactose, sucrose, and glycerin. Titrations were made in hot solution with X/20 sodium hydroxid against phenolphthalein after 1. 2. 4. 10, and 20 days incubation. A trace of acid from proteid decomposi- tion was observed with some of the strains in the sugar free bouillon series. Hydrogen sulphid. — Tubes of nutrient broth were pre- pared in the usual way and, after inoculation, a strip of filter paper moistened with lead acetate solution was suspended above the culture in each tube. The paper in cultures of strain XVI began to blacken at five days showing hydrogen sulphid pro- duction. In ten days the papers in cultures of strains CXL, CXLI, CXLII, CXLIII, CXLVI, XVI, LIV, CXV, showed positive reactions, which in tin- cases of the last two strain.-, Plate XIII. — Ps. fluorescens. Types of gelatin colonies: liquefaction well under way. Figure 1. Strain LIII (three day old colony). Figure 2. Strain XXXVI (four day old colony). (See pages 567- 568.) X 75. Plate XIV. — Ps. fluorescens. Types of gelatin colonies. Figure 1. Strain XXX (two day old colonies I. Figure 2. Strain L (two old colonies). Figure 3. Strain LI II (two day old colonies i. (See pages 567-568.) X 75. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 545 however, amounted to only a trace. After [9 days the papers in CXV, CXL, CXLI, CXLII, CXUII, CXLVI, XVI, and L showed considerable blackening while those in LI, Ll\ and XXXVI showed but a trace. Test papers in the controls re- mained unchanged. Ammonia was produced by all strains, see pp. 542, 543. 7. Reduction processes. — Litmus in litmus milk and in litmus asrars was somewhat reduced by all strains. Nitrates were reduced to nitrites by three strains. (See action on nitrates, page 543). 8. Odor. — A putrefactive odor was associated with de- velopment on all the common media. 9. Gas production. — None observed by the Smith fermen- tation tube method in dextrose, lactose, sucrose, glycerin, or nitrate broths. 10. Crystals. — These were common in agar stab and plate cultures, and in gelatin plate cultures. Twinned crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate were formed in Cohn's solu- tion by strains LI and LIV. 11. Oxygen requirements. — Agar stab cultures were ex- posed to an atmosphere freed of oxygen by Buchner's pyrogal- lic acid method (33). The tubes were placed in liter Novy jars containing 10 grams of dry pyrogallic acid, to which 150 cc. of 1% sodium hydroxid solution was then added and the jars immediately sealed. These were opened at the end of two weeks incubation at room temperature. A barely visible sur- face colony and a slight growth along the puncture was ap- parent with all strains. The growth was limited and without fluorescence. While this property was apparent 24 hours later, its failure to develop in the oxygen free atmosphere might be attributed to the limited metabolism rather than to the absence of oxygen. Repeated trials yielded confirmatory results, but other methods (pages 588 and 589) have shown the organisms to be strictly aerobic. The slight growth obtained by the pyro gallic acid method is attributed to the presence of small amounts 546 Bulletin 167 of unabsorbed oxygen during the first hours of the experiment-. 12. Fluorescence. — The fluorescing property was possessed by the strains in varying degrees. Some were never observed to fluoresce with the intensity which was typical of others. The degree of fluorescence was also variable with the same strain upon different media. Strain CXV was never more than doubtfully fluorescent, but it was included in the studies for comparative purposes with the idea that its ability to fluoresce might be intensified by proper cultural methods. This result has not been obtained, however, and for this and other reasons it is probable that the organism in question should not be included with the fluorescent group. The strongly fluorescent strains in general were the rapid liquefiers and digesters, and they produced more ammonia than the weakly fluorescent ones (c. f. chart page 551). Addition of ammonia or sodium hydroxid generally brought out a bright yel- low-green fluorescence in all vigorous cultures deficient in this respect, with the exception of those of strain CXV (31). The pigment disappeared in all cultures if made slightly acid, only to reappear as soon as a slight excess of alkali was present. In general upon agar and broth a beautiful yellow-green fluores- cence appeared in from three to five days. On gelatin, fluores- cence developed only to a slight degree. The green fluorescent pigment. — The most extended in- vestigations concerning the pigment formed by the fluorescent bacteria have been made by Gessard (9), Thumm (.31). and Jordan (14 and 15). Gessard concluded that B. pyocyaneas produces two pigments, pyocyanin and fluorescine. In order to bring out clearly the nature of the fluorescent pigment the papers of Thumm and Jordan (14) are quite extensively cited. Thumm studied the following species : B. Iluorescens tenuis. B. tluorescens putidus. II. Iluorescens albus. B. Iluorescens erythrospoms. Micro-organisms of M \n.i. Sap 547 B. pyocyaneus < several strains i Bact. syncyaneum. B. viridans. Mis results may be summarized as follows: All fluores cent bacteria show in alkaline gelatin, first a sky blue, later a moss green fluorescence and, accompanying' the latter, a yellow- ing of the substratum. Old cultures with the exception of those of B. fluorescens putridus are orange-red with dark green fluorescence. All these colors are due to one yellow pigment. When an acid producer and a fluorescent organism are culti- vated together the yellow pigment is formed normally, but there is no fluorescence. The green fluorescence in every case is caused by the action of the ammonia produced. Calcium chlo- rid is unessential for the formation of the pigment, but mag- nesium sulphate and potassium phosphate are of the greatest importance. Bact. syncyam um forms two pigments, a fluores- cent one, and a steel-blue one. Jordan (14) worked with the following specie-: B. fluorescens albus. B. fluorescens tenuis. B. fluorescens mesentericus. B. fluorescens putridus. B. fluorescens liquefaciens. B. viridans. He summarizes his results as follows: "Both sulphur and phosphorus are essential to pigment formation but the nature of the base associated with these ele- ments is not important. Other things being equal the presence of the methyl or methylene group is coincident with superior nutritive value and fluorescigenic power. Acid in the medium not merely conceals the existence of the substance to which the color is due but interferes with those vital activities of the bacilli which in an alkaline medium lead to the production of that sub- stance. An excess of substance favorable to growth and pig- ment formation checks the latter though the former may be 548 Bulletin 167 greater than before." Jordan believes that the fluorescent prop- erty is purely incidental. "When the medium contains cer- tain compounds the metabolic activities of the organisms adjust themselves to these conditions and it is of no physiological significance that one of the products of this activity happens to be fluorescent." 13. Diastasic action on potato starch. A thin starch paste containing 2% thymol was added to equal volumes of ten day old broth cultures, the tubes placed in the thermostat for 8 hours, filtered and the filtrate tested with Fehling's solu- tion. Sugar was detected in none of the cultures, indicating that diastase had not been formed. 14. Group numbers. — The characteristics of the several strains detailed above correspond as follows. 12 strains to the number, Pseudomonas 221.2332132 12 " " " " " 221.2332133 7 " " " " " 221.2322132 4 " " " " " 221.2322133 2 " " " " " 221.2333133 1 " " " " " 221.2323132 2 " " " " " 221.2222132 1 " " " ' " 221.2232133 1 " " " " Bacillus 221.2222?32 However since there is no sharp line between acid pn >- duction and no acid production from the sugars and glycerin. the only specific difference brought out by the group number is in regard to nitrate reduction. If gelatin cultures had been hell only six weeks to determine liquefaction, the group number oi strains CXL. CXLI, CXLII. CXUII. CXLAT, XVI, and L, would have been 222.2332133 and of strains LI and IJV 222.- 2333x33- For the group number corresponding to the respec- tive strains, see page 550. 15. Separation of the 42 strains into groups. — The 42 strains naturally separate themselves into 6 groups with re- spect to the following properties : the production of hydrogen sulphid, the reduction of nitrates to nitrites, growth upon as- paragin Uschinskv solution, Cohn's nutrient solution, gelatin. Micro-organisms oi? Maple SAr 549 and milk. The separation of the strains into groups is shown in the chart on the following page, where the relation existing between ammonia production and fluorescence is also brought out. In general the strains producing comparatively small amounts of ammonia are the tardy liquefying and feebly fluores- cent ones. 550 Bulletin 167 chart showing the separation Group Strain number CXXVII, 221.2332133 CXXVIII, 221.2332133 cxxx, 221.2332132 cxxxiv, 221.2332132 cxxxv, 221.2322133 CXXXVII, 221.2322132 CXXXVIII, 221.2332133 CXXXIX, 221.2322132 CXLV, 221.2222132 CL, 221.2332132 CLI, 221.2332132 CLIII, 221.2322132 CLIV, 221.2322132 CLV, 221.2332133 CLVI, 221.2322132 CLVIII, 221.2332133 CLXXIX, 221.2332132 XXXIII, 221.2332132 XXXVIII, 221.2322132 LIII, 221.2332132 CXII, 221.2332132 CXLVII, 221.2232133 CLI I, 221.2332132 CXXIX, 221.2322133 CXXXIII, 221.2332132 CXLVIII, 221.2222132 CXLIX, 221.2332132 CLIX, 221.2322132 CLXXVII, 221.2322133 5, 221.2322133 LVI, 221.2332132 XXXVI, 221.2323132 LI, 221.2333133 LIV. 221.2333133 CXL, 221.2332133 CXLT, 221.2332133 CXLII, 221.2332133 CXLIII, 221.2332133 CXLVI. 221.2332133 XVI, 221.2332133 L, 221.2332133 Hydrogen sulphid Nitrogen from asparagin in Uschinsky solution Nitrate reduction + + + + + + + + -I + + cxv. 221.2222732 + + + + + + + + + +, present; — , absent; ±, trace. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 551 of the 42 strains into groups Ammonia in 100 cc. broth, Growth Gelatin Digestion 10-12 days. on Conn's liquefaction oi milk .•<•. N/10 HCI ii ut rienl begins in begins in equivalent solul ion Fluorescence 24 hrs. lOd. 19.6 — strong 16hrs. (id. 23.1 — 1 t 1G hrs. 6d. 25.0 — . ( 16 hrs. 10d. 46.2 . — it 24 hrs. Kid. 27.4 — ii 24 hrs. 6d. ::::.i — it G2 hrs. LOd. 27.8 — i* 24 hrs. LOd. 34. •; — u 24 hrs. 10 (1. 43.8 — • . lGhrs. 6 (1. 32.6 — If 40 hrs. 10 (1. 22.2 — II 16 hrs. 10 d. 48.1 — ii 16 hrs. 10(1. 44. G — u 20 hrs. 10 d. 26.0 — ii 16 hrs. 10d. 39.1 — u 1G hrs. 7(1. 44.7 — ii 20 hrs. t\<\. 46.3 — tt 40 his. lOd. 17.2 — moderate If, hrs. Sd. 10.7 — feeble 16 hrs. Hid. 49.0 — strong 10 d. 10 d. 26.4 — " 30 d. 30 d. L3.8 — feeble 10 d. 10d. 14.2 — moderate 16 hrs. 10 d. 36.5 — st rong 16 his. lOd. 43.8 — tt 16 hrs. 10(1. 39.4 — 4* LGhrs. lOd. 22.5 — . U 20 hrs. 8d. 49.7 — •' 24 hrs. Sd. 2::.:, — 14 20 hrs. Hid. — n IG his. 5 d. 03.5 — ii 24 hrs. 30 d. L4.8 — feeble 50(1. 30d. 7.7 + >• 50 (1. 30 d. 9.8 + a 5-6 mo. 3 mo. 7.0 — Ceeble 5-6 mo. :; mo. 9.8 — tt 5 mo. 3 mo. L0.6 — a 4-5 mo. 3 mo. L3.0 — a 5-6 mo. 3 mo. 9.5 — (i 4-5 mo. 40 d. 11.0 — it 5 mo. :: mo. 7.8 — li 10 his. 10 d. — doubtful 552 Bulletin 167 Comparative Studies of Seven Representative Strains Greex Fluorescent Sap Bacteria and Six Known SpEcies. After having- separated the 42 strains into groups in tin- preliminary studies as shown above, 7 representative strains were chosen for a more thorough study of their morphological, cultural, physical and biochemical features. The strains selected follow : From group one, strain CXLV, capsulated, and strain CXII, a slow liquefier, non-capsulated ; from group two, strain CXLVIII a rapid liquefier, non-capsulated and, in contrast to the other groups, able to grow in asparagin Uschinsky solu- tion; from group three, strain XXXVI, a nitrate reducer which does not grow on Cohn's solution ; from group four, strain LI, a nitrate reducer which grows on Cohn's solution ; from group five, strain CXL-, a very tardy liquefier and casein digester, producing abundant hydrogen sulphid, but not reducing nitrates; from group six, strain CXV, a strong hydrogen sulphid producer, a rapid liquefier, growing at 370 C, Gram positive, and at most only doubtfully fluorescent. In addition, 6 strains of known species were introduced for comparative purpose- These are as follows : Ps. alba t Zimmermann) Mignla. Ps. iiuorescens (Flitgge) Ps. longa (Zimmermann 1 Ps. mesenterica (Tataroff) Ps. tenuis 1 Zimmermann 1 Ps. putrida (Fliigge) The first five cultures were obtained from Krai's Labora- torium, while the culture of Ps. putrida, added to the station series some years ago, was supplied by Now. The 13 strains were rejuvenated by preliminary cultiva- tion, while frequent replating assured the purity of the cul- tures. For methods and procedures see pages 525 and ?2i_). The Societ} Card was used as a basis for the comparative studies and, in general, as in the preliminary studies, the methods em- M i» ri i organ isms i ii? .\' Ai'i.r. Sap 553 ployed were those recommended in "Standard Methods of Water \u;il\ sis." Detailed Features I. Morphology i. Vegetative cells. — Observations were made on 24 hour agar hanging block cultures and on hanging drop preparations from 16 to 24 hour agar slant condensation water. The cells ot all strains were motile rods of medium length with rounded ends, occurring typically in chains of two; less frequently singly, or in chains of four or eight. Measurements were made of what appeared to be individual cells, but in some cases the figures given may represent double organisms. The limits of size which were obtained are best shown in tabular form : TABLE 59. LIMITS OF SIZE ON HANGING BLOCK Maximum Minimum Strain Length Diameter Length Diameter Ps. alba. 5.0] nicrons 1.2 microns 1.7 microns 0.7 microns Ps. fluorescens, 3.3 it 0.9 a 2.3 a 0.6 tt CXII, 4.7 <( 1.0 a 2.0 it 0.6 tt CXV, 2.6 it 1.0 tt 1.0 *' 0.8 it CXL, 2.3 ti 0.9 a 1.0 ti 0.5 it CXLV, 4.0 it 0.7 a 1.5 it 0.6 a CXLVIII, 4.0 t t 0.6 tt 1.4 it 0.4 tt XXXVI, 2.3 tt 0.7 it 1.6 tt 0.G tt LI, 3.3 a 0.7 tt 1.7 tt 0.5 tt TABLE 60. LIMITS OF SIZE ON HANGING DROPS Maximum Minimum Strain Length Diameter Length Diameter Ps. alba. 2.5 microns 0.8 microns 1.25 microns 0.5 microns Ps. fluorescens, 3.0 a 0.8 it 1.18 tt 0.6 " Ps. longa, 2.2 tt 0.7 a 1.0 ct 0.6 " Ps. mesenterica, 1.6 tt 0.8 a 1.05 t( 0.6 " Ps. tenuis, 1.9 it 0.8 a 1.05 tt 0.5 " Ps. putrida, 1.1 tt 0.7 a 0.9 tt 0.5 " CXII, 1.5 tt 0.6 tt 0.9 ti 0.5 • " CXV, t.n it 0.9 it L.6 tt 0.5 " CXL, 2.3 tt 0.9 tt 1.0 tt 0.5 " CXLV. 3.0 tt 0.8 tt 0.9 tt 0.5 " CXLVIII, 3.8 tt 0.8 ti L.5 tt 0.5 " XXXVI, 1.5 it 0.7 tt 0.7 tt 0.5 " LI, 3.0 ti O.S a 1.2 tt 0.6 " 554 Bulletin 167 Measurements upon preparations from 24 hour agar slants stained two minutes with carbol fuchsin without heating yielded the following results. TAKI.K 61. LIMITS OF SIZE (>N STAINED PREPARATIONS Maximum Minimum Strain Length Diameter Length Diameter P.s. alba, 2.8 microns 0.7 microns 1.1 microns 0.4 microns Ps. fluoresceins, 2.1 tt 0.5 " LI a 0.4 t Ps. longa, 1.9 a 0.7 " 1.3 • > 0.5 1 P.s. mesenterica . 1.7 tt 0.7 it 0.9 tt 0.5 i Ps. tenuis, 2.5 it Q.8 a 1.7 tt 0.5 * Ps. putrida, 1.1 ft 0.7 it (1.9 " 0.5 1 CXI I, 2.2 u 0.G a 1.:' tt 0.5 1 CXV, 2.0 tt 0.8 > . 0.8 it 0.5 1 CXL. 1.4 a 1.0 tt 0.7 a 0.5 » CXLV. 3.2 it 0.7 " 1.0 it 0.5 * CXLVIII, 1M • ( 0.7 a 1.8 < . 0.6 * XXXVI, 1.8 a 0.G n 1.1 a 0.5 . LI, 1.5 ti 0.G u 1.1 i t 0.5 " Fliigge (6:292) states that B. fluorcscens liquefaciens i^ .3-. 5 microns in diameter and 1-2 microns in length. According to Mig'ula (21 :886) Ps. fluorcscens has the following dimen- sions: diameter .68 microns; length 1.17-1.86 microns: Chester (3:323) gives the following: 1-1.5 microns in length by .5 microns in diameter. Ellis (5:108) gives the length of the rods from 1.5-6 microns and the diameter .4 microns. Zimmermann (34:16) gives the following measurements for B. fluorcscens tenuis. Length 1-1.85 microns; thickness approximately .8 microns. 2. Endospores. — Xo indication of endospores was ob- served in any strain. The various spore stains which were tried failed to show anything further than polar bodies or granulation of rods. Zimmermann notes the presence of polar granules in B. fluorcscens tenuis (34:16). 3. Flagclla. — Flagella preparations were made only upon the sap bacteria. From 1 to 6 polar flagella were easily dem- onstrated upon each strain except CXV. (See Plate X. figures 5 and 6). Preparations were made from 16 to 24 hour agar Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 555 slants by means of Loerfler's method (with anilin gentian violet i or by Lowit's modification of the same. The arrangement of the flagella of the several strains was as follows. Strain CXII. — A polar tuft of 3 flagella at one end of a chain of two cells was typical. Occasionally tufts of 1 to 6 flagella occurred at both ends of double cells. Strain CXI'.— This strain had peritrichiate flagella. Tufts were common at each end of chains. Lateral flagella were com- mon on single cells (c. f. Plate X, figure 2). Strain CXL. — The flagella typically occurred in a polar tuft at one end of the double cells, frequently at both ends. Strain CXL]'. — Tufts of flagella were demonstrated on one end of double cells, and occasionally on both ends. Single or- ganisms usually had one polar flagellum. Strain CXLVIII. — Double cells commonly had 1 or 3 flagella at one end ; occasionally 1 at each end. Single cells with 2 polar flagella were not uncommon. Strain XXX]' I. — The double cells had 1, 3, or 6 polar flagella, most commonly a tuft of 3 ; occasionally the flagella occurred at both ends of the double cells. Strain LI. — Most commonly 2 flagella occurred at one end of the chains of two cells and 3 at the other, or 1 at one end and 1 to 6 at the other. Double cells with I to 6 flagella at one end were common. 4. Capsules. — Only the fluorescent sap bacteria were ex- amined for capsules. Such an envelope was demonstrated upon strains CXV and CXLV and upon strain XXXIII as previously noted (page 528). A suggestion of capsulation was noted on flagella preparations of strain CXLVIII, but the results with the contrast capsule stain were negative. Cultures of strain XXXVI (in 2% sucrose peptone solution were very stringy. Strain CXV. — Capsules were easily demonstrated upon preparations from 10 day broth cultures by either Welch's method or by Richard Muir's contrast stain (22:106). Fre- 556 Bulletin 167 quently 2 and sometimes as many as 5 cells occurred side by side in the same capsule, with flagella arising about the periph- ery of the envelope (c. f. Plate X, figure 3). Measurements obtained on the capsule preparations follow : Length of cell l.G microns 1.8 " 1.8 " Diameter of cell 0.53 microns 0.53 " 0.50 " Length of capsule 2.18 microns 2.50 " 2.80 " Diameter of capsule 1.57 microns 1.57 1.82 " Strain CXLV. — Material from 10 day broth cultures was stained by Richard Muir's method and capsulation demon- strated. Parallelism of cells within the capsules was absent with this strain. 5. Zoogloca. — Not observed. 6. Involution forms. — Unusually long cells were common in old cultures. 7. Staining reactions. Gram's stain. — Films from 4 day agar colonies of the 13 strains were stained as follows: (22:103). Treated with anilin gentian violet (22:101) i1/* minutes, washed in water; treated with Gram's solution iJ/2 minutes, and immersed in absolute alcohol 4 minutes. All of the fluores cent organisms were Gram negative (21 :888). All strains except Ps. alba showed some granular spots which failed to decolorize in 4 minutes. Strain CXV remained deeply stained even after 15 minutes in absolute alcohol. Gram's stain with amyl alcohol (29:108). — Films of strains CXII, CXV, and CXL were stained as above, but amyl alcohol was used 5 minutes for decolorizing. Strain CXII retained the stain faintly, some cells more than others, and a bi-polar effect was noticeable. With CXV the stain was irregularly retained, the cells having a granular appearance. Cells of strain CXL were only partially decolorized even after 15 minutes exposure to amyl alcohol. Micro-organisms of M \ n.i-: Sap 551 Aqueous fuchsia. — Aqueous fuchsin was prepared by dis- solving one gram of Griibler's fuchsin in jo cc. of water, films from 4 day agar colonies of the 13 strains were treated with this stain for two minutes and washed in water. The films were mounted in water and microscopic examinations made. The cells of Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. tenuis, CXV, CXL, and LI were deeply stained: while those of Ps. alba, Ps. mesen- teric^ Ps. putrida, CXII, CXLV, CXLV11I. and XXXV] were only faintly stained. The cells from all strains except CXV pre- sented a granular plasmolysed appearance and with strains Ps. tenuis and CXL a bi-polar staining was common. Aqueous gentian violet. — The stain was prepared by dis- solving 1 gram of Griibler's gentian violet in 10 cc. of water. Preparations from 4 day agar colonies were stained 2 minutes and washed in water. The cells of Ps. alba, Ps. longa, CXV, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, and LI were well stained, while those of Ps. fluorescens, Ps. tenuis, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. putrida, XXXVI, and CXII were rather faintly stained. Plasmolysis occurred with all strains but was particularly noticeable in the following: Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. tenuis, Ps. putrida, and CXII. Carbol fuchsin {Ziehl). — Films were prepared from 4 day agar colonies of all strains, stained two minutes with Ziehl's carbol fuchsin and rinsed with water. Strain CXV was the only organism in which the entire cell was stained. Cells of Ps. alba, Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. putrida were only faint- ly stained, while those of Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis, CXII, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, and LI were fairly well stained but showed a bi-polar effect. Chains of cells of the lat- ter two mentioned strains presented a barred appearance. II. Cultural Fkatukks 1. Agar stroke. — On agar stroke the thirteen strains dis- played similar growth characters, indeed 110 specific constant dif- ference can he pointed out. The line of inoculation first ap- 558 Bulletin 167 peared in 24 hours, as a faint white streak, rapidly becoming beaded above, moist, glistening and of slimy consistency. It had a white to light grayish color and often appeared nacreous in certain lights. The medium became more or less green fluorescent on the third day, the coloration gradually increas- ing in intensity. Strain CXV grew more slowly than the others and with doubtful fluorescence. 2. Potato slants. — Cylinders were cut from large tubers and divided so as to give a slant surface. These were washed for several hours in flowing tap water before they were placed in the tubes containing a few drops of distilled water. Sterili- zation was accomplished by the intermittent method. Upon this medium a moderate growth occurred with all strains. At first in about twenty-four hours a very delicate whitish accumulation could just be distinguished. This de- veloped slowly into a light brown, slimy, smooth, filiform, spreading band, later becoming thick and darker brown, some- times even chocolate brown in old cultures. Strain CXV was characterized frequently by a more or less corrugated to rhizoid, slimy growth, moist at first, later appearing rather dry. The medium was more or less grayed by all strains. Strong green- ing of the substratum was present with some strains but not constantly. This reaction was observed with the following strains; CXII, in 31 days: CXLV, CXLVIII, LI in 5 days; Ps. fluorescais in 3 days. 3. Loeftlcr's blood scrum. — This medium was not em- ployed. 4. Agar stab. — Specific differential characters were not found on this medium. The surface growth was moderate with all 13 strains, at first white, becoming more or less brown, round and entire to contoured with toothed edge. The punc- ture growth which was at first beaded to filiform became echin- ate to villous, the latter character being typical of old cultures. The best development occurred in the upper portion of the stab. The medium was at first blue-green fluorescent, becoming more Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 559 and more yellow-green. In the old cultures the agar had as- sumed a brownish to amber color. Fluorescence was not as strongly evidenced by some strains as by others. The strongly fluorescent strains were: Ps. fluorescens, CXLVIII, CXII, CXLV, Ps. mesenterica, CXL, Ps. tenuis and LI named ap- proximately in the order of their fluorescing powers. Ps. alba, Ps. longa, Ps. putrida, and XXXVI showed moderate fluores- cence. Strain CXY was at most doubtfully fluorescent. 5. Gelatin stab at 20° C. — Gelatin media were prepared with "Nelson's Photographic Gelatin No. 1," and a "Gold Label" gelatin. Sometimes 10 and sometimes \ 2' < were employed. Neither the percent of gelatin nor the brand was observed to have any significant effect on the cultural characters. ( )n gela- tin media there were two types among the 13 strains, a liquefying and a non-liquefying type, the latter including two very tardy Iiquefiers. However, a sharp division line between types does not exist. Liquefying type. — To this group belong Ps. fluorescens, Ps. mesenterica, CXII, CXV, CXLV, CXLVIII, and XXXVI. Ps. fluorescens. — In 18 hours a slight growth appeared as a filiform whitish line. Crateriform liquefaction began in two days gradually extending the shallow crater until the liquefaction assumed a stratiform type. The fluid was at first yellowish white and moderately turbid, the stab being filiform and finely villous above, beaded and finely villous below. A slight green fluo- rescence was apparent, but only in the liquid portions. The fluorescence in gelatin, -\-io Fuller's scale, was never as marked as in agar of the same reaction. The influence of the reaction upon fluorescence is apparent from the results of two series of gelatin cultures, one of which had an initial reaction of — 4.7 Ful- ler's scale and the other of — 12. The fluorescence appeared earlier and became noticeably more intense in the more alkaline medium, showing that a slightly alkaline gelatin is more favora- ble to the development of fluorescence than a neutral or acid one. This is in accord with the statements of Thumm (31) and Tor- 560 Bulletin 167 dan (14). During- the incubation the alkali was partly neu- tralized by the carbon dioxid absorbed from the air. The actual reaction at the time the notes were taken was determined by titrating control tubes with N/20 sodium hydroxid and phenol- phthalein. The medium originally reacting at — 4.7 Fuller's scale had an actual reaction of +2.4; that originally reacting at — 12.4 had an actual reaction of — 6.1. Fluorescence had not appeared in 26 days in the medium having an original reaction of — 4.7, but in the medium having an original reaction of — 12.4 fluorescence was as marked as in agar cultures. The actual reac- tion of the more alkaline medium at this time was -j-2.7 Fuller's scale. Liquefaction has proceeded farther in this medium than in the other, which now had a reaction of +4.4 Fuller's scale. Gelatin liquefaction proceeded slowly and was completed in 45 days, at which time the fluid was rather clear and of an olive green color. Considerable white flaky precipitate was thrown down as liquefaction proceeded and a scum usually appeared. There was a slight development in the line of puncture, liquefac- tion occasionally appearing as a tunnel or as beaded spots along the stab. Ps. mesenterial. — In 1 or 2 days the growth appeared as a white line, filiform above and beaded below. The colony was white with depressed center and irregularly dentate edge, occa- sionally round with entire edge. Crateriform liquefaction usually began in from 8 to 17 days, but was occasionally delayed until about a month had elapsed. The liquefaction gradually became stratiform and was practically completed in about 4 months. A somewhat more rapid liquefaction and stronger fluorescence oc- curred in alkaline gelatin ; however traces of green fluorescence could be detected occasionally in gelatin reacting +10 Fuller's scale. Strain CXIL — At the outset of these studies this organism hist began gelatin liquefaction in about 10 days : at their close, after an interval of two years, gelatin liquefaction constantly appeared in 24 hours. In one to two days the growth was a Micro-organisms Or' Maple Sap -''''I while filiform line which gradually became echinate to villous. Liquefaction proceeded from crateriform to stratiform and was completed in about one month. Fluorescence was rarely seen in -j-io gelatin but appeared in alkaline gelatin (compare with Ps. mesenterial and Ps. fluoresceins pages ^'?n, 560). An abundant white flak}- precipitate settled out as liquefaction proceeded. Growth in the puncture was transient, the line of inoculation re- maining about the same. Strain CXV. — Growth appeared in a few hours, the puncture being beaded, liquefaction becoming evident in [6 hours. The colony sank in a saucer-like depression, the liquefaction soon becoming stratiform, proceeding quite rapidly at first but grad- ually slowing down when nearly all the 7 cc. of medium had been liquefied. The line of puncture quite frequently showed con- siderable liquefaction. The fluid was slightly turbid but devel- oped neither yellow nor green color. A thin surface membrane developed and a moderate amount of white precipitate was thrown down. Liquefaction of the 7 cc. of medium was completed in about a month's time. Strain CXLV. — This organism at the beginning of the studies was one of the most rapid liquefiers, commencing liquefaction in 24 hours and completing it in 27 days : but in the course of 18 months' cultivation it has gradually lost its ability to liquefy gelatin reacting -f-10 Fuller's scale. Otherwise it does not differ essentially from strain CXII. In the studies with alkaline gela- tin media with original reactions of — 4.7 and — 12.4 Fuller's scale, this organism showed crateriform liquefaction in 26 days in the — 12.4 medium and none in the — 4.7 medium. At this time the — 12.4 medium had a reaction of -f-2.7 Fuller's* scale. It is thus evident that this organism retained the power to liquefy alkaline or very slightly acid gelatin, after it had practically lost it- ability to liquefy the ordinary gelatin. Fluorescence occurred only in the alkaline gelatin. Strain CXLVIII. — This organism resembled l's. fluorescens very closely on gelatin stab, but in old cultures it did not show 562 Bulletin 167 the olive green color noted with the latter organism. No other points of difference were observed. Si rain XXXVI. — This strain could not be distinguished from Ps. fluorescent or strain CXLVIII, except by a more feeble fluo- rescence on alkaline gelatin. Strain LI. — This organism also resembled Ps. fluorescens closely. It could be distinguished only by the fact that liquefac- tion was delayed, first appearing in about 50 days. LI is evi- dently a strain of Ps. fluoresceins, tending toward the variety iion- liqucfaciens. The non-liquefying type. — To this group belong the follow- ing organisms: Ps. putrida, Ps. alba, Ps. longa. Strains Ps. tenuis and CXL are classified here provisionally since liquefaction is long delayed. Cultures were held under observation for six months in a moist chamber at 180 to 200 C. Ps. putrida. — Growth was slow, becoming visible the fourth day ; the stab was filiform above and beaded below with a small white colony at the surface. At 12 days the colony was round and brownish, the surface being' somewhat contoured. At 20 days the colony had become chocolate brown at the center, and the edge showed spiny outgrowths. In from 20 to 40 days the medium showed a strong browning, beginning at the surface and progressing slowly downward. No liquefaction was observed in five months. At this time the colony was round, about 1 cm. in diameter, having a reddish-brown center and raised edge with rhizoid and spiny processes; the puncture was beaded and villous. Ps. alba and Ps. longa. — Cultures were similar to those of Ps. putrida, but no browning of the colony or of the medium was apparent. In 5 months the following characters were in evidence; colony, white, round with beaded to lacerate edge: puncture, beaded and widely villous in the upper portions; no liquefaction. Ps. tenuis. — Young cultures were not essentially different from those of Ps. alba and Ps. putrida. Some colonies were round and entire, while others were erose. The stab was filiform Micro-organisms of M ai'i.k Sap 563 to beaded, becoming villous later. Liquefaction constantly began after about 4 mouths and proceeded slowly, the fluid being thick and slimy. At this time the stab was a faint white filiform line, development in this portion of the culture having ceased. Ac cording to Migula's classification Ps. tenuis is a non-liquefier. ( 21 \(J\o). Strain CXL. — Cultures of this organism were like those of Ps. tenuis. Liquefaction constantly began after about 5 months' incubation. At this time the stab was either filiform and beaded. or filiform, beaded, and widely villous. As in the cultures of Ps. tenuis the liquid was quite thick and slimy. The purity of the culture and its identity with the original strain was proved. It is worthy of note that this organism, when held at 25 s C. pep- tonized milk only after three months' incubation. 6. Nutrient broth. — Upon this medium slight difference- were observed among the different strains. Moderate clouding appeared in 18 to 24 hours in all except CXV, which was rather tardy in showing growth in most liquid media. The medium rapidly became more or less turbid, forming a scum or pellicle which at intervals settled to the bottom of the tube as a white flaky to viscid precipitate. A rather tough membranous pellicle was produced by stain CXLY. More or less blue-green fluo- rescence was apparent in from 3 to 10 days, but was never strong in Ps. longa, Ps. tenuis. Ps. putrida or XXXVI, except in alkaline broth. Strain CXV produced only a trace of fluorescence. The other strains usually showed beautiful green fluorescence, but it was not constantly present. The blue-green rapidly became yellow-green and in old cultures the medium cleared and showed an amber yellow color. Cultures of CXV and CXI A often became quite stringy. Strain CXI'. — A slight to moderate clouding appeared in from 2 to 5 days, gradually increasing in intensity. Later the cultures developed a white surface membrane, the substratum becoming quite clear. An abundant white precipitate was thrown down. Old cultures became amber colored. 5fi4 Bulletin 167 7. Milk. — The medium consisted of fresh eentrifuged milk, titrated, filtered, and tubed, 10 ec. per tube. Sterilization was effected by the intermittent method. Acid production. — Triplicate titrations of cultures and con- trols were made after 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, and 46 days' incubation. Five cc. of cultures and controls respectively were pipetted into 45 cc. of distilled water in Erlenmeyer flasks, 0.5 cc. of 1-100 phenolphthalein added, the mixture boiled 2 minutes and titrated hot with N/20 sodium hydroxid. The averages of the three titrations of cultures were compared with the averages of those of the three control tubes, in order to obtain the percent of normal acid or alkali produced at each time. The results obtained were as follows : TABLE 62. ACID PRODUCTION IN MILK Strain 1 day 2 1 lays 4 days 10 days 20 days Acid Alk. Acic I Alk. Acid All Acid Alk. Acic [ Alk. Ps. alba, 0.02 0.15 0.54 0.89 0.93 Ps. ftuorescens, 0.07 0.13 l 3.46 1.76 3.77 Ps. Jonga, 0.22 0.50 0.62 1.10 1.14 Ps. mesent'a. 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.69 0.87 1.11 Ps. tenuis. 0.26 0.31 0.46 0.75 0.83 Ps. putrida, 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.29 0.04 CXII, 0.20 0.81 1.28 2.80 3.45 CXV, 0.03 0.05 1 3.13 0.54 1.20 CXL, 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.38 0.72 CXLV. 0.29 0.28 0.48 0.44 0.90 CXLVIII, u.m; 0.78 L.4G 2.42 3.70 XXXVI, 0.20 0.28 0.44 0.17 0.74 LI, 0.03 0.21 0.22 0.56 0.91 Strain 20 Acid. davs Alk. 46 Acid davs Alk. Ps. alba 1.15 1.20 Ps. fluorescens. 5.29 4.41 Ps. longa, 1.03 1.22 Ps. mesenterica, 1.19 1.22 Ps. tenuis. 0.99 0.72 Ps. put riila. 0.0c 0.29 CXII, 3.54 4. I'll CXV, 1.82 3.85 CXL, 0.62 0 -7 CXLV, 0.45 0.12 CXLVIII. 5.31 3.46 XXXVI, 0.72 2.20 LI, 0.57 1.22 Micro-organisms of M \ru Sap 565 There were _> types among the i,^ strains according to their action on milk. One type produced considerable acid and i agulated and digested the medium quite rapidly, a more or less greenish color being present. The coaguhun was of a more or less jelly-like consistency. The other type showed clearing with- out coagulation of the milk, the action being delayed and taking place very slowly. With certain strains digestion was not evi- dent until about the third month. To the first group belong the following strains: Ps. fluorescens, CXII, CXV, CXLVIII, and XXXVI; and to the second group belong: Ps. alba, Ps. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis. Ps. putrida, CXL, CXLV, and LI. Strains Ps. fluorescein, CXII, and CXLVIII of the first type, behaved similarly on milk. A more or less jelly-like co- agulation appeared in from 2 to 10 days coincident with acid production. The coagulum formed was rather slimy with the first organism named but with the others was quite firm. Diges- tion with more or less greenish discoloration of the peptonized portion was apparent in 4 days, becoming complete in from 18 to 30 days, the cultures at this time being relatively clear and closely resembling broth cultures of similar age. A deep green color appeared at the surface in these old cultures and upon agitation the whole medium became olive green. The coloration was more pronounced in Ps. fluorescens than in the other two. Luxwolda (18) states that B. fluorescens liquefaciens first coagulates milk with a lab ferment and then peptonizes it. Strain XXXVI differed from the three preceding organisms in that only a trace of green color was present. Coagulation with this strain was always of jelly-like consistency. Strain CXV showed clearing without coagulation until about the eighteenth day when a firm coagulum appeared coincident with acid production. Digestion continued and was completed in from 30 to 104 days. The medium never appeared green but was more or less straw colored throughout. With the eight strains of the second type the medium re- mained practically unchanged in appearance from ro to 85 days, 566 Bulletin 167 the only change which could be noted being- its scarcely percep- tible browning or greening. Clearing without coagulation oc- curred sooner or later with all strains, and was complete in from 1 in 5 months' time. Cultures of strain CXL, in particular could not be distinguished from the control tubes until about 3 months after inoculation, when clearing without coagulation began to be apparent. This reaction was completed in from 4 to 5 months. Repeated trials with recovery of the organism showed that this clearing of the medium was not due to contamination. (Compare action of this organism on milk with its action on gelatin j. The only evidence of growth with strains Ps. longa, Ps. mesenterica, and Ps. putrida until after a month had elapsed, was a scarcely perceptible browning of the medium and a thin scum. 8. Litmus milk. — To freshly centrifuged milk with a reac- tion of -(-to to -(-12 Fuller's scale was added 2% of a saturated aqueous solution of Merck's chemically pure blue litmus ; the medium was then filtered, tubed and sterilized by the intermittent method. When ready for use the milk had a rich lavender color. On this medium all strains developed an alkaline reaction. which, when digestion commenced, was succeeded by one of an acid character. The groups already referred to on gelatin and milk were likewise differentiated here. The first group, rapid liquefiers and rapid digesters, showed an alkaline reaction at the outset which soon gave place to an acid reaction when digestion commenced. As digestion pro- ceeded, a purple to a reddish coloration advanced into the sub- stratum, the latter becoming first blue, then purple and red, finally bleaching to a straw or amber color when digestion was complete. The surface layers were more or less greenish, espe- cially with Ps. fluorescens, CXII, CXLVIII. Upon agitation of the tubes when digestion was completed, the medium became olive green throughout. To this first group belong Ps. fluores- cens, CXII, CXV, CXLVITT, and XXXVI. Ps. mesenterica on this medium reacts more like the second group. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 567 The second group, non-liquefiers, (and very tardy liqui and digesters), comprises the following strains: /'.v. alba, Ps. longa, Ps. putrida, Ps. tenuis. CXL, U and Ps. mesenterial. Alkalinity was apparent the second day. except with Ps. putrida; it first manifested this reaction on the tenth day. Alkalinity grad ually increased at first in cultures of this group, and after some time acidity developed simultaneously with digestion. After several months, when digestion was nearly complete, cultures ol all strains except CXL and Ps. putrida were colored purple throughout, without perceptible clearing. Cultures of CXLwi pink throughout, but otherwise resembled Ps. putrida. The action of all [3 strains on litmus milk was essentially the same; first, alkali production, then acid production accom- panied by digestion. 9. Gelatin colonics. — The colony of strain CXL VII] is de- scribed as the type of the rapidly liquefying group. Macroscopically ; at first punctiform to round, yellowish, raised, smooth, glistening, and entire, soon liquefying and sink- ing in saucer-like depressions, the fluid showing slight green fluorescence. Microscopically; round, entire, convex, brownish, center dark and surrounded by a thinner zone (liquid). In- ternally granular to grumose with spiny processes about the edge. The filaments were variously oriented, being more loosely inter- twined at the vd^v where they extended out into the liquid por- tion. The colonies soon disintegrated, becoming floccose or grumose masses in the liquefied gelatin. (See I'latc XII-XR I. Ps. fluorescens and strains CXI I and CXI A' could not he distinguished specifically from CXIA 111. Strain CXV. — This strain closely resembles the type. Radiate filaments were frequently present, often being almost perfectly symmetrical, the ends of the filaments forming the bordering fringe of the colonies. Liquefaction was very rapid. Strain XXXVI. — At first round, entire, yellowish brown, finely granular discs, sometimes with an irregular cracked appear- ance. Some were undulately zoned and the surface irregularly •>,;> Bulletin 167 marked with curved lines. The internal structure became grumose, to broken and fimbriate. A slow and somewhat delayed liquefaction began as a finely granular outer zone, the appear- ance thereafter conforming to the type, CXLVIII. Ps. alba is described as the type of the non-liquefying and tardy liquefying group. Microscopically ; punctiform, raised, smooth, yellowish. Microscopically: roundish, entire to broken. yellow-brown, somewhat gray towards the edge. Internally grumose to fluccose. Ps. putrida; slower growth than Ps. alba: macroscopically like the latter. Microscopically; round, entire, brownish, granular. The surface was slightly ridged and fur- rowed giving a shadowy appearance to the colony. Later the colonies became grumose to broken and were dark brown in color Ps. tenuis. — Macroscopically; like Ps. alba. Microscopic- ally; roundish, granular to grumose or floccose, becoming spiny or fimbriate. Strain CXL. — Macroscopically; like Ps. alba. Microscopic- ally; much like the type, being round, convex, entire, yellowish- brown, and granular toward the center, the edge being thicker and somewhat grayish. Others were yellow-brown throughout: larger ones were often roundish with undulate edge. Young colonies were perfectly round, finely granular, brownish discs, with sharply defined edge. Strain LI. — Macroscopically ; like Ps. alba. Microsa >pically : round, entire, yellow-brown, finely granular, concentrically banded or zoned. The edge was comparativclv thin. Ps. longa, and Ps. mesenterica. — Macroscopically; like Ps. alba. Microscopically; round, brownish discs, somewhat zoned: internally granular becoming nucleated at the center; the per- iphery was thinner, coarsely granular, and zoned with granular edge. A thin bordering zone showed coiled or curled surface markings. The colonies of the two strains at first were alike, but in 4 days slow liquefaction began in those of Ps. mesenterica. 10. Agar colonics. — Ps. alba. Growth rapid. Colonies were at first round to irregular, smooth, edge thin and entire. M [Cro i irg \\ i-Ms of M \ri.i: S \i' 569 Microscopically; edge thin, undulate, finely granular (motile or ganism) ; grumose inwards center. Deep colonies yellov* brown and grumose or coarsely granular. Later, macroscopically, the colonies were undulate spreading; microscopically, brown and grumose, the edge ragged, consisting of chains of organisms extending into the medium. Spreading colonies were numerous. (See Plates XV and XVI). Ps. fluoresceins. — Colonies at first punctiform becoming round, irregular and ameboid, characteristically surrounded by a hazy, ill defined, outer zone. Spiny, filamentous processes often frinsred the colonies. The internal structure was at first finely granular, becoming coarsely granular to grumose at the center with a finely granular outer zone. Curled, interwoven filamenl were frequently seen in the interior. Medium strongly fluorescent. Ps. longa. — Macroscopically ; punctiform, round, becoming irregular or ameboid, spreading, raised and smooth; edge at first entire, later more or less undulate. Microscopically; thin and finely granular, the edge entire to undulate. The internal struc- ture varied from finely to coarsely granular to grumose, floco i or curled. Ps. mesenterial. — The colonies of this strain could not be distinguished from those of Ps. longa except that they were fre- quently thinner and more widely spreading. Ps. tenuis. — Punctiform becoming round or irregular. Microscopically; finely to coarsely granular with edge entire to broken and irregular, brownish and usually surrounded by a thin transparent granular zone. Ps. putrida. — Punctiform to round and irregular, edge entire to broken. Colonies raised, convex, smooth to slightly con voluted. Microscopically; thin, finely granular to grumose, and showing concentric zones with radiate to irregular surface mark- ings; the edge often becoming slightly undulate. Strain CXII. — Colonies were round to ameboid and fre- quently thin and spreading. Surface smooth, sometimes concen trically ringed; usually raised, frequently becoming effuse to 57o Bulletin 167 hyaline. The edge varied from entire to undulate, frequently thin and spreading. Internal structure, finely to coarsely granular to grumose, often filamentous or tioccose ; commonly nucleated. Medium strongly fluorescent. Strain CXV. — Punctiform to round and irregular, typically becoming ameboid spreading, frequently nucleated, somewhat raised to convex, becoming effuse or hyalin. The ti\ge was en- tire to undulate or broken. Buried colonies irregular with spiny processes. Medium not fluorescent. Strain CXL. — Round to irregular, raised, smooth, entire to broadly undulate, sometimes broken. Microscopically; finely to coarsely granular, grumose towards the center and commonly showing irregular lines, being more or less floccose or curled. Strain CXLV. — Round, raised to convex, smooth with the edge entire to curled. Microscopically; finely to coarsely gran- ular, becoming grumose ; frequently floccose or curled. Strain CXLJ'III. — Macroscopically ; round, smooth, raised. with edge thin, entire to undulate. Microscopically; finely to coarsely granular or grumose, filamentous and curled to floccose. Medium strongly fluorescent. Strain XXX I 'I. — Macroscopically; round, smooth, raised, entire to thin and undulate, frequently becoming effuse. Micro- scopically ; finely to coarsely granular, grumose, filamentous and curled to floccose; sometimes the interwoven chains of cells sug- gested an anthrax colony. Colonies were often surrounded by a thin transparent zone with an undulate edge. Strain LI. — Macroscopically; round, irregular to ameboid, smooth, raised with edge entire to undulate. Microscopically; nucleated, finely to coarsely granular, becoming grumose towards the center. 11. Cohn's nutrient solution (27:197). — This medium was prepared as follows : Distilled water 1000. CC. Di-potassium phosphate 5. gr. Magnesium sulphate 5. Neutral ammonium tail rale 10. Potassium chlorid 0.5 Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 571 Jt was heated to dissolve the salts, filtered and autoclaved. Growth upon this medium occurred only with Ps. alba, Ps. longa, and strain LI (also strain LIV identical with strain LI. c. E. page 550). After 20 days, transfers of those failing to develop were made to broth and good typical growth resulted. The develop ment of the three strains upon this medium was accompanied by more or less blue-green to yellow-green fluorescence. Multiple twinned crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate formed at the surface, which upon attaining sufficient size (about 1 cm. in length), sank to the bottom where they were imbedded in a viscid sediment. The medium was varied by substituting mono-potassium phosphate for di-potassium phosphate without significant effect upon the development. The character of the growth was the same upon half strength Cohn's solution. Cultures developed a moderate clouding with white flaky particles in suspension and a white, membranous pellicle hear- ing crystals on the surface. More or less blue-green fluores- cence appeared in the upper portions of the medium. Strain IJ (LIV) and Ps. longa developed somewhat more slowly than Ps. alba and often showed a scum rather than a membranous pellicle. Typically twinned crystals were constantly associated with development. Similar crystals were artificially formed by ex- posing sterile tubes of Cohn's solution in a sealed jar with very dilute ammonia. Liter flasks of Cohn's solution were inoculated with strains LI and LIV and a sufficient quantity of the crystals obtained for chemical analysis. The results showed that they were magnesium ammonium phosphate due to the ammonia pro- duced by the bacteria. 12. Uschinsky solution (27:197). — The media were pre- pared as follows : Distilled water 1 000. <•<•. Glycerin (Merck's Blue Label) 40. gr. Sodium chlorid ' • Calcium chlorid 1- Magnesium sulphate 0.4 Di-potassium phosphate - 1 Ammonium lactate 7. Sodium asparaginase 4. 572 Bulletin 167 This was filtered and divided into two portions, one of which was used full strength and the other diluted with an equal volume of water. They were autoclaved, and inoculated at the same time from the same stock cultures. The results attained are summarized in the following- table : TABLE 63. USCHINSKY SOLUTION Normal solution Diluted solution Strain Fluo- Fluo- Growtli Time rescence Time Growth Time rescence Time Ps. alba, + 2d. + 2d. + Id. + Id. Ps. fluorescens, + 2d. + 2d. + 2d. + 2d. Ps. longa, + 2d. -+- 2d. + Id. — 10 d. Ps. mesenterica, + 2d. + 2d. + Id. + Id. Ps. tenuis. + 2d. ±2 2 (1. + 2d. + 2d. Ps. putrida, — 10 d. — 10 d. — CXI I, + 2d. + 2d. + Id. + Id. CXV, — 10 d. — 10 d. — CXL, + 2d. 10 d. + Id. + Id. CXLV, + 2d. + 2d. + Id. + Id. CXLVIII, + 2d. + 2d. + Id. + Id. XXXVI, + 2d. + Id. + Id. LI, + 10 d. + 10 d. + Id. + I'd. Modified Uschinsky solution was also prepared as follows : Distilled water 1000. cc. Glycerin (Merck's Blue Label) 30. gr. Sodium chlorid 6. " Calcium chlorid 0.1 " Magnesium sulphate (tested purity) 0.4 " Di-potassium phosphate 2. " Ammonium lactate 6. " Sodium asparaginate 4. " This was filtered and divided into two portions, one of which was used full strength, wrhile the other was diluted with an equal \<>lume of water. Yet another solution was prepared leaving out the ammonium lactate. This was likewise divided into two portions, one being used at full concentration, the other at half concentration. The four media were inoculated at the same time from the same cultures. Micro-organisms of M.\n.r, Sai? The results are tabulated as follows: TABLE G4. MODIFIED I S< KINSKY SOLI TION Uschinsky Half strength Uschinsky Strain Fluo- Fluo- Growth Time rescence Growth Time rescence Ps. alba. + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. fluorescens, + 2d. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. Tonga, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. — Ps. mesenterica, + 2d. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. tenuis, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. putrida, — 16 d. — — 14 d. — CXII, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + CXV, 16 d. — — 14 d. — CXL, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + CXLV, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + CXLVII1, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + XXXVI, + 2d. + + 20 hrs. — LI, + 2d. + + 20 hrs. + Uschinsky, no lactate Half strength, no lactate Ps. alba, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. fluorescens, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. longa. + 20 hrs. — + 20 hrs. + Ps. mesenterica, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + Ps. tenuis. + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. 4- Ps. putrida, — 14 d. — — 14 d. — CXII, + 20 hrs. + + 20 hrs. + CXV, — *14 d. — + l14d. — CXL,, + 20 hrs. + + 14 d. + CXLV, + 20 hrs. + + 14 d. + cxlviii, + 20 hrs. + + 14 d. + XXXVI, + 20 hrs. — + 14 d. + LI, + 20 hrs. + + 14 d. + 1 Trace 14 days. The development of Ps. fluorescens, Ps. mesenterica. XXXVI, and LI was more rapid but less persistent on the di- luted media than on the full concentrations. All strains except Ps. longa, Ps. putrida, and CXV developed well with surface membrane and fluorescence. Ps. longa grew well but without fluorescence; no growth occurred with Ps. putrida or CXV. Transfers from tubes of these latter strain- to nutrient broth developed typically, showing that the lack of growth on the Uschinsky solutions was not due to a failure to inoculate. 574 Bulletin i6y 13. Nitrogen. — A nitrogen free medium was made as fol- lows (27:198) : Water 500. cc. Cane sugar 2.5 gr. Mono-potassium phosphate 1. Magnesium sulphate 0.5 Sodium chlorid 0.2 This was heated until dissolved, and divided into two equal portions. To one was added 2 grams of ammonium tartrate, to the other 2 grams of Bausch and Lomb's peptone. The results upon these media are tabulated as follows : TABLE 65. NITROGEN REQUIREMENTS Tartrate solution Peptone solution Strain Growth Time Growth Time /•.v. alba, + ' ,L Ps. fluorescens, + Id. Id. Ps. longa, — + 1 d. Ps. mesenterica, + Id. Id. Ps. tenuis. + Id. Id. Ps. jmtrida: + 1 d. 3 d. CXII, + 3d. + Id. CXV, + 3 <1. + 1 d. CXL, + 3d. + Id. CXLV, + Ld. + Id. CXLVIII, + 3 d. 1 d. XXXVI, + Id. + 1 d. LI, + Id. + Id. 1 Ps. putrida showed the hest growth of any at three days, with beautiful green fluorescence. In order further to test the nitrogen requirements, the Fol- lowing medium was made, considerable care being taken to make it nitrogen free. Twice distilled water 3000. cc. Sucrose 15. gr. Mono-potassium phosphate (tested purity, no nitrogen ) 6. Magnesium sulphate (tested purity, no nitro- gen) 0.3 Sodium chlorid (tested purity) 1.5 After being thoroughly mixed this solution was divided into ten equal portions. One of these was reserved for a control, to another was added 2'/, of peptone, while to each of the other eight portions was added respectively o.S'r of the following Micro-organisms of Maple; Sap .. , .1 chemicals: asparagin, sodium asparaginate, urea, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, ammonium lactate, ammonium phosphate, ammonium tartrate. The ten media were inoculated at the same time from the same cultures. TABLE G6. NITROGEN REQUIREMENTS Strain Ps. alba. Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. mrsent erica. Ps. tenuis Ps. putrida, CXII, CXV, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, LI, Ps. alba. Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis. Ps. putrida, CXII, CXV, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, LI, Aspar- agin G. F. + + + + + + Sodium aspara- ginate G. F. + + + + + Urea G. F. + Potassium Peptone nitrate + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + G. + + + + + + + + + + + + + F. G. F. + + + + + + + + + + Calcium nitrate G. F. Ammo- nium lactate G. + + + + + + F. + + + Ammo- nium phosphate C. F. Ammo- nium tart rate G. F. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Note.— G., growth; F., fluorescence; +, observed; — , not observed. Observations upon these media were continued for over a month. Peptone was the only source of nitrogen used by all strains. Except with strain CXV, good growth was apparent in 24 hours; the latter showed good growth in 3 days. All strains, except Ps. putrida and CXV, were able to utilize asparagin and 576 Bulletin 167 sodium asparaginate. Upon ammonium lactate the results were practically the same; however, with Ps. longa and LI, growth was somewhat delayed. Ps. alba, Ps. longa, Ps. mcsenterica, Ps. tenuis, XXXVI, and LI, used ammonium tartrate as a source of nitrogen. Upon the ammonium phosphate medium Ps. mcsen- terica, Ps. tenuis, and XXXVI, developed. With potassium nitrate, strain CXII showed a delayed growth. Xone of the strains developed on the calcium nitrate medium. Ps. mcsen- terica was the only strain which developed upon the medium con- taining urea. III. Physical and Biochemical Features. For the purpose of determining acid production triplicate titrations of cultures and controls were made after 1, 2, 4, 10, and 20 day incubation periods. Five cc. of the medium were pipetted into 45 cc. of distilled water in Erlenmeyer flasks, boiled two minutes and titrated hot with N/20 sodium hydroxid against phenolphthalein. 1. Sugar free medium. — Control titrations were made upon a sugar free medium prepared as follows : 1% of Bausch & Lomb's peptone was added to distilled water and steamed in a double cooker about 50 minutes, tubed 10 cc. per tube, and autoclaved. A small amount of acid was produced on this sugar free medium by strains Ps. putrida, CXII, CXV, CXLVIII. Previous to boil- ing the acid was masked by ammonia. The figures in the table indicate the percent of normal acid or alkali produced. Plate XV. — Types of agar colonies. Figure 1. Ps. alba (two day old colony showing anthrax-like strands). Figure 2. Ps. strain CXLVIII (two day old colony). (See pages 568-570.) ' Plate XVI. — Types of agar colonies. Ps. fluoresceins var. non-liquifa- ■ iens, strain CXL; two day old colonies, showing grnmose struc- ture. (See pages 568-570.) X 40. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap --.77 TAItLE 67. PERCENT NORMAL A.CID OH ALKALI PRODUCED IN SIOAR FREE MEDIUM 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 ( lays Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Ps, alba, 0.09 0.21 0.14 0.36 0.24 Ps. jiuurescens, 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.02 Ps. Tonga, 0.09 0.15 0.10 0.29 0.27 Ps. mesenter ica, 0.1G 0.14 0.20 0.31 0.28 Ps. tenuis. 0.12 0.10 0.18 0.25 0.24 Ps. patrida, 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.09 0.53 CXI I, 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.14 0.22 CXV, 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.34 CXL, 0.0G 0.12 0.06 0.29 0.23 CXLV, 0.05 0.10 0.18 0.34 0.19 CXLVIII, 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.16 0.47 XXXVI, 0.06 0.07 0.18 0.24 0.28 LI, 0.02 0.07 0.10 0.25 0.20 2. Sugar media. — To i% peptone solutions identical with the control, 2% of dextrose, lactose, sucrose, and glycerin respec- tively were added. The several media were treated like the control except that they were sterilized by the intermittent method. Analytical results obtained with these four media are shown in tabular form. In general, previous to boiling, the acid produced was masked by the ammonia formed. TABLE 68. PERCENT NORMAL ACID OR ALKALI PRODUCED ON DEXTROSE PEPTONE 1 day 2 days 4 i lays 10 days 20 days Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid 1 Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Ps. alba, 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.11 Ps. fluor., 0.03 0.15 0.14 0.08 0.09 Ps. longa, 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 Ps. mes., 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.29 0.36 Ps. tenuis, 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.31 0.67 Ps. putrida, 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 CXI I, 0.21 0.30 0.35 0.38 0.49 CXV, 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 CXL, 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.25 0.28 CXLV, 0.05 0.08 0.24 0.07 0.16 CXLVIII, 0.05 0.16 0.30 0.44 0.52 XXXVI, 0.11 0.07 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LI, 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 578 Bt'I.T.KTIX 167 PERCENT NORMAL ACID OR ALKALI PRODUCED ON LACTOSE PEPTONE 1 day 2 days *> O days 10 days 20 1 lays Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Ps. alba. 0.10 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.15 Ps. Jiuor.. 0.1G 0.24 0.20 0.04 0.19 Ps. longa, 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.14 0.20 0.17 Ps. mes., 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.21 0.22 Ps. tenuis, 0.06 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.15 Ps. putrida, 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.46 CXII, 0.08 0.0G 0.11 0.25 0.41 CXV, 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.36 CXL, 0.08 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.09 CXLV, 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.2] 0.15 CXLVIII. 0.02 0.02 0.15 0.41 0.93 XXXVI. 0.10 0.13 0.09 0.09 0.04 LI, 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.01 PERCENT NORMAL ACID OR ALKALI PRODUCED ON SUCROSE PEPTONE 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 days Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Ps. alba, 0.03 0.19 0.12 0.15 0.25 Ps. jiuor.. 0.05 0.05 0.16 0.09 0.08 Ps. longa, 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.17 Ps. mes., 0.03 II. IIS 0.12 0.14 (1.17 Ps. tenuis. 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.15 Ps putrida, 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.35 0.11 CXII. 0.0G 0.20 0.24 0.65 0.56 CXV, 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.10 CXL. 0.01 0.03 0.09 0.11 0.17 CXLV, 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.14 0.16 CXLVIII, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.58 0.60 XXXVI. 0.03 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.01 LI, 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.09 0.14 PERCENT NORMAL A< 111 oi: ALKALI PRODUCED OX GLTCERIN PEPTONE 1 day 2 days 4 days 10 days 20 (lays Strain Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Acid Alk. Ps. alba, 0.12 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.19 Ps. fluorescens, 0.07 0.13 0.06 0.08 0.36 Ps. longa. 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.28 0.22 Ps. mesenterica, 0.07 0.15 0.17 0.24 0.05 Ps. tenuis. 0.01 0.12 0.16 0.13 0.11 Ps. putrida, 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.22 0.71 CXII. 0.10 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.26 CXV, II. (Ml 11. nil 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.20 CXL, 0.04 0.17 0.19 0.16 CXLV. 0.11 0.16 0.12 0.2G 0.16 CXLVIII. 0.03 0.13 0.69 0.87 XXXVI, 0.04 11.14 0.02 0.13 0.29 LI, 0.05 0.1 1 0.08 0.22 0.1 1 M [CRO-ORGANISMS OF MAPLE SAP 3. . Iction on nitrates in nitrate broth. — Medium : Water 1 ■ cc. Peptone ( Witte's) L. gr. Potassium nitrate, c. p -• The cultures were tested for nitrites by the iodo-starch reaction as follows [i~ :<>$). A starch paste was made by boiling a 4' ', aqueous mixture of potato starch; to the 10 cc. of culture ! cc. of the starch paste and 1 cc. of freshly prepared potasium iodid water (0.4' < 1 were added, followed by three drops of sulphuric acid (2 parts c. p. sulphuric acid to 1 part water). One series of cultures and controls was tested upon the second, fifth, and ninth da) s. A diphenylamine reagent was prepared as follow- (32:340) : 5 grams of diphenylamine were dissolved in 100 cc. of pure con- centrated sulphuric acid and added to 20 cc. of water, hi case of negative nitrite tests with the iodo-starch reaction, a few drops of diphenylamine reagent were poured down the side of the tube in such a manner as to form 2 layers. A blue contact zone in- dicated the presence of nitrates. When a positive nitrite reaction was observed the nitrate test was performed with another cul- ture. Second day. — A positive nitrite reaction (immediate black- ening) was given by Ps. mesenteriea, XXXVI, and Id. Nitrates were present in all by the diphenylamine reaction. Ammonia was indicated in all except CXV by Nessler's reagent. Fifth day. — An immediate reaction for nitrites was given b) Ps. mesenteriea. XXXVI, and LI. Nitrates and ammonia were indicated in all. Ninth day. — Immediate positive reaction for nitrites occurred in cultures of Ps. mesenteriea. XXXVI, and LI and Ps. fluo- rescens showed traces. Nitrates were indicated in all. A posi- tive reaction for ammonia was obtained from all culture-, espe- cially strong in Ps. putrida and CXLVIII. A nitrate medium in which tap water was substituted for distilled water was employed in fermentation tube-. The tests were conducted as before, about 10 cc. of the medium being poured into clean test tubes, for this purpose. 580 Bulletin 167 Sixth day. — Immediate nitrite reaction occurred in the fol- lowing: Ps. mcscnterica, XXXVI, LI and a trace in Ps. fluo- resceins, while nitrates were found in all. No gas was observed. A test for nitrites was also made by the naphthlamine-sulphanilic acid reagent. A positive reaction was obtained with Ps. mesetv- terica, XXXVI, LI, and Ps. fluorcsccns. In the latter the color was not as deep as in the others. Eleventh day. — Only slight clouding in the open arm was observed ; no gas was produced. A positive nitrite reaction was obtained with Ps. fluorcsccns, Ps. mcscnterica, XXXVI, and LI. Nitrates and ammonia were present in all by the diphenylamine and Nessler's reagents respectively. A strong reaction with Nessler's reagent was given by Ps. putrida, Ps. fluorcsccns, CXII, and CXLVIII. 4. Indol. — The tests for indol on nutrient broth and on Dunham's peptone solution were made by adding 10 drops of chemically pure sulphuric acid and 1 cc. of .02% sodium nitrite to 10 cc. of culture. The tubes were allowed to stand 10 minutes and then heated. Strains Ps. alba and CXL gave a trace of a reaction in 10 minutes without heating. The results on nutrient broth are given in table 69 and those on Dunham's peptone solution in table 70. A positive result is indicated by +, a negative by — , and a trace by ±. TABLE G9. IXDOL PRODUCTION IX NUTRIENT BROTH. Strain 10 13 18 20 22 24 26 30 30 30 37 40 40 40 60 (1. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. /'.v. alba, + + + + + — + ± + — ±± + + Ps. fluor.. — — — — — — — — — — — ± — — — Ps. longa, ■ — — ■ — ± — — ± ± ± ± — — — — + Ps. vies., — — — ■ — — — — — — — ■ — — ■ — ± Ps. tenuis. — — — — — — — — — ■ — — — ± Ps. putrida, — — — — — — — ■ — — ■ — — — — — — CXII, _______ — — _ — ± CXV, ____ — _______ — _ — CXL, + + + + + + + + + + ± + + + + CXLV, ___ — _ — — ± CXLVIII, — ± XXXVI, — ± — — ± — — LI, — — — — — ±±±±± — ± Micro-organisms oi? Maple Sap 58] TABLE 70. lM'ol. PRODUCTION IN DUNHAM'S PEPTONE Strain. 2 days G days 11 days 26 d Ps. alba, ± + Ps. fluoresce us. ± Ps. longa, — — ± Ps. mesenterica, — — Ps. tenuis, — — • Ps. putrida, — — — — CXII, CXV, ± ± CXL, + + CXLV, CXLVIII, t XXXVI, LI, — • — — 5. Toleration of acids and alkalies. — Three liters of nutrient broth were prepared in the usual way and divided into 13 por- tions. These separate lots were adjusted, by titrating hot against phenolphthalein with N/20 sodium hydroxid and N/20 hydro- chloric acid, to the following reactions: — 37-5; — 30.0; — 23.8: — 13.5;— 11. o;— 7.3:0.0; +8.8; +14.6; +25.0; +34.0 Fuller's scale. Since alkaline media rapidly change in reaction owing to carbon dioxid absorption, control tubes of the several . media were subjected to the same conditions as the cultures and their reactions determined after 1 and 3 days. Table 71 indicates the results secured upon these alkali and acid media after 24 hours' incubation. The original reactions of the several media and, also, the reactions after 24 hours are given at the top of the table. Table 72 indicates the reactions of the media and the growth of the organisms after a 3 days' incubation. 582 r.ii.i.KTix i < AND ALKALI MEDIA AFTEB 3 DAYS Reaction after Strain Ps Ps Ps Ps. Ps Ps alba, fluorescens, longa, mesenterica, tenuis. putrida, CXI I, cxv, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, LI, +3.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + +0.4 + + + + + + + + + + days. t ( Fuller's scale) —2.2 —3.3 —10.0 + - 1 l.C + + Strain Ps. nlbit. Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa. Ps. mesenterica. Ps. tenuis. Ps. putrida. CXII, CXV, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII. XXXVI, LI, Reaction after :! days. (Fuller's scale) —20.0 +10.9 + + + + + + + + + + + + 13.5 + 24.1 + + + + + — + + + — + — + + + — + — + + + + + + + — • 34.G +, growth; — , no growth; ±, doubtful growth. 6. Optimum reaction for grozi'th in bouillon. — In connec- tion with the experiments on the toleration of sodium hydroxid and hydrochloric acid, observations were made after a day's in- cuhation as to the optimum reaction for growth. The best growth with all strains was found to occur in a very slightly acid medium. The figures given in table y$ represent the original reaction of the media in which growth occurred in 24 hours ( c. f. page 582 for actual reactions). The reactions at which the best growth occurred are shown in black face. 584 Bulletin 167 TABLE 73. OPTIMUM REACTION Strain Ps. alba, Ps. fluorescens, — 7.3 Ps. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis, Ps. putrida, — 11.0 — 7.3 CXII, CXV,1 CXL, CXLV, — 7.32 CXLVIII, XXXVI, LI, Reactions 0.0 +8.8 + 14.(5 0.0 +8.S +14.6 0.0 +8.8 +14.0 0.0 +8.8 +14.(1 0.0 +8.8 +14.(5 0.0 +8.8 +14.(5 0.0 +8.8 +14.(5 0.0 + 8.8 0.0 +8.8 +14.G 0.0 +8.8 +14.(5 0.0 +8.8 +14.(5 0.0 +8.8 + 14.(5 1 No growth at 24 hours. 8 Trace of growth. 7. Vitality on culture media. — Long vitality on culture media was characteristic. Five month agar cultures completely dried down, developed promptly with fluorescence when trans- ferred to nutrient broth. 8. Temperature relations; thermal death point. — Thin walled tubes of uniform thickness with an inside diameter of 15 to 17 ram. were chosen for the determinations of the thermal death point. Seven cc. of bouillon, -f-10 Fuller's scale, were employed in each case. The inoculations were made from young broth cultures, care being taken not to wet the tube above the surface of the medium. In the preliminary determinations the tubes were deeply submerged in the thermal bath for 10 minutes at the following temperatures: 44.5, 47.7, 54.5, 58.4, 61. 30 C. After exposure the tubes were incubated at 25 ° C. In this way the thermal death point for all strains was roughly fixed between 47.7 and 54.40 C. None grew after exposure at 54.5 ° C. In subsequent trials the temperature of the bath was varied so as to determine the death point more closely. A very large Micro-organisms of" Maple Sap 585 number of tests were made in an effort to fix the exact death point accurately, but the experiments indicate clearly that the death point of these organisms under the conditions" employed, is not constant within at least 0.5 ° C. The final conclusions are recorded in the table below : TABLE 74. THERMAL DEATH POIN r Strain °C. °C. Ps. alba, between 53.5 and 53.9 Ps. fluorescens, a 53.1 ' ' 53.5 Ps. putrida, u 53.5 ' 1 53.9 Ps. longa, CI 51.1 ' * 51.5 CXL, II 51.5 ' ' 51.8 CXLVIII, tt 51.5 ' ' 52.9 CXLV, (t 50.2 ' ' 50.5 CXII, it 50.2 ' ' 51.5 CXV, it 50.2 ' ' 50.5 XXXVI, It 50.2 ' ' 50.5 Ps. mesenterica, it 49.3 ' ' 50.2 LI, 1" 49.1 ' ' 49.3 Ps. tenuis, It 48.3 ' ' 49.1 Optimum temperature. — -The best growth with all strains oc- curred at approximately 25 ° C. Maximum temperature. — At 36.7 to 35 ° C. only Ps. fluores- cens and Ps. putrida developed in 24 hours. At 33.4 to 30.80 in the same length of time Ps. alba. Ps. fluorescens. Pr. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. putrida, CXII, and CXL, showed growth. At 31.2 to 28.50 Ps. albo, Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. mesen- terica, Ps. tenuis, Ps. putrida, CXII. CXL, and LI developed. The experiments indicated that all strains could grow at tem- peratures up to 330 C. Only I's. fluorescens, Ps. putrida, and CXV developed at 360 C. in 7 days. In no case was the growth at these higher temperatures as good as it was below 300 C. 9. Drying. — Small cover slips were placed on bits of pa- per in petri dishes and sterilized in the oven. Each was then inoculated with one loop of young broth culture, the age of which varied in the different experiments from 1 to 3 days. They were allowed to remain in the dark at room temperature. At intervals, cover slips were removed and dropped into tubes of 586 Bulletin [67 sterile broth. A characteristic growth after incubation was re- garded as evidence of continued vitality. It is to be noted that in general the organisms retained their vitality longer when taken from the older cultures than when take from day old cultures. TABLE 10. re; 3ISTAP rcE TO DESIC< •ATION Strain Days dried 1 2 2 2 3 q 0 3 4 4 Ps. alba, + — + + — + + Ps. fluorescens, + + + + Ps. Ion (in. + + — — Ps. mesenterica, + + — Ps. tenuis. — Ps. putrida, + + + + + + + + CXII, + — + + + + + + + cxv. — + T — CXL, + + + — — CXLV. + + + -t- + + + CXLVIII. + + + + + + + + XXXVI, + + + + + + + + 4. 1 LI, + + + — Strain Days dried 6 6 6 10 14 IS 20 30 17 Ps. alba. — — Ps. fluorescens. — — — Ps. longa, — — — Ps. mesenterica, — Ps. temii.s. — Ps. putrida. + + + + + CXII. + + + + — + — — — CXV, — — . — CXL, + CXLV, — — - CXLVIII, + + + + + — XXXVI. — + + — + — LI. + + — +, growth: — , no growth: ±, doubtful growth. 10. Insolation. — Agar plates, one-half covered were ex- posed on snow to bright sunlight for 10 minutes at n a. m. Feb. 29. All were sensitive, the percent killed varying from J^ to IOO%. The number of colonies on the unexposed half. A I [CRO-ORG VNISMS OF M Al-I.i- SAP 587 the number on the exposed half, and the percent killed are in- dicated below : TABLE "li. INFLUENCE <>K INSOLATION Strain Number of colonies Number of colonies on unexposed half on exposed half Ps. all>a. 22:. 70 Ps. fluorescens, 340 100 Ps. longa, G8 21 Ps mesenterica* 24 2 Ps. tenuis, 280 18 Ps. putrida, numerous 0 CXII, 18 0 cxv, 280 5C CXL, numerous 0 CXLV, 186 142 cxlviii; 8 2 XXXVI,1 countless 42 LI, numerous 0 Percent killed 69 To GO 92 93 too lint 80 inn 23 7.". 95 ||H> 1 Percent could only be estimated on account of spreaders. Ten minutes exposure of strains CXII. CXV, CXL, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, and LI, March 8, at n a. m. gave results indicated in table 77. TABLE 77. INFLUENCE OF INSOLATION Number of Number of Plate colonies on colonies on Percent Strain No. unexposed half exposed half killed CXII, 1 350 0 too 2 113 0 LOO CXV, 1 38 0 Kin 2 G 0 100 CXL, 1 1494 II 100 2 2289 0 100 CXLV, 1 381 0 1(11) 2 540 II LOO CXLVIII, 1 2 1 318 127 (id 5, 540 226 58 ■2 763 85 89 XXXIII. 1 countless i) ion 2 it 0 KID XXXVI, 1 2 1 381 I) inn " LI, L58 (I L00 2 222 1 99 5 588 ButtETIN 167 11. Acids produced.- — Hydrogen sulphid. Tubes of nu- trient broth were prepared and inoculated in the ordinary way and in each, including controls, was suspended a strip of filter paper thoroughly moistened with lead acetate solution. Blacken- ing of the paper after a suitable incubation of the cultures in- dicated the presence of hydrogen sulphid. The following strains gave this reaction constantly, CXV, CXL, Ps. tenuis. With strain CXV it was in evidence in 2 days; with Ps. tenuis and CXL, in 5 to 6 days. A slight reaction was observed in tubes of LI and a doubtful trace occasionally in Ps. putrida, CXII, and CXLV. 12. Alkalies produced. — Ammonia was indicated by Nes- sler's reagent in nitrate broth cultures of all strains (c. f. page 579)- 13. Crystals. — Crystals of magnesium ammonium phos- phate were formed in Cohn's solution by Ps. alba, Ps. longa and strain LI. 14. Diastasic action on potato starch. — Broth cultures of the 13 strains were tested for diastasic action upon potato starch after incubation periods of varying duration. The results were negative. 15. Anaerobiosis. — Pyrogallic acid oxygen absorption meth- od : Freshly prepared agar slants were placed in a liter Novy jar containing 15 grams of pyrogallic acid. Just before seal- ing about 200 cc. of a 1% sodium hydroxid solution was added. After 10 days incubation in the sealed jars a slight growth with fluorescence was apparent in strains Ps. alba, Ps. flito- rescens, Ps. longa, Ps. mesenteric a, Ps. tenuis, CXII, CXL. CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI, and LI. No growth resulted with Ps. putrida, or CXV ; however, normal growth occurred in tubes of the latter two strains soon after they were removed from the jar. Carbon dioxid method. — Carbon dioxid was produced from washed and boiled marble and hydrochloric acid in a Kipp gen- erator and purified by passing successively through solutions of Micro-organisms of" Maple Sap 589 sodium carbonate, potassium permanganate, pyrogallic acid in i'/o sodium hydroxid, and distilled water and allowed t<> pass for 2 hours through a Novy jar containing freshly prepared agar slants. The jar was sealed and held at room temperature. No strain showed growth after 5 days incubation, but in all cases good growth occurred in from 1 to 2 days after the seal was broken. A second series incubated for 10 days gave duplicate results. In addition to the plain agar slants, lactose and dex- trose agar slants were used with similar results. The reaction of the incubated agar medium was roughly determined by tritur- ating 5 cc. of the solid medium in 45 cc. of distilled water and titrating. Sufficient carbon dioxid had been absorbed to give the cold medium a reaction of +20 Fuller's scale. In order to be sure that the failure to grow in the carbon dioxid was not due to the acidity of the medium, augmented by absorbed carbon dioxid, the following anaerobic methods were employed. Hydrogen method. — A series of plain agar slants and a series of 1% dextrose litmus agar slants were placed in a Now jar and the air displaced by hydrogen. The jar was exhausted in order to hasten the displacement. The litmus agar remained neutral, and titrations of the plain agar controls without boiling demonstrated that the reaction had not been changed. No growth occurred in 10 days. All developed well when removed from the jar. Roux method. — Sterilized Roux tubes were aseptically filled with young broth cultures of the 13 strains. This test was tried several times and in no case did growth appear except in de- fective tubes or in those containing air bubbles. After incuba- tion of 10 days the tubes were broken and the contents gathered in sterile test tubes where normal growth resulted. These tests show that the various strains are strictly aerobic. They further indicate that lactose and dextrose are not fer mented in the absence of oxygen. (Consult papers of Andrewes and Ilordu (1) and Glenn (to) in bibliography). 590 I'.n.i.KTTX 167 GROUP NUMBEE OF T1IK 13 STRAINS The group number of the 13 strains was easily computed with the exception of the digits representing the action of the bacteria upon carbohydrates and glycerin. On account of the formation in the control, i. e., peptone solution, of decomposition products having an acid reaction, there is some doubt in certain cases whether the acid in the sugar and glycerin peptone media resulted from oxidation of the introduced compounds, or from proteid decomposition. In each case the amount of acid pro- duced in the carbohydrate media was compared with the amount, if any, produced in the control, and where the difference was less than 0.2% the digit representing no acid production was recorded. However a comparison of the tables will show that no sharp line of differentiation exists between acid production and no acid production. The group numbers determined were as follows: Ps. alba, Ps. longa, Ps. putrida, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. LI, Ps. tenuis, Ps. CXL, Ps. fluoreseens, Ps. CXII, Ps. CXLV, Ps. CXLVIII, Ps. XXXVI, B. CXV, 212.2332133 212.3332133 212.3332132 91 1 9000-100 Z ± J. . i- o o o 1 o o 211.2233133 211.2322133 211.2222133 211.2223132 211.2222133 211.2332133 211.2222132 211,2223132 211.3332?33 Doubtfully fluorescent Non-1 iquetiers Tardy liquefiers Rapid liquefiers species As already noted bacteriological literature contains descrip- tions of over 50 species of bacteria which are capable of pro- ducing green fluorescence upon the common media. However. it is probable that many so-called species are identical with. or varieties of, previously named species. The following refer- ences from literature are cited as illustrations of the trend of i ipinion. M [CR0-0RGAN ISMS 01? M M'l.i. SAP .V.I I Niederkorn (23) concluded that there are only two constant forms, B. fluorescent liquefaciens Fliigge and B pyocyaneus Gessard, among the following: pyocyaneus, a Gessard. tt b Ernst. tt c Preudenreich. a pericardii . Harold-Ernst. it void bakt. Institut. Travel tt strumit. Lanz, Bern. fluoresceins liquefaciens Fliigge. tt alb us Adametz. tt a 11 reus Zimmermann. a Ion gus tt tt tenuis (« a mesenteric us Tataron". tt putridus Fliigge. a capsulatus Pottien. a liquefaciens (vom Vert", mis Wasser i Ruzicka (24) shows that B. pyocyaneus and B. fluorescens liquefaciens vary so widely within the species and so overlap in their cultural characters that no sharp line of differentiation be- tween them can be drawn. Griffon (11) states that B. caulivorous, B. brassicaevorous and B. aeruginosas are not to be considered as distinct species, but only as forms of B. fluorescens which, under a favorable en- vironment, easily changes from a saprophytic to a parasitic ex- istence. He holds that B. aeruginosas is to be considered synonymous with B. fluorescens putridus. According to various authors: B. fluorescens non-lique- faciens is synonymous with B. fluorescens putridus and repre- sentative of the group comprising Bacillus fluorescens tenuis. Bacillus fluorescens aureus and Bacillus fluorescens erassus; Bacillus viscosus Frankland is synonymous with Bacillus fluores- cens liquefaciens, and Bacillus fluorescens fuscus corresponds to Bacillus oogenes fluorescens. In view of the above citations it is evident that the fluo- rescent organisms are closely related, probably being varieties of one polymorphic species. Before stating the conclusions which have been drawn concerning the number of species represented in the seven strains of sap bacteria and the six known -train- •'»''♦- Bulletin 167 which were studied, attention is directed to a few clauses ab- stracted from Fliigge's description of his Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens (6:11: 292). "The degree of liquefaction varied very considerably. There were varieties which in 2 days and others which first in 2 weeks liquefied the gelatin ; the form of the colonies varied, also, from spherical to spreading with bor- der entire to toothed. The optimum temperature was 200 to 25 ° C. Many varieties do not grow at 37 ° C, others grow well and form on agar a more or less thick layer. The oxygen re- quirements are equally variable ; through them are explained the different forms of liquefaction in stab cultures. If one wishes to conceive all minor variations as constant characters, one must make dozens of varieties." According to Fliigge (1. c.) Bad. bittyri fluorescens La- far, B. fluorescens nivalis Schmelck, Bacillus viscosus Frank- land and B. fluorescens minutissinius I una may be regarded as synonymous with B. fluorescens liquefaciens. In the description of B. fluorescens non-liquefaciens, he says. "A sharp line between the liquefaciens and non-liquefaciens variety of B. fluorescens does not exist since there are forms which in the first day of plate growth appear to belong to the latter group, which later sink gradually in the gelatin." It is believed that the morphological, cultural, physical and biochemical features of the 13 strains of green fluorescent bac- teria warrant the assumption that there are but two species rep- resented: Pseudonwnas fluorescens and an unknown species, strain CXV, which, as has been previously noted (c. f. page 546), never evidenced more than doubtful fluorescence. Ps. fluorescens is represented by 12 strains which are di- visible into two varieties, liquefaciens and non-liquefaciens. The following strains belong to the liquefaciens variety: fluorescens inescntcrica, CXII, CXLV, CXLVIII, XXXVI and LI. To the non-liquefaciens variety belong, alba, longa, putrida and, pro- visionally, tenuis and strain CXL, which showed a very tardy Micro-organisms os M\iu: Sap liquefaction of gelatin but in other respects closely resembles the other three strains. New species. — Strain CXV : This strain appears to be dif- ferent from any of the others studied. A feeble trace of fluor- escence was thought to have been present at times in agar cul- tures. Repeated staining for flagella has shown that the latter are peritrichiate. Another peculiarity about this organism i- the parallel grouping of single or double cells common in cap- sule and flagella preparations, c. f. Plate X, figures 3 and 4. As previously noted several cells commonly occurred side by side in the same capsule with several flagella arising about the periphery of the latter. A careful consideration of the character of tlii- bacillus seems to justify the conclusion that it is a distinct specie--. The name Bacillus parallelus is proposed for this organism. For purposes of reference the differential characters of tlii- new species are summarized as follows: 594 Bulletin i6y BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BACILLUS PARALLELUS ( NEW SPECIES ) I. Morphological Characters i. Form. — A short motile bacillus with rounded end- oc- curring singly, typically in twos; long chains common upon solid media. 2. Size. — Individual cells had the following dimensions. ( )n hanging: blocks: length 1 to 2.6 microns, diameter .8 to 1.0 microns. Hanging drops; length [.6 to 4.0 microns, diameter .5 to . frequently. 10. CoJin's solution. — Xo growth. it. Uschinsky solution. — Xo growth. 12. Nitrogen requirements. — Nitrogen obtained from pep- tone and ammonium tartrate. 596 Bulletin 167 III. Physical and Biochemical Features 1. Action upon carbohydrates in peptone solution. — Neither acid nor gas were formed in 1% peptone solutions containing 2% of either dextrose, lactose, sucrose or glycerin. 2. Ammojiia production. — Moderate ammonia production; 18.6 cc. N/10 hydrochloric acid equivalent produced in 100 cc. of broth in 10 days. 3. Nitrates in nitrate broth. — Not reduced. Nitrates and ammonia present ; ammonia probably from proteid decomposition. 4. Indol production. — Doubtful in 11 day Dunham's pep- tone cultures after boiling ; absent in nutrient broth. 5. Toleration of acids and alkalies. — Slight. 6. Optimum reaction for growth. + 15 Fuller's scale. 7. Vitality on culture media. — Long. 8. Temperature relations. — Thermal death point; between 50.2 and 50.50 C. Optimum temperature approximately 250 C. ; maximum, 37 ° C ; minimum, 5-70 C. 9. Resistance to desiccation. — Continued vitality after 3 days drying on cover slips ; 4 days fatal. 10. Insolation. — Sensitive ; 80 to 100% killed after 10 minutes' exposure. 11. Acids produced. — Abundant hydrogen sulphid produc- tion. 12. Alkalies. — Moderate ammonia production. 13. Relation to oxygen. — Strict aerobe. 14. Group number. — Bacillus 21 1.3332 ?33. BRIEF CHARACTERIZATION OE THE 12 STRAINS OE Ps. fluOreSCeUS For the convenience of any one who may have occasion to review these results the brief characterization items of the six strains of fluorescent bacteria isolated from maple sap together with those of strains alba, fiuorcscens, longa, mesenterica, tenuis, and puirida are summarized in tabular form on pages 598 anil 599- Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 591 Conclusions Among the 42 strains of green fluorescent bacteria selected from several hundred strains which had been isolated from maple sap, there were 32 strains of the liquefaciens and 9 strains of the non-liquefaciens varieties of Ps. fluorescens. The studies included one strain which was never more than doubtfully fluo- rescent which, for this and other reasons, should not properly be regarded as a member of the fluorescent group. The 9 strains of the non-liquefaciens variety showed a delayed liquefaction of gelatin in from 50 days to 5 months when cultivated in a moist chamber at 200 C. Peptonization of milk by these strains was also long delayed.commencing in from 30 days to 3 months. Critical comparative studies of 7 representative strains of green fluorescent sap bacteria and 6 so-called species Ps. alba. Ps. fluorescens, Ps. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis, and Ps. putrida show that no sharp line of differentiation can be drawn between these forms. Of the known "species,"' Ps. alba, Ps. longa, and Ps. putrida fail to liquefy gelatin in 6 months time. while in the case of Ps. mesenterica and Ps. tenuis a delayed liquefaction occurs. In the latter named strain liquefaction first appears 4 months after inoculation. It is believed that the fluorescent sap bacteria as well as the so called species, Ps. alba, J's. longa, Ps. mesenterica, Ps. tenuis, and Ps. putrida should properly be recognized as -trains of the liquefaciens and non-liquefaciens varieties of Ps. fluores- cens. ;98 BUT.T.KTIX Ihj TABLE 78. BRIEF CHARACTERIZATION /. a - '— < w Diameter over 1 micron Chains Endospores Capsules Pseudozoogloea Motile Gram's stain Cloudy . . Pellicle . Sediment Agar Gel. plate Shining Round . Surface-growth Needle-growth. . o ■- < w '— Potato Moderate Discolored Grows, at 37° C Grows, in Conn's solution... Grows, in Usehinsky solution OJ o = r — — Gelatin * Casein Agar i Coagulated '-' Casein peptonized :: Indol Hydrog Amnion Nitrates Flu ores ia 3 reduced cent 1 Under observation (> months. -Coagulum more or less jelly-like in consistency. 'Under observation 4 months. Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 590 01 i in I- strains of Ps. fluorescens. a -a + + + — + — + + + + + + ' + + + + + + + 1— < e — __' > > > <~ 4: a HH - - ] y. X S * "a X X, X X y. — ~~ •~ - Q c b X c * w s 1i ■*~ a d = d c ^ >— - ^ •Ki a - eS - ■a . . < %- £h — i—> -r JZ ■r ■r. < ^_ 4-1 -i-> — +j fin a. Bh ^ Os 73 73 w 03 73 1 — - 73 + + + + + + + + + + + + + •> •> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + i- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -+■ -t- + -+■ -+- + + + + + + + + + + + + + — + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 600 I'.ui.i.htin 167 Bibliography (Part III C) 1. Andrewes, F. W. and Hordu, F. J. A study of the Streptococci pathogenic for man. Lancet II, p. 708 (1906). Streptococci refused to attack lactose under ordinary conditions, but did so readily under anaerobic conditions. 2. Belli, C. M. Chemische, mikroscopische und bakteriologische Un- tersuchungen iiber den Hagel. Centralb. f. Bakt. VIII Bd. 2 Abt., pp. 445-446 (1902). 3. Chester, F. D. A Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (1901). 4. Edson, H. A. Buddy sap. Vt. Sta. Bui. 151 (1910). 5. Ellis, D. Outlines of Bacteriology, p. 108 (1908). 1;. Fliigge, C. Die Mikroorganismen (1886). 7. Fred, E. B. Uber die Beschleunigung der Lebenstatigkeit hoherer und niederer Pflanzen durch kleine Giftmengen. Centralb. f. Bakt. XXXI Bd. 2 AM., pp. 185-245, 198-202 (1911). The author shows the effect of various dilutions of ether, carbon disulphid, "potassium dichromate, copper sulphate, and salvar- san (606) upon B. fiuorescens liquefaciens and B. pyocyaneus. 8. Gessard, C. Des races du bacille pyocyanique. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, V, pp. 65-78 (1891). Not seen. 9. . Sur la fonction fluorescigene des microbes. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, VI, pp. S01-823 (1892). Not seen. 10 Glenn, T. H. Variation and carbohydrate metabolism of bacilli of the Proteus group. Centralb. f. Bakt. CLVIII Bd. 1 Abt., p. 481 (1911). P. vulgaris, though not able to ferment lactose under aerobic conditions, does so readily under anaerobic con- ditions. 11 Griffon, E. Sur le role des bacilles fluorescents de Fliigge en pathologie vegetale. Compt. rend. Ac. Science Paris, No. 1, 149, pp. 51-53 (1909). Reviewed in Exp. Sta. Red, XXVI, 3, pp. 246 (1911). Original not seen. 12. Harrison, F. C. Bacterial content of hailstones. Botanical Ga- zette XXVI. pp. 211-214 (1898). 13. Jensen O. Bakteriologische Studien iiber Danische butter. Cen- tralb. f. Bakt. XXIX Bd. 2 Abt., pp. 610-616 (1911). 14. Jordan, E. O. The production of fluorescent pigment by bacteria. Botanical Gazette, XXVII, pp. 19-36 (1899). Micro-organisms of Maple Sap 001 L5. . Bacillus pyocyaneus and its pigments Jour. \'.\ per. Med. IV. 5-G, pp. C27-G47 I L899). 16. Laurent, Emile. Recherches experimentales sur les malades des plants. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, XIII, pp. 1-4S (1899). Not seen. 17. Lepoutre, L. Recherches sur la transformation experimental*' de bacteries banales en races parasites des plants. Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur, XVI, p. 304 (1902)). Not seen. Reviewed, Centralb. f. Bakt. X Bd. 2 AM., pp. 189-190 (1903). is. Luxwolda, W. B. "Wachstum unci Wirkung einiger Milchbakterien bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Centralb. f. Bakt. XXXI Bd. 2 Abt, pp. 129-175 (1911). B. fluorescens liquefaciens firsl coagulates milk with a lab ferment and then peptonizes it. The author gives the numbers of bacteria present and the de- grees of acid in milk cultures after various incubation periods at different temperatures. He says that B. fluorescens lique- faciens develops remarkably fast at low temperatures, 3°-5° C. 19. Maassen, A. Die Zersetzung der Nitrate und der Nitrite durch Bak- terien. Centralb. f. Bakt. VIII Bd. 2 AM., pp. 152-154 (1902). 20. Marchal, Emile. The production of ammonia in the soil by mi- crobes. Centralb. f. Bakt. I Bd. 2 Abt., pp. 753-758 (1895). 21. Migula, W. System der Bakterien (1900). 22. Muir, R. and Ritchie, J. Manual of Bacteriology (1905). 2.'.. Niederkorn, E. Vergleichende Untersuchung uber die verschie- denen Varietaten des Bacillus 'pyocyaneus und des Bacillus fluorescens liquefaciens. Centralb. f. Bakt. XXVII Bd. 1 Abt., pp. 749-750 (1900). 24. Ruzicka, S. Experimentelle Studien uber die Variabilitat wich- tiger Charaktere des B. pyocyaneus and des B. fluoresci ns liquefaciens. Centralb. f. Bakt. XXIV Bd., pp. 11-17 (1898). 25. Schmelck, L. Steigerung des Bakteriengehalts im Wasser wahrend des Schneeschmelzens. Central!), f. Bakt. IV Bd., pp. 195-199 (1888). 26. . EJine Gletcherbakterie. Centralb. f. Bakt. IV Bd., pp. 545-547 (1888). 27. Smith, E. F. 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Analysis of maple sirups from inoculated saps. .392-397, 102-412, 122 171 Analytical standards in maple sugar work 123, 163-472 Aseptic conditions, Bacterial content of sap obtained under.... 341 Ash content of maple sirup 163 Bacillus aceris, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with 142 Bacillus aceris, Capsule 182 Bacillus aceris. Cultural characters, mel hods Is 1 Bacillus aceris. Cultural features of 17C, 184 Bacillus aceris. Cultures on agar handling blocks 180 Bacillus aceris. Description of 175 Bacilli's aceris. Detailed description of * ~s Bacillus aceris. Dimensions 480 Bacillus in eris, Fission 181 Bacillus aceris. Form 179 Bacillus aceris. Grouping Is' Bacillus aceris. -Involution forms 183 Bacillus aceris, Morphology of IT-".. 180 Bacillus aceris. Motility and flagella Is 1 Bacillus aceris. Physical and biochemical features of 177. 194 Bacillus aceris, Spores 182 Bacillus aceris. Staining reactions 's:; Bacillus aceris. Summary of characters of 175 Bacillus parallelus, Cultural features of 59 1 Bacillus parallelus, Description of 59 • Bacillus parallelus. .Morphological characters of 59 1 Bacillus parallelus. Physical and biochemical features of 59 1 Bacterial content of sap obtained under aseptic conditions... . ::il Bacterial content of sap obtained under septic conditions 341 Bacterial flora, Influence of container on 343 Biochemical and physical features of Bacillus parallelus 59 1 Biochemical and physical features of green fluorescein organ- isms 532, 57G Chart showing grouping of 142 strains of green fluorescent or- ganisms 550 Chemical and physical data, Summary of 47:: Chemical and physical data as to inoculated sap sirups 419-474 Cocci of maple sap. Pink 516 Comparative studies of green fluorescent organisms 552 Composites, Analysis and discussion of sirups classed as 11" 604 Bulletin 167 Conclusions 41G Conclusions concerning green fluorescent organisms 597 Container, Effect upon quality of sirup of the 372 Container on bacterial flora, Influence of 343 Contents, Table of r 323 Controls, Analysis and discussion of 421 Cultural features of Bacillus aceris 476, 484 Cultural features of Bacillus parallelus 594 Cultural features of green fluorescent organisms 528, 557 Depreciation value of sirups 413 Description of Bacillus parallelus 594 Experiments, General plan of field 343 Experiments in 1909, Inoculation 349-::.".'.' Experiments in 1910, Inoculation 359-380 Experiments in 1911, Inoculation 380-390 Failures, Analysis and discussion of sirups classed as 431 Field experiments, General plan of 343 Field experiments, Statistical summary of 391 Fluorescent bacteria. Analysis and discussion of sirups inocu- lated with and with spore-bearers 440 Fluorescent bacteria occurring in maple sap, Green 521 Fluorescent organisms, Conclusions concerning green 597 Gray yeasts, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with. . 435 Green fluorescent bacteria occurring in maple sap 521 Green fluorescent organisms, Comparative studies of 552 Green fluorescent organisms, Conclusions concerning 597 Green fluorescent organisms, Cultural features of .528, 557 Green fluorescent organisms, Morphology of 527, 553 Green fluorescent organisms, Physical and biochemical features of 532. Green fluorescent organisms, Preliminary studies of 553 Green molds, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with 448 Incubator controls. Analysis and discussion of 425 Inert extraneous material, Influence of 415 Inoculated and natural sour saps compared, Sirups from 112 Inoculation experiments in 1909 349-359 Inoculation experiments in 1910 359-380 Inoculation experiments in 1911 380-390 Insoluble ash content of maple sirup 463 Invert sugar content of maple sirup 461 Last run sap. sweet, Analysis and discussion of sirups classed as 444 I n i J-: x •'.".. Last run sap, Si nip from . . . I II". Last run sour kept sap, Analysis aid discussion of sirup mad-' from >^f 156 Last run, sour sap, Analysis and discussion of sirup made from 15 1 Malic acid values of maple sirup 163 Maple sap bacteria, Technical description of 17". Micro-organisms in maple sap, Number of Micro-organisms in sour maple sap, Number of Micro-organisms in sweet maple sap, Number of Micro-organisms to spoiled maple sap, Relation of Morphological characters of Bacillus parallelus Morphology of Bacillus aceris I Morphology of pink cocci Morphology of green fluorescent organisms ~<~l~, 553 Natural sour saps and inoculated saps compared, Syrups from.. 412 1909, Inoculation experiments in 3 19-359 1910, Inoculation experiments in 359-380 1911, Inoculation experiments in 380-390 Non-fluorescent bacteria, Analysis and discussion of sirups in- oculated with 127 Occurrence in maple sap of green fluorescent bacteria 521 Physical and biochemical features of Bacillus aceris 177, 19 I Physical and biochemical features of Bacillus parallelus 594 Physical and biochemical features of green fluorescent organ- isms r, ::l\ 576 Physical and biochemical features of pink cocci 519 Physical and chemical data as to inoculated sap sirups 419-17 ! Physical and chemical data, Summary of 17'. Pink cocci, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with... 129 Pink cocci, Cultural characters 517 Pink cocci, Morphology 516 Pink cocci of maple sap 516 Pink yeast, Analysis and discussion of sirup inoculated with... 1 -"■ i! Preliminary studies of green fluorescent organisms 553 Ps. fluorescens. Characterization of 12 strains of 598 Quality of sirup as affected by container 372 Red yeasts, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with.. 133 Remedial measures 117 Scoring, Method of sirup '■' 15 Septic conditions, Bacterial content of sap obtained under :: 11 Sour last run sap, Analysis and discussion of sirup made from. 152 606 Bui.i.ktix 167 Soui' maple sap, Number of micro-organisms in 339 Sour sap. Sugar and sirup from 372 Sour saps compared, Sirups from inoculated and natural 412 Statistical data, Summary of 392-397,402-411 Statistical summary of field experiments 391 Summary of field experiments, Statistical 391 Summary of physical and chemical data 473 Summary of statistical data 392-397, 402-411 Sweet, last run sap, Analysis and discussion of sirups classed as 444 Sweet maple sap, Number of micro-organisms in 340 Sirup quality as affected by container 372 Sirup scoring, Method of 345 Sirups, Depreciation value of 413 Sirups from last run of sap 357, 379, ;js9, 415 Sirups made from inoculated and from natural sour saps com- pared H2 Table of contents •••»•• ■>_•! Tap-hole infection, Influence of 342 Technical description of maple sap bacteria 475 Tin buckets vs. wooden buckets 372 Tin or in wooden buckets, Analysis and discussion of sirups from saps collectea in 45Q Total ash content of maple sirup pi- Wooden or in tin buckets, Analysis and discussion of sirups from saps collected in 45Q Wooden vs. tin buckets 372 Yeasts. Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with gray.. 135 Yeasts, Analysis and discussion of sirups inoculated with red.. 433 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY BioMed